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Table of Contents

Book One - Nine Princes in Amber

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 1
Book !"o - !he #$ns o% A&a'on
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Book !hree - !he (i)n o% the *nicorn
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 1
Chapter 11
Book +o$r - !he ,an- o% Oberon
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 1
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Book +i&e - !he Co$rts o% Chaos
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 1
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Book (i. - !he !r$mps o% /oom
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 1
Book (e&en - B'oo- o% Amber
0e%'ections in a Cr1sta' Ca&e
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 1
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Book 2i)ht - (i)n o% Chaos
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 1
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Book Nine - 3ni)ht o% (ha-o"
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 1
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Book !en - Prince o% Chaos
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 1
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
!he #reat Book o%
!he Comp'ete Amber Chronic'es4 1-1
Nine Princes in Amber
Book One
The Chronicles of Amber
b1 0o)er 5e'a6n1
2-Book 7ersion81.1
9ast *p-ate-821 May 2002
Chapter 1
:t "as startin) to en-4 a%ter "hat seeme- most o% eternit1 to me;
: attempte- to "ri))'e m1 toes4 s$ccee-e-; : "as spra"'e- there in a hospita' be- an- m1 'e)s
"ere -one $p in p'aster casts4 b$t the1 "ere sti'' mine;
: s<$ee6e- m1 e1es sh$t4 an- opene- them4 three times;
!he room )re" stea-1;
=here the he'' "as :>
!hen the %o)s "ere s'o"'1 broken4 an- some o% that "hich is ca''e- memor1 ret$rne- to me; :
reca''e- ni)hts an- n$rses an- nee-'es; 2&er1 time thin)s "o$'- be)in to c'ear a bit4 someone
"o$'- come in an- ?ab me "ith somethin); !hat@s ho" it ha- been; Aes; No"4 tho$)h4 : "as
%ee'in) ha'%"a1 -ecent; !he1@- ha&e to stop;
=o$'-n@t the1>
!he tho$)ht came to assai' me8 Ba1be not;
(ome nat$ra' skepticism as to the p$rit1 o% a'' h$man moti&es came an- sat $pon m1 chest; :@-
been o&er narcoti6e-4 : s$--en'1 kne"; No rea' reason %or it4 %rom the "a1 : %e't4 an- no reason
%or them to stop no"4 i% the1@- been pai- to keep it $p; (o p'a1 it coo' an- sta1 -ope14 sai- a
&oice "hich "as m1 "orst4 i% "iser4 se'%;
(o : -i-;
A n$rse poke- her hea- in the -oor abo$t ten min$tes 'ater4 an- : "as4 o% co$rse4 sti'' sackin)
5@s; (he "ent a"a1;
B1 then4 :@- reconstr$cte- a bit o% "hat ha- occ$re-;
: ha- been in some sort o% acci-ent4 : remembere- &a)$e'1; =hat ha- happene- a%ter that "as
sti'' a b'$rC an- as to "hat ha- happene- be%ore4 : ha- no ink'in) "hatsoe&er; B$t : ha- %irst been
in a hospita' an- then bro$)ht to this p'ace4 : remembere-; =h1> : -i-n@t kno";
,o"e&er4 m1 'e)s %e't prett1 )oo-; #oo- eno$)h to ho'- me $p4 tho$)h : -i-n@t kno" ho" m$ch
time ha- 'apse- since their breakin)Dan- : kne" the1@- been broken;
(o : sat $p; :t took me a rea' e%%ort4 as m1 m$sc'es "ere &er1 tire-; :t "as -ark o$tsi-e an- a
han-%$' o% stars "ere stan-in) nake- be1on- the "in-o"; : "inke- back at them an- thre" m1
'e)s o&er the e-)e o% the be-;
: "as -i6614 b$t a%ter a "hi'e it s$bsi-e- an- : )ot $p4 )rippin) the rai' at the hea- o% the be-4
an- : took m1 %irst step;
Oka1; B1 'e)s he'- me;
(o4 theoretica''14 : "as in )oo- eno$)h shape to "a'k o$t;
: ma-e it back to the be-4 stretche- o$t an- tho$)ht; : "as s"eatin) an- shakin); 7isions o%
s$)ar p'$ms4 etc;
:n the (tate o% /enmark there "as the o-or o% -eca1;;;;
:t ha- been an acci-ent in&o'&in) an a$to4 : reca''e-; One he''$&a one;;;;
!hen the -oor opene-4 'ettin) in 'i)ht4 an- thro$)h s'its beneath m1 e1e'ashes : sa" a n$rse "ith
a h1po in her han-;
(he approache- m1 be-si-e4 a hipp1 broa- "ith -ark hair an- bi) arms;
E$st as she neare-4 : sat $p;
F#oo- e&enin)4G : sai-;
F=h1D)oo- e&enin)4G she rep'ie-;
F=hen -o : check o$t>G : aske-;
F:@'' ha&e to ask /octor;G
F/o so4G : sai-;
FP'ease ro'' $p 1o$r s'ee&e;G
FNo thanks;G
F: ha&e to )i&e 1o$ an in?ection;G
FNo 1o$ -on@t; : -on@t nee- it;G
F:@m a%rai- that@s %or /octor to sa1;G
F!hen sen- him aro$n- an- 'et him sa1 it; B$t in the meantime4 : "i'' not permit it;G
F:@m a%rai- : ha&e m1 or-ers;G
F(o -i- 2ichmann4 an- 'ook "hat happene- to him4G an- : shook m1 hea- s'o"'1;
F7er1 "e''4G she sai-; F:@'' ha&e to report this;;;G
FP'ease -o4G : sai-4 Fan- "hi'e 1o$@re at it4 te'' him :@&e -eci-e- to check o$t in the mornin);G
F!hat@s impossib'e; Ao$ can@t e&en "a'kDan- there "ere interna' in?$ries;;;;G
F=e@'' see4G sai- :; F#oo- ni)ht;G
(he s"ishe- o$t o% si)ht "itho$t ans"erin);
(o : 'a1 there an- m$''e-; :t seeme- : "as in some sort o% pri&ate p'aceDso somebo-1 "as
%ootin) the bi''; =hom -i- : kno"> No &isions o% re'ati&es appeare- behin- m1 e1es; +rien-s
either; =hat -i- that 'ea&e> 2nemies>
: tho$)ht a "hi'e;
Nobo-1 to bene%act me th$s;
:@- )one o&er a c'i%% in m1 car4 an- into a 'ake4 : s$--en'1 remembere-; An- that "as a'' :
: "as;;;
: straine- an- be)an to s"eat a)ain;
: -i-n@t kno" "ho : "as;
B$t to occ$p1 m1se'%4 : sat $p an- strippe- a"a1 a'' m1 ban-a)es; : seeme- a'' ri)ht $n-erneath
them4 an- it seeme- the ri)ht thin) to -o; : broke the cast on m1 ri)ht 'e)4 $sin) a meta' str$t :@-
remo&e- %rom the hea- o% the be-; : ha- a s$--en %ee'in) that : ha- to )et o$t in a h$rr14 that
there "as somethin) : ha- to -o;
: teste- m1 ri)ht 'e); :t "as oka1;
: shattere- the cast on m1 'e%t 'e)4 )ot $p4 "ent to the c'oset;
No c'othes there;
!hen : hear- the %ootsteps; : ret$rne- to m1 be- an- co&ere- o&er the broken casts an- the
-iscar-e- ban-a)es;
!he -oor s"$n) in"ar- once a)ain;
!hen there "as 'i)ht a'' aro$n- me4 an- there "as a bee%1 )$1 in a "hite ?acket stan-in) "ith his
han- on the "a'' s"itch;
F=hat@s this : hear abo$t 1o$ )i&in) the n$rse a har- time>G he aske-4 an- there "as no more
%ei)nin) s'eep;
F: -on@t kno"4G : sai-; F=hat is it>G
!hat tro$b'e- him %or a secon- or t"o4 sai- the %ro"n then4 F:t@s time %or 1o$r shot;G
FAre 1o$ an B;/;>G : aske-;
FNo4 b$t :@m a$thori6e- to )i&e 1o$ a shot;G
FAn- : re%$se it4G : sai-4 Fas :@&e a 'e)a' ri)ht to -o; =hat@s it to 1o$>G
FAo$@'' ha&e 1o$r shot4G he sai-4 an- be mo&e- aro$n- to the 'e%t si-e o% the be-; ,e ha- a h1po
in one han- "hich ba- been o$t o% si)ht ti'' then;
:t "as a &er1 %o$' b'o"4 abo$t %o$r inches be'o" the be't b$ck'e4 :@- sa14 an- it 'e%t him on his
FHHHH HHHHIG he sai-4 a%ter a time;
FCome "ithin spittin) -istance a)ain4G : sai-4 Fan- see "hat happens;G
F=e@&e )ot "a1s to -ea' "ith patients 'ike 1o$4G he )aspe-;
(o : kne" the time ha- come to act;
F=here are m1 c'othes>G : sai-;
FHHHH HHHHIG he repeate-;
F!hen : )$ess :@'' ha&e to take 1o$rs; #i&e them to me;G
:t became borin) "ith the thir- repetition4 so : thre" the be-c'othes o&er his hea- an- c'obbere-
him "ith the meta' str$t;
=ithin t"o min$tes4 :@- sa14 : "as )arbe- a'' in the co'or o% Bob1 /ick an- &ani''a ice cream;
: sho&e- him into the c'oset an- 'ooke- o$t the 'attice "in-o"; : sa" the O'- Boon "ith the
Ne" Boon in her arms4 ho&erin) abo&e a ro" o% pop'ars; !he )rass "as si'&er1 an- spark'e-;
!he ni)ht "as bar)ainin) "eak'1 "ith the s$n; Nothin) to sho"4 %or me4 "here this p'ace "as
'ocate-; : seeme- to be on the thir- %'oor o% the b$i'-in) tho$)h4 an- there "as a cast s<$are o%
'i)ht o%% to m1 'e%t an- 'o"4 seemin) to in-icate a %irst %'oor "in-o" "ith someone a"ake behin-
(o : 'e%t the room an- consi-ere- the ha''"a1; O%% to the 'e%t4 it en-e- a)ainst a "a'' "ith a
'attice- "in-o"4 an- there "ere %o$r more -oors4 t"o on either si-e; Probab'1 the1 'et $pon more
-oors 'ike m1 o"n; : "ent an- 'ooke- o$t the "in-o" an- sa" more )ro$n-s4 more trees4 more
ni)ht4 nothin) ne"; !$rnin)4 : hea-e- in the other -irection;
/oors4 -oors4 -oors4 no 'i)hts %rom $n-er an1 o% them4 the on'1 so$n-s m1 %ootsteps %rom the
too-bi) borro"e- shoes;
9a$)hin) Bo1@s "rist"atch to'- me it "as %i&e %ort1-%o$r; !he meta' str$t "as insi-e m1 be't4
$n-er the "hite or-er'1 ?acket4 an- it r$bbe- a)ainst m1 hip bone as : "a'ke-; !here "as a
cei'in) %i.t$re abo$t e&er1 t"ent1 %eet4 castin) abo$t %ort1 "atts o% 'i)ht;
: came to a stair"a14 o%% to the ri)ht4 'ea-in) -o"n; : took it; :t "as carpete- an- <$iet;
!he secon- %'oor 'ooke- 'ike m1 o"n4 ro"s o% rooms4 so : contin$e- on;
=hen : reache- the %irst %'oor : t$rne- ri)ht4 'ookin) %or the -oor "ith 'i)ht 'eakin) o$t %rom
beneath it;
: %o$n- it4 "a1 $p near the en- o% the corri-or4 an- : -i-n@t bother to knock;
!he )$1 "as sittin) there in a )arish bathrobe4 at a bi) shin1 -esk4 )oin) o&er some sort o%
'e-)er; !his "as no "ar- room; ,e 'ooke- $p at me "ith b$rnin) e1es a'' "i-e an- 'ips s"e''in)
to"ar- a 1e'' the1 -i-n@t reach4 perhaps beca$se o% m1 -etermine- e.pression; ,e stoo-4 <$ick'1;
: sh$t the -oor behin- me4 a-&ance-4 an- sai-8
F#oo- mornin); Ao$@re in tro$b'e;G
Peop'e m$st a'"a1s be c$rio$s as to tro$b'e4 beca$se a%ter the three secon-s it took me to cross
the room4 his "or-s "ere8
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F: mean4G : sai-4 Fthat 1o$@re abo$t to s$%%er a 'a"s$it %or ho'-in) me incomm$nica-o4 an-
another one %or ma'practice4 %or 1o$r in-iscriminate $se o% narcotics; :@m a'rea-1 s$%%erin)
"ith-ra"a' s1mptoms an- mi)ht -o somethin) &io'ent;;;;G
,e stoo- $p;
F#et o$t o% here4G he sai-;
: sa" a pack o% ci)arettes on his -esk; : he'pe- m1se'% an- sai-4 F(it -o"n an- sh$t $p; =e@&e
)ot thin)s to ta'k abo$t;G
,e sat -o"n4 b$t he -i-n@t sh$t $p8
FAo$@re breakin) se&era' re)$'ations4G he sai-;
F(o "e@'' 'et a co$rt -eci-e "ho@s 'iab'e4G : rep'ie-; F: "ant m1 c'othes an- m1 persona' e%%ects;
:@m checkin) o$t;G
FAo$@re in no con-itionDG
FNobo-1 aske- 1o$; Pon1 $p this min$te4 or ans"er to the 'a";G
,e reache- to"ar- a b$tton on his -esk4 b$t : s'appe- his han- a"a1;
FNo"IG : repeate-; FAo$ sho$'- ha&e presse- that "hen : came in; :t@s too 'ate no";G
FBr; Core14 1o$@re bein) most -i%%ic$'t;;;G
F: -i-n@t check me in here4G : sai-4 Fb$t : -amn "e'' ha&e a ri)ht to check me o$t; An- no"@s the
time; (o 'et@s )et abo$t it;G
FOb&io$s'14 1o$@re in no con-ition to 'ea&e this instit$tion4G he rep'ie-; F: cannot permit it; : am
)oin) to ca'' %or someone to escort 1o$ back to 1o$r room an- p$t 1o$ to be-;G
F/on@t tr1 it4G : sai-4 For 1o$@'' %in- o$t "hat con-ition :@m in; No"4 :@&e se&era' <$estions; !he
%irst one@s =ho checke- me in4 an- "ho@s %ootin) m1 bi'' at this p'ace>G
F7er1 "e''4G he si)he-4 an- his tin14 san-1 m$staches sa))e- as 'o" as the1 co$'-;
,e opene- a -ra"er4 p$t his han- insi-e4 an- : "as "ar1;
: knocke- it -o"n be%ore he ha- the sa%et1 catch o%%8 a ;32 a$tomatic4 &er1 neatC Co't; : snappe-
the catch m1se'% "hen : retrie&e- it %rom the -esk topC an- : pointe- it an- sai-8 FAo$ "i''
ans"er m1 <$estions; Ob&io$s'1 1o$ consi-er me -an)ero$s; Ao$ ma1 be ri)ht;G
,e smi'e- "eak'14 'it a ci)arette himse'%4 "hich "as a mistake4 i% he inten-e- to in-icate
ap'omb; ,is han-s shook;
FA'' ri)ht4 Core1Di% it "i'' make 1o$ happ14G he sai-4 F1o$r sister checke- 1o$ in;G
F>G tho$)ht :;
F=hich sister>G : aske-;
F2&e'1n4G he sai-;
No be''s; (o4 F!hat@s ri-ic$'o$s; : ha&en@t seen 2&e'1n in 1ears4G : sai-; F(he -i-n@t e&en kno" :
"as in this part o% the co$ntr1;G
,e shr$))e-;
F=here@s she sta1in) no"> : "ant to ca'' her4G : sai-;
F: -on@t ha&e her a--ress han-1;G
F#et it;G
,e rose4 crosse- to a %i'in) cabinet4 opene- it4 ri%%'e-4 "ith-re" a car-;
: st$-ie- it; Brs; 2&e'1n +'a$me';;;; !he Ne" Aork a--ress "as not %ami'iar either; b$t :
committe- it to memor1; As the car- sai-4 m1 %irst name "as Car'; #oo-; Bore -ata;
: st$ck the )$n in m1 be't besi-e the str$t then4 sa%et1 back on4 o% co$rse;
FOka14G : to'- him; F=here are m1 c'othes4 an- "hat@re 1o$ )oin) to pa1 me>G
FAo$r c'othes "ere -estro1e- in the acci-ent4G he sai-4 Fan- : m$st te'' 1o$ that 1o$r 'e)s "ere
-e%inite'1 brokenDthe 'e%t one in t"o p'aces; +rank'14 : can@t see ho" 1o$@re mana)in) to sta1 on
1o$r %eet; :t@s on'1 been t"o "eeksDG
F: a'"a1s hea' %ast4G : sai-; FNo"4 abo$t the mone1;;;G
F=hat mone1>G
F!he o$t-o%-co$rt sett'ement %or m1 ma'practice comp'aint; an- the other one;G
F/on@t be ri-ic$'o$sIG
F=ho@s bein) ri-ic$'o$s> :@'' sett'e %or a tho$san-4 cash4 ri)ht no";G
F: "on@t e&en -isc$ss s$ch a thin);G
F=e''4 1o$@- better consi-er itDan- "in or 'ose4 think abo$t the name it "i'' )i&e this p'ace i% :
mana)e eno$)h pretria' p$b'icit1; :@'' certain'1 )et in to$ch "ith the ABA4 the ne"spapers; the
FB'ackmai'4G he sai-4 Fan- :@'' ha&e nothin) to -o "ith it;G
FPa1 no"4 or pa1 'ater4 a%ter a co$rt or-er4G : sai-; F: -on@t care; B$t it@'' be cheaper this "a1;G
:% he came across4 :@- kno" m1 )$esses "ere ri)ht an- there "as somethin) crooke- in&o'&e-;
,e )'are- at me4 : -on@t kno" ho" 'on);
+ina''14 F: ha&en@t )ot a tho$san- here4G he sai-;
FName a compromise %i)$re4G : sai-;
A%ter another pa$se4 F:t@s 'arcen1;G
FNot i% it@s cash-an--carr14 Char'ie; (o4 ca'' it;G
F: mi)ht ha&e %i&e h$n-re- in m1 sa%e;G
F#et it;G
,e to'- me4 a%ter inspectin) the contents o% a sma'' "a'' sa%e4 there "as %o$r-thirt14 an- : -i-n@t
"ant to 'ea&e %in)erprints on the sa%e ?$st to check him o$t; (o : accepte- an- st$%%e- the bi''s
into m1 si-e pocket;
FNo" "hat@s the nearest cab compan1 that ser&es this p'ace>G
,e name- it4 an- : checke- in the phone book4 "hich to'- me : "as $pstate;
: ma-e him -ia' it an- ca'' me a cab4 beca$se : -i-n@t kno" the name o% the p'ace an- -i-n@t "ant
him to kno" the con-ition o% m1 memor1; One o% the ban-a)es : ha- remo&e- ha- been aro$n-
m1 hea-;
=hi'e he "as makin) the arran)ement : hear- him name the p'ace8 it "as ca''e- #reen"oo-
Pri&ate ,ospita';
: sn$bbe- o$t m1 ci)arette4 picke- $p another4 an- remo&e- perhaps t"o h$n-re- po$n-s %rom
m1 %eet b1 restin) in a bro"n $pho'stere- chair besi-e his bookcase;
F=e "ait here an- 1o$@'' see me to the -oor4G : sai-;
: ne&er hear- another "or- o$t o% him;
Chapter 2
:t "as abo$t ei)ht o@c'ock "hen the cab -eposite- me on a ran-om corner in the nearest to"n; :
pai- o%% the -ri&er an- "a'ke- %or aro$n- t"ent1 min$tes; !hen : stoppe- in a -iner4 %o$n- a
booth an- ha- ?$ice4 a co$p'e o% e))s4 toast4 bacon an- three c$ps o% co%%ee; !he bacon "as too
A%ter )i&in) break%ast a )oo- ho$r4 : starte- "a'kin)4 %o$n- a c'othin) store4 an- "aite- ti'' its
nine-thirt1 openin);
: bo$)ht a pair o% s'acks4 three sport shirts4 a be't4 some $n-er"ear4 an- a pair o% shoes that %it; :
a'so picke- $p a han-kerchie%4 a "a''et4 an- pocket comb;
!hen : %o$n- a #re1ho$n- station an- boar-e- a b$s %or Ne" Aork; No one trie- to stop me; No
one seeme- to be 'ookin) %or me;
(ittin) there4 "atchin) the co$ntr1si-e a'' a$t$mn-co'ore- an- tick'e- b1 brisk "in-s beneath a
bri)ht4 co'- sk14 : re&ie"e- e&er1thin) : kne" abo$t m1se'% an- m1 circ$mstances;
: ha- been re)istere- at #reen"oo- as Car' Core1 b1 m1 sister 2&e'1n +'a$me'; !his ha- been
s$bse<$ent to an a$to acci-ent some %i%teen or so -a1s past4 in "hich : ha- s$%%ere- broken bones
"hich no 'on)er tro$b'e- me; : -i-n@t remember (ister 2&e'1n; !he #reen"oo- peop'e ha- been
instr$cte- to keep me passi&e4 "ere a%rai- o% the 'a" "hen : )ot 'oose an- threatene- them "ith
it; Oka1; (omeone "as a%rai- o% me4 %or some reason; :@- p'a1 it %or a'' it "as "orth;
: %orce- m1 min- back to the acci-ent4 -"e''e- $pon it ti'' m1 hea- h$rt; :t "as no acci-ent; :
ha- that impression4 tho$)h : -i-n@t kno" "h1; : "o$'- %in- o$t4 an- someone "o$'- pa1; 7er14
&er1 m$ch "o$'- the1 pa1; An an)er4 a terrib'e one4 %'are- "ithin the mi--'e o% m1 bo-1;
An1one "ho trie- to h$rt me4 to $se me4 -i- so at his o"n peri' an- no" he "o$'- recei&e his
-$e4 "hoe&er he "as4 this one; : %e't a stron) -esire to ki''4 to -estro1 "hoe&er ha- been
responsib'e4 an- : kne" that it "as not the %irst time in m1 'i%e that : ha- %e't this thin)4 an- :
kne"4 too4 that : ha- %o''o"e- thro$)h on it in the past; Bore than once;
: stare- o$t the "in-o"4 "atchin) the -ea- 'ea&es %a'';
=hen : hit the Bi) Cit14 the %irst thin) : -i- "as to )et a sha&e an- hairc$t in the nearest c'ip
?oint4 an- the secon- "as to chan)e m1 shirt an- $n-ershirt in the men@s room4 beca$se : can@t
stan- hair -o"n m1 back; !he ;32 a$tomatic4 be'on)in) to the name'ess in-i&i-$a' at
#reen"oo-4 "as in m1 ri)ht-han- ?acket pocket; : s$ppose that i% #reen"oo- or m1 sister
"ante- me picke- $p in a h$rr14 a ($''i&an &io'ation "o$'- come in han-1; B$t : -eci-e- to han)
onto it; !he1@- ha&e to %in- me %irst4 an- : "ante- a reason; : ate a <$ick '$nch4 ro-e s$b"a1s an-
b$ses %or an ho$r4 then )ot a cab to take me o$t to the =estchester a--ress o% 2&e'1n4 m1
nomina' sister an- hope%$' ?o))er o% memories;
Be%ore : arri&e-4 :@- a'rea-1 -eci-e- on the tack :@- take;
(o4 "hen the -oor to the h$)e o'- p'ace opene- in response to m1 knock4 a%ter abo$t a thirt1-
secon- "ait4 : kne" "hat : "as )oin) to sa1; : ha- tho$)ht abo$t it as :@- "a'ke- $p the 'on)4
"in-in)4 "hite )ra&e' -ri&e"a14 bet"een the -ark oaks an- the bri)ht map'es4 'ea&es cr$nchin)
beneath m1 %eet4 an- the "in- co'- on m1 %resh-scrape- neck "ithin the raise- co''ar o% m1
?acket; !he sme'' o% m1 hair tonic min)'e- "ith a m$st1 o-or %rom the ropes o% i&1 that cro"-e-
a'' o&er the "a''s o% that o'-4 brick p'ace; !here "as no sense o% %ami'iarit1; : -i-n@t think : ha-
e&er been here be%ore;
: ha- knocke-4 an- there ha- come an echo;
!hen :@- ?amme- m1 han-s into m1 pockets an- "aite-;
=hen the -oor opene-4 : ha- smi'e- an- no--e- to"ar- the mo'e-%'ecke- mai- "ith a s"arth1
comp'e.ion an- a P$erto 0ican accent;
FAes>G she sai-;
F:@- 'ike to see Brs; 2&e'1n +'a$me'4 p'ease;G
F=ho sha'' : sa1 is ca''in)>G
F,er brother Car';G
FOh4 come in p'ease4G she to'- me;
: entere- a ha''"a14 the %'oor a mosaic o% tin1 sa'mon an- t$r<$oise ti'es4 the "a'' maho)an14 a
tro$)h o% bi)-'ea%e- )reen thin)s occ$p1in) a room -i&i-er to m1 'e%t; +rom o&erhea-4 a c$be o%
)'ass an- ename' thre" -o"n a 1e''o" 'i)ht;
!he )a' -eparte-4 an- : so$)ht aro$n- me %or somethin) %ami'iar;
(o : "aite-;
Present'14 the mai- ret$rne-4 smi'e-4 no--e-4 an- sai-4 FP'ease %o''o" me; (he "i'' see 1o$ in
the 'ibrar1;G
: %o''o"e-4 $p three stairs an- -o"n a corri-or past t"o c'ose- -oors4 !he thir- one to m1 'e%t
"as open4 an- the mai- in-icate- : sho$'- enter it; : -i- so4 then pa$se- on the thresho'-;
9ike a'' 'ibraries4 it "as %$'' o% books; :t a'so he'- three paintin)s4 t"o in-icatin) <$iet
'an-scapes an- one a peace%$' seascape; !he %'oor "as hea&i'1 carpete- in )reen; !here "as a bi)
)'obe besi-e the bi) -esk "ith A%rica %acin) me an- a "a''-to-"a'' "in-o" behin- it4 ei)ht
step'a--ers o% )'ass; B$t none o% these "as the reason :@- pa$se-;
!he "oman behin- the -esk "ore a "i-e-co''are-4 7-necke- -ress o% b'$e-)reen4 ha- 'on) hair
an- 'o" ban)s4 a'' o% a cross bet"een s$nset c'o$-s an- the o$ter e-)e o% a can-'e %'ame in an
other"ise -ark room4 an- nat$ra'4 : someho" kne"4 an- her e1es behin- )'asses : -i-n@t think
she nee-e- "ere as b'$e as 9ake 2rie at three o@c'ock on a c'o$-'ess s$mmer a%ternoonC an- the
co'or o% her compresse- smi'e matche- her hair; B$t none o% these "as the reason :@- pa$se-;
: kne" her4 %rom some"here4 tho$)h : co$'-n@t sa1 "here;
: a-&ance-4 ho'-in) m1 o"n smi'e;
F,e''o4G : sai-;
F(it -o"n4G sai- she4 Fp'ease4G in-icatin) a hi)h-backe-4 bi)-arme- chair that b$')e- an- "as
oran)e4 o% the kin- ?$st ti'te- at the an)'e in "hich : 'o&e- to 'oa%;
: -i- so4 an- she st$-ie- me;
F#'a- to see 1o$@re $p an- aro$n- a)ain;G
FBe4 too; ,o"@&e 1o$ been>G
F+ine4 thank 1o$; : m$st sa1 : -i-n@t e.pect to see 1o$ here;G
F: kno"4G : %ibbe-4 Fb$t here : am4 to thank 1o$ %or 1o$r sister'1 kin-ness an- care;G : 'et a s'i)ht
note o% iron1 so$n- "ithin the sentence ?$st to obser&e her response;
At that point an enormo$s -o) entere- the roomDan :rish "o'%ho$n-Dan- it c$r'e- $p in %ront
o% the -esk; Another %o''o"e- an- circ'e- the )'obe t"ice be%ore '1in) -o"n;
F=e''4G sai- she4 ret$rnin) the iron14 Fit "as the 'east : co$'- -o %or 1o$; Ao$ sho$'- -ri&e more
F:n the %$t$re4G : sai-4 F:@'' take )reater preca$tions4 : promise;G : -i-n@t no" "hat sort o% )ame :
"as p'a1in)4 b$t since she -i-n@t kno" that : -i-n@t kno"4 :@- -eci-e- to take her %or a'' the
in%ormation : co$'-; F: %i)$re- 1o$ "o$'- be c$rio$s as to the shape : "as in4 so : came to 'et 1o$
F: "as4 am4G she rep'ie-; F,a&e 1o$ eaten>G
FA 'i)ht '$nch4 se&era' ho$rs a)o;G : sai-;
(o she ran) $p the mai- an- or-ere- %oo-; !hen F: tho$)ht 1o$ mi)ht take it $pon 1o$rse'% to
'ea&e #reen"oo-4G she sai-4 F"hen 1o$ "ere ab'e4 : -i-n@t think it "o$'- be so soon4 tho$)h4
an- : -i-n@t think 1o$@- come here;G
F: kno"4G : sai-4 Fthat@s "h1 : -i-;G
(he o%%ere- me a ci)arette an- : took it4 'it hers4 'it mine;
FAo$ a'"a1s "ere $npre-ictab'e4G she %ina''1 to'- me; F=hi'e this has he'pe- 1o$ o%ten in the
past4 ho"e&er4 : "o$'-n@t co$nt on it no";G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G : sai-;
F!he stakes are %ar too hi)h %or a b'$%%4 an- : think that@s "hat 1o$@re tr1in)4 "a'kin) in here 'ike
this; :@&e a'"a1s a-mire- 1o$r co$ra)e4 Cor"in4 b$t -on@t be a %oo'; Ao$ kno" the score;G
Cor"in> +i'e it a"a14 $n-er FCore1;G
FBa1be : -on@t4G : sai-; F:@&e been as'eep %or a "hi'e4 remember>G
FAo$ mean 1o$ ha&en@t been in to$ch>G
F,a&en@t ha- a chance4 since : "oke $p;G
(he 'eane- her hea- to one si-e an- narro"e- her "on-er%$' e1es;
F0ash4G she sai-4 Fb$t possib'e; E$st possib'e; Ao$ mi)ht mean it; Ao$ mi)ht; :@'' preten- that
1o$ -o4 %or no"; :n that case4 1o$ ma1 ha&e -one a smart4 sa%e thin); 9et me think abo$t it;G
: -re" on m1 ci)arette4 hopin) she@- sa1 somethin) more; B$t she -i-n@t4 so : -eci-e- to sei6e
"hat seeme- the a-&anta)e :@- obtaine- in this )ame : -i-n@t $n-erstan- "ith p'a1ers : -i-n@t
kno" %or stakes : ha- no ink'in) o%;
F!he %act that :@m here in-icates somethin)4G : sai-;
FAes4G she rep'ie-4 F: kno"; B$t 1o$@re smart4 so it co$'- in-icate more than one thin); =e@''
"ait an- see;G
=ait %or "hat> (ee "hat> !hin)>
(teaks then arri&e- an- a pitcher o% beer4 so : "as temporari'1 %ree- %rom the necessit1 o%
makin) cr1ptic an- )enera' statements %or her to pon-er as s$bt'e or ca)e1; Bine "as a )oo-
steak4 pink insi-e an- %$'' o% ?$ice4 an- : tore at the %resh to$)h-creste- brea- "ith m1 teeth an-
)$'pe- the beer "ith a )reat h$n)er an- a thirst; (he 'a$)he- as she "atche- me4 "hi'e c$ttin)
o%% tin1 pieces o% her o"n;
F: 'o&e the )$sto "ith "hich 1o$ assai' 'i%e4 Cor"in; :t@s one o% the reasons :@- hate to see 1o$
part compan1 "ith it;G
FBe4 too4G : m$ttere-;
An- "hi'e : ate4 : pon-ere- her; : sa" her in a 'o"-c$t )o"n4 )reen as the )reen o% the sea4 "ith
%$'' skirts; !here "as m$sic4 -ancin)4 &oices behin- $s; : "ore b'ack an- si'&er an-;;;!he &ision
%a-e-; B$t it "as a tr$e piece o% m1 memor14 : kne"C an- in"ar-'1 : c$rse- that : 'acke- it in its
entiret1; =hat ha- she been sa1in)4 in her )reen4 to me in m1 b'ack an- si'&er4 that ni)ht4 behin-
the m$sic4 the -ancin) an- the &oices>
: po$re- $s more beer %rom the pitcher an- -eci-e- to test the &ision;
F: remember one ni)ht4G : sai-4 F"hen 1o$ "ere a'' in )reen an- : in m1 co'ors; ,o" 'o&e'1
thin)s seeme-Dan- the m$sic;;;G
,er %ace )re" s'i)ht'1 "ist%$'4 the cheeks smoothin);
FAes4G she sai-; F=ere not those the -a1s>;;;Ao$ rea''1 ha&e not been in to$ch>G
F=or- o% honor4G : sai-4 %or "hate&er that "as "orth;
F!hin)s ha&e )ro"n %ar "orse4G she sai-4 Fan- the (ha-o"s contain more horrors than an1 ha-
FAn-;;;>G : in<$ire-;
F,e sti'' has his tro$b'es4G she %inishe-;
FAes4G she "ent on4 Fan- he@'' "ant to kno" "here 1o$ stan-;G
F0i)ht here4G : sai-;
FAo$ mean;;;G
F+or no"4G : to'- her4 perhaps too <$ick'14 %or her e1es ha- "i-ene- too m$ch4 Fsince : sti'' -on@t
kno" the %$'' state o% a%%airs4G "hate&er that meant;
An- "e %inishe- o$r steaks an- the beer4 )i&in) the t"o bones to the -o)s;
=e sippe- some co%%ee a%ter"ar-4 an- : came to %ee' a bit brother'1 b$t s$ppresse- it; : aske-4
F=hat o% the others>G "hich co$'- mean an1thin)4 b$t so$n-e- sa%e;
: "as a%rai- %or a moment that she "as )oin) to ask me "hat : meant; :nstea-4 tho$)h4 she
'eane- back in her chair4 stare- at the cei'in)4 an- sai-4 FAs a'"a1s4 no one ne" has been hear-
%rom; Perhaps 1o$rs "as the "isest "a1; :@m en?o1in) it m1se'%; B$t ho" can one %or)etDthe
)'or1>G : 'o"ere- m1 e1es4 beca$se : "asn@t s$re "hat the1 sho$'- contain; FOne can@t4G : sai-;
FOne ne&er can;G
!here %o''o"e- a 'on)4 $ncom%ortab'e si'ence4 a%ter "hich she sai-8 F/o 1o$ hate me>G
FO% co$rse not4G : rep'ie-; F,o" co$'- :Da'' thin)s consi-ere->G
!his seeme- to p'ease her4 an- she sho"e- her teeth4 "hich "ere &er1 "hite;
F#oo-4 an- thank 1o$4G she sai-; F=hate&er e'se4 1o$@re a )ent'eman;G
: bo"e- an- smirke-;
FAo$@'' t$rn m1 hea-;G
F,ar-'14G she sai-4 Fa'' thin)s consi-ere-;G
An- : %e't $ncom%ortab'e;
B1 an)er "as there4 an- : "on-ere- "hether she kne" "ho it "as that : nee-e- to sta1 it; : %e't
that she -i-; : %o$)ht "ith the -esire to ask it o$tri)ht4 s$ppresse- it;
F=e''4 "hat -o 1o$ propose -oin)>G she %ina''1 aske-4 an- bein) on the spot : rep'ie-4 FO%
co$rse4 1o$ -on@t tr$st me;;;G
F,o" co$'- "e>G
: -etermine- to remember that "e;
F=e''4 then; +or the time bein); :@m "i''in) to p'ace m1se'% $n-er 1o$r s$r&ei''ance; :@'' be )'a-
to sta1 ri)ht here4 "here 1o$ can keep an e1e on me;G
FAn- a%ter"ar->G
FA%ter"ar-> =e@'' see;G
FC'e&er4G she sai-4 F&er1 c'e&er; An- 1o$ p'ace me in an a"k"ar- position;G J: ha- sai- it
beca$se : -i-n@t ha&e an1 p'ace e'se to )o; an- m1 b'ackmai' mone1 "o$'-n@t 'ast me too 'on);K
FAes4 o% co$rse 1o$ ma1 sta1; B$t 'et me "arn 1o$4GDan- here she %in)ere- "hat : ha- tho$)ht
to be some sort o% pen-ant on a chain abo$t her neckDFthis is an $'trasonic -o) "hist'e; /onner
an- B'it6en here ha&e %o$r brothers4 an- the1@re a'' traine- to take care o% nast1 peop'e an- the1
a'' respon- to m1 "hist'e; (o -on@t start to "a'k to"ar- an1 p'ace "here 1o$ "on@t be -esire-; A
toot or t"o an- e&en 1o$ "i'' )o -o"n be%ore them; !heir kin- is the reason there are no "o'&es
'e%t in :re'an-; 1o$ kno";G
F: kno"4G : sai-4 rea'i6in) that : -i-;
FAes;G she contin$e-4 F2ric "i'' 'ike it that 1o$ are m1 )$est; :t sho$'- ca$se him to 'ea&e 1o$
a'one4 "hich is "hat 1o$ "ant4 n@est-ce-pas>G
FO$i;G : sai-;
2ricI :t meant somethin)I : ha- kno"n an 2ric4 an- it ha- been &er1 important4 someho"; that :
-i-; Not recent'1; B$t the 2ric : ha- kno"n "as sti'' aro$n-4 an- that "as important;
: hate- him4 that "as one reason; ,ate- him eno$)h to ha&e contemp'ate- ki''in) him; Perhaps
:@- e&en trie-;
A'so4 there "as some bon- bet"een $s4 : kne";
Aes4 that "as it; Neither o% $s 'ike- it bein) brothers;;;;: remembere-4 : remembere-;;;;
Bi)4 po"er%$' 2ric4 "ith his "et c$r'1 bear-4 an- his e1esD?$st 'ike 2&e'1n@sI
: "as racke- "ith a ne" s$r)e o% memor14 as m1 temp'es be)an to throb an- the back o% m1
neck "as s$--en'1 "arm;
: -i-n@t 'et an1 o% it sho" on m1 %ace4 b$t %orce- m1se'% to take another -ra) on m1 ci)arette4
another sip o% beer4 as : rea'i6e- that 2&e'1n "as in-ee- m1 sisterI On'1 2&e'1n "asn@t her name;
: co$'-n@t think o% "hat it "as4 b$t it "asn@t 2&e'1n; :@- be care%$'4 : reso'&e-; :@- not $se an1
name at a'' "hen a--ressin) her4 $nti' : remembere-;
An- "hat o% me> An- "hat "as it that "as )oin) on aro$n- me>
2ric4 : s$--en'1 %e't4 ha- ha- some connection "ith m1 acci-ent; :t sho$'- ha&e been a %ata' one4
on'1 :@- p$''e- thro$)h; ,e "as the one4 "asn@t he> Aes4 m1 %ee'in)s rep'ie-; :t ha- to be 2ric;
An- 2&e'1n "as "orkin) "ith him4 pa1in) #reen"oo- to keep me in a coma; Better than bein)
-ea-4 b$t;;;
: rea'i6e- that : ha- ?$st someho" -e'i&ere- m1se'% into 2ric@s han-s b1 comin) to 2&e'1n4 an- :
"o$'- be his prisoner4 "o$'- be open to ne" attack4 i% : sta1e-;
B$t she ha- s$))este- that m1 bein) her )$est "o$'- ca$se him to 'ea&e me a'one; : "on-ere-; :
co$'-n@t take an1thin) at %ace &a'$e; :@- ha&e to be constant'1 on m1 )$ar-; Perhaps it "o$'- be
better i% : ?$st "ent a"a14 'et m1 memories ret$rn )ra-$a''1;
B$t there "as this terrib'e sense o% $r)enc1; : ha- to %in- o$t the %$'' stor1 as soon as possib'e
an- act as soon as : kne" it; :t 'a1 'ike a comp$'sion $pon me; :% -an)er "as the price o% memor1
an- risk the cost o% opport$nit14 then so be it; :@- sta1;
FAn- : remember4G 2&e'1n sai-4 an- : rea'i6e- that she ha- been ta'kin) %or a "hi'e an- : ha-n@t
e&en been 'istenin); Perhaps it "as beca$se o% the re%'ecti&e <$a'it1 o% her "or-s4 not rea''1
re<$irin) an1 sort o% respo$seDan- beca$se o% the $r)enc1 o% m1 tho$)hts;
FAn- : remember the -a1 1o$ beat E$'ian at his %a&orite )ame an- he thre" a )'ass o% "ine at
1o$ an- c$rse- 1o$; B$t 1o$ took the pri6e; An- he "as s$--en'1 a%rai- he ha- )one too %ar; B$t
1o$ 'a$)he- then4 tho$)h4 an- -rank a )'ass "ith him; : think he %e't ba-'1 o&er that sho" o%
temper4 norma''1 bein) so coo'4 an- : think he "as en&io$s o% 1o$ that -a1; /o 1o$ reca''> :
think he has4 to a certain e.tent4 imitate- man1 o% 1o$r "a1s since then; B$t : sti'' hate him an-
hope that he )oes -o"n short'1; : %ee' he "i'';;;;G
E$'ian4 E$'ian4 E$'ian; Aes an- no; (omethin) abo$t a )ame an- m1 baitin) a man an- shatterin)
an a'most 'e)en-ar1 se'%-contro'; Aes4 there "as a %ee'in) o% %ami'iarit1C an- no4 : co$'-n@t rea''1
sa1 %or certain "hat a'' ha- been in&o'&e-;
FAn- Caine4 ho" 1o$ )$''e- himI ,e hates 1o$ 1et4 1o$ kno";;;;G
: )athere- : "asn@t &er1 "e'' 'ike-; (omeho"4 the %ee'in) p'ease- me;
An- Caine4 too4 so$n-e- %ami'iar; 7er1;
2ric4 E$'ian4 Caine4 Cor"in; !he names s"am aro$n- in m1 hea-4 an- in a "a14 it "as too m$ch
to ho'- "ithin me;
F:t@s been so 'on);;;;G : sai-4 a'most in&o'$ntari'14 an- it seeme- to be tr$e;
FCor"in4G she sai-4 F'et@s not %ence; Ao$ "ant more than sec$rit14 : kno" that; An- 1o$@re sti''
stron) eno$)h to )et somethin) o$t o% this4 i% 1o$ p'a1 1o$r han- ?$st ri)ht; : can@t )$ess "hat
1o$ ha&e in min-4 b$t ma1be "e can make a -ea' "ith 2ric;G !he "e ha- ob&io$s'1 shi%te-; (he
ha- come to some sort o% conc'$sion as to m1 "orth in "hate&er "as )oin) on; (he sa" a chance
to )ain somethin) %or herse'%4 : co$'- te''; : smi'e-4 ?$st a 'itt'e; F:s that "h1 1o$ came here>G she
contin$e-; F/o 1o$ ha&e a proposa' %or 2ric4 somethin) "hich mi)ht re<$ire a )o-bet"een>G
F: ma14G : rep'ie-4 Fa%ter :@&e tho$)ht abo$t it some more; :@&e sti'' so recent'1 reco&ere- that :
ha&e m$ch pon-erin) to -o; : "ante- to be in the best p'ace4 tho$)h4 "here : co$'- act <$ick'14 i%
: -eci-e- m1 best interests 'a1 "ith 2ric;G
F!ake care4G she sai-; FAo$ kno" :@'' report e&er1 "or-;G
FO% co$rse4G : sai-4 not kno"in) that at a'' an- )ropin) %or a <$ick he-)e4 F$n'ess 1o$r best
interests "ere con?oine- "ith m1 o"n;G
,er e1ebro"s mo&e- c'oser to)ether4 an- tin1 "rink'es appeare- bet"een them;
F:@m not s$re "hat 1o$@re proposin);G
F:@m not proposin) an1thin)4 1et4G : sai-; F:@m ?$st bein) comp'ete'1 open an- honest "ith 1o$
an- te''in) 1o$ : -on@t kno"; :@m not positi&e : "ant to make a -ea' "ith 2ric; A%ter a'';;;G : 'et
the "or-s trai' o%% on p$rpose4 %or : ha- nothin) to %o''o" them "ith4 tho$)h : %e't : sho$'-;
FAo$@&e been o%%ere- an a'ternati&e>G (he stoo- $p s$--en'14 sei6in) her "hist'e; FB'e1sI O%
F(it -o"n4G : sai-4 Fan- -on@t he ri-ic$'o$s; =o$'- : p'ace m1se'% in 1o$r han-s this ca'm'14 this
rea-i'14 ?$st to be -o) meat beca$se 1o$ happen to think o% B'e1s>G
(he re'a.e-4 ma1be e&en sa))e- a 'itt'e4 then reseate- herse'%;
FPossib'1 not4G she %ina''1 sai-4 Fb$t : kno" 1o$@re a )amb'er4 an- : kno" 1o$@re treachero$s; :%
1o$ came here to -ispose o% a partisan4 -on@t e&en bother tr1in); :@m not that important; Ao$
sho$'- kno" that b1 no"; Besi-es4 : a'"a1s tho$)ht 1o$ rather 'ike- me;G
F: -i-4 an- : -o4G : sai-4 Fan- 1o$ ha&e nothin) to "orr1 abo$t4 so -on@t; :t@s interestin)4 tho$)h4
that 1o$ sho$'- mention B'e1s;G
Bait4 bait4 baitI !here "as so m$ch : "ante- to kno"I
F=h1> ,as he approache- 1o$>G
F:@- rather not sa14G : rep'ie-4 hopin) it "o$'- )i&e me an e-)e o% some kin-4 an- no" that :
kne" B'e1s@ )en-er8 F:% he ha-4 :@- ha&e ans"ere- him the same as : "o$'- 2ricD@:@'' think abo$t
FB'e1s4G she repeate-4 an- B'e1s4 : sai- to m1se'% insi-e m1 hea-4 B'e1s; : 'ike 1o$; : %or)et
"h14 an- : kno" there are reasons "h1 : sho$'-n@tDb$t : 'ike 1o$; : kno" it;
=e sat a"hi'e4 an- : %e't %ati)$e b$t -i-n@t "ant to sho" it; : sho$'- be stron); : kne" : ha- to be
: sat there an- smi'e- an- sai-4 FNice 'ibrar1 1o$@&e )ot here4G an- she sai-4 F!hank 1o$;G
FB'e1s4G she repeate- a%ter a time; F/o 1o$ rea''1 think he has a chance>G
: shr$))e-;
F=ho kno"s> Not :4 %or certain; Ba1be he -oes; Ba1be not4 too;G
!hen she stare- at me4 her e1es s'i)ht'1 "i-e4 an- her mo$th openin);
FNot 1o$>G she sai-4 FAo$@re not proposin) to tr1 1o$rse'%4 are 1o$>G
: 'a$)he- then4 so'e'1 %or p$rposes o% co$nterin) her emotion;
F/on@t he si''14G : sai- "hen :@- %inishe-; FBe>G
B$t as she sai- it4 : kne" she@- str$ck some chor-4 some -eep-b$rie- thin) "hich rep'ie- "ith a
po"er%$' F=h1 not>G
: "as s$--en'1 a%rai-;
(he seeme- re'ie&e-4 tho$)h4 at m1 -isa&o"a' o% "hate&er it "as : "as -isa&o"in); (he smi'e-
then4 an- in-icate- a b$i't-in bar o%% to m1 'e%t;
F:@- 'ike a 'itt'e :rish Bist4G she sai-;
F(o "o$'- :4 %or that matter4G : rep'ie-4 an- : rose an- %etche- t"o;
FAo$ kno"4G : sai-4 a%ter :@- reseate- m1se'%4 Fit@s p'easant to be to)ether "ith 1o$ this "a14
e&en i% it is on'1 %or a short time; :t brin)s back memories;G
An- she smi'e- an- "as 'o&e'1;
FAo$@re ri)ht4G she sai-4 sippin) her -rink; F: a'most %ee' in Amber "ith 1o$ aro$n-4G an- :
a'most -roppe- m1 -rink;
AmberI !he "or- ha- sent a bo't o% 'i)htnin) -o"n m1 spineI
!hen she be)an to cr14 an- : rose an- p$t m1 arm aro$n- her sho$'-ers to com%ort her;
F/on@t cr14 'itt'e )ir'; P'ease -on@t; :t makes me $nhapp14 too;G AmberI !here "as somethin)
there4 somethin) e'ectrica' an- potentI F!here "i'' be )oo- -a1s once a)ain;G : sai-4 so%t'1;
F/o 1o$ rea''1 be'ie&e that>G she aske-;
FAes4G : sai- 'o$-'1; FAes4 : -oIG
FAo$@re cra614G she sai-; FBa1be that@s "h1 1o$ "ere a'"a1s m1 %a&orite brother too; : can
a'most be'ie&e an1thin) 1o$ sa14 e&en tho$)h : kno" 1o$@re cra61;G
!hen she crie- a 'itt'e more an- stoppe-;
FCor"in4G she sai-4 Fi% 1o$ -o make itDi% b1 some "i'- an- %reakish chance o$t o% (ha-o" 1o$
sho$'- make itD"i'' 1o$ remember 1o$r 'itt'e sister +'orime'>G
FAes4G : sai-4 kno"in) it to be her name; FAes4 : "i'' remember 1o$;G
F!hank 1o$; : "i'' te'' 2ric on'1 the essentia's4 an- mention B'e1s not at a''4 nor m1 'atest
F!hank 1o$4 +'ora;G
FB$t : -on@t tr$st 1o$ "orth a -amn4G she a--e-; F0emember that4 too;G
F!hat )oes "itho$t sa1in);G
!hen she s$mmone- her mai- to sho" me to a room4 an- : mana)e- to $n-ress4 co''apse- into
the be-4 an- s'ept %or e'e&en ho$rs;
Chapter 3
:n the mornin) she "as )one4 an- there "as no messa)e; ,er mai- ser&e- me break%ast in the
kitchen an- "ent a"a1 to -o mai--thin)s; :@- -isre)ar-e- the notion o% tr1in) to p$mp
in%ormation o$t o% the "oman4 as she either "o$'-n@t kno" or "o$'-n@t te'' me the thin)s :
"ante- to kno" an- "o$'- no -o$bt a'so report m1 attempt to +'ora; (o4 since it seeme- : ha-
the n$n o% the ho$se4 : -eci-e- :@- ret$rn to the 'ibrar1 an- see "hat : co$'- 'earn there; Besi-es4
: 'ike 'ibraries; :t makes me %ee' com%ortab'e an- sec$re to ha&e "a''s o% "or-s4 bea$ti%$' an-
"ise4 a'' aro$n- me; : a'"a1s %ee' better "hen : can see that there is somethin) to ho'- back the
/onner or B'it6en4 or one o% their re'ati&es4 appeare- %rom some"here an- %o''o"e- me $p the
ha''"a14 "a'kin) sti%%-'e))e- an- sni%%in) a%ter m1 spoor; : trie- to make %rien-s "ith him4 b$t it
"as 'ike e.chan)in) p'easantries "ith the state trooper "ho si)na'e- 1o$ to p$'' o%% the roa-; :
'ooke- into some o% the other rooms as : "ent a'on)4 an- the1 "ere ?$st p'aces; innoc$o$s-
'ookin) ones;
(o : entere- the 'ibrar14 an- A%rica sti'' %ace- me; : c'ose- the -oor behin- me to keep the -o)s
o$t4 an- : stro''e- aro$n- the room; rea-in) the tit'es on the she'&es;
!here "ere 'ots o% histor1 books; :n %act4 the1 seeme- to -ominate her co''ection; !here "ere
a'so man1 art books4 o% the bi) an- e.pensi&e &ariet14 an- : 'ea%e- thro$)h a %e" o% these; :
$s$a''1 -o m1 best rea' thinkin) "hen :@m thinkin) abo$t somethin) e'se;
: "on-ere- at the so$rces o% +'ora@s ob&io$s "ea'th; :% "e "ere re'ate-4 -i- that mean that
perhaps : en?o1e- some"hat o% op$'ence4 a'so> : tho$)ht abo$t m1 economic an- socia' stat$s4
m1 pro%ession4 m1 ori)ins; : ha- the %ee'in) that :@- ne&er "orrie- m$ch abo$t mone14 an- that
there@- a'"a1s been eno$)h or "a1s o% )ettin) it4 to keep me satis%ie-; /i- : o"n a bi) ho$se 'ike
this> : co$'-n@t remember;
=hat -i- : -o>
: sat behin- her -esk an- e.amine- m1 min- %or an1 specia' caches o% kno"'e-)e : mi)ht
possess; :t is -i%%ic$'t to e.amine 1o$rse'% this "a14 as a stran)er; Ba1be that@s "h1 : co$'-n@t
come $p "ith an1thin); =hat@s 1o$rs is 1o$rs an- a part o% 1o$ an- it ?$st seems to be'on) there4
insi-e; !hat@s a'';
A -octor> !hat came to min- as : "as &ie"in) some o% /a 7inci@s anatomica' -ra"in)s; A'most
b1 re%'e.4 in m1 min-4 : ha- be)$n )oin) thro$)h the steps o% &ario$s s$r)ica' operations; :
rea'i6e- then that : ha- operate- on peop'e in the past;
B$t that "asn@t it; =hi'e : rea'i6e- that : ha- a me-ica' back)ro$n-4 : kne" that it "as a part o%
somethin) e'se; : kne"4 someho"4 that : "as not a practicin) s$r)eon; =hat then> =hat e'se "as
(omethin) ca$)ht m& e&e;
(eate- there at the -esk4 : comman-e- a &ie" o% the %ar "a''; on "hich4 amon) other thin)s4
h$n) an anti<$e ca&a'r1 saber4 "hich : ha- o&er'ooke- the %irst time aro$n- the room; : rose an-
crosse- o&er to it4 took it -o"n %rom its pe)s;
:n m1 min-4 : tske- at the shape it "as in; : "ante- an oi'1 ra) an- a "hetstone4 to make it the
"a1 it sho$'- he once a)ain; : kne" somethin) abo$t anti<$e arms4 e-)e- "eapons in partic$'ar;
!he saber %e't 'i)ht an- $se%$' in m1 han-4 an- : %e't capab'e "ith it; : str$ck an en )ar-e; :
parrie- an- c$t a %e" times; Aes; : co$'- $se the thin);
(o "hat sort o% back)ro$n- "as that> : 'ooke- aro$n- %or ne" memor1 ?o))ers;
Nothin) e'se occ$rre- to me4 so : rep'ace- the b'a-e an- ret$rne- to the -esk; (ittin) there4 :
-eci-e- to )o thro$)h the thin);
: starte- "ith the mi--'e one an- "orke- m1 "a1 $p the 'e%t si-e an- -o"n the ri)ht4 -ra"er b1
(ationer14 en&e'opes4 posta)e stamps4 paper c'ips4 penci' st$bs4 r$bber ban-sDa'' the $s$a'
: ha- p$''e- each -ra"er a'' the "a1 o$t tho$)h4 an- he'- it in m1 'ap as :@- inspecte- its
contents; :t "asn@t ?$st an i-ea; :t "as part o% some sort o% trainin) :@- once recei&e-4 "hich to'-
me : sho$'- inspect the si-es an- bottoms as "e'';
One thin) a'most s'ippe- b1 me4 b$t ca$)ht m1 attention at the 'ast instant8 the back o% the 'o"er
ri)ht-han- -ra"er -i- not rise as hi)h as the backs o% the other -ra"ers;
!his in-icate- somethin); an- "hen : kne't an- 'ooke- insi-e the -ra"er space : sa" a 'itt'e
bo.-'ike a%%air %i.e- to the $pper si-e;
:t "as a sma'' -ra"er itse'%4 "a1 in the back4 an- it "as 'ocke-;
:t took me abo$t a min$te o% %oo'in) aro$n- "ith paper c'ips4 sa%et1 pins4 an- %ina''1 a meta'
shoehorn :@- seen in another -ra"er; !he shoehorn -i- the trick;
!he -ra"er containe- a packet o% p'a1in) car-s;
An- the packet bore a -e&ice "hich ca$se- me to sti%%en "here : kne't4 perspiration s$--en'1
"ettin) m1 bro" an- m1 breath comin) rapi-'1;
:t bore a "hite $nicorn on a )rass %ie'-4 rampant4 %acin) to the -e.ter;
An- : kne" that -e&ice an- it h$rt me that : co$'- not name it;
: opene- the packet an- e.tracte- the car-s; !he1 "ere on the or-er o% tarots4 "ith their "an-s4
pentac'es4 c$ps4 an- s"or-s4 b$t the #reater !r$mps "ere <$ite -i%%erent;
: rep'ace- both -ra"ers4 bein) care%$' not to 'ock the sma''er one4 be%ore : contin$e- m1
!he1 "ere a'most 'i%e'ike in appearance4 the #reater !r$mps rea-1 to step ri)ht o$t thro$)h
those )'istenin) s$r%aces; !he car-s seeme- <$ite co'- to m1 to$ch4 an- it )a&e me a -istinct
p'eas$re to han-'e them; : ha- once ha- a packet 'ike this m1se'%4 : s$--en'1 kne";
: be)an sprea-in) them on the b'otter be%ore me; !he one bore a "i'1-'ookin) 'itt'e man4 "ith a
sharp nose an- a 'a$)hin) mo$th an- a shock o% stra"-co'ore- hair; ,e "as -resse- in somethin)
'ike a 0enaissance cost$me o% oran)e4 re- an- bro"n; ,e "ore 'on) hose an- a ti)ht-%ittin)
embroi-ere- -o$b'et; An- : kne" him; ,is name "as 0an-om;
Ne.t4 there "as the passi&e co$ntenance o% E$'ian4 -ark hair han)in) 'on)4 b'$e e1es containin)
neither passion nor compassion; ,e "as -resse- comp'ete'1 in sca'e- "hite armor4 not si'&er or
meta''ic-co'ore-4 b$t 'ookin) as i% it ha- been ename'e-; : kne"4 tho$)h4 that it "as terrib'1
to$)h an- shock-resistant4 -espite its -ecorati&e an- %esti&e appearance; ,e "as the man : ha-
beaten at his %a&orite )ame4 %or "hich he ha- thro"n a )'ass o% "ine at me; : kne" him an- :
hate- him;
!hen came the s"arth14 -ark-e1e- co$ntenance o% Caine4 -resse- a'' in satin that "as b'ack an-
)reen4 "earin) a -ark three-cornere- hat set at a rakish an)'e4 a )reen p'$me o% %eathers trai'in)
-o"n the back; ,e "as stan-in) in pro%i'e4 one arm akimbo4 an- the toes o% his boots c$r'e-
$p"ar-s4 an- he "ore an emera'--st$--e- -a))er at his be't; !here "as ambi&a'ence in m1 heart;
!hen there "as 2ric; ,an-some b1 an1one@s stan-ar-s4 his hair "as so -ark as to be a'most b'$e;
,is bear- c$r'e- aro$n- the mo$th that a'"a1s smi'e-4 an- he "as -resse- simp'1 in a 'eather
?acket an- 'e))in)s4 a p'ain c'oak4 hi)h b'ack boots4 an- he "ore a re- s"or- be't bearin) a 'on)
si'&er1 saber an- c'aspe- "ith a r$b14 an- his hi)h c'oak co''ar ro$n- his hea- "as 'ine- "ith re-
an- the trimmin)s o% his s'ee&es matche- it; ,is han-s4 th$mbs hooke- behin- his be't4 "ere
terrib'1 stron) an- prominent; A pair o% b'ack )'o&es ?$tte- %rom the be't near his ri)ht hip; ,e it
"as4 : "as certain4 that ha- trie- to ki'' me on that -a1 : ha- a'most -ie-; : st$-ie- him an- :
%eare- him some"hat;
!hen there "as Bene-ict4 ta'' an- -o$r4 thin4 thin o% bo-14 thin o% %ace4 "i-e o% min-; ,e "ore
oran)e an- 1e''o" an- bro"n an- remin-e- me o% ha1sticks an- p$mpkins an- scarecro"s an-
the 9e)en- o% ('eep1 ,o''o"; ,e ha- a 'on) stron) ?a" an- ha6e' e1es an- bro"n hair that ne&er
c$r'e-; ,e stoo- besi-e a tan horse an- 'eane- $pon a 'ance abo$t "hich "as t"ine- a rope o%
%'o"ers; ,e se'-om 'a$)he-; : 'ike- him;
: pa$se- "hen : $nco&ere- the ne.t car-4 an- m1 heart 'eape- %or"ar- an- ban)e- a)ainst m1
stern$m an- aske- to be 'et o$t;
:t "as me;
: kne" the me : sha&e- an- this "as the )$1 behin- the mirror; #reen e1es4 b'ack hair4 -resse-
in b'ack an- si'&er4 1es; : ha- on a c'oak an- it "as s'i)ht'1 %$r'e- as b1 a "in-; : ha- on bLack
boots4 'ike 2ric@s4 an- : too "ore a b'a-e4 on'1 mine "as hea&ier4 tho$)h not <$ite as 'on) as his;
: ha- m1 )'o&es on an- the1 "ere si'&er an- sca'e-; !he c'asp at m1 neck "as cast in the %orm o%
a si'&er rose;
Be; Cor"in;
An- a bi)4 po"er%$' man re)ar-e- me %rom the ne.t car-; ,e resemb'e- me <$ite stron)'14 sa&e
that his ?a" "as hea&ier; An- : kne" he "as bi))er than :4 tho$)h s'o"er; ,is stren)th "as a
thin) o$t o% 'e)en-; ,e "ore a -ressin) )o"n o% b'$e an- )ra1 c'aspe- abo$t the mi--'e "ith a
"i-e4 b'ack be't4 an- he stoo- 'a$)hin); Abo$t his neck4 on a hea&1 cor-4 there h$n) a si'&er
b$ntin) horn; ,e "ore a %rin)e hear- an- a 'i)ht m$stache; :n his ri)ht han- he he'- a )ob'et o%
"ine; : %e't a s$--en a%%ection %or him; ,is name then occ$rre- to me; ,e "as #erar-;
!hen came a %ier1 bear-e-4 %'ame-cro"ne- man4 -resse- a'' in re- an- oran)e4 main'1 o% si'k
st$%%4 an- he he'- a s"or- in his ri)ht han- an- a )'ass o% "ine in his 'e%t4 an- the -e&i' himse'%
-ance- behin- his e1es4 as b'$e as +'ora@s4 or 2ric@s; ,is chin "as s'i)ht4 b$t the bear- co&ere- it;
,is s"or- "as in'ai- "ith an e'aborate %i'i)ree o% a )o'-en co'or; ,e "ore t"o h$)e rin)s on his
ri)ht han- an- one on his 'e%t8 an emera'-4 a r$b14 an- a sapphire4 respecti&e'1; !his4 : kne"4 "as
!hen there "as a %i)$re both 'ike B'e1@s an- m1se'%; B1 %eat$res4 tho$)h sma''er4 m1 e1es4
B'e1s@ hair4 bear-'ess; ,e "ore a ri-in) s$it o% )reen an- sat atop a "hite horse4 hea-in) to"ar-
the -e.ter si-e o% the car-; !here "as a <$a'it1 o% both stren)th an- "eakness4 <$estin) an-
aban-onment abo$t him; : both appro&e- an- -isappro&e-4 'ike- an- "as repe''e- b14 this one;
,is name "as Bran-4 : kne"; As soon as : 'ai- e1es $pon him4 : kne";
:n %act4 : rea'i6e- that : kne" thiem a'' "e''4 remembere- them a''4 "ith their stren)ths4 their
"eaknesses4 their &ictories4 their -e%eats;
+or the1 "ere m1 brothers;
: 'it a ci)arette :@- %i'che- %rom +'ora@s -esk bo.4 an- : 'eane- back an- consi-ere- the thin)s :
ha- reca''e-;
!he1 "ere m1 brothers4 those ei)ht stran)e men )arbe- in their stran)e cost$mes; An- : kne"
that it "as ri)ht an- %ittin) that the1 sho$'- -ress in "hate&er manner the1 chose4 ?$st as it "as
ri)ht %or me to "ear the b'ack an- the si'&er; !hen : ch$ck'e-4 as : rea'i6e- "hat : "as "earin)4
"hat : ha- p$rchase- in the 'itt'e c'othin) store o% that 'itt'e to"n : ha- stoppe- in a%ter m1
-epart$re %rom #reen"oo-;
: ha- on b'ack s'acks4 an- a'' three o% the shirts : ha- p$rchase- ha- been o% a )ra1ish4 si'&er1
co'or; An- m1 ?acket4 too4 "as b'ack;
: ret$rne- to the car-s4 an- there "as +'ora in a )o"n )reen as the sea4 ?$st as :@- remembere-
her the pre&io$s e&enin)C an- then there "as a b'ack-haire- )ir' "ith the same b'$e e1es4 an- her
hair h$n) 'on) an- she "as -resse- a'' in b'ack4 "ith a )ir-'e o% si'&er abo$t her "aist; B1 e1es
%i''e- "ith tears4 "h1 : -on@t kno"; ,er name "as /eir-re; !hen there "as +iona4 "ith hair 'ike
B'e1s or Bran-4 m1 e1es4 an- a comp'e.ion 'ike mother o% pear'; : hate- her the secon- : t$rne-
o&er the car-; Ne.t "as 9'e"e''a4 "hose hair matche- her ?a-e-co'ore- e1es4 -resse- in
shimmerin) )ra1 an- )reen "ith a 'a&en-er be't4 an- 'ookin) moist an- sa-; +or some reason4 :
kne" she "as not 'ike the rest o% $s; B$t she4 too4 "as m1 sister;
: %e't a terrib'e sense o% -istance an- remo&a' %rom a'' these peop'e; Aet someho" the1 seeme-
ph1sica''1 c'ose;
!he car-s "ere so &er1 co'- on m1 %in)ertips that : p$t them -o"n a)ain4 tho$)h "ith a certain
sense o% re'$ctance at ha&in) to re'in<$ish their to$ch;
!here "ere no more4 tho$)h; A'' the rest "ere minor car-s; An- : kne"4 someho"4 that
someho"4 a)ainDah4 someho"IDthat se&era' "ere missin);
+or the 'i%e o% me4 ho"e&er4 : -i- not kno" "hat the missin) !r$mps represente-;
: "as stran)e'1 sa--ene- b1 this4 an- : picke- $p m1 ci)arette an- m$se-;
=h1 -i- a'' these thin)s r$sh back so easi'1 "hen : &ie"e- the car-sDr$sh back "itho$t
-ra))in) their conte.ts a'on) "ith them> : kne" more no" than :@- kno"n be%ore4 in the "a1 o%
names an- %aces; B$t that "as abo$t a'';
: co$'-n@t %i)$re the si)ni%icance o% the %act that "e "ere a'' -one $p in car-s this "a1; : ha- a
terrib'1 stron) -esire to o"n a pack o% them4 ho"e&er; :% : picke- $p +'ora@s; tho$)h4 : kne"
she@- spot in a h$rr1 that the1 "ere missin)4 an- :@- be in tro$b'e; !here%ore4 : p$t them back in
the 'itt'e -ra"er behin- the bi) -ra"er an- 'ocke- them in a)ain; !hen4 #o-4 ho" : racke- m1
brainsI B$t to 'itt'e a&ai';
*nti' : reca''e- a ma)ica' "or-;
: ha- been )reat'1 $pset b1 the "or- on the pre&io$s e&enin); : ha- been s$%%icient'1 $pset so
that : ha- a&oi-e- thinkin) o% it since then; B$t no" : co$rte- it; No" : ro''e- it aro$n- m1 min-
an- e.amine- a'' the associations that spran) $p "hen it str$ck;
!he "or- "as char)e- "ith a mi)ht1 'on)in) an- a massi&e nosta')ia; :t ha-4 "rappe- $p insi-e
it4 a sense o% %orsaken bea$t14 )ran- achie&ement; an- a %ee'in) o% po"er that "as terrib'e an-
a'most $'timate; (omeho"4 the "or- be'on)e- in m1 &ocab$'ar1; (omeho"4 : "as part o% it an-
it "as a part o% me; :t "as a p'ace name4 : kne" then; :t "as the name o% a p'ace : once ha-
kno"n; !here came no pict$res4 tho$)h4 on'1 emotions;
,o" 'on) : sat so4 : -o not kno"; !ime ha- someho" -i&orce- itse'% %rom m1 re&eries;
: rea'i6e- then4 %rom the center o% m1 tho$)hts4 that there ha- come a )ent'e rappin) $pon the
-oor; !hen the han-'e s'o"'1 t$rne- an- the mai-4 "hose name "as Carme''a4 entere- an- aske-
me i% : "as intereste- in '$nch;
:t seeme- 'ike a )oo- i-ea4 so : %o''o"e- her back to the kitchen an- ate ha'% a chicken an-
-rank a <$art o% mi'k;
: took a pot o% co%%ee back to the ''brar1 "ith me4 a&oi-in) the -o)s as : "ent; : "as into the
secon- c$p "hen the te'ephone ran);
: 'on)e- to pick it $p4 b$t : %i)$re- there m$st be e.tensions a'' o&er the ho$se an- Carme''a
"o$'- probab'1 )et it %rom some"here;
: "as "ron); :t kept rin)in);
+ina''14 : co$'-n@t resist it an1 'on)er;
F,e''o4G : sai-4 Fthis is the +'a$me' resi-ence;G
FBa1 : speak "ith Brs; +'a$me' p'ease>G
:t "as a man@s &oice4 rapi- an- s'i)ht'1 ner&o$s; ,e so$n-e- o$t o% breath an- his "or-s "ere
maske- an- s$rro$n-e- b1 the %aint rin)in) an- the )host &oices that in-icate 'on) -istance;
F:@m sorr1;G : to'- him; F(he@s not here ri)ht no"; Ba1 : take a messa)e or ha&e her ca'' 1o$
F=ho am : ta'kin) to>G he -eman-e-;
: hesitatc-4 then4 FCor"in@s the name4G : to'- him;
FB1 #o-IG he sai-4 an- a 'on) si'ence %o''o"e-;
: "as be)innin) to think he@- h$n) $p; : sai-4 F,e''o>G a)ain4 ?$st as he starte- ta'kin);
F:s she sti'' a'i&e>G he aske-;
FO% co$rse she@s sti'' a'i&e; =ho the he'' am : ta'kin) to>G
F/on@t 1o$ reco)ni6e the &oice4 Cor"in> !his is 0an-om; 9isten; :@m in Ca'i%ornia an- :@m in
tro$b'e; : "as ca''in) to ask +'ora %or sanct$ar1; Are 1o$ "ith her>G
F!emporari'14G : sai-;
F: see; =i'' 1o$ )i&e me 1o$r protection4 Cor"in>G Pa$se4 then4 FP'ease>G
FAs m$ch as : can4G : sai-4 Fb$t : can@t commit +'ora to an1thin) "itho$t cons$'tin) her;G
F=i'' 1o$ protect me a)ainst her>G
F!hen 1o$@re )oo- eno$)h %or me4 man; :@m )oin) to tr1 to make it to Ne" Aork no"; :@'' be
comin) b1 a rather circ$ito$s ro$te4 so : -on@t kno" ho" 'on) it "i'' take me; :% : can a&oi- the
"ron) sha-o"s4 '@'' he seein) 1o$ "hene&er; =ish me '$ck;G
F9$ck4G : sai-;
!hen there "as a c'ick an- : "as 'istenin) to a -istant rin)in) an- the &oices o% the )hosts;
(o cock1 'itt'e 0an-om "as in tro$b'eI : ha- a %ee'in) it sho$'-n@t ha&e bothere- me especia''1;
B$t no"4 he "as one o% the ke1s to m1 past4 an- <$ite possib'1 m1 %$t$re a'so; (o : "o$'- tr1 to
he'p him4 in an1 "a1 : co$'-4 $nti' :@- 'earne- a'' : "ante- %rom him; : kne" that there "asn@t
m$ch brother'1 'o&e 'ost bet"een the t"o o% $s; B$t : kne" that on the one han- he "as nobo-1@s
%oo'C he "as reso$rce%$'4 shre"-4 stran)e'1 sentimenta' o&er the -amne-est thin)sC an- on the
other han-4 his "or- "asn@t "orth the spit behin- it4 an- he@- probab'1 se'' m1 corpse to the
me-ica' schoo' o% his choice i% he co$'- )et m$ch %or it; : remembere- the 'itt'e %ink a'' ri)ht4
"ith on'1 a to$ch o% a%%ection4 perhaps %or a %e" p'easant times it seeme- "e ha- spent to)ether;
B$t tr$st him> Ne&er; : -eci-e- : "o$'-n@t te'' +'ora he "as comin) $nti' the 'ast possib'e
moment; ,e mi)ht be ma-e to ser&e as an ace4 or at 'east a kna&e4 in the ho'e;
(o : a--e- some hot co%%ee to "hat remaine- in m1 c$p an- sippe- it s'o"'1;
=ho "as he r$nnin) %rom>
Not 2ric4 certain'14 or he "o$'-n@t ha&e been ca''in) here; : "on-ere- then concernin) his
<$estion as to "hether +'ora "as -ea-4 ?$st beca$se : happene- to be present here; =as she rea''1
that stron)'1 a''ie- "ith the brother : kne" : hate- that it "as common kno"'e-)e in the %ami'1
that :@- -o her in4 too4 )i&en the chance> :t seeme- stran)e4 b$t then he@- aske- the <$estion;
An- "hat "as it in "hich the1 "ere a''ie-> =hat "as the so$rce o% this tension4 this opposition>
=h1 "as it that 0an-om "as r$nnin)>
!hat "as the ans"er;
Amber; (omeho"4 the ke1 to e&er1thin) 'a1 in Amber4 : kne"; !he secret o% the entire mess "as
in Amber4 in some e&ent that ha- transpire- in that p'ace4 an- %air'1 recent'14 :@- ?$-)e; :@- ha&e
to be on m1 toes; :@- ha&e to preten- to the kno"'e-)e : -i-n@t possess4 "hi'e piece b1 piece :
mine- it %rom those "ho ha- it; : %e't con%i-ent that : co$'- -o it; !here "as eno$)h -istr$st
circ$'atin) %or e&er1one to be ca)e1; :@- p'a1 on that; :@- )et "hat : nee-e- an- take "hat :
"ante-4 an- :@- remember those "ho he'pe- me an- step on the rest; +or this4 : kne"4 "as the
'a" b1 "hich o$r %ami'1 'i&e-4 an- : "as a tr$e son o% m1 %ather;;;;
B1 hea-ache came on a)ain s$--en'14 throbbin) to crack m1 sk$'';
(omethin) abo$t m1 %ather : tho$)ht4 )$esse-4 %e'tD"as "hat ha- ser&e- to set it o%%; B$t :
"asn@t s$re "h1 or ho";
A%ter a time4 it s$bsi-e- an- : s'ept4 there in the chair; A%ter a m$ch 'on)er time4 the -oor opene-
an- +'ora entere-; :t "as ni)ht o$tsi-e4 once more;
(he "as -resse- in a )reen si'k b'o$se an- a 'on) "oo'en skirt that "as )ra1; (he ha- on
"a'kin) shoes an- hea&1 stockin)s; ,er hair "as p$''e- back behin- her hea- an- she 'ooke-
s'i)hti1 pa'e; (he sti'' "ore her ho$n- "hist'e;
F#oo- e&enin)4G : sai-4 risin);
B$t she -i- not rep'1; :nstea-4 she "a'ke- across the room to the bar4 po$re- herse'% a shot o%
Eack /anie's4 an- tosse- it o%% 'ike a man; !hen she po$re- another an- took it "ith her to the bi)
: 'it a ci)arette an- han-e- it to her;
(he no--e-4 then sai-4 F!he 0oa- to AmberDis -i%%ic$'t;G
(he )a&e me a &er1 p$66'e- 'ook;
F=hen is the 'ast time 1o$ trie- it>G
: shr$))e-;
F: -on@t remember;G
FBe that "a1 then4G she sai-; F: ?$st "on-ere- ho" m$ch o% it "as 1o$r -oin);G
: -i-n@t rep'1 beca$se : -i-n@t kno" "hat she "as ta'kin) abo$t; B$t then : reca''e- that there
"as an easier "a1 than the 0oa- to )et to the p'ace ca''e- Amber; Ob&io$s'14 she 'acke- it;
FAo$@re missin) some !r$mps4G : sai- then s$--en'14 in a &oice "hich "as a'most mine;
(he spran) to her %eet4 ha'% her -rink spi''in) o&er the back o% her han-;
F#i&e them backIG she crie-4 reachin) %or the "hist'e;
: mo&e- %or"ar- an- sei6e- her sho$'-ers;
F: -on@t ha&e them4G : sai-; F: "as ?$st makin) an obser&ation;G
(he re'a.e- a bit4 then be)an to cr14 an- : p$she- her back -o"n4 )ent'14 into the chair;
F: tho$)ht 1o$ meant 1o$@- taken the ones : ha- 'e%t4G she sai-; F0ather than ?$st makin) a nast1
an- ob&io$s comment;G
: -i-n@t apo'o)i6e; :t -i-n@t seem ri)ht that : sho$'- ha&e to;
F,o" %ar -i- 1o$ )et>G
FNot %ar at a'';G !hen she 'a$)he- an- re)ar-e- me "ith a ne" 'i)ht in her e1es;
F: see "hat 1o$@&e -one no"4 Cor"in4G she sai-4 an- : 'it a ci)arette in or-er to co&er an1 sort o%
nee- %or a rep'1;
F(ome o% those thin)s "ere 1o$rs4 "eren@t the1> Ao$ b'ocke- m1 "a1 to Amber be%ore 1o$
came here4 -i-n@t 1o$> Ao$ kne" :@- )o to 2ric; B$t : can@t no"; :@'' ha&e to "ait ti'' he comes to
me; C'e&er; Ao$ "ant to -ra" him here4 -on@t 1o$> ,e@'' sen- a messen)er4 tho$)h; ,e "on@t
come himse'%;G
!here "as a stran)e tone o% a-miration in the &oice o% this "oman "ho "as a-mittin) she@- ?$st
trie- to se'' me o$t to m1 enem1; an- sti'' "o$'-D)i&en ha'% a chanceDas she ta'ke- abo$t
somethin) she tho$)ht :@- -one "hich ha- thro"n a monke1 "rench into her p'ans; ,o" co$'-
an1one be so a-mitte-'1 Bachia&e''ian in the presence o% a propose- &ictim> !he ans"er ran)
back imme-iate'1 %rom the -epths o% m1 min-; it is the "a1 o% o$r kin-; =e -on@t ha&e to be
s$bt'e "ith each other; !ho$)h : tho$)ht she 'acke- some"hat the %inesse o% a tr$e pro%essiona';
F/o 1o$ think :@m st$pi-4 +'ora>G : aske-; F/o 1o$ think : came here ?$st %or p$rposes o%
"aitin) aro$n- %or 1o$ to han- me o&er to 2rie> =hate&er 1o$ ran into4 it ser&e- &o$ ri)ht;G
FA'' ri)ht : -on@t p'a1 in 1o$r 'ea)$eI B$t 1o$@re in e.i'e4 tooI !hat sho"s 1o$ "eren@t so
(omeho" her "or-s b$rne- an- : kne" the1 "ere "ron);
F9ike he'' : amIG : sai-;
(he 'a$)he- a)ain;
F: kne" that "o$'- )et a rise o$t o% 1o$4G she sai-; FA'' ri)ht4 1o$ "a'k in the (ha-o"s on
p$rpose then; Ao$@re cra61;G
: shr$))e-;
(he sai-4 F=hat -o 1o$ "ant> =h1 -i- 1o$ rea''1 come here>G
F: "as c$rio$s "hat 1o$ "ere $p to4G : sai-; F!hat@s a''; Ao$ can@t keep me here i% : -on@t "ant to
sta1; 2&en 2ric co$'-n@t -o that; Ba1be : rea''1 -i- ?$st "ant to &isit "ith 1o$; Ba1be :@m )ettin)
sentimenta' in m1 o'- a)e; =hate&er4 :@m )oin) to sta1 a 'itt'e 'on)er no"4 an- then probab'1 )o
a"a1 %or )oo-; :% 1o$ ha-n@t been so <$ick to see "hat 1o$ co$'- )et %or me4 1o$ mi)ht ha&e
pro%ite- a 'ot more4 'a-1; Ao$ aske- me to remember 1o$ one -a14 i% a certain thin) occ$rre-;;;;G
:t took se&era' secon-s %or "hat : tho$)ht : "as imp'1in) to sink in;
!hen she sai-4 FAo$@re )oin) to tr1I Ao$@re rea''1 )oin) to tr1IG
FAo$@re )o--amn ri)ht :@m )oin) to tr14G : sai-4 kno"in) that : "o$'-4 "hate&er it "as4 Fan- 1o$
can te'' that to 2ric i% 1o$ "ant4 b$t remember that : mi)ht make it; Bear in min- that i% : -o4 it
mi)ht be nice to be m1 %rien-;G
: s$re "ishe- : kne" "hat the he'' : "as ta'kin) abo$t4 b$t :@- picke- $p eno$)h terms an- %e't
the importance attache- to them4 so that : co$'- $se them proper'1 "itho$t kno"in) "hat the1
meant; B$t the1 %e't ri)ht4 so &er1 ri)ht;;;;
($--en'14 she "as kissin) me;
F: "on@t te'' him; 0ea''14 : "on@t4 Cor"inI : think 1o$ can -o it; B'e1s "i'' be -i%%ic$'t4 b$t
#erar- "o$'- probab'1 he'p 1o$4 an- ma1be Bene-ict; !hen Caine "o$'- s"in) o&er4 "hen he
sa" "hat "as happenin)DG
F: can -o m1 o"n p'annin)4G : sai-;
!hen she -re" a"a1; (he po$re- t"o )'asses o% "ine an- han-e- one to me;
F!o the %$t$re4G she sai-;
F:@'' a'"a1s -rink to that;G
An- "e -i-;
!hen she re%i''e- mine an- st$-ie- me;
F:t ha- to be 2ric4 B'e1s4 or 1o$4G she sai-; FAo$@re the on'1 ones "ith an1 )$ts or brains; B$t
1o$@- remo&e- 1o$rse'% %rom the pict$re %or so 'on) that :@- co$nte- 1o$ o$t o% the r$nnin);G
F:t ?$st )oes to sho" 1o$ ne&er can te'';G
: sippe- m1 -rink an- hope- she@- sh$t $p %or ?$st a min$te; :t seeme- to me she "as bein) a bit
too ob&io$s in tr1in) to p'a1 on e&er1 si-e a&ai'ab'e; !here "as somethin) botherin) me4 an- :
"ante- to think abo$t it;
,o" o'- "as :>
!hat <$estion4 : kne"4 "as a part o% the ans"er to the terrib'e sense o% -istance an- remo&a' that
: %e't %rom a'' the persons -epicte- on the p'a1in) car-s; : "as o'-er than : appeare- to be;
J!hirt1ish4 :@- seeme- "hen : 'ooke- at me in the mirrorDb$t no" : kne" that it "as beca$se the
sha-o"s "o$'- 'ie %or me;K : "as %ar4 %ar o'-er4 an- it ha- been a &er1 'on) time since : ha- seen
m1 brothers an- m1 sisters4 a'' to)ether an- %rien-'14 e.istin) si-e b1 si-e as the1 -i- on the
car-s4 "ith no tension4 no %riction amon) them;
=e hear- the so$n- o% the be''4 an- Carme''a mo&in) to ans"er the -oor;
F!hat "o$'- be brother 0an-om4G : sai-4 kno"in) : "as ri)ht; F,e@s $n-er m1 protection;G
,er e1es "i-ene-4 then she smi'e-4 as tho$)h she appreciate- some c'e&er thin) : ha- -one;
: ha-n@t4 o% co$rse; b$t : "as )'a- to 'et her think so;
:t ma-e me %ee' sa%er;
: %e't sa%e %or perhaps a'' o% three min$tes; : beat Carme''a to the -oor an- %'$n) :t open;
,e sta))ere- in an- imme-iate'1 p$she- the -oor sh$t behin- himse'% an- shot the bo't; !here
"ere 'ines $n-er those 'i)ht e1es an- he "asn@t "earin) a bri)ht -o$b'et an- 'on) hose; ,e
nee-e- a sha&e an- he ha- on a bro"n "oo' s$it; ,e carrie- a )abar-ine o&ercoat o&er one arm
an- "ore -ark s$e-e shoes; B$t he "as 0an-om4 a'' ri)htDthe 0an-om : ha- seen on the car-D
on'1 the 'a$)hin) mo$th 'ooke- tire- an- there "as -irt beneath his %in)ernai's;
FCor"inIG he sai-4 an- embrace- me;
: s<$ee6e- his sho$-er; FAo$ 'ook as i% 1o$ co$'- $se a -rink4G : sai-;
FAes; Aes; Aes;;;;G he a)ree-4 an- : steere- him to"ar- the 'ibrar1;
Aho$t three min$tes 'ater; a%ter he ha- seate- himse'%4 "ith a -rink in one han- an- a ci)arette in
the other4 he sai- to me4 F!he1@re a%ter me; !he1@'' be here soon;G
+'ora 'et o$t a 'itt'e shriek4 "hich "e both i)nore-;
F=ho>G : aske-;
FPeop'e o$t o% the sha-o"s4G he sai-; F: -on@t kno" "ho the1 are4 or "ho sent them; !here are
%o$r or %i&e tho$)h4 ma1be e&en si.; !he1 "ere on the p'ane "ith me; : took a ?et; !he1 occ$rre-
aro$n- /en&er; : mo&e- the p'ane se&era' times to s$btract them; b$t it -i-n@t "orkDan- : -i-n@t
"ant to )et too %ar o%% the track; : shook them in Banhattan4 b$t it@s on'1 a matter o% time; : think
the1@'' be here soon;G
FAn- 1o$@&e no i-ea at a'' "ho sent them>G
,e sta''e- %or an instant;
F=e''4 : )$ess "e@- he sa%e in 'imitin) it to the %ami'1; Ba1be B'e1s4 ma1be E$'ian4 ma1be
Caine; Ba1be e&en 1o$4 to )et me here; ,ope not4 tho$)h; Ao$ -i-n@t4 -i- 1o$>G
F@+rai- not4G : sai-; F,o" to$)h -o the1 'ook>G
,e shr$))e-; F:% it "ere on'1 t"o or three4 :@- ha&e trie- to p$'' an amb$sh; B$t not "ith that
"ho'e cro"-;G
,e "as a 'itt'e )$14 ma1be %i&e-si. in hei)ht4 "ei)hin) perhaps one thirt1-%i&e; B$t he so$n-e-
as i% he meant it "hen he sai- he@- take on t"o or three br$isers4 sin)'e-han-e-; : "on-ere-
s$--en'1 abo$t m1 o"n ph1sica' stren)th4 bein) his brother; : %e't com%ortab'1 stron); : kne" :@-
be "i''in) to take on an1 one man in a %air %i)ht "itho$t an1 specia' %ears; ,o" stron) "as :>
($--en'14 : kne" : "o$'- ha&e a chance to %in- o$t;
!here came a knockin) at the %ront -oor;
F=hat sha'' "e -o>G aske- +'ora;
0an-om 'a$)he-4 $n-i- his neckite4 tosse- it atop his coat on the -esk; ,e strippe- o%% his s$it
?acket then an- 'ooke- abo$t the room; ,is e1es %e'' $pon the saber an- he "as across the room
in an instant an- ha- it in his han-; : %e't the "ei)ht o% the ;32 "ithin m1 ?acket pocket an-
th$mbe- o%% the sa%et1 catch;
F/o>G 0an-om aske-; F!here e.ists a probabi'it1 that the1 "i'' )ain entrance4G he sai-;
F!here%ore4 the1 "i'' enter; =hen is the 'ast time 1o$ stoo- to batt'e4 sister>G
F:t has been too 'on)4G she rep'ie-;
F!hen 1o$ ha- better start rememberin) %ast4G he to'- her4 Fbeca$se it is on'1 a matter o% sma''
time; !he1 are )$i-e-4 : can te'' 1o$; B$t there are three o% $s an- at most on'1 t"ice as man1 o%
them; =h1 "orr1>G
F=e -on@t kno" "hat the1 are4G she sai-;
!he knockin) came a)ain;
F=hat -oes it matter>G
FNothin)4G : sai-; F(ha'' : )o an- 'et them in>G !he1 both b'anche- s'i)ht'1;
F=e mi)ht as "e'' "ait;G
F: mi)ht ca'' the cops;G : sai-;
!he1 both 'a$)he-4 a'most h1sterica''1; FOr 2ric4G : sai-4 s$--en'1 'ookin) at her; B$t she shook
her hea-;
F=e ?$st -on@t ha&e the time; =e ha&e the !r$mp4 b$t b1 the time he co$'- respon-Di% he chose
toDit "o$'- be too 'ate;G
FAn- this mi)ht e&en be his -oin)4 eh>G sai- 0an-om;
F: -o$bt it4G she rep'ie-4 F&er1 m$ch; :t@s not his st1'e;G
F!r$e4G : rep'ie-4 ?$st %or the he'' o% it4 an- to 'et them kno" : "as "ith thin)s;
!he so$n- o% knockin) came once a)ain4 an- m$ch more 'o$-'1;
F=hat abo$t Carme''a>G : aske-4 $pon a s$--en tho$)ht;
+'ora shook her hea-;
F: ha&e -eci-e- that it is improbab'e that she "i'' ans"er the -oor;G
FB$t 1o$ -on@t kno" "hat 1o$@re $p a)ainst4G 0an-om crie-4 an- he "as s$--en'1 )one %rom
the room;
: %o''o"e- him4 a'on) the ha''"a1 an- into the %o1er4 in time to stop Carme''a %rom openin) the
=e sent her back to her o"n <$arters "ith instr$ctions to 'ock herse'% in4 an- 0an-om obser&e-4
F!hat sho"s the stren)th o% the opposition; =here are "e4 Cor"in>G
: shr$))e-;
F:% : kne"4 :@- te'' 1o$; +or the moment at 'east4 "e@re in this to)ether; (tep backIG
An- : opene- the -oor;
!he %irst man trie- to p$sh me asi-e4 an- : sti%%-arme- him back;
!here "ere si.4 : co$'- see that;
F=hat -o 1o$ "ant>G : aske- them;
B$t ne&er a "or- "as spoken4 an- : sa" )$ns;
: kicke- o$t an- s'amme- the -oor a)ain an- shot the bo't;
FOka14 the1@re rea''1 there4G : sai-; FB$t ho" -o : kno" 1o$@re not p$''in) somethin)>G
FAo$ -on@t4G he sai-4 Fb$t : rea''1 "ish : "ere; !he1 'ook "i'-;G
: ha- to a)ree; !he )$1s on the porch "ere hea&i'1 b$i't an- ha- hats p$''e- -o"n to co&er their
e1es; !heir %aces ha- a'' been co&ere- "ith sha-o"s;
F: "ish : kne" "here "e are4G sai- 0an-om;
: %e't a hack'e-raisin) &ibration4 in the &icinit1 o% m1 ear-r$ms; : kne"4 in that moment4 that
+'ora ha- b'o"n her "hist'e;
=hen : hear- a "in-o" break4 some"here o%% to m1 ri)ht4 : "as not s$rprise- to hear a )ro"'e-
r$mb'in) an- some ba1in); some"here o%% to m1 'e%t;
F(he@s ca''e- her -o)s4G : sai-4 Fsi. mean an- &icio$s br$tes4 "hich co$'- $n-er other
circ$mstances be a%ter $s;G
0an-om no--e-4 an- "e both hea-e- o%% in the -irection o% the shatterin);
=hen "e reache- the 'i&in) room4 t"o men "ere a'rea-1 insi-e an- both ha- )$ns;
: -roppe- the %irst an- hit the %'oor4 %irin) at the secon-; 0an-om 'eape- abo&e me4 bran-ishin)
his b'a-e4 an- : sa" the secon- man@s hea- -epart his sho$'-ers;
B1 then4 t"o more "ere thro$)h the "in-o"; : emptie- the a$tomatic at them4 an- : hear- the
snar'in) o% +'ora@s ho$n-s mi.e- "ith )$n%ire that "as not m1 o"n;
: sa" three o% the men $pon the %'oor an- the same n$mber o% +'ora@s -o)s; :t ma-e me %ee'
)oo- to think "e ha- )otten ha'% them4 an- as the rest came thro$)h the "in-o" : ki''e- another
in a manner "hich s$rprise- me;
($--en'14 an- "itho$t thinkin)4 : picke- $p a h$)e o&erst$%%e- chair an- h$r'e- it perhaps thirt1
%eet across the room; :t broke the back o% the man it str$ck;
: 'eape- to"ar- the remainin) t"o4 b$t be%ore : crosse-- the room4 0an-om ha- pierce- one o%
them "ith the saber4 'ea&in) him %or the -o)s to %inish o%%4 an- "as t$rnin) to"ar- the other;
!he other "as p$''e- -o"n be%ore he co$'- act4 ho"e&er; ,e ki''e- another o% the -o)s be%ore
"e co$'- stop him4 b$t he ne&er ki''e- an1thin) a)ain a%ter that; 0an-om stran)'e- him;
:t t$rne- o$t that t"o o% the -o)s "ere -ea- an- one "as ba-'1 h$rt; 0an-om ki''e- the in?$re-
one "ith a <$ick thr$st4 an- "e t$rne- o$r attention to the men;
!here "as somethin) $n$s$a' abo$t their appearance; +'ora entere- an- he'pe- $s to -eci-e
+or one thin)4 a'' si. ha- $ni%orm'1 b'oo-shot e1es; 7er14 &er1 b'oo-shot e1es; =ith them4
tho$)h4 the con-ition seeme- norma';
+or another4 a'' ha- an e.tra ?oint to each %in)er an- th$mb4 an- sharp4 %or"ar--c$r&in) sp$rs on
the backs o% their han-s;
A'' o% them ha- prominent ?a"s4 an- "hen : %orce- one open4 : co$nte- %ort1-%o$r teeth4 most o%
them 'on)er than h$man teeth4 an- se&era' 'ookin) to be m$ch sharper; !heir %'esh "as )ra1ish
an- har- an- shin1;
!here "ere $n-o$bte-'1 other -i%%erences a'so4 b$t those "ere s$%%icient to pro&e a point o%
some sort;
=e took their "eapons4 an- : h$n) onto three sma''4 %'at pisto's;
F!he1 cra"'e- O$t o% the (ha-o"s4 a'' ri)ht4G sai- 0an-om4 an- : no--e-; FAn- : "as '$ck14
too; :t -oesn@t seem the1 s$specte- :@- t$rn $p "ith the rein%orcements : -i-Da mi'itant brother
an- aro$n- ha'% a ton o% -o)s;G
,e "ent an- peere- o$t the broken "in-o"4 an- : -eci-e- to 'et him -o it himse'%; FNothin)4G
he sai-4 a%ter a time; F:@m s$re "e )ot them a''4G an- he -re" the hea&1 oran)e -rapes c'ose- an-
p$she- a 'ot o% hi)h-backe- %$rnit$re in %ront o% them; =hi'e he "as -oin) that4 : "ent thro$)h
a'' their pockets;
: "asn@t rea''1 s$rprise- that : t$rne- $p nothin) in the "a1 o% i-enti%ication;
F9et@s )o back to the 'ibrar14G he sai-4 Fso : can %inish m1 -rink;G
,e c'eane- o%% the b'a-e4 care%$''14 be%ore he seate- himse'%4 ho"e&er4 an- he rep'ace- it on the
pe)s; : %etche- +'ora a -rink "hi'e he -i- this;
F(o it "o$'- seem :@m temporari'1 sa%e4G he sai-4 Fno" that there are three o% $s sharin) the
F(o it "o$'- seem4G +'ora a)ree-;
F#o-4 : ha&en@t eaten since 1ester-a1IG he anno$nce-; (o +'ora "ent to te'' Carme''a it "as sa%e
to come o$t no"4 so 'on) as she sta1e- c'ear o% the 'i&in) room4 an- to brin) a 'ot o% %oo- to the
As soon as she 'e%t the room4 0an-om t$rne- to me an- aske-4 F9ike4 "hat@s it bet"een 1o$>G
F/on@t t$rn 1o$r back on her;G
F(he@s sti'' 2ric@s>G
F(o %ar as : can te'';G
F!hen "hat are 1o$ -oin) here>G
F: "as tr1in) to s$cker 2ric into comin) aro$n- a%ter me himse'%; ,e kno"s it@s the on'1 "a1
he@'' rea''1 )et me4 an- : "ante- to see ho" ba-'1 he "ante- to;G
0an-om shook his hea-;
F: -on@t think he@'' -o it; No percenta)e; (o 'on) as 1o$@re here an- he@s there4 "h1 bother
stickin) his neck o$t> ,e@s sti'' )ot the stron)er position; :% 1o$ "ant him4 1o$@'' ha&e to )o a%ter
F:@&e ?$st abo$t come to the same conc'$sion;G
,is e1es )'eame- then4 an- his o'- smi'e appeare-; ,e ran one han- thro$)h his stra"-co'ore-
hair an- "o$'-n@t 'et )o o% m1 e1es;
FAre 1o$ )oin) to -o it>G he aske-;
FBa1be4G : sai-;
F/on@t @ma1be@ me4 bab1; :t@s "ritten a'' o&er 1o$; :@- a'most be "i''in) to )o a'on)4 1o$ kno";
O% a'' m1 re'ations4 : 'ike se. the best an- 2ric the 'east;G
: 'it a ci)arette4 "hi'e : consi-ere-;
FAo$@re thinkin)4G he sai- "hi'e : tho$)ht4 F@,o" %ar can : tr$st 0an-om this time> ,e is sneak1
an- mean an- ?$st 'ike his name4 an- he "i'' -o$bt'ess se'' me o$t :% someone o%%ers him a better
-ea';@ !r$e>G
: no--e-;
F,o"e&er4 brother Cor"in4 remember that "hi'e :@&e ne&er -one 1o$ m$ch )oo-4 :@&e ne&er
-one 1o$ an1 especia' harm either; Oh4 a %e" pranks4 :@'' a-mit; B$t4 a'' in a''4 1o$ mi)ht sa1
"e@&e )otten a'on) best o% a'' in the %ami'1Dthat is4 "e@&e sta1e- o$t o% each other@s "a1s; !hink
it o&er; : be'ie&e : hear +'ora or her "oman comin) no"4 so 'et@s chan)e the s$b?ect;;;; B$t <$ick :
-on@t s$ppose 1o$ ha&e a -eck o% the %ami'1@s %a&orite p'a1in) car-s aro$n-4 -o 1o$>G
: shook m1 hea-;
+'ora entere- the room an- sai-4 FCarme''a "i'' brin) in some %oo- short'1;G
=e -rank to that4 an- he "inke- at me behin- her back;
!he %o''o"in) mornin)4 the bo-ies "ere )one %rom the 'i&in) room4 there "ere no stains $pon
the carpet4 the "in-o" appeare- to ha&e been repaire-4 an- 0an-om e.p'aine- that he ha-
Ftaken care o% thin)s;G : -i- not see %it to <$estion him %$rther;
=e borro"e- +'ora@s Berce-es an- "ent %or a -ri&e; !he co$ntr1si-e seeme- stran)e'1 a'tere-; :
co$'-n@t <$ite p$t m1 %in)er on "hat it "as that "as missin) or ne"4 b$t someho" thin)s %e't
-i%%erent; !his4 too4 )a&e me a hea-ache "hen : attempte- to consi-er it4 so : -eci-e- to s$spen-
s$ch thinkin) %or the nonce;
: "as at the "hee'4 0an-om at m1 si-e; : obser&e- that : "o$'- 'ike to be back in Amber a)ain
D?$st to see "hat sort o% response it "o$'- obtain;
F: ha&e been "on-erin)4G he rep'ie-4 F"hether 1o$ "ere o$t %or &en)eance4 p$re an- simp'e4 or
somethin) more4G thereb1 shi%tin) the ba'' back to me4 to ans"er or not to ans"er4 as : sa" %it;
: sa" %it; : $se- the stock phrase8
F:@&e been thinkin) abo$t that4 too4G : sai-4 Ftr1in) to %i)$re m1 chances; Ao$ kno"4 : ?$st mi)ht
,e t$rne- to"ar- me then Jhe ha- been starin) o$t o% the si-e "in-o"K an- sai-8
F: s$ppose "e@&e a'' ha- that ambition4 or at 'east that tho$)htD: kno" : ha&e4 tho$)h :
-ismisse- me ear'1 in the )ameDan- the "a1 : %ee' abo$t it4 it@s "orth the attempt; Ao$@re askin)
me4 : kno"4 "hether :@'' he'p 1o$; !he ans"er is @1es;@ :@'' -o it ?$st to scre" $p the others;G !hen4
F=hat -o 1o$ think o% +'ora> =o$'- she be o% an1 he'p>G
F: -o$bt it &er1 m$ch4G : sai-; F(he@- thro" in i% thin)s "ere certain; B$t4 then4 "hat@s certain at
this point>G
FOr an14G he a--e-;
FOr an14G : repeate-4 so he@- think : kne" "hat sort o% response : "o$'- obtain;
: "as a%rai- to con%i-e in him as to the con-ition o% m1 memor1; : "as a'so a%rai- to te'' him4 so
: -i-n@t; !here "ere so &er1 man1 thin)s : "ante- to kno"4 b$t : ha- no one to t$rn to; : tho$)ht
abo$t it a bit as "e -ro&e a'on);
F=e''4 "hen -o 1o$ "ant to start>G : aske-;
F=hene&er 1o$@re rea-1;G
An- there it "as4 ri)ht in m1 'ap4 an- : -i-n@t kno" "hat to -o "ith it;
F=hat abo$t no">G : sai-;
,e "as si'ent; ,e 'it a ci)arette4 : think to b$1 time;
: -i- the same;
FOka14G he %ina''1 sai-; F=hen@s the 'ast time 1o$@&e been back>G
F:t@s been so -amn 'on)4G : to'- him4 Fthat :@m not e&en s$re : remember the "a1;G
FA'' ri)ht4G he sai-4 Fthen "e@re )oin) to ha&e to )o a"a1 be%ore "e can come back; ,o" m$ch
)as ha&e 1o$ )ot>G
F!hree-<$arters o% a tank;G
F!hen t$rn 'e%t at the ne.t corner4 an- "e@'' see "hat happens;G
: -i- this thin)4 an- as "e -ro&e a'on) a'' the si-e"a'ks be)an to spark'e;
F/amnIG he sai-; F:t@s been aro$n- t"ent1 1ears since :@&e taken the "a'k; :@m rememberin) the
ri)ht thin)s too soon;G
=e kept -ri&in)4 an- : kept "on-erin) "hat the he'' "as happenin); !he sk1 ha- )ro"n a bit
)reenish4 then sha-e- o&er into pink;
: bit m1 'ip a)ainst the askin) o% <$estions;
=e passe- beneath a bri-)e an- "hen "e emer)e- on the other si-e the sk1 "as a norma' co'or
a)ain4 b$t there "ere "in-mi''s a'' o&er the p'ace4 bi) 1e''o" ones;
F/on@t "orr14G he sai- <$ick'14 Fit co$'- be "orse;G : notice- that the peop'e "e passe- "ere
-resse- rather stran)e'14 an- the roa-"a1 "as o% brick;
F!$rn ri)ht;G
: -i-;
P$rp'e c'o$-s co&ere- o&er the s$n4 an- it be)an to rain; 9i)htnin) sta'ke- the hea&ens an- the
skies )r$mb'e- abo&e $s; : ha- the "in-shie'- "ipers )oin) %$'' spee-4 b$t the1 "eren@t -oin) a
"ho'e 'ot o% )oo-; : t$rne- on the hea-'i)hts an- s'o"e- e&en more;
: "o$'- ha&e s"orn :@- passe- a horseman4 racin) in the other -irection4 -resse- a'' in )ra14
co''ar t$rne- hi)h an- hea- 'o"ere- a)ainst the rain;
!hen the c'o$-s broke themse'&es apart an- "e "ere ri-in) a'on) a seashore; !he "a&es
sp'ashe- hi)h an- enormo$s )$''s s"ept 'o" abo&e them; !he rain ha- stoppe- an- : ki''e- the
'i)hts an- the "ipers; No" the roa- "as o% maca-am4 b$t : -i-n@t reco)ni6e the p'ace at a''; :n
the rear-&ie" mirror there "as no si)n o% the to"n "e ha- ?$st -eparte-; B1 )rip ti)htene- $pon
the "hee' as "e passe- b1 a s$--en )a''o"s "here a ske'eton "as s$spen-e- b1 the neck4
p$she- %rom si-e to si-e b1 the "in-;
0an-om ?$st kept smokin) an- starin) o$t o% the "in-o" as o$r roa- t$rne- a"a1 %rom the
shore an- c$r&e- ro$n- a hi''; A )rass1 tree'ess p'ain s"ept a"a1 to o$r ri)ht an- a ro" o% hi''s
c'imbe- hi)her on o$r 'e%t; !he sk1 b1 no" "as a -ark b$t bri''iant b'$e4 'ike a -eep4 c'ear poo'4
she'tere- an- sha-e-; : -i- not reca'' ha&in) e&er seen a sk1 'ike that be%ore;
0an-om opene- his "in-o" to thro" a"a1 the b$tt4 an- an ic1 bree6e came in an- s"ir'e-
aro$n- insi-e the car $nti' he c'ose- the "in-o" a)ain; !he bree6e ha- a sea scent to it4 sa't1 an-
FA'' roa-s 'ea- to Amber4G he sai-4 as tho$)h it "ere an a.iom;
!hen : reca''e- "hat +'ora ha- sai- the -a1 be%ore; : -i-n@t "ant to so$n- 'ike a -$nce or a
"ithho'-er o% cr$cia' in%ormation4 b$t : ha- to te'' him4 %or m1 sake as "e'' as his o"n4 "hen :
rea'i6e- "hat her statements imp'ie-;
FAo$ kno"4G : be)an4 F"hen 1o$ ca''e- the other -a1 an- : ans"ere- the phone beca$se +'ora
"as o$t4 :@&e a stron) %ee'in) she "as tr1in) to make it to Amber4 an- that she %o$n- the "a1
At this4 he 'a$)he-;
F!he "oman has &er1 'itt'e ima)ination4G he rep'ie-; FO% co$rse it "o$'- be b'ocke- at a time
'ike this; *'timate'14 "e@'' be re-$ce- to "a'kin)4 :@m s$re4 an- it "i'' -o$bt'ess take a'' o% o$r
stren)th an- in)en$it1 to make it4 i% "e make it at a''; /i- she think she co$'- "a'k back 'ike a
princess in state4 trea-in) on %'o"ers the "ho'e "a1> (he@s a -$mb bitch; (he -oesn@t rea''1
-eser&e to 'i&e4 b$t that@s not %or me to sa14 1et;G
F!$rn ri)ht at the crossroa-s4G he -eci-e-;
=hat "as happenin)> : kne" he "as in some "a1 responsib'e %or the e.otic chan)es )oin) on
abo$t $s4 b$t : co$'-n@t -etermine ho" he "as -oin) it4 "here he "as )ettin) $s to; : kne" : ha-
to 'earn his secret4 b$t : co$'-n@t ?$st ask him or he@- kno" : -i-n@t kno"; !hen :@- be at his
merc1; ,e seeme- to -o nothin) b$t smoke an- stare4 b$t comin) $p o$t o% a -ip in the roa- "e
entere- a b'$e -esert an- the s$n "as no" pink abo&e o$r hea-s "ithin the shimmerin) sk1; :n
the rear-&ie" mirror4 mi'es an- mi'es o% -esert stretche- o$t behin- $s4 %or as %ar as : co$'- see;
Neat trick4 that;
!hen the en)ine co$)he-4 sp$ttere-4 stea-ie- itse'%4 repeate- the per%ormance;
!he steerin) "hee' chan)e- shape beneath m1 han-s;
:t became a crescentC an- the seat seeme- %$rther back4 the car seeme- c'oser to the roa-4 an-
the "in-shie'- ha- more o% a s'ant to it;
: sai- nothin)4 tho$)h4 not e&en "hen the 'a&en-er san-storm str$ck $s;
B$t "hen it c'eare- a"a14 : )aspe-;
!here "as a )o-a"%$' 'ine o% cars a'' ?amme- $p4 abo$t ha'% a mi'e be%ore $s; !he1 "ere a''
stan-in) sti'' an- : co$'- hear their horns;
F('o" -o"n4G he sai-; F:t@s the %irst obstac'e;G
: -i-; an- another )rist o% san- s"ept o&er $s;
Be%ore : co$'- s"itch on the 'i)hts4 it "as )one4 an- : b'inke- m1 e1es se&era' times;
A'' the cars "ere )one an- si'ent their horns; B$t the roa-"a1 spark'e- no" as the si-e"a'ks
ha- %or a time4 an- : hear- 0an-om -amnin) someone or somethin) $n-er his breath;
F:@m s$re : shi%te- ?$st the "a1 he "ante- $s to4 "hoe&er set $p that b'ock4G he sai-; Fan- it
pisses me o%% that : -i- "hat he e.pecte-Dthe ob&io$s;G
F2ric>G : aske-;
FProbab'1; =hat -o 1o$ think "e sho$'- -o> (top an- tr1 it the har- "a1 %or a "hi'e4 or )o on
an- see i% there are more b'ocks>G
F9et@s )o on a bit; A%ter a''4 that "as on'1 the %irst4G
FOka1;G he sai-4 b$t a--e-4 F"ho kno"s "hat the secon- "i'' be>G
!he secon- "as a thin)D: -on@t kno" ho" e'se to -escribe it;
:t "as a thin) that 'ooke- 'ike a sme'ter "ith arms4 s<$attin) in the mi--'e o% the roa-4 reachin)
-o"n an- pickin) $p cars4 eatin) them;
: hit the brakes;
F=hat@s the matter>G 0an-om aske-; F3eep )oin); ,o" e'se can "e )et past them>G
F:t shook me a bit4G : sai-4 an- he )a&e me a stran)e4 si-e'on) 'ook as another -$st storm came
:t ha- been the "ron) thin) to sa14 : kne";
=hen the -$st c'eare- a"a14 "e "ere racin) a'on) an empt1 roa- once more; An- there "ere
to"ers in the -istance;
F: think :@&e scre"e- him $p;G sai- 0an-om; F: combine- se&era' into one4 an- : think it ma1 be
one he hasn@t anticipate-; A%ter a''4 no one can co&er a'' roa-s to Amber;G
F!r$e4G : sai-4 hopin) to re-eem m1se'% %rom "hate&er %a$. pas ha- -ra"n that stran)e 'ook;
: consi-ere- 0an-om; A 'itt'e4 "eak 'ookin) )$1 "ho co$'- ha&e -ie- as easi'1 as : on the
pre&io$s e&enin);
=hat "as his po"er> An- "hat "as a'' this ta'k o% (ha-o"s> (omethin) to'- me that "hate&er
(ha-o"s "ere4 "e mo&e- amon) them e&en no"; ,o"> :t "as somethin) 0an-om "as -oin)4
an- since he seeme- at rest ph1sica''14 his han-s in p'ain si)ht4 : -eci-e- it "as somethin) he -i-
"ith his min-; A)ain4 ho">
=e''4 :@- hear- him speak o% Fa--in)G an- Fs$btractin)4G as tho$)h the $ni&erse in "hich he
mo&e- "ere a bi) e<$ation;
: -eci-e-D"ith a s$--en certaint1Dthat he "as someho" a--in) an- s$btractin) items to an-
%rom the "or'- that "as &isib'e abo$t $s to brin) $s into c'oser an- c'oser a'i)nment "ith that
stran)e p'ace4 Amber4 %or "hich he "as so'&in);
:t "as somethin) :@- once kno"n ho" to -o; An- the ke1 to it4 : kne" in a %'ash4 "as
rememberin) Amber; B$t : co$'-n@t;
!he roa- c$r&e- abr$pt'14 the -esert en-e-4 to )i&e "a1 to %ie'-s o% ta''4 b'$e4 sharp-'ookin)
)rass; A%ter a "hi'e4 the terrain became a bit hi''14 an- at the %oot o% the thir- hi'' the pa&ement
en-e- an- "e entere- $pon a narro" -irt roa-; :t "as har--packe-4 an- it "o$n- its "a1 amon)
)reater hi''s $pon "hich sma'' shr$bs an- ba1onet 'ike thist'e b$shes no" be)an to appear;
A%ter abo$t ha'% an ho$r o% this4 the hi''s "ent a"a14 an- "e entere- a %orest o% s<$at4 bi)-bo'e-
trees "ith -iamon--shape- 'ea&es o% a$t$mn oran)e an- p$rp'e;
A 'i)ht rain be)an to %a''4 an- there "ere man1 sha-o"s; Pa'e mists arose %rom mats o% so))1
'ea&es; O%% to the ri)ht some"here4 : hear- a ho"';
!he steerin) "hee' chan)e- shape three more times4 its 'atest &ersion bein) an octa)ona'
"oo-en a%%air; !he car "as <$ite ta'' no"4 an- "e ha- some"here ac<$ire- a hoo- ornament in
the shape o% a %'amin)o; : re%raine- %rom commentin) on these thin)s4 b$t accommo-ate- m1se'%
to "hate&er positions the seat ass$me- an- ne" operatin) re<$irements the &ehic'e obtaine-;
0an-om4 ho"e&er4 )'ance- at the steerin) "hee' ?$st as another ho"' occ$rre-4 shook his hea-4
an- s$--en'1 the trees "ere m$ch hi)her4 tho$)h %estoone- "ith han)in) &ines an- somethin)
'ike a b'$e &ei'in) o% (panish Boss4 an- the car "as a'most norma' a)ain; : )'ance- at the %$e'
)a$)e an- sa" that "e ha- ha'% a tank;
F=e@re makin) hea-"a14G m1 brother remarke-4 an- : no--e-;
!he roa- "i-ene- abr$pt'1 an- ac<$ire- a concrete s$r%ace; !here "ere cana's on both si-es4
%$'' o% m$--1 "ater; 9ea&es4 sma'' branches4 an- co'ore- %eathers )'i-e- a'on) their s$r%aces;
: s$--en'1 became 'i)hthea-e- an- a bit -i6614 b$t FBreathe s'o"'1 an- -eep'14G sai- 0an-om4
be%ore : co$'- remark on it; F=e@re takin) a short c$t4 an- the atmosphere an- the )ra&itation "i''
be a bit -i%%erent %or a time; : think "e@&e been prett1 '$ck1 so %ar4 an- : "ant to p$sh it %or a'' it@s
"orthD)et as c'ose as "e can4 as <$ick'1 as "e can;G
F#oo- i-ea4G : sai-;
FBa1be4 ma1be not4G he rep'ie-4 Fb$t : think it@s "orth the )ainD9ook o$tIG
=e "ere c'imbin) a hi'' an- a tr$ck toppe- it an- came barre'in) -o"n to"ar- $s; :t "as on the
"ron) si-e o% the roa-; : s"er&e- to a&oi- it4 b$t it s"er&e-4 too; At the &er1 'ast instant4 : ha- to
)o o%% the roa-4 onto the so%t sho$'-er to m1 'e%t4 an- hea- c'ose to the e-)e o% the cana' in or-er
to a&oi- a co''ision;
!o m1 ri)ht4 the tr$ck screeche- to a ha't; : trie- to p$'' o%% the sho$'-er an- back onto the roa-4
b$t "e "ere st$ck in the so%t soi';
!hen : hear- a -oor s'am4 an- sa" that the -ri&er ha- c'imbe- -o"n %rom the ri)ht si-e o% the
cab4 "hich meant that he probab'1 "as -ri&in) on the proper si-e o% the roa- a%ter a''4 an- "e
"ere in the "ron); : "as s$re that no"here in the (tates -i- tra%%ic %'o" in a British manner4 b$t :
"as certain b1 this time that "e ha- 'on) a)o 'e%t the 2arth that : kne";
!he tr$ck "as a tanker; :t sai- 5*NOCO on the si-e in bi)4 b'oo--re- 'etters4 an- beneath this
"as the motto F=ee co&ir the "er'-;G !he -ri&er co&ere- me "ith ab$se4 as : steppe- o$t4
ro$n-e- the car4 an- be)an apo'o)i6in); ,e "as as bi) as : "as4 an- b$i't 'ike a beer barre'4 an-
he carrie- a ?ack han-'e in one han-;
F9ook4 : sai- :@m sorr14G : to'- him; F=hat -o 1o$ "ant me to -o> Nobo-1 )ot h$rt an- there
"as no -ama)e;G
F!he1 sho$'-n@t t$rn )o--amn -ri&ers 'ike 1o$ 'oose on -ie roa-IG he 1e''e-; FAo$@re a %ri))in@
0an-om )ot o$t o% the car then an- sai-4 FBister4 1o$@- better mo&e a'on)IG an- he ha- a )$n in
his han-;
FP$t that a"a14G : to'- him4 b$t he %'ippe- the sa%et1 catch o%% an- pointe-;
!he )$1 t$rne- aro$n- an- starte- to r$n4 a 'ook o% %ear "i-enin) his e1es an- 'oosenin) his ?a";
0an-om raise- the pisto' an- took care%$' aim at the man@s back4 an- : mana)e- to knock his
arm to the si-e ?$st as he p$''e- the tri))er;
:t score- the pa&ement an- ricochete- a"a1;
0an-om t$rne- to"ar- me an- his %ace "as a'most "hite;
FAo$ b'oo-1 %oo'IG he sai-; F!hat shot co$'- ha&e hit the tankIG
F:t co$'- a'so ha&e hit the )$1 1o$ "ere aimin) at;G
F(o "ho the he'' cares> =e@'' ne&er pass this "a1 a)ain4 in this )eneration; !hat bastar- -are- to
ins$'t a Prince o% AmberI :t "as 1o$r honor : "as thinkin) abo$t;G
F: can take care o% m1 o"n honor4G : to'- him4 an- somethin) co'- an- po"er%$' s$--en'1
)rippe- me an- ans"ere-4 F%or he "as mine to ki''4 not 1o$rs4 ha- : chosen4G an- a sense o%
o$tra)e %i''e- me;
,e bo"e- his hea- then4 as the cab -oor s'amme- an- the tr$ck took o%% -o"n the roa-;
F:@m sorr14 brother4G he sai-; F: -i- not mean to pres$me; B$t it o%%en-e- me to hear one o% them
speak to 1o$ in s$ch a manner; : kno" : sho$'- ha&e "aite- to 'et 1o$ -ispose o% him as 1o$ sa"
%it4 or at 'east ha&e cons$'te- "ith 1o$;G
F=e''4 "hate&er4G : to'- him4 F'et@s )et back onto the roa- an- )et mo&in)4 i% "e can;G
!he rear "hee's "ere s$nken $p to their h$bcaps4 an- as : stare- at them4 tr1in) to -eci-e the
best "a1 to )o abo$t thin)s4 0an-om ca''e- o$t4 FOka14 :@&e )ot the %ront b$mper; Ao$ take the
rear an- "e@'' carr1 it back to the roa-Dan- "e@- better -eposit it in the 'e%t 'ane;G
,e "asn@t ki--in);
,e@- sai- somethin) abo$t 'esser )ra&itation4 b$t : -i-n@t %ee' that 'i)ht; : kne" : "as stron)4 b$t
: ha- m1 -o$bts abo$t bein) ab'e to raise the rear en- o% a Berce-es;
B$t on the other han-4 : ha- to tr14 since he seeme- to e.pect it o% me4 an- : co$'-n@t tip him o%%
as to an1 )aps in m1 memor1;
(o : stoope-4 s<$atte-4 )raspe-4 an- starte- to strai)hten m1 'e)s; =ith a s$ckin) so$n-4 the rear
"hee's %ree- themse'&es %rom the moist earth; : "as ho'-in) m1 en- o% the car abo$t t"o %eet
abo&e the )ro$n-I :t "as hea&1D-amnI it "as hea&1IDb$t : co$'- -o itI
=ith each step that : took4 : sank abo$t si. inches into the )ro$n-; B$t : "as carr1in) it; An-
0an-om "as -oin) the same "ith his en-;
=e set it -o"n on the roa-"a14 "ith a s'i)ht ?o$ncin) o% sprin)s; !hen : took o%% m1 shoes an-
emptie- them4 c'eane- them "ith s"atches o% )rass4 "r$n) o$t m1 socks4 br$she- o%% the c$%%s o%
m1 tro$sers4 thre" m1 %oot)ear into the rear seat an- c'imbe- back into the %ront4 bare %oote-;
0an-om ?$mpe- in4 on the passen)er@s si-e4 an- sai-4 F9ook4 : "ant to apo'o)i6e a)ainDG
F+or)et it4G : sai-; F:t@s o&er an- -one "ith;G
FAes4 b$t : -on@t "ant 1o$ to ho'- it a)ainst me;G
F: "on@t4G : to'- him; FE$st c$rb 1o$r impet$osit1 in the %$t$re4 "hen it in&o'&es 'i%e-takin) in
m1 presence;G
F: "i''4G he promise-;
F!hen 'et@s )et ro''in)4G an- "e -i-;
=e mo&e- thro$)h a can1on o% rocks4 then passe- thro$)h a cit1 "hich seeme- to be ma-e
entire'1 o% )'ass4 or )'ass-'ike s$bstance4 o% ta'' b$i'-in)s4 thin an- %ra)i'e-appearin)4 an- o%
peop'e thro$)h "hom the pink s$n shone4 re&ea'in) their interna' or)ans an- the remains o% their
'ast mea's; !he1 stare- at $s as "e -ro&e b1; !he1 mobbe- the corners o% their streets4 b$t no one
attempte- to ha't $s or pass in %ront o% $s;
F!he Char'es +orts o% this p'ace "i'' -o$bt'ess <$ote this happenin) %or man1 1ears4G sai- m1
: no--e-;
!hen there "as no roa-"a1 "hatsoe&er4 an- "e "ere -ri&in) across "hat seeme- an eterna'
sheet o% si'icon; A%ter a "hi'e it narro"e- an- became o$r roa-4 an- a%ter another "hi'e there
"ere marshes to o$r 'e%t an- o$r ri)ht4 'o"4 bro"n4 an- stinkin); An- : sa" "hat :@- s"ear to be a
/ip'o-oc$s raise its hea- an- stare -o"n $pon $s; !hen4 o&erhea-4 an enormo$s bat-"in)e-
shape passe- b1; !he sk1 "as no" a ro1a' b'$e4 an- the s$n "as o% %a''o" )o'-;
F=e@&e no" )ot 'ess than a <$arter tank o% )as4G : commente-;
FOka14G sai- 0an-om4 Fstop the car;G
: -i- this an- "aite-;
+or a 'on) timeD'ike ma1be si. min$tesDhe "as si'ent4 then4 F/ri&e on4G he sai-;
A%ter abo$t three mi'es "e came to a barrica-e o% 'o)s an- : be)an -ri&in) aro$n- it; A )ate
occ$rre- on one si-e4 an- 0an-om to'- me4 F(top an- b'o" 1o$r horn;G
: -i- so; an- a%ter a time the "oo-en )ate creake- $pon its h$)e iron hin)es an- s"$n) in"ar-;
F#o on in;G he sai-; F:t@s sa%e;G
: -ro&e in4 an- o%% to m1 'e%t "ere three b$bb'e-hea-e- 2sso p$mps4 the sma'' b$i'-in) behin-
them bein) one o% the kin- : ha- seen co$nt'ess times be%ore4 $n-er more or-inar1
circ$mstances; : p$''e- $p be%ore one o% the p$mps an- "aite-;
!he )$1 "ho emer)e- %rom the b$i'-in) "as abo$t %i&e %eet ta''4 o% enormo$s )irth4 "ith a
stra"berr1-'ike nose4 an- his sho$'-ers ma1be a 1ar- across;
F=hat@'' it be>G he aske-; F+i'' @er $p>G
: no--e-; F=ith re)$'ar4G : sai-;
FP$'' it $p a bit4G he -irecte-;
: -i-4 an- aske- 0an-om4 F:s m1 mone1 an1 )oo- here>G
F9ook at it4G he to'- me4 an- : -i-;
B1 "a''et "as st$%%e- "ith oran)e an- 1e''o" bi''s1 0oman n$mera's in their corners4 %o''o"e-
b1 the 'etters F/;0;G
,e )rinne- at me as : e.amine- the shea%;
F(ee4 :@&e taken care o% e&er1thin)4G he sai-;
F#reat; B1 the "a14 :@m )ettin) h$n)r1;G
=e 'ooke- aro$n- $s4 an- "e sa" a pict$re o% a )ent "ho se''s 3ent$ck1 +rie- Chicken in
another p'ace4 starin) -o"n at $s %rom a bi) si)n;
(tra"berr1 Nose s'oshe- a 'itt'e on the )ro$n- to make it come o$t e&en4 h$n) $p the hose4
approache-4 an- sai-4 F2i)ht /rachae 0e)$ms;G
: %o$n- an oran)e note "ith a F7 /;0;G on it an- three more "ith F: /;0;G an- passe- them to
F!hanks4G he sai-4 an- st$%%e- them in his pocket; FCheck 1o$r oi' an- "ater>G
,e a--e- a 'itt'e "ater4 to'- me the oi' 'e&e' "as oka14 an- smeare- the "in-shie'- a bit "ith a
-irt1 ra); !hen he "a&e- an- "a'ke- back into the shack =e -ro&e o&er to 3enni 0oi@s an- )ot
$s a b$cket %$'' o% 3ent$cki +rie- 9i66ar- Partes an- another b$cket o% "eak4 sa't1 tastin) beer;
!hen "e "ashe- $p in the o$tb$i'-in)4 beepe- the horn at the )ate4 an- "aite- ti'' a man "ith a
ha'ber- han)in) o&er his ri)ht sho$'-er came an- opene- it %or $s;
!hen "e hit the roa- a)ain;
A t1rannosa$r$s 'eape- be%ore $s4 hesitate- %or a moment4 then "ent on his "a14 o%% to the 'e%t;
!hree more ptero-act1's passe- o&erhea-;
F: am 'oath to re'in<$ish Amber@s sk14G sai- 0an-om4 "hate&er that meant4 an- : )r$nte- back at
F:@m a%rai- to tr1 it a'' at once4 tho$)h4G he contin$e-; F=e mi)ht be torn to bits;G
FA)ree-4G : a)ree-;
FB$t on the other han-4 : -on@t 'ike this p'ace;G
: no--e-4 so "e -ro&e on4 ti'' the si'icon p'ain en-e- an- bare rock 'a1 a'' abo$t $s;
F=hat are 1o$ -oin) no">G : &ent$re-;
FNo" that :@&e )ot the sk14 :@m )oin) to tr1 %or the terrain4G he sai-;
An- the rock sheet became rocks4 as "e -ro&e a'on); !here "as bare4 b'ack earth bet"een4 A%ter
a "hi'e4 there "as more earth an- %e"er rocks; +ina''14 : sa" sp'otches o% )reen; +irst a bit o%
)rass here an- there; B$t it "as a &er14 &er1 bri)ht )reen4 o% a kin- 'ike 1et $n'ike that common
on 2arth as : kne" it;
(oon there "as m$ch o% it;
A%ter a time there "ere trees4 spotte- occasiona''1 a'on) o$r "a1;
!hen there "as a %orest; An- "hat a %orestI
: ha- ne&er seen trees s$ch as this4 mi)ht1 an- ma?estic4 o% a -eep4 rich )reen4 s'i)ht'1 tin)e-
"ith )o'-; !he1 to"ere-4 the1 soare-; !he1 "ere enormo$s pines4 oaks4 map'es4 an- man1 others
"hich : co$'- not -istin)$ish; !hro$)h them crept a bree6e o% %antastic an- 'o&e'1 %ra)rance4
"hen : cracke- the "in-o" a bit; : -eci-e- to open it a'' the "a1 an- 'ea&e it 'ike that a%ter :@-
ha- a %e" "hi%%s;
F!he +orest o% Ar-en4G sai- the man "ho "as m1 brother; an- : kne" he "as ri)ht4 an-
someho" : both 'o&e- an- en&ie- him %or his "is-om4 his kno"'e-)e;
FBrother4G sai- :4 F1o$@re -oin) a'' ri)ht; Better than :@- e.pecte-; !hank 1o$;G
!his seeme- to take him some"hat aback; :t "as as i% he@- ne&er recei&e- a )oo- "or- %rom a
re'ati&e be%ore;
F:@m -oin) m1 best4G he sai-4 Fan- :@'' -o it a'' the "a14 : promise; 9ook at itI =e@&e )ot the sk14
an- "e@&e )ot the %orestI :t@s a'most too )oo- to be tr$eI =e@&e passe- the ha'%"a1 point4 an-
nothin)@s b$))e- $s especia''1; : think "e@re &er1 %ort$nate; =i'' 1o$ )i&e me a 0e)enc1>G
FAes;G : sai-4 not kno"in) "hat it meant4 b$t "i''in) to )rant it; i% it 'a1 "ithin m1 po"ers;
,e no--e- then an- sai-4 FAo$@re oka1;G
,e "as a homici-a' 'itt'e %ink4 "ho : reca''e- ha- a'"a1s been sort o% a rebe'; O$r parents ha-
trie- to -iscip'ine him in the past4 : kne"4 ne&er &er1 s$ccess%$''1; An- : rea'i6e-; "ith that4 that
"e ha- share- common parents4 "hich : s$--en'1 kne" "as not the case "ith me an- 2ric4 me
an- +'ora4 me an- Caine an- B'e1s an- +iona; An- probab'1 others4 b$t these :@- reca''e-4 : kne"
%or s$re;
=e "ere -ri&in) on a bare4 -irt roa-"a1 thro$)h a cathe-ra' o% enormo$s trees; :t seeme- to )o
on %ore&er an- e&er; : %e't sa%e in the p'ace; Occasiona''14 start'e- a -eer4 s$rprise- a %o. crossin)
or stan-in) near the roa-; :n p'aces4 the "a1 "as marke- "ith hoo%prints; !he s$n'i)ht "as
sometimes %i'tere- thro$)h 'ea&es4 an)'in) 'ike ti)ht )o'-en strin)s on some ,in-$ m$sica'
instr$ment; !he bree6e "as moist an- spoke o% 'i&in) thin)s; :t came to me that : kne" this
p'ace4 that : ha- ri--en this roa- o%ten in the past; : ha- ri--en thro$)h the +orest o% Ar-en on
horseback4 "a'ke- thro$)h it4 h$nte- in it; 'a1 on m& back beneath some o% those )reat bo$)hs4
m1 arms beneath m1 hea-4 starin) $p"ar-; : ha- c'imbe- amon) the branches o% some o% those
)iants an- 'ooke- -o"n $pon a )reen "or'-4 constant'1 shi%tin);
F: 'o&e this p'ace;G : sai-4 on'1 ha'% rea'i6in) : ha- sai- it a'o$-; an- 0an-om rep'ie-; FAo$
a'"a1s -i-;G an- there mi)ht ha&e been a trace o% am$sement in his &oice; : co$'-n@t be s$re;
!hen o%% in the -istance : hear- a note "hich : kne" to be the &oice o% a h$ntin) born;
F/ri&e %aster4G sai- 0an-om s$--en'1; F!hat so$n-s to be E$'ian@s horn;G
: obe1e-;
!he horn so$n-e- a)ain4 nearer;
F!hose -amn ho$n-s o% his "i'' tear this car to pieces4 an- his bir-s "i'' %ee- on o$r e1esIG he
sai-; F:@- hate to meet him "hen he@s this "e'' prepare-; =hate&er he h$nts4 : kno" he@-
"i''in)'1 re'in<$ish it %or <$arr1 s$ch as t"o o% his brotbers;G
F@9i&e an- 'et 'i&e@ is m1 phi'osoph1 these -a1s4G : remarke-;
0an-om ch$ck'e-;
F=hat a <$aint notion; :@'' bet it "i'' 'ast a'' o% %i&e min$tes;G
!hen the horn so$n-e- a)ain4 e&en nearer4 an- he remarke-4 F/amnIG
!he spee-ometer sai- se&ent1-%i&e4 in <$aint4 r$nic n$mera's4 an- : "as a%rai- to )o an1 %aster
on that roa-;
An- the horn so$n-e- a)ain4 m$ch nearer no"4 three 'on) notes4 an- : co$'- hear the ba1in) o%
ho$n-s4 o%% to the 'e%t;
F=e are no" &er1 near to the rea' 2arth4 tho$)h sti'' %ar %rom Amber4G sai- m1 brother; F:t "i''
be %$ti'e to r$n thro$)h a-?acent (ha-o"s4 %or i% it is tr$'1 $s that he %o''o"s; he "i'' p$rs$e $s;
Or his sha-o" "i'';G
F=hat sha'' "e -oIG
F(pee-; an- hope it is not $s that be %o''o"s;G
An- the horn so$n-e- once a)ain4 a'most ne.t to $s this time;
F=hat the he'' is be ri-in)4 a 'ocomoti&e>G : aske-;
F:@- sa1 he is ri-in) the mi)ht1 Bor)enstern4 the %astest horse he has e&er create-;G
: 'et that 'ast "or- ro:' aro$n- in m1 hea- %or a "hi'e4 "on-erin) at it an- "on-erin) at it; Aes4
it "as tr$e4 some inner &oice to'- me; ,e -i- create Bor)enstern4 o$t o% (ha-o"s4 %$sin) into the
beast the stren)th an- spee- o% a h$rricane an- a pi'e -ri&er;
: remembere- that : ha- ca'' to %ear that anima'4 an- then : sa" him;
Bor)enstern "as si. han-s hi)her than an1 other horse :@- e&er seen; an- his e1es "ere the -ea-
co'or o% a =eimaraner -o)@s an- his coat "as a 'i)ht )ra1 an- his hoo&es 'ooke- 'ike po'ishe-
stee'; ,e race- a'on) 'ike the "in-4 pacin) the car4 an- E$'ian "as cro$che- in his sa--'eDthe
E$'ian o% the p'a1in) car-4 'on) b'ack hair an- bri)ht b'$e e1es; an- he ha- on his sca'e- "hite
E$'ian smi'e- at $s an- "a&e-4 an- Bor)enstern tosse- his hea- an- his ma)ni%'eent mane
ripp'e- in the "in-4 'ike a %'a); ,is 'e)s "ere a b'$r;
: reca''e- that E$'ian ha- once ha- a man "ear m1 casto%% )arments an- torment the beast; !his
"as "h1 it ha- trie- to tramp'e me on the -a1 o% a h$nt4 "hen :@- -ismo$nte- to skin a b$ck
be%ore it;
:@- ro''e- the "in-o" sh$t once more; so : -i-n@t think it co$'- te'' b1 scent that : "as insi-e the
car; B$t E$'ian ha- spotte- me4 an- : tho$)ht : kne" "hat that meant; A'' abo$t him ran the
(torm ,o$n-s4 "ith their to$)h4 to$)h bo-ies an- their teeth 'ike stee'; !he1 too ha- come O$t
o% (ha-o"4 %or no norma' -o) co$'- r$n 'ike that; B$t : kne"4 %or a certaint14 that the "or-
Fnorma'G -i- not rea''1 app'1 to an1thin) in this p'ace;
E$'ian si)na'e- $s to stop then4 an- : )'ance- at 0an-om an- he no--e-; F:% "e -on@t4 he@'' ?$st
r$n $s -o"n4G he sai-; (o : hit the brakes4 s'o"e-4 stoppe-;
Bor)enstern reare-4 pa"e- the air4 str$ck the earth "ith a'' %o$r hoo&es an- cantere- o&er; !he
-o)s mi''e- abo$t4 their ton)$es han)in) o$t their si-es hea&in); !he horse "as co&ere- "ith a
)'istenin) sheen that : kne" to be perspiration;
F=hat a s$rpriseIG sai- E$'ian4 in his s'o"4 a'most impe-e- "a1 o% speakin) an- a )reat ha"k
that "as b'ack an- )reen circ'e- an- sett'e- $pon his 'e%t sho$'-er;
FAes; isn@t it4G : rep'ie-; F,o" ha&e 1o$ been>G
FOh4 capita'4G he -eci-e-4 Fas a'"a1s; =hat o% 1o$rse'% an- brother 0an-om>G
F:@m in )oo- shape4G : sai-4 an- 0an-om no--e- an- remarke-4 F: tho$)ht 1o$@- be in-$')in) in
other sports at a time 'ike this;G
E$'ian tippe- his hea- an- re)ar-e- him crooke-'14 thro$)h the "in-shie'-;
F: en?o1 s'a$)hterin) beasts4G he sai-4 Fan- : think o% m1 re'ati&es constant'1;G
A s'i)ht co'-ness "orke- its "a1 -o"n m1 back;
F: "as -istracte- %rom m1 h$nt b1 the so$n- o% 1o$r motor &ehic'e4G he sai-; FAt the time4 : -i-
not e.pect it to contain t"o s$ch as 1o$; :@- ass$me 1o$ are not simp'1 ri-in) %or p'eas$re4 b$t
ha&e a -estination in min-4 s$ch as Amber; !r$e>G
F!r$e4G : a)ree-; FBa1 : in<$ire "h1 1o$ are here4 rather than there>G
F2ric set me to "atchin) this roa-4G he rep'ie-4 an- m1 han- came to rest $pon one o% the pisto's
in m1 be't as he spoke; : ha- a %ee'in) a b$''et co$'-n@t breach that armor; tho$)h; : consi-ere-
shootin) Bor)enstern;
F=e''4 brothers4G he sai-4 smi'in)4 F: "e'come 1o$ back an- : "ish 1o$ a )oo- ?o$rne1; :@''
-o$bt'ess see 1o$ short'1 in Amber; #oo- a%ternoon4G an- "ith that he t$rne- an- ro-e to"ar-
the "oo-s;
F9et@s )et the he'' o$t o% here4G sai- 0an-om; F,e@s probab'1 p'annin) an amb$sh or a chase4G
an- "ith this he -re" a pisto' %rom his be't an- he'- it in his 'ap;
: -ro&e on at a -ecent spee-;
A%ter abo$t %i&e min$tes4 "hen : "as ?$st be)innin) to breathe a bit easi'14 : hear- the horn; :
p$she- -o"n on the )as pe-a'; 3no"in) that he@- catch $s an1ho"4 b$t tr1in) to b$1 as m$ch
time an- )ain as m$ch -istance as : co$'-; =e ski--e- aro$n- corners an- roare- $p hi''s an-
thro$)h -a'es; : a'most hit a -eer at one point4 b$t "e ma-e it aro$n- the beast "itho$t crackin)
$p or s'o"in);
!he horn so$n-e- nearer no"4 an- 0an-om "as m$tterin) obscenities;
: ha- the %ee'in) that "e sti'' ha- <$ite a -istance to )o "ithin the %orest4 an- this -i-n@t hearten
me a bit;
=e hit one 'on) strai)ht stretch4 "here : "as ab'e to %'oor it %or a'most a min$te; E$'ian@s horn
notes )re" more -istant at that time; B$t "e then entere- a section "here the roa- "o$n- an-
t"iste- an- : ha- to s'o" -o"n; ,e be)an to )ain on $s at once a)ain;
A%ter abo$t si. min$tes4 he appeare- in the rear-&ie" mirror4 th$n-erin) a'on) the roa-4 his pack
a'' aro$n- him4 ba1in) an- s'a&erin);
0an-om ro''e- -o"n his "in-o"4 an- a%ter a min$te he 'eane- o$t an- be)an to %ire;
F/amn that armorIG be sai-; F:@m s$re : hit him t"ice an- nothin)@s happene-;G
F: hate the tho$)ht o% ki''in) that beast4G : )ai-4 Fb$t tr1 %or the horse;G
F: a'rea-1 ha&e4 se&era' times4G he sai-4 tossin) his empt1 pisto' to the %'oor an- -ra"in) the
other4 Fan- either :@m a 'o$sier shot than : tho$)ht4 or it@s tr$e "hat the1 sa18 that it "i'' take a
si'&er b$''et to ki'' Bor)enstern;G
,e picke- o%% si. o% the -o)s "ith his remainin) ro$n-s4 b$t there "ere sti'' abo$t t"o -o6en
: passe- him one o% m1 pisto's4 an- he acco$nte- %or %i&e more o% the beasts;
F:@'' sa&e the 'ast ro$n-4G he sai-4 F%or E$'ian@s hea-4 i% he )ets c'ose eno$)hIG
!he1 "ere perhaps %i%t1 %eet behin- me at that point4 an- )ainin)4 so : s'amme- on the brakes;
(ome o% the -o)s co$'-n@t ha't in time4 b$t E$'ian "as s$--en'1 )one an- a -ark sha-o" passe-
Bor)enstern ha- 'eape- o&er the car; ,e "hee'e- then4 an- as horse an- ri-er t$rne- to %ace $s :
)$nne- the en)ine an- the car spe- %or"ar-;
=ith a ma)ni%icent 'eap4 Bor)enstern )ot them o$t o% the "a1; :n the rear-&ie" mirror4 : sa"
t"o -o)s -rop a %en-er the1@- torn 'oose an- rene" the p$rs$it; (ome "ere '1in) in the roa-4 an-
there "ere abo$t %i%teen or si.teen )i&in) chase;
F#oo- sho"4G sai- 0an-om4 Fb$t 1o$@re '$ck1 the1 -i-n@t )o %or the tires; !he1@&e probab'1
ne&er h$nte- a car be%ore;G
: passe- him m1 remainin) pisto'4 an- F#et more -o)s4G : sai-;
,e %ire- -e'iberate'1 an- "ith per%ect acc$rac14 acco$ntin) %or si.;
An- E$'ian "as besi-e the car no"4 a s"or- in his ri)ht han-;
: b'e" the horn4 hopin) to spook Bor)enstern4 b$t it -i-n@t "ork; : s"er&e- to"ar- them4 b$t the
horse -ance- a"a1; 0an-om cro$che- 'o" in his seat an- aime- past me; his ri)ht han- ho'-in)
the pisto' an- restin) $pon his 'e%t %orearm;
F/on@t %ire 1et4G : sai-; F:@m )oin) to tr1 to take him;G
FAo$@re cra614G he to'- me4 as : hit the brakes a)ain;
,e 'o"ere- his "eapon4 tho$)h;
As soon as "e came to a ha't4 : %'$n) open m1 -oor an- 'eape- o$tDbare%oote- 1etI /amn it;
: -$cke- beneath his b'a-e4 sei6e- his arm4 an- h$r'e- him %rom the sa--'e; ,e str$ck me one on
the hea- "ith his mai'e- 'e%t %ist4 an- there "ere 0oman can-'es )oin) o%% a'' aro$n- me an- a
terrib'e pain;
,e 'a1 "here he ha- %a''en4 bein) )ro))14 an- there "ere -o)s a'' aro$n- me4 bitin) me4 an-
0an-om kickin) them; : snatche- $p E$'ian@s b'a-e %rom "here it 'a1 an- to$che- his throat "ith
its point;
FCa'' them o%%IG : crie-; FOr :@'' nai' 1o$ to the )ro$n-IG
,e screame- or-ers at the -o)s an- the1 -re" back; 0an-om "as ho'-in) Bor)enstern@s bri-'e
an- str$))'in) "ith the horse;
FNo"4 -ear brother4 "hat -o 1o$ ha&e to sa1 %or 1o$rse'%>G : aske-;
!here "as a co'- b'$e %ire "ithin his e1es4 an- his %ace "as "itho$t e.pression;
F:% 1o$@re )oin) to ki'' me4 be abo$t it4G he sai-;
F:n m1 o"n )oo- time4G : to'- him4 someho" en?o1in) the si)ht o% -irt on his impeccab'e armor;
F:n the meantime4 "hat is 1o$r 'i%e "orth to 1o$>G
FAn1thin) :@&e )ot4 o% co$rse;G
: steppe- back;
F#et $p an- )et into the back seat o% the car4G : to'- him;
,e -i- this thin)4 an- : took a"a1 his -a))er be%ore he )ot in; 0an-om res$me- his o"n seat4
an- kept his pisto' "ith the sin)'e remainin) ro$n- aime- at E$'ian@s hea-;
F=h1 not ?$st ki'' him>G he aske-;
F: think he@'' he $se%$'4G : sai-; F!here is m$ch that : "ish to kno"; An- there is sti'' a 'on) "a1
to tra&e';G
: be)an to -ri&e4 : co$'- see the -o)s mi''in) aro$n-; Bor)enstern be)an canterin) a'on) a%ter
the car;
F:@m a%rai- : "on@t be "orth m$ch to 1o$ as a prisoner4G E$'ian obser&e-; FA'tho$)h 1o$ "i''
tort$re me4 : can on'1 te'' 1o$ "hat : kno"4 an- that isn@t m$ch;G
F(tart "ith that then4G : sai-;
F2ric 'ooks to ha&e the stron)est position4G he to'- $s4 Fha&in) been ri)ht there in Amber "hen
the "ho'e thin) broke 'oose; At 'east this is the "a1 : sa" it4 so : o%%ere- him m1 s$pport; ,a- it
been one o% 1o$4 :@- probab'1 ha&e -one the same thin); 2ric char)e- me "ith keepin) )$ar- in
Ar-en4 since it@s one o% the main ro$tes; #erar- contro's the so$thern sea"a1s4 an- Caine is o%% in
the northern "aters;G
F=hat o% Bene-ict>G 0an-om aske-;
F: -on@t kno"; : ha&en@t hear- an1thin); ,e mi)ht be "ith B'e1s; ,e mi)ht be o%% some"here
e'se in (ha-o" an- not e&en ha&e hear- o% this thin) 1et; ,e mi)ht e&en be -ea-; :t@s been 1ears
since "e@&e hear- %rom him;G
F,o" man1 men ha&e 1o$ )ot in Ar-en4G aske- 0an-om;
FO&er a tho$san-4G he sai-; F(ome are probab'1 "atchin) 1o$ ri)ht no";G
FAn- i% the1 "ant 1o$ to )o on 'i&in)4 that@s a'' the1@'' -o4G sai- 0an-om;
FAo$ are -o$bt'ess correct4G he rep'ie-; F: ha&e to a-mit4 Cor"in -i- a shre"- thin) in takin)
me prisoner rather than ki''in) me; Ao$ ?$st mi)ht make it thro$)h the %orest this "a1;G
FAo$@re ?$st sa1in) that beca$se 1o$ "ant to 'i&e4G sai- 0an-om;
FO% co$rse : "ant to 'i&e; Ba1 :>G
F:n pa1ment %or the in%ormation :@&e )i&en 1o$;G
0an-om 'a$)he-;
FAo$@&e )i&en $s &er1 'itt'e4 an- :@m s$re more can be torn %rom 1o$; =e@'' see4 as soon as "e )et
a chance to stop; 2h4 Cor"in>G
F=e@'' see4G : sai-; F=here@s +iona>G
F(ome"here to the so$th4 : think4G E$'ian rep'ie-;
F,o" abo$t /eir-re>G
F: -on@t kno";G
F:n 0ebma;G
FOka14G : sai-4 F: think 1o$@&e to'- me e&er1thin) 1o$ kno";G
F: ha&e;G
=e -ro&e on in si'ence4 an- %ina''1 the %orest be)an to thin; :@- 'ost si)ht o% Bor)enstern 'on)
a)o4 tho$)h : sometimes sa" E$'ian@s %a'con pacin) $s; !he roa- took a t$rn $p"ar-4 an- "e
"ere hea-in) to"ar- a pass bet"een t"o p$rp'e mo$ntains; !he )as tank "as a 'itt'e better than a
<$arter %$''; =ithin an ho$r4 "e "ere passin) bet"een hi)h sho$'-ers o% stone;
F!his "o$'- be a )oo- p'ace to set $p a roa- b'ock4G sai- 0an-om;
F!hat so$n-s 'ike'14G : sai-; F=hat abo$t it4 E$'ian>G
,e si)he-;
FAes;G he a)ree-4 F1o$ sho$'- be comin) $pon one &er1 soon; Ao$ kno" ho" to )et b1 it;G
=e -i-; =hen "e came to the )ate4 an- the )$ar- in )reen an- bro"n 'eather4 s"or- $nsheathe-4
a-&ance- $pon $s4 : ?erke- m1 th$mb to"ar- the back seat an- sai-4 F#et the pict$re>G
,e -i-4 an- he reco)ni6e- $s4 a'so;
,e hastene- to raise the )ate4 an- he sa'$te- $s as "e pass- b1;
!here "ere t"o more )ates be%ore "e ma-e it thro$)h the pass4 an- some"here a'on) the "a1 it
appeare- "e ha- 'ost the ha"k; =e ha- )aine- se&era' tho$san- %eet in e'e&ation no"4 an- :
brake- the car on a roa- that cra"'e- a'on) the %ace o% a c'i%%; !o o$r ri)ht han-4 there "as
nothin) other than a 'on) "a1 -o"n;
F#et o$t4G : sai-; FAo$@re )oin) to take a "a'k;G
E$'ian pa'e-;
F: "on@t )ro&e'4G he sai-; F: "on@t be) 1o$ %or m1 'i%e;G An- he )ot o$t;
F,e''4G : sai-; F: ha&en@t ha- a )oo- )ro&e' in "eeksI =e'';;;)o stan- b1 the e-)e there; A 'itt'e
c'oser p'ease;G An- 0an-om kept his pisto' aime- at his hea-; FA "hi'e back;G : to'- him4 F1o$
sai- that 1o$ "o$'- probab'1 ha&e s$pporte- an1one "ho occ$pie- 2ric@s position;G
F!hat@s ri)ht;G
F9ook -o"n;G
,e -i-; :t "as a'on) "a1;
FOka1;G : sai-4 Fremember that4 sho$'- thin)s $n-er)o a s$--en chan)e; An- remember "ho it
"as "ho )a&e 1o$ 1o$r 'i%e "here another "o$'- ha&e taken it;
FCome on4 0an-om; 9et@s )et mo&in);G
=e 'e%t him stan-in) there4 breathin) hea&i'14 his bro"s "o&en to)ether;
=e reache- the top an- "ere a'most o$t o% )as; : p$t it in ne$tra'4 ki''e- the en)ine4 an- be)an
the 'on) ro'' -o"n;
F:@&e been thinkin)4G sai- 0an-omC F1o$@&e 'ost none o% 1o$r o'- )$i'e; :@- probab'1 ha&e ki''e-
him4 m1se'%4 %or "hat he trie-; B$t : think 1o$ -i- the ri)ht thin); : think he "i'' thro" $s his
s$pport4 i% "e can )et an e-)e on 2ric; :n the meantime4 o% co$rse4 he@'' report "hat happene- to
FO% co$rse4G : sai-;
FAn- 1o$ ha&e more reason to "ant him -ea- than an1 o% $s;G
: smi'e-;
FPersona' %ee'in)s -on@t make %or )oo- po'itics4 'e)a' -ecisions4 or b$siness -ea's;G
0an-om 'it t"o ci)arettes an- han-e- me one;
(tarin) -o"n"ar- thro$)h the smoke4 : ca$)ht m1 %irst )'impse o% that sea; Beneath the -eep
b'$e4 a'most ni)ht-time sk14 "ith that )o'-en s$n han)in) $p there in it4 the sea "as so rich-thick
as paint4 te.t$re- 'ike a piece o% c'oth4 o% ro1a' b'$e4 a'most p$rp'eDthat it tro$b'e- me to 'ook
$pon it; : %o$n- m1se'% speakin) in a 'an)$a)e that : ha-n@t rea'i6e- : kne"; : "as recitin) F!he
Ba''a- o% the =ater-Crossers4G an- 0an-om 'istene- $nti' : ha- %inishe- an- aske- me4 F:t has
o%ten been sai- that 1o$ compose- that; :s it tr$e>G
F:t@s been so 'on)4G : to'- him4 Fthat : -on@t rea''1 remember an1 more;G
An- as the c'i%% c$r&e- %$rther an- %$rther to the 'e%t4 an- as "e s"$n) -o"n"ar- across its %ace4
hea-in) to"ar- a "oo-e- &a''e14 more an- more o% the sea came "ithin o$r ran)e o% &ision;
F!he 9i)htho$se o% Catba4G sai- 0an-om4 )est$rin) to"ar- an enormo$s )ra1 to"er that rose
%rom the "aters4 m$cs O$t to sea; F: ha- a'' b$t %or)otten it;G
FAn- :4G : rep'ie-; F:t is a &er1 stran)e %ee'in)4 comin) back4G an- : rea'i6e- then that "e "ere
no 'on)er speakin) 2n)'ish4 b$t the 'an)$a)e ca''e- !hari;
A%ter a'most ha'% an ho$r4 "e reache- the bottom; : kept coastin) %or as %ar as : co$'-4 then
t$rne- on the en)ine; At its so$n-4 a %'ock o% -ark bir-s heat its "a1 into the air %rom the
shr$bber1 o%% to the 'e%t; (omethin) )ra1 an- "o'%ish-'ookin) broke %rom co&er an- -ashe-
to"ar- a nearb1 thicketC the -eer it ha- been sta'kin)4 in&isib'e ti'' then4 bo$n-e- a"a1; =e "ere
in a '$sh &a''e14 tho$)h not so thick'1 or massi&e'1 "oo-e- as the +orest o% Ar-en4 "hich s'ope-
)ent'1 b$t stea-i'1 to"ar- the -istant sea;
,i)h4 an- c'imbin) hi)her on the 'e%t4 the mo$ntains reare-; !he %$rther "e a-&ance- into the
&a''e14 the better came o$r &ie" o% the nat$re an- %$'' e.tent o% that massi&e hei)ht o% rock -o"n
one o% "hose 'esser s'opes "e ha- coaste-; !he mo$ntains contin$e- their march to the sea4
)ro"in) 'ar)er as the1 -i- so4 an- takin) $pon their sho$'-ers a shi%tin) mant'e tin)e- "ith
)reen4 ma$&e4 p$rp'e4 )o'-4 an- in-i)o; !he %ace the1 t$rne- to the sea "as in&isib'e to $s %rom
the &a''e14 b$t abo$t the back o% that %ina'4 hi)hest peak s"ir'e- the %aintest &ei' o% )host c'o$-s4
an- occasiona''1 the )o'-en s$n to$che- it "ith %ire; : ?$-)e- "e "ere abo$t thirt1-%i&e mi'es
%rom the p'ace o% 'i)ht4 an- the %$e' )a$)e rea- near empt1; : kne" that the %ina' peak "as o$r
-estination; an- an ea)erness be)an to )ro" $p "ithin me; 0an-om "as starin) in the same
F't@s sti'' there4G : remarke-;
F:@- a'most %or)otten4G he sai-;
An- as : shi%te- )ears4 : notice- that m1 tro$sers ha- taken on a certain sheen "hich the1 ha-
not possesse- be%ore; A'so4 the1 "ere tapere- consi-erab'1 as the1 reache- to"ar- m1 ank'es4
an- : note- that m1 c$%%s ha- &anishe-; !hen : notice- m1 shirt;
:t "as more 'ike a ?acket; an- it "as b'ack an- trimme- "ith si'&erC an- m1 be't ha- "i-ene-
On c'oser inspection4 : sa" that there "as a si'&er 'ine -o"n the o$ter seams o% m1 pants 'e)s;
F: %in- m1se'% )arbe- e%%ecti&e'14G : obser&e-4 to see "hat that "ro$)ht;
0an-om ch$ck'e-4 an- : sa" then that he ha- some "here ac<$ire- bro"n tro$sers streake-
"ith re- an- a shirt o% oran)e an- bro"n; A bro"n cap "ith a 1e''o" bor-er reste- on the (eat
besi-e him;
F: "as "on-erin) "hen 1o$@- notice4G he sai-; F,o" -o 1o$ %ee'>G
FM$ite )oo-4G : to'- him4 Fan- b1 the "a14 "e@re a'most o$t o% )as;G
F!oo 'ate to -o m$ch abo$t that4G he sai-; F=e are no" in the rea' "or'-4 an- it "o$'- be a
horrib'e e%%ort to p'a1 "ith (ha-o"s; A'so4 it "o$'- not )o $nnotice-; :@m a%rai- "e@'' ha&e to
hoo% it "hen this )i&es o$t;G
:t )a&e o$t t"o an- a ha'% mi'es 'ater; : coaste- o%% to the si-e o% the roa- an- stoppe-; !he s$n
b1 no" "as "esterin) %are"e''4 an- the sha-o"s ha- )ro"n 'on) :n-ee-;
: reache- into the back seat4 "here m1 shoe@s ha- become b'ack boots4 an- somethin) ratt'e- as
m1 han- )rope- a%ter them;
: -re" %orth a mo-erate'1 hea&1 si'&er s"or- an- scabbar-; !he scabbar- %it m1 be't per%ect'1;
!here "as a'so a b'ack c'oak4 "ith a c'asp 'ike a si'&er rose;
F,a- 1o$ tho$)ht them 'ost %ore&er>G aske- 0an-om;
F/amn near;G sai- :;
=e c'imbe- o$t o% the car an- be)an "a'kin); !he e&enin) "as coo' an- brisk'1 %ra)rant; !here
"ere stars in the east a'rea-14 an- the s$n "as -i&in) to"ar- its N+:OB2P
=e tr$-)e- a'on) the roa-4 an- 0an-om sai-8
F: -on@t %ee' ri)ht abo$t this;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F!hin)s ha&e )one too easi'14 th$s %ar4G he to'- me; F: -on@t 'ike it; =e ma-e it a'' the "a1
thro$)h to the +orest o% Ar-en "ith bare'1 a hitch; !r$e4 E$'ian trie- to take care o% $s thereDb$t
: -on@t kno";;;=e@&e ma-e it so &er1 %ar so rea-i'1 that :@- a'most s$spect "e "ere permitte- to
-o it;G
F!his tho$)ht has a'so crosse- m1 min-4G : 'ie-; F=hat -o 1o$ think it porten-s>G
F: %ear4G sai- he4 Fthat "e are "a'kin) into a trap;G
=e "a'ke- on %or se&era' min$tes in si'ence;
!hen FAmb$sh>G sai- :; F!hese "oo-s seem stran)e'1 sti'';G
F: -on@t kno";G
=e ma-e ma1be t"o mi'es4 an- then the s$n "as )one; !he ni)ht "as b'ack an- st$--e- "ith
bri''iant stars;
F!his is no "a1 %or t"o s$ch as "e to mo&e4G 0an-om sai-;
FAet : %ear to %etch $s stee-s;G
FAn- :4 a'so;G
F=hat is 1o$r assessment o% the sit$ation>G 0an-om aske-;
F/eath an- -reck4G sai- :; F: %ee' the1 ma1 be $pon $s soon;G
F/o 1o$ think "e sho$'- aban-on the roa-"a1>G
F:@&e been thinkin) abo$t it4G : 'ie- a)ain4 Fan- : -on@t see that it "o$'- h$rt an1 %or $s to "a'k
o%% to the si-e a bit;G
(o "e -i-;
=e passe- amon) trees4 "e mo&e- past the -ark shapes o% rocks an- b$shes; An- the moon
s'o"'1 rose4 bi)4 o% si'&er4 an- 'i)htin) $p the ni)ht;
F: am taken b1 this %ee'in) that "e cannot -o it4G 0an-om to'- me;
FAn- "hat re'iance can "e )i&e this %ee'in)>G : aske-;
F!oo %ar an- too %ast4G he respon-e-; F: -on@t 'ike it at a''; No" "e@re in the rea' "or'-4 it is too
'ate to t$rn back; =e cannot p'a1 "ith (ha-o"s4 b$t m$st re'1 on o$r b'a-es;G J,e "ore a short4
b$rnishe- one himse'%;K F: %ee'4 there%ore; that it is perhaps 2ric@s "i'' that "e ha&e a-&ance- to
this point; !here is nothin) m$ch to -o abo$t it no"4 b$t no" "e@re here4 : "ish "e@- ha- to
batt'e %or e&er1 inch o% the "a1;G
=e contin$e- %or another mi'e an- pa$se- %or ci)arettes4 "hich "e he'- c$ppe- in o$r han-s;
F:t@s a 'o&e'1 ni)ht4G : sai-4 to 0an-om an- the coo: bree6e; F: s$ppose;;;; =hat "as that>G
!here "as a so%t r$st'in) o% shr$bber1 a bit o% a "a1 behin- $s;
F(ome anima'4 ma1be;G
,is b'a-e "as in his ban-;
=e "aite-4 se&era' min$tes4 b$t nothin) more "as hear-;
(o he sheathe- it an- "e starte- "a'kin) a)ain;
!here "ere no more so$n-s %rom behin- $s4 b$t a%ter a time : hear- somethin) %rom $p ahea-;
,e no--e- "hen : )'ance- at him4 an- "e be)an to mo&e more ca$tio$s'1;
!here "as a so%t )'o"4 as %rom a camp%ire4 a"a14 %ar4 in the -istance;
=e hear- no more so$n-s4 b$t his shr$) sho"e- ac<$iescence to m1 )est$re as : hea-e- to"ar-
it4 into the "oo-s4 to the ri)ht;
:t "as the better part o% an ho$r be%ore "e str$ck the camp; !here "ere %o$r men seate- abo$t
the %ire an- t"o s'eepin) o%% in the sha-o"s; !he )ir' "ho "as bo$n- to a stake ha- her hea-
t$rne- a"a1 %rom $s4 b$t : %e't m1 heart <$icken as : 'ooke- $pon her %orm;
FCo$'- that be;;;>G : "hispere-;
FAes;G he rep'ie-; F: think it ma1;G
!hen she t$rne- her hea- an- : kne" it "as;
F: "on-er "hat the bitch has been $p to>G 0an-om sai-; F+rom those )$1s@ co'ors4 :@- &ent$re
the1@re takin) her back to Amber;G
: sa" that the1 "ore b'ack4 re-4 an- si'&er4 "hich : remembere- %rom the !r$mps an- %rom
some"here e'se to be the co'ors o% 2ric;
F(ince 2ric "ants her4 he can@t ha&e her4G : sai-;
F: ne&er m$ch care- %or /eir-re4G 0an-om sai-4 Fb$t : kno" 1o$ -o4 so;G an- he $nsheathe- his
: -i- the same; F#et rea-14G : to'- him4 risin) into a cro$ch; An- "e r$she- them; Ba1be t"o
min$tes4 that@s abo$t "hat it took;
(he "as "atchin) $s b1 then4 the %ire'i)ht makin) her %ace into a t"iste- mask; (he crie- an-
'a$)he- an- sai- o$r names4 in a 'o$- an- %ri)htne- &oice4 an- : s'ashe- her bon-s an- he'pe-
her to her %eet;
F#reetin)s4 sister; =i'' 1o$ ?oin $s on the 0oa- to Amber>G
FNo4G she sai-; F!hanks %or m1 'i%e4 b$t : "ant to keep it; =h1 -o 1o$ "a'k to Amber4 as i% :
-i-n@t kno";G
F!here is a throne to be "on4G sai- 0an-om4 "hich "as ne"s to me; Fan- "e are intereste-
F:% 1o$@re smart4 1o$@'' sta1 a"a1 an- 'i&e 'on)er4G she sai-; an- #o-I she "as 'o&e'14 tho$)h a
bit tire--'ookin) an- -irt1;
: took her into m1 arms beca$se : "ante- to4 an- s<$ee6e- her; 0an-om %o$n- a skin o% "ine
an- "e a'' ha- a -rink;
F2ric is the on'1 Prince in Amber4G she sai-4 Fan- the troops are 'o1a' to him;G
F:@m not a%rai- o% 2ric4G : rep'ie-4 an- : kne" : "asn@t certain abo$t that statement;
F,e@'' ne&er 'et 1o$ into Amber4G she sai-; F: "as a prisoner m1se'%4 ti'' : ma-e it o$t one o% the
secret "a1s t"o -a1s a)o; : tho$)ht : co$'- "a'k in (ha-o"s ti'' a'' thin)s "ere -one4 b$t it is
not eas1 to be)in this c'ose to the rea' p'ace; (o his troops %o$n- me this mornin); !he1 "ere
takin) me back; : think he mi)ht ha&e ki''e- me4 ha- : been ret$rne-Dtho$)h :@m not s$re; At
an1 rate4 :@- ha&e remaine- a p$ppet in the cit1; : think 2ric ma1 be ma-4 b$t a)ain4 :@m not s$re;G
F=hat o% B'e1s>G 0an-om in<$ire-;
F,e sen-s thin)s o$t o% the (ha-o"s4 an- 2ric is )reat'1 -ist$rbe-; B$t he has ne&er attacke-
"ith his rea' %orce4 an- so 2ric is tro$b'e-4 an- the -isposition o% the Cro"n an- (cepter remains
$ncertain4 tho$)h 2ric ho'-s the one in his ri)ht han-;G
F: see; ,as he e&er spoken o% $s>G
FNot o% 1o$4 0an-om; B$t o% Cor"in4 1es; ,e sti'' %ears the ret$rn o% Cor"in to Amber; !here is
re'ati&e sa%et1 %or perhaps %i&e more mi'esDb$t be1on- that4 e&er1 step o% the "a1 is st$--e-
"ith peri'; 2&er1 tree an- rock is a boob1 trap an- an amb$sh; Beca$se o% B'e1s an- beca$se o%
Cor"in; ,e "ante- 1o$ to )et at 'east this %ar4 so that 1o$ co$'- not "ork "ith (ha-o"s nor
easi'1 escape his po"er; :t is abso'$te'1 impossib'e %or either o% 1o$ to enter into Amber "itho$t
%a''in) into one o% his traps;G
FAet 1o$ escape-;;;;G
F!hat "as -i%%erent; : "as tr1in) to )et o$t4 not in; Perhaps he -i- not )$ar- me so care%$''1 as
he "o$'- one o% 1o$4 beca$se o% m1 se. an- m1 'ack o% ambition; An- ne&erthe'ess4 as 1o$ can
see4 : -i- not s$ccee-;G
FAo$ ha&e no"4 sister4G : sai-4 Fso 'on) as m1 b'a-e is %ree to s"in) on 1o$r beha'%4G an- she
kisse- m1 bro" an- s<$ee6e- m1 han-; : "as a'"a1s a s$cker %or that;
F:@m s$re "e@re bein) %o''o"e-4G sai- 0an-om4 an- "ith a )est$re the three o% $s %a-e- into the
=e 'a1 sti'' beneath a b$sh4 keepin) "atch on o$r trai';
A%ter a time4 o$r "hispers in-icate- that there "as a -ecision %or me to make; !he <$estion "as
rea''1 <$ite simp'e8 =hat ne.t>
!he <$estion "as too basic4 an- : co$'-n@t sta'' an1 more; : kne" : co$'-n@t tr$st them4 e&en -ear
/eir-re4 b$t i% : ha- to 'e&e' "ith an1bo-14 0an-om "as at 'east in this thin) "ith me4 $p to his
neck4 an- /etr-re "as m1 %a&orite;
FBe'o&e- re'ati&es4G : to'- them4 F:@&e a con%ession to make4G an- 0an-om@s han- "as a'rea-1
on the hi't o% his b'a-e; !hat@s ho" %ar "e co$'- tr$st one another; : co$'- a'rea-1 hear his min-
c'ickin)8 Cor"in bro$)ht me here to betra1 me4 he "as sa1in) to himse'%;
F:% 1o$ bro$)ht me here to betra1 me4G be sai-4 F1o$ "on@t take me back a'i&e;G
FAre 1o$ ki--in)>G : aske-; F: "ant 1o$r he'p4 not 1o$r hea-; =hat : ha&e to sa1 is ?$st this8 :
-on@t kno" "hat the he''@s )oin) on; :@&e ma-e some )$esses4 b$t : -on@t rea''1 kno" "here the
-e&i' "e are4 "hat Amber is4 or "h1 "e@re cro$che- here in the b$shes hi-in) %rom his troops4G :
to'- him4 For %or that matter4 "ho : am4 rea''1;G
!here "as an a"%$''1 'on) si'ence4 an- then 0an-om "hispere-4 F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
FAes4G sai- /eir-re;
F: mean4G : sai-4 Fthat : mana)e- to %oo' 1o$4 0an-om; /i-n@t 1o$ think it stran)e that a'' : -i-
on this trip "as -ri&e the car>G
FAo$ "ere the boss4G he to'- me4 Fan- : %i)$re- 1o$ "ere p'annin); Ao$ -i- some prett1 shre"-
thin)s a'on) the "a1; : kno" that 1o$@re Cor"in;G
F=hich is a thin) : on'1 %o$n- o$t a co$p'e o% -a1s a)o4 m1se'%4G : sai-; F: kno" that : am the
one 1o$ ca'' Cor"in4 b$t : "as in an acci-ent a "hi'e back; : ha- hea- in?$riesD:@'' sho" 1o$ the
scars "hen "e@&e )ot more 'i)htDan- : am s$%%erin) %rom amnesia; : -on@t -i) a'' this ta'k abo$t
(ha-o"s; : -on@t e&en remember m$ch abo$t Amber; A'' : remember is m1 re'ati&es4 an- the %act
that : can@t tr$st them m$ch; !hat@s m1 stor1; =hat@s to be -one abo$t it>G
FChristIG sai- 0an-om; FAes4 : can see it no"I : $n-erstan- a'' the 'itt'e thin)s that p$66'e- me
a'on) the "a1; ,o" -i- 1o$ take +'ora in so comp'ete'1>G
F9$ck4G : sai-4 Fan- s$bconscio$s sneakiness4 : )$ess; NoI !hat@s not itI (he "as st$pi-; No" :
rea''1 nee- 1o$4 tho$)h;G
F/o 1o$ think "e can make it into the (ha-o"s4G sai- /eir-re4 an- she "as not speakin) to me;
FAes4G sai- 0an-om4 Fb$t :@m not %or it; :@- 'ike to see Cor"in in Amber4 an- :@- 'ike to see 2ric@s
hea- on a po'e; :@m "i''in) to take a %e" chances to see these thin)s4 so :@m not t$rnin) back to
the (ha-o"s; Ao$ can i% 1o$ "ant; Ao$ a'' think :@m a "eak'in) an- a b'$%%; No" 1o$@re )oin) to
%in- o$t; :@m )oin) to see this thro$)h;G
F!hanks4 brother4G : sai-;
F:'' met b1 moon'i)hht;G sai- /eir-re;
FAo$ co$'- sti'' be tie- to a stake4G sai- 0an-om4 an- she -i- not rep'1;
=e 'a1 there a "hi'e 'on)er an- three men entere- the campsite an- 'ooke- abo$t; !hen t"o o%
them bent -o"n an- sni%%e- at the )ro$n-;
!hen the1 'ooke- in o$r -irection;
F=eir4G "hispere- 0an-om4 as the1 mo&e- in o$r -irection;
: sa" it happen4 tho$)h on'1 in sha-o"; !he1 -roppe- to a'' %o$rs an- the moon'i)ht p'a1e-
tricks "ith their )ra1 )arments; !hen there "ere the si. b'a6in) e1es o% o$r sta'kers;
: impa'e- the %irst "o'% on m1 si'&er b'a-e an- there "as a h$man ho"'; 0an-om behea-e- one
"ith a sin)'e b'o"4 an- to m1 ama6ement4 : sa" /eir-re raise one in the air an- break its back
across her knee "ith a britt'e4 snappin) so$n-;
FM$ick4 1o$r b'a-e4G sai- 0an-om4 an- : ran his &ictim thro$)h4 an- hers4 an- there "ere more
F=e@- better mo&e %ast4G sai- 0an-om; F!his "a1IG an- "e %o''o"e-;
F=here are "e )oin)>G aske- /eir-re4 a%ter perhaps an ho$r o% %$rti&e mo&ement thro$)h the
F!o the sea4G he rep'ie-;
F:t ho'-s Cor"in@s memor1;G
F=here> ,o">G
F0ebma4 o% co$rse;G
F!he1@- ki'' 1o$ there an- %ee- 1o$r brains to the %ishes;G
F:@m not )oin) the %$'' -istance; Ao$@'' ha&e to take o&er at the shore an- ta'k "ith 1o$r sister@s
FAo$ mean %or him to take the Pattern a)ain>G
F:t@s risk1;G
F: kno"; 9isten; Cor"in4G he sai-4 F1o$@&e been -ecent eno$)h "ith me recent'1; :% b1 some
chance 1o$@re not rea''1 Cor"in4 1o$@re -ea-; Ao$@&e )ot to be4 tho$)h; Ao$ can@t be someone
e'se; Not %rom the "a1 1o$@&e operate-4 "itho$t memor1 e&en; No4 :@'' bet 1o$r 'i%e on it; !ake a
chance an- tr1 the thin) ca''e- the Pattern; O--s are4 it@'' restore 1o$r memor1; Are 1o$ )ame>G
FProbab'14G : sai-4 Fb$t "hat is the Pattern>G
F0ebma is the )host cit1;G be to'- me; F:t is the re%Iection o% Amber "ithin the sea; :n it4
e&er1thin) in Amber is -$p'icate-4 as in a mirror; 9'e"e''a@s peop'e 'i&e there4 an- -"e'' as
tho$)h in Amber; !he1 hate me %or a %e" past pecca-i''oes4 so : cannot &ent$re there "ith 1o$4
b$t i% 1o$ "o$'- speak them %air an- perhaps hint at 1o$r mission4 : %ee' the1 "o$'- 'et 1o$ "a'k
the Pattern o% 0ebma4 "hich4 "hi'e it is the re&erse o% that in Amber4 sho$'- ha&e the same
e%%ect; !hat is4 it )i&es to a son o% o$r %ather the po"er to "a'k amon) (ha-o"s;G
F,o" "i'' this po"er he'p me>G
F:t sho$'- make 1o$ to kno" "hat 1o$ are;G
F!hen :@m )ame;G : sai-;
F#oo- man; :n that case4 "e@'' keep hea-in) so$th; :t "i'' take se&era' -a1s to reach the
stair"a1;;;Ao$ "i'' )o "ith him4 /eir-re>G
F: "i'' )o "ith m1 brother Cor"in;G
: kne" she "o$'- sa1 that4 an- : "as )'a-; : "as a%rai-4 b$t : "as )'a-;
=e "a'ke- a'' that ni)ht; =e a&oi-e- three parties o% arme- troops4 an- in the mornin) "e s'ept
in a ca&e;
Chapter !
=e spent t"o e&enin)s makin) o$r "a1 to the pink an- sab'e san-s o% the )reat sea; :t "as on
the mornin) o% the thir- -a1 that "e arri&e- at the beach4 ha&in) s$ccess%$''1 a&oi-e- a sma''
part1 the s$n-o"n be%ore; =e "ere 'oath to step o$t into the open $nti' "e ha- 'ocate- the
precise spot4 +aie''a-bionin4 the (tair"a1 to 0ebma4 an- co$'- cross <$ick'1 to it;
!he risin) s$n cast bi''ions o% bri)ht shar-s into the %oamin) s"e'' o% the "aters4 an- o$r e1es
"ere -a66'e- b1 their -ance so that "e co$'- not see beneath the s$r%ace; =e ha- 'i&e- on %r$it
an- "ater %or t"o -a1s an- : "as ra&eno$s'1 h$n)r14 b$t : %or)ot this as : re)ar-e- the "i-e4
s'opin) ti)er beach "ith its s$--en t"ists an- rises o% cora'4 oran)e4 pink4 an- re-4 an- its abr$pt
caches o% she''s4 -ri%t"oo-4 an- sma'' po'ishe- stonesC an- the sea be1on-8 risin) an- %a''in)4
sp'ashin) so%t'14 a'' )o'- an- b'$e an- ro1a' p$rp'e4 an- castin) %orth its 'i%eson) bree6es 'ike
bene-ictions beneath -a"n@s &io'et skies;
!he mo$ntain that %aces the -a"n4 3o'&ir4 "hich has he'- Amber 'ike a mother her chi'- %or a''
o% time4 stoo- perhaps t"ent1 mi'es to o$r 'e%t4 the north4 an- the s$n co&ere- her "ith )o'- an-
ma-e rainbo" the &ei' abo&e the cit1; 0an-om 'ooke- $pon it an- )nashe- his teeth4 then 'ooke-
a"a1; Ba1be : -i-4 too;
/eir-re to$che- m1 han-4 )est$re- "ith her hea-4 an- be)an to "a'k to"ar- the north4 para''e'
to the shore; 0an-om an- : %o''o"e-; (he ha- apparent'1 spotte- some 'an-mark;
=e@- a-&ance- perhaps a <$arter o% a mi'e4 "hen it seeme- that the earth shook 'i)ht'1;
F,oo%beatsIG hisse- 0an-om;
F9ookIG sai- /eir-re4 an- her hea- "as ti'te- back an- she "as pointin) $p"ar-;
B1 e1es %o''o"e- the )est$re;
O&erhea- a ha"k circ'e-;
F,o" m$ch %arther is it>G : aske-;
F!hat cairn o% stones4G she sai-4 an- : sa" it perhaps a h$n-re- 1ar-s a"a14 abo$t ei)ht %eet in
hei)ht4 b$i'-e- o% hea--si6e-4 )ra1 stones4 "orn b1 the "in-4 the san-4 the "ater4 stan-in) in the
shape o% a tr$ncate- p1rami-;
!he hoo%beats came 'o$-er4 an- then there "ere the notes o% a horn4 not E$'ian@s ca''4 tho$)h;
F0$nIG sai- 0an-om4 an- "e -i-;
A%ter perhaps t"ent1-%i&e paces4 the ha"k -escen-e-; :t s"oope- at 0an-om4 b$t he ha- his
b'a-e o$t an- took a c$t at it; !hen it t$rne- its attention to /eir-re;
: snatche- m1 o"n b'a-e %rom its sheath an- trie- a c$t; +eathers %'e"; :t rose an- -roppe-
a)ain4 an- this time m1 b'a-e bit somethin) har-Dan- : think it %e''; b$t : co$'-n@t te'' %or s$re4
beca$se : "asn@t abo$t to stop an- 'ook back; !he so$n- o% boo%beats "as <$ite stea-1 no"4 an-
'o$-4 an- the horn notes "ere near at han-;
=e reache- the cairn an- /eir-re t$rne- at ri)ht an)'es to it an- hea-e- strai)ht to"ar- the sea;
: "as not abo$t to ar)$e "ith someone "ho seeme- to kno" "hat she "as -oin); : %o''o"e-4
an- %rom the corner o% m1 e1e : sa" the horsemen;
!he1 "ere sti'' o%% in the -istance4 b$t the1 "ere th$n-erin) a'on) the beach4 -o)s barkin) an-
horns b'o"in)4 an- 0an-om an- : ran 'ike he'' an- "a-e- o$t into the s$r% a%ter o$r sister;
=e "ere $p to o$r "aists "hen 0an-om sai-4 F:t@s -eath i% : sta1 an- -eath i% : )o on;G
FOne is imminent;G : sai-4 Fan- the other ma1 be open to ne)otiation; 9et@s mo&eIG
=e -i-; =e "ere on some sort o% rock1 s$r%ace "hich -escen-e- into the sea; : -i-n@t kno" ho"
"e "o$'- breathe "hi'e "e "a'ke- it4 b$t /eir-re -i-n@t seem "orrie- abo$t it4 so : trie- not to
B$t : "as;
=hen the "ater s"ir'e- an- s"ishe- abo$t o$r hea-s4 : "as &er1 "orrie-; /eir-re "a'ke-
strai)ht ahea-4 tho$)h4 -escen-in)4 an- : %o''o"e-4 an- 0an-om %o''o"e-; 2ach %e" %eet there
"as a -rop; =e "ere -escen-in) an enormo$s staircase4 an- it "as name- +aie''a-bionin4 : kne";
One more step "o$'- brin) the "ater abo&e m1 hea-4 b$t /eir-re ha- a'rea-1 -roppe- be'o"
the "ater 'ine;
(o : -re" a -eep breath an- took the p'$n)e;
!here "ere more steps an- : kept %o''o"in) them; : "on-ere- "h1 m1 bo-1 "as not nat$ra''1
b$o1e- abo&e them4 %or : contin$e- to remain erect an- each step bore me -o"n"ar- as tho$)h
on a nat$ra' staircase4 tho$)h m1 mo&ements "ere some"hat s'o"e-; : be)an "on-erin) "hat
:@- -o "hen : co$'- ho'- m1 breath no 'on)er;
!here "ere b$bb'es abo$t 0an-om@s hea-4 an- /eir-re@s; : trie- to obser&e "hat the1 "ere
-oin)4 b$t : co$'-n@t %i)$re it; !heir breasts seeme- to be risin) an- %a''in) in a norma' manner;
=hen "e "ere abo$t ten %eet beneath the s$r%ace4 0an-om )'ance- at me %rom "here he mo&e-
at m1 'e%t si-e4 an- : hear- his &oice; :t "as as tho$)h : ha- m1 ear presse- a)ainst the bottom o%
a batht$b an- each o% his "or-s came as the so$n- o% someone kickin) $pon the si-e;
!he1 "ere c'ear4 tho$)h8
F: -on@t think the1@'' pers$a-e the -o)s to %o''o"4 e&en i% the horses -o4G he sai-;
F,o" are 1o$ mana)in) to breathe>G : trie- sa1in)4 an- : hear- m1 o"n "or-s -istant'1;
F0e'a.4G he sai- <$ick'1; F:% 1o$@re ho'-in) 1o$r breath4 'et it o$t an- -on@t "orr1; Ao$@'' be ab'e
to breathe so 'on) as 1o$ -on@t &ent$re o%% the stair"a1;G
F,o" can that be>G : aske-;
F:% "e make it4 1o$@'' kno"4G he sai-; an- his &oice ha- a rin)in) <$a'it1 to it4 thro$)h the co'-
an- passin) )reen;
=e "ere abo$t t"ent1 %eet beneath the s$r%ace b1 then4 an- : e.ha'e- a sma'' amo$nt o% air an-
trie- inha'in) %or perhaps a secon-;
!here "as nothin) -ist$rbin) abo$t the sensation4 so : protracte- it; !here "ere more b$bb'es4
b$t be1on- that : %e't nothin) $ncom%ortab'e in the transition;
!here "as no sense o% increasin) press$re -$rin) the ne.t ten %eet or so4 an- : co$'- see the
staircase on "hich "e mo&e- as tho$)h thro$)h a )reenish %o); /o"n4 -o"n4 -o"n it 'e-;
(trai)ht; /irect; An- there "as some kin- o% 'i)ht comin) %rom be'o" $s;
F:% "e can make it thro$)h the arch"a14 "e@'' be sa%e4G sai- m1 sister;
FAo$@'' be sa%e4G 0an-om correcte-4 an- : "on-ere- "hat he ha- -one to be -espise- in the
p'ace ca''e- 0ebma;
F:% the1 ri-e horses "hich ha&e ne&er ma-e the ?o$rne1 be%ore4 then the1@'' ha&e to %o''o" on
%oot4G sai- 0an-om; F:n that case4 "e@'' make it;G
F(o the1 mi)ht not %o''o"Di% that is the case4G sai- /eir-re;
=e h$rrie-;
B1 the time "e "ere perhaps %i%t1 %eet be'o" the s$r%ace4 the "aters )re" <$ite -ark an- chi'';
B$t the )'o" be%ore $s an- be'o" $s increase-4 an- a%ter another ten steps4 : co$'- make o$t the
!here "as a pi''ar risin) to the ri)ht; At its top "as somethin) )'obe-'ike an- )'o"in); Perhaps
%i%teen steps 'o"er4 another s$ch %ormation occ$rre- to the 'e%t; Be1on- that4 it seeme- there "as
another one on the ri)ht4 an- so on;
=hen "e entere- the &icinit1 o% the thin)4 the "aters )re" "armer an- the stair"a1 itse'%
became c'ear8 it "as "hite4 shot thro$)h "ith pink an- )reen4 an- resemb'e- marb'e b$t "as not
s'ipper1 -espite the "ater; :t "as perhaps %i%t1 %eet in "i-th4 an- there "as a "i-e banister o% the
same s$bstance on either si-e;
+ishes s"am past $s as "e "a'ke- it; =hen : 'ooke- back o&er m1 sho$'-er4 there seeme- to be
no si)n o% p$rs$it;
:t became bri)hter; =e entere- the &icinit1 o% the %irst 'i)ht4 an- it "asn@t a )'obe on the top o% a
pi''ar; B1 min- m$st ha&e a--e- that to$ch to the phenomenon4 to tr1 to rationa'i6e it at 'east a
bit; :t appeare- to be a %'ame4 abo$t t"o %eet in hei)ht4 -ancin) there4 as atop a h$)e torch; :
-eci-e- to ask abo$t it 'ater4 an- sa&e- m1Di% 1o$@'' e.c$se the e.pressionDbreath4 %or the rapi-
-escent "e "ere makin);
A%ter "e ha- entere- the a''e1 o% 'i)ht an- ha- passe- si. more o% the torches4 0an-om sai-4
F!he1@re a%ter $s4G an- : 'ooke- back a)ain an- sa" -istant %i)$res -escen-in)4 %o$r o% them on
:t is a stran)e %ee'in) to 'a$)h $n-er "ater an- hear 1o$rse'%;
F9et them4G : sai-4 an- : to$che- the hi't o% m1 b'a-e4 F%or no" "e ha&e ma-e it this %ar4 : %ee' a
po"er $pon meIG
=e h$rrie- tho$)h4 an- o%% to o$r 'e%t an- to o$r ri)ht the "ater )re" b'ack as ink; On'1 the
stair"a1 "as i''$minate-4 in o$r ma- %'i)ht -o"n it4 an- -istant'1 : sa" "hat appeare- to be a
mi)ht1 arch;
/eir-re "as 'eapin) -o"n the stairs t"o at a time4 an- there came a &ibration no"4 %rom the
staccato beat o% the horses@ hoo&es behin- $s;
!he ban- o% arme- menD%i''in) the "a1 %rom banister to banisterD"as %ar behin- an- abo&e;
B$t the %o$r horsemen ha- )aine- on $s; =e %o''o"e- /eir-re as she r$she- -o"n"ar-4 an- m1
han- sta1e- $pon m1 b'a-e;
!hree4 %o$r4 %i&e; =e passe- that man1 'i)hts be%ore : 'ooke- back a)ain an- sa" that the
horsemen "ere perhaps %i%t1 %eet abo&e $s; !he %ootmen "ere no" a'most o$t o% si)ht; !he
arch"a1 'oome- ahea-4 perhaps t"o h$n-re- %eet -istant; Bi)4 shinin) 'ike a'abaster4 an- car&e-
"ith !ritons4 sea n1mphs4 mermai-s4 an- -o'phins4 it "as; An- there seeme- to be peop'e on the
other si-e o% it;
F!he1 m$st "on-er "h1 "e ha&e come there4G sai- 0an-om;
F:t "i'' be an aca-emic point i% "e -on@t make it4G : rep'ie-4 h$rr1in)4 as another )'ance re&ea'e-
that the horsemen ha- )aine- ten %eet on $s;
: -re" m1 b'a-e then4 an- :t %'ashe- in the torch'i)ht; 0an-om %o''o"e- s$it;
A%ter another t"ent1 steps or so4 the &ibrations "ere terrib'e "ithin the )reen an- "e t$rne-4 so
as not to be c$t -o"n as "e ran;
!he1 "ere a'most $pon $s; !he )ates 'a1 a h$n-re- %eet to o$r back4 an- it mi)ht ha&e been a
h$n-re- mi'es4 $n'ess "e co$'- take the %o$r horsemen;
: cro$che-4 as the man "ho "as hea-e- to"ar- me s"$n) his b'a-e; !here "as another ri-er to
his ri)ht an- s'i)ht'1 to his rear4 so nat$ra''1 : mo&e- to his 'e%t4 near to the rai'; !his re<$ire-
that he strike cross-bo-14 as he he'- his b'a-e in his ri)ht han-;
=hen he str$ck4 : parrie- in <$arte an- riposte-;
,e "as 'eanin) %ar %or"ar- in the sa--'e4 an- the point o% m1 b'a-e entere- his neck on the ri)ht
A )reat bi''o" o% b'oo-4 'ike crimson smoke4 arose an- s"ir'e- "ithin the )reenish 'i)ht; Cra6i'14
: "ishe- 7an #o)h "ere there to see it;
!he horse contin$e- past4 an- : 'eape- at the secon- ri-er %rom the rear;
,e t$rne- to parr1 the stroke4 s$ccee-e-; B$t the %orce o% his spee- thro$)h the "ater an- the
stren)th o% m1 b'o" remo&e- him %rom the sa--'e; As he %e''4 : kicke-4 an- he -ri%te-; : str$ck at
him4 ho&erin) there abo&e me4 an- he parrie- a)ain4 b$t this carrie- him be1on- the rai'; : hear-
him scream as the press$re o% the "aters came $pon him; !hen he "as si'ent;
: t$rne- m1 attention then to 0an-om4 "ho ha- s'ain both a horse an- a man an- "as -$e'in)
"ith a secon- man on %oot; B1 the time : reache- them4 he ha- s'ain the man an- "as 'a$)hin);
!he b'oo- bi''o"e- abo&e them4 an- : s$--ene'1 rea'i6e- that : ha- kno"n ma-4 sa-4 ba-
7incent 7an #o)h4 an- it "as rea''1 too ba- that he co$'-n@t ha&e painte- this;
!he %ootmen "ere perhaps a h$n-re- %eet behin- $s4 an- "e t$rne- an- hea-e- to"ar- the
arches; /eir-re ha- a'rea-1 passe- thro$)h them;
=e ran an- "e ma-e it; !here "ere man1 s"or-s at o$r si-es4 an- the %ootmen t$rne- back;
!hen "e sheathe- o$r b'a-es4 an- 0an-om sai-4 F:@&e ha- it4G an- "e mo&e- to ?oin "ith the
ban- o% peop'e "ho ha- stoo- to -e%en- $s;
0an-om "as imme-iate'1 or-ere- to s$rren-er his b'a-e4 an- he shr$))e- an- han-e- it o&er;
!hen t"o men came an- stoo- on either si-e o% him an- a thir- at his back4 an- "e contin$e- on
-o"n the stair;
: 'ost a'' sense o% time in that "ater1 p'ace4 b$t : %ee' that "e "a'ke- %or some"here bet"een a
<$arter o% an ho$r an- ha'% an ho$r be%ore "e reache- o$r -estination;
!he )o'-en )ates o% 0ebma stoo- be%ore $s; =e passe- thro$)h them; =e entere- the cit1;
2&er1thin) "as to be seen thro$)h a )reen ha6e; !here "ere b$i'-in)s4 a'' o% them %ra)i'e an-
most o% them hi)h4 )ro$pe- in patterns an- stan-in) in co'ors that entere- m1 e1es an- tore
thro$)h m1 min-4 seekin) a%ter remembrance; !he1 %ai'e-4 the so'e res$'t o% their -i))in) bein)
the no" %ami'iar ache that accompanies the ha'% reca''e-4 the $nreca''e-; : ha- "a'ke- these
streets be%ore4 ho"e&er4 that : kne"4 or ones &er1 m$ch 'ike them;
0an-om ha- not sai- a sin)'e "or- since he ha- been taken into c$sto-1; /eir-re@s on'1
con&ersation ha- been to in<$ire a%ter o$r sister 9'e"e''a; (he ha- been in%orme- that 9ie"e''a
"as in 0ebma;
: e.amine- o$r escort; !he1 "ere men "ith )reen hair4 p$rp'e hair4 an- b'ack hair4 an- a'' o%
them ha- e1es o% )reen4 sa&e %or one %e''o" "hose "ere o% a ha6e' co'or; A'' "ore on'1 sca'e-
tr$nks an- c'oaks4 cross-braces on their breasts4 an- short s"or-s -epen-in) %rom sea-she'' be'ts;
A'' "ere prett1 m$ch 'ackin) in bo-1 hair;
None o% them spoke to me4 tho$)h some stare- an- some )'are-4 : "as a''o"e- to keep m1
:nsi-e the cit14 "e "ere con-$cte- $p a "i-e a&en$e4 'i)hte- b1 pi''ar %'ames set at e&en c'oser
inter&a's than on +aie''a-bionin4 an- peop'e stare- o$t at $s %rom behin- octa)ona'4 tinte-
"in-o"s4 an- bri)ht-be''ie- %ishes s"am b1; !here came a coo' c$rrent4 'ike a bree6e4 as "e
t$rne- a cornerC an- a%ter a %e" steps4 a "arm one4 'ike a "in-;
=e "ere taken to the pa'ace in the center o% the cit14 an- : kne" it as m1 han- kne" the )'o&e in
m1 be't; :t "as an ima)e o% the pa'ace o% Amber4 obsc$re- on'1 b1 the )reen an- con%$se- b1 the
man1 stran)e'1 p'ace- mirrors "hich ha- been set "ithin its "a''s4 insi-e an- o$t; A "oman sat
$pon the throne in the )'assite room : a'most reca''e-4 an- her hair "as )reen4 tho$)h streake-
"ith si'&er4 an- her e1es "ere ro$n- as moons o% ?a-e an- her bro"s rose 'ike the "in)s o% o'i&e
)$''s; ,er mo$th "as sma''4 her chin "as sma''C her cheeks "ere hi)h an- "i-e an- ro$n-e-; A
circ'et o% "hite )o'- crosse- her bro" an- there "as a cr1sta' neck'ace abo$t her neck; At its tip
there %'ashe- a sapphire bet"een her s"eet bare breasts4 "hose nipp'es "ere a'so a pa'e )reen;
(he "ore sca'e- tr$nks o% b'$e an- a si'&er be't4 an- she he'- a scepter o% pink cora' in her ri)ht
han- an- ha- a rin) $pon e&er1 %in)er4 an- each rin) ha- a stone o% a -i%%erent b'$e "ithin it; (he
-i- not smi'e as she spoke8
F=hat seek 1o$ here4 o$tcasts o% Amber>G she aske-4 an- her &oice "as a 'ispin)4 so%t4 %'o"in)
/eir-re spoke in rep'14 sa1in)8 F=e %'ee the "rath o% the prince "ho sits in the tr$e cit1D2ricI
!o be %rank4 "e "ish to "ork his -o"n%a''; :% he is 'o&e- here4 "e are 'ost4 an- "e ha&e -e'i&ere-
o$rse'&es into the han-s o% o$r enemies; B$t : %ee' he is not 'o&e- here; (o "e come askin) ai-4
)ent'e BoireDG
F: "i'' not )i&e 1o$ troops to assa$'t Amber;G she rep'ie-; FAs 1o$ kno"4 the chaos "o$'- be
re%'ecte- "ithin m1 o"n rea'm;G
F!hat is not "hat "e "o$'- ha&e o% 1o$4 -ear Boire4G /eir-re contin$e-4 Fb$t on'1 a sma''
thin)4 to be achie&e- at no pain or cost to 1o$rse'% or 1o$r s$b?ects;G
FName itI +or as 1o$ kno"4 2ric is a'most as -is'ike- here as this recreant "ho stan-s at 1o$r
'e%t han-4G an- "ith this she )est$re- at m1 brother4 "ho stare- at her in %rank an- inso'ent
appraisa'4 a sma'' smi'e p'a1in) abo$t the corners o% his 'ips;
:% he "as )oin) to pa1D"hate&er the priceD%or "hate&er he ha- -one4 : co$'- see that he
"o$'- pa1 it 'ike a tr$e prince o% AmberDas o$r three -ea- brothers ha- -one a)es a)o4 :
s$--en'1 reca''e-; ,e "o$'- pa1 it4 mockin) them the "hi'e4 'a$)hin) tho$)h his mo$th "as
%i''e- "ith the b'oo- o% his bo-14 an- as he -ie- he "o$'- prono$nce an irre&ocab'e c$rse "hich
"o$'- come to pass; :4 too4 ha- this po"er4 : s$--en'1 kne"4 an- : "o$'- $se it i% circ$mstances
re<$ire- its $se;
F!he thin) : "o$'- ask4G she sai-4 Fis %or m1 brother Cor"in4 "ho is a'so brother to the 9a-1
9:e"e''a4 "ho -"e''s here "ith 1o$; : be'ie&e that he has ne&er )i&en 1o$ o%%ense;;;;G
F!hat is tr$e; B$t "h1 -oes he not speak %or himse'%>G
F!hat is a part o% the prob'em4 9a-1; ,e cannot4 %or he -oes4 not kno" "hat to ask; B$ch o% his
memor1 has -eparte-4 %rom an acci-ent "hich occ$rre- "hen he -"e''e- amon) (ha-o"s; :t is
to restore his remembrance that "e ha&e come here4 to brin) back his reco''ection o% the o'-
-a1s4 that he mi)ht oppose 2ric in Amber;G
FContin$e4G sai- the "oman on the throne4 re)ar-in) me thro$)h the sha-o"s o% her 'ashes on
her e1es;
F:n a p'ace in this b$i'-in)4G she sai-4 Fthere is a room "here %e" "o$'- )o; :n that room4G she
contin$e-4 F$pon the %'oor4 trace- in %ier1 o$t'ine4 there 'ies a -$p'icate o% the thin) "e ca'' the
Pattern; On'1 a son or -a$)hter o% Amber@s 'ate 'ie)e ma1 "a'k this Pattern an- 'i&eC an- it )i&es
to s$ch a person a po"er o&er (ha-o";G ,ere Boire b'inke- se&era' times4 an- : spec$'ate- as to
the n$mber o% her s$b?ects she ha- sent $pon that path4 to )ain some contro' o% this po"er %or
0ebma; O% co$rse4 she ha- %aiIe-; F!o "a'k the Pattern4G /eir-re "ent on4 Fsho$'-4 "e %ee'4
restore to Cor"in his memor1 o% himse'% as a prince o% Amber; ,e cannot )o to Amber to -o it4
an- this is the on'1 p'ace : kno" "here it is -$p'icate-4 other than !ir-na No)@th4 "here o% co$rse
"e ma1 not )o at this time;G
Boire t$rne- her )a6e $pon m1 sister4 s"ept it o&er 0an-om4 ret$rne- it to me;
F:s Cor"in "i''in) to essa1 this thin)>G she aske-;
: bo"e-;
F=i''in)4 m@'a-14G : sai-4 an- she smi'e- then;
F7er1 "e''4 1o$ ha&e m1 permission; : can )$arantee 1o$ no )$arantees o% sa%et1 be1on- m1
rea'm4 ho"e&er;G
FAs to that4 1o$r ma?est14G sai- /eir-re4 F"e e.pect no boons4 b$t "i'' take care o% it o$rse'&es
$pon o$r -epart$re;G
F(a&e %or 0an-om4G she sai-4 F"ho "i'' be <$ite sa%e;G
F=hat mean 1o$>G aske- /eir-re4 %or 0an-om "o$'- not; o% co$rse4 speak %or himse'% $n-er the
F($re'1 1o$ reca''4G she sai-4 Fthat one time Prince 0an-om came into m1 rea'm as a %rien-4 an-
-i- therea%ter -epart in haste "ith m1 -a$)hter Bor)anthe;G
F: ha&e hear- this sai-; 9a-1 Boire4 b$t : am not a"are o% the tr$th or the baseness o% the ta'e;G
F:t is tr$e4G sai- Boire4 Fan- a month therea%ter "as she ret$rne- to me; ,er s$ici-e came some
months a%ter the birth o% her son Bartin; =hat ha&e 1o$ to sa1 to that4 Prince 0an-om>G
FNothin)4G sai- 0an-om;
F=hen Bartin came o% a)e4G sai- Boire4 Fbeca$se he "as o% the b'oo- o% Amber4 he -etermine-
to "a'k the Pattern; ,e is the on'1 one o% m1 peop'e to ha&e s$ccee-e-; !herea%ter4 he "a'ke- in
(ha-o" an- : ha&e not seen him since; =hat ha&e 1o$ to sa1 to that4 9or- 0an-om>G
FNothin)4G 0an-om rep'ie-;
F!here%ore4 : "i'' p$nish thee4G Boire contin$e-; FAo$ sha'' marr1 the "oman o% m1 choice an-
remain "ith her in m1 rea'm %or a 1ear@s time4 or 1o$ "i'' %or%eit 1o$r 'i%e; =hat sa1 1o$ to that4
0an-om sai- nothin)4 b$t he no--e- abr$pt'1;
(he st$ck her scepter $pon the arm o% her t$r<$oise throne;
F7er1 "e''4G she sai-; F(o be it;G
An- so it "as;
=e repaire- to the chambers she ha- )rante- $s4 there to re%resh o$rse'&es; ($bse<$ent'1 she
appeare- at the -oor o% m1 o"n;
F,ai'4 Boire4G : sai-;
F9or- Cor"in o% Amber4G she to'- me4 Fo%ten ha&e : "ishe- to meet thee;G
FAn- : thee4G : 'ie-;
FAo$r e.p'oits are 'e)en-;G
F!hank 1o$4 b$t : bare'1 reca'' the hi)h points;G
FBa1 : enter here>G
FCertain'14G an- : ste)pe- asi-e;
(he mo&e- into the "e''-appointe- s$ite she ha- )rante- me4 (he seate- herse'% $pon the e-)e
o% the oran)e co$ch;
F=hen "o$'- 1o$ 'ike to essa1 the Pattern>G
FAs soon as possib'e4G : to'- her;
(he consi-ere- this4 then sai-4 F=here ha&e 1o$ been4 amon) (ha-o"s>G
F7er1 %ar %rom here4G : sai-4 Fin a p'ace that : 'earne- to 'o&e;G
F:t is stran)e that a 'or- o% Amber sho$'- ha&e this capacit1;G
F=hat capacit1>G
F!o 'o&e4G she rep'ie-;
FPerhaps : chose the "ron) "or-;G
F: -o$bt it4G she sai-4 F%or the ba''a-s o% Cor"in -o to$ch $pon the strin)s o% the heart;G
F!he 'a-1 is kin-;G
FB$t not "ron)4G she rep'ie-;
F:@'' )i&e 1o$ a ba''a- one -a1;G
F=hat -i- 1o$ -o "hen 1o$ -"e''e- in (ha-o">G
F:t occ$rs to me that : "as a pro%essiona' so'-ier4 ma-am; : %o$)ht %or "hoe&er "o$'- pa1 me;
A'so; : compose- the "or-s an- m$sic to man1 pop$'ar son)s;G
FBoth these thin)s occ$r to me as 'o)ica' an- nat$ra';G
FPra1 te'' me; "hat o% m1 brother 0an-om>G
F,e "i'' marr1 "ith a )ir' amon) m1 s$b?ects "ho is name- 7ia''e; (he is b'in- an- has no
"ooers amon) o$r kin-;G
FAre 1o$ certain4G sai- :4 Fthat 1o$ -o the best thin) %or her>G
F(he "i'' obtain )oo- stat$s :n this manner4G sai- Boire4 Ftho$)h he -epart a%ter a 1ear an-
ne&er ret$rn; +or "hate&er e'se ma1 be sai- o% him4 be is a prince o% Amber;G
F=hat i% she comes to 'o&e him>G
FCo$'- an1one rea''1 -o this thin)>G
F:n m1 "a14 : 'o&e him4 as a brother;G
F!hen this is the %irst time a son o% Amber has e&er sai- s$ch a thin)4 an- : attrib$te it to 1o$r
poetic temperament;G
F=hate&er4G sai- :4 Fbe &er1 s$re that it is the best thin) %or the )ir';G
F: ha&e consi-ere- it4G she to'- me4 Fan- : am certain; (he "i'' reco&er %rom "hate&er pain he
in%'icts4 an- a%ter his -epart$re she "i'' be a )reat 'a-1 o% m1 co$rt;G
F(o ma1 it be4G : sai-4 an- 'ooke- a"a14 %ee'in) a sa-ness come o&er meD%or the )ir'4 o% co$rse;
F=hat ma1 : sa1 to 1o$>G : sai-; FPerhaps 1o$ -o a )oo- thin); : hope so;G An- : took her han-
an- kisse- it;
FAo$; 9or- Cor"in4 are the on'1 prince o% Amber : mi)ht s$pport4G she to'- me; Fsa&e possib'1
%or Bene-ict; ,e is )one these t"e'&e 1ears an- ten4 ho"e&er4 an- 9ir kno"s "here his bones
ma1 'ie; Pit1;G
F: -i- not kne" this4G : sai-; FB1 memor1 is so scre"e- $p; P'ease bear "ith me; : sha'' miss
Bene-ict4 an@ he be -ea-; ,e "as m1 Baster o% Arms an- ta$)ht me o% a'' "eapons; B$t he "as
FAs are 1o$4 Cor"in4G she to'- me4 takin) m1 ban- an- -ra"in) me to"ar- her;
FNo4 not rea''14G : rep'ie-4 as : seate- m1se'% on the co$ch at her si-e; !hen she sai-4 F=e@&e
m$ch time ti'' "e -ine;G !hen she 'eane- a)ainst me "ith the %ront o% her sho$'-er "hich "as
F=hen -o "e eat>G : aske-;
F=hene&er : -ec'are :t4G she sai-4 an- she %ace- me more %$''1;
(o : -re" her $pon me an- %o$n- the catch to the b$ck'e "hich co&ere- the so%tness o% her
be''1; !here "as more so%tness beneath4 an- her hair "as )reen;
*pon the co$ch4 : )a&e her her ba''a-; ,er 'ips rep'ie- "itho$t "or-s;
A%ter "e ha- eatenDan- : ha- 'earne- the trick o% eatin) $n-er "ater4 "hich : mi)ht -etai' 'ater
on i% circ$mstances rea''1 "arrantD"e rose %rom o$r p'aces "ithin the marb'e hi)h ha''4
-ecorate- "ith nets an- ropes o% re- an- bro"n4 an- "e ma-e o$r "a1 back a'on) a narro"
corri-or4 an- -o"n4 -o"n4 beneath the %'oor o% the sea itse'%4 %irst b1 means o% a spira' staircase
that scre"e- its "a1 thro$)h abso'$te -arkness an- )'o"e-; A%ter abo$t t"ent1 paces4 m1
brother sai-4 F(cre"IG an- steppe- o%% the staircase an- be)an s"immin) -o"n"ar- a'on)si-e it;
F:t is %aster that "a14G sai- Boire;
FAn- it is a 'on) "a1 -o"n4G sai- /eir-re4 kno"in) the -istance o% the one in Amber;
(o "e a'' steppe- o%% an- s"am -o"n"ar- thro$)h -arkness4 besi-e the )'o"in)4 t"istin) thin);
:t took perhaps ten min$tes to reach the bottom4 b$t "hen o$r %eet to$che- the %'oor4 "e stoo-4
"ith no ten-enc1 to -ri%t; !here "as 'i)ht abo$t $s then4 %rom a %e" %eeb'e %'ames set "ithin
niches in the "a'';
F=h1 is this part o% the ocean4 "ithin the -o$b'e o% Amber4 so -i%%erent %rom "aters e'se"here>G
: aske-;
FBeca$se that is the "a1 it is4G sai- /eir-re4 "hich irritate- me;
=e "ere in an enormo$s ca&ern4 an- t$nne's shot o%% %rom it in a'' -irections; =e mo&e- to"ar-
A%ter "a'kin) a'on) it %or an a"%$''1 'on) "hi'e4 "e be)an to enco$nter si-e passa)es4 some o%
"hich ha- -oors or )ri''es be%ore them an- some o% "hich -i- not;
At the se&enth o% these "e stoppe-; :t "as a h$)e )ra1 -oor o% some s'ate-'ike s$bstance4 bo$n-
in meta'4 to"erin) to t"ice m1 hei)ht; : remembere- somethin) abo$t the si6e o% !ritons as :
re)ar-e- that -oor"a1; !hen Boire smi'e-4 ?$st at me4 an- pro-$ce- a 'ar)e ke1 %rom a rin) $pon
her be't an- set it "ithin the 'ock;
(he co$'-n@t t$rn it4 tho$)h; Perhaps the thin) ha- been $n$se- %or too 'on);
0an-om )ro"'e- an- his han- shot %or"ar-4 knockin) hers asi-e;
,e sie6e- the ke1 in his ri)ht han- an- t"iste-;
!here came a c'ick;
!hen he p$she- the -oor open "ith his %oot an- "e stare- "ithin;
:n a room the si6e o% a ba''room the Pattern "as 'ai-; !he %'oor "as b'ack an- 'ooke- smooth as
)'ass; An- on the %'oor "as the Pattern;
:t shimmere- 'ike the co'- %ire that it "as4 <$i&ere-4 ma-e the "ho'e room seem someho"
$ns$bstantia'; :t "as an e'aborate tracer1 o% bri)ht po"er4 compose- main'1 o% c$r&es4 tho$)h
there "ere a %e" strai)ht 'ines near its mi--'e; :t remin-e- me o% a %antastica''1 intricate4 'i%e-
sca'e &ersion o% one o% those ma6e thin)s 1o$ -o "ith a penci' Jor ba''point4 as the case ma1 beK4
to )et 1o$ into or o$t o% somethin); 9ike4 : co$'- a'most see the "or-s F(tart ,ere4G some"here
"a1 to the back; :t "as perhaps a h$n-re- 1ar-s across at its narro" mi--'e4 an- ma1be a
h$n-re- an- %i%t1 'on);
:t ma-e be''s rin) "ithin m1 hea-4; an- then came the throbbin); B1 min- recoi'e- %rom the
to$ch o% it; B$t i% : "ere a prince o% Amber4 then some"here "ithin m1 b'oo-4 m1 ner&o$s
s1stem4 m1 )enes4 this pattern "as recor-e- someho"4 so that : "o$'- respon- proper'14 so that :
co$'- "a'k the b'oo-1 thin);
F($re "ish : co$'- ha&e a ci)arette4G : sai-4 an- the )ir's )i))'e-4 tho$)h rather a 'itt'e too
rapi-'1 an- perhaps "ith a bit o% a t"ist o% the treb'e contro';
0an-om took m1 arm an- sai-4 F:t@s an or-ea'4 b$t it@s not impossib'e or "e "o$'-n@t be here;
!ake it &er1 s'o"'1 an- -on@t 'et 1o$rse'% he -istracte-; /on@t be a'arme- b1 the sho"er o% sparks
that "i'' arise "ith each step; !he1 can@t h$rt 1o$; Ao$@'' %ee' a mi'- c$rrent passin) thro$)h 1o$
the "ho'e time4 an- a%ter a "hi'e 1o$@'' start %ee'in) hi)h; B$t keep concentratin)4 an- -on@t
%or)etDkeep "a'kin)I /on@t stop4 "hate&er 1o$ -o4 an- -on@t stra1 %rom the path4 or it@''
probab'1 ki'' 1o$4G an- as he spoke4 "e "a'ke-; =e "a'ke- c'ose to the ri)ht-han- "a'' an-
ro$n-e- the Pattern4 hea-in) to"ar- its %ar en-; !he )ir's trai'e- behin- $s;
: "hispere- to him;
F: trie- to ta'k her o$t o% this thin) she@s p'anne- %or 1o$; No '$ck;G
F: %i)$re- 1o$ "o$'-4G he sai-; F/on@t "orr1 abo$t it; : can -o a 1ear stan-in) on m1 hea-4 an-
the1 mi)ht e&en 'et me )o sooner4 i% :@m$s eno$)h;G
F!he )ir' she has 'ine- $p %or 1o$ is name- 7ia''e; (he@s b'in-;G
F#reat4G he sai-; F#reat ?oke;G
F0emember that re)enc1 "e spoke o%>G
FBe kin- to her then4 sta1 the %$'' 1ear4 an- : "i'' be )enero$s;G
!hen he s<$ee6e- m1 arm;
F+rien- o% 1o$rs4 h$h>G he ch$ck'e-; F=hat@s she 'ike>G
F:s it a -ea'>G : sa'-4 s'o"'1;
F:t@s a -ea';G
!hen "e stoo- at the p'ace "here the Pattern be)an4 near to the corner o% the room;
: mo&e- %or"ar- an- re)ar-e- the 'ine o% in'ai- %ires that starte- near to the spot "here : ha-
p'ace- m1 ri)ht %oot; !he Pattern constit$te- the on'1 i''$mination "ithin the room; !he "aters
"ere chi'' abo$t me;
: stro-e %or"ar-4 settin) m1 'e%t %oot $pon the path; :t "as o$t'ine- b1 b'$e-"hite sparks; !hen :
set m1 ri)ht %oot $pon it4 an- : %e't the c$rrent 0an-om ha- mentione-; : took another step;
!here "as a crack'e an- : %e't m1 hair be)innin) to rise; : took another step;
!hen the thin) be)an to c$r&e4 abr$pt'14 back $pon itse'%; : took ten more paces4 an- a certain
resistance seeme- to arise; :t "as as i% a b'ack barrier ha- )ro"n $p be%ore me4 o% some
s$bstance "hich p$she- back $pon me "ith each e%%ort that : ma-e to pass %or"ar-;
: %o$)ht it; :t "as the +irst 7ei'4 : s$--en'1 kne";
!o )et be1on- it "o$'- be an achie&ement4 a )oo- si)n4 sho"in) that : "as in-ee- part o% the
Pattern; 2ach raisin) an- 'o"erin) o% m1 %oot s$--en'1 re<$ire- a terrib'e e%%ort4 an- sparks shot
%orth %rom m1 hair;
: concentrate- on the %ier1 'ine; : "a'ke- it breathin) bea&i'1;
($--en'1 the press$re "as ease-; !he 7ei' ha- parte- be%ore me4 as abr$pt'1 as it ha- occ$rre-;
: ha- passe- be1on- it an- ac<$ire- somethin);
: ha- )aine- a piece o% m1se'%;
: sa" the paper skins an- the knobb14 stick-'ike bones o% the -ea- o% A$sch"it6; : ha- been
present at N$rember)4 : kne"; : hear- the &oice o% (tephen (pen-er recitin) F7ienna4G an- : sa"
Bother Co$ra)e cross the sta)e on the ni)ht o% a Brecht premiere; : sa" the rockets 'eap $p %rom
the staine- har- p'aces4 Peenem$n-e4 7an-enber)4 3enne-14 3161' 3$m in 3a6akhstan4 an- :
to$che- "ith m1 han-s the =a'' o% China; =e "ere -rinkin) beer an- "ine4 an- (ha.p$r sai- he
"as -r$nk an- "ent o%% to p$ke; : entere- the )reen %orests o% the =estern 0eser&e an- took
three sca'ps one -a1; : h$mme- a t$ne as "e marche- a'on) an- it ca$)ht on; :t become FA$prQs
-e ma B'on-e;G : remembere-4 : remembere-;;;m1 'i%e "ithin the (ha-o" p'ace its inhabitants
ha- ca''e- the 2arth; !hree more steps4 an- : he'- a b'oo-1 b'a-e an- sa" three -ea- men an-
m1 horse4 on "hich : ha- %'e- the re&o'$tion in +rance; An- more4 so m$ch more4 back toD
: took another step;
Back toD
!he -ea-; !he1 "ere a'' abo$t me; !here "as a horrib'e stinkDthe sme'' o% -eca1in) %'eshDan-
: hear- the ho"'s o% a -o) "ho "as bein) beaten to -eath; Bi''o"s o% b'ack smoke %i''e- the sk14
an- an ic1 "in- s"ept aro$n- me bearin) a %e" sma'' -rops o% rain; B1 throat "as parche- an-
m1 han-s shook an- m1 hea- "as on %ire; : sta))ere- a'one4 seein) e&er1thin) thro$)h the ha6e
o% the %e&er that b$rne- me; !he )$tters "ere %i''e- "ith )arba)e an- -ea- cats an- the
empt1in)s o% chamber pots; =ith a ratt'e an- the rin)in) o% a be''4 the -eath "a)on th$n-ere- b14
sp'ashin) me "ith m$- an- co'- "ater;
,o" 'on) : "an-ere-4 : -o not kno"4 be%ore a "oman sei6e- m1 arm an- : sa" a /eath@s ,ea-
rin) $pon her %in)er; (he 'e- me to her rooms4 b$t -isco&ere- there that : ha- no mone1 an- "as
incoherent; A 'ook o% %ear crosse- her paine- %ace4 erasin) the smi'e on her bri)ht 'ips4 an- she
%'e- an- : co''apse- $pon her be-;
9aterDa)ain4 ho" m$ch 'ater : -o not kno"Da bi) man4 the )ir'@s B'ack /a&14 came an-
s'appe- me across the %ace an- -ra))e- me to m1 %eet; : sei6e- his ri)ht biceps an- h$n) on; ,e
ha'% carrie-4 ha'% p$''e- me to"ar- the -oor;
=hen : rea'i6e- that he "as )oin) to cast me o$t into the co'-4 : ti)htene- m1 )rip to protest it; :
s<$ee6e- "ith a'' m1 remainin) stren)th4 m$mb'in) ha'%-coherent p'eas;
!hen thro$)h s"eat an- tear-%i''e- e1es; : sa" his %ace break open an- hear- a scream come
%orth %rom bet"een his staine- teeth;
!he bone in his arm ha- broken "here :@- s<$ee6e- it;
,e p$she- me a"a1 "ith his 'e%t han- an- %e'' to his knees4 "eepin); : sat $pon the %'oor4 an-
m1 hea- c'eare- %or a moment;
F:;;;am ; ; ; sta1in) here4G : sai-4 F$nti' : %ee' better; #et o$t; :% 1o$ come backD:@'' ki'' 1o$;G
FAo$@&e )ot the p'a)$eIG he crie-; F!he1@'' come %or 1o$r bones tomorro"IG an- he spat then4
)ot to his %eet4 an- sta))ere- o$t;
: ma-e it to the -oor an- barre- it; !hen : cra"'e- back to the be- an- s'ept;
:% the1 came %or m1 bones the ne.t -a14 the1 "ere -isappointe-; +or4 perhaps ten ho$rs 'ater4 in
the mi--'e o% the ni)ht4 : a"oke in a co'- s"eat an- rea'i6e- m1 %e&er ha- broken; : "as "eak4
b$t rationa' once more;
: rea'i6e- : ha- 'i&e- thro$)h the p'a)$e;
: took a man@s c'oak : %o$n- in the "ar-robe an- took some mone1 : %o$n- in a -ra"er;
!hen : "ent %orth into 9on-on an- the ni)ht4 in a 1ear o% the p'a)$e4 'ookin) %or somethin);;;;
: ha- no reco''ection o% "ho : "as or "hat : "as -oin) there;
!hat "as ho" it ha- starte-;
: "as "e'' into the Pattern no"4 an- the sparks %'ashe- contin$a''1 abo$t m1 %eet4 reachin) to the
hei)ht o% m1 knees; : no 'on)er kne" "hich -irection : %ace-4 or "here 0an-om an- /eir-re an-
Boire stoo-; !he c$rrents s"ept thro$)h me an- it seeme- m1 e1eba''s "ere &ibratin); !hen
came a pins-an--nee-Ie %ee'in) in m1 cheeks an- a co'-ness on the back o% m1 neck4 : c'enche-
m1 teeth to keep them %rom chatterin);
!he a$to acci-ent ha- not )i&en me m1 amnesia; : ha- been "itho$t %$'' memor1 since the rei)n
o% 2'i6abeth :; +'ora m$st ha&e conc'$-e- that the recent acci-ent ha- restore- me; (he ha-
kno"n o% m1 con-ition; : "as s$--en'1 str$ck b1 the tho$)ht that she "as on that (ha-o" 2arth
main'1 to keep tabs on me;
(ince the si.teenth cent$r1; then>
!hat : co$'-n@t sa1; :@- %in- o$t4 tho$)h;
: took si. more rapi- steps4 reachin) the en- o% an arc an- comin) to the be)innin) p'ace o% a
strai)ht 'ine;
: set m1 %oot $pon it4 an- "ith each step that : took4 another barrier be)an to rise a)ainst me; :t
"as the (econ- 7ei';
!here "as a ri)ht-an)'e t$rn4 then another4 then another;
: "as a prince o% Amber; :t "as tr$e; !here ha- been %i%teen brothers an- si. "ere -ea-; !here
ha- been ei)ht (isters4 an- t"o "ere -ea-4 possib'1 %o$r; =e ha- spent m$ch o% o$r time in
"an-erin) in (ha-o"4 or in o$r o"n $ni&erses; :t is an aca-emic4 tho$)h &a'i- phi'osophica'
<$estion4 as to "hether one "ith po"er o&er (ha-o" co$'- create his o"n $ni&erse; =hate&er
the $'timate ans"er4 %rom a practica' point "e co$'-;
Another c$r&e be)an4 an- it "as as tho$)h : "ere "a'kin) in )'$e as : mo&e- s'o"'1 a'on) it;
One4 t"o4 three4 %o$r;;;: raise- m1 %ier1 boots an- 'et them -o"n a)ain;
B1 hea- throbbe- an- m1 heart %e't as tho$)h it "ere %ibri''atin) to pieces;
!he )oin) "as s$--en'1 eas1 once more4 as : remembere- Amber;
Amber "as the )reatest cit1 "hich ha- e&er e.iste- or e&er "o$'-; Amber ha- a'"a1s been
an- a'"a1s "o$'- be4 an- e&er1 other cit14 e&er1"here e&er1 other cit1 that e.iste- "as b$t a
re%'ection o% a sha-o" o% some phase o% Amber; Amber4 Amber4 Amber;;;: remember thee; : sha''
ne&er %or)et thee a)ain; : )$ess4 -eep insi-e me4 : ne&er rea''1 -i-4 thro$)h a'' those cent$ries :
"an-ere- the (ha-o" 2arth4 %or o%ten at ni)ht m1 -rearns "ere tro$b'e- b1 ima)es o% th1 )reen
an- )o'-en spires an- th1 s"eepin) terraces; : remember th1 "i-e promena-es an- the -ecks o%
%'o"ers4 )o'-en an- re-; : reca'' the s"eetness o% th1 airs4 an- the temp'es4 pa'aces4 an-
p'easances tho$ containest4 containe-4 "i'' a'"a1s contain4 Amber4 immorta' cit1 %rom "hich
e&er1 other cit1 has taken its shape4 : cannot %or)et thee4 e&en no"4 nor %or)et that -a1 on the
Pattern o% 0ebma "hen : remembere- thee "ithin th1 re%'ecte- "a''s4 %resh %rom a mea' a%ter
star&ation an- the 'o&in) o% Boire4 b$t nothin) co$'- compare "ith the p'eas$re an- the 'o&e o%
rememberin) theeC an- e&en no"4 as : stan- contemp'atin) the Co$rts o% Chaos4 te''in) this stor1
to the on'1 one present to hear4 that perhaps he ma1 repeat it4 that it "i'' not -ie a%ter : ha&e -ie-
"ithinC e&en no"4 : remember thee "ith 'o&e4 cit1 that : "as born to r$'e;;;;
!en paces4 then a s"ir'in) %i'i)ree o% %ire con%ronte- me4 : essa1e- it4 m1 s"eat &anishin) into
the "aters as %ast as it spran) %orth;
:t "as trick14 so -e&i'ish trick14 an- it seeme- that the "aters o% the room s$--en'1 mo&e- in
)reat c$rrents "hich threatene- to s"eep me %rom the Pattern; : str$))'e- on4 resistin) them;
:nstincti&e'14 : kne" that to 'ea&e the Pattern be%ore :@- comp'ete- it "o$'- mean m1 -eath; :
-are- not raise m1 e1es %rom the p'aces o% 'i)ht that 'a1 be%ore me4 to see ho" %ar : ha- come4
ho" %ar : ha- 1et to )o;
!he c$rrents s$bsi-e- an- more o% m1 memories ret$rne-4 memories o% m1 'i%e as a prince o%
Amber;;;; No4 the1 are not 1o$rs %or the askin)8 the1 are mine4 some &icio$s an- cr$e'4 others
perhaps nob'eDmemories )oin) back to m1 chi'-hoo- in the )reat pa'ace o% Amber4 "ith the
)reen banner o% m1 %ather Oberon %'arin) abo&e it4 "hite $nicorn rampant4 %acin) to the -e.ter;
0an-om ha- ma-e it thro$)h the Pattern; 2&en /eir-re ha- ma-e it; !here%ore4 :4 Cor"in4 "o$'-
make it4 no matter "hat the resistance;
: emer)e- %rom the %i'i)ree an- marche- a'on) the #ran- C$r&e; !he %orces that shape the
$ni&erse %e'' $pon me an- beat me into their ima)e;
: ha- an a-&anta)e o&er an1 other person "ho attempte- the "a'k4 ho"e&er; : kne" that : ha-
-one it be%ore4 so : kne" that : co$'- -o it; !his he'pe- me a)ainst the $nnat$ra' %ears "hich rose
'ike b'ack c'o$-s an- "ere )one a)ain4 on'1 to ret$rn4 their stren)th re-o$b'e-; : "a'ke- the
Pattern an- : remembere- a''4 : remembere- a'' the -a1s be%ore m1 cent$ries on the (ha-o"
2arth an- : remembere- other p'aces o% (ha-o"4 man1 o% them specia' an- -ear to me4 an- one
"hich : 'o&e- abo&e a''4 sa&e %or Amber;
: "a'ke- three more c$r&es4 a strai)ht 'ine4 an- a series o% sharp arcs4 an- : he'- "ithin me once
a)ain a conscio$sness o% the thin)s "hich : ha- ne&er rea''1 'ost8 mine "as the po"er o&er
!en arcs "hich 'e%t me -i6614 another short arc4 a strai)ht 'ine4 an- the +ina' 7ei';
:t "as a)on1 to mo&e; 2&er1thin) trie- to beat me asi-e; !he "aters "ere co'-4 then boi'in); :t
seeme- that the1 constant'1 p$she- a)ainst me; : str$))'e-4 p$ttin) one %oot be%ore the other; !he
sparks reache- as hi)h as m1 "aist at this point4 then m1 breast4 m1 sho$'-ers; !he1 "ere into
m1 e1es; !he1 "ere a'' abo$t me; : co$'- bare'1 see the Pattern itse'%;
!hen a short arc4 en-in) in b'ackness;
One4 t"o;;;An- to take the 'ast step "as 'ike tr1in) to p$sh thro$)h a concrete "a:';
: -i- it;
!hen : t$rne- s'o"'1 an- 'ooke- back o&er the co$rse : ha- come; : "o$'- not permit m1se'% the
'$.$r1 o% sa))in) to m1 knees; : "as a prince o% Amber4 an- b1 #o-I nothin) co$'- h$mb'e me
in the presence o% m1 peers; Not e&en the PatternI
: "a&e- ?a$nti'1 in "hat : tho$)ht to be the ri)ht -irection; =hether or not : co$'- be ma-e o$t
&er1 c'ear'1 "as another matter;
!hen : stoo- there a moment an- tho$)ht;
: kne" the po"er o% the Pattern no"; #oin) back a'on) it "o$'- be no trick at a'';
B$t "h1 bother>
: 'acke- m1 -eck o% car-s4 b$t the po"er o% the Pattern co$'- ser&e me ?$st as "e'';;;;
!he1 "ere "aitin) %or me4 m1 brother an- sister an- Boire "ith her thi)hs 'ike marb'e pi''ars;
/eir-re co$'- take care o% herse'% %rom here on o$tDa%ter a''4 "e@- sa&e- her 'i%e; : -i-n@t %ee'
ob'i)ate- to )o on protectin) her on a -a1-b1--a1 basis; 0an-om "as st$ck in 0ebma %or a 1ear4
$n'ess he ha- )$ts eno$)h to 'eap %or"ar- an- take the Pattern to this sti'' center o% po"er an-
perhaps escape; An- as %or Boire4 it ha- been nice kno"in) her4 an- ma1be :@- see her a)ain
some -a14 an- 'ike that; : c'ose- m1 e1es an- bo"e- m1 hea-;
Be%ore : -i- so4 tho$)h4 : sa" a %'eetin) sha-o";
0an-om> !r1in) it> =hate&er4 he "o$'-n@t kno" "here : "as hea-e-; No one "o$'-;
: opene- m1 e1es an- : stoo- in the mi--'e o% the same Pattern4 in re&erse;
: "as co'-4 an- : "as -amn tire-4 b$t : "as in AmberDin the rea' room4 o% "hich the one : ha-
-eparte- "as b$t an ima)e; +rom the Pattern4 : co$'- trans%er m1se'% to an1 point : "ishe- "ithin
#ettin) back "o$'- be a prob'em4 ho"e&er;
(o : stoo- there an- -rippe- an- consi-ere-;
:% 2ric ha- taken the ro1a' s$ite4 then : mi)ht %in- him there; Or perhaps in the throne room; B$t
then4 :@- ha&e to make m1 o"n "a1 back to the p'ace o% po"er4 :@- ha&e to "a'k the Pattern
a)ain4 in or-er to reach the escape point;
: trans%erre- m1se'% to a hi-in) p'ace : kne" o% "ithin the pa'ace; :t "as a "in-o"'ess c$bic'e
into "hich some 'i)ht trick'e- %rom obser&ation s'its hi)h o&erhea-; : bo'te- its one s'i-in) pane'
%rom the insi-e4 -$ste- o%% a "oo-en bench set besi-e the "a''4 sprea- m1 c'oak $pon it an-
stretche- o$t %or a nap; :% an1one came )ropin) his "a1 -o"n %rom abo&e4 :@- hear him 'on)
be%ore he reache- me;
: s'ept;
A%ter a "hi'e4 : a"akene-; (o : arose4 -$ste- o%% m1 c'oak an- -onne- it once more; !hen :
be)an to ne)otiate the series o% pe)s "hich 'a--ere- their "a1 $p into the pa'ace;
: kne" "here it "as4 the thir- %'oor4 b1 the markin)s on the "a''s;
: s"$n) m1se'% o&er to a sma'' 'an-in) an- searche- %or the peepho'e; : %o$n- it an- )a6e-
thro$)h; Nothin); !he 'ibrar1 "as empt1; (o : s'i- back the pane' an- entere-;
=ithin4 : "as stricken b1 the m$'tit$-es o% books; !he1 a'"a1s -o that to me; : consi-ere-
e&er1thin)4 inc'$-in) the -isp'a1 cases4 an- %ina''1 mo&e- to"ar- the p'ace "here a cr1sta' case
containe- e&er1thin) that 'e- $p to a %ami'1 ban<$etDpri&ate ?oke; :t he'- %o$r -ecks o% the
%ami'1 car-s4 an- : so$)ht abo$t %or a means o% obtainin) one "itho$t settin) o%% an a'arm "hich
mi)ht keep me %rom $sin) it;
A%ter ma1be ten min$tes4 : s$ccee-e- in )immickin) the proper case; :t "as trick1; !hen4 pack
in han-s4 : %o$n- a com%ortab'e seat %or the consi-eration thereo%;
!he car-s "ere ?$st 'ike +'ora@s an- the1 he'- $s a'' $n-er )'ass an- "ere co'- to the to$ch; No"4
too4 : kne" "h1;
(o : sh$%%'e- an- sprea- them a'' o$t be%ore me :n the proper manner; !hen : rea- them4 an- :
sa" that ba- thin)s "ere in store %or the entire %ami'1C an- : )athere- them a'' to)ether then;
(a&e %or one;
:t "as the car- -epictin) m1 brother B'e1s; : rep'ace- the others in their case an- t$cke- it into
m1 be't; !hen : consi-ere- B'e1s;
At abo$t that time there came a scratchin) :n the 'ock o% the )reat -oor to the 'ibrar1; =hat co$'-
: -o> : 'oosene- m1 b'a-e in its scabbar- an- "aite-; : -$cke- 'o" behin- the -esk4 tho$)h;
Peerin) o$t4 : sa" that it "as a )$1 name- /ik4 "ho ha- ob&io$s'1 come to c'ean the p'ace4 as
he set o$t empt1in) the ashtra1s an- "astebaskets an- -$stin) the she'&es;
(ince it "o$'- be -emeanin) to be -isco&ere-4 : e.pose- m1se'%;
: rose an- sai-4 F,e''o4 /ik; 0emember me>G
,e t$rne- three kin-s o% pa'e4 ha'% bo'te-4 an- sai-8
FO% co$rse4 9or-; ,o" co$'- : %or)et>G
F: s$ppose it "o$'- be possib'e4 a%ter a'' this time;G
FNe&er4 9or- Cor"in4G he rep'ie-;
F: s$ppose :@m here "itho$t o%%icia' sanction4 an- en)a)e- in a bit o% i''icit research4G : sai- Fb$t
i% 2ric -oesn@t 'ike it "hen 1o$ te'' him that 1o$ sa" me4 p'ease e.p'ain that : "as simp'1
e.ercisin) m1 ri)hts4 an- he "i'' be seein) me persona''1Dsoon;G
F'@'' -o that4 m@'or-4G he sai-4 bo"in);
FCome sit "ith me a moment4 %rien- /ik4 an- :@'' te'' 1o$ more;G
An- he -i-4 so : -i-;
F!here "as a time4G : sai-4 a--ressin) this ancient &isa)e4 F"hen : "as consi-ere- )one %or
)oo- an- aban-one- %ore&er; (ince : sti'' 'i&e4 ho"e&er4 an- since : maintain a'' m1 %ac$'ties4 :
%ear that : m$st -isp$te 2ric@s c'aim to the throne o% Amber; !ho$)h it@s not a thin) to be sett'e-
simp'14 as he is not the %irst-born4 nor -o : %ee' he "o$'- en?o1 pop$'ar s$pport i% another "ere in
si)ht; +or these4 amon) other reasonsDmost o% them persona'D: am abo$t to oppose him; : ha&e
not 1et -eci-e- ho"4 nor $pon "hat )ro$n-s4 b$t b1 #o-I he -eser&es oppositionI !e'' him that;
:% he "ishes to seek me4 te'' him that : -"e'' amon) (ha-o"s4 b$t -i%%erent ones than be%ore; ,e
ma1 kno" "hat : mean b1 that; : "i'' not be easi'1 -estro1e-4 %or : "i'' )$ar- m1se'% at 'east as
"e'' as he -oes here; : "i'' oppose him %rom he'' to eternit14 an- : "i'' not cease $nti' one o% $s is
-ea-; =hat sa1 1o$ to this4 o'- retainer>G
An- he took m1 han- an- kisse- it;
F,ai' to thee4 Cor"in4 9or- o% Amber4G he sai-4 an- there "as a tear in his e1e;
!hen the -oor cracke- a crack behin- him an- s"$n) open;
2ric entere-;
F,e''o4G sai- :4 0isin) an- p$ttin) a most$s t"an) to m1 &oice; F: -i-n@t e.pect to meet
"ith 1o$ this ear'1 in the )ame; ,o" )o thin)s in Amber>G
An- his e1es "ere "i-e "ith ama6e an- his &oice hea&1 "ith that "hich men ca'' sarcasm4 an- :
can@t think o% a better "or-4 as he rep'ie-8
F=e''4 "hen it comes to thin)s4 Cor"in; Poor'14 on other co$nts4 ho"e&er;G
FPit14G sai- :4 Fan- ho" sha'' "e p$t thin)s ari)ht>G
F: kno" a "a14G he sai-4 an- then he )'are- at /ik4 "ho prompt'1 -eparte- an- c'ose- the -oor
behin- him; : hear- it snick sh$t;
2ric 'oosene- his b'a-e in its scabbar-;
FAo$ "ant the throne4G he sai-;
F/on@t "e a''>G : to'- him;
F: )$ess so4G he sai-4 "ith a si)h; F:t@s tr$e4 that $neas1-'ies-the-hea- bit; : -on@t kno" "h1 "e
are -ri&en to stri&e so %or this ri-$c$'o$s position; B$t 1o$ m$st reca'' that :@&e -e%eate- 1o$
t"ice4 merci%$i'1 )rantin) 1o$ 1o$r 'i%e on a (ha-o" "or'- the 'ast occasion;G
F:t "asn@t that merci%$'4G : sai-; FAo$ kno" "here 1o$ 'e%t me4 to -ie o% the p'a)$e; !he %irst
time4 as : remember4 it "as prett1 m$ch a -ra";G
F!hen it is bet"een the t"o o% $s no"4 Cor"in4G he sai-; F: am 1o$r e'-er an- 1o$r better; :% 1o$
"ish to tr1 me at arms4 : %in- m1se'% s$itab'1 attire-; ('a1 me4 an- the throne "i'' probab'1 be
1o$rs; !r1 it; : -on@t think 1o$ can s$ccee-4 ho"e&er; An- :@- 'ike to <$it 1o$r c'aim ri)ht no";
(o come at me; 9et@s see "hat 1o$ 'earne- on the (ha-o" 2arth;G
An- his b'a-e "as in his han- an- mine in mine;
: mo&e- aro$n- the -esk;
F=hat an enormo$s ch$t6pah 1o$ possess4G : to'- him; F=hat makes 1o$ better than the rest o%
$s4 an- more %it to r$'e>G
F!he %act that : "as ab'e to occ$p1 the throne4G he rep'ie-; F!r1 an- take it;G
An- : -i-;
: trie- a hea-c$t4 "hich he parrie-C an- : parrie- his riposte to m1 heart an- c$t at his "rist;
,e parrie- this an- kicke- a sma'' stoo' bet"een $s; : set it asi-e4 hope%$''1 in the -irection o%
his %ace4 "ith m1 ri)ht toe4 b$t it misse- an- he ha- at me a)ain;
: parrie- his attack4 an- he mine; !hen : '$n)e-4 "as parrie-4 "as attacke-4 an- parrie- a)ain
: trie- a &er1 %anc1 attack :@- 'earne- in +rance4 "hich in&o'&e- a beat4 a %eint in <$arte4 a %eint
in si.te4 an- a '$n)e &eerin) o%% into an attack on his "rist;
: nicke- him an- the b'oo- %'o"e-;
FOh4 -amnab'e brotherIG he sai-4 retreatin); F0eport has it 0an-om accompanies thee;G
F!his is tr$e4G sai- :; FBore than one o% $s are assemb'e- a)ainst 1o$;G
An- he '$n)e- then an- beat me back4 an- : %e't s$--en'1 that %or a'' m1 "ork he "as sti'' m1
master; ,e "as perhaps one o% the )reatest s"or-smen : ha- e&er %ace-; : s$--en'1 ha- the
%ee'in) that : co$'-n@t take him4 an- : parrie- 'ike ma- an- retreate- in the same %ashion as he
beat me back4 step b1 step; =e@- both ha- cent$ries $n-er the )reatest masters o% the b'a-e in
b$siness; !he )reatest a'i&e4 : kne"4 "as brother Bene-ict4 an- he "asn@t aro$n- to he'p4 one "a1
or the other; (o : snatche- thin)s o%% the -esk "ith m1 'e%t han- an- thre" them at 2ric; B$t he
-o-)e- e&er1thin) an- came on stron)4 an- : circ'e- to his 'e%t an- a'' 'ike that4 b$t : co$'-n@t
-ra" the point o% his b'a-e %rom m1 'e%t e1e; An- : "as a%rai-; !he man "as ma)ni%icent; :% :
-i-n@t hate him so4 : "o$'- ha&e app'a$-e- his per%ormance;
: kept backin) a"a14 an- the %ear an- the kno"'e-)e came $pon me8 : kne" : sti'' co$'-n@t take
him; ,e "as a better man than : "as4 "hen it came to the b'a-e; : c$rse- this4 b$t : co$'-n@t )et
aro$n- it; : trie- three more e'aborate attacks an- "as -e%eate- on each occasion; ,e parrie- me
an- ma-e me retreat be%ore his o"n attacks;
No" -on@t )et the "ron) i-ea; :@m -amn )oo-; :t@s ?$st that he seeme- better;
!hen there "ere some a'arms an- e.c$sions in the ha'' o$tsi-e; 2ric@s retainers "ere comin)4
an- i% he -i-n@t ki'' me be%ore the1 arri&e-4 then : "as con%i-ent that the1@- -o the ?obDprobab'1
"ith a bo't %rom a crossbo";
!here "as b'oo- -rippin) %rom his ri)ht "rist; ,is han- "as sti'' stea-1 b$t : ha- the %ee'in)
then that $n-er other circ$mstances4 b1 %i)htin) a -e%ensi&e %i)ht4 : ?$st mi)ht be ab'e to "ear
him -o"n "ith that "rist in?$r1 )oin) a)ainst him4 an- perhaps : co$'- )et thro$)h his )$ar- at
the proper moment "hen he be)an to s'o";
: c$rse- so%t'1 an- he 'a$)he-;
FAo$@re a %oo' to ha&e come here4G he sai-;
,e -i-n@t rea'i6e "hat : "as -oin) $nti' it "as too 'ate; J:@- been retreatin) $nti' the -oor "as at
m1 back; :t "as risk14 'ea&in) m1se'% "ith no room %or retreat4 b$t it "as better than s$re -eath;K
=ith m1 'e%t han-4 : mana)e- to -rop the bar; :t "as a bi)4 hea&1 -oor an- the1@- ha&e to knock
it -o"n no" to )et in; !hat )a&e me a %e" more min$tes; :t a'so )a&e me a sho$'-er "o$n-4 %rom
an attack : co$'- on'1 part'1 parr1 as : -roppe- the bar; B$t it "as m1 'e%t sho$'-er; B1 s"or-
arm remaine- intact;
: smi'e-4 to p$t $p a )oo- %ront;
FPerhaps 1o$ "ere a %oo'4 to enter here4G : sai-; FAo$@re s'o"in); 1o$ kno"4G an- : trie- a har-4
%ast4 &icio$s attack;
,e parrie- it4 b$t he %e'' back t"o paces in -oin) so;
F!hat "o$n-@s )ettin) to 1o$4G : a--e-; FAo$r arm@s "eakenin); Ao$ can %ee' the stren)th
'ea&in) itDG
F(h$t $pIG he sai-4 an- : rea'i6e- :@- )otten thro$)h to him; !his increase- m1 chances b1
se&era' percent4 : -eci-e-4 an- : presse- him as har- as : co$'-4 rea'i6in) : co$'-n@t keep that
pace $p &er1 'on);
B$t 2ric -i-n@t rea'i6e it;
:@- p'ante- the see-s o% %ear4 an- he %e'' back be%ore m1 s$--en ons'a$)ht;
!here "as a ban)in) on the -oor b$t : -i-n@t ha&e to "orr1 abo$t that %or a "hi'e an1"a1;
F:@m )oin) to take 1o$4 2ric4G : sai-; F:@m to$)her than : $se- to be4 an- 1o$@&e ha- it4 brother;G
: sa" the %ear be)in in his e1es4 an- it sprea- o&er his %ace4 an- his st1'e shi%te- to %o''o" s$it;
,e be)an %i)htin) a comp'ete'1 -e%ensi&e batt'e4 backin) a"a1 %rom m1 attack; :@m s$re he
"asn@t %akin) either; : %e't : ha- b'$%%e- him4 %or he ha- a'"a1s been better than :; B$t "hat i% it
ha- been part'1 ps1cho'o)ica' on m1 part too> =hat i% : ha- a'most beaten m1se'% "ith this
attit$-e4 "hich 2ric ha- he'pe- to %oster> =hat i% : ha- b'$%%e- m1se'% a'' a'on)> Ba1be : "as as
)oo-; =ith a stran)e sense o% con%i-ence4 : trie- the same attack : ha- $se- be%ore an- : score-4
'ea&in) another trai' o% re- on his %orearm;
F!hat "as rather st$pi-; 2ric;G : sai-4 Fto %a'' %or the same trick t"ice4G an- he backe- aro$n- a
"i-e chair; =e %o$)ht across it %or a time;
!he ban)in) on the -oor stoppe-4 an- the &oices "hich ha- been sho$tin) in<$iries thro$)h it
%e'' si'ent;
F!he1@&e )one %or a.es4G 2ric pante-; F!he1@'' be in here in no time;G
: "o$'-n@t -rop m1 smi'e; : he'- it an- sai-8 F:t@'' take a %e" min$tesD"hich is more time than
:@'' nee- to %inish this; Ao$ can har-'1 keep 1o$r )$ar- no"4 an- the b'oo- keeps r$nnin)D'ook
at itIG
F(h$t $pIG
FB1 the time the1 )et thro$)h4 there "i'' he on'1 one prince in Amber4 an- it "on@t be 1o$IG
!hen4 "ith his 'e%t arm4 he s"ept a ro" o% books %rom a she'% an- the1 str$ck me an- %e'' abo$t
,e -i-n@t sei6e the opport$nit1 to attack4; ho"e&er; ,e -ashe- across the room4 pickin) $p a
sma'' chair4 "hich he he'- in his 'e%t han-;
,e "e-)e- himse'% into a corner an- he'- the chair an- his b'a-e be%ore him;
!here "ere rapi- %ootsteps in the ha'' o$tsi-e4 an- then be)an to rin) $pon the -oor;
FCome onIG he sai-; F!r1 an- take me no"IG
FAo$@re scare-4G : sai-;
,e 'a$)he-;
FAca-emic4G he rep'ie-; FAo$ can@t take me be%ore that -oor %a''s4 an- then it "i'' be a'' o&er %or
: ha- to a)ree; ,e co$'- ho'- o%% m1 b'a-e "ith that set$p4 at 'east %or <$ite a %e" min$tes;
: crosse- the room <$ick'14 to the opposite "a'';
=ith m1 'e%t han-4 : opene- the pane' thro$)h "hich : ha- entere-;
FOka14G : sai-; Fit 'ooks 'ike 1o$@re )oin) to 'i&eD-%or a time; Ao$@re '$ck1; Ne.t time "e meet4
there "on@t be an1one to he'p 1o$;G
,e spat an- ca''e- me a %e" tra-itiona' &i'e names4 e&en p$ttin) -o"n the chair to a-- an
obscene )est$re4 as : -$cke- thro$)h the pane' an- c'ose- it behin- me;
!here came a th$nk4 an- ei)ht inches o% stee' )'eame- on m1 si-e o% the pane' as : "as %astenin)
it; ,e ha- thro"n his b'a-e; 0isk14 i% : chose to ret$rn; B$t he kne" : "o$'-n@t4 %or the -oor
so$n-e- abo$t rea-1 to %a'';
: -escen-e- the pe)s as rapi-'1 as : co$'-4 to the p'ace "here : ha- s'ept ear'ier; As : -i-4 :
consi-ere- m1 increase- ski'' "ith the b'a-e; At %irst4 in the batt'e4 : ba- been a"e- b1 the man
"ho ha- beaten me be%ore; No"4 tho$)h4 : "on-ere-; Perhaps those cent$ries on the (ha-o"
2arth "ere not a "aste; Ba1be : ha- act$a''1 )otten better -$rin) that time; No" : %e't that :
mi)ht be 2ric@s e<$a' "ith the "eapon; !his ma-e me %ee' )oo-; :% "e met a)ain4 as : "as s$re
"e "o$'-4 an- there "as no o$tsi-e inter%erenceD"ho kne"> : "o$'- co$rt the chance4
ho"e&er; !o-a1@s enco$nter ha- scare- him; : "as certain; !hat mi)ht ser&e to s'o" his han-4 to
ca$se the necessar1 hesitation on the ne.t occasion;
: 'et )o an- -roppe- the %ina' %i%teen %eet4 ben-in) m1 knees as : 'an-e-; : "as the pro&erbia'
%i&e min$tes ahea- o% the posse4 b$t : "as s$re : co$'- take a-&anta)e o% it an- escape; +or : ha-
the car-s in m1 be't;
: -re" the car- that "as B'e1s an- stare- at it; B1 sho$'-er h$rt4 b$t : %or)ot it4 as the co'-ness
came $pon me;
!here "ere t"o "a1s to -epart -irect'1 %rom Amber into (ha-o";;;
One "as the Pattern4 se'-om $se- %or this p$rpose;
Another "as the !r$mps4 i% 1o$ co$'- tr$st a brother;
: consi-ere- B'e1s; : co$'- a'most tr$st him; ,e "as m1 brother4 b$t he "as in tro$b'e an- co$'-
$se m1 he'p;
: stare- at him4 %'ame-cro"ne-4 -resse- a'' in re- an- oran)e4 "ith a s"or- in his ri)ht han- an-
a )'ass o% "ine in his 'e%t; !he -e&i' -ance- in his b'$e e1es4 his bear- b'a6e-4 an- the tracer1 on
his b'a-e4 : s$--en'1 rea'i6e-4 %'are- "ith a portion o% the Pattern; ,is rin)s %'ashe-; ,e seeme-
to mo&e;
!he contact came 'ike an ic1 "in-;
!he %i)$re on the car- seeme- 'i%e-si6e- no" an- chan)e- position into "hate&er stance he
present'1 he'-; ,is e1es -i- not <$ite %oc$s $pon me4 an- his 'ips mo&e-;
F=ho is it>G the1 sai-4 an- : hear- the "or-s;
FCor" in4G sai- :4 an- he he'- %orth his 'e%t han-4 "hich no 'on)er bore the )ob'et;
F!hen come to me4 i% 1o$ "o$'-;G
: reache- %orth an- o$r %in)ers met; : took a step;
: "as sti'' ho'-in) the car- in m1 'e%t han-4 b$t B'e1s an- : stoo- to)ether on a c'i%% an- there
"as a chasm to o$r si-e an- a hi)h %ortress to o$r other si-e; !he sk1 abo&e $s "as the co'or o%
F,e''o4 B'e1s4G : sai-4 t$ckin) the car- into m1 be't "ith the others; F!hanks %or the assistance;G
: s$--en'1 %e't "eak an- rea'i6e- the b'oo- "as sti'' %'o"in) %rom m1 'e%t sho$'-er;
FAo$@re "o$n-e-IG he sai-4 thro"in) an arm abo$t m1 sho$'-ers4 an- : starte- to no- b$t %ainte-
9ater that ni)ht4 : spra"'e- in a bi) chair "ithin the %ortress an- -rank "hiske1; =e smoke- an-
passe- the bott'e an- ta'ke-;
F(o 1o$ "ere act$a''1 in Amber>G
FAes4 that@s ri)ht;G
FAn- 1o$ "o$n-e- 2ric in 1o$r -$e'>G
F/amnI : "ish 1o$@- ki''e- himIG !hen he re%'ecte-; F=e''4 ma1be not; !hen 1o$@- ha&e he'-
the throne; : mi)ht ha&e a better chance a)ainst 2ric than :@- ha&e ha- a)ainst 1o$; : -on@t kno";
=hat are 1o$r p'ans>G
: -eci-e- $pon comp'ete honest1;
F=e a'' "ant the throne4G : sai-; Fso there@s no reason to 'ie to one another; :@m not abo$t to tr1
ki''in) 1o$ %or itDthat "o$'- be %oo'ishDb$t on the other han-; :@m not abo$t to reno$nce m1
c'aim beca$se :@m en?o1in) 1o$r hospita'it1; 0an-om "o$'- 'ike it4 b$t he@s prett1 m$ch o$t o%
the pict$re; No one has bear- %rom Bene-ict %or some time no"; #erar- an- Caine seem to he
s$pportin) 2ric4 rather than promotin) their o"n c'aims; !he same )oes %or E$'ian; !hat 'ea&es
Bran- an- o$r sisters; : -on@t kno" "hat the he'' Bran- is $p to these -a1s4 b$t : -o kno" that
/eir-re is "itho$t po"er4 $n'ess she an- 9'e"e''a can raise somethin) in 0ebma4 an- +'ora is
2ric@s creat$re; : -on@t kno" "hat +iona is $p to;G
FAn- so that 'ea&es $s4G sai- B'e1s4 po$rin) $s each another -rink; FAes4 1o$@re ri)ht; : -on@t
kno" "hat@s )oin) on in e&erone@s hea- ri)ht no"4 b$t : can assess o$r re'ati&e stren)ths an- :
think :@m in the best position; Ao$ ma-e a "ise choice in comin) to me; ($pport me4 an- :@'' )i&e
1o$ a re)enc1;G
FB'ess 1o$r heart4G : sai-; F=e@'' see;G
=e sippe- o$r "hiskies;
F=hat e'se is there to -o>G he aske-4 an- : rea'i6e- that the <$estion "as important;
F: mi)ht raise an arm1 o% m1 o"n4 to 'a1 sie)e to Amber4G : to'- him;
F=here amon) (ha-o"s 'ies 1o$r arm1>G he in<$ire-;
F!hat4 o% co$rse4 is m1 a%%air;G : sai-; F: -on@t think :@- oppose 1o$; =hen it comes to monarchs;
:@- 'ike to see either 1o$; me4 #erar-4 or Bene-ictDi% he sti'' 'i&esD$pon the throne;G
FPre%erab'1 1o$4 o% co$rse;G
FO% co$rse;G
F!hen "e $n-erstan- one another; (o : think "e can "ork to)ether4 %or the time bein);G
FAn- :4G : a)ree-4 Fe'se : "o$'- not ha&e -e'i&ere- m1se'% into 1o$r han-s;G
,e smi'e- "ithin his hear-;
FAo$ nee-e- someone4G he sai-4 Fan- : "as the 'esser e&i';G
F!r$e4G : a)ree-;
F: "ish Bene-ict "ere bere; : "ish #erar- ba- not so'- o$t;G
F=ishes4 "ishes4G : to'- him4 F=ish in one han- an- -o somethin) e'se in the other4 an- s<$ee6e
them both an- see "hich comes tr$e;G
F=e'' taken4G he sai-;
=e smoke- a "hi'e in si'ence;
F,o" %ar can : tr$st 1o$>G he aske-;
FAs %ar as : can tr$st &o$;G
F!hen 'et@s make a -ea'; +rank'14 : ha- tho$)ht 1o$ -ea- %or man1 1ears; : ha-n@t %oreseen 1o$r
sho"in) $p at a cr$cia' time an- pressin) 1o$r o"n c'aim; B$t 1o$@re here4 an- that@s that; 9et@s
%orm an a''iance4 combine o$r %orces an- 'a1 sie)e to Amber; =hiche&er o% $s 'i&es thro$)h it
"in-s $p on top; :% "e both -o4 "e''Dhe''ID"e can a'"a1s %i)ht a -$e'IG
: tho$)ht abo$t it; :t so$n-e- 'ike the best -ea' :@- )et an1"here;
(o : sai-4 F:@- 'ike to s'eep on it; !e'' 1o$ in the mornin); oka1>G
=e %inishe- o$r -rinks then an- %e'' to reminiscin); B1 sho$'-er throbbe- a bit4 b$t the "hisk1
he'pe-4 an- the sa'&e "hich B'e1s ha- s$pp'ie-; A%ter a time4 "e "ere a'most ma$-'in;
:t is stran)e4 : )$ess4 to ha&e kin an- to be "itho$t kinship; %or as 'on) as o$r 'i&es ha- 'e- $s
a'on) o$r separate paths; 9or-I =e ta'ke- the moon o$t o% the hea&ens be%ore either o% $s )re"
tire-; !hen he c'appe- me $pon m1 )oo- sho$'-er an- to'- me that he "as be)innin) to %ee' his
'oa- an- that a ser&ant "o$'- be b1 in the mornin) to brin) m1 break%ast; : no--e-4 "e
embrace-; an- he retire-;
!hen : mo&e- to the "in-o"4 an- %rom that &anta)e : co$'- see -o"n %ar into the chasm;
!he camp%ires be'o" b$rne- 'ike stars; !here "ere tho$san-s o% them; : co$'- te'' that B'e1s ha-
assemb'e- a mi)ht1 %orce4 an- : "as en&io$s; B$t4 on the other han-4 it "as a )oo- thin); :%
an1one co$'- take 2ric4 it "as probab'1 B'e1s; ,e "o$'-n@t he a ba- thin) in AmberC it "as ?$st
that : pre%erre- me;
!hen : "atche- a "hi'e 'on)er4 an- : sa" that stran)e shapes mo&e- amon) the 'i)hts; :
"on-ere- then as to the nat$re o% his arm1;
=hate&er4 it "as more than : possesse-;
: ma-e m1 "a1 back to the tab'e an- po$re- me a %ina' -rink; Be%ore : <$a%%e- it4 ho"e&er4 :
'i)hte- a taper; :n its 'i)ht4 : "ith-re" the pack o% car-s : ha- sto'en;
: sprea- them be%ore me an- : came across the one -epictin) 2ric; : 'ai- it in thc center o% the
tab'e an- p$t the rest a"a1;
A%ter a time4 it came to 'i%eC an- : sa" 2ric in his s'eepin) )arments an- : hear- the "or-s4
F=ho is it>G ,is arm "as bo$n-;
FBe4G : sai-4 FCor"in; ,o" are 1o$>G
,e c$rse- then4 an- : 'a$)he-; !his "as a -an)ero$s )ame an- ma1be the "hisk1 ha-
contrib$te- to :t; b$t : contin$e-8 F: ?$st %e't 'ike te''in) 1o$ that a'' )oes "e'' "ith me; : a'so
"ante- to a-&ise 1o$ that 1o$ "ere ri)ht "hen 1o$ spoke o% the $neas1 hea-; Ao$ "on@t be
"earin) it 'on)4 tho$)h; (o cheerioI BrotherI !he -a1 : come a)ain to Amber is the -a1 1o$ -ieI
E$st tho$)ht :@- te'' 1o$4 since that -a1 is not too %ar o%%;G
FCome ahea-4G he to'- me4 Fan- :@'' not "ant %or )race in the matter o% 1o$r passin);G
,is e1es %oc$se- on me then an- "e "ere c'ose;
: th$mbe- m1 nose at him an- passe- m1 pa'm o&er the car-;
:t "as 'ike han)in) $p a te'ephone4 an- : sh$%%'e- 2ric in "ith a'' the rest;
: "on-ere- tho$)h4 as : approache- s'eep; concernin) those troops o% B'e1s "hich occ$pie- the
-e%i'e be'o"4 an- : tho$)ht $pon 2ric@s -e%enses;
:t "o$'- not be eas1;
Chapter "
!he 'an- "as kno"n as A&ern$s4 an- the assemb'e- troops "ere not <$ite men; : re&ie"e- them
the %o''o"in) mornin)4 "a'kin) behin- B'e1s; !he1 "ere a'' o% them aro$n- se&en %eet in hei)ht4
ha- &er1 re- skins an- 'itt'e hair4 cat'ike e1es4 an- si.--i)ite- han-s an- %eet; !he1 "ore
)arments that 'ooke- as 'i)ht as si'k4 b$t "ere "o&en o% somethin) e'se an- "ere main'1 )ra1 or
b'$e in co'or; 2ach bore t"o short b'a-es4 hooke- at the en-; !heir ears "ere pointe- an- their
man1 %in)ers c'a"e-;
!he c'imate "as "arm an- the co'ors be"i'-er:n)4 an- e&er1one tho$)ht "e "ere )o-s;
B'e1s ha- %o$n- a p'ace "here the re'i)ion in&o'&e- brother-)o-s "ho 'ooke- 'ike $s an- ha-
their tro$b'es; :n&ariab'14 in the terms o% this m1thos4 an e&i' brother "o$'- sei6e po"er an- seek
to oppress the )oo- brothers; An- o% co$rse there "as the 'e)en- o% an Apoca'1pse "here the1
themse'&es "o$'- be ca''e- $pon to stan- on the si-e o% the s$r&i&in) )oo- brothers;
: "ore m1 'e%t arm in a b'ack s'in) an- consi-ere- those "ho "ere abo$t to -ie;
: stoo- be%ore a trooper an- 'ooke- $p at him; : aske- him4 F/o 1o$ kno" "ho 2ric is>G
F!he 9or- o% 2&i'4G he rep'ie-;
: no--e- an- sai-4 F7er1 )oo-4G an- passe- on;
B'e1s ha- c$stom-ma-e cannon %o--er;
F,o" 'ar)e is 1o$r arm1>G : aske- him;
FAro$n- %i%t1 tho$san-4G he rep'ie-;
F: sa'$te those "ho are abo$t to #i&e !heir A''4G : to'- him; FAo$ can@t take Amber "ith %i%t1
tho$san- men4 e&en pro&i-in) 1o$ can )et them a'' to the %oot o% 3o'&ir intactDan- 1o$ can@t;
:t@s si''1 e&en to consi-er $sin) these poor bastar-s a)ainst the immorta' cit14 "ith their to1
s"or-s an- a'';G
F: kno"4G he sai-4 Fb$t the1@re not a'' :@&e )ot;G
FAo$@'' nee- a 'ot more;G
F!hen ho" -o three na&ies so$n-4 ha'% a)ain the si6e o% Caine@s an- #erar-@s %'eets p$t to)ether>
:@&e a "a1;G
FNot 1et eno$)h4G sai- :4 Fan- bare'1 a be)innin);G
F: kno"; :@m sti'' b$i'-in)4G he sai-;
F=e''4 "e@- better b$i'- a 'ot more; 2ric "i'' sit in Amber an- ki'' $s as "e march thro$)h
(ha-o"s; =hen the remainin) %orces %ina''1 reach the %oot o% 3o'&ir4 he@'' -ecimate them there;
!hen there "i'' be the c'imb to Amber; ,o" man1 h$n-re- -o 1o$ think "i'' remain "hen "e
reach the cit1> 2no$)h to be -ispatche- in %i&e min$tes4 at a'most no cost to 2ric; :% this is the
best 1o$@&e )ot4 brother B'e1s4 : ha&e mis)i&in)s concernin) this;G
F2ric has anno$nce- his coronation in three months@ time4G he sai-; F: can trip'e m1 %orces b1
thenDat 'east; Perhaps : can e&en ha&e a <$arter o% a mi''ion (ha-o" troops to 'ea- a)ainst
Amber; !here are other "or'-s 'ike this one4 an- : "i'' penetrate them; : "i'' raise me s$ch a
%orce o% ho'1 cr$sa-ers as has ne&er been sent a)ainst Amber be%ore;G
FAn- 2ric "i'' ha&e ha- the same time to intensi%1 his -e%enses; : -on@t kno"4 B'e1s;;;it@s a'most
a s$ici-e r$n; : -i-n@t kno" the %$'' sit$ation "hen : came hereDG
FAn- "hat ha&e 1o$ bro$)ht "ith 1o$>G be aske-; FNothin)I :t is r$more- that 1o$ once
comman-e- troops; =here are the1>G
: t$rne- a"a1 %rom him;
F!he1 are no more4G : sai-; F: am certain;G
F#o$'- 1o$ not %in- a (ha-o" o% 1o$r (ha-o">G
F: -on@t "ant to tr14G : sai-; F:@m sorr1;G
F!hen "hat rea' )oo- are 1o$ to me>G
F:@'' )o4G : to'- him4 Fi% that@s a'' 1o$ ha- in min-4 i% that@s a'' 1o$ rea''1 "ante- me aro$n- %orD
more bo-ies;G
F=aitIG he crie- o$t; F: spoke hasti'1; : -on@t "ant to 'ose 1o$r co$nse'4 i% nothin) e'se; (ta1
"ith me4 p'ease; : "i'' e&en apo'o)i6e;G
F!hat is not necessar14G : sai-4 kno"in) "hat this thin) means to a prince o% Amber; F:@'' sta1; :
think : can he'p 1o$;G
F#oo-IG an- he c'appe- me $pon m1 )oo- sho$'-er;
FAn- :@'' )et 1o$ more troops4G : a--e-; FNe&er %ear;G
An- : -i-;
: "a'ke- amon) (ha-o"s4 an- %o$n- a race o% %$rr1 creat$res4 -ark an- c'a"e- an- %an)e-4
reasonab'1 man'ike4 an- abo$t as inte''i)ent as a %reshman in the hi)h schoo' o% 1o$r choiceD
sorr14 ki-s4 b$t "hat : mean is the1 "ere 'o1a'4 -e&ote-4 honest4 an- too easi'1 scre"e- b1
bastar-s 'ike me an- m1 brother; : %e't 'ike the -ee-?a1 o% 1o$r choice;
Aro$n- a h$n-re- tho$san- "orshipe- $s to the e.tent o% takin) $p arms;
B'e1s "as impresse- an- sh$t $p; A%ter a "eek m1 sho$'-er "as hea'e-; A%ter t"o months "e
ha- o$r <$arter mi''ion an- more;
FCor"in4 Cor"inI Ao$@re sti'' Cor"inIG he sai-4 an- "e took another -rink;
B$t : "as %ee'in) kin- o% %$nn1; Bost o% these troops "ere -estine- to -ie; : "as the a)ent
responsib'e %or m$ch o% this; : %e't some remorse4 tho$)h : kne" the -i%%erence bet"een (ha-o"
an- ($bstance; 2ach -eath "o$'- be a rea' -eathC ho"e&er4 : kne" that a'so;
An- some ni)hts : -"e''e- $pon the p'a1in) car-s; !he missin) !r$mps ha- been restore- to the
pack : he'-; One o% them "as a portrait o% Amber itse'%4 an- : kne" it co$'- bear me back into
the cit1; !he others "ere those o% o$r -ea- or missin) re'ati&es; An- one "as /a-@s4 an- :
skippe- it o&er <$ick'1; ,e "as )one;
: stare- at each %ace %or a 'on) "hi'e to consi-er "hat mi)ht be )aine- %rom each; : cast the
car-s se&era' times4 an- the same thin) came $p on each occasion;
,is name "as Caine;
,e "ore satin that "as )reen an- b'ack4 an- a -ark three-cornere- hat "ith a )reen p'$me o%
%eathers trai'in) -o"n behin-; At his be't there "as an emera'--st$--e- -a))er; ,e "as -ark;
FCaine4G : sai-;
A%ter a time4 there came a rep'1;
F=ho>G he aske-;
FCor"in4G sai- :;
FCor"inI :s this a ?oke>G
F=hat -o 1o$ "ant>G
F=hat@&e 1o$ )ot>G
FAo$ kno" that;G an- his e1es shi%te- an- 'a1 $pon me4 b$t : "atche- his han-4 "hich "as near
to his -a))er;
F=here are 1o$>G
F=ith B'e1s;G
F!here "as a r$mor 1o$@- sho"n $p in Amber recent'1Dan- : "on-ere- at the ban-a)es on
2ric@s arm;G
FAo$@re 'ookin) at the reason4G : sai-; F=hat@s 1o$r price>G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F9et $s be %rank an- to the point; /o 1o$ think B'e1s an- : can take 2ric>G
FNo4 that@s "h1 :@m "ith 2ric; An- : "on@t se'' o$t m1 arma-a either4 i% that@s "hat 1o$@re a%terD
an- :@- ima)ine 1o$ are;G
: smi'e-;
FPercepti&e brother4G : rep'ie-; F=e''4 it@s been nice ta'kin) to 1o$; (ee 1o$ in AmberDma1be;G
: mo&e- m1 han-4 an- he crie- o$t;
F: -on@t e&en kno" 1o$r o%%er;G
FAes; 1o$ -o4G : sai-; FAo$@&e )$esse- it4 an- 1o$@re not intereste-;G
F: -i-n@t sa1 that; :t@s ?$st that : kno" "here the e<$ities 'ie;G
FAo$ mean the po"er;G
FOka14 the po"er; =hat@&e 1o$ )ot to o%%er>G
=e ta'ke- %or ma1be an ho$r4 a%ter "hich time the northern sea"a1s "ere open to the three
phantom %'eets o% B'e1s4 "hich mi)ht enter e.pectin) rein%orcements;
F:% 1o$ %ai'4 there@'' be three behea-in)s in Amber4G sai- he;
FB$t 1o$ -on@t rea''1 e.pect that4 -o 1o$>G : aske-;
FNo; : think either 1o$ or B'e1s "i'' sit $pon the throne be%ore too &er1 'on); :@'' be satis%ie- to
ser&e the "inner; !hat re)enc1 "o$'- be nice; :@- sti'' 'ike 0an-om@s hea- as part o% the price4
FNo -ea'4G : sai-; F!ake it as 1o$@&e hear- it or %or)et it;G
F:@'' take it;G
: smi'e- an- p'ace- m1 pa'm $pon the car- an- he "as )one;
#erar- "as a matter :@- 'ea&e %or the morro"; Caine ha- e.ha$ste- me;
: ro''e- into be- an- s'ept;
#erar-4 "hen be 'earne- the score4 a)ree- to 'a1 o%% $s; Bain'1 beca$se it "as : "ho "as askin)4
as he ha- consi-ere- 2ric a 'esser o% potent e&i's;
: conc'$-e- the -ea' <$ick'14 promisin) him e&er&thin) he aske-4 as no hea-s "ere in&o'&e-;
!hen : re&ie"e- the troops a)ain an- to'- them more o% Amber; (tran)e'14 the1 )ot a'on) 'ike
brothers4 the bi) re- )$1s an- the 'itt'e hair1 ones;
:t "as sa- an- it "as tr$e;
=e "ere their )o-s4 an- that "as that;
: sa" the %'eet4 sai'in) on a )reat ocean the co'or o% b'oo-; : "on-ere-; :in the (ha-o" "or'-s
thro$)h "hich the1 sai'e-4 man1 o% them "o$'- be 'ost;
: consi-ere- the troops o% A&em$s4 an- m1 recr$its %rom the p'ace ca''e- 0i@ik; !heirs "as the
task o% marchin) to 2arth an- Amber;
: sh$%%'e- m1 car-s an- cast them; : picke- $p the one ca''e- Bene-ict; +or a 'on) "hi'e :
searche- it4 b$t there "as nothin) b$t the co'-;
!hen : sei6e- $pon Bran-@s; +or another 'on) "hi'e there "as nothin) b$t the co'-;
!hen there came a scream; :t "as a horrib'e4 tormente- thin);
F,e'p meIG came the cr1;
F,o" can :>G : aske-;
F=ho is that>G be aske-4 an- : sa" his bo-1 "rithe;
F/e'i&er me %rom this p'ace4 brother Cor"inI An1thin) 1o$ name sha'' be 1o$rs in ret$rnIG
F=here are 1o$>G
An- there came a s"ir'in) o% thin)s m1 min- re%$se- to concei&e o%4 an- another scream4 torn
%orth as tho$)h in a)on1 an- en-in) in si'ence;
!hen the co'-ness came in a)ain;
: %o$n- that : "as shakin); +rom "hat4 : -i- not kno";
: 'it a ci)arette an- mo&e- to the "in-o" to consi-er the ni)ht4 'ea&in) the car-s "here the1 ha-
%a''en $pon the tab'e-top o% m1 room "ithin the )arrison;
!he stars "ere tin1 an- miste- o&er; !here "ere no conste''ations that : co$'- reco)ni6e; A sma''
b'$e moon -roppe- <$ick'1 thro$)h the -arkness; !he ni)ht ha- come on "ith a s$--en4 ic1 chi''
an- : "rappe- m1 c'oak c'ose abo$t me; : tho$)ht back to the "inter o% o$r -isastro$s campai)n
in 0$ssia; #o-sI :@- a'most %ro6en to -eathI An- "here -i- it a'' 'ea->
!o the throne o% Amber4 o% co$rse;
+or that "as s$%%icient ?$sti%ication %or an1thin);
B$t "hat o% Bran-> =here "as he> =hat "as happenin) abo$t him4 an- "ho ha- -one this
thin) to him>
Ans"ers> None;
: "on-ere-4 tho$)h4 as : stare- $p an- o$t4 tracin) the path o% that b'$e -isk in its -escent; =as
there somethin) : "as missin) :n the "ho'e pict$re4 some %actor : -i-n@t <$ite -i)>
No ans"er;
: seate- m1se'% at the tab'e once more4 a sma'' -rink at m1 han-;
: %in)ere- m1 "a1 thro$)h the pack an- %o$n- /a-@s car-;
Oberon4 9or- o% Amber4 stoo- be%ore me in his )reen an- his )o'-; ,i)h4 "i-e4 an- thick4 his
bear- b'ack an- shot "ith si'&er4 his hair the same; #reen rin)s in )o'- settin)s an- a b'a-e o%
)o'-en co'or; :t ha- once seeme- to me that nothin) co$'- e&er -isp'ace the immorta' 'ie)e o%
Amber %rom his throne; =hat ha- happene-> : sti'' -i-n@t kno"; B$t he "as )one; ,o" ha- m1
%ather met "ith his en->
: stare- an- concentrate-;
Nothin)4 nothin)D
!here came a respon-in) mo&ement4 tho$)h e&er so "eak4 an- the %i)$re on the car- t$rne- in
$pon itse'% an- shri&e'e- to a sha-o" o% the man he ha- been;
F+ather>G : aske-;
FAes;;;G 7er1 %aint an- -istant4 as tho$)h thro$)h a seashe''4 immerse- in its monotone
F=here are 1o$> =hat has happene->G
F: ; ;G 9on) pa$se;
FAes> !his is Cor"in4 1o$r son; =hat came to pass in Amber4 that 1o$ are )one>G
FB1 time4G he sai-4 so$n-in) e&en %$rther a"a1;
F/o 1o$ mean that 1o$ ab-icate-> None o% m1 brothers has )i&en me the ta'e4 an- : -o not tr$st
them s$%%icient'1 to ask them; 2ric no" ho'-s the cit1 an- E$'ian )$ar-s the +orest o% Ar-en;
Caine an- #erar- maintain the seas; B'e1s "o$'- oppose a'' an- : am a''ie- "ith him; =hat are
1o$r "ishes in this matter>G
FAo$ are the on'1 oneD"hoDhas aske-4G he )aspe-; FAes;;;G
F@Aes@ "hat>G
FAes4 opposeDthem;;;G
F=hat o% 1o$> ,o" can : he'p 1o$>G
F: am be1on- he'p; !ake the throne;;;G
F:> Or B'e1s an- :>G
FAo$IG he sai-;
FAo$ ha&e m1 b'essin)4;;;!ake the throneDan- be <$ickDabo$t itIG
F=h14 +ather>G
F: 'ack the breathD!ake itIG
!hen he4 too4 "as )one;
(o /a- 'i&e-; !hat "as interestin)4 =hat to -o no">
: sippe- m1 -rink an- tho$)ht abo$t it;
,e sti'' 'i&e-4 some"here4 an- he "as kin) in Amber; =h1 ha- he 'e%t> =here ha- he )one>
=hat kin- o%4 "hich4 an- ho" man1> 9ike that;
=ho kne"> Not :; (o there "as no more to sa14 %or no";
: co$'-n@t p$t the thin) -o"n; : "ant 1o$ to kno" that /a- an- : ne&er )ot a'on) &er1 "e''; :
-i-n@t hate him4 'ike 0an-om or some o% the others; B$t :4 s$re as he''4 ha- no reason to be
especia''1 %on- o% him; ,e ha- been bi)4 he ha- been po"er%$'4 an- he ha- been there; !hat "as
abo$t it; ,e "as a'so most o% the histor1 o% Amber4 as "e kne" it4 an- the histor1 o% Amber
stretches back %or so man1 mi''ennia that 1o$ ma1 as "e'' stop co$ntin);
(o "hat -o 1o$ -o>
As %or me4 : %inishe- m1 -rink an- "ent to be-;
!he %o''o"in) mornin) : atten-e- a meetin) o% B'e1@s )enera' sta%%; ,e ha- %o$r a-mira's4 each
in char)e o% ro$)h'1 a <$arter o% his %'eet4 an- a "ho'e mess o% arm1 o%%icers; A'to)ether there
"ere abo$t thirt1 o% the hi)h-rankin) brass at the meetin)4 bi) an- re- or sma'' an- hair14 as the
case mi)ht be;
!he meetin) 'aste- perhaps %o$r ho$rs4 an- then "e a'' broke %or '$nch; :t "as -eci-e- that "e
"o$'- mo&e three -a1s hence; (ince it "o$'- re<$ire one o% the b'oo- to open the "a1 to Amber4
: "as to 'ea- the %'eet aboar- the %'a)ship4 an- B'e1s "o$'- take his in%antr1 thro$)h 'an-s o%
: "as tro$b'e- b1 this4 an- : aske- him "hat "o$'- ha&e happene- ha- : not sho"n $p to )i&e
this assistance; : "as to'- t"o thin)s in rep'18 one4 i% he ha- ha- to )o it a'one4 he "o$'- ha&e 'e-
the %'eet thro$)h an- 'e%t them at a )reat -istance %rom shore4 ret$rne- in a sin)'e &esse' to
A&ern$s an- 'e- his %oot so'-iers %or"ar- to ren-e6&o$s at a )i&en timeC an- t"o4 he ha-
p$rpose'1 so$)ht %or a (ha-o" in "hich a brother "o$'- appear to )i&e him ai-;
: ha- some mis)i&in)s "hen : hear- abo$t the 'atter4 tho$)h : kne" : "as rea''1 me; !he %ormer
smacke- o% bein) a bit $n"orkab'e4 since the %'eet "o$'- be too %ar o$t to sea to recei&e an1
si)na's %rom the shore4 an- the chance o% missin) the -ateDa''o"in) %or mishaps "hen it came
to a bo-1 that 'ar)eD"as too )reat4 as : sa" it4 to enco$ra)e a "ho'e bi) 'ot o% %aith :n his
)enera' p'an;
B$t as a tactician4 : ha- a'"a1s tho$)ht him bri''iantC an- "hen he 'ai- o$t the maps o% Amber
an- the o$t'1in) Co$ntr1 "hich he himse'% ha- -ra"n4 an- "hen he ha- e.p'aine- the tactics to
be emp'o1e- therein4 : kne" that he "as a prince o% Amber4 a'most match'ess in his )$i'e;
!he on'1 thin) "as4 "e "ere $p a)ainst another prince o% Amber4 one "ho occ$pie- "hat "as
-e%inite'1 a stron)er position; : "as "orrie-4 b$t "ith the impen-in) Coronation4 it seeme- abo$t
the on'1 co$rse a&ai'ab'e to $s4 an- : -eci-e- to )o a'on) %or the "ho'e ri-e; :% "e 'ost4 "e "ere
creame-4 b$t he he'- the bi))est threat a&ai'ab'e an- ha- a "orkab'e time sche-$'e4 "hich :
(o : "a'ke- the 'an- ca''e- A&ern$s an- consi-ere- its %o))1 &a''e1s an- chasms4 its smokin)
craters4 its bri)ht4 bri)ht s$n a)ainst its cra61 sk14 its ic1 ni)hts an- too hot -a1s4 its man1 rocks
an- car'oa-s o% -ark san-4 its tin14 tho$)h &icio$s an- poisono$s beasts4 an- its bi) p$rp'e p'ants4
'ike spine'ess cactiC an- on the a%ternoon o% the secon- -a14 as : stoo- on a c'i%% o&er'ookin) the
sea4 beneath a to"er o% masse- &ermi'ion c'o$-s4 : -eci-e- that : rather 'ike- the p'ace %or a''
that4 an- i% its sons "o$'- perish in the "ars o% the )o-s4 : "o$'- immorta'i6e them one -a1 in
son) i% : "ere ab'e;
!his mi'- ba'm in min- %or "hat : %eare-4 : ?oine- the %'eet an- took comman-; :% "e ma-e it4
the1 "o$'- be %ete- %ore&er in the ha''s o% the immorta's;
: "as )$i-e an- opener o% the "a1; : re?oice-;
(o "e set sai' the %o''o"in) -a1; an- : -irecte- thin)s %rom the 'ea- ship; : 'e- $s into a storm4
an- "e emer)e- that m$ch nearer o$r -estination; : 'e- $s past an enormo$s "hir'poo'4 an- "e
"ere so m$ch to the )oo-; : 'e- $s thro$)h a sha''o" rock1 p'ace; an- the sha-e o% the "aters
-eepene- a%ter"ar-; !heir co'ors be)an to appro.imate those o% Amber; (o : sti'' kne" ho" to
-o it; : co$'- in%i'$ence o$r %ate in time an- p'ace; : co$'- take $s home; ,ome %or me; that is;
: 'e- $s past stran)e is'an-s "here )reen bir-s ca"e- an- )reen apes h$n) 'ike %r$it in the trees4
s"$n)4 sometimes )ibbere-4 an- thre" rocks into the sea; Aime-4 -o$bt'ess4 at $s;
: took $s %ar o$t to sea4 an- then nose- the %'eet aro$n- back in the -irection o% shore;
B'e1s b1 no" "as marchin) across the p'ains o% the "or'-s; (omeho"4 : kne" he "o$'- make
it4 past "hate&er -e%enses 2ric ha- set $p; : kept in to$ch "ith him b1 means o% the car-s4 an- :
'earne- o% his enco$nters a'on) the "a1; 9ike4 ten tho$san- men -ea- in a p'ains batt'e "ith
centa$rs4 %i&e tho$san- 'ost in an earth<$ake o% %ri)htenin) proportions; +i%teen h$n-re- -ea- o%
a "hir'"in- p'a)$e that s"ept the camps; Nineteen tho$san- -ea- or missin) in action as the1
passe- thro$)h the ?$n)'es o% a p'ace : -i-n@t reco)ni6e4 "hen the napa'm %e'' $pon them %rom
the stran)e b$66in) thin)s that passe- o&erhea-; (i. tho$san- -esertin) in a p'ace that 'ooke-
'ike the hea&en the1 ha- been promise-4 %i&e h$n-re- $nacco$nte- %or as the1 crosse- a san- %'at
"here a m$shroom c'o$- b$rne- an- to"ere- besi-e them; 2i)ht1-si. h$n-re- )one as the1
mo&e- thro$)h a &a''e1 o% s$--en'1 mi'itant machines that ro''e- %or"ar- on trea-s an- %ire-
%ires4 ei)ht h$n-re- sick an- aban-one-4 t"o h$n-re- -ea- %rom %'ash %'oo-s4 %i%t1-%o$r -1in) o%
-$e's amon) themse'&es4 three h$n-re- -ea- %rom eatin) poisono$s nati&e %r$its4 a tho$san-
s'ain in a massi&e stampe-e o% b$%%a'o-'ike creat$res4 se&ent1-three )one "hen their tents ca$)ht
%ire4 %i%teen h$n-re- carrie- a"a1 b1 the %'oo-s4 t"o tho$san- s'ain b1 the "in-s that came -o"n
%rom the b'$e hi''s;
: "as p'ease- that :@- 'ost on'1 a h$n-re- an- ei)ht1-si. ships in that time;
!o s'eep4 perchance to -ream;;;Aeah4 there@s a thin) that r$bs; 2ric "as ki''in) $s b1 inches an-
ho$rs; ,is propose- coronation "as on'1 a %e" "eeks a"a14 an- he ob&io$s'1 kne" "e "ere
comin) a)ainst him4 beca$se "e -ie- an- "e -ie-;
No"4 it is "ritten that on'1 a prince o% Amber ma1 "a'k amon) (ha-o"s4 tho$)h o% co$rse he
ma1 'ea- or -irect as man1 as he chooses a'on) s$ch co$rses; =e 'e- o$r troops an- sa" them
-ie4 b$t o% (ha-o" : ha&e this to sa18 there is (ha-o" an- there is ($bstance4 an- this is the root
o% a'' thin)s; O% ($bstance4 there is on'1 Amber4 the rea' cit14 $pon the rea' 2arth4 "hich contains
e&er1thin); O% (ha-o"4 there is an in%init$-e o% thin)s; 2&er1 possibi'it1 e.ists some"here as a
(ha-o" o% the rea'; Amber4 b1 its &er1 e.istence4 has cast s$ch in a'' -irections; An- "hat ma1
one sa1 o% it be1on-> (ha-o" e.ten-s %rom Amber to Chaos4 an- a'' thin)s are possib'e "ithin
it; !here are on'1 three "a1s o% tra&ersin) it4 an- each o% them is -i%%ic$'t;
:% one is a prince or princess o% the b'oo-4 then one ma1 "a'k4 crossin) thro$)h (ha-o"s4
%orcin) one@s en&ironment to chan)e as one passes4 $nti' it is %ina''1 in precise'1 the shape one
-esires it4 an- there stop; !he (ha-o" "or'- is then one@s o"n4 sa&e %or %ami'1 intr$sions4 to -o
"ith as one "o$'-; :n s$ch a p'ace ha- : -"e''e- %or cent$ries;
!he secon- means is the car-s4 cast b1 /"orkin4 Baster o% the 9ine4 "ho ha- create- them in
o$r ima)e4 to %aci'itate comm$nications bet"een members o% the ro1a' %ami'1; ,e "as the
ancient artist to "hom space an- perspecti&e meant nothin); ,e ha- ma-e $p the %ami'1 !r$mps4
"hich permitte- the "i''er to to$ch his brethren "here&er the1 mi)ht be; : ha- a %ee'in) that
these ha- not been $se- in %$'' accor- "ith their a$thor@s intention;
!he thir- "as the Pattern4 a'so -ra"n b1 /"orkin4 "hich co$'- on'1 be "a'ke- b1 a member o%
o$r %ami'1; :t initiate- the "a'ker into the s1stem o% the car-s4 as it "ere4 an- at its en-in) )a&e
its "a'ker the po"er to stri-e across (ha-o"s;
!he car-s an- the Pattern ma-e %or instant transport %rom ($bstance thro$)h (ha-o"; !he other
"a14 "a'kin)4 "as har-er;
: kne" "hat 0an-om ha- -one in -e'i&erin) me into the tr$e "or'-; As "e ha- -ri&en4 he kept
a--in)4 %rom memor14 that "hich he reca''e- o% Amber4 an- s$btractin) that "hich -i- not a)ree;
=hen e&er1thin) correspon-e-4 he kne" "e ha- arri&e-; :t "as no rea' trick4 %or ha- he the
kno"'e-)e4 an1 man co$'- reach his o"n Amber; 2&en no"4 B'e1s an- : co$'- %in- (ha-o"
Ambers "here each o% $s r$'e-4 an- spen- a'' o% time an- eternit1 r$'in) there; B$t this "o$'-
not be the same4 %or $s; +or none "o$'- be the tr$e Amber4 the cit1 into "hich "ere "ere born4
the cit1 %rom "hich a'' others take their shapes;
(o "e "ere takin) the har-est ro$te4 the "a'k thro$)h (ha-o"4 %or o$r in&asion o% Amber itse'%;
An1one kno"in) this an- possessin) the po"er co$'- interpose obstac'es; 2ric ha- -one so4 an-
no" "e %ace- them as "e -ie-; =hat "o$'- come o% this> No one kne";
B$t i% 2ric "ere cro"ne- kin)4 it "o$'- be re%'ecte- an- sha-o"e- e&er1"here;
A'' the s$r&i&in) brothers4 "e princes o% Amber4 : am s$re4 %e't it m$ch better4 each in his o"n
simp'e "a14 persona''1 to achie&e this stat$s an- therea%ter 'et the (ha-o"s %a'' "here the1
=e passe- )host %'eets4 the ships o% #erar-4 as "e sai'e-Dthe +'1in) /$tchmen o% this "or'-D
that "or'-4 an- "e kne" "e "ere comin) near; : $se- them as re%erence points;
On the ei)hth -a1 o% o$r &o1a)in) "e "ere near to Amber; !hat is "hen the storm broke;
!he sea t$rne- -ark4 the c'o$-s co''ecte- o&erhea-4 an- the sai's )re" s'ack "ithin the sti'' that
%o''o"e-; !he s$n hi- its %aceDan enormo$s b'$e oneDan- : %e't that 2ric ha- %o$n- $s at 'ast;
!hen the "in-s arose4 an-Di% 1o$@'' e.c$se the e.pressionDbrokeD$pon the &esse' : ro-e;
=e "ere tempest-tosse- an- storm-torn4 as the poets sa1; or sai-; B1 )$ts %e't 'oose an- "ater1
as the %irst bi''o"s hit $s; =e "ere h$r'e- %rom si-e to si-e 'ike -ice in a )iant@s han-; =e "ere
s"ept o&er the "aters o% the sea an- the "aters %rom the sk1; !he sk1 t$rne- b'ack4 an- there "as
s'eet mi.e- in "ith the )'ass1 be'' ropes that p$''e- the th$n-er; 2&er1one4 :@m s$re4 crie- o$t; :
kno" : -i-; : p$''e- m1 "a1 a'on) the shi%tin) -eck to sei6e the aban-one- "hee'; : strappe-
m1se'% in p'ace an- he'- it; 2ric ha- c$t 'oose in Amber4 that "as %or -amn s$re;
One4 t"o4 three4 %o$r4 an- there "as no 'et$p; +i&e ho$rs4 then; ,o" man1 men ha- "e 'ost> :
!hen : %e't an- hear- a tin)'in) an- a tink'in)4 an- : sa" B'e1s as thro$)h a 'on) )ra1 t$nne';
F=hat@s the matter>G he aske-; F:@&e been tr1in) to reach 1o$;G
F9i%e is %$'' o% &icissit$-es4G : rep'ie-; F=e@re ri-in) o$t one o% them;G
F(torm>G he sai-;
FAo$ bet 1o$r s"eet ass; :t@s the )ran--a--1 o% them a''; : think : see a monster o%% to port; :% he
has an1 brains4 he@'' aim %or the bottom;;;; ,e ?$st -i-;G
F=e ?$st ha- one o$rse'&es4G B'e1s to'- me;
FBonster or storm>G
F(torm4G he rep'ie-; F!"o h$n-re- -ea-;G
F3eep the %aith4G : sai-4 Fho'- the %ort4 an- ta'k to me 'ater; Oka1>G
,e no--e-4 an- there "ere 'i)htnin)s at his back;
F2ric@s )ot o$r n$mber4G be a--e-4 be%ore he c$t o%%;
: ha- to a)ree;
:t "as three more ho$rs be%ore thin)s 'et $p4 an- man1 more 'ater : 'earne- that "e ha- 'ost ha'%
o% the %'eet Jan- on m1 &esse'Dthe %'a)shipD"e ha- 'ost %ort1 o% the cre" o% one h$n-re- an-
t"ent1K; :t "as a har- rain that %e'';
(omeho"4 to the sea o&er 0ebma4 "e ma-e it;
: -re" %orth m1 car-s an- he'- 0an-om@s be%ore me;
=hen he rea'i6e- "ho "as ta'kin); the %irst thin) he sai- "as F!$rn back4G an- : aske- him "h1;
F@Ca$se4 accor-in) to 9'e"e''a4 2ric can cream 1o$ no"; (he sa1s "ait a "hi'e4 ti'' he re'a.es4
an- hit him thenD'ike a 1ear %rom no"4 ma1be;G
: shook m1 hea-;
F(orr14G sai- :; FCan@t; !oo man1 'osses in&o'&e- in )ettin) $s this %ar; :t@s a no"-or-ne&er
,e shr$))e-4 "earin) a F9ike4 : "arne- 1o$G e.pression;
F=h1; tho$)h>G : aske- him;
FBain'1 beca$se : ?$st 'earne- he can contro' the "eather aro$n- here4G he sai-;
F=e@'' sti'' ha&e to chance it;G
,e shr$))e- a)ain;
F/on@t sa1 : -i-n@t te'' 1o$;G
F,e -e%inite'1 kno"s "e@re comin)>G
F=hat -o 1o$ think> :s he a cretin>G
F!hen he kno"s; :% : co$'- )$ess it in 0ebma4 then he kno"s in AmberDan- : -i- )$ess4 %rom a
"a&erin) o% (ha-o";G
F*n%ort$nate'14G : sai-4 F: ha&e some mis)i&in)s abo$t this b$t it@s B'e1s@ sho";G
FAo$ cop o$t an- 'et him )et a.e-;G
F(orr14 b$t : can@t take the chance; ,e mi)ht "in; :@m brin)in) in the %'eet;G
FAo$@&e spoken "ith Caine4 "ith #erar->G
F!hen 1o$ m$st think 1o$ ha&e a chance $pon the "aters; B$t 'isten4 2ric has %i)$re- a "a1 to
contro' the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment4 : )ather4 %rom co$rt )ossip abo$t its -o$b'e; ,e can $se it to
contro' the "eather here; !hat@s -e%inite; #o- kno"s "hat e'se he mi)ht be ab'e to -o "ith it;G
FPit14G : sai-; F=e@'' ha&e to s$%%er it; Can@t 'et a %e" storms -emora'i6e $s;G
FCor"in4 :@'' con%ess; : spoke "ith 2ric himse'% three -a1s a)o;G
F,e aske- me; : spoke "ith him o$t o% bore-om; ,e "ent into )reat -etai' concernin) his
F!hat@s beca$se he 'earne- %rom E$'ian that "e came in to)ether; ,e@s s$re it@'' )et back to me;G
FProbab'14G he sai-; FB$t that -oesn@t chan)e "hat he sai-;G
FNo4G : a)ree-;
F!hen 'et B'e1s %i)ht his o"n "ar4G he to'- me; FAo$ can hit 2ric 'ater;G
F,e@s abo$t to be cro"ne- in Amber;G
F: kno"4 : kno"; :t@s as eas1 to attack a kin)4 tho$)h4 as a prince; isn@t it> =hat -i%%erence -oes it
make "hat he ca''s himse'% at the time4 so 'on) as 1o$ take him> :t@'' sti'' be 2ric;G
F!r$e4G : sai-4 Fb$t :@&e committe- m1se'%;G
F!hen $ncommit 1o$rse'%4G he sai-;
F @+rai- : can@t -o that;G
F!hen 1o$@re cra614 Char'ie;G
F=e''4 )oo- '$ck4 an1ho";G
F(ee 1o$ aro$n-;G
An- that "as that4 an- it tro$b'e- me;
=as : hea-in) into a trap>
2ric "as no %oo'; Perhaps he ha- a rea' -eath-)i) 'ine- $p; +ina''14 : shr$))e- an- 'eane- o$t
o&er the rai'4 the car-s once a)ain behin- m1 be't;
:t is a pro$- an- 'one'1 thin) to be a prince o% Amber4 incapab'e o% tr$st; : "asn@t rea' %on- o% it
?$st then4 b$t there : "as;
2ric4 o% co$rse4 ha- contro''e- the storm "e@- ?$st passe- thro$)h4 an- it seeme- in 'ine "ith his
bein) "eather master in Amber4 as 0an-om ha- to'- me;
(o : trie- somethin) m1se'%;
: hea-e- $s to"ar- an Amber 'o$s1 "ith sno"; :t "as the most horrib'e b'i66ar- : co$'- con?$re
!he bi) %'akes be)an to %a''4 o$t there on the ocean;
9et him stop them a norma' eno$)h (ha-o" o%%erin)4 i% he co$'-;
An- he -i-;
=ithin a ha'% ho$r@s time the b'i66ar- ha- -ie-4 Amber "as &irt$a''1 imper&io$sDan- it "as
rea''1 the on'1 cit1; : -i-n@t "ant to )o o%% co$rse4 so : 'et thin)s be; 2ric "as master o% the
"eather in Amber;
=hat to -o>
=e sai'e- on4 o% co$rse; :nto the ?a"s o% -eath;
=hat can one sa1>
!he secon- storm "as "orse than the %irst4 b$t : he'- the "hee'; :t "as e'ectri%ie-4 an- %oc$se-
on'1 on the %'eet; :t -ro&e $s apart; :t cost $s %ort1 &esse's more;
: "as a%rai- to ca'' B'e1s to see "hat ha- been -one to him;
FAro$n- t"o h$n-re- tho$san- troops are 'e%t4G he sai-; F+'ash %'oo-4G an- : to'- him "hat
0an-om ha- to'- me;
F:@'' b$1 it4G he sai-; FB$t 'et@s not -"e'' on it; =eather or no4 "e@'' beat him;G
F: hope so;G
: 'it a ci)arette an- 'eane- across the bo";
Amber sho$'- be comin) into si)ht soon4 : kne" the "a1s o% (ha-o" no"4 an- : kne" ho" to
)et there b1 "a'kin);
B$t e&er1one ha- mis)i&in)s;
!here "o$'- ne&er be a per%ect -a14 tho$)h;
(o "e sai'e- on4 an- the -arkness came $pon $s 'ike a s$--en "a&e4 an- the "orst storm o%
them a'' str$ck;
=e mana)e- to ri-e o$t its b'ack 'ashin)s4 b$t : "as scare-; :t "as a'' tr$e4 an- "e "ere in
northern "aters; :% Caine ha- kept his "or-4 a'' "e'' an- )oo-; :% he "as )ettin) $s o$t4 he "as in
an e.ce''ent position;
(o : ass$me- he ha- so'- $s o$t; =h1 not> : prepare- the %'eetDse&ent1-three &esse's
remainin)D%or batt'e4 "hen : sa" him approach; !he car-s ha- 'ie-Dor e'se been &er1 correct
D"hen the1@- pointe- to him as the ke1 %i)$re;
!he 'ea- &esse' hea-e- to"ar- m1 o"n4 an- : mo&e- %or"ar- to meet it; =e ho&e to4 an- si-e
b1 si-e re)ar-e- one another; =e co$'- ha&e comm$nicate- &ia the !r$mps4 b$t Caine -i-n@t
choose toC an- he "as in the stron)er position; !here%ore4 %ami'1 eti<$ette re<$ire- that he
choose his o"n means; ,e ob&io$s'1 "ante- to be on recor- as he ca''e- o$t4 thro$)h an
FCor"inI 3in-'1 s$rren-er comman- o% 1o$r %'eetI :@&e )ot 1o$ o$tn$mbere-; Ao$ can@t make it
: re)ar-e- him across the "a&es an- raise- m1 o"n amp'i%ier to m1 'ips;
F=hat o% o$r arran)ement>G : aske-;
FN$'' an- &oi-4G he sai-; FAo$r %orce is %ar too "eak to h$rt Amber4 so sa&e 'i&es an- s$rren-er
it no";G
: 'ooke- o&er m1 'e%t sho$'-er an- re)ar-e- the s$n;
FPra1 hear me4 brother Caine4G sai- :4 Fan- )rant me this then8 )i&e me 1o$r 'ea&e to con%er "ith
m1 captains ti'' the s$n stan-s in hi)h hea&en;G
F7er1 "e''4G he rep'ie-4 "itho$t hesitation; F!he1 appreciate their positions4 :@m s$re;G
: t$rne- a"a1 then an- or-ere- that the ship he t$rne- abo$t an- hea-e- back in the -irection o%
the main bo-1 o% &esse's;
:% : trie- to %'ee4 Caine "o$'- p$rs$e me thro$)h the (ha-o"s an- -estro1 the ships4 one b1 one;
#$npo"-er -i- not i)nite on the rea' 2arth4 b$t i% "e mo&e- &er1 %ar a"a14 it too "o$'- he
emp'o1e- to o$r $n-oin); Caine "o$'- %in- some4 %or it "as probab'e4 "ere : to -epart4 the %'eet
co$'- not sai' the (ha-o" seas "itho$t me4 an- "o$'- be 'e%t as sittin) -$cks $pon the rea'
"aters here; (o the cre"s "ere either -ea- or prisoners4 "hate&er : -i-;
0an-om ha- been ri)ht;
: -re" %orth B'e1s@ !r$mp an- concentrate- ti'' it mo&e-;
FAes>G he sai-4 an- his &oice "as a)itate-; : co$'- a'most hear the so$n-s o% batt'e abo$t him;
F=e@re in tro$b'e4G : sai-; F(e&ent1-three ships ma-e it thro$)h4 an- Caine has ca''e- on $s to
s$rren-er b1 noon;G
F/amn his e1esIG sai- B'e1s; F: ha&en@t ma-e it as %ar as 1o$; =e@re in the mi--'e o% a %i)ht no";
An enormo$s ca&a'r1 %orce is c$ttin) $s to pieces; (o : can@t co$nse' 1o$ %air'1; :@&e )ot m1 o"n
prob'ems; /o as 1o$ see %it; !he1@re comin) a)ainIG An- the contact "as broken;
: -re" %orth #erar-@s4 an- so$)ht contact;
=hen "e spoke it seeme- : co$'- see a shore 'ine behin- him; : seeme- to reco)ni6e it; :% m1
)$ess "as correct4 he "as in so$thern "aters; : -on@t 'ike to remember o$r con&ersation; : aske-
him i% he co$'- he'p me a)ainst Caine4 an- i% he "o$'-;
F: on'1 a)ree- to 'et 1o$ b14G he sai-; F!hat is "h1 : "ith-re" to the so$th; : co$'-n@t reach 1o$
in time i% : "ante- to; : -i- not a)ree to he'p 1o$ ki'' o$r brother;G
An- be%ore : co$'- rep'14 he "as )one; ,e "as ri)ht4 o% co$rse; ,e@- a)ree- to )i&e me an
opport$nit14 not to %i)ht m1 batt'e %or me;
=hat then -i- that 'ea&e me>
: 'it a ci)arette; : pace- the -eck; :t "as no 'on)er mornin); !he mists ha- 'on) &anishe- an- the
s$n "arme- m1 sho$'-ers; (oon it "o$'- be noon; Perhaps t"o ho$rs;
: %in)ere- m1 car-s4 "ei)he- the -eck in m1 han-; : co$'- tr1 a contest o% "i''s thro$)h them4
"ith either 2ric or Caine; !here "as that po"er present4 an- perhaps e&en others o% "hich :
kne" nothin); !he1 ha- been so -esi)ne-4 at the comman- o% Oberon4 b1 the han- o% the ma-
artist /"orkin Barimen4 that "i'--e1e- h$nchback "ho ha- been a sorcerer4 priest4 or
ps1chiatristDthe stories con%'icte- on this pointD%rom some -istant (ha-o" "here /a- ha-
sa&e- him %rom a -isastro$s %ate he ha- bro$)ht $pon himse:%; !he -etai's "ere $nkno"n4 b$t he
ha- a'"a1s been a bit o%% his rocker since that time; (ti''4 he "as a )reat artist4 an- it "as
$n-eniab'e that he possesse- some stran)e po"er; ,e ha- &anishe- a)es a)o4 a%ter creatin) the
car-s an- tracin) the Pattern in Amber; =e ha- o%ten spec$'ate- abo$t him4 b$t no one seeme- to
kno" his "hereabo$ts; Perhaps /a- ha- -one him in4 to keep his secrets secret;
Caine "o$'- be rea-1 %or s$ch an attack4 an- : probab'1 co$'-n@t break him4 tho$)h : mi)ht be
ab'e to ho'- him; 2&en then4 tho$)h4 his captains ha- -o$bt'ess been )i&en the or-er to attack;
2ric "o$'- s$re'1 be rea-1 %or an1thin)4 b$t i% there "as nothin) e'se 'e%t to -o4 : mi)ht as "e''
tr1 it; : ha- nothin) to 'ose b$t m1 so$';
!hen there "as the car- %or Amber itse'%; : co$'- take m1se'% there "ith it an- tr1 an
assassination4 b$t : %i)$re- the o--s "ere abo$t a mi''ion to one a)ainst m1 'i&in) to e%%ect it;
: "as "i''in) to -ie %i)htin)4 b$t it "as sense'ess %or a'' these men to )o -o"n "ith me; Perhaps
m1 b'oo- "as tainte-4 -espite m1 po"er o&er the Pattern; A tr$e prince o% Amber sho$'- ha&e
ha- no s$ch <$a'ms; : -eci-e- then that m1 cent$ries on the (ha-o" 2arth ha- chan)e- me4
so%tene- me perhaps4 ha- -one somethin) to me "hich ma-e me $n'ike m1 brothers;
: -eci-e- to s$rren-er the %'eet an- then transport m1se'% to Amber an- cha''en)e 2ric to a %ina'
-$e'; ,e@- be %oo'ish to accept; B$t "hat the he''D: ha- nothin) e'se 'e%t to -o;
: t$rne- to make m1 "ishes kno"n to m1 o%%icers4 an- the po"er %e'' $pon me4 an- : "as
stricken speech'ess;
: %e't the contact an- : %ina''1 mana)e- to m$tter F=ho>G thro$)h c'enche- teeth; !here "as no
rep'14 b$t a t"istin) thin) bore- s'o"'1 "ithin m1 min- an- : "rest'e- "ith it there;
A%ter a time "hen he sa" that : co$'- not be broken "itho$t a 'on) str$))'e4 : hear- 2ric@s &oice
$pon the "in-8
F,o" )oes the "or'- "ith thee4 brother>G he in<$ire-;
FPoor'14G : sai- or tho$)ht4 an- he ch$ck'e-4 tho$)h his &oice seeme- straine- b1 the e%%orts o%
o$r stri&in);
F!oo ba-4G be to'- me; F,a- 1o$ come back an- s$pporte- me4 : "o$'- ha&e -one "e'' b1 1o$;
No"4 o% co$rse4 it is too 'ate; No"4 : "i'' on'1 re?oice "hen : ha&e broken both 1o$ an- B'e1s;G
: -i- not rep'1 at once4 b$t %o$)ht him "ith a'' the po"er : possesse-; ,e "ith-re" s'i)ht'1
be%ore it4 b$t he s$ccee-e- in ho'-in) me "here : stoo-;
:% either o% $s -are- -i&ert his attention %or an :nstant4 "e co$'- come into ph1sica' contact or
one o% $s )et the $pper han- on the menta' p'ane; : co$'- see him no"4 c'ear'14 in his chambers in
the pa'ace; =hiche&er o% $s ma-e s$ch a mo&e4 tho$)h4 he "o$'- %a'' beneath the other@s contro';
(o "e )'are- at each other an- str$))'e- interna''1; =e''4 he ha- so'&e- one o% m1 prob'ems4 b1
attackin) me %irst; ,e he'- m1 !r$mp in his 'e%t han- an- his bro"s "ere %$rro"e-; : so$)ht %or
an e-)e4 b$t co$'-n@t %in- one; Peop'e "ere ta'kin) to me b$t : co$'-n@t hear their "or-s as :
stoo- there backe- a)ainst the rai';
=hat time "as it>
A'' sense o% time ha- -eparte- since the be)innin) o% the str$))'e; Co$'- t"o ho$rs ha&e
passe-> =as that it> : co$'-n@t be s$re;
F: %ee' 1o$r tro$b'e- tho$)ht4G sai- 2ric; FAes4 : am coor-inate- "ith Caine; ,e contacte- me
a%ter 1o$r par'e1; : can ho'- 1o$ th$s "hi'e 1o$r %'eet is -emo'ishe- aro$n- 1o$ an- sent -o"n to
0ebma to rot; !he %ishes "i'' eat 1o$r men;G
F=ait4G : sai-; F!he1 are )$i't'ess; B'e1s an- : ha&e mis'e- them4 an- the1 think "e are in the
ri)ht; !heir -eaths "o$'- ser&e no p$rpose; : "as preparin) to s$rren-er the %'eet;G
F!hen 1o$ sho$'- not ha&e taken so 'on)4G he rep'ie-4 F%or no" it is too 'ate; : cannot ca'' Caine
to co$nterman- m1 or-ers4 "itho$t re'easin) 1o$4 an- the moment : re'ease 1o$ : "i'' %a''
beneath 1o$r menta' -omination or s$%%er ph1sica' assa$'t; O$r min-s are too pro.imate;G
F($pposin) : )i&e 1o$ m1 "or- that : "on@t -o this thin)>G
FAn1 man "o$'- be %ors"orn to )ain a kin)-om4G sai- 2ric;
FCan@t 1o$ rea- the tho$)ht> Can@t 1o$ %ee' it "ithin m1 min-> :@'' keep m1 "or-IG
F: %ee' there is a stran)e compassion %or these men 1o$ ha&e -$pe-4 an- : kno" not "hat ma1
ha&e ca$se- s$ch a bon-4 b$t no; Ao$ kno" it 1o$rse'%; 2&en i% 1o$ are sincere at this momentD
as 1o$ "e'' ma1 beDthe temptation "i'' be too )reat the instant the opport$nit1 occ$rs; Ao$
kno" it 1o$rse'%; : can@t risk it;G
An- : kne" it; Amber b$rne- too stron)'1 :n the b'oo- o% $s;
FAo$r s"or-smanship has increase- remarkab'14G he commente-; F: see that 1o$r e.i'e has -one
1o$ some )oo- in that respect; Ao$ are c'oser to bein) m1 e<$a' no" than an1one sa&e Bene-ict4
"ho ma1 "e'' be -ea-;G
F/on@t %'atter 1o$rse'%4G : sai-; F: kno" : can take 1o$ no"; :n %actDG
F/on@t bother; : "on@t -$e' "ith 1o$ at this 'ate -ate4G an- he smi'e-4 rea-in) m1 tho$)ht4 "hich
b$rne- a'' too c'ear'1;
F: more than ha'% "ish 1o$ ha- stoo- b1 me4G he sai-; F: co$'- ha&e $se- 1o$ more than an1 o%
the others; E$'ian : spit $pon; Caine is a co"ar-; #erar- is stron)4 b$t st$pi-;G
: -eci-e- to p$t in the on'1 )oo- "or- : mi)ht;
F9isten4G : sai-; F: conne- 0an-om into comin) here "ith me; ,e "asn@t hot on the i-ea; : think
he "o$'- ha&e s$pporte- 1o$4 ha- 1o$ aske- him;G
F!hat bastar-IG he sai-; F: "o$'-n@t tr$st him to empt1 chamber pots; One -a1 :@- %in- a piranha
in mine; No thanks; : mi)ht ha&e par-one- him4 sa&e %or 1o$r present recommen-ation; Ao$@-
'ike me to c'asp him to m1 bosom an- ca'' him brother no"4 "o$'-n@t 1o$> Oh noI Ao$ 'eap too
<$ick'1 to his -e%ense; :t re&ea's his tr$e attit$-e4 o% "hich he has -o$bt'ess ma-e 1o$ a"are; 9et
$s %or)et 0an-om in the co$rts o% c'emenc1;G
: sme''e- smoke then an- hear- the so$n-s o% meta' on meta'; !hat "o$'- mean that Caine ha-
come $pon $s an- "as -oin) his ?ob;
F#oo-4G sai- 2ric4 catchin) it %rom m1 min-;
F(top themI P'easeI B1 men -on@t ha&e a chance a)ainst that man1IG
FNot e&en "ere 1o$ to 1ie'-DG an- he bit it o%% an- c$rse-; : ca$)ht the tho$)ht4 then; ,e co$'-
ha&e aske- me to 1ie'- in ret$rn %or their 'i&es4 an- then 'et Caine contin$e "ith the s'a$)hter; ,e
"o$'- ha&e 'ike- to ha&e -one that4 b$t he@- 'et those %irst "or-s s'ip o$t in the heat o% his
: ch$ck'e- at his irritation;
F:@'' ha&e 1o$ soon4 an1ho"4G be sai-; FAs soon as the1 take the %'a)ship;G
F*nti' then4G : sai-4 Ftr1 thisIG An- : hit him "ith e&er1thin) : ha-4 borin) into his min-4 h$rtin)
him "ith m1 hatre-; : %e't his pain an- it -ro&e me har-er; +or a'' the 1ears o% e.i'e :@- spent4 :
'ashe- at him4 seekin) at 'east this pa1ment; +or his p$ttin) me thro$)h the p'a)$e4 : beat at the
barriers o% his sanit14 seekin) this &en)eance; +or the a$to acci-ent4 %or "hich : kne" he ha-
been responsib'e4 : str$ck at him4 seekin) some meas$re o% an)$ish in ret$rn %or m1 h$rt;
,is contro' be)an to s'ip an- m1 %ren61 increase-; : bore -o"n $pon him an- his ho'- $pon me
be)an to s'acken;
+ina''14 FAo$ -e&i'IG he crie-4 an- mo&e- his ban- to co&er the car- that he he'-;
!he contact "as broken4 an- : stoo- there shakin);
: ha- -one it; : ha- beste- him in a contest o% "i''s; No 'on)er "o$'- : %ear m1 t1rant brother in
an1 %orm o% sin)'e combat; : "as stron)er than he;
: s$cke- in se&era' -eep breaths an- stoo- erect4 rea-1 %or the moment the co'-ness o% a ne"
menta' attack occ$rre-; : kne" that it "o$'-n@t4 tho$)h4 not %rom 2ric; : sense that he %eare- m1
: 'ooke- abo$t me an- there "as %i)htin); !here "as a'rea-1 b'oo- on the -ecks; A ship ha-
come a'on)si-e $s an- "e "ere bein) boar-e-; Another &esse' "as attemptin) the same
mane$&er on the opposite si-e; A bo't "hist'e- b1 m1 hea-;
: -re" m1 b'a-e an- 'eape- into the %ra1;
: -on@t kno" ho" man1 : s'e" that -a1; : 'ost co$nt some"here a%ter n$mber t"e'&e or thirteen;
:t "as more than t"ice that4 on that en)a)ement a'one4 tho$)h; !he stren)th "ith "hich a prince
o% Amber is nat$ra''1 en-o"e-4 "hich ha- a''o"e- me to 'i%t a Berce-es4 ser&e- me that -a14 so
that : co$'- raise a man "ith one han- an- h$r' him o&er the rai';
=e s'e" e&er1one aboar- both boar-in) ships an- opene- their hatches an- sent them -o"n to
0ebma "here 0an-om "o$'- be am$se- b1 the carna)e; B1 cre" ha- been c$t in ha'% in the
batt'e4 an- : ha- s$%%ere- inn$mer ab'e nicks an- scratches b$t nothin) serio$s; =e "ent to the
ai- o% a sister &esse' an- knocke- o%% another o% Caine@s rai-ers;
!he s$r&i&ors o% the resc$e- &esse' came aboar- the %'a)ship an- : ha- a %$'' cre" once more;
FB'oo-IG : ca''e- o$t; F#i&e me b'oo- an- &en)eance this -a14 m1 "arriors4 an- 1o$ "i'' be
remembere- in Amber %ore&erIG
An- as a man; the1 raise- their "eapons an- crie- o$t4 FB'oo-IG An- )a''onsDno4 ri&ersDo% it
"ere 'et that -a1; =e -estro1e- t"o more o% Caine@s rai-ers4 rep'enishin) o$r n$mbers %rom
those o% the s$r&i&ors o% o$r o"n %'eet; As "e hea-e- to"ar- a si.th4 : c'imbe- the mainmast an-
trie- to take a <$ick co$nt;
=e 'ooke- to be o$tn$mbere- three to one; !here seeme- to be bet"een %ort1-%i&e an- %i%t1-%i&e
remainin) o% m1 %'eet;
=e took the si.th4 an- "e -i-n@t ha&e to 'ook %or the se&enth an- the ei)hth; !he1 came to $s;
=e took them too4 b$t : recei&e- se&era' "o$n-s in the %i)htin) that a)ain 'e%t me "ith ha'% a
cre"; B1 'e%t sho$'-er an- m1 ri)ht thi)h ha- been c$t -eep'14 an- a s'ash a'on) m1 ri)ht hip
"as h$rtin);
As "e sent those ships to the bottom4 t"o more mo&e- to"ar- $s;
=e %'e- an- )aine- an a''1 in one o% m1 o"n ships "hich ha- been &ictorio$s in its o"n recent
batt'e; =e combine- cre"s once more4 this time trans%errin) the stan-ar- to the other &esse'4
"hich ha- been 'ess -ama)e- than m1 o"n4 "hich ha- be)$n shippin) "ater ba-'1 an- "as
be)innin) to 'ist to starboar-;
=e "ere a''o"e- no breathin) space4 as another &esse' neare- an- the men attempte- to boar-;
B1 men "ere tire-4 an- : "as )ettin) that "a1; +ort$nate'1 the other cre" "asn@t in s$ch )reat
shape either; Be%ore the secon- o% Caine@s &esse's came to its ai-4 "e ha- o&er"he'me- it4
boar-e-4 an- trans%erre- the stan-ar- a)ain; !hat ship ha- been in e&en better shape;
=e took the ne.t an- : "as 'e%t "ith a )oo- ship4 %ort1 men4 an- )aspin);
!here "as no one in si)ht to come to o$r ai- no"; A'' o% m1 s$r&i&in) ships "ere en)a)e- b1 at
'east one o% Caine@s; A rai-er "as hea-in) to"ar- $s an- "e %'e-;
=e )aine- perhaps t"ent1 min$tes this "a1; : trie- to sai' into (ha-o"4 b$t it@s a har-4 s'o"
thin) that near to Amber; :t@s m$ch easier to )et this c'ose than it is to -epart4 beca$se Amber is
the center4 the ne.$s; :% :@- ha- another ten min$tes4 : co$'- ha&e ma-e it;
: -i-n@t4 tho$)h;
As the &esse' ho&e nearer4 : sa" another one o%% in the -istance t$rnin) in o$r -irection; :t bore
the b'ack an- )reen stan-ar- beneath 2ric@s cotors an- the "hite $nicorn; :t "as Caine@s ship; ,e
"ante- to be there %or the ki'';
=e took the %irst one an- -i-n@t e&en ha&e time to open its hatches be%ore Caine "as $pon $s; :
"as 'e%t stan-in) on the b'oo-1 -eck4 "ith a -o6en men abo$t me4 an- Caine mo&e- to the bo"
o% his ship an- ca''e- $pon me to s$rren-er;
F=i'' 1o$ )rant m1 men their 'i&es i% : -o this thin)>G : aske- him;
FAes4G he sai-; F:@- 'ose a %e" cre"men m1se'% i% : -i-n@t4 an- there@s no nee- %or that;G
FOn 1o$r "or- as a prince>G : aske-;
,e tho$)ht abo$t it a moment4 then no--e-;
F7er1 "e'';G he sai-; F,a&e 1o$r men 'a1 -o"n their arms an- boar- m1 &esse' "hen : come
: sheathe- m1 b'a-e an- no--e- abo$t me;
FAo$ ha&e %o$)ht the )oo- %i)ht; an- : 'o&e 1o$ %or it4G : sai-; FB$t "e ha&e 'ost in this p'ace;G :
-rie- m1 han-s on m1 c'oak as : spoke an- "ipe- them care%$''14 as :@- hate to sm$-)e a "ork o%
art; F9a1 -o"n 1o$r arms an- kno" that 1o$r e.p'oits o% this -a1 "i'' ne&er be %or)otten; One
-a1 : "i'' praise 1o$ be%ore the co$rt o% Amber;G
!he men4 the nine bi) re- ones an- the three remainin) hair1 ones4 "ept as the1 p$t -o"n their
F/o not %ear that a'' is 'ost in the str$))'e %or the cit14G : sai-; F=e ha&e 'ost on'1 one
en)a)ement an- the batt'e sti'' contin$es e'se"here; B1 brother B'e1s hacks his "a1 to"ar-
Amber at this moment; Caine "i'' keep his "or- to spare 1o$r 'i&es "hen he sees that : ha&e
)one to ?oin "ith B'e1s $pon the 'an-4 %or he "o$'- not ha&e kno"'e-)e that he "as %ors"orn
come into Amber; : am sorr1 that : cannot take 1o$ "ith me;G
An- "ith this4 : -re" B'e1s@ !r$mp %rom the pack an- he'- it 'o" an- be%ore me4 o$t o% si)ht o%
the other &esse';
E$st as Caine came a'on)si-e4 there "as mo&ement beneath that co'-4 co'- s$r%ace;
F=ho>G B'e1s aske-;
FCor"in4G : sai-; F,o" %are 1o$>G
F=e "on the batt'e4 b$t 'ost man1 troops; =e@re restin) no" be%ore "e rene" the march; ,o"
)o thin)s "ith 1o$>G
F: think "e@&e -estro1e- near'1 ha'% o% Caine@s %'eet4 b$t he@s "on the -a1; ,e@s abo$t to boar-
me no"; #i&e me escape;G
,e he'- %orth his han- an- : to$che- it an- co''apse- into his arms;
F!his is )ettin) to be a habit4G : m$ttere-4 an- then : sa" that he "as "o$n-e- too4 abo$t the
hea-4 an- there "as a ban-a)e aro$n- his 'e%t han-; F,a- to )rab the "ron) en- o% a saber4G he
remarke-4 as he sa" m1 e1es %a'' $pon it; F:t smarts;G
: ca$)ht m1 breath an- then "e "a'ke- to his tent4 "here he opene- a bott'e o% "ine an- )a&e
me brea-4 cheese4 an- some -rie- meat; ,e sti'' ha- p'ent1 o% ci)arettes an- : smoke- one as a
me-ica' o%%icer -resse- m1 "o$n-s;
,e sti'' ha- aro$n- a h$n-re- an- ei)ht1 tho$san- men behin- him; As : stoo- on a hi''top an-
the e&enin) be)an aro$n- me4 it seeme- as i% : 'ooke- o$t o&er e&er1 camp : ha- e&er stoo-
"ithin4 stretchin) on an- on o&er the mi'es an- the cent$ries "itho$t en-; : s$--en'1 %e't tears
come into m1 e1es4 %or the men "ho are not 'ike the 'or-s o% Amber4 'i&in) b$t a brie% span an-
passin) into -$st4 that so man1 o% them m$st meet their en-s $pon the batt'e%ie'-s o% the "or'-;
: ret$rne- to B'e1s@ tent an- "e %inishe- the bott'e o% "ine;
Chapter #
!hat ni)ht there "as a ba- storm; :t ha-n@t 'et $p "hen -a"n str$))'e- to cross the "or'-@s pa'm
"ith si'&er4 an- it contin$e- on thro$)h the -a1@s march;
:t is a &er1 -emora'i6in) thin) to tramp a'on) an- be raine- on4 a co'- rain at that; ,o" :@&e
a'"a1s hate- the m$-4 thro$)h "hich it seems :@&e spent cent$ries marchin)I
=e so$)ht a%ter a sha-o" "a1 that "as %ree o% rain4 b$t nothin) "e -i- seeme- to matter;
=e co$'- march to Amber4 b$t "e "o$'- -o it "ith o$r c'othin) stickin) to $s4 to the -r$mbeat
o% the th$n-er4 "ith the %'ashin) o% the 'i)htnin) at o$r backs;
!he ne.t ni)ht the temperat$re p'$mmete-4 an- in the mornin) : stare- past the sti%% %'a)s an-
re)ar-e- a "or'- )one "hite beneath a )ra1 sk14 %i''e- "ith %'$rries; B1 breath "ent back in
p'$mes behin- me;
!he troops "ere i''-e<$ippe- %or this4 sa&e %or the hair1 ones4 an- "e )ot them a'' mo&in)
<$ck'14 to pre&ent %rostbite; !he bi) re- )$1s s$%%ere-; !heirs ha- been a &er1 "arm "or'-;
=e "ere attacke- b1 ti)er; po'ar bear; an- "o'% that -a1; !he ti)er B'e1s ki''e- meas$re- e&er
%o$rteen %eet %rom tai' tip to nose;
=e marche- on "e'' into the ni)ht4 an- the tha" be)an; B'e1s p$she- the troops to )et them o$t
o% the co'- (ha-o"s; !he !r$mp %or Amber in-icate- that a "arm4 -r1 a$t$mn pre&ai'e- there4
an- "e "ere nearin) the rea' 2arth;
B1 mi-ni)ht on that secon- ni)ht "e@- marche- thro$)h s'$sh an- s'eet4 co'- rains4 "arm rains4
an- on into a -r1 "or'-;
!he or-ers "ere )i&en to make camp then4 "ith trip'e sec$rit1 cor-ons; Consi-erin) the tire-
con-ition o% the men "e "ere ripe %or an attack; B$t the troops "ere sta))erin) an- co$'-n@t be
p$she- m$ch %$rther;
!he attack came se&erat ho$rs 'ater4 an- E$'ian 'e- it4 : 'earne- 'ater %rom the -escription )i&en
b1 s$r&i&ors;
,e hea-e- comman-o rai-s a)ainst o$r most &$'nerab'e campsites on the peripher1 o% the main
bo-1; ,a- : kno"n it to be E$'ian4 : "o$'- ha&e $se- his !r$mp to tr1 to ho'- him4 b$t : on'1
kne" it a%ter the %act;
=e@- 'ost perhaps t"o tho$san- men in the abr$pt "inter4 an- : -i-n@t 1et kno" ho" man1 E$'ian
ha- acco$nte- %or;
:t seeme- the troops "ere be)innin) to )et -emora'i6e-4 b$t the1 %o''o"e- "hen "e or-ere-
them ahea-;
!he ne.t -a1 "as one contin$o$s amb$sh; A bo-1 o% men the si6e o% o$rs co$'- not be a''o"e-
to -e&iate s$%%icient'1 to tr1 to -ea' "ith the harassin) rai-s E$'ian 'e- a)ainst o$r %'anks; =e )ot
some o% his men4 b$t not eno$)h4 one %or e&er1 ten o% o$rs4 perhaps;
B1 hi)h noon "e "ere crossin) the &a''e1 that para''e'e- the seacoast; !he +orest o% Ar-en "as
to the north an- o$r 'e%t; Amber 'a1 -irect'1 ahea-; !he bree6es "ere coo' an- %i''e- "ith the
o-ors o% earth an- its s"eet )ro"in) thin)s; A %e" 'ea&es %e''; Amber 'a1 ei)ht1 mi'es -istant an-
"as b$t a shimmer abo&e the hori6on;
!hat a%ternoon4 "ith a )atherin) o% c'o$-s an- b$t the 'i)htest o% rains4 the b'ots be)an to %a''
%rom the hea&ens; !hen the storm cease- an- the s$n came %orth to -r1 thin)s o%%;
A%ter a time4 "e sme''e- the smoke;
A%ter another time4 "e sa" it4 %'appin) sk1"ar- a'' abo$t $s;
!hen the sheets o% %'ame be)an to rise an- %a''; !he1 mo&e- to"ar- $s4 "ith their cr$nchin);
constant %ootstepsC an- as the1 came nearer4 "e be)an to %ee' the heat4 an- some"here4 "a1 back
a'on) the 'ines4 a panic arose; !here "ere cries4 an- the co'$mns s"e''e- an- "e''e- %or"ar-;
=e be)an to r$n;
+'akes o% ash "ere %a''in) abo$t $s no"4 an- the smoke )re" thicker; =e sprinte- ahea- an- the
%'ames r$she- e&en c'oser; !he sheets o% 'i)ht an- heat %'appe- a stea-14 "e''in) th$n-er as "e
ran4 an- the "a&es o% "armth beat $pon $s4 "ashe- o&er $s; (oon the1 "ere ri)ht there a'on)si-e
$s4 an- the trees b'ackene- an- the 'ea&es %'ake- -o"n4 an- some o% the sma''er trees be)an to
s"a1; +or as %ar ahea- as "e co$'- see4 o$r "a1 "as an a''e1 o% %ires;
=e ran %aster; %or soon thin)s "o$'- be "orse;
An- "e "ere not mistaken;
Bi) trees be)an to topp'e across o$r path; =e 'eape- o&er them4 "e circ'e- aro$n- them; At
'east4 "e "ere on a trai';
!he heat became sti%'in) an- the breath came hea&1 in o$r '$n)s; /eer an- "o'&es an-
an- rabbits -arte- past $s4 %'eein) "ith $s4 i)norin) o$r presence an- that o% their nat$ra'
enemies; !he air abo&e the smoke seeme- %i''e- "ith cr1in) bir-s; !heir -roppin)s %e'' amon)
$s4 "ent $nnotice-;
!o b$rn this ancient "oo-; as &enerab'e as the +orest o% Ar-en4 seeme- a'most an act o%
sacri'e)e to me; B$t 2ric "as prince in Amber4 an- soon to be kin); : s$ppose : mi)ht ha&e4 too;
B1 e1ebro"s an- hair "ere sin)e-; B1 throat %e't 'ike a chimne1; ,o" man1 "o$'- this assa$'t
cost $s> : "on-ere-;
(e&ent1 mi'es o% "oo-e- &a''e1 'a1 bet"een $s an- Amber4 an- o&er thirt1 behin- $s4 )oin)
back to the %orest@s en-;
FB'e1sIG : )aspe-; F!"o or three mi'es ahea- o% $s the trai' %orksI !he ri)ht branch comes more
<$ck'1 to the ri&er Oisen4 "hich )oes -o"n to the seaI : think it@s o$r one chanceI !he "ho'e
7a''e1 o% #arnath is )oin) to be b$rne-I O$r on'1 hope 'ies in reachin) the "aterIG
,e no--e-;
=e race- on4 b$t the %ires o$tpace- $s;
=e ma-e it to the %ork4 tho$)h4 beatin) o$t %'ames on o$r smo'-erin) c'othin); "ipin) ashes
%rom o$r e1es4 spittin) s$ch %rom o$r mo$ths4 r$nnin) han-s thro$)h o$r hair "hen the %'ame'ets
neste- there;
FOn'1 abo$t a <$arter mi'e more4G : sai-;
: ha- been str$ck se&era' times b1 %a''in) bo$)hs; A'' the e.pose- areas o% m1 skin p$'se- "ith a
more than %e&erish pain4 an- man1 o% the co&ere- areas as "e''; =e ran thro$)h b$rnin) )rasses4
hea-in) -o"n a 'on) s'ope4 an- "hen "e reache- the bottom "e sa" the "ater4 an- o$r spee-
increase-4 tho$)h "e -i-n@t think it possib'e; =e p'$n)e- in an- 'et the co'- "etness embrace in;
B'e1s an- : contri&e- to %'oat as near to)ether as possib'e as the c$rrents took $s an- "e "ere
s"ept a'on) the t"istin) co$rse o% the Oisen; !he inter'ocke- branches o% the trees o&erhea- ha-
become as the beams in a cathe-ra' o% %ire; As the1 broke apart an- co''apse- in p'aces4 "e ha-
to t$rn onto o$r be''ies an- s"im or -i&e %or the -eepest p'aces4 -epen-in) on ho" near "e "ere;
!he "aters abo$t $s "ere %i''e- "ith hissin) an- b'ackene- -ebris4 an- at o$r backs o$r
s$r&i&in) troops@ hea-s in the ri&er seeme- as a strip o% %'oatin) cocon$ts;
!he "aters "ere -ark an- co'- an- o$r "o$n-s be)an to ache4 an- "e shi&ere- an- o$r teeth
:t "as se&era' mi'es be%ore "e 'e%t the b$rnin) "oo- an- reache- the 'o"4 %'at4 tree'ess p'ace that
'e- on to the sea; :t "o$'- be a per%ect p'ace %or E$'ian to be "aitin)4 "ith archers4 : -eci-e-; :
mentione- this to B'e1s an- he a)ree-4 b$t he -i-n@t reckon there "as m$ch "e co$'- -o abo$t it;
: "as %orce- to a)ree;
!he "oo-s b$rne- a'' aro$n- $s4 an- "e s"am an- "e -ri%te-;
:t seeme- 'ike ho$rs4 b$t m$st ha&e been 'ess4 be%ore m1 %ears be)an to materia'i6e an- the %irst
&o''e1 o% arro"s -escen-e-;
: -o&e4 an- : s"am $n-er"ater %or a 'on) -istance; (ince : "as )oin) "ith the c$rrent4 : ma-e it
<$ite a "a1 a'on) the ri&er be%ore : ha- to s$r%ace once more;
As : -i-4 more arro"s %e'' abo$t me;
!he )o-s kne" ho" 'on) this )a$nt'et o% -eath mi)ht be -ra"n4 b$t : -i-n@t "ant to stick aro$n-
an- %in- o$t;
: )$'pe- air an- -o&e once more;
: to$che- bottom4 : %e't m1 "a1 amon) rocks;
: mo&e- a'on) %or as %ar as : co$'-4 then hea-e- to"ar- the ri)ht bank4 e.ha'in) as : rose;
: b$rst thro$)h the s$r%ace4 )aspe-4 took a -eep breath an- "ent -o"n a)ain4 "itho$t stickin)
aro$n- to )et the 'a1 o% the 'an-;
: s"am on ti'' m1 '$n)s "ere b$rstin)4 an- s$r%ace- then;
!his time : "asn@t <$ite so '$ck1; : took an arro" thro$)h m1 biceps; : mana)e- to -i&e an-
break o%% the sha%t "hen : str$ck bottom; !hen : p$''e- o$t the hea- an- contin$e- on b1 means
o% the %ro) kick an- $n-erbo-1 sc$''in) "ith m1 ri)ht han-; !he ne.t t:me $p :@- be a sittin)
-$ck4 : kne";
(o : %orce- m1se'% on4 ti'' the re- %'ashes crosse- m1 e1eba''s an- the b'ackness crept into m1
hea-; : m$st ha&e sta1e- -o"n %or three min$tes;
=hen : s$r%ace- this time4 tho$)h4 nothin) happene-4 an- : tro- "ater an- )aspe-;
: ma-e m1 "a1 to the 'e%t bank an- )rabbe- ho'- o% the trai'in) $n-er)ro"th;
: 'ooke- a'' aro$n- me; =e "ere r$nnin) short on trees at this point4 an- the %ires ha-n@t )otten
this %ar; Both banks seeme- empt14 b$t so -i- the ri&er; Co$'- : ha&e been the on'1 s$r&i&or> :t
-i-n@t seem possib'e; A%ter a''4 there ha- been so man1 o% $s "hen the 'ast march be)an;
: "as ha'% -ea- "ith %ati)$e an- m1 entire bo-1 "as 'ace- "ith aches an- pains; 2&er1 inch o%
m1 skin seeme- to ha&e been b$rne-4 b$t the "aters "ere so co'- that : "as shakin) an-
probab'1 b'$e; :@- ha&e to 'ea&e the ri&er soon4 i% : "ante- to 'i&e; : %e't that : co$'- mana)e a %e"
more $n-er"ater an- : -eci-e- to chance them be%ore -epartin) %rom the she'terin)
(omeho" : mana)e- %o$r more 'aps4 an- : %e't then that : mi)ht not come $p a)ain i% : trie- a
%i%th; (o : h$n) onto a rock an- ca$)ht m1 breath; then cra"'e- ashore;
: ro''e- onto m1 back an- 'ooke- a'' aro$n-; : -i-n@t reco)ni6e the 'oca'e; !he %ires ha-n@t
reache- it 1et4 tho$)h; !here "as a thick c'$mp o% b$shes o%% to m1 ri)ht an- : cra"'e- to"ar- it4
cra"'e- into it4 %e'' %'at on m1 %ace an- "ent to s'eep;
=hen : a"oke4 : "ishe- : ha-n@t; 2&er1 inch o% me ache-4 an- : "as sick; : 'a1 there %or ho$rs4
ha'% -e'irio$s4 an- %ina''1 mana)e- to sta))er back to the ri&er %or a 'on) -rink o% "ater; !hen :
hea-e- back %or the thicket4 ma-e it4 an- s'ept a)ain;
: "as sti'' sore "hen conscio$sness came once more4 b$t a 'itt'e bit stron)er; : "a'ke- to the
ri&er an- back4 an- b1 means o% m1 ic1 !r$mp %o$n- that B'e1s "as sti'' a'i&e;
F=here are 1o$>G he aske-4 "hen : ha- ma-e the contact;
F/amne- i% : kno"4G : rep'ie-; F9$ck1 to be an1"here at a''; Near the sea4 tho$)h; : can hear the
"a&es an- : kno" the sme'';G
FAo$@re near the ri&er>G
F=hich bank>G
F9e%t4 as 1o$@- %ace the sea; North;G
F!hen sta1 p$t4G he to'- me4 Fan- :@'' sen- someone a%ter 1o$; :@m assemb'in) o$r %orces no";
:@&e a'rea-1 )ot o&er t"o tho$san- to)ether4 an- E$'ian "on@t come near $s; Bore keep stra))'in)
in e&er1 min$te4G
FOka14G : sai-4 an- that "as it;
: sta1e- p$t; : s'ept as : -i- so;
: hear- them bashin) abo$t in the b$shes an- "as a'ert4 : p$she- some %ron-s asi-e an- peere-
:t "as three o% the bi) re- )$1s;
(o : strai)htene- m1 )ear an- br$she- a'' m1 )arments4 ran a han- thro$)h m1 hair4 stoo- erect
an- s"a1e-4 took se&era' -eep breaths4 an- steppe- %orth;
F: am here4G : anno$nce-;
!"o o% them -i- -o$b'e-takes4 b'a-es in their han-s4 as : sai- it;
B$t the1 reco&ere-4 smi'e-4 pai- me -e%erence4 an- con-$cte- me back to the camp; :t "as
perhaps t"o mi'es -istant; : ma-e it "itho$t 'eanin);
B'e1s appeare- an- sai-4 F=e@&e )ot o&er three tho$san- no";G !hen he ca''e- %or a me-ica'
o%%icer to take care o% me a)ain;
=e "ere $n-ist$rbe- a'' thro$)h the ni)ht4 an- the rest o% o$r troops stra))'e- in that ni)ht an-
the %o''o"in) -a1;
=e ha- perhaps %i&e tho$san- b1 then; =e co$'- see Amber in the -istance;
=e s'ept another ni)ht an- on the %o''o"in) mornin) "e set %orth;
B1 a%ternoon "e ha- ma-e ma1be %i%teen mi'es; =e marche- a'on) the beach4 an- there "as no
si)n o% E$'ian an1"here;
!he %ee'in) o% pain %rom m1 b$rns be)an to s$bsi-e; B1 thi)h "as hea'th14 b$t m1 sho$'-er an-
arm sti'' h$rt %rom here to he'' an- back a)ain;
=e marche- on4 an- soon "e "ere "ithin %ort1 mi'es o% Amber; !he "eather sta1e- c'ement an-
a'' o% the "oo- to o$r 'e%t "as a -eso'ate4 b'ackene- r$in; !he %ire ha- -estro1e- most o% the
timber in the &a''e14 so %or once there "as a thin) in o$r %a&or; E$'ian nor an1bo-1 e'se co$'-
amb$sh $s; =e@- see them comin) a mi'e o%%; =e ma-e another ten mi'es ere the s$n %e'' an- "e
bi&o$acke- on the beach;
!he ne.t -a14 : remembere- that 2ric@s coronation "as near at han- an- : remin-e- BIe1s; =e
ha- a'most 'ost co$nt o% the -a1s4 b$t rea'i6e- "e sti'' ha- a %e" remainin);
=e 'e- a spee--march ti'' noon; then reste-; B1 then4 "e "ere t"ent1-%i&e mi'es a"a1 %rom the
%oot o% 3o'&ir; B1 t"i'i)ht4 the -istance "as ten;
An- "e kept on; =e marche- ti'' mi-ni)ht an- "e bi&o$acke- once a)ain; B1 that time4 : "as
be)innin) to %ee' %air'1 a'i&e once more; : practice- a %e" c$ts "ith m1 b'a-e an- co$'- a'most
mana)e them; !he ne.t -a14 : %e't e&en better;
=e marche- $nti' "e came to the %oot o% 3o'&ir4 "here "e "ere met b1 a'' o% E$'ian@s %orces4
combine- "ith man1 %rom Caine@s %'eet "ho no" stoo- as %oot so'-iers;
B'e1s stoo- there an- ca''e- thin)s4 'ike 0obert 2; 9ee at Chance''ors&i''e4 an- "e took them;
=e ba- ma1be three tho$san- men "hen "e ha- %inishe- o%% e&er1thin) E$'ian ha- to thro"
a)ainst $s; E$'ian4 o% co$rse4 escape-;
B$t "e ha- "on; !here "as ce'ebration that ni)ht; =e ha- "on;
: "as &er1 a%rai- b1 then4 an- : ma-e m1 %ears kno"n to B'e1s; !hree tho$san- men a)ain
: ha- 'ost the %'eet4 an- B'e1s ha- 'ost o&er ninet1-ei)ht percent o% his %oot so'-iers; : -i- not
'ook $pon these as re?oiceab'e items;
: -i-n@t 'ike it;
B$t the ne.t -a1 "e be)an the ascent; !here "as a stair"a14 a''o"in) %or the men to )o t"o
abreast a'on) it; !his "o$'- narro" soon4 ho"e&er4 %orcin) $s to )o sin)'e %i'e;
=e ma-e it a h$n-re- 1ar-s $p 3o'&ir4 then t"o4 then three;
!hen the storm b'e" in %rom the sea4 an- "e he'- ti)ht an- "ere 'ashe- b1 it;
A%ter"ar-4 a co$p'e o% h$n-re- men "ere missin);
=e str$))'e- on an- the rains came -o"n; !he "a1 )re" steeper4 more s'ipper1; A <$arter o% the
"a1 $p 3o'&ir "e met "ith a co'$mn o% arme- men -escen-in); !he %irst o% these tra-e- b'o"s
"ith the 'ea-ers o% o$r &an)$ar-4 an- t"o men %e''; !"o steps "ere )aine-4 an- another man %e'';
!his "ent on %or o&er an ho$r4 an- b1 then "e "ere abo$t a thir- o% the "a1 $p an- o$r 'ine "as
"earin) back to"ar- B'e1s an- m1se'%; :t "as )oo- that o$r bi) re- "arriors "ere stron)er than
2ric@s troops; !here "o$'- come a c'ash o% arms4 a cr14 an- a man "o$'- be bro$)ht b1;
(ometimes he "o$'- be re-4 occasiona''1 %$rr14 b$t more o%ten he "ore 2ric@s co'ors;
=e ma-e it to the ha'%"a1 point4 %i)htin) %or e&er1 step; Once "e reache- the top4 there "o$'-
be the broa- stair o% "hich the one to 0ebma ha- been b$t an ima)e; :t "o$'- 'ea- $p to the
#reat Arch4 "hich "as the eastern entrance"a1 to Amber;
Perhaps %'rt1 o% o$r &an)$ar- remaine-; !hen %ort14 thirt14 t"ent14;;;;;;; ;
=e "ere abo$t t"o-thir-s o% the "a1 $p b1 then4 an- the stair 6i))e- an- 6a))e- its "a1 back
an- %orth across the %ace o% 3o'&ir; !he eastern stair is se'-om $se-; :t is a'most a -ecoration;
O$r ori)ina' p'ans ha- been to c$t thro$)h the no" b'ackene- &a''e1 an- then circ'e4 c'imbin)4
an- to take the "estern "a1 o&er the mo$ntains an- enter Amber %rom behin-; !he %ire an-
E$'ian ha- chan)e- a'' this; =e@- ne&er ha&e ma-e it $p an- aro$n-; :t "as no" a %ronta' assa$'t
or nothin); An- it "asn@t )oin) to be nothin);
!hree more o% 2ric@s "arriors %e'' an- "e )aine- %o$r steps; !hen o$r %ront man ma-e the 'on)
-escent an- "e 'ost one;
!he bree6e "as sharp an- coo' %rom o%% the sea4 an- bir-s "ere co''ectin) at the %oot o% the
mo$ntain; !he s$n broke thro$)h the c'o$-s4 as 2ric apparent'1 p$t asi-e his "eather makin)
no" that "e "ere en)a)e- "ith his %orce;
=e )aine- si. steps an- 'ost another man;
:t "as stran)e an- sa- an- "i'-;;;;
B'e1s stoo- be%ore me4 an- soon his t$rn "o$'- come; !hen mine4 sho$'- he perish;
(i. o% the &an)$ar- remaine-;
!en steps;;;
!hen %i&e remaine-;
=e p$she- on4 s'o"'14 an- there "as b'oo- on e&er1 step %or as %ar back as : co$'- see; !here@s a
mora' there4 some"here;
!he %i%th man s'e" %o$r be%ore he %e'' himse'%4 so brin)in) $s to another 6i)4 or 6a)4 as the case
ma1 be;
On"ar- an- $p"ar-4 o$r thir- man %i)htin) "ith a b'a-e in either han-; :t "as )oo- that he
%o$)ht in a ho'1 "ar4 %or there "as rea' 6ea' behin- each b'o"; ,e took three be%ore he -ie-;
!he ne.t "asn@t as 6ea'o$s4 or as )oo- "ith his b'a-es; ,e %e'' imme-iate'14 an- then there "ere
B'e1s -re" his 'on)4 %i'i)ree- b'a-e4 an- its e-)e spark'e- in the s$n;
F(oon4 brother4G he sai-4 F"e "i'' see "hat the1 can -o a)ainst a prince;G
FOn'1 one4 : hope;G : rep'ie-; an- he ch$ck'e-;
:@- sa1 "e "ere three-<$arters o% the "a1 there "hen B'e1s@ t$rn %ina''1 came;
,e 'eape- %or"ar-4 imme-iate'1 -is'o-)in) the %irst man to %ace him; !he point o% his b'a-e
%o$n- the throat o% the secon-4 an- the %'at o% it %e'' a'on)si-e the hea- o% the thir-4 -is'o-)in)
him a'so; ,e -$e'e- a moment "ith the %o$rth an- -ispatche- him;
B1 o"n b'a-e "as in m1 han-4 rea-14 as : "atche- an- a-&ance-;
,e "as )oo-4 e&en better than : remembere- him to be; ,e a-&ance- 'ike a "hir'"in-4 an- his
b'a-e "as a'i&e "ith 'i)ht; !he1 %e'' be%ore itDho" the1 %e''4 m1 %rien-I =hate&er e'se 1o$
mi)ht sa1 o% B'e1s4 on that -a1 he ac<$itte- himse'% as became his rank; : "on-ere- ho" 'on) he
co$'- keep )oin);
,e@- a -a))er in his 'e%t han-4 "hich he $se- "ith br$ta' e%%icienc1 "hene&er he co$'- mana)e a
corps R corps; ,e 'e%t it in the throat o% his e'e&enth &ictim;
: co$'- see no en- to the co'$mn "hich oppose- $s; : -eci-e- that it m$st stretch a'' the "a1 to
the 'an-in) at the top; : hope- m1 t$rn "o$'-n@t come; : a'most be'ie&e- it;
!hree more men p'$mmete- past me an- "e came to a sma'' 'an-in) an- a t$rn; ,e c'eare- the
'an-in) an- be)an the ascent; +or ha'% an ho$r : "atche- him4 an- the1 -ie- an- the& -ie-; :
co$'- hear the m$rm$rs o% a"e %rom the men behin- me; : a'most tho$)ht he co$'- make it to the
,e $se- e&er1 trick a&ai'ab'e; ,e ba%%'e- b'a-es an- e1es "ith his c'oak; ,e trippe- the
"arriors; ,e sei6e- "rists an- t"iste-4 "ith his %$'' stren)th;
=e ma-e it to another 'an-in); !here "as some b'oo- on his s'ee&e b1 then4 b$t he smi'e-
constant'14 an- the "arriors behin- the "arriors he ki''e- "ere ashen; !his he'pe- him4 too; An-
perhaps the %act that : stoo- rea-1 to %i'' the )ap a'so contrib$te- to their %ears an- so s'o"e-
them4 "orke- on their ner&es; !he1@- hear- o% the na&a' en)a)ement4 : 'ater 'earne-;
B'e1s "orke- his "a1 to the ne.t 'an-in)4 c'eare- it4 t$rne- a)ain4 be)an to ascen-; : ha-n@t
tho$)ht he co$'- make it that %ar4 then; : -i-n@t think : co$'- make it as %ar as he ha-; :t "as the
most phenomena' -isp'a1 o% s"or-smanship an- en-$rance :@- seen since Bene-ict ha- he'- the
pass abo&e Ar-en a)ainst the Boonri-ers o$t o% #henesh;
,e "as tirin)4 tho$)h4 : co$'- see that4 too; :% on'1 there "ere some "a1 %or me to re'ie&e him4
to spe'' him %or a time;
B$t there "asn@t; (o : %o''o"e-4 %earin) e&er1 stroke mi)ht be his 'ast;
: kne" that he "as "eakenin); =e "ere "ithin a h$n-re- %eet o% the top at that point;
: s$--en'1 %e't %or him; ,e "as m1 brother an- he@- -one "e'' b1 me; : -on@t think he tho$)ht
he@- make it then4 1et he "as %i)htin) on;;;in e%%ect4 )i&in) me m1 chance %or the throne;
,e ki''e- three more men4 an- his b'a-e mo&e- more s'o"'1 each time; ,e %o$)ht "ith the
%o$rth %or perhaps %i&e min$tes be%ore he took him; : "as certain the ne.t "o$'- he his 'ast;
,e "asn@t4 tho$)h;
As he s'e" that man4 : trans%erre- m1 b'a-e %rom m1 ri)ht han- to m1 'e%t4 -re" m1 -a))er "ith
m1 ri)ht an- thre" it;
:t "ent in $p to the hi't4 in the throat o% the ne.t man; B'e1s spran) o&er t"o steps an-
hamstr$n) the man be%ore him4 castin) him -o"n"ar-;
!hen he c$t $p"ar-4 rippin) open the be''1 o% the one behin- that one;
: r$she- to %i'' the )ap4 to be ti)ht behin- him an- rea-1; ,e -i-n@t nee- me 1et4 tho$)h;
,e took the ne.t t"o4 "ith a ne" b$rst o% ener)1; : ca''e- %or another -a))er an- one "as passe-
to me %rom some"here a'on) the 'ine;
: kept it rea-1 ti'' he s'o"e- once more4 an- : $se- it on the man he %o$)ht;
!he man "as '$n)in) as it sp$n in4 so the hi't rather than the b'a-e ca$)ht him; :t str$ck a)ainst
his hea-4 tho$)h4 an- B'e1s p$she- a)ainst his sho$'-er an- he %e''; B$t the ne.t man 'eape-
%or"ar-4 an- tho$)h he impa'e- himse'%4 he str$ck B'e1s $pon the sho$'-er an- the1 "ent o&er
the e-)e to)ether;
B1 re%'e.4 a'most "itho$t kno"in) "hat : "as -oin)4 1et kno"in) %$''1 in one o% those
microsecon- -ecisions 1o$ ?$sti%1 a%ter the %act4 m1 'e%t han- 'eape- to m1 be't4 "hippe- o$t m1
pack o% the !r$mps an- cast them to"ar- B'e1s as he seeme- to han) there %or an instantDso
rapi-'1 -i- m1 m$sc'es an- perceptions respon-Dan- : crie- o$t4 FCatch them4 1o$ %oo'IG
An- he -i-;
: -i-n@t ha&e time to see "hat happene- ne.t4 as : parrie- an- thr$st;
!hen be)an the %ina' 'ap o% o$r ?o$rne1 $p 3o'&ir;
9et@s ?$st sa1 : ma-e it an- "as )aspin)4 as m1 troops came o&er the e-)e to s$pport me there on
the 'an-in);
=e conso'i-ate- o$r %orces an- presse- ahea-;
:t took $s an ho$r to reach the #reat Arch;
=e passe- thro$)h; =e entere- Amber;
=here&er 2ric "as4 :@m s$re he@- ne&er )$esse- "e@- make it this %ar;
An- : "on-ere- "here B'e1s "as> ,a- he )otten a chance to )rab a !ramp an- $se it4 be%ore he
reache- the bottom> : )$esse- that :@- ne&er kno";
=e ha- $n-erestimate-4 a'' the "a1 aro$n-; =e "ere o$tn$mbere- no"4 an- the on'1 thin) 'e%t
to -o "as to %i)ht on %or as 'on) as "e co$'- ho'- o$t; =h1 ha- : -one s$ch a %oo'ish thin) as
thro" B'e1s m1 !r$mps> : kne" he ha- none o% his o"n an- that@s "hat ha- -ictate- m1
response4 con-itione- perhaps b1 m1 1ears on the (ha-o" 2arth4 B$t : mi)ht ha&e $se- them to
escape4 i% thin)s "ent ba-'1;
!hin)s "ent ba-'1;
=e %o$)ht on $nti' t"i'i)ht4 an- b1 then there "as on'1 a sma'' ban- o% $s remainin);
=e "ere s$rro$n-e- at a point a tho$san- 1ar-s "ithin Amber4 an- sti'' %ar %rom the pa'ace; =e
"ere %i)htin) a -e%ensi&e %i)ht4 an- one b1 one "e -ie-; =e "ere o&er"he'me-;
9:e"e''a or /eir-re "o$'- ha&e )i&en me sanct$ar&; =h1 ha- : -one it>
: ki''e- another man an- p$t the <$estion o$t o% m1 min-;
!he s$n "ent -o"n an- -arkness %i''e- the sk1; =e "ere -o"n to a %e" h$n-re- b1 then4 an-
not m$ch c'oser to the pa'ace;
!hen : sa" 2ric an- hear- him sho$tin) or-ers; :% on'1 : co$'- reach himI
B$t : co$'-n@t;
:@- probab'1 ha&e s$rren-ere-4 to sa&e m1 remainin) troops4 "ho ha- ser&e- me %ar too "e'';
B$t there "as no one to s$rren-er to4 no one askin) %or a s$rren-er; 2ric co$'-n@t e&en hear me i%
: crie- o$t; ,e "as o$t o% the "a14 -irectin); (o "e %o$)ht on4 an- : "as -o"n to a h$n-re- men;
9et@s be brie%;
!he1 ki''e- e&er1one b$t me;
At me the1 thre" nets an- $n'eashe- b'$nte- arro"s;
+ina''14 : %e'' an- "as c'$bbe- an- ho)-tie-4 an- then e&er1thin) "ent a"a1 b$t a ni)htmare
"hich attache- itse'% an- "o$'-n@t 'et )o4 no matter "hat;
=e ha- 'ost;
: a"oke in a -$n)eon %ar be'o" Amber4 sorr1 that : ha- ma-e it that %ar;
!he %act that : sti'' 'i&e- meant that 2ric ha- p'ans %or me; : &is$a'i6e- racks an- braces4 %'ames
an- ton)s; : %oresa" m1 comin) -e)ra-ation as : 'a1 there on the -amp stra";
,o" 'on) ha- : been $nconscio$s> : -i- not kno";
: searche- m1 ce'' %or a means o% committin) s$ici-e; : %o$n- nothin) that "o$'- ser&e this
A'' m1 "o$n-s b'a6e- 'ike s$ns4 an- : "as so &er1 tire-;
: 'a1 me -o"n an- s'ept once more;
: a"akene-4 an- sti'' no one came to me; !here "as none to b$14 none to tort$re;
A'so4 there "as nothin) %or me to eat;
: 'a1 there4 "rappe- in m1 c'oak4 an- : re&ie"e- e&er1thin) that ha- happene- since :@-
a"akene- in #reen"oo- an- re%$se- m1 h1po; Better4 perhaps4 i% : ha-n@t;
: kne" -espair;
(oon 2ric "o$'- be cro"ne- kin) in Amber; !his thin) mi)ht a'rea-1 ha&e occ$rre-;
B$t s'eep "as so 'o&e'1 a thin)4 an- : so tire-;
:t "as the %irst rea' chance :@- ha- to rest an- %or)et m1 "o$n-s;
!he ce'' "as so -ark ari- sme''1 an- -amp;
Chapter $
,o" man1 times : a"akene- an- ret$rne- to s'eep4 : -o not kno"; !"ice : %o$n- brea- an- meat
an- "ater on a tra1 b1 the -oor; Both times4 : emptie- the tra1; B1 ce'' "as a'most pitch -ark
an- &er1 chi''1; : "aite- there4 an- : "aite-;
!hen the1 came %or me;
!he -oor s"$n) open an- a %eeb'e 'i)ht entere-; : b'inke- at it as : "as ca''e- %orth;
!he corri-or "itho$t "as %i''e- to o&ert'o"in) "ith arme- men4 so : "asn@t abo$t to tr1
: r$bbe- at the st$bb'e on m1 chin an- "ent "here the1 took me;
A%ter a 'on) "a'k4 "e came to the ha'' o% the spira' stair an- be)an to ascen-; : aske- no
<$estions as "e mo&e-4 an- no one o%%ere- me an1 in%ormation;
=hen "e reache- the top4 : "as con-$cte- %$rther into the pa'ace proper; !he1 took me to a
"arm4 c'ean room an- or-ere- me to strip4 "hich : -i-; !hen : entere- a steamin) t$b o% "ater4
an- a ser&ant came %orth an- scr$bbe- me an- sha&e- me an- trimme- m1 hair;
=hen : "as -r1 a)ain4 : "as )i&en %resh )arments4 o% b'ack an- o% si'&er;
: -onne- them4 an- a b'ack c'oak "as h$n) abo$t m1 sho$'-ers4 its c'asp a si'&er rose;
FAo$ are rea-14G sai- the ser)eant o% the )$ar-; FCome this "a1;G
: %o''o"e- him4 an- the )$ar- %o''o"e- me;
: "as taken %ar to the back o% the pa'ace "here a smith p'ace- manac'es abo$t m1 "rists4 %etters
on m1 ank'es4 "ith chains $pon them too hea&1 %or me to break; ,a- : resiste-4 : kne" : "o$'-
ha&e been beaten $nconscio$s an- the res$'t "o$'- ha&e been the same; : ha- no -esire to be
beaten $nconscio$s a)ain4 so : comp'ie-;
!hen the chains "ere taken $p b1 se&era' o% the )$ar-s4 an- : "as 'e- back to"ar- the %ront o%
the pa'ace; : ha- no e1es %or the ma)ni%icence that 'a1 a'' abo$t me; : "as a prisoner; : "o$'-
probab'1 soon be -ea- or on the rack; !here "as nothin) : co$'- -o ri)ht no"; A )'ance o$t o%
the "in-o" sho"e- me that it "as ear'1 e&enin)4 an- there "as no p'ace %or nosta')ia as : passe-
thro$)h rooms "here "e ha- p'a1e- as chi'-ren;
: "as 'e- $p a 'on) corri-or an- into the )reat -inin) room;
!here "ere tab'es a'' o&er the p'ace4 an- peop'e seate- a'' abo$t them4 man1 o% "hom : kne";
A'' the %ine )o"ns an- s$its o% Amber b$rne- abo$t me on the bo-ies o% the nob'es4 an- there
"as m$sic beneath the torch'i)ht an- %oo- a'rea-1 $pon the tab'es4 tho$)h no one "as eatin) 1et;
: sa" %aces that : reco)ni6e-4 'ike +'ora@s4 an- some stran)e %aces; !here "as the minstre'; 9or-
0einD1es4 he ha- been kni)hte-4 b1 meD"hom : ha- not seen in cent$ries; ,e t$rne- his e1es
a"a1 "hen m1 )a6e %e'' $pon him;
: "as taken to the %oot o% the h$)e center tab'e an- seate- there;
!he )$ar-s sta1e- an- stoo- behin- me; !he1 %astene- the en-s o% m1 chains to rin)s %resh-set
in the %'oor; !he seat at the hea- o% m1 tab'e "as as 1et $nocc$pie-;
: -i- not reco)ni6e the "oman to m1 ri)ht4 b$t the man to m1 'e%t "as E$'ian; : i)nore- him an-
stare- at the 'a-14 a 'itt'e "isp o% a b'on-e;
F#oo- e&enin)4G : sai-; F: -on@t be'ie&e "e@&e been intro-$ce-; B1 name is Cor"in;G
(he 'ooke- at the man at her ri)ht %or s$pport4 a hea&14 re-hea-e- )$1 "ith 'ots o% %reck'es; ,e
'ooke- a"a1 an- s$--en'1 became en)a)e- in an animate- con&ersation "ith the "oman to his
F:t@s a'' ri)ht to ta'k "ith me4 honest4G : sai-; F:t@s not conta)io$s;G
(he mana)e- a "eak smi'e an- sai-4 F:@m Carme'; ,o" are 1o$4 Prince Cor"in>G
F!hat@s a s"eet name4G : rep'ie-4 Fan- :@m ?$st %ine; =hat@s a nice )ir' 'ike 1o$ -oin) in a p'ace
'ike this>G
(he took a <$ick -rink o% "ater;
FCor"in4G sai- E$'ian4 'o$-er than necessar1; F: think the 'a-1 %in-s 1o$ o%%ensi&e an-$s;G
F=hat@s she sai- to 1o$ so %ar this e&enin)>G an- he -i-n@t b'$sh; ,e "hitene-;
F!hat "i'' be eno$)h %rom 1o$;G
: stretche- then4 an- ratt'e- m1 chains on p$rpose; O$tsi-e o% the e%%ect it pro-$ce-4 it a'so
sho"e- me ho" m$ch s'ack : ha-; Not eno$)h4 o% co$rse; 2ric ha- been care%$';
FCome c'oser an- "hisper me 1o$r ob?ections4 brother4G : sai-;
B$t he -i-n@t;
: ha- been the 'ast to be seate-4 so : kne" the time "as near at han-; An- it "as;
!here came %i&e tr$mpet notes %rom si. tr$mpets an- 2ric entere- the ha'';
2&er1bo-1 stoo-;
2.cept %or me;
!he )$ar-s ha- to -ra) me to m1 %eet b1 means o% the chains an- ho'- me there;
2ric smi'e- an- -escen-e- the stair to m1 ri)ht; : co$'- bare'1 see his o"n co'ors beneath the
ermine robe that he "ore;
,e mo&e- to the hea- o% the tab'e an- stoo- be%ore his chair; A ser&ant came an- stoo- behin-
him4 an- the "ine ste"ar-s ma-e their ro$n-s4 po$rin);
=hen a'' the )'asses "ere %i''e-4 he raise- his;
FBa1 1o$ -"e'' %ore&er in Amber4G he sai-4 F"hich en-$reth %ore&er4G an- e&er1one raise- his
2.cept %or me;
FPick it $pIG sai- E$'ian;
F(ho&e it $p4G sai- :;
,e -i-n@t4 on'1 )'are-; B$t : 'eane- %or"ar- <$ick'1 then an- raise- m1 )'ass;
!here "ere a co$p'e h$n-re- peop'e bet"een $s4 b$t m1 &oice carrie-; An- 2ric@s e1es "ere
$pon me a'' the "hi'e4 as : sai-4 F!o 2ric4 "ho sits at the %oot o% the tab'eIG
No one mo&e- to to$ch me as E$'ian emptie- his )'ass $pon the %'oor; A'' the others -i- the
same4 b$t : mana)e- to <$a%% most o% mine4 be%ore it "as str$ck %rom m1 han-;
2ric seate- himse'% then an- the nob'es %o''o"e- s$it4 an- : "as re'ease- to %a'' into m1 chair;
!he ser&in) be)an4 an- since : "as h$n)r1 : ate as "e'' as the rest o% them4 an- better than most;
!here "as constant m$sic an- the mea' 'aste- %or o&er t"o ho$rs; No one sai- a "or- to me
-$rin) the "ho'e time4 an- : sai- nothin) more m1se'%; B$t m1 presence "as %e't4 an- o$r tab'e
"as <$ieter than the others;
Caine sat %arther $p a'on) the tab'e; At 2ric4@s ri)ht han-; : )athere- that E$'ian "as o$t o% %a&or;
Neither 0an-om nor /ier-re "as present; !here "ere man1 other nob'es "hom : reco)ni6e-;
some o% "hom : ha- once co$nte- as %rien-s4 b$t none o% these "o$'- ret$rn m1 )'ances;
: )athere- then that it on'1 re<$ire- a sma'' %orma'it1 %or 2ric to be kin) in Amber;
An- this %o''o"e- short'1;
A%ter -inner4 there "ere no speeches 2ric simp'1 stoo-;
!here came another %'ash o% tr$mpets an- a ra$co$s so$n- $pon the air;
!hen there "as a procession4 'ea-in) a'' the "a1 to the throne room o% Amber;
: kne" "hat "as comin) ne.t;
2ric stoo- be%ore the throne an- e&er1bo-1 bo"e-;
2.cept %or me4 that is4 an- : "as %orce- to m1 knees an1"a1;
!o-a1 "as the -a1 o% his coronation;
!here "as si'ence; !hen Caine bore in the c$shion "hich he'- the cro"n4 the cro"n o% Amber;
,e kne't an- %ro6e in that position4 o%%erin) it;
!hen : "as ?erke- to m1 %eet an- -ra))e- %or"ar-; : kne" "hat "as abo$t to happen; :t came
$pon me in a %'ash4 an- : %o$)ht; B$t : "as beaten -o"n an- bro$)ht to m1 knees at the %oot o%
the stair be%ore the throne;
!he m$sic rose $p so%t'1Dit "as F#reens'ee&esGDan- some"here at m1 back E$'ian sai-4
FBeho'- the cro"nin) o% a ne" kin) in AmberIG !hen to me4 in a "hisper4 F!ake $p the cro"n
an- han- it to 2ric; ,e "i'' cro"n himse'%;G
: stare- at the cro"n o% Amber $pon the crimson c$shion Caine he'-;
:t "as "ro$)ht o% si'&er an- ha- se&en hi)h points4 each toppe- b1 a )em stone; :t "as st$--e-
"ith emera'-s4 an- there "ere t"o h$)e r$bies at either temp'e;
: -i-n@t mo&e4 thinkin) o% the times : ha- seen the %ace o% o$r %ather beneath it;
FNo4G : sai- simp'14 an- : %e't a b'o" $pon m1 'e%t check;
F!ake it an- )i&e it to 2ric4G he repeate-;
: trie- to strike at him4 b$t m1 chains "ere -ra"n ti)ht; : "as str$ck a)ain;
: stare- at the hi)h sharp peaks;
F7er1 "e''4G : %ina''1 sai-4 an- reache- %or it;
: he'- it in both han-s %or a moment then <$ick'1 p'ace- it on m1 o"n hea- an- -ec'are-4 F:
cro"n me4 Cor"in4 kin) o% AmberIG
:t "as remo&e- imme-iate'1 an- rep'ace- $pon the c$shion; (e&era' b'o"s %e'' $pon m1 back;
!here came a m$rm$rin) thro$)ho$t the ha'';
FNo" pick it $p an- tr1 it a)ain4G sai- E$'ian; F!ake it an- han- it to 2ric;G
Another b'o" %e'';
FOka14G : to'- him4 %ee'in) m1 shirt )ro" "et;
!his time : h$r'e- it4 hopin) to p$t o$t one o% 2ric@s e1es;
,e ca$)ht it in his ri)ht han- an- smi'e- -o"n at me as : "as beaten;
F!hank 1o$4G he sai-; FNo" hear me4 a'' 1o$ present4 an- those o% 1o$ "ho 'isten in (ha-o"; :
ass$me the cro"n an- throne this -a1; : take into m1 han- the scepter o% the kin)-om o% Amber;
: ha&e "on the throne %air'14 an- : take it an- ho'- it b1 the ri)ht o% m1 b'oo-;G
F9iarIG : crie-4 an- a han- "as c'appe- o&er m1 mo$th;
F: cro"n m1se'% 2ric the +irst4 3in) o% Amber;G
F9on) 'i&e the 3in)IG crie- the nob'es4 three times;
!hen he 'eane- %or"ar- an- "hispere- to me4 FAo$r e1es ha&e 'ooke- $pon the %airest si)ht the1
"i'' e&er ho'-;;;; #$ar-sI !ake Cor"in a"a1 to the smith14 an- 'et his e1es be b$rnt %rom o$t his
hea-I 9et him remember the si)hts o% this -a1 as the 'ast he mi)ht e&er seeI !hen cast him into
the -arkness o% the -eepest -$n)eon beneath Amber4 an- 'et his name be %or)ottenIG
: spat an- "as beaten;
: %o$)ht e&er1 step o% the "a14 b$t "as taken %orth %rom the ha''; No one "o$'- 'ook $pon me as
: "ent4 an- the 'ast thin) : remember "as the si)ht o% 2ric seate- $pon the throne4 prono$ncin)
his b'essin) $pon the nob'es o% Amber4 an- smi'in);
!hat "hich he sai- "as -one to me4 an- merci%$''1 : %ainte- be%ore it "as %inishe-;
: ha&e no i-ea ho" m$ch 'ater it "as that : a"akene- "ithin abso'$te b'ackness an- %e't the
terrib'e pains "ithin m1 hea-; Perhaps it "as then that : prono$nce- the c$rse4 or perhaps it ha-
been at the time that the "hitehot irons ha- -escen-e-; : -on@t remember; B$t : kne" that 2ric
"o$'- ne&er rest eas1 $pon the throne4 %or the c$rse o% a prince o% Amber4 prono$nce- in a
%$''ness o% %$r14 is a'"a1s potent;
: c'a"e- at the stra"4 in the abso'$te b'ackness o% m1 ce''4 an- no tears came; !hat "as the
horror o% it; A%ter a timeDon'1 1o$ an- :4 )o-s4 kno" ho" 'on)Ds'eep came a)ain;
=hen : a"akene-; there "as sti'' the pain; : rose to m1 %eet; : meas$re- o%% the -imensions o%
m1 ce''; +o$r paces in "i-th4 %i&e in 'en)th; !here "as a 'a&ator1 ho'e in the %'oor an- a stra"-
tick mattress in a corner; !he -oor containe- a sma'' s'ot at the bottom4 an- behin- it there "as a
tra1 "hich he'- a sta'e piece o% brea- an- a bott'e o% "ater; : ate an- : -rank4 b$t : "as not
B1 hea- ache- so4 an- there "as nothin) o% peace "ithin me;
: s'ept as m$ch as : co$'-4 an- no one came to see me; : a"akene- an- crosse- m1 ce'' an- %e't
%or %oo- an- ate it "hen : %o$n- it; : s'ept as m$ch as : co$'-;
A%ter se&en s'eeps4 the pain "as )one %rom o$t m1 e1e sockets; : hate- m1 brother "ho "as
kin) in Amber; Better he ha- ki''e- me;
: "on-ere- at the pop$'ar reaction4 b$t co$'- not )$ess;
=hen the -arkness reache- as %ar as Amber4 ho"e&er4 : kne" that 2ric "o$'- ha&e his re)rets;
!his m$ch : kne"4 an- this com%orte- me;
!h$s be)an m1 -a1s o% -arkness4 an- : ha- no "a1 o% meas$rin) their passa)e; 2&en i% : ha-
ha- e1es4 : co$'- not ha&e -istin)$ishe- -a1 %rom ni)ht in that p'ace;
!ime "ent on its "a14 i)norin) me; !here "ere occasions "hen : broke into a s"eat o&er this
an- shi&ere-; ,a- : been there months> On'1 ho$rs> Or "eeks> Or ha- it been 1ears>
: %or)ot a'' aho$t time; : s'ept4 : pace- J: kne" e.act'1 "here to p'ace m1 %eet an- "hen to t$rnK4
an- : re%'ecte- $pon thin)s : ha- -one an- ha-n@t -one; (ometimes : "o$'- sit cross-'e))e- an-
breathe s'o"'1 an- -eep'14 an- empt1 m1 min- an- keep it that "a1 %or as 'on) as : co$'-; !his
he'pe-Dthinkin) o% nothin);
2ric ha- been c'e&er; A'tho$)h the po"er 'i&e- "ithin me4 no" it "as $se'ess; A b'in- man
cannot "a'k amon) (ha-o"s;
B1 bear- ha- )ro"n -o"n to m1 chest an- m1 hair "as 'on); : "as a'"a1s h$n)r1 at %irst4 b$t
a%ter a time m1 appetite "ane-; (ometimes : )re" -i661 "hen : stoo- $p too rapi-'1;
: co$'- sti'' see4 in m1 ni)htmares4 b$t this h$rt me e&en more "hen : a"akene-;
9ater4 tho$)h4 : %e't some"hat -istant %rom the e&ents "hich ha- 'e- $p to this; :t "as a'most as
tho$)h the1 ha- happene- to a -i%%erent person; An- this4 too4 "as tr$e;
: ha- 'ost a 'ot o% "ei)ht; : co$'- &is$a'i6e m1se'%4 pa''i- an- thin; : co$'-n@t e&en cr14 tho$)h :
%e't 'ike it a co$p'e o% times; !here "as somethin) "ron) "ith m1 tear -$cts; :t "as a -rea-%$'
thin) that an1 man sho$'- be bro$)ht to this;
!hen one -a1 there came a 'i)ht scratchin) $pon the -oor; : i)nore- it;
:t came a)ain4 an- sti'' : -i- not respon-;
!hen : hear- m1 name "hispere-4 in the interro)ati&e;
: crosse- the ce'';
FAes>G : rep'ie-;
F:t@s me4 0ein4G he sai-; F,o" are 1o$>G
: 'a$)he- at that;
F+ineI Oh4 ?$st %ineIG : sai-; F(teak an- champa)ne e&er1 ni)ht4 an- -ancin) )ir's; #o-I Ao$
sho$'- make the scene sometimeIG
F:@m sorr14G he sai-4 Fthat there is nothin) : can -o %or 1o$4G an- : co$'- %ee' the pain in his
F: kno"4G : sai-;
F: "o$'- i% : co$'-4G he to'- me;
F: kno" that4 too;G
F: bro$)ht 1o$ somethin); ,ere;G
!he 'itt'e )ate at the bottom o% the ce'' -oor creake- s'i)ht'1 as it s"$n) in"ar- se&era' times;
F=hat is it>G : aske-;
F(ome c'ean c'othes4G he sai-4 Fan- three 'oa&es o% %resh brea-4 a hea- o% cheese4 some bee%4
t"o bott'es o% "ine4 a carton o% ci)arettes4 an- a 'ot o% matches;G
B1 &oice ca$)ht in m1 throat;
F!hanks4 0ein; Ao$@re a'' ri)ht; ,o" -i- 1o$ arran)e this>G
F: kno" the )$ar- "ho@s stan-in) -$t1 this shi%t; ,e "on@t ta'k; ,e o"es me too m$ch;G
F,e mi)ht tr1 to cance' his -ebts b1 s<$ea'in)4G : sai-; F(o -on@t -o it a)ainDm$ch as :
appreciate it; Nee-'ess to sa14 :@'' -ispose o% the e&i-ence;G
F: "ish it ha- t$rne- o$t -i%%erent4 Cor"in;G
FAo$ an- me both; !hanks %or thinkin) o% me "hen 1o$ "ere or-ere- not to;G
F!hat part "as eas1;G he sai-;
F,o" 'on) ha&e : been in this p'ace>G
F+o$r months an- ten -a1s4G he sai-;
F(o "hat@s ne" in Amber>G
F2rie rei)ns; !hat@s a'';G
F=here@s E$'ian>G
FBack in the +orest o% Ar-en "ith his )$ar-;G
F(ome stran)e thin)s ma-e it thro$)h (ha-o" recent'1;G
F: see; ,o" abo$t Caine>G
F,e@s sti'' in Amber4 en?o1in) himse'%; =enchin) an- -rinkin)4 most'1;G
FAn- #erar->G
F,e@s a-mira' o% the entire %'eet;G
: si)he- "ith a bit o% re'ie%; : "as a%rai- his "ith-ra"a' -$rin) the na&a' en)a)ement mi)ht ha&e
cost him somethin) "ith 2ric;
FAn- "hat o% 0an-om>G
F,e@s $p the ha'' a"a1s;G
F=hat> ,e "as taken>G
FAes; ,e "a'ke- the Pattern in 0ebma an- sho"e- $p here4 "ith a crossbo"; ,e "o$n-e- 2ric
be%ore he "as taken;G
F0ea''1> =h1 "asn@t he s'ain>G
F=e''4 r$mor has it he@s marrie- a nob'e"oman o% 0ebma; 2ric -i-n@t "ant to co$rt an inci-ent
"ith 0ebma at this point; Boire has <$ite a kin)-om4 an- there is ta'k that 2ric is e&en
consi-erin) askin) her to be his <$een; A'' )ossip4 o% co$rse; B$t interestin);G
FAes4G : sai-;
F(he 'ike- 1o$4 -i-n@t she>G
F(ome"hat; ,o" -i- 1o$ hear>G
F: "as present "hen 0an-om "as sentence-; : )ot to speak "ith him %or a moment; !he 9a-1
7ia''e4 "ho c'aims to be his "i%e4 has aske- to ?oin him in prison; 2ric is not 1et certain ho" to
: tho$)ht $pon the b'in- )ir'4 "ho : ha- ne&er met4 an- : "on-ere- at this;
F,o" 'on) a)o -i- a'' this happen>G : aske-;
FBm; !hirt1-%o$r -a1s4G he rep'ie-; F!hat "as "hen 0an-om sho"e- $p; A "eek 'ater4 7ia''e
ma-e her re<$est;G
F(he m$st be a stran)e "oman4 :% she rea''1 'o&es 0an-om4G
F!hose "ere m1 sentiments4G he rep'ie-; F: can@t think o% a more $n$soa' combination;G
F:% 1o$ sho$'- )et to see him a)ain4 )i&e him m1 re)ar-s an- m1 re)rets;G
F,o" %are m1 sisters>G
F/ier-re an- 9:e"e''a remain in 0ebma; !he 9a-1 +'orime' has been en?o1in) 2ric@s %a&ors an-
stan-s hi)h in the present co$rt; : -o not kno" "here +iona is present'1;G
F,as an1thin) more been hear- o% B'e1s> : am s$re that he -ie-;G
F,e m$st ha&e -ie-4G sai- 0ein4 F,is bo-1 "as ne&er reco&ere-4 tho$)h;G
F=hat o% Bene-ict>G
FAs absent as e&er;G
F,o" abo$t Bran->G
FNo "or-;G
F!hen : )$ess that co&ers the "ho'e %ami'1 tree4 as it stan-s at present; ,a&e 1o$ "ritten an1
ne" ba''a-s>G
FNo4G he sai-; F:@m sti'' "orkin) on @!he (ie)e o% Amber4@ b$t it "i'' be an $n-er)ro$n- hit4 i% at
: reache- m1 han- o$t thro$)h the tin1 )ate at the bottom o% the -oor;
F: "o$'- c'asp han-s "ith thee4G : sai-4 an- : %e't his han- to$ch mine;
F:t "as )oo- o% thee to -o this thin) %or me; /on@t -o it a)ain4 tho$)h; :t "o$'- he %ooIish to risk
2ric@s "rath;G
,e s<$ee6e- m1 han-4 m$ttere- somethin)4 an- "as )one;
: %o$n- his CA02 packa)e an- st$%%e- m1se'% "ith the meat4 "hich "as the most perishab'e
item; : ate a 'ot o% the brea-; to accompan1 it4 an- : rea'i6e- that : ha- a'most %or)otten ho" )oo-
%oo- can taste; !hen : )re" -ro"s1 an- s'ept; : -on@t think : s'ept &er1 'on)4 an- "hen : a"oke :
opene- one o% the bott'es o% "ine;
:t -i-n@t take as m$ch as $s$a'4 in m1 "eakene- con-ition4 to )et me kin- o% hi)h; : ha- a
ci)arette; sat -o"n on m1 mattress4 'eane- back a)ainst the "a''4 an- m$se-;
: remembere- 0ein as a chi'-; : "as a'rea-1 %$'' )ro"n b1 then an- he "as a can-i-ate %or co$rt
?ester; A thin4 "ise ki-; Peop'e ha- ki--e- him too m$ch; Be inc'$-e-; B$t : "rote m$sic4
compose- ba''a-s4 an- he@- picke- $p a '$te some"here an- ha- ta$)ht himse'% ho" to $se it;
(oon "e "ere sin)in) "ith &oces to)ether raise- an- a'' 'ike that4 an- be%ore 'on) : took a 'ikin)
to him an- "e "orke- to)ether; practicin) the martia' arts; ,e "as 'o$s1 at them; B$t : %e't kin-
o% sorr1 %or the "a1 : ha- treate- him ear'ier4 "hat "ith the "a1 he ha- -$) m1 st$%%4 so : %orce-
the %ake )races $pon him an- a'so ma-e him a passab'e saber man; :@- ne&er re)rette- it4 an- :
)$ess he -i-n@t either; Be%ore 'on)4 he became minstre' to the co$rt o% Amber; : ha- ca''e- him
m1 pa)e a'' that "hi'e4 an- "hen the "ars beckone-4 a)ainst the -ark thin)s o$t o% (ha-o"
ca''e- =eirmonken4 : ma-e him m1 s<$ire4 an- "e ha- ri--en o%% to the "ars to)ether; : kni)hte-
him $pon the batt'e%ie'-4 at Eones +a''s4 an- he ha- -eser&e- it; A%ter that4 he ha- )one on to
become m1 better "hen it came to the "a1s o% "or-s an- m$sic; ,is co'ors "ere crimson an-
his "or-s "ere )o'-en; : 'o&e- him4 as one o% m1 t"o or three %rien-s in Amber; : -i-n@t think
he@- take the risk he ha- to brin) me a -ecent mea'4 tho$)h; : -i-n@t think an1one "o$'-; : ha-
another -rink an- smoke- another ci)arette4 in his name4 to ce'ebrate him; ,e "as a )oo- man; :
"on-ere- ho" 'on) he "o$'- s$r&i&e;
: thre" a'' the b$tts into the hea- an- a'soDe&ent$a''1Dthe empt1 bott'e; : -i-n@t "ant an1thin)
aro$n- to sho" that : ha- been Fen?o1in)G m1se'%4 sho$'- a s$--en inspection be he'-; : ate a''
the )oo- %oo- he ha- bro$)ht me4 an- : %e't s$r%eite- %or the %irst time since : ha- been in
-$rance; : sa&e- the 'ast bott'e %or one massi&e spe'' o% -r$nkenness an- %or)et%$'ness;
An- a%ter that time ha- passe-4 : ret$rne- to m1 c1c'e o% recriminations;
: hope-4 main'14 that 2ric ha- no meas$re o% o$r comp'ete po"ers; ,e "as kin) in Amber4
)rante-4 b$t he -i-n@t kno" e&er1thin); Not 1et; Not the "a1 /a- ha- kno"n; !here "as a
mi''ion-in-one shot that mi)ht sti'' "ork in m1 %a&or; (o m$ch so4 an- so -i%%erent that at 'east it
ser&e- to )rant me m1 sma'' p$rchase $pon sanit14 there in the )rip o% -espair;
B$t ma1be : -i- )o ma- %or a time4 : -on@t kno"; !here are -a1s that are )reat b'anks to me no"4
as : stan- here on the brink o% Chaos; #o- kno"s "hat the1 he'-4 an- :@'' ne&er see a shrink to
%in- o$t;
!here are none o% 1o$4 )oo- -octors4 co$'- cope "ith m1 %ami'14 an1"a1;
: 'a1 there an- : pace- there4 "ithin the n$mbin) -arkness; : )re" <$ite sensiti&e to so$n-s; :
'istene- to the sc$rr& o% rats@ %eet thro$)h stra"4 the -istant moanin) o% other prisoners4 the
echoes o% a )$ar-@s %ootsteps as he approache- "ith a tra1 o% %oo-; : be)an estimatin) -istances
an- -irection %rom thin)s 'ike this;
: s$ppose : became more sensiti&e to o-ors a'so4 b$t : trie- not to think abo$t them too m$ch;
Asi-e %rom the ima)inab'e na$seatin) ones there "as4 %or a 'on) "hi'e4 "hat : "o$'- s"ear to be
the o-or o% -eca1in) %'esh; : "on-ere-4 i% : "ere to -ie4 ho" 'on) "o$'- it be be%ore someone
took notice> ,o" man1 ch$nks o% brea- an- bo"'s o% s'op "o$'- )o $neaten be%ore the )$ar-
tho$)ht to check "ithin a%ter m1 contin$e- e.istence>
!he ans"er to that one co$'- be &er1 important;
!he -eath o-or "as aro$n- %or a 'on) "hi'e; : trie- to think in terms o% time a)ain4 an- it seeme-
that it persiste- %or o&er a "eek;
!ho$)h : ratione- m1se'% care%$''14 resistin) the comp$'sion4 the han-1 temptation4 %or as 'on)
as : co$'-4 : %ina''1 %o$n- m1se'% -o"n to m1 %ina' pack o% ci)arettes;
: tore it open an- 'it one; : ha- ha- a carton o% (a'ems an- : ha- smoke- e'e&en packs; !hat "as
t"o h$n-re- an- t"ent1 ci)arettes; : ha- once time- m1se'% "ith one4 an- it ha- taken me se&en
min$tes to smoke it; !hat ma-e %or a tota' o% one tho$san- %i&e h$n-re- an- %ort1 min$tes spent
smokin)4 or t"ent1-%i&e ho$rs an- %ort1 min$tes; : "as s$re : ha- spent at 'east an ho$r bet"een
ci)arettes4 more 'ike an ho$r an- a ha'%; (a1 an ho$r an- a ha'%; No" %i)$re that : "as s'eepin)
si. to ei)ht ho$rs per -a1; !hat 'e%t si.teen to ei)hteen "akin) ho$rs; : )$esse- : "as smokin)
ten or t"e'&e per -a1; (o that meant ma1be three "eeks ha- passe- since 0ein@s &isit; ,e ha-
to'- me it "as %o$r months an- ten -a1s since the coronation4 "hich meant that it "as no"
aro$n- %i&e months;
: n$rse- m1 'ast pack4 en?o1in) each one 'ike a 'o&e a%%air; =hen the1 "ere a'' )one4 : %e't
!hen a 'ot more time m$st ha&e passe-;
: )ot to "on-erin) abo$t 2ric; ,o" "as he makin) o$t as 'ei)e> =hat prob'ems "as he
enco$nterin)> =hat "as he $p to ri)ht no"> =h1 ha-n@t he been aro$n- to torment me> Co$'- :
e&er tr$'1 be %or)otten in Amber4 e&en b1 imperia' -ecree> Ne&er4 : -eci-e-;
An- "hat o% m1 brothers> =h1 ha- none o% them contacte- me> :t "o$'- be so eas1 to -ra"
%orth m1 !r$mp an- break 2ric@s -ecree; None -i-4 tho$)h;
: tho$)ht %or a 'on) "hi'e $pon Boire4 the 'ast "oman : ha- 'o&e-; =hat "as she -oin)> /i-
she think o% me e&er> Probab'1 not; Ba1be she "as 2ric@s mistress b1 no"4 or his <$een; /i- she
e&er speak to him o% me> A)ain; probab'1 not;
An- "hat o% m1 sisters> +or)et it; Bitches a''4 the1;
: ha- been b'in-e- once be%ore4 b1 a cannon %'ashback in the ei)hteenth cent$r1 on the (ha-o"
2arth; B$t it ha- on'1 'aste- %or aro$n- a month an- m1 si)ht ha- ret$rne-; 2ric ha- ha- a
permanent thin) in min-4 ho"e&er4 "hen he ha- )i&en his or-er; : sti'' perspire- an- sh$--ere-4
an- sometimes "oke $p screamin)4 "hene&er memor1 o% the "hite-hot irons ret$rne- to meD
h$n) there be%ore m1 e1esDan- then the contactI
: moane- so%t'1 an- contin$e- to pace;
!here "as abso'$te'1 nothin) : co$'- -o; !hat "as the most horrib'e part o% the "ho'e thin); :
"as as he'p'ess as an embr1o; !o be born a)ain into si)ht an- %$r1 "as a thin) %or "hich : "o$'-
)i&e m1 so$'; 2&en %or an ho$r4 "ith a b'a-e in m1 ban-4 to -$e' once a)ain "ith m1 brother;
: 'a1 back on m1 mat an- s'ept; =hen : a"akene-4 there "as %oo-4 an- : ate once a)ain an-
pace-; B1 %in)ernai's an- m1 toenai's ha- )ro"n 'on); B1 bear- "as &er1 'on) an- m1 hair %e''
across m1 e1es4 constant'1; : %e't %i'th14 an- : itche- a'' the time; : "on-ere- "hether : ha- %'eas;
!hat a prince o% Amber co$'- be bro$)ht to this state -re" a terrib'e emotion %rom the center o%
m1 bein)4 "here&er that ma1 be; : ha- been reare- to think o% $s as in&incib'e entities4 c'ean an-
coo' an- -iamon--har-4 'ike o$r pict$res on the !r$mps; Ob&io$s'14 "e "ere not;
At 'east4 "e "ere eno$)h 'ike other men to ha&e o$r reso$rces;
: p'a1e- menta' )ames4 : to'- m1se'% stories4 : re&ie"e- p'easant memoriesDthere "ere man1 o%
these; : reca''e- the e'ements8 "in-4 rain4 sno"4 the s$mmer@s "armth4 an- the sprin)@s coo'
bree6es; : ha- ha- a sma'' airp'ane on the (ha-o" 2arth4 an- "hen : %'e" it : ha- en?o1e- the
sensation; : reca''e- the )'istenin) panoramas o% co'or an- -istance4 the miniat$ri6ation o% cities4
the broa- b'$e s"eep o% sk14 the her-s o% c'o$-s J"here "ere the1 no">K an- the c'ean e.panse
o% the ocean beneath m1 "in)s; : remembere- "omen : ha- 'o&e-4 parties4 mi'itar1 en)a)ements;
An- "hen a'' "as -one4 an- : co$'- he'p it no 'on)er4 : tho$)ht o% Amber;
One time4 "hen : -i- so4 m1 tear )'an-s be)an to %$nction a)ain; : "ept;
A%ter an interminab'e time4 a time %i''e- "ith b'ackness an- man1 s'eeps4 : hear- %ootsteps
"hich pa$se- be%ore the -oor to m1 ce''4 an- : hear- the so$n- o% a ke1 "ithin the 'ock;
:t "as a time so 'on) a%ter 0ein@s &isit that : ha- %or)otten the taste o% the "ine an- the
ci)arettes; : co$'- not rea't1 estimate its span4 b$t it ha- been 'on);
!here "ere t"o men in the corri-or; : co$'- te'' this %rom their %ootsteps e&en be%ore : hear- the
so$n-s o% their &oices;
One o% the &oices : reco)ni6e-;
!he -oor s"$n) open an- E$'ian sai- m1 name;
: -i-n@t ans"er ri)ht a"a14 an- he repeate- it;
FCor"in> Come here;G
(ince : -i-n@t ha&e m$ch choice in the matter4 : -re" m1se'% erect an- a-&ance-; : stoppe- "hen
: kne" : "as near him;
F=hat -o 1o$ "ant>G : aske-;
FCome "ith me;G An- he took m1 arm;
=e "a'ke- a'on) the corri-or4 an- he sai- nothin) an- :@- be -amne- i% :@- ask him an1
+rom the echoes4 : co$'- te'' "hen "e entere- the bi) ha''; (oon a%ter4 he )$i-e- me $p the stair;
*p4 an- into the pa'ace proper "e "ent;
: "as taken to a room an- seate- in a chair; A barber set to "ork c$ttin) m1 hair an- m1 bear-; :
-i-n@t reco)ni6e his &oice "hen he aske- me i% : "ante- the bear- trimme- or remo&e-;
FC$t it o%%4G : sai-4 an- a manic$rist set to "ork on m1 nai's4 a'' t"ent1 o% them;
!hen : "as bathe-4 an- someone he'pe- me to -ress in c'ean )arments; !he1 h$n) 'oose on me;
: "as 'o$se- a'so4 b$t %or)et that;
!hen : "as 'e- into another b'ack p'ace %i''e- "ith m$sic an- the o-ors o% )oo- %oo- an- the
so$n-s o% man1 &oices an- some 'a$)hter; : reco)ni6e- it to be the -inin) room;
!he &oices s$bsi-e- a bit as E$'ian 'e- me in an- seate- me;
: sat there $nti' the tr$mpet notes4 to "hich : "as %orce- to rise;
: hear- the toast ca''e- o$t8
F!o 2ric the +irst4 3in) o% AmberI 9on) 'i&e the kin)IG
: -i-n@t -rink to that4 b$t no one seeme- to notice; :t "as Caine@s &oice that ha- ca''e- o$t the
toast4 %rom %ar $p a'on) the tab'e;
: ate as m$ch as : co$'-4 beca$se it "as the best mea' : ha- been o%%ere- since the coronation; :
)athere- %rom con&ersation o&erhear- that to-a1 "as the anni&ersar1 o% 2ric@s coronation4 "hich
meant : ha- spent an entire 1ear in the -$n)eons;
No one spoke to me; an- : -i-n@t make an1 o&ert$res; : "as present as a )host on'1; !o h$mi'iate
me4 an- to ser&e as a remin-er to m1 brothers4 no -o$bt4 as to the price o% -e%1in) o$r 'ie)e; An-
e&er1one ha- been or-ere- to %or)et me;
:t "ent on "e'' into the ni)ht; (omeone kept me "e'' pro&i-e- "ith "ine4 "hich "as somethin)4
an- : sat there an- 'istene- to the m$sic o% a'' the -ances;
!he tab'es ha- been remo&e- b1 this time4 an- : "as seate- o%% some"here in a corner;
: )ot stinkin) -r$nk an- "as ha'% -ra))e-4 ha'% carrie- back to m1 ce'' in the mornin)4 "hen the
"ho'e thin) "as o&er sa&e %or the c'eanin) $p; B1 on'1 re)ret "as that : ha-n@t )otten sick
eno$)h to -irt1 the %'oor or someone@s prett1 )arments;
!h$s en-e- the %irst 1ear o% -arkness;
Chapter %
: sha'' not bore 1o$ "ith repetition; B1 secon- 1ear "as prett1 m$ch 'ike m1 %irst4 "ith the
same %ina'e; /itto %or the thir-; 0ein came t"ice that secon- 1ear4 "ith a basket o% )oo-ies an- a
mo$th%$' o% )ossip; Both times : %orba-e him e&er to come a)ain; !he thir- 1ear he came -o"n
si. times4 e&er1 other month4 an- each time : %orba-e him ane" an- ate his %oo- an- hear- "hat
he ha- to sa1;
(omethin) "as "ron) in Amber; (tran)e thin)s "a'ke- thro$)h (ha-o" an- presente-
themse'&es4 "ith &io'ence4 to a'' an- s$n-r1; !he1 "ere -estro1e-4 o% co$rse; 2ric "as sti'' tr1in)
to %i)$re o$t ho" the1 ha- occ$rre-; : -i- not mention m1 c$rse4 tho$)h : 'ater re?oice- in the
%act that it ha- come to pass;
0an-om4 'ike m1se'%4 "as sti'' a prisoner; ,is "i%e ha- ?oine- him; !he positions o% m1 other
brothers an- sisters remaine- $nchan)e-; !his bo'stere- me thro$)h the thir- anni&ersar1 o% the
coronation4 an- it ma-e me %ee' a'most a'i&e a)ain;
:tI One -a1 it "as there4 an- it ma-e me %ee' so )oo- that : imme-iate'1 broke o$t the %ina'
bott'e o% "ine 0ein ha- bro$)ht me an- opene- the 'ast pack o% ci)arettes4 "hich : ha- been
: smoke- them an- sippe- an- en?o1e- the %ee'in) that : ha- someho" beaten 2ric; :% he %o$n-
this o$t4 : %e't it mi)ht be %ata'; B$t : kne" he -i-n@t kno";
(o : re?oice-4 smokin); -rinkin) an- re&e'in) in the 'i)ht o% that "hich ha- occ$rre-;
Aes4 the 'i)ht;
:@- -isco&ere- a tin1 patch o% bri)htness4 o%% some"here to m1 ri)ht;
=e''4 'et@s take it 'ike this8 : ha- a"akene- in a hospita' be- an- 'earne- that : ha- reco&ere- a''
too soon; /i)>
: hea' %aster than others "ho ha&e been broken; A'' the 'or-s an- 'a-ies o% Amber ha&e
somethin) o% this capacit1;
:@- 'i&e- thro$)h the P'a)$e4 :@- 'i&e- thro$)h the march on Bosco";
: re)enerate %aster an- better than an1bo-1 :@&e e&er kno"n;
Napo'eon ha- once ma-e a remark abo$t it; (o ha- #enera' BacArth$r;
=ith ner&e tiss$e it takes me a bit 'on)er4 that@s a'';
B1 si)ht "as ret$rnin) to me4 that@s "hat it meantDthat 'o&e'1 patch o% bri)htness4 o%%
some"here to m1 ri)ht;
A%ter a time4 : kne" that it "as the 'itt'e barren area in tbe -oor to m1 ce'';
: ha- )ro"n ne" e1es4 m1 %in)ers to'- me; :t ha- taken me o&er three 1ears4 b$t : ha- -one it; :t
"as the mi''ion-to-one thin) : spoke o% ear'ier4 the thin) "hich e&en 2ric co$'- not proper'1
assess4 beca$se o% the &ariances o% po"ers amon) the in-i&i-$a' members o% the %ami'1; : ha-
beaten him to this e.tent8 : ha- 'earne- that : co$'- )ro" ne" e1eba''s; : ha- a'"a1s kno"n that :
co$'- re)enerate ner&e tiss$es4 )i&en s$%%icient time; : ha- been 'e%t parap'e)ic %rom a spine
in?$r1 recei&e- -$rin) the +ranco-Pr$ssian "ars; A%ter t"o 1ears4 it ha- )one a"a1; : ha- ha- m1
hopeDa "i'- one4 :@'' a-mitDthat : co$'- -o "hat : ha- -one then4 "ith m1 b$rne--o$t orbs;
An- : ha- been ri)ht; !he1 %e't intact4 an- the si)ht "as ret$rnin)4 s'o"'1;
,o" 'on) ti'' the ne.t anni&ersar1 o% 2ric@s coronation> : stoppe- pacin) an- m1 heart beat
%aster; As soon as someone sa" that :@- reco&ere- m1 e1es4 :@- 'ose them a)ain;
!here%ore4 :@- ha&e to escape be%ore the %o$r 1ears ha- passe-;
: ha-n@t tho$)ht abo$t it m$ch $p to this time4 beca$se e&en i% : co$'- %i)$re a "a1 to )et o$t o%
m1 ce''4 :@- ne&er make it o$t o% AmberDor o$t o% the pa'ace4 %or that matterD"itho$t e1es or
ai-4 an- neither "ere a&ai'ab'e to me;
No"4 tho$)h;;;
!he -oor o% m1 ce'' "as a bi)4 hea&14 brass-bo$n- thin)4 "ith on'1 a tin1 )ri''e at a hei)ht o%
abo$t %i&e %eet %or p$rposes o% 'ookin) in to see "hether : "as sti'' a'i&e4 i% an1one care-; 2&en i%
: s$ccee-e- in remo&in) it4 : co$'- te'' that : co$'-n@t reach o$t %ar eno$)h to to$ch the 'ock;
!here "as a 'itt'e s"in)in) )ate at the bottom o% the -oor4 'ar)e eno$)h to p$sh m1 %oo- thro$)h
an- that@s abo$t a''; !he hin)es "ere either on the o$tsi-e or in bet"een the -oor an- the ?amb4 :
co$'-n@t te'' %or s$re; 2ither "a14 : co$'-n@t )et at them; !here "ere no "in-o"s an- no other
:t "as sti'' a'most 'ike bein) b'in-4 sa&e %or that %eeb'e reass$rin) 'i)ht thro$)h the )ri''e; : kne"
m1 si)ht ha-n@t ret$rne- %$''1; !hat "as sti'' a 'on) "a1 o%%; B$t e&en i% it ha-4 it "as near'1 pitch
-ark in there; : kne" this beca$se : kne" the -$n)eons $n-er Amber;
: 'it a ci)arette4 pace- some more4 an- assesse- m1 possessions4 seekin) an1thin) that mi)ht be
o% ai-; !here "as m1 c'othin)4 m1 s'eepin) mat4 an- a'' the -amp stra" : "ante-; : a'so ha-
matches4 b$t : <$ick'1 re?ecte- the notion o% settin) %ire to the stra"; : -o$bte- an1one "o$'-
come an- open the -oor i% : -i-; Bost 'ike'1 the )$ar- "o$'- come an- 'a$)h4 i% he came at a''; :
ha- a spoon :@- picke- $p at the 'ast ban<$et; :@- "ante- a kni%e4 rea''14 b$t E$'ian ha- ca$)ht me
tr1in) to 'i%t one an- snatche- it a"a1; =hat he -i-n@t kno"4 tho$)h4 "as that that "as m1 secon-
attempt; : a'rea-1 ha- the spoon t$cke- insi-e m1 boot;
(o "hat )oo- "as it>
:@- hear- these stories o% )$1s -i))in) their "a1 o$t o% ce''s "ith the -amne-est thin)sDbe't
b$ck'es J"hich : -i-n@t ha&eKDetc; B$t : -i-n@t ha&e time to tr1 the Co$nt o% Bonte Cristo bit; :
nee-e- o$t in a matter o% months4 or m1 ne" e1es "o$'-n@t mean an1thin);
!he -oor "as main'1 "oo-; Oak; :t "as bo$n- "ith %o$r meta' strips; One "ent aro$n- it near
the top4 one near the bottom4 ri)ht abo&e the )ate4 an- there "ere t"o "hich ran %rom top to
bottom4 passin) a'on) either si-e o% the %oot"i-e )ri''e; !he -oor opene- o$t"ar-4 : kne"4 an-
the 'ock "as to m1 'e%t; B1 memories to'- me the -oor "as abo$t t"o inches thick4 an- :
reca''e- the appro.imate position o% the 'ock4 "hich : &eri%ie- b1 'eanin) a)ainst the -oor an-
%ee'in) the tension at that point; : kne" that the -oor "as a'so barre-4 b$t : co$'- "orr1 abo$t
that 'ater; : mi)ht be ab'e to raise it b1 s'i-in) the han-'e o% the spoon $p"ar- bet"een the -oor@s
e-)e an- the ?amb;
: kne't on m1 s'eepin) mat an- "ith the spoon : trace- a bo. abo$t that area "hich containc- the
'ock; : "orke- $nti' m1 han- "as <$ite soreDma1be a co$p'e o% ho$rs; !hen : ran m1 %in)ernai'
o&er the s$r%ace o% the "oo-; : ha-n@t scarre- it m$ch4 b$t it "as a be)innin); : s"itche- the
spoon to m1 'e%t han- an- contin$e- $nti' it4 be)an to ache;
: kept hopin) that 0ein "o$'- sho" $p; : "as s$re : co$'- ta'k him into )i&in) me his -a))er i% :
rea''1 presse- the matter; ,e -i-n@t p$t in an appearance4 tho$)h4 so : ?$st kept )rin-in) a"a1;
/a1 a%ter -a1 : "orke-4 $nti' : "as perhaps ha'% an inch into the "oo-; 2ach time :@- hear a
)$ar-@s %ootsteps :@- mo&e the pa''et back to the %ar "a'' an- 'ie -o"n on it "ith m1 back to the
-oor; =hen he ha- passe-4 :@- res$me "ork; !hen : ha- to stop %or a "hi'e4 as m$ch as : hate- to;
2&en tho$)h : ha- "rappe- them in c'oth torn %rom m1 )arments4 m1 han-s ha- b'istere- an- the
b'isters ha- broken; an- a%ter a time the ra" %'esh $n-erneath be)an to b'ee-; (o : took a break to
'et them hea'; : -eci-e- to -e&ote the time to p'annin) "hat :@- -o a%ter : )ot o$t;
=hen :@- "orke- m1 "a1 %ar eno$)h thro$)h the -oor4 :@- raise the bar; !he so$n- o% it %a''in)
"o$'- probab'1 brin) a )$ar-; B1 then4 tho$)h4 :@- be o$t; A co$p'e o% )oo- kicks "o$'- break
o$t the piece : "as "orkin) on an- the 'ock co$'- sta1 ri)ht "here it "as i% it "ante- to; !he
-oor "o$'- s"in) open then an- : "o$'- %ace the )$ar-; ,e "o$'- be arme- an- : "o$'-n@t; :@-
ha&e to take him;
,e mi)ht be o&ercon%i-ent4 thinkin) : co$'-n@t see; On the other han-4 he mi)ht be a bit a%rai-4 i%
he reca''e- ho" : ha- entere- into Amber; 2ither "a1 he "o$'- -ie an- : "o$'- then be arme-; :
)rippe- m1 ri)ht biceps "ith m1 'e%t han- an- m1 %in)ertips to$che-; #o-s@; : "as emaciate-'
=hate&er4 : "as o% the b'oo- o% Amber4 an- : %e't that e&en in that con-ition : co$'- take an1
or-inar1 man; Ba1be : "as ki--in) m1se'%4 b$t :@- ha&e to tr1 it;
!hen i% : s$ccee-e-4 "ith a b'a-e in m1 han-4 nothin) co$'- keep me %rom reachin) the Pattern;
:@- "a'k it4 an- "hen : ma-e it to the center4 : co$'- transport m1se'% to an1 (ha-o" "or'- :
chose; !here : "o$'- rec$perate4 an- this time : "o$'- not r$sh thin)s; :% it took me a cent$r14 :@-
ha&e e&er1thin) 'etter-per%ect be%ore : mo&e- a)ainst Amber a)ain; A%ter a''4 : "as technica''1 its
'ie)e; ,a-n@t : cro"ne- m1se'% in the presence o% a''4 be%ore 2ric ha- -one the same> :@- make
)oo- m1 c'aim to the throneI
:% on'1 it "eren@t impossib'e to "a'k into (ha-o" %rom Amber itse'%I !hen : "o$'-n@t ha&e to
%oo' aro$n- "ith the Pattern; B$t m1 Amber is the center o% a''4 an- 1o$ ?$st -on@t -epart it that
A%ter4 sa14 a month m1 han-s ha- hea'e- an- : "as -e&e'opin) 'ar)e ca''o$ses %rom m1 scrapin)
acti&ities; : hear- a )$ar-@s %ootsteps an- remo&e- m1se'% to the %ar si-e o% the ce''; !here "as a
brie% creak an- m1 mea' "as s'ippe- beneath the -oor; !hen there "ere %ootsteps a)ain4 this time
-iminishin) in the -istance;
: ret$rne- to the -oor; =itho$t 'ookin)4 : kne" "hat "as on the tra18 a ch$nk o% sta'e brea-; a
crock o% "ater4 an- a piece o% cheese i% : "as '$ck1; : positione- the mat4 kne't on it an- %e't at
the )roo&e; : "as abo$t ha'%"a1 thro$)h;
!hen : hear- the ch$ck'e;
:t came %rom behin- me;
: t$rne-4 not nee-in) m1 e1es to te'' me that someone e'se "as present; !here "as a man
stan-in) near the 'e%t "a''4 )i))'in);
F=ho is it>G : aske-; an- m1 &oice so$n-e- stran)e; : rea'i6e- then that these "ere the %irst
"or-s : ha- spoken in a 'on) "hi'e;
F2scape4G he sai-; F!r1in) to escape;G An- he ch$ck'e- a)ain;
F,o" -i- 1o$ )et in here>G
F=a'ke-4G he rep'ie-;
F+rom "here> ,o">G
: str$ck a match an- it h$rt m1 e1es4 b$t : he'- it;
,e "as a sma'' man; !in14 mi)ht be an e&en better "or-; ,e "as aro$n- %i&e %eet ta'' an- a
h$nchback; ,is hair an- bear- "ere as hea&1 as m1 o"n; !he on'1 -istin)$ishin) %eat$res in that
)reat mass o% %$r "ere his 'on)4 hook nose an- N+:OB2P b'ack e1es4 no" s<$inte- a)ainst the
F/"orkinIG : sai-;
,e ch$ck'e- a)ain;
F!hat@s m1 name; =hat@s 1o$rs>G
F/on@t 1o$ kno" me4 /"orkin>G : str$ck another match an- he'- it near m1 %ace; F9ook har-;
+or)et the bear- an- the hair; A-- a h$n-re- po$n-s to m1 %rame; Ao$ -re" me4 in e.<$isite
-etai'4 on se&era' packs o% p'a1in) car-s;G
FCor"in4G he sai- at 'ast; F: remember 1o$; Aes;G
F: ha- tho$)ht 1o$ "ere -ea-;G
F:@m not4 tho$)h; (ee>G an- he piro$ette- be%ore me;
F,o" is 1o$r %ather> ,a&e 1o$ seen him recent'1> /i- he p$t 1o$ here>G
FOberon is no more4G : rep'ie-; FB1 brother 2ric rei)ns in Amber4 an- :@m his prisoner;G
F!hen : ha&e seniorit14G he to'- me4 F%or : am Oberon@s prisoner;G
FOh> None o% $s kne" that /a- ha- 'ocke- 1o$ $p;G
: hear- him "eepin);
FAes4G he sai- a%ter a time; F,e -i-n@t tr$st me;G
F=h1 not>G
F: to'- him :@- tho$)ht o% a "a1 to -estro1 Amber; : -escribe- it to him4 an- he 'ocke- me in;G
F!hat "asn@t &er1 nice4G : sai-;
F: kno"4G he a)ree-4 Fb$t he -i- )i&e me a prett1 apartment an- 'ots o% thin)s to -o research
"ith; On'1 he stoppe- comin) to &isit me a%ter a time; ,e $se- to brin) men "ho sho"e- me
sp'otches o% ink an- ma-e me te'' stories abo$t them; !hat "as %$n4 $nti' : to'- a stor1 : -i-n@t
'ike an- t$rne- the man into a %ro); !he kin) "as an)r1 "hen : "o$'-n@t t$rn him back4 an- it@s
been so 'on) since :@&e seen an1bo-1 that :@- e&en t$rn him back no"4 i% he sti'' "ante- me to;
F,o" -i- 1o$ )et here4 into m1 ce''>G : aske- a)ain;
F: to'- 1o$; : "a'ke-;G
F!hro$)h the "a''>G
FO% co$rse not; !hro$)h the sha-o" "a'';G
FNo man can "a'k thro$)h (ha-o"s in Amber; !here are no (ha-o"s in Amber;G
F=e''4 : cheate-4G he a-mitte-;
F: -esi)ne- a ne" !r$mp an- steppe- thro$)h it4 to see "hat "as on this si-e o% the "a''; Oh
m1ID: ?$st remembere-;;;; : can@t )et back "itho$t it; :@'' ha&e to make another; ,a&e 1o$ )ot
an1thin) to eat> An- somethin) to -ra" "ith> An- somethin) to -ra" on>G
F,a&e a piece o% brea-4G : sai-4 an- han-e- :t to him4 Fan- here@s a piece o% cheese to )o a'on)
"ith it;G
F!hank 1o$4 Cor"in;G an- he "o'%e- them -o"n an- -rank a'' m1 "ater a%ter"ar-; FNo"4 i%
1o$@'' )i&e me a pen an- a piece o% parchment4 :@'' be ret$rnin) to m1 o"n rooms; : "ant to %inish
a book : "as rea-in); :t@s been nice ta'kin) to 1o$; !oo ba- abo$t 2ric; :@'' stop back a)ain some
time an- "e@'' ta'k some more; :% 1o$ see 1o$r %ather4 p'ease te'' him not to he an)r1 "ith me
beca$se :@''DG
F: -on@t ha&e a pen4 or parchment4G : obser&e-;
F#oo-ness4G he sai-4 Fthat@s har-'1 ci&i'i6e-;G
F: kno"; B$t then4 2ric isn@t &er1;G
F=e''4 "hat ha&e 1o$ )ot> : pre%er m1 o"n apartment to this p'ace; At 'east4 it@s better 'i)hte-;G
FAo$ ha&e -ine- "ith me4G : sai-4 Fan- no" : am )oin) to ask 1o$ a %a&or; :% 1o$ "i'' )rant me
this re<$est4 : promise that : "i'' -o e&er1thin) : can to make thin)s ri)ht bet"een 1o$ an- /a-;G
F=hat is it that 1o$ "ant>G he aske-;
F9on) ha&e : a-mire- 1o$r "ork4G : sai-4 Fan- there is somethin) : ha&e a'"a1s -esire- as a
"ork o% 1o$r han-; /o 1o$ reca'' the 9i)htho$se o% Cabra>G
FO% co$rse; :@&e been there man1 times; : kno" the keeper4 Eopin; : $se- to p'a1 chess "ith
FBore than an1thin) e'se : can think o%4G : to'- him4 F%or most o% m1 a-$'t 'i%e; : ha&e 'on)e- to
see one o% 1o$r ma)ica' sketches o% that )reat )ra1 to"er;G
FA &er1 simp'e s$b?ect4G he sai-4 Fan- rather an appea'in) one4 at that4 : -i- some pre'iminar1
sketches in the past4 b$t : ne&er )ot be1on- that point; Other "ork kept )ettin) in the "a1; :@''
%etch 1o$ one4 i% 1o$@- 'ike;G
FNo4G : sai-; F:@- 'ike somethin) more en-$rin)4 to keep me compan1 here in m1 ce''Dto
com%ort me4 an- an1 others "ho ma1 'ater occ$p1 this p'ace;G
FCommen-ab'e4G he sai-; F=hat ha&e 1o$ in min- as the me-i$m;G
F: ha&e a st1'$s here4G : to'- him Jthe spoon "as %air'1 sharp b1 thenK4 Fan- :@- 'ike to see it
trace- $pon the %ar "a''4 so that : mi)ht 'ook at it as : take m1 rest;G
,e "as si'ent a moment4 then4 F!he i''$mination is <$ite poor;G he remarke-;
F: ha&e se&era' books o% matches4G : rep'ie-; F:@'' 'i)ht them an- ho'- them %or 1o$; =e mi)ht
e&en b$rn some o% this stra" i% "e ron 'o";G
F!hose are har-'1 i-ea' "orkin) con-itions;G
F: kno"4G : sai-4 Fan- : apo'o)i6e %or them4 )reat /"orkin4 b$t the1 are the best : ha&e to o%%er;
A "ork o% art b1 1o$r han- "o$'- bri)hten m1 h$mb'e e.istence be1on- meas$re;G
,e ch$ck'e- a)ain;
F7er1 "e''; B$t 1o$ m$st promise me that 1o$ "i'' pro&i-e 'i)ht a%ter"ar-s4 so that : ma1
sketch m1se'% a "a1 back to m1 o"n chambers;G
FA)ree-;G : sai-; an- : %e't in m1 pocket;
: ha- three %$'' packa)es o% matches an- part o% a %o$rth;
: presse- the spoon into his han- an- 'e- him to the "a'';
F/o 1o$ ha&e the %ee' o% the instr$ment>G : aske- him;
FAes4 it@s a sharpene- speon4 isn@t it>G
FAes; :@'' make a 'i)ht as soon as 1o$ sa1 1o$ are rea-1; Ao$@'' ha&e to sketch rapi-'14 beca$se
m1 s$pp'1 o% matches is 'imite-; :@'' a''ot ha'% %or the 'i)htho$se an- the other ha'% %or 1o$r o"n
FA'' ri)ht4G he sai-4 an- : str$ck a match an- he be)an to trace 'ines $pon the moist )ra1 "a'';
+irst he -i- an $pri)ht rectan)'e to %rame an- contain the thin); !hen "ith se&era' -e%t strokes4
the 'i)htho$se be)an to appear; :t "as ama6in)4 -a%t as he "as4 his ski'' "as intact; : he'- each
match at its barest base4 spat on m1 'e%t th$mb an- %ore%in)er4 an- "hen : co$'- ho'- it no 'on)er
in m1 ri)ht : took ho'- o% the b'ackene- en- an- in&erte- it4 'ettin) the match b$rn a"a1
comp'ete'1 be%ore : str$ck another;
=hen the %irst book o% matches "as )one4 he ha- %inishe- the to"er an- "as "orkin) on the sea
an- the sk1; : enco$ra)e- him4 : m$rm$re- appreciation at e&er1 stroke;
F#reat4 rea''1 )reat4G : sai-4 "hen it appeare- to be a'most %inishe-; !hen he ma-e me "aste
another match "hi'e he si)ne- it; : "as a'most thro$)h the secon- book b1 then;
FNo" 'et@s a-mire it4G he sai-;
F:% 1o$ "ant to )et back to 1o$r o"n apartments4 1o$@'' ha&e to 'ea&e the a-mirin) to me;G : to'-
him; F=e@re too 'o" on matches to be art critics at this point;G
,e po$te- a bit4 b$t mo&e- to the other "a'' an- be)an sketchin) as soon as : str$ck a 'i)ht;
,e sketche- a tin1 st$-14 a sk$'' on the -esk4 a )'obe besi-e it4 "a''s %$'' o% books a'' aro$n-;
FNo" that@s )oo-;G he sai-4 "hen : ha- %inishe- the thir- pack an- "as startin) on the remainin)
partia' pack;
:t took him si. more to %inish $p an- one to si)n it; ,e )a6e- at it "hi'e the ei)hth match b$rne-
Dthere "ere on'1 t"o remainin)Dthen he took a step %or"ar- an- "as )one;
!he match "as b$rnin) m1 %in)ertips b1 then an- : -roppe- it an- it si66'e- "hen it hit the
stra" an- "ent o$t;
: stoo- there shakin)4 %$'' o% mi.e- %ee'in)s4 an- then : hear- his &oice an- %e't his presence at
m1 si-e; ,e "as back a)ain;
F: ?$st tho$)ht o% somethin)4G he sai-; F,o" can 1o$ see the pict$re "hen it@s so -ark in here>G
FOh; : can see in the -ark4G : to'- him; F:@&e 'i&e- "ith it so 'on) that it has become m1 %rien-;G
F: see; : ?$st "on-ere-; #i&e me a 'i)ht so : can )o back no";G
F7er1 "e''4G : a)ree-4 consi-erin) m1 secon- to 'ast match; FB$t 1o$@- better brin) 1o$r o"n
i''$mination ne.t time 1o$ stop aro$n-4 :@'' be o$t o% matches a%ter this;G
FA'' ri)ht;G An- : str$ck a 'i)ht an- he consi-ere- his -ra"in)4 "a'ke- to"ar- it; an- &anishe-
once more;
: t$rne- <$ick'1 an- consi-ere- the 9i)htho$se o% Cabra be%ore the match %ai'e-; Aes4 the po"er
"as there; : co$'- %ee' it;
=o$'- m1 %ina' match ser&e me4 tho$)h>
No4 : -i-n@t think it "o$'-; A 'on)er perio- o% concentration than that "as re<$ire- %or me to $se
a !r$mp as a )ate"a1;
=hat co$'- : b$rn> !he stra" "as too -amp an- mi)ht not take %ire; :t "o$'- be horrib'e to ha&e
the )ate"a1Dm1 roa- to %ree-omDri)ht there "ith me an- not be ab'e to $se it;
: nee-e- a %'ame that "o$'- 'ast a"hi'e;
B1 s'eepin) ro''I :t "as a c'oth 'iner st$%%e- "ith stra"; !hat stra" "o$'- be -rier4 an- the c'oth
"o$'- b$rn4 too;
: c'eare- ha'% the %'oor4 -o"n to the bare stone; !hen : so$)ht the sharpene- spoon; to $se to c$t
the 'iner; : c$rse- then; /"orkin ha- carrie- it o%% "ith him;
: t"iste- an- tore at the thin);
+ina''14 it came open an- : p$''e- o$t the -r1 stra" %rom the mi--'e; : ma-e a 'itt'e heap o% it
an- : set the 'iner nearb14 to $se as e.tra %$e' i% : nee-e- it; !he 'ess smoke the better4 tho$)h; :t
"o$'- attract attention i% a )$ar- passe- this "a1; !his "asn@t too 'ike'14 tho$)h4 since : ha- ?$st
recent'1 been %e-4 an- : )ot one mea' a -a1;
: str$ck m1 'ast match4 then $se- it to set %ire to the car-boar- book that ha- containe- it; =hen
this )ot )oin)4 : $se- it on the stra";
:t a'most -i-n@t take; !he stra" "as -amper than :@- tho$)ht4 e&en tho$)h it came %rom the
center o% m1 mat; B$t %ina''1 there "as a )'o"4 an- then a %'ame; :t took t"o o% the other empt1
matchbooks to achie&e this4 so : "as )'a- : ha-n@t thro"n them -o"n the ?ohn;
: tosse- on the thir-4 he'- the 'iner in m1 'e%t han-4 an- stoo- an- %ace- the -ra"in);
!he )'o" sprea- $p the "a'' as the %'ames -ance- hi)her4 an- : concentrate- on the to"er an-
reca''e- it; : tho$)ht : hear- the cr1 o% a )$''; : sni%%e- somethin) 'ike a sa't bree6e4 an- the p'ace
became more rea' as : stare-;
: tosse- the 'iner onto the %ire; an- the %'ames s$bsi-e- %or a moment4 then spran) hi)her; : -i-n@t
remo&e m1 e1es %rom the -ra"in) as : -i- this;
!he ma)ic "as sti'' there4 in /"orkin@s han-4 %or soon the 'i)htho$se seeme- as rea' to me as
m1 ce''; !hen it seeme- the on'1 rea'it14 an- the ce'' b$t a (ha-o" at m1 back; : hear- the
sp'ashin) o% the "a&es an- %e't somethin) 'ike the a%ternoon s$n $pon me;
: steppe- %or"ar-4 b$t m1 %oot -i- not -escen- into the %ire;
: stoo- $pon the san-14 rockDste"n e-)e o% the sma'' is'an- Cabra4 "hich he'- the )reat )ra1
'i)htho$se that 'it a path %or the ships o% Amber b1 ni)ht; A %'ock o% %ri)htene- )$''s "hee'e- an-
screame- abo$t me4 an- m1 'a$)hter "as one "ith the boomin) o% the s$r% an- the %ree son) o%
the "in-; Amber 'a1 %ort1Dthree mi'es behin- m1 'e%t sho$'-er;
: ha- escape-;
Chapter 10
: ma-e m1 "a1 to the 'i)htho$se an- c'imbe- the stone stair that 'e- to the -oor on its "estern
%ace; :t "as hi)h4 "i-e4 hea&14 an- "aterti)ht; A'so4 it "as 'ocke-; !here "as a sma'' <$a1 abo$t
three h$n-re- 1ar-s behin- me; !"o boats "ere moore- at it; One "as a ro"boat an- the other
"as a sai'boat "ith a cabin; !he1 s"a1e- )ent'14 an- beneath the s$n an- "ater "as mica behin-
them; : pa$se- %or a moment to re)ar- them; :t ha- been so 'on) since : ha- seen an1thin) that
%or an instant the1 seeme- more than rea'4 an- : ca$)ht a sob "ithih m1 throat an- s"a''o"e- it;
: t$rne- an- knocke- on the -oor;
A%ter "hat seeme- too 'on) a "ait4 : knocke- a)ain;
+ina''14 : hear- a noise "ithin an- the -oor s"$n) open4 creakin) on its three -ark hin)es;
Eopin4 the keeper4 re)ar-e- me thro$)h b'oo-shot e1es an- : sme''e- "hisk1 $pon his breath; ,e
"as abo$t %i&e an- a ha'% %eet tai' an- so stoope- that he remin-e- me some"hat o% /"orkin;
,is bear- "as as 'on) as mine4 so o% co$rse it seeme- 'on)er4 an- it "as the co'or o% smoke4 sa&e
%or a %e" 1e''o" stains near his -r1-'ookin) 'ips; ,is skin "as as poro$s as an oran)e rin- an-
the e'ements ha- -arkene- it to resemb'e a %ine o'- piece o% %$rnit$re; ,is -ark e1es s<$inte-4
%oc$se-; As "ith man1 peop'e "ho are har- o% hearin)4 he spoke rather 'o$-'1;
F=ho are 1o$> =hat -o 1o$ "ant>G he aske-;
:% : "as that $nreco)ni6ab'e in m1 emaciate-4 hair1 con-ition4 : -eci-e- that : mi)ht as "e''
maintain m1 anon1mit1;
F: am a tra&e'er %rom the so$th an- : "as ship"recke- recent'14G : sai-; F: c'$n) to a piece o%
"oo- %or man1 -a1s an- "as %ina''1 "ashe- ashore here; : s'ept on the beach a'' mornin); :t "as
on'1 recent'1 that : reco&ere- s$%%icient stren)th to "a'k to 1o$r 'i)htho$se;G
,e mo&e- %or"ar- an- took m1 arm; ,e thre" his other arm aro$n- m1 sho$'-ers;
FCome in4 come in then4G he sai-; F9ean on me; !ake it eas1; Come this "a1;G
,e 'e- me to his <$arters4 "hich "ere e.traor-inari'1 mess14 bein) stre"n "ith man1 o'- books4
charts4 maps4 an- pieces o% na$tica' e<$ipment; ,e "asn@t an1 too stea-1 himse'%4 so : -i-n@t 'ean
too har-4 ?$st eno$)h to maintain the impression o% "eakness : ha- trie- to con&e1 as :@- 'eane-
a)ainst his -oor%rame;
,e 'e- me to a -a1be-4 s$))este- : 'ie -o"n4 an- 'e%t to sec$re the -oor an- %etch me somethin)
to eat;
: remo&e- m1 boots4 b$t m1 %eet "ere so %'ith1 that : p$t them back on a)ain; :% :@- been -ri%tin)
abo$t &er1 'on)4 : "o$'-n@t be -irt1; : -i-n@t "ant to )i&e a"a1 m1 stor14 so : -re" a b'anket that
"as there o&er me an- 'eane- hack4 rea''1 restin);
Eopin ret$rne- short'1 "ith a pitcher o% "ater4 a pitcher o% beer4 a )reat s'ice o% bee%4 an- ha'% a
'oa% o% brea- $pon a s<$are "oo-en tra1; ,e s"ept c'ear the top o% a sma'' tab'e4 "hich he then
kicke- into a position besi-e the co$ch; !hen he set the tra1 -o"n on it an- ba-e me eat an-
: -i-; : st$%%e- m1se'%; : )'$tte- m1se'%; : ate e&er1thin) in si)ht; : emptie- both pitchers;
!hen : %e't tremen-o$s'1 tire-; Eopin no--e- "hen he sa" it come o&er me4 an- he to'- me to )o
to s'eep; Be%ore : kne" it4 : ha-;
=hen : a"akene-4 it "as ni)ht time an- : %e't consi-erab'1 better than : ha- in man1 "eeks; :
)ot to m1 %eet an- retrace- m1 ear'ier ro$te an- -eparte- the b$i'-in); :t "as chi''1 o$t there4 b$t
the sk1 "as cr1sta' c'ear an- there seeme- to be a mi''ion stars; !he 'ens at the top o% the to"er
b'a6e- at m1 back4 then "ent -ark4 b'a6e-4 then "ent -ark; !he "ater "as co'-4 b$t : ?$st ha- to
c'eanse m1se'%; : bathe- an- "ashe- m1 c'othin) an- "r$n) it o$t; : m$st ha&e spent an ho$r
-oin) that; !hen : "ent back to the 'i)htho$se4 h$n) m1 c'othes o&er the back o% an o'- chair to
-r1 o$t4 cra"'e- beneath the b'anket4 s'ept a)ain;
:n the mornin)4 "hen : a"oke4 Eopin "as a'rea-1 $p; ,e prepare- me a heart1 break%ast4 an- :
treate- it the same "a1 as : ha- the -inner o% the pre&io$s e&enin); !hen : borro"e- a ra6or4 a
mirror4 an- a pair o% scissors an- )a&e m1se'% a sha&e an- a sort o% hairc$t; : bathe- a)ain
a%ter"ar-4 an- "hen : -onne- m1 sa't14 sti%%4 c'ean )arments : %e't a'most h$man a)ain;
Eopin stare- at me "hen : ret$rne- %rom the sea an- sai-4 FAo$ 'ook kin-a %ami'iar4 %e''a4G an- :
FNo" te'' me aho$t 1o$r "reck;G
(o : -i-; O$t o% "ho'e c'oth; =hat a -isaster : -etai'e-I /o"n to the snappin) o% the mainmast4
,e patte- me on the sho$'-er an- po$re- me a -rink; ,e 'it the ci)ar he ha- )i&en me;
FAo$ ?$st rest eas1 here4G he to'- me; F:@'' take 1o$ ashore an1 time 1o$ 'ike4 or :@'' si)na' 1o$ a
passin) ship i% 1o$ see one 1o$ reco)ni6e;G
: took him $p on his o%%ere- hospita'it1; :t "as too m$ch o% a 'i%esa&er not to; : ate his %oo- an-
-rank his -rinks an- 'et him )i&e me a c'ean shirt "hich "as too bi) %or him; :t ha- be'on)e- to a
%rien- o% his "ho@- -ro"ne- at sea;
: sta1e- "ith him %or three months4 as : reco&ere- m1 stren)th; : he'pe- him aro$n- the p'aceD
ten-in) the 'i)ht on ni)hts "hen he %e't 'ike )ettin) smashe-4 an- c'eanin) $p a'' the rooms in the
ho$seDe&en to the e.tent o% paintin) t"o o% them an- rep'acin) %i&e cracke- "in-o"panesD
an- "atchin) the sea "ith him on storm1 ni)hts;
,e "as apo'itica'4 : 'earne-; ,e -i-n@t care "ho rei)ne- in Amber; (o %ar as he "as concerne-4
the "ho'e b'oo-1 cre" o% $s "ere rotten; (o 'on) as he co$'- ten- his 'i)htho$se an- eat an-
-rink o% )oo- %oo- an- bre"4 an- consi-er his na$tica' charts in peace4 he -i-n@t )i&e ha'% a -amn
"hat happene- ashore; : came to be rather %on- o% him4 an- since : kne" somethin) o% o'- charts
an- maps a'so4 "e spent man1 a )oo- e&enin) correctin) a %e"; : ha- sai'e- %ar into the north
man1 1ears a)o4 an- : )a&e him a ne" chart base- on m1 reco''ections o% the &o1a)e; !his
seeme- to p'ease him immense'14 as -i- m1 -escription o% those "aters;
FCore1G Jthat "as ho" :@- name- m1se'%K4 F:@- 'ike to sai' "ith 1o$ one -a14G he sai-; F: ha-n@t
rea'i6e- 1o$ "ere skipper o% 1o$r o"n &esse' one time;G
F=ho kno"s>G : to'- him; FAo$ "ere once a captain 1o$rse'%4 "eren@t 1o$>G
F,o"@- 1o$ kno">G he aske-;
Act$a''14 :@- remembere-4 b$t : )est$re- abo$t me in rep'1;
FA'' these thin)s 1o$@&e co''ecte-4G : sai-4 Fan- 1o$r %on-ness %or the charts4 A'so4 1o$ bear
1o$rse'% 'ike a man "ho once he'- a comman-;G
,e smi'e-;
FAes4G he to'- me4 Fthat@s tr$e; : ha- a comman- %or o&er a h$n-re- 1ears; !hat seems 'on)
a)o;;;9et@s ha&e another -rink;G
: sippe- mine an- sort o% p$t it asi-e; : m$st ha&e )aine- o&er %ort1 po$n-s in the months : ha-
spent "ith him; An1 -a1 no"4 : "as e.pectin) him to reco)ni6e me as a member o% the %ami'1;
Ba1be he "o$'- t$rn me in to 2ric i% he -i-Dan- ma1be not; No" that "e@- estab'ishe- this
m$ch o% camara-erie4 : ha- a %ee'in) that he mi)ht not -o it; : -i-n@t "ant to take the chance an-
%in- o$t;
(ometimes as : sat ten-in) the 'i)ht : "on-ere-4 F,o" 'on) sho$'- : sta1 here>G
Not too m$ch 'on)er4 : -eci-e-4 a--in) a -rop o% )rease to a s"i&e' bearin); Not m$ch 'on)er at
a''; !he time "as -ra"in) near "hen : sho$'- take to the roa- an- "a'k amon) (ha-o"s once
!hen one -a1 : %e't the press$re4 )ent'e an- <$estin) at %irst; : co$'-n@t te'' %or s$re "ho it "as;
: imme-iate'1 stoo- stock sti''4 c'ose- m1 e1es an- ma-e m1 min- )o b'ank; :t "as abo$t %i&e
min$tes be%ore the <$estin) presence "ith-re";
: pace- then an- "on-ere-4 an- : smi'e- "hen : rea'i6e- the shortness o% m1 co$rse;
*nconscio$s'14 : ha- been pacin) o$t the -imensions o% m1 ce'' back in Amber;
(omeone ha- ?$st trie- to reach me4 &ia m1 !r$mp; =as it 2ric> ,a- he %ina''1 become a"are o%
m1 absence an- -eci-e- to tr1 'ocatin) me in this manner> : "asn@t s$re; : %e't that he mi)ht %ear
menta' contact "ith me a)ain; E$'ian4 then> Or #erar-> Caine> =hoe&er it ha- been4 : ha- c'ose-
him o$t comp'ete'14 : kne" that; An- : "o$'- re%$se s$ch contact "ith an1 o% m1 %ami'1; : mi)ht
be missin) some important ne"s or a he'p%$' ca''4 b$t : co$'-n@t a%%or- to take the chance; !he
attempte- contact an- m1 b'ockin) e%%orts 'e%t me "ith a chi''; : sh$--ere-; : tho$)ht abo$t the
thin) a'' the rest o% the -a1 an- -eci-e- that the time ha- come %or me to mo&e on; :t "o$'-n@t -o
%or me to remain this c'ose to Amber "hi'e : "as so &$'nerab'e; : ha- reco&ere- s$%%icient'1 to
make m1 "a1 amon) (ha-o"s4 to seek %or the p'ace "here : ha- to )o i% Amber "ere e&er to be
mine; : ha- been '$''e- into somethin) c'ose to peace b1 o'- Eopin@s ministrations; :t "o$'- be a
pain to 'ea&e him4 %or in the months o% o$r association : ha- come to 'ike the o'- )$1; so that
e&enin)4 a%ter "e@- %inishe- a )ame o% chess4 : to'- him o% m1 p'ans to -epart;
,e po$re- $s t"o -rinks then raise- his an- sai-4 F#oo- '$ck to 1o$4 Cor"in; : hope to see 1o$
a)ain one -a1;G
: -i-n@t <$estion the %act that he ha- ca''e- me b1 m1 proper name4 an- he smi'e- as he rea'i6e-
that : ha-n@t 'et it s'ip b1;
FAo$@&e been a'' ri)ht4 Eopin4G : to'- him; F:% : sho$'- s$ccee- in "hat :@m abo$t to tr14 : "on@t
%or)et "hat 1o$ -i- %or me;G
,e shook his hea-;
F: -on@t "ant an1thin)4G he sai-; F:@m happ1 ri)ht "here : am4 -oin) e.act'1 "hat :@m -oin); :
en?o1 r$nnin) this -amne- to"er; :t@s m1 "ho'e 'i%e; :% 1o$ sho$'- s$ccee- in "hate&er 1o$@re
abo$tDno4 -on@t te'' me abo$t it4 p'easeI : -on@t "ant to kno"ID:@'' be hopin) 1o$@'' stop aro$n-
%or a )ame o% chess sometime;G
F: "i''4G : promise-;
FAo$ can take the B$tter%'1 in the mornin)4 i% 1o$@- 'ike;G
!he B$tter%'1 "as his sai'boat;
FBe%ore 1o$ )o4G he sai-4 F: s$))est 1o$ take m1 sp1)'ass4 c'imb the to"er4 an- 'ook back on
the 7a'e o% #arnath;G
F=hat@s there to see>G
,e shr$))e-;
FAo$@'' ha&e to make $p 1o$r o"n min- abo$t that;G
: no--e-;
FOka14 : "i'';G
=e then procee-e- to )et p'easant'1 hi)h an- t$rne- in %or the ni)ht; :@- miss o'- Eopin; =ith the
e.ception o% 0ein4 he "as the on'1 %rien- :@- %o$n- since m1 ret$rn; : "on-ere- &a)$e'1 abo$t
the &a''e1 "hich ha- been a sheet o% %'ame the 'ast time : ha- crosse- it; =hat co$'- it be that
"as so $n$s$a' abo$t it no"4 these %o$r 1ears 'ater>
!ro$b'e- b1 -reams o% "ere"o'&es an- (abbats4 : s'ept4 an- the %$'' moon rose abo&e the "or'-;
At the crack o% -a"n : -i- the same; Eopin "as sti'' s'eepin)4 "hich "as )oo-4 beca$se : -on@t
rea''1 'ike to sa1 )oo--b1e4 an- : ha- a %$nn1 %ee'in) that : "o$'- ne&er see him a)ain;
: c'imbe- the to"er to the room that ho$se- the bi) 'i)ht4 sp1)'ass at m1 si-e; : mo&e- to the
"in-o" %acin) the shore an- %oc$se- on the &a''e1;
!here "as a mist han)in) abo&e the "oo-; :t "as a co'-4 )ra14 "et-'ookin) thin) that c'$n) to
the tops o% the sma''4 )nar'1 trees; !he trees "ere -ark4 an- their branches t"iste- to)ether 'ike
the %in)ers o% "rest'in) han-s; /ark thin)s -arte- amon) them4 an- %rom the patterns o% their
%i)ht : kne" the1 "ere not bir-s; Bats; probab'1; !here "as somethin) e&i' present in that )reat
"oo-4 : kne"4 an- then : reco)ni6e- it; :t "as m1se'%;
: ha- -one this thin) "ith m1 c$rse; : ha- trans%orme- the peace%$' 7a''e1 o% #arnath into "hat
it no" represente-8 it "as a s1mbo' o% m1 hate %or 2ric an- %or a'' those others "ho ha- stoo- b1
an- 'et him )et a"a1 "ith his po"er )rab4 'et him b'in- me; : -i-n@t 'ike the 'ooks o% that %orest4
an- as : stare- at it : rea'i6e- ho" m1 hate ha- ob?ecti%ie- itse'%; : kne" it beca$se it "as a part
o% me;
: ha- create- a ne" entrance"a1 into the rea' "or'-; #arnath "as no" a path"a1 thro$)h
(ha-o"s; (ha-o"s -ark an- )rim; On'1 the -an)ero$s4 the ma'icio$s mi)ht "a'k that path"a1;
!his "as the so$rce o% the thin)s 0ein ha- mentione-4 the thin)s that tro$b'e- 2ric; #oo-Din a
"a1Di% the1 kept him occ$pie-; B$t as : s"$n) the )'ass4 : co$'-n@t escape the %ee'in) that : ha-
-one a &er1 ba- thin) in-ee-; At the time4 :@- ha- no i-ea that :@- e&er see the 'i)ht o% -a1@s bri)ht
skies a)ain; No" that : -i-4 : rea'i6e- that :@- $n'eashe- a thin) that "o$'- take an a"%$' 'ot o%
$n-oin); 2&en no"4 stran)e shapes seeme- to mo&e "ithin that p'ace; : ha- -one a thin) "hich
ha- ne&er been -one be%ore4 not -$rin) the "ho'e o% Oberon@s rei)n8 : ha- opene- a ne" "a1 to
Amber; An- : ha- opene- it on'1 to the "orst; A -a1 "o$'- come "hen the 'ie)e o% AmberD
"hoe&er he mi)ht heD"o$'- be %ace- "ith the prob'em o% c'osin) that -rea-%$' "a1; : kne" this
as : stare-4 rea'i6in) the thin) to be a pro-$ct o% m1 o"n pain4 an)er4 an- hate; :% : "on o$t in
Amber one -a14 : mi)ht ha&e to cope "ith m1 o"n han-i"ork4 "hich is a'"a1s a -e&i'ish thin)
to attempt; : 'o"ere- the )'ass an- si)he-;
(o be it4 : -eci-e-; :n the meantime4 it "o$'- )i&e 2ric somethin) to ha&e insomnia o&er;
: )rabbe- a <$ick bite to eat4 o$t%itte- the B$tter%'1 as rapi-'1 as : co$'-4 hoiste- some can&as4
cast o%%4 an- set sai'; Eopin "as $s$a''1 $p b1 that ho$r4 b$t ma1be he -i-n@t 'ike )oo--b1es
: hea-e- her o$t to sea4 kno"in) "here : "as )oin) b$t not rea' certain ho" to )et there; :@- be
sai'in) thro$)h (ha-o" an- stran)e "aters4 b$t it "o$'- be better than the o&er'an- ro$te4 "hat
"ith m1 han-i"ork abroa- in the rea'm;
: ha- set sai' %or a 'an- near as spark'in) as Amber itse'%4 an a'most immorta' p'ace4 a p'ace that
-i- not rea''1 e.ist4 not an1 'on)er; :t "as a p'ace "hich ha- &anishe- into Chaos a)es a)o4 b$t o%
"hich a (ha-o" m$st some"here s$r&i&e; A'' : ha- to -o "as %in- it4 reco)ni6e it4 an- make it
mine once a)ain4 as it ha- been in -a1s 'on) )one b1; !hen4 "ith m1 o"n %orces to back me $p4 :
"o$'- -o another thin) Amber ha- ne&er kno"n; : -i-n@t kno" ho" 1et4 b$t : promise- m1se'%
that )$ns "o$'- b'a6e "ithin the immorta' cit1 on the -a1 o% m1 ret$rn;
As : sai'e- into (ha-o"4 a "hite bir- o% m1 -esire came an- sat $pon m1 ri)ht sho$'-er; an- :
"rote a note an- tie- :t to its 'e) an- sent :t on :ts "a1; !he note sai-4 F: am comin)4G an- it "as
si)ne- b1 me;
: "o$'- ne&er rest $nti' : he'- &en)eance an- the throne "ithin m1 han-4 an- )oo- ni)ht s"eet
prince to an1bo-1 "ho stoo- bet"een me an- these thin)s;
!he s$n h$n) 'o" on m1 'e%t an- the "in-s be''ie- the sai's an- prope''e- me on"ar-; : c$rse-
once an- then 'a$)he-;
: "as %ree an- : "as r$nnin); b$t : ha- ma-e it this %ar; : no" ha- the chance :@- "ante- a''
A b'ack bir- o% m1 -esire came an- sat on m1 'e%t sho$'-er4 an- : "rote a note an- tie- it to its
'e) an- sent it o%% into the "est;
:t sai-4 F2ricD:@'' be back4G an- it "as si)ne-8 FCor"in4 9or- o% Amber;G
A -emon "in- prope''e- me east o% the s$n;
The &'ns of A(alon
Book T)o
The Chronicles of Amber
b1 0o)er 5e'a6n1
2-Book 7ersion81.1
9ast *p-ate-81 May 2002
Chapter 1
: stoo- there on the beach an- sai-4 F#oo--b14 B$tter%'14G an- the ship s'o"'1 t$rne-4 then
hea-e- o$t to"ar- -eep "ater; :t "o$'- make it back into port at the 'i)htho$se o% Cabra4 : kne"4
%or that p'ace 'a1 near to (ha-o";
!$rnin) a"a14 : re)ar-e- the b'ack 'ine o% trees near at han-4 kno"in) that a 'on) "a'k 'a1
ahea- o% me; : mo&e- in that -irection4 makin) the necessar1 a-?$stments as : a-&ance-; A pre-
-a"n chi'' 'a1 $pon the si'ent %orest4 an- this "as )oo-;
: "as perhaps %i%t1 po$n-s $n-er"ei)ht an- sti'' occasiona''1 e.perience- -o$b'e &ision4 b$t :
"as impro&in); : ha- escape- the -$n)eons o% Amber an- rec$perate- some"hat4 "ith the
assistance o% ma- /"orkin an- -r$nken Eopin4 in that or-er; No" : ha- to %in- me a p'ace4 a
p'ace resemb'in) another p'aceDone "hich no 'on)er e.iste-; : 'ocate- the path; : took it;
A%ter a time4 : stoppe- at a ho''o" tree that ha- to be there; : reache- insi-e an- -re" %orth m1
si'&ere- b'a-e an- strappe- it to m1 "aist; :t mattere- not that it ha- been some"here in Amber;
:t "as here no"4 %or the "oo- that : "a'ke- "as in (ha-o";
: contin$e- %or se&era' ho$rs4 the $nseen s$n some"here behin- m1 'e%t sho$'-er; !hen : reste-
a"hi'e4 then mo&e- on; :t "as )oo- to see the 'ea&es an- the rocks an- the -ea- tree tr$nks4 the
'i&e ones4 the )rass4 the -ark earth; :t "as )oo- to sme'' a'' the 'itt'e sme''s o% 'i%e4 an- to hear its
b$66in)Sh$mmin)Schirpin) so$n-s; #o-I ,o" : treas$re- m1 e1esI ,a&in) them back a)ain
a%ter near'1 %o$r 1ears o% b'ackness "as a thin) %or "hich : 'acke- "or-s; An- to be "a'kin)
: "ent on4 m1 tattere- c'oak %'appin) in the mornin) bree6e; : m$st ha&e 'ooke- o&er %i%t1 1ears
o'-4 m1 %ace crease-4 m1 %orm sparse4 'ean; =ho "o$'- ha&e kno"n me %or "hat : "as>
As : "a'ke-4 "a'ke- in (ha-o"4 mo&e- to"ar- a p'ace4 : -i- not reach that p'ace; :t m$st be that
: ha- )ro"n some"hat so%t; ,ere is "hat happene-D
: came $pon se&en men b1 the si-e o% the roa-4 an- si. o% them "ere -ea-4 '1in) in &ario$s
sta)es o% re- -ismemberment; !he se&enth "as in a semi-rec'ine- position4 his back a)ainst the
moss1 bo'e o% an ancient oak; ,e he'- his b'a-e across his 'ap an- there "as a 'ar)e "et "o$n-
in his ri)ht si-e4 %rom "hich the b'oo- sti'' %'o"e-; ,e "ore no armor4 tho$)h some o% the others
-i-; ,is )ra1 e1es "ere open4 tho$)h )'ass1; ,is kn$ck'es "ere skinne- an- his breathin) "as
s'o"; +rom beneath sha))1 bro"s4 he "atche- the cro"s eat o$t the e1es o% the -ea-; ,e -i- not
seem to see me;
: raise- m1 co"' an- 'o"ere- m1 hea- to hi-e m1 %ace; : mo&e- nearer;
: kne" him4 or someone &er1 'ike him4 once; ,is b'a-e t"itche- an- the point rose as :
F:@m a %rien-4G : sai-; F=o$'- 1o$ 'ike a -rink o% "ater>G ,e hesitate- a moment4 then no--e-;
FAes;G : opene- m1 canteen an- passe- it to him; ,e -rank an- co$)he-4 -rank some more;
F(ir4 : thank 1o$4G he sai- as he passe- it back; F: on'1 re)ret it "ere not stron)er; /amn this
F:@&e some o% that4 too; :% 1o$@re s$re 1o$ can han-'e it;G
,e he'- o$t his han- an- : $nstoppere- a sma'' %'ask an- )a&e it to him; ,e m$st ha&e co$)he-
%or t"ent1 secon-s a%ter a s'$) o% that st$%% Eopin -rinks;
!hen the 'e%t si-e o% his mo$th smi'e- an- he "inke- 'i)ht'1;
FB$ch better4G he sai-; FBin- i% : po$r a -rop o% this onto m1 si-e> : hate to "aste )oo- "hisk14
F*se it a''4 i% 1o$ ha&e to; On secon- tho$)ht4 tho$)h4 1o$r han- 'ooks shak1; Ba1be :@- better
-o the po$rin);G
,e no--e-4 an- : opene- his 'eather ?acket an- "ith m1 -a))er c$t a"a1 at his shirt $nti' : ha-
e.pose- the "o$n-; :t "as nast1-'ookin)4 -eep4 r$nnin) %rom %ront to back a co$p'e inches abo&e
the top o% his hip; ,e ha- other4 'ess serio$s )ashes on his arms4 chest4 an- sho$'-ers;
!he b'oo- kept oo6in) %rom the bi) one4 an- : b'otte- it a bit an- "ipe- it c'ean "ith m1
FOka14G : sai-4 Fc'ench 1o$r teeth an- 'ook a"a14G an- : po$re-;
,is entire bo-1 ?erke-4 one )reat spasm4 an- then he sett'e- -o"n to shi&erin); B$t he -i- not
cr1 o$t; : ha- not tho$)ht he "o$'-; : %o'-e- the kerchie% an- presse- it in p'ace on the "o$n-; :
tie- it there4 "ith a 'on) strip : ha- torn %rom the bottom o% m1 c'oak; F=ant another -rink>G :
aske- him;
FO% "ater4G he sai-; F!hen : %ear : m$st s'eep;G ,e -rank4 then his hea- 'eane- %or"ar- $nti' his
chin "as restin) $pon his breast; ,e s'ept4 an- : ma-e him a pi''o" an- co&ere- him o&er "ith
-ea- men@s c'oaks;
!hen : sat there at his si-e an- "atche- the prett1 b'ack bir-s;
,e ha- not reco)ni6e- me; B$t then4 "ho "o$'-> ,a- : re&ea'e- m1se'% to him4 he mi)ht
possib'1 ha&e kno"n me; =e ha- ne&er rea''1 met4 : )$ess4 this "o$n-e- man an- :; B$t in a
pec$'iar sense4 "e "ere ac<$ainte-;
: "as "a'kin) in (ha-o"4 seekin) a p'ace4 a &er1 specia' p'ace; :t ha- been -estro1e- once4 b$t :
ha- the po"er to re-create it4 %or Amber casts an in%init1 o% sha-o"s; A chi'- o% Amber ma1 "a'k
amon) them4 an- s$ch "as m1 herita)e; Ao$ ma1 ca'' them para''e' "or'-s i% 1o$ "ish4 a'ternate
$ni&erses i% 1o$ "o$'-4 the pro-$cts o% a -eran)e- min- i% 1o$ care to; : ca'' them sha-o"s4 as
-o a'' "ho possess the po"er to "a'k amon) them; =e se'ect a possibi'it1 an- "e "a'k $nti' "e
reach it; (o4 in a sense4 "e create it; 9et@s 'ea&e it at that %or no";
: ha- sai'e-4 ha- be)$n this "a'k to"ar- A&a'on;
Cent$ries be%ore4 : ha- 'i&e- there; :t is a 'on)4 comp'icate-4 pro$- an- pain%$' stor14 an- : ma1
)o into it 'ater on4 i% : 'i&e to %inish m$ch more o% this te''in);
: "as -ra"in) nearer to m1 A&a'on "hen : came $pon the "o$n-e- kni)ht an- the si. -ea-
men; ,a- : chosen to "a'k on b14 : co$'- ha&e reache- a p'ace "here the si. men 'a1 -ea- an-
the kni)ht stoo- $n"o$n-e-Dor a p'ace "here he 'a1 -ea- an- the1 stoo- 'a$)hin); (ome
"o$'- sa1 it -i- not rea''1 matter4 since a'' these thin)s are possibi'ities4 an- there%ore a'' o% them some"here in (ha-o";
An1 o% m1 brothers an- sistersD"ith the possib'e e.ceptions o% #erar- an- Bene-ictD"o$'-
not e&en ha&e )i&en a secon- )'ance; : ha&e become some"hat chickenhearte-4 ho"e&er; : "as
not a'"a1s that "a14 b$t perhaps the sha-o" 2arth4 "here : spent so man1 1ears4 me''o"e- me a
bit4 an- ma1be m1 hitch in the -$n)eons o% Amber remin-e- me some"hat o% the <$a'it1 o%
h$man s$%%erin); : -o not kno"; : on'1 kno" that : co$'- not pass b1 the h$rt : sa" on the %orm
o% someone m$ch 'ike someone "ho ha- once been a %rien-; :% : "ere to speak m1 name in this
man@s ear4 : mi)ht hear m1se'% re&i'e-4 : "o$'- certain'1 hear a ta'e o% "oe;
(o4 a'' ri)ht; : "o$'- pa1 this m$ch o% the price8 : "o$'- )et him back on his %eet4 then : "o$'-
c$t o$t; No harm -one4 an- perhaps some sma'' )oo- "ithin this Other;
: sat there4 "atchin) him4 an- a%ter se&era' ho$rs4 he a"akene-;
F,e''o4G : sai-4 $nstopperin) m1 canteen; F,a&e another -rink>G
F!hank 1o$;G ,e e.ten-e- a han-;
: "atche- him -rink4 an- "hen he han-e- it back he sai-4 F2.c$se me %or not intro-$cin)
m1se'%; : "as not in )oo- manner;;;G
F: kno" 1o$4G : sai-; FCa'' me Core1;G
,e 'ooke- as i% he "ere abo$t to sa14 FCore1 o% =hat>G b$t tho$)ht better o% it an- no--e-;
F7er1 "e''; (ir Core14G he -emote- me; F: "ish to thank 1o$;G
F: am thanke- b1 the %act that 1on are 'ookin) better4G : to'- him; F=ant somethin) to eat>G
FAes4 p'ease;G
F: ha&e some -rie- meat here an- some brea- that co$'- be %resher4G : sai-; FA'so a bi) h$nk o%
cheese; 2at a'' 1o$ "ant;G : passe- it to him an- he -i-;
F=hat o% 1o$rse'%4 (ir Core1>G he in<$ire-;
F:@&e a'rea-1 eaten4 "hi'e 1o$ "ere as'eep;G : 'ooke- abo$t me4 si)ni%icant'1; ,e smi'e-;
F;;;An- 1o$ knocke- o%% a'' si. o% them b1 1o$rse'%>G : sai-; ,e no--e-;
F#oo- sho"; =hat am : )oin) to -o "ith 1o$ no">G
,e trie- to see m1 %ace4 %ai'e-; F: -o not $n-erstan-4G he sai-;
F=here are 1o$ hea-e->G
F: ha&e %rien-s4G he sai-4 Fsome %i&e 'ea)$es to the north; : "as )oin) in that -irection "hen this
thin) happene-; An- : -o$bt &er1 m$ch that an1 man4 or the /e&i' himse'%4 co$'- bear me on his
back %or one 'ea)$e; An- : co$'- stan-; (ir Core14 1o$@- a better i-ea as to m1 si6e;G
: rose4 -re" m1 b'a-e4 an- %e''e- a sap'in)Dabo$t t"o inches in -iameterD"ith one c$t; !hen :
strippe- it an- hacke- it to the proper 'en)th;
: -i- it a)ain4 an- "ith the be'ts an- c'oaks o% -ea- men : ri))e- a stretcher;
,e "atche- $nti' : "as %inishe-4 then commente-8
FAo$ s"in) a -ea-'1 b'a-e; (ir Core1Dan- a si'&er one4 it "o$'- seem;;;G
FAre 1o$ $p to some tra&e'in)>G : aske- him; +i&e 'ea)$es is ro$)h'1 %i%teen mi'es;
F=hat o% the -ea->G he in<$ire-;
FAo$ "ant to ma1be )i&e them a -ecent Christian b$ria'>G : sai-; F(cre" themI Nat$re takes
care o% its o"n; 9et@s )et o$t o% here; !he1 stink a'rea-1;G
F:@- 'ike at 'east to see them co&ere- o&er; !he1 %o$)ht "e'';G
: si)he-;
FA'' ri)ht4 i% it "i'' he'p 1on to s'eep ni)hts; : ha&en@t a spa-e4 so :@'' b$i'- them a cairn; :t@s
)oin) to be a common b$ria'4 tho$)h;G
F#oo- eno$)h4G he sai-;
: 'ai- the si. bo-ies o$t4 si-e b1 si-e; : hear- him m$mb'in) somethin)4 "hich : )$esse- to be a
pra1er %or the -ea-;
: rin)e- them aro$n- "ith stones; !here "ere p'ent1 o% stones in the &icinit14 so : "orke-
<$ick'14 choosin) the 'ar)est so that thin)s "o$'- )o %aster;
!hat is "here : ma-e a mistake; One o% them m$st ha&e "ei)he- aro$n- %o$r h$n-re- po$n-s4
an- : -i- not ro'' it; : he%te- it an- set it in p'ace;
: hear- a sharp intake o% breath %rom his -irection4 an- : rea'i6e- that he ha- note- this; : c$rse-
F/amn near r$pt$re- m1se'% on that oneIG : sai-4 an- : se'ecte- sma''er stones a%ter that;
=hen : ha- %inishe-4 : sai-4 FA'' ri)ht; Are 1o$ rea-1 to mo&e>G
: raise- him in m1 arms an- set him on the stretcher; ,e c'enche- his teeth as : -i- so;
F=here -o "e )o>G : aske-;
,e )est$re-;
F,ea- back to the trai'; +o''o" it to the 'e%t $nti' it %orks; !hen )o ri)ht at that p'ace; ,o" -o
1o$ propose to;;;>G
: scoope- the stretcher $p in m1 arms4 ho'-in) him as 1o$ "o$'- a bab14 cra-'e an- a''; !hen :
t$rne- an- "a'ke- back to the trai'4 carr1in) him;
FCore1>G he sai-;
FAo$ are one o% the stron)est men : ha&e e&er metDan- it seems : sho$'- kno" 1o$;G
: -i- not ans"er him imme-iate'1; !hen : sai-4 F: tr1 to keep in )oo- con-ition; C'ean 'i&in) an-
F;;;An- 1o$r &oice so$n-s rather %ami'iar;G
,e "as starin) $p"ar-4 sti'' tr1in) to see m1 %ace; : -eci-e- to )et o%% the s$b?ect %ast;
F=ho are these %rien-s o% 1o$rs : am takin) 1o$ to>G
F=e are hea-e- %or the 3eep o% #ane'on;G
F!hat rat%inkIG : sai-4 a'most -roppin) him;
F=hi'e : -o not $n-erstan- the "or- 1o$ ha&e $se-4 : take it to be a term o% opprobri$m4G he
sai-4 F%rom the tone o% 1o$r &oice; :% s$ch is the case4 : m$st be his -e%en-er inDG
F,o'- on4G : sai-; F:@&e a %ee'in) "e@re ta'kin) abo$t t"o -i%%erent )$1s "ith the same name;
(orr1;G !hro$)h the stretcher4 : %e't a certain tension )o o$t o% him;
F!hat is -o$bt'ess the case4G he sai-;
(o : carrie- him $nti' "e reache- the trai'4 an- there : t$rne- to the 'e%t;
,e -roppe- o%% to s'eep a)ain4 an- : ma-e better time a%ter that4 takin) the %ork he ha- to'- me
abo$t an- sprintin) "hi'e he snore-; : be)an "on-erin) abo$t the si. %e''o"s "ho ha- trie- to -o
him in an- a'most s$ccee-e-; : hope- that the1 -i- not ha&e an1 %rien-s beatin) abo$t the
: s'o"e- m1 pace back to a "a'k "hen his breathin) chan)e-;
F: "as as'eep4G he sai-;
F;;;An- snorin)4G : a--e-;
F,o" %ar ha&e 1o$ borne me>G
FAro$n- t"o 'ea)$es4 :@- sa1;G
FAn- 1o$ are not tire->G
F(ome4G : sai-4 Fb$t not eno$)h to nee- rest ?$st 1et;G
FBon /ie$IG he sai-; F: am p'ease- ne&er to ha&e ha- 1o$ %or an enem1; Are 1o$ certain 1o$
are not the /e&i'>G
FAeah4 s$re4G : sai-; F/on@t 1o$ sme'' the brimstone> An- m1 ri)ht hoo% is ki''in) me;G
,e act$a''1 sni%%e- a co$p'e times be%ore he ch$ck'e-4 "hich h$rt m1 %ee'in)s a bit;
Act$a''14 "e ha- tra&e'e- o&er %o$r 'ea)$es4 as : reckone- it; : "as hopin) he "o$'- s'eep a)ain
an- not be too concerne- abo$t -istances; B1 arms "ere be)innin) to ache;
F=ho "ere those si. men 1o$ s'e">G : aske- him;
F=ar-ens o% the Circ'e4G he rep'ie-4 Fan- the1 "ere no 'on)er men4 b$t men possesse-; No"
pra1 to #o-4 (ir Core14 that their so$'s be at peace;G
F=ar-ens o% the Circ'e>G : aske-; F=hat Circ'e>G
F!he -ark Circ'eDthe p'ace o% ini<$it1 an- 'oathsome beasts;;;G ,e took a -eep breath; F!he
so$rce o% the i''ness that 'ies $pon the 'an-;G
F!his 'an- -oesn@t 'ook especia''1 i'' to me4G : sai-;
F=e are %ar %rom that p'ace4 an- the rea'm o% #ane'on is sti'' too stron) %or the in&a-ers; B$t the
Circ'e "i-ens; : %ee' that the 'ast batt'e "i'' be %o$)ht here;G
FAo$ ha&e aro$se- m1 c$riosit1 as to this thin);G
F(ir Core14 i% 1o$ kno" not o% it @t"ere better 1o$ %or)ot it4 skirte- the Circ'e4 an- "ent 1o$r
"a1; !ho$)h : sho$'- -ear'1 'o&e to %i)ht b1 1o$r si-e4 this is not 1o$r %i)htDan- "ho can te''
the o$tcome>G
!he trai' be)an "in-in) $p"ar-; !hen4 thro$)h a break in the trees4 : sa" a -istant thin) that
ma-e me pa$se an- ca$se- me to reca'' another4 simi'ar p'ace;
F=hat;;;>G aske- m1 char)e4 t$rnin); !hen4 F=h14 1o$ mo&e- m$ch more <$ick'1 than : ha-
)$esse-; !hat is o$r -estination4 the 3eep o% #ane'on;G
: tho$)ht then abo$t a #ane'on; : -i- not "ant to4 b$t : -i-; ,e ha- been a traitoro$s assassin
an- : ha- e.i'e- him %rom A&a'on cent$ries be%ore; : ha- act$a''1 cast him thro$)h (ha-o" into
another time an- p'ace4 as m1 brother 2ric ha- 'ater -one to me; : hope- it "as not to this p'ace
that : ha- sent him; =hi'e not &er1 'ike'14 it "as possib'e; !ho$)h he "as a morta' man "ith his
a''otte- span4 an- : ha- e.i'e- him %rom that p'ace perhaps si. h$n-re- 1ears a)o4 it "as possib'e
that it "as on'1 a %e" 1ears past in terms o% this "or'-; !ime4 too4 is a %$nction o% (ha-o"4 an-
e&en /"orkin -i- not kno" a'' o% its ins an- o$ts; Or perhaps he -i-; Ba1be that is "hat -ro&e
him ma-; !he most -i%%ic$'t thin) abo$t !ime4 : ha&e 'earne-4 is -oin) it; :n an1 case4 : %e't that
this co$'- not be m1 o'- enem1 an- %ormer tr$ste- ai-e4 %or he "o$'- certain'1 not be resistin)
an1 "a&e o% ini<$it1 that "as s"eepin) across the 'an-; ,e "o$'- be ri)ht in there pitchin) %or
the 'oathsome beasts4 : %e't s$re;
A thin) that ca$se- me -i%%ic$'t1 "as the man that : carrie-; ,is co$nterpart ha- been a'i&e in
A&a'on at the time o% the e.i'in)4 meanin) that the time 'a) co$'- be ?$st abo$t ri)ht;
: -i- not care to enco$nter the #ane'on : ha- kno"n an- be reco)ni6e- b1 him; ,e kne"
nothin) o% (ha-o"; ,e "o$'- on'1 kno" that : ha- "orke- some -ark ma)ic on him4 as an
a'ternati&e to ki''in) him4 an- "hi'e he ha- s$r&i&e- that a'ternati&e it mi)ht ha&e been the
ro$)her o% the t"o;
B$t the man in m1 arms nee-e- a p'ace o% rest an- she'ter4 so : tr$-)e- %or"ar-;
: "on-ere-4 tho$)h;;;
!here -i- seem to be somethin) abo$t me that 'ent itse'% to reco)nition b1 this man; :% there
"ere some memories o% a sha-o" o% m1se'% in this p'ace that "as 'ike 1et not 'ike A&a'on4 "hat
%orm -i- the1 take> ,o" "o$'- the1 con-ition a reception o% the act$a' me sho$'- : be
!he s$n "as be)innin) to sink; A coo' bree6e be)an4 hintin) o% a chi''1 ni)ht to come; B1 "ar-
"as snorin) once more4 so : -eci-e- to sprint most o% the remainin) -istance; : -i- not 'ike the
%ee'in) that this %orest a%ter -ark mi)ht become a p'ace cra"'in) "ith $nc'ean -eni6ens o% some
-amne- Circ'e that : kne" nothin) abo$t4 b$t "ho seeme- to be on the make "hen it came to
this partic$'ar piece o% rea' estate;
(o : ran thro$)h 'en)thenin) sha-o"s4 -ismissin) risin) notions o% p$rs$it4 amb$sh4
s$r&ei''ance4 $nti' : co$'- -o so no 'on)er; !he1 ha- achie&e- the stren)th o% a premonition4 an-
then : hear- the noises at m1 back8 a so%t pat-pat-pat4 as o% %oot%a''s;
: set the stretcher -o"n4 an- : -re" m1 b'a-e as : t$rne-;
!here "ere t"o o% them4 cats;
!heir markin)s "ere precise'1 those o% (iamese cats4 on'1 these "ere the si6e o% ti)ers; !heir
e1es "ere o% a so'i-4 s$n-bri)ht 1e''o"4 p$pi''ess; !he1 seate- themse'&es on their ha$nches as :
t$rne-4 an- the1 stare- at me an- -i- not b'ink;
!he1 "ere abo$t thirt1 paces a"a1; : stoo- si-e"a1s bet"een them an- the stretcher4 m1 b'a-e
!hen the one to the 'e%t opene- its mo$th; : -i- not kno" "hether to e.pect a p$rr or a roar;
:nstea-4 it spoke; :t sai-4 FBan4 most morta';G !he &oice "as not h$man-so$n-in); :t "as too
FAet sti'' it 'i&es4G sai- the secon-4 so$n-in) m$ch 'ike the %irst;
F('a1 it here4G sai- the %irst;
F=hat o% the one "ho )$ar-s it "ith the b'a-e : 'ike not at a''>G
FBorta' man>G
FCome %in- o$t4G : sai-4 so%t'1;
F:t is thin4 an- perhaps it is o'-;G
FAet it bore the other %rom the cairn to this p'ace4 rapi-'1 an- "itho$t rest; 9et $s %'ank it;G
: spran) %or"ar- as the1 mo&e-4 an- the one to m1 ri)ht 'eape- to"ar- me;
B1 b'a-e sp'it its sk$'' an- contin$e- on into the sho$'-er; As : t$rne-4 1ankin) it %ree4 the other
s"ept past me4 hea-in) to"ar- the stretcher; : s"$n) "i'-'1;
B1 b'a-e %e'' $pon its back an- passe- comp'ete'1 thro$)h its bo-1; :t emitte- a shriek that
)rate- 'ike cha'k on a b'ackboar- as it %e'' in t"o pieces an- be)an to b$m; !he other "as
b$rnin) a'so;
B$t the one : ha- ha'&e- "as not 1et -ea-; :ts hea- t$rne- to"ar- me an- those b'a6in) e1es met
m1 o"n an- he'- them;
F: -ie the %ina' -eath4G it sai-4 Fan- so : kno" 1o$4 Opener; =h1 -o 1o$ s'a1 $s>G An- then the
%'ames cons$me- its hea-;
: t$rne-4 c'eane- m1 b'a-e an- sheathe- it4 picke- $p the stretcher4 i)nore- a'' <$estions4 an-
contin$e- on;
A sma'' kno"'e-)e ha- be)$n "ithin me4 as to "hat the thin) "as4 "hat it ha- meant;
An- : sti'' sometimes see that b$rnin) cat hea- in -reams4 an- then : a"aken4 "et an- shi&erin)4
an- the ni)ht seems -arker4 an- %i''e- "ith shapes : cannot -e%ine;
!he 3eep o% #ane'on ha- a moat abo$t it4 an- a -ra"bri-)e4 "hich "as raise-; !here "as a
to"er at each o% the %o$r comers "here its hi)h "a''s met; +rom "ithin those "a''s man1 other
to"ers reache- e&en hi)her4 tick'in) the be''ies o% 'o"4 -ark c'o$-s4 occ'$-in) the ear'1 stars4
castin) sha-o"s o% ?et -o"n the hi)h hi'' the p'ace occ$pie-; (e&era' o% the to"ers "ere a'rea-1
'i)hte-4 an- the "in- bore me the %aint so$n- o% &oices;
: stoo- be%ore the -ra"bri-)e4 'o"ere- m1 char)e to the )ro$n-4 c$ppe- m1 han-s abo$t m1
mo$th4 an- ca''e- o$t8
F,o'aI #ane'onI !"o tra&e'ers are stran-e- in the ni)htIG
: hear- the c'ink o% meta' on stone; : %e't that : "as bein) st$-ie- %rom some"here abo&e; :
s<$inte- $p"ar-4 b$t m1 e1es "ere sti'' %ar %rom norma';
F=ho is there>G the &oice came -o"n4 bi) an- boomin);
F9ance4 "ho is "o$n-e-4 an- :4 Core1 o% Cabra4 "ho bore him here;G
: "aite- as he ca''e- this in%ormation to another sentr14 an- : hear- more &oices raise- as the
messa)e "as passe- a'on) the 'ine;
A%ter a pa$se o% se&era' min$tes4 a rep'1 came back in the same manner;
!hen the )$ar- ca''e- -o"n8
F(ta1 c'earI =e@re )oin) to 'o"er the -ra"bri-)eI Ao$ ma1 enterIG
!he creakin) be)an as he spoke4 an- in a brie% time the thin) ban)e- to earth on o$r si-e o% the
moat; : raise- m1 char)e once more an- "a'ke- across it;
!h$s -i- : bear (ir 9ance'ot -$ 9ac to the 3eep o% #ane'on4 "hom : tr$ste- 'ike a brother; !hat
is to sa14 not at a'';
!here "as a r$sh o% peop'e abo$t me4 an- : %o$n- m1se'% rin)e- b1 arme- men; !here "as no
hosti'it1 present4 ho"e&er4 on'1 concern; : ha- entere- a 'ar)e4 cobb'e- co$rt1ar-4 'it b1 torches
an- %i''e- "ith be-ro''s; : co$'- sme'' s"eat4 smoke4 horses4 an- the o-ors o% cookin); A sma''
arm1 "as bi&o$acke- there;
Ban1 ha- approache- me an- stoo- starin) an- m$rm$rin)4 b$t then there came $p t"o "ho
"ere %$''1 arra1e-4 as %or batt'e4 an- one o% them to$che- m1 sho$'-er;
FCome this "a14G he sai-;
: %o''o"e- an- the1 %'anke- me; !he rin) o% peop'e parte- as "e passe-; !he -ra"bri-)e "as
a'rea-1 creakin) back into p'ace; =e mo&e- to"ar- the main comp'e. o% -ark stone;
'nsi-e4 "e "a'ke- a'on) a ha''"a1 an- passe- "hat appeare- to be a reception chamber; !hen
"e came $pon a stair"a1; !he man to m1 ri)ht in-icate- that : sho$'- mo$nt it; On the secon-
%'oor4 "e stoppe- be%ore a hea&1 "oo-en -oor an- the )$ar- knocke- $pon it;
FCome in4G ca''e- o$t a &oice "hich $n%ort$nate'1 seeme- &er1 %ami'iar; =e entere-;
,e sat at a hea&1 "oo-en tab'e near a "i-e "in-o" o&er'ookin) the co$rt1ar-; ,e "ore a
bro"n 'eather ?acket o&er a b'ack shirt4 an- his tro$sers "ere a'so b'ack; !he1 "ere b'o$se- o&er
the tops o% his -ark boots; ,e ha- abo$t his "aist a "i-e be't "hich he'- a hoo%-hi'te- -a))er; A
short s"or- 'a1 on the tab'e be%ore him; ,is hair an- bear- "ere re-4 "ith a sprink'in) o% "hite;
,is e1es "ere -ark as ebon1;
,e 'ooke- at me4 then t$rne- his attention to a pair o% )$ar-s "ho entere- "ith the stretcher;
FP$t him on m1 be-4G he sai-; !hen4 F0o-erick4 ten- to him;G
,is ph1sician4 0o-erick4 "as an o'- )$1 "ho -i-n@t 'ook as i% he "o$'- -o m$ch harm4 "hich
re'ie&e- me some"hat; : ha- not %etche- 9ance a'' that -istance to ha&e him b'e-;
!hen #ane'on t$rne- to me once more; F=here -i- 1o$ %in- him>G he aske-;
F+i&e 'ea)$es to the so$th o% here;G
F=ho are 1o$>G
F!he1 ca'' me Core14G : sai-;
,e st$-ie- me too c'ose'14 an- his "orm-'ike 'ips t"itche- to"ar- a smi'e beneath his m$stache;
F=hat is 1o$r part in this thin)>G he aske-;
F: -on@t kno" "hat 1o$ mean4G : sai-;
: ha- 'et m1 sho$'-ers sa) a bit; : spoke s'o"'14 so%t'14 an- "ith a s'i)ht %a'ter; B1 bear- "as
'on)er than his4 an- 'i)htene- b1 -$st; : ima)ine- : 'ooke- 'ike an o'-er man; ,is attit$-e on
appraisa' ten-e- to in-icate that he tho$)ht : "as;
F: am askin) 1o$ "h1 1o$ he'pe- him4G he sai-;
FBrotherhoo- o% man4 an- a'' that4G : rep'ie-;
FAo$ are a %orei)ner>G
: no--e-;
F=e''4 1o$ are "e'come here %or so 'on) as 1o$ "ish to sta1;G
F!hanks; : "i'' probab'1 mo&e on tomorro";G
FNo" ?oin me in a )'ass o% "ine an- te'' me o% the circ$mstances $n-er "hich 1o$ %o$n- him;G
(o : -i-;
#ane'on 'et me speak "itho$t interr$ptin)4 an- those4 piercin) e1es o% his "ere on me a'' the
"hi'e; =hi'e : ha- a'"a1s %e't 'aceration b1 means o% the e1eba''s to be a trite e.pression4 it -i-
not %ee' so that ni)ht; ,e stabbe- at me "ith them; : "on-ere- "hat he kne" an- "hat he "as
)$essin) concernin) me;
!hen %ati)$e spran) an- sei6e- me b1 the scr$%% o% the neck; !he e.ertion4 the "ine4 the "arm
roomDa'' o% these "orke- to)ether4 an- s$--en'1 it "as as i% : "ere stan-in) o%% in the comer
some"here an- 'istenin) to m1se'%4 "atchin) m1se'%4 %ee'in) -issociate-; =hi'e : "as capab'e o%
)reat e.ertion in short b$rsts4 : rea'i6e- that : "as sti'' &er1 'o" "hen it came to stamina; : a'so
notice- that m1 han- "as tremb'in);
F:@m sorr14G : hear- m1se'% sa1in); F!he -a1@s 'abors are be)innin) to )et to me;;;G
FO% co$rse4G sai- #ane'on; F: "i'' ta'k "ith 1o$ more on the morro"; ('eep no"; ('eep "e'';G
!hen he ca''e- in one o% the )$ar-s an- or-ere- him to con-$ct me to a chamber; : m$st ha&e
sta))ere- on the "a14 beca$se : remember the )$ar-@s han- on m1 e'bo"4 steerin) me;
!hat ni)ht : s'ept the s'eep o% the -ea-; :t "as a bi)4 b'ack thin)4 abo$t %o$rteen ho$rs 'on);
:n the mornin)4 : ache- a'' o&er;
: bathe- m1se'%; !here "as a basin on the hi)h -resser4 an- soap an- a "ashc'oth someone ha-
tho$)ht%$''1 set besi-e it;
B1 throat %e't packe- "ith sa"-$st an- m1 e1es "ere %$'' o% %$66; : sat -o"n an- assesse-
!here ha- been a -a1 "hen : co$'- ha&e carrie- 9ance the entire -istance "itho$t )oin) to
pieces a%ter"ar-; !here ha- been a -a1 "hen : ha- %o$)ht m1 "a1 $p the %ace o% 3o'&ir an- into
the heart o% Amber itse'%;
!hose -a1s "ere )one; : s$--en'1 %e't 'ike the "reck : m$st ha&e 'ooke-;
(omethin) "o$'- ha&e to be -one;
: ha- been p$ttin) on "ei)ht an- pickin) $p stren)th s'o"'1; !he process "o$'- ha&e to be
A "eek or t"o o% c'ean 'i&in) an- &io'ent e.ercise co$'- he'p a 'ot4 : -eci-e-; #ane'on ha- not
)i&en an1 rea' in-ication o% ha&in) reco)ni6e- me; A'' ri)ht; : "o$'- take a-&anta)e o% the
hospita'it1 he ha- o%%ere-;
=ith that reso'&e4 : so$)ht o$t the kitchen an- conne- a heart1 break%ast; =e''4 it "as rea''1
aro$n- '$nchtime4 b$t 'et@s ca'' thin)s b1 their proper names; : ha- a stron) -esire %or a smoke
an- %e't a certain per&erse ?o1 in the %act that : "as o$t o% tobacco; !he +ates "ere conspirin) to
keep me tr$e to m1se'%;
: stro''e- o$t into the co$rt1ar- an- a brisk4 bri)ht -a1; +or a 'on) "hi'e4 : "atche- the men "ho
"ere <$artere- there as the1 "ent thro$)h their trainin) re)ime;
!here "ere bo"men o%% at the %ar en-4 th"an)in) a"a1 at tar)ets %astene- to ba'es o% ha1; :
note- that the1 emp'o1e- th$mb rin)s an- an orienta' )rip on the bo"strin)4 rather than the
three-%in)ere- techni<$e "ith "hich : "as more com%ortab'e; :t ma-e me "on-er a bit abo$t this
(ha-o"; !he s"or-smen $se- both the e-)es an- points o% their "eapons4 an- there "as a
&ariet1 o% b'a-es an- %encin) techni<$es in e&i-ence; : trie- to estimate4 an- )$esse- there "ere
perhaps ei)ht h$n-re- o% them abo$tDan- : ha- no i-ea as to ho" man1 o% them there mi)ht be
o$t o% si)ht; !heir comp'e.ions4 their hair4 their e1es4 &arie- %rom pa'e to <$ite -ark; : hear-
man1 stran)e accents abo&e the th"an)in) an- the c'an)in)4 tho$)h most spoke the 'an)$a)e o%
A&a'on4 "hich is o% the ton)$e o% Amber;
As : stoo- "atchin)4 one s"or-sman raise- his han-4 'o"ere- his b'a-e4 moppe- his bro"4 an-
steppe- back; ,is opponent -i- not seem especia''1 "in-e-; !his "as m1 chance %or some o% the
e.ercise : "as seekin);
: mo&e- %or"ar-4 smi'e-4 an- sai-4 F:@m Core1 o% Cabra; : "as "atchin) 1o$;G
: t$rne- m1 attention to the bi)4 -ark man "ho "as )rinnin) at his restin) b$--1;
FBin- i% : practice "ith 1o$ "hi'e 1o$r %rien- rests>G : aske- him;
,e kept )rinnin) an- pointe- at his mo$th an- his ear; : trie- se&era' other 'an)$a)es4 b$t none
o% them "orke-; (o : pointe- at the b'a-e an- at him an- back to m1se'% $nti' he )ot the i-ea; ,is
opponent seeme- to think it "as a )oo- one4 as the sma''er %e''o" o%%ere- me his b'a-e;
: took it into m1 han-s; :t "as shorter an- a 'ot hea&ier than #ra1s"an-ir; J!hat is the name o%
m1 b'a-e4 "hich : kno" : ha&e not mentione- $p $nti' no"; :t is a stor1 in itse'%4 an- : ma1 or
ma1 not )o into it be%ore 1o$ 'earn "hat bro$)ht me to this %ina' pass; B$t sho$'- 1o$ hear me
re%er to it b1 name a)ain4 1o$ "i'' kno" "hat : am ta'kin) abo$t;K : s"$n) m1 b'a-e a %e" times
to test it4 remo&e- m1 c'oak4 tosse- it o%% to the si-e4 an- str$ck an en )ar-e;
!he bi) %e''o" attacke-; : parrie- an- attacke-; ,e parrie- an- riposte-; : parrie- the riposte4
%einte-4 an- attacke-; 2t cetera; A%ter %i&e min$tes4 : kne" that he "as )oo-; An- : kne" that :
"as better; ,e stoppe- me t"ice so that : co$'- teach him a mane$&er : ha- $se-; ,e 'earne-
both &er1 <$ick'1; A%ter %i%teen min$tes4 tho$)h4 his )rin "i-ene-; : )$ess that "as aro$n- the
point "here he broke -o"n most opponents b1 &irt$e o% sheer sta1in) po"er4 i% the1 "ere )oo-
eno$)h to resist his attacks $p $nti' then; ,e ha- stamina4 :@'' sa1 that; A%ter t"ent1 min$tes4 a
p$66'e- 'ook came onto his %ace; : ?$st -i-n@t 'ook as i% : co$'- stan- $p that 'on); B$t then4 "hat
can an1 man rea''1 kno" o% that "hich 'ies "ithin a scion o% Amber>
A%ter t"ent1-%i&e min$tes4 he "as sheathe- in s"eat4 b$t he contin$e- on; B1 brother 0an-om
'ooks an- acts4 on occasion4 'ike an asthmatic4 teen-a)e hoo-Db$t once "e ha- %ence- to)ether
%or o&er t"ent1-si. ho$rs4 to see "ho "o$'- ca'' it <$its; J:% 1o$@re c$rio$s4 it "as me; : ha- ha-
a -ate 'ine- $p %or the ne.t -a1 an- ha- "ante- to arri&e in reasonab'1 )oo- con-ition;K =e
co$'- ha&e )one on; =hi'e : "as not $p to a per%ormance 'ike that ?$st then4 : kne" that : co$'-
o$t'ast the man : %ace-; A%ter a''4 he "as on'1 h$man;
A%ter abo$t ha'% an ho$r4 "hen he "as breathin) hea&i'1 an- s'o"in) -o"n on his
co$nterstrokes an- : kne" that in a %e" min$tes he mi)ht )$ess that : "as p$''in) mine4 : raise-
m1 han- an- 'o"ere- m1 b'a-e as : ha- seen his pre&io$s opponent -o; ,e )ro$n- to a ha't a'so4
then r$she- %or"ar- an- embrace- me; : -i- not $n-erstan- "hat he sai-4 b$t : )athere- that he
"as p'ease- "ith the "orko$t; (o "as :;
!he horrib'e thin) "as4 : %e't it; : %o$n- m1se'% s'i)ht'1 hea-1;
B$t : nee-e- more; : promise- me : "o$'- ki'' m1se'% an- e.ercise that -a14 )'$t m1se'% "ith
%oo- that ni)ht4 s'eep -eep'14 "ake4 an- -o it a)ain;
(o : "ent o&er to "here the archers stoo-; A%ter a time4 : borro"e- a bo"4 an- in m1 three-
%in)ere- st1'e $n'eashe- perhaps a h$n-re- arro"s; : -i- not -o too ba-'1; !hen4 %or a time4 :
"atche- the men on horseback4 "ith their 'ances4 shie'-s4 maces; : mo&e- on; : "atche- some
practice in han--to-han- combat;
+ina''14 : "rest'e- three men in s$ccession; !hen : -i- %ee' beat; Abso'$te'1; 2ntire'1;
: sat -o"n on a bench in the sha-e4 s"eatin)4 breathin) hea&i'1; : "on-ere- abo$t 9ance4 abo$t
#ane'on4 abo$t s$pper; A%ter perhaps ten min$tes4 : ma-e m1 "a1 back to the room : ba- been
)i&en an- : bathe- a)ain;
B1 then : "as ra&eno$s'1 h$n)r14 so : set %orth to %in- me -inner an- in%ormation;
Be%ore : ha- )one &er1 %ar %rom the -oor4 one o% the )$ar-s "hom : reco)ni6e- %rom the
pre&io$s e&enin)Dthe one "ho ha- )$i-e- me to m1 chamberDapproache- an- sai-4 F9or-
#ane'on bi-s 1o$ -ine "ith him in his <$arters4 at the rin)in) o% the -inner be'';G : thanke- him4
sai- : "o$'- be there4 ret$rne- to m1 chamber4 an- reste- on m1 be- $nti' it "as time; !hen :
ma-e m1 "a1 %orth once a)ain;
: "as be)innin) to ache -eep'1 an- : ha- a %e" a--itiona' br$ises; : -eci-e- this "as a )oo-
thin)4 "o$'- he'p me to seem o'-er; : ban)e- on #ane'on@s -oor an- a bo1 a-mitte- me4 then
-ashe- o%% to ?oin another 1o$th "ho "as sprea-in) a tab'e near to the %irep'ace;
#ane'on "ore a )reen shirt an- tro$sers4 )reen boots an- be't4 sat in a hi)h-backe- chair; ,e
rose as : entere-4 "a'ke- %or"ar- to )reet me;
F(ir Core14 :@&e hear- report o% 1o$r -oin)s this -a14G he sai-4 c'aspin) m1 han-; F:t makes 1o$r
carr1in) 9ance seem more be'ie&ab'e; : m$st sa1 1o$@re more a man than 1o$ 'ook-meanin) no
o%%ense b1 that;G
: ch$ck'e-; FNo o%%ense;G
,e 'e- me to a chair4 han-e- me a )'ass o% pa'e "ine that "as a bit too s"eet %or m1 taste4 then
sai-4 F9ookin) at 1o$; :@- sa1 : co$'- p$sh 1o$ o&er "ith one han-Db$t 1o$ carrie- 9ance %i&e
'ea)$es an- ki''e- t"o o% those bastar- cats on the "a1; An- he to'- me abo$t the cairn 1o$ b$i't4
o% bi) stonesDG
F,o" is 9ance %ee'in) to-a1>G : interr$pte-;
F: ha- to p'ace a )$ar- in his chamber to be s$re he reste-; !he m$sc'e-bo$n- c'o- "ante- to )et
$p an- "a'k aro$n-; ,e@'' sta1 there a'' "eek4 tho$)h4 b1 #o-IG
F!hen he m$st be %ee'in) better;G
,e no--e-;
F,ere@s to his hea'th;G
F:@'' -rink to that;G
=e -rank; !hen8 F,a- : an arm1 o% men 'ike 1o$ an- 9ance4G he sai-4 Fthe stor1 mi)ht ha&e
been -i%%erent;G
F=hat stor1>G
F!he Circ'e an- its =ar-ens4G he sai-; FAo$@&e not hear- o% it>G
F9ance mentione- it; !hat@s a'';G
One bo1 ten-e- an enormo$s ch$nk o% bee% on a spit abo&e a 'o" %ire; Occasiona''14 he s'oshe-
some "ine o&er it as he t$rne- the sha%t; =hene&er the o-or -ri%te- m1 "a14 m1 stomach "o$'-
r$mb'e an- #ane'on "o$'- ch$ck'e; !he other bo1 'e%t the room to %etch brea- %rom the kitchen;
#ane'on "as si'ent a 'on) "hi'e; ,e %inishe- his "ine an- po$re- himse'% another )'ass; : sippe-
s'o"'1 at m1 %irst;
F,a&e 1o$ e&er hear- o% A&a'on>G he %ina''1 aske-;
FAes4G : rep'ie-; F!here is a &erse : hear- 'on) a)o %rom a passin) har-8 GBe1on- the 0i&er o%
the B'esse-4 there "e sat -o"n4 1ea4 "e "ept4 "hen "e remembere- A&a'on; O$r s"or-s "ere
shattere- in o$r han-s an- "e h$n) o$r shie'-s on the oak tree; !he si'&er to"ers "ere %a''en4
into a sea o% b'oo-; ,o" man1 mi'es to A&a'on> None4 : sa14 an- a''; !he si'&er to"ers are
%a''en;@ F
FA&a'on %a''en;;;>G he sai-;
F: think the man "as ma-; : kno" o% no A&a'on; ,is &erse sta1e- in m1 min-4 tho$)h;G
#ane'on a&erte- his %ace an- -i- not speak a)ain %or se&era' min$tes; =hen he -i-4 his &oice
"as a'tere-;
F!here "as4G he sai-; F!here "as s$ch a p'ace; : 'i&e- there4 1ears a)o; : -i- not kno" it "as
F,o" came 1o$ here %rom that p'ace>G : aske- him;
F: "as e.i'e- b1 its sorcerer 9or-4 Cor"in o% Amber; ,e sent me thro$)h -arkness an- ma-ness
to this p'ace4 that : mi)ht s$%%er an- -ie hereDan- : ha&e s$%%ere- an- come near to the %ina' 'a1
man1 a time; :@&e trie- to %in- the "a1 back4 b$t nobo-1 kno"s it; :@&e spoken "ith sorcerers4 an-
e&en a capt$re- creat$re o% the Circ'e be%ore "e s'e" the thin); B$t none kne" the roa- to
A&a'on; :t is as the bar- sai-4 @No mi'es4 an- a''4@ G he mis<$ote- m1 '1ric; F/o 1o$ reca'' the
bai-@s name>G
F: am sorr14 b$t : -o not;G
F=here is this Cabra p'ace 1o$ hie %rom>G
F+ar to the east4 across the "aters4G : sai-; F7er1 %ar; :t is an is'an- kin)-om;G
FAn1 chance the1 co$'- %$rnish $s "ith some troops> : can a%%or- to pa1 <$ite a bit;G : shook m1
F:t is a sma'' p'ace "ith a sma'' mi'itia4 an- it "o$'- be se&era' months@ tra&e' both "a1sDsea
an- 'an-; !he1 ha&e ne&er %o$)ht as mercenaries4 an- %or that matter the1 are not &er1 "ar'ike;G
F!hen 1o$ seem to -i%%er a )reat -ea' %rom 1o$r co$ntr1men4G he sai-4 'ookin) at me once more;
: sippe- m1 "ine;
F: "as an arms instr$ctor4G : sai-4 Fto the 0o1a' #$ar-;G
F!hen 1o$ mi)ht be inc'ine- to hire o$t4 to he'p train m1 troops>G
F:@'' sta1 a %e" "eeks an- -o that4G : sai-;
,e no--e- a ti)ht-'ippe- microsecon- o% a smi'e4 then4 F:t sa--ens me to hear this in-ication
that %air A&a'on is )one4G he sai-; FB$t i% it is so4 it means that m1 e.i'er is a'so 'ike'1 -ea-;G ,e
-raine- his "ine)'ass; F(o e&en the -emon came to a time "hen he co$'- not -e%en- his o"n4G
he m$se-; F!hat@s a heartenin) tho$)ht; :t means "e mi)ht ha&e a chance here4 a)ainst these
FBe))in) 1o$r par-on4G : sai-4 stickin) m1 neck o$t %or "hat : tho$)ht )oo- reason4 Fi% 1o$
"ere re%errin) to that Cor"in o% Amber4 he -i- not -ie "hen "hate&er happene- happene-;G !he
)'ass snappe- in his han-;
FAo$ kno" Cor"in>G he sai-;
FNo4 b$t : kno" o% him4G : rep'ie-; F(e&era' 1ears a)o4 : met one o% his brothersDa %e''o"
name- Bran-; ,e to'- me o% the p'ace ca''e- Amber4 an- o% the batt'e in "hich Cor"in an- a
brother o% his name- B'e1s 'e- a hor-e a)ainst their brother 2ric4 "ho he'- the cit1; B'e1s %e''
%rom the mo$ntain 3o'&ir an- Cor"in "as taken prisoner; Cor"in@s e1es "ere p$t o$t a%ter 2ric@s
coronation4 an- he "as cast into the -$n)eons beneath Amber4 "here he ma1 1et remain i% he has
not since -ie-;G
#ane'on@s %ace "as -raine- o% co'or as : spoke;
FA'' those names 1o$ mentione-DBran-4 B'e1s4 2ric4G he sai-; F: hear- him mention them in
-a1s 'on) )one b1; ,o" 'on) a)o -i- 1o$ hear o% this thin)>G
F:t "as abo$t %o$r 1ears back;G
F,e -eser&e- better;G
FA%ter "hat he -i- to 1o$>G
F=e''4G sai- the man4 F:@&e ha- a 'ot o% time to think abo$t it4 an- it is not as i% : )a&e him no
ca$se %or "hat he -i-; ,e "as stron)Dstron)er than 1o$ or 9ance4 e&enDan- c'e&er; A'so4 he
co$'- be merr1 on occasion; 2ric sho$'- ha&e ki''e- him <$ick'14 not the "a1 that he -i-; :@&e no
'o&e %or him4 b$t m1 hate@s -ie- -o"n a bit; !he -emon -eser&e- better than he )ot4 that@s a'';G
!he secon- bo1 ret$rne- "ith a basket o% brea-; !he one "ho ha- prepare- the meat remo&e- it
%rom the spit an- set it on a p'atter in the center o% the tab'e;
#ane'on no--e- to"ar- it; F9et@s eat4G he sai-;
,e rose an- mo&e- to the tab'e;
: %o''o"e-; =e -i- not ta'k m$ch -$rin) the mea';
A%ter st$%%in) m1se'% $nti' m1 stomach "o$'- ho'- no more an- soakin) -o"n its contents "ith
another )'ass o% too-s"eet "ine4 : be)an to 1a"n; #ane'on c$rse- a%ter the thir- one;
F/amn it4 Core1I (top thatI :t@s conta)io$sIG ,e sti%'e- a 1a"n o% his o"n;
F9et@s take some air4G he sai-4 risin);
(o "e "a'ke- o$t a'on) the "a''s4 passin) the sentries in their ro$n-s; !he1 "o$'- come to
attention an- sa'$te #ane'on as soon as the1 sa" "ho it "as approachin)4 an- he "o$'- )i&e
them a "or- o% )reetin) an- "e "o$'- mo&e on; =e came to a batt'ement4 "here "e pa$se- to
rest4 seatin) o$rse'&es on the stone4 s$ckin) in the e&enin) air4 coo' an- -amp an- %$'' o% the
%orest4 an- notin) the appearance o% the stars4 one b1 one4 in the -arkenin) sk1; !he stone "as
co'- beneath me; +ar o%% in the -istance4 : tho$)ht : co$'- -etect the shimmer o% the sea; : hear- a
ni)ht bir-4 %rom some"here be'o" $s; #ane'on pro-$ce- a pipe an- tobacco %rom a po$ch he
"ore at his be't; ,e %i''e- it4 tampe- it4 an- str$ck a %'ame; ,is %ace "o$'- ha&e been satanic in
the spark 'i)ht4 sa&e %or "hate&er t$rne- his mo$th -o"n"ar- an- -re" the m$sc'es in his
cheeks $p into that an)'e %orme- b1 the inner corners o% his e1es an- the sharp bri-)e o% his
nose; A -e&i' is s$ppose- to ha&e an e&i' )rin4 an- this one 'ooke- too morose;
: sme''e- the smoke; A%ter a time4 he be)an to speak4 so%t'1 an- &er1 s'o"'1 at %irst8
F: remember A&a'on4G he be)an; FB1 birth there "as not i)nob'e4 b$t &irt$e "as ne&er one o%
m1 stron) points; : "ent thro$)h m1 inheritance <$ick'1 an- : took to the roa-s "here : "a1'ai-
tra&e'ers; 9ater4 : ?oine- "ith a ban- o% other men s$ch as m1se'%; =hen : -isco&ere- : "as the
stron)est an- most %it to 'ea-4 : became the 'ea-er; !here "ere prices on a'' o$r hea-s; Bine "as
the hi)hest;G
,e spoke more rapi-'1 no"4 an- his &oice )re" more re%ine- an- his choice o% "or-s came as
an echo %rom o$t o% his past;
FAes4 : remember A&a'on4G he sai-4 Fa p'ace o% si'&er an- sha-e an- coo' "aters4 "here the stars
shone 'ike bon%ires at ni)ht an- the )reen o% -a1 "as a'"a1s the )reen o% sprin); Ao$th4 'o&e4
bea$t1D: kne" them in A&a'on; Pro$- stee-s4 bri)ht meta'4 so%t 'ips4 -ark a'e; ,onor;;;G ,e
shook his hea-;
FOne 'ater -a14G he sai-4 F"hen "ar commence- "ithin the rea'm4 the r$'er o%%ere- %$'' par-on
to an1 o$t'a"s "ho "o$'- %o''o" him in batt'e a)ainst the ins$r)ents; !his "as Cor"in; : thre"
in "ith him an- ro-e o%% to the "ars; : became an o%%icer4 an- thenD'aterDa member o% his sta%%;
=e "on the batt'es4 p$t -o"n the $prisin); !hen Cor"in r$'e- peace%$''1 once more4 an- :
remaine-4 at his co$rt; !hose "ere the )oo- 1ears; !here 'ater came some bor-er skirmishes4 b$t
these "e a'"a1s "on; ,e tr$ste- me to han-'e s$ch thin)s %or him; !hen he )rante- a /$ke-om
to -i)ni%1 the ,o$se o% a minor nob'e "hose -a$)hter he -esire- in marria)e; : ha- "ante- that
/$ke-om4 an- he ha- 'on) hinte- it mi)ht one -a1 be mine; : "as %$rio$s4 an- : betra1e- m1
comman- the ne.t time : "as -ispatche- to sett'e a -isp$te a'on) the so$thern bor-er4 "here
somethin) "as a'"a1s stirrin); Ban1 o% m1 men -ie-4 an- the in&a-ers entere- into the rea'm;
Be%ore the1 co$'- be ro$te-4 9or- Cor"in himse'% ha- to take $p arms once more; !he in&a-ers
ha- come thro$)h in )reat stren)th4 an- : tho$)ht the1 "o$'- con<$er the rea'm; : hope- the1
"o$'-; B$t Cor"in4 a)ain4 "ith his %o.1 tactics4 pre&ai'e-; : %'e-4 b$t "as capt$re- an- taken to
him %or sentencin); : c$rse- him an- spat at him; : "o$'- not bo"; : hate- the )ro$n- he tro-4
an- a con-emne- man has no reason not to p$t $p the best %ront he can4 to )o o$t 'ike a man;
Cor"in sai- he "o$'- sho" me a meas$re o% merc1 %or %a&ors past; : to'- him to sho&e his
merc14 an- then : rea'i6e- that he "as mockin) me; ,e or-ere- me re'ease- an- he approache-
me; : kne" he co$'- ki'' me "ith his han-s; : trie- to %i)ht "ith him4 b$t to no a&ai'; ,e str$ck
me once an- : %e''; =hen : a"akene-4 : "as strappe- across his horse@s r$mp; ,e ro-e a'on)4
?ibin) at me the "hi'e; : "o$'- not rep'1 to an1thin) he sai-4 b$t "e ro-e thro$)h "on-ro$s
'an-s an- 'an-s o$t o% ni)htmare4 "hich is one "a1 : 'earne- o% his sorcero$s po"erD%or no
tra&e'er : ha&e e&er met has passe- thro$)h the p'aces : sa" that -a1; !hen he prono$nce- m1
e.i'e4 re'ease- me in this p'ace4 t$rne-4 an- ro-e a"a1;G
,e pa$se- to re'i)ht his pipe4 "hich ha- )one o$t4 p$%%e- $pon it %or a time4 "ent on8 FBan1 a
br$isin)4 c$-)e'in)4 bitin)4 an- beatin) -i- : take in this p'ace4 at the han-s o% man an- beast4
on'1 bare'1 preser&in) m1 'i%e; ,e ha- 'e%t me in the "icke-est portion o% the rea'm; B$t then
one -a1 m1 %ort$nes took a t$rn; An armore- kni)ht ba-e me -epart the roa-"a1 that he mi)ht
pass; At that point4 : care- not "hether : 'i&e- or -ie-4 so : ca''e- him a pock-marke- "horeson
an- ba-e him )o to the /e&i'; ,e char)e- me an- : sei6e- his 'ance an- p$she- its point into the
)ro$n-4 so $nhorsin) him; : -re" him a smi'e beneath his chin "ith his o"n -a))er4 an- th$s
obtaine- me mo$ntin) an- "eapons; !hen -i- : set abo$t pa1in) back those "ho ha- $se- me
poor'1; : took $p m1 o'- tra-e on the hi)h"a1s once a)ain an- : )aine- me another ban- o%
%o''o"ers; =e )re"; =hen there "ere h$n-re-s o% $s o$r nee-s "ere consi-erab'e; =e "o$'-
ri-e into a sma'' to"n an- make it o$rs; !he 'oca' mi'itia "o$'- %ear $s; !his4 too4 "as a )oo-
'i%e4 tho$)h not so sp'en-i- as the A&a'on : ne&er sha'' kno" a)ain; A'' the roa-si-e inns came to
%ear the th$n-er o% o$r mo$nts4 an- tra&e'ers "o$'- soi' their britches "hen the1 hear- $s
comin); ,aI !his 'aste- %or se&era' 1ears; 9ar)e parties o% arme- men "ere sent to track $s an-
-estro1 $s4 b$t a'"a1s "e e&a-e- them or amb$she- them; !hen one -a1 there "as the -ark
Circ'e4 an- no one rea''1 kno"s "h1;G
,e p$%%e- more &i)oro$s'1 on his pipe4 stare- o%% into the -istance;
F: am to'- it be)an as a tin1 rin) o% toa-stoo's4 %ar to the "est; A chi'- "as %o$n- -ea- in its
center4 an- the man "ho %o$n- herDher %atherD-ie- o% con&$'sions se&era' -a1s 'ater; !he spot
"as imme-iate'1 sai- to be acc$rse-; :t )re" <$ick'1 in the months that %o''o"e-4 $nti' it "as
ha'% a 'ea)$e across; !he )rasses -arkene- an- shone 'ike meta' "ithin it4 b$t -i- not -ie; !he
trees t"iste- an- their 'ea&es b'ackene-; !he1 s"a1e- "hen there "as no "in-4 an- bats -ance-
an- -arte- amon) them; :n the t"i'i)ht4 stran)e shapes co$'- be seen mo&in)Da'"a1s "ithin the
Circ'e4 min- 1o$Dan- there "ere 'i)hts4 as o% sma'' %ires4 thro$)ho$t the ni)ht; !he Circ'e
contin$e- to )ro"4 an- those "ho 'i&e- near it %'e-Dmost'1; A %e" remaine-; :t "as sai- that
those "ho remaine- ha- str$ck some bar)ain "ith the -ark thin)s; An- the Circ'e contin$e- to
"i-en4 sprea-in) 'ike the ripp'e %rom a rock cast into a pon-; Bore an- more peop'e remaine-4
'i&in)4 "ithin it; : ha&e spoken "ith these peop'e4 %o$)ht "ith them4 s'ain them; :t is as i% there is
somethin) -ea- insi-e them a''; !heir &oices 'ack the thr$st an- -ip o% men che"in) o&er their
"or-s an- tastin) them; !he1 se'-om -o m$ch "ith their %aces4 b$t "ear them 'ike -eath masks;
!he1 be)an to 'ea&e the Circ'e in ban-s4 mara$-in); !he1 s'e" "anton'1; !he1 committe- man1
atrocities an- -e%i'e- p'aces o% "orship; !he1 p$t thin)s to the torch "hen the1 'e%t them; !he1
ne&er sto'e ob?ects o% si'&er; !hen4 a%ter man1 months4 other creat$res than men be)an to come
%orthDstran)e'1 %orme-4 'ike the he''cats 1o$ s'e";
F!hen the Circ'e s'o"e- in its )ro"th4 a'most ha'tin)4 as tho$)h it "ere nearin) some sort o%
'imit; B$t no" a'' manner o% rai-ers emer)e- %rom itDsome e&en %arin) %orth -$rin) the -a1D
'a1in) "aste to the co$ntr1si-e abo$t its bor-ers; =hen the1 ha- -e&astate- the 'an- abo$t its
entire circ$m%erence4 the Circ'e mo&e- to encompass those areas4 a'so; An- so its )ro"th be)an
a)ain4 in this %ashion; !he o'- kin)4 *ther4 "ho ha- 'on) h$nte- me4 %or)ot a'' abo$t me an- set
his %orces to patro''in) that -amne- Circ'e; :t "as be)innin) to "orr1 me4 a'so4 as : -i- not re'ish
the notion o% bein) sei6e- b1 some he''-spa"ne- b'oo-s$cker as : s'ept; (o : )ot to)ether %i%t1-
%i&e o% m1 menDthat "as a'' "ho "o$'- &o'$nteer4 an- : "ante- no co"ar-sDan- "e ro-e into
that p'ace one a%ternoon; =e came $pon a pack o% those -ea--%ace- men b$rnin) a 'i&e )oat on a
stone a'tar an- "e 'it into the 'ot o% them; =e took one prisoner an- tie- him to his o"n a'tar an-
<$estione- him there; ,e to'- $s that the Circ'e "o$'- )ro" $nti' it co&ere- the entire 'an-4 %rom
ocean to ocean; One -a1 it "o$'- c'ose "ith itse'% on the other si-e o% the "or'-; =e ha- best
?oin "ith them4 i% "e "ishe- to sa&e o$r hi-es; !hen one o% m1 men stabbe- him an- he -ie-; ,e
rea''1 -ie-4 %or : kno" a -ea- man "hen : see one; :@&e ma-e it happen o%ten eno$)h; B$t as his
b'oo- %e'' $pon the stone4 his mo$th opene- an- o$t came the 'o$-est 'a$)h : e&er hear- in m1
'i%e; :t "as 'ike th$n-er a'' abo$t $s; !hen he sat $p4 $nbreathin)4 an- be)an to b$rn; As he
b$rne-4 his %orm chan)e-4 $nti' it "as 'ike that o% the b$rnin) )oatDon'1 'ar)erDthere $pon the
a'tar; !hen a &oice came %rom the thin); :t sai-4 @+'ee4 morta' manI B$t 1o$ sha'' ne&er 'ea&e this
Circ'eI@ An- be'ie&e me4 "e %'e-I !he sk1 )re" b'ack "ith bats an- otherDthin)s; =e hear- the
so$n- o% hoo%beats; =e ro-e "ith o$r b'a-es in o$r han-s4 ki''in) e&er1thin) that came near $s;
!here "ere cats s$ch as 1o$ s'e"4 an- snakes an- hoppin) thin)s4 an- #o- kno"s "hat a'' e'se;
As "e neare- the e-)e o% the Circ'e4 one o% 3in) *ther@s patro's sa" $s an- came to o$r ai-;
(i.teen o% the %i%t1-%i&e "ho ha- ri--en in "ith me ro-e back o$t; An- the patro' 'ost perhaps
thirt1 men itse'%; =hen the1 sa" "ho : "as4 the1 h$st'e- me o%% to co$rt; ,ere; !his $se- to be
*ther@s pa'ace; : to'- him "hat : ha- -one4 "hat : ha- seen an- hear-; ,e -i- "ith me as Cor"in
ha-; ,e o%%ere- %$'' par-on to me an- to m1 men i% "e "o$'- ?oin "ith him a)ainst the =ar-ens
o% the Circ'e; ,a&in) )one thro$)h "hat : ha- )one thro$)h4 : rea'i6e- that the thin) ha- to be
stoppe-; (o : a)ree-; !hen : %e'' i''4 : am to'- that : "as -e'irio$s %or three -a1s; : "as as "eak as
a chi'- a%ter m1 reco&er14 an- : 'earne- that e&er1one "ho ha- entere- the Circ'e ha- been
'ike"ise taken; !hree ha- -ie-; : &isite- the rest o% m1 men4 to'- them the stor14 an- the1 "ere
en'iste-; !he patro's abo$t the Circ'e "ere stren)thene-; B$t it "o$'- not be containe-; :n the
1ears that %o''o"e-4 the Circ'e )re"; =e %o$)ht man1 skirmishes; : "as promote- $nti' : stoo- at
*ther@s ri)ht han-4 as once : ha- at Cor"in@s; !hen the skirmishes became more than skirmishes;
9ar)er an- 'ar)er parties emer)e- %rom that he''ho'e; =e 'ost a %e" batt'es; !he1 took some o%
o$r o$tposts; !hen one ni)ht an arm1 emer)e-4 an arm1Da hor-eDo% both men an- the other
thin)s that -"e''e- there; !hat ni)ht "e met the 'ar)est %orce "e ha- e&er en)a)e-; 3in) *ther
himse'% ro-e to batt'e4 a)ainst m1 a-&iceD%or he "as a-&ance- in 1earsDan- he %e'' that ni)ht
an- the 'an- "as "itho$t a r$'er; : "ante- m1 captain4 9ance'ot4 to sit in ste"ar-ship4 %or : kne"
him to be a %ar more honorab'e man than m1se'%;;;; An- it is stran)e here; : ha- kno"n a
9ance'ot4 ?$st 'ike him4 in A&a'onDb$t this man kne" me not "hen %irst "e met; :t is stran)e;;;;
At an1 rate4 he -ec'ine-4 an- the position "as thr$st $pon me; : hate it4 b$t here : am; : ha&e he'-
them back %or o&er three 1ears no"; A'' m1 instincts te'' me to %'ee; =hat -o : o"e these -amne-
peop'e> =hat -o : care i% the b'oo-1 Circ'e "i-ens> : co$'- cross o&er the sea to some 'an- it
"o$'- ne&er reach -$rin) m1 'i%etime4 an- then %or)et the "ho'e thin); /amn itI : -i-n@t "ant
this responsibi'it1I No" it is mine4 tho$)hIG
F=h1>G : aske- him4 an- the so$n- o% m1 o"n &oice "as stran)e to me;
!here "as si'ence;
,e emptie- his pipe; ,e re%i''e- it; ,e re'it it; ,e p$%%e- it;
!here "as more si'ence;
!hen4 F: -on@t kno"4G he sai-; F:@- stab a man in the back %or a pair o% shoes4 i% he ha- them an-
: nee-e- them to keep m1 %eet %rom %ree6in); : once -i-4 that@s ho" : kno"; B$t;;;this is -i%%erent;
!his is a thin) h$rtin) e&er1bo-14 an- :@m the on'1 one "ho can -o the ?ob; #o- -amn itI : kno"
the1@re )oin) to b$r1 me here one -a14 a'on) "ith a'' the rest o% them; B$t : can@t p$'' o$t; :@&e
)ot to ho'- that thin) back as 'on) as : can;G
B1 hea- "as c'eare- b1 the co'- ni)ht air4 "hich )a&e m1 conscio$sness a secon- "in-4 so to
speak4 tho$)h m1 bo-1 %e't mi'-'1 anestheti6e- abo$t me;
FCo$'-n@t 9ance 'ea- them>G : aske-;
F:@- sa1 so; ,e@s a )oo- man; B$t there is another reason; : think that )oat-thin)4 "hate&er it
"as4 on the a'tar4 is a bit a%rai- o% me; : ha- )one in there an- it ha- to'- me :@- ne&er make it
back o$t a)ain4 b$t : -i-; : 'i&e- thro$)h the sickness that %o''o"e- a%ter; :t kno"s it@s me that has
been %i)htin) it a'' a'on); =e "on that )reat b'oo-1 en)a)ement on the ni)ht *ther -ie-4 an- :
met the thin) a)ain in a -i%%erent %orm an- it kne" me; Ba1be this is a part o% "hat is ho'-in) it
back no";G
F=hat %orm>G
FA thin) "ith a man'ike shape4 b$t "ith )oat horns an- re- e1es; :t "as mo$nte- on a pieba'-
sta''ion; =e %o$)ht %or a time4 b$t the ti-e o% the batt'e s"ept $s apart; =hich "as a )oo- thin)4
too4 %or it "as "innin); :t spoke a)ain4 as "e s"a))ere- s"or-s4 an- : kne" that hea--%i''in)
&oice; :t ca''e- me a %oo' an- to'- me : co$'- ne&er hope to "in; B$t "hen mornin) came4 the
%ie'- "as o$rs an- "e -ro&e them back to the Circ'e4 s'a1in) them as the1 %'e-; !he ri-er o% the
pieba'- escape-; !here ha&e been other sa''1in)s %orth since then4 b$t none s$ch as that ni)ht@s; :%
: "ere to 'ea&e this 'an-4 another s$ch arm1Done that is rea-1in) e&en no"D"o$'- come %orth;
!hat thin) "o$'- someho" kno" o% m1 -epart$reD?$st as it kne" that 9ance "as brin)in) me
another report on the -isposition o% troops "ithin the Circ'e4 sen-in) those =ar-ens to -estro1
him as he ret$rne-; :t kno"s o% 1o$ b1 no"4 an- s$re'1 it m$st "on-er o&er this -e&e'opment; :t
m$st "on-er "ho 1o$ are4 %or a'' 1o$r stren)th; : "i'' sta1 here an- %i)ht it ti'' : %a''; : m$st; /o
not ask me "h1; : on'1 hope that be%ore that -a1 comes4 : at 'east 'earn ho" this thin) came to
passD"h1 that Circ'e is o$t there;G
!hen there came a %'$tterin) near to m1 hea-; : -$cke- <$ick'1 to a&oi- "hate&er it "as; :t "as
not necessar14 tho$)h; :t "as on'1 a bir-; A "hite bir-; :t 'an-e- on m1 'e%t sho$'-er an- stoo-
there4 makin) sma'' noises; : he'- $p m1 "rist an- it hoppe- o&er onto it !here "as a note tie- to
its 'e); : $n%astene- it4 rea- it4 cr$mp'e- it in m1 han-; !hen : st$-ie- in&isib'e thin)s -istant;
F=hat is the matter; (ir Core1>G crie- #ane'on;
!he note4 "hich : ha- sent on ahea- to m1 -estination4 "ritten in m1 o"n han-4 transmitte- b1 a
bir- o% m1 -esire4 co$'- on'1 reach the p'ace that ha- to be m1 ne.t stop; !his "as not precise'1
the p'ace that : ha- in min-; ,o"e&er4 : co$'- rea- m1 o"n omens;
F=hat is it>G he aske-; F=hat is it that 1o$ ho'-> A messa)e>G
: no--e-; : han-e- it to him; : co$'- not &er1 "e'' thro" it a"a14 since he ha- seen me take it; :t
rea-4 F: am comin)4G an- it bore m1 si)nat$re; #ane'on p$%%e- his pipe an- rea- it in the )'o";
F,e 'i&es> An- he "o$'- come here>G he sai-;
F(o it "o$'- seem;G
F!his is &er1 stran)e4G he sai-; F: -o not $n-erstan- it at a'';;;G
F:t so$n-s 'ike a promise o% assistance4G : sai-4 -ismissin) the bir-4 "hich cooe- t"ice4 then
circ'e- m1 hea- an- -eparte-;
#ane'on shook his hea-;
F: -o not $n-erstan-;G
F=h1 n$mber the teeth o% a horse 1o$ ma1 recei&e %or nothin)>G : sai-; FAo$ ha&e on'1
s$ccee-e- in containin) that thin);G
F!r$e4G he sai-; FPerhaps he co$'- -estro1 it;G
FAn- perhaps it@s ?$st a ?oke4G : to'- him; FA cr$e' one;G
,e shook his hea- a)ain;
FNo; !hat is not his st1'e; : "on-er "hat he is a%ter>G
F('eep on it4G : s$))este-;
F!here is 'itt'e e'se that : can -o4 ?$st no"4G he sai-4 sti%'in) a 1a"n;
=e rose then an- "a'ke- the "a''; =e sai- o$r )oo- ni)hts4 an- : sta))ere- o%% to"ar- the pit o%
s'eep an- %e'' hea-'on) into it;
Chapter 2
/a1; Bore aches; Bore pains;
(omeone ha- 'e%t me a ne" c'oak4 a bro"n one4 "hich : -eci-e- "as a )oo- thin); 2specia''1 i%
: p$t on more "ei)ht an- #ane'on reca''e- m1 co'ors; : -i- not sha&e m1 bear-4 beca$se be ha-
kno"n me in a s'i)ht'1 'ess hair1 con-ition; : took pains to -is)$ise m1 &oice "hene&er he "as
abo$t; : hi- #ra1s"an-ir beneath m1 be-;
+or a'' o% the %o''o"in) "eek : -ro&e m1se'% r$th'ess'1; : "orke- an- s"eate- an- stro&e $nti'
the aches s$bsi-e- an- m1 m$sc'es )re" %irm once more; : think : p$t on %i%teen po$n-s that
"eek; ('o"'14 &er1 s'o"'14 : be)an %ee'in) 'ike m1 o'- se'%;
!he co$ntr1 "as ca''e- 9orraine4 an- so "as she; :% : happene- to be in the moo- to han- 1o$ a
'ine4 : "o$'- te'' 1o$ "e met in a mea-o" behin- the cast'e4 she )atherin) %'o"ers an- me
"a'kin) there %or e.ercise an- %resh air; Crap;
: )$ess a po'ite term "o$'- be camp %o''o"er; : met her at the en- o% a har- -a1@s "ork4 spent
main'1 "ith the saber an- the mace; (he "as stan-in) o%% on the si-e 'ines "aitin) %or her -ate
"hen : %irst ca$)ht si)ht o% her; (he smi'e- an- : smi'e- back4 no--e-4 "inke-4 an- passe- her
b1; !he ne.t -a1 : sa" her a)ain4 an- : sai- F,e''oG as : passe- her; !hat@s a'';
=e''4 : kept r$nnin) into her; B1 the en- o% m1 secon- "eek4 "hen m1 aches "ere )one an- :
"as o&er a h$n-re--ei)ht1 po$n-s an- %ee'in) that "a1 a)ain4 : arran)e- to be "ith her one
e&enin); B1 then4 : "as a"are o% her stat$s an- it "as %ine4 so %ar as : "as concerne-; B$t "e -i-
not -o the $s$a' thin) that ni)ht; No;
:nstea-4 "e ta'ke-4 an- then somethin) e'se happene-;
,er hair "as r$st-co'ore- "ith a %e" stran-s o% )ra1 in it; : )$esse- she "as $n-er thirt14 tho$)h;
21es4 &er1 b'$e; ('i)ht'1 pointe- chin; C'ean4 e&en teeth insi-e a mo$th that smi'e- at me a 'ot;
,er &oice "as some"hat nasa'4 her hair "as too 'on)4 her make-$p 'ai- on too hea&i'1 o&er too
m$ch tire-ness4 her comp'e.ion too %reck'e-4 her choice in c'othin) too bri)ht an- ti)ht; B$t :
'ike- her; : -i- not think :@- act$a''1 %ee' that "a1 "hen : aske- her o$t that ni)ht beca$se4 as :
sai-4 'ikin) her "as not "hat : ha- in min-;
!here "as no p'ace to )o b$t m1 chamber4 so "e ha- )one there; : ha- become a captain4 an- :
took a-&anta)e o% m1 rank b1 ha&in) -inner bro$)ht to $s4 an- an e.tra bott'e o% "ine;
F!he men are a%rai- o% 1o$4G she sai-; F!he1 sa1 1o$ ne&er )ro" tire-;G
F: -o4G : sai-4 Fbe'ie&e me;G
FO% co$rse4G she sai-4 shakin) her too-'on) 'ocks an- smi'in); F/on@t "e a''>G
F: -aresa14G : rep'ie-;
F,o" o'- are 1o$>G
F,o" o'- are 1o$>G
FA )ent'eman "o$'- not ask that <$estion;G
FNeither "o$'- a 'a-1>G
F=hen 1o$ %irst came here4 the1 tho$)ht 1o$ "ere o&er %i%t1;G
FAn- no" the1 ha&e no i-ea; +ort1-%i&e> +ort1>G
FNo4G : sai-;
F: -i-n@t think so; B$t 1o$r bear- %oo'e- e&er1one;G
FBear-s o%ten -o that;G
FAo$ 'ook better e&er1 -a1; Bi))er;;;G
F!hanks; : %ee' better than : -i- "hen : arri&e-;G
F(ir Core1 o% Cabra4G she sai-; F=here@s Cabra> =hat@s Cabra> =i'' 1o$ take me there "ith
1o$4 i% : ask 1o$ nice'1>G
F:@- te'' 1o$ so4G : sai-4 Fb$t :@- be '1in);G
F: kno"; B$t it "o$'- be nice to hear;G
FOka1; :@'' take 1o$ there "ith me; :t@s p'ace;G
FAre 1o$ rea''1 as )oo- as the men sa1>G
F:@m a%rai- not; Are 1o$>G
FNot rea''1; /o 1o$ "ant to )o to be- no">G
FNo; :@- rather ta'k; ,a&e a )'ass o% "ine;G
F!hank 1o$;;;; Ao$r hea'th;G
F=h1 is it 1o$ are s$ch a )oo- s"or-sman>G
FAptit$-e an- )oo- teachers;G
F;;;An- 1o$ carrie- 9ance a'' that -istance an- s'e" those beasts;;;G
F(tories )ro" "ith the te''in);G
FB$t : ha&e "atche- 1o$; Ao$ are better than the others; !hat is "h1 #ane'on ma-e 1o$
"hate&er -ea' he -i-; ,e kno"s a )oo- thin) "hen he sees it; :@&e ha- man1 %rien-s "ho "ere
s"or-smen4 an- :@&e "atche- them at practice; Ao$ co$'- c$t them to pieces; !he men sa1 1o$
are a )oo- teacher; !he1 'ike 1o$4 e&en i% 1o$ -o scare them;G
F=h1 -o : %ri)hten them> Beca$se : am stron)> !here are man1 stron) men in the "or'-;
Beca$se : can stan- $p an- s"in) a b'a-e %or a 'on) "hi'e>G
F!he1 think there is somethin) s$pernat$ra' in&o'&e-;G
: 'a$)he-;
FNo4 :@m ?$st the secon--best s"or-sman aro$n-; Par-on meDma1be the thir-; B$t : tr1
F=ho@s better>G
F2ric o% Amber4 possib'1;G
F=ho is he>G
FA s$pernat$ra' creat$re;G
F,e@s the best>G
F=ho is>G
FBene-ict o% Amber;G
F:s he one4 too>G
F:% he is sti'' a'i&e4 he is;G
F(tran)e4 that@s "hat 1o$ are4G she sai-; FAn- "h1> !e'' me; Are 1o$ a s$pernat$ra' creat$re>G
F9et@s ha&e another )'ass o% "ine;G
F't@'' )o to m1 hea-;G
F#oo-;G : po$re- them;
F=e are a'' )oin) to -ie4G she sai-;
F: mean here4 soon4 %i)htin) this thin);G
F=h1 -o 1o$ sa1 that>G
F:t@s too stron);G
F!hen "h1 stick aro$n->G
F:@&e no p'ace e'se to )o; !hat@s "h1 : ask 1o$ abo$t Cabra;G
FAn- "h1 1o$ came here toni)ht>G
FNo; : came to see "hat 1o$ "ere 'ike;G
F: am an ath'ete "ho is breakin) trainin); =ere 1o$ born aro$n- here>G
FAes; :n the "oo-;G
F=h1@- 1o$ pick $p "ith these )$1s>G
F=h1 not> :t@s better than )ettin) pi) shit on m1 hee's e&er1 -a1;G
FNe&er ha&e a man o% 1o$r o"n> (tea-14 : mean>G
FAes; ,e@s -ea-; ,e@s the one "ho %o$n-;;;the +air1 0in);G
F:@m sorr1;G
F:@m not; ,e $se- to )et -r$nk "hene&er he co$'- borro" or stea' eno$)h to a%%or- it an- then
come home an- beat me; : "as )'a- "hen : met #ane'on;G
F(o 1o$ think that the thin) is too stron)4 that "e are )oin) to 'ose to it>G
FAo$ ma1 be ri)ht; B$t : think 1o$@re "ron);G (he shr$))e-;
FAo$@'' be %i)htin) "ith $s>G
F:@m a%tai- so;G
FNobo-1 kne" %or s$re4 or "o$'- sa1 i% the1 -i-; !hat mi)ht pro&e interestin); :@- 'ike to see
1o$ %i)ht "ith the )oat-man;G
FBeca$se he seems to be their 'ea-er; :% 1o$ ki''e- him4 "e@- ha&e more o% a chance; Ao$ mi)ht
be ab'e to -o it;G
F: ha&e to4G : sai-;
F(pecia' reason>G
FPri&ate one>G
F#oo- '$ck;G
(he %inishe- her "ine4 so : po$re- her another;
F: kno" he is a s$pernat$ra' creat$re4G she sai-;
F9et@s )et o%% the s$b?ect;G
FA'' ri)ht; B$t "i'' 1o$ -o me a thin)>G
FName it;G
FP$t on armor tomorro"4 pick $p a 'ance4 )et ho'- o% a horse4 an- tro$nce that bi) ca&a'r1
o%%icer ,ara'-;G
F,e beat me 'ast "eek4 ?$st 'ike Ear' $se- to; Can 1o$ -o it>G
FAes G
F=i'' 1o$>G
F=h1 not> Consi-er him tro$nce-;G
(he came o&er an- 'eane- a)ainst me;
F: 'o&e 1o$4G she sai-;
FA'' ri)ht; ,o" abo$t4 : 'ike 1o$>G
F#oo- eno$)h; :DG
!hen a chi'' an- n$mbin) "in- b'e" a'on) m1 spine; : sti%%ene- an- resiste- "hat "as to come
b1 b'ankin) m1 min- comp'ete'1;
(omeone "as 'ookin) %or me; :t "as someone o% the ,o$se o% Amber4 -o$bt'ess4 an- he "as
$sin) m1 !r$mp or somethin) &er1 'ike it; !here "as no mistakin) the sensation; :% it "as 2ric4
then he ha- more )$ts than : )a&e him cre-it %or4 since : ha- a'most napa'me- his brain the 'ast
time "e ha- been in contact; :t co$'- not be 0an-om4 $n'ess he "as o$t o% prison4 "hich :
-o$bte-; :% it "as E$'ian or Caine4 the1 co$'- )o to he''; B'e1s "as probab'1 -ea-; Possib'1
Bene-ict4 too; !hat 'e%t #erar-4 Bran-4 an- o$r sisters; O% these4 on'1 #erar- mi)ht mean me
"e''; (o : resiste- -isco&er14 s$ccess%$''1; :t took me perhaps %i&e min$tes4 an- "hen it "as
%inishe- : "as shakin) an- s"eatin) an- 9orraine "as starin) at me stran)e'1;
F=hat happene->G she aske-; FAo$ aren@t -r$nk 1et4 an- neither am :;G
FE$st a spe'' : sometimes )et4G : sai-; F:t@s a -isease : picke- $p in the is'an-s;G
F: sa" a %ace4G she sai-; FPerhaps it "as on the %'oor4 ma1be it "as in m1 hea-; :t "as an o'-
man; !he co''ar o% his )arment "as )reen an- he 'ooke- a 'ot 'ike 1o$4 e.cept that his bear- "as
)ra1;G : s'appe- her then;
FAo$@re '1in)I Ao$ co$'-n@t ha&e;;;G
F:@m ?$st te''in) 1o$ "hat : sa"I /on@t hit meI : -on@t kno" "hat it meantI =ho "as he>G
F: think it "as m1 %ather; #o-4 it@s stran)e;;;G
F=hat happene->G she repeate-;
FA spe''4G : sai-; F: sometimes )et them4 an- peop'e think the1 see m1 %ather on the cast'e "a''
or %'oor; /on@t "orr1 abo$t it; :t@s not conta)io$s;G
FCrap4G she sai-; FAo$@re '1in) to me;G
F: kno"; B$t p'ease %or)et the "ho'e thin);G
F=h1 sho$'- :>G
FBeca$se 1o$ 'ike me4G : to'- her; F0emember> An- beca$se :@m )oin) to tro$nce ,ara'- %or
1o$ tomorro";G
F!hat@s tr$e4G she sai-4 an- : starte- shakin) a)ain an- she %etche- a b'anket %rom the be- an-
p$t it abo$t m1 sho$'-ers;
(he han-e- me m1 "ine an- : -rank it; (he sat besi-e me an- reste- her hea- on m1 sho$'-er4
so : p$t m1 arm abo$t her; A -e&i' "in- be)an to scream an- : hear- the rapi- ratt'e o% the
rain%a'' that came "ith it; +or a secon-4 it seeme- that somethin) beat a)ains the sh$tters;
9orraine "himpere- s'i)ht'1;
F: -o not 'ike "hat is happenin) toni)ht4G she sai-;
FNeither -o :; #o bar the -oor; :t@s on'1 bo'te- ri)ht no";G
As she -i- this4 : mo&e- o$r seat so that it %ace- m1 sin)'e "in-o"; : %etche- #ra1s"an-ir o$t
%rom beneath the be- an- $nsheathe- it; !hen : e.tin)$ishe- e&er1 'i)ht in the room4 sa&e %or a
sin)'e can-'e on the tab'e to m1 ri)ht;
: reseate- m1se'%4 m1 b'a-e across m1 knees;
F=hat are "e -oin)>G 9orraine aske-4 as she came an- sat -o"n at m1 'e%t;
F=aitin)4G : sai-;
F+or "hat>G
F: am not positi&e4 b$t this is certain'1 the ni)ht %or it;G
(he sh$--ere- an- -re" near;
FAo$ kno"4 perhaps 1o$ ha- better 'ea&e4G : sai-;
F: kno"4G she sai-4 Fb$t :@m a%rai- to )o o$t; Ao$@'' be ab'e to protect me i% : sta1 here4 "on@t
: shook m1 hea-;
F: -on@t e&en kno" i% :@'' be ab'e to protect m1se'%;G
(he to$che- #ra1s"an-ir;
F=hat a bea$ti%$' b'a-eI :@&e ne&er seen one 'ike it;G
F!here isn@t another4G : sai-4 an- each time that : shi%te- a 'itt'e4 the 'i)ht %e'' -i%%erent'1 $pon it4
so that one moment it seeme- %i'me- o&er "ith $nh$man b'oo- o% an oran)e tint an- the ne.t it
'a1 there co'- an- "hite as sno" or a "oman@s breast4 <$i&erin) in m1 han- each time a 'itt'e
chi'' took me;
: "on-ere- ho" it "as that 9orraine ha- seen somethin) : ha- not -arin) the attempte- contact;
(he co$'- not simp'1 ha&e ima)ine- an1thin) that c'ose to home;
F!here is somethin) stran)e abo$t 1o$4G : sai-;
(he "as si'ent %or %o$r or %i&e %'ickerin)s o% the can-'e4 then sai-4 F:@&e a to$ch o% the secon-
si)ht; B1 mother ha- more o% it; Peop'e sa1 m1 )ran-mother "as a sorceress; : -on@t kno" an1
o% that b$siness4 tho$)h; =e''4 not m$ch o% it; : ha&en@t -one it %or 1ears; : a'"a1s "in- $p 'osin)
more than : )ain;G
!hen she "as si'ent a)ain4 an- : aske- her4 F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F: $se- a spe'' to )et m1 %irst man4G she sai-4 Fan- 'ook "hat he t$rne- o$t to be; :% : ha-n@t4 :@-
ha&e been a 'ot better o%%; : "ante- a prett1 -a$)hter4 an- : ma-e that happenDG (he stoppe-
abr$pt'1 an- : rea'i6e- she "as cr1in);
F=hat@s the matter> : -on@t $n-erstan-;;;G
F: tho$)ht 1o$ kne"4G she sai-; FNo4 :@m a%rai- not;G
F(he "as the 'itt'e )ir' in the +air1 Circ'e; : tho$)ht 1o$ kne";;;G
F:@m sorr1;G
F: "ish : -i-n@t ha&e the to$ch; : ne&er $se it an1 more; B$t it "on@t 'et me a'one; :t sti'' brin)s
me -reams an- si)ns4 an- the1 are ne&er o&er thin)s : can -o an1thin) abo$t; : "ish it "o$'- )o
a"a1 an- -e&i' somebo-1 e'seIG
F!hat@s the one thin) it "i'' not -o4 9orraine; :@m a%rai- 1o$ are st$ck "ith it;G
F,o" -o 1o$ kno">G
F:@&e kno"n peop'e 'ike 1o$ in the past4 that@s a'';G
FAo$@&e a to$ch o% it 1o$rse'%4 ha&en@t 1o$>G
F!hen 1o$ %ee' that there is somethin) o$t there no"4 -on@t 1o$>G
F(o -o :; /o 1o$ kno" "hat it is -oin)>G
F:t@s 'ookin) %or me;G
FAes4 : %ee' that4 too; =h1>G
FPerhaps to test m1 stren)th; :t kno"s that : am here; :% : am a ne" a''1 come to #ane'on4 it
m$st "on-er "hat : represent4 "ho : am;;;G
F:s it the horne- one himse'%>G
F: -on@t kno"; : think not4 tho$)h;G
F=h1 not>G
F:% : am rea''1 he "ho "o$'- -estro1 it4 it "o$'- be %oo'ish to seek me o$t here in the keep o% its
enem1 "hen : am s$rro$n-e- b1 stren)th; : "o$'- sa1 one o% its minions is 'ookin) %or me;
Perhaps4 someho"4 that is "hat m1 %ather@s )host;;;: -o not kno"; :% its ser&ant %in-s me an-
names me4 it "i'' kno" "hat preparations to make; :% it %in-s me an- -estro1s me4 it "i'' ha&e
so'&e- the prob'em; :% : -estro1 the ser&ant4 it "i'' kno" that m$ch more abo$t m1 stren)th;
=hiche&er "a1 it "orks o$t4 the horne- one "i'' be somethin) ahea-; (o "h1 sho$'- it risk its
o"n pron)e- -ome at this sta)e in the )ame>G
=e "aite-4 there in the sha-o"-c'a- chamber4 as the taper b$rne- a"a1 the min$tes;
(he aske- me4 F=hat -i- 1o$ mean "hen 1o$ sai-4 i% it %in-s 1o$ an- names 1o$;;;> Names 1o$
F!he one "ho a'most -i- not come here4G : sai-;
FAo$ think that it mi)ht kno" 1o$ %rom some"here4 someho">G she aske-;
F: think it mi)ht4G : sai-; (he -re" a"a1 %rom me then;
F/on@t be a%rai-4G : sai-; F: "on@t h$rt 1o$;G
F: am a%rai-4 an- 1o$ "i'' h$rt meIG she sai-; F: kno" itI B$t : "ant 1o$I =h1 -o : "ant 1o$>G
F: -on@t kno"4G : sai-;
F!here is somethin) o$t there no"IG she sai-4 so$n-in) s'i)ht'1 h1sterica'; F:t@s nearI :t@s &er1
nearI 9istenI 9istenIG
F(h$t $pIG : sai-4 as a co'-4 prick'1 %ee'in) came to rest on the back o% m1 neck an- coi'e- abo$t
m1 throat; F#et o&er on the %ar si-e o% the room4 behin- the be-IG
F:@m a%rai- o% the -ark4G she sai-;
F/o it4 or :@'' ha&e to knock 1o$ o$t an- carr1 1o$; Ao$@': be in m1 "a1 here;G
: co$'- hear a hea&1 %'appin) abo&e the storm4 an- there came a scratchin) on the stone o% the
"a'' as she mo&e- to obe1 me;
!hen : "as 'ookin) into t"o hot4 re- e1es "hich "ere 'ookin) back into m1 o"n; : -roppe-
mine <$ick'1; !he thin) stoo- there on the 'e-)e o$tsi-e the "in-o" an- re)ar-e- me;
:t "as "e'' o&er si. %eet in hei)ht4 "ith )reat branches o% ant'ers )ro"in) o$t o% its %orehea-;
N$-e4 its %'esh "as a $ni%orm ash-)ra1 in co'or; :t appeare- to be se.'ess4 an- it ha- )ra14
'eather1 "in)s e.ten-in) %ar o$t behin- it an- ?oinin) "ith the ni)ht; :t he'- a short4 hea&1 s"or-
o% -ark meta' in its ri)ht han-4 an- there "ere r$nes car&e- a'' a'on) the b'a-e; =ith its 'e%t han-4
it c'$tche- at the 'attice;
F2nter at 1o$r peri'4G : sai- 'o$-'14 an- : raise- the point o% #ra1s"an-ir to in-icate its breast;
:t ch$ck'e-; :t ?$st stoo- there an- ch$ck'e- an- )i))'e- at me; :t trie- to meet m1 e1es once
more4 b$t : "o$'- not 'et it; :% it 'ooke- into m1 e1es %or 'on)4 it "o$'- kno" me4 as the he''cat
ha- kno"n me;
=hen it spoke4 it so$n-e- 'ike a bassoon b'o"in) "or-s;
FAo$ are not the one4G it sai-4 F%or 1o$ are sma''er an- o'-er; Aet;;;!hat b'a-e;;;:t co$'- be his;
=ho are 1o$>G
F=ho are 1o$>G : aske-;
F(tr1)a''-"ir is m1 name; Con?$re "ith it an- : "i'' eat 1o$r heart an- 'i&er;G
FCon?$re "ith it> : can@t e&en prono$nce it4G : sai-4 Fan- m1 cirrhosis "o$'- )i&e 1o$
in-i)estion; #o a"a1;G
F=ho are 1o$>G it repeate-;
FBis'i4 )ammi )ra@-i'4 (tr1)a''-"ir4G : sai-4 an- it ?$mpe- as i% )i&en a hot%oot;
FAo$ seek to -ri&e me %orth "ith s$ch a simp'e spe''>G it aske- "hen it sett'e- a)ain; F: am not
one o% the 'esser ones;G
F:t seeme- to make 1o$ a bit $ncom%ortab'e;G
F=ho are 1o$>G it sai- a)ain;
FNone o% 1o$r b$siness4 Char'ie; 9a-1bir-4 9a-1bir-4 %'1 a"a1 homeDG
F+o$r times m$st : ask 1o$ an- %o$r times be re%$se- be%ore : ma1 enter an- s'a1 1o$; =ho are
FNo4G : sai-4 stan-in); FCome on in an- b$rnIG
!hen it tore a"a1 the 'attice"ork4 an- the "in- that accompanie- it into the chamber
e.tin)$ishe- the can-'e;
: '$n)e- %or"ar-4 an- there "ere sparks bet"een $s "hen #ra1s"an-ir met the -ark r$ne-
s"or-; =e c'ashe-4 then : spran) back; B1 e1es ha- a-?$ste- to the ha'% -ark4 so the 'oss o% the
'i)ht -i- not b'in- me; !he creat$re sa" "e'' eno$)h4 a'so; :t "as stron)er than a man4 b$t then
so am :; =e circ'e- the room; An ic1 "in- mo&e- abo$t $s4 an- "hen "e passe- the "in-o"
a)ain4 co'- -rop'ets 'ashe- m1 %ace; !he %irst time that : c$t the creat$reDa 'on) s'ash across the
breastDit remaine- si'ent4 tho$)h tin1 %'ames -ance- abo$t the e-)es o% the "o$n-; !he secon-
time that : c$t itDhi)h $pon the armDit crie- o$t4 c$rsin) me;
F!oni)ht : "i'' s$ck the marro" %rom 1o$r bonesIG it sai-; F: "i'' -r1 them an- "ork them most
c$nnin)'1 into instr$ments o% m$sicI =hene&er : p'a1 $pon them4 1o$r spirit "i'' "rithe in
bo-i'ess a)on1IG
FAo$ b$rn pretti'14G : sai-;
:t s'o"e- %or a %raction o% a secon-4 an- m1 opport$nit1 "as there;
: beat that -ark b'a-e asi-e an- m1 '$n)e "as per%ect; !he center o% its breast "as m1 tar)et; :
ran it thro$)h;
:t ho"'e- then4 b$t -i- not %a''; #ra1s"an-ir "as torn %rom m1 )rasp an- %'ames b'oome- abo$t
the "o$n-; :t stoo- there "earin) them; :t a-&ance- a step to"ar- me an- : picke- $p a sma''
chair an- he'- it bet"een $s;
F: -o not keep m1 heart "here men -o4G it sai-;
!hen it '$n)e-4 b$t : b'ocke- the b'o" "ith the chair an- ca$)ht it in the ri)ht e1e "ith one o%
the 'e)s; : thro" the chair to the si-e then4 an- steppin) %or"ar-4 sei6e- its ri)ht "rist an- t$rne-
it o&er; : str$ck the e'bo" "ith the e-)e o% m1 han-4 as har- as : co$'-; !here came a sharp crack
an- the r$nes"or- c'attere- to the %'oor; !hen its 'e%t han- str$ck m1 hea- an- : %e'';
:t 'eape- %or the b'a-e4 an- : sei6e- its ank'e an- ?erke-;
:t spra"'e-4 an- : thre" m1se'% atop it an- %o$n- its throat; : t$rne- m1 hea- into the ho''o" o%
m1 sho$'-er4 chin a)ainst m1 breast4 as it c'a"e- %or m1 %ace "ith its 'e%t han-;
As m1 -eath )rip ti)htene-4 its e1es so$)ht mine4 an- this time : -i- not a&oi- them; !here came
a tin1 shock at the base o% m1 brain4 as "e both kne" that "e kne";
FAo$IG it mana)e- to )asp4 be%ore : t"iste- m1 han-s har- an- the 'i%e "ent o$t o% those re- re-
: stoo-4 p$t m1 %oot $pon its carcass4 an- "ith-re" #ra1s"an-ir;
!he thin) b$rst into %'ames "hen m1 b'a-e came %ree4 an- kept b$rnin) $nti' there "as nothin)
remainin) b$t a charre- spot $pon the %'oor;
!hen 9orraine came o&er an- : p$t m1 arm abo$t her an- she aske- me to take her back to her
<$arters an- to be-; (o : -i-4 b$t "e -i-n@t -o an1thin) b$t 'ie there to)ether $nti' she ha- crie-
herse'% to s'eep; !hat is ho" : met 9orraine;
9ance an- #ane'on an- : sat atop o$r mo$nts on a hi)h hi''4 the 'ate mornin) s$n hittin) $s in
the back4 an- "e 'ooke- -o"n into the p'ace; :ts appearance con%irme- thin)s %or me;
:t "as akin to that t"iste- "oo- that %i''e- the &a''e1 to the so$th o% Amber;
Oh m1 %atherI =hat ha&e : "ro$)ht> : sai- "ithin m1 heart4 b$t there "as no ans"er other than
the -ark Circ'e that 'a1 beneath me an- sprea- %or as %ar as the e1e co$'- see;
!hro$)h the bars o% m1 &isor4 : 'ooke- -o"n $pon itDcharre-Dseemin)4 -eso'ate4 an- sme''in)
o% -eca1; : 'i&e- insi-e m1 &isor these -a1s; !he men 'ooke- $pon it as an a%%ectation4 b$t m1
rank )a&e me the ri)ht to be eccentric; : ha- "orn it %or o&er t"o "eeks4 since m1 batt'e "ith
(tr1)a''-"ir; : ha- p$t it on the %o''o"in) mornin) be%ore : tro$nce- ,ara'- to keep m1 promise
to 9orraine4 an- : ha- -eci-e- that as m1 )irth increase- : ha- better keep m1 %ace concea'e-;
: "ei)he- perhaps %o$rteen stone no"4 an- %e't 'ike m1 o'- se'% a)ain; :% : co$'- he'p c'ean $p
this mess in the 'an- ca''e- 9orraine4 : kne" that : "o$'- ha&e a chance at 'east to tr1 "hat :
most "ante-4 an- perhaps s$ccee-;
F(o that@s it4G : sai-; F: -on@t see an1 troops m$sterin);G
F: be'ie&e "e "i'' ha&e to ri-e north4G sai- 9ance4 Fan- "e "i'' -o$bt'ess on'1 see them a%ter
F,o" %ar north>G
F!hree or %o$r 'ea)$es; !he1 mo&e abo$t a bit;G
=e ha- ri--en %or t"o -a1s to reach the Circ'e; =e ha- met a patro' ear'ier that mornin) an-
'earne- that the troops insi-e the thin) contin$e- to m$ster e&er1 ni)ht; !he1 "ent thro$)h
&ario$s -ri''s an- then "ere )oneDto somep'ace -eeper insi-eD"ith the comin) o% mornin); A
perpet$a' th$n-erhea-4 : 'earne-4 ro-e abo&e the Circ'e4 tho$)h the storm ne&er broke;
F(ha'' "e break%ast here an- then ri-e north>G : aske-;
F=h1 not>G sai- #ane'on; F:@m star&e- an- "e@&e time;G
(o "e -ismo$nte- an- ate -rie- meat an- -rank %rom o$r canteens;
F: sti'' -o not $n-erstan- that note4G sai- #ane'on4 a%ter be'chin)4 pattin) his stomach4 an-
'i)htin) his pipe; F=i'' he stan- besi-e $s in the %ina' batt'e4 or "i'' he not> =here is he4 i% he
inten-s to he'p> !he -a1 o% con%'ict -ra"s nearer an- nearer;G
F+or)et him4G : sai-; F:t "as probab'1 a ?oke;G
F: can@t4 -amn itIG he sai-; F!here is somethin) passin) stran)e abo$t the "ho'e b$sinessIG
F=hat is it>G aske- 9ance4 an- %or the %irst time : rea'i6e- that #ane'on ha- not to'- him;
FB1 o'- 'ie)e4 9or- Cor"in4 sen-s an o-- messa)e b1 carrier bir-4 sa1in) he is comin); : ha-
tho$)ht him -ea-4 b$t he sent this messa)e4G #ane'on to'- him; F: sti'' -o not kno" "hat to
make o% it;G
FCor"in>G sai- 9ance4 an- : he'- m1 breath; FCor"in o% Amber>G
FAes4 Amber an- A&a'on;G
F+or)et his messa)e;G
F,e is a man "itho$t honor4 an- his promise means nothin);G
FAo$ kno" him>G
F: kno" o% him; 9on) a)o4 he r$'e- in this 'an-; /o 1o$ not reca'' the stories o% the -emon
'or-'in)> !he1 are the same; !hat "as Cor"in4 in -a1s be%ore m1 -a1s; !he best thin) he -i-
"as ab-icate an- %'ee "hen the resistance )re" too stron) a)ainst him;G
!hat "as not tr$eI Or "as it>
Amber casts an in%init1 o% sha-o"s4 an- m1 A&a'on ha- cast man1 o% its o"n4 beca$se o% m1
presence there; : mi)ht be kno"n on man1 earths that : ha- ne&er tro-4 %or sha-o"s o% m1se'%
ha- "a'ke- them4 mimickin) imper%ect'1 m1 -ee-s an- m1 tho$)hts;
FNo4G sai- #ane'on4 F: ne&er pai- hee- to the o'- stories; : "on-er i% it co$'- ha&e been the
same man4 r$'in) here; !hat is interestin);G
F7er14G : a)ree-4 to keep m1 han- in thin)s; FB$t i% he r$'e- so 'on) a)o4 s$re'1 he m$st be -ea-
or -ecrepit b1 no";G
F,e "as a sorcerer4G sai- 9ance;
F!he one : kne" certain'1 "as4G sai- #ane'on4 F%or he banishe- me %rom a 'an- neither art nor
arti%ice can -isco&er no";G
FAo$ ne&er spoke o% this be%ore4G sai- 9ance; F,o" -i- it occ$r>G
FNone o% 1o$r b$siness4G sai- #ane'on4 an- 9ance "as si'ent once a)ain;
: ha$'e- o$t m1 o"n pipeD: ha- obtaine- one t"o -a1s ear'ierDan- 9ance -i- the same; :t "as
a c'a1 ?ob an- -re" hot an- har-; =e 'it $p4 an- the three o% $s sat there smokin);
F=e''4 he -i- the smart thin)4G sai- #ane'on; F9et@s %or)et it no";G
=e -i- not4 o% co$rse; B$t "e sta1e- a"a1 %rom the s$b?ect a%ter that;
:% it ha- not been %or the -ark thin) behin- $s4 it "o$'- ha&e been <$ite p'easant4 ?$st sittin)
there4 re'; ($--en'14 : %e't c'ose to the t"o o% them; : "ante- to sa1 somethin)4 b$t : co$'-
not think "hat;
#ane'on so'&e- that b1 brin)in) $p c$rrent b$siness once more;
F(o 1o$ "ant to hit them be%ore the1 hit $s>G he sai-;
F!hat@s ri)ht4G : rep'ie-; F!ake the %i)ht to their home territor1;G
F!he tro$b'e is that it is their home territor14G he sai-; F!he1 kno" it better than "e -o no"4 an-
"ho kno"s "hat po"ers the1 mi)ht be ab'e to ca'' on there>G
F3i'' the horne- one an- the1 "i'' cr$mb'e4G : sai-;
FPerhaps; Perhaps not; Ba1be 1o$ co$'- -o it4G sai- #ane'on; F*n'ess : )ot '$ck14 tho$)h4 :
-on@t kno" "hether : co$'-; ,e@s too mean to -ie easi'1; =hi'e : think :@m sti'' as )oo- a man as :
"as some 1ears a)o4 : ma1 be %oo'in) m1se'%; Perhaps :@&e )ro"n so%t; : ne&er "ante- this -amn
sta1-at-home ?obIG
F: kno"4G : sai-;
F: kno"4G sai- 9ance;
F9ance4G sai- #ane'on4 Fsho$'- "e -o as o$r %rien- here sa1s> (ho$'- "e attack>G
,e co$'- ha&e shr$))e- an- e<$i&ocate-; ,e -i- not;
FAes4G he sai-; F!he1 a'most ha- $s 'ast time; :t "as &er1 c'ose the ni)ht 3in) *ther -ie-; :% "e
-o not attack them no"4 : %ee' the1 ma1 -e%eat $s ne.t time; Oh4 it "o$'- not be eas14 an- "e
"o$'- h$rt them ba-'1; B$t : think the1 co$'- -o it; 9et $s see "hat "e can see no"4 then make
o$r p'ans %or an attack;G
FA'' ri)ht4G sai- #ane'on; F: am sick o% "aitin) too; !e'' me that a)ain a%ter "e ret$rn an- :@'' )o
a'on) "ith it;G (o "e -i- that thin);
=e ro-e north that a%ternoon4 an- "e hi- o$rse'&es in the hi''s an- 'ooke- -o"n $pon the Circ'e;
=ithin it4 the1 "orshipe-4 a%ter their %ashion4 an- the1 -ri''e-; : estimate- aro$n- %o$r tho$san-
troops; =e ha- abo$t t"ent1-%i&e h$n-re-; !he1 a'so ha- "eir- %'1in)4 hoppin)4 cra"'in) thin)s
that ma-e noises in the ni)ht; =e ha- sto$t hearts; Aeah;
A'' that : nee-e- "as a %e" min$tes a'one "ith their 'ea-er4 an- it "o$'- be -eci-e-4 one "a1 or
another; !he "ho'e thin); : co$'- not te'' m1 companions that4 b$t it "as tr$e;
Ao$ see4 : "as the part1 responsib'e %or the "ho'e thin) -o"n there; : ha- -one it4 an- it "as $p
to me to $n-o it4 i% : co$'-;
: "as a%rai- that : co$'- not;
:n a %it o% passion4 compo$n-e- o% ra)e4 horror4 an- pain4 : ha- $n'eashe- this thin)4 an- it "as
re%'ecte- some"here in e&er1 earth in e.istence; ($ch is the b'oo- c$rse o% a Prince o% Amber;
=e "atche- them a'' that ni)ht4 the =ar-ens o% the Circ'e4 an- in the mornin) "e -eparte-;
!he &er-ict "as4 attackI
(o "e ro-e a'' the "a1 back an- nothin) %o''o"e- $s; =hen "e reache- the 3eep o% #ane'on4
"e %e'' to p'annin); O$r troops "ere rea-1Do&er-rea-14 perhapsDan- "e -eci-e- to strike
"ithin a %ortni)ht;
As : 'a1 "ith 9orraine4 : to'- her o% these thin)s; +or : %e't that she sho$'- kno"; : possesse- the
po"er to spirit her a"a1 into (ha-o"Dthat &er1 ni)ht4 i% she "o$'- a)ree; (he -i- not;
F:@'' sta1 "ith 1o$4G she sai-;
: -i- not te'' her that : %e't e&er1thin) 'a1 "ithin m1 han-s4 b$t : ha&e a %ee'in) she kne" an-
that %or some reason she tr$ste- me; : "o$'- not ha&e4 b$t that "as her a%%air;
FAo$ kno" ho" thin)s mi)ht be4G : sai-;
F: kno"4G she sai-4 an- : kne" that she kne" an- that "as it;
=e t$rne- o$r attention to other s$b?ects4 an- 'ater "e s'ept;
(he@- ha- a -ream;
:n the mornin)4 she sai- to me4 F: ha- a -ream;G
F=hat abo$t>G : aske-;
F!he comin) batt'e4G she to'- me; F: see 1o$ an- the home- one 'ocke- in combat;G
F=ho "ins>G
F: -on@t kno"; B$t as 1o$ s'ept4 : -i- a thin) that mi)ht he'p 1o$;G
F: "ish 1o$ ha- not4G : sai-; F: can take care o% m1se'%;G
F!hen : -reame- o% m1 o"n -eath4 in this time;G
F9et me take 1o$ a"a1 to a p'ace : kno";G
FNo4 m1 p'ace is here4G she to'- me;
F: -on@t preten- to o"n 1o$4G : sai-4 Fb$t : can sa&e 1o$ %rom "hate&er 1o$@&e -reame-; !hat
m$ch 'ies "ithin m1 po"er4 be'ie&e me;G
F: -o be'ie&e 1o$4 b$t : "i'' not )o;G
FAo$@re a -amne- %oo';G
F9et me sta1;G
FAs 1o$ "ish;;;; 9isten4 :@'' e&en sen- 1o$ to Cabra;;;G
FAo$@re a -amne- %oo';G
F: kno"; : 'o&e 1o$;G
F;;;An- a st$pi- one; !he "or- is @'ike;@ 0emember>G
FAo$@'' -o it4G she sai-;
F#o to he''4G : sai-;
!hen she "ept4 so%t'14 $nti' : com%orte- her once a)ain;
!hat "as 9orraine;
Chapter 3
: tho$)ht back4 one mornin)4 $pon a'' that ha- )one be%ore; : tho$)ht o% m1 brothers an- sisters
as tho$)h the1 "ere p'a1in) car-s4 "hich : kne" "as "ron); : tho$)ht back to the rest home
"here : ha- a"akene-4 back to the batt'e %or Amber4 back to m1 "a'kin) the Pattern in 0ebma4
an- back to that time "ith Boire4 "ho ?$st mi)ht be 2ric@s b1 no"; : tho$)ht o% B'e1s an- o%
0an-om4 /eir-re4 Caine4 #erar-4 an- 2ric4 that mornin); :t "as the mornin) o% the batt'e4 o%
co$rse4 an- "e "ere campe- in the hi''s near the Circ'e; =e ha- been attacke- se&era' times
a'on) the "a14 b$t the1 ha- been brie%4 )$erri''a a%%airs; =e ha- -ispatche- o$r assai'ants an-
contin$e-; =hen "e reache- the area "e ha- -eci-e- $pon4 "e ma-e o$r camp4 poste- )$ar-s4
an- retire-; =e s'ept $n-ist$rbe-; : a"oke "on-erin) "hether m1 brothers an- sisters tho$)ht o%
me as : tho$)ht o% them; :t "as a &er1 sa- tho$)ht;
:n the pri&ac1 o% a sma'' )ro&e4 m1 he'met %i''e- "ith soap1 "ater4 : sha&e- m1 bear-; !hen :
-resse-4 s'o"'14 in m1 pri&ate an- tattere- co'ors; : "as as har- as stone4 -ark as soi'4 an- mean
as he'' once more;
!o-a1 "o$'- be the -a1; : -onne- m1 &isor4 p$t on chain mai'4 b$ck'e- m1 be't4 an- h$n)
#ra1s"an-ir at m1 si-e; !hen : %astene- m1 c'oak at m1 neck "ith a si'&er rose an- "as
-isco&ere- b1 a messen)er "ho ha- been 'ookin) %or me to te'' me that thin)s "ere abo$t rea-1;
: kisse- 9orraine4 "ho ha- insiste- on comin) a'on); !hen : mo$nte- m1 horse4 a roan name-
(tar4 an- ro-e o%% to"ar- the %ront;
!here : met "ith #ane'on an- "ith 9ance; !he1 sai-4 F=e are rea-1;G
: ca''e- %or m1 o%%icers an- brie%e- them; !he1 sa'$te-4 t$rne- an- ro-e a"a1; F(oon4G sai-
9ance4 'i)htin) his pipe;
F,o" is 1o$r arm>G
F+ine4 no"4G he rep'ie-4 Fa%ter that "orko$t 1o$ )a&e it 1ester-a1; Per%ect;G : opene- m1 &isor
an- 'it m1 o"n pipe;
FAo$@&e sha&e- 1o$r bear-4G sai- 9ance; F: cannot pict$re 1o$ "itho$t it;G
F!he he'm %its better this "a14G : sai-;
F#oo- %ort$ne to $s a''4G sai- #ane'on;
F: kno" no )o-s4 b$t i% an1 care to be "ith $s4 : "e'come them;G
F!here is b$t one #o-4G sai- 9ance; F: pra1 that ,e be "ith $s;G
FAmen4G sai- #ane'on4 'i)htin) his pipe; F+or to-a1;G
F:t "i'' be o$rs4G sai- 9ance;
FAes4G sai- :4 as the s$n stirre- the east an- the bir-s o% mornin) the air4 Fit has that %ee' to it;G
=e emptie- o$r pipes "hen "e ha- %inishe- an- t$cke- them a"a1 at o$r be'ts; !hen "e sec$re-
o$rse'&es "ith %ina' ti)htenin)s an- c'aspin)s o% o$r armor an- #ane'on sai-4 F9et $s be abo$t
B1 o%%icers reporte- back to me; B1 sections "ere rea-1;
=e %i'e- -o"n the hi''si-e4 an- "e assemb'e- o$tsi-e the Circ'e; Nothin) stirre- "ithin it4 an-
no troops "ere &isib'e;
F: "on-er abo$t Cor"in4G #ane'on sai- to me;
F,e is "ith $s4G : to'- him4 an- he 'ooke- at me stran)e'14 seeme- to notice the rose %or the %irst
time4 then no--e- br$s<$e'1;
F9ance4G he sai-4 "hen "e ha- assemb'e-; F#i&e the or-er;G
An- 9ance -re" his b'a-e; ,is crie- FChar)eIG echoe- abo$t $s;
=e "ere ha'% a mi'e insi-e the Circ'e be%ore an1thin) happene-; !here "ere %i&e h$n-re- o% $s
in the 'ea-4 a'' mo$nte-; A -ark ca&a'r1 appeare-4 an- "e met them; A%ter %i&e min$tes4 the1
broke an- "e ro-e on; !hen "e hear- the th$n-er;
!here "as 'i)htnin)4 an- the rain be)an to %a'';
!he th$n-erhea- ha- %ina''1 broken;
A thin 'ine o% %oot so'-iers4 pikemen main'14 barre- o$r "a14 "aitin) stoica''1; Ba1be "e a''
sme''e- the trap4 b$t "e bore -o"n $pon them; !hen the ca&a'r1 hit o$r %'anks;
=e "hee'e-4 an- the %i)htin) be)an in earnest; :t "as perhaps t"ent1 min$tes 'ater;;;=e he'-
o$t4 "aitin) %or the main bo-1 to arri&e; !hen the t"o h$n-re- or so o% $s ro-e on;;;
Ben; :t "as men that "e s'e"4 that s'e" $sD)ra1%ace-4 -o$r-co$ntenance- men; : "ante- more;
One more;;;
!heirs m$st ha&e been a semi-metaph1sica' prob'em in 'o)istics; ,o" m$ch co$'- be -i&erte-
thro$)h this #ate"a1> : "as not s$re; (oon;;;
=e toppe- a rise4 an- %ar ahea- an- be'o" $s 'a1 a -ark cita-e';
: raise- m1 b'a-e;
As "e -escen-e-4 the1 attacke-;
!he1 hisse- an- the1 croake- an- the1 %'appe-; !hat meant4 to me4 that he "as r$nnin) 'o" on
peop'e; #ra1s"an-ir became a %'ame in m1 han-4 a th$n-erbo't4 a portab'e e'ectric chair; : s'e"
them as %ast as the1 approache-4 an- the1 b$rne- as the1 -ie-; !o m1 ri)ht4 : sa" 9ance -ra" a
simi'ar 'ine o% chaos4 an- he "as m$tterin) beneath his breath; Pra1ers %or the -ea-4 no -o$bt; !o
m1 'e%t4 #ane'on 'ai- abo$t him4 an- a "ake o% %ires %o''o"e- behin- his horse@s tai'; !hro$)h the
%'ashin) 'i)htnin)4 the cita-e' 'oome- 'ar)er;
!he h$n-re- or so o% $s storme- ahea-4 an- the abominations %e'' b1 the "a1si-e;
=hen "e reache- the )ate4 "e "ere %ace- b1 an in%antr1 o% men an- beasts; =e char)e-;
!he1 o$tn$mbere- $s4 b$t "e ha- 'itt'e choice; Perhaps "e ha- procee-e- o$r o"n in%antr1 b1
too m$ch; B$t : tho$)ht not; !ime4 as : sa" it4 "as a'' important no";
F:@&e )ot to )et thro$)hIG : crie-; F,e@s insi-eIG
F,e@s mineIG sai- 9ance;
FAo$@re both "e'come to himIG sai- #ane'on4 'a1in) abo$t him; FCross "hen 1o$ canI :@m "ith
=e s'e" an- "e s'e" an- "e s'e"4 an- then the ti-e t$rne- in their %a&or; !he1 presse- $s4 a''
the $)'1 thin)s that "ere more or 'ess than h$man4 mi.e- in "ith h$man troops; =e "ere -ra"n
$p into a ti)ht knot4 -e%en-in) o$rse'&es on a'' si-es4 "hen o$r be-ra))'e- in%antr1 arri&e- an-
be)an hackin); =e presse- %or the )ate once more an- ma-e it this time4 a'' %ort1 or %i%t1 o% $s;
=e "on thro$)h4 an- then there "ere troops in the co$rt1ar- to be s'ain;
!he -o6en or so o% $s "ho ma-e it to the %oot o% the -ark to"er "ere %ace- b1 a %ina' )$ar-
F#o itIG crie- #ane'on4 as "e 'eape- %rom o$r horses an- "a-e- into them;
F#o itIG crie- 9ance4 an- : )$ess the1 both meant me4 or each other;
: took it to mean me4 an- : broke a"a1 %rom the %ra1 an- race- $p the stairs;
,e "o$'- be there4 in the hi)hest to"er4 : kne"C an- : "o$'- ha&e to %ace him4 an- %ace him
-o"n; : -i- not kno" "hether : co$'-4 b$t : ha- to tr14 beca$se : "as the on'1 one "ho kne"
"here he rea''1 came %romDan- : "as the one "ho p$t him there;
: came to a hea&1 "oo-en -oor at the top o% the stairs; : trie- it4 b$t it "as sec$re- %rom the
other si-e; (o : kicke- it as har- as : co$'-; :t %e'' in"ar- "ith a crash;
: sa" him there b1 the "in-o"4 a man-%orme- bo-1 -resse- in 'i)ht armor4 )oat hea- $pon those
massi&e sho$'-ers;
: crosse- the thresho'- an- stoppe-;
,e ha- t$rne- to stare as the -oor ha- %a''en4 an- no" he so$)ht m1 e1es thro$)h stee';
FBorta' man4 1o$ ha&e come too %ar4G he sai-; FOr are 1o$ morta' man>G an- there "as a b'a-e
in his han-;
FAsk (tr1)a''-"ir4G : sai-;
FAo$ are the one "ho s'e" him4G he state-; F/i- he name 1o$>G
!here "ere %ootsteps on the stairs behin- me; : steppe- to the 'e%t o% the -oor"a1;
#ane'on b$rst into the chamber an- : ca''e- F,a'tIG an- he -i-;
,e t$rne- to me;
F!his is the thin)4G he sai-; F=hat is it>G
FB1 sin a)ainst a thin) : 'o&e-4G : sai-; F(ta1 a"a1 %rom it; :t@s mine;G
FAo$@re "e'come to it;G ,e stoo- stock sti'';
F/i- 1o$ rea''1 mean that>G aske- the creat$re;
F+in- o$t4G : sai-4 an- 'eape- %or"ar-;
B$t it -i- not %ence "ith me; :nstea-4 it -i- "hat an1 morta' %encer "o$'- consi-er %oo'ish;
:t b$rie- its b'a-e at me4 point %or"ar-4 'ike a th$n-erbo't; An- the so$n- o% its passa)e came
'ike a c'ap o% th$n-er; !he e'ements o$tsi-e the to"er echoe- it4 a -ea%enin) response;
=ith #ra1s"an-ir4 : parrie- that b'a-e as tho$)h it "ere an or-inar1 thr$st; :t embe--e- itse'% in
the %'oor an- b$rst into %'ames; =itho$t4 the 'i)htnin) respon-e-;
+or an instant4 the 'i)ht "as as b'in-in) as a ma)nesi$m %'are4 an- in that moment the creat$re
"as $pon me;
:t pinne- m1 arms to m1 si-es4 an- its horns str$ck a)ainst m1 &isor4 once4 t"ice;;;
!hen : thre" m1 stren)th a)ainst those arms4 an- their )rip be)an to "eaken;
: -roppe- #ra1s"an-ir4 an- "ith a %ina' hea&e broke the ho'- it ha- $pon me;
:n that moment4 ho"e&er4 o$r e1es met;
!hen "e both str$ck4 an- "e both ree'e- back;
F9or- o% Amber4G it sai- then4 F"h1 -o 1o$ stri&e "ith me> :t "as 1o$ "ho )a&e $s this
passa)e4 this "a1;;;G
F: re)ret a rash act an- seek to $n-o it;G
F!oo 'ateDan- this a stran)e p'ace to be)in;G :t str$ck a)ain4 so <$ick'1 that it )ot thro$)h m1
)$ar-; : "as s'amme- back a)ainst the "a''; :ts spee- "as -ea-'1;
An- then it raise- its han- an- ma-e a si)n4 an- : ha- a &ision o% the Co$rts o% Chaos come
$pon meDa &ision that ma-e m1 hack'es rise4 ma-e a chi'' "in- b'o" across m1 so$'4 to kno"
"hat : ha- -one;
FAo$ see>G it "as sa1in); FAo$ )a&e $s this #ate"a1; ,e'p $s no"4 an- "e "i'' restore to 1o$
that "hich is 1o$rs;G
+or a moment : "as s"a1e-; :t "as possib'e that it co$'- -o ?$st "hat it ha- o%%ere-4 i% : "o$'-
B$t it "o$'- be a threat %ore&er a%ter; A''ies brie%'14 "e "o$'- be at each other@s throats a%ter "e
)ot "hat "e "ante-Dan- those -ark %orces "o$'- be m$ch stron)er b1 then; (ti''4 i% : he'- the
F/o "e ha&e a bar)ain>G came the sharp4 near-b'eat o% the <$estion;
: tho$)ht $pon the sha-o"s4 an- o% the p'aces be1on- (ha-o";;;
('o"'14 : reache- $p an- $nb$ck'e- m1 he'm;;;
!hen : h$r'e- it4 ?$st as the creat$re seeme- to re'a.; : think #ane'on "as mo&in) %or"ar- b1
: 'eape- across the chamber an- -ro&e it back a)ainst the "a'';
FNoIG : crie-;
:ts man'ike han-s %o$n- m1 throat at abo$t the same instant mine "rappe- abo$t its o"n;
: s<$ee6e-4 "ith a'' m1 stren)th4 an- t"iste-; : )$ess it -i- the same;
: hear- somethin) snap 'ike a -r1 stick; : "on-ere- "hose neck ha- broken; Bine s$re h$rt;
: opene- m1 e1es an- there "as the sk1; : "as '1in) on m1 back on a b'anket on the )ro$n-;
F:@m a%rai- he@s )oin) to 'i&e4G sai- #ane'on4 an- : t$rne- m1 hea-4 s'o"'14 in the -irection o% his
,e "as seate- on the e-)e o% the b'anket4 s"or- across his knees; 9orraine "as "ith him;
F,o" )oes it>G : sai-;
F=e@&e "on4G he to'- me; FAo$@&e kept 1o$r promise; =hen 1o$ ki''e- that thin)4 it "as a''
o&er; !he men %e'' sense'ess4 the creat$res b$rne-;G
F: ha&e been sittin) here "on-erin) "h1 : no 'on)er hate 1o$;G
F,a&e 1o$ reache- an1 conc'$sions>G
FNo4 not rea''1; Ba1be it@s beca$se "e@re a 'ot a'ike; : -on@t kno";G : smi'e- at 9orraine;
F:@m )'a- 1o$@re &er1 poor "hen it comes to prophec1; !he batt'e is o&er an- 1o$@re sti'' a'i&e;G
F!he -eath has a'rea-1 be)$n4G she sai-4 not ret$rnin) m1 smi'e;
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F!he1 sti'' te'' stories o% ho" the 9or- Cor"in ha- m1 )ran-%ather$te-D-ra"n an-
<$artere- p$b'ic'1D%or 'ea-in) one o% the ear'1 $prisin)s a)ainst him;G
F!hat "asn@t me4G : sai-; F:t "as one o% m1 sha-o"s;G
B$t she shook her hea- an- sai-4 FCor"in o% Amber4 : am "hat : am4G an- she rose an- 'e%t me
F=hat "as it>G aske- #ane'on4 i)norin) her -epart$re; F=hat "as the thin) in the to"er>G
FBine4G : sai-C Fone o% those thin)s "hich "as re'ease- "hen : 'ai- m1 c$rse $pon Amber; :
opene- the "a1 then %or that "hich 'ies be1on- (ha-o" to enter the rea' "or'-; !he paths o%
'east resistance are %o''o"e- in these thin)s4 thro$)h the sha-o"s to Amber; ,ere4 the path "as
the Circ'e; 2'se"here4 it mi)ht be some -i%%erent thin); : ha&e c'ose- their "a1 thro$)h this p'ace
no"; Ao$ ma1 rest eas1 here;G
F!hat is "h1 1o$ came here>G
FNo4G : sai-; FNot rea''1; : "as b$t passin) on the roa- to A&a'on "hen : came $pon 9ance; :
co$'- not 'et him 'ie there4 an- a%ter : took him to 1o$ : became in&o'&e- in this piece o% m1
FA&a'on> !hen 1o$ 'ie- "hen 1o$ sai- it "as -estro1e->G
: shook m1 hea-;
FNot so; O$r A&a'on %e''4 b$t in (ha-o" : ma1 %in- its 'ike once more;G
F!ake me "ith 1o$;G
FAre 1o$ ma->G
FNo4 : "o$'- 'ook once a)ain on the 'an- o% m1 birth4 no matter "hat the peri';G
F: -o not )o to -"e'' there4G : sai-4 Fb$t to arm %or batt'e; :n A&a'on there is a pink po"-er the
?e"e'ers $se; : i)nite- a samp'e o% it one time in Amber; : )o there on'1 to obtain it an- to b$i'-
)$ns that : ma1 'a1 sie)e to Amber an- )ain the throne that is mine;G
F=hat; o% those thin)s %rom be1on- (ha-o" 1o$ spoke o%;G
F: "i'' -ea' "ith them a%ter"ar-s; (ho$'- : 'ose this time4 then the1 are 2ric@s prob'em;G
FAo$ sai- that he ha- b'in-e- 1o$ an- cast 1o$ into the -$n)eons;G
F!hat is tr$e; : )re" ne" e1es; : escape-;G
FAo$ are a -emon;G
F!his has o%ten been sai-; : no 'on)er -en1 it;G
FAo$ "i'' take me "ith 1o$>G
F:% 1o$ rea''1 "ish to come; :t "i'' -i%%er %rom the A&a'on 1o$ kne"4 ho"e&er;G
F!o AmberIG
FAo$ are ma-IG
FNo; 9on) ha&e : "ishe- to 'ook $pon that %ab'e- cit1; A%ter : ha&e seen A&a'on once a)ain :
"i'' "ant to t$rn m1 han- to somethin) ne"; =as : not a )oo- )enera'>G
F!hen 1o$ "i'' teach me o% these thin)s 1o$ ca'' )$ns4 an- : "i'' he'p 1o$ in the )reatest batt'e;
:@&e not too man1 )oo- 1ears remainin) be%ore me4 : kno"; !ake me "ith 1o$;G
FAo$r bones ma1 b'each at the %oot o% 3o'&ir4 besi-e m1 o"n;G
F=hat batt'e is certain> : "i'' chance it;G
FAs 1o$ "o$'-; Ao$ ma1 come;G
F!hank 1o$; 9or-;G
=e campe- there that ni)ht4 ro-e back to the keep in the mornin); !hen : so$)ht a%ter 9orraine;
: 'earne- that she ha- r$n o%% "ith one other %ormer 'o&ers4 an o%%icer name- Be'kin; A'tho$)h
she ha- been $pset4 : resente- the %act that she ha- not )i&en me the opport$nit1 to e.p'ain
somethin) o% "hich she on'1 kne" r$mors; : -eci-e- to %o''o" them;
: mo$nte- (tar4 t$rne- m1 sti%% neck in the -irection the1 ha- s$ppose-'1 taken4 an- ro-e on
a%ter; :n a "a14 : co$'- not b'ame her; : ha- not been recei&e- back at the keep as the s'a1er o% the
horne- one mi)ht ha&e been "ere he an1one e'se; !he stories o% their Cor"in 'in)ere- on4 an-
the -emon ta) "as on a'' o% them; !he men : ha- "orke- "ith4 %o$)ht besi-e4 no" 'ooke- at me
"ith )'ances ho'-in) somethin) more than %earD)'ances on'14 %or the1 <$ick'1 -roppe- their
e1es or t$rne- them to another thin); Perhaps the1 %eare- that : "ishe- to sta1 an- rei)n o&er
them; !he1 mi)ht ha&e been re'ie&e-4 a'' sa&e #ane'on4 "hen : took to the trai'; #ane'on4 : think4
%eare- that : "o$'- not ret$rn %or him as : ha- promise-; !his4 : %ee'4 is the reason that he o%%ere-
to ri-e "ith me; B$t it "as a thin) that : ha- to -o b1 m1se'%;
9orraine ha- come to mean somethin) to me4 : "as s$rprise- to -isco&er4 an- : %o$n- m1se'%
<$ite h$rt b1 her action; : %e't that she o"e- me a hearin) be%ore she "ent her "a1; !hen i% she
sti'' chose her morta' captain4 the1 co$'- ha&e m1 b'essin); :% not4 : rea'i6e- that : "ante- to
keep her "ith me; +air A&a'on "o$'- be postpone- %or so 'on) as it took me to reso'&e this to
en-in) or contin$ance;
: ro-e a'on) the trai' an- the bir-s san) in the trees abo$t me; !he -a1 "as bri)ht "ith a sk1-
b'$e4 tree)reen peace4 %or the sco$r)e ha- been 'i%te- %rom the 'an-; :n m1 heart4 there "as
somethin) 'ike a bit o% ?o1 that : ha- $n-one at 'east a sma'' portion o% the rottenness : ha-
"ro$)ht; 2&i'> ,e''4 :@&e -one more o% it than most men4 b$t : ha- picke- $p a conscience too4
some"here a'on) the "a14 an- : 'et it en?o1 one o% its rare moments o% satis%action; Once : he'-
Amber4 : co$'- a''o" it a 'itt'e more 'ee"a14 : %e't; ,aI
: "as hea-in) north4 an- the terrain "as %orei)n to me; : %o''o"e- a c'ear'1 marke- trai'4 "hich
bore the si)ns o% t"o ri-ers@ recent passa)e; : %o''o"e- a'' that -a14 thro$)h -$sk an- into
e&enin)4 -ismo$ntin) perio-ica''1 to inspect the "a1; +ina''14 m1 e1es p'a1e- too man1 tricks on
me4 so : 'ocate- a sma'' )'enDse&era' h$n-re- 1ar-s to the 'e%t o% the trai'Dan- there : campe-
%or the ni)ht; :t "as the pains in m1 neck4 -o$bt'ess4 that ma-e me -ream o% the horne- one an-
re'i&e that batt'e; F,e'p $s no"4 an- "e "i'' restore to 1o$ that "hich is 1o$rs4G it sai-; : a"oke
s$--en'1 at that point4 "ith a c$rse on m1 'ips;
=hen mornin) pa'e- the sk14 : mo$nte- an- contin$e- on; :t ha- been a co'- ni)ht4 an- the -a1
sti'' he'- me in han-s o$t o% the north; !he )rasses spark'e- "ith a 'i)ht %rost an- m1 c'oak "as
-amp %rom ha&in) been $se- as a be-ro'';
B1 noon4 somethin) o% "armth ha- ret$rne- to the "or'- an- the trai' "as %resher; : "as )ainin)
on them;
=hen : %o$n- her4 : 'eape- -o"n %rom m1 mo$nt an- ran to "here she 'a14 beneath a "i'-
roseb$sh "itho$t %'o"ers4 the thorns o% "hich ha- scratche- her cheek an- sho$'-er; /ea-4 she
ha- not been so %or 'on)4 %or the b'oo- "as sti'' -amp $pon her breast "here the b'a-e ha-
entere-4 an- her %'esh 1et "arm;
!here "ere no rocks "ith "hich to b$i'- her a cairn4 so : c$t a"a1 the so- "ith #ra1s"an-ir an-
'ai- her there to rest ,e ha- remo&e- her brace'ets4 her rin)s4 an- her ?e"e'e- combs4 "hich ha-
he'- a'' she possesse- o% %ort$ne; : ha- to c'ose her e1es be%ore : co&ere- her o&er "ith m1 c'oak4
an- here m1 han- %a'tere- an- m1 o"n e1es )re" -im; :t took me a 'on) "hi'e;
: ro-e on4 an- it "as not 'on) be%ore : o&ertook him4 ri-in) as tho$)h he "ere p$rs$e- b1 the
/e&i'4 "hich he "as; : spoke not a "or- "hen : $nhorse- him4 nor a%ter"ar-4 an- : -i- not $se
m1 b'a-e4 tho$)h he -re" his o"n; : h$r'e- his broken bo-1 into a hi)h oak tree4 an- "hen :
'ooke- back it "as -ark "ith bir-s;
: rep'ace- her rin)s4 her brace'ets4 her combs4 be%ore : c'ose- the )ra&e4 an- that "as 9orraine;
A'' that she ha- e&er been or "ante- to be ha- come to this4 an- that is the "ho'e stor1 o% ho"
"e met an- ho" "e parte-4 9orraine an- :4 in the 'an- ca''e- 9orraine4 an- it is 'ike onto m1 'i%e4
: )$ess4 %or a Prince o% Amber is part an- part1 to a'' the rottenness that is in the "or'-4 "hich is
"h1 "hene&er : -o speak o% m1 conscience4 somethin) e'se "ithin me m$st ans"er4 F,aIG :n the
mirrors o% the man1 ?$-)ments4 m1 han-s are the co'or o% b'oo-; : am a part o% the e&i' that e.ists
in the "or'- an- in (ha-o"; : sometime %anc1 m1se'% an e&i' "hich e.ists to oppose other e&i's; :
-estro1 Be'kins "hen : %in- them4 an- on that #reat /a1 o% "hich prophets speak b$t in "hich
the1 -o not tr$'1 be'ie&e4 on that -a1 "hen the "or'- is comp'ete'1 c'eanse- o% e&i'4 then :4 too4
"i'' )o -o"n into -arkness4 s"a''o"in) c$rses; Perhaps e&en sooner than that4 : no" ?$-)e; B$t
"hate&er;;;*nti' that time4 : sha'' not "ash m1 han-s nor 'et them han) $es'ess;
!$rnin)4 : ro-e back to the 3eep o% #ane'on4 "ho kne" b$t "o$'- ne&er $n-erstan-;
0i-in)4 ri-in)4 thro$)h the "i'-4 "eir- "a1s that 'e- to A&a'on4 "e "ent4 #ane'on an- :4 -o"n
a''e1s o% -ream an- o% ni)htmare4 beneath the brass bark o% the s$n an- the hot4 "hite is'es o%
ni)ht4 ti'' these "ere )o'- an- -iamon- chips an- the moon s"am 'ike a s"an; /a1 be''e- %orth
the )reen o% sprin)4 "e crosse- a mi)ht1 ri&er an- the mo$ntains be%ore as "ere %roste- b1 ni)ht;
: $n'eashe- an arro" o% m1 -esire into the mi-ni)ht an- it took %ire o&erhea-4 b$rne- its "a1 'ike
a meteor into the north; !he on'1 -ra)on "e enco$ntere- "as 'ame an- 'impe- a"a1 <$ick'1 to
hi-e4 sin)ein) -aisies as it pante- an- "hee6e-; Bi)rations o% bri)ht bir-s arro"e- o$r
-estination4 an- cr1sta''ine &oices %rom 'akes echoe- o$r "or-s as "e passe-; : san) as "e ro-e4
an- a%ter a time4 #ane'on ?oine- me; =e ha- been tra&e'in) %or o&er a "eek4 an- the 'an- an- the
sk1 an- the bree6es to'- me "e "ere near to A&a'on no";
=e campe- in a "oo- near a 'ake as the s$n s'i- bebin- stone an- the -a1 -ie- -o"n an-
cease-; : "ent o%% to the 'ake to bathe "hi'e #ane'on $npacke- o$r )ear; !he "ater "as co'- an-
bracin); : sp'ashe- abo$t in it %or a 'on) "hi'e;
: tho$)ht : hear- se&era' cries as : bathe-4 b$t : co$'- not be certain; :t "as a "eir- "oo- an- :
"as not o&er'1 concerne-; ,o"e&er4 : -resse- <$ick'1 an- h$rrie- back to the camp;
As : "a'ke-4 : hear- it a)ain8 a "hine4 a p'ea; /ra"in) nearer4 : rea'i6e- that a con&ersation "as
in pro)ress;
!hen : entere- the sma'' c'earin) "e ha- chosen; O$r )ear "as sprea- abo$t an- the be)innin)s
o% a camp%ire ha- been 'ai-;
#ane'on s<$atte- on his ha$nches beneath an oak tree; !he man h$n) %rom it;
,e "as 1o$n) an- %air o% hair an- comp'e.ion; Be1on- that4 it "as har- to sa1 at a )'ance; :t is
-i%%ic$'t4 : -isco&ere-4 to obtain a c'ear initia' impression as to a man@s %eat$res an- si6e "hen he
is han)in) $psi-e -o"n se&era' %eet abo&e the )ro$n-;
,is han-s ha- been tie- behin- bis back an- he h$n) %rom a 'o" bo$)h b1 a rope that ha- been
knotte- abo$t his ri)ht ank'e;
,e "as ta'kin)Dbrie%4 rapi- phrases in response to #ane'on@s <$estionsDan- his %ace "as
moist "ith spitt'e an- s"eat; ,e -i- not han) 'imp'14 b$t s"$n) back an- %orth; !here "as an
abrasion on his cheek an- se&era' spots o% b'oo- on his shirt %ront;
,a'tin)4 : restraine- m1se'% %rom interr$ptin) %or a moment an- "atche-; #ane'on "o$'- not
ha&e p$t him "here he "as "itho$t a reason4 so : "as not imme-iate'1 o&er"he'me- "ith
s1mpath1 %or the %e''o"; =hate&er it "as that ha- prompte- #ane'on to <$estion him th$s4 :
kne" that :4 too4 "o$'- be intereste- in the in%ormation; : "as a'so intereste- in "hate&er the
session "o$'- sho" me concernin) #ane'on4 "ho "as no" somethin) o% an a''1; An- a %e"
more min$tes $psi-e -o"n co$'- not -o that m$ch a--itiona' -ama)e;;;
As his bo-1 s'o"e-4 #ane'on pro--e- him in the stern$m "ith the tip o% his b'a-e an- set him to
s"in)in) &io'ent'1 once a)ain; !his broke the skin 'i)ht'1 an- another re- spot appeare-; At this4
the bo1 crie- o$t; +rom his comp'e.ion4 : co$'- see no" that he "as a 1o$th; #ane'on e.ten-e-
his b'a-e an- he'- its point se&era' inches be1on- the p'ace the bo1@s throat "o$'- come to on the
backs"in); At the 'ast moment4 he snatche- it back an- ch$ck'e- as the bo1 "rithe- an- crie-
o$t4 FP'easeIG
F!he rest4G sai- #ane'on; F!e'' me e&er1thin);G
F!hat@s a''IG sai- the other; F: kno" no moreIG
F=h1 not>G
F!he1 s"ept on b1 me thenI : co$'- not seeIG
F=h1 -i- 1o$ not %o''o">G
F!he1 "ere mo$nte-; : "as on %oot;G
F=h1 -i- 1o$ not %o''o" on %oot then>G
F: "as -a6e-;G
F/a6e-> Ao$ "ere a%rai-I Ao$ -eserte-IG
#ane'on he'- his b'a-e %orth4 snappe- it a"a1 a)ain at the %ina' moment;
FNoIG crie- the 1o$th;
#ane'on mo&e- the b'a-e a)ain;
FAesIG the bo1 screame-; F: "as a%rai-IG
FAn- 1o$ %'e- then>G
FAesI : kept r$nnin)I :@&e been %'eein) e&er since;;;G
FAn- 1o$ kno" nothin) o% ho" thin)s "ent a%ter that>G
FAo$ 'ieIG ,e mo&e- the b'a-e a)ain;
FNoIG sai- the bo1; FP'ease;;;G
: steppe- %or"ar- then; F#ane'on4G : sai-;
,e )'ance- at me an- )rinne-4 'o"erin) the b'a-e; !he bo1 so$)ht m1 e1es;
F=hat ha&e "e here>G : aske-;
F,aIG he sai-4 s'appin) the insi-e o% the 1o$th@s thi)h so that he crie- o$t; FA thie%4 a -eserterD
"ith an interestin) ta'e to te'';G
F!hen c$t him -o"n an- 'et me hear it4G : sai-;
#ane'on t$rne- an- c$t thro$)h the cor- "ith one s"ipe o% his b'a-e; !he bo1 %e'' to the )ro$n-
an- be)an sobbin);
F: ca$)ht him tr1in) to stea' o$r s$pp'ies an- tho$)ht to <$estion him abo$t the area4G #ane'on
sai-; F,e@s come %rom A&a'onD<$ick'1;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F,e "as a %oot so'-ier in a batt'e that took p'ace there t"o ni)hts a)o; ,e t$rne- co"ar- -$rin)
the %i)htin) an- -eserte-;G
!he 1o$th be)an to mo$th a -enia' an- #ane'on kicke- him;
F(i'enceIG he sai-; F:@m te''in) it no"Das 1o$ to'- meIG
!he bo1 mo&e- si-e"a1s 'ike a crab an- 'ooke- at me "ith "i-e4 p'ea-in) e1es;
FBatt'e> =ho "as %i)htin)>G : aske-; #ane'on smi'e- )rim'1;
F:t so$n-s some"hat %ami'iar4G he sai-; F!he %orces o% A&a'on "ere en)a)e- in "hat seems to
ha&e been the 'ar)estDan- perhaps %ina'Do% a 'on) series o% con%rontations "ith bein)s not
<$ite nat$ra';G
: st$-ie- the bo1 an- his e1es -roppe-4 b$t : sa" the %ear that "as there be%ore the1 %e'';
F;;;=omen4G #ane'on sai-; FPa'e %$ries o$t o% some he''4 'o&e'1 an- co'-; Arme- an- armore-;
9on)4 'i)ht hair; 21es 'ike ice; Bo$nte- on "hite4 %irebreathin) stee-s that %e- on h$man %'esh4
the1 came %orth b1 ni)ht %rom a "arren o% ca&es in the mo$ntains an earth<$ake opene- se&era'
1ears a)o; !he1 rai-e-4 takin) 1o$n) men back "ith them as capti&es4 ki''in) a'' others; Ban1
appeare- 'ater as a so$''ess in%antr14 %o''o"in) their &an; !his so$n-s &er1 'ike the men o% the
Circ'e "e kne";G
FB$t man1 o% those 'i&e- "hen the1 "ere %ree-4G : sai-; F!he1 -i- not seem so$'ess then4 on'1
some"hat as : once -i-Damnesiac; :t seems stran)e4G : "ent on4 Fthat the1 -i- not b'ock o%%
these ca&es -$rin) the -a14 since the ri-ers on'1 came %orth b1 ni)ht;;;G
F!he -eserter te''s me this "as trie-4G sai- #ane'on4 Fan- the1 a'"a1s b$rst %orth a%ter a time4
stron)er than be%ore;G
!he bo1 "as ashen4 b$t he no--e- "hen : 'ooke- to"ar- him in<$irin)'1;
F!heir #enera'4 "hom he ca''s the Protector4 ro$te- them man1 times4G #ane'on contin$e-; F,e
e&en spent part o% a ni)ht "ith their 'ea-er4 a pa'e bitch name- 9intraD"hether in -a''iance or
par'a14 :@m not certain; B$t nothin) came o% this; !he rai-s contin$e- an- her %orces )re"
stron)er; !he Protector %ina''1 -eci-e- to mass an a''-o$t attack4 in hopes o% -estro1in) them
$tter'1; :t "as -$rin) that batt'e that this one %'e-4G he sai-4 in-icatin) the 1o$th "ith a )est$re o%
his b'a-e4 F"hich is "h1 "e -o not kno" the en-in) to the stor1;G
F:s that the "a1 it "as>G : aske- him;
!he bo1 'ooke- a"a1 %rom the "eapon@s point4 met m1 e1es %or a moment4 then no--e- s'o"'1;
F:nterestin)4G : sai- to #ane'on; F7er1; :@&e a %ee'in) their prob'em is 'inke- to the one "e ?$st
so'&e-; : "ish : kne" ho" their %i)ht t$rne- o$t;G #ane'on no--e-4 shi%te- bis )rip on his
"eapon; F=e''4 i% "e@re %inishe- "ith him no";;;G he sai-;
F,o'-; : pres$me he "as tr1in) to stea' somethin) to eat>G
F+ree his han-s; =e'' %ee- him;G
FB$t he trie- to stea' %rom $s;G
F/i- 1o$ not sa1 that 1o$ ha- once ki''e- a man %or a pair o% shoes>G
FAes4 b$t that "as -i%%erent;G
F,o" so>G
F: )ot a"a1 "ith it;G
: 'a$)he-; :t broke me $p comp'ete'14 an- : co$'- not stop 'an)hin); ,e 'ooke- irritate-4 then
p$66'e-; !hen he be)an 'a$)hin) himse'%;
!he 1o$th re)ar-e- $s as i% "e "ere a pair o% maniacs;
FA'' ri)ht4G sai- #ane'on %ina''14 Fa'' ri)ht4G an- he stoope-4 t$rne- the bo1 "ith a sin)'e p$sh4
an- se&ere- the cor- that bo$n- his "rists;
FCome4 'a-4G he sai-; F:@'' %etch 1o$ somethin) to eat4G an- he mo&e- to o$r )ear an- opene-
se&era' %oo- parce's;
!he bo1 rose an- 'impe- s'o"'1 a%ter him; ,e sei6e- the %oo- that "as o%%ere- an- be)an eatin)
<$ick'1 an- noisi'14 not takin) his e1es o%% #ane'on; ,is in%ormation4 i% tr$e4 presente- me "ith
se&era' comp'ications4 the %oremost bein) that it "o$'- probab'1 be more -i%%ic$'t to obtain "hat
: "ante- in a "ar-ra&a)e- 'an-; :t a'so 'ent "ei)ht to m1 %ears as to the nat$re an- e.tent o% the
-isr$ption pattern;
: he'pe- #ane'on b$i'- a sma'' %ire;
F,o" -oes this a%%ect o$r p'ans>G he aske-;
: sa" no rea' choice; A'' o% the sha-o"s near to "hat : -esire- "o$'- be simi'ar'1 in&o'&e-; :
co$'- 'a1 m1 co$rse %or one "hich -i- not possess s$ch in&o'&ement4 b$t in reachin) it : "o$'-
ha&e achie&e- the "ron) p'ace; !hat "hich : -esire- "o$'- not be a&ai'ab'e there; :% the %ora1s
o% chaos kept occ$rrin) on m1 -esire-"a'k thro$)h (ha-o"4 then the1 "ere bo$n- $p "ith the
nat$re o% the -esire an- "o$'- ha&e to be -ea't "ith4 one "a1 or another4 sooner or 'ater; !he1
co$'- not be a&oi-e-; ($ch "as the nat$re o% the )ame4 an- : co$'- not comp'ain beca$se : ha-
'ai- -o"n the r$'es;
F=e )o on4G : sai-; F:t is the p'ace o% m1 -esire;G
!he 1o$th 'et o$t a brie% cr14 an- thenDperhaps %rom some %ee'in) o% in-ebte-ness %or m1
ha&in) pre&ente- #ane'on %rom pokin) ho'es in himD"arne-4 F/o not )o to A&a'on4 sir' !here
is nothin) there that 1o$ co$'- -esireI Ao$ "i'' be s'ainIG
: smi'e- to him an- thanke- him; #ane'on ch$ck'e- then an- sai-4 F9et $s take him back "ith $s
to stan- a -eserter@s tria';G
At this4 the 1o$th scramb'e- to his %eet an- be)an r$nnin);
(ti'' 'a$)hin)4 #ane'on -re" his -a))er an- cocke- his arm to thro" it; : str$ck his arm an- his
cast "ent "i-e o% its mark; !he 1o$th &anishe- "ithin the "oo- an- #ane'on contin$e- to 'a$)h;
,e retrie&e- the -a))er %rom "here it ha- %a''en an- sai-4 FAo$ sho$'- ha&e 'et me ki'' him4 1o$
F: -eci-e- a)ainst it;G ,e shr$))e-;
F:% he ret$rns an- c$ts o$r throats toni)ht 1o$ ma1 %in- 1o$rse'% %ee'in) some"hat -i%%erent;G
F: sho$'- ima)ine; B$t he "i'' not4 1o$ kno" that;G
,e shr$))e- a)ain4 ske"erin) a piece o% meat an- "armin) it o&er the %'ames;
F=e''4 "ar has ta$)ht him to sho" a )oo- pair o% hee's4G he ackno"'e-)e-; FPerhaps "e "i''
a"aken in the mornin);G
,e took a bite an- be)an to che"; :t seeme- 'ike a )oo- i-ea an- : %etche- some %or m1se'%;
B$ch 'ater4 : "as a"akene- %rom a tro$b'e- s'eep to stare at stars thro$)h a screen o% 'ea&es;
(ome omen makin) portion o% m1 min- ha- sei6e- $pon the 1o$th an- $se- $s both ba-'1; :t
"as a 'on) "hi'e be%ore : co$'- )et back to s'eep;
:n the mornin) "e kicke- -irt o&er the ashes an- ro-e on; =e ma-e it into the mo$ntains that
a%ternoon an- passe- thro$)h them the %o''o"in) -a1; !here "ere occasiona' si)ns o% recent
passa)e on the trai' "e %o''o"e-4 b$t "e enco$ntere- no one;
!he %o''o"in) -a1 "e passe- se&era' %armho$ses an- cotta)es4 not pa$sin) at an1 o% them; : ha-
opte- a)ainst the "i'-4 -emonic ro$te : ha- %o''o"e- "hen : ha- e.i'e- #ane'on; =hi'e <$ite
brie%4 : kne" that he "o$'- ha&e %o$n- it massi&e'1 -isconcertin); : ha- "ante- this time to
think4 so m$ch a ?o$rne1in) "as not ca''e- %or; No"4 ho"e&er4 the 'on) rente "as nearin) its en-;
=e achie&e- Amber@s sk1 that a%ternoon4 an- : a-mire- it in si'ence; :t mi)ht a'most be the
+orest o% Ar-en thro$)h "hich "e ro-e; !here "ere no horn notes4 ho"e&er4 no E$'ian4 no
Bor)enstern4 no stormho$n-s to harr1 $s4 as there ha- been in Ar-en "hen 'ast : passe- that
"a1; !here "ere on'1 the bir- notes in the )reat-bo'e- trees4 the comp'aint o% a s<$irre'4 the bark
o% a %o.4 the p'ash o% a "ater%a''4 the "hites an- b'$es an- pinks o% %'o"ers in the sha-e;
!he bree6es o% the a%ternoon "ere )ent'e an- coo'C the1 '$''e- me so that : "as $nprepare- %or
the ro" o% %resh )ra&es besi-e the trai' that came into si)ht "hen "e ro$n-e- a ben-; Near b14
there "as a torn an- tramp'e- )'en; =e tarrie- there brie%'1 b$t 'earne- nothin) more than ha-
been imme-iate'1 apparent;
=e passe- another s$ch p'ace %arther a'on)4 an- se&era' %ire-charre- )ro&es; !he trai' "as "e''
"orn b1 then an- the si-e br$sh tramp'e- an- broken4 as b1 the passa)e o% man1 men an- beasts;
!he sme'' o% ashes "as occasiona''1 $pon the air4 an- "e h$rrie- past the part'1 eaten carcass o%
a horse no" "e'' ripene- "here it 'a1;
!he sk1 o% Amber no 'on)er heartene- me4 tho$)h the "a1 "as c'ear %or a 'on) "hi'e a%ter that;
!he -a1 "as r$nnin) to e&enin) an- the %orest ha- thinne- consi-erab'1 "hen #ane'on note-
the smoke trai's to the so$theast; =e took the %irst si-e path that seeme- to 'ea- in that -irection4
a'tho$)h it "as tan)ent to A&a'on proper; :t "as -i%%ic$'t to estimate the -istance4 b$t "e co$'-
te'' that "e "o$'- not reach the p'ace $nti' a%ter ni)ht%a'';
F!heir arm1Dsti'' encampe->G #ane'on "on-ere-;
FOr that o% their con<$eror;G
,e shook his bea- an- 'oosene- his b'a-e in its scabbar-;
!o"ar- t"i'i)ht4 : 'e%t the trai' to %o''o" a so$n- o% r$nnin) "ater to its so$rce; :t "as a c'ear4
c'ean stream that ha- ma-e its "a1 -o"n %rom the mo$ntains an- sti'' bore somethin) o% their
chi'' "ithin it; : bathe- there4 trimmin) m1 ne" bear-in) an- c'eanin) the -$st o% tra&e' %rom m1
)arments as "e''; As "e "ere nearin) this en- o% o$r ?o$rne1in)4 it "as m1 "ish to arri&e "ith
"hat sma'' sp'en-or : co$'- m$ster; Appreciatin) this4 #ane'on e&en sp'ashe- "ater o&er his %ace
an- b'e" his nose 'o$-'1;
(tan-in) on the bank4 b'inkin) m1 rinse- e1es at the hea&ens4 : sa" the moon reso'&e itse'%
sharp an- c'ear4 the %$66iness %a-in) %rom its e-)es; !his "as the %irst time it ha- happene-; B1
breathin) ?erke- to a ha't an- : kept starin); !hen : scanne- the sk1 %or ear'1 stars4 trace- the
e-)es o% c'o$-s4 the -istant mo$ntains4 the %arthest trees; : 'ooke- back at the moon4 an- it sti''
he'- c'ear an- stea-1; B1 e1esi)ht "as norma' once a)ain;
#ane'on -re" back at the so$n- o% m1 'a$)hter4 an- he ne&er in<$ire- as to its ca$se;
($ppressin) an imp$'se to sin)4 : remo$nte- an- hea-e- back to"ar- the trai' once a)ain; !he
sha-o"s -eepene- as "e ro-e4 an- c'$sters o% stars b'oome- amon) the branches o&erhea-; :
inha'e- a bi) piece o% the ni)ht4 he'- it a moment4 re'ease- it; : "as m1se'% once a)ain an- the
%ee'in) "as )oo-;
#ane'on -re" $p besi-e me an- sai- in a 'o" &oice4 F!here "i'' -o$bt'ess be sentries;G
FAes4G : sai-;
F!hen ha-n@t "e better 'ea&e the trai'>G
FNo; : "o$'- rather not seem %$rti&e; :t matters not to me "hether "e arri&e "ith an escort; =e
are simp'1 t"o tra&e'ers;G
F!he1 ma1 re<$ire the reason %or o$r tra&e's;G
F!hen 'et $s be mercenaries "ho ha&e hear- o% stri%e in the rea'm an- come seekin)
FAes; =e 'ook the part; 9et $s hope the1 pa$se 'on) eno$)h to notice;G
F:% the1 cannot see $s that "e''4 then "e are poor tar)ets;G
F!r$e4 b$t : am not %$''1 com%orte- b1 the tho$)ht;G
: 'istene- to the so$n-s o% the horses@ hoo%s on the trai'; !he "a1 "as not strai)ht; :t t"iste-4
c$r&e-4 an- "an-ere- %or a time4 then took an $p"ar- t$rn; As "e mo$nte- the rise it %o''o"e-4
the trees thinne- e&en more;
=e came to the top o% a hi'' then4 an- into a %air'1 open area; A-&ancin)4 "e achie&e- a s$--en
&ie" that co&ere- se&era' mi'es; =e -re" rein at an abr$pt -rop that c$r&e- its "a1 into a
)ra-$a' s'ope a%ter ten or %i%teen precipito$s meters4 s"eepin) -o"n"ar- to a 'ar)e p'ain perhaps
a mi'e -istant4 then contin$in) on thro$)h a hi''14 spora-ica''1 "oo-e- area; !he p'ain "as
-otte- "ith camp%ires an- there "ere a %e" tents to"ar- the center o% thin)s; A 'ar)e n$mber o%
horses )ra6e- near b14 an- : )$esse- there "ere se&era' h$n-re- men sittin) besi-e the %ires or
mo&in) abo$t the compo$n-; #ane'on si)he-;
FAt 'east the1 seem to be norma' men4G he sai-;
F;;;An- i% the1 are norma' mi'itar1 men4 "e are probab'1 bein) "atche- ri)ht no"; !his is too
)oo- a &anta)e to 'ea&e $nposte-;G
!here came a noise %rom behin- $s; =e be)an to t$rn4 ?$st as a near b1 &oice sai-4 F/on@t
mo&eIG : contin$e- to t$rn m1 hea-4 an- : sa" %o$r men; !"o o% them he'- crossbo"s traine- on
$s an- the other t"o ha- b'a-es in their han-s; One o% these a-&ance- t"o paces;
F/ismo$ntIG he or-ere-; FOn this si-eI ('o"'1IG =e c'imbe- -o"n %rom o$r mo$nts an- %ace-
him4 keepin) o$r han-s a"a1 %rom o$r "eapons; F=ho are 1o$> =here are 1o$ %rom>G he aske-;
F=e are mercenaries4G : rep'ie-4 F%rom 9orraine; =e hear- there "as %i)htin) here4 an- "e are
seekin) emp'o1ment; =e "ere hea-e- %or that camp be'o"; :t is 1o$rs4 : hope>G
F;;;An- i% : sai- no4 that "e are a patro' %or a %orce abo$t to in&a-e that camp>G
: shr$))e-; F:n that case4 is 1o$r si-e intereste- in hirin) a co$p'e o% men>G
,e spat; F!he Protector has no nee- %or 1o$r sort4G he sai-; !hen4 F+rom "hat -irection -o 1o$
F2ast4G : sai-;
F/i- 1o$ meet "ith an1 -i%%ic$'t1 recent'1>G
FNo4G : sai-; F(ho$'- "e ha&e>G
F,ar- to sa14G he -eci-e-; F0emo&e 1o$r "eapons; :@m )oin) to sen- 1o$ -o"n to the camp;
!he1 "i'' "ant to <$estion 1o$ abo$t an1thin) 1o$ ma1 ha&e seen in the eastDan1thin)
F=e@&e seen nothin) $n$s$a'4G : sai-;
F=hate&er4 the1 "i'' probab'1 %ee- 1o$; !ho$)h : -o$bt 1o$ "i'' be hire-; Ao$ ha&e come a bit
'ate %or the %i)htin); 0emo&e 1o$r "eapons no";G
,e ca''e- t"o more men %rom "ithin the trees "hi'e "e $nb$ck'e- o$r s"or- be'ts; ,e
instr$cte- them to escort $s be'o"4 on %oot; =e "ere to 'ea- o$r horses; !he men took o$r
"eapons4 an- as "e t$rne- to )o o$r interro)ator crie- o$t4 F=aitIG : t$rne- back to"ar- him;
FAo$; =hat is 1o$r name>G he aske- me;
FCore14G : sai-;
F(tan- sti'';G
,e approache-4 -ra"in) &er1 near; ,e stare- at me %or perhaps ten secon-s;
F=hat is the matter>G : aske-;
:nstea- o% rep'1in)4 he %$mb'e- "ith a po$ch at his be't; ,e "ith-re" a han-%$' o% coins an-
he'- them c'ose to his e1es;
F/amnI :t@s too -ark4G he sai-4 Fan- "e can@t make a 'i)ht;G
F+or "hat>G : sai-;
FOh4 it is not o% an1 )reat importance4G he to'- me; FAo$ str$ck me as %ami'iar4 tho$)h4 an- :
"as tr1in) to think "h1; Ao$ 'ook 'ike the hea- stampe- on some o% o$r o'- coins; A %e" o% them
are sti'' abo$t;
F/oesn@t he>G he a--resse- the nearest bo"man;
!he man 'o"ere- his crossbo" an- a-&ance-; ,e s<$inte- at me %rom a %e" paces@ -istance;
FAes4G he sai- then4 Fhe -oes;G
F=hat "as itDthe one "e@re thinkin) o%>G
FOne o% those o'- men; Be%ore m1 time; : -on@t remember;G
FBe neither; =e'';;;G ,e shr$))e-; FNo importance; #o ahea-4 Core1; Ans"er their <$estions
honest'1 an- 1o$@'' not be harme-;G
: t$rne- a"a1 an- 'e%t him there in the moon'i)ht4 )a6in) a%ter me an- scratchin) the top o% his
!he men "ho )$ar-e- $s "ere not the ta'kati&e sort; =hich "as ?$st as "e'';
A'' the "a1 -o"n the hi'' : "on-ere- abo$t the bo1@s stor1 an- the reso'$tion o% the con%'ict he
ha- -escribe-4 %or : ha- achie&e- the ph1sica' ana'o)$e o% the "or'- o% m1 -esire an- "o$'- no"
ha&e to operate "ithin the pre&ai'in) sit$ations;
!he camp ha- the p'easant sme'' o% man an- beast4 "oo- smoke4 roastin) meat4 'eather an- oi'4
a'' intermin)'e- in the %ire'i)ht "here men ta'ke-4 hone- "eapons4 repaire- )ear4 ate4 )ame-4
s'ept4 -rank4 an- "atche- $s as "e 'e- o$r mo$nts thro$)h their mi-st4 escorte- in the -irection
o% a near'1 centra' trio o% tattere- tents; A sphere o% si'ence e.pan-e- abo$t $s as "e "ent;
=e "ere ha'te- be%ore the secon--'ar)est tent an- one o% o$r )$ar-s spoke "ith a man "ho "as
pacin) the area; !he man shook his hea- se&era' times an- )est$re- in the -irection o% the 'ar)est
tent; !he e.chan)e 'aste- %or se&era' min$tes4 then o$r )$ar- ret$rne- an- spoke "ith the other
)$ar- "ho "aite- at o$r 'e%t; +ina''14 o$r man no--e- an- approache- me "hi'e the other
s$mmone- a man %rom the nearest camp%ire;
F!he o%%icers are a'' at a meetin) in the Protector@s tent4G he sai-; F=e are )oin) to hobb'e 1o$r
horses an- p$t them to )ra6e; *nstrap 1o$r thin)s an- set them here; Ao$ "i'' ha&e to "ait to see
the captain;G : no--e-4 an- "e set abo$t $nsto"in) o$r be'on)in)s an- r$bbin) the horses -o"n;
: patte- (tar on the neck an- "atche- a sma'' man "ith a 'imp 'ea- him an- #ane'on@s mo$nt
+ire-rake o%% to"ar- the other horses; =e sat on o$r packs then an- "aite-; One o% the )$ar-s
bro$)ht $s some hot tea an- accepte- a pipe%$' o% m1 tobacco; !he1 mo&e- then to a spot
some"hat to o$r rear;
: "atche- the bi) tent4 sippe- m1 tea4 an- tho$)ht o% Amber an- a sma'' ni)ht c'$b in the 0$e -e
Char et Pain in Br$sse's4 on the sha-o" 2arth : ha- so 'on) inhabite-; Once : obtaine- the
?e"e'ers ro$)e : nee-e- %rom here4 : "o$'- be hea-in) %or Br$sse's to -ea' "ith the arms
merchants o% the #$n Bo$rse once a)ain; B1 or-er "o$'- be comp'icate- an- e.pensi&e4 :
rea'i6e-4 beca$se some amm$nition man$%act$rer "o$'- ha&e to be pers$a-e- to set $p a specia'
pro-$ction 'ine; : kne" -ea'ers on that 2arth other than :nterannco4 thanks to m1 itinerant
mi'itar1 back)ro$n- in that p'ace4 an- : estimate- that it "o$'- on'1 take me a %e" months to )et
o$t%itte- there; : be)an consi-erin) the -etai's an- time passe- <$ick'1 an- p'easant'1;
A%ter "hat "as probab'1 an ho$r an- a ha'%4 the sha-o"s stirre- "ithin the 'ar)e tent; :t "as
se&era' min$tes a%ter that be%ore the entrance %'ap "as thro"n asi-e an- men be)an to emer)e4
s'o"'14 ta'kin) amon) themse'&es4 )'ancin) back "ithin; !he 'ast t"o tarrie- at the thresho'-4
sti'' ta'kin) "ith someone "ho remaine- insi-e; !he rest o% them passe- into the other tents;
!he t"o at the entrance e-)e- their "a1 o$tsi-e4 sti'' %acin) the interior; : co$'- hear the so$n-s
o% their &oices4 a'tho$)h : co$'- not make o$t "hat "as bein) sai-; As the1 -ri%te- %arther
o$tsi-e4 the man "ith "hom the1 "ere speakin) mo&e- a'so an- : ca$)ht a )'impse o% him; !he
'i)ht "as at his back an- the t"o o%%icers b'ocke- most o% m1 &ie"4 b$t : co$'- see that he "as
thin an- &er1 ta'';
O$r )$ar-s ha- not 1et stirre-4 in-icatin) to me that one o% the t"o o%%icers "as the captain
mentione- ear'ier; : contin$e- to stare4 "i''in) them to mo&e %arther an- )rant me a better 'ook at
their s$perior;
A%ter a time the1 -i-4 an- a %e" moments 'ater he took a step %or"ar-;
At %irst4 : co$'- not te'' "hether it "as ?$st a p'a1 o% 'i)ht an- sha-o";;;B$t noI ,e mo&e- a)ain
an- : ha- a c'ear &ie" %or a moment; ,e "as missin) his ri)ht arm4 %rom a point ?$st be'o" the
e'bo"; :t "as so hea&i'1 ban-a)e- that : )$esse- the 'oss to ha&e been <$ite recent;
!hen his 'ar)e 'e%t han- ma-e a -o"n"ar-4 s"eepin) )est$re an- ho&ere- a )oo- -istance o$t
%rom his bo-1; !he st$mp t"itche- at the same moment4 an- so -i- somethin) at the back o% m1
min-; ,is hair "as 'on) an- strai)ht an- bro"n4 an- : sa" the "a1 that his ?a" ?$tte-;;;
,e steppe- o$tsi-e then4 an- a bree6e ca$)ht the c'oak he "ore an- ca$se- it to %'are to his ri)ht;
: sa" that his shirt "as 1e''o"4 his tro$sers bro"n; !he c'oak itse'% "as a %'ame-'ike oran)e4 an-
he ca$)ht its e-)e "ith an $nnat$ra''1 rapi- mo&ement o% his 'e%t han- an- -re" it back to co&er
his st$mp;
: stoo- <$ick'14 an- his hea- snappe- in m1 -irection;
O$r )a6es met4 an- neither o% $s mo&e- %or se&era' heartbeats a%ter that;
!he t"o o%%icers t$rne- an- stare-4 an- then he p$she- them asi-e an- "as stri-in) to"ar- me; :
hear- #ane'on )r$nt an- c'imb <$ick'1 to his %eet; O$r )$ar-s "ere taken b1 s$rprise4 a'so;
,e ha'te- se&era' paces be%ore me an- his ha6e' e1es s"ept o&er me; ,e se'-om smi'e-4 b$t he
mana)e- a %aint one this time;
FCome "ith me4G he sai-4 an- he t$rne- back to"ar- his tent;
=e %o''o"e- him4 'ea&in) o$r )ear "here it 'a1;
,e -ismisse- the t"o o%%icers "ith a )'ance4 ha'te- besi-e the tent@s entrance an- motione- $s
in; ,e %o''o"e- an- 'et the %'ap %a'' behin- him; B1 e1es took in his be-ro''4 a sma'' tab'e4
benches4 "eapons4 a campai)n chest; !here "as an oi' 'amp on the tab'e4 as "e'' as books4 maps4
a bott'e4 an- some c$ps; Another 'amp %'ickere- atop the chest;
,e c'aspe- m1 han- an- smi'e- a)ain; FCor"in4G he sai-4 Fan- sti'' a'i&e;G
FBene-ict4G : sai-4 smi'in) m1se'%4 Fan- breathin) 1et; :t has been -e&i'ish 'on);G
F:n-ee-; =ho is 1o$r %rien->G F,is name is #ane'on;G
F#ane'on4G he sai-4 no--in) to"ar- him b$t not o%%erin) to c'asp han-s;
,e mo&e- to the tab'e then an- po$re- three c$ps o% "ine; ,e passe- one to me4 another to
#ane'on4 raise- the thir- himse'%;
F!o 1o$r hea'th4 brother4G he sai-;
F!o 1o$rs;G =e -rank;
!hen4 FBe seate-4G he sai-4 )est$rin) to"ar- the nearest bench an- seatin) himse'% at the tab'e4
Fan- "e'come to A&a'on;G
F!hank 1o$DProtector;G ,e )rimace-;
F!he sobri<$et is not $nearne-4G he sai- %'at'14 contin$in) to st$-1 m1 %ace; F: "on-er "hether
their ear'ier protector co$'- sa1 the same>G
F:t "as not rea''1 this p'ace4G : sai-4 Fan- : be'ie&e that he co$'-;G ,e shr$))e-;
FO% co$rse4G he sai-; F2no$)h o% thatI =here ha&e 1o$ been> =hat ha&e 1o$ been -oin)> =h1
ha&e 1o$ come here> !e'' me o% 1o$rse'%; :t has been too 'on);G
: no--e-; :t "as $n%ort$nate4 b$t %ami'1 eti<$ette as "e'' as the ba'ance o% po"er re<$ire- that :
ans"er his <$estions be%ore askin) an1 o% m1 o"n; ,e "as m1 e'-er4 an- : ha-Da'beit
$nkno"in)Dintr$-e- in his sphere o% in%'$ence; :t "as not that : be)r$-)e- him the co$rtes1; ,e
"as one o% the %e" amon) m1 man1 re'ati&es "hom : respecte- an- e&en 'ike-; :t "as that : "as
itchin) to <$estion him; :t ha- been4 as he ha- sai-4 too 'on);
An- ho" m$ch sho$'- : te'' him no"> : ha- no notion "here his s1mpathies mi)ht 'ie; : -i- not
-esire to -isco&er the reasons %or his se'%-impose- e.i'e %rom Amber b1 mentionin) the "ron)
thin)s; : "o$'- ha&e to be)in "ith somethin) %air'1 ne$tra' an- so$n- him o$t as : "ent a'on);
F!here m$st be a be)innin)4G he sai- then; F: care not "hat %ace 1o$ p$t $pon it;G
F!here are man1 be)innin)s4G : sai-; F:t is -i%%ic$'t;;;: s$ppose : sho$'- )o a'' the "a1 back an-
take it %rom there;G : took another sip o% the "ine;
FAes4G' -eci-e-; F!hat seems simp'estDtho$)h it "as on'1 comparati&e'1 recent'1 that :
reca''e- m$ch o% "hat ba- occ$rre-;
F:t "as se&era' 1ears a%ter the -e%eat o% the Boonri-ers o$t o% #henesh an- 1o$r -epart$re that
2ric an- : ha- a ma?or %a''in) o$t4G : be)an; FAes4 it "as a <$arre' o&er the s$ccession; /a- ha-
been makin) ab-ication noises a)ain4 an- he sti'' re%$se- to name a s$ccessor; Nat$ra''14 the o'-
ar)$ments "ere res$me- as to "ho "as more 'e)itimate; O% co$rse4 1o$ an- 2ric are both m1
e'-ers4 b$t "hi'e +aie''a4 mother to 2ric an- m1se'%4 "as his "i%e a%ter the -eath o% C'1mnea4
F2no$)hIG crie- Bene-ict4 s'appin) the tab'e so har- that it cracke-;
!he 'amp -ance- an- sp$ttere-4 b$t b1 some sma'' mirac'e "as not $pset; !he tent@s entrance
%'ap "as imme-iate'1 p$she- asi-e an- a concerne- )$ar- peere- in; Bene-ict )'ance- at him
an- he "ith-re";
F: -o not "ish to sit in on o$r respecti&e bastar-1 procee-in)4G Bene-ict sai- so%t'1; F!hat
obscene pasttime "as one o% the reasons : initia''1 absente- m1se'% %rom %e'icit1; P'ease contin$e
1o$r stor1 "itho$t the bene%it o% %ootnotes;G
F=e''D1es4G : sai-4 co$)hin) 'i)ht'1; FAs : "as sa1in)4 "e ha- some rather bitter ar)$ments
concernin) the "ho'e matter; !hen one e&enin) it "ent be1on- mere "or-s; =e %o$)ht;G
FA -$e'>G
FNothin) that %orma'; A sim$'taneo$s -ecision to m$r-er one another is more 'ike it; At an1 rate4
"e %o$)ht %or a 'on) "hi'e an- 2ric %ina''1 )ot the $pper han- an- procee-e- to p$'&eri6e me; At
the risk o% )ettin) ahea- o% m1 stor14 : ha&e to a-- that a'' o% this "as on'1 reca''e- to me abo$t
%i&e 1ears a)o;G Bene-ict no--e-4 as tho$)h he $n-erstoo-;
F: can on'1 con?ect$re as to "hat occ$rre- imme-iate'1 a%ter : 'ost conscio$sness4G : "ent on;
FB$t 2ric stoppe- short o% ki''in) me himse'%; =hen : a"akene-4 : "as on a sha-o" 2arth in a
p'ace ca''e- 9on-on; !he p'a)$e "as rampant at the time4 an- : ha- contracte- it; : reco&ere-
"ith no memor1 o% an1thin) prior to 9on-on; : -"e''e- on that sha-o" "or'- %or cent$ries4
seekin) some c'$e as to m1 i-entit1; : tra&e'e- a'' o&er it4 o%ten as part o% some mi'itar1
campai)n; : atten-e- their $ni&ersities4 : spoke "ith some o% their "isest men4 : cons$'te-
%amo$s ph1sicians; B$t no"here co$'- : %in- the ke1 to m1 past; :t "as ob&io$s to me that : "as
not 'ike other men an- : took )reat pains to concea' this %act; : "as %$rio$s beca$se : co$'- ha&e
an1thin) that : "ante- e.cept "hat : "ante- mostDm1 o"n i-entit14 m1 memories;
F!he 1ears passe-4 b$t this an)er an- this 'on)in) -i- not; :t took an acci-ent that %ract$re- m1
sk$'' to set o%% the chan)es that 'e- to the ret$rn o% m1 %irst reco''ections; !his "as appro.imate'1
%i&e 1ears a)o4 an- the iron1 o% it is that : ha&e )oo- reason to be'ie&e 2ric "as responsib'e %or
the acci-ent; +'ora ha- apparent'1 been resi-ent on that sha-o" 2arth a'' a'on)4 keepin) "atch
o&er me;
F!o ret$rn to con?ectnre4 2ric m$st ha&e sta1e- his han- at the 'ast moment4 -esirin) m1 -eath4
b$t not "antin) it traceab'e to him; (o he transporte- me thro$)h (ha-o" to a p'ace o% s$--en4
a'most certain -eathD-o$bt'ess to ret$rn an- sa1 that "e ha- ar)$e- an- : ha- ri--en o%% in a
h$%%4 m$tterin) somethin) abo$t )oin) a"a1 a)ain; =e ha- been h$ntin) in the +orest o% Ar-en
that -a1D?$st the t"o o% $s4 to)ether;G
F: %in- it stran)e4G Bene-ict interr$pte-4 Fthat t"o ri&a's s$ch as 1o$rse'&es sho$'- e'ect to h$nt
to)ether $n-er s$ch circ$mstances;G
: took a sip o% "ine an- smi'e-;
FPerhaps it "as a tri%'e more contri&e- than : ma-e it so$n-4G : sai-; FPerhaps "e both
"e'come- the opport$nit1 to h$nt to)ether; E$st the t"o o% $s;G
F: see4G he sai-; F(o it is possib'e that 1o$r sit$ations co$'- ha&e been re&erse->G
F=e''4G : sai-4 Fthat is -i%%ic$'t to sa1; : -o not be'ie&e : "o$'- ha&e )one that %ar; : am ta'kin) as
o% no"4 o% co$rse; Peop'e -o chan)e4 1o$ kno"; Back then;;;> Aes4 : mi)ht ha&e -one the same
thin) to him; : cannot sa1 %or certain4 b$t it is possib'e;G ,e no--e- a)ain4 an- : %e't a %'ash o%
an)er "hich passe- <$ick'1 into am$sement;
F+ort$nate'14 : am not o$t to ?$sti%1 m1 o"n moti&es %or an1thin)4G : contin$e-; F!o )o on "ith
m1 )$ess"ork4 : be'ie&e that 2ric kept tabs on me a%ter that4 -o$bt'ess -isappointe- at %irst that :
ha- s$r&i&e-4 b$t satis%ie- as to m1 harm'essness; (o he arran)e- to ha&e +'ora keep an e1e on
me4 an- the "or'- t$rne- peace%$''1 %or a 'on) "hi'e; !hen4 pres$mab'14 /a- ab-icate- an-
-isappeare- "itho$t the <$estion o% the s$ccession ha&in) been sett'e-DG
F!he he'' he -i-IG sai- Bene-ict; F!here "as no ab-ication; ,e ?$st &anishe-; One mornin) he
simp'1 "as not in his chambers; ,is be- ha- not e&en been s'ept in; !here "ere no messa)es; ,e
ha- been seen enterin) the s$ite the e&enin) be%ore4 b$t no one sa" him -epart; An- e&en this
"as not consi-ere- stran)e %or a 'on) "hi'e; At %irst it "as simp'1 tho$)ht that he "as so?o$min)
in (ha-o" once a)ain4 perhaps to seek another bri-e; :t "as a 'on) "hi'e be%ore an1one -are-
s$spect %o$' p'a1 or chose to constr$e this as a no&e' %orm o% ab-ication;G
F: "as not a"are o% this4G : sai-; FAo$r so$rces o% in%ormation seem to ha&e been c'oser to the
heart o% thin)s than mine "ere;G
,e on'1 no--e-4 )i&in) rise to $neas1 spec$'ations on m1 part as to his contact in Amber; +or a''
: kne"4 he co$'- be pro-2ric these -a1s;
F=hen "as the 'ast time 1o$ "ere back there 1o$rse'%>G : &ent$re-;
FA 'itt'e o&er t"ent1 1ears a)o4G he rep'ie-4 Fb$t : keep in to$ch;G
Not "ith an1one "ho ha- care- to mention it to meI ,e m$st ha&e kno"n that as he sai- it4 so
-i- he mean me to take it as a ca$tionDor a threat> B1 min- race-; O% co$rse he possesse- a set
o% the Ba?or !r$mps; : %anne- them menta''1 an- "ent thro$)h them 'ike ma-; 0an-om ha-
pro%esse- i)norance as to his "hereabo$ts; Bran- ha- been missin) a 'on) "hi'e; : ha- ha-
in-ication that he "as sti'' a'i&e4 imprisone- in some $np'easant p'ace or other an- in no position
to report on the happenin)s in Amber; +'ora co$'- not ha&e been his contact4 as she ha- been in
&irt$a' e.i'e in (ha-o" herse'% $nti' recent'1; 9'e"e''a "as in 0ebrna; /eir-re "as in 0ebrna
a'so4 an- ha- been o$t o% %a&or in Amber "hen 'ast : sa" her; +iona> E$'ian ha- to'- me she "as
Fsome"here to the so$th;G ,e "as $ncertain as to precise'1 "here; =ho -i- that 'ea&e>
2ric himse'%4 E$'ian4 #erar-4 or Caine4 as : sa" it; (cratch 2ric; ,e "o$'- not ha&e passe- a'on)
the -etai's o% /a-@s non-ab-ication in a manner that "o$'- a''o" thin)s to be taken as Bene-ict
ha- taken them; E$'ian s$pporte- 2ric4 b$t "as not "itho$t persona' ambitions o% the hi)hest
or-er; ,e "o$'- pass a'on) in%ormation i% it mi)ht bene%it him to -o so; /itto %or Caine; #erar-4
on the other han-4 ha- a'"a1s str$ck me as more intereste- in the "e'%are o% Amber itse'% than in
the <$estion o% "ho sat on its throne; ,e "as not o&er-%on- o% 2ric4 tho$)h4 an- ha- once been
"i''in) to s$pport either B'e1s or m1se'% o&er him; : be'ie&e- he "o$'- ha&e consi-ere-
Bene-ict@s a"areness o% e&ents to be somethin) in the nat$re o% an ins$rance po'ic1 %or the
rea'm; Aes4 it "as a'most certain'1 one o% these three; E$'ian hate- me; Caine neither 'ike- nor
-is'ike- me especia''14 an- #erar- an- : share- %on- memories that "ent a'' the "a1 back to m1
chi'-hoo-; : "o$'- ha&e to %in- o$t "ho it "as4 <$ick'1Dan- he "as not 1et rea-1 to te'' me4 o%
co$rse4 kno"in) nothin) o% m1 present moti&es; A 'iaison "ith Amber co$'- be $se- to h$rt me
or bene%it me in short or-er4 -epen-in) $pon his -esire an- the person on the other en-; :t "as
there%ore both s"or- an- shie'- to him4 an- : "as some"hat h$rt that he ha- chosen to -isp'a1
these acco$trements so <$ick'1; : chose to take it that his recent in?$r1 ha- ser&e- to make him
abnorma''1 "ar14 %or : ha- certain'1 ne&er )i&en him ca$se %or -istress; (ti''4 this ca$se- me to
%ee' abnorma''1 "ar1 a'so4 a sa- thin) to kno" "hen meetin) one@s brother a)ain %or the %irst
time in man1 1ears;
F:t is interestin)4G : sai-4 s"ir'in) the "ine "ithin m1 c$p; F:n this 'i)ht4 then4 it appears that
e&er1one ma1 ha&e acte- premat$re'1;G
FNot e&er1one4G he sai-;
: %e't m1 %ace re--en;
FAo$r4 par-on4G : sai-;
,e no--e- c$rt'1;
FP'ease contin$e 1o$r te''in);G
F=e''4 to contin$e m1 chain o% ass$mptions4G : sai-4 F"hen 2ric -eci-e- that the throne ha-
been &acant 'on) eno$)h an- the time ha- come to make his mo&e4 he m$st a'so ha&e -eci-e-
that m1 amnesia "as not s$%%icient an- that it "o$'- be better to see m1 c'aim <$itte- entire'1; At
this time4 he arran)e- %or me to ha&e an acci-ent o%% on that sha-o" 2arth4 an acci-ent "hich
sho$'- ha&e pro&en %ata' b$t -i- not;G
F,o" -o 1o$ kno" this> ,o" m$ch o% it is )$ess"ork>G
F+'ora as m$ch as a-mitte- it to meDinc'$-in) her o"n comp'icit1 in the thin)D"hen :
<$estione- her 'ater;G
F7er1 interestin); #o on;G
F!he bash on m1 hea- pro&i-e- "hat e&en (i)m$n- +re$- ha- been $nab'e to obtain %or me
ear'ier4G : sai-; F!here ret$rne- to me sma'' reco''ections that )re" stron)er an- stron)erD
especia''1 a%ter : enco$ntere- +'ora an- "as e.pose- to a'' manner o% thin)s that stim$'ate- m1
memor1; : "as ab'e to con&ince her that it ha- %$''1 ret$rne-4 so her speech "as open as to
peop'e an- thin)s; !hen 0an-om sho"e- $p4 %'eein) %rom somethin)DG
F+'eein)> +rom "hat> =h1>G
F+rom some stran)e creat$res o$t o% (ha-o"; : ne&er %o$n- o$t "h1;G
F:nterestin)4G he sai-4 an- : ha- to a)ree; : ha- tho$)ht o% it o%ten4 back in m1 ce''4 "on-erin)
?$st "h1 0an-om ha- entere-4 sta)e 'e%t4 p$rs$e- b1 +$ries4 in the %irst p'ace; +rom the moment
"e met $nti' the moment "e parte-4 "e ha- been in some sort o% peri'C : ha- been preocc$pie-
"ith m1 o"n tro$b'es an- he ha- &o'$nteere- nothin) concernin) his abr$pt appearance; :t ha-
crosse- m1 min-4 o% co$rse4 at the time o% his arri&a'4 b$t : "as $ncertain as to "hether it "as
somethin) o% "hich : mi)ht be e.pecte- to ha&e kno"'e-)e4 an- : 'et it )o at that; 2&ents then
s$bmer)e- it $nti' 'ater in m1 ce'' an- a)ain the present moment; :nterestin)> :n-ee-; A'so4
F: mana)e- to take in 0an-om as to m1 con-ition4G : contin$e-; F,e be'ie&e- : "as seekin) the
throne4 "hen a'' that : "as conscio$s'1 seekin) "as m1 memor1; ,e a)ree- to he'p me ret$rn to
Amber4 an- he s$ccee-e- in )ettin) me back; =e''4 a'most4G : correcte-; F=e "o$n- $p in
0ebma; B1 then4 : ha- to'- 0an-om m1 tr$e con-ition4 an- he propose- m1 "a'kin) the Pattern
a)ain as a means o% restorin) it %$''1; !he opport$nit1 "as there4 an- : took it; :t pro&e- e%%ecti&e4
an- : $se- the po"er o% the Pattern to transport m1se'% into Amber;G ,e smi'e-;
FAt this point; 0an-om m$st ha&e been a &er1 $nhapp1 man4G he sai-;
F,e "as not e.act'1 sin)in) "ith )'ee4G : sai-; F,e ha- accepte- Boire@s ?$-)ment4 that he "e-
a "oman o% her choosin)Da b'in- )ir' name- 7ia''eDan- remain there "ith her %or at 'east a
1ear; : 'e%t him behin-4 an- : 'ater 'earne- that he ha- -one this thin); /eir-re "as a'so there; =e
ha- enco$ntere- her a'on) the "a14 in %'i)ht %rom Amber4 an- the three o% $s ha- entere- 0ebma
to)ether; (he remaine- behin-4 a'so;G
: %inishe- m1 "ine an- Bene-ict no--e- to"ar- the bott'e; :t "as a'most empt14 tho$)h4 so he
%etche- a %resh bott'e %rom his chest an- "e %i''e- o$r c$ps; : took a 'on) s"a''o"; :t "as better
"ine than the pre&io$s; B$st ha&e been his pri&ate stock;
F:n the pa'ace4G : "ent on4 F: ma-e m1 "a1 to the 'ibrar14 "here : obtaine- a pack o% the !arots;
!his "as m1 main reason %or &ent$rin) there; : "as s$rprise- b1 2ric be%ore : co$'- -o m$ch
e'se an- "e %o$)ht4 there in the 'ibrar1; : s$ccee-e- in "o$n-in) him an- be'ie&e : co$'- ha&e
%inishe- him4 sa&e that rein%orcements arri&e- an- : "as %orce- to %'ee; : contacte- B'e1s then4
"ho )a&e me passa)e to him in (ha-o"; Ao$ ma1 ha&e hear- the rest %rom 1o$r o"n so$rces;
,o" B'e1s an- : thre" in to)ether4 assa$'te- Amber4 'ost; ,e %e'' %rom the %ace o% 3o'&ir; :
tosse- him m1 !arots an- be ca$)ht them; : $n-erstan- that his bo-1 "as ne&er %o$n-; B$t it "as
a 'on) "a1 -o"nDtho$)h : be'ie&e the ti-e "as hi)h b1 then; : -o not kno" "hether he -ie-
that -a1 or not;G
FNeither -o :4G sai- Bene-ict;
F(o : "as imprisone- an- 2ric "as cro"ne-; : "as pre&ai'e- $pon to assist in the coronation4
-espite a sma'' -em$rrer on m1 part; : -i- s$ccee- in cro"nin) m1se'% be%ore that bastar-D
)enea'o)ica''1 speakin)Dha- it back an- p'ace- it on his o"n hea-; !hen he ha- me b'in-e- an-
sent to the -$n)eons;G
,e 'eane- %or"ar- an- st$-ie- m1 %ace; FAes4G he sai-4 F: ha- hear- that; ,o" "as it -one>G
F,ot irons4G : sai-4 "incin) in&o'$ntari'1 an- repressin) an imp$'se to c'$tch at m1 e1es; F:
passe- o$t part"a1 thro$)h the or-ea';G
F=as there act$a' contact "ith the e1eba''s>G
FAes4G : sai-; F: think so;G
FAn- ho" 'on) -i- the re)eneration take>G
F:t "as c'ose to %o$r 1ears be%ore : co$'- see a)ain4G : sai-4 Fan- m1 &ision is ?$st )ettin) back
to norma' no"; (oDabo$t %i&e 1ears a'to)ether4 : "o$'- sa1;G
,e 'eane- back4 si)he-4 an- smi'e- %aint'1;
F#oo-4G he sai-; FAo$ )i&e me some sma'' hope; Others o% $s ha&e 'ost portions o% their
anatom1 an- e.perience- re)eneration a'so4 o% co$rse4 b$t : ne&er 'ost an1thin) si)ni%icantD
$nti' no";G
FOh 1es4G : sai-; F:t is a most impressi&e recor-; : re&ie"e- it re)$'ar'1 %or 1ears; A co''ection o%
bits an- pieces4 man1 o% them %or)otten : -aresa14 b$t b1 the principa's an- m1se'%8 %in)ertips4
toes4 ear 'obes; : "o$'- sa1 that there is hope %or 1o$r arm; Not %or a 'on) "hi'e4 o% co$rse;
F:t is a )oo- thin) that 1o$ are ambi-e.tro$s4G : a--e-;
,is smi'e "ent on an- o%% an- he took a -rink o% "ine; No4 he "as not rea-1 to te'' me "hat ha-
happene- to him;
: took another sip o% m1 o"n; : -i- not "ant to te'' him abo$t /"orkin; : ha- "ante- to sa&e
/"orkin as somethin) o% an ace in the ho'e; None o% $s $n-erstoo- the man@s %$'' po"er4 an- he
"as ob&io$s'1 ma-; B$t he co$'- be manip$'ate-; 2&en /a- ha- apparent'1 come to %ear him
a%ter a time4 an- ha- ha- him 'ocke- a"a1; =hat "as it that he ha- to'- me back in m1 ce''> !hat
/a- ha- ha- him con%ine- a%ter he ha- anno$nce- his -isco&er1 o% a means %or -estro1in) a'' o%
Amber; :% this "as not ?$st the ramb'in) o% a ps1chotic an- "as the rea' reason %or his bein)
"here he "as4 then /a- ha- been %ar more )enero$s that : "o$'- ha&e been; !he man "as too
-an)ero$s to 'et 'i&e; On the other han-4 tho$)h; /a- ha- been tr1in) to c$re him o% his
con-ition; /"orkin ha- spoken o% -octors4 men he ha- %ri)htene- a"a1 or -estro1e- "hen he
ha- t$rne- his po"ers a)ainst them; Bost o% m1 memories o% him "ere o% a "ise4 kin-'1 o'-
man4 <$ite -e&ote- to /a- an- the rest o% the %ami'1; :t "o$'- be -i%%ic$'t rea-i'1 to -estro1
someone 'ike that i% there "as some hope; ,e ha- been con%ine- to "hat sho$'- ha&e been
inescapab'e <$arters; Aet "hen he ha- )ro"n bore- one -a14 he ha- simp'1 "a'ke- o$t; No man
can "a'k thro$)h (ha-o" in Amber4 the &er1 absence o% (ha-o"4 so he ha- -one somethin) :
-i- not $n-erstan-4 somethin) in&o'&in) the princip'e behin- the !r$mps4 an- ha- 'e%t his
<$arters; Be%ore he ret$rne- to them4 : mana)e- to pers$a-e him to pro&i-e me "ith a simi'ar %rom m1 o"n ce''4 one that transporte- me to the 'i)htho$se o% Cabra4 "here : reco&ere-
some"hat4 then set o$t $pon the &o1a)e that took me to 9orraine; Bost 'ike'1 he "as sti''
$n-etecte-; As : $n-erstoo- it4 o$r %ami'1 ha- a'"a1s possesse- specia' po"ers4 b$t it "as he
"ho ana'16e- them an- %orma'i6e- their %$nctions b1 means o% the Pattern an- the !arots; ,e
ha- o%ten trie- to -isc$ss the matter4 b$t it ha- seeme- a"%$''1 abstract an- borin) to most o% $s;
=e are a &er1 pra)matic %ami'14 -amn itI Bran- "as the on'1 one "ho seeme- to ha&e ha- an1
interest in the s$b?ect; An- +iona; : ha- a'most %or)otten; (ometimes +iona "o$'- 'isten; An-
/a-; /a- kne" an a"%$' 'ot o% thin)s that he ne&er -isc$sse-; ,e ne&er ha- m$ch time %or $s4
an- there "ere so man1 thin)s abo$t him that "e -i- not kno"; B$t he "as probab'1 as "e''
&erse- as /"orkin in "hate&er princip'es "ere in&o'&e-; !heir main -i%%erence "as one o%
app'ication; /"orkin "as an artist; : -o not rea''1 kno" "hat /a- "as; ,e ne&er enco$ra)e-
intimac14 tho$)h he "as not an $nkin- %ather; =hene&er he took note o% $s4 he "as <$ite 'a&ish
"ith )i%ts an- -i&ersions; B$t he 'e%t o$r $pbrin)in) to &ario$s members o% his co$rt; ,e
to'erate- $s4 : %ee'4 as occasiona''1 ine&itab'e conse<$ences o% passion; Act$a''14 : am <$ite
s$rprise- that the %ami'1 is not m$ch 'ar)er; !he thirteen o% $s4 p'$s t"o brothers an- a sister :
kne" "ho "ere no" -ea-4 represent c'ose to %i%teen h$n-re- 1ears o% parenta' pro-$ction; !here
ha- been a %e" others a'so4 o% "hom : ha- hear-4 'on) be%ore $s4 "ho ha- not s$r&i&e-; Not a
tremen-o$s battin) a&era)e %or so '$st1 a 'ie)e4 b$t then none o% $s ha- pro&e- e.cessi&e'1
%erti'e either; As soon as "e "ere ab'e to %en- %or o$rse'&es an- "a'k in (ha-o"4 /a- ha-
enco$ra)e- $s to -o so4 %in- p'aces "here "e "o$'- be happ1 an- sett'e there; !his "as m1
connection "ith the A&a'on "hich is no more; (o %ar as : kne"4 /a-@s o"n ori)ins "ere kno"n
on'1 to himse'%; : ha- ne&er enco$ntere- an1one "hose memor1 stretche- back to a time "hen
there ha- been no Oberon; (tran)e> Not to kno" "here one@s o"n %ather comes %rom4 "hen one
has ha- cent$ries in "hich to e.ercise one@s c$riosit1> Aes; B$t he "as secreti&e4 po"er%$'4
shre"-Dtraits "e a'' possess to some -e)ree; ,e "ante- $s "e'' sit$ate- an- satis%ie-4 : %ee'D
b$t ne&er so en-o"e- as to present a threat to his o"n rei)n; !here "as in him4 : )$esse-4 an
e'ement o% $neasiness4 a not $n?$sti%iab'e sense o% ca$tion "ith respect to o$r 'earnin) too m$ch
concernin) himse'% an- times 'on) )one b1; : -o not be'ie&e that he ha- e&er tr$'1 en&isione- a
time "hen he "o$'- not r$'e in Amber; ,e occasiona''1 spoke4 ?okin)'1 or )r$mb'in)'14 o%
ab-ication; B$t : a'"a1s %e't this to be a ca'c$'ate- thin)4 to see "hat responses it "o$'- pro&oke;
,e m$st ha&e rea'i6e- the state o% a%%airs his passin) "o$'- pro-$ce4 b$t re%$se- to be'ie&e that
the sit$ation "o$'- e&er occ$r; An- no one o% $s rea''1 kne" a'' o% his -$ties an- responsibi'ities4
his secret commitments; As -istaste%$' as : %o$n- the a-mission4 : "as comin) to %ee' that none
o% $s "as rea''1 %it to take the throne; : "o$'- ha&e 'ike- to b'ame /a- %or this ina-e<$ac14 b$t
$n%ort$nate'1 : ha- kno"n +re$- too 'on) not to %ee' se'%-conscio$s abo$t it; A'so4 : "as no"
be)innin) to "on-er abo$t the &a'i-it1 o% an1 o% o$r c'aims; :% there ha- been no ab-ication an-
he -i- in-ee- sti'' 'i&e4 then the best o% $s co$'- rea''1 hope to -o "as sit in re)enc1; : "o$'- not
'ook %or"ar-Despecia''1 %rom the throneDto his ret$rnin) an- %in-in) thin)s other"ise; 9et@s
%ace it4 : "as a%rai- o% him4 an- not "itho$t ca$se; On'1 a %oo' -oes not %ear a )en$ine po"er that
he -oes not $n-erstan-; B$t "hether the tit'e be kin) or re)ent4 m1 c'aim on it "as stron)er than
2ric@s an- : "as sti'' -etermine- to ha&e it; :% a po"er o$t o% /a-@s -ark past4 "hich none o% $s
rea''1 $n-erstoo-4 co$'- ser&e to sec$re it4 an- i% /"orkin -i- represent s$ch a po"er4 then he
m$st remain hi--en $nti' he co$'- be emp'o1e- on m1 beha'%;
2&en4 : aske- m1se'%4 i% the po"er he represente- "as the po"er to -estro1 Amber itse'%4 an-
"ith it to shatter the sha-o" "or'-s an- capsi6e a'' o% e.istence as : $n-erstoo- it>
2specia''1 then4 : ans"ere- m1se'%; +or "ho e'se co$'- be tr$ste- "ith s$ch po"er> =e are
in-ee- a &er1 pra)matic %ami'1;
Bore "ine4 an- then : %$mb'e- "ith m1 pipe4 c'eanin) it4 repackin) it;
F!hat4 basica''14 is m1 stor1 to -ate4G : sai-4 re)ar-in) m1 han-i"ork4 risin) an- takin) a 'i)ht
%rom the 'amp; FA%ter : reco&ere- m1 si)ht4 : mana)e- to escape4 %'e- Amber4 tarrie- %or a time
in a p'ace ca''e- 9orraine4 "here : enco$ntere- #ane'on4 then came here;G
F=h1>G : reseate- m1se'% an- 'ooke- at him a)ain;
FBeca$se it is near to the A&a'on : once kne"4G : sai-;
: ha- p$rpose'1 re%raine- %rom mentionin) an1 ear'ier ac<$aintanceship "ith #ane'on4 an-
hope- that he "o$'- take a c$e %rom it; !his sha-o" "as near eno$)h to o$r A&a'on so that
#ane'on sho$'- be %ami'iar "ith its topo)raph1 an- most o% its c$stoms; +or "hate&er it "as
"orth4 it seeme- po'itic to keep this in%ormation %rom Bene-ict;
,e passe- o&er it as : tho$)ht he mi)ht4 b$rie- there "here it "as besi-e more interestin)
FAn- o% 1o$r escape>G he aske-; F,o" -i- 1o$ mana)e that>G
F: ha- he'p4 o% co$rse4G : a-mitte-4 Fin )ettin) o$t o% the ce''; Once o$tD=e''4 there are sti'' a
%e" passa)es o% "hich 2ric is $na"are;G
F: see4G he sai-4 no--in)Dhopin)4 nat$ra''14 that : "o$'- )o on to mention m1 partisans@ names4
b$t kno"in) better than to ask;
: p$%%e- m1 pipe an- 'eane- back4 smi'in);
F:t is )oo- to ha&e %rien-s4G he sai-4 as i% in a)reement "ith some $n&oice- tho$)ht : mi)ht be
F: )$ess that "e a'' ha&e a %e" o% them in Amber;G
F: 'ike to think so4G he sai-; !hen4 F: $n-erstan- 1o$ 'e%t the part'1 "hitt'e- ce'' -oor 'ocke-
behin- 1o$4 ha- set %ire to 1o$r be--in)4 an- ha- -ra"n pict$res on the "a'';G
FAes4G : sai-; FPro'on)e- con%inement -oes somethin) to a man@s min-; At 'east4 it -i- to mine;
!here are 'on) perio-s -$rin) "hich : kno" : "as irrationa';G
F: -o not en&1 1o$ the e.perience4 brother4G he sai-; FNot at a''; =hat are 1o$r p'ans no">G
F!he1 are sti'' $ncertain;G
F/o 1o$ %ee' that 1o$ mi)ht "ish to remain here>G
F: -o not kno"4G : sai-; F=hat is the state o% a%%airs here>G
F: am in char)e4G he sai-Da simp'e statement o% %act4 not a boast; F: be'ie&e : ha&e ?$st
s$ccee-e- in -estro1in) the on'1 ma?or threat to the rea'm; :% : am correct4 then a reasonab'1
tran<$i' perio- sho$'- be at han-; !he price "as hi)hGDhe )'ance- at "hat remaine- o% his arm
DFb$t "i'' ha&e been "orth itDas sha'' be seen be%ore &er1 'on)4 "hen thin)s ha&e ret$rne- to
,e then procee-e- to re'ate "hat "as basica''1 the same sit$ation the 1o$th ha- -escribe-4
)oin) on to te'' ho" the1 ha- "on the batt'e; !he 'ea-er o% the he''mai-s s'ain4 her ri-ers ha-
bo'te- an- %'e-; Bost o% them "ere a'so s'ain then4 an- the ca&erns ha- been sea'e- once more;
Bene-ict ha- -eci-e- to maintain a sma'' %orce in the %ie'- %or moppin)-$p p$rposes4 his sco$ts
the "hi'e combin) the area %or s$r&i&ors;
,e ma-e no mention o% the meetin) bet"een himse'% an- their 'ea-er4 9intra;
F=ho s'e" their 'ea-er>G : aske- him;
F: mana)e- it4G he sai-4 makin) a s$--en mo&ement "ith his st$mp4 Ftho$)h : hesitate- a
moment too 'on) on m1 %irst b'o";G
: )'ance- a"a1 an- so -i- #ane'on; =hen : 'ooke- back4 his %ace ha- ret$rne- to norma' an- he
ha- 'o"ere- his arm;
F=e 'ooke- %or 1o$; /i- 1o$ kno" that4 Cor"in>G he aske-; FBran- searche- %or 1o$ in man1
sha-o"s4 as -i- #erar-; Ao$ )$esse- correct'1 as to "hat 2ric sai- a%ter 1o$r -isappearance that
-a1; =e "ere inc'ine- to 'ook %arther than his "or-4 ho"e&er; =e trie- 1o$r !r$mp repeate-'14
b$t there "as no response; :t m$st be that brain -ama)e can b'ock it; !hat is interestin); Ao$r
%ai'$re to respon- to the !r$mp 'e- $s to be'ie&e 1o$ ha- -ie-; !hen E$'ian4 Caine4 an- 0an-om
?oine- the search;G
FA'' that> 0ea''1> : am astonishe-;G
,e smi'e-;
FOh4G : sai- then4 an- smi'e- m1se'%;
!heir ?oinin) the h$nt at that point meant that it "as not m1 "e'%are that concerne- them4 b$t the
possibi'it1 o% obtainin) e&i-ence o% %ratrici-e a)ainst 2ric4 so as to -isp'ace him or b'ackmai'
F: so$)ht %or 1o$ in the &icinit1 o% A&a'on4G he contin$e-4 Fan- : %o$n- this p'ace an- "as taken
b1 it; :t "as in a piti%$' con-ition in those -a1s4 an- %or )enerations : "orke- to restore it to its
%ormer )'or1; =hi'e : be)an this in memor1 o% 1o$4 : -e&e'ope- a %on-ness %or this 'an- an- its
peop'e; !he1 came to consi-er me their protector4 an- so -i- :;G
: "as tro$b'e- as "e'' as to$che- b1 this; =as he imp'1in) that : ha- %o$'e- thin)s $p terrib'1
an- that he ha- tarrie- here to p$t them in or-erDso as to c'ean $p a%ter his ki- brother this one
'ast time> Or -i- he mean that he rea'i6e- : ha- 'o&e- this p'aceDor a p'ace &er1 m$ch 'ike itD
an- that he ha- "orke- to set it in )oo- or-er as somethin) : mi)ht ha&e "ishe- -one> Perhaps :
"as becomin) o&ersensiti&e;
F:t is )oo- to kno" that : "as so$)ht4G : sai-4 Fan- it is &er1 )oo- to kno" that 1o$ are the
-e%en-er o% this 'an-; : "o$'- 'ike to see this p'ace4 %or it -oes remin- me o% the A&a'on that :
kne"; =o$'- 1o$ ha&e an1 ob?ections to m1 &isitin) here>G
F!hat is a'' that 1o$ "ish to -o> 7isit>G
F!hat is a'' that : ha- in min-;G
F3no" then that "hat is remembere- o% the sha-o" o% 1o$rse'% that once rei)ne- here is not
)oo-; Chi'-ren are not name- Cor"in in this p'ace4 nor am : brother to an1 Cor"in here;G
F: $n-erstan-4G : sai-; FB1 name is Core1; Can "e be o'- %rien-s>G ,e no--e-;
FO'- %rien-s o% mine are a'"a1s "e'come to &isit here4G he sai-;
: smi'e- an- no--e-; : %e't ins$'te- that he "o$'- entertain the notion that : ha- -esi)ns $pon
this sha-o" o% a sha-o"8 :4 "ho ha-Da'beit b$t %or an instantD%e't the co'- %ire o% Amber@s
cro"n $pon m1 bro";
: "on-ere- "hat his attit$-e "o$'- ha&e been ha- he kno"n o% m1 responsibi'it14 "hen it came
-o"n to basics4 %or the rai-s; +or that matter4 : s$ppose4 : "as a'so responsib'e %or the 'oss o% his
arm; : pre%erre- to p$sh thin)s one step %arther back4 ho"e&er4 an- ho'- 2ric responsib'e; A%ter
a''4 it "as his action that ha- prompte- m1 c$rse;
(ti''4 : hope- that Bene-ict "o$'- ne&er %in- o$t : "ante- &er1 ba-'1 to kno" "here he stoo-
"ith respect to 2ric; =o$'- he s$pport him4 thro" his "ei)ht behin- me4 or ?$st sta1 o$t o% the
"a1 "hen : ma-e m1 mo&e> Con&erse'14 : "as certain that he "on-ere- "hether m1 ambitions
"ere -ea- or sti'' smo'-erin)Dan- i% the 'atter4 "hat m1 p'ans "ere %or stokin) them; (o;;;
=ho "as )oin) to raise the matter>
: took se&era' )oo- p$%%s on m1 pipe4 %inishe- m1 "ine4 po$re- some more4 p$%%e- a)ain; :
'istene- to the so$n-s o% the camp4 the "in-4 m1 stomach;;;Bene-ict took a sip o% "ine;
!hen4 F=hat are 1o$r 'on)-ran)e p'ans>G he aske- me4 a'most cas$a''1;
: co$'- sa1 that : ha- not ma-e $p m1 min- 1et4 that : "as simp'1 happ1 to be %ree4 a'i&e4
seein);;;; : co$'- te'' him that that "as eno$)h %or me4 %or no"4 that : ha- no specia' p'ans;;;;
;;;An- he "o$'- kno" that : 'ie- in m1 teeth; +or he kne" me better than that;
(o4 FAo$ kno" "hat m1 p'ans are4G : sai-;
F:% 1o$ "ere to ask %or m1 s$pport4G he sai-4 F: "o$'- -en1 it; Amber is in ba- eno$)h shape
"itho$t another po"er )rab;G
F2ric is a $s$rper;G
F: choose to 'ook $pon him as re)ent on'1; At this time4 an1 o% $s "ho c'aims the throne is )$i't1
o% $s$rpation;G
F!hen 1o$ be'ie&e /a- sti'' 'i&es>G
FAes; A'i&e an- -istresse-; ,e has ma-e se&era' attempts to comm$nicate;G
: s$ccee-e- in keepin) m1 %ace %rom sho"in) an1thin); (o : "as not the on'1 one4 then; !o
re&ea' m1 e.periences at this point "o$'- so$n- h1pocritica'4 opport$nistic4 or a %'at 'ieDsince
in o$r seemin) contact o% %i&e 1ears a)o he ha- )i&en me the )oDahea- to take the throne; O%
co$rse4 he co$'- ha&e been re%errin) to a re)enc1 then;;;;
FAo$ -i- not 'en- s$pport to 2ric "hen he took the throne4G : sai-; F=o$'- 1o$ )i&e it to him
no" that he ho'-s it4 i% an attempt "ere ma-e to $nseat him>G
F:t is as : sai-4G he to'- me; F: 'ook $pon him as re)ent; : -o not sa1 that : appro&e o% this4 b$t :
-esire no %$rther stri%e in Amber;G
F!hen 1o$ "o$'- s$pport him>G
F: ha&e sai- a'' that : ha&e to sa1 on the matter; Ao$ are "e'come to &isit m1 A&a'on4 b$t not to
$se it as a sta)in) area %or an in&asion o% Amber; /oes that c'ari%1 matters "ith respect to
an1thin) 1o$ ma1 ha&e in min->G
F:t c'ari%ies matters4G : sai-;
F!his bein) the case4 -o 1o$ sti'' "ish to &isit here>G
F: -o not kno"4G : sai-; F/oes 1o$r -esire to a&oi- stri%e in Amber "ork both "a1s>G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F: mean that i% : "ere ret$rne- to Amber a)ainst m1 "i''4 : "o$'- -amn "e'' create as m$ch
stri%e as : co$'- to pre&ent a rec$rrence o% m1 pre&io$s sit$ation;G
!he 'ines "ent o$t o% his %ace an- he s'o"'1 'o"ere- his e1es;
F: -i- not mean to imp'1 that : "o$'- betra1 1o$; /o 1o$ think that : am "itho$t %ee'in)s4
Cor"in> : "o$'- not see 1o$ imprisone- a)ain4 b'in-e-Dor "orse; Ao$ are a'"a1s "e'come to
&isit here4 an- 1o$ ma1 'ea&e 1o$r %ears a'on) "ith 1o$r ambitions at the bor-er;G
F!hen : "o$'- sti'' 'ike to &isit4G : sai-; F: ha&e no arm14 nor -i- : come here to recr$it one;G
F!hen 1o$ kno" that 1o$ are most "e'come;G
F!hank 1o$4 Bene-ict; =hi'e : -i- not e.pect to %in- 1o$ here4 : am )'a- that : -i-;G ,e
re--ene- %aint'1 an- no--e-;
F:t p'eases me4 a'so4G he sai-; FAm : the %irst o% $s 1o$ ha&e seenDsince 1o$r escape>G :
FAes4 an- : am c$rio$s as to ho" e&er1one is %arin); An1 ma?or reports>G
FNo ne" -eaths4G he sai-;
=e both ch$ck'e-4 an- : kne" that : "o$'- ha&e to t$rn $p the %ami'1 )ossip on m1 o"n; :t ha-
been "orth the attempt4 tho$)h;
F: am p'annin) on remainin) in the %ie'- %or a time4G he sai-4 Fan- contin$in) m1 patro's $nti' :
am satis%ie- that none o% the in&a-ers remain; :t co$'- be another "eek be%ore "e "ith-ra";G
FOh> !hen it "as not a tota' &ictor1>G
F: be'ie&e that it "as4 b$t : ne&er take $nnecessar1 chances; :t is "orth a 'itt'e more time to be
FPr$-ent4G : sai-4 no--in);
F;;;(o $n'ess 1o$ ha&e a stron) -esire to remain here in camp4 : see no reason "h1 1o$ sho$'-
not procee- on to"ar- to"n an- )et near the center o% thin)s; : maintain se&era' resi-ences abo$t
A&a'on; : ha&e in min- %or 1o$r $se a sma'' manor ho$se that : ha&e %o$n- p'easant; :t is not %ar
%rom to"n;G
F: 'ook %or"ar- to seein) it;G
F: "i'' pro&i-e 1o$ "ith a map an- a 'etter to m1 ste"ar- in the mornin);G
F!hank 1o$4 Bene-ict;G
F: "i'' ?oin 1o$ there as soon as : ha&e %inishe- here4G he sai-4 Fan- in the meantime4 : ha&e
messen)ers passin) that "a1 -ai'1; : "i'' keep in to$ch "ith 1o$ thro$)h them;G
F7er1 )oo-;G
F!hen %in- 1o$rse'&es a com%ortab'e piece o% )ro$n-4G he sai-; FAo$@'' not miss the break%ast
ca''4 :@m s$re;G
F: se'-om -o4G : sai-; F:s it a'' ri)ht i% "e s'eep at that spot "here "e 'e%t o$r )ear>G
FCertain'14G he sai-4 an- "e %inishe- the "ine;
As "e 'e%t his tent4 : sei6e- the %'ap $p hi)h "hen : opene- it an- "as ab'e to s<$ee6e it se&era'
inches to the si-e "hen : cast it be%ore me; Bene-ict ba-e $s )oo- ni)ht an- t$rne- a"a1 as he
'et it %a''4 not noticin) the )ap o% se&era' inches that : ha- create- a'on) its one si-e;
: ma-e m1 be- $p a )oo- -istance to the ri)ht o% o$r e<$ipment4 %acin) in the -irection o%
Bene-ict@s tent4 an- : mo&e- the )ear itse'% as : r$mma)e- thro$)h it; #ane'on shot me a
<$i66ica' 'ook4 b$t : simp'1 no--e- an- ma-e a mo&ement "ith m1 e1es to"ar- the tent; ,e
)'ance- that "a14 ret$rne- the no-4 an- procee-e- to sprea- his o"n b'ankets %arther to the ri)ht;
: meas$re- it "ith m1 e1es4 "a'ke- o&er4 an- sai-4 FAo$ kno"4 :@- m$ch rather s'eep here;
=o$'- 1o$ min- s"itchin) "ith me>G : a--e- a "ink %or emphasis;
FBakes no -i%%erence to me4G be sai-4 shr$))in);
!he camp%ires ha- -ie- or "ere -1in)4 an- most o% the compan1 ha- t$rne- in; !he )$ar- on'1
pai- $s hee- a co$p'e o% times aro$n-; !he camp "as &er1 <$iet an- there "ere no c'o$-s to
obsc$re the bri''iance o% the stars; : "as tire-4 an- the sme''s o% the smoke an- the -amp earth
came p'easant'1 to m1 nostri's4 remin-in) me o% other times an- p'aces s$ch as this an- the rest
at the -a1@s en-;
:nstea- o% c'osin) m1 e1es4 ho"e&er4 : %etche- m1 pack an- proppe- m1 back a)ainst it4 %i''e-
m1 pipe a)ain4 an- str$ck it to 'i%e;
: a-?$ste- m1 position t"ice as he pace- "ithin the tent; Once4 he &anishe- %rom m1 %ie'- o%
&ision an- remaine- hi--en %or se&era' moments; B$t the %ar 'i)ht mo&e- then4 an- : kne" that
he ha- opene- the chest; !hen he came into si)ht once more an- c'eare- the tab'e4 -roppe- back
%or an instant4 ret$rne- an- reseate- himse'% in his ear'ier position; : mo&e- so that : co$'- keep
si)ht o% his 'e%t arm;
,e "as pa)in) thro$)h a book4 or sortin) somethin) o% abo$t that si6e; Car-s4 ma1be>
: "o$'- ha&e )i&en a 'ot %or one )'impse o% the !r$mp that he %ina''1 sett'e- $pon an- he'-
be%ore him; : "o$'- ha&e )i&en a 'ot to ha&e #ra1s"an-ir beneath m1 han-4 in case another
person s$--en'1 came into the tent b1 means other than the entrance thro$)h "hich : spie-; B1
pa'ms an- the so'es o% m1 %eet tin)'e-4 in anticipation o% %'i)ht or combat;
B$t he remaine- a'one;
,e sat there $nmo&in) %or perhaps a <$arter o% an ho$r4 an- "hen he %ina''1 stirre- it "as on'1
to rep'ace the car-s some"here in his chest an- to e.tin)$ish the 'amps;
!he )$ar- contin$e- on his monotono$s ro$n-s an- #ane'on be)an to snore;
: emptie- m1 pipe an- ro''e- o&er onto m1 si-e;
!omorro"4 : to'- m1se'%; :% : "ake $p here tomorro"4 e&er1thin) "i'' be a'' ri)ht;;;
Chapter !
: s$cke- on a b'a-e o% )rass an- "atche- the mi'' "hee' t$rn; : "as '1in) on m1 stomach on the
stream@s opposite bank4 m1 hea- proppe- in m1 han-s; !here "as a tin1 rainbo" in the mist
abo&e the %roth an- boi' at the %oot o% the "ater%a''4 an- an occasiona' -rop'et %o$n- its "a1 to
me; !he stea-1 sp'ashin) an- the so$n- o% the "hee' -ro"ne- o$t a'' other noises in the "oo-;
!he mi'' "as -eserte- to-a14 an- : contemp'ate- it beca$se : ha- not seen its 'ike in a)es;
=atchin) the "hee' an- 'istenin) to the "ater "ere more than ?$st re'; :t "as some"hat
:t "as o$r thir- -a1 at Bene-ict@s p'ace4 an- #ane'on "as o%% in to"n seekin) am$sement; : ha-
accompanie- him on the pre&io$s -a1 an- 'earne- "hat : "ante- to kno" at that time; No" : ha-
no time %or si)ht-seein); : ha- to think an- act <$ick'1; !here ha- been no -i%%ic$'t1 at the camp;
Bene-ict ha- seen $s %e- an- ha- %$rnishe- $s "ith the map an- the 'etter he ha- promise-; =e
ha- -eparte- at s$nrise an- arri&e- at the manor aro$n- mi--a1; =e "ere "e'' recei&e-4 an-
a%ter sett'in) into the <$arters "e "ere sho"n4 "e ha- ma-e o$r "a1 into to"n4 "here "e ha-
spent the ba'ance o% the -a1;
Bene-ict "as p'annin) to remain in the %ie'- %or se&era' more -a1s; : "o$'- ha&e to be -one
"ith the task : ha- set m1se'% be%ore he came home; (o a he''ri-e "as in or-er; !here "as no
time %or 'eis$re'1 ?o$rne1in)4 : ha- to remember the proper sha-o"s an- be $n-er "a1 soon;
:t "o$'- ha&e been re%reshin)4 bein) in this p'ace that "as so 'ike m1 A&a'on4 e.cept that m1
th"arte- p$rposes "ere reachin) the point o% obsession; 0ea'i6in) this "as not tantamo$nt to
contro''in) it4 ho"e&er; +ami'iar si)hts an- so$n-s ha- -i&erte- me on'1 brie%'14 then : ha-
t$rne- once more to m1 p'annin);
:t sho$'- "ork o$t neat'14 as : sa" it; !his one ?o$rne1 sho$'- so'&e t"o o% m1 prob'ems4 i% :
co$'- mana)e it "itho$t aro$sin) s$spicion; :t meant that : "o$'- -e%inite'1 be )one o&erni)ht4
b$t : ha- anticipate- this an- ha- a'rea-1 instr$cte- #ane'on to co&er %or me;
B1 hea- no--in) "ith each creak o% the "hee'4 : %orce- e&er1thin) e'se %rom m1 min- an- set
abo$t rememberin) the necessar1 te.t$re o% the san-4 its co'oration4 the temperat$re4 the "in-s4
the to$ch o% sa't in the air4 the c'o$-s;;;
: s'ept then an- : -reame-4 b$t not o% the p'ace that : so$)ht;
: re)ar-e- a bi) ro$'ette "hee'4 an- "e "ere a'' o% $s on itDm1 brothers4 m1 sisters4 m1se'%4
an- others "hom : kne" or ha- kno"nDrisin) an- %a''in)4 each "ith his a''otte- section; =e
"ere a'' sho$tin) %or it to stop %or $s an- "ai'in) as "e passe- the top an- hea-e- -o"n once
more; !he "hee' ha- be)$n to s'o" an- : "as on the rise; A %air-haire- 1o$th h$n) $psi-e -o"n
be%ore me4 sho$tin) p'eas an- "arnin)s that "ere -ro"ne- in the cacophon1 o% &oices; ,is %ace
-arkene-4 "rithe-4 became a horrib'e thin) to beho'-4 an- : s'ashe- at the cor- that bo$n- his
ank'e an- he %e'' %rom si)ht; !he "hee' s'o"e- e&en more as : neare- the top4 an- : sa" 9orraine
then; (he "as )est$rin)4 beckonin) %rantica''14 an- ca''in) m1 name; : 'eane- to"ar- her4 seein)
her c'ear'14 "antin) her4 "antin) to he'p her; B$t as the "hee' contin$e- its t$rnin) she passe-
%rom m1 si)ht; FCor"inIG
: trie- to i)nore her cr14 %or : "as a'most to the top; :t came a)ain4 b$t : tense- m1se'% an-
prepare- to sprin) $p"ar-; :% it -i- not stop %or me4 : "as )oin) to tr1 )immickin) the -amne-
thin)4 e&en tho$)h %a''in) o%% "o$'- mean m1 tota' r$in; : rea-ie- m1se'% %or the 'eap; Another
c'ick; FCor"inIG
:t rece-e-4 ret$rne-4 %a-e-4 an- : "as 'ookin) to"ar- the "ater "hee' a)ain "ith m1 name
echoin) in m1 ears an- min)'in)4 mer)in)4 %a-in) into the so$n- o% the stream;
: b'inke- m1 e1es an- ran m1 %in)ers thro$)h m1 hair; A n$mber o% -an-e'ions %e'' abo$t m1
sho$'-ers as : -i- so4 an- : hear- a )i))'e %rom some"here behin- me;
: t$rne- <$ick'1 an- stare-;
(he stoo- abo$t a -o6en paces %rom me4 a tai'4 s'en-er )ir' "ith -ark e1es an- c'ose-croppe-
bro"n hair; (he "ore a %encin) ?acket an- he'- a rapier in her ri)ht han-4 a mask in her 'e%t; (he
"as 'ookin) at me an- 'a$)hin); ,er teeth "ere "hite4 e&en an- a tri%'e 'on)C a ban- o% %reck'es
crosse- her sma'' nose an- the $pper portions o% her "e''-tanne- cheeks; !here "as that air o%
&ita'it1 abo$t her "hich is attracti&e in "a1s -i%%erent %rom mere come'iness; 2specia''14
perhaps4 "hen &ie"e- %rom the &anta)e o% man1 1ears; (he sa'$te- me "ith her b'a-e; F2n
)ar-e4 Cor"inIG she sai-;
F=ho the /e&i' are 1o$>G : aske-4 ?$st then noticin) a ?acket4 mask4 an- rapier besi-e me in the
FNo <$estions4 no ans"ers4G she sai-; FNot ti'' "e@&e %ence-;G
(he %itte- her mask o&er her hea- then an- "aite-;
: rose an- picke- $p the ?acket; : co$'- see that it "o$'- be easier to %ence than ar)$e "ith her;
!he %act that she kne" m1 name -ist$rbe- me4 an- the more that : tho$)ht o% it the more she
seeme- someho" %ami'iar; :t "as best to h$mor her4 : -eci-e-4 shr$))in) into the ?acket an-
b$ck'in) it; : picke- $p the b'a-e4 p$''e- on the mask;
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-4 sketchin) a brie% sa'$te an- a-&ancin); FA'' ri)ht;G
(he mo&e- %or"ar- then an- "e met; : 'et her carr1 the attack;
(he came on &er1 %ast "ith a beat-%eint-%eint-thr$st; B1 riposte "as t"ice as %ast4 b$t she "as
ab'e to parr1 it an- come back "ith e<$a' spee-; : be)an a s'o" retreat then4 -ra"in) her o$t; (he
'a$)he- an- came on4 pressin) me har-; (he "as )oo- an- she kne" it; (he "ante- to sho" o%%;
(he a'most )ot thro$)h t"ice4 too4 in the same "a1-'o"-'ineD"hich : -i- not 'ike at a''; : ca$)ht
her "ith a stop-thr$st as soon as : co$'- a%ter that; (he c$rse- so%t'14 )oo-nat$re-'14 as she
ackno"'e-)e- it an- came ri)ht back at me; : -o not or-inari'1 'ike to %ence "ith "omen4 no
matter ho" )oo- the1 are4 b$t this time : -isco&ere- that : "as en?o1in) m1se'%; !he ski'' an-
)race "ith "hich she carrie- the attacks an- bore them )a&e me p'eas$re to beho'- an- respon-
to4 an- : %o$n- m1se'% contemp'atin) the min- that 'a1 behin- that st1'e; At %irst4 : ha- "ante- to
tire her <$ick'14 to conc'$-e the match an- <$estion her; No" : %o$n- m1se'% -esirin) to pro'on)
the enco$nter;
(he -i- not tire rea-i'1; !here "as sma'' ca$se %or concern on that co$nt; : 'ost track o% time as
"e stampe- back an- %orth a'on) the bank o% the stream4 o$r b'a-es c'ickin) stea-i'1;
A 'on) "hi'e m$st ha&e passe-4 tho$)h4 be%ore she stampe- her hee' an- thre" $p her b'a-e in a
%ina' sa'$te; (he tore o%% her mask then an- )a&e me another smi'e;
F!hank 1o$IG she sai-4 breathin) hea&i'1;
: ret$rne- the sa'$te an- -re" o%% the bir- ca)e; : tame- an- %$mb'e- "ith the ?acket b$ck'es4
an- be%ore : rea'i6e- it she ha- approache- an- kisse- me on the cheek; (he ha- not ha- to stan-
tiptoe to -o it either; : %e't momentari'1 con%$se-4 b$t : smi'e-; Be%ore : co$'- sa1 an1thin)4 she
ha- taken m1 arm an- t$rne- me back in the -irection %rom "hich "e ha- come;
F:@&e bro$)ht $s a picnic basket4G she sai-;
F7er1 )oo-; : am h$n)r1; : am a'so c$rio$s;;;G
F: "i'' te'' 1o$ an1thin) that 1o$ "ant to hear4G she sai- merri'1;
F,o" abo$t te''in) me 1o$r name>G : sai-;
F/ara4G she rep'ie-; FB1 name is /ara4 a%ter m1 )ran-mother;G
(he )'ance- at me as she sai- it4 as tho$)h hopin) %or a reaction; : a'most hate- to -isappoint
her4 b$t : no--e- an- repeate- it4 then4 F=h1 -i- 1o$ ca'' me Cor"in>G : aske-;
FBeca$se that is 1o$r name4G she sai-; F: reco)ni6e- 1o$;G
F+rom "here>G (he re'ease- m1 arm;
F,ere it is4G she sai-4 reachin) behin- a tree an- raisin) a basket that ha- been restin) $pon the
ri-)es o% e.pose- roots;
F: hope the ants -i-n@t )et to it4G she sai-4 mo&in) to a sha-e- area besi-e the stream an-
sprea-in) a c'oth $pon the )ro$n-;
: h$n) the %encin) )ear on a nearb1 shr$b;
FAo$ seem to carr1 <$ite a %e" thin)s aro$n- "ith 1o$4G : obser&e-;
FB1 horse is back that "a14G she sai-4 )est$rin) -o"nstream "ith her hea-;
(he ret$rne- her attention to "ei)hin) -o"n the c'oth an- $npackin) the basket;
F=h1 "a1 back there>G : aske-;
F(o that : co$'- sneak $p on 1o$4 o% co$rse; :% 1o$@- hear- a horse c'ompin) aro$n- 1o$@- ha&e
been a"ake s$re as he'';G
FAo$@re probab'1 ri)ht4G : sai-;
(he pa$se- as tho$)h pon-erin) -eep'14 then spoi'e- it "ith a )i))'e;
FB$t 1o$ -i-n@t the %irst time4 tho$)h; (ti'';;;G
F!he %irst time>G : sai-4 seein) she "ante- me to ask it;
FAes4 : a'most ro-e o&er 1o$ a"hi'e back4G she sai-; FAo$ "ere so$n- as'eep; =hen : sa" "ho
it "as4 : "ent back %or a picnic basket an- the %encin) )ear;G
FOh; : see;G
FCome an- sit -o"n no"4G she sai-; FAn- open the bott'e4 "i'' 1o$>G
(he p$t a bott'e besi-e m1 p'ace an- care%$''1 $n"rappe- t"o cr1sta' )ob'ets4 "hich she then
set in the center o% the c'oth;
: mo&e- to m1 p'ace an- sat -o"n;
F!hat is Bene-ict@s best cr1sta'4G : note-4 as : opene- the bott'e;
FAes4G she sai-; F/o be care%$' not to $pset them "hen 1o$ po$rDan- : -on@t think "e sho$'-
c'ink them to)ether;G
FNo4 : -on@t think "e sho$'-4G : sai-4 an- : po$re-; (he raise- her )'ass;
F!o the re$nion4G she sai-;
F=hat re$nion>G
FO$rs;G F: ha&e ne&er met 1o$ be%ore;G
F/on@t be so prosaic4G she sai-4 an- took a -rink;
: shr$))e-; F!o the re$nion;G
(he be)an to eat then4 so : -i- too; (he "as so en?o1in) the air o% m1ster1 she ha- create- that :
"ante- to cooperate4 ?$st to keep her happ1;
FNo" "here co$'- : ha&e met 1o$>G : &ent$re-; F=as it some )reat co$rt> A harem4 perhaps;;;>G
FPerhaps it "as in Amber4G she sai-; F!here 1o$ "ere;;;G 4
FAmber>G : sai-4 rememberin) that : "as ho'-in) Bene-ict@s cr1sta' an- con%inin) m1 emotions
to m1 &oice; FE$st "ho are 1o$4 an1"a1>G
F;;;!here 1o$ "ereDhan-some4 conceite-4 a-mire- b1 a'' the 'a-ies4G she contin$e-4 Fan- there
: "asDa mo$s1 'itt'e thin)4 a-mirin) 1o$ %rom a%ar; #ra14 or paste'Dnot &i&i-D'itt'e /araDa
'ate b'oomer4 : hasten to a--Deatin) her heart o$t %or 1o$DG : m$ttere- a mi'- obscenit1 an-
she 'a$)he- a)ain; F!hat "asn@t it>G she aske-;
FNo4G : sai-4 takin) another bite o% bee% an- brea-; FBore 'ike'1 it "as that brothe' "here :
spraine- m1 back; : "as -r$nk that ni)htDG
FAo$ rememberIG she crie-; F:t "as a part-time ?ob; : $se- to break horses -$rin) the -a1;G
F: )i&e $p4G : sai-4 an- : po$re- more "ine;
!he rea''1 irritatin) thin) "as that there "as somethin) -amnab'1 %ami'iar abo$t her; B$t %rom
her appearance an- her beha&ior4 : )$esse- her a)e at abo$t se&enteen; !his prett1 m$ch
prec'$-e- o$r paths e&er ha&in) crosse-;
F/i- Bene-ict teach 1o$ 1o$r %encin)>G : aske-;
F=hat is he to 1o$>G
FB1 'o&er4 o% co$rse4G she rep'ie-; F,e keeps me in ?e"e's an- %$rsDan- he %ences "ith me;G
(he 'a$)he- a)ain;
: contin$e- to st$-1 her %ace; Aes4 it "as possib'e;;;; F: am h$rt4G : sai-4 %ina''1;
F=h1>G she aske-;
FBene-ict -i-n@t )i&e me a ci)ar;G
FAo$ are his -a$)hter4 aren@t 1o$>G
(he re--ene-4 b$t she shook her hea-; FNo4G she sai-; FB$t 1o$ are )ettin) c'ose;G
F#ran--a$)hter>G : sai-; F=e'';;;sort o%;G
F: am a%rai- that : -o not $n-erstan-;G
F#ran-%ather is "hat he 'ikes me to ca'' him; Act$a''14 tho$)h4 he "as m1 )ran-mother@s %ather;G
F: see; Are there an1 others at home 'ike 1o$>G
FNo4 : am the on'1 one;G
F=hat o% 1o$r motherDan- 1o$r )ran-mother>G
F/ea-4 both o% them;G
F,o" -i- the1 -ie>G
F7io'ent'1; Both times it happene- "hi'e he "as back in Amber; : be'ie&e that is "h1 he has not
ret$rne- there %or a 'on) "hi'e no"; ,e -oes not 'ike to 'ea&e me $nprotecte-De&en tho$)h he
kno"s that : can take care o% m1se'%; Ao$ kno" that : can4 too4 -on@t 1o$>G
: no--e-; :t e.p'aine- se&era' thin)s4 one o% them bein) "h1 he "as Protector here; ,e ha- to
keep her some"here4 an- he certain'1 "o$'- not "ant to take her back to Amber; ,e "o$'- not
e&en "ant her e.istence kno"n to the rest o% $s; (he co$'- be ma-e into an eas1 arm'ock; An- it
"o$'- be o$t o% keepin) to make me a"are o% her so rea-i'1;
(o4 F: -o not be'ie&e that 1o$ are s$ppose- to be here4G : sai-4 Fan- : %ee' that Bene-ict "o$'- be
<$ite an)r1 i% he kne" that 1o$ "ere;G
FAo$ are ?$st the same as he is' : am an a-$'t4 -amn itIG
F,a&e 1o$ hear- me -en1 it> Ao$ are s$ppose- to be somep'ace e'se4 tho$)h4 aren@t 1o$>G
(he %i''e- her mo$th instea- o% ans"erin); (o : -i-4 too; A%ter se&era' $ncom%ortab'e min$tes o%
che"in)4 : -eci-e- to start on a %resh s$b?ect; F,o" -i- 1o$ reco)ni6e me>G : aske-; (he
s"a''o"e-4 took a -rink o% "ine4 )rinne-; F+rom 1o$r pict$re4 o% co$rse4G she sai-;
F=hat pict$re>G
FOn the car-4G she sai-; F=e $se- to p'a1 "ith them "hen : "as &er1 sma''; : 'earne- a'' m1
re'ati&es that "a1; Ao$ an- 2ric are the other )oo- s"or-smen4 : kne" that; !hat is "h1 :DG
FAo$ ha&e a set o% the !r$mps>G : interr$pte-;
FNo4G she sai-4 po$tin); F,e "o$'-n@t )i&e me a setDan- : kno" he has se&era'4 too;G
F0ea''1> =here -oes he keep them>G
(he narro"e- her e1es4 %oc$sin) them on m1 o"n; /amnI : ha-n@t meant to so$n- that ea)er;
B$t4 F,e has a set "ith him most o% the time4G she sai-4 Fan- : ha&e no i-ea "here he keeps the
others; =h1> =on@t he 'et 1o$ see them>G
F: ha&en@t aske- him4G : to'- her; F/o 1o$ $n-erstan- their si)ni%icance>G
F!here "ere certain thin)s : "as not a''o"e- to -o "hen : "as near them; : )ather that the1 ha&e
a specia' $se4 b$t he ne&er to'- me "hat it is; !he1 are <$ite important4 aren@t the1>G
F: tho$)ht so; ,e is a'"a1s so care%$' "ith them; /o 1o$ ha&e a set>G
FAes4 b$t it@s o$t on 'oan ?$st no";G
F: see; An- 1o$ "o$'- 'ike to $se them %or somethin) comp'icate- an- sinister;G
: shr$))e-;
F: "o$'- 'ike to $se them4 b$t %or &er1 -$''4 $ncomp'icate- p$rposes;G
F($ch as>G : shook m1 hea-;
F:% Bene-ict -oes not "ant 1o$ to kno" their %$nction 1et4 : am not abo$t to te'' 1o$;G
(he ma-e a sma'' )ro"'in) noise;
FAo$@re a%rai- o% him4G she sai-;
F: ha&e consi-erab'e respect %or Bene-ict4 not to mention some a%%ection;G (he 'a$)he-;
F:s he a better %i)hter than 1o$4 a better s"or-sman>G
: 'ooke- a"a1; (he m$st ha&e ?$st )otten back %rom somep'ace %air'1 remo&e- %rom thin)s; !he
to"nspeop'e :@- met ha- a'' kno"n abo$t Bene-ict@s arm; :t "as not the sort o% ne"s that tra&e'e-
s'o"'1; : certain'1 "as not )oin) to be the %irst to te'' her;
F,a&e it as 1o$ "o$'-4G : sai-; F=here ha&e 1o$ been>G
F!he &i''a)e4G she sai-4 Fin the mo$ntains; #ran-pa took me there to sta1 "ith some %rien-s o%
his ca''e- !ec1s; /o 1o$ kno" the !ec1s>G
FNo4 : -on@t;G
F:@&e been there be%ore4G she sai-; F,e a'"a1s takes me to sta1 "ith them in the &i''a)e "hen
there is an1 sort o% tro$b'e here; !he p'ace has no name; : ?$st ca'' it the &i''a)e; :t is <$ite
stran)eDthe peop'e4 as "e'' as the &i''a)e; !he1 seem toDsort o%D"orship $s; !he1 treat me as
i% : "ere somethin) ho'14 an- the1 ne&er te'' me an1thin) : "ant to kno"; :t is not a 'on) ri-e4 b$t
the mo$ntains are -i%%erent4 the sk1 is -i%%erentDe&er1thin)IDan- it is as i% there "ere no "a1
back4 once : am there; : ha- trie- comin) back on m1 o"n be%ore4 b$t : ?$st )ot 'ost; #ran-pa
a'"a1s ha- to come %or me4 an- then the "a1 "as eas1; !he !ec1s %o''o" a'' o% his instr$ctions
concernin) me; !he1 treat him as i% he "ere some sort o% )o-;G
F,e is4G : sai-4 Fto them;G
FAo$ sai- that 1o$ -o not kno" them;G
F: -on@t ha&e to; : kno" Bene-ict;G
F,o" -oes he -o it> !e'' me;G : shook m1 hea-;
F,o" -i- 1o$ -o it>G : aske- her; F,o" -i- 1o$ )et back here this time>G
(he %inishe- her "ine an- he'- o$t the )'ass; =hen : 'ooke- $p %rom re%i''in) it4 her hea- "as
cocke- to"ar- her ri)ht sho$'-er4 her bro"s "ere %$rro"e-4 an- her e1es "ere %oc$se- on
somethin) %ar a"a1;
F: -o not rea''1 kno"4G she sai-4 raisin) the )'ass an- sippin) %rom it a$tomatica''14 F' am not
<$ite certain ho" : "ent abo$t it;;;;G
=ith her 'e%t han-4 she be)an to to1 "ith her kni%e4 %ina''1 pickin) it $p;
F: "as ma-4 ma- as he'' %or ha&in) bee- packe- o%% a)ain4G she sai-; F: to'- him that : "ante- to
sta1 here an- %i)ht4 b$t he took me ri-in) "ith him an- a%ter a time "e arri&e- at the &i''a)e; : -o
not kno" ho"; :t "as not a 'on) ri-e4 an- s$--en'1 "e "ere there; : kno" this area; : "as born
here4 : )re" $p here; :@&e ri--en a'' o&er4 h$n-re-s o% 'ea)$es in a'' -irections; : "as ne&er ab'e
to %in- it "hen : "ent 'ookin); B$t it seeme- on'1 a brie% "hi'e that "e ro-e4 an- s$--en'1 "e
"ere at the !ec1s@ a)ain; B$t it ha- been se&era' 1ears4 an- : can be more -etermine- abo$t
thin)s no" that : am )ro"n; : reso'&e- to ret$rn b1 m1se'%;G
=ith the kni%e4 she be)an scrapin) an- -i))in) at the )ro$n- besi-e her4 not seemin) to notice
"hat she "as -oin);
F: "aite- ti'' ni)ht%a''4G she "ent on4 Fan- st$-ie- the stars to take m1 -irection; :t "as an $nrea'
%ee'in); !he stars "ere a'' -i%%erent; : -i-n@t reco)ni6e an1 o% the conste''ations; : "ent back
insi-e an- tho$)ht abo$t it; : "as a 'itt'e bit a%rai- an- -i- not kno" "hat to -o; : spent the ne.t
-a1 tr1in) to )et more in%ormation o$t o% the !ec1s an- the other peop'e in the &i''a)e; B$t it "as
'ike a ba- -ream; 2ither the1 "ere st$pi- or the1 "ere p$rpose'1 tr1in) to con%$se me; Not on'1
"as there no "a1 to )et %rom there to here4 the1 ha- no i-ea "here @here@ "as an- "ere none too
certain abo$t @there;@ !hat ni)ht : checke- the stars a)ain4 to be s$re abo$t "hat : ha- seen4 an- :
"as abo$t rea-1 to be)in be'ie&in) them;G
(he mo&e- the kni%e back an- %orth as i% honin) it no"4 smoothin) the soi' an- packin) it %'at;
!hen she be)an to trace -esi)ns;
F+or the ne.t se&era' -a1s4 : trie- to %in- m1 "a1 back4G she contin$e-; F: tho$)ht : co$'- 'ocate
o$r trai' an- backtrack a'on) it4 b$t it ?$st sort o% &anishe-; !hen : -i- the on'1 other thin) :
co$'- think o%; 2ach mornin) : str$ck o$t in a -i%%erent -irection4 ro-e $nti' noon4 then hea-e-
back; : came across nothin) that "as %ami'iar; :t "as tota''1 be"i'-erin); 2ach ni)ht : "ent to
s'eep more an)r1 an- $pset o&er the "a1 thin)s "ere t$rnin) o$tDan- more -etermine- to %in-
m1 o"n "a1 back to A&a'on; : ha- to sho" #ran-pa that he co$'- no 'on)er -$mp me 'ike a
chi'- an- e.pect me to sta1 p$t;
F!hen4 a%ter abo$t a "eek4 : be)an ha&in) -reams; Ni)htmares4 sort o%; /i- 1o$ e&er -ream that
1o$ "ere r$nnin) an- r$nnin) an- not )oin) an1p'ace> !hat is sort o% "hat it "as 'ikeD"ith the
b$rnin) spi-er "eb; On'1 it "asn@t rea''1 a spi-er "eb4 there "as no spi-er an- it "asn@t b$rnin);
B$t : "as ca$)ht in this thin)4 )oin) aro$n- it an- thro$)h it; B$t : "asn@t rea''1 mo&in); !hat is
not comp'ete'1 ri)ht4 b$t : -o not kno" ho" e'se to p$t it; An- : ha- to keep tr1in)Dact$a''14 :
"ante- toDto mo&e abo$t it; =hen : "oke $p : "as tire-4 as i% : ha- act$a''1 been e.ertin)
m1se'% a'' ni)ht 'on); !his "ent on %or man1 ni)hts4 an- each ni)ht it seeme- stron)er an- 'on)er
an- more rea';
F!hen this mornin) : )ot $p4 the -ream sti'' -ancin) in m1 hea-4 an- : kne" that : co$'- ri-e
home; : set o$t4 sti'' ha'% -reamin)4 it seeme-; : ro-e the entire -istance "itho$t stoppin) once4
an- this time : pai- no specia' hee- to m1 s$rro$n-in)s4 b$t kept thinkin) o% A&a'onDan- as :
ro-e4 thin)s kept )ettin) more an- more %ami'iar $nti' : "as here a)ain; On'1 then -i- it seem as
i% : "ere %$''1 a"ake; No" the &i''a)e an- the !ec1s4 that sk14 those stars4 the "oo-s4 the
mo$ntains4 the1 a'' seem 'ike a -ream to me; : am not at a'' certain that : co$'- %in- m1 "a1 back
there; :s that not stran)e> Can 1o$ te'' me "hat happene->G
: rose an- circ'e- the remains o% o$r '$nch; : sat -o"n besi-e her;
F/o 1o$ remember the 'ooks o% the b$rnin) spi-er "eb that rea''1 "asn@t a spi-er "eb4 or
b$rnin)>G : aske- her;
FAesDsort o%4G she sai-;
F#i&e me that kni%e4G : sai-;
(he passe- it to me;
=ith its point4 : be)an a--in) to her -oo-'in) in the -irt4 e.ten-in) 'ines4 r$bbin) some o$t4
a--in) others; (he -i- not sa1 a "or- the entire time4 b$t she "atche- e&er1 mo&e that : ma-e;
=hen : ha- %inishe-4 : p$t the kni%e asi-e an- "aite- %or a 'on)4 si'ent "hi'e; !hen4 %ina''14 she
spoke &er1 so%t'1;
FAes4 that is it4G she sai-4 t$rnin) a"a1 %rom the -esi)n to stare at me; F,o" -i- 1o$ kno">
,o" -i- 1o$ kno" "hat : ha- -reame->G
FBeca$se4G : sai-4 F1o$ -reame- a thin) that is inscribe- in 1o$r &er1 )enes; =h14 ho"4 : -o not
kno"; :t -emonstrates4 ho"e&er4 that 1o$ are in-ee- a -a$)hter o% Amber; =hat 1o$ -i- "as
"a'k in (ha-o"; =hat 1o$ -reame- "as the #reat Pattern o% Amber; B1 its po"er -o those o%
the b'oo- ro1a' ho'- -ominion o&er sha-o"s; /o 1o$ $n-erstan- "hat : am ta'kin) abo$t>G
F: am not certain4G she sai-; F: -o not think so; : ha&e hear- #ran-pa c$rsin) sha-o"s4 b$t :
ne&er $n-erstoo- "hat he meant;G
F!hen 1o$ -o not kno" "here Amber tr$'1 'ies;G
FNo; ,e "as a'"a1s e&asi&e; ,e to'- me o% Amber an- o% the %ami'1; B$t : -o not e&en kno"
the -irection in "hich Amber 'ies; : on'1 kno" that it is %ar;G
F:t 'ies in a'' -irections4G : sai-4 For an1 -irection one chooses; One nee- b$tDG
FAesIG she interr$pte-; F: ha- %or)otten4 or tho$)ht he "as ?$st bein) m1sterio$s or h$morin)
me4 b$t Bran- sai- e.act'1 the same thin) a 'on) "hi'e a)o; =hat -oes it mean4 tho$)h>G
FBran-I =hen "as Bran- here>G
FAears a)o4G she sai-4 F"hen : "as ?$st a 'itt'e )ir'; ,e $se- to &isit here o%ten; : "as &er1 m$ch
in 'o&e "ith him an- : pestere- him merci'ess'1; ,e $se- to te'' me stories4 teach me )ames;;;G
F=hen "as the 'ast time 1o$ sa" him>G
FOh4 ei)ht or nine 1ears a)o; :@- sa1;G
F,a&e 1o$ met an1 o% the others>G
FAes4G she sai-; FE$'ian an- #erar- "ere here not too 'on) a)o; E$st a %e" months back;G
: s$--en'1 %e't &er1 insec$re; Bene-ict ha- certain'1 been <$iet abo$t a 'ot o% thin)s; : "o$'-
rather ha&e been i'' a-&ise- than kept tota''1 i)norant o% a%%airs; :t makes it easier %or 1o$ to be
an)r1 "hen 1o$ %in- o$t; !he tro$b'e "ith Bene-ict "as that he "as too honest4 tho$)h; ,e
"o$'- rather te'' me nothin) than 'ie to me; : %e't somethin) $np'easant comin) m1 "a14
ho"e&er4 an- kne" that there co$'- be no -a"-'in) no"4 that : "o$'- ha&e to mo&e as <$ick'1 as
possib'e; Aes4 it ha- to be a har- he''ri-e %or the stones; (ti''4 there "as more to be 'earne- here
be%ore : essa1e- it; !ime;;;/amnI
F=as that the %irst time that 1o$ met them>G : aske-;
FAes4G she sai-4 Fan- m1 %ee'in)s "ere &er1 h$rt;G (he pa$se-4 si)he-; F#ran-pa "o$'- not 'et
me speak o% o$r bein) re'ate-; ,e intro-$ce- me as his "ar-; An- he re%$se- to te'' me "h1;
/amn itIG
F:@m s$re he ha- some &er1 )oo- reasons;G
FOh4 : am too; B$t it -oes not make 1o$ %ee' an1 better4 "hen 1o$ ha&e been "aitin) a'' 1o$r
'i%e to meet 1o$r re'ati&es; /o 1o$ kno" "h1 he treate- me 'ike that>G
F!hese are tr1in) times in Amber4G : sai-4 Fan- thin)s "i'' )et "orse be%ore the1 )et better; !he
%e"er peop'e "ho kno" o% 1o$r e.istence4 the 'ess chance there is o% 1o$r )ettin) in&o'&e- an-
comin) to harm; ,e -i- it on'1 to protect 1o$;G (he ma-e a spittin) noise;
F: -o not nee- protectin)4G she sai-; F: can take care o% m1se'%;G
FAo$ are a %ine %encer4G : sai-; F*n%ort$nate'14 'i%e is more comp'icate- than a %air -$e'in)
F: kno" that; :@m not a chi'-; B$tDG
F @B$t@ nothin)I ,e -i- the same thin) :@- -o i% 1o$ "ere mine; ,e@s protectin) himse'% as "e'' as
1o$; :@m s$rprise- he 'et Bran- kno" abo$t 1o$; ,e@s )oin) to be -amne- ma- that : %o$n- o$t;G
,er hea- ?erke- an- she stare- at me4 e1es "i-e;
FB$t 1o$ "o$'-n@t -o an1thin) to h$rt $s4G she sai-; F=eD"e@re re'ate- ; G
F,o" the he'' -o 1o$ kno" "h1 :@m here or "hat :@m thinkin)>G : sai-; FAo$ mi)ht ha&e ?$st
st$ck both 1o$r necks in noosesIG
FAo$ are ?okin)4 aren@t 1o$>G she sai-4 s'o"'1 raisin) her 'e%t han- bet"een $s;
F: -on@t kno"4G : sai-; F: nee- not beDan- : "o$'-n@t be ta'kin) abo$t it i% : -i- ha&e somethin)
rotten in min-4 "o$'- :>G
FNo;;;: )$ess not4G she sai-;
F: am )oin) to te'' 1o$ somethin) Bene-ict sho$'- ha&e to'- 1o$ 'on) a)o4G : sai-; FNe&er tr$st
a re'ati&e; :t is %ar "orse than tr$stin) stran)ers; =ith a stran)er there is a possibi'it1 that 1o$
mi)ht be sa%e;G
FAo$ rea''1 mean that4 -on@t 1o$>G
FAo$rse'% inc'$-e->G : smi'e-;
FO% co$rse it -oes not app'1 to me; : am the so$' o% honor4 kin-ness4 merc14 an- )oo-ness; !r$st
me in a'' thin)s;G
F: "i''4G she sai-4 an- : 'a$)he-;
F: "i''4G she insiste-; FAo$ "o$'- not h$rt $s; : kno" that;G
F!e'' me abo$t #erar- an- E$'ian4G : sai-4 %ee'in) $ncom%ortab'e4 as a'"a1s4 in the presence o%
$nso'icite- tr$st; F=hat "as the reason %or their &isit>G
(he "as si'ent %or a moment4 sti'' st$-1in) me4 then4 F: ha&e been te''in) 1o$ <$ite a %e"
thin)s4G she sai-4 Fha&en@t :> Ao$ are ri)ht; One can ne&er be too care%$'; : be'ie&e that it is 1o$r
t$rn to ta'k a)ain;G
F#oo-; Ao$ are 'earnin) ho" to -ea' "ith $s; =hat -o 1o$ "ant to kno">G
F=here is the &i''a)e4 rea''1> An- Amber> !he1 are someho" a'ike4 aren@t the1> =hat -i- 1o$
mean "hen 1o$ sai- that Amber 'ies in a'' -irections4 or an1> =hat are sha-o"s>G
: )ot to m1 %eet an- 'ooke- -o"n at her; : he'- o$t m1 han-; (he 'ooke- &er1 1o$n) an- more
than a 'itt'e %ri)htene- then4 b$t she took it; F=here;;;>G she aske-4 risin);
F!his "a14G : sai-4 an- : took her to stan- at the p'ace "here : ha- s'ept an- re)ar-e- the %a''s
an- the "ater "hee';
(he be)an to sa1 somethin)4 b$t : stoppe- her; F9ook; E$st 'ook4G : sai-;
(o "e stoo- there 'ookin) at the r$shin)4 the sp'ashin)4 the t$rnin) "hi'e : or-ere- m1 min-;
!hen4 FCome4G : sai-4 t$rnin) her b1 the e'bo" an- "a'kin) her to"ar- the "oo-;
As "e mo&e- amon) the trees4 a c'o$- obsc$re- the s$n an- the sha-o"s -eepene-; !he &oices
o% the bir-s )re" more shri'' an- a -ampness came $p o$t o% the )ro$n-; As "e passe- %rom tree
to tree4 their 'ea&es became 'on)er an- broa-er; =hen the s$n appeare- a)ain4 its 'i)ht came
more 1e''o"4 an- be1on- a t$rnin) o% the "a1 "e enco$ntere- han)in) &ines; !he bir- cries
)re" hoarser4 more n$mero$s; O$r trai' took an $p"ar- t$rn4 an- : 'e- her past an o$tcroppin) o%
%'int an- onto hi)her )ro$n-; A -istant4 bare'1 perceptib'e r$mb'e seeme- to come %rom behin-
$s; !he sk1 "as a -i%%erent b'$e as "e mo&e- thro$)h an open p'ace4 an- "e %ri)htene- a 'ar)e4
bro"n 'i6ar- that ha- been s$nnin) itse'% on arock; As "e took a t$rn abo$t another mass o%
stone4 she sai-4 F: -i- not kno" this "as here; : ha&e ne&er been this "a1 be%ore;G B$t : -i- not
ans"er her4 %or : "as b$s1 shi%tin) the st$%% o% (ha-o";
!hen "e %ace- the "oo- once more4 b$t no" the "a1 'e- $phi'' thro$)h it; No" the trees "ere
tropica' )iants4 intersperse- "ith %erns4 an- ne" noisesDbarks4 hisses4 an- b$66esD"ere to be
hear-; Bo&in) $p this trai'4 the r$mb'e )re" 'o$-er abo$t $s4 the &er1 )ro$n- be)innin) to
&ibrate "ith it; /ara he'- ti)ht'1 to m1 arm4 sa1in) nothin) no"4 b$t searchin) e&er1thin) "ith
her e1es; !here "ere bi)4 %'at4 pa'e %'o"ers an- p$--'es "here the moist$re -rippe- %rom
o&erhea-; !he temperat$re ha- risen consi-erab'1 an- "e "ere perspirin) <$ite a bit; No" the
r$mb'e )re" to a mi)ht1 roar4 an- "hen at 'en)th "e emer)e- %rom the "oo- a)ain4 it "as a
so$n- 'ike stea-1 th$n-er that %e'' a)ainst $s; : )$i-e- her to the e-)e o% the precipice an-
)est$re- o$t"ar- an- -o"n;
:t p'$n)e- %or o&er a tho$san- %eet8 a mi)ht1 cataract that smote the )ra1 ri&er 'ike an an&i'; !he
c$rrents "ere rapi- an- stron)4 bearin) b$bb'es an- %'ecks o% %oam a )reat -istance be%ore the1
%ina''1 -isso'&e-; Across %rom $s4 perhaps ha'% a mi'e -istant4 part'1 screene- b1 rainbo" an-
mist4 'ike an is'an- s'appe- b1 a !itan4 a )i)antic "hee' s'o"'1 rotate-4 pon-ero$s an- )'eamin);
,i)h o&erhea-4 enormo$s bir-s ro-e 'ike -ri%tin) cr$ the c$rrents o% the air;
=e stoo- there %or a %air'1 'on) "hi'e; Con&ersation "as impossib'e4 "hich "as ?$st as "e'';
A%ter a time4 "hen she t$rne- %rom it to 'ook at me4 narro"-e1e-4 spec$'ati&e4 : no--e- an-
)est$re- "ith m1 e1es to"ar- the "oo-; !$rnin) then4 "e ma-e o$r "a1 back in the -irection
%rom "hich "e ha- come;
O$r ret$rn "as the same process in re&erse4 an- : mana)e- it "ith )reater ease; =hen
con&ersation became possib'e once more4 /ara sti'' kept her si'ence4 apparent'1 rea'i6in) b1 then
that : "as a part o% the process o% chan)e )oin) on aro$n- $s;
:t "as not $nti' "e stoo- besi-e o$r o"n stream once more4 "atchin) the sma'' mi'' "hee' in its
t$rnin)4 that she spoke;
F=as that p'ace 'ike the &i''a)e>G
FAes; A sha-o";G
FAn- 'ike Amber>G
FNo; Amber casts (ha-o"; :t can be s'ice- to an1 shape4 i% 1o$ kno" ho"; !hat p'ace "as a
sha-o"4 1o$r &i''a)e "as a sha-o"Dan- this p'ace is a sha-o"; An1 p'ace that 1o$ can ima)ine
e.ists some"here in (ha-o";G
F;;;An- 1o$ an- #ran-pa an- the others can )o abo$t in these sha-o"s4 pickin) an- choosin)
"hat 1o$ -esire>G
F!hat is "hat : -i-4 then4 comin) back %rom the &i''a)e>G
,er %ace became a st$-1 in rea'i6ation; ,er a'most b'ack e1ebro"s -roppe- ha'% an inch an- her
nostri's %'are- "ith a <$ick inha'ation;
F: can -o it4 too;;;G she sai-; F#o an1"here4 -o an1thin) : "antIG
F!he abi'it1 'ies "ithin 1o$4G : sai-;
(he kisse- me then4 a s$--en4 imp$'si&e thin)4 then rotate- a"a14 her hair bobbin) on her s'im
neck as she trie- to 'ook at e&er1thin) at once;
F!hen : can -o an1thin)4G she sai-4 comin) to a stan-sti'';
F!here are 'imitations4 -an)ers;;;G
F!hat is 'i%e4G she sai-; F,o" -o : 'earn to contro' it>G
F!he #reat Pattern o% Amber is the ke1; Ao$ m$st "a'k it in or-er to )ain the abi'it1; :t is
inscribe- on the %'oor in a chamber beneath the pa'ace in Amber; :t is <$ite 'ar)e; Ao$ m$st be)in
on the o$tsi-e an- "a'k it to its center "itho$t stoppin); !here is consi-erab'e resistance an- the
%eat is <$ite an or-ea'; :% 1o$ stop4 i% 1o$ attempt to -epart the Pattern be%ore comp'etin) it4 it
"i'' -estro1 1o$; Comp'ete it4 tho$)h4 an- 1o$r po"er o&er (ha-o" "i'' be s$b?ect to 1o$r
conscio$s contro';G
(he race- to o$r picnic site an- st$-ie- the pattern "e ha- -ra"n on the )ro$n- there;
: %o''o"e- more s'o"'1; As : -re" near4 she sai-4 F: m$st )o to Amber an- "a'k itIG
F: am certain that Bene-ict p'ans %or 1o$ to -o so4 e&ent$a''14G : sai-;
F2&ent$a''1>G she sai-; FNo"I : m$st "a'k it no"I =h1 -i- he ne&er te'' me o% these thin)s>G
FBeca$se 1o$ cannot -o it 1et; Con-itions in Amber are s$ch that it "o$'- be -an)ero$s to both
o% 1o$ to a''o" 1o$r e.istence to become kno"n there; Amber is barre- to 1o$4 temporari'1;G
F:t is not %airIG she sai-4 t$rnin) to )'are at me;
FO% co$rse not4G : sai-; FB$t that is the "a1 thin)s stan- ?$st no"; /on@t b'ame me;G
!he "or-s came some"hat sticki'1 to m1 'ips; Part o% the b'ame4 o% co$rse4 "as mine;
F:t "o$'- a'most be better i% 1o$ ha- not to'- me o% these thin)s4G she sai-4 Fi% : cannot ha&e
F:t is not as ba- as a'' that4G : sai-; F!he sit$ation in Amber "i'' become stab'e a)ainDbe%ore
too &er1 'on);G
F,o" "i'' : 'earn o% it>G
FBene-ict "i'' kno"; ,e "i'' te'' 1o$ then;G
F,e has not seen %it to te'' me m$ch o% an1thin)IG
F!o "hat en-> E$st to make 1o$ %ee' ba-> Ao$ kno" that he has been )oo- to 1o$4 that he cares
%or 1o$; =hen the time is rea-14 he "i'' mo&e on 1o$r beha'%;G
FAn- i% he -oes not> =i'' 1o$ he'p me then>G
F: "i'' -o "hat : can;G
F,o" "i'' : be ab'e to %in- 1o$> !o 'et 1o$ kno">G
: smi'e-; :t ha- )otten to this point "itho$t m1 ha'% tr1in); No nee- to te'' her the rea''1
important part; E$st eno$)h to be possib'1 $se%$' to me 'ater;;;;
F!he car-s4G : sai-4 Fthe %ami'1 !r$mps; !he1 are more than a mere sentimenta' a%%ectation;
!he1 are a means o% comm$nication; #et ho'- o% mine4 stare at it4 concentrate on it4 tr1 to keep
a'' other tho$)hts o$t o% 1o$r min-4 preten- that it is rea''1 me an- be)in ta'kin) to me then; Ao$
"i'' %in- that it rea''1 is4 an- that : am ans"erin) 1o$;G
F!hose are a'' the thin)s #ran-pa to'- me not to -o "hen : han-'e the car-sIG
FO% co$rse;G
F,o" -oes it "ork>G
FAnother time4G : sai-; FA thin) %or a thin); 0emember> : ha&e to'- 1o$ no" o% Amber an- o%
(ha-o"; !e'' me o% the &isit here b1 #erar- an- E$'ian;G
FAes4G she sai-; F!here is not rea''1 m$ch to te''4 tho$)h; One mornin)4 %i&e or si. months a)o;
#ran-pa simp'1 stoppe- "hat he "as -oin); ,e "as pr$nin) some trees back in the orchar-Dhe
'ikes to -o that himse'%Dan- : "as he'pin) him; ,e "as $p on a 'a--er4 snippin) a"a14 an-
s$--en'1 he ?$st stoppe-4 'o"ere- the c'ippers4 an- -i- not mo&e %or se&era' min$tes; : tho$)ht
that he "as ?$st restin)4 an- : kept on "ith m1 rakin); !hen : hear- him ta'kin)Dnot ?$st
m$tterin)Db$t ta'kin) as tho$)h he "ere carr1in) on a con&ersation; At %irst4 : tho$)ht he "as
ta'kin) to me4 an- : aske- him "hat he ha- sai-; ,e i)nore- me4 tho$)h; No" that : kno" abo$t
the !r$mps4 : rea'i6e that he m$st ha&e been ta'kin) to one o% them ?$st then; Probab'1 E$'ian;
An1"a14 he c'imbe- -o"n %rom the 'a--er <$ite <$ick'1 a%ter that4 to'- me he ha- to )o a"a1 %or
a -a1 or so4 an- starte- back to"ar- the manor; ,e stoppe- be%ore he ha- )one &er1 %ar4 tho$)h4
an- ret$rne-; !hat "as "hen he to'- me that i% E$'ian an- #erar- "ere to &isit here that : "as to
be intro-$ce- as his "ar-4 the orphane- -a$)hter o% a %aith%$' ser&ant; ,e ro-e a"a1 a short
"hi'e 'ater4 'ea-in) t"o spare horses; ,e "as "earin) his b'a-e;
F,e ret$rne- in the mi--'e o% the ni)ht4 brin)in) both o% them "ith him; #erar- "as bare'1
conscio$s; ,is 'e%t 'e) "as broken4 an- the entire 'e%t si-e o% his bo-1 "as ba-'1 br$ise-; E$'ian
"as <$ite battere- a'so4 b$t he ha- no broken bones; !he1 remaine- "ith $s %or the better part o%
a month4 an- the1 hea'e- <$ick'1; !hen the1 borro"e- t"o horses an- -eparte-; : ha&e not seen
them since;G
F=hat -i- the1 sa1 as to ho" the1 ha- been in?$re->G
FOn'1 that the1 ha- been in an acci-ent !he1 "o$'- not -isc$ss it "ith me;G
F=here> =here -i- it happen>G
FOn the b'ack roa-; : o&erhear- them ta'kin) abo$t it se&era' times;G
F=here is this b'ack roa->G
F: -o not kno";G
F=hat -i- the1 sa1 abo$t it>G
F!he1 c$rse- it a 'ot; !hat "as a'';G
9ookin) -o"n4 : sa" that there "as some "ine 'e%t in the bott'e; : stoope- an- po$re- t"o %ina'
-rinks4 passe- her one;
F!o the re$nion4G : sai-4 an- smi'e-;
F;;;!he re$nion4G she a)ree-4 an- "e -rank;
(he be)an c'eanin) the area an- : assiste- her4 m1 ear'ier sense o% $r)enc1 $pon me once a)ain;
F,o" 'on) sho$'- : "ait be%ore : tr1 to reach 1o$>G she aske-;
F!hree months; #i&e me three months;G
F=here "i'' 1o$ be then>G
F:n Amber4 : hope;G
F,o" 'on) "i'' 1o$ be sta1in) here>G
FNot &er1; :n %act4 : ha&e to take a 'itt'e trip ri)ht no"; : sho$'- be back tomorro"4 tho$)h; : "i''
probab'1 on'1 be sta1in) %or a %e" -a1s a%ter that;G
F: "ish 1o$ "o$'- sta1 'on)er;G
F: "ish that : co$'-; : "o$'- 'ike to4 no" that : ha&e met 1o$;G
(he re--ene- an- t$rne- "hat seeme- a'' o% her attention to repackin) the basket; : )athere- $p
the %encin) )ear;
FAre 1o$ )oin) back to the manor no">G she sai-;
F!o the stab'es; :@'' be 'ea&in) imme-iate'1;G
(he picke- $p the basket;
F=e "i'' )o to)ether then; B1 horse is this "a1;G : no--e- an- %o''o"e- her to"ar- a %ootpath
to o$r ri)ht;
F: s$ppose4G she sai-4 Fthat it "o$'- be best %or me not to mention an1 o% this to an1bo-1;
#ran-pa in partic$'ar>G
F!hat "o$'- be pr$-ent;G
!he sp'ash an- )$r)'e o% the stream4 as it %'o"e- to the ri&er4 on its "a1 to the sea4 %a-e-4 %a-e-4
"as )one4 an- on'1 the creak o% the 'an--'ocke- "hee' that c$t it as it "ent4 remaine- %or a time
in the air;
Chapter "
(tea-1 mo&ement is more important than spee-4 m$ch o% the time; (o 'on) as there is a re)$'ar
pro)ression o% stim$'i to )et 1o$r menta' hooks into4 there is room %or 'atera' mo&ement; Once
this be)ins4 its rate is a matter o% -iscretion;
(o : mo&e- s'o"'14 b$t stea-i'14 $sin) m1 -iscretion; No sense in tirin) (tar $nnecessari'1;
0api- shi%ts are har- eno$)h on peop'e; Anima's4 "ho are not so )oo- at '1in) to themse'&es4
ha&e a ro$)her time o% it4 sometimes )oin) comp'ete'1 berserk;
: crosse- the stream at a sma'' "oo-en bri-)e an- mo&e- para''e' to it %or a time; B1 intention
"as to skirt the to"n itse'%4 b$t to %o''o" the )enera' -irection o% the "aterco$rse $nti' : reache-
the &icinit1 o% the coast; :t "as mi-a%temoon; B1 "a1 "as sha-e-4 coo'; #ra1s"an-ir h$n) at
m1 si-e;
: bore "est4 comin) at 'en)th to the hi''s that rose there; : re%raine- %rom be)innin) the shi%t
$nti' a%ter : ha- reache- a point that 'ooke- -o"n $pon the cit1 that represente- the 'ar)est
concentration o% pop$'ation in this rea'm that "as 'ike m1 A&a'on;
!he cit1 bore the same name4 an- se&era' tho$san- peop'e 'i&e- there4 "orke- there; (e&era' o%
the si'&er to"ers "ere missin)4 an- the stream c$t the cit1 at a some"hat -i%%erent an)'e %arther
so$th4 ha&in) "i-ene- or been "i-ene- ei)ht%o'- b1 then; !here "as some smoke %rom the
smithies an- the p$b'ic ho$ses4 stirre- 'i)ht'1 b1 bree6es %rom the so$thC peop'e4 mo$nte-4 a%oot4
-ri&in) "a)ons4 -ri&in) coaches4 mo&e- thro$)h the narro" streets4 entere- an- -eparte- shops4
hoste's4 resi-encesC %'ocks o% bir-s "hee'e-4 -escen-e-4 rose abo$t the p'aces "here horses "ere
tethere-C a %e" bri)ht pennons an- banners stirre- 'ist'ess'1C the "ater spark'e- an- there "as a
ha6e in the air; : "as too %ar a"a1 to hear the so$n-s o% &oices4 an- o% c'ankin)4 hammerin)4
sa"in)4 ratt'in)4 an- creakin) as an1thin) other than a )enera'i6e- h$m; =hi'e : co$'-
-istin)$ish no in-i&i-$a' o-ors4 ha- : sti'' been b'in- : "o$'- ha&e kno"n b1 sni%%in) the air that
a cit1 "as near;
(eein) it %rom $p there4 a certain nosta')ia came o&er me4 a "ist%$' ra)-tai' o% a -ream
accompanie- b1 a %aint 'on)in) %or the p'ace that "as this p'ace@s namesake to me in a &anishe-
sha-o"'an- o% 'on) a)o4 "here 'i%e ha- been ?$st as simp'e an- : happier than : "as at that
B$t one -oes not 'i&e as 'on) as : ha&e 'i&e- "itho$t achie&in) that <$a'it1 o% conscio$sness
"hich strips nai&e %ee'in)s as the1 occ$r an- is )enera''1 'oathe to participate in the creation o%
!hose -a1s "ere passe-4 that thin) -one "ith4 an- it "as Amber no" that he'- me comp'ete'1; :
t$rne- an- contin$e- so$th"ar-4 con%irme- in m1 -esire to s$ccee-; Amber4 : -o not %or)et;;;
!he s$n became a -a66'in)4 bri)ht b'ister abo&e m1 hea- an- the "in-s be)an to scream abo$t
me; !he sk1 )re" more an- more 1e''o" an- )'arin) as : ro-e4 $nti' it "as as i% a -esert stretche-
%rom hori6on to hori6on o&erhea-; !he hi''s )re" rockier as : -escen-e- to"ar- the 'o"'an-s4
e.hibitin) "in--sc$'pte- %orms o% )rotes<$e shape an- somber co'oration; A -$st storm str$ck
me as : emer)e- %rom the %oothi''s4 so that : ha- to m$%%'e m1 %ace "ith m1 c'oak an- narro" m1
e1es to s'its; (tar "hinnie-4 sn$%%'e- repeate-'14 p'o--e- on; (an-4 stone4 "in-s4 an- the sk1
more oran)e then4 a s'ate-'ike crop o% c'o$-s to"ar- "hich the s$n "as hea-in);;;
!hen 'on) sha-o"s4 the -1in) o% the "in-4 sti''ness;;;
;;;On'1 the c'ick o% hoo% on rock an- the so$n-s o% breathin);;;/imness4 as the1 r$she- to)ether
an- the s$n is %oi'e- b1 c'o$-s;;;!he "a''s o% the -a1 shaken b1 th$n-er;;;An $nnat$ra' c'arit1 o%
-istant ob?ects;;;
;;;A coo'4 b'$e4 an- e'ectric %ee'in) in the air;;;!h$n-er a)ain;;;
No"4 a ripp'in)4 )'ass1 c$rtain to m1 ri)ht as the rain a-&ances;;;B'$e %ract$re 'ines "ithin the
c'o$-s;;;!he temperat$re p'$mmetin)4 o$r pace stea-14 the "or'- a monochromatic back-rop
#o$)in) th$n-er4 %'ashin) "hite4 the c$rtain %'arin) to"ar- $s no";;;!"o h$n-re- meters;;;One-
:ts bottommost e-)e p'o"in)4 %$rro"in)4 %rothin);;;!he moist sme'' o% the earth;;;(tar@s
"hinn1;;;A b$rst o% spee-;;;
(ma'' ri&$'ets o% "ater creepin) o$t"ar-4 sinkin)4 stainin) the )ro$n-;;;No" b$bb'in) m$--i'14
no" trick'in);;;No" a stea-1 %'o";;;(tream'ets a'' abo$t $s4 sp'ashin);;;
,i)h )ro$n- ahea-4 an- (tar@s m$sc'es b$nchin) an- re' b$nchin) an- re' beneath
me4 as he 'eaps the ri''s an- %reshets4 p'$n)es thro$)h a racin)4 roi'in) sheet4 an- strikes the
s'ope4 hoo%s spark'in) a)ainst stones as "e mo$nt hi)her4 the &oice o% the )$r)'in)4 e--1in) %'o"
beneath $s -eepenin) to a stea-1 roar;;;
,i)her4 then4 an- -r14 pa$sin) to "rin) o$t the corners o% m1 c'oak;;;; Be'o"4 behin-4 an- to the
ri)ht a )ra14 storm-tosse- sea 'aps at the %oot o% the c'i%% "e ho'-;;;
:n'an- no"4 to"ar- c'o&er %ie'-s an- e&enin)4 the boom o% the s$r% at m1 back;;;
P$rs$in) %a''in) stars into the -arkenin) east an- e&ent$a' si'ence an- ni)ht;;;
C'ear the sk1 an- bri)ht the stars4 b$t a %e" sma'' "isps o% c'o$-;;;
A ho"'in) pack o% re--e1e- thin)s4 t"istin) a'on) o$r trai';;;(ha-o";;;#reen-
e1e-;;;(ha-o";;;Ae''o";;; (ha-o";;;#one;;;
B$t -ark peaks "ith skirts o% sno"4 ?ost'in) one another abo$t me;;;+ro6en sno"4 as -r1 as -$st4
'i%te- in "a&es b1 the ic1 b'asts o% the hei)hts;;;Po"-er1 sno"4 %'o$r-'ike;;;Bemor1 here4 o% the
:ta'ian A'ps4 o% skiin);;;=a&es o% sno" -ri%tin) across stone %aces;;;A "hite %ire "ithin the ni)ht
air;;;B1 %eet rapi-'1 n$mbin) "ithin m1 "et boots;;;(tar be"i'-ere- an- snortin)4 testin) each
step an- shakin) his hea- as i% in -isbe'ie%;;;
(o sha-o"s be1on- the rock4 a )ent'er s'ope4 a -r1in) "in-4 'ess sno";;;
A t"istin) trai'4 a corkscre" trai'4 an a-it into "armth;;;/o"n4 -o"n4 -o"n the ni)ht4 beneath
the chan)in) stars;;;
+ar the sno"s o% an ho$r a)o4 no" scr$bb1 p'ants an- 'e&e' p'ain;;;+ar4 an- the ni)ht bir-s
sta))er into the air4 "hee'in) abo&e the carrion %east4 she--in) hoarse notes o% protest as "e
('o" a)ain4 to the p'ace "here the )rasses "a&e4 stirre- b1 the 'ess co'- bree6e;;;!he co$)h o% a
h$ntin) cat;;;!he sha-o"1 %'i)ht o% a bo$n-in)4 -eer'ike beast;;;(tars s'i-in) into p'ace an-
%ee'in)s in m1 %eet once more;;;
(tar rearin)4 nei)hin)4 racin) ahea- %rom some $nseen thin);;;A 'on) time in the soothin) then4
an- 'on)er sti'' ti'' the shi&ers )o;;;
No" icic'es o% a partia' moon %a''in) on -istant treetops;;;Boist earth e.ha'in) a '$minescent
mist;;;Boths -ancin) in the ni)ht 'i)ht;;;
!he )ro$n- momentari'1 b$ck'in) an- s"a1in)4 as i% mo$ntains "ere shi%tin) their %eet;;;!o
e&er1 star its -o$b'e;;;A ha'o ro$n- the -$mbbe'' moon;;;!he p'ain4 the air abo&e it4 %i''e- "ith
%'eetin) shapes;;;
!he earth4 a "o$n---o"n c'ock4 ticks an- )ro"s sti'';;;(tabi'it1;;;:nertia;;;!he stars an- the moon
re$nite- "ith their spirits;;;
(kirtin) the )ro"in) %rin)e o% trees4 "est;;;:mpressions o% a s'eepin) ?$n)'e8 -e'iri$m o% serpents
$n-er oi' c'oth;;;
=est4 "est;;;(ome"here a ri&er "ith broa-4 c'ean banks to ease m1 passa)e to the sea;;;
!h$- o% hoo%s4 sh$tt'in) o% sha-o"s;;;!he ni)ht air $pon m1 %ace;;;A )'impse o% bri)ht bein)s on
hi)h4 -ark "a''s4 shinin) to"ers;;;!he air is s"eetene-;;;7ision s"ims;;;(ha-o"s;;;
=e are mer)e-4 centa$r-'ike; (tar an- :4 $n-er a sin)'e skin o% s"eat;;;=e take the air an- )i&e it
back in m$t$a' e.p'osions o% e.ertion;;;Neck c'othe- in th$n-er4 terrib'e the )'or1 o% the
nostri's;;;("a''o"in) the )ro$n-;;;
9a$)hin)4 the sme'' o% the "aters $pon $s4 the trees &er1 near to o$r 'e%t;;;
!hen amon) them;;;('eek bark4 han)in) &ines4 broa- 'ea&es4 -rop'ets o% moist$re;;;(pi-er "eb in
the moon'i)ht4 str$))'in) shapes "ithin;;;(pon)1 t$r%;;;Phosphorent %$n)$s on %a''en trees;;;
A c'ear space;;;9on) )rasses r$st'in);;;
Bore trees;;;
A)ain4 the ri&ersme'';;;
(o$n-s4 'ater;;;(o$n-s;;;!he )rass1 ch$ck'in) o% "ater;;;
C'oser4 'o$-er4 besi-e it at 'ast;;;!he hea&ens b$ck'in) an- ben-in) in its be''14 an- the
trees;;;C'ean4 "ith a co'-4 -amp tan);;;9e%t"ar- besi-e it4 pacin) it no";;;2as1 an- %'o"in)4 "e
!o -rink;;;(p'ashin) in its sha''o"s4 then hockhi)h "ith hea- -epresse-4 (tar4 in it4 -rinkin) 'ike
a p$mp4 b'astin) spra1 %rom his nostri's;;;*pri&er4 it 'aps at m1 boots;;;/rippin) %rom m1 hair4
r$nnin) -o"n m1 arms;;;(tar@s hea- t$rnin)4 at the 'a$)hter;;;
!hen -o"nri&er a)ain4 c'ean4 s'o"4 "in-in);;;!hen strai)ht4 "i-enin)4 s'o"in);;;
!rees thickenin)4 then thinnin);;;
9on)4 stea-14 s'o";;;
A %aint 'i)ht in the east;;;
('opin) -o"n"ar- no"4 an- %e"er trees;;;0ockier4 an- the -arkness ma-e "ho'e once a)ain;;;
!he %irst4 -im hint o% the sea4 'ost an o-or 'ater;;;C'ickin) on4 on4 in the ni)htsen- chi'';;;A)ain4
an instant@s sa't;;;
0ock4 an- an absence o% trees;;;,ar-4 steep4 b'eak4 -o"n;;;2&er-increasin) precipitonsness;;;
+'ashin) bet"een "a''s o% stone;;;/is'o-)e- pebb'es &anishin) in the no" racin) c$rrent4 their
sp'ashes -ro"ne- in the roar@s echoes;;;/eeper the -e%i'e4 "i-enin);;;
/o"n4 -o"n;;;+arther sti'';;;
No" pa'e once more the east4 )ent'er the s'ope;;;A)ain4 the to$ch o% sa't4 stron)er;;;
(ha'e an- )rit;;;Aro$n- a comer4 -o"n4 an- bri)hter sti'';;;
(tea-14 so%t an- 'oose the %ootin);;;
!he bree6e an- the 'i)ht4 the bree6e an- the 'i)ht;;;Be1on- a crop o% rock;;;/ra" rein;
Be'o" me 'a1 the stark seaboar-4 "here rank $pon rank o% ro''in) -$nes4 harasse- b1 the "in-s
o$t o% the so$th"est4 tosse- sp$mes o% san- that part'1 ob'iterate- the -istant o$t'ines o% the
b'eak mornin) sea;
: "atche- the pink %i'm sprea- across the "ater %rom the east; ,ere an- there4 the shi%tin) san-s
re&ea'e- -ark patches o% )ra&e'; 0$))e- masses o% rock reare- abo&e the s"e'' o% the "a&es;
Bet"een the massi&e -$nesDh$n-re-s o% %eet in hei)htDan- m1se'%4 there hi)h abo&e that e&i'
coast4 'a1 a smashe- an- pitte- p'ain o% an)$'ar rocks an- )ra&e'4 ?$st no" emer)in) %rom he'' or
ni)ht into -a"n@s %irst )'o"4 an- a'i&e "ith sha-o"s;
Aes4 it "as ri)ht;
: -ismo$nte- an- "atche- the s$n %orce a b'eak an- )'arin) -a1 $pon the prospect; :t "as the
har-4 "hite 'i)ht : ha- so$)ht; ,ere4 sans h$mans4 "as the necessar1 p'ace4 ?$st as : ha- seen it
-eca-es ear'ier on the sha-o" 2arth o% m1 e.i'e; No b$''-o6ers4 si%ters4 broom-"ie'-in) b'acksC
no$m-sec$rit1 cit1 o% Oran?em$n-; No O-ra1 machines4 barbe- "ire4 or arme- )$ar-s;
None o% these thin)s here; No; +or this sha-o" ha- ne&er kno"n a (ir 2rnest Oppenheimer4 an-
there ha- ne&er been a Conso'i-ate- /iamon- Bines o% (o$th =est A%rica4 nor a )o&ernment to
appro&e their ama')amation o% coasta' minin) interests; ,ere "as the -esert ca''e- Narnib in that
p'ace some %o$r h$n-re- mi'es to the north"est o% Cape !o"n4 a strip o% -$nes an- rocks ran)in)
%rom a co$p'e to a -o6en mi'es in "i-th an- r$nnin) a'on) that %orsaken coast 'ine %or perhaps
three h$n-re- mi'es on the sea"ar- si-e o% the 0ichters&e'- Bo$ntains4 "ithin "hose sha-o" :
no" stoo-; ,ere4 $n'ike an1 con&entiona' mine4 the -iamon-s "ere scattere- as cas$a''1 as bir-
-roppin)s across the san-; :4 o% co$rse4 ha- bro$)ht a'on) a rake an- a sie&e;
: broke o$t the rations an- prepare- break%ast; :t "as )oin) to be a hot4 -$st1 -a1;
As : "orke- the -$nes4 : tho$)ht o% /o1'e4 the 'itt'e "isp1-haire- ?e"e'er "ith the brick-re-
comp'e.ion an- "ens on his cheeks4 back in A&a'on; Ee"e'ers ro$)e> =h1 -i- : "ant a'' that
?e"e'ers ro$)eDeno$)h to s$pp'1 an arm1 o% ?e"e'ers %or a -o6en 'i%etimes> : ha- shr$))e-;
=hat "as it to him "hat : "ante- it %or4 so 'on) as : "as ab'e to pa1 %or it> =e''4 i% there "as
some ne" $se %or the st$%% an- )oo- mone1 to be ma-e4 a man "o$'- be a %oo';;;:n other "or-s4
he "o$'- be $nab'e to %$rnish me "ith s$ch a <$antit1 "ithin a "eek> (ma''4 s<$are ch$ck'es
ha- escape- thro$)h the )aps in his smi'e; A "eek> Oh4 noI O% co$rse notI !hat "as ri-ic$'o$s4
o$t o% the <$estion;;;; : sa"; =e''4 a <$ick thanks an- perhaps his competitor $p the "a1 mi)ht be
ab'e to pro-$ce the st$%%4 an- mi)ht a'so be intereste- in a %e" $nc$t -iamon-s : "as e.pectin)
in a matter o% -a1s;;;; /iamon-s4 -i- : sa1> =ait; ,e "as a'"a1s intereste- in -iamon-s
himse'%;;;; Aes4 b$t he "as sa-'1 -e%icient in the ?e"e'ers ro$)e -epartment; A raise- han-; :t
mi)ht be that he ha- spoken hasti'1 "ith respect to his abi'it1 to pro-$ce the po'ishin) materia';
:t "as the <$antit1 that ha- -ist$rbe- him; B$t the in)re-ients "ere p'enti%$' an- the %orm$'a
%air'1 simp'e; Aes4 that "as no rea' reason "h1 somethin) co$'- not be "orke- o$t; =ithin a
"eek4 at that; No"4 abo$t the -iamon-s;;;
Be%ore : 'e%t his shop4 somethin) ha- been "orke- o$t;
: ha&e met man1 persons "ho tho$)ht that )$npo"-er e.p'o-es4 "hich o% co$rse is incorrect; :t
b$rns rapi-'14 b$i'-in) $p )as press$re "hich e?ects a b$''et %rom the mo$th o% a she'' an- -ri&es
it thro$)h the barre' o% a "eapon4 a%ter ha&in) been i)nite- b1 the primer4 "hich -oes the act$a'
e.p'o-in) "hen the %irin) pin is -ri&en into it; No"4 "ith t1pica' %ami'1 %oresi)ht4 : ha-
e.perimente- "ith a &ariet1 o% comb$stib'es o&er the 1ears; B1 -isappointment at the -isco&er1
that )$npo"-er "o$'- not i)nite in Amber4 an- that a'' o% the primers : teste- "ere e<$a''1 inert
there4 "as a thin) miti)ate- on'1 b1 the kno"'e-)e that none o% m1 re'ati&es co$'- brin)
%irearms into Amber either; :t "as m$ch 'ater4 -$rin) a &isit to Amber4 a%ter po'ishin) a brace'et :
ha- bro$)ht %or /eir-re4 that : -isco&ere- this "on-er%$' propert1 o% ?e"e'ers ro$)e %rom A&a'on
"hen : -ispose- o% the po'ishin) c'oth in a %irep'ace; +ort$nate'14 the <$antit1 in&o'&e- "as
sma''4 an- : "as a'one at the time;
:t ma-e an e.ce''ent primer4 strai)ht %rom the container; =hen c$t "ith a s$%%icient <$antit1 o%
inert materia'4 it co$'- a'so be ma-e to b$rn proper'1;
: kept this bit o% in%ormation to m1se'%4 %ee'in) that one -a1 it "o$'- be $se- to -eci-e certain
basic iss$es in Amber; *n%ort$nate'14 2ric an- : ha- o$r r$n-in be%ore that -a1 arri&e- an- it
"ent into stora)e a'on) "ith a'' m1 other memories; =hen thin)s %ina''1 -i- c'ear %or me4 m1
%ort$nes "ere <$ick'1 cast "ith those o% B'e1s4 "ho "as preparin) an assa$'t on Amber; ,e ha-
not rea''1 nee-e- me then4 b$t ha- taken me in on the enterprise4 : %ee'4 so that he co$'- keep an
e1e on me; ,a- : %$rnishe- him "ith )$ns4 he "o$'- ha&e been in&incib'e an- : "o$'- ha&e been
$nnecessar1; Bore important4 ha- "e s$ccee-e- in sei6in) Amber in accor-ance "ith his p'ans4
the sit$ation "o$'- ha&e become straine- in-ee-4 "ith the b$'k o% the occ$p1in) %orces4 as "e''
as the o%%icers@ 'o1a't14 his; !hen : "o$'- ha&e re<$ire- somethin) to a-?$st the ba'ance o% po"er
more e<$itab'1; A %e" bombs an- a$tomatic "eapons4 sa1;
,a- : been m1 "ho'e se'% e&en a month ear'ier4 thin)s "o$'- ha&e been <$ite -i%%erent; : co$'-
ha&e been sittin) in Amber4 rather than bein) scorche-4 abra-e-4 an- -esiccate-4 "ith another
he''ri-e be%ore me an- a knot o% tro$b'es to be "orke- o$t a%ter that;
: spat san- so that : "o$'- not choke "hen : 'a$)he-; ,e''4 "e make o$r o"n i%s; : ha- better
thin)s to think abo$t than "hat co$'- ha&e happene-; 9ike 2ric;;;
: remember that -a14 2ric; : "as in chains an- : ha- been %orce- to m1 knees be%ore the throne; :
ha- a'rea-1 cro"ne- m1se'%4 to mock 1o$4 an- been beaten %or it; !he secon- time : ha- the
cro"n in m1 han-s4 : thre" it at 1o$; B$t 1o$ ca$)ht it an- smi'e-; : "as )'a- that it "as not
-ama)e- "hen it %ai'e- to -ama)e 1o$; ($ch a bea$ti%$' thin);;;; A'' o% si'&er4 "ith its se&en hi)h
points4 an- st$--e- "ith emera'-s to beat a'' -iamon-s; !"o 'ar)e r$bies at either temp'e;;;; Ao$
cro"ne- 1o$rse'% that -a14 a'' arro)ance an- hast1 pomp; !he %irst "or-s that 1o$ spoke then
"ere "hispere- to me4 be%ore the echoes o% F9on) 'i&e the kin)IG ha- -ie- "ithin the ha''; :
remember e&er1 one o% them; FAo$r e1es ha&e 'ooke- $pon the %airest si)ht the1 e&er "i''
beho'-4G 1o$ sai-; !hen4 F#$ar-sIG 1o$ or-ere-; F!ake Cor"in a"a1 to the smith14 an- 'et his
e1es be b$rnt %rom o$t his hea-I 9et him remember the si)hts o% this -a1 as the 'ast he mi)ht
e&er seeI !hen cast him into the -arkness o% the -eepest -$n)eon beneath Amber4 an- 'et his
name be %or)ottenIG
FNo" 1o$ rei)n in Amber4G : sai- a'o$-; FB$t : ha&e m1 e1es4 an- : ha&e neither %or)otten nor
been %or)otten;G
No4 : tho$)ht; =rap 1o$rse'% in the kin)ship4 2ric; !he "a''s o% Amber are hi)h an- thick; (ta1
behin- them; 0in) 1o$rse'% "ith the %$ti'e stee' o% b'a-es; Ant'ike4 1o$ armor 1o$r ho$se in -$st;
Ao$ kno" no" that 1o$ "i'' ne&er be sec$re so 'on) as : 'i&e4 an- : ha&e to'- 1o$ that : "i'' be
back; : am comin)4 2ric; : "i'' brin) me $p )$ns o$t o% A&a'on4 an- : "i'' break -o"n 1o$r -oors
an- smite 1o$r -e%en-ers; !hen it "i'' be as it "as4 brie%'14 another time4 be%ore 1o$r men came
to 1o$ an- sa&e- 1o$; !hat -a1 : ha- on'1 a %e" -rops o% 1o$r b'oo-; !his time4 : "i'' ha&e it a'';
: $nco&ere- another ro$)h -iamon-4 the si.teenth or so4 an- %'ippe- it into the sack at m1 "aist;
As : %ace- the settin) s$n4 : "on-ere- abo$t Bene-ict4 E$'ian4 an- #erar-; =hat "as the
connection> =hate&er4 : -i- not 'ike an1 combination o% interests "hich in&o'&e- E$'ian; #erar-
"as a'' ri)ht; : ha- been ab'e to s'eep back at the camp "hen : ha- tho$)ht that it "as he "hom
Bene-ict "as contactin); :% he "as no" a''ie- "ith E$'ian4 tho$)h4 it "as ca$se %or increase-
$neasiness; :% an1one hate- me e&en more than 2ric4 it "as E$'ian; :% he kne" "here : "as4 then
m1 -an)er "as )reat; : "as not 1et rea-1 %or a con%rontation;
: s$ppose- Bene-ict co$'- %in- a mora' ?$sti%ication %or se''in) me o$t at this point; A%ter a''4 he
kne" that "hate&er : -i-Dan- he kne" that : "as )oin) to -o somethin)D"o$'- res$'t in stri%e
in Amber; : co$'- $n-erstan-4 e&en s1mpathi6e "ith4 his %ee'in)s; ,e "as -e-icate- to the
preser&ation o% the rea'm; *n'ike E$'ian4 he "as a man o% princip'e4 an- : re)rette- ha&in) to be
at o--s "ith him; B1 hope "as that m1 co$p "o$'- be as <$ick an- pain'ess as a tooth
e.traction $n-er )as4 an- that "e "o$'- be back on the same si-e a)ain soon a%ter"ar-; ,a&in)
met /ara no"4 : a'so "ante- it this "a1 %or her sake;
,e ha- to'- me too 'itt'e %or com%ort; : ha- no "a1 o% kno"in) "hether he rea''1 inten-e- to
remain in the %ie'- the entire "eek4 or "hether he "as e&en no" cooperatin) "ith the %orces o%
Amber in the 'a1in) o% m1 trap4 the "a''in) o% m1 prison4 the -i))in) o% m1 )ra&e; : ha- to
h$rr14 tho$)h : 'on)e- to 'in)er in A&a'on;
: en&ie- #ane'on4 in "hate&er ta&ern or brothe' he -rank4 "hore-4 or %o$)ht4 on "hate&er
hi''si-e he h$nte-; ,e ha- come home; (ho$'- : 'ea&e him to his p'eas$res4 -espite his o%%er to
accompan1 me to Amber> B$t no4 he "o$'- be <$estione- on m1 -epart$reD$se- ba-'14 i%
E$'ian ha- an1thin) to -o "ith itDan- then become an o$tcast in "hat m$st seem his o"n 'an-
to him4 i% the1 'et him )o at a''; !hen he "o$'- -o$bt'ess become an o$t'a" a)ain4 an- the thir-
time "o$'- probab'1 pro&e his $n-oin); No4 : "o$'- keep m1 promise; ,e "o$'- come "ith me4
i% that "as he sti'' "ante-; :% he ha- chan)e- his min-4 "e''D: e&en en&ie- him the prospect o%
o$t'a"r1 in A&a'on; : "o$'- ha&e 'ike- to remain 'on)er4 to ri-e "ith /ara in the hi''s4 tramp
abo$t the co$ntr1si-e4 sai' $pon the ri&ers;;;;
: tho$)ht abo$t the )ir'; !he kno"'e-)e o% her e.istence chan)e- thin)s some"hat; : "as not
certain ho"; /espite o$r ma?or hatre-s an- pett1 animosities4 "e Amberites are a &er1 %ami'1-
conscio$s b$nch4 a'"a1s ea)er %or ne"s o% one another4 -esiro$s to kno" e&er1one@s position in
the chan)in) pict$re; A pa$se %or )ossip has -o$bt'ess sta1e- a %e" -eath b'o"s amon) $s; :
sometimes think o% $s as a )an) o% mean 'itt'e o'- 'a-ies in a combination rest home an- obstac'e
: co$'- not %it /ara into thin)s 1et beca$se she -i- not kno" "here she %it herse'%; Oh4 she
"o$'- 'earn e&ent$a''1; (he "o$'- recei&e s$perb t$te'a)e once her e.istence became kno"n;
No" that : ha- bro$)ht her a"areness o% her $ni<$eness it "o$'- on'1 be a matter o% time be%ore
this occ$rre- an- she ?oine- in the )ames; : ha- %e't some"hat serpent-'ike at points -$rin) o$r
con&ersation in the )ro&eDb$t he''4 she ha- a ri)ht to kno"; (he "as bo$n- to %in- o$t sooner or
'ater4 an- the sooner she -i- the sooner she co$'- start shorin) $p her -e%enses; :t "as %or her
o"n bene%it;
O% co$rse4 it "as possib'eDe&en 'ike'1Dthat her mother an- )ran-mother ha- 'i&e- their 'i&es
in i)norance o% their herita)e;;;
An- "here ha- it )otten them> !he1 -ie- &io'ent'14 she ha- sai-;
=as it possib'e4 : "on-ere-4 that the 'on) arm o% Amber ha- reache- %or them o$t o% (ha-o">
An- that it mi)ht strike a)ain>
Bene-ict co$'- be as to$)h an- mean an- nast1 as an1 o% $s "hen he "ante- to be; !o$)her4
e&en; ,e "o$'- %i)ht to protect his o"n4 -o$bt'ess e&en ki'' one o% $s i% he tho$)ht it necessar1;
,e m$st ha&e ass$me- that keepin) her e.istence a secret an- keepin) her i)norant "o$'-
protect her; ,e "o$'- be an)r1 "ith me "hen he %o$n- o$t "hat : ha- -one4 "hich "as another
reason %or c'earin) o$t in a h$rr1; B$t : ha- not to'- her "hat : ha- o$t o% sheer per&erseness; :
"ante- her to s$r&i&e4 an- : -i- not %ee' he "as han-'in) thin)s proper'1; =hen : ret$rne-4 she
"o$'- ha&e ha- time to think thin)s o&er; (he "o$'- ha&e man1 <$estions an- : "o$'- sei6e the
opport$nit1 to ca$tion her at 'en)th an- to )i&e speci%ics;
: )nashe- m1 teeth;
None o% this sho$'- be necessar1; =hen : r$'e- in Amber4 thin)s "o$'- be -i%%erent; !he1 ha- to
=h1 ha- no one e&er come $p "ith a "a1 to chan)e the basic nat$re o% man> 2&en the eras$re
o% a'' m1 memories an- a ne" 'i%e in a ne" "or'- ha- res$'te- in the same o'- Cor"in; :% : "ere
not happ1 "ith "hat : "as it co$'- be a proposition "orth1 o% -espair;
:n a <$iet part o% the ri&er4 : "ashe- a"a1 the -$st4 the s"eat4 "on-erin) the "hi'e abo$t the
b'ack roa- "hich ha- so in?$re- m1 brothers; !here "ere man1 thin)s that : nee-e- to kno";
As : bathe-4 #ra1s"an-ir "as ne&er %ar %rom m1 han-; One o% $s is capab'e o% trackin) another
thro$)h (ha-o"4 "hen the trai' is sti'' "arm; As it "as4 m1 bath "as $n-ist$rbe-4 tho$)h : $se-
#ra1s"an-ir three times on the "a1 back4 on 'ess m$n-ane thin)s than brothers;
B$t this "as to be e.pecte-4 as : ha- acce'erate- the pace consi-erab'1;;;;
:t "as sti'' -ark4 tho$)h -a"n "as not too %ar a"a14 "hen : entere- the stab'es at m1 brother@s
manor; : ten-e- (tar4 "ho ha- )ro"n some"hat "i'-4 ta'kin) to him an- soothin) him as :
r$bbe- him -o"n4 then p$ttin) o$t a )oo- s$pp'1 o% %oo- an- "ater; #ane'on@s +ire-rake )reete-
me %rom the opposite sta''; : c'eane- $p at the p$mp to the rear o% the stab'e4 tr1in) to -eci-e
"here : "as )oin) to catch a 'itt'e s'eep;
: nee-e- some rest; A %e" ho$rs@ "orth "o$'- ho'- me %or a time4 b$t : re%$se- to take them
beneath Bene-ict@s roo%; : "o$'- not be taken that easi'14 an- "hi'e : ha- o%ten sai- that : "ante-
to -ie in be-4 "hat : rea''1 meant "as that in m1 o'- a)e : "ante- to be steppe- on b1 an
e'ephant "hi'e makin) 'o&e;
: "as not a&erse to -rinkin) his boo6e4 tho$)h4 an- : "ante- a be't o% somethin) stron); !he
manor "as -arkC : entere- <$iet'1 an- : %o$n- the si-eboar-;
: po$re- a sti%% one4 tosse- it o%%4 po$re- another4 an- carrie- it to the "in-o"; : co$'- see %or a
)reat -istance; !he manor stoo- on a hi''si-e an- Bene-ict ha- 'an-scape- the p'ace "e'';
F @=hite in the moon the 'on) roa- 'ies4@ G : recite-4 s$rprise- at the so$n- o% m1 o"n &oice; F
@!he moon stan-s b'ank abo&e;;;@ G
F(o it -oes; (o it -oes4 Cor"in m1 'a-4G : hear- #ane'on sa1;
F: -i-n@t see 1o$ sittin) there4G : sai- so%t'14 not t$rnin) %rom the "in-o";
F!hat@s beca$se :@m sittin) so sti''4G he sai-;
FOh4G : sai-; F,o" -r$nk are 1o$>G
F,ar-'1 at a''4G he sai-4 Fno"; B$t i% 1o$ "o$'- care to be a )oo- %e''o" an- %etch me a -rink;;;G
: t$rne-;
F=h1 can@t 1o$ )et 1o$r o"n>G
F:t h$rts to mo&e;G
FA'' ri)ht;G
: "ent an- po$re- him one4 carrie- it to him; ,e raise- it s'o"'14 no--e- his thanks4 took a sip;
FAh4 that@s )oo-IG he si)he-; FBa1 it n$mb thin)s a bit;G
FAo$ "ere in a %i)ht4G : -eci-e-;
FA1e4G he sai-; F(e&era';G
F!hen bear 1o$r "o$n-s 'ike a )oo- trooper an- 'et me sa&e m1 s1mpath1;G
FB$t : "onIG
F#o-I =here -i- 1o$ 'ea&e the bo-ies>G
FOh4 the1 are not that ba- o%%; !"as a )ir' -i- this to me;G
F!hen :@- sa1 1o$ )ot 1o$r mone1@s "orth;G
F @!"as not that sort o% thin) at a''; : be'ie&e :@&e embarrasse- $s;G
F*s> ,o">G
F: -i- not kno" she "as the 'a-1 o% the ho$se; : came in %ee'in) ?o''14 an- : tho$)ht her some
ser&in) "ench;;;G
F/ara>G : sai-4 tensin);
FA1e4 the same; : s'appe- her on the r$mp an- "ent %or a kiss or t"oDG ,e )roane-; F!hen she
picke- me $p; (he raise- me o%% the )ro$n- an- he'- me $p o&er her hea-; !hen she to'- me she
"as the 'a-1 o% the ho$se; !hen she 'et me %a'';;;; :@m ei)hteen stone i% :@m a pebb'e4 man4 an- it
"as a 'on) "a1 -o"n;G ,e took another -rink4 an- : ch$ck'e-;
F(he 'a$)he-4 too4G he sai- r$e%$''1; F(he he'pe- me $p then an- "as not $nkin-4 an- o% co$rse
: apo'o)i6e-D!hat brother o% 1o$rs m$st be <$ite a man; : ne&er met a )ir' that stron); !he
thin)s she co$'- -o to a man;;;;G !here "as a"e in his &oice; ,e shook his hea- s'o"'1 an-
tosse- back the rest o% his -rink; F:t "as %ri)htenin)Dnot to mention embarrassin)4G he
F(he accepte- 1o$r apo'o)1>G
FOh4 1es; (he "as <$ite )racio$s abo$t the "ho'e thin); (he to'- me to %or)et a'' abo$t it4 an-
sai- that she "o$'-4 too;G
F!hen "h1 are 1o$ not in be- s'eepin) it o%%>G
F: "as "aitin) $p4 in case 1o$ came in at an o-- ho$r; : "ante- to catch 1o$ ri)ht a"a1;G
F=e''4 1o$ ha&e;G
,e rose s'o"'1 an- picke- $p his )'ass;
F9et@s )o o$tsi-e4G he sai-;
F#oo- i-ea;G
,e picke- $p the bran-1 -ecanter on the "a1 o$t4 "hich : a'so tho$)ht "as a )oo- i-ea4 an- "e
%o''o"e- a path thro$)h the )ar-en behin- the ho$se; +ina''14 he hea&e- himse'% onto an o'-
stone bench at the %oot o% a 'ar)e oak tree4 "here he re%i''e- both o$r )'asses an- took a -rink
%rom his o"n;
FAhI ,e has )oo- taste in 'i<$or4 too4 1o$r brother4G be sai-;
: seate- m1se'% besi-e him an- %i''e- m1 pipe;
FA%ter : to'- her : "as sorr1 an- intro-$ce- m1se'%4 "e )ot to ta'kin) %or a time4G he sai-; FAs
soon as she 'earne- : "as "ith 1o$4 she "ante- to kno" a'' sorts o% thin)s abo$t Amber an-
sha-o"s an- 1o$ an- the rest o% 1o$r %ami'1;G
F/i- 1o$ te'' her an1thin)>G : sai-4 strikin) a 'i)ht;
FCo$'-n@t ha&e i% : "ante- to4G he sai-; F: ha- none o% the ans"ers;G
F:t )ot me to thinkin)4 tho$)h; : -o not be'ie&e Bene-ict te''s her too m$ch4 an- : can see "h1; :
"o$'- be care%$' "hat : sa1 aro$n- her4 Cor"in; (he seems o&er-c$rio$s;G
: no--e-4 p$%%in);
F!here is a reason %or it4G : sai-; FA &er1 )oo- reason; : am )'a- to kno"4 tho$)h4 that 1o$ keep
1o$r "its abo$t 1o$ e&en "hen 1o$ ha&e been -rinkin); !hanks %or te''in) me;G
,e shr$))e- an- took a -rink;
FA )oo- bashin) is a soberin) thin); A'so4 1o$r "e'%are is m1 "e'%are;G
F!r$e; /oes this &ersion o% A&a'on meet "ith 1o$r appro&a'>G
F7ersion> :t is m1 A&a'on4G he sai-; FA ne" )eneration o% peop'e is in the 'an-4 b$t it is the same
p'ace; : &isite- the +ie'- o% !horns to-a14 "here : p$t -o"n Eack ,ai'e1@s b$nch in 1o$r ser&ice;
:t "as the same p'ace;G
F!he +ie'- o% !horns;;;G : sai-4 rememberin);
FAes4 this is m1 A&a'on4G he contin$e-4 Fan- :@'' be comin) back here %or m1 o'- a)e4 i% "e 'i&e
tro$)h Amber;G
FAo$ sti'' "ant to come a'on)>G
FA'' m1 'i%e :@&e "ante- to see AmberD"e''4 since : %irst hear- o% it; !hat "as %rom 1o$4 in
happier times;G
F: -o not rea''1 remember "hat : sai-; :t m$st ha&e been a )oo- te''in);G
F=e "ere both "on-er%$''1 -r$nk that ni)ht4 an- it seeme- b$t a brie% "hi'e that 1o$ ta'ke-D
"eepin) some o% the timeDte''in) me o% the mi)ht1 mo$ntain 3o'&ir an- the )reen an- )o'-en
spires o% the cit14 o% the promena-es4 the -ecks4 the terraces4 the %'o"ers4 the %o$ntains;;;; :t
seeme- b$t a brie% "hi'e4 b$t it "as most o% the ni)htD%or be%ore "e sta))ere- o%% to be-4 the
mornin) ha- be)$n; #o-I : co$'- a'most -ra" 1o$ a map o% the p'aceI : m$st see it be%ore : -ie;G
F: -o not remember that ni)ht4G : sai- s'o"'1; F: m$st ha&e been &er14 &er1 -r$nk;G
,e ch$ck'e-;
F=e ha- some )oo- times here in the o'- -a1s4G he sai-; FAn- the1 -o remember $s here; B$t as
peop'e "ho 'i&e- &er1 'on) a)oDan- the1 ha&e man1 o% the stories "ron); B$t he''I ,o" man1
peop'e )et their stories ri)ht %rom -a1 to -a1>G
: sai- nothin)4 smokin)4 thinkin) back;
F;;;A'' o% "hich 'ea-s me to a <$estion or t"o4G he sai-;
F=i'' 1o$r attack on Amber p$t 1o$ at )reat o--s "ith 1o$r brother Bene-ict>G
F: rea''1 "ish that : kne" the ans"er to that one4G : sai-; F: think that it "i''4 initia''1; B$t m1
mo&e sho$'- be comp'ete- be%ore he can reach Amber %rom here4 in response to an1 -istress ca''
that )oes o$t; !hat is4 reach Amber "ith rein%orcements; ,e co$'- )et there in no time at a''4
persona''14 i% someone on the other en- "ere he'pin); B$t that "o$'- ser&e 'itt'e p$rpose; No;
0ather than tear Amber apart4 he "i'' s$pport "hoe&er can ho'- it to)ether4 : am certain; Once :
ha&e o$ste- 2ric4 he "i'' "ant the stri%e to stop ri)ht there an- he "i'' )o a'on) "ith m1 ho'-in)
the throne4 ?$st to p$t an en- to it; ,e "i'' not rea''1 appro&e o% the sei6$re in the %irst p'ace4 o%
F!hat is "hat : am )ettin) at; =i'' there be ba- b'oo- bet"een 1o$ a%ter"ar- as a res$'t o% that>G
F: -o not be'ie&e so; !his is p$re'1 a matter o% po'itics4 an- "e ha&e kno"n one another most o%
o$r 'i&es4 he an- :4 an- ha&e a'"a1s been on better terms "ith each other than either o% $s "ith
F: see; (ince 1o$ an- : are in this to)ether an- A&a'on seems to be Bene-ict@s no"4 : "as
"on-erin) "hat his %ee'in)s "o$'- be abo$t m1 ret$rnin) here one -a1; =o$'- he hate me %or
ha&in) he'pe- 1o$>G
F: -o$bt that &er1 m$ch; ,e has ne&er been that sort o% person;G
F!hen 'et me carr1 thin)s a step %$rther; #o- kno"s : am an e.perience- mi'itar1 man4 an- i% "e
s$ccee- in takin) Amber he "i'' ha&e amp'e e&i-ence o% the %act4 "ith his ri)ht arm in?$re- the
"a1 that it is an- a''4 -o 1o$ think he mi)ht consi-er takin) me on as a %ie'- comman-er %or his
mi'itia> : kno" this area so "e''; : co$'- take him to the +ie'- o% !horns an- -escribe that batt'e;
,e''' : "o$'- ser&e him "e''Das "e'' as : ser&e- 1o$;G
,e 'a$)he- then;
FPar-on me; Better than : ser&e- 1o$;G
: ch$ck'e-4 sippe- m1 -rink;
F:t "o$'- be trick14G : sai-; FO% co$rse : 'ike the i-ea; B$t : am not too certain that 1o$ co$'-
e&er en?o1 his tr$st; :t "o$'- seem too ob&io$s a p'o1 on m1 part;G
F/amn po'iticsI !hat is not "hat : meantI (o'-ierin) is a'' that : kno"4 an- : 'o&e A&a'onIG
F: be'ie&e 1o$; B$t "o$'- he>G
F=ith on'1 one arm he "i'' be nee-in) a )oo- man abo$t; ,e co$'-DG
: be)an to 'a$)h an- restraine- m1se'% <$ick'14 %or the so$n- o% 'a$)hter seems to carr1 %or a
)oo- -istance; A'so4 #ane'on@s %ee'in)s "ere in&o'&e-;
F: am sorr14G : sai-; F2.c$se me4 p'ease; Ao$ -o not $n-erstan-; Ao$ -o not rea''1 $n-erstan-
"ho it "as "e ta'ke- "ith in the tent that ni)ht; ,e ma1 ha&e seeme- an or-inar1 man to 1o$Da
han-icappe- one4 at that; B$t this is not so; : %ear Bene-ict; ,e is $n'ike an1 other bein) in
(ha-o" or rea'it1; ,e is the Baster o% Arms %or Amber; Can 1o$ concei&e o% a mi''enni$m> A
tho$san- 1ears> (e&era' o% them> Can 1o$ $n-erstan- a man "ho4 %or a'most e&er1 -a1 o% a
'i%etime 'ike that4 has spent some time -"e''in) "ith "eapons4 tactics4 strate)ies> Beca$se 1o$
see him in a tin1 kin)-om4 comman-in) a sma'' mi'itia4 "ith a "e''Dpr$ne- orchar- in his back
1ar-4 -o not be -ecei&e-; A'' that there is o% mi'itar1 science th$n-ers in his hea-; ,e has o%ten
?o$rne1e- %rom sha-o" to sha-o"4 "itnessin) &ariation a%ter &ariation on the same batt'e4 "ith
b$t s'i)ht'1 a'tere- circ$mstances4 in or-er to test his theories o% "ar%are; ,e has comman-e-
armies so &ast that 1o$ co$'- "atch them march b1 -a1 a%ter -a1 an- see no en- to the co'$mns;
A'tho$)h he is incon&enience- b1 the 'oss o% his arm4 : "o$'- not "ish to %i)ht "ith him either
"ith "eapons or barehan-e-; :t is %ort$nate that he has no -esi)ns $pon the throne4 or he "o$'-
be occ$p1in) it ri)ht no"; :% he "ere4 : be'ie&e that : "o$'- )i&e $p at this moment an- pa1 him
homa)e; : %ear Bene-ict;G
#ane'on "as si'ent %or a 'on) "hi'e4 an- : took another -rink4 %or m1 throat ha- become -r1;
F: -i- not rea'i6e this4 o% co$rse4G he sai- then; F: "i'' be happ1 i% he ?$st 'ets me come back to
F!hat m$ch he "i'' -o; : kno";G
F/ara to'- me she ha- a messa)e %rom him to-a1; ,e has -eci-e- to c$t short his sta1 in the
%ie'-; ,e "i'' probab'1 be ret$rnin) tomorro";G
F/amnIG : sai-4 stan-in); F=e "i'' ha&e to mo&e soon4 then; : hope /o1'e has that st$%% rea-1;
=e m$st )o to him in the mornin) an- matters; : "ant to be a"a1 %rom here be%ore
Bene-ict )ets backIG
FAo$ ha&e the pretties then>G
FBa1 : see them>G
: $n-i- the sack at m1 be't an- passe- it to him; ,e opene- it an- "ith-re" se&era' stones4
ho'-in) them in the pa'm o% his 'e%t han- an- t$rnin) them s'o"'1 "ith his %in)ertips;
F!he1 -o not 'ook 'ike m$ch4G he sai-4 F%rom "hat : can see o% them in this 'i)ht; =aitI !here@s a
)'immerI No;;;G
F!he1 are in the ro$)h4 o% co$rse; Ao$ are ho'-in) a %ort$ne in 1o$r han-s;G
FAma6in)4G he sai-4 -roppin) them back in the sack an- re%astenin) it; F:t "as so eas1 %or 1o$;G
F:t "as not a'' that eas1;G
F(ti''4 to )ather a %ort$ne so <$ick'1 seems someho" $n%air;G
,e passe- it back;
F: "i'' see that 1o$ are pro&i-e- "ith a %ort$ne "hen o$r 'abors are -one4G : sai-; F!hat sho$'-
pro&e some compensation4 sho$'- Bene-ict not o%%er 1o$ a position;G
FNo" that : kno" "ho he is4 : am more -etermine- than e&er to "ork %or him one -a1;G
F=e "i'' see "hat can be -one;G
FAes; !hank 1o$4 Cor"in; ,o" sha'' "e "ork o$r -epart$re>G
F: "ant 1o$ to )o an- )et some rest4 %or : "i'' ro$st 1o$ o$t o% be- ear'1; (tar an- +ire-rake "i''
take $nkin-'1 to the notion o% -ra%t -$t14 : %ear4 b$t "e "i'' then borro" one o% Bene-ict@s
"a)ons an- hea- into to"n; Be%ore this4 : "i'' tr1 to arran)e a )oo- smoke screen here %or o$r
or-er'1 "ith-ra"a'; =e "i'' then h$rr1 /o1'e the ?e"e'er abo$t his task4 obtain o$r car)o4 an-
-epart into (ha-o" as <$ick'1 as possib'e; !he )reater o$r hea- start4 the more -i%%ic$'t it "i'' be
%or Bene-ict to track $s; :% : can )et ha'% a -a1@s 'ea- into (ha-o"4 it "i'' be practica''1
impossib'e %or him;G
F=h1 sho$'- he be so ea)er to come a%ter $s in the %irst p'ace>G
F,e -oes not tr$st me "orth a -amnDan- ?$st'1 so; ,e is "aitin) %or me to make m1 mo&e; ,e
kno"s there is somethin) : nee- here4 b$t he -oes not kno" "hat; ,e "ants to %in- o$t4 so that
he can sea' o%% another threat to Amber; As soon as he rea'i6es "e ha&e )one %or )oo-4 he "i''
kno" that "e ha&e it an- he "i'' come 'ookin);G
#ane'on 1a"ne-4 stretche-4 %inishe- his -rink;
FAes4G he sai- then; F=e@- best rest no"4 to be in con-ition %or the h$rr1in); No" that 1o$ ha&e
to'- me more abo$t Bene-ict4 : am 'ess s$rprise- b1 the other thin) : meant to te'' 1o$Dtho$)h
no 'ess -iscom%ite-;G F!hat bein);;;>G
,e rose to his %eet4 picke- $p the -ecanter care%$''14 then pointe- -o"n the path;
F:% 1o$ contin$e on in that -irection4G he sai-4 Fpassin) the he-)e that marks the en- o% this
bo"er an- enterin) the "oo-s that 'ie be'o"Dan- then )o on %or another t"o h$n-re- paces or
soD1o$ "i'' come to a p'ace "here there is a 'itt'e )ro&e o% sap'in)s o%% to the 'e%t4 stan-in) in a
s$--en -ec'i&it1 perhaps %o$r %eet 'o"er than the 'e&e' o% the trai' itse'%; /o"n in it4 stampe-
-o"n an- stre"n o&er "ith 'ea&es an- t"i)s4 there is a %resh )ra&e; : %o$n- it "hi'e takin) the air
ear'ier4 "hen : pa$se- to re'ie&e m1se'% -o"n there;G
F,o" -o 1o$ kno" it is a )ra&e>G
,e ch$ck'e-;
F=hen ho'es ha&e bo-ies in them that is ho" the1 are )enera''1 ca''e-; :t "as <$ite sha''o"4 an-
: poke- aro$n- a bit "ith a stick; !here are %o$r bo-ies in thereDthree men an- a "oman;G
F,o" recent'1 -ea->G
F7er1; A %e" -a1s; :@- ?$-)e;G
FAo$ 'e%t it as 1o$ %o$n- it>G
F:@m not a %oo'4 Cor"in;G
F(orr1; B$t this tro$b'es me consi-erab'14 beca$se : -on@t $n-erstan- it at a'';G
FOb&io$s'1 the1 )a&e Bene-ict some tro$b'e an- he ret$rne- the %a&or;G
FPerhaps; =hat "ere the1 'ike> ,o" -i- the1 -ie>G
FNothin) specia' abo$t them; !he1 "ere in their mi--'e 1ears4 an- their throats ha- been c$tD
sa&e %or one %e''o" "ho )ot it in the )$ts;G
F(tran)e; Aes4 it is )oo- that "e are 'ea&in) soon; =e ha&e eno$)h prob'ems o% o$r o"n "itho$t
)ettin) in&o'&e- in the 'oca' ones;G
FA)ree-; (o 'et $s be o%% to be-;G
FAo$ )o ahea-; : am not <$ite rea-1 1et;G
F!ake 1o$r o"n a-&ice an- )et some rest4G he sai-4 t$rnin) back to"ar- the manor; F/on@t sit $p
an- "orr1;G
F: "on@t;G
F#oo- ni)ht4 then;G
F(ee 1o$ in the mornin);G
: "atche- him ret$rn a'on) the path; ,e "as ri)ht4 o% co$rse4 b$t : "as not 1et rea-1 to
s$rren-er m1 conscio$sness; : "ent o&er m1 p'ans a)ain4 to be certain there "as nothin) : "as
o&er'ookin)4 %inishe- m1 -rink an- set the )'ass on the bench; : rose then an- stro''e-4 trai'in)
"isps o% tobacco smoke abo$t me; !here "as a bit o% moon'i)ht %rom o&er m1 sho$'-er an-
-a"n "as sti'' a %e" ho$rs@ -istant4 as : reckone- it; : "as %irm in m1 reso'&e to spen- the rest o%
the ni)ht o$t o% -oors4 an- : tho$)ht to %in- me a )oo- p'ace to sack o$t;
O% co$rse4 : e&ent$a''1 "an-ere- -o"n the path an- into the )ro&e o% sap'in)s; A 'itt'e pokin)
aro$n- sho"e- me that there ha- been some recent -i))in)4 b$t : "as in no moo- to e.h$me
bo-ies b1 moon'i)ht an- "as per%ect'1 "i''in) to take #ane'on@s "or- as to "hat he ha- %o$n-
there; : am not e&en certain "h1 : "ent there; Borbi- streak4 : )$ess; : -i- -eci-e a)ainst
s'eepin) in the &icinit14 tho$)h;
: ma-e m1 "a1 into the north"est corner o% the )ar-en4 %in-in) an area that "as o$t o% 'ine o%
si)ht %rom the manor; !here "ere hi)h he-)ero"s an- the )rass "as 'on)4 so%t4 an- s"eet-
sme''in); : spea- m1 c'oak4 sat -o"n $pon it4 an- p$''e- o%% m1 boots; : p$t m1 %eet -o"n into
the coo' )rass an- si)he-;
Not too m$ch 'on)er4 : -eci-e-; (ha-o"s to -iamon-s to )$ns to Amber; : "as on m1 "a1; A
1ear a)o : ha- been rottin) in a ce''4 crossin) an- recrossin) the 'ine bet"een sanit1 an- ma-ness
so man1 times that : ha- a'' b$t r$bbe- it o$t; No" : "as %ree4 stron)4 si)hte-4 an- ha- a p'an;
No" : "as a threat seekin) %$'%i''ment once a)ain4 a -ea-'ier threat than : ha- been pre&io$s'1;
!his time : -i- not ha&e m1 %ort$nes tie- $p "ith the p'ans o% another; No" : "as responsib'e %or
m1 o"n s$ccess or %ai'$re;
!he %ee'in) "as )oo-4 as "as the )rass4 as "as the a'coho' "hich ha- no" seepe- thro$)h m1
s1stem an- "arme- me "ith a p'easant %'ame; : c'eane- m1 pipe4 p$t it a"a14 stretche-4 1a"ne-4
an- "as abo$t to rec'ine;
: -etecte- a -istant mo&ement4 proppe- m1se'% on m1 e'bo"s an- "atche- %or it a)ain; : -i- not
ha&e 'on) to "ait; A %i)$re "as passin) s'o"'1 a'on) the path4 pa$sin) %re<$ent'14 mo&in)
<$iet'1; :t &anishe- beneath the tree "here #ane'on an- : ha- been sittin)4 an- -i- not emer)e
a)ain %or a 'on) "hi'e; !hen it contin$e- on %or se&era' -o6en paces4 stoppe- an- seeme- to be
starin) in m1 -irection; !hen it a-&ance- to"ar- me;
Passin) abo$t a c'$mp o% shr$bber1 an- emer)in) %rom the sha-o"s4 her %ace "as s$--en'1
to$che- b1 the moon'i)ht; Apparent'1 a"are o% this4 she smi'e- in m1 -irection4 s'o"in) as she
came near4 stoppin) "hen she stoo- be%ore me;
(he sai-4 F: take it 1o$r <$arters are not to 1o$r 'ikin)4 9or- Cor"in;G
FNot at a''4G : sai-; F:t is s$ch a bea$ti%$' ni)ht that it appea'e- to the o$t-oorsman in me;G
F(omethin) m$st ha&e appea'e- to 1o$ 'ast ni)ht4 a'so4G she sai-4 F-espite the rain4G an- she
seate- herse'% besi-e me on m1 c'oak; F/i- 1o$ s'eep in-oors or o$t>G
F: spent it o$t4G : sai-; FB$t : -i- not s'eep; :n %act4 : ha&e not s'ept since : sa" 1o$ 'ast;G
F=here ha&e 1o$ been>G
F/o"n b1 the seasi-e4 si%tin) san-;G
F(o$n-s -epressin);G
F:t "as;G
F: ha&e been -oin) a 'ot o% thinkin)4 since "e "a'ke- in (ha-o";G
F: "o$'- ima)ine;G
F: ha&e not -one too m$ch s'eepin) either; !hat "as "h1 : hear- 1o$ come in4 hear- 1o$ ta'kin)
"ith #ane'on4 kne" 1o$ "ere o$t here some"here "hen he came back a'one;G
FAo$ "ere ri)ht;G
F: m$st )et to Amber4 1o$ kno"; An- "a'k the Pattern;G
F: kno"; Ao$ "i'';G
F(oon4 Cor"in; (oonIG
FAo$ are 1o$n)4 /ara; !here is p'ent1 o% time;G
F/amn itI : ha&e been "aitin) a'' m1 'i%eD"itho$t e&en kno"in) abo$t itI :s there no "a1 : can
)o no">G
F=h1 not> Ao$ co$'- take me on a <$ick ?o$rne1 thro$)h sha-o"s4 take me to Amber4 'et me
"a'k the Pattern;;;G
F:% "e are not s'ain imme-iate'14 "e mi)ht be %ort$nate eno$)h to be )i&en a-?oinin) ce''s %or a
timeDor racksDbe%ore "e are$te-;G
F=hate&er %or> Ao$ are a Prince o% the Cit1; Ao$ ha&e a ri)ht to -o as 1o$ p'ease;G
: 'a$)he-;
F: am an o$t'a"4 -ear; :% : ret$rn to Amber : "i'' be$te-4 i% : am '$ck1; Or somethin) m$ch
"orse i% : am not; B$t seein) as ho" thin)s t$rne- o$t 'ast time4 : sho$'- think the1 "o$'- ki''
me <$ick'1; !his co$rtes1 "o$'- -o$bt'ess a'so be e.ten-e- to m1 companions;G
FOberon "o$'- not -o s$ch a thin);G
F#i&en s$%%icient pro&ocation4 : be'ie&e that he "o$'-; B$t the <$estion -oes not rea''1 arise;
Oberon is no more4 an- m1 brother 2ric sits on the throne an- ca''s himse'% 'ie)e;G
F=hen -i- this occ$r>G
F(e&era' 1ears a)o4 as time is meas$re- in Amber;G
F=h1 "o$'- he "ant to ki'' 1o$>G
F!o keep me %rom ki''in) him4 o% co$rse;G
F=o$'- 1o$>G
FAes4 an- : "i''; (oon4 too4 : think;G
(he t$rne- to %ace me then;
F(o that : can occ$p1 the throne m1se'%; :t is ri)ht'1 mine4 1o$ see; 2ric has $s$rpe- it; : am ?$st
recent'1 escape- %rom tort$re an- se&era' 1ears@ imprisonment at his han-s; ,e ma-e the mistake4
ho"e&er4 o% a''o"in) himse'% the '$.$r1 o% keepin) me a'i&e so that he co$'- contemp'ate m1
"retche-ness; ,e ne&er tho$)ht that : "o$'- )et %ree an- ret$rn to cha''en)e him a)ain; Neither
-i- :4 %or that matter; B$t since : ha&e been %ort$nate enon)h to obtain a secon- chance4 : sha'' be
care%$' not to make the same mistake he -i-;G
FB$t he is 1o$r brother;G
F+e" are more a"are o% that %act than he an- :4 : ass$re 1o$;G
F,o" soon -o 1o$ e.pect to accomp'ishD1o$r ob?ecti&es>G
FAs : sai- the other -a14 i% 1o$ can )et ho'- o% the !r$mps4 contact me in abo$t three months; :%
1o$ cannot4 an- thin)s come abo$t accor-in) to m1 p'ans4 : "i'' )et in to$ch "ith 1o$ %air'1
ear'1 in m1 rei)n; Ao$ sho$'- ha&e 1o$r chance to take the Pattern be%ore another 1ear passes;G
FAn- i% 1o$ %ai'>G
F!hen 1o$ "i'' ha&e a 'on)er "ait ahea- o% 1o$; *nti' 2ric has ass$re- the permanenc1 o% his
o"n rei)n4 an- $nti' Bene-ict has ackno"'e-)e- him kin); Ao$ see4 Bene-ict is not "i''in) to -o
this; ,e has remaine- a"a1 %rom Amber %or a 'on) "hi'e4 an- %or a'' 2ric kno"s4 he is no 'on)er
amon) the 'i&in); (ho$'- he p$t in an appearance no"4 he is )oin) to ha&e to take a position
either %or or a)ainst 2ric; (ho$'- he come o$t %or him4 then the contin$ance o% 2ric@s rei)n "i''
be ass$re-Dan- Bene-ict -oes not "ant to be responsib'e %or that; (ho$'- he come o$t a)ainst
him4 there "i'' be stri%eDan- he -oes not "ant to be responsib'e %or that either; ,e has no -esire
%or the cro"n himse'%; On'1 b1 remainin) o$t o% the pict$re entire'1 can he ass$re the meas$re o%
tran<$i'it1 that -oes pre&ai'; =ere he to appear an- re%$se to take either position4 he co$'-
possib'1 )et a"a1 "ith it4 b$t it "o$'- be tantamo$nt to -en1in) 2ric@s kin)ship an- "o$'- sti''
'ea- to tro$b'e; =ere he to appear "ith 1o$4 he "o$'- be s$rren-erin) his "i''4 %or 2ric "o$'-
p$t press$re on him thro$)h 1o$;G
F!hen i% 1o$ 'ose : mi)ht ne&er )et to AmberIG
F: am on'1 -escribin) the sit$ation as : see it; !here are -o$bt'ess man1 %actors o% "hich : am
$na"are; : ha&e been o$t o% circ$'ation %or a 'on) "hi'e;G
FAo$ m$st "inIG she sai-; !hen4 s$--en'14 F=o$'- #ran-pa s$pport 1o$>G
F: -o$bt it; B$t the sit$ation "o$'- be <$ite -i%%erent; : am a"are o% his e.istence4 an- o% 1o$rs;
: "i'' not ask his s$pport; (o 'on) as he -oes not oppose me4 : "i'' be satis%ie-; An- i% : am
<$ick4 e%%icient4 an- s$ccess%$'4 he "i'' not oppose me; ,e "i'' not 'ike m1 ha&in) %o$n- o$t
abo$t 1o$4 b$t "hen he sees that : mean 1o$ no harm a'' "i'' be "e'' on that co$nt;G
F=h1 "o$'- 1o$ not $se me> :t seems the 'o)ica' thin) to -o;G
F:t is; B$t :@&e -isco&ere- : 'ike 1o$4G : sai-4 Fso that@s o$t o% the <$estion;G (he 'a$)he-;
F:@&e charme- 1o$IG she sai-; : ch$ck'e-;
F:n 1o$r o"n -e'icate "a14 at s"or-@s point4 1es;G
Abr$pt'14 she sobere-;
F#ran-pa is comin) back tomorro"4G she sai-; F/i- 1o$r man #ane'on te'' 1o$>G
F,o" -oes that a%%ect "hate&er 1o$ are abo$t>G
F: inten- to be he'' an- )one o$t o% here be%ore he ret$rns;G
F=hat "i'' he -o>G
F!he %irst thin) that he "i'' -o "i'' be to )et &er1 an)r1 "ith 1o$ %or bein) here; !hen he "i''
"ant to kno" ho" 1o$ mana)e- 1o$r ret$rn an- ho" m$ch 1o$ ha&e to'- me abo$t 1o$rse'%;G
F=hat sho$'- : te'' him>G
F!e'' him the tr$th abo$t ho" 1o$ )ot back; !hat "i'' )i&e him somethin) to think abo$t; As to
1o$r stat$s4 1o$r "oman@s int$ition ca$tione- 1o$ concernin) m1 tr$st"orthiness4 an- 1o$ took
the same 'ine "ith me as 1o$ -i- "ith E$'ian an- #erar-; As to m1 "hereabo$ts4 #ane'on an- :
borro"e- a "a)on an- hea-e- into to"n4 sa1in) that "e "o$'- not be back $nti' <$ite 'ate;G
F=here "i'' 1o$ rea''1 be )oin)>G
F:nto to"n4 brie%'1; B$t "e "i'' not be comin) back; : "ant as m$ch o% a hea- start as possib'e
beca$se he can track me thro$)h (ha-o"4 $p to a point;G
F: "i'' -e'a1 him as best : can %or 1o$; =ere 1o$ not )oin) to see me be%ore 1o$ 'e%t>G
F: "as )oin) to ha&e this ta'k "ith 1o$ in the mornin); Ao$ )ot it ahea- o% time b1 bein)
F!hen : am )'a- that : "asDrest'ess; ,o" are 1o$ )oin) to con<$er Amber>G
: shook m1 hea-; FNo4 -ear /ara; A'' schemin) princes m$st keep a %e" sma'' secrets; !hat@s
one o% mine;G
F: am s$rprise- to 'earn there is so m$ch -istr$st an- p'ottin) in Amber;G
F=h1> !he same con%'icts e&er1"here4 in &ario$s %orms; !he1 are a'' abo$t 1o$4 a'"a1s4
%or a'' p'aces take their %orm %rom Amber;G
F:t is -i%%ic$'t to $n-erstan-;;;G
FOne -a1 1o$ "i''; 9ea&e it at that %or no";G
F!hen te'' me another thin); (ince : am ab'e to ne)otiate sha-o"s some"hat4 e&en "itho$t
ha&in) taken the Pattern4 te'' me more precise'1 ho" 1o$ )o abo$t it; : "ant to )et better at it;G
FNoIG : sai-; F: "i'' not ha&e 1o$ %oo'in) "ith (ha-o" $nti' 1o$ are rea-1; :t is -an)ero$s e&en
a%ter 1o$ ha&e taken the Pattern; !o -o it be%ore is %oo'har-1; Ao$ "ere '$ck14 b$t -o not tr1 it
a)ain; :@'' e&en he'p4 b1 not te''in) 1o$ an1thin) more abo$t it;G
FA'' ri)htIG she sai-; F(orr1; : )$ess : can "ait;G
F: )$ess 1o$ can; No har- %ee'in)s>G
FNo; =e''DG (he 'a$)he-; F!he1 "o$'-n@t -o me an1 )oo-4 : )$ess; Ao$ m$st kno" "hat 1o$
are ta'kin) abo$t; : am )'a- that 1o$ care "hat happens to me;G
: )r$nte-4 an- she reache- o$t an- to$che- m1 cheek; At this4 : t$rne- m1 hea- a)ain an- her
%ace "as mo&in) s'o"'1 to"ar- m1 o"n4 smi'e )one an- 'ips partin)4 e1es a'most c'ose-; As "e
kisse-4 : %e't her arms s'i-e abo$t m1 neck an- sho$'-ers an- mine %o$n- their "a1 into a simi'ar
position aro$n- her; B1 s$rprise "as 'ost in the s"eetness4 )a&e "a1 to "armth an- a certain
:% Bene-ict e&er %o$n- o$t4 he "as )oin) to be more than ?$st irritate- "ith me;;;
Chapter #
!he "a)on creake-4 monotono$s'14 an- the s$n "as a'rea-1 "e'' into the "est4 tho$)h it sti''
po$re- hot streams o% -a1'i)ht $pon $s; Back amon) the cases4 #ane'on snore-4 an- : en&ie-
him his nois1 occ$pation; ,e ha- been s'eepin) %or se&era' ho$rs4 an- this "as m1 thir- -a1
"itho$t rest;
=e "ere perhaps %i%teen mi'es o$t o% the cit14 an- hea-in) into the northeast; /o1'e ha- not ha-
m1 or-er comp'ete'1 rea-14 b$t #ane'on an- : ha- pers$a-e- him to c'ose $p his shop an-
acce'erate its pro-$ction; !his in&o'&e- se&era' a--itiona' ho$rs@ c$rse-"orth1 -e'a1; : ha- been
too ke1e--$p to s'eep then an- "as $nab'e to -o so no"4 as : "as e-)in) m1 "a1 thro$)h
: %orce- back the %ati)$e an- the e&enin) an- %o$n- some c'o$-s to sha-e me; =e mo&e- a'on)
a -r14 -eep'1 r$tte-4 c'a1 roa-; :t "as an $)'1 sha-e o% 1e''o"4 an- it cracke- an- cr$mb'e- as "e
"ent; Bro"n )rasses h$n) 'imp'1 on either si-e o% the "a14 an- the trees "ere short4 t"iste-
thin)s4 their barks thick an- sha))1; =e passe- n$mero$s o$tcrops o% sha'e;
: ha- pai- /o1'e "e'' %or his compo$n-s4 an- ha- a'so p$rchase- a han-some brace'et to be
-e'i&ere- to /ara the %o''o"in) -a1; B1 -iamon-s "ere at m1 be't4 #ra1s"an-ir near to m1
han-; (tar an- +ire-rake "a'ke- stea-i'14 stron)'1; : "as on m1 "a1 to ha&in) it ma-e;
: "on-ere- "hether Bene-ict ha- ret$rne- home 1et; : "on-ere- ho" 'on) he "o$'- remain
-ecei&e- as to m1 "hereabo$ts; : "as b1 no means o$t o% -an)er %rom him; ,e co$'- %o''o" a
trai' %or a )reat -istance thro$)h (ha-o"4 an- : "as 'ea&in) him a )oo- one; : ha- 'itt'e choice in
the matter4 tho$)h; : nee-e- the "a)on4 : "as st$ck "ith o$r present spee-4 an- : "as in no
con-ition to mana)e another he''ri-e; : han-'e- the shi%ts s'o"'1 an- care%$''14 &er1 conscio$s o%
m1 -$''e- senses an- )ro"in) "eariness4 co$ntin) on the )ra-$a' acc$m$'ation o% chan)e an-
-istance to b$i'- $p a barrier bet"een Bene-ict an- m1se'%4 hopin) that it "o$'- soon become an
impenetrab'e one;
: %o$n- m1 "a1 %rom 'ate a%ternoon back to noonti-e "ithin the ne.t t"o mi'es4 b$t kept it a
c'o$-1 noon4 %or it "as on'1 its 'i)ht that : -esire-4 not its heat; !hen : mana)e- to 'ocate a sma''
bree6e; :t increase- the probabi'it1 o% rain4 b$t it "as "orth it; Ao$ can@t ha&e e&er1thin);
: "as %i)htin) back -ro"siness b1 then4 an- the temptation "as )reat to a"aken #ane'on an-
simp'1 a-- more mi'es to o$r -istance b1 'ettin) him -ri&e "hi'e : s'ept; B$t : "as a%rai- to tr1 it
this ear'1 in the ?o$rne1; !here "ere sti'' too man1 thin)s to -o;
: "ante- more -a1'i)ht4 b$t : a'so "ante- a better roa-4 an- : "as sick o% that )o--amne-
1e''o" c'a14 an- : ha- to -o somethin) abo$t those c'o$-s4 an- : ha- to keep in min- "here "e
"ere hea-e-;;;;
: r$bbe- m1 e1es4 : took se&era' -eep breaths; !hin)s "ere startin) to ?$mp aro$n- insi-e m1
hea-4 an- the stea-1 c'op-c'op o% the horses@ hoo%s an- the creakin) o% the "a)on "ere startin) to
ha&e a sopori%ic e%%ect; : "as a'rea-1 n$mb to the ?o'tin) an- the s"a1in); !he reins h$n) 'oose'1
in m1 han-s4 an- : ha- a'rea-1 no--e- an- 'et them s'ip once; +ort$nate'14 the horses seeme- to
ha&e a )oo- i-ea as to "hat "as e.pecte- o% them;
A%ter a time4 "e mo$nte- a 'on)4 eas1 s'ope that 'e- -o"n into mi--mornin); B1 then4 the sk1
"as <$ite -ark4 an- it took se&era' mi'es an- ha'% a -o6en t"istin)s o% the roa- to -issipate the
c'o$- co&er some"hat; A storm co$'- t$rn o$r "a1 into a ri&er o% m$- <$ite <$ick'1; : "ince- at
the tho$)ht4 'et the sk1 a'one an- concentrate- on the roa- once more;
=e came to a -i'api-ate- bri-)e 'ea-in) across a -r1 stream be-; On its other si-e4 the roa- "as
smoother4 'ess 1e''o"; As "e procee-e-4 it )re" -arker4 %'atter4 har-er4 an- the )rass came )reen
besi-e it; B1 then4 tho$)h4 it ha- be)$n rainin);
: %o$)ht "ith this %or a time4 -etermine- not to s$rren-er m1 )rass an- the -ark4 eas1 roa-; B1
hea- ache-4 b$t the sho"er en-e- "ithin a <$arter o% a mi'e an- the s$n came o$t once more;
!he s$n;;;oh 1es4 the s$n;
=e ratt'e- on4 %ina''1 comin) to a -ip in the roa- that kept t"istin) its "a1 -o"n amon) bri)hter
trees; =e -escen-e- into a coo' &a''e14 "here "e e&ent$a''1 crosse- another sma'' bri-)e4 this
one "ith a narro" ban- o% "ater -ri%tin) a'on) the mi--'e o% the be- beneath it; : ha- "rappe-
the reins abo$t m1 "rist b1 then4 beca$se : kept no--in); As %rom a )reat -istance4 : %oc$se- m1
concentration4 strai)htenin)4 sortin);;;
Bir-s <$erie- the -a14 tentati&e'14 %rom "ithin the "oo-s to m1 ri)ht; #'istenin) -rop'ets o% -e"
c'$n) to the )rass4 the 'ea&es; A chi'' came into the air4 an- the ra1s o% the mornin) s$n s'ante-
-o"n thro$)h the trees;;;
B$t m1 bo-1 "as not %oo'e- b1 the a"akenin) "ithin this sha-o"4 an- : "as re'ie&e- %ina''1 to
hear #ane'on stir an- c$rse; :% he ha- not come aro$n- be%ore m$ch 'on)er : "o$'- ha&e ha- to
a"aken him;
#oo- eno$)h; : t$))e- )ent'1 on the reins an- the horses )ot the i-ea an- ha'te-; : p$t on the
brake4 as "e "ere sti'' on an inc'ine4 an- 'ocate- a "ater bott'e;
F,ereIG sai- #ane'on4 as : -rank; F9ea&e a -rop %or meIG : passe- the bott'e back to him;
FAo$ are takin) o&er no"4G : to'- him; F: ha&e to )et some s'eep;G
,e -rank %or ha'% a min$te4 then 'et o$t an e.p'osi&e e.ha'ation;
F0i)ht4G he sai-4 s"in)in) himse'% o&er the e-)e o% the "a)on an- -o"n; FB$t bi-e a moment;
Nat$re s$mmons;G
,e steppe- o%% the roa-4 an- : cra"'e- back onto the be- o% the "a)on an- stretche- o$t "here
he ha- 'ain4 %o'-in) m1 c'oak into a pi''o";
Boments 'ater4 : hear- him c'imb onto the -ri&er@s seat4 an- there "as a ?o't as he re'ease- the
brake; : hear- him c'$ck his ton)$e an- snap the reins 'i)ht'1;
F:s it mornin)>G he ca''e- back to me;
F#o-I :@&e s'ept a'' -a1 an- a'' ni)htIG
: ch$ck'e-;
FNo; : -i- a 'itt'e sha-o"-shi%tin)4G : sai-; FAo$ on'1 s'ept si. or se&en ho$rs;G
F: -on@t $n-erstan-; B$t ne&er min-4 : be'ie&e 1o$; =here are "e no">G
F(ti'' hea-in) northeast4G : sai-4 Faro$n- t"ent1 mi'es o$t o% the cit1 an- ma1be a -o6en or so
%rom Bene-ict@s p'ace; =e ha&e mo&e- thro$)h (ha-o"4 a'so;G
F=hat am : to -o no">G
FE$st keep %o''o"in) the roa-; =e nee- the -istance;G
FCo$'- Bene-ict sti'' reach $s>G
F: think so; !hat@s "h1 "e can@t )i&e the horses their rest 1et;G
FA'' ri)ht; :s there an1thin) specia' : sho$'- be a'ert %or>G
F=hen sho$'- : raise 1o$>G
,e "as si'ent then4 an- as : "aite- %or m1 conscio$ness to be cons$me-4 : tho$)ht o% /ara4 o%
co$rse; : ha- been thinkin) o% her on an- o%% a'' -a1;
!he thin) ha- been <$ite $npreme-itate- on m1 part; : ha- not e&en tho$)ht o% her as a "oman
$nti' she came into m1 arms an- re&ise- m1 thinkin) on the s$b?ect; A moment 'ater4 an- m1
spina' ner&es took o&er4 re-$cin) m$ch o% "hat passes %or cerebration -o"n to its basics4 as
+re$- ha- once sai- to me; : co$'- not b'ame it on the a'coho'4 as : ha- not ha- that m$ch an- it
ha- not a%%ecte- me especia''1; =h1 -i- : "ant to b'ame it on an1thin)> Beca$se : %e't some"hat
)$i't14 that "as "h1; (he "as too -istant a re'ation %or me to rea''1 think o% her as one; !hat "as
not it; : -i- not %ee' : ha- taken $n%air a-&anta)e o% her4 %or she ha- kno"n "hat she "as -oin)
"hen she came 'ookin) %or me; :t "as the circ$mstances that ma-e me <$estion m1 o"n
moti&es4 e&en in the mi-st o% thin)s; : ha- "ante- to -o more than simp'1 "in her con%i-ence
an- a meas$re o% %rien-ship "hen : ha- %irst spoken "ith her an- taken her on that "a'k into
(ha-o"; : "as tr1in) to a'ienate some o% her 'o1a't14 tr$st4 an- a%%ection %rom Bene-ict an-
trans%er it to m1se'%; : ha- "ante- her on m1 si-e4 as a possib'e a''1 in "hat mi)ht become an
enem1 camp; : ha- hope- to be ab'e to $se her4 sho$'- the nee- arise "hen the )oin) )ot ro$)h;
A'' this "as tr$e; B$t : -i- not "ant to be'ie&e that : ha- ha- her as : -i- ?$st to %$rther this en-; :
s$specte- there "as some tr$th to it4 tho$)h4 an- it ma-e me %ee' $ncom%ortab'e an- more than a
'itt'e i)nob'e; =h1> : ha- -one p'ent1 o% thin)s in m1 time that man1 "o$'- consi-er m$ch
"orse4 an- : "as not especia''1 tro$b'e- b1 these; : "rest'e- "ith it4 not 'ikin) to a-mit it b$t
a'rea-1 kno"in) the ans"er; : care- %or the )ir'; :t "as as simp'e as that; :t "as -i%%erent %rom the
%rien-ship : ha- %e't %or 9orraine4 "ith its e'ement o% "or'--"ear1 $n-erstan-in) bet"een t"o
&eterans abo$t it4 or the air o% cas$a' sens$a'it1 that ha- e.iste- brie%'1 bet"een Boire an-
m1se'% back be%ore : ha- taken the Pattern %or the secon- time; :t "as <$ite -i%%erent; : ha-
kno"n her so brie%'1 that it "as most i''o)ica'; : "as a man "ith cent$ries behin- me; Aet;;;: ha-
not %e't this "a1 in cent$ries; : ha- %or)otten the %ee'in)4 $nti' no"; : -i- not "ant to be in 'o&e
"ith her; Not no"; 9ater4 perhaps; Better 1et4 not at a''; (he "as a'' "ron) %or me; (he "as a
chi'-; 2&er1thin) that she "o$'- "ant to -o4 e&er1thin) that she "o$'- %in- ne" an- %ascinatin)4
: ha- a'rea-1 -one; No4 it "as a'' "ron); : ha- no b$siness %a''in) in 'o&e "ith her; : sho$'- not
'et m1se'%;;;
#ane'on h$mme- some ba"-1 t$ne4 ba-'1; !he "a)on ?o$nce- an- creake-4 took a t$rn $phi'';
!he s$n %e'' $pon m1 %ace4 an- : co&ere- m1 e1es "ith m1 %orearm; (ome"here thereabo$t4
ob'i&ion %i.e- its )rip an- s<$ee6e-;
=hen : a"oke4 it "as past noon an- : "as %ee'in) )rim1; : took a 'on) -rink o% "ater4 po$re-
some in the pa'm o% m1 han-4 an- r$bbe- it in m1 e1es; : combe- m1 hair "ith m1 %in)ers; :
took a 'ook at o$r s$rro$n-in)s;
!here "as )reener1 abo$t $s4 sma'' stan-s o% trees an- open spaces "here ta'' )rasses )re"; :t
"as sti'' a -irt roa- that "e tra&e'e-4 har--packe- an- %air'1 smooth; !he sk1 "as c'ear4 b$t %or a
%e" sma'' c'o$-s4 an- sha-e a'ternate- "ith s$n'i)ht %air'1 re)$'ar'1; !here "as a 'i)ht bree6e;
FBack amon) the 'i&in); #oo-IG sai- #ane'on4 as : c'imbe- o&er the %ront "a'' an- took a seat
besi-e him;
F!he horses are )ettin) tire-4 Cor"in4 an- :@- 'ike to stretch m1 'e)s a bit4G he sai-; F:@m a'so
)ettin) &er1 h$n)r1; Aren@t 1o$>G
FAes; P$'' o%% into that sha-1 p'ace to the 'e%t an- "e@'' stop a"hi'e;G
F: "o$'- 'ike to )o on a bit %arther than that4G he sai-;
F+or an1 specia' reason>G
FAes; : "ant to sho" 1o$ somethin);G
F#o ahea-;G
=e c'oppe- a'on) %or perhaps a ha'% a mi'e4 then came to a ben- in the roa- that took $s in a
more norther'1 -irection; Be%ore &er1 'on) "e came to a hi''4 an- "hen "e ha- mo$nte- it there
"as another hi''4 'ea-in) e&en hi)her;
F,o" m$ch %arther -o 1o$ "ant to )o>G : sai-;
F9et@s take this ne.t hi''4G he rep'ie-; F=e mi)ht be ab'e to see it %rom $p there;G
FA'' ri)ht;G
!he horses straine- a)ainst the steepness o% that secon- hi''4 an- : )ot o$t an- p$she- %rom
behin-; =hen "e %ina''1 reache- the top4 : %e't e&en )rimier %rom the mi.t$re o% s"eat an- -$st4
b$t : "as %$''1 a"ake once more; #ane'on reine- in the horses an- p$t on the brake; ,e c'imbe-
back in the "a)on an- $p onto a crate then; ,e stoo-4 %acin) to the 'e%t4 an- sha-e- his e1es;
FCome $p here4 Cor"in4G he ca''e-;
: c'imbe- o&er the tai')ate an- he s<$atte- an- e.ten-e- a han-; : took it4 an- he he'pe- me $p
onto the crate4 "here : stoo- besi-e him; ,e pointe-4 an- : %o''o"e- the )est$re;
Perhaps three-<$arters o% a mi'e -istant4 r$nnin) %rom 'e%t to ri)ht %or as %ar as : co$'- see4 "as a
"i-e4 b'ack ban-; =e "ere se&era' h$n-re- 1ar-s hi)her than the thin) an- ha- a -ecent &ie" o%4
: "o$'- sa14 ha'% a mi'e o% its 'en)th; :t "as se&era' h$n-re- %eet across4 an- tho$)h it c$r&e- an-
t$rne- t"ice that : co$'- see4 its "i-th appeare- to remain constant; !here "ere trees "ithin it4
an- the1 "ere tota''1 b'ack; !here seeme- to be some mo&ement; : co$'- not sa1 "hat it "as;
Perhaps it "as on'1 the "in- ripp'in) the b'ack )rassses near its e-)e; B$t there "as a'so a
-e%inite sensation o% %'o"in) "ithin it4 'ike c$rrents in a %'at4 -ark ri&er;
F=hat is it>G : sai-;
F: tho$)ht perhaps 1o$ co$'- te'' me4G #ane'on rep'ie-; F: ha- tho$)ht it a part o% 1o$r sha-o"-
: shook m1 hea- s'o"'1;
F: "as <$ite -ro"s14 b$t : "o$'- remember i% : ha- arran)e- %or an1thin) that stran)e to occ$r;
,o" -i- 1o$ kno" it "as there>G
F=e skirte- it se&era' times as 1o$ s'ept4 then e-)e- a"a1 a)ain; : -i- not 'ike the %ee'in) at a'';
:t "as a &er1 %ami'iar one; /oes it not remin- 1o$ o% somethin)>G
FAes; Aes4 it -oes; *n%ort$nate'1;G
,e no--e-;
F:t@s 'ike that -amne- Circ'e back in 9orraine; !hat@s "hat it@s 'ike;G
F!he b'ack roa-;;;G : sai-;
F!he b'ack roa-4G : repeate-; F: -i- not kno" "hat she "as re%errin) to "hen she mentione- it4
b$t no" : be)in to $n-erstan-; !his is not )oo- at a'';G
FAnother i'' omen>G F: am a%rai- so;G
,e c$rse-4 then4 F=i'' it ca$se $s an1 imme-iate tro$b'e>G he aske-;
F: -on@t be'ie&e so4 b$t : am not certain;G
,e c'imbe- -o"n %rom the crate an- : %o''o"e-;
F9et@s %in- some %ora)e %or the horses then4G he sai-4 Fan- ten- to o$r o"n be''ies as "e'';G
=e mo&e- %or"ar- an- he took the reins; =e %o$n- a )oo- spot at the %oot o% the hi'';
=e tarrie- there %or the better part o% an ho$r4 ta'kin) main'1 o% A&a'on; =e -i- not speak a)ain
o% the b'ack roa-4 tho$)h : tho$)ht o% it <$ite a bit; : ha- to )et a c'oser 'ook at the thin)4 o%
=hen "e "ere rea-1 to mo&e on4 : took the reins a)ain; !he horses4 some"hat re%reshe-4 mo&e-
o$t at a )oo- pace;
#ane'on sat besi-e me on the 'e%t4 sti'' in a ta'kati&e moo-; : "as on'1 ?$st then be)innin) to
rea'i6e ho" m$ch this stran)e homecomin) ha- meant to him; ,e ha- re&isite- man1 o% his o'-
ha$nts %rom the -a1s o% his o$t'a"r14 as "e'' as %o$r batt'e%ie'-s "here he ha- -istin)$ishe-
himse'% )reat'1 a%ter he ha- achie&e- respectabi'it1; : "as in man1 "a1s mo&e- b1 his
reminiscences; An $n$s$a' mi.t$re o% )o'- an- c'a14 this man; ,e sho$'- ha&e been an Amberite;
!he mi'es s'i- b1 <$ick'1 an- "e "ere -ra"in) near to the b'ack roa- a)ain "hen : %e't a
%ami'iar menta' ?ab; : passe- the reins to #ane'on;
F!ake themIG : sai-; F/ri&eIG
F=hat is it>G
F9aterI E$st -ri&eIG
F(ho$'- : h$rr1>G
FNo; 3eep it norma'; /on@t sa1 an1thin) %or a "hi'e;G
: c'ose- m1 e1es an- reste- m1 hea- in m1 han-s4 empt1in) m1 min- an- b$i'-in) a "a''
aro$n- the emptiness; No one home; O$t to '$nch; No so'icitors; !his propert1 is &acant; /o not
-ist$rb; !respassers "i'' be prosec$te-; Be"are o% -o); +a''in) rock; ('ipper1 "hen "et; !o be
ra6e- %or $rban rene"a';;;
:t ease-4 then came on a)ain4 har-4 an- : b'ocke- it a)ain; !here %o''o"e- a thir- "a&e; :
stoppe- that one4 too;
!hen it "as )one;
: si)he-4 massa)e- m1 e1eba''s;
F:t@s a'' ri)ht no"4G : sai-;
F=hat happene->G
F(omeone trie- to reach me b1 a &er1 specia' means; :t "as a'most certain'1 Bene-ict; ,e m$st
?$st no" ha&e %o$n- o$t an1 o% a n$mber o% thin)s that co$'- make him "ant to stop $s; :@'' take
the reins a)ain no"; : %ear he "i'' be on o$r trai' soon;G
#ane'on han-e- them o&er;
F=hat are o$r chances o% escapin) him>G
FPrett1 %air no"; :@- sa14 that "e@&e )ot more -istance behin- $s; : am )oin) to sh$%%'e some
more sha-o"s as soon as m1 hea- stops spinnin);G
: )$i-e- $s on4 an- o$r "a1 t"iste- an- "o$n-4 para''e'in) that b'ack roa- %or a time4 then
hea-in) in c'oser to it; +ina''14 "e "ere on'1 a %e" h$n-re- 1ar-s a"a1 %rom it;
#ane'on st$-ie- it in si'ence %or a 'on) "hi'e4 then sai-4 F:t remin-s me too m$ch o% that other
p'ace; !he 'itt'e ton)$es o% mist that 'ick abo$t thin)s4 the %ee'in) that somethin) is a'"a1s
mo&in) ?$st at the corner o% 1o$r e1e;;;G
: bit m1 'ip; : be)an to perspire hea&i'1; : "as tr1in) to shi%t a"a1 %rom the thin) no" an- there
"as some sort o% resistance; :t "as not the same %ee'in) o% mono'ithic immo&abi'it1 as occ$rs
"hen 1o$ tr1 to mo&e thro$)h (ha-o" in Amber; :t "as a'to)ether -i%%erent; :t "as a %ee'in) o%
=e mo&e- thro$)h (ha-o" a'' ri)ht; !he s$n -ri%te- hi)her in the hea&ens4 hea-in) back to"ar-
noon-a1D%or : -i- not re'ish the tho$)ht o% ni)ht%a'' besi-e that b'ack stripDan- the sk1 'ost
somethin) o% its b'$e an- the trees shot hi)her abo$t $s an- mo$ntains appeare- in the -istance;
=as it that the roa- c$t thro$)h (ha-o" itse'%>
:t m$st; =h1 e'se "o$'- E$'ian an- #erar- ha&e 'ocate- it an- been s$%%icient'1 intri)$e- to
e.p'ore the thin)>
:t "as $n%ort$nate4 b$t : %eare- "e ha- m$ch in common4 that roa- an- :; /amn itI
=e mo&e- besi-e it %or a 'on) "hi'e4 )ra-$a''1 mo&in) c'oser to)ether4 a'so; (oon4 on'1 abo$t a
h$n-re- %eet separate- $s; +i%t1;;;
;;;An-4 as : ha- %e't the1 e&ent$a''1 m$st4 o$r paths %ina''1 intersecte-;
: -re" rein; : packe- m1 pipe an- 'it it4 smoke- as : st$-ie- the thin); (tar an- +ire-rake
ob&io$s'1 -i- not appro&e o% the b'ack area that c$t across o$r "a1; !he1 ha- "hinnie- an- trie-
to p$'' o%% to the si-e;
:t "as a 'on)4 -ia)ona' c$t across the b'ack p'ace i% "e "ante- to keep to the roa-; A'so4 part o%
the terrain "as hi--en %rom o$r si)ht b1 a series o% 'o"4 stone hi''s; !here "ere hea&1 )rasses at
the e-)e o% the b'ack an- patches o% it4 here an- there4 abo$t the %oot o% the hi''s; Bits o% mist
sc$--e- amon) them an- %aint4 &aporo$s c'o$-s ho&ere- in a'' the ho''o"s; !he sk14 seen
thro$)h the atmosphere that h$n) abo$t the p'ace4 "as se&era' sha-es -arker4 "ith a smeare-4
soot1 tone to it; A si'ence that "as not the same as sti''nesss 'a1 $pon it4 a'most as tho$)h some
$nseen entit1 "ere poise-4 ho'-in) its breath;
!hen "e hear- a scream; :t "as a )ir'@s &oice; !he o'- 'a-1 in -istress trick>
:t came %rom some"here to the ri)ht4 be1on- those hi''s; :t sme''e- %ish1; B$t he''I :t co$'- be
: tosse- the reins to #ane'on an- ?$mpe- to the )ro$n-4 takin) #ra1s"an-ir into m1 han-;
F:@m )oin) to in&esti)ate4G : sai-4 mo&in) o%% to the ri)ht an- 'eapin) the )$''e1 that ran besi-e
the roa-;
F,$rr1 back;G
: p'o"e- thro$)h some br$sh an- scramb'e- $p a rock1 s'ope; : p$she- m1 "a1 thro$)h more
shr$bber1 on its -o"n si-e an- mo$nte- another4 hi)her s'ope; !he scream came a)ain as : "as
c'imbin) it4 an- this time : hear- other so$n-s as "e'';
!hen : reache- the top an- "as ab'e to see %or a )oo- -istance;
!he b'ack area be)an abo$t %ort1 %eet be'o" me4 an- the scene : so$)ht "as 'ai- abo$t a
h$n-re--%i%t1 %eet "ithin it;
:t "as a monochromatic si)ht4 sa&e %or the %'ames; A "oman4 a'' in "hite4 b'ack hair han)in)
'oose4 -o"n to her "aist4 "as bo$n- to one o% those -ark trees4 smo'-erin) branches heape-
aro$n- her %eet; ,a'% a -o6en hair14 a'bino men4 a'most comp'ete'1 nake- an- contin$in) the
process o% $n-ressin) as the1 mo&e-4 sh$%%'e- abo$t4 m$tterin) an- ch$ck'in)4 pokin) at the
"oman an- the %ire "ith sticks that the1 carrie- an- c'$tchin) at their 'oins repeate-'1; !he
%'ames "ere hi)h eno$)h no" to sin)e the "oman@s )arments4 ca$sin) them to smo'-er; ,er 'on)
-ress "as s$%%icient'1 torn an- -isarra1e- so that : co$'- see she possesse- a 'o&e'14 &o'$pt$o$s
%orm4 tho$)h the smoke "rappe- her in s$ch a manner that : "as $nab'e to see her %ace;
: r$she- %or"ar-4 enterin) the area o% the b'ack roa-4 'eapin) o&er the 'on)4 t"inin) )rasses4 an-
char)e- into the )ro$p4 behea-in) the nearest man an- r$nnin) another thro$)h be%ore the1 kne"
: "as $pon them; !he others t$rne- an- %'ai'e- at me "ith their sticks4 sho$tin) as the1 s"$n)
#ra1s"an-ir ate o%% bi) ch$nks o% them4 $nti' the1 %e'' apart an- "ere si'ent; !heir ?$ices "ere
: t$rne-4 ho'-in) m1 breath4 an- kicke- a"a1 the %ront o% the %ire; !hen : mo&e- in c'ose to the
'a-1 an- c$t her bon-s; (he %e'' into m1 arms4 sobbin);
:t "as on'1 then that : notice- her %aceDor4 rather4 her 'ack o% one; (he "ore a %$''4 i&or1 mask4
o&a' an- c$r&in)4 %eat$re'ess4 sa&e %or t"o tin1 rectan)$'ar )ri''es %or her e1es;
: -re" her a"a1 %rom the smoke an- the )ore; (he c'$n) to me4 breathin) hea&i'14 thr$stin) her
entire bo-1 a)ainst me; A%ter "hat seeme- an appropriate perio- o% time4 : attempte- to
-isentan)'e m1se'%; B$t she "o$'- not re'ease me4 an- she "as s$rprisin)'1 stron);
F:t is a'' ri)ht no"4G : sai-4 or somethin) e<$a''1 trite an- apt4 b$t she -i- not rep'1;
(he kept shi%tin) her )rip $pon m1 bo-14 "ith ro$)h caressin) mo&ements an- a rather
-isconcertin) e%%ect; ,er -esirabi'it1 "as enhance-4 %rom instant to instant; : %o$n- m1se'%
strokin) her hair4 an- the rest o% her as "e'';
F:t is a'' ri)ht no"4G : repeate-; F=ho are 1o$> =h1 "ere the1 b$rnin) 1o$> =ho "ere the1>G
B$t she -i- not rep'1; (he ha- stoppe- sobbin)4 b$t her breathin) "as sti'' hea&14 a'tho$)h in a
-i%%erent "a1;
F=h1 -o 1o$ "ear this mask>G
: reache- %or it an- she ?erke- her hea- back;
!his -i- not seem especia''1 important4 tho$)h; =hi'e some co'-4 'o)ica' part o% me kne" that
the passion "as irrationa'4 : "as as po"er'ess as the )o-s o% the 2pic$reans; : "ante- her an- :
"as rea-1 to ha&e her;
!hen : hear- #ane'on cr1 o$t m1 name an- : trie- to t$rn in that -irection;
B$t she restraine- me; : "as ama6e- at her stren)th;
FChi'- o% Amber4G came her ha'%-%ami'iar &oice; F=e o"e 1o$ this %or "hat 1o$ ha&e )i&en $s4
an- "e "i'' ha&e a'' o% 1o$ no";G
#ane'on@s &oice came to me a)ain4 a stea-1 stream o% pro%anities;
: e.erte- a'' m1 stren)th a)ainst that )rip an- it "eakene-; B1 han- shot %or"ar- an- : tore
a"a1 the mask;
!here came a brie% cr1 o% an)er as : %ree- m1se'%4 an- %o$r %ina'4 %a-in) "or-s as the mask came
FAmber m$st be -estro1e-IG
!here "as no %ace behin- the mask; !here "as nothin) there at a'';
,er )arment co''apse- an- h$n) 'imp'1 o&er m1 arm; (heDor itDha- &anishe-;
!$rnin) <$ick'14 : sa" that #ane'on "as spra"'e- at the e-)e o% the b'ack4 his 'e)s t"iste-
$nnat$ra''1; ,is b'a-e rose an- %e'' s'o"'14 b$t : co$'- not see at "hat he "as strikin); : ran
to"ar- him;
!he b'ack )rasses4 o&er "hich : ha- 'eape-4 "ere t"ine- abo$t his ank'es an- 'e)s; 2&en as he
hacke- at them4 others 'ashe- abo$t as tho$)h seekin) to capt$re his s"or- arm; ,e ha-
s$ccee-e- in part'1 %reein) his ri)ht 'e)4 an- : 'eane- %ar %or"ar- an- mana)e- to %inish the ?ob;
: mo&e- to a position behin- him4 o$t o% reach o% the )rasses4 an- tosse- a"a1 the mask4 "hich :
?$st then rea'i6e- : "as sti'' c'$tchin); :t %e'' to earth be1on- the e-)e o% the b'ack an-
imme-iate'1 be)an to smo'-er;
Catchin) him $n-er the arms4 : stro&e to -ra) #ane'on back; !he st$%% resiste- %ierce'14 b$t at
'ast : tore him %ree; : carrie- him then4 'eapin) o&er the remainin) -ark )rasses that separate- $s
%rom the more -oci'e4 )reen &ariet1 be1on- the roa-;
,e re)aine- his %ootin) an- contin$e- to 'ean hea&i'1 a)ainst me4 ben-in) %or"ar- an- s'appin)
at his 'e))in)s;
F!he1@re n$mb4G he sai-; FB1 'e)s are as'eep;G : he'pe- him back to the "a)on; ,e trans%erre-
his )rip to its si-e an- be)an stampin) his %eet;
F!he1@re tin)'in)4G he anno$nce-; F:t@s startin) to come back;;;; Oo"IG
+ina''14 he 'impe- to the %ront o% the "a)on; : he'pe- him c'imb onto the seat an- %o''o"e- him
$p; ,e si)he-;
F!hat@s better4G he sai-; F!he1@re comin) a'on) no"; !hat st$%% ?$st s$cke- the stren)th o$t o%
them; O$t o% the rest o% me4 too; =hat happene->G
FO$r ba- omen ma-e )oo- on its promise;G
F=hat no">G : picke- $p the reins an- re'ease- the brake;
F=e )o across4G : sai-; F: ha&e to %in- o$t more abo$t this thin); 3eep 1o$r b'a-e han-1;G
,e )rante- an- 'ai- the "eapon across his knees; !he horses -i- not 'ike the i-ea o% )oin) on4
b$t : %'icke- their %'anks 'i)ht'1 "ith the "hip an- the1 be)an to mo&e;
=e entere- the b'ack area4 an- it "as 'ike ri-in) into a =or'- =ar :: ne"sree'; 0emote tho$)h
near at han-4 stark4 -epressin)4 )rim; 2&en the creakin) an- the hoo% %a''s "ere someho"
m$%%'e-4 ma-e to seem more -istant; A %aint4 persistent rin)in) be)an in m1 ears; !he )rasses
besi-e the roa- stirre- as "e passe-4 tho$)h : kept "e'' a"a1 %rom them; =e passe- thro$)h
se&era' patches o% mist; !he1 "ere o-or'ess4 b$t o$r breathin) )re" 'abore- on each occasion; As
"e neare- the %irst hi''4 : be)an the shi%t that "o$'- take $s thro$)h (ha-o";
=e ro$n-e- the hi'';
!he -ark4 miasma' prospect "as $na'tere-;
: )re" an)r1 then; : -re" the Pattern %rom memor1 an- he'- it b'a6in) be%ore m1 min-@s e1e; :
essa1e- the shi%t once more;
:mme-iate'14 m1 hea- be)an to ache; A pain shot %rom m1 %orehea- to the back o% m1 sk$'' an-
h$n) there 'ike a hot "ire; B$t this on'1 %anne- m1 an)er an- ca$se- me to tr1 e&en har-er to
shi%t the b'ack roa- into nothin)ness;
!hin)s "a&ere-; !he mists thickene-4 ro''e- across the roa- in bi''o"s; O$t'ines )re" in-istinct;
: shook the reins; !he horses mo&e- %aster; B1 hea- be)an to throb4 %e't as i% it "ere abo$t to
come apart; :nstea-4 momentari'14 e&er1thin) e'se -i-;;;;
!he )ro$n- shook4 crackin) in p'aces4 b$t it "as more than ?$st that; 2&er1thin) seeme- to
$n-er)o a spasmo-ic sh$--er4 an- the crackin) "as more than mere %ract$re 'ines in the )ro$n-;
:t "as as tho$)h someone ha- s$--en'1 kicke- the 'e) o% a tab'e on "hich a 'oose'1 assemb'e-
?i)sa" p$66'e 'a1; #aps appeare- in the entire prospect8 here4 a )reen bo$)hC there4 a spark'e o%
"ater4 a )'impse o% b'$e sk14 abso'$te b'ackness4 "hite nothin)ness4 the %ront o% a brick b$i'-in)4
%aces behin- a "in-o"4 %ire4 a piece o% star-%i''e- sk1;;;
!he horses "ere )a''opin) b1 then4 an- : ha- a'' : co$'- -o to keep %rom screamin) %or the pain;
A babb'e o% mi.e- noisesDanima'4 h$man4 mechanica'D"ashe- o&er $s; :t seeme- that : co$'-
hear #ane'on c$rsin)4 b$t : co$'- not be certain;
: tho$)ht that : "o$'- pass o$t %rom the pain4 b$t : -etermine-4 o$t o% sheer st$bbornness an-
an)er4 to persist $nti' : -i-; : concentrate- on the Pattern as a -1in) man mi)ht cr1 o$t to his
#o-4 an- : thre" m1 entire "i'' a)ainst the e.istence o% the b'ack roa-;
!hen the press$re "as o%% an- the horses "ere p'$n)in) "i'-'14 -ra))in) $s into a )reen %ie'-;
#ane'on snatche- at the reins4 b$t : -re" on them m1se'% an- sho$te- to the horses $nti' the1
ha'te-; =e ha- crosse- the b'ack roa-;
: t$rne- imme-iate'1 an- 'ooke- back; !he scene ha- the "a&erin) <$a'it1 o% somethin) seen
thro$)h tro$b'e- "aters; O$r path thro$)h it stoo- c'ean an- stea-14 ho"e&er4 'ike a bri-)e or a
-am4 an- the )rasses at its e-)e "ere )reen;
F!hat "as "orse4G #ane'on sai-4 Fthan the ri-e 1o$ took me on "hen 1o$ e.i'e- me;G
F: think so4 too4G : sai-4 an- : spoke to the horses4 )ent'14 %ina''1 pers$a-in) them to ret$rn to the
-irt roa- an- contin$e on a'on) it;
!he "or'- "as bri)hter here4 an- the trees that "e soon mo&e- amon) "ere )reat pines; !he air
"as %resh "ith their %ra)rance; (<$irre's an- bir-s mo&e- "ithin them; !he soi' "as -arker4
richer; =e seeme- to be at a hi)her a'tit$-e than "e ha- been be%ore the crossin); :t p'ease- me
that "e ha- in-ee- shi%te-Dan- in the -irection : ha- -esire-;
O$r "a1 c$r&e-4 ran back a bit4 strai)htene-; 2&er1 no" an- then "e ca$)ht a )'impse o% the
b'ack roa-; :t "as not too %ar o%% to o$r ri)ht; =e "ere sti'' r$nnin) ro$)h'1 para''e' to it; !he
thin) -e%inite'1 c$t thro$)h (ha-o"; +rom "hat "e sa" o% it4 it appeare- to ha&e sett'e- back
-o"n to bein) its norma'4 sinister se'% once more;
B1 hea-ache %a-e- an- m1 heart )re" some"hat 'i)hter; =e achie&e- hi)her )ro$n- an- a
p'easant &ie" o&er a 'ar)e area o% hi''s an- %orest4 remin-in) me o% parts o% Penns1'&ania : ha-
en?o1e- -ri&in) thro$)h 1ears ear'ier;
: stretche-C then4 F,o" are 1o$r 'e)s no">G : aske-;
FA'' ri)ht4G #ane'on sai-4 'ookin) back a'on) o$r trai'; F: can see %or a )reat -istance4 Cor"in;;;G
F: see a horseman4 comin) &er1 %ast;G
: stoo- an- t$rne-; : think : mi)ht ha&e )roane- as : -roppe- back into the seat an- shook the
,e "as sti'' too %ar o%% to te'' %or certainDon the other si-e o% the b'ack roa-; B$t "ho e'se
co$'- it be4 p$shin) a'on) at that spee- on o$r trai'> : c$rse- then;
=e "ere nearin) the crest o% the rise; : t$rne- to #ane'on an- sai-4 F#et rea-1 %or another
F:t@s Bene-ict>G
F: think so; =e 'ost too m$ch time back there; ,e can mo&e a"%$''1 %astDespecia''1 thro$)h
(ha-o"Da'' a'one 'ike that;G
F/o 1o$ think 1o$ can sti'' 'ose him>G
F=e@'' %in- o$t4G : sai-; F0ea' soon no";G
: c'$cke- to the horses an- shook the reins a)ain; =e reache- the top an- a b'ast o% ic1 air str$ck
$s; =e 'e&e'e- o%% an- the sha-o" o% a bo$'-er to o$r 'e%t -arkene- the sk1; =hen "e ha- passe-
it4 the -arkness remaine- an- cr1sta's o% %ine-te.t$re- sno" st$n) o$r %aces an- han-s;
=ithin a %e" moments4 "e "ere hea-in) -o"n"ar- once more an- the sno"%a'' became a
b'in-in) b'i66ar-; !he "in- screame- in o$r ears an- the "a)on ratt'e- an- ski--e-; : 'e&e'e- $s
<$ick'1; !here "ere -ri%ts a'' abo$t b1 then an- the roa- "as "hite; O$r breath %$me- an- ice
)'istene- on trees an- rocks;
Botion an- temporar1 ba%%'ement o% the senses; !hat "as "hat it took;;;;
=e race- on4 an- the "in- s'amme- an- bit an- crie- o$t; /ri%ts be)an to co&er the roa-;
=e ro$n-e- a ben- an- emer)e- %rom the storm; !he "or'- "as sti'' a )'a6e--o&er thin) an- an
occasiona' %'ake %'itte- b14 b$t the s$n p$''e- %ree o% the c'o$-s4 po$rin) 'i)ht $pon the 'an-4 an-
"e hea-e- -o"n"ar- once more;;;;
;;;Passin) thro$)h a %o) an- emer)in) in a barren4 tho$)h sno"'ess "aste o% rock an- pitte-
;;;=e bore to the ri)ht4 re)aine- the s$n4 %o''o"e- a t"iste- co$rse on a 'e&e' p'ain4 "in-in)
amon) ta''4 %eat$re'ess stan-s o% b'$e-)ra1 stone;;;;
;;;=here %ar o%% to o$r ri)ht the b'ack roa- pace- as;
=a&es o% heat "ashe- o&er $s an- the 'an- steame-; B$bb'es poppe- in boi'in) ste"s that %i''e-
the craters4 a--in) their %$mes to the -ank air; (ha''o" p$--'es 'a1 'ike a han-%$' o% o'-4 bron6e
!he horses race-4 ha'%-ma--ene- no"4 as )e1sers be)an to er$pt a'on) the trai'; (ca'-in) "aters
spe"e- across the roa-"a14 narro"'1 missin) $s4 r$nnin) in steamin)4 s'ick sheets; !he sk1 "as
brass an- the s$n "as a m$sh1 app'e; !he "in- "as a pantin) -o) "ith ba- breath;
!he )ro$n- tremb'e-4 an- %ar o%% to o$r 'e%t a mo$ntain b'e" its top to"ar- the hea&ens an-
b$rie- %ires a%ter it; An ear-sp'ittin) crash temporari'1 -ea%ene- $s an- conc$ssion "a&es kept
beatin) a)ainst o$r bo-ies; !he "a)on s"a1e- an- shimmie-;
!he )ro$n- contin$e- to shake an- the "in-s s'amme- $s "ith near-h$rricane %orce as "e
r$she- to"ar- a ro" o% b'ack-toppe- hi''s; =e 'e%t "hat there "as o% a roa-"a1 "hen it t$rne- in
the "ron) -irection an- hea-e-4 b$mpin) an- sh$--erin)4 across the p'ain itse'%; !he hi''s
contin$e- to )ro"4 -ancin) in the tro$b'e- air;
: t$rne- "hen : %e't #ane'on@s han- on m1 arm; ,e "as sho$tin) somethin)4 b$t : co$'- not hear
him; !hen he pointe- back an- : %o''o"e- his )est$re; : sa" nothin) that : ha- not e.pecte- to
see; !he air "as t$rb$'ent4 %i''e- "ith -$st4 -ebris4 ashes; : shr$))e- an- ret$rne- m1 attention to
the hi''s;
A )reater -arkness occ$rre- at the base o% the nearest hi''; : ma-e %or it;
:t )re" be%ore me as the )ro$n- s'ante- -o"n"ar- once more4 an enormo$s ca&ern mo$th4
c$rtaine- b1 a stea-1 %a'' o% -$st an- )ra&e';
: cracke- the "hip in the air an- "e race- across the %ina' %i&e or si. h$n-re- 1ar-s an- p'$n)e-
into it;
: be)an s'o"in) the horses imme-iate'14 'ettin) them re'a. into a "a'k;
=e contin$e- to mo&e -o"n"ar-4 t$rne- a corner4 an- came into a "i-e4 hi)h )rotto; 9i)ht
'eake- -o"n %rom ho'es hi)h abo&e4 -app'in) sta'actites an- %a''in) $pon <$i&erin) )reen poo's;
!he )ro$n- contin$e- to shake4 an- m1 hearin) took a t$rn %or the better as : sa" a massi&e
sta'a)mite cr$mb'e an- hear- the %aint tink'e o% its %a'';
=e crosse- a b'ack-bottome- chasm on a bri-)e that mi)ht ha&e been 'imestone4 "hich
shattere- behin- $s an- &anishe-;
Bits o% rock raine- -o"n %rom o&erhea- an- sometimes 'ar)e stones %e''; Patches o% )reen an-
re- %$n)$s )'o"e- in corners an- cracks4 streaks o% minera's spark'e- an- bent4 'ar)e cr1sta's an-
%'at %'o"ers o% pa'e stone a--e- to the moist4 eerie bea$t1 o% the p'ace; =e "hee'e- thro$)h
ca&erns 'ike chains o% b$bb'es an- co$rse- a "hite-cheste- torrent $nti' it &anishe- into a b'ack
A 'on)4 corkscre" )a''er1 took $s $p"ar- once more4 an- : hear- #ane'on@s &oice4 %aint an-
echoin)4 F: tho$)ht that : )'impse- mo&ementDthat mi)ht be a ri-erDat the crest o% the
mo$ntainD?$st %or an instantDback there;G =e mo&e- into a s'i)ht'1 bri)hter chamber;
F:% it "as Bene-ict4 he@s )ot a har- act to %o''o"4G : sho$te-4 an- there came the tremors an-
m$%%'e- crashin)s as more thin)s co''apse- behin- $s;
=e procee-e- on"ar- an- $p"ar-4 $nti' %ina''1 openin)s be)an to occ$r o&erhea-4 )i&in) $pon
patches o% c'ear b'$e sk1; !he hoo% c'icks an- the so$n-s o% the "a)on )ra-$a''1 ass$me- a
norma' &o'$me an- their echoes came to $s a'so; !he tremors cease-4 sma'' bir-s -arte- abo&e
$s4 an- the 'i)ht increase- in intensit1;
!hen another t"istin) o% the "a14 an- o$r 'a1 be%ore $s4 a "i-e4 'o" openin) onto -a1; =e
ha- to -$ck o$r hea-s as "e passe- beneath the ?a))e- 'inte'; =e bo$nce- $p an- o&er a ?$ttin)
'ip o% moss-co&ere- stone4 then 'ooke- $pon a be- o% )ra&e' that 'a1 'ike a sc1the- track $pon the
hi''si-e4 passin) amon) )i)antic trees4 &anishin) "ithin them4 be'o"; : ma-e a c'ickin) noise
"ith m1 ton)$e4 enco$ra)in) the horses on their "a1;
F!he1 are &er1 tire- no"4G #ane'on remarke-;
F: kno"; (oon the1 "i'' )et to rest4 one "a1 or another;G
!he )ra&e' cr$nche- beneath o$r "hee's; !he sme'' o% the trees "as )oo-;
F,a&e 1o$ notice- it> /o"n there4 o%% to the ri)ht>G
F=hat;;;>G : be)an4 t$rnin) m1 hea-; !hen4 FOh4G : %inishe-;
!he in%erna' b'ack roa- "as "ith $s sti''4 perhaps a mi'e -istant;
F,o" man1 sha-o"s -oes it c$t across>G : m$se-;
FA'' o% them4 it "o$'- seem4G #ane'on s$))este-;
: shook m1 hea- s'o"'1; F: hope not4G : sai-;
=e procee-e- -o"n"ar-4 beneath a b'$e sk1 an- a )o'-en s$n "esterin) in a norma' "a1;
F: "as a'most a%rai- to come o$t o% that ca&e4G #ane'on sai- a%ter a time; FNo te''in) "hat
"o$'- be on this si-e;G
F!he horses co$'-n@t take m$ch more; : ha- to 'et $p; :% that "as Bene-ict "e sa"4 his horse ha-
better be in &er1 )oo- con-ition; ,e "as p$shin) it har-; !hen to ha&e it %ace a'' that;;;; : think
he "o$'- %a'' back;G
FBa1be it@s $se- to it4G #ane'on sai-4 as "e cr$nche- aro$n- a ben- to the ri)ht4 'osin) si)ht o%
the ca&e mo$th;
F!here is a'"a1s that possibi'it14G : sai-4 an- : tho$)ht o% /ara a)ain4 "on-erin) "hat she "as
-oin) at that moment;
=e "o&e o$r "a1 stea-i'1 -o"n"ar-4 shi%tin) s'o"'1 an- imperceptib'1; O$r trai' kept -ri%tin)
to the ri)ht4 an- : c$rse- "hen : rea'i6e- "e "ere nearin) the b'ack roa-;
F/amnI :t@s as persistent as an ins$rance sa'esmanIG : sai-4 %ee'in) m1 an)er t$rn to somethin)
'ike hatre-; F=hen the time is ri)ht4 : am )oin) to -estro1 that thin)IG
#ane'on -i- not rep'1; ,e "as takin) a 'on) -rink o% "ater; ,e passe- me the bott'e an- : -i-4
At 'en)th4 "e achie&e- 'e&e' terrain4 an- the trai' contin$e- to t"ist an- c$r&e at the 'east
e.c$se; :t a''o"e- the horses to take it eas1 an- it "o$'- s'o" a mo$nte- p$rs$er;
Abo$t an ho$r 'ater4 : be)an to %ee' com%ortab'e an- "e stoppe- to eat; =e ha- ?$st abo$t
%inishe- o$r mea' "hen #ane'onD"ho ha- not remo&e- his )a6e %rom the hi''si-eDstoo- an-
sha-e- his e1es;
FNo4G : sai-4 'eapin) to m1 %eet; F: -on@t be'ie&e it;G
A 'one ri-er ha- emer)e- %rom the mo$th o% the ca&e; : "atche- as he ha'te- %or a moment4 then
contin$e- on -o"n the trai';
F=hat -o "e -o no">G #ane'on aske-;
F9et@s pick $p o$r st$%% an- )et mo&in) a)ain; =e can at 'east -e'a1 the ine&itab'e a 'itt'e 'on)er;
: "ant more time to think;G
=e ro''e- once more4 sti'' mo&in) at a mo-erate pace4 tho$)h m1 min- "as racin) at %$'' spee-;
!here ha- to be a "a1 to stop him; Pre%erab'14 "itho$t ki''in) him;
B$t : co$'-n@t think o% an1;
2.cept %or the b'ack roa-4 "hich "as e-)in) nearer once more4 "e ha- come into a 'o&e'1
a%ternoon in a bea$ti%$' p'ace; :t "as a shame to -ampen it "ith b'oo-4 partic$'ar'1 i% it mi)ht be
m1 b'oo-; 2&en "ith his b'a-e in his 'e%t han-4 : "as a%rai- to %ace him; #ane'on "o$'- be o% no
$se to me; Bene-ict "o$'- bare'1 notice him;
: shi%te- as "e took another t$rnin); Boments 'ater4 a %aint sme'' o% smoke came to m1 nostri's;
: shi%te- s'i)ht'1 a)ain;
F,e@s comin) %astIG #ane'on anno$nce-; F: ?$st sa"D!here@s smokeI +'amesI !he "oo-s are
on %ireIG
: 'a$)he- an- 'ooke- back; ,a'% the hi''si-e s"am $n-er smoke an- an oran)e thin) race-
thro$)h the )reen4 its crack'in) ?$st then reachin) m1 ears; O% their o"n accor-4 the horses
increase- their pace;
FCor"inI /i- 1o$D>G
FAesI :% it "ere steeper an- there "ere no trees4 :@- ha&e trie- an a&a'anche;G
!he air "as momentari'1 %i''e- "ith bir-s; =e -re" nearer the b'ack "a1; +ire-rake tosse- his
hea- an- "hinnie-; !here "ere %'ecks o% %oam on his m$66'e; ,e trie- to bo't4 then reare- an-
pa"e- the air; (tar ma-e a %ri)htene- noise an- p$''e- to the ri)ht; : %o$)ht a moment4 re)aine-
contro'4 -eci-e- to 'et them r$n a bit;
F,e@s sti'' comin)IG crie- #ane'on;
: c$rse- an- "e ran; 2&ent$a''14 o$r path bro$)ht $s a'on)si-e the b'ack roa-; =e "ere on a
'on) strai)hta"a14 an- a )'ance back sho"e- me that the "ho'e hi''si-e "as ab'a6e4 the trai'
r$nnin) 'ike a nast1 scar -o"n its mi--'e; :t "as then that : sa" the ri-er; ,e "as a'most ha'%"a1
-o"n an- mo&in) 'ike somethin) in the 3ent$ck1 /erb1; #o-I =hat a horse that ha- to beI :
"on-ere- "hat sha-o" ha- borne him;
: -re" on the reins4 )ent'1 at %irst4 then har-er4 $nti' %ina''1 "e be)an to s'o"; =e "ere on'1 a
%e" h$n-re- %eet %rom the b'ack roa- b1 then4 an- : ha- seen to it that there "as a p'ace not too
%ar ahea- "here the )ap narro"e- to thirt1 or %ort1; : mana)e- to rein in the horses "hen "e
reache- it4 an- the1 stoo- there <$i&erin); : han-e- the reins to #ane'on4 -re" #ra1s"an-ir4 an-
steppe- -o"n to the roa-;
=h1 not> :t "as a )oo-4 c'ear4 'e&e' area4 an- perhaps that b'ack4 b'aste- s'ice o% 'an-4
contrastin) "ith the co'ors o% 'i%e an- )ro"th imme-iate'1 besi-e it4 appea'e- to some morbi-
instinct in me;
F=hat no">G #ane'on aske-;
F=e cannot shake him4G : sai-4 Fan- i% he makes it thro$)h the %ire he "i'' be here in a %e"
min$tes; !here is no sense to r$nnin) an1 %arther; :@'' meet him here;G
#ane'on t"iste- the reins aro$n- a si-e bar an- 'eache- %or his b'a-e;
FNo4G : sai-; FAo$ cannot a%%ect the o$tcome one "a1 or the other; ,ere is "hat : "ant 1o$ to
-o8 !ake the "a)on on $p the roa- an- "ait there "ith it; :% thin)s are reso'&e- to m1
satis%action4 "e "i'' be contin$in) on; :% the1 are not4 s$rren-er imme-iate'1 to Bene-ict; :t is me
that he "ants4 an- he "i'' be the on'1 one 'e%t "ho can take 1o$ back to A&a'on; ,e "i'' -o it4
too; Ao$ "i'' at 'east retire to 1o$r home'an- that "a1;G
,e hesitate-;
F#o on4G : to'- him; F/o as : sai-;G
,e 'ooke- -o"n at the )ro$n-; ,e $n"o$n- the reins; ,e 'ooke- at me;
F#oo- '$ck4G he sai-4 an- he shook the horses %or"ar-;
: backe- o%% the trai'4 mo&e- to a position be%ore a sma'' stan- o% sap'in)s4 an- "aite-; : kept
#ra1s"an-ir in m1 han-4 )'ance- once at the b'ack roa-4 then %i.e- m1 e1es on the trai';
Be%ore 'on)4 he appeare- $p near the %'ame 'ine4 smoke an- %ire a'' abo$t him4 b$rnin) branches
%a''in); :t "as Bene-ict a'' ri)ht4 his %ace part'1 m$%%'e-4 the st$mp o% his ri)ht arm $praise- to
shie'- his e1es4 comin) 'ike some )hast'1 escapee %rom he''; B$rstin) thro$)h a sho"er o% sparks
an- cin-ers4 he came into the c'ear an- p'$n)e- on -o"n the trai';
(oon4 : co$'- hear the hoo%beats; A )ent'eman'1 thin) to -o "o$'- be to sheathe m1 b'a-e "hi'e
: "aite-; :% : -i- that4 tho$)h4 : mi)ht not ha&e a chance to -ra" it a)ain;
: %o$n- m1se'% "on-erin) ho" Bene-ict "o$'- be "earin) his b'a-e an- "hat sort it "o$'- be;
(trai)ht> C$r&e-> 9on)> (hort> ,e co$'- $se them a'' "ith e<$a' %aci'it1; ,e ha- ta$)ht me ho"
to %ence;;;;
:t mi)ht be smart as "e'' as )ent'eman'1 to sheathe #ra1s"an-ir; ,e mi)ht be "i''in) to ta'k
%irstDan- this "a1 : "as askin) %or tro$b'e; As the hoo%beats )re" 'o$-er4 tho$)h4 : rea'i6e- :
"as a%rai- to p$t it a"a1;
: "ipe- m1 pa'm on'1 once be%ore he came into &ie"; ,e ha- s'o"e- %or the t$rn4 an- he m$st
ha&e seen me at the same instant : sa" him; ,e ro-e strai)ht to"ar- me4 s'o"in); B$t ha'tin) -i-
not appear to be his imme-iate aim;
:t "as a'most a m1stica' e.perience; : -o not kno" ho" e'se to p$t it; B1 min- o$tran time as
he neare-4 an- it "as as tho$)h : ha- an eternit1 to pon-er the approach o% this man "ho "as m1
brother; ,is )arments "ere %i'th14 his %ace b'ackene-4 the st$mp o% his ri)ht arm raise-4 )est$rin)
an1"here; !he )reat beast that he ro-e "as stripe-4 b'ack an- re-4 "ith a "i'- re- mane an- tai';
B$t it rea''1 "as a horse4 an- its e1es ro''e- an- there "as %oam at its mo$th an- its breathin)
"as pain%$' to hear; : sa" then that he "ore his b'a-e s'$n) across his back4 %or its ha%t protr$-e-
hi)h abo&e his ri)ht sho$'-er; (ti'' s'o"in)4 e1es %i.e- $pon me4 he -eparte- the roa-4 bearin)
s'i)ht'1 to"ar- m1 'e%t4 ?erke- the reins once an- re'ease- them4 keepin) contro' o% the horse
"ith his knees; ,is 'e%t han- "ent $p in a sa'$te-'ike mo&ement that passe- abo&e his hea- an-
sei6e- the hi't o% his "eapon; :t came %ree "itho$t a so$n-4 -escribin) a bea$ti%$' arc abo&e him
an- comin) to rest in a 'etha' position o$t %rom his 'e%t sho$'-er an- s'antin) back4 'ike a sin)'e
"in) o% -$'' stee' "ith a min$sc$'e 'ine o% e-)e that )'eame- 'ike a %i'ament o% mirror; !he
pict$re he presente- "as b$rne- into m1 min- "ith a kin- o% ma)ni%icence4 a certain sp'en-or
that "as stran)e'1 mo&in); !he b'a-e "as a 'on)4 sc1the 'ike a%%air that : ha- seen him $se
be%ore; On'1 then "e ha- stoo- as a''ies a)ainst a m$t$a' %oe : ha- be)$n to be'ie&e $nbeatab'e;
Bene-ict ha- pro&e- other"ise that ni)ht; No" that : sa" it raise- a)ainst me : "as
o&er"he'me- "ith a sense o% m1 o"n morta'it14 "hich : ha- ne&er e.perience- be%ore in this
%ashion; :t "as as tho$)h a 'a1er ha- been strippe- %rom the "or'- an- : ha- a s$--en4 %$''
$n-erstan-in) o% -eath itse'%;
!he moment "as )one; : backe- into the )ro&e; : ha- stoo- there so that : co$'- take a-&anta)e
o% the trees; : -roppe- back abo$t t"e'&e %eet amon) them an- took t"o steps to m1 'e%t; !he
horse reare- at the 'ast possib'e moment an- snorte- an- "hinnie-4 moist nostri's %'arin); :t
t$rne- asi-e4 tearin) $p t$r%; Bene-ict@s arm mo&e- "ith near-in&isib'e spee-4 'ike the ton)$e o% a
toa-4 an- his b'a-e passe- thro$)h a sap'in) :@- )$ess at three inches in -iameter; !he tree
contin$e- to stan- $pri)ht %or a moment4 then s'o"'1 topp'e-;
,is boots str$ck the earth an- he stro-e to"ar- me; : ha- "ante- the )ro&e %or this reason4 a'so4
to make him come to me in a p'ace "here a 'on) b'a-e "o$'- be hampere- b1 branches an-
B$t as he a-&ance-4 he s"$n) the "eapon4 a'most cas$a''14 back an- %orth4 an- the trees %e''
abo$t him as he passe-; :% on'1 he "ere not so in%erna''1 competent; :% on'1 he "ere not
FBene-ict4G : sai-4 in a norma' &oice4 Fshe is an a-$'t no"4 an- she is capab'e o% makin) $p her
o"n min- abo$t thin)s;G
B$t he )a&e no si)n o% ha&in) hear- me; ,e ?$st kept comin)4 s"in)in) that )reat b'a-e %rom
si-e to si-e; :t ma-e an a'most rin)in) so$n- as it passe- thro$)h the air4 %o''o"e- b1 a so%t
th$kkI as it bit thro$)h another tree4 s'o"in) on'1 s'i)ht'1; : raise- #ra1s"an-ir to point at his
FCome no %arther4 Bene-ict4G : sai-; F: -o not "ish to %i)ht "ith 1o$;G
,e mo&e- his b'a-e into an attack position an- sai- one "or-8
,is han- t"itche- then an- m1 b'a-e "as a'most sim$'taneo$s'1 beaten asi-e; : parrie- the
ens$in) thr$st an- he br$she- m1 riposte asi-e an- "as at me a)ain;
!his time : -i- not e&en bother to riposte; : simp'1 parrie-4 retreate-4 an- steppe- behin- a tree;
F: -on@t $n-erstan-4G : sai-4 beatin) -o"n his b'a-e as it s'i- b1 the tr$nk an- near'1 ske"ere-
me; F: ha&e not m$r-ere- an1one recent'1; Certain'1 not in A&a'on;G
Another th$kkI an- the tree "as %a''in) to"ar- me; : )ot o$t o% its "a1 an- retreate-4 parr1in);
FB$r-erer4G he sai- a)ain;
F: -on@t kno" "hat 1o$ are ta'kin) abo$t4 Bene-ict;G
: stoo- m1 )ro$n- then an- he'- it; /amn itI :t "as sense'ess to -ie %or the "ron) reasonI :
riposte- as %ast as : co$'-4 seekin) openin)s e&er1"here; !here "ere none;
FAt 'east te'' meIG : sho$te-; FP'easeIG
B$t he seeme- to be %inishe- "ith ta'kin); ,e presse- %or"ar- an- : ha- to %a'' back once more;
:t "as 'ike tr1in) to %ence "ith a )'acier; : became con&ince- then that he "as o$t o% his min-4
not that that he'pe- me an1; =ith an1bo-1 e'se4 an insane ma-ness "o$'- ca$se the 'oss o% some
contro' in a %i)ht; B$t Bene-ict ha- hammere- o$t his re%' o&er the cent$ries4 an- : serio$s'1
be'ie&e- that the remo&a' o% his cerebra' corte. "o$'- not ha&e a'tere- his mo&ements %rom their
state o% per%ection;
,e -ro&e me stea-i'1 back4 an- : -o-)e- amon) trees an- he c$t them -o"n an- kept comin); :
ma-e the mistake o% attackin) an- bare'1 stoppe- his co$nterthr$sts inches %rom m1 breast; :
%o$)ht -o"n the %irst "a&e o% panic that came to me "hen : sa" that he "as -ri&in) me back
to"ar- the e-)e o% the )ro&e; (oon he "o$'- ha&e me in the open4 "ith no trees to s'o" him;
B1 attention "as %oc$se- on him so comp'ete'1 that : -i- not rea'i6e "hat "as then to occ$r
$nti' it -i-;
=ith a mi)ht'1 cr14 #ane'on spran) %rom some"here4 "rappin) his arms abo$t Bene-ict an-
pinnin) his s"or- arm to his si-e;
2&en ha- : rea''1 "ante- to4 tho$)h4 : -i- not ha&e the opport$nit1 to ki'' him then; ,e "as too
%ast4 an- #ane'on "as not a"are o% the man@s stren)th;
Bene-ict t"iste- to his ri)ht4 interposin) #ane'on bet"een $s4 an- at the same time bro$)ht the
st$mp o% his arm aro$n- 'ike a c'$b4 strikin) #ane'on in the 'e%t temp'e; !hen he p$''e- his 'e%t
arm %ree4 sei6e- #ane'on b1 his be't4 s"ept him o%% his %eet4 an- thre" him at me; As : steppe-
asi-e4 he retri&e- his b'a-e %rom "here it ha- %a''en near his %eet an- came at me a)ain; : bare'1
ha- time to )'ance an- see that #ane'on ha- 'an-e- in a heap some ten paces to m1 rear;
: parrie- an- res$me- m1 retreat; : on'1 ha- one trick remainin)4 an- it sa--ene- me that i% it
%ai'e- Amber "o$'- be -epri&e- o% its ri)ht%$' 'ie)e;
:t is some"hat more -i%%ic$'t to %ence "ith a )oo- 'e%t-han-er than a )oo- ri)ht-han-er4 an- this
"orke- a)ainst me a'so; B$t : ha- to e.periment a bit; !here "as somethin) : ha- to 'earn4 e&en
i% it meant takin) a chance;
: took a 'on) step back4 mo&in) momentari'1 o$t o% ran)e4 then 'eane- %or"ar- an- attacke-; :t
"as a &er1 ca'c$'ate- thin)4 an- &er1 %ast;
One $ne.pecte- res$'t4 "hich : am certain "as at 'east part'1 '$ck4 "as that : )ot thro$)h4 e&en
tho$)h : misse- m1 tar)et; +or an instant4 #ra1s"an-ir ro-e hi)h o%% one o% his parries an-
nicke- his 'e%t ear; !his s'o"e- him s'i)ht'1 %or a %e" moments4 b$t not eno$)h to matter; :%
an1thin)4 it ser&e- to stren)then his -e%ense; : contin$e- to press m1 attack4 b$t there "as simp'1
no )ettin) thro$)h then; :t "as on'1 a sma'' c$t4 b$t the b'oo- ran -o"n to his ear 'obe an-
spattere- o%%4 a %e" -rops at a time; :t co$'- e&en be -istractin)4 i% : permitte- m1se'% to -o more
than take note o% it;
!hen : -i- "hat : %eare-4 b$t ha- to tr1; : 'e%t him a sma'' openin)4 ?$st %or a moment4 kno"in)
that he "o$'- come ri)ht thro$)h it to"ar- m1 heart;
,e -i-4 an- : parrie- it at the 'ast instant; : -o not 'ike to think abo$t ho" c'ose he came that
time; !hen : be)an to 1ie'- once more4 )i&in) )ro$n-4 backin) o$t o% the )ro&e; Parr1in) an-
retreatin)4 : mo&e- past the spot "here #ane'on 'a1; : %e'' back another %i%teen %eet or so4 %i)htin)
-e%ensi&e'14 conser&ati&e'1;
!hen : )a&e Bene-ict another openin);
,e -ro&e in4 as he ha- be%ore4 an- : mana)e- to stop him a)ain; ,e presse- the attack e&en
har-er a%ter that4 p$shin) me back to the e-)e o% the b'ack roa-;
!here4 : stoppe- an- he'- m1 )ro$n-4 shi%tin) m1 position to the spot : ha- chosen; : "o$'-
ha&e to ho'- him ?$st a %e" moments 'on)er4 to set him $p;;;;
!he1 "ere &er1 ro$)h moments4 b$t : %o$)ht %$rio$s'1 an- rea-ie- m1se'%;
!hen : )a&e him the same openin) a)ain;
: kne" he "o$'- come in the same as be%ore4 an- m1 ri)ht 'e) "as across an- back behin- m1
'e%t4 then strai)htenin)4 as he -i-; : )a&e his b'a-e b$t the barest beat to the si-e as : spran)
back"ar- onto the b'ack roa-4 imme-iate'1 e.ten-in) m1 arm %$'' 'en)th to -isco$ra)e a
!hen he -i- "hat : ha- hope-; ,e beat at m1 b'a-e an- a-&ance- norma''1 "hen : -roppe- it
into <$arte;;;
;;;ca$sin) him to step into the patch o% b'ack )rasses o&er "hich : ha- 'eape-;
: -are- not 'ook -o"n at %irst; : simp'1 stoo- m1 )ro$n- an- )a&e the %'ora a chance;
:t on'1 took a %e" moments; Bene-ict became a"are o% it the ne.t time that he trie- to mo&e; :
sa" the p$66'e- e.pression %'ash across his %ace4 then the strain; :t ha- him4 : kne";
: -o$bte-4 tho$)h4 that it co$'- ho'- him &er1 'on)4 so : mo&e- imme-iate'1;
: -ance- to the ri)ht4 o$t o% ran)e o% his b'a-e4 r$she- %or"ar- an- spran) across the )rasses4 o%%
the b'ack roa- once a)ain; ,e trie- to t$rn4 b$t the1 ha- t"ine- themse'&es abo$t his 'e)s a'' the
"a1 $p to his knees; ,e s"a1e- %or a moment4 b$t retaine- his ba'ance;
: passe- behin- him an- to his ri)ht; One eas1 thr$st an- he "as a -ea- man4 b$t o% co$rse there
"as no reason to -o it no";
,e s"$n) his arm back behin- his neck an- t$rne- his hea-4 pointin) the b'a-e at me; ,e be)an
p$''in) his 'e%t 'e) %ree;
B$t : %einte- to"ar- his ri)ht4 an- "hen he mo&e- to parr1 it : s'appe- him across the back o%
the neck "ith the %'at o% #ra1s"an-ir;
:t st$nne- him4 an- : "as ab'e to mo&e in an- p$nch him in the ki-ne1 "ith m1 'e%t han-; ,e
bent s'i)ht'1 an- : b'ocke- his s"or- arm an- str$ck him in the back o% the neck a)ain4 this time
"ith m1 %ist4 har-; ,e %e''4 $nconscio$s4 an- : remo&e- his b'a-e %rom his han- an- cast it asi-e;
!he b'oo- %rom his 'e%t ear 'obe trai'e- -o"n his neck 'ike some e.otic earrin);
: p$t #ra1s"an-ir asi-e4 sei6e- Bene-ict $n-er the armpits4 an- -ra))e- him back %rom the
b'ack roa-; !he )rasses resiste- mi)hti'14 b$t : straine- a)ainst them an- %ina''1 ha- him %ree;
#ane'on ha- )otten to his %eet b1 then; ,e 'impe- $p an- stoo- besi-e me4 'ookin) -o"n at
F=hat a %e''o" he is4G he sai-; F=hat a %e''o" he is;;;; =hat are "e )oin) to -o "ith him>G
: picke- him $p in a %ireman@s carr1 an- stoo-;
F!ake him back to"ar- the "a)on ri)ht no"4G : sai-; F=i'' 1o$ brin) the b'a-es>G
FA'' ri)ht;G
: hea-e- $p the roa- an- Bene-ict remaine- $nconscio$sD"hich "as )oo-4 beca$se : -i- not
"ant to ha&e to hit him a)ain i% : co$'- he'p it; : -eposite- him at the base o% a st$r-1 tree besi-e
the roa- near the "a)on;
: resheathe- o$r b'a-es "hen #ane'on came $p4 an- set him to strippin) ropes %rom se&era' o%
the cases; =hi'e he -i- this4 : searche- Bene-ict an- %o$n- "hat : "as 'ookin) %or;
: bo$n- him to the tree then4 "hi'e #ane'on %etche- his horse; =e tethere- it to a nearb1 b$sh4
$pon "hich : a'so h$n) his b'a-e;
!hen : mo$nte- to the -ri&er@s seat o% the "a)on an- #ane'on came $p a'on)si-e;
FAre 1o$ ?$st )oin) to 'ea&e him there>G he aske-;
F+or no"4G : sai-;
=e mo&e- on $p the roa-; : -i- not 'ook back4 b$t #ane'on -i-;
F,e hasn@t mo&e- 1et4G he reporte-; !hen4 FNobo-1 e&er ?$st took me an- thre" me 'ike that;
=ith one han- 1et;G
F!hat@s "h1 : to'- 1o$ to "ait "ith the "a)on4 an- not to %i)ht "ith him i% : 'ost;G
F=hat is to become o% him no">G
F: "i'' see that he is taken care o%4 soon;G
F,e "i'' be a'' ri)ht4 tho$)h>G
: no--e-;
=e contin$e- on %or perhaps t"o mi'es an- : ha'te- the horses; : c'imbe- -o"n;
F/on@t be $pset b1 an1thin) that happens4G : sai-; F: am )oin) to make arran)ements %or
Bene-ict no";G : mo&e- o%% the roa- an- stoo- in the sha-e4 takin) o$t the -eck o% !r$mps
Bene-ict ha- been carr1in); : ri%%'e- thro$)h them4 'ocate- #erar-4 an- remo&e- him %rom the
pack; !he rest : ret$rne- to the si'k-'ine-4 "oo-en case4 in'ai- "ith bone4 in "hich Bene-ict ha-
carrie- them;
: he'- #erar-@s !r$mp be%ore me an- re)ar-e- it;
A%ter a time4 it )re" "arm4 rea'4 seeme- to stir; : %e't #erar-@s act$a' presence; ,e "as in Amber;
,e "as "a'kin) -o"n a street that : reco)ni6e-; ,e 'ooks a 'ot 'ike me4 on'1 'ar)er4 hea&ier; :
sa" that he sti'' "ore his bear-;
,e ha'te- an- stare-;
FAes4 #erar-; Ao$ are 'ookin) "e'';G
FAo$r e1esI Ao$ can see>G
FAes4 : can see a)ain;G
F=here are 1o$>G
FCome to me no" an- : "i'' sho" 1o$;G ,is )a6e ti)htene-;
F: am not certain that : can -o that4 Cor"in; : am &er1 in&o'&e- ?$st no";G
F:t is Bene-ict4G : sai-; FAo$ are the on'1 one : can tr$st to he'p him;G
FBene-ict> ,e is in tro$b'e>G
F!hen "h1 -oes he not s$mmon me himse'%>G
F,e is $nab'e to; ,e is restraine-;G
F=h1> ,o">G
F:t is too 'on) an- in&o'&e- to )o into no"; Be'ie&e me4 he nee-s 1o$r he'p4 ri)ht a"a1;G
,e rake- his bear- "ith his $pper teeth; FAn- 1o$ cannot han-'e it 1o$rse'%>G
FAbso'$te'1 not;G
FAn- 1o$ think : can>G
F: kno" 1o$ can;G
,e 'oosene- his b'a-e in its scabbar-;
F: "o$'- not 'ike to think this is some sort o% trick4 Cor"in;G
F: ass$re 1o$ it is not; =ith a'' the time : ha&e ha- to think4 : "o$'- ha&e come $p "tih
somethin) a 'itt'e more s$bt'e;G
,e si)he-; !hen he no--e-; FA'' ri)ht; :@m comin) to 1o$;G
FCome ahea-;G
,e stoo- %or a moment4 then took a step %or"ar-;
,e stoo- besi-e me; ,e reache- o$t an- c'aspe- m1 sho$'-er; ,e smi'e-;
FCor"in4G he sai-; F:@m )'a- 1o$@&e 1o$r e1es back;G
: 'ooke- a"a1;
F(o am :; (o am :;G
F=ho is that in the "a)on>G
FA %rien-; ,is name is #ane'on;G
F=here is Bene-ict> =hat is the prob'em>G : )est$re-;
FBack there4G : sai-; FAbo$t t"o mi'es -o"n the roa-; ,e is bo$n- to a tree; ,is horse is
tethere- near b1;G
F!hen "h1 are 1o$ here>G
F: am %'eein);G
F+rom "hat>G
FBene-ict; :@m the one "ho bo$n- him;G
,e "rink'e- his bro"; F: -o not $n-erstan-;;;G
: shook m1 hea-;
F!here is a mis$n-erstan-in) bet"een $s; : co$'- not reason "ith him an- "e %o$)ht; : knocke-
him $nconscio$s an- : tie- him $p; : cannot %ree him4 or he "o$'- attack me a)ain; Neither can :
'ea&e him as he is; ,e ma1 come to some harm be%ore he can %ree himse'%; (o : s$mmone- 1o$;
P'ease )o to him4 re'ease him4 an- see him home;G
F=hat "i'' 1o$ be -oin) the "hi'e>G
F#ettin) the he'' o$t o% here4 'osin) m1se'% in (ha-o"; Ao$ "i'' be -oin) both o% $s a %a&or to
keep him %rom tr1in) to %o''o" me a)ain; : -o not "ant to ha&e to %i)ht him a secon- time;G
F: see; No" "i'' 1o$ te'' me "hat happene->G
F: am not certain; ,e ca''e- me a m$r-erer; : )i&e 1o$ m1 "or- : s'e" no one the "ho'e time :
"as in A&a'on; P'ease te'' him : sai- that; : ha&e no reason to 'ie to 1o$4 an- : s"ear that it is tr$e;
!here is another matter "hich ma1 ha&e -ist$rbe- him some"hat; :% he mentions it4 te'' him that
he "i'' ha&e to re'1 on /ara@s e.p'anation;G
FAn- "hat is it>G
: shr$))e-;
FAo$ "i'' kno" i% he mentions it; :% he -oes not4 %or)et it;G
F/ara4 1o$ sa1>G
F7er1 "e''4 : sha'' -o as 1o$ ha&e aske-;;;; No"4 "i'' 1o$ te'' me ho" 1o$ mana)e- 1o$r escape
%rom Amber>G
: smi'e-;
FAca-emic interest> Or -o 1o$ %ee' 1o$ mi)ht ha&e nee- o% the ro$te 1o$rse'% one -a1>G
,e ch$ck'e-;
F:t strikes me as a han-1 piece o% in%ormation to ha&e;G
F: re)ret4 -ear brother4 that the "or'- is not 1et rea-1 %or this kno"'e-)e; :% : ha- to te'' an1one4
: "o$'- te'' 1o$Db$t there is no "a1 it co$'- bene%it 1o$4 "hereas its secrec1 ma1 ser&e me in
the %$t$re;G
F:n other "or-s4 1o$ ha&e a pri&ate "a1 into an- o$t o% Amber; =hat are 1o$ p'annin)4
F=hat -o 1o$ think>G
F!he ans"er is ob&io$s; B$t m1 %ee'in)s on the matter are mi.e-;G
FCare to te'' me abo$t them>G
,e )est$re- to"ar- a section o% the b'ack roa- that "as &isib'e %rom "here "e stoo-;
F!hat thin)4G he sai-; F:t r$ns to the %oot o% 3o'&ir no"; A &ariet1 o% menaces tra&e' it to attack
Amber; =e -e%en-4 "e are a'"a1s &ictorio$s; B$t the attacks )ro" stron)er an- the1 come more
%re<$ent'1; No" "o$'- not be a )oo- time %or 1o$ to mo&e4 Cor"in;G
FOr it mi)ht be the per%ect time4G : sai-;
F+or 1o$ then4 b$t not necessari'1 %or Amber;G
F,o" has 2ric been han-'in) the sit$ation>G
FA-e<$ate'1; As : sai-4 "e are a'"a1s &ictorio$s;G
F: -o not mean the attacks; : mean the entire prob'emDits ca$se;G
F: ha&e tra&e'e- the b'ack roa- m1se'%4 )oin) a )reat -istance a'on) it;G
F: "as $nab'e to )o the entire -istance; Ao$ kno" ho" the sha-o"s )ro" "i'-er an- stran)er the
%arther 1o$ )et %rom Amber>G
F; ; ; *nti' the min- itse'% is t"iste- an- t$rne- to"ar- ma-ness>G
F;;;An- some"here be1on- this 'ie the Co$rts o% Chaos; !he roa- )oes on4 Cor"in; : am
con&ince- that it r$ns the entire -istance;G
F!hen it is as : %eare-4G : sai-;
F!hat is "h14 "hether : s1mpathi6e "ith 1o$ or not4 : -o not recommen- the present time %or
1o$r e%%orts; !he sec$rit1 o% Amber m$st come be%ore a'' e'se;G
F: see; !hen there is nothin) more to be sai- ?$st no";G
FAn- 1o$r p'ans>G
F(ince 1o$ -o not kno" "hat the1 are4 it is meanin)'ess to te'' 1o$ that the1 are $nchan)e-; B$t
the1 are $nchan)e-;G
F: -o not kno" "hether to "ish 1o$ '$ck4 b$t : "ish 1o$ "e''; : am )'a- that 1o$ ha&e 1o$r
si)ht back;G ,e c'aspe- m1 han-; F: ha- best )et on to Bene-ict no"; : take it he is not ba-'1
FNot b1 me; : on'1 hit him a %e" times; /o not %or)et to )i&e him m1 messa)e;G
F: "on@t;G
FAn- take him back to A&a'on;G
F: "i'' tr1;G
F!hen )oo--b1 %or no"4 #erar-;G
F#oo--b14 Cor"in;G
,e t$rne- then an- "a'ke- on -o"n the roa-; : "atche- $nti' he "as o$t o% si)ht be%ore :
ret$rne- to the "a)on; !hen : rep'ace- his !r$mp in the -eck an- contin$e- on m1 "a1 to
Chapter $
: stoo- on the hi''top an- 'ooke- -o"n at the ho$se; !here "as shr$bber1 a'' abo$t me4 so : "as
not especia''1 obtr$si&e;
: -o not rea''1 kno" "hat : e.pecte- to see; A b$rne--o$t she''> A car in the -ri&e"a1> A %ami'1
scattere- abo$t the re-"oo- patio %$rnit$re> Arme- )$ar-s>
: sa" that the roo% co$'- $se some ne" s'ate4 that the 'a"n ha- 'on) a)o ret$rne- to a nat$ra'
con-ition; : "as s$rprise- that : co$'- see on'1 one broken "in-o" there in the rear;
(o the p'ace "as s$ppose- to 'ook -eserte-; : "on-ere-;
: sprea- m1 ?acket on the )ro$n- an- seate- m1se'% on it; : 'it a ci)arette; !here "ere no other
ho$ses %or <$ite a -istance;
: ha- )otten c'ose to se&en h$n-re- tho$san- -o''ars %or the -iamon-s; :t ha- taken me a "eek
an- a ha'% to make the -ea'; +rom Ant"erp "e ha- tra&e'e- to Br$sse's4 spen-in) se&era'
e&enin)s at a c'$b on the 0$e -e Char et Pain be%ore the man : "ante- %o$n- me;
Arth$r "as <$ite p$66'e- b1 the arran)ement; A s'i)ht4 "hite-haire- man "ith a neat m$stache4
e.-0A+ o%%icer4 O.onian4 he ha- be)$n shakin) his hea- a%ter the %irst t"o min$tes an- kept
interr$ptin) me "ith <$estions abo$t -e'i&er1; =hi'e he "as no (ir Basi' 5aharo%%4 he became
)en$ine'1 concerne- "hen a c'ient@s i-eas so$n-e- too ha'%-bake-; :t tro$b'e- him i% somethin)
"ent so$r too soon a%ter -e'i&er1; ,e seeme- to think it re%'ecte- back on him in some "a1; +or
this reason4 he "as o%ten more he'p%$' than the others "hen it came to shipment; ,e "as
concerne- abo$t m1 p'ans %or transportation beca$se : -i- not seem to ha&e an1;
=hat one )enera''1 re<$ires in an arran)ement o% this sort is an en--$se certi%icate; =hat it is4
basica''14 is a -oc$ment a%%irmin) that co$ntr1 O has or-ere- the "eapons in <$estion; Ao$ nee-
the thin) in or-er to )et an e.port permit %rom the man$%act$rer@s co$ntr1; !his keeps them
'ookin) honest4 e&en i% the shipment sho$'- be reconsi)ne- to co$ntr1 A once it has crosse- their
bor-er; !he c$stomar1 thin) to -o is to b$1 the assistance o% an ambassa-oria' representati&e o%
co$ntr1 ODpre%erab'1 one "ith re'ati&es or %rien-s connecte- "ith the /e%ense /epartment
back homeDin or-er to )et the papers; !he1 come hi)h4 an- : be'ie&e Arth$r ha- a 'ist o% a'' the
)oin) rates in his hea-;
FB$t ho" are 1o$ )oin) to ship them>G he ha- kept askin); F,o" "i'' 1o$ )et them "here 1o$
"ant them>G
F!hat4G : sai-4 F"i'' be m1 prob'em; 9et me "orr1 abo$t it;G B$t he kept shakin) his hea-;
F:t is no )oo- tr1in) to c$t corners that "a14 Co'one'4G he sai-; J: ha- been a co'one' to him
since "e ha- %irst met4 some -o6en 1ears be%ore; =h14 : am not certain;K FNo )oo- at a''; !r1 to
sa&e a %e" -o''ars that "a1 an- 1o$ mi)ht 'ose the "ho'e shipment an- "in- $p in rea' tro$b'e;
No" : can %i. 1o$ $p thro$)h one o% these 1o$n) A%rican nations <$ite reasonab'1DG
FNo; E$st %i. me $p "ith the "eapons;G
/$rin) o$r ta'k4 #ane'on ?$st sat there -rinkin) beer4 as re--bear-e- an- sinister-'ookin) as e&er4
an- no--in) to e&er1thin) that : sai-; As he spoke no 2n)'ish4 he ha- no i-ea as to the state o%
ne)otiations; Nor4 %or that matter4 -i- he rea''1 care; ,e %o''o"e- m1 instr$ctions4 tho$)h4 an-
spoke to me perio-ica''1 in !hari an- "e "o$'- chat brie%'1 in that 'an)$a)e abo$t nothin) in
partic$'ar; (heer per&ersit1; Poor o'- Arth$r "as a )oo- 'in)$ist an- he "ante- to kno" the
-estination o% the pieces; : co$'- %ee' him strainin) to i-enti%1 the 'an)$a)e each time that "e
spoke; +ina''14 he be)an no--in) as tho$)h he ha-;
A%ter some more -isc$ssion4 he st$ck his neck o$t an- sai-4 F: rea- the ne"spapers; : am certain
his cro"- can a%%or- the ins$rance;G !hat "as a'most "orth the price o% a-mission to me;
B$t4 FNo4G : sai-; FBe'ie&e me4 "hen : take possession o% those a$tomatic ri%'es4 the1 are )oin)
to &anish o%% the %ace o% the 2arth;G
FNeat trick4 that4G he sai-4 Fconsi-erin) : -on@t e&en kno" "here "e "i'' be pickin) them $p
F:t -oes not matter;G
FCon%i-ence is a %ine thin); !hen there is %oo'har-iness;;;;G ,e shr$))e-; F,a&e it as 1o$ sa1
thenD1o$r prob'em;G
!hen : to'- him abo$t the ammo an- he m$st ha&e been con&ince- as to m1 menta'
-eterioration; ,e ?$st stare- at me %or a 'on) "hi'e4 not e&en shakin) his hea- this time; :t "as a
)oo- ten min$tes be%ore : co$'- e&en )et him to 'ook at the speci%ications; :t "as then that he
be)an shakin) his hea- an- m$mb'in) abo$t si'&er b$''ets an- inert primers;
!he $'timate arbiter4 cash4 con&ince- him "e "o$'- -o it m1 "a14 ho"e&er; !here "as no
tro$b'e on the ri%'es or the tr$cks4 b$t pers$a-in) an arms %actor1 to pro-$ce m1 ammo "as
)oin) to be e.pensi&e4 he to'- me; ,e "as not e&en certain he co$'- %in- one that "o$'- be
"i''in); =hen : to'- him that the cost "as no ob?ect4 it seeme- to $pset him e&en more; :% : co$'-
a%%or- to in-$')e in "eir-4 e.perimenta' ammo4 an en--$se certi%icate "o$'- not come to that
m$chDNo; : to'- him no; B1 "a14 : remin-e- him;
,e si)he- an- t$))e- at the %rin)e o% his m$stache; !hen he no--e-; 7er1 "e''4 "e "o$'- -o it
m1 "a1;
,e o&erchar)e- me4 o% co$rse; (ince : "as rationa' in a'' other matters4 the a'ternati&e to
ps1chosis "o$'- be that : "as part1 to an e.pensi&e boon-o))'e; =hi'e the rami%ications m$st
ha&e intri)$e- him4 he apparent'1 -eci-e- not to 'ook too %ar into s$ch a stick1-seemin)
enterprise; ,e "as "i''in) to sei6e e&er1 opport$nit1 : e.ten-e- %or -issociatin) himse'% %rom the
pro?ect; Once he %o$n- the ammo peop'eDa ("iss o$t%it as it t$rne- o$tDhe "as <$ite "i''in)
to p$t me into contact "ith them an- "ash his han-s o% e&er1thin) b$t the mone1;
#ane'on an- : "ent to ("it6er'an- on %ake papers; ,e "as a #erman an- : "as Port$)$ese; :
-i- not especia''1 care "hat m1 papers sho"e-4 so 'on) as the %or)er1 "as o% )oo- <$a'it14 b$t :
ha- sett'e- on #erman as the best 'an)$a)e %or #ane'on to 'earn4 since he ha- to 'earn one an-
#erman to$rists ha&e a'"a1s seeme- to be a'' o&er the p'ace; ,e picke- it $p <$ite rapi-'1; : ha-
to'- him to te'' an1 rea' #ermans an- an1 ("iss "ho aske- that he ha- been raise- in +in'an-;
=e spent three "eeks in ("it6er'an- be%ore : "as satis%ie- "ith the <$a'it1 contro's on m1
ammo; As : ha- s$specte-4 the st$%% "as tota''1 inert in this sha-o"; : ha- "orke- o$t the
%orm$'a4 tho$)h4 "hich "as a'' that rea''1 mattere- at that point; !he si'&er came hi)h4 o% co$rse;
Perhaps : "as bein) o&er-ca$tio$s; (ti''4 there are some thin)s abo$t Amber that are best
-ispatche- "ith that meta'4 an- : co$'- a%%or- it; +or that matter4 "hat better b$''etDshort o%
)o'-D%or a kin)> (ho$'- : "in- $p shootin) 2ric4 there "o$'- be no 'ese-ma?este in1o'&e-;
:n-$')e me4 brothers;
!hen : 'e%t #ane'on to shi%t %or himse'% %or a time4 since he ha- thro"n himse'% into his to$rist
ro'e in a tr$e (tanis'a&skian %ashion; : sa" him o%% to :ta'14 camera abo$t his neck an- a %ara"a1
'ook in his e1es4 an- : %'e" back to the (tates;
Back> Aes; !hat r$n--o"n p'ace on the hi''si-e be'o" me ha- been m1 home %or the better part
o% a -eca-e; : ha- been hea-in) to"ar- it "hen : "as %orce- o%% the roa- an- into the acci-ent
"hich 'e- to e&er1thin) "hich has since occ$rre-;
: -re" on m1 ci)arette an- re)ar-e- the p'ace; :t ha- not been r$n--o"n then; : ha- a'"a1s kept
it in )oo- shape; !he p'ace ha- been comp'ete'1 pai- %or; (i. rooms an- an attache- t"o-car
)ara)e; Aro$n- se&en acres; !he "ho'e hi''si-e4 act$a''1; : ha- 'i&e- there a'one most o% the time;
: ha- 'ike- it; : ha- spent m$ch o% m1 time in the -en an- in m1 "orkshop; : "on-ere- "hether
the Bori "oo-c$t sti'' h$n) in m1 st$-1; +ace to +ace it "as ca''e-4 an- it -epicte- t"o "arriors
in morta' combat; :t "o$'- be nice to ha&e it back; :t "o$'- be )one4 tho$)h4 : %e't; Probab'1
e&er1thin) that ha- not been sto'en ha- been so'- %or back; : ima)ine- that "as "hat the
(tate o% Ne" Aork "o$'- -o; : "as s$rprise- that the ho$se itse'% seeme- not to ha&e ac<$ire-
ne" occ$pants; : kept "atchin)4 to make certain; ,e''4 : "as in no h$rr1; !here "as no p'ace e'se
: ha- to be;
: ha- contacte- #erar- short'1 a%ter m1 arri&a' in Be')i$m; : ha- -eci-e- a)ainst tr1in) to ta'k
"ith Bene-ict %or the time bein); : "as a%rai- that he "o$'- simp'1 tr1 to attack me4 one "a1 or
the other4 i% : -i-;
#erar- ha- st$-ie- me <$ite care%$''1; ,e "as o$t some"here in open co$ntr1 an- he seeme- to
be a'one; FCor"in>G he ha- sai-4 then4 FAes;;;G
F0i)ht; =hat happene- "ith Bene-ict>G
F: %o$n- him as 1o$ sai- he "o$'- be an- : re'ease- him; ,e "as set to p$rs$e 1o$ once a)ain4
b$t : "as ab'e to pers$a-e him that a consi-erab'e time ha- passe- since : ha- seen 1o$; (ince
1o$ sai- 1o$ ha- 'e%t him $nconscio$s4 : %i)$re- that "as the best 'ine to take; A'so4 his horse
"as &er1 tire-; =e "ent back to A&a'on to)ether; : remaine- "ith him thro$)h the %$nera's4 then
borro"e- a horse; : am on m1 "a1 back to Amber no";G
F+$nera's> =hat %$nera's>G
A)ain4 that ca'c$'atin) 'ook;
FAo$ rea''1 -o not kno">G he sai-;
F:% : kne"4 -amn it4 : "o$'- not askIG
F,is ser&ants; !he1 "ere m$r-ere-; ,e sa1s 1o$ -i- it;G
FNo4G : sai-; FNo; !hat is ri-ic$'o$s; =h1 sho$'- : "ant to m$r-er his ser&ants> : -o not
F:t "as not 'on) a%ter his ret$rn that he "ent 'ookin) %or them4 as the1 "ere not on han- to
"e'come him; ,e %o$n- them m$r-ere- an- 1o$ an- 1o$r companion )one;G
FNo" : see ho" it 'ooke-4G : sai-; F=here "ere the bo-ies>G
FB$rie-4 b$t not too -eep'14 in the 'itt'e "oo- behin- the )ar-en to the rear o% the ho$se;G
E$st so4 ?$st so;;;; Better not to mention : ha- kno"n abo$t the )ra&e;
FB$t "hat possisbie reason -oes he think : co$'- ha&e %or -oin) s$ch a thin)>G : proteste-;
F,e is p$66'e-4 Cor"in; 7er1 p$66'e-4 no"; ,e co$'- not $n-erstan- "h1 1o$ -i- not ki'' him
"hen 1o$ ha- the chance4 an- "h1 1o$ sent %or me "hen 1o$ co$'- ha&e ?$st 'e%t him there;G
F: see no" "h1 he kept ca''in) me a m$r-erer as "e %o$)ht4 b$tD/i- 1o$ te'' him "hat : sai-
abo$t not ha&in) s'ain an1one>G
FAes; At %irst he shr$))e- it o%% as a se'%-ser&in) statement; : to'- him 1o$ so$n-e- sincere4 an-
&er1 p$66'e- 1o$rse'%; : be'ie&e it bothere- him a bit that 1o$ sho$'- be so insistent; ,e aske- me
se&era' times "hether : be'ie&e- 1o$;G
F/o 1o$>G
,e -roppe- his e1es;
F/amn it4 Cor"inI =hat am : s$ppose- to be'ie&e> : came into the mi--'e o% this; =e ha&e been
apart %or so 'on);;;G
,e met m1 )a6e;
F!here is more to it4G he sai-;
F=hat is that>G
F=h1 -i- 1o$ ca'' me to he'p him> !hat "as a comp'ete -eck 1o$ took; Ao$ co$'- ha&e ca''e-
an1 o% $s;G
FAo$ m$st be ?okin)4G : sai-;
FNo4 : "ant an ans"er;G
F7er1 "e''; Ao$ are the on'1 other one : tr$st;G
F:s that a''>G
FNo; Bene-ict -oes not "ant his "hereabo$ts kno"n back in Amber; Ao$ an- E$'ian are the on'1
t"o : kno" %or certain to be a"are o% his 'ocation; : -on@t 'ike E$'ian4 : -on@t tr$st him; (o : ca''e-
F,o" -i- 1o$ kno" that E$'ian an- : kne" abo$t him>G
F,e he'pe- 1o$ both o$t "hen 1o$ ran into tro$b'e on the b'ack roa- a"hi'e back4 an- he p$t
1o$ $p "hi'e 1o$ rec$perate-; /ara to'- me abo$t it;G
F/ara> =ho is this /ara an1"a1>G
F!he orphane- -a$)hter o% a co$p'e "ho once "orke- %or Bene-ict4G : sai-; F(he "as aro$n-
"hen 1o$ an- E$'ian "ere there;G
FAn- 1o$ sent her a brace'et; Ao$ a'so mentione- her to me b1 the roa-4 back "hen 1o$
s$mmone- me;G
FCorrect; =hat is the matter>G
FNothin); : -o not rea''1 remember her4 tho$)h; !e'' me4 "h1 -i- 1o$ 'ea&e so s$--en'1> Ao$
ha&e to a-mit4 it seeme- the act o% a )$i't1 man;G
FAes4G : sai-4 F: "as )$i't1Db$t not o% m$r-er; : "ent to A&a'on to obtain somethin) that :
"ante-4 : )ot it4 an- : c'eare- o$t; Ao$ sa" that "a)on4 an- 1o$ sa" that : ha- a car)o in it; : )ot
o$t be%ore he ret$rne- to keep %rom ans"erin) <$estions Bene-ict mi)ht ask me abo$t it; ,e''I :%
: ?$st "ante- to r$n4 : "o$'-n@t )o -ra))in) a "a)on a'on) behin- meI :@- ha&e tra&e'e- on
horseback4 %ast an- 'i)ht;G
F=hat "as in the "a)on>G
FNo4G : sai-; F: -i- not "ant to te'' Bene-ict an- : -o not "ant to te'' 1o$; Oh4 he can %in- o$t4 :
s$ppose; B$t 'et him -o it the har- "a14 i% he m$st; :t is immateria'4 tho$)h; !he %act : "ent there
%or somethin) an- rea''1 obtaine- it sho$'- be s$%%icient; :t is not especia''1 &a'$ab'e there4 b$t is
in another p'ace; +air eno$)h>G
FAes4G he sai-; F:t -oes make a kin- o% sense;G
F!hen ans"er m1 <$estion; /o 1o$ think : m$r-ere- them>G
FNo4G he sai-; F: be'ie&e 1o$;G
F=hat abo$t Bene-ict4 no"> =hat -oes he think>G
F,e "o$'- not attack 1o$ a)ain "itho$t ta'kin) %irst; !here is -o$bt in his min-4 : kno" that;G
F#oo-; !hat@s somethin)4 an1"a1; !hank 1o$4 #erar-; : am )oin) a"a1 no";G : mo&e- to break
the contactD
F=ait4 Cor"inI =aitIG
F=hat is it>G
F,o" -i- 1o$ c$t the b'ack roa-> Ao$ -estro1e- a section o% it at the p'ace 1o$ crosse- o&er;
,o" -i- 1o$ -o it>G
F!he Pattern4G : sai-; F:% 1o$ e&er )et in tro$b'e "ith that thin)4 hit it "ith the Pattern; Ao$ kno"
ho" 1o$ ha&e to sometimes ho'- it in 1o$r min- i% sha-o"s be)in to r$n a"a1 %rom 1o$ an-
thin)s start )oin) "i'->G
FAes; : trie- that an- it -i-n@t "ork; A'' : )ot "as a hea-ache; :t is not o% (ha-o";G
FAes an- no4G : sai-; F: kno" "hat it is; Ao$ -i- not tr1 har- eno$)h; : $se- the Pattern $nti' m1
hea- %e't as i% it "ere bein) torn apart4 $nti' : "as ha'% b'in- %rom the pain an- abo$t rea-1 to
pass o$t; !hen the roa- came apart abo$t me instea-; :t "as no %$n4 b$t it -i- "ork;G
F: "i'' remember4G he sai-; FAre 1o$ )oin) to ta'k to Bene-ict no">G
FNo4G : sai-; F,e a'rea-1 has e&er1thin) "e@&e )one o&er; No" that he is coo'in) o%%4 he "i''
be)in p$shin) the %acts aro$n- some more; : "o$'- ?$st as soon he -o it on his o"nDan- : -o
not "ant to risk another %i)ht; =hen : c'ose this time : "i'' be si'ent %ora 'on) "hi'e; : "i'' resist
a'' e%%orts to comm$nicate "ith me4 a'so;G
F=hat o% Amber4 Cor"in> =hat o% Amber>G
: -roppe- m1 e1es;
F/on@t )et in m1 "a1 "hen : come back4 #erar-; Be'ie&e me4 it "i'' be no contest;G
FCor"in;;;=ait; :@- 'ike to ask 1o$ to reconsi-er; /o not hit Amber no"; (he is "eak in a'' the
"ron) "a1s;G
F: am sorr14 #erar-; B$t : am certain : ha&e )i&en the matter more tho$)ht -$rin) the past %i&e
1ears than a'' the rest o% 1o$ p$t to)ether;G
F: am sorr14 too4 then;G
F: )$ess : ha- better be )oin) no";G
,e no--e-;
F#oo--b14 Cor"in;G
F#oo--b14 #erar-;G
A%ter "aitin) se&era' ho$rs %or the s$n to -isappear behin- the hi''4 'ea&in) the ho$se in a
premat$re t"i'i)ht4 : mashe- a %ina' ci)arette4 shook o$t m1 ?acket an- -onne- it4 rose to m1
%eet; !here ha- been no si)ns o% 'i%e abo$t the p'ace4 no mo&ement behin- the -irt1 "in-o"s4 the
broken "in-o"; ('o"'14 : -escen-e- the hi'';
+'ora@s p'ace o$t in =estchester ha- been so'- some 1ears be%ore4 "hich came as no s$rprise to
me; : ha- checke- mere'1 as a matter o% c$riosit14 since : "as back in to"n; ,a- e&en -ri&en past
the p'ace once; !here "as no reason %or her to remain on this sha-o" 2arth; ,er 'on)
"ar-enshsip ha&in) en-e- s$ccess%$''14 she "as bein) re"ar-e- in Amber the 'ast time : ha-
seen her; !o ha&e been so near %or as 'on) as : ha- "itho$t e&en rea'i6in) her presence "as a
thin) : %o$n- some"hat )a''in);
: ha- -ebate- contactin) 0an-om4 -eci-e- a)ainst it; !he on'1 "a1 he co$'- possib'1 bene%it me
"o$'- be "ith in%ormation as to c$rrent a%%airs in Amber; =hi'e this "o$'- be nice to ha&e4 it
"as not abso'$te'1 essentia'; : "as %air'1 certain that : co$'- tr$st him; A%ter a''4 he ha- been o%
some assistance to me in the past; A-mitte-4 it "as har-'1 a'tr$ismDb$t sti''4 he ha- )one a bit
%$rther than he ha- ha- to; :t "as %i&e 1ears a)o4 tho$)h4 an- a 'ot ha- happene- since; ,e "as
bein) to'erate- aro$n- Amber a)ain4 an- he ha- a "i%e no"; ,e mi)ht be ea)er to )ain a 'itt'e
stan-in); : ?$st -i- not kno"; B$t "ei)hin) the possib'e bene%its a)ainst the possib'e 'osses4 :
tho$)ht it better to "ait an- see him persona''1 the ne.t time : "as in to"n;
: ha- kept m1 "or- an- resiste- a'' attempts to make contact "ith me; !he1 ha- come a'most
-ai'1 -$rin) m1 %irst t"o "eeks back on the sha-o" 2arth; (e&era' "eeks ha- passe-4 tho$)h4
an- : ha- not been tro$b'e- since; =h1 sho$'- : )i&e an1one a %ree shot at m1 thinkin)
machiner1> No thanks4 brothers;
: a-&ance- $pon the rear o% the ho$se4 si-'e- $p to a "in-o"4 "ipe- it "ith m1 e'bo"; : ha-
been "atchin) the p'ace %or three -a1s4 an- it str$ck me as &er1 $n'ike'1 that an1one "as insi-e;
(ti'';;;: peere- in;
:t "as a mess4 o% co$rse4 an- a 'ot o% m1 st$%% "as missin); B$t some o% it "as sti'' there; :
mo&e- to m1 ri)ht an- trie- the -oor; 9ocke-; : ch$ck'e-;
: "a'ke- aro$n- to the patio; Ninth brick in4 %o$rth brick $p; !he ke1 "as sti'' beneath it; :
"ipe- it on m1 ?acket as : "a'ke- back; : 'et m1se'% in;
!here "as -$st on e&er1thin)4 b$t it ha- been -ist$rbe- in some p'aces; !here "ere co%%ee
containers4 san-"ich "rappers4 an- the remains o% a petri%ie- hamb$r)er in the %irep'ace; A 'ot o%
"eather ha- %o$n- its "a1 -o"n that chimne1 in m1 absence; : crosse- o&er an- c'ose- the
: sa" that the %ront -oor ha- been broken abo$t the 'ock; : trie- it; :t seeme- to be nai'e- sh$t;
!here "as an obscenit1 scra"'e- on the "a'' in the %o1er; : "a'ke- on into the kitchen; :t "as a
tota' mess; An1thin) that ha- s$r&i&e- p'$n-er "as on the %'oor; !he sto&e an- the re%ri)erator
"ere )one4 the %'oor scarre- "here the1 ha- been p$she- a'on);
: backe- a"a14 "ent an- checke- m1 "orkshop; Aes4 it ha- been strippe-; Comp'ete'1; Passin)
on4 : "as s$rprise- to %in- m1 be-4 sti'' $nma-e4 an- t"o e.pensi&e chairs a'' intact in m1
B1 st$-1 "as a more p'easant s$rprise; !he bi) -esk "as co&ere- "ith the 'itter an- m$ss4 b$t
then it a'"a1s ha- been; 9i)htin) a ci)arette4 : "ent an- sat behin- it; : )$ess it "as ?$st too
hea&1 an- b$'k1 %or an1one to make o%% "ith; B1 books "ere a'' on their she'&es; Nobo-1 stea's
books b$t 1o$r %rien-s; An- there-
: co$'- not be'ie&e it; : )ot to m1 %eet a)ain an- crosse- the room to stare at c'ose ran)e;
Aoshitoshi Bori@s bea$ti%$' "oo-c$t h$n) ri)ht "here it ha- a'"a1s been4 c'ean4 stark4 e'e)ant4
&io'ent; !o think that no one ha- ma-e o%% "ith one o% m1 most pri6e- possessions;;;;
: scr$tini6e- it; : ran m1 %in)er a'on) the %rame;
!oo c'ean; :t bore none o% the -$st an- )rit "hich co&ere- e&er1thin) e'se in the ho$se;
: checke- it %or trip "ires4 %o$n- none4 remo&e- it %rom its hook4 'o"ere- it;
No4 the "a'' "as no 'i)hter behin- it; :t matche- the rest o% the "a'' per%ect'1;
: p$t Bori@s "ork on the "in-o" seat an- ret$rne- to m1 -esk; : "as tro$b'e-4 as someone
-o$bt'ess inten-e- me to be; (omeone ha- ob&io$s'1 remo&e- it an- taken )oo- care o% itDa
thin) %or "hich : "as not $n)rate%$'Dan- then on'1 ?$st recent'1 restore- it; :t "as as i% m1
ret$rn ha- been anticipate-;
=hich sho$'- be a-e<$ate reason %or imme-iate %'i)ht4 : s$ppose; B$t that "as si''1; :% it "as
part o% some trap4 it ha- a'rea-1 been spr$n); : ?erke- the a$tomatic %rom m1 ?acket pocket an-
t$cke- it behin- m1 be't; : ha- not e&en kno"n that : "o$'- be comin) back m1se'%; :t "as ?$st
somethin) : ha- -eci-e- to -o since : ha- ha- some time on m1 han-s; : "as not e&en certain as
to "h1 : ha- "ante- to see the p'ace a)ain;
(o this "as some sort o% contin)enc1 arran)ement; :% : sho$'- come b1 the o'- homestea-4 it
mi)ht be to obtain the on'1 thin) in the p'ace "orth ha&in); (o preser&e it an- -isp'a1 it so that :
"i'' ha&e to take notice; A'' ri)ht4 : ha-; : ha- not been attacke- 1et4 so it -i- not seem a trap;
=hat then> A messa)e; (ome sort o% a messa)e; =hat> ,o"> An- "ho>
!he sa%est p'ace in the ho$se4 ha- it remaine- $nra&a)e-4 sho$'- sti'' be the sa%e; :t "as not
be1on- an1 o% m1 sib'in)s@ ski''; : mo&e- to the rear "a''4 presse- the pane' 'oose4 an- s"$n) it
o$t; : sp$n the -ia' thro$)h its combination4 steppe- back4 opene- the -oor "ith m1 o'- s"a))er
No e.p'osion; #oo-; Not that : ha- e.pecte- an1;
!here ha- been nothin) o% an1 )reat &a'$e insi-eDa %e" h$n-re- -o''ars in cash4 some bon-s4
receipts4 correspon-ence;
An en&e'ope; A %resh4 "hite en&e'ope 'a1 in p'ain si)ht; : -i- not remember it;
B1 name $pon it4 "ritten in an e'e)ant han-; Not "ith ba''point either;
:t containe- a 'etter an- a car-;
Brother Cor"in4 the 'etter sai-4 :% 1o$ are rea-in) this4 then "e sti'' think eno$)h a'ike %or me to
be ab'e to anticipate 1o$ some"hat; : thank 1o$ %or the 'oan o% the "oo-c$tDone o% t"o
possib'e reasons4 as : see it4 %or 1o$r ret$rnin) to this s<$a'i- sha-o"; : am 'oathe to re'in<$ish it4
as o$r tastes are a'so some"hat akin an- it has )race- m1 chambers %or se&era' 1ears no"; !here
is somethin) to the s$b?ect that strikes a %ami'iar chor-; :ts ret$rn is to be taken as e&i-ence o%
m1 )oo- "i'' an- a bi- %or 1o$r attention; :n that : m$st be honest "ith 1o$ i% : am to stan- a
chance o% con&incin) 1o$ o% an1thin)4 : "i'' not apo'o)i6e %or "hat has been -one; B1 on'1
re)ret4 act$a''14 is that : -i- not ki'' 1o$ "hen : sho$'- ha&e; 7anit1 it "as4 that p'a1e- me %or a
%oo'; =hi'e time ma1 ha&e hea'e- 1o$r e1es4 : -o$bt it "i'' e&er si)ni%icant'1 a'ter o$r %ee'in)s
%or one another; Ao$r 'etterDF:@'' be backGD'ies $pon m1 "ritin) tab'e at this moment; ,a- :
"ritten it4 : kno" that : "o$'- be back; (ome thin)s bein) e<$a' bet"een $s4 : anticipate 1o$r
ret$rn4 an- not "itho$t some"hat o% apprehension; 3no"in) 1o$ %or no %oo'4 : contemp'ate 1o$r
arri&in) in %orce; An- here is "here past &anit1 is pai- o% present pri-e; : "o$'- ha&e peace
bet"een $s4 Cor"in4 %or the sake o% the rea'm4 not m1 o"n; (tron) %orces o$t o% (ha-o" ha&e
come to beset Amber re)$'ar'14 an- : -o not %$''1 $n-erstan- their nat$re; A)ainst these %orces4
the most %ormi-ab'e in m1 memor1 e&er to assai' Amber4 the %ami'1 has $nite- behin- me; :
"o$'- 'ike to ha&e 1o$r s$pport in this str$))'e; +ai'in) that4 : re<$est that 1o$ %orbear in&a-in)
me %or a time; :% 1o$ e'ect to assist4 : "i'' re<$ire no homa)e o% 1o$4 simp'1 ackno"'e-)ment o%
m1 'ea-ership %or the -$ration o% the crisis; Ao$ "i'' be accor-e- 1o$r norma' honors; :t is
important that 1o$ contact me to see the tr$th o% "hat : sa1; As : ha&e %ai'e- to reach 1o$ b1
means o% 1o$r !r$mp4 : enc'ose m1 o"n %or 1o$r $se; =hi'e the possibi'it1 that : am '1in) to
1o$ is %oremost in 1o$r min-4 : )i&e 1o$ m1 "or- that : am not;D2ric4 9or- o% Amber;
: rerea- it an- ch$ck'e-; =hat -i- he think c$rses "ere %or4 an1"a1>
No )oo-4 m1 brother; :t "as kin- o% 1o$ to think o% me in 1o$r moment o% nee-Dan- : be'ie&e
1o$4 ne&er -o$bt it4 %or "e are a'' o% $s honorab'e menDb$t o$r meetin) "i'' come accor-in) to
m1 sche-$'e4 not 1o$rs; As %or Amber4 : am not $nmin-%$' o% her nee-s4 an- : "i'' -ea' "ith
them in m1 o"n time an- %ashion; Ao$ make the mistake4 2ric4 o% consi-erin) 1o$rse'%
necessar1; !he )ra&e1ar-s are %i''e- "ith men "ho tho$)ht tha1 co$'- not be rep'ace-; : "i''
"ait tho$)h4 to te'' 1o$ this4 %ace to %ace;
: t$cke- his 'etter an- the !r$mp in m1 ?acket pocket; : ki''e- m1 ci)arette in the -irt1 ashtra1
on m1 -esk; !hen : %etche- some 'inen %rom the be-room to "rap m1 combatants; !he1 "o$'-
"ait %or me in a sa%er p'ace4 this time;
As : passe- thro$)h the ho$se once a)ain4 : "on-ere- "h1 : ha- come back4 rea''1; : tho$)ht o%
some o% the peop'e : ha- kno"n "hen : ha- 'i&e- there4 an- "on-ere- "hether the1 e&er tho$)ht
o% me4 "hether the1 "on-ere- "hat ha- become o% me; : "o$'- ne&er kno"4 o% co$rse;
Ni)ht ha- be)$n an- the sk1 "as c'ear an- its %irst stars bri)ht as : steppe- o$tsi-e an- 'ocke-
the -oor behin- me; : "ent aro$n- to the si-e an- ret$rne- the ke1 to its p'ace beneath the patio;
!hen : mo$nte- the hi'';
=hen : 'ooke- back %rom the top4 the ho$se seeme- to ha&e shr$nken there in the -arkness4 to
ha&e become a piece o% the -eso'ation4 'ike an empt1 beer can tosse- besi-e the roa-; : crosse-
o&er an- -o"n4 hea-in) across a %ie'- to"ar- the p'ace "here : ha- parke-4 "ishin) : ha- not
'ooke- back;
Chapter %
#ane'on an- : -eparte- ("it6er'an- in a pair o% tr$cks; =e ha- -ri&en them there %rom Be')i$m4
an- : ha- taken the ri%'es in mine; +i)$rin) ten po$n-s per piece4 the three h$n-re- ha- come to
aro$n- a ton an- a ha'%4 "hich "as not ba-; A%ter "e took on the arnmo4 "e sti'' ha- p'ent1 o%
room %or %$e' an- other s$pp'ies; =e ha- taken a short c$t thro$)h (ha-o"4 o% co$rse4 to a&oi-
the peop'e "ho "ait aro$n- bor-ers to -e'a1 tra%%ic; =e -eparte- in the same %ashion4 "ith me in
the 'ea- to open the "a14 so to speak;
: 'e- $s thro$)h a 'an- o% -ark hi''s an- narro" &i''a)es4 "here the on'1 &ehic'es "e passe- "ere
horse-ra"n; =hen the sk1 )re" bri)ht 'emon4 the beasts o% b$r-en "ere stripe- an- %eathere-;
=e -ro&e %or ho$rs4 %ina''1 enco$nterin) the b'ack roa-4 para''e'in) it %or a time4 then hea-in) o%%
in another -irection; !he skies "ent thro$)h a -o6en shi%tin)s4 an- the conto$rs o% the 'an-
me'te- an- mer)e- %rom hi'' to p'ain an- back a)ain; =e crept a'on) poor roa-s an- ski--e- on
%'ats as smooth an- har- as )'ass; =e e-)e- o$r "a1 across a mo$ntain@s %ace an- skirte- a "ine-
-ark sea; =e passe- thro$)h storms an- %o)s;
:t took me ha'% a -a1 to %in- them once a)ain4 or a sha-o" so c'ose that it ma-e no -i%%erence;
Aes4 those "hom : ha- e.p'oite- once be%ore; !he1 "ere short %e''o"s4 &er1 hair14 &er1 -ark4
"ith 'on) incisors an- retractab'e c'a"s; B$t the1 ha- tri))er %in)ers4 an- the1 "orshipe- me;
!he1 "ere o&er?o1e- at m1 ret$rn; :t 'itt'e mattere- that %i&e 1ears ear'ier : ha- sent the cream o%
their manhoo- o%% to -ie in a stran)e 'an-; !he )o-s are not to be <$estione-4 b$t 'o&e-4 honore-4
an- obe1e-; !he1 "ere <$ite -isappointe- that : on'1 "ante- a %e" h$n-re-; : ha- to t$rn a"a1
tho$san-s o% &o'$nteers; !he mora'it1 o% it -i- not especia''1 tro$b'e me this time; One "a1 o%
'ookin) at it mi)ht be that b1 emp'o1in) this )ro$p : "as seein) to it that the others ha- not -ie-
in &ain; O% co$rse : -i- not 'ook at it that "a14 b$t : en?o1 e.ercises in sophistr1; : s$ppose :
mi)ht a'so consi-er them mercenaries bein) pai- in spirit$a' coin; =hat -i%%erence -i- it make
"hether the1 %o$)ht %or mone1 or %or a be'ie%> : "as capab'e o% s$pp'1in) either one "hen :
nee-e- troops;
Act$a''14 tho$)h4 these "o$'- be prett1 sa%e4 bein) the on'1 ones in the p'ace "ith %ire po"er;
B1 ammo "as sti'' inert in their home'an-4 ho"e&er4 an- it took se&era' -a1s o% marchin)
thro$)h (ha-o" to reach a 'an- s$%%icient'1 'ike Amber %or it to become %$nctiona'; !he on'1
catch "as that sha-o"s %o''o" a 'a" o% con)r$enc1 o% correspon-ences4 so that the p'ace act$a''1
"as c'ose to Amber; !his kept me some"hat on e-)e thro$)ho$t their trainin); :t "as $n'ike'1
that a brother "o$'- b'$n-er thro$)h that sha-o"; (ti''4 "orse coinci-ences ha&e occ$rre-;
=e -ri''e- %or c'ose to three "eeks be%ore : -eci-e- "e "ere rea-1; !hen4 on a bri)ht4 crisp
mornin)4 "e broke camp an- mo&e- on into (ha-o"4 the co'$mns o% troops %o''o"in) behin- the
tr$cks; !he tr$cks "o$'- cease to %$nction "hen "e neare- AmberDthe1 "ere a'rea-1 )i&in) $s
some tro$b'eDb$t the1 mi)ht as "e'' be $se- to ha$' the e<$ipment as %ar a'on) as possib'e;
!his time4 : inten-e- to )o o&er the top o% 3o'&ir %rom the north4 rather than essa1 its sea"ar-
%ace a)ain; A'' o% the men ha- an $n-erstan-in) o% the 'a1o$t4 an- the -isposition o% the ri%'e
s<$a-s ha- a'rea-1 been -etermine- an- r$n thro$)h in practice;
=e ha'te- %or '$nch4 ate "e''4 an- contin$e- on4 the sha-o"s s'o"'1 s'ippin) a"a1 abo$t $s; !he
sk1 became a -ark b$t bri''iant b'$e4 the sk1 o% Amber; !he earth "as b'ack amon) rocks an- the
bri)ht )reen o% the )rass; !he trees an- the shr$bs ha- a moist '$cenc1 to their %o'ia)e; !he air
"as s"eet an- c'ean;
B1 ni)ht%a''4 "e "ere passin) amon) the massi&e trees at the %rin)es o% Ar-en; =e bi&o$acke-
there4 postin) a &er1 hea&1 )$ar-; #ane'on4 no" "earin) khakis an- a beret4 sat "ith me 'on)
into the ni)ht4 )oin) o&er the maps : ha- -ra"n; =e sti'' ha- abo$t %ort1 mi'es to )o be%ore "e
hit the mo$ntains;
!he tr$cks )a&e o$t the %o''o"in) a%ternoon; !he1 "ent thro$)h se&era' trans%ormations4 sta''e-
repeate-'14 an- %ina''1 re%$se- to start at a''; =e p$she- them into a ra&ine an- c$t branches to
co&er them o&er; =e -istrib$te- the ammo an- the rest o% the rations an- contin$e- on;
=e -eparte- the har-4 -irt roa-"a1 a%ter that an- "orke- o$r "a1 thro$)h the "oo-s
themse'&es; As : sti'' kne" them "e''4 it "as 'ess o% a prob'em than it mi)ht ha&e been; :t s'o"e-
$s4 nat$ra''14 b$t 'essene- chances o% s$rprise b1 one o% E$'ian@s patro's; !he trees "ere <$ite
'ar)e4 as "e "ere "e'' into Ar-en proper4 an- the topo)raph1 spran) back into min- as "e
=e enco$ntere- nothin) more menacin) than %o.es4 -eer4 rabbits4 an- s<$irre's that -a1; !he
sme''s o% the p'ace an- its )reen4 )o'-4 an- bro"n bro$)ht back tho$)hts o% happier times; Near
s$nset4 : sca'e- a %orest )iant an- "as ab'e to make o$t the ran)e that he'- 3o'&ir; A storm "as
p'a1in) abo$t its peaks ?$st then an- its c'o$-s hi- their hi)hest portions;
!he %o''o"in) noon "e ran into one o% E$'ian@s patro's; : -o not rea''1 kno" "ho s$rprise-
"hom4 or "ho "as more s$rprise-; !he %irin) broke o$t a'most imme-iate'1; : sho$te- m1se'%
hoarse stoppin) it4 as e&er1one seeme-$s to tr1 o$t his "eapon on a 'i&e tar)et; :t "as a
sma'' )ro$pDa -o6en an- a ha'% menDan- "e )ot a'' o% them; =e s$%%ere- on'1 one minor
cas$a't14 %rom one o% o$r men "o$n-in) anotherDor perhaps the man ha- "o$n-e- himse'%; :
ne&er )ot the stor1 strai)ht; =e mo&e- on <$ick'1 then4 beca$se "e ha- ma-e a he'' o% a racket
an- : ha- no i-ea as to the -isposition o% other %orces in the &icinit1;
=e )aine- consi-erab'e -istance an- a'tit$-e b1 ni)ht%a''4 an- the mo$ntains "ere in si)ht
"hene&er there "as a c'ear 'ine o% &ision; !he storm c'o$-s sti'' c'$n) to their peaks; B1 troops
"ere e.cite- o&er the -a1@s s'a$)hter an- took a 'on) "hi'e )ettin) to s'eep that ni)ht;
!he ne.t -a1 "e reache- the %oothi''s4 s$ccess%$''1 a&oi-in) t"o patro's; : p$she- $s on an- $p
"e'' a%ter ni)ht%a''4 to reach a p'ace o% co&er : ha- ha- in min-; =e be--e- -o"n at an a'tit$-e
perhaps ha'% a mi'e hi)her than "e ha- the pre&io$s ni)ht; =e "ere $n-er the c'o$- co&er4 b$t
there "as no rain%a''4 -espite a constant atmospheric tension o% the sort that prece-es a storm; :
-i- not s'eep "e'' that ni)ht; : -reame- o% the b$rnin) cat hea-4 an- o% 9orraine;
:n the mornin)4 "e mo&e- o$t $n-er )ra1 skies4 an- : p$she- the troops remorse'ess'14 hea-in)
stea-i'1 $p"ar-; =e hear- the so$n-s o% -istant th$n-er4 an- the air "as a'i&e an- e'ectric;
Abo$t mi--mornin)4 as : 'e- o$r %i'e $p a t"iste-4 rock1 ro$te4 : hear- a sho$t %rom behin- me4
%o''o"e- b1 se&era' b$rsts o% )$n%ire; : hea-e- back imme-iate'1;
A sma'' knot o% men4 #ane'on amon) them4 stoo- starin) -o"n at somethin)4 ta'kin) in 'o"
&oices; : p$she- m1 "a1 thro$)h;
: co$'- not be'ie&e it; Ne&er in m1 memor1 ha- one been seen this near to Amber; Perhaps
t"e'&e %eet in 'en)th4 bearin) that terrib'e paro-1 o% a h$man %ace on the sho$'-ers o% a 'ion4
ea)'e-'ike "in)s %o'-e- abo&e its no" b'oo-1 si-es4 a sti''-t"itchin) tai' 'ike that o% a scorpion4 :
ha- )'impse- the manticora once in is'es %ar to the so$th4 a %ri)ht%$' beast that ha- a'"a1s he'- a
spot near the top on m1 $nc'ean 'ist;
F:t tore 0a'' in ha'%4 it tore 0a'' in ha'%4G one o% the men kept repeatin);
Abo$t t"ent1 paces a"a14 : sa" "hat "as 'e%t o% 0ai'; =e co&ere- him o&er "ith a tarp an-
"ei)hte- it -o"n "ith rocks; !hat "as rea''1 abo$t a'' that "e co$'- -o; :% nothin) e'se4 it ser&e-
to restore a <$a'it1 o% "ariness that ha- seeme- to &anish a%ter the pre&io$s -a1@s eas1 &ictor1;
!he men "ere si'ent an- ca$tio$s as "e contin$e- on o$r "a1;
FM$ite a thin)4 that4G #ane'on sai-; F,as it the inte''i)ence o% a man>G
F: -o not rea''1 kno";G
F:@&e a %$nn14 ner&o$s %ee'in)4 Cor"in; As tho$)h somethin) terrib'e is abo$t to happen; : -on@t
kno" ho" e'se to p$t it;G
F: kno";G
FAo$ %ee' it4 too>G
,e no--e-;
FBa1be it@s the "eather4G : sai-; ,e no--e- a)ain4 more s'o"'1;
!he sk1 contin$e- to -arken as "e c'imbe-4 an- the th$n-er ne&er cease-; +'ashes o% heat
'i)htnin) occ$rre- in the "est4 an- the "in-s )re" stron)er; 9ookin) $p4 : co$'- see )reat
masses o% c'o$-s abo$t the hi)her peaks; B'ack4 bir--'ike shapes "ere constant'1 o$t'ine- a)ainst
=e enco$ntere- another manticora 'ater4 b$t "e -ispatche- it "ith no -ama)e to o$rse'&es;
Abo$t an ho$r 'ater4 "e "ere attacke- b1 a %'ock o% 'ar)e4 ra6or-beake- bir-s4 the 'ike o% "hich :
ha- ne&er seen be%ore; =e s$ccee-e- in -ri&in) them o%%4 b$t this4 too4 -ist$rbe- me;
=e kept c'imbin)4 "on-erin) "hen the storm "as )oin) to be)in; !he "in-s increase- in
:t )re" <$ite -ark4 tho$)h : kne" the s$n ha- not 1et set; !he air took on a mist14 ha61 <$a'it1
as "e neare- the c'o$- c'$sters; A %ee'in) o% -ampness "orke- it "a1 into e&er1thin); !he rocks
"ere more s'ipper1; : "as tempte- to ca'' a ha't4 b$t "e "ere sti'' a )oo- -istance %rom 3o'&ir
an- : -i- not "ant to strain the rations sit$ation4 "hich : ha- ca'c$'ate- <$ite care%$''1;
=e achie&e- perhaps another %o$r mi'es an- se&era' tho$san- %eet in e'e&ation be%ore "e "ere
%orce- to stop; :t "as pitch b'ack b1 then4 the on'1 i''$mination at a'' comin) %rom the
intermittent %'ashes o% 'i)htnin); =e campe- in a 'ar)e circ'e on a har-4 bare s'ope4 sentries a''
abo$t the perimeter; !he th$n-er came 'ike 'on) %'o$rishes o% martia' m$sic; !he temperat$re
p'$mmete-; 2&en ha- : permitte- %ires4 there "as nothin) b$rnab'e abo$t; =e sett'e- -o"n %or a
co'-4 c'amm14 -ark time;
!he manticoras attacke- se&era' ho$rs 'ater4 s$--en an- si'ent; (e&en men -ie- an- "e ki''e-
si.teen o% the beasts; : ha&e no i-ea ho" man1 others %'e-; : c$rse- 2ric as : bo$n- m1 "o$n-s
an- "on-ere- %rom "hat sha-o" he ha- -ra"n the thin)s;
/$rin) "hat passe- %or mornin)4 "e a-&ance- perhaps %i&e mi'es to"ar- 3o'&ir be%ore bearin)
o%% to the "est; :t "as one o% three possib'e ro$tes "e co$'- %o''o"4 an- : ha- a'"a1s consi-ere-
it the best %or a possib'e attack; !he bir-s came to p'a)$e $s a)ain4 se&era' times4 "ith )reater
n$mbers an- persistenc1; (hootin) a %e" o% them4 tho$)h4 "as a'' it took to ro$te the entire
+ina''14 "e ro$n-e- the base o% a h$)e escarpment4 o$r "a1 takin) $s o$t"ar- an- $p"ar-
thro$)h th$n-er an- mist4 $nti' "e "ere a%%or-e- a s$--en &ista4 s"eepin) -o"n an- o$t %or
-o6ens o% mi'es across the 7a''e1 o% #arnath that 'a1 to o$r ri)ht;
: ca''e- a ha't an- mo&e- %or"ar- to obser&e;
=hen 'ast : ha- seen that once 'o&e'1 &a''e14 it ha- been a t"iste- "i'-erness; No"4 thin)s "ere
e&en "orse; !he b'ack roa- c$t thro$)h it4 r$nnin) to the base o% 3o'&ir itse'%4 "here it ha'te-; A
batt'e "as ra)in) "ithin the &a''e1; Bo$nte- %orces s"ir'e- to)ether4 en)a)e-4 "hee'e- a"a1;
9ines o% %oot so'-iers a-&ance-4 met4 %e'' back; !he 'i)htnin) kept %'ashin) an- strikin) amon)
them; !he -ark bir-s s"ept abo$t them 'ike ashes on the "in-;
!he -ampness 'a1 'ike a co'- b'anket; !he echoes o% the th$n-er bo$nce- abo$t the peaks; :
stare-4 p$66'in)4 at the con%'ict %ar be'o";
!he -istance "as too )reat %or me to -etermine the combatants; At %irst it occ$rre- to me that
someone e'se mi)ht be abo$t the same thin) : "asDthat perhaps B'e1s ha- s$r&i&e- an-
ret$rne- "ith a ne" arm1;
B$t no; !hese "ere comin) in %rom the "est4 a'on) the b'ack roa-; An- : sa" no" that the bir-s
accompanie- them4 an- bo$n-in) %orms that "ere neither horses nor men; !he manticoras4
!he 'i)htnin)s %e'' $pon them as the1 came4 scatterin)4 b$rnin)4 b'astin); As : rea'i6e- that the1
ne&er str$ck near the -e%en-ers4 : reca''e- that 2ric ha- apparent'1 )aine- some meas$re o%
contro' o&er that -e&ice kno"n as the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment4 "ith "hich /a- ha- e.ercise- his "i''
$pon the "eather abo$t Amber; 2ric ha- emp'o1e- it a)ainst $s "ith consi-erab'e e%%ect %i&e
1ears ear'ier;
(o the %orces %rom (ha-o" abo$t "hich : ha- been hearin) reports4 "ere e&en stron)er than :
ha- tho$)ht; : ha- en&isione- harassment4 b$t not a pitche- batt'e at the %oot o% 3o'&ir; : 'ooke-
-o"n at the mo&ements "ithin the b'ackness; !he roa- seeme- a'most to "rithe %rom the acti&it1
abo$t it;
#ane'on came an- stoo- besi-e me; ,e "as si'ent %or a 'on) "hi'e;
: -i- not "ant him to ask me4 b$t : %e't po"er'ess to sa1 it e.cept as ans"er to a <$estion;
F=hat no"4 Cor"in>G
F=e m$st increase the pace4G : sai-; F: "ant to be in Amber toni)ht;G
=e mo&e- a)ain; !he )oin) "as better %or a time4 an- that he'pe-; !he storm "itho$t rain
contin$e-4 its 'i)htnin)s an- th$n-ers increasin) in bri''iance an- &o'$me; =e mo&e- thro$)h a
constant t"i'i)ht;
=hen "e came to a sa%e-seemin) p'ace 'ater that a%ternoonDa p'ace "ithin %i&e mi'es o% the
northern skirts o% AmberD: ha'te- $s a)ain4 %or rest an- a %ina' mea'; =e ha- to scream at one
another in or-er to be hear-4 so : co$'- not a--ress the men; : simp'1 passe- the "or- a'on)
concernin) o$r pro.imit1 an- the nee- %or rea-iness;
: took m1 rations "ith me an- sco$te- on ahea- "hi'e the others reste-; Abo$t a mi'e %arther
a'on)4 : mo$nte- a steep $pt$rn4 pa$sin) "hen : achie&e- its crest; !here "as a batt'e o% some
sort in pro)ress on the s'opes ahea-;
: kept o$t o% si)ht an- obser&e-; A %orce o$t o% Amber "as en)a)e- "ith a 'ar)er bo-1 o%
attackers "hich m$st ha&e either prece-e- $s $p the s'ope or arri&e- b1 -i%%erent means; :
s$specte- the 'atter4 inasm$ch as "e ha- seen no si)ns o% recent passa)e; !he en)a)ement
e.p'aine- o$r o"n )oo- %ort$ne in not enco$nterin) -e%ensi&e patro's on the "a1 $p;
: mo&e- nearer; =hi'e the attackers co$'- ha&e come $p b1 one o% the t"o other ro$tes4 : sa"
a--itiona' e&i-ence that this nee- not ha&e been the case; !he1 "ere sti'' arri&in)4 an- it "as a
most %earsome si)ht4 %or the1 "ere airborne;
!he1 s"ept in %rom the "est 'ike )reat )$sts o% "in-b'o"n 'ea&es; !he aeria' mo&ement : ha-
"itnesse- %rom the -istance ha- been o% )reater &ariet1 than the be''i)erent bir- 'i%e; !he
attackers came in on "in)e-4 t"o-'e))e-4 -ra)on-'ike creat$res4 the c'osest para''e' "ith "hich :
"as %ami'iar bein) a hera'-ic beast4 the "1&ern; : ha- ne&er seen a non--ecorati&e "1&ern
be%ore4 b$t then : ha- ne&er %e't an1 )reat -esire to )o 'ookin) %or one;
Amon) the -e%en-ers "ere n$mero$s archers4 "ho took a -ea-'1 to'' o% these in %'i)ht; (heets o%
p$re he'' er$pte- amon) them a'so4 as the 'i)htnin)s %'ashe- an- %'are-4 sen-in) them 'ike
cin-ers to"ar- the )ro$n-; B$t sti'' the1 came on4 'an-in)4 so that both man an- beast co$'-
attack those entrenche-; : 'ooke- %or an- 'ocate- the p$'satin) )'o" )i&en o%% b1 the Ee"e' o%
E$-)ment "hen it has been t$ne- to operate; :t came %rom the mi-st o% the 'ar)est bo-1 o%
-e%en-ers4 -$) in near the base o% a hi)h c'i%%;
: stare- an- st$-ie-4 %oc$sin) on the "earer o% the )em; Aes4 there co$'- be no -o$bt; :t "as
On m1 be''1 no"4 : cra"'e- e&en %arther; : sa" the 'ea-er o% the nearest part1 o% -e%en-ers
behea- a 'an-in) "1&ern "ith a sin)'e s"or- stroke; =ith his 'e%t han-4 he sei6e- the harness o%
its ri-er an- b$rie- him o&er thirt1 %eet4 o$t be1on- the 'ip-'ike brink o% the p'ace; As he t$rne-
then to sho$t an or-er4 : sa" that it "as #erar-; ,e appeare- to be 'ea-in) a %'ankin) assa$'t on a
mass o% the attackers "ho "ere assai'in) the %orces at the %oot o% the c'i%%; On its %ar si-e4 a
simi'ar bo-1 o% troops "as -oin) 'ike"ise; Another o% m1 brothers>
: "on-ere- ho" 'on) the batt'e ha- been in pro)ress4 both in the &a''e1 an- here abo&e; M$ite a
"hi'e4 : )$esse-4 consi-erin) the -$ration o% the $nnat$ra' storm;
: mo&e- to the ri)ht4 t$rnin) m1 attention to the "est; !he batt'e in the &a''e1 contin$e-
$nabate-; +rom this -istance4 it "as impossib'e to te'' "ho "as "ho4 'et a'one "ho "as "innin);
: co$'- see4 tho$)h4 that no ne" %orces "ere arri&in) %rom o$t o% the "est to s$pp'ement the
: "as perp'e.e- as to m1 o"n best co$rse o% action; C'ear'14 : co$'- not attack 2ric "hen he "as
en)a)e- in an1thin) this cr$cia' to the -e%ense o% Amber herse'%; =aitin) to pick $p the pieces
a%ter"ar- mi)ht be "isest; ,o"e&er4 : co$'- a'rea-1 %ee' the rat teeth o% -o$bt at "ork on that
2&en "itho$t rein%orcements %or the attackers4 the o$tcome o% the enco$nter "as b1 no means
c'ear-c$t; !he in&a-ers "ere stron)4 n$mero$s; : ha- no i-ea as to "hat 2ric mi)ht ha&e in
reser&e; At that moment4 it "as impossib'e %or me to )a$)e "hether "ar bon-s %or Amber "o$'-
be a )oo- in&estment; :% 2ric 'ost4 it "o$'- then be necessar1 %or me to take on the in&a-ers
m1se'%4 a%ter m$ch o% Amber@s manpo"er ha- been "aste-;
:% : "ere to mo&e in no" "ith a$tomatic "eapons4 there "as 'itt'e -o$bt in m1 min- that "e
"o$'- cr$sh the "1&ern-ri-ers <$ick'1; +or that matter4 one or more o% m1 brothers ha- to be
-o"n in the &a''e1; A )ate"a1 %or some o% m1 troops co$'- be set $p b1 means o% the !r$mps; :t
"o$'- s$rprise "hate&er "as -o"n there %or Amber s$--en'1 to come $p "ith ri%'emen;
: ret$rne- m1 attention to the con%'ict nearer at han-; No4 it "as not )oin) "e''; : spec$'ate- as
to the res$'ts o% m1 inter&enin); 2ric "o$'- certain'1 be in no position to t$rn on me; Besi-es
an1 s1mpath1 that mi)ht be mine %or "hat he ha- p$t me thro$)h4 : "o$'- be responsib'e %or
p$''in) his n$ts o$t o% the %ire; =hi'e he "o$'- be )rate%$' %or the re'ie%4 he "o$'- not be too
happ1 o&er the )enera' sentiment this "o$'- aro$se; No4 in-ee-; : "o$'- be back in Amber "ith
a &er1 -ea-'1 persona' bo-1)nar- an- a 'ot o% )oo-"i'' )oin) %or me; An intri)$in) tho$)ht; :t
"o$'- pro&i-e a %ar smoother ro$te to m1 ob?ecti&e than the br$ta' %ronta' assa$'t c$'minatin) in
re)ici-e that : ha- ha- in min-;
: %e't m1se'% smi'in); : "as abo$t to become a hero;
: m$st )rant m1se'% a sma'' meas$re o% )race4 ho"e&er; #i&en the choice on'1 bet"een Amber
"ith 2ric on the throne an- Amber %a''en4 there is no <$estion b$t that m1 -ecision "o$'- ha&e
been the same4 to attack; !hin)s "ere not )oin) "e'' eno$)h to be certain4 an- "hi'e it "o$'-
"ork to m1 a-&anta)e to sa&e the -a14 m1 o"n a-&anta)e "as not4 $'timate'14 essentia'; : co$'-
not hate thee4 2ric4 so m$ch4 'o&e- : not Amber more;
: "ith-re" an- h$rrie- back -o"n the s'ope4 %'ashes o% 'i)htnin) h$r'in) m1 sha-o" in e&er1
"hich -irection;
: ha'te- at the peripher1 o% m1 encampment; At its %arther e-)e4 #ane'on stoo- in sho$tin)
con&erse "ith a 'one horseman4 an- : reco)ni6e- the horse;
: a-&ance-4 an- at a si)n %rom its ri-er the horse mo&e- %or"ar-4 "in-in) its "a1 amon) the
troops4 hea-in) in m1 -irection; #ane'on shook his hea- an- %o''o"e-;
!he ri-er "as /ara; As soon as she "as "ithin earshot4 : sho$te- at her;
F=hat the he'' are 1o$ -oin) here>G (he -ismo$nte-4 smi'in)4 an- stoo- be%ore me;
F: "ante- to come to Amber4G she sai-; F(o : -i-;G
F,o" -i- 1o$ )et here>G
F: %o''o"e- #ran-pa4G she sai-; F:t is easier to %o''o" someone thro$)h (ha-o"4 : -isco&ere-4
than to -o it 1o$rse'%;G
FBene-ict is here>G (he no--e-;
F/o"n be'o"; ,e is -irectin) the %orces in the &a''e1; E$'ian is there4 too;G
#ane'on came $p an- stoo- near;
F(he sai- that she %o''o"e- $s $p here4G he sho$te-; F(he has been behin- $s %or a co$p'e -a1s;G
F:s that tr$e>G : aske-;
(he no--e- a)ain4 sti'' smi'in); F:t "as not har- to -o;G
FB$t "h1 -i- 1o$ -o it>G
F!o )et into Amber4 o% co$rse> : "ant to "a'k the PatternI !hat is "here 1o$ are )oin)4 isn@t it>G
FO% co$rse it is; B$t there happens to be a "ar in the "a1IG
F=hat are 1o$ )oin) to -o abo$t it>G
F=in it4 o% co$rseIG
F#oo-; :@'' "ait;G
: c$rse- %or a %e" moments to )i&e m1se'% time to think4 then4 F=here "ere 1o$ "hen Bene-ict
ret$rne->G : aske-;
!he smi'e "ent a"a1;
F: -o not kno"4G she sai-; F: "as o$t ri-in) a%ter 1o$ 'e%t4 an- : sta1e- a"a1 the entire -a1; :
"ante- to be a'one to think; =hen : ret$rne- in the e&enin)4 he "as not there; : ro-e a)ain the
%o''o"in) -a1; : tra&e'e- <$ite a -istance4 an- "hen it )re" -ark : -eci-e- to camp o$t; : -o that
o%ten; !he ne.t a%ternoon4 as : "as ret$rnin) home4 : came to the top o% a hi'' an- sa" him
passin) be'o"4 hea-in) to the east; : -eci-e- to %o''o" him; !he "a1 'e- thro$)h (ha-o"4 :
$n-erstan- that no"Dan- 1o$ "ere ri)ht abo$t it bein) easier to %o''o"; : -o not kno" ho" 'on)
it took; !ime )ot a'' mi.e- $p; ,e came here4 an- : reco)ni6e- it %rom the pict$re on one o% the
car-s; ,e met "ith E$'ian in a "oo- to the north4 an- the1 ret$rne- to)ether to that batt'e be'o";G
(he )est$re- to"ar- the &a''e1; F: remaine- in the %orest %or se&era' -a1s4 not kno"in) "hat to
-o; : "as a%rai- o% )ettin) 'ost i% : trie- to backtrack; !hen : sa" 1o$r %orce c'imbin) the
mo$ntains; : sa" 1o$ an- : sa" #ane'on at their hea-; : kne" that Amber 'a1 that "a14 an- :
%o''o"e-; : "aite- $nti' no" to approach4 beca$se : "ante- 1o$ to be too near to Amber to sen-
me back "hen : -i-;G
F: -on@t be'ie&e 1o$ are te''in) me the "ho'e tr$th4G : sai-4 Fb$t : ha&en@t the time to care; =e are
)oin) ahea- no"4 an- there "i'' be %i)htin); !he sa%est thin) %or 1o$ "i'' be to remain here; :
"i'' assi)n 1o$ a co$p'e o% bo-1)$ar-s;G
F: -o not "ant themIG
F: -on@t care "hat 1o$ "ant; Ao$ are )oin) to ha&e them; =hen the %i)htin) is o&er : "i'' sen-
%or 1o$;G : t$rne- then an- se'ecte- t"o men at ran-om4 or-erin) them to remain behin- an-
)$ar- her; !he1 -i- not seem o&er?o1e- at the prospect;
F=hat are those "eapons 1o$r men bear>G /ara aske-;
F9ater4G : sai-; F:@m b$s1;G : re'a1e- a sketch1 brie%in) an- or-ere- m1 s<$a-s;
FAo$ seem to ha&e a &er1 sma'' n$mber o% men4G she sai-;
F!he1 are s$%%icient4G : rep'ie-; F: "i'' see 1o$ 'ater;G : 'e%t her there "ith her )$ar-s;
=e mo&e- back a'on) the ro$te : ha- taken; !he th$n-er cease- as "e a-&ance-4 an- the si'ence
became 'ess a thin) o% re'ie% than o% s$spense to me; !he t"i'i)ht resett'e- abo$t $s4 an- :
perspire- "ithin the -amp b'anket o% the air;
: ca''e- a ha't be%ore "e reache- the %irst point %rom "hich : ha- obser&e- the action; : ret$rne-
to it then4 accompanie- b1 #ane'on;
!he "1&ern-ri-ers "ere a'' o&er the p'ace an- their beasts %o$)ht a'on) "ith them; !he1 "ere
pressin) the -e%en-ers back a)ainst the c'i%% %ace; : so$)ht %or b$t co$'- not 'ocate 2ric or the
)'o" o% his ?e"e';
F=hich ones are the enem1>G #ane'on aske- me;
F!he beast-ri-ers;G
!he1 "ere a'' o% them 'an-in) no" that hea&en@s arti''er1 ha- 'et $p; As soon as the1 str$ck the
so'i- s$r%ace4 the1 char)e- %or"ar-; : searche- amon) the -e%en-ers4 b$t #erar- "as no 'on)er in
FBrin) $p the troops4G : sai-4 raisin) m1 ri%'e; F!e'' them to )et the beasts an- the ri-ers both;G
#ane'on "ith-re"4 an- : took aim at a -escen-in) "1&ern4 %ire-4 an- "atche- its s"oop t$rn
into a s$--en %'$rr1 o% pinions; :t str$ck a)ainst the s'ope an- be)an to %'op abo$t; : %ire- a)ain;
!he beast be)an to b$rn as it -ie-; (oon : ha- three bon%ires )oin); : cra"'e- $p to m1 secon-
pre&io$s position; (ec$re4 : took aim an- %ire- once more;
: )ot another4 b$t b1 then some o% them "ere t$rnin) in m1 -irection; : %ire- the rest o% m1
ammo an- hastene- to re'oa-; (e&era' o% them ha- be)$n mo&in) to"ar- me b1 then; !he1 "ere
<$ite %ast;
: mana)e- to stop them an- "as re'oa-in) a)ain "hen the %irst ri%'e s<$a- arri&e-; =e p$t -o"n
a hea&ier %ire4 an- be)an to a-&ance as the others came $p;
:t "as a'' o&er "ithin ten min$tes; =ithin the %irst %i&e the1 ha- apparent'1 rea'i6e- that the1
ha-n@t a chance4 an- the1 be)an to %'ee back to"ar- the 'e-)e4 'a$nchin) themse'&es into space4
becomin) airborne a)ain; =e shot them -o"n as the1 ran4 an- b$rnin) %'esh an- smo'-erin)
bones 'a1 e&er1"here abo$t $s;
!he moist rock rose sheer to o$r 'e%t4 its s$mmit 'ost in the; c'o$-s4 so that it seeme- as i% it
mi)ht to"er en-'ess'1 abo&e $s; !he "in-s sti'' "hippe- the smoke an- the mists4 an- the rocks
"ere smeare- an- sp'otche- "ith b'oo-; As "e ha- a-&ance-4 %irin)4 the %orces o% Amber <$ick'1
rea'i6e- that "e represente- assistance an- be)an to p$sh %or"ar- %rom their position at the base
o% the c'i%%; : sa" that the1 "ere bein) 'e- b1 m1 brother Caine; +or a moment o$r e1es 'ocke-
to)ether across the -istance4 then he p'$n)e- ahea- into the %ra1;
(cattere- )ro$ps o% Amberites $nite- into a secon- %orce as the attackers %e'' back; Act$a''14
the1 'imite- o$r %ie'- o% %ire "hen the1 attacke- the %ar %'ank o% the "i6ene- beast-men an- their
"1&erns4 b$t : ha- no "a1 o% )ettin) "or- o% this to them; =e -re" c'oser4 an- o$r %irin) "as
A sma'' knot o% men remaine- at the base o% the c'i%%; : ha- a %ee'in) the1 "ere )$ar-in) 2ric4
an- that he ha- possib'1 been "o$n-e-4 since the storm e%%ects ha- cease- abr$pt'1; : "orke- m1
o"n "a1 o%% in that -irection;
!he %irin) "as a'rea-1 be)innin) to -ie -o"n as : -re" near the )ro$p4 an- : "as har-'1 a"are
o% "hat happene- ne.t $nti' it "as too 'ate;
(omethin) bi) came r$shin) $p %rom behin- an- "as b1 me in an instant; : hit the )ro$n- an-
ro''e-4 brin)in) m1 ri%'e to bear a$tomatica''1; B1 %in)er -i- not ti)hten on the tri))er4 ho"e&er;
:t "as /ara4 "ho ha- ?$st p'$n)e- past me on horseback; (he t$rne- an- 'a$)he- as : screame-
at her;
F#et back -o"n thereI /amn 1o$I Ao$@'' be ki''e-IG
F:@'' see 1o$ in AmberIG she crie-4 an- she shot on across the )ris'1 rock an- ma-e it $p the trai'
that 'a1 be1on-;
: "as %$rio$s; B$t there "as nothin) : co$'- -o abo$t it ?$st then; (nar'in)4 : )ot back to m1 %eet
an- contin$e- on;
As : a-&ance- $pon the )ro$p4 : hear- m1 name spoken se&era' times; ,ea-s t$rne- in m1
-irection; Peop'e mo&e- asi-e to 'et me pass; : reco)ni6e- man1 o% them4 b$t : pai- them no
: think that : sa" #erar- at abo$t the same time that he sa" me; ,e ha- been knee'in) in their
mi-st4 an- he rose to his %eet an- "aite-; ,is %ace "as e.pression'ess;
As : -re" nearer4 : sa" that it "as as : ha- s$specte-; ,e ha- been knee'in) to ten- an in?$re-
man "ho reste- $pon the )ro$n-; :t "as 2ric;
: no--e- to #erar- as : came $p besi-e him4 an- : 'ooke- -o"n at 2ric; B1 %ee'in)s "ere <$ite
mi.e-; !he b'oo- %rom his se&era' chest "o$n-s "as &er1 bri)ht an- there "as a 'ot o% it; !he
Ee"e' o% E$-)ment4 "hich sti'' h$n) on a chain abo$t his neck4 "as co&ere- "ith it; 2eri'14 it
contin$e- its %aint4 )'o"in) p$'sation4 heart-'ike beneath the )ore; 2ric@s e1es "ere c'ose-4 his
hea- restin) $pon a ro''e--$p c'oak; ,is breathin) "as 'abore-;
: kne't4 $nab'e to take m1 e1es o%% that ashen %ace; : trie- to p$sh m1 hate asi-e ?$st a 'itt'e4 since
he "as ob&io$s'1 -1in)4 so that : mi)ht ha&e a better chance to $n-erstan- this man "ho "as m1
brother %or the moments that remaine- to him; : %o$n- that : co$'- m$ster $p somethin) o%
s1mpath1 b1 consi-erin) a'' that he "as 'osin) a'on) "ith his 'i%e an- "on-erin) "hether it
"o$'- ha&e been me '1in) there i% : ha- come o$t on top %i&e 1ears ear'ier; : trie- to think o%
somethin) in his %a&or4 an- a'' : co$'- come $p "ith "ere the epitaph-'ike "or-s4 ,e -ie-
%i)htin) %or Amber; !hat "as somethin)4 tho$)h; !he phrase kept r$nin) thro$)h m1 min-;
,is e1es ti)htene-4 %'ickere-4 opene-; ,is %ace remaine- "itho$t e.pression as his e1es %oc$se-
on mine; : "on-ere- "hether he e&en reco)ni6e- me;
B$t he sai- m1 name4 an- then4 F: kne" that it "o$'- be 1o$;G ,e pa$se- %or a co$p'e o% breaths
an- "ent on4 F!he1 sa&e- 1o$ some tro$b'e4 -i-n@t the1>G : -i- not rep'1; ,e a'rea-1 kne" the
FAo$r t$rn "i'' come one -a14G he contin$e-; F!hen "e "i'' be peers;G ,e ch$ck'e- an- rea'i6e-
too 'ate that he sho$'- not ha&e; ,e "ent into an $np'easant spasm o% moist co$)hin); =hen it
passe-4 he )'are- at me;
F: co$'- %ee' 1o$r c$rse4G he sai-; FA'' aro$n- me; !he "ho'e time; Ao$ -i-n@t e&en ha&e to -ie
to make it stick;G
!hen4 as i% rea-in) m1 tho$)hts4 he smi'e- %aint'1 an- sai-4 FNo :@m not )oin) to )i&e 1o$ m1
-eath c$rse; :@&e reser&e- that %or the enemies o% AmberDo$t there;G ,e )est$re- "ith his e1es;
,e prono$nce- it then4 in a "hisper4 an- : sh$--ere- to o&erhear it;
,e ret$rne- his )a6e to m1 %ace an- stare- %or a moment; !hen he p'$cke- at the chain abo$t his
F!he Ee"e';;;G he sai-; FAo$ take it "ith 1o$ to the center o% the Pattern; ,o'- it $p; 7er1 c'ose
to an e1e; (tare into itDan- consi-er it a p'ace; !r1 to pro?ect 1o$rse'% insi-e; Ao$ -on@t )o; B$t
there isDe.perience;;;; A%ter"ar-4 1o$ kno" ho" to $se it;;;;G
F,o"D>G : be)an4 b$t stoppe-; ,e ha- a'rea-1 to'- me ho" to att$ne to it; =h1 ask him to
"aste his breath on ho" he ha- %i)$re- it o$t>
B$t he ca$)ht it an- mana)e-4 F/"orkin@s notes;;;$n-er %irep'ace;;;m1DG
!hen he "as taken "ith another co$)hin) spe'' an- the b'oo- came o$t o% his nose an- his
mo$th; ,e s$cke- in a -eep breath an- hea&e- himse'% into a sittin) position4 e1es ro''in) "i'-'1;
FAc<$it 1o$rse'% as "e'' as : ha&eDbastar-IG he sai-4 then %e'' into m1 arms an- hea&e- o$t his
%ina'4 b'oo-1 breath;
: he'- him %or se&era' moments4 then 'o"ere- him into his %ormer position; ,is e1es "ere sti''
open4 an- : reache- o$t an- c'ose- them; A'most a$tomatica''14 : p$t his han-s to)ether atop the
no" 'i%e'ess )em; : ha- no stomach to take it %rom him at that moment; : stoo- then4 remo&e- m1
c'oak4 an- co&ere- him "ith it;
!$rnin)4 : sa" that a'' o% them "ere starin) at me; +ami'iar %aces4 man1 o% them; (ome stran)e
ones mi.e- in; (o man1 "ho ha- been there that ni)ht "hen : ha- come to -inner in chains;;;;
No; :t "as not the time to think o% that; : p$she- it %rom m1 min-; !he shootin) ha- stoppe-4
an- #ane'on "as ca''in) the troops back an- or-erin) some sort o% %ormation;
: "a'ke- %or"ar-;
: passe- amon) the Amberites; : passe- amon) the -ea-; : "a'ke- b1 m1 o"n troops an- mo&e-
to the e-)e o% the c'i%%;
:n the &a''e1 be'o" me4 the %i)htin) contin$e-4 the ca&a'r1 %'o"in) 'ike t$rb$'ent "aters4
mer)in)4 e--1in)4 rece-in)4 the in%antr1 sti'' s"armin) 'ike insects;
: -re" %orth the car-s : ha- taken %rom Bene-ict; : remo&e- his o"n %rom the -eck; :t
shimmere- be%ore me4 an- a%ter a time there "as contact;
,e "as mo$nte- on the same re- an- b'ack horse on "hich he ha- p$rs$e- me; ,e "as in
motion an- there "as %i)htin) a'' abo$t him; (eein) that he con%ronte- another horseman4 :
remaine- sti''; ,e spoke b$t a sin)'e "or-; FBi-e4G he sai-;
,e -ispatche- his opponent "ith t"o <$ick mo&ements o% his b'a-e; !hen he "hee'e- his mo$nt
an- be)an to "ith-ra" %rom the %ra1; : sa" that his horse@s reins ha- been 'en)thene- an- "ere
'oope- an- tie- 'oose'1 abo$t the remain-er o% his ri)ht arm; :t took him o&er ten min$tes to
remo&e himse'% to a p'ace o% re'ati&e ca'm; =hen he ha-4 he re)ar-e- me4 an- : co$'- te'' that he
"as a'so st$-1in) the prospect that 'a1 at m1 back;
FAes4 : am on the hei)hts4G : to'- him; F=e ha&e "on; 2ric -ie- in the batt'e;G
,e contin$e- to stare4 "aitin) %or me to )o on; ,is %ace betra1e- no emotion;
F=e "on beca$se : bro$)ht ri%'emen4G : sai-; F: %ina''1 %o$n- an e.p'osi&e a)ent that %$nctions
here;G ,is e1es narro"e- an- he no--e-; : %e't that he rea'i6e- imme-iate'1 "hat the st$%% "as
an- "here it ha- come %rom;
F=hi'e there are man1 thin)s : "ant to -isc$ss "ith 1o$4G : contin$e-4 F: "ant to take care o%
the enem1 %irst; :% 1o$ "i'' ho'- the contact4 : "i'' sen- 1o$ se&era' h$n-re- ri%'emen;G ,e
F,$rr14G he sai-;
: sho$te- %or #ane'on4 an- he ans"ere- me %rom on'1 a %e" paces a"a1; : to'- him to 'ine the
troops $p4 sin)'e %i'e; ,e no--e- an- "ent o%%4 sho$tin) or-ers;
As "e "aite-4 : sai-4 FBene-ict4 /ara is here; (he "as ab'e to %o''o" 1o$ thro$)h (ha-o" "hen
1o$ ro-e in %rom A&a'on; : "antDG
,e bare- his teeth an- sho$te-8 F=ho the he'' is this /ara 1o$ keep ta'kin) abo$t> : ne&er hear-
o% her ti'' 1o$ came a'on)I P'ease te'' meI : "o$'- rea''1 'ike to kno"IG
: smi'e- %aint'1;
F:t@s no )oo-4G : sai-4 shakin) m1 hea-; F: kno" a'' abo$t her4 tho$)h : ha&e to'- no one e'se
that 1o$@&e a )reat )ran--a$)hter;G
,is 'ips parte- in&o'$ntari'1 an- his e1es "ere s$--en'1 "i-e;
FCor"in4G he sai-4 F1o$ are either ma- or -ecei&e-; :@&e no s$ch -escen-ant that : kno" o%; As
%or an1one %o''o"in) me here thro$)h (ha-o"4 : came in on E$'ian@s !r$mp;G
O% co$rse; B1 on'1 e.c$se %or not trippin) her $p imme-iate'1 "as m1 preocc$pation "ith the
con%'ict Bene-ict "o$'- ha&e been noti%ie- o% the batt'e b1 means o% the !r$mps; =h1 sho$'- he
"aste time tra&e'in) "hen an instant means o% transport "as at han->
F/amnIG : sai-; F(he is in Amber b1 no"I 9isten4 Bene-ictI : am )oin) to )et #erar- or Caine
o&er here to han-'e the trans%er o% the troops to 1o$; #ane'on "i'' come thro$)h4 a'so; #i&e them
their or-ers thro$)h him;G
: 'ooke- aro$n-4 sa" #erar- ta'kin) "ith se&era' o% the nob'es; : sho$te- %or him "ith a
-esperate $r)enc1; ,is hea- t$rne- <$ick'1; !hen he be)an r$nnin) in m1 -irection;
FCor"inI =hat is it>G Bene-ict "as sho$tin);
F: -on@t kno"I B$t somethin) is &er1 "ron)IG : thr$st the !r$mp at #erar- as he came $p;
F(ee that the troops )et thro$)h to Bene-ictIG : sai-; F:s 0an-om in the pa'ace>G
F+ree or con%ine->G
F+reeDmore or 'ess; !here "i'' be some )$ar-s abo$t; 2ric sti'' -oesn@tD-i-n@t tr$st him;G :
F#ane'on4G : ca''e- o$t; F/o "hat #erar- here te''s 1o$; ,e is )oin) to sen- 1o$ to Bene-ictD
-o"n there;G : )est$re-; F(ee that the men %o''o" Bene-ict@s or-ers; : ha&e to )et into Amber
FA'' ri)ht4G he ca''e- back;
#erar- hea-e- in his -irection4 an- : %anne- the !r$mps once more; : 'ocate- 0an-om@s an-
be)an to concentrate; At that moment4 it %ina''1 be)an to rain; : ma-e contact a'most
F,e''o4 0an-om4G : sai-4 as soon as his ima)e came to 'i%e; F0emember me>G
F=here are 1o$>G he aske-;
F:n the mo$ntains4G : to'- him; F=e ?$st "on this part o% the batt'e4 an- : am sen-in) Bene-ict
the he'p he nee-s to c'ean $p in the &a''e1; No"4 tho$)h4 : nee- 1o$r he'p; Brin) me across;G
F: -on@t kno"4 Cor"in; 2ricDG
F2ric is -ea-;G
F!hen "ho is in char)e>G
F=ho -o 1o$ think> Brin) me acrossIG
,e no--e- <$ick'1 an- e.ten-e- his han-; : reache- o$t an- c'aspe- it; : steppe- %or"ar-; :
stoo- besi-e him on a ba'con1 o&er'ookin) one o% the co$rt1ar-s; !he rai'in) "as o% "hite
marb'e4 an- not m$ch "as b'oomin) -o"n be'o"; =e "ere t"o stories $p; : s"a1e- an- he
sei6e- m1 arm; FAo$@re h$rtIG be sai-;
: shook m1 hea-4 on'1 ?$st then rea'i6in) ho" tire- : "as; : ha- not s'ept &er1 m$ch the past %e"
ni)hts; !hat4 an- e&er1thin) e'se;;;
FNo4G : sai-4 )'ancin) -o"n at the )or1 mess that "as m1 shirt %ront; FE$st tire-; !he b'oo- is
,e ran a han- thro$)h his stra"-co'ore- hair an- p$rse- his 'ips;
F(o 1o$ -i- %ina''1 nai' him;;;G he sai- so%t'1; : shook m1 hea- a)ain;
FNo; ,e "as a'rea-1 -1in) "hen : )ot to him; Come "ith me no"I ,$rr1I :t is importantIG
F=here to> =hat is the matter>G
F!o the Pattern4G : sai-; F=h1> : am not certain4 b$t : kno" that it is important; Come onIG
=e entere- the pa'ace4 mo&in) to"ar- the nearest stair"e''; !here "ere t"o )$ar-s at its hea-4
b$t the1 came to attention as "e approache- an- -i- not attempt to inter%ere "ith o$r passa)e;
F:@m )'a- it@s tr$e abo$t 1o$r e1es4G 0an-om sai- as "e hea-e- -o"n; F/o 1o$ see a'' ri)ht>G
FAes; : hear that 1o$ are sti'' marrie-;G
FAes; : am;G
=hen "e reache- the )ro$n- %'oor4 "e h$rrie- to the ri)ht; !here ha- been another pair o%
)$ar-s at the %oot o% the stair4 b$t the1 -i- not mo&e to stop $s;
FAes4G he repeate-4 as "e hea-e- to"ar- the center o% the pa'ace; FAo$ are s$rprise-4 aren@t
FAes; : tho$)ht 1o$ "ere )oin) to )et the 1ear o&er "ith an- be -one "ith it;G
F(o -i- :4G he sai-; FB$t : %e'' in 'o&e "ith her; : rea''1 -i-;G
F(tran)er thin)s ha&e happene-;G
=e crosse- the marb'e -inin) ha'' an- entere- the 'on)4 narro" corri-or that 'e- %ar back
thro$)h sha-o"s an- -$st; : s$ppresse- a sh$--er as : tho$)ht o% m1 con-ition the 'ast time :
ha- come this "a1;
F(he rea''1 cares %or me4G he sai-; F9ike nobo-1 e'se e&er has be%ore;G
F:@m )'a- %or 1o$4G : sai-;
=e reache- the -oor that opene- onto the p'at%orm hi-in) the 'on)4 spira' stair"a1 -o"n; :t "as
open; =e passe- thro$)h an- be)an the -escent;
F:@m not4G he sai-4 as "e h$rrie- aro$n- an- aro$n-; F: -i-n@t "ant to %a'' in 'o&e; Not then;
=e@&e been prisoners the "ho'e time4 1o$ kno"; ,o" can she be pro$- o% that>G
F!hat is o&er no"4G : sai-; FAo$ became a prisoner beca$se 1o$ %o''o"e- me an- trie- to ki''
2ric4 -i-n@t 1o$>G
FAes; !hen she ?oine- me here;G
F: "i'' not %or)et4G : sai-;
=e r$she- on; :t "as a )reat -istance -o"n4 an- there "ere on'1 'anterns e&er1 %ort1 %eet or so;
:t "as a h$)e4 nat$ra' ca&ern; : "on-ere- "hether an1one kne" ho" man1 t$nne's an- corri-ors
it containe-; : s$--en'1 %e't m1se'% o&er"he'me- "ith pit1 %or an1 poor "retches rottin) in its
-$n)eons4 %or "hate&er reasons; : reso'&e- to re'ease them a'' or %in- somethin) better to -o "ith
9on) min$tes passe-; : co$'- see the %'ickerin) o% the torches an- the 'anterns be'o";
F!here is a )ir'4G : sai-4 Fan- her name is /ara; (he to'- me she "as Bene-ict@s )reat-
)ran--a$)hter an- )a&e me reason to be'ie&e it; : to'- her some"hat concernin) (ha-o"4 rea'it14
an- the Pattern; (he -oes possess some po"er o&er (ha-o"4 an- she "as$s to "a'k the
Pattern; =hen 'ast : sa" her4 she "as hea-e- this "a1; No" Bene-ict s"ears she is not his;
($--en'1 : am %ear%$'; : "ant to keep her %rom the Pattern; : "ant to <$estion her;G
F(tran)e4G he sai-; F7er1; : a)ree "ith 1o$; /o 1o$ think she mi)ht be there no">G
F:% she is not4 then : %ee' she "i'' be a'on) soon;G
=e %ina''1 reache- the %'oor4 an- : be)an to race thro$)h the sha-o"s to"ar- the proper t$nne';
F=aitIG 0an-om crie-;
: ha'te- an- t$rne-; :t took me a moment to 'ocate him4 as he "as back behin- the stairs; :
B1 <$estion -i- not reach m1 'ips; : sa" that he kne't besi-e a 'ar)e4 bear-e- man;
F/ea-4G he sai-; FA &er1 thin b'a-e; #oo- thr$st E$st recent'1;G
FCome onIG
=e both ran to the t$nne' an- t$rne- $p it; :ts se&enth si-e passa)e "as the one "e "ante-; :
-re" #ra1s"an-ir as "e neare- it4 %or that )reat4 -ark4 meta'-bo$n- -oor "as stan-in) a?ar;
: spran) thro$)h; 0an-om "as ri)ht behin- me; !he %'oor o% that enormo$s room is b'ack an-
'ooks to be smooth as )'ass4 a'tho$)h it is not s'ipper1; !he Pattern b$rns $pon it4 "ithin it4 an
intricate4 shimmerin) ma6e o% c$r&e- 'ines4 perhaps a h$n-re- an- %i%t1 1ar-s 'on); =e ha'te- at
its e-)e4 starin);
(omethin) "as o$t there4 "a'kin) it; : %e't that o'-4 tin)'in) chi'' the thin) a'"a1s )i&es me as :
"atche-; =as it /ara> :t "as -i%%ic$'t %or me to make o$t the %i)$re "ithin the %o$ntains o%
sparks that spe"e- constant'1 abo$t it; =hoe&er it "as ha- to be o% the b'oo- ro1a'4 %or it "as
common kno"'e-)e that an1one e'se "o$'- be -estro1e- b1 the Pattern4 an- this in-i&i-$a' ha-
a'rea-1 ma-e it past the #ran- C$r&e an- "as ne)otiatin) the comp'icate- series o% arcs that 'e-
to"ar- the +ina' 7ei';
!he %ire%'1 %orm seeme- to chan)e shape as it mo&e-; +or a time4 m1 senses kept re?ectin) the
tin1 s$b'imina' )'impses that : kne" m$st be comin) thro$)h to me; : hear- 0an-om )asp besi-e
me4 an- it seeme- to breach m1 s$bconscio$s -am; A hor-e o% impressions %'oo-e- m1 min-;
:t seeme- to to"er h$)e'1 in that a'"a1s $ns$bstantia'-seemin) chamber; !hen shrink4 -ie -o"n4
a'most to nothin); :t seeme- a s'im "oman %or a momentDpossib'1 /ara4 her hair 'i)htene- b1
the )'o"4 streamin)4 crack'in) "ith static e'ectricit1; !hen it "as not hair4 b$t )reat4 c$r&e- horns
%rom some "i-e4 $ncertain bro"4 "hose crook-'e))e- o"ner str$))'e- to sh$%%'e hoo%s a'on) the
b'a6in) "a1; !hen somethin) e'se;;;An enormo$se cat;;;A %ace'ess "oman;;;A bri)ht-"in)e-
thin) o% in-escribab'e bea$t1;;;A to"er o% ashes;;;
F/araIG : crie- o$t; F:s that 1o$>G
B1 &oice echoe- back4 an- that "as a''; =hoe&erS "hate&er it "as str$))'e- no" "ith the +ina'
7ei'; B1 m$sc'es straine- %or"ar- in $n"i''in) s1mpath1 "ith the e%%ort;
+ina''14 it b$rst thro$)h;
Aes4 it "as /araI !a'' an- ma)ni%icent no"; Both bea$ti%$' an- someho" horrib'e at the same
time; !he si)ht o% her tore at the %abric o% m1 min-; ,er arms "ere $praise- in e.$'tation an- an
inh$man 'a$)hter %'o"e- %rom her 'ips; : "ante- to 'ook a"a14 1et : co$'- not mo&e; ,a- : tr$e'1
he'-4 caresse-4 ma-e 'o&e toDthat> : "as mi)hti'1 repe''e- an- sim$'taneo$s'1 attracte- as : ha-
ne&er been be%ore; : co$'- not $n-erstan- this o&er"he'min) ambi&a'ence; !hen she 'ooke- at
!he 'a$)hter cease-; ,er a'tere- &oice ran) o$t; F9or- Cor"in4 are 1o$ 'ie)e o% Amber no">G
+rom some"here4 : mana)e- a rep'1; F+or a'' practica' p$rposes4G : sai-;
F#oo-I !hen beho'- 1o$r nemesisIG
F=ho are 1o$> =hat are 1o$>G
FAo$ "i'' ne&er kno"4G she sai-; F:t is ?$st e.act'1 too 'ate no";G
F: -o not $n-erstan-; =hat -o 1o$ mean>G
FAmber4G she sai-4 F"i'' be -estro1e-;G An- she &anishe-;
F=hat the he''4G sai- 0an-om then4 F"as that>G : shook m1 hea-;
F: -o not kno"; : rea''1 -o not kno"; An- : %ee' that it is the most important thin) in the "or'-
that "e %in- o$t;G
,e )rippe- m1 arm;
FCor"in4G he sai-; F(heDitDmeant it; An- it ma1 be possib'e4 1o$ kno";G
: no--e-; F: kno";G
F=hat are "e )oin) to -o no">G
: resheathe- #ra1s"an-ir an- t$rne- back to"ar- the -oor;
FPick $p the pieces4G : sai-; F: ha&e "hat : tho$)ht : a'"a1s "ante- "ithin m1 )rasp no"4 an- :
m$st sec$re it; An- : cannot "ait %or "hat is to come; : m$st seek it o$t an- stop it be%ore it e&er
reaches Amber;G
F/o 1o$ kno" "here to seek it>G he aske-;
=e t$rne- $p the t$nne';
F: be'ie&e it 'ies at the other en- o% the b'ack roa-4G : sai-;
=e mo&e- on thro$)h the ca&ern to the stairs "here the -ea- man 'a1 an- "ent ro$n- an- ro$n-
abo&e him in the -ark;
The *i+n of the ,nicorn
Book Three
The Chronicles of Amber
b1 0o)er 5e'a6n1
2-Book 7ersion81.1
9ast *p-ate-82 May 2002
Chapter 1
: i)nore- the <$estions in the e1es o% the )room as : 'o"ere- the )ris'1 parce' an- t$rne- the
horse in %or care an- maintenance; B1 c'oak co$'- not rea''1 concea' the nat$re o% its contents as
: s'$n) the )$ts o&er m1 sho$'-er an- stampe- o%% to"ar- the rear entrance to the pa'ace; ,e''
"o$'- soon be -eman-in) its pa1check;
: skirte- the e.ercise area an- ma-e m1 "a1 to the trai' that 'e- to"ar- the so$thern en- o% the
pa'ace )ar-ens; +e"er e1es a'on) that ro$te; : "o$'- sti'' be spotte-4 b$t it "o$'- be a 'ot 'ess
a"k"ar- than )oin) in the %ront "a14 "here thin)s are a'"a1s b$s1; /amn;
An- a)ain4 -amn; O% tro$b'es : consi-ere- m1se'% amp'1 possesse-; B$t those "ho ha&e -o
seem to )et; (ome spirit$a' %orm o% compo$n- interest4 : s$ppose;
!here "ere a %e" i-'ers besi-e the %o$ntain at the %ar en- o% the )ar-en; A'so4 a co$p'e o% )$ar-s
"ere passin) amon) the b$shes near the trai'; !he )$ar-s sa" me comin)4 he'- a brie%
-isc$ssion4 an- 'ooke- the other "a1; Pr$-ent;
Be4 back 'ess than a "eek; Bost thin)s4 sti'' $nreso'&e-; !he co$rt o% Amber4 %$'' o% s$spicion
an- $nrest; !his4 no"8 a -eath to %$rther ?eopar-i6e the brie%4 $nhapp1 prerei)n o% Cor"in 18 me;
!ime no" to -o somethin) : sho$'- ha&e -one ri)ht a"a1; B$t there ha- been so man1 thin)s to
-o4 %rom the &er1 %irst; :t "as not as i% : ha- been no--in)4 as : sa" it; : ha- assi)ne- priorities
an- acte- on them; No"4 tho$)h;;;
: crosse- the )ar-en4 o$t o% the sha-e an- into the s'antin) s$n'i)ht; : s"$n) $p the "i-e4
c$r&in) stair; A )$ar- snappe- to attention as : entere- the pa'ace; : ma-e %or the rear stair"a14
then $p to the secon- %'oor; !hen the thir-;
+rom the ri)ht4 m1 brother 0an-om steppe- o$t o% his s$ite an- into the ha''"a1;
FCor"inIG he sai-4 st$-1in) m1 %ace; F=hat@s the matter> : sa" 1o$ %rom the ba'con1 an-DG
F:nsi-e4G : sai-4 )est$rin) "ith m1 e1es; F=e are )oin) to ha&e a pri&ate con%erence; No";G
,e hesitate-4 re)ar-in) m1 b$r-en;
F9et@s make it t"o rooms $p4G he sai-; FOka1> 7ia''e@s in here;G
FA'' ri)ht;G
,e 'e- the "a14 opene- the -oor; : entere- the sma'' sittin) room4 so$)ht a 'ike'1 spot4 -roppe-
the bo-1;
0an-om stare- at the b$n-'e;
F=hat am : s$ppose- to -o>G he aske-;
F*n"rap the )oo-ies4G : sai-4 Fan- take a 'ook;G
,e kne't an- $n-i- the c'oak; ,e %o'-e- it back; F/ea- a'' ri)ht4G he obser&e-; F=hat@s the
FAo$ -i- not 'ook c'ose'1 eno$)h4G : sai-; FPee' back an e1e'i-; Open the mo$th an- 'ook at the
teeth; +ee' the sp$rs on the backs o% the han-s; Co$nt the ?oints in the %in)ers; !hen 1o$ te'' me
abo$t the prob'em;G
,e be)an -oin) these thin)s; As soon as he 'ooke- at the han-s he stoppe- an- no--e-; FA''
ri)ht4G he sai-; F: remember;G
F0emember o$t 'o$-;G
F:t "as back at +'ora@s p'ace;;;G
F!hat "as "here : %irst sa" an1one 'ike this4G : sai-; F!he1 "ere a%ter 1o$4 tho$)h; : ne&er -i-
%in- o$t "h1;G
F!hat@s ri)ht4G he sai-; F: ne&er )ot a chance to te'' 1o$ abo$t it; =e "eren@t to)ether a'' that
'on); (tran)e;;;=here -i- this one come %rom>G
: hesitate-4 torn bet"een p$shin) him %rom his stor1 an- te''in) him mine; Bine "on o$t
beca$se it "as mine an- &er1 imme-iate;
: si)he- an- sank into a chair;
F=e@&e ?$st 'ost $s another brother4G : sai-; FCaine is -ea-; : )ot there a bit too 'ate; !hat thin)D
personD-i- it; : "ante- it a'i&e4 %or ob&io$s reasons; B$t it p$t $p <$ite a %i)ht; : -i-n@t ha&e
m$ch o% a choice;G
,e "hist'e- so%t'14 seate- himse'% in the chair opposite me;
F: see4G he sai- &er1 so%t'1;
: st$-ie- his %ace; =as that the %aintest o% smi'es "aitin) in the "in)s to enter an- meet m1
o"n> M$ite possib'1;
FNo4G : sai- %'at'1; F:% it "ere other"ise4 : "o$'- ha&e arran)e- %or a 'ot 'ess -o$bt as to m1
innocence; :@m te''in) 1o$ "hat rea''1 happene-;G
FA'' ri)ht4G he sai-; F=here is Caine>G
F*n-er a 'a1er o% so-4 near the #ro&e o% the *nicorn;G
F!hat 'ooks s$spicio$s ri)ht there4G he sai-; FOr "i''; !o the others;G
: no--e-;
F: kno"; : ha- to hi-e the bo-1 an- co&er it in the meantime4 tho$)h; : co$'-n@t ?$st brin) him
back an- start parr1in) <$estions; Not "hen there "ere important %acts "aitin) %or me4 in 1o$r
FOka14G he sai-; F: -on@t kno" ho" important the1 are4 b$t the1@re 1o$rs; B$t -on@t 'ea&e me
han)in)4 h$h> ,o" -i- this thin) happen>G
F:t "as ri)ht a%ter '$nch4G : sai-; F: ha- eaten -o"n at the harbor "ith #erar-; A%ter"ar-4
Bene-ict bro$)ht me topsi-e thro$)h his !r$mp; Back in m1 rooms4 : %o$n- a note "hich
apparent'1 ha- been s'ippe- in $n-er the -oor; :t re<$este- a pri&ate meetin)4 'ater in the
a%ternoon4 at the #ro&e o% the *nicorn; :t "as si)ne- @Caine;@ G
F,a&e 1o$ sti'' )ot the note>G
FAes;G : -$) it o$t o% m1 pocket an- passe- it to him; F,ere;G
,e st$-ie- it an- shook his hea-;
F: -on@t kno"4G he sai-; F:t co$'- be his "ritin)Di% he "ere in a h$rr1Db$t : -on@t think it is;G
: shr$))e-; : took the note back4 %o'-e- it4 p$t it a"a1;
F=hate&er4 : trie- to reach him "ith his !r$mp4 to sa&e m1se'% the ri-e; B$t he "asn@t recei&in);
: )$esse- it "as to maintain secrec1 as to his "hereabo$ts4 i% it "as a'' that important; (o : )ot a
horse an- ro-e on -o"n;G
F/i- 1o$ te'' an1one "here 1o$ "ere )oin)>G
FNot a so$'; : -i- -eci-e to )i&e the horse a "orko$t4 tho$)h4 so : ro-e a'on) at a prett1 )oo-
c'ip; : -i-n@t see it happen4 b$t : sa" him '1in) there as : came into the "oo-; ,is throat ha- been
c$t4 an- there "as a -ist$rbance o%% in the b$shes some -istance a"a1; : ro-e the )$1 -o"n4
?$mpe- him4 %o$)ht "ith him4 ha- to ki'' him; =e -i-n@t en)a)e in an1 con&ersation "hi'e this
"as )oin) on;G
FAo$@re s$re 1o$ )ot the ri)ht )$1>G
FAs s$re as 1o$ can be $n-er s$ch circ$mstances; ,is trai' "ent back to Caine; ,e ha- %resh
b'oo- on his )arments;G
FBi)ht ha&e been his o"n;G
F9ook a)ain; No "o$n-s; : broke his neck; O% co$rse : remembere- "here : ha- seen his 'ike
be%ore4 so : bro$)ht him ri)ht to 1o$; Be%ore 1o$ te'' me abo$t it4 tho$)h4 there "as one more
thin)D?$st %or a c'incher;G
: "ith-re" the secon- note4 passe- it o&er;
F!he creat$re ha- this on its person; : pres$me it ha- remo&e- it %rom Caine;G
0an-om rea- it4 no--e-4 an- han-e- it back;
F+rom 1o$4 to Caine4 askin) to be met there; Aes4 : see; Nee-'ess to sa1;;;G
FNee-'ess to sa14G : %inishe-; FAn- it -oes 'ook a bit 'ike m1 "ritin)Dat %irst )'ance4 an1"a1;G
F: "on-er "hat "o$'- ha&e happene- i% 1o$ ha- )otten there %irst>G
FProbab'1 nothin)4G : sai-; FA'i&e an- 'ookin) ba-Dthat seems ho" the1 "ante- me; !he trick
"as to )et $s there in the proper or-er4 an- : -i-n@t h$rr1 <$ite eno$)h to miss "hat "as bo$n- to
,e no--e-;
F#rantin) the ti)ht sche-$'in)4G he sai-4 Fit ha- to be someone on the scene4 here in the pa'ace;
An1 i-eas>G
: ch$ck'e- an- reache- %or a ci)arette; : 'it it an- ch$ck'e- a)ain;
F:@m ?$st back; Ao$ ha&e been here a'' a'on)4G : sai-; F=hich one hates me the most these
F!hat is an embarrassin) <$estion4 Cor"in4G he state-; F2&er1one@s -o"n on 1o$ %or somethin);
Or-inari'14 : "o$'- nominate E$'ian; On'1 it -oesn@t seem to ho'- $p here;G
F=h1 not>G
F,e an- Caine )ot a'on) &er1 "e''; +or 1ears no"; !he1 ha- been 'ookin) o$t %or each other4
han)in) aro$n- to)ether; Prett1 thick; E$'ian is co'- an- pett1 an- ?$st as nast1 as 1o$ remember;
B$t i% he 'ike- an1bo-14 he 'ike- Caine; : -on@t think he@- -o it to him4 not e&en to )et at 1o$;
A%ter a''4 he probab'1 co$'- ha&e %o$n- p'ent1 o% other "a1s i% that "as a'' he "ante-;G
: si)he-;
F=ho@s ne.t>G
F: -on@t kno"; : ?$st -on@t kno";G
FOka1; ,o" -o 1o$ rea- the reactions to this>G
FAo$@re scre"e-4 Cor"in; 2&er1one is )oin) to think 1o$ -i- it4 no matter "hat 1o$ sa1;G
: no--e- at the corpse; 0an-om shook his hea-;
F!hat co$'- easi'1 be some poor c'o- 1o$ -$) $p o$t o% (ha-o" to take the b'ame;G
F: kno"4G : sai-; F+$nn14 comin) back to Amber as : -i-4 : arri&e- at an i-ea' time %or
positionin) m1se'% a-&anta)eo$s'1;G
FA per%ect time4G 0an-om a)ree-; FAo$ -i-n@t e&en ha&e to ki'' 2ric to )et "hat 1o$ "ante-;
!hat "as a stroke o% '$ck;G
FAes; (ti''4 it is no secret that that is "hat : came to -o4 an- it is on'1 a matter o% time be%ore m1
troopsD%orei)n4 specia''1 arme-4 an- <$artere- hereDare )oin) to start pro&okin) some &er1
ba- %ee'in)s; On'1 the presence o% an e.terna' threat has sa&e- me %rom that so %ar; An- then
there are the thin)s : am s$specte- o% ha&in) -one be%ore m1 ret$rnD'ike m$r-erin) Bene-ict@s
retainers; No" this;;;G
FAes4G 0an-om sai-4 F: sa" it comin) as soon as 1o$ to'- me; =hen 1o$ an- B'e1s attacke-
1ears a)o4 #erar- -ep'o1e- part o% the %'eet so that it "as o$t o% 1o$r "a1; Caine4 on the other
han-4 en)a)e- 1o$ "ith his &esse's an- sc$tt'e- 1o$; No" that he is )one4 : ima)ine 1o$ "i'' p$t
#erar- in comman- o% the entire %'eet;G
F=ho e'se> ,e is the on'1 man %or the ?ob;G
FNe&erthe'ess; A-mitte-; :% : "ere )oin) to ki'' an1one person to stren)then m1 position4 Caine
"o$'- be the 'o)ica' choice; !hat@s the rea'4 -amnin) tr$th;G
F,o" -o 1o$ propose han-'in) this>G
F!e'' e&er1one "hat happene- an- tr1 to -isco&er "ho "as behin- it; ,a&e 1o$ an1 better
F:@&e been tr1in) to think ho" : co$'- a'ibi 1o$; B$t it -oes not 'ook promisin);G
: shook m1 hea-;
FAo$ are too c'ose to me; No matter ho" )oo- "e ma-e it so$n-4 it "o$'- probab'1 ha&e the
opposite e%%ect;G
F,a&e 1o$ consi-ere- a-mittin) to it>G
FAes; B$t se'%--e%ense is o$t; =ith a c$t throat4 it ha- to be a matter o% s$rprise; An- : ha&e no
stomach %or startin) o%% "ith the a'ternati&e8 hoke $p some e&i-ence that he "as $p to somethin)
rotten an- sa1 : -i- it %or the )oo- o% Amber; : %'at'1 re%$se to take on %ake )$i't $n-er those
terms; :@- "in- $p "ith a ba- o-or that "a14 too;G
FB$t "ith a rea' to$)h rep$tation;G
F:t@s the "ron) kin- o% to$)h %or the sort o% sho" : "ant to r$n; No4 that@s o$t;G
F!hat co&ers e&er1thin)4 thenD?$st abo$t;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean @?$st abo$t@>G
,e st$-ie- his 'e%t th$mbnai' thro$)h s'itte- e1es;
F=e''4 it occ$rs to me that i% there is an1one e'se 1o$ are$s to )et o$t o% the pict$re4 no"
is the time to consi-er that a %rame can o%ten be shi%te-;G
: tho$)ht abo$t it an- %inishe- m1 ci)arette;
FNot ba-4G : sai-4 Fb$t : can@t spare an1 more brothers at the moment; Not e&en E$'ian; An1ho"4
he@s the 'east %rameab'e;G
F:t nee- not be %ami'14G he sai-; FP'ent1 o% nob'e Amberites aro$n- "ith possib'e moti&es; !ake
(ir 0e)ina'-DG
F+or)et it; 0an-om; !he re%ramin) is o$t4 too;G
FOka1; :@&e e.ha$ste- m1 'itt'e )ra1 ce''s4 then;G
FNot the ones in char)e o% memor14 : hope;G
FA'' ri)ht;G
,e si)he-; ,e stretche-; ,e )ot to his %eet4 steppe- o&er the room@s other occ$pant4 an- ma-e
his "a1 to the "in-o"; /ra"in) back the -rapes4 he stare- o$t %or a time;
FA'' ri)ht4G he repeate-; F!here@s a 'ot to te'';;;;G
!hen he remembere- o$t 'o$-;
Chapter 2
=hi'e se. hea-s a )reat n$mber o% 'ists4 "e a'' ha&e other thin)s "e 'ike to -o in bet"een; =ith
me4 Cor"in4 it@s -r$mmin)4 bein) $p in the air4 an- )amb'in)Din no specia' or-er; =e''4 ma1be
soarin) has a 'itt'e e-)eDin )'i-ers4 ba''oons4 an- certain &ariationsDb$t moo- has a 'ot to -o
"ith that too4 1o$ kno"; : mean4 ask me another time an- : mi)ht sa1 one o% the others; /epen-s
on "hat 1o$ "ant most at the moment;
An1"a14 : "as here in Amber some 1ears a)o; Not -oin) m$ch o% an1thin); E$st &isitin) an-
bein) a n$isance; /a- "as sti'' aro$n-4 an- "hen : notice- that he "as )ettin) into one o% his
)r$mp1 moo-s4 : -eci-e- it "as time to take a "a'k; A 'on) one; : ha- o%ten notice- that his
%on-ness %or me ten-e- to increase as an in&erse %$nction o% m1 pro.imit1; ,e )a&e me a %anc1
ri-in) crop %or a )oin)-a"a1 presentDto hasten the process o% a%%ection4 : s$ppose; (ti''4 it "as a
&er1 nice cropDsi'&er-chase-4 bea$ti%$''1 too'e-Dan- : ma-e )oo- $se o% it; : ha- -eci-e- to )o
'ookin) %or an assemb'a)e o% a'' m1 simp'e p'eas$res in one sma'' nook o% (ha-o";
:t "as a 'on) ri-eD: "i'' not bore 1o$ "ith the -etai'sDan- it "as prett1 %ar %rom Amber4 as
s$ch thin)s )o; !his time4 : "as not 'ookin) %or a p'ace "here : "o$'- be especia''1 important;
!hat can )et either borin) or -i%%ic$'t %air'1 <$ick'14 -epen-in) on ho" responsib'e 1o$ "ant to
be; : "ante- to be an irresponsib'e nonentit1 an- ?$st en?o1 m1se'%;
!e.orami "as a "i-e open port cit14 "ith s$'tr1 -a1s an- 'on) ni)hts4 'ots o% )oo- m$sic4
)amb'in) aro$n- the c'ock4 -$e's e&er1 mornin) an- in-bet"een ma1hem %or those "ho co$'-n@t
"ait; An- the air c$rrents "ere %ab$'o$s; : ha- a 'itt'e re- sai' p'ane : $se- to )o sk1 s$r%in) in4
e&er1 co$p'e o% -a1s; :t "as the )oo- 'i%e; : p'a1e- -r$ms ti'' a'' ho$rs in a basement spot $p the
ri&er "here the "a''s s"eate- a'most as m$ch as the c$stomers an- the smoke $se- to "ash
aro$n- the 'i)hts 'ike streams o% mi'k; =hen : "as -one p'a1in) :@- )o %in- some action4 "omen4
or car-s4 $s$a''1; An- that "as it %or the rest o% the ni)ht; /amn 2ric4 an1"a1' !hat remin-s me
a)ain;;;,e once acc$se- me o% cheatin) at car-s4 -i- 1o$ kno" that> An- that@s abo$t the on'1
thin) : "o$'-n@t cheat at; : take m1 car- p'a1in) serio$s'1; :@m )oo- an- :@m a'so '$ck1; 2ric "as
neither; !he tro$b'e "ith him "as that he "as )oo- at so man1 thin)s he "o$'-n@t a-mit e&en to
himse'% that there "ere some thin)s other peop'e co$'- -o better; :% 1o$ kept beatin) him at
an1thin) 1o$ ha- to be cheatin); ,e starte- a nast1 ar)$ment o&er it one ni)htDco$'- ha&e
)otten serio$sDb$t #erar- an- Caine broke it $p; #i&e Caine that; ,e took m1 part that time;
Poor )$1;;;,e'' o% a "a1 to )o4 1o$ kno"> ,is throat;;;=e''4 an1ho"4 there : "as in !e.orami4
makin) m$sic an- "omen4 "innin) at car-s an- ?ocke1in) aro$n- the sk1; Pa'm trees an- ni)ht-
b'oomin) "a''%'o"ers; 9ots o% )oo- port sme''sDspices4 co%%ee4 tar4 sa'tD1o$ kno"; #ent'e%o'k4
merchants4 an- peonsDthe same strai)hts as in most other p'aces; (ai'ors an- assorte- tra&e'ers
passin) in an- o$t; #$1s 'ike me 'i&in) aro$n- the e-)es o% thin)s; : spent a 'itt'e o&er t"o 1ears
in !e.orami4 happ1; 0ea''1; Not m$ch contact "ith the others; (ort o% postcar- 'ike he''os &ia the
!r$mps e&er1 no" an- then4 an- that "as abo$t it; Amber "as prett1 m$ch o%% m1 min-; A'' this
chan)e- one ni)ht "hen : "as sittin) there "ith a %$'' ho$se an- the )$1 across %rom me "as
tr1in) to make $p his min- "hether or not : "as b'$%%in);
!he Eack o% /iamon-s be)an ta'kin) to me;
Aes4 that is ho" it starte-; : "as in a "eir- %rame o% min- an1"a1; : ha- ?$st %inishe- a co$p'e
&er1 hot sets an- "as sti'' kin- o% hi)h; A'so4 : "as ph1sica''1 str$n) o$t %rom a 'on) -a1@s
)'i-in) an- not m$ch s'eep the ni)ht be%ore; : -eci-e- 'ater that it m$st be o$r menta' <$irk
associate- "ith the !r$mps that ma-e me see it that "a1 "hen someone "as tr1in) to reach me
an- : ha- car-s in m1 han-Dan1 car-s; Or-inari'14 o% co$rse4 "e )et the messa)e empt1-han-e-4
$n'ess "e are -oin) the ca''in); :t co$'- ha&e been that m1 s$bconscio$sD"hich "as kin- o%
%oot'oose at the timeD?$st sei6e- on the a&ai'ab'e props o$t o% habit 9ater4 tho$)h4 : ha- ca$se to
"on-er; 0ea''14 : ?$st -on@t kno";
!he Eack sai-4 F0an-om;G !hen its %ace b'$rre- an- it sai-4 F,e'p me;G : be)an )ettin) a %ee' o%
the persona'it1 b1 then4 b$t it "as "eak; !he "ho'e thin) "as &er1 "eak; !hen the %ace
rearran)e- itse'% an- : sa" that : "as ri)ht; :t "as Bran-; ,e 'ooke- 'ike he''4 an- he seeme- to
be chaine- or tie- to somethin); F,e'p me4G he sai- a)ain;
F:@m here4G : sai-; F=hat@s the matter>G F;;;prisoner4G he sai-4 an- somethin) e'se that : co$'-n@t
make o$t; F=here>G : aske-;
,e shook his hea- at that;
FCan@t brin) 1o$ thro$)h4G he sai-; FNo !r$mps4 an- : am too "eak; Ao$ "i'' ha&e to come the
'on) "a1 aro$n-;;;;G
: -i- not ask him ho" he "as mana)in) it "itho$t m1 !r$mp; +in-in) o$t "here he "as seeme-
o% %irst importance; : aske- him ho" : co$'- 'ocate him;
F9ook &er1 c'ose'14G he sai-; F0emember e&er1 %eat$re; : ma1 on'1 be ab'e to sho" 1o$ once;
Come arme-4 too;;;;G
!hen : sa" the 'an-scapeDo&er his sho$'-er4 o$t a "in-o"4 o&er a batt'ement4 : can@t be s$re; :t
"as %ar %rom Amber4 some"here "here the sha-o"s )o ma-; +arther than : 'ike to )o; (tark4
"ith shi%tin) co'ors; +ier1; /a1 "itho$t a s$n in the sk1; 0ocks that )'i-e- 'ike sai'boats across
the 'an-; Bran- there in some sort o% to"erDa sma'' point o% stabi'it1 in that %'o"in) scene; :
remembere- it4 a'' ri)ht; An- : remembere- the presence coi'e- abo$t the base o% that to"er;
Bri''iant; Prismatic; (ome sort o% "atch-thin)4 it seeme-Dtoo bri)ht %or me to make o$t its
o$t'ine4 to )$ess its proper si6e; !hen it a'' ?$st "ent a"a1; :nstant o%%; An- there : "as4 starin) at
the Eack o% /iamon-s a)ain4 "ith the )$1 across %rom me not kno"in) "hether to be ma- at m1
'on) -istraction or concerne- that : mi)ht be ha&in) some sort o% sick spe'';
: c'ose- $p shop "ith that han- an- "ent home; : 'a1 stretche- o$t on m1 be-4 smokin) an-
thinkin); Bran- ha- sti'' been in Amber "hen : ha- -eparte-; 9ater4 tho$)h4 "hen : ha- aske-
a%ter him4 no one ha- an1 i-ea as to his "hereabo$ts; ,e ha- been ha&in) one o% his me'ancho'1
spe''s4 ha- snappe- o$t o% it one -a1 an- ri--en o%%; An- that "as that; No messa)es eitherD
either "a1; ,e "asn@t ans"erin)4 he "asn@t ta'kin);
: trie- to %i)$re e&er1 an)'e; ,e "as smart4 -amn smart; Possib'1 the best min- in the %ami'1; ,e
"as in tro$b'e an- he ha- ca''e- me; 2ric an- #erar- "ere more the heroic t1pes an- "o$'-
probab'1 ha&e "e'come- the a-&ent$re; Caine "o$'- ha&e )one o$t o% c$riosit14 : think; E$'ian4
to 'ook better than the rest o% $s an- to score points "ith /a-; Or4 easiest o% a''4 Bran- co$'- ha&e
ca''e- /a- himse'%; /a- "o$'- ha&e -one somethin) abo$t it; B$t he ha- ca''e- me; =h1>
:t occ$rre- to me then that ma1be one or more o% the others ha- been responsib'e %or his
circ$mstances; :%4 sa14 /a- "as be)innin) to %a&or him;;;=e''; Ao$ kno"; 2'iminate the positi&e;
An- i% he -i- ca'' /a-4 he "o$'- 'ook 'ike a "eak'in);
(o : s$ppresse- m1 imp$'se to 1e'' %or rein%orcements; ,e ha- ca''e- me4 an- it "as <$ite
possib'e that : "o$'- be c$ttin) his throat b1 'ettin) an1one back in Amber in on the %act that he
ha- )otten the messa)e o$t; Oka1; =hat "as in it %or me>
:% it in&o'&e- the s$ccession an- he ha- tr$'1 become %air-haire-4 : %i)$re- that : co$'- -o a 'ot
"orse than )i&e him this to remember me b1; An- i% it -i- not;;;!here "ere a'' sorts o% other
possibi'ities; Perhaps he ha- st$mb'e- onto somethin) )oin) on back home4 somethin) it "o$'-
be $se%$' to kno" abo$t; : "as e&en c$rio$s as to the means he ha- emp'o1e- %or b1passin) the
!r$mps; (o it "as c$riosit14 :@- sa14 that ma-e me -eci-e to )o it a'one an- tr1 to resc$e him;
: -$ste- o%% m1 o"n !r$mps an- trie- reachin) him a)ain; As 1o$ mi)ht e.pect4 there "as no
response; : )ot a )oo- ni)ht@s s'eep then an- trie- one more time in the mornin); A)ain4 nothin);
Oka14 no sense "aitin) an1 'on)er;
: c'eane- $p m1 b'a-e4 ate a bi) mea'4 an- )ot into some r$))e- c'othes; : a'so picke- $p a pair
o% -ark4 po'aroi- )o))'es; /i-n@t kno" ho" the1 "o$'- "ork there4 b$t that "ar-en-thin) ha-
been a"%$''1 bri)htDan- it ne&er h$rts to tr1 an1thin) e.tra 1o$ can think o%; +or that matter4 :
a'so took a )$n; : ha- a %ee'in) it "o$'- be "orth'ess4 an- : "as ri)ht; B$t4 'ike : sai-4 1o$ ne&er
kno" ti'' 1o$ tr1;
!he on'1 person : sai- )oo--b1e to "as another -r$mmer4 beca$se : stoppe- to )i&e him m1 set
be%ore : 'e%t; : kne" he@- take )oo- care o% them;
!hen : "ent on -o"n to the han)ar4 )ot the sai' p'ane rea-14 "ent a'o%t4 an- ca$)ht a proper
c$rrent; :t seeme- a neat "a1 to -o it;
: -on@t kno" "hether 1o$@&e e&er )'i-e- thro$)h (ha-o"4 b$tDNo> =e''4 : hea-e- o$t o&er the
sea ti'' the 'an- "as on'1 a -im 'ine to the north; !hen : ha- the "aters )o coba't beneath me4 rear
$p an- shake spark'1 bear-s; !he "in- shi%te-; : t$rne-; : race- the "a&es shore"ar- beneath a
-arkenin) sk1; !e.orami "as )one "hen : ret$rne- to the ri&ermo$th4 rep'ace- b1 mi'es o%
s"amp; : ro-e the c$rrents in"ar-4 crossin) an- recrossin) the ri&er at ne" t"ists an- kinks it
ha- ac<$ire-; #one "ere the piers4 the trai's4 the tra%%ic; !he trees "ere hi)h;
C'o$-s masse- in the "est4 pink an- pear' an- 1e''o"; !he s$n phase- %rom oran)e thro$)h re-
to 1e''o"; Ao$ shake 1o$r hea-> !he s$n "as the price o% the cities4 1o$ see; :n a h$rr14 :
-epop$'ateDor4 rather4 )o the e'ementa' ro$te; At that a'tit$-e arti%acts "o$'- ha&e been
-istractin); (ha-in) an- te.t$re becomes e&er1thin) %or me; !hat@s "hat : meant abo$t )'i-in) it
bein) a bit -i%%erent;
(o4 : bore to the "est ti'' the "oo-s )a&e "a1 to s$r%ace )reen4 "hich <$ick'1 %a-e-4 -isperse-4
broke to bro"n4 tan4 1e''o"; 9i)ht an- cr$mb'1 then4 sp'otche-; !he price o% that "as a storm; :
ro-e it o$t as m$ch as : co$'-4 ti'' the 'i)htnin)s %orke- nearb1 an- : %eare- that the )$sts "ere
)ettin) to be too m$ch %or the 'itt'e )'i-er; : tone- it -o"n %ast then4 b$t )ot more )reen be'o" as
a res$'t; (ti''4 : p$''e- it o$t o% the storm "ith a 1e''o" s$n %irm an- bri)ht at m1 back; A%ter a
time4 : )ot it to )o -esert beneath me a)ain4 stark an- ro''in);
!hen the s$n shrank an- stran-s o% c'o$- "hippe- past its %ace4 erasin) it bit b1 bit; !hat "as the
shortc$t that took me %arther %rom Amber than : ha- been in a 'on) "hi'e;
No s$n then4 b$t the 'i)ht remaine-4 ?$st as bri)ht b$t eerie no"4 -irection'ess; :t tricke- m1
e1es4 it scre"e- $p perspecti&e; : -roppe- 'o"er4 'imitin) m1 ran)e o% &ision; (oon 'ar)e rocks
came into &ie"4 an- : %o$)ht %or the shapes : remembere-; #ra-$a''14 these occ$rre-;
!he b$ck'in)4 %'o"in) e%%ect "as easier to achie&e $n-er these con-itions4 b$t its pro-$ction "as
ph1sica''1 -isconcertin); :t ma-e it e&en more -i%%ic$'t to ?$-)e m1 e%%ecti&eness in )$i-in) the
)'i-er; : )ot 'o"er than : tho$)ht : "as an- a'most co''i-e- "ith one o% the rocks; +ina''14 tho$)h4
the smokes rose an- %'ames -ance- abo$t as : remembere- themDcon%ormin) to no partic$'ar
pattern4 ?$st emer)in) here an- there %rom cre&asses4 ho'es4 ca&e mo$ths; Co'ors be)an to
misbeha&e as : reca''e- %rom m1 brie% &ie"; !hen came the act$a' motion o% the rocksD-ri%tin)4
sai'in)4 'ike r$--er'ess boats in a p'ace "here the1 "rin) o$t rainbo"s;
B1 then4 the air c$rrents ha- )one cra61; One $p-ra%t a%ter another4 'ike %o$ntains4 : %o$)ht them
as best : co$'-4 b$t kne" : co$'- not ho'- thin)s to)ether m$ch 'on)er at that a'tit$-e; : rose a
consi-erab'e -istance4 %or)ettin) e&er1thin) %or a time "hi'e tr1in) to stabi'i6e the cra%t; =hen :
'ooke- -o"n a)ain4 it "as 'ike &ie"in) a %ree-%orm re)atta o% b'ack iceber)s; !he rocks "ere
racin) aro$n-4 c'ashin) to)ether4 backin) o%%4 co''i-in) a)ain4 spinnin)4 arcin) across the open
spaces4 passin) amon) one another; !hen : "as s'amme- abo$t4 %orce- -o"n4 %orce- $pDan- :
sa" a str$t )i&e "a1; : )a&e the sha-o"s their %ina' n$-)e4 then 'ooke- a)ain; !he to"er ha-
appeare- in the -istance4 somethin) bri)hter than ice or a'$min$m statione- at its base;
!hat %ina' p$sh ha- -one it; : rea'i6e- that ?$st as : %e't the "in-s start a partic$'ar'1 nast1 piece
o% b$siness; !hen se&era' cab'es snappe- an- : "as on m1 "a1 -o"nD'ike ri-in) a "ater%a''; :
)ot the nose $p4 bro$)ht it in 'o" an- "i'-4 sa" "here "e "ere hea-e-4 an- ?$mpe- at the 'ast
moment; !he poor )'i-er "as p$'&eri6e- b1 one o% those peripatetic mono'iths; : %e't "orse abo$t
that than : -i- abo$t the scrapes4 rips4 an- '$mps : co''ecte-;
!hen : ha- to mo&e <$ick'14 beca$se a hi'' "as racin) to"ar- me; =e both &eere-4 %ort$nate'1 in
-i%%erent -irections; : ha-n@t the %aintest notion as to their moti&e %orce4 an- at %irst : co$'- see no
pattern to their mo&ements; !he )ro$n- &arie- %rom "arm to e.treme'1 hot $n-er%oot4 an- a'on)
"ith the smoke an- occasiona' ?ets o% %'ame4 nast1-sme''in) )ases "ere escapin) %rom n$mero$s
openin)s in the )ro$n-; : h$rrie- to"ar- the to"er4 %o''o"in) a necessari'1 irre)$'ar co$rse;
:t took a 'on) "hi'e to co&er the -istance; E$st ho" 'on)4 : "as $ncertain4 as : ha- no "a1 o%
keepin) track o% the time; B1 then4 tho$)h4 : "as be)innin) to notice some interestin)
re)$'arities; +irst4 the 'ar)er stones mo&e- at a )reater &e'ocit1 than the sma''er ones; (econ-4
the1 seeme- to be orbitin) one anotherDc1c'es "ithin c1c'es "ithin c1c'es4 'ar)er abo$t sma''er4
none o% them e&er sti''; Perhaps the prime mo&er "as a -$st mote or a sin)'e mo'ec$'eD
some"here; : ha- neither time nor -esire to in-$')e in an1 attempt to -etermine the center o% the
a%%air; 3eepin) this in min-4 : -i- mana)e to obser&e as : "ent4 tho$)h4 eno$)h so that : "as ab'e
to anticipate a n$mber o% their co''isions "e'' in a-&ance;
(o Chi'-e 0an-om to the -ark to"er came4 1eah4 )$n in one han-4 b'a-e in the other; !he
)o))'es h$n) abo$t m1 neck; =ith a'' the smoke an- con%$se- 'i)htin)4 : "asn@t abo$t to -on
them $nti' it became abso'$te'1 necessar1;
No"4 "hate&er the reason4 the rocks a&oi-e- the to"er; =hi'e it seeme- to stan- on a hi''4 :
rea'i6e- as : approache- that it "o$'- be more correct to sa1 that the rocks ha- scoope- o$t an
enormo$s basin ?$st short o% it; : co$'- not te'' %rom m1 si-e4 ho"e&er4 "hether the e%%ect "as
that o% an is'an- or a penins$'a;
: -ashe- thro$)h the smoke an- r$bb'e4 a&oi-in) the ?ets o% %'ame that 'eape- %rom the cracks
an- ho'es; +ina''1 : scramb'e- $p the s'ope4 remo&in) m1se'% %rom the co$rse"a1; !hen %or
se&era' moments : c'$n) at a spot ?$st be'o" an1 'ine o% si)ht %rom the to"er; : checke- m1
"eapons4 contro''e- m1 breathin)4 an- p$t on the )o))'es; 2&er1thin) set4 : "ent o&er the top
an- came $p into a cro$ch;
Aes4 the sha-es "orke-; An- 1es4 the beast "as "aitin);
:t "as a %ri)ht a'' ri)ht4 beca$se in some "a1s it "as kin- o% bea$ti%$'; :t ha- a snake bo-1 as bi)
aro$n- as a barre'4 "ith a hea- sort o% 'ike a massi&e c'a" hammer4 b$t kin- o% tapere- to the
sno$t en-; 21es o% a &er1 pa'e )reen; An- it "as c'ear as )'ass4 "ith &er1 %aint4 %ine 'ines seemin)
to in-icate sca'es; =hate&er %'o"e- in its &eins "as reasonab'1 c'ear4 a'so; Ao$ co$'- 'ook ri)ht
into it an- see its or)ansDopa<$e or c'o$-1 as the case mi)ht be; Ao$ co$'- a'most be -istracte-
b1 "atchin) the thin) %$nction; An- it ha- a -ense mane4 'ike brist'es o% )'ass4 abo$t the hea-
an- co''arin) its )$''et; :ts mo&ement "hen it sa" me4 raise- that hea- an- s'i&ere- %or"ar-4 "as
'ike %'o"in) "aterD'i&in) "ater4 it seeme-4 a be-'ess ri&er "itho$t banks; =hat a'most %ro6e
me4 tho$)h4 "as that : co$'- see into its stomach; !here "as a part'1 -i)este- man in it : raise-
the )$n4 aime- at the nearest e1e4 an- s<$ee6e- the tri))er;
: a'rea-1 to'- 1o$ it -i-n@t "ork; (o : thre" the )$n4 'eape- to m1 'e%t4 an- spran) in on its ri)ht
si-e4 )oin) %or its e1e "ith m1 b'a-e;
Ao$ kno" ho" har- it can be to ki'' thin)s b$i't a'on) repti'ian 'ines; : -eci-e- imme-iate'1 to
tr1 to b'in- the thin) an- hack o%% its ton)$e as the %irst or-er o% b$siness; !hen4 bein) more than
a 'itt'e %ast on m1 %eet4 : mi)ht ha&e an1 n$mber o% chances to 'a1 in some )oo- ones abo$t the
hea- $nti' : -ecapitate- it; !hen 'et it tie itse'% in knots ti'' it stoppe-; : "as hopin)4 too4 that it
mi)ht be s'$))ish beca$se it "as sti'' -i)estin) someone;
:% it "as s'$))ish then4 : "as )'a- that : ha-n@t stoppe- b1 ear'ier; :t -re" its hea- o$t o% the path
o% m1 b'a-e an- snappe- -o"n o&er it "hi'e : "as sti'' o%% ba'ance; !hat sno$t )'ance- across m1
chest4 an- it -i- %ee' as i% : ha- been hit b1 a massi&e hammer; :t knocke- me spra"'in);
: kept on ro''in) to )et o$t o% ran)e4 comin) $p short near the e-)e o% the embankment; :
reco&ere- m1 %ootin) there "hi'e it $n"o$n- itse'%4 -ra))e- a 'ot o% "ei)ht in m1 -irection4 an-
then reare- $p an- cocke- its hea- a)ain4 abo$t %i%teen %eet abo&e me;
: kno" -amn "e'' that #erar- "o$'- ha&e chosen that moment to attack; !he bi) bastar- "o$'-
ha&e stro-e %or"ar- "ith that monster b'a-e o% his an- c$t the thin) in ha'%; !hen it probab'1
"o$'- ha&e %a''en on him an- "rithe- a'' o&er him4 an- he@- ha&e come a"a1 "ith a %e" br$ises;
Ba1be a b'oo-1 nose; Bene-ict "o$'- not ha&e misse- the e&e; ,e "o$'- ha&e ha- one in each
pocket b1 then an- be p'a1in) %ootba'' "ith the hea- "hi'e composin) a %ootnote to C'a$se"it6;
B$t the1 are )en$ine hero t1pes; Be4 : ?$st stoo- there ho'-in) the b'a-e point $p"ar-4 both
han-s on the hi't4 m1 e'bo"s on m1 hips4 m1 hea- as %ar back o$t o% the "a1 as possib'e; : "o$'-
m$ch rather ha&e r$n an- ca''e- it a -a1; On'1 : kne" that i% : trie- it4 that hea- "o$'- -rop
-o"n an- smear me;
Cries %rom "ithin the to"er in-icate- that : ha- been spotte-4 b$t : "as not abo$t to 'ook a"a1
to see "hat "as )oin) on; !hen : be)an c$rsin) the thin); : "ante- it to strike an- )et it o&er
"ith4 one "a1 or the other;
=hen it %ina''1 -i-4 : sh$%%'e- m1 %eet4 t"iste- m1 bo-14 an- s"$n) the point into 'ine "ith m1
B1 'e%t si-e "as part'1 n$mbe- b1 the b'o"4 an- : %e't as i% : ha- been -ri&en a %oot into the
(omeho" : mana)e- to remain $pri)ht; Aes4 : ha- -one e&er1thin) per%ect'1; !he mane$&er ha-
)one e.act'1 as : ha- hope- an- p'anne-;
2.cept %or the beast@s part; :t "asn@t cooperatin) b1 pro-$cin) the appropriate -eath throes; :n
%act4 it "as be)innin) to rise;
:t took m1 b'a-e "ith it4 too; !he hi't protr$-e- %rom its 'e%t e1e socket4 the point emer)e- 'ike
another brist'e ami- the mane on the back o% its hea-; : ha- a %ee'in) that the o%%ensi&e team ha-
ha- it;
At that moment4 %i)$res be)an to emer)eDs'o"'14 ca$tio$s'1D%rom an openin) at the base o%
the to"er; !he1 "ere arme- an- $)'1-'ookin)4 an- : ha- a %ee'in) that the1 "ere not on m1 si-e
o% the -isa)reement;
Oka1; : kno" "hen it is time to %o'- an- hope %or a better han- another -a1;
FBran-IG : sho$te-; F:t@s 0an-omI : can@t )et thro$)hI (orr1IG
!hen : t$rne-4 ran4 an- 'eape- back o&er the e-)e4 -o"n into the p'ace "here the rocks -i- their
$nsett'in) thin)s; : "on-ere- "hether : ha- chosen the best time to -escen-;
9ike so man1 thin)s4 the ans"er "as 1es an- no;
:t "as not the sort o% ?$mp : "o$'- make %or man1 reasons other than those "hich pre&ai'e-; :
came -o"n a'i&e4 b$t that seeme- the most that co$'- be sai- %or it; : "as st$nne-4 an- %or a 'on)
"hi'e : tho$)ht : ha- broken m1 ank'e;
!he thin) that )ot me mo&in) a)ain "as a r$st'in) so$n- %rom abo&e an- the ratt'e o% )ra&e'
abo$t me; =hen : rea-?$ste- the )o))'es an- 'ooke- $p4 : sa" that the beast ha- -eci-e- to come
-o"n an- %inish the ?ob; :t "as "in-in) its phantom "a1 -o"n the s'ope4 the area abo$t its hea-
ha&in) -arkene- an- opa<$e- since : ha- ske"ere- it $pstairs;
: sat $p; : )ot to m1 knees; : trie- m1 ank'e4 co$'-n@t $se it; Nothin) aro$n- to ser&e as a cr$tch4
either; Oka1; : cra"'e- then; A"a1; =hat e'se "as there to -o> #ain as m$ch )ro$n- as : co$'-
an- think har- "hi'e : "as abo$t it;
(a'&ation "as a rockDone o% the sma''er4 s'o"er ones4 on'1 abo$t the si6e o% a mo&in) &an;
=hen : sa" it approachin)4 it occ$rre- to me that here "as transportation i% : co$'- make it
aboar-; Ba1be some sa%et14 too; !he %aster4 rea''1 massi&e ones appeare- to )et the most ab$se;
!his in min-4 : "atche- the bi) ones that accompanie- m1 o"n4 estimate- their paths an-
&e'ocities4 trie- to )a$)e the mo&ement o% the entire s1stem4 rea-ie- m1se'% %or the moment4 the
e%%ort; : a'so 'istene- to the approach o% the beast4 hear- the cries o% the troops %rom the e-)e o%
the b'$%%4 "on-ere- "hether an1one $p there "as )i&in) o--s on me an- "hat the1 mi)ht be i%
the1 "ere;
=hen the time came4 : "ent; : )ot past the %irst bi) one "itho$t an1 tro$b'e4 b$t ha- to "ait %or
the ne.t one to )o b1; : took a chance in crossin) the path o% the %ina' one; ,a- to4 to make it in
: ma-e it to the ri)ht spot at the ri)ht moment ca$)ht on to the ho'-s : ha- been e1ein)4 an- "as
-ra))e- ma1be t"ent1 %eet be%ore : co$'- p$'' m1se'% $p o%% the )ro$n-; !hen : ha$'e- m1 "a1
to its $ncom%ortab'e top4 spra"'e- there4 an- 'ooke- back;
:t ha- been c'ose; (ti'' "as4 %or that matter4 as the beast "as pacin) me4 its one )oo- e1e
%o''o"in) the spinnin) bi) ones;
+rom o&erhea- : hear- a -isappointe- "ai'; !hen the )$1s starte- -o"n the s'ope4 sho$tin) "hat
: took to be enco$ra)ement to the creat$re; : commence- massa)in) m1 ank'e; : trie- to re'a.;
!he br$te crosse- o&er4 passin) behin- the %irst bi) rock as it comp'ete- another orbit;
,o" %ar co$'- : shi%t thro$)h (ha-o" be%ore it reache- me> : "on-ere-; !r$e4 there "as
constant mo&ement4 a chan)in) o% te.t$res ;
!he thin) "aite- %or the secon- rock4 s'ithere- b1 behin- it4 pace- me a)ain4 -re" nearer;
(ha-o"4 (ha-o"4 on the "in)D
!he men "ere a'most to the base o% the s'ope b1 then; !he beast "as "aitin) %or its openin)D
the ne.t time aro$n-Dpast the inner sate''ite; : kne" that it "as capab'e o% rearin) hi)h eno$)h
to snatch me %rom m1 perch;
-Come a'i&e an- smear that thin)>
As : sp$n an- )'i-e- : ca$)ht ho'- o% the st$%% o% (ha-o"4 sank into the %ee' o% it4 "orke- "ith
the te.t$res4 possib'e to probab'e to act$a'4 %e't it comin) "ith the %inest t"ist4 )a&e it that
necessar1 %'ip at the appropriate moment;;;
:t came in %rom the beast@s b'in- si-e4 o% co$rse; A bi) mother o% a rock4 careenin) a'on) 'ike a
semi o$t o% contro';;;
:t "o$'- ha&e been more e'e)ant to mash it bet"een t"o o% them; ,o"e&er4 : ha-n@t the time %or
%inesse; : simp'1 ran it o&er an- 'e%t it there4 thrashin) in the )ranite tra%%ic;
Boments 'ater4 ho"e&er4 ine.p'icab'14 the mashe- an- man)'e- bo-1 rose s$--en'1 abo&e the
)ro$n- an- -ri%te- sk1"ar-4 t"istin); :t kept )oin)4 b$%%ete- b1 the "in-s4 -"in-'in)4 -"in-'in)4
B1 o"n rock bore me a"a14 s'o"'14 stea-i'1; !he entire pattern "as -ri%tin); !he )$1s %rom the
to"er then "ent into a h$--'e an- -eci-e- to p$rs$e me; !he1 mo&e- a"a1 %rom the base o% the
s'ope4 be)an to make their "a1 across the p'ain; B$t this "as no rea' prob'em4 : %e't; : "o$'- ri-e
m1 ston1 mo$nt thro$)h (ha-o"4 'ea&in) them "or'-s a"a1; !his "as b1 %ar the easiest co$rse
o% action open to me; !he1 "o$'- -o$bt'ess ha&e been more -i%%ic$'t to take b1 s$rprise than the
beast; A%ter a''4 this "as their 'an-C the1 "ere "ar1 an- $nmaime-;
: remo&e- the )o))'es an- teste- m1 ank'e a)ain; : stoo- %or a moment; :t "as &er1 sore4 b$t it
bore m1 "ei)ht; : rec'ine- once more an- tame- m1 tho$)hts to "hat ha- occ$rre-; : ha- 'ost
m1 b'a-e an- : "as no" in 'ess than top shape; 0ather than )o on "ith the &ent$re $n-er these
con-itions4 : kne" that : "as -oin) the sa%est4 "isest thin) b1 )ettin) the he'' o$t; : ha- )aine-
eno$)h kno"'e-)e o% the 'a1o$t an- the con-itions %or m1 chances to be better ne.t time aro$n-;
A'' ri)ht;;;
!he sk1 bri)htene- abo&e me4 the co'ors an- sha-in)s 'ost somethin) o% their arbitrar14
mean-erin) habit; !he %'ames be)an to s$bsi-e abo$t me; #oo-; C'o$-s starte- to %in- their
"a1s across the sk1; 2.ce''ent; (oon a 'oca'i6e- )'o" be)an behin- a c'o$-bank; ($perb; =hen
it "ent a"a14 a s$n "o$'- han) once a)ain in the hea&ens;
: 'ooke- back an- "as s$rprise- to see that : "as sti'' bein) p$rs$e-; ,o"e&er4 it co$'- easi'1 be
that : ha- not -ea't proper'1 "ith their ana'o)$es %or this s'ice o% (ha-o"; :t is ne&er )oo- to
ass$me that 1o$ ha&e taken care o% e&er1thin) "hen 1o$ are in a h$rr1; (o;;;
: shi%te- a)ain; !he rock )ra-$a''1 a'tere- its co$rse4 shi%te- its shape4 'ost its sate''ites4 mo&e-
in a strai)ht 'ine to"ar- "hat "as to become the "est; Abo&e me4 the c'o$-s -isperse- an- a pa'e
s$n shone -o"n; =e picke- $p spee-; !hat sho$'- ha&e taken care o% e&er1thin) ri)ht there; :
ha- positi&e'1 come into a -i%%erent p'ace;
B$t it ha- not; =hen : 'ooke- a)ain4 the1 "ere sti'' comin); !r$e4 : ha- )aine- some -istance on
them; B$t the part1 troope- ri)ht a'on) a%ter me;
=e''4 a'' ri)ht; !hin)s 'ike that can sometimes happen; !here "ere o% co$rse t"o possibi'ities;
B1 min- sti'' bein) more than a 'itt'e -ist$rbe- %rom a'' that ha- ?$st occ$rre-4 : ha- not
per%orme- i-ea''1 an- ha- -ra"n them a'on) "ith me; Or4 : ha- maintaine- a constant "here :
sho$'- ha&e s$ppresse- a &ariab'eDthat is4 shi%te- into a p'ace an- $nconscio$s'1 re<$ire- that
the p$rs$it e'ement be present; /i%%erent )$1s then4 b$t sti'' chasin) me;
: r$bbe- m1 ank'e some more; !he s$n bri)htene- to"ar- oran)e; A "in- o$t o% the north raise-
a screen o% -$st an- san- an- h$n) it at m1 back4 remo&in) the )an) %rom m1 si)ht; : race- on
into the "est4 "here a 'ine o% mo$ntains ha- no" )ro"n $p; !ime "as in a -istortion phase; B1
ank'e %e't a 'itt'e better;
: reste- a "hi'e; Bine "as reasonab'1 com%ortab'e4 as rocks )o; No sense t$rnin) it into a
he''ri-e "hen e&er1thin) seeme- to be procee-in) smooth'1; : stretche- o$t4 han-s behin- m1
hea-4 an- "atche- the mo$ntains -ra" nearer; : tho$)ht abo$t Bran- an- the to"er; !hat "as the
p'ace a'' ri)ht; 2&er1thin) "as ?$st as it ha- been in the )'impse he ha- )i&en me; 2.cept %or the
)$ar-s4 o% co$rse; : -eci-e- that : "o$'- c$t thro$)h the proper piece o% (ha-o"4 recr$it a cohort
o% m1 o"n4 then )o back an- )i&e them he''; Aes4 then e&er1thin) "o$'- be %ine;;;;
A%ter a time4 : stretche-4 ro''e- o&er onto m1 stomach4 an- 'ooke- back; /amne- i% the1 "eren@t
sti'' %o''o"in) meI !he1 ha- e&en )aine- some;
Nat$ra''14 : )ot an)r1; !o he'' "ith %'i)htI !he1 "ere askin) %or it4 an- it "as time the1 )ot it;
: rose to m1 %eet; B1 ank'e "as on'1 ha'% sore4 a 'itt'e n$mb; : raise- m1 arms an- 'ooke- %or the
sha-o"s : "ante-; : %o$n- them;
('o"'1 the rock s"$n) o$t %rom its strai)ht co$rse into an arc4 t$rnin) o%% to the ri)ht; !he c$r&e
ti)htene-; : s"$n) thro$)h a parabo'a an- hea-e- back to"ar- them4 m1 &e'ocit1 )ra-$a''1
increasin) as : "ent; No time to raise a storm at m1 back4 tho$)h : tho$)ht that "o$'- ha&e been
a nice to$ch i% : co$'- ha&e mana)e- it;
As : s"ept -o"n $pon themDthere "ere ma1be t"o -o6enDthe1 pr$-ent'1 be)an to scatter; A
n$mber o% them -i-n@t make it4 tho$)h; : s"$n) thro$)h another c$r&e an- ret$rne- as soon as :
: "as shaken b1 the si)ht o% se&era' corpses risin) into the air4 -rippin) )ore4 t"o o% them
a'rea-1 hi)h abo&e me;
: "as a'most $pon them on that secon- pass "hen : rea'i6e- that a %e" o% them ha- ?$mpe-
aboar- as : ha- )one thro$)h; !he %irst one o&er the e-)e -re" his b'a-e an- r$she- me; :
b'ocke- his arm4 took the "eapon a"a1 %rom him4 an- thre" him back -o"n; : )$ess it "as then
that : became a"are o% those sp$rs on the backs o% their han-s; : ha- been s'ashe- b1 his;
B1 that time : "as the tar)et o% a n$mber o% c$rio$s'1 shape- missi'es %rom be'o"4 t"o more
)$1s "ere comin) o&er the e-)e4 an- it 'ooke- as i% se&era' more mi)ht ha&e ma-e it aboar-;
=e''4 e&en Bene-ict sometimes retreats; : ha- at 'east )i&en the s$r&i&ors somethin) to
: 'et )o o% the sha-o"s4 tore a barbe- "hee' %rom m1 si-e4 another %rom m1 thi)h4 hacke- o%% a
)$1@s s"or-arm an- kicke- him in the stomach4 -roppe- to m1 knees to a&oi- a "i'- s"in) %rom
the ne.t one4 an- ca$)ht him across the 'e)s "ith m1 riposte; ,e "ent o&er4 too;
!here "ere %i&e more on the "a1 $p an- "e "ere sai'in) "est"ar- once a)ain4 'ea&in) perhaps
a -o6en 'i&e ones to re)ro$p on the san- at m1 back4 a sk1 %$'' o% oo6in) -ri%ters abo&e them;
: ha- the a-&anta)e "ith the ne.t %e''o" beca$se : ca$)ht him ?$st part"a1 o&er the e-)e; (o
m$ch %or him4 an- then there "ere %o$r;
=hi'e : ha- been -ea'in) "ith him4 tho$)h4 three more ha- arisen4 sim$'taneo$s'14 at three
-i%%erent points;
: r$she- the nearest an- -ispatche- him4 b$t the other t"o ma-e it o&er an- "ere $pon me "hi'e
: "as abo$t it; As : -e%en-e- m1se'% %rom their attack4 the %ina' one came $p an- ?oine- them;
!he1 "ere not a'' that )oo-4 b$t it "as )ettin) cro"-e- an- there "ere a 'ot o% points an- sharp
e-)es stra1in) abo$t me; : kept parr1in) an- mo&in)4 tr1in) to )et them to b'ock one another4 )et
in each other@s "a1; : "as part'1 s$ccess%$'4 an- "hen : ha- the best 'ine$p : tho$)ht : "as )oin)
to )et4 : r$she- them4 takin) a co$p'e o% c$tsD: ha- to 'a1 m1se'% open a bit to -o itDb$t
sp'ittin) one sk$'' %or m1 pains; ,e "ent o&er the e-)e an- took the secon- one "ith him in a
tan)'e o% 'imbs an- )ear;
*n%ort$nate'14 the inconsi-erate 'o$t ha- carrie- o%% m1 b'a-e4 sna))e- in some bon1 c'e%t or
other he ha- chosen to interpose "hen : s"$n); :t "as ob&io$s'1 m1 -a1 %or 'osin) b'a-es4 an- :
"on-ere- i% m1 horoscope "o$'- ha&e mentione- it i% : ha- tho$)ht to 'ook be%ore :@- set o$t;
An1ho"4 : mo&e- <$ick'1 to a&oi- the %ina' )$1@s s"in); :n -oin) so4 : s'ippe- on some b'oo-
an- "ent ski--in) to"ar- the %ront o% the rock; :% : "ent -o"n that "a14 it "o$'- p'o" ri)ht o&er
me4 'ea&in) a &er1 %'at 0an-om there4 'ike an e.otic r$)4 to p$66'e an- -e'i)ht %$t$re "a1%arers;
: c'a"e- %or han-ho'-s as : s'i-4 an- the )$1 took a co$p'e o% <$ick steps to"ar- me4 raisin) his
b'a-e to -o $nto me as : ha- his b$--1;
: ca$)ht ho'- o% his ank'e4 tho$)h4 an- it -i- the trick o% brakin) me &er1 nice'1Dan- -amne- i%
someone sho$'-n@t choose that moment to tr1 to )et ho'- o% me &ia the !r$mps;
F:@m b$s1IG : sho$te-; FCa'' back 'aterIG an- m1 o"n motion "as arreste- as the )$1 topp'e-4
c'attere-4 an- "ent s'i-in) b1;
: trie- to reach him be%ore he %e'' to r$)-om4 b$t : "as not <$ite <$ick eno$)h; : ha- "ante- to
sa&e him %or <$estionin); (ti''4 m1 $ne))e- beer "as more than satis%actor1; : hea-e- back top
an- center to obser&e an- m$se;
!he s$r&i&ors "ere sti'' %o''o"in) me4 b$t : ha- a s$%%icient 'ea-; : -i- not at the moment ha&e
to "orr1 abo$t another boar-in) part1; #oo- eno$)h; : "as hea-e- to"ar- the mo$ntains once
a)ain; !he s$n : ha- con?$re- "as be)innin) to bake me; : "as soake- "ith s"eat an- b'oo-; B1
"o$n-s "ere )i&in) me tro$b'e; : "as thirst1; (oon4 soon4 : -eci-e-4 it "o$'- ha&e to rain; !ake
care o% that be%ore an1thin) e'se;
(o : be)an the pre'iminaries to a shi%t in that -irection8 c'o$-s massin)4 b$i'-in)4 -arkenin);;;;
: -ri%te- o%% some"here a'on) the 'ine4 ha- a -is?ointe- -ream o% someone tr1in) to reach me
a)ain b$t not makin) it; ("eet -arkness;
: a"akene- to the rain4 s$--en an- har---ri&in); : co$'- not te'' "hether the -arkness in the sk1
"as %rom storm4 e&enin)4 or both; :t "as coo'er4 tho$)h4 an- : sprea- m1 c'oak an- ?$st 'a1 there
"ith m1 mo$th open; Perio-ica''1 : "r$n) moist$re %rom the c'oak; B1 thirst "as e&ent$a''1
s'ake- an- : be)an %ee'in) c'ean a)ain; !he rock ha- a'so become so s'ick-'ookin) that : "as
a%rai- to mo&e abo$t on it; !he mo$ntains "ere m$ch nearer4 their peaks 'imne- b1 %re<$ent
'i)htnin)s; !hin)s "ere too -ark in the opposite -irection %or me to te'' "hether m1 p$rs$ers
"ere sti'' "ith me; :t "o$'- ha&e been prett1 ro$)h trekkin) %or them to ha&e kept $p4 b$t then it
is se'-om )oo- po'ic1 to re'1 on ass$mptions "hen tra&e'in) thro$)h stran)e sha-o"s; : "as a
bit irritate- "ith m1se'% %or )oin) to s'eep4 b$t since no harm ha- come o% it : -re" m1 so))1
c'oak abo$t me an- -eci-e- to %or)i&e m1se'%; : %e't aro$n- %or some ci)arettes : ha- bro$)ht
a'on) an- %o$n- that abo$t ha'% o% them ha- s$r&i&e-; A%ter the ei)hth tr14 : ?$))'e- sha-o"s
eno$)h to )et a 'i)ht; !hen : ?$st sat there4 smokin) an- bein) raine- on; :t "as a )oo- %ee'in)
an- : -i-n@t mo&e to chan)e an1thin) e'se4 not %or ho$rs;
=hen the storm %ina''1 'et $p an- the sk1 came c'ear4 it "as a ni)ht %$'' o% stran)e
conste''ations; Bea$ti%$' tho$)h4 the "a1 ni)hts can be on the -esert; B$ch 'ater4 : -etecte- a
)ent'e $p"ar- s'opin) an- m1 rock starte- to s'o"; (omethin) be)an happenin) in terms o%
"hate&er ph1sica' r$'es contro''e- the sit$ation; : mean4 the s'ope itse'% -i- not seem so
prono$nce- that it "o$'- a%%ect o$r &e'ocit1 as ra-ica''1 as it ha-; : -i- not "ant to tamper "ith
(ha-o" in a -irection that "o$'- probab'1 take me o$t o% m1 "a1; : "ante- to )et back onto
more %ami'iar t$r% as soon as possib'eD%in- m1 "a1 to a p'ace "here m1 )$t anticipations o%
ph1sica' e&ents ha- more o% a chance o% bein) correct;
(o : 'et the rock )rin- to a ha't4 c'imbe- -o"n "hen it -i-4 an- contin$e- on $p the s'ope4
hikin); As : "ent4 : p'a1e- the (ha-o" )ame "e a'' 'earne- as chi'-ren; Pass some obstr$ctionD
a scra"n1 tree4 a stan- o% stoneDan- ha&e the sk1 be -i%%erent %rom one si-e to the other;
#ra-$a''1 : restore- %ami'iar conste''ations; : kne" that : "o$'- be c'imbin) -o"n a -i%%erent
mo$ntain %rom the one : ascen-e-; B1 "o$n-s sti'' throbbe- -$''14 b$t m1 ank'e ha- stoppe-
botherin) me e.cept %or a 'itt'e sti%%ness; : "as reste-; : kne" that : co$'- )o %or a 'on) "hi'e;
2&er1thin) seeme- to be a'' ri)ht a)ain;
:t "as a 'on) hike4 $p the )ra-$a''1 steepenin) "a1; B$t : hit a trai' e&ent$a''14 an- that ma-e
thin)s easier; : tr$-)e- stea-i'1 $p"ar- $n-er the no" %ami'iar skies4 -etermine- to keep mo&in)
an- make it across b1 mornin); As : "ent4 m1 )arments a'tere- to %it the sha-o"--enim tro$sers
an- ?acket no"4 m1 "et c'oak a -r1 scrape; : hear- an o"' nearb14 an- %rom a )reat -istance
be'o" an- behin- came "hat mi)ht ha&e been the 1ip1ip-ho"' o% a co1ote; !hese si)ns o% a
more %ami'iar p'ace ma-e me %ee' some"hat sec$re4 e.orcise- an1 &esti)es o% -esperation that
remaine- "ith m1 %'i)ht an ho$r or so 'ater4 : 1ie'-e- to the temptation to p'a1 "ith (ha-o" ?$st
a bit; :t "as not a'' that improbab'e %or a stra1 horse to be "an-erin) in these hi''s4 an- o% co$rse
: %o$n- him; A%ter ten or so min$tes o% becomin) %rien-'14 : "as mo$nte- bareback an- mo&in)
to"ar- the top in a more con)enia' %ashion; !he "in- so"e- %rost in o$r path; !he moon came
an- sparke- it to 'i%e;
!o be brie%4 : ro-e a'' ni)ht4 passin) o&er the crest an- commencin) m1 -o"n"ar- passa)e "e''
be%ore -a"n; As : -escen-e-4 the mo$ntain )re" e&en more &ast abo&e me4 "hich o% co$rse "as
the best time %or this to occ$r; !hin)s "ere )reen on this si-e o% the ran)e4 an- -i&i-e- b1 neat
hi)h"a1s4 p$nct$ate- b1 occasiona' -"e''in)s; 2&er1thin) there%ore "as procee-in) in
accor-ance "ith m1 -esire;
2ar'1 mornin); : "as into the %oothi''s an- m1 -enim ha- t$rne- to khaki an- a bri)ht shirt; :
ha- a 'i)ht sport ?acket s'$n) be%ore me; At a )reat hei)ht4 a ?et'iner poke- ho'es in the air4
mo&in) %rom hori6on to hori6on; !here "ere bir-son)s abo$t me4 an- the -a1 "as mi'-4 s$nn1;
:t "as abo$t then that : hear- m1 name spoken an- %e't the to$ch o% the !r$mp once more; :
-re" $p short an- respon-e-;
:t "as E$'ian;
F0an-om4 "here are 1o$>G he aske-;
FPrett1 %ar %rom Amber4G : rep'ie-; F=h1>G
F,a&e an1 o% the others been in to$ch "ith 1o$>G
FNot recent'14G : sai-; FB$t someone -i- tr1 to )et ho'- o% me 1ester-a1; : "as b$s1 tho$)h4 an-
co$'-n@t ta'k;G
F!hat "as me4G he sai-; F=e ha&e a sit$ation here that 1o$ ha- better kno" abo$t;G
F=here are 1o$>G : aske-;
F:n Amber; A n$mber o% thin)s ha&e happene- recent'1;G
F9ike "hat>G
F/a- has been )one %or an $n$s$a''1 'on) time; No one b'o"s "here;G
F,e@s -one that be%ore;G
FB$t not "itho$t 'ea&in) instr$ctions an- makin) -e'e)ations; ,e a'"a1s pro&i-e- them in the
F!r$e4G : sai-; FB$t ho" 'on) is 'on)>G
F=e'' o&er a 1ear; Ao$ "eren@t a"are o% this at a''>G
F: kne" that he "as )one; #erar- mentione- it some time back;G
F!hen a-- more time to that;G
F: )et the i-ea; ,o" ha&e 1o$ been operatin)>G
F!hat is the prob'em; =e ha&e simp'1 been -ea'in) "ith a%%airs as the1 arise; #erar- an- Caine
ha- been r$nnin) the na&1 an1"a14 on /a-@s or-ers; =itho$t him4 the1 ha&e been makin) a''
their o"n -ecisions; : took char)e o% the patro's in Ar-en a)ain; !here is no centra' a$thorit1
tho$)h4 to arbitrate4 to make po'ic1 -ecisions4 to speak %or a'' o% Amber;G
F(o "e nee- a re)ent; =e can c$t car-s %or it4 : s$ppose;G
F:t is not that simp'e; =e think /a- is -ea-;G
F/ea-> =h1> ,o">G
F=e ha&e trie- to raise him on his !r$mp; =e ha&e been tr1in) e&er1 -a1 %or o&er ha'% a 1ear
no"; Nothin); =hat -o 1o$ think>G
: no--e-;
F,e ma1 be -ea-4G : sai-; FAo$@- think he "o$'- ha&e come across "ith somethin); (ti''4 the
possibi'it1 o% his bein) in some tro$b'eDsa14 a prisoner some"hereDis not prec'$-e-;G
FA ce'' can@t stop the !r$mps; Nothin) can; ,e "o$'- ca'' %or he'p the min$te "e ma-e contact;G
F: can@t ar)$e "ith that4G : sai-; B$t : tho$)ht o% Bran- as : sai- it; FPerhaps he is -e'iberate'1
resistin) contact4 tho$)h;G
F=hat %or>G
F: ha&e no i-ea4 b$t it is possib'e; Ao$ kno" ho" secreti&e he is abo$t some thin)s;G
FNo4G E$'ian sai-4 Fit -oesn@t ho'- $p; ,e "o$'- ha&e )i&en some operatin) instr$ctions4
some"here a'on) the 'ine;G
F=e''4 "hate&er the reasons4 "hate&er the sit$ation4 "hat -o 1o$ propose -oin) no">G
F(omeone has to occ$p1 the throne4G he sai-;
: ha- seen it comin) thro$)ho$t the entire -ia'o)$e4 o% co$rseDthe opport$nit1 it ha- 'on)
seeme- "o$'- ne&er come to pass;
F=ho>G : aske-;
F2ric seems the best choice4G he rep'ie-; FAct$a''14 he has been actin) in that capacit1 %or
months no"; :t simp'1 becomes a matter o% %orma'i6in) it;G
FNot E$st as re)ent>G
FNot ?$st as re)ent;G
F: see;;;Aes4 : )$ess that thin)s ha&e been happenin) in m1 absence; =hat abo$t Bene-ict as a
F,e seems to be happ1 "here he is4 o%% some"here in (ha-o";G
F=hat -oes he think o% the "ho'e i-ea>G
F,e is not entire'1 in %a&or o% it; B$t "e -o not be'ie&e he "i'' o%%er resistance; :t "o$'- -isr$pt
thin)s too m$ch;G
F: see4G : sai- a)ain; FAn- B'e1s>G
F,e an- 2ric ha- some rather heate- -isc$ssions o% the iss$e4 b$t the troops -o not take their
or-ers %rom B'e1s; ,e 'e%t Amber abo$t three months a)o; ,e co$'- ca$se some tro$b'e 'ater;
B$t then4 "e are %ore"arne-;G
F#erar-> Caine>G
F!he1 "i'' )o a'on) "ith 2ric; : "as "on-erin) abo$t 1o$rse'%;G
F=hat abo$t the )ir's>G ,e shr$))e-;
F!he1 ten- to take thin)s '1in) -o"n; No prob'em;G
F: -on@t s$ppose Cor"in;;;G
FNothin) ne"; ,e@s -ea-; =e a'' kno" it; ,is mon$ment has been )atherin) -$st an- i&1 %or
cent$ries; :% not4 then he has intentiona''1 -i&orce- himse'% %rom Amber %ore&er; Nothin) there;
No" : am "on-erin) "here 1o$ stan-;G
: ch$ck'e-;
F: am har-'1 in a position to possess %orce%$' opinions4G : sai-;
F=e nee- to kno" no";G
: no--e-;
F: ha&e a'"a1s been ab'e to -etect the <$arter o% the "in-4G : sai-; F: -o not sai' a)ainst it;G
,e smi'e- an- ret$rne- m1 no-;
F7er1 )oo-4G he sai-;
F=hen is the coronation> : ass$me that : am in&ite-;G
FO% co$rse4 o% co$rse; B$t the -ate has not 1et been set; !here are sti'' a %e" minor matters to be
-ea't "ith; As soon as the a%%air is ca'en-are-4 one o% $s "i'' contact 1o$ a)ain;G
F!hank 1o$4 E$'ian;G
F#oo--b1e %or no"; 0an-om;G
An- : sat there bein) tro$b'e- %or a 'on) "hi'e be%ore : starte- on -o"n"ar- a)ain; ,o" 'on)
ha- 2ric spent en)ineerin) it> : "on-ere-; B$ch o% the po'itickin) back in Amber co$'- ha&e
been -one prett1 <$ick'14 b$t the settin) $p o% the sit$ation in the %irst p'ace seeme- the pro-$ct
o% 'on)-term thinkin) an- p'annin); : "as nat$ra''1 s$spicio$s as to his in&o'&ement in Bran-@s
pre-icament; : a'so co$'- not he'p b$t )i&e some tho$)ht to the possibi'it1 o% his ha&in) a han-
in /a-@s -isappearance; !hat "o$'- ha&e taken some -oin) an- ha&e re<$ire- a rea''1 %oo'proo%
trap; B$t the more : tho$)ht o% it4 the 'ess : "as "i''in) to p$t it past him; : e&en -re-)e- $p
some o'- spec$'ations as to his part in 1o$r o"n passin)4 Cor"in; B$t4 o%%han-4 : co$'- not think
o% a sin)'e thin) to -o abo$t an1 o% it; #o a'on) "ith it4 : %i)$re-4 i% that@s "here the po"er "as;
(ta1 in his )oo- )races;
(ti'';;;One sho$'- a'"a1s )et more than one an)'e on a stor1; : trie- to make $p m1 min- as to
"ho "o$'- )i&e me a )oo- one; =hi'e : "as thinkin) a'on) these 'ines4 somethin) ca$)ht m1
e1e as : )'ance- back an- $p4 appreciatin) ane" the hei)hts %rom "hich : ha- not <$ite
!here "ere a n$mber o% ri-ers $p near the top; !he1 ha- apparent'1 tra&erse- the same trai' :
ha- taken; : co$'- not )et an e.act nose co$nt4 b$t it seeme- s$spicio$s'1 c'ose to a -o6enDa
%air'1 si6ab'e )ro$p to be o$t ri-in) at ?$st that p'ace an- time; As : sa" that the1 "ere
procee-in) on -o"n the same "a1 that : ha- come4 : ha- a prick'1 %ee'in) a'on) the base o% m1
neck; =hat i%;;;> =hat i% the1 "ere the same )$1s> Beca$se : %e't that the1 "ere;
:n-i&i-$a''14 the1 "ere no match %or me; 2&en a co$p'e o% them to)ether ha- not ma-e that )reat
a sho"in); !hat "as not it; !he rea' chi''er "as that i% that@s "ho it "as4 then "e "ere not a'one
in o$r abi'it1 to manip$'ate (ha-o" in a &er1 sophisticate- %ashion; :t meant that someone e'se
"as capab'e o% a st$nt that %or a'' m1 'i%e : ha- tho$)ht to be the so'e propert1 o% o$r %ami'1; A--
to this the %act that the1 "ere Bran-@s "ar-ens4 an- their -esi)ns on the %ami'1Dat 'east part o% it
D-i- not 'ook a'' that c'ement; : perspire- s$--en'1 at the notion o% enemies "ho co$'- match
o$r )reatest po"er;
O% co$rse4 the1 "ere too %ar o%% %or me to rea''1 kno" ?$st then "hether that "as tr$'1 "ho it
"as; B$t 1o$ ha&e to e.p'ore e&er1 contin)enc1 i% 1o$ "ant to keep "innin) the s$r&i&a' )ame;
Co$'- 2ric ha&e %o$n- or traine- or create- some specia' bein)s to ser&e him in this partic$'ar
capacit1> A'on) "ith 1o$ an- 2ric4 Bran- ha- one o% the %irmest c'aims on the s$ccession;;;; not
to take an1thin) a"a1 %rom 1o$r case4 -amn itI ,e''I Ao$ kno" "hat : mean; : ha&e to ta'k abo$t
it to sho" 1o$ ho" : "as thinkin) at the time; !hat@s a''; (o4 Bran- ha- ha- the basis %or a prett1
)oo- c'aim i% he ha- been in a position to press it; Ao$ bein) o$t o% the pict$re4 he "as 2ric@s
chie% ri&a' "hen it came to a--in) a 'e)a' to$ch to thin)s; P$ttin) that to)ether "ith his p'i)ht
an- the abi'it1 o% those )$1s to tra&erse (ha-o"4 2ric came to 'ook a 'ot more sinister to me; :
"as more scare- b1 that tho$)ht than : "as b1 the ri-ers themse'&es4 tho$)h the1 -i- not e.act'1
%i'' me "ith -e'i)ht; : -eci-e- that : ha- better -o se&era' thin)s <$ick'18 ta'k to someone e'se in
Amber4 an- ha&e him take me thro$)h the !r$mp;
Oka1; : -eci-e- <$ick'1; #erar- seeme- the sa%est choice; ,e is reasonab'1 open4 ne$tra';
,onest abo$t most thin)s; An- %rom "hat E$'ian ha- sai-4 #erar-@s ro'e in the "ho'e b$siness
seeme- kin- o% passi&e; !hat is4 he "as not )oin) to resist 2ric@s mo&e acti&e'1; ,e "o$'- not
"ant to ca$se a 'ot o% tro$b'e; /i-n@t mean he appro&e-; ,e "as probab'1 ?$st bein) sa%e an-
conser&ati&e o'- #erar-; !hat -eci-e-4 : reache- %or m1 -eck o% !r$mps an- a'most ho"'e-;
!he1 "ere )one;
: searche- e&er1 pocket in e&er1 )arment abo$t me; : ha- taken them a'on) "hen :@- 'e%t
!e.orami; : co$'- ha&e 'ost them at an1 point in the pre&io$s -a1s action; : ha- certain'1 been
battere- an- thro"n abo$t a 'ot; An- it ha- been a )reat -a1 %or 'osin) thin)s; : compose- a
comp'icate- 'itan1 o% c$rses an- -$) m1 hee's into the horse@s si-es; : "as )oin) to ha&e to mo&e
%ast an- think %aster no"; !he %irst thin) "o$'- be to )et into a nice4 cro"-e-4 ci&i'i6e- p'ace
"here an assassin o% the more primiti&e sort "o$'- be at a -isa-&anta)e;
As : h$rrie- -o"nhi''4 hea-in) %or one o% the roa-s4 : "orke- "ith the st$%% o% (ha-o"D<$ite
s$bt'1 this time4 $sin) e&er1 bit o% ski'' : co$'- m$ster; !here "ere ?$st t"o thin)s : -esire- at the
moment8 a %ina' assa$'t on m1 possib'e trackers an- a %ast path to a p'ace o% sanct$ar1;
!he "or'- shimmere- an- -i- a %ina' ?i)4 becomin) the Ca'i%ornia : ha- been seekin); A raspin)4
)ro"'in) noise reache- m1 ears4 %or the %ina' to$ch : ha- inten-e-; 9ookin) back4 : sa" a section
o% c'i%% %ace come 'oose4 a'most in s'o" motion4 an- s'i-e -irect'1 to"ar- the horsemen; A "hi'e
'ater4 : ha- -ismo$nte- an- "as "a'kin) in the -irection o% the roa-4 m1 )arments e&en %resher
an- o% better <$a'it1; : "as $ncertain as to the time o% 1ear4 an- : "on-ere- "hat the "eather "as
'ike in Ne" Aork;
Be%ore &er1 'on)4 the b$s that : ha- anticipate- approache- an- : %'a))e- it -o"n; : 'ocate- a
"in-o" seat4 smoke- %or a "hi'e4 an- "atche- the co$ntr1si-e; A%ter a time4 : -o6e-;
: -i- not "ake $nti' ear'1 a%ternoon4 "hen "e p$''e- into a termina'; : "as ra&eno$s b1 then4 an-
-eci-e- : ha- better ha&e somethin) to eat be%ore )ettin) a cab to the airport; (o : bo$)ht three
cheeseb$r)ers an- a co$p'e o% ma'ts "ith a %e" o% m1 <$on-am !e.orami )reenbacks;
#ettin) ser&e- an- eatin) took me ma1be t"ent1 min$tes; 9ea&in) the snack bar4 : sa" that
there "ere a n$mber o% stan-in) i-'e at the stan- o$t %ront; Be%ore : picke- one $p4 tho$)h4
: -eci-e- to make an important stop in the men@s room;
At the &er1 -amne-est moment 1o$ can think o%4 si. sta''s %'e" open behin- m1 back an- their
occ$pants r$she- me; !here "as no mistakin) the sp$rs on the backs o% their han-s4 the
o&ersi6e- ?a"s4 the smo'-erin) e1es; Not on'1 ha- the1 ca$)ht $p "ith me4 the1 "ere no" c'a-
in the same acceptab'e )arb as an1one e'se in the nei)hborhoo-; #one "ere an1 remainin)
-o$bts as to their po"er o&er (ha-o";
+ort$nate'14 one o% them "as %aster than the others; A'so4 perhaps beca$se o% m1 si6e4 the1 sti''
mi)ht not ha&e been %$''1 a"are o% m1 stren)th; : sei6e- that %irst one hi)h $p on the arm4
a&oi-in) those han- ba1onets he sporte-4 p$''e- him o&er in %ront o% me4 picke- him $p4 an-
thre" him at the others; !hen : ?$st t$rne- an- ran; : broke the -oor on the "a1 o$t; : -i-n@t e&en
pa$se to 6ip $p $nti' : "as in a ta.i an- ha- the -ri&er b$rnin) r$bber;
2no$)h; :t "as no 'on)er simp'e sanct$ar1 that : ha- in min-; : "ante- to )et ho'- o% a set o%
!r$mps an- te'' someone e'se in the %ami'1 abo$t those )$1s; :% the1 "ere 2ric@s creat$res4 the
others o$)ht to be ma-e a"are o% them; :% the1 "ere not4 then 2ric o$)ht to be to'-4 too; :% the1
co$'- make their "a1 thro$)h (ha-o" 'ike that4 perhaps others co$'-4 a'so; =hate&er the1
represente- mi)ht one -a1 constit$te a threat to Amber herse'%; ($pposin)D?$st s$pposin)Dthat
no one back home "as in&o'&e-> =hat i% /a- an- Bran- "ere the &ictims o% a tota''1
$ns$specte- enem1> !hen there "as somethin) bi) an- menacin) a%oot4 an- : ha- steppe- ri)ht
into it; !hat "o$'- be an e.ce''ent reason %or their ho$n-in) me this thoro$)h'1; !he1 "o$'-
"ant me prett1 ba-'1; B1 min- ran "i'-; !he1 mi)ht e&en be harr1in) me to"ar- some sort o% a
trap; No nee- %or the &isib'e ones to be the on'1 ones abo$t;
: bro$)ht m1 emotions to hee'; One b1 one4 1o$ m$st -ea' "ith those thin)s that come to han-4 :
to'- m1se'%; !hat is a''; /i&orce the %ee'in)s %rom the spec$'ations4 or at 'east pro&i-e %or
separate maintenance; !his is sister +'ora@s sha-o"; (he 'i&es on the other e-)e o% the continent
in a p'ace ca''e- =estchester; #et to a phone4 )et ho'- o% in%ormation4 an- ca'' her; !e'' her it is
$r)ent an- ask %or sanct$ar1; (he can@t re%$se 1o$ that4 e&en i% she -oes hate 1o$r )$ts; !hen
?$mp a ?et an- )et the he'' o&er there; (pec$'ate on the "a1 i% 1o$ "ant4 b$t keep coo' no";
(o : te'ephone- %rom the airport an- 1o$ ans"ere- it4 Cor"in; !hat "as the &ariab'e that broke
a'' the possib'e e<$ations : ha- been ?$))'in)D1o$ s$--en'1 sho"in) $p at that time4 that p'ace4
that point in e&ents; : )rabbe- %or it "hen 1o$ o%%ere- me protection4 an- not ?$st beca$se :
"ante- protection; : co$'- probab'1 ha&e taken those si. )$1s o$t b1 m1se'%; B$t that "as no
'on)er it; : tho$)ht the1 "ere 1o$rs; : %i)$re- 1o$ ha- been '1in) 'o" a'' a'on)4 "aitin) %or the
ri)ht moment to mo&e in; No"4 : tho$)ht4 1o$ "ere rea-1; !his e.p'ains e&er1thin); Ao$ ha-
taken o$t Bran- an- 1o$ "ere abo$t to $se 1o$r (ha-o"-"a'kin) 6ombies %or p$rposes o% )oin)
back an- catchin) 2ric "ith his pants -o"n; : "ante- to be on 1o$r si-e beca$se : hate- 2ric an-
beca$se : kne" 1o$ "ere a care%$' p'anner an- 1o$ $s$a''1 )et "hat 1o$ )o a%ter; : mentione-
the p$rs$it b1 )$1s o$t o% (ha-o" to see "hat 1o$ "o$'- sa1; !he %act that 1o$ sai- nothin)
-i-n@t rea''1 pro&e an1thin)4 tho$)h; 2ither 1o$ "ere bein) ca)e14 : %i)$re-4 or 1o$ ha- no "a1
o% kno"in) "here : ha- been; : a'so tho$)ht o% the possibi'it1 o% "a'kin) into a trap o% 1o$r
-e&isin)4 b$t : "as a'rea-1 in tro$b'e an- -i- not see that : "as so important to the ba'ance o%
po"er that 1o$ "o$'- "ant to -ispose o% me; 2specia''1 i% : o%%ere- m1 s$pport4 "hich : "as
<$ite "i''in) to -o; (o : %'e" on o$t; An- -amne- i% those si. -i-n@t boar- 'ater an- %o''o" me; :s
he )i&in) me an escort> : "on-ere-; Better not start makin) more ass$mptions; : shook them
a)ain "hen "e 'an-e-4 an- hea-e- %or +'ora@s p'ace; !hen : acte- as i% none o% m1 )$esses ha-
occ$rre-4 "aitin) to see "hat 1o$ "o$'- -o; =hen 1o$ he'pe- me -ispose o% the )$1s4 : "as
rea''1 p$66'e-; =ere 1o$ )en$ine'1 s$rprise-4 or "as it a p$t-on4 "ith 1o$ sacri%icin) a %e" o%
the troops to keep me i)norant o% somethin)> A'' ri)ht4 : -eci-e-4 be i)norant4 cooperate4 see
"hat he has in min-; : "as a per%ect set$p %or that act 1o$ p$''e- to co&er the con-ition o% 1o$r
memor1; =hen : -i- 'earn the tr$th4 it "as simp'1 too 'ate; =e "ere hea-e- %or 0ebma an- none
o% this "o$'- ha&e meant an1thin) to 1o$; 9ater4 : -i-n@t care to te'' 2ric an1thin) a%ter his
coronation; : "as his prisoner then an- not e.act'1 kin-'1 -ispose- to"ar- him; :t e&en occ$rre-
to me that m1 in%ormation mi)ht be "orth somethin) one -a1Dat 'east4 m1 %ree-om a)ainDi%
that threat e&er materia'i6e-; As %or Bran-4 : -o$bt an1one "o$'- ha&e be'ie&e- meC an- e&en i%
someone -i-4 : "as the on'1 one "ho kne" ho" to reach that sha-o"; Co$'- 1o$ see 2ric b$1in)
that as a reason %or re'easin) me> ,e "o$'- ha&e 'a$)he- an- to'- me to come $p "ith a better
stor1; An- : ne&er hear- %rom Bran- a)ain; None o% the others seem to ha&e hear- %rom him
either; O--s are he@s -ea- b1 no"D:@- sa1; An- that is the stor1 : ne&er )ot to te'' 1o$; Ao$
%i)$re o$t "hat it a'' means;
Chapter 3
: st$-ie- 0an-om4 rememberin) "hat a )reat car- p'a1er he "as; B1 'ookin) at his %ace4 : co$'-
no more te'' "hether he "as '1in)4 in "ho'e or in part4 than : co$'- 'earn b1 scr$tini6in) the Eack
o%4 sa14 /iamon-s; Nice to$ch4 that part4 too; !here "as eno$)h o% that kin- o% b$siness to his
stor1 to )i&e it some %ee' o% &erisimi'it$-e;
F!o paraphrase Oe-ip$s4 ,am'et4 9ear4 an- a'' those )$1s4G : sai-4 F: "ish : ha- kno"n this
some time a)o;G
F!his "as the %irst chance : rea''1 ha- to te'' 1o$4G he sai-;
F!r$e4G : a)ree-; F*n%ort$nate'14 it not on'1 %ai's to c'ari%1 thin)s4 it comp'icates the p$66'e e&en
more; =hich is no mean trick; ,ere "e are "ith a b'ack roa- r$nnin) $p to the %oot o% 3o'&ir; :t
passes thro$)h (ha-o"4 an- thin)s ha&e s$ccee-e- in tra&ersin) it to beset Amber; =e -o not
kno" the e.act nat$re o% the %orces behin- it4 b$t the1 are ob&io$s'1 ma'i)n an- the1 seem to be
)ro"in) in stren)th; : ha&e been %ee'in) )$i't1 abo$t it %or some "hi'e no"4 beca$se : see it as
bein) tie- in "ith m1 c$rse; Aes4 : 'ai- one on $s; C$rse or no c$rse4 tho$)h4 e&er1thin)
e&ent$a''1 reso'&es into some sort o% tan)ibi'it1 that can be combatte-; =hich is e.act'1 "hat "e
are )oin) to -o; B$t a'' "eek 'on) : ha&e been tr1in) to %i)$re o$t /ara@s part in thin)s; =ho is
she rea''1> =hat is she> =h1 "as she so$s to tr1 the Pattern> ,o" is it that she mana)e-
to s$ccee-> An- that %ina' threat o% hers;;;@Amber "i'' be -estro1e-4@ she sai-; :t seems more than
coinci-enta' that this occ$rre- at the same time as the attack o&er the b'ack roa-; : -o not see it
as a separate thin)4 b$t as a part o% the same c'oth; An- it a'' seems to be tie- in "ith the %act that
there is a traitor some"here here in AmberDCaine@s -eath4 the notes;;;(omeone here is either
abettin) an e.terna' enem1 or is behin- the "ho'e thin) himse'%; No" 1o$ 'ink it a'' $p "ith
Bran-@s -isappearance4 b1 "a1 o% this )$1;G : n$-)e- the corpse "ith m1 %oot; F:t makes it 'ook
as i% /a-@s -eath or absence is a'so a part o% it; :% that is the case4 tho$)h4 it makes %or a ma?or
conspirac1D"ith -etai' a%ter -etai' ha&in) been care%$''1 "orke- o$t o&er a perio- o% 1ears;G
0an-om e.p'ore- a c$pboar- in the corner4 pro-$ce- a bott'e an- a pair o% )ob'ets; ,e %i''e-
them an- bro$)ht me one4 then ret$rne- to his chair; =e -rank a si'ent toast to %$ti'it1;
F=e''4G he sai-4 Fp'ottin) is the n$mber-one pastime aro$n- here4 an- e&er1one has ha- p'ent1
o% time4 1o$ kno"; =e are both too 1o$n) to remember brothers Osric an- +inn-o4 "ho -ie- %or
the )oo- o% Amber; B$t the impression : )et %rom ta'kin) "ith Bene-ictDG
FAes4G : sai-4 FDthat the1 ha- -one more than "ish%$' thinkin) abo$t the throne4 an- it became
necessar1 that the1 -ie bra&e'1 %or Amber; :@&e hear- that4 too; Ba1be so4 ma1be not; =e@'' ne&er
kno" %or s$re; (ti'';;;Aes4 the point is "e'' taken4 tho$)h a'most $nnecessar1; : -o not -o$bt that
it has been trie- be%ore; : -o not p$t it past a n$mber o% $s; =ho4 tho$)h> =e "i'' be operatin)
$n-er a se&ere han-icap $nti' "e %in- o$t; An1 mo&e that "e make e.terna''1 "i'' probab'1 on'1
be -irecte- a)ainst a 'imb o% the beast; Come $p "ith an i-ea;G
FCor"in4G he sai-4 Fto be %rank abo$t it4 : co$'- make a case %or it bein) an1one hereDe&en
m1se'%4 prisoner stat$s an- a''; :n %act4 somethin) 'ike that "o$'- be a )reat b'in- %or it; : "o$'-
ha&e taken )en$ine -e'i)ht in 'ookin) he'p'ess "hi'e act$a''1 p$''in) the strin)s that ma-e a'' the
others -ance; An1 o% $s "o$'-4 tho$)h; =e a'' ha&e o$r moti&es4 o$r ambitions; An- o&er the
1ears "e a'' ha&e ha- time an- opport$nit1 to 'a1 a 'ot o% )ro$n-"ork; No4 that is the "ron) "a1
to )o abo$t it4 'ookin) %or s$spects; 2&er1one here %a''s into that cate)or1; 9et $s -eci-e instea-
"hat it is that "o$'- -istin)$ish s$ch an in-i&i-$a'4 asi-e %rom moti&es4 apart %rom
opport$nities; : "o$'- sa14 'et@s 'ook at the metho-s in&o'&e-;G
FA'' ri)ht; !hen 1o$ start;G
F(ome one o% $s kno"s more than the rest o% $s abo$t the "orkin)s o% (ha-o"Dthe ins an- the
o$ts4 the "h1s an- the ho"s; ,e a'so has a''ies4 obtaine- %rom some"here %air'1 %ar a%ie'-; !his
is the combination he has bro$)ht to bear $pon Amber; No"4 "e ha&e no "a1 o% 'ookin) at a
person an- te''in) "hether he possesses s$ch specia' kno"'e-)e an- ski''s; B$t 'et $s consi-er
"here he co$'- ha&e obtaine- them; :t co$'- be that he simp'1 'earne- somethin) o%% in (ha-o"
some"here4 on his o"n; Or he co$'- ha&e been st$-1in) a'' a'on)4 here4 "hi'e /"orkin "as sti''
a'i&e an- "i''in) to )i&e 'essons;G
: stare- -o"n into m1 )'ass; /"orkin co$'- sti'' be 'i&in); ,e ha- pro&i-e- m1 means o% escape
%rom the -$n)eons o% AmberDho" 'on) a)o> : ha- to'- no one this4 an- "as not abo$t to; +or
one thin)4 /"orkin "as <$ite ma-D"hich "as apparent'1 "h1 /a- ha- ha- him 'ocke- a"a1;
+or another4 he ha- -emonstrate- po"ers : -i- not $n-erstan-4 "hich con&ince- me he co$'- be
<$ite -an)ero$s; (ti''4 he ha- been kin-'1 -ispose- to"ar- me a%ter a minim$m o% %'atter1 an-
reminiscence; :% he "ere sti'' aro$n-4 : s$specte- that "ith a bit o% patience : mi)ht be ab'e to
han-'e him; (o : ha- kept the "ho'e b$siness 'ocke- a"a1 in m1 min- as a possib'e secret
"eapon; : sa" no reason %or chan)in) that -ecision at this point;
FBran- -i- han) aro$n- him a 'ot4G : ackno"'e-)e-4 %ina''1 seein) "hat he "as )ettin) at; F,e
"as intereste- in thin)s o% that sort;G
F2.act'14G 0an-om rep'ie-; FAn- he ob&io$s'1 kne" more than the rest o% $s4 to be ab'e to sen-
me that messa)e "itho$t a !r$mp;G
FAo$ think he ma-e a -ea' "ith o$tsi-ers4 opene- the "a1 %or them4 then -isco&ere- that the1 no
'on)er nee-e- him "hen the1 h$n) him o$t to -r1>G
FNot necessari'1; !ho$)h : s$ppose that is possib'e4 too; B1 thinkin) r$ns more 'ike thisDan- :
-on@t -en1 m1 pre?$-ice in his %a&or8 : think he ha- 'earne- eno$)h abo$t the s$b?ect so that he
"as ab'e to -etect it "hen someone -i- somethin) pec$'iar in&o'&in) the !r$mps4 the Pattern4 or
that area o% (ha-o" most a-?acent to Amber; !hen he s'ippe- $p; Perhaps he $n-erestimate- the
c$'prit an- con%ronte- him -irect'14 rather than )oin) to /a- or /"orkin; =hat then> !he )$i't1
part1 s$b-$e- him an- imprisone- him in that to"er; 2ither he tho$)ht eno$)h o% him not to
"ant to ki'' him i% he -i- not ha&e to4 or he ha- some 'ater $se o% him in min-;G
FAo$ make that so$n- p'a$sib'e4 too4G : sai-4 an- : "o$'- ha&e a--e-4 Fan- it %its 1o$r stor1
nice'1G an- "atche- his poker %ace a)ain4 e.cept %or one thin); Back "hen : "as "ith B'e1s4
be%ore o$r attack on Amber4 : ha- ha- a momentar1 contact "ith Bran- "hi'e %oo'in) "ith the
!r$mps; ,e ha- in-icate- -istress4 imprisonment4 an- then the contact ha- been broken;
0an-om@s stor1 -i- %it4 to that e.tent; (o4 instea-4 : sai-4 F:% he can point the %in)er4 "e ha&e )ot
to )et him back an- set him to pointin);G
F: "as hopin) 1o$ "o$'- sa1 that4G 0an-om rep'ie-; F: hate to 'ea&e a bit o% b$siness 'ike that
: "ent an- %etche- the bott'e4 re%i''e- o$r )'asses; : sippe-; : 'it another ci)arette;
FBe%ore "e )et into that4 tho$)h4G : sai-4 F: ha&e to -eci-e on the best "a1 o% breakin) the ne"s
abo$t Caine; =here is +'ora4 an1"a1>G
F/o"n in to"n4 : think; (he "as here this mornin); : can %in- her %or 1o$; :@m prett1 s$re;G
F/o it4 then; (he is the on'1 other one : kno" o% "ho has seen one o% these )$1s4 back "hen
the1 broke into her p'ace in =estchester; =e mi)ht as "e'' ha&e her han-1 %or that m$ch
corroboration as to their nastiness; Besi-es4 : ha&e some other thin)s : "ant to ask her;G
,e s"a''o"e- his -rink an- rose;
FA'' ri)ht; :@'' )o -o that no"; =here sho$'- : brin) her>G
FB1 <$arters; :% :@m not there4 "ait;G ,e no--e-;
: rose an- accompanie- him into the ha'';
F,a&e 1o$ )ot the ke1 to this room>G : aske-;
F:t@s on a hook insi-e;G
FBetter )et it an- 'ock $p; =e "o$'-n@t "ant a premat$re $n&ei'in);G
,e -i- that an- )a&e me the ke1; : "a'ke- "ith him as %ar as the %irst 'an-in) an- sa" him on his
+rom m1 sa%e4 : remo&e- the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment4 a r$b1 pen-ant "hich ha- )i&en /a- an- 2ric
contro' o&er the "eather in the &icinit1 o% Amber; Be%ore he -ie-4 2ric ha- to'- me the proce-$re
to be %o''o"e- in t$nin) it to m1 o"n $se; : ha- not ha- time to -o it4 tho$)h4 an- -i- not rea''1
ha&e the time no"; B$t -$rin) m1 con&ersation "ith 0an-om : ha- -eci-e- that : "as )oin) to
ha&e to take the time; : ha- 'ocate- /"orkin@s notes4 beneath a stone near 2ric@s %irep'ace; ,e ha-
)i&en me that m$ch in%ormation a'so4 that 'ast time; : "o$'- ha&e 'ike- to kno" "here he ha-
come across the notes in the %irst p'ace4 tho$)h4 %or the1 "ere incomp'ete; : %etche- them %rom
the rear o% the sa%e an- re)ar-e- them once a)ain; !he1 -i- a)ree "ith 2ric@s e.p'anation as to
ho" the att$nement "as to be mana)e-;
B$t the1 a'so in-icate- that the stone ha- other $ses4 that the contro' o% meteoro'o)ica'
phenomena "as a'most an inci-enta'4 tho$)h spectac$'ar4 -emonstration o% a comp'e. o%
princip'es "hich $n-er'a1 the Pattern4 the !r$mps4 an- the ph1sica' inte)rit1 o% Amber herse'%4
apart %rom (ha-o"; *n%ort$nate'14 the -etai's "ere 'ackin); (ti''4 the more : searche- m1
memor14 the more somethin) a'on) these 'ines -i- seem in-icate-; On'1 rare'1 ha- /a-
pro-$ce- the stoneC an- tho$)h he ha- spoken o% it as a "eather chan)er4 the "eather ha- not
a'"a1s been especia''1 a'tere- on those occasions "hen he ha- sporte- it; An- he ha- o%ten taken
it a'on) "ith him on his 'itt'e trips; (o : "as rea-1 to be'ie&e that there "as more to it than that;
2ric ha- probab'1 reasone- the same "a14 b$t he ha- not been ab'e to -ope o$t its other $ses
either; ,e ha- simp'1 taken a-&anta)e o% its ob&io$s po"ers "hen B'e1s an- : ha- attacke-
AmberC an- he ha- $se- it the same "a1 this past "eek "hen the creat$res ha- ma-e their
assa$'t %rom the b'ack roa-; :t ha- ser&e- him "e'' on both occasions4 e&en i% it ha- not been
s$%%icient to sa&e his 'i%e; (o : ha- better )et ho'- o% its po"er m1se'%4 : -eci-e-4 no"; An1 e.tra
e-)e "as important; An- it "o$'- be )oo- to be seen "earin) the thin)4 too4 : ?$-)e-; 2specia''1
: p$t the notes back into the sa%e4 the ?e"e' in m1 pocket; : 'e%t then an- hea-e- -o"nstairs;
A)ain4 as be%ore4 to "a'k those ha''s ma-e me %ee' as i% : ha- ne&er been a"a1; !his "as home4
this "as "hat : "ante-; No" : "as its -e%en-er; : -i- not e&en "ear the cro"n4 1et a'' its
prob'ems ha- become m1 o"n; :t "as ironic; : ha- come back to c'aim the cro"n4 to "rest it
%rom 2ric4 to ho'- the )'or14 to rei)n; No"4 s$--en'14 thin)s "ere %a''in) apart; :t ha- not taken
'on) to rea'i6e that 2ric ha- beha&e- incorrect'1; :% he ha- in-ee- -one /a- in4 he ha- no ri)ht to
the cro"n; :% he ha- not4 then he ha- acte- premat$re'1; 2ither "a14 the coronation ha- ser&e-
on'1 to %atten his a'rea-1 obese e)o; B1se'%4 : "ante- it an- : kne" that : co$'- take it; B$t it
"o$'- be e<$a''1 irresponsib'e to -o so "ith m1 troops <$artere- in Amber4 s$spicio$s o% Caine@s
m$r-er abo$t to -escen- $pon me4 the %irst si)ns o% a %antastic p'ot s$--en'1 -isp'a1e- be%ore
me4 an- the contin$in) possibi'it1 that /a- "as sti'' a'i&e; On se&era' occasions it seeme- "e
ha- been in contact4 brie%'1Dan- at one s$ch time4 1ears a)o4 that he ha- oka1e- m1 s$ccession;
B$t there "as so m$ch -eceit an- tricker1 a%oot that : -i- not kno" "hat to be'ie&e; ,e ha- not
ab-icate-; A'so4 : ha- ha- a hea- in?$r14 an- : "as "e'' a"are o% m1 o"n -esires; !he min- is a
%$nn1 p'ace; : -o not e&en tr$st m1 o"n; Co$'- it be that : ha- man$%act$re- that "ho'e
b$siness> A 'ot ha- happene- since;
!he price o% bein) an Amberite4 : s$ppose4 is that 1o$ cannot e&en tr$st 1o$rse'%; : "on-ere-
"hat +re$- "o$'- ha&e sai-; =hi'e he ha- %ai'e- to pierce m1 amnesia4 he ha- come $p "ith
some a"%$''1 )oo- )$esses as to "hat m1 %ather ha- been 'ike4 "hat o$r re'ationship ha- been4
e&en tho$)h : ha- not rea'i6e- it at the time; : "ishe- that : co$'- ha&e one more session "ith
: ma-e m1 "a1 thro$)h the marb'e -inin) ha'' an- into the -ark4 narro" corri-or that 'a1
behin-; : no--e- to the )$ar- an- "a'ke- on back to the -oor; !hro$)h it then4 o$t onto the
p'at%orm4 across an- -o"n; !he interminab'e spira' stair"a1 that 'ea-s into the )$ts o% 3o'&ir;
=a'kin); 9i)hts e&er1 no" an- then; B'ackness be1on-;
:t seeme- that a ba'ance ha- shi%te- some"here a'on) the "a14 an- that : "as no 'on)er actin)
b$t bein) acte- $pon4 bein) %orce- to mo&e4 to respon-; Bein) hor-e-; An- each mo&e 'e- to
another; =here ha- it a'' be)$n> Ba1be it ha- been )oin) on %or 1ears an- : "as on'1 ?$st no"
becomin) a"are o% it; Perhaps "e "ere a'' &ictims4 in a %ashion an- to a -e)ree none o% $s ha-
rea'i6e-; #reat &ict$a's %or morbi- tho$)ht (i)m$n-4 "here are 1o$ no"> : ha- "ante- to be
kin)Dsti'' "ante- to be kin)Dmore than an1thin) e'se; Aet the more : 'earne- an- the more :
tho$)ht abo$t "hat : ha- 'earne-4 the more a'' o% m1 mo&ements act$a''1 seeme- to amo$nt to
Amber Pa"n to 3in) +o$r; : rea'i6e- then that this %ee'in) ha- been present %or some time4
)ro"in)4 an- : -i- not 'ike it at a''; B$t nothin) that has e&er 'i&e- has )otten b1 "itho$t makin)
some mistake4 : conso'e- m1se'%; :% m1 %ee'in) represente- act$a'it14 m1 persona' Pa&'o& "as
settin) c'oser to m1 %an)s "ith each rin)in) o% the be''; (oon no"4 soon4 : %e't that it ha- to be
soon4 : "o$'- ha&e to see that he came &er1 near; !hen it "o$'- be mine to see that he neither
"ent a"a1 nor e&er came a)ain;
!$rnin)4 t$rnin)4 aro$n- an- -o"n4 'i)ht here4 'i)ht there4 these m1 tho$)hts4 'ike threa- on a
spoo'4 "in-in) or $n"in-in)4 har- to be s$re; Be'o" me the so$n- o% meta' a)ainst stone; A
)$ar-@s scabbar-4 the )$ar- risin); A ripp'e o% 'i)ht %rom a 'antern raise-;
F9or- Cor"in;;;G
At bottom4 : took a 'antern %rom the she'%; P$ttin) a 'i)ht to it4 : t$rne- an- hea-e- to"ar- the
t$nne'4 p$shin) the -arkness on ahea- o% me4 a step at a time;
2&ent$a''1 the t$nne'4 an- so $p it4 co$ntin) si-e passa)es; :t "as the se&enth that : "ante-;
2choes an- sha-o"s; B$st an- -$st;
Comin) to it4 then; !$rnin) there; Not too m$ch %arther;
+ina''14 that )reat4 -ark4 meta'-bo$n- -oor; : $n'ocke- it an- p$she- har-; :t creake-4 resiste-4
%ina''1 mo&e- in"ar-;
: set -o"n the 'antern4 ?$st to the ri)ht4 insi-e; : ha- no %$rther nee- o% it4 as the Pattern itse'%
)a&e o%% s$%%icient 'i)ht %or "hat : ha- to -o;
+or a moment : re)ar-e- the PatternDa shinin) mass o% c$r&e- 'ines that tricke- the e1e as it
trie- to trace themDimbe--e- there4 h$)e4 in the %'oor@s s'ick b'ackness; :t ha- )i&en me po"er
o&er (ha-o"4 it ha- restore- most o% m1 memor1; :t "o$'- a'so -estro1 me in an instant i% : "ere
to essa1 it improper'1; =hat )ratit$-e the prospect -i- aro$se in me "as there%ore not $ntin)e-
"ith %ear; :t "as a sp'en-i- an- cr1ptic o'- %ami'1 heir'oom "hich be'on)e- ri)ht "here it "as4
in the ce''ar;
: mo&e- o%% to the corner "here the tracer1 be)an; !here : compose- m1 min-4 re'a.e- m1
bo-14 an- set m1 'e%t %oot $pon the Pattern; =itho$t pa$sin)4 : stro-e %or"ar- then an- %e't the
c$rrent be)in; B'$e sparks o$t'ine- m1 boots; Another step; !here "as an a$-ib'e crack'in) this
time an- the be)innin) o% resistance; : took the %irst c$r&e'en)th4 stri&in) to h$rr14 "antin) to
reach the +irst 7ei' as <$ick'1 as possib'e; B1 the time : -i-4 m1 hair "as stirrin) an- the sparks
"ere bri)hter4 'on)er;
!he strain increase-; 2ach step re<$ire- more e%%ect than the pre&io$s one; !he crack'in) )re"
'o$-er an- the c$rrent intensi%ie-; B1 hair rose an- : shook o%% sparks; : kept m1 e1es on the
%ier1 'ines an- -i- not stop p$shin);
($--en'1 the press$re abate-; : sta))ere- b$t kept mo&in); : "as thro$)h the +irst 7ei' an- into
the %ee'in) o% accomp'ishment that that entai'e-; : reca''e- the 'ast time that : ha- come this "a14
in 0ebma4 the cit1 $n-er the sea; !he mane$&er : ha- ?$st comp'ete- "as "hat ha- starte- the
ret$rn o% m1 memories; Aes; : p$she- ahea- an- the sparks )re" an- the c$rrents rose once
a)ain4 settin) m1 %'esh to tin)'in);
!he (econ- 7ei';;;!he an)'es;;;:t a'"a1s seeme- to ta. the stren)th to its 'imits4 to pro-$ce the
%ee'in) that one@s entire bein) "as trans%orme- into p$re =i''; :t "as a -ri&in)4 re'ent'ess
sensation; At the moment4 the ne)otiation o% the Pattern "as the on'1 thin) in the "or'- that
meant an1thin) to me; : ha- a'"a1s been there4 stri&in)4 ne&er been a"a14 a'"a1s "o$'- be
there4 conten-in)4 m1 "i'' a)ainst the ma6e o% po"er; !ime ha- &anishe-; On'1 the tension he'-;
!he sparks "ere $p to m1 "aist; : entere- the #ran- C$r&e an- %o$)ht m1 "a1 a'on) it; : "as
contin$a''1 -estro1e- an- reborn at e&er1 step o% its 'en)th4 bake- b1 the %ires o% creation4 chi''e-
b1 the co'- at entrop1@s en-;
O$t an- on"ar-4 t$rnin); !hree more c$r&es4 a strai)ht 'ine4 a n$mber o% arcs; /i66iness4 a
sensation o% %a-in) an- intensi%1in) as tho$)h : "ere osci''atin) into an- o$t o% e.istence; !$rn
a%ter t$rn a%ter t$rn a%ter t$rn;;;A short4 sharp arc;;;!he 'ine that 'e- to the +ina' 7ei';;;: ima)ine :
"as )aspin) an- -renche- "ith s"eat b& then; : ne&er seem to remember %or s$re; : co$'- har-'1
mo&e m1 %eet; !he sparks "ere $p to m1 sho$'-ers; !he1 came into m1 e1es an- : 'ost si)ht o%
the Pattern itse'% bet"een b'inks; :n4 o$t4 in4 o$t;;;!here it "as; : -ra))e- m1 ri)ht %oot %or"ar-4
kno"in) ho" Bene-ict m$st ha&e %e't4 his 'e)s snare- b1 the b'ack )rass; 0i)ht be%ore : rabbit-
p$nche- him; : %e't b'$-)eone- m1se'%Da'' o&er; 9e%t %oot4 %or"ar-;;;(o s'o"'1 it "as har- to be
certain it "as act$a''1 mo&in); B1 han-s "ere b'$e %'ames4 m1 'e)s pi''ars o% %ire; Another step;
Another; Aet another;
: %e't 'ike a s'o"'1 animate- stat$e4 a tha"in) sno"man4 a b$ck'in) )ir-er;;;; !"o
more;;;!hree;;;#'acia'4 m1 mo&ements4 b$t : "ho -irecte- them ha- a'' o% eternit1 an- a per%ect
constanc1 o% "i'' that "o$'- be rea'i6e-;;;;
: passe- thro$)h the 7ei'; A short arc %o''o"e-; !hree steps to cross it into b'ackness an- peace;
!he1 "ere the "orst o% a'';
A co%%ee break %or (is1ph$sI !hat "as m1 %irst tho$)ht as : -eparte- the Pattern; :@&e -one it
a)ainI "as m1 secon-; An-4 Ne&er a)ainI "as m1 thir-;
: a''o"e- m1se'% the '$.$r1 o% a %e" -eep breaths an- a4 'itt'e shakin); !hen : $npockete- the
?e"e' an- raise- it b1 its chain; : he'- it be%ore m1 e1e;
0e- insi-e4 o% co$rseDa -eep cherr1-re-4 smokeshot4 %$')ent; :t seeme- to ha&e picke- $p
somethin) e.tra o% 'i)ht an- )'itter -$rin) the trip thro$)h the Pattern; : contin$e- to stare4
thinkin) o&er the instr$ctions4 comparin) them "ith thin)s : a'rea-1 kne";
Once 1o$ ha&e "a'ke- the Pattern an- reache- this point4 1o$ can ca$se it to transport 1o$ to
an1 p'ace that 1o$ can &is$a'i6e; A'' that it takes is the -esire an- an act o% "i''; ($ch bein) the
case4 : "as not "itho$t a moment@s trepi-ation; :% the e%%ect procee-e- as it norma''1 -i-4 : co$'-
be thro"in) m1se'% into a pec$'iar sort o% trap; B$t 2ric ha- s$ccee-e-; ,e ha- not been 'ocke-
into the heart o% a )em some"here o%% in (ha-o"; !he /"orkin "ho ha- "ritten those notes ha-
been a )reat man4 an- : ha- tr$ste- him;
Composin) m1 min-4 : intensi%ie- m1 sec$rit1 o% the stone@s interior;
!here "as a -istorte- re%'ection o% the Pattern "ithin it4 s$rro$n-e- b1 "inkin) points o% 'i)ht4
tin1 %'ares an- %'ashes4 -i%%erent c$r&es an- paths; : ma-e m1 -ecision4 : %oc$se- m1 "i'';;;;
0e-ness an- s'o" motion; 9ike sinkin) into an ocean o% hi)h &iscosit1; 7er1 s'o"'14 at %irst;
/ri%tin) an- -arkenin)4 a'' the prett1 'i)hts %ar4 %ar ahea-; +aint'14 m1 apparent &e'ocit1
increase-; +'akes o% 'i)ht4 -istant4 intermittent; A tri%'e %aster then4 it seeme-; No sca'e; : "as a
point o% conscio$sness o% in-eterminate -imensions; A"are o% mo&ement4 a"are o% the
con%i)$ration to"ar- "hich : a-&ance-4 no" a'most rapi-'1; !he re-ness "as near'1 )one4 as
"as the conscio$sness o% an1 me-i$m; 0esistance &anishe-; : "as spee-in); A'' o% this4 no"4
seeme- to ha&e taken b$t a sin)'e instant4 "as sti'' takin) that same instant; !here "as a pec$'iar4
time'ess <$a'it1 to the entire a%%air; B1 &e'ocit1 re'ati&e to "hat no" seeme- m1 tar)et "as
enormo$s; !he 'itt'e4 t"iste- ma6e "as )ro"in)4 "as reso'&in) into "hat appeare- a three-
-imensiona' &ariation o% the Pattern itse'%; P$nct$ate- b1 %'ares o% co'ore- 'i)ht4 it )re" be%ore
me4 sti'' reminiscent o% a bi6arre )a'a.1 ha'% ra&e'e- in the mi--'e o% the e&er-ni)ht4 ha'oe- "ith
a pa'e shine o% -$st4 its streamers compose- o% co$nt'ess %'ickerin) points; An- it )re" or :
shrank4 or it a-&ance- or : a-&ance-4 an- "e "ere near4 near to)ether4 an- it %i''e- a'' o% space
no"4 top to bottom4 this "a1 to that4 an- m1 persona' &e'ocit1 sti'' seeme-4 i% an1thin)4 to be
increasin); : "as ca$)ht4 o&er"he'me- b1 the b'a6e4 an- there "as a stra1 streamer "hich : kne"
to be the be)innin); : "as too c'oseD'ost4 act$a''1Dto apprehen- its o&er-a'' con%i)$ration an1
'on)er4 b$t the b$ck'in)4 the %'ickerin)4 the "ea&in) o% a'' that : co$'- see o% it4 e&er1"here abo$t
me4 ma-e me "on-er "hether three -imensions "ere s$%%icient to acco$nt %or the senses"arpin)
comp'e.ities "ith "hich : "as con%ronte-; 0ather than m1 )a'actic ana'o)14 somethine in m1
min- shi%te- to the other e.treme4 s$))estin) the in%inite'1 -imensione- ,i'bert space o% the
s$batomic; B$t then4 it "as a metaphor o% -esperation; !r$'1 an- simp'14 : -i- not $n-erstan-
an1thin) abo$t it; : ha- on'1 a )ro"in) %ee'in)DPattern-con-itione-> :nstincti&e>Dthat : ha- to
pass thro$)h this ma6e a'so to )ain the ne" -e)ree o% po"er that : so$)ht;
Nor "as : incorrect; : "as s"ept on into it "itho$t an1 s'ackenin) o% m1 apparent &e'ocit1; : "as
sp$n an- "hir'e- a'on) b'a6in) "a1s4 passin) thro$)h s$bstance'ess c'o$-s o% )'itter an- shine;
!here "ere no areas o% resistance4 as in the Pattern itse'%4 m1 initia' impet$s seemin) s$%%icient to
bear me thro$)ho$t; A "hir'"in- to$r o% the Bi'k1 =a1> A -ro"nin) man s"ept amon) can1ons
o% cora'> An insomniac sparro" passin) o&er an am$sement park o% a E$'1 +o$rth e&enin)>
!hese m1 tho$)hts as : recapit$'ate- m1 recent passa)e in this trans%orme- %ashion;
;;;An- o$t4 thro$)h4 o&er4 an- -one4 in a b'a6e o% r$--1 'i)ht that %o$n- me re)ar-in) m1se'%
ho'-in) the pen-ant besi-e the Pattern4 then re)ar-in) the pen-ant4 Pattern "ithin it4 "ithin me4
e&er1thin) "ithin me4 me "ithin it4 the re-ness s$bsi-in)4 -o"n4 )one; !hen ?$st me4 the
pen-ant4 the Pattern4 a'one4 s$b?ect-ob?ect re'ationships reestab'ishe-Don'1 an octa&e hi)her4
"hich : %ee' is abo$t the best "a1 there is to p$t it; +or a certain empath1 no" e.iste-; :t "as as
tho$)h : ha- ac<$ire- an e.tra sense4 an- an a--itiona' means o% e.pression; :t "as a pec$'iar
sensation4 satis%1in);$s to test it4 : s$mmone- m1 reso'&e once a)ain an- comman-e- the Pattern to transport
me e'se"here;
: stoo- then in the ro$n- room4 atop the hi)hest to"er in Amber; Crossin) it4 : passe- o$tsi-e4
onto a &er1 sma'' ba'con1; !he contrast "as po"er%$'4 comin) so c'ose to the s$persensor1
&o1a)e : ha- ?$st comp'ete-; +or se&era' 'on) moments : simp'1 stoo- there4 'ookin);
!he sea "as a st$-1 in te.t$res4 as the sk1 "as part'1 o&ercast an- )ettin) on to"ar- e&enin);
!he c'o$-s themse'&es sho"e- patterns o% so%t bri)htness an- ro$)h sha-in); !he "in- ma-e its
"a1 sea"ar-4 so that the sa't sme'' "as temporari'1 -enie- me; /ark bir-s -otte- the air4
s"in)in) an- ho&erin) at a )reat -istance o$t o&er the "ater; Be'o" me4 the pa'ace 1ar-s an- the
terraces o% the cit1 'a1 sprea- in en-$rin) e'e)ance o$t to 3o'&ir@s rim; Peop'e "ere tin1 on the
thoro$)h%ares4 their mo&ements -isco$ntab'e; : %e't &er1 a'one;
!hen : to$che- the pen-ant an- ca''e- %or a storm;
0an-om an- +'ora "ere "aitin) in m1 <$arters "hen : ret$rne-; 0an-om@s e1es "ent %irst to the
pen-ant4 then to m1 o"n; : no--e-;
: t$rne- to"ar- +'ora4 bo"in) s'i)ht'1;
F(ister4G : sai-4 Fit has been a "hi'e4 an- then a "hi'e;G
(he 'ooke- some"hat %ri)htene-4 "hich "as a'' to the )oo-; (he smi'e- an- took m1 han-4
FBrother4G she sai-; F: see that 1o$ ha&e kept 1o$r "or-;G
Pa'e )o'-4 her hair; (he ha- c$t it4 b$t retaine- the ban)s; : co$'- not -eci-e "hether : 'ike- it
that "a1 or not; (he ha- &er1 'o&e'1 hair; B'$e e1es4 too4 an- tons o% &anit1 to keep e&er1thin) in
her %a&orite perspecti&e; At times she seeme- to beha&e <$ite st$pi-'14 b$t then at other times :
ha&e "on-ere-;
F2.c$se me %or starin)4G : sai-4 Fb$t the 'ast time that "e met : "as $nab'e to see 1o$;G
F: am &er1 happ1 that the sit$ation has been correcte-4G she sai-; F:t "as <$iteD!here "as
nothin) that : co$'- -o4 1o$ kno";G
F: kno"4G : sai-4 reca''in) the occasiona' 'i't o% her 'a$)hter %rom the other si-e o% the -arkness
on one o% the anni&ersaries o% the e&ent; F: kno";G
: mo&e- to the "in-o" an- opene- it4 kno"in) that the rain "o$'- not be comin) in; : 'ike the
sme'' o% a storm;
F0an-om4 -i- 1o$ 'earn an1thin) o% interest "ith re)ar- to a possib'e postman>G : aske-;
FNot rea''14G he sai-; F: ma-e some in<$iries; No one seems to ha&e seen an1one e'se in the
ri)ht p'ace at the ri)ht time;G
F: see4G : sai-; F!hank 1o$; : ma1 see 1o$ a)ain 'ater;G
FA'' ri)ht4G he sai-; F:@'' be in m1 <$arters a'' e&enin)4 then;G
: no--e-4 t$rne-4 'eane- back a)ainst the si''4 "atche- +'ora; 0an-om c'ose- the -oor <$iet'1 as
he 'e%t; : 'istene- to the rain %or ha'% a min$te or so;
F=hat are 1o$ )oin) to -o "ith me>G she sai- %ina''1;
FAo$ are in a position to ca'' %or a sett'ement on o'- -ebts; : ass$me that thin)s are abo$t to
FPerhaps4G : sai-; FBost thin)s -epen- on other thin)s; !his thin) is no -i%%erent;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F#i&e me "hat : "ant4 an- "e@'' see; : ha&e e&en been kno"n to be a nice )$1 on occasion;G
F=hat is it that 1o$ "ant>G
F!he stor1; +'ora; 9et@s start "ith that; O% ho" 1o$ came to be m1 shepher-ess there on that
sha-o"4 2arth; A'' pertinent -etai's; =hat "as the arran)ement> =hat "as the $n-erstan-in)>
2&er1thin); !hat@s a'';G
(he si)he-;
F!he be)innin);;;G she sai-; FAes;;;:t "as in Paris4 a part14 at a certain Bonsie$r +oca$'t@s; !his
"as abo$t three 1ears be%ore the !errorDG
F(top4G : sai-; F=hat "ere 1o$ -oin) there>G
F: ha- been in that )enera' area o% (ha-o" %or appro.imate'1 %i&e o% their 1ears4G she sai-; F:
ha- been "an-erin)4 'ookin) %or somethin) no&e'4 somethin) that s$ite- m1 %anc1; : came $pon
that p'ace at that time in the same "a1 "e %in- an1thin); : 'et m1 -esires 'ea- me an- : %o''o"e-
m1 instincts;G
FA pec$'iar coinci-ence;G
FNot in 'i)ht o% a'' the time in&o'&e-Dan- consi-erin) the amo$nt o% tra&e' in "hich "e
in-$')e; :t "as4 i% 1o$ 'ike4 m1 A&a'on4 m1 Amber s$rro)ate4 m1 home a"a1 %rom home; Ca'' it
"hat 1o$ "i''4 : "as there4 at that part14 that October ni)ht4 "hen 1o$ came in "ith the 'itt'e
re-hea-e- )ir'DEac<$e'ine4 : be'ie&e4 "as her name;G
!hat bro$)ht it back4 %rom <$ite a -istance4 a memor1 : ha-n@t ca''e- %or in a 'on)4 'on) "hi'e; :
remembere- Eac<$e'ine %ar better than : -i- +oca$'t@s part14 b$t there ha- been s$ch an occasion;
F#o ahea-;G
FAs : sai-4G she "ent on4 F: "as there; Ao$ arri&e- 'ater; Ao$ ca$)ht m1 attention imme-iate'14
o% co$rse; (ti''4 i% one e.ists %or a s$%%icient'1 'on) perio- o% time an- tra&e's consi-erab'14 one
-oes occasiona''1 enco$nter a person )reat'1 resemb'in) someone e'se one has kno"n; !hat "as
m1 %irst tho$)ht a%ter the initia' e.citement %a-e-; ($re'1 it ha- to be a -o$b'e; (o m$ch time ha-
passe- "itho$t a "hisper; Aet "e a'' ha&e secrets an- )oo- reasons %or ha&in) them; !his co$'-
be one o% 1o$rs; (o : sa" that "e "ere intro-$ce- an- then ha- a -e&i' o% a time )ettin) 1o$
a"a1 %rom that 'itt'e re-hea-e- piece %or more than a %e" min$tes; An- 1o$ insiste- 1o$r name
"as +enne&a'DCor-e'' +enne&a'; : )re" $ncertain; : co$'- not te'' "hether it "as a -o$b'e or
1o$ p'a1in) )ames; !he thir- possibi'it1 -i- cross m1 min-4 tho$)hDthat 1o$ ha- -"e''e- in
some a-?acent area o% (ha-o" %or a s$%%icient time to cast sha-o"s o% 1o$rse'%; : mi)ht ha&e
-eparte- sti'' "on-erin) ha- not Eac<$e'ine 'ater boaste- to me concernin) 1o$r stren)th; No"
this is not the commonest s$b?ect o% con&ersation %or a "oman4 an- the "a1 in "hich she sai- it
'e- me to be'ie&e that she ha- act$a''1 been <$ite impresse- b1 some thin)s 1o$ ha- -one; :
-re" her o$t a bit an- rea'i6e- that the1 "ere a'' o% them %eats o% "hich 1o$ "ere capab'e; !hat
e'iminate- the notion o% it bein) a -o$b'e; :t ha- to be either 1o$ or 1o$r sha-o"; !his in min-4
e&en i% Cor-e'' "as not Cor"in he "as a c'$e4 a c'$e that 1o$ "ere or ha- been in that sha-1
nei)hborhoo-Dthe %irst rea' c'$e : ha- come across concernin) 1o$r "hereabo$ts; : ha- to
p$rs$e it; : be)an keepin) track o% 1o$ then4 checkin) into 1o$r past; !he more peop'e :
<$estione-4 the more p$66'in) it became; :n %act4 a%ter se&era' months : "as sti'' $nab'e to
-eci-e; !here "ere eno$)h sm$-)1 areas to make it possib'e; !hin)s "ere reso'&e- %or me the
%o''o"in) s$mmer4 tho$)h4 "hen : re&isite- Amber %or a time; : mentione- the pec$'iar a%%air to
F=e'';;;he "asD-some"hatDa"areDo% the possibi'it1;G
(he pa$se- an- rearran)e- her )'o&es on the seat besi-e her;
F*h-h$h4G : sai-; FE$st "hat -i- he te'' 1o$>G
F!hat it mi)ht be the rea' 1o$4G she sai-; F,e to'- me there ha- beenDan acci-ent;G
F=e''4 no4G she a-mitte-; FNot an acci-ent; ,e sai- there ha- been a %i)ht an- he ha- in?$re-
1o$; ,e tho$)ht 1o$ "ere )oin) to -ie4 an- he -i- not "ant the b'ame; (o he transporte- 1o$ o%%
into (ha-o" an- 'e%t 1o$ there4 in that p'ace; A%ter a 'on) "hi'e4 he -eci-e- that 1o$ m$st be
-ea-4 that it "as %ina''1 a'' o&er bet"een 1o$; B1 ne"s nat$ra''1 -ist$rbe- him; (o he s"ore me
to secrec1 an- sent me back to keep 1o$ $n-er s$r&ei''ance; : ha- a )oo- e.c$se %or bein) there4
as : ha- a'rea-1 to'- e&er1one ho" m$ch : 'ike- the p'ace;G
FAo$ -i-n@t promise to keep si'ent %or nothin); +'ora; =hat -i- he )i&e 1o$>G
F,e )a&e me his "or- that sho$'- he e&er come into po"er here in Amber4 : "o$'- not be
FA 'itt'e risk14G : sai-; FA%ter a''4 that "o$'- sti'' 'ea&e 1o$ "ith somethin) on himDkno"'e-)e
o% the "hereabo$ts o% a ri&a' c'aimant4 an- o% his part in p$ttin) him there;G
F!r$e; B$t thin)s sort o% ba'ance- o$t4 an- : "o$'- ha&e to a-mit ha&in) become an accomp'ice
in or-er to ta'k abo$t it;G
: no--e-;
F!i)ht4 b$t not impossib'e4G : a)ree-; FB$t -i- 1o$ think he "o$'- 'et me contin$e 'i&in) i% he
e&er -i- )et a chance at the throne>G
F!hat "as ne&er -isc$sse-; Ne&er;G
F:t m$st ha&e crosse- 1o$r min-4 tho$)h;G
FAes4 'ater4G she sai-4 Fan- : -eci-e- that he "o$'- probab'1 -o nothin); A%ter a''4 it "as
be)innin) to seem 'ike'1 that 1o$ ha- been -epri&e- o% 1o$r memor1; !here "as no reason to -o
an1thin) to 1o$ so 'on) as 1o$ "ere harm'ess;G
F(o 1o$ sta1e- on to "atch me4 to see that : remaine- harm'ess>G
F=hat "o$'- 1o$ ha&e -one ha- : sho"n si)ns o% reco&erin) m1 memor1>G
(he 'ooke- at me4 then 'ooke- a"a1;
F: "o$'- ha&e reporte- it to 2ric;G
FAn- "hat "o$'- he ha&e -one then>G
F: -on@t kno";G
: 'a$)he- a 'itt'e4 an- she b'$she-; : co$'- not remember the 'ast time : ha- seen +'ora b'$sh;
F: "i'' not be'abor the ob&io$s4G : sai-; FA'' ri)ht4 1o$ sta1e- on4 1o$ "atche- me; =hat ne.t>
=hat happene->G
FNothin) specia'; Ao$ ?$st "ent on 'ea-in) 1o$r 'i%e an- : "ent on keepin) track o% it;G
FA'' o% the others kne" "here 1o$ "ere>G
FAes; :@- make no secret o% m1 "hereabo$ts; :n %act4 a'' o% them came aro$n- to &isit me at one
time or another;G
F!hat inc'$-es 0an-om>G
(he c$r'e- her 'ip;
FAes4 se&era' times4G she sai-;
F=h1 the sneer>G
F:t is too 'ate to start preten-in) : 'ike him4G she sai-; FAo$ kno"; : ?$st -on@t 'ike the peop'e he
associates "ithDassorte- crimina's4 ?a66 m$sicians;;;; : ha- to sho" him %ami'1 co$rtes1 "hen
he "as &isitin) m1 sha-o"4 b$t he p$t a bi) strain on m1 ner&es4 brin)in) those peop'e aro$n- at
a'' ho$rsD?am sessions4 poker parties; !he p'ace $s$a''1 reeke- %or "eeks a%ter"ar- an- : "as
a'"a1s )'a- to see him )o; (orr1; : kno" 1o$ 'ike him4 b$t 1o$ "ante- the tr$th;G
F,e o%%en-e- 1o$r -e'icate sensibi'ities; Oka1; : no" -irect 1o$r attention to the brie% time "hen
: "as 1o$r )$est; 0an-om ?oine- $s rather abr$pt'1; P$rs$in) him "ere ha'% a -o6en nast1
%e''o"s "hom "e -ispatche- in 1o$r 'i&in) room;G
F: reca'' the e&ent <$ite &i&i-'1;G
F/o 1o$ reca'' the )$1s responsib'eDthe creat$res "e ha- to -ea' "ith>G
F($%%icient'1 "e'' to reco)ni6e one i% 1o$ e&er sa" another>G
F: think so;G
F#oo-; ,a- 1o$ e&er seen one be%ore>G
F,a- 1o$ e&er hear- them -escribe- an1"here>G
FNot that : can remember; =h1>G
: shook m1 hea-;
FNot 1et; !his is m1 in<$isition4 remember> No" : "ant 1o$ to think back %or a time be%ore that
e&enin); Back to the e&ent that p$t me in #reen"oo-; Ba1be e&en a 'itt'e ear'ier; =hat
happene-4 an- ho" -i- 1o$ %in- o$t abo$t it> =hat "ere the circ$mstances> =hat "as 1o$r part
in thin)s>G
FAes4G she sai-; F: kne" 1o$ "o$'- ask me that sooner or 'ater; =hat happene- "as that 2ric
contacte- me the -a1 a%ter it occ$rre-D%rom Amber4 &ia m1 !r$mp;G
(he )'ance- at me a)ain4 ob&io$s'1 to see ho" : "as takin) it4 to st$-1 m1 reactions; : remaine-
F,e to'- me 1o$ ha- been in a ba- acci-ent the pre&io$s e&enin)4 an- that 1o$ "ere
hospita'i6e-; ,e to'- me to ha&e 1o$ trans%erre- to a pri&ate p'ace4 one "here : co$'- ha&e more
sa1 as to the co$rse o% 1o$r treatment;G
F:n other "or-s4 he "ante- me to sta1 a &e)etab'e;G
F,e "ante- them to keep 1o$ se-ate-;G
F/i- he or -i- he not a-mit to bein) responsib'e %or the acci-ent>G
F,e -i- not sa1 that he ha- ha- someone shoot o$t 1o$r tire4 b$t he -i- kno" that that "as "hat
ha- happene-; ,o" e'se co$'- he ha&e kno"n> =hen : 'earne- 'ater that he "as p'annin) to take
the throne4 : ass$me- that he ha- %ina''1 -eci-e- it "as best to remo&e 1o$ entire'1; =hen the
attempt %ai'e-4 it seeme- 'o)ica' that he "o$'- -o the ne.t most e%%ecti&e thin)8 see that 1o$ "ere
kept o$t o% the "a1 $nti' a%ter the coronation;G
F: "as not a"are that the tire ha- been shot o$t4G : sai-;
,er %ace chan)e-; (he reco&ere-;
FAo$ to'- me that 1o$ kne" it "as not an acci-entDthat someone ha- trie- to ki'' 1o$; :
ass$me- 1o$ "ere a"are o% the speci%ics;G
: "as trea-in) on s'i)ht'1 m$ck1 )ro$n- a)ain %or the %irst time in a 'on) "hi'e; : sti'' ha- a bit
o% amnesia4 an- : ha- -eci-e- : probab'1 a'"a1s "o$'-; B1 memories o% the %e" -a1s prior to
the acci-ent "ere sti'' spott1; !he Pattern ha- restore- the 'ost memories o% m1 entire 'i%e $p
$nti' then4 b$t the tra$ma appeare- to ha&e -estro1e- reco''ection o% some o% the e&ents
imme-iate'1 prece-in) it; Not an $ncommon occ$rrence; Or)anic -ama)e rather than simp'e
%$nctiona' -istress4 most 'ike'1; : "as happ1 eno$)h to ha&e a'' the rest back4 so those -i- not
seem especia''1 'amentab'e; As to the acci-ent itse'%4 an- m1 %ee'in)s that it ha- been more than
an acci-ent4 : -i- reca'' the )$nshots; !here ha- been t"o o% them; : mi)ht e&en ha&e )'impse-
the %i)$re "ith the ri%'eD%'eetin)'14 too 'ate; Or ma1be that "as p$re %antas1; :t seeme- that :
ha-4 tho$)h; : ha- ha- somethin) 'ike that in min- "hen : ha- hea-e- o$t %or =estchester; 2&en
at this 'ate time; tho$)h4 "hen : he'- the po"er in Amber4 : "as 'oath to a-mit this sin)'e
-e%icienc1; : ha- %ake- m1 "a1 "ith +'ora be%ore "ith a 'ot 'ess to )o on; : -eci-e- to stick "ith
a "innin) combination;
F: "as in no position to )et o$t an- see "hat ha- been hit4G : sai-; F: hear- the shots; : 'ost
contro'; : ha- ass$me- that it "as a tire4 b$t : ne&er kne" %or s$re; !he on'1 reason : raise- the
<$estion "as beca$se : "as c$rio$s as to ho" 1o$ kne" it "as a tire;G
F: a'rea-1 to'- 1o$ that 2ric to'- me abo$t it;G
F:t "as the "a1 that 1o$ sai- it that bothere- me; Ao$ ma-e it so$n- as i% 1o$ a'rea-1 kne" a''
the -etai's be%ore he contacte- 1o$;G
(he shook her hea-;
F!hen par-on m1 s1nta.4G she sai-; F!hat sometimes happens "hen 1o$ 'ook at thin)s a%ter the
%act; : am )oin) to ha&e to -en1 "hat 1o$ are imp'1in); : ha- nothin) to -o "ith it an- : ha- no
prior kno"'e-)e that it ha- occ$rre-;G
F(ince 2ric is no 'on)er aro$n- to con%irm or -en1 an1thin)4 "e "i'' simp'1 ha&e to 'et it )o4G :
sai-4 F%or no"4G an- : sai- it to make her 'ook e&en har-er to her -e%ense4 to -irect her attention
a"a1 %rom an1 possib'e s'ip4 either in "or- or e.pression4 %rom "hich she mi)ht in%er the sma''
%'a" "hich sti'' e.iste- in m1 memor1;
F/i- 1o$ 'ater become a"are o% the i-entit1 o% the person "ith the )$n>G : aske-;
FNe&er4G she sai-; FBost 'ike'1 some hire- th$); : -on@t kno";G
F,a&e 1o$ an1 i-ea ho" 'on) : "as $nconscio$s be%ore someone %o$n- me4 took me to a
(he shook her hea- a)ain;
(omethin) "as botherin) me an- : co$'- not <$ite p$t m1 %in)er on it;
F/i- 2ric sa1 "hat time : ha- been taken into the hospita'>G
F=hen : "as "ith 1o$4 "h1 -i- 1o$ tr1 "a'kin) back to Amber rather than $sin) 2ric@s !r$mp>G
F: co$'-n@t raise him;G
FAo$ co$'- ha&e ca''e- someone e'se to brin) 1o$ thro$)h4G : sai-; F+'ora4 : think 1o$ are '1in)
to me;G
:t "as rea''1 on'1 a test4 to obser&e her reaction; =h1 not>
FAbo$t "hat>G she aske-; F: co$'-n@t raise an1one e'se; !he1 "ere a'' other"ise occ$pie-; :s
that "hat 1o$ mean>G
(he st$-ie- me;
: raise- m1 arm an- pointe- at her an- the 'i)htnin) %'ashe- at m1 back4 ?$st o$tsi-e the
"in-o"; : %e't a tin)'e4 a mi'- ?o't; !he th$n-erc'ap "as a'so impressi&e; FAo$ sin b1 omission4G
: trie-;
(he co&ere- her %ace "ith her han-s an- be)an to "eep;
F: -on@t kno" "hat 1o$ meanIG she sai-; F: ans"ere- a'' 1o$r <$estionsI =hat -o 1o$ "ant> :
-on@t kno" "here 1o$ "ere )oin) or "ho shot at 1o$ or "hat time it occ$rre-I : ?$st kno" the
%acts :@&e )i&en 1o$4 -amn itIG
(he "as either sincere or $nbreakab'e b1 these means4 : -eci-e-; =hiche&er4 : "as "astin) m1
time an- co$'- )et nothin) more this "a1; A'so4 : ha- better s"itch $s a"a1 %rom the acci-ent
be%ore she be)an thinkin) too m$ch abo$t its importance to me; :% there "as somethin) there that
: "as missin)4 : "ante- to %in- it %irst;
FCome "ith me4G : sai-;
F=here are "e )oin)>G
F: ha&e somethin) : "ant 1o$ to i-enti%1; : "i'' te'' 1o$ "h1 a%ter 1o$ see it;G
(he rose an- %o''o"e- me; : took her $p the ha'' to see the bo-1 be%ore : )a&e her the stor1 on
Caine; (he re)ar-e- the corpse <$ite -ispassionate'1; (he no--e-;
FAes4G she sai-4 an-4 F2&en i% : -i- not kno" it : "o$'- be )'a- to sa1 that : -i-4 %or 1o$;G
: )r$nte- a noncommitta'; +ami'1 'o1a't1 a'"a1s to$ches me4 some"here; : co$'- not te''
"hether she be'ie&e- "hat : ha- sai- abo$t Caine; B$t thin)s sort o% cana' to e<$a' thin)s sort o%
bein) e<$a' to each other; it -i-n@t m$ch seem to matter; : -i- not te'' her an1thin) abo$t Bran-
an- she -i- not seem to possess an1 ne" in%ormation concernin) him; ,er on'1 other comment
"hen e&er1thin) :@- ha- to sa1 "as sai-4 "as4 FAo$ "ear the ?e"e' "e''; =hat abo$t the
F:t is too soon to ta'k o% s$ch thin)s4G : to'- her;
F=hate&er m1 s$pport ma1 be "orth;;;G
F: kno"4G : sai-; F: kno";G
B1 tomb is a <$iet p'ace; :t stan-s a'one in a rock1 -ec'i&it14 shie'-e- on three si-es a)ainst the
e'ements4 s$rro$n-e- b1 transporte- soi' "herein a pair o% scr$bb1 trees4 misce''aneo$s shr$bs4
"ee-s4 an- )reat ropes o% mo$ntain i&1 are roote-4 abo$t t"o mi'es -o"n4 in back o% the crest o%
3o'&ir; :t is a 'on)4 'o" b$i'-in) "ith t"o benches in %ront4 an- the i&1 has contri&e- to co&er it
to a )reat e.tent4 merci%$''1 maskin) most o% a bombastic statement )ra&en on its %ace beneath
m1 name; :t is4 $n-erstan-ab'14 &acant most o% the time;
!hat e&enin)4 ho"e&er4 #ane'on an- : repaire- thither4 accompanie- b1 a )oo- s$pp'1 o% "ine
an- some 'oa&es an- co'- c$ts;
FAo$ "eren@t ?okin)IG he sai-4 ha&in) -ismo$nte-4 crosse- o&er4 an- parte- the i&14 ab'e to rea-
b1 the moon@s 'i)ht the "or-s that "ere ren-ere- there;
FO% co$rse not4G : sai-4 c'imbin) -o"n an- takin) char)e o% the horses; F:t@s mine a'' ri)ht;G
!etherin) o$r mo$nts to a nearb1 shr$b4 : $ns'$n) o$r ba)s o% pro&isions an- carrie- them to the
nearest bench; #ane'on ?oine- me as : opene- the %irst bott'e an- po$re- $s a -ark4 -eep pair;
F: sti'' -on@t $n-erstan-4G he sai-4 acceptin) his;
F=hat@s there to $n-erstan-> :@m -ea- an- b$rie- there4G : sai-; F:t@s m1 cenotaph4 is "hat it isD
the mon$ment that )ets set $p "hen the bo-1 has not been reco&ere-; : on'1 ?$st 'earne- abo$t
mine recent'1; :t "as raise- se&era' cent$ries a)o4 "hen it "as -eci-e- : "asn@t comin) back;G
F3in- o% spook14G he sai-; F=hat@s insi-e then>G
FNothin); !ho$)h the1 -i- tho$)ht%$''1 pro&i-e a niche an- a casket4 ?$st in case m1 remains
p$t in an appearance; Ao$ co&er both bets that "a1;G
#ane'on ma-e himse'% a san-"ich;
F=hose i-ea "as it>G he aske-;
F0an-om thinks it "as Bran-@s or 2ric@s; No one remembers %or s$re; !he1 a'' seeme- to %ee' it
"as a )oo- i-ea at the time;G
,e ch$ck'e-4 an e&i' noise that per%ect'1 s$ite- his crease-4 scarre-4 an- re--bear-e- se'%;
F=hat@s to become o% it no">G
: shr$))e-;
F: s$ppose some o% them think it@s a shame to "aste it this "a1 an- "o$'- 'ike to see me %i'' it;
:n the meantime4 tho$)h4 it@s a )oo- p'ace to come an- )et -r$nk; : ha-n@t rea''1 pai- m1 respects
1et; G
: p$t to)ether a pair o% san-"iches an- ate them both; !his "as the %irst rea' breather : ha- ha-
since m1 ret$rn4 an- perhaps the 'ast %or some time to come; :t "as impossib'e to sa1; B$t : ha-
not rea''1 ha- a chance to speak "ith #ane'on at an1 'en)th -$rin) the past "eek4 an- he "as
one o% the %e" persons : tr$ste-; : "ante- to te'' him e&er1thin); : ha- to; : ha- to ta'k "ith
someone "ho "as not a part o% it in the same "a1 as the rest o% $s; (o : -i-;
!he moon mo&e- a consi-erab'e -istance an- the shar-s o% broken )'ass m$'tip'ie- "ithin m1
F(o ho" -i- the others take it>G he aske- me;
FPre-ictab'14G : ans"ere-; F: co$'- te'' that E$'ian -i- not be'ie&e a "or- o% it e&en tho$)h he
sai- that he -i-; ,e kno"s ho" : %ee' abo$t him4 an- he is in no position to cha''en)e me; : -on@t
think Bene-ict be'ie&es me either4 b$t he is a 'ot har-er to rea-; ,e is bi-in) his time4 an- : hope
)i&in) me the bene%it o% the -o$bt "hi'e he is abo$t it; As %or #erar-4 : ha&e the %ee'in) that this
"as the %ina' "ei)ht4 an- "hate&er tr$st he ha- 'e%t %or me has ?$st co''apse-; (ti''4 he "i'' be
ret$rnin) to Amber ear'1 tomorro"4 to accompan1 me to the )ro&e to reco&er Caine@s bo-1; No
sense in t$rnin) it into a sa%ari4 b$t : -i- "ant another %ami'1 member present; /eir-re no"Dshe
seeme- happ1 abo$t it; /i-n@t be'ie&e a "or-; :@m s$re; B$t no matter; (he has a'"a1s been on
m1 si-e4 an- she has ne&er 'ike- Caine; :@- sa1 she is )'a- that : seem to be conso'i-atin) m1
position; : can@t rea''1 te'' "hether 9'e"e''a be'ie&e- me or not; (he -oesn@t m$ch )i&e a -amn
"hat the rest o% $s -o to one another4 so %ar as : can see; As to +iona4 she simp'1 seeme- am$se-
at the "ho'e b$siness; B$t then4 she has a'"a1s ha- this -etache-4 s$perior "a1 o% re)ar-in)
thin)s; Ao$ can ne&er be certain "hat represents her rea' thinkin);G
F/i- 1o$ te'' them the b$siness abo$t Bran- 1et>G
FNo; : to'- them abo$t Caine an- : to'- them : "ante- them a'' to be in Amber b1 tomorro"
e&enin); !hat is "hen the s$b?ect o% Bran- "i'' be raise-; :@&e an i-ea : "ant to tr1 o$t;G
FAo$ contacte- a'' o% them b1 means o% the !r$mps>G
F!hat@s ri)ht;G
F!here is somethin) : ha&e been meanin) to ask 1o$ abo$t that; Back on the sha-o" "or'- "e
&isite- to obtain the "eapons4 there are te'ephones;;;;G
F: 'earne- abo$t "iretaps an- s$ch "hi'e "e "ere there; :s it possib'e4 -o 1o$ think4 that the
!r$mps co$'- be b$))e->G
: be)an to 'a$)h4 then ca$)ht m1se'% as some o% the imp'ications o% his s$))estion sank in;
+ina''14 F: -on@t rea''1 kno"4G : sai-; F(o m$ch concernin) /"orkin@s "ork remains a m1ster1D
the tho$)ht ?$st ne&er occ$rre- to me; :@&e ne&er trie- it m1se'%; : "on-er4 tho$)h;;;;G
F/o 1o$ kno" ho" man1 sets there are>G
F=e''4 e&er1one in the %ami'1 has a pack or t"o an- there "ere a -o6en or so spares in the
'ibrar1; : -on@t rea''1 kno" "hether there are an1 others;G
F:t seems to me that a 'ot co$'- be 'earne- ?$st b1 'istenin) in;G
FAes; /a-@s -eck; Bran-@s4 m1 ori)ina' pack4 the one 0an-om 'ostD,e''I !here are <$ite a
n$mber $nacco$nte- %or these -a1s; : -on@t kno" "hat to -o abo$t it; (tart an in&entor1 an- tr1
some e.periments4 : )$ess; !hanks %or mentionin) it;G
,e no--e- an- "e both sippe- %or a "hi'e in si'ence;
!hen4 F=hat are 1o$ )oin) to -o4 Cor"in>G he aske-;
FAbo$t "hat>G
FAbo$t e&er1thin); =hat -o "e attack no"4 an- in "hat or-er>G
FB1 ori)ina' intention "as to be)in tracin) the b'ack roa- to"ar- its ori)in as soon as thin)s
"ere more sett'e- here in Amber4G : sai-; FNo"4 tho$)h4 : ha&e shi%te- m1 priorities; : "ant
Bran- ret$rne- as soon as possib'e4 i% he is sti'' 'i&in); :% not4 : "ant to %in- o$t "hat happene- to
FB$t "i'' the enem1 )i&e 1o$ the breathin) time> ,e mi)ht be preparin) a ne" o%%ensi&e ri)ht
FAes4 o% co$rse; : ha&e consi-ere- that; : %ee' "e ha&e some time4 since the1 "ere -e%eate- so
recent'1; !he1 "i'' ha&e to p$'' themse'&es to)ether a)ain4 bee% $p their %orces4 reassess the
sit$ation in 'i)ht o% o$r ne" "eapons; =hat : ha&e in min- %or the moment is to estab'ish a series
o% 'ooko$t stations a'on) the roa- to )i&e $s a-&ance "arnin) o% an1 ne" mo&ements on their
part; Bene-ict has a'rea-1 a)ree- to take char)e o% the operation;G
F: "on-er ho" m$ch time "e ha&e;G
: po$re- him another -rink4 as it "as the on'1 ans"er : co$'- think o%;
F!hin)s "ere ne&er this comp'icate- back in A&a'onDo$r A&a'on4 : mean;G
F!r$e4G : sai-; FAo$ are not the on'1 one "ho misses those -a1s; At 'east4 the1 seem simp'er
,e no--e-; : o%%ere- him a ci)arette4 b$t he -ec'ine- in %a&or o% his pipe; :n the %'ame'i)ht4 he
st$-ie- the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment "hich sti'' h$n) abo$t m1 neck;
FAo$ sa1 1o$ can rea''1 contro' the "eather "ith that thin)>G he aske-;
FAes4G : sai-;
F,o" -o 1o$ kno">G
F:@&e trie- it; :t "orks;G
F=hat -i- 1o$ -o>G
F!hat storm this a%ternoon; :t "as mine;G
F: "on-er; G
F: "on-er "hat : "o$'- ha&e -one "ith that sort o% po"er; =hat : "o$'- -o "ith it;G
F!he %irst thin) that crosse- m1 min-4G : sai-4 s'appin) the "a'' o% m1 tomb4 F"as to -estro1
this p'ace b1 'i)htnin)-strike it repeate-'1 an- re-$ce it to r$bb'e; 9ea&e no -o$bt in an1one@s
min- as to m1 %ee'in)s4 m1 po"er;G
F=h1 -i-n@t 1o$>G
F#ot to thinkin) abo$t it a bit more then; /eci-e-D,e''I !he1 mi)ht rea''1 ha&e a $se %or the
p'ace be%ore too 'on)4 i% :@m not smart eno$)h or to$)h eno$)h or '$ck1 eno$)h; ($ch bein) the
case4 : trie- to -eci-e "here : "o$'- 'ike them to -$mp m1 bones; :t ca$)ht me then that this is
rea''1 a prett1 )oo- spotD$p hi)h4 c'ean4 "here the e'ements sti'' "a'k nake-; Nothin) in si)ht
b$t rock an- sk1; (tars4 c'o$-s4 s$n4 moon4 "in-4 rain;;;better compan1 than a 'ot o% other sti%%s;
/on@t kno" "h1 : sho$'- ha&e to 'ie besi-e an1one : "o$'-n@t "ant ne.t to me no"4 an- there
aren@t man1;G
FAo$@re )ettin) morbi-4 Cor"in; Or -r$nk; Or both; Bitter4 too; Ao$ -on@t nee- that;G
F=ho the he'' are 1o$ to sa1 "hat : nee->G
: %e't him sti%%en besi-e me4 then re'a.;
F: -on@t kno"4G he %ina''1 sai-; FE$st sa1in) "hat : see;G
F,o" are the troops ho'-in) $p>G : aske-;
F: think the1 are sti'' be"i'-ere-4 Cor"in; !he1 came to %i)ht a ho'1 "ar on the s'opes o%
hea&en; !he1 think that@s "hat the shootin) "as a'' abo$t 'ast "eek; (o the1 are happ1 on that
co$nt4 seein) as "e "on; B$t no" this "aitin)4 in the cit1;;;!he1 -on@t $n-erstan- the p'ace;
(ome o% the ones the1 tho$)ht to be enemies are no" %rien-s; !he1 are con%$se-; !he1 kno"
the1 are bein) kept rea-1 %or combat4 b$t the1 ha&e no i-ea a)ainst "hom4 or "hen; As the1
ha&e been restricte- to the bi''ets the "ho'e time4 the1 ha&e not 1et rea'i6e- the e.tent to "hich
their presence is resente- b1 the re)$'ars an- the pop$'ation at 'ar)e; !he1 "i'' probab'1 be
catchin) on %air'1 soon4 tho$)h; : ha- been "aitin) to raise the s$b?ect4 b$t 1o$@&e been so b$s1
: sat smokin) %or a time;
!hen4 F: )$ess : ha- better ha&e a ta'k "ith them4G : sai-; F=on@t ha&e a chance tomorro"4
tho$)h4 an- somethin) sho$'- be -one soon; : think the1 sho$'- be mo&e-Dto a bi&o$ac area in
the +orest o% Ar-en; !omorro"4 1es; :@'' 'ocate it %or 1o$ on the map "hen "e )et back; !e'' them
it is to keep them c'ose to the b'ack roa-; !e'' them that another attack co$'- come that "a1 at
an1 timeD"hich is no 'ess than the tr$th; /ri'' them4 maintain their %i)htin) e-)e; :@'' come
-o"n as soon as : can an- ta'k to them;G
F!hat "i'' 'ea&e 1o$ "itho$t a persona' %orce in Amber;G
F!r$e; :t ma1 pro&e a $se%$' risk4 tho$)h4 both as a -emonstration o% con%i-ence an- a )est$re o%
consi-eration; Aes4 : think it "i'' t$rn o$t to be a )oo- mo&e; :% not ;G : shr$))e-;
: po$re- an- tosse- another empt1 into m1 tomb;
FB1 the "a14G : sai-4 F:@m sorr1;G
F=hat %or>G
F: ?$st notice- that : am morbi- an- -r$nk an- bitter; : -on@t nee- that;G
,e ch$ck'e- an- c'icke- his )'ass a)ainst m1 o"n;
F: kno"4G he sai-; F: kno";G
(o "e sat there "hi'e the moon %e''4 ti'' the 'ast bott'e "as interre- amon) its %e''o"s; =e ta'ke-
%or a time o% -a1s )one b1; At 'en)th "e %e'' si'ent an- m1 e1es -ri%te- to the stars abo&e Amber;
:t "as )oo- that "e ha- come to this p'ace4 b$t no" the cit1 "as ca''in) me back; 3no"in) m1
tho$)hts4 #ane'on rose an- stretche-4 hea-e- %or the horses; : re'ie&e- m1se'% besi-e m1 tomb
an- %o''o"e- him;
Chapter !
!he #ro&e o% the *nicorn 'ies in Ar-en to the so$th"est o% 3o'&ir4 near to that ?$ttin) p'ace
"here the 'an- be)ins its %ina' -escent into the &a''e1 ca''e- #amath; =hi'e #amath ha- been
c$rse-4 b$rne-4 in&a-e-4 an- %o$)ht thro$)h in recent 1ears4 the a-?acent hi)h'an-s stoo-
$nmo'este-; !he )ro&e "here /a- c'aime- to ha&e seen the $nicorn a)es be%ore an- to ha&e
e.perience- the pec$'iar e&ents "hich 'e- to his a-optin) the beast as the patron o% Amber an-
p'acin) it on his coat o% arms4 "as4 as near as "e co$'- te''4 a spot no" b$t s'i)ht'1 screene-
%rom the 'on) &ie" across #amath to the sea-t"ent1 or thirt1 paces in %rom the $pper e-)e o%
thin)s8 an as1mmetrica' )'a-e "here a sma'' sprin) trick'e- %rom a mass o% rock4 %orme- a c'ear
poo'4 brimme- into a tin1 creek4 ma-e its "a1 o%% to"ar- #amath an- on -o"n;
:t "as to this p'ace that #erar- an- : ro-e the %o''o"in) -a14 'ea&in) at an ho$r that %o$n- $s
ha'%"a1 -o"n o$r trai' %rom 3o'&ir be%ore the s$n skippe- %'akes o% 'i)ht across the ocean4 then
cast its "ho'e b$cket%$' a)ainst the sk1; #erar- -re" rein as it "as -oin) this; ,e -ismo$nte-
then an- motione- to me to -o the same; : -i-4 'ea&in) (tar an- the pack horse : "as 'ea-in)
there besi-e his o"n h$)e pieba'-; : %o''o"e- him o%% perhaps a -o6en paces into a basin ha'%-
%i''e- "ith )ra&e'; ,e ha'te- an- : came $p besi-e him;
F=hat is it>G : aske-;
,e t$rne- an- %ace- me an- his e1es "ere narro" an- his ?a" c'ampe- ti)ht; ,e $n%astene- his
c'oak4 %o'-e- it4 an- p'ace- it on the )ro$n-; ,e $nc'appe- his s"or-be't an- 'a1 it atop the
F#et ri- o% 1o$r b'a-e an- 1o$r c'oak4G he sai-; F!he1 "i'' on'1 )et in the "a1;G
: ha- an ink'in) o% "hat "as comin)4 an- : -eci-e- : ha- better )o a'on) "ith it; : %o'-e- m1
c'oak4 p'ace- the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment besi-e #ra1s"an-ir4 an- %ace- him once a)ain; : sai- on'1
one "or-;
F:t has been a 'on) time4G he sai-4 Fan- 1o$ mi)ht ha&e %or)otten;G
,e came at me s'o"'14 an- : )ot m1 arms o$t in %ront o% me an- backe- a"a1; ,e -i- not s"in)
at me; : $se- to be %aster than he "as; =e "ere both cro$che-4 an- he "as makin) s'o"4 pa"in)
mo&ements "ith his 'e%t han-4 his ri)ht han- nearer to his bo-14 t"itchin) s'i)ht'1;
:% : ha- ha- to choose a p'ace to %i)ht "ith #erar-4 this "o$'- not ha&e been it; ,e4 o% co$rse4
"as a"are o% this; :% : ha- to %i)ht "ith #erar- at a''4 : "o$'- not ha&e chosen to -o so "ith m1
han-s; : am better than #erar- "ith a b'a-e or a <$artersta%%; An1thin) that in&o'&e- spee- an-
strate)1 an- )a&e me a chance to hit him occasiona''1 "hi'e keepin) him at ba1 "o$'- permit
me to "ear him -o"n e&ent$a''1 an- pro&i-e openin)s %or hea&ier an- hea&ier assa$'ts; ,e4 o%
co$rse4 "as a"are o% this a'so; !hat is "h1 he ha- trappe- me as he ha-; : $n-erstoo- #erar-4
tho$)h4 an- : ha- to p'a1 b1 his r$'es no";
: br$she- his han- a"a1 a co$p'e o% times as he steppe- $p his mo&ements4 pressin) nearer to
me "ith e&er1 pace; +ina''1 : took a chance4 -$cke- an- s"$n); : 'an-e- a %ast4 har- 'e%t ?$st a
'itt'e abo&e his mi--'e; :t "o$'- ha&e broken a sto$t boar- or r$pt$re- the insi-es o% a 'esser
morta'; *n%ort$nate'14 time ha- not so%tene- #erar-; : hear- him )r$nt4 b$t he b'ocke- m1 ri)ht4
)ot his ri)ht han- $n-er m1 'e%t arm4 an- ca$)ht m1 sho$'-er %rom behin-;
: c'ose- "ith him %ast then4 anticipatin) a sho$'-er 'ock : mi)ht not be ab'e to breakC an-4
t$rnin)4 -ri&in) %or"ar-4 catchin) his 'e%t sho$'-er in a simi'ar %ashion4 : hooke- m1 ri)ht 'e)
behin- his knee an- "as ab'e to cast him back"ar- to the )ro$n-;
,e maintaine- his )rip4 tho$)h4 an- : came -o"n atop him; : re'ease- m1 o"n ho'- an- "as
ab'e to -ri&e m1 ri)ht e'bo" into his 'e%t si-e as "e hit; !he an)'e "as not i-ea' an- his 'e%t han-
"ent $p an- across4 reachin) to )rasp his ri)ht some"here behin- m1 hea-;
: "as ab'e to -$ck o$t o% it4 b$t he sti'' ha- m1 arm; +or a moment : ha- a c'ear shot at his )roin
"ith m1 ri)ht4 b$t : restraine- m1se'%; :t is not that : ha&e an1 <$a'ms abo$t hittin) a man be'o"
his be't; : kne" that i% : -i- it to #erar- ?$st then his re%' "o$'- probab'1 ca$se him to break
m1 sho$'-er; :nstea-4 scrapin) m1 %orearm on the )ra&e'4 : mana)e- to t"ist m1 'e%t arm $p
behin- his hea-4 "hi'e at the same time s'i-in) m1 ri)ht arm bet"een his 'e)s an- catchin) him
abo$t the 'e%t thi)h; : ro''e- back as : -i- this4 attemptin) to strai)hten m1 'e)s as soon as m1 %eet
"ere beneath me; : "ante- to raise him o%% the )ro$n- an- s'am him -o"n a)ain4 -ri&in) m1
sho$'-er into his mi--'e %or )oo- meas$re;
B$t #erar- scissore- his 'e)s an- ro''e- to the 'e%t4 %orcin) me to somersa$'t across his bo-1; :
'et )o m1 ho'- on his hea- an- p$''e- m1 'e%t arm %ree as : "ent o&er; : scramb'e- c'ock"ise
then4 -ra))in) m1 ri)ht arm a"a1 an- )oin) %or a toeho'-;
B$t #erar- "o$'- ha&e none o% that; ,e ha- )otten his arms beneath him b1 then; =ith one
)reat hea&e he tore himse'% %ree an- t"iste- his "a1 back to his %eet; : strai)htene- m1se'% an-
'eape- back"ar-s; ,e be)an mo&in) to"ar- me imme-iate'14 an- : -eci-e- that he "as )oin) to
ma$' the he'' o$t o% me i% : ?$st kept )rapp'in) "ith him; : ha- to take a %e" chances;
: "atche- his %eet4 an- at "hat : ?$-)e- to be the best moment : -o&e in beneath his e.ten-e-
arms ?$st as he "as shi%tin) his "ei)ht %or"ar- onto his 'e%t %oot an- raisin) his ri)ht; : "as ab'e
to catch ho'- o% his ri)ht ank'e an- hoist it abo$t %o$r %eet hi)h behin- him; ,e "ent o&er an-
-o"n4 %or"ar- an- to his 'e%t;
,e scramb'e- to )et to his %eet an- : ca$)ht him on the ?a" "ith a 'e%t that knocke- him -o"n
a)ain; ,e shook his hea- an- b'ocke- "ith his arms as he came $p once more; : trie- to kick him
in the stomach4 b$t misse- as he pi&ote-4 catchin) him on the hip; ,e maintaine- his ba'ance an-
a-&ance- a)ain;
: thre" ?abs at his %ace an- circ'e-; : ca$)ht him t"ice more in the stomach an- -ance- a"a1;
,e smi'e-; ,e kne" : "as a%rai- to c'ose "ith him; : snappe- a kick at his stomach an-
connecte-; ,is arms -roppe- s$%%icient'1 %or me to chop him a'on)si-e the neck4 ?$st abo&e the
co''arbone; At that moment4 ho"e&er4 his arms shot %or"ar- an- 'ocke- abo$t m1 "aist; :
s'amme- his ?a" "ith the hee' o% m1 han-4 b$t it -i- not stop him %rom ti)htenin) his )rip an-
raisin) me abo&e the )ro$n-; !oo 'ate to hit him a)ain; !hose massi&e arms "ere a'rea-1
cr$shin) m1 ki-ne1s; : so$)ht his caroti-s "ith m1 th$mbs4 s<$ee6e-;
B$t he kept raisin) me4 back4 $p o&er his hea-; B1 )rip 'oosene-4 s'ippe- a"a1; !hen he
s'amme- me -o"n on m1 back in the )ra&e'4 as peasant "omen -o their 'a$n-r1 on rocks;
!here "ere e.p'o-in) points o% 'i)ht an- the "or'- "as a ?itterin)4 ha'%-rea' p'ace as he -ra))e-
me to m1 %eet a)ain; : sa" his %istD
!he s$nrise "as 'o&e'14 b$t the an)'e "as "ron); B1 abo$t ninet1 -e)rees;;;
($--en'1 : "as assai'e- b1 &erti)o; :t cance'e- o$t the be)innin) a"areness o% a roa-map o%
pains that ran a'on) m1 back an- reache- the bi) cit1 some"here in the &icinit1 o% m1 chin;
: "as han)in) hi)h in the air; B1 t$rnin) m1 hea- s'i)ht'1 : co$'- see %or a &er1 )reat -istance4
: %e't a set o% po"er%$' c'amps a%%i.e- to m1 bo-1Dsho$'-er an- thi)h; =hen : t$rne- to 'ook at
them4 : sa" that the1 "ere han-s; !"istin) m1 neck e&en %arther4 : sa" that the1 "ere #erar-@s
han-s; ,e "as ho'-in) me at %$'' arm@s 'en)th abo&e his hea-; ,e stoo- at the &er1 e-)e o% the
trai'4 an- : co$'- see #amath an- the termin$s o% the b'ack roa- %ar be'o"; :% he 'et )o4 part o% me
mi)ht ?oin the bir- -roppin)s that smeare- the c'i%% %ace an- the rest "o$'- come to resemb'e
"ashe--$p ?e''1%ish : ha- kno"n on beaches past;
FAes; 9ook -o"n4 Cor"in4G he sai-4 %ee'in) me stir4 )'ancin) $p4 meetin) m1 e1es; FA'' that :
nee- to -o is open m1 han-s;G
F: hear 1o$4G : sai- so%t'14 tr1in) to %i)$re a "a1 to -ra) him a'on) "ith me i% he -eci-e- to -o
F: am not a c'e&er man4G he sai-; FB$t : ha- a tho$)htDa terrib'e tho$)ht; !his is the on'1 "a1
that : kno" to -o somethin) abo$t it; B1 tho$)ht "as that 1o$ ha- been a"a1 %rom Amber %or an
a"%$''1 'on) "hi'e; : ha&e no "a1 o% kno"in) "hether the stor1 abo$t 1o$r 'osin) 1o$r memor1
is entire'1 tr$e; Ao$ ha&e come back an- 1o$ ha&e taken char)e o% thin)s4 b$t 1o$ -o not 1et
tr$'1 r$'e here; : "as tro$b'e- b1 the -eaths o% Bene-ict@s ser&ants4 as : am tro$b'e- no" b1 the
-eath o% Caine; B$t 2ric has -ie- recent'1 a'so4 an- Bene-ict is maime-; :t is not so eas1 to
b'ame 1o$ %or this part o% thin)s4 b$t it has occ$rre- to me that it mi)ht be possib'eDi% it sho$'-
be that 1o$ are secret'1 a''ie- "ith o$r enemies o% the b'ack roa-;G
F: am not4G : sai-;
F:t -oes not matter4 %or "hat : ha&e to sa14G he sai-; FE$st hear me o$t; !hin)s "i'' )o the "a1
that the1 "i'' )o; :%4 -$rin) 1o$r 'on) absence4 1o$ arran)e- this state o% a%%airsDpossib'1 e&en
remo&in) /a- an- Bran- as part o% 1o$r -esi)nDthen : see 1o$ as o$t to -estro1 a'' %ami'1
resistance to 1o$r $s$rpation;G
F=o$'- : ha&e -e'i&ere- m1se'% to 2ric to be b'in-e- an- imprisone- i% this "ere the case>G
F,ear me o$tIG he repeate-; FAo$ co$'- easi'1 ha&e ma-e mistakes that 'e- to that; :t -oes not
matter no"; Ao$ ma1 be as innocent as 1o$ sa1 or as )$i't1 as possib'e; 9ook -o"n4 Cor"in;
!hat is a''; 9ook -o"n at the b'ack roa-; /eath is the 'imit o% the -istance 1o$ tra&e' i% that is
1o$r -oin); : ha&e sho"n 1o$ m1 stren)th once a)ain4 'est 1o$ ha&e %or)otten; : can ki'' 1o$4
Cor"in; /o not e&en be certain that 1o$r b'a-e "i'' protect 1o$4 i% : can )et m1 han-s on 1o$ b$t
once; An- : "i''4 to keep m1 promise; B1 promise is on'1 that i% 1o$ are )$i't1 : "i'' ki'' 1o$ the
moment : 'earn o% it; 3no" a'so that m1 'i%e is ins$re-4 Cor"in4 %or it is 'inke- no" to 1o$r
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
FA'' o% the others are "ith $s at this moment4 &ia m1 !r$mp4 "atchin)4 'istenin); Ao$ cannot
arran)e m1 remo&a' no" "itho$t re&ea'in) 1o$r intentions to the entire %ami'1; !hat "a14 i% : -ie
%ors"orn4 m1 promise can sti'' be kept;G
F: )et the point4G : sai-; FAn- i% someone e'se ki''s 1o$> !he1 remo&e me4 a'so; !hat 'ea&es
E$'ian4 Bene-ict4 0an-om4 an- the )ir's to man the barrica-es; Better an- betterD%or "hoe&er it
is; =hose i-ea "as this4 rea''1>G
FBineI Bine a'oneIG he sai-4 an- : %e't his )rip ti)hten4 his arms ben- an- )ro" tense;
FAo$ are ?$st tr1in) to con%$se thin)sI 9ike 1o$ a'"a1s -oIG he )roane-; F!hin)s -i-n@t )o ba-
ti'' 1o$ came backI /amn it4 Cor"inI : think it@s 1o$r %a$'tIG
!hen he h$r'e- me into the air;
FNot )$i't14 #erar-IG "as a'' : ha- time to sho$t;
!hen he ca$)ht meDa )reat4 sho$'-er-"renchin) )rabDan- snatche- me back %rom the
precipice; ,e s"$n) me in an- aro$n- an- set me on m1 %eet; ,e "a'ke- o%% imme-iate'14
hea-in) back to the )ra&e''1 area "here "e ha- %o$)ht; : %o''o"e- him an- "e co''ecte- o$r
As he "as c'aspin) his bi) be't he 'ooke- $p at me an- 'ooke- a"a1 a)ain;
F=e@'' not ta'k abo$t it an1 more4G he sai-;
FA'' ri)ht;G
: t$rne- an- "a'ke- back to the horses; =e mo$nte- an- contin$e- on -o"n the trai';
!he sprin) ma-e its sma'' m$sic in the )ro&e; ,i)her no"4 the s$n str$n) 'ines o% 'i)ht thro$)h
the trees; !here "as sti'' some -e" on the )ro$n-; !he so- that : ha- c$t %or Caine@s )ra&e "as
moist "ith it;
: %etche- the spa-e that : ha- packe- an- opene- the )ra&e; =itho$t a "or-4 #erar- he'pe- me
mo&e the bo-1 onto a piece o% sai'c'oth "e ha- bro$)ht %or that p$rpose; =e %o'-e- it abo$t him
an- c'ose- it "ith bi)4 'oose stitches;
FCor"inI 9ookIG
:t "as a "hisper4 an- #erar-@s han- c'ose- on m1 e'bo" as he spoke;
: %o''o"e- the -irection o% his )a6e an- %ro6e; Neither o% $s mo&e- as "e re)ar-e- the
apparition8 a so%t4 shimmerin) "hite encompasse- it4 as i% it "ere co&ere- "ith -o"n rather than
%$r an- manin)C its tin14 c'o&en hoo&es "ere )o'-en4 as "as the -e'icate4 "hor'e- horn that rose
%rom its narro" hea-; :t stoo- atop one o% the 'esser rocks4 nibb'in) at the 'ichen that )re" there;
:ts e1es4 "hen it raise- them an- 'ooke- in o$r -irection4 "ere a bri)ht4 emera'- )reen; :t ?oine-
$s in immobi'it1 %or a pair o% instants; !hen it ma-e a <$ick4 ner&o$s )est$re "ith its %ront %eet4
pa"in) the air an- strikin) the stone4 three times; An- then it b'$rre- an- &anishe- 'ike a
sno"%'ake4 si'ent'14 perhaps in the "oo-s to o$r ri)ht;
: rose an- crosse- to the stone; #erar- %o''o"e- me; !here4 in the moss4 : trace- its tin1
F!hen "e rea''1 -i- see it4G #erar- sai-;
: no--e-;
F=e sa" somethin); /i- 1o$ e&er see it be%ore>G
FNo; /i- 1o$>G
: shook m1 hea-;
FE$'ian c'aims he once sa" it4G he sai-4 Fin the -istance; (a1s his ho$n-s re%$se- to )i&e chase;G
F:t "as bea$ti%$'; !hat 'on)4 si'k1 tai'4 those shin1 hoo&es;;;G
FAes; /a- a'"a1s took it as a )oo- omen;G
F:@- 'ike to m1se'%;G
F(tran)e time %or it to appear;;;A'' these 1ears;;;G
: no--e- a)ain;
F:s there a specia' obser&ance> :t bein) o$r patron an- a'';;;is there somethin) "e sho$'- -o>G
F:% there is4 /a- ne&er to'- me abo$t it4G : sai-;
: patte- the rock on "hich it ha- appeare-;
F:% 1o$ hera'- some t$rn in o$r %ort$nes4 i% 1o$ brin) $s some meas$re o% )raceDthanks4
$nicorn4G : sai-; FAn- e&en i% 1o$ -o not4 thanks %or the bri)htness o% 1o$r compan1 at a -ark
=e "ent an- -rank %rom the sprin) then; =e sec$re- o$r )rim parce' on the back o% the thir-
horse; =e 'e- o$r mo$nts $nti' "e "ere a"a1 %rom the p'ace4 "here4 sa&e %or the "ater4 thin)s
ha- become &er1 sti'';
Chapter "
9i%e@s incessant ceremonies 'eap e&er'astin)4 h$mans sprin) eterna' on hope@s breast4 an- %r1in)
pans "itho$t %ires are o%ten %ar bet"een8 the s$m o% m1 'on) 'i%e@s "is-om that e&enin)4 ten-ere-
in a spirit o% creati&e an.iet14 ans"ere- b1 0an-om "ith a no- an- a %rien-'1 obscenit1;
=e "ere in the 'ibrar14 an- : "as seate- on the e-)e o% the bi) -esk; 0an-om occ$pie- a chair to
m1 ri)ht; #erar- stoo- at the other en- o% the room4 inspectin) some "eapons that h$n) on the
"a''; Or ma1be it "as 0ein@s etchin) o% the $nicorn he "as 'ookin) at; =hiche&er4 a'on) "ith
o$rse'&es4 he "as a'so i)norin) E$'ian4 "ho "as s'o$che- in an eas1 chair besi-e the -isp'a1
cases4 ri)ht center4 'e)s e.ten-e- an- crosse- at the ank'es4 arms %o'-e-4 starin) -o"n at his
sca'e1 boots; +ionaD%i&e-t"o4 perhaps4 in hei)htD)reen e1es %i.e- on +'ora@s o"n b'$e as the1
spoke4 there besi-e the %irep'ace4 hair more than compensatin) %or the &acant hearth4 smo'-erin)4
remin-e- me4 as a'"a1s4 o% somethin) %rom "hich the artist ha- ?$st -ra"n back4 settin) asi-e
his too's4 <$estions s'o"'1 %ormin) behin- his smi'e; !he p'ace at the base o% her throat "here his
th$mb ha- notche- the co''arbone a'"a1s -re" m1 e1es as the mark o% a master cra%tsman4
especia''1 "hen she raise- her hea-4 <$i66ica' or imperio$s4 to re)ar- $s ta''er others; (he smi'e-
%aint'14 ?$st then4 -o$bt'ess a"are o% m1 )a6e4 an a'most c'air&o1ant %ac$'t1 the acceptance o%
"hich has ne&er -epri&e- o% its abi'it1 to -isconcert; 9'e"e''a4 o%% in a comer4 preten-in) to
st$-1 a book4 ha- her back to the rest o% $s4 her )reen tresses bobbe- a co$p'e o% inches abo&e
her -ark co''ar; =hether her "ith-ra"a' in&o'&e- anim$s4 se'%-conscio$s in her a'ienation4 or
simp'e ca$tion4 : co$'- ne&er be certain; Probab'1 somethin) o% a'' these; ,ers "as not that
%ami'iar a presence in Amber;
;;;An- the %act that "e constit$te- a co''ection o% in-i&i-$a's rather than a )ro$p4 a %ami'14 at a
time "hen : "ante- to achie&e some o&er-i-entit14 some "i'' to cooperate4 "as "hat 'e- to m1
obser&ations an- 0an-om@s ackno"'e-)ement;
: %e't a %ami'iar presence4 hear- a F,e''o4 Cor"inG an- there "as /eir-re4 reachin) to"ar- me; :
e.ten-e- m1 han-4 c'aspe- her o"n4 raise- it; (he took a step %or"ar-4 as i% to the %irst strain o%
some %orma' -ance4 an- mo&e- c'ose4 %acin) me; +or an instant a )ri''e- "in-o" ha- %rame- her
hea- an- sho$'-ers an- a rich tapestr1 ha- a-orne- the "a'' to her 'e%t; P'anne- an- pose-4 o%
co$rse; (ti''4 e%%ecti&e; (he he'- m1 !r$mp in her 'e%t han-; (he smi'e-; !he others )'ance- o$r
"a1 as she appeare- an- she hit them a'' "ith that smi'e4 'ike the Bona 9isa "ith a machine )$n4
t$rnin) s'o"'1;
FCor"in4G she sai-4 kissin) me brie%'1 an- "ith-ra"in)4 F: %ear : am ear'1;G
FNe&er4G : rep'ie-4 t$rnin) to"ar- 0an-om4 "ho ha- ?$st risen an- "ho anticipate- me b1
FBa1 : %etch 1o$ a -rink4 sister>G he aske-4 takin) her han- an- no--in) to"ar- the si-eboar-;
F=h14 1es; !hank 1o$4G an- he 'e- her o%% an- po$re- her some "ine4 a&oi-in) or at 'east
postponin)4 : s$ppose4 her $s$a' c'ash "ith +'ora; At 'east4 : ass$me- most o% the o'- %rictions
"ere sti'' a'i&e as : remembere- them; (o i% it cost me her compan1 %or the moment it a'so
maintaine- the -omestic-tran<$i'it1 in-e.4 "hich "as important to me ?$st then; 0an-om can be
)oo- at s$ch thin)s "hen he "ants to;
: -r$mme- the si-e o% the -esk "ith m1 %in)ertips4 : r$bbe- m1 achin) sho$'-er4 : $ncrosse-
an- recrosse- m1 'e)s4 : -ebate- 'i)htin) a ci)arette;;;;
($--en'1 he "as there; At the %ar en- o% the room4 #erar- ha- t$rne- to his 'e%t4 sai- somethin)4
an- e.ten-e- his han-; An instant 'ater4 he "as c'aspin) the 'e%t an- on'1 han- o% Bene-ict4 the
%ina' member o% o$r )ro$p;
A'' ri)ht; !he %act that Bene-ict ha- chosen to come in on #erar-@s !r$mp rather than mine "as
his "a1 o% e.pressin) his %ee'in)s to"ar- me; =as it a'so an in-ication o% an a''iance to keep me
in check> :t "as at 'east ca'c$'ate- to make me "on-er; Co$'- it ha&e been Bene-ict "ho ha- p$t
#erar- $p to o$r mornin)@s e.ercise> Probab'1;
At that moment E$'ian rose to his %eet4 crosse- the room4 )a&e Bene-ict a "or- an- a han-c'asp;
!his acti&it1 attracte- 9'e"e''a; (he t$rne-4 c'osin) her book an- 'a1in) it asi-e; (mi'in) then4
she a-&ance- an- )reete- Bene-ict4 no--e- to E$'ian4 sai- somethin) to #erar-; !he imprompt$
con%erence "arme-4 )re" animate-; A'' ri)ht a)ain4 an- a)ain;
+o$r an- three; An- t"o in the mi--'e;;;
: "aite-4 starin) at the )ro$p across the room; =e "ere a'' present4 an- : co$'- ha&e aske- them
%or attention an- procee-e- "ith "hat : ha- in min-; ,o"e&er;;;
:t "as too temptin); A'' o% $s co$'- %ee' the tension4 : kne"; :t "as as i% a pair o% ma)netic po'es
ha- s$--en'1 been acti&ate- "ithin the room; : "as c$rio$s to see ho" a'' the %i'in)s "o$'- %a'';
+'ora )a&e me one <$ick )'ance; : -o$bte- that she ha- chan)e- her min- o&erni)htD$n'ess4 o%
co$rse4 there ha- been some ne" -e&e'opment; No4 : %e't con%i-ent that : ha- anticipate- the ne.t
Nor "as : incorrect; : o&erhear- her mentionin) thirst an- a )'ass o% "ine; (he t$rne- part"a1
an- ma-e a mo&e in m1 -irection4 as i% e.pectin) +iona to accompan1 her; (he hesitate- %or a
moment "hen this -i- not occ$r4 s$--en'1 became the %oc$s o% the entire compan1@s attention4
rea'i6e- this %act4 ma-e a <$ick -ecision4 smi'e-4 an- mo&e- in m1 -irection;
FCor"in4G she sai-4 F: be'ie&e : "o$'- 'ike a )'ass o% "ine;G
=itho$t t$rnin) m1 hea- or remo&in) m1 )a6e %rom the tab'ea$ be%ore me4 : ca''e- back o&er
m1 sho$'-er4 F0an-om4 po$r +'ora a )'ass o% "ine4 "o$'- 1o$>G
FB$t o% co$rse4G he rep'ie-4 an- : hear- the necessar1 so$n-s;
+'ora no--e-4 $nsmi'e-4 an- passe- be1on- me to the ri)ht;
+o$r an- %o$r4 'ea&in) -ear +iona b$rnin) bri)ht'1 in the mi--'e o% the room; !ota''1 se'%-
conscio$s an- en?o1in) it4 she imme-iate'1 t$rne- to"ar- the o&a' mirror "ith the -ark4
intricate'1 car&e- %rame4 han)in) in the space bet"een the t"o nearest tiers o% she'&es; (he
procee-e- to a-?$st a stra1 stran- o% hair in the &icinit1 o% her 'e%t temp'e;
,er mo&ement pro-$ce- a %'ash o% )reen an- si'&er amon) the re- an- )o'- )eometries o% the
carpet4 near to the p'ace "here her 'e%t %oot ha- reste-;
: ha- sim$'taneo$s -esires to c$rse an- to smi'e; !he arrant bitch "as p'a1in) )ames "ith $s
a)ain; A'"a1s remarkab'e4 tho$)h;;;Nothin) ha- chan)e-; Neither c$rsin) nor smi'in)4 : mo&e-
%or"ar-4 as she ha- kno"n : "o$'-;
B$t E$'ian too approache-4 an- a tri%'e more <$ick'1 than :; ,e ha- been a bit nearer4 ma1 ha&e
spotte- it a %raction o% an instant sooner;
,e scoope- it $p an- -an)'e- it )ent'1;
FAo$r brace'et4 sister4G he sai- p'easant'1; F:t seems to ha&e %orsaken 1o$r "rist4 %oo'ish thin);
,ereDa''o" me;G
(he e.ten-e- her han-4 )i&in) him one o% those 'o"ere--e1e'ash smi'es "hi'e he $n%astene- her
chain o% emera'-s; Comp'etin) the b$siness4 he %o'-e- her han- "ithin both o% his o"n an-
be)an to t$rn back to"ar- his corner4 %rom "hence the others "ere castin) si-e'on) )'ances
"hi'e attemptin) to seem 'oca''1 occ$pie-;
F: be'ie&e 1o$ "o$'- be am$se- b1 a "itticism "e are abo$t to share4G he be)an;
,er smi'e )re" e&en more -e'i)ht%$' as she -isen)a)e- her han-;
F!hank 1o$4 E$'ian4G she rep'ie-; F: am certain that "hen : hear it : "i'' 'a$)h; 9ast4 as $s$a'4 :
%ear;G (he t$rne- an- took m1 arm; F: %in- that : %ee' a )reater -esire4G she sai-4 F%or a )'ass o%
(o : took her back "ith me an- sa" her re%reshe-; +i&e an- %o$r;
E$'ian4 "ho -is'ikes sho"in) stron) %ee'in)s4 reache- a -ecision a %e" moments 'ater an-
%o''o"e- $s o&er; ,e po$re- himse'% a )'ass4 sippe- %rom it4 st$-ie- me %or ten or %i%teen
secon-s4 then sai-4 F: be'ie&e "e are a'' present no"; =hen -o 1o$ p'an to procee- "ith
"hate&er 1o$ ha&e in min->G
F: see no reason %or %$rther -e'a14G : sai-4 Fno" that e&er1one has ha- his t$rn;G : raise- m1
&oice then an- -irecte- it across the room; F!he time has come; 9et $s )et com%ortab'e;G
!he others -ri%te- o&er; Chairs "ere -ra))e- $p an- sett'e- into; Bore "ine "as po$re-; A
min$te 'ater "e ha- an a$-ience;
F!hank 1o$4G : sai- "hen the %ina' stirrin)s ha- s$bsi-e-;
F: ha&e a n$mber o% thin)s : "o$'- 'ike to sa14 an- some o% them mi)ht e&en )et sai-; !he
co$rse o% it a'' "i'' -epen- on "hat )oes be%ore4 an- "e "i'' )et into that ri)ht no"; 0an-om4 te''
them "hat 1o$ to'- me 1ester-a1;G
FA'' ri)ht;G
: "ith-re" to the seat behin- the -esk an- 0an-om mo&e- to occ$p1 the e-)e o% it; : 'eane-
back an- 'istene- a)ain to the stor1 o% his comm$nication "ith Bran- an- his attempt to resc$e
him; :t "as a con-ense- &ersion4 bere%t o% the spec$'ations "hich ha- not rea''1 stra1e- %rom m1
conscio$sness since 0an-om ha- p$t them there; An- -espite their omission4 a tacit a"areness o%
the imp'ications "as occ$rrin) "ithin a'' the others; : kne" that; :t "as the main reason : ha-
"ante- 0an-om to speak %irst; ,a- : simp'1 come o$t "ith an attempt to make a case %or m1
s$spicions4 : "o$'- a'most certain'1 ha&e been ass$me- to be en)a)e- in the time-honore-
practice o% -irectin) attention a"a1 %rom m1se'%Dan act to be %o''o"e- imme-iate'1 b1 the
separate4 sharp4 meta''ic c'icks o% min-s snappin) sh$t a)ainst me; !his "a14 -espite an1
tho$)hts that 0an-om "o$'- sa1 "hate&er : "ante- him to sa14 the1 "o$'- hear him o$t4
"on-erin) the "hi'e; !he1 "o$'- to1 "ith the i-eas4 attemptin) to %oresee the point o% m1
ha&in) ca''e- the assemb'1 in the %irst p'ace; !he1 "o$'- a''o" the time that "o$'- permit the
premises to take root contin)ent $pon 'ater corroboration; An- the1 "o$'- be "on-erin) "hether
"e co$'- pro-$ce the e&i-ence; : "as "on-erin) that same thin) m1se'%;
=hi'e : "aite- an- "on-ere- : "atche- the others4 a %r$it'ess 1et ine&itab'e e.ercise; (imp'e
c$riosit14 more than s$spicion e&en4 re<$ire- that : search these %aces %or reactions4 c'$es4
in-icationsDthe %aces that : kne" better than an1 others4 to the 'imits o% m1 $n-erstan-in) s$ch
thin)s; An- o% co$rse the1 to'- me nothin); Perhaps it is tr$e that 1o$ rea''1 on'1 'ook at a person
the %irst time 1o$ see him4 an- a%ter that 1o$ -o a <$ick bit o% menta' shorthan- each time 1o$
reco)ni6e him; B1 brain is 'a61 eno$)h to )i&e that its 'ike'ihoo-4 $sin) its abstractin) po"ers
an- a pres$mption o% re)$'arit1 to a&oi- "ork "hene&er possib'e; !his time : %orce- m1se'% to
see4 tho$)h4 an- it sti'' -i- not he'p; E$'ian maintaine- his s'i)ht'1 bore-4 s'i)ht'1 am$se- mask;
#erar- appeare- a'ternate'1 s$rprise-4 an)r14 an- "ist%$'; Bene-ict ?$st 'ooke- b'eak an-
s$spicio$s; 9'e"e''a seeme- as sa- an- inscr$tab'e as e&er; /eir-re 'ooke- -istracte-; +'ora
ac<$iescent4 an- +iona "as st$-1in) e&er1one e'se4 m1se'% inc'$-e-4 assemb'in) her o"n cata'o)
o% reactions;
!he on'1 thin) that : co$'- te''4 a%ter some time4 "as that 0an-om "as makin) an impression;
=hi'e no one betra1e- himse'%4 : sa" the bore-om &anish4 the o'- s$spicion abate4 the ne"
s$spicion come to 'i%e; :nterest rose amon) m1 kin; +ascination4 a'most; !hen e&er1one ha-
<$estions; At %irst a %e"4 then a barra)e;
F=ait4G : %ina''1 interr$pte-; F9et him %inish; !he "ho'e thin); (ome o% these "i'' ans"er
themse'&es; #et the others a%ter"ar-;G
!here "ere no-s an- )ro"'s4 an- 0an-om procee-e- thro$)h to the rea' en-; !hat is4 he carrie-
it on to o$r %i)ht "ith the beastmen at +'ora@s4 in-icatin) that the1 "ere o% the same i'k as the one
"ho ha- s'ain Caine; +'ora en-orse- this part;
!hen4 "hen the <$estions came4 : "atche- them care%$''1; (o 'on) as the1 -ea't "ith the matter
o% 0an-om@s stor14 the1 "ere a'' to the )oo-; B$t : "ante- to c$t thin)s short o% spec$'ation as to
the possibi'it1 o% one o% $s bein) behin- it a''; As soon as that came o$t4 ta'k o% me an- the sme''
o% re- herrin)s "o$'- a'so -ri%t in; !his co$'- 'ea- to $)'1 "or-s an- the emer)ence o% a moo- :
"as not$s to en)en-er; Better to )o %or the proo% %irst4 sa&e on 'ater recriminations4 corner
the c$'prit ri)ht no" i% possib'e4 an- conso'i-ate m1 position on the spot;
(o : "atche- an- "aite-; =hen : %e't that the &ita' moment ha- ticke- its "a1 too near : stoppe-
the c'ock;
FNone o% this -isc$ssion4 this spec$'ation4 "o$'- be necessar14G : sai-4 Fi% "e ha- a'' o% the %acts
ri)ht no"; An- there ma1 be a "a1 to )et themDri)ht no"; !hat is "h1 1o$ are here;G
!hat -i- it; : ha- them; Attenti&e; 0ea-1; Ba1be e&en "i''in);
F: propose "e attempt to reach Bran- an- brin) him home4G : sai-4 Fno";G
F,o">G Bene-ict aske- me;
F!he !r$mps;G
F:t has been trie-4G sai- E$'ian; F,e cannot be reache- that "a1; No response;G
F: "as not re%errin) to the or-inar1 $sa)e;G : sai-;
F: aske- 1o$ a'' to brin) %$'' sets o% !r$mps "ith 1o$; : tr$st that 1o$ ha&e them>G
!here "ere no-s;
F#oo-4G : sai-; F9et $s sh$%%'e o$t Bran-@s !r$mp no"; : propose that a'' nine o% $s attempt to
contact him sim$'taneo$s'1;G
FAn interestin) tho$)ht4G Bene-ict sai-;
FAes4G E$'ian a)ree-4 pro-$cin) his -eck an- ri%%'in) thro$)h it; F=orth tr1in)4 at 'east; :t ma1
)enerate a--itiona' po"er; : -o not rea''1 kno";G
: 'ocate- Bran-@s !r$mp; : "aite- $nti' a'' the others ha- %o$n- it; !hen4 F9et $s coor-inate
thin)s4G : sai-; F:s e&er1one rea-1>G
2i)ht assents "ere spoken; F!hen )o ahea-; !r1; No";G
: st$-ie- m1 car-; Bran-@s %eat$res "ere simi'ar to m1 o"n4 b$t he "as shorter an- s'en-erer;
,is hair "as 'ike +iona@s; ,e "ore a )reen ri-in) s$it; ,e ro-e a "hite horse; ,o" 'on) a)o>
,o" 'on) a)o "as that> : "on-ere-; (omethin) o% a -reamer4 a m1stic4 a poet4 Bran- "as
a'"a1s -isi''$sione- or e'ate-4 c1nica' or "ho''1 tr$stin); ,is %ee'in)s ne&er seeme- to %in- a
mi--'e )ro$n-; Banic--epressi&e is too %aci'e a term %or his comp'e. character4 1et it mi)ht
ser&e to in-icate a -irection o% -epart$re4 m$'tit$-es o% <$a'i%ications 'inin) the roa-"a1
therea%ter; P$rs$ant to this state o% a%%airs4 : m$st a-mit that there "ere times "hen : %o$n- him
so charmin)4 consi-erate4 an- 'o1a' that : &a'$e- him abo&e a'' m1 other kin; Other times4
ho"e&er4 he co$'- be so bitter4 sarcastic4 an- -o"nri)ht sa&a)e that : trie- to a&oi- his compan1
%or %ear that : mi)ht -o him harm; ($mmin) $p4 the 'ast time : ha- seen him ha- been one o% the
'atter occasions4 ?$st a bit be%ore 2ric an- : ha- ha- the %a''in) o$t that 'e- to m1 e.i'e %rom
;;;An- those "ere m1 tho$)hts an- %ee'in)s as : st$-ie- his !r$mp4 reachin) o$t to him "ith m1
min-4 m1 "i''4 openin) the &acant p'ace : so$)ht him to %i''; Abo$t me4 the others sh$%%'e- their
o"n memories an- -i- the same;
('o"'1 the car- took on a -ream--$st <$a'it1 an- ac<$ire- the i''$sion o% -epth; !here %o''o"e-
that %ami'iar b'$rrin)4 "ith the sense o% mo&ement "hich hera'-s contact "ith the s$b?ect; !he
!r$mp )re" co'-er beneath m1 %in)ertips4 an- then thin)s %'o"e- an- %orme-4 achie&in) a
s$--en &erit1 o% &ision4 persistent4 -ramatic4 %$'';
,e seeme- to be in a ce''; !here "as a stone "a'' behin- him; !here "as stra" on the %'oor; ,e
"as manac'e-4 an- his chain ran back thro$)h a h$)e rin) bo't set in the "a'' abo&e an- behin-
him; :t "as a %air'1 'on) chain4 pro&i-in) s$%%icient s'ack %or mo&ement4 an- at the moment he
"as takin) a-&anta)e o% this %act4 '1in) spra"'e- on a heap o% stra" an- ra)s o%% in the corner;
,is hair an- bear- "ere <$ite 'on)4 his %ace thinner than : ha- e&er be%ore seen it; ,is c'othes
"ere tattere- an- %i'th1; ,e seeme- to be s'eepin); B1 min- "ent back to m1 o"n imprisonment
Dthe sme''s4 the co'-4 the "retche- %are4 the -ampness4 the 'one'iness4 the ma-ness that came
an- "ent; At 'east he sti'' ha- his e1es4 %or the1 %'ickere- an- : sa" them "hen se&era' o% $s
spoke his nameC )reen the1 "ere4 "ith a %'at4 &acant 'ook;
=as he -r$))e-> Or -i- he be'ie&e himse'% to be ha''$cinatin)>
B$t s$--en'1 his spirit ret$rne-; ,e raise- himse'%; ,e e.ten-e- his han-;
FBrothersIG he sai-; F(isters;;;G
F:@m comin)IG came a sho$t that shook the room;
#erar- ha- 'eape- to his %eet4 knockin) o&er his chair; ,e -ashe- across the room an- snatche-
a )reat batt'e a. %rom its pe)s on the "a''; ,e s'$n) it at his "rist4 ho'-in) the !r$mp in that
same han-; +or a moment he %ro6e4 st$-1in) the car-; !hen he e.ten-e- his %ree han- an-
s$--en'1 he "as there4 c'aspin) Bran-4 "ho chose that moment to pass o$t a)ain; !he ima)e
"a&ere-; !he contact "as broken;
C$rsin)4 : so$)ht thro$)h the pack a%ter #erar-@s o"n !r$mp; (e&era' o% the others seeme- to be
-oin) the same thin); 9ocatin) it4 : mo&e- %or contact; ('o"'14 the me'tin)4 the t$rnin)4 the re-
%ormin) occ$rre-; !hereI
#erar- ha- -ra"n the chain ta$t across the stones o% the "a'' an- "as attackin) it "ith the a.; :t
"as a hea&1 thin)4 ho"e&er4 an- resiste- his po"er%$' b'o"s %or a 'on) "hi'e; 2&ent$a''1 se&era'
o% the 'inks "ere mashe- an- scarre-4 b$t b1 then he ha- been at it %or a'most t"o min$tes4 an-
the rin)in)4 choppin) so$n-s ha- a'erte- the ?ai'ers;
+or there "ere noises %rom the 'e%tDa ratt'in) so$n-4 the s'i-in) o% bo'ts4 the creakin) o% hin)es;
A'tho$)h m1 %ie'- o% perception -i- not e.ten- that %ar4 it seeme- ob&io$s that the ce''@s -oor
"as bein) opene-; Bran- raise- himse'% once more; #erar- contin$e- to hack at the chain;
F#erar-I !he -oorIG : sho$te-;
F: kno"IG he be''o"e-4 "rappin) the chain abo$t his arm an- 1ankin) it; :t -i- not 1ie'-;
!hen he 'et )o o% the chain an- s"$n) the a.4 as one o% the horn1-han-e- "arriors r$she- him4
b'a-e $praise-; !he s"or-sman %e''4 to be rep'ace- b1 another; !hen a thir- an- a %o$rth cro"-e-
b1 them; Others "ere c'ose on their hee's;
!here "as a b'$r o% mo&ement at that moment an- 0an-om kne't "ithin the tab'ea$4 his ri)ht
han- c'aspe- "ith Bran-@s4 his 'e%t ho'-in) his chair be%ore him 'ike a shie'-4 its 'e)s pointin)
o$t"ar-; ,e spran) to his %eet an- r$she- the attackers4 -ri&in) the chair 'ike a batterin) ram
ami- them; !he1 %e'' back; ,e raise- the chair an- s"$n) it; One 'a1 -ea- on the %'oor4 %e''e- b1
#erar-@s a.; Another ha- -ra"n o%% to one si-e4 c'$tchin) at the st$mp o% his ri)ht arm; 0an-om
pro-$ce- a -a))er an- 'e%t it in a nearb1 stomach4 braine- t"o more "ith the chair4 an- -ro&e
back the %ina' man; 2eri'14 "hi'e this "as )oin) on4 the -ea- man rose abo&e the %'oor an- s'o"'1
-ri%te- $p"ar-4 spi''in) an- -rippin) the "hi'e; !he one "ho ha- been stabbe- co''apse- to his
knees4 c'$tchin) at the b'a-e;
:n the meantime4 #erar- ha- taken ho'- o% the chain "ith both han-s; ,e brace- one %oot a)ainst
the "a'' an- commence- to p$''; ,is sho$'-ers rose as the )reat m$sc'es ti)htene- across his
back; !he chain he'-; !en secon-s4 perhaps; +i%teen;;;
!hen4 "ith a snap an- a ratt'e4 it parte-; #erar- st$mb'e- back"ar-4 catchin) himse'% "ith an
o$t%'$n) han-; ,e )'ance- back4 apparent'1 at 0an-om4 "ho "as o$t o% m1 'ine o% si)ht at the
moment; (eemin)'1 satis%ie-4 he t$rne- a"a14 stoope- an- raise- Bran-4 "ho ha- %a''en
$nconscio$s a)ain; ,o'-in) him in his arms4 he t$rne- an- e.ten-e- one han- %rom beneath the
'imp %orm; 0an-om 'eape- back into si)ht besi-e them4 sans chair4 an- )est$re- to $s a'so;
A'' o% $s reache- %or them4 an- a moment 'ater the1 stoo- ami- $s an- "e cro"-e- aro$n-;
A sort o% cheer ha- )one $p as "e r$she- to to$ch him4 to see him4 o$r brother "ho ha- been
)one these man1 1ears an- ?$st no" snatche- back %rom his m1sterio$s captors; An- at 'ast4
hope%$''14 %ina''14 some ans"ers mi)ht a'so ha&e been 'iberate-; On'1 he 'ooke- so "eak4 so thin4
so pa'e;;;;
F#et backIG #erar- sho$te-; F:@m takin) him to the co$chI !hen 1o$ can 'ook a'' 1o$DG
/ea- si'ence; +or e&er1one ha- backe- o%%4 an- then t$rne- to stone; !his "as beca$se there
"as b'oo- on Bran-4 an- it "as -rippin); An- this "as beca$se there "as a kni%e in his 'e%t si-e4
to the rear; :t ha- not been there moments be%ore; (ome one o% $s ha- ?$st trie- %or his ki-ne1
an- possib'1 s$ccee-e-; : "as not heartene- b1 the %act that the 0an-om-Cor"in Con?ect$re that
it "as One O% *s Behin- :t A'' ha- ?$st recei&e- a si)ni%icant boost; : ha- an instant -$rin)
"hich to concentrate a'' m1 %ac$'ties in an attempt to menta''1 photo)raph e&er1one@s position;
!hen the spe'' "as broken; #erar- bore Bran- to the co$ch an- "e -re" asi-eC an- "e a'' kne"
that "e a'' rea'i6e- not on'1 "hat ha- happene-4 b$t "hat it imp'ie-;
#erar- set Bran- -o"n in a prone position an- tore a"a1 his %i'th1 shirt;
F#et me c'ean "ater to bathe him4G he sai-; FAn- to"e's; #et me sa'ine so'$tion an- )'$cose
an- somethin) to han) them %rom; #et me a "ho'e me-ica' kit;G
/eir-re an- +'ora mo&e- to"ar- the -oor;
FB1 <$arters are c'osest4G sai- 0an-om; FOne o% 1o$ "i'' %in- a me-ica' kit there; B$t the on'1
:7 st$%% is in the 'ab on the thir- %'oor; :@- better come an- he'p;G !he1 -eparte- to)ether;
=e a'' ha- ha- me-ica' trainin) some"here a'on) the 'ine4 both here an- abroa-; !hat "hich "e
'earne- in (ha-o"4 tho$)h4 ha- to be mo-i%ie- in Amber; Bost antibiotics %rom the sha-o"
"or'-s4 %or e.amp'e4 "ere ine%%ect$a' here; On the other han-4 o$r persona' imm$no'o)ica'
processes appear to beha&e -i%%erent'1 %rom those o% an1 other peop'es "e ha&e st$-ie-4 so that it
is m$ch more -i%%ic$'t %or $s to become in%ecte-Dan- i% in%ecte- "e -ea' "ith it more$s'1; !hen4 too4 "e possess pro%o$n- re)enerati&e abi'ities;
A'' o% "hich is as it m$st be4 o% co$rse4 the i-ea' necessari'1 bein) s$perior to its sha-o"s; An-
Amberites that "e are4 an- a"are o% these %acts %rom an ear'1 a)e4 a'' o% $s obtaine- me-ica'
trainin) re'ati&e'1 ear'1 in 'i%e; Basica''14 -espite "hat is o%ten sai- abo$t bein) 1o$r o"n
ph1sician4 it )oes back to o$r not $n?$sti%ie- -istr$st o% &irt$a''1 e&er1one4 an- most partic$'ar'1
o% those "ho mi)ht ho'- o$r 'i&es in their han-s; A'' o% "hich part'1 e.p'ains "h1 : -i- not r$sh
to sho$'-er #erar- asi-e to $n-ertake Bran-@s treatment m1se'%4 -espite the %act that : ha- been
thro$)h a me- schoo' on the sha-o" 2arth "ithin the past co$p'e o% )enerations; !he other part
o% the e.p'anation is that #erar- "as not 'ettin) an1one e'se near Bran-; E$'ian an- +iona ha-
both mo&e- %or"ar-4 apparent'1 "ith the same thin) in min-4 on'1 to enco$nter #erar-@s 'e%t arm
'ike a )ate at a rai'"a1 crossin);
FNo4G he ha- sai-; F: kno" that : -i- not -o it4 an- that is a'' that : kno"; !here "i'' be no
secon- chance %or an1one e'se;G
=ith an1 one o% $s s$stainin) that sort o% "o$n- "hi'e in an other"ise so$n- con-ition4 : "o$'-
sa1 that i% he ma-e it thro$)h the %irst ha'% ho$r he "o$'- make it; Bran-4 tho$)h;;;!he shape he
"as in;;;!here "as no te''in);
=hen the others ret$rne- "ith the materia's an- e<$ipment4 #erar- c'eane- Bran-4 s$t$re- the
"o$n-4 an- -resse- it; ,e hooke- $p the :74 broke o%% the manac'es "ith a hammer an- chise'
0an-om ha- 'ocate-4 co&ere- Bran- "ith a sheet an- a b'anket4 an- took his p$'se a)ain;
F,o" is it>G : aske-;
F=eak4G he sai-4 an- he -re" $p a chair an- seate- himse'% besi-e the co$ch; F(omeone %etch
me m1 b'a-eDan- a )'ass o% "ine; : -i-n@t ha&e an1; A'so4 i% there is an1 %oo- 'e%t o&er there4 :@m
9'e"e''a hea-e- %or the si-eboar- an- 0an-om )ot him his b'a-e %rom the rack behin- the -oor;
FAre 1o$ ?$st )oin) to camp there>G 0an-om aske-4 passin) him the "eapon;
F: am;G
F=hat abo$t mo&in) Bran- to a better be->G
F,e is a'' ri)ht "here he is; : "i'' -eci-e "hen he can be mo&e-; :n the meantime4 someone )et
a %ire )oin); !hen p$t o$t a %e" o% those can-'es;G
0an-om no--e-;
F:@'' -o it4G he sai-; !hen he picke- $p the kni%e #erar- ha- -ra"n %rom Bran-@s si-e4 a thin
sti'etto4 its b'a-e abo$t se&en inches in 'en)th; ,e he'- it across the pa'm o% his han-;
F/oes an1one reco)ni6e this>G he aske-;
FNot :4G sai- Bene-ict;
FNor :;G sai- E$'ian;
FNo4G : sai-;
!he )ir's shook their hea-s;
0an-om st$-ie- it;
F2asi'1 concea'e-D$p a s'ee&e4 in a boot or bo-ice; :t took rea' ner&e to $se it that "a1;;;;G
F/esperation4G : sai-;
F;;;An- a &er1 acc$rate anticipation o% o$r mob scene; :nspire-4 a'most;G
FCo$'- one o% the )$ar-s ha&e -one it>G E$'ian aske-; FBack in the ce''>G
FNo4G #erar- sai-; FNone o% them came near eno$)h;G
F:t 'ooks to be -ecent'1 ba'ance- %or thro"in)4G /eir-re sai-;
F:t is4G sai- 0an-om4 shi%tin) it abo$t his %in)ertips; FOn'1 none o% them ha- a c'ear shot or the
opport$nit1; :@m positi&e;G
9'e"e''a ret$rne-4 bearin) a tra1 containin) s'abs o% meat4 ha'% a 'oa% o% brea-4 a bott'e o% "ine4
an- a )ob'et; : c'eare- a sma'' tab'e an- set it besi-e #erar-@s chair;
As 9'e"e''a -eposite- the tra14 she aske-4 FB$t "h1> !hat on'1 'ea&es $s; =h1 "o$'- one o% $s
"ant to -o it>G
: si)he-;
F=hose prisoner -o 1o$ think he mi)ht ha&e been>G : aske-;
FOne o% $s>G
F:% he possesse- kno"'e-)e "hich someone "as "i''in) to )o to this 'en)th to s$ppress4 "hat -o
1o$ think> !he same reason a'so ser&e- to p$t him "here he "as an- keep him there;G
,er bro"s ti)htene-;
F!hat -oes not make sense either; =h1 -i-n@t the1 ?$st ki'' him an- be -one "ith it>G
: shr$))e-;
FB$st ha&e ha- some $se %or him4G : sai-; FB$t there is rea''1 on'1 one person "ho can ans"er
that <$estion a-e<$ate'1; =hen 1o$ %in- him4 ask him;G
FOr her4G E$'ian sai-; F(ister4 1o$ seem possesse- o% a s$perab$n-ance o% nai&ete4 s$--en'1;G
,er )a6e 'ocke- "ith E$'ian@s o"n4 a pair o% iceber)s re%'ectin) %ri)i- in%inities;
FAs : reca''4G she sai-4 F1o$ rose %rom 1o$r seat "hen the1 came thro$)h4 t$rne- to the 'e%t4
ro$n-e- the -esk4 an- stoo- s'i)ht'1 to #erar-@s ri)ht; Ao$ 'eane- prett1 %ar %or"ar-; : be'ie&e
1o$r han-s "ere o$t o% si)ht4 be'o";G
FAn- as : reca''4G he sai-4 F1o$ "ere "ithin strikin) -istance 1o$rse'%4 o%% to #erar-@s 'e%tDan-
'eanin) %or"ar-;G
F: "o$'- ha&e ha- to -o it "ith m1 'e%t han-Dan- : am ri)ht-han-e-;G
FPerhaps he o"es "hat 'i%e he sti'' possesses to that %act;G
FAo$ seem a"%$''1$s4 E$'ian4 to %in- that it "as someone e'se;G
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-; FA'' ri)htI Ao$ kno" this is se'% -e%eatin); On'1 one o% $s -i- it4 an- this is
not the "a1 to smoke him o$t;G
FOr her4G E$'ian a--e-;
#erar- rose4 )'o"ere-4 )'are-;
F: "i'' not ha&e 1o$ -ist$rbin) m1 patient4G he sai-; FAn-4 0an-om4 1o$ sai- 1o$ "ere )oin) to
see to the %ire;G
F0i)ht a"a14G 0an-om sai-4 an- mo&e- to -o it;
F9et $s a-?o$rn to the sittin) room o%% the main ha''4G : sai-4 F-o"nstairs; #erar-4 : "i'' post a
co$p'e o% )$ar-s o$tsi-e the -oor here;G
FNo4G #erar- sai-; F: "o$'- rather that an1one "ho "ishes to tr1 it )et this %ar; : "i'' han- 1o$
his hea- in the mornin);G
: no--e-;
F=e''4 1o$ can rin) %or an1thin) 1o$ nee-Dor ca'' one o% $s on the !r$mps; =e "i'' %i'' 1o$ in
in the mornin) on an1thin) that "e 'earn;G
#erar- seate- himse'%4 )r$nte-4 an- be)an eatin); 0an-om )ot the %ire )oin) an- e.tin)$ishe-
some 'i)hts; Bran-@s b'anket rose an- %e''4 s'o"'1 b$t re)$'ar'1; =e %i'e- <$iet'1 %rom the room
an- hea-e- %or the stair"a14 'ea&in) them there to)ether "ith the %'are an- the crack'e4 the t$bes
an- the bott'es;
Chapter #
Ban1 are the times : ha&e a"akene-4 sometimes shakin)4 a'"a1s a%rai-4 %rom the -ream that :
occ$pie- m1 o'- ce''4 b'in- once more4 in the -$n)eons beneath Amber; :t is not as i% : "ere
$n%ami'iar "ith the con-ition o% imprisonment; : ha&e been 'ocke- a"a1 on a n$mber o%
occasions4 %or &ario$s perio-s o% time; B$t so'itar14 p'$s b'in-ness "ith sma'' hope o% reco&er14
ma-e %or a bi) char)e at the sensor1--epri&ation co$nter in the -epartment store o% the min-;
!hat4 "ith the sense o% %ina'it1 to it a''4 ha- 'e%t its marks; : )enera''1 keep these memories sa%e'1
t$cke- a"a1 -$rin) "akin) ho$rs4 b$t at ni)ht4 sometimes4 the1 come 'oose4 -ance -o"n the
ais'es an- %ro'ic ro$n- the notions co$nter4 one4 t"o4 three; (eein) Bran- there in his ce'' ha-
bro$)ht them o$t a)ain4 a'on) "ith an $nseasona' chi''C an- that %ina' thr$st ser&e- to estab'ish a
more or 'ess permanent resi-ence %or them; No"4 amon) m1 kin in the shie'--h$n) sittin) room4
: co$'- not a&oi- the tho$)ht that one or more o% them ha- -one $nto Bran- as 2ric ha- -one
$nto me; =hi'e this capacit1 "as in itse'% har-'1 a s$rprisin) -isco&er14 the matter o% occ$p1in)
the same room "ith the c$'prit an- ha&in) no i-ea as to his i-entit1 "as more than a 'itt'e
-ist$rbin); B1 on'1 conso'ation "as that each o% the others4 accor-in) to his means4 m$st be
-ist$rbe- a'so; :nc'$-in) the )$i't14 no" that the e.istence theorem ha- sho"n a positi&e; : kne"
then that : ha- been hopin) a'' a'on) that o$tsi-ers "ere entire'1 to b'ame; No"4 tho$)h;;;On the
one han- : %e't e&en more restricte- than $s$a' in "hat : co$'- sa1; On the other4 it seeme- a
)oo- time to press %or in%ormation4 "ith e&er1one in an abnorma' state o% min-; !he -esire to
cooperate %or p$rposes o% -ea'in) "ith the threat co$'- pro&e he'p%$'; An- e&en the )$i't1 part1
"o$'- "ant to beha&e the same as e&er1one e'se; =ho kne" b$t that he mi)ht s'ip $p "hi'e
makin) the e%%ort>
F=e''4 ha&e 1o$ an1 other interestin) 'itt'e e.periments 1o$ "o$'- care to con-$ct>G E$'ian
aske- me4 c'aspin) his han-s behin- his hea- an- 'eanin) back in m1 %a&orite chair;
FNot at the moment4G : sai-;
FPit14G he rep'ie-; F: "as hopin) 1o$ "o$'- s$))est "e )o 'ookin) %or /a- no" in the same
%ashion; !hen4 i% "e are '$ck14 "e %in- him an- someone p$ts him o$t o% the "a1 "ith more
certaint1; A%ter that4 "e co$'- a'' p'a1 0$ssian ro$'ette "ith those %ine ne" "eapons 1o$@&e
%$rnishe--"inner take a'';G
FAo$r "or-s are i''-consi-ere-4G : sai-;
FNot so; : consi-ere- e&er1 one o% them4G he ans"ere-; F=e spen- so m$ch time '1in) to one
another that : -eci-e- it mi)ht be am$sin) to sa1 "hat : rea''1 %e't; E$st to see "hether an1one
FNo" 1o$ see that "e ha&e; =e a'so notice that the rea' 1o$ is no impro&ement o&er the o'-
F=hiche&er 1o$ pre%er4 both o% $s ha&e been "on-erin) "hether 1o$ ha&e an1 i-ea "hat 1o$
are )oin) to -o ne.t;G
F: -o4G : sai-; F: no" inten- to obtain ans"ers to a n$mber o% <$estions -ea'in) "ith e&er1thin)
that is p'a)$in) $s; =e mi)ht as "e'' start "ith Bran- an- his tro$b'es;G
!$rnin) to"ar- Bene-ict4 "ho "as sittin) )a6in) into the %ire4 : sai-4 FBack in A&a'on4 Bene-ict4
1o$ to'- me that Bran- "as one o% the ones "ho searche- %or me a%ter m1 -isappearance;G
F!hat is correct4G Bene-ict ans"ere-;
FA'' o% $s "ent 'ookin)4G E$'ian sai-;
FNot at %irst4G : rep'ie-; F:nitia''14 it "as Bran-4 #erar-4 an- 1o$rse'%4 Bene-ict; :sn@t that "hat
1o$ to'- me>G
FAes4G he sai-; F!he others -i- ha&e a )o at it 'ater4 tho$)h; : to'- 1o$ that4 too;G
: no--e-;
F/i- Bran- report an1thin) $n$s$a' at that time>G : aske-;
F*n$s$a'> :n "hat "a1>G sai- Bene-ict;
F: -on@t kno"; : am 'ookin) %or some connection bet"een "hat happene- to him an- "hat
happene- to me;G
F!hen 1o$ are 'ookin) in the "ron) p'ace4G Bene-ict sai-; F,e ret$rne- an- reporte- no
s$ccess; An- he "as aro$n- %or a)es a%ter that4 $nmo'este-;G
F: )athere- that m$ch4G : sai-; F: $n-erstan- %rom "hat 0an-om has to'- me4 tho$)h4 that his
%ina' -isappearance occ$rre- appro.imate'1 a month be%ore m1 o"n reco&er1 an- ret$rn; !hat
a'most strikes me as pec$'iar; :% he -i- not report an1thin) specia' a%ter his ret$rn %rom the
search4 -i- he -o so prior to his -isappearance> Or in the interim> An1one> An1thin)> (a1 it i%
1o$@&e )ot itIG
!here %o''o"e- some m$t$a' )'ancin) abo$t; !he 'ooks seeme- more c$rio$s than s$spicio$s or
ner&o$s4 tho$)h;
+ina''14 then4 F=e''4G 9'e"e''a sai-4 F: -o not kno"; /o not kno" "hether it is si)ni%icant4 :
A'' e1es came to rest $pon her; (he be)an to knot an- $nknot the en-s o% her be't cor-4 s'o"'14
as she spoke;
F:t "as in the interim4 an- it ma1 ha&e no bearin)4G she "ent on; F:t is ?$st somethin) that str$ck
me as pec$'iar; Bran- came to 0ebma 'on) a)oDG
F,o" 'on) a)o>G : aske-;
(he %$rro"e- her bro";
F+i%t14 si.t14 se&ent1 1ears;;;: am not certain;G
: trie- to s$mmon $p the ro$)h con&ersion %actor : ha- "orke- o$t -$rin) m1 'on)
incarceration; A -a1 in Amber4 it seeme-4 constit$te- a bit o&er t"o an- a ha'% -a1s on the
sha-o" 2arth "here : ha- spent m1 e.i'e; : "ante- to re'ate e&ents in Amber to m1 o"n time-
sca'e "hene&er possib'e4 ?$st in case an1 pec$'iar correspon-ences t$rne- $p; (o Bran- ha- )one
to 0ebma sometime in "hat "as4 to me4 the nineteenth cent$r1;
F=hate&er the -ate4G she sai-4 Fhe came an- &isite- me; (ta1e- %or se&era' "eeks;G (he )'ance-
at 0an-om then; F,e "as askin) abo$t Bartin;G
0an-om narro"e- his e1es an- cocke- his hea-; F/i- he sa1 "h1>G he aske- her;
FNot e.act'14G she sai-; F,e imp'ie- that he ha- met Bartin some"here in his tra&e's4 an- he
)a&e the impression that he "o$'- 'ike to )et in to$ch "ith him a)ain; : -i- not rea'i6e $nti' some
time a%ter his -epart$re that %in-in) o$t e&er1thin) he co$'- concernin) Bartin "as probab'1 the
entire reason %or his &isit; Ao$ kno" ho" s$bt'e Bran- can be4 %in-in) o$t thin)s "itho$t
seemin) to be a%ter them; :t "as on'1 a%ter : ha- spoken "ith a n$mber o% others "hom he ha-
&isite- that : be)an to see "hat ha- occ$rre-; : ne&er -i- %in- o$t "h14 tho$)h;G
F!hat isDmost pec$'iar4G 0an-om obser&e-; F+or it brin)s to min- somethin) to "hich : ha-
ne&er attache- an1 si)ni%icance; ,e once <$estione- me at )reat 'en)th concernin) m1 sonDan-
it ma1 "e'' ha&e been at abo$t the same time; ,e ne&er in-icate- that he ha- met him4 ho"e&er
Dor that he ha- an1 -esire to -o so; :t starte- o$t as a bit o% banter on the s$b?ect o% bastar-s;
=hen : took o%%ense he apo'o)i6e- an- aske- a n$mber o% more proper <$estions abo$t the bo14
"hich : ass$me- he then p$t %or the sake o% po'itenessDto 'ea&e me "ith a so%ter remembrance;
As 1o$ sa14 tho$)h4 he ha- a "a1 o% -ra"in) a-missions %rom peop'e; =h1 is it 1o$ ne&er to'-
me o%; this be%ore>G
(he smi'e- pretti'1;
F=h1 sho$'- : ha&e>G she sai-;
0an-om no--e- s'o"'14 his %ace e.pression'ess;
F=e''4 "hat -i- 1o$ te'' him>G he sai-; F=hat -i- he 'earn> =hat -o 1o$ kno" abo$t Bartin
that : -on@t>G
(he shook her hea-4 her smi'e %a-in);
FNothin)Dact$a''14G she sai-; F!o m1 kno"'e-)e4 no one in 0ebma e&er hear- %rom Bartin
a%ter he took the Pattern an- &anishe-; : -o not be'ie&e that Bran- -eparte- kno"in) an1 more
than he -i- "hen he arri&e-;G
F(tran)e;;;G : sai-; F/i- he approach an1one e'se on the s$b?ect>G
F: -on@t remember4G E$'ian sai-;
FNor :4G sai- Bene-ict;
!he others shook their hea-s;
F!hen 'et $s note it an- 'ea&e it %or no"4G : sai-; F!here are other thin)s : a'so nee- to kno";
E$'ian4 : $n-erstan- that 1o$ an- #erar- attempte- to %o''o" the b'ack roa- a "hi'e back4 an-
that #erar- "as in?$re- a'on) the "a1; : be'ie&e 1o$ both sta1e- "ith Bene-ict %or a time a%ter
that4 "hi'e #erar- rec$perate-; : "o$'- 'ike to kno" abo$t that;G
F:t seems as i% 1o$ a'rea-1 -o4G E$'ian rep'ie-; FAo$ ha&e ?$st state- e&er1thin) that occ$rre-;G
F=here -i- 1o$ 'earn o% this4 Cor"in4G Bene-ict in<$ire-;
FBack in A&a'on4G : sai-;
F+rom "hom>G
F/ara4G : sai-;
,e rose to his %eet4 came o&er4 stoo- be%ore me4 )'are- -o"n;
FAo$ sti'' persist in that abs$r- stor1 abo$t the )ir'IG
: si)he-;
F=e ha&e been ro$n- an- ro$n- on this too man1 times4G : sai-; FB1 no" : ha&e to'- 1o$
e&er1thin) that : kno" on the s$b?ect; 2ither 1o$ accept it or 1o$ -o not; (he is the one "ho to'-
me4 tho$)h;G
FApparent'14 then4 there "ere some thin)s 1o$ -i- not te'' me; Ao$ ne&er mentione- that part
F:s it tr$e or isn@t it> Abo$t E$'ian an- #erar-;G
F:t is tr$e4G he sai-;
F!hen %or)et the so$rce %or no" an- 'et $s )et on "ith "hat happene-;G
FA)ree-4G Bene-ict sai-; F: ma1 speak can-i-'14 no" that the reason %or secrec1 is no 'on)er
"ith $s; 2ric4 o% co$rse; ,e "as $na"are o% m1 "hereabo$ts4 as "ere most o% the others; #erar-
"as m1 main so$rce o% ne"s in Amber; 2ric )re" more an- more apprehensi&e concernin) the
b'ack roa- an- %ina''1 -eci-e- to sen- sco$ts to trace it thro$)h (ha-o" to its so$rce; E$'ian an-
#erar- "ere se'ecte-; !he1 "ere attacke- b1 a &er1 stron) part1 o% its creat$res at a point near
A&a'on; #erar- ca''e- to me4 &ia m1 !r$mp4 %or assistance an- : "ent to their ai-; !he enem1
"as -ispatche-; As #erar- ha- s$staine- a broken 'e) in the %i)htin) an- E$'ian "as a bit
battere- himse'%4 : took them both home "ith me; : broke m1 si'ence "ith 2ric at that time4 to te''
him "here the1 "ere an- "hat ha- become o% them; ,e or-ere- them not to contin$e their
?o$rne14 b$t to ret$rn to Amber a%ter the1 ha- reco&ere-; !he1 remaine- "ith me $nti' the1 -i-;
!hen the1 "ent back;G
F!hat is a''>G
F!hat is a'';G
B$t it "asn@t; /ara ha- a'so to'- me somethin) e'se; (he ha- mentione- another &isitor; :
remembere- it <$ite -istinct'1; !hat -a14 besi-e the stream4 a tin1 rainbo" in the mist abo&e the
"ater%a''4 the mi'' "hee' t$rnin) ro$n- an- ro$n-4 -e'i&erin) -reams an- )rin-in) them4 that -a1
"e ha- %ence- an- ta'ke- an- "a'ke- in (ha-o"4 ha- passe- thro$)h a primor-ia' "oo-4 comin)
to a (pot besi-e a mi)ht1 torrent "here t$rne- a "hee' %it %or the )ranar1 o% the )o-s4 that -a1
"e ha- picnicke-4 %'irte-4 )ossipe-4 she ha- to'- me man1 thin)s4 some o% them -o$bt'ess %a'se;
B$t she ha- not 'ie- concernin) the ?o$rne1 o% E$'ian an- #erar-4 an- : be'ie&e- it possib'e that
she ha- a'so spoken tr$'1 "hen she sai- that Bran- ha- &isite- Bene-ict in A&a'on; F+re<$ent'1G
"as the "or- she ha- $se-;
No"4 Bene-ict ma-e no secret o% the %act that he -istr$ste- me; : co$'- see this a'one as
s$%%icient reason %or his "ithho'-in) in%ormation on an1thin) he ?$-)e- too sensiti&e to become
m1 b$siness; ,e''4 b$1in) his stor14 : "o$'- not ha&e tr$ste- me either i% o$r sit$ations "ere
re&erse-; On'1 a %oo' "o$'- ha&e ca''e- him on it at that moment4 tho$)h; Beca$se o% the other
:t co$'- be that he p'anne- to te'' me 'ater4 in pri&ate4 o% the circ$mstances s$rro$n-in) Bran-@s
&isits; !he1 co$'- "e'' ha&e in&o'&e- somethin) he -i- not "ish to -isc$ss be%ore the )ro$p4 an-
especia''1 be%ore Bran-@s "o$'--be ki''er;
OrD!here "as4 o% co$rse4 the possibi'it1 that Bene-ict himse'% "as behin- it a''; : -i- not e&en
'ike to think abo$t the conse<$ences; ,a&in) ser&e- $n-er Napo'eon4 9ee4 an- BacArth$r4 :
appreciate- the tactician as "e'' as the strate)ist; Bene-ict "as both4 an- he "as the best : ha-
e&er kno"n; !he recent 'oss o% his ri)ht arm ha- in no "a1 -iminishe- him in this4 or %or that
matter impaire- his persona' %i)htin) ski''s; ,a- : not been &er1 '$ck1 recent'1 he co$'- easi'1
ha&e t$rne- me into a pi'e o% sca''ops o&er o$r mis$n-erstan-in); No4 : -i- not "ant it to be
Bene-ict4 an- : "as not abo$t to )rope a%ter "hate&er he ha- at that moment seen %it to concea'; :
on'1 hope- that he "as ?$st sa&in) it %or 'ater;
(o : sett'e- %or his4 F!hat is a''4G an- -eci-e- to mo&e on to other matters;
F+'ora4G : sai-4 Fback "hen : %irst &isite- 1o$4 a%ter m1 acci-ent4 1o$ sai- somethin) "hich :
sti'' -o not <$ite $n-erstan-; :n that : ha- amp'e time re'ati&e'1 soon therea%ter in "hich to
re&ie" man1 thin)s4 : came across it in m1 memories an- occasiona''1 p$66'e- o&er it; : sti'' -o
not $n-erstan- it; (o "o$'- 1o$ p'ease te'' me "hat 1o$ meant "hen 1o$ sai- that the sha-o"s
containe- more horrors than an1 ha- tho$)ht>G
F=h14 : -o not proper'1 reca'' sa1in) it4G +'ora sai-; FB$t : s$ppose that : m$st ha&e4 i% it ma-e
s$ch an impression; Ao$ kno" the e%%ect that : "as re%errin) to8 that Amber seems to act as
somethin) o% a ma)net on a-?acent sha-o"s4 -ra"in) thin)s across %rom themC the nearer 1o$
)et to Amber the easier the roa- becomes4 e&en %or sha-o"-thin)s; =hi'e there a'"a1s seems to
be some e.chan)e o% materia's amon) a-?acent sha-o"s themse'&es4 the e%%ect is more %orce%$'
an- a'so more o% a one-"a1 process "hen it comes to Amber; =e ha&e a'"a1s been a'ert %or
pec$'iar thin)s s'ippin) thro$)h; =e''4 %or se&era' 1ears prior to 1o$r reco&er14 more s$ch thin)s
than $s$a' seeme- to be sho"in) $p in the &icinit1 o% Amber; /an)ero$s thin)s4 a'most
in&ariab'1; Ban1 "ere reco)ni6ab'e creat$res %rom nearb1 rea'ms; A%ter a time4 tho$)h4 thin)s
kept comin) in %rom %arther an- %arther a%ie'-; 2&ent$a''14 some "hich "ere tota''1 $nkno"n
ma-e it thro$)h; No reason co$'- be %o$n- %or this s$--en transportation o% menaces4 a'tho$)h
"e so$)ht %air'1 %ar %or -ist$rbances "hich mi)ht be -ri&in) them this "a1; :n other "or-s4
hi)h'1 improbab'e penetrations o% (ha-o" "ere occ$rrin);G
F!his act$a''1 be)an "hi'e /a- "as sti'' aro$n->G
FOh 1es; :t starte- se&era' 1ears be%ore 1o$r reco&er1Das : sai-;G
F: see; /i- an1one consi-er the possibi'it1 o% there bein) a connection bet"een this state o%
a%%airs an- /a-@s -epart$re>G
FCertain'14G Bene-ict rep'ie-; F: sti'' %ee' that that "as the reason %or it; ,e "ent o%% to
in&esti)ate4 or to seek a reme-1;G
FB$t that is p$re'1 con?ect$re4G E$'ian sai-; FAo$ kno" ho" he "as; ,e )a&e no reasons;G
Bene-ict shr$))e-;
F:t is a reasonab'e in%erence4 tho$)h4G he sai-; F: $n-erstan- that he ha- spoken o% his concern
o&er theDmonster mi)rations4 i% 1o$ 'ikeDon n$mero$s occasions;G
: "ith-re" m1 car-s %rom their case4 ha&in) recent'1 )otten into the habit o% carr1in) a set o%
!r$mps "ith me at a'' times; : raise- #erar-@s !r$mp an- re)ar-e- it; !he others "ere si'ent4
"atchin) me as : -i- this; Boments 'ater4 there "as contact;
#erar- "as sti'' seate- in his chair4 his b'a-e across his knees; ,e "as sti'' eatin); ,e s"a''o"e-
"hen he %e't m1 presence an- sai-4 FAes4 Cor"in> =hat -o 1o$ "ant>G
F,o" is Bran->G
F('eepin)4G he sai-; F,is p$'se is a 'itt'e stron)er; ,is breathin) is the sameDre)$'ar; :t@s sti''
too ear'1DG
F: kno"4G' sai-; F: main'1 "ante- to check 1o$r reco''ection o% somethin)8 Near the en- there4
-i- 1o$ )et the impression %rom an1thin) he mi)ht ha&e sai- or -one that /a-@s )oin) a"a1
mi)ht ha&e been connecte- "ith the increase- n$mber o% (ha-o" bein)s that "ere s'ippin)
thro$)h into Amber>G
F!hat4G sai- E$'ian4 Fis "hat is kno"n as a 'ea-in) <$estion;G
#erar- "ipe- his mo$th;
F!here co$'- ha&e been a connection4 1es4G he sai-; F,e seeme- -ist$rbe-4 preocc$pie- "ith
somethin); An- he -i- ta'k abo$t the creat$res; B$t he ne&er rea''1 sai- that that "as his main
concernDor "hether it "as somethin) entire'1 -i%%erent;G
F9ike "hat>G
,e shook his hea-;
FAn1thin); :D1es;;;1es4 there is somethin) 1o$ probab'1 o$)ht to kno"4 %or "hate&er it is
"orth; (ome time a%ter his -isappearance4 : -i- make an e%%ort to %in- o$t one thin); !hat "as4
"hether : "as in-ee- the 'ast person to see him be%ore his -epart$re; : am %air'1 certain that :
"as; : ha- been here in the pa'ace a'' e&enin)4 an- : "as preparin) to ret$rn to the %'a)ship; /a-
ha- retire- abo$t an ho$r ear'ier4 b$t : ha- sta1e- on in the )$ar- room4 p'a1in) -ra$)hts "ith
Captain !hoben; As "e "ere sai'in) the %o''o"in) mornin)4 : -eci-e- to take a book "ith me; (o
: came $p here to the 'ibrar1; /a- "as seate- at the -esk;G ,e )est$re- "ith his hea-; F,e "as
)oin) thro$)h some o'- books4 an- he ha- not 1et chan)e- his )arments; ,e no--e- to me "hen
: entere-4 an- : to'- him : ha- ?$st come $p %or a book; ,e sai-4 @Ao$@&e come to the ri)ht p'ace4@
an- he kept on rea-in); =hi'e : "as 'ookin) o&er the she'&es4 he sai- somethin) to the e%%ect that
he co$'- not s'eep; : %o$n- a book4 to'- him )oo- ni)ht4 he sai-4 @#oo- sai'in)4@ an- : 'e%t;G
,e 'o"ere- his e1es a)ain; FNo" : am positi&e he "as "earin) the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment that
ni)ht4 that : sa" it on him then as p'ain'1 as : see it on 1o$ no"; : am e<$a''1 certain that he ha-
not ha- it on ear'ier that e&enin); +or a 'on) "hi'e a%ter4 : tho$)ht that he ha- taken it a'on) "ith
him4 "here&er he "ent; !here "as no in-ication in his chambers that he ha- 'ater chan)e- his
c'othin); : ne&er sa" the stone a)ain $nti' 1o$ an- B'e1s "ere -e%eate- in 1o$r assa$'t on
Amber; !hen4 2ric "as "earin) it; =hen : <$estione- him he c'aime- that he ha- %o$n- it in
/a-@s chambers; 9ackin) e&i-ence to the contrar14 : ha- to accept his stor1; B$t : "as ne&er
happ1 "ith it; Ao$r <$estionDan- seein) 1o$ "earin) itDhas bro$)ht it a'' back; (o : tho$)ht
1o$ ha- better kno" abo$t it;G
F!hanks4G : sai-4 an- another <$estion occ$rre- to me b$t : -eci-e- a)ainst askin) it at that
moment; +or the bene%it o% the others4 : c'ose- o%% b1 sa1in)4 F(o -o 1o$ think he nee-s an1
more b'ankets> Or an1thin) e'se>G
#erar- raise- his )'ass to me4 then took a -rink;
F7er1 )oo-; 3eep $p the )oo- "ork4G : sai-4 an- : passe- m1 han- o&er his car-;
FBrother Bran- seems to be -oin) a'' ri)ht4G : sai-4 Fan- #erar- -oes not reco''ect /a-@s sa1in)
an1thin) that "o$'- -irect'1 connect (ha-o" s'ippa)e an- his -epart$re; : "on-er ho" Bran-
"i'' reca'' thin)s4 "hen he comes aro$n->G
F:% he comes aro$n-4G E$'ian sai-;
F: think that he "i''4G : sai-; F=e ha&e a'' taken some prett1 ba- beatin)s; O$r &ita'it1 is one o%
the %e" thin)s "e ha&e come to tr$st; B1 )$ess is that he "i'' be ta'kin) b1 mornin);G
F=hat -o 1o$ propose -oin) "ith the )$i't1 part14G he aske-4 Fi% Bran- names him>G
FM$estion him4G : sai-;
F!hen : "o$'- 'ike to -o the <$estionin); : am be)innin) to %ee' that 1o$ ma1 be ri)ht this time4
Cor"in4 an- that the person "ho stabbe- him ma1 a'so be responsib'e %or o$r intermittent state
o% sie)e4 %or /a-@s -isappearance4 an- %or Caine@s ki''in); (o : "o$'- en?o1 <$estionin) him
be%ore "e c$t his throat4 an- : "o$'- 'ike to &o'$nteer %or that 'ast part a'so;G
F=e "i'' keep it in min-4G : sai-;
FAo$ are not e.c'$-e- %rom the reckonin)4 Cor"in;G
F: "as a"are o% that;G
F: ha&e somethin) to sa14G sai- Bene-ict4 smotherin) a re?oin-er %rom E$'ian; F: %in- m1se'%
tro$b'e- both b1 the stren)th an- the apparent ob?ecti&e o% the opposition; : ha&e enco$ntere-
them no" on se&era' occasions4 an- the1 are o$t %or b'oo-; Acceptin) %or the moment 1o$r stor1
o% the )ir' /ara4 Cor"in4 her %ina' "or-s -o seem to s$m $p their attit$-e8 @Amber "i'' be
-estro1e-;@ Not con<$ere-4 s$b?$)ate-4 or ta$)ht a 'esson; /estro1e-; E$'ian4 1o$ "o$'-n@t min-
r$'in) here4 "o$'- 1o$>G E$'ian smi'e-;
FPerhaps ne.t 1ear this time4G he sai-; FNot to-a14 thank 1o$;G
F=hat : am )ettin) at is that : co$'- see 1o$Dor an1 o% $sDemp'o1in) mercenaries or
obtainin) a''ies to e%%ect a takeo&er; : cannot see 1o$ emp'o1in) a %orce so po"er%$' that it "o$'-
represent a )ra&e prob'em itse'% a%ter"ar-; Not a %orce that seems bent on -estr$ction rather than
con<$est; : cannot see 1o$4 me4 Cor"in4 the others as act$a''1 tr1in) to -estro1 Amber4 or "i''in)
to )amb'e "ith %orces that "o$'-; !hat is the part : -o not 'ike abo$t Cor"in@s notion that one o%
$s is behin- this;G
: ha- to no-; : "as not $na"are o% the "eakness o% that 'ink in m1 chain o% spec$'ations; (ti''4
there "ere so man1 $nkno"ns;;;; : co$'- o%%er a'ternati&es4 s$ch as 0an-om then -i-4 b$t )$esses
pro&e nothin);
F:t ma1 be4G 0an-om sai-4 Fthat one o% $s ma-e the -ea' b$t $n-erestimate- his a''ies; !he
)$i't1 part1 ma1 no" be s"eatin) this thin) as m$ch as the rest o% $s; ,e ma1 not be in a
position to t$rn thin)s o%% no"4 e&en i% he "ants to;G
F=e co$'- o%%er him the opport$nit14G +iona sai-4 Fto betra1 his a''ies to $s no"; :% E$'ian co$'-
be pers$a-e- to 'ea&e his throat $nc$t an- the rest o% $s "ere "i''in) to -o the same4 he mi)ht
come aro$n-Di% 0an-om@s )$ess is correct; ,e "o$'- not c'aim the throne4 b$t he "as
ob&io$s'1 not abo$t to ha&e it be%ore; ,e "o$'- ha&e his 'i%e an- he co$'- sa&e Amber <$ite a bit
o% tro$b'e; :s an1one "i''in) to commit himse'% to a position on this>G
F: am4G : sai-; F: "i'' )i&e him 'i%e i% he "i'' come across4 "ith the $n-erstan-in) that it "i'' be
spent in e.i'e;G
F: "i'' )o a'on) "ith that4G Bene-ict sai-;
F(o "i'' :4G sai- 0an-om;
FOn one con-ition4G E$'ian sai-; F:% he "as not persona''1 responsib'e %or Caine@s -eath4 : "i''
)o a'on) "ith it; Other"ise4 no; An- there "o$'- ha&e to be e&i-ence;G
F9i%e4 in e.i'e4G /eir-re sai-; FA'' ri)ht; : a)ree;G
F(o -o :4G sai- +'ora;
FAn- :4G 9'e"e''a %o''o"e-;
F#erar- "i'' probab'1 a)ree too4G : sai-; FB$t : rea''1 "on-er "hether Bran- "i'' %ee' the same
as the rest o% $s; :@&e a %ee'in) he ma1 not;G
F9et $s check "ith #erar-4G Bene-ict sai-; F:% Bran- makes it an- pro&es the on'1 ho'-o$t4 the
)$i't1 part1 "i'' kno" he has on'1 one enem1 to a&oi-Dan- the1 can a'"a1s "ork o$t their o"n
terms on that co$nt;G
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-4 smotherin) a %e" mis)i&in)s4 an- : recontacte- #erar-4 "ho a)ree- a'so;
(o "e rose to o$r %eet an- s"ore that m$ch b1 the *nicorn o% AmberDE$'ian@s oath ha&in) an
e.tra c'a$se to itDan- s"ore to en%orce e.i'e on an1 o% o$r o"n n$mber "ho &io'ate- the oath;
+rank'14 : -i- not think it "o$'- net $s an1thin)4 b$t it is a'"a1s nice to see %ami'ies -oin) thin)s
A%ter that4 e&er1one ma-e a point o% mentionin) that he "o$'- be remainin) in the pa'ace
o&erni)ht4 pres$mab'1 to in-icate that no one %eare- an1thin) Bran- mi)ht ha&e to sa1 in the
mornin)Dan- especia''1 to in-icate that no one ha- a -esire to )et o$t o% to"n4 a thin) that
"o$'- not be %or)otten4 e&en i% Bran- )a&e $p the )host -$rin) the ni)ht; :n that : ha- no %$rther
<$estions to p$t to the )ro$p an- no one ha- spr$n) %or"ar- to o"n $p to the mis-ee-s co&ere-
b1 the oath4 : 'eane- back an- 'istene- %or a time a%ter that; !hin)s came apart4 %a''in) into a
series o% con&ersations an- e.chan)es4 one o% the main topics bein) an attempte- reconstr$ction
o% the 'ibrar1 tab'ea$4 each o% $s in his o"n p'ace an-4 in&ariab'14 "h1 each o% $s "as in a
position to ha&e -one it4 e.cept %or the speaker; : smoke-C : sai- nothin) on the s$b?ect; /eir-re
-i- spot an interestin) possibi'it14 ho"e&er; Name'14 that #erar- co$'- ha&e -one the stabbin)
himse'% "hi'e "e "ere a'' cro"-e- aro$n-4 an- that his heroic e%%orts "ere not prompte- b1 an1
-esire to sa&e Bran-@s neck4 b$t rather to achie&e a position "here he co$'- stop his ton)$eDin
"hich case Bran- "o$'- ne&er make it thro$)h the ni)ht; :n)enio$s4 b$t : ?$st co$'-n@t be'ie&e it;
No one e'se bo$)ht it either; At 'east4 no one &o'$nteere- to )o $pstairs an- thro" #erar- o$t;
A%ter a time +iona -ri%te- o&er an- sat besi-e me;
F=e''4 :@&e trie- the on'1 thin) : co$'- think o%4G she sai-; F: hope some )oo- comes o% it;G
F:t ma14G : sai-;
F: see that 1o$ ha&e a--e- a pec$'iar piece o% ornamentation to 1o$r "ar-robe4G she sai-4 raisin)
the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment bet"een her th$mb an- %ore%in)er an- st$-1in) it;
!hen she raise- her e1es;
FCan 1o$ make it -o tricks %or 1o$>G she aske-;
F(ome4G : sai-;
F!hen 1o$ kne" ho" to att$ne it; :t in&o'&es the Pattern4 -oesn@t it>G
FAes; 2ric to'- me ho" to )o abo$t it4 ri)ht be%ore he -ie-;G
F: see;G
(he re'ease- it4 sett'e- back into her seat4 re)ar-e- the %'ames;
F/i- he )i&e 1o$ an1 ca$tions to )o a'on) "ith it>G she aske-;
FNo4G : sai-;
F: "on-er "hether that "as a matter o% -esi)n or circ$mstance>G
F=e''4 he "as prett1 b$s1 -1in) at the time; !hat 'imite- o$r con&ersation consi-erab'1;G
F: kno"; : "as "on-erin) "hether his hatre- %or 1o$ o$t"ei)he- his hopes %or the rea'm4 or
"hether he "as simp'1 i)norant o% some o% the princip'es in&o'&e-;G
F=hat -o 1o$ kno" abo$t it>G
F!hink a)ain o% 2ric@s -eath4 Cor"in; : "as not there "hen it occ$rre-4 b$t : came in ear'1 %or
the %$nera'; : "as present "hen his bo-1 "as bathe-4 sha&e-4 -resse-Dan- : e.amine- his
"o$n-s; : -o not be'ie&e that an1 o% them "ere %ata'4 in themse'&es; !here "ere three chest
"o$n-s4 b$t on'1 one 'ooke- as i% it mi)ht ha&e r$n into the me-iastina' areaDG
FOne@s eno$)h4 i%DG
F=ait4G she sai-; F:t "as -i%%ic$'t4 b$t : trie- ?$-)in) the an)'e o% the p$nct$re "ith a thin )'ass
ro-; : "ante- to make an incision4 b$t Caine "o$'- not permit it; (ti''4 : -o not be'ie&e that his
heart or arteries "ere -ama)e-; :t is sti'' not too 'ate to or-er an a$tops14 i% 1o$ "o$'- 'ike me to
check %$rther on this; : am certain that his in?$ries an- the )enera' stress contrib$te- to his -eath4
b$t : be'ie&e it "as the ?e"e' that ma-e the -i%%erence;G
F=h1 -o 1o$ think this>G
FBeca$se o% some thin)s that /"orkin sai- "hen : st$-ie- "ith himDan- thin)s that : notice-
a%ter"ar-4 beca$se o% this; ,e in-icate- that "hi'e it con%erre- $n$s$a' abi'ities4 it a'so
represente- a -rain on the &ita'it1 o% its master; !he 'on)er 1o$ "ear it4 the more it someho"
takes o$t o% 1o$; : pai- attention a%ter that4 an- : notice- that /a- "ore it on'1 se'-om an- ne&er
kept it on %or 'on) perio-s o% time;G
B1 tho$)hts ret$rne- to 2ric4 the -a1 he 'a1 -1in) on the s'opes o% 3o'&ir4 the batt'e ra)in)
abo$t him; : remembere- m1 %irst 'ook at him4 his %ace pa'e4 his breath 'abore-4 b'oo- on his
chest;;;; An- the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment4 there on its chain4 "as p$'sin)4 heart'ike4 amon) the moist
%o'-s o% bis )arments; : ha- ne&er seen it -o that be%ore4 or since; : reca''e- that the e%%ect ha-
)ro"n %ainter4 "eaker; An- "hen he -ie- an- : %o'-e- his han-s atop it4 the phenomenon ha-
F=hat -o 1o$ kno" o% its %$nction>G : aske- her;
(he shook her hea-;
F/"orkin consi-ere- that a state secret; : kno" the ob&io$sD"eather contro'Dan- : in%erre-
%rom some o% /a-@s remarks that it has somethin) to -o "ith a hei)htene- perception4 or a hi)her
perception; /"orkin ha- mentione- it primari'1 as an e.amp'e o% the per&asi&eness o% the
Pattern in e&er1thin) that )i&es $s po"erDe&en the !r$mps contain the Pattern4 i% 1o$ 'ook
c'ose'14 'ook 'on) eno$)hDan- he cite- it as an instance o% a conser&ation princip'e8 a'' o% o$r
specia' po"ers ha&e their price; !he )reater the po"er4 the 'ar)er the in&estment; !he !r$mps are
a sma'' matter4 b$t there is sti'' an e'ement o% %ati)$e in&o'&e- in their emp'o1ment; =a'kin)
thro$)h (ha-o"4 "hich is an e.ercise o% the ima)e o% the Pattern "hich e.ists "ithin $s4 is an
e&en )reater e.pen-it$re; !o essa1 the Pattern itse'%4 ph1sica''14 is a massi&e -rain on one@s
ener)ies; B$t the ?e"e'4 he sai-4 represents an e&en hi)her octa&e o% the same thin)4 an- its cost
to its emp'o1er is e.ponentia''1 )reater;G
!h$s4 i% correct4 another ambi)$o$s insi)ht into the character o% m1 'ate an- 'east %a&ore-
brother; :% he "ere a"are o% this phenomenon an- ha- -onne- the ?e"e' an- "orn it o&er'on)
an1ho"4 in the -e%ense o% Amber4 it ma-e him somethin) o% a hero; B$t then4 seen in this 'i)ht4
his passin) it a'on) to me4 "itho$t "arnin)s4 became a -eathbe- e%%ort at a %ina' piece o%
&en)eance; B$t he ha- e.empte- me %rom his c$rse4 he@- sai-4 so as to spen- it proper'1 on o$r
enemies in the %ie'-; !his4 o% co$rse4 on'1 meant that he hate- them a 'itt'e more than he hate-
me an- "as -ep'o1in) his %ina' ener)ies as strate)ica''1 as possib'e4 %or Amber; : tho$)ht then o%
the partia' character o% /"orkin@s notes4 as : ha- reco&ere- them %rom the hi-in) p'ace 2ric ha-
in-icate-; Co$'- it be that 2ric ha- ac<$ire- them intact an- ha- p$rpose'1 -estro1e- that portion
containin) the ca$tions so as to -amn his s$ccessor> !hat notion -i- not strike me as <$ite
a-e<$ate4 %or he ha- ha- no "a1 o% kno"in) that : "o$'- ret$rn "hen : -i-4 as : -i-4 that the
co$rse o% batt'e "o$'- r$n as it ha-4 an- that : "o$'- in-ee- be his s$ccessor; :t co$'- ?$st as
easi'1 ha&e been one o% his %a&orites that %o''o"e- him to po"er4 in "hich case he "o$'-
certain'1 not ha&e "ante- him to inherit an1 boob1 traps; No; As : sa" it4 either 2ric "as not
rea''1 a"are o% this propert1 o% the stone4 ha&in) ac<$ire- on'1 partia' instr$ctions %or its $se4 or
someone ha- )otten to those papers be%ore : ha- an- remo&e- s$%%icient materia' to 'ea&e me
"ith a morta' 'iabi'it1; :t ma1 "e'' ha&e been the han- o% the rea' enem14 once a)ain;
F/o 1o$ kno" the sa%et1 %actor>G : aske-;
FNo4G she sai-; F: can )i&e 1o$ on'1 t"o pointers4 %or "hate&er the1 ma1 be "orth; !he %irst is
that : -o not reca'' /a-@s e&er "earin) it %or 'on) perio-s o% time; !he secon-4 : piece- to)ether
%rom a n$mber o% thin)s that he sai-4 be)innin) "ith a comment to the e%%ect that @"hen peop'e
t$rn into stat$es 1o$ are either in the "ron) p'ace or in tro$b'e;@ : presse- him <$ite a bit on that4
o&er a 'on) perio- o% time4 an- : e&ent$a''1 )ot the impression that the %irst si)n o% ha&in) "orn
it too 'on) is some sort o% -istortion o% 1o$r time sense; Apparent'1 it be)ins spee-in) $p the
metabo'ismDe&er1thin)D"ith a net e%%ect that the "or'- seems to be s'o"in) -o"n aro$n-
1o$; !his m$st take <$ite a to'' on a person; !hat is e&er1thin) that : kno" abo$t it4 an- : a-mit
that a 'ar)e part o% the 'ast is )$ess"ork; ,o" 'on) ha&e 1o$ been "earin) it>G
FA "hi'e no"4G : sai-4 takin) m1 menta' p$'se an- )'ancin) abo$t to see "hether thin)s seeme-
to be s'o"in) -o"n an1;
: co$'- not rea''1 te''4 tho$)h o% co$rse : -i- not %ee' in the best o% shape; : ha- ass$me- it "as
tota''1 #erar-@s -oin)4 tho$)h; : "as not abo$t to 1ank it o%%4 ho"e&er4 ?$st beca$se another
%ami'1 member ha- s$))este- it4 e&en i% it "as c'e&er +iona in one o% her %rien-'ier moo-s;
Per&ersit14 c$sse-ness;;;No4 in-epen-ence; !hat "as it; !hat an- p$re'1 %orma' -istr$st; : ha-
on'1 p$t it on %or the e&enin) a %e" ho$rs be%ore4 an1"a1; :@- "ait;
F=e''4 1o$ ha&e ma-e 1o$r point in "earin) it4G she "as sa1in); F: simp'1 "ante- to a-&ise 1o$
a)ainst pro'on)e- e.pos$re $nti' 1o$ kno" more abo$t it;G
F!hanks4 +i; :@'' ha&e it o%% soon4 an- : appreciate 1o$r te''in) me; B1 the "a14 "hate&er became
o% /"orkin>G
(he tappe- her temp'e;
F,is min- %ina''1 "ent4 poor man; : 'ike to think that /a- ha- him p$t a"a1 in some rest%$'
retreat in (ha-o";G
F: see "hat 1o$ mean4G : sai-; FAes4 'et $s think that; Poor %e''o";G
E$'ian rose to his %eet4 conc'$-in) a con&ersation "ith 9'e"e''a; ,e stretche-4 no--e- to her4 an-
stro''e- o&er;
FCor"in4 ha&e 1o$ tho$)ht o% an1 more <$estions %or $s>G he sai-;
FNone that :@- care to ask ?$st no";G
,e smi'e-;
FAn1thin) more that 1o$ "ant to te'' $s>G
FNot at the moment;G
FAn1 more e.periments4 -emonstrations4 chara-es>G
F#oo-; !hen :@m )oin) to be-; #oo- ni)ht;G
,e bo"e- to +iona4 "a&e- to Bene-ict an- 0an-om4 no--e- to +'ora an- /eir-re as he passe-
them on the "a1 to the -oor; ,e pa$se- on the thresho'-4 t$rne- back an- sai-4 FNo" 1o$ can a''
ta'k abo$t me4G an- "ent on o$t;
FA'' ri)ht4G +iona sai-; F9et@s; : think he@s the one;G
F=h1>G : aske-;
F:@'' )o -o"n the 'ist4 s$b?ecti&e4 int$iti&e4 an- biase- as it is; Bene-ict4 in m1 opinion4 is abo&e
s$spicion; :% he "ante- the throne4 he@- ha&e it b1 no"4 b1 -irect4 mi'itar1 metho-s; =ith a'' the
time he has ha-4 he co$'- ha&e mana)e- an attack that "o$'- ha&e s$ccee-e-4 e&en a)ainst /a-;
,e is that )oo-4 an- "e a'' kno" it; Ao$4 on the other han-4 ha&e ma-e a n$mber o% b'$n-ers
"hich 1o$ "o$'- not ha&e ma-e ha- 1o$ been in %$'' possession o% 1o$r %ac$'ties; !hat is "h1 :
be'ie&e 1o$r stor14 amnesia an- a''; No one )ets himse'% b'in-e- as a piece o% strate)1; #erar- is
"e'' on the "a1 to estab'ishin) his o"n innocence; : a'most think he is $p there "ith Bran- no"
more %or that reason than %rom an1 -esire to protect Bran-; At an1 rate4 "e "i'' kno" %or s$re
be%ore 'on)Dor e'se ha&e some ne" s$spicions; 0an-om has simp'1 been "atche- too c'ose'1
these past 1ears to ha&e ha- the opport$nit1 to en)ineer e&er1thin) that has been happenin); (o
he is o$t; O% $s more -e'icate sorts; +'ora hasn@t the brains4 /eir-re 'acks the )$ts4 9'e"e''a hasn@t
the moti&ations4 as she is happ1 e'se"here b$t ne&er here4 an- :4 o% co$rse4 am innocent o% a'' b$t
ma'ice; !hat 'ea&es E$'ian; :s he capab'e> Aes; /oes he "ant the throne> O% co$rse; ,as he ha-
time an- opport$nit1> A)ain4 1es; ,e is 1o$r man;G
F=o$'- he ha&e ki''e- Caine>G : aske-;
F!he1 "ere b$--ies;G
(he c$r'e- her 'ip;
FE$'ian has no %rien-s4G she sai-; F!hat ic1 persona'it1 o% his is tha"e- on'1 b1 tho$)hts o%
himse'%; Oh4 in recent 1ears he seeme- c'oser to Caine than to an1one e'se; B$t e&en that;;;e&en
that co$'- ha&e been a part o% it; (hammin) a %rien-ship 'on) eno$)h to make it seem be'ie&ab'e4
so that he "o$'- not be s$spect at this time; : can be'ie&e E$'ian capab'e o% that beca$se : cannot
be'ie&e him capab'e o% stron) emotiona' attachments;G
: shook m1 hea-;
F: -on@t kno"4G : sai-; F,is %rien-ship "ith Caine is somethin) that occ$rre- -$rin) m1 absence4
so e&er1thin) : kno" concernin) it is secon-han-; (ti''4 i% E$'ian "ere 'ookin) %or %rien-ship in
the %orm o% another persona'it1 c'ose to his o"n4 : can see it; !he1 "ere a 'ot a'ike; : ten- to
think it "as rea'4 beca$se : -on@t think an1bo-1 is capab'e o% -ecei&in) someone abo$t his
%rien-ship %or 1ears; *n'ess the other part1 is a"%$''1 st$pi-4 "hich is somethin) Caine "as not;
An-D"e''4 1o$ sa1 1o$r reasonin) "as s$b?ecti&e4 int$iti&e4 an- biase-; (o is mine4 on
somethin) 'ike this; : ?$st -on@t 'ike to think an1bo-1 is s$ch a miserab'e "retch that he "o$'-
$se his on'1 %rien- that "a1; !hat@s "h1 : think there is somethin) "ron) "ith 1o$r 'ist;G
(he si)he-;
F+or someone "ho has been aro$n- %or as 'on) as 1o$ ha&e4 Cor"in4 1o$ sa1 some si''1 thin)s;
=ere 1o$ chan)e- b1 1o$r 'on) sta1 in that %$nn1 'itt'e p'ace> Aears a)o 1o$ "o$'- ha&e seen
the ob&io$s4 as : -o;G
FPerhaps : ha&e chan)e-4 %or s$ch thin)s no 'on)er seem ob&io$s; Or co$'- it be that 1o$ ha&e
chan)e-4 +iona> A tri%'e more c1nica' than the 'itt'e )ir' : once kne"; :t mi)ht not ha&e been a''
that ob&io$s to 1o$4 1ears a)o;G
(he smi'e- so%t'1;
FNe&er te'' a "oman she has chan)e-4 Cor"in; 2.cept %or the better; Ao$ $se- to kno" that4 too;
Co$'- it be that 1o$ are rea''1 on'1 one o% Cor"in@s sha-o"s4 sent back to s$%%er an- intimi-ate
here on his beha'%> :s the rea' Cor"in some"here e'se; 'a$)hin) at $s a''>G
F: am here4 an- : am not 'a$)hin)4G : sai-; (he 'a$)he-;
FAes4 that is itIG she sai-; F: ha&e ?$st -eci-e- that 1o$ are not 1o$rse'%I
FAnno$ncement4 e&er1bo-1IG she crie-4 sprin)in) to her %eet; F: ha&e ?$st notice- that this is not
rea''1 Cor"inI :t has to be one o% his sha-o"sI :t has ?$st anno$nce- a be'ie% in %rien-ship4
-i)nit14 nobi'it1 o% spirit4 an- those other thin)s "hich %i)$re prominent'1 in pop$'ar romancesI :
am ob&io$s'1 onto somethin)IG
!he others stare- at her; (he 'a$)he- a)ain4 then sat -o"n abr$pt'1;
: hear- +'ora m$tter F-r$nkG an- ret$rn to her con&ersation "ith /eir-re;
0an-om sai-4 F9et@s hear it %or sha-o"s4G an- t$rne- back to a -isc$ssion "ith Bene-ict an-
F(ee>G she sai-;
FAo$@re ins$bstantia'4G she sai-4 pattin) m1 knee; FAn- so am :4 no" that : think abo$t it; :t has
been a ba- -a14 Cor"in;G
F: kno"; : %ee' 'ike he''4 too; : tho$)ht : ha- s$ch a %ine i-ea %or )ettin) Bran- back; Not on'1
that4 it "orke-; A 'ot o% )oo- it -i- him;G
F/on@t o&er'ook those bits o% &irt$e 1o$@&e ac<$ire-4G she sai-; FAo$@re not to b'ame %or the "a1
it t$rne- o$t;G
F: be'ie&e that E$'ian mi)ht ha&e ha- the ri)ht i-ea4G she sai-; F: -on@t %ee' 'ike sta1in) a"ake
an1 'on)er;G
: rose "ith8 her4 "a'ke- her to the -oor;
F:@m a'' ri)ht4G she sai-; F0ea''1;G
(he no--e- sharp'1;
F(ee 1o$ in the mornin) then;G
F: hope so4G she sai-; FNo" 1o$ can ta'k abo$t me;G
(he "inke- an- "ent o$t;
: t$rne- back4 sa" that Bene-ict an- 9'e"e''a "ere approachin);
F!$rnin) in>G : aske-;
Bene-ict no--e-;
FBi)ht as "e''4G 9'e"e''a sai-4 an- she kisse- me on the cheek;
F=hat "as that %or>G
FA n$mber o% thin)s4G she sai-; F#oo- ni)ht;G
F#oo- ni)ht;G
0an-om "as cro$che- on the hearth4 pokin) at the %ire; /eir-re t$rne- to him an- sai-4 F/on@t
thro" on more "oo- ?$st %or $s; +'ora an- : are )oin) too;G
FOka1;G ,e set the poker asi-e an- rose; F('eep "e''4G he ca''e- a%ter them;
/eir-re )a&e me a s'eep1 smi'e an- +'ora a ner&o$s one; : a--e- m1 )oo- ni)hts an- "atche-
them 'ea&e;
F9earn an1thin) ne" an- $se%$'>G 0an-om aske-;
: shr$))e-;
F/i- 1o$>G
FOpinions4 con?ect$res; No ne" %acts4G he sai-; F=e "ere tr1in) to -eci-e "ho mi)ht be ne.t on
the 'ist;G
FBene-ict thinks it@s a toss-$p; Ao$ or him; Pro&i-in) 1o$ are not behin- it a''4 o% co$rse; ,e
a'so thinks 1o$r b$--1 #ane'on o$)ht to "atch his step;G
F#ane'on;;;Aes4 that@s a tho$)htDan- it sho$'- ha&e been mine; : think he is ri)ht abo$t the
toss-$p4 too; :t ma1 e&en be s'i)ht'1 "ei)hte- a)ainst him4 since the1 kno" :@m a'ert beca$se o%
the attempte- %rame$p;G
F: "o$'- sa1 that a'' o% $s are no" a"are that Bene-ict is a'ert himse'%; ,e mana)e- to mention
his opinion to e&er1one; : be'ie&e that he "o$'- "e'come an attempt;G
: ch$ck'e-;
F!hat ba'ances the coin a)ain; : )$ess it is a toss-$p;G
F,e sai- that4 too; Nat$ra''14 he kne" : "o$'- te'' 1o$;G
FNat$ra''14 : "ish he "o$'- start ta'kin) to me a)ain; =e'';;;not m$ch : can -o abo$t it no"4G :
sai-; F!he he'' "ith e&er1thin); :@m )oin) to be-;G
,e no--e-;
F9ook $n-er it %irst;G
=e 'e%t the room4 hea-e- $p the ha'';
FCor"in4 : "ish 1o$@- ha- the %oresi)ht to brin) some co%%ee back "ith 1o$4 a'on) "ith the
)$ns4G he sai-; F: co$'- $se a c$p;G
F/oesn@t it keep 1o$ a"ake>G
FNo; : 'ike a co$p'e o% c$ps in the e&enin);G
F: miss it mornin)s; =e@'' ha&e to import some "hen this mess is a'' sett'e-;G
F(ma'' com%ort4 b$t a )oo- i-ea; =hat )ot into +i4 an1ho">G
F(he thinks E$'ian is o$r man;G
F(he ma1 be ri)ht;G
F=hat abo$t Caine>G
F($pposin) it "as not a sin)'e in-i&i-$a'4G he sai- as "e mo$nte- the stair; F(a1 it "as t"o4 'ike
E$'ian an- Caine; !he1 %ina''1 ha- a %a''in) o$t4 Caine 'ost4 E$'ian -ispose- o% him an- $se- the
-eath4 to "eaken 1o$r position as "e''; +ormer %rien-s make the "orst enemies;G
F:t@s no $se4G : sai-; F: )et -i661 "hen : start sortin) the possibi'ities; =e are either )oin) to ha&e
to "ait %or somethin) more to happen4 or make somethin) happen; Probab'1 the 'atter; B$t not
F,e1I =ait $pIG
F(orr1;G : pa$se- at the 'an-in); F/on@t kno" "hat )ot into me; +inishin) sp$rt4 : )$ess;G
FNer&o$s ener)14G he sai-4 comin) abreast o% me once more; =e contin$e- on $p4 an- : ma-e an
e%%ort to match his pace4 %i)htin) -o"n a -esire to h$rr1;
F=e''4 s'eep "e''4G he sai- %ina''1;
F#oo- ni)ht; 0an-om;G
,e contin$e- on $p the stair an- : hea-e- o%% a'on) the corri-or to"ar- m1 <$arters; : "as
%ee'in) ?itter1 b1 then4 "hich m$st be "h1 : -roppe- m1 ke1;
: reache- an- p'$cke- it o$t o% the air be%ore it ha- %a''en &er1 %ar; (im$'taneo$s'14 : "as str$ck
b1 the impression that its motion "as some"hat s'o"er than it sho$'- ha&e been; : inserte- it in
the 'ock an- t$rne- it;
!he room "as -ark4 b$t : -eci-e- a)ainst 'i)htin) a can-'e or an oi' 'amp; : ha- )otten $se- to
the -ark a 'on) time a)o; : 'ocke- an- bo'te- the -oor; B1 e1es "ere a'rea-1 ha'% a-?$ste- to the
)'oom4 %rom the -im ha''"a1; : t$rne-; !here "as some star'i)ht 'eakin) in abo$t the -rapes4 too;
: crosse- the room4 $n%astenin) m1 co''ar;
,e "as "aitin) in m1 be- chamber4 to the 'e%t o% the entrance; ,e "as per%ect'1 positione- an-
he -i- nothin) to )i&e himse'% a"a1; : "a'ke- ri)ht into it; ,e ha- the i-ea' station4 he he'- the
-a))er rea-14 he ha- the e'ement o% tota' s$rprise )oin) %or him; B1 ri)hts : sho$'- ha&e -ie-D
not in m1 be-4 b$t ?$st there at its %oot;
: ca$)ht a )'impse o% the mo&ement4 rea'i6e- the presence an- its si)ni%icance as : steppe- o&er
the thresho'-;
: kne" that it "as too 'ate to a&oi- the thr$st e&en as : raise- m1 arm to tr1 to b'ock it; B$t one
pec$'iarit1 str$ck me be%ore the b'a-e itse'% -i-8 m1 assai'ant seeme- to be mo&in) too s'o"'1;
M$ick4 "ith a'' the tension o% his "ait behin- it4 that is ho" it sho$'- ha&e been; : sho$'- ne&er
ha&e kno"n it "as occ$rrin) $nti' a%ter the act4 i% then; : sho$'- not ha&e ha- time to t$rn
part"a1 an- s"in) m1 arm as %ar as : -i-; A r$--1 ha6e %i''e- m1 &ision an- : %e't m1 %orearm
strike the si-e o% the o$t%'$n) arm at abo$t the same moment as the stee' to$che- m1 be''1 an-
bit; =ithin the re-ness there seeme- a %aint tracin) o% that cosmic &ersion o% the Pattern : ha-
%o''o"e- ear'ier in the -a1; As : -o$b'e- an- %e''4 $nab'e to think b$t sti'' %or a moment
conscio$s4 it came c'earer4 came nearer4 the -esi)n; : "ante- to %'ee4 b$t horse m1 bo-1
st$mb'e-; : "as thro"n;
Chapter $
O$t o% e&er1 'i%e a 'itt'e b'oo- m$st spi''; *n%ort$nate'14 it "as m1 t$rn a)ain4 an- it %e't 'ike
more than a 'itt'e; : "as '1in)4 -o$b'e- $p4 on m1 ri)ht si-e4 both arms c'$tchin) at m1 mi--'e; :
"as "et4 an- e&er1 no" an- then somethin) trick'e- a'on) the creases o% m1 be''1; +ront4 'o"er
'e%t4 ?$st abo&e the be't'ine4 : %e't 'ike a cas$a''1 opene- en&e'ope; !hese "ere m1 %irst sensations
as conscio$sness came aro$n- a)ain; An- m1 %irst tho$)ht "as4 F=hat is he "aitin) %or>G
Ob&io$s'14 the co$p -e )race ha- been "ithhe'-; =h1>
: opene- m1 e1es; !he1 ha- taken a-&anta)e o% "hate&er time ha- e'apse- to a-?$st themse'&es
to the -arkness; : t$rne- m1 hea-; : -i- not see an1one e'se in the room "ith me; B$t somethin)
pec$'iar ha- occ$rre- an- : co$'- not <$ite p'ace it; : c'ose- m1 e1es an- 'et m1 hea- %a'' back to
the mattress once more; (omethin) "as "ron)4 1et at the same time ri)ht;;;;
!he mattress;;;Aes4 : "as '1in) on m1 be-; : -o$bte- m1 abi'it1 to ha&e )otten there $nassiste-;
B$t it "o$'- be abs$r- to kni%e me an- them he'p me to be-;
B1 be-;;;:t "as m1 be-4 1et it "as not;
: s<$ee6e- m1 e1es ti)ht; : )ritte- m1 teeth; : -i- not $n-erstan-; : kne" that m1 thinkin) co$'-
not be norma' there on the %rin)es o% shock4 m1 b'oo- poo'in) in m1 )$ts an- then 'eakin) o$t; :
trie- to %orce m1se'% to think c'ear'1; :t "as not eas1;
B1 be-; Be%ore 1o$ are %$''1 a"are o% an1thin) e'se4 1o$ are a"are "hether 1o$ are a"akenin)
in 1o$r o"n be-; An- : "as4 b$tD
: %o$)ht -o"n an enormo$s imp$'se to snee6e4 beca$se : %e't it "o$'- tear me apart; :
compresse- m1 nostri's an- breathe- in short )asps thro$)h m1 mo$th; !he taste4 sme'' an- %ee'
o% -$st "as a'' abo$t me;
!he nasa' assa$'t s$bsi-e- an- : opene- m1 e1es; : kne" then "here : "as; : -i- not $n-erstan-
the "h1 an- ho" o% it4 b$t : ha- come once more to a p'ace : ha- ne&er e.pecte- to see a)ain; :
'o"ere- m1 ri)ht han-4 $se- it to raise m1se'%;
:t "as m1 be-rom in m1 ho$se; !he o'- one; !he p'ace "hich ha- been mine back "hen : "as
Car' Core1; : ha- been ret$rne- to (ha-o"4 to that "or'- hea&1 "ith -$st; !he be- ha- not been
ma-e $p since the 'ast time : ha- s'ept in it4 o&er ha'% a -eca-e be%ore; : kne" the state o% the
ho$se %$''14 ha&in) 'ooke- in on it on'1 a %e" "eeks ear'ier;
: p$she- m1se'% %$rther4 mana)e- to s'i-e m1 %eet o$t o&er the e-)e o% the be- an- -o"n; !hen :
-o$b'e- $p a)ain an- sat there; :t "as ba-;
=hi'e : %e't temporari'1 sa%e %rom %$rther assa$'t4 : kne" that : re<$ire- more than sa%et1 ?$st
then; : ha- to ha&e he'p4 an- : "as in no position to he'p m1se'%; : "as not e&en certain ho"
m$ch 'on)er : mi)ht remain conscio$s; (o : ha- to )et -o"n an- )et o$t; !he phone "o$'- be
-ea-4 the nearest ho$se "as not too c'ose b1; : "o$'- ha&e to )et -o"n to the roa-4 at 'east; :
re%'ecte- )rim'1 that one o% m1 reasons %or 'ocatin) "here : ha- "as that it "as not a "e''-
tra&e'e- roa-; : en?o1 m1 so'it$-e4 at 'east some o% the time;
=ith m1 ri)ht han- : -re" $p the nearest pi''o" an- s'ippe- o%% its case; : t$rne- it insi-e o$t4
trie- to %o'- it4 )a&e $p4 "a--e- it4 s'ippe- it beneath m1 shirt4 an- presse- it a)ainst m1 "o$n-;
!hen : sat there4 ?$st ho'-in) it in p'ace; :t ha- been a ma?or e.ertion an- : %o$n- it pain%$' to
take too -eep a breath;
A%ter a time4 tho$)h4 : -re" the secon- pi''o" to me4 he'- it across m1 knees an- 'et it s'ip o$t
o% its case;
: "ante- the pi''o"s'ip to "a&e at a passin) motorist4 %or m1 )arments4 as $s$a'4 "ere -ark;
Be%ore : co$'- -ra" it thro$)h m1 be't4 tho$)h4 : "as con%o$n-e- b1 the beha&ior o% the pi''o"
itse'%; :t ha- not 1et reache- the %'oor; : ha- re'ease- it4 nothin) "as s$pportin) it4 an- it "as
mo&in); B$t it "as mo&in) <$ite s'o"'14 -escen-in) "ith a -ream'ike -e'iberation;
: tho$)ht o% the %a'' o% the ke1 as : ha- -roppe- it o$tsi-e m1 room; : tho$)ht o% m1 $ninten-e-
<$ickness on mo$ntin) the stair "ith 0an-om; : tho$)ht o% +iona@s "or-s an- o% the Ee"e' o%
E$-)ment4 "hich sti'' h$n) abo$t m1 neck no" p$'satin) in time "ith the throbbin) o% m1 si-e;
:t mi)ht ha&e sa&e- m1 'i%e4 at 'east %or the momentC 1es4 it probab'1 ha-4 i% +iona@s notions "ere
correct; :t ha- probab'1 )i&en me a moment or so more than "o$'- other"ise ha&e been m1 -$e
"hen the assai'ant str$ck4 'ettin) me t$rn4 'ettin) me s"in) m1 arm; :t mi)ht4 someho"4 e&en
ha&e been responsib'e %or m1 s$--en transportation; B$t : "o$'- ha&e to think abo$t s$ch thin)s
at another time4 sho$'- : s$ccee- in maintainin) a meanin)%$' re'ationship "ith the %$t$re; +or
no"4 the ?e"e' ha- to )oDin case +iona@s %ears concernin) it "ere a'so correctDan- : ha- to )et
: t$cke- a"a1 the secon- pi''o" co&er4 then trie- to stan-4 ho'-in) on to the %ootboar-; No
)oo-I /i66iness an- too m$ch pain; : 'o"ere- m1se'% to the %'oor4 a%rai- o% passin) o$t on the
"a1 -o"n; : ma-e it; : reste-; !hen : be)an to mo&e4 a s'o" cra"';
!he %ront -oor4 as : reca''e-4 "as no" nai'e- sh$t; A'' ri)ht; O$t the back4 then;
: ma-e it to the be-room an- ha'te-4 'eanin) a)ainst its %rame; As : reste- there : remo&e- the
Ee"e' o% E$-)ment %rom m1 neck an- "rappe- its chain abo$t m1 "rist; : ha- to cache it
somep'ace4 an- the sa%e in m1 st$-1 "as too %ar o$t o% the "a1; Besi-es4 : be'ie&e- that : "as
'ea&in) a trai' o% b'oo-; An1one %in-in) an- %o''o"in) it mi)ht "e'' be c$rio$s eno$)h to
in&esti)ate an- sprin) the sma'' thin); An- : 'acke- the time an- the ener)1;;;;
: ma-e m1 "a1 o$t4 aro$n-4 an- thro$)h; : ha- to rise an- e.ert m1se'% to )et the back -oor
open; : ma-e the mistake o% not restin) %irst;
=hen : re)aine- conscio$sness4 : "as '1in) across the thresho'-; !he ni)ht "as ra" an- c'o$-s
%i''e- m$ch o% the sk1; A mean "in- ratt'e- branches abo&e the patio; : %e't se&era' -rops o%
moist$re on the back o% m1 o$t%'$n) han-;
: p$she- $p an- cra"'e- o$t; !he sno" "as abo$t t"o inches -eep; !he ic1 air he'pe- to re&i&e
me; =ith somethin) near panic4 : rea'i6e- ?$st ho" %o))1 m1 min- ha- been -$rin) m$ch o% m1
co$rse %rom the be-room; :t "as possib'e that : mi)ht )o $n-er at an1 time;
: starte- imme-iate'1 %or the %ar corner o% the ho$se4 -e&iatin) on'1 to reach the compost heap4
tear m1 "a1 into it4 -rop the ?e"e'4 an- reposition the c'$mp o% -ea- )rasses : ha- broken 'oose;
: br$she- sno" o&er it an- contin$e- on;
Once : ma-e it abo$t the corner4 : "as shie'-e- %rom the "in- an- hea-e- -o"n a s'i)ht inc'ine;
: reache- the %ront o% the ho$se an- reste- once more; A car ha- ?$st passe- an- : "atche- its
tai''i)hts -"in-'e; :t "as the on'1 &ehic'e in si)ht;
:c1 cr1sta's st$n) m1 %ace as : mo&e- a)ain; B1 knees "ere "et an- b$rnin) co'-; !he %ront
1ar- s'ope-4 )ent'1 at %irst4 then -roppe- sharp'1 to"ar- the roa-; !here "as a -ip abo$t a
h$n-re- 1ar-s to the ri)ht4 "here motorists )enera''1 hit their brakes; :t seeme- that this mi)ht
)i&e me a %e" moments more in the hea-'i)hts o% an1one comin) %rom that -irectionDone o%
those sma'' ass$rances the min- a'"a1s seeks "hen thin)s )et serio$s4 an aspirin %or the
emotions; =ith three rest stops4 : ma-e it -o"n to the roa-si-e4 then o&er to the bi) rock that
bore m1 ho$se n$mber; : sat on it an- 'eane- back a)ainst the ic1 embankment; : ha$'e- o$t the
secon- pi''o" case an- -rape- it across m1 knees;
: "aite-; : kne" that m1 min- "as %$661; : be'ie&e that : -ri%te- into an- o$t o% conscio$sness a
n$mber o% times; =hene&er : ca$)ht m1se'% at it4 : attempte- to impose some &ersion o% or-er on
m1 tho$)hts4 to assess "hat ha- happene- in the 'i)ht o% e&er1thin) e'se that ha- ?$st happene-4
to seek other sa%et1 meas$res; !he %ormer e%%ort pro&e- too m$ch4 ho"e&er; :t "as simp'1 too
-i%%ic$'t to think be1on- the 'e&e' o% respon-in) to circ$mstance; =ith a sort o% n$mb
en'i)htenment4 tho$)h4 it occ$rre- to me that : "as sti'' in possession o% m1 !r$mps; : co$'-
contact someone in Amber4 ha&e him transport me back;
B$t "ho> : "as not so %ar )one that : %ai'e- to rea'i6e : mi)ht be contactin) the one responsib'e
%or m1 con-ition; =o$'- it be better to )amb'e that "a14 or to take m1 chances here> (ti''4
0an-om or #erar-D: tho$)ht that : hear- a car; +aint4 -istant;;;!he "in- an- m1 p$'sebeat "ere
competin) "th perception4 tho$)h; : t$rne- m1 hea-; : concentrate-;
!here;;;A)ain; Aes; :t "as an en)ine; : )ot rea-1 to "a&e the c'oth;
2&en then4 m1 min- kept stra1in); An- one tho$)ht that %'itte- thro$)h "as that : mi)ht a'rea-1
be $nab'e to m$ster s$%%icient concentration to manip$'ate the !r$mps;
!he so$n- )re" 'o$-er; : raise- the c'oth; Boments 'ater4 the %arthest &isib'e point a'on) the
roa- to m1 ri)ht "as to$che- "ith 'i)ht; (hort'1 a%ter4 : sa" the car at the top o% the rise; : 'ost
si)ht o% it once more as it -escen-e- the hi''; !hen it c'imbe- a)ain an- came on4 sno"%'akes
%'ashin) thro$)h its hea-beams;
: be)an "a&in) as it approache- the -ip; !he 'i)hts ca$)ht me as it came $p o$t o% it4 an- the
-ri&er co$'- not ha&e misse- seein) me; ,e "ent b14 tho$)h4 a man in a 'ate mo-e' se-an4 a
"oman in the passen)er seat; !he "oman t$rne- an- 'ooke- at me4 b$t the -ri&er -i- not e&en
s'o" -o"n;
A co$p'e o% min$tes 'ater another car came b14 a bit o'-er4 a "oman -ri&in)4 no &isib'e
passen)ers; :t -i- s'o" -o"n4 b$t on'1 %or a moment; (he m$st not ha&e 'ike- m1 'ooks; (he
steppe- on the )as an- "as )one in an instant;
: sa))e- back an- reste-; A prince o% Amber can har-'1 in&oke the brotherhoo- o% man %or
p$rposes o% mora' con-emnation; At 'east not "ith a strai)ht %ace4 an- it h$rt too m$ch to 'a$)h
?$st then;
=itho$t stren)th4 concentration4 an- some abi'it1 to mo&e4 m1 po"er o&er (ha-o" "as $se'ess;
: "o$'- $se it %irst4 : -eci-e-4 to )et to some "arm p'ace;;;; : "on-ere- "hether : co$'- make it
back $p the hi''4 to the compost heap; : ha- not tho$)ht o% tr1in) to $se the ?e"e' to a'ter the
"eather; Probab'1 : "as too "eak %or that too4 tho$)h; Probab'1 the e%%ort "o$'- ki'' me; (ti'';;;
: shook m1 hea-; : "as -ri%tin) o%%4 more than ha'% a -ream; : ha- to sta1 a"ake; =as that
another car> Ba1be; : trie- to raise the c'oth an- -roppe- it; =hen : 'eane- %or"ar- to retrie&e it4
: ?$st ha- to rest m1 hea- on m1 knees %or a moment; /eir-re;;;: "o$'- ca'' m1 -ear sister; :%
an1one "o$'- he'p me4 /eir-re "o$'-; : "o$'- )et o$t her !r$mp an- ca'' her; :n a min$te; :%
on'1 she "eren@t m1 sister;;;: ha- to rest; : am a kna&e4 not a %oo'; Perhaps4 sometimes4 "hen :
rest4 : am e&en sorr1 %or thin)s; (ome thin)s; :% on'1 it "ere "armer;;;B$t it "asn@t too ba-4 bent
o&er this "a1;;;=as that a car> : "ante- to raise m1 hea- b$t %o$n- that : co$'- not; :t "o$'- not
make that m$ch -i%%erence in bein) seen4 tho$)h4 : -eci-e-;
: %e't 'i)ht on m1 e1e'i-s an- : hear- the en)ine; No" it "as neither a-&ancin) nor retreatin);
E$st a stea-1 c1c'in) o% )ro"'s; !hen : hear- a sho$t; !hen the c'ickDpa$seDch$nk o% a car
-oor openin) an- c'osin); : %e't that : co$'- open m1 e1es b$t : -i- not "ant to; : "as a%rai- that
: "o$'- 'ook on'1 on the -ark an- empt1 roa-4 that the so$n-s "o$'- reso'&e into p$'sebeats an-
"in- once more; :t "as better to keep "hat : ha- than to )amb'e;
F,e1I =hat@s the matter> Ao$ h$rt>G
+ootsteps;;;!his "as rea';
: opene- m1 e1es; : %orce- m1se'% $p once a)ain;
FCore1I B1 #o-I :t@s 1o$IG
: %orce- a )rin4 c$t m1 no- short o% a topp'e;
F:t@s me; Bi''; ,o"@&e 1o$ been>G
F=hat happene->G
F:@m h$rt4G : sai-; FBa1be ba-; Nee- a -octor;G
FCan 1o$ "a'k i% : he'p> Or sho$'- : carr1 1o$>G
F9et@s tr1 "a'kin)4G : sai-;
,e )ot me to m1 %eet an- : 'eane- on him; =e starte- %or his car; : on'1 remember the %irst %e"
=hen that 'o"-s"in)in) s"eet chariot t$rne- so$r an- s"$n) hi)h once more4 : trie- to raise
m1 arm4 rea'i6e- that it "as restraine-4 sett'e- %or a consi-eration o% the t$be a%%i.e- thereto4 an-
-eci-e- that : "as )oin) to 'i&e; : ha- sni%%e- hospita' sme''s an- cons$'te- m1 interna' c'ock;
,a&in) ma-e it this %ar4 : %e't that : o"e- it to m1se'% to contin$e; An- : "as "arm4 an- as
com%ortab'e as recent histor1 a''o"e-; !hat sett'e-4 : c'ose- m1 e1es4 'o"ere- m1 hea-4 an- "ent
back to s'eep;
9ater4 "hen : came aro$n- a)ain4 %e't more %it an- "as spotte- b1 a n$rse4 she to'- me that it
"as se&en ho$rs since : ha- been bro$)ht in an- that a -octor "o$'- be b1 to ta'k "ith me
short'1; (he a'so )ot me a )'ass o% "ater an- to'- me that it ha- stoppe- sno"in); (he "as
c$rio$s as to "hat ha- happene- to me;
: -eci-e- that it "as time to start p'ottin) m1 stor1; !he simp'er the better; A'' ri)ht; : "as
comin) home a%ter an e.ten-e- sta1 abroa-; : ha- hitchhike- o$t4 )one on in4 an- been attacke-
b1 some &an-a' or -ri%ter : ha- s$rprise- insi-e; : cra"'e- back o$t an- so$)ht he'p; +inis;
=hen : to'- it to the -octor : co$'- not te'' at %irst "hether he be'ie&e- me; ,e "as a hea&1 man
"hose %ace ha- sa))e- an- set 'on) a)o; ,is name "as Bai'e14 Borris Bai'e14 an- he no--e- as :
spoke an- then aske- me4 F/i- 1o$ )et a 'ook at the %e''o">G
: shook m1 hea-;
F:t "as -ark4G : sai-;
F/i- he rob 1o$ too>G
F: -on@t kno";G
F=ere 1o$ carr1in) a "a''et>G
: -eci-e- : ha- better sa1 1es to that one;
F=e''4 1o$ -i-n@t ha&e it "hen 1o$ came in here4 so he m$st ha&e taken it;G
FB$st ha&e4G : a)ree-;
F/o 1o$ remember me at a''>G
FCan@t sa1 that : -o; (ho$'- :>G
FAo$ seeme- &a)$e'1 %ami'iar to me "hen the1 bro$)ht 1o$ in; !hat "as a''4 at %irst;;;G
FAn- ; >G : aske-;
F=hat sort o% )arments "ere 1o$ "earin)> !he1 seeme- somethin) 'ike a $ni%orm;G
F9atest thin); O&er !here4 these -a1s; Ao$ "ere sa1in) that : 'ooke- %ami'iar>G
FAes4G he a)ree-; F=here is O&er !here4 an1"a1> =here -i- 1o$ come %rom> =here ha&e 1o$
F: tra&e' a 'ot4G : sai-; FAo$ "ere )oin) to te'' me somethin) a moment a)o;G
FAes4G he sai-; F=e are a sma'' c'inic4 an- some time a)o a %ast-ta'kin) sa'esman pers$a-e- the
-irectors to in&est in a comp$teri6e- me-ica'-recor-s s1stem; :% the area ha- -e&e'ope- more an-
"e ha- e.pan-e- a 'ot4 it mi)ht ha&e been "orth"hi'e; Neither o% these thin)s happene-4 tho$)h4
an- it is an e.pensi&e item; :t e&en enco$ra)e- a certain 'a6iness amon) the c'erica' he'p; O'-
%i'es ?$st -on@t )et p$r)e- the "a1 the1 $se- to4 e&en %or the emer)enc1 room; (pace there %or a
'ot o% $se'ess back'o); (o4 "hen Br; 0oth )a&e me 1o$r name an- : ran a ro$tine check on 1o$4 :
%o$n- somethin) an- : rea'i6e- "h1 1o$ 'ooke- %ami'iar; : ha- been "orkin) the emer)enc1
room that ni)ht too4 aro$n- se&en 1ears a)o4 "hen 1o$ ha- 1o$r a$to acci-ent; : remembere-
"orkin) on 1o$ thenDan- ho" : tho$)ht 1o$ "eren@t )oin) to make it; Ao$ s$rprise- me4
tho$)h4 an- 1o$ sti'' -o; : can@t e&en %in- the scars that sho$'- be there; Ao$ -i- a nice ?ob o%
hea'in) $p;G
F!hanks; A trib$te to the ph1sician; :@- sa1;G
FBa1 : ha&e 1o$r a)e4 %or the recor->G
F!hirt1-si.4G : sai-; !hat@s a'"a1s sa%e;
,e ?otte- it some"here in the %o'-er he he'- across his knees;
FAo$ kno"4 : "o$'- ha&e s"ornDonce : )ot to checkin) 1o$ o&er an- rememberin)Dthat that@s
abo$t "hat 1o$ 'ooke- the 'ast time : sa" 1o$;G
FC'ean 'i&in);G
F/o 1o$ kno" abo$t 1o$r b'oo- t1pe>G
F:t@s an e.otic; B$t 1o$ can treat it as an AB positi&e %or a'' practica' p$rposes; : can take
an1thin)4 b$t -on@t )i&e mine to an1bo-1 e'se;G
,e no--e-;
F!he nat$re o% 1o$r mishap is )oin) to re<$ire a po'ice report4 1o$ kno";G
F: ha- )$esse- that;G
FE$st tho$)ht 1o$ mi)ht "ant to be thinkin) abo$t it;G
F!hanks4G : sai-;
F(o 1o$ "ere on -$t1 that ni)ht4 an- 1o$ patche- me $p> :nterestin); =hat e'se -o 1o$ reca''
abo$t it>G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F!he circ$mstances $n-er "hich : "as bro$)ht in that time; B1 o"n memor1 is a b'ank %rom
ri)ht be%ore the acci-ent $nti' some time a%ter : ha- been trans%erre- $p to the other p'aceD
#reen"oo-; /o 1o$ reca'' ho" : arri&e->G
,e %ro"ne-4 ?$st "hen : ha- -eci-e- he ha- one %ace %or a'' occasions;
F=e sent an amb$'ance4G he sai-;
F:n response to "hat> =ho reporte- the acci-ent> ,o">G
F: see "hat 1o$ mean4G he sai-; F:t "as the (tate Patro' that ca''e- %or the amb$'ance; As :
reco''ect4 someone ha- seen the acci-ent an- phone- their hea-<$arters; !he1 then ra-ioe- a car
in the &icinit1; :t "ent to the 'ake4 &eri%ie- the report4 )a&e 1o$ %irst ai-4 an- ca''e- %or the
amb$'ance; An- that "as it;G
FAn1 recor- o% "ho ca''e- in the report in the %irst p'ace>G
,e shr$))e-;
F!hat@s not the sort o% thin) "e keep track o%4G he sai-; F/i-n@t 1o$r ins$rance compan1
in&esti)ate> =asn@t there a c'aim> !he1 co$'- probab'1DG
F: ha- to 'ea&e the co$ntr1 ri)ht a%ter : reco&ere-4G : sai-; F: ne&er p$rs$e- the matter; : s$ppose
there "o$'- ha&e been a po'ice report4 tho$)h;G
F($re'1; B$t : ha&e no i-ea ho" 'on) the1 keep them aro$n-;G ,e ch$ck'e-; F*n'ess4 o% co$rse4
that same sa'esman )ot to them4 too;;;; :t is rather 'ate to be ta'kin) abo$t that tho$)h4 isn@t it> :t
seems to me there is a stat$te o% 'imitations on thin)s o% that sort; Ao$r %rien- 0oth "i'' te'' 1o$
%or s$reDG
F:t isn@t a c'aim that : ha&e in min-4G : sai-; FE$st a -esire to kno" "hat rea''1 happene-; : ha&e
"on-ere- abo$t it on an- o%% %or a n$mber o% 1ears no"; Ao$ see4 : ha&e this to$ch o% retro)ra-e
amnesia )oin);G
F,a&e 1o$ e&er ta'ke- it o&er "ith a ps1chiatrist>G he sai-4 an- there "as somethin) abo$t the
"a1 he sai- it that : -i- not 'ike; Came one o% those 'itt'e %'ashes o% insi)ht then8 Co$'- +'ora
ha&e mana)e- to )et me certi%ie- insane be%ore m1 trans%er to #reen"oo-> =as that on m1
recor- here> An- "as : sti'' on escape stat$s %rom that p'ace> A 'ot o% time ha- passe- an- :
kne" nothin) o% the 'e)a'ities in&o'&e-; :% this "as in-ee- the case4 ho"e&er4 : ima)ine- the1
"o$'- ha&e no "a1 o% kno"in) "hether : ha- been certi%ie- sane a)ain in some other
?$ris-iction; Pr$-ence4 : )$ess it "as4 ca$tione- me to 'ean %or"ar- an- )'ance at the -octor@s
"rist; : seeme- possesse- o% a s$b'imina' memor1 that he ha- cons$'te- a ca'en-ar "atch "hen
takin) m1 p$'se; Aes4 he ha-4 : s<$inte-; A'' ri)ht; /a1 an- month8 No&ember 28; : -i- a <$ick
ca'c$'ation "ith m1 t"o-an--a-ha'%-to-one con&ersion an- ha- the 1ear; :t "as se&en4 as he ha-
FNo4 : ha&en@t4G : sai-; F: ?$st ass$me- it "as or)anic rather than %$nctiona' an- "rote the time
o%% as a 'oss;G
F: see4G he sai-; FAo$ $se s$ch phrases rather )'ib'1; Peop'e "ho@&e been in therap1 sometimes
-o that;G
F: kno"4G : sai-; F:@&e rea- a 'ot abo$t it;G
,e si)he-; ,e stoo-;
F9ook4G he sai-; F: am )oin) to ca'' Br; 0oth an- 'et him kno" 1o$ are a"ake; :t is probab'1
F=hat -o 1o$ mean b1 that>G
F: mean that "ith 1o$r %rien- bein) an attorne14 there mi)ht be thin)s 1o$ "ant to -isc$ss "ith
him be%ore 1o$ ta'k to the po'ice;G
,e opene- the %o'-er "herein he ha- some"here ?otte- m1 a)e4 raise- his pen4 %$rro"e- his
bro"4 an- sai-4 F=hat@s the -ate4 an1"a1>G
: "ante- m1 !r$mps; : ima)ine- m1 be'on)in)s "o$'- be in the -ra"er o% the be-si-e tab'e4 b$t
)ettin) at it in&o'&e- too m$ch t"istin) an- : -i- not "ant to p$t the strain on m1 s$t$res; :t "as
not a'' that $r)ent4 tho$)h; 2i)ht ho$rs@ s'eep in Amber "o$'- come to aro$n- t"ent1 ho$rs here4
so e&er1one sho$'- sti'' ha&e been respectab'1 retire- back home; : "ante- to )et ho'- o%
0an-om4 tho$)h4 to come $p "ith some sort o% co&er stor1 %or m1 not bein) there in the
mornin); 9ater;
: -i- not "ant to 'ook s$spicio$s at a time 'ike this; A'so4 : "ante- to kno" imme-iate'1
"hate&er Bran- ha- to sa1; : "ante- to be in a position to act on it; : -i- a <$ick bit o% menta'
?$))'in); :% : co$'- -o the "orst o% m1 reco&erin) here in (ha-o"4 it "o$'- mean 'ess "aste-
time %or me back in Amber; : "o$'- ha&e to b$-)et m1 time care%$''1 an- a&oi- comp'ications
on this en-; : hope- that Bi'' "o$'- arri&e soon; : "as$s to kno" "hat the pict$re "as in
this p'ace;
Bi'' "as a nati&e o% the area4 ha- )one to schoo' in B$%%a'o4 come back4 marrie-4 ?oine- the
%ami'1 %irm4 an- that "as that; ,e ha- kno"n me as a retire- Arm1 o%%icer "ho sometimes
tra&e'e- on &a)$e b$siness; =e both be'on)e- to the co$ntr1 c'$b4 "hich "as "here : ha- met
him; : ha- kno"n him %or o&er a 1ear "itho$t o$r e.chan)in) more than a %e" "or-s; !hen one
e&enin) : happene- to be ne.t to him in the bar an- it ha- someho" come o$t that he "as hot on
mi'itar1 histor14 partic$'ar'1 the Napo'eonic =ars; !he ne.t thin) "e kne"4 the1 "ere c'osin) $p
the p'ace aro$n- $s; =e "ere c'ose %rien-s %rom then on4 ri)ht $p $nti' the time o% m1
-i%%ic$'ties; : ha- occasiona''1 "on-ere- abo$t him since; :n %act4 the on'1 thin) that ha-
pre&ente- me %rom seein) him the 'ast time : ha- passe- thro$)h "as that he "o$'- -o$bt'ess
ha&e ha- a'' sorts o% <$estions as to "hat ha- become o% me4 an- : ha- ha- too man1 thin)s on
m1 min- to -ea' "ith them a'' that )race%$''1 an- sti'' en?o1 m1se'%; : ha- e&en tho$)ht once or
t"ice o% comin) back an- seein) him i% : co$'-4 "hen e&er1thin) "as %ina''1 sett'e- in Amber;
Ne.t to the %act that this "as not the case4 : re)rette- not bein) ab'e to meet him in the c'$b
,e arri&e- "ithin the ho$r4 short4 hea&14 r$--14 a bit )ra1er on the si-es4 )rinnin)4 no--in); :
ha- proppe- m1se'% $p b1 then4 a'rea-1 trie- a %e" -eep breaths an- -eci-e- the1 "ere
premat$re; ,e c'aspe- m1 han- an- took the be-si-e chair; ,e ha- his brie%case "ith him;
FAo$ scare- the he'' o$t o% me 'ast ni)ht4 Car'; !ho$)ht : "as seein) a )host4G he sai-;
: no--e-;
FA bit 'ater4 an- : mi)ht ha&e been one4G : sai-; F!hanks; ,o" ha&e 1o$ been>G
Bi'' si)he-;
FB$s1; Ao$ kno"; !he same o'- st$%%4 on'1 more o% it;G
FAn- A'ice>G
F(he@s %ine; An- "e@&e )ot t"o ne" )ran-sonsDBi'' Er;@sDt"ins; =ait a min$te;G ,e %ishe- o$t
his "a''et an- 'ocate- a photo; F,ere;G
: st$-ie- it4 note- the %ami'1 resemb'ances;
F,ar- to be'ie&e4G : sai-;
FAo$ -on@t 'ook m$ch "orse %or the 1ears;G : ch$ck'e- an- patte- m1 ab-omen;
F($btractin) that4 : mean4G he sai-; F=here ha&e 1o$ been>G
F#o-I =here ha&en@t : beenIG : sai-; F(o man1 p'aces :@&e 'ost co$nt;G
,e remaine- e.pression'ess4 ca$)ht m1 e1es an- stare-;
FCar'4 "hat kin- o% tro$b'e are 1o$ in>G be aske-;
: smi'e-;
F:% 1o$ mean am : in tro$b'e "ith the 'a"4 the ans"er is no; B1 tro$b'es act$a''1 in&o'&e
another co$ntr14 an- : am )oin) to ha&e to )o back there short'1;G
,is %ace re'a.e- a)ain4 an- there "as a sma'' )'int behin- his bi%oca's;
FAre 1o$ some sort o% mi'itar1 a-&iser in that p'ace>G
: no--e-;
FCan 1o$ te'' me "here>G
: shook m1 hea-; F(orr1;G
F!hat : can sort o% $n-erstan-4G he sai-; F/r; 0oth to'- me "hat 1o$ sai- ha- happene- 'ast
ni)ht; O%% the recor- no"4 "as it connecte- "ith "hate&er 1o$ ha&e been -oin)>G
: no--e- a)ain;
F!hat makes thin)s a 'itt'e c'earer4G he sai-; FNot m$ch4 b$t eno$)h; : "on@t e&en ask 1o$ "hich
a)enc14 or e&en i% there is one; : ha&e a'"a1s kno"n 1o$ to be a )ent'eman4 an- a rationa' one at
that; !hat "as "h1 : )re" c$rio$s at the time o% 1o$r -isappearance an- -i- some in&esti)atin); :
%e't a bit o%%icio$s an- se'%-conscio$s abo$t it; B$t 1o$r ci&i' stat$s "as <$ite p$66'in)4 an- :
"ante- to kno" "hat ha- happene-; Bain'14 beca$se : "as concerne- abo$t 1o$; : hope that
-oesn@t -ist$rb 1o$;G
F/ist$rb me>G : sai-; F!here aren@t that man1 peop'e "ho care "hat happens to me; :@m )rate%$';
A'so4 c$rio$s "hat 1o$ -isco&ere-; : ne&er ha- the time to 'ook into it4 1o$ kno"4 to strai)hten
thin)s o$t; ,o" abo$t te''in) me "hat 1o$ 'earne->G
,e opene- the brie%case an- "ith-re" a mani'a %o'-er; (prea-in) it across his knees4 he sh$%%'e-
o$t se&era' sheets o% 1e''o" paper co&ere- "ith neat han-"ritin); 0aisin) the %irst o% these4 he
re)ar-e- it a moment4 then sai-4 FA%ter 1o$ escape- %rom the hospita' in A'ban1 an- ha- 1o$r
acci-ent4 Bran-on apparent'1 -roppe- o$t o% the pict$re an-DG
F(topIG : sai-4 raisin) m1 han-4 tr1in) to sit $p;
F=hat>G he aske-;
FAo$ ha&e the or-er "ron)4 a'so the p'ace4G : sai-; F+irst came the acci-ent4 an- #reen"oo- is
not in A'ban1;G
F: kno"4G he sai-; F: "as re%errin) to the Porter (anitari$m4 "here 1o$ spent t"o -a1s an- then
escape-; Ao$ ha- 1o$r acci-ent that same -a14 an- 1o$ "ere bro$)ht here as a res$'t o% it; !hen
1o$r sister 2&e'1n entere- the pict$re; (he ha- 1o$ trans%erre- to #reen"oo-4 "here 1o$ spent a
co$p'e o% "eeks be%ore -epartin) on 1o$r o"n motion once a)ain; 0i)ht>G
FPart'14G : sai-; FName'14 the 'ast part; As : "as te''in) the -octor ear'ier4 m1 memor1 is shot %or
a co$p'e o% -a1s prior to the acci-ent; !his b$siness abo$t a p'ace in A'ban1 -oes sort o% seem to
rin) a be''4 b$t on'1 &er1 %aint'1; /o 1o$ ha&e more on it>G
FOh 1es4G he sai-; F:t ma1 e&en ha&e somethin) to -o "ith the state o% 1o$r memor1; Ao$ "ere
committe- on a b$m or-erDG
FB1 "hom>G ,e shook the paper an- peere-;
F@Brother4 Bran-on Core1C atten-ant ph1sician4 ,i''ar1 B; 0an-4 ps1chiatrist4G he rea-; F,ear
an1 more be''s>G
FM$ite possib'14G : sai-; F#o ahea-;G
F=e''4 an or-er )ot si)ne- on that basis4G he sai-; FAo$ "ere -$'1 certi%ie-4 taken into c$sto-14
an- transporte-; !hen4 concernin) 1o$r memor1;;;G
F: -on@t kno" that m$ch abo$t the practice an- its e%%ects on the memor14 b$t 1o$ "ere
s$b?ecte- to e'ectroshock therap1 "hi'e 1o$ "ere at Porter; !hen4 as : sai-4 the recar- in-icates
that 1o$ escape- a%ter the secon- -a1; Ao$ apparent'1 reco&ere- 1o$r car %rom some $nspeci%ie-
'oca'e an- "ere hea-in) back this "a1 "hen 1o$ ha- the acci-ent;G
F!hat seems ri)ht4G : sai-; F:t -oes;G +or a moment4 "hen he ha- be)$n ta'kin)4 : ha- ha- a "i'-
&ision o% ha&in) been ret$rne- to the "ron) sha-o"Done "here e&er1thin) "as simi'ar4 b$t not
con)r$ent; No"4 tho$)h4 : -i- not be'ie&e this to be the case; : "as respon-in) to this stor1 on
some 'e&e';
FNo"4 abo$t that or-er4G he sai-; F:t "as base- on %a'se e&i-ence4 b$t there "as no "a1 o% the
co$rt@s kno"in) it at the time; !he rea' /r; 0an- "as in 2n)'an- "hen e&er1thin) happene-4 an-
"hen : contacte- him 'ater he ha- ne&er hear- o% 1o$; ,is o%%ice ha- been broken into "hi'e he
"as a"a14 tho$)h; A'so4 pec$'iar'14 his mi--'e initia' is not B; ,e ha- ne&er hear- o% Bran-on
Core1 either;G
F=hat -i- become o% Bran-on>G
F,e simp'1 &anishe-; (e&era' attempts "ere ma-e to contact him at the time o% 1o$r escape
%rom Porter4 b$t he co$'- not be %o$n-; !hen 1o$ ha- the acci-ent4 "ere bro$)ht here an-
treate-; At that time4 a "oman name- 2&e'1n +'a$me'4 "ho represente- herse'% as 1o$r sister4
contacte- this p'ace4 to'- them 1o$ ha- been probate- an- that the %ami'1 "ante- 1o$ trans%erre-
to #reen"oo-; :n the absence o% Bran-on4 "ho ha- been appointe- 1o$r )$ar-ian4 her
instr$ctions "ere %o''o"e-4 as the on'1 a&ai'ab'e ne.t o% kin; !hat "as ho" it came abo$t that
1o$ "ere sent to the other p'ace; Ao$ escape- a)ain4 a co$p'e o% "eeks 'ater4 an- that is "here
m1 chrono'o)1 en-s;G
F!hen "hat is m1 'e)a' stat$s ri)ht no">G : aske-;
FOh4 1o$@&e been ma-e "ho'e4G he sai-; F/r; 0an- "ent -o"n a%ter : ta'ke- "ith him an- )a&e
the co$rt an a%%i-a&it recitin) these %acts; !he or-er "as &acate-;G
F!hen "h1 is the -octor here actin) as i% : mi)ht be a ps1cho case>G
FOh m1I !hat is a tho$)ht; :t ha-n@t occ$rre- to me; A'' their recor-s here "o$'- sho" is that
one time 1o$ apparent'1 "ere; : ha- better see him on the "a1 o$t; : ha&e a cop1 o% the ?o$rna'
entr1 in here4 too; : can sho" it to him;G
F,o" 'on) "as it a%ter : 'e%t #reen"oo- that thin)s "ere set ri)ht "ith the co$rt>G
F!he %o''o"in) month4G he sai-; F:t "as se&era' "eeks be%ore : co$'- brin) m1se'% to )et nos1;G
FAo$ co$'-n@t kno" ho" happ1 : am that 1o$ -i-4G : sai-; FAn- 1o$ ha&e )i&en me se&era'
pieces o% in%ormation : think are )oin) to pro&e e.treme'1 important;G
F:t is nice to be ab'e to he'p a %rien- sometime4G he sai-4 c'osin) the %o'-er an- rep'acin) it in his
brie%case; FOne thin);;;=hen this is a'' o&erD"hate&er 1o$ are -oin)Di% 1o$ are permitte- to
ta'k abo$t it4 : "o$'- 'ike to hear the stor1;G
F: can@t promise4G : sai-;
F: kno"; E$st tho$)ht :@- mention it; B1 the "a14 "hat -o 1o$ "ant to -o abo$t the ho$se>G
FBine> /o : sti'' ho'- tit'e to it>G
FAes4 b$t it "i'' probab'1 be so'- this 1ear %or back i% 1o$ -on@t -o an1thin) abo$t it;G
F:@m s$rprise- that hasn@t a'rea-1 happene-;G
FAo$ )a&e the bank po"er o% attorne1 %or pa1in) 1o$r bi''s;G
F: ne&er tho$)ht o% that; :@- ?$st set it $p %or $ti'ities an- m1 char)e acco$nts; (t$%% 'ike that;G
F=e''4 the acco$nt is near'1 empt1 no"4G he sai-; F: "as ta'kin) to BcNa''1 o&er there the other
-a1; !hat means the ho$se "i'' )o ne.t 1ear i% 1o$ -on@t -o an1thin);G
F:@&e )ot no $se %or it no"4G : sai-; F!he1 can -o "hate&er the1 "ant "ith it;G
F!hen 1o$ mi)ht as "e'' se'' it an- rea'i6e "hat 1o$ can;G
F: "on@t be aro$n- that 'on);G
F: co$'- han-'e it %or 1o$; (en- the mone1 "here&er 1o$ "ant;G
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-; F:@'' si)n an1thin) necessar1; Pa1 m1 hospita' bi'' o$t o% it an- keep the rest;G
F: co$'-n@t -o that;G
: shr$))e-;
F/o "hate&er 1o$ think best4 b$t be s$re an- take a )oo- %ee;G
F:@'' p$t the ba'ance in 1o$r acco$nt;G
FA'' ri)ht; !hanks; B1 the "a14 be%ore : %or)et4 "o$'- 1o$ 'ook in the -ra"er o% that tab'e an-
see i% there is a -eck o% car-s there> : can@t reach it 1et4 an- :@'' be "antin) them 'ater;G
,e reache- o&er4 opene- it;
FA bi) bro"n en&e'ope4G he sai-; F3in- o% b$')1; !he1 probab'1 p$t "hate&er "as in 1o$r
pockets in it;G
FOpen it;G
FAes4 here@s a pack o% car-s4G he sai-4 reachin) insi-e;
F(a1I !hat@s a bea$ti%$' caseI Ba1 :>G
F:DG =hat co$'- : sa1>
,e s'ippe- the case;
F9o&e'1;;;G he m$rm$re-; F(ome kin- o% tarots;;;Are the1 anti<$e>G
FCo'- as ice;;;: ne&er sa" an1thin) 'ike these; (a14 that@s 1o$I /resse- $p 'ike some kin- o%
kni)htI =hat@s their p$rpose>G
FA &er1 comp'icate- )ame4G : sai-;
F,o" co$'- that be 1o$ i% the1 are anti<$e>G
F: -i-n@t sa1 it "as me; Ao$ -i-;G
FAes4 so : -i-; Ancestor>G
F(ort o%;G
FNo" that@s a )oo--'ookin) )a'I B$t so is the re-hea-;;;;G
F: think;;;G
,e s<$are- the -eck an- rep'ace- it in the case; ,e passe- it to me;
FNice $nicorn4 too4G he a--e-; F: sho$'-n@t ha&e 'ooke- at them4 sho$'- :>G
F!hat@s a'' ri)ht;G
,e si)he- an- 'eane- back in the chair4 c'aspin) his han-s behin- his hea-;
F: co$'-n@t he'p it4G he sai-; F:t is ?$st that there is somethin) &er1 stran)e abo$t 1o$4 Car'4
be1on- an1 h$sh-h$sh "ork 1o$ ma1 be -oin)Dan- m1steries intri)$e me; :@&e ne&er been this
c'ose to a rea' p$66'er be%ore;G
FBeca$se 1o$ ?$st s'ippe- 1o$rse'% a co'- -eck o% tarots>G : aske-;
FNo4 that ?$st a--s atmosphere4G he sai-; F=hi'e "hat 1o$ ha&e been -oin) a'' these 1ears is
a-mitte-'1 none o% m1 b$siness4 there is one recent inci-ent : am $nab'e to comprehen-;G
F=hat is that>G
FA%ter : bro$)ht 1o$ here an- took A'ice home 'ast ni)ht4 : "ent back to 1o$r p'ace4 hopin) to
)et some sort o% i-ea as to "hat ha- happene-; !he sno" ha- 'et $p b1 then4 tho$)h it starte- in
a)ain 'ater4 an- 1o$r track "as sti'' c'ear'1 &isib'e4 )oin) aro$n- the ho$se an- -o"n the %ront
1ar-;G : no--e-;
FB$t there "ere no tracks )oin) inDnothin) to in-icate 1o$r arri&a'; An- %or that matter4 there
"ere no other tracks -epartin)Dnothin) to sho" the %'i)ht o% 1o$r assai'ant;G
: ch$ck'e-;
FAo$ think the "o$n- "as se'%-in%'icte->G
FNo4 o% co$rse not; !here "asn@t e&en a "eapon in si)ht; : %o''o"e- the b'oo-stains back to the
be-room4 to 1o$r be-; : ha- on'1 m1 %'ash'i)ht to see b14 o% co$rse4 b$t "hat : sa" )a&e me an
eerie %ee'in); :t seeme- as i% 1o$ ha- ?$st s$--en'1 appeare- there on the be-4 b'ee-in)4 an- then
)otten $p an- ma-e 1o$r "a1 o$t;G
F:mpossib'e4 o% co$rse;G
F: "on-er abo$t the 'ack o% tracks4 tho$)h;G
F!he "in- m$st ha&e b'o"n sno" o&er them;G
FAn- not the others>G ,e shook his hea-; FNo4 : -on@t think so; : ?$st "ant to )o on the recor- as
intereste- in the ans"er to that one too4 i% 1o$ e&er -o "ant to te'' me abo$t thin)s;G
F: "i'' remember4G : sai-;
FAes4G he sai-; FB$t : "on-er;;;:@&e a pec$'iar %ee'in) that : ma1 ne&er see 1o$ a)ain; :t is as i% :
"ere one o% those minor characters in a me'o-rama "ho )ets sh$%%'e- o%%sta)e "itho$t e&er
'earnin) ho" thin)s t$rn o$t;G
F: can appreciate the %ee'in)4G : sai-; FB1 o"n ro'e sometimes makes me "ant to stran)'e the
a$thor; B$t 'ook at it this "a18 insi-e stories se'-om 'i&e $p to one@s e.pectations; *s$a''1 the1
are )r$bb1 'itt'e thin)s4 re-$cin) -o"n to the basest o% moti&es "hen a'' is kno"n; Con?ect$res
an- i''$sions are o%ten the better possessions;G
,e smi'e-;
FAo$ ta'k the same as a'"a1s4G he sai-4 F1et : ha&e kno"n occasions "hen 1o$ ha&e been
tempte- to &irt$e; (e&era' o% them;;;G
F,o" -i- "e )et %rom the %ootprints to me>G : sai-; F: "as abo$t to te'' 1o$ that : s$--en'1
reca''e- ha&in) approache- the ho$se b1 e.act'1 the same ro$te as : 'e%t it; B1 -epart$re
ob&io$s'1 ob'iterate- the si)ns o% m1 arri&a';G
FNot ba-4G he sai-; FAn- 1o$r attacker %o''o"e- the same ro$te>G
FB$st ha&e;G
FPrett1 )oo-4G he ackno"'e-)e-; FAo$ kno" ho" to raise a reasonab'e -o$bt; B$t : sti'' %ee' that
the prepon-erance o% e&i-ence in-icates the "eir-;G
F=eir-> No; Pec$'iar4 perhaps; A matter o% interpretation;G
FOr semantics; ,a&e 1o$ rea- the po'ice report on 1o$r acci-ent>G
FNo; ,a&e 1o$>G
F*h-h$h; =hat i% it "as more than pec$'iar> !hen "i'' 1o$ )rant me m1 "or-4 as : $se- it8
F7er1 "e'';G
F;;;An- ans"er one <$estion>G
F: -on@t kno";;;;G
FA simp'e 1es-or-no <$estion; !hat@s a'';G
FOka14 it@s a -ea'; =hat -i- it sa1>G
F:t sai- that the1 recei&e- report o% the acci-ent an- a patro' car procee-e- to the scene; !here
the1 enco$ntere- a stran)e'1 )arbe- man in the process o% )i&in) 1o$ %irst ai-; ,e state- that he
ha- p$''e- 1o$ %rom the "recke- car in the 'ake; !his seeme- be'ie&ab'e in that he "as a'so
soakin) "et; A&era)e hei)ht4 'i)ht b$i'-4 re- hair; ,e ha- on a )reen o$t%it that one o% the o%%icers
sai- 'ooke- 'ike somethin) o$t o% a 0obin ,oo- mo&ie; ,e re%$se- to i-enti%1 himse'%4 to
accompan1 them or to )i&e a statement o% an1 sort; =hen the1 insiste- that he -o so4 he "hist'e-
an- a "hite horse came trottin) $p; ,e 'eape- onto its back an- ro-e o%%; ,e "as not seen a)ain;G
: 'a$)he-; :t h$rt4 b$t : co$'-n@t he'p it;
F:@'' be -amne-IG : sai-; F!hin)s are startin) to make sense;G
Bi'' ?$st stare- at me %or a moment; !hen4 F0ea''1>G he sai-;
FAes4 : think so; :t ma1 "e'' ha&e been "orth )ettin) stabbe- an- comin) back %or "hat :
'earne- to-a1;G
FAo$ p$t the t"o in pec$'iar or-er4G he sai-4 massa)in) his chin;
FAes4 : -o; B$t : am be)innin) to see some or-er "here : ha- seen nothin) be%ore; !his one ma1
ha&e been "orth the price o% a-mission4 a'' $ninten-e-;G
FA'' beca$se o% a )$1 on a "hite horse>G
FPart'14 part'1;;;Bi''4 : am )oin) to be 'ea&in) here soon;G
FAo$ are not )oin) an1"here %or a "hi'e;G
FE$st the sameDthose papers 1o$ mentione-;;;: think : ha- better )et them si)ne- to-a1;G
FA'' ri)ht; :@'' )et them o&er this a%ternoon; B$t : -on@t "ant 1o$ -oin) an1thin) %oo'ish;G
F: )ro" more ca$tio$s b1 the moment4G : sai-4 Fbe'ie&e me;G
F: hope so4G he sai-4 snappin) his brie%case sh$t an- risin); F=e''4 )et 1o$r rest; :@'' c'ear thin)s
$p "ith the -octor an- ha&e those papers sent o&er to-a1;G
F!hanks a)ain;G : shook his han-;
FB1 the "a14G he sai-4 F1o$ -i- a)ree to ans"er a <$estion;G
F: -i-4 -i-n@t :> =hat is it>G
FAre 1o$ h$man>G he aske-4 sti'' )rippin) m1 han-4 no specia' e.pression on his %ace;
: starte- in on a )rin4 then thre" it a"a1;
F: -on@t kno"; :D: 'ike to think so; B$t : -on@t rea''1DO% co$rse : amI !hat@s a si''1;;;Oh he''I
Ao$ rea''1 mean it4 -on@t 1o$> An- : sai- :@- be honest;;;;G
: che"e- m1 'ip an- tho$)ht %or a moment; !hen4 F: -on@t think so4G : sai-;
FNeither -o :4G he sai-4 an- he smi'e-; F:t -oesn@t make an1 rea' -i%%erence to me4 b$t : tho$)ht
it mi)ht to 1o$Dto kno" that someone kno"s 1o$ are -i%%erent an- -oesn@t care;G
F:@'' remember that4 too4G : sai-;
F=e'';;;see 1o$ aro$n-;G
Chapter %
:t "as ?$st a%ter the state patro'man 'e%t;;;9ate a%ternoon; : "as '1in) there %ee'in) better4 an-
%ee'in) better that : %e't better; 91in) there4 re%'ectin) on the ha6ar-s in&o'&e- in 'i&in) in Amber;
Bran- an- : "ere both 'ai- $p b1 means o% the %ami'1@s %a&orite "eapon; : "on-ere- "ho ha-
)otten it "orse; Probab'1 he ha-; :t mi)ht ha&e reache- his ki-ne14 an- he "as in poor con-ition
to be)in "ith;
: ha- st$mb'e- across the room an- back a)ain t"ice be%ore Bi''@s c'erk came o&er "ith the
papers %or me to si)n; :t "as necessar1 that : kno" m1 'imits; :t a'"a1s is; (ince : ten-e- to hea'
se&era' times %aster than those abo$t me in that sha-o"4 : %e't that : o$)ht to be ab'e to stan- an-
"a'k some4 to per%orm in the same %ashion as one o% these a%ter4 sa14 a -a1 an- a ha'%4 ma1be
t"o; : estab'ishe- that : co$'-; :t -i- h$rt4 an- : "as -i661 the %irst time4 'ess -i661 the secon-;
!hat "as somethin)4 an1"a1; (o : 'a1 there %ee'in) better;
: ha- %anne- the !r$mps -o6ens o% times4 -ea't pri&ate so'itaires4 rea- ambi)$o$s %ort$nes
amon) %ami'iar %aces; An- each time : ha- restraine- m1se'%4 s$ppressin) m1 -esire to contact
0an-om4 to te'' him "hat ha- happene-4 to in<$ire a%ter ne" -e&e'opments; 9ater4 : kept te''in)
m1se'%; 2ach a--itiona' ho$r the1 s'eep is t"o an- a ha'% %or 1o$4 here; 2ach t"o an- a ha'% %or
1o$4 here4 is the e<$i&a'ent o% se&en or ei)ht %or some 'esser morta'4 here; Abi-e; !hink;
An- so it came to pass that a 'itt'e a%ter -innertime4 ?$st as the sk1 "as -arkenin) a)ain4 : "as
beaten to the p$nch; : ha- a'rea-1 to'- a "e''-starche- 1o$n) member o% the (tate Patro'
e&e'1thin) that : "as )oin) to te'' him; : ha&e no i-ea "hether he be'ie&e- me4 b$t he "as po'ite
an- he -i- not sta1 'on); :n %act4 it "as on'1 moments a%ter he 'e%t that thin)s be)an to happen;
91in) there4 %ee'in) better4 : "as "aitin) %or /r; Bai'e1 to stop b1 an- check "hether : "as sti''
oriente-; 91in) there4 assessin) a'' o% the thin)s Bi'' ha- to'- me4 tr1in) to %it them to)ether "ith
other thin)s that : kne" or ha- )$esse- at;;;;
ContactI : ha- been anticipate-; (omeone in Amber "as an ear'1 riser; FCor"inIG :t "as
0an-om4 a)itate-;
FCor"inI #et $pI Open the -oorI Bran-@s come aro$n-4 an- he@s askin) %or 1o$;G
F,a&e 1o$ been po$n-in) on that -oor4 tr1in) to )et me $p>G
F!hat@s ri)ht;G
FAre 1o$ a'one>G
F#oo-; : am not insi-e; Ao$ ha&e reache- me in (ha-o";G
F: -o not $n-erstan-;G
FNeither -o :; : am h$rt4 b$t : "i'' 'i&e; : "i'' )i&e 1o$ the stor1 'ater; !e'' me abo$t Bran-;G
F,e "oke $p ?$st a 'itt'e "hi'e a)o; !o'- #erar- he ha- to ta'k to 1o$ ri)ht a"a1; #erar- ran) $p
a ser&ant4 sent him to 1o$r room; =hen he co$'-n@t ro$se 1o$4 he came to me; : ?$st sent him
back to te'' #erar- :@- be brin)in) 1o$ a'on) short'1;G
F: see4G : sai-4 stretchin) s'o"'1 an- sittin) $p; F#et in some p'ace "here 1o$ can@t be seen4 an-
:@'' come thro$)h; : "i'' nee- a robe or somethin); : am missin) some c'othes;G
F:t co$'- probab'1 be best i% : "ent back to m1 rooms4 then;G
FOka1; #o ahea-;G
FA min$te4 then;G
An- si'ence;
: mo&e- m1 'e)s s'o"'1; : sat on the e-)e o% the be-; : )athere- $p m1 !r$mps an- rep'ace-
them in their case; : %e't it important that : mask m1 in?$r1 back in Amber; 2&en in norma' times
one ne&er a-&ertises one@s &$'nerabi'it1;
: took a -eep breath an- stoo-4 ho'-in) on to the be- %rame; B1 practice ha- pai- o%%; : breathe-
norma''1 an- re'a.e- m1 )rip; Not ba-4 i% : mo&e- s'o"'14 i% : -i- not e.ert m1se'% be1on- the
barest essentia's re<$ire- %or appearances@ sake;;;: mi)ht be ab'e to carr1 it $nti' m1 stren)th
rea''1 ret$rne-;
E$st then : hear- a %oot%a''4 an- a %rien-'1 n$rse "as %rame- in the -oor"a14 crisp4 s1mmetrica'4
-i%%erin) %rom a sno"%'ake main'1 in that the1 are a'' o% them a'ike;
F#et back in that be-4 Br; Core1I Ao$ are not s$ppose- to be $pIG
FBa-am4G : sai-4 Fit is <$ite necessar1 that : be $p; : ha&e to )o;G
FAo$ co$'- ha&e r$n) %or a pan4G she sai-4 enterin) the room an- a-&ancin);
: )a&e m1 hea- a "ear1 shake ?$st as 0an-om@s presence reache- me once more; : "on-ere-
ho" she "o$'- report this oneDan- i% she "o$'- mention m1 prismatic a%terima)e as : tr$mpe-
o$t; Another entr14 : s$ppose4 %or the )ro"in) recor- o% %o'k'ore : ten- to 'ea&e behin-;
F!hink o% it this "a14 m1 -ear4G : to'- her; FO$rs has been a p$re'1 ph1sica' re'ationship a''
a'on); !here "i'' be others;;;man1 others; A-ie$IG
: bo"e- an- b'e" her a kiss as : steppe- %or"ar- into Amber4 'ea&in) her to c'$tch at rainbo"s
as : ca$)ht ho'- o% 0an-om@s sho$'-er an- sta))ere-;
FCor"inI =hat the he''DG
F:% b'oo- be the price o% a-mira't14 :@&e ?$st bo$)ht me a na&a' commission4G : sai-; F#i&e me
somethin) to "ear;G
,e -rape- a 'on)4 hea&1 c'oak abo$t m1 sho$'-ersDan- : %$mb'e- to c'asp it at m1 throat; FA''
set4G : sai-; F!ake me to him;G
,e 'e- me o$t the -oor4 into the ha''4 to"ar- the stair; : 'eane- on him hea&i'1 as "e "ent;
F,o" ba- is it>G he aske- me;
F3ni%e4G : sai-4 an- 'ai- m1 han- on the spot; F(omeone attacke- me in m1 room 'ast ni)ht;G
F=e''4 it co$'-n@t ha&e been 1o$4 beca$se : ha- ?$st 'e%t 1o$4G : sai-4 Fan- #erar- "as $p in the
'ibrar1 "ith Bran-; ($btract the three o% 1o$ %rom the rest an- start )$essin); !hat is the bestDG
FE$'ian4G he sai-;
F,is stock is -e%inite'1 bearish4G : sai-; F+iona "as ?$st r$nnin) him -o"n %or me the other
ni)ht4 an- o% co$rse it is no secret that he is not m1 %a&orite;G
FCor"in4 he@s )one; ,e c$t o$t -$rin) the ni)ht; !he ser&ant "ho came to )et me to'- me that
E$'ian ha- -eparte-; =hat -oes that 'ook 'ike to 1o$>G
=e reache- the stair; : kept one han- on 0an-om an- reste- there brie%'1;
F: -on@t kno"4G : sai-; F:t can sometimes be ?$st as ba- to e.ten- the bene%it o% the -o$bt too %ar
as not to )rant it at a''; B$t it -oes occ$r to me that i% he tho$)ht he ha- -ispose- o% me4 he
"o$'- 'ook a 'ot better b1 sta1in) here an- actin) s$rprise- to 'earn o% it than b1 )ettin) the he''
o$t; !hat -oes 'ook s$spicio$s; : am inc'ine- to think he mi)ht ha&e -eparte- beca$se he "as
a%rai- o% "hat Bran- "o$'- ha&e to sa1 "hen he came aro$n-;G
FB$t 1o$ 'i&e-4 Cor"in; Ao$ )ot a"a1 %rom "hoe&er attacke- 1o$4 an- he co$'- not be certain
he ha- -one 1o$ in; :% it "ere me4 : "o$'- be "or'-s a"a1 b1 no";G
F!here is that4G : ackno"'e-)e-4 an- "e starte- on -o"n a)ain; FAes4 1o$ mi)ht "e'' be ri)ht;
9et $s 'ea&e it aca-emic %or no"; An- no one is to kno" : ha&e been in?$re-;G
,e no--e-;
FAs 1o$ sa1; (i'ence beats a chamber pot in Amber;G
F,o"@s that>G
F @!is )i't4 m@'or-4 'ike a ro1a' %'$sh;G
FAo$r "it pains both "o$n-e- an- $n"o$n-e- parts4 0an-om; (pen- some %i)$rin) ho" the
assai'ant entere- m1 room;G
FAo$r pane'>G
F:t sec$res %rom the insi-e; : keep it that "a1 no"; An- the -oor@s 'ock is a ne" one; !rick1;G
FA'' ri)ht4 : ha&e it; B1 ans"er re<$ires that it be a %ami'1 member4 too;G
F!e'' me;G
F(omeone "as "i''in) to ps1che himse'% $p an- to$)h it thro$)h the Pattern a)ain %or a shot at
1o$; ,e "ent be'o"4 "a'ke- it4 pro?ecte- himse'% into 1o$r room4 an- attacke- 1o$;G
F!hat "o$'- be per%ect e.cept %or one thin); =e a'' 'e%t at prett1 m$ch the same time; !he attack
-i- not occ$r 'ater on in the e&enin); :t happene- imme-iate'1 on m1 enterin); : -o not be'ie&e
there "as s$%%icient time %or one o% $s to )et -o"n to the chamber4 'et a'one ne)otiate the Pattern;
!he attacker "as a'rea-1 "aitin); (o i% it "as one o% $s4 he ha- )otten in b1 some other means;G
F!hen he picke- 1o$r 'ock4 tricks an- a'';G
FPossib'14G : sai- as "e reache- the 'an-in) an- contin$e- on; F=e "i'' rest at the comer so that
: can )o on into the 'ibrar1 $nassiste-;G
F($re thin);G
=e -i- that; : compose- m1se'%4 -re" the c'oak comp'ete'1 abo$t me4 s<$are- m1 sho$'-ers4
a-&ance-4 an- knocke- on the -oor;
FE$st a min$te;G #erar-@s &oice; +ootsteps approachin) the -oor;;;
F=ho is it>G
FCor"in4G : sai-; F0an-om@s "ith me;G
: hear- him ca'' back4 FAo$ "ant 0an-om4 too>G an- : hear- a so%t FNoG in rep'1;
!he -oor opene-;
FE$st 1o$; Cor"in4G #erar- sai-;
: no--e- an- t$rne- to 0an-om;
F9ater4G : to'- him;
,e ret$rne- m1 no- an- hea-e- back in the -irection %rom "hich "e ha- come; : entere- the
FOpen 1o$r c'oak4 Cor"in4G #erar- or-ere-;
F!hat is not necessar14G Bran- sai-4 an- : 'ooke- o&er an- sa" that he "as proppe- $p b1 a
n$mber o% c$shions an- sho"in) a 1e''o"-toothe- smi'e;
F(orr14 : am not as tr$stin) as Bran-4G #erar- sai-4 Fan- : "i'' not ha&e m1 "ork "aste-; 9et@s
ha&e a 'ook;G
F: sai- that it is not necessar14G Bran- repeate-; F,e is not the one "ho stabbe- me;G
#erar- t$rne- <$ick'1;
F,o" -o 1o$ kno" he isn@t>G he aske-;
FBeca$se : kno" "ho -i-4 o% co$rse; /on@t be an ass4 #erar-; : "o$'-n@t ha&e aske- %or him i% :
ha- reason to %ear him;G
FAo$ "ere $nconscio$s "hen : bro$)ht 1o$ thro$)h; Ao$ co$'-n@t kno" "ho -i- it;G
FAre 1o$ certain o% that>G
F=e'';;;=h1 -i-n@t 1o$ te'' me4 then>G
F: ha&e m1 reasons4 an- the1 are &a'i- ones; : "ant to speak "ith Cor"in a'one no";G
#erar- 'o"ere- his hea-; ;
FAo$ ha- better not be -e'irio$s4G he sai-; ,e steppe- to the -oor4 opene- it a)ain; F:@'' be "ithin
hai'in) -istance4G he a--e-4 an- c'ose- it behin- him;
: mo&e- nearer; Bran- reache- $p an- : c'aspe- his han-;
F#oo- to see that 1o$ ma-e it back4G he sai-;
F7ice &ersa4G : sai-4 an- then : took #erar-@s chair4 tr1in) not to co''apse into it;
F,o" -o 1o$ %ee' no">G : aske-;
F0otten4 in one sense; B$t better than : ha&e in 1ears4 in another; :t@s a'' re'ati&e;G
FBost thin)s are;G
FNot Amber;G
: si)he-;
FA'' ri)ht; : "asn@t )ettin) technica'; =hat the he'' happene->G
,is )a6e "as most intense; ,e "as st$-1in) me4 'ookin) %or somethin); =hat> 3no"'e-)e4 :@-
)$ess; Or4 more correct'14 i)norance; Ne)ati&es bein) har-er to )a$)e4 his min- ha- to be
mo&in) %ast4 m$st ha&e been %rom the moment he ha- come aro$n-; 3no"in) him4 he "as more
intereste- in "hat : -i- not kno" than in "hat : kne"; ,e "asn@t )oin) to )i&e a"a1 an1thin) i%
he co$'- he'p it; ,e "ante- to kno" the minim$m en'i)htenment he nee- she- in or-er to )et
"hat he "ante-; Not a "att more "o$'- he "i''in)'1 spen-; +or this "as his "a14 an- o% co$rse
he "ante- somethin); *n'ess;;;Bore stron)'1 in recent 1ears than e&er be%ore : ha&e trie- to
con&ince m1se'% that peop'e -o chan)e4 that the passa)e o% time -oes not ser&e mere'1 to
accent$ate that "hich is a'rea-1 there4 that <$a'itati&e chan)es -o sometimes occ$r in peop'e
beca$se o% thin)s the1 ha&e -one4 seen4 tho$)ht4 an- %e't; :t "o$'- pro&i-e some sma'' so'ace in
times s$ch as these "hen e&er1thin) e'se seems to be )oin) "ron)4 not to mention peppin) $p
m1 m$n-ane phi'osoph1 no en-; An- Bran- ha- probab'1 been responsib'e %or sa&in) m1 'i%e
an- m1 memor14 "hate&er his reasons; 7er1 "e''4 : reso'&e- to )i&e him the -o$bt@s bene%it
"itho$t e.posin) m1 back; A sma'' concession here4 m1 mo&e a)ainst the simp'e ps1cho'o)1 o%
h$mors "hich )enera''1 )o&erns the openin)s o% o$r )ames;
F!hin)s are ne&er "hat the1 seem4 Cor"in4G he be)an; FAo$r %rien- to-a1 is 1o$r enem1
tomorro" an-DG
FC$t it o$tIG : sai-; FCar-s-on-the-tab'e time is here; : -o appreciate "hat Bran-on Core1 -i-
%or me4 an- it "as m1 i-ea to tr1 the trick "e $se- to 'ocate 1o$ an- brin) 1o$ back;G
,e no--e-;
F: %anc1 there "ere )oo- reasons %or a recr$-escence o% %raterna' sentiment a%ter a'' this time;G
F: mi)ht s$ppose 1o$ ha- a--itiona' reasons %or he'pin) me4 a'so;G
,e smi'e- a)ain4 raise- his ri)ht han- an- 'o"ere- it;
F!hen "e are either e&en or in each other@s -ebt4 -epen-in) $pon ho" one 'ooks at these thin)s;
As it "o$'- seem "e no" ha&e nee- o% each other4 it "o$'- be "e'' to re)ar- o$rse'&es in the
most %'atterin) 'i)ht;G
FAo$ are sta''in)4 Bran-; Ao$ are tr1in) to ps1ch me; Ao$ are a'so spoi'in) m1 -a1@s e%%ort at
i-ea'ism; Ao$ )ot me o$t o% be- to te'' me somethin); Be m1 )$est;G
F(ame o'- Cor"in4G he sai-4 ch$ck'in); !hen he 'ooke- a"a1; FOr are 1o$> : "on-er;;;/i- it
chan)e 1o$4 -o 1o$ think> 9i&in) a'' that "hi'e in (ha-o"> Not kno"in) "ho 1o$ rea''1 "ere>
Bein) a part o% somethin) e'se>G
FBa1be4G : sai-; F: -on@t kno"; Aes4 : )$ess : -i-; : kno" that it shortene- m1 temper "hen it
comes to %ami'1 po'itics;G
FP'ain-speakin)4 b'$nt4 p'ain--ea'in)> Ao$ miss some o% the %$n that "a1; B$t then there is a
&a'$e to s$ch no&e't1; 3eep e&er1one $nba'ance- "ith it;;;re&ert "hen the1 'east e.pect it;;;; Aes4
it mi)ht pro&e &a'$ab'e; 0e%reshin)4 too; A'' ri)htI Panic not; !h$s en- m1 pre'iminaries; A''
p'easantries are no" e.chan)e-; :@'' bare the basics4 bri-'e the beast *nreason4 an- "rest %rom
m$rk1 m1ster1 the pear' o% s"eetest sense; B$t one thin) %irst4 i% 1o$ "o$'-; ,a&e 1o$ an1thin)
smokab'e "ith 1o$> :t has been a n$mber o% 1ears4 an- :@- 'ike some %o$' "ee- or otherDto
ce'ebrate m1 homecomin);G
: starte- to sa1 no; B$t : "as s$re there "ere some ci)arettes in the -esk4 'e%t there b1 me; : -i-
not rea''1 "ant the e.ercise4 b$t4 FE$st a min$te4G : sai-;
: trie- to make m1 mo&ements 'ook cas$a' rather than sti%% as : rose an- crosse- the room; :
attempte- to make it seem as i% : "ere restin) m1 han- nat$ra''1 $pon the -esktop as : r$mma)e-
thro$)h it4 rather than 'eanin) as hea&i'1 as : "as; : maske- m1 mo&ements "ith m1 bo-1 an-
m1 c'oak as m$ch as possib'e;
: 'ocate- the packa)e an- ret$rne- as : ha- come4 stoppin) to 'i)ht a pair at the hearth; Bran-
"as s'o" in takin) his %rom me;
FAo$r han- is rather shak14G he sai-; F=hat is the matter>G
F!oo m$ch part1in) 'ast ni)ht4G : sai-4 ret$rnin) to m1 chair;
F: ha-n@t tho$)ht o% that; : ima)ine there "o$'- ha&e been4 "o$'-n@t there> O% co$rse; 2&er1one
to)ether in one room;;;*ne.pecte- s$ccess in %in-in) me4 brin)in) me back;;;A -esperate mo&e
on the part o% a &er1 ner&o$s4 &er1 )$i't1 person;;;; ,a'% s$ccess there; Be in?$re- an- m$m4 b$t
%or ho" 'on)> !henDG
FAo$ sai- that 1o$ kne" "ho -i- it; =ere 1o$ ki--in)>G
FNo4 : "as not;G
F=ho then>G
F:n its p'ace4 -ear brother; :n its p'ace; (e<$ence an- or-er4 time an- stressDthe1 are most
important in this matter; A''o" me to sa&or the -rama o% the e&ent in sa%e retrospect; : see me
p$nct$re- an- a'' o% 1o$ )athere- ro$n-; AhI "hat "o$'- : not )i&e to "itness that tab'ea$I
Co$'- 1o$ possib'1 -escribe %or me the e.pression on each %ace>G
F:@m a%rai- their %aces "ere m1 'east concern at the time;G ,e si)he- an- b'e" smoke;
FAh4 that is )oo-4G he sai-; FNe&er min-4 : can see their %aces; :@&e a &i&i- ima)ination4 1o$
kno"; (hock4 -istress4 p$66'ementDsha-in) o&er into s$spicion4 %ear; !hen a'' o% 1o$ -eparte-4
:@m to'-4 an- )ent'e #erar- m1 n$rsemai- here;G ,e pa$se-4 stare- into the smoke4 an- %or a
moment the note o% mocker1 "as absent;
F,e is the on'1 -ecent one amon) $s4 1o$ kno";G
F,e@s hi)h on m1 'ist4G : sai-;
F,e took )oo- care o% me; ,e@s a'"a1s 'ooke- o$t %or the rest o% $s;G ,e ch$ck'e- s$--en'1;
F+rank'14 : can@t see "h1 he bothers; As : "as m$sin)4 tho$)hDprompte- b1 1o$r rec$peratin)
se'%D1o$ m$st ha&e a-?o$rne- to ta'k thin)s o&er; !here is another part1 :@m sa- : misse-; A''
those emotions an- s$spicions an- 'ies bo$ncin) o%% one anotherDan- no one "antin) to be the
%irst to sa1 )oo- ni)ht; :t m$st ha&e )otten shri'' a%ter a time; 2&er1one on his o"n best beha&ior4
"ith an e1e o$t to b'acken the rest; Attempts to intimi-ate the one )$i't1 person; Perhaps a %e"
stones shie- at scape)oats; B$t4 a'' in a''4 nothin) m$ch rea''1 accomp'ishe-; Am : ri)ht>G
: no--e-4 appreciati&e o% the "a1 his min- "orke-4 an- resi)ne- to 'ettin) him te'' it his "a1;
FAo$ kno" 1o$@re ri)ht4G : sai-;
,e )a&e me a sharp 'ook at that4 then "ent on; FB$t e&er1one -i- %ina''1 )o o%%4 to 'ie a"ake
"orr1in)4 or to )et to)ether "ith an accomp'ice4 to scheme; !here "ere hi--en t$rmoi's in the
ni)ht; :t is %'atterin) to kno" that m1 "e''-bein) "as on e&er1one@s min-; (ome4 o% co$rse4 "ere
%or it4 others a)ainst; An- in the mi-st o% it a''4 : ra''ie-Dna14 %'o$rishe-Dnot "ishin) to
-isappoint m1 s$pporters; #erar- spent a 'on) "hi'e brin)in) me $p to -ate on recent histor1;
=hen : ha- eno$)h o% this4 : sent %or 1o$;G
F:n case 1o$ ha&en@t notice-; :@m here; =hat -i- 1o$ "ant to te'' me>G
FPatience4 brotherI PatienceI Consi-er a'' the 1ears 1o$ spent in (ha-o"4 not e&en rememberin)
Dthis;G ,e )est$re- "i-e'1 "ith his ci)arette; FConsi-er a'' that time 1o$ "aite-4 $nkno"in)4
$nti' : s$ccee-e- in 'ocatin) 1o$ an- trie- to reme-1 1o$r p'i)ht; ($re'1 a %e" moments no" are
not so price'ess b1 contrast;G
F: "as to'- that 1o$ ha- so$)ht me4G : sai-; F: "on-ere- at that4 %or "e ha- not e.act'1 parte- on
the best o% terms the 'ast time "e "ere to)ether;G
,e no--e-;
F: cannot -en1 it4G he sai-; FB$t : a'"a1s )et o&er s$ch thin)s4 e&ent$a''1;G
: snorte-;
F: ha&e been -eci-in) ho" m$ch to te'' 1o$4 an- "hat 1o$ "o$'- be'ie&e4G he contin$e-; F:
-o$bte- 1o$ "o$'- accept it i% : ha- simp'1 come o$t an- sai- that4 sa&e %or a %e" sma'' items4
m1 present moti&es are a'most entire'1 a'tr$istic;G
: snorte- a)ain;
FB$t this is tr$e4G he "ent on4 Fan- to 'a1 1o$r s$spicions4 : a-- that it is beca$se : ha&e sma''
choice in it; Be)innin)s are a'"a1s -i%%ic$'t; =here&er : be)in4 somethin) prece-e- it; Ao$ "ere
)one %or so 'on); :% one m$st name a sin)'e thin)4 ho"e&er4 then 'et it be the throne; !here; :
ha&e sai- it; =e ha- tho$)ht o% a "a1 to take it4 1o$ see; !his "as ?$st a%ter 1o$r -isappearance4
an- in some "a1s4 : s$ppose4 prompte- b1 it; /a- s$specte- 2ric o% ha&in) s'ain 1o$; B$t there
"as no e&i-ence; =e "orke- on this %ee'in)4 tho$)hDa "or- here an- there4 e&er1 no" an-
then; Aears passe-4 "ith 1o$ $nreachab'e b1 an1 means4 an- it seeme- more an- more 'ike'1 that
1o$ "ere in-ee- -ea-; /a- 'ooke- $pon 2ric "ith )ro"in) -is%a&or; !hen4 one ni)ht4 p$rs$ant to
a -isc$ssion : ha- be)$n on a tota''1 ne$tra' matterDmost o% $s present at the tab'eDhe sai- that
no %ratrici-e "o$'- e&er take the throne4 an- he "as 'ookin) at 2ric as he sai- it; Ao$ kno" ho"
his e1es co$'- )et; 2ric )re" bri)ht as a s$nset an- co$'- not s"a''o" %or a 'on) "hi'e; B$t then
/a- took thin)s m$ch %$rther than an1 o% $s ha- anticipate- or -esire-; :n %airness to 1o$4 : -o
not kno" "hether he spoke so'e'1 to &ent his %ee'in)s4 or "hether he act$a''1 meant "hat he
sai-; B$t he to'- $s that he ha- more than ha'% -eci-e- $pon 1o$ as his s$ccessor4 so that he took
"hate&er misa-&ent$re ha- be%a''en 1o$ <$ite persona''1; ,e "o$'- not ha&e spoken o% it4 b$t
that he "as con&ince- as to 1o$r passin); :n the months that %o''o"e-4 "e reare- 1o$ a cenotaph
to )i&e some so'i- %orm to this conc'$sion4 an- "e ma-e certain that no one %or)ot /a-@s %ee'in)s
to"ar- 2ric; A'' a'on)4 a%ter 1o$rse'%4 2ric "as the one "e %e't ha- to be )otten aro$n- to reach
the throne;G
F=eI =ho "ere the others>G
FPatience4 Cor"in; (e<$ence an- or-er4 time an- stressI Accent4 emphasis;;;9isten;G
,e took another ci)arette4 chain-'it it %rom the b$tt4 stabbe- the air "ith its b$rnin) tip;
F!he ne.t step re<$ire- that "e )et /a- o$t o% Amber; !his "as the most cr$cia' an- -an)ero$s
part o% it4 an- it "as here that "e -isa)ree-; : -i- not 'ike the i-ea o% an a''iance "ith a po"er :
-i- not %$''1 $n-erstan-4 especia''1 one that )a&e them some ho'- on $s; *sin) sha-o"s is one
thin)C a''o"in) them to $se 1o$ is i''-consi-ere-4 "hate&er the circ$mstances; : ar)$e- a)ainst it4
b$t the ma?orit1 ha- it other"ise;G ,e smi'e-; F!"o to one; Aes4 there "ere three o% $s; =e "ent
ahea- then; !he trap "as set an- /a- "ent a%ter the baitDG
F:s he sti'' 'i&in)>G : aske-;
F: -o not kno"4G Bran- sai-; F!hin)s "ent "ron) a%ter"ar-4 an- then :@- tro$b'es o% m1 o"n to
concern me; A%ter /a-@s -epart$re tho$)h4 o$r ne.t mo&e "as to conso'i-ate o$r position "hi'e
"aitin) a respectab'e perio- o% time %or a pres$mption o% -eath to seem "arrante-; :-ea''14 a''
that "e re<$ire- "as the cooperation o% one person; 2ither Caine or E$'ianDit -i- not matter
"hich; Ao$ see4 B'e1s ha- a'rea-1 )one o%% into (ha-o" an- "as in the process o% p$ttin)
to)ether a 'ar)e mi'itar1 %arceDG
FB'e1sI ,e "as one o% 1o$>G
F:n-ee-; =e inten-e- him %or the throneD"ith s$%%icient strin)s on him4 o% co$rse4 so that it
"o$'- ha&e amo$nte- to a -e %acto tri$m&irate; (o4 he "ent o%% to assemb'e troops4 as : "as
sa1in); =e hope- %or a b'oo-'ess takeo&er4 b$t "e ha- to be rea-1 in the e&ent that "or-s pro&e-
ins$%%icient to "in o$r case; :% E$'ian )a&e $s the 'an- ro$te in4 or Caine the "a&es4 "e co$'-
ha&e transporte- the troops "ith -ispatch an- he'- the -a1 b1 %orce o% arms4 sho$'- that ha&e
pro&en necessar1; *n%ort$nate'14 : chose the "ron) man; :n m1 estimate; Caine "as E$'ian@s
s$perior in matters o% corr$ption; (o4 "ith meas$re- -e'icac1 : so$n-e- him on the matter; ,e
seeme- "i''in) to )o a'on) "ith thin)s4 at %irst; B$t he either reconsi-ere- s$bse<$ent'1 or
-ecei&e- me <$ite ski''%$''1 %rom the be)innin); Nat$ra''14 : pre%er to be'ie&e that it "as the
%ormer; =hate&er4 at some point he came to the conc'$sion that he stoo- to bene%it more b1
s$pportin) a ri&a' c'aimant; !o "it4 2ric; No" 2ric@s hopes ha- been some"hat -ashe- b1 /a-@s
attit$-e to"ar- himDb$t /a- "as )one4 an- o$r inten-e- mo&e )a&e 2ric the chance to act as
-e%en-er o% the throne; *n%ort$nate'1 %or $s4 s$ch a position "o$'- a'so p$t him b$t a step a"a1
%rom the throne itse'%; !o make matters -arker4 E$'ian "ent a'on) "ith Caine in p'e-)in) the
'o1a't1 o% his troops to 2ric4 as -e%en-er; !h$s "as the other trio %orme-; (o 2ric took a p$b'ic
oath to -e%en- the throne4 an- the 'ines "ere thereb1 -ra"n; : "as nat$ra''1 in a some"hat
embarrassin) position at this time; : bore the br$nt o% their animosit14 as the1 -i- not kno" "ho
m1 %e''o"s "ere; Aet the1 co$'- not imprison or tort$re me4 %or : "o$'- imme-iate'1 be tr$mpe-
o$t o% their han-s; An- i% the1 "ere to ki'' me4 the1 rea'i6e- there mi)ht "e'' be a reprisa' b1
parties $nkno"n; (o it ha- to stan- as a sta'emate %or a time; !he1 a'so sa" that : co$'- no
'on)er mo&e -irect'1 a)ainst them; !he1 kept me $n-er hea&1 s$r&ei''ance; (o a more -e&io$s
ro$te "as charte-; A)ain : -isa)ree- an- a)ain : 'ost4 t"o to one; =e "ere to emp'o1 the same
%orces "e ha- ca''e- $pon to -ea' "ith /a-4 this time %or p$rposes o% -iscre-itin) 2ric; :% the ?ob
o% -e%en-in) Amber4 so con%i-ent'1 ass$me-4 "ere to pro&e too m$ch %or him an- B'e1s then
came onto the scene an- han-'e- the sit$ation "ith -ispatch4 "h1 B'e1s "o$'- e&en ha&e
pop$'ar s$pport as he mo&e- on to ass$me the ro'e o% -e%en-er himse'% an-Da%ter a %it perio- o%
timeDs$%%ere- the thr$stin) o% so&erei)nt1 $pon him4 %or the )oo- o% Amber;G
FM$estion4G : interr$pte-; F=hat abo$t Bene-ict> : kno" he "as o%% bein) -iscontent in his
A&a'on4 b$t i% somethin) rea''1 threatene- Amber; G
FAes4G he sai-4 no--in)4 Fan- %or that reason4 a part o% o$r -ea' "as to in&o'&e Bene-ict "ith a
n$mber o% prob'ems o% his o"n;G
: tho$)ht o% the harassment o% Bene-ict@s A&a'on b1 the he''mai-s; : tho$)ht o% the st$mp o% his
ri)ht arm; : opene- m1 mo$th to speak a)ain4 b$t Bran- raise- his han-;
F9et me %inish in m1 o"n %ashion4 Cor"in; : am not $nmin-%$' o% 1o$r tho$)ht processes as 1o$
speak; : %ee' the pain in 1o$r si-e4 t"in to m1 o"n; Aes4 : kno" these thin)s an- man1 more;G
,is e1es b$rne- stran)e'1 as he took another ci)arette into his han- an- it 'it o% its o"n accor-;
,e -re" hea&i'1 $pon it an- spoke as he e.ha'e-;
F: broke "ith the others o&er this -ecision; : sa" it as in&o'&in) too )reat a peri'4 as p'acin)
Amber herse'% in ?eopar-1; Broke "ith them;;;G
,e "atche- the smoke %or se&era' moments be%ore he contin$e-;
FB$t thin)s "ere too %ar a-&ance- that : mi)ht simp'1 "a'k a"a1; : ha- to oppose them4 in or-er
to -e%en- m1se'% as "e'' as Amber; :t "as too 'ate to s"in) o&er to 2ric@s si-e; ,e "o$'- not
ha&e protecte- me i% he co$'- ha&eDan- besi-es4 : "as certain he "as )oin) to 'ose; :t "as then
that : -eci-e- to emp'o1 certain ne" abi'ities : ha- ac<$ire-; : ha- o%ten "on-ere- at the stran)e
re'ationship bet"een 2ric an- +'ora4 o%% on that sha-o" 2arth she preten-e- so to en?o1; : ha-
ha- a s'i)ht s$spicion that there "as somethin) abo$t that p'ace "hich concerne- him4 an- that
she mi)ht be his a)ent there; =hi'e : co$'- not )et c'ose eno$)h to him to achie&e an1
satis%action on this co$nt4 : %e't con%i-ent that it "o$'- not take too m$ch in the "a1 o%
in&esti)ation4 -irect an- other"ise4 to 'earn "hat +'ora "as abo$t; An- so : -i-; !hen s$--en'1
the pace acce'erate-; B1 o"n part1 "as concerne- as to m1 "hereabo$ts; !hen "hen : picke-
1o$ $p an- shocke- back a %e" memories4 2ric 'earne- %rom +'ora that somethin) "as s$--en'1
<$ite amiss; Conse<$ent'14 both si-es "ere soon 'ookin) %or me; : ha- -eci-e- that 1o$r ret$rn
"o$'- thro" e&er1one@s p'ans o$t the "in-o" an- )et me o$t o% the pocket : "as in 'on) eno$)h
to come $p "ith an a'ternati&e to the "a1 thin)s "ere )oin); 2ric@s c'aim "o$'- be c'o$-e- once
a)ain4 1o$ "o$'- ha&e ha- s$pporters o% 1o$r o"n4 m1 part1 "o$'- ha&e 'ost the p$rpose %or its
entire mane$&er an- : ha- ass$me- 1o$ "o$'- not be $n)rate%$' to me %or m1 part in thin)s;
!hem 1o$ "ent an- escape- %rom Porter4 an- thin)s rea''1 )ot comp'icate-; A'' o% $s "ere
'ookin) %or 1o$4 as : 'ater 'earne-4 %or -i%%erent reasons; B$t m1 %ormer associates ha- somethin)
&er1 e.tra )oin) %or them; !he1 'earne- "hat "as happenin)4 'ocate- 1o$4 an- )ot there %irst;
Ob&io$s'14 there "as a &er1 simp'e "a1 to preser&e the stat$s <$o4 "here the1 "o$'- contin$e to
ho'- the e-)e; B'e1s %ire- the shots that p$t 1o$ an- 1o$r car into the 'ake; : arri&e- ?$st as this
"as occ$rrin); ,e -eparte- a'most imme-iate'14 %or it 'ooke- as i% he ha- -one a thoro$)h ?ob; :
-ra))e- 1o$ o$t4 tho$)h4 an- there "as eno$)h 'e%t to start treatin); :t "as %r$stratin) no" that :
think back on it4 not kno"in) "hether the treatment ha- rea''1 been e%%ecti&e4 "hether 1o$
"o$'- a"aken as Cor"in or Core1; :t "as %r$stratin) a%ter"ar-4 a'so4 sti'' not kno"in);;;; :
he''ro-e o$t "hen he'p arri&e-; B1 associates ca$)ht $p "ith me some"hat 'ater an- p$t me
"here 1o$ %o$n- me; /o 1o$ kno" the rest o% the stor1>G
FNot a'' o% it;G
F!hen stop me "hene&er "e@&e ca$)ht $p on this; : on'1 obtaine- it 'ater4 m1se'%; 2ric@s cro"-
'earne- o% the acci-ent4 )ot 1o$r 'ocation4 an- ha- 1o$ trans%erre- to a pri&ate p'ace; =here 1o$
co$'- be better protecte-4 an- kept 1o$ hea&i'1 se-ate-4 so that the1 co$'- be protecte-;G
F=h1 sho$'- 2ric protect me4 especia''1 i% m1 presence "as )oin) to "reck his p'ans>G
FB1 then4 se&en o% $s kne" 1o$ "ere sti'' 'i&in); !hat "as too man1; :t "as simp'1 too 'ate to -o
"hat he "o$'- ha&e 'ike- to -o; ,e "as sti'' tr1in) to 'i&e -o"n /a-@s "or-s; :% an1thin) ha-
happene- to 1o$ once 1o$ "ere in his po"er4 it "o$'- ha&e b'ocke- his mo&ement to the throne;
:% Bene-ict e&er )ot "or- o% it4 or #erar-;;;No4 he@- not ha&e ma-e it; A%ter"ar-4 1es; Be%are4 no;
=hat happene- "as that )enera' kno"'e-)e o% the %act o% 1o$r e.istence %orce- his han-; ,e
sche-$'e- his coronation an- reso'&e- to keep 1o$ o$t o% the "a1 $nti' it ha- occ$rre-; An
e.treme'1 premat$re bit o% b$siness4 not that : see he ha- m$ch o% a choice; : )$ess 1o$ kno"
"hat happene- a%ter that4 since it happene- to 1o$;G
F: %e'' in "ith B'e1s4 ?$st as he "as makin) his mo&e; Not too %ort$nate;G ,e shr$))e-;
FOh4 it mi)ht ha&e beenDi% 1o$ ha- "on4 an- i% 1o$ ha- been ab'e to -o somethin) abo$t
B'e1s; Ao$ ha-n@t a chance4 tho$)h4 not rea''1; B1 )rasp o% their moti&ations be)ins to -isso'&e
at this point4 b$t : be'ie&e that that entire assa$'t rea''1 constit$te- some sort o% %eint;G
FAs : sai-4 : -o not kno"; B$t the1 a'rea-1 ha- 2ric E$st abo$t "here the1 "ante- him; :t sho$'-
not ha&e been necessar1 to ca'' that attack;G
: shook m1 hea-; !oo m$ch4 too %ast;;;Ban1 o% the %acts so$n-e- tr$e4 once : s$btracte- the
narrator@s bias; B$t sti'';;;
F: -on@t kno"; G : be)an;
FO% co$rse4G he sai-; FB$t i% 1o$ ask me : "i'' te'' 1o$;G
F=ho "as the thir- member o% 1o$r )ro$p>G
F!he same person "ho stabbe- me4 o% co$rse; =o$'- 1o$ care to &ent$re a )$ess>G
FE$st te'' me;G
F+iona; !he "ho'e thin) "as her i-ea;G
F=h1 -i-n@t 1o$ te'' me that ri)ht a"a1>G
FBeca$se 1o$ "o$'- not ha&e sat sti'' 'on) eno$)h to hear the rest o% "hat : ha- to sa1; Ao$
"o$'- ha&e -ashe- o%% to p$t her $n-er restraint4 -isco&ere- that she "as )one4 ro$se- a'' the
others4 starte- an in&esti)ation4 an- "aste- a 'ot o% &a'$ab'e time; Ao$ sti'' ma14 b$t it at 'east
pro&i-e- me "ith 1o$r attention %or a s$%%icient time %or me to con&ince 1o$ that : kno" "hat :
am abo$t; No"4 "hen : te'' 1o$ that time is essentia' an- that 1o$ m$st hear the rest o% "hat :
ha&e to sa1 as soon as possib'eDi% Amber is to ha&e an1 chance at a''D1o$ mi)ht 'isten rather
than chase a cra61 'a-1;G
: ha- a'rea-1 ha'% risen %rom m1 chair;
F: sho$'-n@t )o a%ter her>G : sai-;
F!he he'' "ith her4 %or no"; Ao$@&e )ot bi))er prob'ems; Ao$ ha- better sit -o"n a)ain;G
(o : -i-;
Chapter 10
A ra%t o% moonbeams;;;the )host'1 torch'i)ht4 'ike %ires in b'ack-an--"hite %i'ms;;;stars;;;a %e"
%ine %i'aments o% mist;;;
: 'eane- $pon the rai'4 : 'ooke- across the "or'-;;;; *tter si'ence he'- the ni)ht4 the -ream-
-renche- cit14 the entire $ni&erse %rom here; /istant thin)sDthe sea4 Amber4 Ar-en4 #amath4 the
9i)htho$se o% Cabra4 the #ro&e o% the *nicorn4 m1 tomb atop 3o'&ir;;;(i'ent4 %ar be'o"4 1et
c'ear4 -istinct;;;A )o-@s e1e &ie"; :@- sa14 or that o% a so$' c$t 'oose an- -ri%tin) hi)h;;;:n the
mi--'e o% the ni)ht;;;
: ha- come to the p'ace "here the )hosts p'a1 at bein) )hosts4 "here the omens4 portents4 si)ns4
an- animate -esires threa- the ni)ht'1 a&en$es an- pa'ace hi)h ha''s o% Amber in the sk14 !ir-na
!$rnin)4 m1 back to the rai' an- -a1"or'-@s &esti)es be'o"4 : re)ar-e- the a&en$es an- -ark
terraces4 the ha''s o% the 'or-s4 the <$arters o% the 'o";;;; !he moon'i)ht is intense in !ir-na
No)@th4 si'&ers o&er the %acin) si-es o% a'' o$r ima)e- p'aces;;;; (tick in han-4 : passe- %or"ar-4
an- the stran)e'in)s mo&e- abo$t me4 appeare- at "in-o"s4 on ba'conies4 on benches4 at
)ates;;;*nseen : passe-4 %or tr$'1 p$t4 in this p'ace : "as the )host to "hate&er their s$bstance;;;;
(i'ence an- si'&er;;;On'1 the tappin) o% m1 stick4 an- that most'1 m$te-;;;Bore mists a-ri%t
to"ar- the heart o% thin)s;;;!he pa'ace a "hite bon%ire o% it;;;/e"4 'ike -rops o% merc$r1 on the
%ine'1 san-e- peta's an- stems in the )ar-ens b1 the "a'ks;;;!he passin) moon as pain%$' to the
e1e as the s$n at mi--a14 the stars o$tshone4 -imme- b1 it;;;(i'&er an- si'ence;;;!he shine;;;
: ha- not p'anne- on comin)4 %or its omensDi% that the1 tr$'1 beDare -eceit%$'4 its simi'arities
to the 'i&es an- p'aces be'o" $nsett'in)4 its spectac'e o%ten -isconcertin); (ti''4 : ha- come;;;; A
part o% m1 bar)ain "ith time;;;
A%ter : ha- 'e%t Bran- to contin$e his reco&er1 in the keepin) o% #erar-4 : ha- rea'i6e- that :
re<$ire- a--itiona' rest m1se'% an- so$)ht to obtain it "itho$t betra1in) m1 -isabi'it1; +iona "as
in-ee- %'o"n4 an- neither she nor E$'ian co$'- be reache- b1 means o% the !r$mps; ,a- : to'-
Bene-ict an- #erar- "hat Bran- ha- to'- me4 : "as certain that the1 "o$'- ha&e insiste- "e
be)in e%%orts at trackin) her -o"n4 at trackin) both o% them; : "as e<$a''1 certain that s$ch
e%%orts "o$'- pro&e $se'ess;
: ha- sent %or 0an-om an- #ane'on an- retire- to m1 <$arters4 )i&in) o$t that : inten-e- to pass
the -a1 in rest an- <$iet tho$)ht in anticipation o% spen-in) the ni)ht in !ir-na No)@thD
reasonab'e beha&ior %or an1 Amberite "ith a serio$s prob'em; : -i- not p$t m$ch stock in the
practice4 b$t most o% the others -i-; As it "as the per%ect time %or me to be abo$t s$ch a thin)4 :
%e't that it "o$'- make m1 -a1@s retirement be'ie&ab'e; O% co$rse4 this ob'i)e- me to %o''o"
thro$)h on it that ni)ht; B$t this4 too4 "as )oo-; :t )a&e me a -a14 a ni)ht4 an- part o% the
%o''o"in) -a1 in "hich to hea' s$%%icient'1 to carr1 m1 "o$n- that m$ch the better; : %e't that it
"o$'- be time "e'' spent;
Ao$@&e )ot to te'' someone4 tho$)h; : to'- 0an-om an- : to'- #ane'on; Proppe- in m1 be-4 : to'-
them o% the p'ans o% Bran-4 +iona4 an- B'e1s4 an- o% the 2ric-E$'ian-Caine caba'; : to'- them
"hat Bran- ha- sai- concernin) m1 ret$rn an- his o"n imprisonment b1 his %e''o" conspirators;
!he1 sa" "h1 the s$r&i&ors o% both %actionsD+iona an- E$'ianDha- r$n o%%8 -o$bt'ess to
marsha' their %orces4 hope%$''1 to e.pen- them on one another4 b$t probab'1 not; Not
imme-iate'14 an1ho"; Bore 'ike'14 one or the other "o$'- mo&e to take Amber %irst;
F!he1 "i'' ?$st ha&e to take n$mbers an- "ait their t$rns4 'ike e&er1one e'se4G 0an-om ha- sai-;
FNot e.act'14G : remembere- sa1in); F+iona@s a''ies an- the thin)s that ha&e been comin) in on
the b'ack roa- are the same )$1s;G
FAn- the Circ'e in 9orraine>G #ane'on ha- aske-;
F!he same; !hat "as ho" it mani%este- itse'% in that sha-o"; !he1 came a )reat -istance;G
F*bi<$ito$s bastar-s4G 0an-om ha- sai-;
No--in)4 : ha- trie- to e.p'ain;
;;;An- so : came to !ir-na No)@th; =hen the moon rose an- the apparition o% Amber came %aint'1
into the hea&ens4 stars sho"in) thro$)h it4 pa'e ha'o abo$t its to"ers4 tin1 %'ecks o% mo&ement
$pon its "a''s4 : "aite-4 "aite- "ith #ane'on an- 0an-om4 "aite- on the hi)hest crop o% 3o'&ir4
there "here the three steps are %ashione-4 ro$)h'14 o$t o% the stone;;;
=hen the moon'i)ht to$che- them4 the o$t'ine o% the entire stair"a1 be)an to take shape4
spannin) the )reat )$'% to that point abo&e the sea the &ision cit1 he'-; =hen the moon'i)ht %e''
%$'' $pon it4 the stair ha- taken as m$ch o% s$bstance as it "o$'- e&er possess4 an- : set m1 %oot
on the stone;;;; 0an-om he'- a %$'' -eck o% !r$mps an- :@- mine "ithin m1 ?acket; #ra1s"an-ir4
%or)e- $pon this &er1 stone b1 moon'i)ht4 he'- po"er in the cit1 in the sk14 an- so : bore m1
b'a-e a'on); : ha- reste- a'' -a14 an- : he'- a sta%% to 'ean $pon; :''$sion o% -istance an-
time;;;!he stairs thro$)h the Cor"in-i)norin) sk1 esca'ate someho"4 %or it is not a simp'e
arithmetic pro)ression $p them once motion has commence-; : "as here4 : "as there4 : "as a
<$arter o% the "a1 $p be%ore m1 sho$'-er ha- %or)otten the c'asp o% #ane'on@s han-;;;; :% : 'ooke-
too har- at an1 portion o% the stair4 it 'ost its shimmerin) opacit1 an- : sa" the ocean %ar be'o"
as thro$)h a trans'$cent 'ens;;;; : 'ost track o% time4 tho$)h it seems it@s ne&er 'on)4 a%ter"ar-;;;As
%ar beneath the "a&es as :@- soon be abo&e them4 o%% to m1 ri)ht4 )'itterin) an- c$r'in)4 the
o$t'ine o% 0ebma appeare- "ithin the sea; : tho$)ht o% Boire4 "on-ere- ho" she %are-; =hat
"o$'- become o% o$r -eep"ater -o$b'e sho$'- Amber e&er %a''> =o$'- the ima)e remain
$nshattere- in its mirror> Or "o$'- b$i'-in) b'ocks an- bones be taken an- shaken a'ike4 -ice in
the -eep"ater casino can1ons o$r %'eets %'1 o&er> No ans"er in the man -ro"nin)4 Cor"in-
con%o$n-in) "aters4 tho$)h : %e't a t"in)e in m1 si-e;
At the hea- o% the stair4 : entere-4 comin) into the )host cit1 as one "o$'- enter Amber a%ter
mo$ntin) the )reat %orestair $p 3o'&ir@s sea"ar- %ace; : 'eane- $pon the rai'4 'ooke- across the
!he b'ack roa- 'e- o%% to the so$th; : co$'- not see it b1 ni)ht; Not that it mattere-; : kne" no"
"here it 'e-; Or rather "here Bran- sai- that it 'e-; As he appeare- to ha&e $se- $p a 'i%e@s "orth
o% reasons %or '1in)4 : be'ie&e- that : kne" "here it 'e-;
A'' the "a1;
+rom the bri)htness o% Amber an- the po"er an- c'ean-shinin) sp'en-or o% a-?acent (ha-o"4 o%%
thro$)h the pro)ressi&e'1 -arkenin) s'ices o% ima)e that 'ea- a"a1 in an1 -irection4 %arther4
thro$)h the t"iste- 'an-scapes4 an- %arther sti''4 on thro$)h p'aces seen on'1 "hen -r$nk4
-e'irio$s4 or -reamin)'1 i''14 an- %arther 1et a)ain4 r$nnin) be1on- the p'ace "here : stop;;;;
=here : stop;;;
,o" to p$t simp'1 that "hich is not a simp'e thin);;;> (o'ipsism4 : s$ppose4 is "here "e ha&e to
be)inDthe notion that nothin) e.ists b$t the se'%4 or4 at 'east4 that "e cannot tr$'1 be a"are o%
an1thin) b$t o$r o"n e.istence an- e.perience; : can %in-4 some"here4 o%% in (ha-o"4 an1thin) :
can &is$a'i6e; An1 o% $s can; !his4 in )oo- %aith4 -oes not transcen- the 'imits o% the e)o; :t ma1
be ar)$e-4 an- in %act has4 b1 most o% $s4 that "e create the sha-o"s "e &isit o$t o% the st$%% o%
o$r o"n ps1ches4 that "e a'one tr$'1 e.ist4 that the sha-o"s "e tra&erse are b$t pro?ections o%
o$r o"n -esires;;;; =hate&er the merits o% this ar)$ment4 an- there are se&era'4 it -oes )o %ar
to"ar- e.p'ainin) m$ch o% the %ami'1@s attit$-e to"ar- peop'e4 p'aces4 an- thin)s o$tsi-e o%
Amber; Name'14 "e are to1makers an- the14 o$r p'a1thin)sDsometimes -an)ero$s'1 animate-4
to be s$reC b$t this4 too4 is part o% the )ame; =e are impresarios b1 temperament4 an- "e treat
one another accor-in)'1; =hi'e so'ipsism -oes ten- to 'ea&e one s'i)ht'1 embarrasse- on
<$estions o% etio'o)14 one can easi'1 a&oi- the embarrassment b1 re%$sin) to a-mit the &a'i-it1 o%
the <$estions; Bost o% $s are4 as : ha&e o%ten obser&e-4 a'most entire'1 pra)matic in the con-$ct
o% o$r a%%airs; A'most;;;
AetD1et there is a -ist$rbin) e'ement in the pict$re; !here is a p'ace "here the sha-o"s )o
ma-;;;; =hen 1o$ p$rpose'1 p$sh 1o$rse'% thro$)h 'a1er a%ter 'a1er o% (ha-o"4 s$rren-erin)D
a)ain4 p$rpose'1Da piece o% 1o$r $n-erstan-in) e&er1 step o% the "a14 1o$ come at 'ast to a ma-
p'ace be1on- "hich 1o$ cannot )o; =h1 -o this> :n hope o% an insi)ht; :@- sa14 or a ne"
)ame;;;B$t "hen 1o$ come to this p'ace4 as "e a'' ha&e4 1o$ rea'i6e that 1o$ ha&e reache- the
'imit o% (ha-o" or the en- o% 1o$rse'%Ds1non1mo$s terms4 as "e ha- a'"a1s tho$)ht; No"4
No" : kno" that it is not so4 no" as : stan-4 "aitin)4 "itho$t the Co$rts o% Chaos4 te''in) 1o$
"hat it "as 'ike4 : kno" that it is not so; B$t : kne" "e'' eno$)h then4 that ni)ht4 in !ir-na
No)@th4 ha- kno"n ear'ier4 "hen : ha- %o$)ht the )oat-man in the B'ack Circ'e o% 9orraine4 ha-
kno"n that -a1 in the 9i)htho$se o% Cabra4 a%ter m1 escape %rom the -$n)eons o% Amber4 "hen :
ha- 'ooke- $pon r$ine- #arnath;;;; : kne" that that "as not a'' there "as to it; : kne" beca$se :
kne" that the b'ack roa- ran be1on- that point; :t passe- thro$)h ma-ness into chaos an- kept
)oin)4 'he thin)s that tra&e'e- across it came %rom some"here4 b$t the1 "ere not m1 thin)s; :
ha- someho" he'pe- to )rant them this passa)e4 b$t the1 -i- not sprin) %rom m1 &ersion o%
rea'it1; !he1 "ere their o"n4 or someone e'se@sDsma'' matter thereDan- the1 tore ho'es in that
sma'' metaph1sic "e ha- "o&en o&er the a)es; !he1 ha- entere- o$r preser&e4 the1 "ere not o%
it4 the1 threatene- it4 the1 threatene- $s; +iona an- Bran- ha- reache- be1on- e&er1thin) an-
%o$n- somethin)4 "here none o% the rest o% $s ha- be'ie&e- an1thin) to; !he -an)er
re'ease- "as4 on some 'e&e'4 a'most "orth the e&i-ence obtaine-8 "e "ere not a'one4 nor "ere
sha-o"s tr$'1 o$r to1s; =hate&er o$r re'ationship "ith (ha-o"4 : co$'- ne&ermore re)ar- it in
the o'- 'i)ht;;;;
A'' beca$se the b'ack roa- hea-e- so$th an- ran be1on- the en- o% the "or'-4 "here : stop;
(i'ence an- si'&er;;;=a'kin) a"a1 %rom the rai'4 'eanin) on m1 stick4 passin) thro$)h the %o)-
sp$n4 mist-"o&en4 moon'i)ht-br$she- %abric o% &ision "ithin the tro$b'in)
cit1;;;#hosts;;;(ha-o"s o% sha-o"s;;;:ma)es o% probabi'it1;;;Bi)ht-bes an- mi)ht-
ha&ebeens;;;Probabi'it1 'ost;;;Probabi'it1 re)aine-;;;
=a'kin)4 across the promena-e no";;;+i)$res4 %aces4 man1 o% them %ami'iar;;;=hat are the1
abo$t> ,ar- to sa1;;;(ome 'ips mo&e4 some %aces sho" animation; !here are no "or-s there %or
me; : pass amon) them4 $nnote-;
!here;;;One s$ch %i)$re;;;A'one4 b$t "aitin);;;+in)ers $nknottin) min$tes4 castin) them
a"a1;;;+ace a&erte-4 an- : "ish to see it;;;A si)n that : "i'' or sho$'-;;;(he sits on a stone bench
beneath a )nar'1 tree;;;(he )a6es in the -irection o% the pa'ace;;;,er %orm is <$ite
%ami'iar;;;Approachin)4 : see that it is 9orraine;;;(he contin$es to re)ar- a point %ar be1on- me4
-oes not hear me sa1 that : ha&e a&en)e- her -eath;
B$t mine is the po"er to be hear- here;;;; :t han)s in the sheath at m1 si-e;
/ra"in) #ra1s"an-ir4 : raise m1 b'a-e o&erhea- "here moon'i)ht tricks its patterns into a kin-
o% motion; : p'ace it on the )ro$n- bet"een $s;
,er hea- snaps back4 her hair r$sts in the moon'i)ht4 her e1es %oc$s;
F=here -i- 1o$ come %rom> Ao$@re ear'1;G
FAo$ "ait %or me>G
FO% co$rse; Ao$ to'- me toDG
F,o" -i- 1o$ come to this p'ace>G
F!his bench;;;>G
FNo; !his cit1;G
FAmber> : -o not $n-erstan-; Ao$ bro$)ht me 1o$rse'%; :DG
FAre 1o$ happ1 here>G
FAo$ kno" that : am4 so 'on) as : am "ith 1o$;G
: ha- not %or)otten the e&enness o% her teeth4 the hint o% %reck'es beneath the so%t 'i)ht@s &ei';;;;
F=hat happene-> :t is &er1 important; Preten- %or a moment that : -o not kno"4 an- te'' me
e&er1thin) that happene- to $s a%ter the batt'e o% the B'ack Circ'e in 9orraine;G
(he %ro"ne-; (he stoo-; (he t$rne- a"a1;
F=e ha- that ar)$ment4G she sai-; FAo$ %o''o"e- me4 -ro&e a"a1 Be'kin4 an- "e ta'ke-; : sa"
that : "as "ron) an- : "ent "ith 1o$ to A&a'on; !here4 1o$r brother Bene-ict pers$a-e- 1o$ to
ta'k "ith 2ric; Ao$ "ere not reconci'e-4 b$t 1o$ a)ree- to a tr$ce beca$se o% somethin) that he
to'- 1o$; ,e s"ore not to harm 1o$ an- 1o$ s"ore to -e%en- Amber4 "ith Bene-ict to "itness
both oaths; =e remaine- in A&a'on "hi'e 1o$ obtaine- chemica's4 an- "e "ent to another p'ace
'ater4 a p'ace "here 1o$ p$rchase- stran)e "eapons; =e "on the batt'e4 b$t 2ric 'ies "o$n-e-
(he stoo- an- %ace- me;
FAre 1o$ thinkin) o% en-in) the tr$ce> :s that it4 Cor"in>G
: shook m1 hea-4 an- tho$)h : kne" better : reache- to embrace her; : "ante- to ho'- her4
-espite the %act that one o% $s -i- not e.ist4 co$'- not e.ist4 "hen that tin1 )ap o% space bet"een
o$r skins "as crosse-4 to te'' her that "hate&er ba- happene- or "o$'- happenD
!he shock "as not se&ere4 b$t it ca$se- me to st$mb'e; : 'a1 across #ra1s"an-ir;;;; B1 sta%% ha-
%a''en to the )rass se&era' paces a"a1; 0isin) to m1 knees4 : sa" that the co'or ha- )one o$t o%
her %ace4 her e1es4 her hair; ,er mo$th shape- )host "or-s as her hea- t$rne-4 searchin);
(heathin) #ra1s"an-ir4 reco&erin) m1 sta%%4 : rose once a)ain; ,er seein) passe- thro$)h me
an- %oc$se-; ,er %ace )re" smooth4 she smi'e-4 starte- %or"ar-; : mo&e- asi-e an- t$rne-4
"atchin) her r$n to"ar- the man "ho approache-4 seein) her c'aspe- in his arms4 )'impsin) his
%ace as he bent it to"ar- her o"n4 '$ck1 )host4 si'&er rose at the throat o% his )arment4 kissin)
her4 this man : "o$'- ne&er kno"4 si'&er on si'ence4 an- si'&er;;;;
=a'kin) a"a1;;;Not 'ookin) back;;;Crossin) the promena-e;;;
!he &oice o% 0an-om8 FCor"in4 are 1o$ a'' ri)ht>G
FAn1thin) interestin) happenin)>G
F9ater4 0an-om;G
An- s$--en4 the )'eamm) stair be%ore the pa'ace )ro$n-s;;;*p it4 an- a t$rn to the ri)ht;;;('o"
an- eas1 no"4 into the )ar-en;;;#host %'o"ers throb on their sta'ks a'' abo$t me4 )host shr$bs
spi'' b'ossoms 'ike %ro6en %ire"ork -isp'a1s; (ans co'ors4 a'';;;On'1 the essentia's sketche- in4
-e)rees o% '$minosit1 in si'&er the terms o% their c'aim on the e1e; On'1 the essentia's here; :s
!ir-na No)@th a specia' sphere o% (ha-o" in the rea' "or'-4 s"a1e- b1 the promptin)s o% the i-D
a %$''-si6e- pro?ecti&e test in the sk14 perhaps e&en a therape$tic -e&ice> /espite the si'&er; :@-
sa14 i% this is a piece o% the so$'4 the ni)ht is &er1 -ark;;;; An- si'ent;;;
=a'kin);;;B1 %o$ntains4 benches4 )ro&es4 c$nnin) a'co&es in ma6es o% he-)in);;;Passin) a'on)
the "a'ks4 $p an occasiona' step4 across sma'' bri-)es;;;Bo&in) past pon-s4 amon) trees4 b1 an
o-- piece o% stat$ar14 a bo$'-er4 a s$n-ia' Jmoon-ia'4 here>K4 bearin) to m1 ri)ht4 pressin)
stea-i'1 ahea-4 ro$n-in)4 a%ter a time4 the northern en- o% the pa'ace4 s"in)in) 'e%t then4 past a
co$rt1ar- o&erh$n) b1 ba'conies4 more )hosts here an- there $pon them4 behin- them4 "ithin;;;
Circ'in) aro$n- to the rear4 ?$st to see the back )ar-ens this "a14 a)ain4 %or the1 are 'o&e'1 b1
norma' moon'i)ht in the tr$e Amber;
A %e" more %i)$res4 ta'kin)4 stan-in);;;No motion b$t m1 o"n is apparent;
;;;An- %ee' m1se'% -ra"n to the ri)ht; As one sho$'- ne&er t$rn -o"n a %ree orac'e4 : )o;
;;;!o"ar- a mass o% hi)h he-)in)4 a sma'' open area "ithin4 i% it is not o&er)ro"n;;;9on) a)o
there "as;;;
!"o %i)$res4 embracin)4 "ithin; !he1 part as : be)in to t$rn a"a1; None o% m1 a%%air4
b$t;;;/eir-re;;;One o% them is /eir-re; : kno" "ho the man "i'' be be%ore he t$rns; :t is a cr$e'
?oke b1 "hate&er po"ers r$'e that si'&er4 that si'ence;;;; Back4 back4 a"a1 %rom that
he-)e;;;!$rnin)4 st$mb'in)4 risin) a)ain4 )oin)4 a"a14 no"4 <$ick'1;;;
!he &oice o% 0an-om8 FCor"in> Are 1o$ a'' ri)ht>G
F9aterI /amn itI 9aterIG
F:t is not too 'on) ti'' s$nrise4 Cor"in; : %e't : ha- better remin- 1o$DG
FConsi-er me remin-e-IG
A"a14 no"4 <$ick'1;;;!ime4 too4 is a -ream in !ir-na No)@th; (ma'' com%ort4 b$t better than none;
M$ick'14 no"4 a"a14 )oin)4 a)ain;;;
;;;!o"ar- the pa'ace4 bri)ht architect$re o% the min- or spirit4 more c'ear'1 stan-in) no" than the
rea' e&er -i-;;;!o ?$-)e per%ection is to ren-er a "orth'ess &er-ict4 b$t : m$st see "hat 'ies
"ithin;;;; !his m$st be an en- o% sorts4 %or : am -ri&en; : ha- not pa$se- to reco&er m1 sta%% %rom
"here it ha- %a''en this time4 amon) the spark'in) )rasses; : kno" "here : m$st )o4 "hat : m$st
-o; Ob&io$s no"4 tho$)h the 'o)ic "hich has sei6e- me is not that o% the "akin) min-;
,$rr1in)4 c'imbin)4 $p to the rear"ar- porta';;;!he si-e-bitin) soreness comes home
a)ain;;;Across the thresho'-4 in;;;
:nto an absence o% starshine an- moon'i)ht; !he i''$mination is "itho$t -irection4 seemin)
a'most to -ri%t an- to poo'4 aim'ess'1; =here&er it misses4 the sha-o"s are abso'$te4 occ$'tin)
'ar)e sections o% room4 ha''"a14 c'oset4 an- stair;
Amon) them4 thro$)h them4 a'most r$nnin) no";;;Bonochrome o% m1 home;;;Apprehension
o&ertakes me;;;!he b'ack spots seem 'ike ho'es in this piece o% rea'it1 no";;;; : %ear to pass too
near; +a'' in an- be 'ost;;;
!$rnin);;;Crossin);;;+ina''1;;;2nterin);;;!he throne room;;;B$she's o% b'ackness stacke- "here
m1 e1es "o$'- -ri&e -o"n 'ines o% seein) to the throne itse'%;;;
!here4 tho$)h4 is mo&ement;
A -ri%tin)4 to m1 ri)ht4 as : a-&ance;
A 'i%tin)4 "ith the -ri%tin);
!he boots on %eet on 'e)s come into &ie" as %or"ar- pressin) : near the p'ace@s base;
#ra1s"an-ir comes into m1 han-4 %in-in) its "a1 into a patch o% 'i)ht4 rene"in) its e1etrickin)4
shapeshi%tin) stretch4 ac<$irin) a )'o" o% its o"n;;;
: p'ace m1 'e%t %oot on the step4 rest m1 'e%t han- on m1 knee; /istractin) b$t bearab'e4 the throb
o% m1 hea'in) )$t; : "ait %or the b'ackness4 the emptiness4 to be -ra"n4 appropriate c$rtain %or
the theatrics "ith "hich : am b$r-ene- this ni)ht;
An- it s'i-es asi-e4 re&ea'in) a han-4 an arm4 a sho$'-er4 the arm a )'intin)4 meta''ic thin)4 its
p'anes 'ike the %acets o% a )em4 its "rist an- e'bo" "on-ro$s "ea&es o% si'&er cab'e4 pinne- "ith
%'ecks o% %ire4 the han-4 st1'i6e-4 ske'eta'4 a ("iss to14 a mechanica' insect4 %$nctiona'4 -ea-'14
bea$ti%$' in its "a1;;;
An- it s'i-es asi-e4 re&ea'in) the rest o% the man;;;;
Bene-ict stan-s re'a.e- besi-e the throne4 his 'e%t an- h$man han- 'ai- 'i)ht'1 $pon it; ,e 'eans
to"ar- the throne; ,is 'ips are mo&in);
An- it s'i-es asi-e4 re&ea'in) the throne@s occ$pant;;;;
!$rne- to"ar- her ri)ht4 she smi'es4 she no-s to Bene-ict4 her 'ips mo&e; : a-&ance an- e.ten-
#ra1s"an-ir ti'' its point rests 'i)ht'1 in the conca&it1 beneath her stern$m; ;
('o"'14 <$ite s'o"'14 she t$rns her hea- an- meets m1 e1es; (he takes on co'or an- 'i%e; ,er 'ips
mo&e a)ain4 an- this time her "or-s reach me;
F=hat are 1o$>G
FNo; !hat is m1 <$estion; Ao$ ans"er it; No";G
F: am /ara; /ara o% Amber4 M$een /ara; : ho'- this throne b1 ri)ht o% b'oo- an- con<$est; =ho
are 1o$>G
FCor"in; A'so o% Amber; /on@t mo&eI : -i- not ask "ho 1o$ areDG
FCor"in is -ea- these man1 cent$ries; : ha&e seen his tomb;G
FNot so; ,is bo-1 'ies "ithin;G
F#i&e me 1o$r 'inea)eIG
,er e1es mo&e to her ri)ht4 "here the sha-e o% Bene-ict sti'' stan-s; A b'a-e has appeare- in his
ne" han-4 seemin) a'most an e.tension o% it4 b$t he ho'-s it 'oose'14 cas$a''1; ,is 'e%t han- no"
rests on her arm; ,is e1es seek me in back o% #ra1s"an-ir@s hi't; +ai'in)4 the1 )o a)ain to that
"hich is &isib'eD#ra1s"an-irDreco)ni6in) its -esi)n;;;
F: am the )reat-)ran--a$)hter o% Bene-ict an- the he''mai- 9intra4 "hom he 'o&e- an- 'ater
s'e";G Bene-ict "inces at this4 b$t (he contin$es; F: ne&er kne" her; B1 mother an- m1
mother@s mother "ere born in a p'ace "here time -oes not r$n as in Amber; : am the %irst o% m1
mother@s 'ine to bear a'' the marks o% h$manit1; An- 1o$4 9or- Cor"in4 are b$t a )host %rom a
'on) -ea- past4 a'beit a -an)ero$s sha-e; ,o" 1o$ came here4 : -o not kno"; B$t it "as "ron)
o% 1o$; 0et$rn to 1o$r )ra&e; !ro$b'e not the 'i&in);G
B1 han- "a&ers; #ra1s"an-ir stra1s no more than ha'% an inch; Aet that is s$%%icient;
Bene-ict@s thr$st is be'o" m1 thresho'- o% perception; ,is ne" arm -ri&es the ne" han- that
ho'-s the b'a-e that strikes #ra1s"an-ir4 as his o'- arm -ra"s his o'- han-4 "hich has sei6e-
$pon /ara4 back across the arm o% the throne;;;; !his s$b'imina' impression reaches me moments
'ater4 as : %a'' back4 cattin) air4 reco&er an- strike an en )ar-e4 re%'e.i&e'1;;;; :t is ri-ic$'o$s %or a
pair o% )hosts to %i)ht; ,ere4 it is $ne&en; ,e cannot e&en reach me4 "hereas #ra1s"an-irD
B$t noI ,is b'a-e chan)es han-s as he re'eases /ara an- pi&ots4 brin)in) them to)ether4 o'-
han- an- ne"; ,is 'e%t "rist rotates as he s'i-es it %or"ar- an- -o"n4 mo&in) into "hat "o$'- be
corps a corps4 "ere "e t"o %acin) morta' bo-ies; +or a moment o$r )$ar-s are 'ocke-; !hat
moment is eno$)h;;;;
!hat )'eamin)4 mechanica' han- comes %or"ar-4 a thin) o% moon'i)ht an- %ire4 b'ackness an-
smoothness4 a'' an)'es4 no c$r&es4 %in)ers s'i)ht'1 %'e.e-4 pa'm si'&erscribb'e- "ith a ha'%-
%ami'iar -esi)n4 comes %or"ar-4 comes %or"ar- an- catches at m1 throat;;;;
Bissin)4 the %in)ers catch m1 sho$'-er an- the th$mb )oes hookin)D"hether %or c'a&ic'e or
'ar1n.4 : -o not kno"; : thro" one p$nch "ith m1 'e%t4 to"ar- his mi-section4 an- there is
nothin) there;;;;
!he &oice o% 0an-om8 FCor"inI !he s$n is abo$t to riseI Ao$@&e )ot to come -o"n no"IG
: cannot e&en ans"er; A secon- or t"o an- that han- "o$'- tear a"a1 "hate&er it he'-; !hat
han-;;;#ra1s"an-ir an- that han-4 "hich stran)e'1 resemb'es it4 are the on'1 t"o thin)s "hich
seem to in m1 "or'- an- the cit1 o% )hosts;;;;
F: see it4 Cor"inI P$'' a"a1 an- reach %or meI !he !r$mpDG
: spin #ra1s"an-ir o$t o% the bin- an- brin) it aro$n- an- -o"n in a 'on)4 s'ashin) arc;;;;
On'1 a )host co$'- ha&e beaten Bene-ict or Bene-ict@s )host "ith that mane$&er; =e stan- too
c'ose %or him to b'ock m1 b'a-e4 b$t his co$nterc$t4 per%ect'1 p'ace-4 "o$'- ha&e remo&e- m1
arm4 ha- there been an arm there to meet it;;;;
As there is not4 : comp'ete the stroke4 -e'i&erin) the b'o" "ith the %$'' %orce o% m1 ri)ht arm4
hi)h $pon that 'etha' -e&ice o% moon'i)ht an- %ire4 b'ackness an- smoothness4 near to the point
"here it is ?oine- "ith him;
=ith an e&i' tearin) at m1 sho$'-er4 the arm comes a"a1 %rom Bene-ict an- )ro"s sti'';;;; =e
both %a'';
F#et $pI B1 the $nicorn4 Cor"in4 )et $pI !he s$n is risin)I !he cit1 "i'' come apart abo$t 1o$IG
!he %'oor beneath me "a&ers to an- %rom a mist1 transparenc1; : )'impse a 'i)ht-sca'e- e.panse
o% "ater; : ro'' to m1 %eet4 bare'1 a&oi-in) the )host@s r$sh to c'$tch at the arm he has 'ost; :t
c'in)s 'ike a -ea- parasite an- m1 si-e is h$rtin) a)ain;;;;
($--en'1 : am hea&1 an- the &ision o% ocean -oes not %a-e; : be)in to sink thro$)h the %'oor;
Co'or ret$rns to the "or'-4 "a&erin) stripes o% pink; !he Cor"in-sp$rnin) %'oor parts an- the
Cor"in-ki''in) )$'% is opene-;;;;
: %a'';;;;
F!his "a14 Cor"inI No"IG
0an-om stan-s on a mo$ntaintop an- reaches %or me; : e.ten- m1 han-;;;;
Chapter 11
;;;An- %r1in) pans "itho$t %ires are o%ten %ar bet"een;;;
=e $ntan)'e- o$rse'&es an- rose; : sat -o"n a)ain imme-iate'14 on the bottommost stair; :
"orke- the meta' han- 'oose %rom m1 sho$'-erDno b'oo- there4 b$t a promise o% br$ises to
comeDthen cast it an- its arm to the )ro$n-; !he 'i)ht o% ear'1 mornin) -i- not -etract %rom its
e.<$isite an- menacin) appearance;
#ane'on an- 0an-om stoo- besi-e me;
FAo$ a'' ri)ht4 Cor"in>G
FAes; E$st 'et me catch m1 breath;G
F: bro$)ht %oo-4G 0an-om sai-; F=e co$'- ha&e break%ast ri)ht here;G
F#oo- i-ea;G
As 0an-om be)an $npackin) pro&isions4 #ane'on n$-)e- the arm "ith the toe o% his boot;
F=hat the he''4G he aske-4 Fis that>G
: shook m1 hea-;
F: 'oppe- it o%% the )host o% Bene-ict4G : to'- him; F+or reasons : -o not $n-erstan-4 it "as ab'e
to reach me;G
,e stoope- an- picke- it $p4 st$-ie- it;
FA 'ot 'i)hter than : tho$)ht it "o$'- be4G he obser&e-; ,e rake- the air "ith it; FAo$ co$'- -o
<$ite a ?ob on someone4 "ith a han- 'ike that;G
F: kno";G
,e "orke- the %in)ers;
FBa1be the rea' Bene-ict co$'- $se it;G
FBa1be4G : sai-; FB1 %ee'in)s are <$ite mi.e- "hen it comes to o%%erin) it to him4 b$t possib'1
1o$@re ri)ht;;;G
F,o"@s the si-e>G
: pro--e- it )ent'1;
FNot especia''1 ba-4 e&er1thin) consi-ere-; :@'' be ab'e to ri-e a%ter break%ast4 so 'on) as "e take
it nice an- eas1;G
F#oo-; (a14 Cor"in4 "hi'e 0an-om is )ettin) thin)s rea-14 : ha&e a <$estion that ma1 be o$t o%
or-er4 b$t it has been botherin) me a'' a'on);G
FAsk it;G
F=e''4 'et me p$t it this "a18 : am a'' %or 1o$4 or : "o$'- not be here; : "i'' %i)ht %or 1o$ to ha&e
1o$r throne4 no matter "hat; B$t e&er1 time ta'k o% the s$ccession occ$rs4 someone )ets an)r1
an- breaks it o%% or the s$b?ect )ets chan)e-; 9ike 0an-om -i-4 "hi'e 1o$ "ere $p there; :
s$ppose that it is not abso'$te'1 essentia' %or me to kno" the basis o% 1o$r c'aim to the throne4 or
that o% an1 o% the others4 b$t : cannot he'p bein) c$rio$s as to the reasons %or a'' the %riction;G
: si)he-4 then sat si'ent %or a time;
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai- a%ter a "hi'e4 an- then : ch$ck'e-; FA'' ri)ht; :% "e cannot a)ree on these
thin)s o$rse'&es4 : "o$'- )$ess that the1 m$st seem prett1 con%$se- to an o$tsi-er; Bene-ict is
the e'-est; ,is mother "as C1mnea; (he bore /a- t"o other sons4 a'soDOsric an- +inn-o; !hen
Dho" -oes one p$t thesethin)s>D+aie''a bore 2ric; A%ter that; /a- %o$n- some -e%ect in his
marria)e "ith C1mnea an- ha- it -isso'&e-Dab initio4 as the1 "o$'- sa1 in m1 o'- sha-o"D
%rom the be)innin); Neat trick4 that; B$t he "as the kin);G
F/i-n@t that make a'' o% them i''e)itimate>G
F=e''4 it 'e%t their stat$s 'ess certain; Osric an- +inn-o "ere more than a 'itt'e irritate-4 as :
$n-erstan- it4 b$t the1 -ie- short'1 therea%ter; Bene-ict "as either 'ess irritate- or more po'itic
abo$t the entire a%%air; ,e ne&er raise- a %$ss; /a- then marrie- +aie''a;G
FAn- that ma-e 2ric 'e)itimate>G
F:t "o$'- ha&e4 i% he ha- ackno"'e-)e- 2ric as his son; ,e treate- him as i% he "ere4 b$t he
ne&er -i- an1thin) %orma' in that re)ar-; :t in&o'&e- the smoothin)-o&er process "ith C1mnea@s
%ami'14 "hich ha- become a bit stron)er aro$n- that time;G
F(ti''4 i% he treate- him as his o"n G
FAhI B$t he 'ater -i- ackno"'e-)e 9'e"e''a %orma''1; (he "as born o$t o% "e-'ock4 b$t he
-eci-e- to reco)ni6e her4 poor )ir'; A'' o% 2ric@s s$pporters hate- her %or its e%%ect on his stat$s;
An1"a14 +aie''a "as 'ater to become m1 mother; : "as born sa%e'1 in "e-'ock4 makin) me the
%irst "ith a c'ean c'aim on the throne; !a'k to one o% the others an- 1o$ ma1 )et a -i%%erent 'ine o%
reasonin)4 b$t those are the %acts it "i'' ha&e to be base- on; (omeho" it -oes not seem <$ite as
important as it once -i-4 tho$)h4 "ith 2ric -ea- an- Bene-ict not rea''1 intereste-;;;4 B$t that is
"here : stan-;G
F: seeDsort o%4G he sai-; FE$st one more thin)4 then;;;G
F=ho is ne.t> !hat is to sa14 i% an1thin) "ere to happen to 1o$;;;>G
: shook m1 hea-;
F:t )ets e&en more comp'icate- there4 no"; Caine "o$'- ha&e been ne.t "ith him -ea-4 : see it
as s"in)in) o&er to C'arissa@s broo-Dthe re-hea-s; B'e1s "o$'- ha&e %o''o"e-4 then Bran-;G
FC'arissa> =hat became o% 1o$r mother>G
F(he -ie- in chi'-birth; /eir-re "as the chi'-; /a- -i- not remarr1 %or man1 1ears a%ter
mother@s -eath; =hen he -i-4 it "as a re-hea-e- "ench %rom a %ar so$thern sha-o"; : ne&er 'ike-
her; ,e be)an %ee'in) the same "a1 a%ter a time an- starte- %oo'in) aro$n- a)ain; !he1 ha- one
reconci'iation a%ter 9'e"e''a@s birth in 0ebma4 an- Bran- "as the res$'t; =hen the1 "ere %ina''1
-i&orce-4 he reco)ni6e- 9'e"e''a to spite C'arissa; At 'east4 that is "hat : think happene-;G
F(o 1o$ are not co$ntin) the 'a-ies in the s$ccession>G
FNo; !he1 are neither intereste- nor %it; :% : "ere4 tho$)h4 +iona "o$'- prece-e B'e1s an-
9'e"e''a "o$'- %o''o" him; A%ter C'arissa@s cro"-4 it "o$'- s"in) o&er to E$'ian4 #erar-4 an-
0an-om4 in that or-er; 2.c$se meDco$nt +'ora be%are E$'ian; !he marria)e -ata is e&en more
in&o'&e-4 b$t no one "i'' -isp$te the %ina' or-er; 9et it )o at that;G
F#'a-'14G he sai-; F(o no" Bran- )ets it i% 1o$ -ie4 ri)ht>G
F=e'';;;,e is a se'%-con%esse- traitor an- he r$bs e&er1bo-1 the "ron) "a1; : -o not be'ie&e the
rest o% them "o$'- ha&e him4 as he stan-s no"; B$t : -o not be'ie&e he has b1 an1 means )i&en
FB$t the a'ternati&e is E$'ian;G : shr$))e-;
F!he %act that : -o not 'ike E$'ian -oes not make him $n%it; :n %act4 he mi)ht e&en be a &er1
e%%ecti&e monarch;G
F(o he kni%e- 1o$ %or the chance to pro&e it4G 0an-om ca''e- o$t; FCome on an- eat;G
F: sti'' -on@t think so4G : sai-4 )ettin) to m1 %eet an- hea-in) %or the %oo-; F+irst4 : -on@t see ho"
he co$'- ha&e )otten to me; (econ-4 it "o$'- ha&e been too -amne- ob&io$s; !hir-4 i% : -ie in
the near %$t$re Bene-ict "i'' ha&e the rea' sa1 as to the s$ccession; 2&er1one kno"s that; ,e@s
)ot the seniorit14 he@s )ot the "its4 an- he@s )ot the po"er; ,e co$'- simp'1 sa14 %or e.amp'e; !he
he'' "ith a'' this bickerin)4 : am backin) #erar-4 an- that "o$'- be it;G
F=hat i% he -eci-e- to reinterpret his o"n stat$s an- take it himse'%>G #ane'on aske-;
=e seate- o$rse'&es on the )ro$n- an- took the tin -ishes 0an-om ha- %i''e-;
F,e co$'- ha&e ha- it 'on) be%ore this4 ha- he "ante- it4G : sai-; F!here are se&era' "a1s o%
re)ar-in) the o%%sprin) o% a &oi- marria)e4 an- the most %a&orab'e one "o$'- be the most 'ike'1
in his case; Osric an- +inn-o r$she- to ?$-)ment4 takin) the "orst &ie"; Bene-ict kne" better;
,e ?$st "aite-; (o;;;:t is possib'e; *n'ike'14 tho$)h; :@- sa1;G
F!henDin the norma' co$rse o% a%%airsDi% an1thin) happene- to 1o$4 it co$'- sti'' be &er1 m$ch
in the air>G
F7er1 m$ch;G
FB$t "h1 "as Caine ki''e->G 0an-om aske-; !hen4 bet"een mo$th%$'s4 he ans"ere- his o"n
<$estion; F(o that "hen the1 )ot 1o$4 it "o$'- s"in) o&er to C'arissa@s ki-s imme-iate'1; :t has
occ$rre- to me that B'e1s is probab'1 sti'' 'i&in)4 an- he is ne.t in 'ine; ,is bo-1 "as ne&er
%o$n-; B1 )$ess is this8 ,e tr$mpe- o%% to +iona -$rin) 1o$r attack an- ret$rne- to (ha-o" to
reb$i'- his %orces4 'ea&in) 1o$ to "hat he hope- "o$'- be 1o$r -eath at the han-s o% 2ric; ,e is
%ina''1 rea-1 to mo&e a)ain; (o the1 ki''e- Caine an- trie- %or 1o$; :% the1 are rea''1 a''ie- "ith
the b'ack-roa- hor-e4 the1 co$'- ha&e arran)e- %or another assa$'t %rom that <$arter; !hen he
co$'- ha&e -one the same thin) 1o$ -i-Darri&e at the 'ast ho$r4 t$rn back the in&a-ers4 an-
mo&e on in; An- there he "o$'- be4 ne.t in 'ine an- %irst in %orce; (imp'e; 2.cept that 1o$
s$r&i&e- an- Bran- has been ret$rne-; :% "e are to be'ie&e Bran-@s acc$sation o% +ionaDan- :
see no reason "h1 "e sho$'- notDthen it %o''o"s %rom their ori)ina' pro)ram;G
: no--e-;
FPossib'14G : sai-; F: aske- Bran- ?$st those thin)s; ,e a-mitte- their possibi'it14 b$t he
-isa&o"e- an1 kno"'e-)e as to "hether B'e1s "as sti'' 'i&in); Persona''14 : think he "as '1in);G
F:t is possib'e that he "ishes to combine re&en)e %or his imprisonment an- the attempt on his
'i%e "ith the remo&a' o% the one impe-iment4 sa&e %or m1se'%4 to his o"n s$ccession; : think he
%ee's that : "i'' be e.pen-e- in a scheme he is e&o'&in) to -ea' "ith the b'ack roa-; !he
-estr$ction o% his o"n caba' an- the remo&a' o% the roa- co$'- make him 'ook prett1 -ecent4
especia''1 a%ter a'' the penance he has ha- thr$st $pon him; !hen4 ma1be then4 he "o$'- ha&e a
chanceDor thinks that he "o$'-;G
F!hen 1o$ think B'e1s is sti'' 'i&in)4 too>G
FE$st a %ee'in)4G : sai-; FB$t 1es4 : -o;G
F=hat is their stren)th4 an1"a1>G
FAn en-orsement o% hi)her e-$cation4G : sai-; F+iona an- Bran- pai- attention to /"orkin
"hi'e the rest o% $s "ere o%% in-$')in) o$r assorte- passions in (ha-o"; Conse<$ent'14 the1 seem
to ha&e obtaine- a better )rasp o% princip'es than "e possess; !he1 kno" more abo$t (ha-o"
an- "hat 'ies be1on- it4 more abo$t the Pattern4 more abo$t the !r$mps than "e -o; !hat is "h1
Bran- "as ab'e to sen- 1o$ his messa)e;G
FAn interestin) tho$)ht;;;G 0an-om m$se-; F/o 1o$ think the1 mi)ht ha&e -ispose- o% /"orkin
a%ter the1 %e't the1 ha- 'earne- eno$)h %rom him> :t "o$'- certain'1 he'p to keep thin)s
e.c'$si&e4 i% an1thin) happene- to /a-;G
F!hat tho$)ht ha- not occ$rre- to me4G : sai-;
An- : "on-ere-4 co$'- the1 ha&e -one somethin) that ha- a%%ecte- his min-> (omethin) that
'e%t him as he "as "hen 'ast : ha- seen him> :% so4 "ere the1 a"are that he "as possib'1 sti''
'i&in)4 some"here> Or mi)ht the1 ha&e ass$me- his tota' -estr$ction>
FAes4 an interestin) tho$)ht4G : sai-; F: s$ppose that it is possib'e;G
!he s$n inche- its "a1 $p"ar-4 an- the %oo- restore- me; No trace o% !ir-na No)@th remaine- in
the motnin)@s 'i)ht; B1 memories o% it ha- a'rea-1 taken on the <$a'it1 o% ima)es in a -im
mirror; #ane'on %etche- its on'1 other token4 the arm4 an- 0an-om packe- it a"a1 a'on) "ith the
-ishes; B1 -a1'i)ht4 the %irst three steps 'ooke- 'ess 'ike stairs an- more 'ike ?$mb'e- rock;
0an-om )est$re- "ith his hea-; F!ake the same "a1 back>G he aske-;
FAes4G : sai-4 an- "e mo$nte-;
=e ha- come b1 "a1 o% a trai' that "o$n- abo$t 3o'&ir to the so$th; :t "as 'on)er b$t 'ess
r$))e- than the ro$te across the crest; :@- a h$mor to pamper m1se'% so 'on) as m1 si-e
(o "e bore to the ri)ht4 mo&in) sin)'e %i'e; 0an-om in the 'ea-4 #ane'on to the rear; !he trai'
ran )ent'1 $p"ar-4 then c$t back -o"n a)ain; !he air "as coo'4 an- it bore the aromas o% &er-$re
an- moist earth4 a thin) <$ite $n$s$a' in that stark p'ace4 at that a'tit$-e; (tra1in) air c$rrents4 :
reasone-4 %rom the %orest %ar be'o";
=e 'et the horses pick their o"n cas$a' pace -o"n thio$)h the -ip an- $p the ne.t rise; As "e
neare- its crest4 0an-om@s horse "hinnie- an- be)an to rear; ,e contro''e- it imme-iate'14 an- :
)'ance- abo$t b$t sa" nothin) that mi)ht ha&e start'e- it;
=hen he reache- its s$mmit4 0an-om s'o"e- an- ca''e- back4 F!ake a 'ook at that s$nrise no"4
"i'' 1o$>G
:t "o$'- ha&e been rather -i%%ic$'t to a&oi- -oin) so4 tho$)h : -i- not remark on the %act;
0an-om "as se'-om )i&en to sentimenta'it1 o&er &e)etation4 )eo'o)14 or i''$mination;
: a'most -re" rein m1se'% as : toppe- the rise4 %or the s$n "as a %antastic )o'-en ba''; :t seeme-
ha'% a)ain its norma' si6e4 an- its pec$'iar co'oration "as $n'ike an1thin) : remembere- ha&in)
seen be%ore; :t -i- mar&e'o$s thin)s to the ban- o% ocean that ha- come into &ie" abo&e the ne.t
rise4 an- the tints o% c'o$- an- sk1 "ere in-ee- sin)$'ar; : -i- not ha't4 tho$)h4 %or the s$--en
bri)htness "as a'most pain%$';
FAo$@re ri)ht4G : ca''e- o$t4 %o''o"in) him -o"n into the ne.t -ec'i&it1; Behin- me4 #ane'on
snorte- an appreciati&e oath;
=hen : ha- b'inke- a"a1 the a%tere%%ects o% that -isp'a1 : notice- that the &e)etation "as
hea&ier than : ha- remembere- in this 'itt'e pocket in the sk1; : ha- tho$)ht there "ere se&era'
scr$bb1 trees an- some patches o% 'ichen4 b$t there "ere act$a''1 se&era' -o6en trees4 'ar)er than
: reca''e-4 an- )reener4 "ith a c'$tch o% )rasses here an- there an- a &ine or t"o so%tenin) the
o$t'ines o% the rocks; ,o"e&er4 since m1 ret$rn : ha- on'1 passe- this "a1 a%ter -ark; An- no"
that : tho$)ht o% it4 it "as probab'1 the so$rce o% the aromas that ha- come to me ear'ier;
Passin) thro$)h4 it seeme- that the 'itt'e ho''o" "as a'so "i-er than : reca''e- it; B1 the time "e
ha- crosse- an- "ere ascen-in) once more4 : "as certain o% it;
F0an-om4G : ca''e- o$t4 Fhas this p'ace chan)e- recent'1>G
F,ar- to sa14G he ans"ere-; F2ric -i-n@t 'et me o$t m$ch; :t seems to ha&e )ro"n $p a bit;G
F:t seems bi))erD"i-er;G
FAes4 it -oes; : ha- tho$)ht that that "as ?$st m1 ima)ination;G
=hen "e reache- the ne.t crest : "as not -a66'e- a)ain beca$se the s$n "as b'ocke- b1 %o'ia)e;
!he area ahea- o% $s containe- man1 more trees than the one "e ha- ?$st -eparte-Dan- the1
"ere 'ar)er an- c'oser to)ether; =e -re" rein;
F: -on@t remember this4G he sai-; F2&en passin) thro$)h at ni)ht4 it "o$'- ha&e re)istere-; =e
m$st ha&e taken a "ron) t$rn;G
F: -on@t see ho"; (ti''4 "e kno" abo$t "here "e are; : "o$'- rather )o ahea- than )o back an-
start a)ain; =e sho$'- keep a"are o% con-itions aro$n- Amber4 an1"a1;G
,e hea-e- -o"n to"ar- the "oo-; =e %o''o"e-;
F:t@s kin- o% $n$s$a'4 at this a'tit$-eDa )ro"th 'ike this4G he ca''e- back;
F!here a'so seems to be a 'ot more soi' than : reca'';G
F: be'ie&e 1o$ are ri)ht;G
!he trai' c$r&e- to the 'e%t as "e entere- amon) the trees; : co$'- see no reason %or this -e&iation
%rom the -irect ro$te; =e sta1e- "ith it4 ho"e&er4 an- it a--e- to the i''$sion o% -istance; A%ter a
%e" moments it s"$n) s$--en'1 to the ri)ht a)ain; !he prospect on c$ttin) back "as pec$'iar;
!he trees seeme- e&en ta''er an- "ere no" so -ense as to p$66'e the e1e that so$)ht their
penetration; =hen it t$rne- once more it broa-ene-4 an- the "a1 "as strai)ht %or a )reat -istance
ahea-; !oo )reat4 in %act; O$r 'itt'e -e'' ?$st "asn@t that "i-e;
0an-om ha'te- a)ain;
F/amn it4 Cor"inI !his is ri-ic$'o$sIG he sai-; FAo$ are not p'a1in) )ames4 are 1o$>G
F: co$'-n@t i% : "o$'-4G : sai-; F: ha&e ne&er been ab'e to manip$'ate (ha-o" an1"here on
3o'&ir; !here isn@t s$ppose- to be an1 to "ork "ith here;G
F!hat has a'"a1s been m1 $n-erstan-in)4 too; Amber casts (ha-o" b$t is not o% it; : -on@t 'ike
this at a''; =hat -o 1o$ sa1 "e t$rn back>G
F:@&e a %ee'in) "e mi)ht not be ab'e to retrace o$r "a14G : sai-; F!here has to be a reason %or
this4 an- : "ant to kno" it;G
F:t occ$rs to me that it mi)ht be some sort o% a trap;G
F2&en so4G : sai-;
,e no--e- an- "e ro-e on4 -o"n that sha-e- "a14 $n-er trees no" )ro"n more state'1; !he
"oo- "as si'ent abo$t $s; !he )ro$n- remaine- 'e&e'4 the trai' strai)ht; ,a'% conscio$s'14 "e
p$she- the horses to a )reater pace;
Abo$t %i&e min$tes passe- be%ore "e spoke a)ain; !hen 0an-om sai-4 FCor"in4 this can@t be
F=h1 not>G
F: ha&e been tr1in) to in%'$ence it an- nothin) happens; ,a&e 1o$ trie->G
F=h1 -on@t 1o$>G
FA'' ri)ht;G
A rock co$'- ?$t be1on- the comin) tree4 a mornin) )'or1 t"ine an- be'' "ithin that shr$bb1
stan-;;;; !here o$)ht a patch o% sk1 come c'ear4 a "isp1 c'o$- $pon it;;;; !hen 'et there be a %a''en
'imb4 a stair o% %$n)$s $p its si-e;;;; A sc$mme--o&er p$--'e;;;A %ro);;;+a''in) %eather4 -ri%tin)
see-;;;A 'imb that t"ists ?$st so;;;Another trai' $pon o$r "a14 %resh-c$t4 -eep-marke-4 past the
p'ace the %eather sho$'- ha&e %a''en;;;
FNo )oo-4G : sai-;
F:% it is not (ha-o"4 "hat is it>G
F(omethin) e'se4 o% co$rse;G
,e shook his hea- an- checke- a)ain to see that his b'a-e "as 'oose in its scabbar-;
A$tomatica''14 : -i- the same; Boments 'ater4 : hear- #ane'on@s make a sma'' c'ickin) noise
behin- me;
Ahea-4 the trai' be)an to narro"4 an- short'1 therea%ter it commence- to "an-er; =e "ere %orce-
to s'o" o$r pace once a)ain4 an- the trees presse- nearer "ith branches s"eepin) 'o"er than at
an1 time be%ore; !he trai' became a path; :t ?o))e-4 it c$r&e-4 it )a&e a %ina' t"ist an- then <$it;
0an-om -$cke- a 'imb4 then raise- his han- an- ha'te-; =e came $p besi-e him; +or as %ar as :
co$'- see ahea- there "as no in-ication o% the trai'@s pickin) $p a)ain; 9ookin) back4 : %ai'e- to
'ocate an1 si)n o% it either;
F($))estions4G he sai-4 Fare no" in or-er; =e -o not kno" "here "e ha&e been or "here "e are
)oin)4 'et a'one "here "e are; B1 s$))estion is the he'' "ith c$riosit1; 9et@s )et o$t o% here the
%astest "a1 "e kno" ho";G
F!he !r$mps>G #ane'on aske-;
FAes; =hat -o 1o$ sa14 Cor"in>G
FOka1; : -on@t 'ike it either4 an- : can@t think o% an1thin) better to tr1; #o ahea-;G
F=ho sho$'- : tr1 %or>G he aske-4 pro-$cin) his -eck an- $ncasin) it;
,e sh$%%'e- thro$)h his car-s4 'ocate- #$ar-@s4 stare- at it; =e stare- at him; !ime "ent its "a1;
F: can@t seem to reach him4G he %ina''1 anno$nce-;
F!r1 Bene-ict;G
0epeat per%ormance; No contact;
F!r1 /eir-re4G : sai-4 -ra"in) %orth m1 o"n -eck an- searchin) o$t her !r$mp;
F:@'' ?oin 1o$; =e "i'' see "hether it makes a -i%%erence "ith t"o o% $s tr1in);G
An- a)ain; An- a)ain;
FNothin)4G : sai- a%ter a 'on) e%%ort;
0an-om shook his hea-;
F/i- 1o$ notice an1thin) $n$s$a' abo$t 1o$r !r$mps>G he aske-;
FAes4 b$t : -on@t kno" "hat it is; !he1 -o seem -i%%erent;G
FBine seem to ha&e 'ost that <$a'it1 o% co'-ness the1 once possesse-4G he sai-;
: sh$%%'e- mine s'o"'1; : ran m1 %in)ertips across them;
FAes4 1o$ are ri)ht4G : sai-; F!hat@s it; B$t 'et $s tr1 a)ain; (a14 +'ora;G
!he res$'ts "ere the same; An- "ith 9'e"e''a; An- Bran-;
FAn1 i-ea "hat co$'- be "ron)>G 0an-om aske-;
FNot the s'i)htest; !he1 co$'-n@t a'' be b'ockin) $s; !he1 co$'-n@t a'' be -ea-;;;; Oh4 : s$ppose
the1 co$'-; B$t it is hi)h'1 $n'ike'1; (omethin) seems to ha&e a%%ecte- the !r$mps themse'&es4 is
"hat it is; An- : ne&er kne" o% an1thin) that co$'- -o that;G
F=e''4 the1 are not )$arantee- one h$n-re- percent4G 0an-om sai-4 Faccor-in) to the
F=hat -o 1o$ kno" that : -on@t>G
,e ch$ck'e-;
FAo$ ne&er %or)et the -a1 1o$ come o% a)e an- "a'k the Pattern4G he sai-; F: remember it as
tho$)h it "ere 'ast 1ear; =hen : ha- s$ccee-e-Da'' %'$she- "ith e.citement4 "ith )'or1D
/"orkin presente- me "ith m1 %irst set o% !r$mps an- instr$cte- me in their $se; : -istinct'1
reca'' askin) him "hether the1 "orke- e&er1"here; An- : remember his ans"er8 @No4@ he sai-;
@B$t the1 sho$'- ser&e in an1 p'ace 1o$ "i'' e&er be;@ ,e ne&er m$ch 'ike- me4 1o$ kno";G
FB$t -i- 1o$ ask him "hat be meant b1 that>G
FAes4 an- he sai-4 @: -o$bt that 1o$ "i'' e&er achie&e a state "here the1 "i'' %ai' to ser&e 1o$;
=h1 -on@t 1o$ r$n a'on) no">@ An- : -i-; : "as$s to )o p'a1 "ith the !r$mps a'' b1
F@Achie&e a state>@ ,e -i-n@t sa1 @reach a p'ace@>G
FNo; : ha&e a &er1 )oo- memor1 %or certain thin)s;G
FPec$'iarDtho$)h not m$ch he'p that : can see; (macks o% the metaph1sica';G
F:@- "a)er Bran- "o$'- kno";G
F:@&e a %ee'in) 1o$@re ri)ht4 %or a'' the )oo- that -oes $s;G
F=e o$)ht to -o somethin) other than -isc$ss metaph1sics4G #ane'on commente-; F:% 1o$ can@t
manip$'ate (ha-o" an- 1o$ can@t "ork the !r$mps4 it "o$'- seem that the ne.t thin) to -o is
-etermine =here "e are; An- then )o 'ookin) %or he'p;G
: no--e-;
F(ince "e are not in Amber4 : think it is sa%e to ass$me that "e are in (ha-o"Da &er1 specia'
p'ace4 <$ite near to Amber4 since the chan)eo&er "as not abr$pt; :n that "e "ere transporte-
"itho$t acti&e cooperation on o$r part4 there ha- to be some a)enc1 an- pres$mab'1 some intent
behin- the mane$&er; :% it is )oin) to attack $s4 no" is as )oo- a time as an1; :% there is
somethin) e'se it "ants4 then it is )oin) to ha&e to sho" $s4 beca$se "e aren@t e&en in a position
to make a )oo- )$ess;G
F(o 1o$ propose "e -o nothin)>G
F: propose "e "ait; : -on@t see an1 &a'$e in "an-erin) abo$t4 'osin) o$rse'&es %$rther;G
F: seem to remember 1o$r once te''in) me that a-?acent sha-o"s ten- to be some"hat
con)r$ent4G #ane'on sai-;
FAes4 : probab'1 -i-; (o "hat>G
F!hen4 i% "e are as near to Amber as 1o$ s$ppose4 "e nee- b$t ri-e to"ar- the risin) s$n to
come to a spot that para''e's the cit1 itse'%;G
F:t is not <$ite that simp'e; B$t s$pposin) it "ere4 "hat )oo- "o$'- it -o $s>G
FPerhaps the !r$mps "o$'- %$nction a)ain at the point o%$m con)r$it1;G
0an-om 'ooke- at #ane'on4 'ooke- at me;
F!hat ma1 be "orth tr1in)4G he sai-; F=hat ha&e "e )ot to 'ose>G
F=hate&er sma'' orientation "e sti'' possess4G : sai-; F9ook4 it is not a ba- i-ea; :% nothin)
-e&e'ops here4 "e "i'' tr1 it; ,o"e&er4 'ookin) back4 it seems that the roa- behin- $s c'oses in
-irect proportion to the -istance "e a-&ance; =e are not simp'1 mo&in) in space; *n-er these
circ$mstances4 : am 'oath to "an-er $nti' : am satis%ie- that "e ha&e no other option; :% someone
-esires o$r presence at a partic$'ar 'ocation4 it is $p to him no" to phrase the in&itation a 'itt'e
more 'e)ib'1; =e "ait;G
!he1 both no--e-; 0an-om be)an to -ismo$nt4 then %ro6e4 one %oot in the stirr$p4 one on the
FA%ter a'' these 1ears4G he sai-4 an-4 F: ne&er rea''1 be'ie&e- it ;G
F=hat is it>G : "hispere-;
F!he option4G he sai-4 an- he mo$nte- a)ain;
,e pers$a-e- his horse to mo&e &er1 s'o"'1 %or"ar-; : %o''o"e-4 an- a moment 'ater : )'impse-
it4 "hite as : ha- seen it in the )ro&e4 stan-in)4 ha'% hi--en4 ami- a c'$mp o% %erns8 the $nicorn;
:t t$rne- as "e mo&e-4 an- secon-s 'ater %'ashe- ahea-4 to stan- part'1 concea'e- once more b1
the tr$nks o% se&era' trees;
F: see itIG #ane'on "hispere-; F!o think there rea''1 is s$ch a beast;;;Ao$r %ami'1@s emb'em4 isn@t
FA )oo- si)n4 :@- sa1;G
: -i- not ans"er4 b$t %o''o"e-4 keepin) it in si)ht; !hat it "as meant to be %o''o"e- : -i- not
:t ha- a "a1 o% remainin) part'1 concea'e- the entire "hi'eD'ookin) o$t %rom behin-
somethin)4 passin) %rom co&er to co&er4 mo&in) "ith an incre-ib'e s"i%tness "hen it -i- mo&e4
a&oi-in) open areas4 %a&orin) )'a-e an- sha-e; =e %o''o"e-4 -eeper an- -eeper into the "oo-
"hich ha- )i&en $p a'' semb'ance o% an1thin) to be %o$n- on 3o'&ir@s s'opes; :t resemb'e- Ar-en
no"4 more than an1thin) e'se near Amber4 as the )ro$n- "as re'ati&e'1 'e&e' an- the trees )re"
more an- more state'1;
An ho$r ha- passe-4 : )$esse-4 an- another ha- %o''o"e- it4 be%ore "e came to a sma''4 c'ear
stream an- the $nicorn t$rne- an- hea-e- $p it; As "e ro-e a'on) the bank; 0an-om
com$nente-4 F!his is startin) to 'ook sort o% %ami'iar;G
FAes4G : sai-4 Fb$t on'1 sort o%; : can@t <$ite sa1 "h1;G
FNor :;G
=e entere- $pon a s'ope short'1 therea%ter4 an- it )re" steeper be%ore &er1 'on); !he )oin)
became more -i%%ic$'t %or the horses4 b$t the $nicorn a-?$ste- its pace to accommo-ate them;
!he )ro$n- became rockier4 the trees sma''er; !he stream c$r&e- in its sp'ashin) co$rse; : 'ost
track o% its t"ists an- t$rns4 b$t "e "ere %ina''1 nearin) the top o% the sma'' mo$nt $p "hich "e
ha- been tra&e'in);
=e achie&e- a 'e&e' area an- contin$e- a'on) it to"ar- the "oo- %rom "hich the stream iss$e-;
At this point : ca$)ht an ob'i<$e &ie"Dahea- an- to the ri)ht4 thro$)h a p'ace "here the 'an-
%e'' a"a1Do% an ic1 b'$e sea4 <$ite %ar be'o" $s;
F=e@re prett1 hi)h $p4G #ane'on sai-; F:t seeme- 'ike 'o"'an-4 b$tDG
F!he #ro&e o% the *nicornIG 0an-om interr$pte-; F!hat@s "hat it 'ooks 'ikeI (eeIG
Nor "as he incorrect; Ahea- 'a1 an area stre"n "ith bo$'-ers; Ami- them a sprin) $ttere- the
stream "e %o''o"e-; !his p'ace "as 'ar)er an- more '$sh4 its sit$ation incorrect in terms o% m1
interna' compass; Aet the simi'arit1 ha- to be more than coinci-enta'; !he $nicorn mo$nte- the
rock nearest the sprin)4 'ooke- at $s4 then t$rne- a"a1; :t mi)ht ha&e been starin) -o"n at the
!hen4 as "e contin$e-4 the )ro&e4 the $nicorn4 the trees abo$t $s4 the stream besi-e $s took on
an $n$s$a' c'arit14 a''4 as tho$)h each "ere ra-iatin) some specia' i''$mination4 ca$sin) it to
<$i&er "ith the intensit1 o% its co'or "hi'e at the same time "a&erin)4 s'i)ht'14 ?$st at the e-)es o%
perception; !his pro-$ce- in me an incipient %ee'in) 'ike the be)innin) o% the emotiona'
accompaniment to a he''ri-e;
!hen4 then an- then4 "ith each stri-e o% m1 mo$nt4 somethin) "ent o$t o% the "or'- abo$t $s;
An a-?$stment in the re'ationships o% ob?ects s$--en'1 occ$rre-4 ero-in)4 m1 sense o% -epth4
-estro1in) perspecti&e4 rearran)in) the -isp'a1 o% artic'es "ithin m1 %ie'- o% &ision4 so that
e&er1thin) presente- its entire o$ter s$r%ace "itho$t sim$'taneo$s'1 appearin) to occ$p1 an
increase- area8 an)'es pre-ominate-4 an- re'ati&e si6es seeme- s$--en'1 ri-ic$'o$s; 0an-om@s
horse reare- an- nei)he-4 massi&e4 apoca'1ptic4 instant'1 reca''in) #$ernica to m1 min-; An- to
m1 -istress : sa" that "e o$rse'&es ha- not been $nto$che- b1 the phenomenonDb$t that
0an-om4 str$))'in) "ith his mo$nt4 an- #ane'on4 sti'' mana)in) to contro' +ire-rake4 ha-4 'ike
e&er1thin) e'se4 been trans%i)$re- b1 this c$bist -ream o% space;
B$t (tar "as a &eteran o% man1 a he''ri-eC +ire-rake4 a'so4 ha- been thro$)h a 'ot; =e c'$n) to
them an- %e't the mo&ements that "e co$'- not acc$rate'1 )a$)e; An- 0an-om s$ccee-e-4 at
'ast4 in imposin) his "i'' $pon his mo$nt4 tho$)h the prospect contin$e- to a'ter as "e a-&ance-;
9i)ht &a'$es shi%te- ne.t; !he sk1 )re" b'ack4 not as ni)ht4 b$t 'ike a %'at4 nonre%'ectin) s$r%ace;
(o -i- certain &acant areas bet"een ob?ects; !he on'1 'i)ht 'e%t in the "or'- seeme- to ori)inate
%rom thin)s themse'&es4 an- a'' o% it "as )ra-$a''1 b'eache-; 7ario$s intensities o% "hite
emer)e- %rom the p'anes o% e.istence4 an- bri)htest o% a''4 immense4 a"%$'4 the $nicorn s$--en'1
reare-4 pa"in) at the air4 %i''in) perhaps ninet1 percent o% creation "ith "hat became a
s'o"motion )est$re : %eare- "o$'- aiimhi'ate $s i% "e a-&ance- another pace;
!hen there "as on'1 the 'i)ht; !hen abso'$te sti''ness;
!hen the 'i)ht "as )one an- there "as nothin); Not e&en b'ackness; A )ap in e.istence4 "hich
mi)ht ha&e 'aste- an instant or an eternit1;;;
!hen the b'ackness ret$rne-4 an- the 'i)ht; On'1 the1 "ere re&erse-; 9i)ht %i''e- the interstices4
o$t'inin) &oi-s that m$st be ob?ects; !he %irst so$n- that : hear- "as the r$shin) o% "ater4 an- :
kne" someho" that "e "ere ha'te- besi-e the sprin); !he %irst thin) that : %e't "as (tar@s
<$i&erin); !hen : sme''e- the sea;
!hen the Pattern came into &ie"4 or a -istorte- ne)ati&e o% it;;;;
: 'eane- %or"ar- an- more 'i)ht 'eake- aro$n- the e-)es o% thin)s; : 'eane- backC it "ent a"a1;
+or"ar- a)ain4 this time %arther than be%ore ;
!he 'i)ht sprea-4 intro-$ce- &ario$s sha-es o% )ra1 into the scheme o% thin)s; =ith m1 knees
then4 )ent'14 : s$))este- that (tar a-&ance;
=ith each pace4 someti'in) ret$rne- to the "or'-; ($r%aces4 te.t$res4 co'ors;;;
Behin- me4 : hear- the others be)in to %o''o"; Be'o" me4 the Pattern s$rren-ere- nothin) o% its
m1ster14 b$t it ac<$ire- a conte.t "hich4 b1 -e)rees4 %o$n- its p'ace "ithin the 'ar)er reshapin)
o% the "or'- abo$t $s;
Contin$in) -o"nhi''4 a sense o% -epth reemer)e-; !he sea4 no" p'ain'1 &isib'e o%% to the ri)ht4
$n-er"ent a possib'1 p$re'1 optica' separation %rom the sk14 "ith "hich it seeme- momentari'1
to ha&e been ?oine- in some sort o% *rmeer o% the "aters abo&e an- the "aters be'o"; *nsett'in)
$pon re%'ection4 b$t $nnote- "hi'e in e%%ect; =e "ere hea-in) -o"n a steep4 rock1 inc'ine "hich
seeme- to ha&e taken its be)innin) at the rear o% the )ro&e to "hich the $nicorn ha- 'e- $s;
Perhaps a h$n-re- meters be'o" $s "as a per%ect'1 'e&e' area "hich appeare- to be so'i-4
$n%ract$re- rockDro$)h'1 o&a' in shape4 a co$p'e o% h$n-re- meters a'on) its ma?or; !he
s'ope -o"n "hich "e ro-e s"$n) o%% to the 'e%t an- ret$rne-4 -escribin) a &ast arc4 a parenthesis4
ha'% c$ppin) the smooth she'%; Be1on- its ri)ht"ar- ?$ttin) there "as nothin)Dthat is to sa1 the
'an- %e'' a"a1 in steep -escent to"ar- that pec$'iar sea;
An-4 contin$in)4 a'' three -imensions seeme- to reassert themse'&es once more; !he s$n "as
that )reat orb o% mo'ten )o'- "e ha- seen ear'ier; !he sk1 "as a -eeper b'$e than that o% Amber4
an- there "ere no c'o$-s in it; !hat sea "as a matchin) b'$e4 $nspecke- b1 sai' or is'an-; : sa"
no bir-s4 an- : hear- no so$n-s other than o$r o"n; An enormo$s si'ence 'a1 $pon this p'ace4 this
-a1; :n the bo"' o% m1 s$--en'1 c'ear &ision4 the Pattern at 'ast achie&e- its -isposition $pon the
s$r%ace be'o"; : tho$)ht at %irst that it "as inscribe- in the rock4 b$t as "e -re" nearer : sa" that
it "as containe- "ithin itD)o'--pink s"ir's4 'ike &einin) in an e.otic marb'e4 nat$ra'-seemin)
-espite the ob&io$s p$rpose to the -esi)n;
: -re" rein an- the others came $p besi-e me; 0an-om to m1 ri)ht4 #ane'on to m1 'e%t;
=e re)ar-e- it in si'ence %or a 'on) "hi'e; A -ark4 ro$)h-e-)e- sm$-)e ha- ob'iterate- an area
o% the section imme-iate'1 beneath $s4 r$nnin) %rom its o$ter rim to the center;
FAo$ kno"4G 0an-om %ina''1 sai-4 Fit is as i% someone ha- sha&e- the top o%% 3o'&ir4 c$ttin) at
abo$t the 'e&e' o% the -$n)eons;G
FAes4G : sai-;
F!henD'ookin) %or con)r$enceDthat "o$'- be abo$t "here o$r o"n Pattern 'ies;G
FAes4G : sai- a)ain;
FAn- that b'otte- area is to the so$th4 %rom "hence comes the b'ack roa-;G
: no--e- s'o"'1 as the $n-erstan-in) arri&e- an- %or)e- itse'% into a certaint1;
F=hat -oes it mean>G he aske-; F:t seems to correspon- to the tr$e state o% a%%airs4 b$t be1on-
that : -o not $n-erstan- its si)ni%icance; =h1 ha&e "e been bro$)ht here an- sho"n this thin)>G
F:t -oes not correspon- to the tr$e state o% a%%airs4G : sai-; F:t is the tr$e state o% a%%airs;G
#ane'on t$rne- to"ar- $s;
FOn that sha-o" 2arth "e &isite-D"here 1o$ ha- spent so man1 1earsD: hear- a poem abo$t
t"o roa-s that -i&er)e- in a "oo-4G he sai-; F:t en-s4 @: took the one 'ess tra&e'e- b14 an- that has
ma-e a'' the -i%%erence;@ =hen : hear- it4 : tho$)ht o% somethin) 1o$ ha- once sai-D@A'' roa-s
'ea- to Amber@Dan- : "on-ere- then4 as : -o no"4 at the -i%%erence the choice ma1 make4
-espite the en-@s apparent ine&itabi'it1 to those o% 1o$r b'oo-;G
FAo$ kno">G : sai-; FAo$ $n-erstan->G
F: think so;G
,e no--e-4 then pointe-;
F!hat is the rea' Amber -o"n there4 isn@t it>G
FAes4G : sai-; FAes4 it is;G
The -an. of Oberon
Book /o'r
The Chronicles of Amber
b1 0o)er 5e'a6n1
2-Book 7ersion81.1
9ast *p-ate-82 May 2002
Chapter 1
A bri)ht %'ash o% insi)ht4 to match that pec$'iar s$n;;;
!here it "as;;;; /isp'a1e- "ithin that 'i)ht4 a thin) : ha- on'1 seen se'%-i''$minate- in -arkness
$p $nti' then8 the Pattern4 the )reat Pattern o% Amber cast $pon an o&a' she'% beneathSabo&e a
stran)e sk1-sea;
;;;An- : kne"4 perhaps b1 that "ithin me "hich bo$n- $s4 that this ha- to be the rea' one; =hich
meant that the Pattern in Amber "as b$t its %irst sha-o"; =hich meantD
=hich meant that Amber itse'% "as not carrie- o&er into p'aces be1on- the rea'm o% Amber4
0ebma4 an- !ir-na No)@th; Beanin)4 then4 that this p'ace to "hich "e ha- come "as4 b1 the 'a"
o% prece-ence an- con%i)$ration4 the rea' Amber;
: t$rne- to a smi'in) #ane'on4 his bear- an- "i'- hair mo'ten in the merci'ess 'i)ht;
F,o" -i- 1o$ kno">G : aske- him;
FAo$ kno" : am a &er1 )oo- )$esser4 Cor"in4G he rep'ie-4 Fan- : reca'' e&er1thin) 1o$ e&er to'-
me abo$t ho" thin)s "ork in Amber8 ho" its sha-o" an- those o% 1o$r str$))'es are cast across
the "or'-s; : o%ten "on-ere-4 in thinkin) o% the b'ack roa-4 "hether an1thin) co$'- ha&e cast
s$ch a sha-o" into Amber itse'%; An- : ima)ine- that s$ch a somethin) "o$'- ha&e to be
e.treme'1 basic4 po"er%$'4 an- secret;G ,e )est$re- at the scene be%ore $s; F9ike that;G
FContin$e4G : sai-;
,is e.pression chan)e- an- he shr$))e-;
F(o there ha- to be a 'a1er o% rea'it1 -eeper than 1o$r Amber4G he e.p'aine-4 F"here the -irt1
"ork "as -one; Ao$r patron beast 'e- $s to "hat seems to be s$ch a p'ace4 an- that b'ot on the
Pattern 'ooks to be the -irt1 "ork; Ao$ a)ree-;G
: no--e-;
F:t "as 1o$r percepti&eness rather than the conc'$sion itse'% "hich st$nne- me so4G : sai-;
FAo$ beat me to it4G a-mitte- 0an-om4 o%% to m1 ri)ht4 Fb$t the %ee'in) has %o$n- its "a1 into
m1 intestinesDto p$t it -e'icate'1; : -o be'ie&e that someho" that is the basis o% o$r "or'- -o"n
FAn o$tsi-er can sometimes see thin)s better than one "ho is part o% them4G #ane'on o%%ere-;
0an-om )'ance- at me an- ret$rne- his attention to the spectac'e;
F/o 1o$ think thin)s "i'' chan)e an1 more4G he aske-4 Fi% "e )o -o"n %or a c'oser 'ook>G
FOn'1 one "a1 to %in- o$t4G : sai-;
F(in)'e %i'e4 then4G 0an-om a)ree-; F:@'' 'ea-;G
FA'' ri)ht;G
0an-om )$i-e- his mo$nt to the ri)ht4 the 'e%t4 the ri)ht4 in a 'on) series o% s"itchbacks "hich
6i))e- $s an- 6a))e- $s across most o% the %ace o% the "a''; Contin$in) in the or-er "e ha-
maintaine- a'' -a14 : %o''o"e- him an- #ane'on came 'ast;
F(eems stab'e eno$)h no"4G 0an-om ca''e- back;
F(o %ar4G : sai-;
F(ome sort o% openin) in the rocks be'o";G
: 'eane- %or"ar-; !here "as a ca&e mo$th back to the ri)ht4 on 'e&e' "ith the o&a' p'ain; :ts
sit$ation "as s$ch that it ha- been hi--en %rom si)ht "hen "e ha- occ$pie- o$r hi)her position;
F=e pass %air'1 near it4G : sai-;
FD<$ick'14 ca$tio$s'14 an- si'ent'14G 0an-om a--e-4 -ra"in) his b'a-e;
: $nsheathe- #ra1s"an-ir4 an- one t$rn back abo&e me #ane'on -re" his o"n "eapon;
=e -i- not pass the openin)4 b$t t$rne- 'e%t"ar- once more be%ore "e came to it; =e mo&e-
"ithin ten or %i%teen %eet o% it4 ho"e&er4 an- : -etecte- an $np'easant o-or "hich : co$'- not
i-enti%1; !he horses m$st ha&e -one a better ?ob o% it4 tho$)h4 or been pessimists b1 nat$re4
beca$se the1 %'attene- their ears4 "i-ene- their nostri's4 an- ma-e a'arme- noises "hi'e t$rnin)
a)ainst the reins; !he1 ca'me-4 ho"e&er4 as soon as "e ha- ma-e the t$rn an- be)$n mo&in)
a"a1 once a)ain; !he1 -i- not s$%%er a re'apse $nti' "e reache- the en- o% o$r -escent an-
mo&e- to approach the -ama)e- Pattern; !he1 re%$se- to )o near it;
0an-om -ismo$nte-; ,e a-&ance- to the e-)e o% the -esi)n4 pa$se- an- stare-; A%ter a time4 he
spoke "itho$t 'ookin) back;
F:t %o''o"s that the -ama)e "as -e'iberate4G he sai-4 F%rom e&er1thin) e'se that "e kno";G
F:t seems to %o''o"4G : sai-;
F:t is a'so ob&io$s that "e "ere bro$)ht here %or a reason;G
F:@- sa1 so;G
F!hen it -oes not take too m$ch ima)ination to con'$-e that o$r p$rpose %or bein) here is to
-etermine ho" the Pattern "as -ama)e- an- "hat mi)ht be -one to repair it;G
FPossib'1; =hat is 1o$r -ia)nosis>G
FNothin) 1et;G
,e mo&e- a'on) the perimeter o% the %i)$re4 o%% to the ri)ht "here the smear-e%%ect be)an; :
resheathe- m1 b'a-e an- prepare- to -ismo$nt; #ane'on reache- o&er an- took ho'- o% m1
F: can make it m1se'%DG : be)an;
B$t4 FCor"in4G he sai-4 i)norin) m1 "or-s4 Fthere -oes appear to be a sma'' irre)$'arit1 o$t
to"ar- the mi--'e o% the Pattern; :t -oes not 'ook 'ike somethin) that be'on)s;;;G
,e pointe- an- : %o''o"e- the )est$re;
!here "as some %orei)n ob?ect near the center; A stick> A stone> A stra1 bit o% paper;;;> :t "as
impossib'e to te'' %rom this -istance;
F: see it4G : sai-;
=e -ismo$nte- an- hea-e- to"ar- 0an-om4 "ho b1 then "as cro$che- at the e.treme ri)ht o%
the %i)$re4 e.aminin) the -isco'oration;
F#ane'on@s spotte- somethin) o$t to"ar- the center4G : sai-;
0an-om no--e-;
F:@&e notice- it4G he rep'ie-; F: "as ?$st tr1in) to -eci-e on the best "a1 to hea- o$t %or a better
'ook; : -o not re'ish the notion o% "a'kin) a broken Pattern; On the other han-4 : "as "on-erin)
"hat : "o$'- be 'a1in) m1se'% open to i% : trie- hea-in) in across the b'ackene- area; =hat -o
1o$ think>G
F=a'kin) "hat there is o% the Pattern "o$'- take some time4G : sai-4 Fi% the resistance is on par
"ith "hat it is at home; A'so4 "e ha&e been ta$)ht that it is -eath to stra1 %rom it- this set$p
"o$'- %orce me to 'ea&e it "hen : reach the b'ot; On the other han-4 as 1o$ sa14 : mi)ht be
a'ertin) o$r enemies b1 trea-in) on the b'ack; (oDG
F(o neither o% 1o$ is )oin) to -o it4G #ane'on interr$pte-; F: am;G
!hen4 "itho$t "aitin) %or a rep'14 he took a r$nnin) 'eap into the b'ack sector4 race- a'on) it
to"ar- the center4 pa$se- 'on) eno$)h to pick $p some sma'' ob?ect4 t$rne- an- hea-e- back;
Boments 'ater4 he stoo- be%ore $s;
F!hat "as a risk1 thin) to -o4G 0an-om sai-; ,e no--e-;
FB$t 1o$ t"o "o$'- sti'' be -ebatin) it i% : ha-n@t;G
,e raise- his han- an- e.ten-e- it;
FNo"4 "hat -o 1o$ make o% this>G
,e "as ho'-in) a -a))er; :mpa'e- on it "as a rectan)'e o% staine- pasteboar-; : took them %rom
F9ooks 'ike a !r$mp4G 0an-om sai-;
: "orke- the car- 'oose4 smoothe- -o"n the torn sections; !he man : re)ar-e- $pon it "as ha'%
%ami'iarDmeanin) o% co$rse that he "as a'so ha'% stran)e; 9i)ht4 strai)ht hair4 a tri%'e sharp-
%eat$re-4 a sma'' smi'e4 some"hat s'i)ht o% b$i'-;
: shook m1 hea-;
F: -o not kno" him4G : sai-;
F9et me see;G 0an-om took the car- %rom me4 %ro"ne- at it;
FNo4G he sai- a%ter a time; F: -on@t either; :t a'most seems as tho$)h : sho$'-4 b$t;;;No;G
At that moment4 the horses rene"e- their comp'aints m$ch more %orce%$''1; An- "e nee-e- b$t
t$rn part "a1 to 'earn the ca$se o% their -iscom%ort4 in that it ha- chosen that moment to emer)e
%rom the ca&e;
F/amn4G sai- 0an-om; : a)ree- "ith him;
#ane'on c'eare- his throat4 took %orth his b'a-e;
FAn1one kno" "hat it is>G he aske- <$iet'1;
B1 %irst impression o% the beast "as that it "as snake'ike4 both %rom its mo&ements an- beca$se
o% the %act that its 'on) thick tai' seeme- more a contin$ation o% its 'on) thin bo-1 than a mere
appen-a)e; :t mo&e- on %o$r -o$b'e-?ointe- 'e)s4 ho"e&er4 'ar)e-%oote- an- "icke-'1 c'a"e-; :ts
narro" hea- "as beake-4 an- it s"$n) %rom si-e to si-e as it a-&ance-4 sho"in) $s one pa'e b'$e
e1e an- then the other; 9ar)e "in)s "ere %o'-e- a)ainst its si-es4 p$rp'e an- 'eather1; :t
possesse- neither hair nor %eathers4 tho$)h there "ere sca'e- areas across its breast4 sho$'-ers4
back4 an- a'on) the 'en)th o% its tai'; +rom beak-ba1onet to t"istin) tai'-tip it seeme- a 'itt'e o&er
three meters; !here "as a sma'' tink'in) so$n- as it mo&e-4 an- : ca$)ht a %'ash o% somethin)
bri)ht at its throat;
FC'osest thin) : kno"4G sai- 0an-om4 Fis a hera'-ic beastDthe )ri%%in; On'1 this one is ba'- an-
F/e%inite'1 not o$r nationa' bir-4G : a--e-4 -ra"in) #ra1s"an-ir an- s"in)in) its point into 'ine
"ith the creat$re@s hea-;
!he beast -arte- a re-4 %orke- ton)$e; :t raise- its "in)s a %e" inches4 then 'et them %a''; =hen
its hea- s"$n) to the ri)ht its tai' mo&e- to the 'e%t4 then 'e%t an- ri)ht4 ri)ht an- 'e%tDpro-$cin)
a near-h1pnotic4 %'o"in) e%%ect as it a-&ance-;
:t seeme- more concerne- "ith the horses than "ith $s4 ho"e&er4 %or its co$rse "as -irecte-
"e'' past $s to"ar- the spot "here o$r mo$nts stoo- <$i&erin) an- stampin); : mo&e- to
interpose m1se'%; At that point4 it reare-;
:ts "in)s "ent $p an- o$t4 sprea-in) 'ike a pair o% s'ack sai's s$--en'1 ca$)ht b1 a )$st o% "in-;
:t "as back on its hin- 'e)s an- to"erin) abo&e $s4 seemin) to occ$p1 at 'east %o$r times the
space it ha- pre&io$s'1; An- then it shrieke-4 a )o--a"%$'4 h$ntin) scream or cha''en)e that 'e%t
m1 ears rin)in); =ith that4 it snappe- those "in)s -o"n"ar- an- spran)4 becomin) temporari'1
!he horses bo'te- an- ran; !he beast "as be1on- o$r reach; :t "as on'1 then that : rea'i6e- "hat
the bri)ht %'ash an- the tink'in) ha- represente-; !he thin) "as tethere-4 b1 means o% a 'on)
chain r$nnin) back into the ca&e; !he e.act 'en)th o% its 'eash "as imme-iate'1 a <$estion o%
more than aca-emic interest;
: t$rne- as it passe-4 hissin)4 %'appin)4 an- %a''in)4 be1on- $s; :t ha- not possesse- s$%%icient
moment$m to obtain tr$e %'i)ht in that brie% r$sh $p"ar-; : sa" that (tar an- +ire-rake "ere
retreatin) to"ar- the %ar en- o% the o&a'; 0an-om@s mo$nt 'a)o4 on the other han-4 ha- bo'te- in
the -irection o% the Pattern;
!he beast to$che- )ro$n- a)ain4 t$rne-4 as i% to p$rs$e :a)o4 appeare- to st$-1 $s once more4
an- %ro6e; :t "as m$ch nearer this timeD$n-er %o$r meters- it cocke- its hea-4 sho"in) $s its
ri)ht e1e4 then opene- its beak an- ma-e a so%t ca"in) noise;
F=hat sa1 "e r$sh it no">G sai- 0an-om;
FNo; =ait; !here is somethin) pec$'iar abo$t its beha&ior;G
:t ha- -roppe- its hea- "hi'e : "as speakin)4 sprea-in) its "in)s -o"n"ar-; :t str$ck the
)ro$n- three times "ith its beak an- 'ooke- $p a)ain; !hen it -re" its "in)s part "a1 back
to"ar- its bo-1; :ts tai' t"itche- once4 then s"in) more &i)oro$s'1 %rom si-e to si-e; :t opene-
its beak an- repeate- the ca"in) so$n-;
At that moment "e "ere -istracte-;
:a)o ha- entere- the Pattern4 "e'' to the si-e o% the -arkene- area; +i&e or si. meters into it4
stan-in) ob'i<$e'1 across the 'ines o% po"er4 he "as ca$)ht near one o% the 7ei' points 'ike an
insect on a piece o% %'1paper; ,e crie- 'o$-'1 as the sparks came $p abo$t him an- his mane rose
an- stoo- erect;
:mme-iate'14 the sk1 be)an to -arken -irect'1 o&erhea-; B$t it "as no c'o$- o% "ater &apor
"hich ha- be)$n to coa'esce; 0ather4 it "as a per%ect'1 circ$'ar %ormation "hich ha- appeare-4
re- at the center4 1e''o" nearer the e-)es4 t$rnin) in a c'ock"ise -irection; A so$n- 'ike a sin)'e
be'' chime %o''o"e- b1 the )ro"' o% a b$''-roarer s$--en'1 came to o$r ears;
:a)o contin$e- his str$))'es4 %irst %reein) his ri)ht %ront %oot4 then entan)'in) it a)ain as he %ree-
the 'e%t4 nei)hin) "i'-'1 the "hi'e; !he sparks "ere $p to his sho$'-ers b1 then4 an- he shook
them 'ike rain-rops %rom his bo-1 an- neck4 his entire %orm takin) on a so%t4 b$tter1 )'o";
!he roarin) increase- in &o'$me an- sma'' 'i)htnin)s be)an to p'a1 at the heart o% the re- thin)
abo&e $s; A ratt'in) noise ca$)ht m1 attention at that moment4 an- : )'ance- -o"n"ar- to
-isco&er that the p$rp'e )ri%%in ha- s'ithere- past an- mo&e- to interpose itse'% bet"een $s an-
the 'o$- re- phenomenon; :t cro$che- 'ike a )ar)o1'e4 %acin) a"a1 %rom $s4 "atchin) the
E$st then4 'a)o %ree- both %ront %eet an- reare-; !here "as somethin) ins$bstantia' abo$t him b1
then4 "hat "ith his bri)htness an- the spark-shot in-istinctness o% his o$t'ine; ,e mi)ht ha&e
nei)he- at that moment4 b$t a'' other so$n-s "ere s$bmer)e- b1 the incessant roar %rom abo&e;
A %$nne' -escen-e- %rom the nois1 %ormationDbri)ht4 %'ashin)4 "ai'in) no"4 an- tremen-o$s'1
%ast; :t to$che- the rearin) horse4 an- %or a moment his o$t'ine e.pan-e- enormo$s'14 becomin)
increasin)'1 ten$o$s in -irect proportion to this e%%ect; An- then he "as )one; +or a brie%
inter&a'4 the %$nne' remaine- stationar14 'ike a per%ect'1 ba'ance- top; !hen the so$n- be)an to
!he tr$nk raise- itse'%4 s'o"'14 to a point b$t a sma'' -istanceDperhaps the hei)ht o% a manD
abo&e the Pattern; !hen it snappe- $p"ar- as <$ick'1 as it ha- -escen-e-;
!he "ai'in) cease-; !he roarin) be)an to s$bsi-e; !he miniat$re 'i)htnin)s %a-e- "ithin the
circ'e; !he entire %ormation be)an to pa'e an- s'o"; A moment 'ater4 it "as b$t a bit o% -arknessC
another moment an- it "as )one;
No trace o% 'a)o remaine- an1"here that : co$'- see;
F/on@t ask me4G : sai- "hen 0an-om t$rne- to"ar- me; F: -on@t kno" either;G
,e no--e-4 then -irecte- his attention to"ar- o$r p$rp'e companion4 "ho "as ?$st then ratt'in)
his chain;
F=hat abo$t Char'ie here>G he aske-4 %in)erin) his b'a-e;
F: ha- the -istinct impression he "as tr1in) to protect $s4G : sai-4 takin) a step %or"ar-; FCo&er
me; : "ant to tr1 somethin);G
FAo$ s$re 1o$ can mo&e %ast eno$)h>G he aske-; F=ith that si-e;;;G
F/on@t "orr14G : sai-4 a tri%'e more hearti'1 than necessar14 an- : kept mo&in);
,e "as correct abo$t m1 'e%t si-e4 "here the hea'in) kni%e "o$n- sti'' ache- -$''1 an- seeme-
to e.ercise a -ra) on m1 mo&ements; B$t #ra1s"an-ir "as sti'' in m1 ri)ht han- an- this "as
one o% those occasions "hen m1 tr$st in m1 instincts "as r$nnin) hi)h; : ha- re'ie- on this
%ee'in) in the past "ith )oo- res$'ts; !here are times "hen s$ch )amb'es ?$st seem to be in or-er;
0an-om mo&e- ahea- an- to the ri)ht; : t$rne- si-e"ise an- e.ten-e- m1 'e%t han- as 1o$
"o$'- in intro-$cin) 1o$rse'% to a stran)e -o)4 s'o"'1; O$r hera'-ic companion ha- risen %rom
its cro$ch an- "as t$rnin);
:t %ace- $s a)ain an- st$-ie- #ane'on4 o%% to m1 'e%t; !hen it re)ar-e- m1 han-; :t 'o"ere- its
hea- an- repeate- the )ro$n--strikin) mo&ement4 ca"e- &er1 so%t'1Da sma''4 b$bb'in) so$n-D
raise- its hea- an- s'o"'1 e.ten-e- it; :t "a))e- its )reat tai'4 to$che- m1 %in)ers "ith its beak4
then repeate- the per%ormance; Care%$''14 : p'ace- m1 han- on its hea-; !he "a))in) increase-C
its hea- remaine- motion'ess; : scratche- it )ent'1 abo$t the neck an- it t$rne- its hea- s'o"'1
then4 as i% en?o1in) it; : "ith-re" m1 han- an- -roppe- back a pace;
F: think "e@re %rien-s4G : sai- so%t'1; FNo" 1o$ tr1 it; 0an-om;G
FAre 1o$ ki--in)>G
FNo4 :@m s$re 1o$@re sa%e; !r1 it;G
F=hat "i'' 1o$ -o i% 1o$ are "ron)>G
,e a-&ance- an- o%%ere- his han-; !he beast remaine- %rien-'1;
FA'' ri)ht4G he sai- ha'% a min$te or so 'ater4 sti'' strokin) its neck4 F"hat ha&e "e pro&e->G
F!hat he is a "atch-o);G
F=hat is he "atchin)>G
F!he Pattern4 apparent'1;G
FO%%han- then4G sai- 0an-om4 mo&in) back4 F: "o$'- sa1 that his "ork 'ea&es somethin) to be
-esire-;G ,e )est$re- at the -ark area; F=hich is $n-erstan-ab'e4 i% he is this %rien-'1 to an1one
"ho -oesn@t eat oats an- "hinn1;G
FB1 )$ess is that he is <$ite se'ecti&e; :t is a'so possib'e that he "as set here a%ter the -ama)e
"as -one4 to -e%en- a)ainst %$rther $nappreciate- acti&it1;G
F=ho set him>G
F:@- 'ike to kno" m1se'%; (omeone on o$r si-e4 apparent'1;G
FAo$ can no" test 1o$r theor1 %$rther b1 'ettin) #ane'on approach him;G
#ane'on -i- not mo&e;
F:t ma1 be 1o$ ha&e a %ami'1 sme'' abo$t 1o$4G he %ina''1 sai-4 Fan- he on'1 %a&ors Amberites;
(o : "i'' pass4 thank 1o$;G
FA'' ri)ht; :t is not that important; Ao$r )$esses ha&e been )oo- so %ar; ,o" -o 1o$ interpret
FO% the t"o %actions o$t %or the throne4G he sai-4 Fthat compose- o% Bran-4 +iona4 an- B'e1s
"as4 as 1o$ sai-4 more a"are o% the nat$re o% the %orces that p'a1 abo$t Amber; Bran- -i- not
s$pp'1 1o$ "ith partic$'arsD$n'ess 1o$ omitte- some inci-ents he mi)ht ha&e re'ate-Db$t m1
)$ess is that this -ama)e to the Pattern represents the means b1 "hich their a''ies )aine- access
to 1o$r rea'm; One or more o% them -i- that -ama)e4 "hich pro&i-e- the -ark ro$te; :% the
"atch-o) here respon-s to a %ami'1 sme'' or some other i-enti%1in) in%ormation 1o$ a'' possess4
then he co$'- act$a''1 ha&e been here a'' a'on) an- not seen %it to mo&e a)ainst the -espoi'ers;G
FPossib'14G 0an-om obser&e-; FAn1 i-ea ho" it "as accomp'ishe->G
FPerhaps4G he rep'ie-; F: "i'' 'et 1o$ -emonstrate it %or me4 i% 1o$ are "i''in);G
F=hat -oes it in&o'&e>G
FCome this "a14G he sai-4 t$rnin) an- hea-in) o&er to the e-)e o% the Pattern;
: %o''o"e- him; 0an-om -i- the same; !he "atch)ri%%in s'$nk at m1 si-e;
#ane'on t$rne- an- e.ten-e- his han-;
FCor"in4 ma1 : tro$b'e 1o$ %or that -a))er : %etche- $s>G
F,ere4G : sai-4 -ra"in) it %rom m1 be't an- passin) it o&er;
F: repeat4 "hat -oes it in&o'&e>G 0an-om in<$ire-;
F!he b'oo- o% Amber4G #ane'on rep'ie-;
F: am not so s$re : 'ike this i-ea4G 0an-om sai-;
FA'' 1o$ ha&e to -o is prick 1o$r %in)er "ith it4G he sai-4 e.ten-in) the b'a-e4 Fan- 'et a -rop %a''
$pon the Pattern;G
F=hat "i'' happen>G
F9et@s tr1 it an- see;G
0an-om 'ooke- at me;
F=hat -o 1o$ sa1>G he aske-;
F#o ahea-; 9et@s %in- o$t; :@m intri)$e-;G
,e no--e-;
,e recei&e- the b'a-e %rom #ane'on an- nicke- the tip o% his 'e%t 'itt'e %in)er; ,e s<$ee6e- the
%in)er then4 ho'-in) it abo&e the Pattern; A tin1 re- bea- appeare-4 )re" 'ar)er4 <$i&ere-4 %e'';
:mme-iate'14 a "isp o% smoke rose %rom the spot "here it str$ck4 accompanie- b1 a tin1
crack'in) noise;
F:@'' be -amne-IG sai- 0an-om4 apparent'1 %ascinate-;
A tin1 stain ha- come into bein)4 )ra-$a''1 sprea-in) to abo$t the si6e o% a ha'% -o''ar;
F!here 1o$ are4G sai- #ane'on; F!hat is ho" it "as -one;G
!he stain "as in-ee- a miniat$re co$nterpart o% the massi&e b'ot %$rther to o$r ri)ht; !he
"atch)ri%iin )a&e %orth a sma'' shriek an- -re" back4 rapi-'1 t$rnin) his hea- %rom one o% $s to
the other;
F2as14 %e''o"; 2as14G : sai-4 reachin) o$t an- ca'min) him once more;
FB$t "hat co$'- ha&e ca$se- s$ch a 'ar)eDG 0an-om be)an4 an- then he no--e- s'o"'1;
F=hat in-ee->G sai- #ane'on; F: see no mark to sho" "here 1o$r horse "as -estro1e-;G
F!he b'oo- o% Amber4G 0an-om sai-; FAo$ are ?$st %$'' o% insi)hts to-a14 aren@t 1o$>G
FAsk Cor"in to te'' 1o$ o% 9orraine4 the p'ace "here : -"e''e- %or so 'on)4G he sai-4 Fthe p'ace
"here the -ark circ'e )re"; : am a'ert to the e%%ects o% those po"ers4 tho$)h : kne" them then
on'1 at a -istance; !hese matters ha&e become c'earer to me "ith each ne" thin) : ha&e 'earne-
%rom 1o$; Aes4 : ha&e insi)hts no" that : kno" more o% these "orkin)s; Ask Cor"in o% the min-
o% his )enera';G
FCor"in4G 0an-om sai-4 F)i&e me the pierce- !r$mp;G
: "ith-re" it %rom m1 pocket an- smoothe- it; !he stains seeme- more omino$s no"; Another
thin) a'so str$ck me; : -i- not be'ie&e that it ha- been$te- b1 /"orkin4 sa)e4 ma)e4 artist4
an- one-time mentor to the chi'-ren o% Oberon; :t ha- not occ$rre- to me $nti' that moment that
an1one e'se mi)ht be capab'e o% pro-$cin) one; =hi'e the st1'e o% this one -i- seem someho"
%ami'iar4 it "as not his "ork; =here ha- : seen that -e'iberate 'ine be%ore4 'ess spontaneo$s than
the master@s4 as tho$)h e&er1 mo&ement ha- been tota''1 inte''ect$a'i6e- be%ore the pen to$che-
the paper> An- there "as somethin) e'se "ron) "ith itDa <$a'it1 o% i-ea'i6ation o% a -i%%erent
or-er %rom that o% o$r o"n !r$mps4 a'most as i% the artist ha- been "orkin) "ith o'- memories4
)'impses4 or -escriptions rather than a 'i&in) s$b?ect;
F!he !r$mp4 Cor"in; :% 1o$ p'ease4G 0an-om sai-;
!here "as that abo$t the "a1 in "hich he sai- it to make me hesitate; :t )a&e rise to the %ee'in)
that he "as someho" a ?$mp ahea- o% me on somethin) important4 a %ee'in) "hich : -i- not 'ike
at a'';
F:@&e pette- o'- $)'1 here %or 1o$4 an- :@&e ?$st b'e- %or the ca$se4 Cor"in; No" 'et@s ha&e it;G
: han-e- it o&er4 m1 $neasiness increasin) as he he'- it in his han- an- %$rro"e- his bro"; =h1
"as : s$--en'1 the st$pi- one> /oes a ni)ht in !ir-na No)@th s'o" cerebration> =h1D
0an-om be)an to c$rse4 a strin) o% pro%anities $ns$rpasse- b1 an1thin) enco$ntere- in m1 'on)
mi'itar1 career;
!hen4 F=hat is it>G : sai-; F: -on@t $n-erstan-;G
F!he b'oo- o% Amber4G he %ina''1 sai-; F=hoe&er -i- it "a'ke- the Pattern %irst4 1o$ see; !hen
the1 stoo- there at the center an- contacte- him &ia this !r$mp; =hen he respon-e- an- a %irm
contact "as achie&e-4 the1 stabbe- him; ,is b'oo- %'o"e- $pon the Pattern4 ob'iteratin) that part
o% it4 as mine -i- here;G
,e "as si'ent %or the space o% se&era' -eep breaths;
F:t smacks o% a rit$a'4G : sai-;
F/amn rit$a'sIG he sai-; F/amn a'' o% themI One o% them is )oin) to -ie4 Cor"in; : am )oin) to
ki'' himDor her;G
F: sti'' -o notDG
F: am a %oo'4G he sai-4 F%or not seein) it ri)ht a"a1; 9ookI 9ook c'ose'1IG
,e thr$st the pierce- !r$mp at me; : stare-; : sti'' -i- not see;
FNo" 'ook at meIG he sai-; F(ee meIG
: -i-; !hen : 'ooke- back at the car-; : rea'i6e- "hat he meant;
F: "as ne&er an1thin) to him b$t a "hisper o% 'i%e in the -arkness; B$t the1 $se- m1 son %or
this4G he sai-; F!hat has to be a pict$re o% Bartin;G
Chapter 2
(tan-in) there besi-e the broken Pattern4 re)ar-in) a pict$re o% the man "ho ma1 or ma1 not
ha&e been 0an-om@s son4 "ho ma1 or ma1 not ha&e -ie- o% a kni%e "o$n- recei&e- %rom a point
"ithin the Pattern4 : t$rne- an- took a )iant step back "ithin m1 min- %or an instant rep'a1 o% the
e&ents "hich ha- bro$)ht me to this point o% pec$'iar re&e'ation; : ha- 'earne- so man1 ne"
thin)s recent'1 that the occ$rrences o% the past %e" 1ears seeme- a'most to constit$te a -i%%erent
stor1 than the1 ha- "hi'e : "as 'i&in) them; No" this ne" possibi'it1 an- a n$mber o% thin)s it
imp'ie- ha- ?$st shi%te- the perspecti&e a)ain;
: ha- not e&en been a"are o% m1 name "hen : ha- a"akene- in #reen"oo-4 that pri&ate
hospita' in $pstate Ne" Aork "here : ha- spent t"o tota''1 b'ank "eeks s$bse<$ent to m1
acci-ent; :t "as on'1 recent'1 that : ha- been to'- that the acci-ent itse'% ha- been en)ineere- b1
m1 brother B'e1s4 imme-iate'1 %o''o"in) m1 escape %rom the Porter (anitari$m in A'ban1; : )ot
this stor1 %rom m1 brother Bran-4 "ho ha- rai'roa-e- me into Porter in the %irst p'ace4 b1 means
o% %ake ps1chiatric e&i-ence; At Porter4 : ha- been s$b?ecte- to e'ectroshock therap1 o&er the
span o% se&era' -a1s4 res$'ts ambi)$o$s b$t pres$mab'1 in&o'&in) the ret$rn o% a %e" memories;
Apparent'14 this "as "hat ha- scare- B'e1s into makin) the attempt on m1 'i%e at the time o% m1
escape4 shootin) o$t a co$p'e o% m1 tires on a c$r&e abo&e a 'ake; !his -o$bt'ess "o$'- ha&e
res$'te- in m1 -eath4 ha- Bran- not been a step behin- B'e1s an- o$t to protect his ins$rance
in&estment4 me; ,e sai- he ha- )otten "or- to the cops4 -ra))e- me o$t o% the 'ake4 an-
a-ministere- %irst ai- $nti' he'p arri&e-; (hort'1 a%ter that4 he "as capt$re- b1 his %ormer partners
DB'e1s an- o$r sister +ionaD"ho con%ine- him in a )$ar-e- to"er in a -istant p'ace in
!here ha- been t"o caba's4 p'ottin) an- co$nterp'ottin) a%ter the throne4 trea-in) on one
another@s hee's4 breathin) -o"n one another@s necks4 an- -oin) an1thin) e'se to one another that
mi)ht s$))est itse'% at that ran)e; O$r brother 2ric4 backe- b1 brothers E$'ian an- Caine4 ha-
been preparin) to take the throne4 'on) 'e%t &acant b1 the $ne.p'aine- absence o% o$r %ather4
Oberon; *ne.p'aine- to 2ric4 E$'ian4 an- Caine4 that is; !o the other )ro$p4 consistin) o% B'e1s4
+iona4 an-D%ormer'1DBran-4 it "as not $ne.p'aine- beca$se the1 "ere responsib'e %or it; !he1
ha- arran)e- %or this state o% a%%airs to come into bein) in or-er to open the "a1 %or B'e1s@s
accession to the throne; B$t Bran- ha- committe- a tactica' error in attemptin) to obtain Caine@s
assistance in their p'a1 %or the throne4 in that Caine -eci-e- a better -ea' obtaine- in $pho'-in)
2ric@s part; !his 'e%t Bran- $n-er c'ose scr$tin14 b$t -i- not imme-iate'1 res$'t in the betra1a' o%
his partners@ i-entities; At abo$t that time4 B'e1s an- +iona -eci-e- to emp'o1 their secret a''ies
a)ainst 2ric; Bran- ha- -em$rre- in this4 %earin) the stren)th o% those %orces4 an- as a res$'t ha-
been re?ecte- b1 B'e1s an- +iona; =ith e&er1one on his back then4 he ha- so$)ht to $pset the
ba'ance o% po"ers comp'ete'1 b1 ?o$rne1in) to the sha-o" 2arth "here 2ric ha- 'e%t me to -ie
cent$ries be%ore; :t "as on'1 'ater that 2ric ha- 'earne- that : ha- not -ie- b$t "as possesse- o%
tota' amnesia4 "hich "as a'most as )oo-4 ha- set sister +'ora to "atch o&er m1 e.i'e4 an- hope-
that that "as the 'ast o% it; Bran- 'ater to'- me he ha- )otten me committe- to Porter in a
-esperate mo&e to restore m1 memor1 as a pre'iminar1 to m1 ret$rn to Amber;
=hi'e +iona an- B'e1s ha- been -ea'in) "ith Bran-4 2ric ha- been in to$ch "ith +'ora; (he ha-
arran)e- %or m1 trans%er to #reen"oo- %rom the c'inic to "hich the po'ice ha- taken me4 "ith
instr$ctions to keep me narcoti6e-4 "hi'e 2ric be)an arran)ements %or his coronation in Amber;
(hort'1 therea%ter4 o$r brother 0an-om@s i-1''ic e.istence in !e.orami "as broken "hen Bran-
mana)e- to sen- him a messa)e o$tsi-e the norma' %ami'1 channe'sDi;e;4 the !r$mpsD
re<$estin) -e'i&erance; =hi'e 0an-om4 "ho "as b'iss%$''1 nonpartisan in the po"er str$))'e4
"as abo$t this b$siness4 : mana)e- to -e'i&er m1se'% %rom #reen"oo-4 sti'' re'ati&e'1
$nmemorie-; ,a&in) obtaine- +'ora@s a--ress %rom #reen"oo-@s %ri)htene- -irector4 : betook
m1se'% to her p'ace in =estchester4 en)a)e- in some e'aborate b'$%%in)4 an- mo&e- in as a ho$se
)$est; 0an-om4 in the meantime4 ha- been 'ess than s$ccess%$' in his attempt to resc$e Bran-;
('a1in) the snak1 "ar-en o% the to"er4 he ha- ha- to %'ee its inner )$ar-s4 $ti'i6in) one o% the
re)ion@s stran)e'1 mobi'e rocks; !he )$ar-s4 a har-1 ban- o% not <$ite h$man )$1s4 ha-
s$ccee-e- in p$rs$in) him thro$)h (ha-o"4 ho"e&er4 a %eat norma''1 impossib'e %or most
nonAmberites; 0an-om ha- %'e- then to the sha-o" 2arth "here : "as )$i-in) +'ora a'on) the
paths o% mis$n-erstan-in) "hi'e attemptin) to 'ocate the proper ro$te to en'i)htenment as to m1
o"n circ$mstances; Crossin) the continent in response to m1 ass$rance that he "o$'- be $n-er
m1 protection; 0an-om ha- come be'ie&in) that his p$rs$ers "ere m1 o"n creat$res; =hen :
he'pe- him -estro1 them he "as p$66'e- b$t $n"i''in) to raise the iss$e "hi'e : seeme- en)a)e-
in some pri&ate mane$&er throne"ar-; :n %act4 he ha- easi'1 been tricke- into con&e1in) me back
to Amber thro$)h (ha-o";
!his &ent$re ha- pro&e- bene%icia' in some respects "hi'e m$ch 'ess satis%actor1 in others;
=hen : ha- %ina''1 re&ea'e- the tr$e state o% m1 persona' sit$ation4 0an-om an- o$r sister
/eir-re4 "hom "e ha- enco$ntere- a'on) the "a14 con-$cte- me to Amber@s mirror cit1 "ithin
the sea4 0ebma; !here : ha- "a'ke- the ima)e o% the Pattern an- reco&ere- the b$'k o% m1
memories as a res$'tDthereb1 a'so sett'in) the iss$e as to "hether : "as the rea' Cor"in or
mere'1 one o% his sha-o"s; +rom 0ebma : ha- tra&e'e- into Amber4 $ti'i6in) the po"er o% the
Pattern to e%%ect an instantaneo$s ?o$rne1 home; A%ter %i)htin) an inconc'$si&e -$e' "ith 2ric4 :
ha- %'e- &ia the !r$mps into the keepin) o% m1 be'o&e- brother an- "o$'--be assassin4 B'e1s;
: ?oine- "ith B'e1s in an attack on Amber4 a mismana)e- a%%air "hich "e ha- 'ost; B'e1s
&anishe- -$rin) the %ina' en)a)ement4 $n-er circ$mstances "hich 'ooke- 'ike'1 to pro&e %ata'
b$t4 the more that : 'earne- an- tho$)ht abo$t it4 probab'1 ha- not; !his 'e%t me to become 2ric@s
prisoner an- an $n"i''in) part1 to his coronation4 a%ter "hich he ha- ha- me b'in-e- an- 'ocke-
a"a1; A %e" 1ears in the -$n)eons o% Amber ha- seen a re)eneration o% m1 e1es4 in -irect
proportion to the -eterioration o% m1 state o% min-; :t "as on'1 the acci-enta' appearance o%
/a-@s o'- a-&iser /"orkin4 "orse o%% menta''1 than m1se'%4 "hich ha- 'e- to a "a1 o% escape;
A%ter that4 : set abo$t reco&erin) an- : reso'&e- to be more pr$-ent the ne.t time : "ent a%ter
2ric; : ?o$rne1e- thro$)h (ha-o" to"ar- an o'- 'an- "here : ha- once rei)ne-DA&a'onD"ith
p'ans to obtain there a s$bstance o% "hich : a'one amon) Amberites "as a"are4 a chemica'
$ni<$e in its abi'it1 to $n-er)o -etonation in Amber; 2n ro$te4 : ha- passe- thro$)h the 'an- o%
9orraine4 there enco$nterin) m1 o'- e.i'e- A&a'onian )enera' #ane'on4 or someone &er1 m$ch
'ike him; : remaine- beca$se o% a "o$n-e- kni)ht4 a )ir'4 an- a 'oca' menace pec$'iar'1 simi'ar
to a thin) occ$rrin) in the &icinit1 o% Amber herse'%Da )ro"in) b'ack circ'e someho" re'ate- to
the b'ack roa- o$r enemies tra&e'e-4 a thin) %or "hich : he'- m1se'% part'1 responsib'e beca$se
o% a c$rse : ha- prono$nce- at the time o% m1 b'in-in); : "on the batt'e4 'ost the )ir'4 an-
tra&e'e- on to A&a'on "ith #ane'on;
!he A&a'on "e reache-4 "e <$ick'1 'earne-4 "as $n-er the protection o% m1 brother Bene-ict4
"ho ha- been ha&in) tro$b'es o% his o"n "ith a sit$ation possib'1 akin to the b'ack circ'eSb'ack
roa- menaces; Bene-ict ha- 'ost his ri)ht arm in the %ina' en)a)ement4 b$t ha- been &ictorio$s in
his batt'e "ith the he''mai-s; ,e ha- "arne- me to keep m1 intentions to"ar- Amber an- 2ric
p$re4 an- ha- then a''o"e- $s the hospita'it1 o% his manor "hi'e he remaine- %or a %e" -a1s
more in the %ie'-; :t "as at his p'ace that : met /ara;
/ara to'- me she "as Bene-ict@s )reat-)ran--a$)hter4 "hose e.istence ha- been kept secret
%rom Amber; (he -re" me o$t as %ar as she co$'- on Amber4 the Pattern4 the !r$mps4 an- o$r
abi'it1 to "a'k in (ha-o"; (he "as a'so an e.treme'1 ski''e- %encer; =e in-$')e- in a bit o%
cas$a' 'o&emakin) on m1 ret$rn %rom a he''ri-e to a p'ace "here : obtaine- a s$%%icient <$antit1
o% ro$)h -iamon-s to pa1 %or the thin)s : "as )oin) to nee- %or m1 assa$'t on Amber; !he
%o''o"in) -a14 #ane'on an- : picke- $p o$r s$pp'1 o% the necessar1 chemica's an- -eparte- %or
the sha-o" 2arth "here : ha- spent m1 e.i'e4 there to obtain a$tomatic "eapons an- amm$nition
man$%act$re- to m1 speci%ications;
2n ro$te4 "e ha- some -i%%ic$'ties a'on) the b'ack roa-4 "hich seeme- to ha&e e.ten-e- its
scope o% in%'$ence amon) the "or'-s o% (ha-o"; =e "ere e<$a' to the tro$b'es it presente-4 b$t :
a'most perishe- in a -$e' "ith Bene-ict4 "ho ha- p$rs$e- $s thro$)h a "i'- he''ri-e; !oo an)r1
%or ar)$ment4 he ha- %o$)ht me thro$)h a sma'' "oo-Dsti'' a better man than :4 e&en "ie'-in)
his b'a-e 'e%t-han-e-; : ha- on'1 mana)e- to best him b1 means o% a trick in&o'&in) a propert1 o%
the b'ack roa- o% "hich he "as $na"are; : ha- been con&ince- that he "ante- m1 b'oo- beca$se
o% the a%%air "ith /ara; B$t no; :n the %e" "or-s that passe- bet"een $s he -enie- an1
kno"'e-)e o% the e.istence o% s$ch a person; :nstea-4 he ha- come a%ter $s con&ince- that : ha-
m$r-ere- his ser&ants; No"4 #ane'on ha- in-ee- 'ocate- some %resh corpses in the "oo- at
Bene-ict@s p'ace4 b$t "e ha- a)ree- to %or)et abo$t them4 ha&in) no i-ea as to their i-entities an-
no -esire to comp'icate o$r e.istence an1 %$rther;
9ea&in) Bene-ict in the care o% brother #erar-4 "hom : ha- s$mmone- &ia his !r$mp %rom
Amber4 #ane'on an- : procee-e- to the sha-o" 2arth4 arme- o$rse'&es4 recr$ite- a strike %orce
in (ha-o"4 an- hea-e- o%% to attack Amber; B$t $pon o$r arri&a' "e -isco&ere- that Amber "as
a'rea-1 $n-er attack b1 creat$res "hich ha- come in a'on) the b'ack roa-; B1 ne" "eapons
<$ick'1 t$rne- the ti-e in Amber@s %a&or4 an- m1 brother 2ric -ie- in that batt'e4 'ea&in) me his
prob'ems4 his i'' "i''4 an- the Ee"e' o% E$-)mentDa "eather-contro''in) "eapon he ha- $se-
a)ainst me "hen B'e1s an- : ha- attacke- Amber;
At that point4 /ara sho"e- $p4 s"ept on b1 $s4 ro-e into Amber4 %o$n- her "a1 to the Pattern4
an- procee-e- to "a'k itDprima-faciee&i-ence that "e "ere in-ee- someho" re'ate-; /$rin)
the co$rse o% this or-ea'4 ho"e&er4 she ha- e.hibite- "hat appeare- to be pec$'iar ph1sica'
trans%ormations; *pon comp'etion o% the Pattern4 she anno$nce- that Amber "o$'- be -estro1e-;
!hen she ha- &anishe-;
Abo$t a "eek 'ater4 brother Caine "as m$r-ere-4 $n-er con-itions arran)e- to sho" me as the
c$'prit; !he %act that : ha- s'ain his s'a1er "as har-'1 satis%actor1 e&i-ence o% m1 innocence4 in
that the )$1 "as necessari'1 in no con-ition to ta'k abo$t it; 0ea'i6in)4 ho"e&er4 that : ha- seen
his 'ike be%ore4 in the persons o% those creat$res "ho ha- p$rs$e- 0an-om into +'ora@s home4 :
%ina''1 %o$n- time to sit -o"n "ith 0an-om an- hear the stor1 o% his $ns$ccess%$' attempt to
resc$e Bran- %rom his to"er;
0an-om4 s$bse<$ent to m1 'ea&in) him in 0ebma 1ears be%ore4 "hen : ha- ?o$rne1e- to Amber
to %i)ht m1 -$e' "ith 2ric4 ha- been %orce- b1 0ebma@s <$een4 Boire4 to marr1 a "oman o% her
co$rt8 7ia''e4 a 'o&e'1 b'in- )ir'; !his "as part'1 inten-e- as a p$nishment %or 0an-om4 "ho
1ears be%ore ha- 'e%t Boire@s 'ate -a$)hter Bor)anthe pre)nant "ith Bartin4 the apparent s$b?ect
o% the -ama)e- !r$mp 0an-om no" he'- in his han-s; (tran)e'14 %or 0an-om4 he appeare- to
ha&e %a''en in 'o&e "ith 7ia''e4 an- he no" resi-e- 'e)en-ar1 $nicorn o% Amber;
A%ter : 'e%t 0an-om4 : %etche- the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment an- took it -o"n to the chamber o% the
Pattern; !here4 : %o''o"e- the partia' instr$ctions : ha- recei&e- %or p$rposes o% att$nin) it to m1
$se; : $n-er"ent some $n$s$a' sensations -$rin) the process an- "as s$ccess%$' in obtainin)
contro' o% its most ob&io$s %$nction8 the abi'it1 to -irect meteoro'o)ica' phenomena; A%ter that4 :
<$estione- +'ora concernin) m1 e.i'e; ,er stor1 seeme- reasonab'e an- ?ibe- "ith those %acts :
-i- possess4 a'tho$)h : ha- the %ee'in) she "as ho'-in) back some"hat on e&ents at the time o%
m1 acci-ent; (he -i- promise to i-enti%1 Caine@s s'a1er as one o% the same sort as those
in-i&i-$a's 0an-om an- : ha- %o$)ht at her home in =estchester4 ho"e&er4 an- she ass$re- me
o% her s$pport in an1thin) : mi)ht c$rrent'1 be abo$t;
At the time : ha- hear- 0an-om@s stor14 : "as sti'' $na"are o% the t"o %actions an- their
machinations; : -eci-e- then that i% Bran- "ere sti'' 'i&in)4 his resc$e "as o% %irst importance4 i%
%or no other reason than the %act that he ob&io$s'1 possesse- in%ormation that someone -i- not
"ant circ$'ate-; : hit on a scheme %or achie&in) this4 the tria' o% "hich "as on'1 postpone- %or
the time re<$ire- b1 #erar- an- m1se'% %or ret$rnin) Caine@s bo-1 to Amber; Part o% this time4
ho"e&er4 "as appropriate- b1 #erar- %or p$rposes o% beatin) me $nconscio$s4 ?$st in case : ha-
%or)otten he "as capab'e o% the %eat4 to a-- "ei)ht to his "or-s "hen he in%orme- me that he
"o$'- persona''1 ki'' me sho$'- it t$rn o$t that : "as the a$thor o% Amber@s present "oes; :t "as
the most e.c'$si&e c'ose- circ$it %i)ht : kne" o%4 &ie"e- b1 the %ami'1 &ia #erar-@s !r$mpDan
act o% ins$rance sho$'- : act$a''1 be the c$'prit an- ha&e a min- to erase his name %rom the 'ist o%
the 'i&in) beca$se o% his threat; =e ?o$rne1e- on to the #ro&e o% the *nicorn then an- e.h$me-
Caine; At that time4 "e act$a''1 ca$)ht a brie% )'impse o% the 'e)en-ar1 $nicorm o% Amber;
!hat e&enin) "e met in the 'ibrar1 o% the pa'ace in AmberD"e bein) 0an-om4 #erar-4
Bene-ict4 E$'ian4 /eir-re4 +iona4 +'ora4 9'e"e''a4 an- m1se'%; !here4 "e teste- m1 i-ea %or
%in-in) Bran-; :t amo$nte- to a'' nine o% $s sim$'taneo$s'1 attemptin) to reach him &ia his
!r$mp; An- "e s$ccee-e-;
=e contacte- him an- "ere s$ccess%$' in transportin) him back to Amber; :n the mi-st o% the
e.citement4 ho"e&er4 "ith a'' o% $s cro"-e- abo$t as #erar- bore him thro$)h4 someone p'ante-
a -a))er in Bran-@s si-e; #erar- imme-iate'1 e'ecte- himse'% atten-in) ph1sician an- c'eare- the
!he rest o% $s mo&e- to a -o"nstairs sittin) room4 there to backbite an- -isc$ss e&ents; /$rin)
this time4 +iona a-&ise- me that the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment mi)ht represent a ha6ar- in sit$ations o%
pro'on)e- e.pos$re4 s$))estin) the possibi't1 that it4 rather than his "o$n-s4 mi)ht ha&e been
the ca$se o% 2ric@s -eath; One o% the %irst si)ns4 she be'ie&e-4 "as a -istortion o% one@s time-sense
Dan apparent s'o"-o"n o% tempora' se<$ence4 act$a''1 representin) a spee--$p o% ph1sio'o)ica'
e&ents; : reso'&e- to be more ca$tio$s "ith it4 in that she "as more con&ersant "ith these matters
than the rest o% $s4 ha&in) once been an a-&ance- p$pi' o% /"orkin@s;
An- perhaps she "as correct; Perhaps there "as s$ch an e%%ect in operation 'ater that e&enin)
"hen : ret$rne- to m1 o"n <$arters; At 'east4 it seeme- as i% the person "ho attempte- to ki'' me
"as mo&in) a tri%'e more s'o"'1 than : "o$'- ha&e m1se'% $n-er simi'ar circ$mstances; At that4
the stroke "as a'most s$ccess%$'; !he b'a-e ca$)ht me in the si-e an- the "or'- "ent a"a1;
9eakin) 'i%e4 : a"oke in m1 o'- be- in m1 o'- home on the sha-o" 2arth "here : ha- -"e''e-
%or so 'on) as Car' Core1; ,o" : ha- been ret$rne-4 : ha- no i-ea; : cra"'e- o$tsi-e an- into a
b'i66ar-; C'in)in) precario$s'1 to conscio$sness4 : cache- the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment in m1 o'-
compost heap4 %or the "or'- -i- in-ee- seem to be s'o"in) -o"n abo$t me; !hen : ma-e it to the
roa-4 to tr1 %'a))in) -o"n a passin) motorist;
:t "as a %rien- an- %ormer nei)hbor; Bi'' 0oth4 "ho %o$n- me there an- -ro&e me to the nearest
c'inic; !here4 : "as treate- b1 the same -octor "ho ha- atten-e- me 1ears be%ore4 at the time o%
m1 acci-ent; ,e s$specte- : mi)ht be a ps1chiatric case4 as the o'- recor- -i- re%'ect that %ake-
state o% a%%airs;
Bi'' sho"e- $p 'ater4 ho"e&er4 an- set a n$mber o% thin)s ri)ht; An attorne14 he ha- )ro"n
c$rio$s at the time o% m1 -isappearance an- -one some in&esti)atin); ,e ha- 'earne- abo$t m1
%ake certi%ication an- m1 s$ccessi&e escapes; ,e e&en possesse- -etai's on these matters an- on
the acci-ent itse'%; ,e sti'' %e't there "as somethin) stran)e abo$t me4 b$t it -i- not rea''1 bother
him that m$ch;
9ater4 0an-om contacte- me &ia m1 !r$mp an- a-&ise- me that Bran- ha- come aro$n- an-
"as askin) %or me; =ith 0an-om@s assistance4 : ret$rne- to Amber; : "ent to see Bran-; :t "as
then that : 'earne- o% the nat$re o% the po"er str$))'e "hich ha- been )oin) on abo$t me4 an- the
i-entities o% the participants; ,is stor14 to)ether "ith "hat Bi'' ha- to'- me back on the sha-o"
2arth4 %ina''1 bro$)ht some sense an- coherence to occ$rrences o% the past se&era' 1ears; ,e a'so
to'- me more concernin) the nat$re o% the -an)er "e c$rrent'1 %ace-;
: -i- nothin) the %o''o"in) -a14 ostensib'1 %or p$rposes o% preparin) m1se'% %or a &isit to !ir-na
No)@th4 act$a''1 to b$1 a--itiona' time in "hich to reco&er %rom m1 in?$r1; !his commitment
ma-e4 ho"e&er4 it ha- to be kept; : -i- ?o$rne1 to the cit1 in the sk1 that ni)ht4 enco$nterin) a
con%$sin) co''ection o% si)ns an- portents4 si)ni%1in) perhaps nothin)4 an- co''ectin) a pec$'iar
mechanica' arm %rom the )host o% m1 brother Bene-ict "hi'e : "as abo$t it;
0et$rne- %rom this e.c$rsion on hi)h4 : break%aste- "ith 0an-om an- #ane'on be%ore settin)
o$t across 3o'&ir to ret$rn home; ('o"'14 be"i'-erin)'14 the trai' be)an to chan)e abo$t $s; :t
"as as tho$)h "e "ere "a'kin) in (ha-o"4 a "e''-ni)h impossib'e %eat this near to Amber;
=hen "e reache- this conc'$sion4 "e trie- to a'ter o$r co$rse4 b$t neither 0an-om nor : "as
ab'e to a%%ect the chan)in) scene; Abo$t that time4 the $nicorn p$t in an appearance; :t seeme- to
"ant $s to %o''o" it; =e -i-;
:t ha- 'e- $s thro$)h a ka'ei-oscopic series o% chan)es4 $nti' %ina''1 "e arri&e- at this pace4
"here it aban-one- $s to o$r present -e&ices;
No"4 "ith this entire se<$ence o% e&ents t$mb'in) thro$)h m1 hea-4 m1 min- mo&e- abo$t the
peripheries4 p$she- its "a1 %or"ar-4 ret$rne- to the "or-s 0an-om ha- ?$st spoken; : %e't that :
"as s'i)ht'1 ahea- o% him once more; +or ho" 'on) this state o% a%%airs mi)ht 'ast4 : -i- not
kno"4 b$t : rea'i6e- "here : ha- seen "ork b1 the same han- "hich ha-$te- the pierce-
Bran- ha- o%ten painte- "hen he "as enterin) one o% his me'ancho'1 perio-s4 an- his %a&orite
techni<$es came to min- as : reca''e- can&as a%ter can&as he ha- bri)htene- or -arkene-; A-- to
this his campai)n o% 1ears be%ore to obtain reco''ections an- -escriptions %rom e&er1one "ho ha-
kno"n Bartin; =hi'e 0an-om ha- not reco)ni6e- his st1'e4 : "on-ere- ho" 'on) it mi)ht be
be%ore he be)an thinkin) as : ?$st ha- abo$t the possib'e en-s o% Bran-@s in%ormation )atherin);
2&en i% his han- ha- not act$a''1 prope''e- the b'a-e4 Bran- "as part1 to the act b1 pro&i-in) the
means; : kne" 0an-om "e'' eno$)h to kno" that he meant "hat he ha- sai-; ,e "o$'- tr1 to
ki'' Bran- as soon as he sa" the connection; !his "as )oin) to be more than a"k"ar-;
:t ha- nothin) to -o "ith the %act that Bran- ha- probab'1 sa&e- m1 'i%e; : %i)$re- : ha- s<$are-
acco$nts "ith him b1 )ettin) him o$t o% that -amne- to"er; No; :t "as neither in-ebte-ness nor
sentiment that ca$se- me to cast abo$t %or "a1s to mis'ea- 0an-om or s'o" him -o"n; :t "as
the nake-4 %ri)i- %act that : nee-e- Bran-; ,e ha- seen to that; B1 reason %or sa&in) him "as no
more a'tr$istic than his ha- been in -ra))in) me o$t o% the 'ake; ,e possesse- somethin) :
nee-e- no"8 in%ormation; ,e ha- rea'i6e- this imme-iate'1 an- he "as rationin) itDhis 'i%e@s
$nion -$es;
F: -o see the resemb'ance4G : sai- to 0an-om4 Fan- 1o$ ma1 "e'' be ri)ht abo$t "hat
FO% co$rse : am ri)ht;G
F:t is the car- that "as pierce-4G : sai-;
FOb&io$s'1; : -on@tDG
F,e "as not bro$)ht thro$)h on the !r$mp4 then; !he person "ho -i- it there%ore ma-e contact4
b$t "as $nab'e to pers$a-e him to come across;G
F(o> !he contact ha- pro)resse- to a point o% s$%%icient so'i-it1 an- pro.imit1 that he "as ab'e
to stab him an1"a1; ,e "as probab'1 e&en ab'e to achie&e a menta' 'ock an- ho'- him "here he
"as "hi'e he b'e-; !he ki- probab'1 ha-n@t ha- m$ch e.perience "ith the !r$mps;G
FBa1be 1es4 ma1be no4G : sai-; F9'e"e''a or Boire mi)ht be ab'e to te'' $s ho" m$ch he kne"
abo$t the !r$mps; B$t "hat : "as )ettin) at "as the possibi'it1 that contact co$'- ha&e been
broken be%ore -eath; :% he inherite- 1o$r re)enerati&e abi'ities he mi)ht ha&e s$r&i&e-;G
FBi)ht ha&e> : -on@t "ant )$essesI : "ant ans"ersIG
: commence- a ba'ancin) act "ithin m1 min-; : be'ie&e- : kne" somethin) that he -i- not4 b$t
then m1 so$rce "as not the best; A'so4 : "ante- to keep <$iet abo$t the possibi'it1 beca$se : ha-
not ha- a chance to -isc$ss it "ith Bene-ict; On the other han-4 Bartin "as 0an-om@s son4 an- :
-i- "ant to -irect his attention a"a1 %rom Bran-;
F0an-om4 : ma1 ha&e somethin)4G : sai-;
F0i)ht a%ter Bran- "as stabbe-4G : sai-4 F"hen "e "ere ta'kin) to)ether in the sittin) room4 -o
1o$ remember "hen the con&ersation t$rne- to the s$b?ect o% Bartin>G
FAes; Nothin) ne" came $p;G
F: ha- somethin) : mi)ht ha&e a--e- at that time4 b$t : restraine- m1se'% beca$se e&er1one "as
there; A'so4 beca$se : "ante- to p$rs$e it in pri&ate "ith the part1 concerne-;G
FBene-ict> =hat has he to -o "ith Bartin>G
F: -o not kno"; !hat is "h1 : "ante- to keep it <$iet $nti' : %o$n- o$t; An- m1 so$rce o%
in%ormation "as a to$ch1 one4 at that;G
F#o ahea-;G
F/ara; Bene-ict )ets ma- as he'' "hene&er : mention her name4 b$t so %ar a n$mber o% thin)s
she to'- me ha&e pro&e- correctDthin)s 'ike the ?o$rne1 o% E$'ian an- #erar- a'on) the b'ack
roa-4 their in?$r14 their sta1 in A&a'on; Bene-ict a-mitte- these thin)s ha- happene-;G
F=hat -i- she sa1 abo$t Bartin>G
:n-ee-; ,o" to phrase it "itho$t )i&in) a"a1 the sho" on Bran-;;;> /ara ha- sai- that Bran-
ha- &isite- Bene-ict a n$mber o% times in A&a'on4 o&er a span o% 1ears; !he time -i%%erentia'
bet"een Amber an- A&a'on is s$ch that it seeme- 'ike'14 no" that : tho$)ht abo$t it4 that the
&isits %e'' into the perio- "hen Bran- "as so acti&e'1 seekin) in%ormation on Bartin; : ha-
"on-ere- "hat kept -ra"in) him back there4 since he an- Bene-ict ha- ne&er been especia''1
FOn'1 that Bene-ict ha- ha- a &istor name- Bartin4 "hom she tho$)ht "as %rom Amber4G : 'ie-;
F(ome "hi'e back; :@m not s$re;G
F=h1 -i-n@t 1o$ te'' me this be%ore>G
F:t is not rea''1 &er1 m$chDbesi-es4 1o$ ha- ne&er seeme- especia''1 intereste- in Bartin;G
0an-om shi%te- his )a6e to the )ri%%in4 cro$che- an- )$r)'in) on m1 ri)ht4 then no--e-;
F: am no"4G he sai-; F!hin)s chan)e; :% he is sti'' a'i&e4 : "o$'- 'ike to )et to kno" him; :% he is
FOka14G : sai-; F!he best "a1 to be abo$t either one is to start %i)$rin) a "a1 to )et home; :
be'ie&e "e ha&e seen "hat "e "ere s$ppose- to see an- : "o$'- 'ike to c'ear o$t;G
F: "as thinkin) abo$t that4G he sai-4 Fan- it occ$rre- to me that "e co$'- probab'1 $se this
Pattern %or that p$rpose; E$st hea- o$t to the center an- trans%er back;G
F#oin) in a'on) the -ark area>G : aske-;
F=h1 not> #ane'on has a'rea-1 trie- it an- he@s oka1;G
FA moment4G sai- #ane'on; F: -i- not sa1 that it "as eas14 an- : am positi&e 1o$ co$'- not )et
the horses to )o that ro$te;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G : sai-;
F/o 1o$ remember that p'ace "here "e crosse- the b'ack roa-Dback "hen "e "ere %'eein)
FO% co$rse;G
F=e''4 the sensations : e.perience- in retrie&in) the car- an- the -a))er "ere not $n'ike the
$pset that came o&er $s at that time; :t is one o% the reasons : "as r$nnin) so %ast; : "o$'- %a&or
tr1in) the !r$mps a)ain %irst4 $n-er the theor1 that this point is con)r$ent "ith Amber;G
: no--e-;
FA'' ri)ht; =e mi)ht as "e'' tr1 makin) it as eas1 as "e can; 9et@s co''ect the horses %irst;G
=e -i- this4 'earnin) the 'en)th o% the )ri%%in@s 'eash "hi'e "e "ere abo$t it; ,e "as -ra"n $p
short abo$t thirt1 meters %rom the ca&e mo$th4 an- imme-iate'1 set $p a bieatin) comp'aint; !his
-i- not make the ?ob o% paci%1in) the horses an1 easier4 b$t it -i- )i&e rise to a pec$'iar notion
"hich : -eci-e- to keep to m1se'%;
Once "e ha- thin)s $n-er contro'; 0an-om 'ocate- his !r$mps an- : bro$)ht o$t m1 o"n;
F9et@s tr1 %or Bene-ict4G he sai-;
FA'' ri)ht; An1 time no";G
: notice- imme-iate'1 that the car-s %e't co'- a)ain4 a )oo- si)n; : sh$%%'e- o$t Bene-ict@s an-
be)an the pre'iminaries; Besi-e me4 0an-om -i- the same; Contact came a'most at once;
F=hat is the occasion>G Bene-ict aske-4 his e1es mo&in) o&er 0an-om4 #ane'on4 an- the
horses4 then meetin) "ith m1 o"n;
F=i'' 1o$ brin) $s thron)h>G : sai-;
F,orses4 too>G
F!he "orks;G
FCome ahea-;G
,e e.ten-e- his han- an- : to$che- it; =e a'' mo&e- to"ar- him; Boments 'ater4 "e stoo- "ith
him in a hi)h4 rock1 p'ace4 a chi'' "in- r$%%'in) o$r )arments4 the s$n o% Amber past mi--a1 in a
sk1 %$'' o% c'o$-s; Bene-ict "ore a sti%% 'eather ?acket an- b$ckskin 'e))in)s; ,is shirt "as a
%a-e- 1e''o"; An oran)e c'oak concea'e- the st$mp o% his ri)ht arm; ,e ti)htene- his 'on) ?a"
an- peere- -o"n at me;
F:nterestin) spot 1o$ hie %rom4G he sai-; F: )'impse- somethin) o% the back)ro$n-;G
: no--e-;
F:nterestin) &ie" %rom this hei)ht4 a'so4G : sai-4 notin) the sp1)'ass at his be't at the same time
that : rea'i6e- "e stoo- on the "i-e 'e-)e o% rock %rom "hich 2ric ha- comman-e- batt'e on the
-a1 o% his -eath an- m1 ret$rn; : mo&e- to re)ar- the -ark s"ath thro$)h #arnath4 %ar be'o" an-
stretchin) o%% to the hori6on;
FAes4G he sai-; F!he b'ack roa- appears to ha&e stabi'i6e- its bo$n-aries at most points; At a %e"
others tho$)h4 it is sti'' "i-enin); :t is a'most as i% it is nearin) a %ina' con%ormit1 "ith someD
pattern;;;; No" te'' me4 %rom "hat point ha&e 1o$ ?o$rne1e->G
F: spent 'ast ni)ht in !ir-na No)@th4G : sai-4 Fan- this mornin) "e "ent astra1 in crossin)
FNot an eas1 thin) to -o4G he sai-; F#ettin) 'ost on 1o$r o"n mo$ntain; Ao$ keep hea-in) east4
1o$ kno"; !hat is the -irection %rom "hich the s$n has been kno"n to take its co$rse;G
: %e't m1 %ace %'$sh;
F!here "as an acci-ent4G : sai-4 'ookin) a"a1; F=e 'ost a horse;G
F=hat sort o% acci-ent>G
FA serio$s oneD%or the horse;G
FBene-ict4G sai- 0an-om4 s$--en'1 'ookin) $p %rom "hat : rea'i6e- to be the pierce- !r$mp4
F"hat can 1o$ te'' me concernin) m1 son Bartin>G
Bene-ict st$-ie- him %or se&era' moments be%ore he spoke; !hen4 F=h1 the s$--en interest>G he
FBeca$se : ha&e reason to be'ie&e he ma1 be -ea-4G he sai-; F:% that is the case4 : "ant to a&en)e
it; :% it is not the caseD"e''4 the tho$)ht that it mi)ht be has ca$se- me some $pset; :% he is sti''
'i&in)4 : "o$'- 'ike to meet him an- ta'k "ith him;G
F=hat makes 1o$ think he mi)ht be -ea->G
0an-om )'ance- at me; : no--e-;
F(tart "ith break%ast4G : sai-;
F=hi'e he is -oin) that4 :@'' %in- $s '$nch4G sai- #ane'on4 r$mma)in) in one o% the ba)s;
F!he $nicorn sho"e- $s the "a1;;;G 0an-om be)an;
Chapter 3
=e sat in si'ence; 0an-om ha- %inishe- speakin) an- Bene-ict "as starin) sk1"ar- o&er
#amath; ,is %ace betra1e- nothin); : ha- 'on) a)o 'earne- to respect his si'ence;
At 'en)th4 he no--e-4 once4 sharp'14 an- t$rne- to re)ar- 0an-om;
F: ha&e 'on) s$specte- somethin) o% this or-er4G he state-4 F%rom thin)s that /a- an- /"orkin
'et %a'' o&er the 1ears; : ha- the impression there "as a prima' Pattern "hich the1 ha- either
'ocate- or create-4 sit$atin) o$r Amber b$t a sha-o" a"a1 to -ra" $pon its %orces; : ne&er
obtaine- an1 notion as to ho" one mi)ht tra&e' to that p'ace4 ho"e&er;G ,e t$rne- back to"ar-
#amath4 )est$rin) "ith his chin; FAn- that4 1o$ te'' me4 correspon-s to "hat "as -one there>G
F:t seems to4G 0an-om rep'ie-;
F;;;Bro$)ht abo$t b1 the she--in) o% Bartin@s b'oo->G
F: think so;G
Bene-ict raise- the !r$mp 0an-om ha- passe- him -$rin) his narration; At that time4 Bene-ict
ha- ma-e no comment;
FAes4G he sai- no"4 Fthis is Bartin; ,e came to me a%ter he -eparte- 0ebma; ,e sta1e- "ith me
a 'on) "hi'e;G
F=h1 -i- he )o to 1o$>G 0an-om aske-;
Bene-ict smi'e- %aint'1;
F,e ha- to )o some"here4 1o$ kno"4G he sai-; F,e "as sick o% his position in 0ebma4
ambi&a'ent to"ar- Amber4 1o$n)4 %ree4 an- ?$st come into his po"er thro$)h the Pattern; ,e
"ante- to )et a"a14 see ne" thin)s4 tra&e' in (ha-o"Das "e a'' -i-; : ha- taken him to A&a'on
once "hen he "as a sma'' bo14 to 'et him "a'k on -r1 'an- o% a s$mmer4 to teach him to ri-e a
horse4 to ha&e him see a crop har&este-; =hen he "as s$--en'1 in a position to )o an1"here he
"o$'- in an instant4 his choices "ere sti'' restricte- to the %e" p'aces o% "hich he ha-
kno"'e-)e; !r$e4 he mi)ht ha&e -reame- $p a p'ace in that instant an- )one thereDcreatin) it4
as it "ere; B$t he "as a'so a"are that he sti'' ha- man1 thin)s to 'earn4 to ens$re his sa%et1 in
(ha-o"; (o he e'ecte- to come to me4 to ask me to teach him; An- : -i-; ,e spent the better part
o% a 1ear at m1 p'ace; : ta$)ht him to %i)ht4 ta$)ht him o% the "a1s o% the !r$mps an- o% (ha-o"4
instr$cte- him in those thin)s an Amberite m$st kno" i% he is to s$r&i&e;G
F=h1 -i- 1o$ -o a'' these thin)s>G 0an-om aske-;
F(omeone ha- to; :t "as me that he came to4 so it "as mine to -o4G Bene-ict rep'ie-; F:t "as not
as i% : "ere not &er1 %on- o% the bo14 tho$)h4G he a--e-; 0an-om no--e-;
FAo$ sa1 that he "as "ith 1o$ %or a'most a 1ear; =hat became o% him a%ter that>G
F!hat "an-er'$st 1o$ kno" as "e'' as :; Once he ha- obtaine- some con%i-ence in his abi'ities4
he "ante- to e.ercise them; :n the co$rse o% instr$ctin) him4 : ha- taken him on ?o$rne1s in
(ha-o" m1se'%4 ha- intro-$ce- him to peop'e o% m1 ac<$aintance at &ario$s p'aces; B$t there
came a time "hen he "ante- to make his o"n "a1; One -a1 then4 he ba-e me )oo--b1 an- %are-
F,a&e 1o$ seen him since>G 0an-om aske-;
FAes; ,e ret$rne- perio-ica''14 sta1in) "ith me %or a time4 to te'' me o% his a-&ent$res4 his
-isco&eries; :t "as a'"a1s c'ear that it "as ?$st a &isit; A%ter a time4 he "o$'- )et rest'ess an-
-epart a)ain;G
F=hen "as the 'ast time 1o$ sa" him>G
F(e&era' 1ears a)o4 A&a'on time4 $n-er the $s$a' circ$mstances; ,e sho"e- $p one mornin)4
sta1e- %or perhaps t"o "eeks4 to'- me o% the thin)s he ha- seen an- -one4 ta'ke- o% the man1
thin)s he "ante- to -o; 9ater4 he set o%% once more;G
FAn- 1o$ ne&er hear- %rom him a)ain>G
FOn the contrar1; !here "ere messa)es 'e%t "ith m$t$a' %rien-s "hen he "o$'- pass their "a1;
Occasiona''14 he "o$'- e&en contact me &ia m1 !r$mpDG
F,e ha- a set o% the !r$mps>G : broke in;
FAes4 : ma-e him a )i%t o% one o% m1 e.tra -ecks;G
F/i- 1o$ ha&e a !r$mp %or him>G ,e shook his hea-;
F: "as not e&en a"are that s$ch a !r$mp e.iste-4 $nti' : sa" this one4G he sai-4 raisin) the car-4
)'ancin) at it4 an- passin) it back to 0an-om; F: ha&en@t the art to prepare one; 0an-om4 ha&e
1o$ trie- reachin) him "ith this !r$mp>G
FAes4 an1 n$mber o% times since "e came across it; E$st a %e" min$tes a)o4 as a matter o% %act;
FO% co$rse that pro&es nothin); :% e&er1thin) occ$rre- as 1o$ )$esse- an- he -i- s$r&i&e it4 he
ma1 ha&e reso'&e- to b'ock an1 %$t$re attempts at contact; ,e -oes kno" ho" to -o that;G
F/i- it occ$r as : )$esse-> /o 1o$ kno" more abo$t it>G
F: ha&e an i-ea4G Bene-ict sai-; FAo$ see4 he -i- sho" $p in?$re- at a %rien-@s p'aceDo%% in
(ha-o" some 1ears a)o; :t "as a bo-1 "o$n-4 ca$se- b1 the thr$st o% a b'a-e; !he1 sai- he
came to them in &er1 ba- shape an- -i- not )o into -etai's as to "hat ha- occ$rre-; ,e remaine-
%or a %e" -a1sD$nti' he "as ab'e to )et aro$n- a)ain -eparte- be%ore he "as rea''1 %$''1
reco&ere-; !hat "as the 'ast the1 hear- o% him; !he 'ast that : -i-4 a'so;G
F=eren@t 1o$ c$rio$s>G 0an-om aske-; F/i-n@t 1o$ )o 'ookin) %or him>G
FO% co$rse : "as c$rio$s; : sti'' am; B$t a man sho$'- ha&e the ri)ht to 'ea- his o"n 'i%e "itho$t
the me--'in) o% re'ati&es4 no matter ho" "e''-intentione-; ,e ha- p$''e- thro$)h the crisis an-
he -i- not attempt to contact me; ,e apparent'1 kne" "hat he "ante- to -o; ,e -i- 'ea&e a
messa)e %or me "ith the !ec1s4 sa1in) that "hen : 'earne- o% "hat ha- happene- : "as not to
"orr14 that he kne" "hat he "as abo$t;G
F!he !ec1s>G : sai-;
F!hat@s ri)ht; +rien-s o% mine o%% in (ha-o";G
: re%raine- %rom sa1in) the thin)s that : mi)ht; : ha- tho$)ht them ?$st another part o% /ara@s
stor14 %or she ha- so t"iste- the tr$th in other areas; (he ha- mentione- the !ec1s to me as i% she
kne" them4 as i% she ha- sta1e- "ith themDa'' "ith Bene-ict@s kno"'e-)e; !he moment -i- not
seem appropriate4 ho"e&er4 to te'' him o% m1 pre&io$s ni)ht@s &ision in !ir-na No)@th an- the
thin)s it ha- in-icate- concernin) his re'ationship to the )ir'; : ha- not 1et ha- s$%%icient time to
pon-er the matter an- a'' that it imp'ie-;
0an-om stoo-4 pace-4 pa$se- near the 'e-)e4 his back to $s4 %in)ers knotte- behin- him; A%ter a
moment4 he t$rne- an- sta'ke- back;
F,o" can "e )et in to$ch "ith the !ec1s>G he aske- Bene-ict;
FNo "a14G sai- Bene-ict4 Fe.cept to )o an- see them;G
0an-om t$rne- to me;
FCor"in4 : nee- a horse; Ao$ sa1 that (tar@s been thro$)h a n$mber o% he''ri-es;;;G
F,e@s ha- a b$s1 mornin);G
F:t "asn@t that stren$o$s; :t "as most'1 %ri)ht4 an- he seems oka1 no"; Ba1 : borro" him>G
Be%ore : co$'- ans"er4 he t$rne- to"ar- Bene-ict;
FAo$@'' take me4 "on@t 1o$>G he sai-;
Bene-ict hesitate-;
F: -o not kno" "hat more there is to 'earnDG he be)an;
FAn1thin)I An1thin) at a'' the1 mi)ht rememberDpossib'1 somethin) that -i- not rea''1 seem
important at the time b$t is no"4 kno"in) "hat "e kno";G
Bene-ict 'ooke- to me; : no--e-;
F,e can ri-e (tar4 i% 1o$ are "i''in) to take him;G
FA'' ri)ht4G Bene-ict sai-4 )ettin) to his %eet; F:@'' %etch m1 mo$nt;G
,e t$rne- an- hea-e- o%% to"ar- the p'ace "here the )reat stripe- beast "as tethere-;
F!hanks4 Cor"in4G 0an-om sai-;
F:@'' 'et 1o$ -o me a %a&or in ret$rn;G
F9et me borro" Bartin@s !r$mp;G
F=hat %or>G
FAn i-ea ?$st hit me; :t is too comp'icate- to )et into i% 1o$ "ant to )et mo&in); No harm sho$'-
come o% it4 tho$)h;G
,e che"e- his 'ip;
FOka1; : "ant it back "hen 1o$ are -one "ith it;G
FO% co$rse;G
F=i'' it he'p %in- him>G
,e passe- me the car-;
FAo$ hea-in) back to the pa'ace no">G he aske-;
F=o$'- 1o$ te'' 7ia''e "hat has happene- an- "here : ha&e )one> (he "orries;G
F($re; :@'' -o that;G
F:@'' take )oo- care o% (tar;G
F: kno" that; #oo- '$ck;G
: ro-e +ire-rake; #ane'on "a'ke-; ,e ha- insiste-; =e %o''o"e- the ro$te : ha- taken in
p$rs$in) /ara on the -a1 o% the batt'e; A'on) "ith recent -e&e'opments4 that is probab'1 "hat
ma-e me think o% her a)ain; : -$ste- o%% m1 %ee'in)s an- e.amine- them care%$''1; : rea'i6e-
then that -espite the )ames she ha- p'a1e- "ith me4 the ki''in)s she ha- -o$bt'ess been pri&1 or
part1 to4 an- her state- -esi)ns $pon the rea'm4 : "as sti'' attracte- to her b1 somethin) more
than c$riosit1; : "as not rea''1 s$rprise- to -isco&er this; !hin)s ha- 'ooke- prett1 m$ch the
same the 'ast time : ha- p$''e- a s$rprise inspection in the emotiona' barracks; : "on-ere- then
ho" m$ch o% tr$th there mi)ht ha&e been to m1 %ina' &ision o% the pre&io$s ni)ht4 "herein her
possib'e 'ine o% -escent %rom Bene-ict ha- been state-; !here "as in-ee- a ph1sica'
resemb'ance4 an- : "as more than ha'%-con&ince-; :n the )host cit14 o% co$rse4 the sha-e o%
Bene-ict ha- conce-e- as m$ch4 raisin) his ne"4 stran)e arm in her -e%ense;;;
F=hat@s %$nn1>G #ane'on aske-4 %rom "here he stro-e to m1 'e%t;
F!he arm4G : sai-4 Fthat came to me %rom !ir-na No)@thD: ha- "orrie- o&er some hi--en
import4 some $n%oreseen %orce o% -estin1 to the thin)4 comin) as it ha- into o$r "or'- %rom that
p'ace o% m1ster1 an- -ream; Aet it -i- not e&en 'ast the -a1; Nothin) remaine- "hen the Pattern
-estro1e- 'a)o; !he entire e&enin)@s &isions come to nothin);G
#ane'on c'eare- his throat;
F=e''4 it "asn@t e.act'1 the "a1 1o$ seem to think4G he sai-;
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F!hat arm -e&ice "as not in :a)o@s sa--'eba); 0an-om sto"e- it in 1o$r ba); !hat@s "here the
%oo- "as4 an- a%ter "e ha- eaten he ret$rne- the $tensi's to "here the1 ha- been in his o"n ba)4
b$t not the arm; !here "as no space;G
FOh4G : sai-; F!henDG
#ane'on no--e-; FD(o he has it "ith him no"4G he %inishe-;
F!he arm an- Bene-ict both; /amnI :@&e sma'' 'ikin) %or that thin); :t trie- to ki'' me; No one
has e&er been attacke- in !ir-na No)@th be%ore;G
FB$t Bene-ict4 Bene-ict@s oka1; ,e@s on o$r si-e4 e&en i% 1o$ ha&e some -i%%erences at the
moment; 0i)ht>G
: -i- not ans"er him;
,e reache- $p an- took +ire-rake@s reins4 -ra"in) him to a ha't; ,e stare- $p then4 st$-1in) m1
FCor"in4 "hat happene- $p there4 an1"a1> =hat -i- 1o$ 'earn>G
: hesitate-; :n tr$th4 "hat ha- : 'earne- in the cit1 in the sk1> No one "as certain as to the
mechanism behin- the &isions o% !ir-na No)@th; :t co$'- "e'' be4 as "e ha&e sometimes
s$specte-4 that the p'ace simp'1 ser&e- to ob?ecti%1 one@s $nspoken %ears an- -esires4
them perhaps "ith $nconscio$s )$ess"ork; (harin) conc'$sions an- reasonab'1 base-
con?ect$res "as one thin); ($spicions en)en-ere- b1 somethin) $nkno"n "ere 'ike'1 better
retaine- than )i&en c$rrenc1; (ti''4 that arm "as so'i- eno$)h;;;
F: to'- 1o$4G : sai-4 Fthat : ha- knocke- that arm o%% the )host o% Bene-ict; Ob&io$s'14 "e "ere
FAo$ see it then as an omen that 1o$ an- Bene-ict "i'' e&ent$a''1 be in con%'ict>G
FAo$ "ere sho"n a reason %or it4 "eren@t 1o$>G
FOka14G : sai-4 %in-in) a si)h "itho$t tr1in);
FAes; :t "as in-icate- that /ara "as in-ee- re'ate- to Bene-ictDa thin) "hich ma1 "e'' be
correct; :t is a'so <$ite possib'e4 i% it is tr$e4 that he is $na"are o% it; !here%ore4 "e keep <$iet
abo$t it $nti' "e can &eri%1 it or -isco$nt it; *n-erstoo->G
FO% co$rse; B$t ho" co$'- this thin) be>G
FE$st as she sai-;G
: no--e-;
FB1 "hom>G
F!he he''mai- "e kne" on'1 b1 rep$tationD9intra4 the 'a-1 "ho cost him his arm;G
FB$t that batt'e "as on'1 a recent thin);G
F!ime %'o"s -i%%erent'1 in -i%%erent rea'ms o% (ha-o"4 #ane'on; :n the %arther reachesD:t
"o$'- not be impossib'e;G
,e shook his hea- an- re'a.e- his )rip on the reins;
FCor"in4 : rea''1 think Bene-ict sho$'- kno" aboat this4G he sai-; F:% it is tr$e4 1o$ o$)ht to
)i&e him a chance to prepare himse'% rather than 'et him -isco&er it o% a s$--en; Ao$ peop'e are
s$ch an in%erti'e 'ot that paternit1 seems to hit 1o$ har-er than it -oes others; 9ook at 0an-om;
+or 1ears4 he ha- -iso"ne- his son4 an- no"D:@&e a %ee'in) he@- risk his 'i%e %or him;G
F(o -o :4G : sai-; FNo" %or)et the %irst part b$t carr1 the secon- one a step %arther in the case o%
FAo$ think he "o$'- take /ara@s si-e a)ainst Amber>G
F: "o$'- rather a&oi- presentin) him "ith the choice b1 not 'ettin) him kno" that it e.istsDi% it
F: think 1o$ -o him a -isser&ice; ,e is har-'1 an emotiona' in%ant; #et ho'- o% him on the !r$mp
an- te'' him 1o$r s$spicions; !hat "a14 at 'east4 he can be thinkin) abo$t it4 rather than ha&e him
risk some s$--en con%rontation $nprepare-;G
F,e "o$'- not be'ie&e me; Ao$ ha&e seen ho" he )ets "hene&er : mention /ara;G
F!hat in itse'% ma1 sa1 somethin); Possib'1 he s$spects "hat mi)ht ha&e happene- an- re?ects it
so &ehement'1 beca$se he "o$'- ha&e it other"ise;G
F0i)ht no" it "o$'- ?$st "i-en a ri%t : am tr1in) to hea';G
FAo$r ho'-in) back on him no" ma1 ser&e to r$pt$re it comp'ete'1 "hen he %in-s o$t;G
FNo; : be'ie&e : kno" m1 brother better than 1o$ -o;G
,e re'ease- the reins;
F7er1 "e''4G he sai-; F: hope 1o$ are ri)ht;G
: -i- not ans"er4 b$t starte- +ire-rake to mo&in) once more; !here "as an $nspoken
$n-erstan-in) bet"een $s that #ane'on co$'- ask me an1thin) he "ante-4 an- it a'so "ent
"itho$t sa1in) that : "o$'- 'isten to an1 a-&ice he ha- to o%%er me; !his "as part'1 beca$se his
position "as $ni<$e; =e "ere not re'ate-; ,e "as no Amberite; !he str$))'es an- prob'ems o%
Amber "ere his on'1 b1 choice; =e ha- been %rien-s an- then enemies 'on) a)o4 an- %ina''14
more recent'14 %rien-s a)ain an- a''ies in a batt'e in his a-opte- 'an-; !hat matter conc'$-e-4 he
ha- aske- to come "ith me4 to he'p me -ea' "ith m1 o"n a%%airs an- those o% Amber; As : sa" it4
he o"e- me nothin) no"4 nor : himDi% one keeps a scoreboar- ta''1 on s$ch matters; !here%ore4
it "as %rien-ship a'one that bo$n- $s4 a stron)er thin) than b1)one -ebts an- points o% honor8 in
other "or-s4 a thin) "hich )a&e him the ri)ht to b$) me on matters s$ch as this4 "here : mi)ht
ha&e to'- e&en 0an-om to )o to he'' once : ha- ma-e $p m1 min-; : rea'i6e- : sho$'- not be
irritate- "hen e&er1thin) that he sai- "as ten-ere- in )oo- %aith; Bost 'ike'1 it "as an o'-
mi'itar1 %ee'in)4 )oin) back to o$r ear'iest re'ationship as "e'' as bein) tie- in "ith the present
state o% a%%airs8 : -o not 'ike ha&in) m1 -ecisions an- or-ers <$estione-; Probab'14 : -eci-e-4 :
"as irritate- e&en more b1 the %act that he ha- ma-e some shre"- )$esses o% 'ate4 an- some
%air'1 so$n- s$))estions base- $pon themDthin)s : %e't : o$)ht to ha&e ca$)ht m1se'%; No one
'ikes to a-mit to a resentment base- on somethin) 'ike that; (ti'';;;"as that a''> A simp'e
pro?ection o% -issatis%action o&er a %e" instances o% persona' ina-e<$ac1> An o'- arm1 re%'e. as
to the sanctit1 o% m1 -ecisions> Or "as it somethin) -eeper that ha- been botherin) me an- "as
?$st no" comin) to the s$r%ace>
FCor"in4G #ane'on sai-4 F:@&e been -oin) some thinkin);;;G
: si)he-;
F;;;abo$t 0an-om@s son; !he "a1 1o$r cro"- hea's4 : s$ppose it is possib'e that he mi)ht ha&e
s$r&i&e- an- sti'' be abo$t;G
F: "o$'- 'ike to think so;G
F/o not be too hast1;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F: )ather he ha- &er1 'itt'e contact "ith Amber an- the rest o% the %ami'14 )ro"in) $p in 0ebma
the "a1 that he -i-;G
F!hat is the "a1 : $n-erstan- it4 too;G
F:n %act4 o$tsi-e o% Bene-ict 9'e"e''a4 back in 0ebmaDthe on'1 other one he apparent'1 ha-
contact "ith "o$'- ha&e been the one "ho stabbe- himDB'e1s4 Bran-4 or +iona; :t has occ$rre-
to me that he probab'1 has a prett1 -istorte- &ie" o% the %ami'1;G
F/istorte-4G : sai-4 Fb$t ma1be not $n"arrante-4 i% : see "hat 1o$ are )ettin) at;G
F: think 1o$ -o; :t seems concei&ab'e that he is not on'1 a%rai- o% the %ami'14 b$t ma1 ha&e it in
%or the 'ot o% 1o$;G
F:t is possib'e4G : sai-;
F/o 1o$ think he co$'- ha&e thro"n in "ith the enem1>G
: shook m1 hea-;
FNot i% he kno"s the1 are the too's o% the cro"- that trie- to ki'' him;G
FB$t are the1> : "on-er;;;> Ao$ sa1 Bran- )ot scare- an- trie- to back o$t o% "hate&er
arran)ement the1 ha- "ith the b'ack roa- )an); :% the1 are that stron)4 : "on-er "hether +iona
an- B'e1s mi)ht not ha&e become their too's> :% this "ere the case4 : co$'- see Bartin an)'in)
%or somethin) "hich )a&e him po"er o&er them;G
F!oo e'aborate a str$ct$re o% )$esses4G : sai-;
F!he enem1 seems to kno" a 'ot abo$t 1o$;G
F!r$e4 b$t the1 ha- a co$p'e traitors to )i&e them 'essons;G
FCo$'- the1 ha&e )i&en them e&er1thin) 1o$ sa1 /ara kne">G
F!hat is a )oo- point4G : sai-4 Fb$t it is har- to sa1;G
2.cept %or the b$siness abo$t the !ec1s4 "hich occ$rre- to me imme-iate'1; : -eci-e- to keep
that to m1se'% %or the moment tho$)h4 to %in- o$t "hat he "as 'ea-in) $p to4 rather than )oin)
o%% on a tan)ent; (o4 FBartin "as har-'1 in a position to te'' them m$ch abo$t Amber4G : sai-;
#ane'on "as si'ent %or a moment; !hen4 F,a&e 1o$ ha- a chance to check on the b$siness :
aske- 1o$ abo$t that ni)ht at 1o$r tomb>G he sai-;
F=hat b$siness>G
F=hether the !r$mps co$'- be b$))e-4G he sai-; FNo" that "e kno" Bartin ha- a -eck;;;G
:t "as m1 t$rn to be si'ent "hi'e a sma'' %ami'1 o% moments crosse- m1 path4 sin)'e %i'e4 %rom
the 'e%t4 stickin) their ton)$es o$t at me;
FNo4G : sai- then; F: ha&en@t ha- a chance;G
=e procee-e- on %or <$ite a -istance be%ore he sai-4 FCor"in4 the ni)ht 1o$ bro$)ht Bran-
FAo$ sa1 1o$ acco$nte- %or e&er1one 'ater4 in tr1in) to %i)$re o$t "ho it "as that stabbe- 1o$4
an- that an1 o% them "o$'- ha&e been har- p$t to p$'' the st$nt in the time in&o'&e-;G
FOh4G : sai-4 Fan- oh;G
,e no--e-;
FNo" 1o$ ha&e another re'ati&e to think abo$t; ,e ma1 'ack the %ami'1 %inesse on'1 beca$se he
is 1o$n) an- $npractice-;G
(ittin) there in m1 min-4 : )est$re- back at the si'ent para-e o% moments that crosse- bet"een
Amber an- then;
(he aske- "ho it "as "hen : knocke- an- : to'- her;
FE$st a moment;G
: hear- her %ootsteps an- then the -oor s"$n) in; 7ia''e is on'1 a 'itt'e o&er %i&e %eet ta'' an-
<$ite s'im; Br$nette4 %ine-%eat$re-4 &er1 so%t-spoken; (he "as "earin) re-; ,er si)ht'ess e1es
'ooke- thro$)h me4 remin-in) me o% -arkness past4 o% pain;
F0an-om4G : sai-4 Faske- me to te'' 1o$ that he "o$'- be -e'a1e- a 'itt'e 'on)er4 b$t that there
"as nothin) to "orr1 abo$t;G
FP'ease come in4G she sai-4 steppin) asi-e an- -ra"in) the -oor the rest o% the "a1 open;
: -i-; : -i- not "ant to4 b$t : -i-; : ha- not inten-e- to take 0an-om@s re<$est 'itera''1Dthat :
te'' her "hat ha- happene- an- "here he ha- )one; : ha- meant simp'1 to te'' her "hat : ha-
a'rea-1 sai-4 nothin) more; :t "as not $nti' "e ha- ri--en o$r separate "a1s that : rea'i6e-
e.act'1 "hat 0an-om@s re<$est ha- amo$nte- to8 ,e ha- ?$st aske- me to )o te'' bis "i%e4 to
"hom : ha- ne&er spoken more than ha'% a -o6en "or-s4 that he ha- taken o%% to )o 'ookin) %or
his i''e)itimate sonDthe 'a- "hose mother4 Bor)anthe4 ha- committe- s$ici-e4 a thin) %or "hich
0an-om ha- been p$nishe- b1 bein) %orce- to marr1 7ia''e; !he %act that the marria)e ha-
someho" "orke- bea$ti%$''1 "as somethin) "hich sti'' ama6e- me; : ha- no -esire to -ispense a
'oa- o% a"k"ar- ti-in)s4 an- as : mo&e- into the room : so$)ht a'ternati&es;
: passe- a b$st o% 0an-om set on a hi)h she'% on the "a'' to m1 'e%t; : ha- act$a''1 )one b1
be%ore it re)istere- that m1 brother "as in-ee- the s$b?ect; Across the room4 : sa" her
"orkbench; !$rnin) back4 : st$-ie- the b$st;
F: -i- not rea'i6e that 1o$ sc$'pte-4G : sai-;
Castin) m1 )a6e abo$t the apartment4 : <$ick'1 'ocate- other e.amp'es o% her "ork; FM$ite
)oo-4G : sai-;
F!hank 1o$; =on@t 1o$ sit -o"n>G
: 'o"ere- m1se'% into a 'ar)e4 hi)h-arme- chair4 "hich pro&e- more com%ortab'e than it ha-
'ooke-; (he seate- herse'% on a 'o" -i&an to m1 ri)ht4 c$r'in) her 'e)s beneath her;
FBa1 : )et 1o$ somethin) to eat4 or to -rink>G
FNo thanks; : can on'1 sta1 a short "hi'e; =hat it is4 is that 0an-om4 #ane'on4 an- : ha- )otten
a bit si-etracke- on the "a1 home4 an- a%ter that -e'a1 "e met "ith Bene-ict %or a time; !he
$pshot o% it "as that 0an-om an- Bene-ict ha- to make another sma'' ?o$rne1;G
F,o" 'on) "i'' he be a"a1>G
FProbab'1 o&erni)ht; Ba1be a bit 'on)er; :% it is )oin) to be m$ch 'on)er he "i'' probab'1 ca''
back on someone@s !r$mp4 an- "e@'' 'et 1o$ kno";G
B1 si-e be)an to throb an- : reste- m1 han- $pon it4 massa)in) it )ent'1;
F0an-om has to'- me man1 thin)s abo$t 1o$4G she sai-;
: ch$ck'e-;
FAre 1o$ certain 1o$ "o$'- not care %or somethin) to eat> :t "o$'- be no tro$b'e;G
F/i- he te'' 1o$ that : am a'"a1s h$n)r1>G
(he 'a$)he-;
FNo; B$t i% 1o$ ha&e been as acti&e as 1o$ sa14 : "o$'- )$ess that 1o$ -i- not take time %or
F:n that 1o$ "o$'- be on'1 ha'%-correct; A'' ri)ht; :% 1o$@&e a spare piece o% brea- '1in) abo$t it
mi)ht -o me some )oo- to )na" on it;G
F+ine; E$st a moment;G
(he rose an- -eparte- into the ne.t room; : took the opport$nit1 to scratch hearti'1 a'' abo$t m1
"o$n- "here it "as s$--en'1 itchin) %it to ki''; : ha- accepte- her hospita'it1 part'1 %or this
reason an- part'1 beca$se o% the rea'i6ation that : act$a''1 "as h$n)r1; On'1 a 'itt'e 'ater it str$ck
me that she co$'- not ha&e seen me attackin) m1 si-e as : "as; ,er s$re mo&ements4 her
con%i-ent manner4 ha- re'a.e- m1 a"areness o% her b'in-ness; #oo-; :t p'ease- me that she "as
ab'e to carr1 it so "e'';
: hear- her h$mmin) a t$ne8 F!he Ba''a- o% the =ater Crossers4G the son) o% Amber@s )reat
merchant na&1; Amber is not note- %or man$%act$re4 an- a)ric$'t$re has ne&er been o$r %orte;
B$t o$r ships sai' the sha-o"s4 p'1in) bet"een an1"here an- an1"here4 -ea'in) in an1thin);
E$st abo$t e&er1 ma'e Amberite4 nob'e or other"ise4 spen-s some time in the %'eet; !hose o% the
b'oo- 'ai- -o"n the tra-e ro$tes 'on) a)o that other &esse's mi)ht %o''o"4 the seas o% a -o$b'e
-o6en "or'-s in e&er1 captain@s hea-; : ha- assiste- in this in times )one b14 an- tho$)h m1
in&o'&ement ha- ne&er been so -eep as #erar-@s or Caine@s4 : ha- been mi)hti'1 mo&e- b1 the
%orces o% the -eep an- the spirit o% the men "ho crosse- it;
A%ter a "hi'e4 7ia''e came in bearin) a tra1 hea&1 "ith brea-4 meat4 cheese4 %r$it4 an- a %'ask o%
"ine; (he set it $pon a tab'e near at han-;
FAo$ mean to %ee- a re)iment>G : aske-;
FBest to be sa%e;G
F!hanks; =on@t 1o$ ?oin me>G
FA piece o% %r$it4 perhaps4G she sai-;
,er %in)ers so$)ht %or a secon-4 'ocate- an app'e; (he ret$rne- to the -i&an;
F0an-om te''s me 1o$ "rote that son)4G she sai-;
F!hat "as a &er1 'on) time a)o4 7ia''e;G
F,a&e 1o$ compose- an1 recent'1>G
: be)an to shake m1 hea-4 ca$)ht m1se'%4 sai-4 FNo; !hat part o% me is;;;; restin);G
FPit1; :t is 'o&e'1;G
F0an-om is the rea' m$sician in the %ami'1;G
FAes4 he is &er1 )oo-; B$t per%ormance an- composition are t"o -i%%erent thin)s;G
F!r$e; One -a1 "hen thin)s ha&e ease- $p;;;!e'' me4 are 1o$ happ1 here in Amber> :s
e&er1thin) to 1o$r 'ikin)> :s there an1thin) that 1o$ nee->G
(he smi'e-;
FA'' that : nee- is 0an-om; ,e is a )oo- man;G
: "as stran)e'1 mo&e- to hear her speak o% him in this %ashion;
F!hen : am happ1 %or 1o$4G : sai-; An-4 FAo$n)er4 sma''er;;;he mi)ht ha&e ha- it a bit ro$)her
than the rest o% $s4G : "ent on; FNothin) <$ite as $se'ess as another prince "hen there is a'rea-1
a cro"- o% them abo$t; : "as as )$i't1 as the rest; B'e1s an- : once stran-e- him %or t"o -a1s on
an is'et to the so$th o% here;;;G
F;;;An- #erar- "ent an- )ot him "hen he 'earne- o% it4G she sai-; FAes4 he to'- me; :t m$st
bother 1o$ i% 1o$ remember it a%ter a'' this time;G
F:t m$st ha&e ma-e an impression on him4 too;G
FNo4 he %or)a&e 1o$ 'on) a)o; ,e to'- it as a ?oke; A'so4 he -ro&e a spike thro$)h the hee' o%
1o$r boot-pierce- 1o$r %oot "hen 1o$ p$t it on;G
F!hen it "as 0an-omI :@'' be -amne-I : ha- a'"a1s b'ame- E$'ian %or that one;G
F!hat one bothers 0an-om;G
F,o" 'on) a)o a'' o% this "as;;;G : sai-;
: shook m1 hea- an- contin$e- eatin); ,$n)er sei6e- me an- she )a&e me se&era' min$tes o%
si'ence in "hich to )et the $pper han- on it; =hen : ha-4 : %e't compe''e- to sa1 somethin);
F!hat is better; B$ch better4G : be)an; F:t "as a pec$'iar an- tr1in) ni)ht that : spent in the
F/i- 1o$ recei&e omens o% a $se%$' nat$re>G
F: -o not kno" ho" $se%$' the1 mi)ht pro&e; On the other han-4 : s$ppose :@- rather ha&e ha-
them than not; ,a&e there been an1 interestin) happenin)s hereabo$ts>G
FA ser&ant te''s me 1o$r brother Bran- contin$es to ra''1; ,e ate "e'' this mornin)4 "hich is
F!r$e4G : sai-; F!r$e; :t "o$'- seem he is o$t o% -an)er;G
F9ike'1; :tDit is a terrib'e series o% happenin)s to "hich 1o$ ha&e a'' been s$b?ecte-; : am sorr1;
: "as hopin) 1o$ mi)ht obtain some in-ication o% an $pt$rn in 1o$r a%%airs -$rin) the ni)ht 1o$
spent in !ir-na No)@th;G
F:t -oes not matter4G : sai-; F: am not that s$re o% the &a'$e o% the thin);G
F!hen "h1DOh;G
: st$-ie- her "ith rene"e- interest; ,er %ace sti'' betra1e- nothin)4 b$t her ri)ht han- t"itche-4
tappin) an- p'$ckin) at the materia' o% the -i&an; !hen4 as "ith a s$--en a"areness o% its
e'o<$ence4 she sti''e- it; (he "as ob&io$s'1 a person "ho ha- ans"ere- her o"n <$estion an-
"ishe- no" she ha- -one it in si'ence;
FAes4G : sai-4 F: "as sta''in); Ao$ are a"are o% m1 in?$r1;G
(he no--e-;
F: am not an)r1 "ith 0an-om %or ha&in) to'- 1o$4G : sai-; F,is ?$-)ment has a'"a1s been ac$te
an- )eare- to -e%ense; : see no reason not to re'1 on it m1se'%; : m$st in<$ire as to ho" m$ch he
has to'- 1o$4 ho"e&er4 both %or 1o$r o"n sa%et1 an- m1 peace o% min-; +or there are thin)s :
s$spect b$t ha&e not 1et spoken;G
F: $n-erstan-; :t is -i%%ic$'t to assess a ne)ati&eDthe thin)s he mi)ht ha&e 'e%t o$t4 : meanDb$t
he te''s me most thin)s; : kno" 1o$r stor1 an- most o% the others; ,e keeps me a"are o% e&ents4
s$spicions4 con?ect$res;G
F!hank 1o$4G : sai-4 takin) a sip o%; the "ine; F:t makes it easier %or me to speak then4 seein)
ho" thin)s are "ith 1o$; : am )oin) to te'' 1o$ e&er1thin) that happene- %rom break%ast ti''
(o : -i-;
(he smi'e- occasiona''1 as : spoke4 b$t she -i- not interr$pt; =hen : ha- %inishe-4 she aske-4
FAo$ tho$)ht that mention o% Bartin "o$'- $pset me>G
F:t seeme- possib'e4G : to'- her;
FNo4G she sai-; FAo$ see4 : kne" Bartin in 0ebma4 "hen he "as b$t a sma'' bo1; : "as there
"hi'e he "as )ro"in) $p; : 'ike- him then; 2&en i% he "ere not 0an-om@s son he "o$'- sti'' be
-ear to me; : can on'1 be p'ease- "ith 0an-om@s concern an- hope that it has come in time to
bene%it them both;G
: shook m1 hea-;
F: -o not meet peop'e 'ike 1o$ too o%ten4G : sai-; F: am )'a- that : %ina''1 ha&e;G
(he 'a$)he-4 then sai-4 FAo$ "ere "itho$t si)ht %or a 'on) "hi'e;G
F:t can embitter a person4 or it can )i&e him a )reater ?o1 in those thin)s "hich he -oes ha&e;G
: -i- not ha&e to think back o&er m1 %ee'in)s %rom those -a1s o% b'in-ness to kno" that : "as a
person o% the %irst sort4 e&en -isco$ntin) the circ$mstances $n-er "hich : ha- s$%%ere- it; : am
sorr14 b$t that is the "a1 that : am4 an- : am sorr1;
F!r$e4G : sai-; FAo$ are %ort$nate;G
F:t is rea''1 on'1 a state o% min-Da thin) a 9or- o% (ha-o" can easi'1 appreciate;G
(he rose;
F: ha&e a'"a1s "on-ere- as to 1o$r appearance4G she sai-; F0an-om has -escribe- 1o$4 b$t that
is -i%%erent; Ba1 :>G
FO% co$rse;G
(he approache- an- p'ace- her %in)er tips $pon m1 %ace; /e'icate'14 she trace- m1 %eat$res;
FAes4G she sai-4 F1o$ are m$ch as : ha- tho$)ht 1o$ "o$'- be; An- : %ee' the tension in 1o$; :t
has been there %or a 'on) "hi'e4 has it not>G
F:n some %orm or other4 : s$ppose4 e&er since m1 ret$rn to Amber;G
F: "on-er4G she sai-4 F"hether 1o$ mi)ht ha&e been happier be%ore 1o$ re)aine- 1o$r memor1;G
F:t is one o% those impossib'e <$estions4G : sai-; F: mi)ht a'so be -ea- i% : ha- not; B$t p$ttin)
that part asi-e %or a moment4 in those times there "as sti'' a thin) that -ro&e me4 that tro$b'e- me
e&er1 -a1; : "as constant'1 'ookin) %or "a1s to -isco&er "ho : rea''1 "as4 "hat : "as;G
FB$t "ere 1o$ happier4 or 'ess happ14 than 1o$ are no">G
FNeither4G : sai-; F!hin)s ba'ance o$t; :t is4 as 1o$ s$))este-4 a state o% min-; An- e&en i% it
"ere not so4 : co$'- ne&er )o back to that other 'i%e4 no" that : kno" "ho : am4 no" that : ha&e
%o$n- Amber;G
F=h1 not>G
F=h1 -o 1o$ ask me these thin)s>G
F: "ant to $n-erstan- 1o$4G she sai-; F2&er since : %irst hear- o% 1o$ back in 0ebma4 e&en
be%ore 0an-om to'- me stories4 : "on-ere- "hat it "as that -ro&e 1o$; No" :@&e the opport$nit1
Dno ri)ht4 o% co$rse4 ?$st the opport$nit1D: %e't it "orth speakin) o$t o% t$rn an- or-er be1on-
m1 station simp'1 to ask 1o$;G
A ha'%-ch$ck'e ca$)ht me;
F+air'1 taken4G : sai-; F: "i'' see "hether : can be honest; ,atre- -ro&e me at %irstDhatre- %or
m1 brother 2ric m1 -esire %or the throne; ,a- 1o$ aske- me on m1 ret$rn "hich "as the
stron)er4 : "o$'- ha&e sai- that it "as the s$mmons o% the throne; No"4 tho$)h;;;no" : "o$'-
ha&e to a-mit that it "as act$a''1 the other "a1 aro$n-; : ha- not rea'i6e- it $nti' this moment4
b$t it is tr$e; B$t 2ric is -ea- an- there is nothin) 'e%t o% "hat : %e't then; !he throne remains4 b$t
no" : %in- that m1 %ee'in)s to"ar- it are mi.e-; !here is a possibi'it1 that none o% $s has a ri)ht
to it $n-er present circ$mstances4 an- e&en i% a'' %ami'1 ob?ections "ere remo&e- : "o$'- not
take it at this time; : "o$'- ha&e to see stabi'it1 restore- to the rea'm an- a n$mber o% <$estions
ans"ere- %irst;G
F2&en i% these thin)s sho"e- that 1o$ ma1 not ha&e the throne>G
F2&en so;G
F!hen : be)in to $n-erstan-;G
F=hat> =hat is there to $n-erstan->G
F9or- Cor"in4 m1 kno"'e-)e o% the phi'osophica' basis o% these thin)s is 'imite-4 b$t it is m1
$n-erstan-in) that 1o$ are ab'e to %in- an1thin) 1o$ "ish "ithin (ha-o"; !his has tro$b'e- me
%or a 'on) "hi'e4 an- : ne&er %$''1 $n-erstoo- 0an-om@s e.p'anations; :% 1o$ "ishe-4 co$'- not
each o% 1o$ "a'k in (ha-o" an- %in- 1o$rse'% another AmberD'ike this one in a'' respects4 sa&e
that 1o$ r$'e- there or en?o1e- "hate&er other stat$s 1o$ mi)ht -esire>G
FAes4 "e can 'ocate s$ch p'aces4G : sai-;
F!hen "h1 is this not -one4 to ha&e an en- o% stri%e>G
F:t is beca$se a p'ace co$'- be %o$n- "hich seeme- to be the sameDb$t that "o$'- be a''; =e
are a part o% this Amber as s$re'1 as it is a part o% $s; An1 sha-o" o% Amber "o$'- ha&e to be
pop$'ate- "ith sha-o"s o% o$rse'&es to seem "orth "hi'e; =e co$'- e&en e.cept the sha-o" o%
o$r o"n person sho$'- "e choose to mo&e into a rea-1 rea'm; ,o"e&er4 the sha-o" %o'k "o$'-
not be e.act'1 'ike the other peop'e here; A sha-o" is ne&er precise'1 'ike that "hich casts it;
!hese 'itt'e -i%%erences a-- $p; !he1 are act$a''1 "orse than ma?or ones; :t "o$'- amo$nt to
enterin) a nation o% stran)ers; !he best m$n-ane comparison "hich occ$rs to me is an enco$nter
"ith a person "ho stron)'1 resemb'es another person 1o$ kno"; Ao$ keep e.pectin) him to act
'ike 1o$r ac<$aintanceC "orse 1et4 1o$ ha&e a ten-enc1 to act to"ar- him as 1o$ "o$'- to"ar-
that other; Ao$ %ace him "ith a certain mask an- his responses are not appropriate; :t is an
$ncom%ortab'e %ee'in); : ne&er en?o1 meetin) peop'e "ho remin- me o% other peop'e; Persona'it1
is the one thin) "e cannot contro' in o$r manip$'ations o% (ha-o"; :n %act4 it is the means b1
"hich "e can te'' one another %rom sha-o"s o% o$rse'&es; !his is "h1 +'ora co$'- not -eci-e
abo$t me %or so 'on)4 back on the sha-o" 2arth8 m1 ne" persona'it1 "as s$%%icient'1 -i%%erent;G
F: be)in to $n-erstan-4G she sai-; F:t is not ?$st Amber %or 1o$; :t is the p'ace p'$s e&er1thin)
F!he p'ace p'$s e&er1thin) e'se;;;!hat is Amber4G : a)ree-;
FAo$ sa1 that 1o$r hate -ie- "ith 2ric an- 1o$r -esire %or the throne has been tempere- b1 the
consi-eration o% ne" thin)s 1o$ ha&e 'earne-;G
F!hat is so;G
F!hen : think : -o $n-erstan- "hat it is that mo&es 1o$;G
F!he -esire %or stabi'it1 mo&es me4G : sai-4 Fan- somethin) o% c$riosit1 re&en)e on o$r
F/$t14G she sai-; FO% co$rse;G
: snorte-;
F:t "o$'- be com%ortin) to p$t s$ch a %ace on it4G : sai-; FAs it is4 ho"e&er4 : "i'' not be a
h1pocrite; : am har-'1 a -$ti%$' son o% Amber or o% Oberon;G
FAo$r &oice makes it p'ain that 1o$ -o not "ish to be consi-ere- one;G
: c'ose- m1 e1es4 c'ose- them to ?oin her in -arkness4 to reca'' %or a brie% "hi'e the "or'- "here
other messa)es than 'i)ht "a&es took prece-ence; : kne" then that she ha- been ri)ht abo$t m1
&oice; =h1 ha- : tro--en so hea&i'1 on the i-ea o% -$t1 as soon as it "as s$))este-> : 'ike cre-it
%or bein) )oo- an- c'ean an- nob'e an- hi)h-min-e- "hen : ha&e it comin)4 e&en sometimes
"hen : -o notDthe same as the ne.t person; =hat bothere- me abo$t the notion o% -$t1 to
Amber> Nothin); =hat "as it then> /a-;
: no 'on)er o"e- him an1thin)4 'east o% a'' -$t1; *'timate'14 he "as responsib'e %or the present
state o% a%%airs; ,e ha- %athere- a )reat broo- o% $s "itho$t pro&i-in) %or a proper s$ccession4 he
ha- been 'ess than kin- to a'' o% o$r mothers an- he then e.pecte- o$r -e&otion an- s$pport; ,e
p'a1e- %a&orites an-4 in %act4 it e&en seeme- he p'a1e- $s o%% a)ainst one another; ,e then )ot
s$ckere- into somethin) he co$'- not han-'e an- 'e%t the kin)-om in a mess; (i)m$n- +re$- ha-
'on) a)o anestheti6e- me to an1 norma'4 )enera'i6e- %ee'in)s o% resentment "hich mi)ht operate
"ithin the %ami'1 $nit; : ha&e no <$arre' on those )ro$n-s; +acts are another matter; : -i- not
-is'ike m1 %ather simp'1 beca$se he ha- )i&en me no reason to 'ike himC in tr$th4 it seeme- that
he ha- 'abore- in the other -irection; 2no$)h; : rea'i6e- "hat it "as that bothere- me abo$t the
notion o% -$t18 its ob?ect;
FAo$ are ri)ht4G : sai-4 openin) m1 e1es4 re)ar-in) her4 Fan- : am )'a- that 1o$ to'- me o% it;G
: rose;
F#i&e me 1o$r han-4G : sai-;
(he e.ten-e- her ri)ht han- an- : raise- it to m1 'ips;
F!hank 1o$4G : sai-; F:t "as a )oo- '$nch;G
: t$rne- an- ma-e m1 "a1 to the -oor; =hen : 'ooke- back she ha- b'$she- an- "as smi'in)4
her han- sti'' part'1 raise-4 an- : be)an to $n-erstan- the chan)e in 0an-om;
F#oo- '$ck to 1o$4G she sai-4 the moment m1 %ootsteps cease-;
F;;;An- 1o$4G : sai-4 an- "ent o$t <$ick'1;
: ha- been p'annin) to see Bran- ne.t4 b$t ?$st co$'- not brin) m1se'% to -o it; +or one thin)4 :
-i- not "ant to enco$nter him "ith m1 "its -$''e- b1 %ati)$e; +or another4 ta'kin) "ith 7ia''e
"as the %irst p'easant thin) "hich ha- happene- to me in some time4 an- ?$st this once : "as
)oin) to <$it "hi'e : "as ahea-;
: mo$nte- the stairs an- "a'ke- the corri-or to m1 room4 thinkin)4 o% co$rse4 o% the ni)ht o% the
kni%in)s as : %itte- m1 ne" ke1 to m1 ne" 'ock; :n m1 be-chamber4 : -re" the -rapes a)ainst the
a%ternoon@s 'i)ht4 $n-resse-4 an- )ot into be-; As on other occasions o% rest a%ter stress "ith more
stress pen-in)4 s'eep e'$-e- me %or a time; +or a 'on) "hi'e : tosse- an- t"iste-4 re'i&in) e&ents
o% the past se&era' -a1s an- some %rom e&en %arther back; =hen %ina''1 : s'ept4 m1 -reams "ere
an ama')am o% the same materia'4 inc'$-in) a spe'' in m1 o'- ce''4 scrapin) a"a1 at the -oor;
:t "as -ark "hen : a"oke an- : act$a''1 %e't reste-; !he tension )one o$t o% me4 m1 re&erie "as
m$ch more peace%$'; :n %act4 there "as a tin1 char)e o% p'easant e.citement -ancin) thro$)h the
back o% m1 hea-; :t "as a tip-o%-the-ton)$e imperati&e4 a b$rie- notion thatDAesI
: sat $p; : reache- %or m1 c'othes4 be)an to -ress; : b$ck'e- on #ra1s"an-ir; : %o'-e- a b'anket
an- t$cke- it $n-er m1 arm; O% co$rse;;;
B1 min- %e't c'ear an- m1 si-e ha- stoppe- throbbin); : ha- no i-ea ho" 'on) : ha- s'ept4 an- it
"as har-'1 "orth checkin) at this point; : ha- somethin) %ar more important to 'ook into4
somethin) "hich sho$'- ha&e occ$rre- to me a 'on) "hi'e a)oDha- occ$rre-4 as a matter o%
%act; : ha- act$a''1 been starin) ri)ht at it once4 b$t the cr$sh o% time an- e&ents ha- )ro$n- it
%rom m1 min-; *nti' no";
: 'ocke- m1 room behin- me an- hea-e- %or the stairs; Can-'es %'ickere-4 an- the %a-e- sta)
"ho ha- been -1in) %or cent$ries on the tapestr1 to m1 ri)ht 'ooke- back on the %a-e- -o)s "ho
ha- been p$rs$in) him %or appro.imate'1 as 'on); (ometimes m1 s1mpathies are "ith the sta)C
$s$a''1 tho$)h4 : am a'' -o); ,a&e to ha&e the thin) restore- one o% these -a1s;
!he stairs an- -o"n; No so$n-s %rom be'o"; 9ate4 then; #oo-; Another -a1 an- "e@re sti'' a'i&e;
Ba1be e&en a tri%'e "iser; =ise eno$)h to rea'i6e there are man1 more thin)s "e sti'' nee- to
kno"; ,ope4 tho$)h; !here@s that; A thin) : 'acke- "hen : s<$atte- in that -amne- ce''4 han-s
presse- a)ainst m1 r$ine- e1es4 ho"'in); 7ia''e;;;: "ish : co$'- ha&e spoken "ith 1o$ %or a %e"
moments in those -a1s; B$t : 'earne- "hat : 'earne- in a nast1 schoo'4 an- e&en a mi'-er
c$rric$'$m "o$'- probab'1 not ha&e )i&en me 1o$r )race; (ti'';;;har- to sa1; : ha&e a'"a1s %e't :
am more -o) than sta)4 more h$nter than &ictim; 1o$ mi)ht ha&e ta$)ht me somethin) that
"o$'- ha&e b'$nte- the bitterness4 tempere- the hate; B$t "o$'- that ha&e been %or the best> !he
hate -ie- "ith its ob?ect an- the bitterness4 too4 has passe-Db$t 'ookin) back4 : "on-er "hether
: "o$'- ha&e ma-e it "itho$t them to s$stain me; : am not at a'' certain that : "o$'- ha&e
s$r&i&e- m1 internment "itho$t m1 $)'1 companions to -ra) me back to 'i%e an- sanit1 time an-
a)ain; No" : can a%%or- the '$.$r1 o% an occasiona' sta) tho$)ht4 b$t then it mi)ht ha&e been
%ata'; : -o not tr$'1 kno"4 kin- 'a-14 an- : -o$bt that : e&er "i'';
(ti''ness on the secon- %'oor; A %e" noises %rom be'o"; ('eep "e''4 'a-1; Aro$n-4 an- -o"n
a)ain; : "on-ere- "hether 0an-om ha- $nco&ere- an1thin) o% )reat moment; Probab'1 not4 or
he or Bene-ict sho$'- ha&e contacte- me b1 no"; *n'ess there "as tro$b'e; B$t no; :t is
ri-ic$'o$s to shop %or "orries; !he rea' thin) makes itse'% %e't in -$e co$rse4 an- :@- more than
eno$)h to )o aro$n-; !he )ro$n- %'oor;
F=i''4G : sai-4 an-4 F0o'%;G
F9or- Cor"in;G
!he t"o )$ar-s ha- ass$me- pro%essiona' stances on hearin) m1 %ootsteps;!heir %aces to'- me
that a'' "as "e''4 b$t : aske- %or the sake o% %orm;
FM$iet4 9or-; M$iet4G rep'ie- the senior;
F7er1 )oo-4G : sai-4 an- : contin$e- on4 enterin) an- crossin) the marb'e -inin) ha'';
:t "o$'- "ork4 : "as s$re o% that4 i% time an- moist$re ha- not tota''1 e%%ace- it; An- then;;;
: entere- the 'on) corri-or4 "here the -$st1 "a''s presse- c'ose on either si-e; /arkness4
sha-o"s4 m1 %ootsteps;;;
: came to the -oor at the en-4 opene- it4 steppe- o$t onto the p'at%orm; !hen -o"n once more4
that spira'in) "a14 a 'i)ht here4 a 'i)ht there4 into the ca&erns o% 3o'&ir; 0an-om ha- been ri)ht4 :
-eci-e- then; :% 1o$ ha- )o$)e- o$t e&er1thin)4 -o"n to the 'e&e' o% that -istant %'oor4 there
"o$'- be a c'ose correspon-ence bet"een "hat "as 'e%t an- the p'ace o% that prima' Pattern "e
ha- &isite- this mornin);
;;;On -o"n; !"istin) an- "in-in) thro$)h the )'oom; !he torch an- 'antern-'it )$ar- station "as
theatrica''1 stark "ithin it; : reache- the %'oor an- hea-e- that "a1;
F#oo- e&enin); 9or- Cor"in4G sai- the 'ean4 ca-a&ero$s %i)$re "ho reste- a)ainst a stora)e
rack4 smokin) his pipe4 )rinnin) aro$n- it;
F#oo- e&enin)4 0o)er; ,o" are thin)s in the nether "or'->G
FA rat4 a bat4 a spi-er; Nothin) m$ch e'se astir; Peace%$';G
FAo$ en?o1 this -$t1>G
,e no--e-;
F: am "ritin) a phi'osophica' romance shot thro$)h "ith e'ements o% horror an- morbi-it1; :
"ork on those parts -o"n here;G
F+ittin)4 %ittin)4G : sai-;
F:@'' be nee-in) a 'antern;G
,e took one %rom the rack4 bro$)ht it to %'ame %rom his can-'e;
F=i'' it ha&e a happ1 en-in)>G : in<$ire-;
,e shr$))e-;
F:@'' be happ1;G
F: mean4 -oes )oo- tri$mph an- hero be- heroine> Or -o 1o$ ki'' e&er1bo-1 o%%>G
F!hat@s har-'1 %air4G he sai-;
FNe&er min-; Ba1be :@'' rea- it one -a1;G
FBa1be4G he sai-;
: took the 'antern an- t$rne- a"a14 hea-in) in a -irection : ha- not taken in a 'on) "hi'e; :
-isco&ere- that : co$'- sti'' meas$re the echoes in m1 min-;
Be%ore too 'on)4 : neare- the "a''4 si)hte- the proper corri-or4 entere- it; :t "as simp'1 a matter
o% co$ntin) m1 paces then; B1 %eet kne" the "a1;
!he -oor to m1 o'- ce'' stoo- part'1 a?ar; : set -o"n the 'antern an- $se- both han-s to open it
%$''1; :t )a&e "a1 )r$-)in)'14 moanin) as it mo&e-; !hen : raise- the 'antern4 he'- it hi)h4 an-
B1 %'esh tin)'e- an- m1 stomach c'enche- itse'% "ithin me; : be)an to shi&er; : ha- to %i)ht
-o"n a stron) imp$'se to bo't an- r$n; : ha- not anticipate- s$ch a reaction; : -i- not "ant to
step a"a1 %rom that hea&1 brassbonn- -oor %or %ear that it "o$'- be s'amme- an- bo'te- behin-
me; :t "as an instant c'ose to p$re terror that the sma'' -irt1 ce'' ha- aro$se- in me; : %orce-
m1se'% to -"e'' on partic$'arsDthe ho'e "hich ha- been m1 'atrine4 the b'ackene- spot "here :
ha- b$i't m1 %ire on that %ina' -a1; : ran m1 'e%t han- o&er the inner s$r%ace o% the -oor4 %in-in)
an- tracin) there the )roo&es : ha- "orn "hi'e scrapin) a"a1 "ith m1 spoon; : remembere-
"hat the acti&it1 ha- -one to m1 han-s; : stoope- to e.amine the )o$)in); Not near'1 so -eep as
it ha- seeme- at the time4 not "hen compare- to the tota' thickness o% the -oor; : rea'i6e- ho"
m$ch : ha- e.a))erate- the e%%ects o% that %eeb'e e%%ort to"ar- %ree-om; : steppe- past it an-
re)ar-e- the "a'';
+aint; /$st an- moist$re ha- "orke- to $n-o it; B$t : co$'- sti'' -iscern the o$t'ines o% the
'i)htho$se o% Cabra4 bor-ere- b1 %o$r s'ashes o% m1 o'- spoon han-'e; !he ma)ic "as sti'' there4
that %orce "hich ha- %ina''1 transporte- me to %ree-om; : %e't it "itho$t ca''in) $pon it;
: t$rne- an- %ace- the other "a'';
!he sketch "hich : no" re)ar-e- ha- %are- 'ess "e'' than that o% the 'i)htho$se4 b$t then it ha-
been$te- "ith e.treme haste b1 the 'i)ht o% m1 'ast %e" matches; : co$'- not e&en make o$t
a'' o% the -etai's4 tho$)h m1 memor1 %$rnishe- a %e" o% those "hich "ere hi--en8 :t "as a &ie"
o% a -en or 'ibrar14 bookshe'&es 'inin) the "a''s4 a -esk in the %ore)ro$n-4 a )'obe besi-e the
-esk; : "on-ere- "hether : sho$'- risk "ipin) it c'ean;
: set m1 'antern on the %'oor4 ret$rne- to the sketch on the other "a''; =ith a corner o% m1
b'anket4 : )ent'1 "ipe- some -$st %rom a point near the base o% the 'i)htho$se; !he 'ine )re"
c'earer; : "ipe- it a)ain4 e.ertin) a 'itt'e more press$re; *n%ort$nate; : -estro1e- an inch or so o%
: steppe- back an- tore a "i-e strip %rom the e-)e o% the b'anket; : %o'-e- "hat remaine- into a
pa- an- seate- m1se'% on it; ('o"'14 care%$''1 then4 : set to "ork on the 'i)htho$se; : ha- to )et
an e.act %ee'in) %or the "ork be%ore : trie- c'eanin) the other one;
,a'% an ho$r 'ater : stoo- $p an- stretche-4 bent an- massa)e- 'i%e back into m1 'e)s; =hat
remaine- o% the 'i)htho$se "as c'ean; *n%ort$nate'14 : ha- -estro1e- abo$t 2 per cent o% the
sketch be%ore : -e&e'ope- a sense o% the "a''@s te.t$re an- an appropriate stroke across it; :
-o$bte- that : "as )oin) to impro&e an1 %$rther;
!he 'antern sp$ttere- as : mo&e- it; : $n%o'-e- the b'anket4 shook it o$t4 tore o%% a %resh strip;
Bakin) $p a ne" pa-4 : kne't be%ore the other sketch an- set to "ork;
A "hi'e 'ater : ha- $nco&ere- "hat remaine- o% it; : ha- %or)otten the sk$'' on the -esk $nti' a
care%$' stroke re&ea'e- it once a)ain the an)'e o% the %ar "a''4 an- a ta'' can-'estick;;;; : -re"
back; :t "o$'- be risk1 to -o an1 more r$bbin); Probab'1 $nnecessar14 a'so; :t seeme- abo$t as
entire as it ha- been;
!he 'antern "as %'ickerin) once a)ain; C$rsin) 0o)er %or not checkin) the kerosene 'e&e'4 :
stoo- an- he'- the 'i)ht at sho$'-er 'e&e' o%% to m1 'e%t; : p$t e&er1thin) %rom m1 min- b$t the
scene be%ore me;
:t )aine- somethin) o% perspecti&e as : stare-; A moment 'ater an- it "as tota''1 three-
-imensiona' an- ha- e.pan-e- to %i'' m1 entire %ie'- o% &ision; : steppe- %or"ar- then an- reste-
the 'antern on the e-)e o% the -esk;
: cast m1 e1es abo$t the p'ace; !here "ere bookshe'&es on a'' %o$r "a''s; No "in-o"s; !"o
-oors at the %ar en- o% the room4 ri)ht an- 'e%t4 across %rom one another4 one c'ose-4 the other
part'1 a?ar; !here "as a 'on)4 'o" tab'e co&ere- "ith books an- papers besi-e the opene- -oor;
Bi6arre c$rios occ$pie- open spaces on the she'&es an- o-- niches an- recesses in the "a''sD
bones4 stones4 potter14 inscribe- tab'ets4 'enses4 "an-s4 instr$ments o% $nkno"n %$nction; !he
h$)e r$) resemb'e- an Ar-ebi' : took a step to"ar- that en- o% the room an- the 'antern sp$ttere-
a)ain; : t$rne- an- reache- %or it; At that moment4 it %ai'e-;
: )ro"'e- an obscenit1 an- 'o"ere- m1 han-; !hen : t$rne-4 s'o"'14 to check %or an1 possib'e
'i)ht so$rces; (omethin) resemb'in) a branch o% cora' shone %aint'1 on a she'% across the room
an- a pa'e 'ine o% i''$mination occ$rre- at the base o% the c'ose- -oor; : aban-one- the 'antern
an- crosse- the room;
: opene- the -oor as <$iet'1 as : co$'-; !he room it 'et $pon "as -eserte-4 a sma''4 "in-o"'ess
'i&in) p'ace %aint'1 'it b1 the sti'' smo'-erin) embers in its sin)'e4 recesse- hearth; !he room@s
"a''s "ere o% stone an- the1 arche- abo&e me; !he %irep'ace "as a possib'1 nat$ra' niche in the
"a'' to m1 'e%t; A 'ar)e4 armore- -oor "as set in the %ar "a''4 a bi) ke1 part'1 t$rne- in its 'ock;
: entere-4 takin) a can-'e %rom a nearb1 tab'e4 an- mo&e- to"ar- the %irep'ace to )i&e it a 'i)ht;
As : kne't an- so$)ht a %'ame amon) the embers4 : hear- a so%t %oot%a'' in the &icinit1 o% the
!$rnin)4 : sa" him ?$st be1on- the thresho'-; Abo$t %i&e %eet in hei)ht4 h$nchbacke-; ,is hair
an- bear- "ere e&en 'on)er than : remembere-; /"orkin "ore a ni)htshirt "hich reache- to his
ank'es; ,e carrie- an oi' 'amp4 his -ark e1es peerin) across its soot1 chimne1;
FOberon4G he sai-4 Fis it %ina''1 time>G
F=hat time is that>G : aske- so%t'1;
,e ch$ck'e-;
F=hat other> !ime to -estro1 the "or'-4 o% co$rseIG
Chapter !
: kept the 'i)ht a"a1 %rom m1 %ace4 kept m1 &oice 'o";
FNot <$ite4G : sai-; FNot <$ite;G
,e si)he-;
FAo$ remain $ncon&ince-;G
,e 'ooke- %or"ar- an- cocke- his hea-4 peerin) -o"n at me;
F=h1 m$st 1o$ spoi' thin)s>G he sai-;
F:@&e spoi'e- nothin);G
,e 'o"ere- the 'amp; : t$rne- m1 hea- a)ain4 b$t he %ina''1 )ot a )oo- 'ook at m1 %ace; ,e
F+$nn1; +$nn14 %$nn14 %$nn14G he sai-; F1o$ come as the 1o$n) 9or- Cor"in4 thinkin) to s"a1
me "ith %ami'1 sentiment; =h1 -i- 1o$ not choose Bran- or B'e1s> :t "as C'arissa@s 'ot ser&e-
$s best;G
: shr$))e- an- stoo-;
FAes an- no4G : sai-4 -etermine- no" to %ee- him ambi)$ities %or so 'on) as he@- accept them
an- respon-; (omethin) o% &a'$e mi)ht emer)e4 an- it seeme- an eas1 "a1 to keep him in a
)oo- h$mor;
FAn- 1o$rse'%>G : contin$e-; F=hat %ace "o$'- 1o$ p$t on thin)s>G
F=h14 to "in 1o$r )oo- "i'' :@'' match 1o$4G he sai-4 an- then he be)an to 'a$)h;
,e thre" his hea- back4 an- as his 'a$)hter ran) abo$t me a chan)e came o&er him; ,is stat$re
seeme- to increase4 an- his %ace '$%%e- 'ike a sai' c$t too c'ose to the "in-; !he h$mp on his back
"as -iminishe- as he strai)htene- an- stoo- ta''er; ,is %eat$res rearran)e- themse'&es an- his
bear- -arkene-; B1 then it "as ob&io$s that he "as someho" re-istrib$tin) his bo-1 mass4 %or
the ni)htshirt "hich ha- reache- his ank'es "as no" mi-"a1 $p his shins; ,e breathe- -eep'1
an- his sho$'-ers "i-ene-; ,is arms 'en)thene-4 his b$')in) ab-omen narro"e-4 tapere-; ,e
reache- sho$'-er hei)ht on me4 then hi)her; ,e 'ooke- me in the e1e; ,is )arment reache- on'1
to his knees; ,is h$mp "as tota''1 resorbe-; ,is %ace )a&e a %ina' t"ist4 his %eat$res stea-ie-4
"ere reset; ,is 'a$)hter %e'' to a ch$ck'e4 %a-e-4 c'ose- "ith a smirk;
: re)ar-e- a s'i)ht'1 s'immer &ersion o% m1se'%;
F($%%icient>G he in<$ire-;
FNot ha'% ba-4G : sai-;
F=ait ti'' : toss a co$p'e 'o)s on the %ire;G
F: "i'' he'p 1o$;G
F!hat@s a'' ri)ht;G
: -re" some "oo- %rom a rack to the ri)ht; An1 sta'' ser&e- me some"hat4 b$1in) reactions %or
m1 st$-1; As : "as abo$t the "ork4 he crosse- to a chair an- seate- himse'%; =hen : )'ance- at
him : sa" that he "as not 'ookin) at me4 b$t starin) into the sha-o"s; : -re" o$t the %ire-
b$i'-in)4 hopin) that he "o$'- sa1 somethin)4 an1thin); 2&ent$a''14 he -i-;
F=hate&er became o% the )ran- -esi)n>G he aske-;
: -i- not kno" "hether he "as speakin) o% the Pattern or o% some master p'an o% /a-@s to "hich
he ha- been pri&1; (o4 FAo$ te'' me4G : sai-; ,e ch$ck'e- a)ain;
F=h1 not> Ao$ chan)e- 1o$r min-4 that is "hat happene-4G he sai-;
F+rom "hat to "hatDas 1o$ see it>G
F/on@t mock me; 2&en 1o$ ha&e no ri)ht to mock me4G he sai-; F9east o% a''4 1o$;G
: )ot to m1 %eet;
F: "as not mockin) 1o$4G : sai-;
: crosse- the room to another chair an- carrie- it o&er to a position near the %ire4 across %rom
/"orkin; : seate- m1se'%;
F,o" -i- 1o$ reco)ni6e me>G : aske-;
FB1 "hereabo$ts are har-'1 common kno"'e-)e;G
F!hat is tr$e;G
F/o man1 in Amber think me -ea->G
FAes4 an- others s$ppose 1o$ mi)ht be tra&e'in) o%% in (ha-o";G
F: see;G
F,o" ha&e 1o$ been %ee'in)>G
,e )a&e me an e&i' )rin;
F/o 1o$ mean am : sti'' ma->G
FAo$ p$t it more b'$nt'1 than : care to;G
F!here is a %a-in)4 there is an intensi%1in)4G he sai-; F:t comes to me an- it -eparts a)ain; +or
the moment : am a'most m1se'%Da'most4 : sa1; !he shock o% 1o$r &isit4 perhaps;;;(omethin) is
broken in m1 min-; Ao$ kno" that; :t cannot be other"ise4 tho$)h; Ao$ kno" that4 too;G
F: s$ppose that : -o4G : sai-; F=h1 -on@t 1o$ te'' me a'' abo$t it4 a'' o&er a)ain> E$st the b$siness
o% ta'kin) mi)ht make 1o$ %ee' better4 mi)ht )i&e me somethin) :@&e misse-; !e'' me a stor1;G
Another 'a$)h;
FAn1thin) 1o$ 'ike; ,a&e 1o$ an1 pre%erences> B1 %'i)ht %rom Chaos to this sma'' s$--en
is'an- in the sea o% ni)ht> B1 me-itations $pon the ab1ss> !he re&e'ation o% the Pattern in a
?e"e' h$n) ro$n- the neck o% a $nicorn> B1 transcription o% the -esi)n b1 'i)htnin)4 b'oo-4 an-
'1re "hi'e o$r %athers ra)e- ba%%'e-4 too 'ate come to ca'' me back "hi'e the poem o% %ire ran that
%irst ro$te in m1 brain4 in%ectin) me "ith the "i'' to %orm> !oo 'ateI !oo 'ate;;;Possesse- o% the
abominations born o% the -isease4 be1on- their ai-4 their po"er4 : p'anne- an- b$i't4 capti&e o%
m1 ne" se'%; :s that the ta'e 1o$@- hear a)ain> Or rather : te'' 1o$ o% its c$re>G
B1 min- sp$n at the imp'ications he ha- ?$st scattere- b1 the %ist%$'; : co$'- not te'' "hether he
spoke 'itera''1 or metaphorica''1 or "as simp'1 sharin) paranoi- -e'$sions4 b$t the thin)s that :
"ante- to hear4 ha- to hear4 "ere thin)s c'oser to the moment; (o4 re)ar-in) the sha-o"1 ima)e
o% m1se'% %rom "hich that ancient &oice emer)e-4 F!e'' me o% its c$re4G : sai-;
,e brace- his %in)er tips to)ether an- spoke thro$)h them;
F: am the Pattern4G he sai-4 Fin a &er1 rea' sense; :n passin) thro$)h m1 min- to achie&e the
%orm it no" ho'-s4 the %o$n-ation o% Amber4 it marke- me as s$re'1 as : marke- it; : rea'i6e- one
-a1 that : am both the Pattern an- m1se'%4 an- it "as %orce- to become /"orkin in the process o%
becomin) itse'%; !here "ere m$t$a' mo-i%ications in the birthin) o% this p'ace an- this time4 an-
therein 'a1 o$r "eakness as "e'' as o$r stren)th; +or it occ$rre- to me that -ama)e to the Pattern
"o$'- be -ama)e to m1se'%4 an- -ama)e to m1se'% "o$'- be re%'ecte- "ithin the Pattern; Aet :
co$'- not be tr$'1 banne- beca$se the Pattern protects me4 an- "ho b$t : co$'- harm the Pattern>
A bea$ti%$' c'ose- s1stem4 it seeme-4 its "eakness tota''1 shie'-e- b1 its stren)th;G
,e %e'' si'ent; : 'istene- to the %ire; : -o not kno" "hat he 'istene- to;
!hen4 F: "as "ron)4G he sai-; F($ch a simp'e matter4 too;;;B1 b'oo-4 "ith "hich : -re" it4
co$'- -e%ace it; B$t it took me a)es to rea'i6e that the b'oo- o% m1 b'oo- co$'- a'so -o this thin);
Ao$ co$'- $se it4 1o$ co$'- a'so chan)e itD1ea4 $nto the thir- )eneration;G
:t -i- not come to me as a s$rprise4 'earnin) that he "as )ran-sire to $s a''; (omeho"4 it seeme-
that : ha- kno"n a'' a'on)4 ha- kno"n b$t ne&er &oice- it; Aet;;;i% an1thin)4 this raise- more
<$estions than it ans"ere-; Co''ect one )eneration o% ancestr1; Procee- to con%$sion; : ha- 'ess
i-ea no" than e&er be%ore as to "hat /"orkin rea''1 "as; A-- to this the %act "hich e&en he
ackno"'e-)e-8 :t "as a ta'e to'- b1 a ma-man;
FB$t to repair it;;;>G : sai-;
,e smirke-4 m1 o"n %ace t"istin) be%ore me;
F,a&e 1o$ 'ost 1o$r taste to be a 'or- o% the 'i&in) &oi-4 a kin) o% chaos>G he aske-;
FBa1hap4G : rep'ie-;
FB1 the *nicorn4 th1 mother4 : kne" it "o$'- come to thisI !he Pattern is as stron) in 1o$ as is
the )reater rea'm; =hat then is 1o$r -esire>G
F!o preser&e the rea'm;G
,e shook hisSm1 hea-;
F @!"o$'- be simp'er to -estro1 e&er1thin) an- tr1 a ne" startDas : ha&e to'- 1o$ so o%ten
F:@m st$bborn; (o te'' me a)ain4G : sai-4 attemptin) to sim$'ate /a-@s )r$%%ness;
,e shr$))e-;
F/estro1 the Pattern an- "e -estro1 Amber a'' o% the sha-o"s in po'ar arra1 abo$t it; #i&e me
'ea&e to -estro1 m1se'% in the mi-st o% the Pattern an- "e "i'' ob'iterate it; #i&e me 'ea&e b1
)i&in) me 1o$r "or- that 1o$ "i'' then take the Ee"e' "hich contains the essence o% or-er an-
$se it to create a ne" Pattern4 bri)ht an- p$re4 $ntainte-4 -ra"in) $pon the st$%% o% 1o$r o"n
bein) "hi'e the 'e)ions o% chaos attempt to -istract 1o$ on e&er1 si-e; Promise me that an- 'et
me en- it4 %or broken as : am4 : "o$'- rather -ie %or or-er than 'i&e %or it; =hat sa1 1o$ no">G
F=o$'- it not be better to tr1 men-in) the one "e@&e )ot than to $n-o the "ork o% eons>G
FCo"ar-IG he crie-4 'eapin) to his %eet; F: kne" 1o$ "o$'- sa1 that a)ainIG
F=e''4 "o$'-n@t it>G
,e be)an to pace;
F,o" man1 times ha&e "e been thro$)h this>G he aske-; FNothin) has chan)e-I Ao$ are a%rai-
to tr1 itIG
FPerhaps4G : sai-; FB$t -o 1o$ not %ee' that somethin) %or "hich 1o$ ha&e )i&en so m$ch is
"orth some e%%ortDsome a--itiona' sacri%iceDi% there is e&en a possibi'it1 o% sa&in) it>G
FAo$ sti'' -o not $n-erstan-4G he sai-; F: cannot b$t think that a -ama)e- thin) sho$'- be
-estro1e- hope%$''1 rep'ace-; !he nat$re o% m1 persona' in?$r1 is s$ch that : cannot en&ision
repair; : am -ama)e- in ?$st this %ashion; B1 %ee'in)s are %oreor-aine-;G
F:% the Ee"e' can create a ne" Pattern4 "h1 "i'' it not ser&e to repair the o'- one4 en- o$r
tro$b'es4 hea' 1o$r spirit>G
,e approache- an- stoo- be%ore me;
F=here is 1o$r memor1>G he sai-; FAo$ kno" that it "o$'- be in%inite'1 more -i%%ic$'t to repair
the -ama)e than it "o$'- be to start o&er a)ain; 2&en the Ee"e' co$'- more easi'1 -estro1 it than
repair it; ,a&e 1o$r %or)otten "hat it is 'ike o$t there>G ,e )est$re- to"ar- the "a'' behin- him;
F/o 1o$ "ant to )o an- 'ook at it a)ain>G
FAes4G : sai-; F: "o$'- 'ike that; 9et@s )o;G
: rose an- 'ooke- -o"n at him; ,is contro' o&er his %orm ha- be)$n s'ippin) "hen he ha- )ro"n
an)r1; ,e ha- a'rea-1 'ost three or %o$r inches in hei)ht4 the ima)e o% m1 %ace "as me'tin) back
into his )nome'ike %eat$res4 an- a noticeab'e b$')e "as )ro"in) bet"een his sho$'-ers4 ha-
a'rea-1 been &isib'e "hen he ha- )est$re-;
,is e1es "i-ene- an- he st$-ie- m1 %ace;
FAo$ rea''1 mean it4G he sai- a%ter a moment; FA'' ri)ht4 then; 9et $s )o;G
,e t$rne- an- mo&e- to"ar- the bi) meta' -oor; : %o''o"e- him; ,e $se- both han-s to t$rn the
ke1; !hen he thre" his "ei)ht a)ainst it; : mo&e- to he'p him4 b$t he br$she- me asi-e "ith
e.traor-inar1 stren)th be%ore )i&in) the -oor a %ina' sho&e; :t ma-e a )ratin) noise an- mo&e-
o$t"ar- into a %$''1 opene- position; : "as imme-iate'1 str$ck b1 a stran)e4 someho" %ami'iar
/"orkin steppe- thro$)h an- pa$se-; ,e 'ocate- "hat 'ooke- to be a 'on) sta%% 'eanin) a)ainst
the "a'' o%% to his ri)ht; ,e str$ck it se&era' times a)ainst the )ro$n- an- its $pper en- be)an to
)'o"; :t 'it $p the area %air'1 "e''4 re&ea'in) a narro" t$nne' into "hich he no" a-&ance-; :
%o''o"e- him an- it "i-ene- be%ore too 'on)4 so that : "as ab'e to come abreast o% him; !he o-or
)re" stron)er4 an- : co$'- a'most p'ace it; :t ha- been somethin) %air'1 recent;;;
:t "as c'ose to ei)ht1 paces be%ore o$r "a1 took a t$rn to the 'e%t an- $p"ar-; =e passe- then
thro$)h a 'itt'e appen-i. 'ike area; :t "as stre"n "ith broken bones4 an- a 'ar)e meta' rin) "as
set in the rock a co$p'e o% %eet abo&e the %'oor; A%%i.e- thereto "as a )'itterin) chain4 "hich %e''
to the %'oor an- trai'e- on ahea- 'ike a 'ine o% mo'ten -rop'ets coo'in) in the )'oom;
O$r "a1 narro"e- a)ain a%ter that an- /"orkin took the 'ea- once more; A%ter a brie% time4 he
t$rne- an abr$pt corner an- : hear- him m$tterin); : near'1 ran into him "hen : ma-e the t$rn
m1se'%; ,e "as cro$che- -o"n an- )ropin) "ith his 'e%t han- insi-e a sha-o"1 c'e%t; =hen :
hear- the so%t ca"in) noise an- sa" that the chain &anishe- into the openin) : rea'i6e- "hat it
"as an- "here "e "ere;
F#oo- =i.er4G : hear- him sa1; F: am not )oin) %ar; :t is a'' ri)ht4 )oo-; ,ere is
somethin) to che" on;G
+rom "here he ha- %etche- "hate&er he tosse- the beast4 : -o not kno"; B$t the p$rp'e )ri%%in4
"hich : ha- no" a-&ance- %ar eno$)h to )'impse as it stirre- "ithin its 'air4 accepte- the o%%erin)
"ith a toss o% its hea- an- a series o% cr$nchin) noises; /"orkin )rinne- $p at me;
F($rprise->G he aske-;
FAt "hat>G
FAo$ tho$)ht : "as a%rai- o% him; Ao$ tho$)ht : "o$'- ne&er make %rien-s "ith him; Ao$ set
him o$t here to keep me in thereDa"a1 %rom the Pattern;G
F/i- : e&er sa1 that>G
FAo$ -i- not ha&e to; : am not a %oo';G
F,a&e it 1o$r "a14G : sai-;
,e ch$ck'e-4 rose4 an- contin$e- on a'on) the passa)e"a1;
: %o''o"e- an- it )re" 'e&e' $n-er%oot once a)ain; !he cei'in) rose an- the "a1 "i-ene-; At
'en)th4 "e came to the ca&e mo$th; /"orkin stoo- %or a moment si'ho$ette-4 sta%% raise- be%ore
him; :t "as ni)ht o$tsi-e4 an- a c'ean sa't sme'' s"ept the m$sk %rom m1 nostri's;
Another moment4 an- he mo&e- %or"ar- once more4 passin) into a "or'- o% sk1-can-'es an-
b'$e &e'o$rs; Contin$in) a%ter him4 : ha- )aspe- brie%'1 at that ama6in) &ie"; :t "as not simp'1
that the stars in the moon'ess4 c'o$-'ess sk1 b'a6e- "ith a preternat$ra' bri''iance4 nor that the
-istinction bet"een sk1 an- sea ha- once a)ain been tota''1 ob'iterate-; :t "as that the Pattern
)'o"e- an a'most acet1'ene b'$e b1 that sk1sea4 an- a'' o% the stars abo&e4 besi-e4 an- be'o"
"ere arra1e- "ith a )eometric precision4 %ormin) a %antastic4 ob'i<$e 'attice"ork "hich4 more
than an1thin) e'se4 )a&e the impression that "e h$n) in the mi-st o% a cosmic "eb "here the
Pattern "as the tr$e center4 the rest o% the ra-iant mesh"ork a precise conse<$ence o% its
e.istence4 con%i)$ration4 position;
/"orkin contin$e- on -o"n to the Pattern4 ri)ht $p to the e-)e besi-e the -arkene- area; ,e
"a&e- his sta%% o&er it an- t$rne- to 'ook at me ?$st as : came near;
F!here 1o$ are4G he anno$nce-4 Fthe ho'e in m1 min-; : can no 'on)er think thro$)h it4 on'1
aro$n- it; : no 'on)er kno" "hat m$st be -one to repair somethin) : no" 'ack; :% 1o$ think that
1o$ can -o it4 1o$ m$st be "i''in) to 'a1 1o$rse'% open to instant -estr$ction each time 1o$
-epart the Pattern to cross the break; Not -estr$ction b1 the -ark portion; /estr$ction b1 the
Pattern itse'% "hen 1o$ break the circ$it; !he Ee"e' ma1 or ma1 not s$stain 1o$; : -o not kno";
B$t it "i'' not )ro" easier; :t "i'' become more -i%%ic$'t "ith each circ$it4 an- 1o$r stren)th "i''
be 'essenin) a'' the "hi'e; !he 'ast time "e -isc$sse- it 1o$ "ere a%rai-; /o 1o$ mean to sa1 1o$
ha&e )ro"n bo'-er since then>G
FPerhaps4G : sai-; FAo$ see no other "a1>G
F: kno" it can be -one startin) "ith a c'ean s'ate4 beca$se once : -i- it so; Be1on- that4 : see no
other "a1; !he 'on)er 1o$ "ait the more the sit$ation "orsens; =h1 not %etch the Ee"e' an- 'en-
me 1o$r b'a-e4 son> : see no better "a1;G
FNo4G : sai-; F: m$st kno" more; !e'' me a)ain ho" the -ama)e "as -one;G
F: sti'' -o not kno" "hich o% 1o$r chi'-ren she- o$r b'oo- on this spot4 i% this is "hat 1o$ mean;
:t "as -one; 9et it )o at that; O$r -arker nat$res came %orth stron)'1 in them; :t m$st be that the1
are too c'ose to the chaos %rom "hich "e spran)4 )ro"in) "itho$t the e.ercises o% "i'' "e
en-$re- in -e%eatin) it; : ha- tho$)ht that the rit$a' o% tra&e'in) the Pattern mi)ht s$%%ice %or
them; : co$'- think o% nothin) stron)er; Aet it %ai'e-; !he1 strike o$t a)ainst e&er1thin); !he1
seek to -estro1 the Pattern itse'%;G
F:% "e s$ccee- in makin) a %resh start4 mi)ht not these e&ents simp'1 repeat themse'&es>G
F: -o not kno"; B$t "hat choice ha&e "e other than %ai'$re an- a ret$rn to chaos>G
F=hat "i'' become o% them i% "e tr1 %or a ne" be)innin)>G
,e "as si'ent %or a 'on) "hi'e; !hen he shr$))e-; F: cannot te'';G
F=hat "o$'- another )eneration ha&e been 'ike>G
,e ch$ck'e-;
F,o" can s$ch a <$estion be ans"ere-> : ha&e no i-ea;G
: "ith-re" the m$ti'ate- !r$mp an- passe- it to him; ,e re)ar-e- it near the b'a6e o% his sta%%;
F: be'ie&e it is 0an-om@s son Bartin4G : sai-4 Fhe "hose b'oo- "as spi''e- here; : ha&e no i-ea
"hether he sti'' 'i&es; =hat -o 1o$ think he mi)ht ha&e amo$nte- to>G
,e 'ooke- back o$t o&er the Pattern;
F(o this is the ob?ect "hich -ecorate- it4G he sai-; F,o" -i- 1o$ %etch it %orth>G
F:t "as )otten4G : sai-; F:t is not 1o$r "ork4 is it>G
FO% co$rse not; : ha&e ne&er set e1es on the bo1; B$t this ans"ers 1o$r <$estion4 -oes it not> :%
there is another )eneration4 1o$r chi'-ren "i'' -estro1 it;G
FAs "e "o$'- -estro1 them>G
,e met m1 e1es an- peere-;
F:s it that 1o$ are s$--en'1 becomin) a -otin) %ather>G he aske-;
F:% 1o$ -i- not prepare that !r$mp4 "ho -i->G
,e )'ance- -o"n an- %'icke- it "ith his %in)ernai';
FB1 best p$pi'; Ao$r son Bran-; !hat is his st1'e; (ee "hat the1 -o as soon as the1 )ain a 'itt'e
po"er> =o$'- an1 o% them o%%er their 'i&es to preser&e the rea'm4 to restore the Pattern>G
FProbab'14G : sai-; FProbab'1 Bene-ict4 #erar-4 0an-om4 Cor"in;;;G
FBene-ict has the mark o% -oom $pon him4 #erar- possesses the "i'' b$t not the "it4 0an-om
'acks co$ra)e an- -etermination; Cor"in;;;:s he not o$t o% %a&or an- o$t o% si)ht>G
B1 tho$)hts ret$rne- to o$r 'ast meetin)4 "hen he ha- he'pe- me to escape %rom m1 ce'' to
Cabra; :t occ$rre- to me that he mi)ht ha&e ha- secon- tho$)hts concernin) that4 not ha&in)
been a"are o% the circ$mstances "hich ha- p$t me there;
F:s that "h1 1o$ ha&e taken his %orm>G he "ent on; F:s this some manner o% reb$ke> Are 1o$
testin) me a)ain>G
F,e is neither o$t o% %a&or nor si)ht4G : sai-4 Ftho$)h he has enemies amon) the %ami'1 an-
e'se"here; ,e "o$'- attempt an1thin) to preser&e the rea'm; ,o" -o 1o$ see his chances>G
F,as he not been a"a1 %or a 'on) "hi'e>G
F!hen he mi)ht ha&e chan)e-; : -o not kno";G
F: be'ie&e he is chan)e-; : kno" that he is "i''in) to tr1;G
,e stare- at me a)ain4 an- he kept starin);
FAo$ are not Oberon4G he sai- at 'en)th;
FAo$ are he "hom : see be%ore me;G
FNo more4 no 'ess;G
F: see;;;; : -i- not rea'i6e that 1o$ kne" o% this p'ace;G
F: -i-n@t4 $nti' recent'1; !he %irst time that : came here : "as 'e- b1 the $nicorn;G
,is e1es "i-ene-;
F!hat isD&er1Dinterestin)4G he sai-; F:t has been so 'on);;;G
F=hat o% m1 <$estion>G
F2h> M$estion> =hat <$estion>G
FB1 chances; /o 1o$ think : mi)ht be ab'e to repair the Pattern>G
,e a-&ance- s'o"'14 an- reachin) $p4 p'ace- his ri)ht han- on m1 sho$'-er; !he sta%% ti''e- in is
other han- as he -i- soC its b'$e 'i)ht %'are- "ithin a %oot o% m1 %ace4 b$t : %e't no heat; ,e 'ooke-
into m1 e1es;
FAo$ ha&e chan)e-4G he sai-4 a%ter a time;
F2no$)h4G : aske-4 Fto -o the ?ob>G
,e 'ooke- a"a1;
FPerhaps eno$)h to make it "orth tr1in)4G he sai-4 Fe&en i% "e are %ore-oome- to %ai'$re;G
F=i'' 1o$ he'p me>G
F: -o not kno"4G he sai-4 Fthat : "i'' be ab'e; !his thin) "ith m1 moo-s4 m1 tho$)htsDit comes
an- it )oes; 2&en no"4 : %ee' some o% m1 contro' s'ippin) a"a1; !he e.citement4 perhaps;;;; =e
ha- best )et back insi-e;G
: hear- a c'inkin) noise at m1 back; =hen : t$rne-4 the )ri%%in "as there4 his hea- s"in)in)
s'o"'1 %rom 'e%t to ri)ht4 his tai' %rom ri)ht to 'e%t4 his ton)$e -artin); ,e be)an to circ'e $s4
ha'tin) "hen he came to a position bet"een /"orkin an- the Pattern;
F,e kno"s4G /"orkin sai-; F,e can sense it "hen : be)in to chan)e; ,e "i'' not 'et me near the
Pattern then;;;; #oo-; =e are ret$rnin) no"; :t is a'' ri)ht;;;; Come4 Cor"in;G
=e hea-e- back to"ar- the ca&e mo$th an- %o''o"e-4 a c'ink %or e&er1 pace;
F!he Ee"e'4G : sai-4 Fthe Ee"e' o% E$-)ment;;;1o$ sa1 that it is necessar1 %or the repair o% the
FAes4G he sai-; F:t "o$'- ha&e to be borne the entire -istance thro$)h the Pattern4 reinscribin)
the ori)ina' -esi)n in the p'aces "here it has been broken; !his co$'- on'1 be -one b1 one "ho is
att$ne- to the Ee"e'4 tho$)h;G
F: am att$ne- to the Ee"e'4G : sai-;
F,o">G he aske-4 ha'tin); ma-e a cack'in) noise behin- $s4 an- "e res$me- "a'kin);
F: %o''o"e- 1o$r "ritten instr$ctions 2ric@s &erba' ones4G : sai-; F: took it "ith me to the center
o% the Pattern an- pro?ecte- m1se'% thro$)h it;G
F: see4G he sai-; F,o" -i- 1o$ obtain it>G
F+rom 2ric4 on his -eathbe-;G
=e entere- the ca&e;
FAo$ ha&e it no">G
F: "as %orce- to cache it in a p'ace o%% in (ha-o";G
F: "o$'- s$))est 1o$ retrie&e it <$ick'1 an- brin) it here or take it back to the pa'ace; :t is best
kept near the center o% thin)s;G
F=h1 is that>G
F:t ten-s to ha&e a -istortin) e%%ect on sha-o"s i% it 'ies too 'on) amon) them;G
F/istortin)> :n "hat %ashion>G
F!here is no "a1 to te''4 in a-&ance; :t -epen-s entire'1 $pon the 'oca'e;G
=e ro$n-e- a corner4 contin$e- on back thro$)h the )'oom;
F=hat -oes it mean4G : sai-4 F"hen 1o$ are "earin) the Ee"e' an- e&er1thin) be)ins to s'o"
-o"n abo$t 1o$> +iona "arne- me that this "as -an)ero$s4 b$t she "as not certain "h1;G
F:t means that 1o$ ha&e reache- the bo$n-s o% 1o$r o"n e.istence4 that 1o$r ener)ies "i''
short'1 be e.ha$ste-4 that 1o$ "i'' -ie $n'ess 1o$ -o somethin) <$ick'1;G
F=hat is that>G
FBe)in to -ra" po"er %rom the Pattern itse'%Dthe prima' Pattern "ithin the Ee"e';G
F,o" is this achie&e->G
FAo$ m$st s$rren-er to it4 re'ease 1o$rse'%4 b'ot o$t 1o$r i-entit14 erase the bo$n-s "hich
separate 1o$ %rom e&er1thin) e'se;G
F:t so$n-s easier sai- than -one;G
FB$t it can be -one4 an- it is the on'1 "a1;G
: shook m1 hea-; =e mo&e- on4 comin) at 'ast to the bi) -oor; /"orkin e.tin)$ishe- the sta%%
an- 'eane- it a)ainst the "a''; =e entere- an- he sec$re- the -oor; ha- statione- himse'%
?$st o$tsi-e;
FAo$ "i'' ha&e to 'ea&e no"4G /"orkin sai-;
FB$t there are man1 more thin)s that : m$st ask 1o$4 an- some that : "o$'- 'ike to te'' 1o$;G
FB1 tho$)hts )ro" meanin)'ess4 an- 1o$r "or-s "o$'- be "aste-; !omorro" ni)ht4 or the ne.t4
or the ne.t; ,$rr1I #oIG
F=h1 the r$sh>G
F: ma1 harm 1o$ "hen the chan)e comes o&er me; : am ho'-in) it back b1 main "i'' no";
F: -o not kno" ho"; : kno" ho" to )et here4 b$tDG
F!here are a'' manner o% specia' !r$mps in the -esk in the ne.t room; !ake the 'i)htI #o
an1"hereI #et o$t o% hereIG
: "as abo$t to protest that : har-'1 %eare- an1 ph1sica' &io'ence he co$'- m$ster4 "hen his
%eat$res be)an to %'o" 'ike me'tin) "a. an- he someho" seeme- m$ch 'ar)er an- 'on)er-'imbe-
than he ha- been; (ei6in) the 'i)ht4 : %'e- the room4 a s$--en chi'' $pon me;
;;;!o the -esk; : tore open the -ra"er an- snatche- at some !r$mps "hich 'a1 scattere- "ithin it;
: hear- %ootsteps then4 o% somethin) enterin) the room behin- me4 comin) %rom the chamber :
ha- ?$st -eparte-; !he1 -i- not seem 'ike the %ootsteps o% a man; : -i- not 'ook back; :nstea-4 :
raise- the car-s be%ore me an- re)ar-e- the one on top; :t "as an $n%ami'iar scene4 b$t : opene-
m1 min- imme-iate'1 an- reache- %or it; A mo$ntain cra)4 somethin) in-istinct be1on- it4 a
stran)e'1 stipp'e- sk14 a scatterin) o% stars to the 'e%t;;;;
;;;!he car- "as a'ternate'1 hot an- co'- to m1 to$ch4 an- a hea&1 "in- seeme- to come b'o"in)
thro$)h it as : stare-4 someho" rearran)in) the prospect;
+rom ri)ht behin- me then4 the hea&i'1 a'tere- b$t sti'' reco)ni6ab'e &oice o% /"orkin spoke8
F+oo'I Ao$ ha&e chosen the 'an- o% 1o$r -oomIG
A )reat c'a"'ike han-Db'ack4 'eather14 )nar'e-Dreache- o&er m1 sho$'-er4 as i% to snatch the
car- a"a1; B$t the &ision seeme- rea-14 an- : r$she- %or"ar- into it4 t$rnin) the car- %rom me as
soon as : rea'i6e- : ha- ma-e m1 escape; !hen : ha'te- an- stoo- stocksti''4 to 'et m1 senses
a-?$st to the ne" 'oca'e;
: kne"; +rom snatches o% 'e)en-4 bits o% %ami'1 )ossip4 an- %rom a )enera' %ee'in) "hich came
o&er me4 : kne" the p'ace to "hich : ha- come; :t "as "ith %$'' certaint1 as to i-entit1 that :
raise- m1 e1es to 'ook $pon the Co$rts o% Chaos;
Chapter "
=here> !he senses are s$ch $ncertain thin)s4 an- no" mine "ere straine- be1on- their 'imits;
!he rock on "hich : stoo-;;;:% : attempte- to %i. m1 )a6e $pon it4 it took on the aspect o% a
pa&ement on a hot a%ternoon; :t seeme- to shi%t an- "a&er4 tho$)h m1 %ootin) "as $n-ist$rbe-;
An- it "as $n-eci-e- as to the portion o% the spectr$m it mi)ht ca'' home; :t p$'sate- an- %'ashe-
'ike the skin o% an i)$ana; 9ookin) $p"ar-4 : behe'- a sk1 s$ch as : ha- ne&er be%ore set e1es
$pon; At the moment4 it "as sp'it -o"n the mi--'eDha'% o% it o% -eepest ni)ht-b'ack4 an- the
stars -ance- "ithin it; =hen : sa1 -ance-4 : -o not mean t"ink'e-C the1 ca&orte- an- the1 shi%te-
ma)nit$-esC the1 -arte- an- the1 circ'e-C the1 %'are- to no&a bri''iance4 then %a-e- to nothin); :t
"as a %ri)htenin) spectac'e to beho'-4 an- m1 stomach ti)htene- "ithin me as : e.perience- a
pro%o$n- acrophobia; Aet4 shi%tin) m1 )a6e -i- 'itt'e to impro&e the sit$ation; !he other ha'% o%
the sk1 "as 'ike a bott'e o% co'ore- san-s4 contin$o$s'1 shakenC be'ts o% oran)e4 1e''o"4 re-4
b'$e4 bro"n4 an- p$rp'e t$rne- an- t"iste-C patches o% )reen4 ma$&e4 )ra14 an- -ea- "hite came
an- "ent4 sometimes snakin) into be'thoo-4 rep'acin) or ?oinin) the other "rithin) entities; An-
these4 too4 shimmere- an- "a&ere-4 creatin) impossib'e sensations o% -istance an- nearness; At
times4 some or a'' seeme- 'itera''1 sk1-hi)h4 an- then a)ain the1 came to %i'' the air be%ore me4
)a$614 transparent mists4 trans'$cent s"aths or so'i- tentac'es o% co'or; :t "as not $nti' 'ater that :
rea'i6e- that the 'ine "hich separate- the b'ack %rom the co'or "as a-&ancin) s'o"'1 %rom m1
ri)ht "hi'e retreatin) to m1 'e%t; :t "as as i% the entire ce'estia' man-a'a "ere rotatin) abo$t a
point -irect'1 o&erhea-; As to the 'i)ht so$rce o% the bri)hter ha'%4 it simp'1 co$'- not be
-etermine-; (tan-in) there4 : 'ooke- -o"n $pon "hat at %irst seeme- a &a''e1 %i''e- "ith
co$nt'ess e.p'osions o% co'orC b$t "hen the a-&ancin) -arkness %ace- this -isp'a1 a"a1 the stars
-ance- an- b$rne- "ithin its -epths as "e'' as abo&e4 )i&in) them the impression o% a bottom'ess
chasm; :t "as as i% : stoo- at the en- o% the "or'-4 the en- o% the $ni&erse4 the en- o% e&er1thin);
B$t %ar4 %ar o$t %rom "here : stoo-4 somethin) ho&ere- on a mo$nt o% sheerest b'ackDa
b'ackness itse'%4 b$t e-)e- an- tempere- "ith bare'1 perceptib'e %'ashes o% 'i)ht; : co$'- not
)$ess at its si6e4 %or -istance4 -epth4 perspecti&e4 "ere absent here; A sin)'e e-i%ice> A )ro$p> A
cit1> Or simp'1 a p'ace> !he o$t'ine &arie- each time that it %e'' $pon m1 retina; No" %aint an-
mist1 sheets -ri%te- s'o"'1 bet"een $s4 t"istin)4 as i% 'on) stran-s o% )a$6e "ere b$o1e- b1
heate- air; !he man-a'a cease- its t$rnin) "hen it ha- e.act'1 re&erse- itse'%; !he co'ors "ere
behin- me no"4 an- imperceptib'e $n'ess : t$rne- m1 hea-4 an action : ha- no -esire to take; :t
"as p'easant stan-in) there4 starin) at the %orm'essness %rom "hich a'' thin)s e&ent$a''1
emer)e-;;;; Be%ore the Pattern4 e&en4 this thin) "as; : kne" this4 -im'1 b$t p$re'14 at the &er1
center o% m1 conscio$sness; : kne" this4 beca$se : "as certain that : ha- been here be%ore; Chi'-
o% the man : ha- become4 it seeme- that : ha- been bro$)ht here in some -istant -a1D"hether
b1 /a- or /"orkin4 : co$'- not no" reca'' ha- stoo- or been he'- in this p'ace or one &er1 near
to it4 'ookin) o$t $pon the same scene "ith4 : am certain4 a simi'ar 'ack o% comprehension4 a
simi'ar sense o% apprehension; B1 p'eas$re "as tin)e- "ith a ner&o$s e.citement4 a sense o% the
%orbi--en4 a %ee'in) o% -$bio$s anticipation; Pec$'iar'14 at that moment4 there rose in me a
'on)in) %or the Ee"e' : ha- ha- to aban-on in m1 compost heap on the sha-o" 2arth4 the thin)
/"orkin ha- ma-e so m$ch o%; Co$'- it be that some part o% me so$)ht a -e%ense or at 'east a
s1mbo' o% resistance a)ainst "hate&er "as o$t there> Probab'1;
As : contin$e- to stare4 %ascinate-4 across the chasm4 it "as as i% m1 e1es a-?$ste- or the
prospect shi%te- once a)ain4 s$bt'1; +or no" : -iscerne- tin14 )host'1 %orms mo&in) "ithin that
p'ace4 'ike s'o" motion meteors a'on) the )a$61 stran-s; : "aite-4 re)ar-in) them care%$''14
co$rtin) some sma'' $n-erstan-in) o% the actions in "hich the1 "ere en)a)e-; At 'en)th4 one o%
the stran-s -ri%te- &er1 near; (hort'1 therea%ter : ha- m1 ans"er;
!here "as a mo&ement; One o% the r$shin) %orms )re" 'ar)er4 an- : rea'i6e- that it "as
%o''o"in) the t"istin) "a1 that 'e- to"ar- me; :n on'1 a %e" moments4 it took on the proportions
o% a horseman; As it came on4 it ass$me- a semb'ance o% so'i-it1 "itho$t 'osin) that )host'1
<$a'it1 "hich seeme- to c'in) to e&er1thin) "hich 'a1 be%ore me; A moment 'ater4 : behe'- a
nake- ri-er on a hair'ess horse4 both -eath'1 pa'e4 r$shin) in m1 -irection; !he ri-er bran-ishe- a
bone-"hite b'a-eC bis e1es an- the e1es o% the horse both %'ashe- re-; : -i- not rea''1 kno"
"hether he sa" me4 "hether "e e.iste- on the same p'ane o% rea'it14 so $nnat$ra' "as his mien;
Aet : $nsheathe- #ra1s"an-ir an- took a step back"ar- as he approache-;
,is 'on) "hite hair she- tin1 spark'in) motes4 an- "hen he t$rne- his hea- : kne" that he "as
comin) %or me4 %or then : %e't his )a6e 'ike a co'- press$re across the %ront o% m1 bo-1; : t$rne-
si-e"ise an- raise- m1 b'a-e to )$ar-;
,e contin$e-4 an- : rea'i6e- that both he an- the horse "ere bi)4 bi))er e&en than : ha- tho$)ht;
!he1 came on; =hen the1 reache- the point nearest meDsome ten meters4 perhapsDthe horse
reare- as the ri-er -re" it to a ha't; !he1 re)ar-e- me then4 bobbin) an- s"a1in) as i% on a ra%t
in a )ent'1 s"e''in) sea;
FAo$r nameIG the ri-er -eman-e-; F#i&e me 1o$r name4 "ho comes to this p'aceIG
,is &oice pro-$ce- a crack'in) sensation in m1 ears; :t "as a'' o% one so$n- 'e&e'4 'o$- an-
"itho$t in%'ection;
: shook m1 hea-;
F: )i&e m1 name "hen : choose4 not "hen : am or-ere- to4G : sai-; F=ho are 1o$>G
,e )a&e three short barks4 "hich : took to be a 'a$)h;
F: "i'' ha'e 1o$ -o"n an- abo$t4 "here 1o$ "i'' cr1 it o$t %ore&er;G
: pointe- #ra1s"an-ir at his e1es;
F!a'k is cheap4G : sai-; F=hisk1 costs mone1;G
: %e't a %aint coo' sensation ?$st then4 as i% someone "ere to1in) "ith m1 !r$mp4 thinkin) o% me;
B$t it "as -im4 "eak4 an- : ha- no attention to spare4 %or the ri-er ha- passe- some si)na' to his
mo$nt an- the beast reare-; !he -istance is too )reat4 : -eci-e-; B$t this tho$)ht be'on)e- to
another sha-o"; !he beast p'$n)e- ahea- to"ar- me4 -epartin) the ten$o$s roa-"a1 that ha-
been its co$rse;
:ts 'eap bore it to a point %ar short o% m1 position; B$t it -i- not %a'' %rom there an- &anish4 as :
ha- hope-; :t res$me- the motions o% )a''opin)4 an- a'tho$)h its pro)ress "as not %$''1
commens$rate "ith the action4 it contin$e- to a-&ance across the ab1ss at abo$t ha'%-spee-;
=hi'e this "as occ$rrin)4 : sa" that in the -istance %rom "hich it ha- come another %i)$re
appeare- to be hea-e- m1 "a1; Nothin) to -o b$t stan- m1 )ro$n-4 %i)ht4 an- hope that : co$'-
-ispatch this attacker be%ore the other "as $pon me;
As the ri-er a-&ance-4 his r$--1 )a6e %'icke- o&er m1 person an- ha'te- "hen it %e'' $pon
#ra1s"an-ir; =hate&er the nat$re o% the ma- i''$mination at m1 back4 it ha- tricke- the -e'icate
tracer1 on m1 b'a-e to 'i%e once more4 so that that portion o% the Pattern it bore s"am an-
spark'e- a'on) its 'en)th; !he horseman "as &er1 near b1 then4 b$t he -re" back on the reins an-
his e1es 'eape- $p"ar-4 meetin) m1 o"n; ,is nast1 )rin &anishe-;
F: kno" 1o$IG he sai-; FAo$ are the one ca''e- Cor"inIG
B$t "e ha- him4 me an- m1 a''1 moment$m;
,is mo$nt@s %ront hoo%s %e'' $pon the 'e-)e an- : r$she- %or"ar-; !he beast@s re%' ca$se- it
to seek e<$a' %ootin) %or its hin- 'e)s -espite the -ra"n reins; !he ri-er s"$n) his b'a-e into a
)$ar- position as : came on4 b$t : cross-steppe- an- attacke- %rom his 'e%t; As he mo&e- his
b'a-e cross-bo-14 : "as a'rea-1 '$n)in); #ra1s"an-ir sheare- thro$)h his pa'e hi-e4 enterin)
beneath the stern$m an- abo&e the )$ts;
: "renche- m1 b'a-e %ree an- )o$ts o% %ire po$re- 'ike b'oo- %rom his "o$n-; ,is s"or- arm
sa))e- an- his mo$nt $ttere- a shriek that "as a'most a "hist'e as the b'a6in) stream %e'' $pon
its neck; : -ance- back as the ri-er s'$mpe- %or"ar- an- the beast4 no" %$''1 %oote-4 p'$n)e- on
to"ar- me4 kickin); : c$t a)ain4 re%'e.i&e'14 -e%ensi&e'1; B1 b'a-e nicke- its 'e%t %ore'e)4 an- it4
too4 be)an to b$rn;
: si-e-steppe- once a)ain as it t$rne- an- ma-e %or me a secon- time; At that moment4 the ri-er
er$pte- into a pi''ar o% 'i)ht; !he beast be''o"e-4 "hee'e-4 an- r$she- a"a1; =itho$t pa$sin)4 it
p'$n)e- o&er the e-)e an- &anishe- into the ab1ss4 'ea&in) me "ith the memor1 o% the
smo'-erin) hea- o% a cat "hich ha- a--resse- me 'on) a)o an- the chi'' "hich a'"a1s
accompanie- the reco''ection;
: "as backe- a)ainst rock4 pantin); !he "isp1 roa- ha- -ri%te- nearerDten %eet4 perhaps4 %rom
the 'e-)e; : ha- -e&e'ope- a cramp in m1 'e%t si-e; !he secon- ri-er "as rapi-'1 approachin); ,e
"as not pa'e 'ike the %irst; ,is hair "as -ark an- there "as co'or in his %ace; ,is mo$nt "as a
proper'1 mane- sorre'; ,e bore a cocke- an- bo'te- crossbo"; : )'ance- behin- me an- there
"as no retreat4 no cre&ice into "hich : mi)ht back;
: "ipe- m1 pa'm on m1 tro$sers an- )rippe- #ra1s"an-ir b1 the %orte o% the b'a-e; : t$rne-
si-e"a1s4 so as to present the narro"est tar)et possib'e; : raise- m1 b'a-e bet"een $s4 hi't 'e&e'
"ith m1 hea-4 point to"ar- the )ro$n-4 the on'1 shie'- : possesse-;
!he ri-er came abreast o% me an- ha'te- at the nearest point on the )a$61 strip; ,e raise- the
crossbo" s'o"'14 kno"in) that i% he -i- not -rop me instant'1 "ith his sin)'e shot4 : mi)ht be
ab'e to h$r' m1 b'a-e 'ike a spear; O$r e1es met;
,e "as bear-'ess4 s'im; Possib'1 'i)ht-e1e- "ithin the s<$int o% his aim; ,e mana)e- his mo$nt
"e''4 "ith ?$st the press$re o% his 'e)s; ,is han-s "ere bi)4 stea-1; Capab'e; A pec$'iar %ee'in)
passe- o&er me as : behe'- him;
!he moment stretche- be1on- the point o% action; ,e rocke- back"ar- an- 'o"ere- the "eapon
s'i)ht'14 tho$)h none o% the tension 'e%t his stance;
FAo$4G he ca''e- o$t; F:s that the b'a-e #ra1s"an-ir>G
FAes4G : ans"ere-4 Fit is;G
,e contin$e- his appraisa'4 an- somethin) "ithin me 'ooke- %or "or-s to "ear4 %ai'e-4 ran nake-
a"a1 thro$)h the ni)ht;
F=hat -o 1o$ "ant here>G he aske-;
F!o -epart4G : sai-;
!here "as a chish-ch-4 as his bo't str$ck the rock %ar ahea- an- to the 'e%t o% me;
F#o then4G he sai-; F!his is a -an)ero$s p'ace %or 1o$;G
,e t$rne- his mo$nt back in the -irection %rom "hich he ha- come;
: 'o"ere- #ra1s"an-ir;
F: "on@t %or)et 1o$4G : sai-;
FNo4G he ans"ere-; F/o not;G
!hen he )a''ope- a"a14 an- moments 'ater the )a$6e -ri%te- o%% a'so;
: resheathe- #ra1s"an-ir an- took a step %or"ar-; !he "or'- "as be)innin) to t$rn abo$t me
a)ain4 the 'i)ht a-&ancin) on m1 ri)ht4 the -ark retreatin) to m1 'e%t; : 'ooke- abo$t %or some
"a1 to sca'e the rock1 prominence at m1 back; :t seeme- to rise on'1 thirt1 or %ort1 %eet hi)her4
an- : "ante- the &ie" that mi)ht be a&ai'ab'e %rom its s$mmit; B1 'e-)e e.ten-e- to both m1
ri)ht an- m1 'e%t; On inspection4 the "a1 to the ri)ht narro"e- <$ick'14 ho"e&er4 "itho$t
a%%or-in) a s$itab'e ascent; : t$rne- an- ma-e m1 "a1 to the 'e%t;
: came $pon a ro$)her spot in a narro" p'ace be1on- a rock1 sho$'-er; 0$nnin) m1 )a6e $p its
hei)ht4 an ascent seeme- possib'e; : checke- behin- me a%ter the approach o% a--itiona' threats;
!he )host'1 roa-"a1 ha- -ri%te- %arther a"a1C no ne" ri-ers a-&ance-; : commence- c'imbin);
!he )oin) "as not -i%%ic$'t4 tho$)h the hei)ht pro&e- )reater than it ha- seeme- %rom be'o";
9ike'1 a s1mptom o% the spatia' -istortion "hich seeme- to ha&e a%%ecte- m1 si)ht o% so m$ch
e'se in this p'ace; A%ter a time4 : ha$'e- m1se'% $p an- stoo- erect at a point "hich a%%or-e- a
better &ie" in the -irection opposite the ab1ss;
Once a)ain4 : behe'- the chaotic co'ors; +rom m1 ri)ht4 the -arkness her-e- them; !he 'an- the1
-ance- abo&e "as rock-croppe- an- cratere-4 no si)n o% an1 'i%e "ithin it; Passin) thro$)h its
mi-st4 ho"e&er4 %rom the %ar hori6on to a point in the mo$ntains some"here to the ri)ht4 ink1
an- serpentine4 ran "hat co$'- on'1 be the b'ack roa-;
Another ten min$tes o% c'imbin) an- mane$&erin)4 an- : ha- positione- m1se'% to &ie" its
termin$s; :t s"ept thro$)h a broa- pass in the mo$ntains an- ran ri)ht to the &er1 e-)e o% the
ab1ss; !here4 its b'ackness mer)e- "ith that "hich %i''e- the p'ace4 noticeab'e no" on'1 b1 &irt$e
o% the %act that no stars shone thro$)h it; *sin) this occ'$sion to )a$)e it4 : obtaine- the
impression that it contin$e- on to the -ark eminence abo$t "hich the mist1 strips -ri%te-;
: stretche- o$t on m1 be''14 so as to -ist$rb the o$t'ine o% the 'o" crest as 'itt'e as possib'e to
"hate&er $nseen e1es mi)ht %'ick across it; 91in) there4 : tho$)ht $pon the openin) o% this "a1;
!he -ama)e to the Pattern ha- 'ai- Amber open to this access4 an- : be'ie&e- that m1 c$rse ha-
pro&i-e- the precipitatin) e'ement; : %e't no" that it "o$'- ha&e come to pass "itho$t me4 b$t :
"as certain that : ha- -one m1 part; !he )$i't "as sti'' part'1 mine tho$)h no 'on)er entire'1 so4
as : ha- once be'ie&e-; : tho$)ht then o% 2ric4 as he 'a1 -1in) on 3o'&ir; ,e ha- sai- that as
m$ch as he hate- me4 he "as sa&in) his -1in) c$rse %or the enemies o% Amber; :n other "or-s4
this4 an- these; :ronic; B1 e%%orts "ere no" entire'1 -irecte- to"ar- makin) )oo- on m1 'east-
'ike- brother@s -1in) "ish; ,is c$rse to cance' m1 c$rse4 me as the a)ent; +ittin) tho$)h4
perhaps4 in some 'ar)er sense;
: so$)ht4 an- "as p'ease- not to -isco&er4 ranks o% )'o"in) ri-ers settin) %orth or assemb'in)
$pon that roa-; *n'ess another rai-in) part1 "as a'rea-1 $n-er "a1 Amber "as sti'' temporari'1
sa%e; A n$mber o% thin)s imme-iate'1 tro$b'e- me4 ho"e&er; Bain'14 i% time -i- in-ee- beha&e
as pec$'iar'1 in that p'ace as /ara@s possib'e ori)in in-icate-4 then "h1 ha- there not been
another attack> !he1 ha- certain'1 ha- amp'e time in "hich to reco&er an- prepare %or another
assa$'t; ,a- somethin) occ$rre- recent'14 b1 Amber@s time4 that is4 to a'ter the nat$re o% their
strate)1> :% so4 "hat> B1 "eapons> Bran-@s reco&er1> Or somethin) e'se> : "on-ere-4 too4 ho"
%ar Bene-ict@s o$tposts reache-; Certain'1 not this %ar4 or : sho$'- ha&e been in%orme-; ,a- he
e&er been to this p'ace> ,a- an1 o% the others4 "ithin recent memor14 stoo- "here : ha- ?$st
stoo-4 'ookin) $pon the Co$rts o% Chaos4 kno"in) somethin) that : -i- not kno"> : reso'&e- to
<$estion Bran- an- Bene-ict in this re)ar- as soon as : ret$rne-;
A'' o% "hich 'e- me to "on-er ho" time "as beha&in) "ith me4 at that moment; Better not to
spen- an1 more time here than : ha- to4 : -eci-e-; : scanne- the other !r$mps : ha- remo&e-
%rom /"orkin@s -esk; =hi'e the1 "ere a'' o% them interestin)4 : "as %ami'iar "ith none o% the
scenes -epicte-; : s'ippe- m1 o"n case then an- ri%%'e- thro$)h to 0an-om@s !r$mp; Perhaps he
"as the one "ho ha- trie- to contact me ear'ier; : raise- his car- an- re)ar-e- it;
(hort'14 it s"am be%ore m1 e1es an- : 'ooke- $pon a b'$rre- ka'ei-oscope o% ima)es4 the
impression o% 0an-om in their mi-st; Botion4 an- t"istin) perspecti&es;;;
F0an-om4G : sai-; F!his is Cor"in;G
: %e't his min-4 b$t there "as no response %rom it; :t str$ck me then that he "as in the mi--'e o%
a he''ri-e4 a'' his concentration bent on "rappin) the st$%% o% (ha-o" abo$t him; ,e co$'- not
respon- "itho$t 'osin) contro'; : b'ocke- the !r$mp "ith m1 han-4 breakin) the contact;
: c$t to #erar-@s car-; Boments 'ater4 there "as contact; : stoo-;
FCor"in4 "here are 1o$>G he in<$ire-;
FAt the en- o% the "or'-4G : sai-; F: "ant to come home;G
FCome ahea-;G
,e e.ten-e- his han-; : reache- o$t an- c'aspe- it4 steppe- %or"ar-;
=e "ere on the )ro$n- %'oor o% the pa'ace in Amber4 in the sittin) room to "hich "e ha- a''
a-?o$rne- on the ni)ht o% Bran-@s ret$rn; :t seeme- to be ear'1 mornin); !here "as a %ire )oin)
on the )rate; No one e'se "as present;
F: trie- to reach 1o$ ear'ier4G he sai-; F: think Bran- -i-4 too; B$t : can@t be s$re;G
F,o" 'on) ha&e : been a"a1>G
F2i)ht -a1s4G he sai-;
F#'a- : h$rrie-; =hat@s happenin)>G
FNothin) $nto"ar-4G he sai-; F: -o not kno" "hat Bran- "ants; ,e kept askin) %or 1o$4 an- :
co$'- not reach 1o$; +ina''14 : )a&e him a -eck an- to'- him to see "hether he co$'- -o an1
better; Apparent'14 he co$'- not;G
F: "as -istracte-4G : sai-4 Fan- the time-%'o" -i%%erentia' "as ba-;G
,e no--e-;
F: ha&e been a&oi-in) him no" that he is o$t o% -an)er; ,e is in one o% his b'ack moo-s a)ain4
an- he insists he can take care o% himse'%; ,e is ri)ht4 in that4 an- it is ?$st as "e'';G
F=here is he no">G
FBack in his o"n <$arters4 an- he "as sti'' there as o% perhaps an ho$r a)oDbroo-in);G
F,as he been o$t at a''>G
FA %e" brie% "a'ks; B$t not %or the past se&era' -a1s;G
F: )$ess : ha- best )o see him then; An1 "or- on 0an-om>G
FAes4G he sai-; FBene-ict ret$rne- se&era' -a1s a)o; ,e sai- the1 ha- %o$n- a n$mber o% 'ea-s
concernin) 0an-om@s son; ,e he'pe- him check on a co$p'e o% them; One 'e- %$rther4 b$t
Bene-ict %e't he ha- best not be a"a1 %rom Amber %or too 'on)4 thin)s bein) as $ncertain as the1
are; (o he 'e%t 0an-om to contin$e the search on his o"n; ,e )aine- somethin) in the &ent$re4
tho$)h; ,e came back sportin) an arti%icia' armDa bea$ti%$' piece o% "ork; ,e can -o an1thin)
"ith it that he co$'- be%ore;G
F0ea''1>G : sai-; F:t so$n-s stran)e'1 %ami'iar;G
,e smi'e-4 no--e-;
F,e to'- me 1o$ ha- bro$)ht it back %or him %rom !ir-na No)@th; :n %act4 he "ants to speak "ith
1o$ abo$t it as soon as possib'e;G
F:@'' bet4G : sai-; F=here is he no">G
FAt one o% the o$tposts he has estab'ishe- a'on) the b'ack roa-; Ao$ "o$'- ha&e to reach him b1
F!hanks4G : sai-; FAn1thin) %$rther on E$'ian or +iona>G
,e shook his hea-;
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-4 t$rnin) to"ar- the -oor; F: )$ess : "i'' )o see Bran- %irst;G
F: am c$rio$s to kno" "hat it is that he "ants4G he sai-;
F: "i'' remember that4G : to'- him; : 'e%t the room an- hea-e- %or the stairs;
Chapter #
: rappe- on Bran-@s -oor;
FCome in4 Cor"in4G he sai-;
: -i-4 -eci-in) as : crosse- the thresho'- that : "o$'- not ask him ho" he ha- kno"n "ho it
"as; ,is room "as a )'oom1 p'ace4 can-'es b$rnin) -espite the %act that it "as -a1time an- he
ha- %o$r "in-o"s; !he sh$tters "ere c'ose- on three o% them; !he %o$rth "as on'1 part "a1
open; Bran- stoo- besi-e this one4 starin) o$t to"ar- the sea; ,e "as -resse- a'' in b'ack &e'&et
"ith a si'&er chain abo$t his neck; ,is be't "as a'so o% si'&erDa %ine4 'inke- a%%air; ,e p'a1e-
"ith a sma'' -a))er4 an- -i- not 'ook at me as : entere-; ,e "as sti'' pa'e4 b$t his bear- "as
neat'1 trimme- an- he 'ooke- "e'' scr$bbe- an- a bit hea&ier than he ha- "hen 'ast : ha- seen
FAo$ are 'ookin) better4G : sai-; F,o" are 1o$ %ee'in)>G
,e t$rne- an- re)ar-e- me4 e.pression'ess4 his e1es ha'%-c'ose-;
F=here the he'' ha&e 1o$ been>G he sai-;
F,ither an- 1on; =hat -i- 1o$ "ant to see me abo$t>G
F: aske- 1o$ "here 1o$@&e been;G
FAn- : hear- 1o$4G : sai-4 reopenin) the -oor behin- me; FNo" : am )oin) to )o o$t an- come
back in; ($pposin) "e start this con&ersation o&er a)ain>G
,e si)he-;
F=ait a min$te; : am sorr14G he sai-; F=h1 are "e a'' so thin-skinne-> : -o not kno";;;; A''
ri)ht; :t ma1 be better i% : -o start o&er a)ain;G
,e sheathe- his -a))er an- crosse- to sit in a hea&1 chair o% b'ack "oo- an- 'eather;
F: )ot to "orr1in) abo$t a'' the thin)s "e ha- -isc$sse-4G he sai-4 Fan- some that "e ha- not; :
"aite- "hat seeme- an appropriate time %or 1o$ to ha&e conc'$-e- 1o$r b$siness in !ir-na
No)@th an- ret$rne-; : then in<$ire- a%ter 1o$ an- "as to'- 1o$ ha- not 1et come back; : "aite-
'on)er; +irst : "as impatient4 an- then : )re" concerne- that 1o$ mi)ht ha&e been amb$she- b1
o$r enemies; =hen : in<$ire- a)ain 'ater4 : 'earne- that 1o$ ha- been back on'1 'on) eno$)h to
speak "ith 0an-om@s "i%eDit m$st ha&e been a con&ersation o% )reat moment then to take a
nap; Ao$ then -eparte- once more; : "as irritate- that 1o$ ha- not seen %it to keep me poste- as
to e&ents4 b$t : reso'&e- to "ait a bit 'on)er; +ina''14 : aske- #erar- to )et ho'- o% 1o$ "ith 1o$r
!r$mp; =hen he %ai'e-4 : "as <$ite concerne-; : trie- it m1se'% then4 an- "hi'e it seeme- that :
to$che- 1o$ on se&era' occasions : co$'- not )et thro$)h; : %eare- %or 1o$4 an- no" : see that :
ha- nothin) to %ear a'' a'on); ,ence4 : "as abr$pt;G
F: see4G : sai-4 takin) a seat o%% to his ri)ht;
FAct$a''14 time "as r$nnin) %aster %or me than it "as %or 1o$4 so %rom "here : am sittin) : ha&e
har-'1 been a"a1; Ao$ are probab'1 %$rther rec$perate- %rom 1o$r p$nct$re than : am %rom
,e smi'e- %aint'1 an- no--e-;
F!hat is somethin)4 an1"a14G he sai-4 F%or m1 pains;G
F: ha&e ha- a %e" pains m1se'%4G : sai-4 Fso -on@t )i&e me an1 more; Ao$ "ante- me %or
somethin); 9et@s ha&e it;G
F(omethin) is botherin) 1o$4G he sai-; FPerhaps "e o$)ht to -isc$ss that %irst;G
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-; F9et@s;G
: t$rne- an- 'ooke- at the paintin) on the "a'' besi-e the -oor; An oi'4 a rather somber ren-erin)
o% the "e'' at Birata4 t"o men stan-in) besi-e their horses nearb14 ta'kin);
FAo$@&e a -istincti&e st1'e4G : sai-;
F:n a'' thin)s4G he rep'ie-;
FAo$ sto'e m1 ne.t sentence4G : sai-4 'ocatin) Bartin@s !r$mp an- passin) it to him;
,e remaine- e.pression'ess as he e.amine- it4 )a&e me one brie%4 si-e'on) 'ook an- then
F: cannot -en1 m1 han-4G he sai-;
F:t$te- more than that car-4 1o$r han-; /i-n@t it>G
,e trace- his $pper 'ip "ith the tip o% his ton)$e;
F=here -i- 1o$ %in- it>G he aske-;
F0i)ht "here 1o$ 'e%t it4 at the heart o% thin)sDin the rea' Amber;G
F(o;;;G he sai-4 risin) %rom the chair an- ret$rnin) to the "in-o"4 ho'-in) $p the car- as i% to
st$-1 it in a better 'i)ht; F(o4G he repeate-4 F1o$ are a"are o% more than : ha- )$esse-; ,o" -i-
1o$ 'earn o% the prima' Pattern>G
: shook m1 hea-;
FAo$ ans"er m1 <$estion %irst8 /i- 1o$ stab Bartin>G
,e t$rne- to"ar- me once a)ain4 stare- a moment4 then no--e- sharp'1; ,is e1es contin$e- to
search m1 %ace;
F=h1>G : aske-;
F(omeone ha- to4G he e.p'aine-4 Fto open the "a1 %or the po"ers "e nee-e-; =e -re" stra"s;G
FAn- 1o$ "on;G
F=on> 9ost>G ,e shr$))e-; F=hat -oes an1 o% this matter no"> !hin)s -i- not come abo$t as
"e ha- inten-e-; : am a -i%%erent person no" than : "as then;G
F/i- 1o$ ki'' him>G
FBartin4 0an-om@s son; /i- he -ie as a res$'t o% the "o$n- 1o$ in%'icte->G
,e t$rne- his han-s pa'ms $p"ar-;
F: -o not kno"4G he sai-; F:% he -i- not4 it "as not beca$se : -i- not tr1; Ao$ nee- 'ook no
%$rther; Ao$ ha&e %o$n- 1o$r )$i't1 part1; No" that 1o$ ha&e4 "hat are 1o$ )oin) to -o>G
: shook m1 hea-;
F:> Nothin); +or a'' : kno"4 the 'a- ma1 sti'' be 'i&in);G
F!hen 'et $s mo&e on to matters o% )reater moment; +or ho" 'on) ha&e 1o$ kno"n o% the
e.istence o% the tr$e Pattern>G
F9on) eno$)h4G : sai-; F:ts ori)in4 its %$nctions4 the e%%ect o% the b'oo- o% Amber $pon itD'on)
eno$)h; : pai- more attention to /"orkin than 1o$ mi)ht ha&e tho$)ht; : sa" no )ain to be ha-
in -ama)in) the %abric o% e.istence4 tho$)h; (o : 'et 0o&er 'ie s'eepin) %or a 'on)4 'on) "hi'e; :t
-i- not e&en occ$r to me $nti' : spoke "ith 1o$ recent'1 that the b'ack roa- mi)ht ha&e been
connecte- "ith s$ch %oo'ishness; =hen : "ent to inspect the Pattern : %o$n- Bartin@s !r$mp an-
a'' the rest;G
F: "as not a"are that 1o$ "ere ac<$ainte- "ith Bartin;G
F: ha&e ne&er set e1es on him;G
F!hen ho" "ere 1o$ a"are he "as the s$b?ect o% the !r$mp>G
F: "as not a'one in that p'ace;G
F=ho "as "ith 1o$>G
: smi'e-;
FNo4 Bran-; :t is sti'' 1o$r t$rn; Ao$ to'- me "hen 'ast "e ta'ke- that the enemies o% Amber hie-
a'' the "a1 %rom the Co$rts o% Chaos4 that the1 ha&e access to the rea'm &ia the b'ack roa-
beca$se o% somethin) 1o$ an- B'e1s an- +iona ha- -one back "hen 1o$ "ere o% one min- as to
the best "a1 to take the throne; No" : kno" "hat it is that 1o$ -i-; Aet Bene-ict has been
"atchin) the b'ack roa- an- : ha&e ?$st 'ooke- $pon the Co$rts o% Chaos; !here is no ne"
massin) o% %orces4 no mo&ement to"ar- $s $pon that roa-; : kno" that time %'o"s -i%%erent'1 in
that p'ace; !he1 sho$'- ha&e ha- more than eno$)h time to rea-1 a ne" assa$'t; : "ant to kno"
"hat is ho'-in) them back; =h1 ha&e the1 not mo&e-> =hat are the1 "aitin) %or4 Bran->G
FAo$ cre-it me "ith more kno"'e-)e than : possess;G
F: -on@t think so; Ao$ are the resi-ent e.pert on the s$b?ect; Ao$ ha&e -ea't "ith them; !hat
!r$mp is e&i-ence that 1o$ ha&e been ho'-in) back on other matters; /on@t "ease'4 ?$st ta'k;G
F!he Co$rts;;;G he sai-; FAo$ ha&e been b$s1; 2ric "as a %oo' not to ha&e ki''e- 1o$
imme-iate'1Di% he "as a"are 1o$ ha- kno"'e-)e o% these thin)s;G
F2ric "as a %oo'4G : ackno"'e-)e-; FAo$ are not; No" ta'k;G
FB$t : am a %oo'4G he sai-4 Fa sentimenta' one4 at that; /o 1o$ reca'' the -a1 o% o$r 'ast
ar)$ment4 here in Amber4 so 'on) a)o>G
F: "as sittin) on the e-)e o% m1 be-; Ao$ "ere stan-in) b1 m1 "ritin) -esk; As 1o$ t$rne-
a"a1 an- hea-e- to"ar- the -oor4 : reso'&e- to ki'' 1o$; : reache- beneath m1 be-4 "here : keep
a cocke- crossbo" "ith a bo't in it; : act$a''1 ha- m1 han- on it an- "as abo$t to raise it "hen :
rea'i6e- somethin) "hich stoppe- me;G
,e pa$se-;
F=hat "as that>G : aske-;
F9ook o&er there b1 the -oor;G
: 'ooke-4 : sa" nothin) specia'; : be)an to shake m1 hea-4 ?$st as he sai-4 FOn the %'oor;G
!hen : rea'i6e- "hat it "asDr$sset an- o'i&e an- bro"n an- )reen4 "ith a sma'' )eometric
pattern; ,e no--e-;
FAo$ "ere stan-in) on m1 %a&orite r$); : -i- not "ant to )et b'oo- on it; 9ater4 m1 an)er
passe-; (o :4 too4 am a &ictim o% emotion an- circ$mstance;G
F9o&e'1 stor1DG : be)an;
FDb$t no" 1o$ "ant me to stop sta''in); : "as not sta''in)4 ho"e&er; : "as attemptin) to make
a point; =e are a'' o% $s a'i&e b1 one another@s s$%%erance an- an occasiona' %ort$nate acci-ent; :
am )oin) to propose s$spen-in) that s$%%erance an- e'iminatin) the possibi'it1 o% acci-ent in a
co$p'e o% &er1 important cases; +irst tho$)h4 to ans"er 1o$r <$estion4 "hi'e : -o not kno" %or
certain "hat is ho'-in) them back4 : can &ent$re a &er1 )oo- )$ess; B'e1s has assemb'e- a 'ar)e
strike %orce %or an attack on Amber; :t "i'' be no"here near the sca'e o% the one on "hich 1o$
accompanie- him4 ho"e&er; Ao$ see4 he "i'' be co$ntin) on the memor1 o% that 'ast attack to
ha&e con-itione- the response to this one; :t "i'' probab'1 a'so be prece-e- b1 attempts to
assassinate Bene-ict an- 1o$rse'%; !he entire a%%air "i'' be a %eint4 tho$)h; : "o$'- )$ess that
+iona has contacte- the Co$rts o% ChaosDma1 e&en be there ri)ht no" has prepare- them %or
the rea' attack4 "hich mi)ht be e.pecte- an1 time a%ter B'e1s@s -i&ersionar1 %ora1; !here%oreDG
FAo$ sa1 this is a &er1 )oo- )$ess4G : interr$pte-; FB$t "e -o not e&en kno" %or certain that
B'e1s is sti'' 'i&in);G
FB'e1s is a'i&e4G he sai-; F: "as ab'e to ascertain his e.istence &ia his !r$mpDe&en a brie%
assessment o% his c$rrent acti&itiesDbe%ore he became a"are o% m1 presence an- b'ocke- me
o$t; ,e is &er1 sensiti&e to s$ch s$r&ei''ance; : %o$n- him in the %ie'- "ith troops he inten-s to
emp'o1 a)ainst Amber;G
FAn- +iona>G
FNo4G he sai-4 F: -i- no e.perimentin) "ith her !r$mp4 an- : "o$'- a-&ise 1o$ not to either;
(he is e.treme'1 -an)ero$s4 an- : -i- not "ant to 'a1 m1 se'% open to her in%'$ence; B1 estimate
o% her c$rrent sit$ation is base- on -e-$ction rather than -irect kno"'e-)e; : "o$'- be "i''in) to
re'1 on it4 tho$)h;G
F: see4G : sai-;
F: ha&e a p'an;G
F#o ahea-;G
F!he manner in "hich 1o$ retrie&e- me %rom -$rance "as <$ite inspire-4 combinin) the %orces
o% e&er1one@s concentration as 1o$ -i-; !he same princip'e co$'- be $ti'i6e- a)ain4 to a -i%%erent
en-; A %orce s$ch as that "o$'- break thro$)h a person@s -e%ense %air'1 easi'1De&en someone
'ike +iona4 i% the e%%ort is proper'1 -irecte-;G
F!hat is to sa14 -irecte- b1 1o$rse'%>G
FO% co$rse; : propose that "e assemb'e the %ami'1 an- %orce o$r "a1 thro$)h to B'e1s an-
+iona4 "here&er the1 ma1 be; =e ho'- them4 'ocke- in the %$''4 in the %'esh4 ?$st %or a moment or
so; E$st 'on) eno$)h %or me to strike;G
FAs 1o$ -i- Bartin>G
FBetter4 : tr$st; Bartin "as ab'e to break %ree at the 'ast moment; !hat sho$'- not occ$r this
time4 "ith a'' o% 1o$ he'pin); 2&en three or %o$r "o$'- probab'1 be s$%%icient;G
FAo$ rea''1 think 1o$ can p$'' it o%% that easi'1>G
F: kno" "e ha- better tr1; !ime is r$nnin); Ao$ "i'' be one o% the ones$te- "hen the1 take
Amber; (o "i'' :; =hat -o 1o$ sa1>G
F:% : become con&ince- that it is necessar1; !hen : "o$'- ha&e no choice b$t to )o a'on) "ith
F:t is necessar14 be'ie&e me; !he ne.t thin) is that : "i'' nee- the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment;G
F=hat %or>G
F:% +iona is tr$'1 in the Co$rts o% Chaos4 the !r$mp a'one "i'' probab'1 be ins$%%icient to reach
her an- ho'- herDe&en "ith a'' o% $s behin- it; :n her case4 : "i'' re<$ire the Ee"e' to %oc$s o$r
F: s$ppose that co$'- be arran)e-;G
F!hen the sooner "e are abo$t it the better; Can 1o$ set thin)s $p %or toni)ht> : am s$%%icient'1
reco&ere- to han-'e m1 en- o% it;G
F,e''4 no4G : sai-4 stan-in);
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G ,e c'enche- the arms o% the chair4 ha'%-risin); F=h1 not>G
F: sai- : "o$'- )o a'on) "ith it i% : became con&ince- that it "as necessar1; Ao$ ha&e a-mitte-
that a 'ot o% this is con?ect$re; !hat a'one is s$%%icient to keep me %rom bein) con&ince-;G
F+or)et abo$t bein) con&ince- then; Can 1o$ a%%or- to take the chance> !he ne.t attack is )oin)
to be a 'ot stron)er than the 'ast4 Cor"in; !he1 are a"are o% 1o$r ne" "eapons; !he1 are )oin)
to a''o" %or this in their p'annin);G
F2&en i% : a)ree- "ith 1o$ Bran-4 : am certain : co$'- not con&ince the others that the$tions are necessar1;G
FCon&ince them> E$st te'' themI Ao$@&e )ot them a'' b1 the throat4 Cor"inI Ao$ are on top ri)ht
no"; Ao$ "ant to sta1 there4 -on@t 1o$>G
: smi'e- an- mo&e- to"ar- the -oor;
F: "i''4 too4G : sai-4 Fb1 -oin) thin)s m1 "a1; : "i'' keep 1o$r s$))estion on %i'e;G
FAo$r "a1 is )oin) to )et 1o$ -ea-; (ooner than 1o$ think;G
F: am stan-in) on 1o$r r$) a)ain4G : sai-;
,e 'a$)he-;
F7er1 )oo-; B$t : "as not threatenin) 1o$; Ao$ kno" "hat : meant; Ao$ are responsib'e %or a''
o% Amber no"; Ao$ ha&e to -o the ri)ht thin);G
FAn- 1o$ kno" "hat : meant; : am not )oin) to ki'' a co$p'e more o% $s beca$se o% 1o$r
s$spicions; : "o$'- nee- more than that;G
F=hen 1o$ )et it4 it ma1 be too 'ate;G
: shr$))e-;
F=e@'' see;G : reache- to"ar- the -oor;
F=hat are 1o$ )oin) to -o no">G
: shook m1 hea-;
F: -on@t te'' an1bo-1 e&er1thin) that : kno"4 Bran-; :t is a kin- o% ins$rance;G
F: can appreciate that; : on'1 hope that 1o$ kno" eno$)h;G
FOr perhaps 1o$ %ear that : kno" too m$ch4G : sai-;
+or a moment a "ar1 'ook -ance- on the m$sc'es beneath his e1es; !hen he smi'e-; F: am not
a%rai- o% 1o$4 brother4G he sai-;
F:t is )oo- to ha&e nothin) to %ear4G : sai-; : opene- the -oor;
F=ait4G he sai-;
FAo$ ne)'ecte- to te'' me "ho "as "ith 1o$ "hen 1o$ -isco&ere- Bartin@s !r$mp4 in the p'ace
"here : ha- 'e%t it;G
F=h14 it "as 0an-om4G : sai-;
FOh; :s he a"are o% the partic$'ars>G
F:% 1o$ mean4 -oes he kno" that 1o$ stabbe- his son4G : sai-4 Fthe ans"er is no4 not 1et;G
F: see; An- o% Bene-ict@s ne" arm> : $n-erstan- that 1o$ someho" )ot it %or him in !ir-na
No)@th; : "o$'- 'ike to kno" more abo$t this;G
FNot no"4G : sai-; F9et@s sa&e somethin) %or o$r ne.t )et-to)ether; :t "on@t be a'' that 'on);G
: "ent on o$t an- c'ose- the -oor4 m1 si'ent re)ar-s to the r$);
Chapter $
A%ter &isitin) the kitchens4 compi'in) an enormo$s mea' an- -emo'ishin) it4 : hea-e- %or the
stab'es4 "here : 'ocate- a han-some 1o$n) sorre' "hich ha- once be'on)e- to 2ric; : ma-e
%rien-s "ith him in spite o% this4 an- a short "hi'e 'ater "e "ere mo&in) to"ar- the trai' -o"n
3o'&ir "hich "o$'- take $s to the camp o% m1 (ha-o" %orces; As : ro-e an- -i)este-4 : trie- to
sort o$t the e&ents an- re&e'ations o% "hat4 to me4 ha- been the past %e" ho$rs; :% Amber ha-
in-ee- arisen as the res$'t o% /"orkin@s act o% rebe''ion "ithin the Co$rts o% Chaos4 then it
%o''o"e- that "e "ere a'' o% $s re'ate- to the &er1 %orces "hich no" threatene- $s; :t "as4 o%
co$rse4 -i%%ic$'t to -eci-e ho" %ar an1thin) /"orkin sai- mi)ht no" be tr$ste-; Aet4 the b'ack
roa- -i- r$n to the Co$rts o% Chaos4 apparent'1 as a -irect res$'t o% Bran-@s rit$a'4 a thin) "hich
he ha- base- on princip'es 'earne- %rom /"orkin; +ort$nate'14 %or no"4 the parts o% /"orkin@s
narrati&e "hich re<$ire- the )reatest cre-$'it1 "ere those thin)s "hich "ere not o% an1 )reat
moment4 %rom an imme-iate4 practica' stan-point; (ti''4 : ha- mi.e- %ee'in)s abo$t bein)
-escen-e- %rom a $nicornD
: -re" rein; : opene- m1 min- to the sen-in) an- the ima)e o% #ane'on appeare-;
F: am here4G : sai-; F=here -i- 1o$ )et ho'- o% a set o% !r$mps> An- 'earn ho" to $se them>G
F: picke- $p a pack %rom the case in the 'ibrar1 a "hi'e back; !ho$)ht it a )oo- i-ea to ha&e a
"a1 o% )ettin) in to$ch "ith 1o$ in a h$rr1; As %or $sin) them4 : ?$st -i- "hat 1o$ an- the others
seem to -oDst$-1 the !r$mp4 think abo$t it4 concentrate on )ettin) in to$ch "ith the person;G
F: sho$'- ha&e )otten 1o$ a pack 'on) a)o4G : sai-; F:t "as an o&ersi)ht on m1 part "hich : am
)'a- 1o$@&e reme-ie-; Are 1o$ ?$st testin) them no"4 or -i- somethin) come $p>G
F(omethin)4G he sai-; F=here are 1o$>G
FAs chance "o$'- ha&e it4 : am on m1 "a1 -o"n to see 1o$;G
FAo$ are a'' ri)ht>G
F+ine; Come ahea- then; :@- rather not tr1 brin)in) 1o$ thro$)h this thin)4 the "a1 1o$ peop'e
-o; :t is not that $r)ent; : "i'' see 1o$ b1 an- b1;G
,e broke the contact an- : r$st'e- the reins an- contin$e- on; +or a moment4 : ha- been irritate-
that he ha- not simp'1 aske- me %or a -eck; !hen : reca''e- that : ha- been a"a1 %or o&er a "eek4
b1 Amber@s time; ,e ha- probab'1 been )ettin) "orrie-4 -i-n@t tr$st an1 o% the others to -o it %or
him; Perhaps ri)ht'1 so;
!he -escent "ent <$ick'14 as -i- the ba'ance o% the ?o$rne1 to the camp; !he horseD"hose
name4 b1 the "a14 "as /r$mDseeme- happ1 to be )oin) some"here an- ha- a ten-enc1 to p$''
a"a1 at the 'east e.c$se; : )a&e him his hea- at one point to tire him a bit4 an- it "as not too 'on)
a%ter"ar- that : si)hte- the camp; : rea'i6e- at abo$t that time that : misse- (tar;
: "as the s$b?ect o% stares an- sa'$tes as : ro-e into camp; A si'ence %o''o"e- me an- a'' acti&it1
cease- as : passe-; : "on-ere- "hether the1 be'ie&e- : ha- come to -e'i&er a batt'e or-er;
#ane'on emer)e- %rom his tent be%ore : ha- -ismo$nte-;
F+ast4G he obser&e-4 c'aspin) m1 han- as : came -o"n; FPrett1 horse4 that;G
FAes4G : a)ree-4 t$rnin) the reins o&er to his or-er'1; F=hat ne"s ha&e 1o$>G
F=e'';;;G he sai-; F:@&e been ta'kin) to Bene-ict;;;G
F(omethin) stirrin) on the b'ack roa->G
FNo4 no; Nothin) 'ike that; ,e came to see me a%ter he ret$rne- %rom those %rien-s o% hisDthe
!ec1sDto te'' me that 0an-om "as a'' ri)ht4 that he "as %o''o"in) a 'ea- as to Bartin@s
"hereabo$ts; =e )ot to ta'kin) o% other matters a%ter that4 an- %ina''1 he aske- me to te'' him
e&er1thin) : kne" abo$t /ara; 0an-om ha- to'- him abo$t her "a'kin) the Pattern4 an- he ha-
-eci-e- then that too man1 peop'e other than 1o$rse'% "ere a"are o% her e.istence;G
F(o "hat -i- 1o$ te'' him>G
F:nc'$-in) the )$ess"ork4 the spec$'ation a%ter !irna No)@th>G
FE$st so;G
F: see; ,o" -i- he take this>G
F,e seeme- e.cite- abo$t it; ,app14 :@- e&en sa1; Come ta'k "ith him 1o$rse'%;G
: no--e- an- he t$rne- to"ar- his tent; ,e p$she- back the %'ap an- steppe- asi-e; : entere-;
Bene-ict "as seate- on a 'o" stoo' besi-e a %oot 'ocker atop "hich a map ha- been sprea-; ,e
"as tracin) somethin) on the map "ith the 'on) meta' %in)er o% the )'intin)4 ske'eta' han-
attache- to the -ea-'14 si'&er-cab'e-4 %irepinne- mechanica' arm : ha- bro$)ht back %rom the cit1
in the sk14 the entire -e&ice no" attache- to the st$mp o% his ri)ht arm a 'itt'e be'o" the point
"here the s'ee&e ha- been c$t a"a1 %rom his bro"n shirt4 a trans%ormation "hich ha'te- me "ith
a momentar1 sh$--er4 so m$ch -i- he resemb'e the )host : ha- enco$ntere-; ,is e1es rose to
meet m1 o"n an- he raise- the han- in )reetin)4 a cas$a'4 per%ect'1$te- )est$re4 an- he
smi'e- the broa-est smi'e : ha- e&er seen crease his %ace;
FCor"inIG he sai-4 an- then he rose an- e.ten-e- that han-;
: ha- to %orce m1se'% to c'asp the -e&ice "hich ha- a'most ki''e- me; B$t Bene-ict 'ooke- more
kin-'1 -ispose- to"ar- me than he ha- in a 'on) "hi'e; : shook the ne" han- an- its press$res
"ere per%ect; : trie- to -isre)ar- its co'-ness an- an)$'arit1 an- a'most s$ccee-e-4 in m1
ama6ement at the contro' he ha- ac<$ire- o&er it in s$ch a brie% time;
F: o"e 1o$ an apo'o)14G he sai-; F: ha&e "ron)e- 1o$; : am &er1 sorr1;G
F:t@s a'' ri)ht4G : sai-; F: $n-erstan-;G
,e c'aspe- me %or a moment4 an- m1 be'ie% that thin)s ha- apparent'1 been set ri)ht bet"een $s
"as -arkene- on'1 b1 the )rip o% those precise an- -ea-'1 %in)ers on m1 sho$'-er;
#ane'on ch$ck'e- an- bro$)ht $p another stoo'4 "hich he set at the other en- o% the 'ocker; B1
irritation at his ha&in) aire- the s$b?ect : ha- not "ante- mentione-4 "hate&er the circ$mstances4
"as s$bmer)e- b1 the si)ht o% its e%%ects; : co$'- not remember ha&in) seen Bene-ict in better
spiritsC #ane'on "as ob&io$s'1 p'ease- at ha&in) e%%ecte- the reso'$tion o% o$r -i%%erences;
: smi'e- m1se'% an- accepte- a seat4 $nb$ck'in) m1 s"or- be't an- han)in) #ra1s"an-ir on the
tent po'e; #ane'on pro-$ce- three )'asses an- a bott'e o% "ine; As he set the )'asses be%ore $s
an- po$re-4 he remarke-4 F!o ret$rn the hospita'it1 o% 1o$r tent4 that ni)ht4 back in A&a'on;G
Bene-ict took $p his )'ass "ith b$t the %aintest o% c'icks;
F!here is more ease in this tent4G he sai-; F:s that not so4 Cor"in>G
: no--e- an- raise- m1 )'ass;
F!o that ease; Ba1 it a'"a1s pre&ai';G
F: ha&e ha- m1 %irst opport$nit1 in a 'on) "hi'e4G he sai-4 Fto ta'k "ith 0an-om at some 'en)th;
,e has chan)e- <$ite a bit;G
FAes4G : a)ree-;
F: am more inc'ine- to tr$st him no" than : "as in -a1s )one b1; =e ha- the time to ta'k a%ter
"e 'e%t the !ec1s;G
F=here "ere 1o$ hea-e->G
F(ome comments Bartin ha- ma-e to his host seeme- to in-icate that he "as )oin) to a p'ace :
kne" o% %$rther o%% in (ha-o"Dthe b'ock cit1 o% ,eerat; =e ?o$rne1e- there an- %o$n- this to
be correct; ,e ha- passe- that "a1;G
F: am not %ami'iar "ith ,eerat4G : sai-;
FA p'ace o% a-obe an- stoneDa commercia' center at the ?$nction o% se&era' tra-e ro$tes; !here4
0an-om %o$n- ne"s "hich took him east"ar- an- probab'1 -eeper into (ha-o"; =e parte-
compan1 at ,eerat4 %or : -i- not "ant to be a"a1 %rom Amber o&er'on); A'so4 there "as a
persona' matter : "as$s to p$rs$e; ,e to'- me ho" he ha- seen /ara "a'k the Pattern on
the -a1 o% the batt'e;G
F!hat@s ri)ht4G : sai-; F(he -i-; : "as there4 too;G
,e no--e-;
FAs : sai-; 0an-om ha- impresse- me; : "as inc'ine- to be'ie&e he "as te''in) the tr$th; :% this
"ere so4 then it "as possib'e that 1o$ "ere a'so; #rantin) this4 : ha- to p$rs$e the matter o% the
)ir'@s a''e)ations; Ao$ "ere not a&ai'ab'e4 so : came to #ane'onDthis "as se&era' -a1s a)o ha-
him te'' me e&er1thin) he kne" abo$t /ara;G
: )'ance- at #ane'on4 "ho inc'ine- his hea- s'i)ht'1;
F(o 1o$ no" be'ie&e 1o$ ha&e $nco&ere- a ne" re'ati&e4G : sai-4 Fa men-acio$s one4 to be s$re4
an- <$ite possib'1 an enem1Db$t a re'ati&e4 ne&erthe'ess; =hat is 1o$r ne.t mo&e>G
,e took a sip o% "ine;
F: "o$'- 'ike to be'ie&e in the re'ationship4G he sai-; F!he notion someho" p'eases me; (o :
"o$'- 'ike to estab'ish it or ne)ate it to a certaint1; :% it t$rns o$t that "e are in-ee- re'ate-4 then
: "o$'- 'ike to $n-erstan- the moti&es behin- her actions; An- : "o$'- 'ike to 'earn "h1 she
ne&er ma-e her e.istence kno"n to me -irect'1;G
,e p$t -o"n his )'ass4 raise- his ne" han- an- %'e.e- the %in)ers;
F(o : "o$'- 'ike to be)in4G he contin$e-4 Fb1 'earnin) o% those thin)s 1o$ e.perience- in !ir-na
No)@th "hich app'1 to me an- to /ara; : am a'so e.treme'1 c$rio$s abo$t this han-4 "hich
beha&es as i% it "ere ma-e %or me; : ha&e ne&er hear- o% a ph1sica' ob?ect bein) obtaine- in the
cit1 in the sk1;G
,e ma-e a %ist4 $nc'enche- it4 rotate- the "rist4 e.ten-e- the arm4 raise- it4 'o"ere- it )ent'1 to
his knee;
F0an-om per%orme- a &er1 e%%ecti&e piece o% s$r)er14 -on@t 1o$ think>G he conc'$-e-;
F7er14G : a)ree-;
F(o4 "i'' 1o$ te'' me the stor1>G
: no--e- an- took a sip o% m1 "ine;
F:t "as in the pa'ace in the sk1 that it occ$rre-4G : sai-; F!he p'ace "as %i''e- "ith ink14 shi%tin)
sha-o"s; : %e't impe''e- to &isit the throne room; : -i- this4 an- "hen the sha-o"s mo&e- asi-e4 :
sa" 1o$ stan-in) to the ri)ht o% the throne4 "earin) that arm; =hen thin)s c'eare- %$rther4 : sa"
/ara seate- $pon the throne; : a-&ance- an- to$che- her "ith #ra1s"an-ir4 "hich ma-e me
&isib'e to her; (he -ec'are- me -ea- these se&era' cent$ries an- ba-e me ret$rn to m1 )ra&e;
=hen : -eman-e- her 'inea)e4 she sai- she "as -escen-e- o% 1o$ an- o% the he''mai- 9intra;G
Bene-ict -re" a -eep breath b$t sai- nothin); : contin$e-8
F!ime4 she sai-4 mo&e- at s$ch a -i%%erent rate in the p'ace o% her birth4 that se&era' )enerations
ha- passe- there; (he "as the %irst o% them possesse- o% re)$'ar h$man attrib$tes; (he a)ain ba-e
me -epart; /$rin) this time4 1o$ ha- been st$-1in) #ra1s"an-ir; Ao$ str$ck then to remo&e her
%rom -an)er4 an- "e %o$)ht; B1 b'a-e co$'- reach 1o$ an- 1o$r han- co$'- reach me; !hat "as
a''; Other"ise4 it "as a con%rontation o% )hosts; As the s$n be)an to rise an- the cit1 to %a-e4 1o$
ha- me in a )rip "ith that han-; : str$ck it %ree o% the arm "ith #ra1s"an-ir an- escape-; :t "as
ret$rne- "ith me beca$se it "as sti'' c'aspin) m1 sho$'-er;G
FC$rio$s4G Bene-ict sai-; F: ha&e kno"n that p'ace to ren-er %a'se propheciesDthe %ears an-
hi--en -esires o% the &isitor4 rather than a tr$e pict$re o% "hat is to be; B$t then4 it o%ten re&ea's
$nkno"n tr$ths as "e''; An- as in most other thin)s4 it is -i%%ic$'t to separate the &a'i- %rom the
sp$rio$s; ,o" -i- 1o$ rea- it>G
FBene-ict4G : sai-4 F: am inc'ine- to be'ie&e the stor1 o% her ori)in; Ao$ ha&e ne&er seen her4 b$t
: ha&e; (he -oes resemb'e 1o$ in some "a1s; As %or the rest;;;it is -o$bt'ess as 1o$ sai-Dthat
"hich is 'e%t a%ter the tr$th has been separate- o$t;G
,e no--e- s'o"'14 an- : co$'- te'' that he "as not con&ince- b$t -i- not "ant to p$sh the
matter; ,e kne" as "e'' as : -i- "hat the rest imp'ie-; :% he "ere to p$rs$e his c'aim to the
throne an- s$ccee- in achie&in) it4 it "as possib'e that he mi)ht one -a1 step asi-e in %a&or o% his
on'1 -escen-ant;
F=hat are 1o$ )oin) to -o>G : aske- him;
F/o>G he sai-; F=hat is 0an-om no" -oin) abo$t Bartin> : sha'' seek her4 %in- her4 ha&e the
stor1 %rom her o"n 'ips4 an- then -eci-e %or m1se'%; !his "i'' ha&e to "ait4 ho"e&er4 $nti' the
matter o% the b'ack roa- is sett'e-; !hat is another matter : "ish to -isc$ss "ith 1o$;G
F:% time mo&es so -i%%erent'1 in their stron)ho'-4 the1 ha&e ha- more than the1 nee- in "hich to
mo$nt another attack; : -o not "ant to keep "aitin) to meet them in in-ecisi&e enco$nters; : am
contemp'atin) %o''o"in) the b'ack roa- back to its so$rce an- attackin) them on their home
)ro$n-; : "o$'- 'ike to -o it "ith 1o$r conc$rrence;G
FBene-ict4G : sai-4 Fha&e 1o$ e&er 'ooke- $pon the Co$rts o% Chaos>G
,e raise- his hea- an- stare- at the b'ank "a'' o% the tent;
FA)es a)o4 "hen : "as 1o$n)4G he sai-4 F: he''ro-e as %ar as : mi)ht )o4 to the en- o%
e&er1thin); !here4 beneath a -i&i-e- sk14 : 'ooke- $pon an a"esome ab1ss; : -o not kno" i% the
p'ace 'ies there or i% the roa- r$ns that %ar4 b$t : am prepare- to take that "a1 a)ain4 i% s$ch is the
F($ch is the case4G : sai-;
F,o" can 1o$ be certain>G
F: am ?$st ret$rne- %rom that 'an-; A -ark cita-e' ho&ers "ithin it; !he roa- )oes to it;G
F,o" -i%%ic$'t "as the "a1>G
F,ere4G : sai-4 takin) o$t the !r$mp an- passin) it to him;
F!his "as /"orkin@s; : %o$n- it amon) his thin)s; : on'1 ?$st trie- it; :t took me there; !ime is
a'rea-1 rapi- at that point; : "as attacke- b1 a ri-er on a -ri%tin) roa-"a14 o% a sort not sho"n on
the car-; !r$mp contact is -i%%ic$'t there4 perhaps beca$se o% the time -i%%erentia'; #erar-
bro$)ht me back;G
,e st$-ie- the car-;
F:t seems the p'ace : sa" that time4G he sai- at 'en)th; F!his so'&es o$r 'o)istics prob'ems; =ith
one o% $s on either en- o% a !r$mp connection "e can transport the troops ri)ht thro$)h4 as "e
-i- that -a1 %rom 3o'&ir to #amath;G
: no--e-;
F!hat is one o% the reasons : sho"e- it to 1o$4 to in-icate m1 )oo- %aith; !here ma1 be another
"a14 in&o'&in) 'ess risk than r$nnin) o$r %orces into the $nkno"n; : "ant 1o$ to ho'- o%% on this
&ent$re $nti' : ha&e e.p'ore- m1 "a1 %$rther;G
F: "i'' ha&e to ho'- o%% in an1 e&ent4 to obtain some inte''i)ence concernin) that p'ace; =e -o
not e&en kno" "hether 1o$r a$tomatic "eapons "i'' %$nction there4 -o "e>G
FNo4 : -i- not ha&e one a'on) to test;G
,e p$rse- his 'ips;
FAo$ rea''1 sho$'- ha&e tho$)ht to take one an- tr1 it;G
F!he circ$mstances o% m1 -epart$re -i- not permit this;G
FAnother time; :t is not re'e&ant here; Ao$ spoke o% %o''o"in) the b'ack roa- to its so$rce;;;G
F!hat is not its tr$e so$rce; :ts rea' so$rce 'ies in the tr$e Amber4 in the -e%ect in the prima'
FAes4 : $n-erstan- that; Both 0an-om an- #ane'on ha&e -escribe- 1o$r ?o$rne1 to the p'ace o%
the tr$e Pattern4 an- the -ama)e 1o$ -isco&ere- there; : see the ana'o)14 the possib'e connection
F/o 1o$ reca'' m1 %'i)ht %rom A&a'on4 an- 1o$r p$rs$it>G
:n ans"er4 he on'1 smi'e- %aint'1;
F!here "as a point "here "e crosse- the b'ack roa-4G : sai-; F/o 1o$ reca'' it>G
,e narro"e- his e1es;
FAes4G he sai-; FAo$ c$t a path thro$)h it; !he "or'- ha- ret$rne- to norma' at that point; : ha-
F:t "as an e%%ect o% the Pattern $pon it4G : sai-4 Fone "hich : be'ie&e can be emp'o1e- $pon a
m$ch 'ar)er sca'e;G
F,o" m$ch 'ar)er>G
F!o "ipe o$t the entire thin);G
,e 'eane- back an- st$-ie- m1 %ace;
F!hen "h1 are 1o$ not abo$t it>G
F!here are a %e" pre'iminaries : m$st $n-ertake;G
F,o" m$ch time "i'' the1 in&o'&e>G
FNot too m$ch; Possib'1 as 'itt'e as a %e" -a1s; Perhaps a %e" "eeks;G
F=h1 -i-n@t 1o$ mention a'' o% this sooner>G
F: on'1 'earne- ho" to )o abo$t it recent'1;G
F,o" -o 1o$ )o abo$t it>G
FBasica''14 it amo$nts to repairin) the Pattern;G
FA'' ri)ht4G he sai-; F(a1 1o$ s$ccee-; !he enem1 "i'' sti'' be o$t there;G
,e )est$re- to"ar- #arnath an- the b'ack roa-;
F(omeone )a&e them passa)e once;G
F!he enem1 has a'"a1s been o$t there4G : sai-; FAn- it "i'' be $p to $s to see that the1 are not
)i&en passa)e a)ainDb1 -ea'in) proper'1 "ith those "ho pro&i-e- it in the %irst p'ace;G
F: )o a'on) "ith 1o$ on that4G he sai-4 Fb$t that is not "hat : meant; !he1 re<$ire a 'esson4
Cor"in; : "ant to teach them a proper respect %or Amber4 s$ch a respect that e&en i% the "a1 is
opene- a)ain the1 "i'' %ear to $se it; !hat is "hat : meant; :t is necessar1;G
FAo$ -o not kno" "hat it "o$'- be 'ike to carr1 a batt'e to that p'ace4 Bene-ict; :t isD'itera''1
,e smi'e- an- stoo-;
F!hen : )$ess : ha- best )o see %or m1se'%4G he sai-; F: "i'' keep this car- %or a time4 i% 1o$ -on@t
F: -on@t min-;G
F#oo-; !hen 1o$ be on "ith 1o$r b$siness abo$t the Pattern4 Cor"in4 an- : "i'' be abo$t m1
o"n; !his "i'' take me some time4 too; : m$st )o )i&e m1 comman-ers or-ers concernin) m1
absence no"; 9et $s a)ree that neither o% $s commence an1thin) o% a %ina' nat$re "itho$t
checkin) %irst "ith the other;G
FA)ree-4G : sai-;
=e %inishe- o$r "ine;
F: "i'' be $n-er "a1 m1se'%4 &er1 soon no"4G : sai-; F(o4 )oo- '$ck;G
F!o 1o$4 a'so;G ,e smi'e- a)ain; F!hin)s are better4G he sai-4 an- he c'aspe- m1 sho$'-er as he
passe- to the entrance; =e %o''o"e- him o$tsi-e;
FBrin) Bene-ict@s horse4G #ane'on -irecte- the or-er'1 "ho stoo- beneath a nearb1 treeC an-
t$rnin)4 he o%%ere- Bene-ict his han-;
F:4 too4 "ant to "ish 1o$ '$ck4G he sai-;
Bene-ict no--e- an- shook his han-;
F!hank 1o$4 #ane'on; +or man1 thin)s;G
Bene-ict "ith-re" his !r$mps;
F: can brin) #erar- $p to -ate4G he sai-4 Fbe%ore m1 horse arri&es;G
,e ri%%'e- thro$)h them4 "ith-re" one4 st$-ie- it;
F,o" -o 1o$ )o abo$t repairin) the Pattern>G #ane'on aske- me;
F: ha&e to )et ho'- o% the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment a)ain4G : sai-; F=ith it4 : can reinscribe the
-ama)e- area;G
F:s this -an)ero$s>G
F=here is the Ee"e'>G
FBack on the sha-o" 2arth4 "here : 'e%t it;G
F=h1 -i- 1o$ aban-on it>G
F: %eare- that it "as ki''in) me;G
,e contorte- his %eat$res into a near-impossib'e )rimace;
F: -on@t 'ike the so$n- o% this4 Cor"in; !here m$st be another "a1;G
F:% : kne" a better "a14 :@- take it;G
F($pposin) 1o$ ?$st %o''o"e- Bene-ict@s p'an an- took them a'' on> Ao$ sai- 1o$rse'% that he
co$'- raise in%inite 'e)ions in (ha-o"; Ao$ a'so sai- that he is the best man there is in the %ie'-;G
FAet the -ama)e "o$'- remain in the Pattern4 an- somethin) e'se "o$'- come to %i'' it; A'"a1s;
!he enem1 o% the moment is not as important as o$r o"n inner "eakness; :% this is not men-e-
"e are a'rea-1 -e%eate-4 tho$)h no %orei)n con<$eror stan-s "ithin o$r "a''s;G
,e t$rne- a"a1;
F: cannot ar)$e "ith 1o$; Ao$ kno" 1o$r o"n rea'm4G he sai-; FB$t : sti'' %ee' 1o$ ma1 be
makin) a )ra&e mistake b1 riskin) 1o$rse'% on "hat ma1 pro&e $nnecessar1 at a time "hen 1o$
are &er1 m$ch nee-e-;G
: ch$ck'e-4 %or it "as 7ia''e@s "or- an- : ha- not "ante- to ca'' it m1 o"n "hen she ha- sai- it;
F:t is m1 -$t14G : to'- him;
,e -i- not rep'1;
Bene-ict4 a -o6en paces a"a14 ha- apparent'1 reache- #erar-4 %or he "o$'- m$tter somethin)4
then pa$se an- 'isten; =e stoo- there4 "aitin) %or him to conc'$-e his con&ersation so that "e
co$'- see him o%%;
F;;;Aes4 he is here no"4G : hear- him sa1; FNo4 : -o$bt that &er1 m$ch; B$tDG
Bene-ict )'ance- at me se&era' times an- shook his hea-;
FNo4 : -o not think so4G he sai-; !hen4 FA'' ri)ht4 come ahea-;G
,e e.ten-e- his ne" han-4 an- #erar- steppe- into bein)4 c'aspin) it; #erar- t$rne- his hea-4
sa" me4 an- imme-iate'1 mo&e- in m1 -irection;
,e ran his e1es $p an- -o"n an- back an- %orth across m1 entire person4 as i% searchin) %or
F=hat is the matter>G : sai-;
FBran-4G he rep'ie-; F,e is no 'on)er in his <$arters; At 'east4 most o% him isn@t; ,e 'e%t some
b'oo- behin-; !he p'ace is a'so broken $p eno$)h to sho" there ha- been a %i)ht;G
: )'ance- -o"n at m1 shirt %ront an- tro$sers;
FAn- 1o$ are 'ookin) %or b'oo-stains> As 1o$ can see4 these are the same thin)s : ha- on ear'ier;
!he1 ma1 be -irt1 an- "rink'e-4 b$t that@s a'';G
F!hat -oes not rea''1 pro&e an1thin)4G he sai-;
F:t "as 1o$r i-ea to 'ook; Not mine; =hat makes 1o$ think :DG
FAo$ "ere the 'ast one to see him4G he sai-;
F2.cept %or the person be ha- a %i)ht "ithDi% he rea''1 -i-;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean b1 that>G
FAo$ kno" his temper4 his moo-s; =e ha- a sma'' ar)$ment; ,e mi)ht ha&e starte- breakin)
thin)s $p a%ter : 'e%t4 ma1be c$t himse'%4 )otten -is)$ste-4 tr$mpe- o$t %or a chan)e o% sceneD
=aitI ,is r$)I =as there an1 b'oo- on that sma''4 %anc1 r$) be%ore his -oor>G
F: am not s$reDno4 : -on@t think so; =h1>G
FCirc$mstantia' e&i-ence that he -i- it himse'%; ,e "as &er1 %on- o% that r$); ,e a&oi-e-
messin) it;G
F: -on@t b$1 it4G #erar- sai-4 Fan- Caine@s -eath sti'' 'ooks pec$'iar Bene-ict@s ser&ants4 "ho
co$'- ha&e %o$n- o$t 1o$ "ante- )$npo"-er; No" Bran-DG
F!his co$'- "e'' be another attempt to %rame me4G : sai-4 Fan- Bene-ict an- : ha&e come to
better terms;G
,e t$rne- to"ar- Bene-ict4 "ho ha- not mo&e- %rom "here he stoo- a -o6en paces a"a14
re)ar-in) $s "itho$t e.pression4 'istenin);
F,as he e.p'aine- a"a1 those -eaths>G #erar- aske- him;
FNot -irect'14G Bene-ict ans"ere-4 Fb$t m$ch o% the rest o% the stor1 no" stan-s in a better
'i)ht; (o m$ch so4 that : am inc'ine- to be'ie&e a'' o% it;G
#erar- shook his hea- an- )'are- -o"n at me a)ain;
F(ti'' $nsett'e-4G he sai-; F=hat "ere 1o$ an- Bran- ar)$in) abo$t>G
F#erar-4G : sai-4 Fthat is o$r b$siness4 ti'' Bran- an- : -eci-e other"ise;G
F: -ra))e- him back to 'i%e an- "atche- o&er him4 Cor"in; : -i-n@t -o it ?$st to see him ki''e- in
a s<$abb'e;G
F*se 1o$r brains4G : to'- him; F=hose i-ea "as it to search %or him the "a1 that "e -i-> !o
brin) him back>G
FAo$ "ante- somethin) %rom him4G he sai-; FAo$ %ina''1 )ot it; !hen he became an
FNo; B$t e&en i% that "ere the case4 -o 1o$ think : "o$'- be so -amne- ob&io$s abo$t it> :% he
has been ki''e-4 then it is on the same or-er as Caine@s -eathDan attempt to %rame me;G
FAo$ $se- the ob&io$sness e.c$se "ith Caine4 too; :t seems to me it co$'- be a kin- o% s$bt'et1
Da thin) 1o$ are )oo- at;G
F=e ha&e been thro$)h this be%ore4 #erar-;;;G
F;;;An- 1o$ kno" "hat : to'- 1o$ then;G
F:t "o$'- be -i%%ic$'t to ha&e %or)otten;G
,e reache- %or"ar- an- sei6e- m1 ri)ht sho$'-er; : imme-iate'1 -ro&e m1 'e%t han- into his
stomach an- p$''e- a"a1; :t occ$rre- to me then that perhaps : sho$'- ha&e to'- him "hat Bran-
an- : ha- been ta'kin) abo$t; B$t : -i-n@t 'ike the "a1 he ha- aske- me;
,e came at me a)ain; : si-e-steppe- an- ca$)ht him "ith a 'i)ht 'e%t near the ri)ht e1e; : kept
?abbin) a%ter that4 main'1 to keep his hea- back; : "as in no rea' shape to %i)ht him a)ain4 an-
#ra1s"an-ir "as back in the tent; : ha- no other "eapon "ith me;
: kept circ'in) him; B1 si-e h$rt i% : kicke- "ith m1 'e%t 'e); : ca$)ht him once on the thi)h "ith
m1 ri)ht4 b$t : "as s'o" an- o%%-ba'ance an- co$'- not rea''1 %o''o" thro$)h; : contin$e- to ?ab;
+ina''14 he b'ocke- m1 'e%t an- mana)e- to -rop his han- on m1 biceps; : sho$'- ha&e p$''e-
a"a1 then4 b$t he "as open; : steppe- in "ith a hea&1 ri)ht to his stomach4 a'' o% m1 stren)th
behin- it; :t bent him %or"ar- "ith a )asp4 b$t his )rip ti)htene- on m1 arm; ,e b'ocke- m1
attempte- $pperc$t "ith his 'e%t4 contin$in) its %or"ar- motion $nti' the hee' o% his han-
s'amme- a)ainst m1 chest4 at the same time ?erkin) m1 'e%t arm back"ar- an- to the si-e "ith
s$ch %orce that : "as thro"n to the )ro$n-; :% he came -o"n on me4 that "as it;
,e -roppe- to one knee an- reache- %or m1 throat;
Chapter %
: mo&e- to b'ock his han-4 b$t it ha'te- in mi-reach; !$rnin) m1 hea-4 : sa" that another han-
ha- %a''en $pon #erar-@s arm4 "as no" )raspin) it4 "as ho'-in) it back;
: ro''e- a"a1; =hen : 'ooke- $p a)ain4 : sa" that #ane'on ha- ca$)ht ho'- o% him; #erar-
?erke- his arm %or"ar-4 b$t it -i- not come %ree;
F(ta1 o$t o% this4 #ane'on4G he sai-;
F#et )oin)4 Cor"inIG #ane'on sai-; F#et the Ee"e'IG
2&en as he ca''e- o$t4 #erar- "as be)innin) to rise; #ane'on crosse- "ith his 'e%t an- connecte-
"ith #erar-@s ?a"; #erar- spra"'e- at his %eet; #ane'on mo&e- in an- s"$n) a kick to"ar- his
ki-ne14 b$t #erar- ca$)ht his %oot an- hea&e- him o&er back"ar-; : scramb'e- back into a
cro$ch4 s$pportin) m1se'% "ith one han-;
#erar- came $p o%% the )ro$n- an- r$she- #ane'on4 "ho "as ?$st reco&erin) his %eet; As he "as
a'most $pon him4 #ane'on came $p "ith a -o$b'e-%iste- b'o" to #$ar-@s mi-section4 "hich
ha'te- him in his tracks; :nstant'14 #ane'on@s %ists "ere mo&in) 'ike pistons a)ainst #erar-@s
ab-omen; +or se&era' moments4 #erar- seeme- too -a6e- to protect himse'%4 an- "hen he %ina''1
bent an- bro$)ht his arms in4 #ane'on ca$)ht him "ith a ri)ht to the ?a" that sta))ere- him
back"ar-; #ane'on imme-iate'1 r$she- %or"ar-4 thro"in) his arms abo$t #erar- as he s'amme-
into him an- hookin) his ri)ht 'e) behin- #erar-@s o"n; #erar- topp'e- an- #ane'on %e'' $pon
him; ,e stra--'e- #erar- then an- -ro&e his ri)ht %ist a)ainst his ?a"; =hen #erar-@s hea- ro''e-
back4 #ane'on crosse- "ith his 'e%t;
Bene-ict s$--en'1 mo&e- to inter&ene4 b$t #ane'on chose that moment to rise to his %eet;
#erar- 'a1 $nconscio$s4 b'ee-in) %rom his mo$th an- nose; : )ot shaki'1 to m1 o"n %eet4 -$ste-
m1se'% o%%; #ane'on )rinne- at me;
F/on@t sta1 aro$n-4G he sai-; F: -on@t kno" ho" : "o$'- -o in a rematch; #o %in- the trinket;G
: )'ance- at Bene-ict an- he no--e-; : ret$rne- to the tent %or #ra1s"an-ir;
=hen : emer)e-4 #erar- sti'' ha- not mo&e-4 b$t Bene-ict stoo- be%ore me;
F0emember4G he sai-4 F1o$@&e m1 !r$mp an- :@&e 1o$rs; Nothin) %ina' "itho$t a con%erence;G
: no--e-; : "as )oin) to ask him "h1 he ha- seeme- "i''in) to he'p #erar-4 b$t not me; B$t
secon- tho$)hts ha- me an- : -eci-e- a)ainst spoi'in) o$r %resh-minte- amit1;
: hea-e- to"ar- the horses; #ane'on c'appe- me on the sho$'-er as : came $p to him;
F#oo- '$ck4G he sai-; F:@- )o "ith 1o$4 b$t : am nee-e- hereDespecia''1 "ith Bene-ict
tr$mpin) o%% to Chaos;G
F#oo- sho"4G : sai-; F: sho$'-n@t ha&e an1 tro$b'e; /on@t "orr1;G
: "ent o%% to the pa--ock; (hort'14 : "as mo$nte- an- mo&in); #ane'on thre" me a sa'$te as :
passe- an- : ret$rne- it; Bene-ict "as knee'in) besi-e #erar-;
: hea-e- %or the nearest trai' into Ar-en; !he sea 'a1 at m1 back4 #amath an- the b'ack roa- to
the 'e%t4 3o'&ir to m1 ri)ht; : ha- to )ain some -istance be%ore : co$'- "ork "ith the st$%% o%
(ha-o"; !he -a1 'a1 c'ean once #amath "as 'ost to si)ht4 se&era' rises an- -ips 'ater; : str$ck the
trai' an- %o''o"e- its 'on) c$r&e into the "oo-4 "here moist sha-o"s an- -istant bir- son)s
remin-e- me o% the 'on) perio-s o% peace "e ha- kno"n o% o'- an- the si'ken4 )'eamin)
presence o% the materna' $$icorn;
B1 aches %a-e- into the rh1thm o% the ri-e4 an- : tho$)ht once a)ain o% the enco$nter : ha-
-eparte-; :t "as not -i%%ic$'t to $n-erstan- #erar-@s attit$-e4 since he ha- a'rea-1 to'- me o% his
s$spicions an- iss$e- me a "arnin); (ti''4 it "as s$ch ba- timin) %or "hate&er ha- happene-
"ith Bran- that : co$'- not b$t see it as another action inten-e- either to s'o" me or to stop me
entire'1; :t "as %ort$nate that #ane'on ha- been on han-4 in )oo- shape4 an- ab'e to p$t his %ists
in the ri)ht p'aces at the proper times; : "on-ere- "hat Bene-ict "o$'- ha&e -one i% there ha-
on'1 been the three o% $s present; :@- a %ee'in) he "o$'- ha&e "aite- an- inter&ene- on'1 at the
&er1 'ast moment4 to stop #erar- %rom ki''in) me; : "as sti'' not happ1 "ith o$r accor-4 tho$)h it
"as certain'1 an impro&ement o&er the pre&io$s state o% a%%airs;
A'' o% "hich ma-e me "on-er a)ain "hat ha- become o% Bran-; ,a- +iona or B'e1s %ina''1
)otten to him> ,a- he attempte- his propose- assassinations sin)'ehan-e- an- been met "ith a
co$nterthr$st4 then -ra))e- thro$)h his inten-e- &ictim@s !r$mp> ,a- his o'- a''ies %rom the
Co$rts o% Chaos someho" )otten thro$)h to him> ,a- one o% his horn1-han-e- )$ar-ians %rom
the to"er %ina''1 been ab'e to reach him> Or ha- it been as : ha- s$))este- to #erar-Dan
acci-enta' se'%-in?$r1 in a %it o% ra)e4 %o''o"e- b1 an i'' tempere- %'i)ht %rom Amber to -o his
broo-in) an- p'ottin) e'se"here>
=hen that man1 <$estions arise %rom a sin)'e e&ent the ans"er is se'-om obtainab'e b1 p$re
'o)ic; : ha- to sort o$t the possibi'ities tho$)h4 to ha&e somethin) to reach %or "hen more %acts
-i- t$rn $p; :n the meantime4 : tho$)ht care%$''1 o&er e&er1thin) he ha- to'- me4 re)ar-in) his
a''e)ations in 'i)ht o% those thin)s "hich : no" kne"; =ith one e.ception4 : -i- not -o$bt most
o% the %acts; ,e ha- b$i't too c'e&er'1 to ha&e the e-i%ice simp'1 topp'eDb$t then4 he ha- ha- a
'ot o% time to think these thin)s o&er; No4 it "as in his manner o% presentin) e&ents that
somethin) ha- been hi--en b1 mis-irection; ,is recent proposa' practica''1 ass$re- me o% that;
!he o'- trai' t"iste-4 "i-ene-4 narro"e- a)ain4 s"$n) to the north"est an- -o"n"ar-4 into the
thickenin) "oo-; !he %orest ha- chan)e- &er1 'itt'e; :t seeme- a'most the same trai' a 1o$n) man
ha- ri--en cent$ries be%ore4 ri-in) %or the sheer p'eas$re o% it4 ri-in) to e.p'ore that &ast )reen
rea'm "hich e.ten-e- o&er most o% the continent4 i% he -i- not stra1 into (ha-o"; :t "o$'- be
)oo- to be -oin) it a)ain %or no reason other than this;
A%ter perhaps an ho$r4 : ha- "orke- m1 "a1 "e'' back into the %orest4 "here the trees "ere
)reat -ark to"ers4 "hat s$n'i)ht : )'impse- ca$)ht 'ike phoeni. nests in their hi)hest branches4
an a'"a1s moist4 t"i'i)ht so%tness smoothin) the o$t'ines o% st$mps an- bo'es4 'o)s an- moss1
rocks; A -eer bo$n-e- across m1 path4 not tr$stin) to the e.ce''ent concea'ment o% a thicket at
the ri)ht o% the trai'; Bir- notes so$n-e- abo$t me4 ne&er too near; Occasiona''14 : crosse- the
tracks o% other horsemen; (ome o% these "ere <$ite %resh4 b$t the1 -i- not sta1 'on) "ith the
trai'; 3o'&ir "as "e'' o$t o% si)ht4 ha- been %or some time;
!he trai' rose a)ain4 an- : kne" that : "o$'- short'1 reach the top o% a sma'' ri-)e4 pass amon)
rocks4 an- hea- -o"n"ar- once more; !he trees thinne- some"hat as "e c'imbe-4 $nti' %ina''1 :
"as a%%or-e- a partia' &ie" o% the sk1; :t "as en'ar)e- as : contin$e-4 an- "hen : came to the
s$mmit : hear- the -istant cr1 o% a h$ntin) bir-;
#'ancin) $p"ar-4 : sa" a )reat -ark shape4 circ'in) an- circ'in)4 hi)h abo&e me; : h$rrie- past
the bo$'-ers an- shook the reins %or a b$rst o% spee- as soon as the "a1 "as c'ear; =e p'$n)e-
-o"n"ar-4 racin) to )et $n-er co&er o% the 'ar)er trees once a)ain;
!he bir- crie- o$t as "e -i- this4 b$t "e "on to the sha-e4 to the -imness4 "itho$t inci-ent; :
s'o"e- )ra-$a''1 a%ter that an- contin$e- to 'isten4 b$t there "ere no $nto"ar- so$n-s on the air;
!his part o% the %orest "as prett1 m$ch the same as that "e ha- 'e%t be1on- the ri-)e4 sa&e %or a
sma'' stream "e picke- $p an- para''e'e- %or a time4 %ina''1 crossin) it at a sha''o" %or-; Be1on-4
the trai' "i-ene- an- a 'itt'e more 'i)ht 'eake- thro$)h an- %'o"e- "ith $s %or ha'% a 'ea)$e; =e
ha- a'most come a s$%%icient -istance %or me to be)in those sma'' manip$'ations o% (ha-o"
"hich "o$'- bear me to the path"a1 back to the sha-o" 2arth o% m1 %ormer e.i'e; Aet4 it "o$'-
be -i%%ic$'t to be)in here4 easier %arther a'on); : reso'&e- to sa&e the strain on m1se'% an- m1
mo$nt b1 contin$in) to a better be)innin); Nothin) o% a threatenin) nat$re ha- rea''1 occ$rre-;
!he bir- co$'- be a "i'- h$nter4 probab'1 "as;
On'1 one tho$)ht na))e- at me as : ro-e;
Ar-en "as E$'ian@s preser&e4 patro''e- b1 his ran)ers4 she'terin) se&era' encampments o% his
troops at a'' timesDAmber@s in'an- bor-er )$ar-4 both a)ainst inc$rsions nat$ra' an- a)ainst
those thin)s "hich mi)ht appear at the bo$n-aries o% (ha-o";
=here -i- E$'ian )o "hen he ha- -eparte- the pa'ace so s$--en'1 on the ni)ht o% Bran-@s
stabbin)> :% he "ishe- simp'1 to hi-e4 there "as no necessit1 %or him to %'ee %arther than this;
,ere he "as stron)4 backe- b1 his o"n men4 mo&in) in a rea'm he kne" %ar better than the rest
o% $s; :t "as <$ite possib'e that he "as not4 ri)ht no"4 too %ar a"a1; A'so4 he 'ike- to h$nt; ,e
ha- his he''ho$n-s4 he ha- his bir-s;;;A ha'% mi'e4 a mi'e;;;
E$st then4 : hear- the so$n- that : %eare- most; Piercin) the )reen an- the sha-e4 there came the
notes o% a h$ntin) horn; !he1 came %rom some -istance behin- me4 an- : think %rom the 'e%t o%
the trai';
: $r)e- m1 mo$nt to a )a''op an- the trees r$she- to a b'$r on either si-e; !he trai' "as strai)ht
an- 'e&e' here; =e took a-&anta)e o% this;
!hen %rom behin-4 : hear- a roarDa kin- o% -eepcheste- co$)hin)4 )ro"'in) so$n- backe- b1 a
'ot o% resonant '$n) space; : -i- not kno" "hat it "as that ha- 'ittere- it4 b$t it "as no -o); Not
e&en a he''ho$n- so$n-e- 'ike that; : )'ance- back4 b$t there "as no p$rs$it in si)ht; (o : kept
'o" an- ta'ke- to /r$m a bit;
A%ter a time4 : hear- a crashin) noise in the "oo-s o%% to m1 ri)ht4 b$t the roar "as not repeate-
?$st then; : 'ooke- a)ain4 se&era' times4 b$t : "as $nab'e to make o$t "hat it "as that "as
ca$sin) the -ist$rbance; (hort'1 therea%ter4 : hear- the horn once more4 m$ch nearer4 an- this
time it "as ans"ere- b1 the barks an- the ba1in) "hich : co$'- not mistake; !he he''ho$n-s
"ere comin)Ds"i%t4 po"er%$'4 &icio$s beasts E$'ian ha- %o$n- in some sha-o" an- traine- to
the h$nt;
:t "as time4 : -eci-e-4 to be)in the shi%t; Amber "as sti'' stron) abo$t me4 b$t : 'ai- ho'- o%
(ha-o" as best : co$'- an- starte- the mo&ement;
!he trai' be)an to c$r&e to the 'e%t4 an- as "e race- a'on) it the trees at either han- -iminishe-
in si6e4 %e'' back; Another c$r&e4 an- the trai' 'e- $s thro$)h a c'earin)4 perhaps t"o h$n-re-
meters across; : )'ance- $p then an- sa" that that -amne- bir- "as sti'' circ'in)4 m$ch nearer
no"4 c'ose eno$)h to be -ra))e- "ith me thro$)h (ha-o";
!his "as more comp'icate- than : ha- inten-e-; : "ante- an open space in "hich to "hee' m1
mo$nt an- s"in) a b'a-e %ree'1 i% it came to that; !he occ$rrence o% s$ch a p'ace4 ho"e&er4
re&ea'e- m1 position <$ite c'ear'1 to the bir-4 "hom it "as pro&in) -i%%ic$'t to 'ose;
A'' ri)ht; =e came to a 'o" hi''4 mo$nte- it4 starte- -o"n"ar-4 passin) a 'one4 'i)htnin)-b'aste-
tree as "e -i-; On its nearest branch sat a ha"k o% )ra1 an- si'&er an- b'ack; : "hist'e- to it as
"e passe-4 an- it 'eape- into the air4 shriekin) a sa&a)e batt'e cr1;
,$rr1in) on4 : hear- the in-i&i-$a' &oices o% the -o)s c'ear'1 no"4 an- the th$- o% the horses@
hoo%s; Bi.e- in "ith these so$n-s there "as somethin) e'se4 more a &ibration4 a sh$--erin) o%
the )ro$n-; : 'ooke- back a)ain4 b$t none o% m1 p$rs$it ha- 1et toppe- the hi''; : bent m1 min-
to"ar- the "a1 a"a1 an- c'o$-s occ'$-e- the s$n; (tran)e %'o"ers appeare- a'on) the trai'D
)reen an- 1e''o" an- p$rp'e there came a r$mb'e o% -istant th$n-ers; !he c'earin) "i-ene-4
'en)thene-; :t became comp'ete'1 'e&e';
: hear- once a)ain the so$n- o% the horn; : t$rne- %or another 'ook;
:t bo$n-e- into &ie" then4 an- : rea'i6e- at that instant that : "as not the ob?ect o% the h$nt4 that
the ri-ers4 the -o)s4 the bir-4 "ere p$rs$in) the thin) that ran behin- me; O% co$rse4 this "as a
rather aca-emic -istinction4 in that : "as in %ront4 an- <$ite possib'1 the ob?ect o% its h$nt; :
'eane- %or"ar-4 sho$tin) to /r$m an- -i))in) in "ith m1 knees4 rea'i6in) e&en as : -i- that the
abomination "as mo&in) %aster than "e co$'-; :t "as a panic reaction;
: "as bein) p$rs$e- b1 a manticora;
!he 'ast time : ha- seen its 'ike "as on the -a1 be%ore the batt'e in "hich 2ric -ie-; As : ha- 'e-
m1 troops $p the rear"ar- s'opes o% 3o'&ir4 it ha- appeare- to tear a man name- 0ai' in ha'%; =e
ha- -ispatche- it "ith a$tomatic "eapons; !he thin) pro&e- t"e'&e %eet in 'en)th4 an- 'ike this
one it ha- "orn a h$man %ace on the hea- an- sho$'-ers o% a 'ionC it4 too4 ha- ha- a pair o%
ea)'e'ike "in)s %o'-e- a)ainst its si-es an- the 'on) pointe- tai' o% a scorpion c$r&in) in the air
abo&e it; A n$mber o% them ha- someho" "an-ere- in %rom (ha-o" to -e&i' o$r steps as "e
hea-e- %or that batt'e; !here "as no reason to be'ie&e a'' o% them ha- been acco$nte- %or4 sa&e
that none ha- been reporte- since that time an- no e&i-ence o% their contin$e- e.istence in the
&icinit1 o% Amber ha- come to 'i)ht; Apparent'14 this one ha- "an-ere- -o"n into Ar-en an-
been 'i&in) in the %orest since that time;
A %ina' )'ance sho"e- me that : mi)ht be p$''e- -o"n in moments i% : -i- not make a stan-; :t
a'so sho"e- me a -ark a&a'anche o% -o)s r$shin) -o"n the hi'';
: -i- not kno" the inte''i)ence or ps1cho'o)1 o% the manticora; Bost %'eein) beasts "i'' not stop
to attack somethin) "hich is not botherin) them; (e'%-preser&ation is )enera''1 %oremost in their
min-s; On the other han-4 : "as not certain that the manticora e&en rea'i6e- that it "as bein)
p$rs$e-; :t mi)ht ha&e starte- o$t on m1 trai' an- on'1 ha- its o"n picke- $p a%ter"ar-; :t mi)ht
ha&e on'1 the one thin) on its min-; :t "as har-'1 a time to pa$se an- re%'ect on a'' the
: -re" #ra1s"an-ir an- t$rne- m1 mo$nt to the 'e%t4 p$''in) back on the reins imme-iate'1 as
he ma-e the t$rn;
/r$m screame- an- rose hi)h onto his hin- 'e)s; : %e't m1se'% s'i-in) back"ar-4 so : ?$mpe- to
the )ro$n- an- 'eape- to the si-e;
B$t : ha-4 %or the moment4 %or)otten the spee- o% the storm-ho$n-s4 ha- a'so %or)otten ho"
easi'1 the1 ha- once o&ertaken 0an-om an- m1se'% in +'ora@s Berce-es4 ha- a'so %or)otten that
$n'ike or-inar1 -o)s chasin) cars4 the1 ha- be)$n tearin) the &ehic'e apart;
($--en'14 the1 "ere a'' o&er the manticora4 a -o6en or more -o)s4 'eapin) an- bitin); !he beast
thre" back its hea- an- $ttere- another cr1 as the1 str$ck at it; :t s"ept that &icio$s tai' thro$)h
them4 sen-in) one %'1in)4 st$nnin) or ki''in) t"o others; :t reare- then an- t$rne-4 strikin) o$t
"ith its %ore'e)s as it -escen-e-;
B$t e&en as it -i- this4 a ho$n- attache- itse'% to its 'e%t %ore'e)4 t"o more "ere at its ha$nches
an- one ha- scramb'e- onto its back4 bitin) at its sho$'-er an- neck; !he others "ere circ'in) it
no"; As soon as it "o$'- )o a%ter one4 the others "o$'- -art in an- s'ash at it;
:t %ina''1 ca$)ht the one on its back "ith its scorpion stin) an- -isembo"'e- the one )na"in) at
its 'e); ,o"e&er4 it "as r$nnin) b'oo- %rom a -o$b'e -o6en "o$n-s b1 then; (hort'14 it became
apparent that the 'e) "as )i&in) it tro$b'e4 both %or strikin) p$rposes an- %or bearin) its "ei)ht
"hen it str$ck "ith the others; :n the meantime4 another -o) ha- mo$nte- its back an- "as
tearin) at its neck; :t seeme- to be ha&in) a more -i%%ic$'t time )ettin) at this one; Another came
in %rom its ri)ht an- shre--e- its ear; !"o more p'ie- its ha$nches4 an- "hen it reare- a)ain one
r$she- in an- tore at its be''1; !heir barks an- )ro"'s a'so seeme- to be con%$sin) it some"hat4
an- it be)an strikin) "i'-'1 at the e&er-mo&in) )ra1 shapes;
: ha- ca$)ht ho'- o% /r$m@s bri-'e an- "as tr1in) to ca'm him s$%%icient'1 to remo$nt an- )et
the he'' o$t o% there; ,e kept tr1in) to rear an- p$'' a"a14 an- it took consi-erab'e pers$asion
e&en to ho'- him in p'ace;
:n the meantime4 the manticora 'et o$t a bitter4 "ai'in) cr1; :t ha- str$ck "i'-'1 at the -o) on its
back an- -ri&en its stin) into its o"n sho$'-er; !he -o)s took a-&anta)e o% this -istraction an-
r$she- in "here&er there "as an openin)4 snappin) an- tearin);
: am certain the -o)s "o$'- ha&e %inishe- it4 b$t at that moment the ri-ers toppe- the hi'' an-
-escen-e-; !here "ere %i&e o% them4 E$'ian in the 'ea-; ,e ha- on his sca'e- "hite armor an- his
h$ntin) horn h$n) abo$t his neck; ,e ro-e his )i)antic stee- Bor)enstem4 a beast "hich has
a'"a1s hate- me; ,e raise- the 'on) 'ance that he bore an- sa'$te- "ith it in m1 -irection; !hen
he 'o"ere- it an- sho$te- or-ers to the -o)s;
#r$-)in)'14 the1 -roppe- a"a1 %rom the pre1; 2&en the -o) on the manticora@s back 'oosene- its
)rip an- 'eape- to the )ro$n-; A'' o% them -re" back as E$'ian co$che- the 'ance an- to$che- his
sp$rs to Bor)enstern@s si-es;
!he beast t$rne- to"ar- him4 )a&e a %ina' cr1 o% -e%iance4 an- 'eape- ahea-4 %an)s bare-; !he1
came to)ether4 an- %or a moment m1 &ie" "as b'ocke- b1 Bor)enstern@s sho$'-er; Another
moment4 ho"e&er4 an- : kne" %rom the horse@s beha&ior that the b'o" ha- been a tr$e one;
A t$rnin)4 an- : sa" the beast stretche- o$t4 )reat )o$ts o% b'oo- $pon its breast4 %'o"erin) abo$t
the -ark stem o% the 'ance;
E$'ian -ismo$nte-; ,e sai- somethin) to the other ri-ers "hich : -i- not o&erhear; !he1
remaine- mo$nte-; ,e re)ar-e- the sti''-t"itchin) manticora4 then 'ooke- at me an- smi'e-; ,e
crosse- an- p'ace- his %oot $pon the beast4 sei6e- the 'ance "ith one han-4 an- "renche- it %rom
the carcass; !hen he -ro&e it into the )ro$n- an- tethere- Bor)enstem to its sha%t; ,e reache- $p
an- patte- the horse@s sho$'-er4 'ooke- back at me4 t$rne-4 an- hea-e- in m1 -irection;
=hen he came $p be%ore me he sai-4 F: "ish 1o$ ha-n@t ki''e- Be'a;G
FBe'a>G : repeate-;
,e )'ance- at the sk1; : %o''o"e- his )a6e; Neither bir- "as no" in si)ht;
F,e "as one o% m1 %a&orites;G
F: am sorr14G : sai-; F: mis$n-erstoo- "hat "as )oin) on;G
,e no--e-;
FA'' ri)ht; :@&e -one somethin) %or 1o$; No" 1o$ can te'' me "hat happene- a%ter : 'e%t the
pa'ace; /i- Bran- make it>G
FAes4G : sai-4 Fan- 1o$@re o%% the hook on that; ,e c'aime- +iona stabbe- him; An- she "as not
aro$n- to <$estion either; (he -eparte- -$rin) the ni)ht4 a'so; :t@s a "on-er 1o$ -i-n@t b$mp into
one another;G
,e smi'e-;
F:@- ha&e )$esse- as m$ch4G he sai-;
F=h1 -i- 1o$ %'ee $n-er s$ch s$spicio$s circ$mstances>G : aske-; F:t ma-e it 'ook ba- %or 1o$;G
,e shr$))e-;
F:t "o$'- not be the %irst time :@&e been %a'se'1 acc$se-4 s$specte-; An- %or that matter4 i% intent
co$nts %or an1thin)4 : am as )$i't1 as o$r 'itt'e sister; :@- ha&e -one it m1se'% i% : co$'-; :n %act4 :@-
a b'a-e rea-1 the ni)ht "e %etche- him back; On'14 : "as cro"-e- asi-e;G
FB$t "h1>G : aske-;
,e 'a$)he-;
F=h1> : am a%rai- o% the bastar-4 that@s "h1; +or a 'on) "hi'e4 : ha- tho$)ht he "as -ea-4 an-
certain'1 hope- soD%ina''1 c'aime- b1 the -ark po"ers he -ea't "ith; ,o" m$ch -o 1o$ rea''1
kno" abo$t him4 Cor"in>G
F=e ha- a 'on) ta'k;G
F,e a-mitte- that he an- B'e1s an- +iona ha- %orme- a p'an to c'aim the throne; !he1 "o$'-
see B'e1s cro"ne-4 b$t each "o$'- share the rea' po"er; !he1 ha- $se- the %orces 1o$ re%erre-
to4 to ass$re /a-@s absence; Bran- sai- that he ha- attempte- to "in Caine to their ca$se4 b$t that
Caine ha- instea- )one to 1o$ an- to 2ric; !he three o% 1o$ then %orme- a simi'ar caba' to sei6e
po"er be%ore the1 co$'-4 b1 p'acin) 2ric on the throne;G
,e no--e-;
F!he e&ents are in or-er4 b$t the reason is not; =e -i- not "ant the throne4 at 'east not that
abr$pt'14 nor at that time; =e %orme- o$r )ro$p to oppose their )ro$p4 beca$se it ha- to be
oppose- to protect the throne; At %irst4 the most "e co$'- pers$a-e 2ric to -o "as to ass$me a
Protectorship; ,e "as a%rai- he "o$'- <$ick'1 t$rn $p -ea- i% he sa" himse'% cro"ne- $n-er
those con-itions; !hen 1o$ t$rne- $p4 "ith 1o$r &er1 'e)itimate c'aim; =e co$'- not a%%or- to 'et
1o$ press it at that time4 beca$se Bran-@s cro"- "as threatenin) o$t-o$t "ar; =e %e't the1 "o$'-
be 'ess inc'ine- to make this mo&e i% the throne "ere a'rea-1 occ$pie-; =e co$'- not ha&e seate-
1o$4 beca$se 1o$ "o$'- ha&e re%$se- to be a p$ppet4 a ro'e 1o$ "o$'- ha&e ha- to p'a1 since the
)ame "as a'rea-1 in pro)ress an- 1o$ "ere i)norant on too man1 %ronts; (o "e pers$a-e- 2ric
to take the risk an- be cro"ne-; !hat "as ho" it happene-;G
F(o "hen : -i- arri&e he p$t o$t m1 e1es an- thre" me in the -$n)eon %or 'a$)hs;G
E$'ian t$rne- a"a1 an- 'ooke- back at the -ea- manticora;
FAo$ are a %oo'4G he %ina''1 sai-; FAo$ "ere a too' %rom the &er1 be)innin); !he1 $se- 1o$ to
%orce o$r han-4 an- either "a1 1o$ 'ost; :% that ha'%-asse- attack o% B'e1s@s ha- someho"
s$ccee-e-4 1o$ "o$'-n@t ha&e 'aste- 'on) eno$)h to -ra" a -eep breath; :% it %ai'e-4 as it -i-4
B'e1s -isappeare-4 as he -i-4 'ea&in) 1o$ "ith 1o$r 'i%e %or%eit %or attempte- $s$rpation; Ao$ ha-
ser&e- 1o$r p$rpose an- 1o$ ha- to -ie; !he1 'e%t $s sma'' choice m the matter; B1 ri)hts4 "e
sho$'- ha&e ki''e- 1o$ 1o$ kno" it;G
: bit m1 'ip; !here "ere man1 thin)s : mi)ht sa1; B$t i% he "as te''in) somethin) appro.imatin)
the tr$th4 he -i- ha&e a point; An- : -i- "ant to hear more;
F2ric4G he sai-4 F%i)$re- that 1o$r e1esi)ht mi)ht e&ent$a''1 be restore-Dkno"in) the "a1 "e
re)enerateD)i&en time; :t "as a &er1 -e'icate sit$ation; :% /a- "ere to ret$rn4 2ric co$'- step
-o"n an- ?$sti%1 a'' o% his actions to an1one@s satis%actionDe.cept %or ki''in) 1o$; !hat "o$'-
ha&e been too patent a mo&e to ens$re his o"n contin$e- rei)n be1on- the tro$b'es o% the
moment; An- : "i'' te'' 1o$ %rank'1 that he simp'1 "ante- to imprison 1o$ an- %or)et 1o$;G
F!hen "hose i-ea "as the b'in-in)>G
,e "as si'ent a)ain %or a 'on) "hi'e; !hen he spoke &er1 so%t'14 a'most a "hisper8 F,ear me o$t4
p'ease; :t "as mine4 an- it ma1 ha&e sa&e- 1o$r 'i%e; An1 action taken a)ainst 1o$ ha- to be
tantamo$nt to -eath4 or their %action "o$'- ha&e trie- %or the rea' thin); Ao$ "ere no 'on)er o%
an1 $se to them4 b$t a'i&e an- abo$t 1o$ possesse- the potentia'it1 o% becomin) a -an)er at some
%$t$re time; !he1 co$'- ha&e $se- 1o$r !r$mp to contact 1o$ an- ki'' 1o$4 or the1 co$'- ha&e
$se- it to %ree 1o$ in or-er to sacri%ice 1o$ in 1et another mo&e a)ainst 2ric; B'in-e-4 ho"e&er4
there "as no nee- to s'a1 1o$ an- 1o$ "ere o% no $se %or an1thin) e'se the1 mi)ht ha&e in min-;
:t sa&e- 1o$ b1 takin) 1o$ o$t o% the pict$re %or a time4 an- it sa&e- $s %rom a more e)re)io$s
act "hich mi)ht one -a1 be he'- a)ainst $s; As "e sa" it4 there "as no choice; :t "as the on'1
thin) "e co$'- -o; !here co$'- be no sho" o% 'enienc1 either4 or "e mi)ht be s$specte- o%
ha&in) some $se %or 1o$ o$rse'&es; !he moment 1o$ ass$me- an1 s$ch semb'ance o% &a'$e 1o$
"o$'- ha&e been a -ea- man; !he most "e co$'- -o "as 'ook the other "a1 "hene&er 9or- 0ein
contri&e- to com%ort 1o$; !hat "as a'' that co$'- be -one;G
F: see4G : sai-;
FAes4G he a)ree-4 F1o$ sa" too soon; No one ha- )$esse- 1o$ "o$'- reco&er 1o$r si)ht that
<$ick'14 nor that 1o$ "o$'- be ab'e to escape once 1o$ -i-; ,o" -i- 1o$ mana)e it>G
F/oes Bac1@s te'' #imbe'@s>G : sai-;
FBe) par-on>G
F: sai-Dne&er min-; =hat -o 1o$ kno" o% Bran-@s imprisonment4 then>G
,e re)ar-e- me once more;
FA'' : kno" is that there "as some sort o% %a''in) o$t "ithin his )ro$p; : 'ack the partic$'ars; +or
some reason4 B'e1s an- +iona "ere a%rai- to ki'' him an- a%rai- to 'et him r$n 'oose; =hen "e
%ree- him %rom their compromiseDimprisonmentD+iona "as apparent'1 more a%rai- o% ha&in)
him %ree;G
FAn- 1o$ sai- 1o$ %eare- him eno$)h to ha&e ma-e rea-1 to ki'' him; =h1 no"4 a%ter a'' this
time4 "hen a'' o% this is histor1 an- the po"er has shi%te- a)ain> ,e "as "eak4 &irt$a''1 he'p'ess;
=hat harm co$'- he -o no">G
,e si)he-;
F: -o not $n-erstan- the po"er that he possesses4G he sai-4 Fb$t it is consi-erab'e; : kno" that he
can tra&e' thro$)h (ha-o" "ith his min-4 that he can sit in a chair4 'ocate "hat he seeks in
(ha-o"4 an- then brin) it to him b1 an act o% "i'' "itho$t mo&in) %rom the chairC an- he can
tra&e' thro$)h (ha-o" ph1sica''1 in a some"hat simi'ar %ashion; ,e 'a1s his min- $pon the
p'ace he "o$'- &isit4 %orms a kin- o% menta' -oor"a14 an- simp'1 steps thro$)h; +or that matter4
: be'ie&e he can sometimes te'' "hat peop'e are thinkin); :t is a'most as i% he has himse'% become
some sort o% 'i&in) !r$mp; : kno" these thin)s beca$se : ha&e seen him -o them; Near the en-4
"hen "e ha- him $n-er s$r&ei''ance in the pa'ace he ha- e'$-e- $s once in this %ashion; !his
"as the time he tra&e'e- to the sha-o" 2arth an- ha- 1o$ p'ace- in Be-'am; A%ter his recapt$re4
one o% $s remaine- "ith him at a'' times; =e -i- not 1et kno" that he co$'- s$mmon thin)s
thro$)h (ha-o"4 ho"e&er; =hen he became a"are that 1o$ ha- escape- 1o$r con%inement4 he
s$mmone- a horri- beast "hich attacke- Caine4 "ho "as then his bo-1)$ar-; !hen he "ent to
1o$ once a)ain; B'e1s an- +iona apparent'1 )ot ho'- o% him short'1 a%ter that4 be%ore "e co$'-4
an- : -i- not see him a)ain $nti' that ni)ht in the 'ibrar1 "hen "e bro$)ht him back; : %ear him
beca$se he has -ea-'1 po"ers "hich : -o not $n-erstan-;G
F:n s$ch a case4 : "on-er ho" the1 mana)e- to con%ine him at a''>G
F+iona has simi'ar stren)ths4 an- : be'ie&e B'e1s -i- a'so; Bet"een the t"o o% them4 the1 co$'-
apparent'1 ann$' most o% Bran-@s po"er "hi'e the1 create- a p'ace "here it "o$'- be
FNot tota''14G : sai-; F,e )ot a messa)e to 0an-om; :n %act4 he reache- me once4 "eak'1;G
FOb&io$s'1 not tota''14 then4G he sai-; F($%%icient'14 ho"e&er; *nti' "e broke thro$)h the
F=hat -o 1o$ kno" o% a'' their b1p'a1 "ith meDcon%inin) me4 tr1in) to ki'' me4 sa&in) me;G
F!hat : -o not $n-erstan-4G he sai-4 Fe.cept that it "as part o% the po"er str$))'e "ithin their
o"n )ro$p; !he1 ha- ha- a %a''in) o$t amon)st themse'&es4 an- one si-e or the other ha- some
$se %or 1o$; (o4 nat$ra''14 one si-e "as tr1in) to ki'' 1o$ "hi'e the other %o$)ht to preser&e 1o$;
*'timate'14 o% co$rse4 B'e1s )ot the most mi'ea)e o$t o% 1o$4 in that attack he 'a$nche-;G
FB$t he "as the one "ho trie- to ki'' me4 back on the sha-o" 2arth4G : sai-; F,e "as the one
"ho shot o$t m1 tires;G
F=e''4 that is "hat Bran- to'- me4 b$t it ?ibes "ith a'' sorts o% secon-ar1 e&i-ence;G
,e shr$))e-;
F: cannot he'p 1o$ on that4G he sai-; F: simp'1 -o not kno" "hat "as )oin) on amon) them at
that time;G
FAet 1o$ co$ntenance +iona in Amber4G : sai-; F:n %act4 1o$ are more than a 'itt'e cor-ia' to her
"hene&er she is abo$t;G
FO% co$rse4G he sai-4 smi'in); F: ha&e a'"a1s been &er1 %on- o% +iona; (he is certain'1 the
'o&e'iest4 most ci&i'i6e- o% $s a''; Pit1 /a- "as a'"a1s so -ea--set a)ainst brother-sister
marria)es4 as "e'' 1o$ kno"; :t bothere- me that "e ha- to be a-&ersaries %or so 'on) as "e
"ere; !hin)s ret$rne- prett1 m$ch to norma' a%ter B'e1s@s -eath4 1o$r imprisonment4 an- 2ric@s
coronation4 tho$)h; (he accepte- their -e%eat )race%$''14 an- that "as that; (he "as ob&io$s'1 as
%ri)htene- at the prospect o% Bran-@s ret$rn as : "as;G
FBran- to'- thin)s -i%%erent'14G : sai-4 Fb$t then4 o% co$rse4 he "o$'-; +or one thin)4 he c'aims
that B'e1s is sti'' 'i&in)4 that he h$nte- him -o"n "ith his !r$mp an- kno"s that he is o%% in
(ha-o"4 trainin) another %orce %or another strike at Amber;G
F: s$ppose this is possib'e4G E$'ian sai-; FB$t "e are more than a-e<$ate'1 prepare-4 are "e
F,e c'aims %$rther that the strike "i'' be a %eint4G : contin$e-4 Fan- that the rea' attack "i'' then
come -irect %rom the Co$rts o% Chaos4 o&er the b'ack roa-; ,e sa1s that +iona is o%% preparin)
the "a1 %or this ri)ht no";G
,e sco"'e-;
F: hope he "as simp'1 '1in)4G he sai-; F: "o$'- hate to see their )ro$p res$rrecte- an- at $s
a)ain4 this time "ith he'p %rom the -ark -irection; An- : "o$'- hate to see +iona in&o'&e-;G
FBran- c'aime- he "as o$t o% it himse'%4 that he ha- seen the error o% his "a1s s$ch'ike penitent
F,aI :@- sooner tr$st that beast : ?$st s'e" than take Bran- at his "or-; : hope 1o$@&e ha- the
sense to keep him "e'' )$ar-e-Dtho$)h this mi)ht not be o% m$ch a&ai' i% he has his o'- po"ers
FB$t "hat )ame co$'- he be p'a1in) no">G
F2ither he has re&i&e- the o'- tri$m&irate4 a tho$)ht : 'ike not at a''4 or he has a ne" p'an a'' his
o"n; B$t mark me4 he has a p'an; ,e has ne&er been satis%ie- to be a mere spectator at an1thin);
,e is a'"a1s schemin); :@- take an oath he e&en p'ots in his s'eep;G
FPerhaps 1o$ are ri)ht4G : sai-; FAo$ see4 there has been a ne" -e&e'opment4 "hether %or )oo-
or i''4 : cannot 1et te''; : ?$st ha- a %i)ht "ith #erar-; ,e thinks : ha&e -one Bran- some
mischie%; !his is not the case4 b$t : "as in no position to pro&e m1 innocence; : "as the 'ast
person : kno" o% to see Bran-4 ear'ier to-a1; #erar- &isite- his <$arters a short time a)o; ,e sa1s
the p'ace is broken $p4 there are b'oo- smears here an- there4 an- Bran- is missin); : -on@t kno"
"hat to make o% it;G
FNeither -o :; B$t : hope it means someone has -one the ?ob proper'1 this time;G
F9or-4G : sai-4 Fit@s tan)'e-; : "ish : ha- kno"n a'' o% these thin)s be%ore;G
F!here "as ne&er a proper time to te'' 1o$4G he sai-4 F$nti' no"; Certain'1 not "hen 1o$ "ere a
prisoner an- co$'- sti'' be reache-4 an- a%ter that 1o$ "ere )one %or a 'on) "hi'e; =hen 1o$
ret$rne- "ith 1o$r troops an- 1o$r ne" "eapons4 : "as $ncertain as to 1o$r %$'' intentions; !hen
thin)s happene- <$ick'1 an- Bran- "as back a)ain; :t "as too 'ate; : ha- to )et o$t to sa&e m1
skin; : am stron) here in Ar-en; ,ere4 : can take an1thin) he can thro" at me; : ha&e been
maintainin) the patro's at %$'' batt'e %orce an- a"aitin) "or- o% Bran-@s -eath; : "ante- to
in<$ire o% one o% 1o$ "hether he "as sti'' aro$n-; B$t : co$'- not -eci-e "hom to ask4 thinkin)
m1se'% sti'' s$spect sho$'- he ha&e -ie-; As soon as : -i- )et "or-4 tho$)h4 sho$'- it pro&e he
"as sti'' 'i&in)4 : "as reso'&e- to ha&e a tr1 at him m1se'%; No" this;;;state o% a%%airs;;;=hat are
1o$ )oin) to -o no"4 Cor"in>G
F: am o%% to %etch the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment %rom a p'ace "here : cache- it in (ha-o"; !here is a
"a1 it can be $se- to -estor1 the b'ack roa-; : inten- to tr1 it;G
F,o" can this be -one>G
F!hat is too 'on) a stor14 %or a horrib'e tho$)ht has ?$st occ$rre- to me;G
F=hat is that>G
FBran- "ants the Ee"e'; ,e "as askin) abo$t it4 an- no"D!his po"er o% his to %in- thin)s in
(ha-o" an- %etch them back; ,o" )oo- is it>G
E$'ian 'ooke- tho$)ht%$';
F,e is har-'1 omniscient4 i% that is "hat 1o$ mean; Ao$ can %in- an1thin) 1o$ "ant in (ha-o"
the norma' "a1 "e )o abo$t itDb1 tra&e'in) to it; Accor-in) to +iona4 he ?$st c$ts o$t the
%oot"ork; :t is there%ore an ob?ect4 not a partic$'ar ob?ect that he s$mmons; Besi-es4 that Ee"e' is
a &er1 stran)e item %rom e&er1thin) 2ric to'- me abo$t it; : think Bran- "o$'- ha&e to )o a%ter it
in person4 once he %in-s o$t "here it is;G
F!hen : m$st )et on "ith m1 he''ri-e; : ha&e to beat him to it;G
F: see 1o$ are ri-in) /r$m4G E$'ian obser&e-; F,e is a )oo- beast4 a st$r-1 %e''o"; Been thro$)h
man1 a he''ri-e;G
F#'a- to hear that4G : sai-; F=hat are 1o$ )oin) to -o no">G
F#et in to$ch "ith someone in Amber an- )et $p to -ate on e&er1thin) "e ha&en@t ha- a chance
to ta'k abo$tDBene-ict4 probab'1;G
FNo )oo-4G : sai-; FAo$ "i'' not be ab'e to reach him; ,e is o%% to the Co$rts o% Chaos; !r1
#erar-4 an- con&ince him : am an honorab'e man "hi'e 1o$ are abo$t it;G
F!he re-hea-s are the on'1 ma)icians in this %ami'14 b$t : "i'' tr1;;;; Ao$ -i- sa1 the Co$rts o%
FAes4 b$t a)ain4 the time is too &a'$ab'e no";G
FO% co$rse; #et 1o$ )one; =e "i'' ha&e o$r 'eis$re 'aterD: tr$st;G
,e reache- o$t an- c'aspe- m1 arm; : )'ance- at the manticora4 at the -o)s seate- in a circ'e
abo$t it;
F!hanks4 E$'ian; :DAo$ are a -i%%ic$'t man to $n-erstan-;G
FNot so; : think the Cor"in : hate- m$st ha&e -ie- cent$ries a)o; 0i-e no"4 manI :% Bran-
sho"s $p aro$n- here4 :@'' nai' his hi-e to a treeIG
,e sho$te- an or-er to his -o)s as : mo$nte-4 an- the1 %e'' $pon the carcass o% the manticora4
'appin) at its b'oo- an- tearin) o$t h$)e ch$nks an- strips o% %'esh; As : ro-e past that stran)e4
massi&e4 man'ike %ace4 : sa" that its e1es "ere sti'' open4 tho$)h )'a6e-; !he1 "ere b'$e4 an-
-eath ha- not robbe- them o% a certain preternat$ra' innocence; 2ither that4 or the 'ook "as
-eath@s %ina' )i%tDa sense'ess "a1 o% passin) o$t ironies4 i% it "as;
: took /r$m back to the trai' an- be)an m1 he''ri-e;
Chapter 10
Bo&in) a'on) the trai' at a )ent'e pace4 c'o$-s -arkenin) the sk1 an- /r$m@s "hinn1 o% memor1
or anticipation;;;; A t$rn to the 'e%t4 an- $phi'';;;; !he )ro$n- is bro"n4 1e''o"4 back to bro"n
a)ain;;;; !he trees s<$at -o"n4 -ra" apart;;;; #rasses "a&e bet"een them in the coo' an- risin)
bree6e;;;; A <$ick %ire in the sk1;;;; A r$mb'e shakes 'oose rain-rops;;;;
(teep an- rock1 no";;;; !he "in- t$)s at m1 c'oak;;;; *p;;;; *p to "here the rocks are streake-
"ith si'&er an- the trees ha&e -ra"n their 'ine;;;; !he )rasses4 )reen %ires4 -ie -o"n in the rain;;;;
*p4 to the cra))14 spark'in)4 rain-"ashe- hei)hts4 "here the c'o$-s r$sh an- boi' 'ike a m$--
)or)e- ri&er at %'oo- crest;;;; !he rain stin)s 'ike b$ckshot an- the "in- c'ears its throat to sin);;;;
=e rise an- rise an- the crest comes into &ie"4 'ike the hea- o% a start'e- b$''4 horns )$ar-in) the
trai';;;; 9i)htnin)s t"ist abo$t their tips4 -ance bet"een them;;;; !he sme'' o% o6one as "e reach
that p'ace an- r$sh on thro$)h4 the rain s$--en'1 b'ocke-4 the "in- sh$nte- a"a1;;;;
2mer)in) on the %arther si-e;;;; !here is no rain4 the air is sti''4 the sk1 smoothe- an- -arkene-
to a proper star-%i''e- b'ack;;;; Beteors c$t an- b$rn4 c$t an- b$rn4 ca$teri6in) to a%terima)e
scars4 %a-in)4 %a-in);;;; Boons4 cast 'ike a han-%$' o% coins;;;; !hree bri)ht -imes4 a -$'' <$arter4 a
pair o% pennies4 one o% them tarnishe- an- scarre-;;;; /o"n then4 that 'on)4 "in-in) "a1;;;; ,oo%
c'ops c'ear an- meta''ic in the ni)ht air;;;; (ome"here4 a cat'ike co$)h;;;; A -ark shape crossin) a
'esser moon4 ra))e- an- s"i%t;;;;
/o"n"ar-;;;; !he 'an- -rops a"a1 at either han-;;;; /arkness be'o";;;; Bo&in) a'on) the top o%
an in%inite'1 hi)h4 c$r&e- "a''4 the "a1 itse'% bri)ht "ith moon'i)ht;;;; !he trai' b$ck'es4 %o'-s4
)ro"s transparent;;;; (oon it -ri%ts4 )a$614 %i'amento$s4 stars beneath as "e'' as abo&e;;;; (tars
be'o" on either si-e;;;; !here is no 'an-;;;; !here is on'1 the ni)ht4 ni)ht an- the thin4 trans'$cent
trai' : ha- to tr1 to ri-e4 to 'earn ho" it %e't4 a)ainst some %$t$re $se;;;;
:t is abso'$te'1 si'ent no"4 an- the i''$sion o% s'o"ness attaches to e&er1 mo&ement;;;; (hort'14
the trai' %a''s a"a14 an- "e mo&e as i% s"immin) $n-er"ater at some enormo$s -epth4 the stars
bri)ht %ish;;;; :t is %ree-om4 it is the po"er o% the he''ri-e that brin)s an e'ation4 'ike 1et $n'ike the
reck'essness that sometimes comes in batt'e4 the bo'-ness o% a risk1 %eat "e'' 'earne-4 the r$sh o%
ri)htness %o''o"in) the %in-in) o% the poem@s proper "or-;;;; :t is these an- the prospect itse'%4
ri-in)4 ri-in)4 ri-in)4 %rom no"here to no"here perhaps4 across an- amon) the minera's an- %ires
o% the &oi-4 %ree o% earth an- air an- "ater;;;;
=e race a )reat meteor4 "e to$ch $pon its b$'k;;;; (pee-in) across its pitte- s$r%ace4 -o"n4
aro$n-4 then $p a)ain;;;; :t stretches into a )reat p'ain4 it 'i)htens4 it 1e''o"s;;;;
:t is san-4 san- no" beneath o$r mo&ement;;;; !he stars %a-e o$t as the -arkness is -i'$te- to a
mornin) %$'' o% s$nrise;;;; ("aths o% sha-e ahea-4 -esert trees "ithin them;;;; 0i-e %or the -ark;;;;
Crashin) thro$)h;;;; Bri)ht bir-s b$rst %orth4 comp'ain4 resett'e;;;;
Amon) the thickenin) trees;;;; /arker the )ro$n-4 narro"er the "a1;;;; Pa'm %ron-s shrink to
han- si6e4 barks -arken;;;; A t"ist to the ri)ht4 a "i-enin) o% the "a1;;;; O$r hoo%s strikin) sparks
%rom cobb'estones;;;; !he 'ane en'ar)es4 becomes a tree-'ine- street;;;; !in1 ro" ho$ses %'ash
b1;;;; Bri)ht sh$tters4 marb'e steps4 painte- screens4 set back be1on- %'a))e- "a'ks;;;; Passin)4 a
horse--ra"n cart4 'oa-e- "ith %resh &e)etab'es;;;; ,$man pe-estrians t$rnin) to stare;;;; A sma''
b$66 o% &oices;;;;
On;;;; Passin) beneath a bri-)e;;;; Co$rsin) the stream ti'' it "i-ens to ri&er4 takin) it -o"n to
the sea;;;;
!h$--in) a'on) the beach beneath a 'emon sk14 b'$e c'o$-s sc$--in);;;; !he sa't4 the "rack4 the
she''s4 the smooth anatom1 o% -ri%t"oo-;;;; =hite spra1 o%% the 'ime-co'ore- sea;;;;
0acin)4 to "here the p'ace o% "aters en-s at a terrace;;;; Bo$ntin)4 each step cr$mb'in) an-
roarin) -o"n behin-4 'osin) its i-entit14 ?oine- "ith the boom o% the s$r%;;;; *p4 $p to the
%'attoppe-4 tree-)ro"n p'ain4 a )o'-en cit1 shimmerin)4 mira)e'ike4 at its en-;;;;
!he cit1 )ro"s4 -arkens beneath a sha-o"1 $mbre''a4 its )ra1 to"ers stretch $p"ar-4 )'ass an-
meta' %'ashin) 'i)ht thro$)h the m$rk;;;; !he to"ers be)in to s"a1;;;;
!he cit1 %a''s in $pon itse'%4 so$n-'ess'14 as "e pass;;;; !o"ers topp'e4 -$st boi's4 rises4 is pinke-
b1 some 'o"er )'o";;;; A )ent'e noise4 as o% a sn$%%e- can-'e4 -ri%tin) b1;;;;
A -$st storm4 <$ick'1 %a''in)4 )i&in) p'ace to %o);;;; !hro$)h it4 the so$n-s o% a$tomobi'e
horns;;;; A -ri%t4 a brie% 'i%t4 a break in the )ra1-"hite4 pear'"hite4 shi%tin);;;; O$r hoo%prints on a
sho$'-er o% hi)h"a1;;;; !o the ri)ht4 en-'ess ro"s o% $nmo&in) &ehic'es;;;; Pear'-"hite4 )ra1-
"hite4 -ri%tin) a)ain;;;;
/irection'ess shrieks an- "ai'in)s;;;; 0an-om %'ashes o% 'i)ht;;;;
0isin) once more;;;; !he %o)s 'o"er an- ebb;;;; #rass4 )rass4 )rass;;;; C'ear no" the sk14 an-
-e'icate b'$e;;;; A s$n racin) to set;;;; Bir-s;;;; A co" in the %ie'-4 che"in)4 starin) an- che"in);;;;
9eapin) a "oo-en %ence to ri-e a co$ntr1 roa-;;;; A s$--en chi'' be1on- the hi'';;;; !he )rasses
are -r1 an- sno"@s on the )ro$n-;;;; !in-roo%e- %armho$se atop a rise4 c$r' o% smoke abo&e it;;;;
On;;;; !he hi''s )ro" $p4 the s$n ro''s -o"n4 -arkness -ra))e- behin-;;;; A sprink'e o% stars;;;;
,ere a ho$se4 set %ar back;;;; !here another4 'on) -ri&e"a1 "o$n- amon) o'- trees;;;;
O%% to the si-e o% the roa-;;;; /ra" rein an- 'et it pass;;;;
: "ipe- m1 bro"4 -$ste- m1 shirt %ront an- s'ee&es; : patte- /r$m@s neck; !he oncomin) &ehic'e
s'o"e- as it neare- me4 an- : co$'- see the -ri&er starin); : )a&e the reins a )ent'e mo&ement an-
/r$m be)an "a'kin); !he car brake- to a ha't an- the -ri&er ca''e- somethin) a%ter me4 b$t :
kept )oin); Boments 'ater4 : hear- him -ri&e o%%;
:t "as co$ntr1 roa- %or a time a%ter that; : tra&e'e- at an eas1 pace4 passin) %ami'iar 'an-marks4
reca''in) other times; A %e" mi'es 'ater an- : came to another roa-4 "i-er an- better; : t$rne-
there4 sta1in) o%% on the sho$'-er to the ri)ht; !he temperat$re contin$e- to -rop4 b$t the co'- air
ha- a )oo- c'ean taste to it; A s'ice- moon shone abo&e the hi''s to m1 'e%t; !here "ere a %e"
sma'' c'o$-s passin) o&erhea-4 to$che- to the moon@s <$arter "ith a so%t4 -$st1 'i)ht; !here "as
&er1 'itt'e "in-C an occasiona' stirrin) o% branches4 no more; A%ter a time4 : came to a series o%
-ips in the roa-4 te''in) me : "as a'most there;
A c$r&e an- a co$p'e more -ips;;;; : sa" the bo$'-er besi-e the -ri&e"a14 : rea- m1 a--ress
$pon it;
: -re" rein then an- 'ooke- $p the hi''; !here "as a station "a)on in the -ri&e"a1 an- a 'i)ht on
insi-e the ho$se; : )$i-e- /r$m o%% the roa- an- across a %ie'- into a stan- o% trees; : tethere-
him behin- a pair o% e&er)reens4 r$bbe- his neck4 an- to'- him : "o$'- not be 'on);
: ret$rne- to the roa-; No cars in si)ht; : crosse- o&er an- "a'ke- $p the %ar si-e o% the
-ri&e"a14 passin) behin- the station "a)on; !he on'1 'i)ht in the ho$se "as in the 'i&in) room4
o%% to the ri)ht; : ma-e m1 "a1 aro$n- the 'e%t si-e o% the ho$se to the rear;
: ha'te- "hen : reache- the patio4 'ookin) aro$n-; (omethin) "as "ron);
!he back 1ar- "as chan)e-; A pair o% -eca1in) 'a"n chairs "hich ha- been 'eanin) a)ainst a
-i'api-ate- chicken coop : ha- ne&er bothere- to remo&e "ere )one; (o4 %or that matter4 "as the
chicken coop; !he1 ha- been present the 'ast time : ha- passe- this "a1; A'' o% the -ea- tree
'imbs "hich ha- pre&io$s'1 been stre"n abo$t4 as "e'' as a rottin) mass o% them : ha- 'on) a)o
heape- to c$t %or %ire"oo-4 "ere a'so )one;
!he comoost heap "as missin);
: mo&e- to the space "here it ha- been; A'' that "as there "as an irre)$'ar patch o% bare earth o%
the appro.imate shape o% the heap itse'%;
B$t : ha- -isco&ere- in att$nin) m1se'% to the Ee"e' that : co$'- make m1se'% %ee' its presence; :
c'ose- m1 e1es %or a moment an- trie- to -o so; Nothin);
: 'ooke- a)ain4 searchin) care%$''14 b$t there "as no te''-ta'e )'itter an1"here in si)ht; Not that :
ha- rea''1 e.pecte- to see an1thin)4 not i% : co$'- not %ee' it nearb1;
!here ha- been no c$rtains in the 'i)hte- room; (t$-1in) the ho$se no"4 : sa" that none o% the
"in-o"s ha- c$rtains4 sha-es4 sh$tters4 or b'in-s; !here%ore;;;
: passe- aro$n- the other en- o% the ho$se; Approachin) the %irst 'i)hte- "in-o"4 : )'ance- in
<$ick'1; /ropc'oths co&ere- m$ch o% the %'oor; A man in cap an- co&era''s "as paintin) the %ar
"a''; O% co$rse;
: ha- aske- Bi'' to se'' the p'ace; : ha- si)ne- the necessar1 papers "hi'e a patient in the 'oca'
c'inic4 "hen : ha- been pro?ecte- back to m1 o'- homeDprobab'1 b& some action o% the Ee"e'D
on the occasion o% m1 stabbin); !hat "o$'- ha&e been se&era' "eeks a)o4 'oca' time4 $sin) the
Amber to sha-o" 2arth con&ersion %actor o% appro.imate'1 t"o an- a ha'% to one an- a''o"in)
%or the ei)ht -a1s the Co$rts o% Chaos ha- cost me in Amber; Bi''4 o% co$rse4 ha- )one ahea- on
m1 re<$est; B$t the p'ace ha- been in ba- shape4 aban-one- as it ha- been %or a n$mber o% 1ears4
&an-a'i6e-;;;; :t nee-e- some ne" "in-o"panes4 some roo%in) "ork4 ne" )$tterin)4 paintin)4
san-in)4 b$%%in); An- there ha- been a 'ot o% trash to ha$' a"a1; o$tsi-e as "e'' as insi-e;;;;
: t$rne- a"a1 an- "a'ke- -o"n the %ront s'ope to the roa-4 reca''in) m1 'ast passa)e this "a14
ha'% -e'irio$s; on m& han-s an- knees4 b'oo- 'eakin) %rom m1 si-e; :t ha- been m$ch co'-er that
ni)ht an- there ha- been sno" on the )ro$n- an- in the air; : passe- near the roc3 "here :@- sat4
tr1in) to %'a) -o"n a car "ith a pi''o" case; !he memor1 "as s'i)ht'1 b'$rre-4 b$t : sti'' reca''e-
the ones that ha- passe- me b1;
: crosse- the roa-; ma-e m1 "a1 thro$)h the %ie'- to the trees; *nhitchin) /r$m4 : mo$nte-;
F=e@&e some more ri-in) ahea-4G : to'- him; FNot too %ar this time;G
=e hea-e- back to the roa- an- starte- a'on) it4 contin$in) on past m1 ho$se; :% : ha- not to'-
Bi'' to )o ahea- an- se'' the p'ace4 the compost heap "o$'- sti'' ha&e been there4 the Ee"e'
"o$'- sti'' ha&e been there; : co$'- be on m1 "a1 back to Amber "ith the r$--1 stone h$n)
abo$t m1 neck4 rea-1 to ha&e a tr1 at "hat ha- to be -one; No"4 no" : ha- to )o 'ookin) %or it4
"hen :@- a %ee'in) time "as be)innin) to press once a)ain; At 'east4 : ha- a %a&orab'e ratio here
"ith respect to its passa)e in Amber; : c'$cke- at /r$m an- shook the reins; No sense "astin) it4
e&en so;
A ha'% ho$r4 an- : "as into to"n4 ri-in) -o"n a <$iet street in a resi-entia' area4 ho$ses a'' abo$t
me; !he 'i)hts "ere on at Bi''@s p'ace; : t$rne- $p his -ri&e"a1; : 'e%t /r$m in his back 1ar-;
A'ice ans"ere- m1 knock4 stare- a moment4 then sai-; FB1 #o-I Car'IG
Bin$tes 'ater4 : "as seate- in the 'i&in) room "ith Bi''4 a -rink on the tab'e to m1 ri)ht; A'ice
"as o$t in the kitchen4 ha&in) ma-e the mistake o% askin) me "hether : "ante- somethin) to eat;
Bi'' st$-ie- me as he 'it his pipe;
FAo$r "a1s o% comin) an- )oin) sti'' ten- to be co'or%$';G he sai-; : smi'e-; is a''4G : sai-;
F!hat n$rse at the c'inic;;;scarce'1 an1one be'ie&e- her stor1;G
F(carce'1 an1one>G
F!he minorit1 : re%er to is4 o% co$rse4 m1se'%;G
F=hat "as her stor1>G
F(he c'aime- that 1o$ "a'ke- to the center o% the room4 became t"o--imensiona'4 an- ?$st %a-e-
a"a14 'ike the o'- so'-ier that 1o$ are4 "ith a rainbo"'ike accomnaniment;G
F#'a$coma can ca$se the rainbo" s1mptom; (he o$)ht to ha&e her e1es checke-;G
F(he -i-4G he sai-; FNothin) "ron);G
FOh; !oo ba-; !he ne.t thin) that comes to min- is ne$ro'o)ica';G
FCome on4 Car'; (he@s a'' ri)ht; Ao$ kno" that;G
: smi'e- an- took a sip o% m1 -rink;
FAn- 1o$4G he sai-4 F1o$ 'ook 'ike a certain p'a1in) car- : once commente- on; Comp'ete "ith
s"or-; =hat@s )oin) on4 Car'>G
F:t@s sti'' comn'icate-4G : sai-; F2&en more than the 'ast time "e ta'ke-;G
F=hich means 1o$ can@t )i&e me that e.p'anation 1et>G
: shook m1 hea-;
FAo$ ha&e "on an a''-e.pense to$r o% m1 home'an-4 "hen this is o&er4G : sai-4 Fi% : sti'' ha&e a
home'an- then; 0i)ht no"4 time is -oin) terrib'e thin)s;G
F=hat can : -o to he'p 1o$>G
F:n%ormation4 p'ease; B1 o'- ho$se; =ho is the )$1 1o$ ha&e the p'ace $p>G
F2- =e''en; 9oca' contractor; Ao$ kno" him4 : think; /i-n@t he p$t in a sho"er %or 1o$4 or
FAes4 1es he -i-;;;; : remember;G
F,e@s e.pan-e- <$ite a bit; Bo$)ht some hea&1 e<$ipment; ,as a n$mber o% %e''o"s "orkin)
%or him no"; : han-'e- his incorporation;G
F/o 1o$ kno" "ho he@s )ot "orkin) at m1 p'ace no">G
FO%%han-4 no; B$t : can %in- o$t in ?$st a min$te;G ,e mo&e- his han- to rest on the te'ephone
on the si-e tab'e; F(ha'' : )i&e him a rin)>G
FAes4G : sai-4 Fb$t there is a 'itt'e more to it than that; !here is on'1 one thin) in "hich : am
rea''1 intereste-; !here "as a compost heap in the back 1ar-; :t "as there the 'ast time : passe-
this "a1; :t is )one no"; : ha&e to %in- o$t "hat became o% it;G
,e cocke- his hea- to the ri)ht an- )rinne- aro$n- his pipe;
FAo$ serio$s>G he %ina''1 sai-;
F($re as -eath4G : sai-; F: hi- somethin) in that heap "hen : cra"'e- b14 -ecoratin) the sno"
"ith m1 precio$s bo-i'1 %'$i-s; :@&e )ot to ha&e it back no";G
FE$st "hat is it>G
FA r$b1 pen-ant;G
FPrice'ess4 : s$ppose;G
FAo$@re ri)ht;G
,e no--e-4 s'o"'1;
F:% it "ere an1one e'se4 : "o$'- s$spect a practica' ?oke4G he sai-; FA treas$re in a compost
heap;;;;+ami'1 heir'oom>G
FAes; +ort1 or %i%t1 carats; (imp'e settin); ,ea&1 chain;G
,e remo&e- his pipe an- "hist'e- so%t'1;
FBin- i% : ask "h1 1o$ p$t it there>G
F:@- be -ea- no" i% : ha-n@t;G
FPrett1 )oo- reason;G
,e reache- %or the phone a)ain;
F=e@&e ha- some action on the ho$se a'rea-14G he remarke-; FPrett1 )oo-4 since : ha&en@t
a-&ertise- 1et; +e''o"@- hear- %rom someone "ho@- hear- %rom someone e'se; : took him o&er
this mornin); ,e@s thinkin) abo$t it; =e ma1 mo&e it prett1 <$ick;G
,e be)an to -ia';
F=ait4G : sai-; F!e'' me abo$t him;G
,e cra-'e- the phone4 'ooke- $p;
F!hin )$14G he sai-; F0e-hea-; ,a- a bear-; (ai- he "as an artist; =ants a p'ace in the co$ntr1;G
F(on o% a bitchIG : sai-4 ?$st as A'ice came into the room "ith a tra1;
(he ma-e a tskin) so$n- an- smi'e- as she -e'i&ere- it to me;
FE$st a co$p'e hamb$r)ers an- some 'e%to&er sa'a-4G she sai-; FNothin) to )et e.cite- abo$t;G
F!hank 1o$; : "as )ettin) rea-1 to eat m1 horse; :@- ha&e %e't ba- a%ter"ar-;G
F: -on@t ima)ine he@- ha&e been too happ1 abo$t it himse'%; 2n?o14G she sai-4 an- ret$rne- to the
F=as the compost heap sti'' there "hen 1o$ took him o&er>G : aske-;
,e c'ose- his e1es an- %$rro"e- his bro";
FNo4G he sai- a%ter a moment; F!he 1ar- "as a'rea-1 c'ear;G
F!hat@s somethin)4 an1"a14G : sai-4 an- : be)an eatin);
,e ma-e the ca''4 an- he ta'ke- %or se&era' min$tes; : )ot the -ri%t o% thin)s %rom his en- o% the
con&ersation4 b$t : 'istene- to the entire thin) a%ter he ha- h$n) $p4 "hi'e : %inishe- the %oo- an-
"ashe- it -o"n "ith "hat "as 'e%t in m1 )'ass;
F,e hate- to see )oo- compost )o to "aste4G Bi'' sai-; F(o he pitche- the heap into his pick$p
?$st the other -a1 an- took it o$t to his %arm; ,e -$mpe- it ne.t to a p'ot he inten-s to c$'ti&ate4
an- he has not ha- a chance to sprea- it 1et; (a1s he -i- not notice an1 ?e"e'r14 b$t then he co$'-
easi'1 ha&e misse- it;G
: no--e-;
F:% : can borro" a %'ash'i)ht4 : ha- better )et mo&in);G
F($re; : "i'' -ri&e 1o$ o$t4G he sai-;
F: -o not "ant to be parte- %rom m1 horse at this point;G
F=e''4 1o$ "i'' probab'1 "ant a rake4 an- a sho&e' or a pitch%ork; : can -ri&e them o$t an- meet
1o$ there4 i% 1o$ kno" "here the p'ace is;G
F: kno" "here 2-@s p'ace is; ,e m$st ha&e too's4 tho$)h;G
Bi'' shr$))e- an- smi'e-;
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-; F9et me $se 1o$r bathroom4 an- then "e ha- better )et mo&in);G
FAo$ seeme- as i% 1o$ kne" the prospecti&e b$1er;G
: p$t the tra1 asi-e an- rose to m1 %eet;
FAo$ hear- o% him 'ast as Bran-on Core1;G
F!he )$1 "ho preten-e- to be 1o$r brother an- )ot 1o$ committe->G
F@Preten-e-@ he''I ,e is m1 brother; No %a$'t o% mine4 tho$)h; 2.c$se me;G
F,e "as there;G
F2-@s p'ace4 this a%ternoon; At 'east a bear-e- re-hea- "as;G
F/oin) "hat>G
F(ai- he "as an artist; (ai- he "ante- permission to set $p his ease' an- paint in one o% the
FAn- 2- 'et him>G
FAes4 o% co$rse; !ho$)ht it "as a )reat i-ea; !hat is "h1 he to'- me abo$t it; =ante- to bra);G
F#et the st$%%; : "i'' meet 1o$ there;G
!he secon- thin) : took o$t in the bathroom "as m1 !r$mps; : ha- to reach someone in Amber
soonest4 someone stron) eno$)h to stop him; B$t "ho> Bene-ict "as on his "a1 to the Co$rts at
Chaos4 0an-om "as o%% 'ookin) %or his son4 : ha- ?$st parte- "ith #erar- on some"hat 'ess than
amicab'e terms; : "ishe- that : ha- a !r$mp %or #ane'on; : -eci-e- that : "o$'- ha&e to tr1
: -re" %orth his car-4 per%orme- the proper menta' mane$&ers; Boments 'ater4 : ha- contact;
FE$st 'isten4 #erar-I Bran- is a'i&e4 i% that is an1 conso'ation; :@m -amn s$re o% that; !his is
important; 9i%e an- -eath; Ao$@&e )ot to -o somethin) %astIG
,is e.pressions ha- chan)e- rapi-'1 "hi'e : ha- spokenDan)er4 s$rprise4 interest;;;
F#o ahea-4G he sai-;
FBran- co$'- be comin) back &er1 soon; :n %act4 he ma1 a'rea-1 be in Amber; Ao$ ha&en@t seen
him 1et4 ha&e 1o$>G
F,e m$st be stoppe- %rom "a'kin) the Pattern;G
F: -o not $n-erstan-; B$t : can post a )$ar- o$tsi-e the chamber o% the Pattern;G
FP$t the )$ar- insi-e the chamber; ,e has stran)e "a1s o% comin) an- )oin) no"; !errib'e
thin)s ma1 happen i% he "a'ks the Pattern;G
F: "i'' "atch it persona''1 then; =hat is happenin)>G
FNo time no"; ,ere is the ne.t thin)8 :s 9'e"e''a back in 0ebma>G
FAes4 she is;G
F#et ho'- o% her "ith her !r$mp; (he@s )ot to "arn Boire that the Pattern in 0ebma has to be
)$ar-e- a'so;G
F,o" serio$s is this4 Cor"in>G
F:t co$'- be the en- o% e&er1thin)4G : sai-; F: ha&e to )o no";G
: broke the contact an- hea-e- %or the kitchen an- the back -oor4 stoppin) on'1 'on) eno$)h to
thank A'ice an- sa1 )oo- ni)ht; :% Bran- ha- )ot ho'- o% the Ee"e' an- att$ne- himse'% to it4 :
"as not certain "hat he "o$'- -o4 b$t : ha- a prett1 stron) h$nch;
: mo$nte- /r$m an- t$rne- him to"ar- the roa-; Bi'' "as a'rea-1 backin) o$t o% the -ri&e"a1;
Chapter 11
: c$t thro$)h %ie'-s in man1 p'aces "here Bi'' ha- to %o''o" the roa-s4 so : "as not a'' that %ar
behin- him; =hen : -re" $p4 he "as ta'kin) "ith 2-4 "ho "as )est$rin) to"ar- the so$th"est;
As : -ismo$nte-4 2- "as st$-1in) /r$m;
FNice horse4 that4G he sai-;
FAo$@&e been a"a1;G
=e shook han-s;
F#oo- to see 1o$ a)ain; : "as ?$st te''in) Bi'' that : -on@t rea''1 kno" ho" 'on) that artist sta1e-
aro$n-; : ?$st %i)$re- he "o$'- )o a"a1 "hen it )ot -ark4 an- : -i-n@t pa1 too m$ch attention;
No"4 i% he "as rea''1 'ookin) %or somethin) o% 1o$rs an- kne" abo$t the compost heap4 he co$'-
sti'' be o$t there %or a'' : kno"; :@'' )et m1 shot)$n4 i% 1o$ 'ike4 an- )o "ith 1o$;G
FNo4G : sai-4 Fthanks; : think : kno" "ho it "as; !he )$n "i'' not be necessar1; =e@'' ?$st "a'k
o&er an- -o a 'itt'e pokin) aro$n-;G
FOka14G he sai-; F9et me come a'on) an- )i&e 1o$ a han-;G
FAo$ -on@t ha&e to -o that4G : sai-;
F,o" abo$t 1o$r horse4 then> =hat sa1 : )i&e him a -rink an- somethin) to eat4 c'ean him $p a
F:@m s$re he@- be )rate%$'; : kno" : "o$'-;G
F=hat@s his name>G
,e approache- /r$m an- be)an makin) %rien-s "ith him;
FOka14G he sai-; F:@'' be back in the barn %or a "hi'e; :% 1o$ nee- me %or an1thin)4 ?$st ho'ier;G
: )ot the too's o$t o% Bi''@s car an- he carrie- the e'ectric 'antern4 'ea-in) me o%% to the so$th"est
"here 2- ha- been pointin) ear'ier;
As "e crosse- the %ie'-4 : %o''o"e- the beam o% Bi''@s 'i)ht4 searchin) %or the heap; =hen : sa"
"hat mi)ht be the remains o% one4 : -re" a -eep breath4 in&o'$ntari'1; (omeone m$st ha&e been
at it4 the "a1 the c'o-s "ere stre"n abo$t; !he mass "o$'- not ha&e been -$mpe- %rom a tr$ck
to %a'' in s$ch a -isperse- %ashion;
(ti'';;;the %act that someone ha- 'ooke- -i- not mean he ha- 'ocate- "hat he ha- been seekin);
F=hat -o 1o$ think>G Bi'' sai-;
F: -on@t kno"4G : to'- him4 'o"erin) the too's to the )ro$n- an- approachin) the 'ar)est
a))re)ate in si)ht; F#i&e me some 'i)ht here;G
: scanne- "hat remaine- o% the heap4 then %etche- a rake an- be)an takin) it apart; : broke each
c'o- an- sprea- it $pon the )ro$n-4 r$nnin) the tines thro$)h it; A%ter a time; Bi'' set the 'antern
at a )oo- an)'e an- mo&e- to he'p me;
F:@&e )ot a %$nn1 %ee'in);;;G he sai-;
F(o -o :;G
F;;;that "e ma1 be too 'ate;G
=e kept p$'&eri6in) an- sprea-in)4 p$'&eri6in) an- sprea-in);;;;
: %e't the tin)'e o% a %ami'iar presence; : strai)htene- an- "aite-; Contact came moments 'ater;
F,ere4 #erar-;G
F=hat@- 1o$ sa1>G sai- Bi'';
: raise- m1 han- to si'ence him an- )a&e m1 attention to #erar-; ,e stoo- in sha-o" at the
bri)ht be)innin) o% the Pattern4 'eanin) $pon his )reat b'a-e;
FAo$ "ere ri)ht4G he sai-; FBran- -i- sho" $p here4 ?$st a moment a)o; : am not s$re ho" he
)ot in; ,e steppe- o$t o% the sha-o"s o%% to the 'e%t4 there;G ,e )est$re-; F,e 'ooke- at me %or a
moment4 then t$rne- aro$n- an- "a'ke- back; ,e -i- not ans"er "hen : hai'e- him; (o : t$rne-
$p the 'antern4 b$t he "as no"here in si)ht; ,e ?$st -isappeare-; =hat -o 1o$ "ant me to -o
F=as he "earin) the 'e"e' o% E$-)ment>G
F: co$'- not te''; : on'1 ha- si)ht o% him %or a moment4 in this ba- 'i)ht;G
FAre the1 "atchin) the Pattern in 0ebma no">G
FAes; 9'e"e''a@s a'erte- them;G
F#oo-; (ta1 on )$ar-4 then; : "i'' be in to$ch a)ain;G
FA'' ri)ht; Cor"inDabo$t "hat happene- ear'ier;;;G
F+or)et it;G
F!hanks; !hat #ane'on is one to$)h %e''o";G
F:n-ee-4G : sai-; F(ta1 a"ake;G
,is ima)e %a-e- as : re'ease- the contact4 b$t a stran)e thin) happene- then; !he sense o%
contact4 the path4 remaine- "ith me4 ob?ect'ess4 open4 'ike a s"itche- on ra-io not t$ne- to
an1thin); Bi'' "as 'ookin) at me pec$'iar'1;
FCar'4 "hat is happenin)>G
F: -on@t kno"; =ait a min$te;G
($--en'14 there "as contact a)ain4 tho$)h not "ith #erar-; (he m$st ha&e been tr1in) to reach
me "hi'e m1 attention "as -i&erte-;
FCor"in4 it is important;;;G
F#o ahea-4 +i;G
FAo$ "i'' not %in- "hat 1o$ are 'ookin) %or there; Bran- has it;G
F: "as be)innin) to s$spect as m$ch;G
F=e ha&e to stop him; : -o not kno" ho" m$ch 1o$ kno"DG
FNeither -o : an1 more4G : sai-4 Fb$t : ha&e the Pattern in Amber an- the one in 0ebma $n-er
)$ar-; #erar- ?$st to'- me that Bran- appeare- at the one in Amber4 b$t "as scare- o%%;G
(he no--e- her sma''4 %ine-%eat$re- %ace; ,er re- tresses "ere $n$s$a''1 -isarra1e-; (he 'ooke-
F: am a"are o% this4G she sai-; F: ha&e him $n-er s$r&ei''ance; B$t 1o$ ha&e %or)otten another
FNo4G : sai-; FAccor-in) to m1 ca'c$'ations4 !ir-na No)@th sho$'- not be attamab'e 1etDG
F!hat is not "hat : "as re%errin) to; ,e is hea-e- %or the prima' Pattern itse'%;G
F!o att$ne the Ee"e'>G
F!he %irst time thro$)h4G she sai-;
F!o "a'k it4 he "o$'- ha&e to pass thro$)h the -ama)e- area; : )ather that is more than a 'itt'e
F(o 1o$ -o kno" abo$t it4G she sai-; F#oo-; !hat sa&es time; !he -ark area "o$'- not tro$b'e
him the "a1 it "o$'- another o% $s; ,e has come to terms "ith that -arkness; =e m$st stop him4
F/o 1o$ kno" an1 short c$ts to that p'ace>G
FAes; Come to me; : "i'' take 1o$ there;G
FE$st a min$te; : "ant /r$m "ith me;G
F=hat %or>G
FNo te''in); !hat is "h1 : "ant him;G
F7er1 "e''; !hen brin) me thro$)h; =e can as easi'1 -epart %rom there as %rom here;G
: e.ten-e- m1 han-; :n a moment4 : he'- hers; (he steppe- %or"ar-;
F9or-IG sai- Bi''4 -ra"in) back; FAo$ "ere )i&in) me -o$bts abo$t 1o$r sanit14 Car'; No" it@s
mine : "on-er abo$t; (heDshe@s on one o% the car-s4 too4 isn@t she>G
FAes; Bi''4 this is m1 sister +iona; +iona4 this is Bi'' 0oth4 a &er1 )oo- %rien-;G
+i e.ten-e- her han- an- smi'e-4 an- : 'e%t them there "hi'e : "ent back to %etch /r$m; A %e"
min$tes 'ater4 : 'e- him %orth;
FBi''4G : sai-4 F: am sorr1 to ha&e "aste- 1o$r time; B1 brother has the thin); =e are )oin) a%ter
him no"; !hanks %or he'pin) me;G
: shook his han-;
,e sai-4 FCor"in;G : smi'e-;
FAes4 that is m1 name;G
F=e ha&e been ta'kin)4 1o$r sister an- :; Not m$ch : co$'- 'earn in a %e" min$tes4 b$t : kno" it
is -an)ero$s; (o )oo- '$ck; : sti'' "ant the "ho'e stor1 one -a1;G
F!hanks4G : sai-; F: "i'' tr1 to see that 1o$ )et it;G
: mo$nte-4 'eane- -o"n4 an- -re" +iona $p be%ore me;
F#oo- ni)ht4 Br; 0oth4G she sai-; !hen4 to me4 F(tart ri-in)4 s'o"'14 across the %ie'-;G
: -i-;
FBran- sa1s 1o$ are the one "ho stabbe- him4G : sai-4 as soon as "e ha- )one %ar eno$)h to %ee'
F!hat@s ri)ht;G
F!o a&oi- a'' this;G
F: ta'ke- "ith him %or a 'on) "hi'e; ,e c'aime- it "as ori)ina''1 1o$4 B'e1s4 an- himse'%4
to)ether in a scheme to sei6e po"er;G
F!hat is correct;G
F,e to'- me he ha- approache- Caine4 tr1in) to "in him to 1o$r si-e4 b$t that Caine "o$'- ha&e
none o% it4 that Caine ha- passe- the "or- a'on) to 2ric an- E$'ian; An- this 'e- to their %ormin)
their o"n )ro$p4 to b'ock 1o$r "a1 to the throne;G
F!hat is basica''1 correct; Caine ha- ambitions o% his o"nD'on)-term onesDb$t ambitions
ne&erthe'ess; ,e "as in no position to p$rs$e them4 ho"e&er; (o he -eci-e- that i% his 'ot "as to
be a 'esser one4 he "o$'- rather ser&e it $n-er 2ric than $n-er B'e1s; : can see his point4 too;G
F,e a'so c'aime- that the three o% 1o$ ha- a -ea' )oin) "ith the po"ers at the en- o% the b'ack
roa-4 in the Co$rts o% Chaos;G
FAes4G she sai-4 F"e -i-;G
FAo$ $se the past tense;G
F+or m1se'% an- %or B'e1s4 1es;G
F!hat is not the "a1 Bran- te''s it;G
F,e "o$'-n@t;G
F,e sai- 1o$ an- B'e1s "ante- to contin$e e.p'oitin) that a''iance4 b$t that he ha- ha- a chan)e
o% heart; Beca$se o% this4 he c'aims 1o$ t$rne- on him an- imprisone- him in that to"er;G
F=h1 -i-n@t "e ?$st ki'' him>G
F: )i&e $p; !e'' me;G
F,e "as too -an)ero$s to be a''o"e- his %ree-om4 b$t "e co$'- not ki'' him either beca$se he
he'- somethin) &ita';G
F=ith /"orkin )one; Bran- "as the on'1 one "ho kne" ho" to $n-o the -ama)e he ha- -one
to the prima' Pattern;G
FAo$ ha- a 'on) time to )et that in%ormation o$t o% him;G
F,e possesses $nbe'ie&ab'e reso$rces;G
F!hen "h1 -i- 1o$ stab him>G
F: repeat4 to a&oi- a'' this; :% it became a <$estion o% his %ree-om or his -eath4 it "ere better he
-ie-; =e "o$'- ha&e to take o$r chances on %i)$rin) the metho- o% repairin) the Pattern;G
F!his bein) the case4 "h1 -i- 1o$ consent to cooperate in brin)in) him back>G
F+irst4 : "as not cooperatin)4 : "as tr1in) to impe-e the attempt; B$t there "ere too man1 tr1in)
too har-; Ao$ )ot thro$)h to him in spite o% me; (econ-4 : ha- to be on han- to tr1 to ki'' him in
the e&ent 1o$ s$ccee-e-; !oo ba- thin)s "orke- o$t the "a1 the1 -i-;G
FAo$ sa1 that 1o$ an- B'e1s ha- secon- tho$)hts abo$t the a''iance4 b$t that Bran- -i- not>G
F,o" -i- 1o$r secon- tho$)hts a%%ect 1o$r -esire %or the throne>G
F=e tho$)ht "e coa'- mana)e it "itho$t an1 a--itiona' o$tsi-e he'p;G
F: see;G
F/o 1o$ be'ie&e me>G
F:@m a%rai- that : am be)innin) to;G
F!$rn here;G
: entere- a c'e%t in a hi''si-e; !he "a1 "as narro" an- &er1 -ark4 "ith on'1 a sma'' ban- o% stars
abo&e $s; +iona ha- been manip$'atin) (ha-o" "hi'e "e ha- ta'ke-4 'ea-in) $s %rom 2-@s %ie'-
-o"n"ar-4 into a mist14 moor'ike p'ace4 then $p a)ain4 to a c'ear an- rock1 trai' amon)
mo$ntains; No"4 as "e mo&e- thro$)h the -ark -e%i'e4 : %e't her "orkin) "ith (ha-o" a)ain;
!he air "as coo' b$t not co'-; !he b'ackness to o$r 'e%t an- o$r ri)ht "as abso'$te4 )i&in) the
i''$sion o% enormo$s -epths4 rather than nearb1 rock c'oake- in sha-o"; !his impression "as
rein%orce-4 : s$--en'1 rea'i6e-4 b1 the %act that /r$m@s hoo%beats "ere not pro-$cin) an1 echoes4
a%terso$n-s4 o&ertones;
F=hat can : -o to )ain 1o$r tr$st>G she sai-;
F!hat@s askin) <$ite a bit;G
(he 'a$)he-;
F9et me rephrase it; =hat can : -o to con&ince 1o$ : am te''in) the tr$th>G
FE$st ans"er one <$estion;G
F=ho shot o$t m1 tires>G
(he 'a$)he- a)ain;
FAo$@&e %i)$re- it o$t4 ha&en@t 1o$>G
FBa1be; Ao$ te'' me;G
FBran-4G she sai-; F,e ha- %ai'e- in his e%%ort to -estro1 1o$r memor14 so he -eci-e- he ha-
better -o a more thoro$)h ?ob;G
F!he &ersion : ha- o% the stor1 "as that B'e1s ha- -one the shootin) an- 'e%t me in the 'ake4 that
Bran- ha- arri&e- in time to -ra) me o$t an- sa&e m1 'i%e; :n %act4 the po'ice report seeme- to
in-icate somethin) to that e%%ect;G
F=ho ca''e- the po'ice>G she aske-;
F!he1 ha- it 'iste- as an anon1mo$s ca''4 b$tDG
FB'e1s ca''e- them; ,e co$'-n@t reach 1o$ in time to sa&e 1o$4 once he rea'i6e- "hat "as
happenin); ,e hope- that the1 co$'-; +ort$nate'14 the1 -i-;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
FBran- -i- not -ra) 1o$ o$t o% the "reck; Ao$ -i- it 1o$rse'%; ,e "aite- aro$n- to be certain
1o$ "ere -ea-4 an- 1o$ s$r%ace- an- p$''e- 1o$rse'% ashore; ,e "ent -o"n an- "as checkin)
1o$ o&er4 to -eci-e "hether 1o$ "o$'- -ie i% he ?$st 'e%t 1o$ there or "hether he sho$'- thro"
1o$ back in a)ain; !he po'ice arri&e- abo$t then an- he ha- to c'ear o$t; =e ca$)ht $p "ith him
short'1 a%ter"ar- an- "ere ab'e to s$b-$e him an- imprison him in the to"er; !hat took a 'ot o%
-oin); 9ater4 : contacte- 2ric an- to'- him "hat ha- happene-; ,e then or-ere- +'ora to p$t 1o$
in the other p'ace an- see that 1o$ "ere he'- $nti' a%ter his coronation;G
F:t %its4G : sai-; F!hanks;G
F=hat -oes it %it>G
F: "as on'1 a sma''-to"n #P in simp'er times than these4 an- : ne&er ha- m$ch to -o "ith
ps1chiatric cases; B$t : -o kno" that 1o$ -on@t )i&e a person e'ectroshock therap1 to restore
memories; 2(! )enera''1 -oes ?$st the opposite; :t -estro1s some o% the shortterm ones; B1
s$spicions be)an to stir "hen : 'earne- that that "as "hat Bran- ha- ha- -one to me; (o : came
$p "ith m1 o"n h1pothesis; !he a$to "reck -i- not restore m1 memories4 an- neither -i- the
2(!; : ha- %ina''1 be)$n reco&erin) them nat$ra''14 not as the res$'t o% an1 partic$'ar tra$ma; :
m$st ha&e -one somethin) or sai- somethin) to in-icate that this "as occ$rrin); =or- o% it
someho" )ot to Bran- an- he -eci-e- that this "o$'- not be a )oo- thin) to ha&e happen at that
time; (o he ?o$rne1e- to m1 sha-o" an- mana)e- to )et me committe- an- s$b?ecte- to
treatment "hich he hope- "o$'- "ipe o$t those thin)s : ha- recent'1 reco&ere-; !his "as ?$st
part'1 s$ccess%$'4 in that its on'1 'astin) e%%ect "as to %$66 me $p %or the %e" -a1s s$rro$n-in)
the sessions; !he acci-ent ma1 ha&e contrib$te-4 too; B$t "hen : escape- %rom Porter an- 'i&e-
thro$)h his attempt to ki'' me4 the process o% reco&er1 contin$e- a%ter : re)aine- conscio$sness
in #reen"oo- an- 'e%t the p'ace; : "as rememberin) more an- more "hen : "as sta1in) at
+'ora@s; !he reco&er1 "as acce'erate- b1 0an-om@s takin) me to 0ebma4 "here : "a'ke- the
Pattern; :% this ha- not occ$rre-4 ho"e&er4 : am con&ince- no" that it "o$'- a'' ha&e come back4
an1"a1; :t mi)ht ha&e taken some"hat 'on)er4 b$t : ha- broken thro$)h an- the rememberin)
"as an on)oin) process4 comin) %aster an- %aster near the en-; (o : conc'$-e- that Bran- "as
tr1in) to sabota)e me4 an- that is "hat %its the thin)s 1o$ ?$st to'- me;G
!he ban- o% stars ha- narro"e-4 an- it %ina''1 &anishe- abo&e $s; =e a-&ance- thro$)h "hat
seeme- a tota''1 b'ack t$nne' no"4 "ith perhaps the tiniest %'ickerin) o% 'i)ht a )reat -istance
ahea- o% $s;
FAes4G she sai- in the -arkness be%ore me4 F1o$ )$esse- correct'1; Bran- "as a%rai- o% 1o$; ,e
c'aime- he ha- seen 1o$r ret$rn one ni)ht in !ir-na No)@th4 to the $n-oin) o% a'' o$r p'ans; : pai-
him no hee- at the time4 %or : "as not e&en a"are 1o$ sti'' 'i&e-; :t m$st ha&e been then that he
set o$t to %in- 1o$; =hether he -i&ine- 1o$r "hereabo$ts b1 some arcane means or simp'1 sa" it
in 2ric@s min-4 : -o not kno"; Probab'1 the 'atter; ,e is occasiona''1 capab'e o% s$ch a %eat;
,o"e&er he 'ocate- 1o$4 1o$ no" kno" the rest;G
F:t "as +'ora@s presence in that p'ace an- her stran)e 'iasion "ith 2ric that %irst ma-e him
s$spicio$s; Or so he sai-; Not that it matters4 no"; =hat -o 1o$ propose -oin) "ith him i% "e )et
o$r han-s on him>G
(he ch$ck'e-;
FAo$ are "earin) 1o$r b'a-e4G she sai-;
FBran- to'- me4 not a'' that 'on) a)o4 that B'e1s is sti'' a'i&e; :s this tr$e>G
F!hen "h1 am : here4 rather than B'e1s>G
FB'e1s is not att$ne- to the Ee"e'; Ao$ are; Ao$ interact "ith it at near -istances4 an- it "i''
attempt to preser&e 1o$r 'i%e i% 1o$ are in imminent -an)er o% 'osin) it; !he risk4 there%ore4 is not
as )reat4G she sai-;
!hen4 moments 'ater4 F/on@t take it %or )rante-4 tho$)h; A s"i%t stroke can sti'' beat its reaction;
Ao$ can -ie in its presence;G
!he 'i)ht ahea- )re" 'ar)er4 bri)hter4 b$t there "ere no -ra%ts4 so$n-s4 or sme''s %rom that
-irection; A-&ancin)4 : tho$)ht o% the 'a1ers $pon 'a1ers o% e.p'anations : ha- recei&e- since m1
ret$rn4 each "ith its o"n comp'e. o% moti&ations4 ?$sti%ications %or "hat ha- happene- "hi'e :
"as a"a14 %or "hat ha- happene- since4 %or "hat "as happenin) no"; !he emotions4 the p'ans4
the %ee'in)s4 the ob?ecti&es : ha- seen s"ir'e- 'ike %'oo-"ater thro$)h the cit1 o% %acts : "as
s'o"'1 erectin) on the )ra&e o% m1 other se'%4 an- tho$)h an act is an act4 in the best (teinian
tra-ition4 each "a&e o% interpretation that broke $pon me shi%te- the position o% one or more
thin)s : ha- tho$)ht sa%e'1 anchore-4 an- b1 this bro$)ht abo$t an a'teration o% the "ho'e4 to the
e.tent that a'' o% 'i%e seeme- a'most a shi%tin) interp'a1 o% (ha-o" abo$t the Amber o% some
ne&er to be attaine- tr$th; (ti''4 : co$'- not -en1 that : kne" more no" than : ha- se&era' 1ears
ear'ier4 that : "as c'oser to the heart o% matters than : ha- been be%ore4 that the entire action in
"hich : ha- been ca$)ht $p $pon m1 ret$rn seeme- no" to be s"eepin) to"ar- some %ina'
reso'$tion; An- "hat -i- : "ant> A chance to %in- o$t "hat "as ri)ht an- a chance to act on itI :
'a$)he-; =ho is e&er )rante- the %irst4 'et a'one the secon- o% these> A "orkab'e appromi.ation
o% tr$th4 then; !hat "o$'- be eno$)h;;;; An- a chance to s"in) m1 b'a-e a %e" times in the ri)ht
-irection8 !he hi)hest compensation : co$'- recei&e %rom a one o@c'ock "or'- %or the chan)es
"ro$)ht since noon; : 'a$)he- a)ain an- ma-e s$re m1 b'a-e "as 'oose in the sheath;
FBran- sai- that B'e1s ha- raise- another arm1DG : be)an;
F9ater4G she sai-4 F'ater; !here is no more time;G
An- she "as ri)ht; !he 'i)ht ha- )ro"n 'ar)e4 become a circ$'ar openin); :t ha- approache- at a
rate o$t o% proportion to o$r a-&ance4 as tho$)h the t$nne' itse'% "ere contractin); :t seeme- to
be -a1'i)ht that "as r$shin) in thro$)h "hat : chose to re)ar- as the ca&e mo$th;
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-4 an- moments 'ater "e reache- the openin) an- passe- thro$)h it;
: b'inke- m1 e1es as "e emer)e-; !o m1 'e%t "as the sea4 "hich seeme- to mer)e "ith the
same-co'ore- sk1; !he )o'-en s$n "hich %'oate-Sh$n) abo&eS"ithin it4 bo$nce- beams o%
bri''iance %rom a'' -irections; Behin- me4 no"4 there "as nothin) b$t rock; O$r passa)e to this
p'ace ha- &anishe- "itho$t a si)n; Not too %ar be'o" an- be%ore meDperhaps a h$n-re- %eet
-istantD'a1 the prima' Pattern; A %i)$re "as ne)otiatin) the secon- o% its o$ter arcs4 his attention
so con%ine- b1 this acti&it1 that he ha- apparent'1 not 1et note- o$r presence; A %'ash o% re- as he
took a t$rn8 the Ee"e'4 han)in) no" %rom his neck as it ha- h$n) %rom mine4 %rom 2ric@s4 %rom
/a-@s; !he %i)$re4 o% co$rse4 "as Bran-@s;
: -ismo$nte-; : 'ooke- $p at +iona4 sma'' an- -istra$)ht4 an- : p'ace- /r$m@s reins in her han-;
FAn1 a-&ice4 other than to )o a%ter him>G : "hispere-;
(he shook her hea-;
!$rnin) then4 : -re" #ra1s"an-ir an- stro-e %or"ar-;
F#oo- '$ck4G she sai- so%t'1;
As : "a'ke- to"ar- the Pattern4 : sa" the 'on) chain 'ea-in) %rom the ca&e mo$th to the no"
sti'' %orm o% the )ri%%in; hea- 'a1 on the )ro$n- se&era' paces to the 'e%t o% his
bo-1; Bo-1 an- hea- both 'eake- a norma'-co'ore- b'oo- $pon the stone;
As : approache- the be)innin) o% the Pattern4 : -i- a <$ick ca'c$'ation; Bran- ha- a'rea-1 taken
se&era' t$rns abo$t the )enera' spira' o% the -esi)n; ,e "as appro.imate'1 t"o an- a ha'% 'aps
into it; :% "e "ere on'1 separate- b1 one "in-in)4 : co$'- reach him "ith m1 b'a-e once :
achie&e- a position para''e'in) his o"n; !he )oin)4 ho"e&er4 )ot ro$)her the %$rther one
penetrate- the -esi)n; Conse<$ent'14 Bran- "as mo&in) at a stea-i'1 -ecreasin) pace; (o it
"o$'- be c'ose; : -i- not ha&e to catch him; : ?$st ha- to pick $p a 'ap an- a ha'% an- obtain a
position across %rom him;
: p'ace- m1 %oot $pon the Pattern an- mo&e- %or"ar-4 as %ast as : "as ab'e; !he b'$e sparks
be)an abo$t m1 %eet as : r$she- thro$)h the %irst c$r&e a)ainst the risin) resistance; !he sparks
)re" <$ick'1; B1 hair "as be)innin) to rise "hen : hit the +irst 7ei'4 an- the crack'in) o% the
sparks "as <$ite a$-ib'e no"; : p$she- on a)ainst the press$re o% the 7ei'4 "on-erin) "hether
Bran- ha- notice- me 1et4 $nab'e to a%%or- the -istraction o% a )'ance in his -irection ?$st then; :
met the resistance "ith increase- %orce4 an- se&era' steps 'ater : "as thro$)h the 7ei' an- mo&in)
more easi'1 a)ain;
: 'ooke- $p; Bran- "as ?$st emer)in) %rom the terrib'e (econ- 7ei'4 b'$e sparks as hi)h as his
"aist; ,e "as )rinnin) a )rin o% reso'&e an- tri$mph as he p$''e- %ree an- took a c'ear step
%or"ar-; !hen he sa" me;
!he )rin "ent a"a1 an- he hesitate-4 a point in m1 %a&or; Ao$ ne&er stop on the Pattern i% 1o$
can he'p it; :% 1o$ -o4 it costs a 'ot o% e.tra ener)1 to )et mo&in) a)ain;
FAo$ are too 'ateIG he ca''e- o$t;
: -i- not ans"er him; : ?$st kept )oin); B'$e %ires %e'' %rom the Pattern tracer1 a'on)
#ra1s"an-ir@s 'en)th;
FAo$ "i'' not make it thro$)h the b'ack4G he sai-;
: kept )oin); !he -ark area "as ?$st ahea- o% me no"; : "as )'a- that it ha- not occ$rre- o&er
one o% the more -i%%ic$'t portions o% the Pattern this time aro$n-; Bran- mo&e- %or"ar- an-
s'o"'1 be)an his mo&ement to"ar- the #ran- C$r&e; :% : co$'- catch him there4 it "o$'- be no
contest; ,e "o$'- not ha&e the stren)th or the spee- to -e%en- himse'%;
As : approache- the -ama)e- portion o% the Pattern4 : reca''e- the means b1 "hich #ane'on an-
: ha- c$t the b'ack roa- on o$r %'i)ht %rom A&a'on; : ha- s$ccee-e- in breakin) the po"er o% the
roa- b1 ho'-in) the ima)e o% the Pattern in m1 min- as "e ha- )one across; No"4 o% co$rse4 :
ha- the Pattern itse'% a'' aro$n- me4 an- the -istance "as not near'1 so )reat; =hi'e m1 %irst
tho$)ht ha- been that Bran- "as simp'1 tr1in) to ratt'e me "ith his threat4 it occ$rre- to me that
the %orce o% the -ark p'ace mi)ht "e'' be m$ch stron)er here at its so$rce; As : came $p to it4
#ra1s"an-ir b'a6e- "ith a s$--en intensit1 "hich o$tshone its pre&io$s 'i)ht; On an imp$'se4 :
to$che- its point to the e-)e o% the b'ackness4 at the p'ace "here the Pattern en-e-;
#ra1s"an-ir c'o&e to the b'ackness an- co$'- not be raise- abo&e it; : contin$e- %or"ar-4 an-
m1 b'a-e s'ice- the area be%ore me4 s'i-in) ahea- in "hat seeme- an appro.imation o% the
ori)ina' tracer1; : %o''o"e-; !he s$n seeme- to -arken as : tro- the -ark )ro$n-; : "as s$--en'1
conscio$s o% m1 heartbeat4 an- perspiration %orme- on m1 bro"; A )ra1ish cast %e'' o&er
e&er1thin); !he "or'- seeme- to -im4 the Pattern to %a-e; :t seeme- it "o$'- be eas1 to step
amiss in this p'ace4 an- : "as not certain "hether the res$'t "o$'- be the same as a misstep
"ithin the intact portions o% the Pattern; : -i- not "ant to %in- o$t;
: kept m1 e1es 'o"4 %o''o"in) the 'ine #ra1s"an-ir "as inscribin) be%ore me4 the b'a-e@s b'$e
%ire no" the on'1 thin) o% co'or 'e%t to the "or'-; 0i)ht %oot4 'e%t %oot;;;
!hen s$--en'1 : "as o$t o% it an- #ra1s"an-ir s"$n) %ree in m1 han- once a)ain4 the %ires
part'1 -iminishe-4 "hether b1 contrast "ith the rei''$minate- prospect or %or some other reasons
: -i- not kno";
9ookin) abo$t4 : sa" that Bran- "as approachin) the #ran- C$r&e; As %or me4 : "as "orkin)
m1 "a1 to"ar- the (econ- 7ei'; =e "o$'- both be in&o'&e- in the stren$o$s e%%orts these
entai'e- in a %e" more min$tes; !he #ran- C$r&e is more -i%%ic$'t4 more pro'on)e- than the
(econ- 7ei'4 ho"e&er; : sho$'- be %ree an- mo&in) more <$ick'1 a)ain be%ore he "orke- his "a1
thro$)h his barrier; !hen : "o$'- ha&e to cross the -ama)e- area another time; ,e mi)ht be %ree
b1 then4 b$t he "o$'- be mo&in) more s'o"'1 than : "o$'-4 %or he "o$'- be into the area "here
the )oin) becomes e&en more -i%%ic$'t;
A stea-1 static arose "ith each step that : took4 an- a tin)'in) sensation permeate- m1 entire
bo-1; !he sparks rose to mi-thi)h as : mo&e-; :t "as 'ike stri-in) thro$)h a %ie'- o% e'ectric
"heat; B1 hair "as at 'east part'1 risen b& then; : co$'- %ee' its stirrin); : )'ance- back once to
see +iona4 sti'' mo$nte-4 $nmo&in)4 "atchin);
: presse- ahea- to the (econ- 7ei';
An)'es;;;short4 sharp t$rns;;;; !he %orce rose an- rose a)ainst me4 so that a'' o% m1 attention4 a''
o% m1 stren)th4 "as no" occ$pie- in stri&in) a)ainst it; !here came a)ain that %ami'iar sense o%
time'essness4 as tho$)h this "as a'' : ha- e&er -one4 a'' that : e&er "o$'- -o; An- "i'';;;a
%oc$sin) o% -esire to s$ch an intensit1 that e&er1thin) e'se "as e.c'$-e-;;;Bran-4 +iona4 Amber4
m1 o"n i-entit1;;;; !he sparks rose to e&en )reater hei)hts as : str$))'e-4 t$rne-4 'abore-4 each
step re<$irin) more e%%ort than the pre&io$s one;
: p$she- thro$)h; 0i)ht into the b'ack area a)ain;
0e%'e.i&e'14 : mo&e- #ra1s"an-ir -o"n an- ahea- once more; A)ain4 the )ra1ness4 the
monochrome %o)4 c$t b1 the b'$e o% m1 b'a-e openin) the "a1 be%ore me 'ike a s$r)ica' incision;
=hen : emer)e- into norma' 'i)ht4 : so$)ht Bran-; ,e "as sti'' in the "estern <$a-rant4
str$))'in) "ith the #ran- C$r&e4 abo$t t"o thir-s o% the "a1 thro$)h it; :% : p$she- har-4 : mi)ht
be ab'e to catch him ?$st as he "as comin) o$t o% it; : thre" a'' o% m1 stren)th into mo&in) as
<$ick'1 as possib'e;
As : ma-e it to the north en- o% the Pattern an- into the c$r&e 'ea-in) back4 it str$ck me
s$--en'1 "hat : "as abo$t to -o;
: "as r$shin) to spi'' more b'oo- $pon the Pattern;
:% it came to a simp'e choice bet"een %$rther -ama)e to the Pattern an- Bran-@s -estro1in) it
$tter'14 then : kne" "hat : ha- to -o; Aet4 : %e't there ha- to be another "a1; Aes;;;
: s'o"e- m1 pace i$st a tri%'e; :t "as )oin) to be a matter o% timin)4 his passa)e "as a 'ot
ro$)her than mine ?$st then4 so : ha- an e-)e in that respect; B1 entire ne" strate)1 in&o'&e-
arran)in) o$r enco$nter at ?$st the ri)ht point; :ronica''14 at that moment4 : reca''e- Bran-@s
concern %or his r$); !he prob'em o% keepin) this p'ace c'ean "as a 'ot trickier4 tho$)h;
,e "as nearin) the en- o% the #ran- C$r&e4 an- : pace- him "hi'e ca'c$'atin) the -istance to
the b'ackness; : ha- -eci-e- to 'et him -o his b'ee-in) o&er the area "hich ha- a'rea-1 been
-ama)e-; !he on'1 -isa-&anta)e : seeme- to possess "as that : "o$'- be sit$ate- to Bran-@s
ri)ht; !o minimi6e the bene%it this "o$'- )i&e him "hen "e crosse- b'a-es4 : "o$'- ha&e to
remain some"hat to the rear;
Bran- str$))'e- an- a-&ance-4 a'' o% his mo&ements in s'o" motion; : str$))'e- too4 b$t not as
har-; : kept the pace; : "on-ere- as : "ent4 abo$t the Ee"e'4 abo$t the a%%init1 "e ha- share-
since the att$nement; : co$'- %ee' its presence4 there to m1 'e%t an- ahea-4 e&en tho$)h : co$'-
not see it no" $pon Bran-@s breast; =o$'- it rea''1 act to sa&e me across that -istance sho$'-
Bran- )ain the $pper han- in o$r comin) con%'ict> +ee'in) its presence4 : co$'- a'most be'ie&e
that it "o$'-; :t ha- torn me %rom one assai'ant an- %o$n-4 someho"4 "ithin m1 min-4 a
tra-itiona' p'ace o% sa%et1Dm1 o"n be- ha- transporte- me there; +ee'in) it no"4 a'most seein)
the "a1 be%ore Bran- thro$)h it4 : %e't some ass$rance that it "o$'- attempt to %$nction on m1
beha'% once a)ain; 0eca''in) +iona@s "or-s4 ho"e&er4 : "as -etermine- not to re'1 on it; (ti''4 :
consi-ere- its other %$nctions4 spec$'ate- $pon m1 abi'it1 to operate it "itho$t contact;;;
Bran- ha- a'most comp'ete- the #ran- C$r&e; : reache- o$t %rom some 'e&e' o% m1 bein) an-
ma-e contact "ith the Ee"e'; 9a1in) m1 "i'' $pon it4 : ca''e- %or a storm o% the re- torna-o
&ariet1 "hich ha- -estro1e- :a)o; : -i- not kno" "hether : co$'- contro' that partic$'ar
phenomenon in this partic$'ar p'ace4 b$t : ca''e- %or it ne&erthe'ess an- -irecte- it to"ar- Bran-;
Nothin) happene- imme-iate'14 tho$)h : %e't the Ee"e' %$nctionin) to achie&e somethin); Bran-
came to the en-4 o%%ere- a %ina' e.ertion4 an- passe- %rom the #ran- C$r&e;
: "as ri)ht there behin- him;
,e kne" it4 tooDsomeho"; ,is b'a-e "as o$t the instant the press$re "as o%%; ,e )aine- a
co$p'e %eet %aster than : tho$)ht he co$'-4 )ot his 'e%t %oot ahea- o% him4 t$rne- his bo-14 an- met
m1 )a6e o&er the 'ines o% o$r b'a-es;
F/amne- i% 1o$ -i-n@t make it;G he sai-4 to$chin) the tip o% m1 b'a-e "ith his o"n;
FAo$ "o$'- ne&er ha&e )otten here this soon i% it "eren@t %or the bitch on the horse4 tho$)h;G
FNice "a1 to ta'k abo$t o$r sister4G : sai-4 %eintin) an- "atchin) him mo&e to parr1;
=e "ere hampere-4 in that neither o% $s co$'- '$n)e "itho$t -epartin) the Pattern; : "as %$rther
hampere- in not "antin) to make him b'ee-4 1et; : %ake- a stop thr$st an- he -re" back4 s'i-in)
his 'e%t %oot a'on) the -esi)n to his rear; ,e "ith-re" his ri)ht then4 stampe- it4 an- trie- a hea-
c$t "itho$t pre'iminaries; /amn itI : parrie- an- then riposte- b1 p$re re%'e.; : -i- not "ant to
catch him "ith the chest c$t : ha- thro"n back at him4 b$t the tip o% #ra1s"an-ir trace- an arc
beneath his stern$m; : hear- a h$mmin) in the air abo&e $s; : co$'- not a%%or- to take m1 e1es
o%% Bran-4 tho$)h; ,e )'ance- -o"n"ar- an- backe- some more; #oo-; A re- 'ine no"
-ecorate- his shirt %ront "here m1 c$t ha- taken him; (o %ar4 the materia' seeme- to be absorbin)
it; : stampe-4 %einte-4 thr$st4 parrie-4 stop thr$st4 bo$n-4 an- $nbo$n-De&er1thin) : co$'- think
o% to keep him retreatin); : ha- the ps1cho'o)ica' e-)e on him in that : ha- the )reater reach an-
"e both kne" : co$'- -o more thin)s "ith it4 more <$ick'1; Bran- "as nearin) the -ark area; E$st
a %e" more paces;;;; : hear- a so$n- 'ike a sin)'e be'' chime4 %o''o"e- b1 a )reat roarin); A
sha-o" s$--en'1 %e'' $pon $s4 as tho$)h a c'o$- ha- ?$st occ'$-e- the s$n;
Bran- )'ance- $p; : think : co$'- ha&e )otten him ?$st then4 b$t he "as sti'' a co$p'e o% %eet too
%ar %rom the tar)et area;
,e reco&ere- imme-iate'1 an- )'are- at me;
F/amn 1o$4 Cor"inI !hat@s 1o$rs4 isn@t it>G he crie-4 an- then he attacke-4 -iscar-in) "hat
ca$tion he sti'' possesse-;
*n%ort$nate'14 : "as in a ba- position4 as : ha- been e-)in) $p on him4 preparin) to press him
the rest o% the "a1 back; : "as e.pose- an- s'i)ht'1 o%%-ba'ance; 2&en as : parrie-4 : rea'i6e- it
"o$'- not be s$%%icient4 an- : t"iste- an- %e'' back;
: str$))'e- to keep m1 %eet in p'ace as : "ent -o"n; : ca$)ht m1se'% "ith m1 ri)ht e'bo" an-
m1 'e%t han-; : c$rse-4 as the pain "as too m$ch an- m1 e'bo" s'i- to the si-e4 -roppin) me to
m1 ri)ht sho$'-er;
B$t Bran-@s thr$st ha- )one b1 me4 an- "ithin b'$e ha'os m1 %eet sti'' to$che- the 'ine; : "as
o$t o% Bran-@s reach %or a -eath thr$st4 tho$)h he co$'- sti'' hamstrin) me;
: raise- m1 ri)ht arm4 sti'' c'$tchin) #ra1s"an-ir4 be%ore me; : be)an to sit $p; As : -i-4 : sa"
that the re- %ormation4 1e''o" abo$t the e-)es4 "as no" spinnin) -irect'1 abo&e Bran-4 crack'in)
"ith sparks an- sma'' 'i)htnin)s4 its roar no" chan)e- to a "ai'in);
Bran- took ho'- o% his b'a-e b1 the %orte an- raise- it abo&e his sho$'-er 'ike a spear4 pointe- in
m1 -irection; : kne" that : co$'- not parr1 it4 that : co$'- not -o-)e it;
=ith m1 min-4 : reache- o$t to the Ee"e' an- $p to the %ormation in the sk1;;;
!here came a bri)ht %'ash as a sma'' %in)er o% 'i)htnin) reache- -o"n an- to$che- his b'a-e;;;
!he "eapon %e'' %rom his han- an- his han- %'e" to his mo$th; =ith his 'e%t han-4 he c'$tche- at
the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment4 as i% he rea'i6e- "hat : "as -oin) an- so$)ht to n$''i%1 it b1 co&erin) the
stone; ($ckin) his %in)ers4 he 'ooke- $p"ar-4 a'' o% the an)er -rainin) %rom his %ace to be
rep'ace- b1 a 'ook o% %ear &er)in) on terror;
!he cone "as be)innin) to -escen-;
!$rnin) then4 he steppe- onto the b'ackene- area4 %ace- so$th4 raise- both his arms an- crie- o$t
somethin) : co$'- not hear abo&e the "ai'in);
!he cone %e'' to"ar- him4 b$t he seeme- to )ro" t"o--imensiona' as it approache-; ,is o$t'ine
"a&ere-; ,e be)an to shrinkDb$t it -i- not seem a %$nction o% act$a' si6e4 so m$ch as an e%%ect
o% -istancin); ,e -"in-'e-4 -"in-'e-4 "as )one4 a bare instant be%ore the cone 'icke- across the
area he ha- occ$pie-;
=ith him "ent the Ee"e'4 so that : "as 'e%t "ith no "a1 o% contro''in) the thin) abo&e me; : -i-
not kno" "hether it "as better to maintain a 'o" pro%i'e or to res$me a norma' stance on the
Pattern; : -eci-e- on the 'atter4 beca$se the "hir'"in- seeme- to )o %or thin)s "hich broke the
norma' se<$ence; : )ot back into a sittin) position an- e-)e- o&er to the 'ine; !hen : 'eane-
%or"ar- into a cro$ch4 b1 "hich time the cone be)an to rise; !he "ai'in) retreate- -o"n the
sca'e as it "ith-re"; !he b'$e %ires abo$t m1 boots ha- s$bsi-e- comp'ete'1; : t$rne- an- 'ooke-
at +iona; (he motione- me to )et $p an- )o on;
(o : rose s'o"'14 seein) that the &orte. abo&e me contin$e- to -issipate as : mo&e-; A-&ancin)
$pon the area "here Bran- ha- so recent'1 stoo-4 : once a)ain $se- #ra1s"an-ir to )$i-e me
thro$)h; !he t"iste- remains o% Bran-@s b'a-e 'a1 near the %ar e-)e o% the -im p'ace;
: "ishe- there "ere some eas1 "a1 o$t o% the Pattern; :t seeme- point'ess to comp'ete it no";
B$t there is no t$rnin) back once 1o$ ha&e set %oot $pon it4 an- : "as e.treme'1 'eer1 o% tr1in)
the -ark ro$te o$t; (o : hea-e- on to"ar- the #ran- C$r&e; !o "hat p'ace4 : "on-ere-4 ha-
Bran- taken himse'%> :% : kne"4 : co$'- comman- the Pattern to sen- me a%ter him4 once :
reache- the center; Perhaps +iona ha- an i-ea; (ti''4 he "o$'- probab'1 hea- %or a p'ace "here he
ha- a''ies; :t "o$'- be sense'ess to p$rs$e him a'one;
At 'east : ha- stoppe- the att$nement4 : conso'e- m1se'%;
!hen : entere- the #ran- C$r&e; !he sparks shot $p abo$t me;
Chapter 12
9ate a%ternoon on a mo$ntain8 the "esterin) s$n shone %$'' on the rocks to m1 'e%t4 tai'ore- 'on)
sha-o"s %or those to the ri)htC it %i'tere- thro$)h the %oi'a)e abo$t m1 tombC it co$ntere- to some
e.tent the chi'' "in-s o% 3o'&ir; : re'ease- 0an-om@s han- an- t$rne- to re)ar- the man "ho sat
on the bench be%ore the ma$so'e$m;
:t "as the %ace o% the 1o$th on the pierce- !r$mp4 'ines no" -ra"n abo&e the mo$th4 bro"
hea&ier4 a )enera' "eariness in e1e mo&ement an- set o% ?a" "hich ha- not been apparent on the
(o : kne" it be%ore 0an-om sai-4 F!his is m1 son Bartin;G
Bartin rose as : approache- him4 c'aspe- m1 han-4 sai-4 F*nc'e Cor"in;G ,is e.pression
chan)e- b$t s'i)ht'1 as he sai- it; ,e scr$tini6e- me;
,e "as se&era' inches ta''er than 0an-om4 b$t o% the same 'i)ht b$i'-; ,is chin an- cheekbones
ha- the same )enera' c$t to them4 his hair "as o% a simi'ar te.t$re;
: smi'e-;
FAo$ ha&e been a"a1 a 'on) "hi'e4G : sai-; F(o "as :;G
,e no--e-;
FB$t : ha&e ne&er rea''1 been in Amber proper4G he sai-; F: )re" $p in 0ebma other p'aces;G
F!hen 'et me "e'come 1o$4 nephe"; Ao$ come at an interestin) time; 0an-om m$st ha&e to'-
1o$ abo$t it;G
FAes4G he sai-; F!hat is "h1 : aske- to meet 1o$ here4 rather than there;G
: )'ance- at 0an-om;
F!he 'ast $nc'e he met "as Bran-4G 0an-om sai-4 Fan- $n-er &er1 nast1 circ$mstances; /o 1o$
b'ame him>G
F,ar-'1; : ran into him m1se'% a bit ear'ier; Can@t sa1 it "as the most re"ar-in) enco$nter;G
F0an into him>G sai- 0an-om; FAo$@&e 'ost me;G
F,e has 'e%t Amber an- he has the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment "ith him; :% : ha- kno"n ear'ier "hat :
kno" no"4 he "o$'- sti'' be in the to"er; ,e is o$r man4 an- he is &er1 -an)ero$s;G
0an-om no--e-;
F: kno"4G he sai-; FBartin con%irme- a'' o$r s$spicions on the stabbin) it "as Bran-; B$t "hat
is this abo$t the Ee"e'>G
F,e beat me to the p'ace "here : ha- 'e%t it on the sha-o" 2arth; ,e has to "a'k the Pattern "ith
it an- pro?ect himse'% thro$)h it4 tho$)h4 to att$ne it to his $se; : ?$st stoppe- him %rom -oin) that
on the prima' Pattern in the rea' Amber; ,e escape-4 ho"e&er; : "as ?$st o&er the hi'' "ith
#erar-4 sen-in) a s<$a- o% )$ar-s thro$)h to +iona in that p'ace4 to pre&ent his ret$rnin) an-
tr1in) a)ain; O$r o"n Pattern an- that in 0ebma are a'so $n-er )$ar- beca$se o% him;G
F=h1 -oes he "ant so ba-'1 to att$ne it> (o he can raise a %e" storms> ,e''4 he co$'- take a
"a'k in (ha-o" an- make a'' the "eather he "ants;G
FA person att$ne- to the Ee"e' co$'- $se it to erase the Pattern;G
FOh> =hat happens then>G
F!he "or'- as "e kno" it comes to an en-;G
FOh4G 0an-om sai- a)ain; !hen4 F,o" the he'' -o 1o$ kno">G
F:t is a 'on) stor1 an- : ha&en@t the time4 b$t : ha- it %rom /"orkin an- : be'ie&e that m$ch o%
"hat he sai-;G
F,e@s sti'' aro$n->G
F9ater4G : sai-;
FOka1; B$t Bran- "o$'- ha&e to be ma- to -o somethin) 'ike that;G
: no--e-;
F: be'ie&e he thinks he co$'- then cast a ne" Pattern4 re-esi)n the $ni&erse "ith himse'% as chie%$ti&e;G
FCo$'- this be -one>G
F!heoretica''14 perhaps; B$t e&en /"orkin has certain -o$bts that the %eat co$'- be repeate-
e%%ecti&e'1 no"; !he combination o% %actors "as $ni<$e;;;; Aes4 : be'ie&e Bran- is some"hat
ma-; 9ookin) back o&er the 1ears4 reca''in) his persona'it1 chan)es4 his c1c'es o% moo-s4 it
seems there "as somethin) o% a schi6oi- pattern there; : -o not kno" "hether the -ea' he ma-e
"ith the enem1 p$she- him o&er the e-)e or not; :t -oes not rea''1 matter; : "ish he "ere back in
his to"er; : "ish #erar- "ere a "orse ph1sician;G
F/o 1o$ kno" "ho stabbe- him>G
F+iona; Ao$ can )et the stor1 %rom her4 tho$)h;G
,e 'eane- a)ainst m1 epitaph an- shook his hea-;
FBran-4G he sai-; F/amn him; An1 one o% $s mi)ht ha&e ki''e- him on a n$mber o% occasionsD
in the o'- -a1s; E$st "hen he "o$'- )et 1o$ ma- eno$)h4 tho$)h4 he "o$'- chan)e; A%ter a
"hi'e4 1o$ "o$'- )et to thinkin) he "asn@t s$ch a ba- )$1 a%ter a''; !oo ba- he -i-n@t p$sh one o%
$s ?$st a 'itt'e har-er at the "ron) time;;;G
F!hen : take it he is no" %air )ame>G sai- Bartin;
: 'ooke- at him; !he m$sc'es in his ?a"s ha- ti)htene- an- his e1es narro"e-; +or a moment4 a''
o% o$r %aces %'e- across his4 'ike a ri%%'in) o% the %ami'1 car-s; A'' o% o$r e)oism4 hatre-4 en&14
pri-e4 an- ab$se seeme- to %'o" b1 in that instant he ha- not e&en set %oot in Amber 1et;
(omethin) snappe- insi-e me an- : reache- o$t an- sei6e- him b1 the sho$'-ers;
FAo$ ha&e )oo- reason to hate him4G : sai-4 Fan- the ans"er to 1o$r <$estion is @1es;@ !he
h$ntin) season is open; : see no "a1 to -ea' "ith him other than to -estro1 him; : hate- him
m1se'% %or so 'on) as he remaine- an abstraction; B$tDno"Dit is -i%%erent; Aes4 he m$st be
ki''e-; B$t -o not 'et that hatre- be 1o$r baptism into o$r compan1; !here has been too m$ch o%
it amon) $s; : 'ook at 1o$r %aceD: -on@t kno";;;; : am sorr14 Bartin; !oo m$ch is )oin) on ri)ht
no"; Ao$ are 1o$n); : ha&e seen more thin)s; (ome o% them bother meD-i%%erent'1; !hat@s a'';G
: re'ease- m1 )rip an- steppe- back;
F!e'' me abo$t 1o$rse'%4G : sai-;
F: "as a%rai- o% Amber %or a 'on) "hi'e4G he be)an4 Fan- : )$ess that : sti'' am; 2&er since he
attacke- me4 : ha&e been "on-erin) "hether Bran- mi)ht catch $p "ith me a)ain; : ha&e been
'ookin) o&er m1 sho$'-er %or 1ears; : ha&e been a%rai- o% a'' o% 1o$4 : s$ppose; : kne" most o%
1o$ as pict$res on car-sD"ith ba- rep$tations attache-; : to'- 0an-omD/a-Dthat : -i- not
"ant to meet 1o$ a'' at once4 an- he s$))este- that : see 1o$ %irst; Neither o% $s rea'i6e- at the
time that 1o$ "o$'- be partic$'ar'1 intereste- in certain thin)s that : kno"; A%ter : mentione-
them tho$)h; /a- sai- : ha- to see 1o$ as soon as possib'e; ,e has been te''in) me a'' abo$t
"hat has been )oin) on an-D1o$ see4 : kno" somethin) abo$t it;G
F: ha- a %ee'in) that 1o$ mi)htD"hen a certain name croppe- $p not too 'on) a)o;G
F!he !ec1s>G 0an-om sai-;
F!he same;G
F:t is -i%%ic$'t4 -eci-in) "here to start;;;G Bartin sai-;
F: kno" that 1o$ )re" $p in 0ebma4 "a'ke- the Pattern4 an- then $se- 1o$r po"er o&er (ha-o"
to &isit Bene-ict in A&a'on4G : sai-; FBene-ict to'- 1o$ more abo$t Amber an- (ha-o"4 ta$)ht
1o$ the $se o% the !r$mps4 coache- 1o$ in "eaponr1; 9ater4 1o$ -eparte- to "a'k in (ha-o" b1
1o$rse'%; An- : kno" "hat Bran- -i- to 1o$; !hat is the s$m o% m1 kno"'e-)e;G
,e no--e-4 stare- o%% into the "est;
FA%ter : 'e%t Bene-ict@s4 : tra&e'e- %or 1ears in (ha-o"4G he sai-; F!hose "ere the happiest times
: ha&e kno"n; A-&ent$re4 e.citement4 ne" thin)s to see4 to -o;;;; :n the back o% m1 min-4 :
a'"a1s ha- it that one -a1 "hen : "as smarter an- to$)herDmore e.perience-D: "o$'- ?o$rne1
to Amber an- meet m1 other re'ati&es; !hen Bran- ca$)ht $p "ith me; : "as campe- on a 'itt'e
hi''si-e4 ?$st restin) %rom a 'on) ri-e an- takin) m1 '$nch4 on m1 "a1 to &isit m1 %rien-s the
!ec1s; Bran- contacte- me then; : ha- reache- Bene-ict "ith his !r$mp4 "hen he "as teachin)
me ho" to $se them4 an- other times "hen : ha- tra&e'e-; ,e ha- e&en transporte- me thro$)h
occasiona''14 so : kne" "hat it %e't 'ike4 kne" "hat it "as a'' abo$t; !his %e't the same "a14 an-
%or a moment4 : tho$)ht that someho" it "as Bene-ict ca''in) me; B$t no; :t "as Bran-D:
reco)ni6e- him %rom his pict$re in the -eck; ,e "as stan-in) in the mi-st o% "hat seeme- to be
the Pattern; : "as c$rio$s; : -i- not kno" ho" he ha- reache- me; (o %ar as : kne"4 there "as no
!r$mp %or me; ,e ta'ke- %or a min$teD: %or)et "hat he sai- "hen e&er1thin) "as %irm an-
c'ear4 heDhe stabbe- me; : p$she- him an- p$''e- a"a1 then; ,e he'- the contact someho"; :t
"as har- %or me to break itDan- "hen : -i-4 he trie- to reach me a)ain; B$t : "as ab'e to b'ock
him; Bene-ict ha- ta$)ht me that; ,e trie- a)ain4 se&era' times4 b$t : kept b'ockin); +ina''14 he
stoppe-; : "as near to the !ec1s; : mana)e- to )et onto m1 horse an- make it to their p'ace; :
tho$)ht : "as )oin) to -ie4 beca$se : ha- ne&er been h$rt that ba-'1 be%ore; B$t a%ter a time4 :
be)an to reco&er; !hen : )re" a%rai- once a)ain4 a%rai- that Bran- "o$'- %in- me an- %inish "hat
he ha- be)$n;G
F=h1 -i-n@t 1o$ contact Bene-ict4G : aske- him4 Fan- te'' him "hat ha- happene-4 te'' him o%
1o$r %ears>G
F: tho$)ht o% that4G he sai-4 Fan- : a'so tho$)ht o% the possibi'it1 that Bran- be'ie&e- he ha-
s$ccee-e-4 that : "as in-ee- -ea-; : -i- not kno" "hat sort o% po"er str$))'e "as )oin) on in
Amber4 b$t : -eci-e- that the attempt on m1 'i%e "as probab'1 part o% s$ch a thin); Bene-ict ha-
to'- me eno$)h abo$t the %ami'1 that this "as one o% the %irst thin)s to come to min-; (o :
-eci-e- that perhaps it "o$'- be better to remain -ea-; : 'e%t the !ec1s be%ore : "as comp'ete'1
reco&ere- an- ro-e o%% to 'ose m1se'% in (ha-o";
F: happene- $pon a stran)e thin) then4G he contin$e-4 Fa thin) : ha- ne&er be%ore enco$ntere-4
b$t "hich no" seeme- &irt$a''1 omnipresent8 :n near'1 a'' o% the sha-o"s thro$)h "hich :
passe-4 there "as a pec$'iar b'ack roa- e.istin) in some %orm or other; : -i- not $n-erstan- it4
b$t since it "as the on'1 thin) : ha- come across "hich seeme- to tra&erse (ha-o" itse'%4 m1
c$riosit1 "as aro$se-; : reso'&e- to %o''o" it an- 'earn more abo$t it; :t "as -an)ero$s; : 'earne-
&er1 <$ick'1 not to trea- the thin); (tran)e shapes seeme- to tra&e' it at ni)ht; Nat$ra' creat$res
"hich &ent$re- $pon it sickene- an- -ie-; (o : "as care%$'; : "ent no nearer than "as necessar1
to keep it in si)ht; : %o''o"e- it thro$)h man1 p'aces; : <$ick'1 'earne- that e&er1"here it ran
there "as -eath4 -eso'ation4 or tro$b'e nearb1; : -i- not kno" "hat to make o% it;
F: "as sti'' "eak %rom m1 "o$n-4G he "ent on4 Fan- : ma-e the mistake o% pressin) m1se'%4 o%
ri-in) too %ar4 too %ast4 in a -a1@s time; !hat e&enin)4 : %e'' i'' an- : 'a1 shi&erin) in m1 b'anket
thro$)h the ni)ht an- m$ch o% the ne.t -a1; : "as into an- o$t o% -e'iri$m -$rin) this time4 so :
-o not kno" e.act'1 "hen she appeare-; (he seeme- 'ike part o% m1 -ream m$ch o% the "hi'e; A
1o$n) )ir'; Prett1; (he took care o% me "hi'e : reco&ere-; ,er name "as /ara; =e ta'ke-
interminab'1; :t "as &er1 p'easant; ,a&in) someone to ta'k "ith 'ike that;;;: m$st ha&e to'- her
m1 "ho'e 'i%e stor1; !hen she to'- me somethin) o% herse'%; (he "as not a nati&e o% the area in
"hich : ha- co''apse-; (he sai- that she ha- tra&e'e- there thro$)h (ha-o"; (he co$'- not 1et
"a'k thro$)h it as "e -o4 tho$)h she %e't she co$'- 'earn to -o this4 as she c'aime- -escent %rom
the ,o$se o% Amber thro$)h Bene-ict; :n %act4 she "ante- &er1 ba-'1 to 'earn ho" it "as -one;
,er means o% tra&e' then "as the b'ack roa- itse'%; (he "as imm$ne to its$s e%%ects4 she
sai-4 beca$se she "as a'so re'ate- to the -"e''ers at its %arther en-4 in the Co$rts o% Chaos; (he
"ante- to 'earn o$r "a1s tho$)h4 so : -i- m1 best to instr$ct her in those thin)s that : -i- kno"; :
to'- her o% the Pattern4 e&en sketche- it %or her; : sho"e- her m1 !r$mpsDBene-ict ha- )i&en
me a -eckDto sho" her the appearance o% her other re'ati&es; (he "as partic$'ar'1 intereste- in
F: be)in to $n-erstan-4G : sai-; F#o on;G
F(he to'- me that Amber4 in the %$''ness o% its corr$ption an- pres$mption4 ha- $pset a kin- o%
metaph1sica' ba'ance bet"een itse'% an- the Co$rts o% Chaos; ,er peop'e no" ha- the ?ob o%
re-ressin) the matter b1 'a1in) "aste to Amber; !heir o"n p'ace is not a sha-o" o% Amber4 b$t a
so'i- entit1 in its o"n ri)ht; :n the meantime4 a'' o% the inter&enin) sha-o"s are s$%%erin)
beca$se o% the b'ack roa-; B1 kno"'e-)e o% Amber bein) "hat it "as4 : co$'- on'1 'isten; At
%irst4 : accepte- e&er1thin) that she sai-; Bran-4 to me4 certain'1 %it her -escription o% e&i' in
Amber; B$t "hen : mentione- him4 she sai- no; ,e "as some sort o% hero back "here she hie-
%rom; (he "as $ncertain as to the partic$'ars4 b$t it -i- not tro$b'e her a'' that m$ch; :t "as then
that : rea'i6e- ho" o&ers$re she seeme- abo$t e&er1thin)Dthere "as a rin) o% the %anatic "hen
she ta'ke-; A'most $n"i''in)'14 : %o$n- m1se'% tr1in) to -e%en- Amber; : tho$)ht o% 9'e"e''a an-
o% Bene-ict o% #erar-4 "hom : ha- met a %e" times; (he "as ea)er to 'earn o% Bene-ict4 :
-isco&ere-; !hat pro&e- the so%t spot in her armor; ,ere : co$'- speak "ith some kno"'e-)e4 an-
here she "as "i''in) to be'ie&e the )oo- thin)s : ha- to sa1; (o4 : -o not kno" "hat the $'timate
e%%ect o% a'' this ta'k "as4 e.cept that she seeme- some"hat 'ess s$re o% herse'% near the en-;;;G
F!he en->G : sai-; F=hat -o 1o$ mean> ,o" 'on) "as she "ith 1o$>G
FA'most a "eek4G he rep'ie-; F(he ha- sai- she "o$'- take care o% me $nti' : "as reco&ere-4 an-
she -i-; Act$a''14 she remaine- se&era' -a1s 'on)er; (he sai- that "as ?$st to be s$re4 b$t : think
it "as rea''1 that she "ante- to contin$e o$r con&ersations; +ina''1 tho$)h4 she sai- that she ha-
to be mo&in) on; : aske- her to sta1 "ith me4 b$t she sai- no; : o%%ere- to )o "ith her4 b$t she
sai- no to that4 too; (he m$st ha&e rea'i6e- that : p'anne- to %o''o" her then4 beca$se she s'ippe-
a"a1 -$rin) the ni)ht; : co$'- not ri-e the b'ack roa-4 an- : ha- no i-ea "hat sha-o" she "o$'-
tra&e' to ne.t on her "a1 to Amber; =hen : a"oke in the mornin) an- rea'i6e- she ha- )one4 :
tho$)ht %or a time o% &isitin) Amber m1se'%; B$t : "as sti'' a%rai-; Perhaps some o% the thin)s she
ha- sai- ha- rein%orce- m1 o"n %ears; =hate&er4 : -eci-e- to remain in (ha-o"; An- so :
tra&e'e- on4 seein) thin)s4 tr1in) to 'earn thin)sD$nti' 0an-om %o$n- me an- to'- me he "ante-
me to come home; ,e bro$)ht me here %irst tho$)h4 to meet 1o$4 beca$se he "ante- 1o$ to hear
m1 stor1 be%ore an1 o% the others; ,e sai- that 1o$ kne" /ara4 that 1o$ "ante- to 'earn more
abo$t her; : hope that : ha&e he'pe-;G
FAes4G : sai-; F!hank 1o$;G
F: $n-erstan- that she -i- %ina''1 "a'k the Pattern;G
FAes4 she s$ccee-e- in that;G
FAn- a%ter"ar- -ec'are- herse'% an enem1 o% Amber;G
F!hat4 too;G
F: hope4G he sai-4 Fthat she comes to no harm %rom a'' this; (he "as kin- to me;G
F(he seems <$ite ab'e to take care o% herse'%4G : sai-; FB$t;;;1es4 she is a 'ikab'e )ir'; : cannot
promise 1o$ an1thin) concernin) her sa%et14 beca$se : sti'' kno" so 'itt'e abo$t her4 so 'itt'e o%
her part in e&er1thin) that is )oin) on; Aet4 "hat 1o$ ha&e to'- me has been he'p%$'; :t makes her
someone : "o$'- sti'' 'ike to )rant -o$bt@s bene%it4 as %ar as : can;G
,e smi'e-;
F: am )'a- to hear that;G
: shr$))e-;
F=hat are 1o$ )oin) to -o no">G : aske-;
F: am takin) him to see 7ia''e4G 0an-om sai-4 Fan- then to meet the others4 as time an-
opport$nit1 permit; *n'ess4 o% co$rse4 somethin) ne" has -e&e'ope- an- 1o$ nee- me no";G
F!here ha&e been ne" -e&e'opments4G : sai-4 Fb$t : -o not rea''1 nee- 1o$ no"; : ha- better
brin) 1o$ $p to -ate4 tho$)h; : sti'' ha&e a 'itt'e time;G
As : %i''e- 0an-om in on e&ents since his -epart$re4 : tho$)ht abo$t Bartin; ,e "as sti'' an
$nkno"n <$antit1 so %ar as : "as concerne-; ,is stor1 mi)ht be per%ect'1 tr$e; :n %act4 : %e't that
it "as; On the other han-4 : ha- a %ee'in) that it "as not comp'ete4 that he "as intentiona''1
'ea&in) somethin) o$t; Ba1be somethin) harm'ess; !hen a)ain4 ma1be not; ,e ha- no rea'
reason to 'o&e $s; M$ite the contrar1; An- 0an-om co$'- be brin)in) home a !ro?an ,orse;
Probab'1 tho$)h4 it "as nothin) 'ike that; :t is ?$st that : ne&er tr$st an1one i% there is an
a'ternati&e a&ai'ab'e;
(ti''4 nothin) that : "as te''in) 0an-om co$'- rea''1 be $se- a)ainst $s4 an- : stron)'1 -o$bte-
that Bartin co$'- -o $s m$ch -ama)e i% that "as his intention; No4 more 'ike'1 he "as bein) as
ca)e1 as the rest o% $s4 an- %or prett1 m$ch the same reasons8 %ear an- se'% preser&ation; On a
s$--en inspiration4 : aske- him4 F/i- 1o$ e&er r$n into /ara a)ain a%ter that>G
,e %'$she-;
FNo4G he sai-4 too <$ick'1;
FE$st that time; !hat@s a'';G
F: see4G : sai-4 an- 0an-om "as too )oo- a poker p'a1er not to ha&e notice-C so : ha- ?$st
bo$)ht $s a piece o% instant ins$rance at the sma'' price o% p$ttin) a %ather on )$ar- a)ainst his
'on)-'ost son;
: <$ick'1 shi%te- o$r ta'k back to Bran-; :t "as "hi'e "e "ere comparin) notes on
ps1chopatho'o)1 that : %e't the tin1 tin)'e an- the sense o% presence "hich hera'-s a !r$mp
contact; : raise- m1 han- an- t$rne- asi-e;
:n a moment the contact "as c'ear an- #ane'on an- : re)ar-e- one another;
FCor"in4G he sai-4 F: -eci-e- it "as time to check; B1 no"4 1o$ ha&e the Ee"e'4 Bran- has the
Ee"e'4 or 1o$ are both sti'' 'ookin); =hich one is it>G
FBran- has the Ee"e'4G : sai-;
FBore@s the pit14G he sai-; F!e'' me abo$t it;G
(o : -i-;
F!hen #erar- ha- the stor1 ri)ht4G he sai-;
F,e@s a'rea-1 to'- 1o$ a'' this>G
FNot in s$ch -etai'4G #ane'on rep'ie-4 Fan- : "ante- to be s$re : "as )ettin) it strai)ht; : ?$st
%inishe- speakin) "ith him;G
,e )'ance- $p"ar-;
F:t "o$'- seem 1o$ ha- best be mo&in) then4 i% m1 memories o% moonrise ser&e me ri)ht;G
: no--e-;
FAes4 : "i'' be hea-in) %or the stair"a1 short'1; :t is not a'' that %ar %rom here;G
F#oo-; No" here is "hat 1o$ m$st be rea-1 to -oDG
F: kno" "hat : ha&e to -o4G : sai-; F: ha&e to )et $p to !ir-na No)@th be%ore Bran- -oes an-
b'ock his "a1 to the Pattern; +ai'in) that4 : ha&e to chase him thro$)h it a)ain;G
F!hat is not the "a1 to )o abo$t it4G he sai-;
FAo$ ha&e a better i-ea>G
FAes4 : -o; Ao$ ha&e 1o$r !r$mps "ith 1o$>G
F#oo-; +irst4 1o$ "o$'- not be ab'e to )et $p there in time to b'ock his "a1 to the PatternDG
F=h1 not>G
FAo$ ha&e to make the ascension4 then 1o$ ha&e to "a'k to the pa'ace an- make 1o$r "a1 -o"n
to the Pattern; !hat takes time4 e&en in !ir-na No)@thDespecia''1 in !ir-na No)@th4 "here time
ten-s to p'a1 tricks an1"a1; +or a'' 1o$ kno"4 1o$ ma1 ha&e a hi--en -eath "ish s'o"in) 1o$
-o"n; : -on@t kno"; =hate&er the case4 he "o$'- ha&e commence- "a'kin) the Pattern b1 the
time 1o$ arri&e-; :t ma1 "e'' be that he "o$'- be too %ar into it %or 1o$ to reach him this time;G
F,e "i'' probab'1 be tire-; !hat sho$'- s'o" him some;G
FNo; P$t 1o$rse'% in his p'ace; :% 1o$ "ere Bran-4 "o$'-n@t 1o$ ha&e hea-e- %or some sha-o"
"here the time %'o" "as -i%%erent> :nstea- o% an a%ternoon4 he co$'- "e'' ha&e taken se&era'
-a1s to rest $p %or this e&enin)@s or-ea'; :t is sa%est to ass$me that he "i'' be in )oo- shape;G
FAo$ are ri)ht4G : sai-; F: can@t co$nt on it; Oka1; An a'ternati&e : ha- entertaine- b$t "o$'-
rather not tr1 i% it co$'- be a&oi-e-4 "o$'- be to ki'' him at a -istance; !ake a'on) a crossbo" or
one o% o$r ri%'es an- simp'1 shoot him in the mi-st o% the Pattern; !he thin) that bothers me
abo$t it is the e%%ect o% o$r b'oo- on the Pattern; :t ma1 be that it is on'1 the prima' Pattern that
s$%%ers %rom it4 b$t : -on@t kno";G
F!hat@s ri)ht; Ao$ -o not kno"4G he sai-; FA'so4 : "o$'- not "ant 1o$ to re'1 on norma'
"eapons $p there; !hat is a pec$'iar p'ace; Ao$ sai- 1o$rse'% it is 'ike a stran)e piece o% (ha-o"
-ri%tin) in the sk1; =hi'e 1o$ %i)$re- ho" to make a ri%'e %ire in Amber4 the same r$'es ma1 not
app'1 $p there;G
F:t is a risk4G : ackno"'e-)e-;
FAs %or the crossbo"Ds$pposin) a s$--en )$st o% "in- -e%'ecte- the bo't each time 1o$ shot
F: am a%rai- : -o not %o''o" 1o$;G
F!he Ee"e'; ,e "a'ke- it part "a1 thro$)h the prima' Pattern4 an- he has ha- some time to
e.periment "ith it since then; /o 1o$ think it possib'e that he is part'1 att$ne- to it no">G
F: -o not kno"; : am not at a'' that s$re ho" the process "orks;G
F: ?$st "ante- to point o$t that i% it -oes "ork that "a14 he ma1 be ab'e to $se it to -e%en-
himse'%; !he Ee"e' ma1 e&en ha&e other properties 1o$ are not a"are o%; (o "hat : am sa1in) is
that : "o$'- not "ant 1o$ to co$nt on bein) ab'e to ki'' him at a -istance; An- : "o$'- not e&en
"ant 1o$ to re'1 on bein) ab'e to p$'' the trick 1o$ -i- "ith the Ee"e' a)ainDnot i% he ma1 ha&e
)aine- some meas$re o% contro' o&er it;G
FAo$ -o make thin)s 'ook a 'itt'e b'eaker than : ha- them;G
FB$t possib'1 more rea'istic4G he sai-;
FConce-e-; #o on; Ao$ sai- 1o$ ha- a p'an;G
F!hat is correct; B1 thinkin) is that Bran- m$st not be a''o"e- to reach the Pattern at a''4 that
once he sets %oot $pon it the probabi'it1 o% -isaster )oes "a1 $p;G
FAn- 1o$ -o not think : can )et there in time to b'ock him>G
FNot i% he can rea''1 transport himse'% aro$n- a'most instantaneo$s'1 "hi'e 1o$ ha&e to take a
'on) "a'k; B1 bet is that he is ?$st "aitin) %or moonrise4 an- as soon as the cit1 takes %orm he
"i'' be insi-e4 ri)ht ne.t to the Pattern;G
F: see the point4 b$t not the ans"er;G
F!he ans"er is that 1o$ are not )oin) to set %oot in !ir-na No)@th toni)ht;G
F,o'- on a min$teIG
F,o'- on4 he''I Ao$ importe- a master strate)ist4 1o$@- better 'isten to "hat he has to sa1;G
FOka14 : am 'istenin);G
FAo$ ha&e a)ree- that 1o$ probab'1 cannot reach the p'ace in time; B$t someone e'se can;G
F=ho an- ho">G
FA'' ri)ht; : ha&e been in to$ch "ith Bene-ict; ,e has ret$rne-; At this moment4 he is in Amber4
-o"n in the chamber o% the Pattern; B1 no"4 he sho$'- ha&e %inishe- "a'kin) it an- be stan-in)
there at its center4 "aitin); Ao$ procee- to the %oot o% the stairs to the sk1-cit1; !here 1o$ a"ait
the risin) o% the moon; As soon as !ir-na No)@th takes %orm4 1o$ "i'' contact Bene-ict &ia his
!r$mp; Ao$ te'' him that a'' is rea-14 an- he "i'' $se the po"er o% the Pattern in Amber to
transport himse'% to the p'ace o% the Pattern in !ir-na No)@th; No matter ho" %ast Bran- tra&e's4
he cannot )ain m$ch on that;G
F: see the a-&anta)es4G : sai-; F!hat is the %astest "a1 to )et a man $p there an- Bene-ict is
certain'1 a )oo- man; ,e sho$'- ha&e no tro$b'e -ea'in) "ith Bran-;G
F/o 1o$ rea''1 think Bran- "i'' make no other preparations>G #ane'on sai-;
F+rom e&er1thin) :@&e hear- abo$t the man4 he@s smart e&en i% he is -a%t; ,e ?$st ma1 anticipate
somethin) 'ike this;G
FPossib'1; An1 i-ea "hat he mi)ht -o>G
,e ma-e a s"eepin) )est$re "ith one han-4 s'appe- his neck an- smi'e-;
FA b$)4G he sai-; FPar-on me; Pesk1 'itt'e thin)s;G
FAo$ sti'' thinkDG
F: think 1o$ ha- better remain in contact "ith Bene-ict the entire time he is $p there4 that is
"hat : think; :% Bran- )ets the $pper han-4 1o$ ma1 nee- to p$'' Bene-ict back imme-iate'1 to
sa&e his 'i%e;G
FO% co$rse; B$t thenDG
FB$t then "e "o$'- ha&e 'ost a ro$n-; A-mitte-; B$t not the )ame; 2&en "ith the Ee"e' %$''1
att$ne-4 he "o$'- ha&e to )et to the prima' Pattern to -o his rea' -ama)e "ith it 1o$ ha&e that
$n-er )$ar-;G
FAes4G : sai-; FAo$ seem to ha&e e&er1thin) %i)$re-; Ao$ s$rprise- me4 mo&in) so %ast;G
F:@&e ha- a 'ot o% time on m1 han-s recent'14 "hich can be a ba- thin) $n'ess 1o$ $se it %or
thinkin); (o : -i-; =hat : think no" is that 1o$ ha- best mo&e %ast; !he -a1 isn@t )ettin) an1
FA)ree-4G : sai-; F!hanks %or the )oo- co$nse';G
F(a&e 1o$r thanks ti'' "e see "hat comes o% it4G he sai-4 an- then he broke the contact;
F!hat one so$n-e- important4G 0an-om sai-; F=hat@s $p>G
FAppropriate <$estion4G : ans"ere-4 Fb$t : am a'' o$t o% time no"; Ao$ "i'' ha&e to "ait ti''
mornin) %or the stor1;G
F:s there an1thin) : can -o to he'p>G
FAs a matter o% %act4G : sai-4 F1es4 i% 1o$@'' either ri-e -o$b'e or )o back to Amber on a !r$mp; :
nee- (tar;G
F($re4G 0an-om sai-; FNo tro$b'e; :s that a''>G
FAes; ,aste is a'';G
=e mo&e- to"ar- the horses;
: patte- (tar a %e" times an- then mo$nte-;
F=e@'' see 1o$ in Amber4G 0an-om sai-; F#oo- '$ck;G
F:n Amber4G : sai-; F!hanks;G
: t$rne- an- hea-e- to"ar- the p'ace o% the stair"a14 trea-in) m1 tomb@s 'en)thenin) sha-o"
Chapter 13
On the hi)hest ri-)e o% 3o'&ir there is a %ormation "hich resemb'es three steps; : sat on the
'o"est o% these an- "aite- %or more to occ$r abo&e me; :t takes ni)ht an- moon'i)ht to -o this4
so ha'% o% the re<$irements ha- been met;
!here "ere c'o$-s to the "est an- northeast; : "as 'eer1 o% those c'o$-s; :% the1 masse-
s$%%icient'1 to b'ock a'' moon'i)ht4 !ir-na No)@th %a-e- back to nothin)ness; !his "as one reason
"h1 it "as a'"a1s a-&isab'e to ha&e a back$p man on the )ro$n-4 to !r$mp 1o$ to sa%et1 sho$'-
the cit1 &anish abo$t 1o$;
!he sk1 o&erhea- "as c'ear4 ho"e&er4 an- %i''e- "ith %ami'iar stars; =hen the moon came $p
an- its 'i)ht %e'' $pon the stone at "hich : reste-4 the stair"a1 in the sk1 "o$'- come into bein)4
s"eepin) $p"ar- to a )reat hei)ht4 takin) its "a1 to !ir-na No)@th4 the ima)e o% Amber that ro-e
the ni)ht@s mi--'e air;
: "as "ear1; !oo m$ch ha- occ$rre- in too brie% a time; ($--en'1 to be at rest4 to remo&e m1
boots an- r$b m1 %eet4 to 'ean back an- rest m1 hea-4 e&en a)ainst stone4 "as a '$.$r14 a p$re
anima' p'eas$re; : -re" m1 c'oak to)ether be%ore me a)ainst the )ro"in) chi''; A hot bath4 a %$''
mea'4 a be- "o$'- be &er1 )oo- thin)s; B$t these ass$me- an a'most m1thic <$a'it1 %rom that
&anta)e; :t "as more than s$%%icient simp'1 to rest as : "as4 to 'et m1 tho$)hts mo&e more
s'o"'14 -ri%tin)4 spectator'ike4 back o&er the -a1@s happenin)s;
(o m$ch;;;b$t no"4 at 'east4 : ha- some ans"ers to some o% m1 <$estions; Not a'' o% them4
certain'1; B$t eno$)h to s'ake m1 min-@s thirst %or the moment;;;: no" ha- some i-ea as to "hat
ha- been )oin) on -$rin) m1 absence4 a better $n-erstan-in) o% "hat "as happenin) no"4 a
kno"'e-)e o% some o% the thin)s that ha- to be -one4 o% "hat : ha- to -o;;;; An- : %e't4 someho"4
that : kne" more than : rea'i6e-4 conscio$s'14 that : a'rea-1 possesse- pieces that "o$'- %it the
)ro"in) pict$re be%ore me4 i% : "ere on'1 to ?i))'e them4 %'ip them4 rotate them proper'1; !he
pace o% recent e&ents4 partic$'ar'1 to-a1@s4 ha- not a''o"e- me a moment@s re%'ection; No"4
tho$)h4 some o% the pieces seeme- to be t$rnin) at o-- an)'es;;;;
: "as -istracte- b1 a stirrin) abo&e m1 sho$'-er4 a tin1 e%%ect o% bri)htenin) in the hi)her air;
!$rnin)4 then stan-in)4 : re)ar-e- the hori6on; A pre'iminar1 )'o" ha- occ$rre- o$t o&er the sea
at the point "here the moon "o$'- ascen-; As : "atche-4 a min$te arc o% 'i)ht came into &ie";
!he c'o$-s ha- shi%te- s'i)ht'1 a'so4 tho$)h not eno$)h to ca$se concern; : )'ance- $p then4 b$t
the o&erhea- phenomenon ha- not 1et be)$n; : "ith-re" m1 !r$mps4 ho"e&er4 ri%%'e- them4 an-
c$t o$t Bene-ict@s;
9ethar)1 %or)otten4 : stare-4 "atchin) the moon e.pan- abo&e the "ater4 castin) a trai' o% 'i)ht
o&er the "a&es; A %aint %orm "as s$--en'1 ho&erin) on the thresho'- o% &isibi'it1 hi)h o&erhea-;
As the 'i)ht )re"4 a spark 'imne- it here an- there; !he %irst 'ines4 %aint as spi-er "ebbin)4
appeare- abo&e the rock; : st$-ie- Bene-ict@s car-4 : reache- %or contact;;;;
,is co'- ima)e came a'i&e; : sa" him in the chamber o% the Pattern4 stan-in) at the -esi)ns@
center; A 'i)hte- 'antern )'o"e- besi-e his 'e%t %oot; ,e became a"are o% m1 presence;
FCor"in4G he sai-4 Fis it time>G
FNot <$ite4G : to'- him; F!he moon is risin); !he cit1 is ?$st be)innin) to take %orm; (o it "i''
on'1 be a 'itt'e 'on)er; : "ante- to be certain 1o$ "ere rea-1;G
F: am rea-14G he sai-;
F:t is )oo- that 1o$ came back "hen 1o$ -i-; /i- 1o$ 'earn an1thin) o% interest>G
F#ane'on ca''e- me back4G he sai-4 Fas soon as he 'earne- "hat ha- happene-; ,is p'an seeme-
a )oo- one4 "hich is "h1 : am here; As %or the Co$rts o% Chaos4 1es; : be'ie&e : ha&e 'earne- a
%e" thin)sDG
FA moment4G : sai-;
!he moonbeam stran-s ha- ass$me- a more tan)ib'e appearance; !he cit1 o&erhea- "as no"
c'ear in o$t'ine; !he stair"a1 "as &isib'e in its entiret14 tho$)h %ainter in some p'aces than in
others; : stretche- %orth eno$)h to s'ake m1 min-@s thirst %or the moment;;;;
Coo'4 so%t4 : enco$ntere- the %o$rth stair; :t seeme- to )i&e some"hat beneath m1 p$sh4
FA'most4G : sai- to Bene-ict; F: am )oin) to tr1 the stairs; Be rea-1;G
,e no--e-;
: mo$nte- the stone stairs4 one4 t"o4 three; : raise- m1 %oot then an- 'o"ere- it $pon the %o$rth4
)host'1 one; :t 1ie'-e- )ent'1 to m1 "ei)ht; : "as a%rai- to raise m1 other %oot4 so : "aite-4
"atchin) the moon; : breathe- the coo' air as the bri)htness increase-4 as the path in the "aters
"i-ene-; #'ancin) $p"ar-4 : sa" !ir-na No)@th 'ose somethin) o% its transparenc1; !he stars
behin- it )re" -immer; As this occ$rre-4 the stair became %irmer beneath m1 %oot; A'' resi'ienc1
"ent o$t o% it; : %e't that it mi)ht bear m1 %$'' "ei)ht; Castin) m1 e1es a'on) its 'en)th4 : no"
sa" it in its entiret14 here trans'$cent4 there transparent4 spark'in)4 b$t contin$o$s a'' the "a1 $p
to the si'ent cit1 that -ri%te- abo&e the sea; : raise- m1 other %oot an- stoo- on the %o$rth stair; :%
:@- the min-4 a %e" more steps "o$'- sen- me a'on) that ce'estia' esca'ator into the p'ace o%
-reams ma-e rea'4 "a'kin) ne$roses an- -$bio$s prophec14 into a moon'it cit1 o% ambi)$o$s
"ish %$'%i''ment4 t"iste- time4 an- pa''i- bea$t1; : steppe- back -o"n an- )'ance- at the moon4
no" ba'ance- on the "or'-@s "et rim; : re)ar-e- Bene-ict@s !r$mp in its si'&er1 )'o";
F!he stair is so'i-4 the moon is $p4G : sai-;
FA'' ri)ht; : am )oin);G
: "atche- him there at the center o% the Pattern; ,e raise- the 'antern in his 'e%t han- an- %or a
moment stoo- $nmo&in); An instant 'ater he "as )one4 an- so "as Pattern; Another instant4 an-
he stoo- "ithin a simi'ar chamber4 this time o$tsi-e the Pattern4 ne.t to the point "here it be)ins;
,e raise- the 'antern hi)h an- 'ooke- a'' aro$n- the room; ,e "as a'one;
,e t$rne-4 "a'ke- to the "a''4 set the 'antern besi-e it; ,is sha-o" stretche- to"ar- the Pattern4
chan)e- shape as he t$rne- on his hee'4 mo&e- back to his %irst position;
!his Pattern4 : note-4 )'o"e- "ith a pa'er 'i)ht than the one in AmberDsi'&er1 "hite4 "itho$t
the hint o% b'$e "ith "hich : "as %ami'iar; :ts con%i)$ration "as the same4 b$t the )host cit1
p'a1e- stran)e tricks "ith perspecti&e; !here "ere -istortionsDnarro"in)s4 "i-enin)sD"hich
seeme- to shi%t %or no partic$'ar reason across its s$r%ace4 as tho$)h : &ie"e- the entire tab'ea$
thro$)h an irre)$'ar 'ens rather than Bene-ict@s !r$mp;
: retreate- -o"n the stairs4 sett'e- once a)ain on the 'o"est step; : contin$e- to obser&e;
Bene-ict 'oosene- his b'a-e in its scabbar-;
FAo$ kno" abo$t the possib'e e%%ect o% b'oo- on the Pattern>G : aske-;
FAes; #ane'on to'- me;G
F/i- 1o$ e&er s$spect an1 o% this>G
F: ne&er tr$ste- Bran-4G he to'- me;
F=hat o% 1o$r ?o$rne1 to the Co$rts o% Chaos> =hat -i- 1o$ 'earn>G
F9ater4 Cor"in; ,e co$'- come an1 time no";G
F: hope no -istractin) &isions sho" $p4G : sai-4 reca''in) m1 o"n ?o$rne1 to !ir-na No)@th an-
his o"n part in m1 %ina' a-&ent$re there;
,e shr$))e-;
FOne )i&es them po"er b1 pa1in) them hee-; B1 attention is reser&e- %or one matter toni)ht;G
,e t$rne- thro$)h a %$'' circ'e4 re)ar-in) e&er1 part o% the chamber4 ha'te- "hen he ha-
F: "on-er i% he kno"s 1o$ are there>G : sai-;
FPerhaps; :t -oes not matter;G
: no--e-; :% Bran- -i- not sho" np4 "e ha- )aine- a -a1; !he )$ar-s "o$'- "ar- the other
Patterns4 +iona "o$'- ha&e a chance to -emonstrate her o"n ski'' in matters arcane b1 'ocatin)
Bran- %or $s; =e "o$'- then p$rs$e him; (he an- B'e1s ha- been ab'e to stop him once be%ore;
Co$'- she -o it a'one no"> Or "o$'- "e ha&e to %in- B'e1s an- tr1 to con&ince him to he'p>
,a- Bran- %o$n- B'e1s> =hat the he'' -i- Bran- "ant this kin- o% po"er %or an1ho"> A -esire
%or the throne : co$'- $n-erstan-; Aet;;;!he man "as ma-4 'ea&e it at that; !oo ba-4 b$t that@s the
"a1 it "as; ,ere-it1 or en&ironment> : "on-ere- "r1'1; =e "ere a'' o% $s4 to some -e)ree4 ma-
a%ter his %ashion; !o be honest4 it ha- to be a %orm o% ma-ness4 to ha&e so m$ch an- to stri&e so
bitter'1 %or ?$st a 'itt'e more4 %or a bit o% an e-)e o&er the others; ,e carrie- this ten-enc1 to its
e.treme4 that is a''; ,e "as a caricat$re o% this mania in a'' o% $s; :n this sense4 -i- it rea''1
matter "hich o% $s "as the traitor>
Aes4 it -i-; ,e "as the one "ho ha- acte-; Ba- or not4 he ha- )one too %ar; ,e ha- -one thin)s
2ric4 E$'ian4 an- : "o$'- not ha&e -one; B'e1s an- +iona ha- %ina''1 backe- a"a1 %rom his
thickenin) p'ot; #erar- an- Bene-ict "ere a notch abo&e the rest o% $sDmora'4 mat$re4 "hate&er
D%or the1 ha- e.empte- themse'&es %rom the 6ero-s$m po"er )ame; 0an-om ha- chan)e-4
<$ite a bit4 in recent 1ears; Co$'- it be that the chi'-ren o% the $nicorn took a)es in "hich to
mat$re4 that it "as s'o"'1 happenin) to the rest o% $s b$t ha- someho" passe- Bran- b1> Or
co$'- it be that b1 his actions Bran- "as ca$sin) it in the rest o% $s> 9ike most s$ch <$estions4
the bene%it o% these "as in the askin)4 not the ans"erin); =e "ere eno$)h 'ike Bran- that : kne"
a partic$'ar species o% %ear nothin) e'se co$'- so pro&oke; B$t 1es4 it -i- matter; =hate&er the
reason4 he "as the one "ho ha- acte-;
!he moon "as hi)her no"4 its &ision s$perimpose- $pon m1 in"ar- &ie"in) o% the chamber o%
the Pattern; !he c'o$-s contin$e- to shi%t4 to boi' nearer the moon; : tho$)ht o% a-&isin)
Bene-ict4 b$t it "o$'- ser&e no other en- than -istraction; Abo&e me4 !ir-na No)@th ro-e 'ike
some s$pernat$ra' ark $pon the seas o% ni)ht;;;;
;;;An- s$--en'1 Bran- "as there;
0e%'e.i&e'14 m1 han- "ent to #ra1s"an-ir@s hi't4 -espite the %act that a part o% me rea'i6e- %rom
the &er1 %irst that he stoo- across the Pattern %rom Bene-ict in a -ark chamber hi)h in the sk1;
B1 han- %e'' a)ain; Bene-ict ha- become a"are o% the intr$-in) presence imme-iate'14 an- he
t$rne- to %ace him; ,e ma-e no mo&e to"ar- his "eapon4 b$t simp'1 stare- across the Pattern at
o$r brother;
B1 ear'iest %ear ha- been that Bran- "o$'- contri&e to arri&e -irect'1 behin- Bene-ict an- stab
him in the back; : "o$'- not ha&e trie- that tho$)h4 beca$se e&en in -eath Bene-ict@s re%'
mi)ht ha&e been s$%%icient to -ispatch his assai'ant Apparent'14 Bran- "asn@t that cra61 either;
Bran- smi'e-;
FBene-ict4G he sai-; F+anc1;;;Ao$;;;,ere;G
!he Ee"e' o% E$-)ment h$n) %ier1 $pon his breast;
FBran-4G Bene-ict sai-4 F-on@t tr1 it;G
(ti'' smi'in); Bran- $nc'aspe- his s"or- be't an- 'et his "eapon %a'' to the %'oor; =hen the
echoes -ie-4 he sai-4 F: am not a %oo'4 Bene-ict; !he man hasn@t been born "ho can )o $p a)ainst
1o$ "ith a b'a-e;G
F: -on@t nee- the b'a-e4 Bran-;G
Bran- be)an "a'kin)4 s'o"'14 abo$t the e-)e o% the Pattern;
FAet 1o$ "ear it as a ser&ant o% the throne4 "hen 1o$ co$'- ha&e been kin);G
F!hat has ne&er been hi)h on m1 'ist o% ambitions;G
F!hat is ri)ht;G ,e pa$se-4 on'1 part "a1 abo$t the Pattern;
F9o1a'4 se'%-e%%acin); Ao$ ha&e not chan)e- at a''; Pit1 /a- con-itione- 1o$ so "e''; Ao$ co$'-
ha&e )one so m$ch %$rther;G
F: ha&e e&er1thin) that : "ant4G Bene-ict sai-;
F;;;!o ha&e been sti%'e-4 c$t o%%4 so ear'1;G
FAo$ cannot ta'k 1o$r "a1 past me either4 Bran-; /o not make me h$rt 1o$;G
!he smi'e sti'' on his %ace; Bran- be)an mo&in) a)ain4 s'o"'1; =hat "as it he "as tr1in) to -o>
: co$'- not %i)$re his strate)1;
FAo$ kno" : can -o certain thin)s the others cannot4G Bran- sai-; F:% there is an1thin) at a'' that
1o$ "ant an- think that 1o$ cannot ha&e4 no" is 1o$r chance to name it an- 'earn ho" "ron)
1o$ "ere; : ha&e 'earne- thin)s 1o$ "o$'- scarce'1 be'ie&e;G
Bene-ict smi'e- one o% his rare smi'es;
FAo$ ha&e chosen the "ron) 'ine4G he sai-; F: can "a'k to an1thin) that : "ant;G
F(ha-o"sIG Bran- snorte-4 ha'tin) a)ain; FAn1 o% the others can c'$tch a phantomI : am ta'kin)
o% rea'it1I AmberI Po"erI ChaosI Not -a1-reams ma-e so'i-I Not secon- bestIG
F:% : ha- "ante- more than : ha&e4 : kne" "hat to -o; : -i- not -o it;G
Bran- 'a$)he-4 be)an "a'kin) a)ain; ,e ha- come a <$arter o% the "a1 abo$t the Pattern@s
peripher1; !he Ee"e' b$rne- more bri)ht'1; ,is &oice ran);
FAo$ are a %oo'4 to "ear 1o$r chains "i''in)'1I B$t i% thin)s -o not ca'' o$t to 1o$ to possess
them an- i% po"er ho'-s no attraction4 "hat o% kno"'e-)e> : 'earne- the 'ast o% /"orkin@s 'ore; :
ha&e )one on since then an- pai- -ark prices %or )reater insi)ht into the "orkin)s o% the
$ni&erse; !his 1o$ co$'- ha&e "itho$t that price ta);G
F!here "o$'- be a price4G Bene-ict sai-4 Fone that : "i'' not pa1;G
Bran- shook his hea- an- tosse- his hair; !he ima)e o% the Pattern "a&ere- %or a moment then4
as a "isp o% c'o$- crosse- the moon; !ir-na No)@th %a-e- s'i)ht'14 ret$rne- to norma' %oc$s;
FAo$ mean it4 1o$ rea''1 mean it4G Bran- sai-4 apparent'1 not a"are o% the moment o% %a-in);
F: shan@t test 1o$ %$rther then; : ha- to tr1;G
,e ha'te- a)ain4 starin);
FAo$ are too )oo- a man to "aste 1o$rse'% on that mess in Amber4 -e%en-in) somethin) that is
ob&io$s'1 %a''in) apart; : am )oin) to "in4 Bene-ict; : am )oin) to erase Amber an- b$i'- it
ane"; : am )oin) to r$b o$t the o'- Pattern an- -ra" m1 o"n; Ao$ can be "ith me; : "ant 1o$ on
m1 si-e; : am )oin) to raise $p a per%ect "or'-4 one "ith more -irect access to an- %rom (ha-o";
: am )oin) to mer)e Amber "ith the Co$rts o% Chaos; : am )oin) to e.ten- this rea'm -irect'1
thro$)h a'' o% (ha-o"; Ao$ "i'' comman- o$r 'e)ions4 the mi)htiest mi'itar1 %orces e&er
assemb'e-; Ao$DG
F:% 1o$r ne" "or'- "o$'- be as per%ect as 1o$ sa14 Bran-4 there "o$'- be no nee- %or 'e)ions;
:%4 on the other han-4 it is to re%'ect the min- o% its creator4 then : see it as somethin) 'ess than an
impro&ement o&er the present state o% a%%airs; !hank 1o$ %or 1o$r o%%er4 b$t : ho'- "ith the
Amber "hich a'rea-1 e.ists;G
FAo$ are a %oo'4 Bene-ict; A "e''-meanin) one4 b$t a %oo' ne&erthe'ess;G
,e be)an to mo&e a)ain4 cas$a''1; ,e "as "ithin %ort1 %eet o% Bene-ict; !hirt1;;;; ,e kept
mo&in); ,e %ina''1 pa$se- abo$t t"ent1 %eet a"a14 hooke- his th$mbs behin- his be't4 an-
simp'1 stare-; Bene-ict met his )a6e; : checke- the c'o$-s a)ain; A 'on) mass o% them contin$e-
a moon"ar- s'i-e; : co$'- p$'' Bene-ict o$t at an1 time4 tho$)h; :t "as har-'1 "orth -ist$rbin)
him at the moment;
F=h1 -on@t 1o$ come an- c$t me -o"n then>G Bran- %ina''1 sai-; F*narme- as : am4 it sho$'-
not be -i%%ic$'t; !he %act that the same b'oo- %'o"s in both o$r &eins makes no -i%%erence4 -oes
it> =hat are 1o$ "aitin) %or>G
F: a'rea-1 to'- 1o$ that : -o not "ish to h$rt 1o$4G Bene-ict sai-;
FAet 1o$ stan- rea-1 to4 i% : attempt to pass 1o$r "a1;G
Bene-ict simp'1 no--e-;
FA-mit that 1o$ %ear me4 Bene-ict; A'' o% 1o$ are a%rai- o% me; 2&en "hen : approach 1o$
"eapon'ess 'ike this4 somethin) mast be t"istin) 1o$r )$ts; Ao$ see m1 con%i-ence an- 1o$ -o
not $n-erstan- it; Ao$ m$st be a%rai-;G
Bene-ict -i- not rep'1;
F;;;An- 1o$ %ear m1 b'oo- on 1o$r han-s4G Bran- "ent on4 F1o$ %ear m1 -eath c$rse;G
F/i- 1o$ %ear Bartin@s b'oo- on 1o$r o"n>G Bene-ict aske-;
F!hat bastar- p$pp1IG Bran- sai-; F,e "as not tr$'1 one o% $s; ,e "as on'1 a too';G
FBran-4 : ha&e no -esire to ki'' a brother; #i&e me that trinket 1o$ "ear abo$t 1o$r neck an-
come back "ith me no" to Amber; :t is not too 'ate to set matters ri)ht;G
Bran- thre" back his hea- an- 'a$)he-;
FOh4 nob'1 spokenI Nob'1 spoken4 Bene-ictI 9ike a tr$e 'or- o% the rea'mI Ao$ "o$'- shame
me "ith 1o$r e.cessi&e &irt$eI An- "hat is the stickin) point o% this a''>G
,e reache- -o"n an- stroke- the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment;
,e 'a$)he- a)ain an- stro-e %or"ar-;
F!his ba$b'e> =o$'- its s$rren-er b$1 $s peace4 amit14 or-er> =o$'- it ransom m1 'i%e>G
,e ha'te- once more4 ten %eet %rom Bene-ict no"; ,e raise- the Ee"e' bet"een his %in)ers an-
'ooke- -o"n at it;
F/o 1o$ rea'i6e the %$'' po"ers o% this thin)>G he aske-;
F2no$)h o% thDG Bene-ict be)an4 an- his &oice cracke- in his throat;
Bran- h$rrie-'1 took another step %or"ar-; !he Ee"e' "as bri)ht be%ore him; Bene-ict@s han-
ha- be)$n to mo&e to"ar- his b'a-e4 b$t it -i- not reach it; ,e stoo- sti%%'1 no"4 as i% s$--en'1
trans%orme- into a stat$e; !hen : be)an to $n-erstan-4 b$t b1 then it "as too 'ate;
Nothin) that Bran- ha- been sa1in) ha- rea''1 mattere-; :t ha- simp'1 been a r$nnin) 'ine o%
patter4 a -istraction thro"n $p be%ore him "hi'e he so$)ht ca$tio$s'1 a%ter the proper ran)e; ,e
"as in-ee- part'1 att$ne- to the Ee"e'4 an- the 'imite- contro' this )a&e him "as sti'' s$%%icient
to enab'e him to pro-$ce e%%ects "ith it4 e%%ects "hich : "as $na"are it co$'- pro-$ce4 b$t o%
"hich he ha- kno"n a'' a'on);
Bran- ha- care%$''1 contri&e- his arri&a' a )oo- -istance %rom Bene-ict4 trie- the Ee"e'4 mo&e-
a 'itt'e nearer4 trie- a)ain4 kept $p this mo&ement4 this testin)4 $nti' he %o$n- the point "here it
co$'- a%%ect Bene-ict@s ner&o$s s1stem;
FBene-ict4G : sai-4 F1o$ ha- better come to me no"4G an- : e.erte- m1 "i''4 b$t he -i- not
b$-)e nor -i- he rep'1;
,is !r$mp "as sti'' %$nctionin)4 : %e't his presence4 : obser&e- e&ents beca$se o% it4 b$t : co$'-
not reach him; !he Ee"e' "as ob&io$s'1 a%%ectin) more than his motor s1stem;
: 'ooke- to the c'o$-s a)ain; !he1 "ere sti'' )ro"in)4 the1 "ere reachin) %or the moon; :t
seeme- the1 mi)ht come across it soon; :% : co$'- not p$'' Bene-ict o$t "hen it happene-4 he
"o$'- %a'' to the sea as soon as the 'i)ht "as %$''1 b'ocke-4 the cit1 -isr$pte-; Bran-I :% he
became a"are o% it4 he mi)ht be ab'e to $se the Ee"e' to -issipate the c'o$-s; B$t to -o that4 he
"o$'- probab'1 ha&e to re'ease Bene-ict; : -i- not think he "o$'- -o it; (ti'';;;!he c'o$-s
seeme- to be s'o"in) no"; !his entire 'ine o% reasonin) co$'- become $nnecessar1; : th$mbe-
o$t Bran-@s !r$mp tho$)h4 an- set it asi-e;
FBene-ict4 Bene-ict4G sai- Bran-4 smi'in)4 Fo% "hat $se is the %inest s"or-sman a'i&e i% he
cannot mo&e to take $p his b'a-e> : to'- 1o$ that 1o$ "ere a %oo'; /i- 1o$ think : "o$'- "a'k
"i''in)'1 to m1 s'a$)hter> Ao$ sho$'- ha&e tr$ste- the %ear 1o$ m$st ha&e %e't; Ao$ sho$'- ha&e
kno"n that : "o$'- not enter this p'ace he'p'ess; : meant it "hen : sai- that : "as )oin) to "in;
Ao$ "ere a )oo- choice tho$)h4 beca$se 1o$ are the best; : rea''1 "ish that 1o$ ha- accepte- m1
o%%er; B$t it is not that important no"; : cannot be stoppe-; None o% the others has a chance4 an-
"ith 1o$ )one thin)s are )oin) to be m$ch easier;G
,e reache- beneath his c'oak an- pro-$ce- a -a))er;
FBrin) me thro$)h4 Bene-ictIG : crie-4 b$t it "as no $se; !here "as no response4 no stren)th to
tr$mp me $p there;
: sei6e- Bran-@s !r$mp; : reca''e- m1 !r$mp batt'e "ith 2ric; :% : co$'- hit Bran- thro$)h his
!r$mp4 : mi)ht be ab'e to break his concentration s$%%icient'1 %or Bene-ict to come %ree; : t$rne-
a'' o% m1 %ac$'ties $pon the car-4 preparin) %or a massi&e menta' assa$'t; B$t nothin); !he "a1
"as %ro6en an- -ark;
:t ha- to be that his concentration on the task at han-4 his menta' in&o'&ement "ith the Ee"e'4
"as so comp'ete that : simp'1 co$'- not reach him; : "as b'ocke- at e&er1 t$rn;
($--en'14 the stair"a1 )re" pa'er abo&e me an- : cast a <$ick )'ance at the moon; A 'imb o%
c$m$'$s no" co&ere- a portion o% its %ace; /amnI
: ret$rne- m1 attention to Bene-ict@s !r$mp; :t seeme- s'o"4 b$t : -i- reco&er the contact4
in-icatin) that some"here4 insi-e it a''4 Bene-ict "as sti'' conscio$s; Bran- ha- mo&e- a pace
nearer an- "as sti'' ta$ntin) him; !he Ee"e' on its hea&1 chain b$rne- "ith the 'i)ht o% its $se;
!he1 stoo- perhaps three paces apart no"; Bran- to1e- "ith the -a))er;
F;;;Aes4 Bene-ict4G he "as sa1in)4 F1o$ probab'1 "o$'- ha&e pre%erre- to -ie in batt'e; On the
other han-4 1o$ mi)ht 'ook $pon this as a kin- o% honorDa si)na' honor; :n a "a14 1o$r -eath
"i'' a''o" the birth o% a ne" or-er;;;G
+or a moment4 the Pattern %a-e- behin- them; : co$'- not tear m1 e1es %rom the scene to
e.amine the moon4 ho"e&er; !here4 "ithin the sha-o"s an- the %'ickerin) 'i)ht4 his back to the
Pattern4 Bran- -i- not seem to notice; ,e took another step %or"ar-;
FB$t eno$)h o% this4G he sai-; F!here are thin)s to be -one4 an- the ni)ht )ro"s no 1o$n)er;G
,e steppe- nearer an- 'o"ere- the b'a-e;
F#oo- ni)ht4 s"eet Prince4G he sai-4 an- he mo&e- to c'ose "ith him;
At that instant4 Bene-ict@s stran)e mechanica' ri)ht arm4 torn %rom this p'ace o% sha-o" an-
si'&er an- moon'i)ht4 mo&e- "ith the spee- o% a strikin) snake; !hin) o% )'intin)4 meta''ic p'anes
'ike the %acets o% a )em4 "rist a "on-ro$s "ea&e o% si'&er cab'e4 pinne- "ith %'ecks o% %ire4
st1'i6e-4 ske'eta'4 a ("iss to14 a mechanica' insect4 %$nctiona'4 -ea-'14 bea$ti%$' in its "a14 it shot
%or"ar- "ith a spee- that : co$'- not %o''o"4 "hi'e the rest o% his bo-1 remaine- stea-14 a stat$e;
!he mechanica' %in)ers ca$)ht the Ee"e'@s chain abo$t Bran-@s neck; :mme-iate'14 the arm
mo&e- $p"ar-4 raisin) Bran- hi)h abo&e the %'oor; Bran- -roppe- the -a))er an- c'$tche- at his
throat "ith both han-s;
Behin- him4 the Pattern %a-e- once a)ain; :t ret$rne- "ith a m$ch pa'er )'o"; Bran-@s %ace in
the 'antern 'i)ht "as a )hast'14 t"iste- apparition; Bene-ict remaine- %ro6en4 ho'-in) him on
hi)h4 $nmo&in)4 a h$man )a''o"s;
!he Pattern )re" -immer; Abo&e me4 the steps be)an to rece-e; !he moon "as ha'%-occ'$-e-;
=rithin)4 Bran- raise- his arms abo&e his hea-4 catchin) at the chain on either si-e o% the meta'
han- that he'- it; ,e "as stron)4 as a'' o% $s are; : sa" his m$sc'es b$nch an- har-en; B1 then4
his %ace "as -ark an- his neck a mass o% strainin) cab'es; ,e bit his 'ipC the b'oo- ran into his
bear- as he -re" $pon the chain;
=ith a sharp snap %o''o"e- b1 a ratt'in)4 the chain parte- an- Bran- %e'' to the %'oor )aspin); ,e
ro''e- o&er once4 c'$tchin) at his throat "ith both han-s;
('o"'14 &er1 s'o"'14 Bene-ict 'o"ere- his stran)e arm; ,e sti'' he'- the chain an- the Ee"e'; ,e
%'e.e- his other arm; ,e si)he- -eep'1;
!he Pattern )re" e&en -immer; Abo&e me4 !ir-na No)@th became transparent; !he moon "as
a'most )one;
FBene-ictIG : crie-; FCan 1o$ hear me>G
FAes4G he sai-4 &er1 so%t'14 an- he be)an to sink thro$)h the %'oor;
F!he cit1 is %a-in)I Ao$@&e )ot to come to me ri)ht a"a1IG
: e.ten-e- m1 han-;
FBran-;;;G he sai-4 t$rnin);
B$t Bran- "as sinkin) a'so4 an- : sa" that Bene-ict co$'- not reach him; : c'aspe- Bene-ict@s
'e%t han- an- ?erke-; Both o% $s %e'' to the )ro$n- besi-e the hi)h o$tcrop;
: he'pe- him to his %eet; !hen "e both seate- o$rse'&es on the stone; +or a 'on) "hi'e4 "e -i-
not sa1 an1thin); : 'ooke- a)ain an- !ir-na No)@th "as )one;
: tho$)ht back o&er e&er1thin) that ha- happene-4 so %ast4 so s$--en4 that -a1; A )reat "ei)ht o%
"eariness 'a1 $pon me no"4 an- : %e't that m1 ener)ies m$st be at their en-4 that short'1 : m$st
s'eep; : co$'- scarce'1 think strai)ht; 9i%e ha- simp'1 been too cro"-e- recent'1; : 'eane- m1
back a)ainst the stone once more4 re)ar-in) c'o$- an- star; !he pieces;;;the pieces "hich it
seeme- sho$'- %it4 i% on'1 the proper ?i))'e4 t"ist4 or %'ip "ere app'ie-;;;; !he1 "ere ?i))'in)4
t"istin)4 an- %'ippin) no"4 a'most o% their o"n accor-;;;;
F:s he -ea-4 -o 1o$ think>G Bene-ict aske-4 p$''in) me back %rom a ha'%--ream o% emer)in)
FProbab'14G : sai-; F,e "as in ba- shape "hen thin)s %e'' apart;G
F:t "as a 'on) "a1 -o"n; ,e mi)ht ha&e ha- time to "ork some escape a'on) the 'ines o% his
F0i)ht no" it4 -oes not rea''1 matter4G : sai-; FAo$@&e -ra"n his %an)s;G
Bene-ict )r$nte-; ,e "as sti'' ho'-in) the Ee"e'4 a m$ch -immer re- than it ha- been so
F!r$e4G he %ina''1 sai-; F!he Pattern is sa%e no"; : "ish;;;: "ish that some time4 'on) a)o4
somethin) ha- not been sai- that "as sai-4 or somethin) -one that "as not -one; (omethin)4 ha-
"e kno"n4 "hich mi)ht ha&e 'et him )ro" -i%%erent'14 somethin) "hich "o$'- ha&e seen him
become another man than the bitter4 bent thin) : sa" $p there; :t is best no" i% he is -ea-; B$t it
is a "aste o% somethin) that mi)ht ha&e been;G
: -i- not ans"er him; =hat he ha- sai- mi)ht or mi)ht not be ri)ht; :t -i- not matter; Bran-
mi)ht ha&e been bor-er'ine ps1chotic4 "hate&er that means4 an- then a)ain ma1be not; !here is
a'"a1s a reason; =hene&er an1thin) has been m$cke- $p4 "hene&er anthin) o$tra)eo$s
happens4 there is a reason %or it; 1o$ sti'' ha&e a m$cke--$p4 o$tra)eo$s sit$ation on 1o$r han-s4
ho"e&er4 an- e.p'ainin) it -oes not a''e&iate it one bit; :% someone -oes somethin) rea''1 rotten4
there is a reason %or it; 9earn it4 i% 1o$ care4 an- 1o$ 'earn "h1 he is a son o% a bitch; !he %act is
the thin) that remains4 tho$)h; Bran- ha- acte-; :t chan)e- nothin) to r$n a posth$mo$s
ps1choana'1sis; Acts an- their conse<$ences are the thin)s b1 "hich o$r %e''o"s ?$-)e $s;
An1thin) e'se4 an- a'' that 1o$ )et is a cheap %ee'in) o% mora' s$periorit1 b1 thinkin) ho" 1o$
"o$'- ha&e -one somethin) nicer i% it ha- been 1o$; (o as %or the rest4 'ea&e it to hea&en; :@m not
F=e ha- best )et back to Amber4G Bene-ict sai-4 F!here are a )reat n$mber o% thin)s that m$st
be -one;G
F=ait4G : sai-;
F:@&e been thinkin);G
=hen : -i- not e'aborate4 he %ina''1 sai-4 FAn-;;;>G
: ri%%'e- s'o"'1 thro$)h m1 !r$mps4 rep'acin) his4 rep'acin) Bran-@s;
F,a&en@t 1o$ "on-ere- 1et abo$t the ne" arm 1o$ "ear>G : aske- him;
FO% co$rse; Ao$ bro$)ht it %rom !ir-na No)@th4 $n-er $n$s$a' circ$mstances; :t %its; :t "orks; :t
pro&e- itse'% toni)ht;G
F2.act'1; :sn@t the 'ast a 'ot o% "ei)ht to -$mp on poor coinci-ence> !he one "eapon that )a&e
1o$ a chance $p there4 a)ainst the Ee"e'; An- it ?$st happene- to be a part o% 1o$ 1o$ ?$st
happene- to be the person "ho "as $p there4 to $se it> !race thin)s back an- trace them %or"ar-
a)ain; :sn@t there an e.traor-inar1Dno4 prepostero$sDchain o% coinci-ences in&o'&e->G
F=hen 1o$ p$t it that "a1;;;G he sai-;
F: -o; An- 1o$ m$st rea'i6e as "e'' as : -o that there has to be more to it than that;G
FA'' ri)ht; (a1 that; B$t ho"> ,o" "as it -one>G
F: ha&e no i-ea4G : sai-4 "ith-ra"in) the car- : ha- not 'ooke- $pon in a 'on)4 'on) "hi'e4
%ee'in) its co'-ness beneath m1 %in)er tips4 Fb$t the metho- is not important; Ao$ aske- the
"ron) <$estion;G
F=hat sho$'- : ha&e aske->G
FNot @,o">@ b$t @=ho>@ G
FAo$ think that a h$man a)enc1 arran)e- that entire chain o% e&ents4 $p thro$)h the reco&er1 o%
the Ee"e'>G
F: -on@t kno" abo$t that; =hat@s h$man> B$t : -o think that someone "e both kno" has
ret$rne- an- is behin- it a'';G
FA'' ri)ht; =ho>G
: sho"e- him the !r$mp that : he'-;
F/a-> !hat is ri-ic$'o$s> ,e m$st be -ea-; :t@s been so 'on);G
FAo$ kno" he co$'- ha&e en)ineere- it; ,e@s that -e&io$s; =e ne&er $n-erstoo- a'' o% his
Bene-ict rose to his %eet; ,e stretche-; ,e shook his hea-;
F: think 1o$ ha&e been o$t in the co'- too 'on)4 Cor"in; 9et@s )o home no";G
F=itho$t testin) m1 )$ess> Come onI !hat is har-'1 sportin); (it -o"n an- )i&e me a min$te;
9et@s tr1 his !r$mp;G
F,e "o$'- ha&e contacte- someone b1 no";G
F: -on@t think so; :n %actDCome on; ,$mor me; =hat ha&e "e )ot to 'ose>G
FA'' ri)ht; =h1 not>G
,e sat -o"n besi-e me; : he'- the !r$mp "here both o% $s co$'- make it o$t; =e stare- at it; :
re'a.e- m1 min-4 : reache- %or contact; :t came a'most imme-iate'1;
,e "as smi'in) as he re)ar-e- as;
F#oo- e&enin); !hat "as a %ine piece o% "ork4G #aneton sai-; F: am p'ease- that 1o$ bro$)ht
back m1 trinket; :@'' be nee-in) it soon;G
The Co'rts of Chaos
Book /i(e
The Chronicles of Amber
b1 0o)er 5e'a6n1
2-Book 7ersion81.1
9ast *p-ate-83 May 2002
Chapter 1
Amber8 hi)h an- bri)ht atop 3o'&ir in the mi--'e o% the -a1; A b'ack roa-8 'o" an- sinister
thro$)h #amath %rom Chaos to the so$th; Be8 c$rsin)4 pacin) an- occasiona''1 rea-in) in the
'ibrar1 o% the pa'ace in Amber; !he -oor to that 'ibrar18 c'ose- an- barre-;
!he ma- prince o% Amber seate- himse'% at the -esk4 ret$rne- his attention to the opene-
&o'$me; !here "as a knock on the -oor; F#o a"a1IG : sai-;
FCor"in; :t@s meD0an-om; Open $p4 h$h> : e&en bro$)ht '$nch;G
FE$st a min$te;G
: )ot to m1 %eet a)ain4 ro$n-e- the -esk4 crosse- the room; 0an-om no--e- "hen : opene- the
-oor; ,e carrie- a tra14 "hich he took to a sma'' tab'e near the -esk;
FP'ent1 o% %oo- there4G : sai-;
F:@m h$n)r14 too;G
F(o -o somethin) abo$t it;G
,e -i-; ,e car&e-; ,e passe- me some meat on a s'ab o% brea-; ,e po$re- "ine; =e seate-
o$rse'&es an- ate;
F: kno" 1o$ are sti'' ma-;;;G he sai-4 a%ter a time; FAren@t 1o$>G
F=e''4 ma1be : am more $se- to it; : -on@t kno"; (ti'';;;Aes; :t "as sort o% abr$pt4 "asn@t it>G
: took a 'ar)e s"a''o" o% "ine;
F:t is ?$st 'ike the o'- -a1s; =orse e&en; : ha- act$a''1 come to 'ike him; =hen he "as p'a1in) at
bein) #ane'on; No" that he is back in contro' he is ?$st as peremptor1 as e&er4 he has )i&en $s a
set o% or-ers he has not bothere- to e.p'ain an- he has -isappeare- a)ain;G
F,e sai- he "o$'- be in to$ch soon;G
F: ima)ine he inten-e- that 'ast time4 too;G
F:@m not so s$re;G
FAn- he e.p'aine- nothin) abo$t his other absence; :n %act4 he has not rea''1 e.p'aine-
F,e m$st ha&e his reasons;G
F: am be)innin) to "on-er4 0an-om; /o 1o$ think his min- mi)ht %ina''1 be )oin)>G
F,e "as sti'' sharp eno$)h to %oo' 1o$;G
F!hat "as a combination o% 'o" anima' c$nnin) an- shapeshi%tin) abi'it1;G
F:t "orke-4 -i-n@t it>G
FAes; :t "orke-;G
FCor"in4 co$'- it be that 1o$ -o not "ant him to ha&e a p'an that mi)ht be e%%ecti&e4 that 1o$ -o
not "ant him to be ri)ht>G
F!hat is ri-ic$'o$s; : "ant this mess c'eare- $p as m$ch as an1 o% $s;G
FAes4 b$t "o$'-n@t 1o$ rather the ans"er came %rom another <$arter>G
F=hat are 1o$ )ettin) at>G
FAo$ -o not "ant to tr$st him;G
F: "i'' a-mit that; : ha&e not seen himDas himse'%Din a he'' o% a 'on) time4 an-;;;G
,e shook his hea-;
F!hat is not "hat : mean; Ao$ are an)r1 that he is back4 aren@t 1o$> Ao$ hope- that "e ha- seen
the 'ast o% him;G
: 'ooke- a"a1;
F!here is that4G : %ina''1 sai-; FB$t not %or a &acant throne4 or not ?$st %or it; :t is him4 0an-om;
,im; !hat@s a'';G
F: kno"4G he sai-; FB$t 1o$ ha&e to a-mit he s$ckere- Bran-4 "hich is not an eas1 thin) to -o;
,e p$''e- a st$nt : sti'' -o not $n-erstan-4 )ettin) 1o$ to brin) that arm back %rom !ir-na No)@th4
someho" )ettin) me to pass it a'on) to Bene-ict4 seein) to it that Bene-ict "as in the ri)ht p'ace
at the proper moment4 so that e&er1thin) "orke- an- he )ot the Ee"e' back; ,e is a'so sti'' better
than "e are at (ha-o" p'a1; ,e mana)e- it ri)ht on 3o'&ir "hen he took $s to the prima'
Pattern; : cannot -o that; Neither can 1o$; An- he "as ab'e to "hip #erar-; : -o not be'ie&e that
he is s'o"in) -o"n; : think he kno"s e.act'1 "hat he is -oin)4 an- "hether "e 'ike it or not4 :
think he is the on'1 one "ho can -ea' "ith the present sit$ation;G
FAo$ are tr1in) to sa1 that : sho$'- tr$st him>G
F: am tr1in) to sa1 that 1o$ ha&e no choice;G
: si)he-;
F: )$ess 1o$@&e p$t 1o$r %in)er on it4G : sai-; FNo sense in m1 bein) bitter; (ti'';;;G
F!he attack or-er bothers 1o$4 -oesn@t it>G
FAes4 amon) other thin)s; :% "e co$'- "ait 'on)er4 Bene-ict co$'- %ie'- a )reater %orce; !hree
-a1s is not m$ch time to )et rea-1 %or somethin) 'ike this; Not "hen "e are so $ncertain abo$t
the enem1;G
FB$t "e ma1 not be; ,e spoke in pri&ate "ith Bene-ict %or a 'on) "hi'e;G
FAn- that is the other thin); !hese separate or-ers; !his secrec1;;;,e is not tr$stin) $s an1 more
than he has to;G
0an-om ch$ck'e-; (o -i- :;
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-; FBa1be : "o$'- not either; B$t three -a1s to 'a$nch a "ar;G : shook m1 hea-;
F,e ha- better kno" somethin) "e -on@t;G
F: )et the impression that it is more a peremptor1 strike than a "ar;G
FOn'1 he -i- not bother to te'' $s "hat "e are preemptin);G
0an-om shr$))e-4 po$re- more "ine;
FPerhaps he "i'' sa1 "hen he )ets back; Ao$ -i- not )et an1 specia' or-ers4 -i- 1o$>G
FE$st to stan- an- "ait; =hat abo$t 1o$>G
,e shook his hea-;
F,e sai- that "hen the time comes4 : "i'' kno"; At 'east "ith E$'ian4 he to'- him to ha&e his
troops rea-1 to mo&e on a moment@s notice;G
FOh> Aren@t the1 sta1in) in Ar-en>G
,e no--e-;
F=hen -i- he sa1 this>G
FA%ter 1o$ 'e%t; ,e tr$mpe- E$'ian $p here to )i&e him the messa)e4 an- the1 ro-e o%% to)ether; :
hear- /a- sa1 that he "o$'- ri-e part"a1 back "ith him;G
F/i- the1 take the eastern trai' o&er 3o'&ir>G
FAes; : sa" them o%%;G
F:nterestin); =hat e'se -i- : miss>G
,e shi%te- in his seat;
F!he part that bothers me4G he sai-; FA%ter /a- ha- mo$nte- an- "a&e- a )oo--b1e4 he 'ooke-
back at me an- sai-4 @An- keep an e1e on Bartin;@ G
F!hat is a''>G
F!hat is a''; B$t he "as 'a$)hin) as he sai- it;G
FE$st nat$ra' s$spicion at a ne"comer4 : )$ess;G
F!hen "h1 the 'a$)h>G
F: )i&e $p;G
: c$t a piece o% cheese an- ate it;
FBi)ht not be a ba- i-ea4 tho$)h; :t mi)ht not be s$spicion; Ba1be he %ee's Bartin nee-s to be
protecte- %rom somethin); Or both; Or neither; Ao$ kno" ho" he sometimes is;G
0an-om stoo-;
F: ha- not tho$)ht thro$)h to the a'ternati&e; Come "ith me no"4 h$h>G he sai-; FAo$ ha&e been
$p here a'' mornin);G
FA'' ri)ht;G
: )ot to m1 %eet4 b$ck'e- on #ra1s"an-ir;
F=here is Bartin4 an1"a1>G
F: 'e%t him -o"n on the %irst %'oor; ,e "as ta'kin) "ith #erar-;G
F,e is in )oo- han-s4 then; :s #erar- )oin) to be sta1in) here4 or "i'' he be ret$rnin) to the
F: -o not kno"; ,e "o$'- not -isc$ss his or-ers;G
=e 'e%t the room; =e hea-e- %or the stair"a1;
On the "a1 -o"n4 : hear- some sma'' commotion %rom be'o" an- : <$ickene- m1 pace;
: 'ooke- o&er the rai'in) an- sa" a thron) o% )$ar-s at the entrance to the throne room4 a'on)
"ith the massi&e %i)$re o% #erar-; A'' o% them ha- their backs to $s; : 'eape- -o"n the %ina'
stairs; 0an-om "as not %ar behin- me;
: p$she- m1 "a1 thro$)h;
F#erar-4 "hat is happenin)>G : aske-;
F/amne- i% : kno"4G he sai-; F9ook %or 1o$rse'%; B$t there is no )ettin) in;G
,e mo&e- asi-e an- : took a step %or"ar-; !hen another; An- that "as it; :t "as as i% : "ere
p$shin) a)ainst a s'i)ht'1 resi'ient4 tota''1 in&isib'e "a''; Be1on- "as a si)ht that tie- m1
memor1 an- %ee'in)s into a knot; : sti%%ene-4 as %ear took ho'- o% me b1 the neck4 c'aspe- m1
han-s; No mean trick4 that;
Bartin4 smi'in)4 sti'' he'- a !r$mp in his 'e%t han-4 an- Bene-ictDapparent'1 recent'1
s$mmone-Dstoo- be%ore him; A )ir' "as nearb14 on the -ais4 besi-e the throne4 %acin) a"a1;
Both men appeare- to be speakin)4 b$t : co$'- not hear the "or-s;
+ina''14 Bene-ict t$rne- an- seeme- to a--ress the )ir'; A%ter a time4 she appeare- to be
ans"erin) him; Bartin mo&e- o%% to her 'e%t; Bene-ict mo$nte- the -ais as she spoke; : co$'- see
her %ace then; !he e.chan)e contin$e-;
F!hat )ir' 'ooks some"hat %ami'iar4G sai- #erar-4 "ho ha- mo&e- %or"ar- an- no" stoo- at m1
FAo$ mi)ht ha&e )otten a )'impse o% her as she ro-e past $s4G : to'- him4 Fthe -a1 2ric -ie-; :t@s
: hear- his s$--en intake o% breath;
F/araIG he sai-; F!hen 1o$;;;G ,is &oice %a-e-;
F: "as not '1in)4G : sai-; F(he is rea';G
FBartinIG crie- 0an-om4 "ho ha- mo&e- $p on m1 ri)ht; FBartinI =hat@s )oin) onIG
!here "as no response;
F: -ont think he can hear 1o$4G #erar- sai-; F!his barrier seems to ha&e c$t $s o%% comp'ete'1;G
0an-om straine- %or"ar-4 his han-s p$shin) a)ainst somethin) $nseen;
F9et@s a'' o% $s )i&e it a sho&e4G he sai-;
(o : trie- a)ain; #erar- a'so thre" his "ei)ht a)ainst the in&isib'e "a'';
A%ter ha'% a min$te "itho$t s$ccess4 : ease- back;
FNo )oo-4G : sai-; F=e can@t mo&e it;G
F=hat is the -amne- thin)>G 0an-om aske-; F=hat is ho'-in)DG
:@- ha- a h$nchDon'1 that4 tho$)hDas to "hat mi)ht be )oin) on; An- on'1 beca$se o% the -e?a
&$ character o% the entire piece; No"4 tho$)h;;;No" : c'aspe- m1 han- to m1 scabbar-4 to ass$re
m1se'% that #ra1s"an-ir sti'' b$n) at m1 si-e; :t -i-;
!hen ho" co$'- : e.p'ain the presence o% m1 -istincti&e b'a-e4 its e'aborate tracer1 )'eamin) %or
a'' to see4 han)in) "here it ha- s$--en'1 appeare-4 "itho$t s$pport4 in the air be%ore the throne4
its point bare'1 to$chin) /ara@s throat> : co$'- not;
B$t it "as too simi'ar to "hat ha- happene- that ni)ht in the -ream cit1 in the sk14 !ir-na
No)@th4 to be a coinci-ence; ,ere "ere none o% the trappin)sDthe -arkness4 the con%$sion4 the
hea&1 sha-o"s4 the t$m$'t$o$s emotions : ha- kno"nDan- 1et the piece "as set m$ch as it ha-
been that ni)ht; :t "as &er1 simi'ar; B$t not precise'1 so; Bene-ict@s stance seeme- some"hat o%%
D%arther back4 his bo-1 an)'e- -i%%erent'1; =hi'e : co$'- not rea- her 'ips4 : "on-ere- "hether
/ara "as askin) the same stran)e <$estions4 : -o$bte- it; !he tab'ea$D'ike4 1et $n'ike4 that
"hich : ha- e.perience-Dha- probab'1 been co'ore- at the other en-Dthat is4 i% there "ere an1
connection at a''Db1 the e%%ects o% !ir-na No)@th@s po"ers $pon m1 min- at that time;
FCor"in4G 0an-om sai-4 Fthat 'ooks 'ike #ra1s"an-ir han)in) in %ront o% her;G
F:t -oes4 -oesn@t it>G : sai-; FB$t as 1o$ can see4 : am "earin) m1 b'a-e;G
F!here can@t be another ?$st 'ike it;;;can there> /o 1o$ kno" "hat is happenin)>G
F: am be)innin) to %ee' as i% : ma14G : sai-; F=hate&er4 : am po"er'ess to stop it;G
Bene-ict@s b'a-e s$--en'1 came %ree an- en)a)e- the other4 so 'ike m1 o"n; :n a moment4 he
"as %i)htin) an in&isib'e opponent;
F#i&e him he''4 Bene-ictIG 0an-om sho$te-;
F:t is no $se4G : sai-; F,e is abo$t to be -isarme-;G
F,o" can 1o$ kno">G #erar- aske-;
F(omeho"4 that is me in there4 %i)htin) "ith him4G : sai-; F!his is the other en- o% m1 -ream in
!ir-na No)@th; : -o not kno" ho" he mana)e- it4 b$t this is the price %or /a-@s reco&erin) the
F: -o not %o''o" 1o$4G he sai-;
: shook m1 hea-;
F: -o not preten- to $n-erstan- ho" it is bein) -one4G : to'- him; FB$t "e "i'' not be ab'e to
enter $nti' t"o thin) ha&e &anishe- %rom that room;G
F=hat t"o thin)s>G
FE$st "atch;G
Bene-ict@s b'a-e ha- chan)e- han-s4 an- his )'eamin) prosthesis shot %or"ar- an- %i.e- itse'%
$pon some $nseen tar)et; !he t"o b'a-es parrie- one another4 'ocke-4 presse-4 their points
mo&in) to"ar- the cei'in); Bene-ict@s ri)ht han- contin$e- to ti)hten;
($--en'14 the #ra1s"an-ir b'a-e "as %ree4 an- mo&in) past the other; :t str$ck a terri%ic b'o" to
Bene-ict@s ri)ht arm at the p'ace "here the meta' portion ?oine- it; !hen Bene-ict t$rne- an- the
action "as b'ocke- to o$r &ie" %or se&era' moments;
!hen the si)ht "as c'ear a)ain4 as Bene-ict -roppe- to one knee4 t$rnin); ,e c'$tche- at the
st$mp o% his arm; !he mechanica' han-Sarm h$n) in the air near #ra1s"an-ir; :t "as mo&in)
a"a1 %rom Bene-ict an- -escen-in)4 as "as the b'a-e; =hen both reache- the %'oor4 the1 -i- not
strike it b$t passe- on thro$)h4 &anishin) %rom si)ht;
: '$rche- %or"ar-4 reco&ere- m1 ba'ance4 mo&e- ahea-; !he barrier "as )one;
Bartin an- /ara reache- Bene-ict be%ore "e -i-; /ara ha- a'rea-1 torn a strip %rom her c'oak
an- "as bin-in) Bene-ict@s st$mp "hen #erar-4 0an-om an- : )ot there; 0an-om sei6e- Bartin
b1 the sho$'-er an- t$rne- him;
F=hat happene->G he aske-;
F/ara;;;/ara to'- me she "ante- to see Amber4G he sai-; F(ince : 'i&e here no"4 : a)ree- to
brin) her thro$)h an- sho" her aro$n-; !henDG
FBrin) her thro$)h> Ao$ mean on a !r$mp>G
F=e''4 1es;G
FAo$rs or hers>G
Bartin rake- his 'o"er 'ip "ith his teeth;
F=e''4 1o$ see;;;G
F#i&e me those car-s4G sai- 0an-om4 an- he snatche- the case %rom Bartin@s be't; ,e opene- it
an- be)an )oin) thro$)h them;
F!hen : tho$)ht to te'' Bene-ict4 since he "as intereste- in her4G Bartin "ent on; F!hen
Bene-ict "ante- to come an- seeDG
F=hat the he''IG 0an-om sai-; F!here is one o% 1o$4 one o% her4 an- one o% a )$1 :@&e ne&er
e&en seen be%oreI =here -i- 1o$ )et these>G
F9et me see them4G : sai-;
,e passe- me the three car-s;
F=e''>G he sai-; F=as it Bran-> ,e is the on'1 one : kno" "ho can make !r$mps no";G
F: "o$'- not ha&e an1thin) to -o "ith Bran-4G Bartin rep'ie-4 Fe.cept to ki'' him;G
B$t : a'rea-1 kne" the1 "ere not %rom Bran-; !he1 "ere simp'1 not in his st1'e; Nor "ere the1
in the st1'e o% an1one "hose "ork : kne"; (t1'e "as not %oremost in m1 min- at that moment4
ho"e&er; 0ather4 it "as the %eat$res o% the thir- person4 the one "hom 0an-om ha- sai- he ha-
ne&er seen be%ore; : ha-; : "as 'ookin) at the %ace o% the 1o$th "ho ha- con%ronte- me "ith a
crossbo" be%ore the Co$rts o% Chaos4 reco)ni6e- me an- then -ec'ine- to shoot;
: e.ten-e- the car-;
FBartin4 "ho is this>G : aske-;
F!he man "ho ma-e these e.tra !r$mps4G he sai-;
F,e -re" one o% himse'% "hi'e he "as abo$t it; : -o not kno" his name; ,e is a %rien- o%
FAo$ are '1in)4G 0an-om sai-;
F!hen 'et /ara te'' $s4G : sai-4 an- : t$rne- to her;
(he sti'' kne't besi-e Bene-ict4 tho$)h she ha- %inishe- ban-a)in) him an- he "as no" sittin)
F,o" abo$t it>G : sai-4 "a&in) the car- at her; F=ho is this man>G
(he )'ance- at the car-4 then $p at me;
(he smi'e-;
FAo$ rea''1 -o not kno">G she sai-;
F=o$'- : be askin) i% : -i->G
F!hen 'ook at it a)ain an- )o 'ook in a mirror; ,e is 1o$r son as m$ch as mine; ,is name is
: am not easi'1 shocke-4 b$t this ha- nothin) o% ease abo$t it; : %e't -i661; B$t m1 min- mo&e-
<$ick'1; =ith the proper time -i%%erentia' the thin) "as possib'e;
F/ara4G : sai-4 F"hat is it that 1o$ "ant>G
F: to'- 1o$ "hen : "a'ke- the Pattern4G she sai-4 Fthat Amber m$st be -estro1e-; =hat : "ant is
to ha&e m1 ri)ht%$' part in it;G
FAo$ "i'' ha&e m1 o'- ce''4G : sai-; FNo4 the one ne.t to it; #$ar-sIG
FCor"in4 it is a'' ri)ht4G Bene-ict sai-4 )ettin) to his %eet; F:t is not as ba- as it so$n-s; (he can
e.p'ain e&er1thin);G
F!hen 'et her start no";G
FNo; :n pri&ate4 ?$st %ami'1;G
: motione- back the )$ar-s "ho ha- come at m1 ca'';
F7er1 "e''; 9et $s a-?o$rn to one o% the rooms $p the ha'';G
,e no--e-4 an- /ara took ho'- o% his 'e%t arm; 0an-om4 #erar-4 Bartin an- : %o''o"e- them
o$t; : 'ooke- back once to the empt1 p'ace "here m1 -ream ha- come tr$e; ($ch is the st$%%;
Chapter 2
: ro-e $p o&er the crest o% 3o'&ir an- -ismo$nte- "hen : came to m1 tomb; : "ent insi-e an-
opene- the casket; :t "as empt1; #oo-; : "as be)innin) to "on-er; : ha- ha'% e.pecte- to see
m1se'% 'ai- o$t be%ore me4 e&i-ence that -espite si)ns an- int$itions : ha- someho" "an-ere-
into the "ron) (ha-o";
: "ent back o$tsi-e an- r$bbe- (tar@s nose; !he s$n "as shinin) an- the bree6e "as chi''; : ha-
a s$--en -esire to )o to sea; : seate- m1se'% on the bench instea- an- %$mb'e- "ith m1 pipe;
=e ha- ta'ke-; (eate- "ith her 'e)s beneath her on the bro"n so%a4 /ara ha- smi'e- an-
repeate- the stor1 o% her -escent %rom Bene-ict an- 9intra4 the he''mai-4 )ro"in) $p in an-
abo$t the Co$rts o% Chaos4 a )ross'1 non 2$c'i-ean rea'm "here time itse'% presente- stran)e
-istrib$tion prob'ems;
F!he thin)s 1o$ to'- me "hen "e met "ere 'ies4G : sai-; F=h1 sho$'- : be'ie&e 1o$ no">G
(he ha- smi'e- an- re)ar-e- her %in)ernai's;
F: ha- to 'ie to 1o$ then4G she e.p'aine-4 Fto )et "hat : "ante- %rom 1o$;G
F!hat bein);;;>G
F3no"'e-)e4 o% the %ami'14 the Pattern4 the !r$mps4 o% Amber; !o )ain 1o$r tr$st; !o ha&e 1o$r
F!he tr$th "o$'- not ha&e ser&e- as "e''>G
F,ar-'1; : come %rom the enem1; B1 reasons %or "antin) these thin)s "ere not the sort o% "hich
1o$ "o$'- appro&e;G
FAo$r s"or-p'a1;;;> Ao$ to'- me then that Bene-ict ha- traine- 1o$;G
(he smi'e- a)ain an- her e1es )'o"e- -ark %ires;
F: 'earne- %rom the )reat /$ke Bore' himse'%4 a ,i)h 9or- o% Chaos;G
F;;;an- 1o$r appearance4G : sai-; F:t "as a'tere- on a n$mber o% occasions "hen : sa" 1o$ "a'k
the Pattern; ,o"> A'so4 "h1>G
FA'' "hose ori)ins in&o'&e Chaos are shapeshi%ters4G she rep'ie-;
: tho$)ht o% /"orkin@s per%ormance the ni)ht he ha- impersonate- me; Bene-ict no--e-;
F/a- %oo'e- $s "ith his #ane'on -is)$ise;G
FOberon is a son o% Chaos4G /ara sai-4 Fa rebe' son o% a rebe' %ather; B$t the po"er is sti''
F!hen "h1 is it "e cannot -o it>G 0an-om aske-;
(he shr$))e-;
F,a&e 1o$ e&er trie-> Perhaps 1o$ can; On the other han-4 it ma1 ha&e -ie- o$t "ith 1o$r
)eneration; : -o not kno"; As to m1se'%4 ho"e&er4 : ha&e certain %a&ore- shapes to "hich : re&ert
in times o% stress; : )re" $p "here this "as the r$'e4 "here the other shape "as act$a''1
sometimes -ominant; :t is sti'' a re%'e. "ith me; !his is "hat 1o$ "itnesse- that -a1;G
F/ara4G : sai-4 F=h1 -i- 1o$ "ant the thin)s that 1o$ sai- 1o$ "ante-Dkno"'e-)e o% the
%ami'14 the Pattern4 the !r$mps4 Amber> An- a son>G
FA'' ri)ht;G (he si)he-; FA'' ri)ht; Ao$ are b1 no" a"are o% Bran-@s p'ansDthe -estr$ction an-
reb$i'-in) o% Amber;;;>G
F!his in&o'&e- o$r consent an- co-operation;G
F:nc'$-in) the m$r-er o% Bartin>G 0an-om aske-;
FNo4G she sai-; F=e -i- not kno" "ho he inten-e- to $se as the a)ent;G
F=o$'- it ha&e stoppe- 1o$ ha- 1o$ kno"n>G
FAo$ are askin) a h1pothetica' <$estion4G she sai-; FAns"er it 1o$rse'%; : am )'a- that Bartin is
sti'' a'i&e; !hat is a'' that : can sa1 abo$t it;G
FA'' ri)ht4G 0an-om sai-; F=hat abo$t Bran->G
F,e "as ab'e to contact o$r 'ea-ers b1 metho-s he ha- 'earne- %rom /"orkin; ,e ha-
ambitions; ,e nee-e- kno"'e-)e4 po"er; ,e o%%ere- a -ea';G
F=hat sort o% kno"'e-)e>G
F+or one thin)4 he -i- not kno" ho" to -estro1 the PatternDG
F!hen 1o$ "ere responsib'e %or "hat he -i-4G 0an-om sai-;
F:% 1o$ choose to 'ook at it that "a1;G
F: -o;G
(he shr$))e-4 'ooke- at me;
F/o 1o$ "ant to hear this stor1>G
F#o ahea-;G
: )'ance- at 0an-om an- he no--e-;
FBran- "as )i&en "hat he "ante-4G she sai-4 Fb$t he "as not tr$ste-; :t "as %eare- that once he
possesse- the po"er to shape the "or'- as he "o$'-4 he "o$'- not stop "ith r$'in) o&er a re&ise-
Amber; ,e "o$'- attempt to e.ten- his -ominion o&er Chaos as "e''; A "eakene- Amber "as
"hat "as -esire-4 so that Chaos "o$'- be stron)er than it no" isDthe strikin) o% a ne" ba'ance4
)i&in) to $s more o% the sha-o"'an-s that 'ie bet"een o$r rea'ms; :t "as rea'i6e- 'on) a)o that
the t"o kin)-oms can ne&er be mer)e-4 or one -estro1e-4 "itho$t a'so -isr$ptin) a'' the
processes that 'ie in %'$. bet"een $s; !ota' stasis or comp'ete chaos "o$'- be the res$'t; Aet4
tho$)h it "as seen "hat Bran- ha- in min-4 o$r 'ea-ers came to terms "ith him; :t "as the best
opport$nit1 to present itse'% in a)es; :t ha- to be sei6e-; :t "as %e't that Bran- co$'- be -ea't "ith4
an- %ina''1 rep'ace-4 "hen the time came;G
F(o 1o$ "ere a'so p'annin) a -o$b'e-cross4G 0an-om sai-;
FNot i% he kept his "or-; B$t then4 "e kne" that he "o$'- not; (o "e pro&i-e- %or the mo&e
a)ainst him;G
F,e "o$'- be a''o"e- to accomp'ish his en- an- then be -estro1e-; ,e "o$'- be s$ccee-e- b1
a member o% the ro1a' %ami'1 o% Amber "ho "as a'so o% the %irst %ami'1 o% the Co$rts4 one "ho
ha- been raise- amon) $s an- traine- %or the position; Ber'in e&en traces his connection "ith
Amber on both si-es4 thro$)h m1 %orebear Bene-ict an- -irect'1 %rom 1o$rse'%Dthe t"o most
%a&ore- c'aimants to 1o$r throne;G
FAo$ are o% the ro1a' ho$se o% Chaos>G
(he smi'e-;
: rose; (tro-e a"a1; (tare- at the ashes on the )rate;
F: %in- it some"hat -istressin) to ha&e been in&o'&e- in a ca'c$'ate- bree-in) pro?ect4G : sai-4 at
'en)th; FB$t be that as it ma14 an- acceptin) e&er1tihin) 1o$ ha&e sai- as tr$eD%or the moment
D"h1 are 1o$ te''in) $s a'' o% these thin)s no">G
FBeca$se4G she sai-4 F: %ear that the 'or-s o% m1 rea'm "o$'- )o as %ar %or their &ision as Bran-
"o$'- %or his; +arther4 perhaps; !hat ba'ance : spoke o%; +e" seem to appreciate "hat a -e'icate
thin) it is; : ha&e tra&e'e- in the sha-o"'an-s near to Amber4 an- : ha&e "a'ke- in Amber
herse'%; : a'so ha&e kno"n the sha-o"s that 'ie b1 Chaos si-e; : ha&e met man1 peop'e an- seen
man1 thin)s; !hen4 "hen : enco$ntere- Bartin an- spoke "ith him4 : be)an to %ee' that the
chan)es : ha- been to'- "o$'- be %or the better "o$'- not simp'1 res$'t in a re&ision o% Amber
more a'on) the 'ines o% m1 e'-ers@ 'ikin); !he1 "o$'-4 instea-4 t$rn Amber into a mere e.tension
o% the Co$rts4 most o% the sha-o"s "o$'- boi' a"a1 to ?oin "ith Chaos; Amber "o$'- become an
is'an-; (ome o% m1 seniors "ho sti'' smart at /"orkin@s ha&in) create- Amber in the %irst p'ace
are rea''1 seekin) a ret$rn to the -a1s be%ore this happene-; !ota' Chaos4 %rom "hich a'' thin)s
arose; : see the present con-ition as s$perior an- : "ish to preser&e it; B1 -esire is that neither
si-e emer)e &ictorio$s in an1 con%'ict;G
: t$rne- in time to see Bene-ict shakin) his hea-;
F!hen 1o$ are on neither si-e4G he state-;
F: 'ike to think that : am on both;G
FBartin4G : sai-4 Fare 1o$ in this "ith her>G
,e no--e-;
0an-om 'a$)he-;
F!he t"o o% 1o$> A)ainst both Amber an- the Co$rts o% Chaos> =hat -o 1o$ hope to achie&e>
,o" -o 1o$ p'an to %$rther this notion o% ba'ance>G
F=e are not a'one4G she sai-4 Fan- the p'an is not o$rs;G
,er %in)ers -ippe- into her pocket; (omethin) )'ittere- "hen she "ith-re" them; (he t$rne- it
in the 'i)ht; :t "as o$r %ather@s si)net rin) that she he'-;
F=here -i- 1o$ )et that>G 0an-om aske-;
F=here e'se>G
Bene-ict steppe- to"ar- her an- he'- o$t his han-; (he )a&e it to him; ,e scr$tini6e- it;
F:t is his4G he sai-; F:t has the 'itt'e markin)s on the back that :@&e seen be%ore; =h1 -o 1o$ ha&e
F+irst4 to con&ince 1o$ that : am actin) proper'1 =hen : con&e1 his or-ers4G she sai-;
F,o" is it that 1o$ e&en kno" him>G : aske-;
F: met him -$rin) hisD-i%%ic$'tiesDsome time back4G she to'- $s; F:n %act4 1o$ mi)ht sa1 that :
he'pe- to -e'i&er him %rom them; !his "as a%ter : ha- met Bartin4 an- : "as inc'ine- to be more
s1mpathetic to"ar- Amber; B$t then4 1o$r %ather is a'so a charmin) an- pers$asi&e man; :
-eci-e- that : co$'- not simp'1 stan- b1 an- see him remain prisoner to m1 kin;G
F/o 1o$ kno" ho" he "as capt$re- in the %irst p'ace>G
(he shook her hea-;
F: on'1 kno" that Bran- e%%ecte- his presence in a sha-o" %ar eno$)h %rom Amber that he co$'-
be taken there; : be'ie&e it in&o'&e- a %ake <$est %or a none.istent ma)ica' too' "hich mi)ht hea'
the Pattern; ,e rea'i6es no" that on'1 the Ee"e' can -o it;G
FAo$r he'pin) him to )et a"a1;;;,o" -i- this a%%ect 1o$r re'ations "ith 1o$r o"n peop'e>G
FNot too -amne- "e''4G she sai-; F: am temporari'1 "itho$t a home;G
FAn- 1o$ "ant one here>G
(he smi'e- a)ain;
F:t -epen-s on ho" thin)s t$rn o$t; :% m1 peop'e ha&e their "a14 : "o$'- as soon )o backDor
sta1 "ith "hat sha-o"s remain;G
: "ith-re" a !r$mp4 )'ance- at it;
F=hat o% Ber'in> =here is he no">G
F!he1 ha&e him4G she sai-; F: %ear he ma1 be their man no"; ,e kno"s his parenta)e4 b$t the1
ha&e ha- char)e o% his e-$cation %or a 'on) "hi'e; : -o not kno" "hether he co$'- be )otten
: raise- the !r$mp4 stare- at it;
FNo )oo-4G she sai-; F:t "i'' not %$nction bet"een here an- there;G
: reca''e- ho" -i%%ic$'t !r$mp comm$nication ha- been "hen : ha- been to the %rin)es o% that
p'ace; : trie- an1"a1; !he car- )re" co'- in m1 han- an- : reache- o$t; !here "as the %aintest
%'icker o% a respon-in) presence; : trie- har-er;
FBer'in4 this is Cor"in4G : sai-; F/o 1o$ hear me>G
: seeme- to hear a rep'1; :t seeme- to be4 F: cannotDG An- then there "as nothin); !he car- 'ost
its co'-ness;
F/i- 1o$ reach him>G she aske-;
F: am not s$re4G : sai-; FB$t : think so; E$st %or a moment;G
FBetter than : tho$)ht4G she sai-; F2ither con-itions are )oo- or 1o$r min-s are &er1 simi'ar;G
F=hen 1o$ be)an "a&in) /a-@s si)net aro$n- 1o$ spoke o% or-ers4G 0an-om sai-; F=hat
or-ers> An- "h1 is he sen-in) them thro$)h 1o$>G
F:t is a matter o% timin);G
F!imin)> ,e''I ,e ?$st 'e%t here this mornin)IG
F,e ha- to %inish one thin) be%ore he "as rea-1 %or another; ,e ha- no i-ea ho" 'on) it "o$'-
take; B$t : "as ?$st in to$ch "ith him be%ore : came hereDtho$)h : "as har-'1 prepare- %or the
reception : "a'ke- intoDan- he is no" rea-1 to be)in the ne.t phase;G
F=here -i- 1o$ speak "ith him>G : aske-; F=here is he>G
F: ha&e no i-ea "here he is; ,e contacte- me;G
F,e "ants Bene-ict to attack imme-iate'1;G
#erar- %ina''1 stirre- %rom the h$)e armchair in "hich he ha- sat 'istenin); ,e rose to his %eet4
hooke- his th$mbs in his be't an- 'ooke- -o"n at her;
FAn or-er 'ike that "o$'- ha&e to come -irect'1 %rom /a-;G
F:t -i-4G she sai-;
,e shook his hea-;
F:t makes no sense; =h1 contact 1o$Dsomeone "e ha&e sma'' reason to tr$stDrather than one
o% $s>G
F: -o not be'ie&e that he can reach 1o$ at the moment; On the other han-4 he "as ab'e to reach
F,e -i- not $se a !r$mp; ,e -oes not ha&e one %or me; ,e $se- a re&erberation e%%ect o% the
b'ack roa-4 simi'ar to the means b1 "hich Bran- once escape- Cor"in;G
FAo$ kno" a 'ot o% "hat has been )oin) on;G
F: -o; : sti'' ha&e so$rces in the Co$rts4 an- Bran- transporte- himse'% there a%ter 1o$r str$))'e;
: hear thin)s;G
F/o 1o$ kno" "here o$r %ather is ri)ht no">G 0an-om aske-;
FNo4 : -o not kno"; B$t : be'ie&e that he has ?o$rne1e- to the rea' Amber4 to take co$nse' "ith
/"orkin an- to re-e.amine the -ama)e to the prima' Pattern;G
F!o "hat en->G
F: -o not kno"; Probab'1 to -eci-e on the co$rse o% action he "i'' take; !he %act that he reache-
me an- or-ere- the attack most 'ike'1 means that he has -eci-e-;G
F,o" 'on) a)o "as this comm$nication>G
FE$st a %e" ho$rsDm1 time; B$t : "as %ar %rom here in (ha-o"; : -o not kno" "hat the time
-i%%erentia' is; : am too ne" at this;G
F(o it co$'- be somethin) e.treme'1 recent; Possib'1 on'1 moments a)o4G #erar- m$se-; F=h1
-i- he ta'k "ith 1o$ rather than one o% $s> : -o not be'ie&e that he co$'- not reach $s i% he
"ishe- to;G
FPerhaps to sho" that he 'ooks $pon me "ith %a&or4G she sai-;
FA'' o% this ma1 be entire'1 tr$e4G Bene-ict state-; FB$t : am not mo&in) "itho$t a con%irmation
o% that or-er;G
F:s +iona sti'' at the prima' Pattern>G 0an-om aske-;
F9ast : hear-4G : to'- him4 Fshe ha- set $p camp there; : see "hat 1o$ mean;;;;G
: sh$%%'e- o$t +i@s car-;
F:t took more than one o% $s to )et thro$)h %rom there4G he obser&e-;
F!r$e; (o )i&e me a han-;G
,e rose4 came to m1 si-e; Bene-ict an- #erar- a'so approache-;
F!his is not rea''1 necessar14G /ara proteste-;
: i)nore- her an- concentrate- on the -e'icate %eat$res o% m1 re--haire- sister; Boments 'ater4
"e ha- contact;
F+iona4G : aske-4 seein) %rom the back)ro$n- that she "as sti'' in resi-ence at the heart o%
thin)s4 Fis /a- there>G
FAes4G she sai-4 smi'in) ti)ht'1; F,e is insi-e "ith /"orkin;G
F9isten4 $r)enc1 pre&ai's; : -o not kno" "hether or not 1o$ kno" /ara4 b$t she is hereDG
F: kno" "ho she is4 b$t : ha&e ne&er met her;G
F=e''4 she c'aims she has an attack or-er %or Bene-ict4 %rom /a-; (he has his si)net to back it
$p4 b$t he -i- not speak o% this ear'ier; /o 1o$ kno" an1thin) abo$t it>G
FNo4G she sai-; FA'' "e -i- "as e.chan)e )reetin)s "hen he an- /"orkin "ere o$t here ear'ier
to 'ook at the Pattern; : ha- some s$spicions then4 tho$)h4 an- this con%irms them;G
F($spicions> =hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F: think /a- is )oin) to tr1 to repair the Pattern; ,e has the Ee"e' "ith him4 an- : o&erhear-
some o% the thin)s he sai- to /"orkin; :% he makes the attempt4 the1 "i'' be a"are o% it in the
Co$rts o% Chaos the moment that he be)ins; !he1 "i'' tr1 to stop him; ,e "o$'- "ant to strike
%irst to keep them occ$pie-; On'1;;;G
F:t is )oin) to ki'' him4 Cor"in; : kno" that m$ch abo$t it; =hether he s$ccee-s or %ai's4 he "i''
be -estro1e- in the process;G
F: %in- it har- to be'ie&e;G
F!hat a kin) "o$'- )i&e $p his 'i%e %or the rea'm>G
F!hat /a- "o$'-;G
F!hen either he has chan)e- or 1o$ ne&er rea''1 kne" him; B$t : -o be'ie&e he is )oin) to tr1
F!hen "h1 sen- his 'atest or-er b1 someone he kno"s "e -o not rea''1 tr$st>G
F!o sho" that he "ants 1o$ to tr$st her4 : "o$'- )$ess4 once he has con%irme- it;G
F:t seems a ro$n-abo$t "a1 o% -oin) thin)s4 b$t : a)ree that "e sho$'- not act "itho$t that
con%irmation; Can 1o$ )et it %or $s>G
F: "i'' tr1; : "i'' )et back to 1o$ as soon as : ha&e spoken "ith him;G
(he broke the contact;
: t$rne- to"ar- /ara4 "ho ha- hear- on'1 o$r si-e o% the con&ersation;
F/o 1o$ kno" "hat /a- is )oin) to -o ri)ht no">G : aske- her;
F(omethin) in&o'&in) the b'ack roa-4G she sai-; F,e ha- in-icate- that m$ch; =hat4 tho$)h4 or
ho"4 he -i- not sa1;G
: t$rne- a"a1; : s<$are- m1 car-s an- encase- them; : -i- not 'ike this t$rnin) o% e&ents; !his
entire -a1 ha- starte- ba-'14 an- thin)s ha- been )oin) -o"nhi'' e&er since; :t "as on'1 a 'itt'e
past '$nchtime4 too; : shook m1 hea-; =hen : ha- spoken "ith him4 /"orkin ha- -escribe- the
res$'ts o% an1 attempt to repair the Pattern4 an- the1 ha- so$n-e- prett1 horren-o$s to me;
($pposin) /a- trie- it4 %ai'e-4 an- )ot himse'% ki''e- in the attempt> =here "o$'- "e be then>
0i)ht "here "e "ere no"4 on'1 "itho$t a 'ea-er4 on the e&e o% batt'eDan- "ith the s$ccession
prob'em stirrin) a)ain; !hat "ho'e )hast'1 b$siness "o$'- be in the back o% o$r min-s as "e
ro-e to the "ars4 an- "e "o$'- a'' be)in o$r pri&ate arran)ements to %i)ht one another once
more as soon as the c$rrent enem1 "as -ea't "ith; !here ha- to be another "a1 o% han-'in)
thin)s; Better /a- a'i&e an- on the throne than a re&i&a' o% the s$ccession intri)$es;
F=hat are "e "aitin) %or>G /ara aske-; FCon%irmation>G
FAes4G : rep'ie-;
0an-om be)an to pace; Bene-ict seate- himse'% an- teste- the -ressin) on his arm; #erar-
'eane- a)ainst the mante'piece; : stoo- an- tho$)ht; An i-ea came to me ?$st then; : p$she- it
a"a1 imme-iate'14 b$t it ret$rne-; : -i- not 'ike it4 b$t that ha- nothin) to -o "ith practica'ities; :
"o$'- ha&e to mo&e <$ick'14 tho$)h4 be%ore : ha- a chance to ta'k m1se'% aro$n- to another
&ie"point; No; : "o$'- stick "ith this one; /amn itI
!here came a stirrin) o% contact; : "aite-; Boments 'ater4 : re)ar-e- +iona a)ain; (he stoo- in a
%ami'iar p'ace that it took me se&era' secon-s to reco)ni6e8 /"orkin@s sittin) room4 on the other
si-e o% the hea&1 -oor at the back o% the ca&e; /a- an- /"orkin "ere both "ith her; /a- ha-
-roppe- his #ane'on -is)$ise an- "as his o'- se'% once a)ain; : sa" that he "ore the Ee"e';
FCor"in4G +iona sai-4 Fit is tr$e; /a- -i- sen- the attack or-er "ith /ara4 an- he e.pecte- this
ca'' %or con%irmation; :DG
F+iona4 brin) me thro$)h;G
FAo$ hear- me; No"IG
: e.ten-e- m1 ri)ht han-; (he reache- %or"ar- an- "e to$che-;
FCor"inIG 0an-om sho$te-; F=hat@s happenin)IG
Bene-ict "as on his %eet4 #erar- a'rea-1 mo&in) to"ar- me;
FAo$ "i'' hear abo$t it short'14G : sai-4 an- : steppe- %or"ar-;
: s<$ee6e- her han- be%ore : re'ease- it an- : smi'e-;
F!hanks4 +i; ,e''o4 /a-; ,i4 /"orkin; ,o"@s e&er1thin)>G
: )'ance- once at the hea&1 -oor4 sa" that it stoo- open; !hen : passe- aro$n- +iona an- mo&e-
to"ar- them; /a-@s hea- "as 'o"ere-4 his e1es narro"e-; : kne" that 'ook;
F=hat is this4 Cor"in> Ao$ are here "itho$t 'ea&e4G he sai-; F: ha&e con%irme- that -amne-
or-er4 no" : e.pect it to be carrie- o$t;G
F:t "i'' be4G : sai-4 no--in); F: -i- not come here to ar)$e abo$t that;G
F=hat4 then>G
: mo&e- nearer4 ca'c$'atin) m1 "or-s as "e'' as the -istance; : "as )'a- that he ha- remaine-
F+or a time "e ro-e as comra-es4G : sai-; F/amne- i% : -i- not come to 'ike 1o$ then; : ne&er
ha- be%ore4 1o$ kno"; Ne&er ha- )$ts eno$)h to sa1 that be%ore either4 b$t 1o$ kno" it is tr$e; :
'ike to think that that is ho" thin)s co$'- ha&e been4 i% "e ha- not been "hat "e are to each
+or the barest moment4 his )a6e seeme- to so%ten as : positione- m1se'%; !hen4
FAt an1 rate4G : "ent on4 F: am )oin) to be'ie&e in 1o$ that "a1 rather than this "a14 beca$se
there is somethin) : "o$'- ne&er ha&e -one %or 1o$ other"ise;G
F=hat>G he aske-;
: sei6e- the Ee"e' "ith an $p"ar- s"eepin) motion an- snappe- the chain $p o&er his hea-; :
pi&ote- on m1 hee' then an- race- across the room an- thro$)h the -oor; : -re" it sh$t behin-
me an- snappe- it to; : co$'- see no "a1 to bar it %rom the o$tsi-e4 so : ran on4 retracin) the
ro$te thro$)h the ca&e %rom that ni)ht : ha- %o''o"e- /"orkin a'on) it; Behin- me4 : hear- the
e.pecte- be''o";
: %o''o"e- the t"istin)s; : st$mb'e- on'1 once; sme'' sti'' h$n) hea&1 in his 'air; :
po$n-e- on an- a %ina' t$rnin) bro$)ht me a &ie" o% -a1'i)ht ahea-;
: race- to"ar- it4 s'ippin) the Ee"e'@s chain o&er m1 hea- as : "ent; : %e't it %a'' to m1 breast4 :
reache- -o"n into it "ith m1 min-; !here "ere echoes in the ca&e behin- me;
: sprinte- to"ar- the Pattern4 %ee'in) thro$)h the Ee"e'4 t$rnin) it into an e.tra sense; : "as the
on'1 person other than /a- or /"orkin %$''1 att$ne- to it; /"orkin ha- to'- me that the Pattern@s
repair mi)ht be e%%ecte- b1 a person@s "a'kin) the #ran- Pattern in s$ch a state o% att$nement4
b$rnin) o$t the smear at each crossin)4 rep'acin) it "ith stock %rom the ima)e o% the Pattern that
he bore "ithin him4 "ipin) o$t the b'ack roa- in the process; Better me than /a-4 then; : sti'' %e't
that the b'ack roa- o"e- somethin) o% its %ina' %orm to the stren)th m1 c$rse a)ainst Amber ha-
)i&en it; : "ante- to "ipe that o$t4 too; /a- "o$'- -o a better ?ob o% p$ttin) thin)s to)ether a%ter
the "ar than : e&er co$'-4 an1"a1; : rea'i6e-4 at that moment4 that : no 'on)er "ante- the throne;
2&en i% it "ere a&ai'ab'e4 the prospect o% a-ministerin) to the kin)-om -o"n a'' the -$''
cent$ries that mi)ht 'ie be%ore me "as o&er"he'min); Ba1be : "o$'- be takin) the eas1 "a1 o$t
i% : -ie- in this e%%ort; 2ric "as -ea-4 an- : no 'on)er hate- him; !he other thin) that ha- -ri&en
meDthe throneDseeme- no" to ha&e been -esirab'e on'1 beca$se :@- tho$)ht he ha- "ante- it
so; : reno$nce- both; =hat "as 'e%t> : ha- 'a$)he- at 7ia''e4 then "on-ere-; B$t she ha- been
ri)ht; !he o'- so'-ier in me "as stron)est; :t "as a matter o% -$t1; B$t not -$t1 a'one; !here "as
: reache- the e-)e o% the Pattern4 <$ick'1 ma-e m1 "a1 to"ar- its be)innin); : )'ance- back at
the ca&emo$th; /a-4 /"arkin4 +ionaDnone o% them ha- 1et emer)e-; #oo-; !he1 co$'- ne&er
make it in time to stop me; Once : set %oot on the Pattern4 i% "o$'- be too 'ate %or them to -o
an1thin) b$t "ait an- "atch; : tho$)ht %or a %'eetin) instant o% 'a)o@s -isso'$tion4 p$she- that
tho$)ht a"a14 stro&e to ca'm m1 min- to the 'e&e' necessar1 %or the $n-ertakin)4 reca''e- m1
batt'e "ith Bran- in this p'ace an- his stran)e -epart$re4 p$she- that a"a14 too4 s'o"e- m1
breathin)4 prepare- m1se'%;
A certain 'ethar)1 came $pon me; :t "as time to be)in4 b$t : he'- back %or a moment4 tr1in) to
%i. m1 min- proper'1 on the )ran- task that 'a1 be%ore me; !he Pattern s"am %or a moment in
m1 &ision; No"I /amn itI No"I No more pre'iminariesI Be)in4 : to'- m1se'%; =a'kI
(ti''4 : stoo-4 contemp'atin) the Pattern as in a -ream; : %or)ot abo$t m1se'% %or 'on) moments as
: re)ar-e- it; !he Pattern4 "ith its 'on) b'ack smear to be remo&e-;;;
:t no 'on)er seeme- important that it mi)ht ki'' me; B1 min- -ri%te-4 consi-erin) the bea$t1 o%
the thin);;;;
: hear- a so$n-; :t "o$'- be /a-4 /"orkin4 +iona4 comin); : ha- to -o somethin) be%ore the1
reache- me; : ha- to "a'k it4 in a moment;;;;
: p$''e- m1 )a6e a"a1 %rom the Pattern an- )'ance- back to"ar- the ca&emo$th; !he1 ha-
emer)e-4 come part"a1 -o"n the s'ope an- ha'te-; =h1> =h1 ha- the1 stoppe->
=hat -i- it matter> : ha- the time : nee-e- in "hich to be)in; : be)an to raise m1 %oot4 to step
: co$'- bare'1 mo&e; : inche- m1 %oot ahea- "ith a )reat e%%ort o% "i''; !akin) this %irst step "as
pro&in) "orse than "a'kin) the Pattern itse'%4 near to the en-; B$t it -i- not seem so m$ch an
e.terna' resistance : %o$)ht a)ainst as it -i- the s'$))ishness at m1 o"n bo-1; :t "as a'most as i%
!hen : ha- me an ima)e o% Bene-ict besi-e the Pattern in !ir-na No)@th4 Bran- approachin)4
mockin)4 the Ee"e' b$rnin) $pon his breast;
Be%ore : 'ooke- -o"n4 : kne" "hat : "o$'- see; !he re- stone "as p$'sin) in time "ith m1
heartbeat; /amn themI
2ither /a- or /"orkinDor both o% themDrea-ie- thro$)h it at this instant4 para'16in) me; : -i-
not -o$bt that either o% them co$'- mana)e it a'one; (ti''4 at this -istance4 it "as not "orth
s$rren-erin) "itho$t a %i)ht;
: contin$e- to p$sh %or"ar- "ith m1 %oot4 s'i-in) it s'o"'1 ahea- to"ar- the e-)e o% the Pattern;
Once : ma-e it4 : -i- not see ho" the1;;;
/ro"sin);;;: %e't m1se'% be)innin) to %a''; : ha- been as'eep %or a moment; :t happene- a)ain;
=hen : opene- m1 e1es4 : co$'- see a portion o% the Pattern; =hen : t$rne- m1 hea-4 : sa" %eet;
=hen : 'ooke- $p4 : sa" /a- ho'-in) the Ee"e';
F#o a"a14G he sai- to /"orkin an- +iona4 "itho$t t$rnin) his hea- to"ar- them;
!he1 "ith-re" as he p'ace- the Ee"e' abo$t his o"n neck; ,e 'eane- %or"ar- then an- e.ten-e-
his han-; : took it an- he -re" me to m1 %eet;
F!hat "as a -am%oo' thin) to -o4G he sai-;
F: a'most ma-e it;G
,e no--e-;
FO% co$rse4 1o$ "o$'- ha&e ki''e- 1o$rse'% an- not accomp'ishe- an1thin)4G he sai-; FB$t it
"as "e'' -one ne&erthe'ess; Come on4 'et@s "a'k;G
,e took m1 arm4 an- "e be)an to mo&e abo$t the peripher1 o% the Pattern;
: "atche- that stran)e sk1-sea4 hori6on'ess abo$t $s4 as "e "ent; : "on-ere- "hat "o$'- ha&e
happene- ha- : been ab'e to be)in the Pattern4 "hat "o$'- be happenin) at that moment;
FAo$ ha&e chan)e-4G he %ina''1 sai-4 For e'se : ne&er rea''1 kne" 1o$;G
: shr$))e-;
F(omethin) o% both perhaps; : "as abo$t to sa1 the same o% 1o$; !e'' me somethin)>G
F,o" -i%%ic$'t "as it %or 1o$4 bein) #ane'on>G
,e ch$ck'e-;
FNot har- at a''4G he sai-; FAo$ ma1 ha&e ha- a )'impse o% the rea' me;G
F: 'ike- him; Or4 rather4 1o$ bein) him; : "on-er "hate&er became o% the rea' #ane'on>G
F9on) -ea-4 Cor"in; : met him a%ter 1o$ ha- e.i'e- him %rom A&a'on4 'on) a)o; ,e "asn@t a ba-
chap; =o$'-n@t ha&e tr$ste- him "orth a -amn4 b$t then : ne&er tr$st an1one : -ont ha&e to;G
F:t r$ns in the %ami'1;G
F: re)rette- ha&in) to ki'' him; Not that he )a&e me m$ch choice; A'' this "as &er1 'on) a)o4 b$t
: remembere- him c'ear'14 so he m$st ha&e impresse- me;G
FAn- 9orraine>G
F!he co$ntr1> A )oo- ?ob4 : tho$)ht; : "orke- the proper sha-o"; :t )re" in stren)th b1 m1
&er1 presence4 as an1 "i'' i% one o% $s sta1s aro$n- %or 'on)Das "ith 1o$ in A&a'on4 an- 'ater
that other p'ace; An- : sa" that : ha- a 'on) "hi'e there b1 e.ercisin) m1 "i'' $pon its
F: -i- not kno" that co$'- be -one;G
FAo$ )ro" in stren)th s'o"'14 be)innin) "ith 1o$r initiation into the Pattern; !here are man1
thin)s 1o$ ha&e 1et to 'earn; Aes4 : stren)thene- 9orraine4 an- ma-e it especia''1 &$'nerab'e to
the )ro"in) %orce o% the b'ack roa-; : sa" that it "o$'- 'ie in 1o$r path4 no matter "here 1o$
"ent; A%ter 1o$r escape4 a'' roa-s 'e- to 9orraine;G
F:t "as a trap : ha- set %or 1o$4 an- ma1be a test; : "ante- to be "ith 1o$ "hen 1o$ met the
%orces o% Chaos; : a'so "ante- to tra&e' "ith 1o$ %or a time;G
FA test> =hat "ere 1o$ testin) me %or> An- "h1 tra&e' "ith me>G
FCan 1o$ not )$ess> : ha&e "atche- a'' o% 1o$ o&er the 1ears; : ne&er name- a s$ccessor; :
p$rpose'1 'e%t the matter m$--'e-; Ao$ are a'' eno$)h 'ike me %or me to kno" that the moment :
-ec'are- %or one o% 1o$ : "o$'- be si)nin) his or her -eath "arrant; No4 : intentiona''1 'e%t thin)s
as the1 "ere $nti' the &er1 en-; No"4 tho$)h4 : ha&e -eci-e-; :t is to be 1o$;G
FAo$ comm$nicate- "ith me4 as 1o$rse'%4 brie%'14 back in 9orraine; Ao$ to'- me then to take the
throne; :% 1o$ ha- ma-e $p 1o$r min- at that point "h1 -i- 1o$ contin$e the mas<$era-e>G
FB$t : ha- not -eci-e- then; !hat "as mere'1 a means to ass$re 1o$r contin$in); : %eare- 1o$
mi)ht come to 'ike that )ir' too m$ch4 an- that 'an-; =hen 1o$ emer)e- a hero %rom the B'ack
Circ'e 1o$ mi)ht ha&e -eci-e- to sett'e an- sta1 there; : "ante- to p'ant the notions that "o$'-
ca$se 1o$ to contin$e 1o$r Eo$rne1;G
: "as si'ent %or a 'on) "hi'e; =e ha- mo&e- a )oo- -istance abo$t the Pattern;
!hen4 F!here is somethin) that : ha&e to kno"4G : sai-; FBe%ore : came here : "as speakin) "ith
/ara4 "ho is in the process o% tr1in) to c'ear her name "ith $sDG
F:t is c'ear4G he sai-; F: ha&e c'eare- it;G
: shook m1 hea-;
F: re%raine- %rom acc$sin) her o% somethin) : ha&e been thinkin) abo$t %or some time; !here is a
&er1 )oo- reason "h1 : %e't she cannot be tr$ste-4 -espite her protests an- 1o$r en-orsement;
!"o reasons4 in %act;G
F: kno"4 Cor"in; B$t she -i- not ki'' Bene-ict@s ser&ants to mana)e her position at his ho$se; :
-i- it m1se'%4 to ass$re her )ettin) to 1o$ as she -i-4 at ?$st the appropriate time;G
FAo$> Ao$ "ere part1 to her "ho'e p'ot> =h1>G
F(he "i'' make 1o$ a )oo- <$een4 son; : tr$st the b'oo- o% Chaos %or stren)th; :t "as time %or a
%resh in%$sion; Ao$ "i'' take the throne a'rea-1 pro&i-e- "ith an heir; B1 the time he is rea-1 %or
it; Ber'in "i'' 'on) ha&e been "eane- %rom his $pbrin)in);G
=e ha- come a'' the "a1 aro$n- to the p'ace o% the b'ack smear; : stoppe-; : s<$atte- an-
st$-ie- it;
FAo$ think this thin) is )oin) to ki'' 1o$>G : %ina''1 aske-;
F: kno" that it is;G
FAo$ are not abo&e m$r-erin) innocent peop'e to manip$'ate me; Aet 1o$ "o$'- sacri%ice 1o$r
'i%e %or the kin)-om;G
: 'ooke- at him;
FB1 o"n han-s are not c'ean4G : sai-4 Fan- : certain'1 -o not pres$me to ?$-)e 1o$; A "hi'e
back4 tho$)h4 "hen : ma-e rea-1 to tr1 the Pattern4 : tho$)ht ho" m1 %ee'in)s ha- chan)e-D
to"ar- 2ric4 to"ar- the throne; Ao$ -o "hat 1o$ -o4 : be'ie&e4 as a -$t1; :4 too4 %ee' a -$t1 no"4
to"ar- Amber4 to"ar- the throne; Bore than that4 act$a''1; B$ch more4 : rea'i6e-4 ?$st then; B$t
: rea'i6e- somethin) e'se4 a'so4 somethin) that -$t1 -oes not re<$ire o% me; : -o not kno" "hen
or ho" it stoppe- an- : chan)e-4 b$t : -o not "ant the throne; /a-; : am sorr1 it messes $p 1o$r
p'ans4 b$t : -o not "ant to be kin) o% Amber; : am sorr1;G
: 'ooke- a"a1 then4 back-o"n at the smear; : hear- him si)h;
!hen4 F: am )oin) to sen- 1o$ home no"4G he sai-; F(a--'e 1o$r horse an- take pro&isions;
0i-e to a p'ace o$tsi-e AmberDan1 p'ace4 %air'1 iso'ate-;G
FB1 tomb>G
,e snorte- an- ch$ck'e- %aint'1;
F!hat "i'' -o; #o there an- "ait m1 p'eas$re; : ha&e some thinkin) to -o;G
: stoo-; ,e reache- o$t an- p'ace- his ri)ht han- on m1 sho$'-er; !he ?e"e' "as p$'sin); ,e
'ooke- into m1 e1es;
FNo man can ha&e e&er1thin) he "ants the "a1 that he "ants it4G he sai-;
An- there "as a -istancin) e%%ect4 as o% the po"er o% a !r$mp4 on'1 "orkin) in re&erse; : hear-
&oices4 then abo$t me : sa" the room : ha- ear'ier -eparte-; Bene-ict4 #erar-4 0an-om an- /ara
"ere sti'' there; : %e't /a- re'ease m1 sho$'-er; !hen he "as )one an- : "as amon) them once
F=hat is the stor1>G 0an-om sai-; F=e sa" /a- sen-in) 1o$ back; B1 the "a14 ho" -i- he -o
F: -o not kno"4G : sai-; FB$t he con%irms "hat /ara has to'- $s; ,e )a&e her the si)net an- the
F=h1>G #erar- aske-;
F,e "ante- $s to 'earn to tr$st her4G : sai-;
Bene-ict rose to his %eet;
F!hen : "i'' )o an- -o as : ha&e been bi-;G
F,e "ants 1o$ to attack4 then %a'' back4G /ara sai-; FA%ter that4 it "i'' on'1 be necessar1 to
contain them;G
F+or ho" 'on)>G
F,e sai- on'1 that this "i'' become apparent;G
Bene-ict )a&e one o% his rare smi'es an- no--e-; ,e mana)e- his car- case "ith his one han-4
remo&e- the -eck4 th$mbe- o$t the specia' !r$mp : ha- )i&en him %or the Co$rts;
F#oo- '$ck4G 0an-om sai-;
FAes4G #erar- a)ree-;
: a--e- m1 "ishes an- "atche- him %a-e; =hen his rainbo" a%terima)e ha- &anishe- : 'ooke-
a"a1 an- notice- that /ara "as cr1in) si'ent'1; : -i- not remark on it;
F:4 too4 ha&e or-ers no"Do% a sort4G : sai-; F: ha- best be mo&in);G
FAn- : "i'' )et back to the sea4G sai- #erar-;
FNo4G : hear- /ara sa1 as : "as mo&in) to"ar- the -oor;
: ha'te-;
FAo$ are to remain here4 #erar-4 an- see to the sa%et1 o% Amber herse'%; No attack "i'' come b1
FB$t : tho$)ht 0an-om "as in char)e o% the 'oca' -e%ense;G
(he shook her hea-;
F0an-om is to ?oin E$'ian in Ar-en;G
FAre 1o$ s$re>G 0an-om aske-;
F: am certain;G
F#oo-4G he sai-; F:t is nice to kno" he at 'east tho$)ht o% me; (orr14 #erar-; !hat@s the breaks;G
#erar- simp'1 'ooke- p$66'e-;
F: hope he kno"s "hat he is -oin)4G he sai-;
F=e ha&e been thro$)h that a'rea-14G : to'- him; F#oo--b1e;G
: hear- a %oot%a'' as : 'e%t the room; /ara "as besi-e me;
F=hat no">G : aske- her;
F: tho$)ht : "o$'- "a'k "ith 1o$4 "here&er 1o$ are )oin);G
F: am ?$st )oin) $p the ha'' to )et some s$pp'ies; !hen : am hea-in) %or the stab'es;G
F: "i'' )o "ith 1o$;G
F: am ri-in) a'one;G
F: co$'- not accompan1 1o$4 an1"a1; : sti'' ha&e to speak "ith 1o$r sisters;G
F!he1@re inc'$-e-4 h$h>G
=e "a'ke- in si'ence %or a time4 then she sai-4 F!he "ho'e b$siness "as not so co'--b'oo-e- as
it seeme-4 Cor"in;G
=e entere- the s$pp'1 room;
F=hat b$siness>G
FAo$ kno" "hat : mean;G
FOh; !hat; =e''4 )oo-;G
F: 'ike 1o$; :t co$'- be more than that one -a14 i% 1o$ %ee' an1thin);G
B1 pri-e han-e- me a snapp1 rep'14 b$t : bit it back; One 'earns a %e" thin)s o&er the cent$ries;
(he ha- $se- me4 tr$e4 b$t then it seeme- she ha- not been entire'1 a %ree a)ent at the time; !he
"orst that mi)ht be sai-4 : s$ppose4 "as that /a- "ante- me to "ant her; B$t : -i- not 'et m1
resentment on this inter%ere "ith "hat m1 o"n %ee'in)s rea''1 "ere4 or co$'- become;
(o4 F: 'ike 1o$4 too4G : sai-4 an- : 'ooke- at her; (he seeme- as i% she nee-e- to be kisse- ?$st
then4 so : -i-;
F: ha- better )et rea-1 no";G
(he smi'e- an- s<$ee6e- m1 arm; !hen she "as )one; : -eci-e- not to e.amine m1 %ee'in)s ?$st
then; : )ot some thin)s to)ether;
: sa--'e- (tar an- ro-e back $p o&er the crest o% 3o'&ir $nti' : came to m1 tomb; (eate- o$tsi-e
it4 : smoke- m1 pipe an- "atche- the c'o$-s; : %e't : ha- ha- a &er1 %$'' -a14 an- it "as sti'' ear'1
a%ternoon; Premonitions p'a1e- ta) in the )rottoes o% m1 min-4 none o% "hich : "o$'- ha&e
care- to take to '$nch;
Chapter 3
Contact came s$--en'1 as : sat -ro"sin); : "as on m1 %eet in an instant; :t "as /a-;
FCor"in4 : ha&e ma-e m1 -ecisions an- the time has come4G he sai-; FBare 1o$r 'e%t arm;G
: -i- this4 as his %orm contin$e- to )ro" in s$bstantia'it14 'ookin) more an- more re)a' the
"hi'e4 a stran)e sa-ness on his %ace4 o% a sort : ha- ne&er seen there be%ore;
,e took ho'- o% m1 arm "ith his 'e%t han- an- -re" his -a))er "ith his ri)ht;
: "atche- as he c$t m1 arm4 then resheathe- his b'a-e; !he b'oo- came %orth4 an- he c$ppe- his
'e%t han- an- ca$)ht it; ,e re'ease- m1 arm4 co&ere- his 'e%t han- "ith his ri)ht an- -re" a"a1
%rom me; 0aisin) his han-s to his %ace4 he b'e" his breath into them an- -re" them <$ick'1
A creste- re- bir- the si6e o% a ra&en4 its %eathers a'' the co'or o% m1 b'oo-4 stoo- on his han-4
mo&e- to his "rist4 'ooke- at me; 2&en its e1es "ere re-4 an- there "as a 'ook o% %ami'iarit1 as it
cocke- its hea- an- re)ar-e- me;
F,e is Cor"in4 the one 1o$ m$st %o''o"4G he to'- the bir-; F0emember him;G
!hen he trans%erre- it to his 'e%t sho$'-er4 %rom "hence it contin$e- to stare at me4 makin) no
e%%ort to -epart;
FAo$ m$st )o no"4 Cor"in4G he sai-4 F<$ick'1; Bo$nt 1o$r horse an- ri-e so$th4 passin) into
(ha-o" as soon as 1o$ can; ,e''ri-e; #et as %ar a"a1 %rom here as possib'e;G
F=here am : )oin)4 +ather>G : aske- him;
F!o the Co$rts o% Chaos; Ao$ kno" the "a1>G
F:n theor1; : ha&e ne&er ri--en the -istance;G
,e no--e- s'o"'1;
F!hen )et mo&in)4G he sai-; F: "ant 1o$ to create as )reat a time -i%%erentia' as 1o$ can bet"een
this p'ace an- 1o$rse'%;G
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-4 Fb$t : -o not $n-erstan-;G
FAo$ "i''4 "hen the time comes;G
FB$t there is an easier "a14G : proteste-; F: can )et there %aster an- "ith a 'ot 'ess bother simp'1
b1 )ettin) in to$ch "ith Bene-ict "ith his !r$mp an- ha&in) him take me thro$)h;G
FNo )oo-4G /a- sai-; F:t "i'' be necessar1 %or 1o$ to take the 'on)er ro$te beca$se 1o$ "i'' be
carr1in) somethin) "hich "i'' be con&e1e- to 1o$ a'on) the "a1;G
FCon&e1e-> ,o">G
,e reache- $p an- stroke- the re- bir-@s %eathers;
FB1 1o$r %rien- here; ,e co$'- not %'1 a'' the "a1 to the Co$rtsDnot in time4 that is;G
F=hat "i'' he brin) me>G
F!he Ee"e'; : -o$bt that : "i'' be ab'e to e%%ect the trans%er m1se'% "hen : ha&e %inishe- "hat :
ha&e to -o "ith it; :ts po"ers ma1 be o% some bene%it to $s in that p'ace;G
F: see4G : sai-; FB$t : sti'' nee- not ri-e the entire -istance; : can !r$mp thro$)h a%ter : recei&e
F: %ear not; Once : ha&e -one "hat m$st be -one here4 the !r$mps "i'' a'' become inoperati&e
%or a perio- o% time;G
FBeca$se the entire %abric o% e.istence "i'' be $n-er)oin) an a'teration; Bo&e no"4 -amn itI #et
on 1o$r horse an- ri-eIG
: stoo- an- stare- a moment 'on)er;
F+ather4 is there no other "a1>G
,e simp'1 shook his hea- an- raise- his han-; ,e be)an to %a-e;
: t$rne- an- mo$nte-; !here "as more to sa14 b$t it "as too 'ate; : t$rne- (tar to"ar- the trai'
that "o$'- take me so$th"ar-;
=hi'e /a- "as ab'e to p'a1 "ith the st$%% o% (ha-o" atop 3o'&ir4 : ha- ne&er been ab'e to; :
re<$ire- a )reater -istance %rom Amber in or-er to "ork the shi%ts;
(ti''4 kno"in) that it co$'- be -one4 : %e't that : o$)ht to tr1; (o4 "orkin) m1 "a1 so$th"ar-
across bare stone an- -o"n rock1 passes "here the "in- ho"'e-4 : so$)ht to "arp the %abric or
bein) abo$t me as : hea-e- to"ar- the trai' that 'e- to #arnath;
;;;A sma'' c'$mp o% b'$e %'o"ers as : ro$n-e- a ston1 sho$'-er;
: )re" e.cite- at this4 %or the1 "ere a mo-est part o% m1 "orkin); : contin$e- to 'a1 m1 "i''
$pon the "or'- to come be1on- each t"istin) o% m1 "a1;
A sha-o" %rom a trian)$'ar stone4 across m1 path;;;A shi%tin) o% the "in-;;;
(ome o% the sma''er ones "ere in-ee- "orkin); A back"ar- t"ist to the trai';;;A cre&ice;;;An
ancient bir-@s nest4 hi)h on a rock1 she'%;;;Bore o% the b'$e %'o"ers;;;=h1 not> A tree;;;Another;;;
: %e't the po"er mo&in) "ithin me; : "orke- more chan)es;
A tho$)ht came to me then4 concernin) m1 ne"%o$n- stren)th; :t seeme- possib'e that it mi)ht
ha&e been p$re'1 ps1cho'o)ica' reasons "hich ha- barre- me %rom per%ormin) s$ch
manip$'ations ear'ier; *nti' &er1 recent'1 : ha- consi-ere- Amber herse'% the sin)'e4 imm$tab'e
rea'it1 %rom "hich a'' sha-o"s took their %orm; No" : rea'i6e- she "as b$t %irst amon) sha-o"s4
an- that the p'ace "here m1 %ather stoo- represente- the hi)her rea'it1; !here%ore4 "hi'e the
pro.imit1 ma-e it -i%%ic$'t it -i- not make it impossib'e to e%%ect chan)es in this p'ace; Aet4 $n-er
other circ$mstances : "o$'- ha&e sa&e- m1 stren)th $nti' : ha- reache- a point "here it "as
easier to shi%t thin)s abo$t;
No"4 no" tho$)h4 the nee- %or haste 'a1 $pon me; : "o$'- ha&e to e.ert m1se'%4 to r$sh4 to -o
m1 %ather@s bi--in);
B1 the time : reache- the trai' 'ea-in) -o"n the so$thern %ace o% 3o'&ir4 the character o% the 'an-
ha- a'rea-1 chan)e-; : 'ooke- $pon a series o% )ent'e s'opes4 rather than the steep -escent "hich
norma''1 marke- the "a1; : "as a'rea-1 enterin) the sha-o"'an-s;
!he b'ack roa- sti'' 'a1 'ike a -ark scar to m1 'e%t as : hea-e- -o"n"ar-4 b$t the #arnath
thro$)h "hich it ha- been c$t "as in s'i)ht'1 better shape than that "hich : kne" so "e''; :ts
'ines "ere so%ter4 %rom %'ocks o% )reener1 "hich 'a1 some"hat nearer the -ea- s"ath; :t "as as
tho$)h m1 c$rse $pon the 'an- "ere s'i)ht'1 miti)ate-; :''$sion o% %ee'in)4 o% co$rse4 %or this "as
no 'on)er e.act'1 m1 Amber; B$t4 : am sorr1 %or m1 part in this4 : a--resse- e&er1thin) menta''14
ha'%-pra1er 'ike; : ri-e no" to tr1 to $n-o it; +or)i&e me4 O spirit o% this p'ace; B1 e1es mo&e- in
the -irection o% the #ro&e o% the *nicorn4 b$t it "as too %ar to the "est4 maske- b1 too man1
trees4 %or me e&en to )'impse that sacre- )'a-e;
!he s'ope )re" more 'e&e' as : -escen-e-4 becomin) a series o% )ent'e %oothi''s; : 'et (tar mo&e
%aster as "e crosse- them4 bearin) to the so$th"est4 then %ina''1 the so$th; 9o"er4 'o"er; At a
)reat -istance to m1 'e%t the sea spark'e- an- shone; (oon the b'ack roa- "o$'- come bet"een
$s4 %or : "as -escen-in) into #arnath in its -irection; No matter "hat : -i- "ith (ha-o"4 : "o$'-
not be ab'e to erase that omino$s presence; :n %act4 the %astest co$rse : co$'- %a''o" "o$'- be one
that para''e'e- it;
=e came at 'ast to the %'oor o% the &a''e1; !he +orest o% Ar-en to"ere- %ar to m1 ri)ht4 s"eepin)
"est"ar-4 immense an- &enerab'e; : ro-e on4 "orkin) "hat chan)es : co$'- to bear me e&en
%arther %rom m1 home;
=hi'e keepin) the b'ack roa- on han-4 : sta1e- a )oo- -istance %rom it; : ha- to4 since it "as the
one thin) : co$'- not chan)e; : kept shr$bs4 trees an- 'o" hi''s bet"een $s;
: reache- o$t then4 an- the te.t$re o% the 'an- chan)e-;
7eins o% a)ate;;;,eaps o% schist;;;A -arkenin) o% the )reener1;;;
C'o$-s s"immin) across the sk1;;;!he s$n shimmerin) an- -ancin);;;
=e increase- o$r pace; !he 'an- sank 'o"er sti''; (ha-o"s 'en)thene-4 mer)e-; !he %orest
retreate-; A rock1 "a'' )re" to m1 ri)ht4 another to m1 'e%t;;;; A co'- "in- p$rs$e- me -o"n a
ro$)h can1on; (trata streaksDre-4 )o'-4 1e''o" an- bro"nD%'ashe- b1; !he %'oor o% the can1on
)re" san-1; /$st -e&i's sp$n abo$t $s; : 'eane- %arther %or"ar- as the "a1 be)an to rise once
a)ain; !he "a''s s'ante- in"ar-4 )re" c'oser to)ether;
!he "a1 narro"e-4 narro"e-; : co$'- a'most to$ch either "a'';;;;
!heir tops came to)ether; : ro-e thro$)h a sha-o"1 t$nne'4 s'o"in) as it -arkene-;;;;
Phosphorescent -esi)ns b$rst into bein); !he "in- ma-e a moanin) noise; O$t thenI
!he 'i)ht %rom the "a''s "as b'in-in)4 an- )iant cr1sta's rose a'' abo$t $s; =e p'$n)e- past4
%o''o"in) an $p"ar- trai' that 'e- a"a1 %rom this re)ion an- thro$)h a series o% moss1 -e''s
"here sma''4 per%ect'1 circ$'ar poo's 'a1 sti'' as )reen )'ass;
!a'' %erns appeare- be%ore $s an- "e ma-e o$r "a1 amon) them; : hear- a -istant tr$mpetin)
!$rnin)4 pacin);;;0e- no" the %erns4 "i-er an- 'o"er;;;Be1on-4 a )reat p'ain4 pinkin) into
+or"ar-4 o&er pa'e )rasses;;;!he sme'' o% %resh earth;;;Bo$ntains or -ark c'o$-s %ar ahea-;;;A
r$sh o% stars %rom m1 'e%t;;;A <$ick spra1 o% moist$re;;;A b'$e moon 'eaps into the
sk1;;;+'ickerin)s amon) the -ark masses;;;Bemories an- a r$mb'in) noise;;;(tormsme'' an-
r$shin) air;;;
A stron) "in-;;;C'o$-s across the stars;;;A bri)ht %ork spearin) a shattere- tree to m1 ri)ht4
t$rnin) it to %'ame;;;A tin)'in) sensation;;;!he sme'' o% o6one;;;(heets o% "ater $pon me;;;A ro"
o% 'i)hts to m1 'e%t;;;
C'atterin) -o"n a cobb'e- street;;;A stran)e &ehic'e approachin);;;C1'in-rica'4 ch$))in);;;=e
a&oi- one another;;;A sho$t p$rs$es me;;;!hro$)h a 'i)hte- "in-o" the %ace o% a chi'-;;;
C'atterin);;;(p'ashin);;;(tore%ronts an- homes;;;!he rain 'ets $p4 -ies -o"n4 is )one;;;A %o)
b'o"s b14 'in)ers4 -eepens4 is pear'e- b1 a )ro"in) 'i)ht to m1 'e%t;;;
!he terrain so%tens4 )ro"s re-;;;!he 'i)ht "ithin the mist bri)htens;;;A ne" "in-4 %rom behin-4 a
)ro"in) "armth;;;!he air breaks apart;;;
(k1 o% pa'e 'emon;;;Oran)e s$n r$shin) to"ar- noon;;;
A sh$--erI A thin) not o% m1 -oin)4 tota''1 $nanticipate-;;;!he )ro$n- mo&es beneath $s4 b$t
there is more to it than that; !he ne" sk14 the ne" s$n4 the r$st1 -esert : ha&e ?$st no" entere-D
a'' o% them e.pan- an- contract4 %a-e an- ret$rn; !here comes a crackin) so$n-4 an- "ith each
%a-in) : %in- (tar an- m1se'% a'one4 ami- a "hite nothin)nessDcharacters "itho$t a settin); =e
trea- $pon nothin); !he 'i)ht comes %rom e&er1"here an- i''$minates on'1 o$rse'&es; A stea-1
crackin) noise4 as o% the sprin) tha" come $pon a 0$ssian ri&er : ha- once ri--en besi-e4 %i''s
m1 ears; (tar4 "ho has pace- man1 sha-o"s4 emits a %ri)htene- so$n-;
: 'ook a'' abo$t me; B'$rre- o$t'ines appear4 sharpen4 )ro" c'ear; B1 en&ironment is restore-4
tho$)h "ith a some"hat "ashe--o$t 'ook to it; A bit o% the pi)ment has been -raine- %rom the
=e "hee' to the 'e%t4 racin) %or a 'o" hi''4 mo$ntin) it4 ha'tin) %ina''1 at its s$mmit;
!he b'ack roa-; :t too seems -enat$re-Db$t e&en more so than the rest; :t ripp'es beneath m1
)a6e4 a'most seems to $n-$'ate as : "atch; !he crackin) noise contin$es4 )ro"s 'o$-er;;;;
A "in- comes o$t o% the north4 )ent'e at %irst b$t increasin) in %orce; 9ookin) in that -irection4 :
see a mass o% -ark c'o$-s b$i'-in);
: kno" that : m$st mo&e as : ha&e ne&er mo&e- be%ore; *'timates o% -estr$ction an- creation are
occ$rrin) at the p'ace : &isite-D=hen> No matter; !he "a&es mo&e o$t"ar- %rom Amber an-
this4 too4 ma1 pass a"a1Dan- me a'on) "ith it; :% /a- cannot p$t it a'' back to)ether a)ain; :
shake the reins; =e race so$th"ar-;
A p'ain;;;!rees;;;(ome broken b$i'-in)s;;;+aster;;;
!he smoke o% a %orest a%ire;;;A "a'' o% %'ame;;;#one;;;
Ae''o" sk14 b'$e c'o$-s;;;An arma-a o% -iri)ib'es crossin);;;
!he s$n -rops 'ike a piece o% hot iron into a b$cket o% "ater4 stars become streaks;;;A pa'e 'i)ht
$pon a strai)ht trai';;;(o$n-s -opp'ere- %rom -ark smears4 the "ai'in);;;Bri)hter the 'i)ht4 %ainter
the prospect;;;#ra14 to m1 ri)ht4 m1 'e%t;;;Bri)hter no";;;Nothin) b$t the trai' m1 e1es to
ri-e;;;!he "ai'in) hei)htens to a shriek;;;+orms r$n to)ether;;;=e race thro$)h a t$nne' o%
(ha-o";;;:t be)ins to re&o'&e;;;;
!$rnin)4 t$rnin);;;On'1 the roa- is rea';;;!he "or'-s )o b1;;;: ha&e re'ease- m1 contro' o% the
sets an- ri-e no" the thr$st o% the po"er itse'%4 aime- on'1 to remo&e me %rom Amber an- h$r'
me to"ar- Chaos;;;!here is "in- $pon me an- the cr1 in m1 ears;;;Ne&er be%ore ha&e : p$she-
m1 po"er o&er (ha-o" to its 'imit;;;!he t$nne' )ro"s as s'ick an- seam'ess as )'ass;;;: %ee' : am
ri-in) -o"n a &orte.4 a mae'strom4 the heart o% a torna-o;;;(tar an- : are -renche- "ith
s"eat;;;!here is a "i'- %ee'in) o% %'i)ht $pon me4 as tho$)h : am p$rs$e-;;;!he roa- is become an
abstraction;;;B1 e1es stin) as : tr1 to b'ink a"a1 the perspiration;;;: cannot ho'- this ri-e m$ch
'on)er;;;!here comes a throbbin) at the base o% m1 sk$'';;;;
: -ra" back )ent'1 $pon the reins an- (tar be)ins to s'o";;;;
!he "a''s o% m1 t$nne' o% 'i)ht )ro" )rain1;;;B'otches o% )ra14 b'ack4 "hite4 rather than a
$ni%ormit1 o% sha-in);;;Bro"n;;;A hint o% b'$e;;;#reen;;;!he "ai'in) -escen-s to a h$m4 a
r$mb'e4 %a-in);;;#ent'er the "in-;;;(hapes come an- )o;;;; ('o"in)4 s'o"in);;;
!here is no path; : ri-e on moss1 earth; !he sk1 is b'$e4 the c'o$-s are "hite; : am &er1 'i)ht-
hea-e-; : -ra" rein; :D
: "as shocke- as : 'o"ere- m1 e1es; : stoo- at the o$tskirts o% a to1 &i''a)e; ,o$ses : co$'- ho'-
in the pa'm o% m1 han-4 minisc$'e roa-s4 tin1 &ehic'es cra"'in) a'on) them;;;;
: 'ooke- back; =e ha- cr$she- a n$mber o% these -imin$ti&e resi-ences; : 'ooke- a'' aro$n-;
!here "ere %e"er to the 'e%t; : )$i-e- (tar care%$''1 in that -irection4 kept mo&in) $nti' "e ha-
'e%t that p'ace; : %e't ba- abo$t itD"hate&er it "asD"hoe&er -"e''e- there; B$t there "as not a
thin) that : co$'- -o;
: mo&e- a)ain4 passin) thro$)h (ha-o"4 $nti' : came to "hat seeme- a -eserte- <$arr1 beneath
a )reenish sk1; : %e't hea&ier here; : -ismo$nte-4 took a -rink o% "ater4 "a'ke- aro$n- a bit;
: breathe- -eep'1 o% the -amp air that en)$'%e- me; : "as %ar %rom Amber no"4 abo$t as %ar as
one e&er nee- )o4 an- "e'' on m1 "a1 to Chaos; : ha- se'-om come this %ar be%ore; =hi'e : ha-
chosen this p'ace %or a rest stop beca$se it represente- the nearest thin) to norma'c1 : co$'- catch
ho'- o%4 the chan)es "o$'- soon be )ettin) more an- more ra-ica';
: "as stretchin) m1 crampe- m$sc'es "hen : hear- the shriek4 hi)h in the air abo&e me;
: 'ooke- $p an- sa" the -ark %orm -escen-in)4 #ra1s"an-ir comin) b1 re%'e. into m1 han-; B$t
the 'i)ht ca$)ht it at a proper an)'e as it came -o"n4 an- the "in)e- %orm took %ire on its "a1;
B1 %ami'iar bir- circ'e-4 circ'e-4 -escen-e- to m1 o$tstretche- arm; !hose %ri)htenin) e1es
re)ar-e- me "ith a pec$'iar inte''i)ence4 b$t : -i- not spare them the attention : mi)ht ha&e on
another occasion; :nstea-4 : sheathe- #ra1s"an-ir an- reache- %or the thin) the bir- bore; !he
Ee"e' o% ?$-)ment;
: kne" b1 this that /a-@s e%%ort4 "hate&er it ha- amo$nte- to4 "as %inishe-; !he Pattern ha-
either been repaire- or botche-; ,e "as either a'i&e or -ea-; Choose a co$p'e %rom either
co'$mn; !he e%%ects o% his act "o$'- be sprea-in) o$t"ar- %rom Amber thro$)h (ha-o" no"4
'ike the ripp'es in the pro&erbia' pon-; : "o$'- 'earn more o% them soon eno$)h; :n the
meantime4 : ha- m1 or-ers;
: -re" the chain o&er m1 hea- an- 'et the Ee"e' %a'' $pon m1 breast; : remo$nte- (tar; B1
b'oo-bir- emitte- a short cr1 an- rose into the air;
=e mo&e- a)ain;
;;;O&er a 'an-scape "here the sk1 "hitene- as the )ro$n- -arkene-; !hen the 'an- %'are- an- the
sk1 )re" b'ack; !hen the re&erse; An- a)ain;;;"ith each stri-e the e%%ect shi%te-4 an- as "e
mo&e- %aster it b$i't to a stroboscopic series o% sti''-shots abo$t $s4 )ra-$a''1 )ro"in) to a ?erk1
animation4 then the h1peracti&e <$a'it1 o% a si'ent %i'm; +ina''14 a'' "as a b'$r;
Points o% 'i)ht %'ashe- past4 'ike meteors or comets; : be)an to %ee' a throbbin) sensation4 as o% a
cosmic heartbeat; 2&er1thin) be)an to t$rn abo$t me4 as tho$)h : ha- been ca$)ht $p in a
(omethin) "as )oin) "ron); : seeme- to be 'osin) contro'; Co$'- it be that the e%%ects o% /a-@s
-oin)s ha- a'rea-1 reache- the area o% (ha-o" thro$)h "hich : passe-> :t seeme- har-'1 'ike'1;
(tar st$mb'e-; : c'$n) ti)ht'1 as "e "ent -o"n4 not "ishin) to be separate- in (ha-o"; : str$ck
m1 sho$'-er on a har- s$r%ace an- 'a1 there %or a moment4 st$nne-;
=hen the "or'- came to)ether abo$t me a)ain4 : sat $p an- 'ooke- aro$n-;
A $ni%orm t"i'i)ht pre&ai'e-4 b$t there "ere no stars; :nstea-4 'ar)e rocks o% &ario$s shapes an-
si6es -ri%te- an- ho&ere- in the air; : )ot to m1 %eet an- 'ooke- a'' abo$t;
:t "as possib'e4 %rom "hat : co$'- see o% it4 that the irre)$'ar ston1 s$r%ace on "hich : stoo- "as
itse'% b$t a mo$ntain-si6e- bo$'-er -ri%tin) "ith the others; (tar rose an- stoo- shi&erin) at m1
si-e; An abso'$te si'ence containe- $s; !he sti'' air "as coo'; !here "as not another 'i&in) thin)
in si)ht; : -i- not 'ike this p'ace; : "o$'- not ha&e ha'te- here o% m1 o"n &o'ition; : kne't to
inspect (tar@s 'e)s; : "ante- to 'ea&e as soon as possib'e4 pre%erab'1 mo$nte-;
As : "as abo$t this4 : hear- a so%t ch$ck'e "hich mi)ht ha&e come %rom a h$man throat;
: pa$se-4 restin) m1 han- $pon #ra1s"an-ir@s hi't an- seekin) the so$rce o% the so$n-; Nothin);
Aet : ha- hear- it; : t$rne- s'o"'14 'ookin) in e&er1 -irection; No;;;
!hen it came a)ain; On'1 this time4 : rea'i6e- that it ha- its so$rce o&erhea-;
: scanne- the %'oatin) rocks; (ha-o"--rape-4 it "as -i%%ic$'t to -istin)$ishD!hereI
!en meters abo&e the )ro$n- an- thirt1 or so to m1 'e%t4 "hat appeare- to be a h$man %orm
stoo- atop a sma'' is'an- in the sk14 re)ar-in) me; : consi-ere- it; =hate&er it "as4 it seeme- too
%ar o%% to pose a threat; : "as certain that : co$'- be )one be%ore it co$'- reach me; : mo&e- to
mo$nt (tar;
FNo )oo-4 Cor"in4G ca''e- the &oice : 'east "ante- to hear ?$st then; FAo$ are 'ocke- here;
!here is no "a1 1o$ can -epart "itho$t m1 'ea&e;G
: smi'e- as : mo$nte-4 then -re" #ra1s"an-ir;
F9et@s %in- o$t4G : sai-; FCome bar m1 "a1;G
F7er1 "e''4G he rep'ie-4 an- %'ames spran) %rom the bare rock4 to"erin) %$'' circ'e abo$t me4
'ickin)4 spra"'in)4 so$n-'ess;
(tar "ent "i'-; : s'amme- #ra1s"an-ir back into the scabbar-4 "hippe- a corner o% m1 c'oak
across (tar@s e1es4 spoke soothin) "or-s; As : -i- this4 the circ'e en'ar)e-4 the %ires rece-in)
to"ar- the e-)es o% the )reat rock on "hich "e stoo-;
FCon&ince->G came the &oice; F!his p'ace is too sma''; 0i-e in an1 -irection; Ao$r mo$nt "i''
panic a)ain be%ore 1o$ can (hi%t into (ha-o";G
F#oo--b1e4 Bran-4G : sai-4 an- : be)an to ri-e;
: ro-e in a 'ar)e co$nterc'ock"ise circ'e abo$t the rock1 s$r%ace4 shie'-in) (tar@s ri)ht e1e %rom
the %'ames abo$t the peripher1 o% thin)s; : hear- Bran- ch$ck'e a)ain4 not rea'i6in) "hat : "as
A pair o% 'ar)e rocks;;;#oo-; : ro-e on b14 contin$in) the co$rse; No" a ?a))e- he-)e o% stone to
m1 'e%t4 a rise4 a -ip;;;A mess o% sha-o" the %ires cast4 across m1 path;;;!here; /o"n;;;*p; A
to$ch o% )reen to that patch o% 'i)ht;;;: co$'- %ee' the shi%tin) be)in;
!he %act that it is easier %or $s to take a strai)ht co$rse -oes not make it the on'1 "a1; =e a''
p$rs$e it so m$ch o% the time4 tho$)h4 that "e ten- to %or)et that one can a'so make pro)ress b1
)oin) aro$n- in circ'es;;;;
: co$'- %ee' the shi%t more stron)'1 as : neare- the t"o 'ar)e rocks a)ain; Bran- ca$)ht on abo$t
then4 a'so;
F,o'- it4 Cor"inIG
: thre" him a %in)er an- c$t bet"een the rocks4 hea-in) -o"n into a narro" can1on speck'e-
"ith points o% 1e''o" 'i)ht; Accor-in) to speci%ications;
: -re" m1 c'oak a"a1 %rom (tar@s hea- an- shook the reins; !he can1on c$t abr$pt'1 to the
ri)ht; =e %o''o"e- it into a better-'i)hte- a&en$e "hich "i-ene- an- bri)htene- as "e "ent;
;;;Beneath a ?$ttin) o&erhan)4 sk1 o% mi'k sha-in) to pear' on its other si-e;
0i-in) -eeper4 %aster4 %arther;;;A ?a))e- c'i%% cro"ne- the $pper ta'$s to m1 'e%t4 )reenin) in
t"iste- si)n o% shr$bber1 beneath a pink-&o$che- sk1;
: ro-e $nti' the )reener1 "as b'$er1 beneath a 1e''o" sk14 ti'' the can1on rose to meet a 'a&en-er
p'ain "here oran)e rocks ro''e- as the )ro$n- "as shaken beneath $s in time "ith o$r hoo%beats;
: crosse- there $n-er "hee'in) comets4 comin) to -ie shore o% a b'oo--re- sea in a p'ace o%
hea&1 per%$mes; : ro-e a 'ar)e )reen s$n an- a sma'' bron6e one o$t o% the sk1 as : pace- that
shore4 "hi'e ske'eta' na&ies c'ashe- an- serpents o% the -eep circ'e- their oran)e an- b'$e-sai'e-
&esse's; !he Ee"e' p$'se- $pon me an- : -re" stren)th %rom it; A "i'- "in- came $p an- 'o%te-
$s thro$)h a copper-c'o$-e- sk1 abo&e a "ai'in) chasm "hich seeme- to e.ten- %ore&er4 b'ack-
bottome-4 spark-shot4 %$min) "ith hea-1 scents;;;;
At m1 back4 the so$n- o% th$n-er4 cease'ess;;;+ine 'ines4 'ike the cra<$e'$re o% an o'- paintin)4
abreast o% $s4 a-&ancin)4 e&er1"here;;;Co'-4 a %ra)rance-ki''in) "in- p$rs$es;;;
9ines;;;!he cracks "i-en4 b'ackness %'o"s to %i'';;;/ark streaks race b14 $p4 -o"n4 back $pon
themse'&es;;;!he sett'in) o% a net4 the 'abors o% a )iant4 in&isib'e spi-er4 "or'--trappin);;;
/o"n4 -o"n an- -o"n;;;!he )ro$n- a)ain4 "rink'e- an- 'eather1 as a m$mm1@s
neck;;;(o$n-'ess4 o$r throbbin) passa)e;;;(o%ter the th$n-er4 %a''in) the "in-;;;/a-@s 'ast )asp>
(pee- no" an- a"a1;;;
A narro"in) o% 'ines4 to the %ineness o% an etchin)4 %a-in) then in the three s$ns@ heat;;;An-
%aster 1et;;;
A ri-er4 approachin);;;,an- to hi't in time to m1 o"n;;;Be; B1se'% comin) back> (im$'taneo$s4
o$r sa'$tes;;;!hro$)h one another4 someho"4 the air 'ike a sheet o% "ater that one -r1
instant;;;=hat Carro'' mirror4 "hat 0ebma4 !ir-na No)@th e%%ect;;;Aet %ar4 %ar to m1 'e%t4 a b'ack
thin) "rithin);;;=e pace the roa-;;;:t 'ea-s me on;;;
=hite sk14 "hite )ro$n- an- no hori6on;;;($n'esa an- c'o$-'ess the prospect;;;On'1 that threa-
o% b'ack4 %ar o%%4 an- )'eamin) p1rami-s e&er1"here4 massi&e4 -isconcertin);;;
=e tire; : -o not 'ike this p'ace;;;B$t "e ha&e o$tr$n "hate&er process p$rs$es; /ra" rein;
: "as tire-4 b$t : %e't a stran)e &ita'it1 "ithin me; :t seeme- as tho$)h it arose %rom "ithin m1
breast;;;!he Ee"e'; O% co$rse; : ma-e an e%%ort to -ra" $pon this po"er a)ain; : %e't it %'o"
o$t"ar- thro$)h m1 'imbs4 bare'1 ha'tin) at m1 e.tremities; :t "as a'most as i%DAes; : rea-ie-
o$t an- 'a1 m1 "i'' $pon m1 b'ank an- )eometrica' s$rro$n-in)s; !he1 be)an to a'ter;
:t "as a mo&ement; !he p1rami-s sh$%%'e- b14 -arkenin) as the1 passe-; !he1 shrank4 the1
mer)e-4 the1 passe- to )ra&e'; !he "or'- t$rne- $psi-e -o"n an- : stoo- as on the $n-ersi-e o%
a c'o$-4 "atchin) 'an-scapes %'ash b1 beneathSabo&e;
9i)ht streame- $p"ar- past me4 %rom a )o'-en s$n beneath m1 %eet; !his4 too4 passe-4 an- the
%'eec1 )ro$n- -arkene-4 %irin) "aters $p"ar- to ero-e the passin) 'an-; 9i)htnin)s ?$mpe- $p to
strike the "or'- o&erhea-4 to break it apart; :n p'aces it shattere- an- its pieces %e'' abo$t me;
!he1 be)an to s"ir' as a "a&e o% -arkness passe-;
=hen the 'i)ht came a)ain4 b'$ish this time4 it he'- no point so$rce an- -escribe- no 'an-;
;;;#o'-en bri-)es cross the &oi- in )reat streamers4 one o% them %'ashin) beneath $s e&en no";
=e "in- a'on) its co$rse4 stan-in) the "hi'e sti'' as a stat$e;;;+or an a)e4 perhaps4 this )oes on;
A phenomenon not $nre'ate- to hi)h"a1 h1pnosis enters thro$)h m1 e1es4 '$''s me -an)ero$sr1;
: can to acce'erate o$r passa)e; Another a)e )oes b1; +ina''14 %ar ahea-4 a -$sk14 mist1 b'otch4
o$r termin$s4 )ro"in) &er1 s'o"'1 -espite o$r &e'ocit1;
B1 the time "e reach it4 it is )i)anticDan is'an- in the &oi- %oreste- o&er "ith )o'-en4 meta''ic
: stop the motion "hich has borne $s th$s %ar an- "e mo&e %or"ar- $n-er o$r o"n po"er4
enterin) that "oo-; #rass 'ike a'$min$m %oi' cr$nches beneath $s as "e pass amon) those trees;
(tran)e %r$it4 pa'e an- shin14 han)s abo$t me; !here are no anima' so$n-s imme-iate'1 apperent;
=orkin) o$r "a1 in"ar-4 "e come to a sma'' c'earin) thro$)h "hich a <$icksi'&er stream %'o"s;
!here4 : -ismo$nt;
FBrother Cor"in4G comes that &oice a)ain; F: ha&e been "aitin) %or 1o$;G
: %ace- the "oo-4 "atche- him emer)e %rom it; : -i- not -ra" m1 "eapon4 as he ha- not -ra"n
his; : reache- -o"n into the Ee"e' "ith m1 min-4 tho$)h; A%ter the e.ercise : ha- ?$st comp'ete-4
: rea'i6e- that : co$'- -o a 'ot more than contro' "eather "ith it; =hate&er Bran-@s po"er4 : %e't
:@- a "eapon no" "ith "hich to con%ront it -irect'1; !he Ee"e' p$'se- more -eep'1 as : -i- this;
F!r$ce4G Bran- sai-; FOka1> Ba1 "e ta'k>G
F: -o not see that "e ha&e an1thin) more to sa1 to one another4G : to'- him;
F:% 1o$ -o not )i&e me a chance 1o$ "i'' ne&er kno" %or certain4 "i'' 1o$>G
,e came to a ha't abo$t se&en meters a"a14 %'$n) his )reen c'oak back o&er his 'e%t sho$'-er an-
FA'' ri)ht; (a1 it4 "hate&er it is4G : sai-;
F: trie- to stop 1o$4G he sai-4 Fback there4 %or the Ee"e'; :t is ob&io$s that 1o$ kno" "hat it is
no"4 that 1o$ rea'i6e ho" important it is;G
: sai- nothin);
F/a- has a'rea-1 $se- it4G he contin$e-4 Fan- : am sorr1 to report that he has %ai'e- in "hat he
set o$t to -o "ith it;G
F=hat> ,o" co$'- 1o$ kno">G
F: can see thro$)h (ha-o"4 Cor"in; : "o$'- ha&e tho$)ht o$r sister ha- %i''e- 1o$ in more
thoro$)h'1 on these matters; =ith a 'itt'e menta' e%%ort4 : can percei&e "hate&er : choose no";
Nat$ra''14 : "as concerne- "ith the o$tcome o% this a%%air; (o : "atche-; ,e is -ea-4 Cor"in; !he
e%%ort "as too m$ch %or him; ,e 'ost contro' o% the %orces he "as manip$'atin) an- "as b'aste-
b1 them a 'itt'e o&er ha'%"a1 thro$)h the Pattern;G
FAo$ 'ieIG : sai-4 to$chin) the Ee"e';
,e shook his hea-;
F: a-mit that : am not abo&e '1in) to )ain m1 en-s4 b$t this time : am te''in) the tr$th; /a- is
-ea-; : sa" him %a''; !he bir- bro$)ht 1o$ the Ee"e' then4 as he ha- "i''e- it; =e are 'e%t in a
$ni&erse "itho$t a Pattern;G
: -i- not "ant to be'ie&e him; B$t it "as possib'e that /a- ha- %ai'e-; : ha- the ass$rance o% the
on'1 e.pert in the b$siness4 /"orkin4 as to the -i%%ic$'t1 o% the task;
F#rantin) %or the moment "hat 1o$ ha&e sai-4 "hat happens ne.t>G : aske-;
F!hin)s %a'' apart4G he rep'ie-; F2&en no"; Chaos "e''s $p to %i'' the &ac$$m back at Amber; A
)reat &orte. has come into bein)4 an- it )ro"s; :t sprea-s e&er o$t"ar-4 -estro1in) the sha-o"
"or'-s4 an- it "i'' not stop $nti' it meets "ith the Co$rts o% Chaos4 brin)in) a'' o% creation %$''
circ'e4 "ith Chaos once more to rei)n o&er a'';G
: %e't -a6e-; ,a- : str$))'e- %rom #reen"oo-4 thro$)h e&er1thin)4 to here4 to ha&e it en- this
"a1> =o$'- : see e&er1thin) strippe- o% meanin)4 %orm4 content4 'i%e4 "hen thin)s ha- been
p$she- to a kin- o% comp'etion>
FNoIG : sai-; F:t cannot be so;G
F*n'ess;;;G Bran- sai- so%t'1; F*n'ess "hat>G
F*n'ess a ne" Pattern is inscribe-4 a ne" or-er create- to preser&e %orm;G
FAo$ mean ri-e back into that mess an- tr1 to comp'ete the ?ob> Ao$ ?$st sai- that the p'ace no
'on)er e.ists;G
FNo; O% co$rse not; !he 'ocation is $nimportant; =here&er there is a Pattern there is a center4
'et@s -o it ri)ht here;G
FAo$ think that 1o$ can s$ccee- "here /a- %ai'e->G
F: ha&e to tr1; : am the on'1 one "ho kno"s eno$)h abo$t it an- has s$%%icient time be%ore the
"a&es o% Chaos arri&e; 9isten4 : a-mit to e&er1thin) +iona has -o$bt'ess to'- 1o$ abo$t me; :
ha&e scheme- an- : ha&e acte-; : ha&e -ea't "ith the enemies o% Amber; : ha&e she- o$r b'oo-; :
trie- to b$rn o$t 1o$r memor1; B$t the "or'- as "e kno" it is bein) -estro1e- no"4 an- : 'i&e
here too; A'' o% m1 p'ansDe&er1thin)ID"i'' come to nothin) i% some meas$re o% or-er is not
preser&e-; Perhaps : ha&e been -$pe- b1 the 9or-s o% Chaos; :t is -i%%ic$'t %or me to a-mit that4
b$t : see the possibi'it1 no"; :t is not too 'ate to %oi' them4 tho$)h; =e can b$i'- the ne" bastion
o% or-er ri)ht here;G
F: nee- the Ee"e'Dan- 1o$r assistance; !his "i'' be the site o% the ne" Amber;G
F($pposin)DarguendoD: )i&e it to 1o$; =o$'- the ne" Pattern be e.act'1 'ike the o'- one>G
,e shook his hea-;
F:t co$'- not be4 an1 more than the one /a- "as attemptin) to create "o$'- ha&e been 'ike
/"orkin@s; No t"o a$thors can ren-er the same stor1 in the same %ashion; :n-i&i-$a' st1'istic
-i%%erences cannot be a&oi-e-; No matter ho" har- : mi)ht tr1 to -$p'icate it4 m1 &ersion "o$'-
be s'i)ht'1 -i%%erent;G
F,o" co$'- 1o$ -o this4G : aske-4 F"hen 1o$ are not %$''1 att$ne- to the Ee"e'> Ao$ "o$'- nee-
a Pattern to comp'ete the process o% att$nementDan-4 as 1o$ sa14 the Pattern has been -estro1e-;
=hat )i&es>G
!hen4 F: sai- that : "o$'- nee- 1o$r he'p4G he state-; F!here is another "a1 to att$ne a person to
the Ee"e'; :t re<$ires the assistance o% someone "ho is a'rea-1 att$ne-; Ao$ "o$'- ha&e to
pro?ect 1o$rse'% thro$)h the Ee"e' once more4 an- take me "ith 1o$Dinto an- thro$)h the
primar1 Pattern that 'ies be1on-;G
FAn- then>G
F=h14 "hen the or-ea' is past : "i'' be att$ne-4 1o$ )i&e me the Ee"e'4 : inscribe a ne" Pattern
an- "e are back in b$siness; !hin)s ho'- to)ether; 9i%e )oes on;G
F=hat o% Chaos>G
F!he ne" Pattern "i'' be $nmarre-; !he1 "i'' no 'on)er ha&e the roa- )i&in) them access to
F=ith /a- -ea-4 ho" "o$'- the ne" Amber be r$n>G
,e smi'e- crooke-'1;
F: o$)ht to ha&e somethin) %or m1 pains4 o$)htn@t :> : "i'' be riskin) m1 'i%e "ith this4 an- the
o--s are not a'' that )oo-;G
: smi'e- back at him;
FConsi-erin) the pa1o%%4 "hat is to pre&ent me %rom takin) the )amb'e m1se'%>G : sai-;
F!he same thin) that pre&ente- /a- %rom s$ccee-in)Da'' the %orces o% Chaos; !he1 are
s$mmone- b1 a kin- o% cosmic re%'e. "hen s$ch an act is be)$n; : ha&e ha- more e.perience
"ith them than 1o$; Ao$ "o$'- not ha&e a chance; : mi)ht;G
FNo" 'et $s sa1 that 1o$ are '1in) to me; Bran-; Or 'et $s be kin- an- sa1 that 1o$ -i- not see
c'ear'1 thro$)h a'' the t$rmoi'; ($pposin) /a- -i- s$ccee-> ($pposin) there is a ne" Pattern in
e.istence ri)ht no"> =hat "o$'- happen i% 1o$ "ere to -o another4 here4 no">G
F:;;;:t has ne&er been -one be%ore; ,o" sho$'- : kno">G
F: "on-er4G : sai-; FBi)ht 1o$ sti'' )et 1o$r o"n &ersion o% rea'it1 that "a1> Bi)ht it represent
the sp'ittin) o%% o% a ne" $ni&erseDAmber an- (ha-o"D?$st %or 1o$> Bi)ht it ne)ate o$rs> Or
"o$'- it simp'1 stan- apart> Or "o$'- there be some o&er'appin)> =hat -o 1o$ think4 )i&en that
,e shr$))e- his sho$'-ers;
F: ha&e a'rea-1 ans"ere- that; :t has ne&er been -one be%ore; ,o" sho$'- : kno">G
FB$t : think that 1o$ -o kno"4 or can make a &er1 )oo- )$ess at it; : think that that is "hat 1o$
are p'annin)4 that that is "hat 1o$ "ant to tr1Dbeca$se that is a'' 1o$ ha&e 'e%t no"; : take this
action on 1o$r part as an in-ication that /a- has s$ccee-e- an- that 1o$ are -o"n to 1o$r 'ast
car-; B$t 1o$ nee- me an- 1o$ nee- the Ee"e' %or it; Ao$ cannot ha&e either;G
,e si)he-;
F: ha- e.pecte- more o% 1o$; B$t a'' ri)ht; Ao$ are "ron)4 b$t 'ea&e it at that; 9isten4 tho$)h;
0ather than see e&er1thin) 'ost4 : "i'' sp'it the rea'm "ith 1o$;G
FBran-4G : sai-4 F)et 'ost; Ao$ cannot ha&e the Ee"e'4 or m1 he'p; : ha&e hear- 1o$ o$t4 an- :
think that 1o$ are '1in);G
FAo$ are a%rai-4G he sai-4 Fa%rai- o% me; : -o not b'ame 1o$ %or not "antin) to tr$st me; B$t 1o$
are makin) a mistake; Ao$ nee- me no";G
FNe&erthe'ess4 : ha&e ma-e m1 choice;G
,e took a step to"ar- me; Another;;;
FAn1thin) 1o$ "ant4 Cor"in; : can )i&e 1o$ an1thin) 1o$ care to name;G
F: "as "ith Bene-ict in !ir-na No)@th4G : sai-4 F'ookin) thro$)h his e1es4 'istenin) "ith his ears4
"hen 1o$ ma-e him the same o%%er; (ho&e it; Bran-; : am )oin) on "ith m1 mission; :% 1o$
think that 1o$ can stop me4 no" is as )oo- a time as an1;G
: be)an "a'kin) to"ar- him; : kne" that : "o$'- ki'' him i% : reache- him; : a'so %e't that :
"o$'- not reach him;
,e ha'te-; ,e took a step back"ar-;
FAo$ are makin) a bi) mistake4G he sai-;
F: -o not think so; : think that : am -oin) e.act'1 the ri)ht thin);G
F: "i'' not %i)ht "ith 1o$4G he sai- hasti'1; FNot here4 not abo&e the ab1ss; Ao$ ha&e ha- 1o$r
chance4 tho$)h; !he ne.t time that "e meet4 : "i'' ha&e to take the Ee"e' %rom 1o$;G
F=hat )oo- "i'' it be to 1o$4 $natt$ne->G
F!here mi)ht sti'' be a "a1 %or me to mana)e itDmore -i%%ic$'t4 b$t possib'e; Ao$ ha&e ha-
1o$r chance; #oo-b1e;G
,e retreate- into the "oo-; : %o''o"e- a%ter4 b$t he ha- &anishe-;
: 'e%t that p'ace an- ro-e on4 a'on) a roa- o&er nothin); : -i- not 'ike to consi-er the possibi'it1
that Bran- mi)ht ha&e been te''in) the tr$th4 or at 'east a part o% it; B$t the thin)s he ha- sai-
kept ret$rnin) to p'a)$e me; ($pposin) /a- ha- %ai'e-> !hen : "as on a %oo'@s erran-;
2&er1thin) "as a'rea-1 o&er4 an- it "as ?$st a matter o% time; : -i- not 'ike 'ookin) back4 ?$st in
case somethin) "as )ainin) on me; : passe- into a mo-erate'1 pace- he''ri-e; : "ante- to )et to
the others be%ore the "a&es o% Chaos reache- that %ar4 ?$st to 'et them kno" that : ha- kept %aith4
to 'et them see that in the en- : ha- trie- m1 best; : "on-ere- then ho" the act$a' batt'e "as
)oin); Or ha- it e&en be)$n 1et4 "ithin that time %rame>
: s"ept a'on) the bri-)e4 "hich "i-ene- no" beneath a bri)htenin) sk1; As it ass$me- the
aspect o% a )o'-en p'ain4 : consi-ere- Bran-@s threat; ,a- he sai- "hat he ha- sai- simp'1 to raise
-o$bts4 increase m1 -iscom%ort an- impair m1 e%%icienc1> Possib'1; Aet4 :% he re<$ire- the Ee"e'
he "o$'- ha&e to amb$sh me; An- : ha- a respect %or that stran)e po"er he ha- ac<$ire- o&er
(ha-o"; :t seeme- a'most impossib'e to prepare %or an attack b1 someone "ho co$'- "atch m1
e&er1 mo&e an- transport himse'% instantaneo$s'1 to the most a-&anta)eo$s spot; ,o" soon
mi)ht it come> Not too soon4 : )$esse-; +irst4 he "o$'- "ant to %ra66'e m1 ner&esDan- : "as
a'rea-1 tire- an- more than a 'itt'e p$nch1; : "o$'- ha&e to rest4 to s'eep4 sooner or 'ater; :t "as
impossib'e %or me to )o that )reat -istance in a sin)'e stretch4 no matter ho" acce'erate- the
+o)s o% pink an- oran)e an- )reen %'e- past4 s"ir'e- abo$t me4 %i''in) $p the "or'-; !he )ro$n-
ran) beneath $s 'ike meta'; Occasiona' m$sica' tones4 as o% r$n) cr1sta'4 occ$rre- o&erhea-; B1
tho$)hts -ance-; Bemories o% man1 "or'-s came an- "ent in ran-om %ashion; #ane'on4 m1
%rien--enem14 an- m1 %ather4 enem1-%rien-4 mer)e- an- parte-4 parte- an- mer)e-; (ome"here
one o% them aske- me "ho ha- a ri)ht to the throne; : ha- tho$)ht it "as #ane'on4 "antin) to
kno" o$r se&era' ?$sti%ications; No" : kne" that it ha- been /a-4 "antin) to kno" m1 %ee'in)s;
,e ha- ?$-)e-; ,e ha- ma-e his -ecision; An- : "as backin) o$t; =hether it "as arreste-
-e&e'opment4 the -esire to be %ree o% s$ch an enc$mbrance4 or a matter o% s$--en en'i)htenment
base- on a'' that : ha- e.perience- in recent 1ears4 )ro"in) s'o"'1 "ithin me4 )rantin) me a
more mat$re &ie" o% the onero$s ro'e o% monarch apart %rom its moments o% )'or14 : -o not
kno"; : remembere- m1 'i%e on the sha-o" 2arth4 %o''o"in) or-ers4 )i&in) them; +aces s"am
be%ore meDpeop'e : ha- kno"n o&er the cent$riesD%rien-s4 enemies4 "i&es4 'o&ers4 re'ati&es;
9orraine seeme- to be beckonin) me on; Boire 'a$)hin)4 /eir-re "eepin); : %o$)ht a)ain "ith
2ric; : reca''e- m1 %irst passa)e thro$)h the Pattern4 as a bo14 an- the 'ater one "hen4 step b1
step4 m1 memor1 "as )i&en back to me; B$r-ers4 thie&eries4 kna&eries4 se-$ctions ret$rne-
beca$se4 as Ba''or1 sai-4 the1 "ere there; : "as $nab'e4 e&en4 to p'ace them a'' correct'1 in terms
o% time; !here "as no )reat an.iet1 beca$se there "as no )reat )$i't; !ime4 time4 an- more time
ha- so%tene- the e-)es o% harsher thin)s4 ha- "orke- its chan)es on me; : sa" m1 ear'ier se'&es
as -i%%erent peop'e4 ac<$aintances : ha- o$t)ro"n; : "on-ere- ho" : co$'- e&er ha&e been some
o% them; As : r$she- on"ar-4 scenes %rom m1 past seeme- to so'i-i%1 in ti'e mists abo$t me; No
poetic 'icense here; Batt'es in "hich : ha- taken part ass$me- tan)ib'e %orm4 sa&e %or a tota'
absence o% so$n-Dthe %'are o% "eapons4 the co'ors o% $ni%orms4 banners an- b'oo-; An- peop'e
Dmost o% them no" 'on) -ea-Dmo&e- %rom m1 memor1 into si'ent animation abo$t me; None
o% these "ere members o% m1 %ami'14 b$t a'' o% them "ere peop'e "ho ha- once meant
somethin) to me; Aet there "as no specia' pattern to it; !here "ere nob'e -ee-s as "e'' as
shame%$'C enemies as "e'' as %rien-sDan- none o% the persons in&o'&e- took note o% m1
passa)eC a'' "ere ca$)ht $p in some 'on)-past se<$ence o% actions; : "on-ere- then at the nat$re
o% the p'ace thro$)h "hich : ro-e; =as it some "atere---o"n &ersion o% !irana No)@th4 "ith
some min--sensiti&e s$bstance in the &icinit1 that -re" %rom me an- pro?ecte- abo$t me this
F!his :s Ao$r 9i%eG panorama> Or "as : simp'1 be)innin) to ha''$cinate> : "as tire-4$s4
tro$b'e-4 -istresse-4 an- : passe- a'on) a "a1 "hich pro&i-e- a monotono$s4 )ent'e stim$'ation
o% the senses o% the sort 'ea-in) to re&erie;;;; :n %act4 : rea'i6e- that : ha- 'ost contro' o&er
(ha-o" sometime back an- "as no" simp'1 procee-in) in a 'inear %ashion across this 'an-scape4
trappe- m a kin- o% e.terna'i6e- narcissim b1 the spectac'e;;;; : rea'i6e- then that : ha- to stop
an- restDprobab'1 e&en s'eep a 'itt'eDtho$)h : %eare- -oin) so in this p'ace; : "o$'- ha&e to
break %ree an- make m1 "a1 to a more se-ate4 -eserte- spot;;;;
: "renche- at m1 s$rro$n-in)s; : t"iste- thin)s abo$t; : broke %ree;
(oon : "as ri-in) in a ro$)h4 mo$ntaino$s area4 an- short'1 therea%ter : came to the ca&e that :
=e passe- "ithin4 an- : ten-e- to (tar; : ate an- -rank ?$st eno$)h to take the e-)e o%% m1
h$n)er; : b$i't no %ire; : "rappe- m1se'% in m1 c'oak an- in a b'anket : ha- bro$)ht; : he'-
#ra1s"an-ir in m1 ri)ht han-; : 'a1 %acin) the -arkness be1on- the ca&emo$th;
: %e't a 'itt'e sick; : kne" that Bran- "as a 'iar4 b$t his "or-s bothere- me an1"a1;
B$t : ha- a'"a1s been )oo- at )oin) to s'eep; : c'ose- m1 e1es an- "as )one;
Chapter !
: "as a"akene- b1 a sense o% presence; Or ma1be it "as a noise an- a sense o% presence;
=hate&er4 : "as a"ake an- : "as certain that : "as not a'one; : ti)htene- m1 )rip on
#ra1s"an-ir an- opene- m1 e1es; Be1on- that4 : -i- not mo&e;
A so%t 'i)ht4 'ike moon'i)ht4 came in thro$)h the ca&emo$th; !here "as a %i)$re4 possib'1
h$man4 stan-in) ?$st insi-e; !he 'i)htin) "as s$ch that : co$'- not te'' "hether it %ace- me or
%ace- o$t"ar-; B$t then it took a step to"ar- me;
: "as on m1 %eet4 the point o% m1 b'a-e to"ar- its breast; :t ha'te-;
FPeace4G sai- a man@s &oice4 in !hari; F: ha&e b$t taken re%$)e %rom the storm; Ba1 : share 1o$r
F=hat storm>G : aske-;
As i% in ans"er4 there came a ro'' o% th$n-er %o''o"e- b1 a )$st o% "in- "ith the sme'' o% rain
"ithin it;
FOka14 that m$ch is tr$e4G : sai-; FBake 1o$rse'% com%ortab'e;G
,e sat -o"n4 "e'' insi-e4 his back a)ainst the ri)hthan- "a'' o% the ca&e; : %o'-e- m1 b'anket %or
a pa- an- seate- m1se'% across %rom him; Abo$t %o$r meters separate- $s; : 'ocate- m1 pipe an-
%i''e- it4 then trie- a match "hich ha- been "ith me %rom the sha-o" 2arth; :t 'it4 sa&in) me a 'ot
o% tro$b'e; !he tobacco ha- a )oo- sme''4 mi.e- "ith the -amp bree6e; : 'istene- to the so$n-s o%
the rain an- re)ar-e- the -ark o$t'ine o% m1 name'ess companion; : tho$)ht o&er some possib'e
-an)ers4 b$t it ha- not been Bran-@s &oice "hich ha- a--resse- me;
F!his is no nat$ra' storm4G the other sai-;
FOh> ,o" so>G
F+or one thin)4 it is comin) o$t o% the north; !he1 ne&er come o$t o% the north4 here4 this time o%
F!hat@s ho" recor-s are ma-e;G
F+or another4 : ha&e ne&er seen a storm beha&e this "a1; : ha&e been "atchin) it a-&ance a'' -a1
D?$st a stea-1 'ine4 mo&in) s'o"'14 %ront 'ike a sheet o% )'ass; (o m$ch 'i)htnin)4 it 'ooks 'ike a
monstro$s insect "ith h$n-re-s o% shin1 'e)s; Bost $nnat$ra'; An- behin- it4 thin)s ha&e )ro"n
&er1 -istorte-;G
F!hat happens in the rain;G
FNot that "a1; 2&er1thin) seems to be chan)in) its shape; +'o"in); As i% it is me'tin) the "or'-
Dor stampin) a"a1 its %orms;G
: sh$--ere-; : ha- tho$)ht that : "as %ar eno$)h ahea- o% the -ark "a&es that : co$'- take a 'itt'e
rest; (ti''4 he mi)ht be "ron)4 an- it co$'- ?$st be an $n$s$a' storm; B$t : -i- not "ant to take
the chance; : rose an- t$rne- to the rear o% the ca&e; : "hist'e-;
No response; : "ent back an- )rope- aro$n-;
F(omethin) the matter>G
FB1 horse is )one;G
FCo$'- it ha&e "an-ere- o%%>G
FB$st ha&e; :@- ha&e tho$)ht (tar@- ha&e better sense4 tho$)h;G
: "ent to the ca&emo$th b$t co$'- see nothin); : "as ha'%--renche- in the instant : "as there; :
ret$rne- to m1 position besi-e the 'e%t "a'';
F:t seems 'ike an or-inar1 eno$)h storm to me4G : sai-; F!he1 sometimes )et prett1 ba- in the
FPerhaps 1o$ kno" this co$ntr1 better than : -o>G
FNo4 : am ?$st tra&e'in) thro$)hDa thin) : ha- better be contin$in) soon4 too;G
: to$che- the Ee"e'; : rea-ie- into it4 then thro$)h it4 o$t an- $p4 "ith m1 min-; : %e't the storm
abo$t me an- or-ere- it a"a14 "ith re- p$'ses o% ener)1 correspon-in) to m1 heartbeats; !hen :
'eane- back4 %o$n- another match an- re'it m1 pipe; :t "o$'- sti'' take a "hi'e %or the %orces :
ha- manip$'ate- to -o their "ork4 a)ainst a storm%ront o% this si6e;
F:t "i'' not 'ast too 'on)4G : sai-;
F,o" can 1o$ te''>G
FPri&i'e)e- in%ormation;G
,e ch$ck'e-;
FAccor-in) to some &ersions4 this is the "a1 that the "or'- en-sDbe)innin) "ith a stran)e
storm %rom o$t o% the north;G
F!hat@s ri)ht4G : sai-4 Fan- this is it; Nothin) to "orr1 abo$t4 tho$)h; :t "i'' be a'' o&er4 one "a1
or the other4 be%ore too 'on);G
F!hat stone 1o$ are "earin);;;:t is )i&in) o%% 'i)ht;G
FAo$ "ere ?okin) abo$t this bein) the en-4 tho$)hD"ere 1o$ not>G
FAo$ make me think o% that 'ine %rom the ,o'1 BookD!he Archan)e' Cor"in sha'' pass be%ore
the storm4 'i)htnin) $pon his breast;;;; Ao$ "o$'- not be name- Cor"in4 "o$'- 1o$>G
F,o" -oes the rest o% it )o>G
F;;;=hen aske- "here he tra&e's4 he sha'' sa14 @!o the en-s o% the 2arth4@ "here he )oes not
kno"in) "hat enem1 "i'' ai- him a)ainst another enem14 nor "hom the ,orn "i'' to$ch;G
F!hat@s a''>G
FA'' there is abo$t the Archan)e' Cor"in;G
F: ha&e r$n into this -i%%ic$'t1 "ith (cript$re in the past; :t te''s 1o$ eno$)h to )et intereste-4 b$t
ne&er eno$)h to be o% an1 imme-iate $se; :t is as tho$)h the a$thor )ets his kicks b1 tanta'i6in);
One enem1 a)ainst another> !he ,orn> Beats me;G
F=here -o 1o$ tra&e'>G
FNot too %ar4 $n'ess : can %in- m1 horse;G
: ret$rne- to the ca&emo$th; :t "as 'ettin) $p no"4 "ith a )'o" 'ike a moon behin- some c'o$-s
to the "est4 another to the east; : 'ooke- both "a1s a'on) the trai' an- -o"n the s'ope to the
&a''e1; No horses an1"here in si)ht; : t$rne- back to the ca&e; E$st as : -i-4 ho"e&er4 : hear-
(tar@s "hinn1 %ar be'o" me;
: ca''e- back to the stran)er in the ca&e4 F: ha&e to )o; Ao$ can ha&e the b'anket;G
: -o not kno" "hether he rep'ie-4 %or : mo&e- o%% into the -ri66'e then4 pickin) m1 "a1 -o"n
the s'ope; A)ain4 : e.erte- m1se'% thro$)h the Ee"e'4 an- the -ri66'e ha'te-4 to be rep'ace- b1 a
!he rocks "ere s'ipper14 b$t : ma-e it ha'%"a1 -o"n "itho$t st$mb'in); : pa$se- then4 both to
catch m1 breath an- to )et m1 bearin)s; +rom that point4 : "as not certain as to the e.act
-irection %rom "hi-h (tar@s "hinn1 ha- come; !he moon@s 'i)ht "as a 'itt'e stron)er4 &isibi'it1 a
bit better4 b$t : sa" nothin) as : st$-ie- the prospect be%ore me; : 'istene- %or se&era' min$tes;
!hen : hear- the "hinn1 once moreD%rom be'o"4 to m1 'e%t4 near a -ark bo$'-er4 cairn or rock1
o$tcrop; !here -i- seem to be some sort o% t$rmoi' in the sha-o"s at its base; Bo&in) as <$ick'1
as : -are-4 : 'ai- m1 co$rse in that -irection;
As : reache- 'e&e' )ro$n- an- h$rrie- to"ar- the p'ace o% the action4 : passe- pockets o% )ro$n-
mist4 stirre- s'i)ht'1 b1 a bree6e %rom o$t o% the "est4 snakin) si'&er14 abo$t m1 ank'es; : hear- a
)ratin)4 cr$nchin) so$n-4 as o% somethin) hea&1 bein) p$she- or ro''e- o&er a rock1 s$r%ace;
!hen : ca$)ht si)ht o% a )'eam o% 'i)ht4 'o" on the -ark mass : "as approachin);
/ra"in) nearer4 : sa" sma''4 man'ike %orms o$t'ine- in a rectan)'e o% 'i)ht4 str$))'in) to mo&e a
)reat rock1 s'ab; +aint echoes o% a c'atterin) so$n- an- another "hinn1 came %rom their
-irection; !hen the stone be)an to mo&e4 s"in)in) 'ike the -oor that it probab'1 "as; !he 'i)hte-
area -iminishe-4 narro"e- to a s'i&er4 &anishe- "ith a boomin) so$n-4 a'' o% the str$))'in)
%i)$res ha&in) %irst passe- "ithin;
=hen : %ina''1 reache- that rock1 mass a'' "as si'ent once a)ain; : presse- m1 ear to the stone4
b$t hear- nothin); B$t4 "hoe&er the1 "ere4 the1 ha- taken m1 horse; : ha- ne&er 'ike- horse
thie&es4 an- : ha- ki''e- m1 share in the past; An- ri)ht no"4 : nee-e- (tar as : ha- se'-om
nee-e- a horse; (o : )rope- abo$t4 seekin) the e-)es o% that ston1 )ate;
:t "as not too -i%%ic$'t to -escribe its o$t'ines "ith m1 %in)ertips; : probab'1 'ocate- it sooner
than : "o$'- ha&e b1 -a1'i)ht; =hen e&er1thin) "o$'- ha&e b'en-e- an- mer)e- more rea-i'1 to
ba%%'e the e1e; 3no"in) its sit$ation4 : so$)ht %$rther then a%ter some han-ho'- b1 "hich : mi)ht
-ra" it; !he1 ha- seeme- to be 'itt'e )$1s4 so : 'ooke- 'o";
: %ina''1 -isco&ere- "hat mi)ht ha&e been the proper p'ace an- sei6e- ho'- o% it; : p$''e- then4
b$t it "as st$bborn; 2ither the1 "ere -isproportionate'1 stron) or there "as a trick to it that : "as
No matter; !here is a time %or s$bt'et1 an- a time %or br$te %orce; : "as both an)r1 an- in a
h$rr14 so the -ecision "as ma-e;
: be)an to -ra" $pon the s'ab once a)ain4 ti)htenin) the m$sc'es in m1 arms4 m1 sho$'-ers4 m1
back4 "ishin) #erar- "ere nearb1; !he -oor creake-; : kept p$''in); :t mo&e- s'i)ht'1Dan inch4
perhapsDan- st$ck; : -i- not s'acken4 b$t increase- m1 e%%ort; :t creake- a)ain;
: 'eane- back"ar-4 shi%te- m1 "ei)ht an- brace- m1 'e%t %oot a)ainst the rock1 "a'' at the si-e
o% the porta'; : p$she- "ith it as : -re" back; !here "as more creakin) an- some )rin-in) as it
mo&e- a)ainDanother inch or so; !hen it stoppe- an- : co$'- not b$-)e it;
: re'ease- m1 )rip an- stoo-4 %' m1 arms; !hen : p$t m1 sho$'-er to it an- p$she- the -oor
back to its %$''1 c'ose- position; : took a -eep breath an- sei6e- it a)ain;
: p$t m1 'e%t %oot back "here it ha- been; No )ra-$a' press$re this time; : 1anke- an- sho&e-
!here "as a snappin) so$n- an- a c'atterin) %rom "ithin4 an- the -oor came %or"ar- aho$t ha'%
a %oot4 )rin-in) as it mo&e-; :t seeme- %reer no"4 tho$)h4 so : )ot to m1 %eet4 re&erse- m1
positionDback to "a''Dan- %o$n- s$%%icient p$rchase to p$sh it o$t"ar-;
:t mo&e- more easi'1 this time4 b$t : co$'- not resist p'acin) m1 %oot a)ainst it as it be)an to
s"in) an- thr$stin) %or"ar- as har- as : co$'-; :t shot thro$)h a %$'' h$n-re- an- ei)ht1 -e)rees4
s'amme- back a)ainst the rock on the other si-e "ith a )reat boomin) noise4 %ract$re- in se&era'
p'aces4 s"a1e-4 %e'' an- str$ck the )ro$n- "ith a crash that ma-e it sh$--er4 breakin) o%% more
%ra)ments "hen it hit;
#ra1s"an-ir "as back in m1 han- be%ore it str$ck4 an- : ha- -roppe- into a cro$ch an- sto'en a
<$ick 'ook abo$t the corner;
9i)ht;;;!here "as i''$mination be1on-;;;+rom 'itt'e 'amps -epen-in) %rom hooks a'on) the
"a'';;;Besi-e the stair"a1;;;#oin) -o"n;;;!o a p'ace o% )reater 'i)ht an- some so$n-s;;;9ike
!here "as no one in si)ht; : "o$'- ha&e tho$)ht that the )o-a"%$' -in : ha- raise- "o$'- ha&e
ca$)ht someone@s atten-on4 b$t the m$sic contin$e-; 2ither the so$n-Dsomeho"Dha- not
carrie-4 or the1 -i- not )i&e a -amn; 2ither "a1;;;
: rose an- steppe- o&er the thresho'-; B1 %oot str$ck a)ainst a meta' ob?ect; : picke- it $p an-
e.amine- it; A t"iste- bo't; !he1 ha- barre- the -oor a%ter themse'&es; : tosse- it back o&er m1
sho$'-er an- starte- -o"n the stair;
!he m$sicD%i--'es an- pipesD)re" 'o$-er as : a-&ance-; +rom the breakin) o% the 'i)ht4 :
co$'- see that there "as some sort o% ha'' o%% to m1 ri)ht4 %rom the %oot o% the stair; !he1 "ere
sma'' steps an- there "ere a 'ot o% them; : -i- not bother "ith stea'th4 b$t h$rrie- -o"n to the
=hen : t$rne- an- 'ooke- into the ha''4 : behe'- a scene o$t o% some -r$nken :rishman@s -ream;
:n a smok14 torch'it ha''4 hor-es o% meter hi)h peop'e4 re--%ace- an- )reen c'a-4 "ere -ancin) to
the m$sic or <$a%%in) "hat appeare- to be m$)s o% a'e "hi'e stampin) their %eet4 s'appin)
tab'etops an- each other4 )rinnin)4 'a$)hin) an- sho$tin); ,$)e ke)s 'ine- one "a''4 an- a
n$mber o% the re&e'ers "ere <$e$e- $p be%ore the one "hich ha- been tappe-; An enormo$s %ire
b'a6e- in a pit at the %ar en- o% the room4 its smoke bein) s$cke- back thro$)h a cre&ice in the
rock "a''4 abo&e a pair o% ca&emo$ths r$nnin) an1"here; (tar "as tethere- to a rin) in the "a''
besi-e that pit4 an- a h$sk1 'itt'e man in a 'eather apron "as )rin-in) an- honin) some
s$spicio$s-'ookin) instr$ments;
(e&era' %aces t$rne- in m1 -irection4 there "ere sho$ts an- s$--en'1 the m$sic stoppe-; !he
si'ence "as a'most comp'ete;
: raise- m1 b'a-e to an o&erhan-4 epee en )ar-e position4 pointe- across the room to"ar- (tar;
A'' %aces "ere t$rne- in m1 -irection b1 then;
F: ha&e come %or m1 horse4G : sai-; F2ither 1o$ brin) him to me or : come an- )et him; !here
"i'' be a 'ot more b'oo- the secon- "a1;G
+rom o%% to m1 ri)ht4 one o% the men4 'ar)er an- )ra1er than most o% the others4 c'eare- his
FBe))in) 1o$r par-on4G he be)an4 Fb$t ho" -i- 1o$ )et in here>G
FAo$ "i'' be nee-in) a ne" -oor4G : sai-; F#o an- 'ook i% 1o$ care to4 i% it makes an1 -i%%erence
Dan- it ma1; : "i'' "ait;G
: steppe- asi-e an- p$t the "a'' to m1 back;
,e no--e-;
F: "i'' -o that;G
An- he -arte- b1;
: co$'- %ee' m1 an)er-born stren)th %'o"in) into an- back o$t o% the Ee"e'; One part o% me
"ante- to c$t an- s'ash an- stab m1 "a1 across the room4 another "ante- a more h$mane
sett'ement "ith peop'e so m$ch sma''er than m1se'%C an- a thir- an- perhaps "iser part
s$))este- that the 'itt'e )$1s mi)ht not be s$ch p$sho&ers; (o : "aite- to see ho" m1 -oor-
openin) %eat impresse- their spokesman;
Boments 'ater4 he ret$rne-4 )i&in) me "i-e berth;
FBrin) the man his horse4G he sai-;
A s$--en %'$rr1 o% con&ersation occ$rre- "ithin the ha''; : 'o"ere- m1 b'a-e;
FB1 apo'o)ies4G sai- the one "ho ha- )i&en the or-er; F=e -esire no tro$b'e "ith the 'ike o%
1o$; =e "i'' be %ora)in) e'se"here; No har- %ee'in)s4 : hope>G
!he man in the 'eather apron ha- $ntethere- (tar an- starte- in m1 -irection; !he re&e'ers -re"
back to make "a1 as he 'e- m1 mo$nt thro$)h the ha'';
: si)he-;
F: "i'' ?$st ca'' it a -a1 an- %or)i&e an- %or)et4G : sai-;
!he 'itt'e man sei6e- a %'a)on %rom a nearb1 tab'e an- passe- it to me; (eein) m1 e.pression4 he
sippe- %rom it himse'%;
FEoin $s in a -rink4 then>G
F=h1 not>G : sai-4 an- : took it an- <$a%%e- it as he -i- the same "ith the secon- one;
,e )a&e a )ent'e be'ch an- )rinne-;
F @!is a mi)ht1 sma'' -ra$)ht %or a man o% 1o$r si6e4G he sai- then; F9et me %etch 1o$ another4
%or the trai';G
:t "as a p'easant a'e4 an- : "as thirst1 a%ter m1 e%%orts;
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-;
,e ca''e- %or more as (tar "as -e'i&ere- to me;
FAo$ can "rap the reins aro$n- this hook here4G he sai-4 in-icatin) a 'o" pro?ection near the
-oor"a14 Fan- he "i'' be sa%e o$t o% the "a1;G
: no--e- an- -i- that as the b$tcher "ith-re"; No one "as starin) at me an1 'on)er; A pitcher o%
the bre" arri&e- an- the 'itt'e man re%i''e- o$r %'a)ons %rom it; One o% the %i--'ers str$ck $p a
%resh t$ne; Boments 'ater4 another ?oine- him;
F(it a spe''4G sai- m1 host4 p$shin) a bench in m1 -irection "ith his %oot; F3eep 1o$r back to
the "a'' as 1o$ "o$'-; !here "i'' be no %$nn1 b$siness;G
: -i-4 an- he ro$n-e- the tab'e an- seate- himse'% across %rom me4 the pitcher bet"een $s; :t "as
)oo- to sit %or a %e" moments4 to take m1 min- %rom m1 ?o$rne1 %or ?$st a 'itt'e "hi'e4 to -rink
the -ark a'e an- 'isten to a 'i&e'1 t$ne;
F: "i'' not be apo'o)i6in) a)ain4G sai- m1 companion4 Fnor e.p'ainin) either; =e both kno" it
"as no mis$n-erstan-in); B$t 1o$ ha&e )ot the ri)ht on 1o$r si-e4 it is p'ain to see;G ,e )rinne-
an- "inke-; F(o : am %or ca''in) it a -a14 too; =e "i'' not star&e; =e "i'' ?$st not %east toni)ht;
!is a 'o&e'1 ?e"e' 1o$ are "earin); !e'' me abo$t it>G
FE$st a stone4G : sai-;
!he -ancin) res$me-; !he &oices )re" 'o$-er; : %inishe- m1 -rink an- he re%i''e- the %'a)on;
!he %ire $n-$'ate-; !he ni)ht@s co'- "ent o$t o% m1 bones;
FCo61 p'ace 1o$@&e )ot here4G : sai-;
FOh4 that it is; (er&e- $s %or time o$t o% min-4 it has; =o$'- 1o$ be 'ikin) the )ran- to$r>G
F!hank 1o$4 no;G
F: -i- not think so4 b$t @t"as m1 host'1 -$t1 to o%%er; Ao$ are "e'come to ?oin in the -ancin)4
too4 i% 1o$ "ish;G
: shook m1 hea- an- 'a$)he-; !he tho$)ht o% m1 ca&ortin) in this p'ace bro$)ht me ima)es o$t
o% ("i%t;
F!hanks an1"a1;G
,e pro-$ce- a c'a1 pipe an- procee-e- to %i'' it; : c'eane- m1 o"n an- -i- the same; (omeho"
a'' -an)er seeme- past; ,e "as a )enia' eno$)h 'itt'e %e''o"4 an- the others seeme- harm'ess
no" "ith their m$sic an- their steppin);
Aet;;;: kne" the stories %rom another p'ace4 %ar4 so %ar %rom here;;;!o a"aken in the mornin)4
nake-4 in some %ie'-4 a'' traces o% this spot &anishe-;;;: kne"4 1et;;;
A %e" -rinks seeme- sma'' peri'; !he1 "ere "armin) me no"4 an- the keenin) o% the pipes an-
the "ai'in)s o% the %i--'es "ere p'easant a%ter the brain-n$mbin) t"istin)s o% the he''ri-e; :
'eane- back an- p$%%e- smoke; : "atche- the -ancers;
!he 'itt'e man "as ta'kin)4 ta'kin); 2&er1one e'se "as i)norin) me; #oo-; : "as hearin) some
%antastic 1arn o% kni)hts an- "ars an- treas$res; !ho$)h : )a&e it 'ess than ha'% an ear4 it '$''e-
me4 e&en -re" a %e" ch$ck'es;
:nsi-e4 tho$)h4 m1 nastier4 "iser se'% "as "arnin) me8 A'' ri)ht4 Cor"in4 1o$ ha&e ha- eno$)h;
!ime to take 1o$r 'ea&e;;;
B$t4 ma)ica''1 it seeme-4 m1 )'ass ha- been re%i''e-4 an- : took it an- sippe- %rom it; One more4
one more is a'' ri)ht;
No4 sai- m1 other se'%4 he is 'a1in) a spe'' on 1o$; Can@t 1o$ %ee' it>
: -i- not %ee' that an1 -"ar% co$'- -rink me $n-er the tab'e; B$t : "as tire-4 an- : ha- not eaten
m$ch; Perhaps it "o$'- be pr$-ent;;;
: %e't m1se'% no--in); : p'ace- m1 pipe on the tab'e; 2ach time that : b'inke- it seeme- to take
'on)er to reopen m1 e1es; : "as p'easant'1 "arm no"4 "ith ?$st the 'east bit o% -e'icio$s
n$mbness in m1 tire- m$sc'es;
: ca$)ht m1se'% no--in)4 t"ice; : trie- to think o% m1 mission4 o% m1 persona' sa%et14 o% (tar;;;; :
m$mb'e- somethin)4 sti'' &a)$e'1 a"ake behin- c'ose- e1e'i-s; :t "o$'- be so )oo-4 ?$st to
remain this "a1 %or ha'% a min$te more;;;;
!he 'itt'e man@s &oice4 m$sica'4 )re" monotono$s4 -roppe- to a -rone; :t -i- not rea''1 matter
"hat he "as sa1D
(tar "hinnie-;
: sat bo't $pri)ht4 e1es "i-e4 an- the tab'ea$ be%ore me s"ept a'' s'eep %rom m1 min-;
!he m$sicians contin$e- their per%ormance4 b$t no" no one "as -ancin); A'' o% the re&e'ers
"ere a-&ancin) <$iet'1 $pon me; 2ach he'- somethin) in his han-Da %'ask4 a c$-)e'4 a b'a-e;
!he one in the 'eather apron bran-ishe- his c'ea&er; B1 companion ha- ?$st %etche- a sto$t stick
%rom "here it ha- 'eane- a)ainst the "a''; (e&era' o% them 'o%te- sma'' pieces o% %$rnit$re; Bore
o% them ha- emer)e- %rom the ca&es near the %ire pit4 an- the1 bore stones an- c'$bs; A'' traces
o% )aiet1 ha- &anishe-4 an- their %aces "ere no" either e.pression'ess4 t"iste- into )rimaces o%
hate or smi'in) &er1 nast1 smi'es;
B1 an)er ret$rne-4 b$t it "as not the "hite-heat thin) : ha- %e't ear'ier; 9ookin) at the hor-e
be%ore me4 : ha- no "ish to tack'e it; Pr$-ence ha- come to temper m1 %ee'in)s; : ha- a mission;
: sho$'- not risk m1 neck here i% : co$'- think o% another "a1 o% han-'in) thin)s; B$t : "as
certain that : co$'- not ta'k m1 "a1 o$t o% this one;
: took a -eep breath; : sa" that the1 "ere )ettin) rea-1 to r$sh me4 an- : tho$)ht s$--en'1 o%
Bran- an- Bene-ict in !ir-na No)@th4 Bran- not e&en %$''1 att$ne- to the Ee"e'; : -re" stren)th
%rom that %ier1 stone once a)ain4 )ro"in) a'ert an- rea-1 to 'a1 abo$t me i% it came to that; B$t
%irst4 : "o$'- ha&e a )o at their ner&o$s s1stems;
: "as not certain ho" Bran- ha- mana)e- it4 so : simp'1 reache- o$t thro$)h the Ee"e' as : -i-
"hen in%'$encin) the "eather; (tran)e'14 the m$sic "as sti'' p'a1in)4 as tho$)h this action o% the
'itt'e peop'e "as b$t some )ris'1 contin$ation o% their -ance;
F(tan- sti'';G : sai- it a'o$- an- : "i''e- it4 risin) to m1 %eet; F+ree6e; !$rn to stat$es; A'' o%
: %e't a hea&1 throbbin) "ithinS$pon m1 breast; : %e't the re- %orces mo&e o$t"ar-4 e.act'1 as on
those other occasions "hen : ha- emp'o1e- the Ee"e';
B1 -imin$ti&e assai'ants "ere poise-; !he nearest ones stoo- stock-sti''4 b$t there "ere sti''
some mo&ements amon) those to the rear; !hen the pipes 'et o$t a cra61 s<$ea' an- the %i--'es
%e'' si'ent; (ti''4 : -i- not kno" "hether : ha- reache- them or "hether the1 ha- ha'te- o% their
o"n accor- on seein) me stan-;
!hen : %e't the )reat "a&es o% %orce "hich %'o"e- o$t %rom me4 embe--in) the entire assemb'1
in a ti)htenin) matri.; : %e't them a'' trappe- "ithin this e.pression o% m1 "i''4 an- : reache- o$t
an- $ntethere- (tar;
,o'-in) them "ith a concentration as p$re as an1thin) : $se- "hen passin) thro$)h (ha-o"4 :
'e- (tar to the -oor"a1; : t$rne- then %or a %ina' 'ook at the %ro6en assemb'1 an- p$she- (tar on
ahea- o% me $p the stair; As : %o''o"e-4 : 'istene-4 b$t there "ere no so$n-s o% rene"e- acti&it1
%rom be'o";
=hen "e emer)e-4 -a"n "as a'rea-1 pa'in) the east; (tran)e'14 as : mo$nte-4 : hear- the
-istant so$n-s o% %i--'es; Boments 'ater4 the pipes came in on the t$ne; :t seeme- as tho$)h it
mattere- not at a'' "hether the1 s$ccee-e- or %ai'e- in their -esi)ns a)ainst meC the part1 "as
)oin) to )o on;
As : hea-e- $s so$th4 a sma'' %i)$re hai'e- me %rom the -oor"a1 : ha- so recent'1 <$itte-; :t "as
their 'ea-er "ith "hom : ha- been -rinkin); : -re" rein4 to better catch his "or-s;
FAn- "here -o 1o$ tra&e'>G he ca''e- a%ter me;
=h1 not>
F!o the en-s o% the 2arthIG : sho$te- back;
,e broke into a ?i) atop his shattere- -oor;
F+are thee "e''4 Cor"inIG he crie-;
: "a&e- to him; =h1 not4 in-ee-> (ometimes it@s -amne- har- to te'' the -ancer %rom the -ance;
Chapter "
: ro-e %e"er than a tho$san- meters to "hat ha- been the so$th4 an- e&er1thin) stoppe-D
)ro$n-4 sk14 mo$ntains; : %ace- a sheet o% "hite 'i)ht; : tho$)ht then o% the stran)er in the ca&e
an- his "or-s; ,e ha- %e't that the "or'- "as bein) b'otte- o$t b1 that storm4 that it
correspon-e- to somethin) o$t o% a 'oca' apoca'1ptic 'e)en-; Perhaps it ha-; Perhaps it ha- been
the "a&e o% Chaos o% "hich Bran- ha- spoken4 mo&in) this "a14 passin) o&er4 -estro1in)4
-isr$ptin); B$t this en- o% the &a''e1 "as $nto$che-; =h1 sho$'- it remain>
!hen : reca''e- m1 actions on r$shin) o$t into the storm; : ha- $se- the Ee"e'4 the po"er o% the
Pattern "ithin it4 to ha't the storm o&er this area; An- i% it ha- been more than an or-inar1 storm>
!he Pattern ha- pre&ai'e- o&er Chaos be%ore; Co$'- this &a''e1 "here : ha- stoppe- the rain%a''
be b$t a sma'' is'an- in a sea o% Chaos no"> :% so4 ho" "as : to contin$e>
: 'ooke- to the east4 %rom "hence the -a1 bri)htene-; No s$n stoo- ne"-risen in the hea&ens4
b$t rather a )reat4 b'in-in)'1 b$rnishe- cro"n4 a )'eamin) s"or- han)in) thro$)h it; +rom
some"here : hear- a bir- sin)in)4 notes a'most 'ike 'a$)hter; : 'eane- %or"ar- an- co&ere- m1
%ace "ith m1 han-s; Ba-ness;;;
NoI : ha- been in "eir- sha-o"s be%ore; !he %arther one tra&e'e-4 the stran)er the1 sometimes
)re"; *nti';;;=hat "as it :@- tho$)ht that ni)ht in !ir-na No)@th>
!"o 'ines %rom a stor1 o% :sak /inesen@s ret$rne- to me4 'ines "hich ha- tro$b'e- me
s$%%icient'1 to ca$se me to memori6e them4 -espite the %act that : ha- been Car' Core1 at the
time8 F;;;+e" peop'e can sa1 o% themse'&es that the1 are %ree o% the be'ie% that this "or'- "hich
the1 see aro$n- them is in rea'it1 the "ork o% their o"n ima)ination; Are "e p'ease- "ith it4
pro$- o% it4 then>G A s$mmation o% the %ami'1@s %a&orite phi'osophica' pastime; /o "e make the
(ha-o" "or'-s> Or are the1 there4 in-epen-ent o% $s4 a"aitin) o$r %oot%a''s> Or is there an
$n%air'1 e.c'$-e- mi--'e> :s it a matter o% more or 'ess4 rather than either-or> A -r1 ch$ck'e
arose s$--en'1 as : rea'i6e- that : mi)ht ne&er kno" the ans"er %or certain; Aet4 as : ha- tho$)ht
that ni)ht4 there is a p'ace4 a p'ace "here there comes an en- to (e'%4 a p'ace "here so'ipsism is
no 'on)er the p'a$sib'e ans"er to the 'oca'es "e &isit4 the thin)s that "e %in-; !he e.istence o%
this p'ace4 these thin)s4 sa1s that here4 at 'east4 there is a -i%%erence4 an- i% here4 perhaps it r$ns
back thro$)h o$r sha-o"s4 too4 in%ormin) them "ith the not-se'%4 mo&in) o$r e)os back to a
sma''er sta)e; +or this4 : %e't4 "as s$ch a p'ace4 a p'ace "here the FAre "e p'ease- "ith it4 pro$-
o% it4 then>G nee- not app'14 as the rent &a'e o% #arnath an- m1 c$rse mi)ht ha&e nearer home;
=hate&er : $'timate'1 be'ie&e-4 : %e't that : "as abo$t to enter the 'an- o% the comp'ete'1 not-:;
B1 po"ers o&er (ha-o" mi)ht "e'' be cance'e- be1on- this point;
: sat $p strai)ht an- s<$inte- a)ainst the )'are; : spoke a "or- to (tar an- shook the reins; =e
mo&e- ahea-;
+or a moment4 it "as 'ike ri-in) into a %o); On'1 it "as enormo$s'1 bri)hter4 an- there "as
abso'$te'1 no so$n-; !hen "e "ere %ai'in);
+a''in)4 or -ri%tin); A%ter the initia' shock4 it "as -i%%ic$'t to sa1; At %irst4 there "as a %ee'in) o%
-escentDperhaps intensi%ie- b1 the %act that (tar panicke- "hen it be)an; B$t there "as nothin)
to kick a)ainst4 an- a%ter a time (tar cease- a'' mo&ement sa&e %or shi&erin) an- hea&1
: he'- the reins "ith m1 ri)ht han- an- c'$tche- the Ee"e' "ith m1 'e%t; : -o not kno" "hat :
"i''e- or ho" : reache- "ith it4 e.act'14 b$t that : "ante- passa)e thro$)h this p'ace o% bri)ht
nothin)ness4 to %in- m1 "a1 once more an- mo&e on to the ?o$rne1@s en-;
: 'ost track o% time; !he %ee'in) o% -escent ha- &anishe-; =as : mo&in)4 or mere'1 ho&erin)> No
"a1 to sa1; =as the bri)htness rea''1 bri)htness4 sti''> An- that -ea-'1 si'ence;;;: sh$--ere-;
,ere "as e&en )reater sensor1 -epri&ation than in the -a1s o% m1 b'in-ness4 in m1 o'- ce''; ,ere
"as nothin)Dnot the so$n- o% a sc$tt'in) rat nor the )rin-in) o% m1 spoon a)ainst the -oorC no
-ampness4 no chi''4 no te.t$res; : contin$e- to reach;;;
:t seeme- there ha- been some momentar1 breakin) o% the &is$a' %ie'- to m1 ri)ht4 near
s$b'imina' in its bre&it1; : reache- o$t an- %e't nothin);
:t ha- been so brie% a thin) that : "as $ncertain "hether it ha- rea''1 occ$rre-; :t co$'- easi'1
ha&e been an ha''$cination;
B$t it seeme- to happen a)ain4 this time to m1 'e%t; ,o" 'on) the inter&a' bet"een4 : co$'- not
!hen : hear- somethin) 'ike a )roan4 -irection'ess; !his4 too4 "as &er1 brie%;
Ne.tDan- %or the %irst time4 : "as certainDthere came a )ra1 an- "hite 'an-scape 'ike the
s$r%ace o% the moon; !here an- )one4 perhaps a secon-@s "orth4 in a sma'' area o% m1 &is$a'
%ie'-4 o%% to m1 'e%t; (tar snorte-;
!o m1 ri)ht appeare- a %orestD)ra1 an- "hiteDt$mb'in)4 as tho$)h "e passe- one another at
some impossib'e an)'e; A sma''-screen %ra)ment4 'ess than t"o secon-s@ "orth;
!hen pieces o% a b$rnin) b$i'-in) beneath me;;;Co'or'ess;;;
(natches o% "ai'in)4 %rom o&erhea-;;;
A )host'1 mo$ntain4 a torch'it procession ascen-in) a s"itchback trai' $p its nearest %ace;;;
A "oman han)in) %rom a tree 'imb4 ta$t rope abo$t her neck4 hea- t"iste- to the si-e4 han-s tie-
behin- her back;;;
Bo$ntains4 $psi-e -o"n4 "hiteC b'ack c'o$-s beneath;;;
C'ick; A tin1 thri'' o% &ibration4 as i% "e ha- momentari'1 to$che- somethin) so'i-D(tar@s hoo%
on stone4 perhaps; !hen )one;;;
,ea-s4 ro''in)4 -rippin) b'ack )ore;;;A ch$ck'e %rom no"here;;;A man nai'e- to a "a''4 $psi-e
!he "hite 'i)ht a)ain4 ro''in) an- hea&in)4 "a&e'ike;;;
C'ick; +'icker;
+or one p$'sebeat4 "e tro- a trai' beneath a stipp'e- sk1; !he moment it "as )one4 : reache- %or
it a)ain4 thro$)h the Ee"e';
C'ick; +'icker; C'ick; 0$mb'e;
A rock1 trai'4 approachin) a hi)h mo$ntain pass;;;(ti'' monochrome4 the "or'-;;;At m1 back4 a
crashin) 'ike th$n-er;;;
: t"iste- the Ee"e' 'ike a %oc$s knob as the "or'- be)an to %a-e; :t came back a)ain;;;; !"o4
three4 %o$r;;;: co$nte- hoo%beats4 heartbeats a)ainst the )ro"'in) back)ro$n-;;;; (e&en4 ei)ht4
nine;;;!he "or'- )re" bri)hter; : took a -eep breath an- si)he- hea&i'1; !he air "as co'-;
Bet"een the th$n-er an- its echoes4 : hear- the so$n- o% rain; None %e'' $pon me4 tho$)h;
: )'ance- back;
A )reat "a'' o% rain stoo- perhaps a h$n-re- meters to the rear; : co$'- -istin)$ish on'1 the
-immest o% mo$ntain o$t'ines thro$)h it; : c'$cke- to (tar an- "e mo&e- a 'itt'e %aster4 c'imbin)
to an a'most 'e&e' stretch that 'e- bet"een a pair o% peaks 'ike t$rrets; !he "or'- ahea- "as sti'' a
st$-1 in b'ack an- "hite an- )ra14 the sk1 be%ore me -i&i-e- b1 a'ternate ban-s o% -arkness an-
'i)ht; =e entere- the pass;
: be)an to tremb'e; : "ante- to -ra" rein4 to rest4 eat4 smoke4 -ismo$nt an- "a'k aro$n-; Aet4 :
"as sti'' too c'ose to that stormscreen to so in-$')e m1se'%;
(tar@s hoo%beats echoe- "ithin the pass4 "here rock "a''s rose sheer on either han- beneath that
6ebra sk1; : hope- these mo$ntains "o$'- break this storm%ront4 tho$)h : %e't that the1 co$'- not;
!his "as no or-inar1 storm4 an- : ha- a sick %ee'in) that it stretche- a'' the "a1 back to Amber4
an- that : "o$'- ha&e been trappe- an- 'ost %ore&er "ithin it b$t %or the Ee"e';
As : "atche- that stran)e sk14 a b'i66ar- o% pa'e %'o"ers be)an to %a'' abo$t me4 bri)htenin) m1
"a1; A p'easant o-or %i''e- the air; !he th$n-er at m1 back so%tene-; !he rocks at m1 si-es "ere
shot "ith si'&er streaks; !he "or'- "as possesse- o% a t"i'i)ht %ee'in) to match the i''$mination4
an- as : emer)e- %rom the pass4 : sa" -o"n into a &a''e1 o% <$irke- perspecti&e4 -istance
impossib'e to )a$)e4 %i''e- "ith nat$ra'-seemin) spires an- minarets re%'ectin) the moon-'ike
'i)ht o% the sk1-streaks4 reminiscent o% a ni)ht in !ir-na No)@th4 intersperse- "ith si'&er1 trees4
spotte- "ith mirror-'ike poo's4 tra&erse- b1 -ri%tin) "raiths4 a'most terrace--seemin) in p'aces4
nat$ra' an- ro''in) in others4 c$t b1 "hat appeare- to be an e.tension o% the 'ine o% trai' :
%o''o"e-4 risin) an- %a''in)4 h$n) o&er b1 an e'e)iac <$a'it14 sparke- "ith ine.p'icab'e points o%
)'itter an- shine4 -e&oi- o% an1 si)ns o% habitation;
: -i- not hesitate4 b$t be)an m1 -escent; !he )ro$n- abo$t me here "as cha'k1 an- pa'e as bone
Dan- "as that the %aintest 'ine o% a b'ack roa- %ar o%% to m1 'e%t> : co$'- ?$st abo$t make it o$t;
: -i- not h$rr1 no"4 as : co$'- see that (tar "as tirin); :% the storm -i- not come on too <$ick'14
: %e't that "e mi)ht take a rest besi-e one o% the poo's in the &a''e1 be'o"; : "as tire- an- h$n)r1
: kept a 'ooko$t on the "a1 -o"n4 b$t sa" no peop'e4 no anima's; !he "in- ma-e a so%t4 si)hin)
noise; =hite %'o"ers stirre- on &ines besi-e the trai' "hen : reache- the 'o"er 'e&e's "here
re)$'ar %o'ia)e be)an; 9ookin) back4 : sa" that the storm%ront sti'' ha- not passe- the mo$ntain
crest4 tho$)h the c'o$-s contin$e- to pi'e behin- it;
: ma-e m1 "a1 on -o"n into that stran)e p'ace; !he %'o"ers ha- 'on) be%ore cease- to %a''
abo$t me4 b$t a -e'icate per%$me h$n) in the air; !here "ere no so$n-s other than o$r o"n an-
that o% the constant bree6e %rom m1 ri)ht; O--'1 shape- rock %ormations stoo- a'' abo$t me4
seemin) a'most sc$'pte- in their p$rit1 o% 'ine; !he mists sti'' -ri%te-; !he pa'e )rasses spark'e-
As : %o''o"e- the trai' to"ar- the &a''e1@s "oo-e- center4 the perspecti&es contin$e- to shi%t
abo$t me4 ske"in) -istances4 ben-in) prospects; :n %act4 : t$rne- o%% the trai' to the 'e%t to
approach "hat appeare- to be a nearb1 'ake an- it seeme- to rece-e as : a-&ance-; =hen :
%ina''1 came $pon it4 ho"e&er4 -ismo$nte- an- -ippe- a %in)er to taste4 the "ater "as ic1 b$t
!ire-4 : spra"'e- a%ter -rinkin) m1 %i''4 to "atch (tar )ra6e "hi'e : be)an a co'- mea' %rom m1
ba); !he storm "as sti'' %i)htin) to cross the mo$ntains; : 'ooke- %or a 'on) "hi'e4 "on-erin)
abo$t it; :% /a- ha- %ai'e-4 then those "ere the )ro"'s o% Arma)e--on an- this "ho'e trip "as
meanin)'ess; :t -i- me no )oo- to think that "a14 %or : kne" that : ha- to )o on4 "hate&er; B$t :
co$'- not he'p it; : mi)ht arri&e at m1 -estination4 : mi)ht see the batt'e "on4 an- then see it a''
s"ept a"a1; Point'ess;;;No; Not point'ess; : "o$'- ha&e trie-4 an- : "o$'- keep on tr1in) to the
en-; !hat "as eno$)h4 e&en i% e&er1thin) "as 'ost; /amn Bran-4 an1"a1I +or startin)D
A %oot%a'';
: "as into a cro$ch an- : "as t$rne- in that -irection "ith m1 han- on m1 b'a-e in an instant;
:t "as a "oman that : %ace-4 sma''4 c'a- in "hite; (he ha- 'on)4 -ark hair an- "i'-4 -ark e1es4
an- she "as smi'in); (he carrie- a "icker basket4 "hich she p'ace- on the )ro$n- bet"een $s;
FAo$ m$st be h$n)r14 3ni)ht at arms4G she sai- in stran)e'1 accente- !hari;
F: sa" 1o$ come; : bro$)ht 1o$ this;G
: smi'e- an- ass$me- a more norma' stance;
F!hank 1o$4G : sai-; F: am; : am ca''e- Cor"in; Ao$rse'%>G
F9a-14G she sai-;
: <$irke- an e1ebro"; F!hank 1o$D9a-1; Ao$ make 1o$r home in this p'ace>G
(he no--e- an- kne't to $nco&er the basket;
FAes4 m1 pa&i'ion is %arther back4 a'on) the 'ake;G
(he )est$re- "ith her hea-4 east"ar-Din the -irection o% the b'ack roa-;
F: see4G : sai-;
!he %oo- an- the "ine in the basket 'ooke- rea'4 %resh4 appeti6in)4 better than m1 tra&e'er@s %are;
($spicion "as "ith me4 o% co$rse;
FAo$ "i'' share it "ith me>G : aske-;
F:% 1o$ "ish;G
F: "ish;G
F7er1 "e'';G
(he sprea- a c'oth4 seate- herse'% across %rom me4 remo&e- the %oo- %rom the basket an-
arran)e- it bet"een $s; (he ser&e- it then4 an- <$ick'1 samp'e- each item herse'%; : %e't a tri%'e
i)nob'e at this4 b$t on'1 a tri%'e; :t "as a pec$'iar 'ocation %or a "oman to be resi-in)4 apparent'1
a'one4 ?$st "aitin) aro$n- to s$ccor the %irst stran)er "ho happene- a'on); /ara ha- %e- me on
o$r %irst meetin)4 a'soC an- as : mi)ht be nearin) the en- o% m1 ?o$rne14 : "as c'oser to the
enem1@s p'aces o% po"er; !he b'ack roa- "as too near at han-4 an- : ca$)ht 9a-1 e1in) the Ee"e'
on se&era' occasions;
B$t it "as an en?o1ab'e time4 an- "e )re" more %ami'iar as "e -ine-; (he "as an i-ea'
a$-ience4 'a$)hin) at a'' m1 ?okes4 makin) me ta'k abo$t m1se'%; (he maintaine- e1e contact
m$ch o% the time4 an- someho" o$r %in)ers met "hene&er an1thin) "as passe-; :% : "ere bein)
taken in in some "a1; (he "as bein) &er1 p'easant abo$t it;
As "e ha- -ine- an- ta'ke-4 : ha- a'so kept an e1e on the pro)ress o% that ine.orab'e-seemin)
storm%ront; :t ha- %ina''1 breaste- the mo$ntain crest an- crosse- o&er; :t ha- be)$n its s'o"
-escent o% the hi)h s'ope; As she c'eare- the c'oth; 9a-1 sa" the -irection o% m1 )a6e an-
FAes4 it is comin)4G she sai-4 p'acin) the 'ast o% the $tensi's in the basket an- seatin) herse'%
besi-e me4 brin)in) the bott'e an- o$r c$ps; F(ha'' "e -rink to it>G
F: "i'' -rink "ith 1o$4 b$t not to that;G
(he po$re-;
F:t -oes not matter4G she sai-; FNot no"4G an- she p'ace- her han- on m1 arm an- passe- me m1
: he'- it an- 'ooke- -o"n at her; (he smi'e-; (he to$che- the rim o% m1 c$p "ith her o"n; =e
FCome to m1 pa&i'ion no"4G she sai-4 takin) m1 han-4 F"here "e "i'' "i'e p'eas$rab'1 the
ho$rs that remain;G
F!hanks4G : sai-; FAnother time an- that "i'in) "o$'- ha&e been a %ine -essert to a )ran- mea';
*n%ort$nate'14 : m$st be on m1 "a1; /$t1 na)s4 time r$shes; :@&e a mission;G
FA'' ri)ht4G she sai-; F:t is not that important; An- : kno" a'' abo$t 1o$r mission; :t is not a''
that important either4 no";G
FOh> : m$st con%ess that : %$''1 e.pecte- 1o$ to in&ite me to a pri&ate part1 "hich "o$'- res$'t
in me a'one an- pa'e'1 'oiterin) on the co'- si-e o% some hi'' sometime hence i% : "ere to
(he 'a$)he-;
FAn- : m$st con%ess that it "as m1 intention to so $se 1o$4 Cor"in; No 'on)er4 tho$)h;G
F=h1 not>G
(he )est$re- to"ar- the a-&ancin) 'ine o% -isr$ption;
F!here is no nee- to -e'a1 1o$ no"; : see b1 this that the Co$rts ha&e "on; !here is nothin)
an1one can -o to ha't the a-&ance o% the Chaos;G
: sh$--ere- brie%'1 an- she re%i''e- o$r c$ps;
FB$t : "o$'- rather 1o$ -i- not 'ea&e me at this time4G she "ent on; F:t "i'' reach $s here in a
matter o% ho$rs; =hat better "a1 to spen- this %ina' time than in one another@s compan1> !here is
no nee- e&en to )o as %ar as m1 pa&i'ion;G
: bo"e- m1 hea-4 an- she -re" $p c'ose a)ainst me; =hat the he''; A "oman an- a bott'eDthat
"as ho" : ha- a'"a1s sai- : "ante- to en- m1 -a1s; : took a sip o% the "ine; (he "as probab'1
ri)ht; Aet4 : tho$)ht o% the "oman-thin) "hich ha- trappe- me on the b'ack roa- as : "as 'ea&in)
A&a'on; : ha- )one at %irst to ai- her4 s$c$mbe- <$ick'1 to her $nnat$ra' charmsDthen4 "hen her
mask "as remo&e-4 sa" that there "as nothin) at a'' behin- it; /amne- %ri)htenin)4 at the time;
B$t4 not to )et too phi'osophica'4 e&er1bo-1 has a "ho'e rack o% masks %or -i%%erent occasions; :
ha&e hear- pop ps1cho'o)ists in&ei)h a)ainst them %or 1ears; (ti''4 : ha&e met peop'e "ho
impresse- me %a&orab'1 at %irst4 peop'e "hom : came to hate "hen : 'earne- "hat the1 "ere 'ike
$n-erneath; An- sometimes the1 "ere 'ike that "omanDthin)D"ith nothin) m$ch rea''1 there;
: ha&e %o$n- that the mask is o%ten %ar more acceptab'e than its a'ternati&e; (o;;;!his )ir' : he'- to
me mi)ht rea''1 be a monster insi-e; Probab'1 "as; Aren@t most o% $s> : co$'- think o% "orse
"a1s to )o i% : "ante- to )i&e $p at this point; : 'ike- her;
: %inishe- m1 "ine; (he mo&e- to po$r me more an- : sta1e- her han-;
(he 'ooke- $p at me; : smi'e-;
FAo$ a'most pers$a-e- me4G : sai-;
!hen : c'ose- her e1es "ith kisses %o$r4 so as not to break the charm4 an- : "ent an- mo$nte-
(tar; !he se-)e "as not "ithere-4 b$t he "as ri)ht abo$t the no bir-s; ,e'' o% a "a1 to r$n a
rai'roa-4 tho$)h;
F#oo--b1e4 9a-1;G
: hea-e- so$th as the storm boi'e- its "a1 -o"n into the &a''e1; !here "ere more mo$ntains
be%ore me4 an- the trai' 'e- to"ar- them; !he sk1 "as sti'' streake-4 b'ack an- "hite4 an- these
'ines seeme- to mo&e abo$t a bitC the o&er-a'' e%%ect "as sti'' that o% t"i'i)ht4 tho$)h no stars
shone "ithin the b'ack areas; (ti'' the bree6e4 sti'' the per%$me abo$t meDan- the si'ence4 an-
the t"iste- mono'iths an- the si'&er1 %o'ia)e4 sti'' -e"--amp an- )'istenin); 0a) en-s o% mist
b'e" be%ore me; : trie- to "ork "ith the st$%% o% (ha-o"4 b$t it "as -i%%ic$'t an- : "as tire-;
Nothin) happene-; : -re" stren)th %rom the Ee"e'4 tr1in) to transmit some o% it to (tar4 a'so; =e
mo&e- at a stea-1 pace $nti' %ina''1 the 'an- ti''e- $p"ar- be%ore $s4 an- "e "ere c'imbin)
to"ar- another pass4 a more ?a))e- thin) than the one b1 "hich "e ha- entere-; : ha'te- to 'ook
back4 an- perhaps a thir- o% the &a''e1 no" 'a1 behin- the shimmerin) screen o% that a-&ancin)
stormthin); : "on-ere- abo$t 9a-1 an- her 'ake4 her pa&i'ion; : shook m1 hea- an- contin$e-;
!he "a1 steepene- as "e neare- the pass4 an- "e "ere s'o"e-; O&erhea-4 the "hite ri&ers in the
sk1 took on a re--ish cast "hich -eepene- as "e ro-e; B1 the time : reache- the entrance4 the
"ho'e "or'- seeme- tin)e- "ith b'oo-; Passin) "ithin that "i-e4 rock1 a&en$e4 : "as str$ck b1
a hea&1 "in-; P$shin) on a)ainst it4 the )ro$n- )re" more 'e&e' beneath $s4 tho$)h "e
contin$e- to c'imb an- : sti'' co$'- not see be1on- the pass;
As : ro-e4 somethin) ratt'e- in the rocks to m1 'e%t; : )'ance- that "a14 b$t sa" nothin); :
-ismisse- it as a %a''in) stone; ,a'% a min$te 'ater; (tar ?erke- beneath me4 'et o$t a terrib'e nei)h4
t$rne- sharp'1 to the ri)ht4 then be)an to topp'e4 'e%t"ar-;
: 'eape- c'ear4 an- as "e both %e'' : sa" that an arro" protr$-e- %rom behin- (tar@s ri)ht
sho$'-er4 'o"; : hit the )ro$n- ro''in)4 an- "hen : ha'te- : 'ooke- $p in the -irection %rom "hich
it m$st ha&e come;
A %i)$re "ith a crossbo" stoo- atop the ri-)e to m1 ri)ht4 abo$t ten meters abo&e me; ,e "as
a'rea-1 crankin) the "eapon back to prepare %or another shot;
: kne" that : co$'- not reach him in time to stop him; (o : cast abo$t %or a stone the si6e o% a
baseba''4 %o$n- one at the %oot o% the escarpment to m1 rear4 he%te- it an- trie- not to 'et m1 ra)e
inter%ere "ith the acc$rac1 o% m1 thro"; :t -i- not4 b$t it ma1 ha&e contrib$te- some e.tra %orce;
!he b'o" ca$)ht him on the 'e%t arm4 an- he 'et o$t a cr14 -roppin) the crossbo"; !he "eapon
c'attere- -o"n the rocks an- 'an-e- on the other si-e o% the trai'4 a'most -irect'1 across %rom me;
FAo$ son o% a bitchIG : crie-; FAo$ ki''e- m1 horseI :@m )oin) to ha&e 1o$r hea- %or itIG
As : crosse- the trai'4 : 'ooke- %or the %astest "a1 $p to him an- sa" it o%% to m1 'e%t; : h$rrie- to
it an- commence- c'imbin); An instant 'ater4 the 'i)ht an- the an)'e "ere proper an- : ha- a
better &ie" o% the man4 bent near'1 -o$b'e4 massa)in) his arm; :t "as Bran-4 his hair e&en re--er
in the san)$ine 'i)ht;
F!his is it; Bran-4G : sai-; F: on'1 "ish someone ha- -one it a 'on) time a)o;G
,e strai)htene- an- "atche- me c'imb %or a moment; ,e -i- not reach %or his b'a-e; E$st as :
)ot to the top4 perhaps se&en meters a"a1 %rom him4 he crosse- his arms on his breast an-
'o"ere- his hea-;
: -re" #ra1s"an-ir an- a-&ance-; : a-mit that : "as prepare- to ki'' him in that or an1 other
position; !he re- 'i)ht ha- -eepene- $nti' "e seeme- bathe- in b'oo-; !he "in- ho"'e- abo$t
$s4 an- %rom the &a''e1 be'o" came a r$mb'e o% th$n-er;
,e simp'1 %a-e- be%ore me; ,is o$t'ine )re" 'ess -istinct4 an- b1 the time : reache- the p'ace
"here he ha- been stan-in) he ha- &anishe- entire'1;
: stoo- %or a moment4 c$rsin)4 rememberin) the stor1 that he ha- someho" been trans%orme-
into a 'i&in) !r$mp4 capab'e o% transportin) himse'% an1"here in a &er1 brie% time;
: hear- a noise %rom be'o";;;;
: r$she- to the e-)e an- 'ooke- -o"n; (tar "as sti'' kickin) an- b'o"in) b'oo-4 an- it tore m1
heart to see it; B$t that "as not the on'1 -istressin) si)ht;
Bran- "as be'o"; ,e ha- picke- $p the crossbo" an- be)$n preparin) it once more;
: 'ooke- abo$t %or another stone4 b$t there "as nothin) at han-; !hen : spotte- one %arther back4
in the -irection %rom "hich : ha- come; : h$rrie- to it4 resheathe- m1 b'a-e an- raise- the thin);
:t "as abo$t the si6e o% a "aterme'on; : ret$rne- "ith it to the e-)e an- so$)ht Bran-; ,e "as
no"here in si)ht;
($--en'14 : %e't &er1 e.pose-; ,e co$'- ha&e transporte- himse'% to an1 &anta)e an- be si)htin)
in on me at that instant; : -roppe- to the )ro$n-4 %a''in) across m1 rock; A moment 'ater4 : hear-
the bo't strike to m1 ri)ht; !he so$n- "as %o''o"e- b1 Bran-@s ch$ck'e;
: stoo- a)ain4 kno"in) it "o$'- take him at 'east a 'itt'e "hi'e to recock his "eapon; 9ookin) in
the -irection o% the 'a$)hter4 : sa" him4 atop the 'e-)e across the pass %rom meDabo$t %i&e
meters hi)her than : "as4 an- abo$t t"ent1 meters -istant;
F(orr1 abo$t the horse4G he sai-; F: "as aimin) %or 1o$; B$t those -amne- "in-s;;;G
B1 then : ha- spotte- a niche an- : ma-e %or it4 takin) the rock "ith me %or a shie'-; +rom that
"e-)e-shape- %iss$re4 : "atche- him %it the bo't;
FA -i%%ic$'t shot4G he ca''e- o$t4 raisin) the "eapon4 Fa cha''en)e to m1 marksmanship; B$t
certain'1 "orth the e%%ort; :@&e p'ent1 more <$arre's;G
,e ch$ck'e-4 si)hte- an- %ire-;
: bent 'o"4 ho'-in) the rock be%ore m1 mi--'e4 b$t the bo't str$ck abo$t t"o %eet to m1 ri)ht;
F: ha- sort o% )$esse- that mi)ht happen4G he sai-4 be)innin) to prepare his "eapon once a)ain;
F,a- to 'earn the "in-a)e4 tho$)h;G
: 'ooke- abo$t %or sma''er stones to $se %or amm$nition as : ha- ear'ier; !here "ere none nearb1;
: "on-ere- abo$t the Ee"e' then; :t "as s$ppose- to act to sa&e me in the presence o% imme-iate
peri'; B$t : ha- a %$nn1 %ee'in) that this in&o'&e- c'ose pro.imit14 an- that Bran- "as a"are o%
this an- "as takin) a-&anta)e o% the phenomenon; (ti''4 mi)htn@t there be somethin) e'se : co$'-
-o "ith the Ee"e' to th"art him> ,e seeme- too %ar a"a1 %or the para'1sis trick4 b$t : ha- beaten
him once be%ore b1 contro''in) the "eather; : "on-ere- ho" %ar o%% the storm "as; : reache- %or
it; : sa" that it "o$'- take min$tes : -i- not possess in or-er to set $p the con-itions necessar1 to
-ra" 'i)htnin) $pon him; B$t the "in-s "ere another matter; : reache- o$t %or them4 %e't them;;;;
Bran- "as a'most rea-1 to shoot a)ain; !he "in- be)an to scream thro$)h the pass;
: -o not kno" "here his ne.t shot 'an-e-; No"here near me4 tho$)h; ,e %e'' to rea-1in) his
"eapon a)ain; : be)an settin) $p the %actors %or a 'i)htnin)stroke;;;;
=hen he "as rea-14 "hen he raise- the "eapon this time4 : raise- the "in-s once more; : sa"
him si)ht4 : sa" him -ra" a breath an- ho'- it; !hen he 'o"ere- the bo" an- stare- at me;
F:t ?$st occ$rre- to me4G he ca''e- o$t4 F1o$@&e )ot that "in- in 1o$r pocket4 ha&en@t 1o$> !hat is
cheatin)4 Cor"in;G
,e 'ooke- a'' abo$t;
F: sho$'- be ab'e to %in- a %ootin) "here it "i'' not matter4 tho$)h; AhaIG
: kept "orkin) to set thin)s $p to b'ast him4 b$t con-itions "ere not rea-1 1et; : 'ooke- $p at
that re--an- b'ack-streake- sk14 somethin) c'o$--'ike %ormin) abo&e $s;;;(oon4 b$t not 1et;;;
Bran- %a-e- an- &anishe- a)ain; =i'-'14 : so$)ht him e&er1"here;
!hen he %ace- me; ,e ha- come o&er to m1 si-e o% the pass; ,e stoo- abo$t ten meters to the
so$th o% me4 "ith the "in- at his back4 : kne" that : co$'- not shi%t it in time; : "on-ere- abo$t
thro"in) m1 rock; ,e "o$'- probab'1 -$ck an- : "o$'- be thro"in) a"a1 m1 shie'-; On the
other han-;;;
,e raise- the "eapon to his sho$'-er;
(ta''I crie- m1 o"n &oice "ithin m1 min-4 "hi'e : contin$e- to tamper "ith the hea&ens;
FBe%ore 1o$ shoot; Bran-4 te'' me one thin); A'' ri)ht>G
,e hesitate-4 then 'o"ere- the "eapon a %e" inches;
F=ere 1o$ te''in) me the tr$th abo$t "hat happene-D"ith /a-4 the Pattern4 the comin) o%
,e thre" back his hea- an- 'a$)he-4 a series o% short barks;
FCor"in4G he state- then4 Fit p'eases me more than : can sa1 to see 1o$ -ie not kno"in)
somethin) that means that m$ch to 1o$;G
,e 'a$)he- a)ain an- be)an to raise the "eapon; : ha- ?$st mo&e- to h$r' m1 rock an- r$sh him;
B$t neither o% $s comp'ete- either action;
!here came a )reat shriek %rom o&erhea-4 an- a piece o% the sk1 seeme- to -etach itse'% an- %a''
$pon Bran-@s hea-; ,e screame- an- -roppe- the crossbo"; ,e raise- his han-s to tear at the
thin) that assai'e- him; !he re- bir-4 the Ee"e' bearer4 born o% m1 b'oo- %rom m1 %ather@s han-4
ha- ret$rne-4 to -e%en- me;
: 'et )o the rock an- a-&ance- $pon him4 -ra"in) m1 b'a-e as : "ent; Bran- str$ck the bir- an-
it %'appe- a"a14 )ainin) a'tit$-e4 circ'in) %or another -i&e; ,e raise- both arms to co&er his %ace
an- hea-4 b$t not be%ore : sa" the b'oo- that %'o"e- %rom his 'e%t e1e socket;
,e be)an to %a-e a)ain e&en as : r$she- to"ar- him; B$t the bir- -escen-e- 'ike a bomb an- its
ta'ons str$ck Bran- abo$t the hea- once a)ain; !hen the bir-4 too4 be)an to %a-e; Bran- "as
reachin) %or his r$--1 assai'ant an- bein) s'ashe- b1 it as the1 both -isappeare-;
=hen : reache- the p'ace o% the action the on'1 thin) that remaine- "as the %a''en crossbo"4 an-
: smashe- it "ith m1 boot;
Not 1et4 not 1et the en-4 -amn itI ,o" 'on) "i'' 1o$ p'a)$e me4 brother> ,o" %ar m$st : )o to
brin) it to an en- bet"een $s>
: c'imbe- back -o"n to the trai'; (tar "as not 1et -ea- an- : ha- to %inish the ?ob; (ometimes :
think :@m in the "ron) b$siness;
Chapter #
A bo"' o% cotton can-1;
,a&in) tra&erse- the pass4 : re)ar-e- the &a''e1 that 'a1 be%ore me; At 'east4 : ass$me- that it
"as a &a''e1; : co$'- see nothin) be'o" its co&er o% c'o$-SmistS%o);
:n the sk14 one o% the re- streaks "as t$rnin) 1e''o"C another4 )reen; : "as s'i)ht'1 heartene- b1
this4 as the sk1 ha- beha&e- in a some"hat simi'ar %ashion "hen : ha- &isite- the e-)e o% thin)s4
across %rom the Co$rts o% Chaos;
: hitche- $p m1 pack an- be)an hikin) -o"n the trai'; !he "in-s -iminishe- as : "ent;
/istant'14 : hear- some th$n-er %rom the storm : "as %'eein); : "on-ere- "here Bran- ha- )one;
: ha- a %ee'in) that : "o$'- not be seein) him a)ain %or a time;
Part"a1 -o"n4 "ith the %o) ?$st be)innin) to creep an- c$r' abo$t me4 : spotte- an ancient tree
an- c$t m1se'% a sta%%; !he tree seeme- to shriek as : se&ere- its 'imb;
F/amn 1o$IG came somethin) 'ike a &oice %rom "ithin it;
FAo$@re sentient>G : sai-; F:@m sorr1;;;G
F: spent a 'on) time )ro"in) that branch; : s$ppose 1o$ are )oin) to b$rn it no">G
FNo4G : sai-; F: nee-e- a sta%%; :@&e a 'on) "a'k be%ore me;G
F!hro$)h this &a''e1>G
F!hat@s ri)ht;G
FCome c'oser4 that : ma1 better sense 1o$r presence; !here is somethin) abo$t 1o$ that )'o"s;G
: took a step %or"ar-;
FOberonIG it sai-; F: kno" th1 Ee"e';G
FNot Oberon4G : sai-; F: am his son; : "ear it on his mission4 tho$)h;G
F!hen take m1 'imb4 an- ha&e m1 b'essin) "ith it; :@&e she'tere- 1o$r %ather on man1 a stran)e
-a1; ,e p'ante- me4 1o$ see;G
F0ea''1> P'antin) a tree is one o% the %e" thin)s : ne&er sa" /a- -o;G
F: am no or-inar1 tree; ,e p'ace- me here to mark a bo$n-ar1;G
FO% "hat sort>G
F: am the en- o% Chaos an- o% Or-er4 -epen-in) $pon ho" 1o$ &ie" me; : mark a -i&ision;
Be1on- me other r$'es app'1;G
F=hat r$'es>G
F=ho can sa1> Not :; : am on'1 a )ro"in) to"er o% sentient '$mber; B1 sta%% ma1 com%ort 1o$4
ho"e&er; P'ante-4 it ma1 b'ossom in stran)e c'imes; !hen a)ain4 it ma1 not; =ho can sa1> Bear
it "ith 1o$4 ho"e&er4 son o% Oberon4 into the p'ace "here 1o$ ?o$rne1 no"; : %ee' a storm
approachin); #oo--b1e;G
F#oo--b1e4G : sai-; F!hank 1o$;G
: t$rne- an- "a'ke- on -o"n the trai' into the -eepenin) %o); !he pinkness "as -raine- %rom it
as : "ent; : shook m1 hea- as : tho$)ht abo$t the tree4 b$t its sta%% pro&e- $se%$' %or the ne.t
se&era' h$n-re- meters4 "here the )oin) "as partic$'ar'1 ro$)h;
!hen thin)s c'eare- a bit; 0ocks4 a sta)nant poo'4 some sma''4 -rear1 trees %estoone- "ith ropes
o% moss4 a sme'' o% -eca1;;;h$rrie- b1; A -ark bir- "as "atchin) me %rom one o% the trees;
:t took "in) as : re)ar-e- it4 %'appin) in a 'eis$re'1 %ashion in m1 -irection; 0ecent e&ents
ha&in) 'e%t me a 'itt'e bir--sh14 : -re" back as it circ'e- m1 hea-; B$t then it %'$ttere- to rest on
the trai' be%ore me4 cocke- its hea- an- &ie"e- me "ith its 'e%t e1e;
FAes4G it anno$nce- then; FAo$ are the one;G
F!he one "hat>G : sai-;
F!he one : "i'' accompan1; Ao$@&e no ob?ection to a bir- o% i'' omen %o''o"in) 1o$4 ha&e 1o$4
Cor"in>G :t ch$ck'e- then4 an-$te- a 'itt'e -ance;
FO%%han-4 : -o not see ho" : can stop 1o$; ,o" is it that 1o$ kno" m1 name>G
F:@&e been "aitin) %or 1o$ since the be)innin) o% !ime4 Cor"in;G
FB$st ha&e been a bit tiresome;G
F:t has not been a'' that 'on)4 in this p'ace; !ime is "hat 1o$ make o% it;G
: res$me- "a'kin); : passe- the bir- an- kept )oin); Boments 'ater4 it %'ashe- b1 me an- 'an-e-
atop a rock o%% to m1 ri)ht;
FB1 name is ,$)i4G he state-; FAo$ are carr1in) a piece o% o'- A))4 : see;G
F!he st$%%1 o'- tree "ho "aits at the entrance to this p'ace an- "on@t 'et an1one rest on his
branches; :@'' bet he 1e''e- "hen 1o$ "hacke- it o%%;G
,e emitte- pea's o% 'a$)hter then;
F,e "as <$ite -ecent abo$t it;G
F:@'' bet; B$t then4 he ha-n@t m$ch choice once 1o$@- -one it; +at 'ot o% )oo- it "i'' -o 1o$;G
F:t@s -oin) me %ine4G : sai-4 s"in)in) it 'i)ht'1 in his -irection;
,e %'$ttere- a"a1 %rom it;
F,e1I !hat "as not %$nn1IG : 'a$)he-;
F: tho$)ht it "as;G : "a'ke- on b1;
+or a 'on) "hi'e4 : ma-e m1 "a1 thro$)h a marsh1 area; An occasiona' )$st o% "in- "o$'-
c'ear the "a1 nearb1; !hen : "o$'- pass it4 or the %o)s "o$'- shi%t o&er it once a)ain;
Occasiona''14 : seeme- to hear a snatch o% m$sicD%rom "hat -irection4 : co$'- not te''Ds'o"4
an- some"hat state'14 pro-$ce- b1 a stee'-strin)e- instr$ment;
As : s'o))e- a'on)4 : "as hai'e- %rom some"here to m1 'e%t8
F(tran)erI ,a't an- re)ar- meIG
=ar14 : ha'te-; Co$'-n@t see a -amne- thin) thro$)h that %o)4 tho$)h;
F,e''o4G : sai-; F=here are 1o$>G
E$st then4 the %o)s broke %or a moment an- : behe'- a h$)e hea-4 e1es on a 'e&e' "ith m1 o"n;
!he1 be'on)e- to "hat seeme- a )iant bo-14 s$nk $p to the sho$'-ers in a <$a); !he hea- "as
ba'-4 the skin pa'e as mi'k4 "ith a ston1 te.t$re to it; !he -ark e1es probab'1 seeme- e&en -arker
than the1 rea''1 "ere b1 "a1 o% contrast;
F: see4G : sai- then; FAo$ are in a bit o% a %i.; Can 1o$ %ree 1o$r arms>G
F:% : strain mi)hti'14G came the rep'1;
F=e''4 'et me check abo$t %or somethin) stab'e 1o$ can )rab onto; Ao$ o$)ht to ha&e a prett1
)oo- reach there;G
FNo; !hat is not necessar1;G
F/ont 1o$ "ant to )et o$t> : tho$)ht that "as "h1 1o$ ho''ere-;G
FOh4 no; : simp'1 "ante- 1o$ to re)ar- me;G
: mo&e- nearer an- stare-4 %or the %o) "as be)innin) to shi%t a)ain;
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-; F: ha&e seen 1o$;G
F/o 1o$ %ee' m1 p'i)ht>G
FNot partic$'ar'14 i% 1o$ "i'' not he'p 1o$rse'% or accept he'p;G
F=hat )oo- "o$'- it -o me to %ree m1se'%>G
F:t is 1o$r <$estion; Ao$ ans"er it;G
: t$rne- to )o;
F=aitI =here -o 1o$ tra&e'>G
F(o$th4 to appear in a mora'it1 p'a1;G
E$st then4 ,$)i %'e" o$t o% the %o) an- 'an-e- atop the hea-; ,e pecke- at it an- 'a$)he-;
F/on@t "aste 1o$r time4 Cor"in; !here is m$ch 'ess here than meets the e1e4G he sai-;
!he )iant 'ips shape- m1 name; !henC F,e is in-ee- the one>G
F!hat@s him4 a'' ri)ht4G ,$)i rep'ie-;
F9isten4 Cor"in4G sai- the s$nken )iant; FAo$ are )oin) to tr1 to stop the Chaos4 aren@t 1o$>G
F/o not -o it; :t is not "orth it; : "ant thin)s to en-; : -esire a re'ease %rom this con-ition;G
F: a'rea-1 o%%ere- to he'p 1o$ o$t; Ao$ t$rne- me -o"n;G
FNot that sort o% re'ease; An en- to the "ho'e "orks;G
F!hat is easi'1 -one4G : sai-; FE$st -$ck 1o$r hea- an- take a -eep breath;G
F:t is not on'1 persona' termination that : -esire4 b$t an en- to the "ho'e %oo'ish )ame;G
F: be'ie&e there are a %e" other %o'ks aro$n- "ho "o$'- rather make their o"n -ecisions on the
F9et it en- %or them4 too; !here "i'' come a time "hen the1 are in m1 position an- "i'' %ee' the
same "a1;G
F!hen the1 "i'' possess the same option; #oo- -a1;G
: t$rne- an- "a'ke- on;
FAo$ "i''4 tooIG he ca''e- a%ter me;
As : hike- a'on)4 ,$)i ca$)ht $p "ith me an- perche- on the en- o% m1 sta%%;
F:t@s neat to sit on o'- A))@s 'imb no" he can@tDAikesIG
,$)i spran) into the air an- circ'e-;
FB$rne- m1 %ootI ,o"@- he -o that>G he crie-;
: 'a$)he-;
FBeats me;G
,e %'$ttere- %or a %e" moments4 then ma-e %or m1 ri)ht sho$'-er;
FOka1 i% : rest here>G
F#o ahea-;G
,e sett'e-;
F!he ,ea- is rea''1 a menta' basket case4 1o$ kno";G
: shr$))e- m1 sho$'-ers an- he sprea- his "in)s %or ba'ance;
F,e is )ropin) a%ter somethin)4G he "ent on4 Fb$t procee-in) incorrect'1 b1 ho'-in) the "or'-
responsib'e %or his o"n %ai'in)s;G
FNo; ,e "o$'- not e&en )rope to )et o$t o% the m$-4G : sai-;
F: meant phi'osophica''1;G
FOh4 that sort o% m$-; !oo ba-;G
F!he "ho'e prob'em 'ies "ith the se'%4 the e)o4 an- its in&o'&ement "ith the "or'- on the one
han- an- the Abso'$te on the other;G
FOh4 is that so>G
FAes; Ao$ see4 "e are hatche- an- "e -ri%t on the s$r%ace o% e&ents; (ometimes4 "e %ee' that "e
act$a''1 in%'$ence thin)s4 an- this )i&es rise to stri&in); !his is a bi) mistake4 beca$se it creates
-esires an- b$i'-s $p a %a'se e)o "hen ?$st bein) sho$'- be eno$)h; !hat 'ea-s to more -esires
an- more stri&in) an- there 1o$ are4 trappe-;G
F:n the m$->G
F(o to speak; One nee-s to %i. one@s &ision %irm'1 on the Abso'$te an- 'earn to i)nore the
mira)es4 the i''$sions4 the %ake sense o% i-entit1 "hich sets one apart as a %a'se is'an- o%
F: ha- a %ake i-entit1 once; :t he'pe- me a 'ot in becomin) the abso'$te that : am no"Dme;G
FNo4 that@s %ake4 too;G
F!hen the me that ma1 tomorro" "i'' thank me %or it4 as : -o that other;G
FAo$ are missin) the point; !hat 1o$ "i'' be %ake4 too;G
FBeca$se it "i'' sti'' be %$'' o% those -esires an- stri&in)s that set 1o$ apart %rom the Abso'$te;G
F=hat is "ron) "ith that>G
FAo$ remain a'one in a "or'- o% stran)ers4 the "or'- o% phenomena;G
F: 'ike bein) a'one; : am <$ite %on- o% m1se'%; : 'ike phenomena4 too;G
FAet the Abso'$te "i'' a'"a1s be there4 ca''in) to 1o$4 ca$sin) $nrest;G
F#oo-4 then there is no nee- to h$rr1; B$t 1es4 : see "hat 1o$ mean; :t takes the %orm o% i-ea's;
2&er1one has a %e"; :% 1o$ are sa1in) that : sho$'- p$rs$e them4 : a)ree "ith 1o$;G
FNo4 the1 are -istortions o% the Abso'$te4 an- "hat 1o$ are ta'kin) abo$t is more stri&in);G
F!hat is correct;G
F: can see that 1o$ ha&e a 'ot to $n'earn;G
F:% 1o$ are ta'kin) abo$t m1 &$')ar instinct %or s$r&i&a'4 %or)et it;G
!he trai' ha- been 'ea-in) $p"ar-4 an- "e came no" to a smooth4 'e&e' p'ace4 a'most pa&e--
seemin)4 tho$)h stre"n 'i)ht'1 "ith san-; !he m$sic ha- )ro"n 'o$-er an- contin$e- to -o so as
: a-&ance-; !hen4 thro$)h the %o)4 : sa" -im shapes mo&in)4 s'o"'14 rh1thmica''1; :t took
se&era' moments %or me to rea'i6e that the1 "ere -ancin) to the m$sic;
: kept mo&in) $nti' : co$'- &ie" the %i)$resDh$man seemin)4 han-some %o'k4 )arbe- in co$rt'1
attireDtrea-in) to the s'o" meas$res o% in&isib'e m$sicians; :t "as an intricate an- 'o&e'1 -ance
that the1$te-4 an- : ha'te- to "atch some o% it;
F=hat is the occasion4G : aske- ,$)i4 F%or a part1 o$t here in the mi--'e o% no"here>G
F!he1 -ance4G he sai-4 Fto ce'ebrate 1o$r passa)e; !he1 are not morta's4 b$t the spirits o% !ime;
!he1 be)an this %oo'ish sho" "hen 1o$ entere- the &a''e1;G
FAes; Obser&e;G
,e 'e%t m1 sho$'-er4 %'e" abo&e them an- -e%ecate-; !he -roppin) passe- thro$)h se&era'
-ancers as i% the1 "ere ho'o)rams4 "itho$t stainin) a broca-e- s'ee&e or a si'ken shirt4 "itho$t
ca$sin) an1 o% the smi'in) %i)$res to miss a meas$re; ,$)i ca"e- se&era' times then an- %'e"
back to me;
F!hat "as har-'1 necessar14G : sai-; F:t is a %ine per%ormance;G
F/eca-ent4G he sai-4 Fan- 1o$ sho$'- har-'1 take it as a comp'iment4 %or the1 anticipate 1o$r
%ai'$re; !he1 b$t "ish to )et in a %ina' ce'ebration be%ore the sho" is c'ose-;G
: "atche- %or a time an1"a14 'eanin) $pon m1 sta%%4 restin); !he %i)$re -escribe- b1 the -ancers
s'o"'1 shi%te-4 $nti' one o% the "omenDan a$b$rn-haire- bea$t1D"as <$ite near to me; No"4
none o% the -ancers@ e1es at an1 time met m1 o"n; :t "as as i% : "ere not present; B$t that
"oman4 in a per%ect'1 time- )est$re4 cast "ith her ri)ht han- somethin) "hich 'an-e- at m1 %eet;
: stoope- an- %o$n- it s$bstantia'; :t "as a si'&er roseDm1 o"n emb'emDthat : he'-; :
strai)htene- an- %i.e- it at the co''ar o% m1 c'oak; ,$)i 'ooke- the other "a1 an- sai- nothin); :
ha- no hat to -o%%4 b$t : -i- bo" to the 'a-1; !here mi)ht ha&e been a s'i)ht t"itch at her ri)ht
e1e as : t$rne- to )o;
!he )ro$n- 'ost its smoothness as : "a'ke-4 an- %ina''1 the m$sic %a-e-; !he trai' )re" ro$)her4
an- "hene&er the %o)s c'eare- the on'1 &ie"s "ere o% rocks or barren p'ains; : -re" stren)th
%rom the Ee"e' "hen : "o$'- other"ise ha&e co''apse-4 an- : note- that each s$ch %i. "as o%
shorter -$ration no";
A%ter a time4 : )re" h$n)r1 an- : ha'te- to eat "hat rations : ha- 'e%t;
,$)i stoo- on the )ro$n- nearb1 an- "atche- me eat;
F: "i'' a-mit to a certain sma'' a-miration %or 1o$r persistence4G he sai-4 Fan- e&en %or "hat 1o$
imp'ie- "hen 1o$ spoke o% i-ea's; B$t that is abo$t it; 2ar'ier4 "e "ere ta'kin) abo$t the %$ti'it1
o% -esire an- o% stri&in)DG
FAo$ "ere; :t is not a ma?or concern in m1 'i%e;G
F:t sho$'- be;G
F: ha&e ha- a 'on) 'i%e4 ,$)i; Ao$ ins$'t me b1 ass$min) : ha&e ne&er consi-ere- these
%ootnotes to sophomore phi'osoph1; !he %act that 1o$ %in- consens$s rea'it1 barren te''s me more
abo$t 1o$ than it -oes abo$t that state o% a%%airs; !o "it4 i% 1o$ be'ie&e "hat 1o$ sa1 : %ee' sorr1
%or 1o$4 in that 1o$ m$st %or some ine.p'icab'e reason be here -esirin) an- stri&in) to in%'$ence
this %a'se e)o o% mine rather than %ree o% s$ch nonsense an- on 1o$r "a1 to 1o$r Abso'$te; :% 1o$
-o not be'ie&e it4 then it te''s me that 1o$ ha&e been set to hin-er an- -isco$ra)e me4 in "hich
case 1o$ are "astin) 1o$r time;G
,$)i ma-e a )ar)'in) noise; !hen8 FAo$ are not so b'in- that 1o$ -en1 the Abso'$te4 the
be)innin) an- en- o% e&er1thin)>G
F:t is not in-ispensab'e to a 'ibera' e-$cation;G
FAo$ a-mit the possibi'it1>G
FPerhaps : kno" it better than 1o$4 bir-; !he e)o4 as : see it4 e.ists at an interme-iate sta)e
bet"een rationa'it1 an- re%'e. e.istence; B'ottin) it o$t is a retreat4 tho$)h; :% 1o$ come %rom
that Abso'$teDo% a se'%-cance'in) A''D"h1 -o 1o$ "ish to )o back home> /o 1o$ so -espise
1o$rse'% that 1o$ %ear mirrors> =h1 not make the trip "orth"hi'e> /e&e'op; 9earn; 9i&e; :% 1o$
ha&e been sent on a ?o$rne1 "h1 -o 1o$ "ish to cop o$t an- r$n back to 1o$r point o% -epart$re>
Or -i- 1o$r Abso'$te make a mistake in sen-in) somethin) o% 1o$r ca'iber> A-mit that
possibi'it1 an- that is the en- o% the ne"s;G
,$)i )'are- at me4 then spran) into the air an- %'e" o%%; #oin) to cons$'t his man$a'4 perhaps;;;;
: hear- a pea' o% th$n-er as : rose to m1 %eet; : be)an "a'kin); : ha- to tr1 to keep ahea- o%
!he trai' narro"e- an- "i-ene- a n$mber o% times be%ore it &anishe- comp'ete'14 'ea&in) me to
"an-er across a )ra&e''1 p'ain; : %e't more an- more -epresse- as : tra&e'e-4 tr1in) to keep m1
menta' compass set in the proper -irection; : a'most came to "e'come the so$n-s o% the storm4
%or the1 at 'east )a&e me a ro$)h i-ea as to "hich "a1 "as north; O% co$rse4 thin)s "ere a bit
con%$sin) in the %o)4 so that : co$'- not be abso'$te'1 certain; An- the1 "ere )ro"in) 'o$-er;;;;
;;;An- : ha- been )rie&e- b1 the 'oss o% (tar4 tro$b'e- b1 ,$)i@s %$ti'itarianism; !his "as
-e%inite'1 not a )oo- -a1; : be)an to -o$bt that : "as )oin) to comp'ete m1 ?o$rne1; :% some
name'ess -eni6en o% this -ark p'ace -i- not amb$sh me be%ore too 'on)4 there "as a stron)
possibi'it1 that : "o$'- "an-er here $nti' m1 stren)th %ai'e- or the storm ca$)ht me; : -i- not
kno" "hether : "o$'- be ab'e to beat back that cance'in) storm another time; : be)an to -o$bt it;
: trie- $sin) the Ee"e' to -isperse the %o)4 b$t its e%%ects seeme- b'$nte-; B1 m1 o"n
s'$))ishness4 perhaps; : co$'- c'ear a sma'' area4 b$t m1 rate o% tra&e' <$ick'1 bore me thro$)h
it; B1 sense o% (ha-o" "as -$''e- in this p'ace "hich seeme- in some "a1 the essence o%
(a-; :t "o$'- ha&e been nice to )o o$t "ith operaDin a bi) =a)nerian %ina'e beneath stran)e
skies4 a)ainst "orth1 opponentsDnot scrabb'in) abo$t in a %o))1 "aste'an-;
: passe- a %ami'iar-seemin) o$tcrop o% stone; Co$'- : ha&e been mo&in) in a circ'e> !here is a
ten-enc1 to -o that "hen comp'ete'1 'ost; : 'istene- %or the th$n-er4 to take m1 bearin)s a)ain;
Per&erse'14 a'' "as si'ent; : mo&e- to the o$tcrop an- seate- m1se'% on the )ro$n-4 restin) m1
back a)ainst it; No sense to mere'1 "an-erin); : "o$'- "ait a time %or the th$n-er@s si)na'; :
"ith-re" m1 !r$mps as : sat there; /a- ha- sai- that the1 "o$'- be o$t o% commission %or a
time4 b$t : ha- nothin) better to -o;
One b1 one4 : "ent thro$)h them a''4 tr1in) to reach e&er1one4 sa&e %or Bran- an- Caine;
Nothin); /a- ha- been ri)ht; !he car-s 'acke- the %ami'iar co'-ness; : sh$%%'e- the entire -eck
then an- cast m1 %ort$ne4 there on the san-; : )ot an impossib'e rea-in) an- p$t them a'' a"a1
a)ain; : 'eane- back an- "ishe- : ha- some "ater 'e%t; +or a 'on) "hi'e4 : 'istene- %or the storm;
!here "ere a %e" )ro"'s4 b$t the1 "ere -irection'ess; !he !r$mps ma-e me think o% m1 %ami'1;
!he1 "ere $p ahea-D"here&er that mi)ht beD"aitin) %or me; =aitin) %or "hat> : "as
transportin) the Ee"e'; !o "hat en-> At %irst4 : ha- ass$me- that its po"ers mi)ht be necessar1 in
the con%'ict; :% so4 an- i% : "ere in-ee- the on'1 one "ho co$'- emp'o1 them4 then "e "ere in
ba- shape; : tho$)ht o% Amber then4 an- : "as shaken "ith remorse an- a kin- o% -rea-; !hin)s
m$st not en- %or Amber4 e&er; !here ha- to be a "a1 to ro'' back the Chaos;;;;
: thre" a"a1 a sma'' stone : ha- been to1in) "ith; Once : re'ease- it4 it mo&e- &er1 s'o"'1;
!he Ee"e'; :ts s'o"-o"n e%%ect a)ain;;;
: -re" more ener)1 an- the stone shot a"a1; :t seeme- that : ha- ?$st taken stren)th %rom the
Ee"e' a 'itt'e "hi'e a)o; =hi'e this treatment ener)i6e- m1 bo-14 m1 min- sti'' %e't %o))e- $p; :
nee-e- s'eepD"ith 'ots o% rapi- e1e mo&ements; !his p'ace mi)ht seem a 'ot 'ess $n$s$a' i% :
"ere reste-;
,o" c'ose "as : to m1 -estination> =as it ?$st be1on- the ne.t mo$ntain ran)e4 or an enormo$s
-istance %arther> An- "hat chance ha- : o% sta1in) ahea- o% that storm4 no matter "hat the
-istance> An- the others> ($pposin) the batt'e "as a'rea-1 conc'$-e- an- "e ha- 'ost> : ha-
&isions o% arri&in) too 'ate4 to ser&e on'1 as )ra&e-i))er;;;; Bones an- so'i'o<$ies4 Chaos;;;
An- "here "as that -amne- b'ack roa- no" that : %ina''1 ha- a $se %or it> :% : co$'- 'ocate it4 :
co$'- %o''o" it; : ha- a %ee'in) that it "as some"here o%% to m1 'e%t;;;;
: reache- o$t once a)ain4 partin) the %o)s4 ro''in) them back;;;; Nothin);;;
A shape> (omethin) mo&in)>
:t "as an anima'4 a 'ar)e -o) perhaps4 mo&in) to remain "ithin the %o); =as it sta'kin) me>
!he Ee"e' be)an to p$'se as : mo&e- the %o) e&en %arther back; 2.pose-4 the anima' seeme- to
shr$) itse'%; !hen it mo&e- strai)ht to"ar- me;
Chapter $
: stoo- as it came near; : co$'- see then that it "as a ?acka'4 a bi) one4 its e1es %i.e- on m1 o"n;
FAo$ are a 'itt'e ear'14G : sai-; F: "as on'1 restin);G
:t ch$ck'e-;
F: ha&e come mere'1 to re)ar- a Prince o% Amber4G the beast sai-; FAn1thin) e'se "o$'- be a
bon$s;G :t ch$ck'e- a)ain; (o -i- :;
F!hen %east 1o$r e1es; An1thin) e'se4 an- 1o$ "i'' %in- that : ha&e reste- s$%%icient'1;G
FNa14 na14G sai- the ?acka'; F: am a %an o% the ,o$se o% Amber; An- that o% Chaos; 0o1a' b'oo-
appea's to me4 Prince o% Chaos; An- con%'ict;G
FAo$ ha&e a"ar-e- me an $n%ami'iar tit'e; B1 connection "ith the Co$rts o% Chaos is main'1 a
matter o% )enea'o)1;G
F: think o% the ima)es o% Amber passin) thro$)h the sha-o"s o% Chaos; : think o% the "a&es o%
Chaos "ashin) o&er the ima)es o% Amber; Aet at the heart o% the or-er Amber represents mo&es a
%ami'1 most chaotic4 ?$st as the ,o$se o% Chaos is serene an- p'aci-; Aet 1o$ ha&e 1o$r ties4 as
"e'' as 1o$r con%'icts;G
FAt the moment4G : sai-4 F: am not intereste- in para-o. h$ntin) an- termino'o)1 )ames; : am
tr1in) to )et to the Co$rts o% Chaos; /o 1o$ kno" the "a1>G
FAes4G sai- the ?acka'; F:t is not %ar4 as the carrion bir- %'ies; Come4 : "i'' set 1o$ in the proper
:t t$rne- an- be)an "a'kin) a=a1; : %o''o"e-;
F/o : mo&e too %ast> Ao$ seem tire-;G
FNo; 3eep )oin); :t is be1on- this &a''e1 certain'14 is it not>G
FAes; !here is a t$nne';G
: %o''o"e- it4 o$t across san- an- )ra&e' an- -r14 har- )ro$n-; !here "as nothin) )ro"in) at
either han-; As "e "a'ke-4 the %o)s thinne- an- took on a )reenish castDanother trick o% that
stipp'e- sk14 : ass$me-;
A%ter a time4 : ca''e- o$t4 F,o" m$ch %arther is it>G
FNot too %ar no"4G it sai-;
F/o 1o$ )ro" tire-> /o 1o$ "ish to rest>G
:t 'ooke- back as it spoke; !he )reenish 'i)ht )a&e to its $)'1 %eat$res an e&en more )hast'1 cast;
(ti''4 : nee-e- a )$i-eC an- "e "ere hea-in) $phi''4 "hich seeme- to be proper;
F:s there "ater an1"here near abo$t>G : aske-;
FNo; =e "o$'- ha&e to backtrack a consi-erab'e -istance;G
F+or)et it; : ha&en@t the time;G
:t shr$))e- an- ch$ck'e- an- "a'ke- on; !he %o) c'eare- a 'itt'e more as "e "ent4 an- : co$'-
see that "e "ere enterin) a 'o" ran)e o% hi''s; : 'eane- on m1 sta%% an- kept $p the pace;
=e c'imbe- stea-i'1 %or perhaps ha'% an ho$r4 the )ro$n- )ro"in) stonier4 the an)'e o% ascent
steeper; : %o$n- m1se'% be)innin) to breathe hea&i'1;
F=ait4G : ca''e- to him; F: -o "ant to rest no"; : tho$)ht 1o$ sai- that it "as not %ar;G
F+or)i&e me4G it sai-4 ha'tin)4 F%or ?acka'ocentrism; : "as ?$-)in) in terms o% m1 o"n nat$ra'
pace; : erre- in this4 b$t "e are a'most there no"; :t 'ies amon) the rocks ?$st ahea-; =h1 not rest
FA'' ri)ht4G : rep'ie-4 an- : res$me- "a'kin);
(oon "e reache- a ston1 "a'' "hich : rea'i6e- "as the %oot o% a mo$ntain; =e picke- o$r "a1
amon) the rock1 -ebris "hich 'ine- it an- came at 'ast to an openin) "hich 'e- back into
F!here 1o$ ha&e it4G sai- the ?acka'; F!he "a1 is strai)ht4 an- there are no tro$b'esome si-e
branches; !ake 1o$r passa)e thro$)h4 an- )oo- spee- to 1o$;G
F!hank 1o$4G : sai-4 )i&in) $p tho$)hts o% rest %or the moment an- steppin) insi-e;
F: appreciate this;G
FB1 p'eas$re4G he sai- %rom behin- me;
: took se&era' more steps an- somethin) cr$nche- beneath m1 %eet an- ratt'e- "hen kicke-
asi-e; :t "as a so$n- one -oes not rea-i'1 %or)et; !he %'oor "as stre"n "ith bones;
!here came a so%t4 <$ick so$n- %rom behin- me4 an- : kne" that : -i- not ha&e time to -ra"
#ra1s"an-ir; (o : sp$n4 raisin) m1 sta%% be%ore me an- thr$stin) "ith it;
!his mane$&er b'ocke- the beast@s 'eap4 strikin) it on the sho$'-er; B$t it a'so knocke- me o&er
back"ar-4 to ro'' amon) the bones; !he sta%% "as torn %rom m1 han-s b1 the impact4 an- in the
sp'it secon- o% -ecision a''o"e- me b1 m1 opponent@s o"n %a'' : chose to -ra" #ra1s"an-ir
rather than )rope a%ter it;
: mana)e- to )et m1 b'a-e $nsheathe-4 b$t that "as a''; : "as sti'' on m1 back "ith the point o%
m1 "eapon to m1 'e%t "hen the ?acka' reco&ere- an- 'eape- a)ain; : s"$n) the pomme' "ith a''
o% m1 stren)th into its %ace;
!he shock ran -o"n m1 arm an- $p into m1 sho$'-er; !he ?acka'@s hea- snappe- back an- its
bo-1 t"iste- to m1 'e%t; : bro$)ht the point into 'ine imme-iate'14 )rippin) the hi't "ith both
han-s4 an- : "as ab'e to rise to m1 ri)ht knee be%ore it snar'e- an- '$n)e- once more;
As soon as : sa" that : ha- it on tar)et4 : thre" m1 "ei)ht behin- it4 -ri&in) the b'a-e -eep into
the ?acka'@s bo-1; : re'ease- it <$ick'1 an- ro''e- a"a1 %rom those snappin) ?a"s;
!he ?acka' shrieke-4 str$))'e- to rise4 -roppe- back; : 'a1 pantin) "here : ha- %a''en; : %e't the
sta%% beneath me an- sei6e- it; : bro$)ht it aro$n- to )$ar- an- -re" m1se'% back a)ainst the
ca&e "a''; !he beast -i- not rise a)ain4 ho"e&er4 b$t 'a1 there thrashin); :n the -im 'i)ht4 : co$'-
see that it "as &omitin); !he sme'' "as o&erpo"erin);
!hen it t$rne- its e1es in m1 -irection an- 'a1 sti'';
F:t "o$'- ha&e been so %ine4G it sai- so%t'14 Fto eat a Prince o% Amber; : a'"a1s "on-ere-D
abo$t ro1a' b'oo-;G
!hen the e1es c'ose- an- the breathin) stoppe- an- : "as 'e%t "ith the stink;
: rose4 back sti'' a)ainst the "a''4 sta%% sti'' be%ore me4 an- re)ar-e- it; :t "as a 'on) "hi'e be%ore
: co$'- brin) m1se'% to retrie&e m1 b'a-e;
A <$ick e.p'oration sho"e- me that : "as in no t$nne'4 b$t on'1 a ca&e; =hen : ma-e m1 "a1
o$t4 the %o) ha- )ro"n 1e''o"4 an- it "as stirre- no" b1 a bree6e %rom the 'o"er reaches o% the
: 'eane- a)ainst the rock an- trie- to -eci-e "hich "a1 to take; !here "as no rea' trai' here;
+ina''14 : str$ck o%% to m1 'e%t; !hat "a1 seeme- some"hat steeper4 an- : "ante- to )et abo&e
the %o) an- into the mo$ntains as soon as : co$'-; !he sta%% contin$e- to ser&e me "e''; : kept
'istenin) %or the so$n- o% r$nnin) "ater4 b$t there "as none abo$t;
: str$))'e- a'on)4 a'"a1s contin$in) $p"ar-4 an- the %o)s thinne- an- chan)e- co'or; +ina''14 :
co$'- see that : "as c'imbin) to"ar- a "i-e p'atea$; Abo&e it4 : be)an to catch )'impses o% the
sk14 man1-co'ore- an- ch$rnin);
!here "ere se&era' sharp c'aps o% th$n-er at m1 back4 b$t : sti'' co$'- not see the -isposition o%
the storm; : increase- m1 pace then4 b$t be)an to )ro" -i661 a%ter a %e" min$tes; : stoppe- an-
seate- m1se'% on the )ro$n-4 pantin); : "as o&er"he'me- "ith a sense o% %ai'$re; 2&en i% : ma-e
it $p to the p'atea$4 : ha- a %ee'in) that the storm "o$'- roar ri)ht across it; : r$bbe- m1 e1es
"ith the hee's o% m1 han-s; =hat "as the $se o% )oin) on i% there "as no "a1 : co$'- make it>
A sha-o" mo&e- thro$)h the pistachio mists4 -roppe- to"ar- me; : raise- m1 sta%%4 then sa"
that it "as on'1 ,$)i; ,e brake- himse'% an- 'an-e- at m1 %eet;
FCor"in4G he sai-4 F1o$ ha&e come a )oo- -istance;G
FB$t ma1be not )oo- eno$)h4G : sai-; F!he storm seems to be )ettin) nearer;G
F: be'ie&e that it is; : ha&e been me-itatin) an- "o$'- 'ike to )i&e 1o$ the bene%it o%DG
F:% 1o$ "ant to bene%it me at a''4G : sai-4 F: co$'- te'' 1o$ "hat to -o;G
F=hat is that>G
F+'1 back an- see ho" %ar o%% the storm rea''1 is4 an- ho" %ast it seems to be mo&in); !hen
come an- te'' me;G ,$)i hoppe- %rom one %oot to the other; !hen4 FA'' ri)ht4G he sai-4 an- 'eape-
into the air an- batte- his "a1 to"ar- "hat : %e't to be the north"est;
: 'eane- on the sta%% an- rose; : mi)ht as "e'' keep c'imbin) at the best pace : co$'- mana)e; :
-re" $pon the Ee"e' a)ain4 an- stren)th came into me 'ike a re- 'i)htnin) %'ash;
As : mo$nte- the s'ope4 a -amp bree6e spran) $p %rom the -irection in "hich ,$)i ha- -eparte-;
!here came another th$n-erc'ap; No more )ro"'s an- r$mb'es;
: ma-e the most o% the in%'$. o% ener)14 c'imbin) <$ick'1 an- e%%icient'1 %or se&era' h$n-re-
meters; :% : "ere )oin) to 'ose4 : mi)ht as "e'' make it to the top %irst; : mi)ht as "e'' see "here :
"as an- 'earn "hether there "as an1thin) at a'' 'e%t %or me to tr1;
B1 &ie" o% the sk1 )re" more an- more c'ear as : c'imbe-; :t ha- chan)e- consi-erab'1 since
'ast : ha- re)ar-e- it; ,a'% o% it "as o% $ninterr$pte- b'ackness an- the other ha'% those masses o%
s"immin) co'ors; An- the entire hea&en'1 bo"' seeme- to be rotatin) abo$t a point -irect'1
o&erhea-; : be)an to )ro" e.cite-; !his "as the sk1 : "as seekin)4 the sk1 "hich ha- co&ere-
me that time : ha- ?o$rne1e- to Chaos; : str$))'e- hi)her; : "ante- to $tter somethin)
heartenin)4 b$t m1 throat "as too -r1;
As : neare- the rim o% the p'atea$4 : hear- a %'appin) so$n- an- ,$)i "as s$--en'1 on m1
F!he storm is abo$t rea-1 to cra"' $p 1o$r arse4G he sai-; FBe here an1 min$te;G
: contin$e- c'imbin)4 reache- 'e&e' )ro$n- an- ha$'e- m1se'% $p to it; : stoo- %or a moment
then4 breathin) hea&i'1; !he "in- m$st ha&e kept the area c'ear o% %o)4 %or it "as a hi)h4 smooth
p'ain4 an- : co$'- see the sk1 %or a )reat -istance ahea-; : a-&ance-4 to %in- a point %rom "hich :
co$'- see be1on- the %arther e-)e; As : mo&e-4 the so$n-s o% the storm came to me more c'ear'1;
F: -o not be'ie&e 1o$ "i'' make it across4G ,$)i sai-4 F"itho$t )ettin) "et;G
FAo$ kno" that is no or-inar1 storm4G : croake-; F:% it "ere; :@- be thank%$' %or the chance o%
)ettin) a -rink;G
F: kno"; : "as speakin) %i)$rati&e'1;G
: )ro"'e- somethin) &$')ar an- kept )oin);
#ra-$a''14 the &ista be%ore me en'ar)e-; !he sk1 sti'' -i- its cra61 &ei' -ance4 b$t the
i''$mination "as more than s$%%icient; =hen : reache- a position "here : "as positi&e "hat 'a1
be%ore me4 : ha'te- an- sa))e- a)ainst m1 sta%%;
F=hat is the matter>G ,$)i aske-;
B$t : co$'- not speak; : simp'1 )est$re- at the )reat "aste'an- "hich commence- some"here
be'o" the %arther 'ip o% the p'atea$ to s"eep on %or at 'east %ort1 mi'es be%ore b$ttin) $p a)ainst
another ran)e o% mo$ntains; An- %ar o%% to the 'e%t an- sti'' r$nnin) stron) "ent the b'ack roa-;
F!he "aste>G he sai-; F: co$'- ha&e to'- 1o$ it "as there; =h1 -i-n@t 1o$ ask me>G
: ma-e a noise ha'%"a1 bet"een a )roan an- a sob an- sank s'o"'1 to the )ro$n-;
,o" 'on) : remaine- so4 : am not certain; : %e't more than a 'itt'e -e'irio$s; :n the mi-st o% it :
seeme- to see a possib'e ans"er4 tho$)h somethin) "ithin me rebe''e- a)ainst it; : "as %ina''1
ro$se- b1 the noises o% the storm an- ,$)i@s chatterin);
F: can@t beat it across that p'ace4G : "hispere-; F!here is no "a1;G
FAo$ sa1 1o$ ha&e %ai'e-4G ,$)i sai-; FB$t this is not so; !here is neither %ai'$re nor &ictor1 in
stri&in); :t is a'' b$t an i''$sion o% the e)o;G
: rose s'o"'1 to m1 knees;
F: -i- not sa1 that : ha- %ai'e-;G
FAo$ sai- that 1o$ cannot )o on to 1o$r -estination;G : 'ooke- back4 to "here 'i)htnin)s no"
%'ashe- as the storm c'imbe- to"ar- me;
F!hat@s ri)ht4 : cannot -o it that "a1; B$t i% /a- %ai'e-4 : ha&e )ot to attempt somethin) that
Bran- trie- to con&ince me on'1 he co$'- -o; : ha&e to create a ne" Pattern4 an- : ha&e to -o it
ri)ht4 here;G
FAo$> Create a ne" Pattern> :% Oberon %ai'e-4 ho" co$'- a man "ho can bare'1 sta1 on his %eet
-o it> No4 Cor"in; 0esi)nation is the )reatest &irt$e 1o$ mi)ht c$'ti&ate;G
: raise- m1 hea- an- 'o"ere- the sta%% to the )ro$n-; ,$)i %'$ttere- -o"n to stan- besi-e it an- :
re)ar-e- him;
FAo$ -o not "ant to be'ie&e an1 o% the thin)s that : sai-4 -o 1o$>G : to'- him; F:t -oes not
matter4 tho$)h; !he con%'ict bet"een o$r &ie"s is irre-$cib'e; : see -esire as hi--en i-entit1 an-
stri&in) as its )ro"th; Ao$ -o not;G : mo&e- m1 han-s %or"ar- an- reste- them on m1 knees; F:%
%or 1o$ the )reatest )oo- is $nion "ith the Abso'$te4 then "h1 -o 1o$ not %'1 to ?oin it no"4 in
the %orm o% the a''-per&a-in) Chaos "hich approaches> :% : %ai' here4 it "i'' become Abso'$te; As
%or me4 : m$st tr14 %or so 'on) as there is breath "ithin me4 to raise $p a Pattern a)ainst it; : -o
this beca$se : am "hat : am4 an- : am the man "ho co$'- ha&e been kin) in Amber;G
,$)i 'o"ere- his hea-;
F:@'' see 1o$ eat cro" %irst4G he sai-4 an- he ch$ck'e-;
: reache- o$t <$ick'1 an- t"iste- his hea- o%%4 "ishin) that : ha- time to b$i'- a %ire; !ho$)h he
ma-e it 'ook 'ike a sacri%ice4 it is -i%%ic$'t to sa1 to "hom the mora' &ictor1 be'on)e-4 since : "as
p'annin) on -oin) it an1"a1;
Chapter %
;;;Cassis4 an- the sme'' o% the chestn$t b'ossoms; A'' a'on) the Champs-2'1sies the chestn$ts
"ere %oamin) "hite;;;;
: remembere- the p'a1 o% the %o$ntains in the P'ace -e 'a Concor-e;;;; An- -o"n the 0$e -e 'a
(eine an- a'on) the <$ais4 the sme'' o% the o'- books4 the sme'' o% the ri&er;;;; !he sme'' o%
chestn$t b'ossoms;;;
=h1 sho$'- : s$--en'1 remember 195 an- Paris on the sha-o" 2arth4 sa&e that : "as &er1
happ1 that 1ear an- : mi)ht4 re%'e.i&e'14 ha&e so$)ht an anti-ote %or the present> Aes;;;
=hite absinthe4 Amer Picon4 )rena-ine;;;=i'- stra"berries4 "ith Creme -@:si)n1;;;Chess at the
Ca%e -e 'a 0e)ence "ith actors %rom the Come-ie +rancaise4 ?$st across the "a1;;;!he races at
Chanti''1;;;2&enin)s at the Boite a +$rs1 on the 0$e Pi)a''e;;;
: p'ace- m1 'e%t %oot %irm'1 be%ore m1 ri)ht4 m1 ri)ht be%ore m1 'e%t; :n m1 'e%t han-4 : he'- the
chain %rom "hich the Ee"e' -epen-e-Dan- : carrie- it hi)h4 so that : co$'- stare into the stone@s
-epths4 seein) an- %ee'in) there the emer)ence o% the ne" Pattern "hich : -escribe- "ith each
step; : ha- scre"e- m1 sta%% into the )ro$n- an- 'e%t it to stan- near the Pattern@s be)innin);
!he "in- san) abo$t me an- there "as th$n-er near at han-; : -i- not meet "ith the ph1sica'
resistance that : -i- on the o'- Pattern; !here "as no resistance at a''; :nstea-Dan- in man1
"a1s "orseDa pec$'iar -e'iberation ha- come o&er a'' m1 mo&ements4 s'o"in) them4 rit$a'i6in)
them; : seeme- to e.pen- more ener)1 in preparin) %or each stepDpercei&in) it4 rea'i6in) it an-
or-erin) m1 min- %or its$tionDthan : -i- in the ph1sica' per%ormance o% the act; Aet the
s'o"ness seeme- to re<$ire itse'%4 "as e.acte- o% me b1 some $nkno"n a)enc1 "hich
-etermine- precision an- an a-a)io tempo %or a'' m1 mo&ements; 0i)ht;;;
;;;An-4 as the Pattern in 0ebma ha- he'pe- to restore m1 %a-e- memories4 so this one : "as no"
stri&in) to create stirre- an- e'icite- the sme'' o% the chestn$t trees4 o% the "a)on'oa-s o%
&e)etab'es mo&in) thro$)h the -a"n to"ar- the ,a''os;;;; : "as not in 'o&e "ith an1one in
partic$'ar at the time4 tho$)h there "ere man1 )ir'sDA&ettes an- Bimis an- (imones4 their
%aces mer)eDan- it "as sprin) in Paris4 "ith #ips1 ban-s an- cocktai's at 9o$is@;;;; :
remembere-4 an- m1 heart 'eape- "ith a kin- o% Pro$stian ?o1 "hi'e !ime to''e- abo$t me 'ike a
be'';;;; An- perhaps this "as the reason %or the reco''ection4 %or this ?o1 seeme- transmitte- to m1
mo&ements4 in%orme- m1 perceptions4 empo"ere- m1 "i'';;;;
: sa" the ne.t step an- : took it;;;; : ha- been aro$n- once no"4 creatin) the perimeter o% m1
Pattern; At m1 back4 : co$'- %ee' the storm; :t m$st ha&e mo$nte- to the p'atea$@s rim; !he sk1
"as -arkenin)4 the storm b'ottin) the s"in)in)4 s"immin)4 co'ore- 'imits; +'ashes o% 'i)htnin)
sp'a1e- abo$t4 an- : co$'- not spare the ener)1 an- the attention to tr1 to contro' thin)s;
,a&in) )one comp'ete'1 aro$n-4 : co$'- see that as m$ch o% the ne" Pattern as : ha- "a'ke-
"as no" inscribe- in the rock an- )'o"in) pa'e'14 b'$e'1; Aet4 there "ere no sparks4 no tin)es in
m1 %eet4 no hair-raisin) c$rrentsDon'1 the stea-1 'a" o% -e'iberation4 $pon me 'ike a )reat
"ei)ht;;;; 9e%t;;;
;;;Poppies4 poppies an- corn%'o"ers an- ta'' pop'ars a'on) co$ntr1 roa-s4 the taste o% Norman-1
ci-er;;;An- in to"n a)ain4 the sme'' o% the chestn$t b'ossoms;;;!he (eine %$'' o% stars;;;!he sme''
o% the o'- brick ho$ses in the P'ace -es 7os)es a%ter a mornin)@s rain;;;!he bar $n-er the
O'1mpia B$sic ,a'';;;A %i)ht there;;;B'oo-ie- kn$ck'es4 ban-a)e- b1 a )ir' "ho took me home;;;
;;;=hat "as her name> Chestn$t b'ossoms;;;A "hite rose;;;
: sni%%e- then; !he o-or "as a'' b$t )one %rom the remains o% the rose at m1 co''ar; ($rprisin)
that an1 o% it ha- s$r&i&e- this %ar; :t heartene- me; : p$she- ahea-4 c$r&in) )ent'1 to m1 ri)ht;
+rom the corner o% m1 e1e4 : sa" the a-&ancin) "a'' o% the storm4 s'ick as )'ass4 ob'iteratin)
e&er1thin) it passe-; !he roar o% its th$n-er "as -ea%enin) no";
0i)ht4 'e%t;;;
!he a-&ance o% the armies o% the ni)ht;;;=o$'- m1 Pattern ho'- a)ainst it> : "ishe- that : mi)ht
h$rr14 b$t i% an1thin) : "as mo&in) "ith increasin) s'o"ness as : "ent on; : %e't a c$rio$s sense
o% bi'ocation4 a'most as i% : "ere "ithin the Ee"e' tracin) the Pattern there m1se'% "hi'e : mo&e-
o$t here4 re)ar-in) it an- mimickin) its pro)ress; 9e%t;;;!$rn;;;0i)ht;;;!he storm "as in-ee-
a-&ancin); (oon it "o$'- reach o'- ,$)i@s bones; : sme''e- the moist$re an- the o6one an-
"on-ere- abo$t the stran)e -ark bir- "ho ha- sai- he@- been "aitin) %or me since the be)innin)
o% !ime; =aitin) to ar)$e "ith me or to be eaten b1 me in this p'ace "itho$t histor1> =hate&er4
consi-erin) the e.a))eration $s$a' in mora'ists4 it "as %ittin) that4 ha&in) %ai'e- to 'ea&e me "ith
m1 heart a'' 'a-en "ith r$e o&er m1 spirit$a' con-ition4 he be cons$me- to the accompaniment o%
theatrica' th$n-er;;;; !here "as -istant th$n-er4 near th$n-er an- more th$n-er no"; As : t$rne-
in that -irection once more4 the 'i)htnin) %'ashes "ere near'1 b'in-in); : c'$tche- m1 chain an-
took another step;;;;
!he storm p$she- ri)ht $p to the e-)e o% m1 Pattern4 an- then it parte-; :t be)an to creep aro$n-
me; Not a -rop %e'' $pon me or the Pattern; B$t s'o"'14 )ra-$a''14 "e came to be tota''1 en)$'%e-
"ithin it;
:t seeme- as i% : "ere in a b$bb'e at the bottom o% a storm1 sea; =a''s o% "ater encirc'e- me an-
-ark shapes -arte- b1; :t seeme- as i% the entire $ni&erse "ere pressin) in to cr$sh me; :
concentrate- on the re- "or'- o% the Ee"e'; 9e%t;;;
!he chestn$t b'ossoms;;;A c$p o% hot choco'ate at a si-e"a'k ca%e;;;A ban- concert in the
!$i'eries #ar-ens4 the so$n-s c'imbin) thro$)h the s$nbri)ht air;;;Ber'in in the t"enties4 the
Paci%ic in the thirtiesDthere ha- been p'eas$res there4 b$t o% a -i%%erent or-er; :t ma1 not be the
tr$e past4 b$t ima)es o% the past that r$sh to com%ort or torment $s 'ater4 man or nation; No
matter; Across the Pont Ne$% an- -o"n the 0$e 0i&o'i4 b$ses an- %iacres;;;Painters at their ease's
in the 9$.embo$r) #ar-ens;;;:% a'' "ere to %a'' "e''4 : mi)ht seek a sha-o" 'ike this a)ain one
-a1;;;:t ranke- "ith m1 A&a'on; : ha- %or)otten;;;!he -etai's;;;!he to$ches that make %or 'i%e;;;!he
sme'' o% the chestn$ts;;;
=a'kin);;;: comp'ete- another circ$it; !he "in- screame- an- the storm roare- on4 b$t : "as
$nto$che-; (o 'on) as : -i- not permit it to -istract me4 so 'on) as : kept mo&in) an- maintaine-
m1 %oc$s on the Ee"e';;;; : ha- to ho'- $p4 ha- to keep takin) these s'o"4 care%$' steps4 ne&er to
stop4 s'o"er an- s'o"er b$t constant'1 mo&in);;;; +aces;;;:t seeme- that ro"s o% %aces re)ar-e-
me %rom be1on- the Pattern@s e-)e;;;; 9ar)e4 'ike the ,ea-4 b$t t"iste-D)rinnin); Eeerin)4
mockin) me4 "aitin) %or me to stop or step "ron)'1;;;; =aitin) %or the "ho'e thin) to come apart
aro$n- me;;;; !here "as 'i)htnin) behin- their e1es an- in their months4 their 'a$)hter "as the
th$n-er;;;; (ha-o"s cra"'e- amon) them;;;; No" the1 spoke to me4 "ith "or-s 'ike a )a'e %rom
o%% a -ark ocean;;;; : "o$'- %ai'4 the1 to'- me4 %ai' an- be s"ept a"a14 this %ra)ment o% a Pattern
-ashe- to pieces behin- me an- cons$me-;;;; !he1 c$rse- me4 the1 spat an- &omite- to"ar- me4
tho$)h none o% it reache-;;;; Perhaps the1 "ere not rea''1 there;;;; Perhaps m1 min- ha- been
broken b1 the strain;;;; !hen "hat )oo- "ere m1 e%%orts> A ne" Pattern to be shape- b1 a
ma-man> : "a&ere-4 an- the1 took $p the chor$s4 FBa-I Ba-I Ba-IG in the &oices o% the
: -re" a -eep breath an- sme''e- "hat "as 'e%t o% the rose an- tho$)ht o% chestn$ts once a)ain4
an- -a1s %i''e- "ith the ?o1s o% 'i%e an- or)anic or-er; !he &oices seeme- to so%ten as m1 min-
race- back thro$)h the e&ents o% that happ1 1ear;;;; An- : took another step;;;; An- another;;;;
!he1 ha- been p'a1in) on m1 "eaknesses4 the1 co$'- %ee' m1 -o$bts4 m1 an.iet14 m1 %ati)$e;;;;
=hate&er the1 "ere4 the1 sei6e- "hat the1 sa" an- trie- to $se it a)ainst me;;;;
9e%t;;;0i)ht;;;No" 'et them %ee' m1 con%i-ence an- "ither4 : to'- m1se'%; : ha&e come this %ar; :
"i'' contin$e; 9e%t;;;
!he1 s"ir'e- an- s"e''e- abo$t me4 sti'' mo$thin) -isco$ra)ements; B$t some o% the %orce
seeme- )one o$t o% them; : ma-e m1 "a1 thro$)h another section o% arc4 seein) it )ro" be%ore
me in m1 min-@s re- e1e;
: tho$)ht back to m1 escape %rom #reen"oo-4 to m1 trickin) +'ora o$t o% in%ormation4 to m1
enco$nter "ith 0an-om4 o$r %i)ht "ith his p$rs$ers4 o$r ?o$rne1 back to Amber;;;; : tho$)ht o%
o$r %'i)ht to 0ebma an- m1 "a'kin) o% the re&erse- Pattern there %or a restoration o% m$ch o% m1
memor1;;;; O% 0an-om@s shot)$n "e--in) an- m1 so?o$rn to Amber4 "here : %o$)ht "ith 2ric
an- %'e- to B'e1s;;;; O% the batt'es that %o''o"e-4 m1 b'in-in)4 m1 reco&er14 m1 escape4 m1
?o$rne1 to 9orraine an- then to A&a'on;;;;
Bo&in) into e&en hi)her )ear4 m1 min- skimme- the s$r%ace o% s$bse<$ent e&ents;;;; #ane'on
an- 9orraine;;;!he creat$res o% the B'ack Circ'e;;;Bene-ict@s arm;;;/ara;;;!he ret$rn o% Bran- an-
his stabbin);;;B1 stabbin);;;Bi'' 0oth;;;,ospita' recor-s;;;B1 acci-ent;;;
;;;No"4 %rom the &er1 be)innin) at #reen"oo-4 thro$)h it a''4 to this moment o% m1 str$))'e to
ass$re each per%ect mane$&er as it appeare- to me4 : %e't the )ro"in) sense o% anticipation : ha-
kno"nD"hether m1 actions "ere -irecte- to"ar- the throne4 &en)eance4 or m1 conception o%
-$t1D%e't it4 "as a"are o% its contin$o$s e.istence across those 1ears $p $nti' this moment4
"hen it "as %ina''1 accompanie- b1 somethin) e'se;;;; : %e't that the "aitin) "as ?$st abo$t o&er4
that "hate&er : ha- been anticipatin) an- str$))'in) to"ar- "as soon to occ$r;
9e%t;;;7er14 &er1 s'o"'1;;;Nothin) e'se "as important; : thre" a'' o% m1 "i'' into the mo&ements
no"; B1 concentration became tota'; =hate&er 'a1 be1on- the Pattern4 : "as no" ob'i&io$s to it;
9i)htnin)s4 %aces4 "in-s;;;:t -i- not matter; !here "as on'1 the Ee"e'4 the )ro"in) Pattern an-
m1se'%Dan- : "as bare'1 a"are o% m1se'%; Perhaps this "as the c'osest : "o$'- e&er come to
,$)i@s i-ea' o% mer)in) "ith the Abso'$te; !$rn;;;0i)ht %oot;;;!$rn a)ain;;;
!ime cease- to ha&e meanin); (pace "as restricte- to the -esi)n : "as creatin); : -re" stren)th
%rom the Ee"e' "itho$t s$mmonin) it no"4 as part o% the process in "hich : "as en)a)e-; :n a
sense4 : s$ppose4 : "as ob'iterate-; : became a mo&in) point4 pro)rame- b1 the Ee"e'4
per%ormin) an operation "hich absorbe- me so tota''1 that : ha- no attention a&ai'ab'e %or se'%-
conscio$sness; Aet4 at some 'e&e'4 : rea'i6e- that : "as a part o% the process4 a'so; +or : kne"4
someho"4 that i% an1one e'se "ere -oin) it4 it "o$'- be a -i%%erent Pattern emer)in);
: "as &a)$e'1 a"are that : ha- passe- the ha'%"a1 point; !he "a1 ha- become trickier4 m1
mo&ements e&en s'o"er; /espite the matter o% &e'ocit14 : "as someho" remin-e- o% m1
e.periences on ori)ina''1 becomin) att$ne- to the Ee"e'4 in that stran)e4 man1--imensiona'
matri. "hich seeme- to be the so$rce o% the Pattern itse'%; 0i)ht;;;9e%t;;;
!here "as no -ra); : %e't &er1 'i)ht4 -espite the -e'iberation; A bo$n-'ess ener)1 seeme- to "ash
constant'1 thro$)h me; A'' o% the so$n-s abo$t me ha- mer)e- into a "hite noise an- &anishe-;
($--en'1 then4 : no 'on)er seeme- to be mo&in) s'o"'1; :t -i- not seem as i% : ha- passe- a 7ei'
or barrier4 b$t rather that : ha- $n-er)one some interna' a-?$stment;
:t %e't as i% : "ere mo&in) at a more norma' pace no"4 "in-in) m1 "a1 thro$)h ti)hter an-
ti)hter coi's4 approa-hin) "hat "o$'- soon be the -esi)n@s termin$s; Bain'14 : "as sti''
emotion'ess4 tho$)h : kne" inte''ect$a''1 that at some 'e&e' a sense o% e'ation "as )ro"in) an-
"o$'- soon b$rst thro$)h; Another step;;;Another;;;Perhaps ha'% a -o6en more paces;;;
($--en'14 the "or'- "ent -ark; :t seeme- that : stoo- "ithin a )reat &oi-4 "ith on'1 the %aint
'i)ht o% the Ee"e' be%ore me an- the )'o" o% the Pattern 'ike a spira' neb$'a thro$)h "hich : "as
stri-in); : "a&ere-4 b$t on'1 %or an instant; !his m$st be the 'ast tria'4 the %ina' assa$'t; : "o$'-
ha&e to be s$%%icient to the -istraction;
!he Ee"e' sho"e- me "hat to -o an- the Pattern sho"e- me "here to -o it; !he on'1 thin)
missin) "as a &ie" o% m1se'%; 9e%t;;;
: contin$e-4$tin) each mo&e "ith a'' o% m1 attention; An opposin) %orce be)an to rise
a)ainst me %ina''14 as on the o'- Pattern; B$t %or this4 : "as prepare- b1 1ears o% e.perience; :
str$))'e- %or t"o more steps a)ainst the mo$ntin) barrier;
!hen4 "ithin the Ee"e'4 : sa" the en-in) o% the Pattern; : "o$'- ha&e )aspe- at the s$--en
rea'i6ation o% its bea$t14 b$t at this point e&en m1 breath "as re)$'ate- b1 m1 e%%orts; : thre" a''
o% m1 stren)th into the ne.t step4 an- the &oi- seeme- to shake abo$t me; : comp'ete- it4 an- the
ne.t "as e&en more -i%%ic$'t; : %e't as i% : "ere at the center o% the $ni&erse4 trea-in) on stars4
str$))'in) to impart some essentia' motion b1 "hat "as basica''1 an act o% "i'';
B1 %oot s'o"'1 a-&ance-4 tho$)h : co$'- not see it; !he Pattern be)an to bri)hten; (oon its
b'a6e "as a'most b'in-in);
E$st a 'itt'e %arther;;;: stro&e har-er than : e&er ha- on the o'- Pattern4 %or no" the resistance
seeme- abso'$te; : ha- to oppose it "ith a %irmness an- constanc1 o% "i'' that e.c'$-e-
e&er1thin) e'se4 tho$)h : seeme- not to be mo&in) at a'' no"4 tho$)h a'' o% m1 ener)ies seeme-
-i&erte- into the bri)htenin) o% the -esi)n; At 'east4 : "o$'- )o o$t "ith a sp'en-i- back-rop;;;;
Bin$tes4 -a1s4 1ears;;;: -o not kno" ho" 'on) this "ent on; :t %e't 'ike %ore&er4 as i% : ha- been
en)a)e- in this sin)'e act %or a'' o% eternit1;;;;
!hen : mo&e-4 an- ho" 'on) that took : -o not kno"; B$t : comp'ete- the step an- be)an
another; !hen another;;;
!he $ni&erse seeme- to ree' abo$t me; : "as thro$)h; !he press$re "as )one; !he b'ackness "as
+or an instant4 : stoo- at the center o% m1 Pattern; =itho$t e&en re)ar-in) it4 : %e'' %or"ar- onto
m1 knees an- bent -o$b'e4 m1 b'oo- po$n-in) in m1 ears; ,ea- s"immin)4 : pante-; : be)an to
shake4 a'' o&er; : ha- -one it4 : rea'i6e- -im'1; Come "hate&er ma14 there "as a Pattern; An- it
"o$'- en-$re;;;;
: hear- a so$n- "here there sho$'- ha&e been none4 b$t m1 ?a-e- m$sc'es re%$se- to respon-4
e&en re%'e.i&e'14 $nti' it "as too 'ate; Not $nti' the Ee"e' "as ?erke- %rom m1 'imp %in)ers -i- :
raise m1 hea- an- ro'' back onto m1 ha$nches; No one ha- been %o''o"in) me thro$)h the
PatternD: "as certain that : "o$'- ha&e been a"are o% it; !here%ore;;;
!he 'i)ht "as a'most norma'4 an- b'inkin) a)ainst it4 : 'ooke- $p into Bran-@s smi'in) %ace; ,e
"ore a b'ack e1epatch no"4 an- he he'- the Ee"e' in his han-; ,e m$st ha&e te'eporte- himse'%
,e str$ck me ?$st as : raise- m1 hea-4 an- : %e'' onto m1 'e%t si-e; ,e kicke- me in the stomach
then4 har-;
F=e''4 1o$@&e -one it4G he sai-; F: -i- not think 1o$ co$'-; No" : ha&e another Pattern to
-estro1 be%ore : set thin)s ri)ht; : nee- this to t$rn the batt'e at the Co$rts %irst4 tho$)h;G ,e
"a&e- the Ee"e'; F#oo--b1e %or no";G An- he &anishe-;
: 'a1 there )aspin) an- c'$tchin) at m1 stomach; =a&es o% b'ackness rose an- %e''4 'ike a s$r%4
"ithin me4 tho$)h : -i- not comp'ete'1 s$cc$mb to $nconscio$sness; A %ee'in) o% enormo$s
-espair "ashe- o&er me an- : c'ose- m1 e1es an- moane-; !here "as no Ee"e' %or me to -ra"
$pon no"4 either;
!he chestn$t trees ; ;
Chapter 10
As : 'a1 there h$rtin)4 : ha- &isions o% Bran- appearin) on the batt'e%ie'- "here the %orces o%
Amber an- Chaos %o$)ht4 the Ee"e' p$'sin) abo$t his neck; Apparent'1 his contro' o&er it "as
s$%%icient4 as he sa" it4 to enab'e him to t$rn thin)s a)ainst $s; : sa" him 'ashin) o$t "ith
'i)htnin) bo'ts amon) o$r troops; : sa" him s$mmonin) )reat "in-s an- hai'storms to strike at
$s; : a'most "ept; A'' o% this4 "hen he co$'- sti'' re-eem himse'% b1 comin) in on o$r si-e; E$st
"innin) "as not eno$)h %or him no"4 tho$)h; ,e ha- to "in %or himse'%4 an- on his o"n terms;
An- :> : ha- %ai'e-; : ha- thro"n $p a Pattern a)ainst the Chaos4 a thin) : ha- ne&er tho$)ht :
co$'- -o; Aet4 this "o$'- be as nothin) i% the batt'e "as 'ost an- Bran- ret$rne- an- "ipe- o$t
m1 "ork; !o ha&e come this c'ose4 passin) thro$)h e&er1thin) that : ha-4 an- then to %ai' here;;;;
:t ma-e me "ant to cr1 F:n?$sticeIG tho$)h : kne" the $ni&erse -i- not r$n in accor-ance "ith
m1 notions o% e<$it1; : )nashe- m1 teeth an- spat some -irt : ha- mo$the-; : ha- been char)e-
b1 o$r %ather to take the Ee"e' to the p'ace o% batt'e; : ha- a'most ma-e it;
A sense o% stran)eness came o&er me then; (omethin) "as ca''in) %or m1 attention; =hat> !he
!he ra)in) "in-s an- the th$n-er ha- cease-; !he air "as sti''; :n %act4 the air %e't coo' an-
%resh; An- on the other si-e o% m1 e1e'i-s4 : kne" that there "as 'i)ht;
: opene- m1 e1es; : sa" a sk1 o% a bri)ht4 $ni%orm "hite; : b'inke-4 : t$rne- m1 hea-; !here "as
somethin) o%% to m1 ri)ht;;;;
A tree; A tree stoo- "here : ha- p'ante- the sta%% : ha- c$t %rom o'- A)); :t "as a'rea-1 %ar ta''er
than the sta%% itse'% ha- been; : co$'- a'most see it )ro"in); An- it "as )reen "ith 'ea&es an-
"hite "ith a sprink*n) o% b$-sC a %e" b'ossoms ha- opene-; +rom that -irection4 the bree6e
bro$)ht me a %aint an- -e'icate scent "hich o%%ere- me some com%ort;
: %e't a'on) m1 si-es; : -i- not seem to ha&e an1 broken ribs4 tho$)h m1 )$ts sti'' %e't knotte-
%rom the kick : ha- taken; : r$bbe- m1 e1es "ith m1 kn$ck'es an- ran m1 han-s thro$)h m1
hair; : si)he- hea&i'1 then an- rose to one knee;
!$rnin) m1 hea-4 : re)ar-e- the prospect; !he p'atea$ "as the same4 1et someho" not the same;
:t "as sti'' bare b$t "as no 'on)er harsh; 9ike'1 an e%%ect o% the ne" i''$mination; No4 there "as
more to it than that;;;;
: ha- contin$e- to t$rn4 comp'etin) m1 scannin) o% the hori6on; :t "as not the same p'ace "here
: ha- commence- m1 "a'k; !here "ere -i%%erences both s$bt'e an- )ross8 a'tere- rock
%ormations4 a -ip "here there ha- been a rise4 a ne" te.t$re to the stone beneath an- near me4 in
the -istance "hat appeare- to be soi'; : stoo- an- it seeme- that no"4 %rom some"here4 : ca$)ht
the scent o% the sea; !his p'ace ha- an entire'1 -i%%erent %ee'in) to it than the one to "hich : ha-
mo$nte-Dso 'on) a)o4 it seeme-; :t "as too m$ch o% a chan)e %or that storm to ha&e "ro$)ht; :t
remin-e- me o% somethin);
: si)he- a)ain4 there at the Pattern@s center4 an- contin$e- to consi-er m1 s$rro$n-in)s;
(omeho"4 in spite o% m1se'%4 m1 -espair "as s'ippin) a"a1 an- a %ee'in) o%DFre%reshmentGD
seems someho" the best "or-D"as risin) "ithin me; !he air "as so c'ean an- s"eet4 an- the
p'ace ha- a ne"4 $n$se- %ee'in) abo$t it; :D
O% co$rse; :t "as 'ike the p'ace4 o% the prima' Pattern; : t$rne- back to the tree an- re)ar-e- it
a)ain4 hi)her a'rea-1; 9ike4 1et $n'ike;;;!here "as somethin) ne" in the air4 the )ro$n-4 the sk1;
!his "as a ne" p'ace; A ne" prima' Pattern; 2&er1thin) abo$t me then "as a res$'t o% the Pattern
in "hich : stoo-;
: s$--en'1 rea'i6e- that : "as %ee'in) more than re%reshment; :t "as no" a sense o% e'ation4 a
kin- o% ?o1 that "as mo&in) thro$)h me; !his "as a c'ean4 %resh p'ace an- : "as someho"
responsib'e %or it;
!ime passe-; : ?$st stoo- there "atchin) the trees4 'ookin) aro$n- me4 en?o1in) the e$phoria that
ha- come o&er me; ,ere "as some kin- o% &ictor14 an1"a1D$nti' Bran- came back to "ipe it
($--en'14 : "as sober a)ain; : ha- to stop Bran-4 : ha- to protect this p'ace; : "as at the center
o% a Pattern; :% this one beha&e- 'ike the other4 : co$'- $se its po"er to pro?ect me an1"here :
-esire-; : co$'- $se it to )o an- ?oin the others no";
: -$ste- m1se'% o%%; : 'oosene- m1 b'a-e in the scabbar-; !hin)s mi)ht not be as hope'ess as
the1 ha- seeme- ear'ier; : ha- been to'- to con&e1 the Ee"e' to the p'ace o% batt'e; (o Bran- ha-
-one it %or meC it "o$'- sti'' be there; : "o$'- simp'1 ha&e to )o an- take it back %rom him4
someho"4 to make thin)s t$rn the "a1 the1 "ere s$ppose- to ha&e %a''en;
: 'ooke- a'' aro$n- me; : "o$'- ha&e to ret$rn here4 to in&esti)ate this ne" sit$ation at another
time4 i% : s$r&i&e- "hat "as to come; !here "as m1ster1 here; :t h$n) in the air an- -ri%te- on
the bree6e; :t co$'- take a)es to $nra&e' "hat ha- occ$rre- "hen : ha- -ra"n the ne" Pattern;
: sa'$te- the tree; :t seeme- to stir as : -i- so; : a-?$ste- m1 rose an- p$she- it back into shape;
:t "as time to mo&e a)ain; !here "as a thin) : ha- 1et to -o;
: 'o"ere- m1 hea- an- c'ose- m1 e1es; : trie- to reca'' the 'a1 o% the 'an- be%ore the %ina' ab1ss
at the Co$rts o% Chaos; : sa" it then4 beneath that "i'- sk14 an- : peop'e- it "ith m1 re'ati&es4
"ith troops; : seeme- to hear the so$n-s o% a -istant batt'e as : -i- this; !he scene a-?$ste- itse'%4
came c'earer; : he'- the &ision an instant 'on)er4 then char)e- the Pattern to take me there;
;;;A moment 'ater4 it seeme-4 : stoo- $pon a hi''top besi-e a p'ain4 a co'- "in- "hippin) m1
c'oak abo$t me; !he sk1 "as that cra614 t$rnin)4 stipp'e- thin) : remembere- %rom 'ast timeD
ha'%-b'ack4 ha'%-ps1che-e'ic rainbo"s; !here "ere $np'easant %$mes in the air; !he b'ack roa-
"as o%% to the ri)ht no"4 crossin) that p'ain an- passin) be1on- it o&er the ab1ss to"ar- that
ni)hte- cita-e'4 %ire%'1 )'eams %'ickerin) abo$t it; #a$61 bri-)es4 -ri%te- in the air4 e.ten-in)
%rom %ar in that -arkness4 an- stran)e %orms tra&e'e- $pon them as "e'' as $pon the b'ack roa-;
Be'o" me on the %ie'- "as "hat seeme- to be the main concentration o% troops; At m1 back4 :
hear- somethin) other than !ime@s "in)e- chariot;
!$rnin) to"ar- "hat m$st ha&e been north b1 a s$ocession o% pre&io$s reckonin)s re)ar-in) its
co$rse4 : behe'- the a-&ance o% that -e&i'-storm thro$)h -istant mo$ntains4 %'ashin) an-
)ro"'in)4 comin) on 'ike a sk1hi)h )'acier;
(o : ha- not stoppe- it "ith the creation o% a ne" Pattern; :t seeme- that it ha- simp'1 passe- b1
m1 protecte- area an- "o$'- contin$e $nti' it )ot to "here&er it "as )oin); ,ope%$''1 then4 the
thin) "o$'- be s$ccee-e- b1 "hate&er constr$cti&e imp$'ses "ere no" sprea-in) o$t"ar- %rom
the ne" Pattern4 "ith the reimposition o% or-er thro$)ho$t the p'aces o% (ha-o"; : "on-ere-
ho" 'on) it "o$'- take %or the storm to )et here;
: hear- the so$n- o% hoo%s an- t$rne-4 -ra"in) m1 b'a-e;;;;
A horne- ri-er on a )reat b'ack horse "as bearin) -o"n $pon me4 somethin) 'ike %ire'i)ht
)'o"in) in his e1es;
: a-?$ste- m1 position an- "aite-; ,e seeme- to ha&e -escen-e- %rom one o% the )a$61
roa-"a1s "hich ha- -ri%te- in this -irection; =e "ere both %air'1 %ar remo&e- %rom the main
scene o% action; : "atche- as he mo$nte- the hi'';;;#oo- horse4 that; Nice chest; =here the he''
"as Bran-> : "asn@t 'ookin) %or ?$st an1 %i)ht;
: "atche- the ri-er as he came on4 an- the crooke- b'a-e in his ri)ht han-; : repositione- m1se'%
as he mo&e- in to c$t me -o"n; =hen he s"$n)4 : "as rea-1 "ith a parr1 that p$''e- his arm
"ithin reach; : ca$)ht ho'- o% it an- -ra))e- him %rom his mo$nt;
F!hat rose;;;G he sai- as he %e'' to the )ro$n-; : -o not kno" "hat e'se he mi)ht ha&e sai-4
beca$se : c$t his throat4 an- his "or-s an- e&er1thin) e'se abo$t him "ere 'ost "ith the %ier1
: "hir'e- then4 -ra"in) #ra1s"an-ir a"a14 sprinte- se&era' paces an- ha- ho'- o% the b'ack
char)er@s bri-'e; : spoke "ith the horse to ca'm him an- 'e- him a"a1 %rom the %'ames; A%ter a
co$p'e o% min$tes "e "ere on better terms4 an- : mo$nte-;
,e "as skittish at %irst4 b$t : ?$st ha- him pace the hi'' top 'i)ht'1 "hi'e : contin$e- to obser&e;
!he %orces o% Amber appeare- to be on the o%%ense; (mo'-erin) corpses "ere a'' o&er the %ie'-;
!he main %orce o% o$r enemies "as -ra"n back onto a hei)ht near the 'ip o% the ab1ss; 9ines o%
them4 not 1et broken b$t har- presse-4 "ere %a''in) back s'o"'1 to"ar- it; On the other han-4
more troops "ere crossin) that ab1ss an- ?oinin) the others "ho he'- the hei)hts; 2stimatin)
their )ro"in) n$mbers an- their position <$ick'14 : ?$-)e- that these mi)ht be rea-1in) an
o%%ense o% their o"n; Bran- "as no"here in si)ht;
2&en i% : ha- been reste- an- "earin) armor : "o$'- ha&e ha- secon- tho$)hts abo$t ri-in)
-o"n an- ?oinin) in the %ra1; B1 ?ob ri)ht no" "as to 'ocate Bran-; : -o$bte- that he "o$'- be
-irect'1 in&o'&e- in the %i)htin); : 'ooke- o%% to the si-es o% the batt'e proper4 seekin) a 'one
%i)$re; No;;;Perhaps the %ar si-e o% the %ie'-; : "o$'- ha&e to circ'e to the north; !here "as too
m$ch that : co$'- not see to the "est;
: t$rne- m1 mo$nt an- ma-e m1 "a1 -o"n the hi''; :t "o$'- be so p'easant to co''apse4 :
-eci-e-4 ?$st to %a'' -o"n in a heap an- s'eep; : si)he-; =here the he'' "as Bran->
: reache- the bottom o% the hi'' an- t$rne- to c$t thro$)h a c$'&ert4 : nee-e- a better &ie"D
F9or- Cor"in o% AmberIG
,e "as "aitin) %or me as : ro$n-e- a ben- in the -epression4 a bi)4 corpse-co'ore- )$1 "ith re-
hair an- a horse to match; ,e "ore copper1 armor "ith )reenish tracin)s4 an- he sat %acin) me4
sti'' as a stat$e;
F: sa" 1o$ on the hi''top4G he sai-; FAo$ are not mai'e-4 are 1o$>G
: s'appe- m1 chest;
,e no--e- sharp'1; !hen he reache- $p4 %irst to his 'e%t sho$'-er4 then to his ri)ht4 then to his
si-es4 openin) %astenin)s $pon his breastp'ate; =hen he ha- them $n-one4 he remo&e- it4
'o"ere- it to"ar- the )ro$n- on his 'e%t si-e an- 'et it %a''; ,e -i- the same "ith his )rea&es;
F: ha&e 'on) "ante- to meet 1o$4G he sai-; F: am Bore'; : -o not "ant it sai- that : took $n%air
a-&anta)e o% 1o$ "hen : ki''e- 1o$;G
Bore';;;!he name "as %ami'iar; !hen : remembere-; ,e ha- /ara@s respect an- a%%ection; ,e ha-
been her %encin) teacher4 a master o% the b'a-e; (t$pi-4 tho$)h4 : sa"; ,e ha- %or%eite- m1
respect b1 remo&in) his armor; Batt'e is not a )ame4 an- : ha- no -esire to make m1se'% a&ai'ab'e
to an1 pres$mpt$o$s ass "ho tho$)ht other"ise; 2specia''1 a ski''e- ass4 "hen : "as %ee'in)
beat; :% nothin) e'se4 he co$'- probab'1 "ear me -o"n;
FNo" "e sha'' reso'&e a matter "hich has 'on) tro$b'e- me4G he sai-;
: rep'ie- "ith a <$aint &$')arism4 "hee'e- m1 b'ack an- race- back the "a1 : ha- come; ,e
)a&e chase imme-iate'1;
As : passe- back a'on) the c$'&ert4 : rea'i6e- that : -i- not ha&e a s$%%icient 'ea-; ,e "o$'- be
$pon me in a matter o% moments "ith m1 back a'' e.pose-4 to c$t me -o"n or %orce me to %i)ht;
,o"e&er4 "hi'e 'imite-4 m1 choices inc'$-e- a 'itt'e more than that;
FCo"ar-IG he crie-; FAo$ %'ee combatI :s this the )reat "arrior o% "hom : ha&e hear- so
: reache- $p an- $n%astene- m1 c'oak; At either han-4 the c$'&ert@s 'ip "as 'e&e' "ith m1
sho$'-ers4 then m1 "aist;
: ro''e- o$t o% the sa--'e to m1 'e%t4 st$mb'e- once an- %o$n- m1 %ootin); !he b'ack "ent on; :
mo&e- to m1 ri)ht4 %acin) the -ra";
Catchin) m1 c'oak in both han-s4 : s"$n) it in a re&erse-&eronica mane$&er a secon- or t"o
be%ore Bore'@s hea- an- sho$'-ers came abreast o% me; :t s"ept o&er him4 -ra"n b'a-e an- a''4
m$%%'in) his hea- an- s'o"in) his arms;
: kicke- then4 har-; : "as aimin) %or his hea-4 b$t : ca$)ht him on the 'e%t sho$'-er; ,e "as
spi''e- %rom his sa--'e4 an- his horse4 too4 "ent b1;
/ra"in) #ra1s"an-ir4 : 'eape- a%ter him; : ca$)ht him ?$st as he ha- br$she- m1 c'oak asi-e
an- "as str$))'in) to rise; : ske"ere- him "here he sat an- sa" the start'e- e.pression on his
%ace as the "o$n- be)an to %'ame;
FOh4 base'1 -oneIG he crie-; F: ha- hope- %or better o% theeIG
F!his isn@t e.act'1 the O'1mpic #ames4G : sai-4 br$shin) some sparks %rom m1 c'oak;
: chase- -o"n m1 horse then an- mo$nte-; !his took me se&era' min$tes; As : contin$e-
north"ar-4 : achie&e- hi)her )ro$n-; +rom there4 : spotte- Bene-ict -irectin) the batt'e4 an- in a
-ra" %ar to the rear4 : ca$)ht a )'impse o% E$'ian at the hea- o% his troops %rom Ar-en; Bene-ict
"as apparent'1 ho'-in) them in reser&e;
: kept )oin)4 to"ar- the a-&ancin) storm4 beneath the ha'%--ark4 ha'%-painte-4 re&o'&in) sk1; :
soon reache- m1 )oa'4 the hi)hest hi'' in si)ht4 an- be)an to mo$nt it; : ha'te- se&era' times on
the "a1 $p4 to 'ook back;
: sa" /eir-re in b'ack armor4 s"in)in) an a.C 9'e"e''a an- +'ora "ere amon) the archers; +iona
"as no"here in si)ht; #erar- "as not there either; !hen : sa" 0an-om on horseback4 s"in)in) a
hea&1 b'a-e4 'ea-in) an assa$'t to"ar- the enem1@s hi)h )ro$n-; Near him "as a kni)ht c'a- in
)reen "hom : -i- not reco)ni6e; !he man s"$n) a mace "ith -ea-'1 e%%icienc1; ,e "ore a bo"
$pon his back4 an- he@- a <$i&er o% )'eamin) arro"s at his hip;
!he so$n-s o% the storm came 'o$-er as : reache- the s$mmit o% m1 hi''; !he 'i)htnin) %'ickere-
"ith the re)$'arit1 o% a neon t$be an- the rain si66'e- -o"n4 a %iber)'ass c$rtain that ha- no"
passe- o&er the mo$ntains;
Be'o" me4 both beasts an- menDan- more than a %e" beast-menD"ere "o&en in knots an-
stran-s o% batt'e; A c'o$- o% -$st h$n) o&er the %ie'-; Assessin) the -istrib$tion o% %orces4
ho"e&er4 it -i- not appear to me that the )ro"in) %orces o% the enem1 co$'- be p$she- m$ch
%arther; :n %act4 it seeme- that it "as ?$st abo$t time %or the co$nterattack; !he1 appeare- to be
rea-1 $p in their cra))1 p'aces4 an- ?$st "aitin) %or the or-er;
: "as abo$t a min$te an- a ha'% o%%; !he1 a-&ance-4 s"eepin) -o"n the s'ope4 rein%orcin) their
'ines4 p$shin) o$r troops back4 -ri&in) ahea-; An- more "ere arri&in) %rom be1on- the -ark
ab1ss; O$r o"n troops be)an a reasonab'1 or-er'1 retreat; !he enem1 presse- har-er4 an- "hen
thin)s seeme- abo$t rea-1 to be t$rne- into a ro$t an or-er m$st ha&e been )i&en;
: hear- the so$n- o% E$'ian@s horn4 an- short'1 therea%ter : sa" him astri-e Bor)enstem 'ea-in)
the men o% Ar-en onto the %ie'-; !his ba'ance- the opposin) %orces a'most e.act'1 an- the noise
'e&e' rose an- rose "hi'e the sk1 t$rne- abo&e $s;
: "atche- the con%'ict %or perhaps a <$arter o% an ho$r4 as o$r o"n %orces s'o"'1 "ith-re"
across the %ie'-; !hen : sa" a one-arme- %i)$re on a %ier1 stripe- horse s$--en'1 appear atop a
-istant hi''; ,e bore a raise- b'a-e in his han- an- he "as %ace- a"a1 %rom me4 to"ar- the "est;
,e stoo- $nmo&in) %or se&era' 'on) moments; !hen he 'o"ere- the b'a-e;
: hear- tr$mpets in the "est4 an- at %irst : sa" nothin); !hen a 'ine o% ca&a'r1 came into &ie"; :
starte-; +or a moment4 : tho$)ht Bran- "as there; !hen : rea'i6e- it "as B'e1s 'ea-in) his troops
to strike at the enem1@s e.pose- %'ank;
An- s$--en'14 o$r troops in the %ie'- "ere no 'on)er retreatin); !he1 "ere ho'-in) their 'ine;
!hen4 the1 "ere pressin) %or"ar-;
B'e1s an- his ri-ers came on4 an- : rea'i6e- that Bene-ict ha- the -a1 a)ain; !he enem1 "as
abo$t to be )ro$n- to pieces;
!hen a co'- "in- s"ept o&er me %rom o$t o% the north4 an- : 'ooke- that "a1 a)ain;
!he storm ha- a-&ance- consi-erab'1; :t m$st ha&e starte- mo&in) %aster ?$st recent'1; An- it
"as -arker no" than it ha- been4 "ith bri)hter %'ashes an- 'o$-er roars; An- this co'-4 "et "in-
"as increasin) in intensit1;
: "on-ere- then;;;"o$'- it simp'1 s"eep o&er the %ie'- 'ike an annihi'atin) "a&e an- that be
that> =hat o% the e%%ects o% the ne" Pattern> =o$'- these %o''o"4 to restore e&er1thin)>
(omeho"4 : -o$bte- this; :% this storm smashe- $s; :@- a %ee'in) "e "o$'- sta1 smashe-; :t "o$'-
re<$ire the %orce o% the Ee"e' to permit $s to ri-e it o$t $nti' or-er "as restore-; An- "hat "o$'-
be 'e%t i% "e s$r&i&e- it> : simp'1 co$'- not )$ess;
(o "hat "as Bran-@s p'an> =hat "as he "aitin) %or> =hat "as he )oin) to -o>
: 'ooke- o$t o&er the batt'e%ie'- once more;;;; (omethin);
:n a sha-o"1 p'ace on the hei)hts "here the enem1 ha- re)ro$pe-4 been rein%orce-4 an- -o"n
"hich it ha- storme-;;;somethin);
A tin1 %'ash o% re-;;;: "as s$re : ha- seen it;
: kept "atchin)4 "aitin); : ha- to see it a)ain4 to pinpoint it;;;
A min$te passe-; !"o4 perhaps;;;
!hereI An- a)ain;
: "hee'e- the b'ack char)er; :t 'ooke- possib'e to make it aro$n- the enem1@s near %'ank an- $p
to that s$ppose-'1 &acant hei)ht; : race- -o"n the hi'' an- be)an that co$rse;
:t ha- to be Bran- "ith the Ee"e'; ,e ha- chosen a )oo-4 sa%e spot4 %rom "hich he comman-e-
a &ie" o% the entire batt'e%ie'- as "e'' as the approachin) storm; +rom there4 he co$'- -irect its
'i)htnin) into o$r troops as the %ront a-&ance-; ,e "o$'- si)na' a retreat at the proper moment4
hit $s "ith the storm@s stran)e %$ries4 then si-etrack the thin) to b1pass the si-e he "as backin);
:t seeme- the simp'est an- most e%%ecti&e $se o% the Ee"e' $n-er the circ$mstances;
: "o$'- ha&e to )et c'ose %ast; B1 contro' o% the stone "as )reater than his4 b$t it -iminishe-
"ith -istance4 an- he "o$'- ha&e the Ee"e' on his person; B1 best bet "o$'- be to char)e ri)ht
into him4 to )et "ithin contro' ran)e at a'' costs4 take o&er comman- o% the stone an- $se it
a)ainst him; B$t he mi)ht ha&e a bo-1)$ar- $p there "ith him; !hat tro$b'e- me4 beca$se
-ea'in) "ith it co$'- s'o" me -isastro$s'1; An- i% he -i- not; =hat "as to pre&ent him %rom
te'eportin) himse'% a"a1 i% the )oin) )ot too ro$)h> !hen "hat co$'- : -o> : "o$'- ha&e to start
a'' o&er4 h$ntin) him a)ain; : "on-ere- "hether : co$'- $se the Ee"e' to keep him %rom
transportin) himse'%; : -i- not kno"; : reso'&e- to tr1;
:t mi)ht not ha&e been the best o% p'ans4 b$t it "as the on'1 one : ha-; !here "as no 'on)er time
to p'ot;
As : ro-e4 : sa" that there "ere others hea-e- %or that hei)ht4 a'so; 0an-om4 /eir-re an- +iona4
mo$nte- an- accompanie- b1 ei)ht horsemen4 ha- ma-e their "a1 thro$)h the enem1 'ines4 "ith
a %e" other troopsD%rien-s or %oes4 : co$'- not te''Dma1be bothDri-in) har- behin- them; !he
kni)ht c'a- in )reen seeme- to be mo&in) the %astest4 )ainin) on them; : -i- not reco)ni6e himD
or her4 as the case mi)ht be; : -i- not -o$bt the ob?ecti&e o% the &an)$ar-4 ho"e&erDnot "ith
+iona there; (he m$st ha&e -etecte- Bran-@s presence an- be 'ea-in) the others to him; A %e"
-rops o% hope %e'' $pon m1 heart; (he mi)ht be ab'e to ne$tra'i6e Bran-@s po"ers4 or minimi6e
them; : 'eane- %or"ar-4 sti'' bearin) to m1 'e%t4 h$rr1in) m1 horse a'on); !he sk1 kept t$rnin);
!he "in- "hist'e- abo$t me; A terri%ic c'ap o% th$n-er ro''e- b1; : -i- not 'ook back;
: "as racin) them; : -i- not "ant them to )et there be%ore me4 b$t : %eare- that the1 "o$'-; !he
-istance "as ?$st too )reat;
:% on'1 the1 "o$'- t$rn an- see me comin)4 the1 "o$'- probab'1 "ait; : "ishe- there ha- been
some "a1 o% )i&in) them a si)n o% m1 presence ear'ier; : c$rse- the %act that the !r$mps no
'on)er "orke-;
: be)an sho$tin); : screame- a%ter them4 b$t the "in- b'e" m1 "or-s a"a1 an- the th$n-er
ro''e- o&er them;
F=ait %or meI /amn itI :t@s Cor"inIG
Not e&en a )'ance in m1 -irection;
: passe- the nearest en)a)ements an- ro-e a'on) the enem1@s %'ank o$t o% ran)e o% missi'es an-
arro"s; !he1 seeme- to be retreatin) %aster no" an- o$r troops "ere sprea-in) o$t o&er a 'ar)er
area; Bran- m$st be )ettin) rea-1 to strike; Part o% the rotatin) sk1 "as co&ere- b1 a -ark c'o$-
"hich ha- not been abo&e the %ie'- min$tes be%ore;
: t$rne- to"ar- m1 ri)ht4 behin- the retreatin) %orces4 racin) on to"ar- those hi''s the others
"ere a'rea-1 mo$ntin);
!he sk1 contin$e- to -arken as : neare- the %oot o% the hi''s4 an- : %eare- %or m1 kinsmen; !he1
"ere )ettin) too c'ose to him; ,e "o$'- ha&e to -o somethin); *n'ess +iona "as stron) eno$)h
to stop him;;;;
!he horse reare- an- : "as thro"n to the )ro$n- at the b'in-in) %'ash "hich ha- occ$rre- be%ore
me; !he th$n-er cracke- be%ore : hit the earth;
: 'a1 there %or se&era' moments4 -a6e-; !he horse ha- r$n o%%4 "as perhaps %i%t1 meters a"a14
be%ore he ha'te- an- be)an to mo&e abo$t $ncertain'1; : ro''e- onto m1 stomach an- 'ooke- $p
the 'on) s'ope; !he other ri-ers "ere a'so -o"n; !heir )ro$p ha- apparent'1 been str$ck b1 the
-ischar)e; (e&era' "ere mo&in)4 more "ere not; None ha- 1et risen; Abo&e them4 : sa" the re-
)'o" o% the Ee"e'4 back beneath an $n-erhan)4 bri)hter an- stea-ier no"4 an- the sha-o"1
o$t'ine o% the %i)$re "ho "ore it;
: be)an cra"'in) %or"ar-4 $p"ar- an- to m1 'e%t; : "ante- to )et o$t o% 'ine o% si)ht "ith that
%i)$re be%ore : riske- risin); :t "o$'- take too 'on) to reach him cra"'in)4 an- : "as )oin) to
ha&e to skirt the others no"4 beca$se his attention "o$'- be "ith them;
: ma-e m1 "a1 care%$''14 s'o"'14 $sin) e&er1 bit o% co&er in si)ht4 "on-erin) "hether the
'i)htnin) "o$'- be strikin) in the same p'ace a)ain soonDan- i% not4 "hen he "o$'- be)in
p$''in) -isaster -o"n $pon o$r troops; An1 min$te no"4 : ?$-)e-; A )'ance back sho"e- me o$r
%orces sprea- o&er the %ar en- o% the %ie'-4 "ith the enem1 p$''e- back an- comin) this "a1;
Be%ore too 'on)4 in %act4 it seeme- : mi)ht ha&e them to "orr1 abo$t4 too;
: ma-e it into a narro" -itch an- "orme- m1 "a1 so$th %or perhaps ten meters; O$t a)ain then
on the %ar si-e4 to take a-&anta)e o% a rise4 then some rocks;
=hen : raise- m1 hea- to take stock o% the sit$ation4 : co$'- no 'on)er see the )'o" o% the Ee"e';
!he c'e%t %rom "hich it ha- shone "as b'ocke- b1 its o"n eastern sho$'-er o% stone;
: kept cra"'in)4 tho$)h4 near to the 'ip o% the )reat ab1ss itse'%4 be%ore : bore to m1 ri)ht once
more; : reache- a point "here it seeme- sa%e to rise4 an- : -i- so; : kept e.pectin) another %'ash4
another th$n-erc'apDnearb1 or on the %ie'-Db$t none came; : be)an to "on-er;;;=h1 not> :
reache- o$t4 tr1in) to sense the presence o% the Ee"e'4 b$t : co$'- not; : h$rrie- to"ar- the p'ace
"here : ha- seen the )'o";
: )'ance- back o&er the ab1ss to be s$re that no ne" menaces "ere approachin) %rom that
-irection; : -re" m1 b'a-e; =hen : reache- m1 )oa'4 : sta1e- c'ose to the escarpment an-
"orke- m1 "a1 north"ar-; : -roppe- 'o" "hen : came to its e-)e an- peere- aro$n-;
!here "as no re- )'o"; No sha-o"1 %i)$re either; !he ston1 recess appeare- to be empt1; !here
"as nothin) s$spicio$s an1"here in the &icinit1; Co$'- he ha&e te'eporte- a)ain> An- i% so4
: rose an- passe- abo$t the rock1 rise; : contin$e- mo&in) in that -irection; : trie- once more to
%ee' the Ee"e'4 an- this time : ma-e a %aint contact "ith itDsome"here o%% to m1 ri)ht an-
abo&e4 it seeme-;
(i'ent4 "ar14 : mo&e- that "a1; =h1 ha- he 'e%t his she'ter> ,e ha- been per%ect'1 sit$ate- %or
"hat he ha- been abo$t; *n'ess;;;
: hear- a scream an- a c$rse; !"o -i%%erent &oices; : be)an to r$n;
Chapter 11
: passe- the niche an- kept )oin); Be1on- it4 there "as a nat$ra' trai' "in-in) $p"ar-; :
mo$nte- this;
: co$'- see no one as 1et4 b$t m1 sense o% the Ee"e'@s presence )re" stron)er as : mo&e-; :
tho$)ht that : hear- a sin)'e %oot%a'' %rom o%% to m1 ri)ht an- : "hir'e- in that -irection4 b$t there
"as no one in si)ht; !he Ee"e' -i- not %ee' that near either4 so : contin$e-;
As : neare- the top o% the rise4 the b'ack -rop o% Chaos han)in) behin-4 : hear- &oices; : co$'-
not -istin)$ish "hat "as bein) sai-4 b$t the "or-s "ere a)itate-;
: s'o"e- as : neare- the crest4 'o"ere- m1se'% an- peere- aro$n- the si-e o% a rock;
0an-om "as a sma'' -istance ahea- o% me an- +iona "as "ith him4 as "ere 9or-s Chantris an-
+e'-ane; A''4 sa&e +iona4 he'- "eapons as i% rea-1 to $se them4 b$t the1 stoo- per%ect'1 sti'';
!he1 "ere starin) to"ar- the e-)e o% thin)sDa she'% o% rock s'i)ht'1 abo&e their 'e&e' an-
perhaps %i%teen meters -istantDthe p'ace "here the ab1ss be)an;
Bran- stoo- in that p'ace4 an- he "as ho'-in) /eir-re be%ore him; (he "as $nhe'me-4 her hair
b'o"in) "i'-4 an- he ha- a -a))er at her throat; :t appeare- that he ha- a'rea-1 c$t her s'i)ht'1; :
-roppe- back;
: hear- 0an-om sa1 so%t'14 F:s there nothin) more 1o$ can -o4 +i>G
F: can ho'- him here4G she sai-4 Fan- at this ran)e4 : can s'o" his e%%orts at "eather contro'; B$t
that is a''; ,e@s )ot some att$nement "ith it an- : -o not; ,e a'so has pro.imit1 )oin) %or him;
An1thin) e'se : mi)ht tr14 he can co$nter;G
0an-om )na"e- his 'o"er 'ip;
FP$t -o"n 1o$r "eapons4G Bran- ca''e- o$t; F/o it no"4 or /eir-re@s -ea-;G
F3i'' her4G 0an-om sai-4 Fan- 1o$ 'ose the on'1 thin) that@s keepin) 1o$ a'i&e; /o it4 an- :@''
sho" 1o$ "here :@:: p$t m1 "eapon;G
Bran- m$ttere- somethin) $n-er his breath; !hen8 FOka1; : "i'' start b1 m$ti'atin) her;G
0an-om spat;
FCome onIG he sai-; F(he can re)enerate as "e'' as the rest o% $s; +in- a threat that means
somethin)4 or sh$t $p an- %i)ht it o$tIG
Bran- "as sti''; : tho$)ht it better not to re&ea' m1 presence; !here m$st be somethin) : co$'-
-o; : &ent$re- another 'ook4 menta''1 photo)raphin) the terrain be%ore : -roppe- back; !here
"ere some rocks "a1 o%% to the 'e%t4 b$t the1 -i- not e.ten- %ar eno$)h; : sa" no "a1 that :
mi)ht sneak $p on him;
F: think "e are )oin) to ha&e to r$sh him an- chance it4G : hear- 0an-om sa1; F: -on@t see
an1thin) e'se; /o 1o$>G
Be%ore an1one ans"ere- him4 a stran)e thin) occ$rre-; !he -a1 be)an to )ro" bri)hter;
: 'ooke- a'' abo$t me %or the so$rce o% the i''$mination4 then so$)ht it o&erhea-;
!he c'o$-s "ere sti'' there4 the cra61 sk1 -oin) its tricks be1on- them; !he bri)htness "as in the
c'o$-s4 ho"e&er; !he1 ha- pa'e- an- "ere no" )'o"in)4 as i% the1 maske- a s$n; 2&en as :
"atche-4 there "as a perceptib'e bri)htenin);
F=hat is he $p to no">G Chantris aske-;
FNothin) that : can te''4G +iona sai-; F: -o not be'ie&e it is his -oin);G
F=hose then>G !here "as no ans"er that : co$'- o&erhear;
: "atche- the c'o$-s )ro" bri)hter; !he 'ar)est an- bri)htest o% them seeme- to s"ir' then4 as i%
stirre-; +orms tosse- "ithin it4 sett'e-; An o$t'ine be)an to take shape;
Be'o" me4 on the %ie'-4 the so$n-s o% batt'e 'essene-; !he storm itse'% "as m$te- as the &ision
)re"; (omethin) "as -e%inite'1 %ormin) in the bri)ht p'ace abo&e o$r hea-sDthe 'ines o% an
enormo$s %ace;
F: -o not kno"4 : te'' 1o$4G : hear- +iona sa1 in response to somethin) m$mb'e-;
Be%ore it %inishe- takin) %orm4 : rea'i6e- that it "as m1 %ather@s %ace in the sk1; Neat trick4 that;
An- : ha- no i-ea "hat it represente- either;
!he %ace mo&e-4 as i% he "ere re)ar-in) $s a''; !here "ere 'ines o% strain there4 an- somethin)
o% concern to his e.pression; !he bri)htness )re" a 'itt'e %$rther; ,is 'ips mo&e-;
=hen his &oice came -o"n to me it "as someho" at an or-inar1 con&ersationa' 'e&e'4 rather
than the &ast boomin) : ha- e.pecte-8
F: sen- 1o$ this messa)e4G he sai-4 Fbe%ore $n-ertakin) the repair o% the Pattern; B1 the time
1o$ recei&e it4 : "i'' a'rea-1 ha&e s$ccee-e- or %ai'e-; :t "i'' prece-e the "a&e o% Chaos "hich
m$st accompan1 m1 en-ea&or; : ha&e reason to be'ie&e the e%%ort "i'' pro&e %ata' to me;G
,is e1es seeme- to s"eep across the %ie'-;
F0e?oice or mo$rn4 as 1o$ "o$'-4G he "ent on4 F%or this is either the be)innin) or the en-; : "i''
sen- the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment to Cor"in as soon as : ha&e %inishe- "ith it; : ha&e char)e- him to
bear it to the p'ace o% con%'ict; A'' o% 1o$r e%%orts there "i'' be as nothin) i% the "a&e o% Chaos
cannot be a&erte-; B$t "ith the Ee"e'4 in that p'ace4 Cor"in sho$'- be ab'e to preser&e 1o$ $nti'
it passes;G
: hear- Bran-@s 'a$)h; ,e so$n-e- <$ite ma- no";
F=ith m1 passin)4G the &oice contin$e-4 Fthe prob'em o% the s$ccession "i'' be $pon 1o$; : ha-
"ishes in this re)ar-4 b$t : see no" that these "ere %$ti'e; !here%ore4 : ha&e no choice b$t to
'ea&e this on the horn o% the *nicorn;
FB1 chi'-ren4 : cannot sa1 that : am entire'1 p'ease- "ith 1o$4 b$t : s$ppose this "orks both
"a1s; 9et it be; : 'ea&e 1o$ "ith m1 b'essin)4 "hich is more than a %orma'it1; : )o no" to "a'k
the Pattern; #oo--b1e;G
!hen his %ace be)an to %a-e an- the bri)htness -raine- o$t o% the c'o$-bank; A 'itt'e "hi'e4 an- it
"as )one; A sti''ness 'a1 $pon the %ie'-;
F;;;an-4 as 1o$ can see4G : hear- Bran- sa1in)4 FCor"in -oes not ha&e the Ee"e'; !hro" -o"n
1o$r "eapons an- )et the he'' o$t o% here; Or keep them an- )et o$t; : -o not care; 9ea&e me
a'one; : ha&e thin)s to -o;G
FBran-4G +iona sai-4 Fcan 1o$ -o "hat he "ante- o% Cor"in> Can 1o$ $se it to make that thin)
miss $s>G
F: co$'- i% : "o$'-4G he sai-; FAes4 : co$'- t$rn it asi-e;G
FAo$ "i'' be a hero i% 1o$ -o4G she sai- )ent'1; FAo$ "i'' earn o$r )ratit$-e; A'' past "ron)s
"i'' be %or)i&en; +or)i&en an- %or)otten; =eDG
,e be)an to 'a$)h "i'-'1;
FAo$ %or)i&e me>G he sai-; FAo$4 "ho 'e%t me in that to"er4 "ho p$t the kni%e into m1 si-e>
!hank 1o$4 sister; :t is &er1 kin- o% 1o$ to o%%er to %or)i&e me4 b$t e.c$se me i% : -ec'ine;G
FA'' ri)ht4G 0an-om sai-4 F"hat -o 1o$ "ant> An apo'o)1> 0iches an- treas$re> An important
appointment> A'' o% these> !he1 are 1o$rs; B$t this is a st$pi- )ame 1o$ are p'a1in); 9et $s en-
it an- )o home4 preten- it "as a'' a ba- -ream;G
FAes4 'et $s en- it4G Bran- rep'ie-; FAo$ -o that b1 thro"in) -o"n 1o$r "eapons %irst; !hen
+iona re'eases me %rom her spe''4 1o$ a'' -o an abo$t-%ace an- march north; Ao$ -o it or : ki''
F!hen : think 1o$ ha- better )o ahea- an- ki'' her an- be rea-1 to %i)ht it o$t "ith me4G he sai-4
Fbeca$se she "i'' be -ea- in a 'itt'e "hi'e an1"a14 i% "e 'et 1o$ ha&e 1o$r "a1; A'' o% $s "i'';G
: hear- Bran-@s ch$ck'e;
F/o 1o$ honest'1 think : am )oin) to 'et 1o$ -ie> : nee- 1o$Das man1 o% 1o$ as : can sa&e;
,ope%$''1 /eir-re4 too; Ao$ are the on'1 ones "ho can appreciate m1 tri$mph; : "i'' preser&e
1o$ thro$)h the ho'oca$st that is abo$t to be)in;G
F: -o not be'ie&e 1o$4G 0an-om sai-;
F!hen take a moment an- think abo$t it; Ao$ kno" me "e'' eno$)h to kno" that : "i'' "ant to
r$b 1o$r noses in it; : "ant 1o$ as "itnesses to "hat : -o; :n this sense4 : re<$ire 1o$r presence in
m1 ne" "or'-; No"4 )et o$t o% here;G
FAo$ "i'' ha&e e&er1thin) 1o$ "ant p'$s o$r )ratit$-e4G +iona be)an4 Fi% 1o$ "i'' ?$stDG
: kne" that : co$'- -e'a1 no 'on)er; : ha- to make m1 mo&e; : a'so kne" that : co$'- not reach
him in time; : ha- no choice b$t to tr1 $sin) the Ee"e' as a "eapon a)ainst him;
: reache- o$t an- %e't its presence; : c'ose- m1 e1es an- s$mmone- m1 po"ers;
,ot; ,ot4 : tho$)ht; :t is b$rnin) 1o$; Bran-; :t is ca$sin) e&er1 mo'ec$'e in 1o$r bo-1 to
&ibrate %aster an- %aster; Ao$ are abo$t to become a h$man torchD
: hear- him scream;
FCor"inIG he be''o"e-; F(top itI =here&er 1o$ areI :@'' ki'' herI 9ookIG
(ti'' "i''in) the !e"e' to b$rn him4 : rose to m1 %eet; : )'are- at him across the -istance that
separate- $s; ,is c'othin) "as be)innin) to smo'-er;
F(top itIG he crie-4 an- he raise- the kni%e an- s'ashe- /eir-re@s %ace;
: screame- an- m1 e1es s"am; : 'ost contro' o% the Ee"e'; B$t /eir-re4 her 'e%t cheek b'oo-14
sank her teeth into his han- as he mo&e- to c$t her a)ain; !hen her arm "as %ree4 an- she ?abbe-
her e'bo" into his ribs an- trie- to p$'' a"a1;
As soon as she mo&e-4 as soon as her hea- -roppe-4 there "as a si'&er %'ash; Bran- )aspe- an-
'et )o the -a))er; An arro" ha- pierce- his throat; Another %o''o"e- an instant 'ater an- stoo-
o$t %rom his breast4 a 'itt'e to the ri)ht o% the Ee"e';
,e steppe- back"ar- an- ma-e a )$r)'in) noise; On'1 there "as no p'ace to "hich he mi)ht
step4 %rom the e-)e o% the ab1ss;
,is e1e "ent "i-e as he be)an to topp'e; !hen his ri)ht han- shot %or"ar- an- ca$)ht ho'- o%
/eir-re@s hair; : "as r$nnin) b1 then4 sho$tin)4 b$t : kne" that : co$'- not reach them in time;
/eir-re ho"'e-4 a 'ook o% terror on her b'oo-streake- %ace4 an- she reache- o$t to me;;;;
!hen Bran-4 /eir-re an- the Ee"e' "ere o&er the e-)e an- %a''in)4 &anishe- %rom si)ht4 )one;;;;
: be'ie&e that : trie- to thro" m1se'% a%ter them4 b$t 0an-om ca$)ht ho'- o% me; +ina''14 he ha-
to hit me4 an- it a'' "ent a"a1;
=hen : came aro$n-4 : 'a1 $pon the ston1 earth %arther back %rom the e-)e o% that p'ace "here :
ha- %a''en; (omeone ha- %o'-e- m1 c'oak into a pi''o" %or me; B1 %irst &ision "as o% the t$rnin)
sk14 remin-in) me someho" o% m1 -ream o% the "hee' the -a1 : ha- met /ara; : co$'- %ee' the
others abo$t me4 hear their &oices4 b$t : -i- not at %irst t$rn m1 hea-; : ?$st 'a1 there an- re)ar-e-
the man-a'a in the hea&ens an- tho$)ht $pon m1 'oss; /eir-re;;;she ha- meant more to me than
a'' the rest o% the %ami'1 p$t to)ether; : cannot he'p it; !hat is ho" it "as; ,o" man1 times ha- :
"ishe- she "ere not m1 sister; Aet4 : ha- reconci'e- m1se'% to the rea'ities o% o$r sit$ation; B1
%ee'in)s "o$'- ne&er chan)e4 b$t;;;no" she "as )one4 an- this tho$)ht meant more to me than
the impen-in) -estr$ction o% the "or'-;
Aet4 : ha- to see "hat "as happenin) no"; =ith the Ee"e' )one4 e&er1thin) "as o&er; Aet;;;:
reache- o$t4 tr1in) to %ee' its presence; =here&er it mi)ht be4 b$t there "as nothin); : be)an to
rise then4 to see ho" %ar the "a&e ha- a-&ance-4 b$t a s$--en arm p$she- me back;
F0est4 Cor"in;G
:t "as 0an-om@s &oice;
FAo$@re beat; Ao$ 'ook as i% 1o$ ha&e ?$st cra"'e- thro$)h he''; !here is nothin) 1o$ can -o
no"; !ake it eas1;G
F=hat -i%%erence -oes the state o% m1 hea'th make>G : rep'ie-; F:n a 'itt'e "hi'e4 it "i'' not
: ma-e to rise a)ain4 an- this time the arm mo&e- to s$pport me;
FA'' ri)ht4 then4G he sai-; FNot that m$ch "orth seein)4 tho$)h;G
: s$ppose that he "as ri)ht; !he %i)htin) appeare- to be o&er e.cept %or a %e" iso'ate- pockets o%
resistance b1 the enem14 an- these "ere rapi-'1 bein) en&e'ope-4 their combatants s'ain or
capt$re-4 e&er1one mo&in) in this -irection4 "ith-ra"in) be%ore the a-&ancin) "a&e "hich ha-
reache- the %ar en- o% the %ie'-; (oon o$r hei)ht "o$'- be cro"-e- "ith a'' o% the s$r&i&ors %rom
both si-es; : 'ooke- behin- $s; No ne" %orces "ere approachin) %rom the -ark cita-e'; Co$'- "e
retreat to that p'ace "hen the "a&e %ina''1 reache- $s here> !hen "hat> !he ab1ss seeme- the
$'timate ans"er;
F(oon4G : m$ttere-4 thinkin) o% /eir-re;
F(oon;;;G =h1 not>
: "atche- the storm%ront4 %'ashin)4 maskin)4 trans%ormin); Aes4 soon; =ith the Ee"e' )one a'on)
"ith Bran-D
FBran-;;;G : sai-; F=ho "as it %ina''1 )ot him>G
F: c'aim that -istinction4G sai- a %ami'iar &oice "hich : co$'- not p'ace;
: t$rne- m1 hea- an- stare-; !he man in )reen "as seate- on a rock; ,is bo" an- <$i&er 'a1
besi-e him on the aro$n-; ,e %'ashe- an e&i' smi'e in m1 -irection; :t "as Caine;
F:@'' be -amne-4G : sai-4 r$bbin) m1 ?a"; FA %$nn1 thin) happene- to me on the "a1 to 1o$r
FAes; : hear- abo$t it;G ,e 'a$)he-;
FAo$ e&er ki'' 1o$rse'%4 Cor"in>G
FNot recent'1; ,o"@- 1o$ mana)e it>G
F=a'ke- to the proper sha-o"4G he sai-4 F"a1'ai- the (ha-o" o% m1se'% there; ,e pro&i-e- the
corpse;G ,e sh$--ere-; FAn eerie %ee'in)4 that; Not one :@- care to repeat;G
FB$t "h1>G : sai-; F=h1 %ake 1o$r -eath an- tr1 to %rame me %or it>G
F: "ante- to )et to the root o% the tro$b'e in Amber4G he sai-4 Fan- -estro1 it; : tho$)ht it best to
)o $n-er)ro$n- %or that; =hat better "a1 than b1 con&incin) e&er1one that : "as -ea-> : %ina''1
s$ccee-e-4 too4 as 1o$ sa";G
,e pa$se-;
F:@m sorr1 abo$t /eir-re4 tho$)h; B$t : ha- no choice; :t "as o$r 'ast chance; : -i- not rea''1
think he "o$'- take her "ith him;G
: 'ooke- a"a1;
F: ha- no choice4G he repeate-; F: hope 1o$ can see that;G
: no--e-;
FB$t "h1 -i- 1o$ tr1 to make it 'ook as i% : ha- ki''e- 1o$>G : aske-;
E$st then +iona approache- "ith B'e1s; : )reete- them both an- t$rne- back to Caine %or m1
ans"er; !here "ere thin)s : "ante- to ask B'e1s4 too4 b$t the1 co$'- "ait;
F=e''>G : sai-;
F: "ante- 1o$ o$t o% the "a14G he sai-; F: sti'' tho$)ht 1o$ mi)ht be behin- the "ho'e thin); Ao$
or Bran-; : ha- it narro"e- -o"n that %ar; : tho$)ht it mi)ht e&en be the t"o o% 1o$ in it to)ether
Despecia''1 "ith him str$))'in) to brin) 1o$ back;G
FAo$ ha&e that "ron)4G sai- B'e1s; FBran- "as tr1in) to keep him a"a1; ,e ha- 'earne- that his
memor1 "as ret$rnin) an-DG
F: )ather4G Caine rep'ie-4 Fb$t at the time it 'ooke- that "a1; (o : "ante- Cor"in back in a
-$n)eon "hi'e : searche- %or Bran-; : 'a1 'o" then an- 'istene- in on the !r$mps to e&er1thin)
e&er1one sai-4 hopin) %or a c'$e as to Bran-@s "hereabo$ts;G
F!hat@s "hat /a- meant4G : sai-;
F=hat>G Caine aske-;
F,e imp'ie- there "as an ea&es-ropper on the !r$mps;G
F: -o not see ho" he co$'- ha&e kno"n; : ha- 'earne- to be comp'ete'1 passi&e abo$t it; : ha-
ta$)ht m1se'% to -ea' them a'' o$t an- to$ch a'' o% them 'i)ht'1 at the same time4 "aitin) %or a
stirrin); =hen it came4 : "o$'- shi%t m1 attention to the speakers; !akin) 1o$ one at a time4 :
e&en %o$n- : co$'- sometimes )et into 1o$r min-s "hen 1o$ "ere not $sin) the !r$mps
1o$rse'&esDi% 1o$ "ere s$%%icient'1 -istracte- an- : a''o"e- m1se'% no reaction;G
FAet he kne"4G : sai-;
F:t is entire'1 possib'e; 9ike'14 e&en4G sai- +iona4 an- B'e1s no--e-;
0an-om -re" nearer;
F=hat -i- 1o$ mean "hen 1o$ aske- abo$t Cor"in@s si-e>G he in<$ire-; F,o" co$'- 1o$ e&en
kno" abo$t it $n'essDG
Caine mere'1 no--e-; : sa" Bene-ict an- E$'ian to)ether in the -istance4 a--ressin) their troops;
At Caine@s si'ent mo&ement4 : %or)ot them;
FAo$>G : croake-; FAo$ stabbe- me>G
F,a&e a -rink4 Cor"in4G 0an-om sai-4 passin) me his %'ask; :t "as a -i'$te "ine; : )$'pe- it; B1
thirst "as immense4 b$t : stoppe- a%ter se&era' )oo- s"i)s;
F!e'' me abo$t it4G : sai-;
FA'' ri)ht; : o"e 1o$ that4G he sai-; F=hen : 'earne- %rom E$'ian@s min- that 1o$ ha- bro$)ht
Bran- back to Amber4 : -eci-e- that an ear'ier )$ess ha- been correctDthat 1o$ an- Bran- "ere
in it to)ether; !hat meant 1o$ both ha- to be -estro1e-; : $se- the Pattern to pro?ect m1se'% into
1o$r chambers that ni)ht; !here4 : trie- to ki'' 1o$4 b$t 1o$ mo&e- too %ast an- 1o$ someho"
mana)e- to !r$mp o$t be%ore : )ot a secon- chance;G
F=e''4 -amn 1o$r e1es4G : sai-; F:% 1o$ co$'- to$ch o$r min-s co$'-n@t 1o$ ha&e seen that : "as
not the man 1o$ "ere 'ookin) %or>G
,e shook his hea-;
F: co$'- pick $p on'1 s$r%ace tho$)hts an- reactions to 1o$r imme-iate en&ironment; Not
a'"a1s that4 e&en; An- : ha- hear- 1o$r c$rse4 Cor"in; An- it "as comin) tr$e; : co$'- see it a''
aro$n- $s; : %e't that "e "o$'- a'' be a 'ot sa%er "ith 1o$ an- Bran- both o$t o% the "a1; : kne"
"hat he co$'- -o4 %rom his actions back be%ore 1o$r ret$rn; : co$'- not )et at him ?$st then4
tho$)h4 beca$se o% #erar-; !hen he be)an to )ro" stron)er; : ma-e one e%%ort 'ater4 b$t it %ai'e-;G
F=hen "as that>G 0an-om aske-;
F!hat "as the one Cor"in )ot b'ame- %or; : maske- m1se'%; :n case he mana)e- to )et a"a1 as
Cor"in ha-4 : -i- not "ant him kno"in) : "as sti'' aro$n-; : $se- the Pattern to pro?ect m1se'%
into his chambers an- trie- to %inish him o%%; =e "ere both h$rtDthere "as a 'ot o% b'oo- aro$n-
Db$t he mana)e- to !r$mp a"a14 too; !hen : )ot in to$ch "ith E$'ian a "hi'e back an- ?oine-
him %or this batt'e4 beca$se Bran- ?$st ha- to sho" $p here; : ha- some si'&er-tippe- arro"s
ma-e beca$se : "as more than ha'% con&ince- that he "as no 'on)er 'ike the rest o% $s; : "ante-
to ki'' him %ast an- -o it %rom a -istance; : practice- m1 archer1 an- came 'ookin) %or him; :
%ina''1 %o$n- him; No" e&er1one te''s me : "as "ron) abo$t 1o$4 so : )$ess 1o$r arro" "i'' )o
F!hanks a 'ot;G
F: mi)ht e&en o"e 1o$ an apo'o)1;G
F!hat "o$'- be nice;G
FOn the other han-4 : tho$)ht that : "as ri)ht; : "as -oin) it to sa&e the restDG
: ne&er -i- )et Caine@s apo'o)14 beca$se ?$st then a tr$mpet b'ast seeme- to shake the entire
"or'-D-irection'ess4 'o$-4 pro'on)e-; =e cast abo$t4 seekin) its so$rce;
Caine stoo- an- pointe-;
F!hereIG he sai-;
B1 e1es %o''o"e- his )est$re; !he c$rtain o% the storm%ront "as broken o%% to the north"est4 at
the point "here the b'ack roa- emer)e- %rom it; !here4 a )host'1 ri-er on a b'ack horse ha-
appeare- an- "as "in-in) his horn; :t "as a "hi'e be%ore more o% its notes reache- $s; Boments
'ater4 t"o more tr$mpetersDa'so pa'e4 an- mo$nte- on b'ack stee-sD?oine- him; !he1 raise-
their horns an- a--e- to the so$n-;
F=hat can it be>G 0an-om aske-;
F: think : kno"4G B'e1s sai-4 an- +iona no--e-;
F=hat4 then>G : aske-;
B$t the1 -i- not ans"er me; !he horsemen "ere be)innin) to mo&e a)ain4 passin) a'on) the
b'ack roa-4 an- more "ere emer)in) behin- them;
Chapter 12
: "atche-; !here "as a )reat si'ence on the hei)hts abo$t me; A'' o% the troops ha- ha'te- an-
"ere re)ar-in) the procession; 2&en the prisoners %rom the Co$rts4 hemme- b1 stee'4 t$rne- their
attention that "a1;
9e- b1 the pa'e tr$mpeters came a mass o% horsemen mo$nte- on "hite stee-s4 bearin) banners4
some o% "hich : -i- not reco)ni6e4 behin- a man-thin) "ho bore the *nicorn stan-ar- o% Amber;
!hese "ere %o''o"e- b1 more m$sicians4 some o% them p'a1in) $pon instr$ments o% a sort : ha-
ne&er seen be%ore;
Behin- the m$sicians marche- horne- man-shape- thin)s in 'i)ht armor4 'on) co'$mns o% them4
an- e&er1 t"entieth or so bore a )reat torch be%ore him4 reachin) hi)h abo&e his hea-; A -eep
noise came to $s thenDs'o"4 rh1thmic4 ro''in) beneath the notes o% the tr$mpets an- the so$n-s
o% the m$siciansDan- : rea'i6e- that the %oot so'-iers "ere sin)in); A )reat -ea' o% time seeme-
to pass as this bo-1 a-&ance- a'on) that b'ack "a1 across the -istant track be'o" $s4 1et none o%
$s stirre- an- none o% $s spoke; !he1 passe-4 "ith the torches an- the banners an- the m$sic an-
the sin)in)4 an- the1 %ina''1 came to the e-)e o% the ab1ss an- contin$e- o&er the near-in&isib'e
e.tension o% that -ark hi)h"a14 their torches %'arin) a)ainst the b'ackness no"4 'i)htin) their
"a1; !he m$sic )re" stron)er4 -espite the -istance4 "ith more an- more &oices a--e- to that
chor$s4 as the )$ar- contin$e- to emer)e %rom that %'ashin) storm c$rtain; An occasiona' ro'' o%
th$n-er passe- b14 b$t this co$'- not -ro"n itC nor -i- the "in-s "hich assai'e- the torches
e.tin)$ish an1 so %ar as : co$'- see; !he mo&ement ha- a h1pnotic e%%ect; :t seeme- that : ha-
been "atchin) the procession %or co$nt'ess -a1s4 1ears perhaps4 'istenin) to the t$ne : no"
($--en'14 a -ra)on sai'e- thro$)h the storm%ront4 an- another4 an- another; #reen an- )o'-en
an- b'ack as o'- iron4 : "atche- them soar on the "in-s4 t$rnin) their hea-s to trai' pennons o%
%ire; !he 'i)htnin) %'ashe- behin- them an- the1 "ere a"esome an- ma)ni%icent an- o%
inca'c$'ab'e si6e; Beneath them came a sma'' her- o% "hite catt'e4 tossin) their hea-s an-
b'o"in)4 beatin) the )ro$n- "ith their hoo%s; 0i-ers passe- besi-e an- amon) these4 crackin)
'on) b'ack "hips;
!hen came a procession o% tr$'1 bestia' troops %rom a sha-o" "ith "hich Amber sometimes has
commerceDhea&14 sca'e-4 ta'one-Dp'a1in) $pon instr$ments 'ike ba)pipes4 "hose skir'in)
notes came to $s "ith &ibrance an- pathos;
!hese marche- on4 an- there "ere more torch bearers an- more troops "ith their co'orsD%rom
sha-o"s both -istant an- near; =e "atche- them pass an- "in- their "a1 into the %ar sk14 'ike a
mi)ration o% %ire%'ies4 their -estination that b'ack cita-e' ca''e- the Co$rts o% Chaos;
!here seeme- no en- to it; : ha- 'ost a'' track o% time; B$t the storm%ront4 stran)e'14 "as not
a-&ancin) as a'' this "ent on; : ha- e&en 'ost somethin) o% m1 sense o% person4 to be ca$)ht $p
in the procession "hich passe- $s; !his4 : kne"4 "as an e&ent "hich co$'- ne&er be repeate-;
Bri)ht %'1in) thin)s -arte- abo&e the co'$mns an- -ark ones %'oate-4 hi)her;
!here "ere )host'1 -r$mmers4 bein)s o% p$re 'i)ht an- a %'ock o% %'oatin) machinesC : sa"
horsemen4 c'a- a'' in b'ack4 mo$nte- on a &ariet1 o% beastsC a "1&ern seeme- to han) in the sk1
%or a moment4 'ike part o% a %ire"orks -isp'a1; An- the so$n-sDo% hoo%beats an- %oot%a''s4 o%
sin)in) an- skir'in)4 o% -r$mmin) an- tr$mpetin)Dmo$nte- to a mi)ht1 "a&e that "ashe- o&er
$s; An- on4 on4 on o$t o&er the bri-)e o% -arkness4 "o$n- the procession4 its 'i)hts 'inin) the
)reat span %or a &ast -istance no";
!hen4 as m1 e1es -ri%te- back a'on) those 'ines4 another shape emer)e- %rom the )'istenin)
c$rtain; :t "as a cart -rape- a'' in b'ack an- -ra"n b1 a team o% b'ack horses; At each corner rose
a sta%% "hich )'o"e- "ith b'$e %ire4 an- atop it reste- "hat co$'- on'1 be a casket4 -rape- "ith
o$r *nicorn %'a); !he -ri&er "as a h$nchback c'a- in p$rp'e an- oran)e )arments4 an- : kne"
e&en at that -istance that it "as /"orkin;
:t is th$s4 then4 : tho$)ht; : -o not kno" "h14 b$t someho" it is %ittin)4 %ittin) that it be the O'-
Co$ntr1 to "hich 1o$ tra&e' no"; !here "ere man1 thin)s that : mi)ht ha&e sai- "hi'e 1o$ 'i&e-;
(ome o% them : -i- sa14 b$t %e" o% the ri)ht "or-s "ere e&er spoken; No" it is o&er4 %or 1o$ are
-ea-; As -ea- as a'' o% those "ho ha&e )one be%ore 1o$ into that p'ace "here the rest o% $s soon
ma1 %o''o"; : am sorr1; :t "as on'1 a%ter a'' these 1ears4 on 1o$r ass$min) another %ace an- %orm4
that : %ina''1 kne" 1o$4 respecte- 1o$4 e&en came to 'ike 1o$Dtho$)h 1o$ "ere a crochet1 o'-
bastar- in that %orm4 too; =as the #ane'on se'% the rea' 1o$ a'' a'on)4 or "as it on'1 another %orm
a-opte- %or con&enience@s sake; O'- (hapeshi%ter> : "i'' ne&er kno"4 b$t : 'ike to think that :
%ina''1 sa" 1o$ as 1o$ "ere4 that : met someone : 'ike-4 someone : co$'- tr$st4 an- that it "as
1o$; : "ish that : mi)ht ha&e kno"n 1o$ e&en better4 b$t : am )rate%$' %or this m$ch;;;;
F/a-;;;>G E$'ian sai- so%t'1;
F,e "ante- to be taken be1on- the Co$rts o% Chaos an- into the %ina' -arkness "hen his time
came at 'ast4G B'e1s sai-; F(o /"orkin once to'- me; Be1on- Chaos an- Amber4 to a p'ace
"here none rei)ne-;G
FAn- so it is4G +iona sai-; FB$t is there or-er some"here be1on- that "a'' the1 come thro$)h>
Or -oes the storm )o on %ore&er> :% he s$ccee-e-4 it is b$t a passin) matter an- "e are in no
-an)er; B$t i% he -i- not;;;G
F:t -oes not matter4G : sai-4 F"hether or not he s$ccee-e-4 beca$se : -i-;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G she aske-;
F: be'ie&e that he %ai'e-4G : sai-4 Fthat he "as -estro1e- be%ore he co$'- repair the o'- Pattern;
=hen : sa" this storm comin)Dact$a''14 : e.perience- a part o% itD: rea'i6e- that : co$'- not
possib'1 make it here in time "ith the Ee"e'4 "hich he ha- sent to me a%ter his e%%orts; Bran- ha-
been tr1in) to )et it %rom me a'' a'on) the "a1Dto create a ne" Pattern4 he sai-; 9ater4 that )a&e
me the i-ea; =hen : sa" that a'' e'se "as %ai'in)4 : $se- the Ee"e' to create a ne" Pattern; :t "as
the most -i%%ic$'t thin) : e&er -i-4 b$t : s$ccee-e-; !hin)s sho$'- ho'- to)ether a%ter this "a&e
passes4 "hether "e s$r&i&e it or not; Bran- sto'e the Ee"e' %rom me ?$st as : comp'ete- it; =hen
: reco&ere- %rom his attack : "as ab'e to $se the ne" Pattern to pro?ect me here; (o there is sti'' a
Pattern4 no matter "hat e'se happens;G
FB$t Cor"in4G she sai-4 F"hat i% /a- s$ccee-e->G
F: -o not kno";G
F:t is m1 $n-erstan-in)4G B'e1s sai-4 F%rom thin)s that /"orkin to'- me4 that t"o -istinct
Patterns co$'- not in the same $ni&erse; !hose in 0ebma an- !ir-na No)@th -o not co$nt4
bein) b$t re%'ections o% o$r o"n;;;;G
F=hat "o$'- happen>G : sai-;
F: think there "o$'- be a sp'ittin) o%%4 the %o$n-in) o% a ne" e.istenceDsome"here;G
F!hen "hat "o$'- its e%%ect be $pon o$r o"n>G
F2ither tota' catastrophe or no e%%ect "hatsoe&er4G +iona sai-; F: can make a case %or its )oin)
either "a1;G
F!hen "e are ri)ht back =here "e starte-4G : sai-; F2ither thin)s are )oin) to %a'' apart short'1
or the1 are )oin) to ho'-;G
F(o it "o$'- seem4G B'e1s sai-;
F:t -oes not matter4 i% "e are not )oin) to be aro$n- a%ter that "a&e )ets to $s4G : sai-; FAn- it
: t$rne- m1 attention back to the %$nera' corte)e; Bore horsemen ha- emer)e- behin- the
"a)on4 %o''o"e- b1 marchin) -r$mmers; !hen pennons an- torches an- a 'on) 'ine o% %oot
so'-iers; !he sin)in) sti'' came to $s4 an- %ar4 %ar o$t o&er the ab1ss it seeme- the procession
mi)ht %ina''1 ha&e reache- that -ark cita-e';
;;;: hate- 1o$ %or so 'on)4 b'ame- 1o$ %or so man1 thin)s; No" it is o&er4 an- none o% these
%ee'in)s remain; :nstea-4 1o$ ha- e&en "ante- me to be kin)4 a ?ob %or "hichD: see no"D: am
not %itte-; : see that : m$st ha&e meant somethin) to 1o$ a%ter a''; : "i'' ne&er te'' the others; :t is
eno$)h to kno" it m1se'%; B$t : can ne&er think o% 1o$ in the same %ashion a)ain; A'rea-1 1o$r
ima)e b'$rs; : see #ane'on@s %ace "here 1o$rs sho$'- be; ,e "as m1 companion; ,e riske- his
neck %or me; ,e "as 1o$4 b$t a -i%%erent 1o$Da 1o$ that : ha- not kno"n; ,o" man1 "i&es an-
enemies ha- 1o$ o$t'i&e-> =ere there man1 %rien-s> : think not; B$t there "ere so man1 thin)s
abo$t 1o$ o% "hich "e kne" nothin); : ne&er tho$)ht that : "o$'- see 1o$r passin); #ane'onD
+atherDo'- %rien- an- enem14 : bi- 1o$ %are"e''; Ao$ ?oin /eir-re4 "hom : ha&e 'o&e-; Ao$
ha&e preser&e- 1o$r m1ster1; 0est in peace4 i% that be 1o$r "i''; : )i&e 1o$ this "ithere- rose :
ha&e borne thro$)h he''4 castin) it into the ab1ss; : 'ea&e 1o$ the rose an- the t"iste- co'ors in
the sk1; : "i'' miss 1o$;;;;
+ina''14 the 'on) 'ine came to an en-; !he 'ast marchers emer)e- %rom the c$rtain an- mo&e-
a"a1; !he 'i)htnin) sti'' %'are-4 the rain sti'' po$re- an- the th$n-er r$mb'e-; No member o% the
procession that : co$'- reca'' ha- seeme- "et4 ho"e&er; : ha- been stan-in) at the e-)e o% the
ab1ss4 "atchin) them pass; !here "as a han- on m1 arm; ,o" 'on) it ha- been there4 : co$'- not
te''; No" that the passa)e "as comp'ete4 : rea'i6e- that the storm%ront "as a-&ancin) a)ain;
!he rotation o% the sk1 seeme- to be brin)in) more -arkness $pon $s; !here "ere &oices o%% to
m1 'e%t; :t seeme- the1 ha- been ta'kin) %or a 'on) "hi'e4 b$t : ha- not been hearin) their "or-s;
: rea'i6e- that : "as shakin)4 that : ache- a'' o&er4 that : co$'- bare'1 stan-;
FCome an- 'ie -o"n4G +iona sai-; F!he %ami'1 has shr$nken eno$)h %or one -a1;G
: 'et her 'ea- me a"a1 %rom the e-)e;
F=o$'- it rea''1 make an1 -i%%erence>G : aske-; F,o" m$ch 'on)er -o 1o$ think "e ha&e>G
F=e -o not ha&e to sta1 here an- "ait %or it4G she sai-; F=e "i'' cross the -ark bri-)e into the
Co$rts; =e ha&e a'rea-1 broken their -e%ense; !he storm ma1 not reach that %ar; :t ma1 be
stoppe- here b1 the ab1ss; =e o$)ht to see /a- o%%4 an1"a1;G
: no--e-;
F:t "o$'- seem "e ha&e sma'' choice b$t to be -$ti%$' $nto the en-;G
: ease- m1se'% -o"n an- si)he-; :% an1thin)4 : %e't e&en "eaker no";
FAo$r boots;;;G she sai-;
(he p$''e- them o%%; B1 %eet throbbe-;
F:@'' )et 1o$ some rations;G
: c'ose- m1 e1es; : -o6e-; !oo man1 ima)es p'a1e- "ithin m1 hea- to make %or a coherent
-ream; ,o" 'on) this 'aste-; : -o not kno"4 b$t an o'- re%'e. -re" me to "ake%$'ness at the
so$n- o% an approachin) horse; !hen a sha-o" passe- o&er m1 e1e'i-s;
: 'ooke- $p an- behe'- a m$%%'e- ri-er4 si'ent4 sti''; : "as re)ar-e-;
: 'ooke- back; No threatenin) )est$re ha- been ma-e4 b$t there "as a %ee'in) o% antipath1 in that
co'- )a6e;
F!here 'ies the hero4G sai- a so%t &oice;
: sai- nothin);
F: co$'- s'a1 1o$ easi'1 no";G
: reco)ni6e- the &oice then4 tho$)h : ha- no i-ea as to the reason behin- the sentiment;
F: came $pon Bore' be%ore he -ie-4G she sai-; F,e to'- me ho" i)nob'1 1o$ ha- beste- him;G
: co$'- not he'p it4 : co$'- not contro' it; A -r1 ch$ck'e rose in m1 throat; O% a'' the st$pi- thin)s
to )et $pset abo$t; : mi)ht ha&e to'- her that Bore' ha- been %ar better e<$ippe- an- %ar %resher
than :4 an- that he ha- come to me 'ookin) %or a %i)ht; : mi)ht ha&e to'- her that : -o not
reco)ni6e r$'es "hen m1 'i%e is at stake4 or that : -o not consi-er "ar a )ame; : co$'- ha&e sai- a
)reat n$mber o% thin)s4 b$t i% she -i- not kno" them a'rea-1 or -i- not choose to $n-erstan-
them4 the1 "o$'- not ha&e ma-e a bit o% -i%%erence; Besi-es4 her %ee'in)s "ere a'rea-1 p'ain;
(o : simp'1 sai- one o% the )reat trite tr$ths8 F!here is )enera''1 more than one si-e to a stor1;G
F: "i'' sett'e %or the one : ha&e4G she to'- me;
: tho$)ht abo$t shr$))in)4 b$t m1 sho$'-ers "ere too sore;
FAo$ ha&e cost me t"o o% the most important persons in m1 'i%e4G she sai- then;
FOh>G : sai-; F:@m sorr14 %or 1o$;G
FAo$ are not "hat : "as 'e- to be'ie&e; : ha- seen 1o$ as a tr$'1 nob'e %i)$reDstron)4 1et
$n-erstan-in) an- sometimes )ent'e; ,onorab'e;;;G
!he storm4 m$ch c'oser no"4 "as %'arin) at her back; : tho$)ht o% somethin) &$')ar an- sai- it;
(he 'et it pass as i% she ha- not hear- me;
F: am )oin) no"4G she sai-4 Fback to m1 o"n peop'e; Ao$ ha&e "on the -a1 th$s %arDb$t that
"a1 'a1 Amber;G (he )est$re- to"ar- the storm; : co$'- on'1 stare; Not at the ra)in) e'ements;
At her; F: -o$bt there is an1thin) o% m1 ne" a''e)iance 'e%t %or me to reno$nce4G she contin$e-;
F=hat abo$t Bene-ict>G : aske- so%t'1;
F/on@t;;;G she sai-4 an- she t$rne- a"a1; !here "as a si'ence; !hen4 F: -o not be'ie&e that "e
"i'' e&er meet a)ain4G she sai-4 an- her horse carrie- her o%% to m1 'e%t4 in the -irection o% the
b'ack roa-;
A c1nic mi)ht ha&e -eci-e- that she ha- simp'1 chosen to toss in her 'ot "ith "hat she no" sa"
as the "innin) si-e4 as the Co$rts o% Chaos "o$'- 'ike'1 s$r&i&e; : simp'1 -i- not kno"; : co$'-
think on'1 o% "hat : ha- seen "hen she ha- )est$re-; !he co"'in) ha- s'ippe- a"a1 an- : ha-
)otten a )'impse o% "hat she ha- become; :t ha- not been a h$man %ace4 there "ithin the
sha-o"s; B$t : t$rne- m1 hea- an- "atche- $nti' she "as )one; =ith /eir-re4 Bran- an- /a-
)one4 an- no" a partin) "ith /ara on these terms4 the "or'- "as m$ch emptierD"hate&er "as
'e%t o% it;
: 'a1 back an- si)he-; =h1 not ?$st remain here "hen the others -eparte-4 "ait %or the storm to
"ash o&er me4 an- s'eep;;;-isso'&e> : tho$)ht o% ,$)i; ,a- : -i)este- his %'i)ht %rom 'i%e as "e''
as his %'esh> : "as so tire- that it seeme- the easiest co$rse;;;;
F,ere4 Cor"in;G
: ha- been -o6in) a)ain4 tho$)h on'1 %or a moment; +iona "as besi-e me once more4 "ith
rations an- a %'ask; (omeone "as "ith her;
F: -i- not "ish to interr$pt 1o$r a$-ience4G she sai-; F(o : "aite-;G
FAo$ hear->G : aske-;
FNo4 b$t : can )$ess4G she sai-4 Fsince she is )one; ,ere;G
: s"a''o"e- some "ine4 t$rne- m1 attention to the meat4 the brea-; /espite m1 state o% min-4
the1 taste- )oo- to me;
F=e "i'' be mo&in) soon4G +iona sai-4 castin) a )'ance at the ra)in) storm%ront; FCan 1o$
F: think so4G : sai-;
: took another -rink o% the "ine;
FB$t too m$ch has happene-4 +i4G : to'- her; F: ha&e )one n$mb emotiona''1; : broke o$t o% a
sanitari$m on a sha-o" "or'-; : ha&e tricke- peop'e an- :@&e ki''e- peop'e; : ha&e ca'c$'ate- an-
: ha&e %o$)ht; : "on back m1 memor1 an- : ha&e been tr1in) to strai)hten o$t m1 'i%e; : ha&e
%o$n- m1 %ami'14 an- %o$n- that : 'o&e it; : ha&e been reconci'e- "ith /a-; : ha&e %o$)ht %or the
kin)-om; : ha&e trie- e&er1thin) : kno" to ho'- thin)s to)ether; No" it appears that it has a''
come to nothin)4 an- : ha&e not eno$)h spirit 'e%t to mo$rn %$rther; : ha&e )one n$mb; +or)i&e
(he kisse- me;
F=e are not 1et beaten; Ao$ "i'' be 1o$rse'% a)ain4G she sai-;
: shook m1 hea-;
F:t is 'ike the 'ast chapter o% A'ice4G : sai-; F:% : sho$t4 @Ao$ are on'1 a pack o% car-sI@ : %ee' "e
"i'' a'' %'1 into the air4 a han- o% painte- pasteboar-s; : am not )oin) "ith 1o$; 9ea&e me here; :
am on'1 the Eoker4 an1"a1;G
F0i)ht no"4 : am stron)er than 1o$ are4G she sai-; FAo$ are comin);G
F:t is not %air4G : sai- so%t'1;
F+inish eatin)4G she sai-; F!here is sti'' some time;G
As : -i-4 she "ent on4 FAo$r son Ber'in is "aitin) to see 1o$; : "o$'- 'ike to ca'' him $p here
FNot e.act'1; ,e "as not a combatant; ,e ?$st arri&e- a 'itt'e "hi'e a)o4 askin) to see 1o$;G
: no--e- an- she "ent a"a1; : aban-one- m1 rations an- took another s"i) o% "ine; : ha- ?$st
become ner&o$s; =hat -o 1o$ sa1 to a )ro"n son 1o$ on'1 recent'1 'earne- e.iste-> : "on-ere-
abo$t his %ee'in)s to"ar- me; : "on-ere- "hether he kne" o% /ara@s -ecision; ,o" sho$'- : act
"ith him>
: "atche- him approach %rom a p'ace "here m1 re'ati&es "ere c'$stere-4 %ar o%% to m1 'e%t; : ha-
"on-ere- "h1 the1 ha- 'e%t me b1 m1se'% this "a1; !he more &isitors : recei&e- the more
apparent it became; : "on-ere- "hether the1 "ere ho'-in) $p the "ith-ra"a' beca$se o% me; !he
storm@s moist "in-s "ere )ro"in) stron)er; ,e "as starin) at me as he a-&ance-4 no specia'
e.pression on that %ace so m$ch 'ike m1 o"n; : "on-ere- ho" /ara %e't no" that her prophec1
o% the -estr$ction seeme- to ha&e been %$'%i''e-; : "on-ere- ho" her re'ationship "ith the bo1
act$a''1 stoo-; : "on-ere-;;;man1 thin)s;
,e 'eane- %or"ar- to c'asp m1 han-;
F+ather;;;G he sai-;
: 'ooke- into his e1es; : rose to m1 %eet4 sti'' ho'-in) his han-;
F/o not )et $p;G
F:t is a'' ri)ht;G
: c'aspe- him to me4 then re'ease- him;
F: am )'a-4G : sai-;
!hen8 F/rink "ith me;G : o%%ere- him the "ine4 part'1 to co&er m1 'ack o% "or-s;
F!hank 1o$;G
,e took it4 -rank some an- passe- it back;
FAo$r hea'th4G : sai- an- took a sip m1se'%;
F(orr1 : cannot o%%er 1o$ a chair;G
: 'o"ere- m1se'% to the )ro$n-; ,e -i- the same;
FNone o% the others seeme- to kno" e.act'1 "hat 1o$ ha&e been -oin)4G he sai-4 Fe.cept %or
+iona4 "ho sai- on'1 that it ha- been &er1 -i%%ic$'t;G
FNo matter4G : sai-; F: am )'a- to ha&e ma-e it this %ar4 i% %or no other reason than this; !e'' me
o% 1o$rse'%4 son; =hat are 1o$ 'ike> ,o" has 'i%e treate- 1o$>G
,e 'ooke- a"a1;
F: ha&e not 'i&e- 'on) eno$)h to ha&e -one too m$ch4G he sai-;
: "as c$rio$s "hether he possesse- the shapeshi%tin) abi'it14 b$t restraine- m1se'% %rom askin)
at this point; No sense in 'ookin) %or o$r -i%%erences "hen : ha- ?$st met him;
F: ha&e no i-ea "hat it "as 'ike4G : sai-4 F)ro"in) $p in the Co$rts;G
,e smi'e- %or the %irst time;
FAn- : ha&e no i-ea "hat it "o$'- ha&e been 'ike an1"here e'se4G he respon-e-; F: "as
-i%%erent eno$)h to be 'e%t to m1se'% a 'ot; : "as ta$)ht the $s$a' thin)s a )ent'eman sho$'- kno"
Dma)ic4 "eapons4 poisons4 ri-in)4 -ancin); : "as to'- that : "o$'- one -a1 r$'e in Amber; !his
is not tr$e an1more4 is it>G
F:t -oes not seem too 'ike'1 in the %oreseeab'e %$t$re4G : sai-;
F#oo-4G he rep'ie-; F!his is the one thin) : -i- not "ant to -o;G
F=hat -o 1o$ "ant to -o>G
F: "ant to "a'k the Pattern in Amber as Bother -i- an- )ain po"er o&er (ha-o"4 so that : mi)ht
"a'k there an- see stran)e si)hts an- -o -i%%erent thin)s; /o 1o$ think : mi)ht>G
: took another rip an- : passe- him the "ine;
F:t is <$ite possib'e4G : sai-4 Fthat Amber no 'on)er e.ists; :t a'' -epen-s on "hether 1o$r
)ran-%ather s$ccee-e- in somethin) he attempte-Dan- he is no 'on)er aro$n- to te'' $s "hat
happene-; ,o"e&er4 one "a1 or the other4 there is a Pattern; :% "e 'i&e thro$)h this -emon storm4
: promise 1o$ that : "i'' %in- 1o$ a Pattern4 instr$ct 1o$ an- see 1o$ "a'kin) it;G
F!hanks4G he sai-; FNo" "i'' 1o$ te'' me o% 1o$r ?o$rne1 here>G
F9ater4G : to'- him; F=hat -i- the1 te'' 1o$ o% me>G
,e 'ooke- a"a1;
F: "as ta$)ht to -is'ike man1 o% the thin)s abo$t Amber4G he %ina''1 sai-; !hen4 a%ter a pa$se8
FAo$4 : "as ta$)ht to respect4 as m1 %ather; B$t : "as remin-e- that 1o$ "ere o% the part1 o% the
Another pa$se; F: remember that time on patro'4 "hen 1o$ ha- come to this p'ace an- : %o$n-
1o$4 a%ter 1o$r %i)ht "ith 3"an; B1 %ee'in)s "ere mi.e-; Ao$ ha- ?$st s'ain someone : ha-
kno"n4 1etD: ha- to a-mire the stance 1o$ took; : sa" m1 %ace in 1o$r o"n; :t "as stran)e; :
"ante- to kno" 1o$ better;G
!he sk1 ha- rotate- comp'ete'1 an- the -arkness "as no" abo&e $s4 the co'ors passin) o&er the
Co$rts; !he stea-1 a-&ance o% the %'ashin) storm%ront "as emphasi6e- b1 this; : 'eane- %or"ar-
an- reache- %or m1 boots4 be)an p$''in) them on; (oon it "o$'- be time to be)in o$r retreat;
F=e "i'' ha&e to contin$e o$r con&ersation on 1o$r home )ro$n-4G : sai-; F:t is abo$t time to %'1
the storm;G
,e t$rne- an- consi-ere- the e'ements4 then 'ooke- back o$t o&er the ab1ss;
F: can s$mmon a %i'm1 i% 1o$ "ish;G
FOne o% those -ri%tin) bri-)es s$ch as 1o$ ro-e on the -a1 "e met>G
FAes4G he ans"ere-; F!he1 are most con&enient; :DG
!here ha- been a sho$t %rom the -irection o% m1 assemb'e- re'ati&es; Nothin) threatenin)
seeme- to be abo$t "hen : re)ar-e- them; (o : )ot to m1 %eet an- took a %e" steps to"ar- them;
Ber'in risin) to %o''o" me;
!hen : sa" her; A "hite %orm4 pa"in) air it seeme-4 an- risin) o$t o% the ab1ss; ,er %ront hoo%s
%ina''1 str$ck its brink4 an- she came %or"ar- an- then stoo- sti''4 re)ar-in) $s a''8 o$r *nicorn;
Chapter 13
+or a moment4 m1 aches an- m1 %ati)$e %e'' a"a1; : %e't a tin1 t"in)e o% somethin) 'ike hope as
: consi-ere- the -aint1 "hite %orm "hich stoo- be%ore $s; A part o% me "ante- to r$sh %or"ar-4
b$t somethin) m$ch stron)er kept me motion'ess4 "aitin);
,o" 'on) "e stoo- th$s4 : co$'- not te''; Be'o"4 on the s'opes4 the troops ha- been rea-1in)
themse'&es %or tra&e'; !he prisoners ha- been bo$n-4 horses 'oa-e-4 e<$ipment sec$re-; B$t this
&ast arm1 in the process o% march4 or-erin) its )ear ha- s$--en'1 ha'te-; :t "as not nat$ra' that
the1 sho$'- ha&e become a"are so <$ick'14 b$t e&er1 hea- that : co$'- see "as t$rne- in this
-irection4 to"ar- the *nicorn on the brink4 'imne- a)ainst that "i'- sk1;
: "as s$--en'1 a"are that the "in- at m1 back ha- )ro"n sti''4 tho$)h the th$n-er contin$e- to
r$mb'e an- e.p'o-e an- the 'i)htnin) %'ares thre" -ancin) sha-o"s be%ore me;
: tho$)ht o% the other time : ha- seen the *nicornDat the reco&er1 o% the (ha-o"DCaine@s
bo-14 the -a1 : ha- 'ost a %i)ht "ith #erar-; : tho$)ht o% the stories : ha- hear-;;;; Co$'- she
rea''1 he'p $s>
!he *nicorn took a step %or"ar- an- ha'te-;
(he "as s$ch a 'o&e'1 thin) that someho" : "as heartene- ?$st b1 'ookin) $pon her; :t "as a
kin- o% achin) %ee'in) that she aro$se-4 tho$)hC hers "as a bea$t1 o% the sort to be taken in sma''
-oses; An- : co$'- someho" sense the $nnat$ra' inte''i)ence "ithin that sno"1 hea-; : "ante-
&er1 ba-'1 to to$ch her4 b$t kne" that : co$'- not;
(he cast her )a6e a'' abo$t; ,er e1es 'i)hte- $pon me4 an- : "o$'- ha&e 'ooke- a"a1 i% : ha-
been ab'e; !his "as not possib'e4 ho"e&er4 an- : ret$rne- that )a6e in "hich : rea- an
$n-erstan-in) be1on- m1 o"n; :t "as as i% she kne" e&er1thin) abo$t me4 an- in this instant ha-
comprehen-e- a'' o% m1 recent tria'sDseein)4 $n-erstan-in)4 possib'1 s1mpathi6in); +or a
moment4 : %e't that : sa" somethin) o% pit1 an- a stron) 'o&e re%'ecte- thereDan- perhaps a
to$ch o% h$mor;
!hen her hea- t$rne- an- the )a6e "as broken; : si)he- in&o'$ntari'1; At that moment4 in the
'i)htnin)@s )'are4 : tho$)ht : ca$)ht a )'impse o% somethin) shinin) at the si-e o% her neck;
(he a-&ance- another step4 an- no" she "as 'ookin) $pon the cro"- o% m1 kinsmen to"ar-
"hich : ha- been mo&in); (he 'o"ere- her hea- an- ma-e a sma'' "hickerin) noise; (he tappe-
at the earth "ith her ri)ht %ront hoo%;
: %e't Ber'in at m1 si-e; : tho$)ht $pon thin)s : "o$'- be 'osin) i% it a'' en-e- here;
(he took se&era' -ancin) steps %or"ar-; (he tosse- her hea- an- 'o"ere- it; :t seeme- that she
-i- not 'ike the notion o% approachin) so 'ar)e a )ro$p o% peop'e;
At her ne.t step4 : sa" the )'itter a)ain4 an- more; A tin1 spark o% re- shone thro$)h her %$r
%arther -o"n on her neck; (he "as "earin) the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment; ,o" she ha- retrie&e- it4 :
ha- no i-ea; An- it -i- not matter; :% she "o$'- ?$st -e'i&er it4 : %e't that : co$'- break the storm
Dor at 'east shie'- $s %rom this section o% it $nti' it ha- passe-;
B$t that one )'ance ha- been eno$)h; (he pai- me no more hee-; ('o"'14 care%$''14 as i% rea-1
to bo't at the s'i)htest -istarbance4 she a-&ance- $pon the spot "here E$'ian4 0an-om4 B'e1s4
+iona4 9'e"e''a4 Bene-ict an- se&era' nob'es stoo-;
: sho$'- ha&e rea'i6e- then "hat "as occ$rrin)4 b$t : -i- not; : simp'1 "atche- the s'eek beast@s
mo&ements as she picke- her "a1 %or"ar-4 passin) abo$t the peripher1 o% the )ro$p;
(he ha'te- once a)ain an- 'o"ere- her hea-; !hen she shook her mane an- -roppe- to her %ront
knees; !he Ee"e' o% E$-)ment h$n) s$spen-e- %rom her t"iste-4 )o'-en horn; !he tip o% her horn
"as a'most to$chin) the person be%ore "hom she kne't;
($--en'14 in m1 min-@s e1e4 : sa" o$r %ather@s %ace in the hea&ens4 an- his "or-s came back to
me8 F=ith m1 passin)4 the prob'em o% the s$ccession "i'' be $pon 1o$;;;; : ha&e no choice b$t to
'ea&e this on the horn o% the *nicorn;G
A m$rm$r mo&e- thro$)h the )ro$p4 as : rea'i6e- this same tho$)ht m$st be occ$rrin) to the
others; !he *nicem -i- not stir at this -ist$rbance4 ho"e&er4 b$t remaine- a so%t4 "hite stat$e4
not e&en seemin) to breathe;
('o"'14 0an-om reache- %or"ar- an- remo&e- the Ee"e' %rom her horn; ,is "hisper4 carrie- to
F!hank 1o$4G he sai-;
E$'ian $nsheathe- his b'a-e an- p'ace- it at 0an-om@s %eet as he kne't; !hen B'e1s an- Bene-ict
an- Caine4 +iona an- 9'e"e''a; : "ent an- ?oine- them; (o -i- m1 son;
0an-om stoo- si'ent %or a 'on) "hi'e; !hen4 F: accept 1o$r a''e)iance4G he sai-; FNo" )et $p4 a''
o% 1o$;G As "e -i-4 the *nicorn t$rne- an- bo'te-; (he race- -o"n the s'ope an- "as o$t o%
si)ht in a matter o% moments;
F: ha- ne&er e.pecte- an1thin) 'ike this to happen4G 0an-om sai-4 sti'' ho'-in) the Ee"e' at e1e
'e&e'; FCor"in4 can 1o$ take this thin) an- stop that storm>G
F:t is 1o$rs no"4G : sai-4 Fan- : -o not kno" ho" e.tensi&e the -ist$rbance is; :t occ$rs to me
that in m1 present con-ition : mi)ht not be ab'e to ho'- $p 'on) eno$)h to keep $s a'' sa%e; :
think it is )oin) to ha&e to be 1o$r %irst re)a' act;G
F!hen 1o$ are )oin) to ha&e to sho" me ho" to "ork it; : tho$)ht "e nee-e- a Pattern to
per%orm the att$nement;G
F: think not; Bran- in-icate- that a person "ho "as a'rea-1 att$ne- co$'- att$ne another; : ha&e
)i&en it some tho$)ht since then4 an- : be'ie&e : kno" ho" to )o abo$t it; 9et@s )et o%% to one
si-e some"here;G
FOka1; Come on;G
A'rea-14 somethin) ne" ha- come into his &oice an- post$re; !he s$--en ro'e ha- be)$n
"orkin) its chan)e imme-iate'14 it seeme-; : "on-ere- "hat sort o% kin) an- <$een he an-
7ia''e "o$'- become; !oo m$ch; B1 min- %e't -isassociate-; !oo m$ch ha- happene- too
recent'1; : co$'- not contain a'' o% the 'atest e&ents in one bi) piece o% thinkin); : ?$st "ante- to
cra"' o%% some"here an- s'eep aro$n- the c'ock; :nstea-4 : %o''o"e- him to a p'ace "here a
sma'' cookin) %ire sti'' smo'-ere-;
,e poke- at the %ire an- tosse- a han-%$' o% sticks onto it; !hen he seate- himse'% c'ose to it an-
no--e- to me; : "ent o&er an- sat -o"n besi-e him;
FAbo$t this kin) b$siness4G he sai-; F=hat am : )oin) to -o4 Cor"in> :t ca$)ht me tota''1
F/o> Probab'1 a &er1 )oo- ?ob4G : rep'ie-;
F/o 1o$ think there "ere man1 har- %ee'in)s>G
F:% there "ere4 the1 -i- not sho"4G : sai-; FAo$ "ere a )oo- choice; 0an-om; (o m$ch has
happene- recent'1;;;/a- she'tere- $s act$a''14 ma1be more than "as )oo- %or $s; !he throne is
ob&io$s'1 no p'$m; Ao$ ha&e a 'ot o% har- "ork ahea- o% 1o$; : think the others ha&e come to
rea'i6e this;G
FAn- 1o$rse'%>G
F: "ante- it on'1 beca$se 2ric -i-; : -i- not rea'i6e it at the time4 b$t it is tr$e; :t "as the
"innin) co$nter in a )ame "e ha- been p'a1in) across the 1ears; !he en- o% a &en-etta4 rea''1;
An- : "o$'- ha&e ki''e- him %or it; : am )'a- no" that he %o$n- another "a1 to -ie; =e "ere
more a'ike than "e "ere -i%%erent4 he an- :; : -i- not rea'i6e that $nti' m$ch 'ater either; B$t a%ter
his -eath4 : kept %in-in) reasons %or not takin) the throne; +ina''14 it -a"ne- on me that it "as
not rea''1 "hat : "ante-; No; Ao$ are "e'come to it; 0$'e "e''4 brother; : am s$re that 1o$ "i'';G
F:% Amber sti'' e.ists4G he sai- a%ter a time4 F: "i'' tr1; Come4 'et $s be abo$t this b$siness "ith
the Ee"e'; !hat storm is )ettin) $ncom%ortab'1 near;G
: no--e- an- took the stone %rom his %in)ers; : he'- it b1 its chain "ith the %ire behin- it; !he
'i)ht came thro$)hC its insi-es seeme- c'ear;
F9ean c'oser an- stare into the Ee"e' "ith me4G : -irecte-;
,e -i- this4 an- "hi'e "e both re)ar-e- the stone4 : to'- him4 F!hink o% the Pattern4G an- :
commence- thinkin) o% it m1se'%4 tr1in) to s$mmon to min- its 'oops an- s"ir's4 its pa'e'1
)'o"in) 'ines;
: seeme- to -etect a s'i)ht %'a" near to the stone@s center; : consi-ere- it as : tho$)ht $pon the
t"istin)s4 the t$rns4 the 7ei's;;;; : ima)ine- the c$rrent "hich s"ept thro$)h me e&er1 time :
essa1e- that comp'e. "a1; !he imper%ection in the stone )re" more -istinct;
: 'a1 m1 "i'' $pon it4 s$mmonin) it into %$''ness4 c'arit1; A %ami'iar %ee'in) came o&er me as this
occ$rre-; :t "as that "hich ha- taken me on the -a1 : ha- att$ne- m1se'% to the Ee"e'; : on'1
hope- that : "as stron) eno$)h no" to )o thro$)h the e.perience once a)ain;
: reache- o$t an- c'aspe- 0an-om b1 the sho$'-er;
F=hat -o 1o$ see>G : aske- him;
F(omethin) 'ike the Pattern4G he sai-4 Fon'1 it seems to be three -imensiona'; :t 'ies at the
bottom o% a re- sea;;;;G
FCome "ith me then4G : sai-; F=e m$st )o to it;G
A)ain4 that %ee'in) o% mo&ement4 -ri%tin) at %irst4 then %a''in) "ith increasin) &e'ocit1 to"ar- the
ne&er %$''1 seen sin$osities o% the Pattern "ithin the Ee"e'; : "i''e- $s ahea-4 %ee'in) m1
brother@s presence besi-e me4 an- the r$b1 )'o" "hich s$rro$n-e- $s -arkene-4 becomin) the
b'ackness o% a c'ean ri)ht sk1; !his specia' Pattern )re" "ith each th$--in) heartbeat; (omeho"4
the process seeme- easier than it ha- be%oreDperhaps beca$se : "as a'rea-1 att$ne-;
+ee'in) 0an-om besi-e me4 : -re" him a'on) as that %ami'iar shape )re" an- its startin) point
became apparent; As "e "ere mo&e- in that -irection4 : once a)ain trie- to encompass the
tota'it1 o% this Pattern an- "as 'ost once more in "hat seeme- its e.tra--imensiona'
con&o'$tions; #reat c$r&es an- spira's an- knotte--seemin) traceries "o$n- be%ore $s; !he sense
o% a"e : ha- %e't ear'ier s"ept o&er me4 an- %rom some"here nearb1 : "as a"are o% this in
0an-om4 a'so;
=e pro)resse- to the section o% the be)innin) an- "ere s"ept into it; !here "as a shimmerin)
bri)htness a'' abo$t $s %'ashe- thro$)h "ith sparks as "e "ere "o&en into the matri. o% 'i)ht;
!his time4 m1 min- "as entire'1 absorbe- b1 the process an- Paris seeme- %ar a"a1;;;;
A s$bconscio$s memor1 remin-e- me o% the more -i%%ic$'t sections4 an- here : emp'o1e- m1
-esireDm1 "i''4 i% 1o$ 'ikeDto h$rr1 $s a'on) the -a66'in) ro$te4 reck'ess'1 -ra"in) stren)th
%rom 0an-om to acce'erate the process;
:t "as as i% "e ne)otiate- the '$mino$s interior o% an enormo$s an- e'aborate'1 con&o'$te-
seashe''; On'1 o$r passa)e "as so$n-'ess4 an- "e o$rse'&es -isembo-ie- points o% sentience;
O$r &e'ocit1 seeme- to increase constant'14 as -i- a menta' achin) : -i- not reca'' %rom the
pre&io$s tra&ersa' o% the -esi)n; Perhaps it "as re'ate- to m1 %ati)$e4 o% to m1 e%%orts to h$rr1
thin)s so; =e crashe- thro$)h the barriersC "e "ere s$rro$n-e- b1 stea-14 %'o"in) "a''s o%
bri)htness; : %e't m1se'% )ro"in) %aint4 -i6614 no"; B$t : co$'- not a%%or- the '$.$r1 o%
$nconscio$sness4 nor co$'- : permit $s to mo&e more s'o"'1 "ith the storm as near as :
remembere- it; A)ain4 re)ret%$''14 : -re" stren)th %rom 0an-omDthis time ?$st to keep $s in the
)ame; =e spe- ahea-;
!his time4 : -i- not e.perience the tin)'in)4 %ier1 sensation o% someho" bein) shape-; :t m$st
ha&e been an e%%ect o% m1 att$nement; B1 pre&io$s passa)e thro$)h it mi)ht ha&e ren-ere- me
some sma'' imm$nit1 in this re)ar-;
A%ter a time'ess inter&a'4 it seeme- that : %e't 0an-om %a'ter; Perhaps : represente- too )reat a
-rain $pon his ener)ies; : be)an to "on-er "hether : "o$'- 'ea&e him "ith s$%%icient stren)th to
manip$'ate the storm i% : 'eane- $pon him an1 %$rther; : reso'&e- not to -ra" $pon his reso$rces
an1 more than : a'rea-1 ha-; =e "ere "e'' a'on) the "a1; ,e sho$'- be ab'e to contin$e "itho$t
me4 i% it came to that; : "o$'- simp'1 ha&e to han) on as best : co$'- no"; Better %or me to be
'ost here than both o% $s;
=e s"ept on4 m1 sense rebe''in)4 the -i66iness rec$rrin); : set m1 "i'' to o$r pro)ress an-
%orce- e&er1thin) e'se %rom m1 min-; :t seeme- "e "ere nearin) the termin$s "hen a -arkenin)
be)an "hich : kne" "as not a part o% the e.perience; : %o$)ht -o"n panic;
:t "as no )oo-; : %e't m1se'% s'ippin) a"a1; (o c'oseI : "as certain "e "ere a'most %inishe-; :t
"o$'- be so eas1 toD
2&er1thin) s"am a"a1 %rom me; B1 'ast sensation "as a kno"'e-)e o% 0an-om@s concern;
:t "as %'ickerin) oran)e an- re- bet"een m1 %eet; =as : trappe- in some astra' he''> : contin$e-
to stare as m1 min- s'o"'1 c'eare-; !he 'i)ht "as s$rro$n-e- b1 -arkness an-;;;
!here "ere &oices4 %ami'iar;;;
!hin)s c'eare-; : "as '1in) on m1 back4 %eet to"ar- a camp%ire;
F:t is a'' ri)ht4 Cor"in; :t is a'' ri)ht;G
:t "as +iona "ho ha- spoken; : t$rne- m1 hea-; (he "as seate- on the )ro$n- abo&e me;
F0an-om;;;>G : sai-;
F,e is a'' ri)ht4 a'soD+ather;G
Ber'in "as seate- o%% to the ri)ht;
F=hat happene->G
F0an-om bore 1o$ back4G +iona sai-;
F/i- the att$nement "ork>G
F,e thinks so;G
: str$))'e- to sit $p; (he trie- to p$sh me back4 b$t : sat $p an1"a1;
F=here is he>G (he )est$re- "ith her e1es;
: 'ooke- an- : sa" 0an-om; ,e "as stan-in) "ith his back to $s abo$t thirt1 meters a"a14 on a
she'% o% rock4 %acin) the storm; :t "as &er1 c'ose no"4 an- a "in- "hippe- his )arments;
9i)htnin) trai's crisse- an- crosse- be%ore him; !he th$n-er boome- a'most constant'1;
F,o" 'on)Dhas he been there>G : aske-;
FOn'1 a %e" min$tes4G +iona rep'ie-;
F!hat is ho" 'on) it has beenDsince o$r ret$rn>G
FNo4G she sai-; FAo$ ha&e been o$t %or a %air'1 'on) "hi'e; 0an-om ta'ke- "ith the others %irst4
then or-ere- a troop "ith-ra"a'; Bene-ict has taken them a'' to the b'ack roa-; !he1 are crossin)
: t$rne- m1 hea-;
!here "as mo&ement a'on) the b'ack roa-4 a -ark co'$mn hea-in) o$t to"ar- the cita-e';
#ossamer stran-s -ri%te- bet"een $sC there "ere a %e" sparks at the %ar en-4 abo$t the ni)hte-
h$'k; O&erhea-4 the sk1 ha- comp'ete'1 re&erse- itse'%4 "ith $s beneath the -arkene- ha'%; A)ain4
: %e't that stran)e %ee'in) o% ha&in) been here 'on)4 'on) a)o4 to see that this4 rather than Amber4
"as the tr$e center o% creation; : )raspe- a%ter the )host o% a memor1; :t &anishe-;
: searche- the 'i)htnin)-shot )'oom abo$t me;
FA'' o% themD)one>G : sai- to her; FAo$4 me; Ber'in4 0an-omD"e@re the on'1 ones 'e%t here>G
FAes4G +iona sai-; F/o 1o$ "ish to %o''o" them no">G
: shook m1 hea-;
F: am sta1in) here "ith 0an-om;G
F: kne" 1o$ "o$'- sa1 that;G
: )ot to m1 %eet as she -i-; (o -i- Ber'in; (he c'appe- her han-s an- a "hite horse came
amb'in) $p to her;
FAo$ ha&e no %$rther nee- %or m1 ministrations4G she sai-; F(o : "i'' )o an- ?oin the others in
the Co$rts o% Chaos; !here are horses %or 1o$ tethere- b1 those rocks;G
(he )est$re-;
FAre 1o$ comin); Ber'in>G
F: "i'' sta1 "ith m1 %ather4 an- the kin);G
F(o be it; : hope to see 1o$ there soon;G
F!hanks4 +i4G : sai-;
: he'pe- her to mo$nt an- "atche- her ri-e o%%;
: "ent o&er an- sat -o"n b& the %ire a)ain; : "atche- 0an-om4 =ho stoo- $nmo&in)4 %acin) the
F!here are p'ent1 o% rations an- "ine4G Ber'in sai-; FBa1 : %etch 1o$ some>G
F#oo- i-ea;G
!he storm "as so c'ose that : co$'- ha&e "a'ke- -o"n to it in a co$p'e o% min$tes; : co$'- not
te'' 1et "hether 0an-om@s e%%orts "ere ha&in) an1 e%%ect; : si)he- hea&i'1 an- 'et m1 min- -ri%t;
O&er; One "a1 or another4 a'' o% m1 e%%orts since #reen"oo- "ere o&er; No nee- %or re&en)e
an1 'on)er; No; =e ha- an intact Pattern4 ma1be e&en t"o; !he ca$se o% a'' o$r tro$b'es; Bran-4
"as -ea-; An1 resi-$e o% m1 c$rse "as bo$n- to be "ipe- o$t b1 the massi&e con&$'sions
s"eepin) thro$)h (ha-o"; An- : ha- -one m1 best to make $p %or it; : ha- %o$n- a %rien- in m1
%ather an- come to terms "ith him as himse'% be%ore his -eath; =e ha- a ne" kin)4 "ith the
apparent b'essin) o% the *nicorn4 an- "e ha- p'e-)e- him o$r 'o1a't1; :t seeme- sincere to me; :
"as reconci'e- "ith m1 entire %ami'1; : %e't that : ha- -one m1 -$t1; Nothin) -ro&e me no"; :
ha- r$n o$t o% ca$ses an- "as as c'ose as : mi)ht e&er be to peace; =ith a'' this behin- me4 : %e't
that i% : ha- to -ie no"4 it "as a'' ri)ht; : "o$'- not protest <$ite so 'o$-'1 as : "o$'- ha&e at an1
other time;
FAo$ are %ar %rom here; +ather;G
: no--e-4 then smi'e-; : accepte- some %oo- an- be)an eatin); As : -i-4 : "atche- the storm;
(ti'' too ear'1 to be certain4 b$t it seeme- that it "as no 'on)er a-&ancin);
: "as too tire- to s'eep; Or somethin) 'ike that; B1 aches ha- a'' s$bsi-e- an- a "on-ro$s
n$mbness ha- come o&er me; : %e't as i% : "ere embe--e- in "arm cotton; 2&ents an-
reminiscences kept the menta' c'ock"ork t$rnin) "ithin me; :t "as4 in man1 "a1s4 a -e'icio$s
: %inishe- eatin) an- b$i't $p the %ire; : sippe- the "ine an- "atche- the storm4 'ike a %roste-
"in-o" set be%ore a %ire"orks -isp'a1; 9i%e %e't )oo-; :% 0an-om s$ccee-e- in p$''in) this one
o%%4 : "o$'- be ri-in) into the Co$rts o% Chaos tomorro"; =hat mi)ht a"ait me there4 : co$'- not
te''; Perhaps it mi)ht be a )i)antic trap; An amb$sh; A trick; : -ismisse- the tho$)ht; (omeho"4
ri)ht no"4 it -i- not matter;
FAo$ ha- be)$n te''in) me o% 1o$rse'%; +ather;G
F,a- :> : -o not reca'' "hat : sai-;G
F: "o$'- 'ike to )et to kno" 1o$ better; !e'' me more;G
: ma-e a poppin) noise "ith m1 'ips an- shr$))e-;
F!hen this;G ,e )est$re-; F!his "ho'e con%'ict; ,o" -i- it )et starte-> =hat "as 1o$r part in it>
+iona to'- me that 1o$ ha- -"e''e- in (ha-o" %or man1 1ears "itho$t 1o$r memor1; ,o" -i-
1o$ )et it back an- 'ocate the others4 an- ret$rn to Amber>G
: ch$ck'e-; : re)ar-e- 0an-om an- the storm once more; : took a -rink o% "ine an- -re" $p m1
c'oak a)ainst the "in-;
F=h1 not>G : sai- then; F:% 1o$@&e a stomach %or 'on) stories4 that is;;;; : s$ppose that the best
p'ace to be)in is at #reen"oo- Pri&ate ,ospita'4 on the sha-o" 2arth o% m1 e.i'e; Aes;;;G
Chapter 1
!he sk1 t$rne-4 an- t$rne- a)ain as : spoke; (tan-in) a)ainst the storm4 0an-om pre&ai'e-; :t
broke be%ore $s4 partin) as i% c'o&en b1 a )iant@s a.b'a-e; :t ro''e- back at either han-4 %ina''1
s"eepin) o%% to the north an- the so$th4 %a-in)4 -iminishin)4 )one; !he 'an-scape it ha- maske-
en-$re-4 an- "ith it "ent the b'ack roa-; Ber'in te''s me that this is no prob'em4 tho$)h4 %or he
"i'' s$mmon a stran- o% )ossamer "hen the time comes %or $s to cross o&er;
0an-om is )one no"; !he strain $pon him "as immense; :n repose4 he no 'on)er 'ooke- as once
he -i-Dthe brash 1o$n)er brother "e -e'i)hte- in tormentin)D%or there "ere 'ines $pon his
%ace "hich : ha- ne&er notice- be%ore4 si)ns o% some -epth to "hich : ha- pai- no hee-; Perhaps
m1 &ision has been co'ore- b1 recent e&ents4 b$t he seeme- someho" nob'er an- stron)er; /oes
a ne" ro'e "ork some a'chem1> Appointe- b1 the *nicorn4 anointe- b1 the storm4 it seems that
he ha- in-ee- ass$me- a kin)'1 mien4 e&en in s'$mber;
: ha&e s'eptDe&en as Ber'in no" -o6esDan- it p'eases me to be4 %or this brie% "hi'e be%ore his
a"akenin)4 the on'1 spot o% sentience on this cra) at the rim o% Chaos4 'ookin) back $pon a
s$r&i&in) "or'-4 a "or'- that has been sco$re-4 a "or'- "hich en-$res;;;;
=e ma1 ha&e misse- /a-@s %$nera'4 his -ri%tin) into some name'ess p'ace be1on- the Co$rts;
(a-4 b$t : 'acke- the stren)th to mo&e; An- 1et4 : ha&e seen the pa)eant o% his passin)4 an- : bear
m$ch o% his 'i%e "ithin me; : ha&e sai- m1 )oo--b1es; ,e "o$'- $n-erstan-; An- )oo--b1e4
2ric; A%ter a'' this time : sa1 it4 in this "a1; ,a- 1o$ 'i&e- so 'on)4 it "o$'- ha&e been o&er
bet"een $s; =e mi)ht e&en one -a1 ha&e become %rien-s4 a'' o$r ca$ses %or stri%e passe-; O%
them a''4 1o$ an- : "ere more a'ike than an1 other pair "ithin the %ami'1; (a&e4 in some "a1s4
/eir-re an- m1se'%;;;; B$t tears on this co$nt "ere she- 'on) a)o; #oo--b1e a)ain4 tho$)h4
-earest sister4 1o$ "i'' a'"a1s 'i&e some"here in m1 heart;
An- 1o$ Bran-;;;=ith bitterness -o : re)ar- 1o$r memor14 ma- brother; Ao$ a'most -estro1e-
$s; Ao$ near'1 topp'e- Amber %rom her 'o%t1 perch on the breast o% 3o'&ir; Ao$ "o$'- ha&e
shattere- a'' o% (ha-o"; Ao$ a'most broke the Pattern an- re-esi)ne- the $ni&erse in 1o$r o"n
ima)e; Ao$ "ere ma- an- e&i'4 an- 1o$ came so c'ose to rea'i6in) 1o$r -esires that : tremb'e
e&en no"; : am )'a- that 1o$ are )one4 that the arro" an- the ab1ss ha&e c'aime- 1o$4 that 1o$
s$''1 no more the p'aces o% men "ith 1o$r presence nor "a'k in the s"eet airs o% Amber; : "ish
that 1o$ ha- ne&er been born an-4 %ai'in) that4 that 1o$ ha- -ie- sooner; 2no$)hI :t -iminishes
me to re%'ect so; Be -ea- an- tro$b'e m1 thinkin) no more;
: -ea' 1o$ o$t 'ike a han- o% car-s4 m1 brothers an- sisters; :t is pain%$' as "e'' as se'%-in-$')ent
to )enera'i6e 'ike this4 b$t 1o$D:D"eDseem to ha&e chan)e-4 an- be%ore : mo&e into the
tra%%ic a)ain : re<$ire a %ina' 'ook;
Caine4 : ne&er 'ike- 1o$ an- : sti'' -o not tr$st 1o$; Ao$ ha&e ins$'te- me4 betra1e- me an- e&en
stabbe- me; +or)et that; : -o not 'ike 1o$r metho-s4 tho$)h : cannot %a$'t 1o$r 'o1a't1 this time
aro$n-; Peace4 then; 9et the ne" rei)n be)in "ith a c'ean s'ate bet"een $s;
9'e"e''a4 1o$ possess reser&es o% character the recent sit$ation -i- not ca'' $pon 1o$ to e.ercise;
+or this4 : am )rate%$'; :t is sometimes p'easant to emer)e %rom a con%'ict $nteste-;
B'e1s4 1o$ are sti'' a %i)$re c'a- in 'i)ht to meD&a'iant4 e.$berant an- rash; +or the %irst4 m1
respect4 %or the secon-4 m1 smi'e; An- the 'ast seems to ha&e at 'east been tempere- in recent
times; #oo-; (ta1 a"a1 %rom conspiracies in the %$t$re; !he1 -o not s$it 1o$ "e'';
+iona4 1o$ ha&e chan)e- the most; : m$st s$bstit$te a ne" %ee'in) %or an o'- one4 princess4 as
"e ha&e become %or the %irst time %rien-s; !ake m1 %on-ness4 sorceress; : o"e 1o$;
#erar-4 s'o"4 %aith%$' brother4 perhaps "e ha&e not a'' chan)e-; Ao$ stoo- rock-'ike an- he'- to
"hat 1o$ be'ie&e-; Ba1 1o$ be 'ess easi'1 )$''e-; Ba1 : ne&er "rest'e 1o$ a)ain; #o -o"n to
1o$r sea in 1o$r ships an- breathe the c'ean sa't air;
E$'ian4 E$'ian4 E$'ian;;;:s it that : ne&er rea''1 kne" 1o$> No; Ar-en@s )reen ma)ic m$st ha&e
so%tene- that o'- &anit1 -$rin) m1 'on) absence4 'ea&in) a ?$ster pri-e an- somethin) : "o$'-
%ain ca'' %airnessDa thin) apart %rom merc14 to be s$re4 b$t an a--ition to 1o$r armor1 o% traits
:@'' not -ispara)e;
An- Bene-ict4 the )o-s kno" 1o$ )ro" "iser as time b$rns its "a1 to entrop14 1et 1o$ sti''
ne)'ect sin)'e e.amp'es o% the species in 1o$r kno"'e-)e o% peop'e; Perhaps :@:: see 1o$ smi'e
no" this batt'e@s -one; 0est4 "arrior;
+'ora;;;Charit14 the1 sa14 be)ins at home; Ao$ seem no "orse no" than "hen : kne" 1o$ 'on)
a)o; :t is b$t a sentimenta' -ream to re)ar- 1o$ an- the others as : -o4 totin) $p m1 ba'ance
sheets4 'ookin) %or cre-its; =e are not enemies4 an1 o% $s4 no"4 an- that sho$'- be s$%%icient;
An- the man c'a- in b'ack an- si'&er "ith a si'&er rose $pon him> ,e "o$'- 'ike to think that he
has 'earne- somethin) o% tr$st4 that he has "ashe- his e1es in some c'ear sprin)4 that he has
po'ishe- an i-ea' or t"o; Ne&er min-; ,e ma1 sti'' be on'1 a smart-mo$the- me--'er4 ski''e-
main'1 in the minor art o% s$r&i&a'4 b'in- as e&er the -$n)eons kne" him to the %iner sha-es o%
iron1; Ne&er min-4 'et it )o4 'et it be; : ma1 ne&er be p'ease- "ith him;
Carmen4voulez-vous venir avec moi > No> !hen )oo-b1e to 1o$ too; Princess o% Chaos; :t mi)ht
ha&e been %$n;
!he sk1 is t$rnin) once more4 an- =ho can sa1 "hat -ee-s its staine--)'ass 'i)ht mi)ht shine
$pon> !he so'itaire has been -ea't an- p'a1e-; =here there ha- been nine o% $s no" there are
se&en an- one a kin); Aet Ber'in an- Bartin are "ith $s4 ne" p'a1ers in the on)oin) )ame;
B1 stren)th ret$rns as : stare into the ashes an- consi-er the path : ha&e taken; !he "a1 ahea-
intri)$es me4 %rom he'' to ha''e'$?ah; : ha&e back m1 e1es4 m1 memories4 m1 %ami'1; An-
Cor"in "i'' a'"a1s be Cor"in4 e&en on E$-)ment /a1;
Ber'in is stirrin) no"4 an- this is )oo-; :t is time to be abo$t; !here are thin)s to -o;
0an-om@s 'ast act a%ter -e%eatin) the storm "as to ?oin "ith me4 -ra"in) po"er %rom the Ee"e'4
to reach #erar- thro$)h his !r$mp; !he1 are co'-; once more4 the car-s4 an- the sha-o"s are
themse'&es a)ain; Amber stan-s; Aears ha&e passe- since "e -eparte- it4 an- more ma1 e'apse
be%ore : ret$rn; !he others ma1 a'rea-1 ha&e !r$mpe- home4 as 0an-om has -one4 to take $p his
-$ties; B$t : m$st &isit the Co$rts o% Chaos no"4 beca$se : sai- that : "o$'-4 beca$se : ma1 e&en
be nee-e- there;
=e rea-1 o$r )ear no"; Ber'in an- :4 an- soon he "i'' s$mmon a "isp1 roa-"a1;
=hen a'' is -one in that p'ace4 an- "hen Ber'in has "a'ke- his Pattern an- )one to c'aim his
"or'-s4 there is a ?o$rne1 that : m$st make; : m$st ri-e to the p'ace "here : p'ante- the 'imb o%
o'- A))4 &isit the tree it has )ro"n to; : m$st see "hat has become o% the Pattern : -re" to the
so$n- o% pi)eons on the Champs-2'1sees; :% it 'ea-s me to another $ni&erse4 as : no" be'ie&e it
"i''4 : m$st )o there4 to see ho" : ha&e "ro$)ht;
!he roa-"a1 -ri%ts be%ore $s4 risin) to the Co$rts in the -istance; !he time has come; =e mo$nt
an- mo&e %or"ar-;
=e are ri-in) no" across the b'ackness on a roa- that 'ooks 'ike cheesec'oth; 2nem1 cita-e'4
con<$ere- nation4 trap4 ancestra' home;;;=e sha'' see; !here is a %aint %'ickerin) %rom batt'ement
an- ba'con1; =e ma1 e&en be in time %or a %$nera'; : strai)hten m1 back an- : 'oosen m1 b'a-e;
=e "i'' be there be%ore m$ch 'on)er;
#oo--b1e an- he''o4 as a'"a1s;
The Tr'mps of 0oom
Book *i1
The Chronicles of Amber
b1 0o)er 5e'a6n1
2-Book 7ersion81.2
9ast *p-ate-8" May 2002
Chapter 1
:t is a pain in the ass "aitin) aro$n- %or someone to tr1 to ki'' 1o$; B$t it "as Apri' 34 an- o%
co$rse it "o$'- happen as it a'"a1s -i-; :t ha- taken me a "hi'e to catch on4 b$t no" : at 'east
kne" "hen it "as comin); :n the past4 :@- been too b$s1 to -o an1thin) abo$t it; B$t m1 ?ob "as
%inishe- no"; :@- on'1 sta1e- aro$n- %or this; : %e't that : rea''1 o$)ht to c'ear the matter $p be%ore
: -eparte-; : )ot o$t o% be-4 &isite- the bathroom4 sho"ere-4 br$she- m1 teeth4et cetera ; :@-
)ro"n a bear- a)ain4 so : -i-n@t ha&e to sha&e; : "as not ?an)'in) "ith stran)e apprehensions4 as
: ha- been on that Apri' 3 three 1ears a)o "hen :@- a"akene- "ith a hea-ache an- a
premonition4 thro"n open the "in-o"s4 an- )one to the kitchen to -isco&er a'' o% the )as b$rners
t$rne- on an- %'ame'ess; No; :t "asn@t e&en 'ike the Apri' 3 t"o 1ears a)o in the other apartment
"hen : a"oke be%ore -a"n to a %aint sme'' o% smoke to 'earn that the p'ace "as on %ire; (ti''4 :
sta1e- o$t o% -irect 'ine o% the 'i)ht %i.t$res in case the b$'bs "ere %i''e- "ith somethin)
%'ammab'e4 an- : %'ippe- a'' o% the s"itches rather than p$shin) them; Nothin) $nto"ar-
%o''o"e- these actions;
*s$a''14 : set $p the co%%ee maker the ni)ht be%ore "ith a timer; !his mornin)4 tho$)h4 : -i-n@t
"ant co%%ee that ha- been pro-$ce- o$t o% m1 si)ht; : set a %resh pot )oin) an- checke- m1
packin) "hi'e : "aite- %or it to bre"; 2&er1thin) : &a'$e- in this p'ace resi-e- in t"o me-i$m-
si6e- cratesc'othin)4 books4 paintin)s4 some instr$ments4 a %e" so$&enires4 an- so %orth; : sea'e-
the cases; A chan)e o% c'othin)4 a s"eatshirt4 a )oo- paperback4 an- a "a- o% tra&e'er@s checks
"ent into the backpack; :@- -rop m1 ke1 o%% at the mana)er@s on the "a1 o$t4 so he co$'- 'et the
mo&ers in; !he crates "o$'- )o into stora)e;
No ?o))in) %or me this mornin);
As : sippe- m1 co%%ee4 passin) %rom "in-o" to "in-o" an- pa$sin) besi-e each %or si-e'on)
s$r&e1s o% the streets be'o" an- the b$i'-in)s across the "a1 J'ast 1ear@s attempt ha- been b1
someone "ith a ri%'e4 : tho$)ht back to the %irst time it ha- happene-4 se&en 1ears a)o; : ha-
simp'1 been "a'kin) -o"n the street on a bri)ht sprin) a%ternoon "hen an oncomin) tr$ck ha-
s"er&e-4 ?$mpe- the c$rb4 an- near'1 combine- me "ith portions o% a brick "a''; : "as ab'e to
-i&e o$t o% the "a1 an- ro''; !he -ri&er ne&er re)aine- conscio$sness; :t ha- seeme- one o% those
%reak occ$rrences that occasiona''1 in&a-e the 'i&es o% $s a'';
!he %o''o"in) 1ear to the -a14 ho"e&er4 : "as "a'kin) home %rom m1 'a-1 %rien-@s p'ace 'ate in
the e&enin) "hen three men attacke- meDone "ith a kni%e4 the other t"o "ith 'en)ths o% pipeD
"itho$t e&en the co$rtes1 o% %irst askin) %or m1 "a''et;
: 'e%t the remains in the -oor"a1 o% a nearb1 recor- store4 an- "hi'e : tho$)ht abo$t it on the
"a1 home it -i- not strike me $nti' the %o''o"in) -a1 that it ha- been the anni&ersar1 o% the tr$ck
crash; 2&en then4 : -ismisse- it as an o-- coinci-ence; !he matter o% the mai' bomb that ha-
-estro1e- ha'% o% another apartment the %o''o"in) 1ear -i- ca$se me to be)in "on-erin) "hether
the statistica' nat$re o% rea'it1 mi)ht not be $n-er a strain in m1 &icinit1 at that season; An- the
e&ents o% s$bse<$ent 1ears ser&e- to t$rn this into a con&iction;
(omeone en?o1e- tr1in) to ki'' me once a 1ear4 it "as as simp'e as that; !he e%%ort %ai'in)4 there
"o$'- be another 1ear@s pa$se be%ore an attempt "as ma-e a)ain; :t seeme- a'most a )ame;
B$t this 1ear : "ante- to p'a14 too; B1 main concern "as that he4 she4 or it seeme- ne&er to be
present "hen the e&ent occ$rre-4 %a&orin) stea'th an- )immicks or a)ents; : "i'' re%er to this
person as ( J"hich sometimes stan-s %or FsneakG an- sometimes %or Fshithea-G in m1 pri&ate
cosmo'o)1K4 beca$se O has been o&er"orke- an- beca$se : -o not 'ike to scre" aro$n- "ith
prono$ns "ith -isp$tab'e antece-ents;
: rinse- m1 co%%ee c$p an- the pot an- set them in the rack; !hen : picke- $p m1 ba) an-
-eparte-; Br; B$''i)an "asn@t in4 or "as s'eepin)4 so : 'e%t m1 ke1 in his mai'bo. be%ore hea-in)
$p the street to take m1 break%ast at a nearb1 -iner;
!ra%%ic "as 'i)ht4 an- a'' o% the &ehic'es "e'' beha&e-; : "a'ke- s'o"'14 'istenin) an- 'ookin); :t
"as a p'easant mornin)4 promisin) a bea$ti%$' -a1; : hope- to sett'e thin)s <$ick'14 so : co$'-
en?o1 it at m1 'eis$re;
: reache- the -iner $nmo'este-; : took a seat besi-e the "in-o"; E$st as the "aiter came to take
m1 or-er : sa" a %ami'iar %i)$re s"in)in) a'on) the streetDa %ormer c'assmate an- 'ater %e''o"
emp'o1ee 9$cas 0a1nar-8 si. %eet ta''4 re--haire-4 han-some in spite4 or perhaps beca$se4 o% an
artistica''1 broken nose4 "ith the &oice an- manner o% the sa'esman he "as;
: knocke- on the "in-o" an- he sa" me4 "a&e-4 t$rne- an- entere-;
FBer'e4 : "as ri)ht4G he sai-4 comin) $p to the tab'e4 c'aspin) m1 sho$'-er brie%'14 seatin)
himse'% an- takin) the men$ o$t o% m1 han-s; FBisse- 1o$ at 1o$r p'ace an- )$esse- 1o$ mi)ht
be here;G
,e 'o"ere- his e1es an- be)an rea-in) the men$;
F=h1>G : aske-;
F:% 1o$ nee- more time to consi-er4 :@'' come back4G the "aiter sai-;
FNo4G 9$ke ans"ere- an- rea- o%% an enormo$s or-er;
: a--e- m1 o"n;
!hen8 FBeca$se 1o$@re a creat$re o% habit;G
F,abit>G : rep'ie-; F: har-'1 eat here an1more;G
F: kno"4G he ans"ere-4 Fb$t 1o$ $s$a''1 -i- "hen the press$re "as on; 9ike4 ri)ht be%ore e.ams
Dor i% somethin) "as botherin) 1o$;G
F,m4G : sai-; !here -i- seem to be somethin) to that4 tho$)h : ha- ne&er be%ore rea'i6e- it; :
sp$n the ashtra1 "ith its imprint o% a $nicorn@s hea-4 a sma''er &ersion o% the staine--)'ass one
that stoo- as part o% a partition besi-e the -oor"a1; F: can@t sa1 "h14G : %ina''1 state-; FBesi-es4
"hat makes 1o$ think somethin)@s botherin) me>G
F: remembere- that paranoi- thin) 1o$ ha&e abo$t Apri' 34 beca$se o% a co$p'e o% acci-ents;G
FBore than a co$p'e; : ne&er to'- 1o$ abo$t a'' o% them;G
F(o 1o$ sti'' be'ie&e it>G
,e shr$))e-; !he "aiter came b1 an- %i''e- o$r co%%ee c$ps;
FOka14G he %ina''1 a)ree-; F,a&e 1o$ ha- it 1et to-a1>G
F!oo ba-; : hope it -oesn@t pa'' 1o$r thinkin);G
: took a sip o% co%%ee;
FNo prob'em4G : to'- him;
F#oo-;G ,e si)he- an- stretche-; F9isten4 : ?$st )ot back to to"n 1ester-a1;;;G
F,a&e a )oo- trip>G
F(et a ne" sa'es recor-;G
FAn1ho";;;: ?$st 'earne- "hen : checke- in that 1o$@- 'e%t;G
FAeah; : <$it abo$t a month a)o;G
FBi''er@s been tr1in) to reach 1o$; B$t "ith 1o$r phone -isconnecte- he co$'-n@t ca''; ,e e&en
stoppe- b1 a co$p'e o% times4 b$t 1o$ "ere o$t;G
F!oo ba-;G
F,e "ants 1o$ back;G
F:@m %inishe- there;G
F=ait@'' 1o$ hear the proposition4 h$h> Bra-1 )ets kicke- $pstairs an- 1o$@re the ne" hea- o%
/esi)nD%or a t"ent1 percent pa1 hike; !hat@s "hat he to'- me to te'' 1o$;G
: ch$ck'e- so%t'1;
FAct$a''14 it -oesn@t so$n- ba- at a''; B$t4 'ike : sai-4 :@m %inishe-;G
FOh;G ,is e1es )'istene- as he )a&e me a s'1 smi'e; FAo$ -o ha&e somethin) 'ine- $p somep'ace
e'se; ,e "as "on-erin); Oka14 i% that@s the case he to'- me to te'' 1o$ to brin) him "hate&er the
other )$1s o%%er; ,e@'' tr1 'ike he'' to top it;G
: shook m1 hea-;
F: )$ess :@m not )ettin) thro$)h4G : sai-; F:@m %inishe-; Perio-; : -on@t "ant to )o back; :@m not
)oin) to "ork %or an1one e'se either; :@m -one "ith this sort o% thin); :@m tire- o% comp$ters;G
FB$t 1o$@re rea''1 )oo-; (a14 1o$ )oin) to teach>G
F=e''4 he''I Ao$@&e )ot to -o somethin); /i- 1o$ come into some mone1>G
FNo; : be'ie&e :@'' -o some tra&e'in); :@&e been in one p'ace too 'on);G
,e raise- his co%%ee c$p an- -raine- it; !hen he 'eane- back4 c'aspe- his han-s across his
stomach4 an- 'o"ere- his e1e'i-s s'i)ht'1; ,e "as si'ent %or a time;
+ina''18 FAo$ sai- 1o$ "ere %inishe-; /i- 1o$ ?$st mean the ?ob an- 1o$r 'i%e here4 or somethin)
e'se as "e''>G
F: -on@t %o''o" 1o$;G
FAo$ ha- a "a1 o% -isappearin)Dback in co''e)e4 too; Ao$@- be )one %or a "hi'e an- then ?$st
as s$--en'1 t$rn $p a)ain; Ao$ a'"a1s "ere &a)$e abo$t it4 too; (eeme- 'ike 1o$ "ere 'ea-in)
some sort o% -o$b'e 'i%e; !hat ha&e an1thin) to -o "ith it>G
F: -on@t kno" "hat 1o$ mean;G ,e smi'e-;
F($re 1o$ -o4G he sai-; =hen : -i- not rep'1C he a--e-8 F=e''4 )oo- '$ck "ith itD"hate&er;G
A'"a1s mo&in)4 se'-om at rest4 he %i-)ete- "ith a ke1 rin) "hi'e "e ha- a secon- c$p o% co%%ee4
bo$ncin) an- ?an)'in) ke1s an- a bhp shone pen-ant; O$r break%asts %ina''1 arri&e- an- "e ate
in si'ence %or a "hi'e;
!hen he aske-4 FAo$ sti'' ha&e the (tarb$rst>G
FNo; (o'- her 'ast %a''4G : to'- him; F:@- been so b$s1 : ?$st -i-n@t ha&e time to sai'; ,ate- to see
her i-'e;G
,e no--e-;
F!hat@s too ba-4G he sai-; F=e ha- a 'ot o% %$n "ith her4 back in schoo'; 9ater4 too; :@- ha&e 'ike-
to take her o$t once more4 %or o'- times@ sake;G
F(a14 1o$ ha&en@t seen E$'ia recent'1;G
FNo4 not since "e broke $p; : think she@s sti'' )oin) "ith some )$1 name- 0ick; ,a&e 1o$>G
FAeah; : stoppe- b1 'ast ni)ht;G
,e shr$))e-;
F(he "as one o% the )an)Dan- "e@&e a'' been -ri%tin) apart;G
F,o" "as she>G
F(ti'' 'ookin) )oo-; (he aske- abo$t 1o$; #a&e me this;;;to )i&e to 1o$4 too;G
,e "ith-re" a sea'e- en&e'ope %rom insi-e his ?acket an- passe- it to me; :t bore m1 name4 in
her han-"ritin); : tore it open an- rea-8
Merle, I was wrong. I know who ou are and there is danger. I have to see ou. I have something
ou will need. It is ver important. !lease call or come b as soon as ou can.
"ove, #ulia
F!hanks4G : sai-4 openin) m1 pack an- %i'in) it;
:t "as p$66'in) as "e'' as $nsett'in); :n the e.treme; :@- ha&e to -eci-e "hat to -o abo$t it 'ater;
: sti'' 'ike- her more than : care- to think abo$t4 b$t : "asn@t s$re : "ante- to see her a)ain; B$t
"hat -i- she mean abo$t kno"in) "ho : am>
: p$she- her o$t o% m1 min-4 a)ain;
: "atche- the tra%%ic %or a time an- -rank co%%ee an- tho$)ht abo$t ho" :@- %irst met 9$ke4 in o$r
%reshman 1ear4 in the +encin) C'$b; ,e "as $nbe'ie&ab'1 )oo-;
F(ti'' %ence>G : aske- him;
F(ometimes; ,o" abo$t 1o$>G
F=e ne&er rea''1 -i- %in- o$t "ho "as better;G
FNo time no"4G : sai-;
,e ch$ck'e- an- poke- his kni%e at me a %e" times; F: )$ess not; =hen are 1o$ 'ea&in)>G
FProbab'1 tomorro"; :@m ?$st c'eanin) $p a %e" o--s an- en-s; =hen that@s -one :@'' )o;G
F=here are 1o$ hea-in)>G
F,ere an- there; ,a&en@t -eci-e- on e&er1thin) 1et;G
FAo$@re cra61;G
F*m-hm;$ander%ahr is "hat the1 $se- to ca'' it; : misse- o$t on mine an- : "ant it no";G
FAct$a''1 it -oes so$n- prett1 nice; Ba1be : o$)ht to tr1 it m1se'% sometime;G
FBa1be so; : tho$)ht 1o$ took 1o$rs in insta''ments4 tho$)h;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F: "asn@t the on'1 one "ho $se- to take o%% a 'ot;G
FOh4 that;G ,e -ismisse- it "ith the "a&e o% a han-; Fthat "as b$siness4 not p'eas$re; ,a- to -o
some -ea's to pa1 the bi''s; Ao$ )oin) to see 1o$r %o'ks>G
(tran)e <$estion; Neither o% $s ha- e&er spoken o% o$r parents be%ore4 e.cept in the most
)enera' terms;
F: -on@t think so4G : sai-; F,o"@re 1o$rs>G
,e ca$)ht m1 )a6e an- he'- it4 his chronic smi'e "i-enin) s'i)ht'1;
F,ar- to sa14G he rep'ie-; F=e@re kin- o% o$t o% to$ch;G
: smi'e-4 too;
F: kno" the %ee'in);G
=e %inishe- o$r %oo-4 ha- a %ina' co%%ee;
F(o 1o$ "on@t be ta'kin) to Bi''er>G he aske-;
,e shr$))e- a)ain; !he check came b1 an- he picke- it $p8
F!his one@s on me4G he sai-; FA%ter a''4 :@m "orkin);G
F!hanks; Ba1be : can )et back at 1o$ %or -inner; =here@re 1o$ sta1in)>G
F=ait;G ,e reache- into his shirt pocket4 took o$t a matchbook4 tosse- it to me; F!here; Ne"
9ine Bote'4G he sai-;
F(a1 : come b1 abo$t si.>G
,e sett'e- $p an- "e parte- on the street;
F(ee 1o$4G he sai-;
FAeah;G B1e-b1e4 9$ke 0a1nar-; (tran)e man; =e@- kno"n each other %or a'most ei)ht 1ears;
,a- some )oo- times; Compete- in a n$mber o% sports; *se- to ?o) to)ether a'most e&er1 -a1;
=e@- both been on the track team; /ate- the same )ir's sometimes; : "on-ere- abo$t him a)ain
Dstron)4 smart4 an- as pri&ate a person as m1se'%; !here "as a bon- bet"een $s4 one that : -i-n@t
%$''1 $n-erstan-;
: "a'ke- back to m1 apartment@s parkin) 'ot an- checke- $n-er m1 car@s hoo- an- %rame be%ore
: tosse- m1 pack insi-e an- starte- the en)ine; : -ro&e s'o"'14 'ookin) at thin)s that ha- been
%resh an- ne" ei)ht 1ears be%ore4 sa1in) )oo--b1e to them no"; /$rin) the past "eek : ha- sai-
it to a'' o% the peop'e "ho ha- mattere- to me; 2.cept %or E$'ia;
:t "as one o% those thin)s : %e't 'ike p$ttin) o%%4 b$t there "as no time; :t "as either no" or not
at a''4 an- m1 c$riosit1 ha- been pi<$e-; : p$''e- into a shoppin) ma''@s 'ot an- 'ocate- a pa1
phone4 b$t there "as no ans"er "hen : ran) her n$mber; : s$ppose- she co$'- be "orkin) %$''-
time on a -a1shi%t a)ain4 b$t she co$'- a'so be takin) a sho"er or be o$t shoppin); : -eci-e- to
-ri&e on o&er to her p'ace an- see; :t "asn@t that %ar; An- "hate&er it "as that she ha- %or me4
pickin) it $p "o$'- be a )oo- e.c$se %or seein) her this one 'ast time;
: cr$ise- the nei)hborhoo- %or se&era' min$tes be%ore : 'ocate- a parkin) space; : 'ocke- the car4
"a'ke- back to the corner4 an- t$rne- ri)ht; !he -a1 ha- )ro"n s'i)ht'1 "armer; (ome"here4
-o)s "ere barkin);
: stro''e- on $p the b'ock to that h$)e 7ictorian ho$se that ha- been con&erte- into apartments; :
co$'-n@t see her "in-o"s %rom the %ront; (he "as on the top %'oor4 to the rear; : trie- to s$ppress
memories as : passe- on $p the %ront "a'k4 b$t it "as no )oo-; !ho$)hts o% o$r times to)ether
came r$shin) back a'on) "ith a )an) o% o'- %ee'in)s; : ha'te-; :t "as si''1 comin) here; =h1
bother4 %or somethin) : ha-n@t e&en misse-; (ti'';;;
,e''; : "ante- to see her one more time; : "asn@t )oin) to back o$t no"; : mo$nte- the steps an-
crosse- the porch; !he -oor "as open a crack so : "a'ke- in;
(ame %o1er; (ame tire--'ookin) potte- &io'et4 -$st on its 'ea&es4 on the chest be%ore the )i't-
%rame- mirrorDthe mirror that ha- re%'ecte- o$r embrace4 s'i)ht'1 "arpe-4 man1 times; B1 %ace
ripp'e- as : "ent b1;
: c'imbe- the )reen-carpete- stairs; A -o) be)an ho"'in) some"here o$t back;
!he %irst 'an-in) "as $nchan)e-; : "a'ke- the short ha''"a14 past the -rab etchin)s an- the o'-
en- tab'e4 t$rne- an- mo$nte- the secon- staircase; ,a'%"a1 $p : hear- a scratchin) noise %rom
o&erhea- an- a so$n- 'ike a bott'e or a &ase ro''in) on a har-"oo- %'oor; !hen si'ence a)ain4 sa&e
%or a %e" )$sts o% "in- abo$t the ea&es; A %aint apprehension stirre- "ithin me an- : <$ickene-
m1 pace; : ha'te- at the hea- o% the stair"a1 an- nothin) 'ooke- to be o$t o% or-er4 b$t "ith m1
ne.t inha'ation a pec$'iar o-or came to me; : co$'-n@t p'ace itDs"eat4 m$st4 -amp -irt perhapsD
certain'1 somethin) or)anic;
: mo&e- then to E$'ia@s -oor an- "aite- %or se&era' moments; !he o-or seeme- stron)er there4
b$t : hear- no ne" so$n-s;
: rappe- so%t'1 on the -ark "oo-; +or a moment it seeme- that : hear- someone stirrin) "ithin4
b$t on'1 %or a moment; : knocke- a)ain;
FE$'ia>G : ca''e- o$t; F:t@s me4 Ber'e;G
: knocke- 'o$-er;
(omethin) %e'' "ith a crash; : trie- the -oorknob; 9ocke-;
: t"iste- an- ?erke- an- tore the -oorknob4 the 'ock p'ate4 an- the entire 'ockin) mechanism
%ree; : mo&e- immi-iate'1 to m1 'e%t then4 past the hin)e- e-)e o% the -oor an- the %rame; :
e.ten-e- m1 'e%t han- an- app'ie- )ent'e press$re to the $pper pane' "ith m1 %in)ertips;
: mo&e- the -oor a %e" inches in"ar- an- pa$se-; No ne" so$n-s ens$e-4 an- nothin) b$t a
s'ice o% "a'' an- %'oor came into &ie"4 "ith narro" )'impses o% a "aterco'or4 the re- so%a4 the
)reen r$); : ease- the -oor open a 'itt'e %arther; Bore o% the same; An- the o-or "as e&en
: took a ha'% step to m1 ri)ht an- app'ie- a stea-1 press$re;
: snatche- m1 han- a"a1 "hen she came into &ie"; 91in) there; Across the room; B'oo-1;;;
!here "as b'oo- on the %'oor4 the r$)4 a b'oo-1 -isarra1 near the corner o%% to m1 'e%t; *pset
%$rnit$re4 torn c$shions;;;
: s$ppresse- an imp$'se to r$sh %or"ar-;
: took one s'o" step an- then another4 a'' o% m1 senses a'ert; : crosse- the thresho'-; !here "as
nothin) e'seDno one e'se in the room; +rakir ti)htene- abo$t m1 "rist; : sho$'- ha&e sai-
somethin) then4 b$t m1 min- "as e'se"here;
: approache- an- kne't at her si-e; : %e't sick; +rom the -oor"a1 : ha- not been ab'e to see that
ha'% o% her %ace an- her ri)ht arm "ere missin); (he "as not breathin) an- her caroti- "as si'ent;
(he ha- on a torn an- b'oo-ie- peachco'ore- robeC there "as a b'$e pen-ant abo$t her neck;
!he b'oo- that ha- spi''e- be1on- the r$) onto the har-"oo- %'oor "as smeare- an- tracke-;
!he1 "ere not h$man %ootprints4 ho"e&er4 b$t 'ar)e4 e'on)ate-4 three-toe- thin)s4 "e'' pa--e-4
A -ra%t o% "hich : ha- been on'1 ha'%-conscio$s'1 a"areDcomin) %rom the opene- be-room
-oor at m1 backD"as s$--en'1 -iminishe-4 as the o-or intensi%ie-; !here came another <$ick
p$'sin) at m1 "rist; !here "as no so$n-4 tho$)h; :t "as abso'$te'1 si'ent4 b$t : kne" that it "as
: sp$n $p o$t o% m1 knee'in) position into a cro$ch4 t$rnin);;;
: sa" a 'ar)e mo$th%$' o% bi) teeth4 b'oo-1 'ips c$r'e- back aro$n- them; !he1 'ine- the m$66'e
be'on)in) to se&era' h$n-re- po$n-s o% -o)'ike creat$re co&ere- "ith coarse4 mo'-1-'ookin)
1e''o" %$r; :ts ears "ere 'ike c'$mps o% %$n)i4 its 1e''o"-oran)e e1es "i-e an- %era';
As : ha- no -o$bt "hate&er concernin) its intentions : h$r'e- the -oorknob4 "hich : ha- been
c'$tchin) ha'% conscio$s'1 %or the past min$te; :t )'ance- o%% the bon1 ri-)e abo&e its 'e%t e1e
"itho$t noticeab'e e%%ect; (ti'' so$n-'ess1 the thin) spran) at me;
Not e&en time %or a "or- to +rakir;;;
Peop'e "ho "ork in s'a$)hterho$ses kno" that there is a spot on an anima'@s %orehea- to be
%o$n- b1 -ra"in) an ima)inar1 'ine %rom the ri)ht ear to the 'e%t e1e an- another %rom the 'e%t
ear to the ri)ht e1e; !he1 aim the ki''in) b'o" an inch or t"o abo&e the ?$nction o% this O; B1
$nc'e ta$)ht me that; ,e -i-n@t "ork in a s'a$)hterho$se4 tho$)h; :re ?$st kne" ho" to ki''
(o : sp$n %or"ar- an- to the si-e as it spran)4 an- : str$ck a hammer b'o" at the -eath spot; :t
mo&e- e&en %aster than :@- anticipate-4 ho"e&er4 an- "hen m1 %ist str$ck it4 it "as a'rea-1
r$shin) b1; :ts neck m$sc'es he'pe- it to absorb the %orce o% m1 b'o";
!his -re" the %irst so$n- %rom it4 tho$)hDa 1e'p; :t shook its hea- an- t$rne- "ith )reat spee-
then4 an- it "as at me a)ain; No" a 'o"4 r$mb'in) )ro"' came $p %rom its chest an- its 'eap "as
hi)h; : kne" that : "as not )oin) to be ab'e to si-estep this one;
B1 $nc'e ha- a'so ta$)ht me ho" to )rab a -o) b1 the %'esh on the si-es o% its neck an- $n-er
the ?a"s; Ao$ nee- a )oo- )rip i% it@s a bi) one4 an- 1o$@&e )ot to )et it ?$st ri)ht; : ha- no rea'
choice at the moment; :% : trie- a kick an- misse- it "o$'- probab'1 take o%% m1 %oot;
B1 han-s shot %or"ar- an- snake- $p"ar- an- : brace- m1se'% "hen "e met; : "as s$re it
o$t"ei)he- me an- : ha- to meet its moment$m as "e'';
:@- ha- &isions o% 'osin) %in)ers or a han-4 b$t : )ot in $n-er the ?a"4 ca$)ht ho'- an- s<$ee6e-; :
kept m1 arms e.ten-e- an- 'eane- into the impact; : "as shaken b1 the %orce o% its '$n)e4 b$t :
"as ab'e to maintain m1 )rip an- absorb it;
As : 'istene- to the )ro"'s an- re)ar-e- the s'a&erin) m$66'e a %oot or so a"a1 %rom m1 %ace :
rea'i6e- that : ha-n@t tho$)ht m$ch be1on- this point; =ith a -o)4 1o$ mi)ht be ab'e to bash its
hea- a)ainst an1thin) har- an- han-1C its caroti-s are too -eep'1 b$rie- to re'1 on -irect press$re
to take it o$t; B$t this thin) "as stron) an- m1 )rip "as a'rea-1 be)innin) to s'ip a)ainst its
%rantic t"istin); As : he'- its ?a"s a"a1 %rom me an- kept p$shin) it $p"ar-4 : a'so rea'i6e- that
it "as ta''er than : "as "hen e.ten-e- a'on) the &ertica'; : co$'- tr1 %or a kick at its so%t
$n-ersi-e4 b$t : "o$'- probab'1 )o o%% ba'ance as "e'' as 'ose m1 )rip4 an- then m1 )roin "o$'-
be e.pose- to its teeth;
B$t it t"iste- %ree o% m1 'e%t han-4 an- : ha- no choice b$t to $se m1 ri)ht or 'ose it; (o : p$she-
as har- as : co$'- an- retreate- a)ain; : ha- been 'ookin) %or a "eapon4 an1 "eapon4 b$t there
"as nothin) han-1 that "o$'- ser&e;
:t '$n)e- a)ain4 comin) %or m1 throat4 comin) too %ast an- hi)h %or me to mana)e a kick to its
hea-; : co$'-n@t )et o$t o% its "a1 either;
:ts %ore'e)s "ere 'e&e' "ith m1 mi-ri%%4 an- : hope- that m1 $nc'e ha- been ri)ht abo$t this one
too4 as : sei6e- them an- t"iste- back"ar- an- in"ar- "ith a'' o% m1 stren)th4 -roppin) to one
knee to a&oi- those ?a"s4 chin 'o"ere- to protect m1 throat4 m1 hea- -ra"n back; Bones poppe-
an- cr$nche- as : t"iste- an- its hea- 'o"ere- a'most imme-iate'1 to attack m1 "rists; B$t b1
then : "as a'rea-1 risin)4 thr$stin) %or"ar-4 sprin)in) $p;
:t "ent o&er back"ar-4 t"iste-4 an- a'most ca$)ht itse'%; =hen its pa"s str$ck the %'oor4
ho"e&er4 it ma-e a so$n- ha'%"a1 bet"een a "himper an- a snar' an- co''apse- %or"ar-;
: "as abo$t to tr1 %or another b'o" to the sk$'' "hen it reco&ere- its %ootin)4 mo&in) %aster than
:@- tho$)ht it co$'-; :t raise- its ri)ht %ore'e) imme-iate'1 $pon stan-in) an- ba'ance- itse'% on
three 'e)s4 sti'' )ro"'in)4 e1es %i.e- on m1 o"n4 sa'i&a -ampenin) its 'o"er ?a"; : mo&e- s'i)ht'1
to m1 'e%t4 certain that it "as abo$t to r$sh me 1et a)ain4 an)'in) m1 ba14 positionin) m1se'% in a
"a1 that no one ha- ta$)ht me4 beca$se : -o occasiona''1 ha&e ori)ina' tho$)hts;
:t "as a 'itt'e s'o"er "hen it came %or me this time; Ba1be : co$'- ha&e )one %or the sk$'' an-
)otten it; : -on@t kno" beca$se : -i-n@t tr1; : sei6e- it once more b1 the neck4 an- this time it "as
%ami'iar territor1; :t "o$'- not p$'' a"a1 as it ha- be%ore in the %e" moments : nee-e-; =itho$t
breakin) its moment$m : t$rne- an- -roppe- 'o" an- thr$st an- p$''e-4 a--in) some )$i-ance to
its tra?ector1;
:t t$rne- in mi-air4 its back strikin) the "in-o"; =ith a shatterin)4 sp'interin) so$n- it passe-
thro$)h4 takin) most o% the %rame4 the c$rtain an- the c$rtain ro- a'on) "ith it;
: hear- it hit three stories be'o"; =hen : rose an- 'ooke- o$t : sa" it t"itch a %e" times an-
)ro" sti''4 there on the concrete patio "here E$'ia an- : ha- o%ten ha- a mi-ni)ht beer;
: ret$rne- to E$'ia@s si-e an- he'- her han-; : be)an to rea'i6e m1 an)er; (omeone ha- to be
behin- this; Co$'- it be ( a)ain> =as this m1 Apri' 3 present %or this 1ear> :@- a %ee'in) that it
"as an- : "ante- to -o $nto ( as : ha- ?$st -one $nto the creat$re that ha- per%orme- the act;
!here ha- to be a reason; !here o$)ht to be a c'$e;
: rose4 "ent to the be-room4 %etche- a b'anket4 an- co&ere- E$'ia "ith it; Bechanica''14 : "ipe-
m1 %in)erprints %rom the %a''en -oorknob as : be)an m1 search o% the apartment;
: %o$n- them on the mante'piece bet"een the c'ock an- a stack o% paperbacks -ea'in) "ith the
occ$'t; !he moment : to$che- them an- %e't their co'-ness : rea'i6e- that this "as e&en more
serio$s than : ha- tho$)ht; !he1 ha- to be the thin) o% mine she@- ha- that : "o$'- be nee-in)D
on'1 the1 "ere not rea''1 mine4 tho$)h as : ri%%'e- thro$)h : reco)ni6e- them on one 'e&e' an-
"as p$66'e- b1 them on another; !he1 "ere car-s4 !r$mps4 'ike 1et $n'ike an1 : ha- e&er seen
:t "as not a comp'ete -eck; E$st a %e" car-s4 act$a''14 an- stran)e; : s'ippe- them into m1 si-e
pocket <$ick'1 "hen : hear- the siren; !ime %or so'itaire 'ater;
: tore -o"n the stairs an- o$t the back -oor4 enco$nterin) no one; +i-o sti'' 'a1 "here he ha-
%a''en an- a'' the nei)hborhoo- -o)s "ere -isc$ssin) it; : &a$'te- %ences an- tramp'e-
%'o"erbe-s4 c$ttin) thro$)h back1ar-s on m1 "a1 o&er to the si-e street "here : "as parke-;
Bin$tes 'ater : "as mi'es a"a14 tr1in) to scr$b the b'oo-1 pa"prints %rom m1 memor1;
Chapter 2
: -ro&e a"a1 %rom the ba1 $nti' : came to a <$iet4 "e''-tree- area; : stoppe- the car an- )ot o$t
an- "a'ke-;
A%ter a 'on) "hi'e : 'ocate- a sma''4 -eserte- park; : seate- m1se'% on one o% the benches4 took
o$t the !r$mps an- st$-ie- them; A %e" seeme- ha'% %ami'iar an- the rest "ere tota''1 p$66'in); :
stare- too 'on) at one en- seeme- to hear a siren son); : p$t them -o"n; : -i- not reco)ni6e the
st1'e; !his "as e.treme'1 a"k"ar-;
: "as remin-e- o% the stor1 o% a "or'--%amo$s to.ico'o)ist "ho ina-&ertent'1 in)este- a poison
%or "hich there "as no anti-ote; !he <$estion %oremost in his min- "as4 ,a- he taken a 'etha'
-ose> ,e 'ooke- it $p in a c'assic te.tbook that he himse'% ha- "ritten 1ears be%ore; Accor-in) to
his o"n book he ha- ha- it; ,e checke- another4 "ritten b1 an e<$a''1 eminent pro%essiona';
Accor-in) to that one he ha- taken on'1 abo$t ha'% the amo$nt necessar1 to -o in someone o% his
bo-1 mass; (o he sat -o"n an- "aite-4 hopin) he@- been "ron);
: %e't that "a1 beca$se : am an e.pert on these thin)s; : tho$)ht that : kne" the "ork o%
e&er1one "ho mi)ht be capab'e o% pro-$cin) s$ch items; : picke- $p one o% the car-s4 "hich
he'- a pec$'iar4 a'most %ami'iar %ascination %or meD-epictin) a sma'' )rass1 point ?$ttin) o$t
into a <$iet 'ake4 a s'i&er o% somethin) bri)ht4 )'istenin)4 $ni-enti%iab'e4 o%% to the ri)ht; : e.ha'e-
hea&i'1 $pon it4 %o))in) it %or an instant4 an- str$ck it "ith m1 %in)ernai'; :t ran) 'ike a )'ass be''
an- %'ickere- to 'i%e; (ha-o"s s"am an- p$'se- as the scene inche- into e&enin); : passe- m1
han- o&er it an- it )re" sti'' once a)ainDback to 'ake4 )rasses4 -a1time;
7er1 -istant; !ime@s stream %'o"e- %aster there in re'ationship to m1 present sit$ation;
: )rope- %or an o'- pipe "ith "hich : sometimes in-$')e m1se'%4 %i''e- it4 'it it4 p$%%e- it4 an-
m$se-; !he car-s "ere %$nctiona' a'' ri)ht4 not some c'e&er imitations4 an- tho$)h : -i- not
$n-erstan- their p$rpose4 that "as not m1 main concern at the moment;
!o-a1 "as Apri' 34 an- : ha- %ace- -eath once a)ain; : ha- 1et to con%ront the person "ho ha-
been p'a1in) "ith m1 'i%e; ( ha- a)ain emp'o1e- a pro.1 menace; An- that "as no or-inar1 -o)
: ha- -estro1e-; An- the car-s;;;"here ha- E$'ia )otten them an- "h1 ha- she "ante- me to ha&e
them> !he car-s an- the -o) in-icate- a po"er be1on- that o% an or-inar1 person; A'' a'on) :
ha- tho$)ht :@- been the s$b?ect o% the $n"e'come attention o% some ps1cho4 "hom : co$'- -ea'
"ith at m1 'eis$re; B$t this mornin)@s e&ents p$t an entire'1 -i%%erent comp'e.ion on the case; :t
meant that : ha- one he'' o% an enem1 some"here;
: sh$--ere-; : "ante- to ta'k to 9$ke a)ain4 )et him to reconstr$ct their con&ersation o% the
pre&io$s e&enin)4 see "hether E$'ia ha- sai- an1thin) that mi)ht pro&i-e me "ith a c'$e; :@- 'ike
to )o back an- search her apartment more care%$''14 too; B$t that "as o$t o% the <$estion; !he
cops ha- p$''e- $p in %ront o% the p'ace as : "as -ri&in) a"a1; !here@- be no )ettin) back in %or
some time;
0ick; !here "as 0ick 3insk14 the )$1 she@- be)$n seein) a%ter "e@- broken $p; : kne" him on
si)htDa thin4 m$stache-4 cerebra' sort4 thick )'asses an- a''; ,e mana)e- a bookstore :@- &isite-
once or t"ice; : -i-n@t kno" him be1on- that4 tho$)h; Perhaps he co$'- te'' me somethin) abo$t
the car-s an- ho" E$'ia mi)ht ha&e )otten into "hate&er sit$ation it "as that ha- cost her her
: broo-e- a 'itt'e 'on)er4 then p$t the car-s a"a1; : "asn@t abo$t to %oo' "ith them an1 %$rther;
Not 1et; +irst4 : "ante- as m$ch in%ormation as : co$'- )et;
: hea-e- back %or the car; As : "a'ke- : re%'ecte- that this Apri' 3 "asn@t o&er; ($ppose ( -i-n@t
rea''1 consi-er this mornin)@s enco$nter as aime- -irect'1 at me> :n that case there "as p'ent1 o%
time %or another attempt; : a'so ha- a %ee'in) that i% : be)an )ettin) c'ose ( "o$'- %or)et abo$t
-ates an- )o %or m1 throat "hene&er there "as an openin); : reso'&e- not to 'et m1 )$ar- -o"n
at a'' hence%orth4 to 'i&e as in a state o% sie)e $nti' this matter "as sett'e-; An- a'' o% m1 ener)ies
"ere no" )oin) to be -irecte- to"ar- sett'in) it; B1 "e''-bein) seeme- to re<$ire the
-estr$ction o% m1 enem14 &er1 soon;
(ho$'- : seek co$nse'> : "on-er; An- i% so4 %rom "hom> !here "as an a"%$' 'ot : sti'' -i-n@t
kno" abo$t m1 herita)e;;;
No; Not 1et4 : -eci-e-; : ha- to make e&er1 e%%ort to han-'e thin)s m1se'%; Besi-es the %act that :
"ante- to4 : nee-e- the practice; :t@s necessar1 to be ab'e to -ea' "ith nast1 matters "here : come
: -ro&e4 'ookin) %or a pa1 phone an- tr1in) not to think o% E$'ia as : ha- 'ast seen her; A %e"
c'o$-s b'e" in %rom the "est; B1 "atch ticke- on m1 "rist4 ne.t to $nseen +rakir; !he ne"s on
the ra-io "as internationa' an- cheer'ess;
: stoppe- in a -r$)store an- $se- a phone there to tr1 to reach 9$ke at his mote'; ,e "asn@t in;
(o : ha- a c'$b san-"ich an- a mi'kshake in the -inin) area an- trie- a)ain a%ter"ar-; (ti'' o$t;
Oka1; Catch him 'ater; : hea-e- into to"n; !he Bro"serie4 as : reca''e-4 "as the name o% the
bookstore "here 0ick "orke-;
: -ro&e b1 an- sa" that the p'ace "as open; : parke- a co$p'e o% b'ocks $p the street an- "a'ke-
back; : ha- been a'ert a'' o% the "a1 across to"n4 b$t co$'- not -etect an1 si)n that : "as bein)
A coo' bree6e to$che- me as : "a'ke-C hintin) o% rain; : sa" 0ick thro$)h the store@s "in-o"4
seate- at his hi)h co$nter rea-in) a book; !here "as no one e'se in si)ht in the p'ace;
A sma'' be'' ?an)'e- abo&e the -oor as : entere-4 an- he 'ooke- $p; ,e strai)htene- an- his e1es
"i-ene- as : approache-;
F,i4G : sai-4 pa$sin) then %or a moment; F0ick4 : -on@t kno" "hether 1o$ remember me;G
FAo$@re Ber'e Core14G he state- so%t'1;
F0i)ht;G : 'eane- on the co$nter an- he -re" back; F: "on-ere- "hether 1o$ mi)ht be ab'e to
he'p me "ith a 'itt'e in%ormation;G
F=hat kin- o% in%ormation>G
F:t@s abo$t E$'ia4G : sai-;
F9ook4G he ans"ere-4 F: ne&er "ent near her $nti' a%ter 1o$ t"o ha- broken $p;G
F,$h> No4 no4 1o$ -on@t $n-erstan-; : -on@t care abo$t that; :t@s more recent in%ormation that :
nee-; (he@- been tr1in) to )et in to$ch "ith me this past "eek an-DG
,e shook his hea-;
F: ha&en@t hear- %rom her %or a co$p'e o% months;G
FAeah4 "e stoppe- seein) each other; /i%%erent interests4 1o$ kno">G
F=as she oka1 "hen 1o$Dstoppe- seein) each other>G
F: )$ess so;G
: stare- strai)ht into his e1es an- he "ince-; : -i-n@t 'ike that F: )$ess so;G : co$'- see that he
"as a 'itt'e a%rai- o% me so : -eci-e- to p$sh it;
F=hat -o 1o$ mean T-i%%erent interests@>G : aske-;
F=e''4 she )ot a 'itt'e "eir-4 1o$ kno">G he sai-;
F: -on@t kno"; !e'' me;G
,e 'icke- his 'ips an- 'ooke- a"a1 F: -on@t "ant an1 tro$b'e4G he state-;
F:@- rather not in-$')e either; =hat "as the matter>G
F=e''4G he sai-4 Fshe "as scare-;G
F(care-> O% "hat>G
F*hDo% 1o$;G
FBe> !hat@s ri-ic$'o$s; : ne&er -i- an1thin) to %ri)hten her; =hat -i- she sa1>G
F(he ne&er sai- it in so man1 "or-s4 b$t : co$'- te''4 "hene&er 1o$r name came $p; !hen she
-e&e'ope- a'' these %$nn1 interests;G
FAo$@&e 'ost me4G : sai-; FComp'ete'1; (he )ot "eir-> (he )ot %$nn1 interests> =hat kin-> =hat
"as )oin) on> : rea''1 -on@t $n-erstan-4 an- :@- 'ike to;G
,e )ot to his %eet an- hea-e- %or the rear o% the store4 )'ancin) at me as i% : sho$'- %o''o" him; :
,e s'o"e- "hen he reache- a section %$'' o% books on nat$ra' hea'in) an- or)anic %armin) an-
martia' arts an- herba' reme-ies an- ha&in) babies at home4 b$t he "ent on past it into the
har-core occ$'t section;
F,ere4G he sai-4 ha'tin); F(he borro"e- a %e" o% these4 bro$)ht them back4 borro"e- a %e"
: shr$))e-;
F!hat@s a''> !hat@s har-'1 "eir-;G
FB$t she rea''1 )ot into it;G
F(o -o a 'ot o% peop'e;G
F9et me %inish4G he "ent on; F(he starte- "ith theosoph14 e&en atten-e- meetin)s o% a 'oca'
)ro$p; (he )ot t$rne- o%% on it %air'1 <$ick4 b$t b1 then she@- met some peop'e "ith -i%%erent
connections; Prett1 soon she "as han)in) aro$n- "ith ($%is4 #$r-?ie%%ians4 e&en a shaman;G
F:nterestin)4G : sai-; FNo 1o)a>G
FNo 1o)a; =hen : aske- her that same thin) she sai- that it "as po"er she "as a%ter4 not
sama-hi; An1ho"4 she ?$st kept %or)in) stran)er an- stran)er ac<$aintances; !he atmosphere )ot
too rare%ie- %or me4 so : sai- )oo--b1e;G
F: "on-er "h1>G : m$se-;
F,ere4G he sai-4 Ftake a 'ook at this one;G
,e tosse- me a b'ack book an- steppe- back; : ca$)ht it; :t "as a cop1 o% the Bib'e; : opene- it
to the p$b'ishin) cre-its pa)e;
F(omethin) specia' abo$t this e-ition>G : aske-;
,e si)he-;
FNo; :@m sorr1;G
,e took it back an- rep'ace- it on the she'%;
FE$st a min$te4G he sai-;
,e ret$rne- to the co$nter an- took a car-boar- si)n %rom a she'% beneath it; :t rea- E*(!
(!2PP2/ O*!; =2@99 02OP2N A! an- there "as a c'ock %ace beneath it "ith mo&ab'e han-s;
,e set them to in-icate a time a ha'% ho$r hence an- "ent an- h$n) the si)n in the -oor@s
"in-o"; !hen he shot the bo't an- )est$re- %or me to %o''o" him to a room in the rear;
!he back o%%ice containe- a -esk4 a co$p'e o% chairs4 cartons o% books; ,e seate- himse'% behin-
the -esk an- no--e- to"ar- the nearest chair; : took it; ,e s"itche- on a te'ephone ans"erin)
machine then4 remo&e- a stack o% %orms an- correspon-ence %rom the b'otter4 opene- a -ra"er
an- took o$t a bott'e o% Chianti;
FCare %or a )'ass>G he aske-;
F($re4 thanks;G
,e rose an- steppe- thro$)h the opene- -oor o% a sma'' 'a&ator1; ,e took a pair o% )'asses %rom
a she'% an- rinse- them; ,e bro$)ht them back4 set them -o"n4 %i''e- both4 an- p$she- one in m1
-irection; !he1 "ere %rom the (heraton;
F(orr1 : tosse- the Bib'e at 1o$4G he sai-4 raisin) his )'ass an- takin) a sip;
FAo$ 'ooke- as i% 1o$ e.pecte- one to )o $p in a p$%% o% smoke;G
,e no--e-;
F: am rea''1 con&ince- that the reason she "ants po"er has somethin) to -o "ith 1o$; Are 1o$
into some %orm o% occ$'tism>G
F(he ta'ke- sometimes as i% 1o$ mi)ht e&en be a s$pernat$ra' creat$re 1o$rse'%;G
: 'a$)he-;
,e -i-4 too4 a%ter a moment;
F: -on@t kno"4G he sai- then; F!here@re 'ots o% stran)e thin)s in the "or'-; !he1 can@t a'' be ri)ht4
: shr$))e-;
F=ho kno"s> (o 1o$ think she "as 'ookin) %or some s1stem that "o$'- )i&e her po"er to
-e%en- herse'% a)ainst me>G
F!hat "as the impression : )ot;G
: took a -rink o% the "ine;
F!hat -oesn@t make sense4G : to'- him;
B$t e&en as : sai- it : kne" that it "as probab'1 tr$e; An- i% : ha- -ri&en her into the path o%
"hate&er ha- -estro1e- her4 then : "as part'1 responsib'e %or her -eath; : s$--en'1 %e't the
b$r-en a'on) "ith the pain;
F+inish the stor14G : sai-;
F!hat@s prett1 m$ch it4G he ans"ere-; F: )ot tire- o% peop'e "ho "ante- to -isc$ss cosmic crap
a'' the time an- : sp'it;G
FAn- that@s a''> /i- she %in- the ri)ht s1stem4 the ri)ht )$r$> =hat happene->G
,e took a bi) -rink an- stare- at me;
F: rea''1 'ike- her4G he sai-;
F:@m s$re;G
F!he !arot4 Caba''a4 #o'-en /a"n4 Cro"'e14 +ort$neDthat@s "here she "ent ne.t;G
F/i- she sta1>G
F: -on@t kno" %or s$re; B$t : think so; : on'1 hear- this a%ter a "hi'e;G
F0it$a' ma)ic4 then>G
F=ho -oes it>G
F9ots o% peop'e;G
F: mean "ho -i- she %in-> /i- 1o$ hear that>G
F: think it "as 7ictor Be'man;G
,e 'ooke- at me e.pectant'1; : shook m1 hea-; F:@m sorr1; : -on@t kno" the name;G
F(tran)e man4G he m$se-4 takin) a sip an- 'eanin) back in his chair4 c'aspin) his han-s behin-
his neck an- brin)in) his e'bo"s %or"ar-; ,e stare- o%% into the 'a&ator1; F:@&e hear- it sai-Db1
a n$mber o% peop'e4 some o% them %air'1 re'iab'eDthat he rea''1 has somethin) )oin) %or him4
that he has a ho'- on a piece o% somethin)4 that he@s kno"n a kin- o% en'i)htenment4 has been
initiate-4 has a sort o% po"er an- is sometimes a )reat teacher; B$t he@s )ot these e)o prob'ems4
too4 that seem to )o a'on) "ith that sort o% thin); An- there@s a to$ch o% the seam1 si-e there; :@&e
e&en hear- it sai- that that@s not his rea' name4 that he@s )ot a recor-4 an- there@s more o% Banson
to him than Ba)$s; : -on@t kno"; ,e@s nomina''1 a painterDact$a''1 a prett1 )oo- one; ,is st$%%
-oes se'';G
FAo$@&e met him>G
A pa$se4 then4 FAes;G
F=hat "ere 1o$r o"n impressions>G
F: -on@t kno"; =e'';;;:@m pre?$-ice-; : can@t rea''1 sa1;G
: s"ir'e- the "ine in m1 )'ass; F,o" come>G
FOh4 : "ante- to st$-1 "ith him once; ,e t$rne- me -o"n;G
F(o 1o$ "ere into this4 too; : tho$)htDG
F:@m not into an1thin)4G he snappe-; F: trie- e&er1thin) at some time or other4 : mean;
2&er1bo-1 )oes thro$)h phases; : "ante- to -e&e'op4 e.pan-4 a-&ance; =ho -oesn@t> B$t : ne&er
%o$n- it;G ,e $nbent an- took another )$'p o% "ine; F(ometimes : %e't that : "as c'ose4 that there
"as some po"er4 some &ision that : co$'- a'most to$ch or see; A'most; !hen it "as )one; :t@s a''
a 'ot o% crap; Ao$ ?$st -e'$-e 1o$rse'%; (ometimes : e&en tho$)ht : ha- it; !hen a %e" -a1s "o$'-
)o b1 an- : rea'i6e- that : "as '1in) to m1se'% a)ain;G
FA'' o% this "as be%ore 1o$ met E$'ia>G ,e no--e-;
F0i)ht; !hat mi)ht be "hat he'- $s to)ether %or a "hi'e; : sti'' 'ike to ta'k abo$t a'' this b$''shit4
e&en i% : -on@t be'ie&e it an1more; !hen she )ot too serio$s abo$t it4 an- : -i-n@t %ee' 'ike )oin)
that ro$te a)ain;G
F: see;G
,e -raine- his )'ass an- re%i''e- it;
F!here@s nothin) to an1 o% it4G he sai-; F!here are an in%inite n$mber o% "a1s o% '1in) to
1o$rse'%4 o% rationa'i6in) thin)s into somethin) the1 are not; : )$ess that : "ante- ma)ic4 an-
there is no rea' ma)ic in the "or'-;G
F!hat "h1 1o$ thre" the Bib'e at me>G ,e snorte-;
F:t co$'- as easi'1 ha&e been the 3oran or the 7e-as4 : s$ppose; :t "o$'- ha&e been neat to see
1o$ &anish in a %'ash o% %ire; B$t no )o;G
: smi'e-;
F,o" can : %in- Be'man>G
F:@&e )ot it here some"here4G he sai-4 'o"erin) his e1es an- openin) a -ra"er; F,ere;G
,e "ith-re" a sma'' notebook an- %'ippe- thro$)h it; ,e copie- o$t an a--ress on an in-e. car-
an- han-e- it to me; ,e took another -rink o% "ine;
F:t@s his st$-io4 b$t he 'i&es there4 too4G he a--e-; : no--e- an- set -o"n m1 )'ass;
F: appreciate e&er1thin) 1o$ to'- me;G
,e raise- the bott'e;
F,a&e another -rink>G
FNo4 thanks;G
,e shr$))e- an- toppe- o%% his o"n;
: rose;
FAo$ kno"4 it@s rea''1 sa-4G he sai-;
F!hat there@s no ma)ic4 that there ne&er "as4 there probab'1 ne&er "i'' be;G
F!hat@s the breaks4G : sai-;
F!he "or'- "o$'- be a 'ot more interestin) p'ace;G
: t$rne- to )o;
F/o me a %a&or4G he sai-;
FOn the "a1 o$t4 set that si)n %or three o@c'ock an- 'et the bo't in the -oor snap sh$t a)ain;G
F($re;G : 'e%t him there an- -i- those thin)s; !he sk1 ha- )ro"n a 'ot -arker4 the "in- a bit more
chi''; : trie- a)ain to reach 9$ke4 %rom a phone on the corner4 b$t he "as sti'' o$t;
=e "ere happ1; :t ha- been a terri%ic -a1; !he "eather "as per%ect4 an- e&er1thin) "e -i- ha-
"orke- o$t ri)ht; =e "ent to a %an part1 that e&enin) an- a%ter"ar- ha- a 'ate -inner at a rea''1
)oo- 'itt'e p'ace "e@- st$mb'e- $pon b1 acci-ent; =e 'in)ere- o&er -rinks4 hatin) %or the -a1 to
en-; =e -eci-e- then to pro'on) a "innin) streak4 an- "e -ro&e to an other"ise -eserte- beach
"here "e sat aro$n- an- sp'ashe- aro$n- an- "atche- the moon an- %e't the bree6es; +or a 'on)
"hi'e; : -i- somethin) then that : ha- sort o% promise- m1se'% : "o$'- not; ,a-n@t +a$st tho$)ht
a bea$ti%$' moment "orth a so$'>
FCome on4G : sai-4 aimin) m1 beer can at a trash bin an- catchin) ho'- o% her han-; F9et@s take a
F=here to>G she aske-4 as : -re" her to her %eet;
F+air1 'an-4G : rep'ie-; F!he %ab'e- rea'ms o% 1ore; 2-en; Come on;G
9a$)hin)4 she 'et me 'ea- her a'on) the beach4 to"ar- a p'ace "here it narro"e-4 s<$ee6in) b1
hi)h embankments; !he moon "as )enero$s an- 1e''o"4 the sea san) m1 %a&orite son);
=e stro''e- han- in han- past the b'$%%s4 "here a <$ick t$rnin) o% the "a1 took $s o$t o% si)ht o%
o$r stretch o% san-; : 'ooke- %or the ca&e that sho$'- be occ$rrin) soon4 hi)h an- narro";;;
FA ca&e4G : anno$nce- moments 'ater; F9et@s )o in;G
F:t@'' be -ark;G
F#oo-4G : sai-4 an- "e entere-;
!he moon'i)ht %o''o"e- $s %or abo$t si. paces; B1 then4 tho$)h4 : ha- spotte- the t$rno%% to the
F!his "a14G : state-;
F:t is -arkIG
F($re; E$st keep ho'- o% me a 'itt'e 'on)er; :t@'' be oka1;G +i%teen or t"ent1 steps an- there "as a
%aint i''$mination to the ri)ht; : 'e- her a'on) that t$rnin) an- the "a1 bri)htene- as "e
F=e ma1 )et 'ost4G she sai- so%t'1;
F: -on@t )et 'ost4G : ans"ere- her;
:t contin$e- to bri)hten; !he "a1 t$rne- once more4 an- "e procee-e- a'on) that 'ast passa)e to
emer)e at the %oot o% a mo$ntain in si)ht o% a 'o" %orest4 the s$n stan-in) at mi-mornin) hei)ht
abo&e its trees;
(he %ro6e4 b'$e e1es "i-e; F:t@s -a1timeIG she sai-;
FTempus fugit4G : rep'ie-; FCome on;G
=e "a'ke- thro$)h the "oo-s %or a time4 'istenin) to the bir-s an- the bree6es4 -ark-haire- E$'ia
an- :4 an- : 'e- her a%ter a "hi'e thro$)h a can1on o% co'ore- rocks an- )rasses4 besi-e a stream
that %'o"e- into a ri&er;
=e %o''o"e- the ri&er $nti' "e came4 abr$pt'14 to a precipice %rom "hence it p'$n)e- a mi)ht1
-istance4 castin) rainbo"s an- %o)s; (tan-in) there4 starin) o$t across the )reat &a''e1 that 'a1
be'o"4 "e behe'- a cit1 o% spires an- c$po'as4 )i't an- cr1sta'4 thro$)h mornin) an- mist;
F=here are "e>G she aske-;
FE$st aro$n- the corner4G : sai-; FCome;G
: 'e- her to the 'e%t4 then -o"n a trai' that took $s back a'on) the %ace o% the c'i%%4 passin) %ina''1
behin- the cataract; (ha-o"s an- -iamon- bea-s;;;a roarin) to approach the po"er o% si'ence;;;
=e passe- at 'ast into a t$nne'4 -amp at %irst b$t -r1in) as it rose; =e %o''o"e- it to a )a''er14
open to o$r 'e%t an- 'ookin) o$t $pon ni)ht an- stars4 stars4 stars;;;; :t "as an enormo$s prospect4
b'a6in) "ith ne" conste''ations4 their 'i)ht s$%%icient to cast o$r sha-o"s onto the "a'' behin- $s;
(he 'eane- o&er the 'o" parapet4 her skin some rare po'ishe- marb'e4 an- she 'ooke- -o"n"ar-;
F!he1@re -o"n there4 too4G she sai-; FAn- to both si-esI !here is nothin) be'o" b$t more stars;
An- to the si-es;;;G
FAes; Prett1 thin)s4 aren@t the1>G
=e remaine- there %or a 'on) "hi'e4 "atchin)4 be%ore : co$'- pers$a-e her to come a"a1 an-
%o''o" the t$nne' %arther; :t bore $s o$t a)ain to beho'- a r$ine- c'assica' amphitheater beneath a
'ate a%ternoon sk1; :&1 )re" o&er broken benches an- %ract$re- pi''ars; ,ere an- there 'a1 a
shattere- stat$e4 as i% cast -o"n b1 earth<$ake; 7er1 pict$res<$e; :@- tho$)ht she@- 'ike it4 an- :
"as ri)ht; =e took t$rns seatin) o$rse'&es an- speakin) to each other; !he aco$stics "ere
=e "a'ke- a"a1 then4 han- in han-4 -o"n m1ria- "a1s beneath skies o% man1 co'ors4 comin)
at 'ast in si)ht o% a <$iet 'ake "ith a s$n enterin) e&enin) $pon its %arther shore; !here "as a
)'itterin) mass o% rock o%% to m1 ri)ht; =e "a'ke- o$t $pon a sma'' point c$shione- "ith mosses
an- %erns;
: p$t m1 arms aro$n- her an- "e stoo- there %or a 'on) time4 an- the "in- in the trees "as '$te
son) co$nterpointe- b1 in&isib'e bir-s; 9ater sti''4 : $nb$ttone- her b'o$se; F0i)ht here>G she
F: 'ike it here; /on@t 1o$>G
F:t@s bea$ti%$'; Oka1; =ait a min$te;G
(o "e 'a1 -o"n an- ma-e 'o&e ti'' the sha-o"s co&ere- $s; A%ter a time she s'ept4 as : -esire-;
: set a spe'' $pon her to keep her as'eep4 %or : "as be)innin) to ha&e secon- tho$)hts o&er the
"is-om o% makin) this ?o$rne1; !hen : -resse- both o% $s an- picke- her $p to carr1 her back; :
took a shortc$t;
On the beach %rom "hich "e@- starte- : p$t her -o"n an- stretche- o$t besi-e her; (oon : s'ept
=e -i- not a"aken ti'' a%ter the s$n "as $p4 "hen the so$n-s o% bathers ro$se- $s;
(he sat $p an- stare- at me;
F9ast ni)ht4G she sai-4 Fco$'- not ha&e been a -ream; B$t it co$'-n@t ha&e been rea' either; Co$'-
F: )$ess so4G : sai-; (he %$rro"e- her bro";
F=hat -i- 1o$ ?$st a)ree to>G she aske-;
FBreak%ast4G : sai-; F9et@s )o )et some; Come on;G
F=ait a min$te;G (he p$t a han- on m1 arm; F(omethin) $n$s$a' happene-; =hat "as it>G
F=h1 -estro1 the ma)ic b1 ta'kin) abo$t it> 9et@s )o eat;G
(he <$estione- me a 'ot in the -a1s that %o''o"e-4 b$t : "as a-amant in re%$sin) to ta'k abo$t it;
(t$pi-4 the "ho'e thin) "as st$pi-; : sho$'- ne&er ha&e taken her on that "a'k; :t contrib$te- to
that %ina' ar)$ment that set $s permanent'1 apart;
An- no"4 -ri&in)4 as : tho$)ht abo$t it4 : rea'i6e- somethin) more than m1 st$pi-it1; : rea'i6e-
that : ha- been in 'o&e "ith her4 that : sti'' 'o&e- her; ,a- : not taken her on that "a'k4 or ha- :
ackno"'e-)e- her 'ater acc$sation that : "as a sorcerer4 she "o$'- not ha&e taken the ro$te that
she took4 seekin) po"er o% her o"nDprobab'1 %or se'%-protection; (he "o$'- be a'i&e;
: bit m1 'ip an- crie- o$t; : c$t aro$n- the brakin) car in %ront o% me an- crashe- a 'i)ht; :% : ha-
ki''e- the thin) : 'o&e-4 : "as certain that the opposite "as not )oin) to be tr$e;
Chapter 3
#rie% an- an)er shrink m1 "or'-4 an- : resent this; !he1 seem to para'16e m1 memor1 o%
happier times4 o% %rien-s4 p'aces4 thin)sC options; (<$ee6e- b1 the )rip o% intense4 $nsett'in)
emotion4 : )ro" sma''er in m1 sin)'e-min-e-ness; : s$ppose it is part'1 beca$se : ha&e -iscar-e-
a ran)e o% choices4 impairin) in some meas$re m1 %ree-om o% "i''; : -on@t 'ike this4 b$t a%ter a
point : ha&e sma'' contro' o&er it; :t makes me %ee' that : ha&e s$rren-ere- to a kin- o%
-eterminism4 "hich irritates me e&en more; !hen4 &icio$s c1c'e4 this %ee-s back into the emotion
that -ri&es me an- intensi%ies it; !he simp'e "a1 o% en-in) this sit$ation is the hea-'on) r$sh to
remo&e its ob?ect; !he -i%%ic$'t "a1 is more phi'osophica'4 a -ra"in) back4 the reestab'ishment
o% contro'; As $s$a'4 the -i%%ic$'t "a1 is pre%erab'e; A hea-'on) r$sh ma1 a'so res$'t in a broken
: parke- in the %irst p'ace that : sa"4 opene- the "in-o"4 'it m1 pipe; : &o"e- not to -epart $nti'
: ha- )ro"n ca'm; A'' o% m1 'i%e : ha&e ha- a ten-enc1 to o&erreact to thin)s; :t seems to r$n in
m1 %ami'1; B$t : -i- not "ant to be 'ike the others; !he1 ma-e a 'ot o% tro$b'e %or themse'&es that
"a1; !he %$''-sca'e4 a''-or-nothin) reaction ma1 be a'' ri)ht i% 1o$ a'"a1s "in4 b$t that "a1 a'so
'ies hi)h tra)e-1Dor at 'east operaDi% 1o$ happen to be $p a)ainst somethin) e.traor-inar1;
An- : -i- ha&e in-ications that this "as the case; !here%ore4 : "as a %oo'; : to'- m1se'% this ti'' :
be'ie&e- it;
!hen : 'istene- to m1 ca'mer se'% as it a)ree- that : "as in-ee- a %oo'D%or not ha&in) seen m1
o"n %ee'in)s "hen : co$'- ha&e -one somethin) abo$t them4 %or ha&in) -isp'a1e- a po"er an-
-enie- its conse<$ences4 %or not ha&in) at 'east )$esse- at the stran)e nat$re o% m1 enem1 in a''
these 1ears4 %or m1 present simp'i%ication o% the comin) enco$nter; :t "o$'- not -o to sei6e
7ictor Be'man on si)ht an- tr1 to beat the tr$th o$t o% him; : reso'&e- to procee- care%$''14
co&erin) m1se'% at a'' times; 9i%e is ne&er simp'e4 : to'- m1se'%; (it sti'' an- )ather4 re)ro$p;
('o"'14 : %e't the tension )o o$t o% me; ('o"'14 too4 m1 "or'- )re" a)ain4 an- : sa" "ithin it the
possibi'it1 that ( rea''1 kne" me4 kne" me "e''4 an- ma1 e&en ha&e arran)e- e&ents so that :
"o$'- -ispense "ith thinkin) an- s$rren-er to the moment; No4 : "o$'- not be 'ike the others;;;
: sat there an- tho$)ht %or a 'on) "hi'e be%ore : starte- the en)ine a)ain an- -ro&e on s'o"'1;
:t "as a )rim1 brick b$i'-in) sit$ate- on a corner; :t "as %o$r stories in hei)ht4 "ith occasiona'
spra1-painte- obscenities on the a''e1 si-e an- on the "a'' %acin) the narro"er street; :
-isco&ere- the )ra%%iti4 a %e" broken "in-o"s an- the %ire escape as : stro''e- s'o"'1 abo$t the
p'ace4 'ookin) it o&er; B1 then a 'i)ht rain "as ?$st be)innin) to %a''; !he 'o"er t"o stories "ere
occ$pie- b1 the Br$t$s (tora)e Compan14 accor-in) to a si)n besi-e the stairs in a sma'' ha''"a1
: entere-; !he p'ace sme''e- o% $rine4 an- there "as an empt1 Eack /anie's bott'e '1in) on the
-$st1 "in-o"si'' to m1 ri)ht; !"o mai' h$n) $pon the %'akin) "a''; One sai- FBr$t$s
(tora)e4G the other bore the 'e)en- F7 B;G Both "ere empt1;
: mo$nte- the stair4 e.pectin) it to creak; :t -i- not; !here "ere %o$r knob'ess -oors 'ettin) $pon
the secon- %'oor ha''"a14 a'' o% them c'ose-; !he o$t'ines o% "hat mi)ht be cartons "ere &isib'e
thro$)h se&era' o% the %roste- panes in their $pper sections; !here "ere no so$n-s %rom "ithin;
: s$rprise- a b'ack cat -o6in) on the ne.t stair"a1; (he arche- her back4 sho"e- me her teeth4
ma-e a hissin) noise4 then t$rne- an- bo$n-e- $p the stairs an- o$t o% si)ht;
!he ne.t 'an-in) a'so ha- %o$r -oorsDthree o% them apparent'1 non%$nctiona'4 the %o$rth -ark-
staine- an- she''acke- shin1; :t bore a sma'' brass p'ate that rea- FBe'man;G : knocke-;
!here "as no ans"er; : trie- a)ain se&era' times4 "ith the same res$'t; No so$n-s %rom "ithin
either; :t seeme- 'ike'1 that these "ere his 'i&in) <$arters an- that the %o$rth %'oor4 "ith the
possibi'it1 o% a sk1'i)ht4 he'- his st$-io; (o : t$rne- a"a1 an- took the %ina' %'i)ht;
: reache- the top an- sa" that one o% the %o$r -oors there "as s'i)ht'1 a?ar; : ha'te- an- 'istene-
%or a moment; +rom be1on- it came %aint so$n-s o% mo&ement; : a-&ance- an- )a&e it a %e"
knocks; : hear- a s$--en intake o% breath %rom some"here insi-e; : p$she- on the -oor;
,e stoo- abo$t t"ent1 %eet a"a1 beneath a 'ar)e sk1'i)ht an- he ha- t$rne- to %ace meDa ta''4
broa--sho$'-ere- man "ith -ark bear- an- e1es; ,e he'- a br$sh in his 'e%t han- an- a pa'ette in
his ri)ht; ,e "ore a paint-smeare- apron o&er his 9e&i@s an- ha- on a p'ai- sport shirt; !he ease'
at his back he'- the o$t'ines o% "hat co$'- be a ma-onna an- chi'-; !here "ere a )reat man1
other can&ases abo$t4 a'' o% them %acin) the "a''s or co&ere-;
F,e''o4G : sai-; FAo$ are 7ictor Be'man>G
,e no--e-4 neither smi'in) nor %ro"nin)4 p'ace- his pa'ette on a nearb1 tab'e4 his br$sh into a
?ar o% so'&ent; ,e picke- $p a -amp-'ookin) c'oth then an- "ipe- his han-s "ith it;
FAn- 1o$rse'%>G he aske-4 tossin) the c'oth asi-e an- %acin) me a)ain;
FBer'e Core1; Ao$ kne" E$'ia Barnes;G
F: -on@t -en1 it4G he sai-; FAo$r $se o% the past tense "o$'- seem to in-icateDG
F(he@s -ea- a'' ri)ht; : "ant to ta'k to 1o$ abo$t it;G
FA'' ri)ht4G he sai-4 $nt1in) his apron; F9et@s )o -o"nstairs then; No p'ace to sit $p here;G
,e h$n) the apron $pon a nai' near the -oor an- steppe- o$tsi-e; : %o''o"e- him; ,e t$rne-
back an- 'ocke- the st$-io be%ore procee-in) -o"n the stairs; ,is mo&ements "ere smooth4
a'most )race%$'; : co$'- hear the rain on the roo%;
,e $se- the same ke1 to $n'ock the -ark -oor on the thir- %'oor; ,e -re" the -oor open an-
stoo- asi-e4 )est$rin) %or me to enter; : -i-4 tra&ersin) a ha''"a1 that 'e- past a kitchen4 its
co$nters co&ere- "ith empt1 bott'es4 stacks o% -ishes4 pi66a cartons; B$rstin) ba)s o% trash
'eane- a)ainst c$pboar-sC the %'oor 'ooke- stick1 here an- there an- the p'ace sme''e- 'ike a
spice %actor1 ne.t -oor to a s'a$)hterho$se;
!he 'i&in) room4 "hich : came to ne.t4 "as 'ar)e4 "ith a com%ortab'e-'ookin) pair o% b'ack
so%as4 %acin) each other across a batt'e%ie'- o% Orienta' carpets an- misce''aneo$s tab'es4 each o%
"hich bore se&era' o&er%'o"in) ashtra1s; !here "as a bea$ti%$' concert-si6e- piano in the %ar
corner4 be%ore a "a'' co&ere- "ith hea&1 re- -raper1; !here "ere n$mero$s 'o" bookcases %i''e-
"ith occ$'t materia's4 stacks o% ma)a6ines besi-e them4 atop them4 an- a'on)si-e a %e" eas1
chairs; =hat co$'- be the corner o% a pentac'e protr$-e- s'i)ht'1 %rom beneath the 'ar)est r$);
!he sta'e sme''s o% incense an- pot 'in)ere- in patches; !o m1 ri)ht4 there "as an arch"a1
'ea-in) to another room4 a c'ose- -oor to m1 'e%t; Paintin)s o% a semire'i)io$s nat$reD"hich :
took to be his "orkD"ere h$n) on se&era' o% the "a''s; !here "as a Cha)a''-'ike <$a'it1 to
them; M$ite )oo-;
F,a&e a seat;G
,e )est$re- to"ar- an eas1 chair an- : took it; FCare %or a beer>G
F!hank 1o$4 no;G
,e seate- himse'% on the nearer so%a4 c'aspe- his han-s4 an- stare- at me;
F=hat happene->G he aske-;
: stare- back at him;
FE$'ia Barnes )ot intereste- in occ$'t s1stems4G : sai-; F(he came to 1o$ to 'earn more abo$t
them; (he -ie- this mornin) $n-er &er1 $n$s$a' circ$mstances;G
!he 'e%t corner o% his mo$th t"itche- s'i)ht'1; ,e ma-e no other mo&ement;
FAes4 she "as intereste- in s$ch matters4G he sai-; F(he came to me %or instr$ction an- :
pro&i-e- it;G
F: "ant to kno" "h1 she -ie-;G ,e contin$e- to stare;
F,er time "as $p4G he sai-; F:t happens to e&er1bo-14 in the 'on) r$n;G
F(he "as ki''e- b1 an anima' that sho$'- not here; /o 1o$ kno" an1thin) abo$t it>G
F!he $ni&erse is a stran)er p'ace than most o% $s can ima)ine;G
F/o 1o$ kno" or -on@t 1o$>G
F: kno" 1o$4G he sai-4 smi'in) %or the %irst time; F(he spoke o% 1o$4 o% co$rse;G
F=hat -oes that mean>G
F:t means4G he ans"ere-4 Fthat : kno" 1o$ are more than a 'itt'e a"are o% s$ch matters
FAn- so>G
F!he Arts ha&e a "a1 o% brin)in) the ri)ht peop'e to)ether at the proper moment "hen there is
"ork in pro)ress;G
FAn- that@s "hat 1o$ think this is a'' abo$t>G
F: kno" it;G
F:t "as promise-;G
F(o 1o$ "ere e.pectin) me>G
F:nterestin); =o$'- 1o$ care to te'' me more abo$t it>G
F:@- rather sho" 1o$;G
FAo$ sa1 that somethin) "as promise-; ,o"> B1 "hom>G
FA'' o% that "i'' become c'ear short'1;G
FAn- E$'ia@s -eath>G
F!hat4 too4 :@- sa1;G
F,o" -o 1o$ propose ren-erin) me this en'i)htenment>G
,e smi'e-; F: ?$st "ant 1o$ to take a 'ook at somethin)4G he sai-;
FA'' ri)ht; :@m "i''in); (ho" me;G
,e no--e- an- rose;
F:t@s in here4G he e.p'aine-4 t$rnin) an- hea-in) to"ar- the c'ose- -oor;
: )ot to m1 %eet an- %o''o"e- him across the room;
,e reache- into his shirt%ront an- -re" $p a chain; ,e 'i%te- it o&er his hea- an- : co$'- see that
it bore a ke1; ,e $se- it to $n'ock the -oor;
F#o in4G he sai-4 p$shin) it open an- steppin) asi-e;
: entere-; :t "as not a 'ar)e room4 an- it "as -ark; ,e %'ippe- a s"itch an- a b'$e 'i)ht o% sma''
"atta)e came on "ithin a p'ain %i.t$re o&erhea-; : sa" then that there "as one "in-o"4 -irect'1
across %rom me4 an- that a'' o% its panes ha- been painte- b'ack; !here "ere no %$rnishin)s sa&e
%or a %e" c$shions scattere- here an- there across the %'oor; A portion o% the "a'' to m1 ri)ht "as
co&ere- "ith b'ack -raper1; !he other "a''s "ere $na-orne-;
F:@m 'ookin)4G : sai-;
,e ch$ck'e-;
FA moment4 a moment4G he a-&ise- me; F,a&e 1o$ an1 i-ea o% m1 ma?or concern in the occ$'t
FAo$@re a caba'ist4G : state-;
FAes4G he a-mitte-; F,o" co$'- 1o$ te''>G
FPeop'e in 2astern -iscip'ines ten- to r$n a ti)ht ship4G : state-; FB$t caba'ists a'"a1s seem to be
,e snorte-;
F:t is a'' a matter o% "hat is rea''1 important to 1o$4G he sai- then;
F2.act'1;G ,e kicke- a c$shion into the mi--'e o% the %'oor; F,a&e a seat4G he sai-;
F:@'' stan-;G ,e shr$))e-;
FOka14G he sai-4 an- he be)an m$tterin) so%t'1;
: "aite-; A%ter a time4 sti'' speakin) <$iet'14 he mo&e- to the b'ack c$rtain; ,e opene- it "ith a
sin)'e <$ick mo&ement an- : stare-;
A paintin) o% the caba'istic !ree o% 9i%e "as re&ea'e-4 sho"in) the ten sephira in some o% their
<'ipphotic aspects; :t "as bea$ti%$''1$te-4 an- the sense o% reco)nition that str$ck me as :
re)ar-e- it "as $nsett'in); :t "as no stan-ar- item %rom some hea- shop4 b$t rather an ori)ina'
paintin); :t "as not4 ho"e&er4 in the st1'e o% an1 o% the "orks han)in) in the other room; (ti''4 it
"as %ami'iar to me;
As : st$-ie- it : ha- no -o$bt "hatsoe&er that it ha- been painte- b1 the same person "ho ha-
-one the !r$mps : ha- %o$n- in E$'ia@s apartment;
Be'man contin$e- his incantation as : re)ar-e- the paintin);
F:s this 1o$r "ork>G : aske- him;
,e -i- not ans"er me; :nstea-4 he a-&ance- an- pointe-4 in-icatin) the thir- sephiroth4 the one
ca''e- Binah; : st$-ie- it; :t seeme- to represent a "i6ar- be%ore a -ark a'tar4 an-;;;
NoI : co$'-n@t be'ie&e it; :t sho$'-n@tD
: %e't a contact "ith that %i)$re; :t "as not ?$st s1mbo'ic; ,e "as rea'4 an- he "as s$mmonin)
me; ,e 'oome- 'ar)er4 )re" three--imensiona'; !he room be)an to %a-e abo$t me; : "as a'most
!here; :t "as a p'ace o% t"i'i)ht4 a sma'' )'a-e in a t"iste- "oo-; An a'most b'oo-1 'i)ht
i''$minate- the s'ab be%ore me; !he "i6ar-4 his %ace hi--en b1 co"' an- sha-o"4 manip$'ate-
ob?ects $pon the stone4 his han-s mo&in) too rapi-'1 %or me to %o''o"; +rom some"here4 : sti''
seeme- to hear the chantin)4 %aint'1;
+ina''14 he raise- a sin)'e ob?ect in his ri)ht han- an- he'- it stea-1; :t "as a b'ack4 obsi-ian
-a))er; ,e 'ai- his 'e%t arm $pon the a'tar an- br$she- it across the s$r%ace4 s"eepin) e&er1thin)
e'se to the )ro$n-;
,e 'ooke- at me %or the %irst time; FCome here4G he sai- then;
: be)an to smi'e at the st$pi- simp'icit1 o% the re<$est;
B$t then : %e't m1 %eet mo&e "itho$t m1 "i''in) them to -o so4 an- : kne" that a spe'' 'a1 $pon
me in this -ark sha-o";
: thanke- another $nc'e4 "ho -"e''e- in the most -istant p'ace ima)inab'e4 as : be)an to speak
in !hari4 a spe'' o% m1 o"n;
A piercin) cr14 as o% some s"oopin) ni)ht bir-4 rent the air; !he "i6ar- "as not -istracte-4 nor
m1 %eet %ree-4 b$t : "as ab'e to raise m1 arms be%ore me; : kept them at the proper 'e&e'4 an-
"hen the1 reache- the %or"ar- e-)e o% the a'tar : cooperate- "ith the s$mmonin) spe''4
increasin) the %orce o% each a$tomaton'ike step that : took; : 'et m1 e'bo"s ben-;
!he "i6ar- "as a'rea-1 s"in)in) the b'a-e to"ar- m1 %in)ers4 b$t it -i-n@t matter; : p$t a'' o%
m1 "ei)ht behin- it an- hea&e- at the stone;
!he a'tar topp'e- back"ar-; !he "i6ar- sc$rrie- to a&oi- it4 b$t it str$ck oneDperhaps bothDo%
his 'e)s; :mme-iate'14 as he %e'' to the )ro$n-4 : %e't the spe'' -epart %rom me; : co$'- mo&e
proper'1 a)ain an- m1 min- "as c'ear;
,e -re" his knees $p to his chest an- be)an to ro'' e&en as : 'eape- o&er the "recke- a'tar an-
reache- to"ar- him; : mo&e- to %o''o" as he somersa$'te- -o"n a sma'' s'ope an- passe-
bet"een t"o stan-in) stones an- into the -arkene- "oo-;
As soon as : reache- the c'earin)@s e-)e : sa" e1es4 h$n-re-s o% %era' e1es b'a6in) %rom the
-arkness at man1 'e&e's; !he incantin) )re" 'o$-er4 seeme- nearer4 seeme- to be comin) %rom
behin- me;
: t$rne- <$ick'1;
!he a'tar "as sti'' in "recka)e; Another co"'e- %i)$re stoo- behin- it4 m$ch 'ar)er than the
%irst; !his one "as -oin) the chantin)4 in a %ami'iar masc$'ine &oice; +rakir p$'se- $pon m1
"rist; : %e't a spe'' b$i'-in) abo$t me4 b$t this time : "as not $nprepare-; !he opposite o% m1
"a'k4 a s$mmons4 bro$)ht an ic1 "in- that s"ept the spe'' a"a1 'ike so m$ch smoke; B1
)arments "ere 'ashe- abo$t me4 chan)in) shape an- co'or; P$rp'e4 )ra1;;;'i)ht the tro$sers an-
-ark the c'oak4 the shirt%ront; B'ack m1 boots an- "i-e be't4 m1 )a$nt'ets t$cke- behin-4 m1
si'&er +rakir "o&en into a brace'et abo$t m1 'e%t "rist4 &isib'e no" an- shinin); : raise- m1 'e%t
han- an- shie'-e- m1 e1es "ith m1 ri)ht4 as : s$mmone- a %'ash o% 'i)ht;
FBe si'ent4G : sai- then; FAo$ o%%en- me;G !he chantin) cease-;
!he co"' "as b'o"n back %rom his hea- an- : re)ar-e- Be'man@s %ri)htene- %ace;
FA'' ri)ht; Ao$ "ante- me4G : state-4 Fan- no" 1o$ ha&e me4 hea&en he'p 1o$; Ao$ sai- that
e&er1thin) "o$'- become c'ear to me; :t hasn@t; Bake it c'ear;G
: took a step %or"ar-;
F!a'kIG : sai-; F:t can be eas1 or it can be har-; B$t 1o$ "i'' ta'k; !he choice is 1o$rs;G
,e thre" back his hea- an- be''o"e-8 FBasterIG
F($mmon 1o$r master then4 b1 an1 means4G : sai-; F: "i'' "ait; +or he4 too4 m$st ans"er;G
,e ca''e- o$t a)ain4 b$t there "as no ans"er; ,e bo'te- then4 b$t : "as rea-1 %or this "ith a
ma?or s$mmonin); !he "oo-s -eca1e- an- %e'' be%ore he co$'- reach them4 an- then the1
mo&e-4 "ere s"ept $p in a mi)ht1 "in- "here there sho$'- be sti''ness; :t circ'e- the )'a-e4 )ra1
an- re-4 b$i'-in) an impenetrab'e "a'' to in%inites abo&e an- be'o"; =e inhabite- a circ$'ar
is'an- in the ni)ht4 se&era' h$n-re- meters across4 its e-)es s'o"'1 cr$mb'in);
F,e is not comin)4G : sai-4 Fan- 1o$ are not )oin); ,e cannot he'p 1o$; No one "i'' he'p 1o$;
!his is a p'ace o% hi)h ma)ic an- 1o$ pro%ane it "ith 1o$r presence; /o 1o$ kno" "hat 'ies
be1on- the a-&ancin) "in-s> Chaos; : "i'' )i&e 1o$ to it no"4 $n'ess 1o$ te'' me abo$t E$'ia an-
1o$r master an- "h1 1o$ -are- to brin) me here;G
,e -re" back %rom the Chaos an- t$rne- to %ace me; F!ake me back to m1 apartment an- : "i''
te'' 1o$ e&er1thin)4G he sai-;
: shook m1 hea-;
F3i'' me an- 1o$ "i'' ne&er kno";G
: shr$))e-;
F:n that case4 1o$ "i'' te'' me in or-er to stop the pain; !hen : "i'' )i&e 1o$ to the Chaos;G
: mo&e- to"ar- him;
F=aitIG ,e raise- his han-; F#i&e me m1 'i%e %or "hat : am abo$t to te'' 1o$;G
FNo bar)ain; !a'k;G
!he "in-s s"ir'e- aro$n- $s an- o$r is'an- shrank; ,a'% hear-4 ha'% inte''i)ib'e &oices babb'e-
"ithin the "in- an- %ra)ments o% %orms s"am there; Be'man -re" back %rom the cr$mb'in)
e-)e o% thin)s;
FA'' ri)ht4G he sai-4 speakin) 'o$-'1; FAes4 E$'ia came to me4 as : ha- been to'- she "o$'-4 an- :
ta$)ht her some thin)sDnot the thin)s : "o$'- ha&e ta$)ht her e&en a 1ear a)o4 b$t pieces o%
some ne" thin)s : ha- on'1 'earne- m1se'% more recent'1; : ha- been to'- to teach her in this
manner4 a'so;G
FB1 "hom> Name 1o$r master;G ,e )rimace-;
F,e "as not so %oo'ish as to )i&e me his name4G he sai-4 Fthat : mi)ht seek some contro' o&er
him; 9ike 1o$rse'%4 he is not h$man4 b$t a bein) %rom some other p'ane;G
F,e )a&e 1o$ the paintin) o% the !ree>G Be'man no--e-;
FAes4 an- it act$a''1 transporte- me to each sephiroth; Ba)ic "orke- in those p'aces; : )aine-
FAn- the !r$mps> ,e -i- those4 too> ,e )a&e them to 1o$ to )i&e to her>G
F: -on@t kno" an1thin) abo$t an1 !r$mps4G he ans"ere-;
F!heseIG : crie-4 -ra"in) them %rom beneath m1 c'oak4 sprea-in) them 'ike a con?$rer@s %an an-
a-&ancin) to"ar- him; : thr$st them at him an- 'et him stare %or a %e" moments4 "ith-ra"in)
them be%ore he )ot the i-ea that the1 mi)ht represent a means o% escape;
F: ne&er sa" them be%ore4G he sai-;
!he )ro$n- contin$e- its stea-1 erosion to"ar- $s; =e "ith-re" to a point nearer the center;
FAn- 1o$ sent the creat$re that s'e" her>G
,e shook his hea- &ehement'1;
F: -i- not; : kne" that she "as )oin) to -ie4 %or he ha- to'- me that that "as "hat "o$'- brin)
1o$ to me; ,e to'- me4 too4 that it "o$'- be a beast %rom Net6ach that "o$'- s'a1 herDb$t :
ne&er sa" it an- : ha- no part in its s$mmonin);G
FAn- "h1 -i- he "ant 1o$ to meet me4 to brin) me here>G
,e 'a$)he- "i'-'1;
F=h1>G he repeate-; F!o ki'' 1o$4 o% co$rse; ,e to'- me that i% : co$'- sacri%ice 1o$ in this p'ace
: "o$'- )ain 1o$r po"ers; ,e sai- that 1o$ are Ber'in4 son o% ,e'' an- Chaos4 an- that : "o$'-
become the )reatest ma)e o% a'' co$'- : s'a1 1o$ here;G
O$r "or'- "as at best a h$n-re- meters across no"4 an- the rate o% its shrinka)e "as
F=as it tr$e>G he aske-; F=o$'- : ha&e )aine- ha- : s$ccee-e->G
FPo"er is 'ike mone14G : sai-; FAo$ can $s$a''1 )et it i% 1o$@re competent an- it@s the on'1 thin)
1o$ "ant in 'i%e; =o$'- 1o$ ha&e )aine- b1 it4 tho$)h> : -on@t think so;G
F:@m ta'kin) abo$t the meanin) o% 'i%e; Ao$Ukno" that;G
: shook m1 hea-;
FOn'1 a %oo' be'ie&es that 'i%e has b$t one meanin)4G : sai-; F2no$)h o% thisI /escribe 1o$r
F: ne&er sa" him;G
F: mean4 : sa" him b$t : -on@t kno" "hat he 'ooks 'ike; ,e a'"a1s "ore a hoo- an- a b'ack
trench coat; #'o&es4 too; : -on@t e&en kno" his race;G
F,o" -i- 1o$ meet>G
F,e appeare- one -a1 in m1 st$-io; : ?$st t$rne- aro$n- an- he "as stan-in) there; ,e o%%ere-
me po"er4 sai- that he "o$'- teach me thin)s in ret$rn %or m1 ser&ice;G
F,o" -i- 1o$ kno" he co$'- -e'i&er>G
F,e took me on a ?o$rne1 thro$)h p'aces not o% this "or'-;G
F: see;G
O$r is'an- o% e.istence "as no" abo$t the si6e o% a 'ar)e 'i&in) room; !he &oices o% the "in-
"ere mockin)4 then compassionate4 %ri)htene-4 sa- an- an)r14 too; O$r "rap-aro$n- &ision
shi%te- constant'1; !he )ro$n- tremb'e- "itho$t 'et-$p; !he 'i)ht "as sti'' ba'e%$'; A part o% me
"ante- to ki'' Be'man ri)ht then4 b$t i% he ha- not rea''1 been the one "ho ha- h$rt E$'ia;;;
F/i- 1o$r master te'' 1o$ "h1 he "ante- me -ea->G : aske- him;
,e 'icke- his 'ips an- )'ance- back at the a-&ancin) Chaos;
F,e sai- that 1o$ "ere his enem14G he e.p'aine-4 Fb$t he ne&er to'- me "h1; An- he sai- that it
"as )oin) to happen to-a14 that he "ante- it to happen to-a1;G
F=h1 to-a1>G
,e smi'e- brie%'1;
F: s$ppose beca$se it@s =a'p$r)isnacht4G he rep'ie-4 Ftho$)h he ne&er act$a''1 sai- that;G
F!hat@s a''>G : sai-; F,e ne&er mentione- "here he "as %rom>G
F,e once re%erre- to somethin) ca''e- the 3eep o% the +o$r =or'-s as i% it "ere important to
FAn- 1o$ ne&er %e't that he "as simp'1 $sin) 1o$>G
,e smi'e-;
FO% co$rse he "as $sin) me4G he rep'ie-; F=e a'' $se somebo-1; !hat is the "a1 o% the "or'-;
B$t he pai- %or this $se "ith kno"'e-)e an- po"er; An- : think his promise ma1 1et be
,e seeme- to be )'ancin) at somethin) behin- me; :t "as the o'-est trick in the "or'-4 b$t :
t$rne-; !here "as no one there; :mme-iate'14 : sp$n back to %ace him;
,e he'- the b'ack -a))er; :t m$st ha&e been $p his s'ee&e; ,e '$n)e- at me4 thr$stin)4 mo$thin)
%resh incantations;
: steppe- back an- s"ir'e- m1 c'oak at him; ,e -isen)a)e- himse'%4 si-esteppin) an- s'ashin)4
t$rne- an- a-&ance- a)ain; !his time he came in 'o"4 tr1in) to circ'e me4 his 'ips sti'' mo&in); :
kicke- at the kni%ehan-4 b$t he snappe- it back; : ca$)ht $p the 'e%t e-)e o% m1 c'oak then4
"rappe- it abo$t m1 arm; =hen he str$ck a)ain4 : b'ocke- the thr$st an- sei6e- his biceps;
/roppin) 'o"er as : -re" him %or"ar-4 : ca$)ht ho'- o% his 'e%t thi)h "ith m1 ri)ht han-4 then
strai)htene-4 raisin) him hi)h in the air4 an- thre" him;
As : t$rne- m1 bo-14 comp'etin) the thro"4 : rea'i6e- "hat : ha- -one; !oo 'ate; =ith m1
attention %oc$se- on m1 a-&ersar1 : ha- not kept track o% the rapi-4 )rin-in) a-&ance o% the
-estro1in) "in-s; !he e-)e o% Chaos "as m$ch nearer than : ha- tho$)ht4 an- Be'man ha- time
%or on'1 the most abbre&iate- o% c$rses be%ore -eath took him "here he "o$'- incant no more;
: c$rse-4 too4 beca$se : "as certain there "as sti'' more in%ormation that : co$'- ha&e )otten
%rom himC an- : shook m1 hea-4 there at the center o% m1 -iminishin) "or'-; !he -a1 "as not 1et
o&er an- it "as a'rea-1 m1 most memorab'e =a'p$r)isnacht e&er;
:t "as a 'on) "a'k back; : chan)e- m1 c'othes on the "a1; B1 %rom the 'ab1rinth took the
%orm o% a narro" a''e1"a1 bet"een a pair o% -irt1 brick b$i'-in)s; :t "as sti'' rainin) an- the -a1
ha- ma-e its "a1 into e&enin); : sa" m1 parke- car across the street at the e-)e o% a poo' o% 'i)ht
cast b1 one o% the $nbroken street'amps; : tho$)ht "ist%$''1 %or a moment o% m1 -r1 )arments in
the tr$nk4 then : hea-e- back to"ar- the Br$t$s (tora)e si)n;
A sma'' 'i)ht b$rne- "ithin the %irst-%'oor o%%ice4 spi''in) a 'itt'e i''$mination into the other"ise
-ark entrance"a1; : tr$-)e- on $p the stairs4 termina''1 moist an- reasonab'1 a'ert; !he
apartment -oor opene- "hen : t$rne- the knob an- p$she-; : s"itche- on the 'i)ht an- entere-4
bo'tin) the -oor behin- me;
A <$ick pro"' sho"e- me that the p'ace "as -eserte-4 an- : chan)e- o$t o% m1 "et shirt into
one %rom Be'man@s c'oset; ,is tro$sers "ere too bi) in the "aist an- a bit 'on) %or me4 tho$)h; :
trans%erre- m1 !r$mps to a breast pocket to keep them -r1;
(tep t"o; : be)an a s1stematic ransackin) o% the p'ace;
A%ter a %e" min$tes4 : came across his occ$'t -iar1 in a 'ocke- -ra"er in his be-si-e tab'e; :t
"as as mess1 as the rest o% the p'ace4 "ith misspe''in)s4 crosse--o$t "or-s4 an- a %e" beer an-
co%%ee stains; :t seeme- to contain a 'ot o% -eri&ati&e st$%% mi.e- "ith the $s$a' s$b?ecti&e
b$sinessD-reams an- me-itations; : %'ippe- %arther a'on) in it4 'ookin) %or the p'ace "here he@-
met his master; : came to it an- skimme- a'on); :t "as 'en)th1C an- seeme- most'1 comprise- o%
enth$siastic e?ac$'ations o&er the "orkin)s o% the !ree he ha- been )i&en; : -eci-e- to sa&e it %or
'ater an- "as abo$t to sto" it "hen a %ina' ri%%'in) o% the pa)es bro$)ht a brie% poem into &ie";
("inb$rnian4 o&er'1 a''$si&e an- %$'' o% rapt$re4 the 'ines that %irst ca$)ht m1 e1e "ere4 FDthe
in%inite sha-o"s o% Amber4 to$che- "ith her treachero$s taint;G !oo m$ch a''iteration4 b$t it "as
the tho$)ht that co$nte-; :t re&i&e- m1 ear'ier %ee'in) o% &$'nerabi'it1 an- ca$se- me to ransack
%aster; : s$--en'1 "ante- on'1 to )et o$t4 )et %ar a"a1 an- think;
!he room he'- no %$rther s$rprises; : -eparte- it4 )athere- an arm'oa- o% stre"n ne"spapers4
carrie- them to the ?ohn4 tosse- them into the batht$b4 an- set %ire to them4 openin) the "in-o"
on the "a1 o$t; : &isite- the sanct$m then4 %etche- o$t the !ree o% 9i%e paintin)4 bro$)ht it back
an- a--e- it to the b'a6e; : s"itche- o%% the bathroom 'i)ht an- c'ose- the -oor as : 'e%t; :@m one
he'' o% an art critic;
: hea-e- %or the stacks o% misce''aneo$s papers on the bookshe'&es then an- be)an a
-isappointin) search amon) them; : "as ha'%"a1 thro$)h m1 secon- heap "hen the te'ephone
!he "or'- seeme- to %ree6e as m1 tho$)hts sprinte-; O% co$rse; !o-a1 "as the -a1 "hen : "as
s$ppose- to %in- m1 "a1 here an- be ki''e-; Chances seeme- -ecent that i% it "ere )oin) to
happen it "o$'- ha&e happene- b1 no"; (o this co$'- "e'' be (4 ca''in) to 'earn "hether m1
obit$ar1 ha- been poste-; : t$rne- an- 'ocate- the phone4 back on the sha-o"1 "a'' near the
be-room; : ha- kno"n imme-iate'1 that : "as )oin) to ans"er it; Bo&in) to"ar- it4 : "as
a''o"in) t"o to three rin)sDt"e'&e to ei)hteen secon-sDin "hich to -eci-e "hether m1
response "as to consist o% a "isecrack4 an ins$'t an- a threat4 or "hether : "as )oin) to tr1 to
%ake it an- see "hat : mi)ht 'earn; As satis%1in) as the %ormer co$'- be4 spoi'sport pr$-ence
-ictate- the 'atter co$rse an- a'so s$))este- : con%ine m1se'% to 'o" monos1''ab'es an- preten-
to be in?$re- an- o$t o% breath; : raise- the recei&er4 rea-1 to hear (@s &oice at 'ast an- %in- o$t
"hether : kne" him;
FAes>G : sai-;
F=e''> :s it -one>G came the response;
/amn prono$n; :t "as a "oman; =ron) )en-er b$t a ri)ht-so$n-in) <$estion; One o$t o% t"o
isn@t ba-4 tho$)h; : e.ha'e- hea&i'14 then8 FAeah;G
F=hat@s the matter>G
F:@m h$rt4G : croake-;
F:s it serio$s>G
F!hink so; #ot somethin)DhereDtho$)h; Better comeDsee;G
F=hat is it> (omethin) o% his>G
FAeah; Can@t ta'k; #ettin) -i661; Come;G
: cra-'e- the phone an- smi'e-; : tho$)ht it &er1 "e'' p'a1e-; :@- a %ee'in) :@- taken her in
: crosse- the 'i&in) room to the same chair : ha- occ$pie- ear'ier4 -re" $p one o% the sma''
tab'es bearin) a 'ar)e ashtra14 seate- m1se'%4 an- reache- %or m1 pipe; !ime to rest4 c$'ti&ate
patience4 think a bit;
Boments 'ater : %e't a %ami'iar4 a'most e'ectrica' tin)'in); : "as on m1 %eet in an instant4
snatchin) $p the ashtra14 b$tts %'1in) 'ike b$''ets abo$t me4 c$rsin) m1 st$pi-it1 1et a)ain as :
'ooke- %rantica''1 abo$t the room;
!hereI Be%ore the re- -rapes4 besi-e the piano; !akin) %orm;;;
: "aite- %or the %$'' o$t'ine4 then h$r'e- the ashtra1 as har- as : co$'-;
An instant 'ater she "as thereDta''4 r$sset-haire-4 -arke1e-4 ho'-in) "hat 'ooke- 'ike a ;38
!he ashtra1 hit her in the stomach an- she -o$b'e- %or"ar- "ith a )asp;
: "as there be%ore she co$'- strai)hten;
: ?erke- the )$n o$t o% her han- an- thre" it across the room; !hen : sei6e- both her "rists4 sp$n
her aro$n- an- seate- her har- in the nearest chair; :n her 'e%t han- she sti'' he'- a !r$mp; :
snatche- it a"a1; :t "as a representation o% this apartment4 an- it "as -one in the same st1'e as
the !ree an- the car-s in m1 pocket;
F=ho are 1o$>G : snar'e-;
FEasra4G she spat back4 F-ea- manIG
(he opene- her mo$th "i-e an- her hea- %e'' %or"ar-; : %e't the moist to$ch o% her 'ips $pon the
back o% m1 'e%t %orearm4 "hich sti'' he'- her o"n ri)ht "rist a)ainst the chair@s arm; (econ-s
'ater : %e't an$ciatin) pain there; :t "as not a bite4 b$t rather %e't as i% a %ier1 nai' ha- been
-ri&en into m1 %'esh;
: 'et )o her "rist an- ?erke- m1 arm a"a1; !he mo&ement "as stran)e'1 s'o"4 "eakene-; A
co'-4 tin)'in) sensation mo&e- -o"n into the han- an- $p a'on) the arm; B1 han- -roppe- to
m1 si-e an- seeme- to )o a"a1; (he e.tricate- herse'% easi'1 %rom m1 )rip4 smi'e-4 p'ace- her
%in)ertips 'i)ht'1 $pon m1 chest an- p$she-;
: %e'' back"ar-; : "as ri-ic$'o$s'1 "eak an- : co$'-n@t contro' m1 mo&ements; : %e't no pain
"hen : str$ck the %'oor4 an- it "as a rea' e%%ort to t$rn m1 hea- to re)ar- her as she rose to her
F2n?o1 it4G she state-; FA%ter 1o$ a"aken4 the remain-er o% 1o$r brie% e.istence "i'' be pain%$';G
(he passe- o$t o% m1 'ine o% si)ht4 an- moments 'ater : hear- her raise the te'ephone recei&er;
: "as certain she "as phonin) (4 an- : be'ie&e- "hat she ha- ?$st sai-; At 'east4 : "o$'- )et to
meet the m1sterio$s artist;;;
ArtistI : t"itche- the %or)ers o% m1 ri)ht han-; !he1 sti'' %$nctione-4 a'beit s'o"'1; (trainin)
e&er1 bit o% "i'' an- anatom1 that remaine- $n-er m1 contro'4 : trie- then to raise the han- to m1
chest; !he mo&ement that %o''o"e- "as a ?erk14 s'o"-motion thin); At 'east : ha- %a''en $pon m1
'e%t si-e4 an- m1 back maske- this %eeb'e acti&it1 %rom the "oman "ho ha- -one me in;
B1 han- "as tremb'in) an- seeme- to be s'o"in) e&en more "hen it came to the breast pocket;
+or a)es a%ter4 : seeme- to pick at the e-)es o% pieces o% pasteboar-; +ina''14 one came %ree an- :
"as ab'e to t"itch it hi)h eno$)h to &ie" it; B1 then : "as &er1 -i661 an- m1 &ision "as
be)innin) to b'$r; : "asn@t certain : co$'- mana)e the trans%er; +rom across a &ast -istance :
co$'- hear Easra@s &oice as she con&erse- "ith someone4 b$t : "as $nab'e to -istin)$ish the
: %oc$se- "hat remaine- o% m1 attention $pon the car-; :t "as a sphin.4 cro$che- $pon a b'$e4
rock1 'e-)e; : reache- %or it; Nothin); B1 min- %e't as i% it "ere embe--e- in cotton; : possesse-
bare'1 eno$)h conscio$sness %or one more attempt;
: %e't a certain co'-ness an- seeme- to see the sphin. mo&e s'i)ht'1 $pon its ston1 she'%; : %e't as
i% : "ere %a''in) %or"ar- into a b'ack "a&e that "as r$shin) $p"ar-;
An- that "as a'';
: "as a 'on) time comin) aro$n-; B1 conscio$sness -ribb'e- back4 b$t m1 'imbs "ere sti''
'ea-en an- m1 &ision c'o$-e-; !he 'a-1@s stin) seeme- to ha&e -e'i&ere- a ne$rotropic; :
trie- %' m1 %in)ers an- toes an- co$'- not be certain "hether :@- s$ccee-e-; : trie- to spee-
$p an- -eepen m1 breathin); !hat "orke-4 an1"a1;
A%ter a time4 : hear- "hat seeme- a roarin) so$n-; :t steppe- itse'% -o"n a 'itt'e 'ater4 an- :
rea'i6e- it "as m1 o"n r$shin) b'oo- in m1 ears; A "hi'e a%ter that : %e't m1 heartbeat4 an- m1
&ision be)an to c'ear; 9i)ht an- -ark an- shape'essness reso'&e- into san- an- rocks; : %e't 'itt'e
areas o% chi''4 a'' o&er; !hen : be)an to shi&er4 an- this passe- an- : rea'i6e- that : co$'- mo&e;
B$t : %e't &er1 "eak4 so : -i-n@t; Not %or a "hi'e;
: hear- noisesDr$st'in)s4 stirrin)sDcomin) %rom some"here abo&e an- be%ore me; : a'so
became a"are o% a pec$'iar o-or;
F: sa14 are 1o$ a"ake>G !his %rom the same -irection as the so$n-s o% mo&ement;
: -eci-e- that : "as not entire'1 rea-1 to <$a'i%1 %or that state4 so : -i- not ans"er; : "aite- %or
more 'i%e to %'o" back into m1 'imbs;
F: rea''1 "ish 1o$@- 'et me kno" "hether 1o$ can hear me4G the &oice came a)ain; F:@- 'ike to
)et on "ith it;G
B1 c$riosit1 %ina''1 o&ercame m1 ?$-)ment an- : raise- m1 hea-;
F!hereI : kne" itIG
On the b'$e-)ra1 'e-)e abo&e me "as cro$che- a sphin.4 a'so b'$e-'ion bo-14 'ar)e %eathere-
"in)s %o'-e- ti)ht a)ainst it4 a )en-er'ess %ace 'ookin) -o"n $pon me; :t 'icke- its 'ips an-
re&ea'e- a %ormi-ab'e set o% teeth;
F#et on "ith "hat>G : aske-4 raisin) m1se'% s'o"'1 into a sittin) position an- -ra"in) se&era'
-eep breaths;
F!he ri--'in)4G it ans"ere-4 Fthe thin) : -o best;G
F:@'' take a rain check4G : sai-4 "aitin) %or the cramps in m1 arms an- 'e)s to pass;
F(orr1; : m$st insist;G
: r$bbe- m1 p$nct$re- %orearm an- )'are- at the creat$re; Bost o% the stories : reca''e- abo$t in&o'&e- their -e&o$rin) peop'e "ho co$'-n@t ans"er ri--'es; : shook m1 hea-;
F: "on@t p'a1 1o$r )ame4G : sai-;
F:n that case4 1o$ 'ose b1 %or%eit4G it rep'ie-4 sho$'-er m$sc'es be)innin) to ti)hten;
F,o'- on4G : sai-4 raisin) m1 han-; F#i&e me a min$te or t"o to reco&er an- :@'' probab'1 %ee'
:t sett'e- back an- sai-4 FOka1; !hat "o$'- make it more o%%icia'; !ake %i&e; 9et me kno" "hen
1o$@re rea-1;G
: c'imbe- to m1 %eet an- be)an s"in)in) m1 arms an- stretchin); =hi'e : "as abo$t it4 :
s$r&e1e- the area <$ick'1; =e occ$pie- a san-1 arro1o4 p$nct$ate- here an- there "ith oran)e4
)ra14 an- b'$e rocks; !he ston1 "a'' "hose 'e-)e the sphin. occ$pie- rose steep'1 be%ore me to a
hei)ht o% perhaps t"ent1-%i&e %eetC another "a'' o% the same hei)ht 'a1 at abo$t that -istance to
m1 rear; !he "ash rose steep'1 to m1 ri)ht4 ran o%% in a more 'e&e' %ashion to m1 'e%t; A %e"
spik1 )reen shr$bs inhabite- ri%ts an- cre&ices; !he ho$r seeme- &er)in) $pon -$sk; !he sk1
"as a "eak 1e''o" "ith no s$n in si)ht; : hear- a -istant "in- b$t -i- not %ee' it; !he p'ace "as
coo' b$t not chi'';
: spotte- a rock the si6e o% a sma'' -$mbbe'' on the )ro$n- nearb1; !"o amb'in) pacesDas :
contin$e- s"in)in) m1 arms an- stretchin)Dan- it 'a1 besi-e m1 ri)ht %oot;
!he sphin. c'eare- its throat; FAre 1o$ rea-1>G it aske-;
FNo4G : sai-; FB$t :@m s$re that "on@t stop 1o$;G
FAo$@re ri)ht;G
: %e't an $ncontro''ab'e -esire to 1a"n an- -i- so;
FAo$ seem to 'ack somethin) o% the proper spirit4G it obser&e-; FB$t here it is; : rise in %'ame
%rom the earth; !he "in- assai's me an- "aters 'ash me; (oon : "i'' o&ersee a'' thin)s;G
: "aite-; Perhaps a min$te passe-;
F=e''>G the sphin. %ina''1 sai-;
F=e'' "hat>G
F,a&e 1o$ the ans"er>G
F!o "hat>G
F!he ri--'e4 o% co$rseIG
F: "as "aitin); !here "as no <$estion4 on'1 a series o% statements; : can@t ans"er a <$estion i% :
-on@t kno" "hat it is;G
F:t@s a time-honore- %ormat; !he interro)ati&e is imp'ie- b1 the conte.t; Ob&io$s'14 the <$estion
is4 T=hat am :>G
F:t co$'- ?$st as easi'1 be4 T=ho is b$rie- in #rant@s tomb>@ B$t oka1; =hat is it> !he phoeni.4
o% co$rseDneste- $pon the earthC risin) in %'ames abo&e it4 passin) thro$)h the air4 the c'o$-s4 to
a )reat hei)htDG
:t smi'e- an- be)an to s'it;
F,o'- on4G : sai-; F:t is not "ron); :t %its; :t ma1 not be the ans"er 1o$ "ant4 b$t it is an ans"er
that meets the re<$irements;G
:t shook its hea-;
F: am the %ina' a$thorit1 on these ans"ers; : -o the -e%inin);G
F!hen 1o$ cheat;G
F: -o notIG
F: -rink o%% ha'% the contents o% a %'ask; /oes that make it ha'% %$'' or ha'% empt1>G
F2ither; Both;G
F2.act'1; (ame thin); :% more than one ans"er %its4 1o$ ha&e to b$1 them a''; :t@s 'ike "a&es an-
F: -on@t 'ike that approach4G it state-; F:t "o$'- open a'' sorts o% -oors to ambi)$it1; :t co$'-
spoi' the ri--'in) b$siness;G
FNot m1 %a$'t4G : sai-4 c'enchin) an- $nc'enchin) m1 han-s;
FB$t 1o$ -o raise an interestin) point;G
: no--e- &i)oro$s'1;
FB$t there sho$'- on'1 be one correct ans"er;G
: shr$))e-;
F=e inhabit a 'ess than i-ea' "or'-4G : s$))este-;
F=e co$'- ?$st ca'' it a tie4G : o%%ere-; FNobo-1 "ins4 nobo-1 'oses;G
F: %in- that esthetica''1 -isp'easin);G
F:t "orks oka1 in 'ots o% other )ames;G
FA'so4 :@&e )ro"n a bit h$n)r1;G
F!he tr$th s$r%aces;G
FB$t : am not $n%air; : ser&e the tr$th4 in m1 %ashion; Ao$r mention o% a tie raises the possibi'it1
o% a so'$tion;G
F#oo-; :@m )'a- 1o$ see thin)sDG
F!hat bein) a tie breaker; Ask me 1o$r ri--'e;G
F!his is si''14G : sai-; F: -on@t ha&e an1 ri--'es;G
F!hen 1o$@- better come $p "ith one %ast; Beca$se it@s the on'1 "a1 o$t o% o$r -ea-'ockDthat4
or : ?$-)e 1o$ the 'oser;G
: s"$n) m1 arms an- -i- a %e" -eep kneeben-s; B1 bo-1 %e't as i% it "ere a%ire; :t a'so %e't
FOka14G : sai-; FOka1; E$st a secon-;G
=hat the he'';;;
F=hat@s )reen an- re- an- )oes ro$n- an- ro$n- an- ro$n->G
!he sphin. b'inke- t"ice4 then %i$rro"e- its bro"; : $se- the time that %o''o"e- %or some more
-eep breathin) an- some r$nnin) in p'ace; !he %ires s$bsi-e-4 m1 hea- )re" c'earer4 m1 p$'se
F=e''>G : sai- some min$tes 'ater;
F:@m thinkin);G
F!ake 1o$r time;G
: -i- a 'itt'e sha-o"; /i- some isometrics4 too; !he sk1 ha- -arkene- a bit more an- a
%e" stars "ere no" &isib'e o%% to m1 ri)ht;
F*h4 : hate to r$sh 1o$4G : sai-4 Fb$tDG
!he sphin. snorte-; F:@m sti'' thinkin);G
FBa1be "e sho$'- set a time 'imit;G
F:t sho$'-n@t be m$ch 'on)er;G
FBin- i% : rest>G
F#o ahea-;G
: stretche- o$t on the san- an- c'ose- m1 e1es4 m$tterin) a )$ar- "or- to +rakir be%ore : s'ept;
: "oke "ith a shi&er4 'i)ht in m1 e1es an- a bree6e $pon m1 %ace; :t took me se&era' moments to
rea'i6e that it "as mornin); !he sk1 "as bri)htenin) to m1 'e%t4 stars "ere %a-in) to m1 ri)ht; :
"as thirst1; ,$n)r14 too;
: r$bbe- m1 e1es; : )ot to m1 %eet; : 'ocate- m1 comb an- ran it thro$)h m1 hair; : re)ar-e- the
F;;;an- )oes ro$n- an- ro$n- an- ro$n-4G it m$ttere-;
: c'eare- m1 throat; No reaction; !he beast "as starin) past me; : "on-ere- "hether : mi)ht
simp'1 be ab'e to s'ip o%%;;;
No; !he )a6e shi%te- to me;
F#oo- mornin)4G : sai- cheer%$''1; !here "as a brie% )nashin) o% teeth;
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-4 F1o$@&e taken a 'ot 'on)er than : -i-; :% 1o$ ha&en@t )ot it b1 no" : -on@t care
to p'a1 an1 'on)er;G
F: -on@t 'ike 1o$r ri--'e4G it sai- at 'ast;
F=hat is the ans"er>G
FAo$@re )i&in) $p>G
F: m$st; =hat is the ans"er>G : raise- a han-;
F,o'- on4G : sai-; F!hese thin)s sho$'- be -one in proper or-er; : sho$'- ha&e the pre%erre-
ans"er to 1o$rs be%ore : te'' 1o$ mine;G
:t no--e-;
F!here is some ?$stice in that; A'' ri)htDthe 3eep o% the +o$r =or'-s;G
F!hat is the ans"er; !he 3eep o% the +o$r =or'-s;G
: tho$)ht o% Be'man@s "or-s8 F=h1>G : aske-;
F:t 'ies at the crossroa-s o% the "or'-s o% the %o$r e'ements4 "here it rises %rom the earth in
%'ames4 assai'e- b1 the "in-s an- "aters;G
F=hat abo$t the b$siness o% o&erseein) a'' thin)s>G
F:t co$'- re%er to the &ie"4 or to its master@s imperia'istic -esi)ns; Or both;G
F=ho is its master>G
F: -on@t kno"; !hat in%ormation is not essentia' to the ans"er;G
F=here@- 1o$ pick $p this ri--'e4 an1ho">G
F+rom a tra&e'er4 a %e" months back;G
F=h1@- 1o$ choose this one4 o% a'' the ri--'es 1o$ m$st kno"4 to ask me>G
F:t stoppe- me4 so it ha- to be )oo-;G
F=hat became o% the tra&e'er>G
F,e "ent on his "a14 $neaten; ,e@- ans"ere- m1 ri--'e;G
F,e ha- a name>G
F,e "o$'-n@t sa1;G
F/escribe him4 p'ease;G
F: can@t; ,e "as "e'' m$%%'e-;G
FAn- he sai- nothin) more abo$t the 3eep o% the +o$r =or'-s>G
F=e''4G : sai-; F: be'ie&e :@'' %o''o" his e.amp'e an- take a "a'k m1se'%;G
: t$rne- an- %ace- the s'ope to m1 ri)ht;
F=hat>G : aske-;
FAo$r ri--'e4G it state-; F:@&e )i&en 1o$ the ans"er to mine; Ao$ m$st no" te'' me "hat it is that
is )reen an- re- an- )oes ro$n- an- ro$n- an- ro$n-;G
: )'ance- -o"n"ar-4 scanne- the )ro$n-; Oh4 1es4 there it "asDm1 -$mbbe''-shape- stone; :
took se&era' steps an- stoo- besi-e it;
FA %ro) in a C$isinart4G : sai-;
:ts sho$'-er m$sc'es b$nche-4 its e1es narro"e- an- its man1 teeth became &er1 apparent; :
spoke a %e" "or-s to +rakir an- %e't her stir as : s<$atte- an- ca$)ht ho'- o% the stone "ith m1
ri)ht han-;
F!hat@s it4G : sai-4 risin); F:t@s one o% those &is$a' thin)sDG
F!hat@s a rotten ri--'eIG the sphin. anno$nce-;
=ith m1 'e%t in-e. %in)er : ma-e t"o <$ick mo&ements in the air be%ore me;
F=hat are 1o$ -oin)>G it aske-;
F/ra"in) 'ines %rom 1o$r ears to 1o$r e1es4G : sai-; +rakir became &isib'e at abo$t that moment4
s'i-in) %rom m1 'e%t "rist to m1 han-4 t"inin) amon) m1 %in)ers; !he sphin.@s e1es -arte- in
that -irection; : raise- the stone 'e&e' "ith m1 ri)ht sho$'-er; One en- o% +rakir %e'' %ree an-
h$n) "rithin) %rom m1 e.ten-e- han-; (he be)an to bri)hten4 then )'o"e- 'ike a hot si'&er "ire;
F: be'ie&e the contest is a -ra"4G : state-; F=hat -o 1o$ think>G
!he sphin. 'icke- its 'ips;
FAes4G it %ina''1 sai-4 si)hin); F: s$ppose 1o$ are ri)ht;G
F!hen : "i'' bi- 1o$ )oo- -a14G : sai-;
FAes; Pit1; 7er1 "e''; #oo- -a1; B$t be%ore 1o$ )o ma1 : ha&e 1o$r nameD%or the recor->G
F=h1 not>G : sai-; F: am Ber'in4 o% Chaos;G
FAh4G it sai-4 Fthen someone "o$'- ha&e come to a&en)e 1o$;G
F:t@s possib'e;G
F!hen a -ra" is in-ee- best; #o;G
: backe- %arther o%% be%ore t$rnin) an- procee-in) $p the s'ope to m1 ri)ht; : remaine- on )$ar-
$nti' : "as o$t o% that p'ace4 b$t there "as no p$rs$it;
: be)an ?o))in); : "as thirst1 an- h$n)r14 b$t : "asn@t 'ike'1 to t$rn $p break%ast in this -eso'ate4
rock1 p'ace $n-er a 'emon sk1; +rakir recoi'e- an- %a-e-; : be)an -ra"in) -eep breaths as :
hea-e- a"a1 %rom the risen s$n;
=in- in m1 hair4 -$st in m1 e1es;;;: bore to"ar- a c'$ster o% bo$'-ers4 passe- amon) them; (een
%rom ami- their sha-o"s the sk1 )re" )reenish abo&e me; 2mer)in)4 : came $pon a so%ter p'ain4
)'itters in the -istance4 a %e" c'o$-s risin) to m1 'e%t;
: maintaine- a stea-1 pace4 reachin) a sma'' rise4 mo$ntin) it4 -escen-in) its %arther si-e "here
sparse )rasses "a&e-; A )ro&e o% mop-toppe- trees in the -istance;;;: hea-e- %or them4 start'in) a
sma'' oran)e-%$rre- creat$re that spran) across m1 path an- tore a"a1 to the 'e%t; Boments 'ater4
a -ark bir- %'ashe- b14 $tterin) a "ai'in) note4 hea-e- in the same -irection; : ran on4 an- the sk1
contin$e- to -arken;
#reen the sk1 an- thicker the )rasses4 )reen the )rasses4 too;;;,ea&1 )$sts o% "in- at irre)$'ar
inter&a's;;;Nearer the trees;;;A sin)in) so$n- emer)es %rom their branches;;;!he c'o$-s s"eep
A ti)htness )oes o$t o% m1 m$sc'es an- a %ami'iar %'$i-it1 enters;;;: pass the %irst tree4 trea-in)
$pon 'on)4 %a''en 'ea&es;;;: pass amon) hair1-barke- bo'es;;;!he "a1 : %o''o" is har--packe-4
becomes a trai'4 stran)e %oot marks cast "ithin it;;;:t -rops4 c$r&es4 "i-ens4 narro"s a)ain;;;!he
)ro$n- rises at either han-;;;the trees so$n- bass &io' notes;;;Patches o% sk1 ami- the 'ea&es are
the co'or o% Borinci t$r<$oise;;;(treamers o% c'o$- snake %or"ar- 'ike si'&er ri&ers;;;(ma''
c'$sters o% b'$e %'o"ers appear on the trai' "a''s;;;!he "a''s rise hi)her4 passin) abo&e m1
hea-;;;!he "a1 )ro"s rock1;;;: r$n on;;;
B1 path "i-ens4 "i-ens4 -escen-in) stea-i'1;;;2&en be%ore : see or hear it4 : sme'' the
"ater;;;Care%$''1 no"4 amon) the stones;;;A bit s'o"er here;;;: t$rn an- see the stream4 hi)h4
rock1 banks at either han-4 a meter or t"o o% shore'ine be%ore the rise;;;
('o"er sti''4 besi-e the )$r)'in)4 spark'in) %'o";;;!o %o''o" its mean-erin);;;Ben-s4 c$r&es4 trees
hi)h o&erhea-4 e.pose- roots in the "a'' to m1 ri)ht4 )ra1 an- 1e''o" ta'$s-%a'' a'on) the %'ak1
B1 she'% "i-ens4 the "a''s 'o"er;;;Bore san- an- %e"er rocks beneath m1 %eet;;;9o"erin)4
'o"erin);;;,ea--hei)ht4 sho$'-er-hei)ht;;;Another ben-in) o% the "a14 s'ope -escen-in);;;=aist
hi)h;;;#reen-'ea%e- trees a'' abo$t me4 b'$e sk1 o&erhea-4 o%% to the ri)ht a har--packe- trai';;;:
mo$nt the s'ope4 : %o''o" it;;;
!rees an- shr$bs4 bir- notes an- coo' bree6e;;;: s$ck the air4 : 'en)then m1 stri-e;;;: cross a
"oo-en bri-)e4 %oot%a''s echoin)4 creek %'o"in) to the no"-maske- stream4 moss-)ro"n
bo$'-ers besi-e its coo';;;9o" stone "a'' to m1 ri)ht no";;;=a)on r$ts ahea- ; ;
=i'-%'o"ers at either han-;;;A so$n- o% -istant 'a$)hter4 echoin);;;!he nei)h o% a horse;;;Creak
o% a cart;;;!$rn 'e%t;;;=i-enin) o% the "a1;;;(ha-o" an- s$n'i)ht4 sha-o" an- s$n'i)ht;;;/app'e4
-app'e;;;0i&er to the 'e%t4 "i-er no"4 spark'in);;;,a6e o% smoke abo&e the ne.t hi'';;;
: s'o" as : near the s$mmit; : reach it "a'kin)4 -$stin) m1 )arments4 br$shin) m1 hair into
p'ace4 'imbs tin)'in)4 '$n)s p$mpin)4 ban-s o% perspiration coo'in) me; : spit )rit; Be'o" me an-
to the ri)ht 'ies a co$ntr1 inn4 some tab'es on its "i-e4 ro$)h-he"n porch4 %acin) the ri&er4 a %e"
in a )ar-en nearb1; B1e-b1e4 present tense; : am arri&e-;
: "a'ke- on -o"n an- 'ocate- a p$mp at the %ar si-e o% the b$i'-in)4 "here : "ashe- m1 %ace4
han-s an- arms4 m1 'e%t %orearm sti'' sore an- s'i)ht'1 in%'ame- "here Easra ha- attacke- me; :
ma-e m1 "a1 to the porch then an- took a sma'' tab'e4 a%ter "a&in) to a ser&in) "oman : sa"
"ithin; A%ter a time4 she bro$)ht me porri-)e an- sa$sa)es an- e))s an- brea- an- b$tter an-
stra"berr1 preser&es an- tea;
: %inishe- it a'' <$ick'1 an- or-ere- another ro$n- o% the same; !he secon- time thro$)h a
%ee'in) o% ret$rnin) norma'c1 occ$rre-4 an- : s'o"e- an- en?o1e- it an- "atche- the ri&er )o b1;
:t "as a stran)e "a1 to "in- $p the ?ob; : ha- been 'ookin) %or"ar- to some 'eis$re'1 tra&e'4 to a
'on) 'a61 &acation4 no" m1 "ork ha- been -one; !he sma'' matter o% ( ha- been a'' that stoo- in
m1 "a1Da thin) : ha- been certain : co$'- sett'e <$ick'1; No" : "as in the mi--'e o% somethin)
: -i- not $n-erstan-4 somethin) -an)ero$s an- bi6arre; (ippin) m1 tea an- %ee'in) the -a1 "arm
abo$t me4 : co$'- be '$''e- into a momentar1 sense o% peace; B$t : kne" it %or a %'eetin) thin);
!here co$'- be no %ree rest4 no sa%et1 %or me4 $nti' this matter "as sett'e-; 9ookin) back o&er
e&ents4 : sa" that : co$'- no 'on)er tr$st m1 reactions a'one %or m1 -e'i&erance4 %or a reso'$tion
o% this a%%air; :t "as time to %orm$'ate a p'an;
!he i-entit1 o% ( an- (@s remo&a' "ere hi)h on m1 'ist o% thin)s that nee-e- kno"in) an- -oin);
,i)her sti'' "as the -etermination o% (@s moti&e; B1 notion that : "as -ea'in) "ith a simp'e-
min-e- ps1cho ha- -isso'&e-; ( "as too "e'' or)ani6e- an- possesse- some &er1 $n$s$a'
abi'ities; : be)an searchin) m1 past %or possib'e can-i-ates; B$t tho$)h : co$'- think o% <$ite a
%e" capab'e o% mana)in) "hat ha- occ$rre- th$s %ar4 none o% these "ere partic$'ar'1 i''--ispose-
to"ar- me; ,o"e&er4 Amber ha- been mentione- in that stran)e -iar1 o% Be'man@s;
!heoretica''14 this ma-e the "ho'e thin) a %ami'1 matter an- : s$ppose p$t me $n-er some
ob'i)ation to ca'' it to the attention o% the others; B$t to -o so "o$'- be 'ike askin) %or he'p4
)i&in) $p4 sa1in) that : co$'-n@t mana)e m1 o"n a%%airs; An- threats on m1 'i%e "ere m1 o"n
a%%air; E$'ia "as m1 a%%air; !he &en)eance on this one "as to be mine; : ha- to think abo$t it
some more;;;
#host"hee'> : m$''e- it o&er4 -ismisse- it4 tho$)ht abo$t it a)ain; #host"hee';;;No; *ntrie-;
(ti'' -e&e'opin); !he on'1 reason it ha- occ$rre- to me at a'' "as beca$se it "as m1 pet4 m1
ma?or accomp'ishment in 'i%e4 m1 s$rprise %or the others;
: "as ?$st 'ookin) %or an eas1 "a1 o$t; : "o$'- nee- a 'ot more -ata to s$bmit4 "hich meant :
ha- to )o a%ter it4 o% co$rse;
0i)ht no" : nee-e- more in%ormation; : ha- the car-s an- the -iar1; : -i-n@t "ant to %oo' "ith
the !r$mps an1 more at this point4 since the %irst one ha- seeme- somethin) o% a trap; : "o$'- )o
thro$)h the -iar1 soon4 tho$)h m1 initia' impression ha- been that it "as too s$b?ecti&e to be o%
m$ch he'p; : o$)ht to )o back to Be'man@s %or a %ina' 'ook aro$n-4 tho$)h4 in case there "as
an1thin) : ha- misse-; !hen : o$)ht to 'ook $p 9$ke an- see "hether he co$'- te'' me an1thin)
moreDe&en some sma'' remarkDthat mi)ht be o% &a'$e; Aes;;;
: si)he- an- stretche-; : "atche- the ri&er a 'itt'e 'on)er an- %inishe- m1 tea; : ran +rakir o&er a
%ist%$' o% mone1 an- se'ecte- s$%%icient trans%orme- coina)e to pa1 %or m1 mea'; !hen : ret$rne-
to the roa-; !ime to r$n on back;
Chapter !
: came ?o))in) $p the street in the 'i)ht o% 'ate a%ternoon an- ha'te- "hen : "as abreast o% m1
car; :@- a'most %ai'e- to reco)ni6e it; :t "as co&ere- "ith -$st4 ashes4 an- "ater stains; ,o" 'on)
ha- : been a"a14 an1ho"> : ha-n@t trie- to reckon the time -i%%erentia' bet"een here an- "here
:@- been4 b$t m1 car 'ooke- as i% it ha- been stan-in) e.pose- %or o&er a month; :t seeme- intact4
tho$)h; :t ha- not been &an-a'i6e- an-;;;
B1 )a6e ha- -ri%te- past the hoo- an- on ahea-; !he b$i'-in) that ha- ho$se- the Br$t$s
(tora)e Compan1 an- the 'ate 7ictor Be'man no 'on)er stoo-; A b$rnt-o$t4 co''apse- ske'eton o%
the p'ace occ$pie- the corner4 parts o% t"o "a''s stan-in); : hea-e- to"ar- it;
=a'kin) abo$t it4 : st$-ie- "hat "as 'e%t; !he charre- remains o% the p'ace "ere co'- an-
sett'e-; #ra1 streaks an- soot1 %air1 circ'es in-icate- that "ater ha- been p$mpe- into it4 ha-
since e&aporate-; !he ash1 sme'' "as not partic$'ar'1 stron);
,a- : starte- it4 "ith that %ire in the batht$b> : "on-ere-; : -i-n@t think so; Bine ha- been a
sma'' eno$)h b'a6e4 an- "e'' con%ine-4 "ith no in-ication o% its sprea-in) "hi'e : "as "aitin);
A bo1 on a )reen bic1c'e pe-a'e- past "hi'e : "as st$-1in) the r$in; (e&era' min$tes 'ater he
ret$rne- an- ha'te- abo$t ten %eet %rom me; ,e 'ooke- to be abo$t ten 1ears o'-;
F: sa" it4G he anno$nce-; F: sa" it b$rn;G
F=hen "as that>G : aske- him;
F!hree -a1s a)o;G
F!he1 kno" ho" it starte->G
F(omethin) in the stora)e p'ace4 somethin) %'amDG
FAeah4G he sai- thro$)h a )ap-toothe- smi'e; FBa1be on p$rpose; (omethin) abo$t ins$rance;G
F*h-h$h; B1 -a- sai- ma1be b$siness "as ba-;G
F:t@s been kno"n to happen4G : sai-; F=as an1bo-1 h$rt in the %ire>G
F!he1 tho$)ht ma1be the artist "ho 'i&e- $pstairs )ot b$rne- $p beca$se nobo-1 co$'- %in-
him; B$t the1 -i-n@t see an1 bones or an1thin) 'ike that; :t "as a )oo- %ire; B$rne- a 'on) time;G
F=as it ni)httime or -a1time>G
FNi)httime; : "atche- %rom o&er there;G ,e pointe- to a p'ace across the street an- back in the
-irection %rom "hich : ha- come; F!he1 p$t a 'ot o% "ater on it;G
F/i- 1o$ see an1one come o$t o% the b$i'-in)>G
FNo4G he sai-; F: )ot here a%ter it "as b$rnin) prett1 )oo-;G
: no--e- an- t$rne- back to"ar- m1 car;
FAo$@- think b$''ets "o$'- e.p'o-e in a'' that %ire4 "o$'-n@t 1o$>G he sai-;
FAes4G : ans"ere-;
FB$t the1 -i-n@t;G : t$rne- back;
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G : aske-;
,e "as a'rea-1 -i))in) in a pocket;
FBe an- some o% m1 %rien-s "ere p'a1in) aro$n- in there 1ester-a14G he e.p'aine-4 Fan- "e
%o$n- a mess o% b$''ets;G
,e opene- his han- to -isp'a1 se&era' meta''ic ob?ects; As : mo&e- to"ar- him4 he s<$atte- an-
p'ace- one o% the c1'in-ers on the si-e"a'k; ,e reache- o$t s$--en'14 picke- $p a nearb1 rock
an- s"$n) it to"ar- it;
F/on@tIG : crie-;
!he rock str$ck the she'' an- nothin) happene-;
FAo$ co$'- )et h$rt that "a1DG : be)an4 b$t he interr$pte-;
FNa"; No "a1 these s$ckers "i'' e.p'o-e; Ao$ can@t e&en set that pink st$%% on %ire; #ot a
FPink st$%%>G : sai- as he mo&e- the rock to re&ea' a mashe- she'' casin) an- a sma'' trai'in) o%
pink po"-er;
F!hat4G he sai-4 pointin); F+$nn14 h$h> : tho$)ht )$npo"-er "as )ra1;G
: kne't an- to$che- the s$bstance; : r$bbe- it bet"een m1 %in)ers; : sni%%e- it; : e&en taste- it; :
co$'-n@t te'' "hat the he'' it "as;
FBeats me4G : to'- him; F=on@t e&en b$rn4 1o$ sa1>G
FNope; =e p$t some on a ne"spaper an- set the paper on %ire; :t@'' me't an- r$n4 that@s a'';G
FAo$ )ot a co$p'e o% e.tras>G
F:@'' )i&e 1o$ a b$ck %or them4G : sai-;
,e sho"e- me his teeth an- spaces a)ain as his han- &anishe- into the si-e o% his ?eans; : ran
+rakir o&er some o-- (ha-o" cash an- "ith-re" a -o''ar %rom the pi'e; ,e han-e- me t"o
sootstreake- -o$b'e 3@s as he accepte- it;
F!hanks4G he sai-;
FB1 p'eas$re; An1thin) e'se interestin) in there>G
FNope; A'' the rest is ashes;G
: )ot into m1 car an- -ro&e; : ran it thro$)h the %irst car "ash : came to4 since the "ipers ha-
on'1 smeare- the crap on the "in-shie'-; As the r$bber1 tentac'es s'appe- at me thro$)h a sea o%
%oam4 : checke- to see "hether : sti'' ha- the matchbook 9$ke ha- )i&en me; : -i-; #oo-; :@-
seen a pa1 phone o$tsi-e;
F,e''o; Ne" 9ine Bote'4G a 1o$n)4 ma'e &oice ans"ere-;
FAo$ ha- a 9$cas 0a1nar- re)istere- there a co$p'e o% -a1s a)o4G : sai-; F: "ant to kno"
"hether he 'e%t a messa)e %or me; B1 name@s Ber'e Core1;G
FE$st a min$te;G Pa$se; (h$%%'e; !hen8 FAes4 he -i-;G
F=hat -oes it sa1>G
F:t@s in a sea'e- en&e'ope; :@- rather not;G
FOka1 :@'' come b1;G
: -ro&e o&er; : 'ocate- the man matchin) the &oice at the -esk in the 'obb1; : i-enti%ie- m1se'%
an- c'aime- the en&e'ope; !he c'erkDa s'i)ht4 b'on- %e''o" "ith a brist'1 m$stacheDstare- %or
a moment4 then8 FAre 1o$ )oin) to see Br; 0a1nar->G
FAes;G ,e opene- a -ra"er an- "ith-re" a sma'' bro"n4 en&e'ope4 its si-es -isten-e-; 9$ke@s
name an- room n$mber "ere "ritten on it;
F,e -i-n@t 'ea&e a %or"ar-in) a--ress4G he e.p'aine-4 openin) the en&e'ope4 Fan- the mai-
%o$n- this rin) on the bathroom co$nter a%ter he@- checke- o$t; =o$'- 1o$ )i&e it to him>G
F($re4G : sai-4 an- he passe- it to me;
: seate- m1se'% in a 'o$n)e area o%% to the 'e%t; !he rin) "as o% pink )o'- an- sporte- a b'$e
stone; : co$'-n@t reca'' e&er ha&in) seen him "ear it; : s'ippe- it on the rin) %in)er o% m1 'e%t
han- an- it %it per%ect'1; : -eci-e- to "ear it $nti' : co$'- )i&e it to him;
: opene- the 'etter4 "ritten on mote' stationer14 an- rea-8
Merle, Too bad about dinner. I did wait around. &ope everthing's oka. I'm leaving in the
morning for Albu(uer(ue. I'll be there three das. Then up to )anta *e for three more. )taing at
the &ilton in both towns. I did have some more things I wanted to talk about. !lease get in touch.
,m; : phone- m1 tra&e' a)ent an- -isco&ere- that : co$'- be on an a%ternoon %'i)ht to
A'b$<$er<$e i% : h$st'e-; :n that : "ante- a %ace-to-%ace rather than a phone ta'k4 : -i- that thin);
: stoppe- b1 the o%%ice4 picke- $p m1 ticket4 pai- cash %or it4 -ro&e to the airport an- sai- )oo--
b1e to m1 car as : parke- it; : -o$bte- : "o$'- e&er see it a)ain; : he%te- m1 backpack an-
"a'ke- to the termina';
!he rest "as smooth an- eas1; As : "atche- the )ro$n- -rop a"a1 beneath me4 : kne" that a
phase o% m1 e.istence ha- in-ee- en-e-; 9ike so man1 thin)s4 it "as not at a'' the "a1 : ha-
"ante- it to be; :@- tho$)ht to "in- $p the matter o% ( prett1 <$ick'1 or e'se -eci-e to %or)et
abo$t it4 an- then &isit peop'e :@- been meanin) to see %or some time an- stop at a %e" p'aces :@-
'on) been c$rio$s abo$t; !hen : "o$'- take o%% thro$)h (ha-o" %or a %ina' check on #host"hee'4
hea-in) back to the bri)hter po'e o% m1 e.istence a%ter that; No"4 m1 priorities ha- been sh$%%'e-
Da'' beca$se ( an- E$'ia@s -eath "ere someho" connecte-4 an- beca$se it in&o'&e- a po"er
%rom e'se"here in (ha-o" that : -i- not $n-erstan-;
:t "as the 'atter consi-eration that tro$b'e- me most; =as : -i))in) m1 )ra&e as "e'' as
?eopar-i6in) %rien-s an- re'ati&es beca$se o% m1 pri-e> : "ante- to han-'e this m1se'%4 %rien-'1
skies4 b$t the more : tho$)ht abo$t it the more impresse- : became "ith the a-&ersar1 po"ers :
ha- enco$ntere- an- the pa$cit1 o% m1 kno"'e-)e concernin) (; :t "asn@t %air not to 'et the
others kno"Dnot i% the1 mi)ht be in -an)er4 too; :@- 'o&e to "rap the "ho'e thin) $p b1 m1se'%
an- )i&e it to them %or a present; Ba1be : "o$'-4 too4 b$t;;;
/amn it; : ha- to te'' them; :% ( )ot me an- t$rne- on them4 the1 nee-e- to kno"; :% it "ere a
part o% somethin) 'ar)er4 the1 nee-e- to kno"; As m$ch as : -is'ike- the i-ea4 : "o$'- ha&e to
te'' them;
: 'eane- %or"ar- an- m1 han- ho&ere- abo&e m1 backpack beneath the seat in %ront o% me; :t
"o$'-n@t h$rt4 : -eci-e-4 to "ait $nti' a%ter :@- spoken "ith 9$ke; : "as o$t o% to"n an- probab'1
sa%e no"; !here "as the possibi'it1 o% pickin) $p a c'$e or t"o %rom 9$ke; :@- rather ha&e more
to )i&e them "hen : to'- m1 stor1; :@- "ait a 'itt'e 'on)er;
: si)he-; : )ot a -rink %rom the ste"ar-ess an- sippe- it; /ri&in) to A'b$<$er<$e in a norma'
%ashion "o$'- ha&e taken too 'on); (hort-c$ttin) thro$)h (ha-o" "o$'- not "ork4 beca$se :@-
ne&er been there be%ore an- -i-n@t kno" ho" to %in- the p'ace; !oo ba-; :@- 'ike to ha&e m1 car
there; 9$ke "as probab'1 in (anta +e b1 no";
: sippe- an- : 'ooke- %or shapes in the c'o$-s; !he thin)s : %o$n- matche- m1 moo-4 so : )ot
o$t m1 paperback an- rea- $nti' "e be)an o$r -escent; =hen : 'ooke- a)ain ranks o% mo$ntains
%i''e- m1 prospect %or a time; A crack'1 &oice ass$re- me that the "eather "as p'easant; :
"on-ere- abo$t m1 %ather;
: hike- in %rom m1 )ate4 passe- a )i%t shop %$'' o% :n-ian ?e"e'r14 Be.ican pots4 an- )a$-1
so$&enirs4 'ocate- a te'ephone4 an- ca''e- the 'oca' ,i'ton; 9$ke ha- a'rea-1 checke- o$t4 :
'earne-; : phone- the ,i'ton in (anta +e then; ,e ha- checke- in there b$t "as not in his room
"hen the1 ran) it %or me; : ma-e a reser&ation %or m1se'% an- h$n) $p; A "oman at an
in%ormation co$nter to'- me that : co$'- catch a (h$tt'e?ack to (anta +e in abo$t ha'% an ho$r an-
sent me in the proper -irection to b$1 a ticket; (anta +e is one o% the %e" state capita's "itho$t a
ma?or airport4 :@- rea- some"here;
=hi'e "e "ere hea-in) north on :-254 some"here amon) 'en)thenin) sha-o"s in the &icinit1 o%
(an-ia Peak4 +rakir ti)htene- s'i)ht'1 $pon m1 "rist an- re'ease- the press$re a moment 'ater;
A)ain; !hen once a)ain; : )'ance- <$ick'1 abo$t the sma'' b$s4 seekin) the -an)er a)ainst "hich
: ha- ?$st been "arne-;
: "as seate- in the rear o% the &ehic'e; *p near the %ront "as a mi--'e-a)e- co$p'e4 speakin)
"ith ! accents4 "earin) an ostentatio$s <$antit1 o% t$r<$oise an- si'&er ?e"e'r1C near the
mi--'e "ere three o'-er "omen4 ta'kin) abo$t thin)s back in Ne" AorkC across the ais'e %rom
them "as a 1o$n) co$p'e4 &er1 absorbe- in each otherC t"o 1o$n) men "ith tennis rac<$ets sat
-ia)ona''1 to the rear o% them4 ta'kin) abo$t co''e)eC behin- them "as a n$n4 rea-in); : 'ooke-
o$t the "in-o" a)ain an- sa" nothin) partic$'ar'1 threatenin) on the hi)h"a1 or near it; : -i-
not "ant to -ra" to m1se'% the attention that an1 'ocation practices "o$'- in&o'&e either;
(o : spoke a sin)'e "or- in !hari as : r$bbe- m1 "rist4 an- the "arnin)s cease-; 2&en tho$)h
the rest o% the ri-e "as $ne&ent%$'4 it bothere- me4 tho$)h an occasiona' %a'se "arnin) "as
possib'e ?$st beca$se o% the nat$re o% ner&o$s s1stems; As : "atche- re- sha'e an- re- an-
1e''o" earth streak b14 bri-)e- arro1os4 &ie"e- -istant mo$ntains an- nearer s'opes -otte- "ith
piton4 : "on-ere-; (> :s ( back there some"here4 someho"4 "atchin)4 "aitin)> An- i% so4 "h1>
Co$'-n@t "e ?$st sit -o"n an- ta'k abo$t it o&er a co$p'e o% beers> Ba1be it "as base- on some
sort o% mis$n-erstan-in);
:@- a %ee'in) it "as not a mis$n-erstan-in); B$t :@- sett'e %or ?$st kno"in) "hat "as )oin) on4
e&en i% nothin) "ere reso'&e-; :@- e&en pa1 %or the beers;
!he 'i)ht o% the settin) s$n to$che- %'ashes o% bri)htness %rom streaks o% sno" in the (an)re -e
Cristos as "e p$''e- into to"nC sha-o"s s'i- across )ra1-)reen s'opesC most o% the b$i'-in)s in
si)ht "ere st$ccoe-; :t %e't abo$t ten -e)rees coo'er "hen : steppe- -o"n %rom the b$s in %ront o%
the ,i'ton than it ha- "hen :@- boar-e- in A'b$<$er<$e; B$t then4 :@- )aine- abo$t t"o tho$san-
%eet in a'tit$-e an- it "as an ho$r an- a <$arter %$rther a'on) in the -irection o% e&enin);
: re)istere- an- %o$n- m1 room; : trie- phonin) 9$ke4 b$t there "as no ans"er; : sho"ere- then
an- chan)e- into m1 spare o$t%it; 0an) his room once more then4 b$t sti'' no ans"er; : "as
)ettin) h$n)r1 an- :@- hope- to ha&e -inner "ith him;
: -eci-e- to %in- the bar an- n$rse a beer %or a "hi'e4 then tr1 a)ain; : hope- he -i-n@t ha&e a
hea&1 -ate;
A Br; Bra6-a4 "hom : approache- in the 'obb1 an- aske- %or -irections4 t$rne- o$t to be the
mana)er; ,e aske- abo$t m1 room4 "e e.chan)e- a %e" p'easantries an- he sho"e- me the
corri-or 'ea-in) o%% to the 'o$n)e; : starte- in that -irection4 b$t -i-n@t <$ite make it;
FBer'eI =hat the he'' are 1o$ -oin) here>G came a %ami'iar &oice;
: t$rne- an- re)ar-e- 9$ke4 "ho ha- ?$st entere- the 'obb1; ("eat1 an- smi'in)4 he "as "earin)
-$st1 %ati)$es an- boots4 a %ati)$e cap4 an- a %e" streaks o% )rime; =e shook han-s an- : sai-4 F:
"ante- to ta'k to 1o$;G !hen8 F=hat@- 1o$ -o4 en'ist in somethin)>G
FNo4 :@&e been o%% hikin) in the Pecos a'' -a14G he ans"ere-; F: a'"a1s -o that "hen :@m o$t this
"a1; :t@s )reat;G
F:@'' ha&e to tr1 it sometime4G : sai-; FNo" it seems it@s m1 t$rn to b$1 -inner;G
FAo$@re ri)ht4G he ans"ere-; F9et me catch a sho"er an- chan)e c'othes; :@'' meet 1o$ in the bar
in %i%teen4 t"ent1 min$tes; Oka1>G
F0i)ht; (ee 1o$;G
: hea-e- $p the corri-or an- 'ocate- the p'ace; :t "as me-i$m-si6e-4 -im4 coo' an- re'ati&e'1
cro"-e-4 -i&i-e- into t"o "i-e'1 connecte- rooms4 "ith 'o"4 com%ortab'e-'ookin) chairs an-
sma'' tab'es;
A 1o$n) co$p'e "as ?$st aban-onin) a corner tab'e o%% to m1 'e%t4 -rinks in han-4 to %o''o" a
"aitress into the a-?acent -inin) room; : took the tab'e; A 'itt'e 'ater a cocktai' "aitress came b14
an- : or-ere- a beer;
(ittin) there4 se&era' min$tes 'ater4 sippin)4 an- 'ettin) m1 min- -ri%t o&er the per&erse'1 p'otte-
e&ents o% the past se&era' -a1s4 : rea'i6e- that one o% the p'ace@s passin) %i)$res ha- %ai'e- to
pass; :t ha- come to a ha't at m1 si-eD?$st %ar eno$)h to the rear to re)ister on'1 as a -ark
periphera' presence;
:t spoke so%t'18 F2.c$se me; Ba1 : ask 1o$ a <$estion>G
: t$rne- m1 hea-4 to beho'- a short4 thin man o% (panish appearance4 his hair an- m$stache
%'ecke- "ith )ra1; ,e "as s$%%icient'1 "e'' -resse- an- )roome- to seem a 'oca' b$siness t1pe; :
note- a chippe- %ront tooth "hen he smi'e- so brie%'1D?$st a t"itchDas to in-icate ner&o$sness;
FB1 name@s /an Bartine64G he sai-4 not o%%erin) to shake han-s; ,e )'ance- at the chair across
%rom me; FCo$'- : sit -o"n a min$te>G
F=hat@s this abo$t> :% 1o$@re se''in) somethin)4 :@m not intereste-; :@m "aitin) %or somebo-1 an-
,e shook his hea-;
FNo4 nothin) 'ike that; : kno" 1o$@re "aitin) %or someoneDa Br; 9$cas 0a1nar-; :t in&o'&es
him4 act$a''1 G
: )est$re- at the chair;
FOka1; (it -o"n an- ask 1o$r <$estion;G
,e -i- so4 c'aspin) his han-s an- p'acin) them on the tab'e bet"een $s; ,e 'eane- %or"ar-;
F: o&erhear- 1o$ ta'kin) in the 'obb14G he be)an4 Fan- : )ot the impression 1o$ kne" him %air'1
"e''; =o$'- 1o$ min- te''in) me %or abo$t ho" 'on) 1o$@&e kno"n him>G
F:% that@s a'' 1o$ "ant to kno"4G : ans"ere-4 F%or abo$t ei)ht 1ears; =e "ent to co''e)e to)ether4
an- "e "orke- %or the same compan1 %or se&era' 1ears a%ter that;G
F#ran- /esi)n4G he state-4 Fthe (an +rancisco comp$ter %irm; /i-n@t kno" him be%ore co''e)e4
F:t seems 1o$ a'rea-1 kno" <$ite a bit4G : sai-; F=hat -i- 1o$ "ant4 an1"a1> Are 1o$ some
kin- o% cop>G
FNo4G he sai-4 Fnothin) 'ike that; : ass$re 1o$ :@m not tr1in) to )et 1o$r %rien- into tro$b'e; : am
simp'1 tr1in) to sa&e m1se'% some; 9et me ?$st ask 1o$DG
: shook m1 hea-;
FNo more %reebies4G : to'- him; F: -on@t care to ta'k to stran)ers abo$t m1 %rien-s "itho$t some
prett1 )oo- reasons;G
,e $nc'aspe- his han-s an- sprea- them "i-e;
F:@m not bein) $n-erhan-e-4G he sai-4 F"hen : kno" 1o$@'' te'' him abo$t it; :n %act4 : "ant 1o$
to; ,e kno"s me; : "ant him to kno" :@m askin) aro$n- abo$t him4 oka1> :t@'' act$a''1 be to his
bene%it; ,e''4 :@m e&en askin)Da %rien-4 aren@t :> (omeone "ho mi)ht be "i''in) to 'ie to he'p
him o$t; An- : ?$st nee- a co$p'e simp'e %actsDG
FAn- : ?$st nee- one simp'e reason8 "h1 -o 1o$ "ant this in%ormation>G
,e si)he-; FOka14G he sai-; F,e o%%ere- meDtentati&e'14 min- 1o$Da &er1 interestin)
in&estment opport$nit1; :t "o$'- in&o'&e a 'ar)e s$m o% mone1; !here is an e'ement o% risk4 as in
most &ent$res in&o'&in) ne" companies in a hi)h'1 competiti&e area4 b$t the possib'e ret$rns -o
make it temptin);G
: no--e-;
FAn- 1o$ "ant to kno" "hether he@s honest;G
,e ch$ck'e-;
F: -on@t rea''1 care "hether he@s honest4G he sai-; FB1 on'1 concern is "hether he can -e'i&er a
pro-$ct "ith no strin)s on it;G
(omethin) abo$t the "a1 this man ta'ke- remin-e- me o% someone; : trie-4 b$t co$'-n@t reca''
"ho it "as;
FAh4G : sai-4 takin) a sip o% beer; F:@m s'o" to-a1; (orr1; O% co$rse this -ea' in&o'&es
FO% co$rse;G
FAo$ "ant to kno" "hether his present emp'o1er can nai' him i% he )oes into b$siness o$t here
"ith "hate&er he@s brin)in) "ith him;G
F:n a "or-4 1es;G
F: )i&e $p4G : sai-; F:t "o$'- take a better man than me to ans"er that; :nte''ect$a' properties
represent a trick1 area o% the 'a"; : -on@t kno" "hat he@s se''in) an- : -on@t kno" "here it comes
%romDhe )ets aro$n- a 'ot; B$t e&en i% : -i- kno"4 : ha&e no i-ea "hat 1o$r 'e)a' position
"o$'- be;G
F: -i-n@t e.pect an1thin) be1on- that4G he sai-4 smi'in); : smi'e- back;
F(o 1o$@&e sent 1o$r messa)e4G : sai-; ,e no--e- an- be)an to rise;
FOh4 ?$st one thin) more4G he be)an;
F/i- he e&er mention p'aces4G he sai-4 starin) %$'' into m1 e1es4 Fca''e- Amber or the Co$rts o%
,e co$'- not ha&e %ai'e- to note m1 start'e- reaction4 "hich ha- to ha&e )i&en him a comp'ete'1
%a'se impression; : "as s$re that he "as s$re : "as '1in) "hen : ans"ere- him tr$th%$''1;
FNo4 : ne&er hear- him re%er to them; =h1 -o 1o$ ask>G
,e shook his hea- as he p$she- his chair back an- steppe- a"a1 %rom the tab'e; ,e "as smi'in)
F:t@s not important; !hank 1o$4 Br; Core1;+us a dhabzhun dhuilsha. G
,e practica''1 %'e- aro$n- the corner;
F=aitIG : ca''e- o$t4 so 'o$-'1 that there "as a moment o% si'ence an- hea-s t$rne- in m1
: )ot to m1 %eet an- starte- a%ter him4 "hen : hear- m1 name ca''e-;
F,e14 Ber'eI /on@t r$n o%%I :@m here a'rea-1IG
: t$rne-; 9$ke ha- ?$st come in thro$)h the entrance behin- me4 hair sti'' sho"er--amp; ,e
a-&ance-4 c'appe- me on the sho$'-er4 an- 'o"ere- himse'% into the seat Bartine6 ha- ?$st
&acate-; ,e no--e- at m1 ha'% %inishe- beer as : sat -o"n a)ain;
F: nee- one o% those4G he sai-; F9or-4 am : thirst1IG !hen4 F=here "ere 1o$ o%% to "hen : came
: %o$n- m1se'% re'$ctant to -escribe m1 recent enco$nter4 not 'east beca$se o% its stran)e
conc'$sion; Apparent'14 he ha- ?$st misse- seein) Bartine6;
(o8 F: "as hea-in) %or the ?ohn;G
F:t@s back that "a14G he to'- me4 no--in) in the -irection %rom "hich he ha- entere-; F: passe- it
on the "a1 in;G ,is e1es shi%te- -o"n"ar-; F(a14 that rin) 1o$ ha&e onDG
FOh4 1eah4G : sai-; FAo$ 'e%t it at the Ne" 9ine Bote'; : picke- it $p %or 1o$ "hen : co''ecte-
1o$r messa)e; ,ere4 'et me;;;G
: t$))e- at it4 b$t it "o$'-n@t come o%%;
F(eems to be st$ck4G : note-; F+$nn1; :t "ent on eas1 eno$)h;G
FBa1be 1o$r %in)er@s s"o''en4G he remarke-; F:t co$'- ha&e somethin) to -o "ith the a'tit$-e;
=e@re $p prett1 hi)h;G
,e ca$)ht the "aitress@s attention an- or-ere- a beer4 "hi'e : kept t"istin) at the rin);
F#$ess :@'' ?$st ha&e to se'' it to 1o$4G he sai-; F#i&e 1o$ a )oo- -ea';G
F=e@'' see4G : to'- him; FBack in a min$te;G
,e raise- one han- 'imp'1 an- 'et it %a'' as : hea-e- to"ar- the rest room;
!here "as no one e'se in the %aci'it14 an- so : spoke the "or-s that re'ease- +rakir %rom the
s$ppression spe'' : ha- $ttere- back aboar- the (h$tt'e?ack; !here %o''o"e- imme-iate
mo&ement; Be%ore : co$'- iss$e another comman-4 +rakir became shimmerin)'1 &isib'e in the
act o% $ncoi'in)4 crept across the back o% m1 han- an- "o$n- abo$t m1 rin) %in)er; : "atche-4
%ascinate-4 as the %in)er -arkene- an- be)an to ache beneath a stea-1 ti)htenin);
A 'oosenin) %o''o"e- <$ick'14 'ea&in) m1 %in)er 'ookin) as i% it ha- been threa-e-; : )ot the
i-ea; : $nscre"e- the rin) a'on) the track that ha- been presse- into m1 %'esh; +rakir mo&e-
a)ain as i% to sna) it an- : stroke- her;
FOka14G : sai-; F!hanks; 0et$rn;G
!here seeme- a moment o% hesitation4 b$t m1 "i'' pro&e- s$%%icient "itho$t a more %orma'
comman-; (he retreate- back across m1 han-4 re"o$n- herse'% abo$t m1 "rist4 an- %a-e-;
: %inishe- $p in there an- ret$rne- to the bar; : passe- 9$ke his rin) as : seate- m1se'%4 an- took
a sip o% beer; F,o"@- 1o$ )et it o%%>G he aske-;
FA bit o% soap4G : ans"ere-;
,e "rappe- it in his han-kerchie% an- p$t it in his pocket; F#$ess : can@t take 1o$r mone1 %or it4
F#$ess not; Aren@t 1o$ )oin) to "ear it>G
FNo4 it@s a present; Ao$ kno"4 : har-'1 e.pecte- 1o$ to make the scene here4G he commente-4
scoopin) a han-%$' o% pean$ts %rom a bo"' that ha- appeare- in m1 absence; F: tho$)ht ma1be
1o$@- ?$st ca'' "hen 1o$ )ot m1 messa)e4 an- "e co$'- set somethin) $p %or 'ater; #'a- 1o$ -i-4
tho$)h; =ho kno"s "hen 'ater mi)ht ha&e been; (ee4 : ha- some p'ans that starte- mo&in) %aster
than :@- tho$)ht the1 "o$'-Dan- that@s "hat : "ante- to ta'k to 1o$ abo$t;G
: no--e-;
F: ha- a %e" thin)s : "ante- to ta'k to 1o$ abo$t4 too;G
,e ret$rne- m1 no-;
: ha- -eci-e- back in the 'a&ator1 -e%inite'1 to re%rain %rom mentionin) Bartine6 1et4 an- the
%irst thin)s he ha- sai- an- imp'ie-; A'tho$)h the entire set$p -i- not so$n- as i% it in&o'&e-
an1thin) in "hich : ha- an1 interest an1 'on)er4 : a'"a1s %ee' more sec$re in ta'kin) "ith an1one
De&en %rien-sD"hen : ha&e at 'east a 'itt'e specia' in%ormation the1 -on@t kno" : ha&e; (o :
-eci-e- to keep it that "a1 %or no";
F(o 'et@s be ci&i'i6e- an- ho'- e&er1thin) important ti'' a%ter -inner4G he sai-4 s'o"'1 shre--in)
his napkin an- "a--in) the pieces4 Fan- )o some"here "e can ta'k in pri&ate then;G
F#oo- i-ea4G : a)ree-; F=ant to eat here>G ,e shook his hea-; ;
F:@&e been eatin) here; :t@s )oo-4 b$t : "ant a chan)e; : ha- m1 heart set on eatin) at a p'ace
aro$n- the corner; 9et me )o an- see i% the1@&e )ot a tab'e;G
FOka1;G ,e )$'pe- the rest o% his -rink an- -eparte-;
;;;An- then the mention o% Amber; =ho the he'' "as Bartine6> :t "as more than a 'itt'e
necessar1 that : 'earn this4 beca$se it "as ob&io$s to me that he "as somethin) other than he
appeare- to be; ,is %ina' "or-s ha- been in !hari4 m1 nati&e ton)$e; ,o" this co$'- be an- "h1
it sho$'- be4 : ha- no i-ea; : c$rse- m1 o"n inertia4 at ha&in) 'et the ( sit$ation s'i-e %or so 'on);
:t "as p$re'1 a res$'t o% m1 arro)ance; :@- ne&er anticipate- the con&o'$te- mess the a%%air "o$'-
become; (er&e- me ri)ht4 tho$)h : -i-n@t appreciate the ser&ice;
FOka14G 9$ke sai-4 ro$n-in) the corner4 -i))in) into his pocket4 an- tossin) some mone1 on the
tab'e; F=e@&e )ot a reser&ation; /rink $p4 an- 'et@s take a "a'k;G
: %inishe-4 stoo- an- %o''o"e- him; ,e 'e- me thro$)h the corri-ors an- back to the 'obb14 then
o$t an- a'on) a ha''"a1 to the rear; =e emer)e- into a ba'm1 e&enin) an- crosse- the parkin) 'ot
to the si-e"a'k that ran a'on) #$a-a'o$pe (treet; +rom there it "as on'1 a short -istance to the
p'ace "here it intersecte- "ith A'ame-a; =e crosse- t"ice there an- stro''e- on past a bi)
ch$rch4 then t$rne- ri)ht at the ne.t corner; 9$ke pointe- o$t a resta$rant ca''e- 9a !ert$'ia
across the street a short -istance ahea-;
F!here4G he sai-;
=e crosse- o&er an- %o$n- o$r "a1 to the entrance; :t "as a 'o" a-obe b$i'-in)4 (panish4
&enerab'e4 an- some"hat e'e)ant insi-e; =e "ent thro$)h a pitcher o% san)ria4 or-ers o% po''o
a-o&a4 brea- p$--in)s4 an- man1 c$ps o% co%%ee4 keepin) o$r a)reement not to speak o% an1thin)
serio$s -$rin) -inner;
/$rin) the co$rse o% the mea' 9$ke "as )reete- t"ice4 b1 -i%%erent )$1s passin) thro$)h the
room4 both o% "hom pa$se- at the tab'e to pass a %e" p'easantries;
FAo$ kno" e&er1bo-1 in this to"n>G : aske- him a bit 'ater;
,e ch$ck'e-; F: -o a 'ot o% b$siness here;G
F0ea''1> :t seems a prett1 sma'' to"n;G
FAes4 b$t that@s -ecepti&e; :t is the state capita'; !here@re a 'ot o% peop'e here b$1in) "hat "e@re
F(o 1o$@re o$t this "a1 a 'ot>G
,e no--e-; F:t@s one o% the hottest spots on m1 circ$it;G
F,o" -o 1o$ mana)e a'' this b$siness "hen 1o$@re o$t hikin) in the "oo-s>G
,e 'ooke- $p %rom the sma'' batt'e %ormation he "as creatin) %rom the thin)s on the tab'e; ,e
F:@&e )ot to ha&e a 'itt'e recreation4G he sai-; F: )et tire- o% cities an- o%%ices; : ha&e to )et a"a1
an- hike aro$n-4 or canoe or ka1ak or somethin) 'ike thatDor :@- )o o$t o% m1 )o$r-; :n %act4
that@s one o% the reasons : b$i't $p the b$siness in this to"nD<$ick access to a 'ot o% )oo- p'aces
%or that st$%%;G
,e took a -rink o% co%%ee;
FAo$ kno"4G he contin$e-4 Fit@s s$ch a nice ni)ht "e o$)ht to take a -ri&e4 'et 1o$ )et a %ee'in)
o% "hat : mean;G
F(o$n-s )oo-4G : sai-4 stretchin) m1 sho$'-ers an- 'ookin) %or o$r "aiter; FB$t isn@t it too -ark
to see m$ch>G
FNo; !he moon@'' be $p4 the stars are o$t4 the air@s rea' c'ear; Ao$@'' see;G
: )ot the tab4 pai- $p4 an- "e stro''e- o$t; ($re eno$)h4 the moon ha- risen;
FCar@s in the hote' 'ot4G he sai- as "e hit the street; F!his si-e;G
,e in-icate- a station "a)on once "e "ere back in the parkin) 'ot4 $n'ocke- it4 an- "a&e- me
aboar-; ,e -ro&e $s o$t4 t$rne- at the nearest corner4 an- %o''o"e- the A'ame-a to the Paseo4
took a ri)ht 'ea-in) $phi'' on a street ca''e- Otero an- another onto ,1-e Park 0oa-; +rom then
on tra%%ic "as &er1 'i)ht; =e passe- a si)n in-icatin) that "e "ere hea-in) to"ar- a ski basin;
As "e "orke- o$r "a1 thro$)h man1 c$r&es4 hea-in) )enera''1 $p"ar-4 : %e't a certain tension
)oin) o$t o% me; (oon "e ha- 'e%t a'' si)ns o% habitation behin- $s4 an- the ni)ht an- the <$iet
sett'e- %$''1; No street'i)hts here; !hro$)h the opene- "in-o" : sme''e- pine trees; !he air "as
coo'; : reste-4 a"a1 %rom ( an- e&er1thin) e'se;
: )'ance- at 9$ke; ,e stare- strai)ht ahea-4 bro" %$rro"e-; ,e %e't m1 )a6e4 tho$)h4 beca$se he
seeme- to re'a. s$--en'1 an- he shot me a )rin;
F=ho )oes %irst>G he aske-;
F#o ahea-4G : ans"ere-;
FOka1; =hen "e "ere ta'kin) the other mornin) abo$t 1o$r 'ea&in) #ran- /4 1o$ sai- 1o$
"eren@t )oin) to "ork an1"here e'se an- 1o$ "eren@t p'annin) on teachin);G
F!hat@s ri)ht;G
FAo$ sai- 1o$ "ere ?$st )oin) to tra&e' aro$n-;G
F(omethin) e'se -i- s$))est itse'% to me a 'itt'e 'ater on;G
: remaine- si'ent as he )'ance- m1 "a1;
F: "as "on-erin)4G he sai- a%ter a time4 F"hether 1o$ mi)ht not be shoppin) aro$n-Deither %or
backin) in )ettin) 1o$r o"n compan1 )oin)4 or %or a b$1er %or somethin) 1o$ ha&e to se''; Ao$
kno" "hat : mean>G
FAo$ think : came $p "ith somethin) inno&ati&e an- -i-n@t "ant #ran- /esi)n to ha&e it;G
,e s'appe- the seat besi-e him;
FA'"a1s kne" 1o$ "ere no %oo'4G he sai-; F(o 1o$@re scre"in) aro$n- no"4 to a''o" -ecent
time %or its -e&e'opment; !hen 1o$ h$nt $p the b$1er "ith the most brea-;G
FBakes sense4G : sai-4 Fi% that "ere the case; B$t it isn@t;G
,e ch$ck'e-;
F:t@s oka14G he sai-; FE$st beca$se : "ork %or #ran- / -oesn@t make me their %ink; Ao$ o$)ht to
kno" that;G
F: -o kno" it;G
FAn- : "asn@t askin) ?$st to pr1; :n %act4 : ha- other intentions comp'ete'1; :@- 'ike to see 1o$
make o$t "ith it4 make o$t bi);G
F: mi)ht e&en be o% some assistanceD&a'$ab'e assistanceDin the matter;G
F: be)in to )et the -ri%t4 9$ke4 b$tDG
FE$st hear me o$t4 h$h> B$t ans"er one thin) %irst4 tho$)h4 i% 1o$ "o$'-; Ao$ ha&en@t si)ne-
an1thin) "ith an1bo-1 in the area4 ha&e 1o$>G
F/i-n@t think so; :t "o$'- seem a 'itt'e premat$re;G
!he roa-si-e trees "ere 'ar)er no"4 the ni)ht bree6e a bit more chi''; !he moon seeme- bi))er4
more bri''iant $p here than it ha- in the to"n be'o"; =e ro$n-e- se&era' more c$r&es4 e&ent$a''1
commencin) a 'on) series o% s"itchbacks that bore $s hi)her an- hi)her; : ca$)ht occasiona'
)'impses o% sharp -rops to the 'e%t; !here "as no )$ar- rai';
F9ook4G he sai-4 F:@m not tr1in) to c$t m1se'% in %or nothin); :@m not askin) 1o$ %or a piece o%
the action %or o'- times@ sake or an1thin) 'ike that; !hat@s one thin) an- b$siness is anotherD
tho$)h it ne&er h$rts to -o a -ea' "ith someone 1o$ kno" 1o$ can tr$st; 9et me te'' 1o$ some o%
the %acts o% 'i%e; :% 1o$@&e )ot some rea''1 %antastic -esi)n4 s$re4 1o$ can )o se'' it %or a b$n-'e to
'ots o% peop'e in the b$sinessDi% 1o$@re care%$'4 -amn care%$'; B$t that@s it; Ao$r )o'-en
opport$nit1@s %'o"n then; :% 1o$ rea''1 "ant to c'ean $p4 1o$ start 1o$r o"n o$t%it; 9ook at App'e;
:% it rea''1 catches on 1o$ can a'"a1s se'' o$t then4 %or a 'ot more than 1o$@- )et %rom ?$st
pe--'in) the i-ea; Ao$ ma1 be a "hi6 at -esi)n4 b$t : kno" the marketp'ace; An- : kno" peop'e
Da'' o&er the co$ntr1Dpeop'e "ho@- tr$st me eno$)h to bankro'' $s to see it o%% the )ro$n- an-
o$t on the street; (hitI :@m not )oin) to sta1 "ith #ran- / a'' m1 'i%e; 9et me in an- :@'' )et $s the
%inancin); Ao$ r$n the shop an- :@'' r$n the b$siness; !hat@s the on'1 "a1 to )o "ith somethin)
FOh4 m14G : si)he-; FBan4 it act$a''1 so$n-s nice; B$t 1o$@re %o''o"in) a b$m scent; : -on@t ha&e
an1thin) to se'';G
FCome onIG he sai-; FAo$ kno" 1o$ can 'e&e' "ith me; 2&en i% 1o$ abso'$te'1 re%$se to )o that
"a14 :@m not )oin) to ta'k abo$t it; : -on@t scre" m1 b$--ies; : ?$st think 1o$@re makin) a mistake
i% 1o$ -on@t -e&e'op it 1o$rse'%;G
F9$ke4 : meant "hat : sai-;G
,e "as si'ent %or a 'itt'e "hi'e; !hen : %e't his )a6e $pon me a)ain; =hen : )'ance- his "a1 :
sa" that he "as smi'in);
F=hat4G : aske- him4 Fis the ne.t <$estion>G
F=hat is #host"hee'>G he sai-;
F!op secret4 h$sh-h$sh4 Ber'e Core1 pro?ect; #host"hee'4G he ans"ere-; FComp$ter -esi)n
incorporatin) shit nobo-1@s e&er seen be%ore; 9i<$i- semicon-$ctors4 cr1o)enic tanks4 p'asmaDG
: starte- 'a$)hin);
FB1 #o-IG : sai-; F:t@s a ?oke4 that@s "hat it is; E$st a cra61 hobb1 thin); :t "as a -esi)n )ameD
a machine that co$'- ne&er be b$i't on 2arth; =e''4 ma1be most o% it co$'-; B$t it "o$'-n@t
%$nction; :t@s 'ike an 2scher -ra"in)D'ooks )reat on paper4 b$t it can@t be -one in rea' 'i%e;G
!hen a%ter a moment@s re%'ection4 : aske-4 F,o" is it 1o$ e&en kno" abo$t it> :@&e ne&er
mentione- it to an1one;G
,e c'eare- his throat as he took another t$rn; !he moon "as rake- b1 treetops; A %e" bea-s o%
moist$re appeare- $pon the "in-shie'-;
F=e''4 1o$ "eren@t a'' that secret abo$t it4G he ans"ere-; F!here "ere -esi)ns an- )raphs an-
notes a'' o&er 1o$r "ork tab'e an- -ra"in) har- an1 n$mber o% times : "as at 1o$r p'ace; : co$'-
har-'1 he'p b$t notice; Bost o% them "ere e&en 'abe'e- T#host"hee';@ An- nothin) an1thin) 'ike
it e&er sho"e- $p at #ran- /4 so : simp'1 ass$me- it "as 1o$r pet pro?ect an- 1o$r ticket to
sec$rit1; Ao$ ne&er impresse- me as the impractica' -reamer t1pe; Are 1o$ s$re 1o$@re )i&in)
this to me strai)ht>G
F:% "e "ere to sit -o"n an- b$i'- as m$ch as co$'- be constr$cte- o% that thin) ri)ht here4G :
rep'ie- honest'14 Fit "o$'- ?$st sit there an- 'ook "eir- an- "o$'-n@t -o a -amne- thin);G
,e shook his hea-;
F!hat so$n-s per&erse4G he sai-; F:t@s not 'ike 1o$4 Ber'e; =h1 the he'' "o$'- 1o$ "aste 1o$r
time -esi)nin) a machine that -oesn@t %$nction>G
F:t "as an e.ercise in -esi)n theor14G : be)an;
F2.c$se me4 b$t that so$n-s 'ike b$''shit4G he sai-; FAo$ mean to sa1 there@s no p'ace in the
$ni&erse that -amn machine o% 1o$rs "o$'- kick o&er>G
F: -i-n@t sa1 that; : "as tr1in) to e.p'ain that : -esi)ne- it to operate $n-er bi6arre h1pothetica'
FOh; :n other "or-s4 i% : %in- a p'ace 'ike that on another "or'- "e can c'ean $p>G
F*h4 1eah;G
FAo$@re "eir-4 Ber'e; Ao$ kno" that>G
FAnother -ream shot to shit; Oh4 "e'';;;(a14 is there an1thin) $n$s$a' abo$t it that co$'- be
a-apte- to the here an- no">G
FNope; :t co$'-n@t per%orm its %$nctions here;G
F=hat@s so specia' abo$t its %$nctions4 an1ho">G
FA 'ot o% theoretica' crap in&o'&in) space an- time an- some notions o% some )$1s name-
2&erett an- =hee'er; :t@s on'1 amenab'e to a mathematica' e.p'anation;G
FAo$ s$re>G
F=hat -i%%erence -oes it make4 an1ho"> :@&e )ot no pro-$ct4 "e@&e )ot no compan1; (orr1; !e''
Bartine6 an- associates it "as a b'in- a''e1;G
F,$h> =ho@s Bartine6>G
FOne o% 1o$r potentia' in&estors in Core1 an- 0a1nar-4 :nc;4G : sai-; F/an Bartine6Dmi--'e-
a)e-4 a bit short4 kin- o% -istin)$ishe--'ookin)4 chippe- %ront tooth;;;G
,is bro" %$rro"e-; FBer'e4 : -on@t kno" "ho the he'' 1o$@re ta'kin) abo$t;G
F,e came $p to me "hi'e : "as "aitin) %or 1o$ in the bar; (eeme- to kno" an a"%$' 'ot abo$t
1o$; (tarte- askin) <$estions on "hat : can no" see as the potentia' sit$ation 1o$ ?$st -escribe-;
Acte- as i% 1o$@- approache- him to in&est in the thin);G
F*h-$h4G he sai-; F: -on@t kno" him; ,o" come 1o$ -i-n@t te'' me sooner>G
F,e beat it4 an- 1o$ sai- no b$siness ti'' a%ter -inner; /i-n@t seem a'' that important4 an1"a1; ,e
e&en as m$ch as aske- me to 'et 1o$ kno" he@- been in<$irin) abo$t 1o$;G
F=hat4 speci%ica''14 -i- he "ant to kno">G
F=hether 1o$ co$'- -e'i&er an $nenc$mbere- comp$ter propert1 an- keep the in&estors o$t o%
co$rt4 "as "hat : )athere-;G
,e s'appe- the "hee'; F!his makes no sense at a''4G he sai-; F:t rea''1 -oesn@t;G
F:t occ$rs to me that he mi)ht ha&e been hire- to in&esti)ate a bitDor e&en ?$st to shake 1o$ $p
some an- keep 1o$ honestDb1 the peop'e 1o$@&e been so$n-in) o$t to in&est in this thin);G
FBer'e4 -o 1o$ think :@m so -amn st$pi- :@- "aste a 'ot o% time -i))in) $p in&estors be%ore : "as
e&en s$re there "as somethin) to p$t the mone1 into> : ha&en@t ta'ke- to an1bo-1 abo$t this
e.cept 1o$4 an- : )$ess : "on@t be no" either; =ho -o 1o$ think he co$'- ha&e been> =hat -i-
he "ant>G
: shook m1 hea-4 b$t : "as rememberin) those "or-s in !hari;
=h1 not>
F,e a'so aske- me "hether :@- e&er hear- 1o$ re%er to a p'ace ca''e- Amber;G
,e "as 'ookin) in the rear&ie" mirror "hen : sai- it4 an- he ?erke- the "hee' to catch a s$--en
c$r&e; FAmber> Ao$@re ki--in);G
F(tran)e; :t has to be a coinci-enceDG
F: -i- hear a re%erence to a kin- o% -ream'an- p'ace ca''e- Amber4 'ast "eek; B$t : ne&er
mentione- it to an1bo-1; :t "as ?$st -r$nken babb'in);G
F=ho> =ho sai- it>G
FA painter : kno"; A rea' n$t4 b$t a &er1 ta'ente- )$1; Name@s Be'man; : 'ike his "ork a 'ot4 an-
:@&e bo$)ht se&era' o% his paintin)s; :@- stoppe- b1 to see "hether he ha- an1thin) ne" this 'ast
time : "as in to"n; ,e -i-n@t4 b$t : sta1e- prett1 'ate at his p'ace an1"a14 ta'kin) an- -rinkin)
an- smokin) some st$%% he ha-; ,e )ot prett1 hi)h a%ter a "hi'e an- he starte- ta'kin) abo$t
ma)ic; Not car- tricks4 : mean; 0it$a' st$%%4 1o$ kno">G
F=e''4 a%ter a time he starte- -oin) some o% it; :% it "eren@t that : "as kin- o% stone- m1se'% :@-
s"ear that it "orke-Dthat he 'e&itate-4 s$mmone- sheets o% %ire4 con?$re- an- banishe- a
n$mber o% monsters; !here ha- to@&e been aci- in somethin) he )a&e me; B$t -amnI :t s$re
seeme- rea';G
FAn1"a14G he "ent on4 Fhe mentione- a sort o% archet1pa' cit1; : co$'-n@t te'' "hether it so$n-e-
more 'ike (o-om an- #omorrah or Came'otDa'' the a-?ecti&es he $se-; ,e ca''e- the p'ace
Amber4 an- sai- that it "as r$n b1 a ha'%-ma- %ami'14 "ith the cit1 itse'% peop'e- b1 their
bastar-s an- %o'ks "hose ancestors the1@- bro$)ht in %rom other p'aces a)es a)o; (ha-o"s o% the
%ami'1 an- the cit1 s$ppose-'1 %i)$re in most ma?or 'e)en-s an- s$ch "hate&er that means; :
co$'- ne&er be s$re "hether he "as ta'kin) in metaphor4 "hich he -i- a 'ot4 or ?$st "hat the he''
he meant; B$t that@s "here : hear- the p'ace mentione-;G
F:nterestin)4G : sai-; FBe'man is -ea-; ,is p'ace b$rne- -o"n a %e" -a1s a)o;G
FNo4 : -i-n@t kno";G ,e )'ance- into the mirror a)ain; F/i- 1o$ kno" him>G
F: met himDa%ter 1o$ 'e%t this 'ast time; 3insk1 to'- me E$'ia@- been seein) him4 an- : 'ooke-
the )$1 $p to see "hat he co$'- te'' me abo$t her; Ao$ seeD"e''4 E$'ia@s -ea-;G
F,o"@- it happen> : ?$st sa" her 'ast "eek;G
F:n a &er1 bi6arre %ashion; (he "as ki''e- b1 a stran)e anima';G
F9or-IG ,e brake- s$--en'1 an- p$''e- o%% the roa- onto a "i-e sho$'-er to the 'e%t; :t 'ooke-
$pon a steep4 tree-%i''e- -rop; Abo&e the trees : co$'- see the tin1 'i)hts o% the cit1 across a )reat
,e ki''e- the en)ine an- the hea-'i)hts; ,e took a /$rham@s ba) %rom his pocket an- be)an
ro''in) a ci)arette; : ca$)ht him )'ancin) $p"ar- an- ahea-;
FAo$@&e been checkin) that mirror a 'ot;G
FAes4G he rep'ie-; F: "as ?$st abo$t s$re a car ha- been %o''o"in) $s a'' the "a1 %rom the
parkin) 'ot -o"n at the ,i'ton; :t "as a %e" t$rns behin- $s %or the 'on)est "hi'e; No" it seems
to ha&e -isappeare-;G
,e 'it his ci)arette an- opene- the -oor; F9et@s )et some air;G
: %o''o"e- him an- "e stoo- %or a %e" moments starin) o$t across the bi) spaces4 the moon'i)ht
stron) eno$)h to cast the sha-o"s o% some trees near to $s; ,e thre" -o"n the ci)arette an-
stampe- on it;
F(hitIG he sai-; F!his is )ettin) too in&o'&e-I : kne" E$'ia "as seein) Be'man4 oka1> : "ent to
see her the ni)ht a%ter :@- seen him4 oka1> : e&en -e'i&ere- a sma'' parce' he@- aske- me to take
her4 oka1>G
FCar-s4G : sai-; ,e no--e-;
: "ith-re" them %rom m1 pocket an- he'- them to"ar- him; ,e bare'1 )'ance- at them there in
the -im 'i)ht4 b$t he no--e- a)ain;
F!hose car-s4G he sai-; !hen8 FAo$ sti'' 'ike- her4 -i-n@t 1o$>G
FAes4 : )$ess : -i-;G
FOh4 he''4G he si)he-; FA'' ri)ht; !here are some thin)s :@m )oin) to ha&e to te'' 1o$4 o'- b$--1;
Not a'' o% them nice; #i&e me ?$st a min$te to sort it a'' o$t; Ao$@&e ?$st )i&en me one bi)
prob'emDor :@&e )i&en it to m1se'%4 beca$se :@&e ?$st -eci-e- somethin);G
,e kicke- a patch o% )ra&e' an- the stones ratt'e- -o"n the hi''si-e;
FOka14G he sai-; F+irst4 )i&e me those car-s;G
F:@m )oin) to tear them into con%etti;G
F!he he'' 1o$ are; =h1>G
F!he1@re -an)ero$s;G
F: a'rea-1 kno" that; :@'' han) onto them;G
FAo$ -on@t $n-erstan-;G
F(o e.p'ain;G
F:t@s not that eas1; : ha&e to -eci-e "hat to te'' 1o$ an- "hat not to;G
F=h1 not ?$st te'' me e&er1thin)>G
F: can@t; Be'ie&e meDG
: hit the )ro$n- as soon as : hear- the %irst shot4 "hich ricochete- o%% a bo$'-er to o$r ri)ht;
9$ke -i-n@t; ,e be)an r$nnin) in a 6i)6a) pattern to"ar- a c'$ster o% trees o%% to o$r 'e%t4 %rom
"hich t"o more shots "ere %ire-; ,e ha- somethin) in his han- an- he raise- it;
9$ke %ire- three times; O$r assai'ant )ot o%% one more ro$n-; A%ter 9$ke@s secon- shot : hear-
someone )asp; : "as on m1 %eet b1 then an- r$nnin) to"ar- him4 a rock in m1 han-; A%ter his
thir- shot : hear- a bo-1 %a'';
: reache- him ?$st as he "as t$rnin) the bo-1 o&er4 in time to see "hat seeme- a %aint c'o$- o%
b'$e or )ra1 mist emer)e %rom the man@s mo$th past his chippe- tooth an- -ri%t a"a1;
F=hat the he'' "as that>G 9$ke aske- as it b'e" a"a1;
FAo$ sa" it4 too> : -on@t kno";G
,e 'ooke- -o"n at the 'imp %orm "ith the -ark spot )ro"in) 'ar)er on its shirt%ront4 a 38@
re&o'&er sti'' c'$tche- in the ri)ht han-;
F: -i-n@t kno" 1o$ carrie- a )$n4G : sai-;
F=hen 1o$@re on the roa- as m$ch as : am4 1o$ )o hee'e-4G he ans"ere-; F: pick $p a ne" one
in each cit1 : hit an- se'' it "hen : 'ea&e; Air'ine sec$rit1; #$ess : "on@t be se''in) this one; :
ne&er sa" this )$14 Ber'e; Ao$>G
: no--e-;
F!hat@s /an Bartine64 the man : "as te''in) 1o$ abo$t;G
FOh4 bo14G he sai-; FAnother -amn comp'ication; Ba1be : sho$'- ?$st ?oin a 5en monaster1
somep'ace an- pers$a-e m1se'% it -oesn@t matter; :DG
($--en'14 he raise- his 'e%t %in)ertips to his %orehea-; FOh-oh4G he sai- then; FBer'e4 the ke1s
are in the i)nition; #et in the car an- -ri&e back to the hote' ri)ht a"a1; 9ea&e me here; ,$rr1IG
F=hat@s )oin) on> =hatDG
,e raise- his "eapon4 a sn$b-nose- a$tomatic4 an- pointe- it at me;
FNo"I (h$t $p an- )oIG
,e 'o"ere- the m$66'e an- p$t a b$''et into the )ro$n- bet"een m1 %eet; !hen he aime- it
s<$are'1 at m1 ab-omen; FBer'in4 son o% Cor"in4G he sai- thro$)h c'enche- teeth4 Fi% 1o$ -on@t
start r$nnin) ri)ht no" 1o$@re a -ea- manIG : %o''o"e- his a-&ice4 raisin) a sho"er o% )ra&e' an-
'a1in) some streaks o% r$bber comin) o$t o% the *-t$rn : sp$n the "a)on thro$)h; : roare- -o"n
the hi'' an- ski--e- aro$n- the c$r&e to m1 ri)ht; : brake- %or the ne.t one to m1 'e%t; !hen :
: p$''e- o%% to the 'e%t4 at the %oot o% a b'$%%4 near some shr$bber1; : ki''e- the en)ine an- the
'i)hts an- p$t on the parkin) brake; : opene- the -oor <$iet'1 an- -i- not c'ose it %$''1 a%ter :@-
s'ippe- o$t; (o$n-s carr1 too "e'' in p'aces 'ike this;
: starte- back4 keepin) to the -arker4 ri)ht-han- si-e o% the roa-; :t "as &er1 <$iet; : ro$n-e- the
%irst t$rn an- hea-e- %or the ne.t one; (omethin) %'e" %rom one tree to another; An o"'4 : think; :
mo&e- more s'o"'1 than : "ante- to4 %or the sake o% si'ence4 as : neare- the secon- t$rnin);
: ma-e m1 "a1 aro$n- that %ina' corner on a'' %o$rs4 takin) a-&anta)e o% the co&er pro&i-e- b1
rocks an- %o'ia)e; : ha'te- then an- st$-ie- the area "e ha- occ$pie-; Nothin) in si)ht; :
a-&ance- s'o"'14 ca$tio$s'14 rea-1 to %ree6e4 -rop4 -i&e4 or sprin) $p into a r$n as the sit$ation
Nothin) stirre-4 sa&e branches in the "in-; No one in si)ht;
: rose into a cro$ch an- contin$e-4 sti'' more s'o"'14 sti'' h$))in) the co&er;
Not there; ,e ha- taken o%% %or some"here; : mo&e- nearer4 ha'te- a)ain an- 'istene- %or at 'east
a min$te; No so$n-s betra1e- an1 mo&in) presences;
: crosse- to the p'ace "here Bartine6 ha- %a''en; !he bo-1 "as )one; : pace- abo$t the area b$t
co$'- 'ocate nothin) to )i&e me an1 sort o% c'$e as to "hat mi)ht ha&e occ$rre- %o''o"in) m1
-epart$re; : co$'- think o% no reason %or ca''in) o$t4 so : -i-n@t;
: "a'ke- back to the car "itho$t misa-&ent$re4 )ot in an- hea-e- %or to"n; : co$'-n@t e&en
spec$'ate as to "hat the he'' "as )oin) on;
: 'e%t the "a)on in the hote' 'ot4 near to the spot "here it ha- been parke- ear'ier; !hen : "ent
insi-e4 "a'ke- to 9$ke@s room4 an- knocke- on the -oor; : -i-n@t rea''1 e.pect a response4 b$t it
seeme- the proper thin) to -o preparator1 to breakin) an- enterin);
: "as care%$' to snap on'1 the 'ock4 'ea&in) the -oor an- the %ame intact4 beca$se Br; Bra6-a ha-
seeme- a nice )$1; :t took a 'itt'e 'on)er4 b$t there "as no one in si)ht; : reache- in an- t$rne- on
the 'i)ht4 -i- a <$ick s$r&e14 then s'ippe- insi-e <$ick'1; : stoo- 'istenin) %or a %e" min$tes b$t
hear- no so$n-s o% acti&it1 %rom the ha'';
!i)ht ship; ($itcase on '$))a)e rack4 empt1; C'othin) h$n) in c'osetDnothin) in the pockets
e.cept %or t"o matchbooks4 an- a pen an- penci'; A %e" other )arments an- some $n-er)arments
in a -ra"er4 nothin) "ith them; !oi'etries in sha&in) kit or neat'1 arra1e- on co$ntertop; Nothin)
pec$'iar there; A cop1 o% B; ,; 9i--e'' ,art@s (trate)1 'a1 $pon the be-si-e tab'e4 a bookmark
abo$t three<$arters o% the "a1 into it;
,is %ati)$es ha- been thro"n onto a chair4 his -$st1 boots stoo- ne.t to it4 socks besi-e them;
Nothin) insi-e the boots b$t a pair o% b'o$sin) ban-s; : checke- the shirt pockets4 "hich at %irst
seeme- empt14 b$t m1 %in)ertips then -isco&ere- a n$mber o% sma'' "hite paper pe''ets in one o%
them; P$66'e-4 : $n%o'-e- a %e"; Bi6arre secret messa)es> No;;;No sense )ettin) comp'ete'1
paranoi-4 "hen a %e" bro"n %'ecks on a paper ans"ere- the <$estion; !obacco; !he1 "ere pieces
o% ci)arette paper; Ob&io$s'1 he strippe- his b$tts "hen he "as hikin) in the "i'-erness; :
reca''e- a %e" past hikes "ith him; ,e ha-n@t a'"a1s been that neat;
: "ent thro$)h the tro$sers; !here "as a -amp ban-ana in one hip pocket an- a comb in the
other; Nothin) in the ri)ht %ront pocket4 a sin)'e ro$n- o% ammo in the 'e%t; On an imp$'se4 :
pockete- the she''4 then "ent on to 'ook beneath the mattress an- behin- the -ra"ers; : e&en
'ooke- in the toi'et@s %'$sh bo.; Nothin); Nothin) to e.p'ain his stran)e beha&ior;
9ea&in) the car ke1s on the be-si-e tab'e : -eparte- an- ret$rne- to m1 o"n room; : -i- not
care that he@- kno" :@- broken in; :n %act4 : rather 'ike- the i-ea; :t irritate- me that he@- poke-
aro$n- in m1 #host"hee' papers; Besi-es4 he o"e- me a -amne- )oo- e.p'anation %or his
beha&ior on the mo$ntain;
: $n-resse-4 sho"ere-4 )ot into be-4 an- -o$se- m1 'i)ht; :@- ha&e 'e%t him a note4 too4 e.cept
that : -on@t 'ike to create e&i-ence an- : ha- a stron) %ee'in) that he "o$'-n@t be comin) back;
Chapter "
,e "as a short4 hea&1-set man "ith a some"hat %'ori- comp'e.ion4 his -ark hair streake- "ith
"hite an- perhaps a bit thin on top; : sat in the st$-1 o% his semir$ra' home in $pstate Ne" Aork4
sippin) a beer an- te''in) him m1 tro$b'es; :t "as a bree614 star--otte- ni)ht be1on- the "in-o"
an- he "as a )oo- 'istener;
FAo$ sa1 that 9$ke -i-n@t sho" $p the %o''o"in) -a14G he sai-; F/i- he sen- a messa)e>G
F=hat e.act'1 -i- 1o$ -o that -a1>G
F: checke- his room in the mornin); :t "as ?$st as :@- 'e%t it; : "ent b1 the -esk; Nothin)4 'ike :
sai-; !hen : ha- break%ast an- : checke- a)ain; Nothin) a)ain; (o : took a 'on) "a'k aro$n- the
to"n; #ot back a 'itt'e a%ter noon4 ha- '$nch4 an- trie- the room a)ain; :t "as the same; :
borro"e- the car ke1s then an- -ro&e back $p to the p'ace "e@- been the ni)ht be%ore; No si)n o%
an1thin) $n$s$a' there4 'ookin) at it in the 'i)ht o% -a1; : e&en c'imbe- -o"n the s'ope an-
h$nte- aro$n-; No bo-14 no c'$es; : -ro&e back4 rep'ace- the ke1s4 h$n) aro$n- the hote' ti''
-inner time4 ate4 then ca''e- 1o$; A%ter 1o$ to'- me to come on $p4 : ma-e a reser&ation an- "ent
to be- ear'1; Ca$)ht the (h$tt'e?ack this mornin) an- %'e" here %rom A'b$<$er<$e;G
FAn- 1o$ checke- a)ain this mornin)>G
FAeah; Nothin) ne";G
,e shook his hea- an- re'it his pipe;
,is name "as Bi'' 0osh4 an- he ha- been m1 %ather@s %rien- as "e'' as his attorne14 back "hen
he@- 'i&e- in this area; ,e "as possib'1 the on'1 man on 2arth /a- ha- tr$ste-4 an- : tr$ste- him4
too; :@- &isite- him a n$mber o% times -$rin) m1 ei)ht 1earsDmost recent'14 $nhappi'14 a 1ear
an- a ha'% ear'ier4 at the time o% his "i%e4 A'ice@s4 %$nera'; : ha- to'- him m1 %ather@s stor14 as :
ha- hear- it %rom his o"n 'ips4 o$tsi-e the Co$rts o% Chaos4 beca$se :@- )otten the impression
that he ha- "ante- Bi'' to kno" "hat ha- been )oin) on4 %e't he@- o"e- him some sort o%
e.p'anation %or a'' the he'p he@- )i&en him; An- Bi'' act$a''1 seeme- to $n-erstan- an- be'ie&e
it; B$t then4 he@- kno"n /a- a 'ot better than : -i-;
F:@&e remarke- be%ore on the resemb'ance 1o$ bear 1o$r %ather;G
: no--e-;
F:t )oes be1on- the ph1sica'4G he contin$e-; F+or a "hi'e there he ha- a habit o% sho"in) $p
'ike a -o"ne- %i)hter pi'ot behin- enem1 'ines; :@'' ne&er %or)et the ni)ht he arri&e- on horseback
"ith a s"or- at his si-e an- ha- me trace a missin) compost heap %or him;G ,e ch$ck'e-; FNo"
1o$ come a'on) "ith a stor1 that makes me be'ie&e Pan-ora@s bo. has been opene- a)ain; =h1
co$'-n@t 1o$ ?$st "ant a -i&orce 'ike an1 sensib'e 1o$n) man> Or a "i'' "ritten or a tr$st set $p>
A partnership a)reement> (omethin) 'ike that> No4 this so$n-s more 'ike one o% Car'@s prob'ems;
2&en the other st$%% :@&e -one %or Amber seems prett1 se-ate b1 comparison;G
FOther st$%%> Ao$ mean the Concor-Dthe time 0an-om sent +iona "ith a cop1 o% the
Pattern%a'' !reat1 "ith ("a1&i'4 3in) o% Chaos4 %or her to trans'ate an- 1o$ to 'ook at %or
F!hat4 1es4G he sai-4 Ftho$)h : "o$n- $p st$-1in) 1o$r 'an)$a)e m1se'% be%ore : "as -one;
!hen +'ora "ante- her 'ibrar1 reco&ere-Dno eas1 ?obDan- then an o'- %'ame trace-D"hether
%or re$nion or re&en)e : ne&er 'earne-; Pai- me in )o'-4 tho$)h; Bo$)ht the p'ace in Pa'm Beach
"ith it; !henDOh4 he''; +or a "hi'e there4 : tho$)ht o% a--in) TCo$nse' to the Co$rt o% Amber@ to
m1 b$siness car-; B$t that sort o% "ork "as $n-erstan-ab'e; : -o simi'ar thin)s on a m$n-ane
'e&e' a'' the time; Ao$rs4 tho$)h4 has that b'ack ma)ic an- s$--en--eath <$a'it1 to it that seeme-
to %o''o" 1o$r %ather abo$t; :t scares the he'' o$t o% me4 an- : "o$'-n@t e&en kno" ho" to )o
abo$t a-&isin) 1o$ on it;G
F=e''4 the b'ack ma)ic an- s$--en--eath parts are m1 area4 : )$ess4G : obser&e-; F:n %act4 the1
ma1 co'or m1 thinkin) too m$ch; Ao$@re bo$n- to 'ook at thin)s a 'ot -i%%erent'1 than : -o; A
b'in- spot b1 -e%inition is somethin) 1o$@re not a"are o%; =hat mi)ht : be missin)>G
,e took a sip o% his beer4 'it his pipe a)ain;
FOka14G he sai-; FAo$r %rien- 9$keD"here@s he %rom>G
F(ome"here in the Bi-"est4 : be'ie&e he sai-; Nebraska4 :o"a4 OhioDone o% those p'aces;G
FBm-hm; =hat 'ine o% "ork is his o'- man in>G
F,e ne&er mentione- it;G
F/oes he ha&e an1 brothers or sisters>G
F: -on@t kno"; ,e ne&er sai-;G
F/oesn@t that strike 1o$ as some"hat o--Dthat he ne&er mentione- his %ami'1 or ta'ke- abo$t
his home to"n in the "ho'e ei)ht 1ears 1o$@&e kno"n him>G
FNo; A%ter a''4 : ne&er ta'ke- abo$t mine either;G
F:t@s not nat$ra'4 Ber'e; Ao$ )re" $p in a stran)e p'ace that 1o$ co$'-n@t ta'k abo$t; Ao$ ha-
e&er1 reason to chan)e the s$b?ect4 a&oi- the iss$es; ,e ob&io$s'1 -i-4 too; An- then4 back "hen
1o$ came 1o$ "eren@t e&en certain ho" most peop'e here beha&e-; B$t -i-n@t 1o$ e&er "on-er
abo$t 9$ke>G
FO% co$rse; B$t he respecte- m1 reticence; : co$'- -o no 'ess %or him; Ao$ mi)ht sa1 that "e
ha- a sort o% tacit a)reement that s$ch thin)s "ere o%% 'imits;G
F,o"@- 1o$ meet him>G
F=e "ere %reshmen to)ether4 ha- a 'ot o% the same c'asses;G
FAn- 1o$ "ere both stran)ers in to"n4 no other %rien-s; Ao$ hit it o%% %rom the be)innin);;;G
FNo; =e bare'1 ta'ke- to each other; : tho$)ht he "as an arro)ant bastar- "ho %e't he "as ten
times better than an1bo-1 he@- e&er met; : -i-n@t 'ike him4 an- he -i-n@t 'ike me m$ch either;G
F=h1 not>G
F,e %e't the same "a1 abo$t me;G
F(o it "as on'1 )ra-$a''1 that 1o$ came to rea'i6e 1o$ "ere both "ron)>G
FNo; =e "ere both ri)ht; =e )ot to kno" each other b1 tr1in) to sho" each other $pDi% :@- -o
somethin) kin- o% o$tstan-in)4 he@- tr1 to top it; An- &ice &ersa; =e )ot so "e@- )o o$t %or the
same sport4 tr1 to -ate the same )ir's4 tr1 to beat each other@s )ra-es;G
F(ome"here a'on) the 'ine : )$ess "e starte- to respect each other; =hen "e both ma-e the
O'1mpic %ina's somethin) broke; =e starte- s'appin) each other on the back an- 'a$)hin)4 an-
"e "ent o$t an- ha- -inner an- sat $p a'' ni)ht ta'kin) an- he sai- he -i-n@t )i&e a shit abo$t the
O'1mpics an- : sai- : -i-n@t either; ,e sai- he@- ?$st "ante- to sho" me he "as a better man an-
no" he -i-n@t care an1more; ,e@- -eci-e- "e "ere both )oo- eno$)h4 an- he@- ?$st as soon 'et
the matter stan- at that; : %e't e.act'1 the same "a1 an- to'- him so; !hat "as "hen "e )ot to be
F: can $n-erstan- that4G Bi'' sai-; F:t@s a specia'i6e- sort o% %rien-ship; Ao$@re %rien-s in certain
: 'a$)he- an- took a -rink;
F:sn@t e&er1one>G
FAt %irst4 1es; (ometimes a'"a1s; Nothin) "ron) "ith that; :t@s ?$st that 1o$rs seems a m$ch
more hi)h'1 specia'i6e- %rien-ship than most;G
: no--e- s'o"'1; FBa1be so;G
F(o it sti'' -oesn@t make sense; !"o )$1s as c'ose as 1o$ )ot to beD"ith no pasts to sho" to
each other;G
F: )$ess 1o$@re ri)ht; =hat -oes it mean>G
FAo$@re not a norma' h$man bein);G
FNo4 :@m not;G
F:@m not so s$re 9$ke is either;G
F=hat4 then>G
F!hat@s 1o$r -epartment;G
: no--e-;
FApart %rom that iss$e4G Bi'' contin$e-4 Fsomethin) e'se has been botherin) me;G
F!his Bartine6 %e''o"; ,e %o''o"e- 1o$ o$t to the boon-ocks4 stoppe- "hen 1o$ -i-4 sta'ke-
1o$4 then opene- %ire; =ho "as he a%ter> Both o% 1o$> E$st 9$ke> Or ?$st 1o$>G
F: -on@t kno"; :@m not s$re "hich o% $s that %irst shot "as aime- %or; A%ter that4 he "as %irin) at
9$keDbeca$se b1 then 9$ke "as attackin) an- he "as -e%en-in) himse'%;G
F2.act'1; :% he "ere (Dor (@s a)entD"h1 "o$'- he e&en ha&e bothere- "ith that con&ersation
"ith 1o$ in the bar>G
F: no" ha&e the impression that the "ho'e thin) "as an e'aborate b$i'-$p to that %ina' <$estion
o% his4 as to "hether 9$ke kne" an1thin) abo$t Amber;G
FAn- 1o$r reaction4 rather than 1o$r ans"er4 'e- him to be'ie&e that he -i-;G
F=e''4 apparent'1 9$ke -oesD%rom the "a1 he a--resse- me ri)ht there at the en-; Ao$ think he
"as rea''1 )$nnin) %or someone %rom Amber>G
FBa1be; 9$ke is no Amberite4 tho$)h>G
F: ne&er hear- o% an1one 'ike him in the time : spent there a%ter the "ar; An- : )ot p'ent1 o%
'ect$res on )enea'o)1; B1 re'ati&es are 'ike a se"in) circ'e "hen it comes to keepin) track o%
s$ch mattersDa 'ot 'ess or-er'1 abo$t it than the1 are in ChaosDcan@t e&en -eci-e e.act'1 "ho@s
o'-est4 beca$se some o% them "ere born in -i%%erent time streamsDb$t the1@re prett1 thoro$)h;G
FChaosI !hat@s ri)htI Ao$@re a'so 'o$s1 "ith re'ati&es on that si-eI Co$'-D>G
: shook m1 hea-; FNo "a1; : ha&e an e&en more e.tensi&e kno"'e-)e o% the %ami'ies there; :
be'ie&e :@m ac<$ainte- "ith ?$st abo$t a'' o% the ones "ho can manip$'ate (ha-o"4 tra&erse it;
9$ke@s not one o% them an-DG
F=ait a min$teI !here are peop'e in the Co$rts "ho can "a'k in (ha-o"4 a'so>G
FAes; Or sta1 in one p'ace an- brin) thin)s %rom (ha-o" to them; :t@s a kin- o% re&erseDG
F: tho$)ht 1o$ ha- to "a'k the Pattern to )ain that po"er>G
F!he1 ha&e a sort o% e<$i&a'ent ca''e- the 9o)r$s; :t@s a kin- o% chaotic ma6e; 3eeps shi%tin)
abo$t; 7er1 -an)ero$s; *nba'ances 1o$ menta''14 too4 %or a time; No %$n;G
F(o 1o$@&e -one it>G
FAn- 1o$ "a'ke- the Pattern as "e''>G
: 'icke- m1 'ips4 rememberin);
FAes; /amn near ki''e- me; ($h$1@- tho$)ht it "o$'-4 b$t +iona tho$)ht : co$'- make it i% she
he'pe-; : "asDG
F=ho@s ($h$1>G
F,e@s Baster o% the 9o)r$s; ,e@s an $nc'e o% mine4 too; ,e %e't that the Pattern o% Amber an- the
9o)r$s o% Chaos "ere incompatib'e4 that : co$'- not bear the ima)es o% both "ithin me; 0an-om4
+iona4 an- #erar- ha- taken me -o"n to sho" me the Pattern; : )ot in to$ch "ith ($h$1 then
an- )a&e him a 'ook at it; ,e sai- that the1 seeme- antithetica'4 an- that : "o$'- either be
-estro1e- b1 the attempt or the Pattern "o$'- -ri&e the ima)e o% the 9o)r$s %rom me4 probab'1
the %ormer; B$t +iona sai- that the Pattern sho$'- be ab'e to encompass an1thin)4 e&en the
9o)r$s4 an- %rom "hat she $n-erstoo- o% the 9o)r$s it sho$'- be ab'e to "ork its "a1 aro$n-
an1thin)4 e&en the Pattern; (o the1 'e%t it $p to me4 an- : kne" that : ha- to "a'k it; (o : -i-; :
ma-e it4 an- : sti'' bear the 9o)r$s as "e'' as the Pattern; ($h$1 ackno"'e-)e- that +i ha- been
ri)ht4 an- he spec$'ate- that it ha- to -o "ith m1 mi.e- parenta)e; (he -isa)ree-4 tho$)hDG
Bi'' raise- his han-; F=ait a min$te; : -on@t $n-erstan- ho" 1o$ )ot 1o$r $nc'e ($h$1 -o"n
into the basement o% Amber Cast'e on a moment@s notice;G
FOh4 : ha&e a set o% Chaos !r$mps as "e'' as a set o% Amber !r$mps4 %or m1 re'ati&es back in
the Co$rts;G
,e shook his hea-; FA'' o% this is %ascinatin)4 b$t "e@re stra1in) %rom the point; :s there an1one
e'se "ho can "a'k in (ha-o"> Or are there other "a1s o% -oin) it>G
FAes4 there are -i%%erent "a1s it co$'- be -one; !here are a n$mber o% ma)ica' bein)s4 'ike the
*nicorn4 "ho can ?$st "an-er "here&er the1 "ant; An- 1o$ can %o''o" a (ha-o" "a'ker or a
ma)ica' bein) thro$)h (ha-o" %or so 'on) as 1o$ can keep track o% it4 no matter "ho 1o$ are;
3in- o% 'ike !homas 0h1mer is the ba''a-; An- one (ha-o" "a'ker co$'- 'ea- an arm1 thro$)h;
An- then there are the inhabitants o% the &ario$s (ha-o" kin)-oms nearest to Amber an- to
Chaos; !hose at both en-s bree- mi)ht1 sorcerers4 ?$st beca$se o% their pro.imit1 to the t"o
po"er centers; (ome o% the )oo- ones can become %air'1 a-ept at itDb$t their ima)es o% the
Pattern or the 9o)r$s are imper%ect4 so the1@re ne&er <$ite as )oo- as the rea' thin); B$t on either
en- the1 -on@t e&en nee- an initiation to "an-er on in; !he (ha-o" inter%aces are thinnest there;
=e e&en ha&e commerce "ith them4 act$a''1; An- estab'ishe- ro$tes become easier an- easier to
%o''o" "ith time; #oin) o$t"ar- is har-er4 tho$)h; B$t 'ar)e attackin) %orces ha&e been kno"n
to come thro$)h; !hat@s "h1 "e maintain patro's; E$'ian in Ar-en4 #erar- at sea4 an- so %orth;G
FAn1 other "a1s>G
FA (ha-o"-storm perhaps;G
F=hat@s that>G
F:t@s a nat$ra' b$t not too "e''-$n-erstoo- phenomenon; !he best comparison : can think o% is a
tropica' storm; One theor1 as to their ori)in has to -o "ith the beat %re<$encies o% "a&es that
p$'se o$t"ar- %rom Amber an- %rom the Co$rts4 shapin) the nat$re o% sha-o"s; =hate&er4 "hen
s$ch a storm rises it can %'o" thro$)h a 'ar)e n$mber o% sha-o"s be%ore it p'a1s itse'% o$t;
(ometimes the1 -o a 'ot o% -ama)e4 sometimes &er1 'itt'e; B$t the1 o%ten transport thin)s in their
F/oes that inc'$-e peop'e>G
F:t@s been kno"n to happen;G
,e %inishe- his; : -i- the same "ith mine;
F=hat abo$t the !r$mps>G he aske-; FCo$'- an1bo-1 'earn to $se them>G
F,o" man1 sets are there kickin) aro$n->G
F: -on@t kno";G
F=ho makes them>G
F!here are a n$mber o% e.perts in the Co$rts; !hat@s "here : 'earne-; An- there are +iona an-
B'e1s back in AmberDan- : be'ie&e the1 "ere teachin) 0an-om;G
F!hose sorcerers 1o$ spoke o%D%rom the a-?acent kin)-oms;;;Co$'- an1 o% them -o $p a set o%
FAes4 b$t theirs "o$'- be 'ess than per%ect; :t is m1 $n-erstan-in) that 1o$ ha&e to be an initiate
o% either the Pattern or the 9o)r$s to -o them proper'1; (ome o% them co$'- -o a sort o% ha'%-
asse- set4 tho$)h4 one 1o$@- be takin) 1o$r chances on $sin)Dma1be "in-in) $p -ea- or in
some 'imbo4 sometimes )ettin) "here 1o$ "ere hea-e-;G
FAn- the set 1o$ %o$n- at E$'ia@s p'ace;;;>G
F!he1@re the rea' thin);G
F,o" -o 1o$ acco$nt %or them>G
F(omeone "ho kne" ho" to -o it ta$)ht someone e'se "ho "as ab'e to 'earn it4 an- : ne&er
hear- abo$t it; !hat@s a'';G
F: see;G
F:@m a%rai- none o% this is too pro-$cti&e;G
FB$t : nee- it a'' to think "ith4G he rep'ie-; F,o" e'se can : come $p "ith 'ines o% in<$ir1> Ao$
rea-1 %or another beer>G
F=ait;G : c'ose- m1 e1es an- &is$a'i6e- an ima)e o% the 9o)r$s shi%tin)4 e&er shi%tin); : %rame-
m1 -esire an- t"o o% the s"immin) 'ines "ithin the ei-o'on increase- in bri)htness an-
thickness; : mo&e- m1 arms4 s'o"'14 imitatin) their $n-$'ations4 their ?erkin)s; +ina''14 the 'ines
an- m1 arms seeme- to be one4 an- : opene- m1 han-s an- e.ten-e- the 'ines o$t"ar-4 o$t"ar-
thro$)h (ha-o";
Bi'' c'eare- his throat;
F*hD"hat are 1o$ -oin)4 Ber'e>G
F9ookin) %or somethin)4G : rep'ie-; FE$st a min$te;G !he 'ines "o$'- keep e.ten-in) thro$)h an
in%init$-e o% (ha-o" ti'' the1 enco$ntere- the ob?ects o% m1 -esireDor $nti' : ran o$t o% patience
or concentration; +ina''14 : %e't the ?erks4 'ike bites on a pair o% %ishin) 'ines;
F!here the1 are4G : sai-4 an- : ree'e- them in <$ick'1; An ic1 bott'e o% beer appeare- in each o%
m1 han-s; : )raspe- them as the1 -i- an- passe- one to Bi'';
F!hat@s "hat : meant b1 the re&erse o% a (ha-o" "a'k4G : sai-4 breathin) -eep'1 a %e" times; F:
sent o$t to (ha-o" %or a co$p'e o% beers; (a&e- 1o$ a trip to the kitchen;G
,e re)ar-e- the oran)e 'abe' "ith the pec$'iar )reen script on it;
F: -on@t reco)ni6e the bran-4G he sai-4 F'et a'one the 'an)$a)e; Ao$ s$re it@s sa%e>G
FAes4 : or-ere- rea' beer;G
F*hD1o$ -i-n@t happen to pick $p an opener4 tooC -i- 1o$>G
FOopsIG : sai-; F(orr1; :@''DG
F!hat@s a'' ri)ht;G
,e )ot $p4 "a'ke- o$t to the kitchen4 an- came back a 'itt'e 'ater "ith an opener; =hen he
opene- the %irst one it %oame- a bit an- he ha- to ho'- it o&er the "astebasket ti'' it sett'e-; !he
same "ith the other;
F!hin)s can )et a bit a)itate- "hen 1o$ p$'' them in %ast the "a1 : -i-4G : e.p'aine-; F: -on@t
$s$a''1 )et m1 beer that "a1 an- : %or)otDG
F!hat@s oka14G Bi'' sai-4 "ipin) his han-s on his han-kerchie%;;;
,e taste- his beer then;
FAt 'east it@s )oo- beer4G he obser&e-; F: "on-er;;;Na";G
FCo$'- 1o$ sen- o$t %or a pi66a>G
F=hat -o 1o$ "ant on it>G : aske-;
!he ne.t mornin) "e took a 'on) "a'k besi-e a "an-erin) creek4 "hich "e met at the back o%
some %arm'an- o"ne- b1 a nei)hbor an- c'ient o% his; =e stro''e- s'o"'14 Bi'' "ith a stick in his
han- an- a pipe in his mo$th4 an- he contin$e- the pre&io$s e&enin)@s <$estionin);
F(omethin) 1o$ sai- -i-n@t rea''1 re)ister proper'1 at the time4G he state-4 Fbeca$se : "as more
intereste- in other aspects o% the sit$ation; Ao$ sa1 that 1o$ an- 9$ke act$a''1 ma-e it $p to the
%ina's %or the O'1mpics an- then -roppe- o$t>G
F=hat area>G
F(e&era' -i%%erent track an- %ie'- e&ents; =e "ere both r$nners an-DG
FAn- his time "as c'ose to 1o$rs>G
F/amn c'ose; An- sometimes it "as mine that "as c'ose to his;G
!he bank )re" steeper4 an- "e crosse- on some steppin) stones to the other si-e "here the "a1
"as se&era' %eet "i-er an- re'ati&e'1 %'at4 "ith a "e''-tro- path a'on) it;
F:t strikes me as more than a 'itt'e coinci-enta'4G he sai-4Fthat this )$1 sho$'- be abo$t as )oo-
as 1o$ are in sports; +rom a'' :@&e hear-4 1o$ Amberites are se&era' times stron)er than a norma'
h$man bein)4 "ith a %anc1 metabo'ism )i&in) 1o$ $n$s$a' stamina an- rec$perati&e an-
re)enerati&e po"ers; ,o" come 9$ke sho$'- be ab'e to match 1o$ in hi)h-'e&e' per%ormances>G
F,e@s a %ine ath'ete an- he keeps himse'% in )oo- shape4G : ans"ere-; F!here are other peop'e
'ike that hereD&er1 stron) an- %ast;G
,e shook his hea- as "e starte- o$t a'on) the path; F:@m not ar)$in) that4G he sai-; F:t@s ?$st that
it seems 'ike one coinci-ence too man1; !his )$1 hi-es his past the same "a1 1o$ -o4 an- then it
t$rns o$t that he rea''1 kno"s "ho 1o$ are an1ho"; !e'' me4 is he rea''1 a bi) art b$%%>G
FArt; ,e rea''1 care- eno$)h abo$t art to co''ect it>G
FAes; =e $se- to hit )a''er1 openin)s an- m$se$m e.hibits %air'1 re)$'ar'1;G
,e snorte-4 an- s"$n) his stick at a pebb'e4 "hich sp'ashe- into the stream;
F=e''4G he obser&e-4 Fthat "eakens one point4 b$t har-'1 -estro1s the pattern;G
F: -on@t %o''o";;;G
F:t seeme- o-- that he a'so kne" that cra61 occ$'tist painter; 9ess o--4 tho$)h4 "hen 1o$ sa1
that the )$1 "as )oo- an- that 9$ke rea''1 -i- co''ect art;G
F,e -i-n@t ha&e to te'' me that he kne" Be'man;G
F!r$e; B$t a'' o% this p'$s his ph1sica' abi'ities;;;:@m ?$st b$i'-in) a circ$mstantia' case4 o%
co$rse4 b$t : %ee' that )$1 is &er1 $n$s$a';G
: no--e-;
F:@&e been o&er it in m1 min- <$ite a %e" times since 'ast ni)ht4G : sai-; F:% he@s not rea''1 %rom
here4 : -on@t kno" "here the he'' he@s %rom;G
F!hen "e ma1 ha&e e.ha$ste- this 'ine o% in<$ir14G Bi'' sai-4 'ea-in) me aro$n- a ben- an-
pa$sin) to "atch some bir-s take %'i)ht %rom a marsh1 area across the "ater; ,e )'ance- back in
the -irection %rom "hich "e ha- come4 then4 F!e'' meDcomp'ete'1 o%% the s$b?ectD"hat@s 1o$r4
$h4 rank>G he aske-;
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
FAo$@re the son o% a Prince o% Amber; =hat -oes that make 1o$>G
FAo$ mean tit'es> :@m /$ke o% the =estern Barches an- 2ar' o% 3o'&ir;G
F=hat -oes that mean>G
F:t means :@m not a Prince o% Amber; Nobo-1 has to "orr1 abo$t me schemin)4 no &en-ettas
in&o'&in) the s$ccession;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean4 T,m@>G
,e shr$))e-; F:@&e rea- too m$ch histor1; Nobo-1@s sa%e;G
: shr$))e- m1se'%; F9ast : hear-4 e&er1thin) "as peace%$' on the home %ront;G
F=e''4 that@s )oo- ne"s4 an1"a1;G
A %e" more t$rnin)s bro$)ht $s to a "i-e area o% pebb'es an- san-4 risin) )ent'1 %or perhaps
thirt1 %eet to the p'ace "here it met an abr$pt embankment se&en or ei)ht %eet in hei)ht; : co$'-
see the hi)h "ater 'ine an- a n$mber o% e.pose- roots %rom trees that )re" a'on) the top; Bi''
seate- himse'% on a bo$'-er back in their sha-e an- re'it his pipe; : reste- on one nearb14 to his
'e%t; !he "ater sp'ashe- an- ripp'e- in a com%ortab'e ke14 an- "e "atche- it spark'e %or a time;
FNice4G : sai-4 a bit 'ater; FPrett1 p'ace;G
: )'ance- at him; Bi'' "as 'ookin) back the "a1 "e@- come;
: 'o"ere- m1 &oice; F(omethin) there>G
F: ca$)ht a )'impse a 'itt'e ear'ier4G he "hispere-4 Fo% someone e'se takin) a "a'k this "a1D
some -istance behin- $s; 9ost si)ht o% him in a'' the t$rnin)s "e took;G
FBa1be : sho$'- take a stro'' back;G
FProbab'1 nothin); :t@s a bea$ti%$' -a1; A 'ot o% peop'e -o 'ike to hike aro$n- here; E$st tho$)ht
that i% "e "aite- a %e" min$tes he@- either sho" $p or "e@- kno" he@- )one some"here e'se;G
FCan 1o$ -escribe him>G
FNope; Ca$)ht on'1 the barest )'impse; : -on@t think it@s an1thin) to )et e.cite- abo$t; :t@s ?$st
that thin) abo$t 1o$r stor1 ma-e me a 'itt'e "ar1Dor paranoi-; :@m not s$re "hich;G
: %o$n- m1 o"n pipe an- packe- it an- 'it it an- "e "aite-; +or %i%teen min$tes or so "e "aite-;
B$t no one sho"e-;
+ina''14 Bi'' rose an- stretche-; F+a'se a'arm4G he sai-; F: )$ess;G
,e starte- "a'kin) a)ain an- : %e'' in step besi-e him; F!hen that Easra 'a-1 bothers me4G he
sai-; FAo$ sa1 she seeme- to tr$mp inDan- then she ha- that stin) in her mo$th that knocke-
1o$ %or a 'oop>G
F2&er enco$nter an1one 'ike her be%ore>G
FAn1 )$esses>G : shook m1 hea-;
FAn- "h1 the =a'p$r)isnacht b$siness> : can see a certain -ate ha&in) si)ni%icance %or a
ps1cho4 an- : can see peop'e in &ario$s primiti&e re'i)ions p'acin) )reat importance on the
t$rnin) o% the seasons; B$t ( seems a'most too "e'' or)ani6e- to be a menta' case; An- as %or the
FBe'man tho$)ht it "as important;G
FAes4 b$t he "as into that st$%%; :@- be s$rprise- i% he -i-n@t come $p "ith s$ch a correspon-ence4
"hether it "as inten-e- or not; ,e a-mitte- that his master ha- ne&er to'- him that that "as the
case; :t "as his o"n i-ea; B$t 1o$@re the one "ith the back)ro$n- in the area; :s there an1 specia'
si)ni%icance or an1 rea' Po"er that 1o$ kno" o% to be )aine- b1 s'a1in) someone o% 1o$r b'oo-
at this partic$'ar time o% 1ear>G
FNone that : e&er hear- o%; B$t o% co$rse there are a 'ot o% thin)s : -on@t kno" abo$t; :@m &er1
1o$n) compare- to most o% the a-epts; B$t "hich "a1 are 1o$ tr1in) to )o on this> Ao$ sa1 1o$
-on@t think it@s a n$t4 b$t 1o$ -on@t b$1 the =a'p$r)is notion either;G
F: -on@t kno"; :@m ?$st thinkin) o$t 'o$-; !he1 both so$n- shak1 to me4 that@s a''; +or that
matter4 the +rench +orei)n 9e)ion )a&e e&er1one 'ea&e on Apri' 3 to )et -r$nk4 an- a co$p'e o%
-a1s a%ter that to sober $p; :t@s the anni&ersar1 o% the batt'e o% Camerone4 one o% their bi)
tri$mphs; B$t : -o$bt that %i)$res in this either;G
FAn- "h1 the sphin.>G he sai- s$--en'1; F=h1 a !r$mp that takes 1o$ somep'ace to tra-e
-$mb ri--'es or )et 1o$r hea- bitten o%%>G
F:@- a %ee'in) it "as more the 'atter that "as inten-e-;G
F: sort o% think so4 too; B$t it@s certain'1 bi6arre; Ao$ kno" "hat> :@'' bet the1@re a'' that "a1D
traps o% some kin-;G
FCo$'- be;G
: p$t m1 han- in m1 pocket4 reachin) %or them;
F9ea&e them4G he sai-; F9et@s not 'ook %or tro$b'e; Ba1be 1o$ sho$'- -itch them4 at 'east %or a
"hi'e; : co$'- p$t them in m1 sa%e4 -o"n at the o%%ice;G
: 'a$)he-;
F(a%es aren@t a'' that sa%e; No thanks; : "ant them "ith me; !here ma1 be a "a1 o% checkin)
them o$t "itho$t an1 risk;G
FAo$@re the e.pert; B$t te'' me4 co$'- somethin) sneak thro$)h %rom the scene on the car-
"itho$t 1o$>G
FNo; !he1 -on@t "ork that "a1; !he1 re<$ire 1o$r attention to operate; Bore than a 'itt'e o% it;G
F!hat@s somethin)4 an1"a1; :DG
,e 'ooke- back a)ain; (omeone "as comin); : %'e.e- m1 %in)ers4 in&o'$ntari'1;
!hen : hear- him 'et )o a bi) breath;
F:t@s oka14G he sai-; F: kno" him; :t@s #eor)e ,ansen; ,e@s the son o% the )$1 "ho o"ns the
%arm "e@re behin-; ,i4 #eor)eIG
!he approachin) %i)$re "a&e-; ,e "as o% me-i$m hei)ht an- stock1 b$i'-; ,a- san-1 hair; ,e
"ore 9e&i@s an- a #rate%$' /ea- !-shirt4 a pack o% ci)arettes t"iste- into its 'e%t s'ee&e; ,e
'ooke- to be in his t"enties;
F,i4G he ans"ere-4 -ra"in) near; F("e'' -a14 h$h>G
F($re is4G Bi'' ans"ere-; F!hat@s "h1 "e@re o$t "a'kin) in it4 instea- o% sittin) at home;G
#eor)e@s )a6e shi%te- to me;
FBe4 too4G he sai-4 rakin) his teeth o&er his 'o"er 'ip; F0ea' )oo- -a1;G
F!his is Ber'e Core1; ,e@s &isitin) me;G
FBer'e Core14G #eor)e repeate-4 an- he st$ck o$t his han-; F,i4 Ber'e;G
: took it an- shook it; :t "as a 'itt'e c'amm1;
F0eco)ni6e the name>G
F*h4 Ber'e Core14G he sai- a)ain;
FAo$ kne" his -a-;G
FAeah> Oh4 s$reIG
F(am Core14G Bi'' %inishe-4 an- he shot me a )'ance o&er #eor)e@s sho$'-er;
F(am Core14G #eor)e repeate-; F(on o% a )$nI #oo- to kno" 1o$; Ao$ )oin) to be here 'on)>G
FA %e" -a1s4 : )$ess4G : rep'ie-; F: -i-n@t rea'i6e 1o$@- kno"n m1 %ather;G
F+ine man4G he sai-; F=here 1o$ %rom>G
FCa'i%ornia4 b$t it@s time %or a chan)e;G
F=here 1o$ hea-e->G
FO$t o% the co$ntr14 act$a''1;G
F(o$n-s )reat; :@- 'ike to tra&e' sometime;G
FBa1be 1o$ "i'';G
FBa1be; =e''4 :@'' be mo&in) on; 9et 1o$ )$1s en?o1 1o$r "a'k; Nice meetin) 1o$4 Ber'e;G
FB1 p'eas$re;G
,e backe- a"a14 "a&e-4 t$rne-4 an- "a'ke- o%%;
: )'ance- at Bi'' then an- notice- that he "as shakin);
F=hat@s the matter>G : "hispere-;
F:@&e kno"n that bo1 a'' his 'i%e4G he sai-; F/o 1o$ think he@s on -r$)s>G
FNot the kin- 1o$ ha&e to make ho'es in 1o$r arms %or; : -i-n@t see an1 tracks; An- he -i-n@t
seem partic$'ar'1 space1;G
FAeah4 b$t 1o$ -on@t kno" him the "a1 : -o; ,e seeme- &er1D-i%%erent; :t "as ?$st on imp$'se
that : $se- the name (am %or 1o$r -a-4 beca$se somethin) -i-n@t seem ri)ht; ,is speech patterns
ha&e chan)e-4 his post$re4 his )ait; :ntan)ib'es; : "as "aitin) %or him to correct me4 an- then :
co$'- ha&e ma-e a ?oke abo$t premat$re seni'it1; B$t he -i-n@t; ,e picke- $p on it instea-;
Ber'e4 this is scar1I ,e kne" 1o$r %ather rea' "e''Das Car' Core1; Ao$r -a- 'ike- to keep his
p'ace nice4 b$t he "as ne&er m$ch %or "ee-in) an- mo"in) or rakin) 'ea&es; #eor)e -i- his
1ar- "ork %or him %or 1ears "hi'e he "as in schoo'; ,e kne" his name "asn@t (am;G
F: -on@t $n-erstan-;G
FNeither -o :4G he sai-4 Fan- : -on@t 'ike it;G
F(o he@s actin) "eir-Dan- 1o$ think he "as %o''o"in) $s>G
FNo" : -o; !his is too m$ch o% a coinci-ence4 time- "ith 1o$r arri&a';G
: t$rne-;
F:@m )oin) a%ter him4G : sai-; F:@'' %in- o$t;G
FNo; /on@t;G
F: "on@t h$rt him; !here are other "a1s;G
F:t mi)ht be better to 'et him think he@s )ot $s %oo'e-; :t mi)ht enco$ra)e him to -o somethin) or
sa1 somethin) 'ater that co$'- pro&e $se%$'; On the other han-4 an1thin) 1o$ -oDe&en
somethin) s$bt'e or ma)ica'Dmi)ht 'et him4 or somethin)4 kno" that "e@re on to him; 9et it
ri-e4 be )rate%$' 1o$@re "arne- an- be "ar1;G
FAo$@&e )ot a point there4G : a)ree-; FOka1 G
F9et@s hea- on back an- -ri&e into to"n %or '$nch; : "ant to stop b1 the o%%ice an- pick $p some
papers an- make some phone ca''s; !hen : ha&e to see a c'ient at t"o o@c'ock; Ao$ can take the
car an- knock aro$n- "hi'e :@m -oin) that;G
F+ine;G As "e stro''e- back : -i- some "on-erin); !here "ere a n$mber o% thin)s : ha- not to'-
Bi''; +or instance4 there ha- been no reason to te'' him that : "ore an in&isib'e stran)'in) cor-
possesse- o% some rather $n$s$a' &irt$es4 "o&en abo$t m1 'e%t "rist; One o% these &irt$es is that
it )enera''1 "arns me o% nast1 intentions aime- in m1 -irection4 as it ha- -one in 9$ke@s
presence %or a'most t"o 1ears $nti' "e became %rien-s; =hate&er the reason %or #eor)e ,ansen@s
$n$s$a' beha&ior4 +rakir ha- not )i&en me an1 in-ication that he meant me harm;
+$nn14 tho$)h;;;there "as somethin) abo$t the "a1 he ta'ke-4 the "a1 he sai- his "or-s;;;
: "ent %or a -ri&e a%ter '$nch "hi'e Bi'' took care o% his b$siness; : hea-e- o$t to the p'ace
"here m1 %ather ha- 'i&e- 1ears a)o; :@- been b1 it a n$mber o% times in the past4 b$t :@- ne&er
been insi-e; No rea' reason to4 : )$ess4 an1"a1; : parke- $p the roa- on a rise4 o%% on the
sho$'-er4 an- re)ar-e- it; A 1o$n) co$p'e 'i&e- there no"4 Bi'' ha- to'- me4 "ith some ki-sDa
thin) : co$'- see %or m1se'% %rom some scattere- to1s o%% to the si-e o% the 1ar-; : "on-ere- "hat
it "o$'- ha&e been 'ike4 )ro"in) $p in a p'ace 'ike that; : s$ppose- that : co$'- ha&e; !he ho$se
'ooke- "e'' kept4 spri)ht'1 e&en; : ima)ine- that the peop'e "ere happ1 there;
: "on-ere- "here he "asDi% he "ere e&en amon) the 'i&in); No one co$'- reach him &ia his
!r$mp4 tho$)h that -i-n@t necessari'1 pro&e an1thin); !here are a &ariet1 o% "a1s in "hich a
!r$mp sen-in) can be b'ocke-; :n %act one o% these sit$ations "as e&en sai- to app'1 in his case4
tho$)h : -i-n@t 'ike to think abo$t it;
One r$mor ha- it that /a- ha- been -ri&en ma- in the Co$rts o% Chaos b1 a c$rse p'ace- $pon
him b1 m1 mother4 an- that he no" "an-ere- aim'ess'1 thro$)h (ha-o"; (he re%$se- e&en to
comment on this stor1; Another "as that he ha- entere- the $ni&erse o% his o"n creation an-
ne&er ret$rne-4 "hich it seeme- possib'e; :t co$'- remo&e him %rom the reach o% the !r$mps;
Another "as simp'1 that he ha- perishe- at some point a%ter his -epart$re %rom the Co$rts4 an- a
n$mber o% m1 re'ati&es there ass$re- me that the1 ha- seen him 'ea&e a%ter his so?o$rn; (o4 i% the
r$mor o% his -eath "ere correct4 it -i- not occ$r in the Co$rts o% Chaos; An- there "ere others
"ho c'aime- to ha&e seen him at "i-e'1 separate- sites a%ter"ar-4 enco$nters in&ariab'1
in&o'&in) bi6arre beha&ior on his part; : ha- been to'- b1 one that he "as tra&e'in) in the
compan1 o% a m$te -ancerDa tin14 'o&e'1 'a-1 "ith "hom he comm$nicate- b1 means o% si)n
'an)$a)eDan- that he "asn@t ta'kin) m$ch himse'% either; Another reporte- him as roarin) -r$nk
in a ra$co$s cantina4 %rom "hich he e&ent$a''1''e- a'' the other patrons in or-er to en?o1 the
m$sic o% the ban- "itho$t -istraction; : co$'- not &o$ch %or the a$thenticit1 o% an1 o% these
acco$nts; :t ha- taken me a 'ot o% searchin) ?$st to come $p "ith this han-%$' o% r$mors; : co$'-
not 'ocate him "ith a 9o)r$s s$mmonin) either4 tho$)h : ha- trie- man1 times; B$t o% co$rse i%
he "ere %ar eno$)h a%ie'- m1 po"ers o% concentration ma1 simp'1 ha&e been ina-e<$ate;
:n other "or-s4 : -i-n@t kno" "here the he'' m1 %ather4 Cor"in o% Amber4 "as4 an- nobo-1 e'se
seeme- to kno" either; : re)rette- this sore'14 beca$se m1 on'1 'on) enco$nter "ith him ha-
been on the occasion o% hearin) his 'en)th1 stor1 o$tsi-e the Co$rts o% Chaos on the -a1 o% the
Pattern%a'' batt'e; !his ha- chan)e- m1 'i%e; :t ha- )i&en me the reso'&e to -epart the Co$rt4 "ith
the -etermination to seek e.perience an- e-$cation in the sha-o" "or'- "here he ha- -"e''e-
%or so 'on); :@- %e't a nee- to $n-erstan- it i% : "ere to $n-erstan- him better; : be'ie&e- that : ha-
no" achie&e- somethin) o% this4 an- more; B$t he "as no 'on)er a&ai'ab'e to contin$e o$r
: be'ie&e- that : "as abo$t rea-1 to attempt a ne" means o% 'ocatin) himDno" that the
#host"hee' pro?ect "as a'most o%% the )ro$n-D"hen the most recent %eca' missi'e met the
rotatin) b'a-es; +o''o"in) m1 cross-co$ntr1 trip4 sche-$'e- to "in- $p at Bi''@s p'ace a month or
t"o %rom no"4 : "as )oin) to hea- o%% to m1 persona' anoma'1 o% a p'ace an- be)in the "ork;
No";;;other thin)s ha- cro"-e- in; !he matters at han- "o$'- ha&e to be -ea't "ith be%ore :
co$'- )et on "ith the search;
: -ro&e past the ho$se s'o"'1; : co$'- hear the so$n-s o% stereo m$sic thro$)h open "in-o"s;
Better not to kno" e.act'1 "hat it "as 'ike insi-e; (ometimes a 'itt'e m1ster1 is best;
!hat e&enin) a%ter -inner : sat on the porch "ith Bi''4 tr1in) to think o% an1thin) e'se : sho$'-
r$n thro$)h his min-; As : kept -ra"in) b'anks4 he "as the %irst to rene" o$r seria' con&ersation8
F(omethin) e'se4G he be)an;
F/an Bartine6 str$ck $p his con&ersation "ith 1o$ b1 a''$-in) to 9$ke@s attempts to 'ocate
in&estors %or some sort o% comp$ter compan1; Ao$ 'ater %e't that the "ho'e thin) co$'- simp'1
ha&e been a p'o14 to )et 1o$ o%% )$ar- an- then hit 1o$ "ith that <$estion abo$t Amber an-
FB$t then 9$ke rea''1 -i- raise the matter o% -oin) somethin) a'on) those 'ines; ,e insiste-4
tho$)h4 that he ha- not been in to$ch "ith potentia' in&estors an- that he ha- ne&er hear- o% /an
Bartine6; =hen he sa" the man -ea- 'ater he sti'' maintaine- that he@- ne&er met him;G
: no--e-;
F!hen either 9$ke "as '1in)4 or Bartine6 ha- someho" 'earne- his p'ans;G
F: -on@t think 9$ke "as '1in)4G : sai-; F:n %act4 :@&e been thinkin) abo$t that "ho'e b$siness
some more; E$st kno"in) him as : -o4 : -on@t be'ie&e 9$ke "o$'- ha&e )one aro$n- 'ookin) %or
in&estors $nti' he "as s$re there "as somethin) to p$t the mone1 into; : think he "as te''in) the
tr$th on that4 too; :t seems more 'ike'1 to me that this mi)ht ha&e been the on'1 rea' coinci-ence
in e&er1thin) that@s happene- so %ar; : ha&e the %ee'in) that Bartine6 kne" a 'ot abo$t 9$ke an-
?$st "ante- that one %ina' piece o% in%ormationDabo$t his kno"'e-)e o% Amber an- the Co$rts; :
think he "as &er1 shre"-4 an- on the basis o% "hat he kne" a'rea-1 he "as ab'e to concoct
somethin) that seeme- p'a$sib'e to me4 kno"in) :@- "orke- %or the same compan1 as 9$ke;G
F: s$ppose it@s possib'e4G he sai-; FB$t then "hen 9$ke rea''1 -i-DG
F:@m be)innin) to be'ie&e4G : interr$pte-4 Fthat 9$ke@s stor1 "as phone14 too;G
F: -on@t %o''o" 1o$;G
F: think he p$t it to)ether the same "a1 Bartine6 -i-4 an- %or simi'ar reasonsDto so$n-
p'a$sib'e to me so that he co$'- )et some in%ormation he "ante-;G
FAo$@&e 'ost me; =hat in%ormation>G
FB1 #host"hee'; ,e "ante- to kno" "hat it "as;G
FAn- he "as -isapointe- to 'earn that it "as ?$st an e.ercise in e.otic -esi)n4 %or other reasons
than b$i'-in) a compan1>G
Bi'' ca$)ht m1 smi'e as : no--e-;
F!here@s more>G he sai-; !hen8 F=ait; /on@t te'' me; Ao$ "ere '1in)4 too; :t@s somethin) rea';G
F: probab'1 sho$'-n@t e&en askD$n'ess 1o$ think it@s materia' an- "ant to te'' me; :% it@s
somethin) bi) an- &er1 important it co$'- be )otten o$t o% me4 1o$ kno"; : ha&e a 'o" to'erance
%or pain; !hink abo$t it;G
: -i-; : sat there %or some time4 m$sin);
F: s$ppose it co$'- be4G : sai- %ina''14 Fin a sort o% periphera' "a1 :@m s$re 1o$@re not re%errin)
to; B$t : -on@t see ho" it co$'- beDas 1o$ sa1Dmateria'; Not to 9$ke or to an1one e'seD
beca$se nobo-1 e&en kno"s "hat it is b$t me; No; : can@t see ho" it enters the e<$ation be1on-
9$ke@s c$riosit1 abo$t it; (o : think :@'' %o''o" 1o$r s$))estion an- ?$st keep it o%% the recor-;G
F+ine "ith me4G he sai-; F!hen there is the matter o% 9$ke@s -isappearanceDG
=ithin the ho$se4 a te'ephone ran); F2.c$se me4G Bi'' sai-;
,e rose an- "ent into the kitchen;
A%ter a %e" moments4 : hear- him ca''4 FBer'e4 it@s %or 1o$IG
: )ot $p an- "ent insi-e; : )a&e him a <$estionin) 'ook as soon as : entere- an- he shr$))e- an-
shook his hea-; : tho$)ht %ast an- reca''e- the 'ocation o% t"o other phones in the ho$se; :
pointe- at him4 pointe- in the -irection o% his st$-1 an- pantomime- the motion o% pickin) $p a
recei&er an- ho'-in) it to one@s ear; ,e smi'e- s'i)ht'1 an- no--e-; : took the recei&er an- "aite-
a "hi'e4 ti'' : hear- the c'ick4 on'1 be)innin) to speak then4 hopin) the ca''er "o$'- think :@-
picke- $p an e.tension to ans"er;
F,e''o4G : sai-;
FBer'e Core1>G
F!hat@s me;G
F: nee- same in%ormation : think 1o$ mi)ht ha&e;G
:t "as a masc$'ine &oice4 sort o% %ami'iar b$t not <$ite; F=ho am : ta'kin) to>G : aske-;
F:@m sorr1; : can@t te'' 1o$ that;G
F!hen that "i'' probab'1 be m1 ans"er to 1o$r <$estion4 too;G
F=i'' 1o$ at 'east 'et me ask>G
F#o ahea-4G : sai-;
FOka1; Ao$ an- 9$ke 0a1nar- are %rien-s;G ,e pa$se-;
FAo$ co$'- sa1 that4G : sai-4 to %i'' the space;
FAo$ ha&e hear- him speak o% p'aces ca''e- Amber an- the Co$rts o% Chaos;G
A)ain4 a statement rather than a <$estion;
FBa1be4G : sai-;
F/o 1o$ kno" an1thin) o% these p'aces 1o$rse'%>G
+ina''14 a <$estion;
FBa1be4G : sai- a)ain;
FP'ease; !his is serio$s; : nee- somethin) mare than a Tma1be;@G
F(orr1; TBa1be@ is a'' 1o$@re )oin) to )et4 $n'ess 1o$ te'' me "ho 1o$ are an- "h1 1o$ "ant to
F: can be o% )reat ser&ice to 1o$ i% 1o$ "i'' be honest "ith me;G
: bit back a rep'1 ?$st in time an- %e't m1 p$'se be)in to race; !hat 'ast statement ha- been
spoken in !hari; : maintaine- m1 si'ence;
!hen8 F=e''4 that -i-n@t "ork4 an- : sti'' -on@t rea''1 kno";G
F=hat> =hat -on@t 1o$ kno">G : sai-;
F=hether he@s %rom one o% those p'aces or "hether 1o$ are;G
F!o be as b'$nt as possib'e4 "hat@s it to 1o$>G : aske- him;
FBeca$se one o% 1o$ ma1 be in )reat -an)er;G
F!he one "ho is %rom s$ch a p'ace or the one "ho is not>G : aske-;
F: can@t te'' 1o$ that; : can@t a%%or- another mistake;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean> =hat "as 1o$r 'ast one abo$t>G
FAo$ "on@t te'' meDeither %or p$rposes o% se'% preser&ation4 or to he'p a %rien->G
F: mi)ht4G : sai-4 Fi% : kne" that that "ere rea''1 the case; B$t %or a'' : kno"4 it mi)ht be 1o$
that@s the -an)er;G
F: ass$re 1o$ : am on'1 tr1in) to he'p the ri)ht person;G
F=or-s4 "or-s4 "or-s4G : sai-; F($pposin) "e "ere both %rom s$ch p'aces>G
FOh4 m1IG he sai-; FNo; !hat co$'-n@t be;G
F=h1 not>G
FNe&er min-; =hat -o : ha&e to -o to pers$a-e 1o$>G
FBm; =ait a min$te; 9et me think4G : ans"ere-; FA'' ri)ht; ,o" abo$t this> :@'' meet 1o$
somep'ace; Ao$ name the p'ace; : )et a )oo- 'ook at 1o$ an- "e tra-e in%ormation4 one piece at a
time4 ti'' a'' the car-s are on the tab'e;G
!here "as a pa$se;
!hen8 F!hat@s the on'1 "a1 1o$@'' -o it>G
F9et me think abo$t it; :@'' be back in to$ch soon;G
FOne thin)DG
F:% it is me4 am : in -an)er ri)ht no">G
F: think so; Aes4 1o$ probab'1 are; #oo--b1e;G ,e h$n) $p;
: mana)e- to si)h an- s"ear at the same time as : recra-'e- the phone; Peop'e "ho kne" abo$t
$s seeme- to be comin) o$t o% the "oo-"ork;
Bi'' came into the kitchen4 a &er1 p$66'e- e.pression on his %ace;
F,o"@- "hoe&er-the-he''-he-is e&en kno" 1o$@re here>G "ere his %irst "or-s;
F!hat "as m1 <$estion4G : sai-; F!hink $p another;G
F: "i''; :% he "ants to set somethin) $p4 are 1o$ rea''1 )oin)>G
FAo$ bet; : s$))este- it beca$se : "ant to meet this )$1;G
FAs 1o$ pointe- o$t4 he ma1 be the -an)er;G
F!hat@s oka1 b1 me; ,e@s )oin) to be in a 'ot o% -an)er4 too;G
F: -on@t 'ike it;G
F:@m not so happ1 "ith it m1se'%; B$t it@s the best o%%er :@&e ha- so %ar;G
F=e''4 it@s 1o$r -ecision; :t@s too ba- there isn@t some "a1 o% 'ocatin) him be%orehan-;G
F!hat passe- thro$)h m1 min-4 too;G
F9isten4 "h1 not p$sh him a 'itt'e>G
F,e so$n-e- a 'itt'e ner&o$s4 an- : -on@t think he 'ike- 1o$r s$))estion an1 more than : -o; 9et@s
not be here "hen he ca''s back; /on@t 'et him think 1o$@re ?$st sittin) aro$n- "aitin) %or the
phone to rin); Bake him "ait a 'itt'e; #o con?$re $p some %resh c'othes an- "e@'' -ri&e o&er to
the co$ntr1 c'$b %or a co$p'e o% ho$rs; :t@'' beat rai-in) the icebo.;G
F#oo- i-ea4G : sai-; F!his "as s$ppose- to be a &acation4 one time; !hat@s probab'1 the c'osest
:@'' )et; (o$n-s %ine;G : rene"e- m1 "ar-robe o$t o% (ha-o"4 trimme- m1 bear-4 sho"ere-4 an-
-resse-; =e -ro&e to the c'$b then an- ha- a 'eis$re'1 mea' on the terrace; :t "as a )oo- e&enin)
%or it4 ba'm1 an- star-%i''e-4 r$nnin) "ith moon'i)ht 'ike mi'k; B1 m$t$a' consent "e re%raine-
%rom -isc$ssin) m1 prob'ems an1 %$rther; Bi'' seeme- to kno" a'most e&er1one there4 so it
seeme- a %rien-'1 p'ace to me; :t "as the most re'a.e- e&enin) :@- spent in a 'on) "hi'e;
A%ter"ar- "e stoppe- %or -rinks in the c'$b bar4 "hich : )athere- ha- been one o% m1 -a-@s
%a&orite "aterin) spots4 strains o% -ance m$sic -ri%tin) thro$)h %rom the room ne.t -oor;
FAeah4 it "as a )oo- i-ea4G : sai-; F!hanks;G
F/e na-a4G he sai-; F: ha- a 'ot o% )oo- times here "ith 1o$r o'- man; Ao$ ha&en@t4 b1 an1
FNo4 no ne"s o% him;G
F:@'' 'et 1o$ kno" "hen he t$rns $p;G
F($re; (orr1;G
!he -ri&e back "as $ne&ent%$'4 an- no one %o''o"e- $s; =e )ot in a 'itt'e a%ter mi-ni)ht4 sai-
)oo- ni)ht4 an- : "ent strai)ht to m1 room; : shr$))e- o$t o% m1 ne" ?acket an- h$n) it in the
c'oset4 kicke- o%% m1 ne" shoes an- 'e%t them there4 too; As : "a'ke- back into the room4 :
notice- the "hite rectan)'e on the pi''o" o% m1 be-;
: crosse- to it in t"o bi) steps an- snatche- it $p; (O00A AO* =202 NO! :N =,2N :
CA992/ BAC34 :t sai-4 in b'ock capita's; B*! : (A= AO* A! !,2 C9*B AN/ CAN
C20!A:N9A *N/20(!AN/ AO*0 =AN!:N# A N:#,! O*!; :! #A72 B2 AN :/2A;
92!@( B22! :N !,2 BA0 !,2024 !OBO00O= N:#,!4 A! !2N; :@/ +229 B2!!20
=!!, 9O!( O+ P2OP92 A0O*N/ B*! NON2 O+ !,2B 9:(!2N:N#;
/amn; B1 %irst imp$'se "as to )o an- te'' Bi''; B1 %irst tho$)ht %o''o"in) the imp$'se4 tho$)h4
"as that there "as nothin) he co$'- -o e.cept 'ose some s'eep o&er it4 a thin) he probab'1
nee-e- a 'ot more than : -i-; (o : %o'-e- the note an- st$ck it in m1 shirt pocket4 then h$n) $p
the shirt;
Not e&en a ni)htmare to 'i&en m1 s'$mber; : s'ept -eep'1 an- "e''4 kno"in) +rakir "o$'- ro$se
me in the e&ent o% -an)er; :n %act4 : o&ers'ept4 an- it %e't )oo-; !he mornin) "as s$nn1 an- bir-s
"ere sin)in);
: ma-e m1 "a1 -o"nstairs to the kitchen a%ter sp'ashin) an- combin) m1se'% into shape an-
rai-in) (ha-o" %or %resh s'acks an- a shirt; !here "as a note on the kitchen tab'e; : "as tire- o%
%in-in) notes4 b$t this one "as %rom Bi''4 sa1in) he@- ha- to r$n into to"n to his o%%ice %or a
"hi'e an- : sho$'- )o ahea- an- he'p m1se'% to an1thin) that 'ooke- )oo- %or break%ast; ,e@- be
back a 'itt'e 'ater;
: checke- o$t the re%ri)erator an- came $p "ith some 2n)'ish m$%%ins4 a piece o% canta'o$pe an-
a )'ass o% oran)e ?$ice; (ome co%%ee :@- starte- %irst thin) "as rea-1 short'1 a%ter : %inishe-4 an- :
took a c$p "ith me o$t onto the porch;
As : sat there4 : be)an to think that ma1be : o$)ht to 'ea&e a note o% m1 o"n an- mo&e on; B1
m1sterio$s correspon-entDconcei&ab'1 (Dha- phone- here once an- broken in once; ,o" (
ha- kno"n : "as here "as immateria'; :t "as a %rien-@s ho$se4 an- tho$)h : -i- not min- sharin)
some o% m1 prob'ems "ith %rien-s4 : -i- not 'ike the i-ea o% e.posin) them to -an)er; B$t then4 it
"as -a1'i)ht no" an- the meetin) "as set %or this e&enin); Not that m$ch 'on)er ti'' some sort o%
reso'$tion "as achie&e-; A'most si''1 to -epart at this point; :n %act4 it "as probab'1 better that :
han) aro$n- ti'' then; : co$'- keep an e1e on thin)s4 protect Bi'' i% an1thin) came $p to-a1;
($--en'14 : ha- a &ision o% someone %orcin) Bi'' to "rite that note at )$npoint4 then "hiskin)
him a"a1 as a hosta)e to press$re me into ans"erin) <$estions;
: h$rrie- back to the kitchen an- phone- his o%%ice; ,orace Cra1per4 his secretar14 ans"ere- on
the secon- rin); F,i4 this is Ber'e Core14G : sai-; F:s Br; 0oth in>G
FAes4G he rep'ie-4 Fb$t he@s "ith a c'ient ri)ht no"; Co$'- : ha&e him ca'' 1o$ back>G
FNo4 it@s not that important4G : sai-4 Fan- :@'' be seein) him 'ater; /on@t bother him; !hanks;G :
po$re- m1se'% another c$p o% co%%ee an- ret$rne- to the porch; !his sort o% thin) "as ba- %or the
ner&es; : -eci-e- that i% e&er1thin) "asn@t s<$are- a"a1 this e&enin) : "o$'- 'ea&e;
A %i)$re ro$n-e- the corner o% the ho$se;
F,i4 Ber'e;G
:t "as #eor)e ,ansen; +rakir )a&e me the tiniest o% p$'ses4 as i% be)innin) a "arnin) an- then
reconsi-erin) it; Ambi)$o$s; *n$s$a';
F,i4 #eor)e; ,o"@s it )oin)>G
FPrett1 "e''; :s Br; 0oth in>G
FA%rai- not; ,e ha- to )o into to"n %or a "hi'e; : ima)ine he@'' be back aro$n- '$nchtime or a
'itt'e a%ter;G
FOh; A %e" -a1s a)o he@- aske- me to stop b1 "hen : "as %ree4 abo$t some "ork he "ante-
,e came nearer4 p$t his %oot on the step; : shook m1 hea-;
FCan@t he'p 1o$; ,e -i-n@t mention it to me; Ao$@'' ha&e to catch him 'ater;G
,e no--e-4 $n"o$n- his pack o% ci)arettes4 shook one o$t an- 'it it4 then re"o$n- the pack in
his shirt s'ee&es; !his !-shirt "as a Pink +'o1-;
F,o" are 1o$ en?o1in) 1o$r sta1>G he aske-;
F0ea' "e''; Ao$ care %or a c$p o% co%%ee>G
F/on@t min- i% : -o;G
: rose an- "ent insi-e;
F=ith a 'itt'e cream an- s$)ar4G he ca''e- a%ter me;
: %i.e- him one an- "hen : ret$rne- "ith it he "as seate- in the other chair on the porch;
F!hanks;G A%ter he@- taste- it4 he sai-4 F: kno" 1o$r -a-@s name@s Car' e&en tho$)h Br; 0oth
sai- (am; ,is memor1 m$st@&e s'ippe-;G
FOr his ton)$e4G : sai-; ,e smi'e-;
=hat "as it abo$t the "a1 he ta'ke-> ,is &oice co$'- a'most be the one :@- hear- on the phone
'ast ni)ht4 tho$)h that one ha- been &er1 contro''e- an- s'o"e- ?$st eno$)h to ne$tra'i6e an1
n$mber o% speech c'$es; :t "asn@t that comparison that "as botherin) me;
F,e "as a retire- mi'itar1 o%%icer4 "asn@t he> An- some sort o% )o&ernment cons$'tant>G
F=here is he no">G
F/oin) a 'ot o% tra&e'in)Do&erseas;G
FAo$ )oin) to see him on 1o$r o"n trip>G
F: hope so;G
F!hat@'' be nice4G he sai-4 takin) a -ra) on his ci)arette an- another sip o% co%%ee; FAhI that@s
F: -on@t remember seein) 1o$ aro$n-4G he sai- s$--en'1 then; FAo$ ne&er 'i&e- "ith 1o$r -a-4
FNo4 : )re" $p "ith m1 mother an- other re'ati&es;G
FPrett1 %ar %rom here4 h$h>G
: no--e-; FO&erseas;G
F=hat "as her name>G
: a'most to'- him; :@m not certain "h14 b$t : chan)e- it to F/oroth1G be%ore it came o$t;
: )'ance- at him in time to see him p$rse his 'ips; ,e ha- been st$-1in) m1 %ace as : spoke;
F=h1 -o 1o$ ask>G : sai-;
FNo specia' reason; Or )enetic nosiness4 1o$ mi)ht sa1; B1 mother "as the to"n )ossip;G
,e 'a$)he- an- )$'pe- co%%ee;
F=i'' 1o$ be sta1in) 'on)>G he aske- then;
F,ar- to sa1; Probab'1 not rea' 'on)4 tho$)h;G
F=e''4 : hope 1o$ ha&e a )oo- time o% it;G ,e %inishe- his co%%ee an- set the c$p on the rai'in);
,e rose then4 stretche- an- a--e-4 FNice ta'kin) to 1o$;G
Part"a1 -o"n the stairs he pa$se- an- t$rne-;
F:@&e a %ee'in) 1o$@'' )o %ar4G he to'- me; F#oo- '$ck;G
FAo$ ma14 too4G : sai-; FAo$@&e a "a1 "ith "or-s;G
F!hanks %or the co%%ee; (ee 1o$ aro$n-;G
FAes;G ,e t$rne- the corner an- "as )one; : simp'1 -i-n@t kno" "hat to make o% him4 an- a%ter
se&era' attempts : )a&e $p; =hen inspiration is si'ent reason tires <$ick'1;
: "as makin) m1se'% a san-"ich "hen Bi'' ret$rne-4 so : ma-e t"o; ,e "ent an- chan)e-
c'othes "hi'e : "as -oin) this;
F:@m s$ppose-'1 takin) it eas1 this month4G he sai- "hi'e "e "ere eatin)4 Fb$t that "as an o'-
c'ient "ith some pressin) b$siness4 so : ha- to )o in; =hat sa1 "e %o''o" the creek in the other
-irection this a%ternoon>G
F($re;G As "e hike- across the %ie'- : to'- him o% #eor)e@s &isit;
FNo4G he sai-4 F: -i-n@t te'' him : ha- an1 ?obs %or him;G
F:n other "or-sDG
F: )$ess he came b1 to see 1o$; :t "o$'- ha&e been eas1 eno$)h to see me 'ea&e4 %rom their
F: "ish : kne" "hat he "ante-;G
F:% it@s important eno$)h he@'' probab'1 "in- $p askin) 1o$4 in time;G
FB$t time is r$nnin)4G : sai-; F:@&e -eci-e- to 'ea&e tomorro" mornin)4 ma1be e&en toni)ht;G
As "e ma-e o$r "a1 -o"n the creek4 : to'- him o% 'ast ni)ht@s note an- this e&enin)@s
ren-e6&o$s; : a'so to'- him m1 %ee'in)s abo$t e.posin) him to stra1 shots4 or inten-e- ones;
F:t ma1 not be that serio$s4G he be)an;
FB1 min-@s ma-e $p4 Bi''; : hate to c$t thin)s short "hen : ha&en@t seen 1o$ %or so 'on)4 b$t :
ha-n@t co$nte- on a'' this tro$b'e; An- i% : )o a"a1 1o$ kno" that it "i''4 too;G
FProbab'1 so4 b$t;;;G
=e contin$e- in this &ein %or a "hi'e as "e %o''o"e- the "aterco$rse; !hen "e %ina''1 -roppe-
the matter as sett'e- an- ret$rne- to a %r$it'ess rehashin) o% m1 p$66'es; As "e "a'ke- : 'ooke-
back occasiona''1 b$t -i- not see an1one behin- $s; : -i- hear a %e" so$n-s "ithin the br$sh on
the opposite bank at in%re<$ent inter&a's4 b$t it co$'- easi'1 ha&e been an anima' -ist$rbe- b1 o$r
=e ha- hike- %or o&er an ho$r "hen : ha- the premonitor1 %ee'in) that someone "as pickin) $p
m1 !r$mp; : %ro6e;
Bi'' ha'te- an- t$rne- to"ar- me;
: raise- m1 han-;
F9on) -istance ca''4G : sai-;
A moment 'ater : %e't the %irst mo&ement o% contact; : a'so hear- the noise in the b$shes a)ain4
across the "ater;
:t "as 0an-om@s &oice4 ca''in) to me; A %e" secon-s 'ater : sa" him4 seate- at a -esk in the
'ibrar1 o% Amber;
FAes>G : ans"ere-;
!he ima)e came into so'i-it14 ass$me- %$'' rea'it14 as i% : "ere 'ookin) thro$)h an arch"a1 into
an a-?acent room; At the same time4 : sti'' possesse- m1 &ision o% the rest o% m1 s$rro$n-in)s4
tho$)h it "as )ro"in) more an- more periphera' b1 the moment; +or e.amp'e4 : sa" #ear)e
,ansen start $p %rom amon) the b$shes across the creek4 starin) at me;
F: "ant 1o$ back in Amber ri)ht a"a14G 0an-om state-; #eor)e be)an to mo&e %or"ar-4
sp'ashin) -o"n into the "ater;
0an-om raise- his han-4 e.ten-e- it; FCome on thro$)h4G he sai-;
B1 no" m1 o$t'ine m$st ha&e be)$n shimmerin)4 an- : hear- #eor)e cr1 o$t4 F(topI =aitI :
ha&e to come "ithDIG
: reache- o$t an- )raspe- Bi''@s sho$'-er;
F: can@t 'ea&e 1o$ "ith this n$t4G : sai-; FCome onIG =ith m1 other han- : c'aspe- 0an-om@s;
FOka14G : sai-4 mo&in) %or"ar-;
F(topIG #eor)e crie-;
F!he he'' 1o$ sa14G : rep'ie-4 an- "e 'e%t him to c'asp a rainbo";
Chapter #
0an-om 'ooke- start'e- as the t"o o% $s came thro$)h into the 'ibrar1; ,e rose to his %eet4 "hich
sti'' 'e%t him shorter than either o% $s4 an- he shi%te- his attention to Bi'';
FBer'in4 "ho@s this>G he aske-;
FAo$r attorne14 Bi'' 0oth4G : sai-; FAo$@&e a'"a1s -ea't "ith him thro$)h a)ents in the past; :
tho$)ht 1o$ mi)ht 'ike toDG
Bi'' be)an -roppin) to one knee4 FAo$r Ba?est14G on his 'ips4 b$t 0an-om ca$)ht him b1 the
FC$t the crap4G he sai-; F=e@re not in Co$rt;G ,e c'aspe- his han-4 then sai-4 FCa'' me 0an-om;
:@&e a'"a1s inten-e- to thank 1o$ persona''1 %or the "ork 1o$ -i- on that treat1; Ne&er )ot
aro$n- to it4 tho$)h; #oo- to meet 1o$;G
:@- ne&er seen Bi'' at a 'oss %or "or-s be%ore4 b$t he ?$st stare-4 at 0an-om4 at the room4 o$t o%
the "in-o" at a -istant to"er;
+ina''14 F:t@s rea';;;G : hear- him "hisper moments 'ater;
F/i- : not see someone sprin)in) to"ar- 1o$>G 0an-om sai- to me4 r$nnin) a han- thro$)h his
$nr$'1 bro"n hair;FAn- s$re'1 1o$r 'ast "or-s back there "ere not a--resse- to me>G
F=e "ere ha&in) a 'itt'e prob'em4G : ans"ere-; F!hat@s the rea' reason : bro$)ht Bi'' a'on); Ao$
see4 someone@s been tr1in) to ki'' me4 an-DG
0an-om raise- his han-; F(pare me the -etai's %or the moment; :@'' nee- them a'' 'ater4 b$tDb$t
'et it be 'ater; !here is more nastiness than $s$a' a%oot at the moment4 an- 1o$rs ma1 "e'' be a
part o% it; B$t :@&e )ot to breathe a bit;G
:t "as on'1 then that some -eepene- 'ines in his nat$ra''1 1o$th%$' %ace re)istere- an- : be)an to
rea'i6e that he "as $n-er a strain;
F=hat@s the matter>G : aske-;
FCaine is -ea-; B$r-ere-4G he rep'ie-; F!his mornin);G
F,o" -i- it happen>G
F,e "as o%% in (ha-o" /ei)aDa -istant port "ith "hich "e ha&e commerce; ,e "as "ith
#erar-4 to rene)otiate an o'- tra-e a)reement; ,e "as shot4 thro$)h the heart; /ie- instant'1;G
F/i- the1 catch the bo"man>G
FBo"man4 he''I :t "as a ri%'eman4 on a roo%top; An- he )ot a"a1;G
F: tho$)ht )$npo"-er -i-n@t "ork aro$n- here;G ,e ma-e a <$ick pa'ms-$p )est$re;
F/ei)a ma1 be %ar eno$)h o%% in (ha-o" %or it to "ork; Nobo-1 here can remember e&er testin)
an1 there; +or that matter4 tho$)h4 1o$r %ather once came $p "ith a compo$n- that "orke- here;G
F!r$e; :@- a'most %or)otten;G
FAn1"a14 the %$nera' is tomorro"DG
FBi''I Ber'inIG
B1 a$nt +'oraD"ho ha- t$rne- -o"n 0ossetti@s o%%ers4 one o% them bein) to mo-e' %or himD
ha- entere- the room; !a''4 s'im an- b$rnishe-4 she h$rrie- %or"ar- an- kisse- Bi'' on the cheek;
: ha- ne&er seen him b'$sh be%ore; (he repeate- the act %or me4 too4 b$t : "as 'ess mo&e-4
reca''in) that she ha- once been m1 %ather@s "ar-en;
F=hen -i- 1o$ )et in>G ,er &oice "as 'o&e'14 too;
FE$st no"4G : sai-;
(he imme-iate'1 'inke- arms "ith both o% $s an- attempte- to 'ea- $s o%%;
F=e ha&e so m$ch to ta'k abo$t4G she be)an;
F+'oraIG !his %rom 0an-om;
FAes4 brother>G
FAo$ ma1 )i&e Br; 0oth the %$'' to$r4 b$t : re<$ire Ber'in@s presence %or a time;G
(he po$te- s'i)ht'1 %or a moment4 then re'ease- m1 arm; FNo" 1o$ kno" "hat an abso'$te
monarch1 is4G she e.p'aine- to Bi''; FAo$ can see ho" po"er corr$pts;G
F: "as corr$pt be%ore : ha- po"er4G 0an-om sai-4 Fan- rich is better; Ao$ ha&e m1 'ea&e to
-epart4 sister;G
(he sni%%e- an- 'e- Bi'' a"a1;
F:t@s a'"a1s <$ieter aro$n- here "hen she %in-s a bo1%rien- o%% some"here in (ha-o"4G 0an-om
obser&e-; F*n%ort$nate'14 she@s been home %or the better part o% a 1ear this time;G
: ma-e a tskin) so$n-;
,e )est$re- to"ar- a chair an- : took it; ,e crosse- to a cabinet then;
F=ine>G he aske-;
F/on@t min- i% : -o;G
,e po$re- t"o )'asses4 bro$)ht me one4 an- seate- himse'% in a chair to m1 'e%t4 a sma'' tab'e
bet"een $s; F(omeone a'so took a shot at B'e1s4G he sai-4 Fthis a%ternoon4 in another sha-o"; ,it
him4 too4 b$t not ba-; #$nman )ot a"a1; B'e1s "as ?$st on a -ip'omatic mission to a %rien-'1
F(ame person4 1o$ think>G
F($re; =e@&e ne&er ha- ri%'e snipin) in the nei)hborhoo- be%ore; !hen t"o4 a'' o% a s$--en> :t
m$st be the same person; Or the same conspirac1;G
FAn1 c'$es>G
,e shook his hea- an- taste- the "ine;
F: "ante- to ta'k to 1o$ a'one4G he sai- then4 Fbe%ore an1 o% the others )ot to 1o$; !here are t"o
thin)s :@- 'ike 1o$ to kno";G
: sippe- the "ine an- "aite-;
F!he %irst is that this rea''1 scares me; =ith the attempt on B'e1s it no 'on)er appears to ha&e
been simp'1 a persona' thin) -irecte- at Caine; (omebo-1 seems to ha&e it in %or $sDor at 'east
some o% $s; No" 1o$ sa1 there@s someone a%ter 1o$4 too;G
F: -on@t kno" "hether there@s an1 connectionDG
F=e''4 neither -o :; B$t : -on@t 'ike the possib'e pattern : see -e&e'opin); B1 "orst %ear is that it
ma1 be one or more o% $s behin- it;G
F=h1>G ,e )'o"ere- into his )ob'et;
F+or cent$ries the persona' &en-etta has been o$r "a1 o% sett'in) -isa)reements4 not necessari'1
procee-in) ine&itab'1 to -eathDtho$)h that "as a'"a1s a possibi'it1Db$t certain'1
characteri6e- b1 intri)$es4 to the en- o% embarrassin)4 -isa-&anta)in)4 maimin)4 or e.i'in) the
other an- enhancin) one@s o"n position; !his reache- its 'atest peak in the scramb'e %or the
s$ccession; : tho$)ht e&er1thin) "as prett1 m$ch sett'e-4 tho$)h4 "hen : "o$n- $p "ith the ?ob4
"hich : certain'1 "asn@t 'ookin) %or; : ha- no rea' to )rin-4 an- :@&e trie- to be %air; : kno"
ho" to$ch1 e&er1one here is; : -on@t think it@s me4 tho$)h4 an- : -on@t think it@s the s$ccession; :
ha&en@t ha- an1 ba- &ibes %rom an1 o% the others; :@- )otten the impression the1 ha- -eci-e- :
"as the 'esser o% a'' possib'e e&i's an- "ere act$a''1 cooperatin) to make it "ork; No4 : -on@t
be'ie&e an1 o% the others is rash eno$)h to "ant m1 cro"n; !here "as act$a''1 amit14 )oo-"i''4
a%ter the s$ccession "as sett'e-; B$t "hat :@m "on-erin) no" is "hether the o'- pattern mi)ht be
rec$rrin)Dthat some o% the others mi)ht ha&e taken $p the o'- )ame a)ain to sett'e persona'
)rie&ances; : rea''1 -on@t "ant to see that happenDa'' the s$spicion4 preca$tions4 inn$en-oes4
mistr$st4 -o$b'e -ea'in)s; :t "eakens $s4 an- there@s a'"a1s some possib'e threat ar other a)ainst
"hich "e sho$'- be stron); No"4 :@&e spoken "ith e&er1one pri&ate'14 an- o% co$rse the1 a''
-en1 an1 kno"'e-)e o% c$rrent caba's4 intri)$es4 an- &en-ettas4 b$t : co$'- see that the1@re
)ettin) s$spicio$s o% each other; :t@s become a habit o% tho$)ht; An- it "asn@t at a'' -i%%ic$'t %or
them to -i) $p some o% )r$-)e each o% the others mi)ht sti'' ha&e ha- a)ainst Caine -espite the
%act that he sa&e- a'' o$r asses b1 takin) o$t Bran-; An- the same "ith B'e1sDe&er1one co$'-
%in- moti&es %or e&er1one e'se;G
F(o 1o$ "ant the ki''er %ast4 beca$se o% "hat he@s -one to mora'e;G
FCertain'1; : -on@t nee- a'' this backbitin) an- )r$-)eh$ntin); :t@s a'' sti'' so c'ose to the s$r%ace
that "e@re 'ike'1 to ha&e rea' caba's4 intri)$es4 an- &en-ettas be%ore 'on)4 i% "e -on@t a'rea-14 an-
some 'itt'e mis$n-erstan-in) co$'- 'ea- to &io'ence a)ain;G
F/o 1o$ think it@s one o% the others>G
F(hitI :@m the same as the1 are; : )et s$spicio$s b1 re%'e.; :t "e'' ma1 be4 b$t : ha&en@t rea''1
seen a bit o% e&i-ence;G
F=ho e'se co$'- it be>G
,e $ncrosse- an- recrosse- his 'e)s; ,e took another -rink o% "ine;
F,e''I O$r enemies are 'e)ion; B$t most o% them "o$'-n@t ha&e the )$ts; !he1 a'' kno" the kin-
o% reprisa' the1 co$'- e.pect once "e %o$n- them o$t;G
,e c'aspe- his han-s behin- his hea- an- stare- at the ro"s o% books;
F: -on@t kno" bo" to sa1 this4G he be)an a%ter a time4 Fb$t : ha&e to;G
: "aite- a)ain; !hen he sai- <$ick'14 F!here@s ta'k it@s Cor"in4 b$t : -on@t be'ie&e it;G
FNo4G : sai- so%t'1;
F: to'- 1o$ : -on@t be'ie&e it; Ao$r %ather means a 'ot to me;G
F=h1 "o$'- an1bo-1 be'ie&e it>G
F!here@s a r$mor he@s )one cra61; Ao$@&e hear- it; =hat i% he@s re&erte- to some past state o%
min-4 %rom the -a1s "hen his re'ations "ith Caine an- B'e1s "ere a 'ot 'ess than cor-ia'Dor
"ith an1 o% $s4 %or that matter> !hat@s "hat the1@re sa1in);G
F: -on@t be'ie&e it;G
F: ?$st "ante- 1o$ to be a"are that it@s bein) kicke- aro$n-;G
FNobo-1@- better kick it in m1 -irection;G
,e si)h; F/on@t 1o$ start; P'ease; !he1@re $pset; /on@t 'ook %or tro$b'e;G
: took a -rink o% "ine; FAes4 1o$@re ri)ht4G : sai-;
FNo" : ha&e to 'isten to 1o$r stor1; #o ahea-4 comp'icate m1 'i%e some more;G
FOka1; At 'east :@m %resh on it4G : to'- him;
(o : ran thro$)h it a)ain; :t took a 'on) "hi'e4 an- it "as )ettin) -ark b1 the time : %inishe-; ,e
ha- interr$pte- me on'1 %or occasiona' c'ari%ications an- ha- not in-$')e- in the e.p'oration o%
contin)encies the "a1 Bi'' ha- "hen he@- hear- it;
=hen : ha- %inishe-4 he rose an- 'it a %e" oi' 'amps; : co$'- a'most hear him thinkin);
+ina''1 he sai-4 FNo4 1o$@&e )ot me on 9$ke; ,e -oesn@t rin) an1 be''s at a''; !he 'a-1 "ith the
stin) bothers me a bit4 tho$)h; :t seems : mi)ht ha&e hear- somethin) abo$t peop'e 'ike that4 b$t
: can@t reca'' the circ$mstances; :t@'' come to me; : "ant to kno" more abo$t this #host"hee'
pro?ect o% 1o$rs4 tho$)h; (omethin) abo$t it tro$b'es me;G
F($re4G : sai-; FB$t there is somethin) e'se : am remin-e- to te'' 1o$ %irst;G
F=hat@s that>G
F: co&ere- e&er1thin) %or 1o$ prett1 m$ch the "a1 : -i- "hen : "as ta'kin) to Bi''; :n %act4 m1
?$st ha&in) been thro$)h it recent'1 ma-e me a'most $se it 'ike a rehearsa'; B$t there "as
somethin) : -i-n@t mention to Bi'' beca$se it -i-n@t seem important at the time; : mi)ht e&en ha&e
%or)otten it entire'1 in the 'i)ht o% e&er1thin) e'se4 ti'' this b$siness abo$t the sniper came $pD
an- then 1o$ remin-e- me that Cor"in once -e&e'ope- a s$bstit$te %or )$npo"-er that "i'' "ork
F2&er1bo-1 remembere- it4 be'ie&e me;G
F: %or)ot abo$t t"o ro$n-s o% amm$nition : ha&e in m1 pocket that came %rom the r$ins o% that
"areho$se "here Be'man ha- his st$-io;G
F!he1 -on@t contain )$npo"-er; !here@s some kin- o% pink st$%% in them instea-Dan- it "on@t
e&en b$rn; At 'east back on that sha-o" 2arth;;;G
: -$) one o$t;
F9ooks 'ike a 3-34G he sai-;
F: )$ess so;G
0an-om rose an- -re" $pon a brai-e- cor- that h$n) besi-e one o% the bookshe'&es;
B1 the time he@- ret$rne- to his seat there "as a knock on the -oor;
FCome in4G he ca''e-;
A 'i&erie- ser&ant entere-4 a 1o$n) b'on- %e''o";
F!hat "as <$ick4G 0an-om sai-;
!he man 'ooke- p$66'e-;
FAo$r Ba?est14 : -o not $n-erstan-;;;G
F=hat@s to $n-erstan-> : ran); Ao$ came;G
F(ire4 : "as not on -$t1 in the <$arters; : "as sent to te'' 1o$ that -inner is rea-1 to be ser&e-4
a"aitin) 1o$r p'eas$re;G
FOh; !e'' them :@'' be a'on) short'1; As soon as :@&e spoken "ith the person :@&e ca''e-;G
F7er1 )oo-4 (ire;G
!he man -eparte- back"ar- "ith a <$ick bo";
F: tho$)ht that "as too )oo- to be tr$e4G 0an-om m$ttere-;
A 'itt'e 'ater another )$1 appeare-4 o'-er an- 'ess e'e)ant'1 )arbe-;
F0o'%4 "o$'- 1o$ r$n -o"n to the armor1 an- ta'k to "hoe&er@s on -$t1>G 0an-om sai-; FAsk
him to )o thro$)h that co''ection o% ri%'es "e ha&e %rom the time Cor"in came to 3o'&ir "ith
them4 the -a1 2ric -ie-; (ee i% he can -i) $p a 3-3 %or me4 in )oo- shape; ,a&e him c'ean it
an- sen- it $p; =e@re )oin) -o"n to -inner no"; Ao$ can ?$st 'ea&e the "eapon in the corner
o&er there;G
F3-34 (ire>G
0o'% -eparte-4 0an-om rose an- stretche-; ,e pockete- the ro$n- :@- )i&en him an- )est$re-
to"ar- the -oor; F9et@s )o eat;G
F#oo- i-ea;G
!here "ere ei)ht o% $s at -inner; 0an-om4 #erar-4 +'ora4 Bi''C BartinD"ho ha- been ca''e-
back a 'itt'e ear'ier in the -a14 E$'ianD"ho ha- ?$st arri&e- %rom Ar-en4 +ionaD"ho ha- a'so
?$st come in4 %rom some -istant 'oca'e4 an- m1se'%; Bene-ict "as -$e in the mornin)4 an-
9'e"e''a 'ater this e&enin);
: sat to 0an-om@s 'e%t4 Bartin to his ri)ht; : ha-n@t seen Bartin in a 'on) "hi'e an- "as c$rio$s
"hat he@- been abo$t; B$t the atmosphere "as not con-$ci&e to con&ersation; As soon as an1one
spoke e&er1one e'se e&ince- $n$s$a''1 ac$te attentionD%ar be1on- the -ictates o% simp'e
po'iteness; : %o$n- it rather $nner&in)4 an- : )$ess 0an-om -i-4 too4 beca$se he sent %or /roppa
BaPant64 the co$rt ?ester4 to %i'' the hea&1 si'ences;
/roppa ha- a ro$)h time at %irst; ,e be)an b1 ?$))'in) some %oo-4 eatin) it as it mo&e- b1 $nti'
it "as )one4 "ipe- his mo$th on a borro"e- napkin4 then ins$'te- each o% $s in t$rn; A%ter that4
he commence- a stan--$p ro$tine : %o$n- &er1 %$nn1;
Bi''4 "ho "as at m1 'e%t4 commente- so%t'14 F: kno" eno$)h !hari to catch most o% it4 an- that@s
a #eor)e Car'in shtickI ,o"DG
FOh4 "hene&er /roppa@s st$%% starts so$n-in) sta'e4 0an-om sen-s him o%% to &ario$s c'$bs in
(ha-o"4G : e.p'aine-4 Fto pick $p ne" materia'; : $n-erstan- he@s a re)$'ar at 7e)as; 0an-om
e&en accompanies him sometimes4 to p'a1 car-s;G
,e -i- start )ettin) 'a$)hs a%ter a "hi'e "hich 'oosene- thin)s $p a bit; =hen he knocke- o%%
%or a -rink it became possib'e to ta'k "itho$t bein) the center o% attention4 as separate
con&ersations ha- spr$n) $p; As soon as this happene-4 a massi&e arm passe- behin- Bi'' an-
%e'' $pon m1 sho$'-er; #erar- "as 'eanin) back in his chair an- si-e"ar- to"ar- me;
FBer'in4G he sai-4 F)oo- to see 1o$ a)ain; 9isten4 "hen 1o$ )et a chance :@- 'ike to ha&e a 'itt'e
ta'k "ith 1o$ in pri&ate;G
F($re4G : sai-4 Fb$t 0an-om an- : ha&e to take care o% somethin) a%ter -inner;G
F=hen 1o$ )et a chance4G he repeate-; : no--e-;
A %e" moments 'ater : ha- the %ee'in) that someone "as tr1in) to reach me &ia m1 !r$mp;
:t "as +iona; B$t she "as ?$st sittin) at the other en- o% the tab'e;;;
,er ima)e came c'ear4 ho"e&er4 an- : ans"ere- her4 FAes>G an- then : )'ance- -o"n the tab'e
an- sa" that she "as starin) into her han-kerchie%; (he 'ooke- $p at me then4 smi'e-4 an-
: sti'' retaine- the menta' ima)e o% her4 sim$'taneo$s'14 an- : hear- it sa14 F: -is'ike raisin) m1
&oice4 %or a n$mber o% reasons; :@m certain that 1o$ "i'' be r$she- o%% a%ter -inner4 an- : ?$st
"ante- to 'et 1o$ kno" that "e o$)ht to take a "a'k4 or ro" o$t on one o% the pon-s4 or !r$mp
o$t to Cabra or )o 'ook at the Pattern to)ether sometime soon; Ao$ $n-erstan->G
F: $n-erstan-4G : sai-; F:@'' be in to$ch;G
!he contact "as broken then4 an- "hen : )'ance- her "a1 she "as %o'-in) her han-kerchie% an-
st$-1in) her p'ate;
0an-om -i- not 'in)er4 b$t rose <$ick'1 a%ter he ha- %inishe- his -essert4 bi--in) the others a
)oo- ni)ht an- )est$rin) %or Bartin an- me to accompan1 him as he -eparte-;
E$'ian br$she- b1 me on the "a1 o$t4 tr1in) to 'ook some"hat 'ess than sinister an- a'most
F=e m$st )o ri-in) to)ether in Ar-en4G he sai-4 Fsoon;G
F#oo- i-ea4G : to'- him; F:@'' be in to$ch;G
=e -eparte- the -inin) room; +'ora ca$)ht me in the ha''; (he sti'' ha- Bi'' in to";
F(top b1 m1 room %or a ni)htcap4G she sai-4 Fbe%ore 1o$ t$rn in; Or come b1 %or tea tomorro";G
F!hank 1o$4G : sai-; F=e@'' )et to)ether; :t a'' -epen-s on ho" thin)s r$n4 as to ?$st "hen;G
(he no--e- an- hit me "ith the smi'e that ha- ca$se- n$mero$s -$e's an- Ba'kan crises in the
past; !hen she mo&e- on an- "e -i- too;
As "e mo$nte- the stair on the "a1 to the 'ibrar14 0an-om aske-4 F:s that e&er1one>G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G : sai-;
F,a&e the1 a'' set $p assi)nations "ith 1o$ b1 no">G
F=e''4 the1@re a'' tentati&e thin)s4 b$t 1es;G
,e 'a$)he-; F/i-n@t think the1@- "aste an1 time; Ao$@'' )et e&er1bo-1@s pet s$spicions that "a1;
Bi)ht as "e'' co''ect them; (ome mi)ht come in han-1 'ater; !he1@re probab'1 a'' 'ookin) %or
a''ies4 tooDan- 1o$ sho$'- seem a prett1 sa%e choice;G
F: -o "ant to &isit "ith a'' o% them; :t@s ?$st a shame it has to be this "a1;G
,e )est$re- as "e came to the top o% the stairs; =e t$rne- $p the ha''"a1 an- hea-e- to"ar- the
F=here are "e )oin)>G Bartin aske-;
A'tho$)h he resemb'e- 0an-om4 Bartin 'ooke- a 'itt'e 'ess sneak14 an- he "as ta''er; (ti''4 he
"as not rea''1 bi);
F!o pick $p a ri%'e4G 0an-om sai-;
FOh> =h1>G
F: "ant to test some ammo Ber'in bro$)ht back; :% it act$a''1 %ires4 o$r 'i&es ha&e ?$st ac<$ire-
an a--itiona' comp'ication;G
=e entere- the 'ibrar1; !he oi' 'amps "ere sti'' b$rnin);
!he ri%'e "as stan-in) in a corner; 0an-om "ent to it4 -$) the she'' o$t o% his pocket4 an- 'oa-e-
FOka1; =hat sho$'- "e tr1 it on>G he m$se-;
,e steppe- back o$t into the ha'' an- 'ooke- aro$n-;
FAhI E$st the thin)IG
,e sho$'-ere- it4 aime- at a s$it o% armor $p the ha''4 an- s<$ee6e- the tri))er; !here %o''o"e- a
sharp report an- the rin)in) o% meta'; !he armor shook;
F,o'1 shitIG 0an-om sai-; F:t "orke-I =h1 me4 *nicorn> : "as 'ookin) %or a peace%$' rei)n;G
FBa1 : tr1 it4 %ather4G Bartin aske-; F:@&e a'"a1s "ante- to;G
F=h1 not>G 0an-om sai-; FAo$ sti'' )ot that other ro$n-4 Ber'in>G
FAes4G : sai-4 an- : r$mma)e- abo$t in m1 pocket an- bro$)ht o$t t"o; : passe- them to
0an-om; FOne o% these sho$'-n@t "ork4 an1"a14G : sai-; F:t ?$st )ot mi.e- in "ith the other
FA'' ri)ht;G
0an-om accepte- both4 'oa-e- one; ,e passe- the "eapon to Bartin then an- be)an e.p'ainin)
its operation; :n the -istance : hear- the so$n-s o% a'arm;
F=e@re abo$t to ha&e the entire pa'ace )$ar- -escen- $pon $s4G : obser&e-;
F#oo-4G 0an-om ans"ere-4 as Bartin raise- the piece to his sho$'-er; FA 'itt'e rea'istic -ri''
e&er1 no" an- then ne&er h$rts;G
!he ri%'e roare- an- the armor ran) a secon- time; Bartin 'ooke- start'e- an- <$ick'1 passe- the
"eapon back to 0an-om; 0an-om )'ance- at the she'' in his han-4 sai-4 F=hat the he''IG4 'oa-e-
the %ina' ro$n- an- %ire- "itho$t si)htin);
!here "as a thir- report4 %o''o"e- b1 so$n-s o% a ricochet4 ?$st as the )$ar- reache- the top o%
the stair;
F: )$ess : ?$st -on@t 'i&e ri)ht4G 0an-om remarke-; A%ter 0an-om ha- thanke- the )$ar- %or
their prompt response to a trainin) e.ercise an- : o&erhear- a m$tter abo$t the kin) bein) in his
c$ps4 "e ret$rne- to the 'ibrar1 an- he aske- me the <$estion;
F: %o$n- the thir- one in the pocket o% 9$ke@s %ie'- ?acket4G : ans"ere-4 an- : procee-e- to
e.p'ain the circ$mstances;
F: can no 'on)er a%%or- not to kno" abo$t 9$ke 0a1nar-4G he %ina''1 sai-; F!e'' me ho" 1o$
rea- "hat ?$st happene-;G
F!he b$i'-in) that b$rne- -o"n4G : be)an; F*pstairs "as Be'man "ho "ante- to sacri%ice me;
/o"nstairs "as the Br$tes (tora)e Compan1; Br$t$s apparent'1 "as storin) ammo o% this sort;
9$ke a-mitte- that he kne" Be'man; : ha- no i-ea that there mi)ht be some connection "ith
Br$t$s an- the amm$nition4 a'so; !he %act that the1 "ere 'ocate- in the same b$i'-in) is too
m$ch4 tho$)h;G
F:% the1@re t$rnin) it o$t in s$ch <$antities that it re<$ires "areho$sin)4 then "e@re in bi)
tro$b'e4G 0an-om sai-; F: "ant to kno" "ho o"ne- that b$i'-in)Dan- "ho o"ne- the
compan14 i% it@s a -i%%erent person;G
F:t sho$'-n@t be too -i%%ic$'t to check;G
F=ho sho$'- : sen- to -o it>G he m$se-; !hen he snappe- his %or)ers an- smi'e-; F+'ora is
abo$t to $n-ertake an important mission %or the Cro"n;G
F:nspire-4G : sai-;
Bartin smi'e- at that an- then shook his hea-; F:@m a%rai- : -on@t $n-erstan- "hat@s )oin) on4G
he to'- $s4 Fan- : "ant to;G
F!e'' 1o$ "hat4G 0an-om sai-; FAo$ %i'' him in "hi'e : )o )i&e +'ora her assi)nment; (he can
'ea&e ri)ht a%ter the %$nera';G
FAes4G : sai- as he -eparte-4 an- : be)an te''in) m1 ta'e once a)ain4 e-itin) %or bre&it1;
Bartin ha- no %resh insi)hts an- no ne" in%ormation4 not that : ha- e.pecte- an1 o% him; ,e ha-
spent the past %e" 1ears o%% in a more pastora' settin)4 : 'earne-; : )ot the impression that he "as
more %on- o% the co$ntr1si-e than o% cities;
FBer'in4G he sai-; FAo$ sho$'- ha&e bro$)ht this "ho'e mess home to Amber sooner; =e@re a''
An- "hat o% the Co$rts o% Chaos> : "on-ere-; =o$'- the ri%'e ha&e %ire- there> (ti''4 it ha- been
Caine an- B'e1s "ho ha- been tar)ets; No one ha- s$mmone- me back to the Co$rts to brie% me
on an1 inci-ents; (ti'';;;perhaps : o$)ht to brin) m1 other re'ati&es aboar- at some point;
FB$t $p $nti' a %e" -a1s a)o matters "ere a 'ot simp'er4G : to'- Bartin4 Fan- then "hen thin)s
be)an -e&e'opin) %ast : "as too ca$)ht $p in them;G
FB$t a'' those 1ears;;;those attempts on 1o$r 'i%e;;;G
: sai-4 F: -on@t ca'' home "hene&er : st$b m1 toe; Nobo-1 e'se -oes either; : co$'-n@t see an1
connection4 a'' that time;G
B$t : kne" that he "as ri)ht an- : "as "ron); +ort$nate'14 0an-om ret$rne- abo$t then;
F: co$'-n@t <$ite )et her to be'ie&e it "as an honor4G he sai-4 Fb$t she@'' -o it;G
=e ta'ke- %or a "hi'e then abo$t more )enera' matters4 most'1 "hat "e ha- been -oin) %or the
past se&era' 1ears; : reca''e- 0an-om@s c$riosit1 abo$t #host"hee' an- mentione- the pro?ect to
him; ,e chan)e- the s$b?ect imme-iate'14 )i&in) the impression he "ante- to sa&e it %or a %$''1
pri&ate con&ersation; A%ter a time4 Bartin be)an to 1a"n an- it "as conta)io$s; 0an-om -eci-e-
to bi- $s )oo- ni)ht an- ran) %or a ser&ant to sho" me to m1 room;
: aske- /ik4 "ho ha- 'e- me to m1 <$arters4 to %in- me some -ra"in) materia's; :t took him
abo$t ten min$tes to t$rn $p e&er1thin) that : nee-e-;
:t "o$'- ha&e been a 'on)4 -i%%ic$'t "a'k back an- : "as tire-; (o : seate- m1se'% besi-e a tab'e
an- commence- the constr$ction o% a !r$mp %or the bar at the co$ntr1 c'$b Bi'' ha- taken me to
the pre&io$s e&enin); : "orke- %or perhaps t"ent1 min$tes be%ore : "as satis%ie-;
No" it "as ?$st a matter o% time -i%%erentia'4 a thin) that "as s$b?ect to &ariation4 the 2;5-to-1
ratio bein) on'1 a r$'e o% th$mb bet"een Amber an- the sha-o" : ha- recent'1 inhabite-; :t "as
<$ite possib'e that : ha- misse- m1 ren-e6&o$s "ith the name'ess ho$sebreaker;
: set e&er1thin) asi-e e.cept %or the !r$mp; : rose to m1 %eet;
!here came a knock on m1 -oor; : "as tempte- not to ans"er it4 b$t m1 c$riosit1 "on o$t; :
crosse- the room4 $nbo'te- the -oor4 an- opene- it;
+iona stoo- there4 her hair -o"n %or a chan)e; (he ha- on an attracti&e )reen e&enin) -ress an-
a sma'' ?e"e'e- pin that matche- her hair per%ect'1;
F,e''o4 +i4G : sai-; F=hat brin)s 1o$ aro$n->G
F: %e't 1o$ "orkin) "ith certain %orces4G she ans"ere-4 Fan- : -i-n@t "ant an1thin) happenin) to
1o$ be%ore "e ha- o$r ta'k; Ba1 : come in>G
FO% co$rse4G : sai-4 steppin) asi-e; FB$t : am in a h$rr1;G
F: kno"4 b$t perhaps : can be o% he'p;G
F,o">G : aske-4 c'osin) the -oor;
(he 'ooke- abo$t the room an- spotte- the !r$mp :@- ?$st %inishe-; (he shot the bo't on the -oor
an- crosse- to the tab'e;
F7er1 nice4G she obser&e-4 st$-1in) m1 han-i"ork; F(o that@s "here 1o$@re hea-e-> =here is
F!he bar at a co$ntr1 c'$b in the p'ace : ?$st came %rom4G : rep'ie-; F:@m s$ppose- to meet an
$nkno"n part1 there at ten4 'oca' time; ,ope%$''14 : "i'' obtain in%ormation as to "ho has been
tr1in) to ki'' me4 an- "h14 an- possib'1 e&en 'earn somethin) o% other matters that ha&e been
tro$b'in) me;G
F#o4G she sai-4 Fan- 'ea&e the !r$mp behin-; !hat "a14 : can $se it to sp14 an- i% 1o$ sho$'-
s$--en'1 nee- he'p : "i'' be in a position to pro&i-e it;G
: reache- o$t an- s<$ee6e- her han-; !hen : took $p a position besi-e the tab'e an- %oc$se- m1
A%ter se&era' moments4 the scene took on -epth an- co'or; : sank into the emer)in) te.t$res4 an-
e&er1thin) a-&ance- to"ar- me4 )ro"in) 'ar)er4 cro"-in) o$t m1 imme-iate s$rro$n-in)s; B1
)a6e so$)ht the "a'' c'ock : remembere-C to the ri)ht o% the bar;;;
: co$'-n@t ha&e c$t thin)s m$ch c'oser;
: co$'- see the patrons no"4 hear the so$n-s o% their &oices; : 'ooke- %or the best point o% arri&a';
Act$a''14 there "as no one at the ri)ht en- o% the bar4 near that c'ock; Oka1;;;
: "as there; !r1in) to 'ook as i% : ha- been4 a'' a'on); !hree o% the patrons snappe- )'ances in
m1 -irection; : smi'e- an- no--e-; Bi'' ha- intro-$ce- me to one o% the men the pre&io$s
e&enin); !he other : ha- seen4 b$t not spoken "ith at that time; Both o% them ret$rne- m1 no-4
"hich seeme- to satis%1 the thir- that : "as rea'4 as he imme-iate'1 t$rne- his attention back to
the "oman he "as "ith;
(hort'14 the barten-er came $p to me; ,e reca''e- me %rom 'ast ni)ht4 a'so4 beca$se he aske-
"hether Bi'' "as aro$n-;
: ha- a beer %rom him an- retire- "ith it to the most sec'$-e- tab'e4 "here : sat an- n$rse- it4
m1 back to the "a''4 )'ancin) occasiona''1 at the c'ock4 "atchin) the room@s t"o entrances
bet"een times; :% : trie- : co$'- %ee' +iona@s presence;
!en o@c'ock came an- "ent; (o -i- a %e" patrons4 ne" an- o'-; None o% them seeme-
partic$'ar'1 intereste- in me4 tho$)h m1 o"n attention "as -ra"n to an $nescorte- 1o$n) 'a-1
"ith pa'e hair an- a cameo'ike pro%i'e4 "hich en-s the resemb'ance beca$se cameos -on@t smi'e
m$ch an- she -i- the secon- time she )'ance- at me4 ri)ht be%ore she 'ooke- a"a1; /amn4 :
tho$)ht4 "h1 -i- : ha&e to be "rappe- $p in a 'i%e-an---eath sit$ation> *n-er a'most an1 other
circ$mstances : "o$'- ha&e %inishe- the beer4 "a'ke- o&er %or another4 passe- a %e" p'easantries4
then aske- her "hether she@- care to ?oin me; :n %act;;;
: )'ance- at the c'ock;
,o" m$ch 'on)er sho$'- : )i&e the m1ster1 &oice> (ho$'- : ?$st ass$me it ha- been #eor)e
,ensen4 an- that he@- )i&en $p on toni)ht "hen he@- seen me %a-e> ,o" m$ch 'on)er mi)ht the
'a-1 han) aro$n->
: )ro"'e- so%t'1; (tick to b$siness; : st$-ie- the narro"ness o% her "aist4 the s"e'' o% her hips4
the tension o% her sho$'-ers;;;
: notice- that m1 m$) "as empt1; : took it o&er %or a re%i''; /$ti%$''14 : "atche- the pro)ress o%
the m$);
F: sa" 1o$ sittin) there4G : hear- her sa1; F=aitin) %or someone>G
(he sme''e- stron)'1 o% a stran)e per%$me;
FAes4G : sai-; FB$t :@m be)innin) to think it@s too 'ate;G
F:@&e a simi'ar prob'em4G she sai-4 an- : t$rne- to"ar- her; (he "as smi'in) a)ain; F=e co$'-
"ait to)ether4G she conc'$-e-;
FP'ease ?oin me4G : sai-; F:@- m$ch rather pass the time "ith 1o$;G
(he picke- $p her -rink an- %o''o"e- me back to the tab'e;
FB1 name@s Ber'e Core14G : to'- her4 as soon as "e "ere seate-;
F:@m Be) /e&'in; : ha&en@t seen 1o$ aro$n- be%ore;G
F:@m ?$st &isitin); Ao$4 : take it4 are not>G
(he shook her hea- s'i)ht'1;
FA%rai- not; : 'i&e in the ne" apartment comp'e. a co$p'e o% mi'es $p the roa-;G
: no--e- as i% : kne" "here it "as 'ocate-;
F=here are 1o$ %rom>G she "ante- to kno";
F!he center o% the $ni&erse4G : sai-4 then hasti'1 a--e-4 F(an +rancisco;G
FOh4 :@&e spent a 'ot o% time there; =hat -o 1o$ -o>G : resiste- a s$--en imp$'se to te'' her that :
"as a sorcerer4 an- instea- -escribe- m1 recent emp'o1ment at #ran- /esi)n; (he4 : 'earne- in
t$rn4 ha- been a mo-e'4 a b$1er %or a 'ar)e store4 an- 'ater mana)er o% a bo$ti<$e; : )'ance- at the
:t "as 1845; (he ca$)ht the 'ook;
F: think "e@&e both been stoo- $p4G she sai-;
FProbab'14G : a)ree-4 Fb$t "e o$)ht to )i&e them ti'' e'e&en to be -ecent abo$t it;G
F: s$ppose;G
F,a&e 1o$ eaten>G
F(ome; Aes; Are 1o$>G
F*h-h$h4 an- : notice- some peop'e ha- %oo- in here ear'ier; :@'' check;G
: 'earne- "e co$'- )et san-"iches4 so "e )ot t"o4 "ith some sa'a- on the si-e;
F: hope 1o$r -ate -i-n@t inc'$-e a 'ate s$pper4G : sai- s$--en'1;
F:t "asn@t mentione-4 an- : -on@t care4G she rep'ie-4 takin) a bite;
2'e&en o@c'ock came an- "ent; :@- %inishe- m1 -rink an- the %oo-4 an- : -i-n@t rea''1 "ant
FAt 'east the e&enin) "asn@t a tota' 'oss4G she sai-4 cr$mp'in) her napkin an- settin) it asi-e;
: "atche- her e1e'ashes beca$se it "as a p'easant thin) to -o; (he "ore &er1 'itt'e or &er1 pa'e
make$p; :t -i-n@t matter at a''; : "as abo$t to reach o$t an- co&er her han- "ith m1 o"n4 b$t she
beat me;
F=hat "ere 1o$ )oin) to -o toni)ht>G : aske- her;
FOh4 -ance a bit4 ha&e a %e" -rinks4 ma1be take a "a'k in the moon'i)ht; (i''1 thin)s 'ike that;G
F: hear m$sic in the ne.t room; =e co$'- stro'' on o&er;G
FAes4 "e co$'-4G she sai-; F=h1 -on@t "e>G
As "e "ere 'ea&in) the bar4 : hear- +iona4 'ike a "hisper8
,Merlin- If ou leave the scene on the Trump ou will be out of range to me..
F,o'- on a min$te4G : ans"ere-;
F=hat>G Be) aske- me;
F*hD: "ant to &isit the rest room %irst4G : sai-;
F#oo- i-ea; :@'' -o the same; Beet 1o$ in the ha'' here in a co$p'e o% min$tes;G
!he p'ace "as &acant4 b$t : took a sta'' in case an1one "an-ere- in; : 'ocate- +iona@s !r$mp in
the packet : corne-; Boments 'ater4 : reache- +iona;
F9isten4 +i4G : sai-; FOb&io$s'14 no one@s )oin) to sho"; B$t the rest o% the e&enin) promises to
shape $p nice'14 an- : mi)ht as "e'' ha&e a 'itt'e %$n "hi'e :@m here; (o thanks %or 1o$r he'p; :@''
?$st "an-er on back 'ater;G
F: -on@t kno"4G she sai-; F: -on@t 'ike 1o$ )oin) "ith a stran)er4 $n-er the circ$mstances; !here
ma1 sti'' be -an)er aro$n- there %or 1o$4 some"here;G ;
F!here isn@t4G : rep'ie-; F: ha&e a "a1 o% kno"in)4 an- it -oesn@t re)ister %or her; Besi-es4 :@m
s$re it "as a %e''o" :@- met here an- that he )a&e $p "hen : tr$mpe- o$t; :@'' be a'' ri)ht;G
F: -on@t 'ike it4G she sai-;
F:@m a bi) bo1; : can take care o% m1se'%;G
F: s$ppose so; Ca'' me imme-iate'1 i% there are an1 prob'ems;G
F!here "on@t be; Ao$ mi)ht as "e'' t$rn in;G
FAn- ca'' "hen 1o$@re rea-1 to come back; /on@t "orr1 abo$t "akin) me; : "ant to brin) 1o$
home persona''1;G
FOka14 :@'' -o that; #oo- ni)ht;G
F(ta1 "ar1;G
F: a'"a1s am;G
F#oo- ni)ht4 then;G
(he broke the contact;
A %e" min$tes 'ater "e "ere on the -ance %'oor4 t$rnin) an- 'istenin) an- to$chin); Be) ha- a
stron) ten-enc1 to 'ea-; B$t "hat the he''4 : can be 'e-; : e&en trie- bein) "ar1 occasiona''1 b$t
there "as nothin) more threatenin) than 'o$- m$sic an- s$--en 'a$)hter;
At e'e&en-thirt1 "e checke- the bar; !here "ere se&era' co$p'es there4 b$t her -ate "asn@t; An-
no one e&en )a&e me a no-; =e ret$rne- to the m$sic;
=e 'ooke- a)ain a 'itt'e a%ter mi-ni)ht "ith simi'ar res$'ts; =e seate- o$rse'&es then an-
or-ere- a %ina' -rink;
F=e''4 it "as %$n4G she sai-4 restin) her han- "here : co$'- co&er it "ith m1 o"n; (o : -i-;
FAes4G : rep'ie-; F: "ish "e co$'- -o it more o%ten; B$t :@m )oin) to be 'ea&in) tomorro";G
F=here are 1o$ hea-e->G
FBack to the center o% the $ni&erse;G
FA pit14G she sai-; F/o 1o$ nee- a ri-e an1"here>G
: no--e-; FAn1"here 1o$@re )oin);G
(he smi'e- an- s<$ee6e- m1 han-;
FA'' ri)ht4G she a)ree-; FCome on o&er an- :@'' make 1o$ a c$p o% co%%ee;G
=e %inishe- o$r -rinks an- hea-e- o$t to the parkin) 'ot4 pa$sin) a %e" times to embrace a'on)
the "a1; : e&en trie- bein) "ar1 a)ain4 b$t "e seeme- to be the on'1 peop'e in the 'ot; ,er car
"as a neat 'itt'e re- Porsche con&ertib'e "ith the top -o"n;
F,ere "e are; Ao$ care to -ri&e>G she aske-;
FNo4 1o$ -o it an- :@'' "atch %or hea-'ess horsemen;G
F:t@s a 'o&e'1 ni)ht4 an- :@&e a'"a1s "ante- a cha$%%e$r "ho 'ooke- e.act'1 'ike 1o$;G
=e )ot in an- she -ro&e; +ast4 o% co$rse; :t ?$st seeme- to %o''o"; !he roa-s "ere -eserte- an- a
%ee'in) o% e.hi'aration s"ept o&er me; : raise- one han- an- s$mmone- a 'i)hte- ci)ar %rom
(ha-o"; : took a %e" p$%%s an- tosse- it a"a1 as "e roare- o&er a bri-)e; : re)ar-e- the
conste''ations4 "hich ha- )ro"n %ami'iar to me these past ei)ht 1ears; : -re" a -eep breath an-
'et it o$t s'o"'1; : trie- to ana'16e m1 %ee'in)s an- rea'i6e- that : "as happ1; : ha-n@t %e't that "a1
in a 'on) "hi'e;
A mess o% 'i)ht occ$rre- be1on- a %rin)e o% trees $p ahea-; A min$te 'ater "e ro$n-e- a c$r&e
an- : sa" that it came %rom a sma'' apartment comp'e. o%% to the ri)ht; (he s'o"e- an- t$rne-
there "hen "e reache- it;
(he parke- in a n$mbere- s'ot4 %rom "hence "e ma-e o$r "a1 a'on) a shr$b-'ine- "a'k to the
b$i'-in)@s entrance; (he 'et $s in an- "e crosse- the 'obb1 to the e'e&ators; !he ri-e $p "as o&er
too soon4 an- once "e reache- her apartment she rea''1 -i- make co%%ee;
=hich "as %ine "ith me; :t "as )oo- co%%ee4 an- "e sat to)ether an- sippe- it; P'ent1 o% time;;;
One thin) %ina''1 -i- 'ea- to another; =e %o$n- o$rse'&es in the be-room a bit 'ater4 o$r c'othes
on a nearb1 chair4 an- : "as con)rat$'atin) m1se'% that the meetin) %or "hich : ha- ret$rne- ha-
not come o%%; (he "as smooth an- so%t an- "arm4 an- there "as ?$st eno$)h o% her in a'' the
ri)ht p'aces; A &ise in &e'&et4 "ith hone1;;;the scent o% her per%$me;;;
=e 'a1 there4 m$ch 'ater4 in that peace%$' state o% temporar1 %ati)$e on "hich : "i'' not "aste
metaphors; : "as strokin) her hair "hen she stretche-4 t$rne- her hea- s'i)ht'14 an- re)ar-e- me
thro$)h ha'%-'i--e- e1es;
F!e'' me somethin)4G she sai-;
F=hat "as 1o$r mother@s name>G
: %e't as i% somethin) prick'1 ha- ?$st been ro''e- a'on) m1 spine; B$t : "ante- to see "here this
"as 'ea-in); F/ara4G : to'- her;
FAn- 1o$r %ather>G
(he smi'e-;
F: tho$)ht so4G she sai-4 Fb$t : ha- to be s$re;G
F/o : )et some <$estions no"> Or can on'1 one p'a1>G
F:@'' sa&e 1o$ the tro$b'e; Ao$ "ant to kno" "h1 : aske-;G
FAo$@re on the ba'';G
F(orr14G she sai-4 mo&in) her 'e);
F: take it their names mean somethin) to 1o$>G
FAo$ are Ber'in4G she state-4 F/$ke o% 3o'&ir an- Prince o% Chaos;G
F/amnIG : obser&e-; F:t seems e&er1bo-1 in this sha-o" kno"s "ho : amI /o 1o$ a'' be'on) to
a c'$b or somethin)>G
F=ho e'se kno"s>G she aske- <$ick'14 her e1es s$--en'1 "i-e;
FA %e''o" name- 9$ke 0a1nar-4 a -ea- man name- /an Bartine6C a 'oca' man name- #eor)e
,ansen4 probab'14 an- another -ea- man name- 7ictor Be'man;;;=h1> !hese names rin) an1
FAes4 the -an)ero$s one is 9$ke 0a1nar-; : bro$)ht 1o$ here to "arn 1o$ abo$t him4 i% 1o$
"ere the ri)ht one;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean Tthe ri)ht one@>G
F:% 1o$ "ere "ho 1o$ are - the son o% /ara;G
F(o "arn me;G
F: ?$st -i-; /on@t tr$st him;G
: sat $p an- proppe- a pi''o" behin- me;
F=hat@s he a%ter> B1 stamp co''ection> B1 tra&e'er@s checks> Co$'- 1o$ be a 'itt'e more
F,e trie- se&era' times to ki'' 1o$4 1ears a)oDG
F=hat> ,o">G
F!he %irst time it in&o'&e- a tr$ck that a'most ran 1o$ -o"n; !hen the ne.t 1earDG
F#o-sI Ao$ rea''1 -o kno"I #i&e me the -ates4 the -ates he trie- it;G
FApri' 34 a'"a1s Apri' 3;G
F=h1> /o 1o$ kno" "h1>G
F(hit; ,o" -o 1o$ kno" a'' o% this>G
F: "as aro$n-; : "as "atchin);G
F=h1 -i-n@t 1o$ -o somethin) abo$t it>G
F: co$'-n@t; : -i-n@t kno" "hich o% 1o$ "as "hich;G
F9a-14 1o$@&e 'ost me comp'ete'1; =ho the he'' are 1o$4 an- "hat@s 1o$r part in this>G
F9ike 9$ke4 : am not "hat : seem4G she be)an;
!here came a sharp b$66in) so$n- %rom the ne.t room;
FOh m1IG she sai- an- spran) o$t o% be-;
: %o''o"e- her4 arri&in) in the %o1er as she p$she- a b$tton besi-e a sma'' )ratin) an- sai-4
F,one14 it@s me4G came the rep'1; F: )ot home a -a1 ear'1; B$66 me in4 "i'' 1o$> :@m carr1in) a
b$nch o% packa)es;G
(he re'ease- the one b$tton an- p$she- another4 t$rnin) to"ar- me as she -i- so;
F!he h$sban-4G she sai-4 s$--en'1 breath'ess; FAo$@&e )ot to 'ea&e no"; P'easeI !ake the stepsIG
FB$t 1o$ ha&en@t to'- me an1thin) 1etIG
F:@&e to'- 1o$ eno$)h; P'ease -on@t make tro$b'eIG
FOka14G : sai-4 h$rr1in) back to the be-room4 p$''in) on m1 pants an- s'ippin) m1 %eet into m1
: st$%%e- m1 socks an- $n-er"ear into m1 hip pockets -re" on m1 shirt;
F:@m not satis%ie-4G : sai-; FAo$ kno" more an- : "ant it;G
F:s that a'' 1o$ "ant>G
: kisse- her cheek <$ick'1;
FNot rea''1; :@'' be back4G : sai-;
F/on@t4G she to'- me; F:t "on@t be the same; =e sha'' meet a)ain4 "hen the time is ri)ht;G
: hea-e- %or the -oor;
F!hat@s not )oo- eno$)h4G : sai- as : opene- it;
F:t "i'' ha&e to be;G
F=e@'' see;G
: tore o%% $p the ha'' an- p$she- open the -oor beneath the 2O:! si)n; : b$ttone- m1 shirt an-
t$cke- it in on m1 "a1 -o"n the steps; : pa$se- at the bottom to -ra" on m1 socks; : ran a han-
thro$)h m1 hair then an- opene- the -oor to the 'obb1;
No one in si)ht; #oo-;
As : 'e%t the b$i'-in) an- hea-e- -o"n the "a'k a b'ack se-an p$''e- $p in %ront o% me an- :
hear- the h$m o% a po"er "in-o" an- sa" a %'ash o% re-;
F#et in4 Ber'in4G came a %ami'iar &oice;
: opene- the -oor an- s'i- insi-e; =e be)an mo&in) imme-iate'1;
F=e''4 "as she>G she aske- me;
F=as she "hat>G : sai-;
F!he one 1o$ "ent to the c'$b to meet;G
: ha-n@t tho$)ht o% it that "a1 $nti' she sai- it;
FAo$ kno"4G : sai- a 'itt'e 'ater; F: think ma1be she "as;G
(he t$rne- onto the roa- an- -ro&e back in the -irection %rom "hich "e ha- come ear'ier;
F=hat kin- o% )ame "as she p'a1in)>G +iona aske-;
F:@- )i&e a 'ot to kno"4G : ans"ere-;
F!e'' me abo$t it4G she sai-4 Fan- %ee' %ree to e-it certain portions;G
F=e''4 a'' ri)ht4G : sai-4 an- : 'et her ha&e it;
=e "ere back in the co$ntr1 c'$b parkin) 'ot be%ore : "as %inishe-;
F=h1 are "e here a)ain>G : aske-;
F!his is "here : )ot the car; :t mi)ht be'on) to a %rien- o% Bi''@s; : tho$)ht :@- be nice an- brin) it
FAo$ $se- the !r$mp :@- ma-e to )o thro$)h to the bar in there>G : aske-4 )est$rin);
FAes4 ri)ht a%ter 1o$ "ent in to -ance; : "atche- 1o$ %or abo$t an ho$r4 most'1 %rom the terrace;
An- :@- to'- 1o$ to be "ar1;G
F(orr14 : "as smitten;G
F:@- %or)otten the1 -on@t ser&e absinthe here; : ha- to make -o "ith a %ro6en mar)$erite;G
F(orr1 abo$t that4 too; !hen 1o$ hot-"ire- a car an- %o''o"e- $s "hen "e 'e%t>G
FAes; : "aite- in her parkin) 'ot an- maintaine- the most periphera' o% to$ches "ith 1o$ &ia
1o$r !r$mp; :% :@- %e't -an)er : "o$'- ha&e come in a%ter 1o$;G
F!hanks; ,o" periphera'>G
F: am not a &o1e$r4 i% that@s "hat 1o$ mean; 7er1 "e''4 "e@re $p to -ate;G
F!here@s a 'ot more to the stor1 than this %ast part;G
F3eep it4G she sai-4 F%or no"; !here is on'1 one thin) : am c$rio$s abo$t at the moment; =o$'-
1o$ happen to ha&e a pict$re o% this 9$ke 0a1nar->G
F: mi)ht4G : to'- her4 reachin) %or m1 "a''et; FAesC : think : -o;G
: "ith-re" m1 shorts %rom m1 hip pocket an- e.p'ore- %$rther;
FAt 'east 1o$ -on@t "ear ?ocke1s4G she remarke-;
: "ith-re" m1 "a''et an- t$rne- on the o&erhea- 'i)ht; As : %'ippe- the "a''et open she 'eane-
to"ar- me4 restin) her han- on m1 arm; +ina''14 : %o$n- a c'ear co'ore- photo o% 9$ke an- me at
the beach4 "ith E$'ia an- a )ir' name- #ai' "hom 9$ke $se- to -ate;
: %e't her )rip ti)hten as she -re" in a short4 sharp breath;
F=hat is it>G : aske-; FAo$ kno" him>G
(he shook her hea- too <$ick'1;
FNo; No4G she sai-; FNe&er sa" him be%ore in m1 'i%e;G
FAo$@re a 'o$s1 'iar4 A$ntie; =ho is it>G
F: -on@t kno"4G she sai-;
FCome onI Ao$ near'1 broke m1 arm "hen 1o$ sa" him;G
F/on@t p$sh me4G she sai-;
F:t in&o'&es m1 'i%e;G
F:t in&o'&es more than 1o$r 'i%e4 : think;G
F9et it be4 %or no";G
F:@m a%rai- : can@t -o that; : m$st insist;G
(he t$rne- more %$''1 an- both o% her han-s came $p bet"een $s; (moke be)an to rise %rom her
"e''-manic$re- %in)ertips; +rakir throbbe- $pon m1 "rist4 "hich meant she "as s$%%icient'1
pisse- o%% to 'ean on me i% it came to that;
: ma-e a "ar-in) )est$re an- -eci-e- to back o%%;
FOka14 'et@s ca'' it a -a1 an- hea- home;G
(he %'e.e- her %in)ers an- the smoke %'e-; +rakir became sti''; (he "ith-re" a packet o% !r$mps
%rom her p$rse an- sh$%%'e- o$t the one %or Amber;
FB$t sooner or 'ater :@m )oin) to ha&e to kno"4G : a--e-;
F9ater4G she sai-4 as the &ision o% Amber )re" be%ore $s;
One thin) : a'"a1s 'ike- abo$t +iona8 she -i-n@t be'ie&e in hi-in) her %ee'in)s;
: reache- $p an- s"itche- o%% the -ome 'i)ht as Amber came on a'' aro$n- $s;
Chapter $
: )$ess that m1 tho$)hts at %$nera's are t1pica'; 9ike B'oom in *'1sses4 : think the most
m$n-ane thin)s abo$t the -ecease- an- the c$rrent )oin)s-on; !he rest o% the time m1 min-
On the "i-e stran- o% shore'ine at the so$thern %oot o% 3o'&ir there is a sma'' chape' -e-icate-
to the *nicorn4 one o% se&era' s$ch thro$)ho$t the rea'm at p'aces "here she ha- been si)hte-;
!his one seeme- most appropriate %or Caine@s ser&ice in thatD'ike #erar-Dhe ha- once
e.presse- a -esire to be 'ai- to rest in one o% the sea ca&es at the mo$ntain@s %oot4 %acin) the
"aters he ha- sai'e- so 'on)4 so o%ten; One s$ch ha- been prepare- %or him4 an- there "o$'- be a
procession a%ter the ser&ice to inter him there; :t "as a "in-14 mist14 sea-coo' mornin) "ith on'1
a %e" sai's in si)ht4 mo&in) to or %rom the port o&er ha'% a 'ea)$e "est"ar- o% $s;
!echnica''14 : s$ppose 0an-om sho$'- ha&e o%%iciate-4 since his kin)ship a$tomatica''1 ma-e
him hi)h priest4 b$t asi-e %rom rea-in) an openin) an- c'osin) passa)e on the Passin) o% Princes
%rom the Book o% the *nicorn4 he t$rne- the ser&ice o&er to #erar- to per%orm in his stea-4 as
Caine ha- )otten a'on) "ith #erar- better than "ith an1one e'se in the %ami'1; (o #erar-@s
boomin) &oice %i''e- the sma'' stone b$i'-in)4 rea-in) 'on) sections in&o'&in) the sea an-
m$tabi'it1; :t "as sai- that /"orkin himse'% ha- penne- the Book in his saner -a1s4 an- that 'on)
passa)es ha- come -irect %rom the *nicorn; : -on@t kno"; : "asn@t there; :t is a'so sai- that "e
are -escen-e- o% /"orkin an- the *nicorn4 "hich )i&es rise to some $n$s$a' menta' ima)es;
Ori)ins o% an1thin) ten- to %a-e o%% into m1th4 tho$)h; =ho kno"s> : "asn@t aro$n- then;
F;;;An- a'' thin)s ret$rn to the sea4G #erar- "as sa1in); : 'ooke- abo$t me; Besi-es the %ami'14
there "ere perhaps %ort1 or %i%t1 peop'e present4 most'1 nobi'it1 %rom the to"n4 a %e" merchants
"ith "hom Caine ha- been %rien-'14 representati&es o% rea'ms in se&era' a-?acent sha-o"s "here
Caine ha- spent time on both o%%icia' an- persona' b$siness4 an- o% co$rse 7inta Ba1'e; Bi'' ha-
e.presse- a -esire to be present4 an- he stoo- to m1 'e%t; Bartin "as at m1 ri)ht; Neither +iona
nor B'e1s "as present; B'e1s ha- p'ea-e- his in?$r1 an- e.c$se- himse'% %rom the ser&ice; +iona
ha- simp'1 &anishe-; 0an-om ha- been $nab'e to 'ocate her this mornin); E$'ian -eparte-
part"a1 thro$)h the ser&ice4 to check on the )$ar- he ha- poste- a'on) the stran-4 someone
ha&in) pointe- o$t that a "o$'--be assassin co$'- rack $p a hi)h score "ith that man1 o% $s
to)ether in one sma'' space; Conse<$ent'14 E$'ian@s %oresters4 "ith short s"or-4 -a))er4 an-
'on)bo" or 'ance4 "ere spotte- strate)ica''1 a'' o&er the p'aceDan- e&er1 no" an- then "e@-
hear the ba1in) o% one o% his he''ho$n-s4 to be ans"ere- a'most imme-iate'1 b1 se&era' others4 a
mo$rn%$'4 $nner&in) thin)4 co$nterpointin) "a&es4 "in-4 an- re%'ections $pon morta'it1; =here
ha- she )otten o%% to> : "on-ere-; +iona> +ear o% a trap> Or somethin) to -o "ith 'ast ni)ht>
An- Bene-ict;;;he ha- sent re)rets an- re)ar-s4 mentionin) s$--en b$siness that prec'$-e- his
makin) it back in time; 9'e"e''a simp'1 ha-n@t sho"n4 an- co$'- not be reache- b1 !r$mp; +'ora
stoo- ahea- an- to the 'e%t o% me4 kno"in) she 'ooke- 'o&e'1 in -ark co'ors4 too; Perhaps : -o her
an in?$stice; : -on@t kno"; B$t she seeme- more %i-)et1 than contemp'ati&e;
At the conc'$sion o% the ser&ice "e %i'e- o$t4 %o$r seamen bearin) Caine@s casket4 an- "e %orme-
$p into a procession that "o$'- 'ea- to the ca&e an- his sarcopha)$s; A n$mber o% E$'ian@s troops
came $p to pace $s as an arme- escort;
As "e "a'ke- a'on)4 Bi'' n$-)e- me an- )est$re- $p"ar- "ith his hea-4 to"ar- 3o'&ir; :
'ooke- in that -irection an- behe'- a b'ack-c'oake- an- co"'e- %i)$re stan-in) $pon a 'e-)e in
the sha-o" o% a rock1 pro?ection; Bi'' 'eane- c'ose so that : co$'- hear him abo&e the so$n- o%
the pipes an- strin)s that "ere no" p'a1in);
F:s that one some part o% the ceremon1>G he aske-;
FNot that : kno" o%4G : ans"ere-;
: broke o$t o% 'ine an- mo&e- %or"ar-; :n another min$te or so "e "o$'- pass -irect'1 beneath
the %i)$re;
: ca$)ht $p "ith 0an-om an- p$t m1 han- on his sho$'-er; =hen he 'ooke- back : pointe-
$p"ar-; ,e ha'te- an- stare-4 s<$intin);
,is ri)ht han- rose to his breast4 "here he "ore the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment4 as on most state
occasions; :nstant'14 the "in-s rose;
F,a'tIG 0an-om ca''e- o$t; F(top the processionI 2&er1one sta1 "here 1o$ areIG
!he %i)$re mo&e- then4 s'i)ht'14 hea- t$rnin) as i% to stare at 0an-om; :n the sk14 as i% b1 trick
photo)raph14 a c'o$- b'e" itse'% to)ether4 )ro"in)4 abo&e 3o'&ir; A re-4 p$'sin) )'o" emer)e-
%rom beneath 0an-om@s han-;
($--en'14 the %i)$re 'ooke- $p"ar- an- a han- %'ashe- beneath the c'oak4 emer)in) moments
'ater to per%orm a <$ick castin) mo&ement; A tin1 b'ack ob?ect h$n) in the air4 then be)an its
F2&er1bo-1 -o"nIG #erar- ca''e- o$t;
0an-om -i- not mo&e as the others o% $s -roppe-; ,e remaine- stan-in)4 "atchin)4 as 'i)htnin)
emer)e- %rom the c'o$- an- p'a1e- across the %ace o% the c'i%%;
!he th$n-er that %o''o"e- coinci-e- a'most e.act'1 "ith the e.p'osion that occ$rre- hi)h
o&erhea-; !he -istance ha- been too )reat; !he bomb ha- )one o%% be%ore it reache- $sDtho$)h
it "o$'- probab'1 ha&e score- ha- "e contin$e- as "e "ere4 to pass beneath the 'e-)e an- ha&e
it -roppe- -irect'1 $pon $s; =hen the spots stoppe- -ancin) be%ore m1 e1es4 : re)ar-e- the c'i%%
a)ain; !he -ark %i)$re "as )one;
F/i- 1o$ )et him>G : aske- 0an-om;
,e shr$))e- as he 'o"ere- his han-; !he Ee"e' ha- cease- its p$'sin);
F2&er1bo-1 on 1o$r %eetIG he ca''e- o$t; F9et@s )et on "ith this %$nera'IG
An- "e -i-; !here "ere no more inci-ents4 an- the b$siness "as conc'$-e- as p'anne-;
B1 tho$)hts4 an- probab'1 e&er1one e'se@s4 "ere a'rea-1 p'a1in) %ami'1 )ames as the bo. "as
bein) %itte- into the &a$'t; Bi)ht the attacker ha&e been one o% o$r absent kin> An- i% so4 "hich
one> =hat moti&es mi)ht each o% them possess %or the act> =here "ere the1 no"> An- "hat
"ere their a'ibis> Co$'- there ha&e been a coa'ition in&o'&e-> Or co'- it ha&e been an o$tsi-er>
:% so4 ho" "as access obtaine- to the 'oca' s$pp'1 o% e.p'osi&es> Or "as this importe- st$%%> Or
ha- someone 'oca' come $p "ith the proper %orm$'a> :% it "ere an o$tsi-er4 "hat "as the moti&e
an- "here "as the person %rom> ,a- one o% $s importe- an assassin> =h1>
As "e %i'e- past the &a$'t : -i- think %'eetin)'1 o% Caine4 b$t more as part o% the p$66'e pict$re
than as an in-i&i-$a'; : ha- not kno"n him a'' that "e''; B$t then4 se&era' o% the others ha- to'-
me ear'1 on that he "as not the easiest person to )et to kno"; ,e "as to$)h an- c1nica' an- ha-
a streak o% cr$e't1 in his nat$re; ,e ha- ma-e <$ite a %e" enemies o&er the 1ears an- seeme-
e&en to be pro$- o% this %act; ,e ha- a'"a1s been -ecent eno$)h "ith me4 b$t then "e@- ne&er
been at cross-p$rposes o&er an1thin); (o m1 %ee'in)s -i- not r$n as -eep %or him as the1 -i- %or
most o% the others; E$'ian "as another o% this c$t4 b$t more po'ishe- on the s$r%ace; An- no one
co$'- be certain "hat 'a1 beneath that s$r%ace an an1 )i&en -a1; Caine;;;: "ish :@- )otten to kno"
1o$ better; : am certain that : am -iminishe- b1 1o$r passin) in "a1s that : -o not e&en
/epartin)4 a%ter"ar-4 hea-in) back to the pa'ace %or %oo- an- -rink4 : "on-ere-4 not %or the %irst
time4 ho" m1 prob'ems an- e&er1one e'se@s "ere connecte-; +or : %e't the1 "ere; : -on@t min-
sma'' coinci-ences4 b$t : -on@t tr$st bi) ones;
An- Be) /e&'in> /i- she kno" somethin) o% this b$siness4 too> :t seeme- possib'e that she
mi)ht; ,$sban- or no h$sban-4 : -eci-e-4 "e ha- a -ate; (oon;
9ater4 in the bi) -inin) ha''4 ami- the b$66 o% con&ersation an- the ratt'e o% c$t'er1 an- crocker14
one &a)$e possibi'it1 occ$rre- to me an- : reso'&e- to p$rs$e it imme-iate'1; 2.c$sin) m1se'%
%rom the co'- b$t attracti&e compan1 o% 7inta Ba1'e4 thir- -a$)hter o% some minor nobi'it1 an-
apparent'1 Caine@s 'ast mistress4 : ma-e m1 "a1 to the %ar en- o% the ha'' an- the sma'' knot o%
peop'e s$rro$n-in) 0an-om; : "as stan-in) there %or se&era' min$tes4 "on-erin) ho" to break
in4 "hen he spotte- me; ,e e.c$se- himse'% %rom the others imme-iate'14 a-&ance- $pon me4
an- ca$)ht ho'- o% m1 s'ee&e;
FBer'in4G he sai-4 F: -on@t ha&e time no"4 b$t : ?$st "ante- to 'et 1o$ kno" that : -on@t consi-er
o$r con&ersation conc'$-e-; : "ant to )et to)ether "ith 1o$ a)ain 'ater this a%ternoon or this
e&enin)Das soon as :@m %ree; (o -on@t )o r$nnin) o%% an1"here ti'' "e@&e ta'ke-4 oka1>G
: no--e-;
FOne <$ick <$estion4G : sai-4 as he be)an t$rnin) back to"ar- the others;
F(hoot4G he sai-;
FAre there an1 Amberites c$rrent'1 in resi-ence on the sha-o" 2arth : ?$st -eparte-Da)ents o%
an1 sort>G
,e shook his hea-;
F: -on@t ha&e an14 an- : -on@t be'ie&e an1 o% the others -o ?$st no"; : ha&e a n$mber o% contacts
there in -i%%erent p'aces4 b$t the1@re a'' nati&esD'ike Bi'';G
,is e1es narro"e-;
F(omethin) ne" come $p>G he aske- then;
: no--e- a)ain;
F: "ish : ha- the time to hear it4 b$t it@'' ?$st ha&e to keep ti'' "e ta'k 'ater;G
F: $n-erstan-;G
F:@'' sen- %or 1o$4G he sai-4 an- he ret$rne- to his companions;
!hat shot -o"n the on'1 e.p'anation : co$'- think o% %or Be) /e&'in; :t a'so %orec'ose- the
possibi'it1 o% m1 takin) o%% to see her as soon as : co$'- 'ea&e the )atherin);
: conso'e- m1se'% "ith another p'ate o% %oo-; A%ter a time4 +'ora entere- the ha''4 st$-ie- a'' the
knots o% h$manit14 then ma-e her "a1 amon) them to sett'e besi-e me on the "in-o" seat;
FNo "a1 o% ta'kin) to 0an-om ri)ht no" "itho$t an a$-ience4G she sai-;
FAo$@re ri)ht4G : rep'ie-; FBa1 : )et 1o$ somethin) to eat or -rink>G
FNot no"; Ba1be 1o$ can he'p; Ao$@re a sorcerer;G
: -i-n@t 'ike that openin)4 b$t : aske-4 F=hat@s the prob'em>G
F: "ent to B'e1s@ rooms4 to see "hether he "ante- to come -o"n an- ?oin $s; ,e@s )one;G
F=asn@t his -oor 'ocke-> Bost peop'e -o that aro$n- here;G
FAes4 %rom the insi-e; (o he m$st ha&e tr$mpe- o$t; : broke in "hen he -i-n@t ans"er4 since
there@- been one attempt on his 'i%e a'rea-1;G
FAn- "hat "o$'- 1o$ "ant o% a sorcerer>G
FCan 1o$ trace him>G
F!r$mps -on@t 'ea&e tracks4G : sai-; FB$t e&en i% : co$'-4 :@m not so s$re that : "o$'-; ,e kno"s
"hat he@s -oin)4 an- he ob&io$s'1 "ants to be 'e%t a'one;G
FB$t "hat i% he@s in&o'&e-> ,e an- Caine ha- been on opposite si-es in the past;G
F:% he@s mi.e- $p in somethin) -an)ero$s to the rest o% $s 1o$ sho$'- be happ1 to see him )o;G
F(o 1o$ can@t he'pDor "on@t>G
: no--e-;
FBoth4 : )$ess; An1 -ecision to seek him o$t sho$'- rea''1 come %rom 0an-om4 -on@t 1o$
F:@- s$))est keepin) it to 1o$rse'% ti'' 1o$ can ta'k to 0an-om; No $se stirrin) $p %r$it'ess
spec$'ations amon) the others; Or :@'' te'' him4 i% 1o$@- 'ike; :@m )oin) to be ta'kin) "ith him a bit
F=hat abo$t>G
FNot s$re4G : sai-; F:t@s somethin) he "ants to te'' me4 or ask me;G
(he st$-ie- me care%$''1;
F=e ha&en@t rea''1 ha- o$r o"n 'itt'e ta'k 1et4G she sai- then;
F9ooks 'ike "e@re ha&in) it no";G
FOka1; Ba1 : hear abo$t 1o$r prob'ems in one o% m1 %a&orite sha-o"s>G
F=h1 not>G : sai-4 an- : 'a$nche- into a s1nopsis o% the -amne- thin) a)ain; : %e't that this
"o$'- be the %ina' time4 tho$)h; Once +'ora kne" it : "as con%i-ent it "o$'- make the ro$n-s;
(he ha- no in%ormation bearin) $pon m1 case that she care- to share; =e chatte- %or a "hi'e
thenD'oca' )ossipDan- she %ina''1 -eci-e- to )et somethin) to eat; (he -eparte- in the
-irection o% the %oo- an- -i- not ret$rn;
: ta'ke- "ith a %e" o% the others4 tooDabo$t Caine4 abo$t m1 %ather; : -i- not hear an1thin) that
: -i- not a'rea-1 kno"; : "as intro-$ce- to a n$mber o% peop'e : ha- not met be%ore; :
memori6e- a mess o% names an- re'ationships since : ha- nothin) better to -o;
=hen thin)s %ina''1 broke $p4 : kept an e1e on 0an-om an- contri&e- to -epart at abo$t the
same time he -i-;
F9ater4G he sai- as "e passe-4 an- he "ent o%% "ith a co$p'e o% )$1s he@- been ta'kin) "ith;
(o : "ent back to m1 rooms an- stretche- o$t on the be-; =hen thin)s are bre"in) 1o$ take
1o$r rest "hene&er 1o$ can;
A%ter a time : shpt4 an- : -reame-;;;
: "as "a'kin) in the %orma' )ar-en behin- the pa'ace; (omeone e'se "as "ith me4 b$t : -i- not
kno" "ho it "as; !his -i- not seem to matter; : hear- a %ami'iar ho"'in); ($--en'14 there "ere
)ro"'in) noises near at han-; !he %irst time : 'ooke- abo$t : sa" nothin); B$t then4 abr$pt'14
the1 "ere thereDthree h$)e4 -o)-'ike creat$res simi'ar to the one : ha- s'ain in E$'ia@s apartment;
!he1 "ere racin) to"ar- me across the )ar-en; !he ho"'in) contin$e-4 b$t the1 "ere not its
a$thors; !he1 restricte- themse'&es to )ro"'in) an- s'a&erin) as the1 came on; E$st as s$--en'14
: rea'i6e- that this "as a -ream an- that : ha- -reamt it se&era' times be%ore on'1 to 'ose track o%
it $pon a"akenin); !he kno"'e-)e that it "as a -ream4 ho"e&er4 in no "a1 -etracte- %rom the
%ee'in) o% menace as the1 r$she- to"ar- me; A'' three o% them "ere s$rro$n-e- b1 a kin- o%
'i)htDpa'e4 -istortin); 9ookin) past them4 thro$)h their ha'oes4 : -i- not see the )ar-en b$t
ca$)ht )'impses o% a %orest; =hen the1 -re" near an- spran) to attack it "as as i% the1 ha-
enco$ntere- a )'ass "a''; !he1 %e'' back4 rose an- -ashe- to"ar- me once more on'1 to be
b'ocke- a)ain; !he1 'eape- an- )ro"'e- an- "hine- an- trie- a)ain; :t "as as i% : stoo- beneath
a be'' ?ar or "ithin a ma)ic circ'e4 tho$)h; !he1 co$'- not )et at me; !hen the ho"'in) came
'o$-er4 came nearer an- the1 t$rne- their attention a"a1 %rom me;
F=o"IG 0an-om sai-; F: sho$'- char)e 1o$ somethin) %or p$''in) 1o$ o$t o% a ni)htmare;G
;;;An- : "as a"ake an- '1in) on m1 be- an- there "as -arkness be1on- m1 "in-o"Dan- :
rea'i6e- that 0an-om ha- ca''e- me &ia m1 !r$mp an- t$ne- in on m1 -ream "hen he@- ma-e
: 1a"ne- an- tho$)ht him m1 ans"er4 F!hanks;G
F+inish "akin) $p an- 'et@s ha&e o$r ta'k4G he sai-;
FAes; =here are 1o$>G
F/o"nstairs; !he 'itt'e sittin) room o%% the main ha'' to the so$th; /rinkin) co%%ee; =e@&e )ot it
to o$rse'&es;G
F(ee 1o$ in %i&e;G
FCheck;G 0an-om %a-e-; : sat $p4 s"$n) m1 %eet o&er the si-e o% the be-4 an- rose; : crosse- the
room to the "in-o" an- %'$n) it "i-e; : inha'e- the crisp e&enin) air o% a$t$mn; (prin) on the
sha-o" 2arth4 %a'' here in AmberDm1 t"o %a&orite seasons; : sho$'- be heartene-4 $p'i%te-;
:nstea-Da trick o% the ni)ht4 the ta)-en- o% the -reamDit seeme- %or a moment that : hear- the
%ina' note o% the ho"'in); : sh$--ere- an- c'ose- the "in-o"; O$r -reams are too m$ch "ith $s;
: hike- -o"n to the -esi)nate- room an- took a seat on one o% its so%as; 0an-om 'et me )et
thro$)h ha'% a c$p o% co%%ee be%ore he sai-4 F!e'' me abo$t the #host"hee';G
F:t@s a kin- o% paraph1sica' s$r&ei''ance -e&ice an- 'ibrar1;G
0an-om p$t -o"n his c$p an- cocke- his hea- to one si-e;
FCo$'- 1o$ be more speci%ic>G he sai-;
F=e''4 m1 "ork "ith comp$ters 'e- me to spec$'ate that basic -ata-processin) princip'es co$'-
be emp'o1e- "ith interestin) res$'ts in a p'ace "here comp$ter mechanics themse'&es "o$'- not
operate4G : be)an; F:n other "or-s4 : ha- to 'ocate a sha-o" en&ironment "here the operations
"o$'- remain prett1 m$ch in&ariant b$t "here the ph1sica' constr$ct4 a'' o% the periphera's4 the
pro)rammin) techni<$es an- the ener)1 inp$ts "o$'- be o% a -i%%erent nat$re;G
F*h4 Ber'in4G 0an-om sai-; FAo$@&e 'ost me a'rea-1;G
F: -esi)ne- an- b$i't a piece o% -ata-processin) e<$ipment in a sha-o" "here no or-inar1
comp$ter co$'- %$nction4G : rep'ie-4 Fbeca$se : $se- -i%%erent materia's4 a ra-ica''1 -i%%erent
-esi)n4 a -i%%erent po"er so$rce; : a'so chose a p'ace "here -i%%erent ph1sica' 'a"s app'14 so that
it co$'- operate a'on) -i%%erent 'ines; : "as then ab'e to "rite pro)rams %or it "hich "o$'- not
ha&e operate- on the sha-o" 2arth "here :@- been 'i&in); :n -oin) so4 : be'ie&e that : create- a
$ni<$e arti%act; : ca''e- it the #host"hee' beca$se o% certain aspects o% its appearance;G
FAn- it@s a s$r&ei''ance -e&ice an- a 'ibrar1; =hat -o 1o$ mean b1 that>G
F:t ri%%'es thro$)h (ha-o" 'ike the pa)es o% a bookDor a -eck o% car-s4G : sai-; FPro)ram it %or
"hate&er 1o$ "ant checke- o$t an- it "i'' keep an e1e on it %or 1o$; : "as p'annin) it as a
s$rprise; Ao$ co$'-4 sa14 $se it to -etermine "hether an1 o% o$r potentia' enemies are mobi'i6in)4
or to %o''o" the pro)ress o% (ha-o"-storms4 orDG
F=ait a min$te4G he sai-4 raisin) a han-; F,o"> ,o" -oes it %'ip thro$)h sha-o"s that "a1>
=hat makes it "ork>G
F:n e%%ect4G : e.p'aine-4 Fit creates the e<$i&a'ent o% m$'tit$-es o% !r$mps in an instant4 thenDG
F(top; Back $p; ,o" can 1o$ "rite a pro)ram %or the creation o% !r$mps> : tho$)ht the1 co$'-
on'1 be -one b1 a person "ho ha- been an initiate o% either the Pattern or the 9o)r$s;G
FB$t in this case4G : sai-4 Fthe machine itse'% is o% that same c'ass o% ma)ica' ob?ects as /a-@s
b'a-e4 #ra1s"an-ir; : incorporate- e'ements o% the Pattern itse'% into its -esi)n;G
FAn- 1o$ "ere )oin) to s$rprise $s "ith this>G
FAes4 once it@s rea-1;G
F=hen "i'' that be>G
F:@m not s$re; :t ha- to )ather certain critica' amo$nts o% -ata be%ore its pro)rams co$'- become
%$''1 operationa'; : set it to -o that a "hi'e back4 an- : ha&en@t ha- a chance to check on it
0an-om po$re- some more co%%ee4 took a -rink;
F: -on@t see "here it "o$'- sa&e that m$ch in the "a1 o% time an- e%%ort4G he sai- a 'itt'e 'ater;
F(a1 :@m c$rio$s abo$t somethin) in (ha-o"; : )o an- in&esti)ate4 or : sen- someone; No"4 sa1
that instea- : "ant to $se this thin) to check it o$t; : sti'' ha&e to spen- the time )oin) to the
p'ace "here 1o$ keep it;G
FNo4G : to'- him; FAo$ s$mmon a remote termina';G
F($mmon> A termina'>G
F0i)ht;G : $nearthe- m1 Amber !r$mps an- -ea't m1se'% the one o%% the bottom; :t sho"e- a
si'&er "hee' a)ainst a -ark back)ro$n-; : passe- it to 0an-om an- he st$-ie- it;
F,o" -o 1o$ $se it>G he aske-;
F(ame as the others; Ao$ "ant to ca'' it to 1o$>G
FAo$ -o it4G he sai-; F: "ant to "atch;G
F7er1 "e''4G : ans"ere-; FB$t "hi'e :@&e set it to )atherin) -ata across the sha-o"s it sti'' "on@t
kno" a "ho'e 'ot that@s $se%$' at this point;G
F: -on@t "ant to <$estion it so m$ch as : "ant to see it;G
: raise- the car- an- stare-4 seein) thro$)h it "ith m1 min-@s e1e; A%ter a %e" moments4 there
"as contact; : ca''e- it to me;
!here %o''o"e- a sma'' crack'in) so$n- an- a %ee'in) o% ioni6ation in the air as a )'o"in) "hee'
abo$t ei)ht %eet in -iameter materia'i6e- be%ore me;
F/iminish termina' si6e4G : or-ere-;
:t shrank -o"n to abo$t a thir- o% "hat it ha- been an- : or-ere- it to ha't at that point; :t 'ooke-
'ike a pa'e pict$re %rame4 occasiona' sparks -ancin) "ithin it4 the &ie" across the room
constant'1 ripp'in) as seen thro$)h its center;
0an-om be)an to e.ten- a han-;
F/on@t4G : sai-; FAo$ mi)ht )et a shock; : sti'' -on@t ha&e a'' the b$)s o$t;G
F:t can transmit ener)1>G
F=e''4 it co$'-; No bi) -ea';G
F:% 1o$ or-ere- to transmit ener)1;;;>G
FOh4 s$re; :t has to be ab'e to transmit ener)1 here to s$stain the termina'4 an- thro$)h (ha-o"
to operate its scanners;G
F: mean4 co$'- it -ischar)e it at this en->G
F:% : to'- it to it co$'- b$i'- $p a char)e an- 'et it )o; Aes;G
F=hat are its 'imits in this>G
F=hate&er it has a&ai'ab'e;G
FAn- "hat -oes it ha&e a&ai'ab'e>G
F=e''4 in theor1 an entire p'anet; B$tDG
F($pposin) 1o$ or-ere- it to appear besi-e someone here4 b$i'- $p a 'ar)e char)e an- -ischar)e
it into that person; Co$'- it -o an e'ectroc$tion>G
F: )$ess so4G : sai-; F: -on@t see "h1 not; B$t that@s not its p$rposeDG
FBer'in4 1o$r s$rprise is certain'1 a s$rprise; B$t :@m not s$re : 'ike it;G
F:t@s sa%e4G : e.p'aine-; FNo one kno"s "here it@s 'ocate-; No one )oes there; !his !r$mp : ha&e
is the on'1 one; Nobo-1 e'se can reach it; : "as )oin) to make one more car-4 ?$st %or 1o$4 an-
then sho" 1o$ ho" to operate the thin) "hen it "as rea-1;G
F:@m )oin) to ha&e to think abo$t this;;;G
F#host4 "ithin %i&e tho$san- (ha-o" &ei's4 this 'ocationDho" man1 (ha-o"-storms are
c$rrent'1 in e.istence>G
!he "or-s camne as i% spoken "ithin the hoop8 F(e&enteen;G
F(o$n-s 'ikeDG
F: )a&e it m1 &oice4G : to'- him; F#host4 )i&e $s some pict$res o% the bi))est one;G
A scene o% chaotic %$r1 %i''e- the hoop;
FAnother tho$)ht ?$st occ$rre- to me4G 0an-om state-; FCan it transport thin)s>G
F($re4 ?$st 'ike a re)$'ar !r$mp;G
F=as the ori)ina' si6e o% that circ'e its$m si6e>G
FNo4 "e co$'- make it a 'ot 'ar)er i% 1o$ "ante-; Or sma''er;G
F: -on@t; B$t s$pposin) 1o$ ma-e it 'ar)erDan- then to'- it to transmit that storm4 or as m$ch o%
it as it co$'- mana)e>G
F=o"I : -on@t kno"; :t "o$'- tr1; :t "o$'- probab'1 be 'ike openin) a )iant "in-o" onto it;G
FBer'in4 sh$t it -o"n; :t@s -an)ero$s;G
F9ike : sai-4 nobo-1 kno"s "here it is b$t me4 an- the on'1 other "a1 to reach it isDG
F: kno"4 : kno"; !e'' me4 co$'- an1bo-1 access it "ith the proper !r$mp4 or ?$st b1 %in-in) it>G
F=e''4 1es; : -i-n@t bother "ith an1 sec$rit1 co-es beca$se o% its inaccessibi'it1;G
F!hat thin) co$'- be an a"esome "eapon4 ki-; (h$t it -o"n; No";G
F: can@t;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
FAo$ can@t -$mp its memor1 or ki'' its po"er %rom a remote termina'; : "o$'- act$a''1 ha&e to
tra&e' to the site itse'% to -o that;G
F!hen : s$))est 1o$ )et )oin); : "ant it t$rne- o%% $nti' there are a 'ot more sa%e)$ar-s b$i't into
it; 2&en thenD"e''4 "e@'' see; : -on@t tr$st a po"er 'ike that; Not "hen : -on@t ha&e an1 -e%enses
a)ainst it; :t co$'- strike a'most "itho$t "arnin); =hat "ere 1o$ thinkin) o% "hen 1o$ b$i't that
F/ata-processin); 9ook4 "e@re the on'1 onesDG
F!here@s a'"a1s a possibi'it1 someone "i'' )et "ise to it an- %in- a "a1 to )et at it; : kno"4 :
kno"D1o$@re in 'o&e "ith 1o$r han-i"orkDan- : appreciate "hat 1o$ ha- in min-; B$t it@s )ot
to )o;G
F: ha&e -one nothin) to o%%en- 1o$;G :t "as m1 &oice4 b$t it came %rom the "hee';
0an-om stare- at it4 'ooke- at me4 'ooke- back at it;
F*hDthat@s not the point4G he a--resse- it; F:t@s 1o$r potentia' that :@m concerne- abo$t; Ber'in4
t$rn o%% the termina'IG
F2n- transmission4G : sai-; F=ith-ra" termina';G :t "a&ere- a moment4 then "as )one;
F,a- 1o$ anticipate- that comment %rom the thin)>G 0an-om aske- me;
FNo; : "as s$rprise-;G
F:@m be)innin) to -is'ike s$rprises; Ba1be that sha-o" en&ironment is act$a''1 a'terin) the
thin) in s$bt'e "a1s; Ao$ kno" m1 "ishes; #i&e it a rest;G
: bo"e- m1 hea-; F=hate&er 1o$ sa14 sir;G
FC$t it o$t; /on@t be a mart1r; E$st -o it;G
F: sti'' think it@s ?$st a matter o% insta''in) a %e" sa%e)$ar-s; No reason to crash the "ho'e
F:% thin)s "ere <$ieter4G he sai-4 Fma1be :@- )o a'on) "ith it4 B$t there@s too m$ch shit comin)
-o"n ri)ht no"4 "ith snipers an- bombers an- a'' the thin)s 1o$@&e been te''in) me abo$t; : -on@t
nee- another "orr1;G
: )ot to m1 %eet;
FOka1; !hanks %or the co%%ee4G : sai-; F:@'' 'et 1o$ kno" "hen it@s -one;G
,e no--e-;
F#oo- ni)ht4 Ber'in;G
F#oo- ni)ht;G
As : "as sta'kin) o$t thro$)h the bi) entrance ha'' : sa" E$'ian4 in a )reen -ressin) )o"n4
ta'kin) "ith t"o o% his men; On the %'oor bet"een them 'a1 a 'ar)e -ea- anima'; : ha'te- an-
stare-; :t "as one o% those same -amne- -o) thin)s : ha- ?$st -reame- abo$t4 'ike at E$'ia@s;
: approache-;
F,i4 E$'ian; =hat is it>G : aske- )est$rin);
,e shook his hea-;
F/on@t kno"; B$t the he''ho$n-s ?$st ki''e- three o% them in Ar-en; : tr$mpe- these )$1s $p "ith
one o% the carcasses4 to sho" 0an-om; Ao$ "o$'-n@t kno" "here he is4 "o$'- 1o$>G
: stabbe- "ith m1 th$mb back o&er m1 sho$'-er;
F:n the sittin) room;G
,e "a'ke- o%% in that -irection; : "ent nearer an- pro--e- the anima' "ith m1 toe; (ho$'- : )o
back an- te'' 0an-om :@- met one be%ore>
!he he'' "ith it4 : -eci-e-; : co$'-n@t see ho" the in%ormation "o$'- be o% an1 &ita' $se;
: ret$rne- to m1 rooms an- "ashe- $p an- chan)e- m1 c'othes; !hen : stoppe- b1 the kitchen
an- %i''e- m1 backpack "ith %oo-; : -i-n@t %ee' 'ike sa1in) )oo--b1e to an1one4 so : ?$st hea-e-
%or the back an- took the bi) rear staircase -o"n into the )ar-ens;
/ark; (tarr1; Coo'; =a'kin)4 : %e't a s$--en chi'' as : neare- the spot "here4 in m1 -ream4 the
-o)s ha- appeare-; No ho"'s4 no )ro"'s; Nothin); : passe- thro$)h that area an- contin$e- on
m1 "a1 to the rear o% that "e''-kept site4 to the p'ace "here a n$mber o% trai's 'e- o%% thro$)h a
more nat$ra' 'an-scape; : took the secon- one %rom the 'e%t; :t "as a s'i)ht'1 'on)er ro$te than
another : mi)ht ha&e chosenD"ith "hich it intersecte- 'ater4 an1"a1Db$t "as easier )oin)4 a
thin) : %e't : nee-e- in the ni)ht; : "as sti'' not a'' that %ami'iar "ith the irre)$'arities o% the other
: hike- the crest o% 3o'&ir %or the better part o% an ho$r be%ore : 'ocate- the -o"n"ar- trai' : "as
seekin); : ha'te- then4 took a -rink o% "ater an- reste- %or a %e" min$tes be%ore : be)an the
:t is &er1 -i%%ic$'t to "a'k in (ha-o" on 3o'&ir; One has to p$t some -istance bet"een onese'%
an- Amber in or-er to -o it proper'1; (o a'' : co$'- -o at this point "as hike"hich "as %ine "ith
me4 beca$se it "as a )oo- ni)ht %or "a'kin);
: "as "e'' on m1 "a1 -o"n be%ore a )'o" occ$rre- o&erhea- an- the moon creste- a sho$'-er
o% 3o'&ir an- po$re- its 'i)ht $pon m1 t"istin) trai'; : increase- m1 pace some"hat a%ter that; :
-i- "ant to make it o%% the mo$ntain b1 mornin);
: "as an)r1 "ith 0an-om %or not )i&in) me a chance to ?$sti%1 m1 "ork; : ha-n@t rea''1 been
rea-1 to te'' him abo$t it; :% it ha-n@t been %or Caine@s %$nera' : "o$'- not ha&e ret$rne- to Amber
$nti' :@- ha- the thin) per%ecte-; An- : "asn@t e&en )oin) to mention #host"hee' this time
aro$n-4 e.cept that it ha- %i)$re- in a sma'' "a1 in the m1ster1 that ha- en)$'%e- me an-
0an-om ha- "ante- to kno" abo$t it in or-er to ha&e the "ho'e stor1; Oka1; ,e -i-n@t 'ike "hat
he@- seen4 b$t the pre&ie" ha- been premat$re; No"4 i% : sh$t it -o"n as :@- been or-ere- : "o$'-
r$in a 'ot o% "ork that ha- been in pro)ress %or some time no"; #host"hee' "as sti'' in a
(ha-o"-scannin)4 se'%-e-$cation phase; : "o$'- ha&e been checkin) on it abo$t no"4 an1"a14 to
see ho" it "as comin) a'on) an- to correct an1 ob&io$s %'a"s that ha- crept into the s1stem;
: tho$)ht abo$t it as the trai' )re" steeper an- c$r&e- on 3o'&ir@s "estern %ace; 0an-om ha- not
e.act'1 or-ere- me to -$mp e&er1thin) it ha- acc$m$'ate- th$s %ar; ,e@- simp'1 to'- me to sh$t
it -o"n; 7ie"e- the "a1 : chose to &ie" it4 that meant : co$'- e.ercise m1 o"n ?$-)ment as to
means; : -eci-e- that )a&e me 'ee"a1 to check e&er1thin) o$t %irst4 re&ie"in) s1stems %$nctions
an- re&isin) pro)rams $nti' : "as satis%ie- that e&er1thin) "as in or-er; !hen : co$'- trans%er
e&er1thin) to a more permanent stat$s be%ore sh$ttin) it -o"n; !hen nothin) "o$'- be 'ostC its
memor1 "o$'- be intact "hen the time came to restore its %$nctions a)ain;
=hat i% : -i- e&er1thin) to make it shipshape4 inc'$-in) thro"in) in a %e"Das : sa" itD
$nnecessar1 sa%e)$ar-s to make 0an-om happ1> !hen4 : m$se-4 s$pposin) : )ot in to$ch "ith
0an-om4 sho"e- him "hat :@- -one4 an- aske- him "hether he "as happ1 "ith it that "a1> :% he
"eren@t4 : co$'- a'"a1s sh$t it -o"n then; B$t perhaps he@- reconsi-er; =orth thinkin) abo$t;;;
: p'a1e- o&er ima)inar1 con&ersations "ith 0an-om $nti' the moon ha- -ri%te- o%% to m1 'e%t; :
"as more than ha'%"a1 -o"n 3o'&ir b1 then an- the )oin) "as becomin) pro)ressi&e'1 easier; :
co$'- a'rea-1 %ee' the %orce o% the Pattern as some"hat -iminishe-;
: ha'te- a co$p'e o% more times on the "a1 -o"n4 %or "ater an- once %or a san-"ich; !he more :
tho$)ht abo$t it4 the more : %e't that 0an-om "o$'- ?$st )et an)r1 i% : procee-e- a'on) the 'ines :
ha- been thinkin) an- probab'1 "o$'-n@t e&en )i&e me a %$'' hearin); On the other han-4 : "as
an)r1 m1se'%;
B$t it "as a 'on) ?o$rne1 "ith %e" shortc$ts; :@- ha&e p'ent1 o% time to m$'' it o&er;
!he sk1 "as )ro"in) 'i)hter "hen : crosse- the 'ast rock1 s'ope to reach the "i-e trai' at the
%oot o% 3o'&ir to the north"est; : re)ar-e- a stan- o% trees across the "a14 one 'ar)e oneDa
%ami'iar 'an-mark;;;
=ith a -a66'in) %'ash that seeme- to si66'e an- a bomb'ike report o% th$n-er the tree "as sp'it4
not a h$n-re- meters a"a1; :@- %'$n) $p both han-s at the 'i)htnin) stroke4 b$t : co$'- sti'' hear
crackin) "oo- an- the echo o% the b'ast %or se&era' secon-s a%ter"ar-;
!hen a &oice crie- o$t4 F#o backIG
: ass$me- : "as the s$b?ect o% this con&ersationa' )ambit; FBa1 "e ta'k this o&er>G : respon-e-;
!here "as no rep'1;
: stretche- o$t in a sha''o" -ec'i&it1 besi-e the trai'4 then cra"'e- a'on) it %or se&era' bo-1
'en)ths to a p'ace "here the co&er "as better; : "as 'istenin) an- "atchin) the "hi'e4 hopin) that
"hoe&er ha- p$''e- that st$nt "o$'- betra1 his position in some %ashion;
Nothin) happene-4 b$t %or the ne.t ha'% min$te : s$r&e1e- the )ro&e an- a portion o% the s'ope
-o"n "hich : ha- come; +rom that an)'e their pro.imit1 )a&e me a sma'' inspiration;
: s$mmone- the ima)e o% the 9o)r$s4 an- t"o o% its 'ines became m1 arms; : reache- then4 not
thro$)h (ha-o" b$t $p the s'ope to "here a %air'1 )oo--si6e- rock "as poise- abo&e a mass o%
(ei6in) ho'-4 : -re" $pon it; :t "as too hea&1 to topp'e easi'14 so : be)an rockin) it; ('o"'14 at
%irst; +ina''14 : )ot it to the tippin) point an- it t$mb'e-; :t %e'' amon) the others an- a sma''
casca-e be)an; : "ith-re" %$rther as the1 str$ck an- sent ne" ones bo$ncin); (e&era' bi) ones
bean to ro''; A %ract$re 'ine )a&e "a1 "hen the1 %e'' $pon its e-)e at a steeper p'ace; An entire
sheet o% stone )roane- an- cracke-4 be)an to s'i-e;
: co$'- %ee' the &ibration as : contin$e- m1 "ith-ra"a'; : ha- not anticipate- settin) o%%
an1thin) this spectac$'ar; !he rocks bo$nce-4 s'i- an- %'e" into the )ro&e; : "atche- the trees
s"a14 sa" some o% them )o -o"n; : hear- the cr$nchin)4 the pin)in)4 the breakin);
: )a&e it an e.tra ha'% min$te a%ter "hat seeme- its en-; !here "as m$ch -$st in the air an- ha'%
o% the )ro&e "as -o"n; !hen : rose to m1 %eet4 +rakir -an)'in) %rom m1 'e%t han-4 an- :
a-&ance- $pon the )ro&e;
: searche- care%$''14 b$t there "as no one there; : c'imbe- $pon the tr$nk o% a %a''en tree;
F: repeat4 -o 1o$ care to ta'k abo$t it>G : ca''e- o$t; No ans"er;
FOka14 be that "a14G : sai-4 an- : hea-e- north into Ar-en;
: hear- the so$n- o% horses occasiona''1 as : hike- thro$)h that ancient %orest; :% : "as bein)
%o''o"e-4 tho$)h4 the horsemen sho"e- no interest in c'osin) "ith me; Bost 'ike'14 : "as
passin) in the &icinit1 o% one o% E$'ian@s patro's;
Not that it mattere-; : soon 'ocate- a trai' an- be)an the sma'' a-?$stments that bore me %arther
an- %arther %rom them;
A 'i)hter sha-e4 %rom bro"n to 1e''o"4 an- s'i)ht'1 shorter trees;;;+e"er breaks in the 'ea%1
canop1;;;O-- bir- note4 stran)e m$shroom;;;
9itt'e b1 'itt'e4 the character o% the "oo- "as a'tere-; An- the shi%tin) )re" easier an- easier the
%arther this took me %rom Amber;
: be)an to pass s$nn1 c'earin)s; !he sk1 )re" a pa'er b'$e;;;!he trees "ere a'' )reen no"4 b$t
most o% them sap'in)s;;;
: broke into a ?o);
Basses o% c'o$-s came into &ie"4 the spon)1 earth )re" %irmer4 -rier;;;
: steppe- $p m1 pace4 hea-in) -o"nhi''; #rasses "ere more ab$n-ant; !he trees "ere -i&i-e-
into c'$sters no"4 is'an-s in a "a&in) sea o% those pa'e )rasses; B1 &ie" took in a )reater
-istance; A %'appin)4 bea-e- c$rtain o%% to m1 ri)htDrain;
0$mb'es o% th$n-er came to me4 tho$)h s$n'i)ht contin$e- to 'i)ht m1 "a1; : breathe- -eep'1
o% the c'ean -amp air an- ran on;
!he )rasses %e'' a"a14 )ro$n- %iss$re-4 sk1 b'ackene-;;;=aters r$she- thro$)h can1ons an-
arro1os a'' abo$t me;;;!orrents po$re- %rom o&erhea- onto the rockin) terrain;;;
: be)an s'ippin); : c$rse- each time : picke- m1se'% $p4 %or m1 o&erea)erness in the shi%tin);
!he c'o$-s parte- 'ike a theater c$rtain4 to "here a 'emon s$n po$re- "armth an- 'i)ht %rom a
sa'mon-co'ore- sk1; !he th$n-er ha'te- in mi--r$mb'e an- a "in- rose;;;
: ma-e m1 "a1 $p a hi''si-e4 'ooke- -o"n $pon a r$ine- )a)e; 9on)-aban-one-4 part'1
o&er)ro"n4 stran)e mo$n-s 'ine- its broken main street;
: passe- thro$)h it beneath a s'ate-co'ore- sk14 picke- m1 "a1 s'o"'1 across an ic1 pon-4 %aces
o% those %ro6en beneath me starin) si)ht'ess'1 in a'' -irections;;;
!he sk1 "as soot-streake-4 the sno" har--packe-4 m1 breath %eather1 as : entere- the ske'eta'
"oo- "here %ro6en bir-s perche-8 an etchin);
('ippin) -o"nhi''4 ro''in)4 s'i-in) into me'tin) an- sprin);;;Bo&ement a)ainC abo$t me;;;B$ck1
)ro$n- an- c'$mps o% )reen;;;(tran)e cars on -istant hi)h"a1;;;
A ?$nk1ar-4 sme''in)4 oo6in)4 r$stin)4 smo'-erin);;;!hrea-in) m1 "a1 ami- acres o%
heaps;;;0ats sc$rr1in);;;
A"a1;;;(hi%tin) %aster4 breathin) har-er;;;(k1'ine beneath smo) cap;;;/e'ta
bottom;;;(eashore;;;#o'-en p1'ons a'on) the roa-;;;Co$ntr1si-e "ith 'akes;;;Bro"n )rasses
beneath )reen sk1;;;
('o"in);;;0o''in) )rass'an-4 ri&er an- 'ake;;;('o"in);;;Bree6e an- )rass4 sea'ike;;;Boppin) m1
bro" on m1 s'ee&e;;;($ckin) air;;;=a'kin) no";;;
: mo&e- thro$)h the %ie'- at a norma' pace4 pre%errin) to -o m1 restin) in a con)enia' spot s$ch
as this4 "here : co$'- see %or a )oo- -istance; !he "in- ma-e so%t noises as it passe- amon) the
)rasses; !he nearest 'ake "as a -eep 'ime co'or; (omethin) in the air sme''e- s"eet;
: tho$)ht : sa" a brie% %'ash o% 'i)ht o%% to m1 ri)ht4 b$t "hen : 'ooke- that "a1 there "as
nothin) $n$s$a' to be seen; A 'itt'e 'ater4 : "as certain that : hear- a -istant so$n- o% hoo%beats;
B$t a)ain4 : sa" nothin); !hat@s the tro$b'e "ith sha-o"sD1o$ -on@t a'"a1s kno" "hat@s nat$ra'
thereC 1o$@re ne&er certain "hat to 'ook %or;
(e&era' min$tes passe-4 an- then : sme''e- it be%ore : sa" an1thin);
(moke; !he ne.t instant there "as a r$sh o% %ire; A 'on) 'ine o% %'ame c$t across m1 path;
An- a)ain the &oice8 F: to'- 1o$ to )o backIG
!he "in- "as behin- the %ire4 p$shin) it to"ar- me; : t$rne- to hea- a"a1 an- sa" that it "as
a'rea-1 %'ankin) me; :t takes a "hi'e to b$i'- $p the proper menta' set %or sha-o"-shi%tin)4 an- :
ha- 'et mine )o; : -o$bte- : co$'- set it $p a)ain in time;
: be)an r$nnin);
!he 'ine o% %'ame "as c$r&in) abo$t me4 as i% to -escribe a h$)e circ'e; : -i- not pa$se to a-mire
the precision o% the thin)4 ho"e&er4 as : co$'- %ee' the heat b1 then an- the smoke "as )ettin)
Abo&e the %ire@s crack'in) it seeme- that : co$'- sti'' hear the -r$mmin) o% hoo%s; B1 e1es "ere
be)innin) to "ater4 tho$)h4 an- streams o% smoke %$rther -iminishe- m1 &ision; An- a)ain4 :
-etecte- no si)n o% the person "ho ha- spr$n) the trap;
AetD-e%inite'1Dthe )ro$n- "as shakin) "ith the rapi- pro)ress o% a hoo&e- creat$re hea-e- in
m1 -irection; !he %'ames %'ashe- hi)her4 -re" nearer as the circ'e r$she- to"ar- c'os$re;
: "as "on-erin) "hat ne" menace "as approachin)4 "hen a horse an- ri-er b$rst into &ie"
thro$)h the )ap in the %ier1 "a''; !he ri-er -re" back the reins4 b$t the horseDa chestn$tD"as
not too happ1 at the nearness o% the %'amesDit bare- its teeth4 bitin) at the bit4 an- trie- se&era'
times to rear;
F,$rr1I Behin- meIG the ri-er crie-4 an- : r$she- to mo$nt;
!he ri-er "as a -ark-haire- "oman; : ca$)ht on'1 a )'impse o% her %eat$res; (he mana)e- to
t$rn the horse back in the -irection %rom "hich she ha- come4 an- she shook the reins; !he
chestn$t starte- %or"ar-4 an- s$--en'1 it reare-; : mana)e- to han) on;
=hen its %ront hoo&es str$ck the )ro$n-4 the beast "hee'e- an- tore o%% to"ar- the 'i)ht; :t "as
a'most into the %'ames "hen it "hee'e- a)ain;
F/amnIG : hear- the ri-er sa14 as she "orke- a'most %rantica''1 "ith the reins;
!he horse t$rne- a)ain4 nei)hin) 'o$-'1; B'oo-1 spitt'e -rippe- %rom its mo$th; An- b1 then the
circ'e "as c'ose-4 the smoke "as hea&1 an- the %'ames &er1 near; : "as in no position to he'p4
be1on- )i&in) it a pair o% sharp kicks in the %'anks "hen it be)an mo&in) in a strai)ht 'ine a)ain;
:t p'$n)e- into the %'ames to o$r 'e%t4 a'most screamin) as it "ent; : ha- no i-ea ho" "i-e the
ban- o% %ire "as at that point; : co$'- %ee' a searin) a'on) m1 'e)s4 tho$)h4 an- : sme''e- b$rnin)
!hen the beast "as roarin) a)ain4 the ri-er "as screamin) back at it4 an- : %o$n- that : co$'- no
'on)er ho'- on; : %e't m1se'% s'i-in) back"ar- ?$st as "e broke thro$)h the rin) o% %ire an- into a
charre-4 smo'-erin) area "here the %'ames ha- a'rea-1 passe-; : %e'' ami- hot b'ack c'$mpsC
ashes rose abo$t me; : ro''e- %rantica''1 to m1 'e%t4 an- : co$)he- an- s<$ee6e- m1 e1es sh$t
a)ainst the c'o$- o% ashes that assai'e- m1 %ace;
: hear- the "oman scream an- : scramb'e- to m1 %eet4 r$bbin) m1 e1es; B1 &ision came c'ear
in time %or me to see the chestn$t risin) %rom "here he ha- apparent'1 %a''en atop his ri-er; !he
horse imme-iate'1 tore o%%4 to be 'ost amon) c'o$-s o% smoke; !he "oman 'a1 &er1 sti'' an- :
r$she- to her si-e; 3nee'in)4 : br$she- sparks %rom her c'othin) an- checke- %or breathin) an- a
p$'se; ,er e1es opene- "hi'e : "as -oin) this;
FBack@sDbroken : think4G she sai-4 co$)hin); F/on@t %ee'Dm$ch;;;; 2scapeDi% 1o$ can;;;;
9ea&e me; :@'' -ieDan1"a1;G
FNo "a14G : sai-; FB$t :@&e )ot to mo&e 1o$; !here@s a 'ake nearb14 i% : remember ri)ht;G
: remo&e- m1 c'oak "here it "as tie- abo$t m1 "aist an- : sprea- it o$t besi-e her; : inche- her
onto it as care%$''1 as : co$'-4 %o'-e- it o&er her to protect her a)ainst the %'ames an- be)an
-ra))in) her in "hat : hope- "as the proper -irection;
=e ma-e it thro$)h a shi%tin) patch"ork o% %ire an- smoke; B1 throat "as ra"4 m1 e1es
"aterin) stea-i'1 an- m1 tro$sers on %ire "hen : took a bi) step back"ar- an- %e't m1 hee'
s<$ish -o"n"ar- into m$-; : kept )oin);
+ina''14 : "as "aist -eep in the "ater an- s$pportin) her there; : 'eane- %or"ar-4 p$she- a %'ap
o% the c'oak back %rom her %ace; ,er e1es "ere sti'' open4 b$t the1 'ooke- $n%oc$se- an- there
"as no mo&ement; Be%ore : co$'- %ee' %or a caroti- p$'se4 ho"e&er4 she ma-e a hissin) noise4
then she spoke m1 name;
FBer'in4G she sai- hoarse'14 F:@mDsorr1DG
FAo$ he'pe- me an- : co$'-n@t he'p 1o$4G : sai-; F:@m sorr1;G
F(orr1 : -i-n@t 'astD'on)er4G she contin$e-; FNo )oo-D"ith horses; !he1@reD%o''o"in) 1o$;G
F=ho>G : aske-;
FCa''e- o%%Dthe -o)s4 tho$)h; B$t theD%ireDis someoneDe'se@s; /on@t kno"D"hose;G
F: -on@t kno" "hat 1o$@re ta'kin) abo$t;G
: sp'ashe- a 'itt'e "ater onto her cheeks to coo' them; Bet"een the soot an- her sin)e-4
-ishe&e'e- hair it "as -i%%ic$'t to ?$-)e her appearance;
F(omeoneDbehin-D1o$4G she sai-4 her &oice )ro"in) %ainter; F(omeoneDahea-Dtoo; /i-n@t
Dkno"Dabo$t that one; (orr1;G
F=ho>G : aske- a)ain; FAn- "ho are 1o$> ,o" -o 1o$ kno" me> =h1DG
(he smi'e- %aint'1; F;;;('eep "ith 1o$; Can@t no"; #oin);;;G
,er e1es c'ose-;
FNoIG : crie-;
,er %ace contorte- an- she s$cke- in a %ina' breath; (he''e- it then4 $sin) it to %orm the
"hispere- "or-s;
FE$stD'et meDsink here; #@b1e;;;G
A c'o$- o% smoke b'e" across her %ace; : he'- m1 breath an- sh$t m1 e1es as a 'ar)er bi''o"
%o''o"e-4 en)$'%in) $s; =hen the air %ina''1 c'eare- a)ain4 : st$-ie- her; ,er breathin) ha-
cease- an- there "as no p$'se4 no heartbeat; !here "as no nonb$rnin)4 nonmarsh1 area a&ai'ab'e
%or e&en an attempt at CP0; (he "as )one; (he@- kno"n she "as )oin);
: "rappe- m1 c'oak abo$t her care%$''14 t$rnin) it into a shro$-; 9ast o% a''4 : %o'-e- a %'ap o&er
her %ace; : %i.e- e&er1thin) into p'ace "ith the c'asp :@- $se- to c'ose it at m1 neck "hen :@- "orn
it; !hen : "a-e- o$t into -eeper "ater;
FE$st 'et me sink here;G (ometimes the -ea- sink <$ick'14 sometimes the1 %'oat;;;
F#oo--b1e4 'a-14G : sai-; F=ish : kne" 1o$r name; !hanks a)ain;G
: re'ease- m1 ho'- $pon her; !he "aters s"ir'e-; (he "as )one; A%ter a time4 : 'ooke- a"a14
then mo&e- a"a1; !oo man1 <$estions an- no ans"ers;
(ome"here4 a ma--ene- horse "as screamin);;;
Chapter %
(e&era' ho$rs an- man1 sha-o"s 'ater : reste- a)ain4 in a p'ace "ith a c'ear sk1 an- not m$ch
tin-er abo$t; : bathe- in a sha''o" stream an- a%ter"ar- s$mmone- %resh c'othin) o$t o%
(ha-o"; C'ean an- -r1 then4 : reste- on the bank an- ma-e m1se'% a mea';
:t seeme- as i% e&er1 -a1 "ere no" an Apri' 3; :t seeme- as i% e&er1one : met kne" me4 an- as
i% e&er1one "ere p'a1in) an e'aborate -o$b'e-)ame; Peop'e "ere -1in) a'' abo$t me an-
-isasters "ere becomin) a common occ$rrence; : "as be)innin) to %ee' 'ike a %i)$re in a &i-eo
)ame; =hat "o$'- be ne.t> : "on-ere-; A meteor sho"er>
!here ha- to be a ke1; !he name'ess 'a-1 "ho ha- )i&en her 'i%e to p$'' me o$t o% the %ire ha-
sai- that someone "as %o''o"in) me an- that there "as someone ahea- o% me4 a'so; =hat -i-
that mean> (ho$'- : "ait %or m1 p$rs$er to catch $p an- simp'1 ask him4 her4 or it "hat the he''
"as )oin) on> Or sho$'- : p$sh on %ast4 hope%$''1 catch the other part1 an- make in<$ir1 there>
=o$'- either )i&e me the same ans"er> Or "ere there t"o -i%%erent ans"ers in&o'&e-> =o$'- a
-$e' satis%1 someone@s honor> :@- %i)ht it4 then; Or a bribe;
:@- pa1 it; A'' : "ante- "as an ans"er %o''o"e- b1 a 'itt'e peace an- <$iet; : ch$ck'e-; !hat
so$n-e- 'ike a -escription o% -eathDtho$)h : "asn@t that s$re abo$t the ans"er part;
F(hitIG : commente-4 to no one in partic$'ar4 an- : tosse- a stone into the stream;
: )ot to m1 %eet an- crosse- the "ater; =ritten in the san- on its opposite shore "ere the "or-s
#O BAC3; : steppe- on them an- broke into a r$n;
!he "or'- sp$n abo$t me as : to$che- the sha-o"s; 7e)etation %e'' a"a1; !he rocks )re" into
bo$'-ers4 'i)htenin)4 takin) on a spark'e ; ;
: ran thro$)h a &a''e1 o% prisms beneath an a"esome p$rp'e sk1;;;=in- amon) rainbo" stones4
sin)in)4 Aeo'ian m$sic;;;
#arments 'ashe- b1 )a'es;;;P$rp'e to 'a&en-er abo&e;;;(harp cries "ithin the strains o%
so$n-;;;2arth crackin);;;
+aster; : am )iant; (ame 'an-scapeC in%initesima' no";;;C1c'opean4 : )rin- the )'o"in) stones
beneath m1 %eet;;;/$st o% rainbo"s $pon m1 boots4 p$%%s o% c'o$- abo$t m1 sho$t-ers;;;
Atmosphere thickenin)4 thickenin)C a'most to 'i<$i-4 an- )reen;;;("ir'in);;;('o" motion4 m1
best e%%orts;;;("immin) in it;;;Cast'es %it %or a<$aria -ri%t b1;;;; Bri)ht missi'es 'ike %ire%'ies assai'
me;;;: %ee' nothin);;;
#reen to b'$e;;;!hinnin)4 thinnin);;;B'$e smoke an- air 'ike incense;;;!he re&erberation o% a
mi''ion in&isib'e )on)s4 incessant;;;: c'ench m1 teeth;
+aster; B'$e to pink4 spark-shot;;;A cat'ick o% %ire;;;Another;;;,eat'ess %'ames -ance 'ike sea
p'ants;;;,i)her4 risin) hi)her;;;=a''s o% %ire b$ck'e an- crack'e;;;
+oot%a''s at m1 back;
/on@t 'ook; (hi%t;
(k1 sp'it -o"n the mi--'e4 b1 s$n a comet streakin);;;,ere an- )one;;;A)ain; A)ain; !hree -a1s
in as man1 heartbeats;;;: breathe the airDspic1;;;("ir' the %ires4 -escen- to p$rp'e earth;;;Prism
in the sk1;;;: race the co$rse o% a )'o"in) ri&er across a %ie'- o% %$n)$s co'or o% b'oo-4
spon)1;;;(pores that t$rn to ?e"e's4 %a'' 'ike b$''ets;;;
Ni)ht on a p'ain o% brass4 %oot%a''s echoin) to eternit1;;;3nobbe- machine'ike p'ants c'ankin)4
meta' %'o"ers retractin) back to meta' sta'ks4 sta'ks to conso'es;;;C'ank4 c'ank4 si)h;;;2choes
on'14 at m1 back>
: spin once;
=as that a -ark %i)$re -$ckin) behin- a "in-mi'' tree> Or on'1 the -ance o% sha-o"s in m1
sha-o"-shi%tin) e1es> +or"ar-; !hro$)h )'ass an- san-paper4 oran)e ice4 'an-scape o% pa'e
!here is no s$n4 on'1 pa'e 'i)ht;;;!here is no earth;;;On'1 thin bri-)es an- is'an-s in the air;;;!he
"or'- is cr1sta' matri.;;;
*p4 -o"n4 aro$n-;;;!hro$)h a ho'e in the air an- -o"n a ch$te;;;
('i-in);;;!o a coba't beach besi-e a sti'' copper sea;;;!"i'i)ht "itho$t stars;;;+aint )'o"
e&er1"here;;;/ea-4 -ea- this p'ace;;;B'$e rocks;;;Broken stat$es o% inh$man bein)s;;;Nothin)
(top; : -re" a ma)ic circ'e abo$t me in the san- an- in&este- it "ith the %orces o% Chaos; :
sprea- m1 ne" c'oak then at its center4 stretche- o$t an- "ent to s'eep; : -reame- that the "aters
rose $p to "ash a"a1 a portion o% the circ'e4 an- that a )reen4 sca'1 bein) "ith p$rp'e hair an-
sharp teeth crept o$t o% the sea an- came to me to -rink m1 b'oo-;
=hen : a"oke4 : sa" that the circ'e "as broken an- a )reen4 sca'1 bein) "ith p$rp'e hair an-
sharp teeth 'a1 -ea- $pon the beach a ha'% -o6en 1ar-s %rom me4 +rakir knotte- ti)ht'1 abo$t its
throat an- the san- -ist$rbe- a'' aro$n-; : m$st ha&e s'ept &er1 -eep'1;
: retrie&e- m1 stran)'in) cor- an- crosse- another bri-)e o&er in%init1;
On the ne.t 'e) o% m1 ?o$rne1 : "as near'1 ca$)ht $p in a %'ash %'oo- the %irst time : pa$se- to
rest; : "as no 'on)er $n"ar14 ho"e&er4 an- : kept ahea- o% it 'on) eno$)h to shi%t a"a1; :
recei&e- another "arnin)Din b$rnin) 'etters on the %ace o% an obsi-ian mo$ntainDs$))estin) :
"ith-ra"4 retire4 )o home; B1 sho$te- in&itation to a con%erence "as i)nore-;
: tra&e'e- ti'' it "as time to s'eep a)ain4 an- : campe- then in the B'ackene- 9an-sDsti''4 )ra14
m$st14 an- %o))1; : %o$n- m1se'% an easi'1 -e%en-e- c'e%t4 "ar-e- it a)ainst ma)ic an- s'ept;
9aterDho" m$ch 'ater4 : am $ncertain : "as a"akene- %rom a -ream'ess s'$mber b1 the p$'sin)
o% +rakir $pon m1 "rist; : "as instant'1 a"ake4 an- then : "on-ere- "h1; : hear- nothin) an- :
sa" nothin) $nto"ar- "ithin m1 'imite- %ie'- o% &ision; B$t +rakirD"ho is not 1 percent
per%ectDa'"a1s has a reason "hen she -oes )i&e an a'arm; : "aite-4 an- : reca''e- m1 ima)e o%
the 9o)r$s "hi'e : -i- so; =hen it "as %$''1 be%ore me : %itte- m1 han- "ithin it as i% it "ere a
)'o&e an- : reache-;;;
: se'-om carr1 a b'a-e abo&e the 'en)th o% a mi--'e-si6e- -a))er; :t@s too -amne- c$mbersome
ha&in) se&era' %eet o% stee' han)in) at m1 si-e4 b$mpin) into me4 catchin) onto b$shes4 an-
occasiona''1 e&en trippin) me $p; B1 %ather4 an- most o% the others in Amber an- the Co$rts4
s"ear b1 the hea&14 a"k"ar- thin)s4 b$t the1 are probab'1 ma-e o% sterner st$%% than m1se'%; :@&e
nothin) a)ainst them in princip'e; : 'o&e %encin)4 an- :@&e ha- a 'ot o% trainin) in their $se; : ?$st
%in- carr1in) one a'' the time to be a n$isance; !he be't e&en r$bs a ra" p'ace on m1 hip a%ter a
"hi'e; Norma''14 : pre%er +rakir an- impro&isation; ,o"e&er;;;
!his4 : "as "i''in) to a-mit4 mi)ht be a )oo- time to be ho'-in) one; +or no" : hear- be''o"s-
'ike hissin) so$n-s an- scramb'in) noises %rom some"here o$tsi-e an- to m1 'e%t;
: e.ten-e- thro$)h (ha-o"4 seekin) a b'a-e; : e.ten-e-4 : e.ten-e-;;;
/amn; : ha- come %ar %rom an1 meta'"orkin) c$'t$re o% the appropriate anatom1 an- at the
proper phase in its historica' -e&e'opment;
: contin$e- to reach4 s"eat s$--en'1 bea-in) m1 bro"; +ar4 &er1 %ar; An- the so$n-s came
nearer4 'o$-er4 %aster; !here came ratt'in)4 stampin) an- spittin) noises; A roar; ContactI
: %e't the ha%t o% the "eapon in m1 han-; (ei6e an- s$mmonI : ca''e- it to me4 an- : "as thro"n
a)ainst the "a'' b1 the %orce o% its -e'i&er1; : h$n) there a moment be%ore : co$'- -ra" it %rom
the sheath in "hich it "as sti'' encase-; :n that moment4 thin)s )re" si'ent o$tsi-e;
: "aite- ten secon-s; +i%teen; ,a'% a min$te;;;Nothin) no";
: "ipe- m1 pa'ms on m1 tro$sers; : contin$e- to 'isten; +ina''14 : a-&ance-;
!here "as nothin) imme-iate'1 be%ore the openin) sa&e a 'i)ht %o)4 an- as the periphera' 'ines
o% si)ht opene- there "as sti'' nothin) to beho'-;
Another step;;;No;
Another; : "as ri)ht at the thresho'- no"; : 'eane- %or"ar- an- -arte- a <$ick )'ance in either
Aes; !here "as somethin) o%% to the 'e%t--ark4 'o"4 $nmo&in)4 ha'% maske- b1 the %o);
Cro$che-> 0ea-1 to sprin) at me>
=hate&er it "as4 it -i- not stir an- it kept tota' si'ence; : -i- the same; A%ter a time4 : notice-
another -ark %orm o% the same )enera' o$t'ine be1on- itDan- possib'1 a thir- e&en %arther a"a1;
None o% them sho"e- an1 inc'ination to raise the sort o% he'' : ha- been 'istenin) to b$t min$tes
: contin$e- m1 &i)i';
(e&era' min$tes m$st ha&e passe- be%ore : steppe- o$tsi-e; Nothin) "as ro$se- b1 m1
mo&ement; : took another step an- "aite-; !hen another;
+ina''14 mo&in) s'o"'14 : approache- the %irst %orm; An $)'1 br$te4 co&ere- "ith sca'es the co'or
o% -rie- b'oo-; A co$p'e o% h$n-re- po$n-s@ "orth o% creat$re4 'on) an- sin$o$s;;;Nast1 teeth4
too4 : note-4 "hen : opene- its mo$th "ith the point o% m1 "eapon; : kne" it "as sa%e to -o this4
beca$se its hea- "as a'most comp'ete'1 se&ere- %rom the rest o% it; A &er1 c'ean c$t; A 1e''o"-
oran)e 'i<$i- sti'' %'o"e- %rom the "o$n-;
An- : co$'- see %rom "here : stoo- that the other t"o %orms "ere creat$res o% the same sort; :n
a'' "a1s; !he1 "ere -ea-4 too; !he secon- one : e.amine- ha- been r$n thro$)h se&era' times
an- "as missin) one 'e); !he thir- ha- been hacke- to pieces; A'' o% them oo6e-4 an- the1
sme''e- %aint'1 o% c'o&es;
: inspecte- the "e''-tramp'e- area; Bi.e- in "ith that stran)e b'oo- an- the -e" "ere "hat
seeme- to be the partia' impressions o% a boot4 h$man-sca'e; : so$)ht %arther an- : came across
one intact %ootprint; :t "as pointe- back in the -irection %rom "hich : ha- come;
B1 p$rs$er> (4 perhaps> !he one "ho ha- ca''e- o%% the -o)s> Comin) to m1 ai->
: shook m1 hea-; : "as tire- o% 'ookin) %or sense "here there "asn@t an1; : contin$e- to search4
b$t there "ere no more %$'' tracks; : ret$rne- to the c'e%t then an- picke- $p m1 b'a-e@s sheathe; :
%itte- the "eapon into it an- h$n) it %rom m1 be't; : %astene- it o&er m1 sho$'-ers so that it h$n)
-o"n m1 back; !he hi't "o$'- protr$-e ?$st abo&e m1 backpack once :@- sho$'-ere- that item; :
co$'-n@t see ho" : co$'- ?o) "ith it at m1 si-e;
: ate some brea- an- the rest o% the meat; /rank some "ater4 too4 an- a mo$th%$' o% "ine; :
res$me- m1 ?o$rne1;
: ran m$ch o% the ne.t -a1Dtho$)h F-a1G is somethin) o% a misnomer beneath $nchan)in)
stipp'e- skies4 checkere- skies4 skies 'it b1 perpet$a' pin"hee's an- %o$ntains o% 'i)ht; : ran $nti'
: "as tire-4 an- : reste- an- ate an- ran some more; : ratione- m1 %oo-4 %or :@- a %ee'in) :@- ha&e
to sen- %ar %or more an- s$ch an act p'aces its o"n ener)1 -eman-s $pon the bo-1; : esche"e-
shortc$ts4 %or %'ash1 sha-o"s spannin) he''r$ns a'so ha&e their price an- : -i- not "ant to be a''
"hacke- o$t "hen : arri&e-; : checke- behin- me o%ten; *s$a''14 : sa" nothin) s$spicio$s;
Occasiona''14 tho$)h4 : tho$)ht that : )'impse- -istant p$rs$it; Other e.p'anations "ere possib'e4
ho"e&erC consi-erin) some o% the tricks the sha-o"s can p'a1;
: ran $nti' : kne" that : "as %ina''1 nearin) m1 -estination; !here came no ne" -isaster
%o''o"e- b1 an or-er to t$rn back; : "on-ere- %'eetin)'1 "hether this "as a )oo- si)n4 or i% the
"orst "ere 1et to come; 2ither "a14 : kne" that one more s'eep an- a 'itt'e more ?o$rne1in)
"o$'- p$t me "here : "ante- to be; A-- a 'itt'e ca$tion an- a %e" preca$tions an- there mi)ht
e&en be reason %or optimism;
: ran thro$)h a &ast4 %orest'ike stan- o% cr1sta''ine shapes; =hether the1 "ere tr$'1 'i&in) thin)s
or represente- some )eo'o)ica' phenomenonC : -i- not kno"; !he1 -istorte- perspecti&es an-
ma-e shi%tin) -i%%ic$'t; ,o"e&er4 : sa" no si)ns o% 'i&in) thin)s in that )'oss14 )'ass1 p'ace4
"hich 'e- me to consi-er makin) m1 %ina' campsite there;
: broke o%% a n$mber o% the 'imbs an- -ro&e them into the pink )ro$n-4 "hich ha- the
consistenc1 o% part'1 set p$tt1; : constr$cte- a circ$'ar pa'isa-e stan-in) to abo$t sho$'-er-
hei)ht4 m1se'% at its center; : $n"o$n- +rakir %rom m1 "rist then &oice- the necessar1
instr$ctions as : pace- her atop m1 ro$)h an- shinin) "a'';
+rakir e'on)ate-4 stretchin) herse'% as thin as a threa- an- t"inin) amon) the shar-'ike
branches; : %e't sa%e; : -i- not be'ie&e an1thin) co$'- cross that barrier "itho$t +rakir@s sprin)in)
'oose an- t"inin) herse'% to -eath'1 ti)htness abo$t it;
: sprea- m1 c'oak4 'a1 -o"n4 an- s'ept; +or ho" 'on)4 : am not certain; An- : reca'' no -reams;
!here "ere no -ist$rbances either;
=hen : "oke : mo&e- m1 hea- to reorient it4 b$t the &ie" "as the same; :n e&er1 -irection b$t
-o"n the &ie" "as %i''e- "ith inter"o&en cr1sta' branches; : c'imbe- s'o"'1 to m1 %eet an-
presse- a)ainst them; (o'i-; !he1 ha- become a )'ass ca)e;
A'tho$)h : "as ab'e to break o%% some 'esser branches4 these "ere main'1 %rom o&erhea-4 an- it
-i- nothin) to "ork m1 re'ease; !hose "hich : ha- p'ante- initia''1 ha- thickene- consi-erab'14
ha&in) apparent'1 roote- themse'&es so'i-'1; !he1 "o$'- not 1ie'- to m1 stron)est kicks;
!he -amne- thin) in%$riate- me; : s"$n) m1 b'a-e an- )'ass1 chips %'e" a'' abo$t; : m$%%'e-
m1 %ace "ith m1 c'oak then an- s"$n) se&era' times more; !hen : notice- that m1 han- %e't "et;
=hen : 'ooke- at it4 : sa" that it "as r$nnin) "ith b'oo-; (ome o% those sp'inters "ere &er1
sharp; : -esiste- "ith the b'a-e an- ret$rne- to kickin) at m1 enc'os$re; !he "a''s creake-
occasiona''1 an- ma-e chimin) noises4 b$t the1 he'-;
: am not norma''1 c'a$strophobic an- m1 'i%e "as not in imminent peri'4 b$t somethin) abo$t
this shinin) prison anno1e- me o$t o% a'' proportion to the sit$ation itse'%; : ra)e- %or perhaps ten
min$tes be%ore : %orce- m1se'% to s$%%icient ca'mness that : mi)ht think c'ear'1;
: st$-ie- the tan)'e $nti' : -iscerne- the $ni%orm co'or an- te.t$re o% +rakir r$nnin) thro$)h it; :
p'ace- m1 %in)ertips $pon her an- spoke an or-er; ,er bri)htness increase- an- she ran thro$)h
the spectr$m an- sett'e- into a re- )'o" !he %irst creakin) so$n- occ$rre- a %e" secon-s 'ater;
: <$ick'1 "ith-re" to the center o% the enc'os$re an- "rappe- m1se'% %$''1 in m1 c'oak; :% :
cro$che-4 : -eci-e-C some o% the o&erhea- pieces "o$'- %a'' a )reater -istance4 strikin) me "ith
more %orce; (o : stoo- $pri)ht4 protectin) m1 hea- an- neck "ith m1 arms an- han-s as "e'' as
"ith the c'oak;
!he creakin) so$n-s became crackin) so$n-s4 %o''o"e- b1 ratt'in)4 snappin)4 breakin); : "as
s$--en'1 str$ck across the sho$'-er4 b$t : maintaine- m1 %ootin);
0in)in) an- cr$nchin)4 the e-i%ice be)an to %a'' abo$t me; : he'- m1 )ro$n-4 tho$)h : "as
str$ck se&era' times more;
=hen the so$n-s cease- an- : 'ooke- a)ain : sa" that the roo% ha- been remo&e-4 an- : stoo-
ca'% -eep ami- %a''en branches o% the har-4 cora''ike materia'; (e&era' o% the si-e members ha-
sp'intere- o%% at near to )ro$n- 'e&e'; Others no" stoo- at $nnat$ra' an)'es4 an- this time a %e"
"e''p'ace- kicks bro$)ht them -o"n;
B1 c'oak "as torn in a n$mber o% p'aces4 an- +rakir coi'e- no" abo$t m1 'e%t ank'e an- be)an
to mi)rate to m1 "rist; !he st$%% cr$nche- $n-er%oot as : -eparte-;
: shook o$t m1 c'oak an- br$she- m1se'% o%%; : tra&e'e- %or perhaps ha'% an ho$r then4 'ea&in)
the p'ace %ar behin- me4 be%ore : ha'te- an- took m1 break%ast in a hot4 b'eak &a''e1 sme''in)
%aint'1 o% s$'%$r;
As : "as %inishin)4 : hear- a crashin) noise; A horne- an- t$ske- p$rp'e thin) "ent racin) a'on)
the ri-)e to m1 ri)ht p$rs$e- b1 a hair'ess oran)e-skinne- creat$re "ith 'on) c'a"s an- a %orke-
tai'; Both "ere "ai'in) in -i%%erent ke1s;
: no--e-; :t "as ?$st one -amne- thin) a%ter another;
: ma-e m1 "a1 thro$)h %ro6en 'an-s an- b$rnin) 'an-s4 $n-er skies both "i'- an- p'aci-; !hen
at 'ast4 ho$rs 'ater4 : sa" the 'o" ran)e o% -ark hi''s4 an- a$rora streamin) $p"ar- %rom behin-
them; !hat "as it; : nee-e- b$t approach an- pass thro$)h an- : "o$'- see m1 )oa' be1on- the
'ast an- most -i%%ic$'t barrier o% a'';
: mo&e- ahea-; :t "o$'- be )oo- to %inish this ?ob an- )et on "ith more important matters; :
"o$'- tr$mp back to Amber "hen : "as %inishe- there4 rather than retracin) m1 steps; : co$'-
not ha&e tr$mpe- in to m1 -estination4 tho$)h4 beca$se the p'ace co$'- not be represente- on a
:n that : "as ?o))in)4 : %irst tho$)ht that the &ibrations "ere m1 o"n; : "as -isab$se- o% this
notion "hen sma'' pebb'es be)an to ro'' aim'ess'1 abo$t the )ro$n- be%ore me; =h1 not>
:@- been hit "ith ?$st abo$t e&er1thin) e'se; :t "as as i% m1 stran)e nemesis "ere "orkin) -o"n
thro$)h a check'ist an- ha- ?$st no" come to F2arth<$ake;G A'' ri)ht; At 'east there "as nothin)
hi)h near at han- to %a'' on me;
F2n?o1 1o$rse'%4 1o$ son o% a bitchIG : ca''e- o$t; FOne -a1 rea' soon it "on@t be so %$nn1IG
As i% in response the shakin) )re" more &io'ent4 an- : ha- to ha't or be thro"n %rom m1 %eet; As
: "atche-C the )ro$n- be)an to s$bsi-e in p'aces4 ti't in sti'' others; : 'ooke- abo$t <$ick'14 tr1in)
to -eci-e "hether to a-&ance4 retreat4 or sta1 p$t; (ma'' %iss$res ha- be)$n to open4 an- no" :
co$'- hear a )ro"'in)4 )rin-in) so$n-;
!he earth -roppe- abr$pt'1 beneath meDperhaps si. inchesDan- the nearest cre&ices "i-ene-;
: t$rne- an- be)an sprintin) back the "a1 : ha- come; !he )ro$n- seeme- 'ess -ist$rbe- there;
A mistake perhaps; A partic$'ar'1 &io'ent tremor %o''o"e-4 knockin) me %rom m1 %eet; Be%ore :
co$'- rise a 'ar)e crack appeare- "ithin reachin) -istance; :t contin$e- to "i-en e&en as :
"atche-; : spran) to m1 %eet4 'eapt across it4 st$mb'e-4 rose a)ain4 an- behe'- another openin)
ri%tD"i-enin) more rapi-'1 than the one : ha- been %'eein);
: spran) once more4 onto a ti'tin) tab'etop o% 'an-; !he )ro$n- seeme- torn e&er1"here no"
"ith the -ark 'i)htnin) strokes o% ri%ts4 hea&in) themse'&es open "i-e'1 to the accompaniment o%
a"%$' )roans an- screechin)s; Bi) sections o% )ro$n- s'ippe- %rom si)ht into ab1sses; B1 sma''
is'an- "as a'rea-1 )oin);
: 'eape- a)ain4 an- a)ain4 tr1in) to make it o&er to "hat appeare- to be a more stab'e area;
: -i-n@t <$ite mana)e it; : misse- m1 %ootin) an- %e''; B$t : mana)e- to catch ho'- o% the e-)e; :
-an)'e- a moment then an- be)an to -ra" m1se'% $p"ar-; !he e-)e be)an to cr$mb'e; : c'a"e-
at it an- ca$)ht a %resh ho'-; !hen : -an)'e- a)ain4 co$)hin) an- c$rsin);
: so$)ht %or %ootho'-s in the c'a1e1 "a'' a)ainst "hich : h$n); :t 1ie'-e- some"hat beneath the
thr$stin) o% m1 boots an- : -$) in4 b'inkin) -irt %rom m1 e1es4 tr1in) %or a %irmer ho'- o&erhea-;
: co$'- %ee' +rakir 'oosenin)4 ti)htenin) into a sma'' 'oop4 one en- %ree an- %'o"in) o&er m1
kn$ck'es4 hope%$''1 to 'ocate somethin) s$%%icient'1 %irmset to ser&e as an anchor;
B$t no; B1 'e%t-han- ho'- )a&e "a1 a)ain; : c'$n) "ith m1 ri)ht an- )rope- %or another; 9oose
earth %e'' abo$t me as : %ai'e-4 an- m1 ri)ht han- "as be)innin) to s'ip;
/ark sha-o" abo&e me4 thro$)h -$st an- s"immin) e1es;
B1 ri)ht han- %e'' 'oose; : thr$st "ith m1 'e)s %or another tr1;
B1 ri)ht "rist "as c'aspe- as it spe- $p"ar- an- %or"ar- once a)ain; A bi) han- "ith a
po"er%$' )rip he'- me; Boments 'ater4 it "as ?oine- b1 another an- : "as -ra"n $p"ar-4
<$ick'14 smooth'1; : "as o&er the e-)e an- seekin) m1 %ootin) in an instant; B1 "rist "as
re'ease-; : "ipe- m1 e1es;
,e "as -resse- in )reen4 an- b'a-es m$st not ha&e bothere- him the "a1 the1 -o me4 %or a
)oo--si6e- one h$n) at his ri)ht si-e; ,e seeme- to be $sin) a ro''e- c'oak %or a backpack4 an-
he "ore its c'asp 'ike a -ecoration $pon his 'e%t breastDan e'aborate thin)4 a )o'-en bir- o% some
F!his "a14G he sai-4 t$rnin)4 an- : %o''o"e- him;
,e 'e- me a co$rse back an- to the 'e%t4 tan)ent to the ro$te : ha- taken on enterin) the &a''e1;
!he %ootin) )re" stea-ier as "e h$rrie- that "a14 mo$ntin) at 'ast a 'o" hi'' that seeme-
comp'ete'1 o$t o% ran)e in the -ist$rbance; ,ere "e pa$se- to 'ook back;
FCome no %artherIG a )reat &oice boome- %rom that -irection;
F!hanks4 9$ke4G : pante-; F: -on@t kno" ho" 1o$@re here or "h1 b$tDG
,e raise- a han-;
F0i)ht no" : ?$st "ant to kno" one thin)4G he sai-4 r$bbin) at a short bear- he seeme- to ha&e
)ro"n in an ama6in)'1 brie% time4 an- ca$sin) me to note that he "as "earin) the rin) "ith the
b'$e stone;
FName it4G : to'- him;
F,o" come "hate&er it "as that ?$st spoke has 1o$r &oice>G he aske-;
F*h-oh; : kne" it so$n-e- %ami'iar;G
FCome onIG he sai-; FAo$ m$st kno"; 2&er1 time 1o$@re threatene- an- it "arns 1o$ back it@s
1o$r &oice that : hear -oin) itDecho-'ike;G
F,o" 'on) ha&e 1o$ been %o''o"in) me4 an1ho">G
FM$ite a -istance;G
F!hose -ea- creat$res o$tsi-e the c'e%t "here :@- campe-DG
F: took them o$t %or 1o$; =here are 1o$ )oin)4 an- "hat is that thin)>G
F0i)ht no" : ha&e on'1 s$spicions as to e.act'1 "hat@s )oin) on4 an- it@s a 'on) stor1; B$t the
ans"er sho$'- 'ie be1on- that ne.t ran)e o% hi''s;G
: )est$re- to"ar- the a$rora;
,e stare- o%% in that -irection4 then no--e-;
F9et@s )et )oin)4G he sai-;
F!here is an earth<$ake in pro)ress4G : obser&e-;;;
F:t seems prett1 m$ch con%ine- to this &a''e14G he state-; F=e can c$t aro$n- it an- procee-;G
FAn- <$ite possib'1 enco$nter its contin$ance;G
,e shook his hea-;
F:t seems to me4G he sai-4 Fthat "hate&er it is that@s tr1in) to bar 1o$r "a1 e.ha$sts itse'% a%ter
each e%%ort an- takes <$ite a "hi'e to reco&er s$%%icient'1 to make another attempt;G
FB$t the attempts are )ettin) c'oser to)ether4G : note-4 Fan- more spectac$'ar each time;G
F:s it beca$se "e@re )ettin) c'oser to their so$rce>G he aske-;
F!hen 'et@s h$rr1;G
=e -escen-e- the %ar si-e o% the hi''4 then "ent $p an- -o"n another; !he tremors4 b1 that time4
ha- a'rea-1 s$bsi-e- to an occasiona' sh$--erin) o% the )ro$n- an- short'1 these4 too4 cease-;
=e ma-e o$r "a1 into an- a'on) another &a''e14 "hich %or a "hi'e hea-e- $s %ar to the ri)ht o%
o$r )oa'4 then c$r&e- )ent'1 back in the proper -irection4 to"ar- the %ina' ran)e o% barren hi''s4
'i)hts %'ickerin) be1on- them a)ainst the 'o"4 $nmo&in) base o% a c'o$-'ike 'ine o% "hite $n-er a
ma$&e to &io'et sk1; No %resh peri's "ere presente-;
F9$ke4G : aske- a%ter a time4 F"hat happene- on the mo$ntain4 that ni)ht in Ne" Be.ico>G
F: ha- to )o a"a1D%ast4G he ans"ere-;
F=hat abo$t /an Bartine6@s bo-1>G
F!ook it "ith me;G
F: -on@t 'ike 'ea&in) e&i-ence '1in) abo$t;G
F!hat -oesn@t rea''1 e.p'ain m$ch;G
F: kno"4G he sai-4 an- he broke into a ?o); : pace- him;
FAn- 1o$ kno" "ho : am4G : contin$e-;
FNot no"4G he sai-; FNot no";G
,e increase- his pace; : matche- it; FAn- "h1 "ere 1o$ %o''o"in) me>G
F: sa&e- 1o$r ass4 -i-n@t :>G
FAeah4 an- :@m )rate%$'; B$t it sti'' -oesn@t ans"er the <$estion;G
F0ace 1o$ to that 'eanin) stone4G he sai-4 an- he p$t on a b$rst o% spee-;
: -i-4 too4 an- : ca$)ht him; !r1 as : co$'- : co$'-n@t pass him4 tho$)h; An- "e "ere breathin)
too har- b1 then to ask or ans"er <$estions;
: p$she- m1se'%4 ran %aster; ,e -i-4 too4 keepin) $p; !he 'eanin) stone "as sti'' a )oo- -istance
o%%; =e sta1e- si-e b1 si-e an- : sa&e- m1 reser&e %or the %ina' sprint; :t "as cra614 b$t :@- r$n
a)ainst him too man1 times; :t "as a'most a matter o% habit b1 no"; !hat4 an- the o'- c$riosit1;
,a- he )otten a 'itt'e %aster> ,a- :> Or a 'itt'e s'o"er>
B1 arms p$mpe-4 m1 %eet th$--e-; : )ot contro' o% m1 breathin)4 maintaine- it in an
appropriate rh1thm; : e-)e- a 'itt'e ahea- o% him an- he -i- nothin) abo$t it; !he stone "as
s$--en'1 a 'ot nearer;
=e he'- o$r -istance %or perhaps ha'% a min$te4 an- then he c$t 'oose; ,e "as abreast o% me4 he
"as past me; !ime to -i) in;
: -ro&e m1 'e)s %aster; !he b'oo- th$--e- in m1 ears; : s$cke- air an- p$she- "ith e&er1thin) :
ha-; !he -istance bet"een $s be)an to narro" a)ain; !he 'eanin) rock "as 'ookin) bi))er an-
: ca$)ht him be%ore "e reache- it4 b$t tr1 as : mi)ht : co$'- not p$'' ahea-; =e race- past it si-e
b1 si-e an- co''apse- to)ether;
FPhoto %inish4G : )aspe-;
F#ot to ca'' it a tie4G he pa$se-; FAo$ a'"a1s s$rprise meDri)ht at the en-;G
: )rope- o$t m1 "ater bott'e an- passe- it to him; ,e took a s"i) an- han-e- it back; =e
emptie- it that "a14 a 'itt'e at a time;
F/amn4G he sai- then4 )ettin) s'o"'1 to his %eet; F9et@s see "hat@s o&er those hi''s;G
: )ot $p an- "ent a'on);
=hen : %ina''1 reco&ere- m1 breath the %irst thin) : sai- "as4 FAo$ seem to kno" a he'' o% a 'ot
more abo$t me than : -o abo$t 1o$;G
F: think so4G he sai- a%ter a 'on) pa$se4 Fan- : "ish : -i-n@t;G
F=hat -oes that mean>G
FNot no"4G he rep'ie-; F9ater; Ao$ -on@t rea- =ar an- Peace on 1o$r co%%ee break;G
F: -on@t $n-erstan-;G
F!ime4G he sai-; F!here@s a'"a1s either too m$ch time or not eno$)h; 0i)ht no" there@s not
FAo$@&e 'ost me;G
F=ish : co$'-;G
!he hi''s "ere nearer an- the )ro$n- remaine- %irm beneath o$r %eet; =e tr$-)e- stea-i'1
: tho$)ht o% Bi''@s )$ess"ork4 0an-om@s s$spicions4 an- Be) /e&'in@s "arnin); : a'so tho$)ht o%
that ro$n- o% stran)e amm$nition :@- %o$n- in 9$ke@s ?acket;
F!hat thin) "e@re hea-in) to"ar-4G he sai-4 be%ore : co$'- %rame a %resh <$estion o% m1 o"n;
F!hat@s 1o$r #host"hee'4 isn@t it>G
,e 'a$)he-; !hen8 F(o 1o$ "ere te''in) the tr$th back in (anta +e "hen 1o$ to'- me it re<$ire-
a pec$'iar en&ironment; =hat 1o$ -i-n@t sa1 "as that 1o$@- %o$n- that en&ironment an- b$i't the
thin) there;G
: no--e-; F=hat abo$t 1o$r p'ans %or a compan1>G : aske- him;
F!hat "as ?$st to )et 1o$ to ta'k abo$t it;G
FAn- "hat abo$t /an Bartine6Dthe thin)s he sai->G
F: -on@t kno"; : rea''1 -i-n@t kno" him; : sti'' -on@t kno" "hat he "ante-4 or "h1 he came at $s
F9$ke4 "hat is it that 1o$ "ant4 an1ho">G
F0i)ht no" : ?$st "ant to see that -amne- thin)4G he sai-; F/i- b$i'-in) it o$t here in the
boonies en-o" it "ith some sort o% specia' properties>G
F9ike "hat>G
F9ike a %e" : -i-n@t e&en think o%D$n%ort$nate'14G : ans"ere-;
FName one;G
F(orr14G : sai-; FM$estion an- ans"er is a t"o-"a1 )ame;G
F,e14 :@m the )$1 "ho ?$st p$''e- 1o$ o$t o% a ho'e in the )ro$n-;G
F: )ather 1o$@re a'so the )$1 "ho trie- to ki'' me on a b$nch o% Apri' thirtieths;G
FNot recent'14G he sai-; F,onest;G
FAo$ mean 1o$ rea''1 -i->G
F=e'';;;1eah; B$t : ha- reasons; :t@s a 'on) stor1 an-DG
FEes$s4 9$keI =h1> =hat -i- : e&er -o to 1o$>G
F:t@s not that simp'e4G he ans"ere-;
=e reache- the base o% the nearest hi'' an- he starte- c'imbin) it;
F/on@t4G : ca''e- to him; FAo$ can@t )o o&er;G
,e ha'te-;
F=h1 not>G
F!he atmosphere en-s thirt1 or %ort1 %eet $p;G
FAo$@re ki--in);G
: shook m1 hea-;
FAn- it@s "orse on the other si-e4G : a--e-; F=e ha&e to %in- a passa)e thro$)h; !here@s one
%arther to the 'e%t;G
: t$rne- an- hea-e- in that -irection; (hort'14 : hear- his %oot%a''s;
F(o 1o$ )a&e it 1o$r &oice4G he sai-;
F(o : see "hat 1o$@re $p to an- "hat@s been )oin) on; :t@s become sentient in that cra61 p'ace
1o$ b$i't it; :t "ent "i'-4 an- 1o$@re hea-in) to sh$t it -o"n; :t kno"s it an- it@s )ot the po"er to
-o somethin) abo$t itD:t@s 1o$r #host"hee' that@s been tr1in) to )et 1o$ to t$rn back4 isn@t it>G
F=h1 -i-n@t 1o$ ?$st tr$mp in>G
FAo$ can@t constr$ct a !r$mp %or a p'ace that keeps chan)in); =hat -o 1o$ kno" abo$t !r$mps4
F2no$)h4G he sai-;
: sa" the passa)e : "as seekin) $p ahea-;
: approache- the p'ace an- : ha'te- be%ore : entere- it;
F9$ke4G : sai-4 F: -on@t kno" "hat 1o$ "ant or "h1 or ho" 1o$ )ot here4 an- 1o$ -on@t seem to
care to te'' me; : "i'' te'' 1o$ somethin) %or %ree4 tho$)h; !his co$'- be &er1 -an)ero$s; Ba1be
1o$ o$)ht to )o back to "here&er 1o$ came %rom an- 'et me han-'e it; !here@s no reason to p'ace
1o$ in ?eopar-1;G
F: think there is4G he sai-; FBesi-es4 : mi)ht be $se%$';G
,e shr$))e-;
F9et@s )et on "ith it4 Ber'in; : "ant to see that thin);G
FOka1; Come on;G
: 'e- the "a1 into the narro" p'ace "here the stone ha- been ri&en;
Chapter 10
!he passa)e "as 'on) an- -ark an- occasiona''1 ti)ht4 )ro"in) pro)ressi&e'1 co'-er as "e
a-&ance-4 b$t at 'en)th "e emer)e- onto the "i-e4 rock1 she'% that %ace- the steamin) pit; !here
"as an ammonia-'ike o-or in the air4 an- m1 %eet "ere co'- an- m1 %ace %'$she-4 as $s$a'; :
b'inke- har- se&era' times4 st$-1in) the 'atest o$t'ines o% the ma6e thro$)h the shi%tin) mist; A
pear'-)ra1 pa'' h$n) o&er the entire area; :ntermittent oran)e %'ashes penetrate- the )'oom;
F*hD"here is it>G 9$ke in<$ire-;
: )est$re- strai)ht ahea-4 to"ar- the site o% the 'atest %'icker;
FO$t there4G : to'- him;
E$st then4 the mists "ere s"ept a"a14 re&ea'in) is'e $pon is'e o% -ark4 smooth ri-)es separate-
b1 b'ack -ec'i&ities; !he ri-)es 6i))e- an- 6a))e- their "a1 o$t to"ar- a %ortress'ike is'an-4 a
'o" "a'' r$nnin) abo$t it4 se&era' meta''ic str$ct$res &isib'e be1on-;
F:t@s a ma6e4G he remarke-; F/o "e tra&e' it -o"n in the passa)es or $p on top o% the "a''s>G
: smi'e- as he st$-ie- it;
F:t &aries4G : sai-; F(ometimes $p an- sometimes -o"n;G
F=e''4 "hich "a1 -o "e )o>G
F: -on@t kno" 1et; : ha&e to st$-1 it each time; Ao$ see4 it keeps chan)in)4 an- there@s a trick to
FA trick>G
FBore than one4 act$a''1; !he "ho'e -amn thin) is %'oatin) on a 'ake o% 'i<$i- h1-ro)en an-
he'i$m; !he ma6e mo&es aro$n-; :t@s -i%%erent each time; An- then there@s a matter o% the
atmosphere; :% 1o$ "ere to "a'k $pri)ht a'on) the ri-)es 1o$ "o$'- be abo&e it in most p'aces;
Ao$ "o$'-n@t 'ast 'on); An- the temperat$re ran)es %rom horrib'1 co'- to roastin) hot o&er a
ran)e o% a %e" %eet in e'e&ation; Ao$ ha&e to kno" "hen to cra"' an- "hen to c'imb an- "hen to
-o other thin)sDas "e'' as "hich "a1 to )o;G
F,o" -o 1o$ te''>G
F*n-$h4G : sai-; F:@'' take 1o$ in4 b$t :@m not )i&in) 1o$ the secret;G
!he mists be)an to rise a)ain %rom the -epths an- to co''ect into sma'' c'o$-s;
F: see no" "h1 1o$ can@t make a !r$mp %or it4G he be)an;
: contin$e- to st$-1 the 'a1o$t;
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai- then; F!his "a1;G
F=hat i% it attacks $s "hi'e "e@re in the ma6e>G he aske-;
FAo$ can sta1 behin- i% 1o$ "ant;G
FNo; Are 1o$ rea''1 )oin) to sh$t it -o"n>G
F:@m not s$re; Come on;G
: took se&era' steps ahea- an- to the ri)ht; A %aint circ'e o% 'i)ht appeare- in the air be%ore meC
)re" bri)hter; : %e't 9$ke@s han- $pon m1 sho$'-er;
F=hatD>G he be)an;
FNo %artherIG the &oice : no" reco)ni6e- as m1 o"n sai- to me;
F: think "e can "ork somethin) o$t4G : respon-e-; F: ha&e se&era' i-eas an-DG
FNoIG it ans"ere-; F: hear- "hat 0an-om sai-;G
F: am prepare- to -isre)ar- his or-er4G : sai-4 Fi% there is a better a'ternati&e;G
FAo$@re tr1in) to trick me; Ao$ "ant to sh$t me -o"n;G
FAo$@re makin) thin)s "orse "ith a'' these po"er -isp'a1s4G : sai-; F:@m comin) in no" an-DG
A hea&1 )$st o% "in- b'e" o$t o% the circ'e an- str$ck a)ainst me; : "as sta))ere- b1 it; : sa"
m1 s'ee&e t$rn bro"n4 then oran)e; :t be)an to %ra1 e&en as : "atche-;
F=hat are 1o$ -oin)> : ha&e to ta'k to 1o$4 e.p'ainDG
FNot hereI Not no"I Ne&erIG
: "as h$r'e- back a)ainst 9$ke4 "ho ca$)ht me4 -roppin) to one knee as he -i- so; An arctic
b'ast assai'e- $s an- ic1 cr1sta's -ance- be%ore m1 e1es; Bri)ht co'ors be)an to %'ash then4 ha'%
b'in-in) me;
F(topIG : crie-4 b$t nothin) -i-;
!he )ro$n- seeme- to ti't beneath $s an- s$--en'1 there "as no )ro$n-; :t -i- not %ee' as i% "e
"ere %a''in)4 ho"e&er; :t seeme- rather as i% "e h$n) s$spen-e- in the mi-st o% a b'i66ar- o%
F(topIG : ca''e- o$t once a)ain4 b$t the "or-s "ere s"ept a"a1;
!he circ'e o% 'i)ht &anishe-4 as i% retreatin) -o"n a 'on) t$nne'; : rea'i6e-4 ho"e&er4 thro$)h the
sensor1 o&er'oa-4 that it "as 9$ke an- : "ho "ere rece-in) %rom the 'i)ht4 that "e ha- a'rea-1
been b'aste- a )reat eno$)h -istance to -ri&e $s ha'%"a1 thro$)h the hi''; B$t there "as nothin)
so'i- in an1 -irection abo$t $s;
A %aint b$66in) so$n- be)an; :t )re" into a h$mmin)4 then a -$'' roar; :n the -istance4 : seeme-
to see a tin1 steam 'ocomoti&e ne)otiatin) a mo$ntainsi-e at an impossib'e an)'e4 then an $psi-e-
-o"n "ater%a''4 a sk1'ine beneath )reen "aters; A park bench passe- $s <$ick'14 a b'$e-skinne-
"oman seate- $pon it4 c'$tchin) at it4 a horri%ie- e.pression on her %ace;
: -$) %rantica''1 "ithin m1 pocket4 kno"in) "e mi)ht be -estro1e- at an1 moment;
F=hat4G 9$ke screame- into m1 ear4 his )rip no" a'most -is'ocatin) m1 arm4 Fis it>G
F(ha-o"-stormIG : crie- back; F,an) onIG : a--e- $nnecessari'1;
A bat'ike creat$re "as b'o"n into m1 %ace4 "as )one an instant 'ater4 'ea&in) a "et s'ash $pon
m1 ri)ht cheek; (omethin) str$ck a)ainst m1 'e%t %oot;
An in&erte- mo$ntain ran)e %'o"e- past $s4 b$ck'in) an- ripp'in); !he roarin) increase- in
&o'$me; !he 'i)ht seeme- to p$'se b1 $s no"4 in "i-e ban-s o% co'or4 to$chin) $s "ith a near-
ph1sica' %orce; ,eat 'amps an- "in- chimes;;;
: hear- 9$ke cr1 o$t as i% he ha- been str$ck4 b$t : "as $nab'e to t$rn to his ai-; =e tra&erse- a
re)ion o% 'i)htnin)-'ike %'ashes "here m1 hair stoo- on en- an- m1 skin tin)'e-;
: )rippe- the packet o% car-s "ithin m1 pocket an- "ith-re" it; At this point "e "ere be)innin)
to spin an- : "as a%rai- the1 "o$'- be torn %rom m1 han-; : he'- them ti)ht'14 %earin) to sort
thro$)h them4 keepin) them c'ose to m1 bo-1; : -re" them $p"ar- s'o"'14 care%$''1; =hiche&er
one 'a1 on top "o$'- ha&e to be o$r;
/ark b$bb'es %orme- an- broke abo$t $s4 -ischar)in)$s %$mes;
: sa"4 as : raise- m1 han-4 that m1 skin "as )ra1 in appearance4 spark'in) "ith %'$orescent
s"ir's; 9$ke@s han- $pon m1 arm 'ooke- ca-a&ero$s4 an- "hen : )'ance- back at him a )rinnin)
-eath@s hea- met m1 )a6e;
: 'ooke- a"a14 t$rne- m1 attention back to the car-s; :t "as har- to %oc$s m1 &ision4 thro$)h the
)ra1ness4 thro$)h a pec$'iar -istancin) e%%ect; B$t it %ina''1 came c'ear; :t "as the )rass1 spit o%
'an- : ha- re)ar-e-Dho" 'on) a)o>D<$iet "aters abo$t it4 the e-)e o% somethin) cr1sta''ine
an- bri)ht ?$ttin) into &ie" o%% to"ar- the ri)ht;
: he'- it "ithin m1 attention; (o$n-s %rom be1on- m1 sho$'-er in-icate- that 9$ke "as tr1in) to
a--ress me4 b$t : co$'- not -istin)$ish his "or-s; : contin$e- to re)ar- the !r$mp an- it )re"
c'earer; B$t s'o"'14 s'o"'1; (omethin) str$ck me har-4 be'o" the ri)ht si-e o% m1 rib ca)e; :
%orce- m1se'% to i)nore it an- contin$e- to concentrate;
At 'ast the scene on the car- seeme- to mo&e to"ar- me4 to )ro" 'ar)er; !here "as a %ami'iar
sense o% co'-ness to it no" as the scene en)$'%e- me an- : it; An a'most e'e)iac %ee'in) o%
sti''ness h$n) o&er that 'itt'e 'ake;
: %e'' %or"ar- into the )rass4 m1 heart po$n-in)4 m1 si-e throbbin); : "as )aspin)4 an- the
s$b?ecti&e sense o% "or'-s r$shin) b1 me "as sti'' present4 'ike the a%terima)es o% hi)h"a1s $pon
c'osin) one@s e1es at the en- o% a 'on) -a1@s -ri&e;
(me''in) s"eet "ater4 : passe- o$t;
: "as &a)$e'1 a"are o% bein) -ra))e-4 carrie-4 then he'pe-4 st$mb'in) a'on); !here %o''o"e- a
spe'' o% %$'' $nconscio$sness4 sha-in) o&er into s'eep an- -reamin);
;;;: "a'ke- the streets o% a r$ine- Amber beneath a 'o"erin) sk1; A cripp'e- an)e' "ith a %ier1
s"or- sta'ke- the hei)hts abo&e me4 s'ashin); =here&er its b'a-e %e''4 smoke4 -$st4 an- %'ame
rose $p; :ts ha'o "as m1 #host"hee'4 po$rin) %orth mi)ht1 "in-s ri--en b1 abominations that
streame- past the an)e'@s %ace 'ike a -ark4 'i&in) &ei'4 "orkin) -isor-er an- r$in "here&er the1
%e''; !he pa'ace "as ha'% co''apse-4 an- there "ere )ibbets nearb1 "here m1 re'ati&es h$n)4
t"istin) in the )$sts; :@- a b'a-e in one han- an- +rakir -an)'e- %rom the other; : "as c'imbin)
no"4 )oin) $p to meet an- -o batt'e "ith the bri)ht--ark nemesis; An a"%$' %ee'in) 'a1 $pon me
as : mo$nte- m1 rock1 "a14 as i% m1 imminent %ai'$re "as a thin) %ore)one; 2&en so4 : -eci-e-4
the creat$re "as )oin) to 'ea&e here "ith "o$n-s to 'ick;
:t took note o% me as : -re" near4 t$rnin) in m1 -irection; :ts %ace "as sti'' hi--en as it raise- its
"eapon; : r$she- %or"ar-4 re)rettin) on'1 that : ha- not ha- time to en&enom m1 b'a-e; : sp$n
t"ice as : "ent in4 %eintin)4 to strike some"here in the &icinit1 o% its 'e%t knee;
!here %o''o"e- a %'ash o% 'i)ht an- : "as %a''in)4 %a''in)4 bits o% %'ame -escen-in) abo$t me4 'ike
a b$rnin) b'i66ar-; : %e'' so %or "hat seeme- an a)e an- a ha'%4 comin) to rest at 'ast $pon m1
back atop a 'ar)e stone tab'e marke- o$t 'ike a s$n-ia'4 its st1'$s bare'1 missin) impa'in) meD
"hich seeme- cra61 e&en in a -ream; !here "ere no s$n-ia's in the Co$rts o% Chaos4 %or there is
no s$n there; : "as 'ocate- at the e-)e o% a co$rt1ar- besi-e a hi)h4 -ark to"er4 an- : %o$n-
m1se'% $nab'e to mo&e4 'et a'one rise; Abo&e me4 m1 mother4 /ara4 stoo- $pon a 'o" ba'con1 in
her nat$ra' %orm4 'ookin) -o"n at me in her a"%$' po"er an- bea$t1;
FBotherIG : crie-; F+ree meIG
F: ha&e sent one to he'p 1o$4G she ans"ere-;
FAn- "hat o% Amber>G
F: -o not kno";G
FAn- m1 %ather>G
F(peak not to me o% the -ea-;G
!he st1'$s t$rne- s'o"'1C positione- itse'% abo&e m1 throatC be)an a )ra-$a' b$t stea-1 -escent;
F,e'p meIG : crie-; F,$rr1IG
F=here are 1o$>G she ca''e- o$t4 hea- t$rnin)4 e1es -arin); F=here ha&e 1o$ )one>G
F:@m sti'' hereIG : 1e''e-;
F=here are 1o$>G
: %e't the st1'$s to$ch the si-e o% m1 neckD
!he &ision broke an- %e'' apart;
B1 sho$'-ers "ere proppe- a)ainst somethin) $n1ie'-in)4 m1 'e)s "ere stretche- o$t be%ore
me; (omeone ha- ?$st s<$ee6e- m1 sho$'-er4 the han- br$shin) a)ainst m1 neck;
FBer'e4 1o$ oka1> =ant a -rink>G a %ami'iar &oice "as4 askin);
: took a -eep breath an- si)he- it o$t; : b'inke- se&era' times; !he 'i)ht "as b'$e4 the "or'- a
%ie'- o% 'ines an- an)'es; A -ipper o% "ater appeare- be%ore m1 mo$th;
F,ere;G :t "as 9$ke@s &oice;
: -rank it a'';
F=ant another>G
FE$st a min$te;G
: %e't his "ei)ht shi%t4 hear- his %ootsteps rece-e; : re)ar-e- the -i%%$se'1 i''$minate- "a'' si. or
se&en %eet be%ore me;
: ran m1 han- a'on) the %'oor; :t seeme- to be o% the same materia';
(hort'14 9$ke ret$rne-4 smi'in)4 an- passe- me the -ipper; : -raine- it an- han-e- it back;
F=ant more>G he aske-;
FNo; =here are "e>G
F:n a ca&eDa bi)4 prett1 p'ace;G
F=here@- 1o$ )et the "ater>G
F:n a si-e ca&ern4 $p that "a1;G ,e )est$re-; F(e&era' barre's o% it in there; A'so 'ots o% %oo-;
=ant somethin) to eat>G
FNot 1et; Are 1o$ oka1>G
F3in- o% beat4G he rep'ie-4 Fb$t intact; Ao$ -on@t seem to ha&e an1 broken bones4 an- that c$t on
1o$r %ace has stoppe- b'ee-in);G
F!hat@s somethin)4 an1"a14G : sai-;
: c'imbe- s'o"'1 to m1 %eetC the %ina' stran-s o% -reams "ith-ra"in) s'o"'1 as : rose; : sa" then
that 9$ke ha- t$rne- an- "as "a'kin) a"a1; : %o''o"e- him %or se&era' paces be%ore : tho$)ht to
in<$ire4 F=here are 1o$ )oin)>G
F:n there4G he ans"ere-4 pointin) "ith the -ipper;
: %o''o"e- him thro$)h an openin) in the "a'' an- into a co'- ca&ern abo$t the si6e o% m1 o'-
apartment@s 'i&in) room; +o$r 'ar)e "oo-en barre's stoo- a'on) the "a'' to m1 'e%t4 an- 9$ke
procee-e- to han) the -ipper $pon the $pper e-)e o% the nearest; A)ainst the %ar "a'' "ere )reat
stacks o% cartons an- pi'es o% sacks;
FCanne- )oo-s4G he anno$nce-; F+r$itC &e)etab'es4 ham4 sa'mon4 bisc$its4 s"eets; (e&era' cases
o% "ine; A Co'eman sto&e; P'ent1 o% (tereo; 2&en a bott'e or t"o o% co)nac;G
,e t$rne- an- br$she- <$ick'1 past me4 hea-e- on $p the ha'' a)ain;
FNo" "here>G : aske-;
B$t he "as mo&in) %ast an- -i- not rep'1; : ha- to h$rr1 to catch $p; =e passe- se&era' branches
an- openin)s be%ore he ha'te- at another4 no--in);
F9atrine in there; E$st a ho'e "ith some boar-s o&er it; #oo- i-ea to keep it co&ere-4 :@- sa1;G
F=hat the he'' is this>G : aske-;
,e raise- his han-; F:t "i'' a'' become c'ear in a min$te; !his "a1;G
,e s"$n) aro$n- a sapphire corner an- &anishe-; A'most comp'ete'1 -isoriente-4 : mo&e- in
that -irection; A%ter se&era' t$rns an- one c$tback4 : %e't tota''1 'ost; 9$ke "as no"here in si)ht;
: ha'te- an- 'istene-; Not a so$n- e.cept %or m1 o"n breathin);
F9$keI =here are 1o$>G : ca''e-;
F*p here4G he ans"ere-;
!he &oice seeme- to be comin) %rom o&erhea- an- some"here o%% to m1 ri)ht; : -$cke- beneath
a 'o" arch an- came into a bri)ht b'$e chamber o% the same cr1sta''ine s$bstance as the rest o%
the p'ace; : sa" a s'eepin) ba) an- a pi''o" in one corner; 9i)ht streame- in %rom a sma''
openin) abo$t ei)ht %eet o&erhea-;
F9$ke>G : aske- a)ain;
F,ere4G came his rep'1;
: mo&e- to position m1se'% beneath the ho'e4 s<$intin) a)ainst the bri)htness as : stare- $p"ar-;
+ina''14 : sha-e- m1 e1es; 9$ke@s hea- an- sho$'-ers "as 'imne- abo&e me4 his hair a cro"n o%
copper1 %'ame in "hat co$'- be the 'i)ht o% ear'1 mornin) or o% e&enin); ,e "as smi'in) a)ain;
F!hat4 : take it4 is the "a1 o$t4G : sai-;
F+or me4G he ans"ere-;
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
!here %o''o"e- a )ratin) noise an- the &ie" "as part'1 occ'$-e- b1 the e-)e o% a 'ar)e bo$'-er;
F=hat are 1o$ -oin)>G
FBo&in) this stone into a position "here : can b'ock the openin) <$ick'14G he rep'ie-4 Fan- stick
in a %e" "e-)es a%ter"ar-;G
F!here are s$%%icient tin1 openin)s %or air so that 1o$ shan@t s$%%ocate4G he "ent on;
F#reat; =h1 am : here4 an1"a1>G
F9et@s not )et e.istentia' ?$st no"4G he sai-; F!his isn@t a phi'osoph1 seminar;G
F9$keI /amn itI =hat@s )oin) on>G
F:t sho$'- be ob&io$s that :@m makin) 1o$ a prisoner4G he sai-; F!he b'$e cr1sta'4 b1 the "a14
"i'' b'ock an1 !r$mp sen-in)s an- ne)ate 1o$r ma)ica' abi'ities that re'1 on thin)s be1on- the
"a''s; : nee- 1o$ a'i&e an- %an)'ess %or no"4 in a p'ace "here : can )et to 1o$ in a h$rr1;G
: st$-ie- the openin) an- the nearb1 "a''s;
F/on@t tr1 it4G he sai-; F: ha&e the a-&anta)e o% position;G
F/on@t 1o$ think 1o$ o"e me an e.p'anation>G
,e stare- at me %or a moment4 then no--e-;
F: ha&e to )o back4G he sai- %ina''14 Fan- tr1 to )et contro' o% the #host"hee'; An1
: 'a$)he-; F:t@s not on the best o% terms "ith me at the moment; :@m a%rai- : can@t he'p 1o$;G
,e no--e- a)ain; F:@'' ?$st ha&e to see "hat : can -o; #o-4 "hat a "eaponI :% : can@t s"in) it
m1se'% :@'' ha&e to come back an- pick 1o$r brains %or some i-eas; Ao$ be thinkin) abo$t it4
F:@'' be thinkin) abo$t a 'ot o% thin)s4 9$ke; Ao$@re not )oin) to 'ike some o% them;G
FAo$@re not in a position to -o m$ch;G
FNot 1et4G : sai-;
,e ca$)ht ho'- o% the bo$'-er4 be)an to mo&e it;
F9$keIG : crie-;
,e pa$se-4 st$-ie- me4 his e.pression chan)in) to one : ha- ne&er seen be%ore;
F!hat@s not rea''1 m1 name4G he state-4 a%ter a moment;
F=hat4 then>G
F: am 1o$r co$sin 0ina'-o4G he sai- s'o"'1; F: ki''e- Caine4 an- : came c'ose "ith B'e1s; :
misse- "ith the bomb at the %$nera'4 tho$)h; (omeone spotte- me; : "i'' -estro1 the ,o$se o%
Amber "ith or "itho$t 1o$r #host"hee'Db$t it "o$'- make thin)s a 'ot easier i% : ha- that kin-
o% po"er;G
F=hat@s 1o$r bitch4 9$ke>;;;0ina'-o> =h1 the &en-etta>G
F: "ent a%ter Caine %irst4G he contin$e-4 Fbeca$se he@s the one "ho act$a''1 ki''e- m1 %ather;G
F:D-i-n@t kno";G : stare- at the %'ash o% the Phoeni. c'asp $pon his breast; F: -i-n@t kno" that
Bran- ha- a son4G : %ina''1 sai-;
FAo$ -o no"4 o'- b$--1; !hat@s another reason "h1 : can@t 'et 1o$ )o4 an- "h1 : ha&e to keep
1o$ in a p'ace 'ike this; /on@t "ant 1o$ "arnin) the others;G
FAo$@re not )oin) to be ab'e to p$'' this o%%;G
,e "as si'ent %or se&era' secon-s4 then he shr$))e-;
F=in or 'ose4 : ha&e to tr1;G
F=h1 Apri' 3>G : sai- s$--en'1; F!e'' me that;G
F:t "as the -a1 : )ot the ne"s o% m1 -a-@s -eath;G
,e -re" $pon the bo$'-er an- it s'i- into the ho'e4 b'ockin) it %$''1; !here %o''o"e- some brie%
,e -i- not ans"er; : co$'- see his sha-o" thro$)h the trans'$cent stone; A%ter a "hi'e it
strai)htene-4 then -roppe- %rom si)ht; : hear- his boots strike the )ro$n- o$tsi-e; F0ina'-oIG
,e -i- not ans"er an- : hear- his retreatin) %ootsteps;
: co$nt the -a1s b1 the 'i)htenin) an- -arkenin) o% the b'$e cr1sta' "a''s; :t has been o&er a
month since m1 imprisonment4 tho$)h : -o not kno" ho" s'o"'1 or rapi-'1 time %'o"s here in
re'ation to other sha-o"s; : ha&e pace- e&er1 ha'' an- chamber o% this )reat ca&e4 b$t : ha&e
%o$n- no "a1 o$t; B1 !r$mps -o not "ork here4 not e&en the !r$mps o% /oom; B1 ma)ic is
$se'ess to me4 'imite- as it is b1 "a''s the co'or o% 9$ke@s rin); : be)in to %ee' that : mi)ht en?o1
e&en the escape o% temporar1 insanit14 b$t m1 reason re%$ses to s$rren-er to it4 there bein) too
man1 p$66'es to tro$b'e me; /an Bartine64 Be) /e&'in4 m1 9a-1 o% the 9ake;;;=h1> An- "h1
-i- he spen- a'' o% that time in m1 compan14 9$ke4 0ina'-o4 m1 enem1> : ha&e to %in- a "a1 to
"arn the others; :% he s$ccee-s in t$rnin) #host"hee' $pon them then Bran-@s -reamDm1
ni)htmare o% &en)eanceD"i'' be rea'i6e-; : see no" that : ha&e ma-e man1 mistakes;;;+or)i&e
me4 E$'ia;;;: "i'' pace the meas$re o% m1 con%inement 1et a)ain; (ome"here there m$st be a )ap
in the ic1 b'$e 'o)ic that s$rro$n-s me4 a)ainst "hich : h$r' m1 min-4 m1 cries4 m1 bitter
'a$)hter; *p this ha''4 -o"n the t$nne'; !he b'$e is e&er1"here; !he sha-o"s "i'' not bear me
a"a14 %or there are no sha-o"s here; : am Ber'in the pent4 son o% Cor"in the 'ost4 an- m1 -ream
o% 'i)ht has been t$rne- a)ainst me; : sta'k m1 prison 'ike m1 o"n )host; : cannot 'et it en- this
"a1; Perhaps the ne.t t$nne'4 or the ne.t;;;
Bloo. of Amber
Book *e(en
The Chronicles of Amber
b1 0o)er 5e'a6n1
2-Book 7ersion81.2
9ast *p-ate-8# May 2002
3eflections in a Crystal Ca(e
B1 'i%e ha- been re'ati&e'1 peace%$' %or ei)ht 1earsDnot co$ntin) Apri' thirtieths4 "hen
someone in&ariab'1 trie- to ki'' me; O$tsi-e o% that4 m1 aca-emic career "ith its concentration
on comp$ter science "ent "e'' eno$)h an- m1 %o$r 1ears emp'o1ment at #ran- /esi)n pro&e- a
re"ar-in) e.perience4 'ettin) me $se "hat :@- 'earne- in a sit$ation : 'ike- "hi'e : 'abore- on a
pro?ect o% m1 o"n on the si-e; : ha- a )oo- %rien- in 9$ke 0a1nar-4 "ho "orke- %or the same
compan14 in sa'es; : sai'e- m1 'itt'e boat4 : ?o))e- re)$'ar'1;
:t a'' %e'' apart this past Apri' 34 ?$st "hen : tho$)ht thin)s "ere abo$t to come to)ether; B1 pet
pro?ect4 #host"hee'4 "as b$i't4 :@- <$it m1 ?ob4 packe- m1 )ear an- "as rea-1 to mo&e on to
)reener sha-o"s; :@- sta1e- in to"n this 'on) on'1 beca$se that morbi-'1 %ascinatin) -a1 "as
near4 an- this time : inten-e- to -isco&er "ho "as behin- the attempts on m1 'i%e an- "h1;
At break%ast that mornin) 9$ke appeare- "ith a messa)e %rom m1 %ormer )ir'%rien-4 E$'ia; ,er
note sai- that she "ante- to see me a)ain; (o : stoppe- b1 her p'ace4 "here : %o$n- her -ea-4
apparent'1 ki''e- b1 the same -o)'ike beast "hich then attacke- me; : s$ccee-e- in -estro1in)
the creat$re; A <$ick search o% the apartment be%ore : %'e- the scene t$rne- $p a s'im packet o%
stran)e p'a1in) car-s4 "hich : took a'on) "ith me;
!he1 "ere too m$ch 'ike the ma)ica' !arots o% Amber an- Chaos %or a sorcerer s$ch as m1se'%
not to be intereste- in them;
Aes; : am a sorcerer; : am Ber'in4 son o% Cor"in o% Amber an- /ara o% the Co$rts o% Chaos4
kno"n to 'oca' %rien-s an- ac<$aintances as Ber'e Core18 bri)ht4 charmin)4 "itt14 ath'etic;;;; #o
rea- Casti)'ione an- 9or- B1ron %or partic$'ars4 as :@m mo-est4 a'oo% an- reticent4 as "e'';
!he car-s pro&e- to be )en$ine ma)ica' ob?ects4 "hich seeme- appropriate once : 'earne- that
E$'ia ha- been keepin) compan1 "ith an occ$'tist name- 7ictor Be'man a%ter "e ha- broken $p;
A &isit to this )ent'eman@s st$-io res$'te- in his attemptin) to ki'' me in a rit$a' %ashion; : "as
ab'e to %ree m1se'% %rom the constraints o% the ceremon1 an- <$estion him some"hat4 be%ore
'oca' con-itions an- m1 enth$siasm res$'te- in his -eath; (o m$ch %or rit$a's;
:@- 'earne- eno$)h %rom him to rea'i6e that he@- been b$t a cat@s-pa"; (omeone e'se ha-
apparent'1 p$t him $p to the sacri%ice bitDan- it seeme- <$ite possib'e that the other person "as
the one responsib'e %or E$'ia@s -eath an- m1 co''ection o% memorab'e Apri' thirtieths;
: ha- sma'' time to re%'ect $pon these matters4 tho$)h4 beca$se : "as bitten J1es4 bittenK short'1
therea%ter b1 an attracti&e re--haire- "oman "ho materia'i6e- in Be'man@s apartment4 %o''o"in)
m1 brie% te'ephone con&ersation "ith her in "hich :@- trie- to pose as Be'man; ,er bite
para'16e- me4 b$t : "as ab'e to -epart be%ore it took %$'' e%%ect b1 emp'o1in) one o% the ma)ica'
car-s :@- %o$n- at E$'ia@s p'ace; :t bore me into the presence o% a sphin.4 "hich permitte- me to
reco&er so that it co$'- p'a1 that si''1 ri--'e )ame 'o&e so "e'' beca$se the1 )et to eat
1o$ "hen 1o$ 'ose; A'' : can sa1 abo$t it is that this partic$'ar sphin. "as a ba- sport;
An1ho"4 : ret$rne- to the sha-o" 2arth "here :@- been makin) m1 home to -isco&er that
Be'man@s p'ace ha- b$rne- -o"n -$rin) m1 absence; : trie- phonin) 9$ke4 beca$se : "ante- to
ha&e -inner "ith him4 an- 'earne- that he ha- checke- o$t o% his mote'4 'ea&in) me a messa)e
in-icatin) that he ha- )one to Ne" Be.ico on b$siness an- te''in) me "here he@- be sta1in);
!he -esk c'erk a'so )a&e me a b'$e-stone rin) 9$ke ha- 'e%t behin-4 an- : took it "ith me to
ret$rn "hen : sa" him;
: %'e" to Ne" Be.ico4 %ina''1 catchin) $p "ith 9$ke in (anta +e; =hi'e : "aite- in the bar %or
him to )et rea-1 %or -inner4 a man name- /an Bartine6 <$estione- me4 )i&in) the impression
that 9$ke ha- propose- some b$siness -ea' an- that he "ante- to be ass$re- 9$ke "as re'iab'e
an- co$'- -e'i&er; A%ter -inner4 9$ke an- : "ent %or a -ri&e in the mo$ntains;
Bartine6 %o''o"e- $s an- starte- shootin) as "e stoo- a-mirin) the ni)ht; Perhaps he@- -eci-e-
9$ke "as not re'iab'e or co$'-n@t -e'i&er; 9$ke s$rprise- me b1 -ra"in) a "eapon o% his o"n
an- shootin) Bartine6; !hen an e&en stran)er thin) happene-; 9$ke ca''e- me b1 nameDm1
rea' name4 "hich :@- ne&er to'- himDan- cite- m1 parenta)e an- to'- me to )et into the car an-
)et the he'' o$t; ,e emphasi6e- his point b1 p'acin) a shot in the )ro$n- near m1 %eet; !he
matter -i- not seem open to -isc$ssion so : -eparte-; ,e a'so to'- me to -estro1 those stran)e
!r$mps that ha- sa&e- m1 'i%e once a'rea-1; An- :@- 'earne- on the "a1 $p that he@- kno"n
7ictor Be'man;;;;
: -i-n@t )o %ar; : parke- -o"nhi'' an- ret$rne- on %oot; 9$ke "as )one; (o "as Bartine6@s bo-1;
9$ke -i- not ret$rn to the hote'4 that ni)ht or the ne.t -a14 so : checke- o$t an- -eparte-; !he
on'1 person : "as s$re : co$'- tr$st4 an- "ho act$a''1 mi)ht ha&e some )oo- a-&ice %or me4 "as
Bi'' 0oth; Bi'' "as an attorne1 "ho 'i&e- in $pstate Ne" Aork4 an- he ha- been m1 %ather@s best
%rien-; : "ent to &isit him4 an- : to'- him m1 stor1;
Bi'' )ot me to "on-erin) e&en more abo$t 9$ke; 9$ke4 b1 the "a14 is a bi)4 smart4 re--haire-
nat$ra' ath'ete o% $ncann1 pro"essDan- tho$)h "e@- been %rien-s %or man1 1ears : kne" ne.t to
nothin) Jas Bi'' pointe- o$tK concernin) his back)ro$n-;
A nei)hborin) 'a- name- #eor)e ,ansen be)an han)in) o$t near Bi''@s p'ace4 askin) stran)e
<$estions; : recei&e- an o-- phone ca''4 askin) simi'ar <$estions; Both interro)ators seeme-
c$rio$s as to m1 mother@s name; Nat$ra''14 : 'ie-; !he %act that m1 mother is a member o% the
-ark aristocrac1 o% the Co$rts o% Chaos "as none o% their b$siness; B$t the ca''er spoke m1
'an)$a)e4 !hari4 "hich ma-e me c$rio$s eno$)h to propose a meetin) an- a tra-e-o%% o%
in%ormation that e&enin) in the bar o% the 'oca' co$ntr1 c'$b;
B$t m1 *nc'e 0an-om4 3in) o% Amber4 ca''e- me home be%ore that4 "hi'e Bi'' an- : "ere o$t
hikin); #eor)e ,ansen4 it t$rne- o$t4 "as %o''o"in) $s an- "ante- to come a'on) as "e shi%te-
a"a1 across the sha-o"s o% rea'it1; !o$)hC he "asn@t in&ite-; : took Bi'' a'on) beca$se : -i-n@t
"ant to 'ea&e him "ith an1one actin) that pec$'iar;
: 'earne- %rom 0an-om that m1 *nc'e Caine "as -ea-4 o% an assassin@s b$''et4 an- that someone
ha- a'so trie- to ki'' m1 *nc'e B'e1s b$t on'1 s$ccee-e- in "o$n-in) him; !he %$nera' ser&ice
%or Caine "o$'- be the %o''o"in) -a1;
: kept m1 -ate at the co$ntr1 c'$b that e&enin)4 b$t m1 m1sterio$s interro)ator "as no"here in
si)ht; A'' "as not 'ost4 ho"e&er4 as : ma-e the ac<$aintance o% a prett1 'a-1 name- Be) /e&'in
Dan-4 one thin) 'ea-in) to another4 : sa" her home an- "e )ot to kno" each other a 'ot better;
!hen4 at a moment "hen : "o$'- ha&e ?$-)e- her tho$)hts to be an1"here b$t there4 she aske-
me m1 mother@s name; (o4 "hat the he''4 : to'- her; :t -i- not come to me $nti' 'ater that she
mi)ht rea''1 ha&e been the person :@- )one to the bar to meet;
O$r 'iaison "as terminate- premat$re'1 b1 a ca'' %rom the 'obb1D%rom a man p$rporte-'1
Be)@s h$sban-; : -i- "hat an1 )ent'eman "o$'- -o; : )ot the he'' o$t %ast;
B1 A$nt +iona4 "ho is a sorceress Jo% a -i%%erent st1'e %rom m1 o"nK4 ha- not appro&e- o% m1
-ate; An- apparent'1 she appro&e- e&en 'ess o% 9$ke4 beca$se she aske- me "hether : ha- a
pict$re o% him a%ter :@- to'- her some"hat concernin) him; : sho"e- her a photo : ha- in m1
"a''et4 "hich inc'$-e- 9$ke in the )ro$p; :@- ha&e s"orn she reco)ni6e- him %rom some"here4
tho$)h she "o$'-n@t a-mit it; B$t the %act that she an- her brother B'e1s both -isappeare- %rom
Amber that ni)ht "o$'- seem more than coinci-enta';
!he pace o% e&ents "as acce'erate- e&en more a%ter that; A cr$-e attempt at knockin) o%% most
o% the %ami'1 "ith a thro"n bomb "as ma-e the ne.t -a14 %o''o"in) Caine@s %$nera'; !he "o$'--
be assassin escape-; 9ater4 0an-om "as $pset at a brie% -emonstration on m1 part o% the po"er
o% the #host"hee'4 m1 pet pro?ect4 m1 hobb14 m1 a&ocation -$rin) those 1ears at #ran- /esi)n;
#host"hee' is aD"e''4 it starte- o$t as a comp$ter that re<$ire- a -i%%erent set o% ph1sica' 'a"s
to operate than those :@- 'earne- in schoo'; :t in&o'&e- "hat mi)ht be ca''e- ma)ic; B$t : %o$n- a
p'ace "here it co$'- be b$i't an- operate-4 an- :@- constr$cte- it there; :t "as sti'' pro)rammin)
itse'% "hen :@- 'e%t it; :t seeme- to ha&e )one sentient4 an- : think it scare- 0an-om; ,e or-ere-
me to )o an- t$rn it o%%; : -i-n@t m$ch 'ike the i-ea4 b$t : -eparte-;
: "as %o''o"e- in m1 passa)e thro$)h (ha-o"C : "as harasse-4 threatene- an- e&en attacke-; :
"as resc$e- %rom a %ire b1 a stran)e 'a-1 "ho 'ater -ie- in a 'ake; : "as protecte- %rom &icio$s
beasts b1 a m1sterio$s in-i&i-$a' an- sa&e- %rom a bi6arre earth<$ake b1 the same personD"ho
t$rne- o$t to be 9$ke; ,e accompanie- me to the %ina' barrier4 %or a con%rontation "ith
#host"hee'; B1 creation "as a bit irritate- "ith me an- banishe- $s b1 means o% a sha-o"-
stormDa thin) it is not %$n to be ca$)ht in4 "ith or "itho$t an $mbre''a; : -e'i&ere- $s %rom the
&icissit$-es b1 means o% one o% the !r$mps o% /oom4 as :@- -$bbe- the o-- pasteboar-s %rom
E$'ia@s apartment;
=e "o$n- $p o$tsi-e a b'$e cr1sta' ca&e4 an- 9$ke took me in; #oo- o'- 9$ke; A%ter seein) to
m1 nee-s he procee-e- to imprison me; =hen he to'- me "ho he "as4 : rea'i6e- that it "as a
resemb'ance to his %ather "hich ha- $pset +iona "hen she@- seen his photo; +or 9$ke "as the
son o% Bran-4 assassin an- arch traitor4 "ho ha- -amn near -estro1e- the kin)-om an- the rest o%
the $ni&erse a'on) "ith it some 1ears back; +ort$nate'14 Caine ha- ki''e- him be%ore he@-
accomp'ishe- his -esi)ns; 9$ke4 : 'earne- then4 "as the one "ho@- ki''e- Caine4 to a&en)e his
%ather; JAn- it t$rne- o$t he@- )otten the ne"s o% his %ather@s -eath on an Apri' thirtieth an- ha-
ha- a pec$'iar "a1 o% obser&in) its anni&ersar1 o&er the 1ears;K 9ike 0an-om4 he too ha- been
impresse- b1 m1 #host"hee'4 an- he to'- me that : "as to remain his prisoner4 as : mi)ht
become necessar1 in his e%%orts to )ain contro' o% the machine4 "hich he %e't "o$'- be the per%ect
"eapon %or -estro1in) the rest o% the %ami'1;
,e -eparte- to p$rs$e the matter4 an- : <$ick'1 -isco&ere- that m1 po"ers "ere cance'e- b1
some pec$'iar propert1 o% the ca&e4 'ea&in) me "ith no one to ta'k to b$t 1o$4 +rakir4 an- no one
here %or 1o$ to stran)'e;;;;
=o$'- 1o$ care to hear a %e" bars o% FO&er the 0ainbo"G>
Chapter 1
: thre" the hi't a"a1 a%ter the b'a-e ha- shattere-; !he "eapon ha- -one me no )oo- a)ainst
that b'$e sea o% a "a'' in "hat : ha- taken to be its thinnest section; A %e" sma'' chips o% stone
'a1 at m1 %eet; : picke- them $p an- r$bbe- them to)ether; !his "as not the "a1 o$t %or me; !he
on'1 "a1 o$t seeme- to be the "a1 : ha- come in4 an- it "asn@t "orkin);
: "a'ke- back to m1 <$arters4 meanin) that section o% the ca&es "here : ha- cast m1 s'eepin)
ba); : sat -o"n on the ba)4 a hea&1 bro"n one4 $ncorke- a "ine bott'e an- took a -rink; : ha-
"orke- $p a s"eat hackin) a"a1 at the "a'';
+rakir stirre- $pon m1 "rist then4 $n"o$n- herse'% part"a1 an- s'ithere- into the pa'm o% m1
'e%t han-4 to coi' aro$n- the t"o b'$e chips : sti'' he'-; (he knotte- herse'% abo$t them4 then
-roppe- to han) an- s"in) pen-$'$m-'ike; : p$t the bott'e asi-e an- "atche-; !he arc o% her
s"in) para''e'e- the 'en)th"ise -irection o% the t$nne' : no" ca''e- home; !he s"in)in)
contin$e- %or perhaps a %$'' min$te; !hen she "ith-re" $p"ar-4 ha'tin) "hen she came to the
back o% m1 han-; (he re'ease- the chips at the base o% m1 thir- %in)er an- ret$rne- to her norma'
hi--en position abo$t m1 "rist;
: stare-; : raise- the %'ickerin) oi' 'amp an- st$-ie- the stones; !heir co'or;;;;
(een a)ainst skin4 the1 "ere simi'ar in appearance to the stone in that rin) o% 9$ke@s : ha-
picke- $p at the Ne" 9ine Bote' some time a)o; Coinci-ence> Or "as there a connection> =hat
ha- m1 stran)'in) cor- been tr1in) to te'' me> An- "here ha- : seen another s$ch stone>
9$ke@s ke1 rin); ,e@- a b'$e stone on it4 mo$nte- on a piece o% meta';;;; An- "here mi)ht : ha&e
seen another>
!he ca&erns in "hich : "as imprisone- ha- the po"er to b'ock the !r$mps an- m1 9o)r$s
ma)ic; :% 9$ke carrie- stones %rom these "a''s abo$t "ith him4 there "as probab'1 a specia'
reason; =hat other properties mi)ht the1 possess>
: trie- %or perhaps an ho$r to 'earn somethin) concernin) their nat$re4 b$t the1 resiste- m1
9o)r$s probes; +ina''14 -is)$ste-4 : pockete- them4 ate some brea- an- cheese an- took another
s"a''o" o% "ine;
!hen : rose an- ma-e the ro$n-s once more4 inspectin) m1 traps; :@- been a prisoner in this
p'ace %or "hat seeme- at 'east a month no"; : ha- pace- a'' these t$nne's4 corri-ors4 )rottoes4
seekin) an; None o% them pro&e- a "a1 o$t; !here "ere times "hen : ha- r$n manic thro$)h
them an- b'oo-ie- m1 kn$ck'es $pon their co'- si-es; !here "ere times "hen : ha- mo&e-
s'o"'14 seekin) a%ter cracks an- %a$'t 'ines; : ha- trie- on se&era' occasions to -is'o-)e the
bo$'-er that barre- the entrance"a1Dto no a&ai'; :t "as "e-)e- in p'ace4 an- : co$'-n@t b$-)e it;
:t seeme- that : "as in %or the -$ration;
B1 traps;;;;
!he1 "ere a'' as the1 ha- been the 'ast time : ha- checke-D-ea-%a''s4 bo$'-ers nat$re ha- 'e%t
'1in) abo$t in t1pica' care'ess %ashion4 proppe- hi)h an- rea-1 no" to be re'ease- %rom their
"e-)in) "hen someone trippe- an1 o% the sha-o"-maske- 'en)ths o% packin) cor- :@- remo&e-
%rom crates in the storeroom;
(omeone> 9$ke4 o% co$rse; =ho e'se> ,e "as the one "ho@- imprisone- me; An- i% he ret$rne-
Dno4 "hen he ret$rne-Dthe boob1 traps "o$'- be "aitin); ,e "as arme-; ,e "o$'- ha&e me
at a -isa-&anta)e %rom the o&erhea- position o% the entrance i% : mere'1 "aite- %or him be'o";
No "a1; : "o$'- not be there; : "o$'- make him come in a%ter meDan- then;;;;
7a)$e'1 tro$b'e-4 : ret$rne- to m1 <$arters;
,an-s behin- m1 hea-4 : 'a1 there an- re&ie"e- m1 p'ans; !he -ea-%a''s co$'- ki'' a man4 an- :
-i- not "ant 9$ke -ea-; !his ha- nothin) to -o "ith sentiment4 tho$)h : ha- tho$)ht o% 9$ke as
a )oo- %rien- $nti' %air'1 recent'1D$p $nti' the time : 'earne- that he ha- ki''e- m1 *nc'e Caine
an- seeme- intent $pon -estro1in) the rest o% m1 re'ati&es in Amber as "e''; !his "as beca$se
Caine ha- ki''e- 9$ke@s %atherDm1 *nc'e Bran-Da man "hom an1 o% the others "o$'- )'a-'1
ha&e -one in a'so; Aes4 9$keDor 0ina'-o4 as : no" kne" himD"as m1 co$sin4 an- he ha- a
reason %or en)a)in) in one o% o$r in-%ami'1 &en-ettas; (ti''4 )oin) a%ter e&er1bo-1 str$ck me as a
bit intemperate;
B$t neither consan)$init1 nor sentiment ba-e me -ismant'e m1 traps; : "ante- him a'i&e
beca$se there "ere too man1 thin)s abo$t the entire sit$ation that : -i- not $n-erstan- an- mi)ht
ne&er $n-erstan- "ere he to perish "itho$t te''in) me;
Easra;;;the !r$mps o% /oom;;;the means b1 "hich : ha- been tracke- so easi'1 thro$)h
(ha-o";;;the entire stor1 o% 9$ke@s re'ationship "ith the painter an- ma- occ$'tist 7ictor
Be'man;;;an1thin) he kne" abo$t E$'ia an- her -eath;;;;
: be)an a)ain; : -ismant'e- the -ea-%a''s; !he ne" p'an "as a simp'e one4 an- it -re" $pon
somethin) o% "hich : be'ie&e- 9$ke ha- no kno"'e-)e;
: mo&e- m1 s'eepin) ba) to a ne" position in the t$nne' ?$st o$tsi-e the chamber "hose roo%
he'- the b'ocke- entrance"a1; : shi%te- some o% the %oo- stores there4 a'so; : "as -etermine- to
remain in its &icinit1 %or as m$ch o% the time as possib'e;
!he ne" trap "as a &er1 basic thin)8 -irect an- ?$st abo$t $na&oi-ab'e; Once :@- set it there "as
nothin) to -o b$t "ait; =ait4 an- remember; An- p'an; : ha- to "arn the others; : ha- to -o
somethin) abo$t m1 #host"hee'; : nee-e- to %in- o$t "hat Be) /e&'in kne"; : nee-e- to;;;'ots
o% thin)s;
: "aite-; : tho$)ht o% (ha-o" storms4 -reams4 stran)e !r$mps an- the 9a-1 in the 9ake; A%ter a
'on) spe'' o% -ri%tin)4 m1 'i%e ha- become &er1 cro"-e- in a matter o% -a1s; !hen this 'on) spe''
o% -oin) nothin); B1 on'1 conso'ation "as that this time 'ine probab'1 o$tpace- most o% the
others that "ere important to me ri)ht no"; B1 month here mi)ht on'1 be a -a1 back in Amber4
or e&en 'ess; :% : co$'- -e'i&er m1se'% %rom this p'ace soon4 the trai's : "ishe- to %o''o" mi)ht
sti'' be re'ati&e'1 %resh;
9ater4 : p$t o$t the 'amp an- "ent to s'eep; ($%%icient 'i)ht %i'tere- thro$)h the cr1sta' 'enses o%
m1 prison4 bri)htenin) an- "anin)4 %or me to -istin)$ish -a1 %rom ni)ht in the o$tsi-e "or'-4
an- : kept m1 sma'' series o% ro$tines in accor- "ith its rh1thms;
/$rin) the ne.t three -a1s : rea- thro$)h Be'man@s -iar1 a)ainDa thin) hea&1 in a''$sion an-
'o" in $se%$' in%ormationDan- ?$st abo$t s$ccee-e- in con&incin) m1se'% that the ,oo-e- One4
as he re%erre- to his &isitor an- teacher4 ha- probab'1 been 9$ke; 2.cept %or a %e" re%erences to
an-ro)1n14 "hich p$66'e- me; 0e%erences to the sacri%ice o% the (on o% Chaos near the en- o% the
&o'$me "ere somethin) : co$'- take persona''14 in 'i)ht o% m1 present kno"'e-)e o% Be'man@s
ha&in) been set $p to -estro1 me; B$t i% 9$ke ha- -one it4 ho" to e.p'ain his ambi)$o$s
beha&ior on the mo$ntain in Ne" Be.ico4 "hen he ha- a-&ise- me to -estro1 the !r$mps o%
/oom an- ha- -ri&en me a"a1 a'most as i% to protect me %rom somethin)> An- then he ha-
a-mitte- to se&era' o% the ear'ier attempts on m1 'i%e4 b$t -enie- the 'ater ones; No reason to -o
that i% he "ere in-ee- responsib'e %or a'' o% them; =hat e'se mi)ht be in&o'&e-> =ho e'se> An-
ho"> !here "ere ob&io$s'1 missin) pieces to the p$66'e4 b$t : %e't as i% the1 "ere minor4 as i% the
sma''est bit o% ne" in%ormation an- the s'i)htest ?i))'in) o% the pattern "o$'- s$--en'1 ca$se
e&er1thin) to %a'' into p'ace4 "ith the emer)in) pict$re to be somethin) : sho$'- ha&e seen a''
: mi)ht ha&e )$esse- that the &isitation "o$'- be b1 ni)ht; : mi)ht ha&e4 b$t : -i-n@t; ,a- it
occ$rre- to me4 : "o$'- ha&e chan)e- m1 s'eep c1c'e an- been a"ake an- a'ert; 2&en tho$)h :
%e't %air'1 con%i-ent o% m1 trap@s e%%icienc14 e&er1 'itt'e e-)e is important in tr$'1 cr$cia' matters;
: "as -eep'1 as'eep4 an- the )ratin) o% rock $pon rock "as a -istant thin); : stirre- b$t s'o"'1 as
the so$n-s contin$e-4 an- it "as se&era' secon-s more be%ore the proper circ$its c'ose- an- :
rea'i6e- "hat "as occ$rrin); !hen : sat $p4 m1 min- sti'' -$st14 an- mo&e- into a cro$ch besi-e
the "a'' o% the chamber nearest the entrance"a14 kn$ck'in) m1 e1es4 br$shin) back m1 hair4
seekin) 'ost a'ertness on s'eep@s rece-in) shore;
!he %irst so$n-s : hear- m$st ha&e accompanie- the remo&a' o% the "e-)es4 "hich apparent'1
ha- entai'e- some rockin) or tippin) o% the bo$'-er; !he contin$in) so$n-s "ere m$%%'e-4
(o : &ent$re- a <$ick )'ance into the chamber; !here "as no opene- a-it4 sho"in) stars; !he
o&erhea- &ibrations contin$e-; !he rockin) so$n-s "ere no" s$ccee-e- b1 a stea-1 cr$nchin)4
)ratin) noise; A ba'' o% 'i)ht "ith a -i%%$se ha'o shone thro$)h the trans'$cent stone o% the
chamber@s roo%; A 'antern4 : )$esse-; !oo stea-1 to be a torch; An- a torch "o$'- be impractica'
$n-er the circ$mstances;
A crescent o% sk1 appeare-4 ho'-in) t"o stars near its nether horn; :t "i-ene-4 an- : hear- the
hea&1 breathin) an- )r$nts o% "hat : took to be t"o men;
B1 e.tremities tin)'e- as : %e't a--itiona' a-rena'ine -oin) its bio'o)ica' trick "ithin me; :
ha-n@t co$nte- on 9$ke@s brin)in) an1one "ith him; B1 %oo'proo% p'an mi)ht not be proo%
a)ainst thisDmeanin) : "as the %oo';
!he bo$'-er ro''e- more <$ick'1 no"4 an- there "as not e&en time %or pro%anit1 as m1 min-
race-4 %oc$se- $pon a co$rse o% action an- ass$me- its appropriate stance;
: s$mmone- the ima)e o% the 9o)r$s an- it took shape be%ore me; : rose to m1 %eet4 sti'' 'eanin)
a)ainst the "a''4 an- be)an mo&in) m1 arms to correspon- "ith the ran-om-seemin) mo&ements
o% t"o o% the ei-o'on@s 'imbs; B1 the time : achie&e- a satis%actor1 con?$nction4 the so$n-s %rom
o&erhea- ha- cease-;
!he openin) "as no" c'ear; Boments 'ater the 'i)ht "as raise- an- mo&e- to"ar- it;
: steppe- into the chamber an- e.ten-e- m1 han-s; As the men4 short an- -ark4 came into &ie"
abo&e me m1 ori)ina' p'an "as cance'e- comp'ete'1; !he1 both carrie- $nsheathe- poi)nar-s in
their ri)ht han-s; Neither o% them "as 9$ke;
: reache- o$t "ith m1 9o)r$s )a$nt'ets an- took ho'- o% each o% them b1 the throat; : s<$ee6e-
$nti' the1 co''apse- "ithin m1 )rip; : s<$ee6e- a 'itt'e 'on)er4 then re'ease- them;
As the1 -roppe- %rom si)ht : hooke- the hi)h 'ip o% the entrance "ith m1 )'o"in) 'ines o% %orce
an- -re" m1se'% $p"ar- "ith them; As : reache- the openin) : pa$se- to reco&er +rakir4 "ho
"as coi'e- abo$t its $n-ersi-e; !hat ha- been m1 trap; 9$ke4 or an1one e'se4 "o$'- ha&e been
passin) thro$)h a noose to enter4 a noose rea-1 to ti)hten instant'1 $pon an1thin) mo&in)
No"4 tho$)h;;;;
A trai' o% %ire ran -o"n the s'ope to m1 ri)ht; !he %a''en 'antern ha- shattere-4 its spi''e- %$e'
become a b$rnin) ri&$'et; !he men : ha- choke- 'a1 spra"'e- at either han-; !he bo$'-er that
ha- b'ocke- this openin) reste- to the 'e%t an- some"hat to the rear o% me; : remaine- "here :
"asDhea- an- sho$'-ers abo&e the openin)4 restin) on m1 e'bo"sDith the ima)e o% the 9o)r$s
-ancin) bet"een m1 e1es4 the "arm tin)'in) o% its po"er 'ines 1et a part o% m1 arms4 +rakir
mo&in) %rom m1 'e%t sho$'-er -o"n to m1 biceps;
:t ha- been a'most too eas1; : co$'-n@t see 9$ke tr$stin) a co$p'e o% 'acke1s to <$estion4 ki'' or
transport meD"hiche&er o% these ha- been their mission; !hat is "h1 : ha- not emer)e- %$''14
b$t scanne- the ni)hte- en&irons %rom m1 &anta)e o% re'ati&e sec$rit1;
Pr$-ent4 %or a chan)e; +or someone e'se share- the ni)ht "ith me; :t "as s$%%icient'1 -ark4 e&en
"ith the -"in-'in) %ire trai'4 that m1 or-inar1 &ision -i- not ser&e to %$rnish me this inte''i)ence;
B$t "hen : s$mmon the 9o)r$s4 the menta' set that )rants me &ision o% its ima)e permits me to
&ie" other nonph1sica' mani%estations as "e'';
(o it "as that : -etecte- s$ch a constr$ct beneath a tree to m1 'e%t4 ami- sha-o"s "here : "o$'-
not ha&e seen the h$man %i)$re be%ore "hich it ho&ere-; An- a stran)e pattern at that4
reminiscent o% Amber@s o"nC it t$rne- 'ike a s'o" pin"hee'4 e.ten-in) ten-ri's o% smoke-shot
1e''o" 'i)ht; !hese -ri%te- to"ar- me across the ni)ht an- : "atche-4 %ascinate-4 kno"in)
a'rea-1 "hat : "o$'- -o "hen the moment came;
!here "ere %o$r bi) ones4 an- the1 came on s'o"'14 probin); =hen the1 "ere "ithin se&era'
1ar-s o% me the1 ha'te-4 )aine- s'ack4 then str$ck 'ike cobras; B1 han-s "ere to)ether an-
s'i)ht'1 crosse-4 9o)r$s 'imbs e.ten-e-; : separate- them "ith a sin)'e s"eepin) motion4 ti'tin)
them s'i)ht'1 %or"ar- as : -i- so; !he1 str$ck the 1e''o" ten-ri's4 castin) them a"a1 to be
thro"n back $pon their pattern; : %e't a tin)'in) sensation in m1 %orearms as this occ$rre-; !hen4
$sin) m1 ri)ht-han- e.tension as i% it "ere a b'a-e4: str$ck at the no"-"a&erin) pattern as i% it
"ere a shie'-; : hear- a short sharp cr1 as that ima)e )re" -im4 an- : str$ck a)ain <$ick'14
ha$'e- m1se'% o$t o% m1 ho'e an- starte- -o"n the s'ope4 m1 arm achin);
!he ima)eD"hate&er it ha- beenD%a-e- an- "as )one; B1 then4 ho"e&er4 : co$'- make o$t
more c'ear'1 the %i)$re 'eanin) a)ainst the tree tr$nk; :t appeare- to be that o% a "oman4 tho$)h :
co$'- not -istin)$ish her %eat$res beca$se o% some sma'' ob?ect she ha- raise- an- no" he'-
be%ore her near to e1e 'e&e'; +earin) that it "as a "eapon4 : str$ck at it "ith a 9o)r$s e.tension4
hopin) to knock it %rom her han-;
: st$mb'e- then4 %or there "as a recoi' "hich ?o'te- m1 arm "ith consi-erab'e %orce; :t "o$'-
seem to ha&e been a potent sorcero$s ob?ect "hich : ha- str$ck; At 'east : ha- the p'eas$re o%
seein) the 'a-1 s"a1 a'so; (he $ttere- a short cr14 too4 b$t she h$n) on to the ob?ect;
A moment 'ater a %aint po'1chrome shimmerin) be)an abo$t her %orm an- : rea'i6e- "hat the
thin) "as; : ha- ?$st -irecte- the %orce o% the 9o)r$s a)ainst a !r$mp; : ha- to reach her no"4 i%
on'1 to %in- o$t "ho she "as;
B$t as : r$she- ahea- : rea'i6e- that : co$'- not )et to her in time; *n'ess;;;
: p'$cke- +rakir %rom m1 sho$'-er an- past her a'on) the 'ine o% the 9o)r$s %orce4 manip$'atin)
her in the proper -irection an- iss$in) m1 comman-s as she %'e";
+rom m1 ne" an)'e o% &ie" an- b1 the %aint rainbo" ha'o that no" s$rro$n-e- her : %ina''1 sa"
the 'a-1@s %ace; :t "as Easra4 "ho ha- -amn near ki''e- me "ith a bite back in Be'man@s
apartment; :n a moment she "o$'- be )one4 takin) "ith her m1 chance o% obtainin) some
ans"ers on "hich m1 'i%e mi)ht -epen-;
FEasraIG : crie-4 tr1in) to break her concentration;
:t -i-n@t "ork4 b$t +rakir -i-; B1 stran)'in) cor-4 )'o"in) si'&er no"4 ca$)ht her abo$t the
throat4 "hippin) o$t "ith a %ree en- to 'ash ti)ht'1 abo$t the branch that h$n) near4 to Easra@s 'e%t;
!he 'a-1 be)an to %a-e4 apparent'1 not rea'i6in) that it "as too 'ate; (he co$'-n@t tr$mp o$t
"itho$t -ecapitatin) herse'%;
(he 'earne- it <$ick'1; : hear- her )$r)'in) cr1 as she steppe- back4 )re" so'i-4 'ost her ha'o4
-roppe- her !r$mp an- c'a"e- at the cor- encirc'in) her throat;
: came $p besi-e her4 to 'a1 m1 han- $pon +rakir4 "ho $ncoi'e- one en- %rom the tree 'imb an-
re"o$n- it abo$t m1 "rist;
F#oo- e&enin)4 Easra4G : sai-4 ?erkin) her hea- back; F!r1 the poison bite a)ain an- 1o$@'' nee-
a neck brace; Ao$ $n-erstan->G
(he trie- to ta'k b$t co$'-n@t; (he no--e-;
F:@m )oin) to 'oosen m1 cor- a bit4G : sai-4 Fso 1o$ can ans"er m1 <$estions;G
: ease- +rakir@s )rip $pon her throat; (he be)an co$)hin)4 then4 an- )a&e me a 'ook that "o$'-
ha&e t$rne- san- to )'ass; ,er ma)ica' constr$ct ha- %a-e- comp'ete'14 so : 'et the 9o)r$s s'ip
a"a1 a'so;
F=h1 are 1o$ a%ter me>G : aske-; F=hat am : to 1o$>G
F(on o% per-itionIG she sai-4 an- she trie- to spit at me b$t her mo$th m$st ha&e been too -r1;
: ?erke- 'i)ht'1 on +rakir an- she co$)he- a)ain; F=ron) ans"er4G : sai-; F!r1 a)ain;G
B$t she smi'e- then4 her )a6e shi%tin) to a point be1on- me; : kept the s'ack o$t o% +rakir an-
chance- a )'ance; !he air "as be)innin) to shimmer4 behin- me an- to the ri)ht4 in ob&io$s
preparation to someone@s tr$mpin) in;
: -i- not %ee' rea-1 to take on an a--itiona' threat at this time4 an- so : -ippe- m1 %ree han- into
m1 pocket an- "ith-re" a han-%$' o% m1 o"n !r$mps; +'ora@s "as on top; +ine; (he@- -o;
: p$she- m1 min- to"ar- her4 thro$)h the %eeb'e 'i)ht4 be1on- the %ace o% the car-; : %e't her
-istracte- attention4 %o''o"e- b1 a s$--en a'ertness; !hen4 Aes;;;>
FBrin) me thro$)hI ,$rr1IG : sai-;
F:s it an emer)enc1>G she aske-;
FAo$@- better be'ie&e it4G : to'- her;
F*hDoka1; Come on;G
: ha- an ima)e o% her in be-; :t )re" c'earer4 c'earer; (he e.ten-e- her han-;
: reache- o$t an- took it; : mo&e- %or"ar- ?$st as : hear- 9$ke@s &oice rin) o$t4 cr1in)4 F(topIG
: contin$e- on thro$)h4 -ra))in) Easra a%ter me; (he trie- to -ra" back an- s$ccee-e- in ha'tin)
me as : st$mb'e- a)ainst the si-e o% the be-; :t "as then : note- the -ark-haire-4 bear-e- man
re)ar-in) me "ith "i-e e1es %rom the be-@s %arther si-e;
F=hoD> =hatD>G he be)an as : smi'e- b'eak'1 an- re)aine- m1 ba'ance;
9$ke@s sha-o"1 %orm came into &ie" be1on- m1 prisoner; ,e reache- %or"ar- an- sei6e-
Easra@s arm4 -ra"in) her back a"a1 %rom me; (he ma-e a )$r)'in) noise as the mo&ement -re"
+rakir more ti)ht'1 abo$t her throat;
/amnI =hat no">
+'ora rose s$--en'14 her %ace contorte-4 the scente- 'a&en-er sheet %a''in) a"a1 as she -ro&e a
%ist %or"ar- "ith s$rprisin) spee-;
FAo$ bitchIG she crie-; F0emember me>G
!he b'o" %e'' $pon Easra@s ?a"4 an- : bare'1 mana)e- to %ree +rakir in time to keep %rom bein)
-ra))e- back"ar- "ith her into 9$ke@s "aitin) arms;
Both o% them %a-e-4 an- the shimmer "as )one;
!he -ark-haire- )$1 in the meantime ha- scramb'e- o$t o% the be- an- "as snatchin) $p artic'es
o% c'othin); Once he ha- them a'' in his )rasp he -i- not bother to -on an14 b$t simp'1 he'- them
in %ront o% him an- backe- <$ick'1 to"ar- the -oor;
F0onI =here are 1o$ )oin)>G +'ora aske-;
FA"a1IG he ans"ere-4 an- he opene- the -oor an- passe- thro$)h it; F,e1I =aitIG
FNo "a1IG came the rep'1 %rom the ne.t room;
F/amnIG she sai-4 )'arin) at me; FAo$ ha&e a "a1 o% messin) $p a person@s 'i%e;G !hen4 F0onI
=hat abo$t -inner>G she ca''e-;
F: ha&e to see m1 ana'1st4G came his &oice4 %o''o"e- short'1 b1 the s'ammin) o% another -oor;
F: hope 1o$ rea'i6e "hat a bea$ti%$' thin) 1o$ ?$st -estro1e-4G +'ora to'- me;
: si)he-; F=hen -i- 1o$ meet him>G : aske-;
(he %ro"ne-; F=e''4 1ester-a14G she rep'ie-; F#o ahea- an- smirk; !hese thin)s are not a'"a1s a
mere %$nction o% time; : co$'- te'' ri)ht a"a1 that it "as )oin) to be somethin) specia'; !r$st
someone crass 'ike 1o$ or 1o$r %ather to cheapen a bea$ti%$'DG
F:@m sorr14G : sai-; F!hanks %or p$''in) me thro$)h; O% co$rse he@'' be back; =e ?$st scare- the
he'' o$t o% him; B$t ho" co$'- he %ai' to ret$rn once he@s kno"n 1o$>G
(he smi'e-; FAes4 1o$ are 'ike Cor"in4G she sai-; FCrass4 b$t percepti&e;G
(he rose an- crosse- to the c'oset4 took o$t a 'a&en-er robe an- -onne- it;
F=hat4G she sai-4 be'tin) it abo$t her4 F"as that a'' abo$t>G
F:t@s a 'on) stor1DG
F!hen :@- better hear it o&er '$nch; Are 1o$ h$n)r1>G she aske-;
: )rinne-;
F:t %i)$res; Come on;G
(he 'e- me o$t thro$)h a +rench Pro&incia' 'i&in) room an- into a 'ar)e co$ntr1 kitchen %$'' o%
ti'es an- copper; : o%%ere- to he'p her4 b$t she pointe- at a chair besi-e the tab'e an- to'- me to
As she "as remo&in) n$mero$s )oo-ies %rom the re%ri)erator4 : sai-4 F+irstDG
F=here are "e>G
F(an +rancisco4G she rep'ie-;
F=h1 ha&e 1o$ set $p ho$sekeepin) here>G
FA%ter : %inishe- that b$siness o% 0an-om@s : -eci-e- to sta1 on; !he to"n 'ooke- )oo- to me
: snappe- m1 %in)ers; :@- %or)otten she@- been sent to -etermine the o"nership o% the "areho$se
"here 7ictor Be'man ha- ha- his apartment an- st$-io4 an- "here Br$t$s (tora)e ha- a s$pp'1
o% ammo that "o$'- %ire in Amber;
F(o "ho o"ne- the "areho$se>G : aske-;
FBr$t$s (tora)e4G she rep'ie-; FBe'man rente- %rom them;G
FAn- "ho o"ns Br$tes (tora)e>G
FE; B; 0an-4 :nc;G
FAn o%%ice in (a$sa'ito; :t "as &acate- a co$p'e o% months a)o;G
F/i- the peop'e "ho o"ne- the p'ace ha&e a home a--ress %or the renter>G
FE$st a post o%%ice bo.; :t@s been aban-one- too;G
: no--e-; F:@- a %ee'in) it "o$'- be somethin) 'ike that4G : sai-; FNo" te'' me abo$t Easra;
Ob&io$s'1 1o$ kno" the 'a-1;G
(he sni%%e-; FNo 'a-14G she sai-; FA ro1a' "hore is "hat she "as "hen : kne" her;G
F:n 3ash%a;G
F=here@s that>G
FAn interestin) 'itt'e sha-o" kin)-om4 a bit o&er the e-)e o% the #o'-en Circ'e o% those "ith
"hich Amber has commerce; (habb1 barbaric sp'en-or an- a'' that; :t@s kin- o% a c$'t$ra'
F,o" is it 1o$ kno" it at a''4 then>G
(he pa$se- a moment in stirrin) somethin) in a bo"';
FOh4 : $se- to keep compan1 "ith a 3ash%an nob'eman :@- met in a "oo- one -a1; ,e "as o$t
ha"kin) an- : happene- to ha&e t"iste- m1 ank'eDG
F*h4G : inter?ecte-4 'est "e be -i&erte- b1 -etai's; FAn- Easra>G
F(he "as consort to the o'- kin) Beni''an; ,a- him "rappe- aro$n- her %in)er;G
F=hat ha&e 1o$ )ot a)ainst her>G
F(he sto'e Easrick "hi'e : "as o$t o% to"n;G
FB1 nob'eman; 2ar' o% 3ronk'e%;G
F=hat -i- ,is ,i)hness Beni''an think o% these )oin)s-on>G
F,e ne&er kne"; ,e "as on his -eathbe- at the time; ($cc$mbe- short'1 therea%ter; :n %act4
that@s "h1 she rea''1 "ante- Easrick; ,e "as chie% o% the pa'ace )$ar- an- his brother "as a
)enera'; (he $se- them to p$'' o%% a co$p "hen Beni''an e.pire-; 9ast : hear-4 she "as <$een in
3ash%a an- she@- -itche- Easrick; (er&e- him proper4 :@- sa1; : think he ha- his e1e on the throne4
b$t she -i-n@t care to share it; (he ha- him an- his brother$te- %or treason o% one sort or
another; ,e "as rea''1 a han-some %e''o";;;; Not too bri)ht4 tho$)h;G
F/o the peop'e o% 3ash%a ha&e an1D$hD$n$s$a' ph1sica' en-o"ments>G : aske-;
(he smi'e-; F=e''4 Easrick "as one he'' o% a %e''o"; B$t : "o$'-n@t $se the "or- T$n$s$a'@ toDG
FNo4 no4G : interr$pte-; F=hat : meant "as some sort o% anoma'1 o% the mo$thDretractab'e
%an)s or a stin) or somethin) o% that sort;G
F*n-$h4G she sai-4 an- : co$'- not te'' "hether her hei)htene- co'orin) came %rom the heat o%
the sto&e; FNothin) 'ike that; !he1@re b$i't a'on) stan-ar- 'ines; =h1 -o 1o$ ask>G
F=hen : to'- 1o$ m1 stor1 back in Amber : omitte- the part "here Easra bit me4 an- : "as
bare'1 ab'e to tr$mp o$t beca$se o% some sort o% poison she seeme- to ha&e in?ecte-; :t 'e%t me
n$mb4 para'16e- an- &er1 "eak %or a 'on) "hi'e;G
(he shook her hea-;
F3ash%ans can@t -o an1thin) 'ike that; B$t then4 o% co$rse4 Easra is not a 3ash%an;G
FOh> =here@s she %rom>G
F: -on@t kno"; B$t she@s a %orei)ner; (ome sa1 a s'a&er bro$)ht her in %rom a -istant 'an-; Others
sa1 she ?$st "an-ere- in herse'% one -a1 an- ca$)ht Beni''an@s e1e; :t "as r$more- she "as a
sorceress; : -on@t kno";G
F: -o; !hat r$mor is ri)ht;G
F0ea''1> Perhaps that@s ho" she )ot Easrick;G
: shr$))e-; F,o" 'on) a)o "as 1o$rDe.perienceD"ith her>G
F!hirt1 or %ort1 1ears4 :@- )$ess;G
FAn- she is sti'' <$een in 3ash%a>G
F: -on@t kno"; :t@s been a 'on) time since :@&e been back that "a1;G
F:s Amber on ba- terms "ith 3ash%a>G
(he shook her hea-; FNo specia' terms at a''4 rea''1; As : sai-4 the1@re a bit o$t o% the "a1; Not as
accessib'e as a 'ot o% other p'aces4 "ith nothin) )reat'1 -esirab'e %or tra-e;G
FNo rea' reason then %or her to hate $s>G
FNo more than %or hatin) an1one e'se;G
(ome -e'i)ht%$' cookin) o-ors be)an to %i'' the room; As : sat there sni%%in) them an- thinkin)
o% the 'on)4 hot sho"er : "o$'- hea- %or a%ter '$nch4 +'ora sai- "hat : ha- someho" kno"n she
"o$'- sa1;
F!hat man "ho -ra))e- Easra back;;;; ,e 'ooke- %ami'iar; =ho "as he>G
F,e "as the one : to'- 1o$ abo$t back in Amber4G : rep'ie-; F9$ke; :@m c$rio$s "hether he
remin-s 1o$ o% an1one;G
F,e seems to4G she sai-4 a%ter a pa$se; FB$t : can@t sa1 ?$st "ho;G
As her back "as to me : sai-4 F:% 1o$@re ho'-in) an1thin) that mi)ht break or spi'' i% 1o$ -rop it4
p'ease p$t it -o"n;G
: hear- somethin) set to rest on the co$ntertop; !hen she t$rne-4 a p$66'e- e.pression on her
F,is rea' name is 0ina'-o4 an- he@s Bran-@s son4G : to'- her; F: "as his prisoner %or o&er a month
in another sha-o"; : ?$st no" escape-;G
FOh4 m14G she "hispere-; !hen4 F=hat -oes he "ant>G
F0e&en)e4G : ans"ere-;
FA)ainst an1one in partic$'ar>G
FNo; A'' o% $s; B$t Caine4 o% co$rse4 "as %irst;G
F: see;G
FP'ease -on@t b$rn an1thin)4G : sai-; F:@&e been 'ookin) %or"ar- to a )oo- mea' %or a 'on) time;G
(he no--e- an- t$rne- a"a1; A%ter a "hi'e she sai-4 FAo$ kne" him %or a prett1 'on) time;
=hat@s he 'ike>G
F,e a'"a1s seeme- to be a %air'1 nice )$1; :% he@s cra614 'ike his -a-4 he hi- it "e'';G
(he $ncorke- a "ine bott'e4 po$re- t"o )'asses an- bro$)ht them o&er; !hen she be)an ser&in)
the mea';
A%ter a %e" bites she pa$se- "ith her %ork ha'% raise- an- stare- at nothin) in partic$'ar;
F=ho@- ha&e tho$)ht the son o% a bitch "o$'- repro-$ce>G she remarke-;
F+iona4 : think4G : to'- her; F!he ni)ht be%ore Caine@s %$nera' she aske- me "hether : ha- a
photo o% 9$ke; =hen : sho"e- her one : co$'- te'' that somethin) "as botherin) her4 b$t she
"o$'-n@t sa1 "hat;G
FAn- the ne.t -a1 she an- B'e1s "ere )one4G +'ora sai-; FAes; No" : think o% it4 he -oes 'ook
some"hat the "a1 Bran- -i- "hen he "as &er1 1o$n)Dso 'on) a)o; 9$ke seems bi))er an-
hea&ier4 b$t there is a resemb'ance;G
(he res$me- eatin);
FB1 the "a14 this is &er1 )oo-4G : sai-;
FOh4 thanks;G (he si)he- then; F!hat means : ha&e to "ait ti'' 1o$@re %inishe- eatin) to hear the
"ho'e stor1;G
: no--e-4 beca$se m1 mo$th "as %$''; 9et the empire totter; : "as star&e-;
Chapter 2
(ho"ere-4 trimme-4 manic$re- an- )arbe- in %resh-con?$re- %iner14 : )ot a n$mber o$t o%
:n%ormation an- p'ace- a ca'' to the on'1 /e&'in 'iste- in Bi'' 0oth@s area; !he &oice o% the
"oman "ho ans"ere- -i- not possess the proper timbre4 tho$)h : sti'' reco)ni6e- it;
FBe)> Be) /e&'in>G : sai-;
FAes4G came the rep'1; F=ho is this>G
FBer'e Core1;G
FBer'e Core1; =e spent an interestin) ni)ht to)ether some time backDG
F:@m sorr14G she sai-; F!here m$st be some mistake;G
F:% 1o$ can@t ta'k %ree'1 no" : can ca'' "hene&er 1o$ sa1; Or 1o$ can ca'' me;G
F: -on@t kno" 1o$4G she sai-4 an- she h$n) $p;
: stare- at the recei&er; :% her h$sban- "ere present :@- ass$me- she@- p'a1 it a bit ca)e1 b$t
"o$'- at 'east )i&e some in-ication that she kne" me an- "o$'- ta'k another time; : ha- he'- o%%
on )ettin) in to$ch "ith 0an-om beca$se :@- a %ee'in) he@- s$mmon me back to Amber
imme-iate'14 an- :@- "ante- to ta'k to Be) %irst; : certain'1 co$'-n@t spare the time to )o an- &isit
her; : co$'- not $n-erstan- her response4 b$t %or no" at 'east : "as st$ck "ith it; (o : trie- the
on'1 other thin) that occ$rre- to me; : )ot ho'- o% :n%ormation a)ain an- obtaine- the n$mber %or
Bi''@s ne.t--oor nei)hbors4 the ,ansens;
:t "as ans"ere- on the thir- rin)Da "oman@s &oice : reco)ni6e- as Brs; ,ansen@s; : ha- met
her in the past4 tho$)h : ha- not seen her on m1 most recent trip to the area;
FBrs; ,ansen4G : be)an; F:t@s Ber'e Core1;G
FOh4 Ber'e;;;; Ao$ "ere ?$st $p here a "hi'e a)o4 "eren@t 1o$>G
FAes; Co$'-n@t sta1 'on)4 tho$)h; B$t : -i- %ina''1 )et to meet #eor)e; ,a- se&era' 'on) ta'ks
"ith him; :n %act4 :@- 'ike to speak "ith him ri)ht no" i% he@s han-1;G
!he si'ence ran se&era' beats too 'on) be%ore she respon-e-;
F#eor)e;;;; =e''4 #eor)e is o&er at the hospita' ?$st no"4 Ber'e; :s it somethin) 1o$ co$'- te''
FOh4 it@s not $r)ent4G : sai-; F=hat happene- to #eor)e>G
F:tDit@s nothin) rea' ba-; ,e@s ?$st an o$tpatient no"4 an- to-a1@s his -a1 to )et checke- o&er
an- pick $p some me-ication; ,e ha- aDsort o% break-o"n 'ast month; ,a- a co$p'e -a1s@
"orth o% amnesia4 an- the1 can@t seem to %i)$re "hat ca$se- it;G
F:@m sorr1 to hear that;G
F=e''4 the O-ra1s -i-n@t sho" an1 -ama)eD'ike he@- hit his hea- or an1thin); An- he seems
oka1 no"; !he1 sa1 he@'' probab'1 be %ine; B$t the1 "ant to keep an e1e on him a 'itt'e 'on)er;
!hat@s a'';G ($--en'14 as i% str$ck b1 inspiration4 she aske-4 F,o"@- he seem "hen 1o$ "ere
ta'kin) "ith him4 an1"a1>G
:@- seen it comin)4 so : -i-n@t hesitate;
F,e seeme- %ine "hen : ta'ke- "ith him4G : ans"ere-; FB$t o% co$rse : ha-n@t kno"n him
be%ore4 so : co$'-n@t te'' "hether he "as actin) an1 -i%%erent;G
F: see "hat 1o$ mean4G she sai-; F/o 1o$ "ant him to ca'' 1o$ back "hen he )ets in>G
FNo; :@m )oin) to be )oin) o$t4G : sai-4 Fan- :@m not s$re "hen :@'' be )ettin) back; :t "as
nothin) rea''1 important; :@'' )et in to$ch a)ain one o% these -a1s;G
FOka14 then; :@'' te'' him 1o$ ca''e-;G
F!hanks; #@b1e;G
!hat one :@- a'most e.pecte-; A%ter Be); #eor)e@s beha&ior ha- been o&ert'1 "eir-4 at the en-
there; =hat ha- bothere- me "as that he@- seeme- to kno" "ho : rea''1 "as an- to kno" abo$t
AmberDan- he e&en "ante- to %o''o" me thro$)h a !r$mp; :t "as as i% he an- Be) ha- both
been s$b?ecte- to some stran)e manip$'ation;
Easra came to min- imme-iate'1 in this re)ar-; B$t then she "as 9$ke@s a''14 it seeme-4 an- Be)
ha- "arne- me a)ainst 9$ke; =h1 "o$'- she -o that i% Easra "ere contro''in) her in some
%ashion> :t -i-n@t make sense; =ho e'se -i- : kno" "ho mi)ht be capab'e o% ca$sin) s$ch
+iona4 %or one; B$t then she@- been part1 to m1 'ater ret$rn to this sha-o" %rom Amber an- ha-
e&en picke- me $p a%ter m1 e&enin) "ith Be); An- she@- seeme- ?$st as p$66'e- abo$t the
co$rse o% e&ents as : "as;
(hit; 9i%e is %$'' o% -oors that -on@t open "hen 1o$ knock4 e<$a''1 space- ami- those that open
"hen 1o$ -on@t "ant them to;
: "ent back an- knocke- on the be-room -oor4 an- +'ora to'- me to come in; (he "as seate-
be%ore a mirror4 app'1in) make$p;
F,o"@- it )o>G she aske-;
FNot too "e''; !ota''1 $nsatis%actor14 act$a''1;G : s$mmari6e- the res$'ts o% m1 ca''s;
F(o "hat are 1o$ )oin) to -o no">G she in<$ire-;
F#et in to$ch "ith 0an-om4G : sai-4 Fan- brin) him $p to -ate; :@&e )ot a %ee'in) he@'' ca'' me
back to hear it a''; (o : "ante- to sa1 )oo--b1e4 an- thanks %or he'pin) me; (orr1 i% : broke $p
1o$r romance;G
(he shr$))e-4 her back sti'' to me4 as she st$-ie- herse'% in the mirror; F/on@t "orr1DG
: -i- not hear the remain-er o% her sentence4 tho$)h she contin$e- ta'kin); B1 attention "as
snatche- a"a1 b1 "hat seeme- the be)innin) o% a !r$mp contact; : ma-e m1se'% recepti&e an-
"aite-; !he %ee'in) )re" stron)er b$t the ca''er s presence -i- not become mani%est; : t$rne-
a"a1 %rom +'ora;
FBer'e4 "hat is it>G : hear- her sa1 then;
: raise- one han- to her as the %ee'in) intensi%ie-; : seeme- to be starin) -o"n a 'on) b'ack
t$nne' "ith nothin) at its %arther en-;
F: -on@t kno"4G : sai-4 s$mmonin) the 9o)r$s an- takin) contro' o% one o% its 'imbs; F#host> :s
that 1o$> Are 1o$ rea-1 to ta'k>G : aske-; !here "as no rep'1; : %e't a chi'' as : remaine-
recepti&e4 "aitin); : ha- ne&er e.perience- an1thin) <$ite 'ike this be%ore; :@- a stron) %ee'in)
that i% : b$t mo&e- %or"ar- : "o$'- be transporte- some"here; =as this a cha''en)e> A trap>
=hate&er4 : %e't that on'1 a %oo' "o$'- accept s$ch an in&itation %rom the $nkno"n; +or a'' :
kne"4 it mi)ht -e'i&er me back to the cr1sta' ca&e;
F:% there is somethin) 1o$ "ant4G : sai-4 F1o$ are )oin) to ha&e to make 1o$rse'% kno"n an-
ask; :@&e )i&en $p on b'in- -ates;G
A sense o% presence trick'e- thro$)h4 then4 b$t no intimations o% i-entit1;
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-; F:@m not comin) an- 1o$ ha&e no messa)e; !he on'1 other thin) : can think
o% is that 1o$@re askin) to come to me; :% that@s the case4 come ahea-;G
: e.ten-e- both o% m1 apparent'1 empt1 han-s4 m1 in&isib'e stran)'in) cor- "rithin) into
position in m1 'e%t4 an $nseen 9o)r$s -eath bo't ri-in) m1 ri)ht; :t "as one o% those times "hen
co$rtes1 -eman-e- pro%essiona' stan-ar-s;
A so%t 'a$)hter seeme- to echo "ithin the -ark t$nne'; :t "as p$re'1 a menta' pro?ection4
ho"e&er4 co'- an- )en-er'ess;
/our offer is, of course, a trick, come to me then. *or ou are not a fool. )till, I grant our
courage, to address the unknown as ou do. /ou do not know what ou face, et ou await it. /ou
even invite it.
F!he o%%er is sti'' )oo-4G : sai-;
I never thought of ou as dangerous.
F=hat -o 1o$ "ant>G
To regard ou.
There ma come a time when I will face ou on different terms.
F=hat terms>G
I feel that our purposes will be crossed.
F=ho are 1o$>G
A)ain4 the 'a$)hter;
+o. +ot now. +ot et. I would merel look upon ou, and observe our reactions.
F=e''> ,a&e 1o$ seen eno$)h>G
F:% o$r p$rposes are crosse-4 'et the con%'ict be no"4G : sai-; F:@- 'ike to )et it o$t o% the "a1 so :
can )et on "ith some important b$siness;G
I appreciate arrogance. 0ut when the time comes the choice will not be ours.
F:@m "i''in) to "ait4G : sai-4 as : ca$tio$s'1 e.ten-e- a 9o)r$s 'imb o$t a'on) the -ark "a1;
Nothin); B1 probe enco$ntere- nothin);;;;
I admire our performance. &ere-
(omethin) came r$shin) to"ar- me; B1 ma)ica' e.tension in%orme- me that it "as so%tDtoo
so%t an- 'oose to -o me an1 rea' harmDa 'ar)e4 coo' mass sho"in) bri)ht co'ors;;;;
: stoo- m1 )ro$n- an- e.ten-e- thro$)h itDbe1on-4 %ar4 %artherDreachin) %or the so$rce; :
enco$ntere- somethin) tan)ib'e b$t 1ie'-in)8 a bo-1 perhaps4 perhaps notC tooDtoo bi) to snap
back in an instant;
(e&era' sma'' items4 har- an- o% s$%%icient'1 'o" mass4 recommen-e- themse'&es to m1
'i)htnin) search; : sei6e- $pon one4 tore it %ree o% "hate&er he'- it an- ca''e- it to me;
A "or-'ess imp$'se o% start'ement reache- me at the same time as the r$shin) mass an- the
ret$rn o% m1 9o)r$s s$mmonin);
:t b$rst abo$t me 'ike %ire"orks8 %'o"ers4 %'o"ers4 %'o"ers; 7io'ets4 anemones4 -a%%o-i's4 roses;;;;
: hear- +'ora )asp as h$n-re-s o% them raine- into the room; !he contact "as broken
imme-iate'1; : "as a"are that : he'- somethin) sma'' an- har- in m1 ri)ht han-4 an- the hea-1
o-ors o% the %'ora' -isp'a1 %i''e- m1 nostri's;
F=hat the he''4G sai- +'ora4 Fhappene->G
F:@m not s$re4G : ans"ere-4 br$shin) peta's %rom m1 shirt%ront; FAo$ 'ike %'o"ers> Ao$ can ha&e
F!hanks4 b$t : pre%er a 'ess hapha6ar- arran)ement4G she sai-4 re)ar-in) the bri)ht mo$n- that
'a1 at m1 %eet; F=ho sent them>G
FA name'ess person at the en- o% a -ark t$nne';G
F/o"n pa1ment on a %$nera' -isp'a14 ma1be; :@m not s$re; !he tenor o% the "ho'e con&ersation
"as some"hat threatenin);G
F:@- appreciate it i% 1o$@- he'p me pick them $p be%ore 1o$ )o;G
F($re4G : sai-;
F!here are &ases in the kitchen an- the bathroom; Come on;G
: %o''o"e- her an- co''ecte- se&era'; On the "a14 : st$-ie- the ob?ect : ha- bro$)ht back %rom
the other en- o% the sen-in); :t "as a b'$e b$tton mo$nte- in a )o'- settin)4 a %e" na&1 b'$e
threa-s sti'' attache-; !he c$t stone bore a c$r&e-4 %o$r-'imbe- -esi)n; : sho"e- it to +'ora an-
she shook her hea-;
F:t te''s me nothin)4G she sai-;
: -$) into m1 pocket an- pro-$ce- the chips o% stone %rom the cr1sta' ca&e; !he1 seeme- to
match; +rakir stirre- s'i)ht'1 "hen : passe- the b$tton near her4 then 'apse- a)ain into
<$iescence4 as i% ha&in) )i&en $p on "arnin) me abo$t b'$e stones "hen : ob&io$s'1 ne&er -i-
an1thin) abo$t them;
F(tran)e4G : sai-;
F:@- 'ike some roses on the ni)ht tab'e4G +'ora to'- me4 Fan- a co$p'e o% mi.e- -isp'a1s on the
-resser; Ao$ kno"4 no one@s e&er sent me %'o"ers this "a1; :t@s a rather intri)$in) intro-$ction;
Are 1o$ s$re the1 "ere %or 1o$>G
: )ro"'e- somethin) anatomica' or theo'o)ica' an- )athere- roseb$-s;
9ater4 as "e sat in the kitchen -rinkin) co%%ee an- m$sin)4 +'ora remarke-4 F!his thin)@s kin- o%
FBa1be 1o$ o$)ht to -isc$ss it "ith +i a%ter 1o$@&e ta'ke- "ith 0an-om;G
F(peakin) o% "hom4 sho$'-n@t 1o$ be ca''in) 0an-om>G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean4 Tma1be@> ,e@s )ot to be "arne-;G
F!r$e; B$t :@&e a %ee'in) that bein) sa%e "on@t )et an1 <$estions ans"ere- %or me;G
F=hat -o 1o$ ha&e in min-4 Ber'e>G
F/o 1o$ ha&e a car>G
FAes4 : ?$st )ot it a %e" -a1s back; =h1>G
: "ith-re" the b$tton an- the stones %rom m1 pocket4 sprea- them on the tab'e an- re)ar-e-
them a)ain; F:t ?$st occ$rre- to me "hi'e "e "ere pickin) $p %'o"ers "here : mi)ht ha&e seen
another o% these;G
F!here is a memor1 : m$st ha&e been b'ockin)4 beca$se it "as &er1 -istressin)8 E$'ia@s
appearance "hen : %o$n- her; : seem to reca'' no" that she ha- on a pen-ant "ith a b'$e stone;
Ba1be it@s ?$st coinci-ence4 b$t G
(he no--e-; FCo$'- be; B$t e&en so4 the po'ice probab'1 ha&e it no";G
FOh4 : -on@t "ant the thin); B$t it remin-s me that : -i-n@t rea''1 )et to 'ook o&er her apartment
as "e'' as : mi)ht ha&e i% : ha-n@t ha- to 'ea&e in a h$rr1; : "ant to see it a)ain be%ore : )o back
to Amber; :@m sti'' p$66'e- as to ho" thatDcreat$reD)ot in;G
F=hat i% the p'ace has been c'eane- o$t> Or rente- a)ain>G
: shr$))e-; FOn'1 one "a1 to %in- o$t;G
FOka14 :@'' -ri&e 1o$ there;G
A %e" min$tes 'ater "e "ere in her car an- : "as )i&in) her -irections; :t "as perhaps a t"ent1-
min$te -ri&e beneath a s$nn1 'ate-a%ternoon sk14 stra1 c'o$-s passin); : spent m$ch o% the time
makin) certain preparations "ith 9o)r$s %orces4 an- : "as rea-1 b1 the time "e reache- the
proper area;
F!$rn here an- )o aro$n- the b'ock4G : sai-4 )est$rin); F:@'' sho" 1o$ "here to park i% there@s a
!here "as4 c'ose to the spot "here :@- parke- on that -a1;
=hen "e "ere stoppe- besi-e the c$rb she )'ance- at me; FNo" "hat> /o "e ?$st )o $p to the
p'ace an- knock>G
F:@m )oin) to make $s in&isib'e4G : to'- her4 Fan- :@m )oin) to keep $s that "a1 ti'' "e@re insi-e;
Ao$@'' ha&e to sta1 c'ose to me in or-er %or $s to see each other4 tho$)h;G
(he no--e-;
F/"orkin -i- it %or me once4G she sai-4 F"hen : "as a chi'-; (pie- on a 'ot o% peop'e then;G (he
ch$ck'e-; F:@- %or)otten;G
: p$t the %inishin) to$ches to the e'aborate spe'' an- 'ai- it $pon $s4 the "or'- )ro"in) -immer
be1on- the "in-shie'- as : -i-; :t "as as i% : re)ar-e- o$r s$rro$n-in)s thro$)h )ra1 s$n)'asses
as "e s'ippe- o$t the passen)er si-e o% the car; =e "a'ke- s'o"'1 $p to the corner an- t$rne-
F:s this a har- spe'' to 'earn>G she aske- me; F:t seems a &er1 han-1 one to kno";G
F*n%ort$nate'14 1es4G : sai-; F:ts bi))est -ra"back is that 1o$ can@t ?$st -o it at a moment@s
notice i% 1o$ -on@t ha&e it han)in) rea-1Dan- : -i-n@t; (o4 startin) %rom scratch4 it takes abo$t
t"ent1 min$tes to b$i'-;G
=e t$rne- $p the "a'k to the bi) o'- ho$se;
F=hich %'oor>G she aske- me;
=e c'imbe- to the %ront -oor an- %o$n- it 'ocke-; No -o$bt the1 "ere more partic$'ar abo$t
s$ch matters these -a1s;
FBreak it>G +'ora "hispere-;
F!oo nois14G : ans"ere-;
: p'ace- m1 'e%t han- $pon the -oorknob an- )a&e +rakir a si'ent comman-; (he $n"o$n- t"o
t$rnin)s o% her coi' %rom abo$t m1 "rist4 comin) into &ie" as she mo&e- across the 'ock p'ate
an- s'ithere- into the ke1ho'e; !here %o''o"e- a ti)htenin)4 a sti%%enin) an- se&era' ri)i-
A so%t c'ick meant the bo't "as -ra"n4 an- : t$rne- the knob an- p$''e- )ent'1; !he -oor
opene-; +rakir ret$rne- to brace'ethoo- an- in&isibi'it1;
=e entere-4 c'osin) the -oor <$iet'1 behin- $s; =e "ere not present in the "a&er1 mirror; : 'e-
+'ora $p the stairs;
!here "ere so%t &oices %rom one o% the rooms on the secon- %'oor; !hat "as a''; No "in-; No
e.cite- -o)s; An- the &oices )re" sti'' be%ore "e reache- the thir- %'oor;
: sa" that the entire -oor to E$'ia@s apartment ha- been rep'ace-; :t "as s'i)ht'1 -arker than the
other an- it sporte- a bri)ht ne" 'ock; : tappe- $pon it )ent'1 an- "e "aite-; !here "as no
response4 b$t : knocke- a)ain a%ter perhaps ha'% a min$te an- "e "aite- a)ain;
No one came; (o : trie- it; :t "as 'ocke-4 b$t +rakir repeate- her trick an- : hesitate-; B1 han-
shook as : reca''e- m1 'ast &isit; : kne" her m$ti'ate- corpse "as no 'on)er '1in) there; : kne"
no ki''er beast "as "aitin) to attack me; Aet the memor1 he'- me %or se&era' secon-s;
F=hat@s the matter>G +'ora "hispere-;
FNothin)4G : sai-4 an- : p$she- the -oor open;
!he p'ace ha- been part'1 %$rnishe-4 as : reca''e-; !he part that ha- come "ith it remaine-Dthe
so%a an- en- tab'es4 se&era' chairs4 a 'ar)er tab'eDb$t a'' E$'ia@s o"n st$%% "as )one; !here "as a
ne" r$) on the %'oor4 an- the %'oor itse'% ha- been b$%%e- recent'1; :t -i- not appear that the p'ace
ha- been re-'et4 as there "ere no persona' items o% an1 sort abo$t;
=e entere- an- : c'ose- the -oor4 -roppin) the spe'' that ha- c'oake- $s as : be)an m1 circ$it
thro$)h the rooms; !he p'ace bri)htene- perceptib'1 as o$r ma)ic &ei's %a-e-;
F: -on@t think 1o$@re )oin) to %in- an1thin)4G +'ora sai-; F: can sme'' "a. an- -isin%ectant an-
: no--e-;
F!he more m$n-ane possibi'ities seem to be e.c'$-e-4G : sai-; FB$t there is somethin) e'se :
"ant to tr1;G
: ca'me- m1 min- an- ca''e- $p the 9o)r$s-seein); :% there "ere an1 remainin) traces o% a
ma)ica' "orkin)4 : hope- : co$'- spot them in this %ashion; : "an-ere- s'o"'1 then4 thro$)h the
'i&in) room4 re)ar-in) e&er1thin) %rom e&er1 possib'e an)'e; +'ora mo&e- o%%4 con-$ctin) her
o"n in&esti)ation4 "hich consiste- main'1 in 'ookin) $n-er e&er1thin); !he room %'ickere-
s'i)ht'1 %or me as : scanne- at those "a&e'en)ths "here s$ch a mani%estation "as most 'ike'1 to
be apparentDat 'east4 that "as the best "a1 to -escribe the process in this sha-o";
Nothin)4 'ar)e or sma''4 escape- m1 scr$tin1; B$t nothin) "as re&ea'e- to it; A%ter 'on) min$tes
: mo&e- into the be-room;
+'ora m$st ha&e hear- m1 s$--en intake o% breath4 beca$se she "as into the room an- at m1
si-e in secon-s4 an- starin) at the chest o% -ra"ers be%ore "hich : stoo-;
F(omethin) in it>G she in<$ire-4 reachin) %or"ar-4 then "ith-ra"in) her han-;
FNo; Behin- it4G : sai-;
!he chest o% -ra"ers ha- been mo&e- in the co$rse o% p$r)in) the apartment; :t $se- to occ$p1 a
space se&era' %eet %arther to the ri)ht; !hat "hich : no" sa" "as &isib'e to its 'e%t an- abo&e it4
"ith more o% it ob&io$s'1 b'ocke- to m1 si)ht; : took ho'- o% the thin) an- p$she- it back to the
ri)ht4 to the position it ha- %ormer'1 occ$pie-;
F: sti'' -on@t see an1thin)4G +'ora sai-;
: reache- o$t an- ca$)ht ho'- o% her han-4 e.ten-in) the 9o)r$s %orce so that she4 too4 sa" "hat
: sa";
F=h1GDshe raise- her other han- an- trace- the %aint rectan)$'ar o$t'ine on the "a''DFit 'ooks
'ike a;;;4 -oor"a14G she sai-;
: st$-ie- itDa -im 'ine o% %a-e- %ire; !he thin) "as ob&io$s'1 sea'e- an- ha- been %or some
time; 2&ent$a''1 it "o$'- %a-e comp'ete'1 an- be )one;
F:t is a -oor"a14G : ans"ere-;
(he p$''e- me back into the other room to re)ar- the opposite si-e o% the "a'';
FNothin) here4G she obser&e-; F:t -oesn@t )o thro$)h;G
FNo" 1o$@&e )ot the i-ea4G : sai-; F:t )oes some"here e'se;G
F=here&er the thin) that ki''e- E$'ia came %rom;G
FCan 1o$ open it>G
F: am prepare- to stan- in %ront o% it %or as 'on) as : ha&e to4G : to'- her4 Fan- tr1;G
: ret$rne- to the other room an- st$-ie- it once a)ain;
FBer'in4G she sai-4 as : re'ease- her han- an- raise- mine be%ore me4 F-on@t 1o$ think this is the
point "here 1o$ sho$'- )et in to$ch "ith 0an-om4 te'' him e.act'1 "hat has been happenin) an-
perhaps ha&e #erar- stan-in) ne.t to 1o$ i% 1o$ s$ccee- in openin) that -oor>G
F: probab'1 sho$'-4G : a)ree-4 Fb$t :@m not )oin) to;G
F=h1 not>G
FBeca$se he mi)ht te'' me not to;G
F,e mi)ht be ri)ht4 too;G
: 'o"ere- m1 han-s an- t$rne- to"ar- her; F: ha&e to a-mit 1o$ ha&e a point4G : sai-; F0an-om
has to be to'- e&er1thin)4 an- :@&e probab'1 p$t it o%% too 'on) a'rea-1; (o here is "hat : "o$'-
'ike 1o$ to -o; #o back to the car an- "ait; #i&e me an ho$r; :% :@m not o$t b1 then4 )et in to$ch
"ith 0an-om4 te'' him e&er1thin) : to'- 1o$ an- te'' him abo$t this4 too;G
F: -on@t kno"4G she sai-; F:% 1o$ -on@t sho"4 0an-om@s )oin) to be ma- at me;G
FE$st te'' him : insiste- an- there "as nothin) 1o$ co$'- -o; =hich is act$a''1 the case4 i% 1o$
stop to think abo$t it;G
(he p$rse- her 'ips; F: -on@t 'ike 'ea&in) 1o$Dtho$)h :@m not$s to sta1 either; Care to take
a'on) a han- )rena-e>G
(he raise- her p$rse an- be)an to open it; FNo; !hanks; =h1 -o 1o$ ha&e it4 an1"a1>G
(he smi'e-; F: a'"a1s carr1 them in this sha-o"; !he1 sometimes come in han-1; B$t oka14 :@''
)o "ait;G
(he kisse- me 'i)ht'1 on the cheek an- t$rne- a"a1;
FAn- tr1 to )et ho'- o% +iona4G : sai-4 Fi% : -on@t sho"; !e'' her the "ho'e stor14 too; (he mi)ht
ha&e a -i%%erent an)'e on this;G
(he no--e- an- -eparte-; : "aite- $nti' : hear- the -oor c'ose4 then %oc$se- m1 attention %$''1
$pon the bri)ht rectan)'e; :ts o$t'ine seeme- %air'1 $ni%orm4 "ith on'1 a %e" s'i)ht'1 thicker4
bri)hter areas an- a %e" %iner4 -immer ones; : trace- the 'ines s'o"'1 "ith the pa'm o% m1 ri)ht
han- at a hei)ht o% abo$t an inch abo&e the "a''@s s$r%ace; : %e't a sma'' prick'in)4 a heat'ike
sensation as : -i- this; Pre-ictab'14 it "as )reater abo&e the bri)hter areas; : took this as an
in-ication that the sea' "as s'i)ht'1 'ess per%ect in these spots; 7er1 "e''; : "o$'- soon -isco&er
"hether the thin) co$'- be %orce-4 an- these "o$'- be m1 points o% attack;
: t"iste- m1 han-s -eeper into the 9o)r$s $nti' : "ore the 'imbs : -esire- as %ine-%in)ere-
)a$nt'ets4 stron)er than meta's4 more sensiti&e than ton)$es in the p'aces o% their po"er; : mo&e-
m1 ri)ht han- to the point nearest it4 on a 'e&e' "ith m1 hip; : %e't the p$'se o% an o'- spe'' "hen :
to$che- that spot o% )reater bri)htness; : narro"e- m1 e.tension as : p$she-4 makin) it %iner an-
%iner $nti' it s'ippe- thro$)h; !he p$'sin) then became a stea-1 thin); : repeate- the e.ercise on a
hi)her area to m1 'e%t;
: stoo- there4 %ee'in) the %orce that ha- sea'e- it4 m1 %ine %i'ament e.tensions throbbin) "ithin
its matri.; : trie- mo&in) them4 %irst $p"ar-4 then -o"n; !he ri)ht one s'i- a 'itt'e %arther than
the 'e%t4 in both -irections4 be%ore a ti)htness an- resistance ha'te- it; : s$mmone- more %orce
%rom the bo-1 o% the 9o)r$s4 "hich s"am specter'ike "ithin an- be%ore me4 an- : po$re- this
ener)1 into the )a$nt'ets4 the pattern o% the 9o)r$s chan)in) %orm a)ain as : -i- so; =hen : trie-
once more to mo&e it4 the ri)ht one s'i- -o"n"ar- %or perhaps a %oot be%ore the throbbin)
trappe- itC "hen : p$she- it $p"ar- it rose near'1 to the top; : trie- a)ain on the 'e%t; :t mo&e- a''
the "a1 to the top4 b$t it on'1 passe- perhaps si. inches be'o" the startin) point "hen : -re" it
: breathe- -eep'1 an- %e't m1se'% be)innin) to perspire; : p$mpe- more po"er into the )a$nt'ets
an- %orce- their e.tensions %arther -o"n"ar-; !he resistance "as e&en )reater there4 an- the
throbbin) passe- $p m1 arms an- into the &er1 center o% m1 bein); : pa$se- an- reste-4 then
raise- the %orce to an e&en hi)her 'e&e' o% intensit1; !he 9o)r$s "rithe- a)ain an- : p$she- both
han-s a'' the "a1 to the %'oor4 then kne't there pantin) be%ore : be)an "orkin) m1 "a1 a'on) the
bottom; !he porta' "as ob&io$s'1 meant ne&er to be opene- a)ain; !here "as no artistr1 %or this4
on'1 br$te %orce;
=hen m1 %orces met in the mi--'e4 : "ith-re" an- re)ar-e- the "ork; !o the ri)ht4 to the 'e%t
an- a'on) the bottom4 the %ine re- 'ines ha- no" become broa- %ier1 ribbons; : co$'- %ee' their
p$'sation across the -istance that separate- $s;
: stoo- an- raise- m1 arms; : be)an to "ork a'on) the top4 startin) at the corners4 mo&in)
in"ar-; :t "as easier than it ha- been ear'ier; !he %orces %rom the opene- areas seeme- to a-- a
certain press$re4 an- m1 han-s ?$st %'o"e- to the mi--'e; =hen the1 met : seeme- to hear
somethin) 'ike a so%t si)hin) so$n-; : -roppe- them an- consi-ere- m1 "ork; !he entire o$t'ine
%'are- no"; B$t more than that; :t seeme- a'most as i% the bri)ht 'ine "ere %'o"in)4 aro$n- an-
: stoo- there %or se&era' min$tes4 re)ro$pin)4 re' sett'in); =orkin) $p m1 ner&e; A'' :
kne" "as that the -oor "o$'- 'ea- to a -i%%erent sha-o"; !hat co$'- mean an1thin); =hen :
opene- it somethin) co$'-4 : s$ppose4 'eap o$t an- attack me; B$t then4 it ha- been sea'e- %or
some time; Bore probab'1 an1 trap "o$'- be o% a -i%%erent sort; Bost 'ike'14 : "o$'- open it an-
nothin) "o$'- happen; : "o$'- then ha&e a choice o% mere'1 'ookin) aro$n- %rom "here : stoo-
or enterin); An- there probab'1 "o$'-n@t be &er1 m$ch to see4 ?$st stan-in) there4 'ookin);;;;
(o : e.ten-e- m1 9o)$s members once a)ain4 takin) ho'- o% the -oor at either si-e4 an- :
p$she-; A 1ie'-in) occ$rre- on the si-e to m1 ri)ht4 so : re'ease- m1 ho'- on the 'e%t; : contin$e-
m1 press$re on the ri)ht an- the "ho'e thin) s$--en'1 s"$n) in"ar- an- a"a1;;;;
: "as 'ookin) -o"n a pear'1 t$nne'4 "hich appeare- to "i-en a%ter a %e" paces; Be1on- that
"as a ripp'e e%%ect4 as o% -istant heat patterns abo&e the roa- on a hot s$mmer -a1; Patches o%
re-ness an- in-eterminate -ark shapes s"am "ithin it; : "aite- %or perhaps ha'% a min$te4 b$t
nothin) approache-;
: prepare- +rakir %or tro$b'e; : maintaine- m1 9o)r$s connection; : a-&ance-4 e.ten-in) probes
be%ore me; : passe- "ithin;
A s$--en chan)e in the press$re )ra-ient at m1 back ca$se- me to cast a <$ick )'ance in that
-irection; !he -oor"a1 ha- c'ose- an- -"in-'e-4 no" appearin) to me in the -istance as a tin1
re- c$be; B1 se&era' steps co$'-4 o% co$rse4 ha&e borne me a )reat -istance a'so4 sho$'- the r$'es
o% this space so operate;
: contin$e-4 an- a hot "in- %'o"e- to"ar- me4 en)$'%e- me4 sta1e- "ith me; !he si-es o% m1
passa)e"a1 rece-e-4 the prospect be%ore me contin$e- to shimmer an- -ance4 an- m1 pace
became more 'abore-4 as i% : "ere s$--en'1 "a'kin) $phi''; : hear- somethin) 'ike a )r$nt %rom
be1on- the p'ace "here m1 &ision misbeha&e-4 an- m1 'e%t 9o)r$s probe enco$ntere- somethin)
that it ?o'te- s'i)ht'1; +rakir be)an to throb sim$'taneo$s "ith m1 sensin) an a$ra o% menace
thro$)h the probe; : si)he-; : ha-n@t e.pecte- this "as )oin) to be eas1; :% :@- been r$nnin) the
sho" : "o$'-n@t ha&e 'et thin)s )o "ith ?$st sea'in) the -oor;
FA'' ri)ht4 assho'eI ,o'- it ri)ht thereIG a &oice boome- %rom ahea-; : contin$e- to tr$-)e
:t came a)ain; F: sai- ha'tIG
!hin)s be)an to s"im into p'ace as : a-&ance-4 an- s$--en'1 there "ere ro$)h "a''s to m1 ri)ht
an- 'e%t an- a roo% o&erhea-4 narro"in)4 con&er)in);;;;
A h$)e rot$n- %i)$re barre- m1 "a14 'ookin) 'ike a p$rp'e B$--ha "ith bat ears; /etai's
reso'&e- themse'&es as : -re" nearer8 protr$-in) %an)s4 1e''o" e1es that seeme- to be 'i-'ess4
'on) re- c'a"s on its )reat han-s an- %eet; :t "as seate- in the mi--'e o% the t$nne' an- ma-e no
e%%ort to rise; :t "ore no c'othin)4 b$t its )reat s"o''en be''1 reste- $pon its knees4 concea'in) its
se.; :ts &oice ha- been )r$%%'1 masc$'ine4 ho"e&er4 an- its o-or )enerica''1 %o$';
F,i4G : sai-; FNice -a14 "asn@t it>G
:t )ro"'e- an- the temperat$re seeme- to rise s'i)ht'1; +rakir ha- )ro"n %rantic an- : ca'me- her
!he creat$re 'eane- %or"ar- an- "ith one bri)ht nai' inscribe- a smokin) 'ine in the stone o% the
%'oor; : ha'te- be%ore it;
FCross that 'ine4 sorcerer4 an- 1o$@&e ha- it4G it sai-;
F=h1>G : aske-;
FBeca$se : sai- so;G
F:% 1o$@re co''ectin) to''s4G : s$))este-4 Fname the price;G
:t shook its hea-; FAo$ can@t b$1 1o$r "a1 past me;G
F*hD"hat makes 1o$ think :@m a sorcerer>G
:t opene- the -in)1 ca&ern o% its %ace4 -isp'a1in) e&en more '$rkin) teeth than :@- s$specte-4 an-
it -i- somethin) 'ike the ratt'in) o% a tin sheet "a1 -o"n -eep in back;
F: %e't that 'itt'e probe o% 1o$rs4G it sai-; F:t@s a sorcerer@s trick; Besi-es4 nobo-1 b$t a sorcerer
co$'- ha&e )otten to the p'ace "here 1o$@re stan-in);G
FAo$ -o not seem to possess a )reat -ea' o% respect %or the pro%ession;G
F: eat sorcerers4G it to'- me;
: ma-e a %ace4 thinkin) back o&er some o% the o'- %arts :@&e kno"n in the b$siness;
F!o each4 his4 her or its o"n4 : )$ess4G : to'- it; F(o "hat@s the -ea'> A passa)e is no )oo- $n'ess
1o$ can )et thro$)h it; ,o" -o : )et b1 here>G
FAo$ -on@t;G
FNot e&en i% : ans"er a ri--'e>G
F!hat "on@t -o it %or me4G it sai-; B$t a sma'' )'eam came into its e1e; FE$st %or the he'' o% it4
tho$)h4 "hat@s )reen an- re- an- )oes ro$n- an- ro$n- an- ro$n->G it aske-;
FAo$ kno" the sphin.IG
F(hitIG it sai-; FAo$@&e hear- it;G
: shr$))e-; F: )et aro$n-;G
FNot here 1o$ -on@t;G
: st$-ie- it; :t ha- to ha&e some specia' -e%ense a)ainst ma)ica' attacks i% it "ere set to stop
sorcerers; As %or ph1sica' -e%ense it "as %air'1 imposin); : "on-ere- ho" %ast it "as; Co$'- : ?$st
-i&e past an- start r$nnin)> : -eci-e- that : -i- not "ish to e.periment a'on) that 'ine;
F: rea''1 -o ha&e to )et thro$)h4G : trie-; F:t@s an emer)enc1;G
F9ook4 "hat -o 1o$ )et o$t o% this4 an1"a1> :t seems 'ike a prett1 cr$mm1 ?ob4 sittin) here in
the mi--'e o% a t$nne';G
F: 'o&e m1 "ork; : "as create- %or it;G
F,o" come 1o$ 'et the sphin. come an- )o>G
FBa)ica' bein)s -on@t co$nt;G
FAn- -on@t tr1 to te'' me 1o$@re rea''1 a ma)ica' bein)4 an- then p$'' some sorcero$s i''$sion; :
can see ri)ht thro$)h that st$%%;G
F: be'ie&e 1o$; =hat@s 1o$r name4 an1ho">G
:t snorte-; FAo$ can ca'' me (cro%4 %or con&ersationa' p$rposes; Ao$rse'%>G
FCa'' me Core1;G
FOka14 Core1; : -on@t min- sittin) here b$''shittin) "ith 1o$4 beca$se that@s co&ere- b1 the r$'es;
:t@s a''o"e-; Ao$@&e )ot three choices an- one o% them "o$'- be rea' st$pi-; Ao$ can t$rn aro$n-
an- )o back the "a1 1o$ came an- be none the "orse %or "ear; Ao$ can a'so camp ri)ht "here
1o$ are %or as 'on) as 1o$ 'ike an- : "on@t 'i%t a %in)er so 'on) as 1o$ beha&e; !he -$mb thin) to
-o "o$'- be to cross this 'ine :@&e -ra"n; !hen :@- terminate 1o$; !his is the !hresho'- an- : am
the /"e''er on it; : -on@t 'et an1bo-1 )et b1;G
F: appreciate 1o$r makin) it c'ear;G
F:t@s part o% the ?ob; (o "hat@'' it be>G
: raise- m1 han-s an- the 'ines o% %orce t"iste- 'ike kni&es at each %in)ertip; +rakir -an)'e-
%rom m1 "rist an- be)an to s"in) in an e'aborate pattern;
(cro% smi'e-; F: not on'1 eat sorcerers4 : eat their ma)ic4 too; On'1 a bein) torn %rom the prima'
Chaos can make that c'aim; (o come ahea-4 i% 1o$ think 1o$ can %ace that;G
FChaos4 eh> !orn %rom the prima' Chaos>G
FAep; !here@s not m$ch can stan- a)ainst it;G
F2.cept ma1be a 9or- o% Chaos4G : rep'ie-4 as : shi%te- m1 a"areness to &ario$s points "ithin
m1 bo-1; 0o$)h "ork; !he %aster 1o$ -o it the more pain%$' it is;
A)ain4 the ratt'in) o% the tin sheet;
FAo$ kno" "hat the o--s are a)ainst a Chaos 9or- comin) this %ar to )o t"o o$t o% three "ith a
/"e''er>G (cro% sai-;
B1 arms be)an to 'en)then an- : %e't m1 shirt tear across m1 back as : 'eane- %or"ar-; !he
bones in m1 %ace shi%te- abo$t an- m1 chest e.pan-e- an- e.pan-e-;;;;
FOne o$t o% one sho$'- be eno$)h4G : rep'ie-4 "hen the trans%ormation "as comp'ete;
F(hit4G (cro% sai- as : crosse- the 'ine;
Chapter 3
: stoo- ?$st "ithin the mo$th o% the ca&e %or some time4 m1 'e%t sho$'-er h$rtin) an- m1 ri)ht
'e) sore a'so; :% : co$'- )et the pain $n-er contro' be%ore : retrans%orme- m1se'% there "as a
chance that m$ch o% it "o$'- %a-e -$rin) the anatomica' resh$%%'in); !he process itse'% "o$'-
probab'1 'ea&e me prett1 tire-4 ho"e&er; :t takes a 'ot o% ener)14 an- s"itchin) t"ice this c'ose
to)ether co$'- be some"hat prostratin)4 %o''o"in) m1 bo$t "ith the /"e''er; (o : reste- "ithin
the ca&e into "hich the pear'1 t$nne' ha- e&ent$a''1 -ebo$che-4 an- : re)ar-e- the prospect
be%ore me;
+ar -o"n an- to m1 'e%t "as a bri)ht b'$e an- &er1 tro$b'e- bo-1 o% "ater; =hite-creste- "a&es
e.pire- in kamika6e attacks on the )ra1 rocks o% the shoreC a stron) "in- scattere- their spra1
an- a piece o% rainbo" h$n) "ithin the mist;
Be%ore me an- be'o" me "as a pocke-4 cracke- an- steamin) 'an- "hich tremb'e- perio-ica''14
as it s"ept %or "e'' o&er a mi'e to"ar- the hi)h -ark "a''s o% an ama6in)'1 h$)e an- comp'e.
str$ct$re4 "hich : imme-iate'1 christene- #ormen)hast; :t "as a ho-)epo-)e o% architect$ra'
st1'es4 bi))er e&en than the pa'ace at Amber an- somber as a'' he''; A'so4 it "as $n-er attack;
!here "ere <$ite a %e" troops in the %ie'- be%ore the "a''s4 most o% them in a -istant
nonscorche- area o% more norma' terrain an- some &e)etation4 tho$)h the )rasses "ere "e''
tramp'e- an- man1 trees shattere-; !he besie)ers "ere e<$ippe- "ith sca'in) 'a--ers an- a
batterin) ramC b$t the ram "as i-'e at the moment an- the 'a--ers "ere on the )ro$n-; =hat
appeare- to ha&e been an entire &i''a)e o% o$tb$i'-in)s smo'-ere- -ark'1 at the "a''@s base;
N$mero$s spra"'e- %i)$res "ere4 : ass$me-4 cas$a'ties;
Bo&in) m1 )a6e e&en %arther to the ri)ht4 : enco$ntere- an area o% bri''iant "hiteness be1on-
that )reat cita-e'; :t 'ooke- to be the pro?ectin) e-)e o% a massi&e )'acier4 an- )$sts o% sno" or
ice cr1sta's "ere "hippe- abo$t it in a %ashion simi'ar to the sea mists %ar to m1 'e%t;
!he "in- seeme- a constant tra&e'er thro$)h these parts; : hear- it cr1 o$t hi)h abo&e me; =hen
: %ina''1 steppe- o$tsi-e to 'ook $p"ar-4 : %o$n- that : "as on'1 abo$t ha'%"a1 $p a massi&e
ston1 hi''si-eDor 'o" mo$ntainsi-e4 -epen-in) on ho" one re)ar-s s$ch mattersDan- the
"hinin) note o% the "in- came -o"n e&en more 'o$-'1 %rom those broken hei)hts; !here "as
a'so a th$mp at m1 back4 an- "hen : t$rne- : co$'- no 'on)er 'ocate the ca&e mo$th; B1 ?o$rne1
a'on) the ro$te %rom the %ier1 -oor ha- been comp'ete- once : e.ite- the ca&e4 an- its spe'' ha-
apparent'1 c'ampe- -o"n an- c'ose- the "a1 imme-iate'1; : s$ppose- that : co$'- 'ocate the
o$t'ine $pon the steep "a'' i% : "ante- to4 b$t at the moment : ha- no s$ch -esire; : ma-e a 'itt'e
pi'e o% stones be%ore it4 an- then : 'ooke- abo$t a)ain4 st$-1in) -etai's;
A narro" trai' c$r&e- o%% to m1 ri)ht an- back amon) some stan-in) stones; : hea-e- in that
-irection; : sme''e- smoke; =hether it "as %rom the batt'e site or the area o% &$'canism be'o" :
co$'- not te''; !he sk1 "as a patch"ork o% c'o$- an- 'i)ht abo&e me; =hen : ha'te- bet"een t"o
o% the stones an- t$rne- to re)ar- the scene be'o" once a)ain4 : sa" that the attackers ha-
%orme- themse'&es into ne" )ro$ps an- that the 'a--ers "ere bein) home to"ar- the "a''s; :
a'so sa" "hat 'ooke- 'ike a torna-o rise on the %ar si-e o% the cita-e' an- be)in a s'o"
co$nterc'ock"ise mo&ement abo$t the "a''s; :% it contin$e- on its ro$te it "o$'- e&ent$a''1
reach the attackers; Neat trick; +ort$nate'1 it "as their prob'em an- not mine;
: "orke- m1 "a1 back into a ston1 -ec'i&it1 an- sett'e- m1se'% $pon a 'o" 'e-)e; : be)an the
tro$b'esome shapeshi%tin) "ork4 "hich : pace- to take me ha'% an ho$r or so; Chan)in) %rom
somethin) nomina''1 h$man to somethin) rare an- stran)eDperhaps monstro$s to some4
perhaps %ri)htenin)Dan- then back a)ain is a concept some ma1 %in- rep$)nant; !he1 sho$'-n@t;
=e a'' o% $s -o it e&er1 -a1 in man1 -i%%erent "a1s4 -on@t "e>
=hen the trans%ormation "as comp'ete- : 'a1 back4 breathin) -eep'14 an- 'istene- to the "in-; :
"as she'tere- %rom its %orce b1 the stones an- on'1 its son) came -o"n to me; : %e't &ibrations
%rom -istant tremors o% the earth an- chose to take them as a )ent'e massa)e4 soothin);;;; B1
c'othes "ere in tatters4 an- %or the moment : "as too tire- to s$mmon a %resh o$t%it; B1 sho$'-er
seeme- to ha&e 'ost its pain4 an- there "as on'1 the s'i)htest t"in)e in m1 'e)4 %a-in)4 %a-in);;;;:
c'ose- m1 e1es %or a %e" moments;
Oka14 :@- ma-e it thro$)h4 an- :@- a stron) %ee'in) that the ans"er to the matter o% E$'ia@s ki''er
'a1 in the besie)e- cita-e' be'o"; O%%han-4 : -i-n@t see an1 eas1 "a1 into the p'ace at the
moment4 to make in<$ir1; B$t that "as not the on'1 "a1 : mi)ht procee-; : -eci-e- to "ait "here
: "as4 restin)4 $nti' it )re" -arkDthat is4 i% thin)s here procee-e- in a norma' -ark-'i)ht %ashion;
!hen :@- s'ip -o"nstairs4 ki-nap one o% the besie)ers an- <$estion him; Aes; An- i% it -i-n@t )et
-ark> !hen :@- think o% somethin) e'se; 0i)ht no"4 tho$)h4 ?$st -ri%tin) %e't best;;;;
+or ho" 'on) : -o6e-4 : "as $ncertain; =hat ro$se- me "as the c'ickin) o% pebb'es4 %rom
some"here o%% to the ri)ht; : "as instant'1 a'ert4 tho$)h : -i-n@t stir; !here "as no e%%ort at
stea'th4 an- the pattern o% approachin) so$n-sDmain'1 s'appin) %oot%a''s4 as o% someone
"earin) 'oose san-a'sDcon&ince- me that on'1 a sin)'e in-i&i-$a' "as mo&in) in this -irection;
: tense- an- re'a.e- m1 m$sc'es an- -re" a %e" -eep breaths;
A &er1 hair1 man emer)e- %rom bet"een t"o o% the stones to m1 ri)ht; ,e "as abo$t %i&e an- a
ha'% %eet in hei)ht4 &er1 -irt14 an- he "ore a -ark anima' skin abo$t his 'oinsC a'so4 he ha- on a
pair o% san-a's; ,e stare- at me %or se&era' secon-s be%ore -isp'a1in) the 1e''o" irre)$'arities o%
his smi'e;
F,e''o; Are 1o$ in?$re->G he aske-4 in a -ebase- %orm o% !hari that : -i- not reca'' e&er ha&in)
hear- be%ore;
: stretche- to make s$re an- then stoo-; FNo4G : rep'ie-; F=h1 -o 1o$ ask that>G
!he smi'e persiste-; F: tho$)ht ma1be 1o$@- ha- eno$)h o% the %i)htin) be'o" an- -eci-e- to
ca'' it <$its;G
FOh4 : see; No4 it@s not e.act'1 'ike that;;;;G
,e no--e- an- steppe- %or"ar-; F/a&e@s m1 name; =hat@s 1o$rs>G
FBer'e4G : sai-4 c'aspin) his )rim1 han-;
FNot to "orr14 Ber'e4G he to'- me; F: "o$'-n@t t$rn in an1bo-1 "ho -eci-e- to take a "a'k %rom
a "ar4 $n'ess ma1be there "as a re"ar- an- there ain@t on this one; /i- it m1se'% 1ears a)o an-
ne&er re)rette- it; Bine "as )oin@ the same "a1 this one seems to be )oin@4 an- : ha- sense
eno$)h to )et o$t; No arm1@s e&er taken that p'ace -o"n there4 an- : -on@t think one e&er "i'';G
F=hat p'ace is it>G
,e cocke- his hea- an- s<$inte-4 then shr$))e-; F3eep o% the +o$r =or'-s4G he sai-; F/i-n@t the
recr$iter te'' 1o$ an1thin)>G
: si)he-; FNope4G : sai-;
F=o$'-n@t ha&e an1 smokin@ st$%% on 1o$4 "o$'- 1o$>G
FNo4G : ans"ere-4 ha&in) $se- a'' m1 pipe tobacco back in the cr1sta' ca&e; F(orr1;G
: mo&e- past him to a point "here : co$'- 'ook -o"n"ar- %rom bet"een the stones; : "ante-
another 'ook at the 3eep o% the +o$r =or'-s; A%ter a''4 it "as the ans"er to a ri--'e as "e'' as the
s$b?ect o% n$mero$s cr1ptic re%erences in Be'man@s -iar1; +resh bo-ies "ere scattere- a'' o&er
be%ore its "a''s4 as i% cast abo$t b1 the "hir'"in-4 "hich "as no" circ'in) back to"ar- the point
"hence it ha- risen; B$t a sma'' part1 o% besie)ers ha- apparent'1 ma-e it to the top o% the "a''
-espite this; An- a %resh part1 ha- %orme- be'o" an- "as hea-e- %or the 'a--ers; One o% its
members bore a banner : co$'- not p'ace4 b$t "hich seeme- &a)$e'1 %ami'iarDb'ack an- )reen4
"ith "hat mi)ht be a co$p'e o% hera'-ic beasts ha&in) a )o at each other; !"o 'a--ers "ere sti''
in p'ace4 an- : co$'- see some %ierce %i)htin) )oin) on behin- the batt'ements;
F(ome o% the attackers seem to ha&e )otten in4G : sai-;
/a&e h$rrie- $p besi-e me an- stare-; : imme-iate'1 mo&e- $p"in-;
FAo$@re ri)ht4G he ackno"'e-)e-; FNo"4 that@s a %irst; :% the1 can )et that -amn )ate open an- 'et
the others in the1 mi)ht e&en ha&e a chance; Ne&er tho$)ht :@- 'i&e to see it;G
F,o" 'on) a)o "as it4G : aske-4 F"hen the arm1 1o$ "ere "ith attacke- the p'ace>G
FB$st be ei)ht4 nineDma1be ten 1ears4G he m$ttere-; F!hose )$1s m$st be prett1 )oo-;G
F=hat@s it a'' abo$t>G : aske-;
,e t$rne- an- st$-ie- me;
FAo$ rea''1 -on@t kno">G
FE$st )ot here4G : sai-;
F,$n)r1> !hirst1>G
FAs a matter o% %act4 1es;G
FCome on4 then;G ,e took ho'- o% m1 arm an- steere- me back bet"een the stones4 then 'e- me
a'on) a narro" trai';
F=here are "e hea-e->G : aske-;
F: 'i&e nearb1; : make it a point to %ee- -eserters4 %or o'- times@ sake; :@'' make an e.ception %or
F!hanks;G !he trai' sp'it a%ter a short "hi'e4 an- he took the ri)ht-han- branch4 "hich in&o'&e-
some c'imbin); 2&ent$a''1 this 'e- $s to a series o% rock1 she'&es4 the 'ast o% "hich rece-e- %or a
consi-erab'e -istance; !here "ere a n$mber o% c'e%ts at its rear4 into one o% "hich he -$cke-; :
%o''o"e- him a short -istance a'on) it4 an- he ha'te- be%ore a 'o" ca&e mo$th; A horrib'e o-or o%
p$tre%action -ri%te- %orth4 an- : co$'- hear the b$66in) o% %'ies "ithin;
F!his is m1 p'ace4G he anno$nce-; F:@- in&ite 1o$ in4 b$t it@s a 'itt'e $hDG
F!hat@s oka14G : sai-; F:@'' "ait;G
,e -$cke- insi-e4 an- : rea'i6e- that m1 appetite "as rapi-'1 &anishin)4 especia''1 "hen it came
to an1thin) he mi)ht ha&e store- in that p'ace; Boments 'ater he emer)e-4 a -$%%e' ba) s'$n)
o&er his sho$'-er; F#ot some )oo- st$%% in here4G he anno$nce-;
: starte- "a'kin) back a'on) the c'e%t;
F,e1I =here 1o$ hea-e->G
FAir4G : sai-; F:@m )oin) back o$t on the she'%; :t@s a bit c'ose back there;G
FOh; Oka14G he sai-4 an- he %e'' into step behin- me;
,e ha- t"o $nopene- bott'es o% "ine4 se&era' canteens o% "ater4 a %resh-'ookin) 'oa% o% brea-4
some tinne- meat4 a %e" %irm app'es an- an $nc$t hea- o% cheese in the ba)4 : -isco&ere-4 a%ter
"e@- seate- o$rse'&es on a 'e-)e o$t in the open an- he@- )est$re- %or me to open the thin) an-
ser&e m1se'%; ,a&in) pr$-ent'1 remaine- $p"in-4 : took some "ater an- an app'e %or openers;
FP'ace has a storm1 histor14G he state-4 "ith-ra"in) a sma'' kni%e %rom his )ir-'e an- c$ttin)
himse'% a piece o% cheese; F:@m not s$re "ho b$i't it or ho" 'on) it@s been there;G
=hen : sa" that he "as abo$t to -i) the cork o$t o% a "ine bott'e "ith the kni%e : ha'te- him an-
essa1e- a sma'' an- s$rreptitio$s 9o)r$s sen-in); !he response "as <$ick4 an- : passe- him the
corkscre" imme-iate'1; ,e han-e- me the entire bott'e a%ter he@- $ncorke- it an- opene- the
other %or himse'%; +or reasons in&o'&in) p$b'ic hea'th : "as )rate%$'4 tho$)h : "asn@t in the moo-
%or that m$ch "ine;
F!hat@s "hat : ca'' bein) prepare-4G he sai-4 st$-1in) the corkscre"; F:@&e nee-e- one o% these
%or some time;;;;G
F3eep it4G : to'- him; F!e'' me more abo$t that p'ace; =ho 'i&es there> ,o" -i- 1o$ come to be
part o% an in&a-in) arm1> =ho@s attackin) it no">G
,e no--e- an- took a s"i) o% "ine;
F!he ear'iest boss o% the p'ace that : kno" o% "as a "i6ar- name- (har$ #arr$'; !he <$een o%
m1 co$ntr1 -eparte- s$--en'1 an- came here;G ,e pa$se- an- stare- o%% into the -istance %or a
time4 then snorte-; FPo'iticsI : -on@t e&en kno" "hat the )i&en reason %or the &isit "as at the
time; :@- ne&er hear- o% the -amne- p'ace in those -a1s; An1ho"4 she sta1e- a 'on) "hi'e an-
peop'e be)an to "on-er; =as she a prisoner> =as she "orkin) o$t an a''iance> =as she ha&in)
an a%%air> : )ather she sent back messa)es perio-ica''14 b$t the1 "ere the $s$a' b'an- crap that
-i-n@t sa1 an1thin)D$n'ess o% co$rse there "ere a'so secret comm$nications %o'ks 'ike me
"o$'-n@t ha&e hear- abo$t; (he ha- a prett1 )oo--si6e- retin$e "ith her4 too4 "ith an honor
)$ar- that "as not ?$st %or sho"; !hese )$1s "ere &er1 to$)h &eterans4 e&en tho$)h the1 -resse-
prett1; (o it "as kin- o% -ebatab'e "hat "as )oin) on at that point;G
FA <$estion4 i% : ma14G : sai-; F=hat "as 1o$r kin)@s part in a'' this> Ao$ -i-n@t mention him4
an- it "o$'- seem he o$)ht to kno"DG
F/ea-4G he anno$nce-; F(he ma-e a 'o&e'1 "i-o"4 an- there "as a 'ot o% press$re on her to
remarr1; B$t she ?$st took a s$ccession o% 'o&ers an- p'a1e- the -i%%erent %actions o%% a)ainst
each other; *s$a''1 her men "ere mi'itar1 'ea-ers or po"er%$' nob'es4 or both; (he@- 'e%t her son
in char)e "hen she ma-e this trip4 tho$)h;G
FOh4 so there "as a prince o'- eno$)h to sit in contro'>G
FAes; :n %act4 he starte- the -amne- "ar; ,e raise- troops an- "asn@t happ1 "ith the m$ster4 so
he )ot in to$ch "ith a chi'-hoo- %rien-4 a man )enera''1 consi-ere- an o$t'a"4 b$t "ho
comman-e- a 'ar)e ban- o% mercenaries; Name o% /a't;G
F(topIG : sai-;
B1 min- race- as : reca''e- a stor1 #erar- ha- once to'- me4 abo$t a stran)e man name- /a't
"ho ha- 'e- a pri&ate arm1 a)ainst Amber4 $n$s$a''1 e%%ecti&e'1; Bene-ict himse'% ha- ha- to be
reca''e- to oppose him; !he man@s %orces ha- been -e%eate- at the %oot o% 3o'&ir4 an- /a't
himse'% se&ere'1 "o$n-e-; !ho$)h no one e&er sa" his bo-14 it "as ass$me- he "o$'- ha&e
-ie- o% s$ch in?$ries; B$t there "as more;
FAo$r home4G : sai-; FAo$ ne&er name- it; =here are 1o$ %rom4 /a&e>G
FA p'ace ca''e- 3ash%a4G he rep'ie-;
FAn- Easra "as 1o$r <$een>G
FAo$@&e hear- o% $s; =here@re 1o$ %rom>G
F(an +rancisco4G : sai-;
,e shook his hea-; F/on@t kno" the p'ace;G
F=ho -oes> 9isten4 ho" )oo- are 1o$r e1es>G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
FA 'itt'e "hi'e a)o4 "hen "e 'ooke- -o"n on the 'i)htin)4 co$'- 1o$ make o$t the %'a) the
attackers "ere carr1in)>G
F21es ain@t "hat the1 $se- to be4G he sai-;
F:t "as )reen an- b'ack "ith some sort o% anima's on it;G
,e "hist'e-; FA 'ion ren-in) a $nicorn4 :@'' bet; (o$n-s 'ike /a't@s;G
F=hat is the si)ni%icance o% that -e&ice>G
F,e hates them Amberites4 is "hat it means; 2&en "ent $p a)ainst them once;G
: taste- the "ine; Not ba-; !he same man4 then;;;;
FAo$ kno" "h1 he hates them>G : aske-;
F: $n-erstan- the1 ki''e- his mother4G he sai-; F,a- somethin) to -o "ith bor-er "ars; !he1 )et
rea' comp'icate-; : -on@t kno" the -etai's;G
: prie- open a tin o% meat4 broke o%% some brea- an- ma-e m1se'% a san-"ich;
FP'ease )o ahea- "ith 1o$r stor14G : sai-;
F=here "as :>G
F!he prince )ot ho'- o% /a't beca$se he "as concerne- abo$t his mother4 an- he nee-e- more
troops in a h$rr1;G
F!hat@s ri)ht4 an- : "as picke- $p %or 3ash%an ser&ice abo$t that timeD%oot so'-ier; !he prince
an- /a't 'e- $s thro$)h -ark "a1s ti'' "e came to that p'ace be'o"; !hen "e -i- ?$st "hat them
)$1s -o"nstairs "ere -oin);G
FAn- "hat happene->G
,e 'a$)he-; F=ent ba- %or $s at %irst4G he sai-; F: think it@s someho" eas1 %or "hoe&er@s in
char)e -o"n there to contro' the e'ementsD'ike that t"ister 1o$ sa" a "hi'e a)o; =e )ot an
earth<$ake an- a b'i66ar- an- 'i)htnin); B$t "e presse- on to the "a''s an1ho"; (a" m1 brother
sca'-e- to -eath "ith boi'in) oi'; !hat@s "hen : -eci-e- :@- ha- eno$)h; : starte- r$nnin) an-
c'imbe- on $p here; Nobo-1 chase- me4 so : "aite- aro$n- an- "atche-; Probab'1 sho$'-n@t
ha&e4 b$t : -i-n@t kno" ho" thin)s "o$'- )o; Bore o% the same4 :@- %i))ere-; B$t : "as "ron)4
an- it "as too 'ate to )o back; !he1@- ha&e "hacke- o%% m1 hea- or some other &a'$ab'e parts i% :
F=hat happene->G
F: )ot the impression that the attack %orce- Easra@s han-; (he@- apparent'1 been p'annin) to -o
a"a1 "ith (har$ #arr$' a'' a'on) an- take o&er the p'ace herse'%; : think she@- been settin) him
$p4 )ainin) his con%i-ence be%ore she str$ck; : be'ie&e she "as a 'itt'e a%rai- o% the o'- man; B$t
"hen her arm1 appeare- on the -oorstep she ha- to mo&e4 e&en tho$)h she "asn@t rea-1; (he
took him on in a sorcero$s -$e' "hi'e her )$ar- he'- his men at ba1; (he "on4 tho$)h : )ather
she "as some"hat in?$re-; Ba- as he''4 too4 at her sonD%or brin)in) in an arm1 "itho$t her
or-erin) it; An1"a14 her )$ar- opene- the )ates to them4 an- she took o&er the 3eep; !hat@s "hat
: meant abo$t no arm1 takin) the p'ace; !hat one "as an insi-e ?ob;G
F,o" -i- 1o$ 'earn a'' this>G
F9ike : sai-4 "hen -eserters hea- this "a1 : %ee- @em an- )et the ne"s;G
FAo$ )a&e me the impression that there ha&e been other attempts to take the p'ace; !hese "o$'-
ha&e ha- to be a%ter she@- taken o&er;G
,e no--e- an- took another -rink o% "ine;
FA$p; !here "as apparent'1 a co$p back in 3ash%a4 "ith both her an- her ki- a"a1Da nob'e
name- 3asman4 brother o% one o% her -ea- 'o&ers4 a %e''o" name- Easrick; !his 3asman took
o&er4 an- he "ante- her an- the prince o$t o% the "a1; B$st@&e attacke- this p'ace ha'% a -o6en
times; Ne&er co$'- )et in; +ina''1 resi)ne- himse'% to a stan-o%%4 : think; (he sent her son o%%
some"here 'ater4 ma1be to raise another arm1 an- tr1 to "in back her throne; : -on@t kno"; !hat
"as 'on) a)o;G
F=hat abo$t /a't>G
F!he1 pai- him o%% "ith some 'oot %rom the 3eepDthere "as apparent'1 a 'ot o% )oo- st$%% in
thereDan- he took his troops an- "ent back to "here&er he han)s o$t;G
: took another sip o% "ine m1se'% an- c$t o%% a piece o% the cheese; F,o" come 1o$@&e sta1e-
aro$n- a'' these 1ears> :t seems 'ike a har- 'i%e;G
,e no--e-; F!r$th o% it is4 : -on@t kno" the "a1 home; !hose "ere stran)e trai's the1 bro$)ht $s
in on; : tho$)ht : kne" "here the1 "ere4 b$t "hen : "ent 'ookin@ : co$'-n@t ne&er %in- @em; :
s$ppose : co$'- ha&e ?$st taken o%%4 b$t then :@- probab'1 )et 'ost more than e&er; Besi-es4 :
kno" : can make o$t here; A %e" "eeks an- those o$tb$i'-in)s "i'' be reb$i't an- the peasants
"i'' mo&e back in4 no matter "ho "ins; An- the1 think :@m a ho'1 man4 pra1in@ $p here an-
me-itatin@; An1 time : "an-er -o"n that "a1 the1 come o$t %or a b'essin@ an- )i&e me eno$)h
%oo- an- -rink to ho'- me %or a 'on) "hi'e;G
FAre 1o$ a ho'1 man>G : aske-;
F: ?$st preten-4G he sai-; FBakes them happ1 an- keeps me %e-; /on@t )o te''in@ that4 tho$)h;G
FO% co$rse not; !he1 "o$'-n@t be'ie&e me4 an1"a1;G
,e 'a$)he- a)ain; FAo$@re ri)ht;G
: )ot to m1 %eet an- "a'ke- back a'on) the trai' a 'itt'e "a14 so that : co$'- see the 3eep once
a)ain; !he 'a--ers "ere on the )ro$n-4 an- : behe'- e&en more scattere- -ea-; : sa" no si)ns o%
the str$))'e "ithin;
F:s the )ate open 1et>G /a&e ca''e-;
FNo; : -on@t think the ones "ho )ot in "ere s$%%icient to the task;G
F:s that )reen an- b'ack banner an1"here in si)ht>G
F: can@t see it an1"here;G
,e rose an- came o&er4 carr1in) both bott'es; ,e passe- me mine an- "e both took a -rink; !he
)ro$n- troops be)an to %a'' back %rom the area be%ore the "a'';
F!hink the1@re )i&in) $p or re%ormin) %or another r$sh>G he aske- me;
FCan@t sa1 1et4G : to'- him;
F=hiche&er it is4 there sho$'- be a 'ot o% )oo- 'oot -o"n there toni)ht; (tick aro$n- an- 1o$@''
ha&e a'' 1o$ can carr1;G
F:@m c$rio$s4G : sai-4 F"h1 /a't "o$'- be attackin) a)ain4 i% he@s on )oo- terms "ith the <$een
an- her son;G
F: think it@s ?$st the son4G he sai-4 Fan- he@s )one; !he o'- 'a-1@s s$ppose- to be a rea' bitch; An-
a%ter a''4 the )$1 is a mercenar1; Ba1be 3asman hire- him to )o a%ter her;G
FBa1be she@s not e&en in there4G : sai-4 ha&in) no i-ea ho" this time stream ran4 b$t thinkin) o%
m1 recent enco$nter "ith the 'a-1; !he ima)e o% it4 tho$)h4 ca$se- a stran)e train o% tho$)ht;
F=hat@s the prince@s name4 an1"a1>G : aske-;
F0ina'-o4G he ans"ere-; F,e@s a bi) re--haire- )$1;G
F(he@s his motherIG : sai- in&o'$ntari'1;
,e 'a$)he-; F!hat@s ho" 1o$ )et to be a prince4G he sai-; F,a&e the <$een be 1o$r mother;G
B$t then4 that "o$'- mean;;;FBran-IG : sai-; !hen4 FBran- o% Amber;G
,e no--e-; FAo$@&e hear- the stor1;G
FNot rea''1; E$st that m$ch4G : rep'ie-; F!e'' it to me;G
F=e''4 she snare- herse'% an AmberiteDthe prince ca''e- Bran-4G he sai-; F0$mor ha- it the1
met o&er some ma)ica' operation an- it "as 'o&e at %irst b'oo-; (he "ante- to keep him4 an- :@&e
hear- it sai- the1 act$a''1 "ere marrie- in a secret ceremon1; B$t he "asn@t intereste- in the
throne o% 3ash%a4 tho$)h he "as the on'1 one she mi)ht ha&e been "i''in) to see on it; ,e
tra&e'e- a 'ot4 "as a"a1 %or 'on) stretches o% time; :@&e hear- it sai- that he "as responsib'e %or
the /a1s o% /arkness 1ears a)o4 an- that he -ie- in a )reat batt'e bet"een Chaos an- Amber at
that time4 at the han-s o% his kinsmen;G
FAes4G : sai-4 an- /a&e )a&e me a stran)e 'ook4 ha'% p$66'ement4 ha'% scr$tin1; F!e'' me more
abo$t 0ina'-o4G : sai- <$ick'1;
FNot m$ch to sa14G he rep'ie-; F(he bore him4 an- :@&e hear- she ta$)ht him somethin) o% her
Arts; ,e -i-n@t kno" his %ather a'' that "e''4 Bran- bein) a"a1 so m$ch; 3in- o% a "i'- ki-; 0an
a"a1 an1 n$mber o% times an- h$n) o$t "ith a ban- o% o$t'a"sDG
F/a't@s peop'e>G : aske-;
,e no--e-; F0o-e "ith them4 the1 sa1De&en tho$)h his mother@- p'ace- bo$nties on man1 o%
their hea-s at that time;G
F=ait a min$te; Ao$ sa1 that she rea''1 hate- these o$t'a"s an- mercenariesDG
F@,ate@ ma1 be the "ron) "or-; (he@- ne&er bothere- abo$t them be%ore4 b$t "hen her son )ot
%rien-'1 "ith them : think she ?$st )ot ma-;G
F(he tho$)ht the1 "ere a ba- in%'$ence>G
FNo4 : think she -i-n@t 'ike it that he@- r$n to them an- the1@- take him in "hene&er he ha- a
%a''in) o$t "ith her;G
FAet 1o$ sa1 that she sa" /a't pai- o%% o$t o% the 3eep@s treas$re an- a''o"e- him to ri-e a"a14
a%ter the1@- %orce- her han- a)ainst (har$ #arr$';G
FA$p; Bi) ar)$ment at the time4 too4 bet"een 0ina'-o an- his mom4 o&er ?$st that point; An- she
%ina''1 )a&e in; !hat@s the "a1 : hear- it %rom a co$p'e o% )$1s "ho "ere there; One o% the %e"
times the bo1 act$a''1 stoo- $p to her an- "on4 the1 sa1; :n %act4 that@s "h1 the )$1s -eserte-;
(he or-ere- a'' "itnesses to their ar)$ment$te-4 the1 to'- me; !he1 "ere the on'1 ones
mana)e- to )et a"a1;G
F!o$)h 'a-1;G
=e "a'ke- on back to the area "here "e@- been seate- an- ate some more %oo-; !he son) o% the
"in- rose in pitch an- a storm be)an o$t at sea; : aske- /a&e abo$t bi) -o)'ike creat$res4 an- he
to'- me that packs o% them "o$'- probab'1 be %eastin) on the batt'e@s &ictims toni)ht; !he1 "ere
nati&e to the area;
F=e -i&i-e the spoi's4G he sai-; F: "ant the rations4 the "ine an- an1 &a'$ab'es; !he1 ?$st "ant
the -ea-;G
F=hat )oo- are the &a'$ab'es to 1o$>G : sai-;
,e 'ooke- s$--en'1 apprehensi&e4 as i% : "ere consi-erin) the possibi'it1 o% robbin) him;
FOh4 it -on@t rea''1 amo$nt to m$ch; :t@s ?$st that :@&e a'"a1s been a thri%t1 person4G he sai-4 Fan-
: make it so$n- more important than it is; Ao$ ne&er can te''4G he a--e-;
F!hat@s tr$e4G : a)ree-;
F,o"@- 1o$ )et here an1"a14 Ber'e>G he aske- <$ick'14 as i% to )et m1 min- o%% the s$b?ect o%
his 'oot;
F=a'ke-4G : sai-;
F!hat -on@t so$n- ri)ht; Nobo-1 comes here "i''in)'1;G
F: -i-n@t kno" : "as comin) here; /on@t think :@'' be sta1in) 'on) either4G : sai-4 as : sa" him
take $p the sma'' kni%e an- be)in to1in) "ith it; FNo sense )oin) be'o" an- be))in) a%ter
hospita'it1 at a time 'ike this;G
F!hat@s tr$e4G he remarke-;
=as the o'- coot act$a''1 thinkin) o% attackin) me4 to protect his cache> ,e co$'- be more than
a 'itt'e ma- b1 no"4 'i&in) $p here a'one in his stinkin) ca&e4 preten-in) to be a saint;
F=o$'- 1o$ be intereste- in ret$rnin) to 3ash%a4G : sai-4 Fi% : co$'- set 1o$ on the ri)ht trai'>G
,e )a&e me a cra%t1 'ook; FAo$ -on@t kno" that m$ch abo$t 3ash%a4G he sai-4 For 1o$ "o$'-n@t
ha&e been askin) me a'' those <$estions; No" 1o$ sa1 1o$ can sen- me home>G
F: take it 1o$@re not intereste->G
,e si)he-; FNot rea''14 not an1 more; :t@s too 'ate no"; !his is m1 home; : en?o1 bein) a hermit;G
: shr$))e-; F=e''4 thanks %or %ee-in) me4 an- thanks %or a'' the ne"s;G : )ot to m1 %eet;
F=here are 1o$ )oin) no">G he aske-;
F: think :@'' 'ook aro$n- some4 then hea- %or home;G : backe- a"a1 %rom that sma'' '$natic )'o"
in his e1es;
,e raise- the kni%e4 his )rip ti)htene- on it; !hen he 'o"ere- it an- c$t another piece o% cheese;
F,ere4 1o$ can take some o% the cheese "ith 1o$ i% 1o$ "ant4G he sai-;
FNo4 that@s oka1; !hanks;G
FE$st tr1in) to sa&e 1o$ some mone1; ,a&e a )oo- trip;G
F0i)ht; !ake it eas1;G
: hear- his ch$ck'in) a'' the "a1 back to the trai'; !hen the "in- -ro"ne- it;
: spent the ne.t se&era' ho$rs reconnoiterin); : mo&e- aro$n- in the hi''s; : -escen-e- into the
steamin)4 <$akin) 'an-s; : "a'ke- a'on) the seashore; : passe- thro$)h the rear o% the norma'-
seemin) area an- crosse- the neck o% the ice %ie'-; :n a'' o% this4 : sta1e- as %ar %rom the 3eep
itse'% as possib'e; : "ante- to %i. the p'ace as %irm'1 in min- as : co$'-4 so that : co$'- 2n- m1
"a1 back thro$)h (ha-o" rather than crossin) a thresho'- the har- "a1; : sa" se&era' packs o%
"i'- -o)s on m1 ?o$rne14 b$t the1 "ere more intent $pon the batt'e@s corpses than an1thin) that
!here "ere o--'1 inscribe- bo$n-ar1 stones at each topo)raphica' bor-er4 an- : %o$n- m1se'%
"on-erin) "hether the1 "ere mapmakers@ ai-s or somethin) more; +ina''14 : "rest'e- one %rom
the b$rnin) 'an- o&er abo$t %i%teen %eet into a re)ion o% ice an- sno"; : "as knocke- -o"n
a'most imme-iate'1 b1 a hea&1 tremorC : "as ab'e to scramb'e a"a1 in time4 ho"e&er4 %rom the
openin) o% a cre&ice an- the spe"in) o% )e1sers; !he hot area c'aime- that sma'' s'ice o% the co'-
'an- in 'ess than ha'% an ho$r; +ort$nate'14 : mo&e- <$ick'1 to )et o$t o% the "a1 o% an1 %$rther
t$rmoi'4 an- : obser&e- the ba'ance o% these phenomena %rom a -istance; B$t there "as more to
: cro$che- back amon) the rocks4 ha&in) reache- the %oothi''s o% the ran)e %rom "hich : ha-
starte- b1 crossin) thro$)h a section o% the &o'canic area; !here4 : reste- an- "atche- %or a time
"hi'e that sma'' se)ment o% terrain rearran)e- itse'% an- the "in- smeare- smoke an- steam
across the 'an-; 0ocks bo$nce- an- ro''e-C -ark carrion bir-s "ent o$t o% their "a1 to a&oi- "hat
ha- to be some interestin) therma's;
!hen : behe'- a mo&ement "hich : %irst ass$me- to be seismic in ori)in; !he bo$n-ar1 stone :
ha- shi%te- rose s'i)ht'1 an- ?o))e- to the si-e; A moment 'ater4 ho"e&er4 an- it "as e'e&ate-
e&en %arther4 appearin) a'most as i% it ha- been 'e&itate- s'i)ht'1 abo&e the )ro$n-; !hen it
-ri%te- across the b'aste- area4 mo&in) in a strai)ht 'ine at a $ni%orm spee-4 $nti'Das near'1 as :
co$'- ?$-)eDit ha- reco&ere- its ear'ier position; An- there it sett'e-; Boments 'ater the t$rmoi'
recommence-4 an- this time it "as a ?o'tin) shr$) o% the ice sheet4 ?erkin) back4 rec'aimin) the
in&a-e- area;
: ca''e- $p m1 9o)r$s si)ht4 an- : "as ab'e to make o$t a -ark )'o" s$rro$n-in) the stone; !his
"as connecte- b1 a 'on)4 strai)ht4 stea-1 stream o% 'i)ht o% the same )enera' h$e4 e.ten-in) %rom
a hi)h rear to"er o% the 3eep; +ascinatin); : "o$'- ha&e )i&en a 'ot %or a &ie" o% the interior o%
that p'ace;
!hen4 born "ith a si)h4 mat$rin) to a "hist'e4 a "hir'"in- rose %rom the -isp$te- area4 )ro"in)4
)ra1in)4 s"a1in)4 to a-&ance s$--en'1 to"ar- me 'ike the s"$n) proboscis o% some c'o$-14 sk1-
hi)h e'ephant; : t$rne- an- c'imbe- hi)her4 "ea&in) m1 "a1 ami- rocks an- aro$n- the
sho$'-ers o% hi''si-es; !he thin) p$rs$e-4 as i% there "ere an inte''i)ence )$i-in) its mo&ements;
An- the "a1 it h$n) to)ether "hi'e tra&ersin) that irre)$'ar terrain in-icate- an arti%icia' nat$re4
"hich in this p'ace most 'ike'1 meant ma)ic;
:t takes some time to -etermine an appropriate ma)ica' -e%ense4 an- e&en more time to brin) it
into bein); *n%ort$nate'14 : "as on'1 abo$t a min$te ahea- o% the posse4 an- that mar)in "as
probab'1 -"in-'in);
=hen : spotte- the 'on) narro" cre&ice be1on- the ne.t t$rnin)4 ?a))e- as a 'imb o% 'i)htnin)4 :
pa$se- on'1 an instant to peer into its -epth4 an- then : "as -escen-in)4 m1 tattere- )arments
'ashe- abo$t me4 the "in-1 to"er a r$mb'in) presence at m1 back;;;;
!he "a1 ran -eep an- so -i- :4 %o''o"in) its ?o)s4 its t"istin)s; !he r$mb'e rose to a roar4 an- :
co$)he- at the c'o$- o% -$st that en)$'%e- me; A hai'storm o% )ra&e' assai'e- me; : thre" m1se'%
%'at then4 abo$t ei)ht %eet be'o" the s$r%ace o% the 'an-4 an- co&ere- m1 hea- "ith m1 arms4 %or :
be'ie&e- that the thin) "as abo$t to pass -irect'1 abo&e me;
: m$ttere- "ar-in) spe''s as : 'a1 there4 -espite their min$sc$'e parr1in) e%%ect at this -istance
a)ainst s$ch an ener)1-intensi&e mani%estation; : -i- not ?$mp $p "hen the si'ence came; :t co$'-
be that the torna-o@s -ri&er ha- "ith-ra"n s$pport an- co''apse- the %$nne' on seein) that :
mi)ht be o$t o% reach; :t co$'- a'so be the e1e o% the storm4 "ith more to come4 b1 an- b1;
=hi'e : -i- not ?$mp $p4 : -i- 'ook $p4 beca$se : hate to miss e-$cationa' opport$nities;
An- there "as the %aceDor4 rather4 the maskDat the center o% the storm4 re)ar-in) me; :t "as a
pro?ection4 o% co$rse4 'ar)er than 'i%e an- not %$''1 s$bstantia'; !he hea- "as co"'e-C the mask
"as %$'' an- coba't bri)ht an- stron)'1 reminiscent o% the sort "orn b1 )oa'ies in ice hocke1C
there "ere t"o &ertica' breathin) s'its %rom "hich pa'e smoke emer)e-Da to$ch too theatrica'
%or m1 tasteC a 'o"er series o% ran-om p$nct$res "as -esi)ne- to )i&e the impression o% a
sar-onica''1 'opsi-e- mo$th; A -istorte- so$n- o% 'a$)hter came -o"n to me %rom it;
FAren@t 1o$ o&er-oin) it a bit>G : sai-4 comin) $p into a cro$ch an- raisin) the 9o)r$s bet"een
$s; F+or a ki- on ,a''o"een4 1es; B$t "e@re a'' a-$'ts here4 aren@t "e> A simp'e -omino "o$'-
probab'1 ser&eDG
FAo$ mo&e- m1 stoneIG it sai-;
F:@&e a certain aca-emic interest in s$ch matters4G : o%%ere-4 easin) m1se'% into the e.tensions;
FNothin) to )et $pset abo$t; :s that 1o$4 Easra> :DG
!he r$mb'in) be)an a)ain4 so%t'1 at %irst4 then b$i'-in) once more;
F:@'' make a -ea'4G : sai-; FAo$ ca'' o%% the storm4 an- :@'' promise not to mo&e an1 more
A)ain4 the 'a$)hter as the storm so$n-s rose;
F!oo 'ate4G came the rep'1; F!oo 'ate %or 1o$; *n'ess 1o$@re a 'ot to$)her than 1o$ 'ook;G
=hat the he''I !he batt'e is not a'"a1s to the stron)4 an- nice )$1s ten- to "in beca$se the1@re
the ones "ho )et to "rite their memoirs; :@- been %i--'in) "ith the 9o)r$s pro?ections a)ainst the
ins$bstantia'it1 o% the mask $nti' : %o$n- the 'ink4 the openin) 'ea-in) back to its so$rce; :
stabbe- thro$)h itDa thin) on the or-er o% an e'ectrica' -ischar)eDat "hate&er 'a1 behin-;
!here came a scream; !he mask co''apse-4 the storm co''apse-4 an- : "as on m1 %eet an-
r$nnin) a)ain; =hen "hate&er :@- hit reco&ere- : -i- not "ant to be in the same p'ace : ha- been
beca$se that p'ace mi)ht be s$b?ect to s$--en -isinte)ration;
: ha- a choice o% c$ttin) o%% into (ha-o" or seekin) an e&en %aster path o% retreat; :% a sorcerer
"ere to ta) me as : starte- sha-o"-s'ippin) : co$'- be %o''o"e-; (o : -$) o$t m1 !r$mps an-
sh$%%'e- %orth 0an-om@s; : ro$n-e- the ne.t t$rnin) o% the "a1 then4 an- : "o$'- ha&e ha- to ha't
there an1"a14 : sa"4 beca$se it narro"e- to a "i-th impossib'e %or me to pass; : raise- the car-
an- reache- "ith m1 min-;
!here %o''o"e- contact4 a'most imme-iate'1; B$t e&en as the ima)es so'i-i%ie- : %e't a probe; :
"as certain that it "as m1 b'$e-maske- nemesis seekin) me once more;
B$t 0an-om came c'ear4 seate- be%ore a -r$m set4 sticks in han-; ,e set asi-e the -r$msticks
an- rose;
F:t@s abo$t time4G he sai-4 an- he e.ten-e- his han-;
2&en as : reache- : %e't somethin) r$shin) to"ar- me; As o$r %in)ers to$che- an- : steppe-
%or"ar-4 the1 b$rst abo$t me 'ike a )iant "a&e;
: passe- thro$)h into the m$sic room in Amber; 0an-om ha- opene- his mo$th to speak a)ain
"hen the casca-e o% %'o"ers %e'' $pon $s;
Br$shin) &io'ets %rom his shirt%ront4 he re)ar-e- me;
F:@- rather 1o$ sai- it "ith "or-s4G he remarke-;
Portrait o% the artists4 p$rposes crosse-4 temperat$re %a''in);;;;
($nn1 a%ternoon4 an- "a'kin) thro$)h sma'' park %o''o"in) 'i)ht '$nch4 $s4 pro'on)e- si'ences
an- monos1''abic responses to con&ersationa' sa''ies in-icatin) a''@s not "e'' at other en- o%
comm$nication@s ta$t 'ine; *pon bench4 seate- then4 %acin) %'o"er be-s4 so$'s catch $p "ith
bo-ies4 "or-s "ith tho$)hts;;;
FOka14 Ber'e; =hat@s the score>G she asks;
F: -on@t kno" "hat )ame 1o$@re ta'kin) abo$t4 E$'ia;G
F/on@t )et c$te; A'' : "ant@s a strai)ht ans"er;G
F=hat@s the <$estion>G
F!hat p'ace 1o$ took me4 %rom the beach4 that ni)ht;;;; =here "as it>G
F:t "asDsort o% a -ream;G
FB$''shitIG (he t$rns si-e"a1s to %ace me %$''14 an- : m$st meet those %'ashin) e1es "itho$t m1
%ace )i&in) an1thin) a"a1; F:@&e been back there4 se&era' times4 'ookin) %or the "a1 "e took;
!here is no ca&e; !here@s nothin)I =hat happene- to it> =hat@s )oin) on>G
FBa1be the ti-e came in an-DG
FBer'eI =hat kin- o% an i-iot -o 1o$ take me %or> !hat "a'k "e took isn@t on the maps; Nobo-1
aro$n- here@s e&er hear- o% an1thin) 'ike those p'aces; :t "as )eo)raphica''1 impossib'e; !he
times o% -a1 an- the seasons kept shi%tin); !he on'1 e.p'anation is s$pernat$ra' or paranorma'D
"hate&er 1o$ "ant to ca'' it4 =hat happene-> Ao$ o"e me an ans"er an- 1o$ kno" it; =hat
happene-> =here "ere 1o$>G
: 'ook a"a14 past m1 %eet4 past the %'o"ers; F:Dcan@t sa1;G
F=h1 not>G
F:DG =hat co$'- : sa1> :t "as not on'1 that te''in) her o% (ha-o" "o$'- -ist$rb4 perhaps
-estro14 her &ie" o% rea'it1; At the heart o% m1 prob'em 'a1 the rea'i6ation that it "o$'- a'so
re<$ire te''in) her ho" : kne" this4 "hich "o$'- mean te''in) her "ho : am4 "here : am %rom4
"hat : amDan- : "as a%rai- to )i&e her this kno"'e-)e; : to'- m1se'% that it "o$'- en- o$r
re'ationship as s$re'1 as te''in) her nothin) "o$'-C an- i% it m$st en- either "a14 : "o$'- rather
"e parte- "itho$t her possessin) this kno"'e-)e; 9ater4 m$ch 'ater4 : "as to see this %or the
rationa'i6ation it "asC m1 rea' reason %or -en1in) her the ans"ers she -esire- "as that : "as not
rea-1 to tr$st her4 or an1one4 so c'ose to me as : rea''1 am; ,a- : kno"n her 'on)er4 betterD
another 1ear4 sa1D: mi)ht ha&e ans"ere- her; : -on@t kno"; =e ne&er $se- the "or- F'o&e4G
tho$)h it m$st ha&e r$n thro$)h her min- on occasion4 as it -i- thro$)h mine; :t "as4 : s$ppose4
that : -i-n@t 'o&e her eno$)h to tr$st her4 an- then it "as too 'ate; (o4 F: can@t te'' 1o$4G "ere m1
FAo$ ha&e some po"er that 1o$ "i'' not share;G
FCa'' it that4 then;G
F: "o$'- -o "hate&er 1o$ sa14 promise "hate&er 1o$ "ant promise-;G
F!here is a reason4 E$'ia;G
(he is on her %eet4 arms akimbo; FAn- 1o$ "on@t e&en share that;G
: shake m1 hea-;
F:t m$st be a 'one'1 "or'- 1o$ inhabit4 ma)ician4 i% e&en those "ho 'o&e 1o$ are barre- %rom it;G
At that moment it seems she is simp'1 tr1in) her 'ast trick %or )ettin) an ans"er %rom me; :
scre" m1 reso'&e 1et ti)hter; F: -i-n@t sa1 that;G
FAo$ -i-n@t ha&e to; :t is 1o$r si'ence that te''s me4 :% 1o$ kno" the roa- to ,e'' too4 "h1 not
hea- that "a1> #oo--b1eIG
FE$'ia; /on@t;;;;G
(he chooses not to hear me; (ti'' 'i%e "ith %'o"ers;;;;
A"akenin)4 Ni)ht; A$t$mn "in- be1on- m1 "in-o"; /reams; B'oo- o% 'i%e "itho$t the bo-1;;;;
s"ir'in);;;; : s"$n) m1 %eet o$t o% be- an- sat r$bbin) m1 e1es4 m1 temp'es; :t ha- been s$nn1
an- a%ternoon "hen :@- %inishe- te''in) 0an-om m1 stor14 an- he@- sent me to )et some sh$te1e
a%ter"ar-; : "as s$%%erin) %rom sha-o" 'a) an- %e't comp'ete'1 t$rne- aro$n- at the moment4
tho$)h : "as not certain e.act'1 "hat the ho$r mi)ht be;
: stretche-4 )ot $p4 repaire- m1se'% an- -onne- %resh c'othin); : kne" that : "o$'- not be ab'e to
)et back to s'eepC a'so4 : "as %ee'in) h$n)r1; : took a "arm c'oak "ith me as : -eparte- m1
<$arters; : %e't 'ike )oin) o$t rather than rai-in) the 'ar-er; : "as in the moo- %or some "a'kin)4
an- : ha-n@t been o$tsi-e the pa'ace an- into to"n in 1ears4 : )$esse-; : ma-e m1 "a1
-o"nstairs4 then c$t thro$)h a %e" chambers an- a bi) ha''4 connectin) $p at the rear "ith a
corri-or : co$'- ha&e %o''o"e- a'' the "a1 %rom the stair i% :@- care- to4 b$t then :@- ha&e misse- a
co$p'e o% tapestries :@- "ante- to sa1 he''o to8 an i-1''ic s1'&an scene4 "ith a co$p'e makin) o$t
%o''o"in) a picnic '$nchC an- a h$ntin) scene o% -o)s an- men p$rs$in) a ma)ni%icent sta)4
"hich 'ooks as i% it mi)ht 1et ha&e a chance o% )ettin) a"a14 i% it "i'' -are a st$pen-o$s 'eap that
'ies ahea-;;;;
: passe- thro$)h an- ma-e m1 "a1 $p the corri-or to a postern4 "here a bore--'ookin) )$ar-
name- Eor-1 s$--en'1 stro&e to seem attenti&e "hen he hear- me comin); : stoppe- to pass the
time "ith him an- 'earne- that he -i-n@t )et o%% -$t1 ti'' mi-ni)ht4 "hich "as a'most t"o ho$rs
F:@m hea-in) -o"n into to"n4G : sai-; F=here@s a )oo- p'ace to eat this time o% ni)ht>G
F=hat@&e 1o$ )ot a taste %or>G
F(ea%oo-4G : -eci-e-;
F=e''4 +i--'er@s #reenDabo$t t"o thir-s o% the "a1 -o"n the Bain Conco$rseDis &er1 )oo-
%or sea%oo-; :t@s a %anc1 p'ace;;;;G
: shook m1 hea-; F: -on@t "ant a %anc1 p'ace4G : sai-;
F!he Net@s sti'' s$ppose- to be )oo-D-o"n near the corner o% the (miths an- :ronmon)ers
(treet; :t@s not rea' %anc1;G
FB$t 1o$ "o$'-n@t )o there 1o$rse'%>G
F*se- to4G he rep'ie-; FB$t a n$mber o% the nob'es an- bi) merchants -isco&ere- it recent'1; :@-
%ee' kin- o% $ncom%ortab'e there these -a1s; :t@s )otten sort o% c'$bb1;G
F,e''I : -on@t "ant con&ersation or atmosphere; : ?$st "ant some nice %resh %ish; =here "o$'-
1o$ )o %or the best>G
F=e''4 it@s a 'on) "a'k; B$t i% 1o$ )o a'' the "a1 -o"n to the -ocks4 at the back o% the co&e4 it@s a
'itt'e to the "est;;;; B$t ma1be 1o$ sho$'-n@t; :t@s kin- o% 'ate4 an- that isn@t the best nei)hborhoo-
a%ter -ark;G
F:s that b1 an1 chance /eath A''e1>G
F!he1 -o sometimes ca'' it that4 sir4 as bo-ies are occasiona''1 %o$n- there o% a mornin); Ba1be
1o$@- better )o to the Net4 seein) as 1o$@re a'one;G
F#erar- took me thro$)h that area once4 -$rin) the -a1; : think : co$'- %in- m1 "a1 aro$n- it4
a'' ri)ht; =hat@s the name o% the p'ace>G
F*h4 B'oo-1 Bi''@s;G
F!hanks; :@'' sa1 hi to Bi'' %or 1o$;G
,e shook his hea-; FCan@t; :t "as rename- a%ter the manner o% his -emise; ,is co$sin An-1 r$ns
it no";G
FOh; =hat "as it ca''e- be%ore>G
FB'oo-1 (am@s4G he sai-;
=e''4 "hat the he''; : ba-e him a )oo- ni)ht an- set o$t "a'kin); : took the path to the short
stair"a1 -o"n the s'ope4 "hich 'e- to the "a'k"a1 thro$)h a )ar-en an- o&er to a si-e )ate4
"here another )$ar- 'et me o$t; :t "as a coo' ni)ht "ith the bree6e- sme''s o% a$t$mn b$rnin)
-o"n the "or'- abo$t me; : -re" it into m1 '$n)s an- si)he- it o$t a)ain as : hea-e- %or the
Bain Conco$rse4 the -istant4 a'most-%or)otten4 s'o" c'oppin) so$n-s o% hoo%s on cobb'es comin)
to me 'ike somethin) o$t o% -ream or memor1; !he ni)ht "as moon'ess b$t %i''e- "ith stars4 an-
the conco$rse be'o" banke- b1 )'obes o% phosphorescent 'i<$i- set atop hi)h po'es4 'on)-tai'e-
mo$ntain moths -artin) abo$t them;
=hen : reache- the a&en$e : stro''e-; A %e" c'ose- carria)es ro''e- b1 as : passe- a'on) the "a1;
An o'- man "a'kin) a tin1 )reen -ra)on on a chain 'eash to$che- his hat to me as : passe- an-
sai-4 F#oo- e&enin);G ,e ha- seen the -irection %rom "hich : ha- come4 tho$)h : "as s$re he
-i- not reco)ni6e me; B1 %ace is not that "e''-kno"n abo$t to"n; B1 spirits 'oosene- a bit a%ter
a time4 an- : %e't a sprin) come into m1 step;
0an-om ha- not been as an)r1 as :@- tho$)ht he mi)ht; (ince #host"hee' ha- not been stirrin)
$p an1 tro$b'e4 he ha- not char)e- me to )o a%ter it imme-iate'1 an- tr1 a)ain %or a sh$t-o"n;
,e ha- mere'1 to'- me to think abo$t it an- come $p "ith the best co$rse o% action "e mi)ht
p$rs$e; An- +'ora ha- been in to$ch ear'ier an- to'- him "ho 9$ke "asDa thin) that seeme- to
ha&e ease- his min- someho"4 kno"in) the i-entit1 o% the enem1; !ho$)h :@- aske-4 he "o$'-
not te'' me "hat p'ans he mi)ht ha&e %orm$'ate- %or -ea'in) "ith him; ,e -i- a''$-e to the recent
-ispatch o% an a)ent to 3ash%a4 tho$)h4 to obtain certain $nspeci%ie- in%ormation; !he thin) that
seeme- to tro$b'e him the most4 act$a''14 "as the possibi'it1 that the o$t'a" /a't "as sti'' to be
n$mbere- amon) the 'i&in);
F(omethin) abo$t that man;;;G 0an-om be)an;
F=hat>G :@- aske-;
F+or one thin)4 : sa" Bene-ict r$n him thro$)h; !hat )enera''1 ten-s to terminate a person@s
F!o$)h son o% a bitch4G : sai-; FOr -amn '$ck1; Or both;G
F:% he is the same man4 he@s the son o% the /esacratri.; Ao$@&e hear- o% her>G
F/ee'a4G : sai-; F=asn@t that her name> (ome sort o% re'i)io$s %anatic> Bi'itant>G
0an-om no--e-; F(he ca$se- a 'ot o% tro$b'e o$t aro$n- the peripher1 o% the #o'-en Circ'eD
most'1 near Be)ma; Ao$ e&er been there>G
F=e''4 Be)ma@s the nearest point on the circ'e to 3ash%a4 "hich is "hat makes 1o$r stor1
partic$'ar'1 interestin); (he@- rai-e- a 'ot in Be)ma an- the1 co$'-n@t han-'e her b1 themse'&es;
!he1 %ina''1 remin-e- $s o% the protection a''iance "e ha&e "ith a'most a'' the Circ'e kin)-oms
Dan- /a- -eci-e- to )o in persona''1 an- teach her a 'esson; (he@- b$rne- one *nicorn shrine
too man1; ,e took a sma'' %orce4 -e%eate- her troops4 took her prisoner an- han)e- a b$nch o%
her men; (he escape-4 tho$)h4 an- a co$p'e o% 1ears 'ater "hen she "as a'' b$t %or)otten she
came back "ith a %resh %orce an- starte- the same crap a'' o&er; Be)ma screame- a)ain4 b$t /a-
"as b$s1; ,e sent B'e1s in "ith a 'ar)er %orce; !here "ere se&era' inconc'$si&e en)a)ementsD
the1 "ere rai-ers4 not a re)$'ar arm1Db$t B'e1s %ina''1 cornere- them an- "ipe- them o$t; (he
-ie- that -a14 'ea-in) her troops;G
FAn- /a't@s her son>G
F!hat@s the stor14 an- it makes some sense4 beca$se he -i- e&er1thin) he co$'- to harass $s %or a
'on) time; ,e "as a%ter re&en)e4 p$re an- simp'e4 %or his mother@s -eath; +ina''14 he p$t to)ether
a %air'1 impressi&e %i)htin) %orce an- trie- to rai- Amber; #ot a 'ot %arther than 1o$@- think4 ri)ht
$p to 3o'&ir; B$t Bene-ict "as "aitin)4 his pet re)iment at his back; Bene-ict c$t them to pieces4
an- it s$re 'ooke- as i% he@- "o$n-e- /a't morta''1; A %e" o% his men "ere ab'e to carr1 him o%%
the %ie'-4 so "e ne&er sa" the bo-1; B$t he''I =ho care->G
FAn- 1o$ think he co$'- be the same )$1 "ho "as 9$ke@s %rien- "hen he "as a ki-Dan-
F=e''4 the a)e is abo$t ri)ht an- he seems to hai' %rom that same )enera' area; : s$ppose it@s
: m$se- as : stro''e-; Easra ha-n@t rea''1 'ike- the )$14 accor-in) to the hermit; (o "hat "as his
part in thin)s no"> !oo man1 $nkno"ns4 : -eci-e-; :t "o$'- take kno"'e-)e rather than
reasonin) to ans"er that one; (o 'et it ri-e an- )o en?o1 -inner;;;;
: contin$e- on -o"n the conco$rse; Near to its %arther en- : hear- 'a$)hter an- sa" "here some
har-1 -rinkers sti'' occ$pie- a %e" tab'es at a si-e"a'k ca%e; One o% them "as /roppa4 b$t he
-i-n@t spot me an- : passe- on; : -i- not %ee' 'ike bein) am$se-; : t$rne- onto =ea&ers (treet4
"hich "o$'- take me o&er to "here =est 7ine "o$n- its "a1 $p %rom the harbor -istrict; A ta''
maske- 'a-1 in a si'&er c'oak h$rrie- b1 an- into a "aitin) carria)e; (he )'ance- back once an-
smi'e- beneath her -omino; : "as certain that : -i-n@t kno" her4 an- : %o$n- m1se'% "ishin) :
-i-; :t "as a prett1 smi'e; !hen a )$st o% "in- bro$)ht me the smokesme'' o% someone@s %irep'ace
an- ratt'e- a %e" -ea- 'ea&es as it "ent b1; : "on-ere- "here m1 %ather "as;
/o"n a'on) the street then an- 'e%t on =est 7ine;;;Narro"er here than the conco$rse4 b$t sti''
"i-eC a )reater -istance bet"een 'i)hts4 b$t sti'' s$%%icient'1 i''$minate- %or ni)ht tra&e'ers; A pair
o% horsemen c'oppe- s'o"'1 b14 sin)in) a son) : -i- not reco)ni6e; (omethin) 'ar)e an- -ark
passe- o&erhea- a bit 'ater4 to sett'e $pon a roo% across the street; A %e" scratchin) noises came
%rom that -irection4 then si'ence; : %o''o"e- a c$r&e to the ri)ht4 then another to the 'e%t4 enterin)
"hat : kne" to be a 'on) series o% s"itchbacks; B1 "a1 )re" )ra-$a''1 steeper; A harbor bree6e
came $p at some point a 'itt'e 'ater4 bearin) me m1 %irst sa't sea sme''s o% the e&enin); A short
"hi'e a%ter"ar-Dt"o t$rns4 : be'ie&eDan- : ha- a &ie" o% the sea itse'%4 %ar be'o"C bobbin)
'i)hts on a spark'in)4 s"e''in) s'ickness o&er b'ack4 pent b1 the c$r&in) 'ine o% bri)ht -ots4
,arbor 0oa-; !o the east the sk1 "as po"-ere- s'i)ht'1; A hint o% hori6on appeare- at the e-)e
o% the "or'-; : tho$)ht : ca$)ht a )'impse o% the -istant 'i)ht o% Cabra min$tes 'ater4 then 'ost it
a)ain "ith another t$rnin) o% the "a1;
A p$--'e o% 'i)ht 'ike spi''e- mi'k p$'se- on the street to m1 ri)ht4 o$t'inin) a )host'1 )ri-"ork
o% cobb'es at its %arthest -o"nhi'' reachC the stipp'e- po'e abo&e it mi)ht a-&ertise some spectra'
barbershopC the cracke- )'obe at its top sti'' sho"e- a %aint phosphorescence4 sk$''-on-a-stick
st1'e4 remin-in) me o% a )ame "e $se- to p'a1 as ki-s back in the Co$rts; A %e" 'i)hte-
%ootprints procee-e- -o"nhi'' a"a1 %rom it4 %aint4 %ainter4 )one; : passe- on4 an- across the
-istance : hear- the cries o% sea bir-s; A$t$mn@s sme''s "ere s$bmer)e- in ocean@s; !he
po"-ere- 'i)ht be1on- m1 'e%t sho$'-er rose hi)her abo$t the "ater4 -ri%te- %or"ar- across the
"rink'e- %ace o% the -eep; (oon;;;;
B1 appetite )re" as : "a'ke-; Ahea-4 : behe'- another -ark-c'oake- stro''er on the other si-e o%
the street4 a s'i)ht )'o"in) at the e-)es o% the boots; : tho$)ht o% the %ish : "o$'- soon be eatin)
an- h$rrie-4 breastin) the %i)$re an- passin); A cat in a -oor"a1 pa$se- at 'ickin) her assho'e to
"atch me )o b14 hin- 'e) he'- &ertica' the "hi'e; Another horseman passe-4 this one hea-e- $p
the hi''; : hear- the %rin)es o% an ar)$ment bet"een a man an- a "oman %rom $pstairs in one o%
the -arkene- b$i'-in)s; Another t$rnin) an- the sho$'-er o% the moon came into si)ht 'ike some
ma)ni%icent beast s$r%acin)4 shr$))in) -rop'ets %rom bri)ht bathic )rottoes;;;;
!en min$tes 'ater : ha- reache- the port -istrict an- %o$n- m1 "a1 o&er to ,arbor 0oa-4 its 'ack
o% a'' b$t occasiona' )'obes s$pp'emente- b1 "in-o" spi''a)e4 a n$mber o% b$ckets o% b$rnin)
pitch an- the )'o" o% the no"-risen moon; !he sme''s o% sa't an- sea-"rack "ere more intense
here4 the roa- more c'$ttere- "ith trash4 the passersb1 more co'or%$''1 )arbe- an- noisier than
an1 on the conco$rse4 $n'ess 1o$ co$nte- /roppa; : ma-e m1 "a1 to the rear o% the co&e4 "here
the so$n-s o% the sea came to me more stron)'18 the r$shin)4 b$i'-in) a-&ances o% "a&es4 then
their crashin) an- sp'ashin) o$t be1on- the break"aterC the )ent'er %a''s an- s'oppin)
"ith-ra"a's nearer at han-C the creakin) o% ships4 the ratt'in) o% chains4 the b$mpin) o% some
sma''er &esse' at pier or moor post; : "on-ere- "here the (tarb$rst4 m1 o'- sai'boat4 mi)ht be
: %o''o"e- the c$r&e o% the roa- o&er to the "estern shore o% the harbor; A pair o% rats chase- a
b'ack cat across m1 path as : "an-ere- brie%'14 checkin) se&era' si-estreets %or the one : so$)ht;
!he sme''s o% bar% as "e'' as so'i- an- 'i<$i- h$man "aste min)'e- "ith other o-ors here4 an- :
hear- the cries4 crashes an- th$-s o% a str$))'e %rom some"here nearb14 'ea-in) me to be'ie&e
that : "as in the proper nei)hborhoo-; +rom some"here -istant a b$o1 be'' ratt'e-C %rom
some"here nearb1 : hear- an a'most bore--so$n-in) strin) o% c$rses prece-in) a pair o% sai'ors
"ho ro$n-e- the nearest corner to m1 ri)ht4 ree'in)4 sta))ere- on past me4 )rinnin)4 an- broke
into son) moments 'ater4 rece-in); : a-&ance- an- checke- the si)n on that corner; (2AB02252
9AN24 it rea-;
!hat "as it4 the stretch common'1 ca''e- /eath A''e1; : t$rne- there; :t "as ?$st a street 'ike an1
other; : -i-n@t see an1 corpses or e&en co''apse- -r$nks %or the %irst %i%t1 paces4 tho$)h a man in a
-oor"a1 trie- to se'' me a -a))er an- a m$stachioe- stock character o%%ere- to %i. me $p "ith
somethin) 1o$n) an- ti)ht; : -ec'ine- both4 an- 'earne- %rom the 'atter that : "asn@t a'' that %ar
%rom B'oo-1 Bi''@s; : "a'ke- on; B1 occasiona' )'ances sho"e- me three -ark-c'oake- %i)$res
%ar to the rear "hich4 : s$ppose-4 co$'- be %o''o"in) meC : ha- seen them back on ,arbor 0oa-
too; A'so4 the1 mi)ht not; :n that : "as not %ee'in) partic$'ar'1 paranoi-4 : re%'ecte- that the1
co$'- be an1bo-1 )oin) an1"here an- -eci-e- to i)nore them; Nothin) happene-; !he1 kept to
themse'&es4 an- "hen : %ina''1 'ocate- B'oo-1 Bi''@s an- entere- the1 passe- on b14 crossin) the
street an- )oin) into a sma'' bistro a 'itt'e %arther -o"n a'on) the "a1;
: t$rne- an- re)ar-e- Bi''@s; !he bar "as to m1 ri)ht4 tab'es to m1 'e%t4 s$spicio$s-'ookin) stains
on the %'oor; A boar- on the "a'' s$))este- : )i&e m1 or-er at the bar an- sa1 "here : "as sittin);
!he -a1@s catch "as cha'ke- beneath this;
(o : "ent o&er an- "aite-4 co''ectin) )'ances4 $nti' a hea&1-set man "ith )ra1 an- ama6in)'1
sha))1 bro"s came o&er an- aske- "hat : "ante-; : to'- him the b'$e sea sc$t an- pointe- at an
empt1 tab'e to the rear; ,e no--e- an- sho$te- m1 or-er back thro$)h a ho'e in the "a''4 then
aske- me "hether : "ante- a bott'e o% Ba1'e@s Piss to )o "ith it; : -i-4 he )ot it %or me4 an- a
)'ass4 $ncorke- it an- passe- it o&er; : pai- $p there4 hea-e- back to the tab'e : ha- chosen an-
seate- m1se'% "ith m1 back to the "a'';
Oi' %'ames %'ickere- thro$)h -irt1 chimne1s in brackets a'' abo$t the p'ace; !hree menDt"o
1o$n)4 one mi--'e-a)e-Dp'a1e- car-s at the corner tab'e in the %ront an- passe- a bott'e; An
o'-er man sat a'one at the tab'e to m1 'e%t4 eatin); ,e ha- a nast1-'ookin) scar r$nnin) both
abo&e an- be'o" his 'e%t e1e4 an- there "as a 'on) "icke- b'a-e abo$t si. inches o$t o% its
scabbar- restin) on the chair to his ri)ht; ,e4 too4 ha- his back to the "a''; Ben "ith m$sica'
instr$ments reste- at another tab'e8 bet"een n$mbers4 : )$esse-; : po$re- some o% the 1e''o"
"ine into m1 )'ass an- took a sip8 a -istincti&e taste : remembere- %rom across the 1ears; :t "as
oka1 %or <$a%%in); Baron Ba1'e o"ne- a n$mber o% &ine1ar-s abo$t thirt1 mi'es to the east; ,e
"as the o%%icia' &intner to the Co$rt4 an- his re- "ines "ere )enera''1 e.ce''ent; ,e "as 'ess
s$ccess%$' "ith the "hites4 tho$)h4 an- o%ten "o$n- $p -$mpin) a 'ot o% secon--rate st$%% onto
the 'oca' market; :t bore his emb'em an- a pict$re o% a -o)Dhe 'ike- -o)sDso it "as sometimes
ca''e- /o) Piss an- sometimes Ba1'e@s Piss4 -epen-in) on "ho 1o$ ta'ke- to; /o) 'o&ers
sometimes take o%%ense at the %ormer appe''ation;
Abo$t the time m1 %oo- arri&e- : notice- that t"o 1o$n) men near the %ront o% the bar "ere
)'ancin) in m1 -irection more than occasiona''14 e.chan)in) a %e" in-istin)$ishab'e "or-s an-
'a$)hin) an- smi'in) a 'ot; : i)nore- them an- t$rne- m1 attention to m1 mea'; A 'itt'e 'ater the
scarre- man at the ne.t tab'e sai- so%t'14 "itho$t 'eanin) or 'ookin) to"ar- me4 his 'ips bare'1
mo&in)4 F+ree a-&ice; : think those t"o )$1s at the bar notice- 1o$@re not "earin) a b'a-e4 an-
the1@&e marke- 1o$ %or tro$b'e;G
F!hanks4G : sai-;
=e'';;;; : "as not o&er'1 concerne- abo$t m1 abi'it1 to -ea' "ith them4 b$t )i&en a choice :@-
rather a&oi- the occasion entire'1; :% a'' that it re<$ire- "as a &isib'e b'a-e4 that "as easi'1
A moment@s me-itation an- the 9o)r$s -ance- be%ore me; (hort'1 therea%ter4 : "as reachin)
thro$)h it in search o% the proper "eaponDneither too 'on) nor too hea&14 proper'1 ba'ance-4
"ith a com%ortab'e )ripD"ith a "i-e -ark be't an- scabbar-; :t took me c'ose to three min$tes4
part'1 beca$se : "as so %$ss1 abo$t it4 : s$pposeDb$t he''4 i% pr$-ence re<$ire- one4 : "ante-
com%ortDan- part'1 beca$se it is har-er reachin) thro$)h (ha-o" in the &icinit1 o% Amber than
it is a'most an1"here e'se;
=hen it came into m1 han-s : si)he- an- moppe- m1 bro"; !hen : bro$)ht it $p s'o"'1 %rom
beneath the tab'e4 be't an- a''4 -re" it abo$t ha'% a %oot %rom its scabbar-4 to %o''o" a )oo-
e.amp'e4 an- p'ace- it on the seat to m1 ri)ht; !he t"o )$1s at the bar ca$)ht the per%ormance
an- : )rinne- back at them; !he1 ha- a <$ick cons$'tation4 an- this time the1 "eren@t 'a$)hin); :
po$re- m1se'% a %resh )'ass o% "ine an- -rank it o%% at a sin)'e -ra$)ht; !hen : ret$rne- to m1
%ish4 abo$t "hich Eor-1 ha- been ri)ht; !he %oo- here "as &er1 )oo-;
FNeat trick4 that4G the man at the ne.t tab'e sai-; F: -on@t s$ppose it@s an eas1 one to 'earn>G
F:t %i)$res; Bost )oo- thin)s aren@t4 or e&er1bo-1@- -o @em; !he1 ma1 sti'' )o a%ter 1o$4 tho$)h4
seein) as 1o$@re a'one; /epen-s on ho" m$ch the1 -rink an- ho" reck'ess the1 )et; Ao$
F/i-n@t think so; B$t the1@'' hit someone toni)ht;G
F,o" can 1o$ te''>G
,e 'ooke- at me %or the %irst time an- )rinne- a nast1 )rin; F!he1@re )eneric4 'ike "in--$p to1s;
(ee 1o$ aro$n-;G
,e tosse- a coin onto the tab'e4 stoo-4 b$ck'e- on his s"or- be't4 picke- $p a -ark4 %eathere- hat
an- hea-e- %or the -oor;
F!ake care;G : no--e-;
FNi)ht;G As he passe- o$t o% the p'ace the t"o )$1s be)an "hisperin) a)ain4 this time )'ancin)
a%ter him rather than at me; (ome -ecision reache-4 the1 rose an- -eparte- <$ick'1; +or a
moment : "as tempte- to %o''o"4 b$t somethin) restraine- me; A 'itt'e 'ater4 : hear- the so$n-s o%
a sc$%%'e %rom $p the street; Not too 'on) a%ter that4 a %i)$re appeare- in the -oor"a14 ho&ere- a
moment4 then %e'' %or"ar-; :t "as one o% the t"o -rinkers; ,is throat ha- been c$t;
An-1 shook his hea- an- -ispatche- his "aiter to in%orm the 'oca' constab$'ar1; !hen he took
ho'- o% the bo-1 b1 the hee's an- -ra))e- it o$tsi-e4 so as not to impe-e the %'o" o% c$stomers;
9ater4 "hen : "as or-erin) another %ish4 : aske- An-1 abo$t the occ$rrence; ,e smi'e- )rim'1;
F:t is not )oo- to mess "ith an emissar1 o% the Cro"n4G he sai-; F!he1 ten- to pick them
F!hat )$1 "ho "as sittin) ne.t to me "orks %or 0an-om>G
,e st$-ie- m1 %ace4 then no--e-; FO'- Eohn "orke- %or Oberon4 too; =hene&er he passes
thro$)h he eats here;G
F: "on-er "hat sort o% mission he "as on>G
,e shr$))e-; F=ho kno"s> B$t he pai- me in 3ash%an c$rrenc14 an- : kno" he ain@t %rom
As : "orke- on m1 secon- p'atter : pon-ere- that one; =hate&er it "as that 0an-om ha- "ante-
%rom 3ash%a "as probab'1 on its "a1 to the cast'e ri)ht no"4 $n'ess o% co$rse it "as $na&ai'ab'e;
:t "o$'- a'most ha&e to concern 9$ke an- Easra; : "on-ere- "hat it "as4 an- o% "hat bene%it it
mi)ht be;
: sat there %or a 'on) "hi'e a%ter that4 thinkin)4 an- the p'ace "as a 'ot 'ess nois1 than it ha- been
%or most o% an ho$r4 e&en "hen the m$sicians be)an a %resh set; ,a- it been Eohn the )$1s ha-
been "atchin) a'' a'on)4 "ith both o% $s misinterpretin) their )a6es as -irecte- to"ar- me> Or
ha- the1 simp'1 -eci-e- to )o a%ter the %irst person "ho 'e%t a'one> : rea'i6e- %rom these
re%'ections that : "as be)innin) to think 'ike an Amberite a)ainDseekin) p'ots e&er1"hereDan-
: ha-n@t been back a'' that 'on);
(omethin) in the atmosphere4 : )$esse-; Probab'1 it "as a )oo- thin) that m1 min- "as mo&in)
a'on) these 'ines once more4 since : "as in&o'&e- in so m$ch a'rea-1 an- it seeme- an
in&estment in se'%-preser&ation;
: %inishe- m1 )'ass o% "ine an- 'e%t the bott'e on the tab'e "ith a %e" -rinks sti'' in it; :t occ$rre-
to me that : sho$'-n@t be %o))in) m1 senses an1 %$rther4 a'' thin)s consi-ere-; : rose an- b$ck'e-
on m1 s"or- be't;
As : passe- the bar An-1 no--e-; F:% 1o$ r$n into an1one %rom the pa'ace4G he sai- so%t'14 F1o$
mi)ht mention that : -i-n@t kno" that "as )oin) to happen;G
FAo$ kne" them>G
FAeah; (ai'ors; !heir ship came in a co$p'e o% -a1s a)o; !he1@&e been in tro$b'e here be%ore;
B'o" their pa1 %ast4 then 'ook %or some more the <$ick "a1;G
F/o 1o$ think the1 mi)ht be pro%essiona's atDremo&in) peop'e>G
FBeca$se o% Eohn@s bein) "hat he is4 1o$ mean> No; !he1 )ot ca$)ht once too o%ten4 main'1 %or
bein) st$pi-; (ooner or 'ater the1 "ere bo$n- to r$n into someone "ho kne" "hat he "as -oin)
an- en- $p this "a1; : -on@t kno" an1one "ho@- hire them %or somethin) serio$s;G
FOh4 he )ot the other one too>G
FAep; *p the street a "a1; (o 1o$ mi)ht mention that the1 ?$st happene- to be in the "ron)
p'ace at the "ron) time;G
: stare- at him an- he "inke-;
F: sa" 1o$ -o"n here "ith #erar-4 se&era' 1ears a)o; : make it a point ne&er to %or)et a %ace that
mi)ht be "orth rememberin);G
: no--e-; F!hanks; Ao$ ser&e a )oo- mea';G
O$tsi-e4 it "as coo'er than it ha- been ear'ier; !he moon h$n) hi)her an- the sea "as noisier;
!he street "as -eserte- in m1 imme-iate &icinit1; 9o$- m$sic po$re- %rom one o% the p'aces
back to"ar- ,arbor (treet4 "ith accompan1in) so$n-s o% 'a$)hter; : )'ance- "ithin as : passe- it
an- sa" "here a tire--'ookin) "oman on a sma'' sta)e appeare- to be )i&in) herse'% a
)1neco'o)ica' e.amination; +rom some"here nearb1 : hear- a so$n- o% breakin) )'ass; A -r$nk
ree'e- to"ar- me %rom bet"een t"o b$i'-in)s4 one han- o$tstretche-; : "a'ke- on; !he "in-
si)he- ami- masts in the harbor4 an- : %o$n- m1se'% "ishin) 9$ke "ere at m1 si-eD'ike in the
o'- -a1s4 be%ore thin)s )ot comp'icate-Dsomeone o% m1 o"n a)e an- cast o% min- to ta'k to; A''
m1 re'ati&es here ha- too man1 cent$ries o% c1nicism or "is-om %or $s to see thin)s an- %ee'
them in m$ch the same "a1;
!en paces 'ater4 +rakir p$'se- "i'-'1 $pon m1 "rist; :n that there "as no one an1"here near me
at that moment4: -i- not e&en -ra" m1 ne" b'a-e; : thre" m1se'% %'at4 then ro''e- to"ar- the
sha-o"s to m1 ri)ht; (im$'taneo$s "ith this4 : hear- a th$nk %rom the si-e o% the b$i'-in) across
the street; !he %irst )'ance : co$'- spare in that -irection sho"e- me an arro" protr$-in) %rom a
"a''4 its hei)ht an- position s$ch that ha- : not taken the -i&e it mi)ht "e'' ha&e hit me; :ts an)'e
a'so in-icate- that : ha- ?$st cast m1se'% in the -irection %rom "hich it ha- been -ischar)e-;
: raise- m1se'% eno$)h to -ra" m1 b'a-e an- 'ooke- to m1 ri)ht; !here "ere no opene-
"in-o"s or -oors in the imme-iate'1 a-?acent b$i'-in)4 a -arkene- p'ace4 its %ront "a'' on'1
abo$t si. %eet a"a1 no"; B$t there "as a )ap bet"een it an- the b$i'-in)s on either si-e4 an-
)eometr1 to'- me that the arro" ha- come %rom the open area ahea- o% me;
: ro''e- a)ain4 brin)in) m1se'% $p besi-e the 'o"4 roo%e- porch "hich ran the %$'' "i-th o% the
p'ace; : scramb'e- $p onto it be%ore : rose %$''1; (ta1in) near the "a'' : a-&ance-4 c$rsin) the
s'o"ness si'ence -eman-e-; : "as a'most near eno$)h to the openin) to be ab'e to r$sh an1
archer "ho mi)ht step o$t4 be%ore he co$'- re'ease another arro"; !he possibi'it1 o% his circ'in)
an- catchin) me %rom behin- -i- pass thro$)h m1 min-4 tho$)h4 an- : %'attene- m1se'% a)ainst
the "a''4 b'a-e e.ten-e- %or"ar-4 an- cast <$ick )'ances behin- as : mo&e-; +rakir "rithe- into
m1 'e%t han- an- h$n) rea-1;
:% : reache- the corner an- no one emer)e- : "as $ncertain "hat : "o$'- -o ne.t; !he sit$ation
seeme- to -eman- a ma)ica' o%%ensi&e; B$t $n'ess the spe''s "ere a'rea-1 h$n)Dan- :@- been
remiss in thisDone can se'-om spare the attention it re<$ires in 'i%e-an---eath sit$ations; :
ha'te-; : contro''e- m1 breathin); : 'istene-;;;;
,e "as bein) care%$'4 b$t : hear- %aint so$n-s o% mo&ement %rom the roo%4 comin) %or"ar-; B$t
this -i- not prec'$-e another4 or e&en se&era'4 bein) aro$n- the corner; : ha- no i-ea ho" man1
persons mi)ht be in&o'&e- in this amb$sh4 tho$)h it "as be)innin) to strike me as a 'itt'e too
sophisticate- %or a simp'e robber1; :n s$ch a case4 : -o$bte- there "o$'- be on'1 one; An- their
%orces mi)ht be sp'it se&era' "a1s; : he'- m1 position4 m1 min- racin); =hen the attack came4 it
"o$'- be concerte-4 : "as certain o% that; : ima)ine- an archer aro$n- the corner4 arro" nocke-4
"aitin) %or a si)na'; !he one on the roo% "o$'- most 'ike'1 ha&e a b'a-e; : )$esse- at b'a-es %or
an1 others4 too;;;;
: p$she- asi-e an1 <$estions as to "ho mi)ht be a%ter me an- ho" the1 ha- 'ocate- me hereDi%
it "ere in-ee- me4 persona''14 "hom the1 "ere a%ter; ($ch consi-erations ma-e no -i%%erence at
this point; : "o$'- be ?$st as -ea- "ere the1 ran-om th$)s seekin) m1 p$rse as : "o$'- be i%
the1 "ere assassins4 sho$'- the1 s$ccee- in the present enterprise;
A)ain; A so$n- %rom abo&e; (omeone "as -irect'1 o&erhea-; An1 moment no";;;;
=ith a sh$%%'in) noise an- a )reat cr1 a man 'eape- %rom the roo% to the street be%ore me; ,is
sho$t "as apparent'1 the si)na' to the archer4 a'so4 %or there "as imme-iate mo&ement at the
corner o% the b$i'-in)4 accompanie- b1 the so$n-s o% rapi- %oot%a''s %rom the b$i'-in)@s other
corner4 to m1 rear;
Be%ore his %eet e&en str$ck the )ro$n- : ha- cast +rakir at the man %rom the roo% "ith a
comman- to ki''; An- : "as r$shin) the archer be%ore he ha- e&en ro$n-e- the corner
comp'ete'14 m1 b'a-e a'rea-1 s"in)in); B1 c$t passe- thro$)h his bo"4 his arm an- his 'o"er
ab-omen; On the min$s si-e4 there "as a man "ith a -ra"n b'a-e ri)ht behin- him an- someone
"as r$nnin) to"ar- me a'on) the porch;
: p'ace- m1 'e%t %oot $pon the %o'-in) archer@s chest an- prope''e- him back"ar- into the man
behin- him; : $se- the recoi'in) moment$m %rom the p$sh to spin4 m1 b'a-e s"eepin) thro$)h a
"i-e4 "i'- pan) "hich : ha- to a-?$st imme-iate'1 to stop a hea- c$t %rom the man "ho ha-
crosse- the porch; As : riposte- to his chest an- ha- m1 o"n c$t parrie- : became periphera''1
a"are o% the one %rom the roo% knee'in) no" in the street an- tearin) at his throat4 in e&i-ence
that +rakir "as -oin) her ?ob;
!he man some"here to m1 rear ma-e m1 back %ee' &er1 e.pose-; : ha- to -o somethin) %ast or
his b'a-e "o$'- be in me "ithin secon-s; (o;;;; 0ather than ripostin)4 : preten-e- to st$mb'e4
act$a''1 )atherin) m1 "ei)ht4 positionin) m1se'%;
,e '$n)e-4 c$ttin) -o"n"ar-; : spran) to the si-e an- thr$st "ith a t"istin) mo&ement o% m1
bo-1; :% he "ere ab'e to a-?$st the an)'e o% that c$t as : mo&e- : "o$'- %ee' it in secon-s;
/an)ero$s4 b$t : co$'-n@t see an1 other choice;
2&en as m1 b'a-e entere- his chest : -i- not kno" "hether he ha- connecte- "ith me; Not that
it mattere- no"; 2ither he ha- or he ha-n@t; : ha- to keep mo&in) $nti' : stoppe- or "as stoppe-;
: $se- m1 b'a-e 'ike a 'e&er4 t$rnin) him as : contin$e- m1 co$nterc'ock"ise mo&ement4 him at
its center4 hopin) to position him bet"een that %o$rth man an- m1se'%;
!he mane$&er "as part'1 s$ccess%$'; :t "as too 'ate to interpose m1 ske"ere- an- sa))in)
a-&ersar1 %$''14 b$t in time at 'east to ca$se a sma'' co''ision bet"een him an- the other; !ime
eno$)h4 : hope-4 as the other st$mb'e- to the si-e4 steppin) -o"n %rom the porch; A'' : nee-e-
-o no" "as "rench m1 b'a-e %ree4 an- it "o$'- be one-on-one;
: 1anke- at it;;;;
/amn4 -amn4 -amn; !he thin) "as "e-)e- into bone an- "o$'-n@t come %ree; An- the other
man ha- re)aine- his %ootin); : kept t$rnin) the bo-1 to keep it bet"een $s "hi'e "ith m1 'e%t
han- : trie- to %ree m1 most recent a-&ersar1@s o"n b'a-e %rom his sti''-c'enche- ri)ht %ist;
/itto the -amns; :t "as 'ocke- in a -eath )rip4 his 'in)ers 'ike meta' cab'es abo$t the ha%t;
!he man in the street )a&e me a nast1 smi'e "hi'e mo&in) his b'a-e abo$t4 'ookin) %or an
openin); :t "as then that : ca$)ht the %'ash o% the b'$e-stone rin) he "ore4 ans"erin) m1
<$estion as to "hether it "as me in partic$'ar "ho ha- been so$)ht4 here4 toni)ht;
: bent m1 knees as : mo&e- an- positione- m1 han-s 'o" $pon the -ea- man@s bo-1;
(it$ations s$ch as this are4 %or me4 sometimes &i-eotape- into memor1Da tota' absence o%
conscio$s tho$)ht an- a )reat mass o% instant perceptionsDtime'ess4 1et on'1 s$b?ect to seria'
re&ie" "hen the min- in-$')es in 'ater rep'a1;
!here "ere cries %rom &ario$s p'aces a'on) the street4 %rom "ithin an- "itho$t; : co$'- hear
peop'e r$shin) in m1 -irection; !here "as b'oo- on the boar-s a'' aro$n- me4 an- : reca''
ca$tionin) m1se'% not to s'ip on it; : co$'- see the archer an- his bo"4 both o% them broken4 on
the )ro$n- past the %ar e-)e o% the porch; !he )arrote- s"or-sman "as spra"'e- in the street4 o%%
to the ri)ht o% the man "ho menace- me no"; !he bo-1 : steere- an- positione- ha- become
-ea- "ei)ht; !o m1 sma'' re'ie% : sa" that no more attackers ha- emer)e- %rom an1"here to ?oin
the %ina' man : %ace-; An- that man "as si-esteppin) an- %eintin)4 )ettin) rea-1 to make his
Oka1; !ime;
: prope''e- the corpse to"ar- m1 attacker "ith a'' m1 stren)th an- -i- not "ait to obser&e the
res$'t o% m1 action; !he risk : "as abo$t to take )rante- me no time %or s$ch in-$')ence;
: -o&e into the street an- -i- a sho$'-er ro'' past the s$pine %i)$re4 "ho ha- -roppe- his b'a-e in
tr1in) to $se his han-s a)ainst +rakir; As : mo&e- : hear- the so$n- o% some impact %o''o"e- b1
a )r$nt %rom abo&e an- some"here to the rear4 in-icatin) that : ha- been at 'east part'1 on tar)et
"hen :@- p$she- the -ea- man to"ar- the other; ,o" e%%ecti&e'1 this "o$'- ser&e me sti''
remaine- to be seen;
B1 ri)ht han- snake- o$t as : "ent b14 catchin) the hi't o% the %a''en man@s b'a-e; : ro''e- to m1
%eet4 %acin) back in the -irection %rom "hich : ha- come4 e.ten-in) the b'a-e4 crossin) m1 'e)s
an- sprin)in) back"ar-;;;;
Bare'1 in time; ,e "as $pon me "ith a stron) series o% attacks4 an- : backe- a"a1 %ast4 parr1in)
"i'-'1; ,e "as sti'' smi'in)4 b$t m1 %irst riposte s'o"e- his a-&ance an- m1 secon- one stoppe-
: sett'e- an- stoo- m1 )ro$n-; ,e "as stron)4 b$t : co$'- see that : "as %aster; !here "ere
peop'e near at han- no"4 "atchin) $s; A %e" sho$ts o% $se'ess a-&ice reache- me; !o "hich o% $s
it "as -irecte-4 : co$'- not sa1; :t -i-n@t matter4 tho$)h; ,e stoo- %or a %e" moments as : be)an
to press m1 attack4 an- then he be)an to )i&e )ro$n-4 s'o"'14 an- : "as s$re that : co$'- take
: "ante- him a'i&e4 tho$)h4 "hich "o$'- make thin)s a 'itt'e more -i%%ic$'t; !hat b'$e-stone-
rin) %'ashin) an- retreatin) be%ore me he'- a m1ster1 to "hich he ha- the ans"er4 an- : nee-e-
that ans"er; !here%ore4 : ha- to keep pressin) him4 to "ear him -o"n;;;;
: trie- t$rnin) him4 a 'itt'e at a time4 as s$bt'1 as : co$'-; : "as hopin) to press him into
st$mb'in) o&er the -ea- man to his rear; :t a'most "orke-4 too;
=hen his rear %oot %e'' $pon the arm o% the spra"'e- man4 he shi%te- his "ei)ht %or"ar- to
maintain his ba'ance; :n one o% those instants o% inspiration on "hich one m$st act imme-iate'1
"itho$t thinkin)4 he t$rne- this mo&ement into a r$sh4 seein) that m1 b'a-e "as o$t o% 'ine in
preparation %or the hea&1 r$sh : "as abo$t to )i&e him as he st$mb'e-; =ron) o% me to ha&e
anticipate- that m$ch4 : )$ess;
,e beat m1 b'a-e cross-bo-1 "ith a hea&1 s"in)4 thro"in) his o"n "eapon "a1 o$t o% 'ine a'so
an- brin)in) $s corps V corps4 "ith him t$rnin) in the same -irection : "as %acin) an-
$n%ort$nate'1 pro&i-in) him "ith the opport$nit1 to -ri&e his 'e%t %ist into m1 ri)ht ki-ne1 "ith
the %$'' %orce o% his moment$m;
:mme-iate'14 his 'e%t %oot shot o$t to trip me4 an- the impact o% the b'o" as "e came to)ether
sho"e- me that he "as )oin) to s$ccee-; !he best thin) : co$'- mana)e "as to catch ho'- o% m1
c'oak "ith m1 'e%t han-4 spinnin) it o$t an- -ra))in) it back4 entan)'in) both o$r b'a-es as "e
%e''4 "hi'e : trie- har- to t$rn on the "a1 -o"n4 so as to 'an- on top o% him; : -i- not s$ccee- in
%a''in) $pon him; =e came -o"n si-e b1 si-e4 sti'' %acin) each other4 an- the )$ar- o% someone@s
b'a-eDm1 o"n4 : thinkDhit me har- in the ribs on m1 'e%t si-e;
B1 ri)ht han- "as ca$)ht beneath me an- m1 'e%t "as sti'' tan)'e- in m1 c'oak; ,is 'e%t "as
%ree4 tho$)h4 an- hi)h; ,e c'a"e- at m1 %ace "ith it4 an- : bit his han- b$t co$'-n@t ho'- it; :n the
meantime4 : %ina''1 mana)e- to -ra) m1 o"n 'e%t han- %ree an- : thr$st it into his %ace; ,e t$rne-
his hea- a"a14 trie- to knee me an- hit m1 hip4 then thr$st sti%% %in)ers to"ar- m1 e1es; : ca$)ht
his "rist an- he'- it; Both o% o$r ri)ht han-s "ere sti'' pinne- an- o$r "ei)hts seeme- abo$t
e<$a'; (o a'' that : ha- to -o "as s<$ee6e;
!he bones o% his "rist cr$nche- "ithin m1 )rip4 an- %or the %irst time he crie- o$t; !hen :
simp'1 p$she- him a"a14 ro''e- into a knee'in) position an- starte- to rise4 -ra))in) him $p
a'on) "ith me; 2n- o% the )ame; : ha- "on;
,e s'$mpe- s$--en'1 a)ainst me; +or a moment4 : tho$)ht it a %ina' trick4 an- then : sa" the
b'a-e protr$-in) %rom his back4 the han- o% the )rim-%ace- man "ho ha- p$t it there a'rea-1
ti)htenin) to p$'' it o$t a)ain;
FAo$ son o% a bitchIG : crie- in 2n)'ishDtho$)h :@m s$re the meanin) came thro$)hDan- :
-roppe- m1 b$r-en an- -ro&e m1 %ist into the stran)er@s %ace4 knockin) him o&er back"ar-4 his
b'a-e remainin) in p'ace; F: nee-e- himIG
: ca$)ht ho'- o% m1 %ormer a-&ersar1 an- raise- him into the most com%ortab'e position : co$'-
F=ho sent 1o$>G : aske- him; F,o" -i- 1o$ %in- me>G
,e )rinne- "eak'1 an- -ribb'e- b'oo-; FNo %reebies here4G he sai-; FAsk somebo-1 e'se4G an-
he s'$mpe- %or"ar- an- )ot b'oo- on m1 shirt%ront;
: -re" the rin) %rom his %in)er an- a--e- it to m1 co''ection o% )o--amne- b'$e stones; !hen :
rose an- )'are- at the man "ho ha- stabbe- him; !"o other %i)$res "ere he'pin) him to his %eet;
FE$st "hat the he'' -i- 1o$ -o that %or>G : aske-4 a-&ancin) $pon them;
F: sa&e- 1o$r -amn 'i%e4G the man )ro"'e-;
F!he he'' 1o$ -i-I Ao$ mi)ht ha&e ?$st cost me itI : nee-e- that man a'i&eIG
!hen the %i)$re to his 'e%t spoke4 an- : reco)ni6e- the &oice; (he p'ace- her han- 'i)ht'1 $pon
the arm : -i- not e&en rea'i6e : ha- raise- to strike the man a)ain;
F,e -i- it on m1 or-ers4G she sai-; F: %eare- %or 1o$r 'i%e4 an- : -i- not $n-erstan- that 1o$
"ante- him prisoner;G
: stare- at her pa'e pro$- %eat$res "ithin the -ark c'oak@s raise- co"'; :t "as 7inta Ba1'e4
Caine@s 'a-14 "hom : ha- 'ast seen at the %$nera'; (he "as a'so the thir- -a$)hter o% the Baron
Ba1'e4 to "hom Amber o"e- man1 a bib$'o$s ni)ht;
: rea'i6e- that : "as shakin) s'i)ht'1; : -re" a -eep breath an- ca$)ht contro' o% m1se'%;
F: see4G : sai- at 'ast; F!hank 1o$;G
F: am sorr14G she to'- me;
: shook m1 hea-; FAo$ -i-n@t kno"; =hat@s -one is -one; :@m )rate%$' to an1bo-1 "ho tries to
he'p me;G
F: can sti'' he'p 1o$4G she sai-; F: mi)ht ha&e misrea- this one4 b$t : be'ie&e 1o$ ma1 sti'' be in
-an)er; 9et@s )et a"a1 %rom here;G
: no--e-; FA moment4 p'ease;G
: "ent an- retrie&e- +rakir %rom abo$t the neck o% the other -ea- man; (he -isappeare- <$ick'1
into m1 'e%t s'ee&e; !he b'a-e : ha- been $sin) %it m1 scabbar- a%ter a %ashion4 so : p$she- it
home an- a-?$ste- the be't4 "hich ha- p$''e- aro$n- to"ar- the rear;
F9et@s )o4G : sai- to her;
!he %o$r o% $s stro-e back to"ar- ,arbor (treet; :ntereste- b1stan-ers )ot o$t o% o$r "a1
<$ick'1; (omeone "as probab'1 a'rea-1 robbin) the -ea- behin- $s; !hin)s %a'' apartC the center
cannot ho'-; B$t "hat the he''4 it@s home;
Chapter !
=a'kin) "ith the 9a-1 7inta an- t"o ser&in)men o% the ,o$se o% Ba1'e4 m1 si-e sti'' h$rtin)
%rom its enco$nter "ith a s"or- hi't4 beneath a moonbri)ht4 starbri)ht sk14 thro$)h a sea mist4
a"a1 %rom /eath A''e1; 9$ck14 act$a''14 that a b$mp on the si-e "as a'' : ac<$ire- in m1
en)a)ement "ith those "ho "o$'- -o me harm; ,o" the1 ha- 'ocate- me so <$ick'1 $pon m1
ret$rn4 : co$'- not sa1; B$t it seeme- as i% 7inta mi)ht ha&e some i-ea abo$t this4 an- : "as
inc'ine- to tr$st her4 both beca$se : kne" her some"hat an- beca$se she ha- 'ost her man4 m1
*nc'e Caine4 to m1 %ormer %rien- 9$ke4 %rom "hose part1 an1thin) in&o'&in) a b'$e stone
seeme- to ha&e its ori)in;
=hen "e t$rne- onto a sea"ar- si-e "a1 o%% ,arbor (treet4 : aske- her "hat she ha- in min-;
F: tho$)ht "e "ere hea-in) %or 7ine4G : sai-;
FAo$ kno" 1o$ are in -an)er4G she state-;
F: )$ess that@s sort o% ob&io$s;G
F: co$'- take 1o$ to m1 %ather@s p'ace $p in to"n4G she sai-4 For "e co$'- escort 1o$ back to the
pa'ace4 b$t someone kno"s 1o$ are here an- it -i-n@t take 'on) to reach 1o$;G
F=e ha&e a boat moore- -o"n this "a1; =e can sai' a'on) the coast an- reach m1 %ather@s
co$ntr1 p'ace b1 mornin); Ao$ "i'' ha&e -isappeare-; An1one seekin) 1o$ in Amber "i'' be
FAo$ -on@t think :@- be sa%e back in the pa'ace>G
FPerhaps4G she sai-; FB$t 1o$r "hereabo$ts ma1 be kno"n 'oca''1; Come "ith me an- this
"on@t be the case;G
F:@'' be )one an- 0an-om "i'' 'earn %rom one o% the )$ar-s that : "as hea-in) %or /eath A''e1;
!his "i'' ca$se consi-erab'e consternation an- a h$)e bro$haha;G
FAo$ can reach him b1 !r$mp tomorro" an- te'' him that 1o$@re in the co$ntr1Di% 1o$ ha&e
1o$r car-s "ith 1o$;G
F!r$e; ,o" -i- 1o$ kno" "here to %in- me this e&enin)> Ao$ can@t pers$a-e me that "e met b1
FNo4 "e %o''o"e- 1o$; =e "ere in the p'ace across the "a1 %rom Bi''@s;G
FAo$ anticipate- toni)ht@s happenin)s>G
F: sa" the possibi'it1; :% :@- kno"n e&er1thin)4 o% co$rse :@- ha&e pre&ente- it;G
F=hat@s )oin) on> =hat -o 1o$ kno" abo$t a'' o% this4 an- "hat@s 1o$r part in it>G
(he 'a$)he-4 an- : rea'i6e- it "as the %irst time : ha- e&er hear- her -o it; :t "as not the co'-4
mockin) thin) : "o$'- ha&e )$esse- at %rom Caine@s 'a-1;
F: "ant to sai' "hi'e the ti-e is hi)h4G she sai-4 Fan- 1o$ "ant a stor1 that "i'' take a'' ni)ht;
=hich "i'' it be4 Ber'in> (ec$rit1 or satis%action>G
F:@- 'ike both4 b$t :@'' take them in or-er;G
FOka14G she sai-4 then t$rne- to the sma''er o% the t"o men4 the one : ha- hit; FEar'4 )o home; :n
the mornin)4 te'' m1 %ather that : -eci-e- to )o back to Arbor ,o$se; !e'' him it "as a nice ni)ht
an- : "ante- to sai'4 so : took the boat; /on@t mention Ber'in;G
!he man to$che- his cap to her; F7er1 )oo-4 m@'a-1;G ,e t$rne- an- hea-e- back a'on) the "a1
"e ha- come;
FCome on4G she sai- to me then4 an- she an- the bi) %e''o"D"hose name : 'ater 'earne- "as
/re"D'e- me -o"n amon) the piers to "here a 'on) s'eek sai'boat "as tie- $p; F/o m$ch
sai'in)>G she aske- me;
F*se- to4G : sai-;
F#oo- eno$)h; Ao$ can )i&e $s a han-;G
=hich : -i-; =e -i-n@t ta'k m$ch e.cept %or b$siness "hi'e "e "ere )ettin) $nb$ttone- an-
ri))e- an- castin) o%%; /re" steere- an- "e "orke- the sai's; 9ater4 "e "ere ab'e to take t$rns
%or 'on) spe''s; !he "in- "asn@t trick1; :n %act4 it "as ?$st abo$t per%ect; =e s'i- a"a14 ro$n-e-
the break"ater an- ma-e it o$t "itho$t an1 prob'ems; ,a&in) sto"e- o$r c'oaks4 : sa" that she
"ore -ark tro$sers an- a hea&1 shirt; 7er1 practica'4 as i% she@- p'anne- %or somethin) 'ike this
ahea- o% time; !he be't she sto"e- bore a rea'4 %$''-'en)th b'a-e4 not some ?e"e'e- -a))er; An-
?$st %rom "atchin) the "a1 she mo&e-4:@- a %ee'in) she mi)ht be ab'e to $se the thin) prett1 "e'';
A'so4 she remin-e- me o% someone : co$'-n@t <$ite p'ace; :t "as more a matter o% mannerisms o%
)est$re an- &oice than it "as o% appearance; Not that it mattere-; : ha- more important thin)s to
think abo$t as soon as "e sett'e- into ro$tine an- : ha- a %e" moments to stare across the -ark
"aters an- -o some <$ick re&ie"in);
: "as %ami'iar "ith the )enera' %acts o% her 'i%e4 an- : ha- enco$ntere- her a n$mber o% times at
socia' )atherin)s; : kne" she kne" that : "as Cor"in@s son an- that : ha- been born an- raise- in
the Co$rts o% Chaos4 bein) ha'% o% that b'oo-'ine "hich "as 'inke- ancient'1 "ith Amber@s o"n;
:n o$r con&ersation the 'ast time "e met4 it became apparent that she "as a"are that : ha- been
o%% in (ha-o" %or some 1ears4 )oin) nati&e an- tr1in) to pick $p somethin) o% an e-$cation;
Pres$mab'14 *nc'e Caine ha- not "ante- her i)norant o% %ami'1 mattersD"hich 'e- me to
"on-er ho" -eep'1 their re'ationship mi)ht ha&e r$n; :@- hear- that the1 ha- been to)ether %or
se&era' 1ears; (o : "on-ere- e.act'1 ho" m$ch she kne" abo$t me; : %e't re'ati&e'1 sa%e "ith
her4 b$t : ha- to -eci-e ho" m$ch : "as "i''in) to te'' her in e.chan)e %or the in%ormation she
ob&io$s'1 possesse- concernin) those "ho "ere a%ter me 'oca''1; !his4 beca$se : ha- a %ee'in) it
"o$'- probab'1 be a tra-e-o%%; Other than -oin) a %a&or %or a member o% the %ami'14 "hich
)enera''1 comes in han-14 there "as no specia' reason %or her ha&in) an interest in me
persona''1; ,er moti&ation in the "ho'e matter prett1 m$ch ha- to be a -esire %or re&en)e4 so %ar
as : co$'- see4 %or Caine@s ki''in); =ith this in min-4 : "as "i''in) to -ea'; :t is a'"a1s )oo- to
ha&e an a''1; B$t : ha- to -eci-e ho" m$ch : "as "i''in) to )i&e her o% the bi) pict$re; /i- :
"ant her messin) aro$n- in the entire comp'e. o% e&ents that s$rro$n-e- me> : -o$bte- it4 e&en
as : "on-ere- ho" m$ch she "o$'- be askin); Bost 'ike'1 she ?$st "ante- to be in on the ki''4
"hate&er that mi)ht be; =hen : )'ance- o&er to "here moon'i)ht accent$ate- the p'anes o% her
an)$'ar %ace4 it "as not -i%%ic$'t to s$perimpose a mask o% Nemesis $pon those %eat$res;
O$t %rom shore4 ri-in) the sea bree6e east4 passin) the )reat rock o% 3o'&ir4 the 'i)hts o% Amber
'ike ?e"e's in her hair4 : "as taken a)ain b1 an ear'ier %ee'in) o% a%%ection; !ho$)h : ha- )ro"n
$p in -arkness an- e.otic 'i)htin) ami- the non-2$c'i-ean o% the Co$rts4 "here bea$t1
"as %orme- o% more s$rrea' e'ements4 : %e't more an- more -ra"n to Amber e&er1 time : &isite-
her4 $nti' at 'ast : rea'i6e- she "as a part o% me4 $nti' : be)an to think o% her4 too4 as home; : -i-
not "ant 9$ke stormin) her s'opes "ith ri%'emen4 or /a't per%ormin) comman-o rai-s in her
&icinit1; : kne" that : "o$'- be "i''in) to %i)ht them to protect her;
Back on the beach4 near the p'ace "here Caine ha- been 'ai- to rest4 : tho$)ht : sa" a %'ash o%
prancin) "hiteness4 mo&in) s'o"'14 then <$ick'14 then &anishin) "ithin some c'e%t o% the s'ope; :
"o$'- ha&e sai- it "as a *nicorn4 b$t "ith the -istance an- the -arkness an- the <$ickness o% it
a''4 : co$'- ne&er be certain;
=e picke- $p a per%ect "in- a 'itt'e 'ater4 %or "hich : "as )rate%$'; : "as tire-4 -espite m1 -a1-
'on) s'$mber; B1 escape %rom the cr1sta' ca&e4 m1 enco$nter "ith the /"e''er4 an- the p$rs$it
b1 the "hir'"in- an- its maske- master a'' %'o"e- to)ether in m1 min- as the near'1 contin$o$s
action that the1 "ere; An- no" the posta-rena' reaction %rom m1 'atest acti&it1 "as sett'in) in; :
"ante- nothin) more than to 'isten to the 'appin) o% the "a&es "hi'e : "atche- the b'ack an-
cra))1 shore'ine s'i-e b1 to port or t$rne- to re)ar- the %'ickerin) sea to starboar-; : -i- not "ant
to think4 : -i- not "ant to mo&e;;;;
A pa'e han- $pon m1 arm; FAo$@re tire-4G : hear- her sa1;
F: )$ess so4G : hear- m1se'% sa1;
F,ere@s 1o$r c'oak; =h1 -on@t 1o$ p$t it on an- rest> =e@re ho'-in) stea-1; !he t"o o% $s can
mana)e easi'1 no"; =e -on@t nee- 1o$;G
: no--e- as : -re" it abo$t me; F:@'' take 1o$ $p on that; !hanks;G
FAre 1o$ h$n)r1 or thirst1>G
FNo; : ha- a bi) mea' back in to"n;G
,er han- remaine- on m1 arm; : 'ooke- $p at her; (he "as smi'in); :t "as the %irst time : ha-
seen her smi'e; =ith the %in)ertips o% her other han- she to$che- the b'oo-stain on m1 shirt%ront;
F/on@t "orr1; :@'' take care o% 1o$4G she sai-;
: smi'e- back at her beca$se it seeme- she "ante- me to; (he s<$ee6e- m1 sho$'-er an- 'e%t me
then4 an- : stare- a%ter her an- "on-ere- "hether there "ere some e'ement : ha- omitte- %rom
m1 ear'ier e<$ation concernin) her; B$t : "as too tire- no" to so'&e %or a ne" $nkno"n; B1
thinkin) machiner1 "as s'o"in)4 s'o"in);;;;
Back brace- a)ainst the port )$n"a'e4 rocke- )ent'1 b1 the s"e''s4 : 'et m1 hea- no-; !hro$)h
ha'%-c'ose- e1es : sa" the -ark b'ot she ha- in-icate- $pon m1 "hite shirt%ront; B'oo-; Aes4
F+irst b'oo-IG /espi' ha- crie-; F=hich is s$%%icientI ,a&e 1o$ satis%action>G
FNoIG E$rt ha- sho$te-; F: bare'1 scratche- himIG an- he sp$n on his stone an- "a&e- the trip'e
c'a"s o% his trisp in m1 -irection as he prepare- to ha&e at me a)ain;
!he b'oo- oo6e- %rom the incision in m1 'e%t %orearm an- %orme- itse'% into bea-s "hich rose
into the air an- -ri%te- a"a1 %rom me 'ike a han-%$' o% scattere- r$bies; : raise- m1 %an-on into a
hi)h )$ar- position an- 'o"ere- m1 mass4 "hich : he'- %ar o$t to the ri)ht an- an)'e- %or"ar-; :
bent m1 'e%t knee an- rotate- m1 stone 9 -e)rees on o$r m$t$a'; E$rt correcte- his o"n
position imme-iate'1 an- -roppe- a ha'%--o6en %eet; : t$rne- another 9 -e)rees4 so that each o%
$s seeme- to be han)in) $psi-e -o"n in re'ation to the other;
FBastar- son o% AmberIG he crie-4 an- the trip'e 'ances o% 'i)ht rake- to"ar- me %rom his
"eapon4 to be shattere- into bri)ht4 moth'ike %ra)ments b1 the s"eep o% m1 %an-on4 to %a''4
s"ir'in)4 -o"n"ar- into the Ab1ss o% Chaos abo&e "hich "e ro-e;
F*p 1o$rs4G : rep'ie-4 an- s<$ee6e- the ha%t o% m1 trisp4 tri))erin) the p$'se- beams %rom its
three hair-%ine b'a-es; : e.ten-e- m1 arm abo&e m1 hea- as : -i- so4 s'ashin) at his shins;
,e s"ept the beams a"a1 "ith his %an-on4 at a'most the %$'' e.tent o% their ei)ht-%oot e%%ecti&e
ran)e; !here is abo$t a three-secon- rechar)e pa$se on a tris'i&er4 b$t : %einte- a -ea- c$t to"ar-
his %ace4 be%ore "hich he raise- %an- re%'e.i&e'14 an- : tri))ere- the trisp %or a s"ir' c$t at his
knees; ,e broke the one-secon- p$'se in 'o" %an-4 tri))ere- a thr$st at m1 %ace an- sp$n o&er
back"ar- thro$)h a %$'' 364 co$ntin) on the rechar)e time to sa&e his back an- comin) $p4
%an-on hi)h4 to c$t at m1 sho$'-er;
B$t : "as )one4 circ'in) him4 -roppin) an- rotatin) erect; : c$t at his o"n e.pose- sho$'-er b$t
"as o$t o% ran)e; /espi'4 on his beachba''-si6e- stone4 "as circ'in) a'so4 %ar to m1 ri)ht4 "hi'e
m1 o"n secon--%an-on hi)h abo&e4 "as -roppin) <$ick'1; =e c'$n) to o$r sma'' stones "ith
shapeshi%te- %eet4 there on an o$ter c$rrent o% Chaos4 -ri%tin)4 as at the "hir'poo'@s rim; E$rt
rotate- to %o''o" me4 keepin) his 'e%t %orearmDto "hich the %an-on is attache-4 e'bo" an- "rist
Dhori6onta'4 an-$tin) a s'o" circ$'ar mo&ement "ith it; :ts three-%oot 'en)th o% %i'm1
mesh4 mor--"ei)hte- at the bottom4 )'ittere- in the ba'e%ire )'o"4 "hich occ$rre- at ran-om
inter&a's %rom man1 -irections; ,e he'- his trisp in mi--'e attack position4 an- he sho"e- his
teeth b$t "as not smi'in) as : mo&e- an- he mo&e- at opposite en-s o% the -iameter o% a ten-%oot
circ'e "hich "e -escribe- o&er an- o&er4 'ookin) %or an openin);
: ti'te- the p'ane o% m1 orbit an- he a-?$ste- his o"n imme-iate'1 to keep me compan1; : -i- it
a)ain4 an- so -i- he; !hen : -i- the -i&eD9 -e)rees %or"ar-4 %an-on raise- an- e.ten-e-Dan-
: t$rne- m1 "rist an- -roppe- m1 e'bo"4 an)'in) m1 rakin) c$t $p"ar- beneath his )$ar-;
,e c$rse- an- c$t4 b$t : scattere- his 'i)ht4 an- three -ark 'ines appeare- $pon his 'e%t thi)h; !he
tris'i&er on'1 c$ts to a -epth o% abo$t three <$arters o% an inch thro$)h %'esh4 "hich is "h1 the
throat4 e1es4 temp'es4 inner "rists an- %emora' arteries are partic$'ar'1 %a&ore- tar)ets in a serio$s
enco$nter; (ti''4 eno$)h c$ts an1"here an- 1o$ e&ent$a''1 "a&e )oo-b1e to 1o$r opponent as he
spins -o"n"ar- in a s"arm o% re- b$bb'es into that p'ace %rom "hence no tra&e'er ret$rns;
FB'oo-IG Ban-or crie-4 as the bea-s %orme- $pon E$rt@s 'e) an- -ri%te-; F:s there satis%action4
F:@m satis%ie-4G : ans"ere-;
F:@m notIG E$rt rep'ie-4 t$rnin) to %ace me as : -ri%te- to his 'e%t an- rotate- to m1 ri)ht; FAsk me
a)ain a%ter :@&e c$t his throatIG
E$rt ha- hate- me %rom sometime be%ore he ha- 'earne- to "a'k4 %or reasons entire'1 his o"n;
=hi'e : -i- not hate E$rt4 'ikin) him "as tota''1 be1on- m1 abi'it1; : ha- a'"a1s )otten a'on)
reasonab'1 "e'' "ith /espi'4 tho$)h he ten-e- to take E$rt@s si-e more o%ten than m1 o"n; B$t
that "as $n-erstan-ab'e; !he1 "ere %$'' brothers4 an- E$rt "as the bab1;
E$rt@s trisp %'ashe- an- : broke the 'i)ht an- riposte-; ,e scattere- m1 beams an- sp$n o%% to the
si-e; : %o''o"e-; O$r trisps %'are- sim$'taneo$s'14 an- the air bet"een $s "as %i''e- "ith %'akes o%
bri''iance as both attacks "ere shattere-; : str$ck a)ain4 this time 'o"4 as soon as : ha- rechar)e;
,is came in hi)h4 an- a)ain both attacks -ie- in %an-; =e -ri%te- nearer;
FE$rt4G : sai-4 Fi% either o% $s ki''s the other4 the s$r&i&or "i'' be o$tcast; Ca'' it o%%;G
F:t "i'' be "orth it4G he sai-; F/on@t 1o$ think :@&e tho$)ht abo$t it>G !hen he s'ashe- an attack
at m1 %ace; : raise- both arms re%'e.i&e'14 %an-on an- trisp4 an- tri))ere- an attack as shattere-
'i)ht sho"ere- be%ore me; : hear- him scream;
=hen : 'o"ere- m1 %an-on to e1e 'e&e' : sa" that he "as bent %or"ar-4 an- his trisp "as
-ri%tin) a"a1; (o "as his 'e%t ear4 trai'in) a re- %i'ament that <$ick'1 bea-e- itse'% an- broke
apart; A %'ap o% sca'p ha- a'so come 'oose4 an- he "as tr1in) to press it back into p'ace;
Ban-or an- /espi' "ere a'rea-1 spira'in) in;
F=e -ec'are the -$e' en-e-IG the1 "ere sho$tin)4 an- : t"iste- the hea- o% m1 trisp into a
sa%et1-'ock position;
F,o" ba- is it>G /espi' aske- me;
F: -on@t kno";G
E$rt 'et him c'ose eno$)h to check4 an- a 'itt'e 'ater /espi' sai-4 F,e@'' be a'' ri)ht; B$t Bother is
)oin) to be ma-;G
: no--e-; F:t "as his i-ea4G : sai-;
F: kno"; Come on; 9et@s )et o$t o% here;G
,e he'pe- E$rt steer to"ar- an o$tcroppin) o% the 0im4 %an-on trai'in) 'ike a broken "in); :
'in)ere- behin-; (a"a''@s son Ban-or4 m1 stepbrother4 p$t his han- on m1 sho$'-er;
FAo$ -i-n@t e&en mean him that m$ch4G he sai-; F: kno";G
: no--e- an- bit m1 'ip; /espi' ha- been ri)ht abo$t the 9a-1 /ara4 o$r mother4 tho$)h; (he
%a&ore- E$rt4 an- someho" he@- ha&e her be'ie&in) this "ho'e thin) "as m1 %a$'t; : sometimes
%e't she 'ike- both o% her sons b1 (a"a''4 the o'- 0im /$ke she@- %ina''1 marrie- a%ter )i&in) $p
on /a-4 better than me; :@- once o&erhear- it sai- that : remin-e- her o% m1 %ather4 "hom :@-
been to'- : resemb'e- more than a 'itt'e; : "on-ere- a)ain abo$t Amber an- abo$t other p'aces4
o$t in (ha-o"4 an- %e't m1 c$stomar1 t"in)e o% %ear as this reca''e- to me the "rithin) 9o)r$s4
"hich : kne" to be m1 ticket to other 'an-s; : kne" that : "as )oin) to tr1 it sooner than : ha-
ori)ina''1 inten-e-;
F9et@s )o see ($h$14G : sai- to Ban-or4 as "e rose $p o$t o% the Ab1ss to)ether; F!here are more
thin)s : "ant to ask him;G
=hen : %ina''1 "ent o%% to co''e)e : -i- not spen- a 'ot o% time "ritin) home;
F;;;home4G 7inta "as sa1in)4 Fprett1 soon no"; ,a&e a -rink o% "ater4G an- she passe- me a
: took se&era' 'on) s"a''o"s an- han-e- it back; F!hanks;G
: stretche- m1 crampe- m$sc'es an- breathe- the co'- sea air; : 'ooke- %or the moon an- it "as
"a1 back behin- m1 sho$'-er;
FAo$ "ere rea''1 o$t4G she sai-;
F/o : ta'k in m1 s'eep>G
FBa- -reams>G
: shr$))e-; FCo$'- be "orse;G
FBa1be 1o$ ma-e a 'itt'e noise4 ri)ht be%ore : "oke 1o$;G
+ar ahea- : sa" a sma'' 'i)ht at the en- o% a -ark promontor1; (he )est$re- to"ar- it;
F=hen "e@&e passe- the point4G she sai-4 F"e "i'' come into si)ht o% the harbor at Ba1'esport;
=e@'' %in- break%ast there4 an- horses;G
F,o" %ar is it %rom Arbor ,o$se>G
FAbo$t a 'ea)$e4G she rep'ie-; FAn eas1 ri-e;G
(he sta1e- b1 me in si'ence %or a "hi'e4 "atchin) the coast'ine an- the sea; :t "as the %irst time
"e ha- simp'1 sat to)ether4 m1 han-s $nocc$pie- an- m1 min- %ree; An- m1 sorcerer@s sense
"as stirre- in that inter&a'; : %e't as i% : "ere in the presence o% ma)ic; Not some simp'e spe'' or
the a$ra o% some charme- ob?ect she mi)ht be bearin)4 b$t somethin) &er1 s$bt'e; : s$mmone-
m1 &ision an- t$rne- it $pon her; !here "as nothin) imme-iate'1 ob&io$s4 b$t pr$-ence
s$))este- : check %$rther; : e.ten-e- m1 in<$ir1 thro$)h the 9o)r$s;;;;
FP'ease -on@t -o that4G she sai-;
: ha- ?$st committe- a %a$. pas; :t is )enera''1 consi-ere- some"hat )a$che to probe a %e''o"
practitioner in s$ch a %ashion;
F:@m sorr14G : sai-; F: -i-n@t rea'i6e 1o$ "ere a st$-ent o% the Art;G
F: am not4G she ans"ere-4 Fb$t : am sensiti&e to its operations;G
F:n that case4 1o$ "o$'- probab'1 make a )oo- one;G
FB1 interests 'ie e'se"here4G she sai-;
F: tho$)ht perhaps someone ha- 'ai- a spe'' $pon 1o$4G : state-; F: "as on'1 tr1in) toDG
F=hate&er 1o$ sa"4G she sai-4 Fbe'on)s; 9et it be;G
FAs 1o$ "o$'-; (orr1;G
(he m$st ha&e kno"n : co$'-n@t 'et it rest at that4 tho$)h4 "hen $nkno"n ma)ic represents
possib'e -an)er; (o she "ent on4 F:t is nothin) that can -o 1o$ harm4 : ass$re 1o$; M$ite the
: "aite-4 b$t she -i- not ha&e an1thin) %$rther to sa1 on the matter; (o : ha- to 'et it -rop4 %or the
moment; : shi%te- m1 )a6e back to the 'i)htho$se; =hat "as : )ettin) into "ith her4 an1ho">
,o" ha- she e&en kno"n that : "as back in to"n4 'et a'one that : "o$'- &isit /eath A''e1 "hen :
-i-> (he m$st ha&e kno"n that the <$estion "o$'- occ$r to me4 an- i% there "as to be )oo- %aith
on both o$r parts she sho$'- be "i''in) to e.p'ain it;
: t$rne- back to"ar- her4 an- she "as smi'in) a)ain;
F!he "in- chan)es in the 'ee o% the 'i)ht4G she sai-4 an- she rose; F2.c$se me; :@&e "ork to -o;G
FBa1 : )i&e 1o$ a han->G
F:n a bit; :@'' ca'' 1o$ "hen : nee- 1o$;G
: "atche- her mo&e a"a14 an- as : -i- : ha- the eerie %ee'in) that she "as "atchin) me a'so4 no
matter "here she "as 'ookin); : rea'i6e-4 too4 that this %ee'in) ha- been "ith me %or some time4
'ike the sea;
B1 the time "e ha- -ocke- an- p$t e&er1thin) in or-er an- hea-e- $p a hi'' a'on) a "i-e
cobb'e- "a1 to"ar- an inn "ith smoke snakin) %rom its chimne14 the sk1 "as )ro"in) pa'e in
the east; A%ter a heart1 break%ast4 mornin)@s 'i)ht 'a1 %$'' $pon the "or'-; =e "a'ke- then to a
'i&er1 stab'e "here three <$iet mo$nts "ere obtaine- %or the ri-e to her %ather@s estate;
:t "as one o% those c'ear crisp a$t$mn -a1s "hich become rarer an- -earer as the 1ear "in-s
-o"n; : %ina''1 %e't some"hat reste-4 an- the inn ha- ha- co%%eeD"hich is not that common in
Amber4 o$tsi-e the pa'aceDan- : en?o1 m1 mornin) c$p; :t "as )oo- to mo&e thro$)h the
co$ntr1si-e at a 'eis$re'1 pace an- to sme'' the 'an-4 to "atch the moist$re %a-e %rom spark'in)
%ie'-s an- t$rnin) 'ea&es4 to %ee' the "in-4 to hear an- "atch a %'ock o% bir-s so$thbo$n- %or the
:s'es o% the ($n; =e ro-e in si'ence4 an- nothin) happene- to break m1 moo-; Bemories o%
sorro"4 betra1a'4 s$%%erin) an- &io'ence are stron) b$t the1 -o %a-e4 "hereas inter'$-es s$ch as
this4 "hen : c'ose m1 e1es an- re)ar- the ca'en-ar o% m1 -a1s4 someho" o$t'ast them4 as : see
m1se'% ri-in) "ith 7inta Ba1'e $n-er mornin) skies "here the ho$ses an- %ences are stone an-
stra1 seabir-s ca''4 there in the "ine co$ntr1 to the east o% Amber4 an- the sc1the o% !ime has no
po"er in this corner o% the heart;
=hen "e arri&e- at Arbor ,o$se "e )a&e the horses into the care o% Ba1'e@s )rooms4 "ho "o$'-
see to their e&ent$a' ret$rn to to"n; /re" -eparte- %or his o"n <$arters then4 an- : "a'ke- "ith
7inta to the h$)e hi''top manor ho$se; :t comman-e- %ar &ie"s o% rock1 &a''e1s an- hi''si-es
"here the )rapes "ere )ro"n; A )reat n$mber o% -o)s approache- an- trie- to be %rien-'1 as "e
ma-e o$r "a1 to the ho$se4 an- once "e ha- entere- their &oices sti'' reache- $s on occasion;
=oo- an- "ro$)ht iron4 )ra1 %'a))e- %'oors4 hi)h beame- cei'in)s4 c'erestor1 "in-o"s4 %ami'1
portraits4 a co$p'e o% sma'' tapestries o% sa'mon4 bro"n4 i&or1 an- b'$e4 a co''ection o% o'-
"eapons sho"in) a %e" to$ches o% o.i-ation4 soot sm$-)es on the )ra1 stone abo$t the hearth;;;;
=e passe- thro$)h the bi) %ront ha'' an- $p a stair;
F!ake this room4G she sai-4 openin) a -ark"oo- -oor4 an- : no--e- as : entere- an- 'ooke-
abo$t; :t "as spacio$s4 "ith bi) "in-o"s 'ookin) o$t o&er the &a''e1 to the so$th; Bost o% the
ser&ants "ere at the Baron@s p'ace in to"n %or the season; F!here is a bath in the ne.t room4G she
to'- me4 in-icatin) a -oor to m1 'e%t;
F#reat; !hanks; E$st "hat : nee-;G
F(o repair 1o$rse'% as 1o$ "o$'-;G (he crosse- to the "in-o" an- 'ooke- -o"n"ar-; F:@'' meet
1o$ on that terrace in abo$t an ho$r4 i% that is a)reeab'e;G
: "ent o&er an- 'ooke- -o"n $pon a 'ar)e %'a))e- area4 "e''-sha-e- b1 ancient treesDtheir
'ea&es no" 1e''o"4 re- an- bro"n4 man1 o% them -ottin) the patioDthe p'ace bor-ere- b1
%'o"er be-s4 &acant no"4 a n$mber o% tab'es an- chairs arran)e- $pon it4 a co''ection o% potte-
shr$bs "e'' -ispose- amon) them;
(he t$rne- to"ar- me; F:s there an1thin) specia' 1o$ "o$'- 'ike>G
F:% there is an1 co%%ee abo$t4 : "o$'-n@t min- another c$p or t"o "hen : meet 1o$ o$t there;G
F:@'' see "hat : can -o;G
(he smi'e- an- seeme- to s"a1 s'i)ht'1 to"ar- me %or a moment; :t a'most seeme- in that
instant as i% she "ante- me to embrace her; B$t i% she -i- not4 it co$'- be s'i)ht'1 a"k"ar-; An-
$n-er the circ$mstances : "ante- no %ami'iarit1 "ith her an1"a14 ha&in) no i-ea as to the sort o%
)ame she "as p'a1in); (o : ret$rne- her smi'e4 reache- o$t an- s<$ee6e- her arm4 sai-4 F!hank
1o$4G an- steppe- a"a1; F: )$ess :@'' see abo$t that bath no";G
: sa" her to the -oor an- 'et her o$t;
:t "as )oo- to )et m1 boots o%%; :t "as %ar better to soak4 %or a 'on)4 "arm time;
9ater4 in %resh-con?$re- attire4 : ma-e m1 "a1 -o"nstairs an- 'ocate- a si-e -oor that 'et o% the
kitchen onto the patio; 7inta4 a'so scr$bbe- an- re%itte-4 in bro"n ri-in) pants an- a 'oose tan
b'o$se4 sat besi-e a tab'e at the east en- o% the patio; !"o p'aces "ere set $pon it4 an- : sa" a
co%%eepot an- a tra1 o% %r$it an- cheeses; : crosse- o&er4 'ea&es cr$nchin) beneath m1 %eet4 an-
sat -o"n;
F/i- 1o$ %in- e&er1thin) to 1o$r satis%action>G she aske- me;
F2ntire'14G : rep'ie-;
FAn- 1o$@&e noti%ie- Amber o% 1o$r "hereabo$ts>G
: no--e-; 0an-om ha- been a bit irritate- at m1 takin) o%% "itho$t 'ettin) him kno"4 b$t then he
ha- ne&er to'- me not to; ,e "as 'ess irritate-4 ho"e&er4 "hen he 'earne- that : ha-n@t )one a''
that %ar4 an- he e&en ackno"'e-)e- %ina''1 that perhaps : ha- -one a pr$-ent thin) in
-isappearin) %o''o"in) s$ch a pec$'iar attack; F3eep 1o$r e1es open an- keep me poste-4G "ere
his %ina' "or-s;
F#oo-; Co%%ee>G
(he po$re- an- )est$re- to"ar- the tra1; : took an app'e an- took a bite;
F!hin)s ha&e be)$n happenin)4G she sai- ambi)$o$s'14 as she %i''e- her o"n c$p;
F: can@t -en1 it4G : ackno"'e-)e-;
FAn- 1o$r tro$b'es ha&e been mani%o'-;G
(he took a sip o% co%%ee; F=o$'- 1o$ care to te'' me abo$t them>G she %ina''1 sai-;
F!he1@re a 'itt'e too mani%o'-4G : rep'ie-; FAo$ sai- somethin) 'ast ni)ht abo$t 1o$r stor1 bein) a
'on) one4 too;G
(he smi'e- %aint'1; FAo$ m$st %ee' 1o$ ha&e no reason to tr$st me more than necessar1 at this
point4G she sai-; F: can see that; =h1 tr$st an1one 1o$ -on@t ha&e to "hen somethin) -an)ero$s
is a%oot4 somethin) 1o$ -o not comp'ete'1 $n-erstan-> 0i)ht>G
F:t -oes strike me as a so$n- po'ic1;G
FAet : ass$re 1o$ that 1o$r "e'%are is o% the hi)hest concern to me;G
F/o 1o$ think : ma1 represent a means o% )ettin) at Caine@s ki''er>G
FAes4G she sai-4 Fan- inso%ar as the1 ma1 become 1o$r ki''ers : "o$'- 'ike to )et at them;G
FAre 1o$ tr1in) to te'' me that re&en)e is not 1o$r main ob?ecti&e>G
F!hat@s ri)ht; : "o$'- rather protect the 'i&in) than a&en)e the -ea-;G
FB$t that part becomes aca-emic i% it@s the same in-i&i-$a' in both cases; /o 1o$ think it is>G
F: am not certain4G she sai-4 Fthat it "as 9$ke "ho sent those men a%ter 1o$ 'ast ni)ht;G
: p'ace- m1 app'e besi-e m1 c$p an- took a 'on) -rink o% co%%ee; F9$ke>G : sai-; F9$ke "ho>
=hat -o 1o$ kno" o% an1 9$ke>G
F9$cas 0a1nar-4G she sai- stea-i'14 F"ho traine- a ban- o% mercenaries in the Pecos =i'-erness
in northern Ne" Be.ico4 iss$e- them s$pp'ies o% a specia' amm$nition that "i'' -etonate in
Amber4 an- sent them a'' home "ith it to a"ait his or-ers to m$ster an- be transporte- hereDto
attempt somethin) 1o$r %ather once trie- 1ears a)o;G
F,o'1 shitIG : sai-;
!hat "o$'- e.p'ain a 'otD'ike 9$ke@s sho"in) $p in %ati)$es back at the ,i'ton in (anta +e4
"ith his stor1 abo$t 'ikin) to hike aro$n- in the Pecos4 "ith that ro$n- o% pec$'iar amm$nition
:@- %o$n- in his pocketC an- a'' the other trips he@- been makin) thereDmore4 act$a''14 than
seeme- abso'$te'1 necessar1 on his sa'es ro$te;;;; !hat an)'e ha- ne&er occ$rre- to me4 b$t it
ma-e a 'ot o% sense in 'i)ht o% e&er1thin) :@- since !eame-;
FOka14G : ackno"'e-)e-4 F: )$ess 1o$ kno" 9$ke 0a1nar-; Bin- te''in) me ho" 1o$ came b1
FAes4 : min-; :@m a%rai- :@m )oin) to ha&e to p'a1 this )ame 1o$r "a1 an- tra-e 1o$ in%ormation
a piece at a time; No" that : think o% it4 it "i'' probab'1 make me %ee' more com%ortab'e too;
,o" -oes that so$n- to 1o$>G
F2ither one o% $s can ca'' it <$its at an1 time>G
F=hich stops the tra-in)4 $n'ess "e can ne)otiate it;G
FA'' ri)ht;G
F(o 1o$ o"e me one; Ao$ ?$st ret$rne- to Amber the other -a1; =here ha- 1o$ been>G
: si)he- an- took another bite o% the app'e; FAo$@re %ishin)4G : sai- %ina''1; F!hat@s a bi)
<$estion; :@&e been to a 'ot o% p'aces; :t a'' -epen-s on ho" %ar back 1o$ "ant to )o;G
F9et@s take it %rom Be) /e&'in@s apartment to 1ester-a14G she sai-;
: choke- on a piece o% app'e; FOka14 1o$@&e ma-e the pointD1o$ ha&e some -amn )oo- so$rces
o% in%ormation4G : obser&e-; FB$t it has to be +iona %or that one; Ao$@re in 'ea)$e "ith her some
"a14 aren@t 1o$>G
F:t@s not 1o$r t$rn %or a <$estion4G she sai-; FAo$ ha&en@t ans"ere- mine 1et;G
FOka14 +i an- : came back to Amber a%ter : 'e%t Be)@s p'ace; !he ne.t -a1 0an-om sent me on a
mission4 to t$rn o%% a machine :@- b$i't ca''e- #host"hee'; : %ai'e- in this b$t : ran into 9$ke
a'on) the "a1; ,e act$a''1 he'pe- me o$t o% a ti)ht spot; !hen4 %o''o"in) a mis$n-erstan-in)
"ith m1 creation4 : $se- a stran)e !r$mp to take both 9$ke an- m1se'% to sa%et1; 9$ke
s$bse<$ent'1 imprisone- me in a cr1sta' ca&eDG
FAhaIG she sai-;
F: sho$'- stop there>G
FNo4 )o on;G
F: "as a prisoner %or a month or so4 tho$)h it amo$nte- to on'1 a %e" -a1s4 Amber time; : "as
re'ease- b1 a co$p'e o% %e''o"s "orkin) %or a 'a-1 name- Easra4 ha- an a'tercation "ith them an-
"ith the 'a-1 herse'% an- tr$mpe- o$t to (an +rancisco4 to +'ora@s p'ace; !here4 : re&isite- an
apartment "here a m$r-er ha- occ$rre-DG
FE$'ia@s p'ace>G
FAes; :n it4 : -isco&ere- a ma)ica' )ate"a1 "hich : "as ab'e to %orce open; : passe- thro$)h it to
a p'ace ca''e- the 3eep o% the +o$r =or'-s; A batt'e "as in pro)ress there4 the attackers probab'1
bein) 'e- b1 a %e''o" name- /a't4 o% some sma'' notoriet1 hereabo$ts at one time; 9ater4 : "as
p$rs$e- b1 a ma)ica' "hir'"in- an- ca''e- names b1 a maske- "i6ar-; : tr$mpe- o$t an- came
FAn- that@s e&er1thin)>G
F:n caps$'e %orm4 1es;G
FAre 1o$ 'ea&in) o$t an1thin)>G
F($re; +or instance4 there "as a /"e''er on the thresho'- o% the )ate"a14 b$t : "as ab'e to )et
FNo4 that@s part o% the packa)e; An1thin) e'se>G
FBm; Aes4 there "ere t"o pec$'iar comm$nications4 en-in) in %'o"ers;G
F!e'' me abo$t them;G
(o : -i-;
(he shook her hea- "hen :@- %inishe-; FAo$@&e )ot me there4G she sai-;
: %inishe- m1 co%%ee an- the app'e; (he re%i''e- m1 c$p;
FNo" it@s m1 t$rn4G : sai-; F=hat -i- 1o$ mean b1 that TAhaI@ "hen : mentione- the cr1sta'
F:t "as b'$e cr1sta'4 "asn@t it> An- it b'ocke- 1o$r po"ers;G
F,o"@- 1o$ kno">G
F:t "as the co'or o% the stone in the rin) 1o$ took %rom that man 'ast ni)ht;G
(he )ot to her %eet an- mo&e- aro$n- the tab'e4 stoo- a moment4 then pointe- to the &icinit1 o%
m1 'e%t hip;
F=o$'- 1o$ empt1 that pocket onto the tab'e4 p'ease>G
: smi'e-; F($re; ,o"@- 1o$ kno">G
(he -i-n@t ans"er that one4 b$t then it "as a -i%%erent <$estion; : remo&e- the assortment o% b'$e
stones %rom m1 pocketDthe chips %rom the ca&e4 the car&e- b$tton :@- snatche-4 the rin)Dan-
p'ace- them $pon the tab'e;
(he picke- $p the b$tton4 st$-ie- it4 then no--e-;
FAes4 that@s one a'so4G she state-;
FOne "hat>G
(he i)nore- the <$er1 an- -ippe- her ri)ht %ore%in)er into a bit o% spi''e- co%%ee "ithin her
sa$cer; (he then $se- it to trace three circ'es aro$n- the masse- stones4 "i--ershins; !hen she
no--e- a)ain an- ret$rne- to her seat; :@- s$mmone- the &ision in time to see her b$i'- a ca)e o%
%orce abo$t them; No"4 as : contin$e- to "atch4 it seeme- as i% the1 "ere e.ha'in) %aint "isps o%
b'$e smoke that remaine- "ithin the circ'e;
F: tho$)ht 1o$ sai- 1o$ "eren@t a sorcerer;G
F:@m not4G she rep'ie-;
F:@'' sa&e the <$estion; B$t contin$e ans"erin) the 'ast one; =hat is the si)ni%icance o% the b'$e
F!he1 ha&e an a%%init1 %or the ca&e4 an- %or each other4G she to'- me; FA person "ith &er1 'itt'e
trainin) co$'- ho'- one o% them an- simp'1 be)in "a'kin)4 %o''o"in) the s'i)ht ps1chic t$))in);
:t "o$'- e&ent$a''1 'ea- him to the ca&e;G
F!hro$)h (ha-o"4 1o$ mean>G
F:ntri)$in)4 b$t : %ai' to see an1 )reat &a'$e to it;G
FB$t that is not a''; :)nore the p$'' o% the ca&e4 an- 1o$ "i'' become a"are o% secon-ar1
t$))in)s; 9earn to -istin)$ish the si)nat$re o% the proper stone4 an- 1o$ can %o''o" its bearer
F!hat -oes so$n- a 'itt'e more $se%$'; /o 1o$ think that@s ho" those )$1s %o$n- me 'ast ni)ht4
beca$se : ha- a pocket %$'' o% the thin)s>G
FProbab'14 %rom a practica' stan-point4 the1 he'pe-; Act$a''14 tho$)h4 in 1o$r case4 the1 sho$'-
not e&en ha&e been necessar1 at this point;G
F=h1 not>G
F!he1 ha&e an a--itiona' e%%ect; An1one "ho has one in his possession %or a time becomes
att$ne- to the thin); !hro" it a"a1 an- the att$nement remains; Ao$ can sti'' be tracke- then4
?$st as i% 1o$ ha- retaine- the stone; Ao$ "o$'- possess a si)nat$re o% 1o$r o"n;G
FAo$ mean that e&en no"4 "itho$t them4 :@m marke->G
F,o" 'on) -oes it take to "ear o%%>G
F: am not certain that it e&er -oes;G
F!here m$st be some means o% -eatt$nement;G
F: -o not kno" %or certain4 b$t : can think o% a co$p'e o% thin)s that "o$'- probab'1 -o it;G
FName them;G
F=a'kin) the Pattern o% Amber or ne)otiatin) the 9o)r$s o% Chaos; !he1 seem a'most to break a
person apart an- -o a reassemb'ement into a p$rer %orm; !he1 ha&e been kno"n to p$r)e man1
stran)e con-itions; As : reca''4 it "as the Pattern that restore- 1o$r %ather@s memor1;G
FAesDan- : "on@t e&en ask 1o$ ho" 1o$ kno" abo$t the 9o)r$sD1o$ ma1 "e'' be ri)ht; As
"ith so m$ch e'se in 'i%e4 it seems eno$)h o% a pain in the ass to be )oo- %or me; (o4 1o$ think
the1 co$'- be 6eroin) in on me ri)ht no"4 "ith or "itho$t the stones>G
F,o" -o 1o$ kno" a'' this>G : aske-;
F: can sense itDan- that@s an e.tra <$estion; B$t :@'' )i&e 1o$ a %ree one in the interests o%;G
F!hanks; : )$ess it@s 1o$r t$rn no";G
FE$'ia "as seein) an occ$'tist name- 7ictor Be'man be%ore she -ie-; /o 1o$ kno" "h1>G
F(he "as st$-1in) "ith him4 'ookin) %or some sort o% -e&e'opmentDat 'east4 that@s "hat : "as
to'- b1 a )$1 "ho kne" her at the time; !his "as a%ter "e broke $p;G
F!hat is not e.act'1 "hat : meant4G she sai-; F/o 1o$ kno" "h1 she -esire- this -e&e'opment>G
F(o$n-s 'ike an e.tra <$estion to me4 b$t ma1be : o"e 1o$ one; !he %e''o" :@- spoken "ith to'-
me that : ha- scare- her4 that :@- )i&en her to be'ie&e that : possesse- $n$s$a' abi'ities4 an- that
she "as 'ookin) %or some o% her o"n in se'%--e%ense;G
F+inish it4G she sai-;
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F!hat@s not a comp'ete ans"er; /i- 1o$ act$a''1 )i&e her ca$se to be'ie&e that an- to be a%rai- o%
F=e''4 : )$ess : -i-; No" m1 <$estion8 ,o" co$'- 1o$ possib'1 kno" an1thin) abo$t E$'ia in
the %irst p'ace>G
F: "as there4G she ans"ere-; F: kne" her;G
F#o ahea-;G
F!hat@s it; No" it@s m1 t$rn;G
F!hat@s har-'1 comp'ete;G
FB$t it@s a'' 1o$@re )ettin) on that one; !ake it or 'ea&e it;G
FAccor-in) to o$r a)reement : can ca'' it <$its o&er that;G
F!r$e; =i'' 1o$>G
F=hat -o 1o$ "ant to kno" ne.t>G
F/i- E$'ia -e&e'op the abi'ities she so$)ht>G
F: to'- 1o$ that "e@- stoppe- seein) each other be%ore she )ot in&o'&e- in that sort o% thin); (o :
ha&e no "a1 o% kno"in);G
FAo$ 'ocate- the porta' in her apartment %rom "hich the beast that s'e" her ha- pres$mab'1
emer)e-; !"o <$estions no"Dnot %or 1o$ to ans"er %or me4 ?$st %or 1o$ to think o&er8 =h1
"o$'- an1one "ant her -ea- in the %irst p'ace> An- -oes it not seem a &er1 pec$'iar "a1 to ha&e
)one abo$t it> : can think o% a 'ot simp'er "a1s o% -isposin) o% a person;G
FAo$@re ri)ht4G : a)ree-; FA "eapon is a he'' o% a 'ot easier to mana)e than ma)ic an1 -a1; As %or
"h14 : can on'1 spec$'ate; : ha- ass$me- it "as a trap %or me4 an- that she ha- been sacri%ice- as
part o% the packa)eDm1 ann$a' Apri' thirtieth present; /o 1o$ kno" abo$t them4 too>G
F9et@s sa&e that b$siness %or 'ater; Ao$ are ob&io$s'1 a"are that sorcerers ha&e st1'es4 the same
as painters4 "riters4 m$sicians; =hen 1o$ s$ccee-e- in 'ocatin) that )ate"a1 in E$'ia@s
apartment4 "as there an1thin) abo$t it "hich "e mi)ht re%er to as the a$thor@s si)nat$re>G
FNothin) specia' that : can reca''; O% co$rse4 : "as in a h$rr1 to %orce it; : "asn@t there to a-mire
the aesthetics o% the thin); B$t no4 : can@t associate it "ith an1one "ith "hose "ork : am %ami'iar;
=hat are 1o$ )ettin) at>G
F: ?$st "on-ere- "hether it "ere possib'e that she mi)ht ha&e -e&e'ope- some abi'ities o% her
o"n a'on) these 'ines4 an- in the co$rse o% thin)s opene- that )ate"a1 herse'% an- s$%%ere- those
FA'' ri)ht; : am ?$st tr1in) to t$rn $p some reasons; : take it then that 1o$ ne&er sa" an1
in-ication that she mi)ht possess 'atent abi'ities %or sorcer1>G
FNo4 : can@t reca'' an1 instances;G
: %inishe- m1 co%%ee4 po$re- a re%i'';
F:% 1o$ -on@t think 9$ke is a%ter me no"4 "h1 not>G : aske- her then;
F,e set $p some apparent acci-ents %or 1o$4 1ears a)o;G
FAes; ,e a-mitte- that recent'1; ,e a'so to'- me that he <$it -oin) it a%ter the %irst %e" times;G
F!hat is correct;G
FAo$ kno"4 it@s ma--enin)Dnot kno"in) "hat 1o$ kno" an- "hat 1o$ -o not;G
F!hat is "h1 "e@re ta'kin)4 isn@t it> :t "as 1o$r i-ea to )o abo$t it this "a1;G
F:t "as notI Ao$ s$))este- this tra-e-o%%IG
F!his mornin)4 1es; B$t the i-ea "as ori)ina''1 1o$rs4 some time a)o; : am thinkin) o% a certain
te'ephone con&ersation4 at Br; 0oth@s p'aceDG
FAo$> !hat -is)$ise- &oice on the phone> ,o" co$'- that be>G
F=o$'- 1o$ rather hear abo$t that or abo$t 9$ke>G
F!hatI No4 9$keI Both4 -amn itIG
F(o it "o$'- seem there is a certain "is-om in keepin) to the %ormat "e@&e a)ree- $pon; !here
is m$ch to be sai- %or or-er'iness;G
FOka14 1o$@&e ma-e another point; #o on abo$t 9$ke;G
F:t seeme- to me4 as an obser&er4 that he <$it that b$siness as soon as he )ot to kno" 1o$
FAo$ mean back abo$t the time "e became %rien-'1Dthat "asn@t ?$st an act>G
F: co$'-n@t te'' %or s$re thenDan- he certain'1 co$ntenance- the 1ears o% attacks on 1o$Db$t :
be'ie&e that he act$a''1 sabota)e- some o% them;G
F=ho "as behin- them a%ter he <$it>G
FA re--haire- 'a-1 "ith "hom he seeme- to be associate-;G
FAes4 that "as her nameDan- : sti'' -on@t kno" as m$ch abo$t her as :@- 'ike to; /o 1o$ ha&e
an1thin) there>G
F: think :@'' sa&e that %or a bi) one4G : sai-;
+or the %irst time4 she -irecte- a narro"-e1e-4 teeth-c'enche- e.pression to"ar- me;
FCan@t 1o$ see that :@m tr1in) to he'p 1o$4 Ber'in>G
F0ea''14 "hat : see is that 1o$ "ant in%ormation : ha&e4G : sai-4 Fan- that@s oka1; :@m "i''in) to
-ea' beca$se 1o$ seem to kno" thin)s : "ant4 too; B$t :@&e )ot to a-mit that 1o$r reasons are
m$rk1 to me; ,o" the he'' -i- 1o$ )et to Berke'e1> =hat "ere 1o$ -oin) ca''in) me at Bi''@s
p'ace> =hat is this po"er o% 1o$rs 1o$ sa1 isn@t sorcer1> ,o"DG
F!hat@s three <$estions4G she sai-4 Fan- the be)innin) o% a %o$rth; =o$'- 1o$ pre%er to "rite
them a'' o$t4 an- ha&e me -o the same %or 1o$> !hen "e can both )o o%% to o$r rooms an- -eci-e
"hich ones "e "ant to ans"er>G
FNo4G : rep'ie-; F:@m "i''in) to p'a1 the )ame; B$t 1o$ are a"are o% m1 reason %or "antin) to
kno" these thin)s; :t@s a matter o% se'%-preser&ation to me; : tho$)ht at %irst that 1o$ "ante-
in%ormation that "o$'- he'p 1o$ to nai' the man "ho ki''e- Caine; B$t 1o$ sai- no4 an- 1o$
-i-n@t )i&e me an1thin) to p$t in its p'ace;G
F: -i-4 tooI : "ant to protect 1o$IG
F: appreciate the sentiment; B$t "h1> =hen it comes -o"n to it4 1o$ har-'1 kno" me;G
FNe&erthe'ess4 that is m1 reason an- : -on@t %ee' 'ike )oin) behin- it; !ake it or 'ea&e it;G
: )ot to m1 %eet an- be)an pacin) the patio; : -i-n@t 'ike the tho$)ht o% )i&in) a"a1 in%ormation
that co$'- be &ita' to m1 sec$rit14 an- $'timate'1 that o% AmberDtho$)h : ha- to a-mit : "as
)ettin) a prett1 )oo- ret$rn %or "hat :@- )i&en; ,er st$%% -i- so$n- ri)ht; +or that matter4 the
Ba1'es ha- a 'on) histor1 o% 'o1a't1 to the Cro"n4 %or "hate&er that "as "orth; !he thin) that
bothere- me the most4 : -eci-e-4 "as her insistence that it "as not act$a''1 re&en)e that she "as
a%ter; Apart %rom this bein) a &er1 $n-Amber'ike attit$-e4 i% she "ere an1 ?$-)e at a'' as to "hat
"o$'- )o o&er "ith me she nee- b$t ha&e a)ree- that b'oo- "as "hat she "ante-4 in or-er to
make her concern inte''i)ib'e; : "o$'- ha&e bo$)ht it "itho$t 'ookin) an1 %$rther; An- "hat -i-
she o%%er in its p'ace> Air1 nothin)s an- c'assi%ie- moti&es;;;;
=hich co$'- "e'' mean she "as te''in) the tr$th; /is-ainin) the $se o% a "orkab'e 'ie an-
o%%erin) somethin) more c$mbersome in its p'ace "o$'- seem the mark o% )en$ine honest1; An-
she -i-4 apparent'14 ha&e more ans"ers that : "ante-;
: hear- a sma'' ratt'in) so$n- %rom the tab'e; : tho$)ht at %irst that she mi)ht be -r$mmin) on it
"ith her %in)ertips as a si)n o% her irritation "ith me; B$t "hen : )'ance- back : sa" that she "as
sittin) per%ect'1 sti''4 not e&en 'ookin) at me;
: -re" nearer4 seekin) the so$rce; !he rin)4 the pieces o% b'$e stone an- e&en the b$tton "ere
?i))'in) abo$t on the tab'etop4 as o% their o"n accor-;
F(omethin) 1o$@re -oin)>G : aske-;
FNo4G she rep'ie-;
!he stone in the rin) cracke- an- %e'' o$t o% its settin);
F=hat4 then>G
F: broke a 'ink4G she sai-; F: be'ie&e somethin) ma1 be tr1in) to reestab'ish it an- %ai'in);G
F2&en so4 i% :@m sti'' att$ne- the1 -on@t nee- them in or-er to 'ocate me4 -o the1>G
F!here ma1 be more than one part1 in&o'&e-4G she obser&e-; F: think : sho$'- ha&e a ser&ant
ri-e back to to"n an- thro" the thin)s into the ocean; :% someone "ishes to %o''o" them there4
F!he chips sho$'- ?$st 'ea- back to the ca&e4 an- the rin) to the -ea- man4G : sai-; FB$t :@m not
rea-1 to thro" the b$tton a"a1;G
F=h1 not> :t represents a bi) $nkno"n;G
F2.act'1; B$t these thin)s "o$'- ha&e to "ork both "a1s4 "o$'-n@t the1> !hat "o$'- mean that
: co$'- 'earn to $se the b$tton to %in- m1 "a1 to the %'o"er thro"er;G
F!hat co$'- be -an)ero$s;G
FAn- not -oin) it co$'- pro&e more -an)ero$s in the 'on) r$n; No4 1o$ can thro" the rest o%
them into the sea4 b$t not the b$tton;G
FA'' ri)ht; :@'' keep it pent %or 1o$;G
F!hanks; Easra is 9$ke@s mother;G
FAo$@re ?okin)IG
F!hat e.p'ains "h1 he -i-n@t 'ean on her -irect'1 abo$t the 'ater Apri' thirtieths; +ascinatin)I :t
opens $p a "ho'e ne" 'ane o% spec$'ation;G
FCare to share them>G
F9ater4 'ater; :n the meantime4 :@'' take care o% these stones ri)ht no";G (he scoope- them a'' o$t
o% the circ'e an- the1 seeme-4 %or a moment4 to -ance in her han-; (he stoo-;
F*hDthe b$tton>G : sai-;
(he p$t the b$tton into her pocket an- kept the others in her han-;
FAo$@re )oin) to )et att$ne- 1o$rse'% i% 1o$ keep the b$tton that "a14 aren@t 1o$>G
FNo4G she sai-4 F: "on@t;G
F=h1 not>G
F!here@s a reason; 2.c$se me "hi'e : %in- a container %or the others4 an- someone to transport
F=on@t that person )et att$ne->G
F:t takes a "hi'e;G
F,a&e some more co%%eeDor somethin);G
(he t$rne- an- 'e%t; : ate a piece o% cheese; : trie- to %i)$re o$t "hether :@- )otten more ans"ers
or more ne" <$estions -$rin) the co$rse o% o$r con&ersation; : trie- to ht some o% the ne" pieces
into the o'- p$66'e;
: t$rne-4 to see "ho ha- spoken; !here "as no one in si)ht;
F/o"n here;G
A coin-si6e- -isk o% 'i)ht 'a1 "ithin a nearb1 %'o"er be-4 other"ise empt1 sa&e %or a %e" -r1
sta'ks an- 'ea&es; !he 'i)ht ca$)ht m1 attention "hen it mo&e- s'i)ht'1;
F#host>G : aske-;
F*h-h$h4G came the rep'1 %rom amon) the 'ea&es; F: "as "aitin) to catch 1o$ "hen 1o$ "ere
a'one; :@m not s$re : tr$st that "oman;G
F=h1 not>G
F(he -oesn@t scan ri)ht4 'ike other peop'e; : -on@t kno" "hat it is; B$t that@s not "hat : "ante- to
ta'k to 1o$ abo$t;G
F=hat4 then>G
F*hD"e''4 -i- 1o$ mean "hat 1o$ sai- abo$t not rea''1 inten-in) to t$rn me o%%>G
FEee6I A%ter a'' the sacri%ices : ma-e %or 1o$I Ao$r e-$cation an- e&er1thin);;;; An- '$))in) a''
1o$r -amn components o$t to a p'ace 'ike that "here 1o$@- be sa%eI ,o" can 1o$ ask me that>G
F=e''4 : hear- 0an-om te'' 1o$ to -o it G
FAo$ -on@t -o e&er1thin) 1o$@re to'- either4 -o 1o$> 2specia''1 "hen it comes to assa$'tin) me
"hen : ?$st "ante- to check o$t a %e" pro)rams> : -eser&e a 'itt'e more respect than thatIG
F*hD1eah; 9ook4 :@m sorr1;G
FAo$ o$)ht to be; : "ent thro$)h a 'ot o% crap beca$se o% 1o$;G
F: 'ooke- %or 1o$ %or se&era' -a1s4 an- : co$'-n@t %in- 1o$;G
FCr1sta' ca&es are no %$n;G
F: -on@t ha&e m$ch time no";;;;G !he 'i)ht %'ickere-4 %a-e- a'most to the point o% &anishin)4
ret$rne- to %$'' bri''iance; F=i'' 1o$ te'' me somethin) %ast>G
F!hat %e''o" "ho "as "ith 1o$ "hen 1o$ came o$t this "a1Dan- "hen 1o$ 'e%tDthe bi) re--
haire- man>G
F9$ke; Aes>G
!he 'i)ht )re" -immer a)ain;
F:s it oka1 to tr$st him>G #host@s &oice came %aint'14 "eak'1;
FNoIG : sho$te-; F!hat "o$'- be -amn st$pi-IG
#host "as )one4 an- : co$'-n@t te'' "hether he@- hear- m1 ans"er;
F=hat@s the matter>G 7inta@s &oice4 %rom abo&e me;
FAr)$ment "ith m1 ima)inar1 p'a1mate4G : ca''e- o$t;
2&en %rom that -istance : co$'- see the e.pression o% p$66'ement on her %ace; (he so$)ht in a''
-irections abo$t the patio an- then4 apparent'1 pers$a-in) herse'% that : "as in-ee- a'one4 she
FOh4G she sai-; !hen4 F:@'' be a'on) in a 'itt'e "hi'e;G
FNo h$rr14G : ans"ere-;
=here sha'' "is-om be %o$n-4 an- "here is the p'ace o% $n-erstan-in)> :% : kne"4 :@- "a'k o&er
an- stan- there; As it "as4 : %e't as i% : stoo- in the mi-st o% a 'ar)e map4 s$rro$n-e- b1 &a)$e
areas "herein "ere penne- the &isa)es o% partic$'ar'1 nast1-'ookin) ran-om &ariab'es; A per%ect
p'ace %or a so'i'o<$14 i% one ha- an1thin) to sa1;
: "ent back insi-e to $se the ?ohn; A'' that co%%ee;
Chapter "
=e''4 ma1be;
=ith E$'ia4 : mean;
: sat a'one in m1 room4 thinkin) b1 can-'e'i)ht;
7inta ha- stirre- a %e" s$nken memories to the s$r%ace;
:t "as 'ater on4 "hen "e "eren@t seein) m$ch o% each other;;;;
:@- met E$'ia %irst in a Comp$ter (cience co$rse : "as takin); =e@- starte- seein) each other
occasiona''14 ?$st co%%ee a%ter c'ass an- 'ike that4 at %irst; !hen more an- more %re<$ent'14 an-
prett1 soon it "as serio$s;
No" it "as en-in) as it ha- starte-4 a 'itt'e more each time;;;;
: %e't her han- on m1 sho$'-er as : "as 'ea&in) the s$permarket "ith a ba) o% )roceries; : kne"
it "as her an- : t$rne- an- there "as no one there; (econ-s 'ater4 she hai'e- me %rom across the
parkin) 'ot; : "ent o&er an- sai- he''o4 aske- her i% she "ere sti'' "orkin) at the so%t"are p'ace
"here she@- been; (he sai- that she "asn@t; : reca''e- that she "as "earin) a sma'' si'&er
penta)ram on a chain abo$t her neck; :t co$'- easi'1Dan- more 'ike'1 sho$'-Dha&e been
han)in) -o"n insi-e her b'o$se; B$t o% co$rse : "o$'-n@t ha&e seen it then4 an- her bo-1
'an)$a)e in-icate- that she "ante- me to see it; (o : i)nore- it "hi'e "e e.chan)e- a %e"
)enera'ities4 an- she t$rne- me -o"n on -inner an- a mo&ie4 tho$)h : aske- a%ter se&era' ni)hts;
F=hat are 1o$ -oin) no">G : in<$ire-;
F:@m st$-1in) a 'ot;G
FOh4 ?$stD-i%%erent thin)s; :@'' s$rprise 1o$ one o% these -a1s;G
A)ain4 : -i-n@t bite4 tho$)h an o&er-%rien-'1 :rish setter approache- $s abo$t then; (he p'ace-
her han- on its hea- an- sai-4 F(itIG an- it -i-; :t became sti'' as a stat$e at her si-e4 an-
remaine- "hen "e 'e%t 'ater; +or a'' : kno"4 there@s a -o) ske'eton sti'' cro$che- there4 near the
cart ret$rn area4 'ike a piece o% mo-ern sc$'pt$re;
:t -i-n@t rea''1 seem that important at the time; B$t in retrospect4 : "on-ere-;;;;
=e ha- ri--en that -a14 7inta an- :; (eein) m1 )ro"in) e.asperation o% the mornin)4 she m$st
ha&e %e't a break "as in or-er; (he "as ri)ht; +o''o"in) a 'i)ht '$nch4 "hen she ma-e the
s$))estion that "e take a ri-e abo$t the estate4 : a)ree- rea-i'1; : ha- "ante- a 'itt'e more time in
"hich to think be%ore contin$in) o$r cross-e.amination an- -isco$rse )ame; An- the "eather
"as )oo-4 the co$ntr1si-e attracti&e;
=e ma-e o$r "a1 a'on) a c$r'in) hai' thro$)h arbors4 "hich 'e- at 'en)th into the northern hi''s
%rom "here "e "ere a%%or-e- 'on) &ie"s across the r$))e- an- cross-hatche- 'an- -o"n to the
s$n-%i''e- sea; !he sk1 "as %$'' o% "in-s an- "isps o% c'o$-4 passin) bir-s;;;; 7inta seeme- to
ha&e no specia' -estination in min-4 "hich "as a'' ri)ht "ith me; As "e ro-e4 : reca''e- a &isit to
a Napa 7a''e1 "iner14 an- the ne.t time "e -re" rein to rest the horses : aske- her4 F/o 1o$
bott'e the "ine here at the estate> Or is that -one in to"n> Or in Amber>G
F: -on@t kno"4G she sai-;
F: tho$)ht 1o$ )re" $p here;G
F: ne&er pai- attention;G
: bit back a remark abo$t patrician attit$-es; *n'ess she "ere ?okin)4 : co$'-n@t see ho" she@-
%ai' to kno" somethin) 'ike that;
(he ca$)ht m1 e.pression4 tho$)h4 an- a--e- imme-iate'14 F=e@&e -one it &ario$s "a1s at
&ario$s times; :@&e been 'i&in) in to"n %or se&era' 1ears no"; :@m not s$re "here the principa'
bott'in) has been -one recent'1;G
Nice sa&e4 beca$se : co$'-n@t %a$'t it; : ha-n@t inten-e- m1 <$estion as an1 sort o% trap4 b$t : %e't
as i% : ha- ?$st to$che- on somethin); Possib'1 %rom the %act that she -i-n@t 'et it )o at that; (he
"ent on to sa1 that the1 shippe- 'ar)e casks a'' o&er the p'ace an- o%ten so'- them in that
%ashion; On the other han-4 there "ere sma''er c$stomers "ho "ante- the pro-$ct bott'e-;;;; :
stoppe- 'istenin) a%ter a time; On the one han-4 : co$'- see it4 comin) %rom a &intner@s -a$)hter;
On the other4 it "as a'' st$%% : co$'- ha&e ma-e $p m1se'% on the spot; !here "as no "a1 %or me
to check on an1 o% it; : )ot the %ee'in) that she "as tr1in) to sno" me4 to co&er somethin); B$t :
co$'-n@t %i)$re "hat;
F!hanks4G : sai- "hen she pa$se- %or breath4 an- she )a&e me a stran)e 'ook b$t took the hint
an- -i- not contin$e;
FAo$ ha&e to speak 2n)'ish4G : sai- in that 'an)$a)e4 Fi% the thin)s 1o$ to'- me ear'ier are tr$e;G
F2&er1thin) : to'- 1o$ is tr$e4G she rep'ie-4 in $naccente- 2n)'ish;
F=here@- 1o$ 'earn it>G
FOn the sha-o" 2arth "here 1o$ "ent to schoo';G
F=o$'- 1o$ care to te'' me "hat 1o$ "ere -oin) there>G
F: "as on a specia' mission;G
F+or 1o$r %ather> +or the Cro"n>G
F:@- rather not ans"er 1o$ at a'' than 'ie to 1o$;G
F: appreciate that; O% co$rse4 : m$st spec$'ate;G
(he shr$))e-;
FAo$ sai- 1o$ "ere in Berke'e1>G : aske-;
A hesitation4 then4 FAes;G
F: -on@t remember e&er seein) 1o$ aro$n-;G
Another shr$); : "ante- to )rab her an- shake her; :nstea-4 : sai-4 FAo$ kne" abo$t Be)
/e&'in; Ao$ sai- 1o$ "ere in Ne" AorkDG
F: be'ie&e 1o$@re )ettin) ahea- o% me on <$estions;G
F: -i-n@t kno" "e "ere p'a1in) the )ame a)ain; : tho$)ht "e "ere ?$st ta'kin);G
FA'' ri)ht4 then8 Aes;G
F!e'' me one more thin) an- perhaps : can he'p 1o$;G
(he smi'e-; F: -on@t nee- an1 he'p; Ao$@re the one "ith prob'ems;G
FBa1 :4 an1"a1>G
F#o ahea- an- ask; 2&er1 time 1o$ <$estion me 1o$ te'' me thin)s : "ish to kno";G
FAo$ kne" abo$t 9$ke@s mercenaries; /i- 1o$ &isit Ne" Be.ico4 too>G
FAes4 :@&e been there;G
F!hanks4G : sai-;
F!hat@s a''>G
F!hat@s a'';G
FAo$@&e come to some conc'$sion>G
FCare to te'' me "hat it is>G
: smi'e- an- shook m1 hea-;
: 'e%t it at that; A %e" ob'i<$e <$eries on her part as "e ro-e on 'e- me to be'ie&e that : ha- her
"on-erin) "hat : mi)ht ha&e )$esse- or s$--en'1 seen; #oo-; : "as -etermine- to 'et it
smo'-er; : nee-e- somethin) to ba'ance her reticence on those points abo$t "hich : "as most
c$rio$s4 to 'ea- hope%$''1 to a %$'' tra-e o% in%ormation; Besi-es4 : ha- reache- a pec$'iar
conc'$sion concernin) her; :t "as not comp'ete4 b$t i% it "ere correct : "o$'- re<$ire the rest o%
the ans"er sooner or 'ater; (o it "as not e.act'1 as i% : "ere settin) $p a b'$%%;
!he a%ternoon "as )o'-en4 oran)e4 1e''o"4 re- abo$t $s4 "ith an a$t$mn--amp sme'' behin- the
coo' nips o% the bree6es; !he sk1 "as &er1 b'$e4 'ike certain stones;;;;
Perhaps ten min$tes 'ater : aske- her a more ne$tra' <$estion; FCo$'- 1o$ sho" me the roa- to
FAo$ -on@t kno" it>G
: shook m1 hea-; F:@&e ne&er been this "a1 be%ore; A'' : kno" is that there are o&er'an- ro$tes
comin) thro$)h here that 'ea- to the 2astern #ate;G
FAes4G she sai-; FA bit %arther to the north4 : be'ie&e; 9et@s )o %in- it;G
(he hea-e- back to a roa- "e ha- %o''o"e- %or a time ear'ier an- "e t$rne- ri)ht on it4 "hich
seeme- 'o)ica'; : -i- not remark on her &a)$eness4 tho$)h : e.pecte- a comment %rom her be%ore
too 'on) in that : ha- not e'aborate- on m1 p'ans an- :@- a %ee'in) she "as hopin) that : "o$'-;
Perhaps three <$arters o% a mi'e 'ater "e came to a crossroa-s; !here "as a 'o" stone marker at
the %ar 'e%t corner )i&in) the -istance to Amber4 the -istance back to Ba1'esport4 the -istance to
Ba1'ecrest in the east an- to a p'ace ca''e- B$rn4 strai)ht ahea-;
F=hat@s B$rn>G : aske-;
FA 'itt'e -air1 &i''a)e;G
No "a1 : co$'- check that4 "itho$t tra&e'in) si. 'ea)$es;
FAo$ p'an on ri-in) back to Amber>G she aske-;
F=h1 not ?$st $se a !r$mp>G
F: "ant to )et to kno" the area better; :t@s m1 home; : 'ike it here;G
FB$t : e.p'aine- to 1o$ abo$t the -an)er; !he stones ha&e marke- 1o$; Ao$ can be tracke-;G
F!hat -oesn@t mean : "i'' be tracke-; : -o$bt that "hoe&er sent the ones : met 'ast ni)ht "o$'-
e&en be a"are this soon that the1@- %o$n- me an- %ai'e-; !he1@- sti'' be '$rkin) abo$t i% : ha-n@t
-eci-e- to )o o$t %or -inner; :@m s$re : ha&e a %e" -a1s@ )race in "hich to remo&e the markin)s
1o$ spoke o%;G
(he -ismo$nte- an- 'et her horse nibb'e a %e" b'a-es o% )rass; : -i- the same; /ismo$nte-4 that
FAo$@re probab'1 ri)ht; : ?$st -on@t 'ike to see 1o$ takin) an1 chances4G she sai-; F=hen are 1o$
p'annin) on hea-in) back>G
F: -on@t kno"; : s$ppose that the 'on)er : "ait the more 'ike'1 it is that the person behin- 'ast
ni)ht@s b$siness "i'' )et rest'ess an- ma1be sen- more m$sc'e;G
(he took ho'- o% m1 arm an- t$rne-4 so that she "as s$--en'1 presse- a)ainst me; : "as
some"hat s$rprise- b1 the act4 b$t m1 %ree arm a$tomatica''1 mo&e- to ho'- the 'a-1 as it ten-s
to on s$ch occasions;
FAo$ "eren@t p'annin) on 'ea&in) no"4 "ere 1o$> Beca$se i% 1o$ are4 :@m )oin) "ith 1o$;G
FNo4G : ans"ere- tr$th%$''1; Act$a''14 :@- been thinkin) o% -epartin) the %o''o"in) mornin)4
%o''o"in) a )oo- ni)ht@s s'eep;
F=hen4 then> =e sti'' ha&e a 'ot o% thin)s to ta'k abo$t;G
F: think "e@&e p$she- the <$estion-an--ans"er b$siness abo$t as %ar as 1o$@re "i''in) to 'et it
F!here are some thin)sDG
F: kno";G
A"k"ar-4 this; Aes4 she "as -esirab'e; An- no4 : -i-n@t care to ha&e an1thin) to -o "ith her that
"a1; Part'1 beca$se : %e't she "ante- somethin) e'se as "e''D"hat4 : "asn@t s$reDan- part'1
beca$se : "as certain she possesse- a pec$'iar po"er to "hich : -i- not "ish to e.pose m1se'% at
intimate ran)e; As m1 *nc'e ($h$1 $se- to sa14 speakin) technica''1 as a sorcerer4 F:% 1o$ -on@t
$n-erstan- it4 -on@t scre" aro$n- "ith it;G An- : ha- a %ee'in) that an1thin) be1on- a %rien-'1
ac<$aintanceship "ith 7inta co$'- "e'' t$rn into a -$e' o% ener)ies;
(o : kisse- her <$ick'1 to sta1 %rien-'1 an- -isen)a)e- m1se'%;
FBa1be :@'' hea- back tomorro"4G : to'- her;
F#oo-; : "as hopin) 1o$@- spen- the ni)ht; Perhaps se&era'; : "i'' protect 1o$;G
FAes4 :@m sti'' &er1 tire-4G : sai-;
F=e@'' ha&e to %ee- 1o$ a )oo- mea' an- b$i'- $p 1o$r stren)th;G
(he br$she- m1 cheek "ith her %in)ertips then4 an- : s$--en'1 rea'i6e- that : -i- kno" her %rom
some"here; =here> : co$'-n@t sa1; An- that4 too4 %ri)htene- me; Bore than a 'itt'e; As "e
mo$nte- an- hea-e- back to"ar- Arbor ,o$se : be)an makin) m1 p'ans %or )ettin) o$t o% there
that ni)ht;
(o4 sittin) in m1 room4 sippin) a )'ass o% m1 absent host@s "ine Jthe re-K an- "atchin) the
can-'es %'icker in the bree6e %rom an opene- "in-o"4 : "aite-D%irst %or the ho$se to )ro" <$iet
J"hich it ha-K4 then %or a )oo-'1 time to pass; B1 -oor "as 'atche-; : ha- mentione- ho" tire- :
%e't se&era' times -$rin) -inner4 an- then : ha- retire- ear'1; : am not so e)otistica''1 ma'e that :
%ee' m1se'% constant'1 '$ste- a%ter4 b$t 7inta ha- )i&en in-ication that she mi)ht stop b1 an- :
"ante- the e.c$se o% hea&1 s'eepin); 9east o% a'' -i- : "ish to o%%en- her; : ha- prob'ems eno$)h
"itho$t t$rnin) m1 stran)e a''1 a)ainst me;
: "ishe- : sti'' ha- a )oo- book abo$t4 b$t :@- 'e%t m1 'ast one at Bi''@s p'ace4 an- i% : "ere to
s$mmon it no" : -i- not kno" b$t that 7inta mi)ht sense the sen-in)4 ?$st as +iona ha- once
kno"n : "as creatin) a !r$mp4 an- come po$n-in) on the -oor to see "hat the he'' "as )oin)
B$t no one came po$n-in)4 an- : 'istene- to the creakin)s o% a <$iet ho$se an- the ni)ht so$n-s
"itho$t; !he can-'es shortene- themse'&es an- the sha-o"s on the "a'' behin- the be- ebbe-
an- %'o"e- 'ike a -ark ti-e be1on- their s"a1in) 'i)ht; : tho$)ht m1 tho$)hts an- sippe- m1
"ine; Prett1 soon;;;;
An ima)inin)> Or ha- : ?$st hear- m1 name "hispere- %rom some $n-etectab'e p'ace>
0ea'4 b$t;;;;
B1 &ision seeme- to s"im %or a moment4 an- then : rea'i6e- it %or "hat it "as8 a &er1 "eak
!r$mp contact;
FAes4G : sai-4 openin) an- e.ten-in); F=ho is it>G
FBer'e4 bab1;;;; #i&e me a han- or :@&e ha- it;;;;G
F0i)ht here4G : sai-4 reachin)4 reachin)4 as the ima)e )re" c'ear4 so'i-i%ie-;
,e "as 'eanin)4 his back a)ainst a "a''4 sho$'-ers s'$mpe-4 hea- han)in);
F:% this is a trick4 9$ke4 :@m rea-1 %or it4G : to'- him; : rose <$ick'1 an-4 crossin) to the tab'e
"here : ha- 'ai- m1 b'a-e4 : -re" it an- he'- it rea-1;
FNo trick; ,$rr1I #et me o$t o% hereIG
,e raise- his 'e%t han-; : e.ten-e- m1 'e%t han- an- ca$)ht ho'- o% it; :mme-iate'1 he s'$mpe-
a)ainst me4 an- : sta))ere-; +or an instant : tho$)ht it "as an attack4 b$t he "as -ea- "ei)ht an-
: sa" that there "as b'oo- a'' o&er him; ,e sti'' c'$tche- a b'oo-1 b'a-e in his ri)ht han-; FO&er
here; Come on;G
: steere- him an- s$pporte- him %or se&era' paces4 then -eposite- him on the be-; : prie- the
b'a-e %rom his )rip4 then p'ace- it a'on) "ith mine on a nearb1 chair;
F=hat the he'' happene- to 1o$>G
,e co$)he- an- shook his hea- "eak'1; ,e -re" se&era' -eep breaths4 then4 F/i- : see a )'ass
o% "ine4G he aske-4 Fas "e passe- a tab'e>G
FAeah; ,o'- on;G
: %etche- it4 bro$)ht it back4 proppe- him an- he'- it to his 'ips; :t "as sti'' o&er ha'% %$''; ,e
sippe- it s'o"'14 pa$sin) %or -eep breaths;
F!hanks4G he sai- "hen he@- %inishe-4 then his hea- t$rne- to the si-e;
,e "as o$t; : took his p$'se; :t "as %ast b$t kin- o% "eak;
F/amn 1o$4 9$keIG : sai-; FAo$@&e )ot the "orst timin);;;;G
B$t he -i-n@t hear a "or-; ,e ?$st 'a1 there an- b'e- a'' o&er the p'ace;
(e&era' c$rses 'ater : ha- him $n-resse- an- "as )oin) o&er him "ith a "et to"e' to %in- o$t
"here4 $n-er a'' that b'oo-4 the in?$ries 'a1; !here "as a nast1 chest "o$n- on the ri)ht4 "hich
mi)ht ha&e hit the '$n); ,is breathin) "as &er1 sha''o"4 tho$)h4 an- : co$'-n@t te''; :% so4 : "as
hopin) he@- inherite- the re)enerati&e abi'ities o% Amber in %$'' meas$re; : p$t a compress on it
an- 'ai- his arm on top to ho'- it in p'ace "hi'e : checke- e'se"here; : s$specte- he ha- a co$p'e
o% %ract$re- ribs4 a'so; ,is 'e%t arm "as broken abo&e the e'bo" an- : set it an- sp'inte- it4 $sin)
'oose s'ats %rom a chair :@- notice- in the back o% the c'oset ear'ier4 an- : strappe- it to him; !here
"ere o&er a -o6en 'acerations an- incisions o% &ario$s -e)rees o% se&erit1 on his thi)hs4 ri)ht hip4
ri)ht arm an- sho$'-er4 his back; None o% them4 %ort$nate'14 in&o'&e- arteria' b'ee-in); : c'eane-
a'' o% these an- bo$n- them4 "hich 'e%t him 'ookin) 'ike an i''$stration in a %irstai- han-book;
!hen : checke- his chest "o$n- a)ain an- co&ere- him $p;
: "on-ere- abo$t some o% the 9o)r$s hea'in) techni<$es : kne" in theor1 b$t ha- ne&er ha- a
chance to practice; ,e "as 'ookin) prett1 pa'e4 so : -eci-e- : ha- better tr1 them; =hen :@-
%inishe-4 some time 'ater4 it seeme- as i% his co'or ha- ret$rne- to his %ace; : a--e- m1 c'oak to
the b'anket "hich co&ere- him; : took his p$'se a)ain an- it %e't stron)er; : c$rse- a)ain4 ?$st to
sta1 in practice4 remo&e- o$r b'a-es %rom the chair an- sat -o"n on it;
A 'itt'e 'ater m1 con&ersation "ith #host"hee' ret$rne- to tro$b'e me; ,a- 9$ke been tr1in) to
-o a -ea' "ith m1 creation> ,e@- to'- me he "ante- #host@s po"er4 to prosec$te his -esi)ns
a)ainst Amber; !hen #host ha- aske- me ear'ier to-a1 "hether 9$ke "as to be tr$ste-4 an- m1
ans"er ha- been emphatica''1 ne)ati&e;
,a- #host terminate- ne)otiations "ith 9$ke in the %ashion : sa" be%ore me>
: %etche- %orth m1 !r$mps an- sh$%%'e- o$t the bri)ht circ'e o% the #host"hee'; : %oc$se- on it4
settin) m1 min- %or contact4 reachin) o$t4 ca''in)4 s$mmonin);
!"ice : %e't near to somethin)Da)itate-D-$rin) the se&era' min$tes : -e&ote- to the e%%ort; B$t
it "as as i% "e "ere separate- b1 a sheet o% )'ass; =as #host occ$pie-> Or ?$st not inc'ine- to
ta'k "ith me>
: p$t m1 car-s a"a1; B$t the1 ha- ser&e- to p$sh m1 tho$)hts into another channe';
: )athere- 9$ke@s )or1 c'othin) an- -i- a <$ick search; : t$rne- $p a set o% !r$mps in a si-e
pocket4 a'on) "ith se&era' b'ank car-s an- a penci'Dan- 1es4 the1 seeme- to be ren-ere- in the
same st1'e as the ones : ha- come to ca'' the !r$mps o% /oom; : a--e- to the packet the one
-epictin) m1se'%4 "hich 9$ke ha- been ho'-in) in his han- "hen he ha- tr$mpe- in;
,is "ere a %ascinatin) 'ot; !here "as one o% Easra4 an- one o% 7ictor Be'man; !here "as a'so
one o% E$'ia4 an- a part'1 comp'ete- one o% B'e1s; !here "as one %or the cr1sta' ca&e4 another %or
9$ke@s o'- apartment; !here "ere se&era' -$p'icate- %rom the !r$mps o% /oom themse'&es4 one
%or a pa'ace : -i- not reco)ni6e4 one %or one o% m1 o'- pa-s4 one %or a r$))e--'ookin) b'on- )$1
in )reen an- b'ack4 another o% a s'im4 r$sset-haire- man in bro"n an- b'ack4 an- one o% a "oman
"ho resemb'e- this man so c'ose'1 it "o$'- seem the1 m$st be re'ate-; !hese 'ast t"o4 stran)e'14
"ere -one in a -i%%erent st1'eC e&en b1 a -i%%erent han-4 :@- sa1; !he on'1 $nkno"n one : %e't
re'ati&e'1 certain abo$t "as the b'on- %e''o"4 "ho4 %rom his co'ors4 : "o$'- ass$me to be 9$ke@s
o'- %rien- /a't4 the mercenar1; !here "ere a'so three separate attempts at somethin) resemb'in)
#host"hee'-none o% them4 : "o$'- )$ess4 comp'ete'1 s$ccess%$';
: hear- 9$ke )ro"' somethin)4 an- : sa" that his e1es "ere open an- -artin);
F!ake it eas14G : sai-; FAo$@re sa%e;G
,e no--e- an- c'ose- his e1es; A %e" moments 'ater4 he opene- them a)ain;
F,e1I B1 car-s4G he sai- "eak'1;
: smi'e-; FNice "ork4G : remarke-; F=ho -i- them>G
FBe4G he ans"ere-; F=ho e'se>G
F=here@- 1o$ 'earn>G
FB1 -a-; ,e "as rea' )oo- at it;G
F:% 1o$ can -o them4 1o$ m$st ha&e "a'ke- the Pattern;G
,e no--e-;
,e st$-ie- me a moment4 then per%orme- a "eak shr$) an- "ince-; F!ir-na No)@th;G
FAo$r %ather took 1o$4 sa" 1o$ thro$)h it>G A)ain4 a no-;
=h1 not p$sh it4 since : seeme- to be on a ro''> : picke- $p a car-;
FAn- here@s /a't4G : sai-; FAo$ $se- to be C$b (co$ts to)ether4 -i-n@t 1o$>G
,e -i- not rep'1; =hen : 'ooke- $p : sa" narro"e- e1es an- a %$rro"e- bro";
F:@&e ne&er met him4G : a--e-; FB$t : reco)ni6e the co'ors4 an- : kno" he@s %rom o$t 1o$r "a1D
aro$n- 3ash%a;G
9$ke smi'e-; FAo$ a'"a1s -i- 1o$r home"ork back in schoo'4 too4G he sai-;
FAn- $s$a''1 on time4G : a)ree-; FB$t "ith 1o$ :@&e been r$nnin) 'ate; 9$ke4 : can@t %in- a
!r$mp %or the 3eep o% the +o$r =or'-s; An- here@s someone : -on@t kno";G
: picke- $p the s'im 'a-1@s car- an- "a&e- it at him;
,e smi'e-; F#ettin@ "eak an- 'osin@ m1 breath a)ain4G he sai-; FAo$ been to the 3eep>G
: no--e-;
F!e'' 1o$ "hat4G he sai- at 'ast; F!e'' me "hat 1o$ sa" at the 3eep an- ho" 1o$ 'earne- some
o% that st$%% abo$t me an- :@'' te'' 1o$ "ho she is;G
: tho$)ht <$ick'1; : co$'- sa1 thin)s so that : probab'1 "o$'-n@t be te''in) him an1thin) he -i-n@t
a'rea-1 kno";
(o4 F!he other "a1 aro$n-4G : sai-;
FOka1; !he 'a-14G he state-4 Fis (an-;G
: stare- so har- that : %e't the be)innin)s o% a contact; : smothere- it;
F!he 'on)-'ost4G he a--e-;
: raise- the car- -epictin) the man "ho resemb'e- her; F!hen this m$st be /e'"in4G : sai-;
FAo$ -i-n@t -o these t"o car-s; !he1@re not 1o$r st1'e4 an- 1o$ probab'1 "o$'-n@t ha&e kno"n
"hat the1 'ooke- 'ike to be)in "ith;G
FPercepti&e; B1 %ather -re" them4 back in the time o% the tro$b'esD%or a'' the )oo- it -i- him;
!he1 "o$'-n@t he'p him either;G
F!he1 "eren@t intereste- in he'pin) me4 -espite their -isa%%ection "ith this p'ace; Co$nt them as
o$t o% the )ame;G
F!his p'ace>G : sai-; F=here -o 1o$ think 1o$ are4 9$ke>G
,is e1es "i-ene-; ,e cast his )a6e abo$t the room; F!he camp o% the enem14G he ans"ere-; F:
ha- no choice; !hese are 1o$r <$arters in Amber4 ri)ht>G
F=ron)4G : rep'ie-;
F/on@t bait me4 Ber'e; Ao$@&e )ot me; :@m 1o$r prisoner; =here am :>G
F/o 1o$ kno" "ho 7inta Ba1'e is>G
F(he "as Caine@s mistress; !his is her %ami'1@s p'ace4 "a1 o$t in the co$ntr1; (he@s ?$st $p the
ha'' some"here; Bi)ht e&en stop b1; : think she@s )ot a cr$sh on me;G
F*h-oh; (he a to$)h 'a-1>G
F=hat 1o$ -oin) makin) o$t "ith her this soon a%ter the %$nera'> !hat@s har-'1 -ecent;G
F,$hI :% it "eren@t %or 1o$ there "o$'-n@t ha&e been an1 %$nera';G
F/on@t )i&e me that in-i)nation crap4 Ber'e; :% it ha- been 1o$r -a-4 Cor"in4 he@- ki''e-4
"o$'-n@t 1o$ ha&e )one a%ter him>G
F!hat@s not %air; B1 %ather "o$'-n@t ha&e -one a'' those thin)s Bran- -i-;G
FBa1be4 ma1be not; B$t s$pposin) he ha-> 2&en then; =o$'-n@t 1o$ ha&e )one a%ter Caine>G
: t$rne- a"a1; F: -on@t kno"4G : sai- %ina''1; F:t@s too -amne- h1pothetica';G
FAo$@- ha&e -one it; : kno" 1o$4 Ber'e; :@m s$re 1o$ "o$'- ha&e;G
: si)he-; FBa1be4G : sai-; F=e''4 oka1; Ba1be : mi)ht ha&e; B$t : "o$'- ha&e stoppe- there; :
"o$'-n@t ha&e )one a%ter the others too; : -on@t "ant to make 1o$ %ee' an1 "orse than 1o$ -o
abo$t it4 b$t 1o$r o'- man "as ps1choC 1o$ m$st kno" that; An- 1o$@re not; : kno" 1o$ as "e''
as 1o$ kno" me; :@&e been thinkin) abo$t this %or some time; Ao$ kno"4 Amber reco)ni6es the
persona' &en-etta; Ao$@&e )ot an ar)$ab'e case there %or one; An- the -eath -i-n@t e&en occ$r
"ithin Amber4 i% 0an-om "ere rea''1 'ookin) %or an o$t %or 1o$;G
F=h1 sho$'- he be>G
FBeca$se :@- be &o$chin) %or 1o$r inte)rit1 in other matters;G
FCome on4 Ber'eDG
FAo$@&e )ot a c'assic &en-etta -e%enseDa son a&en)in) his %ather@s -eath;G
F: -on@t kno";;;; ,e14 1o$ tr1in) to )et o$t o% te''in) me the st$%% 1o$ promise- to>G
FNo4 b$tDG
F(o 1o$ ma-e it to the 3eep o% the +o$r =or'-s; =hat -i- 1o$ 'earn there an- ho" -i- 1o$ 'earn
FOka1; Ao$ think abo$t "hat : sai-4 tho$)h4G : rep'ie-;
,is e.pression remaine- $nchan)e-;
!hen4 F!here "as an o'- hermit name- /a&e4G : be)an;
9$ke %e'' as'eep be%ore : %inishe-; : ?$st 'et m1 &oice trai' o%% an- sat there; A%ter a time4 : rose
an- 'ocate- the "ine bott'e an- po$re- a 'itt'e into the )'ass4 since 9$ke ha- -r$nk most o% mine;
: took it "ith me to the "in-o" an- stare- -o"n an- o$t across the patio4 "here the "in- "as
ratt'in) 'ea&es; : "on-ere- abo$t "hat :@- sai- to 9$ke; :t "asn@t a %$'' pict$re :@- )i&en him4
part'1 beca$se : ha-n@t ha- time to )o into it thoro$)h'14 main'1 beca$se he ha-n@t seeme-
intereste-; B$t e&en i% 0an-om -i- 'et him o%% the hook o%%icia''1 in the matter o% Caine@s -eath4
E$'ian or #erar- "o$'- probab'1 be 'ookin) to ki'' him $n-er the same &en-etta co-e :@- been
ta'kin) abo$t; : -i-n@t rea''1 kno" "hat to -o; : "as ob'i)e- to te'' 0an-om abo$t him4 b$t :@- be
-amne- i% :@- -o it 1et; !here "ere sti'' too man1 thin)s : ha- to 'earn %rom him4 an- )ettin) at
him mi)ht be a 'ot har-er i% he "ere a prisoner back in Amber; =h1 ha- he e&er )otten himse'%
born as Bran-@s son4 an1"a1>
: ret$rne- to the be-si-e seat4 near "hich : ha- 'e%t o$r "eapons an- 9$ke@s !r$mps; : mo&e-
these items across the room4 to "here : seate- m1se'% in the more com%ortab'e chair : ha-
occ$pie- ear'ier; : st$-ie- his car-s a)ain; Ama6in); A "ho'e b$nch o% histor1 in m1 han-;;;;
=hen Oberon@s "i%e 0i')a ha- sho"n 'ess har-ihoo- than man1 b1 a)in) rapi-'1 an- retirin) to
a rec'$si&e 'i%e at a co$ntr1 shrine4 he ha- )one o%% an- remarrie-4 some"hat to the cha)rin o%
their chi'-renDCaine4 E$'ian an- #erar-; B$t to con%$se )enea'o)ists an- stick'ers %or %ami'1
'e)a'it14 he ha- -one it in a p'ace "here time %'o"e- %ar more rapi-'1 than in Amber; :nterestin)
ar)$ments both %or an- a)ainst the bi)amo$s nat$re o% his marria)e to ,ar'a ma1 be ma-e; :@m in
no position to ?$-)e; : ha- the stor1 %rom +'ora 1ears a)o4 an- in that she@- ne&er )otten a'on)
too "e'' "ith /e'"in an- (an-4 the o%%sprin) o% that $nion4 she "as inc'ine- to the pro-bi)am1
interpretation; :@- ne&er seen pict$res o% /e'"in or (an- $nti' no"; !here "eren@t an1 han)in)
aro$n- the pa'ace4 an- the1 "ere se'-om mentione-; B$t the1 ha- 'i&e- in Amber %or the
re'ati&e'1 short time ,ar'a "as <$een there; +o''o"in) her -eath4 the1 )re" $nhapp1 "ith
Oberon@s po'icies to"ar- her home'an-D"hich the1 &isite- o%tenDan- a%ter a time the1
-eparte-4 &o"in) not to ha&e an1thin) to -o "ith Amber a)ain; At 'east that@s the "a1 :@- hear-
it; !here co$'- easi'1 ha&e been a'' sorts o% sib'in) po'itickin) in&o'&e-4 too; : -on@t kno";
B$t here "ere t"o missin) members o% the ro1a' %ami'14 an- ob&io$s'1 9$ke ha- 'earne- o%
them an- approache- them4 hopin) to re&i&e o'- resentments an- )ain a''ies; ,e a-mitte- that it
ha-n@t "orke-; !"o cent$ries is a 'on) time to ho'- a )r$-)e at hi)h pitch; !hat@s abo$t ho" 'on)
it ha- been since their -epart$re4 as : $n-erstoo- it; : "on-ere- %'eetin)'1 "hether : sho$'- )et in
to$ch "ith them4 ?$st to sa1 he''o; :% the1 "eren@t intereste- in he'pin) 9$ke : -i-n@t s$ppose
the1@- be intereste- in he'pin) the other si-e either4 no" the1 "ere a"are there "as another si-e;
:t -i- seem proper that : sho$'- intro-$ce m1se'% an- pa1 m1 respects4 as a %ami'1 member
the1@- ne&er met; : -eci-e- that : "o$'- -o it sometime4 tho$)h the present moment "as har-'1
appropriate; : a--e- their !r$mps to m1 o"n co''ection4 a'on) "ith )oo- intentions;
An- then there "as /a'tDa s"orn enem1 o% Amber4 : )athere-; : st$-ie- his car- a)ain4 an- :
"on-ere-8 :% he "ere in-ee- s$ch a )oo- %rien- o% 9$ke@s4 perhaps : sho$'- 'et him kno" "hat
ha- happene-; ,e mi)ht e&en kno" o% the circ$mstances in&o'&e- an- mention somethin) :
co$'- $se; :n %act4 the more : tho$)ht abo$t itDreca''in) his recent presence at the 3eep o% the
+o$r =or'-sDthe more temptin) it became to tr1 to reach him; :t seeme- possib'e : co$'- e&en
pick $p somethin) abo$t "hat "as no" )oin) on in that p'ace;
: )na"e- a kn$ck'e; (ho$'- : or sho$'-n@t :> : co$'-n@t see an1 harm that co$'- come o% it; :
"asn@t p'annin) on )i&in) an1thin) a"a1; (ti''4 there "ere a %e" mis)i&in)s;
=hat the he''4 : -eci-e- %ina''1; Nothin) &ent$re-; ; 8 ;
,e''o4 he''o; 0eachin) o$t thro$)h the s$--en'1 co'- car-;;;;
A start'e- moment some"here4 an- the sense o% an AhaI
9ike a portrait come to 'i%e4 m1 &ision stirre-;
F=ho are 1o$>G the man aske-4 han- on hi't4 b'a-e ha'% -ra"n;
FB1 name is Ber'in4G : sai-4 Fan- "e@&e a m$t$a' ac<$aintance name- 0ina'-o; : "ante- to te''
1o$ that he@- been ba-'1 in?$re-;G
B1 no"4 "e both ho&ere- bet"een o$r t"o rea'ities4 so'i- an- per%ect'1 c'ear to each other; ,e
"as bi))er than :@- tho$)ht %rom his representation4 an- he stoo- at the center o% a stone-"a''e-
room4 a "in-o" to his 'e%t sho"in) a b'$e sk1 an- a 'imb o% c'o$-; ,is )reen e1es4 at %irst "i-e4
"ere no" narro"e- an- the set o% his ?a" seeme- a bit tr$c$'ent;
F=here is he>G he in<$ire-;
F,ere; =ith me4G : ans"ere-;
F,o" %ort$nate4G he rep'ie-4 an- the b'a-e "as in his han- an- he mo&e- %or"ar-;
: %'ippe- the !r$mp a"a14 "hich -i- not se&er the contact; : ha- to s$mmon the 9o)r$s to -o
thatDan- it %e'' bet"een $s 'ike the b'a-e o% a )$i''otine an- ?erke- me back as i% : ha- ?$st
to$che- a 'i&e "ire; B1 on'1 conso'ation "as that /a't ha- -o$bt'ess %e't the same thin);
FBer'e4 "hat@s )oin) on>G 9$ke@s &oice came hoarse'1; F: sa" /a't;;;;G
F*h4 1eah; : ?$st ca''e- him;G
,e raise- his hea- s'i)ht'1; F=h1>G
F!o te'' him abo$t 1o$; ,e@s 1o$r %rien-4 isn@t he>G
FAo$ assho'eIG he sai-; F,e@s the one that -i- this to meIG
!hen he be)an co$)hin) an- : r$she- to his si-e;
F#et me some "ater4 h$h>G he sai-;
FComin) $p;G
: "ent o%% to the bathroom an- %etche- him a )'ass; : proppe- him an- he sippe- it %or a time;
FBa1be : sho$'- ha&e to'- 1o$4G he sai- %ina''1; F/i-n@t thinkD1o$@- p'a1 )amesDthat "a14
tho$)hD"hen 1o$ -on@t kno"D"hat@s )oin) on;;;;G
,e co$)he- a)ain4 -rank more "ater;
F,ar- to kno" "hat to te'' 1o$Dan- "hat not to4G he contin$e-4 a "hi'e 'ater;
F=h1 not te'' me e&er1thin)>G : s$))este-;
,e shook his hea- s'i)ht'1; FCan@t; Probab'1 )et 1o$ ki''e-; Bore 'ike'1 both o% $s;G
F!he "a1 thin)s ha&e been )oin)4 it seems as i% it co$'- happen "hether 1o$ te'' me or not;G
,e smi'e- %aint'1 an- took another -rink;
FParts o% this thin) are persona'4G he sai- then4 Fan- : -on@t "ant an1one e'se in&o'&e-;G
F: )ather that 1o$r tr1in) to ki'' me e&er1 sprin) %or a "hi'e there "as kin- o% persona'4 too4G :
obser&e-4 F1et someho" : %e't in&o'&e-;G
FOka14 oka14G he sai-4 s'$mpin) back an- raisin) his ri)ht han-; F: to'- 1o$ : c$t that o$t a 'on)
time a)o;G
FB$t the attempts "ent on;G
F!he1 "eren@t m1 -oin);G
Oka14 : -eci-e-; !r1 it; F:t "as Easra4 "asn@t it>G
F=hat -o 1o$ kno" abo$t her>G
F: kno" she@s 1o$r mother4 an- : )ather this is her "ar too;G
,e no--e-; F(o 1o$ kno";;;; A'' ri)ht; !hat makes it easier4G ,e pa$se- to catch his breath; F(he
starte- me -oin) the Apri' thirtieth st$%% %or practice; =hen : )ot to kno" 1o$ better an- <$it4 she
"as ma-;G
F(o she contin$e- it herse'%>G
,e no--e-;
F(he "ante- 1o$ to )o a%ter Caine4G : sai-;
F(o -i- :;G
FB$t the others> (he@s 'eanin) on 1o$ abo$t them4 :@'' bet; An- 1o$@re not so s$re the1 ha&e it
FAre 1o$>G : sai-;
,e shi%te- his )a6e a"a1 %rom m1 o"n an- : hear- his teeth )rin- to)ether;
FAo$@re o%% the hook4G he sai- at 'ast; F:@&e no intention o% h$rtin) 1o$; : "on@t 'et her -o it
FAn- "hat abo$t B'e1s an- 0an-om an- +iona an- +'ora an- #erar- an-DG
,e 'a$)he-4 "hich cost him a "ince an- a <$ick c'$tch at his chest; F!he1@&e nothin) to "orr1
abo$t %rom $s4G he sai-4 Fri)ht no";G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F!hink4G he to'- me; F: co$'- ha&e tr$mpe- back to m1 o'- apartment4 scare- he'' o$t o% the ne"
tenants an- ca''e- an amb$'ance; : co$'- be in an emer)enc1 room ri)ht no";G
F=h1 aren@t 1o$>G
F:@&e been h$rt "orse than this4 an- :@&e ma-e it; :@m here beca$se : nee- 1o$r he'p;G
FOh> +or "hat>G
,e 'ooke- at me4 then 'ooke- a"a1 a)ain; F(he@s in ba- tro$b'e4 an- "e@&e )ot to resc$e her;G
F=ho>G : aske-4 a'rea-1 kno"in) the ans"er;
FB1 mother4G he rep'ie-;
: "ante- to 'a$)h4 b$t : co$'-n@t "hen : sa" the e.pression on his %ace; :t took rea' ba''s to ask
me to he'p resc$e the "oman "ho@- trie- to ki'' meDnot once4 b$t man1 timesDan- "hose bi)
aim in 'i%e seeme- to be the -estr$ction o% m1 re'ati&es; Ba''s4 orD
F:@&e no one e'se 'e%t to t$rn to4G he sai-;
F:% 1o$ ta'k me into this one4 9$ke4 1o$@'' -eser&e the (a'esman o% the Aear A"ar-4G : sai-; FB$t
:@m "i''in) to 'isten;G
F!hroat@s -r1 a)ain4G he sai-;
: "ent an- re%i''e- the )'ass; As : ret$rne- "ith it4 it seeme- there "as a sma'' noise in the ha''; :
contin$e- 'istenin) "hi'e : he'pe- 9$ke to a %e" more sips;
,e no--e- "hen he "as %inishe-4 b$t : ha- hear- another so$n- b1 then; : raise- m1 %in)er to
m1 'ips an- )'ance- at the -oor; : p$t -o"n the )'ass4 rose an- crosse- the room4 retrie&in) m1
b'a-e as : -i- so;
Be%ore : reache- the -oor4 ho"e&er4 there "as a )ent'e knock;
FAes>G : sai-4 a-&ancin) to it;
F:t@s me4G came 7inta@s &oice; F: kno" that 9$ke is in there4 an- : "ant to see him;G
F(o 1o$ can %inish him o%%>G : aske-;
F: to'- 1o$ be%ore that that is not m1 intention;G
F!hen 1o$@re not h$man4G : sai-;
F: ne&er c'aime- : "as;G
F!hen 1o$@re not 7inta Ba1'e4G : sai-;
!here %o''o"e- a 'on) si'ence4 then4 F($pposin) :@m not>G
F!hen te'' me "ho 1o$ are;G
F: can@t;G
F!hen meet me ha'%"a14G : sai-4 -ra"in) $pon a'' o% m1 acc$m$'ate- )$ess"ork concernin)
her4 Fan- te'' me "ho 1o$ "ere;G
F: -on@t kno" "hat 1o$ mean;G
FAes4 1o$ -o; Pick oneDan1 one; : -on@t care;G
!here "as another si'ence4 then4 F: -ra))e- 1o$ %rom the %ire4G she sai-4 Fb$t : co$'-n@t contro'
the horse; : -ie- in the 'ake; Ao$ "rappe- me in 1o$r c'oak;;;;G
!hat "as not an ans"er : ha- anticipate-; B$t it "as )oo- eno$)h;
=ith the point o% m1 "eapon : raise- the 'atch; (he p$she- the -oor open an- )'ance- at the
b'a-e in m1 han-;
F/ramatic4G she remarke-;
FAo$@&e impresse- me4G : sai-4 Fb1 the peri's "ith "hich : am beset;G
FNot s$%%icient'14 it "o$'- seem;G (he entere-4 smi'in);
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G : aske-;
F: -i-n@t hear 1o$ ask him an1thin) abo$t the b'$e stones an- "hat he mi)ht ha&e homin) in on
1o$ as a conse<$ence o% 1o$r att$nement;G
FAo$@&e been ea&es-roppin);G
FA 'i%etime habit4G she a)ree-;
: t$rne- to"ar- 9$ke an- intro-$ce- her; F9$ke4 this is 7inta Ba1'eDsort o%;G
9$ke raise- his ri)ht han-4 his e1es ne&er 'ea&in) her %ace; F: ?$st "ant to kno" one thin)4G he
F:@'' bet 1o$ -o4G she rep'ie-; FAm : )oin) to ki'' 1o$ or aren@t :> 3eep "on-erin); : ha&en@t
-eci-e- 1et; /o 1o$ remember the time 1o$ "ere 'o" on )as north o% (an 9$is Obispo an- 1o$
-isco&ere- 1o$r "a''et "as missin)> Ao$ ha- to borro" mone1 %rom 1o$r -ate to )et back home;
(he ha- to ask 1o$ t"ice4 too4 be%ore 1o$ pai- her back;G
F,o" co$'- 1o$ kno" that>G he "hispere-;
FAo$ )ot in a %i)ht "ith three bikers one -a14G she "ent on; FAo$ a'most 'ost an e1e "hen one o%
them "rappe- a chain aro$n- 1o$r hea-; (eems to ha&e hea'e- $p nice'1; Can@t see the scarDG
FAn- : "on4G he a--e-;
FAes; Not too man1 peop'e can pick $p a ,ar'e1 an- thro" it 'ike 1o$ -i-;G
F: ha&e to kno"4G he sai-4 Fho" 1o$ 'earne- these thin)s;G
FBa1be :@'' te'' 1o$ that too4 sometime4G she sai-; F: ?$st mentione- them to keep 1o$ honest;
No" :@m )oin) to ask 1o$ some <$estions4 an- 1o$r 'i%e is )oin) to -epen- on )i&in) me honest
ans"ers; *n-erstan-DG
F7inta4G : interr$pte-4 F1o$ to'- me that 1o$ "eren@t intereste- in ki''in) 9$ke;G
F:t@s not at the top o% m1 'ist4G she rep'ie-4 Fb$t i% he@s in the "a1 o% "hat is4 he )oes;G
9$ke 1a"ne-; F:@'' te'' 1o$ abo$t the b'$e stones4G he m$ttere-; F: -on@t ha&e an1bo-1 on a b'$e-
stone -etai' a%ter Ber'e no";G
FBi)ht Easra ha&e someone trackin) him that "a1>G
FPossib'e; : ?$st -on@t kno";G
F=hat abo$t the ones "ho attacke- him in Amber 'ast ni)ht>G
F+irst :@&e hear- o% it4G he sai-4 an- he c'ose- his e1es;
F9ook at this4G she or-ere-4 remo&in) the b'$e b$tton %rom her pocket;
,e opene- his e1es an- s<$inte- at it;
F0eco)ni6e it>G
FNope4G he sai-4 an- c'ose- his e1es a)ain;
FAn- 1o$ -on@t mean Ber'e an1 harm no">G
F!hat@s ri)ht4G he ans"ere-4 his &oice -ri%tin) o%%;
(he opene- her mo$th a)ain an- : sai-4 F9et him s'eep; ,e@s not )oin) an1"here;G
(he )a&e me an a'most an)r1 'ook4 then no--e-; FAo$@re ri)ht4G she sai-;
F(o "hat are 1o$ )oin) to -o no"Dki'' him "hi'e he@s o$t>G
FNo4G she rep'ie-; F,e "as te''in) the tr$th;G
FAn- -oes it make a -i%%erence>G
FAes4G she to'- me4 F%or no";G
Chapter #
: act$a''1 -i- )et a %air'1 -ecent ni)ht@s s'eep -espite e&er1thin)4 inc'$-in) a -istant -o)%i)ht an-
a 'ot o% ho"'in); 7inta ha- been -isinc'ine- to contin$e at <$estions an- ans"ers4 an- : ha-n@t
"ante- her botherin) 9$ke an1more; : pers$a-e- her to 'ea&e an- 'et $s rest; : sacke- o$t on the
com%ortab'e chair4 "ith m1 %eet proppe- on the other one; : "as hopin) to contin$e m1
con&ersation "ith 9$ke in pri&ate; : remember ch$ck'in) ri)ht be%ore : %e'' as'eep as : trie- to
-eci-e "hich o% them : -istr$ste- 'ess;
: "as a"akene- b1 the %irst bri)htenin) o% the sk1 an- a %e" ar)$ments o% bir-s; : stretche-
se&era' times then an- ma-e m1 "a1 to the bathroom; ,a'% an ab'$tion 'ater : hear- 9$ke co$)h
an- then "hisper m1 name;
F*n'ess 1o$@re hemorrha)in)4 "ait a min$te4G : rep'ie-4 an- : -rie- m1se'% o%%; FNee- some
"ater>G : aske- "hi'e : "as -oin) it;
FAeah; Brin) some;G
: thre" the to"e' o&er m1 sho$'-er an- took him a -rink;
F:s she sti'' aro$n->G he aske- me;
F#i&e me the )'ass an- )o check the ha''4 "i'' 1o$> :@'' mana)e;G
: no--e- an- passe- it to him; : kept it <$iet as : ease- the -oor open; : steppe- o$t into the ha''4
"a'ke- $p to the corner; !here "as no one in si)ht;
FA'' c'ear4G : "hispere- as : came back into the room;
9$ke "as )one; A moment 'ater : hear- him in the bathroom;
F/amnI :@- ha&e he'pe- 1o$IG : sai-;
F: can sti'' take a 'eak b1 m1se'%4G he rep'ie-4 sta))erin) back into the room4 his )oo- han- on
the "a''; F,a- to see "hether : co$'- ne)otiate4G he a--e-4 'o"erin) himse'% to the e-)e o% the
be-; ,e p$t his han- a)ainst his rib ca)e an- pante-; F(hitI that smartsIG
F9et me he'p 1o$ 'ie back;G
FOka1; 9isten4 -on@t 'et her kno" : can -o e&en that m$ch;G
FOka14G : sai-; F!ake it eas1 no"; 0est;G
,e shook his hea-; F: "ant to te'' 1o$ as m$ch as : can be%ore she comes b$stin) back in here4G
he sai-4 Fan- she "i''4 tooDbe'ie&e me;G
FAo$ kno" that %or a %act>G
FAes; (he@s not h$man4 an- she@s more att$ne- to both o% $s than an1 b'$e stone e&er "as; : -on@t
$n-erstan- 1o$r st1'e o% ma)ic4 b$t :@&e )ot m1 o"n an- : kno" "hat it te''s me; :t "as 1o$r
<$estion abo$t "ho she "as that )ot me to "orkin) on the prob'em4 tho$)h; ,a&e 1o$ %i)$re-
her o$t 1et>G
FNot comp'ete'14 no;G
F=e''4 : kno" she can s"itch bo-ies 'ike chan)in) c'othesDan- she can tra&e' thro$)h
F/o the names Be) /e&'in or #eor)e ,ansen mean an1thin) to 1o$>G : aske-;
FNo; (ho$'- the1>G
F/i-n@t think so; B$t she "as both o% them4 :@m s$re;G
:@- 'e%t o$t /an Bartine64 not beca$se he@- shot it o$t "ith 9$ke an- te''in) 9$ke "o$'- raise his
-istr$st o% her e&en %$rther4 b$t beca$se : -i-n@t "ant him to kno" that : "as a"are o% the Ne"
Be.ico )$erri''a operationDan- : co$'- see that it mi)ht 'ea- in that -irection;
F(he "as a'so #ai' 9ampron;G
FAo$r o'- )ir'%rien-4 back in schoo'>G : sai-;
FAes; : tho$)ht there "as somethin) %ami'iar abo$t her imme-iate'1; B$t it -i-n@t hit me ti'' 'ater;
(he has a'' o% #ai'@s 'itt'e mannerismsDthe "a1 she t$rns her hea-4 the "a1 she $ses her han-s
an- e1es "hen she@s ta'kin); !hen she mentione- t"o e&ents to "hich there ha- on'1 been a
sin)'e common "itnessD#ai';G
F:t so$n-s as i% she "ante- 1o$ to kno";G
F: be'ie&e she -i-4G he a)ree-;
F=h1 -i-n@t she ?$st come o$t an- sa1 it then4 : "on-er>G
F: -on@t think she can; !here@s somethin) co$'- be a spe'' on her4 on'1 it@s har- to ?$-)e4 her not
bein) h$man an- a'';G ,e )'ance- %$rti&e'1 at the -oor as he sai- this; !hen4 FCheck a)ain4G he
F(ti'' c'ear4G : sai-; FNo" "hat abo$tDG
FAnother time4G he sai-; F:@&e )ot to )et o$t o% here;G
F: can see 1o$r "antin) to )et a"a1 %rom herDG : be)an;
,e shook his hea-; F!hat@s not it4G he sai-; F:@&e )ot to hit the 3eep o% the +o$r =or'-sDsoon;G
F!he shape 1o$@re inDG
F!hat@s it; !hat@s "hat : mean; :@&e )ot to )et o$t o% here so : can be in shape soon; : think o'-
(har$ #arr$'@s )otten 'oose; !hat@s the on'1 "a1 : can %i)$re "hat happene-;G
F=hat -i- happen>G
F: )ot a -istress ca'' %rom m1 mother; (he@- )one back to the 3eep a%ter :@- )otten her a"a1 %rom
F=h14 "hat>G
F=h1@- she hea- %or the 3eep>G
F=e''4 the p'ace is a po"er center; !he "a1 the %o$r "or'-s come to)ether there re'eases an
a"%$' 'ot o% %ree po"er4 "hich an a-ept can tap intoDG
F+o$r "or'-s act$a''1 -o come to)ether there> Ao$ mean 1o$@re in a -i%%erent sha-o" -epen-in)
on the -irection 1o$ mi)ht take o%% in>G
,e st$-ie- me %or a moment; FAes4G he %ina''1 sai-4 Fb$t :@'' ne&er )et this thin) to'- i% 1o$ "ant
a'' the 'itt'e -etai's;G
FAn- : "on@t $n-erstan- it i% too m$ch )ets 'e%t o$t; (o she "ent to the 3eep to raise some
po"er an- )ot in tro$b'e instea-; (he ca''e- 1o$ to come he'p her; =hat -i- she "ant that po"er
%or4 an1"a1>G
FBm; =e''4 :@- been ha&in) tro$b'e "ith #host"hee'; : tho$)ht : a'most ha- him ta'ke- into
comin) o&er to o$r si-e4 b$t she probab'1 tho$)ht : "asn@t makin) pro)ress %ast eno$)h an-
apparent'1 -eci-e- to tr1 bin-in) him "ith a massi&e spe'' a%terDG
F=ait a min$te; Ao$ "ere ta'kin) to #host> ,o" -i- 1o$ )et in to$ch> !hose !r$mps 1o$ -re"
are no )oo-;G
F: kno"; : "ent in;G
F,o"@- 1o$ mana)e it>G
F:n sc$ba )ear; : "ore a "et s$it an- o.1)en tanks;G
F(on o% a )$n; !hat@s an interestin) approach;G
F: "asn@t #ran- /@s top sa'esman %or nothin); : a'most ha- him con&ince-4 too; B$t she@-
'earne- "here :@- stashe- 1o$4 an- she -eci-e- to tr1 matters b1 p$ttin) 1o$ $n-er
contro'4 then $sin) 1o$ to c'inch the -ea'Das i% 1o$@- come o&er to o$r si-e; An1ho"4 "hen that
p'an %e'' thro$)h an- : ha- to )o an- )et her a"a1 %rom 1o$4 "e sp'it $p a)ain; : tho$)ht she "as
hea-e- %or 3ash%a4 b$t she "ent to the 3eep instea-; 9ike : sai-4 : think it "as to tr1 a massi&e
"orkin) a)ainst #host"hee'; : be'ie&e somethin) that she -i- there ina-&ertent'1 %ree- (har$4
an- he took the p'ace o&er a)ain an- capt$re- her; An1ho"4 : )ot this %rantic sen-in) %rom her4 so
F*h4 this o'- "i6ar-4G : sai-4 Fha- been 'ocke- $p there %orDho" 'on)>G
9$ke be)an to shr$)4 tho$)ht better o% it; F,e''4 : -on@t kno"; =ho cares> ,e@s been a c'oak rack
since : "as a bo1;G
FA c'oak rack>G
FAeah; ,e 'ost a sorcero$s -$e'; : -on@t rea''1 kno" "hether she beat him or "hether it "as /a-;
=hoe&er it "as4 tho$)h4 ca$)ht him in mi-in&ocation4 arms o$tsprea- an- a''; +ro6e him 'ike
that4 sti%% as a boar-; ,e )ot mo&e- to a p'ace near an entrance"a1 'ater; Peop'e "o$'- han)
c'oaks an- hats on him; !he ser&ants "o$'- -$st him occasiona''1; : e&en car&e- m1 name on his
'e) "hen : "as 'itt'e4 'ike on a tree; :@- a'"a1s tho$)ht o% him as %$rnit$re; B$t : 'earne- 'ater that
he@- been consi-ere- prett1 )oo- in his -a1;G
F/i- this )$1 e&er "ear a b'$e mask "hen he "orke->G
FAo$@&e )ot me; : -on@t kno" an1thin) abo$t his st1'e; (a14 'et@s not )et aca-emic or she@'' be
here be%ore : %inish; :n %act4 ma1be "e o$)ht to )o no"4 an- : can te'' 1o$ the rest 'ater;G
F*n-$h4G : sai-; FAo$ are4 as 1o$ note- 'ast ni)ht4 m1 prisoner; :@- be n$ts to 'et 1o$ )o
an1"here "itho$t kno"in) a he'' o% a 'ot more than : -o; Ao$@re a threat to Amber; !hat bomb
1o$ tosse- at the %$nera' "as prett1 -amn rea'; Ao$ think : "ant to )i&e 1o$ another shot at $s>G
,e smi'e-4 then 'ost it; F=h1@- 1o$ ha&e to be born Cor"in@s son4 an1"a1>G he sai-; !hen4 FCan
: )i&e 1o$ m1 paro'e on this>G he aske-;
F: -on@t kno"; :@m )oin) to be in a 'ot o% tro$b'e i% the1 e&er o$t : ha- 1o$ an- -i-n@t brin) 1o$
in; =hat terms are 1o$ ta'kin)> =i'' 1o$ s"ear o%% 1o$r "ar a)ainst Amber>G
,e )na"e- his 'o"er 'ip; F!here@s no "a1 : can -o that4 Ber'e;G
F!here are thin)s 1o$@re not te''in) me4 aren@t there>G
,e no--e-; !hen he )rinne- s$--en'1; FB$t :@'' make 1o$ a -ea' 1o$ can@t re%$se;G
F9$ke4 -on@t )i&e me that har--se'' crap;G
FE$st )i&e me a min$te4 oka1> An- 1o$@'' see "h1 1o$ can@t a%%or- to pass this one $p;G
F9$ke4 :@m not bitin);G
FOn'1 one min$te; (i.t1 secon-s; Ao$@re %ree to sa1 no "hen :@m -one;G
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-; F!e'' me;G
FOka1; :@&e )ot a piece o% in%ormation &ita' to the sec$rit1 o% Amber4 an- :@m certain nobo-1
there has an ink'in) o% it; :@'' )i&e it to 1o$4 a%ter 1o$@&e he'pe- me;G
F=h1 sho$'- 1o$ "ant to )i&e $s somethin) 'ike that> :t so$n-s kin- o% se'%--e%eatin);G
F: -on@t4 an- it is; B$t it@s a'' :@&e )ot to o%%er; ,e'p me )et o$t o% here to a p'ace : ha&e in min-
"here the time %'o" is so m$ch %aster that :@'' be hea'e- $p in a -a1 or so in terms o% 'oca' time at
the 3eep;G
FOr here4 %or that matter4 :@- )$ess;G
F!r$e; !henD$h-ohIG
,e spra"'e- on the be-4 c'$tche- at his chest "ith his )oo- han- an- be)an to moan;
,e raise- his hea-4 "inke- at me4 )'ance- at the -oor an- commence- moanin) a)ain;
(hort'14 there came a knockin);
FCome in4G : sai-;
7inta entere- an- st$-ie- $s both; +or a moment4 there seeme- to be a 'ook o% )en$ine concern
on her %ace as she re)ar-e- 9$ke; !hen she a-&ance- to the be- an- p'ace- her han-s $pon his
sho$'-ers; (he stoo- there %or abo$t ha'% a min$te4 then anno$nce-4 FAo$@re )oin) to 'i&e;G
FAt the moment4G 9$ke rep'ie-4 F: -on@t kno" "hether that@s a b'essin) or a c$rse;G !hen he
s'ippe- his )oo- arm aro$n- her4 -re" her to him s$--en'1 an- kisse- her; F,i4 #ai'4G he sai-;
F:t@s been a 'on) time;G
(he -re" a"a1 "ith 'ess haste than she mi)ht ha&e; FAo$ seem impro&e- a'rea-14G she
obser&e-4 Fan- : can see that Ber'e@s "orke- somethin) to he'p 1o$ a'on);G (he smi'e- %aint'1
%or an instant4 then sai-4 FAes4 it has been4 1o$ -$mb ?ock; Ao$ sti'' 'ike 1o$r e))s s$nn1-si-e
F0i)ht4G he ackno"'e-)e-; FB$t not ha'% a -o6en; Ba1be ?$st t"o to-a1; :@m o$t o% sorts;G
FA'' ri)ht4G she sai-; FCome on4 Ber'e; :@'' nee- 1o$ to s$per&ise;G
9$ke )a&e me a %$nn1 'ook4 -o$bt'ess certain she "ante- to ta'k "ith me abo$t him; An- %or
that matter4 : "asn@t certain : "ante- to 'ea&e him a'one e&en tho$)h : ha- a'' o% his !r$mps in
m1 pocket; : "as sti'' $ncertain as to the e.tent o% his abi'ities4 an- : kne" a 'ot 'ess concernin)
his intentions; (o : h$n) back;
FBa1be someone sho$'- sta1 "ith the in&a'i-4G : to'- her;
F,e@'' be a'' ri)ht4G she sai-4 Fan- : mi)ht nee- 1o$r he'p i% : can@t scare $p a ser&ant;G
On the other han-4 ma1be she ha- somethin) interestin) to te'' me;;;;
: %o$n- m1 shirt an- -re" it on; : ran a han- thro$)h m1 hair;
FOka14G : sai-; F(ee 1o$ in a bit4 9$ke;G
F,e14G he respon-e-4 Fsee i% 1o$ can t$rn $p a "a'kin) stick %or me4 or c$t me a sta%% or
F:sn@t that r$shin) thin)s a bit>G 7inta aske-;
FNe&er can te''4G 9$ke rep'ie-;
(o : %etche- m1 b'a-e an- took it a'on); As : %o''o"e- 7inta o$t an- -o"n the stairs4 it occ$rre-
to me that "hen an1 t"o o% $s )ot to)ether "e "o$'- probab'1 ha&e somethin) to sa1 abo$t the
As soon as "e "ere o$t o% earshot4 7inta remarke-4 F,e took a chance4 comin) to 1o$;G
FAes4 he -i-;G
F(o thin)s m$st be )oin) ba-'1 %or him4 i% he %e't 1o$ "ere the on'1 one he co$'- t$rn to;G
F:@- sa1 that@s tr$e;G
FA'so4 :@m s$re he "ants somethin) besi-es a p'ace to reco&er;G
FProbab'1 so;G
FTProbab'14@ he''I ,e m$st ha&e aske- b1 no";G
F2ither he -i- or he -i-n@t;G
F7inta4 ob&io$s'1 1o$@&e to'- me e&er1thin) 1o$ inten- to te'' me4G : sai-; F=e''4 &ice &ersa;
=e@re e&en; : -on@t o"e 1o$ e.p'anations; :% : %ee' 'ike tr$stin) 9$ke4 : "i''; An1ho"4 : ha&en@t
-eci-e- 1et;G
F(o he has ma-e 1o$ a pitch; : mi)ht be ab'e to he'p 1o$ -eci-e i% 1o$@'' 'et me kno" "hat it is;G
FNo4 thanks; Ao$@re as ba- as he is;G
F:t@s 1o$r "e'%are :@m concerne- "ith; /on@t be so <$ick to sp$rn an a''1;G
F:@m not4G : sai-; FB$t i% 1o$ stop to think abo$t it4 : kno" a 'ot more abo$t 9$ke than : -o abo$t
1o$; : think : kno" the thin)s on "hich : sho$'-n@t tr$st him as "e'' as : -o the sa%e ones;G
F: hope 1o$@re not bettin) 1o$r 'i%e on it;G
: smi'e-; F!hat@s a matter on "hich : ten- to be conser&ati&e;G
=e entere- the kitchen4 "here she spoke "ith a "oman : ha-n@t met 1et "ho seeme- in char)e
there; (he 'e%t o$r break%ast or-ers "ith her an- 'e- me o$t the si-e -oor an- onto the patio;
+rom there4 she in-icate- a stan- o% trees o%% to the east;
FAo$ o$)ht to be ab'e to %in- a )oo- sap'in) in there4G she sai-4 F%or 9$ke@s sta%%;G
FProbab'1 so4G : rep'ie-4 an- "e be)an "a'kin) in that -irection; F(o 1o$ rea''1 "ere #ai'
9ampron4G : sai- s$--en'1;
F: -on@t $n-erstan- this bo-1-chan)in) bit at a'';G
FAn- :@m not abo$t to te'' 1o$;G
FCare to te'' me "h1 not>G
FCan@t or "on@t>G
FCan@t4G she sai-;
FB$t i% : a'rea-1 kno" somethin)4 "o$'- 1o$ be "i''in) to a-- a bit>G
FBa1be; !r1 me;G
F=hen 1o$ "ere /an Bartine6 1o$ took a shot at one o% $s; =hich one "as it>G
F9$ke4G she rep'ie-;
F:@- become con&ince- that he "as not the oneDthat is4 that he represente- a threat to 1o$DG
FDan- 1o$ ?$st "ante- to protect me4G : %inishe-;
F=hat -i- 1o$ mean Tthat he "as not the one@>G
F('ip o% the ton)$e; !hat 'ooks 'ike a )oo- tree o&er there;G
: ch$ck'e-; F!oo thick; Oka14 be that "a1;G
: hea-e- on into the )ro&e; !here "ere a n$mber o% possibi'ities o%% to the ri)ht;
As : mo&e- thro$)h the mornin)-'ance- interstices4 -amp 'ea&es an- -e" a-herin) to m1 boots4
: became a"are o% some $n$s$a' sc$%%in) a'on) the "a14 a series o% marks 'ea-in) o%% %arther to
the ri)ht4 "here;;;;
F=hat@s that>G : sai-4 kin- o% rhetorica''14 since : -i-n@t think 7inta "o$'- kno" either4 as :
hea-e- to"ar- a -ark mass at the sha-1 %oot o% an o'- tree;
: reache- it ahea- o% her; :t "as one o% the Ba1'e -o)s4 a bi) bro"n %e''o"; :ts throat ha- been
torn open; !he b'oo- "as -ark an- con)ea'e-; A %e" insects "ere cra"'in) on it; O%% %arther to
the ri)ht : sa" the remains o% a sma''er -o); :t ha- been -isembo"e'e-;
: st$-ie- the area abo$t the remains; !he marks o% &er1 'ar)e pa"s "ere imprinte- in the -amp
earth; At 'east the1 "ere not the three-toe- prints o% the -ea-'1 -o)'ike creat$res : ha-
enco$ntere- in the past; !he1 seeme- simp'1 to be those o% a &er1 'ar)e -o);
F!his m$st be "hat : hear- 'ast ni)ht4G : remarke-; F: tho$)ht it so$n-e- 'ike a -o)%i)ht;G
F=hen "as that>G she aske-;
F(ome time a%ter 1o$ 'e%t; : "as -ro"sin);G
!hen she -i- a stran)e thin); (he kne't4 'eane- an- sni%%e- the track; =hen she reco&ere- there
"as a s'i)ht'1 p$66'e- e.pression on her %ace; F=hat -i- 1o$ %in->G : aske-;
(he shook her hea-4 then stare- o%% to the northeast; F:@m not s$re4G she %ina''1 sai-4 Fb$t it "ent
that "a1;G
: st$-ie- the )ro$n- %$rther4 risin) an- %ina''1 mo&in) a'on) the trai' it ha- 'e%t; :t -i- r$n o%% in
that -irection4 tho$)h : 'ost it a%ter se&era' h$n-re- %eet "hen it -eparte- the )ro&e; +ina''14 :
t$rne- a"a1;
FOne o% the -o)s attacke- the others4 : )$ess4G : obser&e-; F=e@- better %in- that stick an- hea-
back i% "e "ant o$r break%asts "arm;G
:nsi-e4 : 'earne- that 9$ke@s break%ast ha- been sent $p to him; : "as torn; : "ante- to take mine
$pstairs4 to ?oin him an- contin$e o$r con&ersation; :% : -i-4 tho$)h4 7inta "o$'- accompan1 me
an- the con&ersation "o$'- not be contin$e-; Nor co$'- : ta'k %$rther "ith her $n-er those
circ$mstances; (o : "o$'- ha&e to ?oin her -o"n here4 "hich meant 'ea&in) 9$ke a'one %or
'on)er than : 'ike-;
(o : "ent a'on) "ith her "hen she sai-4 F=e "i'' eat in here4G an- 'e- me into a 'ar)e ha''; :
)$esse- she ha- chosen it beca$se m1 room "ith its open "in-o" "as abo&e the patio4 an- 9$ke
co$'- ha&e hear- $s ta'kin) i% "e ate o$t there;
=e sat at the en- o% a 'on) -ark"oo- tab'e4 "here "e "ere ser&e-;
=hen "e "ere a'one a)ain4 she aske-4 F=hat are 1o$ )oin) to -o no">G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G : aske-4 sippin) some )rape ?$ice;
(he )'ance- $p"ar-; F=ith him4G she sai-; F!ake him back to Amber>G
F:t "o$'- seem the 'o)ica' thin) to -o4G : rep'ie-;
F#oo-4G she sai-; FAo$ sho$'- probab'1 transport him soon; !he1 ha&e -ecent me-ica' %aci'ities
at the pa'ace;G
: no--e-; FAes4 the1 -o;G
=e ate a %e" mo$th%$'s4 then she aske-4 F!hat is "hat 1o$ inten- -oin)4 isn@t it>G
F=h1 -o 1o$ ask>G
FBeca$se an1thin) e'se "o$'- be abso'$te'1 %oo'ish4 an- ob&io$s'1 he is not )oin) to "ant to -o
it; !here%ore4 he "i'' tr1 to ta'k 1o$ into somethin) e'se4 somethin) that "i'' )i&e him some
meas$re o% %ree-om "hi'e he reco&ers; Ao$ kno" "hat a 'ine o% shit he has; ,e@'' make it so$n-
'ike a )reat i-ea4 "hate&er it is; Ao$ m$st remember that he is an enem1 o% Amber4 an- "hen he
is rea-1 to mo&e a)ain 1o$ "i'' be in the "a1;G
F:t makes sense4G : sai-;
F:@m not %inishe-;G
(he smi'e- an- ate a %e" more bites4 to keep me "on-erin); +ina''14 F,e came to 1o$ %or a
reason4G she contin$e-; F,e co$'- ha&e cra"'e- o%% to an1 o% a n$mber o% p'aces to 'ick his
"o$n-s; B$t he came to 1o$ beca$se he "ants somethin); ,e@s )amb'in)4 b$t it@s a ca'c$'ate-
thin); /on@t )o %or it4 Ber'e; Ao$ -on@t o"e him an1thin);G
F: -on@t kno" "h1 1o$ think me incapab'e o% takin) care o% m1se'%4G : rep'ie-;
F: ne&er sai- that4G she respon-e-; FB$t some -ecisions are %ine'1 ba'ance- thin)s; A 'itt'e e.tra
"ei)ht this "a1 or that sometimes makes the -i%%erence; Ao$ kno" 9$ke4 b$t so -o :; !his is not
a time to be )i&in) him an1 breaks;G
FAo$ ha&e a point there4G : sai-;
F(o 1o$ ha&e -eci-e- to )i&e him "hat he "antsIG
: smi'e- an- -rank some co%%ee; F,e''4 he hasn@t been conscio$s 'on) eno$)h to )i&e me the
pitch4G : sai-; F:@&e tho$)ht o% these thin)s4 an- : "ant to kno" "hat he@s )ot in min- too;G
F: ne&er sai- 1o$ sho$'-n@t %in- o$t as m$ch as 1o$ can; : ?$st "ante- to remin- 1o$ that ta'kin)
"ith 9$ke can sometimes be 'ike con&ersin) "ith a -ra)on;G
FAeah4G : ackno"'e-)e-; F: kno";G
FAn- the 'on)er 1o$ "ait the har-er it@s )oin) to be4G she a--e-;
: took a )$'p o% co%%eeC then4 F/i- 1o$ 'ike him>G : aske-;
F9ike>G she sai-; FAes4: -i-; An- : sti'' -o; !hat is not materia' at this point4 tho$)h;G
F: -on@t kno" abo$t that4G : sai-;
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
FAo$ "o$'-n@t harm him "itho$t )oo- reason;G
FNo4 : "o$'-n@t;G
F,e is no threat to me at the moment;G
F,e -oes not seem to be;G
F($pposin) : "ere to 'ea&e him here in 1o$r care "hi'e : "ent o%% to Amber to "a'k the Pattern
an- to prepare them %or the ne"s>G
(he shook her hea- &i)oro$s'1; FNo4G she state-; F: "i'' notD: cannotDtake that responsibi'it1
at this time;G
F=h1 not>G
(he hesitate-;
FAn- p'ease -on@t sa1 a)ain that 1o$ cannot te'' me4G : "ent on; F+in- a "a1 to te'' me as m$ch
as 1o$ can;G
(he spoke s'o"'1 then4 as i% choosin) her "or-s &er1 care%$''1; FBeca$se it is more important
%or me to "atch 1o$ than 9$ke; !here is sti'' -an)er %or 1o$ "hich : -o not $n-erstan-4 e&en
tho$)h it no 'on)er seems to be procee-in) %rom him; #$ar-in) 1o$ a)ainst this $nkno"n peri'
is o% hi)her priorit1 than keepin) an e1e on him; !here%ore4 : cannot remain here; :% 1o$ are
ret$rnin) to Amber4 so am :;G
F: appreciate 1o$r concern4G : sai-4 Fb$t : "i'' not ha&e 1o$ -o))in) m1 %ootsteps;G
FNeither o% $s has a choice;G
F($pposin) : simp'1 tr$mp o$t o% here to some -istant sha-o">G
F: "i'' be ob'i)e- to %o''o" 1o$;G
F:n this %orm4 or another>G
(he 'ooke- a"a1; (he poke- at her %oo-;
FAo$@&e a'rea-1 a-mitte- that 1o$ can be other persons; Ao$ 'ocate me in some arcane %ashion4
then 1o$ take possession o% someone in m1 &icinit1;G
(he took a -rink o% co%%ee;
FPerhaps somethin) pre&ents 1o$ %rom sa1in) it4G : contin$e-4 Fb$t that@s the case; : kno" it;G
(he no--e- once4 c$rt'14 an- res$me- eatin);
F($pposin) : -i- tr$mp o$t ri)ht no"4G : sai-4 Fan- 1o$ %o''o"e- a%ter in 1o$r pec$'iar %ashion;G
: tho$)ht back to m1 te'ephone con&ersations "ith Be) /e&'in an- Brs; ,ansen; F!hen the rea'
7inta Ba1'e "o$'- "ake $p in her o"n bo-1 "ith a )ap in her memor14 ri)ht>G
FAes4G she ans"ere- so%t'1;
FAn- that "o$'- 'ea&e 9$ke here in the compan1 o% a "oman "ho "o$'- be happ1 to -estro1
him i% she ha- an1 ink'in) "ho he rea''1 is;G
(he smi'e- %aint'1; FE$st so4G she sai-;
=e ate in si'ence %or a time; (he ha- attempte- to %orec'ose a'' m1 choices4 to %orce me to tr$mp
back to Amber an- take 9$ke "ith me; : -o not 'ike bein) manip$'ate- or coerce-; B1 re%'e.i&e
attempt to -o somethin) other than "hat is -esire- o% me then %ee's %orce- a'so;
: re%i''e- o$r co%%ee c$ps "hen : ha- %inishe- eatin); : re)ar-e- a co''ection o% -o) portraits that
h$n) on the "a'' across %rom me; : sippe- an- sa&ore-; : -i- not speak beca$se : co$'- think o%
nothin) %$rther to sa1;
+ina''14 she -i-; F(o "hat are 1o$ )oin) to -o>G she aske- me;
: %inishe- m1 co%%ee an- rose; F: am )oin) to take 9$ke his stick4G : sai-;
: p$she- m1 chair back into p'ace an- hea-e- %or the corner o% the room "here : ha- 'eane- the
FAn- then>G she sai-; F=hat "i'' 1o$ -o>G
: )'ance- back at her as : he%te- the sta%%; (he sat &er1 erect4 her han-s pa'ms -o"n on the tab'e;
!he Nemesis 'ook o&er'a1 her %eat$res once a)ain4 an- : co$'- a'most %ee' e'ectricit1 in the air;
F=hate&er : m$st4G : rep'ie-4 an- : hea-e- %or the -oor;
: increase- m1 pace as soon as : "as o$t o% si)ht; =hen : hit the stairs an- sa" that she "as not
%o''o"in)4: took the steps t"o at a time; On the "a1 $p4 : "ith-re" m1 car-s an- 'ocate- the
proper one;
=hen : entere- the room : sa" that 9$ke "as restin)4 his back a)ainst the be-@s pi''o"s; ,is
break%ast tra1 "as on the sma''er chair4 besi-e the be-; : -roppe- the 'atch on the -oor;
F=hat@s the matter4 man> =e $n-er attack or somethin)>G 9$ke aske-;
F(tart )ettin) $p4G : sai-;
: picke- $p his "eapon then an- crosse- to the be-; : )a&e him a han- sittin) $p4 thr$st the sta%%
an- the b'a-e at him;
FB1 han- has been %orce-4G : sai-4 Fan- :@m not abo$t to t$rn 1o$ o&er to 0an-om;G
F!hat@s a com%ort4G he obser&e-;
FB$t "e ha&e to c'ear o$tDno";G
F!hat@s a'' ri)ht b1 me;G
,e 'eane- on the sta%%4 )ot s'o"'1 to his %eet; : hear- a noise in the ha''4 b$t it "as a'rea-1 too
'ate; :@- raise- the car- an- "as concentratin); !here came a po$n-in) on the -oor;
FAo$@re $p to somethin) an- : think it@s the "ron) thin)4G 7inta ca''e- o$t;
: -i- not rep'1; !he &ision "as a'rea-1 comin) c'ear;
!he -oor%rame sp'intere- %rom the %orce o% a tremen-o$s kick4 an- the 'atch "as torn 'oose;
!here "as a 'ook o% apprehension on 9$ke@s %ace as : reache- o$t an- took ho'- o% his arm;
FCome on4G : sai-;
7inta b$rst into the room as : 'e- 9$ke %or"ar-4 her e1es %'ashin)4 her han-s e.ten-e-4 reachin);
,er cr1 o% F+oo'IG seeme- to chan)e into a "ai' as she "as "ashe- b1 the spectr$m4 ripp'e- an-
=e stoo- in a patch o% )rass4 an- 9$ke 'et o$t a -eep breath he ha- been ho'-in);
FAo$ be'ie&e in c$ttin) thin)s c'ose4 b$--1-bo14G he remarke-4 an- then he 'ooke- aro$n- an-
reco)ni6e- the p'ace;
,e smi'e- crooke-'1;
F=hat -o 1o$ kno"4G he sai-; FA cr1sta' ca&e;G
F+rom m1 o"n e.perience4G : sai-4 Fthe time %'o" here sho$'- be abo$t "hat 1o$ "ere askin)
,e no--e- an- "e be)an mo&in) s'o"'1 to"ar- the hi)h b'$e hi''; F(ti'' p'ent1 o% rations4G :
a--e-4 Fan- the s'eepin) ba) sho$'- be "here : 'e%t it;G
F:t "i'' ser&e4G he ackno"'e-)e-;
,e ha'te-4 pantin)4 be%ore "e reache- the %oot; : sa" his )a6e -ri%t to"ar- a n$mber o% stre"n
bones o%% to o$r 'e%t; :t "o$'- ha&e been months since the pair "ho ha- remo&e- the bo$'-er ha-
%a''en there4 'on) eno$)h %or sca&en)ers to ha&e -one a thoro$)h ?ob; 9$ke shr$))e-4 a-&ance- a
'itt'e4 'eane- a)ainst b'$e stone; ,e 'o"ere- himse'% s'o"'1 into a sittin) position;
F#oin) to ha&e to "ait be%ore : can c'imb4G he sai-4 Fe&en "ith 1o$ he'pin);G
F($re4G : sai-; F=e can %inish o$r con&ersation; As : reca''4 1o$ "ere )oin) to make me an o%%er
: co$'-n@t re%$se; : "as to brin) 1o$ to a p'ace 'ike this4 "here 1o$ co$'- reco&er %ast &is-V-&is
the time %'o" at the 3eep; Ao$4 in t$rn4 ha- a piece o% in%ormation &ita' to the sec$rit1 o%
F0i)ht4G he a)ree-4 Fan- 1o$ -i-n@t hear the rest o% m1 stor1 either; !he1 )o to)ether;G
: h$nkere- across %rom him; FAo$ to'- me that 1o$r mother ha- %'e- to the 3eep4 apparent'1
)otten into tro$b'e there an- ca''e- to 1o$ %or he'p;G
FAes4G he ackno"'e-)e-; F(o : -roppe- the b$siness "ith #host"hee' an- trie- to he'p her; : )ot
in to$ch "ith /a't4 an- he a)ree- to come an- attack the 3eep;G
F:t@s a'"a1s )oo- to kno" a ban- o% mercenaries 1o$ can )et ho'- o% in a h$rr14G : sai-;
,e )a&e me a <$ick4 stran)e 'ook b$t : "as ab'e to maintain an innocent e.pression;
F(o "e 'e- them thro$)h (ha-o" an- "e attacke- the p'ace4G he sai- then; F:t ha- to be $s that
1o$ sa" "hen 1o$ "ere there;G
: no--e- s'o"'1; F:t 'ooke- as i% 1o$ ma-e it o&er the "a''; =hat "ent "ron)>G
F: sti'' -on@t kno"4G he sai-; F=e "ere -oin) a'' ri)ht; !heir -e%ense "as cr$mb'in) an- "e "ere
p$shin) ri)ht a'on)4 "hen s$--en'1 /a't t$rne- on me; =e@- been separate- %or a timeC then he
appeare- a)ain an- attacke- me; At %irst : tho$)ht he@- ma-e a mistakeD"e "ere a'' )rim1 an-
b'oo-1Dan- : sho$te- to him that it "as me; B$t he ?$st kept comin); !hat@s ho" he "as ab'e to
-o a ?ob 'ike this on me; +or a "hi'e : -i-n@t "ant to strike back beca$se : tho$)ht it "as a
mis$n-erstan-in) an- he@- rea'i6e his mistake in a %e" secon-s;G
F/o 1o$ think he so'- 1o$ o$t> Or that it "as somethin) he@- been p'annin) %or a 'on) time>
(ome )r$-)e>G
F: -on@t 'ike to think that;G
FBa)ic4 then>G
FBa1be; : -on@t kno";G
A pec$'iar tho$)ht occ$rre- to me; F/i- he kno" 1o$@- ki''e- Caine>G : aske-;
FNo4 : make it a point ne&er to te'' an1bo-1 e&er1thin) :@m abo$t;G
FAo$ "o$'-n@t ki- me4 "o$'- 1o$>G
,e 'a$)he-4 mo&e- as i% to c'ap me on the sho$'-er4 "ince- an- tho$)ht better o% it;
F=h1 -o 1o$ ask>G he sai- then;
F: -on@t kno"; E$st c$rio$s;G
F($re4G he sai-; !hen4 F=hat sa1 1o$ )i&e me a han- $p an- insi-e4 so : can see "hat kin- o%
s$pp'ies 1o$@&e 'e%t me>G
F=h1>G : )ot to m1 %eet an- he'pe- him to his; =e mo&e- aro$n- to the ri)ht to the s'ope o%
easiest ascent4 an- : )$i-e- him s'o"'1 to the top;
Once "e@- achie&e- the s$mmit he 'eane- on his sta%% an- stare- -o"n into the openin);
FNo rea''1 eas1 "a1 -o"n in4G he sai-4 F%or me; At %irst : "as thinkin) 1o$ co$'- ro'' $p a barre'
%rom the 'ar-er4 an- : co$'- )et -o"n to it an- then -o"n to the %'oor; B$t no" : 'ook at it4 it@s an
e&en bi))er -rop than : remembere-; :@- tear somethin) open4 s$re;G
FBm-hm4G : sai-; F,an) on; :@&e )ot an i-ea;G
: t$rne- a"a1 %rom him an- c'imbe- back -o"n; !hen : ma-e m1 "a1 a'on) the base o% the b'$e
rise to m1 ri)ht $nti' : ha- ro$n-e- t"o shin1 sho$'-ers an- "as comp'ete'1 o$t o% 9$ke@s 'ine o%
: -i- not care to $se the 9o)r$s in his presence i% : -i- not ha&e to; : -i- not "ish %or him to see
ho" : "ent abo$t thin)s4 an- : -i- not "ant to )i&e him an1 i-ea as to "hat : co$'- or co$'- not
-o; :@m not that com%ortab'e 'ettin) peop'e kno" too m$ch abo$t me4 either;
!he 9o)r$s appeare- at m1 s$mmons4 an- : reache- into it4 e.ten-e- thro$)h it; B1 -esire "as
%rame-4 became the aim; B1 sen-in) e.ten-in) so$)ht the tho$)ht; +ar4 %ar;;;;
: kept e.ten-in) %or the -amne-est 'on) time; =e rea''1 ha- to be o$t in the (ha-o" boonies;;;;
: -i- not ?erk4 b$t rather e.erte- a s'o" an- stea-1 press$re; : %e't it mo&e to"ar- me across the
F,e14 Ber'eI 2&er1thin) oka1>G : hear- 9$ke ca'';
FAeah4G : ans"ere-4 an- : -i- not e'aborate;
C'oser4 c'oser;;;;
: sta))ere- "hen it arri&e-4 beca$se it came to me too near to one en-;
!he %ar en- bo$nce- on the )ro$n-; (o : mo&e- to the mi--'e an- took a ne" )rip; : he%te- it
an- carrie- it back;
: set it a)ainst a steep area o% the rise a bit in a-&ance o% 9$ke@s position an- : mo$nte- <$ick'1;
: be)an -ra"in) it $p behin- me then;
FOka14 "here@- 1o$ )et the 'a--er>G he aske-;
F+o$n- it4G : sai-;
F9ooks 'ike "et paint on the si-e there;G
FBa1be someone 'ost it ?$st recent'1;G
: be)an 'o"erin) it into the openin); (e&era' %eet protr$-e- a%ter it reache- the bottom; :
a-?$ste- it %or stabi'it14
F:@'' start -o"n %irst4G : sai-4 Fan- sta1 ri)ht $n-er 1o$;G
F!ake m1 stick an- m1 b'a-e -o"n %irst4 "i'' 1o$>G
: -i- that thin); B1 the time : c'imbe- back he ha- ca$)ht ho'- an- )otten onto it4 ha- be)$n his
FAo$@'' ha&e to teach me that trick one o% these -a1s4G he sai-4 breathin) hea&i'1;
F/on@t kno" "hat 1o$@re ta'kin) abo$t4G : ans"ere-;
,e -escen-e- s'o"'14 pa$sin) to rest at each r$n)4 an- he "as %'$she- an- pantin) "hen he
reache- the bottom; ,e s'$mpe- to the %'oor imme-iate'14 pressin) his ri)ht pa'm a)ainst his
'o"er rib ca)e; A%ter a time4 he inche- back"ar- a bit an- reste- a)ainst the "a'';
FAo$ oka1>G : aske-;
,e no--e-; F=i'' be4G he sai-4 Fin a %e" min$tes; Bein) stabbe- takes a 'ot o$t o% 1o$;G
F=ant a b'anket>G
FNo4 thanks;G
F=e''4 1o$ rest here an- :@'' )o check the 'ar-er an- see "hether an1thin)@s )otten at the
s$pp'ies; =ant me to brin) 1o$ an1thin)>G
F(ome "ater4G he sai-;
!he s$pp'ies pro&e- to be in )oo- or-er4 an- the s'eepin) ba) "as sti'' "here :@- 'e%t it; :
ret$rne- "ith a -rink %or 9$ke an- a %e" ironic memories o% the occasion "hen he@- -one the
same %or me;
F9ooks as i% 1o$@re in b$siness4G : to'- him; F!here@s sti'' p'ent1 o% st$%%;G
FAo$ -i-n@t -rink a'' the "ine4 -i- 1o$>G he aske- bet"een sips;
FNo"4 1o$ sai- 1o$ ha&e a piece o% in%ormation &ita' to the interests o% Amber4G : sai-; FCare to
te'' me abo$t it>G
,e smi'e-; FNot 1et4G he sai-;
F: tho$)ht that "as o$r -ea';G
FAo$ -i-n@t hear the "ho'e thin); =e "ere interr$pte-;G
: shook m1 hea-; B$t4 FA'' ri)ht4 "e "ere interr$pte-4G : ackno"'e-)e-; F!e'' me the rest;G
F:@&e )ot to )et back on m1 %eet4 so : can take the 3eep an- %ree m1 mother;;;;G
: no--e-;
F!he in%ormation is 1o$rs a%ter "e resc$e her;G
F,e1I =ait a min$teI Ao$@re askin) a he'' o% a 'otIG
FNot %or "hat :@m pa1in);G
F(o$n-s 'ike :@m b$1in) a pi) in a poke;G
FAes4 : )$ess 1o$ are; B$t be'ie&e me4 it@'' be "orth kno"in);G
F=hat i% it becomes "orth kno"in) "hi'e :@m "aitin)>G
FNo4 :@&e %i)$re- the timin) on this; B1 reco&er1 is on'1 )oin) to take a co$p'e o% -a1s4 Amber
time; : can@t see the matter comin) $p that %ast;G
F9$ke4 this is startin) to so$n- 'ike some sort o% trick;G
F:t is4G he sai-4 Fb$t it "i'' bene%it Amber as "e'' as m1se'%;G
F!hat@s another thin); : can@t see 1o$ )i&in) somethin) 'ike this a"a1 to the enem1;G
,e si)he-; F:t mi)ht e&en be eno$)h to )et me o%% the hook4G he a--e-;
FAo$@re thinkin) o% ca''in) o%% 1o$r %e$->G
F: -on@t kno"; B$t :@&e been -oin) a 'ot o% thinkin)4 an- i% : -i- -eci-e to )o that ro$te it "o$'-
make %or a rea' )oo- opener;G
FAn- i% 1o$ -eci-e- not to4 1o$@- be scre"in) 1o$rse'%; =o$'-n@t 1o$>G
F: co$'- 'i&e "ith it4 tho$)h; :t mi)ht make m1 ?ob har-er4 b$t not impossib'e;G
F: -on@t kno"4G : sai-; F:% "or- o% this )ets o$t an- :@&e )ot nothin) to sho" %or 'ettin) 1o$ )et
a"a1 'ike this4 :@'' be in rea' hot "ater;G
F: "on@t te'' an1bo-1 i% 1o$ "on@t;G
F!here@s 7inta;G
FAn- she keeps insistin) that her bi) aim in 'i%e is to protect 1o$; Besi-es4 she "on@t be there i%
1o$ )o back; Or rather4 there "i'' be the rea' 7inta4 ha&in) a"akene- as %rom a tro$b'e- s'eep;G
F,o" can 1o$ be so s$re>G
FBeca$se 1o$@&e 'e%t; (he@s probab'1 a'rea-1 o%% seekin) 1o$;G
F/o 1o$ kno" "hat she rea''1 is>G
FNo4 b$t :@'' he'p 1o$ spec$'ate sometime;G
FNot no">G
FNo4 :@&e )ot to s'eep some more; :t@s catchin) $p "ith me a)ain;G
F!hen 'et@s )o o&er this -ea' one more time; =hat are 1o$ )oin) to -o4 ho" -o 1o$ inten- to -o
it an- "hat are 1o$ promisin) me>G
,e 1a"ne-; F: sta1 here ti'' :@m back in shape4G he sai-; F!hen "hen :@m rea-1 to attack the
3eep : )et in to$ch "ith 1o$; =hich remin-s me4 1o$ sti'' ha&e m1 !r$mps;G
F: kno"; 3eep ta'kin); ,o" -o 1o$ inten- takin) the 3eep>G
F:@m "orkin) on it; :@'' 'et 1o$ kno" that too; An1ho"4 1o$ can he'p $s or not at that point4 as
1o$ see %it; : "o$'-n@t min- ha&in) another sorcerer "ith me4 tho$)h; Once "e@re in an- she@s
%ree-4 :@'' te'' 1o$ "hat : promise- an- 1o$ can take it back to Amber;G
F=hat i% 1o$ 'ose>G : aske-;
,e 'ooke- a"a1; F: )$ess there@s a'"a1s that possibi'it14G he %ina''1 a)ree-; FOka14 ho"@s this>
:@'' "rite the "ho'e thin) o$t an- keep it "ith me; :@'' )i&e it to 1o$Db1 !r$mp or in personD
be%ore "e attack; =in or 'ose4 :@'' ha&e pai- m1 "a1 "ith 1o$;G
,e e.ten-e- his )oo- han- an- : c'aspe- it;
FOka14G : sai-;
F!hen 'et me ha&e m1 !r$mps back4 an- :@'' be ta'kin) to 1o$ as soon as : )et mo&in) a)ain;G
: hesitate-; +ina''14 : -re" o$t m1 pack4 "hich "as no" )ro"n <$ite thick; : sh$%%'e- o$t m1
o"n then a'on) "ith a n$mber o% his an- passe- him "hat remaine-;
F=hat abo$t the rest>G
F: "ant to st$-1 them4 9$ke; Oka1>G
,e shr$))e- "eak'1; F: can a'"a1s make more; B$t )i&e me back m1 mother@s;G
,e accepte- it4 then sai-4 F: -on@t kno" "hat 1o$@&e )ot in min-4 b$t :@'' )i&e 1o$ a piece o%
a-&ice8 /on@t scre" aro$n- "ith /a't; ,e@s not the nicest o% )$1s "hen he@s norma'4 an- : think
there@s somethin) "ron) "ith him ri)ht no"; 3eep a"a1 %rom him;G
: no--e-4 then )ot to m1 %eet;
FAo$@re )oin) no">G he aske-;
F9ea&e me the 'a--er;G
F:t@s a'' 1o$rs;G
F=hat are 1o$ )oin) to te'' them back in Amber>G
FNothin)D1et4G : sai-; F,e14 1o$ "ant me to brin) some %oo- $p here be%ore : )o> (a&e 1o$ a
FAeah; #oo- i-ea; Brin) me a bott'e o% "ine4 too;G
: "ent back an- )ot him a 'oa- o% pro&isions; : -ra))e- in the s'eepin) ba) a'so;
: starte- $p the 'a--er4 then pa$se-; FAo$ -on@t kno" 1o$r o"n min- on this 1et4G : sai-4 F-o
,e smi'e-; F/on@t be too s$re o% that;G
=hen : )ot to the top : stare- at the bi) bo$'-er that ha- once sea'e- me in; 2ar'ier4 :@- tho$)ht
o% ret$rnin) the %a&or; : co$'- keep track o% the time4 come )et him "hen he "as back on his %eet;
!hat "a14 he co$'-n@t p$'' a -isappearin) act on me; : ha- -eci-e- a)ainst it4 tho$)h4 not on'1
beca$se : "as the on'1 one "ho kne" he "as here an- i% somethin) happene- to me he@- be
-ea-; Bain'14 it "as beca$se he "o$'-n@t be ab'e to reach me "ith m1 !r$mp "hen he "as rea-1
to mo&e4 i% : kept him %$''1 con%ine-; !hat@s "hat : to'- m1se'%4 an1ho";
: stoope- an- ca$)ht ho'- o% the bo$'-er4 an1"a14 an- p$she- it nearer the openin);
FBer'eI =hat are 1o$ -oin)>GD%rom be'o";
F9ookin) %or %ishin) bait4G : ans"ere-;
F,e14 come onI /on@t;;;;G
: 'a$)he- an- p$she- it a 'itt'e nearer;
F!ho$)ht 1o$ mi)ht "ant the -oor c'ose-4 in case it rains4G : sai-; FB$t it@s too -amne- hea&1;
+or)et it; !ake it eas1;G
: t$rne- an- ?$mpe-; : tho$)ht the e.tra a-rena'ine mi)ht -o him some )oo-;
Chapter $
=hen : hit the )ro$n- : kept )oin)4 back to the p'ace %rom "hich : ha- con?$re- the 'a--er4 o$t
o% si)ht %rom se&era' -irections;
: "ith-re" one o% the b'ank car-s; !ime "as r$nnin);
=hen : %ishe- o$t the penci'4 : -isco&ere- that its point ha- broken; : $nsheathe- m1 b'a-e4
"hich "as abo$t the 'en)th o% m1 arm; :@- %o$n- another $se %or the thin);
A min$te or so 'ater : ha- the car- be%ore me on a %'at rock4 an- : "as sketchin) m1 room back
at the Arbor ,o$se4 the %orces o% the 9o)r$s mo&in) thro$)h m1 han-s; : ha- to "ork
-e'iberate'14 )ettin) the proper %ee'in) o% the p'ace into the -ra"in); +ina''14 "hen it "as
%inishe-4 : stoo-; :t "as ri)ht4 it "as rea-1; : opene- m1 min- an- re)ar-e- m1 "ork $nti' it
became rea'it1; !hen : "a'ke- %or"ar- into the room; E$st as : -i- : tho$)ht o% somethin) :
"ante- to ask 9$ke4 b$t it "as too 'ate;
Be1on- the "in-o"4 the sha-o"s o% the trees "ere stretchin) into the east; : ha- ob&io$s'1 been
)one %or most o% the -a1;
=hen : t$rne- : sa" a sheet o% paper $pon the no" ma-e-$p be-4 sec$re- a)ainst bree6es b1 the
e-)e o% a pi''o"; : crosse- to it an- picke- it $p4 remo&in) the sma'' b'$e b$tton "hich 'a1 atop it
be%ore : -i- so;
!he "ritin) "as in 2n)'ish; :t sai-; P*! !,2 B*!!ON :N A (A+2 P9AC2 !:99 AO* N22/
:!; : =O*9/N@! CA00A :! A0O*N/ !OO B*C,; : ,OP2 AO* /:/ !,2 0:#,!
!,:N#; : #*2(( :@99 +:N/ O*! P02!!A (OON; (22 AO* A0O*N/;
:t "as $nsi)ne-;
(a%e or not4 : co$'-n@t ?$st 'ea&e it there; (o : "rappe- the b$tton in the note an- p$t it in m1
pocket; !hen : %etche- m1 c'oak %rom the c'oset an- s'$n) it o&er m1 arm;
: -eparte- the room; !he 'atch bein) broken4 : 'e%t the -oor stan-in) "i-e; : stoppe- in the
ha''"a1 an- 'istene-4 b$t : hear- no &oices4 no so$n-s o% mo&ement;
: ma-e m1 "a1 to the stairs an- hea-e- -o"n; : "as a'most to the bottom be%ore : notice- her4
so sti'' -i- she sit4 there besi-e the "in-o" to m1 ri)ht4 a tra1 o% brea- an- cheese4 a bott'e an- a
)ob'et on a sma'' tab'e at her si-e;
FBer'inIG she sai- s$--en'14 ha'% risin); F!he ser&ants sai- 1o$ "ere here4 b$t "hen : 'ooke- :
co$'-n@t %in- 1o$;G
F: "as ca''e- a"a14G : sai-4 -escen-in) the %ina' stair an- a-&ancin); F,o" are 1o$ %ee'in)>G
F,o" -o 1o$D"hat -o 1o$ kno" abo$t me>G she aske-;
FAo$ probab'1 -on@t remember an1thin) that happene- -$rin) the past co$p'e o% -a1s4G :
FAo$ are ri)ht4G she sai-; F=on@t 1o$ sit -o"n>G
(he )est$re- at the empt1 chair at the other si-e o% the sma'' tab'e;
FP'ease ?oin me;G (he in-icate- the tra1; FAn- 'et me )et 1o$ some "ine;G
F!hat@s a'' ri)ht4G : sai-4 seein) that she "as -rinkin) the "hite;
(he rose an- crosse- the room to a cabinet4 opene- it an- took o$t another )ob'et; =hen she
ret$rne- she po$re- a hea'th1 s'$) o% Ba1'e@s Piss into it an- set it near m1 han-; : )$esse- it "as
possib'e the1 kept the )oo- st$%% %or themse'&es;
F=hat can 1o$ te'' me abo$t m1 b'acko$t>G she aske-; F:@- been in Amber4 an- the ne.t thin) :
kne" : "as back here an- se&era' -a1s ha- )one b1;G
FAes4G : sai-4 takin) $p a cracker an- a bit o% cheese; FAbo$t "hat time -i- 1o$ become 1o$rse'%
F!his mornin);G
F:t@s nothin) to "orr1 abo$tDno"4G : ans"ere-; F!here sho$'-n@t be a rec$rrence;G
FB$t "hat "as it>G
FE$st somethin) that@s been )oin) aro$n-4G : sai-4 tr1in) the "ine;
F:t seems more 'ike ma)ic than the %'$;G
FPerhaps there "as a to$ch o% that too4G : a)ree-; FAo$ ne&er kno" "hat mi)ht b'o" in o$t o%
(ha-o"; B$t a'most e&er1one : kno" "ho@s ha- it is oka1 no";G
(he %$rro"e- her bro"; F:t "as &er1 stran)e;G
: ha- a %e" more crackers an- sips o% the "ine; !he1 -i- keep the )oo- st$%% %or themse'&es;
F!here is abso'$te'1 nothin) to "orr1 abo$t4G : repeate-;
(he smi'e- an- no--e-; F: be'ie&e 1o$; =hat are 1o$ -oin) here4 an1ho">G
F(topo&er; :@m on m1 "a1 back to Amber4G : sai-4 F%rom e'se"here; =hich remin-s meDma1 :
borro" a horse>G
FCertain'14G she rep'ie-; F,o" soon "i'' 1o$ be 'ea&in)>G
FAs soon as : )et the horse4G : sai-;
(he )ot to her %eet; F: -i-n@t rea'i6e 1o$ "ere in a h$rr1; :@'' take 1o$ o&er to the stab'es no";G
: )rabbe- t"o more crackers an- another piece o% cheese on the "a1 o$t an- tosse- o%% the rest
o% the "ine; : "on-ere- "here the b'$e %o) mi)ht be -ri%tin) no";
=hen :@- 'ocate- a )oo- horse4 "hich she to'- me : co$'- ha&e -e'i&ere- to their stab'e in
Amber4 : sa--'e- him an- %itte- his bri-'e; ,e "as a )ra14 name- (moke; : -onne- m1 c'oak then
an- c'aspe- 7inta@s han-s;
F!hanks %or the hospita'it14G : sai-4 Fe&en i% 1o$ -on@t reca'' it;G
F/on@t sa1 )oo--b1e 1et4G she to'- me; F0i-e aro$n- to the kitchen -oor o%% the patio4 an- :@''
)i&e 1o$ a "ater bott'e an- some %oo- %or the roa-; =e -i-n@t ha&e a ma- a%%air that : -on@t
remember4 -i- "e>G
FA )ent'eman ne&er te''s4G : sai-;
(he 'a$)he- an- s'appe- m1 sho$'-er; FCome see me sometime "hen :@m in Amber4G she to'-
me4 Fan- re%resh m1 memor1;G
: )rabbe- a set o% sa--'eba)s4 a ba) o% cho" %or (moke an- a 'on)ish tetherin) rope; : 'e- him
o$tsi-e as 7inta hea-e- back to the ho$se; : mo$nte- then an- ro-e s'o"'1 a%ter her4 a %e" -o)s
caperin) abo$t me; : circ'e- the manor4 takin) the 'on) "a1 aro$n-4 -re" rein an- -ismo$nte-
near the kitchen; : consi-ere- the patio4 "ishin) : ha- one ?$st 'ike it "here : co$'- sit an- take
co%%ee in the mornin); Or ha- it ?$st been the compan1>
A%ter a time4 the -oor opene- an- 7inta came o$t an- passe- me a b$n-'e an- a %'ask; As : "as
sec$rin) them4 she sai-4 F9et m1 %ather kno" that :@'' be back in a %e" -a1s4 "i'' 1o$> !e'' him
that : came to the co$ntr1 beca$se : "asn@t %ee'in) "e''4 b$t that :@m a'' ri)ht no";G
F#'a- to4G : sai-;
F: -on@t rea''1 kno" "h1 1o$ "ere here4G she sai-; FB$t i% it in&o'&es po'itics or intri)$e : -on@t
"ant to kno";G
FOka14G : sai-;
F:% a ser&ant took a mea' to a bi) re--haire- man "ho seeme- to be prett1 ba-'1 in?$re-4 this
"o$'- be better %or)otten>G
F:@- sa1;G
F:t "i'' be4 then; B$t one o% these -a1s :@- 'ike the stor1;G
FBe too4G : sai-; F=e@'' see "hat "e can -o;G
F(o4 ha&e a )oo- ?o$rne1;G
F!hanks; :@'' tr1;G
: c'aspe- her han-4 t$rne- a"a1 an- mo$nte-;
F(o 'on);G
F(ee 1o$ in Amber4G she sai-;
: mo$nte- an- contin$e- m1 circ$it o% the ho$se $nti' : "as back near the stab'es a)ain; :
hea-e- past them then to a trai' "e ha- ri--en that 'e- o%% in the -irection : "ante-; Back to"ar-
the ho$se4 a -o) be)an to ho"' an- another ?oine- it moments 'ater; !here "as a bree6e o$t o%
the so$th4 an- it carrie- a %e" 'ea&es past me; : "ante- to be on the roa-4 %ar a"a1 an- a'one; :
&a'$e m1 so'it$-e beca$se that is "hen : seem to -o m1 best thinkin)4 an- ri)ht no" : ha- man1
thin)s to think o&er;
: ro-e to the north"est; Abo$t ten min$tes 'ater : came to a -irt roa- "e ha- crosse- the other
-a1; !his time : %o''o"e- it "est"ar-4 an- it %ina''1 took me to the crossroa-s "ith the marker
in-icatin) that Amber 'a1 strai)ht ahea-; : ro-e on;
:t "as a 1e''o" -irt roa- that : tra&e'e-4 sho"in) the impress o% man1 "a)on "hee's; :t %o''o"e-
the conto$rs o% the 'an-4 passin) bet"een %a''o" %ie'-s bor-ere- b1 'o" stone %ences4 a %e" trees
at either han-; : co$'- see the stark o$t'ines o% mo$ntains %ar ahea-4 stan-in) abo&e the %oreste-
area : "as soon to enco$nter; =e mo&e- a'on) at an eas1 )ait4 an- : 'et m1 min- -ri%t o&er the
e&ents o% the past %e" -a1s;
!hat : ha- an enem1 : -i- not -o$bt; 9$ke ha- ass$re- me that it "as no 'on)er him4 an- : ha-
%o$n- him to be more than a 'itt'e pers$asi&e; ,e nee- not ha&e come to me to be patche- $p4 as
both he an- 7inta ha- pointe- o$t; An- he co$'- ha&e %o$n- his o"n "a1 to the cr1sta' ca&e or
some other sanct$ar1; An- the b$siness abo$t m1 he'pin) him to resc$e Easra co$'- ha&e "aite-;
: "as more than ha'% con&ince- that he "as tr1in) to )et back on better terms "ith me a)ain
<$ick'1 beca$se : "as his on'1 contact "ith the Co$rt o% Amber4 an- his %ort$nes ha- taken a t$rn
%or the "orse; : ha- a %ee'in) that "hat he rea''1 "ante- "as an o%%icia' -etermination as to his
stat$s "ith Amber4 an- that he ha- mentione- the piece o% important in%ormation he "o$'- be
"i''in) to s$rren-er both as a si)n o% )oo- %aith an- as a bar)ainin) chip; : "as not at a'' certain
that :4 persona''14 "o$'- be &er1 cr$cia' to an1 p'an he mi)ht ha&e %or resc$in) Easra; Not "hen
he kne" the 3eep insi-e an- o$t4 "as some kin- o% sorcerer himse'% an- ha- a ban- o% mercs he
co$'- transport %rom the sha-o" 2arth; +or a'' : kne"4 that %anc1 ammo o% his "o$'- "ork there
as "e'' as in Amber; An- "hether that "as tr$e or not4 "h1 co$'-n@t he ?$st tr$mp his attack %orce
into the p'ace> ,e "o$'-n@t e&en rea''1 ha&e to "in a batt'eD?$st )et in4 )rab Easra an- )et o$t;
No4 : -i- not %ee' that : "as rea''1 necessar1 to "hate&er operation he %ina''1 -eci-e- $pon; :@- a
%ee'in) he@- "a&e- a re- herrin) at me4 hopin) that "hen the air c'eare- "e "o$'- simp'1
consi-er "hat he ha- an- "hat he "ante- an- make him an o%%er;
:@- a %ee'in)4 too4 that he mi)ht be "i''in) to ca'' it <$its on the &en-etta no" that Caine "as o$t
o% the "a1 an- %ami'1 honor satis%ie-; An- :@- a notion that Easra "as the st$mb'in) b'ock on his
si-e; =hi'e :@- no i-ea "hat ho'- she mi)ht ha&e o&er him4 it ha- occ$rre- to me that the piece o%
in%ormation to "hich he@- re%erre- mi)ht represent some means o% ne$tra'i6in) her; :% he )ot it to
$s <$iet'1 an- it seeme- to come %rom o$r si-e4 he co$'- sa&e %ace "ith her as "e'' as b$1in)
peace "ith $s; !anta'i6in); B1 prob'em no" "as to %in- the best "a1 to present this at co$rt
"itho$t 'ookin) 'ike a traitor %or ha&in) 'et him )o; =hich meant : ha- to sho" that the pro%it
"o$'- be "orth the in&estment;
!here "ere more trees at the roa-si-e no"4 an- the %orest itse'% "as nearer; : crosse- a "oo-en
bri-)e abo&e a c'ear stream4 an- the )ent'e sp'ashin) so$n-s %o''o"e- me %or a time; !here "ere
bro"n %ie'-s an- -istant hams to m1 'e%t4 a "a)on "ith a broken a.'e o%% to m1 ri)ht;;;;
An- i% : ha- rea- 9$ke "ron)> =as there some "a1 : mi)ht be ab'e to press$re him an- make
m1 interpretation come o$t ri)ht an1"a1> A sma'' i-ea be)an to %orm; : "as not o&er?o1e- "ith
it4 b$t : consi-ere- it ne&erthe'ess; 0isk an- spee- "ere "hat it in&o'&e-; :t ha- its merits4
tho$)h; : p$she- it as %ar as : co$'-4 then p$t it asi-e an- ret$rne- to m1 ori)ina' train o% tho$)ht;
(ome"here4 there "as an enem1; An- i% it "asn@t 9$ke4 "ho "as it>
Easra seeme- the most ob&io$s can-i-ate; (he ha- ma-e her %ee'in)s to"ar- me prett1 c'ear on
the occasions o% o$r t"o meetin)s; (he co$'- "e'' be the one "ho ha- -ispatche- the assassins :
ha- enco$ntere- in /eath A''e1; :n that case4 : "as probab'1 sa%e %or a timeD"ith her a prisoner
back at the 3eepD$n'ess4 o% co$rse4 she ha- sent a'on) a %e" more be%ore she ha- been
capt$re-; !hat "o$'- ha&e been re-$n-ant4 tho$)h; =h1 "aste a'' that manpo"er on me> : ha-
on'1 been a minor %i)$re in the e&ent she so$)ht to a&en)e4 an- the men "ho came a%ter me ha-
been a'most s$%%icient %or the task;
An- i% it "asn@t Easra> !hen : "as sti'' in ?eopar-1; !he "i6ar- in the b'$e mask4 "hom :
ass$me- to be (har$ #arr$'4 ha- ca$se- me to be p$rs$e- b1 a torna-o4 "hich seeme- a %ar 'ess
%rien-'1 o&ert$re than the %'o"ers that ha- %o''o"e-; !his 'atter4 o% co$rse4 i-enti%ie- him "ith
the in-i&i-$a' behin- m1 pec$'iar e.perience at +'ora@s apartment back in (an +rancisco; :n that
instance4 he ha- initiate- the enco$nter4 "hich meant that he ha- some -esi)ns on me; =hat "as
it he@- sai-> (omethin) abo$t the possibi'it1 o% $s bein) at cross-p$rposes at some %$t$re time;
,o" interestin)4 in retrospect; +or : co$'- no" see the possibi'it1 o% s$ch a sit$ation@s occ$rrin);
B$t "as it rea''1 (har$ #arr$' "ho ha- sent the assassins> /espite his %ami'iarit1 "ith the
po"er o% the b'$e stone that ha- )$i-e- themDas e&i-ence- b1 the b'$e b$tton in m1 pocketDit
-i-n@t seem to %o''o"; +or one thin)4 o$r p$rposes "ere not 1et crosse-; +or another4 it -i- not
seem the proper st1'e %or a cr1ptic4 %'o"er-thro"in) master o% e'ements; : co$'- be -ea- "ron)
there4 o% co$rse4 b$t : e.pecte- somethin) more in the nat$re o% a sorcero$s -$e' "ith that one;
!he %ie'-s )a&e "a1 to "i'-erness as : approache- the &er)e o% the %orest; (omethin) o% t"i'i)ht
ha- a'rea-1 entere- its bri)ht-'ea%e- -omain; :t -i- not seem a -ense4 ancient "oo- 'ike Ar-en4
ho"e&erC %rom the -istance : ha- seen n$mero$s )aps "ithin its hi)her reaches; !he roa-
contin$e- "i-e an- "e''-kept; : -re" m1 c'oak more %$''1 abo$t me as : entere- the sha-o"e-
coo'ness; :t seeme- an eas1 ri-e4 i% it "ere a'' to be 'ike this; An- : "as in no h$rr1 : ha- too
man1 tho$)hts that "ante- thinkin);;;;
:% on'1 : ha- been ab'e to 'earn more %rom that stran)e4 name'ess entit1 "ho ha-4 %or a time4
contro''e- 7inta; =hat her tr$e nat$re mi)ht be4 : sti'' ha- no i-ea; F,er4G 1es; : someho" %e't
the entit1 to be more %eminine than masc$'ine in nat$re4 -espite its ha&in) contro''e- #eor)e
,ansen an- /an Bartine6; Perhaps this "as on'1 beca$se : ha- ma-e 'o&e to her as Be) /e&'in;
/i%%ic$'t to sa1; B$t : ha- kno"n #ai' %or some time4 an- the 9a-1 in the 9ake ha- seeme- a rea'
2no$)h; :@- -eci-e- on m1 prono$n; Other matters o% )reater importance "ere in&o'&e-; 9ike4
"hate&er she "as4 "h1 "as she %o''o"in) me abo$t insistin) that she "ante- to protect me>
=hi'e : appreciate- the sentiment4 : sti'' ha- no insi)ht into her moti&ation;
B$t there "as somethin) %ar more important to me than her moti&ation; =h1 she sa" %it to
)$ar- me co$'- remain her o"n b$siness; !he bi) <$estion "as8 A)ainst "hat -i- she %ee' :
nee-e- protection> (he m$st ha&e ha- a -e%inite threat in min-4 an- she ha- not )i&en me the
s'i)htest hint as to "hat it "as;
=as this4 then4 the enem1> !he rea' enem1> 7inta@s a-&ersar1>
: trie- re&ie"in) e&er1thin) : kne" or ha- )$esse- abo$t her;
!here is a stran)e creat$re "ho sometimes takes the %orm o% a sma'' b'$e mist; (he is capab'e o%
%in-in) her "a1 to me thro$)h (ha-o"; (he possesses the po"er to take contro' o% a h$man
bo-14 comp'ete'1 s$ppressin) its nat$ra' e)o; (he h$n) aro$n- in m1 &icinit1 %or a n$mber o%
1ears "itho$t m1 becomin) a"are o% her; ,er ear'iest incarnation that : kno" o% "as as 9$ke@s
%ormer )ir'%rien-4 #ai';
=h1 #ai'> :% she "ere )$ar-in) me4 "h1 )o aro$n- "ith 9$ke> =h1 not become one o% the
"omen :@- -ate-> =h1 not be E$'ia> B$t no; (he ha- -eci-e- $pon #ai'; =as that beca$se 9$ke
"as the threat4 an- she@- "ante- to keep a c'ose "atch on him> B$t she@- act$a''1 'et 9$ke )et
a"a1 "ith a %e" attempts on m1 'i%e; An- then Easra; (he@- a-mitte- that she@- kno"n Easra "as
behin- the 'ater ones; =h1 ha-n@t she simp'1 remo&e- them> (he co$'- ha&e taken o&er 9$ke@s
bo-14 steppe- in %ront o% a spee-in) car4 -ri%te- a"a1 %rom the remains4 then )one an- -one the
same "ith Easra; (he "asn@t a%rai- to -ie in a host bo-1; :@- seen her -o it t"ice;
*n'ess she@- someho" kno"n that a'' their attempts on m1 'i%e "o$'- %ai'; Co$'- she ha&e
sabota)e- the 'etter bomb> Co$'- she4 in some "a14 ha&e been behin- m1 premonition on the
mornin) o% the opene- )as ?ets> An- perhaps somethin) e'se "ith each o% the others> (ti''4 it
"o$'- seem a 'ot simp'er to )o to the so$rce an- remo&e the prob'em itse'%; : kne" that she ha-
no comp$nction abo$t ki''in); (he@- or-ere- the s'a1in) o% m1 %ina' assai'ant in /eath A''e1;
=hat4 then>
!"o possibi'ities came to min- imme-iate'1; One "as that she@- act$a''1 come to 'ike 9$ke an-
that she@- simp'1 %o$n- "a1s to ne$tra'i6e him "itho$t -estro1in) him; B$t then : tho$)ht o% her
as Bartine64 an- it %e'' apart; (he@- act$a''1 been shootin) that ni)ht in (anta +e; Oka1; !hen
there "as the other possibi'it18 9$ke "as not the rea' threat4 an- she@- 'ike- him eno$)h to 'et
him )o on 'i&in) once he@- <$it the Apri' 3 )ames an- she sa" that "e@- )otten %rien-'1;
(omethin) happene- in Ne" Be.ico that ma-e her chan)e her min-; As to "hat it "as4 : ha- no
i-ea; (he ha- %o''o"e- me to Ne" Aork4 then4 an- been #eor)e ,ansen an- Be) /e&'in in <$ick
s$ccession; 9$ke "as4 b1 that time4 o$t o% the pict$re4 %o''o"in) his -isappearin) act on the
mo$ntain; ,e no 'on)er represente- a threat4 1et she "as a'most %rantic in her e%%orts to )et in
to$ch "ith me; =as somethin) e'se impen-in)> !he rea' threat>
: racke- m1 brains4 b$t : co$'- not %i)$re "hat that threat mi)ht ha&e been; =as : %o''o"in) a
comp'ete'1 %a'se trai' "ith this 'ine o% reasonin)> (he certain'1 "as not omniscient; ,er reason
%or spiritin) me to Arbor ,o$se "as as m$ch to p$mp me %or in%ormation as it "as to remo&e me
%rom the scene o% the attack; An- some o% the thin)s she@- "ante- to kno" "ere as interestin) as
some o% the thin)s she kne";
B1 min- -i- a back"ar- %'ip; =hat "as the %irst <$estion she ha- aske- me>
9an-in) a-roit'1 on m1 menta' %eet4 back at Bi'' 0oth@s p'ace4 : hear- the <$estion se&era' times;
As #eor)e ,ansen she ha- aske- it cas$a''1 an- : ha- 'ie-C as a &oice on the te'ephone she ha-
aske- it an- been -enie-C as Be) /e&'in4 in be-4 she ha- %ina''1 )otten me to ans"er it honest'18
=hat "as 1o$r mother@s name>
=hen :@- to'- her that m1 mother "as name- /ara she ha- %ina''1 be)$n speakin) %ree'1; (he
ha- "arne- me a)ainst 9$ke; :t seeme- that she mi)ht ha&e been "i''in) to te'' me more then4
too4 sa&e that the arri&a' o% the rea' Be)@s h$sban- ha- c$t short o$r con&ersation;
!o "hat "as this the ke1> :t p'ace- m1 ori)in in the Co$rts o% Chaos4 to "hich she ha- at no
time re%erre-; Aet it ha- to be important4 someho";
: ha- a %ee'in) that : a'rea-1 ha- the ans"er b$t that : "o$'- be $nab'e to rea'i6e it $nti' : ha-
%orm$'ate- the proper <$estion;
2no$)h; : co$'- )o no %$rther; 3no"in) that she "as a"are o% m1 connection "ith the Co$rts
sti'' to'- me nothin); (he "as a'so ob&io$s'1 a"are o% m1 connection "ith Amber4 an- : co$'-
not see ho" that %i)$re- in the pattern o% e&ents either;
(o : "o$'- 'ea&e it at that point an- come back to it 'ater; : ha- p'ent1 o% other thin)s to think
abo$t; At 'east4 : no" ha- 'ots o% ne" <$estions to ask her the ne.t time "e met4 an- : "as
certain that "e "o$'- meet a)ain;
!hen somethin) e'se occ$rre- to me; :% she@- -one an1 rea' protectin) o% me at a''4 it ha- taken
p'ace o%%sta)e; (he ha- )i&en me a 'ot o% in%ormation4 "hich : tho$)ht "as probab'1 correct b$t
"hich : ha- ha- no opport$nit1 to &eri%1; +rom her phonin) an- '$rkin) back in Ne" Aork to her
ki''in) o% m1 one possib'e so$rce o% in%ormation in /eath A''e14 she ha- rea''1 been more a
bother than a he'p; :t "as concei&ab'e that she co$'- act$a''1 sho" $p an- enc$mber me "ith ai-
a)ain4 at e.act'1 the "ron) moment;
(o instea- o% "orkin) on m1 openin) ar)$ment %or 0an-om4 : spent the ne.t ho$r or so
consi-erin) the nat$re o% a bein) capab'e o% mo&in) into a person an- takin) o&er the contro's;
!here seeme- on'1 a certain n$mber o% "a1s it mi)ht be -one4 an- : narro"e- the %ie'- <$ick'14
consi-erin) "hat : kne" o% her nat$re4 b1 means o% the technica' e.ercises m1 $nc'e ha- ta$)ht
me; =hen : tho$)ht : ha- it "orke- o$t : backtracke- an- m$se- o&er the %orces that "o$'- ha&e
to be in&o'&e-;
+rom the %orces : "orke- m1 "a1 thro$)h the tonic &ibrations o% their aspects; !he $se o% ra"
po"er4 "hi'e %'ash14 is "aste%$' an- &er1 %ati)$in) %or the operator4 not to mention aesthetica''1
barbaric; Better to be prepare-;
: 'ine- $p the spoken si)nat$res an- e-ite- them into a spe''; ($h$1 "o$'- probab'1 ha&e )otten
it -o"n e&en shorter4 b$t there is a point o% -iminishin) ret$rns on these thin)s4 an- : ha- mine
%i)$re- to "here it sho$'- "ork i% m1 main )$esses "ere correct; (o : co''ate- it an- assemb'e-
it; :t "as %air'1 'on)Dtoo 'on) to ratt'e o%% in its entiret1 i% : "ere in the h$rr1 : probab'1 "o$'-
be; (t$-1in) it4 : sa" that three 'inchpins "o$'- probab'1 ho'- it4 tho$)h %o$r "o$'- be better;
: s$mmone- the 9o)r$s an- e.ten-e- m1 ton)$e into its mo&in) pattern; !hen : spoke the spe''4
s'o"'1 an- c'ear'14 'ea&in) o$t the %o$r ke1 "or-s : ha- chosen to omit; !he "oo-s )re"
abso'$te'1 sti'' abo$t me as the "or-s ran) o$t; !he spe'' h$n) be%ore me 'ike a cripp'e- b$tter%'1
o% so$n- an- co'or4 trappe- "ithin the s1nesthetic "eb o% m1 persona' &ision o% the 9o)r$s4 to
come a)ain "hen : s$mmone- it4 to be re'ease- "hen : $ttere- the %o$r omitte- "or-s;
: banishe- the &ision an- %e't m1 ton)$e re'a.; No" she "as not the on'1 one capab'e o%
tro$b'esome s$rprises;
: ha'te- %or a -rink o% "ater; !he sk1 ha- )ro"n -arker an- the sma'' noises o% the %orest
ret$rne-; : "on-ere- "hether +iona or B'e1s ha- been in to$ch4 an- ho" Bi'' "as -oin) back in
to"n; : 'istene- to the ratt'in) o% branches; ($--en'14 : ha- the %ee'in) : "as bein) "atche-Dnot
the co'- scr$tin1 o% a !r$mp to$ch4 b$t simp'1 the sensation that there "as a pair o% e1es %i.e-
$pon me; : shi&ere-; A'' those tho$)hts abo$t enemies;;;;
: 'oosene- m1 b'a-e an- ro-e on; !he ni)ht "as 1o$n)4 an- there "ere more mi'es ahea- than
0i-in) thro$)h the e&enin) : kept a'ert4 b$t : neither hear- nor sa" an1thin) $nto"ar-; ,a- :
been "ron) abo$t Easra4 (har$ or e&en 9$ke> An- "as there a part1 o% assassins at m1 back ri)ht
no"> Perio-ica''14 : -re" rein an- sat 'istenin) %or a short "hi'e; B$t : hear- nothin) $n$s$a' on
these occasions4 nothin) that co$'- be taken as so$n-s o% p$rs$it; : became ac$te'1 a"are o% the
b'$e b$tton in m1 pocket; =as it actin) as a beacon %or some sinister sen-in) o% the "i6ar-@s> :
"as 'oath to )et ri- o% the thin) beca$se : co$'- %oresee a n$mber o% possib'e $ses %or it; Besi-es4
i% it ha- a'rea-1 att$ne- meD"hich it probab'1 ha-D: co$'- see no bene%it in -isposin) o% it
no"; : "o$'- secrete it somep'ace sa%e be%ore : ma-e m1 attempt to 'ose its &ibes; *nti' s$ch a
time4 : co$'- see no percenta)e in -oin) an1thin) e'se "ith it;
!he sk1 contin$e- to -arken4 an- a n$mber o% stars ha- p$t in hesitant appearances; (moke an-
: s'o"e- e&en more in o$r co$rse4 b$t the roa- remaine- )oo- an- its pa'e s$r%ace sta1e-
s$%%icient'1 &isib'e to present no ha6ar-; : hear- the ca'' o% an o"' %rom o%% to the ri)ht an-
moments 'ater sa" its -ark shape r$sh at mi--'e hei)ht amon) the trees; :t "o$'- ha&e been a
p'easant ni)ht to be ri-in) i% : "ere not creatin) m1 o"n )hosts an- ha$ntin) m1se'% "ith them; :
'o&e the sme''s o% a$t$mn an- the %orest4 an- : reso'&e- to b$rn a %e" 'ea&es in m1 camp%ire 'ater
on %or that p$n)enc1 $n'ike an1 other : kno";
!he air "as c'ean an- coo'; ,oo% so$n-s4 o$r breathin) an- the "in- seeme- to be the on'1
noises in the nei)hborhoo- $nti' "e %'$she- a -eer a bit 'ater an- hear- the -iminishin) crashes
o% its retreat %or some time a%ter"ar-; =e crosse- a sma'' b$t st$r-1 "oo-en bri-)e a 'itt'e 'ater4
b$t no tro''s "ere takin) to''s; !he roa- took a t$rn $p"ar-4 an- "e "o$n- o$r "a1 s'o"'1 b$t
stea-i'1 to a hi)her e'e&ation; No" there "ere n$mero$s stars &isib'e thro$)h the "ea&e o% the
branches4 b$t no c'o$-s that : co$'- see; !he -eci-$o$s trees )re" barer as "e )aine- a bit o%
a'tit$-e4 an- more e&er)reens be)an to occ$r; : %e't the bree6es more stron)'1 no";
: be)an pa$sin) more %re<$ent'14 to rest (moke4 to 'isten4 to nibb'e at m1 s$pp'ies; : reso'&e- to
keep )oin) at 'east $nti' moonriseD"hich : trie- to ca'c$'ate %rom its occ$rrence the other ni)ht4
%o''o"in) m1 -epart$re %rom Amber; :% : ma-e it to that point be%ore : campe-4 the rest o% the
ri-e into Amber tomorro" mornin) "o$'- be prett1 eas1;
+rakir p$'se- once4 'i)ht'14 $pon m1 "rist; B$t he''4 that ha- o%ten happene- in tra%%ic "hen :@-
c$t someone o%%; A h$n)r1 %o. co$'- ha&e ?$st passe-4 re)ar-e- me an- "ishe- itse'% a bear; (ti''4
: "aite- there 'on)er than : ha- inten-e-4 prepare- %or an attack an- tr1in) not to appear so;
B$t nothin) happene-4 the "arnin) "as not repeate- an- a%ter a time : ro-e on; : ret$rne- to m1
i-ea %or p$ttin) the scre"s to 9$keDan-4 %or that matter4 Easra; : co$'-n@t ca'' it a p'an 1et4
beca$se it "as 'ackin) in a'most a'' partic$'ars; !he more : tho$)ht o% it4 the cra6ier it seeme-;
+or one thin)4 it "as e.treme'1 temptin)4 as it he'- the potentia' %or reso'&in) a 'ot o% prob'ems; :
"on-ere- then "h1 : ha- ne&er create- a !r$mp %or Bi'' 0oth; : %e't a s$--en nee- to ta'k to a
)oo- attorne1; : mi)ht "e'' "ant someone to ar)$e m1 case be%ore this "as -one; !oo -ark no"
to -o an1 -ra"in)4 tho$)h;;;an- not rea''1 necessar1 1et; Act$a''14 : ?$st "ante- to ta'k "ith him4
brin) him $p to -ate4 )et the &ie"s o% someone not -irect'1 in&o'&e-;
+rakir iss$e- no %$rther "arnin)s -$rin) the ne.t ho$r; =e commence- a s'i)ht'1 -o"n"ar-
co$rse then4 soon passin) into a some"hat more she'tere- area "here the sme'' o% pines came
hea&1; : m$se- onDabo$t "i6ar-s an- %'o"ers4 #host"hee' an- his prob'ems4 an- the name o%
the entit1 "ho ha- recent'1 occ$pie- 7inta; !here "ere 'ots o% other m$sin)s4 too4 some o% "hich
"ent a 'on) "a1 back;;;;
Ban1 stops 'ater4 "ith a bit o% moon'i)ht trick'in) thro$)h the branches behin- me4 : -eci-e- to
ca'' it <$its an- 'ook %or a p'ace to be- -o"n; : )a&e (moke a brie% -rink at the ne.t stream;
Abo$t a <$arter ho$r a%ter"ar-4 : tho$)ht : )'impse- "hat mi)ht be a promisin) spot o%% to the
ri)ht4 so : 'e%t the roa- an- hea-e- that "a1;
:t t$rne- o$t not to be as )oo- a p'ace as :@- tho$)ht4 an- : contin$e- %arther into the "oo- $nti'
: came across a sma'' c'ear area that seeme- a-e<$ate; : -ismo$nte-4 $nsa--'e- (moke an-
tethere- him4 r$bbe- him -o"n "ith his b'anket an- )a&e him somethin) to eat; !hen : scrape-
c'ear a sma'' area o% )ro$n- "ith m1 b'a-e4 -$) a pit at its center an- b$i't a %ire there; : $se- a
spe'' to i)nite it beca$se : "as %ee'in) 'a614 an- : thre" on se&era' c'$mps o% 'ea&es as : reca''e-
m1 ear'ier re%'ections;
: seate- m1se'% on m1 c'oak4 m1 back a)ainst the bo'e o% a mi--'e-si6e- tree4 an- ate a cheese
san-"ich an- sippe- "ater "hi'e : "orke- $p the ambition to p$'' m1 boots o%%; B1 b'a-e 'a1
$pon the )ro$n- at m1 si-e;
B1 m$sc'es be)an to $nkink; !he sme'' o% the %ire "as a nosta')ic thin); : toaste- m1 ne.t
san-"ich o&er it;
: sat an- tho$)ht o% nothin) %or a 'on) "hi'e; #ra-$a''14 in bare'1 perceptib'e sta)es4 : %e't the
)ent'e -isen)a)ements 'assit$-e brin)s to the e.tremities; : ha- meant to )ather %ire"oo- be%ore
: took m1 ease; B$t : -i-n@t rea''1 nee- it; :t "asn@t a'' that co'-; :@- "ante- the %ire main'1 %or
,o"e&er;;;; : -ra))e- m1se'% to m1 %eet an- mo&e- o%% into the "oo-s; : -i- a 'on)4 s'o"
reconnaissance abo$t the area once : )ot mo&in); !ho$)h to be honest4 m1 main reason %or
)ettin) $p ha- been to )o an- re'ie&e m1se'%; : ha'te- in m1 circ$it "hen : tho$)ht that : -etecte-
a sma'' %'icker o% 'i)ht %ar o%% to the northeast; Another camp%ire> Boon'i)ht on "ater> A torch>
!here ha- been on'1 a )'impse an- : co$'- not 'ocate it a)ain4 tho$)h : mo&e- m1 hea- abo$t4
retrace- m1 most recent %e" paces an- e&en str$ck o%% a sma'' -istance in that -irection;
B$t : -i- not "ish to chase a%ter some "i''-o@-the-"isp an- spen- m1 ni)ht beatin) the b$shes; :
checke- &ario$s 'ines o% si)ht back to m1 camp; B1 sma'' %ire "as bare'1 &isib'e e&en %rom this
-istance; : circ'e- m1 camp4 entere- an- spra"'e- a)ain; !he %ire "as a'rea-1 -1in) an- :
-eci-e- to 'et it b$rn o$t; : "rappe- m1 c'oak abo$t me an- 'istene- to the so%t so$n-s o% the
: %e'' as'eep <$ick'1; +or ho" 'on) : s'ept4 : -o not kno"; !here "ere no -reams that : can reca'';
: "as a"akene- b1 +rakir@s %rantic p$'sin); : opene- m1 e1es the barest s'its an- tosse-4 as i% in
s'eep4 so that m1 ri)ht han- %e'' near the ha%t o% m1 b'a-e; : maintaine- m1 s'o" breathin)
pattern; : hear- an- %e't that the "in- ha- risen4 an- : sa" that it ha- %anne- the embers to the
point "here m1 %ire %'are- once a)ain; : sa" no one be%ore me4 ho"e&er; : straine- m1 hearin)
a%ter an1 so$n-s4 b$t a'' : hear- "as the "in- an- the poppin) o% the %ire;
:t seeme- as %oo'ish to sprin) to m1 %eet into a )$ar- position "hen : -i- not kno" %rom "hich
-irection the -an)er "as approachin) as it -i- to remain a tar)et; On the other han-4 : ha-
intentiona''1 cast m1 c'oak so that : 'a1 "ith a 'ar)e4 'o"-'imbe- pine at m1 back; :t "o$'- ha&e
been &er1 -i%%ic$'t %or someone to ha&e approache- me %rom the rear4 'et a'one to ha&e -one so
<$iet'1; (o it -i- not seem : "as in -an)er o% an imminent attack %rom that -irection;
: t$rne- m1 hea- s'i)ht'1 an- st$-ie- (moke4 "ho ha- be)$n to seem a 'itt'e $neas1; +rakir
contin$e- her no" -istractin) "arnin) ti'' : "i''e- her to be sti'';
(moke "as t"itchin) his ears an- mo&in) his hea- abo$t4 nostri's -i'ate-; As : "atche-4 : sa"
that his attention seeme- -irecte- to"ar- m1 ri)ht; ,e be)an e-)in) his "a1 across the camp4 his
'on) tether snakin) behin- him;
: hear- a so$n- then4 be1on- the noise o% (moke@s retreat4 as o% somethin) a-&ancin) %rom the
ri)ht; :t "as not repeate- %or a time4 an- then : hear- it a)ain; :t "as not a %oot%a''4 b$t a so$n- as
o% a bo-1 br$shin) a)ainst a branch "hich s$--en'1 iss$e- a "eak protest;
: &is$a'i6e- the -isposition o% trees an- shr$bs in that -irection an- -eci-e- to 'et the '$rker
-ra" nearer be%ore : ma-e m1 mo&e; : -ismisse- the notion o% s$mmonin) the 9o)r$s an-
preparin) a ma)ica' attack; :t "o$'- take a bit more time than : tho$)ht : ha- remainin); A'so4
%rom (moke@s beha&ior an- %rom "hat : ha- hear-4 it seeme- that there "as on'1 a sin)'e
in-i&i-$a' approachin); : reso'&e-4 tho$)h4 to 'a1 in a -ecent s$pp'1 o% spe''s the %irst chance :
)ot4 both o%%ensi&e an- -e%ensi&e4 on the or-er o% the one : ha- prime- a)ainst m1 )$ar-ian
entit1; !he tro$b'e is that it can take se&era' -a1s o% so'it$-e to "ork a rea''1 -ecent arra1 o%
them o$t proper'14 enact them an- rehearse their re'eases to the point "here 1o$ can sprin) them
at a moment@s noticeDan- then the1 ha&e a ten-enc1 to start -eca1in) a%ter a "eek or so;
(ometimes the1 'ast 'on)er an- sometimes 'ess 'on)4 -epen-in) both on the amo$nt o% ener)1
1o$@re "i''in) to in&est in them an- on the ma)ica' c'imate o% the partic$'ar sha-o" in "hich
1o$@re %$nctionin); :t@s a 'ot o% bother $n'ess 1o$@re s$re 1o$@re )oin) to nee- them "ithin a
certain perio- o% time; On the other han-4 a )oo- sorcerer sho$'- ha&e one attack4 one -e%ense
an- one escape spe'' han)in) aro$n- at a'' times; B$t :@m )enera''1 some"hat 'a614 not to
mention prett1 eas1)oin)4 an- : -i-n@t see an1 nee- %or that sort o% set$p $nti' recent'1; An-
recent'14 : ha-n@t ha- m$ch time to be abo$t it;
(o an1 $se : mi)ht make o% the 9o)r$s no"4 "ere : to s$mmon it an- sit$ate m1se'% "ithin its
ambit4 "o$'- prett1 m$ch amo$nt to b'astin) a"a1 "ith ra" po"erD"hich is &er1 -rainin) on
the operator;
9et him come a 'itt'e nearer4 that@s a''4 an- it "o$'- be co'- stee' an- a stran)'in) cor- that he
"o$'- %ace;
: co$'- %ee' the presence a-&ancin) no"4 hear the so%t stirrin) o% pine nee-'es; A %e" more %eet4
enem1;;;; Come on; !hat@s a'' : nee-; Come into ran)e;;;;
,e ha'te-; : co$'- hear a stea-14 so%t breathin);
!hen4 FAo$ m$st be a"are o% me b1 no"4 Ba)$s4G came a 'o" "hisper4 F%or "e a'' ha&e o$r
'itt'e tricks4 an- : kno" the so$rce o% 1o$rs;G
F=ho are 1o$>G : aske-4 as : c'aspe- the ha%t o% m1 b'a-e an- ro''e- into a cro$ch4 %acin) the
-arkness4 the point o% m1 "eapon -escribin) a sma'' circ'e;
F: am the enem14G "as the rep'1; F!he one 1o$ tho$)ht "o$'- ne&er come;G
Chapter %
: remembere- the -a1 : ha- stoo- atop a rock1 prominence; +ionaD-resse- in 'a&en-er4 be'te-
"ith si'&erDstoo- in a hi)her p'ace be%ore me an- some"hat to m1 ri)ht; (he he'- a si'&er
mirror in her ri)ht han-4 an- she 'ooke- -o"n"ar- thro$)h the ha6e to the p'ace "here the )reat
tree to"ere-; !here "as a tota' sti''ness abo$t $s4 an- e&en o$r o"n sma'' so$n-s came m$%%'e-;
!he $pper portions o% the tree -isappeare- into a 'o"-han)in) %o) bank; !he 'i)ht that %i'tere-
thro$)h 'imne- it stark'1 a)ainst another pi'e o% %o) "hich h$n) at its back4 risin) to ?oin "ith
the one o&erhea-; A bri)ht4 seemin)'1 se'%-i''$minate- 'ine "as etche- into the )ro$n- near the
base o% the tree4 c$r&in) o%% to &anish "ithin the %o); +ar to m1 'e%t4 a brie% arc o% a simi'ar
intensit1 "as a'so &isib'e4 emer)in) %rom an- ret$rnin) to the bi''o"in) "hite "a'';
F=hat is it4 +iona>G : aske-; F=h1 -i- 1o$ brin) me to this p'ace>G
FAo$@&e hear- o% it4G she rep'ie-; F: "ante- 1o$ to see it;G
: shook m1 hea-; F:@&e ne&er hear- o% it; :@&e no i-ea "hat :@m 'ookin) at;G
FCome4G she sai-4 an- she be)an to -escen-;
(he -is-aine- m1 han-4 mo&in) <$ick'1 an- )race%$''14 an- "e came -o"n %rom the rocks an-
mo&e- nearer to the tree; !here "as somethin) &a)$e'1 %ami'iar there4 b$t : co$'- not p'ace it;
F+rom 1o$r %ather4G she sai- at 'ast; F,e spent a 'on) time te''in) 1o$ his stor1; ($re'1 he -i- not
omit this part;G
: ha'te- as $n-erstan-in) presente- itse'%4 tentati&e'1 at %irst;
F!hat tree4G : sai-;
FCor"in p'ante- his sta%% "hen he commence- the creation o% the ne" Pattern4G she sai-; F:t "as
%resh; :t took root;G
: seeme- to %ee' a %aint &ibration in the )ro$n-;
+iona t$rne- her back on the prospect4 raise- the mirror she carrie- an- an)'e- it so that she
re)ar-e- the scene o&er her ri)ht sho$'-er;
FAes4G she sai-4 a%ter se&era' moments; !hen she e.ten-e- the mirror to me; F!ake a 'ook4G she
to'- me4 Fas : ?$st -i-;G
: accepte- it4 he'- it4 a-?$ste- it an- stare-;
!he &ie" in the mirror "as not the same as that "hich ha- presente- itse'% to m1 $nai-e-
scr$tin1; : "as ab'e to see be1on- the tree no"4 thro$)h the %o)4 to -iscern most o% the stran)e
Pattern "hich t"iste- its bri)ht "a1 abo$t the )ro$n-4 "orkin) its passa)es in"ar- to its o%%-
center termin$s4 the on'1 spot sti'' concea'e- b1 an $nmo&in) to"er o% "hite4 "ithin "hich tin1
'i)hts 'ike stars seeme- to b$rn;
F:t -oesn@t 'ook 'ike the Pattern back in Amber4G : sai-;
FNo4G she ans"ere-; F:s it an1thin) 'ike the 9o)r$s>G
FNot rea''1; !he 9o)r$s act$a''1 a'ters itse'% some"hat4 constant'1; (ti''4 it@s more an)$'ar4
"hereas this is most'1 c$r&es an- ben-s;G
: st$-ie- it a 'itt'e 'on)er4 then ret$rne- her 'ookin) )'ass;
F:nterestin) spe'' on the mirror4G : commente-4 %or : ha- been st$-1in) this a'so4 "hi'e : he'- it;
FAn- m$ch more -i%%ic$'t than 1o$@- think4G she respon-e-4 F%or there@s more than %o) in there;
(he a-&ance- to the be)innin) o% the Pattern4 near the )reat tree4 "here she mo&e- as i% to set
her %oot $pon the bri)ht trai'; Be%ore it arri&e-4 ho"e&er4 a sma'' e'ectrica' -ischar)e crack'e-
$p"ar- an- ma-e contact "ith her shoe; (he ?erke- her %oot back <$ick'1;
F:t re?ects me4G she sai-; F: can@t set %oot on it; !r1 it;G
!here "as somethin) in her )a6e : -i- not 'ike4 b$t : mo&e- %or"ar- to "here she ha- been
F=h1 co$'-n@t 1o$r mirror penetrate a'' the "a1 to the center o% the thin)>G : aske- s$--en'1;
F!he resistance seems to )o $p the %arther 1o$ )o in; :t is )reatest there4G she rep'ie-; FB$t as to
"h14 : -o not kno";G
: hesitate- a moment 'on)er; F,as an1one trie- it other than 1o$rse'%>G
: bro$)ht B'e1s here4F she ans"ere-; G:t re?ecte- him too;F
FAn- he@s the on'1 other one "ho@s seen it>G
FNo4 : bro$)ht 0an-om; B$t he -ec'ine- to tr1; (ai- he -i-n@t care to scre" aro$n- "ith it ri)ht
FPr$-ent4 perhaps; =as he "earin) the Ee"e' at the time>G
FNo; =h1>G
FE$st c$rio$s;G
F(ee "hat it -oes %or 1o$;G
FA'' ri)ht;G
: raise- m1 ri)ht %oot an- 'o"ere- it s'o"'1 to"ar- the 'ine; Abo$t a %oot abo&e it4 : stoppe-;
F(omethin) seems to be ho'-in) me back4G : sai-;
F(tran)e; !here is no e'ectrica' -ischar)e %or 1o$;G
F(ma'' b'essin)4G : respon-e-4 an- : p$she- m1 %oot a co$p'e o% inches %arther -o"n"ar-;
+ina''14 : si)he-; FNope4 +i; : can@t;G
: rea- the -isappointment in her %eat$res;
F: "as hopin)4G she sai- as : -re" back4 Fthat someone other than Cor"in mi)ht be ab'e to "a'k
it; ,is son seeme- the most 'ike'1 choice;G
F=h1 is it so important that someone "a'k it> E$st beca$se it@s there>G
F: think it@s a menace4G she sai-; F:t has to be e.p'ore- an- -ea't "ith;G
FA menace> =h1>G
FAmber an- Chaos are the t"o po'es o% e.istence4 as "e $n-erstan- it4G she sai-4 Fho$sin) as
the1 -o the Pattern an- the 9o)r$s; +or a)es there has been somethin) o% an e<$i'ibri$m bet"een
them; No"4 : be'ie&e4 this bastar- Pattern o% 1o$r %ather@s is $n-erminin) their ba'ance;G
F:n "hat %ashion>G
F!here ha&e a'"a1s been "a&e'ike e.chan)es bet"een Amber an- Chaos; !his seems to be
settin) $p some inter%erence;G
F:t so$n-s more 'ike tossin) an e.tra ice c$be into a -rink4G : sai-; F:t sho$'- sett'e -o"n a%ter a
(he shook her hea-; F!hin)s are not sett'in); !here ha&e been %ar more sha-o"-storms since
this thin) "as create-; !he1 ren- the %abric o% (ha-o"; !he1 a%%ect the nat$re o% rea'it1 itse'%;G
FNo )oo-4G : sai-; FAnother e&ent a 'ot more important a'on) these 'ines occ$rre- at the same
time; !he ori)ina' Pattern in Amber "as -ama)e- an- Oberon repaire- it; !he "a&e o% Chaos
"hich came o$t o% that s"ept thro$)h a'' o% (ha-o"; 2&er1thin) "as a%%ecte-; B$t the Pattern
he'- an- thin)s sett'e- a)ain; :@- be more inc'ine- to think o% a'' those e.tra sha-o"-storms as
bein) in the nat$re o% a%tershocks;G
F:t@s a )oo- ar)$ment4G she sai-; FB$t "hat i% it@s "ron)>G
F: -on@t think it is;G
FBer'e4 there@s some kin- o% po"er hereDan immense amo$nt o% po"er;G
F: -on@t -o$bt it;G
F:t has a'"a1s been o$r "a1 to keep an e1e on po"er4 to tr1 to $n-erstan- it4 to contro' it;
Beca$se one -a1 it mi)ht become a threat; /i- Cor"in te'' 1o$ an1thin)4 an1thin) at a''4 as to
e.act'1 "hat this represents an- ho" "e mi)ht )et a han-'e on it>G
FNo4G : sai-; FNothin) be1on- the %act that he ma-e it in a h$rr1 to rep'ace the o'- one4 "hich
he@- %i)$re- Oberon mi)ht not ha&e s$ccee-e- in repairin);G
F:% on'1 "e co$'- %in- him;G
F!here sti'' hasn@t been an1 "or->G
F/roppa c'aims that he sa" him at the (an-s4 back on the sha-o" 2arth 1o$ both %a&or; ,e sai-
he "as in the compan1 o% an attracti&e "oman4 an- the1 "ere both ha&in) a -rink an- 'istenin)
to a m$sic )ro$p; ,e "a&e- an- hea-e- to"ar- them thro$)h a cro"-4 an- he tho$)ht that
Cor"in sa" him; =hen he )ot to their tab'e4 tho$)h4 the1 "ere )one;G
F!hat@s a''>G
F!hat@s a'';G
F!hat@s not m$ch;G
F: kno"; :% he@s the on'1 one "ho can "a'k this -amne- thin)4 tho$)h4 an- i% it is a menace4 "e
co$'- be in bi) tro$b'e one -a1;G
F: think 1o$@re bein) an a'armist4 A$nt1;G
F: hope 1o$@re ri)ht4 Ber'e; Come on4 :@'' take 1o$ home;G
: st$-ie- the p'ace once more4 %or -etai's as "e'' as %ee'in)4 beca$se : "ante- to be ab'e to
constr$ct a !r$mp %or it; : ne&er to'- an1one that there ha- been no resistance as : ha- 'o"ere-
m1 %oot4 beca$se once 1o$ set %oot into the Pattern or the 9o)r$s there is no t$rnin) back; Ao$
either procee- to the en- or are -estro1e- b1 it; An- as m$ch as : 'o&e m1steries4 m1 break "as
at its en- an- : ha- to )et back to c'ass;
=e "ere to)ether in a "oo- "ithin the B'ack 5one4 that area o% (ha-o" "ith "hich Chaos ho'-s
commerce; =e "ere h$ntin) 6hin-4 "hich are horne-4 short4 b'ack4 %ierce an- carni&oro$s; : -o
not m$ch 'ike h$ntin) beca$se : -o not m$ch 'ike ki''in) thin)s : -on@t rea''1 ha&e to; ,o"e&er4
it "as E$rt@s i-ea4 an- since it "as possib'1 a'so m1 'ast chance to "ork some reconci'iation "ith
m1 brother be%ore : -eparte-4 : ha- -eci-e- to take him $p on the o%%er; Neither o% $s "as that
)reat an archer4 an- 6hin- are prett1 %ast; (o "ith an1 '$ck at a'' nothin) "o$'- )et -ea- an- "e@-
ha&e some chance to ta'k an- perhaps come a"a1 on better terms at the en- o% the h$nt;
On one occasion "hen "e@- 'ost the trai' an- "ere restin)4 "e ta'ke- %or a 'on) time abo$t
archer14 co$rt po'itics4 (ha-o" an- the "eather; ,e ha- been m$ch more ci&i' to me o% 'ate4
"hich : took %or a )oo- si)n; ,e@- 'et his hair )ro" in s$ch a %ashion as to co&er the area o% his
missin) 'e%t ear; 2ars are har- to re)enerate; =e -i- not speak o% o$r -$e'4 or o% the ar)$ment that
ha- 'e- $p to it; Beca$se : "o$'- soon be o$t o% his 'i%e4 : %e't perhaps he "ishe- to c'ose this
chapter o% his e.istence in a re'ati&e'1 %rien-'1 %ashion4 "ith both o% $s )oin) o$r "a1s "ith a
memor1 "e co$'- %ee' )oo- abo$t; : "as ha'% ri)ht4 an1"a1;
9ater4 "hen "e ha- ha'te- %or a co'- hai' '$nch4 he aske- me4 F(o4 "hat -oes it %ee' 'ike>G
F=hat>G : sai-;
F!he po"er4G he ans"ere-; F!he 9o)r$s po"erDto "a'k in (ha-o"4 to "ork "ith a hi)her
or-er o% ma)ic than the m$n-ane;G
: -i-n@t rea''1 "ant to )o into -etai'4 beca$se : kne" he@- prepare- himse'% to tra&erse the 9o)r$s
on three -i%%erent occasions an- ha- backe- -o"n at the 'ast moment each time4 "hen he@-
'ooke- into it; Perhaps the ske'etons o% %ai'$res that ($h$1 keeps aro$n- ha- tro$b'e- him a'so; :
-on@t think E$rt "as a"are that : kne" abo$t the 'ast t"o times he@- chan)e- his min-; (o :
-eci-e- to -o"np'a1 m1 accomp'ishment;
FOh4 1o$ -on@t rea''1 %ee' an1 -i%%erent4G : sai-4 F$nti' 1o$@re act$a''1 $sin) it; !hen it@s har- to
F:@m thinkin) o% -oin) it soon m1se'%4G he sai-; F:t "o$'- be )oo- to see somethin) o% (ha-o"4
ma1be e&en %in- a kin)-om %or m1se'% some"here; Can 1o$ )i&e me an1 a-&ice>G
: no--e-; F/on@t 'ook back4G : sai-; F/on@t stop to think; E$st keep )oin);G
,e 'a$)he-; F(o$n-s 'ike or-ers to an arm14G he sai-;
F: s$ppose there is a simi'arit1;G
,e 'a$)he- a)ain; F9et@s )o ki'' $s a 6hin-4G he sai-;
!hat a%ternoon4 "e 'ost a trai' in a thicket %$'' o% %a''en branches; =e@- hear- the 6hin- crash
thro$)h it4 b$t it "as not imme-iate'1 apparent "hich "a1 it ha- )one; : ha- m1 back to E$rt an-
"as %acin) the %or"ar- e-)e o% the p'ace4 searchin) %or some si)n4 "hen +rakir constricte-
ti)ht'1 abo$t m1 "rist4 then came 'oose an- %e'' to the )ro$n-;
: bent o&er to retrie&e her4 "on-erin) "hat ha- happene-4 "hen : hear- athank %rom o&erhea-;
#'ancin) $p"ar-4 : sa" an arro" protr$-in) %rom the bo'e o% the tree be%ore me; :ts hei)ht abo&e
the )ro$n- "as s$ch that ha- : remaine- stan-in) it "o$'- ha&e entere- m1 back;
: t$rne- <$ick'1 to"ar- E$rt4 not e&en strai)htenin) %rom m1 cro$ch; ,e "as %ittin) another
arro" to his bo";
,e sai-4 F/on@t 'ook back; /on@t stop to think; E$st keep )oin)4G an- he 'a$)he-;
: -o&e to"ar- him as he raise- the "eapon; A better archer "o$'- probab'1 ha&e ki''e- me; :
think "hen : mo&e- he panicke- an- re'ease- the arro" premat$re'14 tho$)h4 beca$se it ca$)ht
in the si-e o% m1 'eather &est an- : -i-n@t %ee' an1 pain;
: c'ippe- him abo&e the knees4 an- he -roppe- the bo" as he %e'' o&er back"ar-; ,e -re" his
h$ntin) kni%e4 ro''e- to the si-e an- s"$n) the "eapon to"ar- m1 throat; : ca$)ht his "rist "ith
m1 'e%t han- an- "as cast onto m1 back b1 the %orce o% his moment$m; : str$ck at his %ace "ith
m1 ri)ht %ist "hi'e ho'-in) the b'a-e a"a1 %rom me; ,e b'ocke- the p$nch an- knee- me in the
!he point o% the b'a-e -roppe- to "ithin inches o% m1 throat as this b'o" co''apse- a bi) piece
o% m1 resistance; (ti'' achin)4 : "as ab'e to t$rn m1 hip to pre&ent another ba''-b$ster4
sim$'taneo$s "ith castin) m1 ri)ht %orearm beneath his "rist an- c$ttin) m1 han- in the process;
!hen : p$she- "ith m1 ri)ht4 p$''e- "ith m1 'e%t an- ro''e- to the 'e%t "ith the %orce o% the t$rn;
,is arm "as ?erke- %ree %rom m1 sti''-"eakene- )rasp4 an- he ro''e- o%% to the si-e an- : trie- to
reco&erDan- then : hear- him scream;
Comin) $p onto m1 knees4 : sa" that he 'a1 $pon his 'e%t si-e "here he ha- come to a stop an-
the kni%e "as se&era' %eet be1on- him4 ca$)ht in a tan)'e o% broken branches; Both han-s "ere
raise- to his %ace4 an- his cries "ere "or-'ess4 anima'-'ike b'eats;
: ma-e m1 "a1 o&er to him to see "hat ha- happene-4 "ith +rakir he'- rea-1 to "rap abo$t his
throat in case it "ere some sort o% trick he "as p'a1in);
B$t it "as not; =hen : reache- him : sa" that a sharp 'imb o% a %a''en branch ha- pierce- his
ri)ht e1e; !here "as b'oo- on his cheek an- the si-e o% his nose;
F(top ?erkin) aro$n-IG : sai-; FAo$@'' make it "orse; 9et me )et it o$t;G
F3eep 1o$r -amn han-s o%% meIG he crie-;
!hen4 c'enchin) his teeth an- )rimacin) horrib'14 he ca$)ht ho'- o% the 'imb "ith his ri)ht han-
an- -re" his hea- back; : ha- to 'ook a"a1; ,e ma-e a "himperin) noise se&era' moments 'ater
an- co''apse-4 $nconscio$s; : rippe- o%% m1 'e%t shirt s'ee&e4 tore a strip %rom it4 %o'-e- it into a
pa- an- p'ace- it o&er his -ama)e- e1e; =ith another strip4 : tie- it into p'ace there; +rakir %o$n-
her "a1 back abo$t m1 "rist4 as $s$a';
!hen : -$) o$t the !r$mp that "o$'- take $s home an- raise- him in m1 arms; Bom "asn@t
)oin) to 'ike this;
:t "as a (at$r-a1; 9$ke an- : ha- been han) )'i-in) a'' mornin); !hen "e met E$'ia an- #ai' %or
'$nch4 an- a%ter"ar- "e took the (tarb$rst o$t an- sai'e- a'' a%ternoon; 9ater4 "e@- hit the bar
an- )ri'' at the marina "here : bo$)ht the beers "hi'e "e "aite- %or steaks4 beca$se 9$ke ha-
s'amme- m1 ri)ht arm %'at a)ainst the tab'etop "hen "e@- "rist "rest'e- to see "ho pai- %or
(omeone at the ne.t tab'e sai-4 F:% : ha- a mi''ion -o''ars4 ta. %ree4 :@-;;;G an- E$'ia ha- 'a$)he-
as she 'istene-;
F=hat@s %$nn1>G : aske- her;
F,is "ish 'ist4G she sai-; F:@- "ant a c'oset %$'' o% -esi)ner -resses an- some e'e)ant ?e"e'r1 to
)o "ith them; P$t the c'oset in a rea''1 nice ho$se4 an- p$t the ho$se somep'ace "here :@- be
9$ke smi'e-; F: -etect a shi%t %rom mone1 to po"er4G he sai-;
FBa1be so4G she rep'ie-; FB$t "hat@s the -i%%erence4 rea''1>G
FBone1 b$1s thin)s4G 9$ke sai-; FPo"er makes thin)s happen; :% 1o$ e&er ha&e a choice4 take
the po"er;G
#ai'@s $s$a' %aint smi'e ha- %a-e-4 an- she "ore a &er1 serio$s e.pression;
F: -on@t be'ie&e po"er sho$'- be an en- in itse'%4G she sai-; FOne has it on'1 to $se it in certain
E$'ia 'a$)he-; F=hat@s "ron) "ith a po"er trip>G she aske-; F:t so$n-s 'ike %$n to me;G
FOn'1 ti'' 1o$ r$n into a )reater po"er4G 9$ke sai-;
F!hen 1o$ ha&e to think bi)4G E$'ia ans"ere-;
F!hat@s not ri)ht4G #ai' sai-; FOne has -$ties an- the1 come %irst;G
9$ke "as st$-1in) her no"4 an- he no--e-;
FAo$ can keep mora'it1 o$t o% it4G E$'ia sai-;
FNo4 1o$ can@t4G 9$ke respon-e-;
F: -isa)ree4G she sai-;
9$ke shr$))e-;
F(he@s ri)ht4G #ai' sai- s$--en'1; F: -on@t see that -$t1 an- mora'it1 are the same thin);G
F=e''4 i% 1o$@&e )ot a -$t14G 9$ke sai-4 Fsomethin) 1o$ abso'$te'1 m$st -oDa matter o% honor4
sa1Dthen that becomes 1o$r mora'it1;G
E$'ia 'ooke- at 9$ke4 'ooke- at #ai'; F/oes that mean "e ?$st a)ree- on somethin)>G she aske-;
FNo4G 9$ke sai-4 F: -on@t think so;G
#ai' took a -rink; FAo$@re ta'kin) abo$t a persona' co-e that nee- not ha&e an1thin) to -o "ith
con&entiona' mora'it1;G
F0i)ht4G 9$ke sai-;
F!hen it@s not rea''1 mora'it1; Ao$@re ?$st ta'kin) -$t14G she sai-;
FAo$@re ri)ht on the -$t14G 9$ke ans"ere-; FB$t it@s sti'' mora'it1;G
FBora'it1 is the &a'$es o% a ci&i'i6ation4G she sai-;
F!here is no s$ch thin) as ci&i'i6ation4G 9$ke rep'ie-; F!he "or- ?$st means the art o% 'i&in) in
FA'' ri)ht4 then; O% a c$'t$re4G she sai-;
FC$'t$ra' &a'$es are re'ati&e thin)s4G 9$ke sai-4 smi'in)4 Fan- mine sa1 :@m ri)ht;G
F=here -o 1o$rs come %rom>G #ai' aske-4 st$-1in) him care%$''1;
F9et@s keep this p$re an- phi'osophica'4 h$h>G he sai-;
F!hen ma1be "e sho$'- -rop the term entire'14G #ai' sai-4 Fan- ?$st stick "ith -$t1;G
F=hat happene- to po"er>G E$'ia aske-;
F:t@s in there some"here4G : sai-;
($--en'1 #ai' 'ooke- perp'e.e-4 as i% o$r -isc$ssion "ere not somethin) "hich ha- been
repeate- a tho$san- times in -i%%erent %orms4 as i% it ha- act$a''1 )i&en rise to some ne" t$rn o%
F:% the1 are t"o -i%%erent thin)s4G she sai- s'o"'14 F"hich one is more important>
F!he1@re not4G 9$ke sai-; F!he1@re the same;G
F: -on@t think so4G E$'ia to'- him; FB$t -$ties ten- to be c'ear-c$t4 an- it so$n-s as i% 1o$ can
choose 1o$r o"n mora'it1; (o i% : ha- to ha&e one :@- )o "ith the mora'it1;G
F: 'ike thin)s that are c'ear-c$t4G #ai' sai-;
9$ke ch$))e- his beer4 be'che- 'i)ht'1; F(hitIG he sai-; FPhi'osoph1 c'ass isn@t ti'' !$es-a1; !his
is the "eeken-; =ho )ets the ne.t ro$n-4 Ber'e>G
: p'ace- m1 'e%t e'bo" on the tab'etop an- opene- m1 han-;
=hi'e "e p$she- to)ether4 the tension b$i'-in) an- b$i'-in) bet"een $s4 he sai- thro$)h
c'enche- teeth4 F: "as ri)ht4 "asn@t :>G
FAo$ "ere ri)ht4G : sai-4 ?$st be%ore : %orce- his arm a'' the "a1 -o"n;
: remo&e- m1 mai' %rom the 'itt'e 'ocke- bo. in the ha''"a1 an- carrie- it $pstairs to m1
apartment; !here "ere t"o bi''s4 some circ$'ars an- somethin) thick an- %irst c'ass "itho$t a
ret$rn a--ress on it;
: c'ose- the -oor behin- me4 pockete- m1 ke1s an- -roppe- m1 brie%case onto a nearb1 chair; :
ha- starte- to"ar- the so%a "hen the te'ephone in the kitchen ran);
!ossin) the mai' to"ar- the co%%ee tab'e4 : t$rne- an- starte- %or the kitchen; !he b'ast that
occ$rre- behin- me mi)ht or mi)ht not ha&e been stron) eno$)h to knock me o&er; : -on@t kno"4
beca$se : -o&e %or"ar- o% m1 o"n &o'ition as soon as it occ$rre-; : hit m1 hea- on the 'e) o% the
kitchen tab'e; :t -a6e- me some"hat4 b$t : "as other"ise $n-ama)e-; A'' the -ama)e "as in the
other room; B1 the time : )ot to m1 %eet the phone ha- stoppe- rin)in);
: a'rea-1 kne" there "ere 'ots o% easier "a1s to -ispose o% ?$nk mai'4 b$t : "on-ere- %or a 'on)
time a%ter"ar- "ho it "as that ha- been on the te'ephone;
: sometimes remembere- the %irst o% the series4 too4 the tr$ck that ha- come r$shin) to"ar- me;
: ha- on'1 ca$)ht a )'impse o% the -ri&er@s %ace be%ore :@- mo&e-Dinert4 he "as comp'ete'1
e.pression'ess4 as i% he "ere -ea-4 h1pnoti6e-4 -r$))e- or someho" possesse-; Choose an1 o%
the abo&e4 : -eci-e-4 an- ma1be more than one;
An- then there "as the ni)ht o% the m$))ers; !he1 ha- attacke- me "itho$t a "or-; =hen it
"as a'' o&er an- : "as hea-in) a"a14 : ha- )'ance- back once; : tho$)ht :@- )'impse- a sha-o"1
%i)$re -ra" back into a -oor"a1 $p the streetDa smart preca$tion4 :@- sa14 in 'i)ht o% "hat ha-
been )oin) on; B$t o% co$rse it co$'- ha&e been someone connecte- "ith the attack4 too; : "as
torn; !he person "as too %ar o%% to ha&e been ab'e to )i&e a )oo- -escription o% me; :% : "ent
back an- it t$rne- o$t to be an innocent b1stan-er4 there "o$'- then be a "itness capab'e o%
i-enti%1in) me; Not that : -i-n@t think it "as an open-an--sh$t case o% se'%--e%ense4 b$t there@- be
a 'ot o% hass'e; (o : sai- the he'' "ith it4 an- : "a'ke- on; Another interestin) Apri' 3;
!he -a1 o% the ri%'e; !here ha- been t"o shots as :@- h$rrie- -o"n the street; !he1@- both misse-
me be%ore :@- rea'i6e- "hat "as )oin) on4 chippin) brickbats %rom the si-e o% the b$i'-in) to m1
'e%t; !here "as no thir- shot4 b$t there "as a th$- an- a sp'interin) so$n- %rom the b$i'-in)
across the street; A thir--%'oor "in-o" stoo- "i-e open;
: h$rrie- o&er; :t "as an o'- apartment ho$se an- the %ront -oor "as 'ocke-4 b$t : -i-n@t s'o"
-o"n %or niceties; : 'ocate- the stair an- mo$nte- it; =hen : came to "hat : tho$)ht "as the
proper room4 : -eci-e- to tr1 the -oor the o'--%ashione- "a1 an- it "orke-; :t "as $n'ocke-;
: stoo- to the si-e an- p$she- it open an- sa" that the p'ace "as $n%$rnishe- an- empt1;
*nocc$pie-4 too4 it seeme-; Co$'- : ha&e been "ron)> B$t then : sa" that the "in-o" %acin) the
street stoo- "i-e an- : sa" "hat 'a1 $pon the %'oor; : entere- an- c'ose- the -oor behin- me;
A broken ri%'e 'a1 in the corner; +rom markin)s on the stock : )$esse- that it ha- been s"$n)
"ith )reat %orce a)ainst a nearb1 ra-iator be%ore it ha- been cast asi-e; !hen : sa" somethin)
e'se on the %'oor4 somethin) "et an- re-; Not m$ch; E$st a %e" -rops;
: searche- the p'ace <$ick'1; :t "as sma''; !he one "in-o" in its sin)'e be-room a'so stoo-
open an- : "ent to it; !here "as a %ire escape be1on- it4 an- : -eci-e- that it mi)ht be a )oo-
"a1 %or me to make m1 e.it4 too;
!here "ere a %e" more -rops o% b'oo- on the b'ack meta'4 b$t that "as it; No one "as in si)ht
be'o"4 or in either -irection;
!o ki''; !o preser&e; 9$ke4 Easra4 #ai'; =ho "as responsib'e %or "hat>
!he more : tho$)ht o% it4 the more it seeme- possib'e that there mi)ht ha&e been a te'ephone ca''
on the mornin) o% the open )as ?ets4 too; Co$'- that be "hat ha- ro$se- me to an a"areness o%
-an)er> 2ach time : tho$)ht o% these matters there seeme- to be a s'i)ht shi%tin) o% emphasis;
!hin)s stoo- in a -i%%erent 'i)ht; Accor-in) to 9$ke an- the pse$-o 7inta4: "as not in )reat
-an)er in the 'ater episo-es4 b$t it seeme- that an1 o% those thin)s co$'- ha&e taken me o$t; =ho
"as : to b'ame> !he perpetrator> Or the sa&ior "ho bare'1 sa&e-> An- "ho "as "hich> :
remembere- ho" m1 %ather@s stor1 ha- been comp'icate- b1 that -amne- a$to acci-ent "hich
p'a1e- 'ike 9ast Aear at Barienba-Dtho$)h his ha- seeme- simp'e compare- to e&er1thin) that
"as comin) -o"n on me; At 'east he kne" "hat he ha- to -o most o% the time; Co$'- : be the
inheritor o% a %ami'1 c$rse in&o'&in) comp'icate- p'ottin)>
: remembere- *nc'e ($h$1@s %ina' 'esson; ,e ha- spent some time %o''o"in) m1 comp'etion o%
the 9o)r$s in teachin) me thin)s : co$'- not ha&e 'earne- be%ore then; !here came a time "hen :
tho$)ht : "as %inishe-; : ha- been con%irme- in the Art an- -ismisse-; :t seeme- : ha- co&ere-
a'' the basics an- an1thin) more "o$'- be mere e'aboration; : be)an makin) preparations %or m1
?o$rne1 to the sha-o" 2arth; !hen one mornin) ($h$1 sent %or me; : ass$me- that he ?$st
"ante- to sa1 )oo--b1e an- )i&e me a %e" %rien-'1 "or-s o% a-&ice;
,is hair is "hite4 he is some"hat stoope- an- there are -a1s "hen he carries a sta%%; !his "as
one o% them; ,e ha- on his 1e''o" ca%tan4 "hich : ha- a'"a1s tho$)ht o% as a "orkin) )arment
rather than a socia' one;
FAre 1o$ rea-1 %or a short trip>G he aske- me;
FAct$a''14 it@s )oin) to be a 'on) one4G : sai-; FB$t :@m a'most rea-1;G
FNo4G he sai-; F!hat "as not the ?o$rne1 : meant;G
FOh; Ao$ mean 1o$ "ant to )o some"here ri)ht no">G
FCome4G he sai-;
(o : %o''o"e- him4 an- the sha-o"s parte- be%ore $s; =e mo&e- thro$)h increasin) b'eakness4
passin) at 'ast into p'aces that bore no si)n o% 'i%e "hatsoe&er; /ark4 steri'e rock 'a1 a'' abo$t $s4
stark in the brass1 'i)ht o% a -im an- ancient s$n; !his %ina' p'ace "as chi'' an- -r14 an- "hen "e
ha'te- an- : 'ooke- abo$t4 : shi&ere-;
: "aite-4 to see "hat he ha- in min-; B$t it "as a 'on) "hi'e be%ore he spoke; ,e seeme-
ob'i&io$s o% m1 presence %or a time4 simp'1 starin) o$t across the b'eak 'an-scape;
+ina''14 F: ha&e ta$)ht 1o$ the "a1s o% (ha-o"4G he sai- s'o"'14 Fan- the composition o% spe''s
an- their "orkin);G
: sai- nothin); ,is statement -i- not seem to re<$ire a rep'1;
F(o 1o$ kno" somethin) o% the "a1s o% po"er4G he contin$e-; FAo$ -ra" it %rom the (i)n o%
Chaos4 the 9o)r$s4 an- 1o$ in&est it in &ario$s "a1s;G
,e )'ance- at me at 'ast4 an- : no--e-;
F: $n-erstan- that those "ho bear the Pattern4 the (i)n o% Or-er4 ma1 -o simi'ar thin)s in "a1s
that ma1 or ma1 not be simi'ar4G he "ent on; F: -o not kno" %or certain4 %or : am not an initiate
o% the Pattern; : -o$bt the spirit co$'- stan- the strain o% kno"in) the "a1s o% both; B$t 1o$
sho$'- $n-erstan- that there is another "a1 o% po"er4 antithetica' to o$r o"n;G
F: $n-erstan-4G : sai-4 %or he seeme- to be e.pectin) an ans"er;
FB$t 1o$ ha&e a reso$rce a&ai'ab'e to 1o$4G he sai-4 F"hich those o% Amber -o not; =atchIG
,is %ina' "or- -i- not mean that : sho$'- simp'1 obser&e as he 'eane- his sta%% a)ainst the si-e
o% a bo$'-er an- raise- his han-s be%ore him; :t meant that : sho$'- ha&e the 9o)r$s be%ore me so
: co$'- see "hat he "as -oin) at that 'e&e'; (o : s$mmone- m1 &ision an- "atche- him thro$)h
No" the &ision that h$n) be%ore him seeme- a contin$ation o% m1 o"n4 stretche- an- t"istin); :
sa" an- %e't it as he ?oine- his han-s "ith it an- e.ten-e- a pair o% its ?a))e- 'imbs o$t"ar-
across the -istance to to$ch $pon a bo$'-er that 'a1 -o"nhi'' o% $s;
F2nter the 9o)r$s no" 1o$rse'%4G he sai-4 Fremainin) passi&e; (ta1 "ith me thro$)h "hat : am
abo$t to -o; /o not4 at an1 time4 attempt to inter%ere;G
F: $n-erstan-4G : sai-;
: mo&e- m1 han-s into m1 &ision4 shi%tin) them abo$t4 %ee'in) a%ter con)r$it14 $nti' the1 became
a part o% it;
F#oo-4G he sai-4 "hen : ha- sett'e- them into p'ace; FNo" a'' 1o$ nee- -o is obser&e4 on a''
(omethin) p$'se- a'on) the 'imbs he contro''e-4 passin) -o"n to the bo$'-er; : "as not prepare-
%or "hat came a%ter;
!he ima)e o% the 9o)r$s t$rne- b'ack be%ore me4 becomin) a seethin) b'ot o% ink1 t$rmoi'; An
a"%$' %ee'in) o% -isr$pti&e po"er s$r)e- thro$)h me4 an enormo$s -estr$cti&e %orce that
threatene- to o&er"he'm me4 to carr1 me into the b'iss%$' nothin)ness o% $'timate -isor-er; A part
o% me seeme- to -esire this4 "hi'e another part "as screamin) "or-'ess'1 %or it to cease; B$t
($h$1 maintaine- contro' o% the phenomenon4 an- : co$'- see ho" he "as -oin) it4 ?$st as : ha-
seen ho" he ha- bro$)ht it into bein) in the %irst p'ace;
!he bo$'-er became one "ith the t$rmoi'4 ?oine- it an- "as )one; !here "as no e.p'osion4 no
imp'osion4 on'1 the sensation o% )reat co'- "in-s an- cacophono$s so$n-s; !hen m1 $nc'e
mo&e- his han-s s'o"'1 apart4 an- the 'ines o% seethin) b'ackness %o''o"e- them4 %'o"in) o$t in
both -irections %rom that area o% chaos "hich ha- been the bo$'-er4 pro-$cin) a 'on) -ark trench
"herein : behe'- the para-o. o% both nothin)ness an- acti&it1;
!hen he stoo- sti''4 arrestin) it at that point; Boments 'ater4 he spoke; F: co$'- simp'1 re'ease
it4G he state-4 F'ettin) it r$n "i'-; Or : co$'- )i&e it a -irection an- then re'ease it;G
As he -i- not contin$e4: aske-4 F=hat "o$'- happen then> =o$'- it simp'1 contin$e $nti' it ha-
-e&astate- the entire sha-o">G
FNo4G he rep'ie-; F!here are 'imitin) %actors; !he resistance o% Or-er to Chaos "o$'- b$i'- as it
e.ten-e- itse'%; !here "o$'- come a point o% containment;G
FAn- i% 1o$ remaine- as 1o$ are4 an- kept s$mmonin) more>G
FOne "o$'- -o a )reat -ea' o% -ama)e;G
FAn- i% "e combine- o$r e%%orts>G
FBore e.tensi&e -ama)e; B$t that is not the 'esson : ha- in min-; : "i'' remain passi&e no"
"hi'e 1o$ contro' it;G
(o : took o&er the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s an- ran the 'ine o% -isr$ption back $pon itse'% in a )reat
circ'e4 'ike a -ark moat s$rro$n-in) $s;
FBanish it no"4G he sai-4 an- : -i-;
(ti''4 the "in-s an- the so$n-s contin$e- to ra)e4 an- : co$'- not see be1on- the -ark "a''
"hich seeme- to be a-&ancin) s'o"'1 $pon $s %rom a'' si-es;
FOb&io$s'14 the 'imitin) %actor has 1et to be achie&e-4G : obser&e-;
,e ch$ck'e-; FAo$@re ri)ht; 2&en tho$)h 1o$ stoppe-4 1o$ e.cee-e- a certain critica' 'imit4 so
that it is no" r$nnin) "i'-;G
FOh4G : sai-; F,o" 'on) ti'' those nat$ra' 'imitations 1o$ mentione- -ampen it>G
F(ometime a%ter it has comp'ete'1 annihi'ate- the area on "hich "e stan-4G he sai-;
F:t is rece-in) in a'' -irections as "e'' as hea-in) this "a1>G
F:nterestin); =hat is the critica' mass>G
F:@'' ha&e to sho" 1o$; B$t "e@- better %in- a ne" p'ace %irst; !his one is )oin) a"a1; !ake m1
: -i-4 an- he con-$cte- me to another sha-o"; !his time : s$mmone- the Chaos an- con-$cte-
the operations "hi'e he obser&e-; !his time : -i- not 'et it r$n "i'-;
=hen : ha- %inishe- an- : stoo-4 shaken4 starin) into a sma'' crater : ha- ca$se-4 he p'ace- his
han- on m1 sho$'-er an- to'- me4 FAs 1o$ kne" in theor14 that is the $'timate po"er behin-
1o$r spe''s; Chaos itse'%; !o "ork "ith it -irect'1 is -an)ero$s; B$t4 as 1o$ ha&e seen4 it can be
-one; No" 1o$ kno" it4 1o$r trainin) is comp'ete;G
:t "as more than impressi&e; :t "as a"esome; An- %or most sit$ations : co$'- &is$a'i6e it "as
rather 'ike $sin) n$kes %or skeet shootin); O%%han-4 : co$'-n@t think o% an1 circ$mstances $n-er
"hich : "o$'- care to emp'o1 the techni<$e4 $nti' 7ictor Be'man rea''1 pisse- me o%%;
Po"er4 in its man1 shapes4 &arieties4 si6es an- st1'es4 contin$es to %ascinate me; :t has been so
m$ch a part o% m1 'i%e %or so 'on) that : %ee' &er1 %ami'iar "ith it4 tho$)h : -o$bt that : "i'' e&er
$n-erstan- it %$''1;
Chapter 10
F:t@s abo$t time4G : sai-4 to "hate&er '$rke- in the sha-o"s; !he so$n- that %o''o"e- "as not
h$man; :t "as a 'o" snar'; : "on-ere- "hat manner o% beast : con%ronte-; : "as certain an attack
"as imminent4 b$t it -i- not come; :nstea- the )ro"' -ie- -o"n4 an- "hate&er it "as spoke
F+ee' 1o$r %ear4G came the "hisper;
F+ee' 1o$r o"n4G : sai-4 F"hi'e 1o$ sti'' can;G
!he so$n-s o% its breathin) came hea&1; !he %'ames -ance- at m1 back; (moke ha- -ra"n as %ar
a"a1 across the campsite as his 'en)th1 tether permitte-;
F: co$'- ha&e ki''e- 1o$ "hi'e 1o$ s'ept4G it sai- s'o"'1; F+oo'ish o% 1o$ not to4G : sai-; F:t "i''
cost 1o$;G
F: "ant to 'ook at 1o$4 Ber'in4G it state-; F: "ant to see 1o$ p$66'e-; : "ant to see 1o$r %ear; :
"ant to see 1o$r an)$ish be%ore : see 1o$r b'oo-;G
F!hen : take it this is a persona' rather than a b$siness matter>G
!here came a stran)e noise "hich it took me se&era' moments to interpret as an inh$man throat
tr1in) to mana)e a ch$ck'e;
!hen4 F9et $s sa1 that4 ma)ician4G it respon-e-; F($mmon 1o$r (i)n an- 1o$r concentration
"i'' "a&er; : "i'' kno" it an- "i'' ren- 1o$ be%ore 1o$ can emp'o1 it;G
F3in- o% 1o$ to "arn me;G
F: ?$st "ante- to %orec'ose that option in 1o$r thinkin); !he thin) "o$n- abo$t 1o$r 'e%t "rist
"i'' not he'p 1o$ in time either;G
FAo$ ha&e )oo- &ision;G
F:n these matters4 1es;G
FAo$ "ish perhaps to -isc$ss the phi'osoph1 o% re&en)e "ith me no">G
F: am "aitin) %or 1o$ to break an- -o somethin) %oo'ish4 to increase m1 p'eas$re; : ha&e 'imite-
1o$r actions to the ph1sica'4 so 1o$ are -oome-;G
F3eep "aitin)4 then4G : sai-;
!here "as a so$n- o% mo&ement "ithin the br$sh as somethin) -re" nearer; : sti'' co$'- not see
it4 tho$)h; : took a step to m1 'e%t then4 to a''o" %ire'i)ht to reach that -arkene- area; At that4
somethin) shone4 'o"; !he 'i)ht "as re%'ecte-4 1e''o"4 %rom a sin)'e )'arin) e1e;
: 'o"ere- the point o% m1 "eapon4 -irectin) it to"ar- the e1e; =hat the he''; 2&er1 creat$re :
kno" o% tries to protect its e1es;
FBan6aiIG : crie-4 as : '$n)e-; !he con&ersation seeme- to ha&e sta)nate-4 an- : "as$s to
)et on to other matters;
:t rose instant'1 an- "ith )reat po"er an- spee- r$she- to"ar- me4 a&oi-in) m1 thr$st; :t "as a
'ar)e4 b'ack4 'op-eare- "o'%4 an- it s'ippe- past a %rantic s'ash : mana)e- an- "ent strai)ht %or
m1 throat;
B1 'e%t %orearm came $p a$tomatica''1 an- : thr$st it %or"ar- into the open ?a"s; At the same
time4 : bro$)ht the hi't o% m1 b'a-e across an- s'amme- it a)ainst the si-e o% its hea-; At this4 the
c'ampin) %orce o% the bite 'oosene- e&en as : "as home o&er back"ar-4 b$t the )rip remaine-4
penetratin) shirt an- %'esh; An- : "as t$rnin) an- p$''in) be%ore : hit the )ro$n-4 "antin) to 'an-
on top4 kno"in) : "o$'-n@t;
: 'an-e- on m1 'e%t si-e4 attemptin) to contin$e the ro''4 an- a--e- another be't o% the pomme'
to the si-e o% the beast@s sk$''; :t "as then that %ort$ne %a&ore- me4 %or a chan)e4 "hen : rea'i6e-
that "e 'a1 near the 'ip o% m1 %ire pit an- "ere sti'' t$rnin) in that -irection; : -roppe- m1
"eapon an- so$)ht its throat "ith m1 ri)ht han-; :t "as hea&i'1 m$sc'e-4 an- there "as no
chance o% cr$shin) the "in-pipe in time; B$t that "as not "hat : "as a%ter;
B1 han- "ent $p hi)h an- back beneath the 'o"er ?a"4 "here : commence- s<$ee6in) "ith a''
m1 stren)th; : scrabb'e- "ith m1 %eet $nti' : %o$n- p$rchase an- then p$she- "ith m1 'e)s as
"e'' as m1 arms; O$r mo&ement contin$e- the short -istance necessar1 to p$sh its snar'in) hea-
back into the %ire;
+or a moment nothin) happene- sa&e the stea-1 trick'e o% b'oo- %rom m1 %orearm into its mo$th
an- o$t a)ain; !he )rip o% its ?a"s "as sti'' stron) an- pain%$';
(econ-s 'ater4 m1 arm "as re'ease- as the %$r o% its neck an- hea- ca$)ht %ire an- it str$))'e- to
-ra" a"a1 %rom the %'ames; : "as thr$st asi-e as it rose an- p$''e- %ree4 an ear-piercin) ho"'
risin) %rom its throat; : ro''e- to m1 knees an- raise- m1 han-s4 b$t it -i- not come at me a)ain;
:nstea-4 it r$she- past me into the "oo-s in the opposite -irection %rom "hich it ha- come;
: snatche- $p m1 b'a-e an- took o%% a%ter it; No time to pa$se an- p$'' on m1 bootsC : "as ab'e
to shapeshi%t the so'es o% m1 %eet a bit to to$)hen them a)ainst the 'itter an- irre)$'arit1 o% the
%orest %'oor; B1 a-&ersar1 "as sti'' in si)ht4 %or its hea- sti'' smo'-ere-C tho$)h : mi)ht ha&e
been ab'e to %o''o" ?$st %rom the ho"'in)4 "hich "as a'most contin$o$s; An- stran)e'14 the tone
an- character o% the ho"'s "as chan)in)4 so$n-in) more an- more 'ike h$man cries an- 'ess 'ike
the comp'aint o% a "o'%; (tran)e'14 too4 the beast "as %'eein) "ith somethin) 'ess than the spee-
an- )$i'e : "o$'- ha&e e.pecte- %rom one o% its kin-; : hear- it crashin) thro$)h the shr$bber1
an- r$nnin) into trees; On se&era' o% these 'atter occasions4 it e&en emitte- so$n-s that seeme- to
bear the pattern o% h$man c$rsin); (o : "as ab'e to sta1 c'oser to it than : ha- an1 reason to
e.pect4 e&en )ainin) on it some"hat a%ter the %irst %e" min$tes;
!hen4 s$--en'14 : rea'i6e- its apparent -estination; : sa" a)ain that pa'e 'i)ht : ha- note- ear'ier
Dbri)hter no" an- its so$rce 'ar)er4 as "e mo&e- to"ar- it; 0o$)h'1 rectan)$'ar in shape4 :
?$-)e- it as bein) ei)ht or nine %eet in hei)ht4 perhaps %i&e in "i-th; : %or)ot abo$t trackin) the
"o'% b1 ear an- hea-e- %or the 'i)ht; !hat ha- to be its )oa'4 an- : "ante- to reach it %irst;
: ran on; !he "o'% "as ahea- o% me an- to m1 'e%t; :ts hair ha- cease- to b'a6e no"4 tho$)h it
sti'' snar'e- an- 1ippe- as it r$she- a'on); Be%ore $s4 the 'i)ht )re" bri)hter sti''4 an- : "as ab'e
to see into itDthro$)h it an- -istin)$ish some o% its %eat$res %or the %irst time; : sa" a hi''si-e
"ith a 'o" stone b$i'-in) $pon it4 approache- b1 a %'a))e- "a'k"a1 an- a series o% stone steps-
%rame- 'ike a pict$re "ithin the rectan)'eDha61 at %irst4 b$t comin) c'earer "ith each step; :t
"as a c'o$-1 a%ternoon "ithin the pict$re4 an- the thin) stoo- abo$t t"ent1 meters a"a1 no"4 in
the mi-st o% a c'earin);
: rea'i6e- as : sa" the beast b$rst into the c'earin) that : "as not )oin) to be ab'e to reach the
p'ace in time to snatch $p the thin) : kne" m$st 'ie nearb1; (ti''4 : tho$)ht : mi)ht ha&e a chance
o% catchin) the creat$re an- ha'tin) its passa)e;
B$t it p$t on a--itiona' spee- once it "as in the c'ear; : co$'- see the scene to"ar- "hich it "as
hea-e- more c'ear'1 than an1thin) e'se in the &icinit1; : sho$te- to -istract it4 b$t that -i- not
"ork; B1 %ina' b$rst o% spee- "as not )oo- eno$)h; !hen4 on the )ro$n-4 near the thresho'-4 :
sa" "hat : "as 'ookin) %or; !oo 'ate; 2&en as : "atche-4 the beast 'o"ere- its hea- an- ca$)ht
$p in its teeth a %'at rectan)$'ar ob?ect4 "itho$t e&en breakin) stri-e;
: ha'te- an- t$rne- a"a1 as it p'$n)e- ahea-4 -roppin) m1 b'a-e as : -o&e4 ro''in)4 contin$in) to
: %e't the %orce o% the si'ent e.p'osion4 %o''o"e- b1 the imp'osion an- the sma'' series o% shock
"a&es; : 'a1 there thinkin) nast1 tho$)hts $nti' the t$rmoi' ha- cease-C then : rose an- retrie&e-
m1 "eapon;
!he ni)ht "as norma' abo$t me once a)ain; (tar'i)ht; !he "in- in the pines; !here "as no nee-
%or me to t$rn4 tho$)h : -i-4 to kno" that the thin) to"ar- "hich : ha- been racin) b$t moments
be%ore "as no" )one4 "itho$t 'ea&in) an1 si)n that it ha- been there4 bri)ht -oor"a1 to another
: hike- back to m1 camp an- spent a "hi'e ta'kin) to (moke4 ca'min) him; : -onne- m1 boots
an- c'oak then4 kicke- -irt o&er the embers in m1 pit4 an- 'e- the horse back to the roa-;
: mo$nte- there an- "e mo&e- on $p the roa- to"ar- Amber %or the better part o% an ho$r4
be%ore : sett'e- $pon a ne" campsite $n-er a bone"hite piece o% moon;
!he rest o% m1 ni)ht "as $ntro$b'e-; : "as a"akene- b1 increase- 'i)ht an- mornin) bir- ca''s
thro$)h the pines; : took care o% (moke4 break%aste- <$ick'1 on the remains o% m1 rations4 p$t
m1se'% in the best or-er : co$'- an- "as on m1 "a1 "ithin ha'% an ho$r;
:t "as a coo' mornin)4 "ith banks o% c$m$'$s %ar o%% to m1 'e%t4 c'ear skies o&erhea-; : -i- not
h$rr1; B1 main reason %or ri-in) back rather than tr$mpin) home "as to 'earn a 'itt'e more o%
"hat this area near Amber "as 'ike4 an- the other "as to )ain a bit o% so'it$-e %or thinkin); =ith
Easra a prisoner4 9$ke in sick ba1 an- #host"hee' occ$pie- it seeme- that an1 ma?or threats to
Amber or m1se'% "ere in abe1ance4 an- a sma'' breathin) spe'' co$'- be ?$sti%ie-; : %e't that : "as
act$a''1 near to a point "here : co$'- han-'e e&er1thin) persona''1 "ith re)ar- to 9$ke an-
Easra4 as soon as :@- "orke- o$t a %e" more -etai's; An- : "as certain : co$'- -ea' "ith #host
a%ter that4 as :@- %o$n- o$r most recent con&ersation some"hat enco$ra)in);
!hat "as the bi) st$%%; : co$'- "orr1 abo$t 'oose en-s 'ater; A t"o-bit "i6ar- 'ike (har$ #arr$'
"as on'1 a pain "hen consi-ere- in con?$nction "ith e&er1thin) e'se that "as tro$b'in) me;
/$e'in) "ith him "o$'- be no prob'em "hen : ha- a bit o% 'eis$reDtho$)h : ha- to a-mit : "as
p$66'e- as to "h1 he sho$'- be intereste- in me at a'';
!hen there "as the matter o% the entit1 "hich ha- %or a time been 7inta; =hi'e : sa" no rea'
threat in it4 there "as certain'1 a m1ster1 "hich a%%ecte- m1 peace o% min-4 an- "hich seeme-
$'timate'1 to ha&e somethin) to -o "ith m1 sec$rit1; !his4 too4 "as a matter to be -ea't "ith
"hen that bit o% 'eis$re %ina''1 came a'on);
An- 9$ke@s o%%er to re&ea' a piece o% in%ormation &ita' to Amber@s sec$rit14 once Easra "as
resc$e-4 tro$b'e- me; Beca$se : be'ie&e- him4 an- : be'ie&e- he@- keep his "or-; : ha- a h$nch4
tho$)h4 that he "o$'-n@t be )i&in) it a"a1 $n'ess it "as too 'ate to -o m$ch abo$t it; #$ess"ork
"as4 o% co$rse4 %$ti'eC there "as no "a1 o% kno"in) "hat preparations "o$'- be appropriate; =as
the o%%er itse'%4 no matter ho" a$thentic4 a'so a bit o% ps1cho'o)ica' "ar%are> 9$ke ha- a'"a1s
been more s$bt'e than his b'$%% e.terior seeme- to in-icate; :t ha- taken me a 'on) time to 'earn
that4 an- : "asn@t abo$t to %or)et it no";
: %e't : co$'- -isco$nt the b$siness o% the b'$e stones %or the moment4 an- : p'anne- soon to be
ri- o% a'' traces o% their &ibes; No prob'em there4 other than a menta' strin) aro$n- the %in)er %or
e.tra "ariness4 ?$st in caseDan- : "as a'rea-1 in that %rame o% min-4 ha- been %or some time;
!hat 'e%t the b$siness o% 'ast ni)ht@s "o'% to be %itte- into the bi))er pict$re;
Ob&io$s'14 it ha- been no norma' beast4 an- its intent ha- been apparent eno$)h; Other matters
concernin) its &isit "ere 'ess than c'ear4 ho"e&er; =ho or "hat "as it> =as it a principa' or an
a)ent> An-4 i% the 'atter4 "ho ha- sent it> An- %ina''14 %ina''14 "h1>
:ts c'$msiness in-icate- to meDsince : ha- trie- that sort o% b$siness m1se'% in the pastDthat it
"as a shapeshi%te- h$man rather than a tr$e "o'% ma)ica''1 )i%te- "ith speech; Bost peop'e "ho
-a1-ream o% trans%ormin) themse'&es into some &icio$s beast an- )oin) abo$t tearin) peop'e@s
throats o$t4 -ismemberin) them4 -is%i)$rin) them an- perhaps -e&o$rin) them ten- main'1 to
-"e'' $pon ho" m$ch %$n it "o$'- be an- )enera''1 ne)'ect the practica'ities o% the sit$ation;
=hen 1o$ %in- 1o$rse'% a <$a-r$pe-4 "ith a comp'ete'1 -i%%erent center o% )ra&it1 an- a no&e'
arra1 o% sensor1 inp$t4 it is not a'' that eas1 to )et aro$n- %or a time "ith an1 meas$re o% )race;
One is )enera''1 %ar more &$'nerab'e than one@s appearance "o$'- 'ea- others to be'ie&e; An-
certain'1 one is no"here near as 'etha' an- e%%icient as the rea' thin) "ith a 'i%etime o% practice
behin- it; No; :@&e a'"a1s ten-e- to think o% it more as a terrorist tactic than an1thin) e'se;
Be that ho" it ma14 the manner o% the beast@s comin) an- )oin) "as act$a''1 the main ca$se o%
m1 trepi-ation concernin) the entire a%%air; :t ha- emp'o1e- a !r$mp #ate4 "hich is not a thin)
one -oes 'i)ht'1Dor at a''4 %or that matter4 i% it can be a&oi-e-; :t is a %'ash1 an- spectac$'ar
thin)4 to make !r$mp contact "ith some -istant p'ace an- then po$r tons o% po"er into the
ob?ecti%ication o% s$ch a )ate"a1 as a %orm possesse- %or a time o% an in-epen-ent e.istence; :t is
e.cee-in)'1 pro%'i)ate o% ener)1 an- e%%ortDe&en a he''r$n is m$ch easierDto create one "hich
"i'' stan- %or e&en %i%teen min$tes; :t can -rain most o% 1o$r reso$rces %or a 'on) "hi'e; Aet this
"as "hat ha- occ$rre-; !he reason behin- it -i- not tro$b'e me4 as m$ch as the %act that it ha-
happene- at a''; +or the on'1 peop'e capab'e o% the %eat "ere )en$ine initiates o% the !r$mps; :t
co$'-n@t be -one b1 someone "ho ?$st happene- to come into possession o% a car-;
=hich narro"e- the %ie'- consi-erab'1;
: trie- to pict$re the "erebeast abo$t its erran-; +irst4 it "o$'- ha&e to 'ocate me an-D
O% co$rse; : s$--en'1 reca''e- the -ea- -o)s in the )ro&e near Arbor ,o$se an- the 'ar)e
-o)'ike tracks in the &icinit1; !he thin) ha- spotte- me sometime be%ore4 then4 an- ha- been
"atchin)4 "aitin); :t ha- %o''o"e- me "hen : set o$t 1ester-a1 e&enin)4 an- "hen : ma-e m1
camp it ma-e its mo&e; :t set $pDor "as set $p "ithDthe !r$mp #ate4 %or a retreat that "o$'-
brook no p$rs$it; !hen it came to ki'' me; An- : ha- no "a1 o% te''in) "hether it in&o'&e- (har$
#arr$'4 9$ke@s secret4 the b'$e stones or the bo-1-s"itchin) entit1@s mission; +or no" it "o$'-
simp'1 ha&e to -an)'e as 1et another 'oose en-4 "hi'e : concentrate- on basics;
: o&ertook an- passe- a 'ine o% "a)ons hea-e- %or Amber; A %e" horse- men "ent b1 me hea-e-
in the other -irection; No one : kne"4 tho$)h e&er1one "a&e-; !he c'o$-s contin$e- to mo$nt to
m1 'e%t4 b$t nothin) resemb'in) a storm took shape; !he -a1 remaine- coo' an- s$nn1; !he roa-
-ippe- an- rose a)ain4 se&era' times4 tho$)h o&era'' it rose more than it -ippe-; : stoppe- at a
'ar)e4 b$s1 inn %or '$nch4 ha- a <$ick4 %i''in) mea' an- -i- not 'in)er; !he roa- impro&e- stea-i'1
a%ter that4 an- it "as not 'on) be%ore : ca$)ht -istant )'impses o% Amber atop 3o'&ir4 spark'in) in
the noon-a1 'i)ht;
!ra%%ic )re" hea&ier as the s$n a-&ance- thro$)h the hea&ens; : contin$e- to make p'ans an-
in-$')e in "hate&er spec$'ations came to min- as : ro-e on into a%ternoon; B1 $phi'' "a1 took
se&era' t$rnin)s as the ro$te passe- thro$)h the hei)hts4 b$t Amber remaine- in si)ht most o% the
: reco)ni6e- no one a'on) the "a14 an- : reache- the 2astern #atepart o% an ancient %orti%ication
D'ate in the a%ternoon; : ma-e m1 "a1 $p 2ast 7ine an- stoppe- at the Ba1'e to"n ho$se4 "here
: ha- once atten-e- a part1; : 'e%t (moke "ith a )room at the stab'e in the rear4 an- the1 both
seeme- happ1 to see each other; : "a'ke- aro$n- to the %ront -oor then an- knocke-; A ser&ant
in%orme- me that the Baron "as o$t4 so : i-enti%ie- m1se'% an- )a&e him 7inta@s messa)e4 "hich
he promise- to -e'i&er "hen his emp'o1er ret$rne-;
!hat -$t1 o$t o% the "a14 : procee-e- $p 2ast 7ine on %oot; Near the top4 b$t be%ore the s'ope
)re" ro$)h'1 'e&e'4 : sme''e- %oo- an- -iscar-e- m1 p'an o% "aitin) to eat $nti' : "as back at the
pa'ace; : ha'te- an- cast abo$t me %or the so$rce o% the aromas; : 'ocate- it $p a si-e street to m1
ri)ht "here the "a1 "i-ene- into a 'ar)e circ'e4 a %o$ntain at its center in "hich a rearin) copper
-ra)on "ith a "on-er%$' )reen patina pisse- into a pink stone basin; !he -ra)on %ace- a
basement resta$rant ca''e- the Pit4 "ith ten o$tsi-e tab'es enc'ose- b1 a 'o" %ence o% copper
pickets4 potte- p'ants a'on) its insi-e perimeter; : crosse- the circ'e; As : passe- the %o$ntain :
sa" a )reat n$mber o% e.otic coins "ithin its c'ear "ater4 inc'$-in) a *;(; Bicentennia' <$arter;
Crossin) to the %ence- area4 : entere-4 ma-e m1 "a1 thro$)h an- "as abo$t to -escen- the stair
"hen : hear- m1 name ca''e-;
FBer'eI O&er hereIG
: 'ooke- abo$t b$t -i- not see an1one : reco)ni6e- at an1 o% the %o$r occ$pie- tab'es; !hen4 as
m1 e1es retrace- their ro$te4 : rea'i6e- that the o'-er man at the corner tab'e to m1 ri)ht "as
FBi''IG : e.c'aime-;
Bi'' 0oth rose to his %eetDmore a to$ch o% -isp'a1 than an1 %orma'it14 : rea'i6e- imme-iate'1; :
ha-n@t reco)ni6e- him at %irst beca$se he no" sporte- the be)innin)s o% a )ri66'e- bear- an- a
m$stache; A'so4 he ha- on bro"n tro$sers "ith a si'&er stripe r$nnin) -o"n their o$tsi-e seams4
&anishin) into a pair o% hi)h bro"n boots; ,is shirt "as si'&er "ith bro"n pipin)4 an- a b'ack
c'oak 'a1 %o'-e- $pon the chair to his ri)ht; A "i-e b'ack s"or- be't 'a1 atop it an- a sheathe-
b'a-e o% short-to-me-i$m 'en)th "as h$n) $pon it;
FAo$@&e )one nati&e; A'so4 1o$@&e 'ost some "ei)ht;G
F!r$e4G he sai-4 Fan- :@m thinkin) o% retirin) here; :t a)rees "ith me;G
=e seate- o$rse'&es;
F/i- 1o$ or-er 1et>G : aske- him;
FAes4 b$t : see a "aiter on the stair no"4G he sai-; F9et me catch him %or 1o$;G
=hich he -i-4 an- or-ere- %or me too;
FAo$r !hari@s m$ch better4G : sai- a%ter"ar-;
F9ots o% practice4G he rep'ie-;
F=hat@&e 1o$ been -oin)>G
F:@&e sai'e- "ith #erar-; :@&e been to /ei)a4 an- to one o% E$'ian@s camps in Ar-en; 7isite-
0ebma4 too; +ascinatin) p'ace; :@&e been takin) %encin) 'essons; An- /roppa@s been sho"in) me
aro$n- to"n;G
FA'' the bars4 most 'ike'1;G
F=e''4 that@s not a''; :n %act4 that@s "h1 :@m here; ,e o"ns a ha'% interest in the Pit4 an- : ha- to
promise him :@- eat here a 'ot; A )oo- p'ace4 tho$)h; =hen -i- 1o$ )et back>G
FE$st no"4G : sai-4 Fan- :@&e another 'on) stor1 %or 1o$;G
F#oo-; Ao$r stories ten- to be bi6arre an- con&o'$te-4G he sai-; FE$st the thin) %or a coo'
a$t$mn@s e&e; 9et@s hear it;G
: ta'ke- thro$)ho$t -inner an- %or a 'on) "hi'e a%ter"ar-; !he -a1@s-en- chi'' be)an makin) it
$ncom%ortab'e then4 so "e hea-e- %or the pa'ace; : %ina''1 "o$n- $p m1 narrati&e o&er hot ci-er
in %ront o% the %irep'ace in one o% the sma''er rooms in the eastern "in);
Bi'' shook his hea-; FAo$ -o mana)e to sta1 b$s14G he %ina''1 sai-; F: ha&e ?$st one <$estion;G
F=h1 -i-n@t 1o$ brin) 9$ke in>G
F: a'rea-1 to'- 1o$;G
F:t "asn@t m$ch o% a reason; +or some neb$'o$s piece o% in%ormation he sa1s is important to
Amber> An- 1o$@&e )ot to catch him to )et it>G
F:t@s not 'ike that at a'';G
F,e@s a sa'esman4 Ber'e4 an- he so'- 1o$ a 'ine o% shit; !hat@s "hat : think;G
FAo$@re "ron)4 Bi''; : kno" him;G
F+or a 'on) time4G he a)ree-; FB$t ho" "e''> =e@&e been a'' thro$)h this be%ore; =hat 1o$ -on@t
kno" abo$t 9$ke %ar o$t"ei)hs "hat 1o$ -o kno";G
F,e co$'- ha&e )one e'se"here4 b$t he came to me;G
FAo$@re part o% his p'an4 Ber'e; ,e inten-s to )et at Amber thro$)h 1o$;G
F: -on@t think so4G : sai-; F:t@s not his st1'e;G
F: think he@'' $se an1thin) that comes to han-Dor an1one;G
: shr$))e-; F: be'ie&e him; Ao$ -on@t; !hat@s a'';G
F: )$ess so4G he sai-; F=hat are 1o$ )oin) to -o no"4 "ait an- see "hat happens>G
F:@&e a p'an4G : sai-; FE$st beca$se : be'ie&e him -oesn@t mean : "on@t take o$t ins$rance; B$t
:@&e a <$estion %or 1o$;G
F:% : bro$)ht him back here an- 0an-om -eci-e- the %acts "eren@t c'ear eno$)h an- he "ante- a
hearin)4 "o$'- 1o$ represent 9$ke>G
,is e1es "i-ene-4 an- then he smi'e-; F=hat kin- o% hearin)>G he aske-; F: -on@t kno" ho"
s$ch thin)s are con-$cte- here;G
FAs a )ran-son o% Oberon4G : e.p'aine-4 Fhe@- come $n-er ,o$se 9a"; 0an-om is hea- o% the
,o$se no"; :t "o$'- be $p to him "hether to %or)et abo$t a thin)4 ren-er a s$mmar1 ?$-)ment
or ca'' a hearin); As : $n-erstan- it4 s$ch a hearin) co$'- be as %orma' or in%orma' as 0an-om
"ante-; !here are books on the s$b?ect in the 'ibrar1; B$t a person has a'"a1s ha- the ri)ht to be
represente- at one i% he "ante-;G
FO% co$rse :@- take the case4G Bi'' sai-; F:t -oesn@t so$n- 'ike a 'e)a' e.perience that comes
a'on) too o%ten;
FB$t it mi)ht 'ook 'ike a con%'ict o% interest4G he a--e-4 Fsince : ha&e -one "ork %or the Cro"n;G
: %inishe- m1 ci-er an- p$t the )'ass on the mante'piece; : 1a"ne-; F: ha&e to )o no"4 Bi'';G
,e no--e-4 then4 F!his is a'' ?$st h1pothetica'4 isn@t it>G he aske-;
FO% co$rse4G : sai-; F:t mi)ht t$rn o$t to be m1 hearin); #@ni)ht;G
,e st$-ie- me; F*hDthis ins$rance 1o$ "ere ta'kin) abo$t4G he sai-; F:t probab'1 in&o'&es
somethin) risk14 -oesn@t it>G
: smi'e-;
FNothin) an1one co$'- he'p 1o$ "ith4 : s$ppose>G
F=e''4 )oo- '$ck;G
F(ee 1o$ tomorro">G
F9ater in the -a14 ma1be;;;;G
: "ent to m1 room an- sacke- o$t; : ha- to )et some rest be%ore : "ent abo$t the b$siness : ha-
in min-; : -on@t reca'' an1 -reams4 pro or con4 on the matter;
:t "as sti'' -ark "hen : "oke; #oo- to kno" that m1 menta' a'arm "as "orkin);
:t "o$'- ha&e been &er1 p'easant to t$rn o&er an- )o back to s'eep4 b$t : co$'-n@t a''o" m1se'%
the '$.$r1; !he -a1 that 'a1 ahea- "as to be an e.ercise in timin); Accor-in)'14 : )ot $p4 c'eane-
$p an- -resse- m1se'% in %resh c'othes;
: hea-e- %or the kitchen then4 "here : ma-e m1se'% some tea an- toast an- scramb'e- a %e" e))s
"ith chi'is an- onions an- a bit o% pepper; : t$rne- $p some me'ka %r$it %rom the (ne'ters4 tooD
somethin) : ha-n@t ha- in a 'on) "hi'e;
A%ter"ar-4 : "ent o$t thro$)h the rear an- ma-e m1 "a1 into the )ar-en; /ark it "as4 moon'ess
an- -amp4 "ith a %e" "isps o% mist e.p'orin) in&isib'e paths; : %o''o"e- a path to the north"est;
!he "or'- "as a &er1 <$iet p'ace; : 'et m1 tho$)hts )et that "a14 too; :t "as to be a one-thin)-at-
a-time -a14 an- : "ante- to start it o%% "ith that habit o% min- in p'ace;
: "a'ke- $nti' : ran o$t o% )ar-en4 passin) thro$)h a break in a he-)e an- contin$in) a'on) the
ro$)h trai' m1 path ha- become; :t mo$nte- s'o"'1 %or the %irst %e" min$tes4 took an abr$pt t$rn
an- )re" imme-iate'1 steeper; : pa$se- at one ?$ttin) point an- 'ooke- back4 %rom "here : "as
a%%or-e- a &ie" o% the -ark o$t'ine o% the pa'ace4 a %e" 'i)hte- "in-o"s "ithin it; (ome scatters
o% cirr$s hi)h abo&e 'ooke- 'ike rake- star'i)ht in the ce'estia' )ar-en o&er "hich Amber
broo-e-; : t$rne- a"a1 moments 'ater; !here "as sti'' a )oo- -istance to tra&e';
=hen : reache- the crest : "as ab'e to -iscern a %aint 'ine o% 'i)htenin) to the east4 be1on- the
%orest : ha- tra&erse- so recent'1; : h$rrie- past the three massi&e steps o% son) an- stor1 an-
be)an m1 -escent to the north; ('o" at %irst4 the "a1 : %o''o"e- steepene- abr$pt'1 a%ter a time
an- 'e- o%% to the northeast4 then into a )ent'er -ec'ine; =hen it s"$n) back to the north"est
there "as another steep area %o''o"e- b1 another eas1 one4 an- : kne" the )oin) "o$'- be %ine
a%ter that; !he hi)h sho$'-er o% 3o'&ir at m1 back b'ocke- a'' traces o% the pre--a"n 'i)ht : ha-
"itnesse- ear'ier4 an- star-h$n) ni)ht 'a1 be%ore me an- abo&e4 r$bbin) o$t'ines to ambi)$it1 on
a'' b$t the nearest bo$'-ers; (ti''4 : kne" appro.imate'1 "here : "as )oin)4 ha&in) been this "a1
once be%ore4 tho$)h :@- on'1 ha'te- brie%'1 at that time;
:t "as abo$t t"o mi'es past the crest4 an- : s'o"e- as : neare- the area4 searchin); :t "as a 'ar)e4
some"hat horseshoe-shape- -ec'i&it14 an- "hen : %ina''1 'ocate- it : entere- s'o"'14 a pec$'iar
%ee'in) risin) "ithin me; : ha- not conscio$s'1 anticipate- a'' m1 reactions in this matterC b$t at
some 'e&e' : m$st ha&e4 : "as certain;
As : mo&e- into it4 can1on'ike "a''s o% stone risin) at either han-4 : came $pon the trai' an-
%o''o"e- it; :t 'e- me s'i)ht'1 -o"nhi''4 to"ar- a sha-o"1 pair o% trees4 an- then bet"een them
to "here a 'o" stone b$i'-in) stoo-4 &ario$s shr$bs an- )rasses )ro"n "i'- abo$t it; : $n-erstan-
that the soi' "as act$a''1 transporte- there to s$pport the %o'ia)e4 b$t a%ter"ar- it "as %or)otten
an- ne)'ecte-;
: seate- m1se'% on one o% the stone benches in %ront o% the b$i'-in) an- "aite- %or the sk1 to
'i)hten; !his "as m1 %ather@s tombD"e''4 cenotaphDb$i't 'on) a)o "hen he ha- been pres$me-
-ea-; :t ha- am$se- him consi-erab'1 to be ab'e to &isit the p'ace 'ater on; No"4 o% co$rse4 its
stat$s mi)ht "e'' ha&e chan)e-; :t co$'- be the rea' thin) no"; =o$'- this cance' the iron1 or
increase it> : co$'-n@t <$ite -eci-e; :t bothere- me4 tho$)h4 more than :@- tho$)ht it "o$'-; : ha-
not come here on a pi')rima)e; : ha- come here %or the peace an- <$iet a sorcerer o% m1 sort
nee-s in or-er to han) some spe''s; : ha- come hereD
Perhaps : "as rationa'i6in); : ha- chosen this spot beca$se4 rea' tomb or %ake4 it ha- Cor"in@s
name on it4 so it raise- a sense o% his presence4 %or me; : ha- "ante- to )et to kno" him better4
an- this mi)ht be as c'ose as : co$'- e&er come; : rea'i6e-4 s$--en'14 "h1 : ha- tr$ste- 9$ke; ,e
ha- been ri)ht4 back at the Arbor ,o$se; :% : 'earne- o% Cor"in@s -eath an- sa" that b'ame co$'-
be %i.e- %or it4 : kne" that : "o$'- -rop e&er1thin) e'se4 that : "o$'- )o o%% to present the bi''
an- co''ect it4 that : "o$'- ha&e to c'ose the acco$nt4 to "rite the receipt in b'oo-; 2&en ha- : not
kno"n 9$ke as : -i-4 it "as eas1 to see m1se'% in his actions an- too $ncom%ortab'e a thin) to
?$-)e him;
/amn; =h1 m$st "e caricat$re each other4 be1on- 'a$)hter or insi)ht4 into the p'aces o% pain4
%r$stration4 con%'ictin) 'o1a'ties>
: rose; !here "as eno$)h 'i)ht no" to sho" me "hat : "as -oin);
: "ent insi-e an- approache- the niche "here the empt1 stone sarcopha)$s stoo-; :t seeme- an
i-ea' sa%e -eposit bo.4 b$t : hesitate- "hen : stoo- be%ore it beca$se m1 han-s "ere shakin); :t
"as ri-ic$'o$s; : kne" that he "asn@t in there4 that it "as ?$st an empt1 bo. "ith a bit o% car&in)
on it; Aet it "as se&era' min$tes be%ore : co$'- brin) m1se'% to take ho'- o% the 'i- an- raise it;;;;
2mpt14 o% co$rse4 'ike so man1 -reams an- %ears; : tosse- in the b'$e b$tton an- 'o"ere- the 'i-
a)ain; =hat the he''; :% (har$ "ante- it back an- co$'- %in- it here4 'et him ha&e the messa)e that
he "as "a'kin) c'ose to the )ra&e "hen he p'a1e- his )ames;
: "ent back o$tsi-e4 'ea&in) m1 %ee'in)s in the cr1pt; :t "as time to be)in; :@- a mess o% spe''s to
"ork an- han)4 %or :@- no intention o% )oin) )ent'1 to the p'ace "here the "i'- "in-s b'e";
Chapter 11
: stoo- on the rise abo&e the )ar-en4 a-mirin) the a$t$mn %o'ia)e be'o"; !he "in- p'a1e- )ames
"ith m1 c'oak; A me''o" a%ternoon 'i)ht bathe- the pa'ace; !here "as a chi'' in the air; A %'ock
o% -ea- 'ea&es r$she-4 'emmin)-'ike4 past me an- b'e" o%% the e-)e o% the trai'4 ratt'in)4 into the
: ha- not rea''1 stoppe- to a-mire the &ie"4 ho"e&er; : ha- ha'te- "hi'e : b'ocke- an attempte-
!r$mp contactDthe -a1@s secon-; !he %irst ha- occ$rre- ear'ier4 "hi'e : "as han)in) a spe'' 'ike
a rope o% tinse' on the ima)e o% Chaos; : %i)$re- that it "as either 0an-omDirritate- that : "as
back in Amber an- ha- not seem %it to brin) him $p to -ate on m1 most recent -oin)s an- m1
p'ansDor 9$ke4 reco&ere- no" an- "antin) to re<$est m1 assistance in his mo&e a)ainst the
3eep; !he1 both came to min- beca$se the1 "ere the t"o in-i&i-$a's : "ishe- most to a&oi-C
neither o% them "o$'- m$ch 'ike "hat : "as abo$t to -o4 tho$)h %or -i%%erent reasons;
!he ca'' %a-e-4 "as )one4 an- : -escen-e- the trai'4 passe- thro$)h the he-)e an- entere- the
)ar-en; : -i- not "ant to "aste a spe'' to mask m1 passa)e4 so : took a trai' to the 'e%t4 "hich 'e-
thro$)h a series o% arbors "here : "as 'ess e.pose- to the )a6e o% an1one "ho happene- to
)'ance o$t o% a "in-o"; : co$'- ha&e a&oi-e- this b1 tr$mpin) in4 b$t that car- a'"a1s -e'i&ers
one to the main ha''4 an- : ha- no i-ea "ho mi)ht be there;
O% co$rse4 : "as hea-e- that "a1;;;;
: "ent back in the "a1 : ha- come o$t4 thro$)h the kitchen4 he'pin) m1se'% to a san-"ich an- a
)'ass o% mi'k on the "a1; !hen : took the back stairs $p a %'i)ht4 '$rke- a bit an- ma-e it to m1
rooms "itho$t bein) spotte-; !here4 : b$ck'e- on the s"or- be't : ha- 'e%t han)in) at the hea- o%
m1 be-4 checke- the b'a-e4 'ocate- a sma'' -a))er : ha- bro$)ht "ith me %rom ChaosDa )i%t
%rom the Pit--i&er Bor<$ist4 "hom :@- once %i.e- $p "ith an intro-$ction that 'e- to a patrona)e
Jhe "as a mi--'in)-)oo- poetKDan- h$n) it on the other si-e o% m1 be't; : pinne- a !r$mp to the
insi-e o% m1 'e%t s'ee&e; : "ashe- m1 han-s an- %ace an- br$she- m1 teeth4 too; B$t then :
co$'-n@t think o% an1 other "a1s to sta''; : ha- to )o an- -o somethin) : %eare-; :t "as necessar1
to the rest o% m1 p'an; : "as o&er"he'me- b1 a s$--en -esire to be o%% sai'in); E$st '1in) on the
beach "o$'- -o4 act$a''1;;;;
:nstea-4 : -eparte- m1 <$arters an- ma-e m1 "a1 back -o"nstairs4 ret$rnin) the "a1 : ha-
come; : hea-e- "est a'on) the back corri-or4 'istenin) %or %ootsteps an- &oices4 retreatin) once
into a c'oset to 'et some name'ess parties pass; An1thin) to a&oi- o%%icia' notice %or ?$st a 'itt'e
'on)er; +ina''14 : t$rne- 'e%t4 "a'ke- a %e" paces an- "aite- the better part o% a min$te be%ore
enterin) the ma?or corri-or4 "hich 'e- past the 'ar)e marb'e -inin) ha''; No one in si)ht; #oo-; :
sprinte- to the nearest entrance an- peere- "ithin; #reat; !he p'ace "as not in $se; :t "asn@t
norma''1 $se- e&er1 -a14 b$t :@- no "a1 o% kno"in) "hether to-a1 "as some state occasionD
tho$)h this "as not a norma' -inin) ho$r either;
: entere- an- passe- thro$)h; !here is a -ark4 narro" corri-or to its rear4 "ith a )$ar- norma''1
poste- some"here near the passa)e@s mo$th or the -oor at its en-; A'' members o% the %ami'1
ha&e access there4 tho$)h the )$ar- "o$'- 'o) o$r passa)e; ,is s$perior "o$'-n@t ha&e that
in%ormation $nti' the )$ar- reporte- "hen he "ent o%% -$t14 tho$)h; B1 then it sho$'-n@t matter to
!o- "as short4 stock14 bear-e-; =hen he sa" me comin) he presente- arms "ith an a. that ha-
been 'eanin) a)ainst the "a'' moments be%ore; FAt ease; B$s1>G : aske-;
F!o te'' the tr$th4 no4 sir;G
F:@'' be hea-in) -o"n; : hope there are some 'anterns $p here; : -on@t kno" that stair"a1 as "e''
as most;G
F: checke- a n$mber insi-e "hen : came on -$t14 sir; :@'' 'i)ht 1o$ one;G
Bi)ht as "e'' sa&e the ener)1 that "o$'- ha&e )one into the %ire spe''4 : -eci-e-; 2&er1 'itt'e bit
,e opene- the -oor4 he%te-4 s$ccessi&e'14 three 'anterns "hich stoo- insi-e to the ri)ht4 se'ecte-
the secon- one; ,e took it back o$tsi-e4 "here he 'it it %rom the massi&e can-'e in its stan-
part"a1 $p the corri-or;
F:@'' be a"hi'e4G : sai- as : accepte- it %rom him; FAo$@'' probab'1 be o%% -$t1 be%ore :@m
F7er1 )oo-4 sir; =atch 1o$r step;G
FBe'ie&e me4 : "i'';G
!he 'on) spira'in) stair t$rne- ro$n- an- ro$n- "ith &er1 'itt'e &isib'e in an1 -irection b$t
be'o"4 "here a %e" chimne1e- can-'es4 sconce- torches or h$n) 'anterns %'are- a'on) the centra'
sha%t4 -oin) more %or acrophobia than abso'$te b'ackness mi)ht4 : s$ppose; !here "ere ?$st those
'itt'e -ots o% 'i)ht be'o" me; : co$'-n@t see the -istant %'oor4 or an1 "a''s; : kept one han- on the
rai'in) an- he'- the 'antern o$t in %ront "ith the other; /amp -o"n here; B$st14 too; Not to
mention chi''1;
A)ain4 : trie- co$ntin) the steps; As $s$a'4 : 'ost co$nt some"here a'on) the "a1; Ne.t time;;;;
B1 tho$)hts "ent back to that -istant -a1 "hen : ha- come this ro$te be'ie&in) : "as hea-e-
%or -eath; !he %act that : ha-n@t -ie- "as sma'' com%ort no"; :t ha- sti'' been an or-ea'; An- it
"as sti'' possib'e that : co$'- scre" $p on it this time an- )et %rie- or )o $p in a p$%% o% smoke;
Aro$n-4 aro$n-; /o"n4 -o"n; Ni)ht tho$)hts in the mi--'e o% the a%ternoon;;;;
On the other han-4 :@- hear- +'ora sa1 that it "as easier the secon- time aro$n-; (he@- been
ta'kin) abo$t the Pattern moments be%ore4 an- : hope- that@s "hat she "as re%errin) to;
!he #ran- Pattern o% Amber4 2mb'em o% Or-er; Batchin) in po"er the #reat 9o)r$s o% the
Co$rts4 (i)n o% Chaos; !he tensions bet"een the t"o seem to )enerate e&er1thin) that matters;
#et in&o'&e- "ith either4 'ose contro'Dan- 1o$@re -one %or; E$st m1 '$ck to be in&o'&e- "ith
both; :@&e no one "ith "hom to compare notes as to "hether this makes thin)s ro$)her4 tho$)h it
massa)es m1 e)o to think that the mark o% the one makes the other more -i%%ic$'t;;;an- the1 -o
mark 1o$4 both o% them; At some 'e&e' 1o$ are torn apart an- reassemb'e- a'on) the 'ines o% &ast
cosmic princip'es "hen 1o$ $n-er)o s$ch an e.perienceD"hich so$n-s nob'e4 important4
metaph1sica'4 spirit$a' an- 'o&e'14 b$t is main'1 a pain in the ass; :t is the price "e pa1 %or
certain pa"ers4 b$t there is no cosmic princip'e re<$irin) me to sa1 : en?o1 it;
Both the Pattern an- the 9o)r$s )i&e to their initiates the abi'it1 to tra&erse (ha-o" $nassiste-
D(ha-o" bein) the )eneric term %or the possib'1 in%inite co''ection o% rea'it1 &ariations "e p'a1
abo$t in; An- the1 a'so )i&e $s other abi'ities;;;;
Aro$n- an- -o"n; : s'o"e-; : "as %ee'in) s'i)ht'1 -i6614 ?$st 'ike be%ore; At 'east : "asn@t
p'annin) on comin) back this "a1;;;;
=hen the bottom %ina''1 came into si)ht : spee-e- $p a)ain; !here "as a bench4 a tab'e4 a %e"
racks an- cases4 a 'i)ht to sho" them a''; Norma''14 there "as a )$ar- on -$t1 there4 b$t : -i-n@t
see one; Co$'- be o%% makin) ro$n-s4 tho$)h; !here "ere ce''s some"here to the 'e%t in "hich
partic$'ar'1 $n%ort$nate po'itica' prisoners mi)ht sometimes be %o$n- scrabb'in) abo$t an- )oin)
s'o"'1 o$t o% their min-s; : -i-n@t kno" "hether there "ere an1 s$ch in-i&i-$a's -oin) time at
the moment; : kin- o% hope- not; B1 %ather ha- once been one4 an- %rom his -escription o% the
e.perience it -i- not so$n- 'ike eas1 time to -o;
: ha'te- "hen : reache- the %'oor an- ca''e- o$t a co$p'e o% times; : )ot back a s$itab'1 eerie
echo4 b$t no ans"er;
: mo&e- to the rack an- took $p a %i''e- 'antern "ith m1 other han-; An e.tra one mi)ht come in
han-1; :t "as possib'e : "o$'- 'ose m1 "a1; : hea-e- to the ri)ht then; !he t$nne' : "ante- 'a1 in
that -irection; A%ter a 'on) "hi'e4 : stoppe- an- raise- a 'i)ht4 as it a'most seeme- : ha- come too
%ar; !here "as sti'' no t$nne' mo$th in si)ht; : 'ooke- back; !he )$ar- post "as sti'' in si)ht; :
contin$e- on4 searchin) m1 memories o% that 'ast time;
+ina''14 there "as a shi%tin) o% so$n-sDabr$pt echoes o% m1 %oot%a''s; :t "o$'- seem : "as
nearin) a "a''4 an obstac'e; : raise- a 'antern a)ain; Aes; P$re -arkness ahea-; #ra1 stone abo$t
it; : "ent that "a1;
/ark; +ar; !here "as a contin$o$s sha-o"-sho" as m1 'i)ht s'i- o&er rock1 irre)$'arities4 as its
beams )'ance- o%% specks o% bri)htness in the stone "a''s; !hen there "as a si-e passa)e to m1
'e%t; : passe- it an- kept )oin); :t seeme- there sho$'- be another %air'1 soon; Aes; !"o;;;;
!he thir- "as %arther a'on); !hen there "as a %o$rth; : "on-ere- i-'1 "here the1 a'' 'e-; No one
ha- e&er sai- an1thin) abo$t them to me; Ba1be the1 -i-n@t kno" either; Bi6arre )rottoes o%
in-escribab'e bea$t1> Other "or'-s> /ea- en-s> (torerooms> One -a14 perhaps4 "hen time an-
inc'ination came to)ether;;;;
An- then another;
:t "as the se&enth one : "ante-; : ha'te- "hen : came to it; :t -i-n@t )o back a'' that %ar; :
tho$)ht o% the others "ho@- passe- this "a14 an- then : stro-e ahea-4 to the bi)4 hea&14 meta'-
bo$n- -oor; !here "as a )reat ke1 han)in) %rom a stee' hook that ha- been -ri&en into the "a''
to m1 ri)ht; : took it -o"n4 $n'ocke- the -oor an- h$n) it back $p a)ain4 kno"in) that the
-o"nstairs )$ar- "o$'- check it an- re-'ock it at some point in his ro$n-sC an- : "on-ere-Dnot
%or the %irst timeD"h1 it sho$'- be 'ocke- that "a1 in the %irst p'ace i% the ke1 "as kept ri)ht
there; :t ma-e it seem as i% there "ere -an)er %rom somethin) that mi)ht emer)e %rom "ithin; :
ha- aske- abo$t that4 b$t no one :@- <$estione- seeme- to kno"; !ra-ition4 :@- been to'-; #erar-
an- +'ora ha- s$))este-4 respecti&e'14 that : ask 0an-om or +iona; An- the1 ha- both tho$)ht
Bene-ict mi)ht kno"4 b$t :@- ne&er remembere- to ask him;
: p$she- har- an- nothin) happene-; : p$t -o"n the 'anterns an- trie- a)ain4 har-er; !he -oor
creake- an- mo&e- s'o"'1 in"ar-; : reco&ere- the 'anterns an- entere-;
!he -oor c'ose- itse'% behin- me4 an- +rakirDchi'- o% ChaosDp$'se- "i'-'1; : reca''e- m1 'ast
&isit an- remembere- "h1 no one ha- bro$)ht an e.tra 'antern $pon that occasion8 !he b'$ish
)'o" o% the Pattern "ithin the smooth4 b'ack %'oor 'it the )rotto "e'' eno$)h %or one to see one@s
"a1 abo$t;
: 'it the other 'antern; : set the %irst one -o"n at the near en- o% the Pattern an- carrie- the other
one "ith me abo$t the peripher1 o% the thin)4 settin) it -o"n at a point on its %arther si-e; : -i-
not care that the Pattern pro&i-e- s$%%icient i''$mination to take care o% the b$siness at han-; :
%o$n- the -amne- thin) spook14 co'- an- -o"nri)ht intimi-atin); ,a&in) an e.tra nat$ra' 'i)ht
near at han- ma-e me %ee' a 'ot better in its presence;
: st$-ie- that intricate mass o% c$r&e- 'ines as : mo&e- to the corner "here the1 be)an; : ha-
<$iete- +rakir b$t : ha- not entire'1 s$b-$e- m1 o"n apprehensions; :% it "ere a response o% the
9o)r$s "ithin me4 : "on-ere- "hether m1 reaction to the 9o)r$s itse'% "o$'- be "orse "ere : to
)o back an- essa1 it a)ain4 no" that : bore the Pattern as "e''; +r$it'ess spec$'ation;;;;
: trie- to re'a.; : breathe- -eep'1; : sh$t m1 e1es %or a moment; : bent m1 knees; : 'o"ere- m1
sho$'-ers; No $se "aitin) an1 'on)er;;;;
: opene- m1 e1es an- set m1 %oot $pon the Pattern; :mme-iate'14 sparks rose abo$t m1 %oot; :
took another step; Bore sparks; A tin1 crack'in) noise; Another step; A bit o% resistance as :
mo&e- a)ain;;;;
:t a'' came back to meDe&er1thin) : ha- %e't the %irst time thro$)h8 the chi''4 the sma'' shocks4
the eas1 areas an- the -i%%ic$'t ones; !here "as a map o% the Pattern some"here insi-e me4 an- it
"as a'most as i% : rea- %rom it as : mo&e- a'on) that %irst c$r&e4 resistance risin)4 sparks %'1in)4
m1 hair stirrin)4 the crack'in)4 a kin- o% &ibration;;;;
: reache- the +irst 7ei'4 an- it "as 'ike "a'kin) in a "in- t$nne'; 2&er1 mo&ement in&o'&e-
hea&1 e%%ort; 0eso'&e4 tho$)hC that "as a'' that it rea''1 took; :% : ?$st kept p$shin) : "o$'-
a-&ance4 a'beit s'o"'1; !he trick "as not to stop; (tartin) a)ain co$'- be horrib'e4 an- in some
p'aces impossib'e; (tea-1 press$re "as a'' that "as re<$ire- ?$st no"; A %e" moments more an-
: "o$'- be thro$)h; !he )oin) "o$'- be easier; :t "as the (econ- 7ei' that "as the rea' ki''er;;;;
!$rn4 t$rn;;;;
: "as thro$)h; : kne" the "a1 "o$'- be eas1 no" %or a time; : be)an to stri-e "ith a bit o%
con%i-ence; Perhaps +'ora ha- been ri)ht; !his part seeme- a 'itt'e 'ess -i%%ic$'t than it ha- the
%irst time; : ne)otiate- a 'on) c$r&e4 then a sharp s"itchback; !he sparks reache- $p to m1
boottops no"; B1 min- "as %'oo-e- "ith Apri' thirtieths4 "ith %ami'1 po'itics in the Co$rts4
"here peop'e -$e'e- an- -ie- as the s$ccession to the s$ccession to the s$ccession "o$n- an-
shi%te- its intricate "a1 thro$)h b'oo- rit$a's o% stat$s an- e'e&ation; No more; : "as -one "ith
a'' that; P$sh it a"a1; !he1 mi)ht be a 'ot po'iter abo$t it4 b$t more b'oo- "as spi''e- there than
in Amber4 an- %or the -amne-est sma'' a-&anta)es o&er one@s %e''o"s;;;;
: )ritte- m1 teeth; :t "as har- to keep m1 min- %oc$se- on the task at han-; Part o% the e%%ect4 o%
co$rse; : remembere- that too4 no"; Another step;;;; !in)'in) sensations a'' the "a1 $p m1 'e)s;;;;
!he crack'in) so$n-s as 'o$- as a storm to me;;;; One %oot in %ront o% the other;;;; Pick them $p4
p$t them -o"n;;;; ,air stan-in) on en- no";;;; !$rn;;;; P$sh;;;; Brin)in) the (tarb$rst in be%ore
an a$t$mn s<$a''4 9$ke r$nnin) the sai's4 "in- 'ike the breath o% -ra)ons at o$r back;;;; !hree
more steps an- resistance rises;;;;
: am $pon the (econ- 7ei'4 an- it is s$--en'1 as i% : am tr1in) to p$sh a car o$t o% a m$--1
-itch;;;; A'' m1 stren)th )oes %or"ar-4 an- the ret$rn on it is in%initesima'; : mo&e "ith )'acia'
s'o"ness an- the sparks are abo$t m1 "aist; : am b'$e %'ame;;;;
B1 min- is abr$pt'1 strippe- o% -istraction; 2&en !ime )oes a"a1 an- 'ea&es me a'one; !here is
on'1 this past'ess4 name'ess thin) : am become4 stri&in) "ith its entire bein) a)ainst the inertia o%
a'' its -a1sDan e<$ation so %ine'1 ba'ance- that : sho$'- be %ro6en here in mi--stri-e %ore&er4
sa&e that this cance''ation o% masses an- %orces 'ea&es the "i'' $nimpaire-4 p$ri%ies it in a "a14
so that the process o% pro)ress seems to transcen- the ph1sica' stri&in);;;;
Another step4 an- another4 an- : am thro$)h4 an- a)es o'-er an- mo&in) a)ain4 an- : kno" that :
am )oin) to make it -espite the %act that : am approachin) the #ran- C$r&e4 "hich is to$)h an-
trick1 an- 'on); Not at a'' 'ike the 9o)r$s; !he po"er here is s1nthetic4 not ana'1tic;;;;
!he $ni&erse seeme- to "hee' abo$t me; 2ach step here ma-e me %ee' as i% : "ere %a-in) an-
comin) back into %oc$s4 bein) broken -o"n an- reassemb'e-4 scattere- an- )athere-4 -1in) an-
O$t"ar-; On"ar-; !hree more c$r&es then4 %o''o"e- b1 a strai)ht 'ine; : p$she- ahea-; /i6614
na$seate-; (oakin) "et; 2n- o% the 'ine; A series o% arcs; !$rn; !$rn; !$rn a)ain;;;;
: kne" that : "as comin) $p to the +ina' 7ei' "hen the sparks rose to become a ca)e o%
'i)htnin)s an- m1 %eet be)an to -ra) a)ain; !he sti''ness an- the terrib'e p$shin);;;;
B$t this time : %e't someho" %orti%ie-4 an- : -ro&e on"ar- kno"in) that : "o$'- "in thro$)h;;;;
: ma-e it4 shakin)4 an- on'1 a sin)'e short arc remaine-; !hose %ina' three steps ma1 "e'' be the
"orst4 ho"e&er; :t is as i%4 ha&in) )otten to kno" 1o$ this "e''4 the Pattern is re'$ctant to re'ease
1o$; : %o$)ht it here4 m1 ank'es sore as at an1 race@s en-; !"o steps;;;; !hree
O%%; (tan-in) sti''; Pantin) an- sh$--erin); Peace; #one the static; #one the sparks; :% that
-i-n@t "ash o%% the b'$e stones@ &ibes : -i-n@t kno" "hat "o$'-;
No"D"e''4 in a min$teD: co$'- )o an1"here; +rom this point4 in this moment o%
empo"erment4 : co$'- comman- the Pattern to transport me an1"here an- : "o$'- be there
-e'i&ere-; ,ar-'1 a thin) to "aste to4 sa14 sa&e m1se'% a "a'ks $p the spira' staircase an- back to
m1 rooms; No; : ha- other p'ans; :n a min$te;;;
: a-?$ste- m1 appare'4 ran m1 han- thro$)h m1 hair4 checke- m1 "eapons an- m1 hi--en
!r$mp4 "aite- %or the po$n-in) o% m1 p$'se to s$bsi-e;
9$ke ha- s$staine- his in?$ries in a batt'e at the 3eep o% the +o$r =or'-s4 %i)htin) "ith his
%ormer %rien- an- a''1 /a't4 the mercenar14 son o% the /esacratri.; /a't meant 'itt'e to me sa&e as
a possib'e obstac'e4 in that he no" seeme- in the emp'o1 o% the keeper o% the 3eep; B$t e&en
a''o"in) %or an1 time -i%%erentia'D"hich "as probab'1 not that )reatD: ha- seen him %air'1
soon %o''o"in) his %i)ht "ith 9$ke; =hich seeme- to in-icate that he "as at the 3eep "hen : ha-
reache- him &ia his !r$mp;
: trie- to reca'' it4 m1 memor1 o% the room "here : ha- reache- /a't; :t "as prett1 sketch1; =hat
"as the minim$m amo$nt o% -ata the Pattern re<$ire- in or-er to operate> : reca''e- the te.t$re
o% the stone "a''4 the shape o% the sma'' "in-o"4 a bit o% "orn tapestr1 $pon the "a''4 stre"n
r$shes on the %'oorC a 'o" bench an- a stoo' ha- come into &ie" to his rear "hen /a't ha-
mo&e-4 a crack in the "a'' abo&e themDan- a bit o% cob"eb;;;;
: %orme- the ima)e as sharp'1 as : co$'-; : "i''e- m1se'% there; : "ante- to be in that p'ace;;;;
An- : "as;
: t$rne- aro$n- <$ick'14 m1 han- on the hi't o% m1 b'a-e4 b$t : "as a'one in the chamber; : sa" a
be- an- an armoire4 a sma'' "ritin) tab'e4 a stora)e chest4 none o% "hich ha- been in m1 'ine o%
si)ht -$rin) m1 brie% &ie" o% the p'ace; /a1'i)ht shone thro$)h the sma'' "in-o";
: crosse- the room to its sin)'e -oor an- stoo- there %or a 'on) "hi'e4 'istenin); !here "as on'1
si'ence on the other si-e; : opene- it a crackDit s"$n) to the 'e%tDan- 'ooke- $pon a 'on)4
empt1 ha''"a1; : ease- the -oor %arther open; !here "as a stair"a1 -irect'1 across %rom me4
'ea-in) -o"n; !o m1 'e%t "as a b'ank "a''; : steppe- o$tsi-e an- c'ose- the -oor; #o -o"n or )o
ri)ht> !here "ere se&era' "in-o"s on both si-es o% the ha''"a1; : mo&e- to the nearest one4
"hich "as to m1 ri)ht4 an- 'ooke- o$t;
: sa" that : "as near to the 'o"er corner o% a rectan)$'ar co$rt1ar-4 more b$i'-in)s across the
"a1 an- to m1 ri)ht an- 'e%t4 a'' o% them connecte- at the corners sa&e %or an openin) to the
$pper ri)ht "hich seeme- as i% it 'e- to another co$rt1ar- "here a &er1 'ar)e str$ct$re rose
be1on- the b$i'-in)s -irect'1 across %rom me; !here "ere perhaps a -o6en troops in the
co$rt1ar- be'o"4 -ispose- near &ario$s entrance"a1s4 tho$)h not )i&in) the appearance o% bein)
%orma''1 on )$ar-Dthat is4 the1 "ere en)a)e- in c'eanin) an- repairin) their )ear; !"o o% them
"ere hea&i'1 ban-a)e-; (ti''4 most seeme- in s$ch a state that the1 co$'- 'eap to ser&ice %air'1
At the 1ar-@s %ar en- "as a stran)e bit o% %'otsam4 'ookin) 'ike a 'ar)e broken kite4 "hich seeme-
someho" %ami'iar; : -eci-e- to hea- a'on) the ha''"a14 "hich para''e'e- the co$rt1ar-4 %or it
seeme- that this "o$'- take me into those b$i'-in)s a'on) the %arther e-)e o% the perimeter an-
probab'1 )i&e me a &ie" into the ne.t 1ar-;
: mo&e- a'on) the ha''"a14 a'ert to an1 so$n-s o% acti&it1; !here "as nothin) b$t si'ence as :
a-&ance- to the corner; : "aite- there %or a 'on) "hi'e4 'istenin);
:n that : hear- nothin)4 : ro$n-e- the corner then4 an- %ro6e; (o -i- the man seate- on the
"in-o"si'' to the ri)ht; ,e "ore a chain mai' shirt4 a 'eather cap4 'eather 'e))in)s an- boots;
!here "as a hea&1 b'a-e at his si-e4 b$t it "as a -a))er that he he'- in his han-4 apparent'1
)i&in) himse'% a manic$re; ,e 'ooke- as s$rprise- as : %e't "hen his hea- ?erke- in m1 -irection;
F=ho are 1o$>G he aske-;
,is sho$'-ers strai)htene- an- he 'o"ere- his han-s as i% to p$sh himse'% %rom his perch an-
into a stan-in) position;
2mbarrassin) to both o% $s; ,e seeme- to be a )$ar-; =hereas a'ertness or attempte- stea'th
mi)ht ha&e betra1e- him to +rakir or m1se'%4 s'oth ha- pro&i-e- him "ith e.ce''ent concea'ment
an- me "ith a sma'' -i'emma; : "as s$re : co$'-n@t b'$%% him4 or tr$st to the res$'t i% : seeme- to;
: -i- not "ish to attack him an- create a 'ot o% noise; !his narro"e- m1 choices; : co$'- ki'' him
<$ick'1 an- si'ent'1 "ith a neat 'itt'e car-iac-arrest spe'' : ha- han)in) in %ront o% me; B$t : &a'$e
'i%e too hi)h'1 to "aste it "hen there is no nee-; (o4 as m$ch as : hate- to spen- another spe''
that : carrie- this soon4 : spoke the "or- that ca$se- m1 han- to mo&e re%'e.i&e'1 thro$)h an
accompan1in) )est$re4 an- : ha- a )'impse o% the 9o)r$s as its %orce p$'se- thro$)h me; !he
man c'ose- his e1es an- s'$mpe- back a)ainst the casement; : a-?$ste- his position a)ainst
s'ippa)e an- 'e%t him snorin) peace%$''14 the -a))er sti'' in his han-; Besi-es4 : mi)ht ha&e a
)reater nee- %or the car-iac-arrest spe'' 'ater;
!he corri-or entere- some sort o% )a''er1 ahea-4 "hich seeme- to b$')e in both -irections; :n
that : co$'- not see "hat 'a1 at either han- be1on- a certain point4 : kne" that : "o$'- ha&e to
e.pen- another spe'' sooner than : mi)ht "ish; : spoke the "or- %or m1 in&isibi'it1 spe''4 an- the
"or'- )re" se&era' sha-es -arker; : ha- been hopin) to )et a 'itt'e %arther be%ore : ha- to $se it4
since it "as on'1 )oo- %or abo$t t"ent1 min$tes an- : ha- no i-ea "here m1 pri6e mi)ht 'ie; B$t
: co$'-n@t a%%or- to take chances; : h$rrie- a'on) an- passe- into the )a''er14 "hich pro&e- empt1;
: 'earne- a 'itt'e more )eo)raph1 in that p'ace4 tho$)h; : ha- a &ie" %rom there into the ne.t
co$rt1ar-4 an- it "as )i)antic; :t containe- the massi&e str$ct$re : ha- )'impse- %rom the other
si-e; :t "as a h$)e4 so'i-'1 b$i't %ortressC it appeare- to ha&e on'1 one entrance4 an- that "e''
)$ar-e-; +rom the opposite si-e o% the )a''er14 : sa" that there "as a'so an o$ter co$rt1ar-4
'ea-in) $p to hi)h4 "e''-%orti%ie- "a''s;
: -eparte- the )a''er1 an- so$)ht a %'i)ht o% stairs4 a'most certain that that h$'kin) )ra1-stone
str$ct$re "as the p'ace : sho$'- be searchin); :t ha- an a$ra o% ma)ic abo$t it that : co$'- %ee'
-o"n to m1 toes;
: ?o))e- a'on) the ha''"a14 took a t$rn an- sa" a )$ar- at the hea- o% a stair"a1; :% he %e't
an1thin) o% m1 passa)e it "as on'1 the bree6e stirre- b1 m1 c'oak; : r$she- -o"n the stairs;
!here "as an a-it at its %oot4 'ea-in) to another corri-orDa -ark oneDo%% to the 'e%tC an- there
"as a hea&1 ironbo$n- -oor -irect'1 be%ore me4 in the "a'' %acin) the inner co$rt1ar-;
: p$she- the -oor open4 passe- thro$)h an- steppe- asi-e <$ick'14 %or a )$ar- ha- t$rne-4 stare-
an- "as be)innin) to approach; : a&oi-e- him an- mo&e- to"ar- the cita-e'; A %oc$s o% po"ers4
9$ke ha- sai-; Aes; : co$'- %ee' this more stron)'1 the c'oser : )ot to the p'ace; : -i- not ha&e
time to tr1 to %i)$re o$t ho" to -ea' "ith them4 to channe' them; An1"a14 :@- bro$)ht a'on) m1
pri&ate stock;
=hen : neare- the "a'' : c$t to the 'e%t; A <$ick circ$it "as in or-er4 %or in%ormationa' p$rposes;
Part"a1 aro$n- it4 : sa" that m1 )$ess that there "as on'1 one apparent entrance "as correct;
A'so4 there "ere no "in-o"s in its "a''s 'o"er than abo$t thirt1 %eet; !here "as a hi)h4 spike-
meta' %ence abo$t the p'ace4 an- a pit on the insi-e o% the %ence; !he thin) that most s$rprise- me
"as not a %eat$re o% the str$ct$re4 ho"e&er; On its %ar si-e4 near the "a''4 "ere t"o more o% the
'ar)e broken kites an- three re'ati&e'1 intact ones; !he matter o% conte.t no 'on)er c'o$-e- m1
perceptionDnot "ith the $nbroken ones be%ore me; !he1 "ere han) )'i-ers; : "as ea)er to take a
c'oser 'ook at them4 b$t time "as r$nnin) on m1 in&isibi'it1 an- : co$'-n@t a%%or- the -eto$r; :
h$rrie- the rest o% the "a1 aro$n- an- st$-ie- the )ate;
!he )ate to the %ence "as c'ose- an- %'anke- b1 t"o )$ar-s; (e&era' paces be1on- it "as a
remo&ab'e "oo-en bri-)e4 rein%orce- "ith meta' strappin)4 in p'ace across the -itch; !here "ere
'ar)e e1e bo'ts at its corners4 an- there "as a "inch b$i't into the "a'' abo&e the )ateC the "inch
bore %o$r chains terminatin) in hooks; : "on-ere- ho" hea&1 the bri-)e "as; !he -oor to the
cita-e' "as recesse- abo$t three %eet into the stone "a''4 an- it "as hi)h4 "i-e an- p'ate-4
'ookin) as i% it co$'- "ithstan- a batterin) ram@s po$n-in) %or a )oo- 'on) "hi'e;
: approache- the )ate to the %ence an- st$-ie- it; No 'ock on itD?$st a simp'e han--operate-
'atchin) mechanism; : co$'- open it4 r$n thro$)h4 -ash across the span an- be at the bi) -oor
be%ore the )$ar-s ha- an1 i-ea as to "hat mi)ht be )oin) on; On the other han-4 consi-erin) the
nat$re o% the p'ace4 the1 mi)ht "e'' ha&e ha- some instr$ction as to the possibi'it1 o% an
$nnat$ra' attack; :% so4 it "o$'- not be necessar1 %or them to see me i% the1 respon-e- <$ick'1
an- cornere- me in the a'co&e; An- :@- a %ee'in) the hea&1 -oor insi-e "as not $n'ocke-;
: m$se- %or se&era' moments4 sortin) thro$)h m1 spe''s; : a'so checke- a)ain on the position o%
the si. or ei)ht other peop'e in the 1ar-; None "ere too near4 none mo&in) in this -irection;;;;
: a-&ance- $pon the )$ar-s <$iet'1 an- p'ace- +rakir on the sho$'-er o% the man to m1 'e%t "ith
an or-er %or a <$ick choke; !hree rapi- steps to the ri)ht4 then4 an- : str$ck the other )$ar- on the
'e%t si-e o% his neck "ith the e-)e o% m1 han-; : ca$)ht him beneath the armpits4 to pre&ent the
ratt'in) a %a'' "o$'- pro-$ce4 an- 'o"ere- him to his r$mp4 back a)ainst the %ence4 to the ri)ht o%
the )ate; Behin- me4 tho$)h4 : hear- the c'atter o% the other man@s scabbar- a)ainst the %ence as
he s'$mpe-4 c'$tchin) at his throat; : h$rrie- to him4 )$i-e- him the rest o% the "a1 to the )ro$n-
an- remo&e- +rakir; A <$ick )'ance abo$t sho"e- me that t"o other men across the co$rt1ar-
"ere no" 'ookin) in this -irection; /amn;
: $n'atche- the )ate4 s'ippe- "ithin4 c'ose- it an- 'atche- it behin- me; : h$rrie- across the
bri-)e then an- 'ooke- back; !he t"o men : ha- notice- "ere no" hea-e- in this -irection;
!here%ore4 : "as imme-iate'1 presente- "ith another choice; : -eci-e- to see ho" ar-$o$s the
more strate)ica''1 so$n- one mi)ht be;
(<$attin)4 : ca$)ht ho'- o% the nearest corner o% the bri-)eDto m1 ri)ht; !he -itch it spanne-
seeme- somethin) 'ike t"e'&e %eet in -epth4 an- it "as a'most t"ice that in "i-th;
: be)an strai)htenin) m1 'e)s; /amne- hea&14 b$t the thin) creake- an- m1 corner rose se&era'
inches; : he'- it there %or a moment4 )ot contro' o% m1 breathin) an- trie- a)ain; Bore creakin)
an- a %e" more inches; A)ain;;;; B1 han-s h$rt "here the e-)es presse- into them; B1 arms %e't
as i% the1 "ere bein) s'o"'1 "renche- %rom their sockets; As : strai)htene- m1 'e)s an- straine-
$p"ar- "ith e&en )reater e.ertion4 : "on-ere- ho" man1 peop'e %ai' in rob$st $n-ertakin)s
beca$se o% s$--en 'o"er back prob'ems; : )$ess the1@re the ones 1o$ -on@t hear abo$t; : co$'-
%ee' m1 heart po$n-in) as i% it %i''e- m1 entire chest; B1 corner "as no" abo$t a %oot abo&e the
)ro$n-4 b$t the e-)e to m1 'e%t "as sti'' to$chin); : straine- a)ain4 %ee'in) the perspiration
appear as i% b1 ma)ic across m1 bro" an- $n-er m1 arms; Breathe;;;; *pI
:t "ent to knee 'e&e'4 then abo&e; !he corner to m1 'e%t "as %ina''1 raise-; : hear- the &oices o%
the t"o approachin) menD'o$-4 e.cite-Dthe1 "ere h$rr1in) no"; : be)an e-)in) to m1 'e%t4
-ra))in) the "ho'e str$ct$re "ith me; !he corner -irect'1 across %rom me mo&e- o$t"ar- as :
-i- so; #oo-; : kept mo&in); !he corner to m1 'e%t "as no" a co$p'e o% %eet o$t o&er the chasm;
: %e't %ier1 pains a'' the "a1 $p m1 arms an- into m1 sho$'-ers an- neck; +arther;;;;
!he men "ere at the )ate no"4 b$t the1 pa$se- to e.amine the %a''en )$ar-s; #oo-4 a)ain; : sti''
"asn@t certain that the bri-)e mi)ht not catch an- ho'- i% : "ere to -rop it; :t ha- to s'ip into the
chasm4 or : "as makin) m1se'% a can-i-ate %or -isk s$r)er1 %or nothin); 9e%t;;;;
:t be)an s"a1in) in m1 )rip4 tippin) to the ri)ht; : co$'- te'' that it "as )oin) to s'ip %rom m1
contro' in a %e" moments; 9e%t a)ain4 'e%t;;;a'most;;;; !he men ha- t$rne- their attention %rom the
%a''en )$ar-s to the mo&in) bri-)e no" an- "ere %$mb'in) at the 'atch; !"o more "ere r$shin)
to ?oin them %rom across the "a14 an- : hear- a series o% sho$ts; Another step; !he thin) "as
rea''1 s'ippin) no"; : "asn@t )oin) to be ab'e to ho'- it;;;; One more step;;;;
9et )o an- )et backI
B1 corner crashe- a)ainst the e-)e o% the chasm4 b$t the "oo- sp'intere- an- the e-)e )a&e
"a1 an- : kept retreatin); !he span %'oppe- o&er as it %e''4 str$ck a)ainst the %ar si-e t"ice an-
hit the bottom "ith a terri%ic crash; B1 arms h$n) at m1 si-es4 $se'ess %or the moment;
: t$rne- an- hea-e- %or the -oor"a1; B1 spe'' "as sti'' ho'-in)4 so at 'east : "as not a tar)et %or
an1 h$r'e- missi'es %rom the other si-e o% the moat;
=hen : )ot to the -oor it took a'' that : ha- o% e%%ort to raise m1 arms to the bi) rin) on the ri)ht-
han- si-e an- catch ho'- o% it; B$t nothin) happene- "hen : p$''e-; !he thin) "as sec$re-; : ha-
e.pecte- that4 tho$)h4 an- "as prepare-; :@- ha- to tr1 %irst4 ho"e&er; : -o not spen- m1 spe''s
: spoke the "or-s4 three o% them this timeD'ess e'e)ant beca$se it "as a s'opp1 spe''4 tho$)h it
possesse- immense %orce;
B1 entire bo-1 shook as the -oor e.p'o-e- in"ar- as i% kicke- b1 a )iant "earin) a stee'-toe-
boot; : entere- imme-iate'1 an- "as imme-iate'1 con%$se- as m1 e1es a-?$ste- to the -imness; :
"as in a t"o-stor1-hi)h ha''; (tair"a1s rose to the ri)ht an- the 'e%t ahea- o% me4 c$r&in) in"ar-
to"ar- a rai'e- 'an-in)4 the termin$s o% a secon--%'oor ha''"a1; !here "as another ha''"a1
be'o" it4 -irect'1 across %rom me; !"o stair"a1s a'so hea-e- -o"n"ar-4 to the rear o% those
"hich ascen-e-; /ecisions4 -ecisions;;;;
:n the center o% the room "as a b'ack stone %o$ntain4 spra1in) %'amesDnot "aterDinto the airC
the %ire -escen-e- into the %ont@s basin4 "here it s"ir'e- an- -ance-; !he %'ames "ere re- an-
oran)e in the air4 "hite an- 1e''o" be'o"4 ripp'in); A %ee'in) o% po"er %i''e- the chamber;
An1one "ho co$'- contro' the %orces 'oose in this p'ace "o$'- be a %ormi-ab'e opponent in-ee-;
=ith '$ck4 : mi)ht not ha&e to -isco&er ho" %ormi-ab'e;
: a'most "aste- a specia' attack "hen : became a"are o% the t"o %i)$res in the corner4 o%% to m1
ri)ht; B$t the1 ha-n@t stirre- at a''; !he1 "ere $nnat$ra''1 sti''; (tat$es4 o% co$rse;;;;
: "as tr1in) to -eci-e "hether to )o $p4 )o -o"n or mo&e strai)ht ahea-4 an- :@- ?$st abo$t
-eci-e- to -escen-4 on the theor1 that there is some sort o% instinct to imprison enemies in -ank4
be'o"-)ro$n- <$arters4 "hen somethin) abo$t the t"o stat$es -re" m1 attention a)ain; B1
&ision ha&in) a-?$ste- some"hat4 : co$'- no" make o$t that one "as a "hite-haire- man4 the
other a -ark-haire- "oman; : r$bbe- m1 e1es4 not rea'i6in) %or se&era' secon-s that : ha- seen
the o$t'ine o% m1 han-; B1 in&isibi'it1 spe'' "as -issipatin);;;;
: mo&e- to"ar- the %i)$res; !he %act that the o'- man "as ho'-in) a co$p'e o% c'oaks an- hats
sho$'- ha&e been the tipo%%; B$t : raise- the skirt o% his -ark b'$e robe an1"a1; :n the s$--en'1
bri)hter 'i)ht %rom the %o$ntain : sa" "here the name 0:NA9/O ha- been car&e- into his ri)ht
'e); Nast1 'itt'e ki-4 that;
!he "oman at his si-e "as Easra4 sa&in) me the prob'em o% seekin) her ami- ro-ents be'o"; ,er
arms "ere a'so o$tstretche-4 as in a "ar-in) )est$re4 an- someone ha- h$n) a pa'e b'$e $mbre''a
$pon the 'e%t an- a 'i)ht )ra1 9on-on +o) raincoat $pon the ri)htC the matchin) rain hat "as on
her hea-4 at a 'opsi-e- an)'e; ,er %ace ha- been painte- 'ike a c'o"n@s an- someone ha- pinne- a
pair o% 1e''o" tasse's to the %ront o% her )reen b'o$se;
!he 'i)ht behin- me %'are- e&en more bri)ht'14 an- : t$rne- to see "hat "as )oin) on; !he
%o$ntain4 it t$rne- o$t4 "as no" spe"in) its 'i<$i--'ike %ires a %$'' t"ent1 %eet into the air; !he1
-escen-e- to o&er%'o" the basin an- sprea- o$t"ar- across the %'a))e- %'oor; A ma?or ri&$'et "as
hea-e- in m1 -irection; At that point4 a so%t ch$ck'e ca$se- me to 'ook $p"ar-;
=earin) a -ark robe4 co"' an- )a$nt'ets4 the "i6ar- o% the coba't mask stoo- on the 'an-in)
abo&e me4 one han- on the rai'in)4 the other pointe- to"ar- the %o$ntain; :n that : ha- anticipate-
o$r meetin) on this : "as not $nprepare- %or the enco$nter; As the %'ames 'eape-
e&en hi)her4 %ormin) a )reat bri)ht to"er that a'most imme-iate'1 be)an to ben- an- then topp'e
to"ar- me4 : raise- m1 arms in a "i-e )est$re an- spoke the "or- %or the most appropriate o% the
three -e%ensi&e spe''s : ha- h$n) ear'ier;
Air c$rrents be)an to stir4 po"ere- b1 the 9o)r$s4 a'most imme-iate'1 achie&in) )a'e %orce an-
sen-in) the %'ames back a"a1 %rom me; : a-?$ste- m1 position then so that the1 "ere b'o"n
to"ar- the "i6ar- $pstairs; :nstant'14 he )est$re-4 an- the %'ames %e'' back "ithin the %o$ntain4
s$bsi-in) to the barest )'o"in) trick'e;
Oka1; A -ra"; : ha- not come here to ha&e it o$t "ith this )$1; : ha- come to %inesse 9$ke b1
resc$in) Easra on m1 o"n; Once she "as m1 prisoner4 Amber "o$'- s$re as he'' be sa%e %rom
an1thin) 9$ke ha- in min-; : %o$n- m1se'% "on-erin)4 tho$)h4 abo$t this "i6ar-4 as m1 "in-s
-ie- -o"n an- the ch$ck'e came a)ain8 =as he $sin) spe''s4 as : "as> Or4 'i&in) in the mi-st o% a
po"er so$rce s$ch as this4 "as he ab'e to contro' the %orces -irect'1 an- shape them as he chose>
:% it "ere the 'atter4 "hich : s$specte-4 then he ha- a &irt$a''1 ine.ha$stib'e so$rce o% tricks $p
his s'ee&e4 so that in an1 %$''-sca'e competition on his t$r% : "o$'- e&ent$a''1 be re-$ce- to %'i)ht
or to ca''in) in the n$kesDthat is4 s$mmonin) Chaos itse'% to $tter'1 re-$ce e&er1thin) in the
areaDan- this "as a thin) : "as not abo$t to -o4 -estro1in) a'' the m1steries4 inc'$-in) that o%
the "i6ar-@s i-entit14 rather than so'&in) them %or ans"ers that mi)ht be essentia' to Amber@s
A shinin) meta''ic spear materia'i6e- in mi-air be%ore the "i6ar-4 h$n) a moment4 then %'ashe-
to"ar- me; : $se- m1 secon- -e%ensi&e spe''4 s$mmonin) a shie'- that t$rne- it asi-e;
!he on'1 a'ternati&e : co$'- see to m1 -$e'in) "ith spe''s or b'astin) the p'ace "ith Chaos
"o$'- be %or me to 'earn to contro' the %orces here m1se'% an- tr1 beatin) this )$1 at his o"n
)ame; No time %or practice no"4 tho$)hC :@- a ?ob to -o as soon as : co$'- b$1 a %e" moments in
"hich to )et it -one; (ooner or 'ater4 ho"e&er4 it seeme- that "e "o$'- ha&e to ha&e a %$''
con%rontationDsince he seeme- to ha&e it in %or me4 an- ma1 "e'' e&en ha&e been the moti&e
%orce behin- the attack b1 the c'$ms1 "ere"o'% in the "oo-s;
An- : "as not hot on takin) chances to e.p'ore the po"er here %$rther at this pointDnot i% Easra
ha- been )oo- eno$)h to beat the ori)ina' master o% this p'ace4 (har$ #arr$'4 an- then this )$1
ha- been )oo- eno$)h to beat Easra; :@- )i&e a 'ot4 tho$)h4 to kno" "h1 he ha- it in %or me;;;;
(o4 F=hat -o 1o$ "ant4 an1"a1>G : ca''e- o$t;
:mme-iate'14 that meta''ic &oice rep'ie-4 FAo$r b'oo-4 1o$r so$'4 1o$r min- an- 1o$r bo-1;G
F=hat abo$t m1 stamp co''ection>G : ho''ere- back; F/o : )et to keep the +irst /a1 Co&ers>G
: mo&e- o&er besi-e Easra an- thre" m1 ri)ht arm abo$t her sho$'-ers;
F=hat -o 1o$ "ant "ith that one4 %$nn1 man>G the "i6ar- aske-; F(he is the most "orth'ess
propert1 in this p'ace;G
F!hen "h1 sho$'- 1o$ ob?ect to m1 takin) her o%% 1o$r han-s>G
FAo$ co''ect stamps; : co''ect pres$mpt$o$s sorcerers; (he@s mine4 an- 1o$@re ne.t;G
: %e't the po"er risin) a)ainst me a)ain e&en as : sho$te-4 F=hat ha&e 1o$ )ot a)ainst 1o$r
brothers an- sisters in the Art>G
!here "as no rep'14 b$t the air abo$t me "as s$--en'1 %i''e- "ith sharp4 spinnin) shapesD
kni&es4 a. b'a-es4 thro"in) stars4 broken bott'es; : spoke the "or- %or m1 %ina' -e%ense4 the
C$rtain o% Chaos4 raisin) a chitterin)4 smok1 screen abo$t $s; !he sharp items h$rt'in) in o$r
-irection "ere instant'1 re-$ce- to cosmic -$st on comin) into contact "ith it;
Abo&e the -in o% this en)a)ement : crie- o$tC FB1 "hat name sha'' : ca'' 1o$>G
FBaskIG "as the "i6ar-@s imme-iate rep'1Dnot &er1 ori)ina'4 : tho$)ht; :@- ha'% e.pecte- a
Eohn /; Bac/ona'- appe''ationDNi)htmare Ba$&e or Coba't Cas<$e4 perhaps; Oh4 "e'';
: ha- ?$st $se- m1 'ast -e%ensi&e spe''; : ha- a'so ?$st raise- m1 'e%t arm so that that portion o%
m1 s'ee&e bearin) the Amber !r$mp no" h$n) "ithin m1 %ie'- o% &ision; : ha- c$t thin)s a bit
%ine4 b$t : ha- not 1et p'a1e- m1 %$'' han-; (o %ar4 : ha- r$n a comp'ete'1 -e%ensi&e sho"4 an- :
"as rather pro$- o% the spe'' : ha- kept in reser&e;
F(he@'' -o 1o$ no )oo-4 that one4G Bask sai-4 as both o$r spe''s s$bsi-e- an- he prepare- to
strike a)ain;
F,a&e a nice -a14 an1"a14G : sai-4 an- : rotate- m1 "rists4 pointe- m1 %in)ers to -irect the %'o"
an- spoke the "or- that beat him to the p$nch; FAn e1e %or an e1eIG : ca''e- o$t4 as the contents
o% an entire %'orist shop %e'' $pon Bask4 comp'ete'1 b$r1in) him in the bi))est -amne- bo$<$et
:@- e&er seen; (me''e- nice4 too;
!here "as si'ence an- a s$bsi-ence o% %orces as : re)ar-e- the !r$mp4 reache- thro$)h it; E$st as
the contact "as achie&e- there "as a -ist$rbance in the %'ora' -isp'a1 an- Bask rose thro$)h it4
'ike the A''e)or1 o% (prin);
: "as probab'1 a'rea-1 %a-in) %rom his &ie" as he sai-4 F:@'' ha&e 1o$ 1et;G
FAn- s"eets to the s"eet4G : rep'ie-4 then spoke the "or- that comp'ete- the spe''4 -roppin) a
'oa- o% man$re $pon him;
: steppe- thro$)h into the main ha'' o% Amber4 bearin) Easra "ith me; Bartin stoo- near a
si-eboar-4 a )'ass o% "ine in his han-4 ta'kin) "ith Bors4 the %a'coner; ,e )re" si'ent at Bors@s
"i-e-e1e- stare in m1 -irection4 then t$rne- an- stare- himse'%;
: set Easra on her %eet besi-e the -oor"a1; : "as not abo$t to scre" aro$n- "ith the spe'' on her
ri)ht no"Dan- : "as not at a'' s$re "hat :@- -o "ith her i% : re'ease- her %rom it; (o : h$n) m1
c'oak on her4 "ent o&er to the si-eboar- an- po$re- m1se'% a )'ass o% "ine4 no--in) to Bors an-
Bartin as : passe-;
: -raine- the )'ass4 p$t it -o"n4 then sai- to them4 F=hate&er 1o$ -o4 -on@t car&e 1o$r initia's on
her;G !hen : "ent an- %o$n- a so%a in a room to the east4 stretche- o$t on it an- c'ose- m1 e1es;
9ike a bri-)e o&er tro$b'e- "aters; (ome -a1s are -iamon-s; =here ha&e a'' the %'o"ers )one>
(omethin) 'ike that;
Chapter 12
!here "as a 'ot o% smoke4 a )iant "orm an- man1 %'ashes o% co'ore- 'i)ht; 2&er1 so$n- "as
born into %orm4 b'a6e- to its peak4 %a-e- as it "ane-; 9i)htnin)-'ike stabs o% e.istence4 theseD
ca''e- %rom4 ret$rnin) to4 (ha-o"; !he "orm "ent on %ore&er; !he -o)-hea-e- %'o"ers snappe-
at me b$t 'ater "a))e- their 'ea&es; !he %'o"in) smoke ha'te- be%ore a sk1hooke- tra%%ic 'i)ht;
!he "ormDno4 caterpi''arDsmi'e-; A s'o"4 b'in-in) rain be)an4 an- a'' the -ri%tin) -rops "ere
=hat is "ron) "ith this pict$re> somethin) "ithin me aske-;
: )a&e $p4 beca$se : co$'-n@t be s$re; !ho$)h :@- a &a)$e %ee'in) the occasiona' 'an-scape
sho$'-n@t be %'o"in) the "a1 that it -i-;;;;
FOh4 manI Ber'e;;;;G
=hat -i- 9$ke "ant no"> =h1 "o$'-n@t he )et o%% m1 case> A'"a1s a ne" prob'em;
F9ook at that4 "i'' 1o$>G
: "atche- "here a series o% bri)ht bo$n-in) ba''sDor ma1be the1 "ere cometsD"o&e a
tapestr1 o% 'i)ht; :t %e'' $pon the %orest o% $mbre''as;
F9$keDG : be)an4 b$t one o% the -o)-hea-e- %'o"ers bit a han- :@- %or)otten abo$t4 an-
e&er1thin) nearb1 cracke- as i% it "ere painte- on )'ass thro$)h "hich a shot ha- ?$st passe-;
!here "as a rainbo" be1on-D
FBer'eI Ber'eIG
:t "as /roppa shakin) m1 sho$'-er4 m1 s$--en'1 opene- e1es sho"e- me; An- there "as a
-amp p'ace on the so%a "here m1 hea- "as restin); : proppe- m1se'% on an e'bo"; : r$bbe- m1
F/roppa;;;; =hatD>G
F: -on@t kno"4G he to'- me;
F=hat -on@t 1o$ kno"> : mean;;;; ,e''I =hat happene->G
F: "as sittin) in that chair4G he sai-4 "ith a )est$re4 F"aitin) %or 1o$ to "ake $p; Bartin ha- to'-
me 1o$ "ere here; : "as ?$st )oin) to te'' 1o$ that 0an-om "ante- to see 1o$ "hen 1o$ )ot
: no--e-4 then notice- that m1 han- "as oo6in) b'oo-D%rom the p'ace "here the %'o"er ha-
bitten me;
F,o" 'on) "as : o$t>G
F!"ent1 min$tes4 ma1be;G
: s"$n) m1 %eet to the %'oor4 sat $p; F(o "h1@- 1o$ -eci-e to "ake me>G
FAo$ "ere tr$mpin) o$t4G he sai-;
F!r$mpin) o$t> =hi'e : "as as'eep> :t -oesn@t "ork that "a1; Are 1o$ s$re G
F: am4 $n%ort$nate'14 sober at the moment4G he sai-; FAo$ )ot that rainbo" )'o" an- 1o$ starte-
to so%ten aro$n- the e-)es an- %a-e; !ho$)ht :@- better "ake 1o$ then an- ask i% that@s "hat 1o$
rea''1 ha- in min-; =hat@&e 1o$ been -rinkin)4 spot remo&er>G
FNo4G : sai-;
F: trie- it on m1 -o) once;;;;G
F/reams4G : sai-4 massa)in) m1 temp'es4 "hich ha- be)$n throbbin); F!hat@s a''; /reams;G
F!he kin- other peop'e can see4 too> 9ike /!s V -e$.>G
F!hat@s not "hat : meant;G
F=e@- better )o see 0an-om;G ,e starte- to t$rn to"ar- the -oor"a1;
: shook m1 hea-; FNot 1et; :@m ?$st )oin) to sit here an- co''ect m1se'%; (omethin)@s "ron);G
=hen : )'ance- at him : sa" that his e1es "ere "i-e4 an- he "as starin) past me; : t$rne-;
!he "a'' at m1 back seeme- to be me'tin)4 as i% it "ere cast o% "a. an- ha- been set too near a
F:t appears to be a'ar$ms an- e.c$rsions time4G /roppa remarke-; F,e'pIG An- he "as across
the room an- o$t o% the -oor4 screamin);
!hree e1eb'inks 'ater the "a'' "as norma' a)ain in e&er1 "a14 b$t : "as tremb'in); =hat the he''
"as )oin) on> ,a- Bask mana)e- to 'a1 a spe'' on me be%ore :@- c$t o$t> :% so4 "here "as it
: rose to m1 %eet an- t$rne- in a s'o" circ'e; 2&er1thin) seeme- to be in p'ace no"; : kne" that
it co$'- not ha&e been an1thin) as simp'e as ha''$cination born o% a'' m1 recent stresses4 since
/roppa ha- seen it too; (o : "as not crackin) $p; !his "as somethin) e'seDan- "hate&er it "as4
: %e't that it "as sti'' '$rkin) nearb1; !here "as a certain $nnat$ra' c'arit1 to the air no"4 an-
e&er1 ob?ect seeme- $n$s$a''1 &i&i- "ithin it;
: ma-e a <$ick circ$it o% the room4 not kno"in) "hat : "as rea''1 seekin); Not s$rprisin)'14
there%ore4 : -i- not %in- it; : steppe- o$tsi-e then; =hate&er the prob'em4 co$'- it sprin) %rom
somethin) : ha- bro$)ht back "ith me> Bi)ht Easra4 sti%% an- )a$-14 ha&e been a !ro?an horse>
: hea-e- %or the main ha''; A -o6en steps a'on) the "a14 a 'opsi-e- )ri-"ork o% 'i)ht appeare-
be%ore me; : %orce- m1se'% to contin$e4 an- it rece-e- as : a-&ance-4 chan)in) shape as it -i- so;
FBer'e4 come onIG 9$ke@s &oice4 9$ke himse'% no"here in si)ht;
F=here>G : ca''e- o$t4 not s'o"in);
No ans"er4 b$t the )ri-"ork sp'it -o"n the mi--'e an- its t"o ha'&es s"$n) a"a1 %rom me 'ike
a pair o% sh$tters; !he1 opene- onto a nearb'in-in) 'i)htC "ithin it4 : tho$)ht : )'impse- a rabbit;
!hen4 abr$pt'14 the &ision "as )one4 an- the on'1 thin) that sa&e- me %rom be'ie&in) e&er1thin)
"as norma' a)ain "as se&era' secon-s@ "orth o% 9$ke@s so$rce'ess 'a$)hter;
: ran; =as it rea''1 9$ke "ho "as the enem14 as : ha- been "arne- repeate-'1> ,a- : someho"
been manip$'ate- thro$)h e&er1thin) "hich ha- happene- recent'14 so'e'1 %or the p$rpose o%
%reein) his mother %rom the 3eep o% the +o$r =or'-s> An- no" that she "as sa%e ha- he the
temerit1 to in&a-e Amber herse'% an- s$mmon me to a sorcero$s -$e' the terms o% "hich : -i-
not e&en $n-erstan->
No4 : co$'- not be'ie&e it; : "as certain he -i- not possess that sort o% po"er; B$t e&en i% he -i-4
he "o$'-n@t -are tr1 itDnot "ith Easra m1 hosta)e;
As : r$she- a'on) : hear- him a)ainD%rom e&er1"here4 %rom no"here; !his time he "as
sin)in); ,e ha- a po"er%$' baritone &oice4 an- the son) "as FA$'- 9an) (1ne;G =hat sort o%
iron1 -i- this represent>
: b$rst into the main ha''; Bartin an- Bors ha- -eparte-; : sa" their empt1 )'asses on the
si-eboar- near "hich the1 ha- been stan-in); An- near the other -oorD> Aes4 near the other
-oor Easra remaine-4 erect4 $nchan)e-4 sti'' ho'-in) m1 c'oak;
FOka14 9$keI 9et@s ha&e it o$tIG : crie-; FC$t the crap an- 'et@s sett'e this b$sinessIG
!he sin)in) stoppe- abr$pt'1;
: crosse- s'o"'1 to Easra4 st$-1in) her as : "ent; Comp'ete'1 $nchan)e-4 sa&e %or a hat someone
ha- a--e- to her other han-; +rom some"here e'se in the pa'ace4 : hear- a sho$t; Ba1be it "as
/roppa sti'' a'ar$min);
F9$ke4 "here&er 1o$ are4G : sai-4 Fi% 1o$ can hear me4 i% 1o$ can see me4 take a )oo- 'ook an-
'isten8 :@&e )ot her here; (ee> =hate&er 1o$@re p'annin)4 bear that in min-;G
!he room ripp'e- &io'ent'14 as i% : "ere stan-in) in the mi-st o% an $n%rame- paintin) someone
ha- ?$st -eci-e- to )i&e a shake4 to crink'e an- then -ra" ta$t;
!hen4 a ch$ck'e;
FB1 mother the hat rack;;;; =e''4 "e''; ,e14 thanks4 b$--1; #oo- sho"; Co$'-n@t reach 1o$
ear'ier; /i-n@t kno" 1o$@- )one in; !he1 s'a$)htere- $s; !ook some mercs in on han) )'i-ers4
ro-e the therma's; !he1 "ere rea-14 tho$)h; !ook $s o$t; /on@t remember e.act'1 then;;;; ,$rtsIG
FAo$ oka1>G
!here came somethin) 'ike a sob4 ?$st as 0an-om an- /roppa entere- the ha''4 the 'ank %orm o%
Bene-ict si'ent as -eath at their back;
FBer'eIG 0an-om ca''e- to me; F=hat@s )oin) on>G
: shook m1 hea-; F/on@t kno"4G : sai-;
F($re4 :@'' b$1 1o$ a -rink4G 9$ke@s &oice came &er1 %aint'1;
A %ier1 b'i66ar- s"ept thro$)h the center o% the ha''; :t 'aste- on'1 a moment4 an- then a 'ar)e
rectan)'e appeare- in its p'ace;
FAo$@re the sorcerer4G 0an-om sai-; F/o somethin)IG
F: -on@t kno" "hat the he'' it is4G : rep'ie-; F:@&e ne&er seen an1thin) 'ike it; :t@s 'ike ma)ic )one
An o$t'ine be)an to appear "ithin the rectan)'e4 h$man; :ts %orm sett'e- an- took on %eat$res4
)arments;;;; :t "as a !r$mpDa )iant !r$mpDhan)in) in the mi--'e o% the air4 so'i-i%1in); :t "as
Be; : re)ar-e- m1 o"n %eat$res an- the1 'ooke- back at me; : note- that : "as smi'in);
FC@mon4 Ber'e; Eoin the part14G : hear- 9$ke sa14 an- the !r$mp be)an to rotate s'o"'1 $pon its
(o$n-s4 as o% )'ass be''s4 %i''e- the ha'';
!he h$)e car- t$rne- $nti' : &ie"e- it e-)e-on4 a b'ack s'ash; !hen the -ark 'ine "i-ene- "ith a
ripp'e4 'ike partin) c$rtains4 an- : sa" co'ore- patches o% intense 'i)ht s'i-in) be1on- it; : a'so
sa" the caterpi''ar4 p$%%in) on a hookah4 an- %at $mbre''as an- a bri)ht4 shin1 rai'
A han- emer)e- %rom the s'it; F0i)ht this "a1;G
: hear- a sharp intake o% breath %rom 0an-om;
Bene-ict@s b'a-e "as s$--en'1 pointe- at the tab'ea$; B$t 0an-om 'ai- his han- on his sho$'-er
an- sai-4 FNo;G
!here "as a stran)e4 -isconnecte- sort o% m$sic han)in) in the air no"C it seeme- someho"
FC@mon4 Ber'e;G
FAo$ comin) or )oin)>G : aske-;
FAo$ ma-e me a promise4 9$ke8 a piece o% in%ormation %or 1o$r mother@s resc$e4G : sai-; F=e''4
:@&e )ot her here; =hat@s the secret>G
F(omethin) &ita' to 1o$r "e''-bein)>G he aske- s'o"'1;
F7ita' to the sa%et1 o% Amber is "hat 1o$@- sai-;G
FOh4 that secret;G
F:@- be )'a- to ha&e the other one too;G
F(orr1; One secret is a'' :@m se''in); =hich "i'' it be>G
F!he sa%et1 o% Amber4G : ans"ere-;
F/a't4G he rep'ie-;
F=hat o% him>G
F/ee'a the /esacratri. "as his motherDG
F: a'rea-1 kno" that;G
FDan- she@- been Oberon@s prisoner nine months be%ore he "as born; ,e rape- her; !hat@s "h1
/a't@s )ot it in %or 1o$ )$1s;G
FB$''shitIG : sai-;
F!hat@s "hat : to'- him "hen :@- hear- the stor1 one time too man1; : -are- him to "a'k the
Pattern in the sk1 then;G
F,e -i-;G
F: ?$st 'earne- that stor1 recent'14G 0an-om sai-4 F%rom an emissar1 :@- sent to 3ash%a; : -i-n@t
kno" abo$t his takin) the Pattern4 tho$)h;G
F:% 1o$ kne"4 : sti'' o"e 1o$4G 9$ke sai- s'o"'14 a'most -istracte-'1; FOka14 here@s more8 /a't
&isite- me on the sha-o" 2arth a%ter that; ,e@s the one "ho rai-e- m1 "areho$se4 sto'e a stock
o% "eapons an- specia' ammo; B$rnt the p'ace a%ter that to co&er the the%t; : %o$n- "itnesses4
tho$)h; ,e@'' be a'on)Dan1 time; =ho kno"s "hen>G
FAnother re'ati&e comin) to &isit4G 0an-om sai-; F=h1 co$'-n@t : ha&e been an on'1 chi'->G
FBake "hat 1o$ "i'' o% it4G 9$ke a--e-; F=e@re s<$are no"; #i&e me a han-IG
FAo$ comin) thro$)h>G
,e 'a$)he-4 an- the "ho'e ha'' seeme- to '$rch; !he openin) in the air h$n) be%ore me an- the
han- c'aspe- m1 o"n; (omethin) %e't &er1 "ron);
: trie- to -ra" him to me4 b$t %e't m1se'% -ra"n to"ar- him instea-;
!here "as a ma- po"er : co$'- not %i)ht4 an- the $ni&erse seeme- to t"ist as it took ho'- o% me;
Conste''ations parte- be%ore me an- : sa" the bri)ht rai'in) a)ain; 9$ke@s boote- %oot reste-
$pon it;
+rom some -istant point to the rear : hear- 0an-om sho$tin)4 FB-t"e'&eI B-t"e'&eI An- o$tIG
;;;An- then : co$'-n@t reca'' "hat the prob'em ha- been; :t seeme- a "on-er%$' p'ace; (i''1 o% me
to ha&e mistaken the m$shrooms %or $mbre''as4 tho$)h;;;;
: p$t m1 o"n %oot $p on the rai' as the ,atter po$re- me a -rink an- toppe- o%% 9$ke@s; 9$ke
)est$re- to his 'e%t an- the Barch ,are )ot a re%i'' too; ,$mpt1 "as %ine4 ba'ance- there near the
en- o% thin)s; !"ee-'e-$m4 !"ee-'e-ee4 the /o-o an- the +ro) +ootman kept the m$sic
mo&in); An- the Caterpi''ar ?$st kept p$%%in) a"a1;
9$ke c'appe- me on the sho$'-er4 an- there "as somethin) : "ante- to remember b$t it kept
s'ippin) o$t o% si)ht;
F:@m oka1 no"4G 9$ke sai-; F2&er1thin)@s oka1;G
FNo4 there@s somethin);;;; : can@t reca'';;;;G
,e raise- his tankar-4 c'anke- it a)ainst m1 o"n; F2n?o1IG he sai-; F9i%e is a cabaret4 o'-
!he cat on the stoo' besi-e me ?$st kept )rinnin);
*i+n of Chaos
Book 4i+ht
The Chronicles of Amber
b1 0o)er 5e'a6n1
2-Book 7ersion81.2
9ast *p-ate-810 May 2002
Chapter 1
: %e't &a)$e'1 $neas14 tho$)h : co$'-n@t sa1 "h1; :t -i- not seem a'' that $n$s$a' to be -rinkin)
"ith a =hite 0abbit4 a short )$1 "ho resemb'e- Bertran- 0$sse''4 a )rinnin) Cat4 an- m1 o'-
%rien- 9$ke 0a1nar-4 "ho "as sin)in) :rish ba''a-s "hi'e a pec$'iar 'an-scape shi%te- %rom
m$ra' to rea'it1 at his back; =e''4 : "as impresse- b1 the h$)e b'$e Caterpi''ar smokin) the
hookah atop the )iant m$shroom beca$se : kno" ho" har- it is to keep a "ater pipe 'it; (ti''4 that
"asn@t it; :t "as a con&i&ia' scene4 an- 9$ke "as kno"n to keep prett1 stran)e compan1 on
occasion; (o "h1 sho$'- : %ee' $neas1>
!he beer "as )oo- an- there "as e&en a %ree '$nch; !he -emons tormentin) the re--haire-
"oman tie- to the stake ha- been so shin1 the1@- h$rt to 'ook at; #one no"4 b$t the "ho'e thin)
ha- been bea$ti%$'; 2&er1thin) "as bea$ti%$'; =hen 9$ke san) o% #a'"a1 Ba1 it ha- been so
spark'in) an- 'o&e'1 that :@- "ante- to -i&e in an- 'ose m1se'% there; (a-4 too;
(omethin) to -o "ith the %ee'in);;;; Aes; +$nn1 tho$)ht; =hen 9$ke san) a sa- son) : %e't
me'ancho'1; =hen it "as a happ1 one : "as )reat'1 cheere-; !here seeme- an $n$s$a' amo$nt o%
empath1 in the air; No matter4 : )$ess; !he 'i)ht sho" "as s$perb;;;;
: sippe- m1 -rink an- "atche- ,$mpt1 teeter4 there at the en- o% the bar; +or a moment : trie-
to remember "hen :@- come into this p'ace4 b$t that c1'in-er "asn@t hittin); :t "o$'- come to me4
e&ent$a''1; Nice part1;;;;
: "atche- an- 'istene- an- taste- an- %e't4 an- it "as a'' )reat; An1thin) that ca$)ht m1 attention
"as %ascinatin); =as there somethin) :@- "ante- to ask 9$ke> :t seeme- there "as4 b$t he "as
b$s1 sin)in) an- : co$'-n@t think o% it no"4 an1"a1;
=hat ha- : been -oin) be%ore :@- come into this p'ace> !r1in) to reca'' ?$st -i-n@t seem "orth
the e%%ort either; Not "hen e&er1thin) "as so interestin) ri)ht here an- no";
:t seeme- that it mi)ht ha&e been somethin) important4 tho$)h; Co$'- that be "h1 : %e't $neas1>
Bi)ht it be there "as b$siness : ha- 'e%t $n%inishe- an- sho$'- be )ettin) back to>
: t$rne- to ask the Cat b$t he "as %a-in) a)ain4 sti'' seemin) &ast'1 am$se-; :t occ$rre- to me
then that :4 too4 co$'- -o that; +a-e4 : mean4 an- )o somep'ace e'se; =as that ho" : ha- come
here an- ho" : mi)ht -epart> Possib'1; : p$t -o"n m1 -rink an- r$bbe- m1 e1es an- m1
temp'es; !hin)s seeme- to be s"immin) insi-e m1 hea-4 too;
: s$--en'1 reca''e- a pict$re o% me; On a )iant car-; A !r$mp; Aes; !hat "as ho" :@- )otten
here; !hro$)h the car-;;;;
A han- %e'' $pon m1 sho$'-er an- : t$rne-; :t be'on)e- to 9$ke4 "ho )rinne- at me as he e-)e-
$p to the bar %or a re%i'';
F#reat part14 h$h>G he sai-;
FAeah4 )reat; ,o"@- 1o$ %in- this p'ace>G : aske- him;
,e shr$))e-; F: %or)et; =ho cares>G
,e t$rne- a"a14 a brie% b'i66ar- o% cr1sta's s"ir'in) bet"een $s; !he Caterpi''ar e.ha'e- a
p$rp'e c'o$-; A b'$e moon "as risin);
=hat is "ron) "ith this pict$re> : aske- m1se'%;
: ha- a s$--en %ee'in) that m1 critica' %ac$'t1 ha- been shot o%% in the "ar4 beca$se : co$'-n@t
%oc$s on the anoma'ies : %e't m$st be present; : kne" that : "as ca$)ht $p in the moment4 b$t :
co$'-n@t see m1 "a1 c'ear;
: "as ca$)ht $p;;;
: "as ca$)ht;;;;
=e'';;;; :t ha- a'' starte- "hen :@- shaken m1 o"n han-; No; =ron); !hat so$n-s 'ike 5en an-
that@s not ho" it "as; !he han- : shook emer)e- %rom the space occ$pie- b1 the ima)e o% m1se'%
on the car- that "ent a"a1; Aes4 that "as it;;;; A%ter a %ashion;
: c'enche- m1 teeth; !he m$sic be)an a)ain; !here came a so%t scrapin) so$n- near to m1 han-
on the bar; =hen : 'ooke- : sa" that m1 tankar- ha- been re%i''e-; Ba1be :@- ha- too m$ch
a'rea-1; Ba1be that@s "hat kept )ettin) in the "a1 o% m1 thinkin); : t$rne- a"a1; : 'ooke- o%% to
m1 'e%t4 past the p'ace "here the m$ra' on the "a'' became the rea' 'an-scape; /i- that make me
a part o% the m$ra'> : "on-ere- s$--en'1;
No matter; :% : co$'-n@t think here;;;; : be)an r$nnin);;;to the 'e%t; (omethin) abo$t this p'ace
"as messin) "ith m1 hea-4 an- it seeme- impossib'e to consi-er the process "hi'e : "as a part
o% it; : ha- to )et a"a1 in or-er to think strai)ht4 to -etermine "hat "as )oin) on;
: "as across the bar an- into that inter%ace area "here the painte- rocks an- trees became three-
-imensiona'; : p$mpe- m1 arms as : -$) in; : hear- the "in- "itho$t %ee'in) it;
Nothin) that 'a1 be%ore me seeme- an1 nearer; : "as mo&in)4 b$t 9$ke be)an sin)in) a)ain;
: ha'te-; : t$rne-4 s'o"'14 beca$se it so$n-e- as i% he "ere stan-in) practica''1 besi-e me; ,e
"as; : "as on'1 a %e" paces remo&e- %rom the bar; 9$ke smi'e- an- kept sin)in);
F=hat@s )oin) on>G : aske- the Caterpi''ar;
FAo$@re 'oope- in 9$ke@s 'oop4G it rep'ie-;
FCome a)ain>G : sai-;
:t b'e" a b'$e smoke rin)4 si)he- so%t'14 an- sai-4 F9$ke@s 'ocke- in a 'oop an- 1o$@re 'ost in the
'1rics; !hat@s a'';G
F,o"@- it happen>G : aske-;
F: ha&e no i-ea4G it rep'ie-;
F*h4 ho" -oes one )et $n'oope->G
FCo$'-n@t te'' 1o$ that either;G
: t$rne- to the Cat4 "ho "as coa'escin) abo$t his )rin once a)ain;
F: -on@t s$ppose 1o$@- kno"DG4 : be)an;
F: sa" him come in an- : sa" 1o$ come in 'ater4G sai- the Cat4 smirkin); FAn- e&en %or this
p'ace 1o$r arri&a's "ere some"hat;;;$n$s$a'D'ea-in) me to conc'$-e that at 'east one o% 1o$ is
associate- "ith ma)ic;G
: no--e-;
FAo$r o"n comin)s an- )oin)s mi)ht )i&e one pa$se4G : obser&e-;
F: keep m1 pa"s to m1se'%4G he rep'ie-; F=hich is more than 9$ke can sa1;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F,e@s ca$)ht in a conta)io$s trap;G
F,o" -oes it "ork>G : aske-;
B$t he "as )one a)ain4 an- this time the )rin "ent too;
Conta)io$s trap> !hat seeme- to in-icate that the prob'em "as 9$ke@s4 an- that : ha- been
s$cke- into it in some %ashion; !his %e't ri)ht4 tho$)h it sti'' )a&e me no i-ea as to "hat the
prob'em "as or "hat : mi)ht -o abo$t it;
: reache- %or m1 tankar-; :% : co$'-n@t so'&e m1 prob'em4 : mi)ht as "e'' en?o1 it; As : took a
s'o" sip : became a"are o% a stran)e pair o% pa'e4 b$rnin) e1es )a6in) into m1 o"n; : ha-n@t
notice- them be%ore4 an- the thin) that ma-e them stran)e "as that the1 occ$pie- a sha-o"1
comer o% the m$ra' across the room %rom meDthat4 an- the %act that the1 "ereDmo&in)D
-ri%tin) s'o"'1 to m1 'e%t;
:t "as kin- o% %ascinatin)4 "hen : 'ost si)ht o% the e1es b$t "as sti'' ab'e to %o''o" "hate&er it
"as %rom the s"a1in) o% )rasses as it passe- into the area to"ar- "hich : ha- been hea-e-
ear'ier; An- %ar4 %ar o%% to m1 ri)htDbe1on- 9$keD: no" -etecte- a s'im )ent'eman in a -ark
?acket4 pa'ette an- br$sh in han-4 "ho "as s'o"'1 e.ten-in) the m$ra'; : took another sip an-
ret$rne- m1 attention to the pro)ress o% "hate&er it "as that ha- mo&e- %rom %'at rea'it1 to 3-/;
A )$nmeta' sno$t protr$-e- %rom bet"een a rock an- a shr$bC the pa'e e1es b'a6e- abo&e itC b'$e
sa'i&a -rippe- %rom the -ark m$66'e an- steame- $pon the )ro$n-; :t "as either <$ite short or
&er1 cro$che-4 an- : co$'-n@t make $p m1 min- "hether it "as the entire cro"- o% $s that it "as
st$-1in) or me in partic$'ar; : 'eane- to one si-e an- ca$)ht ,$mpt1 b1 the be't or the necktie4
"hiche&er it "as4 ?$st as he "as abo$t to s'$mp to the si-e;
F2.c$se me4G : sai-; FCo$'- 1o$ te'' me "hat sort o% creat$re that is>G
: pointe- ?$st as it emer)e-Dman1-'e))e-4 'on)-tai'e-4 -ark-sca'e-4 $n-$'atin)4 an- %ast; :ts
c'a"s "ere re-4 an- it raise- its tai' as it race- to"ar- $s;
,$mpt1@s b'ear1 e1es mo&e- to"ar- m1 o"n4 -ri%te- past;
F: am not here4 sir4G he be)an4 Fto reme-1 1o$r 6oo'o)ica' i)norDB1 #o-I :t@sDG
:t %'ashe- across the -istance4 approachin) rapi-'1; =o$'- it reach a spot short'1 "here its
r$nnin) "o$'- become a trea-mi'' operationDor ha- that e%%ect on'1 app'ie- to me on tr1in) to
)et a"a1 %rom this p'ace>
!he se)ments o% its bo-1 s'i- %rom si-e to si-e4 it hisse- 'ike a 'eak1 press$re cooker4 an-
steamin) s'a&er marke- its trai' %rom the %iction o% paint; 0ather than s'o"in)4 its spee- seeme-
to increase;
B1 'e%t han- ?erke- %or"ar- o% its o"n &o'ition an- a series o% "or-s rose $nbi--en to m1 'ips; :
spoke them ?$st as the creat$re crosse- the inter%ace : ha- been $nab'e to pierce ear'ier4 rearin) as
it $pset a &acant tab'e an- b$nchin) its members as i% abo$t to sprin);
FA Ban-ersnatchIG someone crie-;
FA %r$mio$s Ban-ersnatchIG ,$mpt1 correcte-;
As : spoke the %ina' "or- an- per%orme- the $'timate )est$re4 the ima)e o% the 9o)r$s s"am
be%ore m1 inner &ision; !he -ark creat$re4 ha&in) ?$st e.ten-e- its %oremost ta'ons4 s$--en'1
-re" them back4 c'$tche- "ith them a)ainst the $pper 'e%t <$a-rant o% its breast4 ro''e- its e1es4
emitte- a so%t moanin) so$n-4 e.ha'e- hea&i'14 co''apse-4 %e'' to the %'oor4 an- ro''e- o&er onto
its back4 its man1 %eet e.ten-e- $p"ar- into the air;
!he Cat@s )rin appeare- abo&e the creat$re; !he mo$th mo&e-;
FA -ea- %r$mio$s Ban-ersnatch4G it state-;
!he )rin -ri%te- to"ar- me4 the rest o% the Cat occ$rrin) abo$t it 'ike an a%tertho$)ht;
F!hat "as a car-iac-arrest spe''4 "asn@t it>G it in<$ire-;
F: )$ess so4G : sai-; F:t "as sort o% a re%'e.; Aeah4 : remember no"; : -i- sti'' ha&e that spe''
han)in) aro$n-;G
F: tho$)ht so4G it obser&e-; F: "as s$re that there "as ma)ic in&o'&e- in this part1;G
!he ima)e o% the 9o)r$s "hich ha- appeare- to me -$rin) the spe''@s operation ha- a'so ser&e-
the p$rpose o% s"itchin) on a sma'' 'i)ht in the m$st1 attic o% m1 min-; (orcer1; O% co$rse;
:DBer'in4 son o% Cor"inDam a sorcerer4 o% a &ariet1 se'-om enco$ntere- in the areas : ha&e
%re<$ente- in recent 1ears; 9$cas 0a1nar-Da'so kno"n as Prince 0ina'-o o% 3ash%aDis himse'%
a sorcerer4 a'beit o% a st1'e -i%%erent than m1 o"n; An- the Cat4 "ho seeme- some"hat
sophisticate- in these matters4 co$'- "e'' ha&e been correct in assessin) o$r sit$ation as the
interior o% a spe''; ($ch a 'ocation is one o% the %e" en&ironments "here m1 sensiti&it1 an-
trainin) "o$'- -o 'itt'e to in%orm me as to the nat$re o% m1 pre-icament; !his4 beca$se m1
%ac$'ties "o$'- a'so be ca$)ht $p in the mani%estation an- s$b?ect to its %orces4 i% the thin) "ere
at a'' se'% consistent; :t str$ck me as somethin) simi'ar to co'or b'in-ness; : co$'- think o% no "a1
o% te''in) %or certain "hat "as )oin) on4 "itho$t o$tsi-e he'p;
As : m$se- o&er these matters4 the 3in)@s horses an- men arri&e- be1on- the s"in)in) -oors at
the %ront o% the p'ace; !he men entere- an- %astene- 'ines $pon the carcass o% the Ban-ersnatch;
!he horses -ra))e- the thin) o%%; ,$mpt1 ha- c'imbe- -o"n to &isit the rest room "hi'e this "as
)oin) on; *pon his ret$rn he -isco&ere- that he "as $nab'e to achie&e his %ormer position atop
the barstoo'; ,e sho$te- to the 3in)@s men to )i&e him a han-4 b$t the1 "ere b$s1 )$i-in) the
-e%$nct Ban-ersnatch amon) tab'es an- the1 i)nore- him;
9$ke stro''e- $p4 smi'in);
F(o that "as a Ban-ersnatch4G he obser&e-; F:@- a'"a1s "on-ere- "hat the1 "ere 'ike; No"4 i%
"e co$'- ?$st )et a Eabber"ock to stop b1DG
F(hIG ca$tione- the Cat; F:t m$st be o%% in the m$ra' some"here4 an- 'ike'1 it@s been 'istenin);
/on@t stir it $pI :t ma1 come "hi%%'in) thro$)h the t$')e1 "oo- a%ter 1o$r ass; 0emember the
?a"s that bite4 the c'a"s that catchI /on@t )o 'ookin) %or tro$bDG
!he Cat cast a <$ick )'ance to"ar- the "a'' an- phase- into an- o$t o% e.istence se&era' times
in <$ick s$ccession; :)norin) this4 9$ke remarke-4 F: "as ?$st thinkin) o% the !ennie'
!he Cat materia'i6e- at the %ar en- o% the bar4 -o"ne- the ,atter@s -rink4 an- sai-4 F: hear the
b$rb'in)4 an- e1es o% %'ame are -ri%tin) to the 'e%t;G
: )'ance- at the m$ra'4 an- :4 too4 sa" the %ier1 e1es an- hear- a pec$'iar so$n-;
F:t co$'- be an1 o% a n$mber o% thin)s4G 9$ke remarke-;
!he Cat mo&e- to a rack behin- the bar an- reache- hi)h $p on the "a'' to "here a stran)e
"eapon h$n)4 shimmerin) an- shi%tin) in sha-o"; ,e 'o"ere- the thin) an- s'i- it a'on) the barC
it came to rest be%ore 9$ke;
FBetter ha&e the 7orpa' ("or- in han-4 that@s a'' : can sa1;G
9$ke 'a$)he-4 b$t : stare- %ascinate- at the -e&ice "hich 'ooke- as i% it "ere ma-e o% moth
"in)s an- %o'-e- moon'i)ht; ;
!hen : hear- the b$rb'in) a)ain;
F/on@t ?$st stan- there in $%%ish tho$)htIG sai- the Cat4 -rainin) ,$mpt1@s )'ass an- &anishin)
(ti'' ch$ck'in)4 9$ke he'- o$t his tankar- %or a re%i''; : stoo- there in $%%ish tho$)ht; !he spe'' :
ha- $se- to -estro1 the Ban-ersnatch ha- a'tere- m1 thinkin) in a pec$'iar %ashion; :t seeme- %or
a sma'' moment in its a%termath that thin)s "ere be)innin) to come c'ear in m1 hea-; : attrib$te-
this to the ima)e o% the 9o)r$s "hich : ha- re)ar-e- brie%'1; An- so : s$mmone- it a)ain;
!he (i)n rose be%ore me4 ho&ere-; : he'- it there; : 'ooke- $pon it; :t seeme- as i% a co'- "in-
be)an to b'o" thro$)h m1 min-; /ri%tin) bits o% memor1 "ere -ra"n to)ether4 assemb'e-
themse'&es into an entire %abric4 "ere in%orme- "ith $n-erstan-in); O% co$rse;;;;
!he b$rb'in) )re" 'o$-er an- : sa" the sha-o" o% the Eabber"ock )'i-in) amon) -istant trees4
e1es 'ike 'an-in) 'i)hts4 'ots o% sharp e-)es %or bitin) an- catchin);;;;
An- it -i-n@t matter a bit; +or : rea'i6e- no" "hat "as )oin) on4 "ho "as responsib'e4 ho" an-
: bent o&er4 'eanin) %ar %or"ar-4 so that m1 kn$ck'es ?$st )ra6e- the toe o% m1 ri)ht boot;
F9$ke4G : sai-4 F"e@&e )ot a prob'em;G
,e t$rne- a"a1 %rom the bar an- )'ance- -o"n at me;
F=hat@s the matter>G he aske-;
!hose o% the b'oo- o% Amber are capab'e o% terri%ic e.ertions; =e are a'so ab'e to s$stain some
prett1 a"%$' beatin)s; (o4 amon) o$rse'&es4 these thin)s ten- to cance' o$t to some -e)ree;
!here%ore4 one m$st )o abo$t s$ch matters ?$st ri)ht i% one is to atten- to them at a'';;;;
: bro$)ht m1 %ist $p o%% the %'oor "ith e&er1thin) : ha- behin- it4 an- : ca$)ht 9$ke on the si-e
o% the ?a" "ith a b'o" that 'i%te- him abo&e the )ro$n- as it t$rne- him an- sent him spra"'in)
across a tab'e "hich co''apse-4 to contin$e s'i-in) back"ar- the 'en)th o% the entire ser&in) area
"here he %ina''1 came to a cr$mp'e- ha't at the %eet o% the <$iet 7ictorian-'ookin) )ent'emanD
"ho ha- -roppe- his paintbr$sh an- steppe- a"a1 <$ick'1 "hen 9$ke came ski--in) to"ar-
him; : raise- m1 tankar- "ith m1 'e%t han- an- po$re- its contents o&er m1 ri)ht %ist4 "hich %e't
as i% : ha- ?$st -ri&en it a)ainst a mo$ntainsi-e; As : -i- this the 'i)hts )re" -im an- there "as a
moment o% $tter si'ence;
!hen : s'amme- the m$) back onto the bartop; !he entire p'ace chose that moment in "hich to
sh$--er4 as i% %rom an earth tremor; !"o bott'es %e'' %rom a she'%C a 'amp s"a1e-4 the b$rb'in)
)re" %ainter; : )'ance- to m1 'e%t an- sa" that the eerie sha-o" o% the Eabber"ock ha- retreate-
some"hat "ithin the t$')e1 "oo-; Not on'1 that4 the painte- section o% the prospect no"
e.ten-e- a )oo- -ea' %arther into "hat ha- seeme- norma' space4 an- it 'ooke- to be contin$in)
its a-&ance in that -irection4 %ree6in) that corner o% the "or'- into %'at immobi'it1; :t became
apparent %rom "hi%%'e to "hi%%'e that the Eabber"ock "as no" mo&in) a"a14 to the 'e%t4 h$rr1in)
ahea- o% the %'atness; !"ee-'e-$m4 !"ee-'e-ee4 the /o-o4 an- the +ro) be)an packin) their
: starte- across the bar to"ar- 9$ke@s spra"'e- %orm; !he Caterpi''ar "as -isassemb'in) his
hookah4 an- : sa" that his m$shroom "as ti'te- at an o-- an)'e; !he =hite 0abbit beat it -o"n a
ho'e to the rear4 an- : hear- ,$mpt1 m$tterin) c$rses as he s"a1e- atop the bar stoo' he ha- ?$st
s$ccee-e- in mo$ntin);
: sa'$te- the )ent'eman "ith the pa'ette as : approache-;
F(orr1 to -ist$rb 1o$4G : sai-; FB$t be'ie&e me4 this is %or the better;G
: raise- 9$ke@s 'imp %orm an- s'$n) him o&er m1 sho$'-er; A %'ock o% p'a1in) car-s %'e" b1 me;
: -re" a"a1 %rom them in their rapi- passa)e;
F#oo-nessI :t@s %ri)htene- the Eabber"ockIG the man remarke-4 'ookin) past me;
F=hat has>G : aske-4 not rea''1 certain that : "ishe- to kno";
F!hat4G he ans"ere-4 )est$rin) to"ar- the %ront o% the bar;
: 'ooke- an- : sta))ere- back an- : -i-n@t b'ame the Eabber"ock a bit;
:t "as a t"e'&e-%oot +ire An)e' that ha- ?$st entere-Dr$sset-co'ore-4 "ith "in)s 'ike staine--
)'ass "in-o"sDan-4 a'on) "ith intimations o% morta'it14 it bro$)ht me reco''ections o% a
pra1in) mantis4 "ith a spike- co''ar an- thorn-'ike c'a"s protr$-in) thro$)h its short %$r at e&er1
s$))estion o% an an)'e; One o% these4 in %act4 ca$)ht on an- $nhin)e- a s"in)in) -oor as it came
insi-e; :t "as a Chaos beastDrare4 -ea-'14 an- hi)h'1 inte''i)ent; : ha-n@t seen one in 1ears4 an-
:@- no -esire to see one no"C a'so4 :@- no -o$bt that : "as the reason it "as here; +or a moment :
re)rette- ha&in) "aste- m1 car-iac-arrest spe'' on a mere Ban-ersnatchD$nti' : reca''e- that
+ire An)e's ha&e three hearts; : )'ance- <$ick'1 abo$t as it spie- me4 )a&e &oice to a brie%
h$ntin) "ai'4 an- a-&ance-;
F:@- 'ike to ha&e ha- some time to speak "ith 1o$4G : to'- the artist; F: 'ike 1o$r "ork;
F: $n-erstan-;G
F(o 'on);G
F#oo- '$ck;G
: steppe- -o"n into the rabbit ho'e an- ran4 bent %ar %or"ar- beca$se o% the 'o" o&erhea-; 9$ke
ma-e m1 passa)e partic$'ar'1 a"k"ar-4 especia''1 on the t$rns; : hear- a scrabb'in) noise %ar to
the rear4 "ith a repetition o% the h$ntin) "ai'; : "as conso'e-4 ho"e&er4 b1 the kno"'e-)e that
the +ire An)e' "o$'- act$a''1 ha&e to en'ar)e sections o% the t$nne' in or-er to )et b1; !he ba-
ne"s "as that it "as capab'e o% -oin) it; !he creat$res are incre-ib'1 stron) an- &irt$a''1
: kept r$nnin) ti'' the %'oor -ippe- beneath m1 %eet;
!hen : be)an %a''in); : reache- o$t "ith m1 %ree han- to catch m1se'%4 b$t there "as nothin) to
catch ho'- o%; !he bottom ha- %a''en o$t; #oo-; !hat "as the "a1 :@- hope- an- ha'% e.pecte- it
"o$'- be; 9$ke $ttere- a sin)'e so%t moan b$t -i- not stir;
=e %e''; /o"n4 -o"n4 -o"n4 'ike the man sai-; :t "as a "e''4 an- either it "as &er1 -eep or "e
"ere %a''in) &er1 s'o"'1; !here "as t"i'i)ht a'' abo$t $s4 an- : co$'- not -iscern the "a''s o% the
sha%t; B1 hea- c'eare- a bit %$rther4 an- : kne" that it "o$'- contin$e to -o so %or as 'on) as :
kept contro' o% one &ariab'e8 9$ke; ,i)h in the air o&erhea- : hear- the h$ntin) "ai' once a)ain;
:t "as %o''o"e- imme-iate'1 b1 a stran)e b$rb'in) so$n-; +rakir be)an p$'sin) so%t'1 $pon m1
"rist a)ain4 not rea''1 te''in) me an1thin) : -i-n@t a'rea-1 kno"; (o : si'ence- her a)ain;
C'earer 1et; : be)an to remember;;;; B1 assa$'t on the 3eep o% the +o$r =or'-s an- m1 reco&er1
o% 9$ke@s mother4 Easra; !he attack o% the "erebeast; B1 o-- &isit "ith 7inta Ba1'e4 "ho "asn@t
rea''1 "hat she seeme-;
B1 -inner in /eath A''e1;;;; !he /"e''er4 (an +rancisco4 the cr1sta' ca&e;;;; C'earer an- c'earer;
;;;An- 'o$-er an- 'o$-er the h$ntin)4 "ai' o% the +ire An)e' abo&e me; :t m$st ha&e ma-e it
thro$)h the t$nne' an- be -escen-in) no"; *n%ort$nate'14 it possesse- "in)s4 "hi'e a'' : co$'-
-o "as %a'';
: )'ance- $p"ar-; Co$'-n@t make o$t its %orm4 tho$)h; !hin)s seeme- -arker $p that "a1 than
-o"n be'o"; : hope- this "as a si)n that "e "ere approachin) somethin) in the nat$re o% a 'i)ht
at the en- o% the t$nne'4 as : co$'-n@t think o% an1 other "a1 o$t; :t "as too -ark to &ie" a !r$mp
or to -istin)$ish eno$)h o% the passin) scene to commence a sha-o" shi%t;
: %e't "e "ere -ri%tin) no"4 rather than %a''in)4 at a rate that mi)ht permit $s to 'an- intact;
(ho$'- it seem other"ise "hen "e neare- the bottom4 then a possib'e means o% %$rther s'o"in)
o$r -escent came to min-Dan a-aptation o% one o% the spe''s : sti'' carrie- "ith me;
,o"e&er4 these consi-erations "ere not "orth m$ch sho$'- "e be eaten on the "a1 -o"nDa
-istinct possibi'it14 $n'ess o% co$rse o$r p$rs$er "ere not a'' that h$n)r14 in "hich case it mi)ht
on'1 -ismember $s; Conse<$ent'14 it mi)ht become necessar1 to tr1 spee-in) $p to sta1 ahea- o%
the beastD"hich o% co$rse "o$'- ca$se $s to smash "hen "e hit;
/ecisions4 -ecisions;
9$ke stirre- s'i)ht'1 $pon m1 sho$'-er; : hope- he "asn@t abo$t to come aro$n-4 as : -i-n@t ha&e
time to mess "ith a s'eep-spe'' an- : "asn@t rea''1 in a )oo- position to s'$) him a)ain; !hat
prett1 m$ch 'e%t +rakir;
B$t i% he "ere bor-er'ine4 then chokin) mi)ht ser&e to ro$se him rather than sen- him backD
an- : -i- "ant him in -ecent shape; ,e kne" too man1 thin)s : -i-n@t4 thin)s : no" nee-e-;
=e passe- thro$)h a s'i)ht'1 bri)hter area4 an- : "as ab'e to -istin)$ish the "a''s o% the sha%t %or
the %irst time an- to note that the1 "ere co&ere- "ith )ra%%iti in a 'an)$a)e that : -i- not
$n-erstan-; : "as remin-e- o% a stran)e short stor1 b1 Eamaica 3incai-4 b$t it bore me no c'$es
%or -e'i&erance; :mme-iate'1 %o''o"in) o$r passa)e thro$)h that ban- o% i''$mination4 :
-istin)$ishe- a sma'' spot o% 'i)ht %ar be'o"; At a'most the same moment : hear- the "ai' once
a)ain4 this time &er1 near;
: 'ooke- $p in time to beho'- the +ire An)e' passin) thro$)h the )'o"; B$t there "as another
shape c'ose behin- it4 an- it "ore a &est an- b$rb'e-; !he Eabber"ock "as a'so on the "a1 -o"n4
an- it seeme- to be makin) the best time o% an1 o% $s; !he <$estion o% its p$rpose "as
imme-iate'1 prominentC as it )aine-4 the circ'e o% 'i)ht )re" an- 9$ke stirre- a)ain; !his
<$estion "as <$ick'1 ans"ere-4 ho"e&er4 as it ca$)ht $p "ith the +ire An)e' an- attacke-;
!he "hi%%'in)4 the "ai'in)4 an- the b$rb'in) s$--en'1 echoe- -o"n the sha%t4 a'on) "ith hissin)4
scrapin)4 an- occasiona' snar's; !he t"o beasts came to)ether an- tore at each other4 e1es 'ike
-1in) s$ns4 c'a"s 'ike ba1onets4 %ormin) a he''ish man-a'a in the pa'e 'i)ht "hich no" reache-
them %rom be'o"; =hi'e this pro-$ce- a ro$n- o% acti&it1 too near at han- %or me to %ee' entire'1
at ease4 it -i- ser&e to s'o" them to the point "here : %e't : nee- not risk an i''-s$ite- spe'' an- an
a"k"ar- mane$&er to emer)e %rom the t$nne' in one piece;
FAr)hIG 9$ke remarke-4 t$rnin) s$--en'1 "ithin m1 )rasp;
F: a)ree4G : sai-; FB$t 'ie sti''4 "i'' 1o$> =e@re abo$t to crashDG
FDan- b$rn4G he state-4 t"istin) his hea- $p"ar- to re)ar- the combatant monsters4 then
-o"n"ar- "hen he rea'i6e- that "e "ere %a''in)4 too; F=hat kin- o% trip is this>G
FA ba- one4G : ans"ere-4 an- then it hit me8 !hat "as e.act'1 "hat it "as;
!he openin) "as e&en 'ar)er no"4 an- o$r &e'ocit1 s$%%icient %or a bearab'e 'an-in); O$r
reaction to the spe'' that : ca''e- the #iant@s ('ap "o$'- probab'1 s'o" $s to a stan-sti'' or e&en
prope' $s back"ar-; Better to co''ect a %e" br$ises than become a tra%%ic obstr$ction at this point;
A ba- trip in-ee-; : "as thinkin) o% 0an-om@s "or-s as "e passe- thro$)h the openin) at a
cra61 an)'e4 hit -irt4 an- ro''e-;
=e ha- come to rest "ithin a ca&e4 near to its mo$th; !$nne's ran o%% to the ri)ht an- the 'e%t;
!he ca&e mo$th "as at m1 back; A <$ick )'ance sho"e- it as openin) $pon a bri)ht4 possib'1
'$sh4 an- more than a 'itt'e o$t-o%-%oc$s &a''e1; 9$ke "as spra"'e- $nmo&in) besi-e me; : )ot to
m1 %eet imme-iate'1 an- ca$)ht ho'- o% him beneath the armpits; : be)an -ra))in) him back
a"a1 %rom the -ark openin) %rom "hich "e ha- ?$st emer)e-; !he so$n-s o% the monstro$s
con%'ict "ere &er1 near no";
#oo- that 9$ke seeme- $nconscio$s a)ain; ,is con-ition "as ba- eno$)h %or an1 Amberite4 i%
m1 )$ess "ere correct; B$t %or one o% sorcero$s abi'it1 it represente- a hi)h'1 -an)ero$s "i'-
car- o% a sort :@- ne&er enco$ntere- be%ore; : "asn@t at a'' certain ho" : sho$'- -ea' "ith it;
: -ra))e- him to"ar- the ri)ht-han- t$nne' beca$se it "as the sma''er o% the t"o an- "o$'-
theoretica''1 be a bit easier to -e%en-; =e ha- bare'1 achie&e- its she'ter "hen the t"o beasts %e''
thro$)h the openin)4 c'$tchin) an- tearin) at each other; !he1 commence- ro''in) abo$t the %'oor
o% the ca&e4 c'a"s c'ickin)4 $tterin) hisses an- "hist'es as the1 tore at each other; !he1 seeme-
to ha&e %or)otten $s entire'14 an- : contin$e- o$r retreat $nti' "e "ere "e'' back in the t$nne';
: co$'- on'1 ass$me 0an-om@s )$ess to be correct; A%ter a''4 he "as a m$sician an- he@- p'a1e-
a'' o&er (ha-o"; A'so4 : co$'-n@t come $p "ith an1thin) better;
: s$mmone- the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s; =hen : ha- it c'ear an- ha- meshe- m1 han-s "ith it4 :
mi)ht ha&e $se- it to strike at the %i)htin) beasts; B$t the1 "ere pa1in) me no hee- "hatsoe&er4
an- :@- no -esire to attract their attention; A'so4 :@- no ass$rance that the e<$i&a'ent o% bein) hit
b1 a t"o-b1-%o$r "o$'- ha&e m$ch e%%ect on them; Besi-es4 m1 or-er "as rea-14 an- %i''in) it
took prece-ence;
(o : reache-;
:t took an interminab'e time; !here "as an e.treme'1 "i-e area o% (ha-o" to pass tho$)h be%ore
: %o$n- "hat : "as 'ookin) %or; !hen : ha- to -o it a)ain; An- a)ain; !here "ere a n$mber o%
thin)s : "ante-4 an- none o% them near;
:n the meantime4 the combatants sho"e- no si)n o% s'ackenin)4 an- their c'a"s str$ck sparks
%rom the ca&e@s "a''s; !he1 ha- c$t each other in co$nt'ess p'aces an- "ere no" co&ere- "ith
-ark )ore; 9$ke ha- a"akene- -$rin) a'' o% this4 proppe- himse'%4 an- "as starin) %ascinate- at
the co'or%$' con%'ict; ,o" 'on) it mi)ht ho'- his attention : co$'- not te''; :t "o$'- be important
%or me to ha&e him a"ake &er1 soon no"4 an- : "as p'ease- that he ha- not starte- thinkin) o%
other matters 1et;
: "as cheerin)4 b1 the "a14 %or the Eabber"ock; :t "as ?$st a nast1 beast an- nee- not ha&e been
homin) in on me in partic$'ar "hen it "as -istracte- b1 the arri&a' o% its e.otic nemesis; !he +ire
An)e' ha- been p'a1in) an entire'1 -i%%erent )ame; !here "as no reason %or a +ire An)e' to be
sta'kin) abo$t this %ar %rom Chaos $n'ess it ha- been sent; !he1@re -e&i'ish har- to capt$re4
har-er to train4 an- -an)ero$s to han-'e; (o the1 represent a consi-erab'e e.pense an- ha6ar-;
One -oes not in&est in a +ire An)e' 'i)ht'1; !heir main p$rpose in 'i%e is ki''in)4 an- to m1
kno"'e-)e no one o$tsi-e the Co$rts o% Chaos has e&er emp'o1e- one; !he1@&e a &ast arra1 o%
sensesDsome o% them4 apparent'14 paranorma'Dan- the1 can be $se- as (ha-o" b'oo-ho$n-s;
!he1 -on@t "an-er thro$)h (ha-o" on their o"n4 that : kno" o%; B$t a (ha-o""a'ker can be
tracke-4 an- +ire An)e's seem to be ab'e to %o''o" a &er1 co'- trai' once the1@&e been imprinte-
"ith the &ictim@s i-entit1; No"4 : ha- been tr$mpe- to that cra61 bar4 an- : -i-n@t kno" the1
co$'- %o''o" a !r$mp ?$mp4 b$t se&era' other possibi'ities occ$rre- to meDinc'$-in) someone@s
'ocatin) me4 transportin) the thin) to m1 &icinit14 an- t$rnin) it 'oose to -o its b$siness;
=hate&er the means4 tho$)h4 the attempt ha- the mark o% the Co$rts $pon it; ,ence4 m1 <$ick
con&ersion to Eabber"ock %an-om;
F=hat@s )oin) on>G 9$ke aske- me s$--en'14 an- the "a''s o% the ca&e %a-e- %or a moment an- :
hear- a %aint strain o% m$sic;
F:t@s trick14G : sai-; F9isten4 it@s time %or 1o$r me-icine;G
: -$mpe- o$t a pa'm%$' o% the &itamin B12 tabs : ha- ?$st bro$)ht in an- $ncappe- the "ater
bott'e : ha- a'so s$mmone-;
F=hat me-icine>G he aske- as : passe- them to him; F/octor@s or-ers4G : sai-; F#et 1o$ back on
1o$r %eet %aster;G
F=e''4 oka1;G
,e thre" a'' o% them into his mo$th an- -o"ne- them "ith a sin)'e bi) -rink;
FNo" these;G
: opene- the bott'e o% !hora6ine; !he1 "ere 2 mi''i)rams each an- : -i-n@t kno" ho" man1 to
)i&e him4 so : -eci-e- on three; : )a&e him some tr1ptophan4 too4 an- some phen1'a'anine;
,e stare- at the pi''s; !he "a''s %a-e- a)ain4 the m$sic ret$rne-; A c'o$- o% b'$e smoke -ri%te-
past $s; ($--en'1 the bar came into &ie"4 back to "hate&er passe- %or norma' in that p'ace; !he
$pset tab'es ha- been ri)hte-4 ,$mpt1 sti'' teetere-4 the m$ra' "ent on;
F,e14 the c'$bIG 9$ke e.c'aime-; F=e o$)ht to hea- back; 9ooks 'ike the part1@s ?$st )ettin)
F+irst4 1o$ take 1o$r me-icine;G
F=hat@s it %or>G
FAo$ )ot some ba- shit some"here; !his is to 'et 1o$ -o"n eas1;G
F: -on@t %ee' ba-; :n %act4 : %ee' rea' )oo-DG
F!ake itIG
FOka1I Oka1IG
,e tosse- o%% the "ho'e %ist%$';
!he Eabber"ock an- the +ire An)e' seeme- to be %a-in) no"Dan- m1 'atest e.asperate-
)est$re in the &icinit1 o% the bartop ha- enco$ntere- some resistance4 tho$)h the thin) "as not
%$''1 so'i- to me 1et; ($--en'14 then4 : notice- the Cat4 "hose )ames "ith s$bstantia'it1
someho" at this point ma-e it seem more rea' than an1thin) e'se in the p'ace;
FAo$ comin) or )oin)>G it aske-;
9$ke be)an to rise; !he 'i)ht )re" bri)hter4 tho$)h more -i%%$se;
F*h4 9$ke4 'ook o&er there4G : sai-4 pointin);
F=here>G he aske-4 t$rnin) his hea-;
: s'$))e- him a)ain;
As he co''apse-4 the bar be)an to %a-e; !he "a''s o% the ca&e phase- back into %oc$s; : hear- the
Cat@s &oice; F#oin);;;G it sai-;
!he noises ret$rne- %$'' b'ast4 on'1 this time the -ominant so$n- "as a ba)pipe'ike s<$ea'; :t
"as comin) %rom the Eabber"ock4 "ho "as pinne- to the )ro$n- an- bein) s'ashe- at; : -eci-e-
then to $se the +o$rth o% E$'1 spe'' : ha- 'e%t o&er %rom m1 assa$'t on the cita-e'; : raise- m1
han-s an- spoke the "or-s; : mo&e- in %ront o% 9$ke to b'ock his &ie" as : -i- so4 an- : 'ooke-
a"a1 an- s<$ee6e- m1 e1es sh$t as : sai- them; 2&en thro$)h c'ose- e1es : co$'- te'' there
%o''o"e- a bri''iant %'ash o% 'i)ht; : hear- 9$ke sa14 F,e1IG b$t a'' other so$n-s cease- abr$pt'1;
=hen : 'ooke- a)ain : sa" that the t"o creat$res 'a1 as i% st$nne-4 $nmo&in)4 to"ar- the %ar si-e
o% the sma'' ca&e;
: )rabbe- ho'- o% 9$ke@s han- an- -re" him $p an- o&er m1 sho$'-ers in a %ireman@s carr1; !hen
: a-&ance- <$ick'1 into the ca&e4 s'ippin) on'1 once on monster b'oo- as : e-)e- m1 "a1 a'on)
the nearest "a''4 hea-in) %or the ca&e mo$th; !he creat$res be)an to stir be%ore : ma-e it o$t4 b$t
their mo&ements "ere more re%'e.i&e than -irecte-; : pa$se- at the openin) "here : behe'- an
enormo$s %'o"er )ar-en in %$'' b'oom; A'' o% the %'o"ers "ere at 'east as ta'' as m1se'%4 an- a
shi%tin) bree6e bore me an o&erpo"erin) re-o'ence;
Boments 'ater : hear- a more -ecisi&e mo&ement at m1 back an- : t$rne-; !he Eabber"ock "as
-ra"in) itse'% to its %eet; !he +ire An)e' "as sti'' cro$che- an- "as makin) sma'' pipin) noises;
!he Eabber"ock sta))ere- back4 sprea-in) its "in)s4 then s$--en'1 t$rne-4 beat the air4 an- %'e-
back $p the hi)h ho'e in the c'e%t at the rear o% the ca&e; Not a ba- i-ea4 : -eci-e-4 as : h$rrie-
o$t into the )ar-en;
,ere the aromas "ere e&en stron)er4 the %'o"ers4 most'1 in b'oom4 a %antastic canop1 o% co'ors
as : r$she- amon) them; : %o$n- m1se'% pantin) a%ter a short "hi'e4 b$t : ?o))e- on ne&erthe'ess;
9$ke "as hea&14 b$t : "ante- to p$t as m$ch -istance as : co$'- bet"een o$rse'&es an- the ca&e;
Consi-erin) ho" %ast o$r p$rs$er co$'- mo&e4 : "asn@t s$re there "as s$%%icient time to %oo' "ith
a !r$mp 1et;
As : h$rrie- a'on) : be)an %ee'in) some"hat "oo614 an- m1 e.tremities seeme- e.treme'1
-istant; :t occ$rre- to me imme-iate'1 that the %'o"er sme''s mi)ht be a bit narcotic; #reat; !hat
"as a'' : nee-e-4 to )et ca$)ht $p in a -r$) hi)h "hi'e tr1in) to brin) 9$ke back %rom one; :
co$'- make o$t a sti''4 s'i)ht'1 e'e&ate- c'earin) in the -istance4 tho$)h4 an- : hea-e- %or it;
,ope%$''14 "e co$'- rest there %or a bit "hi'e : re)aine- m1 menta' %ootin) an- -eci-e- "hat to
-o ne.t; (o %ar4 : co$'- -etect no so$n-s o% p$rs$it;
0$shin) on4 : co$'- %ee' m1se'% be)innin) to ree'; B1 e<$i'ibri$m "as becomin) impaire-; :
s$--en'1 %e't a %ear o% %a''in)4 a'most akin to acrophobia; +or it occ$rre- to me that i% : %e'' :
mi)ht not be ab'e to rise a)ain4 that : mi)ht s$cc$mb to a -r$))e- s'eep an- be -isco&ere- an-
-ispatche- b1 the creat$re o% Chaos "hi'e : -o6e-; O&erhea-4 the co'ors o% the %'o"ers ran
to)ether4 %'o"in) an- tan)'in) 'ike a mass o% ribbons in a bri)ht stream; : trie- to contro' m1
breathin)4 to take in as 'itt'e o% the e%%'$&ia as possib'e; B$t this "as -i%%ic$'t4 as "in-e- as : "as
B$t : -i- not %a''4 tho$)h : co''apse- besi-e 9$ke at the center o% the c'earin) a%ter :@- 'o"ere-
him to the )ro$n-; ,e remaine- $nconscio$s4 a peace%$' e.pression on his %ace; A "in- s"ept
o$r hi''ock %rom the -irection o% its %ar si-e4 "here nast1-'ookin)4 spike- p'ants o% a
non%'o"erin) &ariet1 )re"; !h$s4 : no 'on)er sme''e- the se-$cti&e o-ors o% the )iant %'o"er
%ie'-4 an- a%ter a time m1 hea- be)an to c'ear; On the other han-4 : rea'i6e- that this meant that
o$r o"n scents "ere bein) borne back in the -irection o% the ca&e; =hether the +ire An)e' co$'-
$nmask them "ithin the hea-1 per%$mes4 : -i- not kno"4 b$t pro&i-in) it "ith e&en that m$ch o%
an opport$nit1 ma-e me %ee' $ncom%ortab'e;
Aears a)o4 as an $n-er)ra-$ate4 : ha- trie- some 9(/; :t ha- scare- me so ba-'1 that :@- ne&er
trie- another ha''$cino)en since; :t "asn@t simp'1 a ba- trip; !he st$%% ha- a%%ecte- m1 sha-o"-
shi%tin) abi'it1; :t is kin- o% a tr$ism that Amberites can &isit an1 p'ace the1 can ima)ine4 %or
e&er1thin) is o$t there4 some"here4 in (ha-o"; B1 combinin) o$r min-s "ith motion "e can
t$ne %or the sha-o" "e -esire; *n%ort$nate'14 : co$'- not contro' "hat : "as ima)inin); A'so
$n%ort$nate'14 : "as transporte- to those p'aces; : panicke-4 an- that on'1 ma-e it "orse; : co$'-
easi'1 ha&e been -estro1e-4 %or : "an-ere- thro$)h the ob?ecti%ie- ?$n)'es o% m1 s$bconscio$s
an- passe- some time in p'aces "here the ba- thin)s -"e''; A%ter : came -o"n : %o$n- m1 "a1
back home4 t$rne- $p "himperin) on E$'ia@s -oorstep4 an- "as a ner&o$s "reck %or -a1s; 9ater4
"hen : to'- 0an-om abo$t it4 : 'earne- that he ha- ha- some simi'ar e.periences; ,e ha- kept it
to himse'% at %irst as a possib'e secret "eapon a)ainst the rest o% the %ami'14 b$t 'ater4 a%ter the1@-
)otten back onto -ecent terms "ith each other4 he ha- -eci-e- to share the in%ormation in the
interest o% s$r&i&a'; ,e "as s$rprise- to 'earn then that Bene-ict4 #erar-4 +iona4 an- B'e1s kne"
a'' abo$t itDtho$)h their kno"'e-)e ha- come %rom other ha''$cino)ens an-4 stran)e'14 on'1
+iona ha- e&er consi-ere- its possibi'it1 as an in-%ami'1 "eapon; (he@- she'&e- the notion4
tho$)h4 beca$se o% its $npre-ictabi'it1; !his ha- been sometime back4 ho"e&er4 an- in the press
o% other b$siness in recent 1ears it ha- s'ippe- his min-C it simp'1 ha- not occ$rre- to him that a
ne" arri&a' s$ch as m1se'% sho$'- perhaps be ca$tione-;
9$ke ha- to'- me that his attempte- in&asion o% the 3eep o% the +o$r =or-s4 b1 means o% a
)'i-er-borne comman-o team4 ha- been smashe-; (ince : ha- seen the broken )'i-ers at &ario$s
points "ithin the "a''s -$rin) m1 o"n &isit to that p'ace4 it "as 'o)ica' to ass$me that 9$ke ha-
been capt$re-; !here%ore4 it seeme- a %air'1 stron) ass$mption that the sorcerer Bask ha- -one
"hate&er ha- been -one to him to brin) him to this state; :t "o$'- seem that this simp'1 in&o'&e-
intro-$cin) a -ose o% a ha''$cino)en to his prison %are an- t$rnin) him 'oose to "an-er an- 'ook
at the prett1 'i)hts; +ort$nate'14 $n'ike m1se'%4 his menta' tra&e'in)s ha- in&o'&e- nothin) more
threatenin) than the bri)hter aspects o% 9e"is Carro''; Ba1be his heart "as p$rer than mine; B$t
the -ea' "as "eir- an1 "a1 1o$ 'ooke- at it; Bask mi)ht ha&e ki''e- him or kept him in prison
or a--e- him to the coatrack co''ection; :nstea-4 "hi'e "hat ha- been -one "as not "itho$t risk4
it "as somethin) "hich "o$'- "ear o%% e&ent$a''1 an- 'ea&e him chastene- b$t at 'ibert1; :t "as
more a s'ap on the "rist than a rea' piece o% &en)eance; !his4 %or a member o% the ,o$se "hich
ha- pre&io$s'1 he'- s"a1 in the 3eep an- "o$'- -o$bt'ess 'ike to -o so a)ain; =as Bask
s$preme'1 con%i-ent> Or -i- he not rea''1 see 9$ke as m$ch o% a threat>
An- then there is the %act that o$r sha-o"-shi%tin) abi'ities an- o$r sorcero$s abi'ities come
%rom simi'ar rootsDthe Pattern or the 9o)r$s; :t ha- to be that messin) "ith one a'so messe-
"ith the other; !hat "o$'- e.p'ain 9$ke@s stran)e abi'it1 to s$mmon me to him as b1 a massi&e
!r$mp sen-in)4 "hen in act$a'it1 there "as no !r$mp; ,is -r$)-enhance- abi'ities o%
&is$a'i6ation m$st ha&e been so intense that the car-@s ph1sica' representation o% me "as
$nnecessar1; An- his ske"e- ma)ica' abi'ities "o$'- acco$nt %or a'' o% the pre'iminar1 b1p'a14
a'' o% the o--4 rea'it1--istortin) e.periences :@- ha- be%ore he act$a''1 achie&e- contact; !his
meant that either o% $s co$'- become &er1 -an)ero$s in certain -r$))e- states; :@- ha&e to
remember that; : hope- he "o$'-n@t "ake $p ma- at me %or hittin) him4 be%ore : co$'- ta'k to
him a bit; On the other han-C the tran<$i'i6er "o$'- hope%$''1 keep him happ1 "hi'e the other
st$%% "orke- at him;
: massa)e- a sore m$sc'e in m1 'e%t 'e) an- rose to m1 %eet; : ca$)ht ho'- o% 9$ke beneath the
armpits an- -ra))e- him abo$t t"ent1 paces %arther a'on) into the c'earin); !hen : si)he- an-
ret$rne- to the spot "here : ha- reste-; !here "as not s$%%icient time to %'ee %arther; An- as the
"ai'in) increase- in &o'$me an- the )iant %'o"ers s"a1e- in a 'ine hea-in) -irect'1 to"ar- meD
)'impses o% a -arker %orm becomin) &isib'e ami- the sta'ksD: kne" that "ith the Eabber"ock
%'e- the +ire An)e' "as back on the ?ob4 an- since this con%rontation seeme- ine&itab'e4 this
c'earin) "as as )oo- a p'ace to meet it as an14 an- better than most;
Chapter 2
: $n%astene- the bri)ht thin) at m1 be't an- be)an to $n%o'- it; :t ma-e a series o% c'ickin) noises
as : -i- so; : "as hopin) that : "as makin) the best choice a&ai'ab'e to me rather than4 sa14 a ba-
!he creat$re took 'on)er than :@- tho$)ht to pass amon) the %'o"ers; !his co$'- mean it "as
ha&in) tro$b'e %o''o"in) m1 trai' ami- its e.otic s$rro$n-in)s; : "as hopin)4 tho$)h4 that it
meant it ha- been s$%%icient'1 in?$re- in its enco$nter "ith the Eabber"ock that it ha- 'ost
somethin) o% its stren)th an- spee-;
=hate&er4 the %ina' sta'ks e&ent$a''1 s"a1e- an- "ere cr$she-; !he an)$'ar creat$re '$rche-
%or"ar- an- ha'te- to stare at me "ith $nb'inkin) e1es; +rakir panicke-4 an- : ca'me- her; !his
"as a 'itt'e o$t o% her 'ea)$e; : ha- a +ire +o$ntain spe'' 'e%t4 b$t : -i-n@t e&en bother "ith it; :
kne" it "o$'-n@t stop the thin)4 an- it mi)ht make it beha&e $npre-ictab'1;
F: can sho" 1o$ the "a1 back to Chaos4G : sho$te-4 Fi% 1o$@re )ettin) homesickIG
:t "ai'e- so%t'1 an- a-&ance-; (o m$ch %or sentimenta'it1;
:t came on s'o"'14 oo6in) %'$i-s %rom a -o6en "o$n-s; : "on-ere- i% it "ere sti'' capab'e o%
r$shin) me or i% its present pace "ere the best it co$'- mana)e; Pr$-ence -ictate- : ass$me the
"orst4 so : trie- to sta1 'oose an- rea-1 to match an1thin) it attempte-;
:t -i-n@t r$sh4 tho$)h; :t ?$st kept comin)4 'ike a sma'' tank "ith appen-a)es; : -i-n@t kno"
"here its &ita' spots "ere 'ocate-; +ire An)e' anatom1 ha- not been hi)h on m1 'ist o% interests
back home; : )a&e m1se'% a crash co$rse4 ho"e&er4 in the "a1 o% )ross obser&ation as it
approache-; *n%ort$nate'14 this )a&e me to be'ie&e that it kept e&er1thin) important "e''
protecte-; !oo ba-;
: -i- not "ant to attack in case it "as tr1in) to s$cker me into somethin); : "as not a"are o% its
combat tricks4 an- : -i- not care to e.pose m1se'% $n-$'1 in or-er to 'earn them; Better to sta1 on
the -e%ense an- 'et it make the %irst mo&e4 : to'- m1se'%; B$t it ?$st kept mo&in) nearer an-
nearer; : kne" that :@- be %orce- to -o somethin) soon4 e&en i% it "ere on'1 to retreat;;;;
One o% those 'on)4 %o'-e- %ront appen-a)es %'ashe- o$t to"ar- me4 an- : sp$n to the si-e an-
c$t; (nicker-snackI !he 'imb 'a1 on the )ro$n-4 sti'' mo&in); (o : kept mo&in)4 a'so; One-t"o4
one-t"oI (nicker-snackI
!he beast topp'e- s'o"'1 to its 'e%t4 %or : ha- remo&e- a'' o% the 'imbs on that si-e o% its bo-1;
!hen4 o&ercon%i-ent4 : passe- too near in racin) to ro$n- its hea- to reach the other si-e an-
repeat the per%ormance "hi'e it "as sti'' tra$mati6e- an- co''apsin); :ts other e.tensor %'ashe-
o$t; B$t : "as too near an- it "as sti'' topp'in)8 :nstea- o% catchin) me "ith its c'a"e- e.tremit14
it hit me "ith the e<$i&a'ent o% shin or %orearm; !he b'o" str$ck me across the chest an- : "as
knocke- back"ar-;
As : scramb'e- a"a1 an- -re" m1 %eet beneath me to rise4 : hear- 9$ke sa14 )ro))i'14 FNo"
"hat@s )oin) on>G
F9ater4G : ca''e-4 "itho$t 'ookin) back;
!hen4 F,e1I Ao$ hit meIG he a--e-;
FA'' in )oo- %$n4G : ans"ere-; FPart o% the c$re4G an- : "as $p an- mo&in) a)ain;
FOh4G : hear- him sa1;
!he thin) "as on its si-e no" an- that bi) 'imb str$ck "i'-'1 at me4 se&era' times; : a&oi-e- it
an- "as ab'e to )a$)e its ran)e an- strikin) an)'e;
(nicker-snack; !he 'imb %e'' to the )ro$n- an- : mo&e- in;
: s"$n) three b'o"s "hich passe- a'' the "a1 thro$)h its hea- %rom -i%%erent an)'es be%ore :
"as ab'e to se&er it; :t kept makin) c'ickin) noises4 tho$)h4 an- the torso kept pitchin) an-
scrabb'in) abo$t on the remainin) 'imbs;
: -on@t kno" ho" man1 times : str$ck a%ter that; : ?$st kept at it $nti' the creat$re "as 'itera''1
-ice-; 9$ke ha- be)$n sho$tin) FO'-IG each time that : str$ck; : "as perspirin) some"hat b1
then4 an- : notice- that heat "a&es or somethin) seeme- to be ca$sin) m1 &ie" o% the -istant
%'o"ers to ripp'e in a -ist$rbin) %ashion; : %e't %oresi)hte- as a'' he''4 tho$)hDthe 7orpa' ("or-
:@- appropriate- back in the bar ha- pro&e- a %ine "eapon; : s"$n) it thro$)h a hi)h arc4 "hich
:@- note- seeme- to c'eanse it entire'14 an- then : be)an %o'-in) it back into its ori)ina' compact
%orm; :t "as as so%t as %'o"er peta's4 an- it sti'' )a&e o%% a %aint -$st1 )'o";;;;
FBra&oIG sai- a %ami'iar &oice4 an- : t$rne- $nti' : sa" the smi'e %o''o"e- b1 the Cat4 "ho "as
tappin) his pa"s 'i)ht'1 to)ether; FCa''oohI Ca''a1IG he a--e-; F=e'' -one4 beamish bo1IG
!he back)ro$n- "a&erin) )re" stron)er4 an- the sk1 -arkene-; : hear- 9$ke sa1 F,e1IG an-
"hen : )'ance- back : sa" him )ettin) to his %eet4 mo&in) %or"ar-; =hen : 'ooke- a)ain : co$'-
see the bar %ormin) at the Cat@s back4 an- : ca$)ht a )'impse o% the brass rai'; B1 hea- be)an to
F!here@s norma''1 a -eposit on the 7orpa' ("or-4G the Cat "as sa1in); FB$t since 1o$@re
ret$rnin) it intactDG
9$ke "as besi-e me; : co$'- hear m$sic a)ain4 an- he "as h$mmin) a'on) "ith it; No" it "as
the c'earin)4 "ith its b$tchere- +ire An)e'4 that seeme- the s$perimposition4 as the bar increase-
in so'i-it14 takin) on n$ances o% co'or an- sha-in);
B$t the p'ace seeme- someho" sma''erDthe tab'es c'oser to)ether4 the m$sic so%ter4 the m$ra'
more compresse- an- its artist o$t o% si)ht; 2&en the Caterpi''ar an- his m$shroom ha- retreate-
to a sha-o"1 nook4 an- both seeme- shr$nken4 the b'$e smoke 'ess -ense; : took this as a
&a)$e'1 )oo- si)n4 %or i% o$r presence there "ere a res$'t o% 9$ke@s state o% min- then perhaps
the %i.ation "as 'osin) its ho'- on him;
F9$ke>G : sai-;
,e mo&e- $p to the bar besi-e me;
FAeah>G he ans"ere-;
FAo$ kno" 1o$@re on a trip4 -on@t 1o$>G
F: -on@t;;;; :@m not s$re "hat 1o$ mean4G he sai-;
F=hen Bask ha- 1o$ prisoner : think he s'ippe- 1o$ some aci-4G : sai-; F:s that possib'e>G
F=ho@s Bask>G he aske- me;
F!he ne" hea- honcho at the 3eep;G
FOh4 1o$ mean (har$ #arr$'4G he sai-; F: -o remember that he ha- on a b'$e mask;G
: sa" no reason to )o into an e.p'anation as to "h1 Bask "asn@t (har$; ,e@- probab'1 %or)et4
an1"a1; : ?$st no--e- an- sai-4 F!he boss;G
F=e'';;;1es4 : )$ess he co$'- ha&e )i&en me somethin)4G he rep'ie-; FAo$ mean that a'' this;;;>G
,e )est$re- to"ar- the room at 'ar)e;
: no--e-;
F($re4 it@s rea'4G : sai-; FB$t "e can transport o$rse'&es into ha''$cinations; !he1@re a'' rea'
some"here; Aci-@'' -o it;G
F:@'' be -amne-4G he sai-;
F: )a&e 1o$ some st$%% to brin) 1o$ -o"n4G : to'- him; FB$t it ma1 take a "hi'e;G
,e 'icke- his 'ips an- )'ance- abo$t;
F=e''4 there@s no h$rr14G he sai-; !hen he smi'e- as a -istant screamin) be)an an- the -emons
starte- in -oin) nast1 thin)s to the b$rnin) "oman o%% in the m$ra'; F: kin- o% 'ike it here;G
: p'ace- the %o'-e- "eapon back $pon the bartop; 9$ke rappe- on the s$r%ace besi-e it an-
ca''e- %or another ro$n- o% bre"s; : backe- a"a14 shakin) m1 hea-;
F:@&e )ot to )o no"4G : to'- him; F(omeone@s sti'' a%ter me4 an- he ?$st came c'ose;G
FAnima's -on@t co$nt4G 9$ke sai-;
F!he one : ?$st choppe- $p -oes4G : ans"ere-; F:t "as sent;G
: 'ooke- at the broken -oors4 "on-erin) "hat mi)ht come thro$)h them ne.t; +ire An)e's ha&e
been kno"n to h$nt in pairs;
FB$t :@&e )ot to ta'k to 1o$;;;;G : contin$e-;
FNot no"4G he sai-4 t$rnin) a"a1;
FAo$ kno" it@s important;G
F: can@t think ri)ht4G he ans"ere-;
: s$ppose- that ha- to be tr$e4 an- there "as no sense tr1in) to -ra) him back to Amber or
an1"here e'se; ,e@- ?$st %a-e a"a1 an- sho" $p here a)ain; ,is hea- "o$'- ha&e to c'ear an- his
%i.ation -issipate be%ore "e co$'- -isc$ss m$t$a' prob'ems;
FAo$ remember that 1o$r mother is a prisoner in Amber>G : aske-;
FCa'' me "hen 1o$@&e )ot 1o$r hea- to)ether; =e ha&e to ta'k;G
F: "i'';G
: t$rne- a"a1 an- "a'ke- o$t the -oors an- into a bank o% %o); :n the -istance : hear- 9$ke
be)in sin)in) a)ain4 some mo$rn%$' ba''a-; +o) is a'most as ba- as comp'ete -arkness "hen it
comes to sha-o"-shi%tin); :% 1o$ can@t see an1 re%erents "hi'e 1o$@re mo&in)4 there is no "a1 to
$se the abi'it1 that a''o"s 1o$ to s'ip a"a1; On the other han-4 : ?$st "ante- to be a'one %or a
time to think4 no" m1 hea- "as c'ear; :% : co$'-n@t see an1bo-1 in this st$%%4 nobo-1 co$'- see
me either; An- there "ere no so$n-s other than m1 o"n %oot%a''s on a cobb'e- s$r%ace;
(o "hat ha- : achie&e-> =hen : "as a"akene- %rom a brie% nap to atten- 9$ke@s $n$s$a'
sen-in) to Amber4 :@- been -ea- tire- %o''o"in) e.traor-inar1 e.ertions; : "as transporte- into
his presence4 'earne- that he "as trippin)4 %e- him somethin) : hope- "o$'- brin) him o%% it
sooner4 hacke- $p a +ire An)e'4 an- 'e%t 9$ke back "here he ha- starte-;
:@- )otten t"o thin)s o$t o% it4 : m$se-4 as : stro''e- thro$)h the cotton1 mist8 :@- sta'emate-
9$ke in an1 -esi)ns he mi)ht sti'' ha&e $pon Amber; ,e "as no" a"are that his mother "as o$r
prisoner4 an- : co$'-n@t see him brin)in) an1 -irect action a)ainst $s $n-er the circ$mstances;
Asi-e %rom the technica' prob'ems in&o'&e- in transportin) 9$ke an- keepin) him in one p'ace4
this "as the reason : "as "i''in) to 'ea&e him as : ?$st ha-; :@m s$re 0an-om "o$'- ha&e
pre%erre- him $nconscio$s in a ce'' in the basement4 b$t : "as certain he "o$'- sett'e %or a
-e%an)e- 9$ke at 'ar)eC especia''1 so4 "hen it "as 'ike'1 that 9$ke "o$'- be )ettin) in to$ch
"ith $s sooner or 'ater re)ar-in) Easra; : "as "i''in) to 'et him come -o"n an- come aro$n- in
his o"n )oo- time; : ha- prob'ems o% m1 o"n in the "aitin) room4 'ike #host"hee'4 Bask4
7inta;;;an- the ne" specter "hich ha- ?$st taken a n$mber an- a seat;
Ba1be it ha- been Easra "ho ha- been $sin) the homin) po"er o% the b'$e stones to sen-
assassins a%ter me; (he ha- the abi'it1 as "e'' as a moti&e; :t co$'- a'so ha&e been Bask4 tho$)h4
"ho :@- ?$-)e ha- the abi'it1Dan- "ho seeme- to ha&e a moti&e4 tho$)h : -i-n@t $n-erstan- it;
Easra "as o$t o% the "a1 no"4 ho"e&erC an- "hi'e : inten-e- to ha&e thin)s o$t "ith Bask
e&ent$a''14 : be'ie&e- that : ha- s$ccee-e- in -et$nin) m1se'% %rom the b'$e stones; : a'so
be'ie&e- that : mi)ht ha&e scare- Bask some"hat in o$r recent enco$nter at the 3eep; =hate&er4
it "as e.treme'1 $n'ike'1 that Bask or Easra4 "hate&er their po"ers4 "o$'- ha&e ha- access to a
traine- +ire An)e'; No4 there@s on'1 one p'ace +ire An)e's come %rom4 an- sha-o"-sorcerers
aren@t on the c$stomer %ist;
A p$%% o% "in- parte- the %o) %or a moment an- : ca$)ht si)ht o% -ark b$i'-in)s; #oo-; : shi%te-;
!he %o) mo&e- a)ain a'most imme-iate'14 an- the1 "ere not b$i'-in)s b$t -ark rock %ormations;
Another partin) an- a piece o% -a"n or e&enin) sk1 came into &ie"4 a %oam o% bri)ht stars
spi''e- across it; Be%ore too 'on) a "in- "hippe- the %o) a"a1 an- : sa" that : "a'ke- in a hi)h
rock1 p'ace4 the hea&ens a b'a6e o% starr1 'i)ht bri)ht eno$)h to rea- b1; : %o''o"e- a -ark trai'
'ea-in) o%% to the e-)e o% the "or'-;;;;
!he "ho'e b$siness "ith 9$ke4 Easra4 /a't4 an- Bask "as someho" o% a pieceDcomp'ete'1
$n-erstan-ab'e in some p'aces an- c'o$-e- in others; #i&en some time an- 'e)"ork it "o$'- a''
han) to)ether; 9$ke an- Easra seeme- to be n$''i%ie- no"; Bask4 an eni)ma o% sortsC seeme- to
ha&e it in %or me persona''1 b$t -i- not appear to represent an1 partic$'ar threat to Amber; /a't4
on the other han-4 -i-4 "ith his %anc1 ne" "eaponr1Db$t 0an-om "as a"are o% this sit$ation
an- Bene-ict "as back in to"n; (o : "as con%i-ent that e&er1thin) possib'e "as bein) -one to
-ea' "ith this;
: stoo- at the e-)e o% the "or'- an- 'ooke- -o"n into a bottom'ess ri%t %$'' o% stars; B1
mo$ntain -i- not seem to )race the s$r%ace o% a p'anet; ,o"e&er4 there "as a bri-)e to m1 'e%t4
'ea-in) o$t"ar- to a -ark4 star-occ'$-in) shapeDanother %'oatin) mo$ntain4 perhaps; : stro''e-
o&er an- steppe- o$t onto the span; Prob'ems in&o'&in) atmosphere4 )ra&itation4 temperat$re4
meant nothin) here4 "here : co$'-4 in a sense4 make $p rea'it1 as : "ent a'on); : "a'ke- o$t onto
the bri-)e4 an- %or a moment the an)'e "as ri)ht an- : ca$)ht a )'impse o% another bri-)e on the
%ar si-e o% the -ark mass4 'ea-in) o%% to some other -arkness;
: ha'te- in the mi--'e4 ab'e to see a'on) it %or a )reat -istance in either -irection; :t seeme- a sa%e
an- appropriate spot; : "ith-re" m1 packet o% !r$mps an- ri%%'e- thro$)h them $nti' : 'ocate-
one : ha-n@t $se- in a 'on)4 'on) time;
: he'- it be%ore me an- p$t the others a"a14 st$-1in) the b'$e e1es an- the 1o$n)4 har-4 s'i)ht'1
sharp %eat$res beneath a mass o% p$re "hite hair; ,e "as -resse- a'' in b'ack4 sa&e %or a bit o%
"hite co''ar an- s'ee&e sho"in) beneath the )'oss1 ti)ht-%ittin) ?acket; ,e he'- three -ark stee'
ba''s in his )'o&e- han-;
(ometimes it@s har- to reach a'' the "a1 to Chaos4 so : %oc$se- an- e.ten-e-4 care%$''14 stron)'1;
!he contact came a'most imme-iate'1; ,e "as seate- on a ba'con1 beneath a cra6i'1 stipp'e- sk14
the (hi%tin) Bo$ntains s'i-in) to his 'e%t; ,is %eet "ere proppe- on a sma'' %'oatin) tab'e an- he
"as rea-in) a book; ,e 'o"ere- it an- smi'e- %aint'1;
FBer'in4G he sai- so%t'1; FAo$ 'ook tire-;G
: no--e-;
FAo$ 'ook reste-4G : sai-;
F!r$e4G he ans"ere-4 as he c'ose- the book an- set it on the tab'e; !hen4 F!here is tro$b'e>G he
F!here is tro$b'e4 Ban-or;G
,e rose to his %eet;
FAo$ "ish to come thro$)h>G
: shook m1 hea-; F:% 1o$ ha&e an1 !r$mps han-1 %or )ettin) back4 :@- rather 1o$ came to me;G
,e e.ten-e- his han-;
FA'' ri)ht4G he sai-;
: reache- %or"ar-4 o$r han-s c'aspe-C he took a sin)'e step an- stoo- besi-e me on the bri-)e;
=e embrace- %or a moment an- then he t$rne- an- 'ooke- o$t an- -o"n into the ri%t;
F!here is some -an)er here>G he aske-;
FNo; : chose this p'ace beca$se it seems &er1 sa%e;G
F(cenic4 too4G he rep'ie-; F=hat@s been happenin) to 1o$>G
F+or 1ears : "as mere'1 a st$-ent4 an- then a -esi)ner o% certain sorts o% specia'i6e-
machiner14G : to'- him; F!hin)s "ere prett1 $ne&ent%$' $nti' %air'1 recent'1; !hen a'' he'' broke
'ooseDb$t most o% it : $n-erstan-4 an- m$ch o% it seems $n-er contro'; !hat part@s comp'icate-
an- not rea''1 "orth 1o$r concern;G
,e reste- a han- on the bri-)e@s si-e-piece8 FAn- the other part>G he aske-;
FB1 enemies $p $nti' this point ha- been %rom the en&irons o% Amber; B$t s$--en'14 "hen it
seeme- that most o% that b$siness "as on its "a1 to bein) sett'e-4 someone p$t a +ire An)e' on
m1 trai'; : s$ccee-e- in -estro1in) it ?$st a 'itt'e "hi'e a)o; :@&e no i-ea "h14 an- it@s certain'1 not
an Amber trick;G
,e ma-e a c'ickin) noise "ith his 'ips as he t$rne- a"a14 pace- a %e" steps4 an- t$rne- back;
FAo$@re ri)ht4 o% co$rse4G he sai-; F:@- no i-ea it ha- come an1"here near this4 or :@- ha&e
spoken "ith 1o$ some time a)o; B$t 'et me -i%%er "ith 1o$ as to or-ers o% importance be%ore :
in-$')e in certain spec$'ations on 1o$r beha'%; : "ant to hear 1o$r entire stor1;G
FBeca$se 1o$ are sometimes appa''in)'1 nai&e4 'itt'e brother4 an- : -o not 1et tr$st 1o$r
?$-)ment as to "hat is tr$'1 important;G
F: ma1 star&e to -eath be%ore : %inish4G : ans"ere-; (mi'in) crooke-'14 m1 step-brother Ban-or
raise- his arms; =hi'e E$rt an- /espi' are m1 ha'% brothers4 borne b1 m1 mother4 /ara4 to Prince
(a"a'' the 0im 9or-4 Ban-or "as (a"a''@s son b1 an ear'ier marria)e; Ban-or is consi-erab'1
o'-er than :4 an- as a res$'t he remin-s me m$ch o% m1 re'ati&es back in Amber; :@- a'"a1s %e't a
bit o% an o$tsi-er amon) the chi'-ren o% /ara an- (a"a''; :n that Ban-or "asDin a more stab'e
senseDnot part o% that partic$'ar )ro$pin) either4 "e@- ha- somethin) in common; B$t "hate&er
the imp$'se behin- his ear'1 attentions4 "e@- hit it o%% an- become c'oser4 : sometimes think4 than
%$'' b'oo- brothers; ,e ha- ta$)ht me a 'ot o% practica' thin)s o&er the 1ears4 an- "e ha- ha-
man1 )oo- times to)ether;
!he air "as -istorte- bet"een $s4 an- "hen Ban-or 'o"ere- his arms a -inner tab'e co&ere-
"ith embroi-ere- "hite 'inen came into s$--en &ie" bet"een $s4 so$n-'ess'14 %o''o"e- a
moment 'ater b1 a pair o% %acin) chairs; !he tab'e bore n$mero$s co&ere- -ishes4 %ine china4
cr1sta'4 si'&er"areC there "as e&en a )'eamin) ice b$cket "ith a -ark t"iste- bott'e "ithin it;
F: am impresse-4G : state-;
F:@&e -e&ote- consi-erab'e time to )o$rmet ma)ic in recent 1ears4G he sai-; FPra14 be seate-;G
=e ma-e o$rse'&es com%ortab'e there on the bri-)e bet"een t"o -arknesses; : m$ttere-
appreciati&e'1 as : taste-4 an- it "as some min$tes be%ore : co$'- be)in a s$mmar1 o% the e&ents
that ha- bro$)ht me to this p'ace o% star'i)ht an- si'ence;
Ban-or 'istene- to m1 entire ta'e "itho$t interr$ption4 an- "hen :@- %inishe- he no--e- an-
sai-4 F=o$'- 1o$ care %or another ser&in) o% -essert>G
FAes4G : a)ree-; F:t@s <$ite nice;G
=hen : )'ance- $p a %e" moments 'ater4 : sa" that he "as smi'in);
F=hat@s %$nn1>G : aske-;
FAo$4G he rep'ie-; F:% 1o$ reca''4 : to'- 1o$ be%ore 1o$ 'e%t %or that p'ace to be -iscriminatin)
"hen it came to )i&in) 1o$r tr$st;G
F=e''> : to'- no one m1 stor1; :% 1o$@re )oin) to 'ect$re me on bein) %rien-'1 "ith 9$ke "itho$t
'earnin) his4 :@&e a'rea-1 hear- it;G
FAn- "hat o% E$'ia>G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean> (he ne&er 'earne-;;;;G
F2.act'1; An- she seems 'ike one 1o$ co$'- ha&e tr$ste-; :nstea-4 1o$ t$rne- her a)ainst 1o$;G
FA'' ri)htI Ba1be : $se- ba- ?$-)ment there4 too;G
FAo$ -esi)ne- a remarkab'e machine4 an- it ne&er occ$rre- to 1o$ it mi)ht a'so become a potent
"eapon; 0an-om sa" that ri)ht a"a1; (o -i- 9$ke; Ao$ mi)ht ha&e been sa&e- %rom -isaster on
that %ront on'1 b1 the %act that it became sentient an- -i-n@t care to be -ictate- to;G
FAo$@re ri)ht; : "as more concerne- "ith so'&in) technica' prob'ems; : -i-n@t think thro$)h a''
the conse<$ences;
,e si)he-;
F=hat am : )oin) to -o "ith 1o$4 Ber'in> Ao$ take risks "hen 1o$ -on@t e&en kno" 1o$@re
takin) risks;G
F: -i-n@t tr$st 7inta4G : &o'$nteere-;
F: think 1o$ co$'- ha&e )otten more in%ormation o$t o% her4G he sai-4 Fi% 1o$ ha-n@t been so
<$ick to sa&e 9$ke4 "ho a'rea-1 appeare- to be o$t o% -an)er; (he seeme- to be 'oosenin) $p
consi-erab'1 at the en- o% 1o$r -ia'o)$e;G
FPerhaps : sho$'- ha&e ca''e- 1o$;G
F:% 1o$ enco$nter her a)ain4 -o it4 an- :@'' -ea' "ith her;G
: stare-; ,e seeme- to mean it;
FAo$ kno" "hat she is>G
F:@'' $nri--'e her4G he sai-4 s"ir'in) the bri)ht oran)e be&era)e in his )'ass; FB$t :@&e a proposa'
%or 1o$4 e'e)ant in its simp'icit1; :@&e a ne" co$ntr1 p'ace4 <$ite sec'$-e-4 "ith a'' the amenities;
=h1 not ret$rn to the Co$rts "ith me rather than bo$ncin) aro$n- %rom ha6ar- to ha6ar-> 9ie
'o" %or a co$p'e o% 1ears4 en?o1 the )oo- 'i%e4 catch $p on 1o$r rea-in); :@'' see that 1o$@re "e''-
protecte-; 9et e&er1thin) b'o" o&er4 then )o abo$t 1o$r b$siness in a more peace%$' c'imate;G
: took a sma'' sip o% the %ier1 -rink;
FNo4G : sai-; F=hat happene- to those thin)s 1o$ in-icate- ear'ier that 1o$ kne" an- : -i-n@t>G
F,ar-'1 important4 i% 1o$ accept m1 o%%er;G
F2&en i% : "ere to accept4 :@- "ant to kno";G
FBa) o% "orms4G he sai-;
FAo$ 'istene- to m1 stor1; :@'' 'isten to 1o$rs;G
,e shr$))e- an- 'eane- back in his chair4 'ooke- $p at stars;
F("a1&i'' is -1in)4G he sai-;
F,e@s been -oin) that %or 1ears;G
F!r$e4 b$t he@s )otten m$ch "orse; (ome think it has to -o "ith the -eath c$rse o% 2ric o%
Amber; =hate&erC : rea''1 be'ie&e he hasn@t m$ch 'on)er;G
F: be)in to see;;;;G
FAes4 the str$))'e %or the s$ccession has become more intense; Peop'e ha&e been %a''in) o&er
'e%t an- ri)htDpoison4 -$e's4 assassinations4 pec$'iar acci-ents4 -$bio$s s$ici-es; A )reat
n$mber ha&e a'so -eparte- %or points $nkno"n; Or so it "o$'- seem;G
F: $n-erstan-4 b$t : -on@t see "here it concerns me;G
FOne time it "o$'- not ha&e;G
FAo$ are not a"are that (a"a'' a-opte- 1o$4 %orma''14 a%ter 1o$r -epart$re>G
FAes; : "as ne&er certain as to his e.act moti&es; B$t 1o$ are a 'e)itimate heir; Ao$ %o''o" me
b$t take prece-ence o&er E$rt an- /espi';G
F!hat "o$'- sti'' 'ea&e me "a1 in he'' -o"n on the 'ist;G
F!r$e4G he sai- s'o"'1; FBost o% the interest 'ies at the top;;;;G
FAo$ sa1 Tmost;@G
F!here are a'"a1s e.ceptions4G he ans"ere-; FAo$ m$st rea'i6e that a time s$ch as this is a'so a
%ine occasion %or the pa1in) o%% o% o'- -ebts; One -eath more or 'ess har-'1 ro$ses an e1ebro"
the "a1 it "o$'- ha&e in more p'aci- times; 2&en in re'ati&e'1 hi)h p'aces;G
: shook m1 hea- as : met his e1es;
F:t rea''1 -oesn@t make sense in m1 case4G : sai-; ,e contin$e- to stare $nt'' : %e't $ncom%ortab'e;
F/oes it>G : %ina''1 aske-;
F=e:';;;G he sai-; F#i&e it some tho$)ht;G
: -i-; An- ?$st as the notion came to me4 Ban-or no--e- as i% he &ie"e- the contents o% m1
min-; FE$rt4G he sai-4 Fmet the chan)in) times "ith a mi.t$re o% -e'i)ht an- %ear; ,e "as
constant'1 ta'kin) o% the 'atest -eaths an- o% the e'e)ance an- apparent ease "ith "hich some o%
them "ere accomp'ishe-; ,$she- tones intersperse- "ith a %e" )i))'es; ,is %ear an- his -esire
to increase his o"n capacit1 %or mischie% %ina''1 reache- a point "here the1 became )reater than
his other %earDG
F!he 9o)r$s;;;;G
FAes; ,e %ina''1 trie- the 9o)r$s4 an- he ma-e it thro$)h;G
F,e sho$'- be %ee'in) &er1 )oo- abo$t that; Pro$-; :t "as somethin) he@- "ante- %or 1ears;G
FOh4 1es4G Ban-or ans"ere-; FAn- :@m s$re he %e't a )reat n$mber o% other thin)s as "e'';G
F+ree-om4G : s$))este-; FPo"er4G an- as : st$-ie- his ha'% am$se- e.pression4 : "as %orce- to
a--4 Fan- the abi'it1 to p'a1 the )ame himse'%;G
F!here ma1 be hope %or 1o$4G he sai-; FNo"4 "o$'- 1o$ care to carr1 that thro$)h to its 'o)ica'
FOka14G : respon-e-4 thinkin) o% E$rt@s 'e%t ear as it %'oate- a"a1 %o''o"in) m1 c$t4 a s"arm o%
b'oo--bea-s sprea-in) abo$t it; FAo$ think E$rt sent the +ire An)e';G
FBost 'ike'14G he rep'ie-; FB$t "o$'- 1o$ care to p$rs$e that a 'itt'e %$rther>G
: tho$)ht o% the broken branch piercin) E$rt@s e1eba'' as "e "rest'e- in the )'a-e;;;;
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-; F,e@s a%ter me; :t co$'- be a part o% the s$ccession )ame4 beca$se :@m s'i)ht'1
ahea- o% him on that %ront4 or ?$st p'ain -is'ike an- re&en)eDor both;G
F:t -oesn@t rea''1 matter "hich4G Ban-or sai-4 Fin terms o% res$'ts; B$t : "as thinkin) o% that
crop-eare- "o'% that attacke- 1o$; On'1 ha- one e1e4 too4 it seeme-;;;;G
FAes4G : sai-; F=hat -oes E$rt 'ook 'ike these -a1s>G
FOh4 he@s )ro"n abo$t ha'% the ear back; :t@s prett1 ra))e- an- $)'1-'ookin); #enera''14 his hair
co&ers it; !he e1eba'' is re)enerate-4 b$t he can@t see o$t o% it 1et; ,e $s$a''1 "ears a patch;G
F!hat mi)ht e.p'ain recent -e&e'opments4G : sai-; F,e'' o% a time %or it4 tho$)h4 "ith e&er1thin)
e'se that@s been )oin) on; B$--ies the "aters consi-erab'1;G
F:t@s one o% the reasons : s$))est 1o$ simp'1 -rop o$t an- 'et e&er1thin) coo' -o"n; !oo b$s1;
=ith as man1 arro"s as there seem to be in the air4 one ma1 "e'' %in- 1o$r heart;G
F: can take care o% m1se'%4 Ban-or;G
FAo$ co$'- ha&e %oo'e- me;G
: shr$))e-4 )ot $p4 "a'ke- o&er to the rai'4 an- 'ooke- -o"n at the stars;
A%ter a 'on) "hi'e he ca''e- o$t to me4 F,a&e 1o$ )ot an1 better i-eas>G b$t : -i-n@t ans"er him
beca$se : "as thinkin) abo$t that &er1 matter; : "as consi-erin) "hat Ban-or ha- sai- abo$t m1
t$nne' &ision an- 'ack o% prepare-ness an- ha- ?$st abo$t conc'$-e- that he "as ri)ht4 that in
near'1 e&er1thin) that ha- happene- to me $p to this pointD"ith the e.ception o% m1 )oin) a%ter
EasraD: ha- main'1 been respon-in) to circ$mstance; : ha- been %ar more acte- $pon than
actin); A-mitte-'14 it ha- a'' happene- &er1 <$ick'1; B$t sti''4 : ha- not %orme- an1 rea' p'ans %or
co&erin) m1se'%4 'earnin) abo$t m1 enemies or strikin) back; :t seeme- that there "ere some
thin)s : mi)ht be -oin);;;;
F:% there is that m$ch to "orr1 abo$t4G he sai-4 F1o$ are probab'1 better o%% p'a1in) it sa%e;G
,e "as probab'1 ri)ht4 %rom the stan-points o% reason4 sa%et14 ca$tion; B$t he "as strict'1 o% the
Co$rts4 "hi'e : possesse- an a--itiona' set o% 'o1a'ties in "hich he -i- not participate; :t "as
possib'eDi% on'1 thro$)h m1 connection "ith 9$keDthat : mi)ht be ab'e to come $p "ith some
persona' co$rse o% action that "o$'- %$rther the sec$rit1 o% Amber; (o 'on) as s$ch a chance
e.iste-4 : %e't ob'i)e- to p$rs$e matters; An- be1on- this4 %rom a p$re'1 persona' stan-point4 m1
c$riosit1 "as too stron) to permit me to "a'k a"a1 %rom the $nans"ere- <$estions "hich
abo$n-e- "hen : co$'- be acti&e'1 seekin) some ans"ers;
As : "as consi-erin) ho" : mi)ht best phrase these matters in m1 rep'1 to Ban-or4 : "as a)ain
acte- $pon; : became a"are o% a %aint %ee'in) o% in<$ir14 as o% a cat scratchin) at the -oors o% m1
min-; :t )re" in %orce4 thr$stin) asi-e other consi-erations4 $nti' : kne" it as a !r$mp sen-in)
%rom some &er1 -istant p'ace; : )$esse- that it mi)ht be %rom 0an-om4$s to -isco&er "hat
ha- transpire- since m1 absence %rom Amber; (o : ma-e m1se'% recepti&e4 in&itin) the contact;
FBer'in4 "hat@s the matter>G Ban-or aske-4 an- : raise- m1 han- to in-icate : "as occ$pie-; At
that4 : sa" him p'ace his napkin $pon the tab'etop an- rise to his %eet;
B1 &ision c'eare- s'o"'1 an- : behe'- +iona4 'ookin) stern4 rocks at her back4 a pa'e )reen sk1
abo&e her;
FBer'in4G she sai-; F=here are 1o$>G
F+ar a"a14G : ans"ere-; F:t@s a 'on) stor1; =hat@s )oin) on> =here are 1o$>G
(he smi'e- b'eak'1;
F+ar a"a14G she rep'ie-;
F=e seem to ha&e chosen &er1 scenic spots4G : obser&e-; F/i- 1o$ pick the sk1 to comp'ement
1o$r hair>G
F2no$)hIG she sai-; F: -i- not ca'' 1o$ to compare tra&e' notes;G
At that moment Ban-or came $p asi-e me an- p'ace- his han- $pon m1 sho$'-er4 "hich "as
har-'1 in keepin) "ith his character4 as it is consi-ere- a )a$che thin) to -o "hen a !r$mp
comm$nication is ob&io$s'1 in pro)ressDon the or-er o% intentiona''1 pickin) $p an e.tension
phone an- breakin) in on someone@s ca''; Ne&erthe'ess;;;;
FB1I B1IG he sai-; F=i'' 1o$ p'ease intro-$ce me4 Ber'in>G
F=ho4G +iona aske-4 Fis that>G
F!his is m1 brother Ban-or4G : to'- her4 Fo% the ,o$se o% (a"a'' in the Co$rts o% Chaos;
Ban-or4 this is m1 A$nt +iona4 Princess o% Amber;G
Ban-or bo"e-;
F: ha&e hear- o% 1o$4 Princess4G he sai-; F:t is in-ee- a p'eas$re;G
,er e1es "i-ene- %or a moment;
F: kno" o% the ho$se4G she rep'ie-4 Fb$t :@- no i-ea o% Ber'in@s re'ationship "ith it; : am p'ease-
to kno" 1o$;G
F: take it there@s some prob'em4 +i>G : aske-;
FAes4G she ans"ere-4 )'ancin) at Ban-or;
F: "i'' retire4G he sai-; F,onore- to ha&e met 1o$4 Princess; : "ish 1o$ 'i&e- a bit nearer the
(he smi'e-;
F=ait4G she sai-; F!his -oes not in&o'&e an1 state secrets; Ao$ are an initiate o% the 9o)r$s>G
F: am4G he state-;
F;;;An- : take it 1o$ t"o -i- not )et to)ether to %i)ht a -$e'>G
F,ar-'14G : ans"ere-;
F:n that case4 : "o$'- "e'come his &ie" o% the prob'em4 a'so; Are 1o$ "i''in) to come to me4
Ban-or>G ,e bo"e- a)ain4 "hich : tho$)ht "as hammin) it a bit;
FAn1p'ace4 Ba-am4G he respon-e-;
(he sai-4 FCome then4G an- she e.ten-e- her 'e%t han- an- : c'aspe- it; Ban-or reache- o$t an-
to$che- her "rist; =e steppe- %or"ar-;
=e stoo- be%ore her in the rock1 p'ace; :t "as bree61 an- a bit chi'' there; +rom some"here
-istant there came a m$te- roar4 as o% a m$%%'e- en)ine;
F,a&e 1o$ been in to$ch "ith an1one in Amber recent'1>G : aske- her;
FNo4G she state-;
FAo$r -epart$re "as some"hat abr$pt;G
F!here "ere reasons;G
F($ch as 1o$r reco)ni6in) 9$ke>G
F,is i-entit1 is kno"n to 1o$ no">G
FAn- to the others>G
F: to'- 0an-om4G : ans"ere-4 Fan- +'ora;G
F!hen e&er1one kno"s4G she sai-; F: -eparte- <$ick'1 an- took B'e1s "ith me beca$se "e ha-
to be ne.t on 9$ke@s 'ist; A%ter a''4 : trie- ki''in) his %ather an- a'most s$ccee-e-; B'e1s an- :
"ere Bran-@s c'osest re'ati&es4 an- "e@- t$rne- a)ainst him;G
(he t$rne- a penetratin) )a6e $pon Ban-or4 "ho smi'e-;
F: $n-erstan-4G he state-4 Fthat ri)ht no" 9$ke -rinks "ith a Cat4 a /o-o4 a Caterpi''ar4 an- a
=hite 0abbit; : a'so $n-erstan- that "ith his mother a prisoner in Amber he is po"er'ess a)ainst
(he re)ar-e- me a)ain;
FAo$ ha&e been b$s14G she sai-;
F: tr1;G
F;;;(o that it is probab'1 sa%e %or 1o$ to ret$rn4G Ban-or contin$e-;
(he smi'e- at him4 then )'ance- at me;
FAo$r brother seems "e'' in%orme-4G she obser&e-;
F,e@s %ami'14 too4G : sai-4 Fan- "e@&e a 'i%e-'on) habit o% 'ookin) o$t %or each other;G
F,is 'i%e or 1o$rs>G she aske-;
FBine4G : rep'ie-; F,e is m1 senior;G
F=hat are a %e" cent$ries this "a1 or that>G Ban-or o%%ere-;
F: tho$)ht : %e't a certain mat$rit1 o% spirit4G she note-; F:@&e a min- to tr$st 1o$ %$rther than :@-
F!hat@s &er1 sportin) o% 1o$4G he rep'ie-4 Fan- : treas$re the sentiment;;;;G
F;;;B$t 1o$@- rather : -i-n@t o&er-o it>G
F:@&e no intention o% testin) 1o$r 'o1a'ties to home an- throne4G she sai-4 Fon s$ch short
ac<$aintance; :t -oes concern both Amber an- the Co$rts4 b$t : see no con%'ict in the matter;G
F: -o not -o$bt 1o$r pr$-ence; : mere'1 "ante- to make m1 position c'ear;G
(he t$rne- back to"ar- me;
FBer'in4G she sai- then4 F: think 1o$ 'ie- to me;G
: %e't m1se'% %ro"nin) as : trie- to reca'' an occasion "hen : mi)ht ha&e mis'e- her abo$t
somethin); : shook m1 hea-;
F:% : -i-4G : to'- her4 F: -on@t remember;G
F:t "as some 1ears a)o4G she sai-4 F"hen : aske- 1o$ to tr1 "a'kin) 1o$r %ather@s Pattern;G
FOh4G : ans"ere-4 %ee'in) m1se'% b'$sh an- "on-erin) "hether it "as apparent in this stran)e
FAo$ took a-&anta)e o% "hat : ha- to'- 1o$Dabo$t the Pattern@s resistance4G she contin$e-;
FAo$ preten-e- it "as pre&entin) 1o$ %rom settin) 1o$r %oot $pon it; B$t there "as no &isib'e
si)n o% the resistance4 s$ch as there "as "hen : trie- steppin) onto it;G
(he 'ooke- at me4 as i% %or con%irmation; F(o>G : sai-;
F(o4G she rep'ie-4 Fit has become more important no" than it "as then4 an- : ha&e to kno"8
=ere 1o$ %akin) it that -a1>G
FAes4G : sai-;
FOnce : took one step $pon it4G : e.p'aine-4 F:@- ha&e been committe- to "a'kin) it; =ho kno"s
"here it mi)ht ha&e 'e- me an- "hat sit$ation mi)ht ha&e %o''o"e-> : "as near the en- o% m1
ho'i-a1 an- in a h$rr1 to )et back to schoo'C : -i-n@t ha&e time %or "hat mi)ht ha&e t$rne- into a
'en)th1; !e''in) 1o$ there "ere -i%%ic$'ties seeme- the most )race%$' "a1 o% be))in)
F: think there@s more to it than that4G she sai-;
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F: think Cor"in to'- 1o$ somethin) abo$t it that the rest o% $s -o not kno"Dor that he 'e%t 1o$
a messa)e; : be'ie&e 1o$ kno" more than 1o$ 'et on concernin) the thin);G
: shr$))e-;
F(orr14 +iona; : ha&e no contro' o&er 1o$r s$spicions4G : sai-; F=ish : co$'- be o% more he'p;G
FAo$ can4G she rep'ie-;
F!e'' me ho";G
FCome "ith me to the p'ace o% the ne" Pattern; : "ant 1o$ to "a'k it;G
: shook m1 hea-;
F:@&e )ot a 'ot more pressin) b$siness4G : to'- her4 Fthan satis%1in) 1o$r c$riosit1 abo$t
somethin) m1 -a- -i- 1ears a)o;G
F:t@s more than ?$st c$riosit14G she sai-; F: to'- 1o$ once be%ore that : think it@s "hat is behin-
the increase- inci-ence o% sha-o" storms;G
FAn- : )a&e 1o$ a per%ect'1 )oo- reason %or somethin) e'se bein) the ca$se; : be'ie&e it@s an
a-?$stment to the partia' -estr$ction an- recreation o% the o'- Pattern;G
F=o$'- 1o$ come this "a1>G she aske-4 an- she t$rne- %rom me an- be)an to c'imb;
: )'ance- at Ban-or4 shr$))e-4 an- %o''o"e- her; ,e came a'on);
=e mo$nte- to"ar- a ?a))e- screen o% rock; (he reache- it %irst an- ma-e her "a1 onto a
'opsi-e- 'e-)e "hich ran part"a1 a'on) it; (he tra&erse- this $nti' she came to a p'ace "here the
rock "a'' ha- broken -o"n into a "i-e 7-shape- )ap; (he stoo- there "ith her back to $s then4
the 'i)ht %rom the )reen sk1 -oin) stran)e thin)s to her hair;
: came $p besi-e her an- %o''o"e- the -irection o% her )a6e; On a -istant p'ain4 %ar be'o" $s an-
to the 'e%t4 a 'ar)e b'ack %$nne' sp$n 'ike a top; :t seeme- the so$rce o% the roarin) so$n- "e ha-
been hearin); !he )ro$n- appeare- to be cracke- beneath it; : stare- %or se&era' min$tes4 b$t it
-i- not chan)e in %orm or position; +ina''14 : c'eare- m1 throat;
F9ooks 'ike a bi) torna-o4G : sai-4 Fnot )oin) an1p'ace;G
F!hat@s "h1 : "ant 1o$ to "a'k the ne" Pattern4G she to'- me; F: think it@s )oin) to )et $s $n'ess
"e )et it %irst;G
Chapter 3
:% 1o$ ha- a choice bet"een the abi'it1 to -etect %a'sehoo- an- the abi'it1 to -isco&er tr$th4
"hich one "o$'- 1o$ take> !here "as a time "hen : tho$)ht the1 "ere -i%%erent "a1s o% sa1in)
the same thin)4 b$t : no 'on)er be'ie&e that; Bost o% m1 re'ati&es4 %or e.amp'e4 are a'most as
)oo- at seein) thro$)h s$bter%$)e as the1 are at perpetratin) it; :@m not at a'' s$re4 tho$)h4 that
the1 care m$ch abo$t tr$th; On the other han-4 :@- a'"a1s %e't there "as somethin) nob'e4 specia'4
an- honorab'e abo$t seekin) tr$thDa thin) :@- attempte- "ith #host"hee'; Ban-or ha- ma-e
me "on-er4 tho$)h; ,a- this ma-e me a s$cker %or tr$th@s opposite>
O% co$rse4 it@s not as c$t an- -rie- as a'' that; : kno" that it is not a p$re eitherSor sit$ation "ith
the mi--'e e.c'$-e-4 b$t is rather a statement o% attit$-e; (ti''4 : "as s$--en'1 "i''in) to conce-e
that : mi)ht ha&e )one to an e.tremeDto the point o% %oo'har-inessDan- that : ha- 'et certain o%
m1 critica' %ac$'ties -o6e %or %ar too 'on);
(o : "on-ere- abo$t +iona@s re<$est;
F=hat makes it s$ch a threat>G : aske- her;
F:t is a sha-o" storm in the %orm o% a torna-o4G she sai-;
F!here ha&e been s$ch thin)s be%ore4G : ans"ere-;
F!r$e4G she respon-e-4 Fb$t the1 ten- to mo&e thro$)h (ha-o"; !his one -oes ha&e e.tension
thro$)h an area o% (ha-o"4 b$t it is tota''1 stationar1; :t %irst appeare- se&era' -a1s a)o4 an- it
has not a'tere- in an1 "a1 since then;G
F=hat@s that come to in Amber-time>G : aske-;
F,a'% a -a14 perhaps; =h1>G
: shr$))e-; F: -on@t kno"; E$st c$rio$s4G : sai-; F: sti'' -on@t see "h1 it@s a threat;G
F: to'- 1o$ that s$ch storms ha- pro'i%erate- since Cor"in -re" the e.tra Pattern; No" the1@re
chan)in) in character as "e'' as %re<$enc1; !hat Pattern has to be $n-erstoo- soon;G
A moment@s <$ick re%'ection sho"e- me that "hoe&er )aine- contro' o% /a-@s Pattern co$'-
become master o% some terrib'e %orces; Or mistress;
(o4 F($pposin) : "a'k it4G : sai-; F!hen "hat> As : $n-erstan- it %rom /a-@s stor14 :@- ?$st "in-
$p in the mi--'e4 the same as "ith the Pattern back home; =hat@s to be 'earne- %rom that>G
: st$-ie- her %ace %or some -isp'a1 o% emotion4 b$t m1 re'ati&es ten- to ha&e too m$ch contro'
%or s$ch simp'e se'%-betra1a';
FAs : $n-erstan- it4G she sai-4 FBran- "as ab'e to tr$mp in "hen Cor"in "as at the mi--'e;G
F!hat@s the "a1 : $n-erstan- it4 too;G
F;;;(o4 "hen 1o$ reach the center4 : can come in on a !r$mp;G
F: s$ppose so; !hen there "i'' be t"o o% $s stan-in) at the mi--'e o% the Pattern;G
F;;;An- %rom there "e "i'' be in a position to )o somep'ace "e co$'- not reach %rom an1 other
point in e.istence;G
F!hat bein)>G : aske-;
F!he prima' Pattern "hich 'ies behin- it;G
FAo$@re s$re there is one>G
F!here m$st be; :t is in the nat$re o% s$ch a constr$ct to be scribe- at a more basic 'e&e' o%
rea'it1 as "e'' as the m$n-ane;G
FAn- o$r p$rpose in tra&e'in) to that p'ace>G
F!hat is "here its secrets -"e''4 "here its -eepest ma)ics mi)ht be 'earne-;G
F: see4G : to'- her; F!hen "hat>G
F=h14 there "e mi)ht 'earn ho" to $n-o the tro$b'e the thin) is ca$sin)4G she ans"ere-;
F!hat@s a''>G
,er e1es narro"e-;
F=e "i'' 'earn "hate&er "e can4 o% co$rse; Po"er is po"er4 an- represents a threat $nti' it is
: no--e- s'o"'1;
FB$t ri)ht no" there are a n$mber o% po"ers that are more pressin) in the threat -epartment4G :
sai-; F!hat Pattern is )oin) to ha&e to "ait its t$rn;G
F2&en i% it ma1 represent the %orces 1o$ nee- to -ea' "ith 1o$r other prob'ems>G she aske-;
F2&en so4G : sai-; F:t mi)ht t$rn into a 'en)th1 enterprise4 an- : -on@t be'ie&e : ha&e the time %or
FB$t 1o$ -on@t kno" that %or certain;G
F!r$e; B$t once : set %oot on it4 there@s no t$rnin) back;G
: -i- not a-- that :@- no intention o% takin) her to the prima' Pattern4 then 'ea&in) her there on
her o"n; A%ter a''4 she ha- trie- her han- at kin)-makin) once; An- i% Bran- ha- ma-e it to the
throne o% Amber in those -a1s4 she "o$'- ha&e been stan-in) ri)ht behin- him4 no matter "hat
she ha- to sa1 abo$t it no"; : think she "as abo$t to ask me to -e'i&er her to the prima' Pattern
then b$t rea'i6e- that :@- a'rea-1 consi-ere- it an- re?ecte- it; Not "antin) to 'ose %ace b1 askin)
an- bein) re%$se-4 she ret$rne- to her ori)ina' ar)$ment;
F: s$))est 1o$ make time no"4G she sai-4 Fi% 1o$ -o not "ish to see "or'-s torn $p abo$t 1o$;G
F: -i-n@t be'ie&e 1o$ the %irst time 1o$ to'- me that4G : ans"ere-4 Fan- : -on@t be'ie&e 1o$ no"; :
sti'' think the increase- sha-o"-storm acti&it1 is probab'1 an a-?$stment to the -ama)e an-
repair o% the ori)ina' Pattern; : a'so think that i% "e mess aro$n- "ith a ne" Pattern "e -on@t
kno" an1thin) abo$t4 "e stan- a chance o% makin) thin)s "orse4 not betterDG
F: -on@t "ant to mess aro$n- "ith it4G she sai-; F: "ant to st$-1DG
!he (i)n o% the 9o)r$s %'ashe- bet"een $s s$--en'1; (he m$st ha&e seen it or %e't it someho"4
too4 beca$se she -re" back at the same instant : -i-;
: t$rne- m1 hea- "ith s$re kno"'e-)e as to "hat : "o$'- see;
Ban-or ha- mo$nte- the batt'ement-'ike "a'' o% stone; ,e stoo- as sti'' as i% he "ere a part o% it4
his arm4 $praise-; : s$ppresse- m1 %irst imp$'se4 "hich "as to sho$t to him to stop; ,e kne"
"hat he "as -oin); An- : "as certain that he "o$'- not pa1 me the s'i)htest hee-4 an1"a1;
: a-&ance- to the notch in "hich he ha- taken his position4 an- : 'ooke- past him at the s"ir'in)
thin) on the cracke- p'ain %ar be'o"; !hro$)h the ima)e o% the 9o)r$s4 : %e't the -ark4 a"%$' r$sh
o% po"er that ($h$1 ha- re&ea'e- to me in his %ina' 'esson; Ban-or "as ca''in) $pon it no" an-
po$rin) it into the sha-o"-storm; /i- he not rea'i6e that the %orce o% Chaos he "as $n'eashin)
m$st sprea- $nti' it ha- r$n a terrib'e co$rse> Co$'- he not see that i% the storm "ere in-ee- a
mani%estation o% Chaos then he "as t$rnin) it into a tr$'1 monstro$s thin)>
:t )re" 'ar)er; :ts roarin) increase- in &o'$me; :t became %ri)htenin) to "atch it;
+rom behin- me4 : hear- +iona )asp;
F: hope 1o$ kno" "hat 1o$@re -oin)4G : ca''e- to him;
F=e@'' kno" in abo$t a min$te4G he rep'ie-4 'o"erin) his arms;
!he (i)n o% the 9o)r$s "inke- o$t be%ore me;
=e "atche- the -amne- thin) spin %or some time4 bi))er an- noisier;
+ina''14 F=hat ha&e 1o$ pro&e->G : aske- him;
F!hat 1o$ ha&e no patience4G he ans"ere-;
!here "as nothin) partic$'ar'1 instr$cti&e to the phenomenon4 b$t : contin$e- to "atch it
Abr$pt'14 the so$n- became a st$tter; !he -ark apparition ?erke- abo$t s$--en'14 shakin) o%% bits
o% acc$m$'ate- -ebris as it contracte-; (oon it "as restore- to its %ormer si6e4 an- it hit its ear'ier
pitch an- the so$n- )re" stea-1 once more;
F,o" -i- 1o$ -o that>G : aske- him;
F: -i-n@t4G he sai-; F:t a-?$ste- itse'%;G
F:t sho$'-n@t ha&e4G +iona state-;
F2.act'14G he rep'ie-;
FAo$@&e 'ost me4G : sai-;
F:t sho$'- ha&e )one roarin) ri)ht on4 stron)er than e&er4 a%ter he@- a$)mente- it that "a14G
+iona sai-; FB$t "hate&er is contro''in) it ha- other p'ans; (o it "as rea-?$ste-;G
F;;;An- it is a Chaos phenomenon4G Ban-or contin$e-; FAo$ co$'- see that in the "a1 it -re"
$pon Chaos "hen : pro&i-e- the means; B$t that p$she- it past some 'imit4 an- there "as a
correction; (omeone is p'a1in) "ith the prima' %orces themse'&es o$t there; =ho or "hat or "h14
: cannot sa1; B$t : think it@s stron) testimon1 that the Pattern isn@t in&o'&e-; Not "ith Chaos
)ames; (o Ber'in is probab'1 correct; : think that this b$siness has its ori)in e'se"here;G
FA'' ri)ht4G +iona conce-e-; FA'' ri)ht; =hat -oes that 'ea&e $s "ith>G
FA m1ster14G he sai-; FB$t har-'14 : think4 an imminent threat;G
A %aint %ire%'1 o% an i-ea %'itte- thro$)h m1 min-; :t co$'- easi'1 be -ea- "ron)4 tho$)h that "as
not the reason : -eci-e- a)ainst sharin) it; :t 'e- into an area o% tho$)ht : co$'- not e.p'ore in an
instant4 an- : -on@t 'ike )i&in) a"a1 pieces o% thin)s 'ike that;
+iona "as )'arin) at me no"4 b$t : maintaine- a b'an- e.pression; Abr$pt'1 then4 seein) that her
ca$se "as %r$it'ess4 she -eci-e- to chan)e the s$b?ect8
FAo$ sai- that 1o$ 'e%t 9$ke $n-er some"hat $n$s$a' circ$mstances; E$st "here is he no">G
!he 'ast thin) : "ante- to -o "as to )et her rea''1 ma- at me; B$t : co$'-n@t see t$rnin) her
'oose on 9$ke in his present con-ition; +or a'' : kne"4 she mi)ht act$a''1 be $p to ki''in) him4
?$st as a %orm o% 'i%e ins$rance; An- : -i- not "ant 9$ke -ea-; :@- a %ee'in) he mi)ht be
$n-er)oin) somethin) o% a chan)e o% attit$-e4 an- : "ante- to )i&e him e&er1 break : co$'-; =e
sti'' o"e- each other a %e"4 e&en tho$)h it "as har- keepin) scoreC an- there is somethin) to be
sai- %or o'- times@ sake; Consi-erin) "hat :@- ?$-)e- his con-ition to be "hen :@- 'e%t him4 it "as
)oin) to be a "hi'e be%ore he "as in -ecent shape a)ain; An- then : ha- a n$mber o% thin)s :
"ante- to ta'k to him abo$t;
F(orr14G : sai-; F,e@s m1 pro&ince at the moment;G
F: be'ie&e : ha&e some interest in the matter4G she rep'ie- 'e&e''1;
FO% co$rse4G : sai-4 Fb$t : %ee' that mine is )reater an- that "e ma1 )et in each other@s "a1s;G
F: can ?$-)e these thin)s %or m1se'%4G she sai-;
FOka14G : to'- her; F,e@s on an aci- trip; An1 in%orormation 1o$@- )et o$t o% him mi)ht be
co'or%$'4 b$t it "o$'- a'so be hi)h'1 -isappointin);G
F,o" -i- this happen>G she aske-;
FA "i6ar- name- Bask apparent'1 s'ippe- him some chemica's "hen he ha- him prisoner;G
F=here "as this> :@&e ne&er hear- o% Bask;G
FA p'ace ca''e- the 3eep o% the +o$r =or'-s4G : to'- her;
F:t@s been a 'on) time since : hear- the 3eep mentione-4G she sai-; FA sorcerer name- (har$
#arr$' $se- to ho'- it;G
F,e@s a coatrack no"4G : state-;
F9on) stor1C b$t Bask has the p'ace these -a1s;G
(he stare- at me4 an- : co$'- te'' she "as ?$st rea'i6in) that there "as a 'ot she -i-n@t kno" in
the "a1 o% recent -e&e'opments; :@- ?$-)e she "as -eci-in) "hich o% se&era' ob&io$s <$estions
to ask ne.t "hen : -eci-e- to beat her to the p$nch "hi'e she "as sti'' o%% ba'ance;
F(o ho"@s B'e1s>G : aske-;
F,e@s m$ch impro&e-; : treate- him m1se'% an- he@s reco&erin) <$ick'1;G
: "as abo$t to ask her "here he "as4 "hich : kne" she "o$'- re%$se to ans"er4 an- hope%$''1
"e "o$'- both smi'e "hen she sa" "hat : "as -ri&in) at8 no a--ress %or B'e1s4 no a--ress %or
9$keC "e keep o$r secrets an- sta1 %rien-s;
F,e''oIG : hear- Ban-or sa14 an- "e both t$rne- in the -irection he "as %acin)Dback o$t
thro$)h the notch;
!he -ark torna-o-%orm ha- co''apse- to ha'% its %ormer si6e4 an- e&en as "e "atche-4 it
contin$e- to -iminish; :t %e'' stea-i'1 in $pon itse'%4 shrinkin) an- shrinkin)4 an- in abo$t a ha'%
min$te it "as )one4 comp'ete'1;
: co$'- not s$ppress a smi'e4 b$t +iona -i- not e&en notice; (he "as 'ookin) at Ban-or;
F/o 1o$ think it "as beca$se o% "hat 1o$ -i->G she aske- him;
F: ha&e no "a1 o% kno"in)4G he rep'ie-4 Fb$t it ma1 "e'' be;G
FB$t -oes it te'' 1o$ an1thin)>G she sai-;
FPerhaps "hoe&er "as responsib'e -i- not 'ike ha&in) me tinker "ith his e.periment;G
FAo$ rea''1 be'ie&e there@s an inte''i)ence behin- it>G
F(omeone %rom the Co$rts>G
F:t seems more 'ike'1 than someone %rom 1o$r en- o% the "or'-;G
F: s$ppose so;;;;G she a)ree-; F,a&e 1o$ an1 )$esses as to the person@s i-entit1>G
,e smi'e-;
F: $n-erstan-4G she sai- <$ick'1; FAo$r b$siness is 1o$r b$siness; B$t a )enera' threat is
e&er1bo-1@s b$siness; !hat@s "hat : "as rea''1 )ettin) at;G
F!r$e4G he ackno"'e-)e-; F!his is "h1 : propose in&esti)atin) it; :@m at 'oose en-s at the
moment; :t mi)ht be am$sin);G
F:t is a"k"ar- askin) 1o$ to comm$nicate 1o$r %in-in)s to me4G she sai-4 F"hen : -o not kno"
"hat interests mi)ht be in&o'&e-;G
F: appreciate 1o$r position4G he rep'ie-4 Fb$t to the best o% m1 kno"'e-)e the treat1 pro&isions
sti'' ho'- an- no one in the Co$rts is promotin) an1 specia' -esi)ns a)ainst Amber; :n %act;;;; :%
1o$ 'ike4 "e mi)ht p$rs$e the matter to)ether4 at 'east part o% the "a1;G
F:@&e )ot the time4G she sai-;
F: -on@t4G : in?ecte- <$ick'1; F:@&e some pressin) b$siness to atten- to;G
Ban-or shi%te- his attention to me;
FAbo$t m1 o%%er;;;;G he sai-;
F: can@t4G : to'- him;
F7er1 "e''; O$r con&ersation is not conc'$-e-4 ho"e&er; :@'' be in to$ch 'ater;G
+iona 'ooke- m1 "a1 then4 a'so;
FAo$ "i'' keep me poste- on 9$ke@s reco&er14 an- his intentions4G she state-;
FO% co$rse;G
F#oo- -a14 then;G
Ban-or )a&e me a sma'' ha'%-sa'$te an- : ret$rne- it;
: be)an "a'kin) then4 an- as soon as : "as o$t o% si)ht : be)an shi%tin);
: %o$n- m1 "a1 to a rock1 s'ope4 "here : ha'te- an- "ith-re" m1 !r$mp %or Amber; : raise- it4
%oc$se- m1 a"areness4 an- transporte- m1se'% as soon as : %e't m1 "a1 thro$)h; : "as hopin)
the main ha'' "o$'- be empt14 b$t at this point : -i-n@t rea''1 care that m$ch;
: came thro$)h near Easra4 "ho "as ho'-in) an e.tra c'oak o&er her o$tstretche- 'e%t arm; :
-$cke- o$t the -oor"a1 to m1 'e%t into an empt1 corri-or an- ma-e m1 "a1 to the back stair;
(e&era' times : hear- &oices an- : -eto$re- to a&oi- the speakers; : "as ab'e to make it to m1
rooms "itho$t bein) -isco&ere-;
!he on'1 rest : ha- ha- in "hat seeme- an a)e an- a ha'% ha- been a %i%teen-min$te nap be%ore
9$ke@s space--o$t sorcero$s %ac$'t1 ha- ca$se- him to s$mmon me to the 9ookin) #'ass Bar &ia
a ha''$cinator1 !r$mp; =hen> +or a'' : kne"4 it co$'- ha&e been 1ester-a1D"hich ha- been a
&er1 %$'' -a1 be%ore that inci-ent;
: barre- the -oor an- sta))ere- to the be-4 %'in)in) m1se'% -o"n $pon it "itho$t e&en remo&in)
m1 boots; ($re4 there "ere a'' sorts o% thin)s : sho$'- be -oin)4 b$t : "as in no con-ition %or an1
o% them; :@- ret$rne- home beca$se : sti'' %e't sa%est in AmberC -espite the %act that 9$ke ha-
reache- me here once;
(omeone "ith a hi)h-po"ere- s$bconscio$s mi)ht ha&e ha- a bri''iant'1 re&e'ator1 -ream
%o''o"in) as m$ch crap as :@- been thro$)h recent'14 an- then ha&e a"akene- "ith a "on-er%$'
series o% insi)hts an- ans"ers -etai'in) appropriate co$rses o% action; : -i-n@t; : "oke once4 in a
sma'' panic4 not kno"in) "here : "as; B$t : opene- m1 e1es an- satis%ie- m1se'% on that co$nt4
then "ent back to s'eep; 9aterDm$ch 'ater4 it seeme-D: ret$rne- b1 -e)rees4 'ike some piece o%
%'otsam bein) p$she- hi)her an- hi)her onto a beach b1 "a&e %o''o"in) "a&e4 $nti' %ina''1 : "as
there; : sa" no reason %or )oin) an1 %$rther $nti' : rea'i6e- that m1 %eet h$rt; !hen : sat $p an-
p$''e- m1 boots o%%4 "hich mi)ht ha&e been one o% the si. )reatest p'eas$res in m1 'i%e; :
remo&e- m1 socks in a h$rr1 then an- thre" them into the corner o% the room; =h1 -oesn@t
an1one e'se in m1 'ine o% "ork seem to )et sore %eet> : %i''e- the basin an- soake- them %or a
time4 then reso'&e- to )o bare%oot %or the ne.t %e" ho$rs;
+ina''1 : rose4 strippe-4 c'eane- $p4 an- p$t on a pair o% 9e&i@s an- a p$rp'e %'anne' shirt o%
"hich : am %on-; !he he'' "ith s"or-s4 -a))ers4 an- c'oaks %or a time; : opene- the sh$tters an-
'ooke- o$tsi-e; :t "as -ark; Beca$se o% c'o$-s4 : co$'-n@t e&en )$ess %rom the stars "hether it
mi)ht be ear'1 e&enin)4 'ate ni)ht4 or a'most mornin);
:t "as &er1 <$iet in the ha''4 an- there "ere no so$n-s as : ma-e m1 "a1 -o"n the back stair;
!he kitchen "as -eserte- a'so4 the bi) %ires banke- an- smo'-erin) 'o"; : -i-n@t "ant to stir
thin)s $p be1on- han)in) a pot o% "ater to "arm %or tea "hi'e : 'ocate- some brea- an- %r$it
preser&es; : t$rne- $p a ?$) o% somethin) 'ike )rape%r$it ?$ice4 too4 in one o% the "a'k-in ice;
As : sat "armin) m1 %eet an- "orkin) m1 "a1 thro$)h the 'oa%4 : be)an to %ee' $neas1; : "as
sippin) m1 tea be%ore : rea'i6e- "hat it "as; !here seeme- a )reat necessit1 that : be -oin)
somethin)4 1et : ha- no i-ea "hat; No" : ha- somethin) o% a breather4 an- it %e't stran)e; (o :
-eci-e- to start thinkin) a)ain;
B1 the time :@- %inishe- eatin)4 : ha- a %e" sma'' p'ans; !he %irst thin) : -i- "as to make m1
"a1 to the main ha''4 "here : remo&e- a'' o% the hats an- c'oaks %orm Easra an- s"ept her o%% her
%eet; 9ater4 as : "as bearin) her sti%% %orm a'on) the $pstairs ha''"a1 in the -irection o% m1 room4
a -oor opene- part"a1 an- a b'ear1-e1e- /roppa "atche- me )o b1;
F,e14 :@'' take t"oIG he ca''e- a%ter me;
F0emin-s me o% an1 %irst "i%e4G he a--e- then4 an- c'ose- the -oor;
Once : ha- her insta''e- in m1 <$arters4 : -re" $p a chair an- seate- m1se'% be%ore her; #arish'1
c'a- as part o% a sa&a)e ?oke4 her har- sort o% bea$t1 "as not rea''1 -iminishe-; (he ha- p'ace-
me in e.treme peri' on one occasion4 an- : ha- no -esire to %ree her at a time 'ike this %or a
possib'e repeat per%ormance; B$t the spe'' that he'- her c'aime- m1 attention %or more than one
reason an- : "ante- to $n-erstan- it %$''1;
Care%$''1 then4 : be)an e.p'orin) the constr$ct "hich he'- her; :t "as not o&ercomp'icate-4 b$t :
co$'- see that tracin) a'' o% its b1"a1s "as )oin) to take a "hi'e; A'' ri)ht; : "asn@t abo$t to stop
no"; : p$she- on ahea- into the spe''4 takin) menta' notes as : "ent;
: "as b$s1 %or ho$rs; A%ter : ha- so'&e- the spe''4 : -eci-e- to han) some more o% m1 o"n4
times bein) "hat the1 "ere; !he cast'e came a"ake abo$t me as : "orke-; : 'abore- stea-i'1 as
the -a1 pro)resse-4 $nti' e&er1thin) "as in p'ace an- : "as satis%ie- "ith m1 "ork; : "as a'so
: mo&e- Easra o%% into a corner4 p$''e- on m1 boots4 -eparte- m1 <$arters4 an- hea-e- %or the
stair; :n that it seeme- abo$t '$nchtime : checke- o$t the se&era' -inin) rooms in "hich the
%ami'1 )enera''1 ate; B$t a'' o% them "ere -eserte- an- none o% them "ere set $p %or a mea' 1et
to come; Nor -i- an1 o% them sho" si)ns o% a mea' ha&in) recent'1 been -ispatche-;
: s$ppose it "as possib'e m1 time sense "as sti'' ske"e- an- : "as m$ch too 'ate or too ear'1C
b$t it -i- seem that it ha- been -a1'i)ht 'on) eno$)h to brin) me into the &icinit1 o% the proper
ho$r; Nobo-14 ho"e&er4 seeme- to be eatin)4 so somethin) ha- to be "ron) "ith this
!hen : hear- itDthe %aint c'ick o% c$t'er1 $pon p'ate; : hea-e- in the apparent -irection o% the
so$n-; Ob&io$s'14 the mea' "as takin) p'ace in a 'ess %re<$ente- settin) than $s$a'; : t$rne-
ri)ht4 then 'e%t; Aes4 the1 ha- -eci-e- to set $p in a -ra"in) room; No matter;
: entere- the room4 "here 9'e"e''a "as seate- "ith 0an-om@s "i%e4 7ia''e4 on the re- -i&an4
-inner 'ai- on a 'o" tab'e be%ore them; Bichae'4 "ho "orke- in the kitchen4 stoo- nearb1 behin-
a cart 'oa-e- "ith -ishes; : c'eare- m1 throat;
FBer'in4G 7ia''e anno$nce- "ith a sensiti&it1 that a'"a1s )i&es me a sma'' chi''Dshe bein)
comp'ete'1 b'in-; F,o" p'easantIG
F,e''o4G 9'e"e''a sai-; FCome an- ?oin $s; =e@re$s to hear "hat 1o$@&e been -oin);G
: -re" a chair $p to the %ar si-e o% the tab'e an- seate- m1se'%; Bichae' came o&er an- 'ai- a
%resh settin) be%ore me; : tho$)ht abo$t it <$ick'1; An1thin) 7ia''e hear- "o$'- -o$bt'ess )et
back to 0an-om; (o : )a&e them a some"hat e-ite- &ersion o% recent e&entsD'ea&in) o$t a''
re%erences to Ban-or4 +iona4 an- an1thin) ha&in) to -o "ith the Co$rts; :t ma-e %or a
consi-erab'1 shorter stor1 an- 'et me )et to m1 %oo- sooner;
F2&er1bo-1@s been so b$s1 'ate'14G 9'e"e''a remarke- "hen :@- %inishe- ta'kin); F:t a'most
makes me %ee' )$i't1;G
: st$-ie- the -e'icate )reen o% her more-than-o'i&e comp'e.ionC her %$'' 'ips4 her 'ar)e cat'ike
FB$t not <$ite4G she a--e-;
F=here are the1 a''4 an1"a1>G : aske-;
F#erar-4G she sai-4 Fis -o"n seein) to harbor %orti%ications4 an- E$'ian is in comman- o% the
arm14 "hich has no" been e<$ippe- "ith some %irearms an- is set to -e%en- the approaches to
FAo$ mean /a't has somethin) in the %ie'- a'rea-1> Comin) this "a1>G
(he shook her hea-; FNo4 it "as a preca$tionar1 meas$re4G she rep'ie-4 Fbeca$se o% that messa)e
%rom 9$ke; /a't@s %orce ha- not act$a''1 been si)hte-;G
F/oes an1one e&en kno" "here he is>G : aske-;
FNot 1et4G she ans"ere-4 Fb$t "e@re e.pectin) some inte''i)ence on that soon;G (he shr$))e-;
!hen4 FPerhaps E$'ian a'rea-1 has it4G she a--e-;
F=h1 is E$'ian in comman->G : aske- bet"een nibb'es; F:@- ha&e tho$)ht Bene-ict "o$'- take
char)e o% somethin) 'ike this;G
9'e"e''a 'ooke- a"a14 )'ancin) at 7ia''e4 "ho seeme- to %ee' the shi%tin) o% %oc$s;
FBene-ict an- a sma'' %orce o% his men ha&e escorte- 0an-om to 3ash%a4G 7ia''e sai-4 so%t'1;
F3ash%a>G : sai-; F=h1 "o$'- he "ant to -o that> :n %act4 /a't $s$a''1 han)s o$t aro$n-
3ash%a; !he area co$'- be -an)ero$s ri)ht no";G
(he smi'e- %aint'1;
F!hat is "h1 he "ante- Bene-ict an- his )$ar- %or escort4G she sai-; F!he1 ma1 e&en be the
inte''i)ence- )atherin) themse'&es4 tho$)h that@s not their reason %or )oin) ri)ht no";G
F: -on@t $n-erstan-4G : sai-4 F"h1 the trip sho$'- be necessar1 at a'';G
(he took a sip o% "ater;
FA s$--en po'itica' $phea&a'4G she rep'ie-; F(ome )enera' ha- taken o&er in the absence o% the
<$een an- the cro"n prince; !he )enera' "as ?$st assassinate- recent'14 an- 0an-om has
s$ccee-e- in obtainin) a)reement %or p'acin) his o"n can-i-ateDan o'-er nob'emanDon the
F,o"@- he -o that>G
F2&er1one "ith an interest in the matter "as e&en more intereste- in seein) 3ash%a a-mitte- to
the #o'-en Circ'e o% pri&i'e)e- tra-e stat$s;G
F(o 0an-om bo$)ht them o%% to see his o"n man in char)e4G : obser&e-; F/on@t these #o'-en
Circ'e treaties $s$a''1 )i&e $s the ri)ht to mo&e troops thro$)h a c'ient kin)-om@s territor1 "ith
&er1 'itt'e in the "a1 o% pre'iminaries>G
FAes4G she sai-;
: s$--en'1 reca''e- that to$)h-'ookin) emissar1 o% the Cro"n :@- met at B'oo-1 Bi''@s4 "ho ha-
pai- his tab in 3ash%an c$rrenc1; : -eci-e- : -i- not rea''1 "ant to kno" ho" c'ose in point o%
time that "as to the assassination that ha- ma-e this recent arran)ement possib'e; =hat str$ck
me "ith more imme-iate %orce "as the pict$re that no" emer)e-; :t 'ooke- as i% 0an-om ha-
?$st b'ocke- Easra an- 9$ke %rom reco&erin) their $s$rpe- throneD"hich4 to be %air4 : )$ess
Easra ha- $s$rpe- herse'%4 1ears a)o; =ith a'' that $s$rpin) )oin) on4 the e<$ities o% the thin)
"ere more than a 'itt'e ha61 to me; B$t i% 0an-om@s ethics "ere no better than those "hich ha-
)one be%ore4 the1 "ere certain'1 no "orse; :t 'ooke- no"4 tho$)h4 as i% an1 attempt on the part o%
9$ke to re)ain his mother@s throne "o$'- be met b1 a monarch "ho possesse- a -e%ense a''iance
"ith Amber; : s$--en'1 %e't "i''in) to bet that the terms o% the -e%ense pro&isions o% the a''iance
inc'$-e- Amber@s assistance in interna' tro$b'es as "e'' as he'p a)ainst o$tsi-e a))ressors;
+ascinatin); :t so$n-e- as i% 0an-om "ere )oin) to an a"%$' 'ot o% tro$b'e to iso'ate 9$ke %rom
his po"er base an- an1 semb'ance o% 'e)itimac1 as a hea- o% state; : s$ppose- the ne.t step
co$'- be to )et him o$t'a"e- as a preten-er an- a -an)ero$s re&o'$tionar14 an- to p$t a price on
his hea-; =as 0an-om o&erreactin)> 9$ke -i-n@t seem a'' that -an)ero$s no"4 especia''1 "ith
his mother in o$r c$sto-1; On the other han-4 : -i-n@t rea''1 kno" ho" %ar 0an-om inten-e- to
)o; =as he ?$st %orec'osin) a'' o% the threatenin) options4 or "as he act$a''1 o$t to )et 9$ke> !he
'atter possibi'it1 bothere- me in that 9$ke seeme- on ha'%"a1 )oo- beha&ior at the moment an-
possib'1 in the throes o% reconsi-erin) his position; : -i- not "ant to see him nee-'ess'1 thro"n
to the "o'&es as a res$'t o% o&erki'' on 0an-om@s part;
(o4 F: s$ppose this has a 'ot to -o "ith 9$ke4G : sai- to 7ia''e;
(he "as si'ent %or a moment4 then rep'ie-4 F:t "as /a't that he seeme- concerne- abo$t;G
: shr$))e- menta''1; :t seeme- that it "o$'- come -o"n to the same thin) in 0an-om@s min-4
since he "o$'- see /a't as the mi'itar1 %orce 9$ke "o$'- t$rn to to reco&er the throne; (o : sai-4
FOh4G an- "ent on eatin);
!here "ere no ne" %acts to be ha- be1on- this4 an- nothin) to c'ari%1 0an-om@s thinkin) an1
%$rther4 so "e 'apse- into sma'' ta'k "hi'e : consi-ere- m1 position once a)ain; :t sti'' came
-o"n to a %ee'in) that $r)ent action "as necessar1 an- $ncertaint1 as to "hat %orm it sho$'- take;
B1 co$rse "as -etermine- in an $ne.pecte- %ashion sometime -$rin) -essert;
A co$rtier name- 0an-e'Dta''4 thin4 -ark4 an- )enera''1 smi'in)Dcame into the room; : kne"
somethin) "as $p beca$se he "as not smi'in) an- he "as mo&in) %aster than $s$a'; ,e s"ept $s
"ith his )a6e4 %i.e- $pon 7ia''e4 a-&ance- <$ick'1 an- c'eare- his throat;
FB@'a-1 Ba?est1;;;>G he be)an;
7ia''e t$rne- her hea- s'i)ht'1 in his -irection8
FAes4 0an-e'>G she sai-; F=hat is it>G
F!he -e'e)ation %rom Be)ma has ?$st arri&e-4G he ans"ere-4 Fan- : %in- m1se'% "itho$t
instr$ctions as to the nat$re o% their "e'come an- an1 specia' arran)ements that "o$'- be
FOh -ear4G 7ia''e sai-4 'a1in) asi-e her %ork; F!he1 "eren@t -$e $nti' the -a1 a%ter tomorro"4
"hen 0an-om "i'' be back; ,e@s the one the1@'' be "antin) to comp'ain to; =hat ha&e 1o$ -one
"ith them>G
F: seate- them in the Ae''o" 0oom4G he rep'ie-4 Fan- to'- them : "o$'- )o an- anno$nce their
(he no--e-;
F,o" man1 o% them are there>G
F!he prime minister4 Ork$64G he sai-4 Fhis secretar14 Na1-aD"ho is a'so his -a$)hterDan-
another -a$)hter4 Cora'; !here are a'so %o$r ser&antsDt"o men an- t"o "omen;G
F#o an- in%orm the ho$seho'- sta%%4 an- be s$re that appropriate <$arters are ma-e rea-1 %or
them4G she -irecte-4 Fan- a'ert the kitchen; !he1 ma1 not ha&e ha- '$nch;G
F7er1 )oo-4 Ao$r ,i)hness4G he sai-4 be)innin) to back a"a1;
F;;;!hen report to me in the Ae''o" 0oom4 to 'et me kno" it@s been -one4G she contin$e-4 Fan-
:@'' )i&e 1o$ a--itiona' instr$ictions at that time;G
FConsi-er it -one4G he rep'ie-4 an- he h$rrie- o%%;
FBer'in4 9'e"e''a4G 7ia''e sai-4 be)innin) to rise4 Fcome he'p me entertain them "hi'e
arran)ements are bein) ma-e;G
: )$'pe- m1 'ast bite o% -essert an- )ot to m1 %eet; : -i- not rea''1 %ee' 'ike ta'kin) to a -ip'omat
an- his part14 b$t : "as han-1 an- it "as one o% 'i%e@s 'itt'e -$ties;
F*h;;;; =hat are the1 here %or4 an1"a1>G : aske-;
F(ome sort o% protest o&er "hat "e@&e been -oin) in 3ash%a4G she rep'ie-; F!he1@&e ne&er been
%rien-'1 "ith 3ash%a4 b$t :@m not s$re no" "hether the1@re here to protest 3ash%a@s possib'e
a-mission to the #o'-en Circ'e or "hether the1@re $pset abo$t o$r inter%erin) in 3ash%a@s
-omestic a%%airs; :t co$'- be the1@re a%rai- the1@'' 'ose b$siness "ith s$ch a c'ose nei)hbor
s$--en'1 en?o1in) the same pre%erre- tra-e stat$s the1 ha&e; Or it ma1 be the1 ha- -i%%erent
p'ans %or 3ash%a@s throne an- "e ?$st %orec'ose- them; Ba1be both; =hate&er;;;; =e can@t te''
them an1thin) "e -on@t kno";G
F: ?$st "ante- to kno" "hat s$b?ects to a&oi-4G : sai-;
FA'' o% the abo&e4G she ans"ere-;
F: "as "on-erin) the same thin) m1se'%4G 9'e"e''a sai-; F: "as a'so "on-erin)4 tho$)h4
"hether the1 mi)ht ha&e an1 $se%$' in%ormation on /a't; !heir inte''i)ence ser&ice m$st keep a
c'ose e1e on -oin)s in an- abo$t 3ash%a;G
F/on@t p$rs$e that topic4G 7ia''e sai-4 mo&in) to"ar- the -oor; F:% the1 'et somethin) s'ip or
"ant to )i&e somethin) a"a14 %ine; Brin) it home; B$t -on@t sho" them 1o$@- 'ike to kno";G
7ia''e took m1 arm an- : )$i-e- her o$t4 hea-in) to"ar- the Ae''o" 0oom; 9'e"e''a pro-$ce- a
sma'' mirror %rom some"here an- inspecte- her %eat$res; Ob&io$s'1 p'ease-4 she p$t it a"a14
then remarke-4 F9$ck1 1o$ sho"e- $p4 Ber'in; An e.tra smi'in) %ace is a'"a1s $se%$' at times
'ike this;G
F=h1 -on@t : %ee' '$ck1>G : sai-;
=e ma-e o$r "a1 to the room "here the prime minister an- his -a$)hters "aite-; !heir ser&ants
ha- a'rea-1 retire- to the kitchen %or re%reshments; !he o%%icia' part1 "as sti'' h$n)r14 "hich sa1s
somethin) abo$t protoco'4 especia''1 since it seeme- to take a 'on) "hi'e be%ore some tra1s o%
pro&en-er co$'- be attracti&e'1 assemb'e-; Ork$6 "as o% me-i$m stat$re an- stock14 his b'ack
hair taste%$''1 streake-4 the 'ines on his broa- %ace seemin) to in-icate that he -i- a 'ot more
%ro"nin) than smi'in)Da practice in "hich he in-$')e- most o% the "hi'e that a%ternoon;
Na1-a@s "as a more p'easin)'1 sc$'pte- &ersion o% his %ace4 an- tho$)h she sho"e- the same
ten-enc1 to"ar- corp$'ence4 it "as he'- %irm'1 in check at an attracti&e 'e&e' o% ro$n-e-ness;
A'so4 she smi'e- a 'ot an- she ha- prett1 teeth; Cora'4 on the other han-4 "as ta''er than either her
%ather or sister4 s'en-er4 her hair a re--ish bro"n; =hen she smi'e- it seeme- 'ess o%%icia'; A'so4
there "as somethin) &a)$e'1 %ami'iar abo$t her; : "on-ere- "hether : ha- met her at some
borin) reception 1ears be%ore; :% : ha-4 tho$)h4 : %e't : mi)ht ha&e remembere-;
A%ter "e ha- been intro-$ce- an- "ine ha- been po$re-4 Ork$6 ma-e a brie% comment to 7ia''e
abo$t Frecent -istressin) ne"sG concernin) 3ash%a; 9'e"e''a an- : <$ick'1 mo&e- to her si-e %or
mora' s$pport4 b$t she simp'1 sai- that s$ch matters "o$'- ha&e to be -ea't "ith %$''1 $pon
0an-om@s ret$rn4 an- that %or the moment she "ishe- mere'1 to see to their com%ort; ,e "as
comp'ete'1 a)reeab'e to this4 e&en to the point o% smi'in); : ha- the impression he ?$st "ante- the
p$rpose o% his &isit on the recor- imme-iate'1; 9'e"e''a <$ick'1 t$rne- the con&ersation to the
matter o% his ?o$rne14 an- he )racio$s'1 a''o"e- the s$b?ect to be chan)e-; Po'iticians are
"on-er%$''1 pro)ramme-;
: 'earne- 'ater that the Be)man ambassa-or "asn@t e&en a"are o% his arri&a'4 "hich "o$'- seem
to in-icate that Ork$6 ha- come so <$ick'1 he ha- prece-e- an1 noti%ication to their embass1;
An- he ha-n@t e&en bothere- -roppin) in there4 b$t ha- come strai)ht to the pa'ace an- ha- a
messa)e sent o&er; : 'eanne- this a 'itt'e 'ater4 "hen he aske- to ha&e the messa)e -e'i&ere-;
+ee'in) some"hat s$pern$merar1 to 9'e"e''a@s an- 7ia''e@s )race%$' casca-es o% ne$tra' ta'k4 :
-roppe- back a pace to p'an m1 escape; : "as not at a'' intereste- in "hate&er )ame "as bein)
set $p;
Cora' backe- o%% a'so an- si)he-; !hen she )'ance- at me an- smi'e-4 s$r&e1e- the room
<$ick'1 an- came c'oser;
F:@&e a'"a1s "ante- to &isit Amber4G she sai- then;
F:s it the "a1 1o$ ima)ine- it>G : aske-;
FOh4 1es; (o %ar; O% co$rse4 : ha&en@t seen that m$ch o% it 1et;;;;G
: no--e-4 an- "e "ith-re" a 'itt'e %arther %rom the others;
F,a&e : met 1o$ some"here be%ore>G : aske-;
F: -on@t think so4G she sai-; F: ha&en@t tra&e'e- that m$ch4 an- : -on@t be'ie&e 1o$@&e been o$t o$r
"a1; ,a&e 1o$>G
FNo4 tho$)h :@&e )ro"n c$rio$s abo$t it recent'1;G
F: -o kno" somethin) o% 1o$r back)ro$n-4 tho$)h4G she "ent on4 F?$st %rom )enera' )ossip; :
kno" 1o$@re %rom the Co$rts o% ChaosC an- : kno" 1o$ "ent to schoo' on that (ha-o" "or'-
1o$ Amberites seem to &isit so %re<$ent'1; :@&e o%ten "on-ere- "hat it "as 'ike;G
: took the bait an- : be)an te''in) her abo$t schoo' an- m1 ?ob4 abo$t a %e" p'aces :@- &isite- an-
thin)s :@- en?o1e- -oin); =e ma-e o$r "a1 to a so%a across the room as : spoke4 an- "e )ot
more com%ortab'e; Ork$64 Na1-a4 9'e"e''a4 an- 7ia''e -i-n@t seem to miss $s4 an- i% : ha- to be
here : %o$n- ta'kin) "ith Cora' more en?o1ab'e than 'istenin) to them; Not to monopo'i6e thin)s4
tho$)h4 : aske- her abo$t herse'%;
(he be)an te''in) me o% a )ir'hoo- spent in an- aro$n- Be)ma4 o% her %on-ness %or the o$t-oors
Do% horses an- o% boatin) on the man1 'akes an- ri&ers in that re)ionDo% books she ha- rea-4
an- o% re'ati&e'1 innocent -abb'in)s in ma)ic; A member o% the ho$seho'- sta%% came in ?$st as
she "as )ettin) aro$n- to a -escription o% some interestin) rites per%orme- b1 members o% the
'oca' %armin) comm$nit1 to ins$re the %erti'it1 o% the crops4 an- she approache- 7ia''e an- to'-
her somethin); (e&era' more sta%% members "ere in &ie" o$tsi-e the -oor"a1; 7ia''e then sai-
somethin) to Ork$6 an- Na1-a4 "ho no--e- an- mo&e- to"ar- the entrance; 9'e"e''a -eparte-
the )ro$p an- came o$r "a1;
FCora'4G she sai-4 F1o$r s$ite is rea-1; One o% the sta%% "i'' sho" 1o$ "here it is; Perhaps 1o$@-
'ike to %reshen $p or rest a%ter 1o$r ?o$rne1;G
=e )ot to o$r %eet;
F:@m not rea''1 tire-4G Cora' sai-4 'ookin) at me rather than 9'e"e''a4 a hint o% a smi'e at the
corners o% her mo$th;
=hat the he''; : s$--en'1 rea'i6e- : ha- been en?o1in) her compan14 so4 F:% 1o$@- care to chan)e
into somethin) simp'er4G : sai-4 F:@'' be )'a- to sho" 1o$ a bit o% the to"n; Or the pa'ace;G
:t became a %$'' smi'e "orth seein);
F:@- m$ch rather -o that4G she sai-;
F!hen :@'' meet 1o$ back here in abo$t ha'% an ho$r4G : to'- her;
: sa" her o$t4 an- accompanie- her an- the others as %ar as the %oot o% the bi) stair"a1; :n that :
sti'' ha- on m1 9e&i@s an- p$rp'e shirt4 : "on-ere- "hether : sho$'- chan)e into somethin) more
in keepin) "ith 'oca' %ashion; !he he'' "ith it4 : -eci-e- then; =e "ere ?$st )oin) to be knockin)
aro$n-; :@- simp'1 a-- m1 s"or-be't an- "eapons4 a c'oak4 an- m1 best boots; Bi)ht trim m1
bear-4 tho$)h4 since : ha- a 'itt'e time; An- ma1be a <$ick manic$re;;;;
F*h4 Ber'in;;;;G
:t "as 9'e"e''a4 her han- on m1 e'bo"4 steerin) me to"ar- an a'co&e; : a''o"e- m1se'% to be
!hen4 FAes>G : sai-; F=hat@s $p>G
F,m;;;;G she sai-; F3in- o% c$te4 isn@t she>G
F: s$ppose so4G : rep'ie-;
FAo$ )ot the hots %or her>G
FEee64 9'e"e''aI : -on@t kno"; : ?$st met the 'a-1;G
F;;;An- ma-e a -ate "ith her;G
FCome onI : -eser&e a break to-a1; : en?o1e- ta'kin) "ith her; :@- 'ike to sho" her aro$n- a bit; :
think "e@- ha&e a )oo- time; =hat@s "ron) "ish that>G
FNothin)4G she ans"ere-4 Fso 'on) as 1o$ keep thin)s in perspecti&e;G
F=hat perspecti&e -i- 1o$ ha&e in min->G
F:t strikes me as %aint'1 c$rio$s4G she sai-4 Fthat Ork$6 bro$)ht a'on) his t"o )oo--'ookin)
FNa1-a is his secretar14G : sai-4 Fan- Cora'@s "ante- to see the p'ace %or some time;G
F*h-h$h4 an- it "o$'- be a &er1 )oo- thin) %or Be)ma i% one o% them ?$st happene- to 'atch
onto a member o% the %ami'1;G
F9'e"e''a4 1o$@re too -amne- s$spicio$s4G : sai-;
F:t comes o% ha&in) 'i&e- a 'on) time;G
F=e''4 : hope to 'i&e a 'on) time m1se'%4 an- : hope it -oesn@t make me 'ook %or an $'terior
moti&e in e&er1 h$man act;G
(he smi'e-; FO% co$rse; +or)et : sai- an1thin)4G she to'- me4 kno"in) : "o$'-n@t; F,a&e a )oo-
time;G : )ro"'e- po'ite'1 an- hea-e- %or m1 room;
An- so4 in the mi-st o% a'' manner o% threats4 intri)$es4 menaces4 an- m1steries4 : -eci-e- to ca''
a ho'i-a1 an- stro'' abo$t to"n "ith a prett1 'a-1; O% a'' possib'e choices : mi)ht ha&e ma-e4 it
"as certain'1 the most attracti&e; =hoe&er the enem14 "hate&er the po"er : %ace-4 the ba'' "as
no" in its co$rt; : ha- no -esire to h$nt %or E$rt4 -$e' "ith Bask4 or %o''o" 9$ke abo$t $nti' he
came -o"n an- to'- me "hether or not he sti'' "ante- the %ami'1@s sca'ps; /a't "as not m1
prob'em4 7inta "as me4 #host"hee' "as si'ent4 an- the matter o% m1 %ather@s Pattern co$'- a"ait
m1 'eis$re; !he s$n "as shinin) an- the bree6e "as )ent'e4 tho$)h these co$'- chan)e <$ick'1 at
this season; :t "as a shame to "aste "hat co$'- "e'' be the 1ear@s 'ast )oo- -a1 on an1thin) 'ess
than en?o1ment; : h$mme- as : repaire- m1se'%4 an- : hea-e- -o"nstairs ear'1 %or o$r meetin);
Cora' ha- mo&e- more <$ick'1 than :@- )$esse-4 ho"e&er4 an- "as "aitin) %or me; : appro&e-
o% her sensib'e -ark )reen breeches4 hea&1 copper1 shirt4 an- "arm bro"n c'oak; ,er boots
'ooke- %ine %or "a'kin)4 an- she ha- on a -ark hat that co&ere- most o% her hair; !here "ere
)'o&es an- a -a))er at her be't;
FA'' rea-14G she sai- "hen she sa" me;
F#reat4G : rep'ie-4 smi'in)4 an- : 'e- her o$t into the ha''"a1;
(he starte- to t$rn in the -irection o% the main -oor"a14 b$t : 'e- her o%% to the ri)ht4 then 'ater
to the 'e%t;
F9ess conspic$o$s to $se one o% the si-e -oors4G : sai-;
FAo$ peop'e are certain'1 secreti&e4G she sai-;
F,abit4G : rep'ie-; F!he 'ess that o$tsi-ers kno" o% 1o$r b$siness the better;G
F=hat o$tsi-ers> =hat are 1o$ a%rai- o%>G
FE$st no"> A )reat n$mber o% thin)s; B$t : -on@t rea''1 "ant to spen- a nice -a1 'ike this makin)
(he shook her hea- in "hat : took to be a mi.t$re o% a"e an- -is)$st;
F:t@s tr$e "hat the1 sa1 then>G she aske-; F!hat 1o$r a%%airs are so comp'e. 1o$ a'' carr1
F,a&en@t ha- time %or an1 a%%airs recent'14G : to'- her4 For e&en a simp'e score;G !hen4 F(orr14G :
a--e-4 "hen : sa" her b'$sh; F9i%e has been a bit comp'icate- %or me 'ate'1;G
FOh4G she sai-4 )'ancin) at me4 c'ear'1 askin) %or e'aboration;
F(ome other time4G : sai-4 %orcin) a 'a$)h4 %'ippin) m1 c'oak4 an- )reetin) a )$ar-;
(he no--e- an-4 -ip'omatica''14 chan)e- the s$b?ect8
F: )$ess : came at the "ron) time o% 1ear to see 1o$r %amo$s )ar-ens;G
FAeah4 the1@&e prett1 m$ch ha- it %or the season4G : sai-4 Fe.cept %or Bene-ict@s Eapanese )ar-en
"hich is kin- o% %ar o$t back; Perhaps "e can )o an- ha&e a c$p o% tea there one -a14 b$t :
tho$)ht "e@- )o into to"n no";G
F(o$n-s %ine4G she a)ree-;
: to'- the postern )$ar- to te'' ,en-en4 Amber@s ste"ar-4 that "e "ere hea-in) into to"n an-
"eren@t s$re "hen "e@- be back; ,e sai- that he "o$'- as soon as he )ot o%% -$t14 "hich "o$'-
be prett1 soon; B1 e.perience at B'oo-1 Bi''@s ha- ta$)ht me the 'esson o% 'ea&in) s$ch
messa)esDnot that : tho$)ht "e "ere in an1 -an)erC or that 9'e"e''a@s kno"in) "o$'-n@t be
9ea&es cr$nche- beneath o$r %eet as "e took one o% the "a'ks to"ar- a si-e )ate; =ith on'1 a
%e" stran-s o% cirr$s hi)h o&erhea-4 the s$n shone bri)ht'1; !o the "est4 a %'ock o% -ark bir-s
%'appe- its "a1 to"ar- the ocean4 so$th;
F:t@s a'rea-1 sno"e- back home4G she to'- me; FAo$@re '$ck1;G
F!here@s a "arm c$rrent that )i&es $s a break4G : sai-4 rememberin) somethin) #erar- ha- once
to'- me; F:t mo-erates the c'imate consi-erab'1C compare- to other p'aces at e<$a' 'atit$-e;G
FAo$ tra&e' a 'ot>G she aske- me;
F:@&e been tra&e'in) more than : care to4G : sai-4 Frecent'1; :@- 'ike to sit -o"n an- )o to see- %or
abo$t a 1ear;G
FB$siness or p'eas$re>G she aske- me4 as a )$ar- 'et $s o$t the )ate an- : <$ick'1 s$r&e1e- the
en&irons %or '$rkers;
FNot p'eas$re4G : ans"ere- as : took her e'bo" %or a moment an- steere- her to"ar- the "a1 :
ha- chosen; =hen "e reache- ci&i'i6e- precincts4 "e %o''o"e- the Bain Conco$rse %or a time; :
pointe- o$t a %e" 'an-marks an- notab'e resi-ences4 inc'$-in) the Be)man 2mbass1; (he
sho"e- no inc'ination to &isit the 'atter4 tho$)h4 sa1in) she@- ha&e to see her co$ntr1men
o%%icia''1 be%ore she 'e%t4 an1"a1; (he -i- stop in a shop "e %o$n- 'ater4 ho"e&er4 to b$1 a co$p'e
o% b'o$ses4 ha&in) the bi'' sent to the embass1 an- the )arments to the pa'ace;
FB1 %ather promise- me some shoppin)4G she e.p'aine-; FAn- : kno" he@'' %or)et; =hen he
hears abo$t this4 he@'' kno" that : -i-n@t;G
=e e.p'ore- the streets o% the &ario$s tra-es an- stoppe- %or a -rink at a si-e"a'k ca%e4
"atchin) pe-estrians an- horsemen pass; : ha- ?$st t$rne- to"ar- her to re'ate an anec-ote
concernin) one o% the ri-ers "hen : %e't the be)innin) o% a !r$mp contact; : "aite- %or se&era'
secon-s as the %ee'in) )re" stron)er4 b$t no i-entit1 took shape be1on- the reachin); : %e't
Cora'@s han- $pon m1 arm;
F=hat@s the matter>G she aske-;
: reache- o$t "ith m1 min-4 attemptin) to assist in the contact4 b$t the other seeme- to retreat as
: -i- so; :t "as not the same as that '$rkin) scr$tin1 "hen Bask ha- re)ar-e- me at +'ora@s p'ace
in (an +rancisco4 tho$)h; Co$'- it ?$st be someone : kne" tr1in) to reach me an- ha&in) tro$b'e
%oc$sin)> :n?$re-4 perhaps> OrD
F9$ke>G : sai-; F:s that 1o$>G
B$t there "as no response an- the %ee'in) be)an to %a-e; +ina''14 it "as )one;
FAre 1o$ a'' ri)ht>G Cora' aske-;
FAeah4 it@s oka14G : sai-; F: )$ess; (omeone trie- to reach me an- then -eci-e- other"ise;G
F0each> Oh4 1o$ mean those !r$mps 1o$ $se>G
FB$t 1o$ sai- T9$ke@ ; ;G she m$se-; FNone o% 1o$r %ami'1 is name-DG
FAo$ mi)ht kno" him as 0ina'-o4 Prince o% 3ash%a4G : sai-;
(he ch$ck'e-;
F0inn1> ($re : kno" him; ,e -i-n@t 'ike $s to ca'' him 0inn14 tho$)h;;;;G
FAo$ rea''1 -o kno" him> Persona''14 : mean>G
FAes4G she rep'ie-4 Ftho$)h it@s been a 'on) time; 3ash%a@s prett1 c'ose to Be)ma; (ometimes "e
"ere on )oo- terms4 sometimes not so )oo-; Ao$ kno" ho" it is; Po'itics; =hen : "as 'itt'e there
"ere 'on) spe''s "hen "e "ere prett1 %rien-'1; !here "ere 'ots o% state &isits4 both "a1s; =e ki-s
"o$'- o%ten )et -$mpe- to)ether;G
F=hat "as he 'ike in those -a1s>G
FOh4 a bi)4 )a"k14 re--haire- bo1; 9ike- to sho" o%% a 'otDho" stron) he "as4 ho" %ast he
"as; : remember ho" ma- he )ot at me once beca$se : beat him in a %ootrace;G
FAo$ beat 9$ke in a race>G
FAes; :@m a &er1 )oo- r$nner;G
FAo$ m$st be;G
FAn1"a14 he took Na1-a an- me sai'in) a %e" times4 an- on some 'on) hikes; =here is he no"4
F/rinkin) "ith a Cheshire cat;G
F:t@s a 'on) stor1;G
F:@- 'ike to hear it; :@&e been "orrie- abo$t him since the co$p;G
Bm;;;; : tho$)ht <$ick'1 abo$t ho" to e-it this so as not to te'' the -a$)hter o% the Be)man
prime minister an1 state secrets4 s$ch as 9$ke@s re'ationship to the ,o$se o% Amber;;;; (o4 F:@&e
kno"n him %or <$ite some time4G : be)an; F,e recent'1 inc$rre- the "rath o% a sorcerer "ho
-r$))e- him an- sa" him banishe- to this pec$'iar bar;;;;G
: "ent on %or a 'on) "hi'e then4 part'1 beca$se : ha- to stop an- s$mmari6e 9e"is Carro''; : a'so
ha- to promise her the 'oan o% one o% the !hari e-itions o% A'ice %rom the Amber 'ibrar1; =hen :
%ina''1 %inishe-4 she "as 'a$)hin);
F=h1 -on@t 1o$ brin) him back>G she sai- then;
O$ch; : co$'-n@t &er1 "e'' sa1 that his sha-o"-shi%tin) abi'ities "o$'- "ork a)ainst this $nti' he
came -o"n; (o4 F:t@s part o% the spe''C it@s "orkin) on his o"n sorcero$s abi'it14G : sai-; F,e can@t
be mo&e- ti'' the -r$) "ears o%%;G
F,o" interestin)4G she obser&e-; F:s 9$ke rea''1 a sorcerer himse'%>G
F*h;;;1es4G : sai-;
F,o" -i- he )ain that abi'it1> ,e sho"e- no si)ns o% it "hen : kne" him;G
F(orcerers come b1 their ski''s in &ario$s "a1s4G : e.p'aine-; FB$t 1o$ kno" that4G an- :
s$--en'1 rea'i6e- that she "as smarter than that smi'in)4 innocent e.pression in-icate-; :@- a
stron) %ee'in) she "as tr1in) to steer this to"ar- an ackno"'e-)ment o% Pattern ma)ic on 9$ke@s
part4 "hich o% co$rse "o$'- sa1 interestin) thin)s abo$t his paternit1; FAn- his mother4 Easra4 is
somethin) o% a sorceress herse'%;G
F0ea''1> : ne&er kne" that;G
/amnI Comin) an- )oin);;;; F=e''4 she@- 'earne- it some"here8G
F=hat abo$t his %ather>G
F: can@t rea''1 sa14G : rep'ie-;
F/i- 1o$ e&er meet him>G
FOn'1 in passin)4G : sai-;
A 'ie co$'- make the matter seem rea''1 important i% she ha- e&en a sma'' i-ea as to the tr$th; (o
: -i- the on'1 other thin) : co$'- think o%; !here "as no one seate- at the tab'e behin- her4 an-
there "as nothin) be1on- the tab'e b$t a "a''; : "aste- one o% m1 spe''s4 "ith an o$t-o%-si)ht
)est$re an- a sin)'e m$tter;
!he tab'e %'ippe- o&er as it %'e" back an- crashe- a)ainst the "a''; !he noise "as spectac$'ar;
!here "ere 'o$- e.c'amations %rom se&era' other patrons4 an- : 'eape- to m1 %eet;
F:s e&er1one a'' ri)ht>G : sai-4 'ookin) abo$t as i% %or cas$a'ties;
F=hat happene->G she aske- me;
F+reak )$st o% "in- or somethin)4G : sai-; FBa1be "e@- better be mo&in) on;G
FA'' ri)ht4G she sai-4 re)ar-in) the -ebris; F:@m not 'ookin) %or tro$b'e;G
: tosse- some coins onto o$r tab'e4 rose4 an- hea-e- back o$tsi-e4 ta'kin) the "hi'e o% an1thin) :
co$'- think o% to p$t some -istance bet"een $s an- the s$b?ect; !his ha- the -esire- e%%ect4
beca$se she -i- not attempt to retrie&e the <$estion;
Contin$in) o$r stro''4 : hea-e- $s in the )enera' -irection o% =est 7ine; =hen "e reache- it :
-eci-e- to hea- -o"nhi'' to the harbor4 reca''in) her %on-ness %or sai'in); B$t she p$t her han-
on m1 arm an- ha'te- me;
F:sn@t there a bi) stair"a1 $p the %ace o% 3o'&ir>G she aske-; F: be'ie&e 1o$r %ather once trie- to
sneak troops $p it an- )ot ca$)ht an- ha- to %i)ht his "a1 a'on);G
: no--e-; FAes4 that@s tr$e4G : sai-; FO'- thin); :t )oes "a1 back; :t@s not $se- &er1 m$ch these
-a1s; B$t it@s sti'' in -ecent shape;G
F:@- 'ike to see it;G
FA'' ri)ht;G
: t$rne- to the ri)ht an- "e hea-e- back4 $phi''4 to"ar- the Bain Conco$rse; A pair o% kni)hts
"earin) 9'e"e''a@s 'i&er1 passe- $s4 hea-e- in the other -irection4 sa'$tin) as the1 "ent b1; :
co$'- not he'p b$t "on-er "hether the1 "ere on a 'e)itimate erran- or "ere %o''o"in) some
stan-in) or-er to keep an e1e on m1 mo&ements; !he tho$)ht m$st ha&e passe- thro$)h Cora'@s
min-4 a'so4 beca$se she <$irke- an e1ebro" at me; : shr$))e- an- kept )oin); =hen : )'ance-
back a bit 'ater4 the1 "ere no"here to be seen;
=e passe- peop'e in the )arb o% a -o6en re)ions as "e stro''e-4 an- the air "as %i''e- "ith the
sme''s o% cookin) %rom open sta''s4 to satis%1 a m$'tit$-e o% tastes; At &ario$s points in o$r career
$p the hi''4 "e stoppe- %or meat pies4 1o)$rts4 s"eets; !he stim$'i "ere too o&erpo"erin) %or an1
b$t the most sate- to i)nore;
: notice- the 'ithe "a1 she mo&e- abo$t obstac'es; :t "asn@t ?$st )race%$'ness; :t "as more a state
o% bein)Dprepare-ness4 : )$ess; (e&era' times : notice- her )'ancin) back in the -irection %rom
"hich "e ha- come; : 'ooke- m1se'%4 b$t there "as nothin) $n$s$a' to see; Once4 "hen a man
steppe- s$--en'1 %rom a -oor"a1 "e "ere approachin)4 : sa" her han- %'ash to"ar- the -a))er
at her be't4 then -rop a"a1;
F!here is so m$ch acti&it14 so m$ch )oin) on here;;;;G she commente- a%ter a time;
F!r$e; Be)ma is 'ess b$s14 : take it>G
F:s it a prett1 sa%e p'ace to stro'' abo$t>G
FOh4 1es;G
F/o the "omen as "e'' as the men take mi'itar1 trainin) there>G
FNot or-inari'1; =h1>G
FE$st c$rio$s;G
F:@&e ha- some trainin) in arme- an- $narme- combat tho$)h4G she sai-;
F=h1 "as that>G : aske-;
FB1 %ather s$))este- it; (ai- it co$'- come in han-1 %or a re'ati&e o% someone in his position; :
tho$)ht he mi)ht be ri)ht; : think he rea''1 "ante- a son;G
F/i- 1o$r sister -o it4 too>G
FNo4 she "asn@t intereste-;G
FAo$ p'annin) on a -ip'omatic career>G
FNo; Ao$@re ta'kin) to the "ron) sister;G
FA "ea'th1 h$sban->G
FProbab'1 sto-)1 an- borin);G
F=hat then>G
FBa1be :@'' te'' 1o$ 'ater;G
FA'' ri)ht; :@'' ask i% 1o$ -on@t;G
=e ma-e o$r "a1 so$th"ar- a'on) the Conco$rse4 an- the bree6es picke- $p as "e neare-
9an-@s 2n-; :t "as a "inter ocean that came into &ie" across the -istanceC s'ate-)ra1 an- "hite-
cappe-; Ban1 bir-s "hee'e- %ar o$t o&er the "a&es4 an- one &er1 sin$o$s -ra)on;
=e passe- thro$)h the #reat Arch an- came at 'ast to the 'an-in) an- 'ooke- -o"n"ar-; :t "as
a &erti)ino$s prospect4 o$t across a brie%4 broa- stairDthe steep -rop to the tan-an--b'ack beach
%ar be'o"; : re)ar-e- the ripp'es in the san- 'e%t b1 the retreatin) ti-e4 "rink'es in an o'- man@s
bro"; !he bree6es "ere stron)er here4 an- the -amp4 sa't1 sme''4 "hich ha- been increasin) as
"e approache-4 seasone- the air to a ne" 'e&e' o% intensit1; Cora' -re" back %or a moment4 then
a-&ance- a)ain;
F:t 'ooks a 'itt'e more -an)ero$s than :@- tho$)ht4G she sai-4 a%ter a time; FProbab'1 seems 'ess
so once 1o$@re on it;G
F: -on@t kno"4G : rep'ie-;
FAo$@&e ne&er c'imbe- it>G
FNope4G : sai-; FNe&er ha- an1 reason to;G
F:@- think 1o$@- ha&e "ante- to4 a%ter 1o$r %ather@s -oome- batt'e a'on) it;G
: shr$))e-; F: )et sentimenta' in -i%%erent "a1s;G
(he smi'e-; F9et@s c'imb -o"n to the beach; P'ease;G
F($re4G : sai-4 an- "e mo&e- %or"ar- an- starte-; !he broa- stair took $s -o"n %or perhaps
thirt1 %eet4 then terminate- abr$pt'1 "here a m$ch narro"er &ersion t$rne- o%% to the si-e; At
'east the steps "eren@t -amp an- s'ipper18 (ome"here %ar be'o"4 : co$'- see "here the stair
"i-ene- a)ain4 permittin) a pair o% peop'e to )o abreast; +or no"4 tho$)h4 "e mo&e- sin)'e %i'e4
an- : "as irritate- that Cora' ha- someho" )otten ahea- o% me;
F:% 1o$@'' scr$nch o&er4 :@'' )o past4G : to'- her;
F=h1>G she aske-; ;
F(o : can be ahea- o% 1o$ in case 1o$ s'ip;G
F!hat@s a'' ri)ht4G she rep'ie-; F: "on@t;G
: -eci-e- it "asn@t "orth ar)$in) an- 'et her 'ea-;
!he 'an-in)s "here the stair"a1 s"itche- back "ere hapha6ar- a%%airs4 hacke- "here&er the
conto$rs o% the rock permitte- s$ch a t$rnin); Conse<$ent'14 some -escen-in) stretches "ere
'on)er than others an- o$r ro$te "an-ere- a'' o&er the %ace o% the mo$ntain; !he "in-s "ere
m$ch stron)er no" than the1 "ere abo&e4 an- "e %o$n- o$rse'&es sta1in) as c'ose to the
mo$ntain@s si-e as its conto$rs permitte-; ,a- there been no "in-4 "e probab'1 "o$'- ha&e -one
the same; !he absence o% an1 sort o% )$ar- rai'in) ma-e $s sh1 back %rom the e-)e; !here "ere
p'aces "here the mo$ntain@s "a'' o&erh$n) $s %or a ca&e'ike e%%ectC other p'aces4 "e %o''o"e- a
be''1in) o% the rock an- %e't &er1 e.pose-; B1 c'oak b'e" $p across m1 %ace se&era' times an- :
c$rse-4 reca''in) that nati&es se'-om &isit historica' spots in their o"n nei)hborhoo-s; : be)an to
appreciate their "is-om; Cora' "as h$rr1in) on ahea-4 an- : increase- m1 pace to catch $p "ith
her; Be1on- her4 : co$'- see that there "as a 'an-in) "hich si)na'e- the %irst t$rnin) o% the "a1; :
"as hopin) she@- ha't there an- te'' me she@- reconsi-ere- the necessit1 %or this; B$t
she -i-n@t; (he t$rne- an- kept ri)ht on )oin); !he "in- sto'e m1 si)h an- bore it to some
stor1book ca&e reser&e- %or the p'aints o% the impose--$pon;
(ti''4 : co$'-n@t he'p b$t 'ook -o"n $pon occasion4 an- "hene&er : -i- : tho$)ht o% m1 %ather
%i)htin) his "a1 $p a'on) these steps; :t "as not somethin) :@- care to tr1Dat 'east4 not $nti' :@-
e.ha$ste- a'' o% the more sneak1 a'ternati&es; : be)an to "on-er ho" %ar "e "ere be'o" the
'e&e' o% the pa'ace itse'%;;;;
=hen "e %ina''1 came to the 'an-in) %rom "hich the stair"a1 "i-ene-4 : h$rrie- to catch $p
"ith Cora' so that "e co$'- "a'k abreast; :n m1 haste4 : sna))e- m1 hee' an- st$mb'e- as :
ro$n-e- the t$rn; :t "as no bi) -ea'; ; : "as ab'e to reach o$t an- stabi'i6e m1se'% a)ainst the c'i%%
s %ace as : ?o'te- %or"ar- an- s"a1e-; : "as ama6e-4 tho$)h4 at Cora'@s perception o% m1 a'tere-
)ait ?$st on the basis o% its so$n-4 an- b1 her reaction to it; (he cast herse'% back"ar- s$--en'1
an- t"iste- her bo-1 to the si-e; ,er han-s came in contact "ith m1 arm as she -i- this4 an- she
thr$st me to the si-e4 a)ainst the rock;
FA'' ri)htIG : sai-4 %rom rapi-'1 empt1in) '$n)s; F:@m oka1;G
(he rose an- -$ste- herse'% o%% as : reco&ere-;
F: hear-DG she be)an;
F: )ather; B$t : ?$st ca$)ht m1 hee'; !hat@s a'';G
F: co$'-n@t te'';G
F2&er1thin)@s %ine; !hanks;G
=e starte- -o"n the stair si-e b1 si-e4 b$t somethin) "as chan)e-; : no" harbore- a s$spicion :
-i- not 'ike b$t co$'- not -ispe'; Not 1et4 an1"a1; =hat : ha- in min- "as too -an)ero$s4 i% :
sho$'- pro&e correct;
(o instea-4 F!he rain in (pain sta1s main'1 in the p'ain4G : sai-;
F=hat>G she aske-; F: -i-n@t $n-erstan-;;;;G
F: sai-4 T:t@s a %ine -a1 to be "a'kin) "ith a prett1 'a-1;@G
(he act$a''1 b'$she-;
!hen4 F=hat 'an)$a)e -i- 1o$ sa1 it in;;;the %irst time;G
F2n)'ish4G : rep'ie-;
F:@&e ne&er st$-ie- it; : to'- 1o$ that "hen "e "ere ta'kin) abo$t A'ice;G
F: kno"; E$st bein) "himsica'4G : ans"ere-;
!he beach4 nearer no"4 "as ti)er-stripe- an- shin1 in p'aces; A %roth o% %oam retreate- a'on) its
s'opes "hi'e bir-s crie- an- -ippe- to e.amine the "a&es@ 'ea&in)s; (ai's bobbe- in the o%%in)4
an- a sma'' c$rtain o% rain ripp'e- in the so$theast4 %ar o$t at sea; !he "in-s ha- cease- their
noise-makin)4 tho$)h the1 sti'' came $pon $s "ith c'oak-"rappin) %orce;
=e contin$e- in si'ence $nti' "e ha- reache- the bottom; =e steppe- a"a1 then4 mo&in) a %e"
paces onto the san-;
F!he harbor@s in that -irection4G : sai-4 )est$rin) to m1 ri)ht4 "est"ar-4 Fan- there@s a ch$rch o%%
that "a14G : a--e-4 in-icatin) the -ark b$i'-in) "here Caine@s ser&ice ha- been he'- an- "here
seamen sometimes came to pra1 %or sa%e &o1a)es;
(he 'ooke- in both -irections an- a'so )'ance- behin- $s an- $p"ar-;
FBore peop'e hea-e- -o"n4G she remarke-;
: 'ooke- back $p an- sa" three %i)$res near the top o% the stair"a14 b$t the1 "ere stan-in) sti''4
as i% the1@- on'1 come -o"n a short -istance to tr1 the &ie"; None o% them "ore 9'e"e''a@s
F+e''o" si)htseers4G : sai-;
(he "atche- them a moment 'on)er4 then 'ooke- a"a1; FAren@t there ca&es a'on) here
some"here>G she aske-;
: no--e- to m1 ri)ht;
F!hat "a14G : ans"ere-; F!here@s a "ho'e series; Peop'e )et 'ost in them perio-ica''1; (ome are
prett1 co'or%$'; Others ?$st "an-er thro$)h -arkness; A %e" are simp'1 sha''o" openin)s;G
F:@- 'ike to see them4G she sai-;
F($re4 easi'1 -one; 9et@s )o;G
: be)an "a'kin); !he peop'e on the stair ha- not mo&e-; !he1 sti'' appeare- to be 'ookin) o$t to
sea; : -o$bte- the1 "ere sm$))'ers; :t -oesn@t seem 'ike a -a1time occ$pation %or a p'ace "here
an1one mi)ht "an-er b1; (ti''4 : "as p'ease- that m1 %ac$'t1 %or s$spicion "as )ro"in); :t
seeme- appropriate in 'i)ht o% recent e&ents; !he ob?ect o% m1 )reatest s$spicion4 o% co$rse4 "as
"a'kin) besi-e me4 t$rnin) -ri%t"oo- "ith the toe o% her boot4 sc$%%in) bri)ht pebb'es4 'a$)hin)
Db$t there "as nothin) : "as rea-1 to -o abo$t it at the moment; (oon;;;;
(he took m1 arm s$--en'1;
F!hanks %or brin)in) me4G she sai-; F:@m en?o1in) this;G
FOh4 : am4 too; #'a- "e came; Ao$@re "e'come;G
!his ma-e me %ee' s'i)ht'1 )$i't14 b$t i% m1 )$ess "ere "ron) no harm "o$'- be -one;
F: think : "o$'- en?o1 'i&in) in Amber4G she remarke- as "e "ent a'on);
FBe4 too4G : rep'ie-; F:@&e ne&er rea''1 -one it %or an1 )reat 'en)th o% time;G
F: )$ess : -i-n@t rea''1 e.p'ain ho" 'on) :@- spent on the sha-o" 2arth "here : "ent to schoo'4
"here : ha- that ?ob : "as te''in) 1o$ abo$t;;;;G : be)an4 an- s$--en'1 : "as po$rin) o$t more
a$tobio)raph1 to herDa thin) : -on@t $s$a''1 -o; : "asn@t certain "h1 : "as te''in) it at %irst4 an-
then : rea'i6e- that : ?$st "ante- someone to ta'k to; 2&en i% m1 stran)e s$spicion "as correct4 it
-i-n@t matter; A %rien-'1-seemin) 'istener ma-e me %ee' better than : ha- in a 'on) "hi'e; An-
be%ore : rea'i6e- it4 : "as te''in) her abo$t m1 %atherDho" this man : bare'1 kne" ha- r$she-
thro$)h a massi&e stor1 o% his str$))'es4 his -i'emmas4 his -ecisions4 as i% he "ere tr1in) to
?$sti%1 himse'% to me4 as i% that "ere the on'1 opport$nit1 he mi)ht ha&e to -o it4 an- ho" : ha-
'istene-4 "on-erin) "hat he "as e-itin)4 "hat he ha- %or)otten4 "hat he mi)ht be )'ossin) o&er
or -ressin) $p4 "hat his %ee'in)s "ere to"ar- me;;;;
F!hose are some o% the ca&es4G : to'- her4 as the1 interr$pte- m1 no" embarrassin) in-$')ence
in memor1; (he starte- to sa1 somethin) abo$t m1 mono'o)$e4 b$t : simp'1 contin$e-C F:@&e on'1
seen them once;G
(he ca$)ht m1 moo- an- simp'1 sai- F:@- 'ike to )o insi-e one;G
: no--e-; !he1 seeme- a )oo- p'ace %or "hat : ha- in min-;
: chose the thir- one; :ts mo$th "as 'ar)er than the %irst t"o4 an- : co$'- see back into it %or a
)oo- -istance; F9et@s tr1 that one; :t 'ooks "e'' 'i)hte-4G : e.p'aine-; =e "a'ke- into a sha-o"-
h$n) chi''; !he -amp san- %o''o"e- $s %or a "hi'e4 thinnin) on'1 s'o"'1 to be rep'ace- b1 a
)ritt1 stone %'oor; !he roo% -ippe- an- rose se&era' times; A t$rn to the 'e%t ?oine- $s "ith the
passa)e o% another openin)4 %or 'ookin) back a'on) it : co$'- see more 'i)ht; !he other -irection
'e- more -eep'1 into the mo$ntain; =e co$'- sti'' %ee' the echoin) p$'se o% the sea %rom "here
"e stoo-;
F!hese ca&es co$'- 'ea- back rea''1 %ar4G she obser&e-;
F!he1 -o4G : rep'ie-; F!he1 t"ist an- cross an- "in-; : "o$'-n@t "ant to )o too %ar "itho$t a
map an- a 'i)ht; !he1@&e ne&er been %$''1 charte-4 that : kno" o%;G
(he 'ooke- abo$t4 st$-1in) areas o% b'ackness "ithin the -arkness "here si-e t$nne's -ebo$che-
into o$r o"n;
F,o" %ar back -o 1o$ think the1 )o>G she in<$ire-;
F: ?$st -on@t kno";G
F*n-er the pa'ace>G
FProbab'14G : sai-4 rememberin) the series o% si-e t$nne's :@- passe- on m1 "a1 to the Pattern;
F:t seems possib'e the1 c$t into the bi) ca&es be'o" it some"here;G
F=hat@s it 'ike -o"n there>G ;
F*n-er the pa'ace> E$st -ark an- bi); Ancient;;;;G
F:@- 'ike to see it;G
F=hate&er %or>G
F!he Pattern@s -o"n there; :t m$st be prett1 co'or%$';G
FOh4 it isDa'' bri)ht an- s"ir'1; 0ather intimi-atin)4 tho$)h;G
F,o" can 1o$ sa1 that "hen 1o$@&e "a'ke- it>G
F=a'kin) it an- 'ikin) it are t"o -i%%erent thin)s;GF
F:@- ?$st tho$)ht that i% it "ere in 1o$ to "a'k it4 1o$@- %ee' some a%%init14 some -eep resonant
kinship "ith it;G
: 'a$)he-4 an- the so$n-s echoe- abo$t $s;
FOh4 "hi'e : "as "a'kin) it : kne" it "as in me to -o it4G : sai-; F: -i-n@t %ee' it be%orehan-4
tho$)h; : "as ?$st scare- then; An- : ne&er 'ike- it;G
FNot rea''1; :t@s 'ike the sea or the ni)ht sk1; :t@s bi) an- it@s po"er%$' an- it@s bea$ti%$' an- it@s
there; :t@s a nat$ra' %orce an- 1o$ make o% it "hat 1o$ "i'';G
(he 'ooke- back a'on) the passa)e"a1 'ea-in) in"ar-;
F:@- 'ike to see it4G she sai-;
F: "o$'-n@t tr1 to %in- m1 "a1 to it %rom here4G : to'- her; F=h1 -o 1o$ "ant to see it4 an1ho">G
FE$st to see ho" :@- respon- to somethin) 'ike that;G
FAo$@re stran)e4G : sai-;
F=i'' 1o$ take me "hen "e )o back> =i'' 1o$ sho" it to me>G
!his "as not )oin) at a'' the "a1 :@- tho$)ht it "o$'-; :% she "ere "hat : tho$)ht4 : -i-n@t
$n-erstan- the re<$est; : "as ha'% tempte- to take her to it4 to %in- o$t "hat she ha- in min-;
,o"e&er4 : "as operatin) $n-er a s1stem o% priorities4 an- :@- a %ee'in) she represente- one
concernin) "hich :@- ma-e m1se'% a promise an-4 some e'aborate preparations;
FPerhaps4G : m$mb'e-;
FP'ease; :@- rea''1 'ike to see it;G
(he seeme- sincere; B$t m1 )$ess %e't near-per%ect;
($%%icient time ha- passe- %or that stran)e bo-1-shi%tin) spirit4 "hich ha- -o))e- m1 trai' in
man1 %orms4 to ha&e 'ocate- a ne" host an- then to ha&e 6eroe- in on me a)ain an- be
insin$atin) itse'% into m1 )oo- )races once more; Cora' "as per%ect %or the ro'e4 her arri&a'
appropriate'1 time-4 her concern %or m1 ph1sica' "e'%are mani%est4 her re%' %ast; :@- ha&e
'ike- to keep her aro$n- %or <$estionin)4 b$t : kne" that she "o$'- simp'1 'ie to me in the
absence o% proo% or an emer)enc1 sit$ation; An- : -i- not tr$st her; (o : re&ie"e- the spe'' : ha-
prepare- an- h$n) on m1 "a1 home %rom Arbor ,o$se4 a spe'' : ha- -esi)ne- to' a
possessin) entit1 %rom its host; : hesitate- a moment4 tho$)h; B1 %ee'in)s to"ar- her "ere
ambi&a'ent; 2&en i% she "ere the entit14 : mi)ht be "i''in) to p$t $p "ith her i% : ?$st kne" her
(o4 F=hat is it that 1o$ "ant>G : aske-;
FE$st to see it; ,onest'14G she ans"ere-;
FNo4 : mean that i% 1o$ are "hat : think 1o$ rea''1 are4 :@m askin) the bi) <$estion8 =h1>G
+rakir be)an to p$'se $pon m1 "rist;
Cora' "as si'ent %or the space o% an a$-ib'e -eep breath4 then4 F,o" co$'- 1o$ te''>G
FAo$ betra1e- 1o$rse'% in sma'' "a1s -iscernib'e on'1 to one "ho has recent'1 become
paranoi-4G : respon-e-;
FBa)ic4G she sai-; F:s that it>G
F:t@s abo$t to be4G : rep'ie-; F: co$'- a'most miss 1o$4 b$t : can@t tr$st 1o$;G
: spoke the )$i-e "or-s to the spe''4 'ettin) them -ra" m1 han-s smooth'1 thro$)h the
appropriate )est$res; !here %o''o"e- t"o horrib'e shrieks4 an- then a thir-;
B$t the1 "eren@t hers; !he1 came %rom aro$n- the corner in the passa)e"a1 "e ha- recent'1
F=hatD>G she be)an;
FDthe he''IG : %inishe-C an- : r$she- past her an- ro$n-e- the corner4 -ra"in) m1 b'a-e as :
Back'i)hte- b1 the -istant ca&emo$th : behe'- three %i)$res on the %'oor o% the ca&e; !"o o%
them "ere spra"'e- an- $nmo&in); !he thir- "as seate- an- bent %or"ar-4 c$rsin); : a-&ance-
s'o"'14 the point o% m1 "eapon -irecte- to"ar- the seate- one; ,is sha-o"1 hea- t$rne- in m1
-irection4 an- he c'imbe- to his %eet4 sti'' bent %or"ar-; ,e c'$tche- his 'e%t han- "ith his ri)ht4
an- he backe- a"a1 $nti' he came into contact "ith the "a'';
,e ha'te- there4 m$tterin) somethin) : co$'- not <$ite hear; : contin$e- m1 ca$tio$s a-&ance4
a'' o% m1 senses a'ert; : co$'- hear Cora' mo&in) at m1 back4 then : )'impse- her accompan1in)
me on m1 'e%t "hen the passa)e "i-ene-; (he ha- -ra"n her -a))er4 an- she he'- it 'o" an-
near to her hip; No time no" to spec$'ate as to "hat m1 spe'' mi)ht ha&e -one to her;
: ha'te- as : came to the %irst o% the t"o %a''en %orms; : pro--e- it "ith the toe o% m1 boot4 rea-1
to strike instant'1 sho$'- it sprin) into an attack; Nothin); :t %e't 'imp4 'i%e'ess; : $se- m1 %oot to
t$rn it o&er4 an- the hea- ro''e- back in the -irection o% the ca&emo$th; :n the 'i)ht that then %e''
$pon it : behe'- a ha'%--eca1e- h$man %ace; B1 nose ha- a'rea-1 been in%ormin) me that this
state "as no mere i''$sion; : a-&ance- $pon the other one an- t$rne- him4 a'so; ,e4 too4 bore the
appearance o% a -ecomposin) corpse; =hi'e the %irst one c'$tche- a -a))er in his ri)ht han-4 the
secon- "as "eapon'ess; !hen : note- another -a))erDon the %'oor4 near the 'i&e man@s %eet; :
raise- m1 e1es to him; !his ma-e no sense "hatsoe&er; :@- ha&e ?$-)e- the t"o %i)$res $pon the
%'oor to ha&e been -ea- %or se&era' -a1s4 at 'east4 an- : ha- no i-ea as to "hat the stan-in) man
ha- been $p to;
F*h;;;; Bin- te''in) me "hat@s )oin) on>G : in<$ire-;
F/amn 1o$4 Ber'inIG he snar'e-4 an- : reco)ni6e- the &oice;
: mo&e- in a s'o" arc4 steppin) o&er the %a''en ones; Cora' sta1e- near to m1 si-e4 mo&in) in a
simi'ar %ashion; ,e t$rne- his hea- to %o''o" o$r pro)ress4 an- "hen the 'i)ht %ina''1 %e'' $pon
his %ace4 : sa" that E$rt "as )'arin) at me o$t o% his one )oo- e1eDa patch co&ere- the otherD
an- : sa"4 too4 that abo$t ha'% o% his hair "as missin)4 the e.pose- sca'p co&ere- "ith "e'ts or
scars4 his ha'%-re)ro"n ear-st$b p'ain'1 &isib'e; +rom this si-e : co$'- a'so see that a ban-ana
s$itab'e %or co&erin) most o% this -ama)e ha- s'ippe- -o"n aro$n- his neck; B'oo- "as -rippin)
%rom his 'e%t han-4 an- : s$--en'1 rea'i6e- that his 'itt'e %in)er "as missin);
F=hat happene- to 1o$>G : aske-;
FOne o% the 6ombies hit m1 han- "ith his -a))er as he %e''4G he sai-4 F"hen 1o$''e- the
spirits that animate- them;G
B1 spe''Dto e&ict a possessin) spirit;;;; !he1 ha- been "ithin ran)e o% it;;;;
FCora'4G : aske-4 Fare 1o$ a'' ri)ht>G
FAes4G she rep'ie-; FB$t : -on@t $n-erstan-;;;;G
F9ater4G : to'- her;
: -i- not ask him abo$t his hea-4 as : reca''e- m1 str$))'e "ith the one-e1e- "ere"o'% in the
"oo- to the east o% AmberDthe beast "hose hea- : ha- %orce- into the camp%ire; : ha- s$specte-
%or some time that it ha- been E$rt in a shape-shi%te- %orm4 e&en be%ore Ban-or ha- o%%ere-
s$%%icient in%ormation to con%irm it;
FE$rt4G : be)an4 F: ha&e been the occasion o% man1 o% 1o$r i''s4 b$t 1o$ m$st rea'i6e that 1o$
bro$)ht them on 1o$rse'%; :% 1o$ "o$'- not attack me4 : "o$'- ha&e no nee- to -e%en- m1se'%DG
!here came a c'ickin)4 )rin-in) so$n-; :t took me se&era' secon-s to rea'i6e that it "as a
)nashin) o% teeth; FB1 a-option b1 1o$r %ather meant nothin) to me4G : sai-4 Fbe1on- the %act
that he honore- me b1 it; : "as not e&en a"are $nti' recent'1 that it ha- occ$rre-;G
FAo$ 'ieIG he hisse-; FAo$ tricke- him some "a14 to )et ahea- o% $s in the s$ccession;G
FAo$@&e )ot to be ki--in)4G : sai-; F=e@re a'' so %ar -o"n on the 'ist that it -oesn@t matter;G
FNot %or the Cro"n4 1o$ %oo'I +or the ,o$seI O$r %ather isn@t a'' that "e''IG
F:@m sorr1 to hear that4G : sai-; FB$t :@- ne&er e&en tho$)ht o% it that "a1; An- Ban-or@s ahea-
o% a'' o% $s4 an1ho";G
FAn- no" 1o$@re secon-;G
FNot b1 choice; Come onI :@'' ne&er see the tit'e; Ao$ kno" thatIG
,e -re" himse'% $pri)ht4 an- "hen he mo&e- : became a"are o% a %aint prismatic nimb$s that
ha- been c'in)in) to his o$t'ine;
F!hat isn@t the rea' reason4G : contin$e-; FAo$@&e ne&er 'ike- me4 b$t 1o$@re not a%ter me beca$se
o% the s$ccession; Ao$@re hi-in) somethin) no"; :t@s )ot to be somethin) e'se4 %or a'' this acti&it1
on 1o$r pan; B1 the "a14 1o$ -i- sen- the +ire An)e'4 -i-n@t 1o$>G
F:t %o$n- 1o$ that %ast>G he sai-; F: "asn@t e&en s$re : co$'- co$nt on that; : )$ess it "as "orth
the price a%ter a''; B$t;;;; =hat happene->G
F:t@s -ea-;G
FAo$@re &er1 '$ck1; !oo '$ck14G he rep'ie-;
F=hat is it that 1o$ "ant4 E$rt> :@- 'ike to sett'e this once an- %or a'';G
FBe4 too4G he ans"ere-; FAo$ betra1e- someone : 'o&e4 an- on'1 1o$r -eath "i'' set thin)s
F=ho are 1o$ ta'kin) abo$t> : -on@t $n-erstan-;G
,e )rinne- s$--en'1;
FAo$ "i''4G he sai-; F:n the 'ast moments o% 1o$r 'i%e :@'' 'et 1o$ kno" "h1;G
F: ma1 ha&e a 'on) "ait4 then4G : ans"ere-; FAo$ -on@t seem to be &er1 )oo- at this sort o% thin);
=h1 not ?$st te'' me no" an- sa&e $s both a 'ot o% tro$b'e>G
,e 'a$)he-4 an- the prism e%%ect increase-4 an- it occ$rre- to me in that instant "hat it "as;
F(ooner than 1o$ think4G he sai-4 F%or short'1 : "i'' be more po"er%$' than an1thin) 1o$ e&er
FB$t no 'ess c'$ms14G : s$))este-4 both to him an- to "home&er he'- his !r$mp4 "atchin) me
thro$)h it4 rea-1 to snatch him a"a1 in an instant;;;;
F!hat is 1o$4 Bask4 isn@t it>G : sai-; F!ake him back; Ao$ -on@t ha&e to sen- him a)ain either an-
"atch him scre" $p; :@'' promote 1o$ on m1 'ist o% priorities an- come ca''in) soon4 i% 1o$@'' ?$st
)i&e me an ass$rance that it@s rea''1 1o$;G
E$rt opene- his mo$th an- sai- somethin)4 b$t : co$'-n@t hear it beca$se he %a-e- %ast an- his
"or-s "ent a"a1 "ith him; (omethin) %'e" to"ar- me as this occ$rre-C there "as no nee- to
parr1 it4 b$t : co$'-n@t stop the re%'e.;
A'on) "ith t"o mo'-erin) corpses an- E$rt@s 'itt'e %in)er4 a -o6en or so roses 'a1 scattere- on the
%'oor at m1 %eet4 there at the rainbo"@s en-;
Chapter !
As "e "a'ke- a'on) the beach in the -irection o% the harbor4 Cora' %ina''1 spoke;
F/oes that sort o% thin) happen aro$n- here &er1 o%ten>G
FAo$ sho$'- come b1 on a ba- -a14G : sai-;
F:% 1o$ -on@t min- te''in) me4 :@- 'ike to hear "hat it "as a'' abo$t;G
F: )$ess : o"e 1o$ an e.p'anation4G : a)ree-4 Fbeca$se : "ron)e- 1o$ back there4 "hether 1o$
kno" it or not;G
FAo$@re serio$s;G
F#o on; :@m rea''1 c$rio$s;G
F:t@s a 'on) stor1;;;;G : be)an a)ain;
(he 'ooke- ahea- to the harbor4 then $p to 3o'&ir@s hei)hts;
F;;;A 'on) "a'k4 too4G she sai-;
F;;;An- 1o$@re a -a$)hter o% the prime minister o% a co$ntr1 "ith "hich "e ha&e some"hat
to$ch1 re'ations at the moment;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F(ome o% the thin)s that are happenin) ma1 represent kin- o% sensiti&e in%ormation;G
(he p$t her han- on m1 sho$'-er an- ha'te-; (he stare- into m1 e1es;
F: can keep a secret4G she to'- me; FA%ter a''4 1o$ kno" mine;G
: con)rat$'ate- m1se'% on ha&in) %ina''1 'earne- m1 re'ati&es@ trick o% contro''in) %acia'
e.pression e&en "hen p$66'e- as a'' he''; (he ha- sai- somethin) back in the ca&e "hen : ha-
a--resse- her as i% she "ere the entit14 somethin) that so$n-e- as i% she be'ie&e- : ha-
-isco&ere- a secret concernin) her;
(o : )a&e her a "r1 smi'e an- no--e-;
FE$st so4G : sai-;
FAo$@re not p'annin) on ra&a)in) o$r co$ntr1 or an1thin) 'ike that4 are 1o$>G she aske-;
F!o m1 kno"'e-)e4 no; An- : -on@t think it 'ike'1 either;G
F=e''4 then; Ao$ can on'1 speak %rom 1o$r kno"'e-)e4 can@t 1o$>G
F!r$e4G : a)ree-;
F(o 'et@s hear the stor1;G
FA'' ri)ht;G
As "e "a'ke- a'on) the stran- an- : spoke4 to the accompaniment o% the "a&es@ -eep notes4 :
co$'- not he'p b$t remember a)ain m1 %ather@s 'on) narrati&e; =as it a %ami'1 trait4 : "on-ere-4
to )o a$tobio)raphica' at a time o% tro$b'es i% the ri)ht 'istener t$rne- $p> +or : rea'i6e- : "as
e'aboratin) m1 te''in) be1on- the bo$n-s o% necessit1; An- "h1 sho$'- she be the ri)ht 'istener4
=hen "e reache- the port -istrict4 : rea'i6e- : "as h$n)r14 an1"a14 an- : sti'' ha- a 'ot o% te''in)
to -o; :n that it "as sti'' -a1'i)ht an- -o$bt'ess consi-erab'1 sa%er than "hen :@- ma-e m1
ni)httime &isit4 : %o$n- m1 "a1 o&er to ,arbor 0oa-D"hich "as e&en -irtier in stron) 'i)htD
an-4 ha&in) 'earne- that Cora' "as h$n)r14 too4 : took $s on aro$n- to the rear o% the co&e4
pa$sin) %or a %e" min$tes to "atch a man1-maste- &esse' "ith )o'-en sai's ro$n- the sea "a''
an- hea- in; !hen "e %o''o"e- the c$r&in) "a1 to the "estern shore4 an- : "as ab'e to 'ocate
(eabree6e 9ane "itho$t an1 tro$b'e; :t "as sti'' ear'1 eno$)h that "e passe- a %e" sober sai'ors;
At one point a hea&14 b'ack-bear-e- man "ith an interestin) scar on his ri)ht cheek be)an to
approach $s4 b$t a sma''er man ca$)ht $p "ith him %irst an- "hispere- somethin) in his ear;
!he1 both t$rne- a"a1;
F,e14G : sai-; F=hat -i- he "ant>G
FNothin@4G the sma''er man sai-; F,e -on@t "ant nothin@;G ,e st$-ie- me %or a moment an-
no--e-; !hen4 F: sa" 1o$ here the other ni)ht4G he a--e-;
FOh4G : sai-4 as the1 contin$e- to the ne.t corner4 t$rne- it4 an- "ere )one;
F=hat "as that a'' abo$t>G Cora' sai-;
F: -i-n@t )et to that part o% the stor1 1et;G
B$t : remembere- it &i&i-'1 "hen "e passe- the p'ace "here it ha- occ$rre-; No si)ns o% that
con%'ict remaine-;
: a'most passe- "hat ha- been B'oo-1 Bi''@s4 tho$)h4 beca$se a ne" si)n h$n) abo&e the -oor; :t
rea- FB'oo-1 An-1@s4G in %resh )reen 'etters; !he p'ace "as ?$st the same insi-e4 ho"e&er4 e.cept
%or the man behin- the co$nter4 "ho "as ta''er an- thinner than the sha))14 cra)%ace- in-i&i-$a'
"ho ha- ser&e- me 'ast time; ,is name4 : 'earne-4 "as Eak4 an- he "as An-1@s brother; ,e so'-
$s a bott'e o% Ba1'e@s Piss an- p$t in o$r or-er %or t"o %ish -inners thro$)h the ho'e in the "a'';
B1 %ormer tab'e "as &acant an- "e took it; : 'ai- m1 s"or- be't on the chair to m1 ri)ht4 "ith
the b'a-e part'1 -ra"n4 as : ha- been ta$)ht eti<$ette re<$ire- here;
F: 'ike this p'ace4G she sai-; F:t@s;;;-i%%erent;G
F*h;;;1es4G : a)ree-4 )'ancin) at t"o passe--o$t -r$nksDone to the %ront o% the estab'ishment4
one to the rearDan- three shi%t1-e1e- in-i&i-$a's con&ersin) in 'o" &oices o%% in one corner; A
%e" broken bott'es an- s$spicio$s stains "ere $pon the %'oor4 an- some not-too-s$bt'e art"ork o%
an amoro$s nat$re h$n) on the %ar "a''; F!he %oo-@s <$ite )oo-4G : a--e-;
F:@&e ne&er been in a resta$rant 'ike this4G she contin$e-4 "atchin) a b'ack cat4 "ho ro''e- in
%rom a rear room4 "rest'in) "ith an enormo$s rat;
F:t has its -e&otees4 b$t it@s a "e''-kept secret amon) -iscriminatin) -iners;G
: contin$e- m1 ta'e thro$)h a mea' e&en better than the one : remembere-; =hen the -oor
opene- m$ch 'ater to a-mit a sma'' man "ith a ba- 'imp an- a -irt1 ban-a)e abo$t his hea- :
notice- that -a1'i)ht "as be)innin) to "ane; : ha- ?$st %inishe- m1 stor1 an- it seeme- a )oo-
time to be 'ea&in);
: sai- as m$ch4 b$t she p$t her han- on mine;
FAo$ kno" :@m not 1o$r entit14G she sai-4 Fb$t i% 1o$ nee- an1 kin- o% he'p : can )i&e 1o$4 :@''
-o it;G
FAo$@re a )oo- 'istener4G : sai-; F!hanks; =e@- better be )oin) no";G
=e passe- o$t o% /eath A''e1 "itho$t inci-ent an- ma-e o$r "a1 a'on) ,arbor 0oa- o&er to
7ine; !he s$n "as )ettin) rea-1 to set as "e hea-e- $p"ar-4 an- the cobb'es passe- thro$)h a
&ariet1 o% bri)ht earth tones an- %ire co'ors; (treet an- pe-estrian tra%%ic "as 'i)ht; Cookin)
sme''s -ri%te- on the airC 'ea&es ratt'e- a'on) the roa-C a sma'' 1e''o" -ra)on ro-e the air c$rrents
hi)h o&erhea-C c$rtains o% rainbo" 'i)ht ripp'e- hi)h in the north be1on- the pa'ace; : kept
"aitin)4 e.pectin) more <$estions %rom Cora' than the %e" she ha- aske-; !he1 ne&er came; :%
:@- ?$st hear- m1 stor14 : think :@- ha&e a 'ot o% <$estions4 $n'ess : "ere tota''1 o&erpo"ere- b1 it
or someho" $n-erstoo- it thoro$)h'1;
F=hen "e )et back to the pa'ace;;;>G she sai- then;
F;;;Ao$ "i'' take me to see the Pattern4 "on@t 1o$>G
: 'a$)he-;
;;;Or $n'ess somethin) e'se "ere occ$p1in) m1 min-;
F0i)ht a"a1> +irst thin) in the -oor>G : aske-;
F($re4G : sai-;
!hen4 that o%% her min-4 FAo$r stor1 chan)es m1 pict$re o% the "or'-4G she sai-4 Fan- : "o$'-n@t
pres$me to a-&ise 1o$;;;;G
FB$tDG : contin$e-;
F;;;:% seems that the 3eep o% the +o$r =or'-s ho'-s the ans"ers 1o$ "ant; 2&er1thin) e'se ma1
%a'' into p'ace "hen 1o$ 'earn "hat@s )oin) on there; B$t : -on@t $n-erstan- "h1 1o$ can@t ?$st -o
a car- %or it an- tr$mp in;G
F#oo- <$estion; !here are parts o% the Co$rts o% Chaos to "hich no one can tr$mp beca$se the1
chan)e constant'1 an- cannot be represente- in a permanent %ashion; !he same app'ies to the
p'ace "here : sit$ate- #host"hee'; No"4 the terrain aro$n- the 3eep %'$ct$ates <$ite a bit4 b$t
:@m not positi&e that@s the reason %or the b'ocka)e; !he p'ace is a po"er center4 an- : think it
possib'e that someone -i&erte- some o% that po"er into a shie'-in) spe''; A )oo- eno$)h
ma)ician mi)ht be ab'e to -ri'' thro$)h it "ith a !r$mp4 b$t :@&e a %ee'in) that the %orce re<$ire-
"o$'- probab'1 set o%% some ps1chic a'arm an- -estro1 an1 e'ement o% s$rprise;G
F=hat -oes the p'ace 'ook 'ike4 an1"a1>G she aske-;
F=e'';;;;G : be)an; F,ere;G : took m1 notebook an- (cripto %rom m1 shirt pocket an- sketche-;
F(ee4 a'' o% this area is &o'canic;G : scribb'e- in a %e" %$maro'es an- "isps o% smoke; FAn- this
part is :ce A)e;G Bore scribb'es; FOcean here4 mo$ntains here;;;;G
F!hen it so$n-s as i% 1o$r best bet is to $se the Pattern a)ain4G she sai-4 st$-1in) the -ra"in)
an- shakin) her hea-;
F/o 1o$ think 1o$@'' be -oin) it soon>G
F,o" "i'' 1o$ attack them>G
F:@m sti'' "orkin) on that;G
F:% there@s an1 sort o% "a1 that : can he'p 1o$4 : meant "hat : sai-;G
F!here isn@t;G
F/on@t be so s$re; :@m "e'' traine-; :@m reso$rce%$'; : e&en kno" a %e" spe''s;G
F!hanks4G : sai-; FB$t no;G
FNo -isc$ssion>G
F:% 1o$ chan)e 1o$r min-;;;;G
F: "on@t;G
F;;;9et me kno";G
=e reache- the Conco$rse4 mo&e- a'on) it; !he "in-s )re" more b'$ster1 here an- somethin)
co'- to$che- m1 cheek; !hen a)ain;;;;
F(no"IG Cora' anno$nce-4 ?$st as : rea'i6e- that a %e" mi--'e-si6e- %'akes "ere -ri%tin) past $s4
&anishin) imme-iate'1 "hen the1 hit the )ro$n-;
F:% 1o$r part1 ha- arri&e- at the proper time4G : obser&e-4 F1o$ mi)ht not ha&e ha- 1o$r "a'k;G
F(ometimes :@m '$ck14G she sai-;
:t "as sno"in) %air'1 har- b1 the time "e reache- the pa'ace )ro$n-s; =e $se- the postern )ate
a)ain4 pa$sin) on the "a'k"a1 to )a6e back -o"n o&er the 'i)ht--otte- to"n4 ha'% screene- b1
%a''in) %'akes; : kne" she kept 'ookin) 'on)er than : -i-4 beca$se : t$rne- to )a6e at her; (he
appeare-Dhapp14 : )$essDas i% she "ere pastin) the scene in a menta' scrapbook; (o : 'eane-
o&er an- kisse- her cheek4 beca$se it seeme- 'ike a )oo- i-ea;
FOh4G she sai-4 t$rnin) to %ace me; FAo$ s$rprise- me;G
F#oo-4G : to'- her; F: hate to te'e)raph these thin)s; 9et@s )et the troops in o$t o% the co'-;G
(he smi'e- an- took m1 arm;
:nsi-e4 the )$ar- to'- me4 F9'e"e''a "ants to kno" "hether 1o$ t"o "i'' be ?oinin) them a'' %or
F=hen is -inner>G : aske- him;
F:n abo$t an ho$r an- a ha'%4 : be'ie&e;G
: )'ance- at Cora'4 "ho shr$))e-;
F: )$ess so4G : sai-;
F+ront -inin) room4 $pstairs4G he to'- me; F(ha'' : pass the "or- to m1 ser)eantDhe@s -$e b1
soonDan- ha&e him -e'i&er it> Or -o 1o$ "ant toDG
FAes4G : sai-; F/o that;G
FCare to "ash $p4 chan)e c'othes;;;>G : be)an4 as "e "a'ke- a"a1;
F!he Pattern4G she sai-;
F:t "o$'- in&o'&e a 'ot more stairs4G : to'- her;
(he t$rne- to"ar- me4 her %ace ti)htenin)4 b$t sa" that : "as smi'in);
F!his "a14G : sai-4 'ea-in) her to the main ha'' an- thro$)h it;
: -i-n@t reco)ni6e the )$ar- at the en- o% the brie% corri-or that 'e- $p to the stair; ,e kne" "ho
: "as4 tho$)h4 )'ance- c$rio$s'1 at Cora'4 opene- the -oor4 %o$n- $s a 'antern4 an- 'it it;
F:@m to'- there@s a 'oose step4G he remarke- as he passe- me the 'i)ht;
F=hich one is it>G ,e shook his hea-;
FPrince #erar-@s reporte- it se&era' times4G he sai-4 Fb$t no one e'se seems to notice it;G
FOka14G : sai-; F!hanks;G
!his time Cora' -i-n@t ob?ect to m1 )oin) %irst; O% the t"o4 this "as more intimi-atin) than the
stair"a1 on the c'i%% %ace4 main'1 beca$se 1o$ can@t see bottom an- a%ter a %e" paces 1o$ can@t
see m$ch o% an1thin) be1on- the she'' o% 'i)ht "ithin "hich 1o$ mo&e as 1o$ "in- 1o$r "a1
-o"n; An- there@s a hea&1 sense o% &astness a'' abo$t 1o$; :@&e ne&er seen the p'ace i''$minate-4
b$t : )ather that the impression is not incorrect; :t@s a &er1 bi) ca&ern4 an- 1o$ )o ro$n- an-
ro$n- an- -o"n in the mi--'e o% it4 "on-erin) "hen 1o$@'' reach the bottom;
A%ter a time4 Cora' c'eare- her throat4 then4 FCo$'- "e stop %or a min$te>G she aske-;
F($re4G : sai-4 ha'tin); FO$t o% breath>G
FNo4G she sai-; F,o" m$ch %arther>G
F: -on@t kno"4G : rep'ie-; F:t seems a -i%%erent -istance each time : come this "a1; :% 1o$ "ant to
)o back an- ha&e -inner4 "e can see it tomorro"; Ao$@&e ha- a b$s1 -a1;G
FNo4G she ans"ere-; FB$t : "o$'-n@t min- 1o$r ho'-in) me %or a min$te;G
:t seeme- an a"k"ar- p'ace to )et romantic4 so : c'e&er'1 -e-$ce- that there "as another
reason4 sai- nothin)4 an- ob'i)e-;
:t took me a 'on) "hi'e to rea'i6e that she "as cr1in);
(he "as &er1 )oo- at concea'in) it;
F=hat@s the matter>G : %ina''1 aske-;
FNothin)4G she rep'ie-; FNer&o$s reaction4 ma1be; Primiti&e re%'e.; /arkness; C'a$strophobia;
9ike that;G
F9et@s )o back;G
(o "e starte- -o"n a)ain;
Abo$t a ha'% min$te 'ater : sa" somethin) "hite near the si-e o% a 'o"er step; : s'o"e-; !hen :
rea'i6e- that it "as on'1 a han-kerchie%; A 'itt'e nearer4 ho"e&er4 an- : sa" that it "as he'- in
p'ace b1 a -a))er; A'so4 there "ere markin)s $pon it; : ha'te-4 reache- o$t4 %'attene- it4 an- rea-;
F!,:( ON24 /ABN :!I -#20A0/4G :t sai-;
FCare%$' here4G : sai- to Cora';
: prepare- to step o&er it4 b$t on an imp$'se : teste- it 'i)ht'1 "ith one %oot; No s<$eaks; :
shi%te- more "ei)ht onto it; Nothin); :t %e't %ine; : stoo- on it; !he same; : shr$))e-;
FCare%$'4 an1"a14G : sai-;
Nothin) happene- "hen she steppe- on it either4 an- "e kept )oin); A 'itt'e 'ater4 : sa" a %'icker
in the -istance be'o"; :t "as mo&in)4 an- : )$esse- someone "as -oin) a patro'; =hat %or> :
"on-ere-; =ere there prisoners to be ten-e- an- "atche-> =ere certain ca&e mo$ths consi-ere-
&$'nerab'e points> An- "hat abo$t the b$siness o% 'ockin) the chamber o% the Pattern an-
han)in) the ke1 on the "a'' near the -oor> =as there some possib'e -an)er %rom that <$arter>
,o"> =h1> : rea'i6e- that : o$)ht to p$rs$e these <$estions one o% these -a1s;
=hen "e reache- the bottom the )$ar- "as no"here in si)ht4 ho"e&er; !he tab'e4 the racks4 an-
a %e" %oot 'ockersD"hich constit$te- the )$ar- stationD"ere i''$minate- b1 a n$mber o%
'anterns4 b$t the )$ar- "as not at his post; !oo ba-; :t "o$'- be interestin) to ask "hat the or-ers
ca''e- %or in the e&ent o% an emer)enc1Dhope%$''1 a'so speci%1in) the possib'e nat$res o%
&ario$s emer)encies; +or the %irst time4 tho$)h4 : notice- a rope han)in) -o"n %rom the -arkness
into the -imness besi-e a "eapons rack; : -re" $pon it e&er so )ent'1 an- it 1ie'-e-4 to be
%o''o"e- a moment 'ater b1 a %aint meta''ic so$n- %rom some"here hi)h o&erhea-; :nterestin);
Ob&io$s'14 this "as the a'arm;
F=hich;;;"a1>G Cora' aske-;
FOh4 come on4G : sai-4 takin) her han-4 an- : 'e- her o%% to the ri)ht;
: kept "aitin) %or echoes as "e mo&e-4 b$t none came; Perio-ica''14 : raise- the 'i)ht; !he
-arkness "o$'- rece-e a bit then4 b$t nothin) came into &ie" be1on- an a--itiona' area o% %'oor;
Cora' seeme- to be s'o"in) no"4 an- : %e't a certain tension in her arm as she h$n) back; :
p'o--e- on an- she kept mo&in)4 ho"e&er;
+ina''14 F:t sho$'-n@t be too m$ch 'on)er4G : sai-4 as the echoes be)an4 &er1 %aint'1;
F#oo-4G she rep'ie-4 b$t she -i- not increase her pace; At 'ast the )ra1 "a'' o% the ca&ern came
into &ie"4 an- %ar o%% to m1 'e%t "as the -ark openin) o% the t$nne' mo$th : so$)ht; : chan)e-
co$rse an- hea-e- to"ar- it; =hen "e %ina''1 reache- it an- entere-4 : %e't her %'inch;
F:% :@- kno"n it "o$'- bother 1o$ this m$chDG : be)an;
F:@m rea''1 a'' ri)ht4G she ans"ere-4 Fan- : -o "ant to see it; : ?$st -i-n@t rea'i6e that )ettin) there
"o$'- be this;;;in&o'&e-;G
F=e''4 the "orst o% it is o&er; (oon no"4G : sai-;
=e came to the %irst si-e passa)e to the 'e%t %air'1 <$ick'1 an- "ent on b1; !here "as another
short'1 therea%ter4 an- : s'o"e- an- e.ten-e- the 'antern to"ar- it;
F=ho kno"s>G : commente-; F!hat co$'- take 1o$ thro$)h some stran)e ro$te back to the
F:@- rather not check it o$t;G
=e "a'ke- %or some time be%ore "e passe- the thir- openin); : )a&e it a <$ick )'ance; !here
"as a &ein o% some bri)ht minera' part"a1 back in it;
: spee-e- $p an- she kept pace4 o$r %ootsteps rin)in) 'o$-'1 no"; =e passe- the %o$rth openin);
!he %i%th;;;; +rom some"here4 it seeme- : hear- %aint strains o% m$sic;
(he )'ance- at me in<$irin)'1 "hen "e neare- the passa)e"a14 b$t : ?$st kept )oin); :t
"as the se&enth that : "ante-4 an- "hen "e %ina''1 came to it : t$rne-4 took a %e" paces4 ha'te-4
an- raise- the 'antern; =e stoo- be%ore a bi) meta'-bo$n- -oor;
: took the ke1 -o"n %rom the hook on the "a'' to m1 ri)ht4 insertin) it in the 'ock4 t$rne- it4
"ith-re" it4 an- reh$n) it; !hen : p$t m1 sho$'-er a)ainst the -oor an- p$she- har-; !here
%o''o"e- a 'on) moment o% resistance4 then s'o" mo&ement accompanie- short'1 b1 a comp'aint
%rom a ti)ht hin)e; +rakir ti)htene- $pon m1 "rist4 b$t : kept p$shin) ti'' the -oor "as opene-
"i-e; !hen : stoo- to the si-e an- he'- it %or Cora';
(he mo&e- a %e" steps past me into that stran)e chamber an- ha'te-; : steppe- a"a1 an- 'et the
-oor s"in) sh$t4 then came $p besi-e her;
F(o that@s it4G she remarke-;
0o$)h'1 e''iptica'4 the intricate'1 "o$n- o&a' %orm o% the Pattern )'o"e- b'$e-"hite "ithin the
%'oor; : set the 'antern asi-e; :t "asn@t rea''1 necessar14 the )'o" %rom the Pattern pro&i-in) more
than s$%%icient i''$mination; : stroke- +rakir4 ca'min) her; A ?et o% sparks rose at the %ar en- o% the
)reat -esi)n4 s$bsi-e- <$ick'14 occ$rre- a)ain nearer to $s; !he chamber seeme- %i''e- "ith a
ha'% %ami'iar p$'sin) : ha- ne&er conscio$s'1 note- be%ore; On an imp$'seDto satis%1 a 'on)-he'-
point o% c$riosit1D: s$mmone- the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s;
!his "as a mistake;
:mme-iate'1 the ima)e o% the 9o)r$s %'are- be%ore me4 sparks er$pte- a'on) the entire 'en)th o%
the Pattern4 an- a hi)h-pitche- banshee "ai' rose %rom some"here; +rakir "ent "i'-4 m1 ears %e't
as i% icic'es ha- been -ri&en into them4 an- the bri)htness o% the "rithin) (i)n h$rt m1 e1es; :
banishe- the 9o)r$s in that instant4 an- the t$rmoi' be)an to s$bsi-e;
F=hat4G she aske- me4 F"as that>G
: trie- to smi'e4 -i-n@t <$ite mana)e it;
FA 'itt'e e.periment :@- a'"a1s meant to tr14G : to'- her;
F/i- 1o$ 'earn an1thin) %rom it>G
FNot to -o it a)ain4 perhaps4G : ans"ere-;
FOr at 'east not ti'' the compan1@s 'e%t4G she sai-; F!hat h$rt;G
(he mo&e- nearer to the e-)e o% the Pattern4 "hich ha- ca'me- itse'% a)ain;
F2erie4G she obser&e-; F9ike a 'i)ht in a -ream; B$t it@s )or)eo$s; An- a'' o% 1o$ ha&e to "a'k it
to come into 1o$r herita)e>G
FAes;G (he mo&e- s'o"'1 to the ri)ht4 %o''o"in) its perimeter; : %o''o"e- her as she stro''e-4 her
)a6e ro&in) across the bri)ht e.panse o% arcs an- t$rns4 short strai)ht 'ines4 'on) s"eepin)
F: ass$me it is -i%%ic$'t>G
FAes; !he trick is to keep p$shin) an- not to stop tr1in) e&en i% 1o$ stop mo&in)4G : rep'ie-;
=e "a'ke- on4 to the ri)ht4 circ'in) s'o"'1 aro$n- to the rear; !he -esi)n seeme- to be "ithin
the %'oor rather than $pon it4 seen as thro$)h a 'a1er o% )'ass; B$t no"here "as the s$r%ace
=e pa$se- %or a min$te or so "hi'e she took its meas$re %rom a ne" an)'e;
F(o ho" are 1o$ respon-in) to it>G : %ina''1 aske-;
F2sthetica''14G she sai-;
FAn1thin) e'se>G
FPo"er4G she sai-; F:t seems to ra-iate somethin);G
(he 'eane- %or"ar- an- "a&e- her han- abo&e the nearest 'ine; F:t@s a'most a ph1sica' press$re4G
she a--e- then;
=e mo&e- %arther4 passin) a'on) the back 'en)th o% the )ran- -esi)n; : co$'- see across the
Pattern4 to the p'ace "here the 'antern )'o"e- on the %'oor near to the entrance"a1; :ts 'i)ht "as
ne)'i)ib'e besi-e the )reater i''$mination "e re)ar-e- no";
(hort'14 Cora' ha'te- a)ain; (he pointe-;
F=hat is this sin)'e 'ine4 "hich seems to en- ri)ht here>G she aske-;
F:t@s not the en-4G : sai-; F:t@s the be)innin); !hat is the p'ace "here one commences the "a'kin)
o% the Pattern;G
(he mo&e- nearer4 passin) her han- abo&e it a'so;
FAes4G she sai- a%ter a moment; F: can %ee' that it starts here;G
+or ho" 'on) "e stoo- there4 : am $ncertain; !hen she reache- o$t4 took ho'- o% m1 han- an-
s<$ee6e- it;
F!hanks4G she sai-4 F%or e&er1thin);G
: "as abo$t to ask her "h1 that ha- s$ch a %ina' so$n- abo$t it4 "hen she mo&e- %or"ar- an- set
her %oot $pon the 'ine;
FNoIG : crie-; F(topIG
B$t it "as too 'ate; ,er %oot "as a'rea-1 in p'ace4 bri)htness o$t'inin) the so'e o% her boot;
F/on@t mo&eIG : sai-; F=hate&er 1o$ -o4 sta1 sti''IG (he -i- as : sai-4 ho'-in) her position; :
'icke- m1 'ips4 "hich s$--en'1 seeme- &er1 -r1;
FNo"4 tr1 to raise the %oot 1o$ p'ace- $pon the 'ine an- -ra" it back; Can 1o$ -o it>G
FNo4G she rep'ie-;
: kne't besi-e her an- st$-ie- it; !heoretica''14 once 1o$@- set %oot $pon the Pattern there "as no
t$rnin) back; Ao$ ha- no choice b$t to contin$e an- either make it thro$)h or be -estro1e-
some"here a'on) the "a1; On the other han-4 she sho$'- a'rea-1 be -ea-; !heoretica''14 a)ain4
an1one not o% the b'oo- o% Amber sho$'-n@t be ab'e to set %oot $pon it an- 'i&e; (o m$ch %or
F,e'' o% a time to ask4G : sai-; FB$t "h1@- 1o$ -o it>
FAo$ in-icate- to me back in the ca&e that m1 )$ess "as correct; Ao$ sai- that 1o$ kne" "hat :
: reca''e- "hat :@- sai-4 b$t that "as "ith re%erence to m1 )$ess at her bein) the bo-1-shi%tin)
entit1; =hat co$'- she ha&e taken it to mean that ha- to -o "ith the Pattern> B$t e&en as : so$)ht
a%ter a spe'' that mi)ht %ree her %rom the Pattern@s ho'-4 the ob&io$s ans"er to thin)s -ri%te- into
m1 min-;
FAo$r connection "ith the ,o$se;;;>G : sai- so%t'1;
F3in) Oberon s$ppose-'1 ha- an a%%air "ith m1 mother be%ore : "as born4G she sai-; F!he
timin) "o$'- ha&e been ri)ht; :t "as on'1 a r$mor4 tho$)h; : co$'-n@t )et an1one to pro&i-e
-etai's; (o : "as ne&er certain; B$t : -reame- o% it bein) tr$e; : "ante- it to be tr$e; : hope- to
%in- some t$nne' that "o$'- brin) me to this p'ace; : "ante- to sneak in an- "a'k the Pattern an-
ha&e the sha-o"s $n%o'- be%ore me; B$t : "as a%rai-4 too4 beca$se : kne" that i% : "ere "ron) :
"o$'- -ie; !hen4 "hen 1o$ sai- "hat 1o$ sai-4 1o$ ans"ere- m1 -ream; B$t : -i- not stop bein)
a%rai-; : am sti'' a%rai-; On'1 no" :@m a%rai- that : "on@t be stron) eno$)h to make it;G
!hat sense o% %ami'iarit1 : ha- %e't "hen : %irst met her;;;; : s$--en'1 rea'i6e- that it "as a
)enera' %ami'1 resemb'ance that ha- ca$se- it; ,er nose an- bro" remin-e- me a bit o% +iona4
her chin an- cheekbones somethin) o% +'ora; ,er hair an- e1es an- hei)ht an- b$i'- "ere her
o"n4 tho$)h; B$t she certain'1 -i- not resemb'e her nomina' %ather or sister;
: tho$)ht a)ain o% a %aint'1 'eerin) portrait o% m1 )ran-%ather "hich : ha- o%ten st$-ie-4 in an
$pstairs ha''"a14 to the "est; !he 'echero$s o'- bastar- rea''1 )ot aro$n-; #i&in) him his -$e4
tho$)h4 he "as a &er1 )oo--'ookin) man;;;;
: si)he- an- rose to m1 %eet; : 'ai- a han- $pon her sho$'-er;
F9isten4 Cora'4G : sai-; FA'' o% $s "ere "e'' brie%e- be%ore "e trie- it; : am )oin) to te'' 1o$
abo$t it be%ore 1o$ take another step4 an- "hi'e : speak 1o$ ma1 %ee' ener)1 %'o"in) %rom me
into 1o$; : "ant 1o$ to be as stron) as possib'e; =hen 1o$ take 1o$r ne.t step : -o not "ant 1o$
to stop a)ain $nti' 1o$ ha&e reache- the mi--'e; : ma1 ca'' o$t instr$ctions to 1o$ as 1o$ mo&e
a'on)4 a'so; /o "hate&er : sa1 imme-iate'14 "itho$t thinkin) abo$t it;
F+irst : "i'' te'' 1o$ abo$t the 7ei's4 the p'aces o% resistance;;;;G
+or ho" 'on) : spoke4 : -o not kno";
: "atche- as she approache- the +irst 7ei';
F:)nore the chi'' an- the shocks4G : sai-; F!he1 can@t h$rt 1o$; /on@t 'et the sparks -istract 1o$;
Ao$@re abo$t to hit ma?or resistance; /on@t start breathin) rapi-'1;G
: "atche- her p$sh her "a1 thro$)h;
F#oo-4G : sai-4 as she came onto an easier stretch4 -eci-in) a)ainst te''in) her that the ne.t 7ei'
"as %ar "orse; FB1 the "a14 -on@t think that 1o$@re )oin) cra61; (hort'14 it "i'' be)in p'a1in)
hea- )ames "ith 1o$DG
F:t a'rea-1 has4G she respon-e-; F=hat sho$'- : -o>G
F:t@s probab'1 most'1 memories; E$st 'et them %'o"4 an- keep 1o$r attention on the path;G
(he contin$e-4 an- : ta'ke- her thro$)h the (econ- 7ei'; !he sparks reache- a'most to her
sho$'-ers be%ore she "as o$t o% it; : "atche- her str$))'e thro$)h arc a%ter arc4 then trick1 c$r&es
an- 'on)4 s"eepin) ones4 t$rns4 re&ersa's; !here "ere times "hen she mo&e- <$ick'14 times
"hen she "as s'o"e- a'most to a stan-sti''; B$t she kept mo&in); (he ha- the i-ea4 an- it
seeme- she ha- the "i''; : -i- not think that she rea''1 nee-e- me no"; : "as certain that : ha-
nothin) 'e%t to o%%er4 that the o$tcome "as entire'1 in her o"n han-s;
(o : sh$t $p an- "atche-4 irritate- "ith b$t $nab'e to pre&ent m1 o"n 'eanin) an- t$rnin)4
shi%tin) an- pressin)4 as i% : "ere o$t there m1se'%4 anticipatin)4 compensatin);
=hen she came to the #ran- C$r&e she "as a 'i&in) %'ame; ,er pro)ress "as &er1 s'o"4 b$t
there "as a re'ent'ess <$a'it1 to it; =hate&er the o$tcome4 : kne" that she "as bein) chan)e-4
ha- been chan)e- a'rea-14 that the Pattern "as inscribin) itse'% $pon her4 an- that she "as &er1
near to the en- o% its statement; : a'most crie- o$t as she seeme- to stop %or a moment4 b$t the
"or-s -ie- in m1 throat as she sh$--ere- once4 then contin$e-; : "ipe- m1 bro" on m1 s'ee&e
as she approache- the +ina' 7ei'; =hate&er the o$tcome4 she ha- pro&e- her s$spicions; On'1 a
chi'- o% Amber co$'- ha&e s$r&i&e- as she ha-;
: -o not kno" ho" 'on) it took her to pierce the 'ast 7ei'; ,er e%%ort became time'ess4 an- : "as
ca$)ht $p in that protracte- moment; (he "as a b$rnin) st$-1 in e.treme s'o" motion4 the
nimb$s that enshro$-e- her 'i)htin) $p the entire chamber 'ike a )reat b'$e can-'e;
An- then she "as thro$)h an- onto that %ina' short arc4 the 'ast three steps o% "hich ma1 "e'' be
the most -i%%ic$'t part o% the entire Pattern; (ome sort o% ps1chic s$r%ace tension seems ?oine-
"ith the ph1sica' inertia one enco$nters ?$st be%ore the point o% emer)ence;
A)ain4 : tho$)ht she ha- stopppe-4 b$t it "as on'1 an appearance; :t "as 'ike "atchin) someone
-oin) tai chi4 the pain%$' s'o"ness o% that trio o% paces; B$t she comp'ete- it an- mo&e- a)ain; :%
the %ina' step -i-n@t ki'' her4 then she "as home %ree; !hen "e co$'- ta'k;;;;
!hat %ina' moment "ent on an- on an- on; !hen : sa" her %oot mo&e %or"ar- an- -epart the
Pattern; (hort'14 the other %oot %o''o"e- an- she stoo- pantin) at the center; FCon)rat$'ationsIG :
(he "a&e- "eak'1 "ith her ri)ht han- "hi'e s'o"'1 raisin) her 'e%t to co&er her e1es; (he stoo-
th$s %or the a better part o% a min$te4 an- one "ho has "a'ke- the Pattern $n-erstan-s the
%ee'in); : -i- not ca'' o$t a)ain4 b$t 'et her reco&er4 )i&in) her the si'ence in "hich to en?o1 her
!he Pattern seeme- to be )'o"in) more bri)ht'1 ?$st then4 as it o%ten -oes imme-iate'1 a%ter
bein) tra&erse-; !his )a&e a %air1'an- <$a'it1 to the )rottoDa'' b'$e 'i)ht an- sha-o"Dan-
ma-e a mirror o% that sma''4 sti'' poo' in the %ar corner "here b'in- %ish s"im; : trie- to think
ahea- to "hat this act mi)ht mean4 %or Cora'4 %or Amber;;;; (he strai)htene- s$--en'1;
F:@m )oin) to 'i&e4G she anno$nce-;
F#oo-4G : rep'ie-; FAo$ ha&e a choice no"4 1o$ kno";G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G she aske-;
FAo$ are no" in a position to comman- the Pattern to transport 1o$ an1"here4G : e.p'aine-; F(o
1o$ co$'- ?$st ha&e it -eposit 1o$ back here a)ain4 or 1o$ co$'- sa&e 1o$rse'% a 'on) "a'k b1
ha&in) it ret$rn 1o$ to 1o$r s$ite ri)ht no"; As m$ch as : en?o1 1o$r compan14 :@- recommen-
the 'atter since 1o$@re probab'1 prett1 tire-; !hen 1o$ can soak in a nice "arm bath an- take 1o$r
time -ressin) %or -inner; :@'' meet 1o$ in the -inin) room; Oka1>G
: sa" that she "as smi'in) as she shook her hea-;
F:@m not )oin) to "aste an opport$nit1 'ike this4G she sai-;
F9isten4 : kno" the %ee'in)4G : to'- her; FB$t : think 1o$ sho$'- restrain 1o$rse'%; 0$shin) o%%
somep'ace "eir- co$'- be -an)ero$s4 an- comin) back co$'- be trick1 "hen 1o$ ha&en@t ha- an1
trainin) in sha-o" "a'kin);G
F:t@s ?$st sort o% a "i'' an- e.pectation thin)4 isn@t it>G she aske-; FAo$ kin- o% impose ima)es on
the en&ironment as 1o$ )o a'on)4 -on@t 1o$>G
F:t@s trickier than that4G : sai-; FAo$ ha&e to 'earn to capita'i6e on certain %eat$res as points o%
-epart$re; Norma''14 one is accompanie- on one@s %irst sha-o" "a'k b1 someone "ith e.perience
FOka14 : )et the i-ea;G
FNot eno$)h4G : sai-; F:-eas are %ine4 b$t there@s %ee-back4 too; !here@s a certain %ee'in) 1o$ )et
"hen it be)ins "orkin); !hat can@t be ta$)ht; :t has to be e.perience-Dan- $nti' 1o$@re s$re o%
it4 1o$ sho$'- ha&e someone a'on) %or a )$i-e;G
F(eems 'ike tria' an- error "o$'- -o;G
FBa1be4G : ans"ere-; FB$t s$pposin) 1o$ "o$n- $p in -an)er> !hat@- be a he'' o% a time to
start 'earnin); 3in- o% -istractin)DG
FA'' ri)ht; Ao$ ma-e 1o$r point; +ort$nate'14 :@m not p'annin) on an1thin) that "o$'- p$t me in
s$ch a position;G
F=hat are 1o$ p'annin)>G
(he strai)htene- an- )est$re- "i-e'1;
F2&er since : 'earne- abo$t the Pattern4 there@s been somethin) : "ante- to tr1 i% : )ot this %ar4G
she sai-;
F=hat mi)ht that be>G
F:@m )oin) to ask it to sen- me "here : sho$'- )o;G
F: -on@t $n-erstan-;G
F:@m )oin) to 'ea&e the choice $p to the Pattern;G
: shook m1 hea-;
F:t -oesn@t "ork that "a14G : to'- her; FAo$ ha&e to )i&e it an or-er to transport 1o$;G
F,o" -o 1o$ kno" that>G
F:t@s ?$st the "a1 it "orks;G
F,a&e 1o$ e&er trie- "hat :@m sa1in)>G
FNo; Nothin) "o$'- happen;G
F,as an1one 1o$ kno" o% e&er trie- it>G
F:t "o$'- be a "aste o% time; 9ook4 1o$@re ta'kin) as i% the Pattern is someho" sentient4 is
capab'e o% comin) to a -ecision on its o"n an-$tin) it;G
FAes4G she rep'ie-; FAn- it m$st kno" me rea' "e'' a%ter "hat :@&e ?$st been thro$)h "ith it; (o
:@m ?$st )oin) to ask its a-&ice an-DG
F=aitIG : sai-;
FOn the o%% chance that somethin) happens4 ho" -o 1o$ p'an on )ettin) back>G
F:@'' "a'k4 : )$ess; (o 1o$@re a-mittin) that somethin)could happen>G
FAes4G : sai-; F:t@s concei&ab'e that 1o$ ha&e an $nconscio$s -esire to &isit a p'ace4 an- that it
"i'' rea- that an- take 1o$ there i% 1o$ )i&e a transport or-er; !hat "on@t pro&e that the Pattern is
sentient4 ?$st that it@s sensiti&e; No"4 i% it "ere me stan-in) there4 :@- be a%rai- to take a chance
'ike that; ($pposin) : ha&e s$ici-a' ten-encies :@m not a"are o%> OrDG
FAo$@re reachin)4G she ans"ere-; FAo$@re rea''1 reachin);G
F:@m ?$st co$nse'in) 1o$ to p'a1 it sa%e; Ao$ ha&e 1o$r "ho'e 'i%e to )o e.p'orin); :t "o$'- be
si''1 toDG
F2no$)hIG she sai-; FB1 min-@s ma-e $p4 an- that@s it; :t %ee's ri)ht; (ee 1o$ 'ater4 Ber'in;G
F=aitIG : crie- a)ain; FA'' ri)ht; /o it i% 1o$ m$st; B$t 'et me )i&e 1o$ somethin) %irst;G
FA means o% )ettin) o$t o% a ti)ht spot in a h$rr1; ,ere;G
: "ith-re" m1 !r$mps4 sh$%%'e- o$t m1 o"n car-; !hen : $n%astene- m1 -a))er an- sheath
%rom m1 be't; : "rappe- m1 car- aro$n- the ha%t an- tie- it there "ith m1 han-kerchie%;
FAo$ ha&e an i-ea ho" to $se a !r$mp>G
FAo$ ?$st stare an- think o% the person ti'' there@s contact4 -on@t 1o$>G
F!hat@'' -o4G : sai-; F,ere@s mine; !ake it "ith 1o$; Ca'' me "hen 1o$ "ant to come home4 an-
:@'' brin) 1o$ back;G
: tosse- it o$t across the Pattern4 $n-erhan-; (he ca$)ht it easi'1 an- h$n) it on her be't on the
si-e opposite her o"n;
F!hanks4G she sai-4 strai)htenin); F: )$ess :@'' )i&e it a tr1 no";G
FE$st in case it rea''1 "orks4 -on@t sta1 'on); Oka1>G
FOka14G she ans"ere-4 an- she c'ose- her e1es;
An instant 'ater she "as )one; Oh4 m1;
: mo&e- to the e-)e o% the Pattern an- he'- m1 han- abo&e it $nti' : co$'- %ee' the %orces stirrin)
FAo$@- better kno" "hat 1o$@re -oin)4G : sai-; F: "ant her back;G
A spark shot $p"ar- an- tick'e- m1 pa'm;
FAo$ tr1in) to te'' me 1o$@re rea''1 sentient>G
2&er1thin) s"ir'e- abo$t me; !he -i66iness passe- in an instant4 an- the %irst thin) : notice-
then "as that the 'antern "as besi-e m1 ri)ht %oot; =hen : 'ooke- abo$t : rea'i6e- that : "as
stan-in) on the other si-e o% the Pattern %rom "here : ha- been an- "as no" near the -oor;
F: "as "ithin 1o$r %ie'- an- :@m a'rea-1 att$ne-4G : sai-; F:t "as ?$st m1 $nconscio$s -esire to
)et o$t;G
!hen : he%te- the 'antern4 'ocke- the -oor behin- me4 an- h$n) the ke1 back on its hook; : sti''
-i-n@t tr$st the thin); :% it ha- rea''1 "ante- to be he'p%$'4 it "o$'- ha&e sent me -irect'1 to m1
<$arters an- sa&e- me a'' those stairs;
: h$rrie- a'on) the t$nne'; :t "as b1 %ar the most interestin) %irst -ate :@- e&er ha-;
Chapter "
As : passe- o$t o% the main ha'' an- hea-e- a'on) the back ha''"a1 "hich "o$'- take me to an1
o% a n$mber o% stairs4 a %e''o" in b'ack 'eathers an- &ario$s pieces o% r$st1 an- shin1 chain
emer)e- %rom a corri-or to m1 ri)ht4 ha'te-4 an- stare- at me; ,is hair "as o% an oran)e Boha"k
c$t an- there "ere se&era' si'&er rin)s in his 'e%t ear near "hat 'ooke- 'ike an e'ectrica' o$t'et o%
some sort;
FBer'in>G he sai-; FAo$ oka1>G
F+or the moment4G : rep'ie- as : -re" nearer4 tr1in) to p'ace him4 there in the -imness;
FBartinIG : sai-; FAo$@re;;;chan)e-;G
,e ch$ck'e-;
F:@m ?$st back %rom a &er1 interestin) sha-o"4G he sai-; F(pent o&er a 1ear thereDone o% those
p'aces "here time r$ns 'ike he'';G
F:@- ?$-)eD?$st )$essin)Dthat it "as hi)h-tech4 $rban;;;;G
F: tho$)ht 1o$ "ere a co$ntr1 bo1;G
F: )ot o&er it; No" : kno" "h1 m1 -a- 'ikes cities an- noise;G
FAo$ a m$sician4 too>G
F(ome; /i%%erent so$n-s4 tho$)h; Ao$ )oin) to be at -inner>G
F: "as p'annin) on it; As soon as : )et c'eane- $p an- chan)e-;G
F(ee 1o$ there4 then; =e@&e a 'ot o% thin)s to ta'k abo$t;G
F($re thin)4 Co$sin;G
,e c'aspe- m1 sho$'-er an- re'ease- it as : passe-; ,is )rip "as sti'' stron);
: "a'ke- on; Be%ore :@- )one &er1 %ar4 : %e't the be)innin) o% a !r$mp contact; : ha'te- an-
reache- <$ick'14 %i)$rin) it "as Cora' "antin) to ret$rn; :nstea-4 m1 e1es met those o% Ban-or4
"ho smi'e- %aint'1;
FAh4 &er1 )oo-4G he sai-; FAo$ are a'one an- apparent'1 sa%e;G
As thin)s came c'earer : sa" that +iona "as stan-in) besi-e him4 stan-in) &er1 c'ose as a matter
o% %act;
F:@m oka14G : sai-; F:@m back in Amber; Ao$ a'' ri)ht>G
F:ntact4G he sai-4 'ookin) past me4 tho$)h there "as not m$ch to see be1on- "a'' an- a bit o%
tapestr1; F=o$'- 1o$ care to come thro$)h>G : aske-;
F:@- 'o&e to see Amber4G he rep'ie-; FB$t that p'eas$re "i'' ha&e to a"ait another occasion; =e
are some"hat occ$pie- at the moment;G
FAo$@&e -isco&ere- the ca$se o% the -ist$rbances>G : aske-;
,e )'ance- at +iona4 then back at me;
FAes an- no4G he sai-; F=e@&e some interestin) 'ea-s b$t no certaint1 at the moment;G
F*h4 "hat can : -o %or 1o$ then>G : aske-;
+iona e.ten-e- her in-e. %in)er an- s$--en'1 became m$ch c'earer; : rea'i6e- that she m$st
ha&e reache- o$t an- to$che- m1 !r$mp %or better contact;
F=e@&e ha- an enco$nter "ith a mani%estation o% that machine 1o$ b$i't4G she sai-;
FAes>G : sai-;
FAo$@re ri)ht4 it@s sentientDsocia' A: as "e'' as technica';G
F: "as a'rea-1 certain it co$'- pass the !$rin) test;G
FOh4 no -o$bt abo$t that4G she respon-e-4 Fsince b1 -e%inition the !$rin) test re<$ires a
machine capab'e o% '1in) to peop'e an- mis'ea-in) them;G
F=hat are 1o$ )ettin) at4 +iona>G : aske-;
F:t@s not ?$st socia' A:; :t@s -o"nri)ht antisocia'4G she rep'ie-; F: think 1o$r machine is cra61;G
F=hat -i- it -o>G : aske-; FAttack 1o$>G
FNo4 nothin) ph1sica'; :t@s "ack1 an- men-acio$s an- ins$'tin)4 an- "e@re too b$s1 to )o into
-etai's ri)ht no"; :@m not sa1in) it co$'-n@t )et nast14 tho$)h; : -on@t kno"; =e ?$st "ante- to
"arn 1o$ not to tr$st it;G
: smi'e-;
F!hat@s it> 2n- o% messa)e>G : sai-;
F+or no"4G she ans"ere-4 'o"erin) her %in)er an- )ro"in) -im;
: shi%te- m1 )a6e to Ban-or an- "as abo$t to e.p'ain that : ha- b$i't a host o% sa%e)$ar-s into
the thin)4 so that not ?$st an1bo-1 co$'- access it; Bain'14 tho$)h4 : "ante- to te'' him abo$t
E$rt; B$t o$r comm$nication "as s$--en'1 se&ere-4 as : %e't another presence reachin) to"ar-
: "as intri)$e- b1 the sensation; : ha- occasiona''1 "on-ere- "hat "o$'- occ$r i% someone
trie- %or a !r$mp contact "hen : "as a'rea-1 in to$ch "ith someone e'se &ia a !r$mp; =o$'- it
t$rn into a con%erence ca''> =o$'- someone )et a b$s1 si)na'> =o$'- it p$t the other part1 on
ho'-> :@- -o$bte- :@- e&er %in- o$t4 tho$)h; :t ?$st seeme- statistica''1 $n'ike'1; ,o"e&er;;;;
FBer'in4 bab1; :@m oka1;G
Ban-or an- +iona "ere -e%inite'1 )one; F:@m rea''1 oka1 no"4 Ber'e;G
FAo$ s$re>G
FAeah4 as soon as : starte- comin) -o"n : s"itche- to a %ast 'ane; :n this sha-o" it@s been
se&era' -a1s since :@&e seen 1o$;G
,e "as "earin) s$n)'asses an- )reen s"im tr$nks; ,e "as seate- at a sma'' tab'e besi-e a
s"immin) poo' in the sha-e o% a )reat $mbre''a4 the remains o% a 'ar)e '$nch sprea- be%ore him;
A 'a-1 in a b'$e bikini -i&e- into the poo' an- passe- %rom m1 'ine o% si)ht;
F=e''4 :@m )'a- to hear abo$t that an-DG
F(o "hat happene- to me4 an1ho"> : remember 1o$ sai- somethin) abo$t someone s'ippin) me
some aci- "hen : "as a prisoner back at the 3eep; :s that ho" it "ent>G
F:t seems &er1 'ike'1;G
F: )$ess that@s "hat happens "hen 1o$ -rink the "ater4G he m$se-; FOka1; =hat@s been )oin) on
"hi'e :@&e been o$t o% it>G
3no"in) ho" m$ch to te'' him "as a'"a1s a prob'em; (o4 F=here -o "e stan->G : aske-;
FOh; !hat4G he sai-;
F=e''4 :@&e ha- a chance to -o a 'ot o% thinkin)4G he rep'ie-4 Fan- :@m )oin) to ca'' it <$its;
,onor has been satis%ie-; :t@s point'ess to keep p$shin) this thin) a)ainst e&er1bo-1 e'se; B$t :@m
not abo$t to p$t m1se'% in 0an-om@s han-s %or a kan)aroo tria'; No" it@s 1o$r t$rn8 =here -o :
stan- so %ar as Amber@s concerne-> (ho$'- : be 'ookin) o&er m1 sho$'-er>G
FNobo-1@s sai- an1thin) 1et4 one "a1 or the other; B$t 0an-om is o$t o% to"n no" an- : ?$st
)ot back m1se'%; : ha&en@t rea''1 ha- a chance to 'earn "hat the others@ %ee'in)s mi)ht be on this
,e remo&e- his s$n)'asses an- st$-ie- me; F!he %act that 0an-om@s o$t o% to"n;;;;G
FNo4 : kno" he@s not a%ter 1o$4G : sai-4 Fbeca$se he@s in 3ashDG an- : trie- to stop it ?$st a
s1''ab'e too 'ate;
F(o : $n-erstan-;G
F=hat the he''@s he -oin) there> Amber "as ne&er intereste- in the p'ace be%ore;G
F!here@s been a;;;-eath4G : e.p'aine-; F(ome kin- o% shake-$p )oin) on;G
F,aIG 9$ke remarke-; F!hat bastar- %ina''1 bo$)ht it; #oo-I B$t;;;; ,e1I =h1@s Amber mo&in)
in so s$--en-'ike4 h$h>G
F/on@t kno"4G : sai-;
,e ch$ck'e-; F0hetorica' <$estion4G he sai-; F: can see "hat@s )oin) on; :@&e )ot to a-mit
0an-om@s )ot st1'e; 9isten4 "hen 1o$ %in- o$t "ho he p$ts on the throne 'et me kno"4 "i'' 1o$> :
'ike to keep abreast o% -oin)s in the o'- hometo"n;G
FOh4 s$re4G : sai-4 tr1in) $ns$ccess%$''1 to -etermine "hether s$ch in%ormation co$'- be
harm%$'; :t "o$'- become p$b'ic kno"'e-)e &er1 soon4 i% it "asn@t a'rea-1;
F(o "hat e'se is )oin) on> !hat other person "ho "as 7inta Ba1'e;;;>G
F#one4G : sai-; F: -on@t kno" "here;G
F7er1 stran)e4G he m$se-; F: -on@t think "e@&e seen the 'ast o% her; (he "as #ai'4 too; :@m s$re;
9et me kno" i% she comes back4 "i'' 1o$>G
FOka1; Ao$ "ant to ask her o$t a)ain>G
,e shr$))e-4 then smi'e-; F: co$'- think o% "orse "a1s to spen- some time;G
FAo$@re '$ck1 she -i-n@t tr1 to take 1o$ o$t4 'itera''1;G
F:@m not so s$re she "o$'-@&e4G he rep'ie-; F=e a'"a1s )ot a'on) prett1 "e''; An1ho"4 none o%
this is the main reason : ca''e-;;;;G
: no--e-4 ha&in) a'rea-1 )$esse- as m$ch;
F,o"@s m1 mother -oin)>G he aske-;
F,asn@t stirre-4G : ans"ere-; F(he@s sa%e;G
F!hat@s somethin)4G he sai-; FAo$ kno"4 it@s kin- o% $n-i)ni%ie- %or a <$een to be in that
position; A coatrack; Eee6IG
F: a)ree4G : a)ree-; FB$t "hat@s the a'ternati&e>G
F=e''4 :@- sort o% 'ike to;;;)et her %ree-4G he sai-; F=hat@'' it take>G
FAo$ raise a &er1 thorn1 iss$e4G : state-;
F: sort o% %i)$re- that;G
F:@&e a stron) %ee'in) she@s the one behin- this re&en)e b$siness4 9$ke4 that she@s the one "ho
p$t 1o$ $p to )oin) a%ter e&er1bo-1; 9ike "ith that bomb; 9ike enco$ra)in) 1o$ to set $p that
pri&ate arm1 "ith mo-ern "eapons4 to $se a)ainst Amber; 9ike tr1in) %or a hit on me e&er1
sprin); 9ikeDG
FOka14 oka1; Ao$@re ri)ht; : -on@t -en1 it; B$t thin)s ha&e chan)e-DG
FAeah; ,er p'ans %e'' thro$)h an- "e@&e )ot her;G
F!hat@s not "hat : meant; :@m chan)e-; : $n-erstan- her no"4 an- : $n-erstan- m1se'% better; (he
can@t p$sh me aro$n- that "a1 an1more;G
F=h1 is that>G
F!hat trip : "as on;;;; :t shook 'oose m1 thinkin) <$ite a bit; Abo$t her an- me; :@&e ha- se&era'
-a1s no" to m$'' o&er "hat some o% it meant4 an- : -on@t think she can p$'' the same crap on me
that she $se- to;G
: reca''e- the re--haire- "oman tie- to the stake4 tormente- b1 -emons; !here "as a
resemb'ance4 no" : tho$)ht o% it;
FB$t she@s sti'' m1 mother4G he "ent on4 Fan- : -on@t 'ike 'ea&in) her in the position she@s in;
=hat kin- o% -ea' mi)ht be possib'e %or t$rnin) her 'oose>G
F: -on@t kno"4 9$ke;G : ans"ere-; F!he matter hasn@t come $p 1et;G ;
F=e''4 she@s 1o$r prisoner4 act$a''1;G
FB$t her p'ans "ere -irecte- a)ainst a'' o% $s;G
F!r$e4 b$t : "on@t be he'pin) her "ith them an1more; (he rea''1 nee-s someone 'ike me %or
carr1in) them o$t;G
F0i)ht; An- i% she -oesn@t ha&e 1o$ to he'p4 "hat@s to pre&ent her %rom %in-in) someone 'ike
1o$4 as 1o$ p$t it> (he@- sti'' be -an)ero$s i% "e 'et her )o;G
FB$t 1o$ kno" abo$t her no"; !hat "o$'- crimp her st1'e <$ite a bit;G
F:t mi)ht ?$st make her more -e&io$s;G
,e si)he-; F: s$ppose there@s some tr$th in that4G he a-mitte-; FB$t she@s as &ena' as most
peop'e; :t@s ?$st a matter o% %in-in) the ri)ht price;G
F: can@t see Amber b$1in) someone o%% that "a1;G
F: can;G
FNot "hen that person is a'rea-1 a prisoner here;G
F!hat -oes comp'icate matters a 'itt'e4G he ackno"'e-)e-; FB$t : har-'1 think it@s an
ins$rmo$ntab'e barrier; Not i% she@s more $se%$' to 1o$ %ree than as a piece o% %$rnit$re;G
FAo$@&e 'ost me4G : sai-; F=hat are 1o$ proposin)>G
FNothin) 1et; :@m ?$st so$n-in) 1o$ o$t;G
F+air eno$)h; B$t o%%han-4 : can@t see a sit$ation s$ch as 1o$ -escribe arisin); Bore &a'$ab'e to
$s %ree than a prisoner;;;; : )$ess "e@- )o "here the &a'$e 'ies; B$t these are ?$st "or-s;G
FE$st tr1in) to p'ant a see- or t"o "hi'e : "ork on it; =hat is 1o$r )reatest concern ri)ht no">G
FBe> Persona''1> Ao$ rea''1 "ant to kno">G
FAo$ bet;G
FOka1; B1 ma- brother E$rt has apparent'1 a''ie- himse'% "ith the sorcerer Bask back at the
3eep; !he t"o o% them are o$t to )et me; E$rt ma-e an attempt ?$st this a%ternoon4 b$t : can see
it@s rea''1 a cha''en)e %rom Bask; :@m )oin) to take them on soon;G
F,e14 : -i-n@t kno" 1o$ ha- a brotherIG
F,a'%-brother; : ha&e a co$p'e o% others4 too; B$t : can )et a'on) "ith them; E$rt@s been a%ter me
%or a 'on) time;G
F!hat@s rea''1 somethin); Ao$ ne&er mentione- them;G
F=e ne&er ta'ke- %ami'1; 0emember>G
FAeah; B$t 1o$@&e )ot me p$66'e- no"; =ho@s this Bask> : seem to remember 1o$r mentionin)
him be%ore; :t@s rea''1 (har$ #arr$'4 isn@t it>G
: shook m1 hea-;
F=hen : bro$)ht 1o$r mother o$t o% the cita-e' she 'e%t the compan1 o% a simi'ar'1 stricken o'-
)$1 "ith 0:NA9/O car&e- on his 'e); : "as tra-in) spe''s "ith Bask at the time;G
FBost stran)e4G 9$ke sai-; F!hen he@s a $s$rper; An- he@s the one s'ippe- me the aci->G
F!hat seems most 'ike'1;G
F!hen : ha&e a score to sett'e "ith him4 tooDapart %rom "hat he -i- to m1 mother; ,o" to$)h
is E$rt>G
F=e''4 he@s nast1; B$t he@s kin- o% c'$ms14 too; At 'east4 he@s scre"e- $p "hene&er "e@&e %o$)ht
an- 'e%t a piece o% himse'% behin-;G
F,e co$'- a'so be 'earnin) %rom his mistakes4 1o$ kno";G
F!hat@s tr$e; An- he sai- somethin) kin- o% cr1ptic to-a14 no" 1o$ mention it; ,e ta'ke- as i% he
"ere abo$t to become &er1 po"er%$';G
F*h-oh4G 9$ke sai-; F(o$n-s as i% this Bask is $sin) him as a )$inea pi);G
F+or "hat>G
F!he +o$nt o% Po"er4 man; !here@s a stea-14 p$'sin) so$rce o% p$re ener)1 insi-e the Cita-e'4
1o$ kno"; :nter-(ha-o" st$%%; Comes %rom the %o$r "or'-s ?ammin) to)ether there;G
F: kno"; :@&e seen it in action;G
F:@&e )ot a %ee'in) that this Bask is sti'' in the process o% )ettin) a han-'e on it;G
F,e ha- a prett1 )oo- )rip "hen "e met;G
FAeah4 b$t there@s more to it than p'$))in) into a "a'' o$t'et; !here are a'' sorts o% s$bt'eties he@s
probab'1 ?$st becomin) a"are o% an- e.p'orin);G
F($ch as>G
FBathin) a person in it "i''4 i% he@s proper'1 protecte-4 -o "on-ers %or stren)th4 stamina4 an-
ma)ica' abi'ities; !hat part@s eas1 %or a person "ith some trainin) to 'earn; :@&e been thro$)h it
m1se'%; B$t o'- (har$@s notes "ere in his 'ab4 an- there "as somethin) more in themDa "a1 o%
rep'acin) part o% the bo-1 "ith ener)14 rea''1 packin) it in; 7er1 -an)ero$s; 2asi'1 %ata'; B$t i% it
"orks 1o$ )et somethin) specia'4 a kin- o% s$perman4 a sort o% 'i&in) !r$mp;G
F:@&e hear- that term be%ore4 9$ke;;;;G
FProbab'14G he rep'ie-; FB1 %ather $n-ertook the process4 "ith himse'% as the s$b?ectDG
F!hat@s itIG : sai-; FCor"in c'aime- that Bran- ha- become some sort o% 'i&in) !r$mp; Ba-e it
a'most impossib'e to nai' him;G
9$ke )ritte- his teeth;
F(orr14G : sai-; FB$t that@s "here : hear- abo$t it; (o that "as the secret o% Bran-@s po"er;;;;G
9$ke no--e-;
F: )et the impression this Bask thinks he kno"s ho" it "as -one an- is )ettin) rea-1 to tr1 it on
1o$r brother;G
F(hitIG : obser&e-; F!hat@s a'' : nee-; E$rt as a ma)ica' bein) or a nat$ra' %orceDor "hate&er the
he''; !his is serio$s; ,o" m$ch -o 1o$ kno" abo$t the process>G
FOh4 : kno" most o% it4 in theor1; : "o$'-n@t mess "ith it4 tho$)h; : think it takes a"a1
somethin) o% 1o$r h$manit1; Ao$ -on@t m$ch )i&e a shit abo$t other peop'e or h$man &a'$es
a%ter"ar-; : think that@s part o% "hat happene- to m1 %ather;G
=hat co$'- : sa1> Ba1be that part "as tr$e an- ma1be it "asn@t; : "as s$re 9$ke "ante- to
be'ie&e in some e.terna' ca$se %or his %ather@s treacher1; : kne" :@- ne&er contra-ict him on it4
e&en i% : 'earne- -i%%erent'1; An- so : 'a$)he-;
F=ith E$rt4G : sai-4 Fthere@- be no "a1 o% te''in) the -i%%erence;G
9$ke smi'e-; !hen4 FAo$ co$'- )et -ea- )oin) $p a)ainst a )$1 'ike that4 a'on) "ith a sorcerer4
on their o"n t$r%;G
F=hat choice ha&e : )ot>G : aske-; F!he1@re a%ter me; Better to mo&e no"; E$rt hasn@t ha- the
treatment 1et; /oes it take 'on)>G
F=e''4 there are %air'1 e'aborate pre'iminaries4 b$t the s$b?ect -oesn@t ha&e to be present %or
some o% them; :t a'' -epen-s on ho" %ar a'on) Bask is "ith the "ork;G
F:@- better mo&e prett1 %ast then;G
F: "on@t ha&e 1o$ )oin) in there a'one4G he sai-; F:t co$'- be s$ici-e; : kno" the p'ace; : a'so
ha&e a sma'' %orce o% mercs bi&o$acke- in (ha-o" an- rea-1 %or action on short notice; :% "e
can )et them in4 the1 can ho'- o%% the )$ar-s4 ma1be e&en take them o$t;G
F=i'' that %anc1 ammo "ork there>G
FNo; =e trie- it "hen : p$''e- the )'i-er attack; :t@'' ha&e to be han- to han-; Bo-1 armor an-
machetes4 ma1be; :@'' ha&e to "ork it o$t;G
F=e co$'- $se the Pattern to )et in4 b$t the troops can@t;;;an- !r$mps aren@t re'iab'e %or that
F: kno"; :@'' ha&e to "ork on that4 too;G
F!hen it "o$'- be 1o$ an- me a)ainst E$rt an- Bask; :% : te'' an1 o% the others here4 the1@'' tr1 to
stop me ti'' 0an-om )ets back4 an- that ma1 be too 'ate;G
,e smi'e-; FAo$ kno"4 m1 mother "o$'- rea''1 be $se%$' in there4G he sai-; F(he kno"s more
abo$t the +o$nt than : -o;G
FNoIG : sai-; F(he trie- to ki'' me;G
F2as14 man; 2as14G he sai-; F,ear me o$t;G
FBesi-es4 she 'ost to Bask 'ast time the1 met; !hat@s "h1 she@s a coatrack;G
FA'' the more reason %or her to be "ar1 no"; An1"a14 it ha- to be tricker14 not ski''; (he@s )oo-;
Bask m$st ha&e s$rprise- her; (he@- be a rea' asset4 Ber'e;G
FNoI (he "ants a'' o% $s -ea-IG
F/etai's4G he e.p'aine-; FA%ter Caine4 the rest o% 1o$ are ?$st s1mbo'ic enemies; Bask is a rea'
one4 "ho took somethin) a"a1 %rom her an- sti'' has it; #i&en the choice4 she@'' )o a%ter Bask;G
FAn- i% "e@re s$ccess%$'4 she@'' t$rn on Amber a%ter"ar-;G
FNot at a''4G he sai-; F!hat@s the bea$t1 o% m1 p'an;G
F: -on@t "ant to hear abo$t it;G
FBeca$se 1o$ a'rea-1 kno" 1o$@'' a)ree4 ri)ht> : ?$st %i)$re- a "a1 to so'&e a'' 1o$r prob'ems;
#i&e her the 3eep a%ter it@s 'iberate-4 as a kin- o% peace o%%erin)4 to %or)et her -i%%erences "ith
1o$ )$1s;G
FE$st han- her this terrib'e po"er>G
F:% she "ere )oin) to $se it a)ainst 1o$4 she@- ha&e -one it a 'on) time a)o; (he@s a%rai- to
emp'o1 it in the e.treme; =ith 3ash%a -o"n the t$bes4 she@'' )rab at the chance to sa'&a)e
somethin); !hat@s "here the &a'$e 'ies;G
FAo$ rea''1 think so>G
FBetter M$een o% the 3eep than a coatrack in Amber;G
F/amn 1o$4 9$ke; Ao$ a'"a1s make the st$pi-est thin)s so$n- sort o% attracti&e;G
F:t@s an art4G he rep'ie-; F=hat -o 1o$ sa1>G
F:@&e )ot to think abo$t it4G : sai-;
FBetter think %ast4 then; E$rt ma1 be bathin) in that )'o" ri)ht no";G
F/on@t press$re me4 man; : sai- :@'' think abo$t it; !his is on'1 one o% m1 prob'ems; :@m )oin) to
eat -inner no" an- m$'' thin)s o&er;G
F=ant to te'' me abo$t 1o$r other prob'ems4 too> Ba1be : can "ork them into the packa)e some
FNo4 -amn itI :@'' ca'' 1o$ back;;;soon; Oka1>G
FOka1; B$t :@- better be aro$n- "hen 1o$ snap Bom o$t o% it4 to kin- o% smooth thin)s o&er;
Ao$ ha&e %i)$re- o$t ho" to break the spe''4 ha&en@t 1o$>G
F#'a- to kno" that; : "asn@t s$re ho" to -o it4 an- : can stop "orkin) on it no"; :@m )oin) to
%inish here an- )o shape $p the troops4G he sai-4 e1ein) the 'a-1 in the bikini "ho ha- ?$st
emer)e- %rom the poo'; FCa'' me;G
FOka14G : sai-4 an- he "as )one;
/amn; Ama6in); No "on-er 9$ke kept "innin) those sa'es a"ar-s; : ha- to a-mit it "as a )oo-
pitch4 -espite m1 %ee'in)s abo$t Easra; An- 0an-om ha- not or-ere- me to keep her a prisoner;
O% co$rse4 he ha- not ha- m$ch opport$nit1 to te'' me an1thin) the 'ast time "e ha- been
to)ether; =o$'- she rea''1 beha&e as 9$ke sai-4 tho$)h> :t ma-e a sort o% sense4 b$t then peop'e
se'-om keep compan1 "ith rationa'it1 at times "hen the1 sho$'-;
: passe- a'on) the ha''"a1 an- -eci-e- to $se the back stair; As : ma-e the t$rn4 : sa" that there
"as a %i)$re stan-in) near the top; :t "as a "oman4 an- she "as 'ookin) the other "a1; (he ha-
on a %$''-'en)th re--an- 1e''o" )o"n; ,er hair "as &er1 -ark an- she ha- 'o&e'1 sho$'-ers;;;;
(he t$rne- "hen she hear- m1 trea-4 an- : sa" that it "as Na1-a; (he st$-ie- m1 %ace;
F9or- Ber'in4G she sai-4 Fcan 1o$ te'' me "here m1 sister is> : $n-erstan- she "ent o%% "ith 1o$
F(he "as a-mirin) some art4 an- then she ha- a 'itt'e erran- she "ante- to r$n a%ter"ar-4G :
rep'ie-; F:@m not s$re e.act'1 "here she "as )oin)4 b$t she )a&e the impression she@- be back
prett1 soon;G
FA'' ri)ht4G she sai-; F:t@s ?$st that it@s )ettin) near to -innertime4 an- "e@- e.pecte- her to be
?oinin) $s; /i- she en?o1 her a%ternoon>G
F: be'ie&e she -i-4G : sai-;
F(he@s been a bit moo-1 recent'1; =e "ere hopin) this trip "o$'- cheer her $p; (he "as 'ookin)
%or"ar- to it <$ite a bit;G
F(he seeme- prett1 cheer%$'' "hen : 'e%t her4G : a-mitte-;
FOh4 "here "as that>G
FNear here4G : sai-;
F=here a'' -i- 1o$ )o>G
F=e ha- a 'on) "a'k in an- abo$t to"n4G : e.p'aine-; F: sho"e- her a bit o% the pa'ace4 a'so;G
F!hen she@s in the pa'ace ri)ht no">G
F(he "as the 'ast time : sa" her; B$t she mi)ht ha&e steppe- o$t;G
F: see4G she sai-; F:@m sorr1 : -i-n@t rea''1 )et to ta'k to 1o$ at an1 'en)th ear'ier; : %ee' as i% :@&e
kno"n 1o$ %or a 'on) "hi'e;G
FOh>G : sai-; F=h1 is that>G
F: rea- thro$)h 1o$r %i'e se&era' times; :t@s kin- o% %ascinatin);G
F:t@s no secret that "e keep %i'es on peop'e "e@re 'ike'1 to enco$nter in o$r 'ine o% "ork; !here@s
a %i'e on e&er1one in the ,o$se o% Amber4 o% co$rse4 e&en those "ho -on@t ha&e m$ch to -o "ith
F:@- ne&er tho$)ht abo$t it4G : sai-4 Fb$t it %i)$res;G
FAo$r ear'1 -a1s are )'osse- o&er4 o% co$rse4 an- 1o$r recent tro$b'es are &er1 con%$sin);G
F!he1@re con%$sin) to me4 too4G : sai-; FAo$ tr1in) to $p-ate the %i'e>G
FNo4 ?$st c$rio$s; :% 1o$r prob'ems ha&e rami%ications that ma1 in&o'&e Be)ma4 "e ha&e an
interest in them;G
F,o" is it that 1o$ kno" o% them at a''>G
F=e ha&e &er1 )oo- inte''i)ence so$rces; (ma'' kin)-oms o%ten -o;G
: no--e-;
F: "on@t press 1o$ on 1o$r so$rces4 b$t "e@re not ha&in) a %ire sa'e on c'assi%ie- -ata;G
FAo$ mis$n-erstan- me4G she sai-; F:@m not tr1in) to $p-ate that %i'e either; : "as tr1in) to
-isco&er "hether : mi)ht be ab'e to o%%er 1o$ assistance;G
F!hank 1o$; : appreciate that4G : to'- her; F: can@t rea''1 think o% an1 "a1 1o$ co$'- he'p me4
(he smi'e-4 sho"in) "hat seeme- a set o% per%ect teeth;
F: can@t be more precise "itho$t kno"in) more4G she sai-; FB$t i% 1o$ -eci-e that 1o$ -o "ant
he'pDor i% 1o$ ?$st "ant to ta'kDcome an- see me;G
F=e'' taken4G : sai-; F:@'' see 1o$ at -inner;G
F9ater4 too4 : hope4G she sai-4 as : passe- her an- t$rne- -o"n the ha'';
=hat ha- she meant b1 that 'ast bit> : "on-ere-; =as she ta'kin) assi)nation> :% so4 her moti&es
seeme- a"%$''1 transparent; Or "as she mere'1 e.pressin) her -esire %or in%ormation> : "as not
As : passe- a'on) the ha''"a1 in the -irection o% m1 rooms : note- an o-- 'i)htin) phenomenon
ahea- o% me8 A bri)ht "hite ban- abo$t si. or ei)ht inches in "i-th ran $p both "a''s4 across the
cei'in)4 an- o&er the %'oor; : s'o"e- as : neare- it4 "on-erin) "hether someone ha- intro-$ce- a
ne" metho- o% i''$minatin) the p'ace in m1 absence;
As : steppe- o&er the ban- on the %'oor4 e&er1thin) -isappeare-4 e.cept %or the 'i)ht itse'%4 "hich
reso'&e- into a per%ect circ'e4 %'ippe- once abo$t me an- sett'e- on a 'e&e' "ith m1 %eet4 m1se'% at
its center; !he "or'- appeare- be1on- the circ'e4 s$--en'14 an- it 'ooke- as i% it "ere ma-e o%
)reen )'ass %orme- into a -ome; !he s$r%ace on "hich : stoo- "as re--ish4 irre)$'ar an- moist in
the pa'e 'i)ht; :t "as not $nti' a 'ar)e %ish s"am b1 that : rea'i6e- : mi)ht be $n-er"ater4 stan-in)
on a ri-)e o% cora';
F!his is prett1 as a'' he''4G : sai-4 Fb$t : "as tr1in) to )et to m1 apartment;G
FE$st sho"in) o%% a bit4G came a %ami'iar &oice "hich so$n-e- eeri'1 a'' abo$t m1 ma)ic circ'e;
FAm : a )o->G
FAo$ can ca'' 1o$rse'% "hate&er 1o$ "ant4G : sai-; FNobo-1 "i'' -isa)ree "ith 1o$;G
F:t mi)ht be %$n bein) a )o-;G
F!hen "hat -oes that make me>G : aske-;
F!hat@s a -i%%ic$'t theo'o)ica' <$estion;G
F!heo'o)ica'4 m1 ass; :@m a comp$ter en)ineer4 an- 1o$ kno" : b$i't 1o$4 #host;G
A so$n- 'ike a si)h %i''e- m1 s$bmarine ce'';
F:t@s har- to )et a"a1 %rom one@s roots;G
F=h1 tr1> =hat@s "ron) "ith roots> A'' o% the best p'ants ha&e them;G
FPrett1 b'oom abo&e4 mire an- m$ck be'o";G
F:n 1o$r case it@s meta' an- an interestin) cr1o)enic set$pDan- <$ite a %e" other thin)sDa'' o%
them &er1 c'ean;G
FBa1be it@s mire an- m$ck that : nee-4 then;G
FAo$ %ee'in) a'' ri)ht4 #host>G
F:@m sti'' tr1in) to %in- m1se'%;G
F2&er1one )oes thro$)h phases 'ike that; :t@'' pass;G
F=hen> ,o"> =h1>G
F:t "o$'- be cheatin) to te''; Besi-es4 it@s -i%%erent %or e&er1one;G
A "ho'e schoo' o% %ish s"am b1D'itt'e b'ack-an--re--stripe- )$1s;
F: can@t <$ite s"in) the omniscience b$siness;;;G #host sai- a%ter a time;
F!hat@s oka1; =ho nee-s it>G : sai-;
F;;;An- :@m sti'' "orkin) on omnipotence;G
F!hat one@s har-4 too4G : a)ree-;
FAo$@re &er1 $n-erstan-in)4 /a-;G
F: tr1; Ao$ )ot an1 specia' prob'ems>G
FAo$ mean4 apart %rom the e.istentia'>G
FNo; : bro$)ht 1o$ here to "arn 1o$ abo$t a %e''o" name- Ban-or; ,e@sDG
F,e@s m1 brother4G : sai-; !here "as si'ence;
!hen4 F!hat "o$'- make him m1 $nc'e4 "o$'-n@t it>G
F: )$ess so;G
F,o" abo$t the 'a-1 "ith him> (heDG
F+iona@s m1 a$nt;G
FB1 )reat-a$nt; Oh4 m1IG
F=hat@s "ron)>G
F:t@s ba- %orm to speak i'' o% re'ati&es4 isn@t it>G
FNot in Amber4G : sai-; F:n Amber "e -o it a'' the time;G
!he circ'e o% 'i)ht %'ippe- a)ain; =e "ere back in the ha''"a1;
FNo" that "e@re in Amber4G he sai-4 F: "ant to speak i'' o% them; : "o$'-n@t tr$st them i% : "ere
1o$; : think the1@re a 'itt'e cra61; A'so ins$'tin) an- men-acio$s;G
: 'a$)he-; FAo$@re becomin) a tr$e Amberite;G
F: am>G
FAes; !hat@s the "a1 "e are; Nothin) to "orr1 abo$t; =hat came -o"n bet"een 1o$4 an1ho">G
F:@- rather "ork it o$t on m1 o"n4 i% 1o$ -on@t min-;G
F=hate&er 1o$ think is best;G
F: -on@t rea''1 nee- to "arn 1o$ abo$t them>G
FOka1; !hat "as m1 main concern; : )$ess :@'' )o an- tr1 the mire an- m$ck bit no"DG
FAo$ seem prett1 )oo- at transportin) thin)s thro$)h (ha-o" these -a1s;G
F: seem to be impro&in)4 1es;G
F=hat abo$t a sma'' ban- o% "arriors an- their 'ea-er>G
F: think : co$'- mana)e that;G
FAn- me;G
FO% co$rse; =here are the1 an- "here -o 1o$ "ant )o>G
: %ishe- in m1 pocket4 %o$n- 9$ke@s !r$mp4 he'- it be%ore me;
FB$t;;;,e@s the one 1o$ "arne- me not to tr$st4G #host sai-;
F:t@s oka1 no"4G : to'- him; FE$st %or this matter; Nothin e'se tho$)h; !hin)s ha&e chan)e- a
F: -on@t $n-erstan-; B$t i% 1o$ sa1 so;G
FCan 1o$ r$n him -o"n an- set thin)s $p>G
F: sho$'- be ab'e to; =here -o 1o$ "ant to )o>G
F/o 1o$ kno" the 3eep o% the +o$r =or'-s>G
FAes; B$t that@s a -an)ero$s p'ace4 /a-; 7er1 trick1 comin) an- )oin); An- that@s "here the re--
haire- 'a-1 trie- to 'a1 a po"er 'ock on me;G
F: ne&er kne" her name;G
F(he@s 9$ke@s mother4G : e.p'aine-4 "a&in) his !r$mp;
FBa- b'oo-4G #host state-; FBa1be "e sho$'-n@t ha&e an1thin) to -o "ith either o% them;G
F(he mi)ht be comin) "ith $s4G : sai-;
FOh4 no; !hat@s a -an)ero$s 'a-1; Ao$ -on@t "ant her a'on); 2specia''1 not in a p'ace "here she@s
stron); (he mi)ht tr1 to )rab me a)ain; (he mi)ht s$ccee-;G
F(he@'' be too occ$pie- "ith other matters4G : sai-4 Fan- : ma1 nee- her; (o start thinkin) o% her
as part o% the packa)e;G
FAre 1o$ s$re 1o$ kno" "hat 1o$@re -oin)>G
F:@m a%rai- so;G
F=hen -o 1o$ "ant to )o there>G
F!hat -epen-s in part on "hen 9$ke@s troops "i'' be rea-1; =h1 -on@t 1o$ )o an- %in- o$t>G
FA'' ri)ht; B$t : sti'' think 1o$ mi)ht be makin) a mistake4 )oin) into that p'ace "ith those
F: nee- someone "ho can he'p4 an- the -ie is -amne- "e'' cast4G : sai-;
#host coa'esce- to a point an- "inke- o$t;
: -re" a -eep breath4 chan)e- m1 min- abo$t si)hin)4 an- mo&e- on to"ar- m1 nearest -oor4
"hich "as not that m$ch %arther $p the ha''; As : "as reachin) %or it : %e't the mo&ement o% a
!r$mp contact; Cora'>
: opene- m1se'% to it; Ban-or appeare- be%ore me a)ain;
FAre 1o$ a'' ri)ht>G he aske- imme-iate'1; F=e "ere c$t o%% in s$ch an o-- %ashion;G
F:@m %ine4G : to'- him; F=e "ere c$t o%% in a once-in-a-'i%etime %ashion; Not to "orr1;G
FAo$ seem a tri%'e a)itate-;G
F!hat@s beca$se it@s an a"%$''1 'on) "a'k %rom -o"nstairs to $pstairs "ith a'' the po"ers o% the
$ni&erse con&er)in) to s'o" me;G
F: -on@t $n-erstan-;G
F:t@s been a ro$)h -a14G : sai-; F(ee 1o$ 'ater;G
F: -i- "ant to ta'k "ith 1o$ some more4 abo$t those stones an- the ne" Pattern an-DG
F9ater4G : sai-; F:@m "aitin) on an incomin) ca'';G
F(orr1; No r$sh; :@'' check back;G
,e broke the contact an- : reache- %or the 'atch; : "on-ere- "hether it "o$'- so'&e e&er1bo-1@s
prob'ems i% : co$'- t$rn #host into an ans"erin) ser&ice;
Chapter #
: h$n) m1 c'oak on Easra an- m1 "eapons be't on the be-post; : c'eane- m1 boots4 "ashe- m1
han-s an- %ace4 h$nte- $p a %anc1 i&or1 shirtDa'' r$%%'e-4 broca-e-4 %ro))e-Dan- p$t it on4
a'on) "ith a pair o% )ra1 tro$sers; !hen : br$she- o%% m1 -eep p$rp'e ?acket4 the one on "hich :@-
once 'ai- a spe'' to make the "earer seem a 'itt'e more charmin)4 "itt14 an- tr$st"orth1 than is
act$a''1 the case; :t seeme- a )oo- occasion %or )ettin) some $se o$t o% it;
As : "as br$shin) m1 hair there came a knock on the -oor;
FE$st a min$te4G : ca''e-;
: %inishe- $pD"hich 'e%t me rea-1 to )o an- a'so4 probab'14 r$nnin) 'ateDthen "ent to the
-oor4 $nbarre- it4 an- opene- it;
Bi'' 0oth stoo- there in bro"ns an- re-s4 'ookin) 'ike an a)in) con-ottiere;
FBi''IG : sai-4 c'aspin) his han-4 arm4 an- sho$'-er an- 'ea-in) him in; F#oo- to see 1o$; :@m
?$st back %rom some tro$b'es an- abo$t to take o%% a%ter more; : -i-n@t kno" "hether 1o$ "ere
here in the pa'ace no" or "hat; : "as )oin) to 'ook 1o$ $p a)ain as soon as thin)s s'o"e- a bit;G
,e smi'e- an- p$nche- m1 sho$'-er 'i)ht'1;
F:@'' be at -inner4G he rep'ie-4 Fan- ,en-on sai- 1o$@- be there4 too; : tho$)ht :@- come $p an-
"a'k o&er "ith 1o$4 tho$)h4 since those Be)man peop'e "i'' be there;G
FOh> Ao$ )ot some ne"s>G
FAes; An1 %resh "or- on 9$ke>G
F: "as ?$st ta'kin) to him; ,e sa1s the &en-etta@s o%%;G
FAn1 chance o% his "antin) to ?$sti%1 himse'% at that hearin) 1o$ aske- me abo$t>G
FNot %rom the "a1 he so$n-e-;G
F!oo ba-; :@&e bean -oin) a 'ot o% research4 an- there are some )oo- precen-ents %or the
&en-etta -e%enseD'ike4 there "as 1o$r $nc'e Osric4 "ho took on the "ho'e ,o$se o% 3aren o&er
the -eath o% a re'ati&e on his mother@s si-e; Oberon "as partic$'ar'1 %rien-'1 "ith 3aren in those
-a1s4 too4 an- Osric o%%e- three o% them; Oberon ac<$itte- him at a hearin)4 tho$)h4 basin) his
-ecision on ear'ier cases4 an- he e&en "ent %$rther b1 statin) a kin- o% )enera' r$'eDG
FOberon a'so sent him o%% to the %ront 'ines in a partic$'ar'1 nast1 "ar4G : interr$pte-4 F%rom
"hich he -i- not ret$rn;G
F: "asn@t a"are o% that part4G Bi'' sai-4 Fb$t he -i- come o%% "e'' in co$rt;G
F:@'' ha&e to mention it to 9$ke4G : sai-;
F=hich part>G he aske-;
FBoth4G : ans"ere-;
F!hat "asn@t the main thin) : came to te'' 1o$4G he "ent on; F!here@s somethin) )oin) on at a
mi'itar1 'e&e';G
F=hat are 1o$ ta'kin) abo$t>G
F:t@s e&en easier to sho" 1o$4G he e.p'aine-; F:t sho$'- on'1 take a min$te;G
FOka1; 9et@s )o4G : a)ree-4 an- : %o''o"e- him o$t into the ha'';
,e 'e- the "a1 -o"n the back stair an- t$rne- 'e%t at its %oot; =e mo&e- on past the kitchen an-
%o''o"e- another ha''"a1 "hich t$rne- o%% to"ar- the rear; As "e -i-4 : hear- some ratt'in)
so$n-s %rom $p ahea-; : )'ance- at Bi''4 "ho no--e-;
F!hat@s "hat : hear- ear'ier4G he to'- me4 F"hen : "as passin) b1; !hat@s "h1 : took a "a'k $p
this "a1; 2&er1thin) aro$n- here makes me c$rio$s;G
: no--e-4 $n-erstan-in) the %ee'in); 2specia''1 "hen : kne" that the so$n-s "ere comin) %rom
the main armor1; Bene-ict stoo- in the mi-st o% acti&it14 peerin) at his th$mbnai' thro$)h a ri%'e
barre'; ,e 'ooke- $p imme-iate'1 an- o$r e1es met; Perhaps a -o6en men mo&e- abo$t him4
carr1in) "eapons4 c'eanin) "eapons4 stackin) "eapons;
F: tho$)ht 1o$ "ere in 3ash%a4G : sai-;
F=as4G he rep'ie-;
: )a&e him a chance to contin$e4 b$t nothin) "as %orthcomin); Bene-ict has ne&er been note-
%or 'o<$acit1;
F9ooks 'ike 1o$@re )ettin) rea-1 %or somethin) c'ose to home4G : remarke-4 kno"in) that
)$npo"-er "as $se'ess here an- that the specia' ammo "e ha- on'1 "orke- in the area o% Amber
an- certain a-?acent kin)-oms;
FA'"a1s best to be sa%e4G he sai-;
F=o$'- 1o$ care to e'aborate on that>G : aske-;
FNot no"4G he ans"ere-4 a rep'1 t"ice as 'on) as :@- anticipate- an- ho'-in) o$t hope o% %$t$re
F(ho$'- "e a'' be -i))in) in>G : aske-; F+orti%1in) the to"n> Armin) o$rse'&es> 0aisin)DG
F:t "on@t come to that4G he sai-; FE$st )o on abo$t 1o$r b$siness;G
,e t$rne- a"a1; :@- a %ee'in) the con&ersation "as o&er; : "as s$re o% it "hen he i)nore- m1
ne.t se&era' <$estions; : shr$))e- an- t$rne- back to Bi'';
F9et@s )o eat4G : sai-;
As "e "a'ke- back $p the ha''4 Bi'' sai- so%t'14 FAn1 i-ea "hat it means>G
F/a't@s in the nei)hborhoo-4G : to'- him;
FBene-ict "as in Be)ma "ith 0an-om; /a't co$'- be ca$sin) tro$b'e there;G
F:@&e a %ee'in) he@s nearer;G
F:% /a't "ere to capt$re 0an-om;;;;G
F:mpossib'e4G : sai-4 %ee'in) a s'i)ht chi'' at the i-ea;
F0an-om can tr$mp back here an1time he "ants; No; =hen : ta'ke- abo$t -e%en-in) Amber4
an- Bene-ict sai-4 T:t "on@t come to that4@ : )ot the impression he "as ta'kin) abo$t somethin)
c'ose at han-; (omethin) he %ee's he can contro';G
F: see "hat 1o$ mean4G he a)ree-; FB$t then he to'- 1o$ not to bother %orti%1in);G
F:% Bene-ict %ee's "e -on@t nee- to %orti%14 then "e -on@t nee- to %orti%1;G
F=a't6 an- -rink champa)ne "hi'e the cannons boom>G
F:% Bene-ict sa1s it@s oka1;G
FAo$ rea''1 tr$st that )$1; =hat "o$'- 1o$ -o "itho$t him>G
FBe more ner&o$s4G : sai-;
,e shook his hea-; F2.c$se me4G he sai-; F:@m not $se- to bein) ac<$ainte- "ith 'e)en-s;G
FAo$ -on@t be'ie&e me>G
F: sho$'-n@t be'ie&e 1o$4 b$t : -o be'ie&e 1o$; !hat@s the tro$b'e;G ,e "as si'ent as "e t$rne- the
corner an- hea-e- back to"ar- the stair; !hen he a--e-4 F:t "as that "a1 "hene&er : "as aro$n-
1o$r %ather4 too;G
FBi''4G : sai-4 as "e be)an to c'imb; FAo$ kne" m1 -a- back be%ore he re)aine- his memor14
"hen he "as ?$st p'ain o'- Car' Core1; Ba1be :@&e been )oin) abo$t this thin) "ron); :s there
an1thin) 1o$ can reca'' abo$t that phase o% his 'i%e "hich mi)ht e.p'ain "here he is no">G
,e ha'te- a moment an- 'ooke- at me;
F/on@t think : ha&en@t tho$)ht abo$t that an)'e4 Ber'e; Ban1 a time :@&e "on-ere- "hether he
mi)ht ha&e been in&o'&e- in somethin) as Core1 that he@- ha&e %e't ob'i)e- to %o''o" thro$)h on
once his b$siness here "as %inishe-; B$t he "as a &er1 secreti&e man4 e&en in that incarnation;
Para-o.ica'4 too; ,e@- -one a 'ot o% hitches in a 'ot o% -i%%erent &arieties o% mi'itar14 "hich seems
'o)ica' eno$)h; B$t he sometimes "rote m$sic4 "hich )oes a)ainst that har--ass ima)e;G
F,e@- 'i&e- a 'on) time; ,e@- 'earne- a 'ot4 %e't 'ot;G
F2.act'14 an- that@s "hat makes it har- to )$ess "h1 he mi)ht ha&e been in&o'&e- in; Once or
t"ice "hen he@- ha- a %e" -rinks he@- mention peop'e in the arts an- sciences :@- ne&er ha&e
)$esse- him to be ac<$ainte- "ith; ,e "as ne&er ?$st p'ain Car' Core1; ,e ha- a %e" cent$ries
"orth o% 2arth memor1 "hen : kne" him; !hat makes %or a character too comp'e. to be easi'1
pre-ictab'e; : ?$st -on@t kno" "hat he mi)ht ha&e )one back toDi% he "ent back;G
=e contin$e- on $p the stair"a1; =h1 -i- : %ee' that Bi'' kne" more than he "as te''in) me>
: hear- m$sic as "e neare- the -inin) room4 an- "hen "e entere-4 9'e"e''a )a&e me a nast1
'ook; : sa" that %oo- "as bein) kept "arm at a ser&in) tab'e o%% a)ainst the %ar "a''4 an- no one
"as seate- 1et; Peop'e stoo- abo$t ta'kin)4 -rinks in han-4 an- most o% them )'ance- in o$r
-irection as "e entere-; !hree m$sicians "ere p'a1in)4 o%% to m1 ri)ht; !he -inin) tab'e "as to
m1 'e%t4 near the bi) "in-o" in the so$th "a''4 pro&i-in) a )'orio$s &ie" across the to"n be'o";
:t "as sti'' sno"in) 'i)ht'14 castin) a spectra' &ei' o&er the entire bri)ht prospect;
9'e"e''a approache- <$ick'1;
FAo$@&e kept e&er1bo-1 "aitin)4G she "hispere-; F=here@s the )ir'>G
F=ho e'se>G
F:@m not s$re "here she@s )otten o%% to4G : sai-; F=e parte- compan1 a co$p'e o% ho$rs a)o;G
F=e''4 is she comin) or isn@t she>G
F:@m not s$re;G
F=e can@t keep thin)s "aitin) an1 'on)er4G she sai-; FAn- no" the seatin) arran)ement@s
scre"e-; =hat -i- 1o$ -o4 "ear her o$t>G
(he m$ttere- somethin) : -i-n@t $n-erstan- in some 'ispin) 0ebman -ia'ect; E$st as "e''4
probab'1; (he t$rne- a"a1 then an- mo&e- o%% to"ar- 7ia''e;
FAo$ in a heap o% tro$b'e4 bo14G Bi'' commente- at m1 si-e; F9et@s hit the bar "hi'e she@s
reassi)nin) p'aces;G
B$t the "ine ste"ar- "as a'rea-1 approachin) "ith a co$p'e o% -rinks on a tra1;
FBa1'e@s Best4G he obser&e- as "e took them;
: sippe- an- sa" that he "as ri)ht4 "hich heartene- me a bit;
F: -on@t reco)ni6e a'' o% these peop'e4G Bi'' sai-; F=ho@s that %e''o" "ith the re- sash4 o&er b1
F!hat@s Ork$64 the Be)man prime minister4G : to'- him4 Fan- the rather attracti&e 'a-1 in the
1e''o"-an--re- -ress "ho@s ta'kin) to Bartin is his -a$)hter Na1-a; Cora'Dthe one : ?$st )ot
che"e- o$t abo$tDis her sister;G
F*h-h$h; An- "ho@s the h$sk1 b'on- 'a-1 battin) her e1es at #erar->G
F: -on@t kno"4G : sai-; FAn- : -on@t kno" that 'a-1 an- the )$1 o&er to the ri)ht o% Ork$6
=e -ri%te- in"ar-4 an- #erar-4 'ookin) perhaps a tri%'e $ncom%ortab'e in 'a1ers o% r$%%'e- %iner14
intro-$ce- $s to the 'a-1 he "as "ith as /retha #anne''4 assistant to the Be)man ambassa-or;
!he ambassa-or4 it t$rne- o$t4 "as the ta'' 'a-1 stan-in) near Ork$6Dan- her name4 : )athere-4
"as +er'a M$ist; !he %e''o" "ith her "as her secretar14 "hose name so$n-e- somethin) 'ike
Ca-e; =hi'e "e "ere 'ookin) in that -irection4 #erar- trie- s'ippin) o%% an- 'ea&in) $s "ith
+er'a; B$t she ca$)ht his s'ee&e an- aske- him somethin) abo$t the %'eet; : smi'e- an- no--e-
an- mo&e- a"a1; Bi'' came a'on);
F#oo-nessI Bartin@s chan)e-IG he anno$nce- s$--en'1; F,e 9ooks 'ike a one-man rock &i-eo; :
a'most -i-n@t reco)ni6e him; E$st 'ast "eekDG
F:t@s been o&er a 1ear4G : sai-4 F%or him; ,e@s been o%% %in-in) himse'% on some street scene;G
F: "on-er i% he@s %inishe->G
F/i-n@t )et a chance to ask him that4G : rep'ie-4 b$t a pec$'iar tho$)ht occ$rre- to me; : she'&e-
!he m$sic -ie- ?$st then4 an- 9'e"e''a c'eare- her throat an- in-icate- ,en-on4 "ho anno$nce-
the ne" seatin) arran)ement; : "as at the %oot o% the tab'e4 an- : 'earne- 'ater that Cora' "as to
ha&e been seate- to m1 'e%t an- Ca-e to m1 ri)ht; : a'so 'earne- 'ater that 9'e"e''a ha- trie- to
)et ho'- o% +'ora at the 'ast min$te to sit in Cora'@s p'ace4 b$t +'ora "asn@t takin) an1 ca''s;
As it "as4 7ia''e4 at the hea-4 ha- 9'e"e''a seate- to her ri)ht an- Ork$6 to her 'e%t4 "ith #erar-4
/retha4 an- Bi'' be'o" 9'e"e''a4 an- +er'a4 Bartin4 Ca-e4 an- Na1-a be'o" Ork$6; : %o$n-
m1se'% escortin) Na1-a to the tab'e an- seatin) her to m1 ri)ht4 "hi'e Bi'' sett'e- himse'% at m1
F+$ss4 %$ss4 %$ss4G Bi'' m$ttere- so%t'14 an- : no--e-4 then intro-$ce- him to Na1-a as co$nse'
to the ,o$se o% Amber; (he 'ooke- impresse- an- aske- him abo$t his "ork; ,e procee-e- to
charm her "ith a stor1 abo$t once ha&in) represente- the interests o% a -o) in an estate
sett'ement4 "hich ha- nothin) to -o "ith Amber b$t "as a )oo- stor1; #ot her to 'a$)hin) a bit4
an- a'so Ca-e4 "ho "as 'istenin) in;
!he %irst co$rse "as ser&e- an- the m$sicians be)an p'a1in) a)ain4 so%t'14 "hich shortene- the
-istance o$r &oices carrie- an- re-$ce- con&ersation to a more intimate 'e&e'; At this4 Bi''
si)na'e- he ha- somethin) he "ante- to te'' me4 b$t Na1-a ha- beaten him b1 a secon- or t"o
an- : "as a'rea-1 'istenin) to her;
FAbo$t Cora'4G she sai- so%t'1; FAre 1o$ s$re she@s a'' ri)ht> (he "asn@t %ee'in) i'' "hen 1o$
parte-Dor an1thin) 'ike thatD"as she>G
FNo4G : ans"ere-; F(he seeme- hea'th1 eno$)h;G
F(tran)e4G she sai-; F: ha- the impression she "as 'ookin) %or"ar- to thin)s 'ike this -inner;G
F(he@s ob&io$s'1 takin) 'on)er than she@- inten-e- in "hate&er she@s abo$t4G : obser&e-;
F=hat e.act'1 "as she abo$t>G Na1-a aske-; F=here -i- 1o$ part>G
F,ere in the pa'ace4G : rep'ie-; F: "as sho"in) her aro$n-; (he "ante- to spen- more time "ith
certain %eat$res o% the p'ace than : co$'- spare; (o : came on ahea-;G
F: -on@t think she co$'- ha&e %or)otten -inner;G
F: think she )ot ca$)ht $p b1 the po"er o% an artistic piece;G
F(o she@s -e%inite'1 on the premises>G
FNo"4 that@s har- to sa1; As : sai- be%ore4 a person can a'"a1s step o$t;G
FAo$ mean 1o$@re not s$re e.act'1 "here she is>G : no--e-;
F:@m not certain "here she is at this moment4G : sai-; F(he co$'- "e'' be back in her room
chan)in) her c'othes;G
F:@'' check a%ter -inner4G she sai-4 Fi% she hasn@t sho"n $p b1 then; :% that sho$'- be the case4 "i''
1o$ he'p me %in- her>G
F: "as p'annin) on 'ookin) %or her an1"a14G : ans"ere-4 Fi% she -oesn@t p$t in an appearance
(he no--e- an- contin$e- eatin); 7er1 a"k"ar-;
Be1on- the %act that : -i-n@t "ant to -istress her4 : co$'-n@t &er1 "e'' te'' her "hat ha- happene-
"itho$t its becomin) apparent that her sister "as in-ee- an i''e)itimate -a$)hter o% Oberon; At a
time s$ch as this4 "hen : ha- been ca$tione- abo$t sa1in) an1thin) that mi)ht strain re'ations
bet"een Amber an- Be)ma4 : "as not abo$t to con%irm to the -a$)hter o% the Be)man prime
minister the r$mor that her mother ha- ha- an a%%air "ith the 'ate kin) o% Amber; Ba1be it "as
an open secret back in Be)ma an- nobo-1 )a&e a -amn; B$t ma1be it "asn@t; : -i-n@t "ant to
-ist$rb 0an-om %or a-&ice4 part'1 beca$se he mi)ht be e.treme'1 occ$pie- in 3ash%a ?$st no"4
b$t main'1 beca$se he mi)ht a'so start askin) me abo$t m1 o"n imme-iate p'ans an- prob'ems4
an- : "o$'- not 'ie to him; !hat co$'- )et me into too m$ch tro$b'e; ($ch a con&ersation mi)ht
"e'' a'so res$'t in his %orbi--in) m1 attack on the 3eep; !he on'1 other person : co$'- te'' abo$t
Cora' an- )et some sort o% o%%icia' response %rom as to ho" %ar : mi)ht )o in in%ormin) her
%ami'14 "as 7ia''e; *n%ort$nate'14 7ia''e "as comp'ete'1 occ$pie- as hostess at the moment;
: si)he- an- ret$rne- to m1 -inner;
Bi'' ca$)ht m1 attention an- 'eane- a 'itt'e in m1 -irection; : 'eane- a 'itt'e4 too;
FAes>G : sai-;
F!here "ere some thin)s : "ante- to te'' 1o$4G he be)an; F: "as hopin) %or some 'eis$re4 some
<$iet4 an- some pri&ac14 tho$)h;G
: ch$ck'e-;
F2.act'14G he contin$e-; F: be'ie&e this is the best "e@re )oin) to )et %or a time; +ort$nate'14
&oices -on@t seem to be carr1in) i% one keeps them -o"n; : co$'-n@t make o$t "hat 1o$ an-
Na1-a "ere ta'kin) abo$t; (o it@s probab'1 oka14 so 'on) as the m$sicians keep p'a1in);G
: no--e-4 took a %e" more bites;
F!hin) is4 the Be)mans sho$'-n@t hear abo$t it4 on the one han-; B$t on the other4 : %ee' that
perhaps 1o$ o$)ht to kno"4 beca$se o% 1o$r in&o'&ement "ith 9$ke an- Easra; (o "hat@s 1o$r
sche-$'e> :@- rather te'' 1o$ 'ater4 b$t i% 1o$@re )oin) to be tie- $p4 : can )i&e 1o$ the )ist o% it
: )'ance- at Na1-a an- Ca-e; !he1 seeme- tota''1 occ$pie- "ith their %oo-4 an- : -i-n@t think
the1 co$'- o&erhear $s; *n%ort$nate'14 : -i-n@t ha&e an1 sort o% she'terin) spe''s h$n);
F#o ahea-4G : "hispere- %rom behin- m1 "ine )'ass;
F+irst4G he sai-4 F0an-om sent me a "ho'e s'e" o% papers to )o o&er; !he1@re the -ra%t o% an
a)reement "hereb1 Amber "i'' )rant 3ash%a pri&i'e)e- tra-e stat$s4 the same as Be)ma; (o
the1@'' -e%inite'1 be comin) into the #o'-en Circ'e;G
F: see4G : sai-; F!hat -oesn@t come as a comp'ete s$rprise; B$t it@s )oo- to kno" %or s$re "hat@s
)oin) on;G
,e no--e-;
F!here@s a 'ot more to it4 tho$)h4G he sai-;
E$st then the m$sicians stoppe- p'a1in) an- : co$'- hear &oices %rom a'' aro$n- the tab'e a)ain;
: )'ance- o%% to the ri)ht an- sa" that a ste"ar- ha- ?$st taken the p'a1ers a %oo- tra1 an- some
"ine; !he1 "ere settin) their instr$ments asi-e an- takin) a break; !he1 ha- probab'1 been
p'a1in) %or some time be%ore :@- arri&e- an- "ere -o$bt'ess -$e a rest;
Bi'' ch$ck'e-; F9ater4G he sai-;
F0i)ht;G !here %o''o"e- a %$nn1 'itt'e %r$it -ish "ith an ama6in) sa$ce; As : spoone- it a"a14
Na1-a ca$)ht m1 attention "ith a )est$re an- : 'eane- to"ar- her a)ain;
F(o "hat abo$t toni)ht>G she "hispere-;
F=hat -o 1o$ mean> : sai- :@- 'ook %or her i% she -oesn@t sho" $p;G
(he shook her hea-; F: "asn@t re%errin) to that4G she sai-; F: meant 'ater; =i'' 1o$ ha&e time to
stop b1 an- ta'k>G
FAbo$t "hat>G
FAccor-in) to 1o$r %i'e 1o$@&e been in a bit o% tro$b'e recent'14 "ith someone tr1in) to )et 1o$;G
: be)an "on-erin) abo$t that -amne- %i'e; B$t4 F:t@s o$t o% -ate4G : sai-; F=hate&er@s in there has
a'rea-1 been c'eare- $p;G
F0ea''1> !hen nobo-1@s a%ter 1o$ ?$st no">G
F: "o$'-n@t sa1 that4G : rep'ie-; F!he cast o% characters keeps chan)in);G
F(o somebo-1 sti'' has 1o$ marke->G
: st$-ie- her %ace;
FAo$@re a nice 'a-14 Na1-a4G : sai-4 Fb$t :@&e )ot to ask4 =hat is it to 1o$> 2&er1bo-1 has
prob'ems; : ?$st ha&e more than $s$a' at the moment; :@'' "ork them o$t;G
FOr -ie tr1in)>G
FBa1be; : hope not; B$t "hat@s 1o$r interest>G
(he )'ance- at Ca-e4 "ho seeme- b$s1 "ith his %oo-4; F:t is possib'e that : co$'- he'p 1o$;G
F:n "hat %ashion>G
(he smi'e-;
FA process o% e'imination4G she state-;
FOh> !hat re%ers to a person or persons>G
FAo$ ha&e some specia' means o% )oin) abo$t this sort o% b$siness>G
(he contin$e- to smi'e;
FAes4 it@s )oo- %or remo&in) prob'ems ca$se- b1 peop'e4G she contin$e-; FA'' :@'' nee- are their
names an- 'ocations;G
F(ome sort o% secret "eapon>G
(he )'ance- at Ca-e a)ain4 since : ha- raise- m1 &oice a bit;
FAo$ mi)ht ca'' it that4G she ans"ere-;
FAn interestin) proposa'4G : sai-; FB$t 1o$ sti'' ha&en@t ans"ere- m1 %irst <$estion;G
F0e%resh m1 memor1;G
=e "ere interr$pte- b1 the "ine ste"ar-4 "ho came aro$n- toppin) o%% )ob'ets4 an- then b1
another toast; !he %irst ha- been to 7ia''e4 'e- b1 9'e"e''a; !his one "as propose- b1 Ork$64 to
Fthe ancient a''iance bet"een Amber an- Be)ma;G : -rank to that4 an- : hear- Bi'' m$tter4 F:t@s
)oin) to )et a bit more straine-;G
F!he a''iance>G : sai-;
: )'ance- at Na1-a4 "ho "as starin) at me4 c'ear'1 e.pectin) a res$mption o% o$r sotto &oces;
Bi'' note- this4 too4 an- t$rne- a"a1; E$st then Ca-e be)an ta'kin) to Na1-a4 ho"e&er4 so :
%inishe- "hat "as on m1 p'ate an- took a sip o% "ine "hi'e : "aite-; :n a 'itt'e "hi'e the p'ate
"as "hiske- a"a14 to be rep'ace- short'1 b1 another;
: )'ance- at Bi'' "ho )'ance- at Na1-a an- Ca-e4 then sai-4 F=ait %or the m$sic;G
: no--e-; :n a s$--en moment o% si'ence : o&erhear- /retha sa14 F:s it tr$e that 3in) Oberon@s
)host is sometimes seen>G #erar- )r$nte- somethin) that so$n-e- 'ike an a%%irmati&e ?$st as the1
"ere -ro"ne- o$t a)ain; B1 min- bein) a 'ot %$''er than m1 stomach4 : kept eatin); Ca-e4 tr1in)
to be -ip'omatic or ?$st con&ersationa'4 t$rne- m1 "a1 a 'itt'e 'ater4 a--resse- me an- aske- m1
&ie"s on the 2re)nor sit$ation; ,e ?erke- s$--en'1 then an- 'ooke- at Na1-a; :@- a stron) %ee'in)
she@- ?$st kicke- him $n-er the tab'e4 "hich "as %ine "ith me beca$se : -i-n@t kno" "hat the
he'' the 2re)nor sit$ation "as; : m$tterre- somethin) abo$t there bein) thin)s to be sai- %or both
si-es o% most matters4 "hich seeme- -ip'omatic eno$)h %or an1thin); :% it "ere somethin)
barbe-4 : s$ppose- : co$'- ha&e co$ntere- "ith an innocent-so$n-in) obser&ation abo$t the
Be)man part1@s ear'1 arri&a'4 b$t 2re)nor mi)ht act$a''1 be some te-io$s con&ersation piece that
Na1-a -i-n@t "ant to )et into beca$se it "o$'- c$t o%% o$r o"n -isc$ssion; A'so4 :@- a %ee'in) that
9'e"e''a mi)ht s$--en'1 materia'i6e an- kick me $n-er the tab'e;
A tho$)ht hit s$--en'1 then; (ometimes :@m a 'itt'e s'o"; Ob&io$s'14 the1 ha- kno"n 0an-om
"asn@t here4 an- %rom "hat : a'rea-1 kne" an- %rom "hat Bi'' ha- ?$st sai-4 the1 "eren@t too
happ1 "ith "hate&er 0an-om "as abo$t in the nei)hborin) kin)-om; !heir ear'1 arri&a' seeme-
inten-e- to embarrass $s in some %ashion; /i- that mean that "hate&er Na1-a "as o%%erin) me
"as part o% some scheme that %itte- in "ith their )enera' -ip'omatic strate)1 on this matter> :% so4
"h1 me> : "as a &er1 poor choice4 in that : ha- no sa1 "hatsoe&er concernin) Amber@s %orei)n
po'ic1; =ere the1 a"are o% this> !he1 m$st be4 i% their inte''i)ence ser&ice "ere as )oo- as
Na1-a ha- in-icate-; : "as ba%%'e-4 an- : "as ha'% tempte- to ask Bi'' his &ie"s on the 2re)nor
sit$ation; B$t then he mi)ht ha&e kicke- me $n-er the tab'e;
!he m$sicians4 ha&in) %inishe- snackin)4 res$me- the entertainment "ith F#reens'ee&es4G an-
Na1-a an- Bi'' both 'eane- to"ar- me sim$'taneo$s'14 then )'ance- $p4 their )a6es meetin);
Both smi'e-;
F9a-ies %irst4G Bi'' sai- 'o$-'1;
(he no--e- to him;
!hen4 F,a&e a chance to think abo$t m1 o%%er>G she aske- me;
F(ome4G : sai-4 Fb$t : ha- a <$estion; 0emember>
F=hat "as it>G
F:t@s kin- o% 1o$ to "ant to -o me a %a&or4G : sai-4 Fb$t at times s$ch as this4 one m$st be
e.c$se- %or checkin) the price ta);G
F=hat i% : "ere to sa1 that 1o$r )oo- "i'' "o$'- be s$%%icient>G
F=hat i% : "ere to sa1 that m1 )oo- "i'' isn@t "orth m$ch at the po'ic1 'e&e' here>G
(he shr$))e-; F(ma'' price %or a sma'' ret$rn; : a'rea-1 kne" that; B$t 1o$@re re'ate- to
e&er1bo-1 in this p'ace; Nothin) ma1 e&er happen4 b$t it@s concei&ab'e that someone mi)ht ask
1o$r opinion o% $s; :@- 'ike 1o$ to kno" 1o$ ha&e %rien-s in Be)ma an- to %ee' kin-'1 -ispose-
to"ar- $s i% that occ$rre-;G
: st$-ie- her &er1 serio$s e.pression; !here "as more to it than that4 an- "e both kne" it; On'1
: -i-n@t kno" "hat mi)ht be on the hori6on4 an- she ob&io$s'1 -i-;
: reache- o$t an- stroke- her cheek once "ith the back o% m1 han-;
F: am e.pecte- to sa1 somethin) nice abo$t 1o$ %o'ks i% someone sho$'- ask me4 that@s a''4 an-
%or this 1o$ "i'' )o o$t an- ki'' someone %or me i% : ?$st s$pp'1 the partic$'ars; 0i)ht>G
F:n a "or-4 1es4G she rep'ie-;
F:t makes me "on-er "h1 1o$ think 1o$ can mana)e an assassination better than "e co$'-;
=e@re o'- han-s at it;G
F=e ha&e4 as 1o$ p$t it4 a secret "eapon4G she sai-; FB$t : "as thinkin) that this is a persona'
matter %or 1o$4 not a state matterDan- that 1o$ mi)ht not "ant an1 o% the others in&o'&e-; A'so4
: can pro&i-e a ser&ice that "i'' not be traceab'e;G
Ba) o% "orms time a)ain; =as she imp'1in) that she tho$)ht : -i- not tr$st a'' o% the others here
Dor that : sho$'- not> =hat -i- she kno" that : -i-n@t> Or "as she ?$st )$essin)4 base- on
Amber@s histor1 o% intri)$e "ithin the %ami'1> Or "as she intentiona''1 tr1in) to stir $p a
)enerationa' con%'ict> =o$'- that s$it Be)ma@s p$rpose in some %ashion> Or;;;; =as she )$essin)
that s$ch a sit$ation e.iste- an- o%%erin) to remo&e a %ami'1 member %or me> An- i% so4 -i- she
think :@- be st$pi- eno$)h to )et someone e'se to -o the ?ob> Or e&en to -isc$ss s$ch a notion
an- thereb1 )i&e Be)ma a shot at s$%%icient e&i-ence to ha&e some kin- o% ho'- o&er me> Or;;;;
: -re" back %rom the &ie"; :t p'ease- me that m1 tho$)ht processes "ere %ina''1 "orkin)
proper'1 %or the compan1 m1 %ami'1 keeps; JBoth m1 %ami'ies4 act$a''1;K :t ha- taken me a 'on)
"hi'e to )et the han) o% it; :t %e't )oo-;
A simp'e re%$sa' "o$'- %orec'ose a'' o% the abo&e; B$t4 on the other han-4 i% : "ere to strin) her
a'on) a bit4 she mi)ht pro&e a tanta'i6in) so$rce o% in%ormation;
(o4 F=o$'- 1o$ )o a%ter an1one : "o$'- name>G : sai-; FAn1one>G
(he st$-ie- m1 %ace &er1 care%$''1; !hen4 FAes4G she ans"ere-;
FAo$ m$st e.c$se me a)ain4G : respon-e-4 Fb$t -oin) it %or s$ch an intan)ib'e as m1 )oo- "i''
ca$ses me to "on-er abo$t 1o$r )oo- %aith;G
,er %ace re--ene-; =hether it "as a simp'e b'$sh or an)er : co$'- not be certain4 beca$se she
'ooke- a"a1 imme-iate'1; !his -i-n@t bother me4 tho$)h4 beca$se : "as certain it "as a b$1er@s
: ret$rne- m1 attention to m1 %oo- an- "as ab'e to p$t a"a1 se&era' mo$th%$'s be%ore she "as
back a)ain; F/oes this mean 1o$ "on@t be stoppin) b1 toni)ht>G she aske-;
F: can@t4G : sai-; F: am )oin) to be comp'ete'1 occ$pie-;G
F: can be'ie&e 1o$ are &er1 b$s14G she sai-; FB$t -oes that mean "e "i'' not be ab'e to ta'k at
F:t -epen-s entire'1 on ho" thin)s break4G : sai-; F: ha&e an a"%$' 'ot )oin) on ?$st no"4 an- :
ma1 be 'ea&in) to"n soon;G
(he starte- s'i)ht'1; : "as certain she consi-ere- askin) me "here : "as )oin)4 b$t tho$)ht
better o% it;
!hen4 F!his is a"k"ar-4G she sai-; F,a&e 1o$ re%$se- m1 o%%er>G
F:s the -ea' on'1 )oo- %or this e&enin)>G : aske-;
FNo4 b$t it "as m1 $n-erstan-in) 1o$ "ere in some peri'; !he sooner 1o$ mo&e a)ainst 1o$r
enem14 the sooner 1o$r s'eep is $ntro$b'e-;G
FAo$ %ee' : am in -an)er here in Amber>G
(he hesitate- a moment4 then sai-4 FNo one is sa%e4 an1"here4 %rom an enem1 o% s$%%icient
-etermination an- ski'';G
F/o 1o$ %ee' the threat to be a 'oca' one>G : in<$ire-;
F: aske- 1o$ to name the part14G she state-; FAo$ are in the best position to kno";G
: -re" back imme-iate'1; :t "as too simp'e an entrapment4 an- ob&io$s'1 she@- a'rea-1 sme''e-
FAo$@&e )i&en me m$ch to think abo$t4G : ans"ere-4 an- : ret$rne- to m1 %oo-;
A%ter a time4 : sa" that Bi'' "as 'ookin) at me as i% he "ante- to sa1 somethin); : )a&e him a
min$sc$'e shake o% m1 hea-4 "hich he seeme- to $n-erstan-;
FBreak%ast4 then>G : hear- her sa1; F!his trip 1o$ spoke o% co$'- represent a time o%
&$'nerabi'it1; :t "o$'- be )oo- to sett'e this be%ore 1o$ -epart;G
FNa1-a4G : sai-4 as soon as : ha- s"a''o"e-4 F: "o$'- 'ike to be c'ear on the matter o% m1
bene%actors; :% : "ere to -isc$ss this "ith 1o$r %atherDG
FNoIG she interr$pte-; F,e kno"s nothin) abo$t itIG
F!hank 1o$; Ao$ m$st a-mit m1 c$riosit1 as to the 'e&e' at "hich this p'an ori)inates;G
F!here is no nee- to 'ook an1 %$rther4G she state-; F:t is entire'1 m1 i-ea;G
F(ome o% 1o$r ear'ier statements ca$se me to in%er that 1o$ ha&e specia' connections "ithin the
Be)man inte''i)ence comm$nit1;G
FNo4G she sai-4 Fon'1 the or-inar1 ones; !he o%%er is m1 o"n;G
FB$t someone "o$'- ha&e to;;;e%%ect$ate this -esi)n;G
F!hat is the pro&ince o% the secret "eapon;G
F: "o$'- ha&e to kno" more abo$t it;G
F:@&e o%%ere- 1o$ a ser&ice an- :@&e promise- 1o$ tota' -iscretion; : "i'' )o no %$rther as to
F:% this i-ea is "ho''1 1o$r o"n4 it "o$'- seem that 1o$ stan- to bene%it %rom it persona''1;
,o"> =hat@s in it %or 1o$>G
(he 'ooke- a"a1; (he "as si'ent %or a 'on) time; FAo$r %i'e4G she sai- at 'ast; F:t
"as;;;%ascinatin) rea-in) it; Ao$@re one o% the %e" peop'e here c'ose to m1 o"n a)e4 an- 1o$@&e
'e- s$ch an interestin) 'i%e; Ao$ can@t ima)ine ho" -$'' most o% the thin)s : ha&e to rea- areD
a)ric$'t$ra' reports4 tra-e %i)$res4 appropriations st$-ies; : ha&e no socia' 'i%e "hatsoe&er; : am
a'"a1s on ca''; 2&er1 part1 : atten- is rea''1 a state %$nction in one %orm or another; : rea- 1o$r
%i'e o&er an- o&er an- : "on-ere- abo$t 1o$; :;;;: ha&e somethin) o% a cr$sh on 1o$; : kno" it
so$n-s si''14 b$t it@s tr$e; =hen : sa" some o% the recent reports an- rea'i6e- that 1o$ mi)ht be in
)reat -an)er4 : -eci-e- : "o$'- he'p 1o$ i% : co$'-; : ha&e access to a'' sorts o% state secrets; One
o% them "o$'- pro&i-e me "ith the means o% he'pin) 1o$; *sin) it "o$'- bene%it 1o$ "itho$t
-ama)in) Be)ma4 b$t it "o$'- be -is'o1a' o% me to -isc$ss it %$rther; :@&e a'"a1s "ante- to meet
1o$4 an- : "as &er1 ?ea'o$s o% m1 sister "hen 1o$ took her o$t to-a1; An- : sti'' "ish 1o$@- stop
b1 'ater;G
: stare- at her; !hen : raise- m1 "ine)'ass to her an- took a -rink;
FAo$ are;;;ama6in)4G : sai-; : co$'-n@t think o% an1thin) e'se to sa1; :t "as either an on-the-spot
%abrication or it "as tr$e; :% it "ere tr$e4 it "as some"hat patheticC i% not4 : tho$)ht it a rather
c'e&er bit o% <$ick thinkin)4 ca'c$'ate- to hit me in that "on-er%$''1 &$'nerab'e p'ace4 the e)o;
(he -eser&e- either m1 s1mpath1 or m1 "ariest a-miration; (o : a--e-4 F:@- 'ike to meet the
person "ho "rote the reports; !here ma1 be a )reat creati&e ta'ent )oin) to "aste in a
)o&ernment o%%ice;G
(he smi'e-4 raise- her o"n )'ass an- to$che- it to mine;
F!hink abo$t it4G she sai-;
F: can honest'1 sa1 : "on@t %or)et 1o$4G : to'- her;
=e both ret$rne- to o$r %oo-4 an- : spent the ne.t %i&e min$tes or so catchin) $p; Bi'' -ecent'1
a''o"e- me to -o this; A'so4 : think4 he "as "aitin) to be certain that m1 con&ersation "ith
Na1-a "as %ina''1 conc'$-e-;
At 'ast he "inke- at me;
F#ot a min$te>G he aske-;
FA%rai- so4G : sai-;
F: "on@t e&en ask "hether it "as b$siness or p'eas$re )oin) on on the other si-e;G
F:t "as a p'eas$re4G : sai-4 Fb$t a stran)e b$siness; /on@t ask or :@'' miss -essert;G
F:@'' s$mmari6e4G he sai-; F!he coronation in 3ash%a "i'' take p'ace tomorro";G
FNot "astin) an1 time4 are "e>G
FNo; !he )ent'eman "ho "i'' be takin) the throne is Arkans4 /$ke o% (ha-b$rne; ,e@s been in
an- o$t o% &ario$s 3ash%an )o&ernments in %air'1 responsib'e positions an1 n$mber o% times o&er
the 1ears; ,e act$a''1 kno"s ho" thin)s "ork4 an- he@s -istant'1 re'ate- to one o% the ear'ier
monarchs; /i-n@t )et a'on) "e'' "ith Easra@s cro"- an- prett1 m$ch sta1e- at his co$ntr1 p'ace
the "ho'e time she "as in po"er; ,e -i-n@t bother her an- she -i-n@t bother him;G
F(o$n-s reasonab'e;G
F:n %act4 he act$a''1 share- her sentiments on the 2re)nor sit$ation4 as the Be)mans are "e''
FE$st "hat4G : aske-4 Fis the 2re)nor sit$ation>G
F:t@s their A'sace-9orraine4G he sai-4 Fa 'ar)e4 rich area bet"een 3ash%a an- Be)ma; :t has
chan)e- han-s back an- %orth so man1 times o&er the cent$ries that both co$ntries make
reasonab'e-so$n-in) c'aims to it; 2&en the inhabitants o% the area aren@t a'' that %irm on the
matter; !he1 ha&e re'ati&es in both -irections; :@m not e&en s$re the1 care "hich si-e c'aims
them4 so 'on) as their -on@t )o $p; : think Be)ma@s c'aim mi)ht be a 'itt'e stron)er4 b$t :
co$'- ar)$e the case either "a14G
FAn- 3ash%a ho'-s it no"C an- Arkans sa1s the1@'' -amn "e'' keep it;G
F0i)ht; =hich is the same thin) Easra sai-; !he interim r$'er4 ho"e&erDEaston "as his name4
mi'itar1 manD"as act$a''1 "i''in) to -isc$ss its stat$s "ith the Be)mans4 be%ore his $n%ort$nate
%a'' %rom the ba'con1; : think he "ante- to repair the treas$r1 an- "as consi-erin) ce-in) the
area in ret$rn %or the sett'ement o% some ancient "ar -ama)e c'aims; !hin)s "ere act$a''1 "e''
a'on) an- hea-e- in that -irection;G
FAn-;;;>G : sai-;
F:n the papers : )ot %rom 0an-om4 Amber speci%ica''1 reco)ni6es 3ash%a as inc'$-in) the area
o% 2re)nor; Arkans ha- insiste- that )o into the treat1; *s$a''1D%rom e&er1thin) :@&e been ab'e
to %in- in the archi&esDAmber a&oi-s )ettin) in&o'&e- in to$ch1 sit$ations 'ike this bet"een
a''ies; Oberon se'-om "ent 'ookin) %or tro$b'e; B$t 0an-om seems to be in a h$rr14 an- he 'et
this )$1 -ri&e a har- bar)ain;G
F,e@s o&er-reactin)4G : sai-4 Fnot that : b'ame him; ,e remembers Bran- too "e'';G
Bi'' no--e-;
F:@m ?$st the hire- he'p4G he sai-; F: -on@t "ant to ha&e an opinion;G
F=e''4 an1thin) e'se : sho$'- kno" abo$t Arkans>G
FOh4 there are 'ots o% other thin)s the Be)mans -on@t 'ike abo$t him4 b$t that@s the bi) oneD
ri)ht "hen the1 tho$)ht the1 "ere makin) some hea-"a1 on an iss$e that@s been a nationa'
pastime %or )enerations; !he1@&e e&en )one to "ar o&er the matter in the past; /on@t -o$bt that
that@s "h1 the1 came r$shin) to to"n; #o&ern 1o$rse'% accor-in)'1;G
,e raise- his )ob'et anr took a -rink;
A 'itt'e 'ater 7ia''e sai- somethin) to 9'e"e''a4 rose to her %eet4 an- anno$nce- that she ha- to
see to somethin)4 that she@- be ri)ht back; 9'e"e''a starte- to )et $p a'so b$t 7ia''e p$t a han- on
her sho$'-er4 "hispere- somethin)4 an- -eparte-;
F=on-er "hat that co$'- be>G Bi'' sai-;
F/on@t kno"4G : ans"ere-;
,e smi'e-;
F(ha'' "e spec$'ate>G
FB1 min-@s on cr$ise contro'4G : to'- him;
Na1-a )a&e me a 'on) stare; : met it an- shr$))e-;
Another 'itt'e "hi'e4 an- p'ates "ere c'eare- an- more "ere comin); =hate&er it "as 'ooke-
)oo-; Be%ore : co$'- %in- o$t %or certain4 tho$)h4 a member o% the )enera' ho$se sta%% entere-
an- approache-;
F9or- Ber'in4G she sai-4 Fthe <$een "o$'- 'ike to see 1o$;G
: "as on m1 %eet imme-iate'1; F=here is she>G
F:@'' take 1o$ to her;G
: e.c$se- m1se'% %rom m1 companions4 borro"in) the 'ine that :@- be ri)ht back4 "on-erin) i% it
"ere tr$e; : %o''o"e- her o$t an- aro$n- the corner to a sma'' sittin) room4 "here she 'e%t me
"ith 7ia''e4 "ho "as seate- in an $ncom%ortab'e-'ookin) hi)h-backe- chair o% -ark "oo- an-
'eather4 he'- to)ether "ith cast iron st$-s; :% she@- "ante- m$sc'e4 she@- ha&e sent %or #erar-; :%
she@- "ante- a min- %$'' o% histor1 an- po'itica' conni&ance4 9'e"e''a "o$'- be here; (o : "as
)$essin) it in&o'&e- ma)ic4 since : "as the a$thorit1 in resi-ence;
B$t : "as "ron);
F:@- 'ike to speak to 1o$4G she sai-4 Fconcernin) a sma'' state o% "ar in "hich "e seem abo$t to
become en)a)e-;G
Chapter $
A%ter a p'easant time "ith a prett1 'a-14 a series o% stim$'atin) ha''"a1 con&ersations4 an- a
re' -inner "ith %ami'1 an- %rien-s4 it seeme- a'most %ittin) that it be time %or somethin)
-i%%erent an- -istractin); !he i-ea o% a sma'' "ar seeme-4 at 'east4 better than a bi) one4 tho$)h :
-i- not sa1 that to 7ia''e; A moment@s care%$' tho$)ht4 an- : shape- the <$er18
F=hat@s )oin) on>G
F/a't@s men are -$) in near the "estern e-)e o% Ar-en4G she sai-; FE$'ian@s are str$n) o$t %acin)
them; Bene-ict has taken E$'ian a--itiona' men an- "eapons; ,e sa1s he can$te a %'ankin)
mo&ement that "i'' take /a't@s 'ine apart; B$t : to'- him not to;G
F: -on@t $n-erstan-; =h1 not>G
FBen "i'' -ie4G she sai-;
F!hat@s the "a1 it is in "ar; (ometimes 1o$ ha&e no choice;G
FB$t "e -o ha&e a choice4 o% sorts4G she sai-4 Fone that : -on@t $n-erstan-; An- : -o "ant to
$n-erstan- it be%ore : )i&e an or-er that "i'' res$'t in n$mero$s o% -eaths;G
F=hat is the choice>G : aske-;
F: came here to respon- to a !r$mp messa)e %rom E$'ian4G she sai-; F,e ha- ?$st spoken "ith
/a't $n-er a %'a) o% tr$ce; /a't to'- him that his ob?ecti&e "as not4 at this time4 the -estr$ction o%
Amber; ,e pointe- o$t that he co$'- con-$ct an e.pensi&e attack4 tho$)h4 in terms o% o$r
manpo"er an- e<$ipment; ,e sai- he@- rather sa&e himse'% an- $s the e.pense4 ho"e&er; =hat
he rea''1 "ants is %or $s to t$rn t"o prisoners o&er to himD0ina'-o an- Easra;G
F,$h>G : sai-; F2&en i% "e "ante- to4 "e can@t )i&e him 9$ke; ,e@s not here;G
F!hat is "hat E$'ian to'- him; ,e seeme- &er1 s$rprise-; +or some reason4 he be'ie&e- "e ha-
0ina'-o in c$sto-1;G
F=e''4 "e@re not ob'i)e- to pro&i-e the man "ith an e-$cation; : )ather he@s bean somethin) o% a
pain %or 1ears; : think Bene-ict has the ri)ht ans"er %or him;G
F: -i- not ca'' 1o$ in %or a-&ice4G she sai-;
F(orr14G : to'- her; F:t@s ?$st that : -on@t 'ike seein) someone tr1in) to p$'' a st$nt 'ike this an-
act$a''1 be'ie&e he has a chance o% s$ccess;G
F,e has no chance o% s$ccess4G 7ia''e state-; FB$t i% "e ki'' him no"4 "e 'earn nothin); : "o$'-
'ike to %in- o$t "hat is behin- this;G
F,a&e Bene-ict brin) him in; : ha&e spe''s that "i'' open him $p;G
(he shook her hea-;
F!oo risk14G she e.p'aine-; FOnce b$''ets start %'1in)4 there@s the chance one mi)ht %in- him;
!hen "e 'ose e&en tho$)h "e "in;G
F: -on@t $n-erstan- "hat it is that 1o$ "ant o% me;G
F,e aske- E$'ian to )et in to$ch "ith $s an- re'a1 his -eman-; ,e@s promise- to ho'- the tr$ce
$nti' "e )i&e him some sort o% o%%icia' ans"er; E$'ian sa1s he has the impression that /a't "o$'-
sett'e %or either one o% them;G
F: -on@t "ant to )i&e him Easra either;G
FNeither -o :; =hat : -o "ant &er1 ba-'1 is to kno" "hat is )oin) on; !here "o$'- be sma''
point in re'easin) Easra an- askin) her4 since this is a recent -e&e'opment; : "ant to kno"
"hether 1o$ ha&e means o% )ettin) in to$ch "ith 0ina'-o; : "ant to ta'k to him;G
F=e''4 $h;;;1es4G : sai-; F: ha&e a !r$mp %or him;G
F*se it;G
: )ot it o$t; : re)ar-e- it; : mo&e- m1 min- into that specia' area o% a'ertness an- ca''in); !he
pict$re chan)e- came a'i&e;;;;
:t "as t"i'i)ht4 an- 9$ke stoo- near a camp%ire; ,e ha- on his )reen o$t%it4 a 'i)ht bro"n c'oak
abo$t his sho$'-ers c'aspe- "ith that Phoeni. pin;
FBer'e4G he sai-; F: can mo&e the troops prett1 %ast; =hen -o 1o$ "ant to hit the p'ace an-DG
FP$t it on ho'-4G : interr$pte-; F!his is somethin) -i%%erent;G
F/a't@s at the )atesC an- 7ia''e "ants to ta'k to 1o$ be%ore "e take him apart;G
F/a't> !here> Amber>G
FAes4 1es4 an- 1es; ,e sa1s he@'' )o an- p'a1 somep'ace e'se i% "e )i&e him the t"o thin)s he
"ants most in the "or'-8 1o$ an- 1o$r mother;G
F!hat@s cra61;G
FAeah; =e think so4 too; =i'' 1o$ ta'k to the <$een abo$t it>G
F($re; Brin) me thrDG ,e hesitate- an- 'ooke- into m1 e1es;
: smi'e-;
,e e.ten-e- his han-; : reache- %or"ar- an- took it; ($--en'14 he "as there; ,e 'ooke- abo$t4
sa" 7ia''e; :mme-iate'14 he $nc'aspe- his s"or- be't an- passe- it to me; ,e approache- her4
-roppe- to his ri)ht knee4 an- 'o"ere- his hea-;
FAo$r Ba?est14G he sai-; F:@&e come;G
(he reache- %or"ar- an- to$che- him;
F0aise 1o$r hea-4G she sai-;
,e -i-4 an- her sensiti&e %in)ers s'i- o&er the p'ane an- arches o% his %ace;
F(tren)th4G she sai-4 Fan- sorro";;;; (o 1o$@re 0ina'-o; Ao$@&e bro$)ht $s some )rie%;G
F:t "orks both "a1s4 Ao$r Ba?est1;G
FAes4 o% co$rse4G she rep'ie-; F=ron)s -one an- "ron)s a&en)e- ha&e a "a1 o% spi''in) o&er on
the innocent; ,o" %ar "i'' it )o this time>G
F!his thin) "ith /a't>G he aske-;
FNo; !his thin) "ith 1o$;G
FOh4G he sai-; F:t@s o&er; :@&e -one "ith it; No more bombs or amb$shes; :@&e a'rea-1 to'- Ber'in
FAo$@&e kno"n him %or se&era' 1ears>G
FAo$@&e become %rien-s>G
F,e@s one o% the reasons :@m ca''in) it o%%;G
FAo$ m$st tr$st him4 to come here; : respect that4G she sai-; F!ake this;G
(he remo&e- a rin) she "ore $pon her ri)ht %ore%in)er; !he ban- "as o% )o'-4 the stone a mi'k1
)reenC the pron)s o% its settin) ca$)ht it in a %ashion to s$))est some mantic spi-er )$ar-in)
-ream'an- treas$res a)ainst the -a1break "or'-;
FAo$r Ba?est1;;;;G
F=ear it4G she sai-;
F: "i''4G he rep'ie-4 s'ippin) it $pon the 'itt'e %in)er o% his 'e%t han-; F!hank 1o$;G
F0ise; : "ant 1o$ to kno" e.act'1 "hat has occ$rre-;G
,e )ot to his %eet4 an- she be)an te''in) him "hat she ha- to'- me4 concernin) /a't@s arri&a'4 his
%orces@ -isposition4 his -eman-s4 "hi'e : stoo- st$nne- at the imp'ications o% "hat she ha- -one;
(he ha- ?$st p'ace- 9$ke $n-er her protection; 2&er1one in Amber kne" that rin); : "on-ere-
"hat 0an-om "o$'- think; : rea'i6e- then that there "o$'- not be a hearin); Poor Bi''; : be'ie&e
he "as rea''1 'ookin) %or"ar- to ar)$in) 9$ke@s case;
FAes4 : kno" /a't4G : hear- him sa1in); FOnce "e share-;;;certain )oa's; B$t he@s chan)e-; ,e
trie- to ki'' me the 'ast time "e met; :@m not s$re "h1; At %irst : tho$)ht the "i6ar- o% the 3eep
ha- taken contro' o% him;G
FAn- no">G
FNo"4 : ?$st -on@t $n-erstan-; :@&e a %ee'in) he@s on a 'eash4 b$t : -on@t kno" "ho ho'-s it;G
F=h1 not the "i6ar->G
F:t makes no sense to )o to these 'en)ths to c'aim me "hen he ha- me an- 'et me )o ?$st a %e"
-a1s a)o; ,e co$'- simp'1 ha&e 'e%t me in m1 ce'';G
F!r$e4G she rep'ie-; F=hat is this "i6ar-@s name>G
FBask4G he ans"ere-; FBer'in kno"s more abo$t him than : -o;G
FBer'in4G she sai-; F=ho is this Bask>G
F,e@s the "i6ar- "ho took the 3eep o% the +o$r =or'-s a"a1 %rom Easra4G : e.p'aine-4 F"ho4 in
t$rn4 ha- taken it a"a1 %rom (hah #an$'4 "ho is no" a'so a coatrack; Bask "ears a b'$e mask
an- seems to -ra" po"er %rom a stran)e %o$ntain in the cita-e' there; /oesn@t seem to 'ike me
m$ch either; !hat@s abo$t a'' : can te'' 1o$;G
:@- omitte- mentionin) m1 p'an to hea- that "a1 %or a sho"-o"n soon4 beca$se o% E$rt@s
in&o'&ement4 %or the same reason : ha-n@t "ante- 0an-om to kno" abo$t it; : "as certain 9$ke
ha- tosse- me the <$estion beca$se he "asn@t s$re ho" %ar : "ante- it taken;
F!hat -oesn@t rea''1 te'' $s m$ch4G she -eci-e-4 Fas to /a't@s in&o'&ement;G
F!here ma1 not be a connection4G : sai-; F: )ather /a't is a mercenar14 an- their re'ationship
co$'- ha&e been a one-time thin); ,e co$'- either be "orkin) %or someone e'se no" or p$''in)
somethin) on his o"n;G
F: can@t see "h1 an1bo-1 "ants $s ba-'1 eno$)h to )o to s$ch -ramatic 'en)ths4G 9$ke sai-;
FB$t :@&e a score to sett'e "ith that )$14 an- :@m )oin) to combine b$siness "ith p'eas$re;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G she aske-;
F: ass$me there@s a "a1 to )et -o"n there in a h$rr14G he sai-;
FOne co$'- a'"a1s tr$mp thro$)h to E$'ian4G : sai-4 Fb$t "hat ha&e 1o$ )ot in min-4 9$ke>G
F: "ant to ta'k to /a't;G
F:t@s too -an)ero$s4G she sai-4 Fsince 1o$@re "hat he "ants;G
9$ke )rinne-; F:t co$'- be a bit -an)ero$s %or /a't4 too4G he rep'ie-;
F=ait a min$te4G : sai-; F:% 1o$@&e )ot more in min- than ?$st ta'kin)4 1o$ co$'- b'o" this tr$ce;
7ia''e@s tr1in) to a&oi- a con%'ict here;G
F!here "on@t be an1 con%'ict4G 9$ke sai-; F9ook4 :@&e kno"n /a't since "e "ere ki-s4 an- :
think he@s b'$%%in); ,e -oes that sometimes; ,e hasn@t )ot the kin- o% %orce to risk another attack
on Amber; Ao$r )$1s "o$'- s'a$)hter him; :% he "ants Bom or me4 : think he@- be "i''in) to te''
me "h14 an- that@s "hat "e "ant to %in- o$t4 isn@t it>G
F=e''4 1es4G : sai-; FB$tDG
F9et me )o4G he sai- to 7ia''e4 Fan- :@'' %in- a "a1 to )et him o%% 1o$r back; : promise;G
FAo$ tempt me4G she to'- him; FB$t : -on@t 'ike 1o$r ta'k o% sett'in) acco$nts "ith him at this
time; As Ber'in sai-4 : "ant to a&oi- this con%'ictD%or more than one reason;G
F: promise not to 'et it )o that %ar4G he state-; F: can rea- the -ice; :@m )oo- at p'a1in) thin)s b1
ear; :@m "i''in) to postpone )rati%ication;G
FBer'in;;;>G she sai-;
F,e@s ri)ht4 in that4G : ans"ere-; F,e@s the -ea-'iest sa'esman in the so$th"est;G
F:@m a%rai- : -on@t $n-erstan- the concept;G
F:t@s a hi)h'1 specia'i6e- art4 back on that (ha-o" 2arth "e both inhabite-; :n %act4 he@s $sin) it
on 1o$ ri)ht no";G
F/o 1o$ think he can -o "hat he sa1s>G
F: think he@s &er1 )oo- at )ettin) "hat he "ants;G
F2.act'14G 9$ke obser&e-; FAn- since "e both "ant the same thin) here4 : think the %$t$re 'ooks
bri)ht %or a'' o% $s;G
F: see "hat 1o$ mean4G she sai-; F,o" m$ch -an)er "o$'- this p$t 1o$ near4 0ina'-o>G
F:@'' be as sa%e as : am ri)ht here in Amber4G he sai-;
(he smi'e-;
FA'' ri)ht4 :@'' speak to E$'ian4G she a)ree-4 Fan- 1o$ can )o to him an- see "hat 1o$ can 'earn
%rom /a't;G
FA moment4G : re<$este-4 F:t@s been sno"in) on an- o%%4 an- that@s a prett1 nast1 "in- o$t there;
9$ke ?$st came in %rom a more temperate c'ime4 an- it@s a prett1 %'ims1-'ookin) c'oak he has on;
9et me )et him somethin) "armer; :@&e a nice hea&1 one he can take4 i% he %in-s it s$itab'e;G
F#o ahea-4G she sai-;
F=e@'' be ri)ht back;G
(he p$rse- her 'ips4 then no--e-;
: passe- 9$ke his "eapons be't an- he b$ck'e- it on; : kne" that she kne" : ?$st "ante- to ta'k
to him a'one %or a %e" min$tes; An- she "as certain'1 a"are that : kne" it; An- "e both kne"
she tr$ste- me4 "hich bri)htens m1 e.istence4 as "e'' as comp'icatin) it;
As "e passe- a'on) the ha''"a1 to"ar- m1 rooms4 :@- inten-e- to %i'' 9$ke in concernin) the
$pcomin) coronation in 3ash%a4 as "e'' as a %e" other matters; : "aite-4 ho"e&er4 ti'' "e "ere
"e'' a"a1 %irm the sittin) room4 beca$se 7ia''e has inor-inate'1 ac$te hearin); !his4 tho$)h4
)a&e 9$ke a %oot in the -oor4 an- he be)an to speak %irst;
F=hat a stran)e4 -e&e'opment4G he sai-; !hen4 F: 'ike her4 b$t :@&e a %ee'in) she kno"s more
than she@s te''in);G
FProbab'1 tr$e4G : ans"ere-; F: )$ess "e@re a'' 'ike that;G
FAo$4 too>G
F!hese -a1s4 1es; :t@s )otten that "a1;G
FAo$ kno" an1thin) more abo$t this sit$ation that : sho$'- be a"are o%>G
: shook m1 hea-; F!his is &er1 ne"4 an- she )a&e 1o$ the "ho'e stor1 : kno"; =o$'- 1o$4
perchance4 kno" somethin) abo$t it that "e -on@t>G
FNope4G he sai-; F:t came as a s$rprise to me4 too; B$t :@&e )ot to p$rs$e it;G
F: )$ess so;G
=e "ere nearin) m1 stretch o% corri-or no"4 an- : %e't ob'i)e- to prepare him;
F=e@'' be to m1 rooms in a min$te4G : sai-4 Fan- : ?$st "ante- 1o$ to kno" 1o$r mother@s in
there; (he@s sa%e4 b$t 1o$ "on@t %in- her too ta'kati&e;G
F:@m %ami'iar "ith the res$'ts o% that spe''4G he sai-; F: a'so reca'' that 1o$ sai- 1o$ kno" ho" to
'i%t it; (o; !hat 'ea-s into the ne.t topic; :@&e been thinkin); !his inter'$-e is s'o"in) $s -o"n a
bit in o$r p'an %or )oin) a%ter Bask an- 1o$r brother;G
FNot a'' that m$ch4G : respon-e-;
F=e -on@t rea''1 kno" ho" 'on) this is )oin) to take me4 tho$)h4G he "ent on; F($pposin) it
-ra)s o$t a bit> Or s$pposin) somethin) happens to rea''1 s'o" me -o"n>G
: )a&e him a <$ick )'ance;
F9ike4 "hat ha&e 1o$ )ot in min->G : aske-;
F: -on@t kno"; :@m ?$st s$pposin); Oka1> : 'ike to p'an ahea-; (a1 "e )et -e'a1e- on this
FA'' ri)ht; (a1 that4G : sai-4 as "e neare- m1 -oor;
F=hat :@m )ettin) at4G he contin$e-4 Fis4 "hat i% "e )et there too 'ate> ($pposin) "e arri&e an-
1o$r brother has a'rea-1 $n-er)one the rit$a' that t$rns him into he'' on "hee's>G
: $n'ocke- m1 -oor4 opene- it4 an- he'- it %or him; : -i- not 'ike entertainin) the possibi'it1 he
ha- ?$st -escribe-4 beca$se : reca''e- m1 %ather@s stories o% the times he@- enco$ntere- Bran- an-
%ace- that $ncann1 po"er;
9$ke steppe- insi-e; : snappe- m1 %in)ers an- a n$mber o% oi' 'amps came to 'i%e4 their %'ames
-ancin) %or a moment be%ore sett'in) to a )'o"in) stea-iness;
Easra "as there in p'ain si)ht be%ore him4 ho'-in) a n$mber o% m1 )arments on o$tstretche-
arms; : "as concerne- %or a moment as to "hat his reaction mi)ht be;
,e ha'te-4 st$-1in) her4 then a-&ance-4 his spec$'ations concernin) E$rt %or)otten; ,e re)ar-e-
her %or perhaps ten secon-s4 an- : %o$n- m1se'% )ro"in) $ncom%ortab'e; !hen he ch$ck'e-;
F(he a'"a1s 'ike- bein) -ecorati&e4G he sai-4 Fb$t to combine it "ith bein) $se%$' "as )enera''1
be1on- her; Ao$@&e )ot to han- it to Bask4 e&en tho$)h she probab'1 "on@t catch the mora' o% it;G
,e t$rne- a"a1 an- %ace- me;
FNo4 she@'' probab'1 "ake $p mean as cat piss an- 'ookin) %or tro$b'e4G he re%'ecte-; !hen4 F(he
-oesn@t seem to be ho'-in) that c'oak 1o$ mentione-;G
F:@'' )et it;G
: mo&e- to an armoire4 opene- it4 an- %etche- o$t a -ark %$r one; As "e tra-e-4 he ran his han-
o&er it;
FBanticore>G he aske-;
F/ire "o'%4G : sai-;
: h$n) his "ithin an- c'ose- the -orr "hi'e he -onne- mine;
FAs : "as sa1in) "hen "e came in here4G he o%%ere-4 Fs$pposin) : -on@t come back>G
FAo$ "eren@t sa1in) that4G : correcte-;
FNot in so man1 "or-s4G he a-mitte-; FB$t "hether it@s a sma'' -e'a1 or the bi) one4 "hat
-i%%erence -oes it make> !he point is4 "hat i% E$rt )oes thro$)h "ith the rit$a' an- s$ccee-s in
obtainin) the po"ers he@s a%ter be%ore "e can -o an1thin) abo$t it> An- s$pposin) :@m not
aro$n- ri)ht then to )i&e 1o$ a han->G
F!hat@s a 'ot o% s$pposin);G : sai-;
F!hat@s "hat separates $s %rom the 'osers4 man; Nice c'oak;G
,e mo&e- to"ar- the -oor4 )'ance- back at me4 at Easra;
FOka14G : sai-; FAo$ )o -o"n there4 /a't c$ts o%% 1o$r hea- an- $ses it %or a %ootba''4 then E$rt
sho"s $p ten %eet ta'' an- %artin) %ire; :@m s$pposin); ,o" -oes that separate $s %rom the 'osers>G
,e steppe- o$t into the ha''; : %o''o"e- him4 snappin) m1 %in)ers a)ain4 'ea&in) Easra to the
F:t@s a matter o% kno"in) 1o$r options4G he to'- me4 as : sec$re- the -oor;
: %e'' into step besi-e him as he hea-e- back -o"n the ha'';
FA person "ho ac<$ires that kin- o% po"er a'so picks $p a &$'nerabi'it14 b1 "a1 o% its so$rce4G
he sai-;
F=hat -o"s that mean>G : aske-;
F(peci%ica''14 : -on@t kno"4G he to'- me; FB$t the po"er in the 3eep can be $se- a)ainst a
person "ho is empo"ere- b1 the 3eep; : 'earne- that m$ch in (har$@s notes; B$t Bom took them
a"a1 be%ore : rea- them a''4 an- : ne&er sa" them a)ain; Ne&er tr$stD-that@s her motto; : think;G
FAo$@re sa1in);;;>G
F:@m sa1in) that i% somethin) happens to me an- he comes $p a "inner in this )ame4 : be'ie&e
she kno"s some specia' "a1 o% -estro1in) him;G
F:@m a'so prett1 s$re that she@'' ha&e to be aske- &er1 nice'1;G
F(omeho"4 : think : a'rea-1 kne" that;G
,e )a&e a h$mor'ess ch$ck'e;
F(o 1o$ te'' her that :@&e en-e- the &en-etta4 that :@m satis%ie-4 an- then o%%er her the cita-e' in
ret$rn %or her he'p;G
F=hat i% she sa1s that@s not eno$)h>G
F,e''I !$rn her back into a coatrack thenI :t@s not as i% the )$1 can@t be ki''e-; B1 -a- sti'' -ie-
"ith an arro" thro$)h his throat4 -espite his %anc1 po"ers; A -eathstroke is sti'' a -eathstroke;
:t@s ?$st that -e'i&erin) it to a )$1 'ike that is a 'ot har-er;G
FAo$ rea''1 think that@'' be eno$)h>G : sai-;
,e ha'te- an- 'ooke- at me4 %ro"nin);
F(he@'' ar)$e4 b$t o% co$rse she@'' a)ree4G he sai-; F:t@'' be a step $p in the "or'-; An- she@'' "ant
re&en)e on Bask as m$ch as that piece o% her %ormer ho'-in)s; B$t to ans"er 1o$r <$estion4
-on@t tr$st her; No matter "hat she promises4 she@'' ne&er be happ1 "ith 'ess than she ha- be%ore;
(he@'' be schemin); (he@'' be a )oo- a''1 ti'' the ?ob@s -one; !hen 1o$@&e )ot to think abo$t
protectin) 1o$rse'% a)ainst her; *n'ess;;;G
F*n'ess "hat>G
F*n'ess : come $p "ith somethin) to s"eeten the pot;G
F9ike "hat>G
F: -on@t kno" 1et; B$t -on@t 'i%t that spe'' $nti' thin)s are -e%inite'1 sett'e- bet"een /a't an- me;
,e res$me- "a'kin);
F=ait a min$te4G : sai- F=hat are 1o$ p'annin)>G
FNothin) specia'4G he ans"ere-; F9ike : to'- the <$een4 :@m ?$st )oin) to p'a1 thin)s b1 ear;G
F: sometimes )et the %ee'in) 1o$@re as -e&io$s as 1o$ make her o$t to be4G : sai-;
F: hope so4G he rep'ie-; FB$t there@s a -i%%erence; :@m honest;G
F: -on@t kno" that :@- b$1 a $se- car %rom 1o$4 9$ke;G
F2&er1 -ea' : make is specia'4G he sai-4 Fan- %or 1o$ it@s a'"a1s top o% the 'ine;G
: )'ance- at him4 sa" that he kept his e.pressioin $n-er contro';
F=hat e'se can : sa1>G he a--e-4 in-icatin) the sittin) room "ith a <$ick )est$re;
FNothin)4 no"4G : ans"ere-4 an- "e entere- there;
7ia''e t$rne- her hea- in o$r -irection as "e came in4 hr e.pression as $nrea-ab'e as 9$ke@s;
F: take it 1o$ are proper'1 attire- no">G she aske-;
F: am in-ee-4G he ans"ere-;
F!hen 'et@s be abo$t this4G she sai-4 raisin) her 'e%t han-4 "hich : sa" to contain a !r$mp;
FCome o&er here4 p'ease;G
9$ke approache- her an- : %o''o"e- him; : co$'- see then that it "as E$'ian@s !r$mp that she
FP'ace 1o$r han- $pon m1 sho$'-er4G she to'- him;
FA'' ri)ht;G
,e -i-4 an- she reache-4 %o$n- E$'ian an- be)an speakin) to him; (hort'14 9$ke "as part1 to the
con&ersation4 e.p'ainin) "hat he inten-e- to -o; : o&erhear- 7ia''e sa1in) that the p'an ha- her
Boments 'ater : sa" 9$ke raise his %ree han- an- e.ten- it; : a'so sa" the sha-o"1 %i)$re o%
E$'ian reachin) %or"ar-4 tho$)h : "as not part o% the !r$mp ne.$s; !his "as beca$se : ha-
s$mmone- m1 9o)r$s (i)ht an- ha- become sensiti&e to s$ch thin)s; : nee-e- it %or the timin)4
not "antin) 9$ke "hiske- a"a1 be%ore : co$'- mo&e;
: 'et m1 han- %a'' $pon his sho$'-er an- : mo&e- %or"ar- as he -i-;
FBer'inI =hat are 1o$ -oin)>G : hear- 7ia''e ca'';
F:@- 'ike to see "hat happens4G : sai-; F:@'' come ri)ht home "hen thin)s are conc'$-e-4G an- the
rainbo" )ate c'ose- behin- me;
=e stoo- "ithin the %'ickerin) o% oi' 'amps insi-e a 'ar)e tent; +rom o$tsi-e4 : co$i'- hear the
"in- an- the so$n-s o% stirrin) branches; E$'ian stoo- %acin) $s; ,e 'et 9$ke@s han- %a'' an-
re)ar-e- him "itho$t e.pression;
F(o 1o$ are Caine@s ki''er4G he sai-;
F: am4G 9$ke rep'ie-;
An- : "as rememberin) that Caine an- E$'ian ha- a'"a1s been partic$'ar'1 c'ose; :% E$'ian "ere
to ki'' 9$ke an- cr1 &en-etta4 : "as certain that 0an-om "o$'- mere'1 no- an- a)ree; Perhaps
he@- e&en smi'e; ,ar- to sa1; :% : "ere 0an-om4 : "o$'- )reet 9$ke@s remo&a' "ith a si)ht o%
re'ie%; :n %act4 that "as one o% the reasons :@- come a'on); ($pposin) this "ho'e -ea' "ere a
set$p> : co$'-n@t pict$re 7ia''e as a part o% it4 b$t she co$'- easi'1 ha&e been -ecei&e- b1 E$'ian
an- Bene-ict; ($pposin) /a't "asn@t e&en o$t there>
Or s$ppose he "ereDan- that "hat he@- rea''1 aske- %or "as 9$ke@s hea-> A%ter a''4 he ha- trie-
to ki'' 9$ke %air'1 recent'1; : ha- to a-mit the possibi'it1 no"4 an- : a'so ha- to a-mit that E$'ian
"as the most 'ike'1 can-i-ate to be a "i''in) part1 to s$ch a -esi)n; +or the )oo- o% Amber;
E$'ian@s )a6e met mine4 an- : "ore as a%%ect'ess a mask as his o"n;
F#oo- e&enin)4 Ber'in4G he sai-; F/o 1o$ ha&e a specia' part in this p'an>G
F:@m an obser&er4G : ans"ere-; FAn1thin) e'se : ma1 -o "i'' be -ictate- b1 circ$mstance;G
+rom some"here o$tsi-e : hear- the )ro"'in) o% a he''ho$n-;
F(o 'on) as 1o$ keep o$t o% the "a14G E$'ian sai-;
: smi'e-;
F(orcerers ha&e specia' "a1s o% a&oi-in) notice4G : rep'ie-;
,e st$-ie- me a)ain4 "on-erin)4 : am certain4 "hether that in&o'&e- some sort o% threatDto
-e%en- 9$ke or a&en)e him;
!hen he shr$))e- an- t$rne- a"a1 to "here a sma'' tab'e he'- an $nro''e- map4 "ei)hte- in
p'ace "ith a rock an- a -a))er; ,e in-icate- that 9$ke sho$'- ?oin him there4 an- : %o''o"e-
"hen he -i-;
:t "as a map o% the "estern %rin)e o% Ar-en4 an- he pointe- o$t o$r position on it; #arnath 'a1 to
o$r so$th-so$th"est4 Amber to the so$theast;
FO$r troops are sit$ate- hereCG he sai-4 "ith a mo&ement o% his %in)er; FAn- /a't@s are here;G ,e
-escribe- another 'ine4 ro$)h'1 para''e'in) o$r o"n;
F=hat abo$t Bene-ict@s %orce>G : in<$ire-;
,e )'ance- at me4 sho"in) the s'i)htest o% %ro"ns;
F:t is )oo- %or 9$ke to kno" that there is s$ch a %orce4G he state-4 Fb$t not its si6e4 'ocation4 or
ob?ecti&e; !hat "a14 i% /a't "ere to capt$re an- <$estion him4 he@- ha&e a 'ot to "orr1 abo$t an-
nothin) to act $pon;G
9$ke no--e-; F#oo- i-ea4G he sai-;
E$'ian pointe- a)ain4 to a spot mi-"a1 bet"een the 'ines; F!his is the p'ace "here : met "ith
him "hen "e spoke ear'ier4G he e.p'aine-; F:t is a c'ear4 'e&e' area4 in &ie" o% both si-es -$rin)
-a1'i)ht; :@- s$))est "e $se it a)ain4 %or 1o$r meetin);G
FA'' ri)ht4G 9$ke sai-4 an- : notice- that as he spoke4 E$'ian@s %in)ertips caresse- the han-'e o%
the -a))er that 'a1 be%ore him; !hen : sa" that 9$ke@s ri)ht han-4 in cas$a' mo&ement4 ha- come
to rest $pon his be't4 s'i)ht'1 to the 'e%t an- near to his o"n -a))er;
(im$'taneo$s'14 then4 9$ke an- E$'ian smi'e- at each other4 an- he'- it se&era' secon-s too 'on);
9$ke "as bi))er than E$'ian4 an- : kne" he "as %ast an- stron); B$t E$'ian ha- cent$ries o%
e.perience "ith "eapons behin- him; : "on-ere- ho" : "o$'- inter&ene i% either ma-e a mo&e
to"ar- the other4 beca$se : kne" that : "o$'- tr1 to stop them; B$t the1 'et their han-s %a'' to
their si-es then4 as i% b1 s$--en a)reement4 an- E$'ian sai-4 F9et me o%%er 1o$ a )'ass o% "ine;G
F/on@t min- i% : -o4G 9$ke rep'ie-4 an- : "on-ere- "hether m1 presence ha- kept them %rom
%i)htin); Probab'1 not; :@- the %ee'in) that E$'ian ha- ?$st "ante- to make his %ee'in)s c'ear4 an-
9$ke ha- "ante- to 'et him kno" he -i-n@t )i&e a -amn; : rea''1 -on@t kno" "hich one :@- ha&e
bet on;
E$'ian p'ace- three c$ps $pon the tab'e4 %i''e- them "ith Ba1'e@s Best4 )est$re- %or $s to he'p
o$rse'&es as he corke- the bott'e4 then picke- $p the remainin) c$p an- took a s"a''o" be%ore
either o% $s co$'- -o more than sni%% o$rs; A <$ick ass$rance that "e "eren@t bein) poisone- an-
that he "ante- to ta'k b$siness;
F=hen : met "ith him "e each bro$)ht t"o retainers a'on)4G he sai-;
FArme->G : aske-;
,e no--e-;
FBore %or sho"4 rea''1;G
F=ere 1o$ mo$nte- or on %oot>G 9$ke aske-;
FOn %oot4G he rep'ie-; F=e each 'e%t o$r 'ines at the same time an- procee-e- at the same pace
ti'' "e met there in the mi--'e4 se&era' h$n-re- paces %rom either si-e;G
F: see4G 9$ke sai-; FNo hitches>G
FNone; =e ta'ke- an- ret$rne-;G
F=hen "as this>G
FAro$n- s$n-o"n;G
F/i- he seem to be a man in a norma' state o% min->G
F:@- sa1; : co$nt a certain arro)ant post$rin) an- a %e" ins$'ts to"ar- Amber as norma' %or
F*n-erstan-ab'e4G 9$ke sai-; FAn- he "ante- me or m1 mother4 or both> An- %ai'in) to )et $s4
he threatene- to attack>G
F/i- he )i&e an1 in-ication as to "h1 he "ants $s>G
FNone4G E$'ian rep'ie-;
9$ke took a sip o% his "ine;
F/i- he speci%1 "hether he "ante- $s -ea- or a'i&e>G he aske-;
FAes; ,e "ants 1o$ a'i&e4G E$'ian ans"ere-;
F=hat are 1o$r impressions>G
F:% : )i&e 1o$ to him4 :@m ri- o% 1o$4G E$'ian sai-; F:% : spit in his e1e an- take him on in batt'e4
:@m ri- o% him; 2ither "a14 : come o$t ahea-;G
!hen his )a6e mo&e- to the "ine c$p4 "hich 9$ke ha- picke- $p "ith his 'e%t han-4 an- %or an
instant his e1es "i-ene-; : rea'i6e- he ha- ?$st then notice- that 9$ke "as "earin) 7ia''e@s rin);
F:t 'ooks as i% : )et to ki'' /a't4 an1"a14G he conc'$-e-;
FB1 impressions4G 9$ke "ent on4 $npert$rbe-; F: meant4 -o 1o$ be'ie&e he "i'' rea''1 attack>
/o 1o$ ha&e an1 i-ea "here he came %rom> An1 in-ication "here he mi)ht be hea-e- "hen he
'ea&es hereDi% he 'ea&es>G
E$'ian s"ir'e- his "ine in his c$p;
F: ha&e to )o $n-er the ass$mption that he means "hat he sa1s an- p'ans to attack; =hen "e
%irst became a"are o% his troop mo&ements4 he "as a-&ancin) %rom the )enera' -irection o%
Be)ma an- 3ash%aDprobab'1 2re)nor4 since he han)s o$t there a 'ot; Ao$r )$ess is as )oo- as
an1one@s as to "here he "ants to )o i% he 'ea&es here;G
9$ke took a <$ick s"a''o" o% "ine a %raction o% a secon- too 'ate %or it to concea' "hat
appeare- to be a s$--en smi'e; No4 : rea'i6e- ri)ht then4 9$ke@s )$ess "as not as )oo- as an1one
e'se@s; :t "as probab'1 a he'' o% a 'ot better; : took a <$ick -rink m1se'%4 tho$)h :@m not s$re "hat
e.pression : mi)ht ha&e been concea'in);
FAo$ can s'eep here4G E$'ian sai-; F:% 1o$@re h$n)r14 :@'' ha&e some %oo- bro$)ht in; =e@'' set $p
this meetin) %or 1o$ at -a1break;G
9$ke shook his hea-;
FNo"4G 9$ke sai-4 "ith another s$bt'e b$t ob&io$s -isp'a1 o% the rin); F=e "ant it set $p ri)ht
E$'ian st$-ie- him %or se&era' p$'sebeats; !hen4 FAo$@'' not be in the c'earest si)ht o% either si-e
in the -ark4 especia''1 "ith sno" comin) -o"n4G he sai-; F(ome 'itt'e mis$n-erstan-in) co$'-
res$'t in an attack4 %rom either si-e;G
F:% both o% m1 companions bore 'ar)e torchesDan- i% both o% his -i- the sameDG he s$))este-4
F"e o$)ht to be &isib'e to both si-es at a %e" h$n-re- 1ar-s;G
FPossib'14G E$'ian sai-; FA'' ri)ht; :@'' ha&e the messa)e sent to his camp4 an- :@'' choose t"o
retainers to accompan1 1o$;G
F: a'rea-1 kno" "ho : "ant to ha&e "ith me4G 9$ke sai-; FAo$rse'% an- Ber'in here;G
FAo$ are a c$rio$s in-i&i-$a'4G E$'ian obser&e-; FB$t 1es4 : a)ree; : "o$'- 'ike to be there "hen
"hate&er happens4 happens;G
E$'ian mo&e- to the %ront o% his tent4 opene- the %'ap4 an- s$mmone- an o%%icer "ith "hom he
spoke %or se&era' min$tes; :n this space4 : aske-4 FAo$ kno" "hat 1o$@re -oin)4 9$ke>G
FCertain'14G he rep'ie-;
F:@&e a %ee'in) this is a 'itt'e more than p'a1in) it b1 ear4G : sai-; FAn1 reason "h1 1o$ can@t te''
me 1o$r p'an>G
,e appraise- me %or a moment4 then sai-4 F: on'1 recent'1 rea'i6e- that :4 too4 am a son o%
Amber; =e@&e met4 an- "e@&e seen that "e@re too m$ch 'ike each other; Oka1; !hat@s )oo-; :t
means "e can -o b$siness4 ri)ht>G
: a''o"e- m1se'% to %ro"n; : "asn@t s$re "hat he "as tr1in) to sa1;
,e c'aspe- m1 sho$'-er 'i)ht'1;
F/on@t "orr14G he sai-; FAo$ can tr$st me; Not that 1o$ ha&e a )reat -ea' o% choice at this point;
B$t 1o$ ma1 a bit 'ater; : "ant 1o$ to remember then that4 "hate&er happens4 1o$ m$st not
F=hat -o 1o$ think is )oin) to happen>G
F=e ha&en@t the time or the pri&ac1 to spec$'ate4G he sai-; F(o 'et it )o4 an- remember
e&er1thin) : sai- this e&enin);G
FAs 1o$ sai-4 : ha&en@t m$ch choice at this point;G
F: "ant 1o$ to remember it 'ater4G he sai-4 as E$'ian 'o"ere- the %'ap an- t$rne- to"ar- $s;
F:@'' take 1o$ $p on that mea'4G 9$ke ca''e- to him; F,o" abo$t 1o$4 Ber'e> ,$n)r1>G
F9or-4 noIG : rep'ie-; F: ?$st sat thro$)h a state -inner;G
FOh>G he in<$ire- a'most too cas$a''1; F=hat "as the occasion>G
: be)an to 'a$)h; :t "as too m$ch %or one -a1; : "as abo$t to te'' him that "e ha-n@t the time or
the pri&ac1; B$t E$'ian ha- ?$st reopene- the tent %'ap an- "as ca''in) %or an or-er'14 an- :
"ante- to thro" a %e" c$r&e ba''s thro$)h 9$ke@s broken %ie'- ?$st to see "hat the1 -i- to his
FOh4 it "as %or the Be)man prime minister4 Ork$64 an- some o% his sta%%4G : e.p'aine-;
,e "aite- "hi'e : preten-e- to take a 'on) -rink o% "ine; !hen : 'o"ere- it an- sai-4 F!hat@s
FCome on4 Ber'in; =hat@s it abo$t> :@&e been re'ati&e'1 s<$are "ith 1o$ recent'1;G
FOh>G : sai-;
+or a min$te : -i-n@t think he@- see the h$mor in it4 b$t then he be)an to 'a$)h4 too;
F(ometimes the mi''s o% the )o-s )rin- too -amne- %ast an- "e )et b$rie- in )rist4G he obser&e-;
F9ook4 ho" abo$t )i&in) me this one %or %ree; : -on@t ha&e an1thin) brie% to tra-e ri)ht no";
=hat@s he "ant>G
FAo$@'' bear in min- that this is c'assi%ie- $nti' tomorro">G
FOka1; =hat happens tomorro">G
FArkans4 /$ke o% (ha-b$rne4 )ets cro"ne- in 3ash%a;G
F,o'1 shitIG 9$ke sai-; ,e )'ance- at E$'ian4 then back at me; F!hat "as a -amne- c'e&er
choice on 0an-om@s part4G he sai- a%ter a time; F: -i-n@t think he@- mo&e this %ast;G
,e stare- o%% into some &anishin) point %or a 'on) "hi'e; !hen he sai-4 F!hanks;G
F=e''4 -oes it he'p or h$rt>G : aske-;
FBe4 or 3ash%a>G he sai-;
F: ha-n@t sp'it it -o"n that %ine;G
F!hat@s oka14 beca$se :@m not s$re ho" to take this; : nee- to -o some thinkin); #et the bi)
: stare- at him an- he smi'e- a)ain;
F:tis interestin)4G he a--e-; FAo$ )ot an1thin) e'se %or me>G
F!hat@s eno$)h4G : sai-;
FAeah4 probab'1 1o$@re ri)ht4G he a)ree-; F/on@t "ant to o&er'oa- the s1stems; !hink "e@re
'osin) to$ch "ith the simp'e thin)s4 o'- b$--1>G
FNot so 'on) as "e kno" each other4G : sai-;
E$'ian -roppe- the %'ap4 ret$rne- to $s4 an- so$)ht his "ine c$p;
FAo$r %oo- "i'' be a'on) in a %e" min$tes4G he to'- 9$ke;
FAccor-in) to Bene-ict4G he sai-4 F1o$ to'- 0an-om that /a't is a son o% Oberon;G
F: -i-4G 9$ke ackno"'e-)e-; FOne "ho@s "a'ke- the Pattern4 at that; /oes it make a
E$'ian shr$))e-;
F=on@t be the %irst time :@&e "ante- to ki'' a re'ati&e4G he state-; FB1 the "a14 1o$@re m1 nephe"4
aren@t 1o$>G
E$'ian s"ir'e- the contents o% his c$p a)ain;
F=e''4 "e'come to Amber4G he sai-; F: hear- a banshee 'ast ni)ht; : "on-er i% there@s an1
FChan)e4G 9$ke sai-; F!he1 mean thin)s are chan)in) an- the1 "ai' %or "hat@s bein) 'ost;G
F/eath; !he1 mean -eath4 -on@t the1>G
FNot a'"a1s; (ometimes the1 ?$st sho" $p at t$rnin) points %or -ramatic e%%ect;G
F!oo ba-4G E$'ian sai-; FB$t one can a'"a1s hope;G
: tho$)ht 9$ke "as )oin) to sa1 somethin) e'se4 b$t E$'ian be)an a)ain be%ore he co$'-;
F,o" "e'' -i- 1o$ kno" 1o$r %ather>G he aske-;
9$ke sti%%ene- s'i)ht'14 b$t ans"ere-4 FBa1be not as "e'' as most; : -on@t kno"; ,e "as 'ike a
sa'esman; A'"a1s comin) an- )oin); /i-n@t $s$a''1 sta1 "ith $s 'on);G
E$'ian no--e-;
F=hat "as he 'ike4 near the en->G he in<$ire-;
9$ke st$-ie- his han-s;
F=e''4 he "asn@t e.act'1 norma'4 i% that@s "hat 1o$ mean4G he %ina''1 sai-; F9ike : "as te''in)
Ber'in ear'ier4 : think the process he $n-ertook to )ain his po"ers mi)ht ha&e $nba'ance- him
F: ne&er hear- that stor1;G
9$ke shr$))e-;
F!he -etai's aren@t a'' that importantD?$st the res$'ts;G
FAo$@re sa1in) he "asn@t a ba- %ather be%ore that>G
F,e''4 : -on@t kno"; : ne&er ha- another %ather to a compare him to; =h1 -o 1o$ ask>G
FC$riosit1; :t@s a part o% his 'i%e : kne" nothin) abo$t;G
F=e''4 "hat kin- o% brother "as he>G
F=i'-4G E$'ian sai-; F=e -i-n@t )et a'on) a'' that "e''; (o "e prett1 m$ch sta1e- o$t o% each
other@s "a1s; ,e "as smart4 tho$)h; !a'ente-4 too; ,a- a %'are %or the arts; : "as ?$st tr1in) to
%i)$re ho" m$ch 1o$ mi)ht take a%ter him;G
9$ke t$rne- his han-s pa'ms $p"ar-; FBeats me4G he sai-;
F=e''4 no matter4G E$'ian rep'ie-4 settin) -o"n his c$p an- t$rnin) to"ar- the %ront o% the tent
a)ain; F: be'ie&e 1o$r %oo- is abo$t to arri&e;G
,e mo&e- o%% in that -irection; : co$'- hear the tin1 cr1sta's o% ice ratt'in) a)ainst the can&as
o&erhea-4 an- a %e" )ro"'s %rom o$tsi-e8 concerto %or "in- an- he''ho$n-; No banshees4
tho$)h; Not 1et;
Chapter %
: "a'ke- a pace or so behin- 9$ke4 a co$p'e o% 1ar-s o%% to his 'e%t4 tr1in) to keep e&en "ith
E$'ian4 "ho "as o&er to the ri)ht; !he torch : bore "as a bi) thin)4 abo$t si. taperin) %eet o%
pitch1 "oo-4 sharpene- at its termin$s to make it eas1 to -ri&e into the )ro$n-; : he'- it at arm@s
-istance4 beca$se the oi'1 %'ames 'icke- an- 'ashe- in a'' -irections in accor- "ith &a)aries o% the
"in-; (harp4 ic1 %'akes %e'' $pon m1 cheek4 m1 %orehea-4 m1 han-s4 "ith a %e" catchin) in m1
e1ebro"s an- 'ashes; : b'inke- &i)oro$s'1 as the heat o% the torch me'te- them an- the1 ran into
m1 e1es; !he )rasses beneath m1 %eet "ere s$%%icient'1 co'- to )i&e a britt'e4 cr$nchin) sensation
e&er1 time : took a step; /irect'1 ahea- : co$'- see the s'o" a-&ance o% t"o other torches to"ar-
$s4 an- the sha-o"1 %i)$re o% a man "ho "a'ke- bet"een them; : b'inke- an- "aite- %or the
%'o" %rom one or the other o% his torches to )i&e me a better 'ook; :@- on'1 seen him once4 &er1
brie%'14 &ia !r$mp4 back at Arbor ,o$se; ,is hair 'ooke- )o'-en4 or e&en copper14 b1 "hat 'i)ht
there "as $pon it4 b$t : remembere- it as a kin- o% -irt1 b'on- b1 nat$ra' 'i)ht; ,is e1es4 :
reca''e-4 "ere )reen4 tho$)h there "as no "a1 : co$'- see that no"; : -i- be)in to rea'i6e %or the
%irst time4 ho"e&er4 that he "as prett1 bi)Deither that or he ha- chosen %air'1 short torchbearers;
,e ha- been a'one that one time :@- seen him4 an- : ha- ha- no stan-ar- %or comparison; As the
'i)ht %rom o$r torches reache- him : sa" that he ha- on a hea&14 )reen s'ee&e'ess -o$b'et "itho$t
a co''ar4 o&er somethin) b'ack an- a'so hea&14 "ith s'ee&es that e.ten-e- -o"n his arms to
&anish "ithin )reen )a$nt'ets; ,is tro$sers "ere b'ack4 as "ere the hi)h boots the1 entere-C his
c'oak "as b'ack an- 'ine- "ith an emera'- )reen that ca$)ht o$r 'i)ht as the c'oak %$r'e- abo$t
him in shi%tin)4 oi'1 'an-scapes o% 1e''o" an- re-; ,e "ore a hea&1 circ$'ar me-a''ion4 "hich
'ooke- to be )o'-4 on a chain abo$t his neckC an- tho$)h : co$'- not make o$t the -etai's o% its
-e&ice4 : "as certain that it bore a 9ion ren-in) a *nicorn; ,e came to a ha't abo$t ten or t"e'&e
paces %rom 9$ke4 "ho stoppe- an instant 'ater; /a't )est$re-4 an- his retainers -ro&e the b$tts o%
their torches into the )ro$n-; E$'ian an- : imme-iate'1 -i- the same4 an- "e remaine- near them4
as /a't@s men "ere -oin); !hen /a't no--e- to 9$ke4 an- the1 both a-&ance- a)ain4 meetin) at
the center o% the bo. %orme- b1 the 'i)hts4 c'aspin) ri)ht %orearms4 starin) into each other@s e1es;
9$ke@s back "as to me4 b$t : co$'- see /a't@s %ace; ,e sho"e- no si)ns o% emotion4 b$t his 'ips
"ere a'rea-1 mo&in); : co$'-n@t hear a "or- that "as bein) sai-4 bet"een the "in- an- the %act
that the1 seeme- intentiona''1 to be keepin) it 'o"; At 'east4 : %ina''1 ha- a point o% re%erence %or
/a't@s si6e; 9$ke is abo$t si. three4 an- : co$'- see that /a't "as se&era' inches ta''er; : )'ance-
at E$'ian4 b$t he "as not 'ookin) m1 "a1; : "on-ere- ho" man1 e1es re)ar-e- $s %rom both
si-es o% the %ie'-;
E$'ian is a'"a1s a ba- person to check %or reactions; ,e "as simp'1 "atchin) the t"o o% them4
e.pression'ess4 sto'i-; : c$'ti&ate- the same attit$-e4 an- the min$tes passe-4 the sno" kept
A%ter a 'on) "hi'e 9$ke t$rne- a"a1 an- hea-e- back to"ar- $s; /a't mo&e- o%% to"ar- one o%
his torchbearers; 9$ke stoppe- mi-"a1 bet"een $s4 an- E$'ian an- : mo&e- to ?oin him;
F=hat@s $p>G : aske- him;
FOh4G he sai-4 F: think : %o$n- a "a1 o% sett'in) this "itho$t a "ar;G
F#reat4G : sai-; F=hat -i- 1o$ se'' him>G
F: so'- him on the i-ea o% %i)htin) a -$e' "ith me to -etermine ho" this thin) )oes4G he
F#o- -amn it4 9$keIG : sai-; F!hat )$1@s a proI An- :@m s$re he@s )ot o$r )enetic packa)e %or
stren)th; An- he@s been 'i&in) in the %ie'- a'' this time; ,e@s probab'1 in top shape; An- he
o$t"ei)hs 1o$ an- o$treaches 1o$;G
9$ke )rinne-;
F(o4 : mi)ht )et '$ck14G he sai-; ,e 'ooke- at E$'ian; FAn1"a14 i% 1o$ can )et a messa)e back to
the 'ines an- te'' them not to attack "hen "e start this thin)4 /a't@s si-e "i'' be ho'-in) sti'' %or
it4 too;G
E$'ian 'ooke- o&er to "here one o% /a't@s torchbearers ha- starte- back to"ar- his 'ines; ,e
t$rne- to"ar- his o"n si-e then an-$te- a n$mber o% han- si)na's; (hort'14 a man emer)e-
%rom co&er an- be)an ?o)s to"ar- $s;
F9$ke4G : sai-; F!his is cra61; !he on'1 "a1 1o$@re )oin) to "in is to )et Bene-ict %or a secon-
an- then break a 'e);G
FBer'e4G he sai-4 F'et it )o; !his is bet"een /a't an- me; Oka1>G
F:@&e )ot a b$nch o% %air'1 %resh spe''s4G : sai-; F=e can 'et this thin) start4 an- then :@'' hit him
"ith one at the ri)ht time; :t@'' 'ook as i% 1o$ -i- it;G
FNoIG he sai-; F!his rea''1 is a matter o% honor; (o 1o$@&e )ot to sta1 o$t o% it;G
FOka14G : sai-4 Fi% that@s ho" 1o$ "ant it;G
FBesi-es4 nobo-1@s )oin) to -ie4G he e.p'aine-; FNeither o% $s "ants that ri)ht no"4 an- it@s part
o% the -ea'; =e@re too &a'$ab'e to each other a'i&e; No "eapons; (trict'1mano a mono ;G
FE$st "hat4G E$'ian in<$ire-4 Fisthe -ea'>G
F:% /a't "hips m1 ass4G 9$ke rep'ie-4 F:@m his prisoner; ,e@'' "ith-ra" his %orce an- :@''
accompan1 him;G
F9$ke4 1o$@re cra61IG : sai-;
E$'ian )'are- at me;
FContin$e4G he sai-;
F:% : "in4 he@s m1 prisoner4G he "ent on; F,e )oes back "ith me to Amber4 or an1"here e'se :
care to transport him4 an- his o%%icers "ith-ra" his troops;G
F!he on'1 "a1 o% ass$rin) s$ch a "ith-ra"a'4G E$'ian sai-4 Fis to 'et them kno" that i% the1 -on@t
the1@re -oome-;G
FO% co$rse4G 9$ke sai-; F!hat@s "h1 : to'- him that Bene-ict is "aitin) in the "in)s to ro'' -o"n
on him; :@m s$re it@s the on'1 reason he@s a)ree- to -o this;G
FBost ast$te4G E$'ian obser&e-; F2ither "a14 Amber "ins; =hat are 1o$ tr1in) to b$1 "ith this4
0ina'-o4 %or 1o$rse'%>G
9$ke smi'e-;
F!hink abo$t it4G he sai-;
F!here is more to 1o$ than :@- tho$)ht4 Nephe"4G he rep'ie-; FBo&e o&er there to m1 ri)ht4
"o$'- 1o$>G
F!o b'ock his &ie" o% me4 o% co$rse; :@&e )ot to 'et Bene-ict kno" "hat@s )oin) on;G
9$ke mo&e- "hi'e E$'ian 'ocate- his !r$mps an- is sh$%%'e- o$t the proper one; :n the meantime
the r$nner %rom o$r 'ines ha- come $p an- stoo- "aitin); E$'ian p$t a"a1 a'' o% the car-s b$t one
then4 an- commence- his comm$nication; :t 'aste- %or a min$te or so4 then E$'ian pa$se- to
speak "ith the r$nner an- sen- him back; :mme-iate'14 he contin$e- the con&ersation "ith the
car-; =hen he %ina''1 stoppe- ta'kin) or seemin) to 'isten4 he -i- not restore the !r$mp to the
inner pocket "here he kept the others4 b$t retaine- it in his han- o$t o% si)ht; : rea'i6e- then that
the contact "o$'- not be broken4 that he "o$'- sta1 in to$ch "ith Bene-ict $nti' this b$siness
"as %inishe-4 so that Bene-ict "o$'- kno" in an instant "hat it "as that he m$st -o;
9$ke $n%astene- the c'oak :@- 'ent him4 came o&er4 an- han-e- it to me;
F,o'- this ti'' :@m -one4 "i'' 1o$>G he sai-;
FAes4G : a)ree-4 acceptin) it; F#oo- '$ck;G
,e smi'e- brie%'1 an- t$rne- a"a1; /a't "as a'rea-1 mo&in) to"ar- the center o% the s<$are;
9$ke a-&ance-4 a'so; ,e an- /a't both ha'te-4 %acin) each other4 "hi'e there "ere sti'' se&era'
paces separatin) them; /a't sai- somethin) : co$'- not hear4 an- 9$ke@s rep'1 "as 'ost to me4
!hen the1 raise- their arms; 9$ke str$ck a stance4 an- /a't@s han-s came $p in a
"rest'er@s -e%ense; 9$ke thre" the %irst p$nchDor ma1be it "as ?$st a %eintC either "a14 it -i-n@t
'an-Dto"ar- /a't@s %ace; /a't br$she- at it an- steppe- back4 an- 9$ke mo&e- in <$ick'1 an-
'an-e- t"o b'o"s on his mi-section; Another shot at his %ace "as b'ocke-4 tho$)h4 an- 9$ke
be)an to circ'e4 ?abbin); /a't trie- r$shin) t"ice then an- )ot c'ippe- both times4 a 'itt'e trick'e
o% b'oo- comin) %rom his 'ip a%ter the secon- one; On his thir- r$sh4 tho$)h4 he sent 9$ke
spra"'in) b$t "as $nab'e to crash -o"n on top o% him4 as 9$ke "as ab'e to t"ist part'1 a"a1 an-
ro'' "hen he hit; ,e trie- kickin) /a't in the ri)ht ki-ne14 tho$)h4 as soon as he@- scramb'e- to
his %eet4 an- /a't ca$)ht his ank'e an- rose4 bearin) him o&er back"ar-; 9$ke 'an-e- a kick on
the si-e o% his knee "ith his other %oot as he "ent -o"n4 b$t /a't kept ho'- o% the %oot4 bearin)
-o"n an- be)innin) to t"ist; 9$ke bent %or"ar- then4 )rimacin)4 an- mana)e- to catch /a't@s
ri)ht "rist "ith both han-s an- tear his %oot %ree o% the 'ar)er man@s )rip; ,e -o$b'e- an- mo&e-
%or"ar- then4 sti'' ho'-in) the "rist4 re)ainin) his %eet an- strai)htenin) as he a-&ance-4 passin)
$n-er /a't@s arm on his ri)ht si-e4 t$rnin)4 an- -ra))in) him %ace -o"n"ar- to the )ro$n-; ,e
mo&e- <$ick'1 then4 ben-in) the arm $p into a hammer'ock4 ho'-in) it "ith his ri)ht han- an-
sei6in) a han-%$' o% /a't@s hair "ith his 'e%t; B$t as he -re" /a't@s hea- back"ar-Dpreparator14 :
"as certain4 to s'ammin) it a %e" times a)ainst the )ro$n-D: sa" that it "asn@t )oin) to "ork;
/a't sti%%ene-4 an- his arm starte- to mo&e -o"n"ar-; ,e "as strai)htenin) it a)ainst 9$ke@s
'ock; 9$ke trie- p$shin) /a't@s hea- %or"ar- se&era' times then4 "itho$t e%%ect; :t became
apparent that i% he re'ease- either han- he "as in tro$b'e4 an- he "asn@t ab'e to maintain the ho'-;
/a't "as ?$st too -amne- stron); (eein) this4 9$ke thre" a'' o% his "ei)ht a)ainst /a't@s back4
p$she-4 an- spran) $p; ,e "asn@t <$ite %ast eno$)h4 ho"e&er4 beca$se /a't@s %ree- arm s"$n)
aro$n- an- c'ippe- him across the 'e%t ca'% as he mo&e- a"a1; 9$ke st$mb'e-; /a't "as $p an-
s"in)in) imme-iate'1; ,e ca$)ht 9$ke "ith a "i'- ha1maker that knocke- him o&er back"ar-;
!his time4 "hen he thre" himse'% $pon 9$ke4 9$ke "as $nab'e to ro'' %reeC he on'1 mana)e- to
t$rn his bo-1 part'1; /a't 'an-e- "ith consi-erab'e %orce4 t"istin) past a s'o" knee aime- to"ar-
his )roin; 9$ke -i- not )et his han-s %ree in time to -e%en- a)ainst a p$nch that ca$)ht him on
the 'e%t si-e o% the ?a"; ,e t$rne- "ith it an- %e'' comp'ete'1 %'at; !hen his ri)ht han- snappe-
$p"ar-4 its hee' strikin) the point o% /a't@s chin4 %in)ers hookin) to"ar- the e1es; /a't ?erke- his
hea- back an- s'appe- the han- a"a1; 9$ke thre" a hammer b'o" to"ar- his temp'e "ith the
other han-4 an- tho$)h it connecte-4 /a't "as a'rea-1 mo&in) his hea- to the si-e4 an- : co$'-n@t
see that it ha- an1 e%%ect; 9$ke -roppe- both e'bo"s to the )ro$n- an- p$she- himse'% $p an-
%or"ar-4 bo"in); ,is %orehea- str$ck /a't@s %aceD"here4 : am not precise'1 certainDbe%ore he
%e'' back; Boments 'ater4 /a't@s nose be)an b'ee-in) as he reache- o$t "ith his 'e%t han- to )rasp
9$ke b1 the neck; ,is ri)ht han-4 open4 s'appe- 9$ke har- on the si-e o% the hea-; : sa" 9$ke@s
teeth ?$st be%ore it 'an-e-4 as he trie- bitin) at the incomin) han-4 b$t the )rip on his neck
pre&ente- this; /a't mo&e- to repeat the b'o"4 b$t this time 9$ke@s 'e%t arm came $p an- b'ocke-
it4 "hi'e his ri)ht han- ca$)ht ho'- o% /a't@s 'e%t "rist in an e%%ort to p$'' it a"a1 %rom his neck;
/a't@s ri)ht han- snake- in past 9$ke@s 'e%t then4 to take ho'-4 creatin) a t"o-han-e- )rip on
9$ke@s neck4 th$mbs mo&in) to -epress the "in-pipe;
: tho$)ht that mi)ht "e'' be it; B$t 9$ke@s ri)ht han- s$--en'1 mo&e- to /a't@s 'e%t e'bo"4 his
'e%t han- crosse- both o% /a't@s arms to sei6e the 'e%t %orearm4 an- 9$ke t"iste- his bo-1 an-
cranke- the e'bo" sk1"ar-; /a't "ent o&er to the 'e%t an- 9$ke ro''e- to the ri)ht an- re)aine-
his %ootin)4 shakin) his hea- as he -i- so; !his time he -i- not tr1 kickin) /a't4 "ho "as a'rea-1
reco&erin); /a't a)ain e.ten-e- his arms4 9$ke raise- his %ists4 an- the1 be)an circ'in) once
!he sno" contin$e- to %a''4 the "in- to s'acken an- s$r)e4 sometimes -ri&in) the ic1 %'akes har-
a)ainst %aces4 other times permittin) the sno" to -escen- 'ike a tro$b'e- c$rtain; : tho$)ht o% a''
the troops abo$t me an- "on-ere- %or a moment "hether : "o$'- %in- m1se'% in the mi--'e o% a
batt'e%ie'- "hen this thin) "as %ina''1 o&er; !he %act that Bene-ict "as rea-1 to s"oop -o"n
%rom some"here an- "reak e.tra ha&oc -i- not e.act'1 com%ort me4 e&en tho$)h it meant that
m1 si-e "o$'- probab'1 "in; : remembere- then that m1 bein) there "as m1 o"n choice;
FCome on4 9$keIG : 1e''e-; F+'atten himIG
!his pro-$ce- a &er1 o-- e%%ect; :mme-iate'14 /a't@s torchbearers be)an sho$tin)
enco$ra)ement to him; O$r &oices m$st ha&e carrie- tho$)h the "in-@s '$''s4 %or short'1 there
came "a&es o% so$n-4 "hich : at %irst took to be some -istant part o% the storm an- on'1 'ater
rea'i6e- to be sho$tin) comin) %rom both 'ines; On'1 E$'ian remaine- si'ent4 inscr$tab'e;
9$ke contin$e- to circ'e /a't4 thro"in) ?abs an- tr1in) occasiona' combinations4 an- /a't kept
s"attin) a"a1 at them an- tr1in) to catch an arm; Both o% them ha- b'oo- on their %aces an-
both seeme- a bit s'o"er than the1 ha- been ear'ier; :@- a %ee'in) the1@- both been h$rt4 tho$)h it
"as impossib'e to )$ess to "hat e.tent; 9$ke ha- opene- a sma'' c$t hi)h on /a't@s 'e%t cheek;
Both o% their %aces "ere be)innin) to 'ook p$%%1;
9$ke connecte- "ith another bo-1 combination4 b$t it "as har- to sa1 ho" m$ch %orce there
"as behin- the b'o"s; /a't took them stoica''1 an- %o$n- e.tra ener)1 some"here to r$sh
%or"ar- an- attempt to )rapp'e; 9$ke "as s'o" in "ith-ra"in) an- /a't mana)e- to -ra" him
into a c'inch; Both trie- kneein) the otherC both t$rne- their hips an- a&oi-e- it; !he1 kept
tan)'in) arms an- t"istin) as /a't contin$e- reachin) a%ter a better )rip an- 9$ke kept -e%eatin)
the e%%orts "hi'e attemptin) to %ree an arm an- )et in a p$nch; Both trie- se&era' %orehea- bashes
an- instep stompin)s4 b$t a'' o% these "ere a&oi-e- b1 the other; +ina''14 9$ke s$ccee-e- in
hookin) /a't@s 'e)4 -ri&in) him back"ar- to the )ro$n-;
,a'% knee'in) atop him then4 9$ke ca$)ht him "ith a 'e%t cross an- %o''o"e- it imme-iate'1 "ith
a ri)ht; ,e trie- %or another 'e%t then4 an- /a't ca$)ht his %ist4 s$r)e- $p"ar- an- thre" him back
to the )ro$n-; As /a't h$r'e- himse'% $pon him a)ain4 his %ace a ha'% mask o% b'oo- an- -irt4
9$ke "as someho" ab'e to strike him beneath the heart4 b$t this -i- not stop /a't@s ri)ht %ist
"hich came -o"n 'ike a %a''in) rock on the si-e o% 9$ke@s ?a"; /a't %o''o"e- it "ith a "eak 'e%t
to the other si-e4 a "eak ri)ht4 pa$se- to s$ck in a )reat breath4 then 'an-e- a so'i- 'e%t; 9$ke@s
hea- ro''e- to the si-e an- he -i- not mo&e;
/a't cro$che- there atop him4 pantin) 'ike a -o)4 st$-1in) his %ace as i% s$spectin) some trick4
his ri)ht han- t"itchin) as i% he "ere contemp'atin) strikin) a)ain;
B$t nothin) happene-; !he1 remaine- in that position %or ten or %i%teen secon-s be%ore /a't
s'o"'1 -re" himse'% erect4 ease- o%% o% 9$ke to 9$ke@s 'e%t4 then rose care%$''1 to his %eet4 s"a1e-
%or a secon- an- strai)htene- %$''1;
: co$'- a'most taste the -eath spe'' : ha- h$n) ear'ier; :t "o$'- on'1 take a %e" secon-s to nai'
him4 an- no one "o$'- be certain ho" he ha- -ie-; B$t : "on-ere- "hat "o$'- happen i% he
"ere to co''apse no"4 too; =o$'- both si-es attack> :t "as neither this nor h$manitarian
consi-erations that %ina''1 restraine- me4 ho"e&er; :nstea-4 it "as 9$ke@s "or-s4 F!his rea''1 is a
matter o% honor; (o 1o$@&e )ot to sta1 o$t o% it4G an-4 FNobo-1@s )oin) to -ie;;;; =e@re too
&a'$ab'e to each other a'i&e;G
Oka1; !here "as sti'' no so$n- o% tr$mpets; No r$sh o% men to combat; :t seeme- that thin)s
mi)ht act$a''1 )o as ha- been a)ree-; !his "as the "a1 9$ke ha- "ante- it; : "as not )oin) to
: "atche- as /a't kne't an- be)an to raise 9$ke %rom the )ro$n-; :mme-iate'14 he 'o"ere- him4
then ca''e- to his t"o torchmen to come an- carr1 him; /a't rose a)ain an- %ace- E$'ian as the
men a-&ance-;
F: ca'' $pon 1o$ to obser&e the rest o% o$r a)reement4G he sai- 'o$-'1;
E$'ian inc'ine- his hea- s'i)ht'1;
F=e "i''4 pro&i-e- 1o$ -o4G he ans"ere-; F,a&e 1o$r men o$t o% here b1 -a1break;G
F=e 'ea&e no"4G /a't rep'ie-4 an- he be)an to t$rn a"a1;
F/a'tIG : ca''e- o$t;
,e t$rne- back an- re)ar-e- me;
FB1 name is Ber'in4G : sai-; F=e@&e met4 tho$)h : -on@t kno" "hether 1o$ remember;G
,e shook his hea-;
: raise- m1 ri)ht arm an- prono$nce- m1 most $se'ess an- at the same time %'ashiest spe''; !he
)ro$n- er$pte- be%ore him4 sho"erin) him "ith -irt an- )ra&e'; ,e steppe- back an- "ipe- his
%ace4 then 'ooke- -o"n into the ro$)h trench that ha- appeare-;
F!hat is 1o$r )ra&e4G : sai-4 F:% 9$ke@s -eath comes o% this;G
,e st$-ie- me a)ain;
FNe.t time :@'' remember 1o$4G he sai-4 an- he t$rne- an- %o''o"e- the men "ho "ere carr1in)
9$ke back to his 'ines;
: 'ooke- o&er at E$'ian4 "ho "as "atchin) me; ,e t$rne- a"a1 an- $proote- his torch; : -i- the
same; : %o''o"e- him back the "a1 "e ha- come;
9ater4 in his tent4 E$'ian obser&e-4 F!hat so'&es one prob'em; Possib'1 t"o;G
FBa1be4G : sai-;
F:t takes care o% /a't %or the moment;G
F: )$ess;G
FBene-ict te''s me the man is a'rea-1 breakin) camp;G
F: -on@t think "e@&e seen the 'ast o% him;G
F:% that@s the best he can mana)e %or an arm1 these -a1s4 it "on@t matter;G
F/on@t 1o$ )et the impression this "as an imprompt$ mission>G : aske-; F:@- )$ess he p$''e- his
%orce to)ether &er1 %ast; :t makes me think he ha- a ti)ht sche-$'e;G
FAo$ ma1 be ri)ht there; B$t he rea''1 )amb'e-;G
FAn- he "on;G
FAes4 he -i-; An- 1o$ sho$'-n@t ha&e sho"n him 1o$r po"er4 there at the en-;G
F=h1 not>G
FAo$@'' ha&e a "ar1 enem1 i% 1o$ e&er )o a%ter him;G
F,e nee-e- "arnin);G
FA man 'ike that 'i&es "ith risks; ,e ca'c$'ates an- he acts; ,o"e&er he %i)$res 1o$4 he "on@t
chan)e his p'ans at this point; Besi-es4 1o$ ha&en@t seen the 'ast o% 0ina'-o either; ,e@s the same
"a1; !hose t"o $n-erstan- each other;G
FAo$ ma1 be ri)ht;G
F: am;G
F:% the %i)ht ha- )one the other "a14 -o 1o$ think his arm1 "o$'- ha&e stoo- %or it>G : aske-;
E$'ian shr$))e-; F,e kne" mine "o$'- i% he "on4 beca$se he kne" : stoo- to )ain b1 it; !hat
"as s$%%icient;G
: no--e-;
F2.c$se me4G he sai-; F: ha&e to report this b$siness to 7ia''e no"; : ass$me 1o$@'' "ant to
tr$mp thro$)h "hen :@&e %inishe->G
FAes;G ,e pro-$ce- a car- an- set abo$t the b$siness; An- : %o$n- m1se'% "on-erin)4 not %or
the %irst time4 ?$st "hat it "as that 7ia''e sense- "hen it came to a !r$mp contact; : a'"a1s see
the other person m1se'%4 an- a'' o% the others sa1 that the1 -o4 too; B$t 7ia''e4 as : $n-erstoo- it4
ha- been b'in- %rom birth; :@&e a'"a1s %e't it "o$'- be impo'ite to ask her4 an- %or that matter it@s
occ$rre- to me that her ans"er probab'1 "o$'-n@t make m$ch sense to a si)hte- person; :@''
probab'1 a'"a1s "on-er4 tho$)h;
As E$'ian a--resse- her sha-o"1 presence4 : t$rne- m1 min- to the %$t$re; : "as )oin) to ha&e
to -o somethin) abo$t Bask an- E$rt soon4 an- it 'ooke- no" as i% :@- be -oin) it "itho$t 9$ke;
/i- : rea''1 "ant to %o''o" his a-&ice an- tr1 to ta'k Easra into an a''iance a)ainst them> =o$'-
the bene%its rea''1 be "orth the risk> An- i% : -i-n@t4 ho" "o$'- : mana)e the thin)> Ba1be :
sho$'- make m1 "a1 back to that stran)e bar an- see abo$t rentin) the Eabber"ock; Or the
7orpa' ("or-; Or both; Ba1beD
: hear- m1 name mentione-4 an- : -ri%te- back to the present moment4 present prob'ems; E$'ian
"as e.p'ainin) somethin) to 7ia''e4 b$t : kne" there "asn@t a'' that m$ch to e.p'ain; (o : )ot to
m1 %eet4 stretche-4 an- s$mmone- the 9o)r$s (i)ht;
: sa" her )host'1 %orm c'ear'1 "hen : -irecte- m1 &ision to"ar- the area be%ore E$'ian8 (he "as
in that same sti%% chair "here : ha- 'ast seen her; : "on-ere- "hether she ha- remaine- there the
entire "hi'e or ha- ?$st ret$rne-; : hope- she@- ha- a chance to )o back an- eat that -essert :
ha-n@t ha- a shot at;
E$'ian )'ance- at me4 then4 F:% 1o$@re rea-1 to )o4 she@s rea-1 to take 1o$ thro$)h4G he sai-;
: crosse- o&er an- stoo- besi-e him4 -roppin) the 9o)r$s &ision as : -i- so; : ha- -eci-e- it "as
not a )oo- i-ea to brin) the %orces o% the 9o)r$s an- the Pattern into too )reat a pro.imit1; :
reache- o$t an- to$che- the car-4 an- 7ia''e@s ima)e spran) into %$'' %oc$s; A moment4 an- it "as
no 'on)er an ima)e;
FAn1time4G she sai-4 e.ten-in) a han-; : reache- o$t an- took ho'- o% it )ent'1;
F(o 'on)4 E$'ian4G : sai-4 as : steppe- %or"ar-;
,e -i- not rep'1; Or i% he -i-4 : -i-n@t catch it;
F: -i- not mean %or thin)s to )o this "a14G she to'- me imme-iate'14 not re'easin) m1 han-;
F!here "as no "a1 o% %oreseein) "hat happene-4G : sai-;
F9$ke kne"4G she rep'ie-; F:t makes sense no"4 -oesn@t it> (ome o% those 'itt'e remarks he
ma-e> ,e p'anne- the cha''en)e a'' a'on);G
F: )$ess so4G : sai-;
F,e@s )amb'in) on somethin); : "ish : kne" "hat;G
F: can@t he'p 1o$ on that4G : ans"ere-; F,e -i-n@t sa1 an1thin) to me abo$t it;G
FB$t 1o$ "i'' be the one "ith "hom he "i'' )et in to$ch4 e&ent$a''14G she sai-; F: "ant to kno"
imme-iate'1 "hen 1o$ hear %rom him;G
FA'' ri)ht4G : a)ree-;
(he re'ease- m1 han-;
F:t "o$'- seem there is nothin) more to sa14 %or the moment;G
F=e''4G : be)an4 Fthere is another matter : think 1o$ o$)ht to kno" abo$t;G
F:t concerns Cora'@s not bein) present at -inner this e&enin);G
F#o on4G she sai-;
FAo$ are a"are that "e took a 'on) "a'k abo$t to"n to-a1>G
F: am4G she sai-;
F=e "o$n- $p be'o"4G : contin$e-4 Fin the chamber o% the Pattern; (he@- e.presse- a -esire to
see it;G
FBan1 &isitors -o; :t is prett1 m$ch a matter o% ?$-)ment "hether to take them; O%ten the1 'ose
interest4 tho$)h4 "hen the1 'earn abo$t the stair"a1;G
F: -i- te'' her abo$t it4G : sai-4 Fb$t it -i-n@t -isco$ra)e her; =hen she )ot there4 she set %oot
$pon the PatternDG
FNoIG she crie-; FAo$ sho$'- ha&e "atche- her more c'ose'1I A'' that other tro$b'e "ith
Be)ma;;;an- no" thisI =here is her bo-1>G
F#oo- <$estion4G : respon-e-; F: -on@t kno"; B$t she "as a'i&e the 'ast time : sa" her; Ao$ see4
she c'aime- Oberon "as her %ather4 an- then she procee-e- to "a'k the Pattern; =hen she@-
%inishe-4 she ha- it transport her some"here; No"4 her sisterD"ho is a"are that "e "ent o%%
to)etherDis concerne-; (he "as pesterin) me thro$)h -inner as to "here Cora' mi)ht be;G
F=hat -i- 1o$ te'' her>G
F: to'- her that :@- 'e%t her sister en?o1in) some o% the bea$ties o% the pa'ace an- that she mi)ht
be a bit 'ate to -inner; As thin)s "ore on4 tho$)h4 she seeme- to )ro" more concerne- an- ma-e
me promise to search %or her toni)ht i% she -i-n@t t$rn $p; : -i-n@t "ant to ta'k abo$t "hat ha-
rea''1 happene- beca$se : -i-n@t "ant to )o into the b$siness o% Cora'@s parenta)e;G
F*n-erstan-ab'e;G she rep'ie-; FOh4 m1;G
: "aite-4 b$t she sai- nothin) more; : contin$e- to "ait;
+ina''14 F: "as not a"are o% the 'ate kin)@s a%%air in Be)ma4G she sai-4 Fso it is -i%%ic$'t to assess
the impact o% this re&e'ation; /i- Cora' )i&e 1o$ an1 in-ication as to ho" 'on) she inten-e- to
sta1 a"a1> An- %or that matter4 -i- 1o$ pro&i-e her "ith an1 means o% ret$rn>G
F: )a&e her m1 !r$mp4G : sai-4 Fb$t she hasn@t been in to$ch; : )ot the impression she -i-n@t
inten- to be a"a1 %or too 'on)4 tho$)h;G
F!his co$'- be serio$s4G 7ia''e -eci-e-4 F%or reasons other than the ob&io$s; ,o" -oes Na1-a
strike 1o$>G
F(he seeme- <$ite sensib'e4G : sai-; FA'so4 : be'ie&e she rather 'ikes me;G
7ia''e broo-e- a moment4 then sai-4 F:% "or- o% this )ets to Ork$64 he co$'- "e'' )et the
impression that "e are ho'-in) her hosta)e a)ainst his proper per%ormance in an1 ne)otiations
"hich mi)ht arise o$t o% the sit$ation in 3ash%a;G
FAo$@re ri)ht; : ha-n@t tho$)ht o% that;G
F,e "i''; Peop'e ten- to think o% s$ch matters "hen -ea'in) "ith $s; (o "hat "e nee- to -o is
b$1 some time an- tr1 to t$rn her $p be%ore this be)ins 'ookin) s$spicio$s;G
F: $n-erstan-4G : sai-;
FBost 'ike'14 he "i'' sen- to her <$arters soonDi% he hasn@t a'rea-1 -one soDto -isco&er "h1
she "as not present at -inner; :% he can be satis%ie- no"4 1o$ "i'' ha&e the entire ni)ht in "hich
to tr1 to 'ocate her;G
FAo$@re the ma)ician; Ao$ %i)$re it o$t; :n the meantime4 1o$ sa1 that Na1-a is s1mpathetic>G
F7er1 m$ch so;G
F#oo-; :t seems to me that the best co$rse o% action then "o$'- be to attempt to en'ist her ai-; :
tr$st 1o$ to be tact%$' an- -o this in the 'east -istressin) manner possib'e4 o% co$rseDG
FNat$ra''1DG : be)an;
FDbeca$se o% her recent i''ness4G she "ent on; FA'' "e nee- to -o no" is )i&e the secon-
-a$)hter a heart attack;G
F:''ness>G : in<$ire-; F(he ha-n@t mentione- an1thin) abo$t that;G
F:@- ima)ine the memor1 is sti'' -istressin); (he "as apparent'1 <$ite c'ose to -eath $nti' &er1
recent'14 then ra''ie- s$--en'1 an- insiste- on accompan1in) her %ather on this mission; ,e@s the
one "ho to'- me abo$t it;G
F(he seeme- %ine at -inner4G : sai- 'ame'1;
F=e''4 tr1 to keep her that "a1; : "ant 1o$ to )o to her imme-iate'14 te'' her "hat happene- as
-ip'omatica''1 as possib'e4 an- tr1 to )et her to co&er %or her sister "hi'e 1o$ search %or her;
!here is4 o% co$rse4 the risk that she "i'' not be'ie&e 1o$ an- that she "i'' )o -irect'1 to Ork$6;
Perhaps 1o$ mi)ht emp'o1 a spe'' to pre&ent this; B$t "e ha&e no other choice that : can see; !e''
me "hether :@m "ron);G
FAo$@re not "ron)4G : sai-;
F!hen : s$))est 1o$ be abo$t it;;;an- report back to me imme-iate'1 i% there are an1 prob'ems4
or an1 pro)ress4 no matter "hat the ho$r;G
F:@m on m1 "a14G : sai-;
: -eparte- the room in a h$rr1 b$t short'1 came to a ha't; :t occ$rre- to me that "hi'e : kne" the
)enera' area o% the pa'ace in "hich the Be)man part1 "as <$artere-4 : -i- not rea''1 kno" "here
Na1-a@s rooms "ere 'ocate-; : -i- not "ant to )o back an- ask 7ia''e beca$se it "o$'- make me
'ook st$pi- %or not ha&in) %o$n- o$t -$rin) -inner;
:t took me the better part o% ten min$tes to t$rn $p a member o% the pa'ace sta%% ab'e to )i&e me
-irectionsDa'on) "ith a smirkDan- then to %o''o" them at a ?o) $nti' : stoo- be%ore Na1-a@s
: ran m1 han- thro$)h m1 hair4 br$she- o%% m1 tro$sers an- ?acket4 "ipe- m1 boots on the backs
o% m1 pants 'e)s4 took a -eep breath4 smi'e-4 e.ha'e-4 an- knocke-;
!he -oor opene- a %e" moments 'ater; :t "as Na1-a; (he ret$rne- m1 smi'e an- steppe- asi-e;
FCome in4G she sai-;
F: "as e.pectin) the mai-4G : to'- her as : entere-; FAo$ s$rprise- me;G
F(ince : "as e.pectin) 1o$4 : sent her o%% to be- ear'14G she rep'ie-;
(he ha- chan)e- into an o$t%it that 'ooke- 'ike a )ra1 s"eat s$it "ith a b'ack sash; (he a'so ha-
on a pair o% b'ack s'ippers4 an- she ha- remo&e- most o% her make$p; ,er hair "as no" -ra"n
back se&ere'1 an- tie- "ith a b'ack ribbon; (he )est$re- to"ar- a co$ch4 b$t : -i- not mo&e to
seat m1se'%;
: c'aspe- her sho$'-er 'i)ht'1 an- stare- into her e1es; (he mo&e- nearer;
F,o" are 1o$ %ee'in)>G : aske-;
F+in- o$t4G she sai- so%t'1;
: co$'- not e&en permit m1se'% a si)h; /$t1 ca''e-; : s'ippe- m1 arms aro$n- her4 -re" her to
me4 an- kisse- her; : he'- the pose %or se&era' secon-s4 then -re" a"a14 smi'e- a)ain4 an- sai-4
FAo$ %ee' %ine to me; 9isten4 there are some thin)s : -i- not te'' 1o$DG
F(ha'' "e sit -o"n>G she sai-4 takin) m1 han- an- 'ea-in) me to"ar- the co$ch;
7ia''e ha- to'- me to be -ip'omatic4 so : %o''o"e- her;
:mme-iate'14 she contin$e- o$r embrace an- be)an to a-- re%inements; /anmI An- me
constraine- to r$sh her o$t to co&er %or Cora'; :% she "o$'-4 :@- be happ1 to co&er her a%ter"ar-;
Or an1 other interestin) position Be)mans mi)ht )o in %or; :@- better ask <$ick'14 tho$)h4 :
-eci-e-; A co$p'e o% min$tes more an- it "o$'- be &er1 $n-ip'omatic to be)in ta'kin) abo$t her
sister; !o-a1 "as ?$st a ba- -a1 "hen it came to timin);
FBe%ore "e )et too in&o'&e- here4G : sai-4 F:@&e )ot to ask a %a&or o% 1o$;G
FAsk me an1thin)4G she sai-;
F: think there@s )oin) to be a -e'a1 in t$rnin) $p 1o$r sister4G : e.p'aine-4 Fan- :@- hate to "orr1
1o$r %ather; /o 1o$ kno" "hether he@s sent to her rooms 1et4 or been b1 them4 to check on her>G
F: -on@t be'ie&e so; ,e stro''e- o%% "ith #erar- an- Br; 0oth a%ter -inner; : -on@t think he@s
ret$rne- to his apartment 1et;G
FCo$'- 1o$ possib'1 %in- a "a1 o% )i&in) him the impression that she hasn@t stra1e-> B$1 me
some time to %in- o$t "here she@s o%% to>G
(he 'ooke- am$se-;
FAn- those thin)s 1o$ ha&en@t to'- me;;;>G
F:@'' )i&e 1o$ the "ho'e stor1 i% 1o$@'' -o this %or me;G
(he trace- m1 ?a"'ine "ith her in-e. %in)er;
FA'' ri)ht4G she sai- then; F=e ha&e a -ea'; /on@t )o a"a1;G
(he rose4 crosse- the room4 an- passe- o$t into the ha''4 'ea&in) the -oor a %e" inches a?ar; =h1
ha-n@t : ha- a nice norma' a%%air since E$'ia> !he 'ast "oman :@- ma-e 'o&e to ha- act$a''1 been
$n-er the contro' o% that stran)e bo-1-shi%tin) entit1; No";;;No" there "as the %aintest o%
sha-o"s across the co$ch4 as : rea'i6e- that :@- rather be ho'-in) Cora' than her sister; !hat "as
ri-ic$'o$s; :@- on'1 kno"n her %or ha'% a -a1;;;;
!here ha- simp'1 been too m$ch acti&it1 since m1 ret$rn; : "as )ettin) p$nch1; !hat ha- to be
=hen she ret$rne- she seate- herse'% on the co$ch a)ain4 b$t this time "ith a co$p'e o% %eet
separatin) $s; (he seeme- cheer%$' eno$)h4 tho$)h she ma-e no mo&e to res$me o$r ear'ier
F:t@s taken care o%4G she sai-; F,e "i'' be mis'e-4 i% he asks;G
F!hanks4G : to'- her;
FNo" it@s 1o$r t$rn4G she state-; F!e'' me thin)s;G
FA'' ri)ht4G : be)an4 an- : 'a$nche- into the stor1 o% Cora' an- the Pattern;
FNo4G she interr$pte-; F(tart at the be)innin)4 "o$'- 1o$>G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F#i&e me 1o$r "ho'e -a14 %rom the time 1o$ 'e%t the pa'ace to)ethet $nti' 1o$ parte-;G
F!hat@s si''14G : proteste-;
F,$mor me4G she sai-; FAo$ o"e me one4 remember>G
F7er1 "e''4G : a)ree-4 an- : starte- a)ain; : "as ab'e to skip o&er the bit abo$t b'astin) the tab'e
in the ca%e4 b$t "hen : )'osse- o&er the b$siness in the sea ca&es b1 sa1in) that "e@- 'ooke-
aro$n- in them an- %o$n- them prett14 she interr$pte- me;
F(top4G she sai-; FAo$@re 'ea&in) somethin) o$t; =hat occ$rre- in the ca&es>G
F=hat makes 1o$ sa1 that>G : aske-;
F!hat is a secret : -o not care to share ?$st no";G she e.p'aine-; F($%%ice it to sa1 : ha&e a means
o% spotcheckin) 1o$r &eracit1;G
F:t@s not re'e&ant4G : sai-; F:t "i'' ?$st con%$se the iss$e; !hat@s "h1 : omitte- it;G
FAo$ sai- 1o$@- )i&e me the "ho'e a%ternoon;G
FA'' ri)ht4 'a-14G : a)ree-4 an- : -i-;
(he bit her 'ip "hi'e : to'- her abo$t E$rt an- the 6ombies4 an- she 'icke- i-'1 at the bea-s o%
b'oo- that appeare- therea%ter;
F=hat are 1o$ )oin) to -o abo$t him>G she aske- s$--en'1;
F!hat@s m1 prob'em4G : sai- then; F: promise- 1o$ the a%ternoon4 not m1 memoirs an- s$r&i&a'
F:t@s ?$st that;;;; 0emember4 : o%%ere- to tr1 to he'p 1o$>G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean> /o 1o$ think 1o$ can nai' E$rt %or me> :@&e )ot ne"s %or 1o$8 ,e@s
practica''1 a can-i-ate %or )o-hoo- at the moment;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean b1 T)o-hoo-@>G she aske-;
: shook m1 hea-;
F:t "o$'- take most o% the ni)ht to te'' 1o$ this stor1 proper'14 an- "e -on@t ha&e the time4 not i%
:@m )oin) to start 'ookin) %or Cora' soon; E$st 'et me %inish "ith the b$siness abo$t the Pattern4
"i'' 1o$>G
F#o ahea-;G
: -i-4 an- she sho"e- no s$rprise "hatsoe&er at the matter o% her sister@s paternit1; : "as )oin)
to <$estion her as to her 'ack o% reaction; !hen : sai-4 the he'' "ith it; (he@s -one "hat : "ante-4
an- : -i- "hat : promise-; (he hasn@t ha- a heart attack; An- no" it@s time to )o;
F!hat@s it4G : sai-4 an- : a--e-4 F!hanks;G
: be)an to rise4 an- she mo&e- <$ick'1 an- "as h$))in) me a)ain;
: ret$rne- her embrace %or a moment4 then sai-4 F:@- rea''1 better be )oin); Cora' co$'- be in
F!he he'' "ith her4G she sai-; F(ta1 "ith me; =e ha&e more important thin)s to ta'k abo$t;G
: "as s$rprise- b1 her ca''o$sness4 b$t : trie- not to sho" it;
F:@&e a -$t1 to her4G : sai-4 Fan- :@&e )ot to see to it no";G
FA'' ri)ht4G she sai-4 si)hin); F:@- better come a'on) an- )i&e 1o$ a han-;G
F,o">G : aske-;
FAo$@- be s$rprise-4G she to'- me4 an- she "as on her %eet an- smi'in) a t"iste- smi'e;
: no--e-4 %ee'in) that she "as probab'1 ri)ht;
Chapter 10
=e hike- back a'on) the ha''"a1 to m1 apartment; =hen : opene- the -oor an- s$mmone- the
'i)hts4 Na1-a -i- a %ast s$r&e1 o% the %irst room; (he %ro6e "hen she sa" m1 coatrack;
FM$een EasraIG she sai-;
FAep; (he ha- a -isa)reement "ith a sorcerer name- Bask4G : e.p'aine-; F#$ess "ho "on>G
Na1-a raise- her 'e%t han- an- mo&e- it in a s'o" patternDbehin- Easra@s neck an- -o"n her
back4 across her chest4 then -o"n"ar- a)ain; : -i- not reco)ni6e an1 o% the mo&ements she "as
F/on@t te'' me that 1o$@re a sorceress4 too4G : sai-; F:t seems that e&er1one : r$n into these -a1s
has ha- some trainin) in the Art;G
F: am not a sorceress4G she ans"ere-4 Fan- :@&e ha- no s$ch trainin); : ha&e on'1 one trick an- it
is not sorcer14 b$t : $se it %or e&er1thin);G
FAn- "hat is that trick>G : aske-;
(he i)nore- the <$estion4 then sai-4 FB14 she@s certain'1 ti)ht'1 bo$n-; !he ke1 'ies some"here
in the re)ion o% her so'ar p'e.$s; /i- 1o$ kno" that>G
FAes4G : rep'ie-; F: $n-erstan- the spe'' %$''1;G
F=h1 is she here>G
FPart'1 beca$se : promise- her son 0ina'-o :@- resc$e her %rom Bask4 an- part'1 as an ass$rance
a)ainst his )oo- beha&ior;G
: p$she- the -oor sh$t an- sec$re- it; =hen : t$rne- back4 she "as %acin) me;
F,a&e 1o$ seen him recent'1>G she sai- in a con&ersationa' tone;
FAes; =h1>G
FOh4 no specia' reason;G
F: tho$)ht "e "ere tr1in) to he'p each other4G : sai-;
F: tho$)ht "e "ere 'ookin) %or m1 sister;G
F:t can "ait another min$te i% 1o$ kno" somethin) specia' abo$t 0ina'-o;G
F: "as ?$st c$rio$s "here he mi)ht be ri)ht no";G
: t$rne- a"a1 an- mo&e- to the chest "here : keep art s$pp'ies; : remo&e- the necessar1 items
an- took them to m1 -ra"in) boar-; =hi'e : "as abo$t it4 : sai-4 F: -on@t kno" "here he is;G
: set $p the piece o% pasteboar-4 seate- m1se'% an- c'ose- m1 e1es4 s$mmonin) a menta' ima)e
o% Cora'4 pre'iminar1 to be)innin) her sketch; A)ain4 : ha'% "on-ere- "hether the pict$re in m1
min-4 a'on) "ith the appropriate ma)ica' en-orsement4 "o$'- be s$%%icient %or contact; B$t no"
"as not the time to mess aro$n- bein) e.perimenta'; : opene- m1 e1es an- be)an to -ra"; : $se-
the techni<$es :@- 'earne- in the Co$rts4 "hich are -i%%erent 1et simi'ar to those emp'o1e- in
Amber; : "as <$a'i%ie- to$te them in either %ashion4 b$t :@m %aster "ith the st1'e : 'earne-
Na1-a came o&er an- stoo- near4 "atchin)4 not askin) "hether : min-e-; As it "as4 : -i- not;
F=hen -i- 1o$ see him 'ast>G she aske-;
F!his e&enin)4G : ans"ere-;
F,e "as here ear'ier;G
F:s he here no">G
F=here -i- 1o$ 'ast see him>G
F:n the %orest o% Ar-en; =h1>G
F:t seams a stran)e p'ace to part;G
: "as "orkin) on Cora'@s e1ebro"s;
F=e parte- $n-er stran)e circ$mstances4G : sai-;
A 'itt'e more "ork abo$t the e1es4 a bit on the her;;;;
F(tran)e> :n "hat "a1>G she aske-;
Bore co'or to the cheeks;;;;
FNe&er min-4G : to'- her;
FA'' ri)ht4G she sai-; F:t@s probab'1 not that important;G
: -eci-e- a)ainst risin) to that bait4 beca$se : "as s$--en'1 )ettin) somethin); As ha-
occasiona''1 happene- in the past4 m1 concentration on the !r$mp as : p$t the %ina' to$ches to it
"as s$%%icient'1 intense to reach thro$)h an-;;;;
FCora'IG : sai-4 as the %eat$res mo&e-4 perspecti&es shi%te-;
FBer'in;;;>G she ans"ere-; F:;;;:@m in tro$b'e;G
O--'14 there "as no back)ro$n- "hate&er; E$st b'ackness; : %e't Na1-a@s han- $pon m1 sho$'-er;
FAre 1o$ a'' ri)ht>G : aske-;
FAes;;;; :t@s -ark here4G she sai-; F7er1 -ark;G
O% co$rse; One cannot manip$'ate (ha-o" in the absence o% 'i)ht; Or e&en see to $se a !r$mp;
F!hat@s "here the Pattern sent 1o$>G : aske-;
FNo4G she ans"ere-;
F!ake m1 han-4G : sai-; FAo$ can te'' me abo$t it a%ter"ar-;G
: e.ten-e- m1 han- an- she reache- to"ar- it;
F!he1DG she be)an;
An- "ith a stin)in) %'ash the contact "as broken; : %e't Na1-a sti%%en besi-e me;
F=hat happene->G she aske-;
F: -on@t kno"; =e "ere s$--en'1 b'ocke-; : can@t te'' "hat %orces "ere in&o'&e-;G
F=hat are 1o$ )oin) to -o>G
F!r1 a)ain in a 'itt'e bit4G : sai-; F:% it "ere a reaction thin)4 resistance "i'' probab'1 be hi)h ?$st
no"4 an- it ma1 ease $p 'ater; At 'east she sa1s she@s a'' ri)ht;G
: "ith-re" the packet o% !r$mps : norma''1 carr14 sh$%%'ie- o$t 9$ke@s; No" seeme- as )oo- a
time as an1 to see ho" he "as %arin); Na1-a )'ance- at the car- an- smi'e-;
F: tho$)ht 1o$ ?$st sa" him a 'itt'e "hi'e a)o4G she sai-;
FA 'ot can happen in a 'itt'e "hi'e;G
F:@m certain a 'ot has happene-;G
FAo$ think 1o$ kno" somethin) abo$t "hat@s )oin) on "ith him>G : aske-;
FAes; : -o;G
: raise- the !r$mp; F=hat>G : sai-;
F:@- be "i''in) to "a)er 1o$ "on@t )et thro$)h to him;G
F=e@'' see;G
: concentrate- an- : reache-; : reache- a)ain; A min$te or so 'ater : "ipe- m1 bro";
F,o"@- 1o$ kno">G : aske-;
F9$ke@s b'ockin) 1o$; : "o$'-4 too;;;$n-er the circ$mstances;G
F=hat circ$mstances>G
(he )a&e me a <$irke- smi'e4 crosse- to a chair4 an- sat -o"n;
FNo" : ha&e somethin) to tra-e "ith 1o$ a)ain4G she sai-;
: st$-ie- her; (omethin) ?i))'e- an- %e'' into p'ace; FAo$@&e been ca''in) him T9$ke@ rather than
T0ina'-o4@G : sai-;
F(o : ha&e;G
F:@- been "on-erin) "hen 1o$@- sho" $p a)ain;G
(he contin$e- to smi'e;
F: "ent an- shot m1 e&iction-notice spe''4G : obser&e-; FCan@t comp'ain4 tho$)h; :t probab'1
sa&e- m1 'i%e; /o : o"e 1o$ that one4 in some ro$n-abo$t %ashion>G
F:@m not pro$-; :@'' take it;G
F:@m )oin) to ask 1o$ a)ain "hat 1o$ "ant4 an- i% 1o$ sa1 it@s to he'p me or to protect me4 :@m
)oin) to t$rn 1o$ into a coatrack;G
(he 'a$)he-;
F:@- ha&e )$esse- 1o$@- take "hate&er he'p 1o$ co$'- )et ri)ht no"4G she sai-;
FA 'ot -epen-s on "hat 1o$ mean b1 The'p@;G
F:% 1o$@'' te'' me "hat 1o$ ha&e in min-4 :@'' te'' 1o$ "hether : can be o% an1 assistance;G
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-; F:@m )oin) to chan)e c'othes "hi'e : ta'k4 tho$)h; : -on@t %ee' 'ike stormin) a
cita-e' -resse- 'ike this; Ba1 : 'en- 1o$ somethin) to$)her than a s"eat s$it>G
F:@m %ine; (tart at Arbor ,o$se4 oka1>G
FOka14G : sai-4 an- : procee-e- to %i'' her in "hi'e : )arbe- m1se'% in to$)her %are; (he "as no
'on)er a prett1 'a-1 to me4 b$t rather a neb$'o$s entit1 in h$man %orm; (he seate- herse'% "hi'e :
"as ta'kin) an- stare- at the "a''4 or thro$)h it4 o&er steep'e- %in)ers; =hen : "as %inishe-4 she
kept starin)4 an- : "ent o&er to m1 -ra"in) boar-4 took $p Cora'@s !r$mp4 trie- a)ain4 b$t
co$'-n@t )et thro$)h; : trie- 9$ke@s car-4 a'so4 "ith the same res$'ts;
As : "as abo$t to rep'ace 9$ke@s !r$mp4 s<$are the -eck4 an- case it4 : )'impse- the ne.t 'o"er
car- an- a 'i)htnin) chain o% reco''ections an- spec$'ations %'ashe- thro$)h m1 min-; : remo&e-
the car- an- %oc$se- on it; : reache-;;;;
FAes4 Ber'in>G he sai- moments 'ater4 seate- at a sma'' tab'e on a terraceDe&enin) sk1'ine o% a
cit1 behin- himD'o"erin) "hat appeare- to be a c$p o% espresso to a tin1 "hite sa$cer;
F0i)ht no"; ,$rr14G : sai-; FCome to me;G
Na1-a ha- be)$n to make a 'o" )ro"'in) so$n- ?$st as the contact occ$rre-4 an- she "as on her
%eet an- mo&in) to"ar- me4 her e1es %i.e- $pon the !r$mp4 ?$st as Ban-or took m1 han- an-
steppe- thro$)h; (he ha'te- "hen the ta''4 b'ack-)arbe- %i)$re appeare- be%ore her; !he1
re)ar-e- each other "itho$t e.pression %or a moment4 an- then she took a 'on) s'i-in) step
to"ar- him4 her han-s be)innin) to rise; :mme-iate'14 %rom the -epth o% some inner c'oak pocket
"here his ri)ht han- "as thr$st4 there came a sin)'e4 sharp4 meta''ic c'ick;
Na1-a %ro6e;
F:nterestin)4G Ban-or sai-4 raisin) his 'e%t han- an- passin) it in %ront o% her %ace; ,er e1es -i-
not %o''o" it; F!his is the one 1o$ to'- me abo$t ear'ierD7inta4 : be'ie&e 1o$ ca''e- her>G
FAes4 on'1 no" she@s Na1-a;G
,e pro-$ce- a sma''4 -ark meta' ba'' %rom some"here an- he'- it $pon the pa'm o% his 'e%t han-4
"hich he e.ten-e- be%ore her; ('o"'14 the ba'' be)an to mo&e4 -escribin) a co$nterc'ock"ise
circ'e; Na1-a emitte- a sin)'e so$n-4 somethin) ha'%"a1 bet"een a cr1 an- a )asp4 an- she
-roppe- %or"ar- to her han-s an- knees4 hea- 'o"ere-; +rom "here : stoo- : co$'- see sa'i&a
-rippin) %rom her mo$th;
,e sai- somethin) &er1 %ast4 in an archaic %orm o% !hari "hich : co$'- not %o''o"; (he
respon-e- in the a%%irmati&e;
F: be'ie&e :@&e so'&e- 1o$r m1ster14G he sai- then; F/o 1o$ reca'' 1o$r 'essons on 0espon-ances
an- ,i)h Compe''in)s>G
F(ort o%4G : sai-; FAca-emica''1; : "as ne&er e.act'1 s"ept a"a1 b1 the s$b?ect;G
F*n%ort$nate4G he state-; FAo$ sho$'- report back to ($h$1 %or a post)ra-$ate co$rse
FAre 1o$ tr1in) to te'' me;;;>G
F!he creat$re 1o$ see be%ore 1o$4 inhabitin) a not $nattracti&e h$man %orm4 is at'iga 4G he
: stare-; !het'iga "ere a norma''1 bo-i'ess race o% -emons that -"e''e- in the b'ackness
be1on- the 0im; : reca''e- bein) to'- that the1 "ere &er1 po"er%$' an- &er1 -i%%ic$'t to contro';
F*h;;;can 1o$ make this one stop s'obberin) on m1 carpet>G : sai-;
FO% co$rse4G he rep'ie-4 an- he re'ease- the sphere4 "hich %e'' to the %'oor be%ore her; :t -i- not
bo$nce4 b$t be)an imme-iate'1 to ro''4 -escribin) a rapi- circ$it abo$t her;
F(tan- $p4G he sai-4 Fan- stop re'easin) bo-i'1 %'$i-s $pon the %'oor;G
(he -i- as he or-ere-4 c'imbin) to her %eet4 her e.pression &acant;
F(eat 1o$rse'% in that chair4G he -irecte-4 in-icatin) the one she ha- occ$pie- b$t min$tes
(he comp'ie-4 an- the ro''in) ba'' a-?$ste- itse'% to her pro)ress an- contin$e- its circ'e4 abo$t
the chair no";
F:t cannot &acate that bo-14G he sai- then4 F$n'ess : re'ease it; An- : can ca$se it an1 amo$nt o%
torment "ithin m1 sphere o% po"er; : can )et 1o$ 1o$r ans"ers no"; !e'' me "hat the <$estions
FCan she hear $s ri)ht no">G
FAes4 b$t it cannot speak $n'ess : permit it;G
F=e''4 there@s no point to ca$sin) $nnecessar1 pain; !he threat itse'% ma1 be s$%%icient; : "ant to
kno" "h1 she@s been %o''o"in) me abo$t;G
F7er1 "e''4G he sai-; F!hat is the <$estion4t'iga ; Ans"er itIG
F: %o''o" him to protect him4G she sai-4 her &oice %'at;
F:@&e a'rea-1 hear- that one4G : sai-; F: "ant to kno" "h1;G
F=h1>G Ban-or repeate-;
F: m$st4G she ans"ere-;
F=h1 m$st 1o$>G he aske-;
F:;;;;G ,er teeth rake- her 'o"er 'ip an- the b'oo- be)an to %'o" a)ain;
,er %ace )re" %'$she- an- bea-s o% perspiration appeare- $pon her bro"; ,er e1es "ere sti''
$n%oc$se-4 b$t the1 brimme- "ith tears; A thin 'ine o% b'oo- trick'e- -o"n her chin; Ban-or
e.ten-e- a c'enche- %ist an- opene- it4 re&ea'in) another meta' ba''; ,e he'- this one abo$t ten
inches be%ore her bro"4 then re'ease- it; :t h$n) in the air;
F9et the -oors o% pain be opene-4G he sai-4 an- he %'icke- it 'i)ht'1 "ith a %in)ertip;
:mme-iate'14 the sma'' sphere be)an to mo&e; :t passe- abo$t her hea- in a s'o" e''ipse4 comin)
c'ose to her temp'es on each orbit; (he be)an to "ai';
F(i'enceIG he sai-; F($%%er in si'enceIG
!he tears ran -o"n her cheeks4 the b'oo- ran -o"n her chin;;;;
F(top itIG : sai-;
F7er1 "e'';G ,e reache- o&er an- s<$ee6e- the ba'' %or a moment bet"een the th$mb an-
mi--'e %in)er o% his 'e%t han-; =hen he re'ease- it4 it remaine- stationar14 a sma'' -istance be%ore
her ri)ht ear; FNo" 1o$ ma1 ans"er the <$estion4G he sai-; F!hat "as b$t the sma''est samp'e o%
"hat : can -o to 1o$; : can p$sh this to 1o$r tota' -estr$ction;G
(he opene- her mo$th b$t no "or-s came %orth; On'1 a )a))in) so$n-;
F: think "e ma1 be )oin) abo$t this "ron)4G : sai-; FCan 1o$ ?$st ha&e her speak norma''14
rather than this <$estion-an--ans"er b$siness>G
FAo$ hear- him4G Ban-or sai-; F:t is m1 "i''4 a'so;G
(he )aspe-4 then sai-4 FB1 han-s;;;; P'ease %ree them;G
F#o ahea-4G : sai-;
F!he1 are %ree-4G Ban-or state-;
(he %'e.e- her %in)ers;
FA han-kerchie%4 a to"e';;;;G she sai- so%t'1;
: -re" open a -ra"er in a nearb1 -resser4 took o$t a han-kerchie%; As : mo&e- to pass it to her4
Ban-or sei6e- m1 "rist an- took it %rom me; ,e tosse- it to her an- she ca$)ht it;
F/on@t reach "ithin m1 sphere4G he to'- me;
F: "o$'-n@t h$rt him4G she sai-4 as she "ipe- her e1es4 her cheeks4 her chin; F: to'- 1o$4 : mean
on'1 to protect him;G
F=e re<$ire more in%ormation than that4G Ban-or sai-4 as he reache- %or the sphere a)ain;
F=ait4G : sai-; !hen4 to her4 FCan 1o$ at 'east te'' me "h1 1o$ can@t te'' me>G
FNo4G she ans"ere-; F:t "o$'- amo$nt to the same thin);G
($--en'1 : sa" it as a stran)e sort o% pro)rammin) prob'em4 an- : -eci-e- to tr1 a -i%%erent
FAo$ m$st protect me at a'' costs>G : sai-; F!hat is 1o$r primar1 %$nction>G
FAn- 1o$ are not s$ppose- to te'' me "ho set 1o$ this task4 or "h1>G
F($pposin) the on'1 "a1 1o$ co$'- protect me "o$'- be b1 te''in) me these thin)s>G
,er bro" %$rro"e-;
F:;;;;G she sai-; F: -on@t;;;; !heonl "a1>G
(he c'ose- her e1es an- raise- her han-s to her %ace; F:;;;; !hen : "o$'- ha&e to te'' 1o$;G
FNo" "e@re )ettin) some"here4G : sai-; FAo$ "o$'- be "i''in) to &io'ate the secon-ar1 or-er in
or-er to carr1 o$t the primar1 one>G
FAes4 b$t "hat 1o$ ha&e -escribe- is not a rea' sit$ation4G she sai-;
F: see one that is4G Ban-or sai- s$--en'1; FAo$ cannot %o''o" that or-er i% 1o$ cease to;
!here%ore4 1o$ "o$'- be &io'atin) it i% 1o$ permit 1o$rse'% to be -estro1e-; : "i'' -estro1 1o$
$n'ess 1o$ ans"er those <$estions;G
(he smi'e-;
F: -on@t think so4G she sai-;
F=h1 not>G
FAsk Ber'in "hat the -ip'omatic sit$ation "o$'- be i% a -a$)hter o% the Be)man prime minister
"ere %o$n- -ea- in his room $n-er m1sterio$s circ$mstancesDespecia''1 "hen he@s a'rea-1
responsib'e %or the -isappearance o% her sister;G
Ban-or %ro"ne- an- 'ooke- at me;
F: -on@t $n-erstan- "hat that@s a'' abo$t4G he sai-;
F:t -oesn@t matter4G : to'- him; F(he@s '1in); :% somethin) happens to her4 the rea' Na1-a simp'1
ret$rns; : sa" it happen "ith #eor)e ,ansen4 Be) /e&'in4 an- 7inta Ba1'e;G
F!hat is "hat "o$'- norma''1 occ$r4G she sai-4 Fe.cept %or one thin); !he1 "ere a'' a'i&e "hen :
took possession o% their bo-ies; B$t Na1-a ha- ?$st -ie-4 %o''o"in) a se&ere i''ness; (he "as
e.act'1 "hat : nee-e-4 tho$)h4 so : took possession an- hea'e- the bo-1; (he is not here
an1more; :% : -epart4 1o$@'' be 'e%t either "ith a corpse or a h$man &e)etab'e;G
FAo$@re b'$%%in)4G : sai-4 b$t : remembere- 7ia''e@s sa1in) that Na1-a ha- been i'';
FNo4G she sai-; F:@m not;G
F:t -oesn@t matter4G : to'- her;
FBan-or4G : sai-4 t$rnin) to him4 F1o$ sai- 1o$ can keep her %rom &acatin) that bo-1 an-
%o''o"in) me>G
FAes4G he rep'ie-;
FOka14 Na1-a4G : sai-; F: am )oin) some"here an- : am )oin) to be in e.treme -an)er there; :
am not )oin) to permit 1o$ to %o''o" me an- carr1 o$t 1o$r or-ers;G
F/on@t4G she ans"ere-;
FAo$ )i&e me no choice b$t to keep 1o$ pent "hi'e : )o abo$t m1 b$siness;G
(he si)he-;
F(o 1o$@&e %o$n- a "a1 to )et me to &io'ate one or-er in or-er to )et me to carr1 o$t the other;
7er1 c'e&er;G
F!hen 1o$@'' te'' me "hat : "ant to kno">G
(he shook her hea-;
F: am ph1sica''1 $nab'e to te'' 1o$4G she sai-; F:t is not a matter o% "i''; B$t;;;: think :@&e %o$n- a
"a1 aro$n- it;G
F=hat is that>G
F: be'ie&e : co$'- con%i-e in a thir- part1 "ho a'so -esires 1o$r sa%et1;G
FAo$ meanDG
F:% 1o$ "i'' 'ea&e the room %or a time4 : "i'' tr1 to te'' 1o$r brother those thin)s : ma1 not
e.p'ain to 1o$;G
B1 e1es met Ban-or@s; !hen4 F:@'' step o$t in the ha'' %or a bit4G : sai-;
An- : -i-; A 'ot o% thin)s bothere- me as : st$-ie- a tapestr1 on the "a''4 not the 'east bein) that
: ha- ne&er to'- her that Ban-or "as m1 brother;
=hen m1 -oor opene- a%ter a 'on) "hi'e4 Ban-or 'ooke- in both -irections; ,e raise- his han-
"hen : be)an to mo&e to"ar- him; : ha'te-4 an- he steppe- o$tsi-e an- came to"ar- me; ,e
contin$e- to )'ance abo$t as he a-&ance-;
F!his is Amber pa'ace>G he in<$ire-;
FAes; Not the most %ashionab'e "in)4 perhaps4 b$t : ca'' it home;G
F:@- 'ike to see it $n-er more re'a.e- circ$mstances4G he sai-;
: no--e-; F:t@s a -ate; (o te'' me4 "hat happene- in there>G
,e 'ooke- a"a14 -isco&ere- the tapestr14 st$-ie- it;
F:t@s &er1 pec$'iar4G he sai-; F: can@t;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
FAo$ sti'' tr$st me4 -on@t 1o$>G
FO% co$rse;G
F!hen tr$st me in this; :@&e a )oo- reason %or not te''in) 1o$ "hat : 'earne-;G
FCome on4 Ban-orI =hat the he''@s )oin) on>G
F!het'iga is not a -an)er to 1o$; :t rea''1 -oes care abo$t 1o$r "e'%are;G
F(o "hat e'se is ne"> : "ant to kno" "h1;G
F9ea&e it4G he sai-4 F%or no"; :t@s better that "a1;G
: shook m1 hea-; : ma-e a %ist an- 'ooke- aro$n- %or somethin) to hit;
F: kno" ho" 1o$ %ee'4 b$t :@m askin) 1o$ to -rop it4G he sai-;
FAo$ mean the kno"'e-)e "o$'- h$rt me in some "a1>G
F: -i-n@t sa1 that;G
FOr -o 1o$ mean that 1o$@re a%rai- to te'' me>G
F/rop it4G he sai-;
: t$rne- a"a1 an- )ot contro' o% m1se'%;
FAo$ m$st ha&e a )oo- reason4G : %ina''1 -eci-e-;
F: -o;G
F:@m not )oin) to )i&e $p on this4G : to'- him; FB$t : ha&en@t the time to p$rs$e it %$rther a)ainst
this kin- o% resistance; Oka14 1o$ ha&e 1o$r reasons an- : ha&e pressin) b$siness e'se"here;G
F(he mentione- E$rt an- Bask an- the 3eep "here Bran- )aine- his po"ers4G he sai-;
FAes4 that@s "here :@'' be hea-in);G
F(he e.pects to accompan1 1o$;G
F(he is "ron);G
F: "o$'- co$nse' a)ainst takin) her4 too;G
FAo$@'' keep her %or me $nti' :@&e taken care o% thin)s>G
FNo4G he sai-4 Fbeca$se :@m comin) "ith 1o$; :@'' p$t her into a &er1 -eep trance4 tho$)h4 be%ore
"e -epart;G
FB$t 1o$ -on@t kno" "hat@s been )oin) on since o$r -inner; A 'ot has happene-4 an- : ?$st
ha&en@t the time to brin) 1o$ $p to -ate;G
F:t -oesn@t matter4G he sai-; F: kno" that it in&o'&es an $n%rien-'1 sorcerer4 E$rt4 an- a -an)ero$s
p'ace; !hat@s eno$)h; :@'' come a'on) an- )i&e 1o$ a han-;G
FB$t that ma1 not be eno$)h4G : co$ntere-; F$ema1 not be eno$)h;G
F2&en so4 : think thet'iga co$'- t$rn into a hin-rance;G
F: "asn@t re%errin) to her; : "as thinkin) abo$t the sti%% 'a-1 near the -oor;G
F:@- meant to ask 1o$ abo$t her; (ome enem1 1o$@re : p$nishin)>G
F(he ha- been an enem14 1es; An- she@s nast14 $ntr$st"orth14 an- has a poisono$s bite; (he@s
a'so a -epose- <$een; : -i-n@t %ree6e her4 tho$)h; !he sorcerer "ho@s a%ter me -i- it; (he@s the
mother o% a %rien-4 an- : resc$e- her an- bro$)ht her back here %or sa%ekeepin); : ha- no reason
%or re'easin) her4 $nti' no";G
FAh4 as an a''1 a)ainst her o'- enem1;G
F2.act'1; (he@s "e''-ac<$ainte- "ith the p'ace :@m )oin); B$t she -oesn@t 'ike me an- she@s not
eas1 to -ea' "ithDan- : -on@t rea''1 kno" "hether her son )a&e me eno$)h amm$nition to make
her tr$st"orth1;G
F/o 1o$ %ee' she@- be a rea' asset>G
FAes; :@- 'ike to ha&e a'' o% that anim$s on m1 si-e; An- : $n-erstan- she@s an accomp'ishe-
F:% a--itiona' pers$a-in) is nee-e-4 there are on'1 threats an- bribes; :@&e a %e" pri&ate he''s :@&e
-esi)ne- an- %$rnishe-D%or p$re'1 esthetic reasons; (he mi)ht %in- a <$ick to$r &er1
impressi&e; On the other han-4 : co$'- sen- %or a pot o% ?e"e's;G
F: -on@t kno"4G : sai-; F,er moti&ations are some"hat comp'e.; 9et me han-'e this4 as %ar as :@m
FO% co$rse; !hose "ere on'1 s$))estions;G
FAs : see it4 the ne.t or-er o% b$siness is to ro$se her4 p$t the proposition to her4 an- attempt to
?$-)e her response;G
F!here is no one e'se 1o$ mi)ht brin) a'on)4 %rom amon) 1o$r kinsmen here>G
F:@m a%rai- to 'et an1 o% them kno" :@m )oin); :t co$'- easi'1 res$'t in an or-er not to4 $nti'
0an-om )ets back; : ha&en@t the time to "ait aro$n-;G
F: mi)ht s$mmon some rein%orcements %rom the Co$rts;G
F,ere> !o Amber> :@- rea''1 be $p shit creek i% 0an-om e&er )ot "in- o% that; ,e mi)ht start
s$spectin) s$b&ersion;G
,e smi'e-;
F!his p'ace remin-s me a bit o% home4G he remarke-4 t$rnin) back to"ar- m1 -oor;
=hen "e entere-4 : sa" that Na1-a "as sti'' seate-4 her han-s $pon her knees4 starin) at a meta'
ba'' that ho&ere- abo$t a %oot be%ore her; !he other contin$e- its s'o" circ$it -o"n on the %'oor;
(eein) the -irection o% m1 )a6e4 Ban-or remarke-4 F7er1 'i)ht trance state; (he can hear $s;
Ao$ can ro$se her in an instant i% 1o$ "ish;G
: no--e- an- t$rne- a"a1; No" it "as Easra@s t$rn;
: remo&e- a'' o% the )arments :@- h$n) $pon her an- p'ace- them on a chair across the room;
!hen : %etche- a c'oth an- the basin an- "ashe- the c'o"n make$p o%% her %ace;
FAm : %or)ettin) an1thin)>G : sai-4 ha'% to m1se'%;
FA )'ass o% "ater an- a mirror4G Ban-or state-;
F=hat %or>G
F(he ma1 be thirst14G he rep'ie-4 Fan- : can ?$st te'' she@'' "ant to 'ook at herse'%;G
FAo$ ma1 ha&e a point there4G : sai-4 -ra"in) $p a sma'' tab'e; : p'ace- a pitcher an- a )ob'et
$pon itC a'so4 a han- mirror;
F:@- a'so s$))est 1o$ s$pport her4 in case she co''apses "hen the spe'' is remo&e-;G
: p'ace- m1 'e%t arm abo$t her sho$'-ers4 tho$)ht o% her -ea-'1 bite4 steppe- back4 an- he'- her
at arm@s -istance "ith the one han-;
F:% she bites me4 it "i'' knock me o$t a'most instant'14G : sai-; FBe rea-1 to -e%en- 1o$rse'%
<$ick'1 i% this occ$rs;G
Ban-or tosse- another meta' ba'' into the air; :t h$n) there %or an $nnat$ra''1 'on) moment at
the top o% its arc4 then -roppe- back to his han-;
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-4 an- then : spoke the "or-s that raise- the spe'';
Nothin) as -ramatic as :@- %eare- ens$e-; (he s'$mpe- an- : s$pporte- her; FAo$@re sa%e4G : sai-4
an- a--e-4 F0ina'-o kno"s 1o$@re here4G to in&oke the most %ami'iar; F,ere@s a chair; /o 1o$
"ant some "ater>G
FAes4G she rep'ie-4 an- : po$re- some an- passe- it to her;
,er e1es "ere -artin)4 takin) in e&er1thin) as she -rank; : "on-ere- "hether she@- reco&ere-
instant'1 an- mi)ht not no" be sta''in) %or time as she sippe-4 her min- racin)4 spe''s -ancin) at
her %in)ertips; ,er e1es ret$rne- more than once to Ban-or4 appraisin)4 tho$)h she )a&e Na1-a
a 'on)4 har- stare;
+ina''14 she 'o"ere- the )ob'et an- smi'e-;
F: take it4 Ber'in4 that : am 1o$r prisoner4G she sai-4 chokin) s'i)ht'1; (he took another sip;
F#$est4G : rep'ie-;
FOh> ,o" -i- this come abo$t> Acceptin) the in&itation escapes m1 min-;G
F: bro$)ht 1o$ here %rem the cita-e' at the 3eep o% the +o$r =or'-s in a some"hat cata'eptic
con-ition4G : sai-;
FAn- "here mi)ht There@ be>G
FB1 apartment in the Pa'ace o% Amber;G
FPrisoner4 then4G she state-;
F#$est4G : repeate-;
F:n that case4 : sho$'- be intro-$ce-4 sho$'- : not>G
F2.c$se me; Ban-or4 : intro-$ce ,er ,i)hness Easra4 M$een o% 3ash%a;G J: intentiona''1
omitte- the FBost 0o1a'G part;K FAo$r Ba?est14 : re<$est 'ea&e to present m1 brother4 9or-
(he inc'ine- her hea-4 an- Ban-or approache-4 -roppe- to one knee4 an- raise- her han- to his
'ips; ,e@s better at s$ch co$rt'1 )est$res than : am4 not e&en sni%%in) the back o% her han- %or the
scent o% bitter a'mon-s; : co$'- te'' that she 'ike- his mannerDan- she contin$e- to st$-1 him
F: "as not a"are4G she obser&e-4 Fthat the ro1a' ho$se here containe- an in-i&i-$a' name-
FBan-or is heir to the -$ke-om o% (a"a'' in the Co$rts o% Chaos4G : rep'ie-; ,er e1es "i-ene-;
FAn- 1o$ sa1 he is 1o$r brother>G
FAo$@&e s$ccee-e- in s$rprisin) me4G she state-; F: ha- %or)otten 1o$r -o$b'e 'inea)e;G
: smi'e-4 no--e-4 steppe- asi-e an- )est$re-;
FAn- thisDG : be)an;
F: am ac<$ainte- "ith Na1-a4G she sai-; F=h1 is the )ir';;;preocc$pie->G
F!hat represents a matter o% )reat comp'e.it14G : sai-4 Fan- there are other thin)s : am certain
1o$ "i'' %in- to be o% m$ch )reater interest;G
(he cocke- an e1ebro" at me;
FAhI !hat %ra)i'e4 perishab'e itemDthe tr$th4G she sai-; F=hen it s$r%aces so <$ick'1 there is
$s$a''1 a c'a$strophobia o% circ$mstance; =hat is it that 1o$ "ant o% me>G
: he'- m1 smi'e;
F:t is )oo- to appreciate circ$mstance4G : sai-;
F: appreciate the %act that : am in Amber an- a'i&e an- not occ$p1in) a ce''4 "ith t"o )ent'emen
beha&in) in a conci'iator1 %ashion; : a'so appreciate the %act that : am not in the straits m1 most
recent memories in-icate : sho$'- occ$p1; An- : ha&e 1o$ to thank %or m1 -e'i&erance>G
F(omeho" : -o$bt it "as a matter o% a'tr$ism on 1o$r part;G
F: -i- it %or 0ina'-o; ,e trie- )ettin) 1o$ o$t once an- )ot c'obbere-; !hen : %i)$re- a "a1 that
mi)ht "ork4 an- : trie- it; :t -i-;G
,er %acia' m$sc'es ti)htene- at the mention o% her son@s name; :@- -eci-e- she@- pre%er hearin)
the one she@- )i&en him4 rather than F9$ke;G
F:s he a'' ri)ht>G she aske-;
FAes4G : sai-4 hopin) it "ere so;
F!hen "h1 is he not present>G
F,e@s o%% some"here "ith /a't; :@m not s$re as to his 'ocation; B$tDG
Na1-a ma-e a sma'' noise ?$st then4 an- "e )'ance- her "a1; B$t she -i- not stir; Ban-or )a&e
me an in<$irin) 'ook4 b$t : shook m1 hea- s'i)ht'1; : -i- not "ant her ro$se- ?$st then;
FBa- in%'$ence4 that barbarian4G Easra obser&e-4 chokin) a)ain an- takin) another -rink; F:@- so
"ante- 0ina'-o to ac<$ire more o% the co$rt'1 )races4 rather than -oin) r$-e thin)s on horseback
m$ch o% the time4G she contin$e-4 )'ancin) at Ban-or an- )rantin) him a sma'' smi'e; F:n this4 :
"as -isappointe-; /o 1o$ ha&e somethin) stron)er than "ater>G
FAes4G : rep'ie-4 an- : $ncorke- a bott'e o% "ine an- po$re- some into a )ob'et %or her; : )'ance-
at Ban-or an- at the bott'e then4 b$t he shook his hea-; FB$t 1o$ ha&e to a-mit he -i- "e'' in
that track meet a)ainst *C9A4 in his sophomore 1ear4G : sai-4 not to 'et her p$t him -o"n
comp'ete'1; FA certain amo$nt o% that comes %rom the more &i)oro$s si-e o% 'i%e;G
(he smi'e- as she accepte- the -rink;
FAes; ,e broke a "or'- recor- that -a1; : can sti'' see him passin) o&er the %ina' h$r-'e;G
FAo$ "ere there>G
FOh4 1es; : atten-e- a'' o% 1o$r meets; : e&en "atche- 1o$ r$n4G she sai-; FNot ba-;G
(he sippe- the "ine;
F=o$'- 1o$ 'ike me to sen- %or a mea' %or 1o$>G : aske-;
FNo4 :@m not rea''1 h$n)r1; =e "ere ta'kin) abo$t tr$th a 'itt'e "hi'e a)o;;;;G
F(o "e "ere; : )ather there ha- been some sorcero$s e.chan)e back at the 3eep4 bet"een 1o$
an- BaskDG
FBask>G she sai-;
F!he b'$e-maske- sorcerer "ho r$'es there no";G
FOh4 1es; M$ite;G
F: -o ha&e the stor1 ri)ht4 -on@t :>G
FAes4 b$t the enco$nter "as more than a 'itt'e tra$matic; +or)i&e m1 hesitation; : "as s$rprise-
an- -i- not )et m1 -e%enses $p in time; !hat "as rea''1 a'' there "as to it; :t "i'' not happen
F:@m s$re; B$tDG
F/i- 1o$ spirit me a"a1>G she interr$pte-; FOr -i- 1o$ act$a''1 %i)ht "ith Bask to )et me
F=e %o$)ht4G : sai-;
F:n "hat con-ition -i- 1o$ 'ea&e Bask>G
FB$rie- $n-er a pi'e o% man$re4G : sai-;
(he ch$ck'e-;
F=on-er%$'I : 'ike a man "ith a sense o% h$mor;G
F: ha&e to )o back4G : a--e-;
FOh> =h1 is that>G
FBeca$se Bask is no" a''ie- "ith an enem1 o% mineDman name- E$rt4 "ho -esires m1 -eath;G
(he shr$))e- s'i)ht'1;
F:% Bask is no match %or 1o$4 : %ai' to see "here Bask an- this man sho$'- represent a )reat
prob'em;G Ban-or c'eare- his throat;
FBe))in) 1o$r 'ea&e4G he sai-; FB$t E$rt is a shape shi%ter an- minor sorcerer %rom the Co$rts;
,e a'so has po"er o&er (ha-o";G
F: s$ppose that "o$'- make somethin) o% a -i%%erence4G she sai-;
FNot as m$ch as "hat the t"o o% them apparent'1 p'an to accomp'ish4G : to'- her; F: be'ie&e that
Bask inten-s r$nnin) E$rt thro$)h the same rit$a' 1o$r 'ate h$sban- $n-ertookDsomethin)
in&o'&in) the +o$nt o% Po"er;G
FNoIG she crie-4 an- she "as on her %eet4 the rest o% the "ine "ith Na1-a@s spitt'e an- a
%e" o'- b'oo-stains on the !abri6 :@- p$rchase- %or its -e'icate'1 -etai'e- pastora' scene; F:t m$st
not happen a)ainIG
A storm came an- "ent behin- her e1es; !hen4 %or the %irst time4 she 'ooke- &$'nerab'e;
F: 'ost him beca$se o% that;;;;G she sai-;
!hen the moment "as )one; !he har-ness ret$rne-;
F: ha- not %inishe- m1 "ine4G she sai- then4 reseatin) herse'%;
F:@'' )et 1o$ another )'ass4G : to'- her;
FAn- is that a mirror on the tab'e>G
Chapter 11
: "aite- ti'' she "as %inishe- primpin)4 )'ancin) o$t o% the "in-o" at the sno" an-
s$rreptitio$s'1 tr1in) a)ain to reach Cora' or 9$ke "hi'e m1 back "as t$rne- to her;
No '$ck4 tho$)h; =hen she p$t -o"n the comb an- br$sh she@- borro"e- %rom me an- 'ai- the
mirror besi-e them4 : )athere- she@- %inishe- or)ani6in) her tho$)hts as "e'' as her hair an- "as
rea-1 to ta'k a)ain; : t$rne- back s'o"'1 an- stro''e- o&er;
=e st$-ie- each other "hi'e practicin) e.pression'essness4 then she aske-4 F:s an1one e'se in
Amber a"are that 1o$ ha&e a"akene- me>G
FNo4G : rep'ie-;
F#oo-; !hat means :@&e a chance o% 'ea&in) here a'i&e; Pres$mab'14 1o$ "ant m1 assistance
a)ainst Bask an- this E$rt>G
F2.act'1 "hat sort o% he'p -o 1o$ -esire4 an- "hat are 1o$ prepare- to pa1 %or it>G
F: inten- to penetrate the 3eep an- ne$tra'i6e Bask an- E$rt4G : sai-;
F@Ne$tra'i6e@> !hat@s one o% those 'itt'e e$phemisms %or Tki''4@ isn@t it>G
F: s$ppose so4G : rep'ie-;
FAmber has ne&er been note- %or its s<$eamishness4G she sai-; FAo$ ha&e been e.pose- to too
m$ch American ?o$rna'ism; (o4 1o$ are a"are o% m1 %ami'iarit1 "ith the 3eep4 an- 1o$ "ant m1
he'p in ki''in) the t"o o% them; Correct>G
: no--e-;
F0ina'-o has to'- me that i% "e "ere to arri&e too 'ate an- E$rt ha- a'rea-1 $n-er)one the
trans%ormationa' rit$a'4 1o$ mi)ht kno" a "a1 to $se that same po"er a)ainst him4G : e.p'aine-;
F,e@- )otten %$rther into those notes than :@- rea'i6e-4G she sai-; F: am )oin) to ha&e to be %rank
"ith 1o$ then4 since o$r 'i&es ma1 -epen- on it; Aes4 there is s$ch a techni<$e; B$t no4 it "on@t
be o% an1 he'p to $s; (ome preparations are re<$ire- to t$rn the po"er to s$ch an en-; :t is not
somethin) : co$'- simp'1 reach o$t an- -o at a moment@s notice;G
Ban-or c'eare- his throat;
F:@- rather not see E$rt -ea-4G he state-4 Fi% there@s a possibi'it1 : co$'- take him back to the
Co$rts as a prisoner; ,e co$'- be -iscip'ine-; !here mi)ht be a "a1 o% ne$tra'i6in) him "itho$t
rea''1;;;ne$tra'i6in) him4 as 1o$ p$t it;G
FAn- i% there isn@t>G : aske-;
F!hen :@'' he'p 1o$ to ki'' him4G he sai-; F: ha&e no i''$sions abo$t him4 b$t : %ee' ob'i)e- to tr1
somethin); :@m a%rai- that the ne"s o% his -eath co$'- p$sh o$r %ather o&er the e-)e;G
: 'ooke- a"a1; ,e co$'- be ri)ht4 an- e&en tho$)h o'- (a"a''@s -eath "o$'- mean his o"n
s$ccession to the tit'e an- contro' o% consi-erab'e ho'-in)s4 : "as certain he "as not$s to
ac<$ire them at that price;
F: $n-erstan-4G : sai-; F: ha-n@t tho$)ht o% that;G
F(o )i&e me a chance to s$b-$e him; :% : %ai'4 :@'' ?oin 1o$ in "hate&er m$st be -one;G
FA)ree-4G : sai-4 "atchin) to see ho" Easra "as takin) this;
(he "as st$-1in) $s4 a c$rio$s e.pression on her %ace;
F@O$r %ather@>G she sai-;
FAes4G : rep'ie-; F: "asn@t )oin) to mention that4 b$t since it )ot o$t4 E$rt@s o$r 1o$n)er brother;G
,er e1es "ere a'i)ht no"4 at the scent o% conni&ance;
F!his is a %ami'1 po"er str$))'e4 isn@t it>G she aske-;
F: s$ppose 1o$ co$'- p$t it that "a14G : sai-;
FNot rea''14G Ban-or sai-;
FAn- 1o$rs is an important %ami'1 in the Co$rts>G
Ban-or shr$))e-; (o -i- :; :@- a %ee'in) she "as tr1in) to %i)$re a "a1 to cash in on that en- o%
it4 too4 an- : -eci-e- to stone"a'' her;
F=e "ere -isc$ssin) the task at han-4G : sai-; F: "ant to take $s in there an- accept Bask@s
cha''en)e; =e stop E$rt i% he )ets in the "a1 an- )i&e him to Ban-or; :% it is impossib'e simp'1 to
s$b-$e him4 "e )o the rest o% the "a1; Are 1o$ "ith $s>G
F=e ha&e not 1et -isc$sse- the price4G she sai-;
FA'' ri)ht4G : ackno"'e-)e-; F:@&e ta'ke- abo$t this "ith 0ina'-o4 an- he to'- me to te'' 1o$ that
he@s ca''e- the &en-etta o%%; ,e %ee's thin)s "ere sett'e- "ith Amber "hen Caine -ie-; ,e aske-
me to re'ease 1o$ i% 1o$ "o$'- )o a'on) "ith this4 an- he s$))este- that in ret$rn %or 1o$r he'p
a)ainst the ne" 'or- o% the cita-e' "e restore the 3eep o% the +o$r =or'-s to 1o$r so&erei)nt1;
Bottom 'ine4 as he p$t it; =hat -o 1o$ sa1>G
(he picke- $p the )ob'et an- took a 'on)4 s'o" sip; (he@- sta''4 : kne"4 tr1in) to %i)$re a "a1 to
s<$ee6e more o$t o% this -ea';
FAo$@&e spoken "ith 0ina'-o &er1 recent'1>G she sai-;
F: am not c'ear as to "h1 he is r$nnin) abo$t "ith /a't4 rather than bein) here "ith $s4 i% he is
so m$ch in a)reement "ith this p'an;G
: si)he-;
FOka14 :@'' te'' 1o$ the stor14G : sai-; FB$t i% 1o$@re "ith $s4 : -o "ant to )et mo&in) soon;G
FProcee-4G she sai-;
(o : reco$nte- the e&enin)@s a-&ent$re in Ar-en4 omittin) on'1 the %act that 7ia''e ha- p'ace-
9$ke $n-er her protection; Na1-a seeme- to )ro" pro)ressi&e'1 -istresse- as : to'- the ta'e4
$tterin) sma'' "himperin) so$n-s at o-- inter&a's;
=hen : "as %inishe-4 Easra p'ace- her han- $pon Ban-or@s arm an- rose4 br$shin) him 'i)ht'1
"ith her hip as she passe-4 an- she "ent to stan- be%ore Na1-a;
FNo" te'' me "h1 the -a$)hter o% a hi)h Be)man o%%icia' is restraine- here4G she sai-;
F(he is possesse- o% a -emon that en?o1s inter%erin) in m1 a%%airs4G : e.p'aine-;
F0ea''1> :@&e o%ten "on-ere- "hat hobbies -emons mi)ht p$rs$e4G she obser&e-; FB$t it seems
this partic$'ar -emon has been tr1in) to sa1 somethin) in "hich : mi)ht be intereste-; :% 1o$
"o$'- be so )oo- as to %ree it %or a moment@s con&ersation : promise to consi-er 1o$r o%%er
F!ime is r$nnin)4G : sai-;
F:n that case m1 ans"er is no4G she to'- me; F9ock me $p somep'ace an- )o to the 3eep "itho$t
: )'ance- at Ban-or;
F:n that : ha&e not 1et a)ree- to accept 1o$r o%%er4G Easra contin$e-4 F0ina'-o "o$'- ca'' this an
entertainment e.pense;G
F: see no harm in it4G Ban-or sai-;
F!hen 'et her speak4G : to'- him;
FAo$ ma1 ta'k4t'iga 4G he sai-;
,er %irst "or-s "ere not a--resse- to Easra4 ho"e&erC b$t to me8
FBer'in4 1o$ ha&e to 'et me accompan1 1o$;G
: mo&e- aro$n- to "here : co$'- see her %ace;
FNo "a14G : to'- her;
F=h1 not>G she aske-;
FBeca$se 1o$r penchant %or protectin) me "i'' act$a''1 hin-er me in a sit$ation "here : "i''
probab'1 ha&e to take some chances;G
F!hat is m1 nat$re4G she respon-e-;
FAn- m1 prob'em4G : sai-; F: mean 1o$ no i''; :@'' be )'a- to ta'k to 1o$ "hen this is a'' o&er4 b$t
1o$@re )oin) to ha&e to sit this one o$t;G
Easra c'eare- her throat;
F:s that the entire messa)e> Or is there somethin) 1o$ "ishe- to te'' me4 a'so>G Easra aske-;
!here %o''o"e- a 'on) si'ence4 then4 F=i'' 1o$ be accompan1in) them or not>G Na1-a in<$ire-;
Easra took ?$st as 'on) to respon-4 ob&io$s'1 "ei)hin) her "or-s8
F!his is a c'an-estine4 persona' operation4G she sai-; F: am not at a'' certain it "o$'- be
co$ntenance- b1 Ber'in@s seniors here in Amber; =hi'e it is tr$e that : stan- to )ain i% :
cooperate4 : "i'' a'so $n-er)o consi-erab'e risk; O% co$rse4 : "ant m1 %ree-om an- the
restoration o% the 3eep; :t is a'most a %air tra-e; B$t he a'so asks a <$itc'aim on the &en-etta;
=hat ass$rance ha&e : that this means an1thin) here4 an- that the hierarch1 o% Amber "i'' not
h$nt me -o"n as a tro$b'emaker a%ter"ar-> ,e cannot speak %or the others "hen he operates on
the s'1 this "a1;G
(omeho"4 it ha- become a <$estion a--resse- to me4 an- since it "as a &er1 )oo- <$estion to
"hich : -i- not rea''1 ha&e an ans"er4 : "as )'a- that thet'iga ha- somethin) to sa18
F: be'ie&e that : can pers$a-e 1o$ that it "o$'- be in 1o$r best interest to a)ree to accompan1
them an- to ren-er e&er1 assistance 1o$ can4G she o%%ere-;
FPra14 be)in4G Easra to'- her;
F: "o$'- ha&e to speak "ith 1o$ in pri&ate on this matter;G
Easra smi'e-4 o$t o% her 'o&e %or intri)$e4 : am certain;
F:t is a)reeab'e to me4G she sai-;
FBan-or4 %orce her to sa1 it no"4G : sai-;
F=aitIG Easra -ec'are-; F: "i'' ha&e this pri&ate con&ersation or 1o$ can %or)et abo$t m1 he'p;G
: be)an "on-erin) ?$st ho" m$ch he'p Easra rea''1 represente- i% she co$'-n@t ca'' $pon the
+o$nt to -ispose o% E$rt4 sho$'- that become o$r bi))est prob'em; !r$e4 she kne" the 3eep; B$t :
-i-n@t e&en kno" %or certain ho" accomp'ishe- a sorceress she mi)ht be;
On the other han-4 : "ante- this thin) sett'e- no"4 an- one more a-ept co$'- make the
FNa1-a4G : sai-4 Fare 1o$ p'annin) somethin) that co$'- be -ama)in) to Amber>G
FNo4G she rep'ie-;
FBan-or4 "hat -ot'iga s"ear b1>G : in<$ire-;
F!he1 -on@t4G he sai-;
F=hat the he''4G : sai-; F,o" m$ch time -o 1o$ "ant>G
F#i&e $s ten min$tes4G she to'- me;
F9et@s take a "a'k4G : sai- to Ban-or;
F($re'14G he a)ree-4 tossin) another meta' ba'' to"ar- Na1-a; :t ?oine- the others in orbit abo$t
her4 a 'itt'e abo&e "aist 'e&e';
: %etche- a ke1 %rom m1 -esk -ra"er be%ore -epartin); An- as soon as "e "ere in the ha'' :
aske- him4 F:s there an1 "a1 Easra co$'- %ree her>G
FNot "ith the a--itiona' circ$it o% con%inement : estab'ishe- on the "a1 o$t4G he rep'ie-; FNot
man1 co$'- %i)$re a "a1 past it4 an- certain'1 not in ten min$tes;G
F(he@s ?$st %$'' o% secrets4 that -amne-t'iga 4G : sai-; F3in- o% makes me "on-er "ho@s rea''1
the prisoner here;G
F(he@s on'1 tra-in) some bit o% kno"'e-)e %or Easra@s cooperation4G he sai-; F(he "ants the 'a-1
to accompan1 $s i% she can@t )o herse'%4 since it "i'' mean e.tra protection %or 1o$;G
F!hen "h1 can@t "e be present>G
FNothin) that : 'earne- %rom her she-s an1 'i)ht on this4G he sai-;
F=e''4 since : ha&e a %e" min$tes4 there is a sma'' erran- : "ant to r$n; =o$'- 1o$ keep an e1e
on thin)s here an- take char)e i% she ca''s $s in be%ore : )et back>G
,e smi'e-;
F:% one o% 1o$r re'ati&es stro''s b14 sho$'- : intro-$ce m1se'% as a 'or- o% Chaos>G
F: tho$)ht 1o$ "ere a'so a 'or- o% -eception;G
FO% co$rse4G he sai-4 an- he c'appe- his han-s an- &anishe-;
F:@'' h$rr14G : sai-;
FCheerio4G came his &oice4 %rom some"here;
: h$rrie- o%% $p the ha''; :t "as a 'itt'e pi')rima)e4 : s$pposeDone that : ha- not ma-e in a 'on)
"hi'e; On the brink o% an enterprise s$ch as this4 it seeme- someho" appropriate;
=hen : reache- the -oor4 : stoo- o$tsi-e it %or a moment4 m1 e1es c'ose-4 &is$a'i6in) the
interior as 'ast : ha- seen it; :t "as m1 %ather@s apartment; : ha- "an-ere- thro$)h it on man1
occasions4 tr1in) to ?$-)e %rom the %$rnishin)s4 the 'a1o$t4 his bookshe'&es4 an- his c$rio$s
co''ections somethin) more than : a'rea-1 kne" abo$t the man; !here "as a'"a1s some 'itt'e
thin) that ca$)ht m1 attention4 that ans"ere- a <$estion or raise- a ne" oneDan inscription on
the %'1'ea% o% a book or a note in a mar)in4 a si'&er hairbr$sh bearin) the "ron) set o% initia's4 a
-a)$erreot1pe o% an attracti&e br$nette si)ne- F!o Car'4 9o&e4 Caro'1n4G a snapshot o% m1 %ather
shakin) han-s "ith #enera' BacArth$r;;;;
: $n'ocke- the -oor an- p$she- it open;
: -i- not mo&e %or se&era' secon-s4 ho"e&er4 as a 'i)ht )'o"e- insi-e the p'ace; +or more 'on)
moments : 'istene-4 b$t there "ere no so$n-s %rom "ithin; ('o"'1 then4 : entere-; A n$mber o%
can-'es b$rne- $pon the -resser set a)ainst the %ar "a''; !here "as no one in si)ht;
F,e''o>G : ca''e- o$t; F:t@s me; Ber'in;G !here came no ans"er;
: -re" the -oor c'ose- behin- me an- mo&e- %or"ar-; A b$- &ase stoo- $pon the -resser ami-
the can-'es; :t containe- a sin)'e rose4 an- it appeare- to be si'&er in co'or; : -re" nearer; Aes4 it
"as rea'4 not arti%icia'; An- it "as si'&er; :n "hat sha-o" -i- s$ch %'o"ers )ro">
: picke- $p one o% the can-'es b1 its ho'-er an- mo&e- a"a1 "ith it4 shie'-in) its %'ame "ith m1
han-; : crosse- to m1 'e%t an- entere- the ne.t room; :mme-iate'14 on openin) the -oor4 : sa"
that there "as no nee- to ha&e bro$)ht the can-'e; Bore o% them "ere b$rnin) here;
F,e''o>G : repeate-;
A)ain4 no ans"er; No so$n-s o% an1 sort;
: set the can-'e $pon a nearb1 tab'e an- crosse- to the be-; : raise- a s'ee&e an- 'et it %a''; A
si'&er1 shirt "as 'ai- o$t $pon the co$nterpane besi-e a b'ack pair o% tro$sersDm1 %ather@s
co'ors; !he1 ha- not been there "hen 'ast : ha- &isite-;
: seate- m1se'% besi-e them an- stare- across the room into a sha-o"1 corner; =hat "as )oin)
on> (ome bi6arre ho$seho'- rit$a'> A ha$ntin)> or;;;;
FCor"in>G : sai-;
:n that :@- har-'1 e.pecte- a rep'14 : "as not -isappointe-; =hen : rose4 ho"e&er4 : b$mpe-
a)ainst a hea&1 ob?ect h$n) $pon the nearest be-post; : reache- o$t an- raise- it %or a better
&ie"; A be't "ith a sheathe- "eapon h$n) $pon it; !hese ha- not been present 'ast time either; :
)rippe- the ha%t an- -re" the b'a-e;
A portion o% the Pattern4 containe- "ithin the )ra1 meta'4 -ance- in the can-'e'i)ht; !his "as
#ra1s"an-ir4 s"or- o% m1 %ather; =hat it "as -oin) back here no"4 : ha- no i-ea;
An- : rea'i6e- "ith a pan) that : co$'- not stick aro$n- to see "hat mi)ht be )oin) on; : ha- to
)et back to m1 o"n prob'ems; Aes4 timin) "as -e%inite'1 a)ainst me to-a1;
: resheathe- #ra1s"an-ir;
F/a->G : sai-; F:% 1o$ can hear me4 : "ant to )et to)ether a)ain; B$t : ha&e to )o no"; #oo-
'$ck on "hate&er 1o$@re abo$t;G
!hen : -eparte- the room4 to$che- the si'&er rose as : passe- an- 'ocke- the -oor behin- me; As
: t$rne- a"a14 : rea'i6e- that : "as shakin);
: passe- no one on the "a'k back4 an- "hen : approache- m1 o"n -oor : "on-ere- "hether :
sho$'- enter4 knock4 or "ait; !hen somethin) to$che- m1 sho$'-er4 an- : t$rne- aro$n- b$t no
one "as there; =hen : t$rne- %or"ar- once a)ain Ban-or stoo- be%ore me4 his bro" s'i)ht'1
F=hat@s the matter>G he aske-; FAo$ appear more tro$b'e- than "hen 1o$ 'e%t;G
F(omethin) tota''1 -i%%erent4G : to'- him4 F: think; An1 "or- %rom insi-e 1et>G
F: hear- a shriek %rom Easra "hi'e 1o$ "ere )one4G he sai-4 Fan- : t$rne- to the -oor an- opene-
it; B$t she "as 'a$)hin) an- she aske- me to c'ose it;G
F2ithert'iga s kno" some )oo- stories or the ne"s is %a&orab'e;G
F(o it "o$'- seem;G
A 'itt'e 'ater the -oor opene- an- Easra no--e- to $s;
FO$r con&ersation is conc'$-e-4G she sai-;
: st$-ie- her as : entere- the room; (he 'ooke- a 'ot more cheer%$' than she ha- seeme- "hen
"e@- 'e%t; !here "as a bit more o% a crink'in) abo$t the o$ter e-)es o% her e1es4 an- she seeme-
a'most to be %i)htin) the corners o% her mo$th -o"n into p'ace;
F: hope it "as a %r$it%$' inter&ie"4G : sai-;
FAes; On the "ho'e4 :@- sa1 it "as that4G she ans"ere-;
A )'ance at Na1-a sho"e- me that nothin) ha- chan)e- in terms o% her position or e.pression;
F:@'' ha&e to be askin) 1o$ %or a -ecision no"4G : sai-; F: can@t a%%or- to c$t thin)s m$ch c'oser
than this;G
F=hat happens i% : sa1 no>G she aske-;
F:@'' ha&e 1o$ con-$cts to 1o$r <$arters an- in%orm the others that 1o$@re $p an- abo$t4G : sai-;
FAs a )$est>G
FAs a &er1 "e''-protecte- )$est;G
F: see; =e''4 : -o not rea''1 care to inspect those <$arters; : ha&e -eci-e- to accompan1 1o$ an-
assist 1o$ $n-er the terms "e -isc$sse-;G
: bo"e- to her;
FBer'inIG Na1-a sai-;
FNoIG : ans"ere-4 an- : 'ooke- to Ban-or; ,e approache- an- stoo- be%ore Na1-a;
F:t is best that 1o$ s'eep no"4G he to'- her4 an- her e1es c'ose-4 her sho$'-ers s'$mpe-; F=here
is a )oo- p'ace %or her to rest -eep'1>G he aske- me;
F!hro$)h there4G : sai-4 in-icatin) the -oor"a1 to the ne.t room;
,e took her b1 the han- an- 'e- her a"a1; A%ter a time4 : hear- him speakin) so%t'14 an- then
there "as on'1 si'ence; ,e emer)e- a 'itt'e 'ater4 an- : "ent to the -oor an- )'ance- insi-e; (he
"as stretche- o$t on m1 be-; : -i- not see an1 o% his meta' spheres in the nei)hborhoo-;
F(he@s o$t o% it>G : sai-;
F+or a 'on) time4G he rep'ie-;
: 'ooke- at Easra4 "ho "as )'ancin) -o"n into the mirror;
FAre 1o$ rea-1>G : in<$ire-;
(he re)ar-e- me thro$)h 'o"ere- 'ashes;
F,o" -o 1o$ propose transportin) $s>G she aske-;
F/o 1o$ ha&e an especia''1 trick1 means o% )ettin) $s in>G
FNot at the moment;G
F!hen : "i'' be ca''in) $pon the #host"hee' to take $s there;G
FAre 1o$ certain it is sa%e> :@&e con&erse- "ith that;;;-e&ice; : am not s$re it is tr$st"orth1;G
F:t@s %ine4G : sai-; FAn1 spe''s 1o$ "ant to prime %irst>G
FNot necessar1; B1;;;reso$rces sho$'- be in )oo- or-er;G
: hear- a c'ickin) so$n- %rom some"here "ithin his c'oak;
F0ea-14G he sai-;
: "ith-re" the #host"hee' !r$mp an- st$-ie- it; : be)an m1 me-itation; !hen : reache-;
Nothin) happene-; : trie- a)ain4 reca''in)4 t$nin)4 e.pan-in); : reache- a)ain4 ca''in)4 %ee'in);;;;
F!he -oor;;;;G Easra sai-;
: )'ance- at the -oor to the ha''"a14 b$t there "as nothin) $n$s$a' abo$t it; !hen : 'ooke- at her
an- rea'i6e- the -irection o% her )a6e;
!he -oor"a1 to the ne.t room4 "here Na1-a s'ept4 ha- be)$n to )'o"; :t shone "ith a 1e''o"
'i)ht4 an- e&en as : "atche-4 it )re" in intensit1; A spot o% )reater bri)htness then occ$rre- at its
center; Abr$pt'14 the spot be)an a s'o" $p-an---o"n mo&ement;
!hen came m$sic4 %rom "here : "as not certain4 an- #host@s &oice anno$nce-4 F+o''o" the
bo$ncin) ba'';G
F(top itIG : sai-; F:t@s -istractin)IG
!he m$sic "ent a"a1; !he circ'e o% 'i)ht )re" sti'';
F(orr14G #host sai-; F: tho$)ht 1o$@- %in- a 'itt'e comic re'ie% re';G
FAo$ )$esse- "ron)4G : rep'ie-; F: ?$st "ant 1o$ to take $s to the cita-e' at the 3eep o% the +o$r
F/o 1o$ "ant the troops4 a'so> : can@t seem to 'ocate 9$ke;G
FE$st the three o% $s4G : ans"ere-;
F=hat abo$t the one "ho s'eeps ne.t -oor> :@&e met her be%ore; (he -oesn@t scan ri)ht;G
F: kno"; (he@s not h$man; 9et her s'eep;G
F7er1 "e''4 then; Pass thro$)h the -oor;G
FCome on4G : sai- to the others4 pickin) $p m1 "eapons be't an- b$ck'in) it on4 a--in) m1
spare -a))er4 )rabbin) m1 c'oak o%% a chair4 an- -ra"in) it o&er m1 sho$'-ers;
: "a'ke- to"ar- the porta' an- Ban-or an- Easra %o''o"e-; : steppe- thro$)h4 b$t the room "as
no 'on)er there; :nstea-4 there came a moment o% b'$rrin)4 an- "hen m1 senses c'eare-4 : "as
starin) -o"n an- o$t"ar- across a )reat -istance beneath a hea&i'1 o&ercast sk14 a co'- "in-
"hippin) at m1 )arments;
: hear- an e.c'amation %rom Ban-or an-4 a moment 'ater4 another %rom EasraDbehin- me an-
to the 'e%t; !he )reat ice %ie'- 'a1 bone-"hite to m1 ri)ht4 an- in the opposite -irection a s'ate-
)ra1 sea tosse- "hitecaps 'ike serpents in a b$cket o% mi'k; +ar be'o"4 be%ore me4 the -ark
)ro$n- simmere- an- steame-;
F#hostIG : crie-; F=here are 1o$>G
F,ere4G came a so%t response4 an- : 'ooke- -o"n to beho'- a tin1 rin) o% 'i)ht near the toe o% m1
'e%t boot; /irect'1 ahea- an- be'o"4 the 3eep stoo- stark in the -istance; !here "ere no si)ns o%
'i%e o$tsi-e its "a''s; : rea'i6e- that : m$st be in the mo$ntains4 stan-in) some"here near the
p'ace "here : ha- he'- m1 'en)th1 co''o<$1 "ith the o'- hermit name- /a&e;
F: "ante- 1o$ to take $s into the cita-e' "ithin the 3eep4G : e.p'aine-; F=h1 -i- 1o$ brin) $s
$p here>G
F: to'- 1o$ : -on@t 'ike that p'ace4G #host ans"ere-; F: "ante- to )i&e 1o$ a chance to 'ook it
o&er an- -eci-e e.act'1 "here 1o$ "ishe- to be sent "ithin; !hat "a1 : can mo&e &er1 %ast on
the -e'i&er14 an- not e.pose m1se'% o&er'on) to %orces : %in- -istressin);G
: contin$e- to st$-1 the 3eep; A pair o% t"isters "ere a)ain circ'in) the o$ter "a''s; :% there ha-
not been a moat4 the1 "o$'- probab'1 ha&e -one a )oo- ?ob o% creatin) one; !he1 sta1e- a'most
e.act'1 18 -e)rees apart4 an- the1 took t$rns at i''$mination; !he nearest one )re" spark-shot
"ith bo'ts o% 'i)htnin)4 ac<$irin) an eerie incan-escenceC then4 as it be)an to %a-e4 the other
bri)htene-; !he1 passe- thro$)h this c1c'e se&era' times as : "atche-;
Easra ma-e a sma'' noise4 an- : t$rne- an- aske- her4 F=hat@s )oin) on>G
F!he rit$a'4G she respon-e-; F(omeone is p'a1in) "ith those %orces ri)ht no";G
FCan 1o$ te'' ho" %ar a'on) the1 mi)ht be>G : aske-;
FNot rea''1; !he1 co$'- ?$st be startin)4 or the1 co$'- be %inishe- a'rea-1; A'' the po'es o% %ire
te'' me is that e&er1thin) is in p'ace;G
FAo$ ca'' it then4 Easra4G : to'- her; F=here sho$'- "e p$t in o$r appearance>G
F!here are t"o 'on) ha''"a1s 'ea-in) to the chamber o% the %o$ntain4G she sai-; FOne is on the
same 'e&e' an- the other a %'oor abo&e it; !he chamber itse'% is se&era' stories hi)h;G
F: reca'' that4G : ackno"'e-)e-;
F:% the1 are "orkin) -irect'1 "ith the %orces an- "e simp'1 appear "ithin the chamber4G she
contin$e-4 Fthe a-&anta)e o% s$rprise "i'' on'1 be momentar1; : can@t sa1 %or certain "hat the1
mi)ht hit $s "ith; Better to approach a'on) one o% the t"o ha''"a1s an- )i&e me a chance to
assess the sit$ation; (ince there is a possibi'it1 that the1 co$'- note o$r approach a'on) the 'o"er
ha''"a14 the $pper one "o$'- be best %or a'' o$r p$rposes;G
FA'' ri)ht4G : a)ree-; F#host4 can 1o$ p$t $s back a -istance in that $pper ha''"a1>G
!he circ'e sprea-4 ti'te-4 rose4 stoo- hi)h abo&e $s %or a moment4 then -roppe-;
FAo$ are;;;a'rea-1;;;there4G #host sai-4 as m1 &ision s"am an- the circ'e o% 'i)ht passe- o&er $s4
hea- to toe; F#oo--b1e;G
,e "as ri)ht; =e "ere on tar)et this time; =e stoo- in a 'on)4 -im corri-or4 its "a''s o% -ark4
he"n stone; :ts one en- "as 'ost in -arkness; :ts other 'e- into an area o% i''$mination; !he
cei'in) "as o% ro$)h timbers4 the hea&1 cross-beams so%tene- b1 c$rtains an- p'$mes o% spi-er-
"ebbin); A %e" b'$e "i6ar- )'obes %'ickere- "ithin "a'' brackets4 she--in) a pa'e 'i)ht that
in-icate- the1 "ere near the en-s o% their spe''s; Others ha- a'rea-1 )one -ea-; Near the bri)hter
en- o% the ha''"a1 some o% these ha- been rep'ace- b1 'anterns; +rom o&erhea- came the so$n-s
o% sma'' thin)s sc$rr1in) "ithin the cei'in); !he p'ace sme''e- -amp4 m$st1; B$t the air ha- an
e'ectric <$a'it1 to it4 as tho$)h "e "ere breathin) o6one4 "ith an e-)e-o% e&ent ?itteriness
permeatin) e&er1thin);
: shi%te- to 9o)r$s (i)ht4 an- imme-iate'1 there "as a consi-erab'e bri)htenin); 9ines o% %orce
'ike )'o"in) 1e''o" cab'es ran e&er1"here; !he1 pro&i-e- the a--itiona' i''$mination : no"
percei&e-; An- e&er1 time m1 mo&ements intersecte- one4 it hei)htene- the o&era'' tin)'in)
e%%ect : e.perience-; : co$'- see no" that Easra "as stan-in) at the intersection o% se&era' o%
these an- seeme- to be -ra"in) ener)1 %rom them into her bo-1; (he "as ac<$irin) a )'o"in)
<$a'it1 : "as not certain m1 norma' &ision "o$'- ha&e -etecte-; =hen : )'ance- at Ban-or :
sa" the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s ho&erin) be%ore him a'so4 "hich meant that he "as a"are o%
e&er1thin) : "as seein);
Easra be)an mo&in) s'o"'1 a'on) the corri-or to"ar- the 'i)hte- en-; : %e'' in behin- her an-
s'i)ht'1 to her 'e%t; Ban-or %o''o"e- me4 mo&in) so si'ent'1 : ha- to )'ance back occasiona''1 to
ass$re m1se'% he "as sti'' "ith $s; As "e a-&ance- : became a"are o% a certain throbbin)
sensation4 as o% the beatin) o% a &ast p$'se; =hether this "as bein) transmitte- thro$)h the %'oor
or a'on) those &ibratin) 'ines "e contin$a''1 enco$ntere-4 : co$'- not sa1;
: "on-ere- "hether o$r -ist$rbin) this net o% %orces "as betra1in) o$r presence4 an- e&en o$r
position4 to the a-ept "orkin) "ith the st$%% -o"n at the +o$nt; Or "as his concentration on the
task at han- s$%%icient'1 -istractin) to permit $s to approach $n-etecte->
F:t has starte->G : "hispere- to Easra;
FAes4G she rep'ie-;
F,o" %ar a'on)>G
F!he ma?or phase co$'- be comp'ete-;G
A %e" paces more4 an- then she aske- me4 F=hat is 1o$r p'an>G
F:% 1o$@re ri)ht4 "e attack imme-iate'1; Perhaps "e sho$'- tr1 to take o$t E$rt %irstDa'' o% $s4 :
meanDi% he@s become that hi)h-po"ere-4 that -an)ero$s;G
(he 'icke- her 'ips;
F:@m probab'1 best e<$ippe- to -ea' "ith him4 beca$se o% m1 connection "ith the +o$nt4G she
sai- then; FBetter 1o$ -on@t )et in m1 "a1; :@- rather see 1o$ -ea'in) "ith Bask "hi'e :@m abo$t
it; :t mi)ht be better to keep Ban-or in reser&e4 to 'en- his ai- to "hiche&er o% $s mi)ht nee- it;G
F:@'' )o a'on) "ith 1o$r ?$-)ment4G : sai-; FBan-or4 -i- 1o$ hear a'' that>G
FAes4G he rep'ie- so%t'1; F:@'' -o as she sa1s;G
!hen4 F=hat happens i% : -estro1 the +o$nt itse'%>G he aske- Easra;
F: -on@t be'ie&e it can be -one4G she ans"ere-;
,e snorte-4 an- : co$'- see the -an)ero$s 'ines a'on) "hich his tho$)hts "ere r$nnin);
F,$mor me an- s$ppose4G he sai-;
(he "as si'ent %or a time4 then4 F:% 1o$ "ere ab'e to sh$t it -o"n4 e&en %or a 'itt'e "hi'e4G she
o%%ere-4 Fthe cita-e' "o$'- probab'1 %a''; :@&e been $sin) its emanations to he'p ho'- this p'ace
$p; :t@s o'-4 an- : ne&er )ot aro$n- to b$ttressin) it "here it nee-s it; !he amo$nt o% ener)1
re<$ire- to attack the +o$nt s$ccess%$''14 tho$)h4 "o$'- be m$ch better in&este- e'se"here;G
F!hanks4G he sai-;
(he ha'te-4 e.ten-in) a han- into one o% the 'ines o% %orce an- c'osin) her e1es as i% she "ere
takin) a p$'se; F7er1 stron)4G she sai- a 'itt'e 'ater; F(omeone is tappin) it at -eep 'e&e's no";G
(he be)an mo&in) a)ain; !he 'i)ht at the en- o% the ha''"a1 )re" bri)hter4 then -immer4
bri)hter4 -immer; !he sha-o"s retreate- an- %'o"e- back repeate-'1 as this occ$rre-; : became
a"are o% a so$n- somethin) 'ike the h$mmin) o% hi)h "ires; !here "as a'so an intermittent
crack'in) noise comin) %rom that -irection; : increase- m1 pace as Easra be)an to h$rr1; At abo$t
that time there came a so$n- o% 'a$)hter %rom $p ahea-; +rakir ti)htene- $pon m1 "rist; +'akes
o% %ire %'ashe- past the corri-or@s mo$th;
F/amn4 -amn4 -amn4G : hear- Easra sa1in);
(he raise- her han- as "e came into si)ht o% the 'an-in) "here Bask ha- stoo- at the time o%
o$r enco$nter; : ha'te- as she mo&e- &er1 s'o"'14 approachin) the rai'in); !here "ere stairs both
to the ri)ht an- the 'e%t4 'ea-in) -o"n"ar- to opposite si-es o% the chamber;
(he 'ooke- -o"n %or on'1 an instantC then she thre" herse'% back an- to the ri)ht4 ro''in) "hen
she hit the %'oor; !akin) o$t a piece o% rai'in)4 a ba'' o% oran)e %'ame %'e- $p"ar- 'ike a s'o"
comet4 passin) thro$)h the area she ha- ?$st <$itte-; : r$she- to her si-e4 s'ippe- an arm beneath
her sho$'-ers4 be)an to raise her;
: %e't her sti%%en4 as her hea- ?erke- s'i)ht'1 to the 'e%t; (omeho"4 : a'rea-1 kne" "hat : "o$'-
see "hen : t$rne- that "a1;
E$rt stoo- there4 stark nake- sa&e %or his e1e patch4 )'o"in)4 smi'in)4 a p$'se a"a1 %rom
F#oo- o% 1o$ to -rop b14 brother4G he sai-; F(orr1 1o$ can@t sta1;G
(parks -ance- at his %in)ertips as he s"$n) his arm ip m1 -irection; : -o$bte- that shakin)
han-s "as %oremost in his min-;
!he on'1 response : co$'- think o% "as4 FAo$r shoe'ace is $ntie-4G "hich o% co$rse -i-n@t stop
him4 b$t it act$a''1 ha- him 'ookin) p$66'e- %or a secon- or t"o;
Chapter 12
E$rt ha- ne&er p'a1e- %ootba''; : -o not be'ie&e he e.pecte- me to come $p %ast an- r$sh him4
an- "hen it happene-4 : -on@t think he anticipate- m1 comin) in as 'o" as : -i-;
An- as %or c'ippin) him ?$st abo&e the knees an- knockin) him back thro$)h the openin) in the
rai'in)4 :@m s$re he "as s$rprise-; At 'east he 'ooke- s$rprise- as he "ent o&er back"ar- an-
p'$mmete-4 sparks sti'' -ancin) at his %in)ertips;
: hear- Easra ch$ck'e4 e&en as he %a-e- in mi--%a'' an- &anishe- be%ore the %'oor )ot to sprea-
him aro$n- a bit; !hen4 %rom the corner o% m1 e1e4 : sa" her rise;
F:@'' -ea' "ith him no"4G she sai-4 an-4 FNo prob'em; ,e@s c'$ms14G e&en as he appeare- at the
hea- o% the stair to her ri)ht; FAo$ take care o% BaskIG
Bask "as on the opposite si-e o% the b'ack stone %o$ntain4 starin) $p at me thro$)h an oran)e
an- re- )e1ser o% %'ames; Be'o"4 in the basin4 the %ires ripp'e- 1e''o" an- "hite; =hen he
scoope- $p a han-%ii' an- "orke- them to)ether as a chi'- mi)ht shape a sno"ba''4 the1 became
an incan-escent b'$e; !hen he thre" it at me;
: sent it past "ith a simp'e parr1; !his "as not Art4 it "as basic ener)1 "ork; B$t it ser&e- as a
remin-er4 e&en as : sa" Easra per%orm the pre'iminar1 )est$res to a -an)ero$s spe'' p$re'1 as a
%eint4 brin)in) her near eno$)h to E$rt to trip him4 p$shin) him back"ar- -o"n the stair;
Not Art; =hoe&er en?o1e- the '$.$r1 o% 'i&in) near an- $ti'i6in) a po"er so$rce s$ch as this
"o$'- -o$bt'ess )et &er1 s'opp1 as time "ent on4 on'1 $sin) the basic %rames o% spe''s as )$i-es4
r$nnin) ri&ers o% po"er thro$)h them; One $nt$tore-4 or e.treme'1 'a614 mi)ht possib'1 e&en
-ispense "ith that m$ch a%ter a time an- p'a1 -irect'1 "ith the ra" %orces4 a kin- o% shamanism4
as oppose- to the ,i)her Ba)ic@s p$rit1D'ike that o% a ba'ance- e<$ationDpro-$cin) a$m e%%ect %rom a minim$m o% e%%ort;
Easra kne" this; : co$'- te'' she@- recei&e- %orma' trainin) some"here a'on) the 'ine; !hat m$ch
"as to the )oo- an1"a14 : -eci-e- as : parrie- another ba'' o% %ire an- mo&e- to m1 'e%t;
: be)an -escen-in) the stairDsi-e"a1sDne&er takin) m1 )a6e o%% Bask; : "as rea-1 to -e%en-
or to strike in an instant;
!he rai'in) be)an to )'o" be%ore me4 then it b$rst into %'ame; : retreate- a pace an- contin$e-
m1 -escent; ,ar-'1 "orth "astin) a spe'' to -o$se it; :t "as ob&io$s'1 meant %or sho" rather
than -ama)e;;;
!here "as another possibi'it14 : rea'i6e- then4 as : sa" that Bask "as simp'1 "atchin) me4 "as
makin) no mo&e to thro" an1thin) e'se in m1 -irection;
:t co$'- a'so be a test; Bask mi)ht simp'1 be attemptin) to -isco&er "hether : "as 'imite- to
"hate&er spe''s : ha- bro$)ht "ith meDor "hether : ha- 'earne- to tap the po"er so$rce here
-irect'1 an- "o$'- short'1 be s'$))in) thin)s o$t "ith him as E$rt an- Easra "ere no" ob&io$s'1
preparin) to -o; #oo-; 9et him "on-er; A %inite n$mber o% spe''s a)ainst a near-'imit'ess so$rce
o% ener)1>
E$rt s$--en'1 appeare- $pon a "in-o"si''4 hi)h an- to m1 'e%t; ,e ha- time on'1 %or a brie%
%ro"n be%ore a c$rtain o% %ire "as r$n) -o"n $pon him; Both he an- the c$rtain "ere )one a
moment 'ater4 an- : hear- Easra@s 'a$)hter an- his c$rse4 %o''o"e- b1 a crashin) noise o%% to the
other si-e o% the chamber;
As : mo&e- to -escen- another step4 the stair"a1 %a-e- %rom &ie"; ($spectin) i''$sion4 :
contin$e- the s'o" -o"n"ar- mo&ement o% m1 %oot; : enco$ntere- nothin)4 tho$)h4 an- %ina''1
e.ten-e- m1 stri-e to pass o&er the )ap an- on -o"n to the ne.t stair; :t a'so &anishe-4 ho"e&er4
as : shi%te- m1 "ei)ht; !here came a ch$ck'e %rom Bask as : t$rne- m1 mo&ement into a 'eap to
a&oi- the area; Once : "as committe- to ?$mpin)4 the stairs "inke- o$t one b1 one as : passe-
o&er them;
: "as certain Bask@s thinkin) m$st be that i% : ha- a han-'e on the 'oca' po"er4 re%'e. "o$'-
ca$se me to betra1 that connection here; An- i% : -i-n@t it mi)ht sti'' ca$se me to "aste an escape
B$t : ?$-)e- the -istance to the no"-&isib'e %'oor; :% no more stairs &anishe- : mi)ht be ab'e to
catch a han-ho'- on the ne.t one4 han) a moment4 then -rop; !hat "o$'- be per%ect'1 sa%e; An-
i% : misse-4 or i% another stair &anishe-;;;: sti'' %e't : "o$'- 'an- reasonab'1 intact; Better to $se an
entire'1 -i%%erent sort o% spe'' on the "a1 -o"n;
: ca$)ht the rear"ar- e-)e o% the %arthest stair4 -an)'e- an- -roppe-4 t$rnin) m1 bo-1 an-
speakin) the "or-s o% a spe'' : ca'' the +a''in) =a'';
!he %o$ntain sh$--ere-; !he %ires s'oshe- an- sp'ashe-4 o&er%'o"in) the basin on the si-e
nearest Bask; An- then Bask himse'% "as thro"n back"ar- to the %'oor as m1 spe'' contin$e-
its co$rse o% -escent;
Bask@s arms rose be%ore him as his bo-1 seeme- to sop $p the s"ir'in) )'o"4 his han-s to'
it; !here "as a bri)ht arc bet"een his han-s4 then a shie'-'ike -ome; ,e he'- it abo&e him4
"ar-in) o%% the %ina' co''apsi&e %orce o% m1 spe''; : "as a'rea-1 mo&in) <$ick'1 in his -irection;
2&en as : -i- so4 E$rt appeare- be%ore me4 stan-in) on the %ar 'ip o% the %o$ntain ?$st abo&e Bask4
)'arin) at me; Be%ore : co$'- -ra" m1 b'a-e4 thro" +rakir4 or $tter another spe''4 ho"e&er4 the
%o$ntain "e''e- $p4 a )reat "a&e topp'in) E$rt %rom its si-e4 sen-in) him spra"'in) $pon the
%'oor4 "ashin) him past Bask an- across the chamber to"ar- the %oot o% the other stair4 -o"n
"hich : no" sa" that Easra "as s'o"'1 -escen-in);
F:t means nothin) to be ab'e to transport 1o$rse'% an1"here4G : hear- her sa14 Fi% 1o$ are a %oo'
in a'' p'aces;G
E$rt snar'e- an- spran) to his %eet; !hen he 'ooke- $p"ar-4 past Easra;;;;
FAo$4 too4 brother>G he sai-;
F: am here to preser&e 1o$r 'i%e4 i% at a'' possib'e4G : hear- Ban-or rep'1; F: "o$'- s$))est 1o$
ret$rn "ith me no"DG
E$rt crie- o$tDno reco)ni6ab'e "or-s4 ?$st an anima'-'ike b'eat; !hen4 F: -o not nee- 1o$r
patrona)eIG he screame-; FAn- 1o$ are the %oo'4 to tr$st Ber'inI Ao$ stan- bet"een him an- a
A series o% )'o"in) circ'es -ri%te- 'ike )'o"in) smoke rin)s %rom bet"een Easra@s han-s4
-roppin) as i% to sett'e abo$t his bo-1; E$rt imme-iate'1 &anishe-4 tho$)h moments 'ater : hear-
him sho$tin) to Ban-or %rom a -i%%erent -irection;
: contin$e- to a-&ance $pon Bask4 "ho ha- )$ar-e- s$ccess%$''1 a)ainst m1 +a''in) =a'' an-
"as no" be)innin) to rise; : spoke the "or-s o% the :c1 Path4 an- his %eet "ent o$t %rom beneath
him; Aes4 : "as )oin) to thro" a %inite n$mber o% spe''s a)ainst his po"er so$rce; : ca'' it
con%i-ence; Bask ha- po"er; : ha- a p'an4 an- the means to$te it;
A %'a)stone tore itse'% 'oose %rom the %'oor4 t$rne- into a c'o$- o% )ra&e' ami- a )ratin)4
cr$nchin) noise4 then %'e" to"ar- me 'ike a char)e o% shot; : spoke the "or-s o% the Net an-
A'' o% the %ra)ments "ere co''ecte- be%ore the1 co$'- reach me; !hen : -$mpe- them $pon
Bask4 "ho "as sti'' str$))'in) to rise;
F/o 1o$ rea'i6e that : sti'' -on@t kno" "h1 "e@re %i)htin)>G : sai-; F!his "as 1o$r i-ea; : can
+or the moment4 Bask ha- )i&en $p on tr1in) to rise; ,e ha- p'ace- his 'e%t han- in a
simmerin) p$--'e o% 'i)ht an- ha- e.ten-e- his ri)ht4 pa'm to"ar- me; !he p$--'e &anishe-4 an-
a sho"er o% %ire emer)e- %rom the ri)ht han- an- spe- at me4 'ike -rops %rom a 'a"n sprink'er; :
"as rea-1 %or this4 tho$)h; :% the +o$nt co$'- contain the %ire4 then it ha- to be ins$'ate- a)ainst
: thre" m1se'% %'at on the other si-e o% the -ark str$ct$re4 $sin) its base as a shie'-;
F:t is 'ike'1 one o% $s is )oin) to -ie4G : ca''e- o$t4 Fsince "e are not p$''in) o$r p$nches; 2ither
"a14 : "on@t ha&e a chance to ask 1o$ 'ater; =hat@s 1o$r bitch> =hat am : to 1o$>G
!he on'1 rep'1 "as a ch$ck'in) so$n- %rom the other si-e o% the +o$nt4 as the %'oor be)an to
mo&e beneath me;
+rom some"here o%% to m1 ri)ht4 near the %oot o% the $n-ama)e- stair4 : hear- E$rt sa14 FA %oo'
in a'' p'aces> =hat abo$t c'ose <$arters>G an- : 'ooke- $p in time to see him appear be%ore Easra
an- sei6e ho'- o% her;
A moment 'ater he screame-4 as Easra 'o"ere- her hea- an- her 'ips to$che- his %orearm; (he
p$she- him a"a1 then4 an- he %e'' -o"n the remainin) steps4 'an-in) sti%%'14 not mo&in);
: crept to the ri)ht o% the +o$nt4 o&er the sharp e-)es o% the broken %'oorin)4 "hich ?i))'e- an-
sa"e- at me "ithin the matri. o% Bask@s po"er;
FE$rt is o$t o% it4G : commente-4 Fan- 1o$ stan- a'one no"4 Bask4 a)ainst the three o% $s; Ca'' it
<$its4 an- :@'' see that 1o$ )o on 'i&in);G
F!hree o% 1o$4G came that %'at4 -istorte- &oice; FAo$ a-mit that 1o$ cannot beat me "itho$t
FBeat>G : sai-; FPerhaps 1o$ consi-er it a )ame; : -o not; : "i'' not be bo$n- b1 an1 r$'es 1o$
choose to reco)ni6e; Ca'' it <$its or :@'' ki'' 1o$4 "ith or "itho$t he'p4 an1 "a1 : can;G
A -ark ob?ect s$--en'1 appeare- o&erhea-4 an- : ro''e- back a"a1 %rom the +o$nt as it came to
rest in the basin; :t "as E$rt; *nab'e to mo&e norma''1 beca$se o% the para'1tic e%%ect o% Easra@s
bite4 he ha- tr$mpe- a"a1 %rom the %oot o% the stair an- into the +o$nt;
FAo$ ha&e 1o$r %rien-s4 9or- o% Chaos4 an- : ha&e mine4G Bask rep'ie-4 as E$rt moane- so%t'1
an- be)an to )'o";
($--en'1 Bask "ent spinnin) into the air4 as : hear- the %'oorin) shatter; !he +o$nt itse'% -ie-
-o"n4 )re" "eaker4 as a %'amin) to"er t"iste- cei'in)-"ar-4 risin) %rom a ne" openin) in the
%'oor4 bearin) Bask "ith it on the crest o% its )o'-en p'$me;
FAn- enemies4G Easra state-4 mo&in) nearer;
Bask sprea- his arms an- 'e)s an- "hee'e- s'o"'1 thro$)h the mi--'e air4 s$--en'1 in contro'
o% his tra?ector1; : )ot to m1 %eet an- backe- a"a1 %rom the +o$nt; :@m se'-om at m1 best at
centers o% )eo'o)ica' catastrophes;
A r$shin)4 r$mb'in) so$n- no" came %rom the -o$b'e- %o$ntain4 an- a hi)h-pitche-4 so$rce'ess-
seemin) note accompanie- it; A sma'' "in- si)he- amon) the ra%ters; !he to"er o% %ire atop
"hich Bask ro-e contin$e- its s'o" spira'in)4 an- the spra1 in the 'o"ere- %o$ntain be)an a
simi'ar mo&ement; E$rt stirre-4 moane-4 raise- his ri)ht arm;
FAn- enemies4G Bask ackno"'e-)e-4 be)innin) a series o% )est$res : reco)ni6e- imme-iate'1
beca$se :@- spent a 'ot o% time %i)$rin) them o$t;
FEasraIG : crie-; F=atch o$t %or (har$IG
Easra took three <$ick steps to her 'e%t an- smi'e-; (omethin) &er1 m$ch 'ike 'i)htnin) then %e''
%rom the ra%ters4 b'ackenin) the area she ha- ?$st -eparte-;
F,e a'"a1s starts "ith a 'i)htnin) stroke4G she e.p'aine-; F,e@s &er1 pre-ictab'e;G
(he sp$n once an- &anishe- re-'14 "ith a so$n- 'ike breakin) )'ass;
: 'ooke- imme-iate'1 to "here the o'- man ha- stoo-4 0:NA9/O car&e- $pon his ri)ht 'e); ,e
"as 'eanin) a)ainst the "a'' no"4 one han- to his %orehea-4 the other imp'ementin) a simp'e b$t
po"er%$' shie'-in) spe'';
: "as abo$t to scream %or Ban-or to take the o'- bo1 o$t4 "hen Bask hit me "ith a 3'a.on spe''
"hich temporari'1 -ea%ene- me "hi'e b$rstin) b'oo- &esse's in m1 nose;
/rippin)4 : -o&e an- ro''e-4 interposin) the no"-risin) E$rt bet"een m1se'% an- the sorcerer in
the air; E$rt act$a''1 appeare- to be thro"in) o%% the e%%ects o% Easra@s bite; (o : -ro&e m1 %ist into
his stomach as : rose an- t$rne- him into an e&en better position to ser&e as m1 shie'-; A
mistake; : recei&e- a ?o't %rom his bo-14 not $n'ike a nast1 e'ectrica' shock4 an- he e&en mana)e-
a brie% 'a$)h as : %e'';
F,e@s a'' 1o$rs4G : hear- him )asp then;
+rom the corner o% m1 e1e4 : sa" "here Easra an- (har$ #arr$' stoo-4 each o% them seemin)'1
ho'-in) one en- o% a )reat 'on) piece o% macrame "ork "o&en o% cab'es; !he 'ines "ere p$'sin)
an- chan)in) co'ors4 an- : kne" the1 represente- %orces rather than materia' ob?ects4 &isib'e on'1
b1 &irt$e o% the 9o)r$s (i)ht4 $n-er "hich : contin$e- to operate; !he p$'se increase- in tempo4
an- both sank s'o"'1 to their knees4 arms sti'' e.ten-e-4 %aces )'istenin); A <$ick "or-4 a
)est$re4 an- : co$'- break that ba'ance; *n%ort$nate'14 : ha- prob'ems o% m1 o"n ?$st then; Bask
"as s"oopin) to"ar- me 'ike some h$)e insectDe.pression'ess4 shimmerin)4 -ea-'1; A
s$ccession o% britt'e snappin) so$n-s occ$rre- "ithin the %ront "a'' o% the 3eep4 "here a series
o% ?a))e- cracks race- -o"n"ar- 'ike b'ack 'i)htnin); : "as a"are o% %a''in) -$st be1on- the
spira'in) 'i)hts4 o% the )ro"'in) an- the "hinin) so$n-sD%aint no" "ithin m1 rin)in) earsDo%
the contin$in) &ibration o% the %'oor beneath m1 ha'%-n$mbe- 'e)s; B$t that "as a'' ri)ht; : raise-
m1 'e%t han- as m1 ri)ht s'i- "ithin m1 c'oak;
A %ier1 b'a-e appeare- in Bask@s ri)ht han-; : -i- not stir4 b$t "aite- a secon- 'on)er be%ore
speakin) the )$i-e "or-s to m1 +antasia-%or-(i.-Acet1'ene-!orches spe'' as : snappe- m1
%orearm back to co&er m1 e1es an- ro''e- to the si-e;
!he stroke misse- me4 passin) thro$)h broken stone; Bask@s 'e%t arm %e'' across m1 chest4
ho"e&er4 e'bo" connectin) "ith m1 'o"er ribs; : -i- not stop to assess -ama)es4 tho$)h4 as :
hear- the s"or- o% %ire crack'e an- come %ree o% the stone; An- so4 t$rnin)4 : str$ck "ith m1 o"n
more m$n-ane -a))er o% stee'4 -ri&in) its %$'' 'en)th $p into Bask@s 'e%t ki-ne1;
!here %o''o"e- a scream as the sorcerer sti%%ene- an- s'$mpe- besi-e me; A'most imme-iate'1
therea%ter : "as kicke- "ith consi-erab'e %orce behin- m1 ri)ht hip; : t"iste- a"a1 an- another
b'o" 'an-e- $pon m1 ri)ht sho$'-er; : am s$re it "as aime- %or m1 hea-; As : co&ere- m1 neck
an- temp'es an- m''e- a"a14 : hear- E$rt@s &oice4 c$rsin);
/ra"in) m1 'on)er b'a-e4 : rose to m1 %eet4 an- m1 )a6e met E$rt@s; ,e "as risin) at the same
time4 an- he he'- Bask cra-'e- in his arms;
F9ater4G he sai- to me4 an- he &anishe-4 bearin) the bo-1 a"a1 "ith him; !he b'$e mask
remaine- on the %'oor4 near to a 'on) smear o% b'oo-;
Easra an- (har$ "ere sti'' %acin) each other %rom knee'in) positions4 pantin)4 bo-ies comp'ete'1
-renche-4 their 'i%e %orces t"istin) abo$t each other 'ike matin) serpents;
!hen4 'ike a s$r%acin) %ish4 E$rt appeare- "ithin the to"er o% %orces be1on- the +o$nt; 2&en as
Ban-or h$r'e- t"o o% his spheresD"hich seeme- to )ro" in si6e as the1 %'e- -o"n the
chamber4 to crash into the +o$nt an- re-$ce it to r$bb'eD: sa" "hat : be'ie&e- : "o$'- ne&er
see a)ain;
As the re&erberation o% the +o$nt@s co''apse sprea- an- the )roanin) an- )rin-in) "ithin the
"a''s "as rep'ace- b1 a snappin) an- s"a1in)4 an- -$st4 )ra&e' an- timbers %e'' abo$t me4 : "as
mo&in) %or"ar-4 skirtin) the "recka)e4 si-esteppin) ne" )e1sers an- ri&$'ets o% )'o"in) %orces4
c'oak raise- to protect m1 %ace4 b'ack e.ten-e-;
E$rt c$rse- me ro$n-'1 as : came on; !hen4 FP'ease-4 brother> P'ease->G he sai-; FBa1 -eath be
the on'1 peace bet"een $s;G
B$t : i)nore- the pre-ictab'e sentiment4 %or : ha- to )et a better 'ook at "hat : tho$)ht : ha- seen
moments be%ore; : 'eape- o&er a piece o% broken masonr1 an- behe'- the %a''en sorcerer@s %ace
"ithin the %'ames4 hea- cra-'e- a)ainst his sho$'-er;
FE$'iaIG : crie-;
B$t the1 &anishe- e&en as : mo&e- %or"ar-4 an- : kne" it "as time %or me to -o the same;
5ni+ht of *ha.o)
Book Nine
The Chronicles of Amber
b1 0o)er 5e'a6n1
2-Book 7ersion81.2
9ast *p-ate-81 May 2002
Chapter 1
,er name "as E$'ia4 an- :@- been -amn certain she "as -ea- back on Apri' 3 "hen it a'' be)an;
B1 %in-in) her )ris'1 remains an- -estro1in) the -o)'ike creat$re "hich :@- tho$)ht ha- ki''e-
her "ere prett1 m$ch the "a1 it starte-; An- "e ha- been 'o&ers4 "hich : s$ppose "as ho"
thin)s ha- rea''1 commence-; 9on) be%ore;
Perhaps : co$'- ha&e tr$ste- her more; Perhaps : sho$'- ne&er ha&e taken her on that sha-o"-
"a'k "hich 'e- to -enia's that took her a"a1 %rom me4 -o"n -ark "a1s an- into the st$-io o%
7ictor Be'man4 a nast1 occ$'tist : 'ater ha- to ki''Dthe same 7ictor Be'man "ho "as himse'%
the -$pe o% 9$ke an- Easra; B$t no"4 perhapsD?$st bare'1D: mi)ht ha&e been in a position to
%or)i&e m1se'% %or "hat :@- tho$)ht :@- -one4 %or it seeme- that : ha-n@t rea''1 -one it a%ter a'';
!hat is to sa14 : 'earne- that : ha-n@t been responsib'e %or it "hi'e : "as in the act o% -oin) it; :t
"as "hen : -ro&e m1 kni%e into the si-e o% the m1sterio$s sorcerer Bask4 "ho ha- been on m1
case %or some time4 that : -isco&ere- that Bask "as rea''1 E$'ia; B1 ha'% brother E$rt4 "ho@s been
tr1in) to ki'' me 'on)er than an1one e'se in the b$siness4 snatche- her a"a14 an- the1 &anishe-
then4 imme-iate'1 %o''o"in) his trans%ormation into a kin- o% 'i&in) !r$mp;
As : %'e- the b$rnin)4 cr$mb'in) 3eep there at the Cita-e' o% the +o$r =or'-s4 a %a''in) timber
ca$se- me to -o-)e to m1 ri)ht4 trappin) me in a c$'--e-sac o% crashe- masonr1 an- b$rnin)
beams; A -ark meta' ba'' %'ashe- past me then4 seemin) to )ro" as it mo&e-; :t str$ck the "a''
an- passe- thro$)h it4 'ea&in) a ho'e one co$'- -i&e thro$)hDa hint : "as not s'o" in takin);
O$tsi-e : ?$mpe- the moat4 $sin) m1 9o)r$s e.tensions to knock asi-e a section o% %ence an- a
score o% troops4 be%ore : t$rne- back an- sho$te-4 FBan-orIG
F0i)ht here4G came his so%t &oice %rom behin- m1 'e%t sho$'-er;
: t$rne- in time to see him catch a meta' ba''4 "hich bo$nce- once be%ore $s an- -roppe- into
his e.ten-e- han-;
,e br$she- ashes %rom his b'ack &est an- ran a han- thro$)h his hair; !hen he smi'e- an- t$rne-
back to"ar- the b$rnin) 3eep;
FAo$@&e kept 1o$r promise to the M$een4G he remarke-4 Fan- : -on@t be'ie&e there@s an1thin)
more %or 1o$ here; (ha'' "e )o no">G
FEasra@s sti'' insi-e4G : ans"ere-4 Fha&in) it o$t "ith (har$;G
F: tho$)ht 1o$ "ere -one "ith her;G
: shook m1 hea-;
F(he sti'' kno"s a 'ot o% thin)s : -on@t; !hin)s :@'' be nee-in);G
A to"er o% %'ame be)an to rear itse'% abo&e the 3eep4 ha'te- an- ho&ere- a moment4 hea&e-
itse'% hi)her;
F: -i-n@t rea'i6e4G he sai-; F(he -oes seem to "ant contro' o% that %o$ntain %air'1 ba-'1; :% "e
"ere to snatch her a"a1 no"4 that %e''o" (har$ "i'' c'aim it; /oes that matter>G
F:% "e -on@t snatch her a"a14 he ma1 ki'' her;G Ban-or shr$))e-;
F:@&e a %ee'in) she@'' take him; =o$'- 1o$ care to p'ace a sma'' "a)er>G
FCo$'- be 1o$@re ri)ht4G : sai-4 "atchin) the %o$ntain contin$e its c'imb sk1"ar-4 %o''o"in)
another pa$se; : )est$re- to"ar- it; F!hin) 'ooks 'ike an oi' )$sher; : hope the "inner kno"s
ho" to cap itDi% there is a "inner; Neither one o% them ma1 'ast m$ch 'on)er4 the "a1 the p'ace
is comin) apart;G
,e ch$ck'e-;
FAo$ $n-erestimate the %orces the1@&e )enerate- to protect themse'&es4G he sai-; FAn- 1o$ kno"
it isn@t a'' that eas1 %or one sorcerer to -o in another b1 sorcero$s means; ,o"e&er4 1o$@&e a point
there "hen it comes to the inertia o% the m$n-ane; =ith 1o$r permission;;;>G
: no--e-;
=ith a <$ick $n-erhan- toss he cast the meta' ba'' across the -itch to"ar- the b$rnin) b$i'-in);
:t str$ck the )ro$n- an- "ith each bo$nce therea%rer it seeme- to increase in si6e; :t pro-$ce- a
c1mba''ike crash each time it hit4 entire'1 o$t o% proportion "ith its apparent mass an- &e'ocit14
an- this so$n- increase- in &o'$me on each s$ccessi&e bo$nce; :t passe- then into the b$rnin)4
totterin) r$in that "as the near en- o% the 3eep an- %or se&era' moments "as )one %rom si)ht;
: "as abo$t to ask him "hat "as )oin) on "hen : sa" the sha-o" o% a 'ar)e ba'' pass be%ore the
openin) thro$)h "hich : ha- %'e-; !he %'amesDsa&e %or the centra' to"er %rom the broken +o$nt
Dbe)an to s$bsi-e4 an- a -eep r$mb'in) so$n- came %rom "ithin; Boments 'ater an e&en 'ar)er
circ$'ar sha-o" passe-4 an- : be)an to %ee' the r$mb'in) thro$)h the so'es o% m1 boots;
A "a'' t$mb'e-; (hort'1 therea%ter part o% another "a'' %e''; : co$'- see insi-e %air'1 c'ear'1;
!hro$)h the -$st an- smoke the ima)e o% the )iant ba'' passe- a)ain; !he %'ames "ere sn$%%e-;
B1 9o)r$s &ision sti'' )rante- me )'impses o% the shi%tin) 'ines o% po"er "hich %'o"e- bet"een
Easra an- (har$;
Ban-or e.ten-e- a han-; A min$te or so 'ater a sma'' meta' ba'' came bo$ncin) o$r "a14 an- he
ca$)ht it; F9et@s hea- back4G he sai-; F:t "o$'- be a shame to miss the en-;G
=e passe- thro$)h one o% the man1 )aps in the %ence4 an- s$%%icient r$bb'e %i''e- the -itch at
one point %or $s to "a'k across on it; : spent a barrier spe'' then4 to keep the re-%ormin) troops o%%
the premises an- o$t o% o$r "a1 %or a time;
2nterin) thro$)h the broken "a''4 : sa" that Easra stoo- "ith her back to the to"er o% %ire4 her
arms $praise-; (treaks o% s"eat 'ine- her %ace 6ebra thro$)h a mask o% soot4 an- : co$'- %ee' the
p$'sin) o% the %orces "hich passe- thro$)h her bo-1; Abo$t ten %eet abo&e her4 %ace p$rp'e an-
hea- t"iste- to one si-e as i% his neck "ere broken4 (har$ h$n) in the mi--'e o% the air; !o the
$nt$tore- he mi)ht ha&e seeme- ma)ica''1 'e&itate-; B1 9o)r$s si)ht )a&e me &ie" o% the 'ine
o% %orce %rom "hich he h$n) s$spen-e-4 ho"e&er4 &ictim o% "hat mi)ht4 : s$ppose4 be terme- a
ma)ica' '1nchin);
FBra&o4G Ban-or state-4 c'appin) his han-s s'o"'1 an- so%t'1 to)ether; FAo$ see4 Ber'in> :@-
ha&e "on that bet;G
FAo$ a'"a1s "ere a better ?$-)e o% ta'ent than : "as4G : ackno"'e-)e-;
F;;;an- s"ear to ser&e me4G : o&erhear- Easra sa1in); (har$@s 'ips mo&e-;
FAn- s"ear to ser&e 1o$4G he )aspe-;
(he 'o"ere- her arms s'o"'14 an- the 'ine o% %orce "hich he'- him be)an to 'en)then; As he
-escen-e- to"ar- the 3eep@s cracke- %'oorC her 'e%t han-$te- a )est$re simi'ar to one : ha-
once seen an orchestra con-$ctor emp'o1 in enco$ra)in) the "oo-"in-s4 an- a )reat )o$t o% %ire
came 'oose %rom the +o$ntain4 %e'' $pon him4 "ashe- o&er him4 an- passe- on -o"n into the
)ro$n-; +'ash14 tho$)h : -i-n@t <$ite see the point;;;
,is s'o" -escent contin$e-4 as i% someone in the sk1 "ere tro''in) %or croco-i'es; : -isco&ere-
m1se'% ho'-in) m1 breath as his %eet neare- the )ro$n-4 in s1mpathetic anticipation o% the ease-
press$re on his neck; !his4 ho"e&er4 -i- not come to pass; =hen his %eet reache- the )ro$n-4
the1 passe- on into it4 an- his -escent contin$e-4 as i% he "ere an occ$'te- ho'o)ram; ,e sank
past his ank'es an- $p to his knees an- kept )oin); : co$'- no 'on)er te'' "hether he "as
breathin); A so%t 'itan1 o% comman-s ro''e- %rom Easra@s 'ips4 an- sheets o% %'ame perio-ica''1
separate- themse'&es %rom the +o$ntain an- sp'ashe- o&er him; ,e sank past his "aist an- $p to
his sho$'-ers an- s'i)ht'1 be1on-; =hen on'1 his hea- remaine- &isib'e4 e1es open b$t
$n%oc$se-4 she$te- another han- mo&e4 "ent4 an- his ?o$rne1 into the earth "as ha'te-;
FAo$ are no" the )$ar-ian o% the +o$nt4G she state-4 Fans"erab'e on'1 to me; /o 1o$
ackno"'e-)e this>G
!he -arkene- 'ips "rithe-;
FAes4G came a "hispere- rep'1;
F#o no" an- bank the %ires4G she or-ere-; FCommence 1o$r ten$re;G
!he hea- seeme- to no- at the same time it be)an sinkin) a)ain; A%ter a moment on'1 a cotton1
t$%t o% hair remaine-4 an- an instant 'ater the )ro$n- s"a''o"e- this4 too; !he 'ine o% %orce
: c'eare- m1 throat; At the so$n- Easra 'et her arms %a'' an- t$rne- to"ar- me; (he "as smi'in)
F:s he a'i&e or -ea->G : aske-4 an- then a--e-4 FAca-emic c$riosit1;G
F:@m not rea''1 certain4G she respon-e-; FB$t a 'itt'e o% both4 : think; 9ike the rest o% $s;G
FT#$ar-ian o% the +o$nt4@G : re%'ecte-; F:nterestin) e.istence;G
FBeats bein) a coatrack4G she obser&e-;
F: -aresa1;G
F: s$ppose 1o$ %ee' : o"e 1o$ some )ratit$-e no"4 %orDm1 restoration4G she state-;
: shr$))e-;
F!o te'' 1o$ the tr$th4 :@&e other thin)s to think abo$t4G : sai-;
FAo$ "ante- an en- to the %e$-4G she sai-4 Fan- : "ante- this p'ace back; : sti'' ha&e no kin-
tho$)hts to"ar- Amber4 b$t : am "i''in) to sa1 "e@re e&en;G
F:@'' sett'e %or that4G : to'- her; FAn- there is a sma'' 'o1a't1 : ma1 share "ith 1o$;G
(he st$-ie- me thro$)h narro"e- e1es %or a moment4 then smi'e-;
F/on@t "orr1 abo$t 9$ke4G she sai-;
FB$t : m$st; !hat son o% a bitch /a'tDG
(he contin$e- to smi'e;
F/o 1o$ kno" somethin) : -on@t>G : aske-;
FBan1 thin)s4G she rep'ie-;
FAn1thin) 1o$@- care to share>G
F3no"'e-)e is a marketab'e commo-it14G she obser&e-4 as the )ro$n- shook s'i)ht'1 an- the
%ier1 to"er s"a1e-;
F:@m o%%erin) to he'p 1o$r son an- 1o$@re o%%erin) to se'' me the in%ormation on ho" to )o abo$t
it>G : in<$ire-;
(he 'a$)he-;
F:% : tho$)ht 0ina'-o nee-e- he'p4G she sai-4 F:@- be at his si-e this moment; : s$ppose it makes
it easier to hate me i% 1o$ %ee' : 'ack e&en materna' &irt$es;G
F,e14 : tho$)ht "e "ere ca''in) thin)s e&en4G : sai-;
F!hat -oesn@t prec'$-e hatin) each other4G she rep'ie-;
FCome on4 'a-1I O$tsi-e o% the %act that 1o$ trie- to ki'' me 1ear a%ter 1ear4 :@&e )ot nothin)
a)ainst 1o$; Ao$ happen to be the mother o% someone : 'ike an- respect; :% he@s in tro$b'e4 : "ant
to he'p him4 an- :@- as soon be on )oo- terms "ith 1o$;G
Ban-or c'eare- his throat as the %'ames -roppe- ten %eet4 sh$--ere-4 -roppe- a)ain;
F:@&e some %ine c$'inar1 spe''s4G he remarke-4 Fsho$'- recent e.ertions ha&e ro$se- some
Easra smi'e- a'most co<$ettish'14 an- :@- s"ear she batte- her e1e'ashes at him; =hi'e he makes
a strikin) appearance "ith that shock o% "hite hair4 : -on@t kno" that 1o$@- e.act'1 ca'' Ban-or
han-some; :@&e ne&er $n-erstoo- "h1 "omen are as attracte- to him as the1 $s$a''1 seem to be;
:@&e e&en checke- him o$t %or spe''s on that partic$'ar co$nt4 b$t he -oesn@t "ear one; :t m$st be
some -i%%erent or-er o% ma)ic entire'1;
FA %ine i-ea4G she respon-e-; F:@'' pro&i-e the settin) i% 1o$@'' take care o% the rest;G
Ban-or bo"e-C the %'ames co''apse- the rest o% the "a1 to the )ro$n- an- "ere -ampe- therein;
Easra sho$te- an or-er to (har$4 the :n&isib'e #$ar-ian4 te''in) him to keep them that "a1; !hen
she t$rne- an- 'e- $s to"ar- the -o"n"ar- stair;
F*n-er)ro$n- passa)e4G she e.p'aine-4 Fto more ci&i'i6e- shores;G
F:t occ$rs to me4G : remarke-4 Fthat an1one "e enco$nter "i'' probab'1 be 'o1a' to E$'ia;G
Easra 'a$)he-;
FAs the1 "ere to me be%ore her an- to (har$ be%ore me4G she rep'ie-; F!he1 are pro%essiona's;
!he1 come "ith the p'ace; !he1 are pai- to -e%en- the "inners4 not to a&en)e the 'osers; : "i''
p$t in an appearannce an- make a proc'amation a%ter -inner4 an- : "i'' en?o1 their $nanimo$s
an- heart%e't 'o1a't1 $nti' the ne.t $s$rpation; Bin- that thir- step; !here@s a 'oose %'a)stone;G
(o she 'e- $s on4 thro$)h a section o% %ake "a'' an- into a -ark t$nne'4 hea-in) in "hat :
be'ie&e- to be a north"ester'1 -irection to"ar- the area o% the Cita-e' "hich : ha- in&esti)ate-
some"hat on m1 pre&io$s ?o$rne1 this "a1; !hat "as the -a1 : ha- resc$e- her %rom BaskSE$'ia
an- taken her back to Amber to be a coatrack in o$r cita-e' %or a "hi'e; !he t$nne' "e entere-
"as tota''1 -ark4 b$t she con?$re- a -artin) -ot4 bri)ht in its "i''-o@-the-"ispiness4 "hich
prece-e- $s thro$)h the )'oom an- the -amp; !he air "as sta'e an- the "a''s "ere cob"ebb1;
!he %'oor "as o% bare earth4 sa&e %or an irre)$'ar patch o% %'a)stones -o"n its mi--'eC there "ere
occasiona' %eti- p$--'es at either han-4 an- sma'' -ark creat$res %'ashe- past $sDboth on the
)ro$n- an- in the airDe&er1 no" an- then;
Act$a''14 : -i- not nee- the 'i)ht; Probab'1 none o% $s -i-; : he'- to the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s4
"hich pro&i-e- a ma)ica' "a1 o% seein)4 )rantin) a si'&er14 -irection'ess i''$mination; :
maintaine- it beca$se it "o$'- a'so )i&e me a "arnin) a)ainst ma)ica' e%%ectsD"hich mi)ht
inc'$-e boob1 trap spe''s abo$t the premises or4 %or that matter4 a bit o% treacher1 on Easra@s part;
One e%%ect o% this seein) "as to note that the (i)n a'so ho&ere- be%ore Ban-or4 "ho4 to m1
kno"'e-)e4 has ne&er been m$ch into tr$st either; (omethin) c'o$-1 an- &a)$e'1 Pattern-'ike
a'so occ$pie- a simi'ar position &is-V-&is Easra4 comp'etin) the circ'e o% "ariness; An- the 'i)ht
-ance- on be%ore $s;
=e emer)e- %rom behin- a stack o% barre's into "hat appeare- to be a &er1 "e''-stocke- "ine
ce''ar; Ban-or pa$se- a%ter si. paces an- care%$''1 remo&e- a -$st1 bott'e %rom the rack to o$r
'e%t; ,e -re" a corner o% his c'oak across its 'abe';
FOh4 m1IG he obser&e-;
F=hat is it>G Easra in<$ire-;
F:% this is sti'' )oo-4 : can b$i'- an $n%or)ettab'e mea' aro$n- it;G
F0ea''1> Better brin) se&era' to be s$re then4G she sai-; F!hese )o back be%ore m1 timeD
perhaps be%ore (har$@s time e&en;G
FBer'in4 1o$ brin) these t"o4G he sai-4 passin) me a pair; FCare%$''14 no";G
,e st$-ie- the rest o% the rack be%ore se'ectin) t"o more4 "hich he carrie- himse'%;
F: can see "h1 this p'ace is o%ten $n-er sie)e4G he remarke- to Easra; F:@- ha&e been inc'ine- to
ha&e a )o at it m1se'% ha- : kno"n abo$t this part;G
(he reache- o$t an- s<$ee6e- his sho$'-er;
F!here are easier "a1s to )et "hat 1o$ "ant4G she sai-4 smi'in);
F:@'' remember that4G he rep'ie-; F: hope 1o$@'' ho'- me to it;G
: c'eare- m1 throat;
(he )a&e me a sma'' %ro"n4 then t$rne- a"a1; =e %o''o"e- her o$t a 'o" -oor"a1 an- $p a
creakin) %'i)ht o% "oo-en stairs; =e emer)e- in a 'ar)e pantr1 an- passe- thro$)h it into an
immense4 -eserte- kitchen;
FNe&er a ser&ant aro$n- "hen 1o$ nee- one4G she remarke-4 castin) her )a6e abo$t the room;
F=e "on@t be nee-in) one4G Ban-or sai-; F+in- me a con)enia' -inin) area an- :@'' mana)e;G
F7er1 "e''4G she rep'ie-; F!his "a1 then;G
(he 'e- $s thro$)h the kitchenC then "e passe- thro$)h a series o% rooms ti'' "e came to a
stair"a14 "hich "e mo$nte-;
F:ce %ie'-s>G she aske-; F9a&a %ie'-s> Bo$ntains> Or a storm-tosse- sea>G
F:% 1o$ are re%errin) to a choice o% &ie"s4G Ban-or respon-e-4 F)i&e me the mo$ntains;G
,e )'ance- at me4 an- : no--e-;
(he con-$cte- $s to a 'on)4 narro" room4 "here "e $n%astene- a series o% sh$tters to beho'- a
-app'e- ran)e o% ro$n--toppe- peaks4 !he room "as coo' an- a bit -$st1 "ith she'&es r$nnin)
the 'en)th o% the near "a''; !hese he'- books4 "ritin) imp'ements4 cr1sta's4 ma)ni%1in) )'asses4
sma'' pots o% paint4 a %e" simp'e ma)ica' instr$ments4 a microscope4 an- a te'escope; !here "as
a trest'e tab'e at the room@s mi--'e4 a bench on either si-e o% it;
F,o" 'on) "i'' it take to prepare this>G Easra aske-;
FA min$te or t"o4G Ban-or sai-;
F:n that case4G she sai-4 F: "o$'- 'ike to repair m1se'% some"hat %irst; Perhaps 1o$ "o$'- a'so;G
F#oo- i-ea4G : sai-;
F:n-ee-4G Ban-or ackno"'e-)e-;
(he 'e- $s to "hat m$st ha&e been )$est <$arters4 not too %ar a"a14 an- 'e%t $s "ith soap4 to"e's4
an- "ater; =e a)ree- to meet back in the narro" room in ha'% as ho$r;
F!hink she@s p'annin) somethin) nast1>G : aske- as : -re" o%% m1 shirt;
FNo4G Ban-or rep'ie-; F: 'ike to %'atter m1se'% in thinkin) that she "o$'- not "ant to miss this
mea'; Nor4 -o : %ee'4 "o$'- she "ant $s to miss seein) her at her best4 ha&in) so %ar seen her at
somethin) 'ess than that; An- a possibi'it1 o% )ossip4 con%i-ences;;;G ,e shook his hea-; FAo$
ma1 ne&er ha&e been ab'e to tr$st her be%ore an- ma1 ne&er a)ain; B$t this mea' "i'' be a time-
o$t i% :@m an1 ?$-)e;G
F:@': ho'- 1o$ to that4G : sai- as : sp'ashe- an- 'athere-;
Ban-or )a&e me a crooke- smi'e4 then con?$re- a corkscre" an- opene- the bott'esDFto 'et
them breathe a 'itt'eGDbe%ore he ten-e- to himse'%; : tr$ste- his ?$-)ment4 b$t : h$n) on to the
(i)n o% the 9o)r$s in case : ha- to -$e' "ith a -emon or a&oi- a %a''in) "a'';
No -emons spran)C no masonr1 topp'e-; : entere- the -inin) room behin- Ban-or an- "atche-
him trans%orm it "ith a %e" "or-s an- )est$res; !he trest'e tab'e an- the benches "ere rep'ace-
b1 a ro$n- tab'e an- com%ortab'e-'ookin) chairsDthe chairs so sit$ate- as to pro&i-e a )oo-
&ie" o% the mo$ntains %rom each; Easra ha- not 1et arri&e-4 an- : "as carr1in) the t"o "ine
bott'es "hose respiration Ban-or %o$n- most appea'in); Be%ore : co$'- e&en set them -o"n4
Ban-or con?$re- an embroi-ere- tab'ec'oth an- napkinsC -e'icate china4 "hich 'ooke- as i% it
ha- been han- -ecorate- b1 Bir$C %ine'1 "ro$)ht si'&er"are; ,e st$-ie- the tab'ea$ a moment4
banishe- the si'&er"are4 s$mmone- a set "ith a -i%%erent pattern; ,e h$mme- as he pace- an-
re)ar-e- the 'a1o$t %rom &ario$s an)'es; E$st as : mo&e- %or"ar- to p'ace the bott'es on the tab'e4
he s$mmone- a cr1sta' bo"' %i''e- "ith %'oatin) %'o"ers as a centerpiece; : took a step back"ar-
then as cr1sta' )ob'ets appeare-;
: ma-e a sma'' )ro"'in) noise4 an- he seeme- to notice me %or the %irst time in a "hi'e;
FOh4 set them there; (et them there4 Ber'in4G he sai-4 an- an ebon1 tra1 appeare- on the tab'e to
m1 'e%t; F=e@- better check to see ho" the "ine is ho'-in) $p4 be%ore the 'a-1 arri&es4G he sai-
then4 po$rin) some o% the r$b1 %'$i- into t"o o% the )ob'ets;
=e samp'e- these4 an- he no--e-; :t "as better than Ba1'e@s; B1 %ar;
FNothin) "ron) there4G : sai-;
,e ro$n-e- the tab'e4 "ent to the "in-o"4 an- 'ooke- o$t; : %o''o"e-; (ome"here $p in those
mo$ntains4 : s$ppose-4 "as /a&e in his ca&e;
F: %ee' a'most )$i't14G : sai-4 Ftakin) a break 'ike this; !here are so man1 thin)s : sho$'- be
ten-in) toDG
FPossib'1 e&en more than 1o$ s$spect4G he sai-; F9ook $pon this 'ess as a break than a
retrenchment; An- 1o$ ma1 'earn somethin) %rom the 'a-1;G
F!r$e4G : rep'ie-; F: "on-er "hat4 tho$)h;G
,e s"ir'e- his "ine in his )'ass4 took another sma'' sip4 an- shr$))e-;
F(he kno"s a 'ot; (he ma1 'et somethin) s'ip4 or she ma1 %ee' e.pansi&e at the attention an-
)ro" )enero$s; !ake thin)s as the1@re -ea't;G
: took a -rink4 an- : co$'- be nast1 an- sa1 m1 th$mbs be)an to prick'e; B$t it "as act$a''1 the
9o)r$s %ie'- that "arne- me o% Easra@s approach a'on) the ha'' o$tsi-e; : -i- not remark $pon it
to Ban-or4 since : "as certain he %e't it4 too; : simp'1 t$rne- to"ar- the -oor4 an- he matche- m1
(he ha- on a 'o" o&er-one-sho$'-er Jthe 'e%tK "hite -ress4 %astene- at the sho$'-er "ith a
-iamon- pin4 an- she "ore a tiara4 a'so o% -iamon-s4 "hich seeme- a'most to be ra-iatin) in the
in%rare- ran)e ami-st her bri)ht hair; (he "as smi'in)4 an- she sme''e- )oo-4 too; :n&o'$ntari'1 :
%e't m1se'% stan-in) strai)hter4 an- : )'ance- at m1 %in)ernai's to be certain the1 "ere c'ean;
Ban-or@s bo" "as more co$rt'1 than mine4 as $s$a'; An- : %e't ob'i)e- to sa1 somethin)
p'easant; (o4 FAo$@re 'ookin) <$ite;;;e'e)ant4G : obser&e-4 'ettin) m1 e1es "an-er to emphasi6e
the point;
F:t is se'-om that : -ine "ith t"o princes4G she remarke-;
F:@m /$ke o% the =estern Barches4G : sai-4 Fnot a prince;G
F: "as re%errin) to the ,o$se o% (a"a''4G she rep'ie-;
FAo$@&e been -oin) home"ork4G Ban-or note-4 Frecent'1;G
F:@- hate to commit a breach o% protoco'4G she sai-;
F: se'-om $se m1 Chaos tit'e at this en- o% thin)s4G : e.p'aine-;
FA pit14G she to'- me; F: %in- it more than a 'itt'e;;;e'e)ant; Aren@t 1o$ abo$t thirtieth in the 'ine
o% s$ccession>G
: 'a$)he-;
F2&en that )reat a -istance is an e.a))eration4G : sai-;
FNo4 Ber'e4 she@s abo$t ri)ht4G Ban-or to'- me; F#i&e or take the $s$a' %e";G
F,o" can that be>G : aske-; F!he 'ast time : 'ooke-DG
,e po$re- a )ob'et o% "ine an- o%%ere- it to Easra; (he accepte- it "ith a smi'e;
FAo$ ha&en@t 'ooke- recent'14G Ban-or sai-; F!here ha&e been more -eaths;G
F0ea''1> (o man1>G
F!o Chaos4G Easra sai-4 raisin) her )ob'et; F9on) ma1 she "a&e;G
F!o Chaos4G Ban-or rep'ie-4 raisin) his;
FChaos4G : echoe-4 an- "e to$che- the )ob'ets to)ether an- -rank;
A n$mber o% -e'i)ht%$' aromas came to me s$--en'1; !$rnin)4 : sa" that the tab'e no" bore
ser&in) -ishes; Easra ha- t$rne- at the same moment4 an- Ban-or steppe- %or"ar- an- )est$re-4
ca$sin) the chairs to s'i-e back to accommo-ate $s;
FBe seate-4 p'ease4 an- 'et me ser&e 1o$4G he sai-;
=e -i-4 an- it "as more than )oo-; (e&era' min$tes passe-4 an- apart %rom comp'iments on the
so$p nothin) "as sai-; : -i- not "ant to be the %irst "ith a con&ersationa' )ambit4 tho$)h it ha-
occ$rre- to me that the others mi)ht %ee' the same "a1;
+ina''14 Easra c'eare- her throat4 an- "e both 'ooke- at her; : "as s$rprise- that she s$--en'1
seeme- s'i)ht'1 ner&o$s;
F(o4 ho" are thin)s in Chaos>G she aske-;
FAt the moment4 chaotic4G Ban-or rep'ie-4 Fnot to be %acetio$s;G ,e tho$)ht a moment4 then
si)he- an- a--e-4 FPo'itics;G
(he no--e- s'o"'14 as i% consi-erin) askin) him %or the -etai's he -i- not seem to care to
-i&$')e4 then -eci-in) a)ainst it; (he t$rne- to"ar- me;
F*n%ort$nate'14 :@- no opport$nit1 to si)ht-see "hi'e : "as in Amber4G she sai-; F+rom "hat 1o$
to'- me4 tho$)h4 'i%e seems a bit chaotic there a'so;G
: no--e-;
F:t@s )oo- that /a't@s )one4G : sai-4 Fi% that@s "hat 1o$ mean; B$t he "as ne&er a rea' threat4 ?$st a
n$isance; (peakin) o% "homDG
F9et@s not4G she interr$pte-4 smi'in) s"eet'1; F=hat : rea''1 ha- in min- "as an1thin) e'se;G
: smi'e- back;
F: %or)ot; Ao$@re not a %an o% his4G : sai-;
F:t@s not that4G she respon-e-; F!he man has his $ses; :t@s ?$stGDshe si)he-DFpo'itics4G she
Ban-or 'a$)he-4 an- "e ?oine- him; !oo ba- : ha-n@t tho$)ht to $se that 'ine abo$t Amber; !oo
'ate no";
F: bo$)ht a paintin) a"hi'e back4G : sai-4 Fb1 a 'a-1 name- Po''1 Eackson; :t@s o% a re- @57
Che&1; : 'ike it a 'ot; :t@s in stora)e in (an +rancisco ri)ht no"; 0ina'-o 'ike- it4 too;G
(he no--e-4 stare- o$t the "in-o";
FAo$ t"o "ere a'"a1s stoppin) in some )a''er1 o% other4G she sai-; FAes4 he -ra))e- me to a 'ot
o% them4 too; : a'"a1s tho$)ht he ha- )oo- taste; No ta'ent4 b$t )oo- taste;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean4 @no ta'ent@>G
F,e@s a &er1 )oo- -ra%tsman4 b$t his o"n paintin)s "ere ne&er that interestin);G
: ha- raise- the s$b?ect %or a &er1 specia' reason4 an- this "asn@t it; B$t : "as %ascinate- b1 a
si-e o% 9$ke :@- ne&er kno"n4 an- : -eci-e- to p$rs$e the matter;
FPaintin)s> : ne&er kne" he painte-;G
F,e@s trie- an1 n$mber o% times4 b$t he ne&er sho"s them to an1one beca$se the1@re not )oo-
F!hen ho" -o 1o$ kno" abo$t them>G
F:@- check o$t his apartment perio-ica'i1 G
F=hen he "asn@t aro$n->G
FO% co$rse; A mother@s pri&i'e)e;G
: sh$--ere-; : tho$)ht a)ain o% the b$rnin) "oman -o"n the 0abbit ,o'e; B$t : -i-n@t "ant to
sa1 "hat : %e't an- spoi' the %'o" no" that : ha- her ta'kin); : -eci-e- to ret$rn to m1 ori)ina'
F=as it in connection "ith an1 o% this that he met 7ictor Be'man>G : aske-;
(he st$-ie- me %or a moment thro$)h narro"e- e1es4 then no--e- an- %inishe- her so$p;
FAes4G she sai- then4 'a1in) her spoon asi-e; F,e took a %e" 'essons %rom the man; ,e@- 'ike-
some o% his paintin)s an- 'ooke- him $p; Perhaps he bo$)ht somethin) o% his4 too; : -on@t kno";
B$t at some point he mentione- his o"n "ork an- 7ictor aske- to see it; ,e to'- 0ina'-o he
'ike- it an- sai- he tho$)ht he co$'- teach him a %e" thin)s that mi)ht be o% he'p;G
(he raise- her )ob'et an- sni%%e- it4 sippe- her "ine4 an- stare- at the mo$ntains;
: "as abo$t to prompt her4 hopin) she@- )o on4 "hen she be)an to 'a$)h; : "aite- it o$t;
FA rea' assho'e4G she sai- then; FB$t ta'ente-; #i&e him that;G
F*h4 "hat -o 1o$ mean>G : aske-;
FA%ter a time he be)an speakin) o% the -e&e'opment o% persona' po"er4 $sin) a'' those
circ$m'oc$tions the ha'%-en'i)htene- 'o&e to p'a1 "ith; ,e "ante- 0ina'-o to kno" he "as an
occ$'tist "ith somethin) prett1 stron) )oin) %or him; !hen he be)an to hint that he mi)ht be
"i''in) to pass it a'on) to the ri)ht person;G
(he be)an 'a$)hin) a)ain; : ch$ck'e- m1se'%4 at the tho$)ht o% that traine- sea' a--ressin) the
)en$ine artic'e in s$ch a %ashion;
F:t "as beca$se he rea'i6e- 0ina'-o "as rich4 o% co$rse4G she contin$e-; F7ictor "as4 as $s$a'4
broke himse'% at the time; 0ina'-o sho"e- no interest4 tho$)h4 an- simp'1 stoppe- takin)
paintin) 'essons %rom him short'1 a%ter thatDas he %e't he@- 'earne- a'' he co$'- %rom him; =hen
he to'- me abo$t it 'ater4 ho"e&er4 : rea'i6e- that the man co$'- be ma-e into a per%ect cat@s-pa";
: "as certain s$ch a person "o$'- -o an1thin) %or a taste o% rea' po"er;G
: no--e-;
F!hen 1o$ an- 0ina'-o be)an the &isitation b$siness> Ao$ took t$rns c'o$-in) his min- an-
teachin) him a %e" rea' thin)s>G
F0ea' eno$)h4G she sai-4 Ftho$)h : han-'e- most o% his trainin); 0ina'-o "as $s$a''1 too b$s1
st$-1in) %or e.ams; ,is point a&era)e "as )enera''1 a 'itt'e hi)her than 1o$rs4 "asn@t it>G
F,e $s$a''1 ha- prett1 )oo- )ra-es4G : conce-e-; F=hen 1o$ ta'k o% empo"erin) Be'man an-
t$rnin) him into a too'4 : can@t he'p thinkin) abo$t the reason; Ao$ "ere primin) him to ki'' me4
in a partic$'ar'1 co'or%$' %ashion;G
(he smi'e-;
FAes4G she sai-4 Ftho$)h probab'1 not as 1o$ think; ,e kne" o% 1o$4 an- he ha- been traine- to
p'a1 a part in 1o$r sacri%ice; B$t he acte- on his o"n the -a1 he trie- it4 the -a1 1o$ ki''e- him;
,e ha- been "arne- a)ainst s$ch a so'o action4 an- he pai- the price; ,e "as$s to possess
a'' o% the po"ers he tho$)ht "o$'- come o% it4 rather than share them "ith another; As : sai-Dan
: "ante- to appear noncha'ant4 to keep her )oin); Contin$in) m1 mea' seeme- the best meas$re
to in-icate s$ch poise; !hen : )'ance- -o"n4 ho"e&er4 : -isco&ere- that m1 so$p bo"' ha-
&anishe-; : picke- $p a ro''4 broke it4 "as abo$t to b$tter it "hen : sa" that m1 han- "as
shakin); A moment 'ater : rea'i6e- that this "as beca$se : "ante- to stran)'e her;
(o : took a -eep breath an- 'et it )o4 ha- another -rink o% "ine; An appeti6er p'ate appeare-
be%ore me4 an- a %aint aroma o% )ar'ic an- &ario$s tanta'i6in) herbs to'- me to be ca'm; : no--e-
thanks to Ban-or4 an- Easra -i- the same; A moment 'ater : b$ttere- the ro'';
(e&era' mo$th%$'s a%ter that4 : sai-4 F: con%ess that : -o not $n-erstan-; Ao$ sa1 that Be'man
"as to p'a1 a part in m1 rit$a' s'a1in)Db$t on'1 a part>G
(he contin$e- eatin) %or a ha'% min$te or so4 then %o$n- another smi'e;
F:t "as too appropriate an opport$nit1 to pass $p4G she to'- me then4 F"hen 1o$ broke $p "ith
E$'ia an- she )re" intereste- in the occ$'t; : sa" that : "o$'- ha&e to )et her to)ether "ith
7ictor4 to ha&e him train her4 to teach her a %e" simp'e e%%ects4 to capita'i6e on her $nhappiness at
1o$r partin)4 to t$rn it into a %$''-b'o"n hatre- so intense that she "o$'- be "i''in) to c$t 1o$r
throat "hen the time came %or the sacri%ice;G
: choke- on somethin) "hich other"ise taste- "on-er%$';
A %rost1 cr1sta' )ob'et o% "ater appeare- besi-e m1 ri)ht han-; : raise- it an- "ashe- e&er1thin)
-o"n; : took another sip;
FAh4 that reaction is "orth somethin)4 an1ho"4G Easra remarke-; FAo$ m$st a-mit that ha&in)
someone 1o$ once 'o&e- as$tioner a--s spice to &en)eance;G
O$t o% the corner o% m1 e1e : sa" that Ban-or "as no--in); An- :4 a'so4 ha- to a)ree that she
"as ri)ht;
F: m$st ackno"'e-)e it as a "e''-concei&e- bit o% re&en)e4G : sai-; F=as 0ina'-o in on this
FNo4 1o$ t"o ha- )ro"n too ch$mm1 b1 then; : "as a%rai- he@- "arn 1o$;G
: tho$)ht abo$t it %or another min$te or so4 then4 F=hat "ent "ron)>G : aske-;
F!he one thin) :@- ne&er ha&e )$esse-4G she sai-; FE$'ia rea''1 ha- ta'ent; A %e" 'essons %rom
7ictor4 an- she "as better than he "as at an1thin) he co$'- -oDe.cept paintin); ,e''I Ba1be
she paints4 too; : -on@t kno"; :@- -ea't m1se'% a "i'- car-4 an- it p'a1e- itse'%;G
: sh$--ere-; : tho$)ht o% m1 con&ersation "ith thet'iga at Arbor ,orse4 back "hen it "as
possessin) 7inta Ba1'e; F/i- E$'ia -e&e'op the abi'ities she so$)ht>G it ha- aske- me; :@- to'- it
that : -i-n@t kno"; :@- sai- that she@- ne&er sho"n an1 si)ns;;;; An- short'1 therea%ter :@-
remembere- o$r meetin) in the s$permarket parkin) 'ot an- the -o) she to'- to sit that ma1
ne&er ha&e mo&e- a)ain;;;; :@- reca''e- this4 b$tD
FAn- 1o$ ne&er notice- an1 in-ication o% her ta'ent>G Easra &ent$re-;
F: "o$'-n@t sa1 that4G : rep'ie- as : be)an to rea'i6e "h1 thin)s "ere as the1 "ere; FNo4 :
"o$'-n@t sa1 that;G
;;;9ike that time at Baskin-0obbins "hen she ca$se- a chan)e o% %'a&ors @t"i.t cone an- 'ip; Or
the storm she@- sta1e- -r1 in "itho$t an $mbre''a;;;
(he %ro"ne- a p$66'e- %ro"n an- narro"e- her e1es as she stare-; F: -on@t $n-erstan-4G she
sai-; F:% 1o$ kne"4 1o$ co$'- ha&e traine- her 1o$rse'%; (he "as in 'o&e "ith 1o$; Ao$ "o$'-
ha&e been a %ormi-ab'e team;G
: "rithe- interna''1; (he "as ri)ht4 an- :had s$specte-4 ha- probab'1 e&en kno"n4 b$t :@- been
s$ppressin) it; :@- possib'1 e&en tri))ere- its onset m1se'%4 "ith that sha-o" "a'k4 "ith m1 bo-1
F:t@s trick14G : sai-4 Fan- &er1 persona';G
FOh; Batters o% the heart are either &er1 simp'e or tota''1 inscr$tab'e to me4G she sai-; F!here
-oesn@t seem to be a mi--'e )ro$n-;G
F9et@s stip$'ate simp'e4G : to'- her; F=e "ere a'rea-1 breakin) $p "hen : notice- the si)ns4 an-
:@- no -esire to ca'' $p the po"er in an e.-'o&er "ho mi)ht one -a1 "ant to practice on me;G
F*n-erstan-ab'e4G Easra sai-; F7er1; An- ironic in the e.treme;G
F:n-ee-4G Ban-or obser&e-4 an- "ith a )est$re he ca$se- more steamin) -ishes to appear
be%ore $s; FBe%ore 1o$ )et carrie- a"a1 "ith a narrati&e o% intri)$e an- the $n-ersi-e o% the
ps1che4 :@- 'ike 1o$ to tr1 a 'itt'e breast o% <$ai' -ro"ne- in Bo$ton 0othschi'-4 "ith a bit o%
"i'- rice an- a %e" am$sin) aspara)$s tips;G
: ha- -ri&en her to her st$-ies b1 sho"in) her another 'a1er o% rea'it14 : rea'i6e-; An- : ha-
-ri&en her a"a1 %rom me beca$se : ha- not rea''1 tr$ste- her eno$)h to te'' her the tr$th abo$t
m1se'%; : s$ppose this sai- somethin) abo$t m1 capacit1 %or 'o&e as "e'' as tr$st; B$t : ha- %e't
this a'' a'on); !here "as somethin) e'se; !here "as more;;;;
F!his is -e'icio$s4G Easra anno$nce-;
F!hank 1o$;G ,e rose4 ro$n-e- the tab'e4 an- re%i''e- her )'ass man$a''1 rather than $se a
'e&itation trick; As he -i-4 : notice- that the %in)ers o% his 'e%t han- 'i)ht'1 br$she- her bare
sho$'-er; ,e s'oshe- a 'itt'e into m1 )'ass as an a%tertho$)ht then an- "ent back an- sat -o"n;
FAes4 e.ce''ent4G : obser&e- as : contin$e- m1 <$ick introspect thro$)h the -ark )'ass s$--en'1
: ha- %e't somethin)4 ha- s$specte- somethin) %rom the be)innin)4 : kne" no"; O$r sha-o"
"a'k "as on'1 the most spectac$'ar o% a series o% sma''4 o%%-the-c$%% tests : ha- occasiona''1
thro"n her "a14 hopin) to catch her o%% )$ar-4 hopin) to e.pose her asD"hat> =e''4 a potentia'
sorceress; (o>
: set m1 $tensi's asi-e an- r$bbe- m1 e1es; :t "as near4 tho$)h :@- been hi-in) it %rom m1se'%
%or a 'on) "hi'e;;;
F:s somethin) the matter4 Ber'in>G : hear- Easa askin);
FNo; E$st rea'i6e- : "as a 'itt'e tire-4G : sai-; F2&er1thin)@s %ine;G
A sorceress; Not ?$st a potentia' sorceress; !here ha- been the b$rie- %ear4 : no" $n-erstoo-4
that she "as behin- the Apri' 3 attempts on m1 'i%eDan- : ha- s$ppresse- this an- kept on
carin) %or her; =h1> Beca$se : kne" an- -i- not care> Beca$se she "as m1 Nim$e> Beca$se :
ha- cherishe- m1 possib'e -estro1er an- hi--en e&i-ence %rom m1se'%> Beca$se :@- not on'1
'o&e- $n"ise'1 b$t ha- ha- one bi) -eath "ish %o''o"in) me aro$n-4 )rinnin)4 an- an1 time no"
: mi)ht cooperate "ith it to the $tmost>
F:@'' be oka14G : sai-; F:t@s rea''1 nothin);G
/i- it mean that : "as4 as the1 sa14 m1 o"n "orst enem1> : hope- not; : -i-n@t rea''1 ha&e time
to )o thro$)h therap14 not "hen m1 'i%e -epen-e- on so man1 e.terna' thin)s as "e'';
FA penn1 %or 1o$r tho$)hts4G Easra sai- s"eet'1;
Chapter 2
F!he1@re price'ess4G : ans"ere-; F9ike 1o$r ?okes; : m$st app'a$- 1o$; Not on'1 -i- : kno"
nothin) o% this at the time4 b$t : -i-n@t make an1 correct )$esses "hen : -i- ha&e a %e" %acts to
r$b to)ether; :s that "hat 1o$ "ante- to hear>G
FAes4G she sai-;
F:@m p'ease- there came a point "here thin)s "ent "ron) %or 1o$4G : a--e-;
(he si)he-4 no--e-4 took a -rink o% "ine;
FAes4 it came4G she ackno"'e-)e-; F: "as har-'1 e.pectin) an1 recoi' %rom s$ch a simp'e bit o%
b$siness; : sti'' %in- it har- to be'ie&e that there@s that m$ch iron1 r$nnin) aro$n- 'oose in the
F:% 1o$ "ant me to appreciate the "ho'e thin)4 1o$@re )oin) to ha&e to be a 'itt'e more e.p'icit4G
: s$))este-;
F: kno"; :n a "a14 : hate tra-in) that &a)$e'1 p$66'e- e.pression 1o$@re "earin) %or one o%
-e'i)ht at m1 o"n -iscom%ort; On the other han-4 there ma1 sti'' be materia' ab'e to -istress 1o$
in some %resh %ashion on the other si-e o% it;G
F=in a %e"4 'ose a %e"4G : sai-; F:@m "i''in) to bet there are sti'' %eat$res o% those -a1s that
p$66'e 1o$;G
F($ch as>G she aske-;
F($ch as "h1 none o% those Apri' thirtieth attempts on m1 'i%e s$ccee-e-;G
F: ass$me 0ina'-o sabota)e- me some "a14 tippe- 1o$ o%%;G
F=hat4 then>G
F!het'iga ; (he@s $n-er a comp$'sion to protect me; Ao$ mi)ht reca'' her %rom those -a1s4 as
she resi-e- is the bo-1 o% #ai' 9ampron;G
F#ai'> 0ina'-o@s )ir'%rien-> B1 son "as -atin) a -emon>G
F9et@s not be pre?$-ice-; ,e@- -one a 'ot "orse his %reshman 1ear;G
(he tho$)ht a moment4 then no--e- s'o"'1;
FAo$@&e )ot a point there4G she a-mitte-; F:@- %or)otten Caro'; An- 1o$ sti'' ha&e no i-eaD
be1on- "hat the thin) a-mitte- back in AmberDas to "h1 this "as )oin) on>G
F: sti'' -on@t kno"4G : sai-;
F:t casts that entire perio- in an e&en stran)er 'i)ht4G she m$se-4 Fespecia''1 since o$r paths ha&e
crosse- a)ain; : "on-er;;;>G
F=hether she "as there to protect 1o$ or to th"art meD1o$r bo-1)$ar- or m1 c$rse>G
F,ar- to sa14 since the res$'ts came to the same thin);G
FB$t she@s apparent'1 been han)in) aro$n- 1o$ most recent'14 "hich "o$'- seem to in-icate the
F*n'ess4 o% co$rse4 she kno"s somethin) "e -on@t;G
F($ch as>G
F($ch as the possibi'it1 o% a con%'ict -e&e'opin) bet"een $s a)ain;G
(he smi'e-;
FAo$ sho$'- ha&e )one to 'a" schoo'4G she sai-; FAo$@re as -e&io$s as 1o$r re'ati&es back in
Amber; : can be tr$th%$'4 tho$)h4 in sa1in) : ha&e nothin) p'anne- that co$'- be taken that "a1;G
: shr$))e-;
FE$st a tho$)ht; P'ease contin$e "ith E$'ia@s stor1;G (he procee-e- to eat se&era' mo$th%$'s; :
kept her compan14 then -isco&ere- : co$'- not stop eatin); : )'ance- at Ban-or4 b$t he remaine-
inscr$tab'e; ,e@'' ne&er a-mit to ma)ica''1 enhancin) a %'a&or or 'a1in) a comp$'sion on -iners
to c'ean their p'ates; 2ither "a14 "e -i- %inish the co$rse be%ore she spoke a)ain; An- : co$'-
har-'1 comp'ain4 consi-erin);
FE$'ia st$-ie- "ith a &ariet1 o% teachers a%ter 1o$ t"o broke $p4G she be)an; FOnce : hit $pon
m1 p'an4 it "as a simp'e matter to ca$se them to -o or sa1 thin)s "hich "o$'- -isi''$sion or
-isco$ra)e her an- set her to 'ookin) %or someone e'se; :t "as not 'on) be%ore she came to 7ictor4
"ho "as a'rea-1 $n-er o$r t$te'a)e; : or-ere- him to s"eeten her sta1 an- to skip man1 o% the
$s$a' pre'iminaries an- to procee- to teachin) her abo$t an initiation : ha- chosen %or herDG
F!hat bein)>G : interr$pte-; F!here are an a"%$' 'ot o% initiations aro$n-4 "ith a &ariet1 o%
specia'i6e- en-s;G
(he smi'e- an- no--e-4 breakin) a ro'' an- b$tterin) it;
F: 'e- her m1se'% thro$)h a &ersion o% m1 o"nDthe =a1 o% the Broken Pattern;G
F(o$n-s 'ike somethin) -an)ero$s %rom the Amber en- o% (ha-o";G
F: can@t %a$'t 1o$r )eo)raph14G she sai-; FB$t it is not a'' that -an)ero$s i% 1o$ kno" "hat 1o$@re
F:t is m1 $n-erstan-in)4G : sai-4 Fthat those (ha-o" "or'-s "hich contain sha-o"s o% the
Pattern can on'1 ho'- imper%ect &ersions an- that this a'"a1s represents a ha6ar-;G
F:t is a ha6ar- on'1 i% one -oes not kno" ho" to -ea' "ith it;G
FAn- 1o$ ha- E$'ia "a'k thisDBroken Pattern>G
FB1 kno"'e-)e o% "hat 1o$ re%er to as "a'kin) the Pattern is restricte- to "hat m1 'ate h$sban-
an- 0ina'-o ha&e to'- me o% it; : be'ie&e that 1o$ %o''o" the 'ines %rom a -e%inite e.terna'
be)innin) to an interior point "here the po"er comes to 1o$>G
FAes4G : ackno"'e-)e-;
F:n the =a1 o% the Broken Pattern4G she e.p'aine-4 F1o$ enter thro$)h the imper%ection an-
make 1o$r "a1 to the center;G
F,o" can 1o$ %o''o" the 'ines i% the1 are broken or imper%ect> !he rea' Pattern "o$'- -estro1
1o$ i% 1o$ -eparte- the -esi)n;G
FAo$ -on@t %o''o" the 'ines; Ao$ %o''o" the interstices4G she sai-;
FAn- "hen 1o$ emer)e;;;"here&er>G : aske-;
FAo$ bear the ima)e o% the Broken Pattern "ithin 1o$;G
FAn- ho" -o 1o$ con?$re "ith this>G
F!hro$)h the imper%ection; Ao$ s$mmon the ima)e4 an- it is 'ike a -ark "e'' %rom "hich 1o$
-ra" po"er;G
FAn- ho" -o 1o$ tra&e' amon) sha-o"s>G
FB$ch as 1o$ -oDas : $n-erstan- it4G she sai-; FB$t the break is a'"a1s "ith 1o$;G
F!he break> : -on@t $n-erstan-;G
F!he %'a" in the Pattern; :t %o''o"s 1o$ thro$)h (ha-o"; :t is a'"a1s there besi-e 1o$ as 1o$
tra&e'4 sometimes as a hair-%ine crack4 sometimes a )reat chasm; :t shi%ts abo$tC it ma1 appear
s$--en'14 an1"hereDa 'apse in rea'it1; !his is the ha6ar- %or those o% the Broken =a1; !o %a''
into it is the %ina' -eath;G
F:t m$st 'ie "ithin a'' o% 1o$r spe''s then a'so4 'ike a boob1 trap;G
FA'' occ$pations ha&e their ha6ar-s4G she sai-; FA&oi-in) them is a part o% the art;G
FAn- this is the initiation thro$)h "hich 1o$ took E$'ia>G
FAn- 7ictor>G
F: $n-erstan- "hat 1o$ are sa1in)4G : rep'ie-4 Fb$t 1o$ m$st rea'i6e that the broken Patterns are
-ra"in) their po"er %rom the rea' one;G
FO% co$rse; =hat o% it> !he ima)e is a'most as )oo- as the rea' thin)4 i% 1o$@re care%$';G
F+or the recor-4 ho" man1 $se%$' ima)es are there>G
F!he1 m$st -e)enerate %rom sha-o" to sha-o"; =here -o 1o$ -ra" the 'ine an- sa14 @Be1on-
this broken ima)e : "i'' not risk breakin) m1 neck@>G
F: see "hat 1o$ mean; Ao$ can "ork "ith perhaps the %irst nine; :@&e ne&er )one %arther o$t; !he
%irst three are best; !he circ'e o% the ne.t three is sti'' mana)eab'e; !he ne.t three are a 'ot
FA bi))er chasm %or each>G
F=h1 are 1o$ )i&in) me a'' this esoteric in%ormation>G
FAo$@re a hi)her-'e&e' initiate4 so it -oesn@t matter; A'so4 there is nothin) 1o$ co$'- -o to a%%ect
the set$p; An- %ina''14 1o$ nee- to kno" this to appreciate the rest o% the stor1;G
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-;
Ban-or tappe- the tab'e4 an- sma'' cr1sta' c$ps o% 'emon sherbet appeare- be%ore $s; =e took
the hint an- c'eare- o$r pa'ates be%ore res$min) the con&ersation; O$tsi-e4 the sha-o"s o%
c'o$-s s'i- across the mo$ntain s'opes; A %aint m$sic -ri%te- into the room %rom some"here %ar
back a'on) the corri-or; C'inkin) an- scrapin) noises4 so$n-in) 'ike -istant pick-an--sho&e'
"ork4 came to $s %rom some"here o$tsi-eDmost 'ike'1 at the 3eep;
F(o 1o$ initiate- E$'ia4G : prompte-;
FAes4G Easra sai-;
F=hat happene- then>G
F(he 'earne- to s$mmon the ima)e o% the Broken Pattern an- $se it %or ma)ica' si)ht an- the
han)in) o% spe''s; (he 'earne- to -ra" ra" po"er thro$)h the break in it; (he 'earne- to %in- her
"a1 thro$)h (ha-o"DG
F=hi'e min-in) the chasm>G : s$))este-;
FE$st so4 an- she ha- a -e%inite knack %or it; (he@- a %'air %or e&er1thin)4 as a matter o% %act;G
F:@m ama6e- that a morta' can tra&erse e&en a broken ima)e o% the Pattern an- 'i&e;G
FOn'1 a %e" o% them -o4G Easra sai-; F!he others step on a 'ine or -ie m1sterio$s'1 in the broken
area; !en percent make it4 ma1be; !hat isn@t ba-; 3eeps it some"hat e.c'$si&e; O% them4 on'1 a
%e" can 'earn the proper mantic ski''s to amo$nt to an1thin) as an a-ept;G
FAn- 1o$ sa1 that she "as act$a''1 better than 7ictor4 once she kne" "hat she "as abo$t>G
FAes; : -i-n@t appreciate ?$st ho" )oo- $nti' it "as too 'ate;G
: %e't her )a6e $pon me4 as i% she "ere checkin) %or a reaction; : )'ance- $p %rom m1 %oo- an-
cocke- an e1ebro";
FAes4G she "ent on4 apparent'1 satis%ie-; FAo$ -i-n@t kno" that "as E$'ia 1o$ "ere stabbin)
back at the +o$nt4 -i- 1o$>G
FNo4G : a-mitte-; F:@- been p$66'e- b1 Bask a'' a'on); : co$'-n@t %i)$re an1 moti&e %or "hate&er
"as )oin) on; !he %'o"ers "ere an especia''1 o-- to$ch4 an- : ne&er rea''1 $n-erstoo- "hether it
"as 1o$ or Bask behin- the bit "ith the b'$e stones;G
(he 'a$)he-;
F!he b'$e stones4 an- the ca&e the1 come %rom4 are somethin) o% a %ami'1 secret; !he materia' is
a kin- o% ma)ica' ins$'ator4 b$t t"o piecesDonce to)etherDmaintain a 'ink4 b1 "hich a
sensiti&e person can ho'- one an- track the otherDG
F!hro$)h (ha-o">G
F2&en i% the person -oin) the trackin) other"ise has no specia' abi'ities a'on) these 'ines>G
F2&en so4G she sai-; F:t@s simi'ar to %o''o"in) a sha-o" shi%ter "hi'e she@s shi%tin); An1one can
-o it i% she@s <$ick eno$)h4 sensiti&e eno$)h; !his ?$st e.ten-s the practice a 'itt'e %$rther; :t@s
%o''o"in) the shi%ter@s trai' rather than the shi%ter herse'%;G
F,erse'%4 herse'%;;;Ao$ tr1in) to te'' me it@s been p$''e- on 1o$>G
F!hat@s ri)ht;G
: 'ooke- $p in time to see her b'$sh;
FE$'ia>G : sai-;
FAo$ be)in to $n-erstan-;G
FNo4G : sai-; F=e''4 ma1be a 'itt'e; (he "as more ta'ente- than 1o$@- anticipate-; Ao$ a'rea-1
to'- me that; : )et the impression she s$ckere- 1o$ on somethin); B$t :@m not s$re "here or
F: bro$)ht her here4G Easra sai-4 Fto pick $p some e<$ipment : "ante- to take a'on) to the %irst
circ'e o% sha-o"s near Amber; (he -i- ha&e a 'ook at m1 "orkroom in the 3eep at that time; An-
perhaps : "as o&er'1 comm$nicati&e then; B$t ho" "as : to kno" she "as makin) menta' notes
an- probab'1 %orm$'atin) a p'an> :@- %e't her too co"e- to entertain s$ch tho$)hts; : m$st a-mit
she "as a prett1 )oo- actress;G
F: rea- 7ictor@s -iar14G : sai-; F: take it 1o$ "ere maske- or hoo-e- an- possib'1 $sin) some sort
o% &oice--istortin) spe'' the "ho'e time>G
FAes4 b$t rather than a"e E$'ia into s$bmission4 : think : ro$se- her c$pi-it1 %or thin)s ma)ica';
: be'ie&e she picke- $p one o% m1 tra)o'ithsDthe b'$e stonesDat that time; !he rest is histor1;G
FNot %or me;G
A bo"' o% tota''1 $n%ami'iar b$t -e'icio$s-sme''in) &e)etab'es appeare-4 steamin)4 be%ore me;
F!hink abo$t it;G
FAo$ took her to the Broken Pattern an- con-$cte- her initiation;;;G : be)an;
F!he %irst chance she ha-4G : contin$e-4 Fshe $se- the;;;tra)o'ith to ret$rn to the 3eep an- 'earn
some o% 1o$r other secrets;G
Easra app'a$-e- so%t'14 samp'e- the &e))ies4 <$ick'1 ate more; Ban-or smi'e-;
FBe1on- that : -ra" a b'ank4G : a-mitte-;
FBe a )oo- bo1 an- eat 1o$r &e)etab'es4G she sai-;
: obe1e-;
FBasin) m1 conc'$sions concernin) this remarkab'e ta'e so'e'1 $pon m1 e.perience o% h$man
nat$re4G Ban-or s$--en'1 obser&e-4 F: "o$'- sa1 that she "ishe- to test her ta'ons as "e'' as her
"in)s; :@- )$ess she "ent back an- cha''en)e- her %ormer masterDthis 7ictor Be'manDan-
%o$)ht a sorcero$s -$e' "ith him;G
: hear- Easra@s intake o% breath;
F:s that tr$'1 on'1 a )$ess>G she aske-;
F!r$'14G he ans"ere-4 s"ir'in) his "ine in his )ob'et;
FAn- : "o$'- )$ess %$rther that 1o$ ha- once -one somethin) simi'ar "ith 1o$r o"n teacher;G
F=hat -e&i' to'- 1o$ that>G she aske-;
F:t is on'1 a )$ess that (har$ "as 1o$r teacherDan- perhaps more than that4G he sai-; FB$t it
"o$'- e.p'ain both 1o$r ac<$isition o% this p'ace an- 1o$r abi'it1 to catch its %ormer 'or- o%%
)$ar-; ,e mi)ht e&en ha&e ha- a stra1 moment be%ore his -e%eat %or a "ish%$' c$rse that the
same %ate atten- 1o$ one -a1; An- e&en i% not4 these thin)s -o sometimes ha&e a "a1 o% r$nnin)
%$'' circ'e "ith peop'e in o$r tra-e;G
(he ch$ck'e-;
F!he -e&i' ca''e- 0eason4 then4G she sai-4 a note o% a-miration in her &oice; FAet 1o$ s$mmon
him b1 int$ition4 "hich makes it an art;G
F:t is )oo- to kno" he sti'' comes "hen : ca''; : take it E$'ia "as s$rprise-4 ho"e&er4 b1 7ictor@s
abi'it1 to th"art her;G
F!r$e; (he -i- not anticipate that "e ten- to "rap apprentices in a 'a1er or t"o o% protection;G
FAet her o"n -e%enses ob&io$s'1 pro&e- a-e<$ateDat 'east;G
F!r$e; !ho$)h that4 o% co$rse4 "as tantamo$nt to -e%eat; +or she kne" that : "o$'- 'earn o% her
rebe''ion an- come soon to -iscip'ine her;G
FOh4G : obser&e-;
FAes4G she state-; F!hat is "h1 she %ake- her -eath4 "hich : m$st a-mit ha- me comp'ete'1
%oo'e- %or a 'on) "hi'e;G
: reca''e- the -a1 : ha- &isite- E$'ia@s apartment4 %o$n- the bo-14 been attacke- b1 the beast; !he
corpse@s %ace ha- been part'1 -estro1e-4 the remainin) %eat$res )or1; B$t the 'a-1 ha- been the
ri)ht si6e4 an- )enera' resemb'ances ha- ?ibe-; An- she ha- been in the ri)ht p'ace; An- then :
ha- become the ob?ect o% the '$rkin) -o)'ike creat$re@s attention4 "hich ha- -istracte- me more
than a 'itt'e %rom the min$tiae o% i-entit1; B1 the time m1 str$))'e %or m1 'i%e "as conc'$-e-4 to
the accompaniment o% approachin) sirens4 : "as more intereste- in %'i)ht than in %$rther
in&esti)ation; !herea%ter4 "hene&er : ha- ret$rne- in memor1 to that scene4 it "as E$'ia -ea-
"hom : behe'-;
F:ncre-ib'e4G : sai-; F!hen "hose bo-1 "as it that : %o$n->G
F:@&e no i-ea4G she rep'ie-; F:t co$'- ha&e been one o% her o"n sha-o" se'&es or some stran)er
o%% the street; Or a corpse sto'en %rom the mor)$e; :@&e no "a1 o% kno"in);G
F:t "as "earin) one o% 1o$r b'$e stones;G
FAes; An- its mate "as on the co''ar o% the beast 1o$ s'e"Dan- she opene- the "a1 %or it to
come thro$)h;G
F=h1> An- "h1 a'' that b$siness "ith the /"e''er on the !hresho'- as "e''>G
F0e- herrin) o% the %irst "ater; 7ictor tho$)ht :@- ki''e- her4 an- : tho$)ht he ha-; ,e ass$me-
:@- opene- a "a1 %rom the 3eep an- sent the heatin) beast a%ter her; : )$esse- he@- -one it4 an- :
"as irritate- he@- hi--en his rapi- -e&e'opment %rom me; ($ch thin)s se'-om bo-e "e''; G
: no--e-;
FAo$ bree- those creat$res aro$n- here>G
FAes4G she rep'ie-4 Fan- : sho" them4 too4 in se&era' a-?acent sha-o"s; :@&e a n$mber "ho@&e
taken b'$e ribbons;G
F:@'' stick "ith pit b$''s4G : sai-; F!he1@re a 'ot c$ter an- better beha&e-; (o4 she 'e%t a bo-1 an- a
hi--en corri-or to this p'ace4 an- 1o$ tho$)ht 7ictor ha- -one her in an- "as settin) thin)s $p
%or a rai- on 1o$rsanctum sanctorum ;G
FBore or 'ess;G
FAn- he tho$)ht she@- become s$%%icient'1 -an)ero$s to 1o$Das "ith the corri-orDthat 1o$@-
ki''e- her>G
F: -on@t rea''1 kno" that he e&er %o$n- the corri-or; :t "as %air'1 "e'' hi--en4 as 1o$ 'earne-;
2ither "a14 neither o% $s "as a"are o% "hat she@- rea''1 -one;G
F!hat bein)>G
F(he@- a'so p'ante- a piece o% tra)o'ith on me; 9ater4 a%ter the initiation4 she $se- its mate to
track me thro$)h (ha-o" to Be)ma;G
FBe)ma> =hat the he'' "ere 1o$ -oin) there>G
FNothin) important4G she sai-; F: mention it on'1 to sho" her s$bt'et1; (he -i- not approach me
at that time; : kno" o% it4 in %act4 on'1 beca$se she to'- me o% it 'ater; (he trai'e- me then %rom
the perimeter o% the #o'-en Circ'e back here to the Cita-e'; !he rest 1o$ kno";G
F:@m not s$re that : -o;G
F(he ha- -esi)ns on this p'ace; =hen she s$rprise- me4 : "as s$rprise- in-ee-; :t "as ho" :
became a coatrack;G
FAn- she took o&er here4 -onnin) a )oa'ie mask %or p$b'ic re'ations p$rposes; (he -"e''e- here
%or a time4 b$i'-in) her po"ers4 increasin) her ski''s4 han)in) $mbre''as on 1o$DG
Easra )ro"'e- so%t'14 an- : remembere- that her bite "as "orse; : hastene- into a %resh area o%
spec$'ation; F: sti'' -on@t $n-erstan- "h1 she spie- on me on occasion an- sometimes thre"
FBen are e.asperatin)4G Easra sai-4 raisin) her "ine)'ass an- -rainin) it; FAo$@&e mana)e- to
$n-erstan- e&er1thin) b$t her moti&e;G
F(he "as on a po"er trip4G : sai-; F=hat@s to $n-erstan- past that> : e&en reca'' a 'on)
-isc$ssion "e once ha- concernin) po"er;G
: hear- Ban-or ch$ck'e; =hen : )'ance- at him4 he 'ooke- a"a14 shakin) his hea-;
FOb&io$s'14G Easra sai-4 Fshe sti'' care- abo$t 1o$; Bost 'ike'14 a )reat -ea'; (he "as p'a1in)
)ames "ith 1o$; (he "ante- to ro$se 1o$r c$riosit1; (he "ante- 1o$ to come a%ter her4 to %in-
her4 an- she probab'1 "ante- to tr1 her po"er a)ainst 1o$r o"n; (he "ante- to sho" 1o$ that
she "as "orth1 o% a'' those thin)s 1o$@- -enie- her "hen 1o$ -enie- her 1o$r con%i-ence;G
F(o 1o$ kno" abo$t that4 too;G
F!here "ere times "hen she spoke %ree'1 to me;G
F(o she care- %or me so "e'' that she sent men "ith tra)o'iths to track me to Amber an- tr1 to
s'a1 me; !he1 a'most s$ccee-e-4 too;G
Easra 'ooke- a"a14 co$)he-; Ban-or imme-iate'1 rose4 circ'e- the tab'e4 an- re%i''e- her )ob'et4
interposin) himse'% bet"een $s; At that time4 "hi'e she "as "ho''1 b'ocke- %rom m1 si)ht4 :
hear- her sa1 so%t'14 F=e''4 not e.act'1; !he assassins "ere;;;mine; 0ina'-o "asn@t aro$n- to
"arn 1o$4 as :@- )$esse- he "as -oin)4 an- : tho$)ht :@- ha&e one more shot at 1o$;G
FOh4G : obser&e-; FAn1 more "an-erin) aro$n- o$t there>G
F!he1 "ere the 'ast4G she sai-;
F!hat@s a com%ort;G
F:@m not apo'o)i6in); :@m ?$st e.p'ainin)4 to c'ear o$r -i%%erences; Are 1o$ "i''in) to cance' this
acco$nt4 too> :@&e )ot to kno";G
F: a'rea-1 sai- : "as "i''in) to ca'' thin)s e&en; :t sti'' )oes; =here -oes E$rt come into a'' this>
: -on@t $n-erstan- ho" the1 )ot to)ether an- "hat the1 are to each other;G
Ban-or a--e- a to$ch o% "ine to m1 o"n )'ass be%ore ret$rnin) to his seat; Easra met m1 e1es;
F: -on@t kno"4G she sai-; F(he ha- no a''ies "hen "e %o$)ht; :t ha- to ha&e happene- "hi'e :
"as ri)i-;G
F,a&e 1o$ an1 i-ea "here she an- E$rt mi)ht ha&e %'e->G
: )'ance- at Ban-or4 an- he shook his hea-;
FNeither ha&e :4G he sai-; F,o"e&er4 a pec$'iar tho$)ht has occ$rre- to me;G
FBesi-es the %act that he has ne)otiate- the 9o)r$s an- come into his po"ers4 is it necessar1 %or
me to point o$t that E$rtDapart %rom his scars an- missin) piecesDbears 1o$ a stron)
FE$rt> Be> Ao$@&e )ot to be ki--in)IG
,e )'ance- at Easra;
F,eis ri)ht4G she sai-; F:t@s ob&io$s that the t"o o% 1o$ are re'ate-;G
: p$t -o"n m1 %ork an- shook m1 hea-;
FPrepostero$s4G : sai-4 more in se'%--e%ense than as a matter o% certaint1; F: ne&er notice-;G
Ban-or shr$))e-4 &er1 s'i)ht'1;
FAo$ "ant a 'ect$re on the ps1cho'o)1 o% -enia'>G Easra aske- me;
FNo4G : sai-; F: "ant a 'itt'e "hi'e in "hich to 'et this sink in;G
F!ime %or another co$rse an1"a14G Ban-or anno$nce-4 an- he )est$re- "i-e'1 an- it "as
F=i'' 1o$ be in tro$b'e "ith 1o$r re'ati&es %or ha&in) re'ease- me>G Easra aske- a%ter a "hi'e;
FB1 the time the1 rea'i6e 1o$@re )one4 : hope to ha&e a )oo- stor1 rea-14G : ans"ere-;
F:n other "or-s4 1o$ "i'' be4G she sai-;
FBa1be a 'itt'e;G
F:@'' see "hat : can -o;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F: -on@t 'ike to be ob'i)ate- to an1one4G she sai-4 Fan- 1o$@&e -one more %or me than : ha&e %or
1o$ in this; :% : come $pon a means o% t$rnin) their "rath a"a1 %rom 1o$4 :@'' emp'o1 it;G
F=hat co$'- 1o$ possib'1 ha&e in min->G
F9et it )o at that; (ometimes it@s better not to kno" too m$ch;G
F: -on@t 'ike the so$n- o% this at a'';G
FAn e.ce''ent reason %or chan)in) the s$b?ect4G she sai-; F,o" )reat an enem1 has E$rt
F!o me>G : aske-; FOr are 1o$ "on-erin) "hether he@'' be ret$rnin) here %or secon- he'pin)s>G
FBoth4 "hen 1o$ p$t it that "a1 G
F: be'ie&e he@'' ki'' me i% he can4G : sai-4 )'ancin) at Ban-or4 "ho no--e-;
F: %ear that is so4G he state-;
FAs %or "hether he@'' be back here %or more o% "hate&er it is that he )ot4G : contin$e-4 F1o$@re
the best ?$-)e; ,o" c'ose -i- he seem to be to possessin) the %$'' po"ers one mi)ht )ain %rom
that rit$a' at the +o$ntain>G
F:t@s har- to sa1 e.act'14G she sai-4 Fas he "as testin) them $n-er &er1 chaotic con-itions; +i%t1
percent4 ma1be; E$st a )$ess; =i'' that satis%1 him>G
FPerhaps; ,o" -an)ero$s -oes that make him>G
F7er1; =hen he )ets the %$'' han) o% thin)s; (ti''4 he m$st rea'i6e that this p'ace "i'' be hea&i'1
)$ar-e- e&en a)ainst someone s$ch as himse'%Dsho$'- he -eci-e to ret$rn; : s$spect he@'' sta1
a"a1; E$st (har$Din his present circ$mstancesD"o$'- be a %ormi-ab'e obstac'e;G
: "ent on eatin);
FE$'ia "i'' probab'1 a-&ise him not to tr1 it4G she contin$e-4 F%ami'iar as she is "ith the p'ace;G
: no--e- m1 acceptance o% the notion; =e "o$'- meet "hen "e met; Nothin) m$ch : co$'- -o
no" to %oresta'' it;
FNo" ma1 : ask 1o$ a <$estion>G she sai-;
F#o ahea-;G
F!het'iga ;;;G
F2&en in the bo-1 o% the -$ke Ork$6@s -a$)hter4 : am certain that she -i- not ?$st "a'k into the
pa'ace an- "an-er on $p to 1o$r apartments;G
F,ar-'14G : rep'ie-; F(he@s "ith an o%%icia' part1;G
FBa1 : ask "hen the part1 arri&e->G
F2ar'ier in the -a14G : ans"ere-; F:@m a%rai-4 tho$)h4 that : can@t )o into an1 -etai' as toDG
(he -ippe- her "e''-rin)e- han- in a )est$re o% -enia';
F:@m not intereste- in state secrets4G she sai-4 Ftho$)h : kno" Na1-a $s$a''1 accompanies her
%ather in a secretaria' capacit1;G
F/i- her sister come a'on) or -i- she sta1 home>G
F!hat "o$'- be Cora'4 "o$'-n@t it>G : aske-;
F(he -i-4G : rep'ie-;
F!hank 1o$4G she sai-4 an- ret$rne- to her %oo-;
/amn; =hat "as that abo$t> /i- she kno" somethin) concernin) Cora' that : -i-n@t>
(omethin) that mi)ht bear on her present4 in-eterminate state> :% so4 "hat mi)ht it cost me to
%in- o$t>
F=h1>G : sai- then;
FE$st c$rio$s4G she rep'ie-; F: kne" the %ami'1 in;;;happier times;G
Easra sentimenta'> Ne&er; =hat then>
F($pposin) the %ami'1 ha- a prob'em or t"o>G : aske-;
FApart %rom Na1-a@s possession b1 thet'iga >G
FAes4G : sai-;
F: "o$'- be sorr1 to hear that4G she sai-; F=hat prob'em>G
FE$st a 'itt'e capti&it1 thin) in&o'&in) Cora';G
!here came a sma'' c'atter as she -roppe- her %ork an- it %e'' $pon her p'ate;
F=hatare 1o$ ta'kin) abo$t>G she aske-;
FA misp'acement4G : sai-;
FO% Cora'> ,o"> =here>G
F:t -epen-s part'1 on ho" m$ch 1o$ rea''1 kno" abort her4G : e.p'aine-;
F:@m %on- o% the )ir'; /on@t to1 "ith me; =hat happene->G
Bore than a 'itt'e p$66'in); B$t not the ans"er : "as a%ter;
FAo$ kne" her mother prett1 "e''>G
F3inta; :@- met her4 at -ip'omatic %$nctions; 9o&e'1 'a-1;G
F!e'' me abo$t her %ather;G
F=e''4 he@s a member o% the ro1a' ho$se4 b$t o% a branch not in the 'ine o% s$ccession; Be%ore he
"as prime minister4 Ork$6 "as the Be)man ambassa-or to 3ash%a; ,is %ami'1 "as in resi-ence
"ith him4 so nat$ra''1 : sa" him at an1 n$mber o% a%%airsDG
(he 'ooke- $p "hen she rea'i6e- : "as starin) at her thro$)h the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s4 across her
Broken Pattern; O$r e1es met4 an- she smi'e-;
FOh; Ao$ -i- ask abo$t herfather 4G she sai-; !hen she pa$se-4 an- : no--e-; F(o there@s tr$th in
that r$mor4G she obser&e- at 'ast;
FAo$ -i-n@t rea''1 kno">G
F!here are so man1 r$mors in the "or'-4 most o% them impossib'e to check; ,o" am : to kno"
"hich o% them ho'- tr$th> An- "h1 sho$'- : care>G
FAo$@re ri)ht4 o% co$rse4G : sai-; FNe&erthe'ess;;;G
FAnother o% the o'- bo1@s b1-b'o"s4G she sai-; F/oes an1one keep score> :t@s a "on-er he ha-
an1 time %or a%%airs o% state;G
FAn1one@s )$ess4G : sai-;
F!o be %rank then4 in a--ition to kno"in) the r$mor :@- hear-4 there "as in-ee- a %ami'1
resemb'ance; : co$'-n@t ?$-)e on that co$nt4 tho$)h4 not bein) persona''1 ac<$ainte- "ith most
o% the %ami'1; Ao$@re sa1in) there@s tr$th in it>G
FE$st beca$se o% the resemb'ance4 or is there somethin) more>G
F(omethin) more;G
(he smi'e- s"eet'1 an- retrie&e- her %ork;
F:@&e a'"a1s en?o1e- that %air1-ta'e re&e'ation "hich sees one rise in the "or'-;G
F: a'so4G : sai-4 an- : res$me- eatin);
Ban-or c'eare- his throat;
F:t seems har-'1 %air4G he sai-4 Fto te'' on'1 part o% a stor1;G
FAo$@re ri)ht4G : a)ree-;
Easra ret$rne- her )a6e to me an- si)he-;
FA'' ri)ht4G she sai-4 F:@'' ask; ,o" -i- 1o$ kno" %or cerDOh; O% co$rse; !he Pattern;G
: no--e-;
F=e''4 "e''4 "e''; 9itt'e Cora'4 Bistress o% the Pattern; !his "as a %air'1 recent occ$rrence>G
F: s$ppose she is o%% some"here in (ha-o" no"Dce'ebratin);G
F: "ish : kne";G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F(he@s )one4 b$t : -on@t kno" "here; An- it@s the Pattern that -i- it to her;G
F#oo- <$estion; : -on@t kno";G
Ban-or c'eare- his throat;
FBer'in4G he sai-4 Fperhaps there are some mattersGDhe rotate- his 'e%t han-DFthat on
re%'ection 1o$ ma1 "ishDG
FNo4G : sai-; FOr-inari'1 -iscretion "o$'- r$'eDperhaps e&en "ith 1o$4 m1 brother4 as a 9or-
o% Chaos; An- certain'1 in the case o% Ao$r ,i)hnessGD: no--e- to EasraDFsa&e that 1o$ are
ac<$ainte- an- ma1 e&en ha&e a to$ch o% a%%ection %or the 'a-1;G : -eci-e- a)ainst 'a1in) it on
too thick an- <$ick'1 a--e-4 FOr at 'east no ma'ice to"ar- her;G
FAs : sai-4 :@m &er1 %on- o% the )ir'4G Easra state-4 'eanin) %or"ar-;
F#oo-4G : rep'ie-4 F%or : %ee' at 'east part'1 responsib'e %or "hat happene-4 e&en tho$)h : "as
-$pe- in the matter; (o : %ee' ob'i)e- to tr1 to set thin)s ri)ht; On'1 : -on@t kno" ho";G
F=hat happene->G she aske-;
F: "as entertainin) her "hen she e.presse- a -esire to see the Pattern; (o : ob'i)e- her; On the
"a1 she aske- me <$estions abo$t it; :t seeme- harm'ess con&ersation4 an- : satis%ie- her
c$riosit1; : "as not %ami'iar "ith the r$mors concernin) her parenta)e4 or : "o$'- ha&e s$specte-
somethin); As it "as4 "hen "e )ot there4 she set %oot $pon the Pattern an- commence- "a'kin)
Easra s$cke- in her breath;
F:t "o$'- -estro1 one not o% the b'oo-4G she sai-; FCorrect>G
: no--e-;
FOr e&en one o% $s4G : sai- then4 Fi% an1 o% a n$mber o% mistakes be ma-e;G
Easra ch$ck'e-;
F($pposin) her mother@- rea''1 been carr1in) on "ith a %ootman or the cook>G she remarke-;
F(he@s a "ise -a$)hter4G : sai-; FAt an1 rate4 once one be)ins the Pattern4 one ma1 not t$rn back;
: "as ob'i)e- to instr$ct her as she "ent a'on); !hat4 or be a &er1 poor host an- -o$bt'ess
-ama)e Be)man-Amber re'ations;G
FAn- spoi' a'' sorts o% -e'icate ne)otiations>G she aske-4 ha'%-serio$s'1;
:@- a %ee'in) ?$st then that she@- "e'come a -i)ression concernin) the e.act nat$re o% the Be)man
&isit4 b$t : "asn@t bitin);
FAo$ mi)ht sa1 that4G : sai-; FAt an1 rate4 she comp'ete- the Pattern4 an- then it took her a"a1;G
FB1 'ate h$sban- to'- me that %rom its center one can comman- the Pattern to -e'i&er one
F!r$e4G : sai-4 Fb$t it "as the nat$re o% her comman- that "as a bit $n$s$a'; (he to'- the Pattern
to sen- her "here&er it "ante-;G
F:@m a%rai- : -on@t $n-erstan-;G
FNeither -o :4 b$t she -i-4 an- it -i-;G
FAo$ mean she ?$st sai-4 T(en- me "here&er 1o$ "ant to sen- me4@ an- she "as instant'1
-ispatche- %or points $nkno"n>G
FAo$@&e )ot it;G
F!hat "o$'- seem to imp'1 some sort o% inte''i)ence on the part o% the Pattern;G
F*n'ess4 o% co$rse4 it "as respon-in) to an $nconscio$s -esire on her part to &isit some
partic$'ar 'oca'e;G
F!r$e; : s$ppose there is that possibi'it1; B$t ha&e 1o$ no means o% tracin) her>G
F:@- a !r$mp :@- -one o% her; =hen : trie- it4 : reache- her; (he seeme- pent in a -ark p'ace;
!hen "e 'ost to$ch4 an- that@s it;G
F,o" 'on) a)o "as this>G
FA matter o% ho$rs b1 m1 s$b?ecti&e reckonin)4G : sai-; F:s this p'ace on an1thin) near Amber
FC'ose eno$)h4 : be'ie&e; =h1 -i-n@t 1o$ tr1 a)ain>G
F:@&e been some"hat occ$pie- e&er since A'so4 :@&e been castin) abo$t %or some a'ternate "a1 o%
approachin) this;G
!here came a c'inkin)4 ratt'in) so$n-4 an- : sme''e- co%%ee;
F:% 1o$@re askin) "hether :@'' he'p 1o$4G Easra sai-4 Fthe ans"er is 1es; On'1 : -on@t rea''1 kno"
ho" to )o abo$t it; Perhaps i% 1o$ "ere to tr1 her !r$mp a)ain "ith me backin) 1o$D"e mi)ht
reach her;G
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-4 'o"erin) m1 c$p an- %$mb'in) %orth the car-s; F9et@s )i&e it a tr1;G
F: "i'' assist 1o$ a'so4G Ban-or state-4 risin) to his %eet an- comin) to stan- to m1 ri)ht;
Easra came o&er an- stoo- to m1 'e%t; : he'- the !r$mp so that "e a'' ha- a c'ear &ie";
F9et $s be)in4G : sai-4 an- : mo&e- %or"ar- "ith m1 min-;
Chapter 3
A patch o% 'i)ht : ha- taken to be a stra1 s$nbeam -ri%te- %rom its position on the %'oor to a spot
besi-e m1 co%%ee c$p; :t "as rin)-shape-4 an- : -eci-e- not to remark $pon it since neither o% the
others seeme- to take note o% it;
: reache- a%ter Cora' an- %o$n- nothin); : %e't Easra an- Ban-or reachin) a'so4 an- : trie- a)ain4
?oinin) %orces "ith them; ,ar-er;
(omethin)> (omethin);;;: reca''e- "on-erin) "hat 7ia''e %e't "hen she $se- the !r$mps; :t ha-
to be somethin) other than the &is$a' c$es "ith "hich the rest o% $s "ere %ami'iar; :t mi)ht be
somethin) 'ike this;
(omethin); =hat : %e't "as a sense o% Cora'@s presence; : re)ar-e- her %orm $pon the car-4 b$t it
"o$'- not come a'i&e; !he car- itse'% ha- )ro"n perceptib'1 coo'er4 b$t it "as not the same ice-
e-)e- chi'' : norma''1 %e't on achie&in) comm$nication "ith one o% the others; : trie- har-er; :
%e't Ban-or an- Easra increasin) their e%%orts a'so;
!hen Cora'@s ima)e on the car- %a-e-4 b$t nothin) came to rep'ace it; : sense- her presence4
ho"e&er4 as : re)ar-e- the &oi-; !he %ee'in) came c'osest to that o% attemptin) to make contact
"ith someone "ho "as as'eep;
F: cannot te'' "hether it@s simp'1 a -i%%ic$'t p'ace to reach4G Ban-or be)an4 ForDG
F: be'ie&e she is $n-er a spe''4G Easra anno$nce-;
F!hat co$'- acco$nt %or a part o% it4G Ban-or sai-;
FB$t on'1 part4G came a so%t4 %ami'iar &oice %rom near at han-; F!here are a"esome po"ers
ho'-in) her4 /a-; :@&e ne&er seen an1thin) 'ike this be%ore;G
F!he #host"hee' is ri)ht4G Ban-or sai-; F:@m be)innin) to %ee' it;G
FAes4G Easra be)an4 Fthere is somethin);;;;G
An- s$--en'1 the &ei' "as pierce-4 an- : behe'- the s'$mpe- %orm o% Cora'4 apparent'1
$nconscio$s4 '1in) $pon a -ark s$r%ace in a &er1 -ark p'ace4 the on'1 i''$mination comin) %rom
"hat seeme- a circ'e o% %ire -ra"n abo$t her; (he co$'-n@t ha&e bro$)ht me thro$)h i% she
"ante- to4 an-D
F#host4 can 1o$ take me to her>G : aske-;
,er ima)e %a-e- be%ore he co$'- rep'14 an- : %e't a co'- -ra%t; :t "as se&era' secon-s be%ore :
rea'i6e- that it seeme- to be b'o"in) $pon me %rom the no"-ic1 car-;
F: -on@t think so4 : "o$'-n@t "ant to4 an- it ma1 be that there is no nee-4G he ans"ere-; F!he
%orce that ho'-s her has become a"are o% 1o$r interest an- e&en no" is reachin) to"ar- 1o$; :s
there some "a1 1o$ can t$rn o%% that !r$mp>G
: passe- m1 han- across its %ace4 "hich is $s$a''1 s$%%icient; Nothin) happene-; !he co'- bree6e
e&en seeme- to increase in intensit1; : repeate- the )est$re a'on) "ith a menta' or-er; : be)an to
%ee' "hate&er it "as4 %oc$sin) $pon me;
!hen the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s %e'' $pon the !r$mp4 an- the car- "as torn %rom m1 han- as : "as
cast back"ar-4 strikin) m1 sho$'-er a)ainst the e-)e o% the -oor; Ban-or '$rche- to his ri)ht as
this occ$rre-4 catchin) ho'- o% the tab'e to stea-1 himse'%; :n m1 9o)r$s &ision : ha- seen "i'-
'ines o% 'i)ht %'ash o$t"ar- %rom the car- be%ore it %e'' a"a1;
F/i- that -o the trick>G : ca''e- o$t;
F:t broke the connection4G #host rep'ie-;
F!hanks4 Ban-or4G : sai-;
FB$t the po"er that "as reachin) %or 1o$ thro$)h the !r$mp kno"s "here 1o$ are no"4G #host
F=hat makes 1o$ pri&1 to its a"areness>G : in<$ire-;
F:t is a s$rmise4 base- $pon the %act that it@s sti'' reachin) %or 1o$; :t is comin) the 'on) "a1
ro$n-Dacross spaceDtho$)h; :t co$'- take as 'on) as a <$arter o% a min$te be%ore it reaches
FAo$r $se o% the prono$n is a 'itt'e in-e%inite4G Easra sai-; F:s it ?$st Ber'in that it "ants> Or is it
comin) %or a'' o% $s>G
F*ncertain; Ber'in is the %oc$s; :@&e no i-ea "hat it "i'' -o to 1o$;G
: '$rche- %or"ar- -$rin) this e.chan)e an- retrie&e- Cora'@s !r$mp;
FCan 1o$ protect $s>G she aske-;
F:@&e a'rea-1 be)$n trans%errin) Ber'in to a -istant p'ace; (ha'' : -o this %or 1o$ a'so>G
As : 'ooke- $p %rom pocketin) the !r$mp4 : note- that the chamber ha- become somethin) 'ess
than s$bstantia'-trans'$cent4 as i% e&er1thin) "ere ma-e o% co'ore- )'ass;
FP'ease4G the cathe-ra'-"in-o" %orm o% Easra sai- so%t'1;
FAes4G came m1 %a-in) brother@s %aint echo;
!hen : "as passe- thro$)h a %ier1 hoop into a p'ace o% -arkness; : st$mb'e- a)ainst a stone "a''4
%e't m1 "a1 a'on) it; A <$arter t$rn4 a 'i)hter area be%ore me -otte- "ith bri)ht points;;;
F#host>G : aske-;
No ans"er;
F: -on@t appreciate these interr$pte- con&ersations4G : contin$e-;
: mo&e- %or"ar- $nti' : came to "hat "as ob&io$s'1 a ca&e mo$th; A c'ear ni)ht sk1 h$n)
be%ore me4 an- "hen : steppe- o$tsi-e a co'- "in- r$bbe- $p a)ainst me; : retreate- se&era'
paces4 shi&erin);
: ha- no i-ea "here : mi)ht be; Not that it rea''1 mattere- i% it bro$)ht me a breathin) spe''; :
reache- thro$)h the 9o)r$s (i)n %or a )reat -istance be%ore : 'ocate- a hea&1 b'anket; =rappin)
it abo$t m1se'%4 : sank to a seate- position $pon the ca&e@s %'oor; !hen : reache- a)ain; :t "as
easier to %in- a stack o% "oo- an- no trick at a'' to i)nite a portion o% it; :@- a'so been 'ookin)
%or"ar- to one more c$p o% co%%ee; : "on-ere-;;;;
=h1 not> : reache- a)ain4 an- the bri)ht circ'e ro''e- into &ie" be%ore me;
F/a-I P'ease stopIG came the o%%en-e- &oice; F:@&e )one to a 'ot o% tro$b'e to t$ck 1o$ a"a1 in
this obsc$re corner o% (ha-o"; !oo man1 sen-in)s4 tho$)h4 an- 1o$@'' ca'' attention to 1o$rse'%;G
FCome onIG : sai-; FA'' : "ant is a c$p o% co%%ee;G
F:@'' )et one %or 1o$; E$st -on@t $se 1o$r o"n po"ers %or a "hi'e;G
F=h1 "on@t 1o$r action -ra" ?$st as m$ch attention>G
F:@m $sin) a ro$n-abo$t ro$te; !hereIG
A steamin) m$) o% some -ark stone"are stoo- on the %'oor o% the ca&e near m1 ri)ht han-;
F!hanks4G : sai-4 takin) it $p an- sni%%in) it; F=hat -i- 1o$ -o "ith Easra an- Ban-or>G
F: sent each o% 1o$ o%% in a -i%%erent -irection ami-st a hor-e o% %ake ima)es %'ittin) hither an-
1on; A'' 1o$ ha&e to -o no" is 'ie 'o" %or a "hi'e; 9et its attention s$bsi-e;G
F=hose attention> =hat@s attention>G
F!he po"er that has Cora'; =e -on@t "ant it to %in- $s;G
F=h1 not> : seem to reca'' 1o$r "on-erin) ear'ier "hether 1o$ "ere a )o-; =hat@s %or 1o$ to
F!he rea' thin); :t seems to be stron)er than : am; On the other han-4 : seem to be %aster;G
F!hat@s somethin)4 an1"a1 G
F#et a )oo- ni)ht@s s'eep; :@'' 'et 1o$ kno" in the mornin) "hether it@s sti'' h$ntin) 1o$;G
FBa1be :@'' %in- o$t %or m1se'%;G
F/on@t )o mani%estin) $n'ess it@s a matter o% 'i%e or -eath;G
F!hat "asn@t "hat : meant; ($pposin) it %in-s me>G
F/o "hate&er seems appropriate;G
F=h1 -o : ha&e a %ee'in) 1o$@re keepin) thin)s %rom me>G
F: )$ess 1o$@re ?$st s$spicio$s b1 nat$re4 /a-; :t seems to r$n in 1o$r %ami'1; :@&e )ot to )o
F=here>G : aske-;
FCheck on the others; 0$n a %e" erran-s; (ee to m1 persona' -e&e'opment; Check m1
e.periments; !hin)s 'ike that; B1e;G
F=hat abo$t Cora'>G
B$t the circ'e o% 'i)ht "hich ha- ho&ere- be%ore me sp$n %rom bri)htness to -imness an-
&anishe-; An $nar)$ab'e en- to the con&ersation; #host "as )ettin) more an- more 'ike the rest
o% $sDsneak1 an- mis'ea-in);
: sippe- the co%%ee; Not as )oo- as Ban-or@s4 b$t acceptab'e; : be)an "on-erin) "here Easra an-
Ban-or ha- been sent; : -eci-e- a)ainst tr1in) to reach them; :n %act4 it mi)ht not be a ba- i-ea4
: -eci-e-4 to %orti%1 m1 o"n position a)ainst ma)ica' intr$sion;
: res$mmone- the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s4 "hich : ha- 'et s'ip "hi'e #host "as transportin) me; :
$se- it to set "ar-s at the ca&e mo$th an- abo$t m1 sit$ation "ithin; !hen : re'ease- it an- took
another sip; As : -i-4 : rea'i6e- that this co%%ee co$'- not possib'1 keep me a"ake; : "as comin)
o%% a ner&o$s ?a)4 an- the "ei)ht o% a'' m1 acti&ities "as s$--en'1 hea&1 $pon me; !"o more
sips4 an- : co$'- har-'1 ho'- the c$p; Another4 an- : notice- that each time : b'inke- m1 e1e'i-s
"ere c'osin) a 'ot more easi'1 than the1 opene-;
: set the c$p asi-e4 -re" m1 b'anket more ti)ht'1 abo$t me4 an- %o$n- a re'ati&e'1 com%ortab'e
position on the stone %'oor4 ha&in) become somethin) o% an e.pert on the acti&it1 back in the
cr1sta' ca&e; !he %'ickerin) %'ames m$stere- sha-o" armies behin- m1 e1e'i-s; !he %ire poppe-
'ike a c'ash o% armsC the air sme''e- o% pitch;
: "ent a"a1; ('eep is perhaps the on'1 amon) 'i%e@s )reat p'eas$res "hich nee- not be o% short
-$ration; :t %i''e- me4 an- : -ri%te-; ,o" %ar an- %or ho" 'on)4 : cannot sa1;
Nor can : sa1 "hat it "as that ro$se- me; : kno" on'1 that : "as some"here e'se an- the ne.t
moment : ha- ret$rne-; B1 position ha- chan)e- s'i)ht'14 m1 toes "ere co'-4 an- : %e't that :
"as no 'on)er a'one; : kept m1 e1es c'ose-4 an- -i- not a'ter m1 breathin) pattern; :t co$'- be
that #host ha- simp'1 -eci-e- to 'ook in on me; :t co$'- a'so be that somethin) "as testin) m1
: raise- m1 e1e'i-s b$t the sma''est -istance4 peerin) o$t"ar- an- $p"ar- thro$)h a screen o%
e1e'ashes; A sma'' misshape- %i)$re stoo- o$tsi-e the ca&e mo$th4 the %ire@s remainin) )'o"
%aint'1 i''$minatin) his stran)e'1 %ami'iar %ace; !here "as somethin) o% m1se'% in those %eat$res
an- somethin) o% m1 %ather;
FBer'in4G he sai- so%t'1; FCome a"ake no"; Ao$@&e p'aces to )o an- thin)s to -o;G
: opene- m1 e1es "i-e an- stare-; ,e %itte- a certain -escription;;;; +rakir throbbe-4 an- :
stroke- her sti'';
F/"orkin;;;>G : sai-;
,e ch$ck'e-;
FAo$@&e name- me4G he rep'ie-;
,e pace-4 %rom one si-e o% the ca&e mo$th to the other4 occasiona''1 pa$sin) to e.ten- a han-
part"a1 to"ar- me; 2ach time he hesitate- an- -re" it back;
F=hat is it>G : aske-; F=hat@s the matter> =h1 are 1o$ here>G
F:@&e come to %etch 1o$ back to the ?o$rne1 1o$ aban-one-;G
FAn- "hat ?o$rne1 mi)ht that be>G
FAo$r search %or the 'a-1 some"here astra1 "ho "a'ke- the Pattern t@other -a1 G
FCora'> Ao$ kno" "here she is>G
,e raise- his han-4 'o"ere- it4 )nashe- his teeth;
FCora'> :s that her name> 9et me in; =e m$st -isc$ss her;G
F=e seem to be ta'kin) ?$st %ine the "a1 "e are;G
F,a&e 1o$ no respect %or an ancestor>G
F: -o; B$t : a'so ha&e a shapeshi%tin) brother "ho@- 'ike to mo$nt m1 hea- an- han) it on the
"a'' o% his -en; An- he mi)ht ?$st be ab'e to -o it rea' <$ick i% : )i&e him ha'% a chance;G : sat $p
an- r$bbe- m1 e1es4 m1 "its %inishin) the ?ob o% reassemb'in) themse'&es; F(o "here@s Cora'>G
FCome; : "i'' sho" 1o$ the "a14G he sai-4 reachin) %or"ar-; !his time his han- passe- m1 "ar-
an- "as imme-iate'1 o$t'ine- in %ire; ,e -i- not seem to notice; ,is e1es "ere a pair o% -ark
stars4 -ra"in) me to m1 %eet4 p$''in) me to"ar- him; ,is han- be)an to me't; !he %'esh ran an-
-rippe- a"a1 'ike "a.; !here "ere no bones "ithin4 b$t rather an o-- )eometr1-as i% someone
ha- sketche- a han- <$ick'1 in a three--imensiona' me-i$m4 then mo'-e- some %'esh'ike co&er
%or it; F!ake m1 han-;G
: %o$n- m1se'% raisin) m1 han- a)ainst m1 "i''4 reachin) to"ar- the %in)er-'ike c$r&es4 the
s"ir's o% the kn$ck'es; ,e ch$ck'e- a)ain; : co$'- %ee' the %orce that -re" me; : "on-ere- "hat
"o$'- happen i% : took ho'- o% that stran)e han- in a specia' "a1;
(o : s$mmone- the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s an- sent it on ahea- to -o m1 han-c'aspin) %or me;
!his ma1 not ha&e been m1 best choice o% actions; : "as momentari'1 b'in-e- b1 the bri''iant4
si66'in) %'ash that %o''o"e-; =hen m1 &ision c'eare-4 : sa" that /"orkin "as )one; A <$ick
check sho"e- that m1 "ar-s sti'' he'-; : perke- $p the %ire "ith a short4 simp'e spe''4 note- that
m1 co%%ee c$p "as ha'% %$''4 an- "arme- its tepi- contents "ith an abbre&iate- &ersion o% the
same ren-erin); : reshro$-e- m1se'% then4 sett'e-4 an- sippe-; Ana'16e as : mi)ht4 : co$'-n@t
%i)$re "hat ha- ?$st happene-;
: kne" o% no one "ho ha- seen the ha'%-ma- -emi$r)e in 1ears4 tho$)h accor-in) to m1 %ather@s
ta'e4 /"orkin@s min- sho$'- ha&e been 'ar)e'1 men-e- "hen Oberon repaire- the Pattern; :% it
ha- rea''1 been E$rt4 seekin) to trick his "a1 into m1 presence an- %inish me o%%4 it "as an o--
choice o% %orm %or him to ass$me; Come to think o% it4 : "asn@t at a'' certain that E$rt e&en kne"
"hat /"orkin 'ooke- 'ike; : -ebate- the "is-om o% ca''in) %or #host"hee' to so'icit an inh$man
opinion on the matter; Be%ore : co$'- -eci-e4 ho"e&er4 the stars be1on- the ca&e mo$rh "ere
occ$'te- b1 another %i)$re4 m$ch 'ar)er than /"orkin@sDheroica''1 proportione- e&en;
A sin)'e step bro$)ht it "ithin ran)e o% the %ire'i)ht4 an- : spi''e- co%%ee "hen : behe'- that %ace;
=e ha- ne&er met4 b$t : ha- seen his 'ikeness in man1 p'aces in Cast'e Amber;
F: $n-erstan- that Oberon -ie- in re-ra"in) the Pattern4G : sai-;
F=ere 1o$ present at the time>G he aske-;
FNo4G : rep'ie-4 Fb$t comin) as 1o$ -o4 on the hee's o% a rather bi6arre apparition o% /"orkin4
1o$ m$st e.c$se m1 s$spicions as to 1o$rbona fides ;G
FOh4 that "as a %ake 1o$ enco$ntere-; :@m the rea' thin);G
F=hat "as it then that : sa">G
F:t "as the astra' %orm o% a practica' ?okerDa sorcerer name- Eo'os %rom the %o$rth circ'e o%
FOh4G : respon-e-; FAn- ho" am : to kno" 1o$@re not the pro?ection o% someone name- Ea'as
%rom the %i%th>G
F: can recite the entire )enea'o)1 o% the ro1a' ,o$se o% Amber;G
F(o can an1 )oo- scribe back home;G
F:@'' thro" in the i''e)itimates;G
F,o" man1 "ere there4 an1"a1>G
F+ort1-se&en4 that : kno" o%;G
FA"4 come onI ,o"@- 1o$ mana)e>G
F/i%%erent time streams4G he sai-4 smi'in);
F:% 1o$ s$r&i&e- the reconstr$ction o% the Pattern4 ho" come 1o$ -i-n@t ret$rn to Amber an-
contin$e 1o$r rei)n>G : aske-; F=h1@- 1o$ 'et 0an-om )et cro"ne- an- m$--1 the pict$re e&en
,e 'a$)he-;
FB$t : -i-n@t s$r&i&e it4G he sai-; F: "as -estro1e- in the process; : am a )host4 ret$rne- to so'icit
a 'i&in) champion %or Amber a)ainst the risin) po"er o% the 9o)r$s;G
F#rante-4arguendo 4 that 1o$ are "hat 1o$ sa1 1o$ are4G : rep'ie-4 F1o$@re sti'' in the "ron)
nei)hborhoo-4 sir; : am an initiate o% the 9o)r$s an- a son o% Chaos;G
FAo$ are a'so an initiate o% the Pattern an- a son o% Amber4G the ma)ni%icent %i)$re ans"ere-;
F!r$e4G : sai-4 Fan- a'' the more reason %or me not to choose si-es;G
F!here comes a time "hen a man m$st choose4G he stare-4 Fan- that time is no"; =hich si-e are
1o$ on>G
F2&en i% : be'ie&e- that 1o$ are "hat 1o$ sa14 : -o not %ee' ob'i)e- to make s$ch a choice4G :
sai-; FAn- there is a tra-ition in the Co$rts that /"orkin himse'% "as an initiate o% the 9o)r$s; :%
that is tr$e4 :@m on'1 %o''o"in) in the %ootsteps o% a &enerab'e ancestor;G
FB$t he reno$nce- Chaos "hen he %o$n-e- Amber;G
: shr$))e-;
F#oo- thin) : ha&en@t %o$n-e- an1thin)4G : sai-; F:% there is somethin) speci%ic that 1o$ "ant o%
me4 te'' me "hat it is4 )i&e me a )oo- reason %or -oin) it an- ma1be :@'' cooperate;G
,e e.ten-e- his han-;
FCome "ith me4 an- : "i'' set 1o$r %eet $pon the ne" Pattern 1o$ m$st %o''o"4 in a )ame to be
p'a1e- o$t bet"een the Po"ers;G
F: sti'' -on@t $n-erstan- 1o$4 b$t : am certain that the rea' Oberon "o$'- not be stoppe- b1 these
simp'e "ar-s; Ao$ come to me an- c'asp m1 han-4 an- : "i'' be )'a- to accompan1 1o$ an- take
a 'ook at "hate&er it is 1o$ "ant me to see;G
,e -re" himse'% $p to an e&en )reater hei)ht;
FAo$ "o$'- test me>G he aske-;
FAs a man4 it "o$'- har-'1 ha&e tro$b'e- me4G he state-; FB$t bein) %orme- o$t o% this spirit$a'
crap no"4 : -on@t kno"; :@- rather not take the chance;G
F:n that case4 : m$st echo 1o$r sentiment "ith respect to 1o$r o"n proposa';G
F#ran-son4G he sai- 'e&e''14 a r$--1 'i)ht enterin) his e1es4 Fe&en -ea-4 none o% m1 spa"n ma1
a--ress me so; : come %or thee no" in a 'ess than %rien-'1 %ashion; : come %or thee no"4 an- this
?o$rne1 sha'' : ha'e thee ami- %ires;G
: took a step back"ar- as he a-&ance-;
FNo nee- to take it persona''1;;;G : be)an;
: sha-e- m1 e1es as he hit m1 "ar-s4 an- the %'ashb$'b e%%ect be)an; (<$intin) thro$)h it4 : sa"
somethin) o% a repetition o% the %'ensin) o% /"orkin@s %'esh b1 %ire; Oberon became transparent
in p'acesC other p'aces he me'te-; =ithin him4 thro$)h him4 as the o$t"ar- semb'ance o% the kin-
passe- a"a14 : sa" the s"ir's an- c$r&es4 the straits an- channe'sDb'ack-'ine-4 )eometri6in)
abstract'1 insi-e the )enera' o$t'ine o% a 'ar)e an- nob'e %i)$re; *n'ike /"orkin4 ho"e&er4 the
ima)e -i- not %a-e; ,a&in) passe- m1 "ar-s4 its mo&ement s'o"e-4 it contin$e- to"ar- me
ne&erthe'ess4 reachin); =hate&er its tr$e nat$re4 it "as one o% the most %ri)htenin) thin)s : ha-
e&er enco$ntere-; : contin$e- to back a"a14 raisin) m1 han-s4 an- : ca''e- a)ain $pon the
!he (i)n o% the 9o)r$s occ$rre- bet"een $s; !he abstract &ersion o% Oberon contin$e- to reach4
scribb'e- spirit han-s enco$nterin) the "rithin) 'imbs o% Chaos;
: "as not reachin) thro$)h the 9o)r$s@s ima)e to manip$'ate it a)ainst that apparition; : %e't an
$n$s$a' -rea- o% the thin)4 e&en at o$r -istance; =hat : -i- "as more on the or-er o% thr$stin)
the (i)n a)ainst the ima)e o% the kin); !hen : -i&e- past them both4 o$t the ca&e mo$th4 an- :
ro''e-4 scrabb'in) %or han-ho'-s an- toeho'-s "hen : str$ck a s'ope4 comin) $p har- a)ainst a
bo$'-er an- h$))in) it as the ca&e er$pte- "ith the noise an- %'ash o% an ammo -$mp that ha-
taken a hit;
: 'a1 there sh$--erin)4 m1 e1es s<$ee6e- sh$t4 %or perhaps ha'% a min$te; An1 secon-4 : %e't4 an-
somethin) "o$'- be on m1 assD$n'ess4 perhaps4 : cro$che- per%ect'1 sti'' an- trie- har- to 'ook
'ike another rock;;;;
!he si'ence "as pro%o$n-4 an- "hen : opene- m1 e1es4 the 'i)ht ha- &anishe- an- the shape o%
the ca&e mo$th "as $na'tere-; : rose s'o"'1 to m1 %eet4 a-&ance- e&en more s'o"'1; !he (i)n o%
the 9o)r$s ha- -eparte-4 an- %or reasons : -i- not $n-erstan- : "as 'oath to ca'' it back; =hen :
'ooke- "ithin the ca&e4 there "ere no si)ns that an1thin) at a'' ha- occ$rre-4 sa&e %or the %act
that m1 "ar-s "ere b'o"n;
: steppe- insi-e; !he b'anket sti'' 'a1 "here it ha- %a''en; : p$t o$t a han- an- to$che- the "a'';
Co'- stone; !hat b'ast m$st ha&e taken p'ace at some other 'e&e' than the imme-iate; B1 sma''
%ire "as sti'' %'ickerin) %eeb'1; : reca''e- it 1et a)ain to 'i%e; B$t the on'1 thin) : sa" in its )'o"
"hich : ha- not seen pre&io$s'1 "as m1 co%%ee c$p4 broken "here it ha- %a''en;
: 'et m1 han- remain $pon the "a''; : 'eane-; A%ter a time4 there came an $ncontro''ab'e
ti)htenin) o% m1 -iaphra)m; : be)an 'a$)hin); : am not s$re "h1; !he "ei)ht o% e&er1thin)
"hich ha- transpire- since Apri' 3 "as $pon me; :t ?$st happene- that 'a$)hter ha- e-)e- o$t
the a'ternati&e o% beatin) m1 breast an- ho"'in);
: tho$)ht : kne" "ho a'' the p'a1ers "ere in this comp'e. )ame; 9$ke an- Easra seeme- to be on
m1 si-e no"4 a'on) "ith m1 brother Ban-or4 "ho@- a'"a1s 'ooke- o$t %or me; B1 ma- brother
E$rt "ante- me -ea-4 an- he "as no" a''ie- "ith m1 o'- 'o&er E$'ia4 "ho -i-n@t seem too kin-'1
-ispose- to"ar- me either; !here "as thet'iga -an o&erprotecti&e -emon inhabitin) the bo-1 o%
Cora'@s sister4 Na1-a4 "hom :@- 'e%t s'eepin) in the mi-st o% a spe'' back in Amber; !here "as the
mercenar1 /a'tD"ho4 no" : tho$)ht o% it4 "as a'so m1 $nc'eD"ho@- ma-e o%% "ith 9$ke %or
points an- p$rposes $nkno"n a%ter kickin) 9$ke@s ass in Ar-en "ith t"o armies "atchin); ,e
ha- nast1 -esi)ns on Amber b$t 'acke- the mi'itar1 m$sc'e to pro&i-e more than occasiona'
)$erri''a-st1'e anno1ance; An- then there "as #host"hee'4 m1 c1bernetic !r$mp -ea'er an-
minor-'ea)$e mechanica' -emi)o-4 "ho seeme- to ha&e e&o'&e- %rom rash an- manic to rationa'
an- paranoi-Dan- : "asn@t at a'' s$re "here he "as hea-e- %rom here4 b$t at 'east he "as
sho"in) some %i'ia' respect mi.e- in "ith the c$rrent co"ar-ice;
An- that ha- been prett1 m$ch it;
B$t these 'atest mani%estations seeme- e&i-ence that there "as somethin) e'se at p'a1 here a'so4
somethin) that "ante- to -ra) me o%% in 1et another -irection; : ha- #host@s testimon1 that it "as
stron); : ha- no i-ea "hat it rea''1 represente-; An- : ha- no -esire to tr$st it; !his ma-e %or an
a"k"ar- re'ationship;
F,e14 ki-IG came a %ami'iar &oice %rom -o"n the s'ope; FAo$@re a har- man to %in-; Ao$ -on@t
sta1 p$t;G
: t$rne- <$ick'14 mo&e- %or"ar-4 stare- -o"n"ar-;
A 'one %i)$re "as toi'in) $p the s'ope; A bi) man; (omethin) %'ashe- in the &icinit1 o% his throat;
:t "as too -ark to make o$t his %eat$res;
: retreate- se&era' paces4 commencin) the spe'' "hich "o$'- restore m1 b'aste- "ar-s;
F,e1I /on@t r$n o%%IG he ca''e-; F:@&e )ot to ta'k to 1o$;G
!he "ar-s %e'' into p'ace4 an- : -re" m1 b'a-e an- he'- it4 point 'o"ere-4 at m1 ri)ht4 entire'1
o$t o% si)ht %rom the ca&e mo$th "hen : t$rne- m1 bo-1; : or-ere- +rakir to han) in&isib'e %rom
m1 'e%t han- a'so; !he secon- %i)$re ha- been stron)er than the %irst4 to make it past m1 "ar-s; :%
this thir- one sho$'- pro&e stron)er than the secon-4 : "as )oin) to nee- e&er1thin) : co$'-
FAeah>G : ca''e- o$t; F=ho are 1o$ an- "hat -o 1o$ "ant>G
F,e''IG : hear- it sa1; F:@m no one in partic$'ar; E$st 1o$r o'- man; : nee- some he'p4 an- : 'ike
to keep thin)s in the %ami'1;G
: ha- to a-mit4 "hen it reache- the area o% %ire'i)ht4 that it "as a &er1 )oo- imitation o% Prince
Cor"in o% Amber4 m1 %ather4 comp'ete "ith b'ack c'oak4 boots4 an- tro$sers4 )ra1 shirt4 si'&er
st$-s4 an- b$ck'eDan- e&en a si'&er roseDan- he "as smi'in) that same <$irk1 sort o% smi'e the
rea' Cor"in ha- sometimes "orn on te''in) me his stor14 'on) a)o;;;; : %e't a kin- o% "renchin) in
m1 )$ts at the si)ht; :@- "ante- to )et to kno" him better4 b$t he@- -isappeare-4 an- :@- ne&er
been ab'e to %in- him a)ain; No"4 %or this thin)D"hate&er it "asDto p$'' this impersonation;;;:
"as more than a 'itt'e irritate- at s$ch a patent attempt to manip$'ate m1 %ee'in)s;
F!he %irst %ake "as /"orkin4G : sai-4 Fan- the secon- "as Oberon; Ao$@re c'imbin) ri)ht -o"n
the %ami'1 tree4 aren@t 1o$>G
,e s<$inte- an- cocke- his hea- in p$66'ement as he a-&ance-4 another rea'istic mannerism;
F: -on@t kno" "hat 1o$@re ta'kin) abo$t4 Ber'in4G he respon-e-; F:DG
!hen it entere- the "ar-e- area an- ?erke- as i% to$chin) a hot "ire;
F,o'1 shitIG it sai-; FAo$ -on@t tr$st an1bo-14 -o 1o$>G
F+ami'1 tra-ition4G : rep'ie-4 Fbacke- $p b1 recent e.perience;G
: "as p$66'e-4 tho$)h4 that the enco$nter ha- not in&o'&e- more p1rotechnics; A'so4 : "on-ere-
"h1 the thin)@s trans%ormation into scro''"ork ha- not 1et commence-;
=ith another oath4 it s"ir'e- its c'oak to the 'e%t4 "rappin) it ab$t its armC its ri)ht han- crosse-
to"ar- an e.ce''ent %acsimi'e o% m1 %ather@s scabbar-; A si'&er-chase- b'a-e si)he- as it arce-
$p"ar-4 then %e'' to"ar- the e1e o% the "ar-; =hen the1 met4 the sparks rose in a %oot-hi)h
sp'ash an- the b'a-e hisse- as i% it ha- been heate- an- "ere no" bein) <$enche- in "ater; !he
-esi)n on the b'a-e %'are-4 an- the sparks 'eape- a)ainDthis time as hi)h as a manDan- in that
instant : %e't the "ar- break;
!hen it entere-4 an- : t$rne- m1 bo-14 s"in)in) m1 b'a-e; B$t the b'a-e that 'ooke- 'ike
#ra1s"an-ir %e'' an- rose a)ain4 in a ti)htenin) circ'e4 -ra"in) m1 o"n "eapon@s point to the
ri)ht an- s'i-in) strai)ht in to"ar- m1 breast; : -i- a simp'e parr1 in <$arte4 b$t he s'ippe- $n-er
it an- "as sti'' comin) in %rom the o$tsi-e; : parrie- si.te4 b$t he "asn@t there; ,is mo&ement ha-
been on'1 a %eint; ,e "as back insi-e an- comin) in 'o" no"; : re&erse- m1se'% an- parrie-
a)ain as he s'i- his entire bo-1 in to m1 ri)ht4 -roppin) his b'a-e@s point4 re&ersin) his )rip4
%annin) m1 %ace "ith his 'e%t han-;
!oo 'ate : sa" the ri)ht han- risin) as the 'e%t s'i- behin- m1 hea-; #ra1s"an-ir@s pomme' "as
hea-e- strai)ht %or m1 ?a";
FAo$@re rea''1;;;G : be)an4 an- then it connecte-; !he 'ast thin) : remember seein) "as the si'&er
!hat@s 'i%e8 !r$st an- 1o$@re betra1e-C -on@t tr$st an- 1o$ betra1 1o$rse'%; 9ike most mora'
para-o.es4 it p'aces 1o$ in an $ntenab'e position; An- it "as too 'ate %or m1 norma' so'$tion; :
co$'-n@t "a'k a"a1 %rom the )ame;
: "oke in a p'ace o% -arkness; : "oke "on-erin) an- "ar1; As $s$a' "hen "on-erin) an- "ar14
: 'a1 per%ect'1 sti'' an- 'et m1 breathin) contin$e its nat$ra' rh1thm; An- : 'istene-;
Not a so$n-;
: opene- m1 e1es s'i)ht'1;
/isconcertin) patterns; : c'ose- them a)ain;
: %e't "ith m1 bo-1 %or &ibrations "ithin the rock1 s$r%ace $pon "hich : "as spra"'e-;
No &ibes;
: opene- m1 e1es entire'14 %o$)ht back an imp$'se to c'ose them; : raise- m1se'% onto m1
e'bo"s4 then )athere- m1 knees beneath me4 strai)htene- m1 back4 t$rne- m1 hea-; +ascinatin);
: ha-n@t been this -isoriente- since :@- )one -rinkin) "ith 9$ke an- the Cheshire Cat;
!here "as no co'or an1"here abo$t me; 2&er1thin) "as b'ack4 "hite4 or some sha-e o% )ra1; :t
"as as i% : ha- entere- a photo)raphic ne)ati&e; =hat : pres$me- to be a s$n h$n) 'ike a b'ack
ho'e se&era' -iameters abo&e the hori6on to m1 ri)ht; !he sk1 "as a &er1 -ark )ra14 an- ebon
c'o$-s mo&e- s'o"'1 "ithin it; B1 skin "as the co'or o% ink; !he rock1 )ro$n- beneath me an-
abo$t me shone an a'most trans'$cent bone-"hite4 ho"e&er; : rose s'o"'1 to m1 %eet4 t$rnin);
Aes; !he )ro$n- seeme- to )'o"4 the sk1 "as -ark4 an- : "as a sha-o" bet"een them; : -i- not
'ike the %ee'in) at a'';
!he air "as -r14 coo'; : stoo- in the %oothi''s to an a'bino mo$ntain ran)e4 so stark in appearance
as to ro$se comparison "ith the Antarctic; !hese stretche- o%% an- $p to m1 'e%t; !o the ri)ht4 'o"
an- ro''in) to"ar- "hat : )$esse- to be a mornin) s$n4 'a1 a b'ack p'ain; /esert> : ha- to raise
m1 han- an- Fsha-e@ a)ainst its;;;"hat> Anti)'o">
F(hitIG : trie- sa1in)4 an- : notice- t"o thin)s imme-iate'1;
!he %irst "as that m1 "or- remaine- $n&oice-; !he secon- "as that m1 ?a" h$rt "here m1
%ather or his sim$'acr$m ha- s'$))e- me;
: repeate- m1 si'ent obser&ation an- "ith-re" m1 !r$mps; A'' bets "ere o%% "hen it came to
messin) "ith sen-in)s; : sh$%%'e- o$t the !r$mp %or the #host"hee' an- %oc$se- m1 attention
$pon it;
Nothin); :t "as comp'ete'1 -ea- to me; B$t4 then4 it "as #host "ho@- to'- me to 'ie 'o"4 an-
ma1be he "as simp'1 re%$sin) to entertain m1 ca';; : th$mbe- thro$)h the others; : pa$se- at
+'ora@s; (he "as $s$a''1 "i''in) to he'p me o$t o% a ti)ht spot; : st$-ie- that 'o&e'1 %ace4 sent o$t
m1 ca'' to it;;;;
Not a )o'-en c$r' stirre-; Not a -e)ree@s -rop in temperat$re; !he car- remaine- a car-; : trie-
har-er4 e&en m$tterin) an enhancement spe''; B$t there "as nobo-1 home;
Ban-or4 then; : spent se&era' min$tes on his car- "ith the same res$'t; : trie- 0an-om@s; /itto;
Bene-ict@s4 E$'ian@s; No an- no; : trie- %or +iona4 9$ke4 an- Bi'' 0oth; !hree more ne)ati&es; :
e&en p$''e- a co$p'e o% the !r$mps o% /oom4 b$t : co$'-n@t reach the (phin. either4 or a b$i'-in)
o% bones atop a )reen )'ass mo$ntain;
: s<$are- them4 case- them4 an- p$t them a"a1; :t "as the %irst time : ha- enco$ntere- a
phenomenon o% this sort since the Cr1sta' Ca&e; !r$mps can be b'ocke- in an1 o% a n$mber o%
"a1s4 ho"e&er4 an- so %ar as : "as concerne-4 the matter "as4 at the moment4 aca-emic; : "as
more concerne- abo$t remo&in) m1se'% to a more con)enia' en&ironment; : co$'- sa&e the
research %or some %$t$re bit o% 'eis$re;
: be)an "a'kin); B1 %ootsteps "ere so$n-'ess; =hen : kicke- a pebb'e an- it bo$nce- a'on)
be%ore me4 : co$'- -etect nothin) o% so$n- to its passa)e;
=hite to the 'e%t o% me4 b'ack to the ri)ht; Bo$ntains or -esert; : t$rne- 'e%t4 "a'kin); Nothin)
e'se in motion that : co$'- see e.cept %or the b'ack4 b'ack c'o$-s; !o the 'ee si-e o% e&er1 o$tcrop
a near-b'in-in) area o% enhance- bri)htness8 cra61 sha-o"s across a cra61 'an-;
Turn left again. Three paces, then round the boulder1 2pward. 3ver the ridge, Turn downhill.
Turn right. )oon a streak of red amid rocks to the left...
+ope. +e4t time then...
0rief twinge in the frontal sinus. +o red. Move on.
Crevice to the right, ne4t turn...
: massa)e- m1 temp'es "hen the1 be)an to ache as no cre&ice "as -e'i&ere-; B1 breath came
hea&14 an- : %e't moist$re $pon m1 bro";
Te4tures of gra to green and brittle flowers, slate-blue, low on the ne4t talus slope...
A sma'' pain in m1 neck; No %'o"ers; No )ra1; No )reen;
Then let the clouds part and the darkness pour down from the sun...
...and a sound of running water from a small stream, ne4t gull.
: ha- to ha't; B1 hea- "as throbbin)C m1 han-s "ere shakin); : reache- o$t an- to$che- the
rock "a'' to m1 'e%t; :t %e't so'i- eno$)h; 0ampant rea'it1; =h1 "as it trea-in) a'' o&er me>
An- ho" ha- : )otten here>
An- "here "as here>
: re'a.e-; : s'o"e- m1 breathin) an- a-?$ste- m1 ener)ies; !he pains in m1 hea- s$bsi-e-4
ebbe-4 "ere )one;
A)ain : be)an "a'kin);
0irdsong and gentle breeze . . *lower in a crannied nook
No; An- the %irst t"in)e o% ret$rnin) resistance;;;=hat sort o% spe'' mi)ht : be $n-er4 that : ha-
'ost m1 po"er to "a'k in (ha-o"> : ha- ne&er $n-erstoo- it to be somethin) that co$'- be taken
F:t@s not %$nn14G : trie- sa1in); F=hoe&er 1o$ are4 "hate&er 1o$ are4 ho" -i- 1o$ -o it> =hat -o
1o$ "ant> =here are 1o$>G
A)ain : hear- nothin)C 'east o% a'' an ans"er;
F: -on@t kno" ho" 1o$ -i- it; Or "h14G : mo$the-4 an- tho$)ht; F: -on@t %ee' as i% :@m $n-er a
spe''; B$t : m$st be here %or a reason; #et on "ith 1o$r b$siness; !e'' me "hat 1o$ "ant;G
: "a'ke- on4 contin$in) in a ha'%hearte- %ashion m1 attempts to shi%t a"a1 thro$)h (ha-o"; As :
-i-4 : pon-ere- m1 sit$ation; :@- a %ee'in) there "as somethin) e'ementar1 that : "as o&er'ookin)
in this entire b$siness;
...And a small red flower behind a rock, ne4t turn.
: ma-e the t$rn4 an- there "as the sma'' re- %'o"er : ha- ha'% conscio$s'1 con?$ee-; : r$she-
to"ar- it to to$ch it4 to con%irm that the $ni&erse "as a beni)n4 essentia''1 Ber'in-'o&in) p'ace;
: st$mb'e- in m1 r$sh4 kickin) $p a c'o$- o% -$st; : ca$)ht m1se'%4 raise- m1se'%4 'ooke- abo$t;
: m$st ha&e searche- %or the ne.t ten or %i%teen min$tes4 b$t : co$'- not 'ocate the %'o"er; +ina''14
: c$rse- an- t$rne- a"a1; No one 'ikes to be a b$tt o% the $ni&erse@s ?okes;
On a s$--en inspiration : so$)ht thro$)h a'' m1 packets4 sho$'- : ha&e e&en a chip o% the b'$e
stones $pon m1 person; :ts o-- &ibrationa' abi'ities mi)ht ?$st someho" con-$ct me thro$)h
(ha-o" back to"ar- its so$rce; B$t no; Not e&en a speck o% b'$e -$st remaine-; !he1 a'' "ere in
m1 %ather@s tomb4 an- that "as it; :t "o$'- ha&e been too eas1 an o$t %or me4 : )$ess;
=hat "as : missin)>
A %ake /"orkin4 a %ake Oberon4 an- a man "ho@- c'aime- to be m1 %ather a'' ha- "ante- to
con-$ct me to some stran)e p'aceDto compete in some sort o% str$))'e bet"een the Po"ers4 the
Oberon %i)$re ha- in-icate-4 "hate&er that meant; !he Cor"in %i)$re ha- apparent'1 s$ccee-e-4
: re%'ecte- as : r$bbe- m1 ?a"; On'1 "hat sort o% )ame "as it> An- "hat "ere the Po"ers>
!he Oberon thin) ha- sai- somethin) abo$t m1 choosin) bet"een Amber an- Chaos; B$t4 then4
it ha- 'ie- abo$t other thin)s -$rin) the same con&ersation; !he -e&i' "ith both o% themI : -i-n@t
ask to )et in&o'&e- in their po"er )ame; : ha- eno$)h prob'ems o% m1 o"n; : -i-n@t e&en care to
'earn the ta'es to "hate&er "as )oin) on;
: kicke- a sma'' "hite stone4 "atche- it ro'' a"a1; !his -i-n@t %ee' 'ike somethin) o% E$rt@s or
E$'ia@s -oin); :t seeme- either a ne" %actor or an o'- one "hich ha- trans%orme- itse'%
consi-erab'1; =here ha- it %irst seeme- to enter the pict$re> : )$esse- it ha- somethin) to -o
"ith the %orce "hich ha- come r$shin) a%ter me on o$r attempt to reach Cora'; : co$'- on'1
ass$me that it ha- 'ocate- me an- this "as the res$'t; B$t "hat mi)ht it be> :t "o$'- %irst4 :
s$ppose-4 be necessar1 that : 'earn "here Cora' 'a1 in her circ'e o% %ire; (omethin) in that p'ace4
: pres$me-4 "as behin- m1 c$rrent sit$ation; =here then> (he ha- aske- the Pattern to sen- her
"here she o$)ht to )o;;;; : ha- no "a1 no" o% askin) the Pattern "here that mi)ht beDan- no
"a1 at the moment o% "a'kin) it4 to ha&e it sen- me a%ter her;
:t "as time4 there%ore4 to resi)n the )ame an- emp'o1 -i%%erent means to so'&e the prob'em; B1
!r$mps ha&in) b'o"n a circ$it an- m1 abi'it1 to tra&erse (ha-o" ha&in) enco$ntere- a
m1sterio$s b'ocka)e4 : -eci-e- it "as time to $p the po"er %actor b1 an or-er o% ma)nit$-e in
m1 %a&or; : "o$'- s$mmon the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s an- contin$e m1 sha-o" "a'k4 backin) e&er1
step that : took "ith the po"er o% Chaos;
+rakir c$t into m1 "rist; : so$)ht abo$t <$ick'1 a%ter an1 approachin) menaces4 b$t : sa"
nothin); : remaine- "ar1 %or se&era' min$tes 'on)er4 e.p'orin) the &icinit1; Nothin) occ$rre-4
tho$)h4 an- +rakir )re" sti'';
:t "as har-'1 the %irst time her a'arm s1stem ha- been improper'1 c$e-D"hether b1 some stra1
astra' c$rrent or some o-- tho$)ht o% m1 o"n; B$t in a p'ace 'ike this4 one co$'- not a%%or- to
take chances; !he hi)hest stan- o% stone in the &icinit1 stoo- at abo$t %i%teen to t"ent1 meters4
perhaps a h$n-re- paces $phi''4 to m1 'e%t; : ma-e m1 "a1 o&er to it an- commence- c'imbin);
=hen : %ina''1 reache- its cha'k1 peak4 : comman-e- a &ie" o&er a )reat -istance in e&er1
-irection; : -i- not beho'- another 'i&in) thin) in this stran)e si'ent 1in-1an) $ni&erse;
(o : -eci-e- that it ha- in-ee- been a %a'se a'arm4 an- : c'imbe- back -o"n; : reache- once
a)ain to s$mmon the 9o)r$s an- +rakir practica''1 behan-e- me; ,e''; : i)nore- her4 an- : sent
o$t m1 ca'';
!he (i)n o% the 9o)r$s rose an- r$she- to"ar- me; :t -ance- 'ike a b$tter%'14 hit 'ike a tr$ck; B1
ne"sree' "or'- "ent a"a14 b'ack an- "hite to b'ack;
B1 hea- ache-4 an- there "as -irt in m1 mo$th; : "as spra"'e- %ace -o"n; Bemor1 ma-e its
"a1 home thro$)h the tra%%ic4 an- : opene- m1 e1es; (ti'' b'ack an- "hite an- )ra1 a'' abo$t; :
spit san-4 r$bbe- m1 e1es4 b'inke-; !he 9o)r$s (i)n "as not present4 an- : co$'- not acco$nt %or
m1 recent e.perience "ith it;
: sat $p an- h$))e- m1 knees; : seeme- to be stran-e-4 a'' o% m1 e.tram$n-ane means o% tra&e'
an- comm$nication b'ocke-; : co$'-n@t think o% an1thin) to -o other than )et $p4 pick a -irection4
an- start "a'kin);
: sh$--ere-; =here "o$'- that take me> E$st thro$)h more o% the sameDmore o% this
monotono$s 'an-scape>
!here came a so%t so$n-4 as o% a throat bein) )ent'1 c'eare-;
: "as on m1 %eet in an instant4 ha&in) inspecte- e&er1 -irection on the "a1 $p;
$ho's there5: in<$ire-4 ha&in) )i&en $p on artic$'ation;
: seeme- to hear it a)ain4 &er1 near at han-;
!hen4I've a message for ou 4 somethin) seeme- to sa1 "ithin m1 hea-;
$hat5 $here are ou5 Message5: trie- askin);
64cuse me4 came the m$%%'e- &oice4 Wb$t :@m ne" at this b$siness; !o take thin)s in or-er4 : am
"here :@&e a'"a1s beenDon 1o$r "ristDan- "hen the 9o)r$s b'aste- thro$)h here4 it enhance-
me a--itiona''14 so that : co$'- -e'i&er the messa)e;
/es, M first enhancement, that da ou bore me through the "ogrus, involved sensitivit to
danger, mobilit, combat refle4es, and a limited sentience. This time the "ogrus added direct
mental communication and e4panded m awareness to the point where I could deliver messages.
It was in a hurr, could sta in this place for onl an instant, and this was the onl wa for it to
let ou know what is going on.
I didn't realize the "ogrus was sentient.
(omethin) 'ike a ch$ck'e %o''o"e-;
!hen4It is hard to classif an intelligence of that order, and I suppose it doesn't reall have much
to sa most of the time, came +rakir@s rep'1;Its energies are mainl e4pended in other areas ;
$ell, wh did it come through here and blitz me5
2nintentional. It was a b-product of m enhancement, once it saw that I was the onl means of
reaching ou with more than a few words or images.
$h was its time here so limited5: aske-;
It is the nature of this land, which lies between the shadows, that it be mainl inaccessible both
to the !attern and the "ogrus.
A sort of demilitarized zone5
+o, it is not a matter of truce. It is simpl that it is e4tremel difficult for either of them to
manifest here at all. This is wh the place is prett much unchanging.
This is a place thecan@treach5
That's about the size of it.
&ow come I never heard of it before5
!robabl because no one else can reach it too readil either.
)o what's the message5
0asicall, that ou not tr calling upon the "ogrus again while ou're here. The place represents
such a distorting medium that there's no assurance how an pro%ected energ might manifest
outside some convenient vessel. It could be dangerous for ou.
: massa)e- m1 throbbin) temp'es; At 'east it )ot m1 min- o%% m1 sore ?a";
All right4 : a)ree-;An hints as to what I'm supposed to be doing here5
/es, this is a trial. 3f what, I can't sa.
7o I have a choice5
$hat do ou mean5
Ma I refuse to participate5
I suppose. 0ut then I don't know how ou get out of here.
)o I do get released from this place at the end, if I pla5
If ou're still living, es. 6ven if ou're not, I'd imagine.
Then I reall have no choice.
There will be a choice.
)omewhere along the wa. I don't know where.
$h don't ou %ust repeat all of our instructions to me5
Can't. I don't know what all is here. It will surface onl in response to a (uestion or a situation.
$ill an of this interfere with our strangling function5
It shouldn't.
That's something, anwa. 8er well. &ave ou an idea what I'm supposed to do ne4t5
/es. /ou should begin climbing the highest hill to our left.
$hich93ka, I guess that's the one,: -eci-e-4 m1 )a6e sett'in) $pon a broken %an) o% b'a6in)
"hite stone;
An- so : "a'ke- to"ar- it4 $p a )ra-$a''1 steepenin) s'ope; !he b'ack s$n mo$nte- hi)her into
the )ra1ness; !he eerie si'ence contin$e-;
2h, do ou know e4actl what we will find whenever we get to wherever we're going5: trie- to
sa1 in +rakir@s -irection;
I am certain that the information is present,came the rep'14but I do not believe that it will be
available until we reach the appropriate locale.
I hope ou're right.
Me, too;
!he "a1 contin$e- to steepen; =hi'e : ha- no "a1 to meas$re the time e.act'14 it seeme- that
more than an ho$r passe- be%ore : 'e%t the %oothi''s an- "as c'imbin) the "hite mo$ntain itse'%;
=hi'e : obser&e- no %ootprints nor sa" an1 other si)n o% 'i%e4 : -i-4 on se&era' occasions4
enco$nter 'on) stretches o% nat$ra'-seemin) trai'4 she'%-'ike4 'ea-in) $p that hi)h b'eache- %ace;
(e&era' more ho$rs m$st ha&e passe- as : ne)otiate- this4 the -ark s$n ri-in) to mi--hea&en an-
be)innin) its -escent to"ar- a "est that 'a1 be1on- this peak; :t "as anno1in) not to be ab'e to
c$rse a'o$-;
&ow can I be sure we're on the proper side of the thing5 3r heading for the right area5: aske-;
/ou're still going in the proper direction4 +rakir ans"ere-;
0ut ou don't know how much farther it'll be5
+ope. I'll know when I see it, though.
The sun is going to slip behind the mountain fairl soon. $ill ou be able to see it to know it
I believe the sk actuall brightens here when the sun goes awa. +egative space is funn that
wa, $hatever, something is alwas bright here and something is alwas dark. There'll be the
wherewithal for detection.
An idea what we're actuall doing5
3ne of those damned (uest-things, I think.
8ision5 3r practical5
It was m understanding that the all partake of both, though I feel this one is heavil weighted
toward the latter. 3n the other wrist, anthing ou encounter between shadows is likel to
partake of the allegorical, the emblematic9all that crap people bur in the nonconscious parts
of their beings.
In other words, ou don't know either1
+ot for sure, but I make m living as a sensitive guesser.
: reache- hi)h4 )rabbe- han-ho'-s4 -re" m1se'% $p to another 'e-)e; : %o''o"e- it %or a time4
c'imbe- a)ain; At 'en)th the s$n "ent a"a14 an- it ma-e no -i%%erence in m1 abi'it1 to see;
/arkness an- 'i)ht chan)e- p'aces;
: sca'e- a %i&e- or si.-meter irre)$'arit1 an- ha'te- "hen : %ina''1 )ot a 'ook into the recesse-
area it rose to; !here "as an openin) in the %ace o% the mo$ntain to its rear; : hesitate- to 'abe' it
a ca&e beca$se it appeare- arti%icia'; :t 'ooke- as i% it ha- been car&e- in the %orm o% an arch4 an-
it "as bi) eno$)h to ri-e thro$)h on horse-back;
$hat do ou know4 +rakir commente-4 t"itchin) once $pon m1 "rist;This is it ;
$hat5: aske-;
The first station4 she rep'ie-;/ou stop here and go through a bit of business before moving on.
That being5
It's easier %ust to go and look;
: ha$'e- m1se'% $p o&er the e-)e4 )ot to m1 %eet4 an- "a'ke- %or"ar-; !he bi) entrance"a1 "as
%i''e- "ith that so$rce'ess 'i)ht; : hesitate- on the thresho'-4 peere- "ithin;
:t 'ooke- to be a )eneric chape'; !here "as a sma'' a'tar4 a pair o% can-'es $pon it sportin)
%'ickerin) coronas o% b'ackness; !here "ere stone benches car&e- a'on) the "a''s; : co$nte- %i&e
-oor"a1s apart %rom the one b1 "hich : stoo-8 three in the "a'' across %rom me4 one in that to
the ri)ht4 another to the 'e%t; !"o pi'es o% batt'e )ear 'a1 in the mi--'e o% the room; !here "ere
no s1mbo's o% "hate&er re'i)ion mi)ht be represente-;
: entere-;
$hat am I supposed to do here5: aske-;
/ou are supposed to sit vigil, guarding our armor overnight.
Aw, come on4 : sai-4 mo&in) %or"ar- to inspect the st$%%;$hat's the point5
That's not a part of the information I've been given.
: picke- $p a %anc1 "hite breastp'ate "hich "o$'- ha&e ma-e me 'ook 'ike (ir #a'aha-; E$st m1
si6e4 it seeme-; : shook m1 hea- an- 'o"ere- the piece; : mo&e- o&er to the ne.t pi'e an- picke-
$p a &er1 o--'ookin) )ra1 )a$nt'et; : -roppe- it imme-iate'1 an- roote- thro$)h the rest o% the
st$%%; Bore o% the same; Conto$re- to %it me4 a'so; On'1D
$hat is the matter, Merlin5
The white stuff4 : sai-4looks as if it would fit me right now. The other armor appears to be of a
sort used in the Courts. It looks as if it would fit me %ust right when I'm shifted into m Chaos
form. )o either set would probabl do for me, depending on circumstances. I can use onl one
outfit at a time, though. $hich am I supposed to guard5
l believe that's the cru4 of the matter. I think ou're supposed to choose.
3f course-: snappe- m1 %in)ers4 hear- nothin);&ow slow of me, that I need to have things
e4plained b m strangling cord-
: -roppe- to m1 knees4 s"ept both sets or armor an- "eapons to)ether into one nast1-'ookin)
If I have to guard them4 : sai-4I'll guard both sets. I don't care to take sides ;
I've a feeling something isn't going to like that,+rakir aas"ere-;
: steppe- back an- re)ar-e- the pi'e;
Tell me about this vigil business again,: sai-;$hat all's involved5
/ou're supposed to sit up all night and guard it.
Against what5
Against anthing that tries to misappropriate it, I guess. The powers of 3rder9
9or Chaos.
/eah, I see what ou mean. &eaped up together that wa, anthing might come b to grab off a
: seate- m1se'% on the bench a'on) the rear "a''4 bet"een t"o -oor"a1s; :t "as )oo- to rest %or
a bit a%ter m1 'on) c'imb; B$t somethin) in m1 min- kept )rin-in) a"a1; !hen4 a%ter a
time4$hat's in it for me5 : aske-;
$hat do ou mean5
)a I sit here all night and watch the stuff. Mabe something even comes along and makes a
pass at it. )a I fight it off. Morning comes, the stuff is still here, I'm still here, Then what5 $hat
have I gained5
Then ou get to don our armor, pick up our weapons, and move on to the ne4t stage of affairs.
: sti%'e- a 1a"n;
/ou know, I don't think I reall want an of that stuff,: sai- then;I don't like armor, and I'm
happ with the sword I've got. : c'appe- m1 han- to its hi't; :t %e't stran)e4 b$t then so -i- :;$h
don't we %ust leave the whole pile where it is and move on to the ne4t stage now5 $hat is the ne4t
stage anwa5
I'm not sure. The wa the "ogrus threw information at me it %ust seems to surface at the
appropriate time. I didn't even know about this place till I saw the entrance.
: stretche- an- %o'-e- m1 arms; : 'eane- m1 back a)ainst the "a''; : e.ten-e- m1 'e)s an-
crosse- them at the ank'es;
Then we're stuck here till something happens or ou get inspired again5
$ake me when it's over4 : sai-4 an- : c'ose- m1 e1es;
!he "rist t"itch that %o''o"e- "as a'most pain%$';
&e- /ou can't do that-+rakir sai-;The whole idea is that ou sit up all night and watch.
And a ver half-assed idea it is,: sai-;I refuse to pla such a stupid game. If anthing wants the
stuff,I'll give it a good price on it.
;o ahead and sleep if ou want. 0ut what if something comes along and decides ou had better
be taken out of the picture first5
To begin with4 : rep'ie-4I don't believe that anthing could care about that pile of medieval %unk,
let alone lust after it9and in closing, it's our %ob to warn me of danger ;
Ae, ae, Captain. 0ut this is a weird place. $hat if it limits m sensitivit some wa5
/ou're reall reaching now4 : sai-;I guess ou'll %ust have to improvise.
: -o6e-; : -reame- that : stoo- "ithin a ma)ic circ'e an- &ario$s thin)s trie- to )et at me; =hen
the1 to$che- the barrier4 tho$)h4 the1 "ere trans%orme- into stick %i)$res4 cartoon characters
"hich rapi-'1 %a-e-; 2.cept %or Cor"in o% Amber4 "ho smi'e- %aint'1 an- shook his hea-;
F(ooner or 'ater 1o$@'' ha&e to step o$tsi-e4G he sai-;
F!hen 'et it be 'ater4G : rep'ie-;
FAn- a'' 1o$r prob'ems "i'' sti'' be there4 ri)ht "here 1o$ 'e%t them;G
: no--e-;
FB$t :@'' be reste-4G : ans"ere-;
F!hen it@s a tra-e-o%%; #oo- '$ck;G
!he -ream %e'' apart into ran-om ima)es then; : seem to remember stan-in) o$tsi-e the circ'e a
'itt'e 'ater4 tr1in) to %i)$re a "a1 to )et back in;;;;
: "asn@t certain "hat "oke me; :t co$'-n@t ha&e been a noise; B$t s$--en'1 : "as a'ert an- risin)4
an- the %irst thin) : behe'- "as a -"ar% "ith a mott'e- comp'e.ion4 his han-s c'aspe- at his
throat4 '1in) $nmo&in) in a t"iste- position near the armor pi'e;
F=hat@s )oin) on>G : trie- sa1in); B$t there "as no rep'1;
: crosse- an- kne't besi-e the short bi)-sho$'-ere- )$1; =ith m1 %in)ertips4 : %e't a%ter a caroti-
p$'se b$t co$'-n@t 'ocate one; At that moment4 ho"e&er4 : %e't a tick'in) sensation abo$t m1 "rist4
an- +rakirDphasin) into an- o$t o% &isibi'it1Dma-e her "a1 back into to$ch "ith "ith me;
/ou took that gu out5: aske-;
!here came a so%t p$'sation then;)uicides don't strangle themselves 4 she rep'ie-;
$h didn't ou alert me5
/ou needed our rest, and it wasn't anthing I couldn't handle. 3ur empath is too strong,
though. )orr I woke ou.
: stretche-;
&ow long was I asleep5
)everal hours, I'd %udge.
I feel kind of sorr about this4 : sai-;That scrap heap isn't worth somebod's life,
It is now,+rakir ans"ere-;
True. +ow that someone's died for the stuff have ou gotten the word as to what we do ne4t5
Things are a little clearer, but not enough to act on. $e must remain until morning for me to be
7oes the information ou have include anthing on whether there's food or drink available in
the neighborhood5
/es. There's supposed to be a %ug of water behind the altar. Also a loaf of bread. 0ut that's for
morning. /ou're supposed to be fasting throughout the night.
That's onl if I take this whole business seriousl,: sai-4 t$rnin) to"ar- the a'tar;
: took t"o steps4 an- the "or'- starte- to come apart; !he %'oor o% the chape' tremb'e-4 an- :
hear- m1 %irst so$n-s since m1 arri&a'C a -eep )ro"'in)4 )ratin) noise came %rom some"here %ar
beneath me; A hor-e o% co'ors %'ashe- thro$)h the air o% this co'or'ess p'ace4 ha'%-b'in-in) me
"ith their intensit1; !hen the co'ors %'e-4 an- the room -i&i-e- itse'%; !he "hiteness )re" intense
in the &icinit1 o% the arch"a1 b1 "hich : ha- entere-; : ha- to raise m1 han- to shie'- m1 e1es
a)ainst it; Across %rom this4 a pro%o$n- -arkness occ$rre-4 maskin) the three -oor"a1s in that
$ it5: aske-;
)omething terrible4 +rakir rep'ie-4beond m abilit to access.
: c'aspe- the hi't o% the b'a-e : "ore an- re&ie"e- the spe''s : sti'' ha- han)in); Be%ore : co$'-
-o an1 more than that4 an a"%$' sense o% presence per&a-e- the p'ace; (o potent -i- it seem that :
-i- not %ee' that -ra"in) m1 b'a-e or recitin) a spe'' "as the most po'itic action : mi)ht take;
Or-inari'1 :@- ha&e s$mmone- the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s b1 then4 b$t that "a1 "as barre- to me
a'so; : trie- c'earin) m1 throat4 b$t no so$n- came %orth; !hen there came a mo&ement at the
heart o% the 'i)ht4 a coa'escin);;;;
!he shape o% a *nicorn4 'ike B'ake@s !1)er4 b$rnin) bri)ht4 took %orm4 so pain%$' to beho'- that :
ha- to 'ook a"a1;
: shi%te- m1 )a6e to the -eep4 coo' b'ackness4 b$t there "as no rest %or m1 e1es in that p'ace
either; (omethin) stirre- "ithin the -arkness4 an- there came another so$n-Da )ratin)4 as o%
meta' bein) scrape- on stone; !his "as %o''o"e- b1 a po"er%$' hissin); !he )ro$n- tremb'e-
a)ain; C$r&e- 'ines %'o"e- %or"ar-; 2&en be%ore the bri)htness o% the *nicorn etche- its
'ineaments "ithin that mi)ht1 )'oom4 : rea'i6e- it "as the hea- o% a one-e1e- serpent "hich ha-
come part"a1 into the chape'; : shi%te- m1 )a6e to a point bet"een them4 catchin) each "ithin
m1 periphera' &ision; +ar better than an1 attempt to beho'- either -irect'1; : %e't their )a6es $pon
me4 the *nicorn o% Or-er an- the (erpent o% Chaos; :t "as not a p'easant %ee'in)4 an- : retreate-
$nti' the a'tar "as at m1 back;
Both came s'i)ht'1 %arther into the chape'; !he *nicorn@s hea- "as 'o"ere-4 horn pointe-
-irect'1 at me; !he (erpent@s ton)$e -arte- in m1 -irection;
F*h4 i% either o% 1o$ "ant this armor an- st$%%4G : &ent$re-4 F: certain'1 ha&e no ob?ectDG
!he (erpent hisse- an- the *nicorn raise- a hoo% an- 'et it %a''4 crackin) the %'oor o% the chape'4
the %ract$re 'ine racin) to"ar- me 'ike a streak o% b'ack 'i)htnin) an- ha'tin) ?$st at m1 %eet;
FOn the other han-4G : obser&e-4 Fno ins$'t is inten-e- b1 the o%%er4 Ao$r 2minencesDG
$rong thing to sa9again4 +rakir inter?ecte-4 "eak'1;
Tell me what's right4 : sai-4 tr1in) %or a menta' sotto &oce;
I don't93h-
!he *nicorn reare-C the (erpent -re" itse'% $p"ar-; : -roppe- to m1 knees an- 'ooke- a"a14
their )a6es ha&in) someho" become ph1sica''1 pain%$'; : "as tremb'in)4 an- a'' o% m1 m$sc'es
ha- be)$n to ache;
It is suggested4 +rakir recite-4that ou pla the game the wa it is set up.
=hat meta' entere- m1 backbone : kno" not; B$t : raise- m1 hea- an- t$rne- it4 'ookin) %irst to
the (erpent4 then to the *nicorn; !ho$)h m1 e1es "atere- an- ache- as i% : "ere tr1in) to stare
-o"n the s$n4 : mana)e- the )est$re;
FAo$ can make me p'a14G : sai-4 Fb$t 1o$ cannot make me choose; B1 "i'' is m1 o"n; : "i''
)$ar- this armor a'' ni)ht4 as is re<$ire- o% me; :n the mornin) : "i'' )o on "itho$t it beca$se :
-o not choose to "ear it;G
$ithout it ou ma die4 +rakir state-4 as i% trans'atin);
: shr$))e-;
F:% it is m1 choice to make4 : choose not to p'ace one o% 1o$ be%ore the other;G
A r$sh o% "in- b'e" hot an- co'- past me4 seeme- a cosmic si)h;
/ou will choose,+rakir re'a1e-4whether ou become aware of it or not. 6verone does. /ou are
simpl being asked to formalize our choice.
F=hat@s so specia' abo$t m1 case>G : aske-;
A)ain that "in-;
/ours is a dual heritage, combined with great power.
F: ne&er "ante- either o% 1o$ %or an enem14G : state-;
+ot good enough,came the rep'1;
F!hen -estro1 me no";G
The game is alread in progress.
F!hen 'et@s )et on "ith it4G : ans"ere-;
$e are not pleased with our attitude.
F7ice &ersa4G : ans"ere-;
!he th$n-erc'ap that %o''o"e- 'e%t me $nconscio$s;
!he reason : %e't : co$'- a%%or- tota' honest1 "as a stron) h$nch that p'a1ers %or this )ame mi)ht
be har- to come b1;
: "oke spra"'e- across the pi'e o% )rea&es4 c$irasses4 )a$nt'ets4 he'ms4 an- other )oo- thin)s o%
a simi'ar nat$re4 a'' o% them possesse- o% corners or prot$berances4 most o% "hich "ere ?abbin)
into me; : became a"are o% this on'1 b1 -e)rees4 %or : ha- )one n$mb in 'ots o% important p'aces;
&i, Merlin;
*rakir4 : respon-e-;&ave I been out for long5
I don't know. I %ust came around mself.
I didn't know a piece of rope could be knocked out.
+either did I. It never happened to me before.
"et me amend m (uestion then1 An idea how long we've been out5
*airl long, I feel. ;et me a glimpse out the doorwa, and I ma be able to give ou a better
: p$she- m1se'% s'o"'1 to m1 %eet4 co$'- not remain stan-in)4 -roppe-; : cra"'e- to the
entrance"a14 notin) in passin) that nothin) on the heap seeme- to be missin); !he %'oor "as
in-ee- cracke-; !here rea''1 "as a -ea- -"ar% to the rear o% the chamber;
: 'ooke- o$tsi-e4 behe'- a bri)ht sk14 b'ack points -ispose- "ithin it;
$ell5: aske- a%ter a time;
If I figure right, it should be morning soon. Alwas brightest before the dawn, eh5
)omething like that.
B1 'e)s b$rne- as their circ$'ation "as restore-; : p$she- m1se'% $pri)ht4 stoo- 'eanin) a)ainst
the "a'';
An new instructions5
+ot et. I've a feeling the're due with the dawn.
: sta))ere- to the nearest bench4 co''apse- $pon it;
If anthing comes in now, all I've got to hit it with is an odd assortment of spells. )leeping on
armor leaves a few kinks. Almost as bad as sleeping in it.
Throw me at the enem and the least I can do is bu ou time.
&ow far back does our memor go5
To when I was a little kid, I guess. $h5
I recall sensations from when I was first enhanced, back in the "ogrus. 0ut everthing up until
we got here is kind of dreamlike. I %ust sort of used to react to life.
A lot of people are that wa, too.
:eall5 I couldn't think, or communicate this wa before.
7o ou think it will last5
$hat do ou mean5
Might this %ust be a temporar condition5 Might I %ust have been enhanced to deal with the
special circumstances in this place5
I don't know, *rakir4 : ans"ere-4 massa)in) m1 'e%t ca'%;I suppose its possible. Are ou getting
attached to the state5
/es. )ill of me, I guess. &ow can I care about something I won't miss when it's gone5
;ood (uestion, and I don't know the answer. Mabe ou would have achieved this state anwa
I don't think so. 0ut I don't know for certain.
/ou afraid to regress5
Tell ou what. $hen we find a wa out of here, ou sta behind.
I couldn't do that.
$h not5 /ou've come in hand on occasion, but I can take care of mself. +ow ou're sentient
ou should have a life of our own.
0ut I'm a freak.
Aren't we all5 I %ust want ou to know I understand, and it's oka with me.
(he p$'se- once an- sh$t $p;
: "ishe- : "eren@t a%rai- to -rink the "ater;
: sat there %or perhaps the better part o% an ho$r4 )oin) o&er e&er1thin) that ha- happene- to me
recent'14 'ookin) %or patterns4 c'$es;
I can sort of hear ou thinking4 +rakir sai- s$--en'14and I can offer ou something in one area.
3h5 $hat might that be5
The one who brought ou here.
The thing that looked like m father5
$hat of him5
&e was different from our other two visitors. &e was human. The weren't.
/ou mean it might actuall have been Corwin5
I never met him, so I can't sa. &e wasn't one of those constructs, though.
7o ou know what the were5
+o. I onl know one peculiar thing about them, and I don't understand it at all.
: 'eane- %or"ar- an- r$bbe- m1 temp'es; : took se&era' -eep breaths; B1 throat "as &er1 -r14
an- m1 m$sc'es ache-;
;o ahead. I'm waiting.
I don't (uite know how to e4plain it4 +rakir sai-;0ut back in m presentient das ou
inconsideratel wore me about our wrist when ou walked the !attern.
I recall. I had a scar for a long time after, from our reaction to it.
Things of Chaos and things of 3rder do not mi4 well. 0ut I survived. And the e4perience is
recorded within me. +ow the 7workin and the 3beron figures that visited ou back at the cave9
0eneath their apparent humanit the were pulsing energ fields within geometrical constructs.
)ounds sort of like computer animation.
Mabe it is something like that. I couldn't sa.
And m father wasn't one of these5
+ope. 0ut that wasn't what I war getting at. I recognized the source.
: "as s$--en'1 a'ert;
$hat do ou mean5
The swirls9the geometrical constructs on which the figures were based9the reproduced
sections of the !attern at Amber.
/ou must be mistaken.
+o. $hat I lacked in sentience I made up in memor. 0oth figures were three-dimensional
twistings of !attern segments.
$h would the !attern be creating simulacra to bug me5
I'm %ust a humble killing aid. :easoning is not one of m strong points et.
If the 2nicorn and the )erpent are involved, I suppose the !attern might be also.
$e know that the "ogrus is.
And it seemed to me that the !attern demonstrated sentience the da Coral walked it. )a that's
true and add on the abilit to manufacture constructs9Is this the place it wanted them to bring
me5 3r did Corwin transport me someplace else5 And what does the !attern want of me5 And
what does m father want of me5
I env our abilit to shrug,+rakir ans"ere-;Those are what I take it ou call rhetorical
I guess so.
Information of another sort is beginning to come to me, so I assume the night is ending.
: spran) to m1 %eet;
7oes that mean I can eat-and drink5: aske-;
I believe so.
: mo&e- <$ick'1 then;
$hile I am new to these things, I cannot help wondering whether it might be considered
disrespectful to vault over an altar that wa4 +rakir commente-;
!he b'ack %'ames %'ickere- as : passe- bet"een them;
&ell,I don't even know what it's an altar to,: ans"ere-4and I've alwas thought of disrespect as
something that had to be identit-specific.
!he )ro$n- tremb'e- s'i)ht'1 as : sei6e- the ?$) an- took a -eep s"a''o";
Then, again, perhaps ou have a point there,: sai-4 chokin);
: carrie- the ?$) an- the 'oa% aro$n- the a'tar4 past the sti%%enin) -"ar% an- o&er to the bench
"hich ran a'on) the back "a''; (eatin) m1se'%4 : commence- eatin) an- -rinkin) more s'o"'1;
$hat comes ne4t5: aske-;/ou said that the information was flowing again.
/ou have kept vigil successfull,she sai-;+ow ou must select what ou need from among the
armor and weapons ou watched, then pass through one of the three doorwas in this wall.
$hich one5
3ne is the door of Chaos, one the door of 3rder, and I know not the nature of the third.
2h, how does one make an informed decision in these matters5
I think our wa ma be barred b all but the one ou're supposed to pass.
Then one does not reall have a choice, does one5
I believe that the matter of the doorwas ma be predicated upon the choice one makes in the
hardware department.
: %inishe- the brea-4 "ashe- it -o"n "ith the rest o% the "ater; : )ot to m1 %eet then;
$ell,: sai-4let's see what the'll do if I don't make a choice. Too bad about the dwarf.
&e knew what he was doing, what chances he was taking.
That's more than I can sa.
: approache- the ri)ht-han- -oor since it "as the nearest; :t 'et into a bri)ht corri-or "hich )re"
bri)hter an- bri)hter as it rece-e- $nti' si)ht o% it "as 'ost to me be1on- a %e" paces@ -istance; :
kept "a'kin); /amn near broke m1 nose4 too; :t "as as i% :@- enco$ntere- a "a'' o% )'ass; :t
%i)$res; : co$'-n@t pict$re m1se'% "a'kin) o%% into the 'i)ht that "a1;
/ou're actuall getting more cnical as I watch,+rakir obser&e-;I caught that thought.
: approache- the mi--'e one more care%$''1; :t "ore )ra1 an- seeme- to 'et into a 'on) corri-or
a'so; : co$'- see -o"n it perhaps a 'itt'e %arther than the %irst4 tho$)h no %eat$res other than "a''s4
roo%4 an- %'oor presente- themse'&es; : e.ten-e- m1 arm an- -isco&ere- that m1 "a1 "as not
)eems to be the one4 +rakir obser&e-;
: mo&e- o&er to the 'e%t-han- -oor"a14 its passa)e b'ack as the insi-e o% #o-@s pocket; A)ain
there "as no resistance "hen : e.p'ore- %or hi--en barriers;
&m. It appears I do have a choice.
3dd. I haven't an instructions to cover this.
: ret$rne- to the mi--'e one4 took a step %or"ar-; ,earin) a so$n- behin- me4 : t$rne-; !he
-"ar% ha- sat $p; ,e "as ho'-in) his si-es an- 'a$)hin); : trie- to t$rn back then4 b$t no"
somethin) barre- m1 ret$rn; ($--en'1 then the scene -"in-'e-4 as i% : "ere acce'eratin) to the
I thought the little gu was dead,: sai-;
)o did I. &e gave ever indication.
: t$rne- a"a14 back to the -irection :@- been hea-e-; !here "as no %ee'in) o% acce'eration;
Perhaps it "as the chape' that "as rece-in) "hi'e : stoo- sti'';
: took a step %or"ar-4 then another; Not a so$n- %rom m1 %oot%a''s; : be)an "a'kin); A%ter a %e"
paces : p$t o$t m1 han- to to$ch the 'e%t-han- "a''; :t enco$ntere- nothin); : trie- a)ain "ith the
ri)ht; A)ain nothin); : took a step to the ri)ht an- reache- a)ain; Nope; : sti'' seeme-
appro.imate'1 e<$i-istant %rom t"o sha-o"1 "a''s; #ro"'in)4 : i)nore- them an- stro-e
$hat's the matter, Merle5
7o ou or do ou not sense walls to the right and left of us5: aske-;
+ope4 +rakir rep'ie-;
An idea at all where we are5
$e are walking between shadows.
$here are we headed5
7on't know et. $e're following the $a of Chaos, though.
$hat5 &ow do ou know that5 I thought we had to pick something Chaosian for the pile to be
admitted here.
At this : )a&e m1se'% a <$ick search; : %o$n- the -a))er t$cke- into m1 ri)ht boot sheath; 2&en
in the -im 'i)ht : co$'- reco)ni6e the "orkmanship as somethin) %rom back home;
$e were set up somehow,: sai-;+ow I know wh the dwarf was laughing. &e planted this on me
while we were passed out.
0ut ou still had a choice9between this and the dark corridor.
)o wh'd ou pick this one5
The light was better.
Chapter !
A ha'% -o6en steps 'ater e&en the impression o% "a''s ha- &anishe-; /itto the roo%4 %or that
matter; 9ookin) back4 : sa" no si)n o% the corri-or or its entrance; !here "as on'1 a &ast -isma'
area; +ort$nate'1 the %'oor or )ro$n- remaine- %irm $n-er%oot; !he on'1 manner in "hich : co$'-
-istin)$ish the "a1 : tra&e'e- %rom the s$rro$n-in) )'oom ha- to -o "ith &isibi'it1; : "a'ke- a
pear'-)ra1 trai' thro$)h a &a''e1 o% sha-o"4 tho$)h4 technica''14 : s$ppose-4 : "a'ke- bet"een
sha-o"s; Pick1-pick1; (omeone or somethin) ha- )r$-)in)'1 spi''e- a minim$m o% 'i)ht to
mark m1 "a1;
: tr$-)e- thro$)h the eerie si'ence4 "on-erin) ho" man1 sha-o"s : passe- amon)4 then
"on-erin) "hether that "as too 'inear a "a1 o% consi-erin) the phenomenon; Probab'1;
At that moment4 be%ore : co$'- in&oke mathematics4 : tho$)ht : sa" somethin) mo&e o%% to m1
ri)ht; : ha'te-; A ta'' ebon pi''ar ha- come into &ie"4 bare'14 at the e-)e o% &ision; B$t it "as not
mo&in); : conc'$-e- that it "as m1 o"n mo&ement "hich ha- )i&en it appearance o% motion;
!hick4 sti''4 smoothD: ran m1 )a6e $p that -ark sha%t $nti' : 'ost si)ht o% it; !here seeme- no
"a1 o% te''in) ho" hi)h the thin) stoo-;
: t$rne- a"a1 : took a %e" more paces; : note- another pi''ar thenDahea- o% me4 to the 'e%t; :
)a&e this one on'1 a )'ance as : contin$e-; (hort'1 more came into &ie" at either han-; !he
-arkness into "hich the1 ascen-e- he'- nothin) resemb'in) stars4 positi&e or ne)ati&eC m1
"or'-@s canop1 "as a simp'e4 $ni%orm b'ackness; A 'itt'e 'ater4 the pi''ars occ$rre- in o--
)ro$pin)s4 some &er1 near at han-4 an- their respecti&e si6es no 'on)er seeme- $ni%orm;
: ha'te-4 reache- to"ar- a stan- o% them to m1 'e%t "hich seeme- a'most "ithin to$chin) ran)e;
:t "asn@t tho$)h; : took a step in that -irection;
!here came a <$ick s<$ee6e at m1 "rist;
I wouldn't do that if I were ou4 +rakir obser&e-;
$h not5: in<$ire-;
It might be eas to get lost and into a lot of trouble.
Mabe ou're right.
: broke into a ?o); =hate&er "as )oin) on4 m1 on'1 rea' -esire concernin) it "as to ha&e it o&er
"ith as soon as possib'e4 so that : co$'- )et back to matters : consi-ere- importantD'ike 'ocatin)
Cora'4 sprin)in) 9$ke4 %in-in) a "a1 to -ea' "ith E$rt an- E$'ia4 'ookin) %or m1 %ather;;;;
!he pi''ars4 at &ar1in) -istances4 s'i- b14 an- items "hich "ere not pi''ars be)an occ$rrin)
amon) them; (ome "ere s<$at4 as1mmetrica'C others "ere ta''4 tapere-C some 'eane- $pon
nei)hbors4 bri-)e- them4 or 'a1 broken at their bases; :t "as somethin) o% a re'ie% to see that
monotono$s re)$'arit1 -estro1e-4 in a "a1 that sho"e- that %orces p'a1e- $pon %orms;
!he )ro$n- 'ost its %'atness then4 tho$)h it retaine- a st1'i6e- )eometric <$a'it1 in the stacke-4
step4 an- she'%'ike appearance o% its &ario$s 'e&e's; B1 o"n "a1 remaine- %'at an- &a)$e'1
'i)hte- as : ?o))e- ami- the r$ins o% a tho$san- (tonehen)es;
: increase- m1 pace4 an- soon : "as r$nnin) past )a''eries4 amphitheaters4 %orest'ike stan-s o%
stone; : seeme- to )'impse mo&ement "ithin se&era' o% these4 b$t a)ain it co$'- easi'1 ha&e been
a %$nction o% &e'ocit1 an- poor 'i)htin);
)ense anthing alive in the neighborhood5: aske- +rakir;
+o4 came the ans"er;
Thought I saw something move.
Mabe ou did. 7oesn't mean it's there.
Talking for less than a da, and ou've alread learned sarcasm.
I hate to sa it, boss, but anthing I learn I pick up from our vibes. Ain't no one else around to
teach me manners and like that.
Touch<,: sai-;Mabe I'd better warn 1o$if there's trouble.
Touch<, boss. &e, I like these combat metaphors.
Boments 'ater : s'o"e- m1 pace; Ahea- somethin) "as %'ickerin) o%% to the ri)ht; !here "ere
moments o% b'$e an- re- "ithin the chan)in) 'i)ht intensities; : ha'te-; !hese )'impses 'aste-
on'1 a %e" moments b$t "ere more than s$%%icient to make me "ar1; : re)ar-e- their apparent
so$rce %or a 'on) "hi'e;
/es4 +rakir sai- a%ter a time;Caution is in order, 0ut don't ask me what to e4pect. It a onl a
general feeling of menace that I have.
!erhaps there's some wa I could %ust sneak b whatever it is.
/ou'd have to leave the trail to do that,+rakir rep'ie-4and since the trail does run through the
circle of stones where it's coming from, I'd sa no.
+obod told me I couldn't leave the trail. 7o ou have an instructions to that effect5
I know ou are supposed to follow the trail. I've nothing specific concerning the conse(uences
of leaving it, though.
!he "a1 c$r&e- to the ri)ht4 an- : %o''o"e- it; :t ran -irect'1 into the massi&e circ'e o% stones4
an- tho$)h : s'o"e- m1 pace4 : -i- not -e&iate; : st$-ie- it as : -re" near4 ho"e&er4 an- note-
that "hi'e the trai' entere- there4 it -i- not emer)e a)ain;
/ou're right4 +rakir obser&e-;"ike the den of the dragon.
0ut we're supposed to go this wa.
Then we will.
:@- s'o"e- to a "a'k b1 then4 an- : %o''o"e- the shinin) "a1 bet"een t"o )ra1 p'inths;
!he 'i)htin) "as -i%%erent "ithin the circ'e %rom "itho$t; !here "as more o% it4 tho$)h the p'ace
"as sti'' a st$-1 in b'ack an- "hite4 "ith a %air1'an- spark'e to it; +or the %irst time here : sa"
somethin) that appeare- to be 'i&in); !here "as somethin) 'ike )rass $n-er%ootC it "as si'&er an-
seeme- to be st$--e- "ith -e"-rops;
: ha'te-4 an- +rakir constricte- in a &er1 o-- %ashionD'ess a "arnin)4 it seeme-4 than a
statement o% interest; O%% to m1 ri)ht "as an a'tarDnot at a'' 'ike the one o&er "hich : ha-
&a$'te- back in the chape'; !his one "as a r$-e s'ab o% stone set atop a co$p'e o% bo$'-ers; No
can-'es4 'inens4 or other ecc'esiastica' niceties kept compan1 "ith the 'a-1 "ho 'a1 atop it4 her
"rists an- ank'es bo$n-; Beca$se : reca''e- a simi'ar bothersome sit$ation in "hich : ha- once
%o$n- m1se'%4 m1 s1mpathies "ere a'' "ith the 'a-1D"hite-haire-4 b'ack-skinne-4 an- someho"
%ami'iarDm1 anim$s "ith the pec$'iar in-i&i-$a' "ho stoo- behin- the a'tar4 %ace- in m1
-irection4 b'a-e $praise- in his 'e%t han-; !he ri)ht ha'% o% his bo-1 "as tota''1 b'ackC the 'e%t4
b'in-in)'1 "hite; :mme-iate'1 )a'&ani6e- b1 the tab'ea$4 : mo&e- %or"ar-; B1 Concerto %or
C$isinart an- Bicro"a&e spe'' "o$'- ha&e mince- him an- parboi'e- him in an instant4 b$t it
"as $se'ess to me "hen : co$'- not speak the )$i-e "or-s;
: seeme- to %ee' his )a6e $pon me as : race- to"ar- him4 tho$)h one si-e o% him "as too -ark
an- the other too bri)ht %or me to kno" %or certain; An- then the kni%e han- -escen-e- an- the
b'a-e entere- her breast beneath the stern$m "ith an arcin) mo&ement; At that instant she
screame-4 an- the b'oo- sp$rte- an- it "as re- a)ainst a'' those b'acks an- "hites4 an- : rea'i6e-
as it co&ere- the man@s han- that ha- : trie-4 : mi)ht ha&e $ttere- m1 spe'' an- sa&e- her;
!hen the a'tar co''apse-4 an- a )ra1 "hir'"in- ob'iterate- m1 &ie" o% the entire tab'ea$; !he
b'oo- s"ir'e- thro$)h it to a barber po'e-'ike e%%ect4 )ra-$a''1 sprea-in) an- atten$atin) to t$rn
the %$nne' ros14 then pink4 then %a-e- to si'&er4 then )one; =hen : reache- the spot4 the )rasses
spark'e-4 sans a'tar4 sans priest4 sans sacri%ice;
: -re" $p short4 starin);
FAre "e -reamin)>G : aske- a'o$-;
I do not believe I am capable of dreaming4 +rakir rep'ie-;
F!hen te'' me "hat 1o$ sa";G
I saw a gu stab a lad who was tied up on a stone surface, Then the whole thing collapsed and
blew awa. The gu was black and white, the blood was red, the lad was 7eirdre-
F=hat> B1 #o-4 1o$@re ri)htI :t -i- 'ook 'ike herDin ne)ati&e; B$t she@s a'rea-1 -ea-DG
I must remind ou that I saw whatever ou thought ou saw. I don't know what the raw data
were, %ust the mi4ing %ob our nervous sstem did on them. M own special perceptions told me
that there were not normal people but were beings on the order of the 7workin and 3beron
figures that visited ou back in the cave.
An abso'$te'1 terri%1in) tho$)ht occ$rre- to me ?$st then; !he /"orkin an- Oberon %i)$res ha-
ha- me thinkin) brie%'1 o% three--imensiona' comp$ter sim$'ations; An- the #host"hee'@s
sha-o"-scannin) abi'it1 "as base- on -i)iti6e- abstractions o% portions o% Pattern : be'ie&e- to
be partic$'ar'1 concerne- "ith this <$a'it1; An- #host ha- been "on-erin)Da'most "ist%$''14 it
no" seeme-Dconcernin) the <$a'i%ications %or )o-hoo-;
Co$'- m1 o"n creation be p'a1in) )ames "ith me> Bi)ht #host ha&e imprisone- me in a stark
an- -istant sha-o"4 b'ocke- a'' m1 e%%orts at comm$nication4 an- set abo$t p'a1in) an e'aborate
)ame "ith me> :% he co$'- beat his o"n creator4 %or "hom he seeme- to %ee' somethin) o% a"e4
mi)ht he not %ee' he ha- achie&e- persona' e'e&ation to a 'e&e' be1on- m1 stat$s in his pri&ate
cosmos> Ba1be; :% one keeps enco$nterin) comp$ter sim$'ations4cherchez le deus e4 machina ;
:t ma-e me "on-er ?$st ho" stron) #host rea''1 "as; !ho$)h his po"er "as4 in part4 an
ana'o)$e o% the Pattern4 ;: "as certain it -i- not match that o% the PatternDor the 9o)r$s; :
co$'-n@t see him b'ockin) this p'ace o%% %rom either;
On the other han-4 a'' that "o$'- rea''1 be necessar1 "o$'- be to b'ock me; : s$ppose he co$'-
ha&e impersonate- the 9o)r$s in o$r %'ash enco$nter on m1 arri&a'; B$t that "o$'- ha&e re<$ire-
#host@s act$a''1 enhancin) +rakir4 an- : -i-n@t be'ie&e he co$'- -o it; An- "hat abo$t the
*nicorn an- the (erpent>
F+rakir4G : aske-4 Fare 1o$ s$re it "as rea''1 the 9o)r$s that enhance- 1o$ this time an-
pro)ramme- 1o$ "ith a'' the instr$ctions 1o$@re carr1in)>G
F=hat makes 1o$ certain>G
It had the same feeling as our first encounter back within the "ogrus, when I was enhanced
F: see; Ne.t <$estion8 Co$'- the *nicorn an- the (erpent "e sa" back in the chape' ha&e been
the same sort o% thin)s as the Oberon or /"orkin %i)$res back at the ca&e>G
+o. I'd have known. The weren't like them at all. The were terrible and powerful and ver
much what the seemed;
F#oo-4G : sai-; F: "as "orrie- this mi)ht be some e'aborate chara-e on the part o% the
I see that in our mind. Though I fail to see wh the realit of the 2nicorn and the )erpent
defeats the thesis. The could simpl have entered the ;bost's construct to tell ou to stop
horsing around because the want to see this thing plaed out.
F: ha-n@t tho$)ht o% that;G
And mabe the ;host was able to locate and penetrate a place that is prett much inaccessible
to the !attern and the "ogrus.
F: s$ppose 1o$@&e a point there; *n%ort$nate'1 this prett1 m$ch p$ts me back "here : starte-;G
+o, because this place is not something ;host put together. It's alwas been around. I learned
that much from the "ogrus.
F: s$ppose there@s some sma'' com%ort in kno"in) that4 b$tDG
: ne&er comp'ete- the tho$)ht beca$se a s$--en mo&ement ca''e- m1 attention to the opposite
<$a-rant o% the circ'e; !here : behe'- an a'tar : ha- not note- be%ore4 a %ema'e %i)$re stan-in)
behin- it4 a man -app'e- in sha-o" an- 'i)ht '1in)4 %$n-4 $pon it; !he1 'ooke- &er1 simi'ar to the
%irst pair; ;
FNoIG : crie-; F9et it en-IG
B$t the b'a-e -escen-e- e&en as : mo&e- in that -irection; !he rit$a' "as repeate-4 an- the a'tar
co''apse-4 an- e&er1thin) a)ain s"ir'e- a"a1; =hen : reache- the site4 there "as no in-ication
that an1thin) $n$s$a' ha- occ$rre- $pon it;
F=hat -o 1o$ make o% that one>G : aske- +rakir;
)ame forces as before, but somehow reversed.
F=h1> =hat@s )oin) on>G
It is a gathering of powers. The !attern and the "ogrus both attempting to force their wa into
this place, for a little while. )acrifices, such as those ou %ust witnessed, help provide the
openings the need.
F=h1 -o the1 "ish to mani%est here>G
+eutral ground. Their ancient tension is shifting in subtle was. /ou are e4pected in some
fashion to tip the balance of power one wa or another.
F: ha&en@t the %aintest i-ea ho" to )o abo$t s$ch thin);G
$hen the time comes, ou will.
: ret$rne- to the trai' an- "a'ke- on;
F/i- : pass b1 ?$st as the sacri%ices "ere -$e>G : sai-8 FOr "ere the sacri%ices -$e beca$se : "as
passin) b1>G
The were marked to occur in our vicinit. /ou are a ne4us.
F!hen -o 1o$ think : can e.pectDG
A %i)$re steppe- o$t %rom behin- a stone to m1 'e%t an- ch$ck'e- so%t'1; B1 han- "ent to m1
s"or-4 b$t his han-s "ere empt14 an- he mo&e- s'o"'1;
F!a'kin) to 1o$rse'%; Not a )oo- si)n4G he remarke-;
!he man "as a st$-1 in b'ack4 "hite4 an- )ra1 :n %act4 %rom the cast o% the -arkness $pon his
ri)ht-han- si-e an- the 'a1 o% the 'i)ht on his 'e%t4 he mi)ht ha&e been the %irst "ie'-er o% the
sacri%icia' -a))er; :@- no rea' "a1 o% te''in); =hoe&er or "hate&er he or it "as4 :@- no -esire to
become ac<$ainte-;
(o : shr$))e-;
F!he on'1 si)n : care abo$t here has "ritten on it4G : to'- him as : br$she- past him;
,is han- %e'' $pon m1 sho$'-er an- t$rne- me back easi'1 in his -irection;
A)ain the ch$ck'e;
FAo$ m$st be care%$' "hat 1o$ "ish %or in this p'ace4G he to'- me in 'o" an- meas$re- tones4
F%or "ishes are sometimes )rante- here4 an- i% the )ranter be -epra&e- an- rea- @<$iet$s@ %or 1o$r"h14 then4 poo%I Ao$ ma1 cease to be; *p in smoke; /o"n"ar- to the earth; (i-e"a1s to
he'' an- )one;G
F:@&e a'rea-1 been there4G : ans"ere-4 Fan- 'ots o% points a'on) the "a1;G
F=hat hoI 9ookI Ao$r "ish has been )rante-4G he remarke-4 his 'e%t e1e catchin) a %'ash o% 'i)ht
an- re%'ectin) it4 tapet$m-'ike4 in m1 -irection; No matter ho" : t$rne- or s<$inte-4 ho"e&er4
co$'- : %in- si)ht o% his ri)ht e1e; FO&er there4G he %inishe-4 pointin);
: t$rne- m1 hea- in the -irection he in-icate-4 an- there $pon the top stone o% a -o'men shone
an si)n e.act'1 'ike the one abo&e the emer)enc1 -oor at a theater : $se- to %re<$ent near
FAo$@re ri)ht4G : sai-;
F=i'' 1o$ )o thro$)h it>G
F=i'' 1o$>G
FNo nee-4G he rep'ie-; F: a'rea-1 kno" "hat@s there;G
F=hat>G : in<$ire-;
F!he other si-e;G
F,o" -ro''4G : ans"ere-;
F:% one )ets one@s "ish an- sp$rns it4 one mi)ht piss o%% the Po"ers4G he sai- then;
FAo$ ha&e %irsthan- kno"'e-)e o% this>G
: hear- a )rin-in)4 c'ickin) noise then4 an- it "as se&era' moments be%ore : rea'i6e- he "as
)nashin) his teeth; : "a'ke- a"a1 then to"ar- the si)n4 "antin) to inspect "hate&er it
represente- at nearer ran)e;
!here "ere t"o stan-in) stones "ith a %'at s'ab across the top; !he )ate"a1 th$s %orme- "as
'ar)e eno$)h to "a'k thro$)h; :t "as sha-o"14 tho$)h;;;;
/ou going through it, boss5
F=h1 not> !his is one o% the %e" times in m1 'i%e that : %ee' in-ispensab'e to "hoe&er is r$nnin)
the sho";G
I wouldn't get too cock;;;+rakir be)an4 b$t : "as a'rea-1 mo&in);
!hree <$ick paces "ere a'' that it took4 an- : "as 'ookin) o$t"ar- across a circ'e o% stones an-
spark'in) )rass past a b'ack-an--"hite man to"ar- another -o'men bearin) an si)n4 a
sha-o"1 %orm "ithin it; ,a'tin)4 : took a step back"ar- an- t$rne-; !here "as a b'ack-an--"hite
man re)ar-in) me4 a -o'men to his rear4 -ark %orm "ithin it; : raise- m1 ri)ht han- abo&e m1
hea-; (o -i- the sha-o"1 %i)$re; : t$rne- back in the -irection : ha- initia''1 been hea-e-; !he
sha-o"1 %i)$re across %rom me a'so ha- his han- $praise-; : steppe- on thro$)h;
F(ma'' "or'-4G : obser&e-4 Fb$t :@- hate to paint it;G
!he man 'a$)he-;
FNo" 1o$ are remin-e- that 1o$r e&er1 is a'so an entrance4G he sai-;
F(eein) 1o$ here4 : am remin-e- e&en more o% a p'a1 b1 (artre4G : respon-e-;
F*nkin-4G he ans"ere-4 Fb$t phi'osophica''1 co)ent; : ha&e a'"a1s %o$n- that he'' is other
peop'e; On'1 : ha&e -one nothin) to ro$se 1o$r -istr$st4 ha&e :>G
F=ere 1o$ or "ere 1o$ not the person : sa" sacri%ice a "oman in this &icinit1>G : aske-;
F2&en i% : "ere4 "hat is that to 1o$> Ao$ "ere not in&o'&e-;G
F: )$ess : ha&e pec$'iar %ee'in)s abo$t 'itt'e thin)sD'ike the &a'$e o% 'i%e;G
F:n-i)nation is cheap; 2&en A'bert (ch"eit6er@s re&erence %or 'i%e -i-n@t inc'$-e the tape"orm4
the tsetse %'14 the cancer ce'';G
FAo$ kno" "hat : mean; /i- 1o$ or -i- 1o$ not sacri%ice a "oman on a stone a'tar a 'itt'e "hi'e
F(ho" me the a'tar;G
F: can@t; :t@s )one;G
F(ho" me the "oman;G
F(he is4 too;G
F!hen 1o$ ha&en@t m$ch o% a case;G
F!his isn@t a co$rt4 -amn itI :% 1o$ "ant to con&erse4 ans"er m1 <$estion; :% 1o$ -on@t4 'et@s stop
makin) noises at each other;G
F: ha&e ans"ere- 1o$;G
: shr$))e-;
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-; F: -on@t kno" 1o$4 an- :@m &er1 happ1 that "a1; #oo- -a1;G
: took a step a"a1 %rom him4 back in the -irection o% the trai'; As : -i-4 he sai-4 F/eir-re; ,er
name "as /eir-re4 an- : -i- in-ee- ki'' her4G an- he steppe- into the -o'men %rom "hich : ha-
?$st emer)e-4 an- there he -isappeare-; :mme-iate'1 : 'ooke- across the "a14 b$t he -i- not
beneath the si)n; : -i- an abo$t-%ace an- steppe- into the -o'men m1se'%; : -i- emer)e %rom
the other si-e4 across the "a14 catchin) si)ht o% m1se'% enterin) the opposite one as : -i- so; : -i-
not see the stran)er an1"here a'on) the "a1;
F=hat -o 1o$ make o% that>G : aske- +rakir as : mo&e- back to"ar- the trai';
A spirit of place, perhaps5 A nast spirit for a nast place5she &ent$re-;I don't know, but I think
he was one of those damned consructs, too9and the're stronger here.
: hea-e- -o"n to the trai'4 set %oot $pon it4 an- commence- %o''o"in) it once a)ain;
FAo$r speech patterns ha&e a'tere- enormo$s'1 since 1o$r enhancement4G : remarke-;
/our nervous sstem's a good teacher.
F!hanks; :% that )$1 p$ts in an appearance a)ain an- 1o$ sense him be%ore : see him4 )i&e me
the hi)h si)n;G
:ight. Actuall, this entire place has the feeling of one of those constructs. 6ver stone here has
a bit of !attern scribble to it;
F=hen -i- 1o$ 'earn this>G
0ack when we first tried the e4it. I scanned it for danger then.
As "e came to the peripher1 o% the o$ter circ'e4 : s'appe- a stone; :t %e't so'i- eno$)h;
&e's here-+rakir "arne- s$--en'1;
F,e1IG came a &oice %rom o&erhea-4 an- : 'ooke- $p; !he b'ack-an--"hite stran)er "as seate-
atop the stone4 smokin) a thin ci)ar; ,e he'- a cha'ice in his 'e%t han-; FAo$ interest me4 ki-4G he
"ent on; F=hat@s 1o$r name>G
FBer'in4G : ans"ere-; F=hat@s 1o$rs>G
:nstea- o% rep'1in)4 he p$she- himse'% o$t"ar-4 %e'' in s'o" motion4 'an-e- on his %eet besi-e
me; ,is 'e%t e1e s<$inte- as he st$-ie- me; !he sha-o"s %'o"e- 'ike -ark "ater -o"n his ri)ht
si-e; ,e b'e" si'&er1 smoke into the air;
FAo$@re a 'i&e one4G he anno$nce- then4 F"ith the mark o% the Pattern an- the mark o% Chaos
$pon 1o$; Ao$ bear the b'oo- o% Amber; =hat is 1o$r 'inea)e4 Ber'in>G
!he sha-o"s parte- %or a moment4 an- : sa" that his ri)ht e1e "as hi--en b1 a patch;
F: am the son o% Cor"in4G : to'- him4 Fan- 1o$ areDsomeho"Dthe traitor Bran-;G
FAo$ ha&e name- me4G he sai-4 Fb$t : ne&er betra1e- "hat : be'ie&e- in;G
F!hat bein) 1o$r o"n ambition4G : sai-; FAo$r home an- 1o$r %ami'1 an- the %orces o% Or-er
ne&er mattere- to 1o$4 -i- the1>G
,e snorte-;
F: "i'' not ar)$e "ith a pres$mpt$o$s p$pp1;G
F:@&e no -esire to ar)$e "ith 1o$ either; +or "hate&er it@s "orth4 1o$r son 0ina'-o is probab'1
m1 best %rien-;G
: t$rne- a"a1 an- be)an "a'kin); ,is han- %e'' $pon m1 sho$'-er;
F=aitIG he sai-; F=hat is this ta'k> 0ina'-o is b$t a 'a-;G
F=ron)4G : ans"ere-; F,e@s aro$n- m1 a)e;G
,is han- %e'' a"a14 an- : t$rne-; ,e ha- -roppe- his ci)ar4 "hich 'a1 smokin) $pon the trai'4
an- he@- trans%erre- the cha'ice to his sha-o"-c'a- han-; ,e massa)e- his bro";
F!hat m$ch time has passe- in the main'ines;;;G he remarke-;
On a "him4 : "ith-re" m1 !r$mps4 sh$%%'e- o$t 9$ke@s4 he'- it $p %or him to see;
F!hat@s 0ina'-o4G : sai-;
,e reache- %or it4 an- %or some obsc$re reason : 'et him take it; ,e stare- at it %or a 'on) "hi'e;
F!r$mp contact -oesn@t seem to "ork %rom here4G : sai-;
,e 'ooke- $p4 shook his hea-4 an- han-e- the car- back to me;
FNo4 it "o$'-n@t4G he state-; F,o";;;is he>G
FAo$ kno" that he ki''e- Caine to a&en)e 1o$>G
FNo4 : -i-n@t kno"; B$t :@- e.pect no 'ess o% him;G
FAo$@re not e.act'1 Bran-4 are 1o$>G
,e thre" back his hea- an- 'a$)he-;
F: am entire'1 Bran-4 an- : am not Bran- as 1o$ mi)ht ha&e kno"n him; An1thin) more than
that "i'' cost 1o$;G
F=hat "i'' it cost me to 'earn "hat 1o$ rea''1 are>G : in<$ire- as : case- m1 car-s;
,e raise- the cha'ice4 he'- it be%ore him "ith both han-s4 'ike a be))in) bo"';
F(ome o% 1o$r b'oo-4G he sai-;
FAo$@&e become a &ampire>G
FNo4 :@m a Pattern-)host4G he rep'ie-; FB'ee- %or me4 an- :@'' e.p'ain;G
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-; F:t@- better be a )oo- stor14 tho$)h4G an- : -re" m1 -a))er an- pricke- m1
"rist4 "hich :@- e.ten-e- to a position abo&e his c$p;
9ike a spi''e- oi' 'amp4 the %'ames came %orth; : -on@t rea''1 ha&e %ire %'o"in) aro$n- insi-e me4
o% co$rse; B$t the b'oo- o% a Chaosite is hi)h'1 &o'ati'e in certain p'aces4 an- this4 apparent'14
"as s$ch a p'ace;
:t spe"e- %orth4 ha'% into an- ha'% past the c$p4 sp'ashin) o&er his han-4 his %orearm; ,e
screame- an- seeme- to co''apse in $pon himse'%; : steppe- back"ar- as he "as trans%orme-
into a &orte.Dnot $n'ike those %o''o"in) the sacri%ices : ha- "itnesse-4 on'1 this one o% the %ier1
&ariet1D"hich rose into the air "ith a roar an- &anishe- a moment 'ater4 'ea&in) me start'e-4
starin) $p"ar- an- app'1in) -irect press$re to m1 smokin) "rist;
2h, colorful e4it,+rakir remarke-;
F+ami'1 specia't14G : respon-e-4 Fan- speakin) o% e.its;;;G
: steppe- past the stone4 -epartin) the circ'e; !he -arkness mo&e- in a)ain4 intensi%ie-;
0e%'e.i&e'1 m1 trai' seeme- to bri)hten; : re'ease- m1 "rist4 sa" that it ha- stoppe- smokin);
: broke into a ?o) then4$s to be a"a1 %rom that p'ace; =hen : 'ooke- back a 'itt'e 'ater4 :
no 'on)er sa" the stan-in) stones; !here "as on'1 a pa'e4 %a-in) &orte.4 -ra"in) itse'% $p"ar-4
$p"ar-4 then )one;
: ?o))e- on4 an- the trai' be)an4 )ra-$a''14 to s'ope $nti' : "as r$nnin) -o"nhi'' "ith an eas14
'opin) )ait; !he trai' ran 'ike a bri)ht ribbon -o"n"ar- an- o%% into a )reat -istance be%ore it
%a-e- %rom &ie"; : "as p$66'e-4 ho"e&er4 to see that it intersecte- another )'o"in) 'ine not too
%ar be'o"; !hese 'ines <$ick'1 %a-e- o%% to m1 ri)ht an- m1 'e%t;
FAn1 specia' instr$ctions pertainin) to crossroa-s>G : in<$ire-;
+ot et,+rakir ans"ere-;!resumabl, it's a decision point, with no wa of knowing what to base
one on till ou get there.
:t seeme- a &ast4 sha-o"1 p'ain that "as sprea- be'o"4 "ith here an- there a %e" iso'ate- -ots
o% 'i)ht4 some o% them constant4 others appearin)4 then %a-in)4 a'' o% them stationar1; !here "ere
no other 'ines4 ho"e&er4 than m1 trai' an- the one "hich intersecte- it; !here "ere no so$n-s
other than m1 breathin) an- that o% m1 %oot%a''s; !here "ere no bree6es4 no pec$'iar o-ors4 an-
the temperat$re "as so c'ement that it c'aime- no notice; A)ain there "ere -ark shapes at either
han-4 b$t :@- no -esire to in&esti)ate them; A'' : "ante- "as to conc'$-e "hate&er b$siness "as
in pro)ress an- )et the he'' o$t an- be abo$t m1 o"n a%%airs as soon as possib'e;
,a61 patches o% 'i)ht then be)an occ$rrin) at irre)$'ar inter&a's4 both si-es o% the trai'4 "a&er14
so$rce'ess4 b'otch14 poppin) into an- o$t o% e.istence; !hese seeme- 'ike )a$614 -app'e- c$rtains
h$n) besi-e the trai'4 an- : -i- not pa$se to e.amine them at %irst4 not ti'' the obsc$re areas )re"
%e"er an- %e"er4 bein) rep'ace- b1 sha-in)s o% )reater an- )reater -istinction; :t "as a'most as i%
a t$nin) process "ere in operation4 "ith increasin) c'arit1 o% o$t'ine in-icatin) %ami'iar ob?ects8
chairsC tab'esC parke- carsC store "in-o"s; Be%ore 'on)4 %a-e- co'ors be)an to occ$r "ithin these
: ha'te- besi-e one an- stare-; :t "as a re- @57 Che&1 "ith some sno" on it4 parke- in a
%ami'iar-'ookin) -ri&e"a1; : a-&ance- an- reache- to"ar- it;
B1 'e%t han- an- arm %a-e- as the1 entere- the -im 'i)ht; : reache- to to$ch the 'e%t %in; !here
%o''o"e- a &a)$e sensation o% contact an- a %aint coo'ness; : s"ept m1 han- to the ri)ht then4
br$shin) a"a1 some o% the sno"; =hen : "ith-re" m1 han-4 there "as sno" $pon it;
:mme-iate'1 the prospect %a-e- to b'ack;
F: intentiona''1 $se- m1 'e%t han-4G : sai-4 F"ith 1o$ on the "rist; =hat "as there>G
Thanks a lot. It seemed a red car with snow on it.
F:t "as a constr$ct o% somethin) picke- %rom m1 min-; !hat@s m1 Po''1 Eackson paintin)4
$psca'e- to 'i%e si6e;G
Then things are getting worse, Merle. I couldn't tell it was a construct.
$hatever's doing it is getting better at it, or stronger. 3r both.
F(hit4G : obser&e-4 an- : t$rne- a"a1 an- ?o))e- on;
!erhaps something wants to show ou that it can baffle ou completel now.
F!hen it@s s$ccee-e-4G : ackno"'e-)e-; F,e14 (omethin)IG : sho$te-; FAo$ hear that> Ao$ "inI
Ao$@&e ba%%'e- me comp'ete'1; Can : )o home no"> :% it@s somethin) e'se 1o$@re tr1in) to -o4
tho$)h4 1o$@&e %ai'e-I :@m missin) the point comp'ete'1IG
!he -a66'in) %'ash "hich %o''o"e- cast me -o"n $pon the trai' an- b'in-e- me %or se&era' 'on)
moments; : 'a1 there tense an- t"itchin)4 b$t no th$n-erc'ap %o''o"e-; =hen m1 &ision c'eare-
an- m1 m$sc'es stoppe- their spasms4 : behe'- a )iant re)a' %i)$re pose- b$t a %e" paces be%ore
me8 Oberon;
On'1 it "as a stat$e4 a -$p'icate o% one "hich occ$pie- the %ar en- o% the Bain Conco$rse back
in Amber4 or possib'1 e&en the rea' thin)4 %or on c'oser inspection : note- "hat appeare- to be
bir- -roppin)s $pon the )reat man@s sho$'-er;
F0ea' thin) or constr$ct>G : sai- a'o$-;
:eal,I'd sa4 +rakir rep'ie-;
: rose s'o"'1;
F: $n-erstan- this to be an ans"er4G : sai-; F: ?$st -on@t $n-erstan- "hat it means;G
: reache- o$t to to$ch it4 an- it %e't 'ike can&as rather than bron6e; :n that instant m1 perspecti&e
someho" shi%te-4 an- : %e't m1se'% to$chin) a 'ar)er than 'i%e-si6e paintin) o% the +ather o% ,is
Co$ntr1; !hen its bor-ers be)an to "a&er4 it %a-e-4 an- : sa" that it "as part o% one o% those ha61
tab'ea$. : ha- been passin); !hen it ripp'e- an- "as )one;
F: )i&e $p4G : sai-4 "a'kin) thro$)h the space it ha- occ$pie- b$t moments be%ore; F!he ans"ers
are more con%$sin) than the sit$ations that ca$se the <$estions;G
)ince we are passing between shadows, could this not be a statement that all things are real9
F: s$ppose; B$t : a'rea-1 kne" that;G
And that all things are real in different was, at different times, in different places5
FOka14 "hat 1o$ are sa1in) co$'- "e'' be the messa)e; : -o$bt that somethin) is )oin) to these
e.tremes4 ho"e&er4 ?$st to make phi'osophica' points that ma1 be ne" to 1o$ b$t are rather "e''-
"orn e'se"here; !here m$st be a specia' reason4 one that : sti'' -on@t )rasp;G
*p $nti' no" the scenes :@- passe- ha- been sti'' 'i%es; No"4 ho"e&er4 a n$mber occ$rre- "hich
containe- peop'eC some4 other creat$res; :n these4 there "as actionDsome o% it &io'ent4 some
amoro$s4 some simp'1 -omestic;
/es, it seems to be a progression. It ma be leading up to something.
F=hen the1 'eap o$t an- attack me4 :@'' kno" :@&e arri&e-;G
$ho knows5 I gather that art criticism is a comple4 area.
B$t the se<$ences %a-e- short'1 therea%ter4 an- : "as 'e%t ?o))in) on m1 bri)ht trai' thro$)h
-arkness once a)ain; /o"n4 -o"n the sti'' )ent'e s'ope to"ar- the crossroa-s; =here "as the
Cheshire Cat "hen rabbit ho'e 'o)ic "as "hat : rea''1 nee-e->
One moment : "as "atchin) the crossroa-s as : a-&ance- $pon it; An e1e b'ink 'ater : "as sti''
"atchin) the crossroa-s4 on'1 no" the scene "as a'tere-; !here "as no" a 'amppost on the near
ri)ht-han- corner; A sha-o"1 %i)$re stoo- beneath it4 smokin);
F+rakir4 ho"@- the1 p$'' that one>G : aske-;
8er (uickl,she rep'ie-;
F=hat -o the &ibes rea->G
Attention focused in our direction. +o vicious intent, et.
: s'o"e- as : -re" near; !he trai' became pa&ement4 c$rbs at either han-4 si-e"a'ks be1on-
them; : steppe- o$t o% the street onto the ri)ht-han- "a'k; As : mo&e- a'on) it4 a -amp %o) b'e"
past me4 h$n) bet"een me an- the 'i)ht; : s'o"e- m1 pace e&en more; (hort'1 : sa" that the
pa&ement ha- )ro"n -amp; B1 %ootsteps echoe- as i% : "a'ke- bet"een b$i'-in)s; B1 then the
%o) ha- )ro"n too -ense %or me to -iscern "hether b$i'-in)s ha- act$a''1 occ$rre- besi-e me; :t
%e't as i% the1 ha-4 %or there "ere -arker areas here an- there "ithin the )'oom; A co'- "in-
be)an to b'o" a)ainst m1 back4 an- -rop'ets o% moist$re %e'' $pon me at ran-om inter&a's; :
ha'te-; : t$rne- $p the co''ar o% m1 c'oak; +rom some"here entire'1 o$t o% si)ht4 hi)h o&erhea-4
came the %aint b$66in) so$n- o% an airp'ane; : be)an "a'kin) a)ain a%ter it ha- )one b1; !ini'1
then4 an- m$%%'e-4 %rom across the street perhaps4 came the so$n- o% a piano p'a1in) a ha'%-
%ami'iar t$ne; : -re" m1 c'oak abo$t me; !he %o) s"ir'e- an- thickene-;
!hree paces more4 an- then it c'eare-4 an- she "as stan-in) be%ore me4 back a)ainst the
'amppost; A hea- shorter than : "as4 she ha- on a trench coat an- a b'ack beret4 her hair )'oss14
ink1; (he -roppe- her ci)arette an- s'o"'1 )ro$n- it o$t beneath the toe o% a hi)h-hee'e- b'ack
patent-'eather shoe; : )'impse- somethin) o% her 'e) as she -i- so4 an- it "as per%ect'1 %orme-;
(he remo&e- %rom "ithin her coat then a %'at si'&er case4 the raise- o$t'ine o% a rose $pon it4
opene- it4 took o$t a ci)arette4 p'ace- it bet"een her 'ips4 c'ose- the case4 an- p$t it a"a1; !hen4
"itho$t 'ookin) at me4 she aske-4 F,a&e 1o$ a 'i)ht>G
: ha-n@t an1 matches4 b$t : "asn@t abo$t to 'et a 'itt'e thin) 'ike that -eter me;
FO% co$rse4G : sai-4 e.ten-in) m1 han- s'o"'1 to"ar- those -e'icate %eat$res; : kept it t$rne-
s'i)ht'1 a"a1 %rom her so that she co$'- not see that it "as empt1; As : "hispere- the )$i-e "or-
"hich ca$se- the spark to 'eap %rom m1 %in)ertip to the tip o% the ci)arette4 she raise- her han-
an- to$che- m1 o"n4 as i% to stea-1 it; An- she raise- her e1esD'ar)e4 -eep b'$e4 'on)-'ashe-D
an- met mine as she -re" $pon it; !hen she )aspe-4 an- the ci)arette %e'' a"a1;
FMon 7ieuIG she sai-4 an- she thre" her arms abo$t me4 presse- herse'% a)ainst me4 an- be)an
to sob; FCor"inIG she sai-; FAo$@&e %o$n- meI :t has been %ore&er;G
: he'- her ti)ht'14 not "antin) to speak4 not "antin) to break her happiness "ith somethin) as
c'o--ish as tr$th; !he he'' "ith tr$th; : stroke- her hair;
A%ter a 'on) "hi'e she p$''e- a"a14 'ooke- $p at me; A moment or so more4 an- she "o$'-
rea'i6e that it "as on'1 a resemb'ance an- that she "as seein) b$t "hat she "ante- to see; (o4
F=hat@s a )ir' 'ike 1o$ -oin) in a p'ace 'ike this>G : aske-;
(he 'a$)he- so%t'1;
F,a&e 1o$ %o$n- a "a1>G she sai-4 an- then her e1es narro"e-; FAo$@re notDG
: shook m1 hea-;
F: ha-n@t the heart4G : to'- her;
F=ho are 1o$>G she aske-4 takin) a ha'% step back"ar-;
FB1 name is Ber'in4 an- :@m on a cra61 <$est : -on@t $n-erstan-;G
FAmber4G she sai- so%t'14 her han-s sti'' on m1 sho$'-ers4 an- : no--e-;
F: -on@t kno" 1o$4G she sai- then; F: %ee' that : sho$'-4 b$t;;;:;;;-on@t;;;;G
!hen she came to me a)ain an- reste- her hea- on m1 chest; : starte- to sa1 somethin)4 to tr1 to
e.p'ain4 b$t she p'ace- a %in)er across m1 'ips;
FNot 1et4 not no"4 ma1be ne&er4G she sai-; F/on@t te'' me; P'ease -on@t te'' me more; B$tou
o$)ht to kno" "hether 1o$@re a Pattern-)host;G
FE$st "hat is a Pattern-)host>G : sai-;
FAn arti%act create- b1 the Pattern; :t recor-s e&er1one "ho "a'ks it; :t can ca'' $s back
"hene&er it "ants4 as "e "ere at one o% the times "e "a'ke- it; :t can $se $s as it "o$'-4 sen- $s
"here it "i'' "ith a task 'ai- $pon $sDageas 4 i% 1o$ 'ike; /estro1 $s4 an- it can create $s o&er
F/oes it -o this sort o% thin) o%ten>G
F: -on@t kno"; :@m not %ami'iar "ith its "i''4 'et a'one its operations "ith an1 other than m1se'%;G
!hen4 FAo$@re not a )hostI : can te''IG she anno$nce- s$--en'14 takin) ho'- o% m1 han-; FB$t
there is somethin) -i%%erent abo$t 1o$D-i%%erent %rom others o% the b'oo- o% Amber;;;4G
F: s$ppose4G : ans"ere-; F: trace m1 'inea)e to the Co$rts o% Chaos as "e'' as to Amber;G
(he raise- m1 han- to her mo$th as i% she "ere abo$t to kiss it; B$t her 'ips mo&e- b14 to the
p'ace on m1 "rist "here : ha- c$t m1se'% at Bran-@s re<$est; !hen it hit me8 (omethin) abo$t the
b'oo- o% Amber m$st ho'- a specia' attraction %or Pattern-)hosts;
: trie- to -ra" m1 han- a"a14 b$t the stren)th o% Amber "as hers a'so;
F!he %ires o% Chaos sometimes %'o" "ithin me4G : sai-; F!he1 ma1 -o 1o$ harm;G
(he raise- her hea- s'o"'1 an- smi'e-; !here "as b'oo- on her mo$th; : )'ance- -o"n an- sa"
that m1 "rist "as "et "ith it4 too;
F!he b'oo- o% Amber has po"er o&er the Pattern4G she be)an4 an- the %o) ro''e-4 ch$rne- abo$t
her ank'es; FNoIG she crie- then4 an- she bent %or"ar- once more;
!he &orte. rose to her knees4 her ca'&es; : %e't her teeth $pon m1 "rist4 tearin); : kne" o% no
spe'' to %i)ht this thin)4 so : 'ai- m1 arm across her sho$'-er an- stroke- her hair; Boments 'ater
she -isso'&e- "ithin m1 embrace4 becomin) a b'oo-1 "hir'"in-;
F#o ri)ht4G : hear- her "ai' as she sp$n a"a1 %rom me4 her ci)arette sti'' smo'-erin) $pon the
pa&ement4 m1 b'oo- -rippin) besi-e it;
: t$rne- a"a1; : "a'ke- a"a1; +aint'14 %aint'14 thro$)h the ni)ht an- the %o) : co$'- sti'' hear the
piano p'a1in) some t$ne %rom be%ore m1 time;
Chapter "
: took the roa- to the ri)ht4 an- e&er1"here m1 b'oo- %e'' rea'it1 me'te- a 'itt'e; : hea' %ast4
tho$)h4 an- : stoppe- b'ee-in) soon; 2&en stoppe- throbbin) be%ore too 'on);
/ou got blood all over me, boss.
FCo$'- ha&e been %ire4G : obser&e-;
I got singed a little, too, back at the stones.
F(orr1 abo$t that; +i)$re o$t "hat@s )oin) on 1et>G
+o new instructions, if that's what ou mean. 0ut I've been thinking, now I know how to do it,
and this place gets more and more fascinating. This whole business of !attern ghosts, for
instance. If the !attern can't penetrate here directl, it can at least emplo agents. $ouldn't ou
think the "ogrus might have some wa of doing the same5
F: s$ppose it@s possib'e;G
I get the impression there's some sort of duel going on between them here, on the underside of
realit, between shadows. $hat if this place came first5 0efore )hadow, even5 $hat if the've
been fighting here since the ver beginning, in some strange metaphsical wa5
F=hat i% the1 ha&e>G
That could almost make )hadow an afterthought, a b-product of the tension between the poles.
F:@m a%rai- 1o$@&e 'ost me4 +rakir;G
$hat if Amber and the Courts of Chaos were created onl to provide agents for this conflict5
FAn- "hat i% this i-ea "ere p'ace- "ithin 1o$ b1 the 9o)r$s -$rin) 1o$r recent enhancement>G
FAnother "a1 to make me think that the con%'ict is more important than the peop'e; Another
press$re to make me choose a si-e;G
I don't feel manipulated.
FAs 1o$ pointe- o$t4 1o$@re to ne" to this thinkin) b$siness; An- that@s a prett1 -amne- abstract
'ine o% tho$)ht %or 1o$ to be %o''o"in) this ear'1 in the )ame;G
Is it5
F!ake m1 "or- %or it;G
$hat does that leave us with5
F*n"e'come attention %rom On ,i)h;G
0etter watch our language if this is their war zone.
FA po. on both their ho$ses; +or some reason : -on@t $n-erstan-4 the1 nee- me %or this )ame;
!he1@'' p$t $p "ith it;G
+rom some"here $p ahea- : hear- a ro'' o% th$n-er;
)ee what I mean5
F:t@s a b'$%%4G : rep'ie-;
F!he Pattern@s4 : be'ie&e; :ts )hosts seem in char)e o% rea'it1 in this sector;G
/ou know, we could be wrong on all of this. #ust shooting in the dark.
F: a'so %ee' shot at o$t o% the -ark; !hat@s "h1 : re%$se to p'a1 b1 an1bo-1 e'se@s r$'es;G
&ave ou got a plan5
F,an) 'oose; An- i% : sa1 @ki''4@ -o it; 9et@s )et to "here "e@re )oin);G
: be)an to r$n a)ain4 'ea&in) the %o)4 'ea&in) the )hosts to p'a1 at bein) )hosts in their )host
cit1; Bri)ht roa- thro$)h -ark co$ntr14 me r$nnin)4 re&erse sha-o"-shi%tin)4 as the 'an- trie- to
chan)e me; An- there ahea- a %'are an- more th$n-er4 &irt$a' street scene %'ashin) into an- o$t o%
e.istence besi-e me;
An- then it "as as i% : race- m1se'%4 -ark %i)$re -artin) a'on) a bri)ht "a1Dti'' : rea'i6e- it "as
in-ee-4 someho"4 a mirror e%%ect; !he mo&ements o% the %i)$re to m1 ri)ht "hich para''e'e- m1
o"n mimicke- mineC %'eetin) scenes to m1 'e%t "ere ima)e- to the other@s ri)ht;
$hat's going on, Merle5
F/on@t kno"4G : sai-; FB$t :@m not in the moo- %or s1mbo'ism4 a''e)or14 an- assorte-
metaphorica' crap; :% it@s s$ppose- to mean that 'i%e is a race "ith 1o$rse'%4 then it s$cksD$n'ess
the1@re rea' p'atit$-ini6in) Po"ers that are r$nnin) this sho"; !hen : )$ess it "o$'- be in
character; =hat -o 1o$ think>G
I think ou might still be in danger of being struck b lightning,
!he 'i)htnin) -i- not %o''o"4 b$t m1 re%'ection -i-; !he ima)in) e%%ect contin$e- %or m$ch
'on)er than an1 o% the pre&io$s besi-e-the-roa- se<$ences :@- "itnesse-; : "as abo$t to -ismiss
it4 to i)nore it comp'ete'14 "hen m1 re%'ection p$t on a b$rst o% spee- an- shot ahea- o% me4
FAeah4G : a)ree-4 steppin) $p m1 o"n pace to c'ose the )ap "ith an- match the stri-e o% that
-ark other;
=e "ere para''e' %or no more than a %e" meters a%ter : ca$)ht $p; !hen it be)an to p$'' ahea-
a)ain; : steppe- $p m1 pace an- ca$)ht $p once more; !hen4 on an imp$'se : s$cke- air4 bore
-o"n4 an- mo&e- ahea-;
B1 -o$b'e note- it a%ter a time4 mo&e- %aster4 be)an to )ain; : p$she- har-er4 he'- m1 'ea-;
=hat the he'' "ere "e racin) %or an1"a1>
: 'ooke- ahea-; :n the -istance : co$'- see an area "here the trai' "i-ene-; !here appeare- to be
a tape stretche- across it at that point; Oka1; =hate&er the si)ni%icance4 : -eci-e- to )o %or it;
: he'- m1 'ea- %or perhaps a h$n-re- meters be%ore m1 sha-o" be)an to )ain on me a)ain; :
'eane- into it an- "as ab'e to ho'- that shortene- -istance %or a time; !hen it mo&e- a)ain4
comin) $p on me at a pace : s$specte- mi)ht be har- to ho'- the rest o% the "a1 to the tape; (ti''4
it "as not the sort o% thin) one "aite- aro$n- to %in- o$t; : po$re- it on; : ran a'' o$t;
!he son o% a bitch )aine- on me4 kept )ainin)4 ca$)ht me4 -re" ahea-4 %a'tere- %or an instant; :
"as back besi-e it in that instant; B$t the thin) -i- not %'a) a)ain; :t he'- the terrib'e pace at
"hich "e "ere no" mo&in)4 an- : ha- no intention o% stoppin) $n'ess m1 heart e.p'o-e-;
=e ran on4 -amn near si-e b1 si-e; : -i-n@t kno" "hether : ha- a %inishin) sp$rt in me or not; :
co$'-n@t te'' "hether : "as s'i)ht'1 ahea-4 ?$st abreast4 or s'i)ht'1 to the rear o% the other; =e
po$n-e- o$r para''e' )'eamin) trai's to"ar- the 'ine o% bri)htness "hen abr$pt'1 the sensation o%
a )'ass inter%ace &anishe-; !he t"o narro"-seemin) trai's became one "i-e one; !he other@s
arms an- 'e)s "ere mo&in) -i%%erent'1 %rom m1 o"n;
=e -re" c'oser an- c'oser to)ether as "e entere- the %ina' stretchDc'ose eno$)h4 %ina''14 %or
reco)nition; :t "as not an ima)e o% m1se'% that : "as r$nnin) a)ainst4 %or its hair streame- back
an- : sa" that its 'e%t ear "as missin);
: %o$n- a %ina' b$rst o% spee-; (o -i- the other; =e "ere a"%$''1 c'ose to)ether "hen "e came to
the tape; : think that : hit it %irst4 b$t : co$'- not be certain;
=e "ent on thro$)h an- co''apse-4 )aspin); : ro''e- <$ick'14 to keep him $n-er s$r&ei''ance4 b$t
he ?$st 'a1 there4 pantin); : reste- m1 ri)ht han- on the hi't o% m1 "eapon an- 'istene- to the
so$n- o% m1 b'oo- in m1 ears;
=hen :@- ca$)ht m1 breath some"hat4 : remarke-4 F/i-n@t kno" 1o$ co$'- r$n a race 'ike that4
,e )a&e a brie% 'a$)h;
F!here@re a 'ot o% thin)s 1o$ -on@t kno" abo$t me4 brother;G
F:@m s$re4G : sai-;
!hen he "ipe- his bro" "ith the back o% his han-4 an- : note- that the %in)er he@- 'ost in the
ca&es o% 3o'&ir "as back in p'ace; 2ither this "as the E$rt o% a -i%%erent time 'ine orD
F(o ho"@s E$'ia>G : aske- him; F:s she )oin) to be a'' ri)ht>G
FE$'ia>G he sai-; F=ho@s that>G
F(orr14G : sai-; FAo$@re the "ron) E$rt;G
FNo" "hat e'se -oes that mean>G he aske-4 proppin) himse'% on an e'bo" an- )'arin) at me
"ith his )oo- e1e;
F!he rea' E$rt "as ne&er an1"here near the Pattern o% AmberDG
F: am the rea' E$rtIG
FAo$@&e )ot a'' 1o$r %in)ers; ,e 'ost one &er1 recent'1; : "as there;G
,e 'ooke- a"a1 s$--en'1;
FAo$ m$st be a 9o)r$s-)host4G : contin$e-; F:t m$st p$'' the same st$nt the Pattern -oesD
recor-in) those "ho make it thro$)h it;G
F:s that;;;"hat happene->G he aske-; F: co$'-n@t <$ite reca'';;;"h1 : "as hereDe.cept to race
"ith 1o$;G
F:@'' bet 1o$r most recent memories be%ore this p'ace in&o'&e ne)otiatin) the 9o)r$s;G
,e 'ooke- back; ,e no--e-;
FAo$@re ri)ht; =hat -oes it a'' mean>G he aske-;
F:@m not s$re4G : sai-; FB$t :@&e )ot some i-eas abo$t it; !his p'ace is a kin- o% eterna' $n-ersi-e
to (ha-o"; :t@s -amn near o%% 'imits %or both the Pattern an- the 9o)r$s; B$t both can apparent'1
penetrate here b1 means o% their )hostsDarti%icia' constr$cts %rom the recor-in)s the1 ma-e o%
$s back "hen "e passe- thro$)h themDG
FAo$ mean that a'' : am is some sort o% recor-in)>G ,e 'ooke- as i% he "ere abo$t to cr1;
F2&er1thin) seeme- so )'orio$s ?$st a 'itt'e "hi'e a)o; :@- ma-e it thro$)h the 9o)r$s; A'' o%
(ha-o" 'a1 at m1 %eet;G ,e massa)e- his temp'es; !hen4 FAo$IG he spat; F: "as someho"
bro$)ht here beca$se o% 1o$Dto compete "ith 1o$4 to sho" 1o$ $p in this race;G
FAo$ -i- a prett1 )oo- ?ob4 too; : -i-n@t kno" 1o$ co$'- r$n 'ike that;G
F: starte- practicin) "hen : 'earne- 1o$ "ere -oin) it in co''e)e; =ante- to )et )oo- eno$)h to
take 1o$ on;G
FAo$ )ot )oo-4G : ackno"'e-)e-;
FB$t : "o$'-n@t be in this -amne- p'ace i% it "eren@t %or 1o$; OrDG ,e )na"e- his 'ip; F!hat@s
not e.act'1 ri)ht4 is it>G he aske-; FI"o$'-n@t be an1"here; :@m ?$st a recor-in);;;;G !hen he
stare- -irect'1 at me; F,o" 'on) -o "e 'ast>G he sai-; F,o" 'on) is a 9o)r$s-)host )oo- %or>G
F:@&e no i-ea4G : sai-4 F"hat )oes into creatin) one or ho" it@s maintaine-; B$t :@&e met a n$mber
o% Pattern-)hosts4 an- the1 )a&e me the impression that m1 b'oo- "o$'- someho" s$stain them4
)i&e them some sort o% a$tonom14 some in-epen-ence o% the Pattern; On'1 one o% themDBran-
D)ot the %ire instea- o% the b'oo-4 an- it -isso'&e-; /eir-re )ot the b'oo- b$t "as taken a"a1
then; : -on@t kno" "hether she )ot eno$)h;G
,e shook his hea-;
F:@&e a %ee'in)D: -on@t kno" "here it comes %romDthat somethin) 'ike that "o$'- "ork %or me4
too4 an- that it@s b'oo- %or the Pattern4 %ire %or the 9o)r$s;G
F: -on@t kno" ho" to te'' in "hat re)ions m1 b'oo- is &o'ati'e4G : sai-;
F:t@- %'ame here4G he ans"ere-; F/epen-s on "ho@s is contro'; : ?$st seem to kno" it; : -on@t
kno" ho";G
F!hen "h1 -i- Bran- sho" $p in 9o)r$s territor1>G ,e )rinne-;
FBa1be the Pattern so$)ht to $se a traitor %or some sort o% s$b&ersion; Or ma1be Bran- "as
tr1in) to p$'' somethin) on his o"nD'ike -o$b'e-crossin) the Pattern;G
F!hat "o$'- be in character4G : a)ree-4 m1 breath %ina''1 s'o"in);
: "hippe- the Chaos b'a-e o$t o% m1 boot4 s'ashe- m1 'e%t %orearm4 sa" that it spo$te- %ire4 an-
he'- it to"ar- him;
FM$ickI !ake it i% 1o$ canIG : crie-; FBe%ore the 9o)r$s ca''s 1o$ backIG
,e sei6e- m1 arm an- seeme- a'most to inha'e the %ire that %o$ntaine- %rom me; 9ookin) -o"n4
: sa" his %eet become transparent4 then his 'e)s; !he 9o)r$s seeme-$s to rec'aim him4 ?$st
as the Pattern ha- /eir-re; : sa" the %ier1 s"ir's be)in "ithin the ha6e that ha- been his 'e)s;
!hen4 s$--en'14 the1 %'ickere- o$t4 an- the o$t'ine o% those 'imbs became &isib'e once a)ain; ,e
contin$e- to -ra" m1 &o'ati'e b'oo- %rom me4 tho$)h : co$'- no 'on)er see %'ames as he "as
-rinkin) no" as /eir-re ha-4 -irect'1 %rom the "o$n-; ,is 'e)s be)an to so'i-i%1;
FAo$ seem to be stabi'i6in)4G : sai-; F!ake more;G
(omethin) str$ck me in the ri)ht ki-ne14 an- : ?erke- a"a14 t$rnin) as : %e''; A ta'' -ark man
stoo- besi-e me4 "ith-ra"in) his boot %rom ha&in) kicke- me; ,e ha- on )reen tro$sers an- a
b'ack shirt4 a )reen ban-anna tie- abo$t his hea-;
FNo" "hat per&erse carr1in)-on is this>G he aske-; FAn- in a sacre- spot>G
: ro''e- to m1 knees an- contin$e- on $p to m1 %eet4 m1 ri)ht arm ben-in)4 its "rist t$rnin)
o&er4 comin) in to ho'- the -a))er besi-e m1 hip; : raise- m1 'e%t arm4 e.ten-e- it be%ore me;
B'oo- rather than %ire no" %e'' %rom m1 'atest "o$n-;
FNone o% 1o$r -amn b$siness4G : sai-4 then a--e- his name4 ha&in) )ro"n certain on the "a1
$p4 FCaine;G
,e smi'e- an- bo"e-4 an- his han-s crosse- an- came apart; !he1@- been empt1 )oin) in4 b$t
the ri)ht one he'- a -a))er comin) o$t; :t m$st ha&e come %rom a sheath strappe- to his 'e%t
%orearm4 insi-e the bi''o"1 s'ee&e; ,e ha- to ha&e practice- the mo&e a 'ot4 too4 to be that %ast at
it; : trie- to remember thin)s :@- hear- abo$t Caine an- kni&es4 an- then : -i- an- "ishe- :
ha-n@t; ,e "as s$ppose- to ha&e been a master kni%e %i)hter; (hit;
FAo$ ha&e the a-&anta)e o% me4G he state-; FAo$ took &er1 %ami'iar4 b$t : -o not be'ie&e : kno"
FBer'in4G : sai-; FCor"in@s son;G
,e ha- be)$n circ'in) me s'o"'14 b$t he ha'te-; F2.c$se me i% : %in- that -i%%ic$'t to be'ie&e;G
FBe'ie&e as 1o$ "ish; :t is tr$e;G
FAn- this other oneDhis name is E$rt4 isn@t it>G
,e )est$re- to"ar- m1 brother4 "ho ha- ?$st )otten to his %eet;
F,o" -o 1o$ kno" that>G : aske-;
,e ha'te-4 %$rro"in) his bro"4 narro"in) his e1es; F:D:@m not certain4G he sai- then;
F: am4G : to'- him; F!r1 to remember "here 1o$ are an- ho" 1o$ )ot here;G
,e backe- a"a14 t"o paces; !hen he crie-4 F,e@s the oneIG ?$st as : sa" it comin) an- sho$te-4
FE$rtI =atch o$tIG
E$rt t$rne- an- bo'te-; : thre" the -a))erDa'"a1s a ba- thin) to -o4 sa&e that : "as "earin) a
s"or- "ith "hich : co$'- reach Caine be%ore Caine co$'- reach me no";
E$rt@s spee- "as sti'' "ith him4 an- he "as o$t o% ran)e in an instant; !he -a))er4 s$rprisin)'14
str$ck at the si-e o% Caine@s ri)ht sho$'-er point %irst4 penetratin) perhaps an inch or so into
m$sc'e; !hen4 e&en be%ore he co$'- t$rn back to"ar- me4 his bo-1 er$pte- in a -o6en -irections4
emittin) a series o% &ortices "hich s$cke- a"a1 a'' semb'ance o% h$manit1 in an instant4
pro-$cin) hi)h-pitche- "hist'in) so$n-s as the1 orbite- one another4 t"o o% them mer)in) into a
'ar)er entit14 "hich <$ick'1 absorbe- the others then4 its so$n- %a''in) 'o"er "ith each s$ch
ac<$isition; +ina''1 there "as b$t the one; +or a moment it s"a1e- to"ar- me4 then shot sk1"ar-
an- b'e" apart; !he -a))er "as b'o"n back in m1 -irection4 'an-in) a pace to m1 ri)ht; =hen :
reco&ere- it4 : %o$n- it to be "arm4 an- it h$mme- %aint'1 %or se&era' secon-s be%ore : sheathe- it
in m1 boot;
F=hat happene->G E$rt aske-4 t$rnin) back4 approachin);
FApparent'1 Pattern-)hosts react &io'ent'1 to "eapons %rom the Co$rts4G : sai-;
F#oo- thin) 1o$ ha- it han-1; B$t "h1 -i- he t$rn on me 'ike that>G
F: be'ie&e that the Pattern sent him to stop 1o$ %rom )ainin) a$tonom1Dor to -estro1 1o$ i% 1o$
a'rea-1 ha-; :@&e a %ee'in) it -oesn@t "ant a)ents o% the other si-e )ainin) stren)th an- stabi'it1 in
this p'ace;G
FB$t :@m no threat; :@m not on an1bo-1@s si-e b$t m1 o"n; : ?$st "ant to )et the he'' o$t o% here
an- be abo$t m1 o"n b$siness;G
FPerhaps that o% itse'% constit$tes a threat;G
F,o" so>G he aske-;
F=ho kno"s "hat 1o$r $n$s$a' back)ro$n- ma1 %it 1o$ %or as an in-epen-ent a)entDin 'i)ht
o% "hat@s )oin) on> Ao$ ma1 -ist$rb the ba'ance o% the Po"ers; Ao$ ma1 possess or ha&e access
to in%ormation "hich the principa's -o not "ish to see br$ite- abo$t the streets; Ao$ ma1 be 'ike
the )ips1 moth; Nobo-1 co$'- see "hat its e%%ect on the en&ironment "o$'- be "hen it escape-
%rom the 'ab; Ao$ ma1DG
F2no$)hIG ,e raise- a han- to si'ence me; F: -on@t care abo$t an1 o% those thin)s; :% the1 'et me
)o an- 'ea&e me a'one4 :@'' sta1 o$t o% their "a1;G
F:@m not the one 1o$ ha&e to con&ince4G : to'- him;
,e stare- at me %or a moment4 then t$rne-4 -escribin) a %$'' circ'e; /arkness "as a'' that : co$'-
see be1on- the 'i)ht o% the roa-"a14 b$t he ca''e- o$t in a 'ar)e &oice to an1thin)4 : s$ppose4 F/o
1o$ hear me> : -on@t "ant to be in&o'&e- in a'' this; : ?$st "ant to )o a"a1; 9i&e an- 'et 'i&e4 1o$
kno"> :s that oka1 "ith 1o$>G
: reache- %or"ar-4 ca$)ht ho'- o% his "rist4 an- ?erke- him to"ar- me; : -i- this beca$se : ha-
seen a sma''4 )host'1 rep'ica o% the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s be)in to take %orm in the air abo&e his
hea-; An instant 'ater it %e''4 %'ashin) 'ike a 'i)htnin) stroke4 to the accompaniment o% a so$n-
'ike the crackin) o% a "hip4 passin) thro$)h the space he ha- been occ$p1in)4 openin) a )ap in
the trai' as it &anishe-;
F: )$ess it@s not that eas1 to resi)n4G he sai-; ,e )'ance- o&erhea-; F:t co$'- be rea-1in) another
o% those ri)ht no"; :t co$'- strike a)ain an1time4 "hen : 'east e.pect it;G
FE$st 'ike rea' 'i%e4G : a)ree-; FB$t : think 1o$ ma1 take it as a "arnin) shot an- 'et it )o at that;
!he1 ha&e a har- time reachin) here; Bore important4 since : "as 'e- to be'ie&e that this is m1
<$est4 -o 1o$ kno" o%%han- "hether 1o$@re s$ppose- to be he'pin) me or hin-erin) me>G
FNo" that 1o$ mention it4G he sai-4 F: remember s$--en'1 bein) "here : "as "ith a chance to
race 1o$ an- %ee'in) that "e@- %i)ht or somethin) a%ter"ar-;G
F=hat@re 1o$r %ee'in)s on that no">G
F=e@&e ne&er )otten a'on) a'' that "e''; B$t : -on@t 'ike the i-ea o% bein) $se- 'ike this either;G
FAo$ "i''in) to ca'' a tr$ce ti'' : can see m1 "a1 thro$)h this )ame an- o$t o% here>G
F=hat@s in it %or me>G he aske-;
F: "i'' %in- a "a1 o$t o% this -amne- p'ace4 E$rt; Come a'on) an- )i&e me a han-Dor at 'east
-on@t )et in the "a1Dan- :@'' take 1o$ "ith me "hen : )o;G
,e 'a$)he-;
F:@m not s$re there is a "a1 o$t o% here4G he sai-4 F$n'ess the Po"ers re'ease $s;G
F!hen 1o$@&e nothin) to 'ose4G : to'- him4 Fan- 1o$@'' probab'1 e&en )et to see me -ie tr1in);G
F/o 1o$ rea''1 kno" both kin-s o% ma)icDPattern an- 9o)r$s>G he aske-;
FAeah; B$t :@m a 'ot better at 9o)r$s;G
FCan 1o$ $se either a)ainst its so$rce>G
F!hat@s a &er1 intri)$in) metaph1sica' point4 an- : -on@t kno" the ans"er4G : sai-4 Fan- :@m not
s$re :@'' %in- o$t; :t@s -an)ero$s to in&oke the Po"ers here; (o a'' :@m 'e%t "ith is a %e" h$n)
spe''s; : -on@t think it@s ma)ic that@'' )et $s o$t o% here;G
F=hat4 then>G
F:@m not certain; : am s$re that : "on@t see the %$'' pict$re ti'' : )et to the en- o% this trai'4
F=e''4 he''D: -on@t kno"; !his -oesn@t seem the hea'thiest p'ace %or me to spen- m1 time; On
the other han-4 "hat i% it@s the on'1 p'ace somethin) 'ike me can ha&e an e.istence> =hat i% 1o$
%in- me a -oor an- : step thro$)h it an- me't>G
F:% the Pattern-)hosts can mani%est in (ha-o"4 :@- )$ess 1o$ can4 too; !hose o% /"orkin an-
Oberon came to me on the o$tsi-e be%ore : came to this p'ace;G
F!hat@s enco$ra)in); =o$'- 1o$ tr1 it i% it "ere 1o$>G
FAo$ bet 1o$r 'i%e4G : sai-;
,e snorte-;
F: )et the point; :@'' )o a "a1s "ith 1o$ an- see "hat happens; :@m not promisin) to he'p4 b$t :
"on@t sabota)e 1o$;G
: he'- o$t m1 han-4 an- he shook his hea-;
F9et@s not )et carrie- a"a14G he to'- me; F:% m1 "or-@s no )oo- "itho$t a han-shake4 it@s no
)oo- "ith one4 is it>G
F: )$ess not;G
FAn- :@&e ne&er ha- a )reat -esire to shake han-s "ith 1o$;G
F(orr1 : aske-4G : sai-; F=o$'- 1o$ min- te''in) me "h14 tho$)h> :@&e a'"a1s "on-ere-;G
,e shr$))e-;
F=h1 -oes there a'"a1s ha&e to be a reason>G he sai-;
F!he a'ternati&e is irrationa'it14G : rep'ie-;
FOr pri&ac14G he respon-e-4 t$rnin) a"a1;
: commence- "a'kin) the trai' once more; (hort'1 E$rt %e'' into step besi-e me; =e "a'ke- %or a
'on) "hi'e in si'ence; One -a1 : ma1 'earn "hen to keep m1 mo$th sh$t or to <$it "hen :@m
ahea-; (ame thin);
!he trai' ran strai)ht %or a time b$t seeme- to &anish not too %ar ahea-; =hen "e neare- the
point o% &anishment4 : sa" "h18 !he trai' c$r&e- behin- a 'o" prominence; =e %o''o"e- this
t$rnin) an- met "ith another4 short'1 therea%ter; (oon "e ha- entere- $pon a re)$'ar series o%
s"itchbacks4 rea'i6in) <$ick'1 that the1 "ere miti)atin) a %air'1 steep -escent; As "e procee-e-
-o"n this t$rnin) "a14 : s$--en'1 became a"are o% a bri)ht s<$i))'e4 han)in) in the mi--'e
-istance; E$rt raise- his han-4 pointin) at it4 an- be)an4 F=hat;;;>G ?$st as it became apparent that
it "as the contin$ation o% o$r trai'4 risin); At this4 an instant reorientation occ$rre-4 an- : rea'i6e-
that "e "ere -escen-in) into "hat seeme- a massi&e pit; An- the air seeme- to ha&e )ro"n
some"hat coo'er;
=e contin$e- o$r -escent4 an- a%ter a time somethin) co'- an- moist to$che- the back o% m1
ri)ht han-; : 'ooke- -o"n in time to see a sno"%'ake me'tin) in the t"i'i)ht )'o" "hich
s$rro$n-e- $s; Boments 'ater se&era' more bree6e- b1; A 'itt'e a%ter that "e became a"are o% a
'ar)er bri)htness4 %ar be'o";
I don't know what it is either4 +rakir p$'se- into m1 min-;
Thanks4 : tho$)ht stron)'1 back at her4 ha&in) -eci-e- a)ainst a-&isin) E$rt o% her presence;
/o"n; /o"n an- aro$n-; Back; Back an- %orth; !he temperat$re contin$e- to -ec'ine;
(no"%'akes %'itte-; Arra1s o% rocks in the "a'' "e no" -escen-e- took on a bit o% )'itter;
O--'14 : -i-n@t rea'i6e "hat it "as $nti' the %irst time : s'ippe-;
F:ceIG E$rt anno$nce- s$--en'14 ha'% topp'in) an- catchin) himse'% $p a)ainst the stone;
A -istant si)hin) so$n- occ$rre-4 an- it )re" an- )re"4 nearin) $s; :t "as not $nti' it arri&e-4
"ith a )reat b$%%etin) )$st4 that "e kne" it to be a "in-; An- co'-; :t %'e- past 'ike the breath o%
an ice a)e4 an- : raise- m1 c'oak a)ainst it; :t %o''o"e- $s4 so%ter therea%ter4 1et persistent4 as "e
contin$e- o$r -escent;
B1 the time "e reache- the bottom it "as -amn co'-4 an- the steps "ere either %$''1 %roste- o&er
or car&e- o% ice; !he "in- b'e" a stea-14 mo$rn%$' note4 an- %'akes o% sno" or pe''ets o% ice
came an- "ent;
FBiserab'e c'imateIG E$rt )ro"'e-4 teeth chatterin);
F: -i-n@t think )hosts "ere s$sceptib'e to the m$n-ane4G : sai-;
F#host4 he''G he obser&e-; F: %ee' the same as : a'"a1s -i-; Ao$@- think "hate&er sent me %$''1
-resse- to cross 1o$r trai' mi)ht at 'east ha&e pro&i-e- %or this e&ent$a'it1;
FAn- this p'ace isn@t that m$n-ane4G he a--e-; F!he1 "ant $s some"here4 1o$@- think the1
mi)ht ha&e pro&i-e- a shortc$t; As it is4 "e@'' be -ama)e- merchan-ise b1 the time "e )et
F: -on@t rea''1 be'ie&e that either the Pattern or the 9o)r$s has that m$ch po"er in this p'ace4G :
to'- him; F:@- ?$st as soon the1 sta1e- o$t o% o$r "a1 entire'1;G
O$r trai' 'e- o$t"ar- across a )'eamin) p'ainDso %'at an- so )'eamin) that : %eare- it to consist
entire'1 o% ice; Nor "as : incorrect;
F9ooks s'ipper14G E$rt sai-; F:@m )oin) to shapeshi%t m1 %eet4 make them broa-er;G
F:t@'' -estro1 1o$r boots an- 'ea&e 1o$ "ith co'- %eet4G : sai-; F=h1 not ?$st shi%t some o% 1o$r
"ei)ht -o"n"ar-4 'o"er 1o$r center o% )ra&it1>G
FA'"a1s )ot an ans"er4G he be)an s$''en'1; !hen4 FB$t this time 1o$@re ri)ht4G he %inishe-;
=e stoo- there %or se&era' min$tes as he )re" shorter4 more s<$at;
FAren@t 1o$ )oin) to shi%t 1o$rse'%>G he aske-;
F:@'' take m1 chances ho'-in) m1 center; : can mo&e %aster this "a14G : sai-;
FAo$ can %a'' on 1o$r ass that "a14 too;G
F=e@'' see;G
=e starte- o$t; =e he'- o$r ba'ance; !he "in-s "ere stron)er a"a1 %rom the "a'' "e ha-
-escen-e-; !he s$r%ace o% o$r ic1 trai'4 ho"e&er4 "as not so s'ick as it ha- appeare- on -istant
inspection; !here "ere sma'' ripp'es an- ri-)es to it4 a-e<$ate to pro&i-e some traction; !he air
b$rne- its "a1 into m1 '$n)sC %'akes "ere beaten into s"ir'in) sno" -e&i' to"ers "hich %'e- 'ike
eccentric tops across o$r "a1; :t "as a b'$ish )'o" "hich emanate- %rom the trai'4 tintin) those
%'akes "hich came "ithin its ambit; =e hike- %or perhaps a <$arter mi'e be%ore a ne" series o%
)host'1 ima)es be)an; !he %irst appeare- to be m1se'%4 spra"'e- across a heap o% armor back at
the chape'C the secon- "as /eir-re beneath a 'amppost4 'ookin) at her "atch;
F=hat>G E$rt aske-4 as the1 came an- "ent in a matter o% instants;
F: -i-n@t kno" the %irst time : sa" them4 an- : sti'' -on@t kno"4G : ans"ere-4 Ftho$)h : tho$)ht
1o$ mi)ht be one o% them "hen "e %irst be)an o$r race; !he1 come an- )oDat ran-om4 it "o$'-
seemD"ith no specia' reason that : can %i)$re;G
!he ne.t "as "hat appeare- to be a -inin) room4 a bo"' o% %'o"ers on the tab'e; !here "ere no
peop'e in the room; !here an- )oneD
No; Not entire'1; :t "ent a"a14 b$t the %'o"ers remaine-4 there on the s$r%ace o% the ice; : ha'te-4
then "a'ke- o$t to"ar- them;
Merle, I don't know about leaving the trail....
3h, shit4 : respon-e-4 mo&in) to"ar- a s'ab o% ice "hich remin-e- me o% the (tonehen)e-'ike
area back "here :@- come aboar-4 incon)r$o$s %'ashes o% co'or near its base;
!here "ere a n$mber o% themDroses o% man1 sorts; : stoope- an- picke- one $p; :ts co'or "as
a'most si'&er;;;;
F=hat are 1o$ -oin) here4 -ear bo1>G : hear- a %ami'iar &oice sa1;
: strai)htene- imme-iate'14 to see that the ta'' -ark %i)$re "hich ha- emer)e- %rom behin- the
b'ock o% ice "as not a--ressin) me; ,e "as no--in) to E$rt4 smi'in);
FA %oo'@s erran-4 :@m s$re4G E$rt rep'ie-;
FAn- this m$st be the %oo'4G the other respon-e-4 Fp'$ckin) that -amnab'e %'o"er; (i'&er rose o%
AmberD9or- Cor"in@s4 : be'ie&e; ,e''o4 Ber'in; 9ookin) %or 1o$r %ather>G
: remo&e- one o% the spare c'asp pins : keep pinne- to the insi-e o% m1 c'oak; : $se- it to %asten
the rose at m1 'e%t breast; !he speaker "as 9or- Bore'4 a -$ke o% the ro1a' ,o$se o% ("a1&i''
an- rep$te-'1 one o% m1 mother@s 'o&ers o% 'on) a)o; ,e "as a'so -eeme- to be one o% the
-ea-'iest s"or-smen in the Co$rts; 3i''in) m1 %ather or Bene-ict or 2ric ha- been an obsession
"ith him %or 1ears; *n%ort$nate'1 it ha- been Cor"in "hom he@- met4 at a time "hen /a- "as in
a h$rr1Dan- the1@- ne&er crosse- b'a-es; /a- ha- s$ckere- him instea- an- ki''e- him in "hat :
s$ppose- "as technica''1 a some"hat 'ess than %air %i)ht; =hich is oka1; :@- ne&er m$ch 'ike-
the )$1;
FAo$@re -ea-4 Bore'; Ao$ kno" that>G : to'- him; FAo$@re ?$st a )host o% the man 1o$ "ere the
-a1 1o$ took the 9o)r$s; O$t in the rea' "or'- there is no 9or- Bore' an1more; Ao$ "ant to
kno" "h1> Beca$se Cor"in ki''e- 1o$ the -a1 o% the Pattern%a'' =ar;G
FAo$ 'ie4 1o$ 'itt'e shitIG he to'- me;
F*h4 no4G E$rt o%%ere-; FAo$@re -ea- a'' ri)ht; 0$n thro$)h4 : hear-; /i-n@t kno" it "as Cor"in
-i- it4 tho$)h;G
F:t "as4G : sai-;
,e 'ooke- a"a14 an- : sa" his ?a" m$sc'es b$nchin) an- re' b$nchin) an- re';
FAn- this p'ace is some sort o% a%ter'i%e>G he aske- a 'itt'e 'ater4 sti'' not 'ookin) back at $s;
F: s$ppose 1o$ co$'- ca'' it that4G : sai-;
FCan "e -ie 1et a)ain here>G
F: think so4G : to'- him;
F=hat is that>G
,is )a6e ha- s$--en'1 -roppe-4 an- : %o''o"e- it; (omethin) 'a1 $pon the ice nearb14 an- : took
a step to"ar- it;
FAn arm G : rep'ie-; F:t appears to be a h$man arm;G
F=hat@s it -oin) there>G E$rt aske-4 "a'kin) o&er an- kickin) it;
:t mo&e- in a %ashion "hich sho"e- $s that it "as not simp'1 '1in) there b$t rather "as
e.ten-e- $p o$t o% the ice; :n %act4 it t"itche- an- contin$e- to %'e. spasmo-ica''1 %or se&era'
secon-s a%ter E$rt kicke- it; !hen : note- another4 some -istance a"a14 an- "hat appeare- to be a
'e); +arther on4 a sho$'-er4 arm attache-4 a han-;;;
F(ome canniba'@s -eep %ree6e4G : s$))este-;
E$rt ch$ck'e-;
F!hen 1o$@re -ea-4 too4G Bore' state-;
FNope4G : rep'ie-; F:@m the rea' thin); E$st passin) thro$)h4 on m1 "a1 to a %ar4 %ar better p'ace;G
F=hat o% E$rt>G
FE$rt@s an interestin) prob'em4 both ph1sica''1 an- theo'o)ica''14G : e.p'aine-; F,e@s en?o1in) a
pec$'iar kin- o% bi'ocation;G
F:@- har-'1 sa1 :@m en?o1in) it4G E$rt obser&e-; FB$t consi-erin) the a'ternati&e4 : s$ppose :@m
)'a- :@m here;G
F!hat@s the sort o% positi&e thinkin) that@s "orke- so man1 "on-ers %or the Co$rts o&er the
1ears4G : sai-;
E$rt ch$ck'e- a)ain;
: hear- that meta''ic si)hin) so$n- one -oes not easi'1 %or)et; : kne" that : co$'- not possib'1
-ra" m1 b'a-e4 t$rn4 an- parr1 in time i% Bore' "ishe- to r$n me thro$)h %rom the rear; On the
other han-4 he took )reat pri-e in obser&in) e&er1 p$ncti'io "hen it came to ki''in) peop'e; ,e
a'"a1s p'a1e- %air beca$se he "as so -amne- )oo- that he ne&er 'ost an1"a1; Bi)ht as "e'' )o
%or the rep$tation4 too; : imme-iate'1 raise- both han-s4 to irritate him b1 actin) as i% he ha- ?$st
threatene- me %rom the rear;
)ta invisible, *rakir. $hen I turn and snap m wrist, let go. )tick to him when ou hit, find
our wa to the throat. /ou know what to do when ou get there.
:ight, boss4 she rep'ie-;
F/ra" 1o$r b'a-e an- t$rn4 Ber'e;G
F/oesn@t so$n- too sportin) to me4 Bore'4G : rep'ie-;
FAo$ -are to acc$se me o% an1thin) 'ess than propriet1>G he sai-;
F,ar- to te'' "hen : can@t see "hat 1o$@re $p to4G : ans"ere-;
F!hen -ra" 1o$r "eapon an- t$rn aro$n-;G
F:@m t$rnin)4G : sai-; FB$t :@m not to$chin) the thin);G
: t$rne- <$ick'14 snappin) m1 'e%t "rist4 %ee'in) +rakir -epart; As : -i-4 m1 %eet "ent o$t %rom
$n-er me; :@- mo&e- too %ast on a &er1 smooth patch o% ice; Catchin) m1se'%4 : %e't a sha-o"
-ri%t into p'ace be%ore me; =hen : 'ooke- $p4 : behe'- the point o% Bore'@s b'a-e4 abo$t si. inches
%rom m1 ri)ht e1e;
F0ise s'o"'14G he sai-4 an- : -i-; F/ra" 1o$r "eapon no"4G he or-ere-;
FAn- i% : re%$se>G : in<$ire-4 tr1in) to b$1 time;
FAo$ "i'' pro&e 1o$rse'% $n"orth1 to be consi-ere- a )ent'eman4 an- : "i'' act accor-in)'1;G
FB1 attackin) me an1"a1>G : aske-;
F!he r$'es permit this4G he sai-;
F(ho&e 1o$r r$'es4G : rep'ie-4 crossin) m1 ri)ht %oot behin- m1 'e%t an- sprin)in) back"ar- as :
-re" m1 b'a-e an- 'et it %a'' into a )$ar- position;
,e "as on me in an instant; : contin$e- m1 retreat4 backin) past the bi) s'ab o% ice %rom behin-
"hich he ha- appeare-; : ha- no -esire to stan- an- tra-e tecni<$es "ith him4 especia''1 no"
that : co$'- see the spee- o% those attacks; Parr1in) them took a 'ot 'ess e%%ort "hi'e : "as
backin) o%%; B1 b'a-e -i- not %ee' <$ite ri)ht4 ho"e&er4 an- as : scanne- it <$ick'1 : sa" "h1; :t
"as not m1 "eapon;
:n the )'itterin) 'i)ht %rom the trai'4 bo$nce- o%% the ice4 : sa" the s"ir'in) in'a1 a'on) part o% the
b'a-e; !here "as on'1 one "eapon 'ike this that : kne" o%4 an- : ha- on'1 ?$st seen it recent'14 in
"hat mi)ht ha&e been m1 %ather@s han-; :t "as #ra1s"an-ir that mo&e- be%ore me; : %e't m1se'%
smi'e at the iron1; !his "as the "eapon "hich ha- s'ain the rea' 9or- Bore';
FAo$ smi'e at 1o$r o"n co"ar-ice>G he aske-; F(tan- an- %i)ht4 bastar-IG
As i% in ans"er to his s$))estion4 : %e't m1 rear"ar- mo&ement arreste-; : "as not r$n thro$)h
"hen : &ent$re- a <$ick -o"n"ar- )'ance4 ho"e&er4 %or : rea'i6e- %rom his e.pression that
somethin) simi'ar ha- happene- to m1 attacker;
O$r ank'es ha- been sei6e- b1 se&era' o% those han-s "hich e.ten-e- $p thro$)h the ice4
ho'-in) $s %irm'1 in p'ace; An- this ma-e it Bore'@s t$rn to smi'e4 %or tho$)h he co$'- not '$n)e4 :
co$'- no 'on)er retreat; =hich meantD
,is b'a-e %'ashe- %or"ar-4 an- : parrie- in <$arte4 attacke- in si.te; ,e parrie- an- %einte-; !hen
<$arte a)ain4 an- the ne.t attack; 0iposte; Parr1 si.teDNo4 that "as a %eint; Catch him in %o$r;
+eint; +eint a)ain; ,itD
(omethin) "hite an- har- passe- o&er his sho$'-er an- str$ck m1 %orehea-; : %e'' back4 tho$)h
the )raspin) han-s kept me %rom co''apsin) comp'ete'1; #oo- thin) : sa))e-4 act$a''14 or his
thr$st mi)ht ha&e p$nct$re- m1 'i&er; B1 re%' or some to$ch o% the ma)ic :@&e hear- ma1
-"e'' in #ra1s"an-ir thre" m1 arm %or"ar- as m1 knees b$ck'e-; : %e't the b'a-e strike
somethin)4 tho$)h : "as not e&en 'ookin) in that -irection4 an- : hear- Bore' )r$nt s$rprise-'14
then $tter an oath; : hear- E$rt mo$thin) an oath o% his o"n abo$t then4 too; ,e "as o$t o% m1
'ine o% si)ht;
!hen came a bri)ht %'ash4 e&en as : %'e.e- m1 'e)s4 stabi'i6in)4 parrie- a hea- c$t4 an- be)an
risin); : sa" then that : ha- s$ccee-e- in c$ttin) Bore'@s %orearm4 an- %ire sp$rte- %o$ntain'ike
%rom the "o$n-; ,is bo-1 be)an to )'o"4 his 'o"er o$t'ine to b'$r;
F:t "as b1 no ski'' 1o$ beste- meIG he crie-;
: shr$))e-;
F:t isn@t the =inter O'1mpics either4G : to'- him;
,e chan)e- his )rip on his b'a-e4 -re" back his arm4 an- h$r'e- the "eapon at meDri)ht be%ore
he -isso'&e- into a to"er o% sparks an- "as -ra"n $p"ar- an- &anishe- abo&e;
: parrie- the b'a-e4 an- it passe- me to the 'e%t4 b$rie- itse'% part"a1 in the ice an- stoo-
&ibratin) there4 'ike somethin) in a (can-ina&ian@s &ersion o% Arth$rian 'e)en-; E$rt r$she-
to"ar- me4 kicke- at the han-s "hich he'- m1 ank'es $nti' the1 re'ease- me4 an- s<$inte- at m1
: %e't somethin) %a'' $pon me;
)orr, boss. I hit around his knee, 0 the time I reached his throat he was alread on fire4 +rakir
All's well that ends well4 : rep'ie-;/ou weren't singed, were ou5
7idn't even feel the heat.
F(orr1 : hit 1o$ "ith that piece o% ice4G E$rt sai-; F: "as aimin) at Bore';G
: mo&e- a"a1 %rom the p'ain o% han-s4 hea-in) to"ar- the trai';
F:n-irect'1 it he'pe-4G : sai-4 b$t : -i-n@t %ee' 'ike thankin) him; ,o" co$'- : kno" "here he@-
rea''1 been aimin)> : )'ance- back once4 an- se&era' o% the han-s E$rt ha- kicke- "ere )i&in) $s
the %in)er;
=h1 ha- : been "earin) #ra1s"an-ir> =o$'- another "eapon ha&e a%%ecte- a 9o)r$s-)host as
stron)'1> ,a- it rea''1 been m1 %ather4 then4 "ho ha- bro$)ht me here> An- ha- he %e't : mi)ht
nee- the e.tra e-)e his "eapon co$'- pro&i-e> : "ante- to think so4 to be'ie&e that he ha- been
more than a Pattern-)host; An- i% he "as4 : "on-ere- at his part in the entire a%%air; =hat mi)ht
he kno" abo$t a'' this> An- "hich si-e mi)ht he be on>
!he "in-s -ie- -o"n as "e mo&e- a'on) the trai'4 an- the on'1 arms "e sa" e.ten-e- abo&e the
ice bore torches "hich bri)htene- o$r "a1 %or a )reat -istanceDto the %oot o% the %ar
escarpment4 act$a''1; Nothin) $nto"ar- occ$rre- as "e crosse- that %ro6en p'ace;
F+rom "hat 1o$@&e to'- me an- "hat :@&e seen4G E$rt sai-4 F: )et the impression it@s the Pattern
that@s sponsorin) this trip an- the 9o)r$s that@s tr1in) to p$nch 1o$r ticket;G
E$st then the ice cracke- in a n$mnber o% p'aces; +ract$re 'ines r$she- to"ar- $s %rom se&era'
-irections4 both si-es; !he1 s'o"e-4 ho"e&er4 as the1 neare- o$r trai'4 ca$sin) me to notice %or
the %irst time that it ha- risen abo&e the )enera' 'e&e' o% the p'ain; =e no" occ$pie- somethin) o%
a ca$se"a14 an- the ice shattere- itse'% harm'ess'1 a'on) its si-es;
F9ike that4G E$rt obser&e- "ith a )est$re; F,o"@- 1o$ )et into this mess an1"a1>G
F:t a'' starte- on Apri' thirtieth4G : be)an;
Chapter #
(ome o% the arms seeme- to be "a&in) )oo--b1e to $s as "e commence- o$r c'imb a%ter
reachin) the "a''; E$rt th$mbe- his nose at them;
FCan 1o$ b'ame me %or "antin) to escape this p'ace>G he aske-;
FNot in the 'east4G : rep'ie-;
F:% that trans%$sion 1o$ )a&e me rea''1 p'ace- me be1on- contro' o% the 9o)r$s4 then : mi)ht
-"e'' here %or some in-e%inite perio- o% time;G
F(o$n-s possib'e;G
F!hat@s "h1 1o$ m$st rea'i6e : thre" the ice at Bore'4 not 1o$; Besi-es the %act that 1o$@re
smarter than he "as an- mi)ht be ab'e to %in- a "a1 o$t o% here4 he "as a creat$re o% the 9o)r$s4
too4 an- "o$'-n@t ha&e ha- eno$)h %ire i% the nee- arose;G
F!hat ha- occ$rre- to me a'so4G : sai-4 "ithho'-in) a possib'e o$t :@- )$esse- at4 to keep m1se'%
in-ispensab'e; FB$t "hat are 1o$ )ettin) at>G
F:@m tr1in) to sa1 that :@'' )i&e 1o$ an1 kin- o% he'p 1o$ nee-4 ?$st so 1o$ -on@t 'ea&e me behin-
"hen 1o$ )o; : kno" "e ne&er )ot a'on) be%ore4 b$t :@m "i''in) to p$t that asi-e i% 1o$ are;G
F: a'"a1s "as4G : sai-; FAo$ "ere the one "ho starte- a'' o$r %i)hts an- kept me in tro$b'e;G
,e smi'e-;
F: ne&er -i-4 an- : "on@t -o it a)ain4G he sai-; FAeah4 oka14 1o$@re ri)ht; : -i-n@t 'ike 1o$4 an-
ma1be : sti'' -on@t; B$t : "on@t mess 1o$ $p "hen "e nee- each other this "a1;G
F!he "a1 : see it4 1o$ nee- me a he'' o% a 'ot more than : nee- 1o$;G
F: can@t ar)$e "ith that4 an- : can@t make 1o$ tr$st me4G he sai-; F=ish : co$'-;G =e c'imbe- a
'itt'e more be%ore he contin$e-4 an- : %ancie- the air ha- a'rea-1 )ro"n a tri%'e "armer; !hen4
FB$t 'ook at it this "a14G he %ina''1 contin$e-4 F: resemb'e 1o$r brother E$rt4 an- : come c'ose to
representin) somethin) he once "asDc'ose4 b$t not a per%ect %it; : be)an -i&er)in) %rom his
mo-e' be)innin) "ith o$r race; B1 circ$mstances are $ni<$e'1 m1 o"n4 an- :@&e been thinkin)
stea-i'1 since : )aine- m1 a$tonom1; !he rea' E$rt kno"s thin)s : -o not an- has po"ers : -on@t
possess; B$t : ha&e his memories $p thro$)h his takin) the 9o)r$s4 an- :@m the secon- )reatest
a$thorit1 there is on the "a1 he thinks; No"4 i% he@s become s$ch a threat as 1o$@&e in-icate-4
1o$ mi)ht %in- me more than a 'itt'e $se%$' "hen it comes to secon--)$essin) him;G
FAo$ ha&e a point4G : ackno"'e-)e-; F*n'ess4 o% co$rse4 the t"o o% 1o$ "ere to thro" in
,e shook his hea-;
F,e "o$'-n@t tr$st me4G he sai-4 Fan- : "o$'-n@t tr$st him; =e@- both kno" better; A matter o%
introspection; (ee "hat : mean>G
F:t means neither one o% 1o$ is tr$st"orth1;G ,is bro" %$rro"e-4 then he no--e-;
FAeah4 : )$ess so4G he sai-;
F(o "h1 sho$'- : tr$st 1o$>G
F0i)ht no" beca$se 1o$@&e )ot me b1 the ba''s; 9ater on beca$se :@'' be so -amn $se%$';G
A%ter se&era' more min$tes ascen-in)4 : to'- him8 F!he thin) that bothers me the most abo$t 1o$
is that it "as not a'' that 'on) a)o that E$rt took the 9o)r$s; Ao$ are not an o'-er4 mi'-er &ersion
o% m1 'east %a&orite re'ati&e; Ao$ are a &er1 recent mo-e'; As %or 1o$r -i&er)ence %rom the
ori)ina'4 : can@t see this short "hi'e as makin) that m$ch -i%%erence;G
,e shr$))e-;
F=hat can : sa1 that : ha&en@t sai- a'rea-1>G he aske-; F9et@s ?$st -ea' in terms o% po"er an- se'%
interest then;G
: smi'e-; =e both kne" that that "as the "a1 it "as an1"a1; !he con&ersation he'pe- pass the
time4 tho$)h; A tho$)ht came to me as "e c'imbe-;
F/o 1o$ think 1o$ co$'- "a'k thro$)h (ha-o">G : aske- him;
F: -on@t kno"4G he ans"ere- a%ter a time; FB1 'ast memor1 %rom be%ore : came to this p'ace "as
o% comp'etin) the 9o)r$s; : )$ess the recor-in) "as comp'ete- at that time4 too; (o : ha&e no
reco''ection o% ($h$1 instr$ctin) me in sha-o"-"a'kin)4 no memor1 o% tr1in) it; :@- )$ess :
co$'- -o it4 "o$'-n@t 1o$ think>G
: pa$se- to catch m1 breath;
F:t@s s$ch an arcane matter that : -on@t e&en %ee' <$a'i%ie- to spec$'ate on it; : tho$)ht ma1be
1o$@- come e<$ippe- "ith rea-1-ma-e ans"ers %or thin)s 'ike thatDsome sort o% preternat$ra'
a"areness o% 1o$r 'imits an- abi'ities;G
FA%rai- not; *n'ess 1o$@- ca'' a h$nch preternat$ra';G
F: s$ppose : "o$'- i% 1o$ "ere ri)ht o%ten eno$)h;G
F(hit; :t@s too soon to te'';G
F(hit; Ao$@re ri)ht;G
(oon "e@- c'imbe- abo&e the 'ine o% ha6e %rom "hich the %'akes seeme- to %a''; A 'itt'e %arther4
an- the "in-s -ie- to bree6es; +arther sti''4 an- these s$bsi-e- to nothin); !he rim "as in si)ht
b1 then4 an- short'1 therea%ter "e achie&e- it;
: t$rne- an- 'ooke- back -o"n; A'' : co$'- see "as a bit o% )'itter thro$)h the mist; :n the other
-irection o$r trai' ran on in a 6i)6a) %ashion4 here an- there 'ookin) 'ike a series o% Borse -ashes
Dre)$'ar interr$ptions4 possib'1 rock %ormations; =e %o''o"e- it to the ri)ht $nti' it t$rne- 'e%t;
: reser&e- some attention %or E$rt4 'ookin) %or si)ns o% reco)nition at an1 %eat$re o% the terrain; A
ta'k is on'1 "or-s4 an- he "as sti'' some &ersion o% the E$rt :@- )ro"n $p "ith; An- i% he became
responsib'e %or m1 %a''in) into an1 sort o% trap4 : "as )oin) to pass #ra1s"an-ir thro$)h his
persona' space as soon as : became a"are o% it;
+ormation to the 'e%t4 ca&e'ike4 as i% the ho'e in the rock opene- into another rea'it1; An o--'1
shape- car -ri&in) $p a steep cit1 street;;;
F=hat;;;>G E$rt be)an;
F: sti'' -on@t kno" their si)ni%icance; A "ho'e mess o% se<$ences 'ike this "ere "ith me ear'ier4
tho$)h; :n %act4 at %irst : tho$)ht 1o$ "ere one o% them;G
F9ooks rea' eno$)h to "a'k into;G
FBa1be it is;G
F:t mi)ht be o$r "a1 o$t o% here;G
F(omeho" that ?$st seems a 'itt'e too eas1;G
F=e''4 'et@s )i&e it a tr14G
F#o ahea-4G : to'- him;
=e -eparte- the trai'4 a-&ance- $pon the rea'it1 "in-o"4 an- kept )oin); :n a moment he "as
on the si-e "a'k ne.t to the street $p "hich the car "as passin); ,e t$rne- an- "a&e-; : sa" his
mo$th "orkin)4 b$t no "or-s came to me;
:% : co$'- br$sh sno" o%% the re- Che&14 "h1 co$'-n@t : enter entire'1 into one o% these
se<$ences> An- i% : co$'- -o that4 mi)htn@t it be possib'e that : co$'- sha-o"-"a'k %rom there4
"en-in) m1 "a1 to some more con)enia' spot4 'ea&in) this -ark "or'- behin-> : mo&e-
($--en'1 : "as there4 an- the so$n- ha- been t$rne- on %or me; : 'ooke- abo$t at the b$i'-in)s4
at the sharp'1 inc'ine- street; : 'istene- to the tra%%ic so$n-s4 an- : sni%%e- the air; !his p'ace
co$'- a'most be one o% (an +rancisco@s sha-o"s; : h$rrie- to catch $p "ith E$rt4 "ho "as mo&in)
to"ar- the corner;
: reache- him <$ick'14 %e'' into step besi-e him; =e came to the corner; =e t$rne-; =e %ro6e;
!here "as nothin) there; =e %ace- a "a'' o% b'ackness; !hat is4 not ?$st -arkness b$t an abso'$te
emptiness4 %rom "hich "e imme-iate'1 -re" back;
: p$t m1 han- %orth s'o"'1; A tin)'in) be)an as it neare- the b'ackness4 then a chi''4 %o''o"e- b1
a %ear; : -re" back; E$rt reache- %or it4 -i- the same; Abr$pt'1 he stoppe-4 picke- $p the bottom
o% a broken bott'e %rom the )$tter4 t$rne-4 an- h$r'e- it thro$)h a nearb1 "in-o"; :mme-iate'1
he be)an r$nnin) in that -irection;
: %o''o"e-; : ?oine- him be%ore the broken pane4 stare- "ithin;
A)ain the b'ackness; !here "as nothin) at a'' on the other si-e o% the "in-o";
F3in- o% spook14G : remarke-;
F*h-h$h4G E$rt sai-; F:t@s as i% "e@re bein) )rante- e.treme'1 'imite- access to &ario$s sha-o"s;
=hat -o 1o$ make o% it>G
F:@m be)innin) to "on-er "hether there isn@t somethin) "e@re s$ppose- to be 'ookin) %or in one
o% these p'aces4G : sai-;
($--en'1 the b'ackness be1on- the "in-o" "as )one4 an- a can-'e %'ickere- on a sma'' tab'e
be1on- it; : be)an to reach thro$)h the broken )'ass to"ar- it; :mme-iate'1 it &anishe-; A)ain
there "as on'1 b'ackness;
F:@- take that as an a%%irmati&e response to 1o$r <$estion4G E$rt sai-;
F: be'ie&e 1o$@re ri)ht; B$t "e can@t be 'ookin) %or somethin) in e&er1 one o% these thin)s "e
F: think ma1be somethin)@s ?$st been tr1in) to )et 1o$r attention4 to )et 1o$ to rea'i6e that 1o$
sho$'- be "atchin) "hat appears4 that somethin) probab'1 "i'' be presente- once 1o$ be)in
Bri)htness; A "ho'e tab'e%$' o% can-'es no" b'a6e- be1on- the "in-o";
FOka14G : ho''ere-; F:% that@s a'' 1o$ "ant4 :@'' -o it; :s there an1thin) e'se : sho$'- be 'ookin) %or
!he -arkness came; :t crept aro$n- the corner an- mo&e- s'o"'1 to"ar- $s; !he can-'es
&anishe-4 an- it %'o"e- %rom the "in-o"; !he b$i'-in)s across the street -isappeare- behin- an
ebon "a'';
F: take it the ans"er is no4G : crie-; !hen : t$rne- an- beat it back a'on) o$r narro"in) b'ack
t$nne' to"ar- the trai'; E$rt "as ri)ht behin- me;
F#oo- thinkin)4G : to'- him "hen "e stoo- back on the )'o"in) "a14 "atchin) that risin) street
)et s<$ee6e- o$t o% e.istence besi-e $s; F/o 1o$ think it "as ?$st p$''in) these se<$ences at
ran-om ti'' : %ina''1 entere- one>G
F: think it has more contro' in those p'aces an- co$'- respon- to 1o$r <$estions more rea-i'1 in
one o% them;G
FT:t@ bein) the Pattern>G
FOka1; !he ne.t one it opens to me4 :@m )oin) in; :@'' -o "hate&er it "ants there i% it means : )et
o$t o% here sooner;G
F=e4 brother; =e;G
FO% co$rse4G : ans"ere-;
=e commence- "a'kin) a)ain; Nothin) ne" an- intri)$in) appeare- besi-e $s4 tho$)h; !he
roa- 6i))e- an- 6a))e-4 an- "e "a'ke- a'on) it4 an- : )ot to "on-erin) "hom "e mi)ht meet
ne.t; :% : "ere in-ee- on the Pattern@s t$r% an- on the &er)e o% -oin) somethin) it "ante-4 then it
seeme- that the 9o)r$s mi)ht sen- a'on) someone : kne" to attempt to -iss$a-e me; No one
appeare- at a''4 tho$)h4 an- "e took the %ina' t$rn4 %o''o"e- a trai' s$--en'1 )ro"n strai)ht %or
some time4 then sa" it en- abr$pt'1 "ithin a -ark mass %ar ahea-;
Contin$in)4 : sa" that it p'$n)e- on into a )reat4 -ark4 mo$ntaino$s mass; : %e't &a)$e'1
c'a$strophobic ?$st consi-erin) the imp'ications4 an- : hear- E$rt m$tter an obscenit1 as "e
tr$-)e- to"ar- it; Be%ore "e reache- it4 there came a %'ickerin) to m1 ri)ht; !$rnin)4 : behe'-
0an-om an- 7ia''e@s be-room4 back in Amber; : "as 'ookin) %rom the so$thern si-e o% the room4
bet"een the so%a an- a be-si-e tab'e4 past a chair4 across the r$) an- the c$shions to"ar- the
%irep'ace4 the "in-o"s "hich %'anke- it a-mittin) a so%t -a1'i)ht; No one "as present in the be-
or occ$p1in) an1 other piece o% %$rnit$re4 an- the 'o)s on the )rate ha- b$rne- themse'&es -o"n
to re- embers4 smokin) %it%$''1;
F=hat no">G E$rt aske-;
F!his is it4G : rep'ie- F:t has to be4 -on@t 1o$ see> Once : )ot the messa)e as to "hat "as )oin)
on4 it presente- the rea' thin); :@&e )ot to act %ast4 too4 : thinkDas soon as : %i)$re ?$st "hatDG
One o% the stones besi-e the %irep'ace be)an to )'o" re-'1; :t increase- in intensit1 as : "atche-;
!here "as no "a1 that those embers co$'- be -oin) it; !here%ore;;;
: r$she- %or"ar- $n-er the in%'$ence o% a po"er%$' imperati&e; : hear- E$rt sho$t somethin)
behin- me4 b$t his &oice "as c$t o%% as : entere- the room; : ca$)ht a "hi%% o% 7ia''e@s %a&orite
per%$me as : passe- besi-e the be-; !his "as rea''1 Amber4 : "as certain4 not ?$st some sha-o"1
%acsimi'e thereo%; : mo&e- <$ick'1 to the ri)ht o% the %irep'ace;
E$rt b$rst into the room behin- me;
FBetter come o$t %i)htin)IG he crie-;
: "hir'e- to %ace him4 sho$te-4 F(h$t $pIG then raise- a %in)er to m1 'ips;
,e crosse- to m1 si-e4 ca$)ht ho'- o% m1 arm4 an- "hispere- hoarse'14 FBore'@s tr1in) to
materia'i6e a)ainI ,e mi)ht be so'i- an- "aitin) b1 the time 1o$ 'ea&eIG
+rom the sittin) room : hear- 7ia''e@s &oice; F:s someone there>G she ca''e-;
: ?erke- m1 arm %ree o% E$rt@s )rasp4 kne't $pon the hearth4 an- sei6e- ho'- o% the )'o"in) stone;
:t appeare- to be mortare- in p'ace b$t came 'oose easi'1 "hen : -re" $pon it;
F,o"@- 1o$ kno" that one came %ree>G E$rt "hispere-;
F!he )'o"4G : rep'ie-;
F=hat )'o">G he aske-;
: -i- not ans"er him b$t thr$st m1 ri)ht han- into the opene- area4 hopin) o%%han-e-'1 there
"ere no boob1 traps; !he openin) e.ten-e- back %or a )oo- -istance be1on- the 'en)th o% the
stone; An- there : %e't it4 s$spen-e- %rom pe) or hook8 a 'en)th o% chain; : ca$)ht ho'- o% it an-
-re" it %orth; : hear- E$rt catch his breath besi-e me;
!he 'ast time : ha- seen it "as "hen 0an-om ha- "orn it at Caine@s %$nera'; :t "as the Ee"e' o%
E$-)ment that : he'- in m1 han-; : raise- it <$ick'1 an- s'ippe- the chain o&er m1 hea-4 'ettin)
that re- stone %a'' $pon m1 breast4 ?$st as the -oor to the sittin) room "as opene-;
P'acin) m1 %in)er to m1 'ips4 once more : reache- %or"ar-4 ca$)ht ho'- o% E$rt@s sho$'-ers4 an-
t$rne- him back to"ar- the opene- "a'' "hich 'et $pon o$r trai'; ,e be)an to protest4 b$t :
prope''e- him "ith a sharp p$sh4 an- he mo&e- o%% in that -irection;
F=ho@s there>G : hear- 7ia''e ask4 an- E$rt )'ance- back at me4 'ookin) p$66'e-;
: -i- not %ee' "e co$'- a%%or- the time %or m1 e.p'ainin) b1 si)n 'an)$a)e or "hisper that she
"as b'in-; (o : )a&e him another p$sh; On'1 this time he steppe- to the si-e4 e.ten-e- his 'e)4
s'ippe- a han- behin- m1 back4 an- p$she- me %or"ar-; A brie% e.p'eti&e escape- m1 'ips4 an-
then : "as %a''in); +rom behin- me4 : hear- 7ia''e@s F=hoDG be%ore her &oice "as c$t o%%;
: t$mb'e- onto the trai'4 mana)in) to -ra" the -a))er %rom m1 ri)ht boot as : %e''; : ro''e- an-
came $p "ith the point e.ten-e- to"ar- the %i)$re o% Bore'4 "hich seeme- to ha&e %o$n- its
%orm once more;
,e "as smi'in)4 his "eapon 1et $n-ra"n4 as he re)ar-e- me;
F!here is no %ie'- o% arms here4G he state-4 Fto pro&i-e 1o$ "ith a '$ck1 acci-ent s$ch as 1o$
en?o1e- "hen 'ast "e met; G
F!oo ba-4G : sai-;
F:% : b$t )ain that ba$b'e 1o$ "ear abo$t 1o$r neck an- -e'i&er it to the p'ace o% the 9o)r$s4 :
"i'' be )rante- a norma' e.istence4 to rep'ace m1 'i&in) co$nterpartDhe "ho "as treachero$s'1
s'ain b1 1o$r %ather4 as 1o$ pointe- o$t;G
!he &ision o% Amber@s ro1a' apartments ha- &anishe-; E$rt stoo- o%% the trai'4 near "hat ha- been
its inter%ace "ith this o-- rea'm; F: kne" : co$'-n@t beat him4G he ca''e- o$t "hen he %e't m1
)'ance4 Fb$t 1o$ took him once;G
: shr$))e-;
At this Bore' t$rne- to"ar- E$rt;
FAo$ "o$'- betra1 the Co$rts an- the 9o)r$s>G he aske- him;
FOn the contrar14G E$rt respon-e-; F: ma1 be sa&in) them %rom a serio$s mistake;G
F=hat mistake mi)ht that be>G
F!e'' him4 Ber'in; !e'' him "hat 1o$ to'- me "hi'e "e "ere c'imbin) o$t o% the -eep %ree6e4G he
Bore' )'ance- back at me;
F!here@s somethin) %$nn1 abo$t this entire set$p4G : sai-; F:@&e a %ee'in) it@s a'' a -$e' bet"een
the Po"ersDthe 9o)r$s an- the Pattern; Amber an- the Co$rts ma1 be secon-ar1 to the entire
a%%air; Ao$ seeDG
F0i-ic$'o$sIG he interr$pte-4 -ra"in) his "eapon; F!his is ?$st ma-e-$p nonsense to a&oi- o$r
: tosse- the -a))er into m1 'e%t han- an- -re" #ra1s"an-ir "ith m1 ri)ht;
F!he he'' "ith 1o$ thenIG : sai-; FCome an- )et itIG
A han- %e'' $pon m1 sho$'-er; An- it kept ri)ht on %a''in) "ith a sort o% t"ist to it4 spinnin) me
into a -o"n"ar- spira' "hich thre" me o%% to the 'e%t o% the trai'; +rom the corner o% m1 e1e4 :
sa" that Bore' ha- taken a step back"ar-;
FAo$@&e a resemb'ance to 2ric or to Cor"in4G came a so%t4 %ami'iar &oice4 Ftho$)h : kno" 1o$
not; B$t 1o$ "ear the Ee"e'4 "hich makes 1o$r person too important to risk in a pett1 s<$abb'e;G
: came to a stop an- t$rne- m1 hea-; :t "as Bene-ict "hom : behe'-Da Bene-ict "ith t"o
norma' han-s;
FB1 name is Ber'in an- :@m Cor"in@s son4G : sai-4 Fan- this is a master -$e'ist %rom the Co$rts
o% Chaos;G
FAo$ appear ro be on a mission4 Ber'in; Be abo$t it then4G Bene-ict sai-;
!he point o% Bore'@s b'a-e %'icke- into a position abo$t ten inches %rom m1 throat; FAo$ are
)oin) no"here4G he state-4 Fnot "ith that ?e"e';G
!here "as no so$n- as Bene-ict@s b'a-e "as -ra"n an- mo&e- to beat Bore'@s o%% its 'ine;
FAs : sai-4 be on 1o$r "a14 Ber'in4G Bene-ict to'- me;
: )ot to m1 %eet4 mo&e- <$ick'1 o$t o% ran)e4 passe- them both ca$tio$s'1;
F:% 1o$ ki'' him4G E$rt sai-4 Fhe can remateria'i6e a%ter a perio- o% time;G
F,o" interestin)4G Bene-ict remarke-4 %'ickin) o%% an attack an- retreatin) s'i)ht'1; F,o" 'on)
a time>G
F(e&era' ho$rs;G
FAn- ho" m$ch time "i'' 1o$ nee- to comp'ete "hate&er 1o$@re abo$t>G
E$rt 'ooke- at me;
F:@m not certain4G : ans"ere-;
Bene-ict$te- an o-- 'itt'e parr14 %o''o"e- b1 a stran)e sh$%%'in) step an- a brie% s'ashin)
attack; A b$tton %'e" %rom Bore'@s shirt %ront;
F:n that case :@'' make this 'ast %or a time4G Bene-ict sai-; F#oo- '$ck4 'a-;G
,e )a&e me a <$ick sa'$te "ith the "eapon4 at "hich moment Bore' attacke-; Bene-ict $se- an
:ta'ianate si.te "hich thre" both their points o%% to the si-e4 a-&ancin) as he -i- so; ,e reache-
%or"ar- <$ick'1 then "ith his 'e%t han- an- p$''e- the other@s nose; !hen he p$she- him a"a14
steppe- back a pace4 an- smi'e-;
F=hat -o 1o$ $s$a''1 char)e %or 'essons>G : o&erhear- him askin) as E$rt an- : h$rrie- -o"n
the path;
F: "on-er ho" 'on) it -oes take %or one o% the Po"ers to materia'i6e a )host4G E$rt sai- as "e
?o))e- to"ar- the mo$ntaino$s mass the trai' entere-;
F(e&era' ho$rs %or Bore' a'one4G : sai-4 Fan- i% the 9o)r$s "ants the Ee"e' as ba-'1 as :@- )$ess4
:@- think it "o$'- ha&e s$mmone- an arm1 o% )hosts i% it co$'-; :@m certain no" that this p'ace is
&er1 -i%%ic$'t %or both Po"ers to reach; : )et the %ee'in) the1 can on'1 mani%est &ia the barest
trick'es o% ener)1; :% that "eren@t the case4 :@- ne&er ha&e )otten this %ar;G
E$rt reache- o$t as i% to to$ch the Ee"e'4 apparent'1 tho$)ht better o% it4 "ith-re" his han-;
F:t seems 1o$@&e -e%inite'1 a'i)ne- 1o$rse'% "ith the Pattern no"4G he obser&e-;
F9ooks as i% 1o$ ha&e4 too; *n'ess 1o$@re p'annin) on stabbin) me in the back at the 'ast
moment4G : sai-;
,e ch$ck'e-; !hen4 FNot %$nn14G he sai-; F:@&e )ot to be on 1o$r si-e; : can see that the 9o)r$s
?$st create- me as a -isposab'e too'; :@- "in- $p on the scrap heap "hen the ?ob@s -one; :@&e a
%ee'in) : mi)ht ha&e -issipate- a'rea-1 ha- it not been %or the trans%$sion; (o :@m "ith 1o$4 'ike it
or not4 an- 1o$r back is sa%e;G
=e ran on a'on) the no"-strai)ht "a14 its termin$s %ina''1 )ro"n near; E$rt %ina''1 aske-4 F=hat
is the si)ni%icance o% that pen-ant> !he 9o)r$s seems to "ant it ba-'1;G
F't@s ca''e- the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment4G : ans"ere-; F:t is sai- to be o'-er than the Pattern itse'% an-
to ha&e been instr$menta' in its creation;G
F=h1 -o 1o$ think 1o$ "ere 'e- to it an- obtaine- it "ith s$ch ease>G
F: ha&e no i-ea "hatsoe&er4G : sai-; F:% 1o$ )et one be%ore : -o4 :@'' be )'a- to hear it;G
(oon "e reache- the p'ace "here the trai' p'$n)e- into the )reater -arkness; =e ha'te- an-
re)ar-e- it;
FNo si)ns poste-4G : sai-4 checkin) abo&e an- to either si-e o% that entrance"a1;
E$rt )a&e me an o-- 'ook;
FAo$@&e a'"a1s ha- a "eir- sense o% h$mor4 Ber'in;G he sai-; F=ho@- p$t $p a si)n in a p'ace
'ike this>G
F(omeone e'se "ith a "eir- sense o% h$mor4G : rep'ie-;
FBi)ht as "e'' )o on4G he sai-4 t$rnin) back to"ar- the entrance;
A bri)ht re- si)n ha- appeare- abo&e the openin); E$rt stare- %or a moment4 then shook his
hea- s'o"'1; =e entere-;
=e took o$r "a1 -o"n a "an-erin) t$nne'Da thin) "hich p$66'e- me a bit; !he arti%icia'
<$a'it1 o% most o% the rest o% this p'ace ha- 'e- me to e.pect a r$'er-strai)ht trai' thro$)h a
smooth-"a''e- sha%t4 )eometrica''1 precise in a'' its %eat$res; :nstea-4 it seeme- as i% "e "ere
tra&ersin) a series o% nat$ra' ca&ernsDsta'actites4 sta'a)mites4 pi''ars4 an- poo's -isp'a1e- at
either han-;
!he Ee"e' cast a ba'e%$' 'i)ht o&er an1 %eat$res : t$rne- to scr$tini6e;
F/o 1o$ kno" ho" to $se that stone>G E$rt aske- me;
: tho$)ht back o&er m1 %ather@s stor1;
F=hen the time comes4 : be'ie&e that : "i''4G : sai-4 raisin) the Ee"e' an- st$-1in) it %or a
moment4 then 'ettin) it %a'' a)ain; : "as 'ess concerne- "ith it than "ith the ro$te "e "ere
: kept t$rnin) m1 hea- as "e ma-e o$r "a1 %rom -amp )rotto to hi)h cathe-ra' chamber4 a'on)
narro" passa)es4 -o"n ston1 "ater%a''s; !here "as somethin) %ami'iar here4 tho$)h : co$'-n@t
p$t m1 %in)er on it;
FAn1thin) abo$t this p'ace brin) back memories>G : aske- him;
FNot %or me4G E$rt rep'ie-;
=e kept )oin)4 at one point passin) a si-e ca&e containin) three h$man ske'etons; !hese bein)4
in their %ashion4 the %irst rea' si)ns o% 'i%e : ha- seen since the onset o% this ?o$rne14 : remarke- on
E$rt no--e- s'o"'1;
F: am be)innin) to "on-er "hether "e are sti'' "a'kin) bet"een sha-o"s4G he sai-4 For "hether
"e mi)ht act$a''1 ha&e -eparte- that p'ace an- entere- (ha-o"Dperhaps "hen "e came into
these ca&es;G
F: co$'- %in- o$t b1 tr1in) to s$mmon the 9o)r$s4G : sai-4 ca$sin) +rakir imme-iate'1 to p$'se
sharp'1 $pon m1 "rist; FB$t consi-erin) the metaph1sica' po'itics o% the sit$ation4 :@- rather
F: "as ?$st )oin) b1 the co'ors o% a'' the minera's in the "a''s4G he sai-; F!he p'ace "e 'e%t
behin- kin- o% %a&ore- monochrome; Not that : )i&e a shit abo$t the scener1; =hat :@m sa1in) is
that i% "e ha&e4 it@s a kin- o% &ictor1;G
: pointe- at the )ro$n-;
F(o 'on) as that )'o"in) trai' is there4 "e@re not o%% the hook;G
F=hat i% "e simp'1 "a'ke- a"a1 %rom it no">G he aske-4 t$rnin) to the ri)ht an- takin) a sin)'e
step in that -irection;
A sta'actite &ibrate- an- crashe- to the )ro$n- be%ore him; :t misse- him b1 abo$t a %oot; ,e
"as back besi-e me in an instant;
FO% co$rse4 it "o$'- be a rea' shame not to %in- o$t "here "e@re hea-e-4G he sai-;
FM$ests are that "a1; :t@- be ba- %orm to miss the %$n;G
=e hike- on; Nothin) a''e)orica' happene- aro$n- $s; O$r &oices an- o$r %oot%a''s echoe-;
=ater -rippe- in some o% the -anker )rots; Binera's %'ashe-; O$r "a1 seeme- a )ra-$a' -escent;
+or ho" 'on) "e "a'ke- : co$'- not te''; A%ter a time ston1 chambers took on a )eneric
appearanceDas i% "e passe- re)$'ar'1 thro$)h a te'eportation -e&ice "hich rero$te- $s back
thro$)h the same ca&es an- corri-ors; !his ha- the e%%ect o% b'$rrin) m1 sense o% time;
0epetitio$s actions ha&e a '$''in) e%%ect an-D
($--en'1 o$r trai' -ebo$che- into a 'ar)er passa)e4 t$rne- 'e%t; +ina''14 some &ariation; On'1 this
"a14 too4 'ooke- %ami'iar; =e %o''o"e- o$r 'ine o% 'i)ht thro$)h the -arkness; A%ter a time "e
"ent b1 a si-e passa)e to the 'e%t; E$rt )'ance- $p it an- h$rrie- past;
FAn1 -amne- thin) mi)ht be '$rkin) aro$n- here4G he obser&e-;
F!r$e4G : ackno"'e-)e-; FB$t : "o$'-n@t "orr1 abo$t it;G
F=h1 not>G
F: think :@m be)innin) to $n-erstan-;G
FBin- te''in) me "hat@s )oin) on>G
F:t@- take too 'on); E$st "ait; =e@'' be %in-in) o$t prett1 soon;G
=e "ent b1 another si-e passa)e; (imi'ar4 1et -i%%erent; % co$rse;
: increase- m1 pace4$s to 'earn the tr$th; Another si-e"a1; : broke into a r$n;;;
E$rt po$n-e- a'on) besi-e me4 the echoes %a''in) abo$t $s; *p ahea-; (oon;
Another t$rnin);
An- then : s'o"e-4 %or the passa)e contin$e- ahea- b$t o$r trai' -i-n@t; :t c$r&e- to the 'e%t4
&anishin) beneath a bi) meta'-bo$n- -oor; : reache- o$t to m1 ri)ht to "here the hook "as
s$ppose- to be4 'ocate- it4 remo&e- the ke1 that h$n) there; : inserte- it4 t$rne- it4 "ith-re" it4
reh$n) it;
I don't like this place, boss,+rakir note-;
I know.
F(eems as i% 1o$ kno" "hat 1o$@re -oin)4G E$rt remarke-;
FAep4G : sai-4 then a--e-4 F*p to a point4G as : rea'i6e- that this -oor opene- o$t"ar- rather than
: ca$)ht ho'- o% the 'ar)e han-'e to the 'e%t an- be)an to p$'' $pon it;
FBin- te''in) me "here "e@&e "o$n- $p>G he aske-;
!he bi) -oor creake-4 commence- a s'o" mo&ement as : "a'ke- back"ar-;
F!hese are ama6in)'1 'ike a section o% ca&erns in 3o'&ir beneath Amber Cast'e4G : rep'ie-;
F#reat4G he sai-; FAn- "hat@s behin- the -oor>G
F!his is m$ch 'ike the entrance to the chamber "hich ho$ses the Pattern in Amber;G
F=on-er%$'4G he sai-; F:@'' probab'1 )o $p in a p$%% o% smoke i% : set %oot insi-e;G
FB$t it is not <$ite the same4G : contin$e-; F=e ha- ($h$1 come an- 'ook at the Pattern itse'%
be%ore : "a'ke- it; ,e -i-n@t s$%%er an1 i'' e%%ects %rom the pro.imit1;G
FO$r mother "a'ke- the Pattern;G
FAes4 that@s tr$e;G
F+rank'14 : think an1one o% proper consan)$init1 in the Co$rts co$'- "a'k the PatternDan- &ice
&ersa %or m1 re'ati&es in Amber "ith the 9o)r$s; !ra-ition has it "e@re a'' re'ate- %rom back
some"here in the -im an- mist1; Oka1 :@'' )o in "ith 1o$; !here@s room to mo&e aro$n- insi-e
"itho$t to$chin) the thin)4 isn@t there>G
FAes;G : -re" the -oor the rest o% the "a1 open4 brace- m1 sho$'-er a)ainst it4 an- stare-; !his
"as it; : sa" that o$r )'o"in) trai' en-e- a %e" inches be1on- the thresho'-;
: -re" a -eep breath an- m$ttere- some e.p'eti&e as : 'et it )o;
F=hat is it>G E$rt aske-4 tr1in) to see past me;
FNot "hat : e.pecte-4G : to'- him;
: mo&e- asi-e an- 'et him ha&e a 'ook;
,e stare- %or se&era' secon-s4 then sai-4 F: -on@t $n-erstan-;G
F: am not certain that : -o either4G : sai-4 Fb$t : inten- to %in- o$t;G
: entere- the chamber4 an- he %o''o"e- me; !his "as not the Pattern that : kne"; Or rather4 it
"as an- "asn@t; :t con%orme- to the same )enera' con%i)$ration as the Pattern in Amber4 on'1 it
"as broken; !here "ere se&era' p'aces "here the 'ines ha- been erase-4 -estro1e-4 remo&e- in
some %ashionDor perhaps ne&er proper'1$te- in the %irst p'ace; !he or-inari'1 -ark inter'ine
areas "ere bri)ht4 b'$e"hite4 the 'ines themse'&es b'ack; :t "as as i% some essence ha- -raine-
%rom the -ia)ram to permeate the %ie'-; !he 'i)hte- area seem- to ripp'e s'o"'1 as : &ie"e- it;
An- be1on- a'' o% this "as the bi) -i%%erence8 !he Pattern in Amber -i- not contain a circ'e o%
%ire at its center4 a "oman -ea-4 $nconscio$s4 or $n-er a spe'' "ithin it;
An- the "oman4 o% co$rse4 ha- to be Cora'; : kne" that imme-iate'14 tho$)h : ha- to "ait %or
more than a min$te be%ore : )ot a )'impse o% her %ace be1on- the %'ames;
!he bi) -oor sh$t itse'% behin- $s "hi'e : stoo- starin); E$rt stoo- $nmo&in) %or a 'on) time a'so
be%ore he sai-4 F!hat Ee"e' is certain'1 b$s1 at somethin); Ao$ sho$'- see 1o$r %ace in its 'i)ht
ri)ht no";G
: )'ance- -o"n"ar- an- obser&e- its r$--1 p$'sations; Bet"een the b'$e-"hite %'$. in "hich
the Pattern "as )ro$n-e- an- the %'ickerin) o% that circ'e o% %'ame : ha- not note- the s$--en
acti&it1 on the part o% the stone;
: mo&e- a step nearer4 %ee'in) a "a&e o% co'-ness simi'ar to that o% an acti&ate- !r$mp; !his ha-
to be one o% the Broken Patterns o% "hich Easra ha- been speakin)Drepresentati&e o% one o% the
=a1s in "hich she an- E$'ia "ere initiates; !his p'ace- me in one o% the ear'1 sha-o"s4 near
Amber herse'%; !ho$)hts be)an to race thro$)h m1 min- at a %erocio$s pace;
: ha- on'1 recent'1 become a"are o% the possibi'it1 that the Pattern mi)ht act$a''1 be sentient;
:ts coro''ar14 that the 9o)r$s "as sentient4 seeme- 'ike'1 a'so; !he notion o% its sentienc1 ha-
been presente- to me "hen Cora' ha- s$ccee-e- in ne)otiatin) the Pattern an- then ha- aske- it
to sen- her "here she sho$'- )o; :t ha- -one so4 an- this "as the p'ace to "hich she ha- been
transporte-4 an- her con-ition "as ob&io$s'1 the reason : co$'-n@t reach her b1 means o% her
!r$mp; =hen : ha- a--resse- the Pattern %o''o"in) her -isappearance4 it ha-Da'most p'a1%$''14
it seeme- at the timeDshi%te- me %rom one en- o% its chamber to the other4 apparent'1 to satis%1
me on the matter o% its sentience;
An- it "asn@t mere'1 sentient4 : -eci-e-4 as : raise- the ?e"e' o% E$-)ment an- stare- into its
-epths; :t "as c'e&er; +or the ima)es that : sa" "ithin the stone4 sho"in) me "hat it "as that
"as -esire- o% me4 represente- somethin) : "o$'- not ha&e been "i''in) to -o $n-er other
circ$mstances; ,a&in) come a"a1 %rom that stran)e rea'm thro$)h "hich : ha- been 'e- on this
<$est4 : "o$'- ha&e sh$%%'e- o$t a !r$mp an- ca''e- someone %or a %ast e.itDor e&en s$mmone-
the ima)e o% the 9o)r$s an- 'et the t"o o% them s'$) it o$t "hi'e : s'ippe- a"a1 thro$)h (ha-o";
B$t Cora' s'ept in a circ'e o% %'ame at the heart o% the Broken Pattern;;;; (he "as the a$thentic
Pattern@s ho'- o&er me; :t ha- to ha&e $n-erstoo- somethin) back "hen she "as "a'kin) it4 'ai-
its p'an4 an- set me $p at that time;
:t "ante- me to repair this partic$'ar ima)e o% itse'%4 to men- this Broken Pattern4 b1 "a'kin) it4
bearin) the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment "ith me; !his "as ho" Oberon ha- repaire- the -ama)e to the
ori)ina'; O% co$rse4 the act ha- been s$%%icient'1 tra$matic to ki'' him;;;
On the other han-4 the 3in) ha- been -ea'in) "ith the rea' thin)4 an- this "as on'1 one o% its
ima)es; A'so4 m1 %ather ha- s$r&i&e- the creation o% his o"n ersat6 Pattern %rom scratch;
=h1 me> : "on-ere- then; =as it beca$se : "as the son o% the man "ho ha- s$ccee-e- in
creatin) another Pattern> /i- it in&o'&e the %act that : bore the ima)e o% the 9o)r$s "ithin me as
"e'' as that o% the Pattern> =as it simp'1 beca$se : "as han-1 an- coercib'e> A'' o% the abo&e>
None o% them>
F,o" abo$t it>G : ca''e- o$t; F,a&e 1o$ )ot an ans"er %or me>G
!here "as a <$ick pan) in m1 stomach an- a "a&e o% -i66iness as the chamber sp$n4 %a-e-4
stoo- sti''4 an- : re)ar-e- E$rt across the e.panse o% the Pattern4 the bi) -oor at his back;
F,o"@- 1o$ -o that>G he ho''ere-;
F: -i-n@t4G : rep'ie-;
,e e-)e- his "a1 to his ri)ht ti'' he came to the "a''; Baintainin) contact "ith it4 he be)an
mo&in) abo$t the Pattern@s peripher14 as i% a%rai- to approach an1 nearer to it than he ha- to or to
remo&e his )a6e %rom it;
+rom this si-e : co$'- see Cora' a bit more c'ear'14 "ithin the %ier1 he-)e; +$nn1; :t "as not as i%
there "ere a 'ar)e emotiona' in&estment here; =e "ere not 'o&ers4 not e&en terri%ica''1 c'ose
%rien-s; =e ha- become ac<$ainte- on'1 the other -a14 share- a 'on) "a'k abo$t4 aro$n-4 an-
$n-er the to"n an- pa'ace4 ha- a mea' to)ether4 a co$p'e o% -rinks4 a %e" 'a$)hs; :% "e became
better ac<$ainte-4 perhaps "e "o$'- -isco&er that "e co$'-n@t stan- each other; (ti''4 : ha-
en?o1e- her compan14 an- : rea'i6e- that : -i- "ant to take the time to )et to kno" her better;
An- in some "a1s : %e't responsib'e %or her present con-ition4 thro$)h a kin- o% contrib$tor1
ne)'i)ence; :n other "or-s4 the Pattern ha- me b1 the ba''s; :% : "ante- to %ree her4 : ha- to repair
!he %'ames no--e- in m1 -irection;
F:t@s a -irt1 trick4G : sai- a'o$-;
!he %'ames no--e- a)ain;
: contin$e- to st$-1 the Broken Pattern; A'most e&er1thin) : kne" abo$t the phenomenon ha-
come to me b1 "a1 o% m1 con&ersation "ith Easra; B$t : reca''e- her te''in) me that initiates o%
the Broken Pattern "a'ke- it in the areas bet"een the 'ines4 "hereas the ima)e in the Ee"e' "as
instr$ctin) me to "a'k the 'ines4 as one norma''1 "o$'- the Pattern itse'%; =hich ma-e sense4 as :
reca''e- m1 %ather@s stor1; :t sho$'- ser&e to inscribe the proper path across the breaks; : "asn@t
'ookin) %or an1 ha'%-asse- bet"een-the-'ines initiation;
E$rt ma-e his "a1 abo$t the %ar en- o% the Pattern4 t$rne-4 an- be)an to mo&e to"ar- me; =hen
he came abreast o% a break in the o$ter 'ine4 the 'i)ht %'o"e- %rom it across the %'oor; !he 'ook on
his %ace "as )hast'1 as it to$che- his %oot; ,e screame- an- be)an to me't;
F(topIG : crie-; FOr 1o$ can %in- another Pattern repairmanI 0estore him an- 'ea&e him a'one or
: "on@t -o itI : mean itIG
E$rt@s co''apsin) 'e)s 'en)thene- a)ain; !he r$sh o% b'$e-"hite incan-escence "hich ha- %'e-
$p"ar- thro$)h his bo-1 "as "ith-ra"n as the 'i)ht retreate- %rom him; !he e.pression o% pain
'e%t his %ace;
F: kno" he@s a 9o)r$s-)host4G : sai-4 Fan- he@s patterne- on m1 'east %a&orite re'ati&e4 b$t 1o$
'ea&e him a'one4 1o$ son o% a bitch4 or : "on@t "a'k 1o$I Ao$ can keep Cora' an- 1o$ can sta1
!he 'i)ht %'o"e- back thro$)h the imper%ection4 an- thin)s stoo- as the1 ha- moments be%ore;
F: "ant a promise4G : sai-;
A )i)antic sheet o% %'ame rose %rom the Broken Pattern to the top o% the chamber4 then %e'' a)ain;
F: take it that is an a%%irmati&e4G : sai-;
!he %'ames no--e-;
F!hanks4G : hear- E$rt "hisper;
Chapter $
An- so : commence- m1 "a'k; !he b'ack 'ine -i- not ha&e the same %ee'in) to it as the b'a6in)
ones back $n-er Amber; B1 %eet came -o"n as i% on -ea- )ro$n-4 tho$)h there "as a t$) an- a
crack'e "hen : raise- them;
FBer'inIG E$rt ca''e- o$t; F=hat sho$'- : -o>G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G : sho$te- back;
F,o" -o : )et o$t o% here>G
F#o o$t the -oor an- start sha-o"-shi%tin)4G : sai-4 For %o''o" me thro$)h this Pattern an- ha&e
it sen- 1o$ "here&er 1o$ "ant;G
F: -on@t be'ie&e 1o$ can sha-o"-shi%t this c'ose to Amber4 can 1o$>G
FBa1be "e are too c'ose; (o )et a"a1 ph1sica''1 an- then -o it;G
: kept mo&in); !here came sma'' crack'in) so$n-s "hene&er : raise- m1 %eet no";
F:@- )et 'ost in the ca&es i% : trie- that;G
F!hen %o''o" me;G
F!he Pattern "i'' -estro1 me;G
F:t@s promise- not to;G
,e 'a$)he- harsh'1;
FAn- 1o$ be'ie&e it>G
F:% it "ants this ?ob -one proper'14 it has no choice;G
: came to the %irst break in the Pattern; A <$ick cons$'tation o% the Ee"e' sho"e- me "here the
'ine sho$'- 'ie; =ith some trepi-ation : took m1 %irst step be1on- the &isib'e markin); !hen
another; An- another; : "ante- to 'ook back "hen : %ina''1 crosse- the )ap; :nstea-4 : "aite- $nti'
the nat$ra' c$r&in) o% m1 ro$te )rante- me that &ie"; : sa" then that the entire 'ine : ha- "a'ke-
th$s %ar ha- be)$n to )'o"4 ?$st 'ike the rea' thin); !he spi''e- '$minescence seeme- to ha&e
been absorbe- "ithin it4 -arkenin) the interstitia' )ro$n- area; E$rt ha- mo&e- to a position near
that be)innin); ,e ca$)ht m1 )a6e;
F: -on@t kno"4 Ber'in4G he sai-; F: ?$st -on@t kno";G
F!he E$rt : kne" "o$'-n@t ha&e ha- )$ts eno$)h to tr1 it4G : to'- him;
FNeither -o :;G
FAs 1o$ pointe- o$t4 o$r mother -i- it; O--s are 1o$@&e )ot the )enes; =hat the he''; :% :@m
"ron)4 it@'' be o&er be%ore 1o$ kno" it;G
: took another step; ,e )a&e a mirth'ess 'a$)h;
!hen4 F=hat the he''4G he sai-4 an- he set his %oot $pon it;
F,e14 :@m sti'' a'i&e4G he ca''e- o$t; F=hat no">G
F3eep comin)4G : sai-; F+o''o" me; /on@t stop; An- -on@t 'ea&e the 'ine or a'' bets are o%%8G
!here %o''o"e- another t$rnin) o% the "a14 an- : %o''o"e- it an- 'ost si)ht o% him; As :
contin$e- a'on)4 : became a"are o% a pain in m1 ri)ht ank'eDpro-$ct o% a'' the hikin) an-
c'imbin) : ha- -one4 : s$ppose-; :t be)an increasin) "ith each step; :t "as hot an- soon )re" to
be <$ite terrib'e; ,a- : someho" torn a 'i)ament> ,a- :D
O% co$rse; : co$'- sme'' the b$rnin) 'eather no";
: p'$n)e- m1 han- into the sheath area o% m1 boot an- "ith-re" the Chaos -a))er; :t "as
ra-iatin) heat; !his pro.imit1 to the Pattern "as a%%ectin) it; : co$'-n@t keep it abo$t me an1
: -re" m1 arm back an- cast the "eapon across the Pattern in the -irection : "as %acin)4 to"ar-
the en- o% the room "here the -oor"a1 "as sit$ate-; A$tomatica''1 m1 )a6e %o''o"e- its
passa)e; !here "as a sma'' mo&ement in the sha-o"s to"ar- "hich it %'e"; A man "as stan-in)
there4 "atchin) me; !he -a))er str$ck the "a'' an- %e'' to the %'oor; ,e 'eane- o&er an- picke- it
$p; : hear- a ch$ck'e; ,e ma-e a s$--en mo&ement4 an- the -a))er came arcin) back across the
Pattern in m1 -irection;
:t 'an-e- ahea- an- to the ri)ht o% me; As soon as it ma-e contact "ith the Pattern4 a %o$ntain o%
b'$e %'ame en)$'%e- it4 risin) "e'' abo&e the 'e&e' o% m1 hea-4 sp'atterin)4 si66'in); : %'inche- an-
: s'o"e-4 tho$)h : kne" it "o$'- -o me no permanent harm4 an- : kept "a'kin); : ha- reache-
the 'on) %ronta' arc "here the )oin) "as s'o";
F(ta1 on the 'ine4G : 1e''e- to E$rt; F/on@t "orr1 abo$t thin)s 'ike that;G
F: $n-erstan-4G he sai-; F=ho@s that )$1>G
F/amne- i% : kno";G
: p$she- ahea-; : "as nearer to the circ'e o% %'ame no"; : "on-ere- "hat thet'iga "o$'- think
o% m1 present pre-icament; : ma-e m1 "a1 aro$n- another t$rn an- "as ab'e to see back o&er a
consi-erab'e section o% m1 trai'; :t "as )'o"in) e&en'14 an- E$rt "as comin) on stron)'14 mo&in)
as : ha-4 the %'ames risin) abo&e his ank'es no"; !he1 "ere a'most $p to m1 knees; +rom the
corner o% m1 e1e : sa" a mo&ement %rom that area o% the chamber "here the stran)er stoo-;
!he man mo&e- %orth %rom his sha-o"1 a'co&e4 s'o"'14 care%$''14 %'o"in) a'on) the %ar "a''; At
'east he -i- not seem intereste- in "a'kin) the Pattern; ,e mo&e- to a point a'most -irect'1
opposite its be)innin);
: ha- no choice b$t to contin$e m1 co$rse4 "hich took me thro$)h c$r&es an- t$rns that
remo&e- him %rom m1 si)ht; : came to another break in the Pattern an- %e't it knit as : crosse- it;
A bare'1 a$-ib'e m$sic seeme- to occ$r as : -i- so; !he tempo o% the %'$. "ithin the 'i)hte- area
seeme- to increase a'so4 as it %'o"e- into the 'ines4 etchin) a sharp4 bri)ht trai' behin- me; :
ca''e- an occasiona' piece o% a-&ice to E$rt4 "ho "as se&era' 'aps back4 tho$)h his co$rse
sometimes bro$)ht him abreast o% me an- c'ose eno$)h to to$ch ha- there been an1 reason to;
!he b'$e %ires "ere hi)her no"4 reachin) $p to mi--thi)h4 an- m1 hair "as risin); : be)an a
s'o" series o% t$rns; Abo&e the crack'in) an- the m$sic4 : aske-4&ow're ou doing, *rakir5
!here "as no rep'1;
: t$rne-4 kept mo&in) thro$)h an area o% hi)h impe-ance4 emer)e- %rom it4 beho'-in) the %ier1
"a'' o% Cora'@s prison there at the Pattern@s center; As : took m1 "a1 aro$n- it4 the opposite si-e
o% the Pattern s'o"'1 came into &ie";
!he stran)er stoo- "aitin)4 the co''ar o% his c'oak t$rne- hi)h; =ithin the sha-o"s "hich 'a1
$pon his %ace4 : co$'- see that his teeth "ere bare- in a )rin; : "as start'e- b1 the %act that he
stoo- in the mi-st o% the Pattern itse'%D"atchin) m1 a-&ance4 apparent'1 "aitin) %or meD$nti'
: rea'i6e- that he ha- entere- b1 "a1 o% a break in the -esi)n "hich : "as hea-e- to repair;
FAo$ are )oin) to ha&e to )et o$t o% m1 "a14G : ca''e- o$t; F: can@t stop4 an- : can@t 'et 1o$ stop
,e -i-n@t stir4 an- : reca''e- m1 %ather@s te''in) me o% a %i)ht "hich ha- occ$rre- on the prima'
Pattern; : s'appe- the hi't o% #ra1s"an-ir;
F:@m comin) thro$)h4G : sai-;
!he b'$e-"hite %ires came $p e&en hi)her "ith m1 ne.t step4 an- in their 'i)ht : sa" his %ace; :t
"as m1 o"n;
FNo4G : sai-;
FAes4G he sai-;
FAo$ are the 'ast o% the 9o)r$s-)hosts to con%ront me;G
F:n-ee-4G he rep'ie-;
: took another step;
FAet4G : obser&e-4 Fi% 1o$ are a reconstr$ction o% m1se'% %rom the time : ma-e it thro$)h the
9o)r$s4 "h1 sho$'- 1o$ oppose me here> !he se'% : reca'' bein) in those -a1s "o$'-n@t ha&e
taken a ?ob 'ike this;G
,is )rin "ent a"a1;
F: am not 1o$ in that sense4G he state-; F!he on'1 "a1 to make this happen as it m$st4 as :
$n-erstan- it4 "as to s1nthesi6e m1 persona'it1 in some %ashion;G
F(o 1o$@re me "ith a 'obotom1 an- or-ers to ki'';G
F/on@t sa1 that4G he rep'ie-; F:t makes it so$n- "ron)4 an- "hat :@m -oin) is ri)ht; =e e&en
ha&e man1 o% the same memories;G
F9et me thro$)h an- :@'' ta'k to 1o$ a%ter"ar-; : think the 9o)r$s ma1 ha&e scre"e- itse'% b1
tr1in) this st$nt; Ao$ -on@t "ant to ki'' 1o$rse'%4 an- neither -o :; !o)ether "e co$'- "in this
)ame4 an- there@s room in (ha-o" %or more than one Ber'in;G
:@- s'o"e-4 b$t : ha- to take another step then; : co$'-n@t a%%or- to 'ose moment$m at this point;
,is 'ips ti)htene- to a thin 'ine4 an- he shook his hea-;
F(orr14G he sai-; F: "as born to 'i&e one ho$rD$n'ess : ki'' 1o$; :% : -o4 1o$r 'i%e "i'' be )i&en
to me;G
,e -re" his b'a-e;
F: kno" 1o$ better than 1o$ think : -o4G : sai-4 F"hether 1o$@&e been restr$ct$re- or not; : -on@t
think 1o$@'' -o it; +$rthermore4 : mi)ht be ab'e to 'i%t that -eath sentence; :@&e 'earne- some
thin)s abo$t ho" it "orks %or 1o$ )hosts;G
,e e.ten-e- his b'a-e4 "hich resemb'e- one :@- ha- 1ears a)o4 an- its point a'most reache- me;
F(orr14G he repeate-;
: -re" #ra1s"an-ir %or p$rposes o% parr1in) it; :@- ha&e been a %oo' not to; : -i-n@t kno" "hat
sort o% ?ob the 9o)r$s ha- -one on his hea-; : racke- m1 memories %or %encin) techni<$es :@-
st$-ie- since :@- become an initiate o% the 9o)r$s;
Aes; Bene-ict@s )ame "ith Bore' ha- remin-e- me; :@- taken some 'essons in :ta'ian-st1'e
%encin) since then; :t )a&e one "i-er4 more care'ess-seemin) parries4 compensate- b1 )reater
e.tension; #ra1s"an-ir "ent %orth4 beat his b'a-e to the o$tsi-e4 an- e.ten-e-; ,is "rist bent
into a +rench %o$r4 b$t : "as a'rea-1 $n-er it4 arm sti'' e.ten-e-4 "rist strai)ht4 s'i-in) m1 ri)ht
%oot %or"ar- a'on) the 'ine as the %orte o% m1 b'a-e beat hea&i'1 a)ainst the %orte o% his %rom the
o$tsi-e4 an- : imme-iate'1 steppe- %or"ar- "ith m1 'e%t %oot4 -ri&in) the "eapon across his
bo-1 ti'' the )$ar-s 'ocke- an- contin$in) its -rop in that -irection;
An- then m1 'e%t han- %e'' $pon the insi-e o% his ri)ht e'bo"4 in a mane$&er a martia' artist
%rien- ha- ta$)ht me back in co''e)e-zenponage4 : think he ca''e- it; : 'o"ere- m1 hips as :
presse- -o"n"ar-; : t$rne- m1 hips then4 co$nterc'ock"ise; ,is ba'ance broke4 an- he %e''
to"ar- m1 'e%t; On'1 : co$'- not permit that; :% he 'an-e- on the Pattern proper4 :@- a %$nn1
%ee'in) he@- )o o%% 'ike a %ire"orks -isp'a1; (o : contin$e- the -rop %or se&era' more inches4
shi%te- m1 han- to his sho$'-er4 an- p$she- him4 so that he %e'' back into the broken area; !hen :
hear- a scream4 an- a b'a6in) %orm passe- on m1 'e%t si-e;
FNoIG : crie-4 reachin) %or it;
B$t : "as too 'ate; E$rt ha- steppe- o%% the 'ine4 sprin)in) past me4 -ri&in) his b'a-e into m1
-o$b'e e&en as his o"n bo-1 s"ir'e- an- b'a6e-; +ire a'so po$re- %rom m1 -o$b'e@s "o$n-; ,e
trie- $ns$ccess%$''1 to rise an- %e'' back;
F/on@t sa1 that : ne&er ser&e- 1o$4 brother4G E$rt state-4 be%ore he "as trans%orme- into a
"hir'"in-4 "hich rose to the chamber@s roo%4 "here it -issipate-;
: co$'- not reach %ar eno$)h to to$ch m1 -oppe')an)er4 an- moments 'ater : -i- not "ish to4 %or
he "as <$ick'1 trans%orme- into a h$man torch;
,is )a6e "as -irecte- $p"ar-4 %o''o"in) E$rt@s spectac$'ar passin); ,e 'ooke- at me then an-
smi'e- crooke-'1;
F,e "as ri)ht4 1o$ kno"4G he sai-4 an- then he4 too4 "as en)$'%e-;
:t took a"hi'e to o&ercome m1 inertia4 b$t a%ter a time : -i-4 contin$in) m1 rit$a' -ance abo$t
the %ire; !he ne.t time aro$n- there "as no trace o% either o% their persons4 tho$)h their b'a-es
remaine- "here the1 ha- %a''en4 crosse-4 across m1 path; : kicke- them o%% the Pattern as : "ent
b1; !he %'ames "ere $p to m1 "aist b1 then;
Aro$n-4 back4 o&er; : )'ance- into the Ee"e' perio-ica''14 to a&oi- missteps4 an- piece b1 piece :
stitche- the Pattern to)ether; !he 'i)ht "as -ra"n into the 'ines4 an- sa&e %or the centra' b'a6e4 it
came more an- more to resemb'e the thin) "e kept in the basement back home;
!he +irst 7ei' bro$)ht pain%$' memories o% the Co$rts an- o% Amber; : sta1e- a'oo%4 shi&erin)4
an- these thin)s passe-; !he (econ- 7ei' mi.e- memor1 an- -esire in (an +rancisco; :
contro''e- m1 breathin) an- preten-e- : "as on'1 a spectator; !he %'ames -ance- abo$t m1
sho$'-ers4 an- : tho$)ht o% a series o% ha'% moons as : tra&erse- arc a%ter arc4 c$r&e $pon re&erse
c$r&e; !he resistance )re" ti'' : "as -renche- "ith s"eat as : str$))'e- a)ainst it; B$t : ha- been
this "a1 be%ore; !he Pattern "as not ?$st aro$n- me b$t insi-e me as "e'';
: mo&e-4 an- : reache- the point o% -iminishin) ret$rns4 o% 'ess an- 'ess -istance )aine- %or the
e%%ort e.pen-e-; : kept seein) -isso'&in) E$rt an- m1 o"n -1in) %ace ami- %'ames4 an- it -i-n@t
matter a bit that : kne" the memor1 r$sh "as Pattern-in-$ce-; :t sti'' bothere- me as : -ro&e
m1se'% %or"ar-;
: s"ept m1 )a6e aro$n- me once as : neare- the #reat C$r&e4 an- : sa" that this Pattern ha-
no" been %$'' repaire-; : ha- bri-)e- a'' o% the breaks "ith connectin) 'ines4 an- it b$rne- no"
'ike a %ro6en Catherine "hee' a)ainst a b'ack an- star'ess sk1; Another step;;;
: patte- the "arm Ee"e' that : "ore; :ts r$--1 )'o" came $p to me e&en more stron)'1 no" than
it ha- ear'ier; : "on-ere- "hether there "as an eas1 "a1 to )et it back "here it be'on)e-;
Another step;;;
: raise- the Ee"e' an- stare- into it; !here "as an ima)e o% me comp'etin) the "a'kin) o% the
#ran- C$r&e an- contin$in) ri)ht on thro$)h the "a'' o% %'ames as i% this represente- no prob'em
"hatsoe&er; =hi'e : took the &ision as a piece o% a-&ice4 : "as remin-e- o% a /a&i- (teinber)
ro$tine "hich /roppa ha- once appropriate-; : hope- that the Pattern "as not into practica'
!he %'ames en&e'ope- me %$''1 as : commence- the C$r&e; : contin$e- to s'o" as m1 e%%orts
mo$nte-; (tep a%ter pain%$' step : -re" nearer to the +ina' 7ei'; : co$'- %ee' m1se'% bein)
trans%orme- into an e.pression o% p$re "i''4 as e&er1thin) that : "as became %oc$se- $pon a
sin)'e en-; Another step;;;:t %e't as i% : "ere "ei)hte- -o"n "ith hea&1 armor; :t "as the %ina'
three steps that p$she- one near -espair@s e-)e;
!hen came the point "here e&en mo&ement became 'ess important than the e%%ort; :t "as no
'on)er the res$'ts b$t the attempt that mattere-; B1 "i'' "as the %'ame4 m1 bo-14 smoke or
An- a)ain;;;
(een thro$)h m1 risen b'$e 'i)ht4 the oran)e %'ames "hich s$rro$n-e- Cora' became si'&er-)ra1
spikes o% incan-escence; =ithin the crack'in) an- the poppin) : hear- somethin) 'ike m$sic once
a)ainD'o"4 a-a)io4 a -eep4 &ibrant thin)4 'ike Bichae' Boore p'a1in) bass; : trie- to accept the
rh1thm4 to mo&e "ith it; (omeho"4 then4 it seeme- that : s$ccee-e-Dthat4 or m1 time sense
became -istorte-Das : mo&e- "ith a %ee'in) o% somethin) 'ike %'$i-it1 thro$)h the ne.t steps;
Or ma1be the Pattern %e't it o"e- me a %a&or an- ha- ease- $p %or a %e" beats; :@'' ne&er kno";
: passe- thro$)h the +ina' 7ei'4 %ace- the "a'' o% %'ame4 s$--en'1 oran)e a)ain4 an- kept )oin); :
-re" m1 ne.t breath in the heart o% %ire;
Cora' 'a1 there at the Pattern@s center4 'ookin) prett1 m$ch as she ha- "hen 'ast : ha- seen herD
in a copper shirt an- -ark )reen breechesDsa&e that she appeare- to be s'eepin)4 spra"'e- there
$pon her hea&1 bro"n c'oak; : -roppe- to m1 ri)ht knee besi-e her an- 'ai- m1 han- $pon her
sho$'-er; (he -i- not stir; : br$she- a stran- o% her re--ish hair o%% her cheek4 stroke- that cheek
a %e" times;
FCora'>G : sai-;
No response;
: ret$rne- m1 han- to her sho$'-er4 shook her )ent'1;
(he -re" a -eep breath an- si)he- it o$t4 b$t she -i- not a"aken;
: shook her a bit har-er; F=ake $p4 Cora';G
: s'ippe- m1 arm beneath her sho$'-ers4 raise- her part"a1; ,er e1es -i- not open; Ob&io$s'1
she "as $n-er some sort o% spe''; !he mi--'e o% the Pattern "as har-'1 the p'ace to s$mmon the
(i)n o% the 9o)r$s i% one "ishe- to remain $nincinerate-; (o : trie- the stor1book reme-1; :
'eane- %or"ar- an- kiss her; (he ma-e a sma''4 -eep noise4 an- her e1e'i-s %'$ttere-; B$t she -i-
not come aro$n-; : trie- a)ain; (ame res$'t;
F(hitIG : remarke-; : "ante- a 'itt'e e'bo"-room %or "orkin) on a spe'' 'ike this4 a p'ace "here :
ha- access to some o% the too's o% m1 tra-e an- co$'- ca'' $pon the so$rce o% m1 po"ers "ith
: raise- her hi)her an- comman-e- the Pattern to transport $s back to m1 apartment in Amber4
"here hert'iga -possesse- sister 'a1 in a trance o% her o"n-one o% m1 brother@s -oin)4 %or
p$rposes o% protectin) me %rom her;
F!ake $s home4G : sai- a'o$-4 %or emphasis;
Nothin) happene-;
: emp'o1e- a stron) &is$a'i6ation then an- backe- once more "ith the menta' comman-;
=e -i-n@t stir;
: 'o"ere- Cora' )ent'14 rose4 an- 'ooke- o$t across the Pattern thro$)h the %aintest area o% the
F9ook4G : sai-4 F: ?$st -i- 1o$ a bi) %a&or4 in&o'&in) a 'ot o% e.ertion an- consi-erab'e risk; No"
: "ant to )o the he'' o$t o% here an- take the 'a-1 "ith me; =i'' 1o$ p'ease ob'i)e>G
!he %'ames -ie- -o"n4 "ere )one4 %or se&era' beats; :n the -iminishe- 'i)ht "hich %o''o"e- :
became a"are that the Ee"e' "as p$'sin)4 'ike the messa)e 'i)ht on a hote' phone; : raise- it an-
stare- into it;
: har-'1 e.pecte- an O-rate- short %eat$re4 b$t that@s "hat "as p'a1in);
F: be'ie&e :@m recei&in) the "ron) channe'4G : sai-; F:% 1o$@&e )ot a messa)e4 'et@s ha&e it;
Other"ise4 : ?$st "ant to )o home;G
Nothin) chan)e-4 sa&e that : became a"are o% a stron) resemb'ance bet"een the t"o %i)$res in
the Ee"e' an- Cora' an- m1se'%; !he1 "ere )oin) at it on a c'oak at "hat appeare- to be the
center o% a Pattern4flagrante ad infinitum Drather 'ike a spicier &ersion o% the o'- sa't bo. 'abe'4
it seeme-4 i% the1 co$'- be seein) into the ?e"e' the )$1 "as "earin) an- "atchin);;;;
F2no$)hIG : crie-; F!his is %$ckin) ri-ic$'o$sI Ao$ "ant a !antric rit$a' :@'' sen- 1o$ some
pro%essiona'sI !he 'a-1 isn@t e&en a"akeDG
!he Ee"e' p$'se- a)ain4 "ith s$ch intensit1 that it h$rt m1 e1es; : 'et it %a''; : kne't then4 scoope-
Cora' $p4 an- stoo-;
F: -on@t kno" "hether an1one@s e&er "a'ke- 1o$ back"ar-s be%ore4G : sai-4 Fb$t : -on@t see "h1
it sho$'-n@t "ork;G
: took a step in the -irection o% the +ina' 7ei'; :mme-iate'1 the "a'' o% %'ame spran) $p be%ore
me; : st$mb'e- in -ra"in) a"a1 %rom it4 %e'' back $pon the o$tsprea- c'oak; : he'- Cora' to me
that she not be cast into the %ire; (he came -o"n on top o% me; (he seeme- a'most a"ake;;;;
,er arms "ent aro$n- m1 neck4 an- she sort o% n$66'e- m1 cheek; (he seeme- more -ro"s1
than comatose no"; : he'- her ti)ht'1 an- tho$)ht abo$t it;
FCora'>G : trie- a)ain;
FBm4G she sai-;
F(eems the on'1 "a1 "e can )et o$t o% here is b1 makin) 'o&e;G
F!ho$)ht 1o$@- ne&er ask4G she m$mb'e-4 e1es sti'' c'ose-;
!hat ma-e it seem some"hat 'ess 'ike necrophi'ia4 : to'- m1se'% as : t$rne- $s onto o$r si-es so :
co$'- )et at those copper1 b$ttons; (he m$ttere- a 'itt'e more "hi'e : "as abo$t thin)s4 b$t it
-i-n@t e.act'1 t$rn into a con&ersation; (ti''4 her bo-1 "as not $nresponsi&e to m1 attentions4 an-
the enco$nter <$ick'1 took on a'' the $s$a' %eat$res4 too commonp'ace to be o% m$ch concern to
the sophisticate-; :t seeme- an interestin) "a1 to break a spe''; Ba1be the Pattern -i- ha&e a
sense o% h$mor; : -on@t kno";
!he %ires -ie- -o"n at abo$t the same time that the %ires -ie- -o"n4 so to speak; Cora'@s e1es
%ina''1 opene-;
F!hat seems to ha&e taken care o% the circ'e o% %'ames4G : sai-;
F=hen -i- this cease bein) a -ream>G she aske-;
F#oo- <$estion4G : rep'ie-4 Fan- on'1 1o$ can ans"er it;G
F/i- 1o$ ?$st resc$e me %rom somethin)>G
F!hat seems the easiest "a1 to p$t it4G : ans"ere- as she -re" a"a1 some"hat an- cast her )a6e
abo$t the chamber; F(ee "here it )ot 1o$ "hen 1o$ aske- the Pattern to sen- 1o$ "here 1o$
sho$'- )o>G : sai-;
F(cre"e-4G she rep'ie-;
=e -re" apart; =e a-?$ste- o$r appare';
F:t@s a )oo- "a1 to )et to kno" each other better;;;G : ha- be)$n "hen the ca&ern "as shaken b1
a po"er%$' earth tremor;
F!he timin) is rea''1 o%% here4G : obser&e- as "e "ere rocke- to)ether an- c'$n) to each other
%or com%ort4 i% not s$pport;
:t "as o&er in an instant4 an- the Pattern "as s$--en'1 b'a6in) more bri''iant'1 than :@- e&er seen
it be%ore; : shook m1 hea-; : r$bbe- m1 e1es; (omethin) "as "ron)4 e&en tho$)h it %e't &er1
ri)ht; !hen the )reat meta'-bo$n- -oor opene--in"ar-IDan- : rea'i6e- that "e ha- come back to
Amber4 the rea' Amber; B1 )'o"in) trai' sti'' 'e- $p to the thresho'-4 tho$)h it "as %a-in) %ast4
an- a sma'' %i)$re stoo- $pon it; Be%ore : co$'- e&en s<$int a)ainst the corri-or@s )'oom4 : %e't a
%ami'iar -isorientation4 an- "e "ere in m1 be-room;
FNa1-aIG Cora' e.c'aime- "hen she &ie"e- the %i)$re rec'ine- $pon m1 be-;
FNot e.act'14G : sai-; F: mean4 it@s her bo-1; B$t the spirit that mo&es it is o% a -i%%erent or-er;G
F: -on@t $n-erstan-;G
: "as b$s1 thinkin) o% the person "ho ha- been abo$t to in&a-e the precincts o% the Pattern; :
"as a'so a mass o% achin) m$sc'es4 screamin) ner&es4 an- assorte- %ati)$e poisons; : crosse- to
the tab'e "here the "ine bott'e :@- opene- %or EasraDho" 'on) a)o>Dsti'' stoo-; : %o$n- $s t"o
c'ean )'asses; : %i''e- them; : passe- one to Cora';
FAo$r sister "as &er1 i'' a"hi'e back4 "asn@t she>G
FAes4G she rep'ie-;
: took a bi) s"a''o";
F(he "as near -eath; At that time her bo-1 "as possesse- b1 at'iga spiritDa kin- o% -emonD
as Na1-a no 'on)er ha- an1 $se %or it;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean b1 that>G
F: $n-erstan- that she act$a''1 -ie-;G
Cora' stare- into m1 e1es; (he -i-n@t %in- "hate&er she so$)ht4 an- she took a -rink instea-;
F:@- kno"n somethin) "as "ron)4G she sai-; F(he hasn@t rea''1 been herse'% since the i''ness;G
F(he became nast1> (neak1>G
FNo4 a 'ot nicer; Na1-a "as a'"a1s a bitch;G
FAo$ -i-n@t )et a'on)>G
FNot ti'' recent'1; (he@s not in an1 pain4 is she>G
FNo4 she@s ?$st s'eepin); (he@s $n-er a spe'';G
F=h1 -on@t 1o$ re'ease her> (he -oesn@t 'ook 'ike m$ch o% a -an)er;G
F: -on@t think she is no"; E$st the opposite4 in %act4G : sai-; FAn- "e "i'' re'ease her4 soon; B1
brother Ban-or "i'' ha&e to $n-o it4 tho$)h; :t@s his spe'';G
FBan-or> : -on@t rea''1 kno" m$ch abo$t 1o$Dor 1o$r %ami'1D-o :>G
FNope4G4: sai-4 Fan- &ice &ersa; 9isten4 : -on@t e&en kno" "hat -a1 it is;G : crosse- the room an-
peere- o$t the "in-o"; !here "as -a1'i)ht; :t "as c'o$-1 tho$)h4 an- : co$'-n@t )$ess the time;
F!here@s somethin) 1o$ sho$'- -o ri)ht a"a1; #o see 1o$r %ather an- 'et him kno" 1o$@re a''
ri)ht; !e'' him 1o$ )ot 'ost in the ca&erns or took a "ron) t$rn into the Corri-or Birrors an-
"o$n- $p on some other p'ane o% e.istence or somethin); An1thin); !o a&oi- a -ip'omatic
inci-ent; Oka1>G
(he %inishe- her -rink an- no--e-; !hen she 'ooke- at me an- b'$she- an- 'ooke- a"a1;
F=e@'' )et to)ether a)ain be%ore : 'ea&e4 "on@t "e>G
: reache- o$t an- patte- her sho$'-er4 not rea''1 kno"in) "hat m1 %ee'in)s "ere; !hen : rea'i6e-
that "o$'-n@t -o4 an- : steppe- %or"ar- an- embrace- her;
FAo$ kno" it4G : sai- as : stroke- her hair;
F!hanks %or sho"in) me aro$n- to"n;G
F=e@'' ha&e to -o it a)ain4G : to'- her4 Fas soon as the pace s'ackens;G
=e "a'ke- to the -oor;
F: "ant to see 1o$ soon4G she sai-;
F:@m %a-in) %ast4G : to'- her4 as : opene- it; F:@&e been thro$)h he'' an- back;G
(he to$che- m1 cheek;
FPoor Ber'in4G she sai-; F('eep ti)ht;G
: )$'pe- the rest o% m1 "ine an- "ith-re" m1 !r$mps; : "ante- to -o ?$st "hat she sai-4 b$t
certain $na&oi-ab'es came %irst; : ri%%'e- m1 "a1 to the #host"hee'@s car-4 remo&e- it4 an-
re)ar-e- it;
A'most imme-iate'14 %o''o"in) the %aintest -rop in temperat$re an- the barest %ormation o%
-esire on m1 part4 #host"hee' appeare- be%ore meDa re- circ'e t$rnin) in the mi--'e o% the air;
F*h4 he''o4 /a-4G it state-; F: "as "on-erin) "here 1o$@- )otten to; =hen : checke- back at the
ca&e4 1o$ "ere )one4 an- none o% m1 sha-o" proce-$res co$'- t$rn 1o$ $p; :t ne&er
e&en occ$rre- to me that 1o$ mi)ht simp'1 ha&e come home; :DG
F9ater4G : sai-; F:@m in a h$rr1; #et me -o"n to the chamber o% the Pattern %ast;G
F!here@s somethin) :@- better te'' 1o$ %irst;G
F!hat %orce that %o''o"e- 1o$ to the 3eepDthe one : hi- 1o$ %rom in the ca&e;;;>G
F:t "as the Pattern itse'% that "as seekin) 1o$;G
F: )$esse- that4G : sai-4 F'ater; =e@&e ha- o$r enco$nter an- sort o% come to terms %or no"; #et
me -o"n there ri)ht a"a1; :t@s important;G
F(ir4 : am a%rai- o% that thin);G
F!hen take me as c'ose as 1o$ -are an- step asi-e; : ha&e to check somethin) o$t;G
F7er1 "e''; Come this "a1;G
: took a step %or"ar-; #host rose into the air4 rotate- ninet1 -e)rees to"ar- me4 an- -roppe-
<$ick'14 passin) m1 hea-4 sho$'-ers4 torso an- &anishin) beneath m1 %eet; !he 'i)hts "ent o$t as
he -i- so4 an- : ca''e- $p m1 9o)r$s &ision imme-iate'1; :t sho"e- me that : stoo- in the
passa)e"a1 o$tsi-e the bi) -oor to the chamber o% the Pattern;
F#host>G : sai- so%t'1;
!here "as no rep'1;
: mo&e- %or"ar-4 t$rne- the corner4 a-&ance- to the -oor4 an- 'eane- $pon it; :t "as sti''
$n'ocke-4 an- it 1ie'-e- to m1 p$shin); +rakir p$'se- once $pon m1 "rist;
*rakir5: in<$ire-;
!here came no ans"er %rom that <$arter either;
"ose our voice, lad5
(he p$'se- t"ice; : stroke- her;
As the -oor opene- be%ore me4 : "as certain that the Pattern ha- )ro"n bri)hter; !he obser&ation
"as <$ick'1 p$she- asi-e4 ho"e&er; A -ark-haire- "oman stoo- at the Pattern@s center4 her back
to me4 her arms $praise-; : a'most sho$te- the name : tho$)ht she mi)ht ans"er to4 b$t she "as
)one be%ore m1 &oca' mechanism respon-e-; : s'$mpe- a)ainst the "a'';
F: rea''1 %ee' $se-4G : sai- a'o$-; FAo$@&e r$n m1 ass ra))e-4 1o$ p'ace- m1 'i%e in ?eopar-1
more than once4 1o$ )ot me to per%orm to satis%1 1o$r metaph1sica' &o1e$rism4 then 1o$ kicke-
me o$t a%ter 1o$ )ot the 'ast thin) 1o$ "ante-Da s'i)ht'1 bri)hter )'o"; : )$ess that )o-s or
po"ers or "hate&er the he'' 1o$ are -on@t ha&e to sa1 T!hank 1o$@ or T:@m sorr1@ or @#o to he''@
"hen the1@&e %inishe- $sin) someone; An- ob&io$s'1 1o$ %ee' no nee- to ?$sti%1 1o$rse'% to me;
=e''4 :@m not a bab1 carria)e; : resent bein) p$she- aro$n- b1 1o$ an- the 9o)r$s in "hate&er
)ame 1o$@re p'a1in); ,o"@- 1o$ 'ike it i% : opene- a &ein an- b'e- a'' o&er 1o$>G
:mme-iate'1 there "as a )reat coa'escence o% ener)1 at m1 si-e o% the Pattern; =ith a hea&1
"hooshin) so$n- a to"er o% b'$e %'ame b$i't itse'% be%ore me4 "i-ene-4 ass$me- )en-er'ess
%eat$res o% an enormo$s inh$man bea$t1; : ha- to sha-e m1 e1es a)ainst it;
FAo$ -o not $n-erstan-4G came a &oice mo-$'ate- o% the roarin) o% %'ames;
F: kno"; !hat@s "h1 :@m here;G
FAo$r e%%orts are not $nappreciate-;G
F#'a- to hear it;G
F!here "as no other "a1 to con-$ct matters;G
F=e''4 "ere the1 con-$cte- to 1o$r satis%action>G
F!he1 "ere;G
F!hen 1o$ are "e'come4 : )$ess;G
FAo$ are inso'ent4 Ber'in;G
F!he "a1 : %ee' ri)ht no" :@&e nothin) to 'ose; :@m ?$st too -amne- tire- to care "hat 1o$ -o to
me; (o : came -o"n here to te'' 1o$ that : think 1o$ o"e me a bi) one; !hat@s a'';G
: t$rne- m1 back on it then;
FNot e&en Oberon -are- a--ress me so4G it sai-;
: shr$))e- an- took a step to"ar- the -oor; =hen : set m1 %oot -o"n4 : "as back in m1
: shr$))e- a)ain4 then "ent an- sp'ashe- "ater in m1 %ace;
FAo$ sti'' oka14 /a->G
!here "as a rin) aro$n- the bo"'; :t rose into the air an- %o''o"e- me abo$t the room;
F:@m a'' ri)ht4G : ackno"'e-)e-; F,o" abo$t 1o$rse'%>G
F+ine; :t i)nore- me comp'ete'1;G
F/o 1o$ kno" "hat it@s $p to>G : aske-;
F:t seems to be -$e'in) "ith the 9o)r$s %or contro' o% (ha-o"; An- it ?$st "on a ro$n-;
=hate&er happene- seems to ha&e stren)thene- it; Ao$ "ere in&o'&e-4 ri)ht>G
F=here "ere 1o$ a%ter 1o$ 'e%t the ca&e :@- p$t 1o$ in>G
FAo$ kno" o% a 'an- that 'ies bet"een the sha-o"s>G
FBet"een> No; !hat -oesn@t make sense;G
F=e''4 that@s "here : "as;G
F,o"@- 1o$ )et there>G
F: -on@t kno"; =ith consi-erab'e -i%%ic$'t14 :@- )$ess; Are Ban-or an- Easra a'' ri)ht>G
F!he 'ast time : 'ooke- the1 "ere;G
F,o" abo$t 9$ke>G
F:@- no reason to seek him o$t; /o 1o$ "ant me to>G
FNot ?$st no"; 0i)ht no" : "ant 1o$ to )o $pstairs an- 'ook in on the ro1a' s$ite; : "ant to
kno" "hether it is4 at the moment4 occ$pie-; An- i% so4 b1 "hom; : a'so "ant 1o$ to check the
%irep'ace in the be-room; (ee "hether a 'oose stone "hich "as remo&e- %rom an area to the ri)ht
o% it has been rep'ace- or is sti'' '1in) $pon the hearth;G
,e &anishe-4 an- : pace-; : "as a%rai- to sit -o"n or to 'ie -o"n; :@- a %ee'in) that :@- )o to s'eep
instant'1 i% : -i- an- that :@- be -i%%ic$'t to a"aken; B$t #host sp$n back into e.istence be%ore :
cha'ke- $p m$ch mi'ea)e;
F!he M$een4 7ia''e4 is present4G he sai-4 Fin her st$-io4 the 'oose stone has been rep'ace-4 an-
there is a -"ar% in the ha'' knockin) on -oors;G
F/amn4G : sai-; F!hen the1 kno" it@s missin); A -"ar%>G
FA -"ar%;G
: si)he-;
F: )$ess :@- better "a'k on $pstairs4 ret$rn the Ee"e'4 an- tr1 to e.p'ain "hat happene-; :% 7ia''e
'ikes m1 stor14 she mi)ht ?$st %or)et to mention it to 0an-om;G
F:@'' trans%er 1o$ $p there;G
FNo4 that "o$'- not be too po'itic; Or po'ite either; :@- better )o knock on the -oor an- )et
a-mitte- proper'1 this time;G
F,o" -o peop'e kno" "hen to knock an- "hen to )o on in>G
F:n )enera'4 i% it@s c'ose-4 1o$ knock on it;G
FAs the -"ar% is -oin)>G
: hear- a %aint knockin) %rom some"here o$tsi-e;
F,e@s ?$st )oin) a'on)4 in-iscriminate'1 ban)in) on -oors>G : aske-;
F=e''4 he@s tr1in) them in se<$ence4 so : -on@t kno" that 1o$ co$'- sa1 it@s in-iscriminate; (o %ar
a'' o% the -oors he@s trie- ha&e been to rooms "hich are empt1; ,e sho$'- reach 1o$rs in another
min$te or so;G
: crosse- to m1 -oor4 $n'ocke- it4 opene- it4 an- steppe- o$t into the ha''"a1;
($re eno$)h4 there "as a short )$1 mo&in) a'on) the ha''"a1; ,e 'ooke- in m1 -irection at the
openin) o% m1 -oor4 an- his teeth sho"e- "ithin his bear- as he smi'e- an- hea-e- to"ar- me;
:t <$ick'1 became apparent that he "as a h$nchback;
FB1 #o-IG : sai-; FAo$@re /"orkin4 aren@t 1o$> !he rea' /"orkinIG
F: be'ie&e so4G he rep'ie- in a not $np'easant &oice; FAn- : -o hope that 1o$ are Cor"in@s son4
F: am4G : sai-; F!his is an $n$s$a' p'eas$re4 comin) at an $n$s$a' time;G
F:t is not a socia' ca''4G he state-4 -ra"in) near an- c'aspin) m1 han- an- sho$'-er; FAhI !hese
are 1o$r <$artersIG
FAes; =on@t 1o$ come in>G
F!hank 1o$;G
: 'e- him in; #host -i- a %'1-on-the-"a'' imitation4 became abo$t a ha'% inch in -iameter4 an-
took $p resi-ence on the armoire as i% the res$'t o% a stra1 s$nbeam; /"orkin -i- a <$ick t$rn
abo$t the sittin) room4 )'ance- into the be-room4 stare- at Na1-a %or a time4 m$ttere-4 FA'"a1s
'et s'eepin) -emons 'ie4G to$che- the Ee"e' as he passe- me on his ret$rn4 shook his hea-
%orebo-in)'14 an- sank into the chair :@- been a%rai- :@- )o to s'eep in;
F=o$'- 1o$ care %or a )'ass o% "ine>G : aske- him; ,e shook his hea-;
FNo4 thank 1o$4G he rep'ie-; F:t "as 1o$ "ho repaire- the nearest Broken Pattern in (ha-o"4
"as it not>G
FAes4 it "as;G
F=h1 -i- 1o$ -o it>G
F: -i-n@t ha&e m$ch choice in the matter;G
FAo$ ha- better te'' me a'' abo$t it4G the o'- man sai-4 t$))in) at his )ris'14 irre)$'ar bear-; ,is
hair "as 'on) an- co$'- ha&e $se- a trim a'so; (ti''4 there seeme- nothin) o% ma-ness in his )a6e
or his "or-s;
F:t is not a simp'e stor14 an- i% : am to sta1 a"ake 'on) eno$)h to te'' it4 : am )oin) to nee-
some co%%ee4G : sai-;
,e sprea- his han-s4 an- a sma''4 "hite-c'othe- tab'e appeare- bet"een $s4 bearin) ser&ice %or
t"o an- a steamin) si'&er1 cara%e set abo&e a s<$at can-'e; !here "as a'so a tra1 o% bisc$its; :
co$'-n@t ha&e s$mmone- it a'' that %ast; : "on-ere- "hether Ban-or co$'-;
F:n that case4 : "i'' ?oin 1o$4G /"orkin sai-;
: si)he- an- po$re-; : raise- the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment;
FPerhaps :@- better ret$rn this thin) be%ore : start4G : to'- him; F:t ma1 sa&e me a 'ot o% tro$b'e
,e shook his hea- as : be)an to rise;
F: think not4G he state-; F:% 1o$ take is o%% no"4 1o$ "i'' probab'1 -ie;G
: sat -o"n a)ain;
FCream an- s$)ar>G : aske- him;
Chapter %
: came aro$n- s'o"'1; !hat %ami'iar b'$eness "as a 'ake o% prebein) in "hich : -ri%te-; Oh4 1es4
: "as here beca$se;;;: "as here4 as the son) sai-; : t$rne- o&er onto m1 other si-e "ithin m1
s'eepin) ba)4 -re" m1 knees $p to m1 chest4 an- "ent back to s'eep;
!he ne.t time : came aro$n- an- )a&e it a <$ick )'ance the "or'- "as sti'' a b'$e p'ace; +ine8
!here is m$ch to be sai- %or the trie-4 the tr$e; !hen : reca''e- that 9$ke mi)ht be b1 at an1 time
to ki'' me4 an- m1 %in)ers "rappe- themse'&es aro$n- the hi't o% the "eapon besi-e me4 an- :
straine- m1 hearin) a%ter si)ns o% an1thin)@s approach;
=o$'- : spen- the -a1 chippin) at the "a'' o% m1 cr1sta' ca&e> : "on-ere-; Or "o$'- Easra
come an- tr1 a)ain to ki'' me>
A)ain> (omethin) "as "ron); !here@- bees an a"%$' 'ot o% b$siness in&o'&in) E$rt an- Cora'
an- 9$ke an- Ban-or4 an- e&en E$'ia; ,a- it a'' been a -ream>
!he moment o% panic came an- "ent4 an- then m1 "an-erin) spirit ret$rne-4 brin)in) a'on) the
rest o% m1 memories4 an- : 1a"ne- an- e&er1thin) "as a'' ri)ht a)ain;
: stretche-; : sat $p; : kn$ck'e- m1 e1es;
Aes4 : "as back in the cr1sta' ca&e; No4 e&er1thin) that ha- happene- since 9$ke imprisone- me
ha- not been a -ream; : ha- ret$rne- here b1 choice JaK beca$se a )oo- ni)ht@s s'eep in this time
'ine amo$nte- to on'1 a brie% span back in Amber4 JbK beca$se nobo-1 co$'- bother me here "ith
a !r$mp contact4 an- JcK beca$se it "as possib'e that e&en the Pattern an- the 9o)r$s co$'-n@t
track me -o"n here;
: br$she- m1 hair o$t o% m1 e1es4 rose4 an- hea-e- back to the ?ohn; :t ha- been a )oo- i-ea4
ha&in) #host transport me here %o''o"in) m1 co''o<$1 "ith /"orkin; : "as certain : ha- s'ept
%or somethin) 'ike t"e'&e ho$rsD-eep4 $n-ist$rbe- st$%%4 the best kin-; : -raine- a <$art "ater
bott'e; : "ashe- m1 %ace "ith more o% the st$%%;
9ater4 a%ter : ha- -resse- an- sto"e- the be-c'othes in the storeroom4 : "a'ke- to the entrance
chamber an- stoo- in the 'i)ht beneath the o&erhea- a-it; =hat : co$'- see o% the sk1 thro$)h it
"as c'ear; : co$'- sti'' hear 9$ke@s "or-s the -a1 he ha- imprisone- me here an- :@- 'earne- "e
"ere re'ate-;
: -re" the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment $p %rom "ithin m1 shirt4 remo&e- it4 he'- it hi)h so that the 'i)ht
shone %rom behin- it4 stare- into its -epths; No messa)es this time;
E$st as "e''; : "asn@t in the moo- %or t"o-"a1 tra%%ic; : 'o"ere- m1se'% into a com%ortab'e cross-
'e))e- position4 sti'' re)ar-in) the stone; !ime to -o it an- be -one "ith it4 no" that : %e't reste-
an- some"hat a'ert; As /"orkin ha- s$))este-4 : so$)ht the Pattern "ithin that re- poo';
A%ter a time it be)an to take shape; :t -i- not appear as : ha- been &is$a'i6in) it4 b$t this "as not
an e.ercise in &is$a'i6ation; : "atche- the str$ct$re come c'ear; :t "as not as i% it "ere s$--en'1
comin) into e.istence4 ho"e&er4 b$t rather as i% it ha- been there a'' a'on) an- m1 e1es "ere ?$st
no" a-?$stin) to percei&e it proper'1; 9ike'1 this "as act$a''1 the case4 too;
: took a -eep breath an- re'ease- it; : repeate- the process; !hen : be)an a care%$' s$r&e1 o% the
-esi)n8 : co$'-n@t reca'' e&er1thin) m1 %ather ha- sai- abo$t att$nin) onese'% to the Ee"e'; =hen
: ha- mentione- this to /"orkin4 he ha- to'- me not to "orr1 abo$t it4 that : nee-e- b$t to 'ocate
the three--imensiona' e-ition o% the Pattern "ithin the stone4 %in- its point o% entr14 an- tra&erse
it; =hen : presse- him %or -etai's4 he ha- simp'1 ch$ck'e- an- to'- me not to "orr1;
A'' ri)ht;
('o"'1 : t$rne- it4 -ra"in) it nearer; A sma'' break appeare-4 hi)h4 to the ri)ht; As : %oc$se-
$pon it4 it seeme- to r$sh to"ar- me;
: "ent to that p'ace4 an- : "ent in there; :t "as a stran)e ro''er coaster o% an e.perience4 mo&in)
a'on) Pattern-'ike 'ines "ithin the )emstone; : "ent "here it -re" me4 sometimes "ith a near-
e&isceratin) %ee'in) o% &erti)o4 other times p$shin) "ith m1 "i'' a)ainst the r$b1 barriers ti''
the1 1ie'-e- an- : c'imbe-4 %e''4 s'i-4 or p$she- m1 "a1 on"ar-; : 'ost most o% the a"areness o%
m1 bo-14 han- ho'-in) the chain hi)h4 sa&e that : kne" : "as s"eatin) pro%$se'14 as it st$n) m1
e1es "ith some re)$'arit1;
:@&e no i-ea ho" m$ch time passe- in m1 att$nement to the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment4 the hi)her
octa&e o% the Pattern; /"orkin %e't that there "ere reasons other than m1 ha&in) pisse- o%% the
Pattern %or its "antin) me -ea- imme-iate'1 %o''o"in) m1 comp'etion o% m1 bi6arre <$est an-
repairin) o% the nearest o% the Broken Patterns; B$t /"orkin re%$se- to e'aborate4 %ee'in) that m1
kno"in) the reason co$'- in%'$ence a possib'e %$t$re choice "hich sho$'- be ma-e %ree'1; A'' o%
"hich so$n-e- 'ike )ibberish to me4 sa&e that e&er1thin) e'se he sai- str$ck me as eminent'1
sane4 in contrast "ith the /"orkin : kne" o% %rom 'e)en- an- hearsa1;
B1 min- p'$n)e- an- reare- thro$)h the poo' o% b'oo- that "as the Ee"e'@s interior; !he Pattern
se)ments : ha- tra&erse- an- those : ha- 1et to tra&e' mo&e- abo$t me4 %'ashin) 'ike 'i)htnin);
:@- a %ee'in) m1 min- "as )oin) to crash a)ainst some in&isib'e 7ei' an- shatter; B1 mo&ement
"as o$t o% contro' no"4 acce'eratin); !here "as no "a14 : kne"4 %or me to "ith-ra" %rom this
thin) $nti' : ha- r$n its co$rse;
/"orkin %e't that : ha- been protecte- %rom the Pattern -$rin) o$r con%rontation4 "hen : ha-
)one back to check on the %i)$re : ha- seen4 beca$se : "as "earin) the Ee"e'; : co$'- not keep
"earin) it %or too 'on)4 tho$)h4 beca$se this a'so ha- a ten-enc1 to pro&e %ata'; ,e -eci-e- that :
m$st become att$ne- to the Ee"e'Das "ere m1 %ather an- 0an-omDbe%ore : 'et it o$t o% m1
possession; : "o$'- therea%ter bear the hi)her-or-er ima)e "ithin me4 "hich sho$'- %$nction as
"e'' as the Ee"e' in -e%en-in) me a)ainst the Pattern; : co$'- har-'1 ar)$e "ith the man "ho ha-
s$ppose-'1 create- the Pattern4 $sin) the Ee"e'; (o : a)ree- "ith him; On'1 : "as too tire- to -o
"hat he s$))este-; !hat "as "h1 : ha- ha- #host ret$rn me to m1 cr1sta' ca&e4 m1 sanct$ar14 to
rest %irst;
No"4 no";;;: %'o"e-; : sp$n; Occasiona''1 : sta''e-; !he Ee"e'@s e<$i&a'ents o% the 7ei's "ere no
'ess %ormi-ab'e beca$se : ha- 'e%t m1 bo-1 behin-; 2ach s$ch passa)e 'e%t me as "r$n) o$t as
r$nnin) a mi'e in O'1mpic time; !ho$)h : kne" at one 'e&e' that : stoo- ho'-in) the Ee"e'
thro$)h "hich : took m1 initiator1 "a14 at another : co$'- %ee' m1 heart po$n-in)4 an- at another
: reca''e- parts o% a )$est 'ect$re b1 Eoan ,a'i%a. %or an anthropo'o)1 co$rse : "as takin)4 1ears
be%ore; !he me-i$m s"ir'e- 'ike #e1ser Peak Ber'ot 1985 in a )ob'etDan- "hom "as : 'ookin)
across the tab'e at that ni)ht> No matter; On"ar-4 -o"n an- aro$n-; !he b'oo--bri)htene- ti-e
"as 'oose-; A messa)e "as bein) inscribe- $pon m1 spirit; :n the be)innin) "as a "or- : cannot
spe'';;;; Bri)hter4 bri)hter; +aster4 %aster; Co''ision "ith a r$b1 "a''4 : a smear $pon it; Come no"4
(chopenha$er4 to the %ina' )ame o% "i''; An a)e or t"o came an- "entC then4 s$--en'14 the "a1
"as opene-; : "as spi''e- %orth into the 'i)ht o% an e.p'o-in) star; 0e-4 re-4 re-4 shi%tin) me
on"ar-4 a"a14 'ike m1 'itt'e boat (tarb$rst4 -ri&en4 e.pan-in)4 comin) home;;;
: co''apse-; !ho$)h : -i- not 'ose conscio$sness4 m1 state o% min- "as not norma' either; !here
"as a h1pna)o)ia : co$'- ha&e passe- thro$)h at an1 time : chose4 in either -irection; B$t "h1> :
am se'-om the recipient o% s$ch a -e'i&er1 o% e$phoria; : %e't :@- earne- it4 so : -ri%te-4 ri)ht there4
%or a 'on)4 'on) time;
=hen it %ina''1 s$bsi-e- be'o" the 'e&e' that ma-e in-$')ence "orth"hi'e4 : c'imbe- to m1 %eet4
s"a1e-4 'eane- a)ainst the "a''4 ma-e m1 "a1 to the storeroom %or another -rink o% "ater; : "as
a'so ra&eno$s4 b$t none o% the tinne- or %ree6e--rie- %oo-s appea'e- to me that )reat'1;
2specia''1 "hen %resher thin)s "ere not that har- to come b1;
: "a'ke- back thro$)h those %ami'iar chambers; (o : ha- %o''o"e- /"orkin@s a-&ice; :t "as a
pit1 :@- t$rne- m1 back be%ore : reca''e- a 'on) 'ist o% <$estions : "ishe- to ask him; =hen :
t$rne- back a)ain4 he "as )one;
: c'imbe-; Comin) $p o$t o% m1 ca&e4 : stoo- atop the b'$e prominence "hich he'- the on'1
entrance"a1 : kne" o%; :t "as a bree614 ba'm14 sprin)'ike mornin) "ith on'1 a %e" sma'' p$%%s o%
c'o$- to the east; : -re" a -eep breath %or p'eas$re an-''e- it; !hen : stoope- an- mo&e- the
b'$e bo$'-er to b'ock the openin); :@- hate to be s$rprise- b1 a pre-ator sho$'- : come this "a1
a)ain in nee- o% sanct$ar1;
: took o%% the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment an- h$n) it on a sp$r o% the bo$'-er; !hen : mo&e- o%% abo$t
ten paces;
F,i4 /a-;G
!he #host"hee' "as a )o'-en +risbee4 come sai'in) o$t o% the "est;
F#oo- mornin)4 #host;G
F=h1 are 1o$ aban-onin) that -e&ice> :t@s one o% the most po"er%$' too's :@&e e&er seen;G
F:@m not aban-onin) it4 b$t :@m abo$t to s$mmon the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s4 an- : -on@t think the1@-
)et on too "e''; :@m e&en a 'itt'e 'eer1 o&er ho" the 9o)r$s "i'' take to me "ith this hi)her-or-er
Pattern att$nement :@m "earin);G
FPerhaps :@- better mo&e a'on) an- check back "ith 1o$ 'ater;G
F(tick aro$n-4G : sai-; FBa1be 1o$ can bai' me o$t i% this t$rns into a prob'em;G
: s$mmone- the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s then4 an- it came an- ho&ere- be%ore me4 an- nothin)
happene-; : shi%te- a part o% m1 a"areness into the ?e"e'4 there on the si-e o% the bo$'-er4 an-
thro$)h it : "as ab'e to percei&e the 9o)r$s %rom another perspecti&e; 2erie; A'so pain'ess;
: centere- m1se'% "ithin m1 o"n sk$'' once a)ain4 e.ten-e- m1 arms into the 9o)r$s 'imbs4
reache-;;;;:n 'ess than a min$te : ha- a p'ate o% b$ttermi'k pancakes4 a si-e or-er o% sa$sa)es4 a
c$p o% co%%ee4 an- a )'ass o% oran)e ?$ice;
F: co$'- ha&e )otten them %or 1o$ %aster than that4G #host remarke-;
F:@m s$re 1o$ co$'- ha&e4G : sai-; F: "as ?$st testin) s1stems;G
As : ate4 : trie- to sort m1 priorities; =hen : %inishe-4 : sent the -ishes back "here the1 ha-
come %rom4 retrie&e- the Ee"e'4 h$n) it abo$t m1 neck4 an- stoo-;
FOka14 #host; !ime to hea- back to Amber4G : sai-;
,e e.pan-e- an- opene- an- sank4 so that : stoo- be%ore a )o'-en arch; : steppe- %or"ar-D
Dan- back into m1 apartment;
F!hanks4G : sai-;
F7e nada4 /a-; 9isten4 :@&e a <$estion8 =hen 1o$ s$mmone- break%ast4 -i- 1o$ notice an1thin)
at a'' $n$s$a' in the "a1 the 9o)r$s (i)n beha&e->G
F,o" -o 1o$ mean that>G : aske- as : mo&e- to "ash m1 han-s;
F9et@s start "ich ph1sica' sensations; /i- it seem;;;stick1>G
F!hat@s an o-- "a1 to p$t it4G : sai-; FB$t as a matter o% %act4 it -i- seem to take s'i)ht'1 'on)er
than $s$a' to -isen)a)e; =h1 -o 1o$ ask>G
FA pec$'iar notion has ?$st occ$rre- to me; Can 1o$ -o Pattern ma)ic>G
FAeah4 b$t :@m better at the 9o)r$s &ariet1;G
FAo$ mi)ht "ant to tr1 them both an- compare them i% 1o$ )et a chance;G
F:@m act$a''1 startin) to )et h$nches; :@'' te'' 1o$ as soon as :@&e checke- this one o$t;G
#host"hee' "as )one;
F(hit4G : sai-4 an- : "ashe- m1 %ace;
: 'ooke- o$t the "in-o"4 an- a han-%$' o% sno"%'akes b'e" b1; : %etche- a ke1 %rom m1 -esk
-ra"er; !here "ere a co$p'e o% thin)s : "ante- to )et o$t o% the "a1 imme-iate'1;
: steppe- into the corri-or; : ha- not )one more than a %e" paces be%ore : hear- the so$n-; :
ha'te- an- 'istene-; !hen : contin$e-4 past the stair"a14 the so$n- )ro"in) stea-i'1 in &o'$me as
: a-&ance-; B1 the time : reache- the 'on) corri-or "hich ran past the 'ibrar1 : kne" that
0an-om "as back beca$se : -i-n@t kno" o% an1one e'se aro$n- here "ho co$'- -r$m 'ike thatD
or "o$'- -are to $se the 3in)@s -r$ms i% he co$'-;
: contin$e- on past the ha'% opene- -oor to the corner4 "here : t$rne- ri)ht; B1 %irst imp$'se ha-
been to enter4 )i&e him back the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment4 an- tr1 to e.p'ain "hat ha- happene-; !hen
: reca''e- +'ora@s a-&ice that an1thin) honest4 strai)ht%or"ar-4 an- abo&e-boar- "o$'- a'"a1s
)et 1o$ in tro$b'e here; =hi'e : hate- to )i&e her cre-it %or ha&in) en$nciate- a )enera' r$'e4 :
co$'- see that in this partic$'ar instance it "o$'- cettain'1 tie me $p "ith a 'ot o% e.p'ainin)
"hen then "ere other thin)s : "ante- to be abo$tDan-4 %or that matter4 it mi)ht a'so )et me
or-ere- not to -o some o% them;
: contin$e- to the %ar entrance to the -inin) room4 "here : checke- <$ick'1 an- -etermine- the
p'ace to be -eserte-; #oo-; :nsi-e an- to the ri)ht4 as : reca''e-4 there "as a s'i-in) pane' "hich
"o$'- )et me into a ho''o" section o% "a'' besi-e the 'ibrar14 %$rnishe- "ith pe)s or a 'a--er that
"o$'- take me $p to a hi--en entrance to the 'ibrar1@s ba'con1; :t co$'- a'so take me -o"n
thro$)h the spira' stair@s sha%t an- into the ca&erns be'o"4 i% memor1 ser&e-; : hope- : ne&er ha-
reason to check that part o$t4 b$t : "as s$%%icient'1 into %ami'1 tra-ition these -a1s that : "ante-
to -o a 'itt'e sp1in)4 as se&era' m$ttere- e.chan)es as :@- passe- the opene- -oor 'e- me to
be'ie&e that 0an-om "as not a'one in there; :% kno"'e-)e rea''1 is po"er4 then : nee-e- a'' :
co$'- )et m1 han-s on4 as :@- %e't especia''1 &$'nerab'e %or some time no";
Aes4 the pane' s'i-4 an- : "as thro$)h it in a trice4 sen-in) m1 spirit-'i)ht on ahea-; : han--o&er-
han-e- m1 "a1 <$ick'1 to the top an- opene- the pane' there s'o"'1 an- <$iet'14 %ee'in) )rate%$'
to "hoe&er ha- tho$)ht to concea' its space "ith a "i-e chair; : "as ab'e to see aro$n- the chair@s
ri)ht arm "ith comparati&e sa%et1 %rom -etectionDa )oo- &ie" o% the room@s north en-;
An- there "as 0an-om4 -r$mmin)4 an- Bartin4 a'' chains an- 'eather4 "as seate- be%ore him4
'istenin); 0an-om "as -oin) somethin) :@- ne&er seen -one be%ore; ,e "as p'a1in) "ith %i&e
sticks; ,e ha- one in each han-4 one $n-er each arm4 an- he he'- one in his teeth; An- he "as
re&o'&in) them as he p'a1e-4 mo&in) the one in his mo$th to rep'ace the one $n-er his ri)ht arm4
"hich rep'ace- the one in his ri)ht han-4 "hich he ha- s"itche- o&er to his 'e%t han-4 the 'e%t-
han- one )oin) $p beneath his 'e%t arm4 the 'e%t arm one )oin) to his teeth4 a'' "itho$t missin) a
beat; :t "as h1pnotic; : stare- $nti' he "o$n- o$t the n$mber; ,is o'- set o% traps "as har-'1 the
%$sion -r$mmer@s -ream"or'- o% trans'$cent p'astic "ith tippe- c1mba's the si6e o% batt'e shie'-s
set aro$n- the snares4 a mess o% tomtoms4 an- a co$p'e o% basses4 a'' 'it $p 'ike Cora'@s circ'e o%
%ire; 0an-om@s set "ent back to a time be%ore snares )re" thin an- ner&o$s4 basses shrank4 an-
c1mba's ca$)ht acrome)a'1 an- be)an to h$m;
FNe&er sa" that -one be%ore4G : hear- Bartin sa1; 0an-om shr$))e-;
FBit o% horsin) aro$n-4G he sai-; F9earne- it %rom +re--ie Boore4 in the thirties4 either at the
7ictoria or the 7i''a)e 7an)$ar-4 "hen he "as "ith Art ,o-es an- Ba. 3aminsk1; : %or)et
"hich p'ace; :t )oes back to &a$-e&i''e4 "hen the1 -i-n@t ha&e an1 mikes an- the 'i)htin) "as
ba-; ,a- to -o sho"-o%% thin)s 'ike that4 or -ress %$nn14 he to'- me4 to keep the a$-ience pa1in)
F(hame the1 ha- to cater to the cro"- that "a1;G
FAeah4 none o% 1o$ )$1s "o$'- -ream o% -ressin) %$nn1 or thro"in) 1o$r instr$ments aro$n-;G
!here %o''o"e- a si'ence4 an- there "as no "a1 : co$'- see the e.pression on Bartin@s %ace;
!hen4 F: meant it -i%%erent %rom that4G Bartin sai-;
FAeah4 me4 too4G 0an-om rep'ie-; !hen he tosse- three o% the sticks -o"n an- be)an to p'a1
: 'eane- back an- 'istene-; A moment 'ater : "as start'e- to hear an a'to sa. come in; =hen :
'ooke- a)ain4 Bartin "as stan-in)4 his back sti'' to me4 an- p'a1in) the thin); :t m$st ha&e been
on the %'oor on the other si-e o% his chair; !here "as a 0ichie Co'e %'a&or to it that : rather 'ike-4
an- it kin- o% s$rprise- me; As m$ch as : en?o1e- it4 : %e't that : -i- not be'on) in this room ri)ht
no"4 an- : e-)e- back4 opene- the pane'4 passe- thro$)h4 an- c'ose- it; A%ter :@- c'imbe- -o"n
an- 'et m1se'% o$t4 : -eci-e- to c$t thro$)h the -inin) room rather than pass the 'ibrar1 entrance
a)ain; !he m$sic carrie- %or some -istance therea%ter4 an- : "ishe- :@- 'earne- a spe'' o%
Ban-or@s %or capt$rin) so$n-s in precio$s stones4 tho$)h :@m not s$re ho" the Ee"e' o%
E$-)ment "o$'- ha&e taken to containin) F=i'- Ban B'$es;G
: "as p'annin) on "a'kin) $p the east corri-or to the point "here it intersecte- "ith the north
one in the &icinit1 o% m1 apartment4 t$rnin) 'e%t there4 an- takin) the stairs $p to the ro1a' s$ite4
knockin) on the -oor4 an- ret$rnin) the Ee"e' to 7ia''e4 "hom : hope- : co$'- )et to take a rain
check on e.p'anations; An- i% not4 :@- rather e.p'ain to her than to 0an-om an1"a1; : co$'- 'ea&e
o$t a 'ot that she "o$'-n@t kno" to ask me; O% co$rse4 0an-om "o$'- catch $p "ith me "ith
<$estions e&ent$a''1; B$t the 'ater4 the better;
B$t then : "as )oin) ri)ht past m1 %ather@s rooms; :@- bro$)ht a'on) the ke1 so that : co$'- stop
in 'ater4 %or "hat : consi-ere- ob&io$s reasons; (ti''4 since : "as a'rea-1 on the spot4 it "o$'- be
more time-e%%ecti&e; : $n'ocke- the -oor4 opene- it4 an- steppe- insi-e;
!he si'&er rose "as )one %rom the b$- &ase on the -resser; O--; : took a step to"ar- it; !here
came a so$n- o% &oices %rom the other room4 too so%t %or me to -istin)$ish "or-s; : %ro6e; ,e
mi)ht "e'' be in there; B$t 1o$ -on@t ?$st )o b$rstin) into someone@s be-room4 especia''1 "hen
it@s 'ike'1 there@s compan1 presentDpartic$'ar'1 "hen it@s 1o$r %ather@s room an- 1o$ ha- to
$n'ock an o$ter -oor to )et "here 1o$ "ere; ($--en'1 : "as e.treme'1 se'%-conscio$s; : "ante-
to )et o$t o% there4 %ast; : $nb$ck'e- m1 s"or- be't4 %rom "hich #ra1s"an-ir -epen-e- in its not-
<$ite-per%ect %it o% a sheath; : -i- not -are bear it an1 %arther b$t h$n) it %rom one o% the )arment
pe)s on the "a'' near the -oor ne.t to a short trenchcoat : ha-n@t notice- be%ore; : s'ippe- o$t
then an- 'ocke- the -oor as <$iet'1 as : co$'-;
A"k"ar-; =as he rea''1 comin) an- )oin) "ith some re)$'arit14 someho" mana)in) to a&oi-
notice> Or "as some sort o% phenomenon o% an entire'1 -i%%erent or-er in pro)ress "ithin his
<$arters> :@- hear- an occasiona' r$mor that some o% the o'-er chambers ha-sub specie spatium
-oor"a1s4 i% one co$'- b$t %i)$re ho" to acti&ate them4 pro&i-in) consi-erab'e e.tra c'oset space
as "e'' as pri&ate means o% entr1 an- e)ress; (omethin) e'se : sho$'- ha&e aske- /"orkin abo$t;
Ba1be :@&e )ot a pocket $ni&erse $n-er m1 be-; :@- ne&er 'ooke-;
: t$rne- an- "a'ke- <$ick'1 a"a1; As : neare- the corner4 : s'o"e-; /"orkin ha- %e't that the
presence o% the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment on m1 person "as the thin) that ha- protecte- me %rom the
Pattern4 ha- it rea''1 attempte- to harm me ear'ier; On the other han-4 the Ee"e'4 "orn too 'on)4
co$'- itse'% -o -ama)e to the "earer; !here%ore4 he ha- co$nse'e- me to )et some rest an- then
pass m1 min- thro$)h the stone@s matri.C in e%%ect creatin) a recor-in) o% a hi)her po"er o% the
Pattern "ithin me a'on) "ith some meas$re o% imm$nit1 to assa$'ts b1 the Pattern itse'%;
:nterestin) con?ect$re; An- that@s a'' it "as4 o% co$rse8 con?ect$re;
=hen : reache- the cross corri-or "here a 'e%t "o$'- take me to the stair"a1 or a ri)ht back to
m1 rooms4 : hesitate-; !here "as a sittin) room -ia)ona''1 across the "a14 to the 'e%t4 across
%rom Bene-ict@s se'-om $se- rooms; : hea-e- %or it4 entere-4 sank into a hea&1 chair in the
corner; A'' : "ante- to -o "as -ea' "ith m1 enemies4 he'p m1 %rien-s4 )et m1 name o%% an1 shit
'ists it c$rrent'1 occ$pie-4 'ocate m1 %ather4 an- come to some sort o% terms "ith the
s'eepin)t'iga ; !hen : co$'- see abo$t the contin$ance o% m1 interr$pte-$ander%ahr ; A'' o%
"hich4 : rea'i6e-4 re<$ire- that : no" reask m1se'% the no" near-rhetorica' <$estion4 ,o" m$ch
o% m1 b$siness -i- : "ant 0an-om to kno">
: tho$)ht o% him in the 'ibrar14 p'a1in) a -$et "ith his near-estran)e- son; : $n-erstoo- that he
ha- once been prett1 "i'- an- %oot'oose an- nast14 that he ha-n@t rea''1 "ante- the ?ob o% r$'in)
this archet1pa' "or'-; B$t parenthoo-4 marria)e4 an- the *nicorn@s choice seeme- to ha&e 'ai- a
'ot on himD-eepenin) his character4 : s$ppose4 at the price o% a 'ot o% the %$n thin)s in his 'i%e;
0i)ht no" he seeme- to ha&e a 'ot o% prob'ems "ith this 3ash%a-Be)ma b$siness4 possib'1
ha&in) ?$st resorte- to an assassination an- a)ree- to a 'ess than %a&orab'e treat1 to maintain the
comp'e. po'itica' %orces o% the #o'-en Circ'e at an e&en 'e&e'; An- "ho kne" "hat mi)ht be
)oin) on e'se"here to a-- to his tro$b'es> /i- : rea''1 "ant to -ra" this man into somethin) :
mi)ht "e'' be ab'e to han-'e m1se'% "ith his ne&er bein) an1 the "iser4 or e&er e&en bothere-4
concernin) it> Con&erse'14 i% : -i- -ra" him into m1 a%%airs4 it seeme- 'ike'1 that he mi)ht "e''
'a1 restrictions on me "hich co$'- hamper m1 abi'it1 to respon- to "hat seeme- the -ai'1
e.i)encies o% m1 'i%e; :t co$'- a'so raise another matter "hich ha- been sh$nte- asi-e 1ears a)o;
: ha- ne&er s"orn a''e)iance to Amber; Nobo-1 ha- e&er aske- me to; A%ter a''4 : "as Cor"in@s
son4 an- : ha- come to Amber "i''in)'1 an- ma-e m1 home here %or some time be%ore )oin) o%%
to the sha-o" 2arth4 "here so man1 o% the Amberites ha- )one to schoo'; : ret$rne- o%ten4 an- :
seeme- to be on )oo- terms "ith e&er1one; : -i-n@t rea''1 see "h1 the concept o% -$a' citi6enship
sho$'-n@t app'1;
:@- rather the matter -i- not come $p at a''4 tho$)h; : -i- not 'ike the tho$)ht o% bein) %orce- to
choose bet"een Amber an- the Co$rts; : "o$'-n@t -o it %or the *nicorn an- the (erpent4 the
Pattern an- the 9o)r$s4 an- : -i-n@t care to -o it %or the ro1a't1 o% either co$rt;
A'' o% "hich in-icate- that 7ia''e sho$'- not ha&e e&en a sketch1 e-ition o% m1 stor1; An1
&ersion at a'' "o$'- re<$ire an e&ent$a' acco$ntin); ,o"e&er4 i% the Ee"e' "ere ret$rne- "itho$t
an e.p'anation o% "here it ha- been4 then no one "o$'- kno" to come a%ter me on the matter4
an- thin)s "o$'- sti'' be set ri)ht; ,o" co$'- : 'ie i% : "ere not e&en aske- <$estions>
: m$''e- that a'on) a 'itt'e %$rther; =hat : "o$'- act$a''1 be -oin) "o$'- be to sa&e a tire-4
tro$b'e- man the b$r-en o% a--itiona' prob'ems; !here "as nothin) he co$'- or sho$'- -o abo$t
most o% m1 a%%airs; =hate&er "as )oin) on bet"een the Pattern an- the 9o)r$s seeme- main'1
important as a metaph1sica' a%%air; : co$'-n@t see "here m$ch )oo- or ba- mi)ht come o$t o% it
on a practica' 'e&e'; An- i% : sa" somethin) comin)4 : co$'- a'"a1s te'' 0an-om then;
Oka1; !hat@s one nice thin) abo$t reasonin) abi'ities; Ao$ can $se them to make 1o$rse'% %ee'
&irt$o$s rather than4 sa14 )$i't1; : stretche- an- cracke- m1 kn$ck'es;
F#host>G : sai- so%t'1;
No response;
: reache- %or m1 !r$mps4 b$t e&en as : to$che- them4 a "hee' o% 'i)ht %'ashe- on across the
FAo$ -i- hear me4G : sai-;
F: %e't 1o$r nee-4G came the rep'1;
F=hate&er4G : sai-4 -ra"in) the Ee"e'@s chain $p o&er m1 hea- an- ho'-in) the stone o$t be%ore
me; F/o 1o$ think 1o$ co$'- ret$rn this to its secret compartment besi-e the %irep'ace in the
ro1a' s$ite "itho$t an1one@s bein) an1 "iser>G : aske-;
F:@m 'eer1 abo$t to$chin) that thin)4G #host respon-e-; F: -on@t kno" "hat its str$ct$re mi)ht
-o to m1 str$ct$re;G
FOka14G : sai-; F: )$ess :@'' %in- a "a1 to -o it m1se'% then; B$t the time has come to test a
h1pothesis; :% the Pattern attacks me4 tr1 to "hisk me to sa%et14 p'ease;G
F7er1 "e'';G
: set the Ee"e' on a nearb1 tab'e;
A%ter abo$t a ha'% min$te : rea'i6e- that : ha- brace- m1se'% a)ainst the Pattern@s -eath stroke; :
re'a.e- m1 sho$'-ers; : -re" a -eep breath; : remaine- intact; Co$'- be that /"orkin "as ri)ht
an- the Partern "o$'- 'ea&e me a'one; A'so4 : sho$'- be ab'e to s$mmon the Pattern in the Ee"e'
no"4 he to'- me4 as : -o the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s; !here "ere Pattern-ma)ics "hich co$'- on'1 be
"ro$)ht &ia this ro$te4 tho$)h /"orkin ha-n@t taken the time to instr$ct me in their emp'o1ment;
,e@- s$))este- that a sorcerer sho$'- be ab'e to %i)$re the s1stem o$t; : -eci-e- that this co$'-
"ait; : "as in no moo- ?$st no" %or commerce o% an1 sort "ith the Pattern in an1 o% its
F,e14 Pattern4G : sai-; F=ant to ca'' it e&en>G
!here came no rep'1;
F: be'ie&e it is a"are o% 1o$ here an- "hat 1o$ ?$st -i-4G #host sai-; F: %ee' its presence; Co$'-
be 1o$@re o%% the hook;G
FCo$'- be4G : respon-e-4 takin) o$t m1 !r$mps an- sortin) thro$)h them;
F=hom "o$'- 1o$ 'ike to )et in to$ch "ith>G #host aske-;
F:@m c$rio$s abo$t 9$ke4G : sai-; F: "ant to see "hether he@s oka1; An- :@m "on-erin) abo$t
Ban-or; : ass$me 1o$ sent him to a sa%e p'ace;G
FOh4 nothin) b$t the best4G #host rep'ie-; F(ame %or M$een Easra; /i- 1o$ "ant her4 too>G
FNot rea''1; :n %act4 : -on@t "ant an1 o% them; : ?$st "ante- to seeDG
#host "inke- o$t "hi'e : "as sti'' ta'kin); : "asn@t at a'' certain that his ea)erness to p'ease "as
an impro&ement o&er his ear'ier be''i)erence;
: "ith-re" 9$ke@s car- an- "ent insi-e it;
: hear- someone passin) a'on) the corri-or; !he %ootsteps "ent on b1;
: %e't 9$ke@s a"areness4 tho$)h no &ision o% his circ$mstances reache- me;
F9$ke4 1o$ hear me>G : in<$ire-;
FAep4G he ans"ere-; FAo$ oka14 Ber'e>G
F:@m a'' ri)ht4G : sai-; F,o" abo$t 1o$rse'%> !hat "as <$ite a %i)ht 1o$DG
F:@m %ine;G
F: hear 1o$r &oice4 b$t : can@t see a thin);G
F#ot a b'acko$t on the !r$mps; Ao$ -on@t kno" ho" to -o that>G
FNe&er 'ooke- into the matter; ,a&e to )et 1o$ to teach me sometime; *h4 "h1 are the1 b'acke-
o$t an1"a1>G
F(omebo-1 mi)ht )et in to$ch an- %i)$re "hat :@m $p to;G
F:% 1o$@re abo$t to 'ea- a comman-o rai- on Amber4 :@m )oin) to be hi)h'1 pisse-;G
FCome onI Ao$ kno" : s"ore o%%I !his is somethin) entire'1 -i%%erent;G
F!ho$)ht 1o$ "ere a prisoner o% /a't@s;G
FB1 stat$s is $nchan)e-;G
F=e''4 he -amn near ki''e- 1o$ once an- he ?$st beat the shit o$t o% 1o$ the other -a1;G
F!he %irst time he@- st$mb'e- into an o'- berserker spe'' (har$@- 'e%t behin- %or a trap4 the
secon- time "as b$siness; :@'' be oka1; B$t ri)ht no" e&er1thin) :@m $p to is h$sh-h$sh4 an- :@&e
)ot to r$n; #@b1e;G
#one 9$ke4 the presence;
!he %ootsteps ha- ha'te-4 an- :@- hear- a knockin) on a nearb1 -oor; A%ter a time : hear- a -oor
bein) opene-4 then c'ose-; : ha- not o&erhear- an1 e.chan)e o% "or-s; :n that it ha- been nearb1
an- that the t"o nearest apartments "ere Bene-ict@s an- m1 o"n4 : be)an to "on-er; : "as %air'1
certain that Bene-ict "as not in his4 an- : reca''e- not ha&in) 'ocke- m1 o"n -oor "hen : ha-
steppe- o$t; !here%ore;;;
Pickin) $p the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment4 : crosse- the room an- steppe- o$t into the ha''; : checke-
Bene-ict@s -oor; 9ocke-; : 'ooke- -o"n the north-so$th ha''"a1 an- "a'ke- back to the stair"a1
an- checke- aro$n- in that area; !here "as no one in si)ht; : stro-e $p to m1 o"n p'ace then an-
stoo- 'istenin) %or a time o$tsi-e each o% m1 -oors; No so$n-s %rom "ithin; !he on'1 a'ternati&es
: co$'- think o% "ere #erar-@s rooms4 back -o"n the si-e corri-or4 an- Bran-@s4 "hich 'a1 behin-
m1 o"n; : ha- tho$)ht o% knockin) o$t a "a''Din keepin) "ith the recent spirit o% remo-e'in)
an- re-ecoratin) 0an-om ha- )otten intoDa--in) Bran-@s rooms to m1 o"n4 %or a &er1 )oo--
si6e apartment; !he r$mor that his "ere ha$nte-4 tho$)h4 an- the "ai'in)s : sometimes hear-
thro$)h the "a''s 'ate at ni)ht -iss$a-e- me;
: took a <$ick "a'k then4 knockin) on an- %ina''1 tr1in) both Bran-@s an- #erar-@s -oors; No
response4 an- both "ere 'ocke-; O--er an- o--er;
+rakir ha- )i&en a <$ick p$'se "hen :@- to$che- Bran-@s -oor4 an- "hi'e :@- )one on a'ert %or
se&era' moments4 nothin) $nto"ar- ha- approache-; : "as abo$t to -ismiss it as a -ist$rbin)
reaction to the remnants o% e'-ritch spe''s : ha- occasiona''1 seen -ri%tin) abo$t the &icinit1
"hen : notice- that the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment "as p$'sin);
: raise- the chain an- stare- into the )em; Aes4 an ima)e ha- taken %orm; : behe'- the ha''"a1
aro$n- the corner4 m1 t"o -oors4 an- inter&enin) art"ork on the "a'' in p'ain &ie"; !he
-oor"a1 to the 'e%tDthe one that 'et $pon m1 be-roomDseeme- to be o$t'ine- in re- an-
p$'sin); /i- that mean : "as s$ppose- to a&oi- it or r$sh in there> !hat@s the tro$b'e "ith
m1stica' a-&ice;
: "a'ke- back an- t$rne- the corner a)ain; !his time the )emDperhaps ha&in) %e't m1 <$er1
an- -eci-e- some e-itin) "as in or-erDsho"e- me approachin) an- openin) the -oor it "as
in-icatin); O% co$rse4 o% the t"o4 that -oor "as 'ocke-;;;;
: %$mb'e- %or m1 ke14 re%'ectin) that : co$'- not e&en r$sh in "ith a -ra"n b'a-e4 ha&in) ?$st
-ispose- o% #ra1s"an-ir; : -i- ha&e a co$p'e o% trick1 spe''s h$n)4 tho$)h; Ba1be one o% them
"o$'- sa&e me i% the )oin) )ot too ro$)h; Ba1be not4 too;
: t$rne- the ke1 an- %'$n) the -oor open;
FBer'eIG she shrieke-4 an- : sa" that it "as Cora'; (he stoo- besi-e m1 be-4 "here her p$tati&e
sister thet'iga "as rec'ine-; (he <$ick'1 mo&e- one han- behin- her back; FAo$4 $h4 s$rprise-
F7ice &ersa4G : rep'ie-4 %or "hich thereis an e<$i&a'ent in !hari; F=hat@s $p4 'a-1>G
F: came back to te'' 1o$ that : 'ocate- m1 %ather an- )a&e him a soothin) stor1 abo$t that
Corri-or o% Birrors 1o$ to'- me abo$t; :s there rea''1 s$ch a p'ace here>G
FAes; Ao$ "on@t %in- it in an1 )$i-es4 tho$)h; :t comes an- )oes; (o4 he@s mo''i%ie->G
F*h-h$h; B$t no" he@s "on-erin) "here Na1-a is;G
F!his )ets trickier;G
(he "as b'$shin)4 an- she -i- not meet m1 e1es rea-i'1; (he seeme- a"are4 too4 that : "as
notin) her -iscom%ort;
F: to'- him that perhaps Na1-a "as e.p'orin)4 as :@- been4G she "ent on4 Fan- that :@- ask a%ter
: shi%te- m1 )a6e to Na1-a; Cora' imme-iate'1 mo&e- %or"ar- an- br$she- a)ainst me; (he
p'ace- a han- on m1 sho$'-er4 -re" me to"ar- her;
F: tho$)ht 1o$ "ere )oin) to s'eep4G she sai-;
FAes4 : "as; /i-4 too; : "as r$nnin) some erran-s ?$st no";G
F: -on@t $n-erstan-4G she sai-;
F!ime 'ines4G : e.p'aine-; F: economi6e-; :@m reste-;G
F+ascinatin)4G she sai-4 br$shin) m1 'ips "ith her o"n; F:@m )'a- that 1o$@re reste-;G
FCora'4G : sai-4 embracin) her brie%'14 F1o$ -on@t ha&e to b$''shit me; Ao$ kno" : "as -ea- tire-
"hen 1o$ 'e%t; Ao$ ha- no reason to be'ie&e that :@- be an1thin) b$t comatose i% 1o$ ret$rne- this
: ca$)ht ho'- o% her 'e%t "rist behin- her back an- -re" her han- aro$n- to the %ront4 raisin) it
bet"een $s; (he "as s$rprisin)'1 stron); An- : ma-e no e%%ort to pr1 open her han-4 %or : co$'-
see bet"een the %in)ers "hat it "as that she he'-; :t "as one o% the meta' ba''s Ban-or o%ten
$se- to create imprompt$ spe''s; : re'ease- her han-; (he -i- not -ra" a"a1 %rom me4 b$t rather4
F: can e.p'ain4G she sai-4 %ina''1 meetin) m1 )a6e an- ho'-in) it;
F: "ish 1o$ "o$'-4G : sai-; F:n %act4 : "ish 1o$@- -one it a bit sooner;G
FBa1be the stor1 1o$ hear- abo$t her bein) -ea- an- her bo-1 the host %or a -emon is tr$e4G she
sai-; FB$t she@s been )oo- to me recent'1; (he@s %ina''1 become the sister :@- a'"a1s "ishe- she@-
been; !hen 1o$ bro$)ht me back here an- : sa" her 'ike that4 not kno"in) "hat 1o$ rea''1
p'anne- to -o "ith herDG
F: "ant 1o$ to kno" that : "o$'-n@t h$rt her4 Cora'4G : interr$pte-; F: o"e herDitD%or %a&ors
past; =hen : "as 1o$n) an- nai&e on the sha-o" 2arth4 she probab'1 sa&e- m1 neck4 se&era'
times; Ao$ ha&e no reason to %ear %or her here;G
(he cocke- her hea- to the ri)ht an- narro"e- one e1e; F:@- no "a1 o% kno"in) that4G she sai-4
F%rom "hat 1o$ to'- me : came back4 hopin) to )et in4 hopin) 1o$ "ere -eep'1 as'eep4 hopin) :
co$'- break the spe'' or at 'east 'i%t it eno$)h to ta'k "ith her; : "ante- to %in- o$t %or m1se'%
"hether she "as rea''1 m1 sisterDor somethin) e'se;G
: si)he-; : reache- o$t to s<$ee6e her sho$'-er an- rea'i6e- : "as sti'' c'$tchin) the Ee"e' o%
E$-)ment in m1 'e%t han-; : s<$ee6e- her arm "ith m1 ri)ht han- instea- an- sai-4 F9ook4 :
$n-erstan-; :t "as boorish o% me to sho" 1o$ 1o$r sister 'ai- o$t that "a1 an- not to ha&e )one
into a 'itt'e more -etai'; : can on'1 p'ea- in-$stria' %ati)$e an- apo'o)i6e; : promise 1o$ she@s in
no pain; B$t : rea''1 -on@t "ant to mess "ith this spe'' ri)ht no" beca$se it@s not one o% mineDG
E$st then Na1-a moane- so%t'1; : st$-ie- her %or se&era' min$tes4 b$t nothin) more %o''o"e-;
F/i- 1o$ p'$ck that meta' ba'' o$t o% the air>G : aske-; F: -on@t reca'' seein) one %or the %ina'
Cora' shook her hea-;
F:t "as '1in) on her breast; One o% her han-s "as o&er it4G she sai-;
F=hat prompte- 1o$ to check there>G
F!he position 'ooke- $nnat$ra'4 that@s a''; ,ere;G
(he han-e- me the ba''; : took it an- "ei)he- it in the pa'm o% m1 ri)ht han-; : ha- no i-ea ho"
the thin)s %$nctione-; !he meta' ba''s "ere to Ban-or "hat +rakir "as to meDa piece o%
i-ios1ncratic persona' ma)ic4 %or)e- o$t o% his $nconscio$s in the heart o% the 9o)r$s;
FAre 1o$ )oin) to p$t it back>G she aske-;
FNo4G : to'- her; F9ike : sai-4 it "asn@t one o% m1 spe''s; : -on@t kno" ho" it "orks4 an- : -on@t
"ant to %oo' aro$n- "ith it;G
FBer'in;;;>GD"hispere-4 %rom Na1-a4 her e1es sti'' c'ose-;
F=e@- better )o ta'k in the ne.t room4G : sai- to Cora'; F:@'' 'a1 a spe'' o% m1 o"n on her %irst4
tho$)h; E$st a simp'e sopori%icDG
!he air spark'e- an- sp$n behin- Cora'4 an- she m$st ha&e )$esse- %rom m1 stare that
somethin) "as )oin) on4 %or she t$rne-;
FBer'e4 "hat is it>G she aske-4 retreatin) to"ar- me as a )o'-en arch"a1 took %orm;
F#host>G : sai-;
F0i)ht4G came the rep'1; FEasra "as not "here : 'e%t her; B$t : bro$)ht 1o$r brother;G
Ban-or4 sti'' c'a- main'1 in b'ack4 his hair a )reat mass o% si'&er-"hite4 appeare- s$--en'14
)'ancin) at Cora' an- Na1-a4 %oc$sin) on me4 be)innin) to smi'e4 steppin) %or"ar-; !hen his
)a6e shi%te-4 an- he ha'te-; ,e stare-; : ha- ne&er seen that %ri)htene- e.pression on his %ace
FB'oo-1 21e o% ChaosIG he e.c'aime-4 s$mmonin) $p a protecti&e screen "ith a )est$re; F,o"
-i- 1o$ come b1 it>G
,e took a step back"ar-; !he arch imme-iate'1 co''apse- into a )o'--'ea% ca''i)raphe- 'etter O4
an- #host s'i- aro$n- the room to ho&er at m1 ri)ht si-e;
($--en'1 Na1-a sat $p on m1 be-4 -artin) "i'- )'ances;
FBer'inIG she crie-; FAre 1o$ a'' ri)ht>G
F(o %ar so )oo-4G : ans"ere-; FNot to "orr1 ;!ake it eas1; A''@s "e'';G
F=ho@s been tamperin) "ith m1 spe''>G Ban-or aske- as Na1-a s"$n) her 'e)s o&er the si-e o%
the be- an- Cora' crin)e-;
F:t "as a sort o% acci-ent4G : sai-;
: opene- m1 ri)ht han-; !he meta' sphere imme-iate'1 'e&itate- an- shot o%% in his -irection4
narro"'1 missin) Cora'4 "hose han-s "ere no" e.ten-e- in a )enera' martia' arts -e%ense
pattern4 tho$)h she seeme- $ncertain "hat or "hom she sho$'- be -e%en-in) a)ainst; (o she
kept t$rnin)DBan-or4 Na1-a4 #host4 repeat;;;;
FCoo' it4 Cora'4G : sai-; FAo$@re in no -an)er;G
F!he 'e%t e1e o% the (erpentIG Na1-a crie-; F+ree me4 oh4 +orm'ess One4 an- : "i'' p'e-)e "ith
mineIG +rakir in the meantime "as "arnin) me that a'' "as not "e''4 in case : ha-n@t notice-;
FE$st "hat the he'' is )oin) on>G : 1e''e-;
Na1-a spran) to her %eet4 '$n)e- %or"ar-4 an- "ith that $nnat$ra' -emon stren)th snatche- the
Ee"e' o% E$-)ment %rom m1 han-4 p$she- me asi-e4 an- tore into the ha''"a1;
: st$mb'e-4 reco&ere-;
F,o'- thatt'iga IG : crie-4 an- the #host"hee' %'e" past me %o''o"e- b1 Ban-or@s ba''s;
Chapter 10
: "as the ne.t thin) o$t into the ha''"a1; : t$rne- 'e%t an- starte- r$nnin); At'iga ma1 be %ast4
b$t so am :;
F: tho$)ht 1o$ "ere s$ppose- to be protectin) meIG : sho$te- a%ter her;
F!his takes prece-ence4G she ans"ere-4 Fo&er 1o$r mother@s bin-in);G
F=hat>G : sai-; FB1 mother>G
F(he p'ace- me $n-er ageas to take care o% 1o$ "hen 1o$ "ent o%% to schoo'4G she rep'ie-; F!his
breaks itI +ree at 'astIG
F/amnIG : obser&e-;
!hen4 as she neare- the stair"a14 the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s appeare- be%ore her4 'ar)er than an1 :@-
e&er s$mmone-4 %i''in) the corri-or %rom "a'' to "a''4 roi'in)4 spra"'in)4 %ire-shot4 tentac$'ar4 a
re--ish ha6e o% menace -ri%tin) abo$t it; :t took a certain meas$re o% ch$t6pah %or it to mani%est
'ike that here in Amber on the Pattern@s t$r%4 so : kne" the stakes "ere hi)h;
F0ecei&e me4 oh4 9o)r$s4G she crie-4 F%or : bear the 21e o% the (erpent4G an- the 9o)r$s opene-4
creatin) a %ier1 t$nne' at its center; : co$'- someho" te'' that its other en- "as not a p'ace %$rther
a'on) m1 ha''"a1;
B$t then Na1-a "as ha'te-4 as i% she ha- s$--en'1 enco$ntere- a )'ass partition4 an- she
sti%%ene- into a position o% attention; !hree o% Ban-or@s )'eamin) spheres "ere s$--en'1 orbitin)
her cata'eptic %orm;
: "as thro"n %rom m1 %eet an- presse- back a)ainst the "a''; : raise- m1 ri)ht arm to b'ock
"hate&er mi)ht be comin) -o"n on me4 as : 'ooke- back"ar-;
An ima)e o% the Pattern itse'%4 as 'ar)e as the 9o)r$s (i)n4 ha- ?$st p$t in an appearance on'1 a
%e" %eet behin- me4 mani%estin) abo$t as %ar in that -irection %rom Na1-a as the 9o)r$s "as
be%ore her4 parenthesi6in) the 'a-1 or thet'iga bet"een the po'es o% e.istence4 so to speak4 an-
inci-enta''1 enc'osin) me a'on) "ith her; !he area abo$t me near the Pattern )re" bri)ht as a
s$nn1 mornin) "hi'e that at the other en- took on the aspect o% a ba'e%$' t"i'i)ht; =ere the1
abo$t to reenact the Bi) Ban)SCr$nch4 : "on-ere-4 "ith me as an $n"i''in) momentar1 "itness>
F*h4 Ao$r ,onors4G : be)an4 %ee'in) ob'i)e- to tr1 ta'kin) them o$t o% it an- "ishin) : "ere
9$ke4 "ho ?$st mi)ht be ab'e to s"in) s$ch a %eat; F!his is a per%ect time to emp'o1 an impartia'
arbitrator4 an- : ?$st happen to be $ni<$e'1 <$a'i%ie- i% 1o$ "i'' b$t re%'ectDG
!he )o'-en circ'et that : kne" to be #host"hee' s$--en'1 -roppe- o&er Na1-a@s hea-4
'en)thenin) itse'% -o"n"ar- into a t$be; #host ha- %itte- himse'% "ithin the orbits o% Ban-or@s
spheres an- m$st someho" ha&e ins$'ate- himse'% a)ainst "hate&er %orces the1 "ere e.ectin)4
%or the1 s'o"e-4 "obb'e-4 an- %ina''1 -roppe- to the %'oor4 t"o strikin) the "a'' ahea- o% me an-
one ro''in) -o"n the stair"a1 ahea- an- to the ri)ht;
!he (i)ns o% the Pattern an- the 9o)r$s be)an to a-&ance then4 an- : cra"'e- <$ick'1 to keep
ahea- o% the Pattern;
F/on@t come an1 c'oser4 %e''o"s4G #host"hee' s$--en'1 anno$nce-; F!here@s no te''in) "hat :
mi)ht -o i% 1o$ make me e&en more ner&o$s than : a'rea-1 am;G
Both Po"er (i)ns ha'te- in their a-&ances; +rom aro$n- the corner to the 'e%t4 $p ahea-4 : hear-
/roppa@s -r$nken &oice4 raise- in some ba"-1 ba''a-4 comin) this "a1; !hen it )re" si'ent;
(e&era' moments passe-4 an- he be)an sin)in) F0ock o% A)esG in a %ar4 %ar "eaker &oice; !hen
this4 too4 "as c$t o%%4 %o''o"e- b1 a hea&1 th$- an- the so$n- o% breakin) )'ass;
:t occ$rre- to me that : sho$'- be ab'e4 %rom a -istance s$ch as this4 to e.ten- m1 a"areness into
the Ee"e'; B$t : "as $ncertain "hat e%%ects : mi)ht then be ab'e to pro-$ce "ith the thin)4
consi-erin) the %act that none o% the %o$r principa's in&o'&e- in the con%rontation "as h$man;
: %e't the be)innin)s o% a !r$mp contact; FAes>G : "hispere-;
/"orkin@s &oice came to me then;
F=hate&er contro' 1o$ ma1 ha&e o&er the thin)4G he sai-4 F$se it to keep the Ee"e' a"a1 %rom
the 9o)r$s;G
E$st then a crack'1 &oice4 shi%tin) in pitch an- )en-er %rom s1''ab'e to s1''ab'e4 emer)e- %rom
the re- t$nne'; F0et$rn the 21e o% Chaos4G it sai-; F!he *nicorn took it %rom the (erpent "hen
the1 %o$)ht4 in the be)innin); :t "as sto'en; 0et$rn it; 0et$rn it;G
!he b'$e %ace : ha- seen abo&e the Pattern -i- not materia'i6e4 b$t the &oice :@- hear- at that
time respon-e-4 F:t "as pai- %or "ith b'oo- an- pain; !it'e passe-;G
F!he Ee"e' o% E$-)ment an- the 21e o% Chaos or 21e o% the (erpent are -i%%erent names %or the
same stone>G : sai-;
FAes4G /"orkin rep'ie-;
F=hat happens i% the (erpent )ets its e1e back>G : in<$ire-;
F!he $ni&erse "i'' probab'1 come to an en-;G
FOh4G : obser&e-;
F=hat am : bi- %or the thin)>G #host aske-;
F:mpet$o$s constr$ct4G the &oice o% the Pattern intone-;
F0ash arti%act4G "ai'e- the 9o)r$s;
F(a&e the comp'iments4G #host sai-4 Fan- )i&e me somethin) : "ant;G
F: co$'- tear it %rom 1o$4G the Pattern respon-e-;
F: co$'- ha&e 1o$ apart an- it a"a1 in an instant4G state- the 9o)r$s;
FB$t neither o% 1o$ "i'' -o it4G #host ans"ere-4 Fbeca$se s$ch a %oc$sin) o% 1o$r attention an-
ener)ies "o$'- 'ea&e either o% 1o$ &$'nerab'e to the other;G
:n m1 min-4 : hear- /"orkin ch$ck'e;
F!e'' me "h1 this con%rontation nee- take p'ace at a''4G #host "ent on4 Fa%ter a'' this time;G
F!he ba'ance "as tippe- a)ainst me b1 recent actions o% this t$rncoat4G the 9o)r$s rep'ie-Da
b$rst o% %ire occ$rrin) abo&e m1 hea-4 pres$mab'1 to -emonstrate the i-entit1 o% the t$rncoat in
: sme''e- b$rnin) hair4 an- : "ar-e- the %'ame;
FE$st a min$teIG : crie-; F: "asn@t )i&en m$ch choice in the matterIG
FB$t there "as a choice4G "ai'e- the 9o)r$s4 Fan- 1o$ ma-e it;G
F:n-ee-4 he -i-4G respon-e- the Pattern; FB$t it ser&e- on'1 to re-ress the ba'ance 1o$@- tippe-
in 1o$r o"n %a&or;G
F0e-ress> Ao$ o&ercompensate-I No" it@s tippe- in 1o$r %a&orI Besi-es4 it "as acci-enta''1
tippe- m1 "a14 b1 the traitor@s %ather;G Another %ireba'' %o''o"e-4 an- : "ar-e- a)ain; F:t "as not
m1 -oin);G
FAo$ probab'1 inspire- it;G
F:% 1o$ can )et the Ee"e' to me4G /"orkin sai-4 F: can p$t it o$t o% reach o% both o% them $nti'
this matter is sett'e-;G
F: -on@t kno" "hether : can )et ho'- o% it4G : sai-4 Fb$t :@'' remember that;G
F#i&e it to me4G the 9o)r$s sai- to #host4 Fan- : "i'' take 1o$ "ith me as +irst (er&ant;G
FAo$ are a processor o% -ata4G sai- the Pattern; F: "i'' )i&e 1o$ kno"'e-)e s$ch as none in a'' o%
(ha-o" possess;G
F: "i'' )i&e 1o$ po"er4G sai- the 9o)r$s;
FNot intereste-4G sai- #host4 an- the c1'in-er sp$n an- &anishe-;
!he )ir'4 the Ee"e'4 an- e&er1thin) "ere )one;
!he 9o)r$s "ai'e-4 the Pattern )ro"'e-4 an- the (i)ns o% both Po"ers r$she- to meet4
some"here near B'e1s@s nearer room;
: raise- e&er1 protecti&e spe'' that : co$'-; Behin- me : co$'- %ee' Ban-or -oin) the same; :
co&ere- m1 hea-4 : -re" $p m1 knees4 :D
: "as %a''in); !hro$)h a bri)ht4 so$n-'ess conc$ssion; Bits o% -ebris str$ck me; +rom se&era'
-irections; :@- a h$nch that : ha- ?$st bo$)ht the %arm an- that : "as abo$t to -ie "itho$t
opport$nit1 to re&ea' m1 insi)ht into the nat$re o% rea'it18 !he Pattern -i- not care abo$t the
chi'-ren o% Amber an1 more than the 9o)r$s -i- abo$t those o% the Co$rts o% Chaos; !he Po"ers
care-4 perhaps4 abo$t themse'&es4 abo$t each other4 abo$t hea&1 cosmic princip'es4 abo$t the
*nicorn an- the (erpent4 o% "hich the1 "ere &er1 probab'1 b$t )eometric mani%estations !he1
-i- not care abo$t me4 abo$t Cora'4 abo$t Ban-or4 probab'1 not e&en abo$t Oberon or /"orkin
himse'%; =e "ere tota''1 insi)ni%icant or at most too's or sometimes anno1ances4 to be emp'o1e-
or -estro1e- as the occasion "arrante-D
F#i&e me 1o$r han-4G /"orkin sai-4 an- : sa" him4 as in a !r$mp contact; : reache- an-D
D%e'' har- at his %eet $pon a co'or%$' r$) sprea- o&er a stone %'oor4 in a "in-o"'ess chamber m1
%ather ha- once -escribe- to me4 %i''e- "ith books an- e.otic arti%acts4 'it b1 bo"'s o% 'i)ht "hich
h$n) "itho$t &isib'e means o% s$pport hi)h in the air;
F!hanks4G : sai-4 risin) s'o"'14 br$shin) m1se'% o%%4 massa)in) a sore spot in m1 'e%t thi)h;
FCa$)ht a "hi%% o% 1o$r tho$)hts4G he sai-; F!here@s more to it;G
F:@m s$re; B$t sometimes : en?o1 bein) b'eak-min-e-; ,o" m$ch o% that crap the Po"ers "ere
ar)$in) abo$t "as tr$e>G
FOh4 a'' o% it4G /"orkin sai-4 Fb1 their 'i)hts the bi))est bar to $n-erstan-in) is the
interpretation the1 p$t on each other@s -oin)s; !hat4 an- the %act that e&er1thin) can a'"a1s be
p$she- another step back"ar-Ds$ch as the break in the Pattern ha&in) stren)thene- the 9o)r$s
an- the possibi'it1 that the 9o)r$s acti&e'1 in%'$ence- Bran- into -oin) it; B$t then the 9o)r$s
mi)ht c'aim this "as in reta'iation %or the /a1 o% the Broken Branches se&era' cent$ries a)o;G
F: ha&en@t hear- abo$t that one4G : sai-;
,e shr$))e-;
F:@m not s$rprise-; :t "asn@t a'' that important a matter4 e.cept to them; =hat :@m sa1in) is that
to ar)$e as the1 -o is to hea- into an in%inite re)ressionDback to %irst ca$ses4 "hich are a'"a1s
F(o "hat@s the ans"er>G
FAns"er> !his isn@t a c'assroom; !here are no ans"ers that "o$'- matter4 e.cept to a
phi'osopherDthat is4 none "ith an1 practica' app'ications;G
,e po$re- a sma'' c$p o% )reen 'i<$i- %rom a si'&er %'ask an- passe- it to me;
F/rink this4G he sai-;
F:t@s a 'itt'e ear'1 in the -a1 %or me;G
F:t@s not re%reshment; :t@s me-ication4G he e.p'aine-; FAo$@re in a state o% near shock4 "hether
1o$@&e notice- or not;G
: tosse- the thin) o%%4 an- it b$rne- 'ike a 'i<$or b$t -i-n@t seem to be one; : -i- %eet m1se'%
be)innin) to re'a. -$rin) the ne.t %e" min$tes4 in p'aces : ha- not e&en rea'i6e- : "as tense;
FCora'4 Ban-or;;;G : sai-;
,e )est$re-4 an- a )'o"in) )'obe -escen-e-4 -re" nearer; ,e si)ne- the air "ith a ha'% %ami'iar
)est$re4 an- somethin) 'ike the 9o)r$s (i)n "itho$t the 9o)r$s came o&er me; A pict$re %orme-
"ithin the )'obe;
!hat 'on) section o% ha''"a1 "here the enco$nter ha- occ$rre- ha- been -estro1e-4 a'on) "ith
the stairs4 Bene-ict@s apartment4 an- possib'1 #erar-@s as "e''; A'so4 B'e1s@s rooms4 portions o%
m1 o"n4 the sittin) room : ha- been occ$p1in) b$t a short time be%ore4 an- the northeast corner
o% the 'ibrar1 "ere missin)4 as "ere the %'oor an- cei'in); Be'o"4 : co$'- see that sections o% the
kitchen an- armor1 ha- been hit4 an- possib'1 more across the "a1; 9ookin) $p"ar-Dma)ic
)'obes bein) "on-ro$s accommo-atin)D: co$'- see sk14 "hich meant that the b'ast ha- )one
thro$)h the thir- an- %o$rth %'oors4 possib'1 -ama)in) the ro1a' s$ite a'on) "ith the $pper
stair"a1s an- ma1be the 'aborator1Dan- "ho kne" "hat a'' e'se;
(tan-in) on the e-)e o% the ab1ss near "hat ha- been a section o% B'e1s@s or #erar-@s <$arters
"as Ban-or4 his ri)ht arm apparent'1 broken4 han- t$cke- in behin- his "i-e b'ack be't; Cora'
'eane- hea&i'1 $pon his 'e%t sho$'-er4 an- there "as b'oo- on her %ace; : am not s$re that she "as
%$''1 conscio$s; Ban-or he'- her abo$t the "aist "ith his 'e%t arm4 an- a meta' ba'' circ'e- the
t"o o% them; /ia)ona''1 across the ab1ss4 0an-om stoo- on a hea&1 crossbeam near the openin)
to the 'ibrar1; : be'ie&e Bartin "as stan-in) atop a short stack4 be'o" an- to the rear; ,e "as sti''
ho'-in) his sa.; 0an-om appeare- more than a 'itt'e a)itate- an- seeme- to be sho$tin);
F7oiceI 7oiceIG : sai-; /"orkin "a&e-;
FD$ckin) 9or- o% Chaos b'o"in) $p m1 pa'aceIG 0an-om "as sa1in);
F!he 'a-1 is in?$re-4 Ao$r ,i)hness4G Ban-or sai-; 0an-om passe- a han- across his %ace; !hen
he 'ooke- $p"ar-;
F:% there@s an eas1 "a1 to )et her to m1 <$arters4 7ia''e is &er1 ski''e- in certain areas o%
me-icine4G he sai- in a so%ter &oice; F(o am :4 %or that matter;G
FE$st "here is that4 Ao$r ,i)hness>G
0an-om 'eane- to his si-e an- pointe- $p"ar-; F9ooks as i% 1o$ "on@t nee- the -oor to )et in4
b$t : can@t te'' "hether there@s eno$)h stair"a1 'e%t to )et $p there or "here 1o$ mi)ht cross to it
i% there is;G
F:@'' make it4G Ban-or sai-4 an- t"o more o% the ba''s came r$shin) to him an- set themse'&es
into eccentric orbits abo$t him an- Cora'; (hort'1 therea%ter the1 "ere 'e&itate- an- -ri%te-
s'o"'1 to"ar- the openin) 0an-om ha- in-icate-;
F:@'' be a'on) short'14G 0an-om ca''e- a%ter them; ,e 'ooke- as i% he "ere abo$t to a--
somethin)4 b$t then re)ar-e- the -e&astation4 'o"ere- his hea-4 an- t$rne- a"a1; : -i- the same
/"orkin "as o%%erin) me another -ose o% the )reen me-icine4 an- : took it; (ome sort o% trank4
it seeme-4 in a--ition to "hate&er e'se it -i-;
F: ha&e to )o to her4G : to'- him; F: 'ike that 'a-14 an- : "ant to be s$re she@s a'' ri)ht;G
F: can certain'1 sen- 1o$ there4G /"orkin sai-4 Ftho$)h : cannot think o% an1thin) 1o$ co$'- -o
%or her "hich "i'' not be -one "e'' b1 others; Perhaps the time "ere more pro%itab'1 spent in
p$rs$it o% that errant constr$ct o% 1o$rsDthe #host"hee'; :t m$st be pers$a-e- to ret$rn the
Ee"e' o% E$-)ment;G
F7er1 "e''4G : ackno"'e-)e-; FB$t : "ant to see Cora' %irst;G
FAo$r appearance co$'- ca$se consi-erab'e -e'a14G he sai-4 Fbeca$se o% e.p'anations "hich ma1
be re<$ire- o% 1o$;G
F: -on@t care4G : to'- him;
FA'' ri)ht; A moment then;G
,e mo&e- a"a1 an- took -o"n "hat appeare- to be a sheathe- "an- %rom the "a''4 "here it
ha- h$n) s$spen-e- %rom a pe); ,e h$n) the sheath $pon his be't4 then crosse- to a sma''
cabinet an- remo&e- a %'at 'eather-bo$n- case %rom one o% its -ra"ers; :t ratt'e- "ith a %aint
meta''ic so$n- as he s'ippe- it into a pocket; A sma'' ?e"e'r1 bo. &anishe- $p a s'ee&e "itho$t
an1 so$n-;
FCome this "a14G he to'- me4 approachin) an- takin) m1 han-;
,e t$rne- me an- 'e- me to"ar- the room@s -arkest corner4 "here : ha- not note- that a ta''4
c$rio$s'1 %rame- mirror h$n); :t e.hibite- an o-- re%'ecti&e capacit1 in that it sho"e- $s an- the
room behin- $s "ith per%ect c'arit1 %rom a -istance4 b$t the c'oser "e approache- to its s$r%ace4
the more in-istinct a'' o% its ima)es became; : co$'- see "hat "as comin)4 comin); B$t : sti''
tense- as /"orkin4 a pace in a-&ance o% me b1 then4 steppe- thro$)h its %o))1 s$r%ace an-
?erke- me a%ter him;
: st$mb'e- an- re)aine- m1 %ootin)4 comin) to m1se'% in the )oo- ha'% o% the b'aste- ro1a' s$ite
in %ront o% a -ecorati&e mirror; : reache- back <$ick'1 an- tappe- it "ith m1 %in)ertips4 b$t its
s$r%ace remain so'i-; !he short4 stoope- %i)$re o% /"orkin stoo- be%ore me4 an- he sti'' ha- ho'-
o% m1 ri)ht han-; 9ookin) past that pro%i'e4 "hich in some "a1s caricat$re- m1 o"n4 : sa" that
the be- ha- been mo&e- east"ar-4 a"a1 %rom the broken corner an- a 'ar)e openin) %ormer'1
occ$pie- b1 a section o% %'oorin); 0an-om an- 7ia''e stoo- on the near si-e o% the be-4 their
backs to $s; !he1 "ere st$-1in) Cora'4 "ho "as stretche- o$t $pon the co$nterpane an-
appeare- to be $nconscio$s; Ban-or4 seate- in a hea&1 chair at the1 be-@s %oot4 obser&in)
operations4 "as the %irst to notice o$r presence4 "hich he ackno"'e-)e- "ith a no-;
F,o";;;is she>G : aske-;
FConc$ssion4G Ban-or rep'ie-4 Fan- -ama)e to the ri)ht e1e;G
0an-om t$rne-; =hate&er he "as abo$t to sa1 to me -ie- on his 'ips "hen he rea'i6e- "ho
stoo- besi-e me;
F/"orkinIG he sai-; F:t@s been so 'on); : -i-n@t kno" "hether 1o$ "ere sti'' a'i&e; Are 1o$;;;a''
!he -"ar% ch$ck'e-;
F: rea- 1o$r meanin)4 an- :@m rationa'4G he rep'ie-; F: "o$'- 'ike to e.amine the 'a-1 no";G
FO% co$rse4G 0an-om ans"ere-4 mo&in) asi-e;
FBer'in4G /"orkin sai-4 Fsee "hether 1o$ can 'ocate that #host"hee' -e&ice o% 1o$rs4 an- ask
it to ret$rn the arti%act it borro"e-;G
F: $n-erstan-4G : sai-4 reachin) %or m1 !r$mps;
Boments 'ater : "as reachin)4 reachin);;;
F: %e't 1o$r intent se&era' moments a)o4 /a-;G
F=e''4 -o 1o$ ha&e the Ee"e' or -on@t 1o$>G
FAes4 : ?$st %inishe- "ith it;G
F+inishe- $ti'i6in) it;G
F:n "hat %ashion -i- 1o$;;;$ti'i6e it>G
FAs : $n-erstoo- %rom 1o$ that passin) one@s a"areness thro$)h it "o$'- )i&e some protection
a)ainst the Pattern4 : "on-ere- "hether it mi)ht "ork %or an i-ea''1 s1nthesi6e- bein) s$ch as
F!hat@s a nice term4 @i-ea''1 s1nthesi6e-;@ =here@- it come %rom>G
F: coine- it m1se'% "hen seekin) the most appropriate -esi)nation;G
F:@&e a h$nch it@'' re?ect 1o$;G
F:t -i-n@t;G
FOh; Ao$ act$a''1 )ot a'' the "a1 thro$)h the thin)>G
F: -i-;G
F=hat e%%ect -i- it ha&e $pon 1o$>G
F!hat@s a har- thin) to assess; B1 perceptions are a'tere-; :t@s -i%%ic$'t to e.p'ain;;;;:t@s s$bt'e4
"hate&er it is;G
F+ascinatin); Can 1o$ mo&e 1oar a"areness into the stone %rom a -istance no">G
F=hen a'' o% o$r present tro$b'es ha&e passe-4 :@m )oin) to "ant to test 1o$ a)ain;G
F:@m c$rio$s m1se'% to kno" "hat@s chan)e-;G
F:n the meantime4 there is a nee- %or the Ee"e' here;G
FComin) thro$)h;G
!he air shimmere- be%ore me;
#host"hee' appeare- as a si'&er circ'et4 the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment at its center; : c$ppe- m1 han-
an- co''ecte- it; : took it to /"orkin4 "ho -i- not e&en )'ance at me as he recei&e- it; : 'ooke-
-o"n at Cora'@s %ace an- 'ooke- a"a1 <$ick'14 "ishin) : ha-n@t;
: mo&e- back near #host;
F=here@s Na1-a>G : aske-;
F:@m not s$re4G he rep'ie-; F(he aske- me to 'ea&e herDthere near the cr1sta' ca&eDa%ter : took
the Ee"e' a"a1 %rom her;G
F=hat "as she -oin)>G
F: s$ppose beca$se both o% her missions in 'i%e ha&e been %r$strate-; (he "as char)e- to )$ar-
1o$ $n'ess some "i'- chance bro$)ht her the opport$nit1 o% obtainin) the Ee"e'4 in "hich
instance she "as re'ease- %rom the %irst -irecti&e; !his act$a''1 occ$rre-4 on'1 : -epri&e- her o%
the stone; No" she is bo$n- to neither co$rse;G
FAo$@- think she@- be happ1 to be %ree at 'ast; (he "asn@t on either ?ob as a matter o% choice; (he
can )o back to -oin) "hate&er care%ree -emons -o be1on- the 0im"a'';G
FNot e.act'14 /a-;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F(he seems to be st$ck in that bo-1; Apparent'1 she can@t simp'1 aban-on it the "a1 she co$'-
others she@s $se-; :t has somethin) to -o "ith there bein) no primar1 occ$pant;G
FOh; : s$ppose she co$'-4 $h4 terminate an- )et 'oose that "a1;G
F: s$))este- that4 b$t she@s not s$re it "o$'- "ork that "a1; :t mi)ht ?$st ki'' her a'on) "ith the
bo-14 no" that she@s bo$n- to it the "a1 she is;G
F(o she@s sti'' some"here near the ca&e>G
FNo; (he retains hert'iga po"ers4 "hich make her somethin) o% a ma)ica' bein); : be'ie&e she
m$st simp'1 ha&e "an-ere- o%% thro$)h (ha-o" "hi'e : "as in the ca&e e.perimentin) "ith the
F=h1 the ca&e>G
F!hat@s "here 1o$ )o to -o c'an-estine thin)s4 isn@t it>G
FAeah; (o ho" come : co$'- reach 1o$ there "ith the !r$mp>G
F:@- a'rea-1 %inishe- the e.periment an- -eparte-; :n %act4 : "as 'ookin) %or her "hen 1o$
F: think 1o$@- better )o an- 'ook some more;G
FBeca$se : o"e her %or %a&ors pastDe&en i% m1 mother -i- sic her on me;G
FCertain'1; :@m not s$re ho" s$ccess%$' :@'' be4 tho$)h; Ba)ica' bein)s -on@t track as rea-i'1 as
the more m$n-ane sort;G
F#i&e it a shot an1"a1; :@- 'ike to kno" "here she@s )otten to an- "hether there@s an1thin) : can
-o %or her; Ba1be 1o$r ne" orientation "i'' be o% he'p someho";G
F=e@'' see4G he sai-4 an- he "inke- o$t;
: sa))e-; ,o" "as Ork$6 )oin) to take it> : "on-ere-; One -a$)hter in?$re- an- the other
possesse- o% a -emon an- "an-erin)4 o%% in (ha-o"; : mo&e- to the %oot o% the be- an- 'eane-
a)ainst Ban-or@s chair; ,e reache- $p "ith his 'e%t han- an- s<$ee6e- m1 arm;
F: -on@t s$ppose 1o$ 'earne- an1thin) abo$t bonesettin) o%% on that sha-o"-"or'-4 -i- 1o$>G he
FA%rai- not4G : ans"ere-;
FPit14G he rep'ie-; F:@'' ?$st ha&e to "ait m1 t$rn;G
F=e can !r$mp 1o$ some"here an- )et it taken care o% ri)ht a"a14G : sai-4 reachin) %or m1
FNo4G he sai-; F: "ant to see thin)s p'a1e- o$t here;G
=hi'e he "as speakin)4 : notice- that 0an-om seeme- en)a)e- in an intense !r$mp
comm$nication; 7ia''e stoo- nearb14 as i% shie'-in) him %rom the openin) in the "a'' an-
"hate&er mi)ht emer)e there%rom; /"orkin contin$e- to "ork $pon Cora'@s %ace4 his bo-1
b'ockin) si)ht o% e.act'1 "hat he "as -oin);
FBan-or4G : sai-4 F-i- 1o$ kno" that m1 mother sent thet'iga to take care o% me>G
FAes4G he rep'ie-; F:t to'- me that "hen 1o$ steppe- o$t o% the room; A part o% the spe'' "o$'-
not permit it to te'' 1o$ this;G
F=as she ?$st there to protect me4 or "as she sp1in) on me4 too>G
F!hat : co$'-n@t te'' 1o$; !he matter -i-n@t come $p; B$t it -oes seem her %ears "ere "arrante-;
Ao$ "ere in -an)er;G
FAo$ think /ara kne" abo$t Easra an- 9$ke>G
,e be)an to shr$)4 "ince-4 tho$)ht better o% it;
FA)ain4 : -on@t kno" %or certain; :% she -i-4 : can@t ans"er the ne.t one either8 ,o" -i- she
kno"> Oka1>G
0an-om comp'ete- a con&ersation4 co&erin) a !r$mp8 !hen he t$rne- an- stare- at 7ia''e %or
some time; ,e 'ooke- as i% he "ere abo$t to sa1 somethin)4 tho$)ht better o% it4 'ooke- a"a1; ,e
'ooke- at me; Abo$t then : hear- Cora' moan4 an- : 'ooke- a"a14 risin);
FA moment4 Ber'in4G 0an-om sai-4 Fbe%ore 1o$ )o r$shin) o%%;G
: met his )a6e; =hether it "as an)r1 or mere'1 c$rio$s4 : co$'- not te''; !he ti)htenin) o% the
bro"s4 the narro"in) o% the e1es co$'- in-icate either;
F(ir>G : sai-;
,e approache-4 took me b1 the e'bo"4 an- t$rne- me a"a1 %rom the be-4 'ea-in) me o%% to"ar-
the -oor"a1 to the ne.t room;
F7ia''e4 :@m borro"in) 1o$r st$-io %or a %e" moments4G he sai-;
F($re'14G she rep'ie-;
,e 'e- me insi-e an- c'ose- the -oor behin- $s; Across the room a b$st o% #erar- ha- %a''en an-
broken; =hat appeare- to be her c$rrent pro?ectDa m$'ti'imbe- sea creat$re o% a sort :@- ne&er
seenDocc$pie- a "ork area at the st$-io@s %ar en-;
0an-om t$rne- on me s$--en'1 an- searche- m1 %ace;
F,a&e 1o$ been %o''o"in) the Be)ma-3ash%a sit$ation>G he aske-;
FBore or 'ess4G : rep'ie-; FBi'' brie%e- me on it the other ni)ht; 2re)nor an- a'' that;G
F/i- he te'' 1o$ that "e "ere )oin) to brin) 3ash%a into the #o'-en Circ'e an- so'&e the
2re)nor prob'em b1 reco)ni6in) 3ash%a@s ri)ht to that piece o% rea' estate>G
: -i-n@t 'ike the "a1 he@- aske- that one4 an- : -i-n@t "ant to )et Bi'' in tro$b'e; :t ha- seeme-
that that matter "as sti'' $n-er "raps "hen "e@- spoken; (o4 F:@m a%rai- : -on@t reca'' a'' the
-etai's on this st$%%4G : sai-;
F=e''4 that@s "hat : p'anne- on -oin)4G 0an-om to'- me; F=e -on@t $s$a''1 make )$arantees 'ike
thatDthe kin- that "i'' %a&or one treat1 co$ntr1 at the e.pense o% anotherDb$t Arkans4 the /$ke
o% (ha-b$rne4 kin- o% ha- $s o&er a barre'; ,e "as the best possib'e hea- o% state %or o$r
p$rposes4 an- :@- pa&e- the "a1 %or his takin) the throne no" that that re--haire- bitch is o$t o%
the pict$re; ,e kne" he co$'- 'ean on me a bit4 tho$)hDsince he@- be takin) a chance acceptin)
the throne %o''o"in) a -o$b'e break in the s$ccessionDan- he aske- %or 2re)nor4 so : )a&e it to
F: see4G : sai-4 Fe&er1thin) e.cept ho" this a%%ects me;G
,e t$rne- his hea- an- st$-ie- me thro$)h his 'e%t e1e;
F!he coronation "as to be to-a1; :n %act4 : "as )oin) to -ress an- !r$mp back %or it in a 'itt'e
FAo$ $se the past tense4G : obser&e-4 to %i'' the si'ence he ha- 'e%t be%ore me;
F(o : -o; (o : -o4G he m$ttere-4 t$rnin) a"a14 pacin) a %e" steps4 restin) his %oot on a piece o%
broken stat$ar14 t$rnin) back; F!he )oo- /$ke is no" either -ea- or imprisone-;G
FAn- there "i'' be no coronation>G : sai-;
FAu contraire4G 0an-om rep'ie-4 sti'' st$-1in) m1 %ace;
F: )i&e $p4G : sai-; F!e'' me "hat@s )oin) on;G
F!here "as a co$p4 at -a"n4 this mornin);G
FPossib'1 that4 too; B$t it "as backe- b1 e.terna' mi'itar1 %orce;G
F=hat "as Bene-ict -oin) "hi'e this "as )oin) on>G
F: or-ere- him to p$'' the troops o$t 1ester-a14 ri)ht be%ore : came home m1se'%; !hin)s seeme-
stab'e4 an- it "o$'-n@t ha&e 'ooke- )oo- to ha&e combat troops %rom Amber statione- there
-$rin) the coronation;G
F!r$e4G : sai-; F(o somebo-1 mo&e- ri)ht in4 a'most as soon as Bene-ict mo&e- o$t an- -i-
a"a1 "ith the man "ho "o$'- be kin)4 "itho$t the 'oca' constab$'ar1 e&en s$))estin) that that
"as not nice>G
0an-om no--e- s'o"'1;
F!hat@s abo$t the si6e o% it4G he sai-; FNo" "h1 -o 1o$ think that mi)ht be>G
FPerhaps the1 "ere not tota''1 -isp'ease- "ith the ne" state o% a%%airs;G
0an-om smi'e- an- snappe- his %in)ers;
F:nspire-4G he sai-; FOne co$'- a'most think 1o$ kne" "hat "as )oin) on;G
FOne "o$'- be "ron)4G : sai-;
F!o-a1 1o$r %ormer c'assmate 9$kas 0a1nar- becomes 0ina'-o :4 3in) o% 3ash%a;G
F:@'' be -amne-4G : sai-; F:@- no i-ea he rea''1 "ante- that ?ob; =hat are 1o$ )oin) to -o abo$t
F: think :@'' skip the coronation;G
F: mean4 o&er a s'i)ht'1 'on)er term;G
0an-om si)he- an- t$rne- a"a14 kickin) at the r$bb'e;
FAo$ mean4 am : )oin) to sen- Bene-ict back4 to -epose him>G
F:n a "or-4 1es;G
F!hat "o$'- make $s 'ook prett1 ba-; =hat 9$ke ?$st -i- is not abo&e the #ra$starkian po'itics
that pre&ai' in the area; =e@- mo&e- in an- he'pe- strai)hten o$t somethin) that "as %ast
becomin) a po'itica' shamb'es; =e co$'- )o back an- -o it a)ain4 too4 i% it "ere ?$st some ha'%-
asse- co$p b1 a cra61 )enera' or some nob'e "ith -e'$sions o% )ran-e$r; B$t 9$ke@s )ot a
'e)itimate c'aim4 an- it act$a''1 is stron)er than (ha-b$rne@s; A'so4 he@s pop$'ar; ,e@s 1o$n)4 an-
he makes a )oo- appearance; =e@- ha&e a 'ot 'ess ?$sti%ication %or )oin) back than "e ha- %or
)oin) in initia''1; 2&en so4 : "as a'most "i''in) to risk bein) ca''e- an a))ressor to keep that
bitch@s homici-a' son o%% the throne; !hen m1 man in 3ash%a te''s me that he@s $n-er 7ia''e@s
protection; (o : aske- her abo$t it; (he sa1s that it@s tr$e an- that 1o$ "ere present "hen it
happene-; (he sai- she@- te'' me abo$t it a%ter the operation /"orkin@s -oin) no"4 in case he
nee-s her empathic abi'ities; B$t : can@t "ait; !e'' me "hat happene-;G
FAo$ te'' me one more thin) %irst;G
F=hat is it>G
F=hat mi'itar1 %orces bro$)ht 9$ke to po"er>G
FOka1; 9$ke cance'e- his &en-etta a)ainst the ,o$se o% Amber4G : sai-; F,e -i- this %ree'14
%o''o"in) a con&ersation "ith 7ia''e4 ?$st the other ni)ht; :t "as then that she )a&e him the rin);
At the time : tho$)ht it "as to keep E$'ian %rom tr1in) to ki'' him4 as "e "ere on o$r "a1 -o"n
to Ar-en;G
F!his "as in response to /a't@s so-ca''e- $'timat$m re)ar-in) 9$ke an- Easra>G
F!hat@s ri)ht; :t ne&er occ$rre- to me that the "ho'e thin) mi)ht be a set$pDto )et 9$ke an-
/a't to)ether so the1 co$'- )o o%% an- p$'' a co$p; !hat "o$'- mean that e&en that %i)ht "as
sta)e-4 an- no" that : think o% it4 9$ke -i- ha&e a chance to ta'k "ith /a't be%ore it occ$rre-;G
0an-om raise- his han-;
F=ait4G he sai-; F#o back an- te'' me the thin) %rom the be)innin);G
An- so : -i-; B1 the time :@- %inishe- "e ha- both pace- the 'en)th o% the st$-io co$nt'ess times;
FAo$ kno"4G he sai- then4 Fthe "ho'e b$siness so$n-s 'ike somethin) Easra mi)ht ha&e set $p
be%ore her career as a piece o% %$rnit$re;G
F!he tho$)ht ha- occ$rre- to me4G : sai-4 hopin) he "asn@t abo$t to p$rs$e the matter o% her
present "hereabo$ts; An- the more : tho$)ht o% it4 reca''in) her reaction to the in%ormation abo$t
9$ke %o''o"in) o$r rai- on the 3eep4 the more : be)an to %ee' not on'1 that she ha- been a"are
o% "hat "as )oin) on b$t that she@- e&en been in to$ch "ith 9$ke more recent'1 than : ha- at
that time;
F:t "as prett1 smooth'1 -one4G he obser&e-; F/a't m$st ha&e been operatin) $n-er o'- or-ers;
Not bein) certain ho" to co''ect 9$ke or 'ocate Easra %or %resh instr$ctions4 he took a chance "ith
that %eint on Amber; Bene-ict mi)ht "e'' ha&e spitte- him a)ain4 "ith e<$a' ski'' an- )reater
F!r$e; : )$ess 1o$ ha&e to )i&e the -e&i' his -$e "hen it comes to )$ts; :t a'so means that 9$ke
m$st ha&e -one a 'ot o% %ast p'ottin) an- 'ai- that %i.e- %i)ht o$t -$rin) their brie% con%erence in
Ar-en; (o he "as rea''1 in contro' there4 an- he conne- $s into thinkin) he "as a prisoner4 "hich
prec'$-e- his bein) the threat to 3ash%a that he rea''1 "asDi% 1o$ "ant to 'ook at it that "a1;G
F=hat other "a1 is there to 'ook at it>G
F=e''4 as 1o$ sai- 1o$rse'%4 his c'aim is not e.act'1 "itho$t merit; =hat -o 1o$ "ant to -o>G
0an-om massa)e- his temp'es;
F#oin) a%ter him4 pre&entin) the coronation4 "o$'- be a &er1 $npop$'ar mo&e4G he sai-; F+irst4
tho$)h4 :@m c$rio$s; Ao$ sa1 this )$1@s a )reat b$''shitter; Ao$ "ere there; /i- he con 7ia''e into
p'acin) him $n-er her protection>G
FNo4 he -i-n@t4G : sai-; F,e seeme- as s$rprise- as : "as at her )est$re; ,e ca''e- o%% the
&en-etta beca$se he %e't that honor ha- been satis%ie-4 that he ha- to an e.tent been $se- b1 his
mother4 an- o$t o% %rien-ship %or me; ,e -i- it "itho$t an1 strin)s on it; : sti'' think she )a&e him
the rin) so the &en-etta "o$'- en- there4 so none o% $s "o$'- )o )$nnin) %or him;G
F!hat is &er1 'ike her4G 0an-om sai-; F:% : tho$)ht he@- taken a-&anta)e o% that4 : "as )oin) to
)o a%ter him m1se'%; !he embarrassment %or me is $nintentiona' then4 an- : )$ess : can 'i&e "ith
it; : prime Arkans %or the throne4 an- then he@s sh$nte- asi-e at the 'ast min$te b1 someone $n-er
m1 "i%e@s protection; A'most makes it 'ook as i% there@s a bit o% -i&isi&eness here at the center o%
thin)sDan- :@- hate to )i&e that impression;G
F:@&e )ot a h$nch 9$ke "i'' be &er1 conci'iator1; : kno" him "e'' eno$)h to kno" he
appreciates a'' o% these n$ances; :@- )$ess he@- be a &er1 eas1 man %or Amber to -ea' "ith4 on an1
F:@'' bet he "i''; =h1 sho$'-n@t he>G
FNo reason4G : sai-; F=hat@s )oin) to happen to that treat1 no">G
0an-om smi'e-;
F:@m o%% the hook; : ne&er %e't ri)ht abo$t the 2re)nor pro&isions; No"4 i% there@s to be a treat1 at
a''4 "e )o at itab initio ; :@m not e&en s$re "e nee- one4 tho$)h; !he he'' "ith @em;G
F:@'' bet Arkans is sti'' a'i&e4G : sai-;
FAo$ think 9$ke@s ho'-in) him hosta)e4 a)ainst m1 )i&in) him #o'-en Circ'e stat$s>G
: shr$))e-;
F,o" c'ose are 1o$ to Arkans>G
F=e''4 : -i- set him $p %or this thin)4 an- : %ee' : o"e him; : -on@t %ee' : o"e him that m$ch4
F!here "o$'- be 'oss o% %ace %or Amber e&en to approach a secon--rate po"er 'ike 3ash%a
-irect'1 at a time 'ike this;G
F!r$e4G : sai-4 Fan- %or that matter4 9$ke isn@t o%%icia''1 hea- o% state 1et;G
FArkans "o$'- sti'' be en?o1in) 'i%e at his &i''a i% it "eren@t %or me4 tho$)h4 an- 9$ke rea''1 -oes
seem to be a %rien- o% 1o$rsDa schemin) %rien-4 b$t a %rien-;G
FAo$ "o$'- 'ike me to mention this -$rin) a %orthcomin) -isc$ssion o% !on1 Price@s atomic
,e no--e-;
F: %ee' 1o$ sho$'- ha&e 1o$r art -isc$ssion &er1 soon; :n %act4 it "o$'- not be inappropriate %or
1o$ to atten- a %rien-@s coronationDas a pri&ate in-i&i-$a'; Ao$r -$a' herita)e "i'' ser&e $s "e''
here4 an- he "i'' sti'' be honore-;G
F2&en so4 :@'' bet he "ants that treat1;G
F2&en i% "e "ere inc'ine- to )rant it4 "e "o$'- not )$arantee him 2re)nor;G
F: $n-erstan-;G
FAn- 1o$ are not empo"ere- to commit $s to an1thin);G
F: $n-erstan- that4 too;G
F!hen "h1 -on@t 1o$ c'ean $p a bit an- )o ta'k to him abo$t it> Ao$r room is ?$st aro$n- the
ab1ss; Ao$ can 'ea&e thro$)h the ho'e in the "a'' an- shinn1 -o"n a beam : notice- "as intact;G
FOka14 : "i''4G : ans"ere-4 mo&in) in that -irection; FB$t one <$estion %irst4 comp'ete'1 o%% the
F,as m1 %ather been back recent'1>G
FNot to m1 kno"'e-)e4G he sai-4 shakin) his hea- s'o"'1; F=e@re a'' prett1 )oo- at hi-in) o$r
comin)s an- )oin)s i% "e "ish4 o% co$rse; B$t : think he@- ha&e 'et me kno" i% he "ere aro$n-;G
F#$ess so4G : sai-4 an- : t$rne- an- e.ite- thro$)h the "a''4 skirtin) the ab1ss;
Chapter 11
: h$n) %rom the beam4 s"$n)4 an- 'et )o; : 'an-e- a'most )race%$''1 in the mi--'e o% the ha''"a1
in an area that "o$'- ha&e been 'ocate- appro.imate'1 mi-"a1 bet"een m1 t"o -oors4 sa&e that
the %irst -oor "as missin)4 a'so the section o% "a'' thro$)h "hich it ha- pro&i-e- entrance Jor
e.it4 -epen-in) on "hich si-e 1o$ happene- to beK4 not to mention m1 %a&orite chair an- a
-isp'a1 case "hich ha- he'- seashe''s :@- picke- $p %rom beaches aro$n- the "or'-; Pit1;
: r$bbe- m1 e1es an- t$rne- a"a14 %or e&en the prospect o% m1 r$ine- apartment took secon-
p'ace ?$st no"; ,e''4 :@- ha- apartments r$ine- in the past; *s$a''1 aro$n- Apri' 3;;;
As in FNia)ara +a''s4G s'o"'1 : t$rne-;;;
Aes; Across the ha'' %rom m1 rooms4 "here : ha- pre&io$s'1 %ace- a b'ank "a''4 there "as no" a
ha''"a1 r$nnin) to the north; :@- )otten a )'impse $p its spark'in) 'en)th as :@- -roppe- %rom m1
ra%ter; Ama6in); !he )o-s ha- ?$st $ptempoe- m1 back)ro$n- m$sic 1et a)ain; :@- been in that
ha''"a1 be%ore4 in one o% its commoner 'ocations $p on the %o$rth %'oor4 r$nnin) east-"est
bet"een a co$p'e o% storerooms; One o% Cast'e Amber@s intri)$in) anoma'ies4 the Corri-or o%
Birrors4 in a--ition to seemin) 'on)er in one -irection than the other4 containe- co$nt'ess
mirrors; 9itera''1 co$nt'ess; !r1 co$ntin) them4 an- 1o$ ne&er come $p "ith the same tota'
t"ice; !apers %'icker in hi)h4 stan-in) ho'-ers4 castin) in%inities o% sha-o"s; !here are bi)
mirrors4 'itt'e mirrors4 narro" mirrors4 s<$at mirrors4 tinte- mirrors4 -istortin) mirrors4 mirrors
"ith e'aborate %ramesDcast or car&e-Dp'ain4 simp'1 %rame- mirrors4 an- mirrors "ith no
%rames at a''C there are mirrors in m$'tit$-es o% sharp-an)'e- )eometric shapes4 amorpho$s
shapes4 c$r&e- mirrors;
: ha- "a'ke- the Corri-or o% Birrors on se&era' occasions4 sni%%in) the per%$mes o% scente-
can-'es4 sometimes %ee'in) s$b'imina' presences amon) the ima)es4 thin)s "hich %a-e- at an
instant@s sharp re)ar-; : ha- %e't the mi.e- enchantments o% the p'ace b$t ha- someho" ne&er
ro$se- its s'eepin) )enii; E$st as "e'' perhaps; One ne&er kne" "hat to e.pect in that p'aceC at
'east that@s "hat B'e1s once to'- me; ,e "as not certain "hether the mirrors prope''e- one into
obsc$re rea'ms o% (ha-o"4 h1pnoti6e- one an- in-$ce- bi6arre -ream states4 cast one into p$re'1
s1mbo'ic rea'ms -ecorate- "ith the %$rnit$re o% the ps1che4 p'a1e- ma'icio$s or harm'ess hea-
)ames "ith the &ie"er4 none o% the abo&e4 a'' o% the abo&e4 or some o% the abo&e; =hate&er4 it
"as somethin) 'ess than harm'ess4 tho$)h4 as thie&es4 ser&ants4 an- &isitors ha- occasiona''1
been %o$n- -ea- or st$nne- an- m$mb'in) a'on) that spark'in) ro$te4 o%ttimes "earin) hi)h'1
$n$s$a' e.pressions; An- )enera''1 aro$n- the so'stices an- e<$ino.esDtho$)h it co$'- occ$r at
an1 seasonDthe corri-or mo&e- itse'% to a ne" 'ocation4 sometimes simp'1 -epartin) a'to)ether
%or a time; *s$a''1 it "as treate- "ith s$spicion4 sh$nne-4 tho$)h it co$'- as o%ten re"ar- as
in?$re one or o%%er a $se%$' omen or insi)ht as rea-i'1 as an $nner&in) e.perience; :t "as the
$ncertaint1 o% it that ro$se- trepi-ations;
An- sometimes4 : "as to'-4 it "as a'most as i% it came 'ookin) %or a partic$'ar person4 bearin) its
ambi)$o$s )i%ts; On s$ch occasions it "as sai- to be more -an)ero$s to t$rn it -o"n than to
accept its in&itation;
FA"4 come on4G : sai-; FNo">G
!he sha-o"s -ance- a'on) its 'en)th4 an- : ca$)ht a : "hi%% o% those into.icatin) tapers; :
mo&e- %or"ar-; : e.ten-e- m1 'e%t han- past its corner an- patte- the "a''; +rakir -i-n@t stir;
F!his is Ber'in4G : sai-4 Fan- :@m kin- o% b$s1 ?$st no"; Ao$ s$re 1o$ "o$'-n@t rather re%'ect
someone e'se>G
!he nearest %'ame seeme-4 %or an instant4 a %ier1 han-4 beckonin);
F(hit4G : "hispere-4 an- : stro-e %or"ar-;
!here "as no sense o% transition as : entere-; A 'on) re--patterne- r$nner co&ere- the %'oor; /$st
motes sp$n in the 'i)hts : passe-; : "as besi-e m1se'% in man1 aspects4 %'ickerin) %'ame'i)ht
har'e<$ina-in) m1 )arments4 trans%ormin) m1 %ace "ithin a -ance o% sha-o"s;
+or an instant it seeme- that the stern &isa)e o% Oberon re)ar-e- me %rom a sma'' hi)h meta'-
%rame- o&a'Das easi'1 a trick o% the 'i)ht as the sha-e o% his 'ate hi)hness4 o% co$rse;
:@- s"ear an anima'istic tra&est1 o% m1 o"n %ace ha- 'eere- at me %or a moment4 ton)$e 'o''in)4
%rom a mi-'e&e' rectan)'e o% <$icksi'&er to m1 'e%t4 %rame- is ceramic %'o"ers4 %ace h$mani6in)
as : t$rne-4 <$ick'14 to mock me;
=a'kin); +ootsteps m$%%'e-; Breathin) s'i)ht'1 ti)ht; : "on-ere- "hether : sho$'- s$mmon m1
9o)r$s si)ht or e&en tr1 that o% the Pattern; : "as 'oath to attempt either4 tho$)h4 memories o% the
nastier aspects o% both Po"ers sti'' too %resh "ithin me %or com%ort; (omethin) "as abo$t to
happen to me4 : "as certain;
: ha'te- an- e.amine- the one : tho$)ht m$st ha&e m1 n$mberD%rame- in b'ack meta'4 "ith
&ario$s si)ns %rom the ma)ica' arts in'ai- in si'&er abo$t it; !he )'ass "as m$rk14 as i% spirits
s"am ?$st o$t o% si)ht "ithin its -epths; B1 %ace 'ooke- 'eaner4 its 'ines more hea&i'1 inscribe-4
the %aintest o% p$rp'e ha'os4 perhaps4 %'ickerin) abo$t m1 hea- "ithin it; !here "as somethin)
co'- an- &a)$e'1 sinister abo$t that ima)e4 b$t tho$)h : st$-ie- it %or a 'on) "hi'e4 nothin)
happene-; !here "ere no messa)es4 en'i)htenments4 chan)es; :n %act4 the 'on)er : stare-4 the
more a'' o% the -ramatic 'itt'e to$ches seeme- b$t tricks o% the 'i)htin);
: "a'ke- on4 %ast )'impses o% $nearth'1 'an-scapes4 e.otic creat$res4 hints o% memor14 neat
s$b'imina's o% -ea- %rien-s an- re'ati&es; (omethin) "ithin a poo' e&en "a&e- a rake at me; :
"a&e- back; ,a&in) so recent'1 s$r&i&e- the tra$mas o% m1 trek thro$)h the 'an- bet"een
sha-o"s4 : "as not as intimi-ate- b1 these mani%estations o% stran)eness an- possib'e menace as
: "o$'- 'ike'1 ha&e been at a'most an1 other time; : tho$)ht : ha- si)ht o% a )ibbete- man4
s"in)in) as in a stron) "in-4 han-s tie- behin- his back4 2' #reco sk1 abo&e him;
F:@&e ha- a ro$)h co$p'e o% -a1s4G : sai- a'o$-4 Fan- there@s no si)n o% an1 'et$p; :@m sort o% in a
h$rr14 i% 1o$ kno" "hat : mean;G
(omethin) p$nche- me in the ri)ht ki-ne14 an- : sp$n aro$n-4 b$t there "as no one there; !hen
: %e't a han- $pon m1 sho$'-er4 t$rnin) me; : cooperate- <$ick'1; No one there either;
F: apo'o)i6e4G : sai-4 Fi% the tr$th re<$ires it here;G
:n&isib'e han-s contin$e- to p$sh an- t$) at me4 mo&in) me past a n$mber o% attracti&e mirrors;
: "as steere- to a cheap-'ookin) mirror in a -ark-staine- "oo-en %rame; :t 'ooke- as i% it mi)ht
ha&e come %rom some -isco$nt ho$se; !here "as a s'i)ht imper%ection in the )'ass4 in the
&icinit1 o% m1 'e%t e1e; =hate&er %orces ha- prope''e- me to this point re'ease- me here; :t
occ$rre- to me that the po"ers that be here mi)ht act$a''1 ha&e been attemptin) to
thin)s per m1 re<$est4 rather than simp'1 h$st'in) me in a pee&ish spirit;
(o4 F!hanks4G : sai-4 ?$st to be sa%e4 an- : contin$e- to stare; : mo&e- m1 hea- back an- %orth
an- %rom si-e to si-e4 pro-$cin) ripp'e e%%ects across m1 ima)e; : repeate- the mo&ements "hi'e
"aitin) %or "hate&er mi)ht occ$r;
B1 ima)e remaine- $nchan)e-4 b$t on the thir- or %o$rth ripp'e m1 back)ro$n- "as a'tere-; :t
"as no 'on)er a "a'' o% -im'1 'it mirrors that stoo- behin- me; :t %'o"e- a"a1 an- -i- not ret$rn
"ith m1 ne.t mo&ement; :n its p'ace "as a stan- o% -ark shr$bber1 beneath an e&enin) sk1; :
contin$e- to mo&e m1 hea- s'i)ht'1 se&era' times more4 b$t the ripp'e e%%ect ha- &anishe-; !he
b$shes seeme- &er1 rea'4 tho$)h m1 periphera' &ision sho"e- me that the ha''"a1 "as intact in
both -irections an- sti'' seeme- to possess its ri)ht-han- "a'' at both en-s;
: contin$e- to search the seemin)'1 re%'ecte- shr$bber14 'ookin) %or portents4 omens4 si)ns4 or
?$st a 'itt'e mo&ement; None o% these became apparent4 tho$)h a &er1 rea' sensation o% -epth "as
there; : co$'- a'most %ee' a coo' bree6e $pon m1 neck; : m$st ha&e stare- %or se&era' min$tes4
"aitin) %or the mirror to pro-$ce somethin) ne"; B$t it -i- not; :% this "as the best the mirror
ha- to o%%er4 it "as time to mo&e on4 : -eci-e-;
(omethin) seeme- to stir in the b$shes at m1 back4 then4 ca$sin) re%'e. to take o&er; : t$rne-
<$ick'14 raisin) m1 han-s be%ore me;
:t "as on'1 the "in- that ha- r$st'e- them4 : sa"; An- then : rea'i6e- that : "as not in the
ha''"a14 an- : t$rne- a)ain; !he mirror an- its "a'' "ere )one; : no" %ace- a 'o" hi''4 a 'ine o%
broken masonr1 at its top; 9i)ht %'ickere- %rom behin- that shattere- "a''; Both c$riosit1 an- m1
sense o% p$rpose ro$se-4 : be)an c'imbiin) s'o"'14 m1 "ariness 1et present;
!he sk1 seeme- to )ro" -arker e&en as : c'imbe- an- it "as c'o$-'ess4 a pro%$sion o% stars
p$'sin) in $n%ami'iar conste''ations across it; : mo&e- "ith some stea'th ami- stones4 )rasses4
shr$bs4 broken masonr1; +rom be1on- the &ine-c'a- "a'' : no" hear- the so$n-s o% &oices;
!ho$)h : co$'- not -istin)$ish the "or-s bein) spoken4 it -i- not seem con&ersation that :
o&erhear-4 b$t rather a cacophon1Das i% a n$mber o% in-i&i-$a's4 o% both )en-ers an- &ario$s
a)es4 "ere -e'i&erin) sim$'taneo$s mono'o)$es;
Comin) to the hi''@s top4 : e.ten-e- m1 han- $nti' it ma-e contact "ith the "a''@s irre)$'ar
s$r%ace; : -eci-e- a)ainst )oin) aro$n- it to see "hat sort o% acti&it1 "as in pro)ress on the other
si-e; :t co$'- make me &isib'e to : kne" not "hat; :t seeme- so m$ch simp'er to reach as hi)h as
: co$'-4 hook m1 %in)ers o&er the top o% the nearest -epresse- area4 an- -ra" m1se'% $p"ar-Das
: -i-; : e&en 'ocate- toeho'-s as m1 hea- neare- the top4 an- : "as ab'e to ease some o% the strain
on m1 arms b1 restin) part o% m1 "ei)ht $pon them;
: -re" m1se'% care%$''1 $p those %ina' %e" inches4 peerin) past %ract$re- stone an- -o"n into the
interior o% the r$ine- str$ct$re; :t appeare- to ha&e been some sort o% ch$rch; !he roo% "as
%a''en4 an- the %ar "a'' sti'' stoo-4 in m$ch the same con-ition as the one : c'$n) to; !here "as an
a'tar in ba- repair in a raise- area o%% to m1 ri)ht; =hate&er ha- happene- here m$st ha&e
happene- 'on) a)o4 %or shr$bs an- &ines )re" in the interior as "e'' as "itho$t4 so%tenin) the
'ines o% co''apse- pe"s4 %a''en pi''ars4 %ra)ments o% the roo%;
Be'o" me4 in a c'eare- area4 a 'ar)e penta)ram "as -ra"n; At each o% the star@s points stoo- a
%i)$re4 %acin) o$t"ar-; :n"ar- %rom them4 at the %i&e points "here the 'ines crosse-4 %'are- a
torch4 its b$tt -ri&en into the earth; !his seeme- a some"hat pec$'iar &ariation on the rit$a's "ith
"hich : "as %ami'iar4 an- : "on-ere- at the s$mmonin) an- "h1 the %i&e "ere not better
protecte- an- "h1 the1 "ere not abo$t the "ork in concert4 rather than each seemin) o%% on a
persona' trip an- i)norin) the others; !he three "hom : co$'- see c'ear'1 ha- their backs to me;
!he t"o "ho %ace- in m1 -irection "ere bare'1 "ithin m1 'ine o% si)ht4 their %aces co&ere- o&er
"ith sha-o"s; (ome o% the &oices "ere ma'eC some4 %ema'e; One "as sin)in)C t"o "ere
chantin)C the other t"o seeme- mere'1 to be speakin)4 tho$)h in sta)14 arti%icia' tones;
: -re" m1se'% hi)her4 tr1in) %or a )'impse o% the %aces o% the nearer t"o; !his beca$se there "as
somethin) %ami'iar abo$t the entire ensemb'e4 an- : %e't that i% : "ere to i-enti%1 one4 : mi)ht
"e'' rea'i6e a'' o% their i-entities;
Another <$estion hi)h on m1 'ist "as4 =hat "as it the1 "ere s$mmonin)> =as : sa%e $p here on
the "a''4 this c'ose to the operation4 i% somethin) $n$s$a' p$t in an appearance> :t -i- not seem
that the proper constraints "ere in p'ace be'o"; : -re" m1se'% hi)her sti''; : %e't m1 center o%
)ra&it1 shi%tin) ?$st as m1 &ie" o% a%%airs impro&e- 1et a)ain; !hen : rea'i6e- that : "as mo&in)
%or"ar- "itho$t e%%ort; An instant 'ater : kne" that the "a'' "as topp'in)4 carr1in) me %or"ar-
an- -o"n ri)ht into the mi-st o% their o--'1 choreo)raphe- rit$a'; : trie- to p$sh m1se'% a"a1
%rom the "a''4 hopin) to hit the )ro$n- ro''in) an- r$n 'ike he''; B$t it "as a'rea-1 too 'ate; B1
abr$pt p$sh-$p raise- me into the air b$t -i- not rea''1 ha't m1 %or"ar- moment$m;
No one beneath me stirre-4 tho$)h r$bb'e raine- abo$t them a''4 an- : %ina''1 ca$)ht some
reco)ni6ab'e "or-s as : %e'';
F;;;s$mmon thee4 Ber'in4 to %a'' into m1 po"er no"IG one o% the "omen "as chantin);
A &er1 e%%ecti&e rit$a' a%ter a''4 : -eci-e-4 as : 'an-e- on m1 back $pon the penta)ram4 arms
%'oppin) o$t to m1 si-es at sho$'-er 'e&e'4 'e)s sprea-; : "as ab'e to t$ck m1 chin4 protectin) m1
hea-4 an- the s'appin) o% m1 arms seeme- to pro-$ce a break-%a'' e%%ect so that : "as not ba-'1
st$nne- b1 the impact; !he %i&e hi)h to"ers o% %ire -ance- "i'-'1 abo$t me %or se&era' secon-s4
then sett'e- once a)ain into stea-ier b'a6in); !he %i&e %i)$res sti'' %ace- o$t"ar-; : attempte- to
rise an- %o$n- that : co$'- not; :t "as as i% : "ere stake- o$t in that position;
+rakir ha- "arne- me too 'ate4 as : "as %a''in)4 an- no" : "as $ncertain to "hat emp'o1ment :
mi)ht p$t her; : co$'- sen- her creepin) o%% to an1 o% the %i)$res "ith or-ers to "ork her "a1
$p"ar- an- commence chokin); B$t so %ar : ha- no "a1 o% kno"in) "hich one4 i% an14 mi)ht
-eser&e s$ch treatment;
F: hate -roppin) in "itho$t notice4G : sai-4 Fan- : can see this is a pri&ate part1; :% someone "i''
be )oo- eno$)h to t$rn me 'oose4 :@'' be on m1 "a1DG
!he %i)$re in the &icinit1 o% m1 'e%t %oot -i- an abo$t-%ace an- stoo- starin) -o"n at me; (he
"ore a b'$e robe4 b$t there "as no mask $pon her %ire-re--ene- %ace; !here "as on'1 a ti)ht
smi'e4 "hich "ent a"a1 "hen she 'icke- her 'ips; :t "as E$'ia4 an- there "as a kni%e in her ri)ht
FA'"a1s the smartass4G she sai-; F0ea-1 "ith a %'ippant ans"er to an1 sit$ation; :t@s a co&er %or
1o$r $n"i''in)ness to commit 1o$rse'% to an1thin) or an1one; 2&en those "ho 'o&e 1o$;G
F:t co$'- ?$st be a sense o% h$mor4 too4G : sai-4 Fa thin) :@m be)innin) to rea'ise 1o$ ne&er
(he shook her hea- s'o"'1;
FAo$ keep e&er1one at arms@ -istance; !here is no tr$st in 1o$;G
F0$ns in the %ami'14G : sai-; FB$t pr$-ence -oes not prec'$-e a%%ection;G
(he ha- be)$n raisin) the b'a-e4 b$t she %a'tere- %or a secon-;
FAre 1o$ sa1in) that 1o$ sti'' care abo$t me>G she aske-;
F: ne&er stoppe-4G : sai-; F:t@s ?$st that 1o$ came on too stron) a'' o% a s$--en; Ao$ "ante- more
o% me than : "as "i''in) to )i&e ?$st then;G
FAo$ 'ie4G she sai-4 Fbeca$se : ho'- 1o$r 'i%e in m1 han-;G
F: co$'- think o% a 'ot "orse reasons %or '1in)4G : sai-; FB$t4 $n%ort$nate'14 :@m te''in) the tr$th;G
!here came another %ami'iar &oice then4 %rom o%% to m1 ri)ht;
F:t "as too ear'1 %or $s to speak o% s$ch thin)s4G she sai-4 Fb$t : be)r$-)e her 1o$r a%%ection;G
!$rnin) m1 hea-4 : sa" that this %i)$re4 too4 no" %ace- in"ar-4 an- it "as Cora' an- her ri)ht
e1e "as co&ere- b1 a b'ack patch an- she4 too4 he'- a kni%e in her ri)ht han-; !hen : sa" "hat
"as in her 'e%t han-4 an- : shot a )'ance back at E$'ia; Aes4 the1 both he'- %orks as "e'' as kni&es;
F6t tu4G : sai-;
F: to'- 1o$ : -on@t speak 2n)'ish4G Cora' rep'ie-;
F2t b1 t"o4G E$'ia respon-e-4 raisin) her $tensi's; F=ho sa1s : -on@t ha&e a sense o% h$mor>G
!he1 spit at each other across me4 some o% the spitt'e not <$ite )oin) the -istance;
9$ke4 it occ$rre- to me4 mi)ht ha&e trie- sett'in) matters b1 proposin) to both o% them on the
spot; :@- a %ee'in) it "o$'-n@t "ork %or me4 so : -i-n@t;
F!his is an ob?ecti%ication o% marria)e ne$rosis4G : sai-; F:t@s a pro?ecti&e e.perience; :t@s a &i&i-
-ream; :t@sDG
E$'ia -roppe- to one knee4 an- her ri)ht han- %'ashe- -o"n"ar-; : %e't the b'a-e enter m1 'e%t
B1 scream "as interr$pte- "hen Cora' -ro&e her %ork into m1 ri)ht sho$'-er;
F!his is ri-ic$'o$sIG : crie- as the other $tensi's %'ashe- in their han-s an- : %e't %resh stabs o%
!hen the %i)$re at the star@s point near m1 ri)ht %oot t$rne- s'o"'14 )race%$''1; (he "as "rappe-
in a -ark bro"n c'oak "ith a 1e''o" bor-er4 her arms crosse- be%ore her ho'-in) it c'ose- $p to
her e1e 'e&e';
F(top4 1o$ bitchesIG she or-ere-4 %'in)in) the )arment "i-e an- resemb'in) nothin) so m$ch as
a mo$rnin) c'oak b$tter%'1; :t "as4 o% co$rse4 /ara4 m1 mother;
E$'ia an- Cora' ha- a'rea-1 raise- their %orks to their mo$ths an- "ere che"in); !here "as a
tin1 bea- o% b'oo- besi-e E$'ia@s 'ip; !he c'oak contin$e- to %'o" o$t"ar- %rom m1 mother@s
%in)ertips as i% it "ere a'i&e4 as i% it "ere a part o% her; :ts "in)s b'ocke- E$'ia an- Cora'
comp'ete'1 %rom m1 si)ht4 %a''in) $pon them as she contin$e- to sprea- her arms4 co&erin) them4
bearin) them o&er back"ar- to become bo-1-si6e '$mps $pon the )ro$n-4 )ro"in) sma''er an-
sma''er $nti' the )arment simp'1 h$n) nat$ra''1 an- the1 "ere )one %rom their points o% the star;
!here came a s'o"4 -e'icate c'appin) so$n- then4 %o''o"e- b1 a hoarse 'a$)h %rom m1 'e%t;
F2.treme'1 "e''$te-4G came that pain%$''1 %ami'iar &oice4 Fb$t then 1o$ a'"a1s 'ike- him
FBetter4G she correcte-;
F:sn@t poor /espi' e&en in the r$nnin)>G E$rt sai-;
FAo$@re bein) $n%air4G she to'- him;
FAo$ 'ike- that ma- Prince o% Amber more than 1o$ e&er care- %or o$r %ather4 "ho "as a -ecent
man4G he to'- her4 F!hat@s "h1 Ber'in "as a'"a1s 1o$r pet4 isn@t it>G
F!hat@s ?$st not tr$e4 E$rt4 an- 1o$ kno" it4G she sai-;
,e 'a$)he- a)ain; F=e a'' s$mmone- him beca$se "e a'' "ant him4G he sai-4 F%or -i%%erent
reasons; B$t in the en- o$r -esires a'' come to this4 -o the1 not>G
: hear- the )ro"'4 an- : t$rne- m1 hea- ?$st in time to see his %ace s'i-e a'on) the pro?ecti&e
c$r&e "o'%"ar-4 m$66'e -escen-in)4 %an)s %'ashin) as he %e'' to a'' %o$rs an- s'ashe- at m1 'e%t
sho$'-er4 )ainin) himse'% a )or1 taste o% m1 person;
F(top thatIG she crie-; FAo$ 'itt'e beastIG
,e thre" back his m$66'e an- ho"'e-4 an- it came o$t the "a1 a co1ote@s cr1 -oes4 as a kin- o%
ma- 'a$)hter;
A b'ack boot str$ck his sho$'-er4 knockin) him o&er back"ar- an- sen-in) him crashin) into
the $nco''apse- section o% "a'' behin- him4 "hich prompt'1 co''apse- $pon him; ,e $ttere- b$t
a brie% "himper be%ore bein) co&ere- o&er comp'ete'1 b1 the %a''in) r$bb'e;
F=e''4 "e''4 "e''4G : hear- /ara sa14 an- 'ookin) that "a14 : sa" that she a'so he'- a kni%e an-
%ork; F=hat@s a bastar- 'ike 1o$ -oin) in a nice p'ace 'ike this>G
F3eepin) the 'ast o% the pre-ators at ba14 it "o$'- seem4G rep'ie- the &oice "hich ha- once to'-
me a &er1 'on) stor1 containin) m$'tip'e &ersions o% an a$to acci-ent an- a n$mber o%
)enea'o)ica' )a%%es;
(he '$n)e- at me4 b$t he stoope-4 ca$)ht me beneath the sho$'-ers4 an- snatche- me o$t o% her
"a1; !hen his )reat b'ack c'oak s"ir'e- 'ike a mata-or@s4 co&erin) her; As she ha- -one "ith
Cora' an- E$'ia4 she herse'% seeme- to me't into the earth beneath it; ,e set me on m1 %eet4
stoope- then4 raise- the c'oak4 an- br$she- it o%%; As he re%astene- it "ith a si'&er rose o% a c'asp4
: st$-ie- him %or %an)s or at 'east c$t'er1;
F+o$r o$t o% %i&e4G : sai-4 br$shin) m1se'% o%%8 FNo matter ho" rea' this seems4 :@m s$re it@s on'1
ana'o)ica''1 or ana)o)ica''1 tr$e; (o ho" come 1o$@re not canniba'istica''1 inc'ine- in this
FOn the other han-4G he sai-4 -ra"in) on a si'&er )a$nt'et4 F: "as ne&er a rea' %ather to 1o$; :t@s
kin- o% -i%%ic$'t "hen 1o$ -on@t e&en kno" the ki- e.ists; (o : -i-n@t rea''1 "ant an1thin) %rom
1o$ either;G
F!hat s$re 'ooks 'ike #ra1s"an-ir 1o$@re "earin)4G : sai-;
,e no--e-;
F:t seems to ha&e ser&e- 1o$4 too;G
F: s$ppose : sho$'- thank 1o$ %or that; : a'so s$ppose 1o$@re the "ron);;;person to ask "hether
1o$ rea''1 bore me %rom that ca&e to the 'an- bet"een sha-o"s;G
FOh4 it "as me a'' ri)ht;G
FO% co$rse4 1o$@- sa1 that;G
F: -on@t kno" "h1 : sho$'- i% : -i-n@t; 9ook o$tI !he "a''IG
One <$ick )'ance sho"e- me that another bi) section o% "a'' "as %a''in) to"ar- $s; !hen he
p$she- me4 an- : spra"'e- across the penta)ram a)ain; : hear- the stoneC crashin) behin- me4
an- : ha'% rose an- thre" m1se'% e&en %arther %or"ar-;
(omethin) str$ck the si-e o% m1 hea-;
: "oke $p in the Corri-or o% Birrors; : "as '1in) %ace-o"n"ar-4 m1 hea- restin) on m1 ri)ht
%orearm4 a rectan)$'ar piece o% stone c'$tche- in m1 han-4 the aromas o% the can-'es -ri%tin)
abo$t me; =hen : be)an to rise4 : %e't pains in both sho$'-ers an- in m1 'e%t thi)h; A <$ick
in&esti)ation sho"e- me that : bore c$tsC in a'' three o% those p'aces; !ho$)h there "asn@t m$ch :
co$'- -o no" to he'p -emonstrate the &eracit1 o% m1 recent a-&ent$re be1on- this4 it "asn@t
somethin) : %e't 'ike shr$))in) o%% either;
: )ot to m1 %eet an- 'impe- back to the corri-or that ran past m1 rooms;
F=here@- 1o$ )o>G 0an-om ca''e- -o"n to me;
F,$h> =hat -o 1o$ mean>G : respon-e-;
FAo$ "a'ke- back $p the ha''4 b$t there@s nothin) there;G
F,o" 'on) "as : )one>G
F,a'% a min$te ma1be4G he ans"ere-; : "a&e- the stone : sti'' carrie-;
F(a" this '1in) on the %'oor; Co$'-n@t %i)$re "hat it "as4G : sai-;
FProbab'1 b'o"n there "hen the Po"ers met4G he sai-4 F%rom one o% the "a''s; !here "ere a
n$mber o% arches e-)e- "ith stones 'ike that at one time; Bost'1 p'astere- o&er on 1o$r %'oor
FOh4G : sai-; F(ee 1o$ in a bit4 be%ore : take o%%;G
F/o that4G he rep'ie-4 an- : t$rne- an- %o$n- m1 "a1 thro$)h one o% the -a1@s man1 broken
"a''s an- on into m1 room;
!he %ar "a'' ha- a'so been b'aste-4 : notice-4 creatin) a 'ar)e openin) into Bran-@s -$st1
chambers; : pa$se- an- st$-ie- it; (1nchronicit14 : -eci-e-; :t appeare- there ha- once been an
arch"a1 connectin) those rooms "ith these; : mo&e- %or"ar- an- e.amine- the e.pose- c$r&e
a'on) its 'e%t si-e; Aes4 it ha- been ren-ere- %rom stones simi'ar to the one : he'-; :n %actD
: br$she- a"a1 p'aster an- s'i- mine into a broken area; :t %itte- per%ect'1; :n %act4 "hen : )a&e it
a sma'' t$)4 it re%$se- to be remo&e-; ,a- : rea''1 bro$)ht it back %rom the sinister %ather-
mother-brother-'o&ers rit$a' -ream be1on- the mirror> Or ha- : ha'%-conscio$s'1 picke- it $p on
m1 ret$rn4 %rom "here&er it ha- been b'aste- -$rin) the recent architect$ra' -istress>
: t$rne- a"a14 remo&in) m1 c'oak4 strippin) o%% m1 shirt; Aes; !here "ere p$nct$res 'ike %ork
marks on m1 ri)ht sho$'-er4 somethin) 'ike an anima' bite on m1 'e%t; A'so4 there "as -rie-
b'oo- on m1 'e%t tro$ser 'e) in the area o% a tear be1on- "hich m1 thi)h "as ten-er; : "ashe- $p
an- br$she- m1 teeth an- combe- m1 hair4 an- : p$t a -ressin) on m1 'e) an- 'e%t sho$'-er; !he
%ami'1 metabo'ism "o$'- see me hea'e- in a -a14 b$t : -i-n@t "ant some e.ertion tearin) them
open an- )ettin) %resh )arments )or1;
(peakin) o% "hich;;;
!he armoire "as $n-ama)e- an- : tho$)ht :@- "ear m1 other co'ors4 to )i&e 9$ke a happ1
memor1 or t"o %or his coronation8 the )o'-en shirt an- ro1a' b'$e tro$sers :@- %o$n- "hich
appro.imate- Berke'e1@s co'ors a'most e.act'1C a 'eather &est -1e- to match the pantsC matchin)
c'oak "ith )o'- trimC b'ack s"or- be't4 b'ack )'o&es t$cke- behin- it4 remin-in) me : nee-e- a
ne" b'a-e; /a))er4 too4 %or that matter; : "as "on-erin) abo$t a hat "hen a series o% so$n-s
ca$)ht m1 attention; : t$rne-;
!hro$)h a %resh screen o% -$st : no" ha- a s1mmetrica' &ie" into Bran-@s <$artersC rather than a
?a))e- openin) in the "a'' the arch"a1 stoo- per%ect an- entire4 the "a'' intact at either han- an-
abo&e; !he "a'' to m1 ri)ht a'so seeme- 'ess -ama)e- than it ha- been ear'ier;
: mo&e- %or"ar- an- ran m1 han- a'on) the c$r&e o% stones; : inspecte- a-?acent p'astere-
areas4 'ookin) %or cracks; !here "ere none; A'' ri)ht; !he stone ha- borne an enchantment; !o
"hat en->
: stro-e thro$)h the arch"a1 an- 'ooke- aro$n-; !he room "as -ark4 an- : s$mmone- the
9o)r$s si)ht re%'e.i&e'1; :t came an- ser&e- me4 as $s$a'; Perhaps the 9o)r$s ha- -eci-e-
a)ainst ho'-in) a )r$-)e;
At this 'e&e' : co$'- see the resi-$e o% man1 ma)ica' e.periments as "e'' as a n$mber o%
stan-in) spe''s; Bost sorcerers 'ea&e a certain amo$nt o% not norma''1 &isib'e ma)ica' c'$tter
abo$t4 b$t Bran- seeme- to ha&e been a rea' s'ob4 tho$)h o% co$rse4 he mi)ht ha&e been r$she-
<$ite a bit near the en- there "hen he "as tr1in) to take o&er contro' o% the $ni&erse; :t@s not the
sort o% occ$pation "herein neatness co$nts the "a1 it mi)ht in other en-ea&ors; : passe- on
a'on) m1 to$r o% inspection; !here "ere m1steries here4 $n%inishe- bits o% b$siness an-
in-ications that he ha- )one %arther a'on) some ma)ica' ro$tes than : ha- e&er "ishe- to )o;
(ti''4 there "as nothin) here that : %e't : co$'- not han-'e an- nothin) representin) )ra&e an-
imme-iate -an)er; :t "as ?$st possib'e4 no" :@- %ina''1 ha- an opport$nit1 to inspect them4 that :
mi)ht "ant to 'ea&e the arch"a1 intact an- a-- Bran-@s <$arters to m1 o"n;
On the "a1 o$t : -eci-e- to check Bran-@s armoire to see "hether he ha- a hat to )o "ith "hat :
"as "earin); : opene- it an- -isco&ere- a -ark three-cornere- one "ith a )o'-en %eather4 "hich
%itte- me per%ect'1; !he co'or "as a 'itt'e o%%4 b$t : s$--en'1 reca''e- a spe'' "hich a'tere- it; As :
"as abo$t to t$rn a"a14 somethin) to the rear o% that top she'% "hich he'- the hats )'inte- %or a
moment "ithin m1 9o)r$s &ision; : reache- in an- "ith-re" it;
:t "as a 'on) an- 'o&e'1 )o'--chase- sheath o% -ark )reen4 an- the hi't o% the b'a-e "hich
protr$-e- %rom it appeare- to be )o'-p'ate-4 "ith an enormo$s emera'- set in its pomme'; : took
ho'- o% it an- -re" it part"a14 ha'% e.pectin) it to "ai' 'ike a -emon on "hom one has -roppe- a
ba''oon %i''e- "ith ho'1 "ater; :nstea-4 it mere'1 hisse- an- smoke- a 'itt'e; An- there "as a
bri)ht -esi)n "orke- into the meta' o% its b'a-eDa'most reco)ni6ab'e; Aes4 a section o% the
Pattern; On'1 this e.cerptin) "as %rom the Pattern@s en-4 "hereas #ra1s"an-ir@s "as %rom a
point near the be)innin);
: sheathe- it4 an- on an imp$'se : h$n) it %rom m1 be't; ,is o'- man@s s"or- "o$'- make a neat
coronation present %or 9$ke4 : -eci-e-; (o :@- take it a'on) %or him; : 'et m1se'% o$t into the si-e
corri-or then ma-e m1 "a1 o&er a sma'' section o% co''apse- "a'' %rom #erar-@s <$arters an-
back past +iona@s -oor to m1 -a-@s rooms; !here "as one thin) more : "ante- to check4 an- the
s"or- ha- remin-e- me; : %ishe- in m1 pocket %or the ke1 :@- trans%erre- %rom m1 b'oo-1
tro$sers; !hen : -eci-e- :@- better knock; =hat i%;;;
: knocke- an- "aite-4 knocke- a)ain an- "aite- a)ain; :n that nothin) b$t si'ence ens$e- :
$n'ocke- the -oor an- entere-; : "ent no %arther than that %irst p'ace; :@- ?$st "ante- to check the
#ra1s"an-ir "as )one %rom the pe) "here :@- h$n) it; : backe- o$t4 c'osin) an- 'ockin) the
-oor; !he %act that the ro" o% pe)s ha- been empt1 "as an instance o% obtainin) the kno"'e-)e
one "ante- an- sti'' not bein) certain "hat one ha- pro&e- thereb1; Aet it ha- been somethin) :@-
"ishe- to kno"4 an- it -i- make me %ee' that %ina' kno"'e-)e "as nearer than it ha- been;;;;
: "a'ke- back4 past +iona@s rooms; : reentere- Bran-@s rooms thro$)h the -oor : ha- 'e%t a?ar; :
h$nte- aro$n- ti'' : spotte- a ke1 in a nearb1 ashtra1; : 'ocke- the -oor an- pockete- the ke1C
that "as a'most si''1 beca$se an1one co$'- "a'k in %rom m1 room no" an- m1 room "as
missin) a "a''; (ti'';;;
: hesitate- be%ore crossin) back to m1 sittin) room "ith its !abri6 staine- "itht'iga spit an-
part'1 co&ere- b1 %a''en "a''; !here "as somethin) a'most rest%$' abo$t Bran-@s <$arters4 a kin-
o% peace%$' <$a'it1 : ha-n@t rea''1 notice- be%ore; : "an-ere- a bit4 openin) -ra"ers an- 'ookin)
insi-e ma)ic bo.es4 st$-1in) a %o'-er o% the man@s -ra"in)s; !he 9o)r$s si)ht sho"e- me that
somethin) sma'' an- potent an- ma)ica' "as secrete- in a be-post4 ra-iatin) 'ines o% %orce e&er1
"hich "a1; : $nscre"e- the knob4 %o$n- the compartment "ithin it; :t containe- a sma'' &e'&et
ba) "hich bore a rin); !he ban- "as "i-e4 possib'1 o% p'atin$m; :t bore a "hee''ike -e&ice o%
some re--ish meta'4 "ith co$nt'ess tin1 spokes4 man1 o% them hair-%ine; An- each o% these
spokes e.ten-e- a 'ine o% po"er 'ea-in) o%% some"here4 <$ite possib'1 into (ha-o"4 "here some
po"er cache o% spe'' so$rce 'a1; Perhaps 9$ke "o$'- rather ha&e the rin) than the s"or-; =hen :
s'ippe- it on4 it seeme- to e.ten- roots to the &er1 center o% m1 bo-1; : co$'- %ee' m1 "a1 back
a'on) them to the rin) an- then o$t a'on) those connections; : "as impresse- b1 the &ariet1 o%
ener)ies it reache- an- contro''e-D%rom simp'e chthonic %orces to sophisticate- constr$cts o%
,i)h Ba)ic4 %rom e'ementa's to thin)s that seeme- 'ike 'obotomi6e- )o-s; : "on-ere- "h1 he
ha-n@t been "earin) it on the -a1 o% the Pattern%a'' batt'e; :% he ha-4 :@- a %ee'in) he mi)ht ha&e
been tr$'1 in&incib'e; =e co$'- a'' ha&e been 'i&in) on Bran-enber) in Cast'e Bran-; :
"on-ere-4 too4 "h1 +iona4 in the ne.t room o&er4 ha- not %e't its presence an- come 'ookin) %or
it; On the other han-4 : ha-n@t; +or "hat it "as4 it -i-n@t re)ister "e'' at a''4 be1on- a %e" %eet; :t
"as ama6in) the treas$res this p'ace containe-; =as it somethin) abo$t the pri&ate $ni&erse
e%%ect sai- to obtain in some o% these rooms> !he rin) "as a bea$ti%$' a'ternati&e to Pattern
Po"er or 9o)r$s Po"er4 hooke- in as it "as "ith so man1 so$rces; :t m$st ha&e taken cent$ries
to empo"er the thin); =hate&er Bran- ha- "ante- it %or4 it ha- not been part o% a short-ran)e
p'an; : -eci-e- : co$'- not s$rren-er the thin) to 9$keDor to an1one "ith an1 %ami'iarit1 "ith
the Arts; : -i-n@t e&en think : sho$'- tr$st a nonma)ician "ith it; An- : certain'1 -i-n@t %ee' 'ike
ret$rnin) it to the be-post; =hat "as that throbbin) at m1 "rist> Oh4 1es4 +rakir; :t ha- been
)oin) on %or some sma'' "hi'e4 an- :@- bare'1 notice-;
F(orr1 1o$ 'ost 1o$r &oice4 o'- )ir'4G : sai-4 strokin) her as : e.p'ore- the room %or threats both
ps1chic an- ph1sica'; F: can@t %in- a -amne- thin) here that : sho$'- be "orrie- abo$t;G
:mme-iate'1 she spira'e- -o"n %rom m1 "rist an- trie- to remo&e the rin) %rom m1 %in)er;
F(topIG : or-ere-; F: kno" the rin) co$'- be -an)ero$s; B$t on'1 i% 1o$ $se it "ron)'1; :@m a
sorcerer4 remember> :@m into these matters; !here is nothin) specia' abo$t it %or me to %ear;G
B$t +rakir -isobe1e- m1 or-er an- contin$e- her attack on the rin)4 "hich : co$'- no" on'1
attrib$te to some %orm o% ma)ica' arti%act ?ea'o$s1; : tie- her in a ti)ht knot aro$n- the be-post
an- 'e%t her there4 to teach her a 'esson;
: be)an to search the apartment more -i'i)ent'1; :% : "ere to keep the s"or-and the rin)4 it
"o$'- be nice to %in- somethin) e'se o% his %ather@s that : co$'- take to 9$keD
FBer'inI Ber'inIG : hear- be''o"e- %rom some"here be1on- m1 room;
0isin) %rom a tappin) o% the %'oor an- 'o"er "a''s4 "here : ha- been seekin) ho''o" spots4 :
ret$rne- to m1 arch"a1 an- passe- thro$)h into m1 o"n sittin) room; : ha'te- then -espite
another s$mmons in "hat : no" reco)ni6e- to be 0an-om@s &oice; !he "a'' "hich %ace- $pon
the si-e corri-or "as more than ha'% reb$i't since 'ast : ha- &ie"e- itDas i% an in&isib'e cre" o%
carpenters an- p'asterers ha- been si'ent'1 at "ork since : ha- positione- the -reamstone in the
)ate"a1 to the kin)-om o% Bran-; Ama6in); : simp'1 stoo- an- stare-4 hopin) %or some
betra1in) bit o% b$siness "ithin the -ama)e- area; !hen : hear- 0an-om m$tter4 F: )$ess he@s
)one4G an- : ca''e- back4 FAeah> =hat is it>G
F#et 1o$r ass $p here <$ick4G he sai-; F: nee- 1o$r a-&ice;G
: steppe- o$t into the corri-or thro$)h the openin) "hich remaine- in that "a''4 an- : 'ooke-
$p"ar-4 :mme-iate'1 : co$'- %ee' the capabi'ities in the rin) that : "ore4 respon-in) 'ike a
m$sica' instr$ment to m1 most imme-iate nee-; !he appropriate 'ine "as acti&ate- as : assente-
to the s$))estion4 an- : took the )'o&es %rom behin- m1 be't an- -re" them on as : "as 'e&itate-
to"ar- the openin) in the cei'in); !his4 beca$se it ha- occ$rre- to me that 0an-om mi)ht
reco)ni6e the rin) as ha&in) once been Bran-@s4 an- that co$'- 'ea- to a comp'icate- -isc$ssion
:@- no -esire %or at the moment;
: he'- m1 c'oak c'ose to m1 si-e as : came $p thro$)h the ho'e into the st$-io4 to keep the b'a-e
$n-er "raps a'so;
F:mpressi&e4G 0an-om sai-; F#'a- 1o$@re keepin) the ma)ica' m$sc'e e.ercise-; !hat@s "hat :
ca''e- 1o$ %or;G
: )a&e him a bo"; Bein) -resse- $p ma-e me %ee' &a)$e'1 co$rt'1;
F,o" ma1 : be o% ser&ice>@
FC$t the crap an- come on4G he sai-4 takin) ho'- o% m1 e'bo" an- steerin) me back to"ar- the
-emibe-room; 7ia''e stoo- at the -oor4 ho'-in) it open;
FBer'in>G she sai- as : br$she- b1;
FAes>G : ans"ere-;
F: "asn@t certain4G she sai-;
FO% "hat>G : aske-;
F!hat it "as 1o$4G she respon-e-;
FOh4 it@s me4 a'' ri)ht4G : sai-;
F:t is in-ee- m1 brother4G Ban-or state-4 risin) %rom his chair an- approachin) $s; ,is arm "as
sp'inte- an- s'$n)4 his %ace consi-erab'1 re'a.e-; F:% an1thin) abo$t him strikes 1o$ as stran)e4G
he contin$e-4 Fit is 'ike'1 beca$se he has ha- a n$mber o% tra$matic e.periences since he 'e%t
F:s that tr$e>G 0an-om aske-;
FAes4G : rep'ie-; F: -i-n@t rea'i6e it "as a'' that apparent;G
FAre 1o$ a'' ri)ht>G 0an-om aske-;
F: seem to be intact4G : sai-;
F#oo-; !hen "e@'' sa&e the partic$'ars o% 1o$r stor1 %or another time; As 1o$ can see4 Cora' is
)one an- /"orkin is4 too; : -i-n@t see them )o; : "as sti'' in the st$-io "hen it happene-;G
F=hen "hat happene->G : aske-;
F/"rkin %inishe- his operation4G Ban-or sai-4 Ftook the 'a-1 b1 the han-4 -re" her to her %eet4
an- transporte- her a"a1 %rom here; :t "as most e'e)ant'1 mana)e-; One moment the1 stoo- at
the be-si-eC the ne.t their a%terima)es ran thro$)h the spectr$m an- "inke- o$t;G
FAo$ sa1 that he transporte- them; ,o" -o 1o$ kno" that the1 "eren@t snatche- a"a1 b1
#host"hee' or one o% the Po"ers>G : aske-;
FBeca$se : "atche- his %ace4G he sai-4 Fan- there "as no s$rprise "hatsoe&er $pon it4 on'1 a
sma'' smi'e;G
F: )$ess 1o$@re ri)ht4G : a-mitte-; F!hen "ho set 1o$r arm4 i% 0an-om "as o%% in the st$-io an-
/"orkin occ$pie->G
F: -i-4G 7ia''e sai-; F:@&e been traine- in it;G
F(o 1o$ "ere the on'1 e1e"itness to their &anishment>G : sai- to Ban-or;
,e no--e-;
F=hat : "ant o% 1o$4G 0an-om sai-4 Fis some i-ea "here the1 %'ashe- o%% to; Ban-or sai- he
co$'-n@t te''; ,ereIG
,e han-e- me a chain4 %rom "hich a meta' settin) h$n);
F=hat@s this>G : aske-;
F:t "as the most important o% a'' the Cro"n Ee"e's4G he sai-4 Fthe Ee"e' o% E$-)ment; !his is
"hat the1 'e%t me; !he Ee"e' part is "hat the1 took;G
FOh4G : sai-; !hen8 F:t m$st be sec$re i% it@s in /"orkin@s care; ,e@- sai- somethin) abo$t
p$ttin) it in a sa%e p'ace4 an- he kno"s more abo$t it than an1one e'seDG
F,e ma1 a'so ha&e %'ippe- o$t a)ain4G 0an-om sai-; F:@m not intereste- in -isc$ssin) his merits
as its c$sto-ian4 tho$)h; : ?$st "ant to kno" "here the he'' he@s )one "ith the thin);G
F: -on@t be'ie&e he 'e%t an1 tracks4G Ban-or sai-;
F=here "ere the1 stan-in)>G : aske-;
FO&er there4G he sai-4 "ith a )est$re o% the )oo- arm4 Fto the ri)ht o% the be-;G
: mo&e- to that area4 %ee'in) thro$)h the potencies : r$'e- a%ter the most appropriate;
FA 'itt'e nearer the %oot;G
: no--e-4 %ee'in) it "o$'- not be a'' that -i%%ic$'t to 'ook back a sma'' -istance thro$)h time
"ithin m1 persona' space;
: %e't the rainbo" r$sh an- sa" their o$t'ines; +ree6e;
A po"er 'ine mo&e- %orth %rom the rin)4 attache- itse'%4 ran rainbo" "ith them4 passe- thro$)h
the porta' "hich c'ose- "ith a mi'- imp'osion; 0aisin) the back o% m1 han- to m1 %orehea-4 :
seeme- to 'ook -o"n the 'ineD
Dinto a 'ar)e ha'' h$n) "ith si. shie'-s to m1 'e%t; !o m1 ri)ht h$n) a m$'tit$-e o% %'a)s an-
pennons; A %ire b'a6e- in an enormo$s hearth be%ore me;;;;
F: see the p'ace the1 "ent to4G : sai-4 Fb$t : -on@t reco)ni6e it;G
F:s there some "a1 1o$ can share the &ision>G 0an-om aske-;
FPerhaps4G : rep'ie-4 rea'i6in) there "as a "a1 e&en as : sai- it; F0e)ar- the mirror;G
0an-om t$rne-4 mo&e- nearer the 'ookin) )'ass thro$)h "hich /"orkin ha- bro$)ht meDho"
'on) a)o> FB1 the b'oo- o% the beast on the po'e an- the she'' that is cracke- at the center o% the
"or'-4G : sai-4 %ee'in) the nee- to a--ress t"o o% the po"ers : contro''e-4 Fma1 the si)ht be
!he mirror %roste- o&er4 an- "hen it c'eare-4 m1 &ision o% the ha'' 'a1 "ithin it;
F:@'' be -amne-4G 0an-om sai-; F,e took her to 3ash%a; : "on-er "h1 G
FOne -a1 1o$@'' ha&e to teach me that trick4 brother4G Ban-or commente-;
F:n that : "as abo$t to hea- %or 3ash%a4G : sai-4 Fis there an1thin) specia' : sho$'- -o>G
F/o>G 0an-om sai-; FE$st %in- o$t "hat@s )oin) on an- 'et me kno"4 "i'' 1o$>G
FO% co$rse4G : sai-4 $ncasin) m1 !r$mps;
7ia''e came $p an- took m1 han- as i% in %are"e'';
F#'o&es4G she commente-;
F!r1in) to 'ook a 'itt'e %orma'4G : e.p'aine-;
F!here is somethin) in 3ash%a that Cora' seems to %ear4G she "hispere-; F(he m$ttere- abo$t it
in her s'eep;G
F!hanks4G : sai-; F:@m rea-1 %or an1thin) no";G
FAo$ ma1 sa1 that %or con%i-ence4G she sai-4 Fb$t ne&er be'ie&e it;G
: 'a$)he- as : he'- a !r$mp be%ore me an- preten-e- to st$-1 it "hi'e e.ten-in) the %orce o% m1
bein) a'on) the 'ine : ha- sent to 3ash%a; : reopene- the ro$te /"orkin ha- taken an- steppe-
Chapter 12
: stoo- in the )ra1 stone ha''4 %'a)s an- shie'-s on the "a''s4 r$shes stre"n abo$t the %'oors4 r$-e
%$rnit$re abo$t me4 a %ire be%ore me "hich -i- not comp'ete'1 -ispe' the -ampness o% the p'ace4
cookin) sme''s hea&1 on the air; : "as the on'1 person in the room4 tho$)h : co$'- hear &oices
%rom man1 -irectionsC a'so the so$n-s o% m$sicians t$nin) an- practicin); (o : ha- to be %air'1
near the action; !he -isa-&anta)e o% comin) in the "a1 : -i- rather than $sin) a !r$mp "as that
there "as no one on the spot to sho" me aro$n- an- te'' me "hat "as )oin) on; !he a-&anta)e
"as the sameDthat is4 i% there "ere an1 sp1in) : "ante- to -o4 no" "as the time; !he rin)4 a
&eritab'e enc1c'ope-ia o% ma)ics4 %o$n- me an in&isibi'it1 spe'' in "hich : <$ick'1 c'oake-
: spent the ne.t ho$r or so e.p'orin); !here "ere %o$r 'ar)e b$i'-in)s an- a n$mber o% sma''er
ones "ithin this centra' "a''e- area; !here "as another "a''e- sector be1on- it an- another
be1on- thatDthree ro$)h'1 concentric 6ones o% i&1-co&ere- protection; : co$'-n@t see an1 si)ns
o% hea&1 -ama)e4 an- : )ot the %ee'in) /a't@s troops ha-n@t met "ith m$ch resistance; No
in-ications o% pi''a)in) or b$rnin)4 b$t then the1@- been hire- to -e'i&er a propert14 an- :@- a
%ee'in) Easra ha- stip$'ate- that it remain re'ati&e'1 intact; !he troops occ$pie- a'' three rin)s4
an- : )ot the impression %rom a bit o% ea&es-roppin) that the1@- be aro$n- ti'' a%ter the
coronation; !here "ere <$ite a %e" in the 'ar)e p'a6a in the centra' area4 makin) %$n o% the 'oca'
troops in their %anc1 'i&er1 as the1 a&aite- %or the coronation procession; None o% this "as in
partic$'ar ba- nat$re4 ho"e&er4 possib'1 beca$se 9$ke "as pop$'ar "ith both )ro$ps4 tho$)h it
-i- a'so seem that man1 in-i&i-$a's on both si-es seeme- persona''1 ac<$ainte-;
!he +irst *nicornian Ch$rch o% 3ash%a4 as one mi)ht trans'ate its tit'e4 "as across the p'a6a
%rom the pa'ace proper; !he b$i'-in) in "hich :@- arri&e- "as an anci''ar14 a''-p$rpose a-?$nct4 at
this time bein) $se- to ho$se a n$mber o% hasti'1 s$mmone- )$ests4 a'on) "ith ser&ants4
co$rtiers4 an- han)ers-on;
:@- no i-ea e.act'1 "hen the coronation "as to take p'ace4 b$t : -eci-e- :@- better tr1 to see 9$ke
in a h$rr14 be%ore he )ot too s"ept $p into the co$rse o% e&ents; ,e mi)ht e&en ha&e an i-ea
"here Cora' ha- been -e'i&ere-4 an- "h1;
(o : %o$n- me a niche "ith a b'ank-"a''e-4 ne$tra' back)ro$n- e&en a nati&e probab'1 co$'-n@t
reco)ni6e o$t o% conte.t4 -roppe- m1 in&isibi'it1 spe''4 'ocate- 9$ke@s !r$mp4 an- )a&e him a
ca''; : -i-n@t "ant him to think : "as a'rea-1 in to"n beca$se : -i-n@t "ant him to kno" :
possesse- the po"er to -rop in the "a1 : ha-; !his $n-er the theor1 that 1o$ ne&er te'' an1bo-1
FBer'inIG he anno$nce-4 st$-1in) me; F:s the cat o$t o% the sack or "hat>G
FAeah4 the kittens4 too4G : sai-; FCon)rat$'ations on 1o$r coronation -a1 G
F,e1I Ao$@re "earin) the schoo' co'orsIG
F=hat the he''; =h1 not> Ao$ "on somethin)4 -i-n@t 1o$>G
F9isten; :t@s not as %esti&e a thin) as a'' that; :n %act4 : "as abo$t to ca'' 1o$; : nee- 1o$r a-&ice
be%ore this )oes an1 %$rther; Can 1o$ brin) me thro$)h>G
F:@m not in Amber4 9$ke;G
F=here are 1o$>G
F=e'';;;-o"nstairs4G : a-mitte-; F:@m on the si-e street bet"een 1o$r pa'ace an- the b$i'-in)
ne.t -oor that@s sort o% 'ike a hote' at the moment;G
F!hat "on@t -o4G he sai-; F:@- )et spotte- too <$ick i% 1o$ brin) me -o"n; #o on o&er to the
*nicorn !emp'e; :% it@s re'ati&e'1 empt1 an- there@s a -ark4 <$iet corner "here "e can ta'k4 ca''
me an- brin) me thro$)h; :% there isn@t4 %i)$re somethin) e'se4 oka1>G
F,e14 ho"@- 1o$ )et here an1"a1>G
FA-&ance sco$t %or an in&asion4G : sai-; FOne more take-o&er "o$'- be a co$p-co$p4 "o$'-n@t
FAo$@re abo$t as %$nn1 as a han)o&er4G he sai-; FCa'' me;G
Break; (o : crosse- the p'a6a4 %o''o"in) "hat seeme- marke- o$t as the ro$te o% the procession;
: tho$)ht : mi)ht meet some tro$b'e at the ,o$se o% the *nicorn an- nee- a spe'' to )et in4 b$t no
one barre- m1 "a1;
: entere-; :t "as bi) an- a'' -ecke- o$t %or the ceremon14 "ith a )reat &ariet1 o% pennons on the
"a''s an- %'o"ers a'' o&er the p'ace; !he on'1 other inhabitant "as a m$%%'e- "oman $p near the
%ront "ho appeare- to be pra1in); : mo&e- o%% to the 'e%t into a some"hat -arker section;
F9$ke4G : a--resse- his !r$mp; FA'' c'ear; /o 1o$ rea- me>G
: %e't his presence be%ore : ca$)ht the ima)e; FOka14G he sai-; FBrin) me thro$)h4G an- "e
c'aspe- han-s4 an- he "as there;
,e c'appe- me on the sho$'-ers;
F=e''4 no"4 'et me 'ook at 1o$4G he sai-; F=on-er "hate&er became o% m1 'etter s"eater>G
F: think 1o$ )a&e it to #ai';G
F: think 1o$ ma1 be ri)ht;G
FBro$)ht 1o$ a present4G : sai-4 tossin) back m1 c'oak an- %$mb'in) at the si-e o% m1 s"or-
be't; F,ere; : t$rne- $p 1o$r %ather@s s"or-;G
FAo$@re ki--in);G
,e took it into his han-s4 e.amine- the sheath4 t$rne- it o&er man1 times; !hen he -re" it
part"a14 an- it hisse- a)ain an- sparks -ance- a'on) its tracer1 an- a bit o% smoke -ri%te-
$p"ar- %rom it;
F:t rea''1 isIG he sai-; F=ere"in-'e4 the /a1s"or--brother to the Ni)htb'a-e4 #ra1s"an-irIG
F=hat@s that>G : sai-; F: -i-n@t kno" there "as an1 connection;G
F:@- ha&e to think har- to remember the %$'' stor14 b$t the1 )o back a 'on) "a1; !hank 1o$;G
,e t$rne- an- took se&era' paces4 s'appin) the "eapon a)ainst his thi)h as he "a'ke-; Abr$pt'1
he ret$rne-;
F:@&e been ha-4G he sai-; F!hat "oman has -one it a)ain4 an- : am pee&e- to the e.treme; : -on@t
kno" ho" to han-'e this;G
F=hat> =hat are 1o$ ta'kin) abo$t>G
FB1 mother4G he e.p'aine-; F(he@s -one it a)ain; E$st "hen : tho$)ht :@- taken the reins an- "as
ri-in) m1 o"n co$rse4 she@s come a'on) an- messe- $p m1 'i%e;G
F,o"@- she -o that>G
F(he hire- /a't an- his bo1s to take o&er here;G
FAeah4 "e sort o% %i)$re- that o$t; B1 the "a14 "hat happene- to Arkans>G
FOh4 he@s oka1; :@&e )ot him $n-er arrest4 o% co$rse; B$t he@s in )oo- <$arters an- he can ha&e
an1thin) he "ants; : "o$'-n@t h$rt him; : a'"a1s kin- o% 'ike- the )$1;G
F(o "hat@s the prob'em> Ao$ "in; Ao$@&e )ot 1o$r o"n kin)-om no";G
F,e''4G he sai-4 then )'ance- %$rti&e'1 to"ar- the sanct$m; F: think : "as conne-4 b$t :@m not
e.act'1 s$re; (ee4 : ne&er "ante- this ?ob; /a't to'- me "e "ere takin) o&er %or Bom; : "as
comin) in "ith him to estab'ish or-er4 c'aim the p'ace %or the %ami'1 a)ain4 then "e'come her
back "ith a 'ot o% pomp an- crap; : %i)$re- once she ha- her throne back4 she@- be o%% m1 case
%or )oo-; :@- hit it o$t o% here %or more con)enia' t$r%4 an- she@- ha&e a "ho'e kin)-om to occ$p1
her attention; Nothin) "as sai- abo$t me )ettin) st$ck "ith this 'o$s1 ?ob;G
: shook m1 hea-;
F: -on@t $n-erstan- at a''4G : sai-; FAo$ )ot it %or her; =h1 not ?$st t$rn it o&er to her an- -o as
1o$ p'anne->G
,e )a&e a h$mor'ess 'a$)h;
FArkans the1 'ike-4G he sai-; FBe the1 'ike; Bom the1@re not so %on- o%; Nobo-1 seems that
enth$siastic abo$t ha&in) her back; :n %act4 there "ere stron) in-ications that i% she trie- it4 there
"o$'- in-ee- be a co$p-co$p;G
F: s$ppose 1o$ co$'- sti'' step asi-e an- )i&e it to Arkans;G
9$ke p$nche- the stone "a'';
F: -on@t kno" "hether she@- be ma--er at me or at herse'% %or ha&in) pai- /a't as m$ch as she
-i- to thro" Arkans o$t; B$t she@- te'' me it@s m1 -$t1 to -o it4 an- : -on@t kno"Dma1be it is;
=hat -o 1o$ think>G
F!hat@s a har- one to ans"er4 9$ke; =ho -o 1o$ think "o$'- -o a better ?ob4 1o$ or Arkans>G
F: honest'1 -on@t kno"; ,e@s ha- a 'ot o% e.perience in )o&ernment4 b$t : -i- )ro" $p here4 an- :
-o kno" ho" the p'ace is r$n an- ho" to )et thin)s -one; !he on'1 thin) :@m s$re o% is that either
o% $s "o$'- be better at it than Bom;G
: %o'-e- m1 arms4 an- : tho$)ht har-;
F: can@t make this -ecision %or 1o$4G : sai-; FB$t te'' me4 "hat "o$'- 1o$ most 'ike to -o>G
,e ch$ck'e-;
FAo$ kno" :@&e a'"a1s been a sa'esman; :% : "ere )oin) to stick aro$n- an- -o somethin) %or
3ash%a; :@- rather represent her in-$stries abroa-4 "hich "o$'- be sort o% $n-i)ni%ie- %or a
monarch; Probab'1 "hat :@- be best at4 tho$)h; : -on@t kno";G
F:t@s a prob'em an- a ha'%4 9$ke; : -on@t "ant the responsibi'it1 o% te''in) 1o$ "hich "a1 to )o;G
F:% :@- kno"n it "as )oin) to come to this4 :@- ha&e smeare- /a't back in Ar-en;G
FAo$ rea''1 think 1o$ co$'- take him>G
FBe'ie&e it4G he sai-;
F=e''4 that -oesn@t so'&e 1o$r present prob'em;G
F!r$e; :@&e a stron) %ee'in) : ma1 ha&e to )o thro$)h "ith this;G
!he "oman $p %ront )'ance- o$r "a1 se&era' times; : )$ess "e "ere ta'kin) kin- o% 'o$- %or the
F!oo ba- there are no other )oo- can-i-ates4G : sai-4 'o"erin) m1 &oice;
F!his m$st seem 'ike prett1 sma'' beer to someone %rom Amber;G
F,e''4 it@s 1o$r home; Ao$@&e )ot a ri)ht to take it serio$s'1; :@m ?$st sorr1 it@s -oin) s$ch a ?ob on
FAeah4 most prob'ems seem to start at home4 -on@t the1> (ometimes : ?$st %ee' 'ike takin) a "a'k
an- not comin) back;G
F=hat "o$'- happen i% 1o$ -i->G
F2ither Bom "o$'- restore herse'% to the throne "ith /a't@s )an) to back her $p4 "hich "o$'-
re<$ire a mess o%$tions o% peop'e : can think o% "ho@- be a)ainst it4 or she@- sa1 the )ame
isn@t "orth the can-'e an- sett'e %or the 3eep; :% she -eci-e- to en?o1 her retirement4 then the
coa'ition "hich backe- him in the %irst p'ace "o$'- probab'1 sprin) Arkans an- contin$e thin)s
%rom "here the1@- ha- to 'ea&e o%%;G
F=hich co$rse o% action seems most 'ike'1 to 1o$>G : sai-;
F(he@- )o %or it an- there@- be a ci&i' "ar; =in or 'ose4 it "o$'- mess $p the co$ntr1 an-
-o$bt'ess keep $s o$t o% the #o'-en Circ'e this time aro$n-4 too; (peakin) o% "hichDG
F: -on@t kno"4G : sai- <$ick'1; F:@m not empo"ere- to ta'k #o'-en Circ'e !reat1 "ith 1o$;G
F:@- kin- o% )$esse- that4G 9$ke sai-4 Fan- that "asn@t "hat : "ante- to ask; : "as ?$st c$rio$s
"hether an1one back in Amber mi)ht ha&e sai-4 @!he1 ?$st b'e" it4@ or TBa1be "e@'' )i&e them
another crack at it a 'itt'e %arther -o"n the roa-4@ or T=e@'' sti'' -ea'4 b$t the1 can %or)et the
2re)nor )$arantees;@G
,e )a&e me an arti%icia' )rin4 an- : ret$rne- it;
FAo$ can %or)et 2re)nor4G : sai-;
F+i)$re- that4G he sai-; F=hat abo$t the rest>G
F: )et the impression it@s @9et@s "ait an- see "hat happens;@G
F#$esse- that m$ch4 too; #i&e me a )oo- report4 e&en i% the1 -on@t ask4 oka1> B1 the "a14 :
-on@t s$ppose 1o$r presence here is technica''1 o%%icia'>G
FPersona'4G : sai-4 F%rom a -ip'omatic stan-point;G
!he 'a-1 $p %ront rose to her %eet; 9$ke si)he-;
F=ish : co$'- %in- m1 "a1 back to A'ice@s resta$rant; Ba1be the ,atter "o$'- see somethin)
"e@re missin)4G he sai-; !hen8 F,e1I =here@- he come %rom> 9ooks ?$st 'ike 1o$ b$tDG
,e "as starin) past me4 an- : co$'- a'rea-1 %ee' the -ist$rbance; : -i-n@t e&en bother to s$mmon
the 9o)r$s4 tho$)h4 beca$se : %e't rea-1 %or an1thin);
: t$rne-4 smi'in);
FAre 1o$ rea-1 to -ie4 brother>G E$rt aske-; ,e ha- either mana)e- to re)ro" his e1e or "as
"earin) an arti%icia' one4 an- he no" ha- s$%%icient hair that : co$'- no 'on)er te'' abo$t the ear;
,is 'itt'e %in)er "as part'1 re)ro"n a'so;
FNo4 b$t :@m rea-1 to ki''4G : sai-; F:@m )'a- 1o$ happene- b1;G
,e bo"e-4 mockin)'1; !here "as a %aint )'o" abo$t him; : co$'- %ee' the po"er that %'o"e-
thro$)h an- aro$n- his person;
F,a&e 1o$ been back to the 3eep %or 1o$r %ina' treatment>G : in<$ire-;
F: -on@t be'ie&e that "i'' be necessar14G he sai-; F: am more than a-e<$ate %or an1 task :@&e set
m1se'%4 no" :@&e contro' o% these %orces;G
F!his is E$rt>G 9$ke aske-;
FAes4G : rep'ie-; F!his is E$rt;G
E$rt cast a <$ick )'ance 9$ke@s "a1; : co$'- %ee' him %oc$sin) on the b'a-e;
F:s that a po"er ob?ect 1o$ bear>G he in<$ire-; F9et me see itIG
,e e.ten-e- his han-4 an- the "eapon ?erke- "ithin 9$ke@s )rip b$t -i- not come 'oose;
FNo4 thanks4G 9$ke sai-4 an- E$rt &anishe-; A moment 'ater he appeare- behin- 9$ke4 an- his
arm "ent aro$n- 9$ke@s neck in a choke; 9$ke )rippe- it "ith one han-4 bo"e-4 an- t$rne- an-
thre" him o&er his sho$'-er;
E$rt 'an-e- on his back be%ore him4 an- 9$ke ma-e no mo&e to %o''o" $p on his action;
F/ra" that b'a-e4G E$rt sai-4 Fan- 'et me see it;G !hen he shook himse'% 'ike a -o) an- rose to
his %eet; F=e''>G he sai-;
F: see no nee- %or a "eapon in -ea'in) "ith the 'ikes o% 1o$4G 9$ke to'- him;
E$rt raise- both han-s abo&e his hea- an- %orme- them into %ists; !he1 met4 remaine- in contact
%or a moment; !hen he -re" them apart4 his ri)ht han- someho" -ra"in) a 'on) b'a-e o$t o% his
FAo$ o$)ht to take that sho" on the roa-4G 9$ke sai-4 Fno";G
F/ra" itIG E$rt sai-;
F: -on@t 'ike the i-ea o% %i)htin) in a ch$rch4G 9$ke to'- him; FAo$ "ant to step o$tsi-e>G
F7er1 %$nn14G E$rt rep'ie-; F: kno" 1o$@&e )ot an arm1 o$t there; No thanks; :@'' e&en take a
certain p'eas$re in b'oo-1in) a *nicorn shrine;G
FAo$ o$)ht to ta'k to /a't4G 9$ke sai-; F,e )ets his kicks in "eir- "a1s4 too; Can : )et 1o$ a
horseDor a chicken> Ba1be some "hite mice an- a'$min$m %oi'>G
E$rt '$n)e-; 9$ke steppe- back"ar- an- -re" his %ather@s b'a-e; :t hisse- an- crack'e- an-
smoke- as he parrie- 'i)ht'1 an- -ro&e it %or"ar-; !here "as a s$--en %ear on E$rt@s %ace as he
thre" himse'% back"ar-4 battin) at it4 st$mb'in); As he %e''4 9$ke kicke- him in the stomach an-
E$rt@s b'a-e "ent %'1in);
F!hat@s =ere"in-'eIG E$rt )aspe-; F,o" -i- 1o$ come b1 the s"or- o% Bran->G
FBran- "as m1 %ather4G 9$ke sai-;
A momentar1 'ook o% respect passe- o&er E$rt@s %ace;
F: -i-n@t kno";;;G he m$ttere-4 an- then he &anishe-;
: "aite-; : e.ten-e- ma)ica' %ee'ers a'' o&er the p'ace; B$t there "as ?$st 9$ke4 m1se'% an- the
'a-14 "ho ha- ha'te- some -istance %rom $s4 "atchin)4 as i% a%rai- to come an1 nearer on her
"a1 o$t;
!hen 9$ke co''apse-; E$rt "as stan-in) behin- him4 ha&in) ?$st str$ck him on the back o% the
neck "ith his e'bo"; ,e reache- then %or 9$ke@s "rist4 as i% to sei6e it an- "rench the b'a-e %rom
his han-;
F:t m$st be mineIG he sai- as : reache- thro$)h the rin) an- str$ck him "ith a bo't o% p$re
ener)1 "hich : tho$)ht "o$'- r$pt$re most o% his or)ans an- 'ea&e him a b'ee-in) mass o% ?e''1;
On'1 %or an instant ha- : consi-ere- $sin) an1thin) 'ess than 'etha' %orce; : co$'- see that sooner
or 'ater one o% $s "as )oin) to ki'' the other4 an- :@- -eci-e- to )et it o&er "ith be%ore he )ot
B$t he "as a'rea-1 '$ck1; ,is bath in the +o$nt m$st ha&e to$)hene- him e&en more than :@-
tho$)ht; ,e sp$n aro$n- three times4 as i% he@- been c'ippe- b1 a tr$ck4 an- "as s'amme- $p
a)ainst the "a''; ,e sa))e-; ,e s'ippe- to the %'oor; B'oo- came o$t o% his mo$th; ,e 'ooke- as
i% he "ere abo$t to pass o$t; !hen his e1es %oc$se- an- his han-s e.ten-e-;
A %orce simi'ar to the one :@- ?$st thro"n at him str$ck at me; : "as s$rprise- b1 his abi'it1 to
re)ro$p an- reta'iate at that 'e&e' "ith that spee-; Not so s$rprise- that : "asn@t ab'e to parr1 it4
tho$)h; : took a step %or"ar- then an- trie- to set him a%ire "ith a bea$ti%$' spe'' the rin)
s$))este-; 0isin)4 he "as ab'e to shie'- a)ainst it "ithin moments o% his c'othes@ be)innin) to
smo'-er; : kept comin)4 an- he create- a &ac$$m aro$n- me; : pierce- it an- kept breathin);
!hen : in&oke- a batterin) ram spe'' "hich the rin) sho"e- me4 e&en more %orce%$' than the %irst
"orkin) "ith "hich :@- hit him;
,e &anishe- be%ore it hit4 an- a crack ran $p three %eet o% the stone "a'' "hich ha- been behin-
him; : sent sense-ten-ri's a'' o&er an- spotte- him secon-s 'ater4 cro$che- on a cornice hi)h
o&erhea-; ,e 'a$nche- himse'% at me ?$st as : 'ooke- $p;
: -i-n@t kno" "hether it "o$'- break m1 han- or not4 b$t : %e't it "o$'- be "orth it4 e&en so4 as :
'e&itate-; : contri&e- to pass him at abo$t the mi-"a1 point4 an- : hit him "ith a 'e%t4 "hich :
hope- broke his neck as "e'' as his ?a"; *n%ort$nate'1 it a'so broke m1 'e&itation spe''4 an- :
t$mb'e- to the %'oor a'on) "ith him;
: hear- the 'a-1 cr1 o$t as "e %e''4 an- she came r$shin) to"ar- $s; =e 'a1 st$nne- %or se&era'
heartbeats; !hen he ro''e- o&er onto his stomach4 reache-4 h$nche- an- %e''4 reache- a)ain;
,is han- %e'' $pon the ha%t o% =ere"in-'e; ,e m$st ha&e %e't m1 )a6e as his %in)ers ti)htene-
abo$t it4 %or he )'ance- at me an- smi'e-; : hear- 9$ke m$tter a c$rse an- stir; : thre" a -eep
%ree6e spe'' at E$rt4 b$t he tr$mpe- o$t be%ore the co'- %ront hit;
!hen the 'a-1 screame- a)ain4 an- e&en be%ore : t$rne-4 : kne" that the &oice ha- been Cora'@s;
0eappearin)4 E$rt ha'% co''apse- a)ainst her %rom the rear4 %in-in) her throat "ith the e-)e o% that
bri)ht4 smo'-erin) b'a-e;
FNobo-14G he )aspe-4 Fmo&e;;;or :@'' car&e her;;;an e.tra smi'e;G
: so$)ht a%ter a <$ick spe'' that "o$'- %inish him "itho$t en-an)erin) her;
F/on@t tr1 it4 Ber'e4G he sai-; F:@'' %ee' it;;;comin); E$st 'ea&e me;;;a'one;;;%or ha'% a min$te;;;an-
1o$@'' )et to 'i&e;;;a 'itt'e 'on)er; : -on@t kno" "here 1o$ picke- $p;;;those e.tra tricks;;;b$t the1
"on@t sa&e 1o$DG
,e "as pantin) an- co&ere- "ith s"eat; !he b'oo- sti'' -rippe- %rom his mo$th;
F9et )o o% m1 "i%e4G 9$ke sai-4 risin)4 For there@'' ne&er be an1p'ace 1o$@'' be ab'e to hi-e;G
F: -on@t "ant 1o$ %or an enem14 son o% Bran-4G E$rt sai-;
F!hen -o as : sa14 %e''a; :@&e taken o$t better men than 1o$;G
An- then E$rt screame- as i% his so$' "ere on %ire; =ere"in-'e mo&e- a"a1 %rom Cora'@s throat4
an- E$rt backe- o%% an- be)an ?erkin)4 'ike a p$ppet "hose ?oints ha&e sei6e- $p b$t "hose
strin)s are sti'' bein) 1anke-; Cora' t$rne- to"ar- him4 her back to 9$ke an- me; ,er ri)ht han-
rose to her %ace; A%ter a time E$rt %e'' to the %'oor an- c$r'e- into a %eta' position; A re- 'i)ht
seeme- to be p'a1in) $pon him; ,e "as shakin) stea-i'14 an- : co$'- e&en hear his teeth
Abr$pt'14 then4 he "as )one4 trai'in) rainbo"s4 'ea&in) b'oo- an- spitt'e4 bearin) =ere"in-'e
"ith him; : sent a partin) bo't a%ter4 b$t : kne" that it -i- not reach him; :@- %e't E$'ia@s presence
at the other en- o% the spectr$m4 an- -espite e&er1thin) e'se4 : "as p'ease- to kno" that : ha- not
s'ain her 1et; B$t E$rtDE$rt "as &er1 -an)ero$s no"4 : rea'i6e-; +or this "as the %irst time "e@-
%o$)ht that he ha-n@t 'e%t a piece o% himse'% behin-4 ha- e&en taken somethin) a"a1 "ith him;
(omethin) -ea-'1; ,e "as 'earnin)4 an- that -i- not bo-e "e'';
=hen : t$rne- m1 hea-4 : ca$)ht si)ht o% the re- )'o" be%ore Cora' 'o"ere- her e1epatch4 an- :
rea'i6e- "hat ha- become o% the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment4 tho$)h not4 o% co$rse4 "h1;
F=i%e>G : sai-;
F=e''4 sort o%;;;Aes4G she rep'ie-;
Prince of Chaos
Book Ten
The Chronicles of Amber
b1 0o)er 5e'a6n1
2-Book 7ersion81.2
9ast *p-ate-822 May 2002
Chapter 1
(ee one coronation an- 1o$@&e seen them a''; (o$n-s c1nica' an- probab'1 is4 especia''1 "hen
the principa' is 1o$r best %rien- an- his <$een@s 1o$r ina-&ertent 'o&er; B$t there@s )enera''1 a
procession4 "ith a 'ot o% s'o" m$sic4 an- $ncom%ortab'e4 co'or%$' )arb4 incense4 speeches4
pra1ers4 the rin)in) o% be''s; !he1 are te-io$s4 )enera''1 hot4 an- re<$irin) o% one an insincere
attention4 as at "e--in)s4 commencements4 an- secret initiations;
An- so 9$ke an- Cora' became the so&erei)ns o% 3ash%a4 in the same ch$rch "here "e@- %o$)ht
a'mostDb$t4 $n%ort$nate'14 not <$iteDto the -eath "ith m1 ma- brother E$rt b$t a %e" ho$rs
be%ore; As Amber@s on'1 representati&e at the e&entDa'beit o%4 technica''14 $no%%icia' stat$sD:
"as accor-e- a rin)si-e stan-in)-p'ace4 an- e1es "ere o%ten -ri%tin) m1 "a1; (o : ha- to keep
a'ert an- mo$th appropriate responses; =hi'e 0an-om "o$'- not permit %orma' stat$s to m1
presence at the ceremon14 : kne" he@- be irritate- i% he hear- that m1 beha&ior "as 'ess than
-ip'omatica''1 so$n-;
(o : "o$n- $p "ith h$rtin) %eet4 a sti%% neck4 an- co'or%$' )arments soake- "ith s"eat; !hat@s
sho" bi6; (ti''4 : "o$'-n@t ha&e ha- it an1 other "a1; 9$ke an- : )o back thro$)h some o% the
-amne-est times4 an- : co$'-n@t he'p b$t think o% themD%rom s"or-@s point to track meets4 %rom
art )a''eries an- into (ha-o"Das : stoo- there s"e'terin) an- "on-erin) "hat "o$'- become o%
him no" he "ore a cro"n; ($ch an occ$rrence ha- chan)e- m1 $nc'e 0an-om %rom a happ1-)o-
'$ck1 m$sician4 %oot'oose an- -e)enerate4 into a sa)e an- responsib'e monarchDtho$)h :@&e
on'1 m1 re'ati&es@ reports "hen it comes to kno"in) abo$t the %irst; : %o$n- m1se'% hopin) it
"o$'-n@t me''o" 9$ke o$t a'' that m$ch; (ti''Da)ainD9$ke "as a &er1 -i%%erent person than
0an-om4 not to mention a)es 1o$n)er; Ama6in) "hat 1ears can -o4 tho$)hDor is it ?$st the
nat$re o% e&ents> : rea'i6e- m1se'% to be a 'ot -i%%erent than : ha- been not so &er1 'on) a)o4 %rom
a'' that ha- happene- to me recent'1; A 'ot -i%%erent than :@- been 1ester-a14 come to think o% it;
/$rin) the recessiona' Cora' mana)e- to pass me a note4 sa1in) that she ha- to see me4 )i&in) a
time an- a p'ace4 e&en inc'$-in) a sma'' map; :t pro&e- an apartment to the rear o% the pa'ace;
=e met there that e&enin) an- "o$n- $p spen-in) the ni)ht; (he an- 9$ke ha- been marrie- as
ki-s4 b1 pro.14 : 'earne- then4 part o% the -ip'omatic arran)ement bet"een Easra an- the
Be)mans; :t -i-n@t "ork o$t4 tho$)hDthe -ip'omatic part4 that isDan- the rest kin- o% %e'' b1 the
"a1si-e; !he principa's ha- sort o% %or)otten abo$t the marria)e4 too4 ti'' recent e&ents ser&e- as
a remin-er; Neither ha- seen the other in 1ears; (ti''4 the recor- sho"e- that the prince ha- been
marrie-; =hi'e it "as an ann$''ab'e thin)4 she co$'- a'so be cro"ne- "ith him; :% there "ere
an1thin) in it %or 3ash%a;
An- there "as8 2re)nor; A Be)man <$een on the 3ash%an throne mi)ht he'p smooth o&er that
partic$'ar rea' estate )ab; At 'east4 that ha- been Easra@s thinkin)4 Cora' to'- me; An- 9$ke ha-
been s"a1e- b1 this4 partic$'ar'1 in the absence o% the )$arantees %rom Amber an- the no"-
-e%$nct #o'-en Circ'e !reat1;
: he'- her; (he "as not "e''4 -espite "hat seeme- an ama6in) post-operati&e reco&er1; (he "ore
a b'ack patch o&er her ri)ht e1e an- "as more than a 'itt'e reacti&e sho$'- m1 han- stra1 near it
Dor e&en i% : 'ooke- at it %or too 'on); =hat mi)ht ha&e 'e- /"orkin to rep'ace the -ama)e- e1e
"ith the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment4 : co$'- not e&en )$ess; *n'ess he someho" consi-ere- her proo%
a)ainst the %orces o% the Pattern an- the 9o)r$s in their attempts to reco&er it; B1 e.pertise in
this area4 tho$)h4 "as none.istent; ,a&in) %ina''1 met the -imin$ti&e ma)e4 : ha- become
con&ince- o% his sanit1Dtho$)h this %ee'in) in no "a1 ser&e- to penetrate those eni)matic
<$a'ities that ancient "ise men ten- to possess;
F,o" -oes it %ee'>G : aske- her;
F7er1 stran)e4G she rep'ie-; FNot painDe.act'1; Bore 'ike the "a1 a !r$mp contact %ee's; On'1
it@s "ith me a'' the time4 an- :@m not )oin) an1"here or ta'kin) to an1one; :t@s as i% :@m stan-in)
in some sort o% )ate"a1; +orces are mo&in) abo$t me4 thro$)h me;G
:n an instant : "as at the center that "as the )a1 rin) "ith its "hee' o% man1-spoke- re--ish
meta'; +rom the insi-e4 here4 it "as 'ike a )reat "eb; A bri)ht stran- p$'se- %or m1 attention; Aes4
it "as a 'ine to a &er1 potent %orce in -istant (ha-o"4 one that mi)ht be $se- %or probin);
Care%$''14 : e.ten-e- it to"ar- the co&ere- ?e"e' she "ore in her e1e socket;
!here "as no imme-iate resistance; :n %act4 : %e't nothin) as : e.ten-e- the 'ine o% po"er; An
ima)e came to me o% a c$rtain o% %'ame4 ho"e&er; P$shin) thro$)h the %ier1 &ei'4 : %e't m1
e.tension o% in<$ir1 s'o"in)4 s'o"in)4 ha'te-; An- there : ho&ere-4 as it "ere4 at the e-)e o% a
&oi-; !his "as not the "a1 o% att$nement4 as : $n-erstoo- it4 an- : "as 'oath to in&oke the
Pattern4 "hich : $n-erstoo- to be a part o% it4 "hen emp'o1in) other %orces; : p$she- %or"ar- an-
%e't a terrib'e co'-ness4 -rainin) the ener)ies : ha- ca''e- $pon;
(ti''4 it "as not -rainin) the ener)1 -irect'1 %rom me4 on'1 %rom one o% the %orces : comman-e-;
: p$she- it %arther4 an- : behe'- a %aint patch o% 'i)ht 'ike some -istant neb$'a; :t h$n) a)ainst a
back)ro$n- the -eep re- o% port "ine; C'oser sti''4 an- it reso'&e- itse'% into a %ormDa comp'e.4
three -imensiona' constr$ct4 ha'% %ami'iarD"hich m$st be the path"a1 one takes in att$nin)
onese'% to the Ee"e'4 %rom m1 %ather@s -escription; A'' ri)ht4 : "as insi-e the Ee"e'; (ho$'- :
essa1 the initiation>
F#o no %$rther4G came an $n%ami'iar &oice4 tho$)h : rea'i6e- it to be Cora' "ho "as makin) the
so$n-s; (he seeme- to ha&e s'ippe- into a trance state; FAo$ are -enie- the hi)her initiation;G
: -re" back on m1 probe4 not ea)er %or an1 -emonstrations that mi)ht come m1 "a1 a'on) it;
B1 9o)r$s si)ht4 "hich ha- remaine- "ith me constant'1 since recent e&ents in Amber4 )a&e me
a &ision o% Cora' no" %$''1 en%o'-e- an- penetrate- b1 the hi)her &ersion o% the Pattern;
F=h1>G : aske- it;
B$t : "as not &o$chsa%e- a rep'1; Cora' )a&e a 'itt'e ?erk4 shook herse'%4 an- stare- at me;
F=hat happene->G she aske-;
FAo$ -o6e- o%%4G : rep'ie-; FNo "on-er; =hate&er /"orkin -i-4 p'$s the -a1@s stress;;;G
(he 1a"ne- an- co''apse- back on the be-;
FAes4G she breathe-4 an- then she "as rea''1 as'eep; : p$''e- o%% m1 boots an- -iscar-e- m1
hea&ier )arments; : stretche- o$t besi-e her an- -re" a <$i't o&er $s; : "as tire-4 too4 an- : ?$st
"ante- someone to ho'-;
,o" 'on) : s'ept : -o not kno"; : "as tro$b'e- b1 -ark4 s"ir'in) -reams; +acesDh$man4
anima'4 -emonic4 mo&e- abo$t me4 none o% them bearin) partic$'ar'1 cheer%$' e.pressions;
+orests %e'' an- b$rst into %'ame4 the )ro$n- shook an- sp'it4 the "aters o% the sea rose in )i)antic
"a&es an- assai'e- the 'an-4 the moon -rippe- b'oo- an- there came $p a )reat "ai'in);
(omethin) ca''e- m1 name;;;;
A )reat "in- ratt'e- the sh$tters ti'' the1 b$rst in"ar-4 c'appin) an- ban)in); :n m1 -ream4 a
creat$re entere- then an- came to cro$ch at the %oot o% the be-4 ca''in) so%t'1 to me4 o&er an-
o&er; !he room seeme- to be shakin)4 an- m1 min- "ent back to Ca'i%ornia; :t seeme- that an
earth<$ake "as in pro)ress; !he "in- rose %rom a shriek to a roar4 an- : hear- crashin) so$n-s
%rom "itho$t4 as o% trees %a''in)4 to"ers topp'in);;;;
FBer'in4 Prince o% the ,o$se o% (a"a''4 Prince o% Chaos4 rise $p4G it seeme- to sa1; !hen it
)nashe- its %an)s an- be)an a)ain;
At the %o$rth or %i%th repetition it str$ck me that : mi)ht not be -reamin); !here "ere screams
%rom some"here o$tsi-e4 an- stea-1 p$'ses o% 'i)htnin) came an- "ent a)ainst a'most m$sica'
ro''s o% th$n-er;
: raise- a protecti&e she'' be%ore : mo&e-4 be%ore : opene- m1 e1es; !he so$n-s "ere rea'4 as
"as the broken sh$tter; (o "as the creat$re at the %oot o% the be-;
FBer'in4 Ber'in; 0ise $p4 Ber'in4G it sai- to meDit bein) a 'on)-sno$te-4 pointe--eare-
in-i&i-$a'4 "e''-%an)e- an- c'a"e-4 o% a )reenish-si'&er cast o% comp'e.ion4 e1es 'ar)e an-
shinin)4 -amp 'eather1 "in)s %o'-e- a)ainst its 'ean si-es; +rom its e.pression4 : co$'-n@t te''
"hether it "as smi'in) or in pain; FA"aken4 9or- o% Chaos;G
F#r1''4G : sai-4 namin) an o'- %ami'1 ser&ant %rom the Co$rts;
FA1e4 9or-4G it rep'ie-; F!he same as ta$)ht 1o$ the bone-ance )ame;G
F:@'' be -amne-;G
FB$siness be%ore p'eas$re4 9or-; :@&e %o''o"e- the b'ack threa- a 'on) an- horri- "a1 to come
F!he threa-s -i-n@t reach this %ar4G : sai-4 F"itho$t an a"%$' 'ot o% p$sh; Ba1be e&en not then;
/o the1 no">G
F:t@s easier no"4G he rep'ie-;
F,o" so>G
F,is Ba?est1 ("a1&i''4 3in) o% Chaos4 s'eeps this ni)ht "ith the ancestors o% -arkness; : "as
sent to %etch 1o$ back %or the ceremonies;G
FAeah; =e''4 oka1; ($re; E$st 'et me )et m1 st$%% to)ether; ,o"@- it happen4 an1ho">G
: p$''e- on m1 boots4 -onne- the rest o% m1 )arments4 b$ck'e- on m1 b'a-e;
F: am not pri&1 to an1 -etai's; O% co$rse4 it is common kno"'e-)e that his hea'th "as poor;G
F: "ant to 'ea&e a note4G : sai-;
,e no--e-;
FA brie% one4 : tr$st;G
: scra"'e- on a piece o% parchment %rom the "ritin) tab'e4Coral, Called awa on famil
business. I'll be in touch 4 an- : 'ai- it besi-e her han-;
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-; F,o" -o "e -o this>G
F: "i'' bear 1o$ $pon m1 back4 Prince Ber'in4 as : -i- 'on) a)o;G
: no--e- as a %'oo- o% chi'-hoo- memories ret$rne- to me; #r1'' "as immense'1 stron)4 as are
most -emons; B$t : reca''e- o$r )ames4 at Pit@s-e-)e an- o$t o&er the -arkness4 in b$ria'
chambers4 ca&es4 sti''-smokin) batt'e%ie'-s4 r$ine- temp'es4 chambers o% -ea- sorcerers4 pri&ate
he''s; : a'"a1s seeme- to ha&e more %$n p'a1in) "ith -emons than "ith m1 mother@s re'ati&es b1
b'oo- or marria)e; : e&en base- m1 main Chaos %orm $pon one o% their kin-;
,e absorbe- a chair %rom the room@s corner %or e.tra mass4 chan)in) shape to accommo-ate m1
a-$'t si6e; As : c'imbe- $pon his e'on)ate- torso4 catchin) a %irm ho'-4 he e.c'aime-4 FAh4
Ber'inI =hat ma)ics -o 1o$ bear these -a1s>G
F:@&e their contro'4 b$t not %$'' kno"'e-)e o% their essence4G : ans"ere-; F!he1@re a &er1 recent
ac<$isition; =hat is it that 1o$ %ee'>G
F,eat4 co'-4 stran)e m$sic4G he rep'ie-; F+rom a'' -irections; Ao$ ha&e chan)e-;G
F2&er1one chan)es4G : sai- as he mo&e- to"ar- the "in-o"; F!hat@s 'i%e;G
A -ark threa- 'a1 $pon the "i-e si''; ,e reache- o$t an- to$che- it as he 'a$nche- himse'%;
!here came a )reat r$shin) o% "in- as "e %e'' -o"n"ar-4 mo&e- %or"ar-4 rose; !o"ers %'ashe-
past4 "a&erin); !he stars "ere bri)ht4 a <$arter moon ?$st risen4 i''$minatin) the be''ies o% a 'o"
'ine o% c'o$-s; =e soare-4 the cast'e an- the to"n -"in-'in) in an e1eb'ink; !he stars -ance-4
became streaks o% 'i)ht; A ban- o% sheer4 ripp'in) b'ackness sprea- abo$t $s4 "i-enin); !he
B'ack 0oa-4 : s$--en'1 tho$)ht; :t is 'ike a temporar1 &ersion o% the B'ack 0oa-4 in the sk1; :
)'ance- back; :t "as not there; :t "as as i% it "ere someho" ree'in) in as "e ro-e; Or "as it
ree'in) $s in>
!he co$ntr1si-e passe- beneath $s 'ike a %i'm p'a1e- at trip'e spee-; +orest4 hi''4 an- mo$ntain
peak %'e- b1; O$r b'ack "a1 "as a )reat ribbon hea&in) be%ore $s4 patches o% 'i)ht an- -ark 'ike
-a1time c'o$- sha-o"s s'i-in) past; An- then the tempo increase-4 staccato; : note- o% a s$--en
that there "as no 'on)er an1 "in-; Abr$pt'14 the moon "as hi)h o&erhea-4 an- a crooke-
mo$ntain ran)e snake- beneath $s; !he sti''ness ha- a -ream-'ike <$a'it1 to it4 an- in an instant
the moon ha- %a''en 'o"er; A 'ine o% 'i)ht cracke- the "or'- to m1 ri)ht an- stars be)an to )o
o$t; !here "as no %ee'in) o% e.ertion in #r1''@s bo-1 as "e p'$n)e- a'on) that b'ack "a1C an- the
moon &anishe- an- 'i)ht )re" b$tter1 1e''o" a'on) a 'ine o% c'o$-s4 ac<$irin) a pink cast e&en
as : "atche-;
F!he po"er o% Chaos rises4G : remarke-;
F!he ener)1 o% -isor-er4G he rep'ie-;
F!here is more to this than 1o$@&e to'- me4G : sai-;
F: am b$t a ser&ant4G #r1'' respon-e-4 Fan- not pri&1 to the co$nci's o% the mi)ht1;G
!he "or'- contin$e- to bri)hten4 an- %or as %ar ahea- as : co$'- see o$r b'ack ribbon ripp'e-; =e
"ere passin) hi)h o&er mo$ntaino$s terrain; An- c'o$-s b'e" apart an- ne" ones %orme- at a
rapi- rate; =e ha- ob&io$s'1 be)$n o$r passa)e thro$)h (ha-o"; A%ter a time4 the mo$ntains
"ore -o"n an- ro''in) p'ains s'i- b1; ($--en'1 the s$n "as in the mi--'e o% the sk1; =e seeme-
to be passin) ?$st abo&e o$r b'ack "a14 #r1''@s toes bare'1 )ra6in) it as "e mo&e-; At times his
"in)s har-'1 %'$ttere- be%ore me4 at other times the1 thr$mme- 'ike those o% a h$mmin)bir-4
into in&isibi'it1;
!he s$n )re" cherr1-re- %ar to m1 'e%t; A pink -esert sprea- beneath $s;;;;
!hen it "as -ark a)ain an- the stars t$rne- 'ike a )reat "hee';
!hen "e "ere 'o"4 bare'1 passin) abo&e the tops o% the trees;;;;
=e b$rst into the air o&er a b$s1 -o"nto"n street4 'i)hts on po'es an- the %ronts o% &ehic'es4
neon in "in-o"s; !he "arm4 st$%%14 -$st14 )ass1 sme'' o% cit1 rose $p abo$t $s; A %e"
pe-estrians )'ance- $p"ar-4 bare'1 seemin) to note o$r passa)e;
2&en as "e %'ashe- across a ri&er4 crestin) the ho$se tops o% s$b$rbia4 the prospect "a&ere- an-
"e passe- o&er a primor-ia' 'an-scape o% rock4 'a&a4 a&a'anche4 an- sh$--erin) )ro$n-4 t"o
acti&e &o'canoesDone near4 one %arDspe"in) smoke a)ainst a b'$e-)reen sk1;
F!his4 : take it4 is a shortc$t>G : sai-;
F:t is the shortest c$t4G #r1'' rep'ie-;
=e entere- a 'on) ni)ht4 an- at some point it seeme- that o$r "a1 took $s beneath -eep "aters4
bri)ht sea creat$res ho&erin) an- -artin) both near at han- an- in the mi--'e -istance; /r1 an-
$ncr$she-4 the b'ack "a1 protecte- $s;
F:t is as ma?or an $phea&a' as the -eath o% Oberon4G #r1'' &o'$nteere-; F:ts e%%ects are ripp'in)
across (ha-o";G
FB$t Oberon@s -eath coinci-e- "ith the re-creation o% the Pattern4G : sai-; F!here "as more to it
than the -eath o% a monarch o% one o% the e.tremes;G
F!r$e4G #r1'' rep'ie-4 Fb$t no" is a time o% imba'ance amon) the %orces; !his a--s to it; :t "i''
be e&en more se&ere;G
=e p'$n)e- into an openin) in a -ark mass o% stone; 9ines o% 'i)ht streake- past $s;
:rrre)$'arities "ere 'imne- in a pa'e b'$e; 9aterDho" 'on)4 : -o not kno"D"e "ere in a p$rp'e
sk14 "ith no transition that : can reca'' %rom the -ark sea bottom; A sin)'e star )'eame- %ar ahea-;
=e spe- to"ar- it;
F=h1>G : aske-;
FBeca$se the Pattern has )ro"n stron)er than the 9o)r$s4G he rep'ie-;
F,o" -i- that happen>G
FPrince Cor"in -re" a secon- Pattern at the time o% the con%rontation bet"een the Co$rts an-
FAes4 he to'- me abo$t it; :@&e e&en seen it; ,e %eare- Oberon mi)ht not be ab'e to repair the
FB$t he -i-4 an- so no" there are t"o;G
FAo$r %ather@s Pattern is a'so an arti%act o% or-er; :t ser&e- to tip the ancient ba'ance in the %a&or
o% Amber;G
F,o" is it 1o$ are a"are o% this4 #r1''4 "hen no one back in Amber seems to kno" it or sa" %it
to te'' me>G
FAo$r brother Prince Ban-or an- the Princess +iona s$specte- this an- so$)ht e&i-ence; !he1
presente- their %in-in)s to 1o$r $nc'e4 9or- ($h$1; ,e ma-e se&era' ?o$rne1s into (ha-o" an-
became pers$a-e- that this is the case; ,e "as preparin) his %in-in)s %or presentation to the kin)
"hen ("a1&i'' s$%%ere- his %ina' i''ness; : kno" these thin)s beca$se it "as ($h$1 "ho sent me
%or 1o$4 an- he char)e- me to te'' them to 1o$;G
F: ?$st ass$me- it "as m1 mother "ho@- sent %or me;G
F($h$1 "as certain she "o$'-D"hich is "h1 he "ante- to reach 1o$ %irst; =hat : ha&e to'- 1o$
concernin) 1o$r %ather@s Pattern is not 1et common kno"'e-)e;G
F=hat am : s$ppose- to -o abo$t it>G
F,e -i- not entr$st me "ith that in%ormation;G
!he star )re" bri)hter; !he sk1 "as %i''e- "ith sp'ashes o% oran)e an- pink; (hort'14 'ines o%
)reen 'i)ht ?oine- them4 an- the1 s"ir'e- 'ike streamers abo$t $s;
=e race- on4 an- the con%i)$rations came to -ominate the sk1 %$''14 'ike a ps1che-e'ic paraso'
rotatin) s'o"'1; !he 'an-scape became a tota' b'$r; : %e't as i% a part o% me -o6e-4 tho$)h : am
certain : -i- not 'ose conscio$sness; !ime seeme- to be p'a1in) )ames "ith m1 metabo'ism; :
)re" enormo$s'1 h$n)r1 an- m1 e1es ache-;
!he star bri)htene-; #r1''@s "in)s took on a prismatic shimmer; =e seeme- to be mo&in) at an
incre-ib'e pace no";
O$r stran- c$r&e- $p"ar- at its o$ter e-)es; !he process contin$e- as "e a-&ance- $nti' it
seeme- "e "ere mo&in) in a tro$)h; !hen the1 met o&erhea-4 an- it "as as i% "e spe- -o"n a
)$n barre'4 aime- at the b'$e-"hite star;
FAn1thin) e'se 1o$@re s$ppose- to te'' me>G
FNot so %ar as : kno";G
: r$bbe- m1 'e%t "rist4 %ee'in) as i% somethin) sho$'- ha&e been p$'sin) there; Oh4 1es; +rakir;
=here "as +rakir4 an1"a1> !hen : reca''e- 'ea&in) her behin- in Bran-@s apartment; =h1 ha- :
-one that> :Dm1 min- %e't c'o$-14 the memor1 -ream-'ike;
!his "as the %irst time since the e&ent that : ha- e.amine- that memor1; ,a- : 'ooke- ear'ier :
"o$'- ha&e kno"n sooner "hat it meant; :t "as the c'o$-in) e%%ect o% )'amor; : ha- "a'ke- into
a spe'' back in Bran-@s apartment; :@- no "a1 o% kno"in) "hether it ha- been speci%ic to me or
mere'1 somethin) :@- acti&ate- in pokin) abo$t; :t co$'-4 : s$ppose-4 e&en ha&e been somethin)
more )enera'4 en'i&ene- b1 the -isasterDpossib'1 e&en an $nintentiona' si-e e%%ect o% somethin)
that ha- been -ist$rbe-; (omeho" : -o$bte- the 'atter4 ho"e&er;
+or that matter4 : -o$bte- an1 )enera'it1 abo$t the b$siness; :t "as ?$st too ri)ht to ha&e been a
boob1-trap Bran- ha- 'e%t '1in) abo$t; :t ha- con%o$n-e- a traine- sorcerer4 me; Perhaps it "as
on'1 m1 present -istancin) %rom the &icinit1 o% its occ$rrence that ha- he'pe- to c'ear m1 min-;
As : re&ie"e- m1 actions %rom the time o% e.pos$re : co$'- see that : ha- been mo&in) in
somethin) o% a ha6e since then; An- the more : re&ie"e- the more : %e't the spe'' to ha&e been
speci%ica''1 tai'ore- to en%o'- me; Not $n-erstan-in) it4 : co$'- not consi-er m1se'% %ree o% it
"ith this kno"'e-)e either;
=hate&er it "as4 it ha- ca$se- me to aban-on +rakir "itho$t thinkin) t"ice abo$t it4 an- it ha-
ca$se- me to %ee'D"e''Dstran)e; : co$'- not te'' e.act'1 ho" it mi)ht ha&e in%'$ence-4 mi)ht
sti'' be in%'$encin)4 m1 tho$)hts an- m1 %ee'in)s4 the $s$a' prob'em "hen one is ca$)ht $p
insi-e a spe''; B$t : -i-n@t see ho" it co$'- possib'1 ha&e been the 'ate Bran- himse'% "ho ha-
set the thin) $p a)ainst s$ch an $npre-ictab'e occ$rrence as m1 ha&in) rooms ne.t to his o'-
ones 1ears a%ter his -eath4 %rom "hich : "o$'- be prompte- to enter his <$arters in the -isastro$s
a%termath o% an improbab'e con%rontation bet"een the 9o)r$s an- the Pattern in an $pper ha'' o%
Amber Cast'e; No4 it seeme- that someone e'se ha- to be behin- it; E$rt> E$'ia> :t -i-n@t seem too
'ike'1 that the1@- be ab'e to operate $n-etecte- in the heart o% Amber Cast'e; =ho then> An-
co$'- it ha&e ha- an1thin) to -o "ith that episo-e in the ,a'' o% Birrors> : -re" b'anks; =ere :
back there no" : mi)ht be ab'e to come $p "ith a spe'' o% m1 o"n to %erret o$t the one
responsib'e; B$t : "asn@t4 an- an1 in&esti)ation at that en- o% thin)s "o$'- ha&e to "ait;
!he 'i)ht ahea- %'ashe- more bri)ht'1 no"4 "inkin) %rom hea&en'1 b'$e to ba'e%$' re-;
F#r1''4G : sai-; F/o 1o$ -etect a spe'' $pon me>G
FA1e4 m@'or-4G he rep'ie-;
F=h1 -i-n@t 1o$ mention it>G
F: tho$)ht it one o% 1o$r o"nD%or -e%ense4 perhaps;G
FCan 1o$ 'i%t it> :@m at a -isa-&anta)e4 here on the insi-e;G
F@!is too tan)'e- in 1o$r person; : "o$'-n@t kno" "here to be)in;G
FCan 1o$ te'' me an1thin) abo$t it>G
FOn'1 that it@s there4 m@'or-; /oes seem rather hea&1 abo$t the hea-4 tho$)h;G
FCo$'- be co'orin) m1 tho$)hts a certain "a14 then>G
FA1e4 a pa'e b'$e;G
F: "asn@t re%errin) to 1o$r manner o% percei&in) it; On'1 to the possibi'it1 that it co$'- be
in%'$encin) m1 thinkin);G
,is "in)s %'ashe- b'$e4 then re-; O$r t$nne' e.pan-e- s$--en'1 an- the sk1 )re" bri)ht "ith
the cra61 co'ors o% Chaos; !he star "e %o''o"e- no" took on the proportions o% a sma'' 'i)htD
ma)ica''1 enhance-4 o% co$rseD"ithin a hi)h to"er o% a sep$'chra' cast'e4 a'' )ra1 an- o'i&e4
atop a mo$ntain the bottom an- mi--'e o% "hich ha- been remo&e- !he is'an- o% stone %'oate-
abo&e a petri%ie- %orest; !he trees b$rne- "ith opa' %iresDoran)e4 p$rp'e4 )reen;
F:@- ima)ine it co$'- be -isentan)'e-4G #r1'' obser&e-; FB$t its $nra&e'in) be a ba%%'ement to
this poor -emon;G
: )r$nte-; : "atche- the streakin) scener1 %or a %e" moments; !hen4 F(peakin) o% -emons;;;G :
F=hat can 1o$ te'' me abo$t the sort kno"n as at'iga >G : aske-;
F!he1 -"e'' %ar o$t be1on- the 0im4G he rep'ie-4 Fan- ma1 be the c'osest o% a'' creat$res to the
prima' Chaos; : -o not be'ie&e the1 e&en possess tr$e bo-ies o% the materia' sort; !he1 ha&e 'itt'e
to -o "ith other -emons4 'et a'one an1one e'se;G
F2&er kno" an1 o% themD$hDpersona''1>G
F: ha&e enco$ntere- a %e"Dno" an- then4G he rep'ie-;
=e rose hi)her; !he cast'e ha- been -oin) the same; A %a'' o% meteors b$rne- its "a14 bri)ht'14
si'ent'14 behin- it;
F!he1 can inhabit a h$man bo-14 take it o&er;G
F!hat -oesn@t s$rprise me;G
F: kno" o% one "ho has -one this thin)4 se&era' times; B$t an $n$s$a' prob'em has come $p; :t
apparent'1 took contro' o% one on the h$man@s -eathbe-; !he passin) o% the h$man seeme- to
'ock thet'iga in p'ace; :t cannot &acate the bo-1 no"; /o 1o$ kno" o% an1 "a1 it mi)ht
#r1'' ch$ck'e-;
FE$mp o%% a c'i%%4 : s$ppose; Or %a'' on a s"or-;G
FB$t "hat i% it@s tie- to its host so c'ose'1 no" that this -oesn@t %ree it>G
,e ch$ck'e- a)ain;
F!hat@s the breaks o% the )ame4 in the bo-1-stea'in) b$siness;G
F: o"e this one somethin)4G : sai-; F:@- 'ike to he'p herDit;G
,e "as si'ent %or a time4 then rep'ie-4 FAn o'-er4 "isert'iga mi)ht kno" somethin) abo$t these
matters; An- 1o$ kno" "here the1 are;G
F(orr1 : can@t be more he'p; !he1@re an o'- bree-4t'iga ;G
An- no" "e bore -o"n $pon that to"er; O$r roa-"a1 $n-er the shi%tin) ka'ei-oscope that "as
the sk1 -"in-'e- be%ore $s to b$t the tiniest o% streaks; #r1'' beat his "a1 to"ar- the 'i)ht in the
"in-o" an- : peere- past him;
: )'ance- -o"n"ar-; !he prospect "as -i661in); +rom some -istant p'ace a )ro"'in) so$n-
came $p4 as i% portions o% the earth itse'% "ere mo&in) s'o"'1 a)ainst each otherDa common
eno$)h occ$rrence in this &icinit1; !he "in-s beat at m1 )arments; A stran- o% tan)erine c'o$-s
bea-e- the sk1 to m1 'e%t; : co$'- make o$t -etai' "ork in the cast'e "a''s; : ca$)ht si)ht o% a
%i)$re "ithin the room o% the 'i)ht;
!hen "e "ere &er1 near4 an- then thro$)h the "in-o" an- insi-e; A 'ar)e4 stoope-4 )ra1 an- re-
-emonic %orm4 horne- an- ha'%-sca'e-4 re)ar-e- me "ith e''iptica''1 p$pi'e- 1e''o" e1es; :ts
%an)s "ere bare- in a smi'e;
F*nc'eIG : crie- as : -ismo$nte-; F#reetin)sIG
#r1'' stretche- an- shook himse'% as ($h$1 r$she- %or"ar- an- embrace- meDcare%$''1;
FBer'in4G he sai- at 'ast4 F"e'come home; : re)ret the occasion b$t re?oice in 1o$r presence;
#r1'' has to'- 1o$;;;>G
FO% the passin) o% ,is ,i)hness> Aes; :@m sorr1;G
,e re'ease- me an- steppe- back a pace;
F:t is not as i% it "ere $nanticipate-4G he sai-; FE$st the opposite; !oo m$ch so4 in %act; Aet there
is no proper time %or s$ch an e&ent;G
F!r$e4G : rep'ie-4 massa)in) a certain sti%%ness o$t o% m1 'e%t sho$'-er an- )ropin) in m1 hip
pocket a%ter a comb; FAn- he ha- been ai'in) %or so 'on) that : ha- )ro"n $se- to it4G : sai-; F:t
"as a'most as i% he@- come to terms "ith the "eakness;G
($h$1 no--e-; !hen4 FAre 1o$ )oin) to trans%orm>G he aske-;
F:t@s been a ro$)h -a14G : to'- him; F:@- as soon sa&e m1 ener)14 $n'ess there@s some -eman- o%
FNone at a''4 ?$st no"4G he rep'ie-; F,a&e 1o$ eaten>G
FNot recent'1;G
FCome then4G he sai-; F9et@s %in- 1o$ some no$rishment;G
,e t$rne- an- "a'ke- to"ar- the %ar "a''; : %o''o"e- him; !here "ere no -oors in the room4 an-
he ha- to kno" a'' the 'oca' (ha-o" stress points4 the Co$rts bein) opposite to Amber in this
re)ar-; =hi'e it@s a"%$''1 har- to pass thro$)h (ha-o" in Amber4 the sha-o"s are 'ike %ra1e-
c$rtains in the Co$rtsDo%ten4 1o$ can 'ook ri)ht thro$)h into another rea'it1 "itho$t e&en tr1in);
An-4 sometimes4 somethin) in the other rea'it1 ma1 be 'ookin) at 1o$; Care m$st be taken4 too4
not to step thro$)h into a p'ace "here 1o$ "i'' %in- 1o$rse'% in the mi--'e o% the air4 $n-er"ater4
or in the path o% a ra)in) torrent; !he Co$rts "ere ne&er bi) on to$rism;
+ort$nate'14 the st$%% o% (ha-o" is so -oci'e at this en- o% rea'it1 that it can be easi'1
manip$'ate- b1 a sha-o"masterD"ho can stitch to)ether their %abrics to create a "a1;
(ha-o"masters are technicians o% 'oca''1 potent ski''4 "hose abi'it1 -eri&es %rom the 9o)r$s4
tho$)h the1 nee- not be initiates; 7er1 %e" are4 a'tho$)h a'' initiates are a$tomatica''1 members
o% the (ha-o"master #$i'-; !he1@re 'ike p'$mbers or e'ectricians abo$t the Co$rts4 an- their
ski''s &ar1 as m$ch as their co$nterparts on the (ha-o" 2arthDa combination o% aptit$-e an-
e.perience; =hi'e :@m a )$i'- member :@- m$ch rather %o''o" someone "ho kno"s the "a1s than
%ee' them o$t %or m1se'%; : s$ppose : sho$'- sa1 more abo$t this matter; Ba1be : "i'' sometime;
=hen "e reache- the "a''4 o% co$rse4 it "asn@t there; :t ?$st sort o% )re" mist1 an- %a-e- a"a14
an- "e passe- thro$)h the space "here it ha- beenDor4 rather4 a -i%%erent ana'o)o$s spaceDan-
"e "ere passin) -o"n a )reen stair"a1; =e''4 it "asn@t e.act'1 a stair"a1; :t "as a series o%
$nconnecte- )reen -iscs4 -escen-in) in spira' %ashion4 proper riser an- trea- -istance apart4 sort
o% %'oatin) there in the ni)ht air; !he1 passe- abo$t the e.terior o% the cast'e4 %ina''1 stoppin)
be%ore a b'ank "a''; Be%ore "e reache- that "a'' "e passe- thro$)h se&era' moments o% bri)ht
-a1'i)ht4 a brie% %'$rr1 o% b'$e sno"4 an- the apse o% somethin) 'ike a cathe-ra' "itho$t an a'tar4
ske'etons occ$p1in) pe"s at either han-; =hen "e %ina''1 came to the "a'' "e passe- thro$)h it4
emer)in) in a 'ar)e kitchen; ($h$1 'e- me to the 'ar-er an- in-icate- : sho$'- he'p m1se'%; :
%o$n- some co'- meat an- brea- an- ma-e m1se'% a san-"ich4 "ashin) it -o"n "ith tepi- beer;
,e nibb'e- at a piece o% brea- himse'% an- sippe- at a %'a)on o% the same bre"; A bir- appeare-
o&erhea- in %$'' %'i)ht4 ca"in) ra$co$s'14 &anishin) a)ain be%ore it ha- passe- the entire 'en)th
o% the room;
F=hen are the ser&ices>G : aske-;
F0e-sk1 ne.t4 a'most a "ho'e t$rnin) o%%4G he rep'ie-; F(o 1o$@&e a chance to s'eep an- co''ect
1o$rse'% be%ore thenDperhaps;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean4 Tperhaps@>G
FAs one o% the three4 1o$@re $n-er b'ack "atch; !hat@s "h1 : s$mmone- 1o$ here4 to one o% m1
p'aces o% so'it$-e;G ,e t$rne- an- "a'ke- thro$)h the "a''; : %o''o"e- him4 sti'' bearin) m1
%'a)on4 an- "e seate- o$rse'&es besi-e a sti''4 )reen poo' beneath a rock1 o&erhan)4 $mber sk1
abo&e; ,is cast'e containe- p'aces %rom a'' o&er Chaos an- (ha-o"4 stitche- to)ether into a
cra61-<$i't pattern o% "a1s "ithin "a1s; FAn- since 1o$ "ear the spikar- 1o$@&e a--e- reso$rces
%or sa%et14G he obser&e-;
,e reache- o$t an- to$che- the man1-spoke- "hee' o% m1 rin); A %aint tin)'in) %o''o"e- in m1
%in)er4 han-4 an- arm;
F*nc'e4 1o$ "ere o%ten )i&en to cr1ptic $tterances "hen 1o$ "ere m1 teacher4G : sai-; FB$t :@&e
)ra-$ate- no"4 an- : )$ess that )i&es me the ri)ht to sa1 : -on@t kno" "hat the he'' 1o$@re
ta'kin) abo$t;G
,e ch$ck'e- an- sippe- his beer;
FOn re%'ection4 it a'"a1s became c'ear4G he sai-;
F0e%'ection;;;G : sai-4 an- : 'ooke- into the poo'; :ma)es s"am ami- the b'ack ribbons beneath
its s$r%aceD("a1&i'' '1in) in state4 1e''o" an- b'ack robes m$%%'in) his shr$nken %orm4 m1
mother4 m1 %ather4 -emonic %orms4 a'' passin) an- %a-in)4 E$rt4 m1se'%4 Easra an- E$'ia4 0an-om
an- +iona4 Ban-or an- /"orkin4 Bi'' 0oth an- man1 %aces : -i- not kno";;;;
: shook m1 hea-;
F0e%'ection -oes not c'ari%14G : sai-;
F:t is not the %$nction o% an instant4G he rep'ie-;
(o : ret$rne- m1 attention to the chaos o% %aces an- %orms; E$rt ret$rne- an- remaine- %or a 'on)
time; ,e "as -ressin) himse'%4 in &er1 )oo- taste4 an- he appeare- to be re'ati&e'1 intact; =hen
he %ina''1 %a-e- there ret$rne- one o% the ha'% %ami'iar %aces : ha- seen ear'ier; : kne" he "as a
nob'e o% the Co$rts4 an- : searche- m1 memor1; O% co$rse; :t ha- been a 'on) "hi'e4 b$t no" :
reco)ni6e- him; :t "as !mer4 o% the ,o$se o% Eesb14 e'-est son o% the 'ate Prince 0o'o&ians4 an-
no" 'or- himse'% o% the =a1s o% Eesb1Dspa-e bear-4 hea&1 bro"4 st$r-i'1 b$i't4 not
$nhan-some4 in a r$))e- sort o% "a1C b1 a'' report a bra&e an- possib'1 e&en sensiti&e %e''o";
!hen there "as Prince !$bb'e o% the =a1s o% Chanic$t4 phasin) back an- %orth bet"een h$man
an- s"ir'in) -emonic %orms; P'aci-4 hea&14 s$bt'eC cent$ries o'- an- &er1 shre"-C he "ore a
%rin)e- bear-4 ha- "i-e4 innocent4 pa'e e1es4 "as master o% man1 )ames;
: "aite-4 an- !mer %o''o"e- E$rt %o''o"e- !$bb'e into &anishment ami- the coi'in) ribbons; :
"aite- 'on)er4 an- nothin) ne" occ$rre-;
F2n- o% re%'ection4G : anno$nce- at 'ast; FB$t : sti'' -on@t kno" "hat it means;G
F=hat -i- 1o$ see>G
FB1 brother E$rt4G : rep'ie-4 Fan- Prince !mer o% Eesb1; An- !$bb'e o% Chanic$t4 amon) other
FBost appropriate4G he respon-e-; F2ntire'1 appropriate;G
FAn- so>G
F9ike 1o$4 !mer an- !$bb'e are both $n-er b'ack "atch; : $n-erstan- !mer is at Eesb14 tho$)h :
be'ie&e E$rt has )one to earth some"here other than /a')arr1;G
FE$rt@s come back>G
,e no--e-;
F,e co$'- be at m1 mother@s +ortress #ant$4G : m$se-; FOr4 (a"a'' -i- ha&e a secon- stea-D
the =a1s o% Anch4 at the &er1 0im;G
($h$1 shr$))e-;
F: -o not kno"4G he sai-;
FB$t "h1 the b'ack "atchD%or an1 o% $s>G
FAo$ "ent o%% into (ha-o" to a %ine $ni&ersit14G he sai-4 Fan- 1o$ ha&e -"e''e- in the Co$rt o%
Amber4 "hich : "o$'- -eem hi)h'1 e-$cationa'; !here%ore4 : bi- 1o$ take tho$)ht; ($re'14 a
min- so "e'' hone-DG
F: rea'i6e the b'ack "atch means "e %ace some sort o% -an)er;;;; G
FO% co$rse;G
F;;;B$t its nat$re e'$-es me; *n'ess;;;G
F:t has to -o "ith ("a1&i''@s -eath; (o it m$st in&o'&e some sort o% po'itica' sett'ement; B$t :@&e
been a"a1; : -on@t kno" "hat matters are hot ?$st no";G
,e sho"e- me ro" $pon ro" o% "orn b$t sti'' nast1 %an)s;
F!r1 the matter o% the s$ccession4G he sai-;
FOka1; (a1 the =a1s o% (a"a'' are s$pportin) one possib'e s$ccessor4 Eesb1 the other4 Chanic$t
the other; (a1 "e@re at each other@s throats o&er the matter; (a1 :@&e come back into the mi--'e o%
a &en-etta; (o "hoe&er@s )i&in) the or-ers ri)ht no" has -ec'are- $s $n-er "atch as a matter o%
keepin) thin)s %rom )ettin) mess1; : appreciate it;G
FC'ose4G he sai-4 Fb$t it@s a'rea-1 )one %$rther than that;G
: shook m1 hea-;
F: )i&e $p4G : sai-;
+rom some"here there came $p a "ai'in) so$n-; F!hink abo$t it4G he rep'ie-4 F"hi'e : "e'come
a )$est;G
,e rose an- steppe- into the poo'4 &anishin) imme-iate'1;
: %inishe- m1 beer;
Chapter 2
:t seeme- b$t moments 'ater that a rock to m1 'e%t shimmere- an- emitte- a be''-'ike tone;
=itho$t conscio$s intent m1 attention )athere- itse'% at m1 rin)4 "hich ($h$1 ha- re%erre- to as
a spikar-; : rea'i6e- in that instant that : "as preparin) to $se it to -e%en- m1se'%; :nterestin)4
ho" %ami'iar : %e't "ith it no"4 ho" a-apte- : seeme- to ha&e become to it in so short a time; :
"as on m1 %eet4 %acin) the stone4 'e%t han- e.ten-e- in its -irection "hen ($h$1 steppe- thro$)h
the shinin) p'ace4 a ta''er4 -arker %i)$re at his rear; A moment 'ater an- that %i)$re %o''o"e- him4
emer)in) into s$bstantia'it1 an- shi%tin) %rom an octopa' ape %orm to that o% m1 brother Ban-or4
h$mani6e-4 "earin) b'ack as "hen 'ast : ha- seen him4 tho$)h the )arments "ere %resh an- o% a
s'i)ht'1 -i%%erent c$t4 his "hite hair 'ess to$s'e-; ,e <$ick'1 scanne- the area abo$t $s an- )a&e
me a smi'e;
F: see that a'' is "e''4G he state-;
: ch$ck'e- as : no--e- to"ar- his arm in its s'in);
FAs "e'' as mi)ht be e.pecte-4G : rep'ie-; F=hat happene- in Amber a%ter : 'e%t>G
FNo %resh -isasters4G he ans"ere-; F: sta1e- on'1 'on) eno$)h to see "hether there "as an1thin)
: co$'- -o to be o% assistance; !his amo$nte- to a 'itt'e ma)ica' c'earin) o% the &icinit1 an- the
s$mmonin) o% a %e" p'anks to 'a1 o&er ho'es; !hen : be))e- 'ea&e o% 0an-om to -epart4 he
)rante- it4 an- : came home;G
FA -isaster> At Amber>G ($h$1 aske-;
: no--e-;
F!here "as a con%rontation bet"een the *nicorn an- the (erpent in the ha''s o% Amber Pa'ace4
res$'tin) in consi-erab'e -ama)e;G
F=hat co$'- ha&e occasione- the (erpent@s &ent$rin) that %ar into the rea'm o% Or-er>G
F:t in&o'&e- "hat Amber re%ers to as the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment4 "hich the (erpent consi-ers its
missin) e1e;G
F: m$st hear the entire ta'e;G
: procee-e- to te'' him o% the comp'icate- enco$nter4 'ea&in) o$t m1 o"n 'ater e.periences in
the Corri-or o% Birrors an- Bran-@s apartments; =hi'e : spoke4 Ban-or@s )a6e -ri%te- to the
spikar-4 to ($h$14 an- back; =hen he sa" that : note- this he smi'e-;
F(o /"orkin is himse'% once more;;;>G ($h$1 sai-;
F: -i-n@t kno" him be%ore4G : rep'ie-; FB$t he seeme- to kno" "hat he "as abo$t;G
F;;;An- the M$een o% 3ash%a sees "ith the 21e o% the (erpent;G
F: -on@t kno" that she sees "ith it4G : sai-; F(he@s sti'' reco&erin) %rom the operation; B$t that@s
an interestin) tho$)ht; :% she co$'- see "ith it4 "hat mi)ht she beho'->G
F!he c'ear4 co'- 'ines o% eternit14 : -aresa1; Beneath a'' (ha-o"; No morta' co$'- bear it %or too
F(he is o% the b'oo- o% Amber4G : sai-;
F0ea''1> Oberon@s>G
: no--e-;
FAo$r 'ate 'ie)e "as a &er1 acti&e man4G he obser&e-; F(ti''4 it "o$'- be <$ite a b$r-en o%
seein)4 tho$)h : speak on'1 %rom )$ess"orkDan- a certain kno"'e-)e o% princip'es; :@&e no i-ea
"hat ma1 come o% this; On'1 /"orkin co$'- sa1; Be he sane4 there is a reason %or it; :
ackno"'e-)e his master14 tho$)h :@&e ne&er been ab'e to anticipate him;G
FAo$ kno" him4 persona''1>G : aske-;
F: kne" him4G he sai-4 F'on) a)o4 be%ore his tro$b'es; An- : -o not kno" "hether to re?oice or
-espair in this; 0eco&ere-4 he ma1 be "orkin) %or the )reater )oo-; !hen a)ain4 his interests ma1
be tota''1 partisan;G
F(orr1 : can@t en'i)hten 1o$4G : sai-; F: %in- his actions cr1ptic4 too;G
F:@m ba%%'e- a'so4G Ban-or sai-4 Fb1 the -isposition o% the 21e; B$t it sti'' so$n-s prett1 m$ch a
'oca' matter4 in&o'&in) Amber@s re'ations "ith 3ash%a an- Be)ma; : -on@t see that there is
an1thin) to be )aine- at this point b1 spec$'ation; :t@s better keepin) most o% o$r attention %or
more pressin) 'oca' matters;G
: %e't m1se'% si)h;
F($ch as the s$ccession>G : s$))este-; Ban-or <$irke- an e1ebro";
FOh4 9or- ($h$1 has brie%e- 1o$ a'rea-1>G
FNo4G : rep'ie-; FNo4 b$t : hear- so m$ch %rom m1 %ather o% the s$ccession in Amber4 "ith a'' its
caba's4 intri)$es4 an- -o$b'e crosses4 that : a'most %ee' an a$thorit1 on the s$b?ect; : ima)ine it
co$'- be that "a1 here4 too4 amon) the ,o$ses o% ("a1&i''@s -escen-ants4 there bein) man1
more )enerations in&o'&e-;G
FAo$ ha&e the ri)ht i-ea4G he sai-4 Ftho$)h : think the pict$re mi)ht be a bit more or-er'1 here
than it "as there;G
F!hat@s somethin)4 an1"a14G : sai-; F+or me4 : inten- to pa1 m1 respects an- )et the he'' o$t;
(en- me a postcar- te''in) me ho" it )ets sett'e-;G
,e 'a$)he-; ,e se'-om 'a$)hs; : %e't m1 "rist prick'e "here +rakir $s$a''1 ri-es;
F,e rea''1 -oesn@t kno"4G he sai-4 )'ancin) at ($h$1;
F,e@s ?$st arri&e-4G ($h$1 ans"ere-; F: ha-n@t the time to te'' him an1thin);G
: )rope- in m1 pocket4 'ocate- a coin4 "ith-re" it4 an- %'ippe- it;
F,ea-s4G : anno$nce-4 on inspection; FAo$ te'' me4 Ban-or; =hat@s )oin) on>G
FAo$@re not ne.t in 'ine %or the throne4G he sai-; :t bein) m1 t$rn to 'a$)h4 : -i-;
F: a'rea-1 kne" that4G : sai-; FAo$ to'- me not that 'on) a)o4 o&er -inner4 ho" 'on) the 'ine "as
be%ore meDi% someone o% m1 mi.e- b'oo- co$'- be consi-ere- at a'';G
F!"o4G he sai-; F!"o stan- be%ore 1o$;G
F: -on@t $n-erstan-4G : sai-; F=hat happene- to a'' the others>G
F/ea-4G he rep'ie-;
FBa- 1ear %or the %'$>G
,e )a&e me a nast1 smi'e;
F!here has been an $nprece-ente- n$mber o% %ata' -$e's an- po'itica' assassinations recent'1;G
F=hich sort -ominate- the %ie'->G
F!he assassinations;G
F;;;An- so 1o$ three are $n-er b'ack "atch protection o% the Cro"n4 an- "ere )i&en into the care
o% 1o$r respecti&e ,o$ses@ sec$rit1;G
FAo$@re serio$s;G
F=as this s$--en thinnin) o% the ranks a matter o% man1 peop'e sim$'taneo$s'1 seekin)
a-&ancement> Or "as it a sma''er n$mber4 remo&in) roa-b'ocks>G
F!he Cro"n is $ncertain;G
F=hen 1o$ sa1 Tthe Cro"n4@ "ho4 e.act'14 are 1o$ re%errin) to4 ri)ht no"> =ho@s makin)
-ecisions in the interim>G
F9or- Bances o% Amb'erash4G he rep'ie-4 Fa -istant re'ati&e an- 'on)time %rien- o% o$r 'ate
F: sort o% reca'' him; Co$'- he ha&e an e1e on the throne himse'%4 an- be behin- an1 o% theD
F!he man@s a priest o% the (erpent; !heir &o"s bar them %rom rei)nin) an1"here;G
F!here are $s$a''1 "a1s aro$n- &o"s;G
F!r$e4 b$t the man seems )en$ine'1 $nintereste- in s$ch a thin);G
F!hat nee-n@t prec'$-e his ha&in) a %a&orite4 an- ma1be he'pin) him a'on) a bit; :s an1bo-1
near the throne partic$'ar'1 %on- o% his Or-er>G
F!o m1 kno"'e-)e4 no;G
F=hich -oesn@t mean someone mi)htn@t ha&e c$t a -ea';G
FNo4 tho$)h Bances isn@t the sort o% man one "o$'- approach easi'1 "ith a proposition;G
F:n other "or-s4 1o$ be'ie&e he@s abo&e "hate&er@s )oin) on>G
F:n the absence o% e&i-ence to the contrar1;G
F=ho is ne.t in 'ine>G
F!$bb'e o% Chanic$t;G
F=ho@s secon->G
F!mer o% Eesb1;G
F!op o% the 'ine4 1o$r poo'4G : sai- to ($h$1;
,e sho"e- me his teeth a)ain; !he1 seeme- to rotate; FAre "e at &en-etta "ith either Chanic$t
or Eesb1>G : aske-;
FNot rea''1;G
F=e@re a'' ?$st takin) care then4 h$h>G
F,o" -i- it a'' come to this> : mean4 there "ere a 'ot o% peop'e in&o'&e-4 as : reca''; =as it a
ni)ht o% the 'on) kni&es4 or "hat>G
FNo4 the -eaths ha&e been occ$rrin) stea-i'1 %or some time; !here "asn@t a s$--en b'oo-bath
"hen ("a1&i'' took his t$rn %or the "orseDtho$)h a %e" -i- occ$r ?$st recent'1;G
F=e''4 there m$st ha&e been some in&esti)ation; /o "e ha&e an1 o% the perps in c$sto-1>G
FNo4 the1 either escape- or "ere ki''e-;G
F=hat o% those "ho "ere ki''e-> !heir i-entities mi)ht in-icate their po'itica' a%%i'iations;G
FNot rea''1; (e&era' "ere pro%essiona's; A co$p'e o% others "ere )enera' ma'contents4 ar)$ab'1
amon) the menta''1 i'';G
FAo$@re sa1in) there are no c'$es as to "ho mi)ht be behin- it a''>G
F!hat@s ri)ht;G
F=hat abo$t s$spicions then>G
F!$bb'e himse'% is o% co$rse s$spect4 tho$)h it is not a )oo- i-ea to sa1 it a'o$-; ,e stoo- to
bene%it the most4 an- no" he@s in a position to -o so; A'so4 there is m$ch in his career o% po'itica'
conni&ance4 -o$b'e--ea'in)4 assassination; B$t that "as 'on) a)o; 2&er1one has a %e" ske'etons
in the ce''ar; ,e has been a <$iet an- conser&ati&e man %o. man1 1ears;G
F!mer4 thenD,e@s c'ose eno$)h to )enerate s$spicion; :s there an1thin) to connect him "ith the
b'oo-1 b$siness>G
FNot rea''1; ,is a%%airs are har-'1 open; ,e@s a &er1 pri&ate man; B$t he "as ne&er associate-
"ith s$ch e.tremes in the past; : -o not kno" him a'' that "e''4 b$t he has a'"a1s str$ck me as a
simp'er4 more -irect person than !$bb'e; ,e seems the sort "ho@- simp'1 attempt a co$p i% he
"ante- the throne ba-'1 eno$)h4 rather than spen- a 'ot o% time intri)$in);G
F!here co$'-4 o% co$rse4 be a n$mber o% peop'e in&o'&e-4 each actin) in his o"n interestDG
FAn- no" that the matter is imminent the1@'' ha&e to s$r%ace soon>G
F:t "o$'- seem so4 "o$'-n@t it>G
A smi'e; A shr$);
FNo reason %or a coronation to en- it a''4G he sai-;
FA cro"n -oes not a$tomatica''1 make a person -a))er-proo%;G
FB$t the s$ccessor "o$'- come to po"er "ith a 'ot o% ba- ba))a)e;G
F:t "o$'-n@t be the %irst time in histor1; An- i% 1o$ stop to think abo$t it4 some &er1 )oo-
monarchs ha&e come to po"er $n-er s$ch a c'o$-; B1 the "a14 has it occ$rre- to 1o$ that the
others mi)ht be spec$'atin) a'on) these 'ines abo$t 1o$>G
FAes4 an- it makes me $ncom%ortab'e; B1 %ather "ante- the throne o% Amber %or a 'on) time4
an- it rea''1 messe- $p his 'i%e; ,e "as on'1 happ1 "hen he sai- the he'' "ith it; :% : 'earne-
an1thin) %rom his stor14 that@s it; : ha&e no s$ch ambition;G
B$t %or a moment4 : "on-ere-; =hat "o$'- it %ee' 'ike to contro' a massi&e state> 2&er1 time :
comp'aine- abo$t po'itics4 here4 in Amber4 back in the (tates on the (ha-o" 2arth4 there "as the
a$tomatic coro''ar1 o% consi-erin) the "a1 :@- mana)e sit$ations i% : "ere in char)e;
F: "on-er>G Ban-or repeate-;
: )'ance- -o"n"ar-;
FPerhaps the others are 'ookin) into their o"n sa1in) poo's ?$st no"4G : sai-4 Fhopin) %or c'$es;G
F/o$bt'ess4G he respon-e-; F=hat i% !$bb'e an- !mer -i- meet $ntime'1 en-s> =hat "o$'- 1o$
F/on@t e&en think abo$t it4G : sai-; F:t "on@t happen;G
F: -on@t kno";G
FAo$ rea''1 sho$'- make some sort o% -ecision4 ?$st to ha&e it o$t o% the "a1; Ao$@re ne&er at a
'oss %or "or-s "hen 1o$ kno" 1o$r o"n min-;G
F!hanks; :@'' remember that;G
F!e'' me more o% 1o$r stor14 since 'ast "e met;G
An- so : -i-4 Pattern )hosts an- a'';
(ome"here near the en- the "ai'in) so$n- be)an a)ain; ($h$1 mo&e- to"ar- the rock;
F2.c$se me4G he sai-4 an- the rock parte- an- he passe- "ithin;
:mme-iate'14 : %e't Ban-or@s )a6e hea&1 $pon me; F=e probab'1 on'1 ha&e a moment4G he sai-;
FNot eno$)h time4 rea''14 to )o into e&er1thin) : "ante- to co&er "ith 1o$;G
F7er1 pri&ate4 h$h>G
FAes; (o 1o$ m$st arran)e to -ine "ith me be%ore the %$nera'; (a14 a <$arter-t$rnin) hence4
FA'' ri)ht; Ao$r p'ace4 or the =a1s o% (a"a''>G
FCome to me at Ban-or"a1s;G
!he rock phase- a)ain as : no--e-4 an- a 'ithe -emonic %i)$re entere-4 shimmerin) b'$e'1
"ithin a &ei' o% c'o$-; : "as on m1 %eet in an instant4 then bo"in) to kiss the han- she e.ten-e-;
FBother4G : sai-; F: ha-n@t anticipate- the p'eas$reDthis soon;G
(he smi'e-4 an- then it "ent a"a1 in a s"ir'; !he sca'es %a-e-4 the conto$rs o% her %ace an- %orm
%'o"e-; !he b'$e "ent a"a1 into a norma' tho$)h pa'e %'esh co'or; ,er hips an- sho$'-ers
"i-ene- as she 'ost somethin) o% hei)ht4 tho$)h sti'' remaine- ta''; ,er bro"n e1es )re" more
attracti&e as the hea&1 bro" ri-)es rece-e-; A %e" %reck'es became &isib'e across her no"-
h$man4 s'i)ht'1 $pt$rne- nose; ,er bro"n hair "as 'on)er than "hen 'ast : ha- seen her in this
%orm; An- she "as sti'' smi'in); ,er re- t$nic became her4 simp'1 be'te-C a rapier h$n) at her 'e%t
FB1 -ear Ber'in4G she sai-4 takin) m1 hea- bet"een her han-s an- kissin) me $pon the 'ips; F:
am p'ease- to see 1o$ 'ookin) so "e''; :t has been <$ite a "hi'e since 'ast 1o$ &isite-;G
F:@&e ha- a &er1 acti&e e.istence o% 'ate;G
F!o be s$re4G she sai-; F:@&e hear- some report o% 1o$r &ario$s misa-&ent$res;G
F:@- ima)ine 1o$ "o$'- ha&e; :t@s not e&er1one has at'iga %o''o"in) him abo$t4 perio-ica''1
se-$cin) him in &ario$s %orms4 an- makin) 'i%e4 in )enera'4 &er1 comp'icate- "ith $n"ante-
e%%orts at protection;G
F:t sho"s that : care4 -ear;G
F:t a'so sho"s that 1o$ ha&e no respect %or m1 pri&ac1 nor tr$st in m1 ?$-)ment;G
Ban-or c'eare- his throat;
F,e''o4 /ara4G he sai- then;
F: s$ppose it m$st seem that "a1 to 1o$4G she state-; !hen4 F,e''o4 Ban-or4G she "ent on;
F=hat happene- to 1o$r arm>G
FA mis$n-erstan-in) in&o'&in) some architect$re4G he rep'ie-; FAo$@&e been o$t o% si)ht4 tho$)h
har-'1 o$t o% min-4 %or some time;G
F!hank 1o$4 i% that@s a comp'iment4G she sai-; FAes4 : )o a bit rec'$si&e e&er1 no" an- then4
"hen the "ei)ht o% societ1 becomes tro$b'esome; !ho$)h 1o$@re har-'1 the one to ta'k4 sir4
&anishin) %or 'on) stretches as 1o$ -o in the 'ab1rinths o% Ban-or"a1sDi% that be in-ee- "here
1o$ take 1o$rse'%;G
,e bo"e-;
FAs 1o$ sa14 'a-14 "e appear to be creat$res o% a kin-;G
,er e1es narro"e-4 tho$)h her &oice "as $nchan)e-4 as she sai-4 F: "on-er; Aes4 : can
sometimes see $s as kin-re- spirits4 perhaps e&en more than in o$r simp'est c1c'es o% acti&it1;
=e@&e both been o$t an- abo$t a 'ot o% 'ate4 tho$)h4 ha&en@t "e>G
FB$t :@&e been care'ess4G sai- Ban-or4 in-icatin) his in?$re- arm; FAo$4 ob&io$s'14 ha&e not;G
F: ne&er ar)$e "ith architect$re4G she sai-;
FOr other impon-erab'es>G he aske-;
F: tr1 to "ork "ith "hat is in p'ace4G she to'- him;
F#enera''14 : -o4 too;G
FAn- i% 1o$ cannot>G she aske-; ,e shr$))e-;
F(ometimes there are co''isions;G
FAo$@&e s$r&i&e- man1 in 1o$r time4 ha&en@t 1o$>G
F: can@t -en1 it4 b$t then it has been a 'on) "hi'e; Ao$ seem ma-e o% &er1 s$r&i&ab'e st$%%
F(o %ar4G she respon-e-; F=e rea''1 m$st compare notes on impon-erab'es an- co''isions one
-a1; =o$'-n@t it be stran)e i% "e "ere simi'ar in a'' respects>G
F: sho$'- be &er1 m$ch s$rprise-4G he ans"ere-;
: "as %ascinate- an- s'i)ht'1 %ri)htene- b1 the e.chan)e4 tho$)h : co$'- )o on'1 b1 %ee'in) an-
ha- no notion o% speci%ics; !he1 "ere someho" simi'ar4 an- :@- ne&er hear- )enera'ities
-e'i&ere- "ith <$ite that precision an- emphasis o$tsi-e o% Amber4 "here the1 o%ten make a
)ame o% ta'kin) that "a1;
F+or)i&e me4G Ban-or sai- then4 to the compan1 in )enera'4 Fb$t : m$st absent m1se'% to
rec$peration; !hank 1o$ %or 1o$r hospita'it14 sir;G ,e bo"e- to ($h$1; FAn- %or the p'eas$re o%
crossin)-paths "ith 1o$GDthis to /ara;
FAo$@&e bare'1 arri&e-4G ($h$1 sai-4 Fan- 1o$@&e taken no re%reshment; Ao$ make me a poor
F0est ass$re-4 o'- %rien-4 there is none co$'- per%orm s$ch a trans%ormation4G he state-; ,e
'ooke- at me as he backe- to"ar- the openin) "a1; F!i'' 'ater4G he sai-4 an- : no--e-;
,e passe- into the "a14 an- the rock so'i-i%ie- "ith his &anishment;
FOne "on-ers at his -e'i&eries4G m1 mother sai-4 F"itho$t apparent rehearsa';G
F#race4G ($h$1 commente-; F,e "as born "ith an ab$n-ance;G
F: "on-er "ho "i'' -ie to-a1>G she sai-;
F: am not certain the imp'ication is "arrante-4G ($h$1 rep'ie-;
(he 'a$)he-;
FAn- i% it is4G she sai-4 Fthe1 "i'' certain'1 e.pire in )oo- taste;G
F/o 1o$ speak in con-emnation or en&1>G he aske-;
FNeither4G she sai-; F+or :4 too4 am an a-mirer o% )raceDan- a )oo- ?est;G
FBother4G : sai-4 F?$st "hat@s )oin) on>G
F=hate&er -o 1o$ mean4 Ber'in>G she rep'ie-;
F: 'e%t this p'ace a 'on) time a)o; Ao$ sent a -emon to %in- me an- take care o% me; Pres$mab'14
it co$'- -etect someone o% the b'oo- o% Amber; (o there "as some con%$sion bet"een m1se'% an-
9$ke; (o it sett'e- b1 takin) care o% both o% $sD$nti' 9$ke be)an his perio-ic attempts to ki''
me; !hen it protecte- me %rom 9$ke an- trie- to -etermine "hich o% $s "as the proper part1; :t
e&en 'i&e- "ith 9$ke %or a time4 an- 'ater p$rs$e- me; : sho$'- ha&e )$esse- at somethin) o% this
beca$se it "as so ea)er to 'earn m1 mother@s name; Apparent'14 9$ke "as ?$st as c'ose-mo$the-
abo$t his parenta)e;G
(he 'a$)he-;
F:t makes a bea$ti%$' pict$re4G she be)an; F9itt'e Easra an- the Prince o% /arknessDG
F/on@t tr1 to chan)e the s$b?ect; !hink ho" embarrassin) that is %or a )ro"n manDhis mother
sen-in) -emons to 'ook a%ter him;G
F!he sin)$'ar; :t "as ?$st one -emon4 -ear;G
F=ho cares> !he princip'e@s the same; =here -o 1o$ )et o%% "ith this protecti&e b$siness> :
F!het'iga probab'1 sa&e- 1o$r 'i%e on more than one occasion4 Ber'in;G
F=e''4 1es; B$tDG
FAo$@- rather be -ea- than protecte-> E$st beca$se it "as comin) %rom me>G
F!hat@s not the pointIG
F!hen "hat is the point>G
F:t seems 1o$ ?$st ass$me- : co$'-n@t take care o% m1se'%4 an-DG
F=e''4 1o$ co$'-n@t;G
FB$t 1o$ ha- no "a1 o% kno"in) that; : resente- 1o$r startin) "ith the ass$mption that : nee-e-
chaperonin) in (ha-o"4 that : "as nai&e4 )$''ib'e4 care'essDG
F: s$ppose it "o$'- h$rt 1o$r %ee'in)s i% : sai- that 1o$ "ere4 )oin) to a p'ace as -i%%erent %rom
the Co$rts as that (ha-o" is;G
FAes4 : can take care o% m1se'%IG
FAo$ "eren@t -oin) that )reat a ?ob o% it; B$t 1o$ are makin) a n$mber o% $n"arrante-
ass$mptions 1o$rse'%; =hat makes 1o$ think that the reasons 1o$ )a&e are the on'1 possib'e ones
%or m1 takin) s$ch an action>G
FOka1; !e'' me that 1o$ kne" that 9$ke "as )oin) to tr1 to ki'' me e&er1 Apri' thirtieth; An- i%
the ans"er is 1es4 "h1 -i-n@t 1o$ ?$st te'' me>G
F: -i- not kno" that 9$ke "as )oin) to tr1 to ki'' 1o$ e&er1 Apri' thirtieth;G
: t$rne- a"a1; : c'enche- m1 %ists an- re'a.e- them; F(o 1o$ ?$st -i- it %or the he'' o% it>G
FBer'in4 "h1 -o 1o$ %in- it so -i%%ic$'t to a-mit that other peop'e mi)ht sometimes kno" thin)s
1o$ -on@t>G
F(tart "ith their $n"i''in)ness to te'' me these thin)s;G
(he "as si'ent a 'on) moment; !hen4 F:@m a%rai- there is somethin) to "hat 1o$ sa14G she
rep'ie-; FB$t there "ere stron) reasons %or not ta'kin) o% s$ch matters;G
F!hen start "ith the inabi'it1 to te'' me; !e'' me no" "h1 1o$ -i-n@t tr$st me then;G
F:t "asn@t a matter o% tr$st;G
F:s it oka1 to te'' me no" "hat it "as>G Another4 'on)er si'ence %o''o"e-;
FNo4G she %ina''1 sai- FNot 1et;G
: t$rne- to"ar- her4 keepin) m1 %eat$res compose- an- m1 &oice 'e&e';
F!hen nothin) has chan)e-4G : sai-4 Fnor e&er sha''; Ao$ sti'' -o not tr$st me;G
F!hat is not tr$e4G she ans"ere-4 )'ancin) at ($h$1; F:t is ?$st that this is not the proper time or
the proper p'ace to )o into these matters;G
FBi)ht : %etch 1o$ a -rink or somethin) to eat4 /ara>G ($h$1 sai- imme-iate'1;
F!hank 1o$ no4G she rep'ie-; F: cannot sta1 m$ch 'on)er;G
FBother4 te'' me4 then4 somethin) abo$t thet'iga ;G
F=hat -o 1o$ "ish to kno">G
FAo$ con?$re- it %rom somep'ace be1on- the 0im;G
F!hat is correct;G
F($ch bein)s are bo-i'ess themse'&es4 b$t capab'e o% takin) o&er a 'i&in) host %or their o"n
F($pposin) s$ch a bein) took o&er the bo-1 o% a person at or near the moment o% -eath4 makin)
it the so'e animatin) spirit an- contro''in) inte''i)ence>G
F:nterestin); :s this a h1pothetica' <$estion>G
FNo; :t@s rea''1 happene- "ith the one 1o$ sent a%ter me; :t -oesn@t seem ab'e to <$it that bo-1
no"; =h1 not>G
F: am not rea''1 certain4G she sai-;
F:t is trappe- no"4G ($h$1 o%%ere-; F:t can on'1 come an- )o b1 reactin) "ith a resi-ent
F!he bo-14 "ith thet'iga in contro'4 reco&ere- %rom the i''ness that ki''e- its conscio$sness4G :
sai-; FAo$ mean it@s st$ck there no" %or 'i%e>G
FAes; (o %ar as : kno";G
F!hen te'' me this8 =i'' it be re'ease- "hen that bo-1 -ies4 or "i'' it -ie "ith it>G
F:t co$'- )o either "a14G he rep'ie-; FB$t the 'on)er it remains in the bo-14 the more 'ike'1 it is
that it "i'' perish a'on) "ith it;G
: 'ooke- back at m1 mother;
F!here 1o$ ha&e the en- o% its stor14G : state-; (he shr$))e-;
F:@&e -one "ith this one an- re'ease- it4G she sai-4 Fan- one can a'"a1s con?$re another sho$'-
the nee- arise;G
F/on@t -o it4G : to'- her;
F: shan@t4G she sai-; F!here is no nee- to4 no";G
FB$t i% 1o$ tho$)ht there "ere4 1o$ "o$'->G
FA mother ten-s to &a'$e her son@s sa%et14 "hether the son 'ikes it or not;G
: raise- m1 'e%t han-4 e.ten-in) the %ore%in)er in an an)r1 )est$re4 "hen : notice- that : "as
"earin) a bri)ht brace'etDit seeme- an a'most-ho'o)ramatic representation o% a "o&en cor-; :
'o"ere- m1 han-4 bit back m1 %irst response4 an- sai-4 FAo$ kno" m1 %ee'in)s no";G
F: kne" them a 'on) time a)o4G she sai-; F9et $s -ine at the =a1s o% (a"a''4 ha'% a t$rnin)
hence4 p$rp'esk1; A)ree->G
FA)ree-4G : sai-;
F!i'' then; #oo- t$rnin)4 ($h$1;G
F#oo- t$rnin)4 /ara;G
(he took three paces an- "as )one4 as eti<$ette prescribe-4 o$t the same "a1 b1 "hich she ha-
: t$rne- an- stro-e to the poo'@s e-)e4 stare- into its -epths4 %e't the m$sc'es in m1 sho$'-ers
s'o"'1 $nknot; Easra an- E$'ia "ere -o"n there no"4 back in the cita-e' o% the 3eep4 -oin)
somethin) arcane in the 'ab; An- then the stran-s "ere %'o"in) o&er them4 some cr$e' tr$th
be1on- a'' or-er an- bea$t14 be)innin) to %orm themse'&es into a mask o% %ascinatin)4
%ri)htenin) proportion;
: %e't a han- on m1 sho$'-er;
F+ami'14G ($h$1 sai-4 Fintri)$es an- ma--ens; Ao$ are %ee'in) the t1rann1 o% a%%ection at the
moment4 are 1o$ not>G
: no--e-;
F(omethin) Bark !"ain sai- abo$t bein) ab'e to choose 1o$r %rien-s b$t not 1o$r re'ati&es4G :
F: -o not kno" "hat the1 are $p to4 tho$)h : ha&e m1 s$spicions4G he sai-; F!here is nothin) to
-o no" b$t rest an- "ait; : "o$'- 'ike to hear more o% 1o$r stor1;G
F!hanks4 *nc'e; Aeah4G : sai-; F=h1 not>G
(o : )a&e him a'' the rest o% m1 ta'e; Part"a1 thro$)h it4 "e a-?o$rne- to the kitchen %or %$rther
s$stenance4 then took another "a1 to a %'oatin) ba'con1 abo&e a 'ime-co'ore- ocean breakin)
$pon pink rocks an- beaches $n-er a t"i'it or other"ise in-i)o sk1 "itho$t stars; !here4 :
%inishe- m1 te''in);
F!his is more than a 'itt'e interestin)4G he sai-4 at 'ast;
FOh> /o 1o$ see somethin) in it a'' that : -on@t>G : aske-;
FAo$@&e )i&en me too m$ch to consi-er %or me to )i&e 1o$ a hast1 ?$-)ment4G he sai-; F9et $s
'ea&e it at that %or no";G
F7er1 "e'';G
: 'eane- on the rai'4 'ooke- -o"n at the "aters;
FAo$ nee- rest4G he sai- a%ter a time;
F: )$ess : -o;G
FCome4 :@'' sho" 1o$ to 1o$r room;G
,e e.ten-e- a han- an- : took ho'- o% it; !o)ether4 "e sank thro$)h the %'oor;
An- so : s'ept4 s$rro$n-e- b1 tapestries an- hea&1 -rapes4 in a -oor'ess chamber in the =a1s o%
($h$1; :t mi)ht ha&e been in a to"er4 as : co$'- hear the "in-s passin) be1on- the "a''s;
('eepin)4 : -reamt;;;;
: "as back in the cast'e Amber4 "a'kin) the spark'in) 'en)th o% the Corri-or o% Birrors; !apers
%'ickere- in ta'' ho'-ers; B1 %ootsteps ma-e no so$n-; !he mirrors came in a'' manner o% shapes;
!he1 co&ere- the "a''s at either han-4 bi) ones4 'itt'e ones; : passe- m1se'% "ithin their -epths4
re%'ecte-4 -istorte-4 sometimes re-re%'ecte-;;;;
: "as ha'te- be%ore a ta''4 cracke- mirror to m1 'e%t4 %rame- in tin; 2&en as : t$rne- to"ar- it :
kne" that it "o$'- not be me "hom : re)ar-e- this time;
Nor "as : mistaken; Cora' "as 'ookin) at me %rom o$t o% the mirror; (he ha- on a peach-co'ore-
b'o$se an- "as not "earin) her e1epatch; !he crack in the mirror -i&i-e- her %ace -o"n the
mi--'e; ,er 'e%t e1e "as the )reen : remembere-4 her ri)ht "as the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment; Both
seeme- to be %oc$se- $pon me;
FBer'in4G she sai-; F,e'p me; !his is too stran)e; #i&e me back m1 e1e;G
F: -on@t kno" ho"4G : sai-; F: -on@t $n-erstan- "hat "as -one;G
FB1 e1e4G she "ent on4 as i% she ha- not hear-; F!he "or'- is a'' s"armin) %orces in the 21e o%
E$-)ment4 co'-Dso co'-IDan- not a %rien-'1 p'ace; ,e'p meIG
F:@'' %in- a "a14G : sai-;
FB1 e1e;;;G she contin$e-;
: h$rrie- b1;
+rom a rectan)$'ar mirror in a "oo-en %rame car&e- at its base in the %orm o% a phoeni.4 9$ke
re)ar-e- me; F,e14 o'- b$--14G he sai-4 'ookin) s'i)ht'1 %or'orn4
F:@- s$re 'ike to ha&e m1 -a-@s s"or- back; Ao$ ha&en@t come across it a)ain4 ha&e 1o$>G
F@+rai- not4G : m$ttere-;
F:t@s a shame to )et to ho'- 1o$r present %or s$ch a short perio- o% time; =atch %or it4 "i'' 1o$>
:@&e a %ee'in) it mi)ht come in han-1;G
F:@'' -o that4G : sai-;
FA%ter a''4 1o$@re kin- o% responsib'e %or "hat happene-4G he contin$e-;
F0i)ht4G : a)ree-;
F;;;An- :@- s$re 'ike to ha&e it back;G
FAeah4G : sai-4 mo&in) a"a1;
A nast1 ch$ck'e emer)e- %rom a maroon-%rame- e''ipse to m1 ri)ht; !$rnin)4 : behe'- the %ace
o% 7ictor Be'man4 the sha-o" 2arth sorcerer : ha- con%ronte- back "hen m1 tro$b'es "ere
F(on o% per-itionIG he hisse-; F@!is )oo- to see 1o$ "an-er 'ost in 9imbo; Ba1 m1 b'oo- 'ie
b$rnin) on 1o$r han-s;G
FAo$r b'oo- is on 1o$r o"n han-s4G : sai-; F: co$nt 1o$ as a s$ici-e;G
FNot soIG he snappe- back; FAo$ s'e" me most $n%air'1;G
FB$''shit4G : ans"ere-; F: ma1 be )$i't1 o% a 'ot o% thin)s4 b$t 1o$r -eath is not one o% them;G
: be)an to "a'k a"a14 an- his han- emer)e- %rom the mirror an- c'$tche- at m1 sho$'-er;
FB$r-ererIG he crie-;
: br$she- his han- a"a1;
FB$))er o%%IG : sai-4 an- : kept )oin);
!hen4 %rom a "i-e4 )reen-%rame- mirror "ith a )reenish ha6e to the )'ass4 0an-om hai'e- me
%rom m1 'e%t4 shakin) his hea-;
FBer'inI Ber'inI =hat are 1o$ $p to4 an1"a1>G he aske-; F:@&e kno"n %or some time that 1o$
ha&en@t been keepin) me abreast o% e&er1thin) that@s a%oot;G
F=e''4G : rep'ie-4 re)ar-in) him in an oran)e !-shirt an- 9e&i@s4 Fthat@s tr$e4 sir; (ome thin)s :
?$st ha&en@t ha- time to )o into;G
F!hin)s that in&o'&e the sa%et1 o% the rea'mDan- 1o$ ha&en@t ha- time>G
F=e''4 : )$ess there@s somethin) o% a ?$-)menta' %actor in&o'&e-;G
F:% it in&o'&es o$r sa%et14 : am the one to -o the ?$-)in);G
FAes4 sir; : rea'i6e thatDG
F=e ha&e to ha&e a ta'k4 Ber'in; :s it that 1o$r persona' 'i%e is mi.e- "ith this in some "a1>G
F: )$ess that@s tr$eDG
F:t -oesn@t matter; !he kin)-om is more important; =e m$st ta'k;G
FAes4 sir; =e "i'' as soon asDG
FTAs soon as4@ he''I No"I (top scre"in) aro$n- at "hate&er 1o$@re $p to an- )et 1o$r ass back
hereI =e ha&e to ta'kIG
F: "i''4 as soon asDG
F/on@t )i&e me thatI :t &er)es on the traitoro$s i% 1o$@re "ithho'-in) important in%ormationI :
nee- to see 1o$ no"I Come homeIG
F: "i''4G : sai-4 an- : h$rrie- a"a14 his &oice ?oinin) a contin$in) chor$s o% the others4 repeatin)
their -eman-s4 their p'eas4 their acc$sations;
O$t o% the ne.t oneDcirc$'ar4 "ith a b'$e brai-e- %rameDE$'ia re)ar-e- me;
FAn- there 1o$ )o4G she sai-4 a'most "ist%$''1; FAo$ kne" : 'o&e- 1o$;G
F: 'o&e- 1o$4 too4G : a-mitte-; F:t took me a 'on) time to rea'i6e it; : )$ess : messe- $p4 tho$)h;G
FAo$ -i-n@t 'o&e me eno$)h4G she sai-; FNot eno$)h to tr$st me; An- so 1o$ 'ost m1 tr$st;G
: 'ooke- a"a1;
F:@m sorr14G : sai-;
FNot )oo- eno$)h4G she respon-e-; F!h$s4 "e are become enemies;G
F:t -oesn@t ha&e to be that "a1;G
F!oo 'ate4G she sai-; F!oo 'ate;G
F:@m sorr14G : repeate-4 an- : h$rrie- a"a1;
!h$s4 : came to Easra4 in a re-4 -iamon- %rame; ,er bri)ht-nai'e- han- reache- o$t an- caresse-
m1 cheek; F#oin) some"here4 -ear bo1>G she aske-;
F: hope so4G : sai-;
(he smi'e- crooke-'1 an- p$rse- her 'ips;
F:@&e -eci-e- 1o$ "ere a ba- in%'$ence on m1 son4G she sai-; F,e 'ost his e-)e "hen he became
%rien-s "ith 1o$;G
F(orr1 abo$t that4G : sai-;
F;;;=hich ma1 make him $n%it to r$'e;G
F*n%it or $n"i''in)>G : aske-;
F=hiche&er4 it "i'' be 1o$r %a$'t;G
F,e@s a bi) bo1 no"4 Easra; ,e makes his o"n -ecisions;G
F: %ear 1o$@&e ta$)ht him to make the "ron) ones;G
F,e@s his o"n man4 'a-1; /on@t b'ame me i% he -oes thin)s 1o$ -on@t 'ike;G
FAn- i% 3ash%a cr$mb'es beca$se 1o$@&e so%tene- him>G
F: -ec'ine the nomination4G : sai-4 takin) a step %or"ar-; :t "as )oo- that : "as mo&in)4 %or her
han- shot o$t4 nai's rakin) at m1 %ace4 bare'1 missin); (he thre" e.p'eti&es a%ter me as : "a'ke-
a"a1; +ort$nate'14 the1 "ere -ro"ne- ami- the cries o% the others;
!$rnin) to m1 ri)ht a)ain : behe'- the %ace o% Na1-a "ithin a si'&er mirror4 its s$r%ace an-
c$r'e- %rame o% a sin)'e piece;
FNa1-aI =hat are 1o$ -o"n on me %or>G
FNothin)4G thet'iga 'a-1 rep'ie-; F:@m ?$st passin) thro$)h4 an- : nee- -irections;G
FAo$ -on@t hate me> ,o" re%reshin)IG
F,ate 1o$> /on@t be si''1; : co$'- ne&er -o that;G
F2&er1one e'se in this )a''er1 seems irritate- "ith me;
F:t@s on'1 a -ream4 Ber'in; Ao$@re rea'4 :@m rea'4 an- : -on@t kno" abo$t the others;G
F:@m sorr1 m1 mother p$t 1o$ $n-er that spe'' to protect meDa'' those 1ears a)o; Are 1o$ rea''1
%ree o% it no"> :% 1o$@re not4 perhaps : canDG
F:@m %ree o% it;G
F:@m sorr1 1o$ ha- so m$ch tro$b'e %$'%i''in) its termsDnot kno"in) "hether it "as 9$ke or me
1o$ "ere s$ppose- to be )$ar-in); =ho@- ha&e kno"n there@- be t"o Amberites in the same
nei)hborhoo- in Berke'e1>G
F:@m not sorr1;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F: came %or -irections; : "ant to kno" ho" : can %in- 9$ke;G
F=h14 in 3ash%a; ,e "as ?$st cro"ne- kin) the other -a1; =hat -o 1o$ nee- him %or>G
F,a-n@t 1o$ )$esse->G
F:@m in 'o&e "ith him; A'"a1s "as; No" that :@m %ree o% the )eas an- ha&e a bo-1 o% m1 o"n4 :
"ant him to kno" that : "as #ai'Dan- ho" : %ee'; !hanks4 Ber'in; #oo--b1e;G
F=aitI G
F: ne&er sai- thanks %or 1o$r protectin) me a'' those 1earsDe&en i% it "as on'1 a comp$'sion %or
1o$4 e&en i% it )ot to be a bi) bother %or me; !hanks4 an- )oo- '$ck;G
(he smi'e- an- %a-e- a"a1; : reache- o$t an- to$che- the mirror;
F9$ck4G : tho$)ht : hear- her sa1;
(tran)e; :t "as a -ream; (ti''D: co$'-n@t a"aken4 an- it %e't rea'; :D
FAo$ ma-e it back to the Co$rts in time %or a'' the schemin)4 : seeGDthis %rom a mirror three
paces ahea-4 b'ack-bo$n- an- narro";
: mo&e- to it; B1 brother E$rt )'are- o$t at me;
F=hat -o 1o$ "ant>G : aske-;
,is %ace "as an an)r1 paro-1 o% m1 o"n;
F: "ant 1o$ ne&er to ha&e been4G he sai-; F+ai'in) that4 :@- 'ike to see 1o$ -ea-;G
F=hat@s 1o$r thir- choice>G : aske-;
FAo$r con%inement to a pri&ate he''4 : )$ess;G
FAo$ stan- bet"een me an- e&er1thin) : "ant;G
F:@'' be )'a- to step asi-e; !e'' me ho";G
F!here@s no "a1 1o$ can or "i''4 on 1o$r o"n;G
F(o 1o$ hate me>G
F: tho$)ht 1o$r bath in the +o$ntain -estro1e- 1o$r emotions;G
F: -i-n@t )et the %$'' treatment4 an- it on'1 ma-e them stron)er;G
FAn1 "a1 "e can %or)et the "ho'e thin) an- start o&er a)ain4 be %rien-s>G
F/i-n@t think so;G
F(he a'"a1s care- more abo$t 1o$ than me4 an- no" 1o$@re )oin) to ha&e the throne;G
F/on@t be ri-ic$'o$s; : -on@t "ant it;G
FAo$r -esires ha&e nothin) to -o "ith the matter;G
F: "on@t ha&e it;G
FAes4 1o$ "i''D$n'ess : ki'' 1o$ %irst;G
F/on@t be st$pi-; :t@s not "orth this;G
FOne -a1 soon4 "hen 1o$ 'east e.pect it4 1o$ "i'' t$rn an- see me; :t "i'' be too 'ate;G
!he mirror )re" entire'1 b'ack;
Nothin); A))ra&atin)4 ha&in) to p$t $p "ith him in -ream as "e'' as "akin);
: t$rne- m1 hea- to"ar- a %ire-%rame- mirror se&era' paces ahea- an- to m1 'e%t4 kno"in)D
someho"Dit "as ne.t on m1 ro$te; : mo&e- to"ar- it;
(he "as smi'in);
FAn- there 1o$ ha&e it4G she sai-;
FA$nt14 "hat@s )oin) on>G
F:t seems to be the sort o% con%'ict )enera''1 re%erre- to as Tirre-$cib'e4@G +iona rep'ie-;
F!hat@s not the sort o% ans"er : nee-;G
F!oo m$ch is a%oot to )i&e 1o$ a better one;G
FAn- 1o$@re a part o% it>G
FA &er1 sma'' one; Not one "ho can -o 1o$ m$ch )oo- ?$st no";G
F=hat am : to -o>G
F9earn 1o$r options an- choose the best one;G
FBest %or "hom> Best %or "hat>G
FOn'1 1o$ can sa1;G
FCan 1o$ )i&e me a hint>G
FCo$'- 1o$ ha&e "a'ke- Cor"in@s Pattern that -a1 : took 1o$ to it>G
F: tho$)ht so; :t "as -ra"n $n-er $n$s$a' circ$mstances; :t can ne&er be -$p'icate-; O$r Pattern
"o$'- ne&er ha&e permitte- its constr$ction ha- it not been -ama)e- itse'% an- too "eak to
pre&ent its comin) into bein);G
FO$r Pattern is tr1in) to absorb it4 incorporate it; :% it s$ccee-s4 it "i'' be as -isastro$s as it
"o$'- ha&e been "ere the Pattern o% Amber -estro1e- at the time o% the "ar; !he ba'ance "ith
Chaos "i'' be tota''1 $pset;G
F:sn@t Chaos stron) eno$)h to pre&ent this> :@- tho$)ht the1 "ere e<$a''1 potent;G
F!he1 "ere $nti' 1o$ repaire- the (ha-o" Pattern an- Amber@s "as ab'e to absorb it; !his
increase- its stren)th be1on- that o% Chaos; No" it is ab'e to reach %or 1o$r %ather@s a)ainst the
po"er o% the 9o)r$s;G
F: -on@t $n-erstan- "hat is to be -one;G
FNeither -o :4 1et; B$t : char)e 1o$ to remember "hat : ha&e sai-; =hen the time comes 1o$
m$st make a -ecision; :@&e no i-ea "hat it "i'' in&o'&e4 b$t it "i'' be &er1 important;G
F(he@s ri)ht4G came a &oice %rom behin- m1 back; !$rnin)4 : sa" m1 %ather "ithin a shinin)
b'ack %rame4 a si'&er rose set at its top;
FCor"inIG : hear- +iona sa1; F=here are 1o$>G
F:n a p'ace "here there is no 'i)ht4G he sai-;
F: tho$)ht 1o$ someho" in Amber4 +ather4 "ith /eir-re4G : sai-;
F!he )hosts p'a1 at bein) )hosts4G he ans"ere-; F: ha&e not m$ch time4 %or m1 stren)th is 'o"; :
can te'' 1o$ on'1 this8 !r$st not the Pattern4 nor the 9o)r$s either4 nor an1 o% their spa"n4 ti'' this
matter be sett'e-;G
,e be)an to %a-e;
F,o" can : he'p 1o$>G : aske-;
!he "or-s F;;;in the Co$rtsG came to me be%ore he &anishe-;
: t$rne- a)ain;
F+i4 "hat -i- he mean b1 that>G : aske- her;
(he "as %ro"nin);
F: )et the impression that the ans"er 'ies some"here in the Co$rts4G she rep'ie- s'o"'1;
F=here> =here sho$'- : 'ook>G
(he shook her hea- an- be)an to t$rn a"a1;
F=ho "o$'- kno" best>G she sai-;
!hen she4 too4 "as )one;
7oices "ere sti'' ca''in) to me4 %rom behin-4 %rom ahea-; !here "as "eepin) an- 'a$)hter4 an-
m1 name bein) repeate-; : r$she- ahea-;
F=hate&er happens4G Bi'' 0oth sai-4 Fi% 1o$ nee- a )oo- 'a"1er4 :@'' han-'e itDe&en in Chaos;G
An- then there "as /"orkin4 s<$intin) at me %rom o$t o% a tin1 mirror "ith a t"iste- %rame;
FNothin) to be a'arme- abo$t4G he remarke-4 Fb$t a'' sorts o% impon-erab'es are ho&erin) abo$t
F=hat am : to -o>G : crie-;
FAo$ m$st become somethin) )reater than 1o$rse'%;G
F: -on@t $n-erstan-;G
F2scape the ca)e that is 1o$r 'i%e;G
F=hat ca)e>G
,e "as )one;
: ran4 an- their "or-s ran) aro$n- me;
Near the en- o% the ha'' "as a mirror 'ike a piece o% 1e''o" si'k stretche- $pon a %rame; !he
Cheshire Cat )rinne- at me %rom "ithin;
F:t@s not "orth it; !he he'' "ith them a''4G he sai-; FCome to the cabaret4 o'- ch$m; =e@'' tip a
%e" bre"s an- "atch the man paint;G
FNoIG : crie-; FNoIG
An- then there "as on'1 a )rin; !his time : %a-e-4 too; Berci%$'4 b'ack ob'i&ion an- the so$n- o%
the "in-4 some"here4 passin);
Chapter 3
,o" 'on) : s'ept4 : -o not kno"; : "as a"akene- b1 ($h$1@s repeatin) m1 name;
FBer'in4 Ber'in4G he sai-; F!he sk1 is "hite;G
FAn- :@&e a b$s1 -a14G : ans"ere-; F: kno"; :@- a b$s1 ni)ht4 too;G
F:t reache- 1o$4 then;G
FA sma'' spe'' : sent4 to open 1o$r min- to some en'i)htenment; : hope- to 'ea- 1o$ to ans"ers
%rom "ithin4 rather than b$r-en 1o$ "ith m1 )$ess"ork an- s$spicions;G
F: "as back in the Corri-or o% Birrors;G
F: kne" not "hat %orm it mi)ht take;G
F=as it rea'>G
FAs s$ch thin)s )o4 it sho$'- ha&e been;G
F=e''4 thanksD: )$ess; :t remin-s me that #r1'' sai- somethin) abo$t 1o$r "antin) to see me
be%ore m1 mother -i-;G
F: "ante- to see ho" m$ch 1o$ kne" be%ore 1o$ %ace- her; : "ante- to protect 1o$r %ree-om o%
F=hat are 1o$ sa1in)>G
F:@m s$re she "ants to see 1o$ on the throne;G : sat $p an- r$bbe- m1 e1es;
F: s$ppose that@s possib'e4G : sai-;
F: -on@t kno" ho" %ar she@s "i''in) to )o to e%%ect this; : "ante- to )i&e 1o$ a chance to kno"
1o$r o"n min- be%ore 1o$@re e.pose- to her p'ans; =o$'- 1o$ care %or a c$p o% tea>G
FAes4 thanks;G
: accepte- a m$) he pro%%ere- an- raise- it to m1 'ips; F=hat are 1o$ sa1in) abo$t herDbe1on-
a )$ess at her "ishes>G : aske-;
,e shook his hea-;
F: -on@t kno" ho" acti&e her pro)ram mi)ht be4G he sai-4 Fi% that is "hat 1o$ mean; An-
"hether she "as connecte- "ith it or another4 the spe'' 1o$ came "earin) has %a-e- no";G
FAo$r -oin)>G
,e no--e-;
: took another s"a''o";
F: ne&er rea'i6e- ho" c'ose :@- )otten to the hea- o% the 'ine4G : a--e-; FE$rt is n$mber %o$r or
%i&e in the s$ccession4 isn@t he>G
,e no--e-;
F:@&e a %ee'in) it@s )oin) to be a &er1 b$s1 -a14G : sai-;
F+inish 1o$r tea4G he to'- me4 Fan- %o''o" me "hen 1o$ "o$'-;G
,e "a'ke- a"a1 thro$)h a -ra)on tapestr1 on the %ar "a'';
As : raise- the m$) a)ain4 the bri)ht brace'et on m1 'e%t "rist came %ree an- -ri%te- be%ore me4
'osin) its brai-e- o$t'ine4 becomin) a circ'e o% p$re 'i)ht; :t ho&ere- abo&e the steamin) bre"4 as
i% en?o1in) its cinnamon1 aroma;
F,i4 #host4G : sai-; F=h1@- 1o$ "ea&e 1o$rse'% abo$t m1 "rist that "a1>G
F!o 'ook 'ike that piece o% rope 1o$ $s$a''1 "ear4G came the rep'1; F: tho$)ht 1o$ m$st be %on-
o% the e%%ect;G
F: mean4 "hat "ere 1o$ $p to the "ho'e time>G
FE$st 'istenin)4 /a-; (eein) ho" : mi)ht be o% he'p; !hese peop'e are a'' 1o$r re'ati&es4 too>G
F!he ones "e@&e met so %ar4 1es;G
F:s it necessar1 to )o back to Amber to speak i'' o% them>G
FNo4 it "orks here in the Co$rts4 too;G : took another sip o% tea; FAn1 specia' i'' 1o$ ha&e in
min-> Or "as that a )enera' <$estion>G
F: -on@t tr$st 1o$r mother or 1o$r brother Ban-or4 e&en i% the1 are m1 )ran-mother an- $nc'e; :
think the1@re settin) 1o$ $p %or somethin);G
FBan-or@s a'"a1s been )oo- to me;G
F ; ; An- 1o$r $nc'e ($h$1Dhe seems eminent'1 stab'e4 b$t he remin-s me a 'ot o% /"orkin;
Bi)ht he be sittin) on a'' sorts o% interna' t$rmoi's an- rea-1 to %'ip o$t an1time>G
F: hope not4G : sai-; F,e ne&er has;G
FOhDoh4 it@s been b$i'-in)4 an- this is a time o% stress;G
F=here are 1o$ )ettin) a'' this pop ps1cho'o)14 an1"a1>G
F:@&e been st$-1in) the )reat ps1cho'o)ists o% the (ha-o" 2arth; :t@s part o% m1 on)oin) attempt
to $n-erstan- the h$man con-ition; : rea'i6e- it "as time : 'earne- more abo$t the irrationa'
F=hat bro$)ht a'' this on>G
F!he hi)her or-er e-ition o% the Pattern : enco$ntere- in the Ee"e'4 act$a''1; !here "ere aspects
o% it : simp'1 co$'- not $n-erstan-; !his 'e- to consi-erations o% chaos theor14 then to Bennin)er
an- a'' the others %or its mani%estations in conscio$sness;G
FAn1 conc'$sions>G
F: am "iser there%or;G
F: mean4 concernin) the Pattern;G
FAes; 2ither it possesses an e'ement o% irrationa'it1 itse'%4 'ike 'i&in) thin)s4 or it is an
inte''i)ence o% s$ch an or-er that some o% its processes on'1 seem irrationa' to 'esser bein)s;
2ither e.p'anation amo$nts to the same thin) %rom a practica' stan-point;G
F: ne&er ha- the opport$nit1 to app'1 some o% the tests :@- -esi)ne-4 b$t can 1o$ sa1 %rom se'%-
kno"'e-)e "hether 1o$ %a'' into s$ch a cate)or1 1o$rse'%>G
FBe> :rrationa'> !he notion ne&er occ$rre- to me; : can@t see ho" it co$'- be;G
: %inishe- m1 tea an- s"$n) m1 'e)s o&er the si-e o% the be-;
F!oo ba-4G : sai-; F: think some meas$re o% it is "hat makes $s tr$'1 h$manDthat4 an-
reco)ni6in) it in o$rse'&es4 o% co$rse;G
: rose an- be)an -ressin) m1se'%;
FAes4 an- contro''in) it "ithin onese'% ma1 ha&e somethin) to -o "ith inte''i)ence an-
F:@m )oin) to ha&e to st$-1 this &er1 c'ose'1;G
F/o that4G : sai-4 p$''in) on m1 boots4 Fan- 'et me kno" 1o$r %in-in)s;G
As : contin$e- -ressin)4 he aske-4 F=hen the sk1 t$rns b'$e 1o$ "i'' break%ast "ith 1o$r
brother Ban-or>G
FAes4G : sai-;
FAn- 'ater 1o$ "i'' take '$nch "ith 1o$r mother>G
F!hat@s ri)ht;G
F9ater sti''4 1o$ "i'' atten- the 'ate monarch@s %$nera'>G
F: "i'';G
F=i'' 1o$ nee- me to protect 1o$>G
F:@'' be sa%e "ith m1 re'ati&es4 #host; 2&en i% 1o$ -on@t tr$st them;G
F!he 'ast %$nera' 1o$ atten-e- )ot bombe-;G
F!hat@s tr$e; B$t it "as 9$ke4 an- he@s s"orn o%%; :@'' be oka1; Ao$ "ant to si)htsee4 )o ahea-;G
FA'' ri)ht4G he sai-; F: -o;G
: rose an- crosse- the chamber4 to stan- be%ore the -ra)on;
FCan 1o$ te'' me the "a1 to the 9o)r$s>G #host aske-;
FAre 1o$ ?okin)>G
FNo4G he state-; F:@&e seen the Pattern4 b$t :@&e ne&er seen the p'ace o% the 9o)r$s; =here -o
the1 keep it>G
F: tho$)ht : )a&e 1o$ better memor1 %$nctions than that; :n 1o$r 'ast enco$nter "ith the thin)4
1o$ pisse- it o%% in the ma.;G
F: s$ppose : -i-; /o 1o$ think it "o$'- ho'- a )r$-)e>G
FO%%han-4 1es; *pon consi-eration4 1es; (ta1 a"a1 %rom it;G
FAo$ ?$st a-&ise- me to st$-1 the chaos %actor4 the irrationa';G
F: -i-n@t a-&ise 1o$ to commit s$ici-e; : p$t a 'ot o% "ork into 1o$;G
F: &a'$e m1se'%4 too; An- 1o$ kno" : ha&e a s$r&i&a' imperati&e4 the same as or)anic bein)s;G
F:t@s 1o$r ?$-)ment : "on-er abo$t;G
FAo$ kno" a 'ot abo$t m1 abi'ities;G
F:t@s tr$e 1o$@re )oo- at )ettin) the he'' o$t o% p'aces;G
FAn- 1o$ o"e me a -ecent e-$cation;G
F9et me think abo$t it;G
F!hat@s ?$st sta''in); : s$ppose : can %in- it m1se'%;G
F+ine; #o ahea-;G
F:t@s that har- to 'ocate>G
FAo$ )a&e $p on omniscience4 remember>G
F/a-4 : think : nee- to see it;G
F: ha&en@t the time to take 1o$ there;G
FE$st sho" me the "a1; :@m )oo- at concea'in) m1se'%;G
F:@'' )i&e 1o$ that; A'' ri)ht; ($h$1 is 3eeper o% the 9o)r$s; :t 'ies in a ca&ernDsome"here; !he
on'1 "a1 : kno" to it be)ins in this p'ace;G
F!here are somethin) 'ike nine t$rnin)s in&o'&e-; :@'' 'a1 a seein) $pon 1o$4 to 'ea- 1o$;G
F: -on@t kno" "hether 1o$r spe''s "o$'- "ork on somethin) 'ike meDG
: reache- o$t thro$)h the rin)Dpar-on me4 spikar-Ds$perimpose- a series o% b'ack asterisks
$pon a map o% the "a1s he m$st %o''o"4 h$n) it in the space o% m1 9o)r$s &ision be%ore him4 an-
: sai-4 F: -esi)ne- 1o$4 an- : -esi)ne- this spe'';G
F*h4 1es4G #host rep'ie-; F: %ee' as i% : s$--en'1 possess -ata that : can@t access;G
F:t "i'' be presente- to 1o$ at the appropriate times; +orm 1o$rse'% into the 'ikeness o% a rin)
$pon m1 'e%t in-e. %in)er; =e "i'' <$it this room in a moment an- pass thro$)h others; =hen "e
are near the proper "a1 : "i'' in-icate it b1 pointin); Procee- in that -irection an- 1o$ "i'' pass
thro$)h somethin) a'on) 1o$r ro$te "hich "i'' con-$ct 1o$ into another p'ace; (ome"here in
that &icinit1 1o$ "i'' %in- a b'ack star in-icatin) the ne.t -irection 1o$ m$st takeDto another
p'ace an- another star an- so on; 2&ent$a''14 1o$ "i'' emer)e in a ca&ern that ho$ses the 9o)r$s;
Concea' 1o$rse'% as comp'ete'1 as 1o$ can an- make 1o$r obser&ations; =hen 1o$ "ish to
retreat4 re&erse the process;G
,e shrank himse'% an- %'e" to m1 %in)er;
F9ook me $p 'ater an- 'et me kno" 1o$r e.periences;G
F: "as p'annin) to4G came his tin1 &oice; F: "o$'- not "ish to a-- to 1o$r probab'e present
F3eep it $p4G : sai-;
: crosse- the room an- entere- the -ra)on;
: emer)e- in a sma'' sittin) room4 one "in-o" 'ookin) o$t o&er mo$ntainsC the other4 a -esert;
!here "as no one abo$t4 an- : steppe- o$t into a 'on) ha''"a1; Aes4 ?$st as : reca''e-;
: mo&e- a'on) it4 passin) a n$mber o% other rooms4 ti'' : came to a -oor on m1 'e%t4 "hich :
opene- to -isco&er a co''ection o% mops4 brooms4 b$ckets4 br$shes4 a heap o% c'eanin) c'oths4 a
basin; Aes4 as : remembere-; : pointe- to the she'&es on m1 ri)ht;
F+in- the b'ack star4G : sai-;
FAo$@re serio$s>G came the sma'' &oice;
F#o an- see;G
A streak o% 'i)ht procee-e- %rom m1 in-e. %in)er4 )re" -istorte- as it neare- the she'&es4 %o'-e-
itse'% into a 'ine so thin it "as no 'on)er present;
F#oo- '$ck4G : breathe-4 an- then : t$rne- a"a1;
: c'ose- the -oor4 "on-erin) "hether : ha- -one the ri)ht thin)4 conso'in) m1se'% "ith the
tho$)ht that he "o$'- ha&e )one 'ookin) an- -o$bt'ess 'ocate- the 9o)r$s e&ent$a''14 an1"a1;
=hate&er "as to be on this %ront4 "o$'- be; An- : "as c$rio$s as to "hat he mi)ht 'earn;
: t$rne- an- took m1se'% back $p the ha''"a1 to the 'itt'e sittin) room; :t mi)ht be m1 'ast
opport$nit1 at bein) a'one %or a time4 an- : "as -etermine- to take a-&anta)e o% it; : seate-
m1se'% on a pi'e o% c$shions an- "ith-re" m1 !r$mps; A <$ick r$n thro$)h the -eck t$rne- $p
the one : ha- hasti'1 sketche- o% Cora' on that recent hectic -a1 back in Amber; : st$-ie- her
%eat$res ti'' the car- )re" co'-;
!he ima)e became three--imensiona'4 an- then she s'ippe- a"a1 an- : sa" m1se'%4 "a'kin) the
streets o% Amber on a bri)ht a%ternoon4 ho'-in) her han- as : 'e- her aro$n- a knot o% merchants;
!hen "e "ere -escen-in) the %ace o% 3o'&ir4 sea bri)ht be%ore $s4 )$''s passin); !hen back in the
ca%e4 tab'e %'1in) a)ainst the "a'';;;;
: co&ere- the car- "ith m1 han-; (he "as as'eep4 -reamin); O--4 to enter another@s -reams that
"a1; O--er4 to %in- m1se'% thereD$n'ess4 o% co$rse4 the to$ch o% m1 min- ha- prompte-
$nconscio$s reminiscence;;;; One o% 'i%e@s sma''er p$66'es; No nee- to a"aken the poor 'a-14 ?$st
to ask her ho" she "as %ee'in); : s$ppose- : co$'- ca'' 9$ke an- ask him ho" she "as -oin); :
be)an searchin) %or his car-4 then hesitate-; ,e m$st be prett1 b$s14 his %irst %e" -a1s on the ?ob
as monarch; An- : a'rea-1 kne" she "as restin); As : to1e- "ith 9$ke@s car-4 tho$)h4 %ina''1
p$shin) it asi-e4 the one beneath it "as re&ea'e-;
#ra1 an- si'&er an- b'ack;;;; ,is %ace "as an o'-er4 some"hat har-er &ersion o% m1 o"n;
Cor"in4 m1 %ather4 'ooke- back at me; ,o" man1 times ha- : s"eate- o&er that car-4 tr1in) to
reach him4 ti'' m1 min- tie- itse'% into achin) knots4 "ith no res$'t> !he others ha- to'- me that it
co$'- mean he "as -ea-4 or that he "as b'ockin) the contact; An- then a %$nn1 %ee'in) came
o&er me; : reca''e- his o"n stor14 in partic$'ar "hen he@- spoken o% the times the1 ha- trie- to
reach Bran- thro$)h his !r$mp4 bein) at %irst $nab'e to beca$se he ha- been imprisone- in s$ch
a -istant sha-o"; !hen : remembere- his o"n attempts to reach thro$)h to the Co$rts4 an- the
-i%%ic$'t1 impose- b1 the )reat -istance; ($pposin) that4 rather than bein) -ea- or b'ockin) me4
he "as )reat'1 remo&e- %rom the p'aces : ha- been "hen : ha- ma-e the e%%orts>
B$t then4 "ho "as it ha- come to m1 ai- that ni)ht in (ha-o"4 bearin) me to that pec$'iar p'ace
bet"een sha-o"s an- the bi6arre a-&ent$res that be%e'' me there> An- tho$)h : "as tota''1
$ncertain as to the nat$re o% his appearance to me in the Corri-or o% Birrors4 : ha- 'ater
enco$ntere- in-ications o% his presence in Amber Cast'e itse'%; :% he@- been in an1 o% those
p'aces4 it "o$'- seem he ha-n@t rea''1 been too %ar o%%; An- that "o$'- mean he@- simp'1 been
b'ockin) me4 an- another attempt to reach him "o$'- probab'1 pro&e e<$a''1 %r$it'ess; (ti''4
"hat i% there "ere some other e.p'anation %or a'' these occ$rrences an-;;;
!he car- seeme- to )ro" co'- beneath m1 to$ch; =as it ?$st m1 ima)ination4 or "as the stren)th
o% m1 re)ar- be)innin) to acti&ate it> : mo&e- %or"ar- in m1 min-4 %oc$sin); :t seeme- to )ro"
e&en co'-er as : -i- so;
F/a->G : sai-; FCor"in>G
Co'-er sti''4 an- a tin)'in) %ee'in) in m1 %in)ertips that to$che- it; :t seeme- the be)innin) o% a
!r$mp contact; :t co$'- be that he "as m$ch nearer to the Co$rts than to Amber4 "ithin a more
reachab'e ran)e no";;;;
FCor"in4G : repeate-; F:t@s me4 Ber'in; ,e''o;G
,is ima)e shi%te-4 seeme- to mo&e; An- then the car- "ent tota''1 b'ack;
Aet4 it remaine- co'-4 an- a sensation 'ike a si'ent &ersion o% contact "as present4 'ike a
te'ephone connection -$rin) a 'on) pa$se;
F/a-> Are 1o$ there>G
!he b'ackness o% the car- took on the aspect o% -epth; An- -eep "ithin it4 somethin) seeme- to
be stirrin);
FBer'in>G !he "or- "as %aint4 1et : "as certain it "as his &oice4 speakin) m1 name; FBer'in>G
!he mo&ement "ithin the -epth "as rea'; (omethin) "as r$shin) to"ar- me;
:t er$pte- %rom the car- into m1 %ace4 "ith a beatin) o% b'ack "in)s4 ca"in)4 cro" or ra&en4
b'ack4 b'ack; F+orbi--enIG it crie-; F+orbi--enI #o backI =ith-ra"IG
:t %'appe- abo$t m1 hea- as the car-s spi''e- %rom m1 han-;
F(ta1 a"a1IG it screeche-4 circ'in) the room; F+orbi--en p'aceIG
:t passe- o$t the -oor"a1 an- : p$rs$e- it; :t seeme- to ha&e &anishe-4 tho$)h4 in the moments
it "as 'ost to m1 si)ht;
FBir-IG : crie-; FCome backIG
B$t there "as no rep'14 no %$rther so$n-s o% beatin) "in)s; : peere- into the other rooms an-
there "as no si)n o% the creat$re in an1 o% them;
FBer'inI =hat@s the matter>GDthis %rom hi)h o&erhea-;
: 'ooke- $p to beho'- ($h$14 -escen-in) a cr1sta' stair behin- a <$i&erin) &ei' o% 'i)ht4 a sk1
%$'' o% stars at his back;
FE$st 'ookin) %or a bir-4G : rep'ie-;
FOh4G he sai-4 reachin) the 'an-in) an- steppin) thro$)h the &ei' "hich then shook itse'% o$t o%
e.istence4 takin) the stair a'on) "ith it; FAn1 partic$'ar bir->G
FA bi) b'ack one4G : sai-; FO% the ta'kin) sort;G ,e shook his hea-;
F: can sen- %or one4G he sai-;
F!his "as a specia' bir-4G : sai-;
F(orr1 1o$ 'ost it;G
=e "a'ke- o$t into the ha''"a1 an- : t$rne- 'e%t an- hea-e- back to the sittin) room;
F!r$mps a'' o&er the p'ace4G m1 $nc'e remarke-;
F: "as attemptin) to $se one an- it "ent b'ack an- the bir- %'e" o$t o% it4 sho$tin)4 T+orbi--en@I
: -roppe- them at that point;G
F(o$n-s as i% 1o$r correspon-ent is a practica' ?oker4G he sai-4 For $n-er a spe'';G
=e kne't an- he he'pe- me to )ather them;
F!he 'atter seems more 'ike'14G : sai-; F:t "as m1 %ather@s car-4 :@&e been tr1in) to 'ocate him %or
a 'on) "hi'e no"4 an- this "as the c'osest :@&e come; : act$a''1 hear- his &oice4 "ithin the
b'acko$t4 be%ore the bir- interr$pte- an- c$t $s o%%;G
F(o$n-s as i% he is con%ine- to a -ark p'ace4 perhaps ma)ica''1 )$ar-e- as "e'';G
FO% co$rseIG : sai-4 s<$arin) $p the e-)es o% m1 -eck an- recasin) it;
One cannot shi%t the st$%% o% (ha-o" in a p'ace o% abso'$te -arkness; :t is as e%%ecti&e as
b'in-ness in stoppin) one o% o$r b'oo- %rom escapin) con%inement; :t a--e- an e'ement o%
rationa'it1 to m1 recent e.perience; (omeone "antin) Cor"in o$t o% commission "o$'- ha&e to
keep him in a &er1 -ark p'ace;
F/i- 1o$ e&er meet m1 %ather>G : aske-;
FNo4G ($h$1 rep'ie-; F: $n-erstan- that he -i- &isit the Co$rts brie%'14 at the en- o% the "ar; B$t
: ne&er ha- the p'eas$re;G
F/i- 1o$ hear an1thin) o% his -oin)s here>G
F: be'ie&e he atten-e- a meetin) "ith ("a1&i'' an- his co$nse'ors4 a'on) "ith 0an-om an- the
other Amberites4 pre'iminar1 to the peace treat1; A%ter that4 : $n-erstan- he "ent his o"n "a1s4
an- : ne&er hear- "here the1 mi)ht ha&e 'e- him;G
F:@- hear- as m$ch in Amber4G : sai-; F: "on-er;;;,e@- ki''e- a nob'eDa 9or- Bore'Dnear the
en- o% the %ina' batt'e; An1 chance Bore'@s re'ati&es mi)ht ha&e )one a%ter him>G
,e c'icke- his %an)s t"ice4 then p$rse- his 'ips;
F!he ,o$se o% ,en-rake ; 4 ;G he m$se-; F: think not; Ao$r )ran-mother "as ,en-rake;;;;G
F: kno"4G : sai-; FB$t : -i-n@t ha&e m$ch to -o "ith them; (ome -isa)reement "ith ,e')ram;;;;G
F,en-rake =a1s is &er1 m$ch o% the mi'itar1 sort4G he "ent on; F#'or1 o% batt'e; Bartia' honor4
1o$ kno"; : can@t see them as ho'-in) a peacetime )r$-)e %or a "artime happenin);G
0eca''in) m1 %ather@s stor14 : sai-4 F2&en i% the1 consi-ere- the ki''in) 'ess than honorab'e>G
F: -on@t kno"4G he sai- to that; F:t@s har- to )$ess attit$-es on speci%ic <$estions;G
F=ho is hea- o% the ,o$se o% ,en-rake no">G
F!he /$chess Be'issa Binobee;G
F!he -$ke4 her h$sban-D9ars$s;;;; =hat happene- to him>G
F,e -ie- at Pattern%a''; : be'ie&e Prince E$'ian o% Amber s'e" him;G
FAn- Bore' "as their son>G
FO$ch; !"o o% them; : -i-n@t rea'i6e;G
FBore' ha- t"o brothers4 a ha'% brother an- a ha'% sister4 man1 $nc'es4 a$nts4 co$sins; Aes4 it@s a
bi) ,o$se; An- the "omen o% ,en-rake are as -o$)ht1 as the men;G
FAes4 o% co$rse; !here are son)s4 s$ch as TNe&er =e- a ,en-rake 9ass;@ An1 "a1 o% %in-in) o$t
"hether Cor"in ha- an1 -oin)s "ith ,en-rake "hi'e he "as here>G
FOne co$'- ask abo$t a bit4 tho$)h it@s been a 'on) "hi'e; Bemories %a-e4 trai's )ro" co'-; Not
,e shook his hea-;
F,o" 'on) ti'' b'$esk1>G : aske- him;
F+air'1 soon4G he sai-;
F:@- better be hea-in) %or Ban-or"a1s then; : promise- m1 brother :@- break%ast "ith him;G
F:@'' see 1o$ 'ater4G he sai-; FAt the %$nera'4 i% not be%ore;G
FAes4G : sai-; F: )$ess :@- better c'ean $p an- chan)e c'othes;G
: hea-e- back thro$)h the "a1 to m1 room4 "here : s$mmone- a basin o% "ater4 soap4
toothbr$sh4 ra6orC a'so4 )ra1 tro$sers4 b'ack boots an- be't4 p$rp'e shirt an- )'o&es4 charcoa'
c'oak4 %resh b'a-e an- scabbar-; =hen : ha- ma-e m1se'% presentab'e4 : took a "a1 thro$)h a
%oreste- )'a-e to the recei&in) room; +rom there4 : e.ite- onto a thr$"a1; A <$arter mi'e o%
mo$ntain trai' 'ater4 en-in) abr$pt'1 at a chasm4 : s$mmone- a %i'm1 an- crosse- $pon it; !hen :
bore ri)ht to Ban-or"a1s4 tra&e'in) a b'$e beach beneath a -o$b'e s$n %or perhaps a h$n-re-
1ar-s; : t$rne- ri)ht4 passin) thro$)h a remembere- arch"a1 o% stone4 mo&in) brie%'1 past a
b$bb'in) 'a&a %ie'- an- thro$)h a b'ack obsi-ian "a''4 "hich took me to a p'easant ca&ern4 o&er a
sma'' bri-)e4 thro$)h a corner o% a )ra&e1ar-4 a %e" steps a'on) the 0im an- into the recei&in)
area o% his =a1s;
!he entire "a'' to m1 'e%t "as compose- o% s'o" %'ameC that to m1 ri)ht4 a non-ret$rnab'e "a14
sa&e %or 'i)ht4 )i&in) si)ht o% some sea-bottom trench "here bri)ht thin)s mo&e- abo$t an- ate
one another; Ban-or "as seate- h$man-%orme- be%ore a bookcase -irect'1 ahea-4 "earin) b'ack
an- "hite4 %eet proppe- on a b'ack ottoman4 a cop1 o% 0obert ,ass@s Praise4 "hich : ha- )i&en
him4 in his han-;
,e smi'e- as he 'ooke- $p;
FT/eath@s ho$n-s %eare- me4@G he sai-; FNice 'ine4 that; ,o" are 1o$ this c1c'e>G
F0este-4 %ina''14G : sai-; FAo$rse'%>G
,e p'ace- the book $pon a sma''4 'e)'ess tab'e that %'oate- near ?$st then4 an- rose to his %eet;
!he %act that he ha- ob&io$s'1 been rea-in) it beca$se : "as comin) in no "a1 -etracte- %rom
the comp'iment; ,e ha- a'"a1s been that "a1;
FM$ite "e''4 thank 1o$4G he rep'ie-; FCome4 'et me %ee- 1o$;G
,e took m1 arm an- steere- me to"ar- the "a'' o% %ire; :t %e'' a"a1 as "e -re" near an- o$r
%ootsteps so$n-e- in a p'ace o% momentar1 -arkness4 s$ccee-e- a'most imme-iate'1 b1 a sma''
'ane4 s$n'i)ht %i'tere- thro$)h archin) branches o&erhea-4 &io'ets b'oomin) at either han-; !he
'ane took $s to a %'a))e- patio4 a )reen an- "hite )a6ebo at its %arther en-; =e mo$nte- a %e"
stairs to a "e''-set tab'e "ithin4 %roste- pitchers o% ?$ice an- baskets o% "arm ro''s near at han-;
,e )est$re- an- : seate- m1se'%; At his )est$re a cara%e o% co%%ee appeare- besi-e m1 settin);
F: see 1o$ reca'' m1 mornin) pre-e'iction4G : sai-4 F%rom the (ha-o" 2arth; !hank 1o$;G
,e smi'e- %aint'1 as he no--e-4 seatin) himse'% across %rom me; Bir-son)s : co$'- not i-enti%1
so$n-e- %rom the trees; A )ent'e bree6e ca$se- 'ea&es to r$st'e;
F=hat are 1o$ $p to these -a1s>G : aske- him as : po$re- a c$p o% co%%ee an- broke a ro'';
FObser&in) the scene4 main'14G he rep'ie-;
FPo'itica' scene>G
FAs a'"a1s; !ho$)h m1 recent e.perience in Amber has 'e- me to re)ar- it as part o% an e&en
'ar)er pict$re;G
: no--e-;
FAn- 1o$r in&esti)ations "ith +iona>G
F!hose4 too4G he ans"ere-; F!hese are shapin) $p into &er1 $n$s$a' times;G
F:@&e notice-;G
F:t seems a'most as i% the Pattern-9o)r$s con%'ict "ere makin) itse'% mani%est in m$n-ane
a%%airs4 as "e'' as on the cosmic sca'e;G
F: %ee' that "a14 too; B$t then :@m pre?$-ice-; : )ot ca$)ht $p in the cosmic part ear'14 an-
"itho$t a scorecar-; :@&e been r$n a'' o&er the p'ace an- manip$'ate- e&er1 "hich "a1 recent'1
Dto the point "here a'' o% m1 a%%airs seeme- part o% their bi))er pict$re; : -on@t 'ike it a bit4 an-
i% : ha- some "a1 to make them back o%% :@- $se it;G
F,m4G he sai-; FAn- "hat i% 1o$r "ho'e 'i%e "ere a st$-1 in manip$'ation>G
F: "o$'-n@t %ee' )oo- abo$t it4G : sai-; F: )$ess :@- %ee' ?$st the "a1 : -o no"4 on'1 perhaps more
,e )est$re- an- an ama6in) ome'et appeare- be%ore me4 %o''o"e-4 moments 'ater4 b1 a si-e -ish
o% %rie- potatoes4 mi.e- "ith "hat appeare- to be )reen chi'ies an- onions;
FA'' o% this is h1pothetica'4G : sai- as : be)an eatin)4 Fisn@t it>G
!here %o''o"e- a 'on) pa$se as he took his %irst mo$th%$'4 then4 F: think not4G he sai-;
F: think the Po"ers ha&e been mo&in) ma-'1 %or a 'on) "hi'e no"4G he "ent on4 Fan- "e@re
%ina''1 nearin) en-)ame;G
F=hat makes 1o$ pri&1 to these matters>G
F:t be)an "ith a care%$' consi-eration o% e&ents4G he sai-; F!hen %o''o"e- the %orm$'ation an-
testin) o% h1potheses;G
F(pare me a 'ect$re on the $se o% the scienti%ic metho- in theo'o)1 an- h$man po'itics4G : sai-;
FAo$ aske-;G
F!r$e; #o ahea-;G
F/o 1o$ not %ee' it some"hat o-- that ("a1&i'' e.pire- ?$st "hen he -i-4 "hen so man1 thin)s
are comin) to %r$ition sim$'taneo$s'14 a%ter ha&in) h$n) on %or so 'on)>G
F,e ha- to )o sometime4G : sai-4 Fan- a'' the recent stresses probab'1 pro&e- too m$ch;G
F!imin)4G Ban-or sai-; F(trate)ic p'acement; !imin);G
F+or "hat>G
F!o p'ace 1o$ on the throne o% Chaos4 o% co$rse4G he rep'ie-;
(ometimes 1o$ hear an $n'ike'1 thin) an- that@s a'' it is; Other times4 1o$ hear somethin)
improbab'e an- it strikes an echo; !here is an imme-iate %ee'in) o% ha&in) kno"n it4 or kno"n
somethin) &er1 'ike it4 a'' a'on)4 an- ?$st not ha&in) bothere- to pick it $p an- e.amine it; B1
ri)hts4 : sho$'- ha&e choke- at Ban-or@s prono$ncement4 then snorte- somethin) s$ch as
FPrepostero$sIG Aet4 :@- a pec$'iar %ee'in) abo$t this b$sinessD"hether his conc'$sion "as ri)ht
or "ron)Das i% there "ere somethin) more than con?ect$re in&o'&e-4 as i% there ?$st mi)ht be
some o&era'' p'an mo&in) me to"ar- the circ'e o% po"er in the Co$rts;
: took a 'on)4 s'o" -rink o% co%%ee; !hen4 F0ea''1>G : sai-;
: %e't m1se'% smi'in) as he so$)ht m1 e1es4 st$-ie- m1 %ace;
FAre 1o$ conscio$s'1 part1 to the e%%ort>G
: raise- m1 co%%ee c$p a)ain; : ha- been abo$t to sa14 FNo4 o% co$rse not; !his is the %irst :@&e
hear- o% the notion;G !hen : reca''e- m1 %ather@s te''in) me ho" he ha- -$pe- A$nt +'ora into
)i&in) him &ita' in%ormation his amnesia ha- "ashe- a"a1; :t "as not the c'e&erness "ith "hich
he ha- -one it that ha- impresse- me so m$ch as the %act that his mistr$st o% re'ati&es
transcen-e- conscio$sness4 e.iste- as a p$re e.istentia' re%'e.; Not ha&in) been thro$)h a'' the
%ami'1 ri&a'ries Cor"in ha-4 : 'acke- responses o% s$ch intensit1; An- Ban-or an- : ha- a'"a1s
)otten a'on) partic$'ar'1 "e''4 e&en tho$)h he "as a %e" cent$ries o'-er an- ha- &er1 -i%%erent
tastes in some areas; B$t4 s$--en'14 -isc$ssin) s$ch a hi)h-stakes matter as "e "ere4 that sma''
&oice Cor"in re%erre- to as his "orse-i%-"iser se'% s$))este-4 F=h1 not> Ao$ co$'- $se the
practice4 ki-4G an- as : 'o"ere- the c$p a)ain : -eci-e- to tr1 it o$t4 ?$st to see ho" it %e't4 %or a
%e" min$tes;
F: -on@t kno" "hether "e both ha&e the same thin) in min-4G : sai-; F=h1 -on@t 1o$ te'' me
abo$t the mi--'e )ameDor perhaps e&en the openin)D%or "hat 1o$ see r$shin) to conc'$sion
FBoth the Pattern an- the 9o)r$s are sentient4G he sai-; F=e@&e both seen e&i-ence o% that;
=hether the1 are mani%estations o% the *nicorn an- the (erpent or the other "a1 aro$n- makes
no rea' -i%%erence; 2ither "a14 "e are ta'kin) abo$t a pair o% )reater-than-h$man inte''i)ences
"ith &ast po"ers at their -isposa'; =hiche&er came %irst is a'so one o% those $se'ess theo'o)ica'
points; =e nee- on'1 concern o$rse'&es "ith the present sit$ation4 as it a%%ects $s;G
: no--e-;
FA %air assessment4G : a)ree-;
F!he %orces the1 represent ha&e been oppose- b$t %air'1 e&en'1 matche- %or a)es4G he "ent on4
Fan- th$s a kin- o% ba'ance has been maintaine-; !he1 ha&e constant'1 so$)ht sma'' &ictories
o&er each other4 each attemptin) to a-- to its o"n -omain at the e.pense o% the other; :t appears
to be a 6ero-s$m )ame; Both Oberon an- ("a1&i'' "ere their a)ents %or a 'on) "hi'e4 "ith
/"orkin an- ($h$1 as their interme-iaries "ith the po"ers themse'&es;G
F(o>G : sai- as he took a sip o% ?$ice;
F: be'ie&e that /"orkin ha- to$che- the Pattern too c'ose'14G he contin$e-4 Fan- so became
s$b?ect to manip$'ation; ,e "as s$%%icient'1 sophisticate-4 ho"e&er4 that he rea'i6e- this an-
resiste-; !his res$'te- in his ma-ness4 "ith a reciproca' -ama)in) e%%ect on the Pattern itse'%
beca$se o% their c'ose connection; !his4 in t$rn4 ca$se- the Pattern to 'ea&e him a'one4 rather than
risk %$rther tra$ma; !he -ama)e "as -one4 tho$)h4 an- the 9o)r$s )aine- a sma'' e-)e; !his
a''o"e- it to act in the rea'm o% or-er "hen Prince Bran- be)an his e.periments to increase his
persona' abi'ities; : be'ie&e he 'ai- himse'% open to contro' an- became an $n"ittin) a)ent o% the
F!hat@s a 'ot o% s$pposition4G : sai-;
FConsi-er4G he respon-e-4 Fthat his aims seemin)'1 became those o% a ma-man; !he1 make
m$ch more sense "hen seen as the )oa' o% somethin) "antin) to -estro1 a'' or-er4 to restore the
$ni&erse to chaos;G
FContin$e4G : sai-;
FAt some point4 the Pattern -isco&ere-Dor perhaps possesse- a'' a'on)Dthe abi'it1 to create
T)hosts4@ short'i&e- sim$'acra o% those "ho ha- ne)otiate- it; +ascinatin) concept4 that; : "as
&er1 intereste- to 'earn o% it; :t pro&i-e- a ma?or mechanism4 s$pportin) m1 thesis o% the
Pattern@s an- possib'1 the 9o)r$s@s4 -irect action in the promotion o% ph1sica' e&ents; Bi)ht the1
ha&e %i)$re- in the settin) $p o% 1o$r %ather as the Pattern@s champion a)ainst Bran-> : "on-er;G
F: -on@t %o''o"4G : sai-; F(ettin) him $p4 1o$ sa1>G
F:@&e a %ee'in) he "as rea''1 the Pattern@s choice as the ne.t 3in) o% Amber4 eas1 to promote4
too4 as it seeme- to coinci-e "ith his o"n "ishes; :@&e "on-ere- abo$t his s$--en reco&er1 in
that (ha-o" 2arth c'inic4 an- partic$'ar'1 abo$t the circ$mstances s$rro$n-in) the acci-ent that
p$t him there4 "hen e&en "ith -i%%erin) time streams it seeme- possib'e that Bran- mi)ht ha&e
ha- to be in t"o p'aces at the same timeDimprisone- an- 'ookin) -o"n the si)hts o% a ri%'e; O%
co$rse4 Bran- is no 'on)er a&ai'ab'e to c'ari%1 the matter;G
FBore s$pposition4G : sai-4 %inishin) m1 ome'et; FB$t not $ninterestin); P'ease contin$e;G
FAo$r %ather ha- secon- tho$)hts abo$t the throne4 ho"e&er; (ti''4 he "as Amber@s champion;
Amber -i- "in the "ar; !he Pattern "as repaire-; !he ba'ance "as restore-; 0an-om "as the
secon- choice as monarchDa )oo- maintainer o% the stat$s <$oDan- that choice "as ma-e b1
the *nicorn4 not b1 the Amberites %o''o"in) an1 o% their &ersions o% the 0$'es o% ($ccession;G
F: ne&er 'ooke- at it a'' that "a14G : sai-;
FAn- 1o$r %atherDina-&ertent'14 : be'ie&eDpro&i-e- a bon$s; A%rai- that the Pattern ha- not
been repaire-4 he -re" another; On'14 it ha- been repaire-; !h$s4 there "ere t"o arti%acts o%
or-er4 rather than one; !ho$)h4 as a separate entit14 it probab'1 -i- not a-- to the Pattern@s
stren)th4 it a--e- to or-er4 as s$ch4 -iminishin) the e%%ects o% the 9o)r$s; (o 1o$r %ather set the
ba'ance ri)ht4 then procee-e- to tip it a)ainDin the other -irection;G
F!his is 1o$r conc'$sion %rom the in&esti)ations 1o$ an- +iona ma-e o% the ne" Pattern>G
,e no--e- s'o"'14 took a sip o% ?$ice;
F,ence4 more (ha-o" storms than $s$a'4 as a m$n-ane e%%ect4G he sai-4 Fbrin)in) $s $p to
present times;G
FAes4 present times4G : sai-4 po$rin) more co%%ee;
F=e@&e note- the1@&e )ro"n interestin);G
F:n-ee-; Ao$r stor1 o% the )ir' Cora'4 askin) the Pattern to sen- her to an appropriate p'ace4 is a
case in point; =hat -i- it imme-iate'1 -o> :t sent her to a (ha-o" Pattern an- t$rne- o$t the
'i)hts; !hen it sent 1o$ to resc$e her4 repairin) that e-ition o% itse'% in the process; Once it "as
repaire- it "as no 'on)er a (ha-o" Pattern4 b$t another &ersion o% itse'% that it "as then ab'e to
absorb; :t probab'1 absorbe- that entire sha-o" as "e''4 a--in) consi-erab'1 to its o"n ener)ies;
:ts e-)e o&er the 9o)r$s increase- e&en more; !he 9o)r$s "o$'- nee- a bi) )ain to restore the
ba'ance a%ter that; (o it riske- an inc$rsion into the Pattern@s -omain4 in a -esperate e%%ort to
obtain the 21e o% Chaos; !hat en-e- in a sta'emate4 tho$)h4 beca$se o% the inter&ention o% that
bi6arre entit1 1o$ ca'' #host"hee'; (o the ba'ance remains tippe- in the Pattern@s %a&or4 an
$nhea'th1 state o% a%%airs;G
F+or the 9o)r$s;G
F+or e&er1bo-14 :@- sa1; !he Po"ers "i'' be at o--s4 the sha-o"s in t$rmoi' an- -isor-er in both
rea'ms ti'' thin)s ha&e been ri)hte-;G
F(o somethin) sho$'- be -one to bene%it the 9o)r$s;G
FAo$ a'rea-1 kno" that;G
F: s$ppose : -o;G
F:t comm$nicate- "ith 1o$ -irect'14 -i-n@t it>G
: reca''e- m1 ni)ht in the chape' in the p'ace bet"een sha-o"s4 "here : ha- been %ace- "ith a
choice bet"een the (erpent an- the *nicorn4 the 9o)r$s an- the Pattern; 0esentin) the b$''1in)
in s$ch a %orce- %ormat4 : ha- re%$se- to choose either;
FAes4 it -i-4G : ans"ere-;
F:t "ante- 1o$ %or its champion4 -i-n@t it>G
F: s$ppose it -i-4G : sai-;
F;;;An- here "e are4G : rep'ie-;
F/i- it in-icate an1thin) that mi)ht s$pport m1 thesis>G
: tho$)ht abo$t that trek thro$)h the *n-ersha-o"4 menace "ith )hostsDPattern4
9o)r$s4 or both; F: s$ppose it -i-4G : repeate-;
B$t4 $'timate'14 it ha- been the Pattern : ha- ser&e- at the en- o% that ?o$rne14 a'beit $n"ittin)'1;
FAo$ are prepare- to$te its -esi)n %or the )oo- o% the Co$rts>G
F:@m prepare- to seek reso'$tion o% this matter; +or e&er1bo-1@s peace o% min-;G
,e smi'e-;
F:s that a <$a'i%ication or an a)reement>G
F:t@s a statement o% intent4G : sai-;
F:% the 9o)r$s has chosen 1o$4 it has its reasons;G
F: -aresa1;G
F:t a'most )oes "itho$t sa1in) that ha&in) 1o$ on the throne "o$'- stren)then the ,o$se o%
(a"a'' immense'1;G
F!he tho$)ht ha- occ$rre- to me4 no" 1o$ mention it;G
F+or one "ith 1o$r back)ro$n-4 o% co$rse4 it "o$'- become necessar1 to -etermine "here 1o$r
$'timate 'o1a't1 'iesD"ith Amber or "ith the Co$rts;G
F/o 1o$ %oresee another "ar>G
FNo4 o% co$rse not; B$t an1thin) 1o$ -o to stren)then the 9o)r$s "i'' aro$se the Pattern an-
pro&oke some response %rom Amber; ,ar-'1 to the point o% "ar4 b$t possib'1 to that o%
FCo$'- 1o$ be more speci%ic as to "hat 1o$ ha&e in min->G
F:@m on'1 -ea'in) in )enera'ities at the moment4 to )i&e 1o$ opport$nit1 to assess 1o$r
: no--e-;
F(ince "e@re ta'kin) )enera'ities :@'' ?$st repeat m1 statement8 :@m prepare- to seek a reso'$tion
FA'' ri)ht4G he sai-; F=e $n-erstan- each other to this e.tent; :n the e&ent 1o$ make it to the
throne4 1o$ "ant the same thin) "e -oDG
FT=e@>G : interr$pte-;
F!he ,o$se o% (a"a''4 o% co$rse; B$t 1o$ -on@t "ant an1one -ictatin) speci%ics to 1o$;G
F!hat sa1s it nice'14G : rep'ie-;
FB$t o% co$rse "e@re speakin) h1pothetica''14 there bein) a co$p'e o% others abo$t "ith stron)er
F(o "h1 ar)$e contin)encies>G
F:% the ,o$se "ere ab'e to see 1o$ cro"ne-4 ho"e&er4 -o 1o$ ackno"'e-)e 1o$ "o$'- o"e
consi-eration %or this>G
FBrother4G : sai-4 F1o$ are the ,o$se4 %or a'' ma?or p$rposes; :% 1o$@re askin) %or a commitment
be%ore takin) o$t !mer an- !$bb'e4 %or)et it4 :@m not a'' that ea)er to sit on a throne;G
FAo$r "ishes are not paramo$nt in this4G he sai-; F!here is no reason %or s<$eamishness "hen
1o$ consi-er that "e@&e 'on) been at o--s "ith Eesb14 an- Chanic$t@s a'"a1s been a
F(<$eamishness has nothin) to -o "ith it4G : sai-; F: ne&er sai- : "ante- the throne; An-4
%rank'14 : think either !mer or !$bb'e "o$'- probab'1 -o a better ?ob;G
F!he1 are not -esi)nates o% the 9o)r$s;G
FAn- i% : am4 : sho$'- make it "itho$t an1 he'p;G
FBrother4 there is a bi) )ap bet"een its "or'- o% princip'es an- o$rs o% %'esh4 stone4 an- stee';G
FAn- s$pposin) : ha&e m1 o"n a)en-a an- it -oes not inc'$-e 1o$r p'an>G
F=hat is it4 then>G
F=e@re speakin) h1pothetica''14 remember>G
FBer'in4 1o$@re bein) obstinate; Ao$@&e a -$t1 in this4 to the ,o$se as "e'' as to the Co$rts an-
the 9o)r$s;G
F: can assess m1 o"n -$ties4 Ban-or4 an- : ha&eDso %ar;G
F:% 1o$@&e a p'an to set thin)s ri)ht4 an- it@s a )oo- one4 "e@'' he'p 1o$ to e%%ect$ate it; =hat ha&e
1o$ in min->G
F: -o not re<$ire he'p at this point4G : sai-4 Fb$t :@'' remember that;G
F=hat -o 1o$ re<$ire ri)ht no">G
F:n%ormation4G : sai-;
FAsk me; : ha&e a 'ot;G
FA'' ri)ht; =hat can 1o$ te'' me abo$t m1 mother@s materna' si-e4 the ,o$se o% ,en-rake>G
,e p$rse- his 'ips;
F!he1@re into so'-ierin)4 pro%essiona''14G he sai-; FAo$ kno" the1@re a'"a1s o%% %i)htin) in
(ha-o" "ars; !he1 'o&e it; Be'issa Binobee@s been in char)e since #enera' 9ars$s@s -eath; ,m;G
,e pa$se-; !hen4 F/o 1o$ ask beca$se o% their rather o-- %i.ation in&o'&in) Amber>G
FAmber>G : sai-; F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F: reca'' a socia' &isit to the =a1s o% ,en-rake one time4G he sai-4 F"hen : "an-ere- into a
sma''4 chape'-'ike room; :n a niche in one "a'' there h$n) a portrait o% #enera' Bene-ict4 in %$''
batt'e re)a'ia; !here "as an a'tar-'ike she'% be'o" it bearin) se&era' "eapons4 an- $pon "hich a
n$mber o% can-'es "ere b$rnin); Ao$r mother@s pict$re "as there4 too;G
F0ea''1>G : sai-; F: "on-er "hether Bene-ict kno"s> /ara once to'- m1 %ather she "as
-escen-e- %rom Bene-ict; 9ater4 he %i)$re- this an o$t-an--o$t 'ie;;;; /o 1o$ think peop'e 'ike
that "o$'- ho'- a )r$-)e a)ainst m1 %ather>G
F+or "hat>G
FCor"in s'e" Bore' o% ,en-rake at the time o% the Pattern%a'' =ar;G
F!he1 ten- to take s$ch thin)s phi'osophica''1;G
F(ti''4 : )ather it "as a some"hat 'ess than kosher en)a)ement %rom the "a1 he -escribe- itD
tho$)h : -on@t be'ie&e there "ere an1 "itnesses;G
F(o 'et s'eepin) "1&erns 'ie;G
F:@&e no intention o% ro$sin) them; B$t "hat : "as "on-erin) "as that i% the1 ha- someho"
hear- -etai's the1 mi)ht ha&e been o$t to c'ear some -ebt o% honor on his beha'%; /o 1o$ think
the1 co$'- ha&e been behin- his -isappearance>G
F: ?$st -on@t kno"4G he rep'ie-4 Fho" that "o$'- %it in "ith their co-e; : s$ppose 1o$ co$'- ask
FE$st come o$t an- sa14 T,e14 are 1o$ responsib'e %or "hate&er happene- to m1 -a->@G
F!here are more s$bt'e "a1s o% 'earnin) a person@s attit$-es4G he respon-e-; FAs : reca''4 1o$
ha- a %e" 'essons in them in 1o$r 1o$th;G
FB$t : -on@t e&en kno" these peop'e; : mean4 : mi)ht ha&e met one o% the sisters at a part14 no"
: think o% itDan- : reca'' ha&in) seen 9ars$s an- his "i%e in the -istance a %e" timesDb$t that@s
F,en-rake "i'' ha&e a representati&e at the %$nera'4G he sai-; F:% : "ere to intro-$ce 1o$4
perhaps 1o$ co$'- app'1 a 'itt'e )'amo$r to obtain an in%orma' a$-ience;G
FAo$ kno"4 that ma1 be the "a1 to )o4G : to'- him;
FProbab'1 the on'1 "a1; Aes4 -o that4 p'ease;G
F7er1 "e'';G
,e c'eare- the tab'e "ith a )est$re4 %i''e- it "ith another; !his time4 paper-thin crepes "ith a
&ariet1 o% %i''in)s an- toppin)s appeare- be%ore $sC an- %resh ro''s4 &ario$s'1 spice-; =e ate %or a
time in si'ence4 appreciatin) the ba'miness an- the bir-s4 the bree6es;
F: "ish : co$'- ha&e seen somethin) o% Amber4G he sai- at 'en)th4 F$n-er 'ess restricte-
F:@m s$re that can be arran)e-4G : rep'ie-; F:@- 'ike to sho" 1o$ aro$n-; : kno" a )reat resta$rant
in /eath A''e1;G
F!hat "o$'-n@t be B'oo-1 2--ie@s4 "o$'- it>G
F:t "o$'-4 tho$)h the name )ets chan)e- perio-ica''1;G
F:@&e hear- o% it4 an- 'on) been c$rio$s;G
F=e@'' -o that one -a1;G
,e c'appe- his han-s an- bo"'s o% %r$it appeare-; : %reshene- m1 co%%ee an- s"ir'e- a 3a-ota
%i) in a bo"' o% "hippe- cream;
F:@'' be -inin) "ith m1 mother 'ater4G : remarke-;
FAes; : o&erhear-;G
F,a&e 1o$ seen m$ch o% her recent'1> ,o"@s she been>G
FAs she sai-4 rather rec'$si&e4G he rep'ie-;
F/o 1o$ think she@s $p to somethin)>G
FProbab'14G he sai-; F: can@t reca'' a time "hen she hasn@t been;G
FAn1 i-ea "hat>G
F=h1 sho$'- : )$ess "hen she@'' probab'1 te'' 1o$ o$tri)ht>G
FAo$ rea''1 think she "i''>G
FAo$ ha&e an a-&anta)e o&er e&er1one e'se4 in bein) her son;G
FA'so a -ra"back4 %or the same reason;G
F(ti''4 she@s more 'ike'1 to te'' 1o$ thin)s than she "o$'- an1one e'se;G
F2.cept4 perhaps4 E$rt;G
F=h1 -o 1o$ sa1 that>G
F(he a'"a1s 'ike- him better;G
F+$nn14 :@&e hear- him sa1 the same thin) abo$t 1o$;G
FAo$ see him o%ten>G
FO%ten> No;G
F=hen "as the 'ast time>G
FAbo$t t"o c1c'es a)o;G
F=here is he>G
F,ere4 in the Co$rts;G
FAt (a"a''>G : ha- &isions o% him ?oinin) $s %or '$nch; : "o$'-n@t p$t somethin) 'ike that past
/ara either;
FOne o% its b1"a1s4 : think; ,e@s rather reticent concernin) his comin)s an- )oin)sDan-
!here bein) somethin) 'ike ei)ht b1"a1 resi-ences to (a"a'' that : kne" o%4 it "o$'- be
-i%%ic$'t to r$n him -o"n thro$)h b1"a1s that co$'- 'ea- "e'' into (ha-o"; Not that :@- an1
-esire to4 at the moment;
F=hat brin)s him home>G : aske-;
F!he same thin) as 1o$rse'%4 the %$nera'4G he sai-4 Fan- a'' that )oes "ith it;G
A'' that )oes "ith it4 in-ee-I :% there "ere a )en$ine p'ot to p$t me on the throne4 : co$'- ne&er
%or)et thatD"i''in) or $n"i''in)4 s$ccess%$' or $ns$ccess%$'DE$rt "o$'- be a step or t"o behin-
me a'' the "a1;
F: ma1 ha&e to ki'' him4G : sai-; F: -on@t "ant to; B$t he@s not )i&in) me a "ho'e 'ot o% choice;
(ooner or 'ater4 he@s )oin) to %orce $s into a position "here it has to be one or the other;G
F=h1 -o 1o$ te'' me this>G
F(o 1o$@'' kno" ho" : %ee' abo$t it4 an- so that 1o$ mi)ht $se "hate&er in%'$ence 1o$ ma1 sti''
ha&e to pers$a-e him to %in- a -i%%erent hobb1;G
,e shook his hea-;
FE$n mo&e- be1on- m1 in%'$ence a 'on) time a)o4G he sai-; F/ara@s abo$t the on'1 one he@''
'isten toDtho$)h : s$spect he@s sti'' a%rai- o% ($h$1; Ao$ mi)ht speak to her concernin) this
matter4 soon;G
F:t@s the one thin) neither o% $s can -isc$ss "ith herDthe other;G
F=h1 not>G
F:t@s ?$st the "a1 it is; (he a'"a1s mis$n-erstan-s;G
F:@m certain she@s not )oin) to "ant her sons ki''in) each other;G
FO% co$rse not4 b$t : -on@t kno" ho" to p$t the matter to her;G
F: s$))est 1o$ make an e%%ort to %in- a "a1; :n the meantime4 : "o$'- contri&e not to be a'one
"ith E$rt sho$'- 1o$r paths cross; An- i% it "ere me4 in the presence o% "itnesses4 : "o$'- make
certain that the %irst b'o" "as not mine;G
F=e'' taken4 Ban-or4G : sai-;
=e sat %or a time in si'ence; !hen4 FAo$ "i'' think abo$t m1 proposa'4G he sai-;
FAs : $n-erstan- it4G : rep'ie-;
,e %ro"ne-;
F:% 1o$ ha&e an1 <$estions;;;;G
FNo; :@'' be thinkin);G
,e rose; : )ot to m1 %eet4 a'so; =ith a )est$re4 he c'eare- the tab'e; !hen he t$rne- a"a1 an- :
%o''o"e- him o$t o% the )a6ebo an- across its 1ar- to the trai';
=e emer)e- a%ter a stro'' in his e.terna' st$-1cum recei&in) room; ,e s<$ee6e- m1 sho$'-er as
"e hea-e- %or the;
F:@'' see 1o$ at the %$nera' then4G he remarke-;
FAes4G : sai-; F!hanks %or the break%ast;G
FB1 the "a14 ho" "e'' -o 1o$ 'ike that 'a-14 Cora'>G he aske-;
FOh4 prett1 "e''4G : sai-; F(he@s <$iteDnice; =h1>G
,e shr$))e-;
FE$st c$rio$s; : "as concerne- abo$t her4 ha&in) been present at the time o% her misa-&ent$re4
an- : "on-ere- ho" m$ch she meant to 1o$;G
F2no$)h that it bothers me a 'ot4G : sai-;
F: see; =e''4 )i&e her m1 )oo- "ishes i% 1o$ sho$'- ta'k to her;G
F!hanks4 : "i'';G
F=e@'' ta'k a)ain 'ater;G
: stro-e into the "a14 makin) no haste; : sti'' ha- consi-erab'e time be%ore : "as -$e b1 the
=a1s o% (a"a'';
: pa$se- "hen : came to a )ibbet-shape- tree; A moment@s re%'ection an- : t$rne- 'e%t4 %o''o"in)
an ascen-in) trai' amon) -ark rocks; Near its top4 : "a'ke- -irect'1 into a moss1 bo$'-er4
emer)in) %rom a san-bank into a 'i)ht rain; : ran across the %ie'- be%ore me4 ti'' : came to the
%air1 circ'e beneath the ancient tree; : steppe- to its mi--'e4 ma-e $p a co$p'et "ith m1 name %or
the rh1me4 an- sank into the )ro$n-; =hen : "as ha'te- an- the moment@s -arkness "ent a"a14 :
%o$n- m1se'% besi-e a -amp stone "a''4 'ookin) -o"nhi'' across a prospect o% hea-stones an-
mon$ments; !he sk1 "as %$''1 o&ercast an- a coo' bree6e "an-ere- b1; :t %e't to be one o% the
en-s o% a -a14 b$t "hether mornin) or t"i'i)ht 'a1 near4 : co$'- not te''; !he p'ace 'ooke- e.act'1
as : remembere- itDcracke- ma$so'e$ms h$n) "ith i&14 %a''in) stone %ences4 "an-erin) paths
beneath hi)h4 -ark trees; : mo&e- -o"n %ami'iar trai's;
As a chi'-4 this ha- been a %a&ore- p'a1)ro$n- o% mine4 %or a time; : met here a'most -ai'14 %or
-o6ens o% c1c'es4 "ith a 'itt'e sha-o" )ir' name- 0han-a; 3ickin) thro$)h boneheaps4 br$shin)
b1 -amp shr$bber14 : came at 'en)th to the -ama)e- ma$so'e$m "here "e ha- p'a1e- ho$se;
P$shin) asi-e the sa))in) )ate4 : entere-;
Nothin) ha- chan)e-4 an- : %o$n- m1se'% ch$ck'in); !he cracke- c$ps an- sa$cers4 tarnishe-
$tensi's4 "ere sti'' stacke- in the corner4 hea&1 "ith -$st4 staine- "ith seepa)e; : br$she- o%% the
cata%a'<$e "e@- $se- as a tab'e4 seate- m1se'% $pon it; One -a1 0han-a ha- simp'1 stoppe-
cornin)4 an- a%ter a time : ha-4 too; :@- o%ten "on-ere- "hat sort o% "oman she ha- become; :@-
'e%t her a note in o$r hi-in) p'ace4 beneath a 'oose %'oor stone4 : reca''e-; : "on-ere- "hether
she@- e&er %o$n- it;
: raise- the stone; B1 %i'th1 en&e'ope sti'' 'a1 there4 $nsea'e-; : took it o$t4 shook it o%%4 s'i- o$t
m1 %o'-e- sheet;
: $n%o'-e- it4 rea- m1 %a-e- chi'-ish scra"'8$hat happened :handa5 I waited and ou didn't
come. Beneath it4 in a %ar neater han-4 "as "ritten8I can't come anmore because m folks sa
ou are a demon or a vampire. I'm sorr because ou are the nicest demon or vampire I know. :@-
ne&er tho$)ht o% that possibi'it1; Ama6in)4 the "a1s one can be mis$n-erstoo-;
: sat there %or a time4 rememberin) )ro"in) $p; :@- ta$)ht 0han-a the bone-ance )ame in here; :
snappe- m1 %in)ers then4 an- o$r o'- ensorce''e- heap o% them across the "a1 ma-e a so$n- 'ike
stirrin) 'ea&es; B1 ?$&eni'e spe'' "as sti'' in p'aceC the bones ro''e- %or"ar-4 arran)e-
themse'&es into a pair o% manikins4 be)an their sma''4 a"k"ar- -ance; !he1 circ'e- each other4
bare'1 ho'-in) their shapes4 pieces %'akin) a"a14 cob"ebs trai'in)C 'oose onesDsparesDbe)an to
bo$nce abo$t them; !he1 ma-e tin1 c'ickin) so$n-s as the1 to$che-; : mo&e- them %aster;
A sha-o" crosse- the -oor"a14 an- : hear- a ch$ck'e; F:@'' be -amne-I A'' 1o$ nee-@s a tin roo%;
(o this is ho" the1 spen- their time in Chaos;G
F9$keIG : e.c'aime- as he steppe- insi-e4 m1 manikins co''apsin) as m1 attention 'e%t them4 into
'itt'e )ra14 stick-'ike heaps; F=hat are 1o$ -oin) here>G
FCo$'- sa1 : "as se''in) cemeter1 'ots4G he obser&e-; FAo$ intereste- in one>G
,e ha- on a re- shirt an- bro"n khakis t$cke- into his bro"n s$e-e boots; A tan c'oak h$n)
abo$t his sho$'-ers; ,e "as )rinnin);
F=h1 aren@t 1o$ o%% r$'in)>G
,is smi'e "ent a"a14 to be rep'ace- b1 a moment o% p$66'ement4 ret$rne- a'most instant'1;
FOh4 %e't : nee-e- a break; =hat abo$t 1o$> !here@s a %$nera' soon4 isn@t there>G
: no--e-;
F9ater on4G : sai-; F:@m ?$st takin) a break m1se'%; ,o"@- 1o$ )et here4 an1"a1>G
F+o''o"e- m1 nose4G he sai-; FNee-e- some inte''i)ent con&ersation;G
FBe serio$s; Nobo-1 kne" : "as comin) here; : -i-n@t e&en kno" it ti'' the 'ast min$te; :DG
: )rope- abo$t in m1 pockets;
FAo$ -i-n@t p'ant another o% those b'$e stones on me4 -i- 1o$>G
FNo4 nothin) that simp'e4G he rep'ie-; F: seem to ha&e some sort o% messa)e %or 1o$;G
: )ot to m1 %eet4 approache- him4 st$-1in) his %ace;
FAre 1o$ oka14 9$ke>G
F($re; As oka1 as : e&er am4 that is;G
F:t@s no mean st$nt4 %in-in) 1o$r "a1 this near to the Co$rts; 2specia''1 i% 1o$@&e ne&er been
here be%ore; ,o"@- 1o$ mana)e it>G
F=e''4 the Co$rts an- : )o back a 'on) "a1s4 o'- b$--1; Ao$ mi)ht sa1 it@s in m1Db'oo-;G
,e mo&e- asi-e %rom the -oor"a1 an- : steppe- o$tsi-e; A'most a$tomatica''14 "e be)an
F: -on@t $n-erstan- "hat 1o$@re sa1in)4G : to'- him;
F=e''4 m1 -a- spent some time here4 back in his p'ottin) -a1s4G he sai-; F:t@s "here he met m1
F: -i-n@t kno" that;G
F:t ne&er came $p; =e ne&er ta'ke- %ami'14 remember>G
FAeah4G : sai-4 Fan- no one : aske- seeme- to kno" "here Easra came %rom; (ti''4 the Co$rts;;;;
(he@s a 'on) "a1 %rom home;G
FAct$a''14 she "as recr$ite- %rom a nearb1 sha-o"4G he e.p'aine-4 F'ike this one;G
FAes4 she "orke- as a ser&ant %or a n$mber o% 1earsD: think she "as %air'1 1o$n) "hen she
starte-Dat the =a1s o% ,e')ram;G
F,e')ram> !hat@s m1 mother@s ,o$seIG
F0i)ht; (he "as a mai--companion to the 'a-1 /ara; !hat@s "here she 'earne- the Arts;G
FEasra )ot her instr$ction in sorcer1 %rom m1 mother> An- she met Bran- at ,e')ram> !hat
"o$'- make it seem ,e')ram ha- somethin) to -o "ith Bran-@s p'ot4 the B'ack 0oa-4 the "arDG
FDan- the 9a-1 /ara )oin) 'ookin) %or 1o$r %ather> : )$ess so;G
FBeca$se she "ante- to be a Pattern initiate as "e'' as one o% the 9o)r$s>G
FBa1be4G he sai-; F: "asn@t present;G
=e mo&e- -o"n a )ra&e''1 trai'4 t$rne- at a h$)e c'$ster o% -ark shr$bber14 passin) thro$)h a
%orest o% stone an- o&er a bri-)e that crosse- a s'o" b'ack stream that re%'ecte- hi)h branches
an- sk14 monochrome; A %e" 'ea&es r$st'e- in a stra1 bree6e;
F,o" come 1o$ ne&er mentione- an1 o% this 'ater>G : aske-;
F: inten-e- to4 b$t it ne&er seeme- $r)ent4G he sai-4 F"hereas a 'ot o% other thin)s -i-;G
F!r$e4G : sai-; F!he pace -i- seem to keep pickin) $p each time o$r trai's crosse-; B$t no"D
Are 1o$ sa1in) it@s $r)ent no"4 that : s$--en'1 nee- to kno" this>G
FOh4 not e.act'1;G ,e ha'te-; ,e reache- o$t an- 'eane- $pon a hea-stone; ,is han- be)an to
)rip it4 )ro"in) "hite abo$t the kn$ck'es4 across the back; !he stone at his %in)ertips "as )ro$n-
to po"-er4 %e'' sno"-'ike to the earth; FNot e.act'14G he repeate-; F!hat part "as m1 i-ea4 ?$st
beca$se : "ante- 1o$ to kno"; Ba1be it@'' -o 1o$ some )oo-4 ma1be it "on@t; :n%ormation is 'ike
that; Ao$ ne&er kno";G =ith a cr$nchin)4 crackin) so$n-4 the top o% the hea-stone s$--en'1 )a&e
"a1; 9$ke har-'1 seeme- to notice this4 an- his han- kept on s<$ee6in); (ma'' pieces %e'' %rom
the 'ar)er one he no" he'-;
F(o 1o$ came a'' this "a1 to te'' me that>G
FNo4G he ans"ere-4 as "e t$rne- an- be)an "a'kin) back the "a1 "e ha- come; F: "as sent to
te'' 1o$ somethin) e'se4 an- it@s been prett1 har- ho'-in) o%%; B$t : %i)$re- i% : ta'ke- abo$t this
%irst4 it co$'-n@t 'et me )o4 "o$'- keep %ee-in) me ti'' : )ot aro$n- to the messa)e;G
!here came a h$)e cr$nch4 an- the stone he he'- t$rne- to )ra&e'4 %a''in) to mi. "ith that on the
trai'; F9et me see 1o$r han-;G
,e br$she- it o%% an- he'- it o$t; A tin1 %'ame %'ickere- near the base o% his in-e. %in)er; ,e ran
his th$mb o&er it an- it "ent o$t; : increase- m1 pace4 an- he matche- it;
F9$ke4 1o$ kno" "hat 1o$ are>G
F(omethin) in me seems to4 b$t : -on@t4 man; : ?$st %ee'D:@m not ri)ht; :@- probab'1 better te''
1o$ "hat : %ee' : sho$'- prett1 <$ick no";G
FNo; ,o'- o%%4G : sai-4 h$rr1in) e&en more;
(omethin) -ark passe- o&erhea-4 too <$ick %or me to make o$t its shape4 &anishin) amon) the
trees; =e "ere b$%%ete- b1 a s$--en )$st o% "in-;
FAo$ kno" "hat@s )oin) on4 Ber'e>G he aske-;
F: think so4G : sai-4 Fan- : "ant 1o$ to -o e.act'1 "hat : te'' 1o$4 no matter ho" "eir- it mi)ht
seem; Oka1>G
F($re thin); :% : can@t tr$st a 9or- o% Chaos4 "ho can : tr$st4 eh>G
=e h$rrie- past the c'$mp o% shr$bs; B1 ma$so'e$m "as ?$st $p ahea-;
FAo$ kno"4 there rea''1 is somethin) : %ee' ob'i)e- to te'' 1o$ ri)ht no"4 tho$)h4G he sai-;
F,o'- it; P'ease;G
F:t is important4 tho$)h;G
: ran on ahea- o% him; ,e be)an r$nnin)4 too4 to keep $p;
F:t@s abo$t 1o$r bein) here at the Co$rts4 ?$st no";G
: e.ten-e- m1 han-s4 $se- them to brake m1se'% "hen : came $p a)ainst the "a'' o% the stone
b$i'-in); : s"$n) m1se'% thro$)h the -oor"a1 an- insi-e; !hree bi) steps4 an- : "as knee'in) in
the corner4 snatchin) $p an o'- c$p4 $sin) the corner o% m1 c'oak to "ipe it o$t;
FBer'e4 "hat the he'' are 1o$ -oin)>G 9$ke aske-4 enterin) behin- me;
FE$st a min$te an- :@'' sho" 1o$4G : to'- him4 -ra"in) m1 -a))er;
P'acin) the c$p $pon the stone "here : ha- been seate- ear'ier4 : he'- m1 han- abo&e it an- $se-
the -a))er to c$t m1 "rist;
:nstea- o% b'oo-4 %'ame came %orth %rom the incision;
FNoI /amn itIG : crie-;
An- : reache- into the spikar-4 'ocate- the proper 'ine4 an- %o$n- the %'o"in) channe' o% a
coo'in) spe'' that : 'ai- $pon the "o$n-; :mme-iate'14 the %'ames -ie- an- it "as b'oo- that
%'o"e- %rom me; ,o"e&er4 as it %e'' into the c$p it be)an to smoke; C$rsin)4 : e.ten-e- the spe''
to contro' its 'i<$i-it1 there4 a'so;
FAeah4 it@s "eir-4 Ber'e; :@'' )i&e 1o$ that4G 9$ke obser&e-;
: 'ai- the -a))er asi-e an- $se- m1 ri)ht han- to s<$ee6e m1 arm abo&e the "o$n-; !he b'oo-
%'o"e- %aster; !he spikar- throbbe-; : )'ance- at 9$ke; !here "as a 'ook o% strain $pon his %ace;
: p$mpe- m1 %ist; !he c$p "as more than ha'%-%$'';
FAo$ sai- 1o$ tr$st me4G : state-;
FA%rai- so4G he ans"ere-;
FAo$@&e )ot to -rink this4 9$ke4G : sai-; F: mean it;G
F(omeho"4 : s$specte- 1o$ "ere 'ea-in) $p to this4G he sai-4 Fan-4 rea''14 it -oesn@t so$n- 'ike
s$ch a ba- i-ea; :@&e a %ee'in) : nee- a 'ot o% he'p ?$st no";G
,e reache- o$t an- took the c$p4 raise- it to his 'ips; : presse- the pa'm o% m1 han- a)ainst the
"o$n-; O$tsi-e4 the "in-s "ere )$stin) re)$'ar'1;
F=hen 1o$@&e %inishe-4 p$t it back4G : sai-; FAo$@re )oin) to nee- more;G
: co$'- hear the so$n-s o% his s"a''o"in);
FBetter than a s'$) o% Eameson4G he sai- then;
F/on@t kno" "h1;G ,e rep'ace- the c$p on the stone;
FA 'itt'e sa't14 tho$)h4G he a--e-;
: remo&e- m1 han- %rom the incision4 he'- the "rist abo&e it a)ain4 p$mpe- m1 %ist;
F,e14 man; Ao$@re 'osin) a 'ot o% b'oo- there; : %ee' oka1 no"; =as ?$st a 'itt'e -i6614 that@s a''; :
-on@t nee- an1 more;G
FAes4 1o$ -o4G : sai-; FBe'ie&e me; : )a&e a 'ot more than this in a b'oo- -ri&e once an- ran in a
meet the ne.t -a1; :t@s oka1;G
!he "in- rose to a )a'e4 moanin) past $s no";
FBin- te''in) me "hat@s )oin) on>G he aske-;
F9$ke4 1o$@re a Pattern )host4G : to'- him;
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F!he Pattern can -$p'icate an1bo-1 "ho e&er "a'ke- it; Ao$@&e )ot a'' the si)ns; : kno" them;G
F,e14 : %ee' rea'; : -i-n@t e&en -o the Pattern in Amber; : -i- it in !ir-na No)@th;G
FApparent'14 it contro's the t"o ima)es as "e''4 since the1@re tr$e copies; /o 1o$ remember 1o$r
coronation in 3ash%a>G
FCoronation> ,e'' noI Ao$ mean : ma-e it to the throne>G
FAep; 0ina'-o the +irst;G
F#o- -amnI Bet Bom@s happ1;G
F:@m s$re;G
F!his is kin- o% a"k"ar- then4 there bein) t"o o% me; Ao$ seem %ami'iar "ith the phenomenon;
,o" -oes the Pattern han-'e it>G
FAo$ )$1s ten- not to 'ast &er1 'on); :t seems the c'oser 1o$ are to the Pattern itse'% the stron)er
1o$ are4 too; :t m$st ha&e taken a 'ot o% ?$ice to pro?ect 1o$ this %ar; ,ere4 -rink this;G
,e tosse- o%% a ha'% c$p%$' an- han-e- the c$p back;
F(o "hat@s "ith the precio$s bo-i'1 %'$i-s>G he aske-;
F!he b'oo- o% Amber seems to ha&e a s$stainin) e%%ect on Pattern )hosts;G
FAo$ mean :@m some kin- o% &ampire>G
F: s$ppose 1o$ co$'- p$t it that "a14 in a sort o% technica' sense;G
F:@m not s$re : 'ike thatDespecia''1 s$ch a specia'i6e- one;G
F:t -oes seem to ha&e certain -ra"backs; B$t one thin) at a time; 9et@s )et 1o$ stabi'i6e- be%ore
"e start 'ookin) %or an)'es;G
FA'' ri)ht; Ao$@&e )ot a capti&e a$-ience;G
!here came a ratt'e4 as o% a ro''e- stone4 %rom o$tsi-e4 %o''o"e- b1 a sma'' c'ankin) noise;
9$ke t$rne- his hea-;
F: -on@t think that@s ?$st the "in-4G he state-;
F!ake the 'ast sip4G : sai-4 mo&in) a"a1 %rom the c$p an- )ropin) a%ter m1 han-kerchie%; F:t@''
ha&e to ho'- 1o$;G
,e tosse- it o%% as : "rappe- m1 "rist; ,e knotte- it in p'ace %or me;
F9et@s )et o$t o% here4G : sai-; F!he &ibes are )ettin) ba-;G
F+ine "ith me4G he rep'ie- as a %i)$re appeare- at the -oor"a1; :t "as back'i)hte-4 its %eat$res
'ost in sha-o";
FAo$@re not )oin) an1"here4 Pattern )host4G came an a'most-%ami'iar &oice;
: "i''e- the spikar- to abo$t 15 "atts i''$mination; :t "as Bore'4 sho"in) his teeth in an
$n%rien-'1 %ashion;
FAo$ are abo$t to become a &er1 'ar)e can-'e4 Patterner4G he sai- to 9$ke;
FAo$@re "ron)4 Bore'4G : sai-4 raisin) the spikar-;
($--en'14 the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s s"am bet"een $s;
FBore'> !he master s"or-sman>G 9$ke in<$ire-;
F!he same4G : ans"ere-;
FOh4 shitIG 9$ke sai-;
Chapter !
As : probe- %or"ar- "ith t"o o% the more 'etha' ener)ies o% the spikar- the 9o)r$s ima)e
intercepte- them an- t$rne- them o%%;
F: -i-n@t sa&e him %or 1o$ to take him o$t this easi'14G : sai-4 an- ?$st then somethin) 'ike the
ima)e o% the Pattern b$t not rea''1 the same %'ashe- into e.istence nearb1;
!he (i)n o% the 9o)r$s s'i- to m1 'e%t; !he ne" thin)D"hate&er it "asDkept pace "ith it4 both
o% them passin) si'ent'1 thro$)h the "a''; A'most imme-iate'14 there %o''o"e- a th$n-erc'ap that
shook the b$i'-in); 2&en Bore'4 "ho "as reachin) %or his b'a-e4 pa$se- in mi--)est$re4 then
mo&e- his han- to catch ho'- o% the -oor"a1; As he -i- this4 another %i)$re appeare- at his back
an- a %ami'iar &oice a--resse- him8 FP'ease e.c$se me; Ao$@re b'ockin) m1 "a1;G
FCor"inIG : crie-; F/a-IG
Bore' t$rne- his hea-;
FCor"in4 Prince o% Amber>G he sai-;
F:n-ee-4G came the rep'14 Ftho$)h :@m a%rai- : ha&en@t ha- the p'eas$re;G
F: am Bore'4 /$ke o% ,en-rake4 Baster o% Arms o% the =a1s o% ,en-rake;G
FAo$ speak "ith a 'ot o% capita's4 sir4 an- :@m p'ease- to make 1o$r ac<$aintance4G Cor"in sai-;
FNo"4 i% 1o$ -on@t min-4 :@- 'ike to )et thro$)h here to see m1 son;G
Bore'@s han- mo&e- to the hi't o% his b'a-e as he t$rne-; : "as a'rea-1 mo&in) %or"ar- b1 then4
an- so "as 9$ke; B$t there "as a mo&ement be1on- Bore'Da kick4 it seeme-4 'o"Dca$sin)
him to' a 'ot o% air an- -o$b'e %or"ar-; !hen a %ist -escen-e- $pon the back o% his neck an-
he %e'';
FCome on4G Cor"in ca''e-4 )est$rin); F: think "e@- better )et o$t o% here;G
9$ke an- : emer)e-4 steppin) o&er the %a''en Baster o% Arms o% the =a1s o% ,en-rake; !he
)ro$n- o%% to the 'e%t "as b'ackene-4 as i% %rom a recent br$sh%ire4 an- a 'i)ht rain ha- be)$n to
%a''; !here "ere other h$man %i)$res in the -istance no"4 mo&in) to"ar- $s;
F: -on@t kno" "hether the %orce that bro$)ht me here can )et me o$t a)ain4G Cor"in sai-4
'ookin) abo$t; F:t ma1 be other"ise occ$pie-;G (e&era' moments passe-4 then4 F: )$ess it is4G he
sai-; FOka14 it@s $p to 1o$; ,o" -o "e %'ee>G
F!his "a14G : to'- him4 t$rnin) an- breakin) into a r$n;
!he1 %o''o"e- me $p the trai's that ha- bro$)ht me to this p'ace; : 'ooke- back an- sa" that si.
-ark %i)$res p$rs$e- $s;
: hea-e- $phi''4 past the markers an- mon$ments4 comin) at 'ast to the p'ace besi-e the o'-
stone "a''; B1 then4 there "ere sho$ts %rom behin- $s; :)norin) them4 : -re" m1 companions to
me an- came $p "ith an imprompt$ co$p'et that -escribe- the sit$ation an- m1 -esire in
some"hat 'ess than per%ect meter; (ti''4 the charm he'-4 an- a h$r'e- cobb'e on'1 misse- me
beca$se "e "ere a'rea-1 sinkin) into the earth;
=e emer)e- %rom the %air1 rin)4 comin) $p 'ike m$shrooms4 an- : 'e- m1 companions across
the %ie'-4 ?o))in) to the san-bank; As "e entere- there : hear- another sho$t; =e e.ite- the
bo$'-er an- -escen-e- the rock1 trai' to the )ibbet tree; !$rnin) 'e%t on the trai'4 : be)an to r$n;
F,o'- $pIG Cor"in ca''e-; F: %ee' it aro$n- here some"here; !hereIG
,e 'e%t the trai' to the ri)ht an- be)an r$nnin) to"ar- the base o% a sma'' hi''; 9$ke an- :
%o''o"e-; +rom behin- $s came the so$n-s o% o$r p$rs$ers@ emer)ence %rom the "a1 at the
Ahea-4 : sa" somethin) %'ickerin) bet"een t"o trees; =e seeme- to be hea-in) to"ar- it; As "e
-re" nearer4 its o$t'ine became c'earer4 an- : rea'i6e- that it possesse- the conto$rs o% that
Pattern-'ike ima)e : ha- behe'- back in the ma$so'e$m;
/a- -i- not break stri-e as he approache-4 b$t char)e- ri)ht into the thin); An- &anishe-;
Another cr1 rose $p behin- $s; 9$ke "as ne.t thro$)h the shimmerin) screen4 an- : "as c'ose on
his hee's;
=e "ere r$nnin) thro$)h a strai)ht4 )'o"in)4 pear'1 t$nne' no"4 an- "hen : )'ance- back : sa"
that it seeme- to be c'osin) in behin- me;
F!he1 can@t %o''o"4G Cor"in sho$te-; F!hat en-@s a'rea-1 c'ose-;G
F!hen "h1 are "e r$nnin)>G : aske-;
F=e@re sti'' not sa%e4G he rep'ie-; F=e@re c$ttin) thro$)h the 9o)r$s@s -omain; :% "e@re spotte-
there co$'- sti'' be tro$b'e;G
=e race- on thro$)h that stran)e t$nne'4 an-4 F=e@re r$nnin) thro$)h (ha-o">G : aske-;
F!hen it "o$'- seem that the %arther "e )o4 the betterDG
!he "ho'e thin) shook4 an- : ha- to p$t o$t a han- to keep %rom bein) thro"n -o"n;
FOh-oh4G 9$ke sai-;
FAes4G : a)ree- as the t$nne' be)an to come apart; Bi) ch$nks seeme- to be torn o$t o% the
"a''s4 the %'oor; !here "as on'1 m$rk behin- these rents; =e kept )oin)4 'eapin) the openin)s;
!hen somethin) str$ck a)ain4 so$n-'ess'14 comp'ete'1 shatterin) the entire passa)eDaro$n- $s4
behin- $s4 be%ore $s;
=e %e'';
=e''4 "e -i-n@t e.act'1 %a''; =e sort o% -ri%te- in a t"i'it %o); !here -i-n@t seem to be an1thin)
$n-er%oot4 or in an1 other -irection either; :t "as a %ree-%a'' sensation4 "ith nothin) to meas$re
possib'e mo&ement a)ainst;
F/amnIG : hear- Cor"in sa1;
=e ho&ere-4 %e''4 -ri%te-D"hate&erD%or a time4 an-4 F(o c'ose4G : hear- him m$tter;
F(omethin) that "a14G 9$ke s$--en'1 anno$nce-4 )est$rin) to his ri)ht;
A bi) shape 'oome- )ra1'1; : mo&e- m1 min- into the spikar- an- probe- in that -irection;
=hate&er it "as4 it "as inanimate4 an- : comman-e- the spike that ha- to$che- it to )$i-e $s to
: -i- not %ee' m1se'% mo&in)4 b$t the thin) 'oome- 'ar)er4 took on %ami'iar o$t'ines4 be)an to
sho" a re--ish comp'e.ion; =hen the %ins became apparent4 : kne" %or certain;
F9ooks 'ike that Po''1 Eackson 1o$ ha&e4G 9$ke remarke-; F2&en has the sno" on it;G
Aes4 it "as m1 re- an- "hite @57 Che&1 that "e "ere approachin)4 there in 9imbo;
F:t@s a constr$ct; :t@s been p$''e- %rom m1 min- be%ore4G : to'- him; FProbab'1 beca$se it@s &i&i-4
:@&e st$-ie- it so o%ten; A'so4 it seems &er1 appropriate ?$st no";G
: reache- to"ar- the -oor han-'e; =e "ere comin) $p on the -ri&er@s si-e; : ca$)ht ho'- an-
p$she- the b$tton; :t "as4 o% co$rse4 $n'ocke-; !he others to$che- the &ehic'e in &ario$s p'aces
an- -re" themse'&es a'on) to the other si-e; : opene- the -oor4 s'i- in behin- the "hee'4 c'ose-
the -oor; 9$ke an- Cor"in "ere enterin) b1 then; !he ke1s "ere in the i)nition4 as :@- e.pecte-;
=hen e&er1one "as aboar- : trie- startin) it; !he en)ine ca$)ht imme-iate'1; : stare- o$t across
the bri)ht hoo- into nothin)ness; : s"itche- on the hea-'i)hts an- that -i-n@t he'p;
F=hat no">G 9$ke aske-;
: shi%te- into %irst4 re'ease- the emer)enc1 brake4 an- 'et o$t the c'$tch; As : )a&e it the )as4 it
seeme- the "hee's "ere t$rnin); A%ter a %e" moments : shi%te- into secon-; A bit 'ater : p$t it
into thir-;
=as there the tiniest %ee'in) o% traction4 or "as it on'1 the po"er o% s$))estion>
: %e- it more )as; !he %o))1 prospect seeme- to bri)hten s'i)ht'14 %ar ahea-4 tho$)h : s$ppose-
this co$'- simp'1 be some e%%ect o% m1 starin) in that -irection;
!here "as no partic$'ar %ee-back %rom the steerin) "hee'; : p$she- har-er on the acce'erator;
9$ke reache- o$t s$--en'1 an- t$rne- on the ra-io; FDha6ar-o$s -ri&in) con-itions4G came an
anno$ncer@s &oice; F(o keep 1o$r spee- to a minim$m;G !here imme-iate'1 %o''o"e- =1nton
Barsa'is p'a1in) FCara&an;G
!akin) it as a persona' messa)e4 : ease- $p on the )as; !his pro-$ce- a -e%inite %ee'in) o% 'i)ht
traction4 as i%4 perhaps4 "e "ere )'i-in) on ice;
A sensation o% %or"ar- mo&ement %o''o"e-4 an- there -i- seem a bri)htenin) in the -istance;
A'so4 it seeme- as i% : ha- ac<$ire- some "ei)ht4 "as sett'in) more -eep'1 into the seat;
Boments 'ater the sensation o% a rea' s$r%ace beneath the car became more prono$nce-; :
"on-ere- "hat "o$'- happen i% : t$rne- the "hee'; : -eci-e- not to tr1 it;
!he so$n- %rom beneath the tires became more )ritt1; /im o$t'ines occ$rre- at either han-4
increasin) the %ee'in) o% mo&ement an- -irection as "e passe- them; +ar ahea-4 the "or'- "as
in-ee- bri)hter no";
: s'o"e- e&en more beca$se it be)an %ee'in) as i% : "ere ne)otiatin) a rea' roa-4 "ith &er1 poor
&isibi'it1; (hort'1 therea%ter4 the hea-'i)hts -i- seem to be operatin) "ith some e%%ect4 as the1
str$ck a %e" o% the passin) shapes4 )i&in) them the momentar1 appearance o% trees an-
embankments4 shr$b c'$sters4 rocks; !he rear&ie" mirror contin$e- to re%'ect nothin)ness4
FE$st 'ike o'- times4G 9$ke sai-; F#oin@ o$t %or pi66a on a ba- e&enin);G
FAeah4G : a)ree-;
F: hope the other me has someone open a pi66a par'or in 3ash%a; Co$'- $se one there4 1o$
F:@'' come b1 an- tr1 it4 i% he -oes;G
F=here -o 1o$ think this "ho'e b$siness is )oin) to 'ea&e me4 an1"a1>G
F: -on@t kno"4 9$ke;G
F: mean4 : can@t keep -rinkin) 1o$r b'oo-; An- "hat abo$t the other me>G
F: think : can o%%er 1o$ a ?ob that "i'' take care o% the prob'em4G Cor"in sai- to him; F+or a
"hi'e4 an1"a1;G
!he trees "ere -e%inite'1 trees no"4 the %o)Drea' %o)Dmo&in) abo$t a bit; Bea-s o% moist$re
be)an to %orm on the "in-shie'-;
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G 9$ke aske-;
F:n a min$te;G
!here "ere breaks in the %o) no"4 rea' 'an-scape &isib'e thro$)h them; Abr$pt'14 : became
a"are that it "as not a rea' roa- s$r%ace on "hich : "as -ri&in)4 b$t rather a %air'1 'e&e' piece o%
)ro$n-; : s'o"e- e&en more to accommo-ate this;
A bi) section o% ha6e -isso'&e- or b'e" a"a1 then re&ea'in) the presence o% an enormo$s tree;
A'so4 a section o% the )ro$n- seeme- to be )'o"in); !here "as a %ami'iar %ee'in) to this partia'
F!his is the p'ace o% 1o$r Pattern4 isn@t it>G : aske-4 as o$r "a1 )re" e&en c'earer; F+iona
bro$)ht me here once;G
FAes4G came the rep'1;
FAn- its ima)eD!hat@s the thin) : sa" con%rontin) the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s back in the )ra&e1ar-
Dthe same thin) that 'e- $s into the t$nne';G
F!henD:t@s sentient4 too; 9ike Amber@s4 'ike the 9o)r$sDG
F!r$e; Park it o&er there4 in that c'ear area b1 the tree;G
: t$rne- the "hee' an- hea-e- to"ar- the 'e&e' spot he ha- in-icate-; +o) sti'' h$n) abo$t the
p'ace4 b$t no"here near as hea&1 an- a''-encompassin) as on the trai' "e ha- taken; :t mi)ht
ha&e been t"i'i)ht4 %rom the sha-in) o% the mist4 b$t the )'o" %rom that eccentric Pattern
bri)htene- o$r c$p-shape- "or'- be1on- a -a1@s en- -imness;
As "e c'imbe- o$t Cor"in sai- to 9$ke4 FPattern )hosts ten- not to 'ast 'on);G
F(o : $n-erstan-4G 9$ke rep'ie-; FAo$ kno" an1 tricks %or someone in this position>G
F: kno" them a''4 sir; :t takes one to kno"4 as the1 sa1;G
F/a-;;;>G : sai-; FAo$ mean;;;G
FAes4G he rep'ie-; F: -o not kno" "here the %irst &ersion o% m1se'% mi)ht be;G
FAo$ are the one : enco$ntere- a "hi'e back> !he one "ho mi)ht ha&e been present in Amber
recent'14 a'so>G
F:Dsee; Aet4 1o$ -on@t seem e.act'1 'ike others :@&e enco$ntere-;G
,e reache- o$t an- c'aspe- m1 sho$'-er;
F:@m not4G he sai-4 an- he )'ance- to"ar- the Pattern; F: -re" that thin)4G he "ent on4 a 'itt'e
'ater4 Fan- :@m the on'1 person e&er to ha&e "a'ke- it; Conse<$ent'14 :@m the on'1 )host it can
s$mmon; A'so4 it seems to re)ar- me "ith somethin) other than $ti'itarian attention; =e can
comm$nicate4 in a "a14 an- it seems to ha&e been "i''in) to -e&ote the ener)1 nee-e- to keep
me stab'eD%or a 'on) "hi'e no"; =e ha&e o$r o"n p'ans4 an- o$r re'ationship seems a'most
s1mbiotic; : )ather that those o% Amber@s Pattern an- those o% the 9o)r$s are more in the nat$re
o% ephemera;G
F!hat@s been m1 e.perience4G : sai-;
FDe.cept %or one4 to "hom 1o$ ministere-4 %or "hich : am )rate%$'; (he is $n-er m1 protection
no"4 %or so 'on) as it sha'' 'ast;G
,e re'ease- m1 sho$'-er;
F: ha&en@t been proper'1 intro-$ce- to 1o$r %rien- 1et4G he sai- then;
F2.c$se me; A bit o% e.ten$ation there4G : sai-; F9$ke4 :@- 'ike 1o$ to meet m1 %ather4 Cor"in o%
Amber; (ir4 9$ke is proper'1 kno"n as 0ina'-o4 son o% 1o$r brother Bran-;G
Cor"in@s e1es "i-ene- %or an instant4 then narro"e- as he e.ten-e- his han-4 st$-1in) 9$ke@s
F#oo- to meet a %rien- o% m1 son@s4 as "e'' as a re'ati&e4G he sai-;
F#'a- to kno" 1o$4 too4 sir;G
F:@- "on-ere- "hat it "as that seeme- so %ami'iar abo$t 1o$;G
F:t kin- o% s'o"s -o"n "ith appearances4 i% that@s "hat 1o$@re )ettin) at; Ba1be e&en stops
/a- 'a$)he-;
F=here@- 1o$ t"o meet>G
F:n schoo'4G 9$ke rep'ie-; FBerke'e1;G
F=here e'se mi)ht a pair o% $s come to)ether> Not in Amber4 o% co$rse4G he sai-4 t$rnin) a"a1
then to %ace his Pattern %$''1; F:@'' )et 1o$r stor1 1et; B$t come "ith me no"; : "ant to -o an
intro-$ction m1se'%;G
,e hea-e- o%% to"ar- the shinin) -esi)n an- "e %o''o"e- him4 a %e" "isps o% %o) -ri%tin) past
$s; (a&e %or o$r short %oot%a''s4 the p'ace "as si'ent;
=hen "e came $p to the e-)e o% his Pattern "e ha'te- an- stare- o$t across it; :t "as a )race%$'
-esi)n4 too bi) to take in at a )'anceC an- a %ee'in) o% po"er seeme- to p$'se o$t"ar- %rom it;
F,i4G he sai-; F: "ant 1o$ to meet m1 son an- m1 nephe"4 Ber'in an- 0ina'-oDtho$)h :
be'ie&e 1o$ met Ber'in once be%ore; 0ina'-o has a prob'em;G !here %o''o"e- a 'on) si'ence;
!hen he sai-4 FAes4 that@s ri)ht4G an- a%ter a time4 FAo$ rea''1 think so>G an-4 FOka1; ($re4 :@'' te''
,e stretche- an- si)he- an- took a %e" paces a"a1 %rom the Pattern@s e-)e; !hen he e.ten-e-
his arms an- p$t them aro$n- both o$r sho$'-ers;
FBen4G he sai- then4 F:@&e )ot an ans"er o% sorts; B$t it means "e@re a'' )oin) to ha&e to "a'k
this Pattern4 %or -i%%erent reasons;G
F:@m )ame4G 9$ke sai-; FB$t "hat@s the reason>G
F:t@s )oin) to a-opt 1o$4G Cor"in sai-4 Fan- s$stain 1o$ as it -oes me; !here@s a price4 tho$)h;
!he time@s )ettin) nearer "hen it "i'' "ant to be )$ar-e- %$''-time; =e can spe'' each other;G
F(o$n-s %ine4G 9$ke sai-; F!his p'ace is kin- o% peace%$'; An- : -i-n@t rea''1 "ant to )o back to
3ash%a an- tr1 to -epose m1se'%;G
FOka1; :@'' 'ea-4 an- 1o$ ho'- on to m1 sho$'-er in case there are an1 %$nn1 &ibes to -ea' "ith;
Ber'in4 1o$ come 'ast an- maintain contact "ith 9$ke4 %or the same reason; A'' ri)ht>G
F($re4G : sai-; F9et@s )o;G
,e re'ease- $s an- mo&e- to the p'ace "here the 'ine o% the -esi)n be)an; =e %o''o"e-4 an-
9$ke@s han- "as on his sho$'-er as he took the %irst step; (oon "e "ere a'' o% $s on the Pattern4
str$))'in) the %ami'iar str$))'e; 2&en "hen the sparks be)an to rise4 tho$)h4 this one seeme- a
'itt'e easier than : reca''e- %rom Pattern "a'ks in the past4 possib'1 beca$se someone e'se "as
'ea-in) the "a1;
:ma)es o% a&en$es 'ine- "ith ancient chestn$t trees %i''e- m1 min- as "e tr$-)e- a'on) an-
%o$)ht o$r "a1 thro$)h the +irst 7ei'; B1 then4 the sparks came hi)her abo$t $s an- : %e't the
%orces o% the Pattern beatin) abo$t me4 penetratin) me4 bo-1 an- min-; : reca''e- m1 -a1s in
schoo'4 remembere- m1 )reatest e%%orts on the ath'etic %ie'-; !he resistance contin$e- to rise4 an-
"e 'eane- into it; Bo&in) m1 %eet became a )reat e%%ort4 an- : rea'i6e- thatDsomeho"Dthe
e%%ort "as more important than the mo&ement; : %e't m1 hair be)innin) to rise as a c$rrent passe-
entire'1 thro$)h m1 bo-1; (ti''4 this ha- not to it the ma--enin) <$a'it1 o% the 9o)r$s the time :
ha- ne)otiate- it4 nor the a-&ersaria' %ee'in) : ha- %e't $pon Amber@s Pattern; :t "as a'most as i% :
tra&erse- the interior o% a min-4 one not $nkin-'1 -ispose- to"ar- me; !here "as a %ee'in)Do%
enco$ra)ement4 a'mostDas : str$))'e- a'on) a c$r&e4$te- a t$rn; !he resistance "as as
stron)4 the sparks came as hi)h as on the other at abo$t this point4 1et : someho" kne" that this
Pattern he'- me in a -i%%erent %ashion; =e p$she- o$r "a1 a'on) the 'ines; =e t$rne-4 "e
b$rne-;;;; Penetratin) the (econ- 7ei' "as a s'o"-motion e.ercise in stamina an- "i''; O$r "a1
ease- %or a time a%ter that4 an- ima)es %rom a'' o&er m1 'i%e came to %ri)hten an- conso'e me;
=a'kin); One4 t"o;;;; !hree; : %e't that i% : "ere ab'e to take ten more steps : "o$'- ha&e a
chance to "in thro$)h; +o$r;;;; : "as -renche- "ith perspiration; +i&e; !he resistance "as a"%$';
:t took a'' the e%%ort o% r$nnin) a h$n-re- meters ?$st to inch m1 %oot ahea-; B1 '$n)s "ere
"orkin) 'ike a be''o"s; (i.; !he sparks reache- m1 %ace4 passe- m1 e1es4 en&e'ope- me
comp'ete'1; : %e't as i% : ha- been trans%orme- into an immorta' b'$e %'ame an- that : m$st4
someho"4 b$rn m1 "a1 thro$)h a b'ock o% marb'e; : b$rne- an- : b$rne- an- the stone remaine-
$nchan)e-; : co$'- spen- a'' o% eternit1 this "a1; Perhaps : a'rea-1 ha-; (e&en; An- the ima)es
"ere )one; A'' o% memor1 ha- %'e-; 2&en m1 i-entit1 "as on &acation; : "as strippe- to a thin)
o% p$re "i''; : "as an act4 an act o% stri&in) a)ainst resistance; 2i)ht;;;; : no 'on)er %e't m1 bo-1;
!ime "as an a'ien concept; !he stri&in) "as no 'on)er stri&in)4 b$t a %orm o% e'ementa'
mo&ement no"4 besi-e "hich )'aciers r$she-; Nine; No" : "as on'1 mo&ementDin%initesima'4 a
!here came an easin); :t "o$'- become -i%%ic$'t a)ain at the center en-4 b$t : kne" that the rest
o% the "a'k "as antic'ima.; (omethin) 'ike a s'o"4 'o" m$sic b$o1e- me as : tr$-)e- ahea-4
t$rne-4 tr$-)e-; :t "as "ith me thro$)h the +ina' 7ei'4 an- as : passe- the mi-point o% that %ina'
stri-e4 it became somethin) 'ike FCara&an;G
=e stoo- there at the center4 si'ent %or a 'on) "hi'e4 breathin) -eep'1; 2.act'1 "hat : ha-
achie&e-4 : "as $ncertain; : -i- %ee'4 tho$)h4 that4 in some "a14 : kne" m1 %ather better as a
res$'t; (tran-s o% mist sti'' -ri%te-4 across the Pattern4 across the &a''e1;
F: %ee'Dstron)er4G 9$ke anno$nce- 'ater; FAes4 :@'' he'p )$ar- this p'ace; :t seems a )oo- "a1 to
spen- some time;G
FB1 the "a14 9$ke4 "hat "as 1o$r messa)e %or me>G : aske-;
FOh4 to te'' 1o$ to c'ear o$t o% the Co$rts4G he rep'ie-4 Fthat thin)s "ere )ettin) -an)ero$s;G
F: a'rea-1 kne" the -an)er part4G : sai-; FB$t there are sti'' thin)s : m$st -o;G
,e shr$))e-; F=e''4 that@s the messa)e4G he sai-; FNo p'ace rea''1 seems sa%e ?$st no";G
F!here "on@t be an1 prob'ems here 1et4G Cor"in sai-; FNeither Po"er kno"s e.act'1 ho" to
approach this p'ace or "hat to -o "ith it; :t@s too stron) %or Amber@s Pattern to absorb4 an- the
9o)r$s -oesn@t kno" ho" to -estro1 it;G
F(o$n-s prett1 eas14 then;G
F!here "i'' probab'1 come a time 'ater4 tho$)h4 "hen the1 "i'' tr1 to mo&e a)ainst it;G
F*nti' then4 "e "ait an- "atch; Oka1; :% some thin)s -o come4 "hat mi)ht the1 be>G
FProbab'1 )hostsD'ike o$rse'&esDseekin) to 'earn more abo$t it4 to test; Ao$ an1 )oo- "ith
that b'a-e>G
F:n a'' mo-est14 1es; :% that@s not )oo- eno$)h4 :@&e st$-ie- the Arts4 as "e'';G
F!he1@'' %a'' to stee'4 tho$)h it@s %ire the1@'' b'ee-Dnot b'oo-; Ao$ can ha&e the Pattern transport
1o$ o$tsi-e no"4 i% 1o$ "ish; :@'' ?oin 1o$ in a %e" moments to sho" 1o$ "here the "eapons are
cache-4 an- the other s$pp'ies; :@- 'ike to take a 'itt'e trip an- 'ea&e 1o$ in char)e %or a "hi'e;G
F($re thin)4G 9$ke sai-; F=hat abo$t 1o$4 Ber'e>G
F:@&e )ot to )et back to the Co$rts; :@&e a '$ncheon en)a)ement "ith m1 mother4 an- then
("a1&i''@s %$nera' to atten-;G
F:t ma1 not be ab'e to sen- 1o$ a'' the "a1 to the Co$rts4G Cor"in sai-; F!hat@s )ettin) a"%$''1
near the 9o)r$s; B$t 1o$@'' "ork somethin) o$t "ith it4 or &ice &ersa; ,o" is /ara>G
F:t@s been a 'on) time since :@&e seen her %or more than a %e" moments4G : ans"ere-; F(he is sti''
peremptor14 arro)ant4 an- o&er-so'icito$s "hen it comes to me; : )et the impression4 too4 that she
ma1 be in&o'&e- in 'oca' po'itica' schemin) as "e'' as aspects o% the 'ar)er re'ationship bet"een
the Co$rts an- Amber;G
9$ke c'ose- his e1es %or a moment an- &anishe-; (hort'1 a%ter"ar-4 : sa" him besi-e the Po''1
Eackson car; ,e opene- the -oor4 s'i- onto the passen)er seat4 'eane- an- %i--'e- "ith somethin)
insi-e; A 'itt'e 'ater : co$'- hear the ra-io p'a1in) m$sic across the -istance;
F:t@s 'ike'14G Cor"in sai-; F: ne&er $n-erstoo- her4 1o$ kno"; (he came to me o$t o% no"here at
a stran)e time in m1 'i%e4 she 'ie- to me4 "e became 'o&ers4 she "a'ke- the Pattern in Amber4 an-
she &anishe-; :t "as 'ike a bi6arre -ream; :t "as ob&io$s that she $se- me; +or 1ears : tho$)ht
that it "as on'1 to )et kno"'e-)e o% the Pattern an- access to it; B$t :@&e ha- a 'ot o% time %or
re%'ection recent'14 an- :@m no 'on)er certain that that "as the case;G
FOh>G : sai-; F=hat4 then>G
FAo$4G he rep'ie-; FBore an- more :@m comin) to think4 "hat she rea''1 "ante- "as to bear a
son or -a$)hter o% Amber;G
: %e't m1se'% )ro" co'-; Co$'- the reason %or m1 o"n e.istence ha&e been s$ch a ca'c$'ate-
thin)> ,a- there been no a%%ection there at a''> ,a- : been intentiona''1 concei&e- to ser&e some
specia' p$rpose> : -i- not at a'' 'ike the notion; :t ma-e me %ee' the "a1 #host"hee' m$stC
care%$''1 str$ct$re- pro-$ct o% m1 ima)ination an- inte''ect4 b$i't to test -esi)n i-eas on'1 an
Amberite co$'- ha&e come $p "ith; Aet he ca''e- me F/a-;G ,e act$a''1 seeme- to care abo$t
me; O--'14 : ha- be)$n %ee'in) an irrationa' a%%ection %or him m1se'%; =as it part'1 beca$se "e
"ere e&en more a'ike than : ha- conscio$s'1 rea'i6e->
F=h1>G : aske-; F=h1 "o$'- it ha&e been so important to her that : be born>G
F: can on'1 remember her %ina' "or-s "hen she ha- comp'ete- the Pattern4 t$rnin) into a -emon
in the process; TAmber4@ she sai-4 T"i'' be -estro1e-;@ !hen she "as )one;G
: "as shakin) no"; !he imp'ications "ere so $nsett'in) that : "ante- to cr14 s'eep4 or )et -r$nk;
An1thin)4 %or a moment@s respite;
FAo$ think that m1 e.istence mi)ht be part o% a 'on)-term p'an %or the -estr$ction o% Amber>G :
FTBi)ht4G@ he sai-; F: co$'- be "ron)4 ki-; : co$'- be &er1 "ron)4 an- i% that@s the case :
apo'o)i6e %or tro$b'in) 1o$ this m$ch; On the other han-4 it "o$'- a'so be "ron) o% me not to 'et
1o$ kno" "hat the possibi'it1 is;G
: massa)e- m1 temp'es4 m1 bro"4 m1 e1es;
F=hat sho$'- : -o>G : sai- then; F: -on@t "ant to he'p -estro1 Amber;G
,e c'aspe- me to his breast %or a moment an- sai-4 FNo matter "hat 1o$ are an- no matter
"hat@s been -one to 1o$4 there "i'' ha&e to be some e'ement o% choice %or 1o$4 sooner or 'ater;
Ao$ are )reater than the s$m o% 1o$r parts4 Ber'in; No matter "hat "ent into 1o$r birth an- 1o$r
'i%e $p to no"4 1o$@&e )ot e1es an- a brain an- a set o% &a'$es; /on@t 'et an1bo-1 b$''shit 1o$4 not
e&en me; An- "hen the time comes4 i% it comes4 make -amn s$re the choice is 1o$r o"n;
Nothin) that@s )one be%ore "i'' matter then;G
,is "or-s4 )enera' as the1 ha- to be4 -re" me back %rom the p'ace in m1 spirit "here : ha-
retreate-; F!hanks4G : sai-;
,e no--e-; !hen4 F=hi'e 1o$r %irst imp$'se ma1 be to %orce a con%rontation on this matter4G he
sai-4 F: "o$'- a-&ise a)ainst it; :t "o$'- achie&e nothin) other than makin) her a"are o% 1o$r
s$spicions; :t "o$'- be pr$-ent to p'a1 a more care%$' )ame an- see "hat 1o$ can 'earn;G
: si)he-;
FAo$@re ri)ht4 o% co$rse4G : sai-; FAo$ came a%ter me as m$ch to te'' me this as to he'p me
escape4 -i-n@t 1o$>G
,e smi'e-;
FOn'1 "orr1 abo$t important thin)s4G he sai-; F=e@'' meet a)ain;G An- then he "as )one;
: sa" him4 s$--en'14 o&er near the car4 ta'kin) to 9$ke; : "atche- as he sho"e- him "here the
caches "ere 'ocate-; : "on-ere- "hat time it "as back in the Co$rts; A%ter a "hi'e4 the1 both
"a&e- to me; !hen Cor"in shook han-s "ith 9$ke an- t$rne- an- "a'ke- o%% into the %o); :
co$'- hear the ra-io p'a1in) F9i'i Bar'ene;G
: %oc$se- m1 min- on the Pattern@s transportin) me to the =a1s o% (a"a''; !here "as a
momentar1 s"ir'in) o% b'ackness; =hen it c'eare- : "as sti'' stan-in) at the center o% the Pattern;
: trie- a)ain4 this time %or ($h$1@s cast'e; A)ain4 it re%$se- to p$nch m1 ticket;
F,o" c'ose can 1o$ sen- me>G : %ina''1 aske-;
!here "as another s"ir'in)4 b$t this one "as bri)ht; :t -e'i&ere- me to a hi)h promontor1 o%
"hite stone beneath a b'ack sk14 besi-e a b'ack sea; !"o semicirc'es o% pa'e %'ame parenthesi6e-
m1 position; Oka14 : co$'- 'i&e "ith that; : "as at +ire #ate4 a "a1-e.chan)e in (ha-o" near to
the Co$rts; : %ace- the sea an- co$nte-; =hen :@- 'ocate- the %o$rteenth %'ickerin) to"er on m1
'e%t4 : "a'ke- to"ar- it;
: emer)e- be%ore a %a''en to"er beneath a pink sk1; =a'kin) to"ar- it4 : "as transporte- to a
)'ass1 ca&ern thro$)h "hich a )reen ri&er %'o"e-; : pace- besi-e the ri&er ti'' : %o$n- the
steppin)-stones that took me to a trai' thro$)h an a$t$mn "oo-; : %o''o"e- this %or a'most a mi'e
ti'' : %e't the presence o% a "a1 near the base o% an e&er)reen; !his took me to the si-e o% a
mo$ntain4 "hence three more "a1s an- t"o %i'mies ha- me on the nai' to '$nch "ith m1 mother;
Accor-in) to the sk14 : ha- no time to chan)e c'othes;
: ha'te- near a crossroa-s to -$st m1se'% o%%4 strai)hten m1 appare'4 comb m1 hair; : "on-ere-4
as : "as abo$t the b$siness4 "ho mi)ht recei&e m1 ca''in) "ere : to tr1 to reach 9$ke &ia his
!r$mpD9$ke himse'%4 his )host4 both> Co$'- the )hosts recei&e !r$mp ca''s> : %o$n- m1se'%
"on-erin) "hat "as )oin) on back in Amber4 too; An- : tho$)ht o% Cora'4 an- Na1-a;;;; ,e'';
: "ante- to be some"here e'se; : "ante- to be %ar a"a1; !he Pattern@s "arnin)4 &ia 9$ke4 "as
"e'' taken; Cor"in ha- )i&en me too m$ch to think abo$t4 an- : ha-n@t ha- time to sort it thro$)h
proper'1; : -i- not "ant to be in&o'&e- in "hate&er "as )oin) on here in the Co$rts; : -i- not 'ike
a'' o% the imp'ications in&o'&in) m1 mother; : -i- not %ee' 'ike atten-in) a %$nera'; : %e't
someho"4 a'so4 $nin%orme-; Ao$@- think that i% somebo-1 "ante- somethin) %rom meD
somethin) &er1 importantDthe1@- at 'east take the time to e.p'ain the sit$ation an- ask %or m1
cooperation; :% it "ere a re'ati&e4 there "as a stron) possibi'it1 :@- )o a'on) "ith it; #ettin) m1
cooperation "o$'- seem a 'ot 'ess -ice1 than an1 tricker1 inten-e- to contro' m1 actions; :
"ante- to be a"a1 %rom those "ho "o$'- contro' me4 as "e'' as the )ames the1 "ere p'a1in);
: co$'- t$rn an- hea- back into (ha-o"4 probab'1 'ose m1se'% there; : co$'- hea- back to
Amber4 te'' 0an-om e&er1thin) : kne"4 e&er1thin) : s$specte-4 an- he "o$'- protect me a)ainst
the Co$rts; : co$'- )o back to the (ha-o" 2arth4 come $p "ith a ne" i-entit14 )et back into
comp$ter -esi)n;;;;
!hen4 o% co$rse4 : "o$'- ne&er kno" "hat "as )oin) on an- "hat ha- )one be%ore; As %or m1
%ather@s rea' "hereabo$tsD:@- been ab'e to reach him %rom the Co$rts4 ne&er %rom an1"here e'se;
:n this sense4 he "as nearb1; An- there "as no one e'se aro$n- here 'ike'1 to he'p him;
: "a'ke- ahea- an- t$rne- ri)ht; : ma-e m1 "a1 to"ar- a p$rp'in) sk1; : "o$'- be on time;
An- so : came4 a)ain4 into the =a1s o% (a"a''; : ha- emer)e- %rom the re- an- 1e''o" starb$rst
-esi)n painte- hi)h $pon the )atesi-e "a'' o% the %ront co$rt1ar-4 -escen-e- the :n&isib'e (tair4
an- peere- %or 'on) moments -o"n into the )reat centra' pit4 "ith its &ie" o% b'ack t$rb$'ence
be1on- the 0im; A %a''in) star b$rne- its "a1 -o"n the p$rp'e sk1 as : t$rne- a"a14 hea-e- %or
the copper-chase- -oor an- the 'o" Ba6e o% Art be1on- it;
=ithin4 : reca''e- the man1 times : ha- been 'ost in that ma6e as a chi'-; !he ,o$se o% (a"a''
ha- been a serio$s co''ector o% art %or a)es4 an- the co''ection "as so &ast that there "ere se&era'
"a1s into "hich one "as cast "ithin the ma6e itse'%4 'ea-in) one thro$)h t$nne's4 a h$)e spira'4
an- "hat seeme- an o'- train station be%ore bein) sh$nte- back to miss the ne.t t$rn; : ha- been
'ost in it %or -a1s on one occasion4 an- "as %ina''1 %o$n- cr1in) be%ore an assemb'a)e o% b'$e
shoes nai'e- to a boar-; : "a'ke- it no"4 s'o"'14 'ookin) at o'- monstrosities4 an- some ne"er
ones; !here "ere a'so strikin)'1 'o&e'1 pieces mi.e- in4 s$ch as the h$)e &ase that 'ooke- as i% it
ha- been car&e- %rom a sin)'e %ire opa'4 an- a set o% o-- ename'e- tab'ets %rom a -istant sha-o"
"hose meanin) an- %$nction no one in the %ami'1 co$'- be %o$n- to reca''; : ha- to stop an- see
both a)ain4 rather than shortc$ttin) the )a''er14 the tab'ets bein) a partic$'ar %a&orite o% mine;
: "as h$mmin) an o'- t$ne #r1'' ha- ta$)ht me as : came $p to the %ier1 &ase an- re)ar-e- it; :
seeme- to hear a sma'' cha%in) noise4 b$t )'ances $p an- -o"n the corri-or re&ea'e- no one e'se
in the &icinit1; !he a'most sens$a' c$r&es o% the &ase be))e- to be to$che-; : co$'- remember a''
o% the times : ha- been %orbi--en to -o so as a chi'-; : p$t m1 'e%t han- %or"ar- s'o"'14 reste- it
$pon it; :t "as "armer than :@- tho$)ht it mi)ht be; : s'i- m1 han- a'on) its si-e; :t "as 'ike a
%ro6en %'ame;
F,e''o4G : m$ttere-4 rememberin) an a-&ent$re "e@- share-; F:t@s been a 'on) time;;;;G
FBer'in>G came a sma'' &oice;
: "ith-re" m1 han- imme-iate'1; :t "as as i% the &ase ha- spoken;
FAes4G : sai- then; FAes;G
A)ain4 the cha%in) so$n-4 an- a bit o% sha-o" stirre- "ithin the cream1 openin)4 abo&e the %ire;
F(s4G sai- the sha-o"4 risin);
F#'ait>G : aske-;
F:t can@t be; Ao$@&e been -ea- %or 1ears;G
FNot -ea-; (s'eepin);G
F: ha&en@t seen 1o$ since : "as a ki-; Ao$ "ere in?$re-; Ao$ -isappeare-; : tho$)ht 1o$@- -ie-;G
F: ss'eep; : ss'eep to hea'; : ss'eep to %or)et; : ss'eep to rene" m1sse'%;G
: e.ten-e- m1 arm; !he sha))1 snake hea- rose hi)her4 e.ten-e- itse'%4 %e'' $pon m1 %orearm4
c'imbe-4 "rappe- itse'%;
FAo$ certain'1 chose e'e)ant s'eepin) <$arters;G
F: kne" the ?$) to be a %a&orite o% 1o$rss; :% : "aite- 'on) eno$)h : kne" 1o$ "o$'- come b1
a)ain4 sstop to a-mire it; An- : "o$'- kno" an- rise $p in m1 ssp'en-or to )reet 1o$; B14 1o$
ha&e )ro"nIG
FAo$ 'ook prett1 m$ch the same; A 'itt'e thin4 perhaps;;;;G
: stroke- her hea- )ent'1;
F:t is )oo- to kno" 1o$ are "ith $s sti''4 'ike some honore- %ami'1 spirit; Ao$ an- #r1'' an-
3er)ma ma-e m1 chi'-hoo- a better thin) than it mi)ht ha&e been;G
(he raise- her hea- hi)h4 stroke- m1 cheek "ith her nose;
F:t "armss m1 co'- b'oo- to ssee 1o$ a)ain4 -ear bo1; Ao$@&e tra&e'e- %ar>G
F: ha&e; 7er1;G
FOne ni)ht "e sha'' eat mice an- 'ie bessi-e a %ire; Ao$ "i'' "arm me a ssa$cer o% mi'k an- te''
me o% 1o$r a-&ent$ress ssince 1o$ 'e%t the =a1ss o% (sa"a''; =e "i'' %in- ssome marro" boness
%or #r1''4 i% he be ssti'' abo$tDG
F,e seems to ser&e m1 $nc'e ($h$1 these -a1s; =hat o% 3er)ma>G
F: -o not kno"; :t hass been sso 'on);G
: he'- her c'ose to "arm her;
F!hank 1o$ %or "aitin) here %or me in 1o$r )reat -ro"se4 to )reet meDG
F:ss more than %rien-'iess4 he''oss;G
FBore> =hat then4 #'ait> =hat is it>G
FA thin) to sho"; =a'k that "a1;G
(he )est$re- "ith her hea-; : mo&e- in the -irection she in-icate-Dthe "a1 : ha- been hea-in)
an1ho"4 to "here the corri-ors "i-ene-; : co$'- %ee' her &ibratin) a)ainst m1 arm "ith the
bare'1 a$-ib'e p$rrin) so$n- she sometimes ma-e;
($--en'14 she sti%%ene- an- her hea- rose4 s"a1in) s'i)ht'1;
F=hat is it>G : aske-;
FBi-ice4G she sai-; FBi-ice nearb1; : m$sst )o h$ntin)Da%ter : sho" 1o$Dthe thin);
F:% 1o$ "o$'- -ine %irst4 : "i'' "ait;G
FNo4 Ber'in; Ao$ m$sst not be 'ate %or "hate&er bro$)ht 1o$ here; !here is importance in the
air; 9aterD%easstD&ermin;;;;G
=e came into a "i-e4 hi)h4 sk1'i)hte- section o% the )a''er1; +o$r 'ar)e pieces o% meta' stat$ar1
Dbron6e an- copper4 most'1Dstoo- in an as1mmetrica' arran)ement abo$t $s;
FOn"ar-4G #'ait sai-; FNot here;G
: t$rne- ri)ht at the ne.t corner an- p'$n)e- ahea-; (hort'14 "e came to another -isp'a1Dthis
one resemb'in) a meta' %orest;
F(s'o" no"; (s'o"4 -ear -emon chi'-;G
: ha'te- an- st$-ie- the trees4 bri)ht4 -ark4 shin14 -$''; :ron4 a'$min$m4 brass4 it "as most
impressi&e; :t "as a'so a -isp'a1 that ha- not been present the 'ast time : ha- passe- this "a14
1ears be%ore; Nothin) o-- abo$t that4 o% co$rse; !here ha- a'so been chan)es in other areas : ha-
passe- thro$)h;
FNo"; ,ere; !$rn in; #o back;G
: mo&e- on into the %orest;
FBear ri)ht; !he ta'' one;G
: ha'te- "hen : came to the c$r&e- tr$nk o% the ta''est tree to m1 ri)ht;
F!his one>G
FAess; Ne)otiate itD$p"ar-Dp'easse;G
FAo$ mean c'imb it>G
One nice thin) abo$t a st1'i6e- treeDor4 at 'east4 this st1'i6e- treeD"as that it spira'e-4 s"e''e-4
an- t"iste- in s$ch a %ashion as to pro&i-e better han-ho'-s an- %ootho'-s than at %irst seeme-
apparent; : ca$)ht ho'-4 -re" m1se'% $p4 %o$n- a p'ace %or m1 %oot4 p$''e- a)ain4 p$she-;
,i)her; ,i)her4 sti''; =hen : "as perhaps ten %eet abo&e the %'oor : ha'te-;
F*h4 "hat -o : -o no" that :@m here>G : aske-;
FC'imb hi)her;G
F(soon; (soon; Ao$@'' kno";G
: -re" m1se'% abo$t a %oot hi)her4 an- then : %e't it;
:t is not so m$ch a tin)'in) as it is a kin- o% press$re; One mi)ht on'1 %ee' a tin)'in)4 too4
sometimes4 i% the1 'ea- somep'ace risk1;
F!here@s a "a1 $p there4G : sai-;
FAess; : "ass coi'e- abo$t a branch o% the b'$e tree "hen a sha-o"masster opene- it; !he1
ss'e" him a%ter"ar-ss;G
F:t m$st 'ea- to somethin) &er1 important;G
F: ss$ppose; : am not a )oo- ?$-)eDo% peop'e thin)ss;G
FAo$ ha&e been thro$)h>G
F!hen it is sa%e>G
FA'' ri)ht;G
: c'imbe- hi)her4 resistin) the %orce o% the "a1 $nti' :@- bro$)ht both %eet to the same 'e&e'; !hen
: re'a.e- into the t$))in) an- 'et it take me thro$)h;
: e.ten-e- both han-s4 too4 in case the s$r%ace "as $ne&en; B$t it "asn@t; !he %'oor "as
bea$ti%$''1 ti'e- in b'ack4 si'&er4 )ra14 an- "hite; !o the ri)ht "as a )eometric -esi)n4 to the 'e%t a
representation o% the Pit o% Chaos;
B1 e1es "ere -irecte- -o"n"ar- %or on'1 a %e" moments4 tho$)h;
F#oo- 9or-IG : sai-;
F=ass : ri)ht> :t iss important>G #'ait sai-;
F:t is important4G : rep'ie-;
Chapter "
!here "ere can-'es a'' abo$t the chape'4 man1 o% them as ta'' as : am4 an- near'1 as bi) aro$n-;
(ome "ere si'&er4 some "ere )ra1C a %e" "ere "hite4 a %e" b'ack; !he1 stoo- at &ario$s hei)hts4
in art%$' -isposition4 on banks4 'e-)es4 pattern points on the %'oor; !he1 -i- not pro&i-e the main
i''$mination4 ho"e&er; !his obtaine- %rom o&erhea-4 an- : %irst ass$me- it to procee- %rom a
sk1'i)ht; =hen : )'ance- $p"ar- to )a$)e the hei)ht o% the &a$'t4 tho$)h4 : sa" that the 'i)ht
emanate- %rom a 'ar)e b'$e-"hite )'obe con%ine- behin- a -ark meta' )rate;
: took a step %or"ar-; !he nearest can-'e %'ame %'ickere-;
: %ace- a stone a'tar that %i''e- a niche across the "a1; B'ack can-'es b$rne- at either han- be%ore
it4 sma''er si'&er ones $pon it; +or a moment4 : simp'1 re)ar-e- it;
F9ookss 'ike 1o$4G #'ait remarke-;
F: tho$)ht 1o$r e1es -i-n@t re)ister t"o--imensiona' representations;G
F:@&e 'i&e- a 'on) time in a m$sse$m; =h1 hi-e 1o$r pict$re $p a ssecret "a1>G
: mo&e- %or"ar-4 m1 )a6e on the paintin);
F:t@s not me4G : sai-; F:t@s m1 %ather4 Cor"in o% Amber;G
A si'&er rose stoo- "ithin a b$- &ase be%ore the portrait; =hether it "as a rea' rose or the
pro-$ct o% art or ma)ic4 : co$'- not te'';
An- #ra1s"an-ir 'a1 there be%ore it4 -ra"n a %e" inches %rom the scabbar-; :@- a %ee'in) this
"as the rea' thin)4 that the &ersion "orn b1 the Pattern )host o% m1 %ather "as itse'% a
: reache- %or"ar-4 raise- it4 -re" it;
!here "as a %ee'in) o% po"er as : he'- it4 s"$n) it4 str$ck anen garde 4 '$n)e-4 a-&ance-; !he
spikar- came a'i&e4 center o% a "eb o% %orces; : 'ooke- -o"n4 s$--en'1 se'%-conscio$s;
F ; An- this is m1 %ather@s b'a-e4G : sai-4 ret$rnin) to the a'tar4 "here : sheathe- it; 0e'$ctant'14 :
'e%t it there;
As : backe- a"a14 #'ait aske-4 F!hiss iss important>G
F7er14G : sai- as the "a1 ca$)ht ho'- o% me an- sent me back to the treetop;
F=hat no"4 Basster Ber'in>G
F: m$st )et on to '$nch "ith m1 mother;G
F:n that case4 1o$@- besst -rop me here;G
F: co$'- ret$rn 1o$ to the &ase;G
FNo; : ha&en@t '$rke- in a tree %or a time; !hiss "i'' be %ine;G
: e.ten-e- m1 arm; (he $n"o$n- herse'% an- %'o"e- a"a1 across )'eamin) branches;
F#oo- '$ck4 Ber'in; 7issit me;G
An- : "as -o"n the tree4 sna))in) m1 tro$sers on'1 once4 an- o%% $p the corri-or at a <$ick
!"o t$rns 'ater : came to a "a1 to the main ha'' an- -eci-e- :@- better take it; : poppe- thro$)h
besi-e the massi&e %irep'aceDhi)h %'ames brai-in) themse'&es "ithin itDan- t$rne- s'o"'1 to
s$r&e1 the h$)e chamber4 tr1in) to seem as i% : ha- been there a 'on) "hi'e4 "aitin);
: seeme- the on'1 person present; =hich4 on re%'ection4 str$ck me as a bit o--4 "ith the %ire
roarin) that "a1; : a-?$ste- m1 shirt%ront4 br$she- m1se'% o%%4 ran m1 comb thro$)h m1 hair; :
"as inspectin) m1 %in)ernai's "hen : became a"are o% a %'ash o% mo&ement at the hea- o% the
)reat staircase to m1 'e%t;
(he "as a b'i66ar- "ithin a ten-%oot to"er; 9i)htnin)s -ance- at its center4 crack'in)C partic'es
o% ice c'icke- an- ratt'e- $pon the stairC the banister )re" %roste- "here she passe-; B1 mother;
(he seeme- to see me at abo$t the same time : sa" her4 %or she ha'te-; !hen she ma-e the t$rn
onto the stair an- be)an her -escent;
As she -escen-e-4 she shi%te- smooth'14 her appearance chan)in) a'most %rom step to step; As
soon as : rea'i6e- "hat "as occ$rrin) : re'a.e- m1 o"n e%%orts an- re&erse- their sma'' e%%ects; :
ha- commence- chan)in) the moment : ha- seen her4 an- pres$mab'1 she ha- -one the same on
&ie"in) me; : ha-n@t tho$)ht she@- )o to that e.tent to h$mor me4 a secon- time4 here on her o"n
!he shi%t "as comp'ete- ?$st as she reache- the bottommost stair4 becomin) a 'o&e'1 "oman in
b'ack tro$sers an- re- shirt "ith %'are- s'ee&es; (he 'ooke- at me a)ain an- smi'e-4 mo&e-
to"ar- me4 embrace- me;
:t "o$'- ha&e been )a$che to sa1 that :@- inten-e- shi%tin) b$t ha- %or)otten; Or an1 other
remark on the matter;
(he p$she- me o$t to arm@s -istance4 'o"ere- her )a6e an- raise- it4 shook her hea-;
F/o 1o$ s'eep in 1o$r c'othes be%ore or a%ter &io'ent e.ercise>G she aske- me;
F!hat@s $nkin-4G : sai-; F: stoppe- to si)htsee on the "a1 o&er an- ran into a %e" prob'ems;G
F!hat is "h1 1o$ are 'ate>G
FNo; :@m 'ate beca$se : stoppe- in o$r )a''er1 an- took 'on)er than :@- inten-e-; An- :@m not
&er1 'ate;G (he took ho'- o% m1 arm an- t$rne- me;
F: "i'' %or)i&e 1o$4G she sai-4 steerin) me to"ar- the rose an- )reen an- )o'--%'ecke- pi''ar o%
"a1s4 set in the mirrore- a'co&e across the room to the ri)ht;
: -i-n@t %ee' that ca''e- %or a response4 so : -i-n@t make one; : "atche- "ith interest as "e entere-
the a'co&e4 to see "hether she "o$'- con-$ct me in a c'ock-"ise -irection or its opposite abo$t
the pi''ar;
!he opposite4 it t$rne- o$t; :nterestin);
=e "ere re%'ecte- an- re-re%'ecte- %rom the three si-es; (o "as the room "e ha- <$itte-; An-
"ith each circ$it "e ma-e o% the pi''ar it became a -i%%erent room;
: "atche- it chan)e4 ka'ei-oscopica''14 $nti' she ha'te- me be%ore the cr1sta' )rotto besi-e the
$n-er)ro$n- sea; F:t@s been a 'on) time since : tho$)ht o% this p'ace4G : sai-4 steppin) %orth $pon
the p$re "hite san- into the cr1sta'-cast 'i)ht4 &ario$s'1 reminiscent o% bon%ires4 so'ar re%'ections4
can-e'abra4 an- 92/ -isp'a1s4 %$nctions o% si6e an- -istancin) perhaps4 'a1in) occasiona' pieces
o% rainbo" $pon the shore4 the "a''s4 the b'ack "ater;
(he took m1 han- an- 'e- me to"ar- a raise- an- rai'e- p'at%orm some sma'' -istance o%% to the
ri)ht; A tab'e stoo- %$'' set $pon it; A co''ection o% co&ere- tra1s occ$pie- a 'ar)er ser&in) tab'e
in'an- o% it; =e mo$nte- a sma'' stair4 an- : seate- her an- mo&e- to check o$t the )oo-ies ne.t
F/o sit -o"n4 Ber'in4G she sai-; F:@'' ser&e 1o$;G
F!hat@s a'' ri)ht4G : ans"ere-4 raisin) a 'i-; F:@m a'rea-1 here; :@'' -o the %irst ro$n-;G
(he "as on her %eet;
FB$%%et st1'e then4G she sai-;
=e %i''e- o$r p'ates an- mo&e- to the tab'e; (econ-s a%ter "e ha- seate- o$rse'&es a bri''iant
%'ash o% 'i)ht came to $s across the "ater4 i''$minatin) the archin) -ome o% the ca&ern &a$'t 'ike
the ribbe- interior o% some massi&e beast that "as -i)estin) $s;
FAo$ nee-n@t 'ook so apprehensi&e; Ao$ kno" the1 can@t come in this %ar;G
F=aitin) %or a th$n-erc'ap p$ts m1 appetite on ho'-4G : sai-;
(he 'a$)he- ?$st as a -istant ro'' o% th$n-er reache- $s;
FAn- that makes e&er1thin) a'' ri)ht>G she aske-;
FAes4G : rep'ie-4 raisin) m1 %ork;
F(tran)e4 the re'ati&es 'i%e )i&es $s4G she sai-;
: 'ooke- at her4 trie- to rea- her e.pression4 co$'-n@t;
(o4 FAes4G : sai-;
(he st$-ie- me %or a moment4 b$t : "asn@t )i&in) an1thin) a"a1 either; (o4 F=hen 1o$ "ere a
chi'- 1o$ "ent monos1''abic as a si)n o% pet$'ance4G she sai-;
FAes4G : sai-;
=e be)an eatin); !here "ere more %'ashes o$t o&er the sti''4 -ark sea; B1 'i)ht o% the 'ast one :
tho$)ht : ca$)ht si)ht o% a -istant ship4 b'ack sai's %$''-ri))e- an- be''ie-;
FAo$ kept 1o$r en)a)ement "ith Ban-or ear'ier>G
F,o" is he>G
F(omethin) botherin) 1o$4 Ber'in>G
FBan1 thin)s;G
F!e'' Bother>G
F=hat i% she@s a part o% it>G
F: "o$'- be -isappointe- i% : "ere not; (ti''4 ho" 'on) "i'' 1o$ ho'- the b$siness o% thet'iga
a)ainst me> : -i- "hat : tho$)ht "as ri)ht; : sti'' think it "as;G
: no--e- an- contin$e- che"in); A%ter a time4 FAo$ ma-e that c'ear 'ast c1c'e4G : sai-;
!he "aters )a&e a sma'' s'oshin) so$n-; A spectr$m -ri%te- across o$r tab'e4 her %ace;
F:s there somethin) e'se>G she aske-;
F=h1 -on@t 1o$ te'' me>G : sai-;
: %e't her )a6e; : met it;
F: -on@t kno" "hat 1o$ mean4G she ans"ere-;
FAre 1o$ a"are that the 9o)r$s is sentient> An- the Pattern>G : sai-;
F/i- Ban-or te'' 1o$ that>G she aske-;
FAes; B$t : a'rea-1 kne" it be%ore he -i-;G
F=e@&e been in to$ch;G
FAo$ an- the Pattern> Ao$ an- the 9o)r$s>G
F!o "hat en->G
FBanip$'ation4 :@- sa1; !he1@re en)a)e- in a po"er str$))'e; !he1 "ere askin) me to choose
F=hich -i- 1o$ choose>G
FNeither; =h1>G
FAo$ sho$'- ha&e to'- me;G
F+or co$nse'; Possib'1 %or assistance;G
FA)ainst the Po"ers o% the $ni&erse> ,o" "e'' connecte- are 1o$4 Bother>G
(he smi'e-;
F:t is possib'e that one s$ch as m1se'% ma1 possess specia' kno"'e-)e o% their "orkin)s;G
FOne s$ch as 1o$rse'%;;;>G
FA sorceress o% m1 ski''s;G
FE$st ho" )oo- are 1o$4 Bother>G
F: -on@t think the1 come m$ch better4 Ber'in;G
F+ami'1 is a'"a1s the 'ast to kno"4 : )$ess; (o "h1 -i-n@t 1o$ train me 1o$rse'%4 instea- o%
sen-in) me o%% to ($h$1>G
F:@m not a )oo- teacher; : -is'ike trainin) peop'e;G
FAo$ traine- Easra;G
(he ti'te- her hea- to the ri)ht an- narro"e- her e1es;
F/i- Ban-or te'' 1o$ that4 a'so>G she aske-;
F=ho4 then>G
F=hat -i%%erence -oes it make>G
FConsi-erab'e4G she rep'ie-; FBeca$se : -on@t be'ie&e 1o$ kne" it the 'ast time "e met;G
: reca''e- s$--en'1 that she ha- sai- somethin) abo$t Easra back at ($h$1@s4 somethin) imp'1in)
her %ami'iarit1 "ith her4 somethin) to "hich : "o$'- or-inari'1 ha&e risen sa&e that : "as -ri&in)
a 'oa- o% anim$s in a -i%%erent -irection at the time an- hea-in) -o"nhi'' in a th$n-erstorm "ith
the brakes makin) %$nn1 noises; : "as abo$t to ask her "h1 it mattere- "hen : 'earne- it4 "hen :
rea'i6e- that she "as rea''1 askin) %rom "hom :@- 'earne- it4 beca$se she "as concerne- "ith
"hom : mi)ht ha&e been speakin) on s$ch matters since 'ast "e@- met; Bentionin) 9$ke@s
Pattern )host -i- not seem po'itic4 so4 FOka14 Ban-or 'et it s'ip4G : sai-4 Fan- then aske- me to
%or)et it;G
F:n other "or-s4G she sai-4 Fhe e.pecte- it to )et back to me; =h1 -i- he -o it ?$st that "a1> :
"on-er; !he man is -amnab'1 s$bt'e;G
FBa1be he -i- ?$st 'et it s'ip;G
FBan-or 'ets nothin) s'ip; Ne&er make him an enem14 son;G
FAre "e ta'kin) abo$t the same person>G
(he snappe- her %in)ers;
FO% co$rse4G she sai-; F:t "as on'1 as a chi'- that 1o$ kne" him; Ao$ "ent a"a1 a%ter that; Ao$
ha&e seen him b$t a %e" times since; Aes4 he is s$bt'e4 insi-io$s4 -an)ero$s;G
F=e@&e a'"a1s )otten a'on) "e'';G
FO% co$rse; ,e ne&er anta)oni6es "itho$t a )oo- reason;G
: shr$))e- an- "ent on eatin);
A%ter a time she sai-4 F: -aresa1 he has ma-e simi'ar comments abo$t me;G
F: am $nab'e to reca'' an14G : ans"ere-;
F,as he been )i&in) 1o$ 'essons in circ$mspection4 too>G
FNo4 tho$)h :@&e %e't a nee- to teach m1se'%4 o% 'ate;G
F($re'14 1o$ obtaine- a %e" in Amber;G
F:% : -i-4 the1 "ere so s$bt'e : -i-n@t notice;G
F=e''4 "e''; Can it be : nee- -espair o% 1o$ no more>G
F: -o$bt it;G
F(o4 "hat mi)ht the Pattern or the 9o)r$s "ant o% 1o$>G
F: a'rea-1 to'- 1o$Da choice o% si-es;G
F:t is that -i%%ic$'t to -eci-e "hich 1o$ pre%er>G
F:t is that -i%%ic$'t to -eci-e "hich : -is'ike 'ess;G
FBeca$se the1 are4 as 1o$ sa14 manip$'ati&e o% peop'e in their str$))'e %or po"er>G
FE$st so;G
(he 'a$)he-; !hen4 F=hi'e it sho"s the )o-s as no better than the rest o% $s4G she sai-4 Fat 'east4
it sho"s them as no "orse; (ee here the so$rces o% h$man mora'it1; :t is sti'' better than none at
a''; :% these )ro$n-s be ins$%%icient %or the choosin) o% si-es4 then 'et other consi-erations r$'e;
Ao$ are4 a%ter a''4 a son o% Chaos;G
FAn- Amber4G : sai-;
FAo$ )re" $p in the Co$rts;G
FAn- : ha&e -"e''e- in Amber; B1 re'ati&es are as n$mero$s there as the1 are here;G
F:t is rea''1 that c'ose4 then>G
F:% it "ere not4 it mi)ht ha&e simp'i%ie- matters;G
F:n that case4G she sai-4 F1o$ m$st t$rn it aro$n-;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
FAsk not "hich appea's the most to 1o$4 b$t "hich can -o the most %or 1o$4G
: sippe- a %ine )reen tea as the storm ro''e- nearer; (omethin) sp'ashe- "ithin the "aters o% o$r
FA'' ri)ht4G : sai-4 F:@m askin);G
(he 'eane- %or"ar- an- smi'e- an- her e1es -arkene-; (he has a'"a1s ha- per%ect contro' o% her
%ace an- %orm4 shi%tin) them to s$it her moo-s; (he is ob&io$s'1 the same person4 b$t at times
she ma1 choose to appear as 'itt'e more than a )ir'4 at other times becomin) a mat$re an-
han-some "oman; #enera''14 she seems some"here in bet"een; B$t no"4 a certain time'ess
<$a'it1 came into her %eat$resDnot a)e so m$ch as the essence o% !imeDan- : rea'i6e- s$--en'1
that : ha- ne&er kno"n her tr$e a)e; : "atche- as somethin) 'ike a &ei' o% ancient po"er came
across it;
F!he 9o)r$s4G she sai-4 F"i'' 'ea- 1o$ to )reatness;G
: contin$e- to stare;
F=hat sort o% )reatness>G : aske-;
F=hat sort -o 1o$ -esire>G
F: -on@t kno" that : e&er "ante- )reatness4 on its o"n; :t seems rather 'ike "antin) to be an
en)ineer4 rather than "antin) to -esi)n somethin)Dor "antin) to be a "riter4 rather than
"antin) to "rite; :t sho$'- be a b1-pro-$ct4 not a thin) in itse'%; Other"ise4 it@s ?$st an e)o trip;G
FB$t i% 1o$ earn itDi% 1o$ -eser&e itDsho$'-n@t 1o$ ha&e it>G
F: s$ppose; B$t so %ar :@&e -one nothin)GDm1 e1es %e'' to a bri)ht circ'e o% 'i)ht beneath the
-ark "aters4 mo&in) as i% r$nnin) be%ore a stormDFe.cept perhaps %or an o-- piece o%
e<$ipment4 "hich mi)ht %a'' into that cate)or1;G
FAo$ are 1o$n)4 o% co$rse4G she sai-4 Fan- the times %or "hich 1o$ "ere meant to be $ni<$e'1
<$a'i%ie- ha&e come sooner than :@- anticipate-;G
:% : "ere to $se ma)ic to s$mmon a c$p o% co%%e4 "o$'- she resent that> Aes4 : be'ie&e-; (he
"o$'-; (o : -eci-e- on a )'ass o% "ine; As : po$re- it an- took a sip4 : sai-4 F:@m a%rai- : -on@t
$n-erstan- "hat 1o$@re ta'kin) abo$t;G
(he no--e-;
F:t is har-'1 somethin) 1o$ co$'- 'earn %rom introspection4G she sai- s'o"'14 Fan- no one "o$'-
be so rash as to mention the possibi'it1 to 1o$;G
F=hat are 1o$ ta'kin) abo$t4 Bother>G
F!he throne; !o rei)n in the Co$rts o% Chaos;G
FBan-or ha- sort o% s$))este- : think abo$t it4G : sai-;
FA'' ri)ht; No one4 e.ceptin) Ban-or4 "o$'- be so rash as to mention it;G
F: )ather mothers )et a certain kick o$t o% seein) their sons -o "e''4 b$t $n%ort$nate'1 1o$@&e
name- a ?ob %or "hich : 'ack not on'1 ski''4 aptit$-e4 an- trainin) b$t a'so an1 -esire;G
(he steep'e- her %in)ers an- re)ar-e- me %rom ?$st abo&e them;
FAo$ are better <$a'i%ie- than 1o$ think4 an- 1o$r -esires ha&e nothin) to -o "ith the matter;G
FAs an intereste- part14 : m$st be) to -i%%er "ith 1o$;G
F2&en i% it "ere the on'1 "a1 to protect %rien-s an- re'ati&es both here an- in Amber>G
: took another sip o% "ine;
FProtect them> A)ainst "hat>G
F!he Pattern is abo$t to tr1 re-e%inin) the mi--'e re)ions o% (ha-o" in its o"n ima)e; :t is
probab'1 stron) eno$)h to -o it no";G
FAo$ "ere ta'kin) o% Amber an- the Co$rts4 not o% (ha-o";G
F!he 9o)r$s "i'' ha&e to resist this inc$rsion; (ince it "o$'- probab'1 'ose in a -irect
con%rontation "ith its opposite4 it "i'' be %orce- to emp'o1 a)ents strate)ica''14 in a strike a)ainst
Amber; !he most e%%ecti&e a)ents "o$'-4 o% co$rse4 be champions o% the Co$rtsDG
F!his is ma-IG : sai-; F!here m$st be a better "a1IG
FPossib'14G she rep'ie-; FAccept the throne an- 1o$@'' be )i&in) the or-ers;G
F: -on@t kno" eno$)h;G
FAo$ "i'' be brie%e-4 o% co$rse;G
F=hat abo$t the proper or-er o% s$ccession>G
F!hat@s not 1o$r prob'em;G
F: rather think :@- ha&e an interest in ho" it@s achie&e-Dsa14 "hether :@- o"e 1o$ or Ban-or %or
the ma?orit1 o% -eaths;G
F:n that "e@re both (a"a''4 the <$estion becomes aca-emic;G
FAo$ mean 1o$@re cooperatin) on this>G
F=e ha&e o$r -i%%erences4G she sai-4 Fan- : -ra" the 'ine at an1 -isc$ssion o% metho-s;G
: si)he- an- took another -rink; !he storm ha- )ro"n "orse o&er the -ark "aters; :% that stran)e
'i)ht e%%ect beneath their s$r%ace "ere in-ee- #host"hee'4 : "on-ere- "hat he "as $p to; !he
'i)htnin)s "ere becomin) a stea-1 back-rop4 the th$n-er a contin$in) so$n-track;
F=hat -i- 1o$ mean4G : sai-4 F"hen 1o$ spoke o% the times %or "hich : "as meant to be
$ni<$e'1 <$a'i%ie->G
F!he present an- the imme-iate %$t$re4G she sai-4 F"ith the con%'ict that "i'' come;G
FNo4G : respon-e-; F: "as re%errin) to the b$siness abo$t m1 bein) Tmeant to be $ni<$e'1
<$a'i%ie-;@ ,o" so>G
:t m$st ha&e been the 'i)htnin)4 %or : ha- ne&er seen her b'$sh be%ore;
FAo$ combine t"o )reat b'oo-'ines4G she sai-; F!echnica''14 1o$r %ather "as 3in) o% Amber
brie%'1Dbet"een the rei)n o% Oberon an- that o% 2ric;G
F(ince Oberon "as sti'' a'i&e at the time an- ha- not ab-icate-4 neither rei)n sho$'- be
consi-ere- &a'i-4G : respon-e-; F0an-om is Oberon@s proper s$ccessor;G
FA case can be ma-e %or an imp'ie- ab-ication4G she sai-;
FAo$ pre%er that rea-in)4 -on@t 1o$>G
FO% co$rse;G
: "atche- the storm; : s"a''o"e- some "ine;
F!hat is "h1 1o$ "ishe- to bear Cor"in@s chi'->G : aske-;
F!he 9o)r$s ass$re- me that s$ch a chi'- "o$'- be $ni<$e'1 <$a'i%ie- to rei)n here;G
FB$t /a- ne&er rea''1 meant that m$ch to 1o$4 -i- he>G
(he 'ooke- a"a14 o$t to "here the circ'e o% 'i)ht "as no" racin) to"ar- $s4 'i)htnin)s %a''in)
behin- it; FAo$ ha&e no ri)ht to ask that <$estion4G she sai-;
F: kno" that; B$t it@s tr$e4 isn@t it>G
FAo$ are mistaken; ,e meant a )reat -ea' to me;G
FB$t not in an1 con&entiona' sense;G
F: am not a con&entiona' person;G
F: "as the res$'t o% a bree-in) e.periment; !he 9o)r$s se'ecte- the mate "ho "o$'- )i&e 1o$D
!he circ'e o% 'i)ht s"am nearer; !he storm %o''o"e- it4 comin) c'oser in to the shore than :@-
e&er seen one reach here be%ore;
FAn i-ea' 9or- o% Chaos4G she sai-4 F%it to r$'e;G
F(omeho" : %ee' there@s more to it than that4G : sai-;
/o-)in) 'i)htnin) bo'ts4 the bri)ht circ'e came $p o$t o% the "ater an- %'ashe- across the san-
to"ar- $s; :% she respon-e- to m1 'ast remark4 : co$'-n@t hear it; !he ens$in) th$n-ers "ere
!he 'i)ht came onto the -eckin)4 pa$se- near to m1 %oot;
F/a-4 can 1o$ protect me>G #host aske- in a '$'' bet"een th$n-erc'aps;
F0ise to m1 'e%t "rist4G : ba-e;
/ara stare- as he %o$n- his p'ace4 takin) on the appearance o% +rakir; :n the meantime4 the %ina'
%'ash o% 'i)htnin) -i- not -epart4 b$t stoo- %or a time 'ike a si66'in) sta'k at the "ater@s e-)e;
!hen it co''apse- into a ba'' that ho&ere- in the mi--'e air %or se&era' moments be%ore -ri%tin) in
o$r -irection; As it came on4 its str$ct$re be)an to chan)e;
=hen it -ri%te- to a position besi-e o$r tab'e it ha- become a bri)ht4 p$'sin) (i)n o% the 9o)r$s;
FPrincess /ara4 Prince Ber'in4G came that a"%$' &oice : ha- 'ast hear- on the -a1 o% the
con%rontation at Amber Cast'e4 F: -i- not "ish to -ist$rb 1o$r repast4 b$t that thin) 1o$ harbor
makes it necessar1;G A ?a))e- branch o% the ima)e "as %'ippe- in the -irection o% m1 'e%t "rist;
F:t@s b'ockin) m1 abi'it1 to shi%t a"a14G #host sai-;
F#i&e it to meIG
F=h1>G : aske-;
F!hat thin) has tra&erse- the 9o)r$s4G came the "or-s4 -i%%erin) at seemin) ran-om in pitch4
&o'$me4 accent;
:t occ$rre- to me that : mi)ht -e%1 it no" i% : "ere rea''1 as &a'$ab'e to the 9o)r$s as /ara ha-
in-icate-; (o4 F:t@s theoretica''1 open to a'' comers4G : respon-e-;
F: am m1 o"n 'a"4 Ber'in4 an- 1o$r #host"hee' has crosse- me be%ore; :@'' ha&e it no";G
FNo4G : sai-4 mo&in) m1 a"areness into the spikar-4 seekin) an- 'ocatin) a means o% instant
transport to an area "here the Pattern r$'e-; F:@'' not s$rren-er m1 creation so rea-i'1;G
!he bri)htness o% the (i)n increase-;
At this4 /ara "as on her %eet4 mo&in) to interpose herse'% bet"een it an- m1se'%;
F(ta14G she sai-; F=e@&e more important matters tc -ea' "ith than &en)eance $pon a to1; : ha&e
-ispatche- m1 co$sins ,en-rake %or the bri-e o% Chaos; :% 1o$ "ish this p'an to s$ccee-4 :
s$))est 1o$ assist them;G
F: reca'' 1o$r p'an %or Prince Bran-4 settin) the 'a-1 Easra to snare him; :t co$'- not %ai'4 1o$
to'- me;G
F:t bro$)ht 1o$ c'oser than 1o$ e&er came4 o'- (erpent4 to the po"er 1o$ -esire;G
F!hat is tr$e4G it ackno"'e-)e-;
FAn- the bearer o% the 21e is a simp'er bein) than Easra;G
!he (i)n s'i- past her4 a tin1 s$n t$rnin) itse'% into a s$ccession o% i-eo)rams;
FBer'in4 1o$ "i'' take the throne an- ser&e me "hen the time comes>G
F: "i'' -o "hat is necessar1 to re-ress the ba'ance o% po"er4G : rep'ie-;
F!hat is not "hat : aske-I =i'' 1o$ take the throne $n-er the terms : set>G
F:% that is "hat is nee-e- to set thin)s ri)ht4G : ans"ere-;
F!his p'eases me4G it sai-; F3eep 1o$r to1;G
/ara mo&e- asi-e4 an- it passe- near to her be%ore %a-in);
FAsk him o% 9$ke an- Cor"in an- the ne" Pattern4G it sai-4 an- then it "as )one;
(he t$rne- to"ar- me an- stare-;
FPo$r me a )'ass o% "ine4G she sai-;
: -i- this; (he raise- it an- took a s"a''o";
F(o te'' me o% 9$ke an- Cor"in an- the ne" Pattern4G she sai-;
F!e'' me o% Easra an- Bran-4G : co$ntere-;
FNo; Ao$ "i'' )o %irst in this4G she sai-;
F7er1 "e''4G : sai-; F:t ne)'ecte- to mention that the1 "ere Pattern )hosts; 9$ke@s appeare- to
me on the "a1 o&er here4 sent b1 the Pattern to pers$a-e me to -epart this rea'm; !he 9o)r$s
sent 9or- Bore'@s to -ispose o% 9$ke;G
F9$ke bein) 0ina'-o4 the son o% Easra an- Bran-4 h$sban- o% Cora' an- 3in) o% 3ash%a>G
F7er1 )oo-; No" te'' me o% a'' that b$siness at the en-; Ao$ set Easra to snare Bran-4 to )$i-e
him -o"n the path he took>G
F,e "o$'- ha&e taken it an1ho"; ,e came to the Co$rts seekin) po"er to %$rther his en-s; (he
mere'1 ma-e thin)s a 'itt'e easier %or him;G
F!hat@s not ho" it so$n-e- to me; B$t -oes that mean m1 %ather@s c$rse "as not rea''1 a %actor>G
FNo4 it he'pe-Din a metaph1sica' "a1Dmakin) it easier to e.ten- the B'ack 0oa- to Amber;
=h1 is it 1o$ are sti'' here4 "hen 3in) 0ina'-o ba-e 1o$ -epart> :s it 'o1a't1 to the Co$rts>G
F: ha- a -ate "ith 1o$ %or '$nch4 an- it@s been a "hi'e; ,ate- to miss it;G
(he smi'e-4 &er1 s'i)ht'14 an- took a sma'' sip o% "ine;
FAo$ chan)e the s$b?ect "e''4G she state-; F9et $s ret$rn to it no"; !he )host o% Bore'
-ispatche- that o% 0ina'-o4 : take it>G
FNot e.act'1;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
FB1 %ather@s )host sho"e- $p abo$t then an- -ea't "ith Bore'4 permittin) $s to -epart;G
FA)ain> Cor"in beste- Bore' a)ain>G : no--e-;
FNeither remembere- their %irst enco$nter4 o% co$rse; !heir memories on'1 )o back to the time
o% their recor-in)4 an-DG
F: $n-erstan- the princip'e; !hen "hat happene->G
F=e %'e-4G : ans"ere-4 Fan- : s$bse<$ent'1 came here;G
F=hat -i- the 9o)r$s mean in re%errin) to the ne" Pattern>G
FB1 %ather@s )host "as apparent'1 )enerate- thereC rather than b1 the o'- one;G
(he sat $pri)ht4 e1es s$--en'1 "i-e;
F,o" -o 1o$ kno" this>G she -eman-e-;
F,e to'- me4G : ans"ere-;
(he stare- past me then at the no"-si'ent sea; F(o the thir- po"er is act$a''1 takin) a part in
thin)s4G she m$se-; F!his is %ascinatin)4 as "e'' as -isconcertin); /amn the man %or ha&in)
-ra"n itIG
FAo$ rea''1 hate him4 -on@t 1o$>G : sai-;
,er e1es %oc$se- a)ain $pon m1 o"n;
F9et that s$b?ect beIG she or-ere-; F(a&e %or this4G she amen-e- a moment 'ater; F/i- he )i&e
1o$ an1 in-ication as to the ne" Pattern@s a''e)ianceDor its p'ans> !he %act that it sent him to
protect 9$ke mi)ht be seen as a secon-in) o% the o'- Pattern@s action; On the other han-Deither
beca$se it "as create- b1 1o$r %ather4 or beca$se it has its o"n $ses %or 1o$D: can see it simp'1
as an e%%ort at 1o$r protection; =hat -i- he sa1>G
F!hat he "ante- to )et me a"a1 %rom "here : "as;G
(he no--e-;
F=hich he ob&io$s'1 -i-4G she sai-; F/i- he sa1 an1thin) e'se> /i- an1thin) e'se happen that
mi)ht be important>G
F,e aske- a%ter 1o$;G
F0ea''1> An- that "as a''>G
F,e ha- no specia' messa)e4 i% that@s "hat 1o$ mean;G
F: see;G
(he 'ooke- a"a14 "as si'ent %or a time; !hen4 F!hose )hosts -on@t 'ast &er1 'on)4 -o the1>G she
FNo4G : rep'ie-;
F:t@s in%$riatin)4G she sai- at 'ast4 Fto think that4 -espite e&er1thin)4 he is sti'' ab'e to p'a1 a han-
in this;G
F,e@s a'i&e4 isn@t he4 Bother>G : sai-; FAn- 1o$ kno" "here he is;G
F:@m not his keeper4 Ber'in;G
F: think 1o$ are;G
F:t is impertinent to contra-ict me this "a1;G
FAet : m$st4G : respon-e-; F: sa" him o%% on his "a1 to the Co$rts; Certain'14 he "ante- to be
here "ith the others %or the peace sett'ement; 2&en more4 tho$)h4 he m$st ha&e "ante- to see
1o$; !here "ere so man1 $nans"ere- <$estions in his min-D"here 1o$ came %rom4 "h1 1o$
came to him4 "h1 1o$ parte- as 1o$ -i-DG
F2no$)hIG she crie-; F9et it beIG
: i)nore- her;
FAn- : kno" he "as here in the Co$rts; ,e "as seen here; ,e m$st ha&e 'ooke- 1o$ $p; =hat
happene- then> =hat sort o% ans"ers -i- 1o$ )i&e him>G
(he rose to her %eet4 )'arin) at me no";
F!hat "i'' be a''4 Ber'in4G she sai-; F:t seems impossib'e to con-$ct a ci&i'i6e- con&ersation
"ith 1o$;G
F:s he 1o$r prisoner4 Bother> /o 1o$ ha&e him 'ocke- a"a1 some"here4 somep'ace "here he
can@t bother 1o$4 can@t inter%ere "ith 1o$r p'ans>G
(he steppe- <$ick'1 a"a1 %rom the tab'e4 a'most st$mb'in);
F=retche- chi'-IG she sai-; FAo$@re ?$st 'ike himI =h1 -i- 1o$ ha&e to resemb'e him so>G
FAo$@re a%rai- o% him4 aren@t 1o$>G : sai-4 s$--en'1 rea'i6in) this co$'- "e'' be the case; FAo$@re
a%rai- to ki'' a Prince o% Amber4 e&en "ith the 9o)r$s on 1o$r si-e; Ao$@&e )ot him 'ocke- a"a1
some"here4 an- 1o$@re a%rai- he@'' come 'oose an- b'o" 1o$r 'atest p'ans; Ao$@&e been scare- %or
a 'on) time no" beca$se o% "hat 1o$@&e ha- to -o to keep him o$t o% action;G
FPrepostero$sIG she sai-4 backin) a"a1 as : ro$n-e- the tab'e; !here "as a 'ook o% )en$ine %ear
on her %ace no"; FAo$@re ?$st )$essin)IG she "ent on; F,e@s -ea-4 Ber'inI #i&e $pI 9ea&e me
a'oneI Ne&er mention his name in m1 presence a)ainI Aes4 : hate himI ,e "o$'- ha&e -estro1e-
$s a''I ,e sti'' "o$'-4 i% he co$'-IG
F,e is not -ea-4G : state-;
F,o" can 1o$ sa1 that>G
: bit -o"n on the -esire to te'' her :@- spoken "ith him4 he'- it back;
FOn'1 the )$i't1 protest so stron)'14G : sai-; F,e@s a'i&e; =here is he>G
(he raise- her han-s4 pa'ms in"ar-4 an- crosse- them $pon her breast4 e'bo"s 'o"; !he %ear "as
)one4 the an)er "as )one; =hen she spoke a)ain4 somethin) 'ike mocker1 seeme- her main
h$mor8 F!hen seek him4 Ber'in; B1 a'' means4 seek him;G
F=here>G : -eman-e-;
F9ook %or him in the Pit o% Chaos;G
A %'ame appeare- near her 'e%t %oot an- be)an orbitin) her bo-1 in a co$nterc'ock"ise -irection4
spira'in) $p"ar-4 'ea&in) a 'ine o% %ire to b'a6e re-'1 behin- it; B1 the time it reache- the cro"n
o% her hea- she "as entire'1 concea'e-; :t "ent o$t "ith a %aint "hooshin) so$n- then4 takin) her
a'on) "ith it;
: mo&e- %or"ar- an- kne't4 %ee'in) the area on "hich she@- stoo-; :t "as a 'itt'e "arm4 that@s a'';
Nice spe''; Nobo-1@- e&er ta$)ht me that one; !hinkin) back on it then4 : rea'i6e- that Bom ha-
a'"a1s ha- a %'air "hen it came to entrances an- e.its;
,e -ance- a"a1 %rom m1 "rist to ho&er in the air be%ore me;
FAre 1o$ sti'' barre- %rom transportin) 1o$rse'% thro$)h (ha-o">G
FNo4G he rep'ie-; F!hat "as 'i%te- "hen the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s -eparte-; : can tra&e'Din or o$t
o% (ha-o"; : can pro&i-e transportation %or 1o$; =o$'- 1o$ 'ike me to>G
FAes; !ake me into the )a''er1 $pstairs;G
F#a''er1> : p'$n)e- -irect'1 %rom the p'ace o% the 9o)r$s into the -ark sea4 /a-; :@m not <$ite
s$re as to the 'a1 o% the 'an- here;G
FNe&er min-4G : sai-; F:@'' mana)e it m1se'%;G
: acti&ate- the spikar-; 2ner)ies spira'e- %rom si. o% its tines4 enca)in) #host an- m1se'%4
s"ir'in) $s $p"ar- to the p'ace o% m1 -esire in the Ba6e o% Art; : trie- %or a %'ash o% %ire as "e
"ent4 b$t ha- no "a1 o% kno"in) "hether :@- achie&e- it; Bakes 1o$ "on-er ho" the rea''1
)oo- ones )et their practice;
Chapter #
: -e'i&ere- $s into that eerie ha'' that ha- a'"a1s been o'- (a"a''@s chie% -e'i)ht in the ma6e; :t
"as a sc$'pt$re )ar-en4 "ith no o$tsi-e 'i)ht so$rces an- sma'' base 'i)htin) on'1 abo$t the h$)e
pieces4 makin) it se&era' times -arker than m1 %a&orite 'o$n)e; !he %'oor "as $ne&enDconca&e4
con&e.4 steppe-4 ri-)e-D"ith conca&it1 bein) the -ominant c$r&e; :t "as -i%%ic$'t to )$ess at its
-imensions4 %or it seeme- o% -i%%erent si6e an- conto$r -epen-in) $pon "here one stoo-;
#ramb'e4 9or- (a"a''4 ha- ca$se- it to be constr$cte- "itho$t an1 p'ane s$r%acesDan- : be'ie&e
the ?ob in&o'&e- some $ni<$e sha-o"master1;
: stoo- besi-e "hat appeare- to be a comp'icate- ri))in) in the absence o% its shipDthat4 or an
e'aborate m$sica' instr$ment %it to be str$mme- b1 !itansDan- the 'i)ht t$rne- the 'ines to
si'&er4 r$nnin) 'ike 'i%e %rom -arkness to -arkness "ithin some ha'% seen %rame; Other pieces
?$tte- %rom "a''s an- h$n) 'ike sta'actites; As : stro''e-4 "hat ha- seeme- "a''s became %'oor to
me; !he pieces that ha- seeme- %'oore- no" ?$tte- or -epen-e-;
!he room chan)e- shape as : "ent4 an- a bree6e b'e" thro$)h it4 ca$sin) si)hs4 h$ms4 b$66es4
chimes; #ramb'e4 m1 step%ather4 ha- taken a certain -e'i)ht in this ha''4 "hereas %or me it ha-
'on) represente- an e.ercise in intrepi-it1 to &ent$re be1on- its thresho'-; As : )re" o'-er4
ho"e&er4 :4 too4 came to en?o1 it4 part'1 %or the occasiona' %risson it pro&i-e- m1 a-o'escence;
No"4 tho$)hDNo" : ?$st "ante- to "an-er it a %e" moments4 %or o'- times@ sake4 as : sorte-
thro$)h m1 tho$)hts; !here "ere so -amne- man1 o% them; !hin)s that ha- tanta'i6e- me %or
m$ch o% m1 a-$'t 'i%e seeme- near to e.p'anation no"; : "as not happ1 "ith a'' o% the
possibi'ities that t$mb'e- thro$)h m1 min-; (ti''4 no matter "hich ones came o$t on top4 it "o$'-
beat i)norance;
F=hat is this p'ace4 an1"a1>G #host aske-;
F:t@s a part o% the bi) art co''ection here at the =a1s o% (a"a''4G : e.p'aine-; FPeop'e come %rom
a'' o&er the Co$rts an- nearb1 (ha-o" to see it; :t "as a passion "ith m1 step%ather; : spent a 'ot
o% time "an-erin) these ha''s "hen : "as a ki-; !here are man1 hi--en "a1s in this p'ace;G
FAn- this partic$'ar room> !here@s somethin) "ron) "ith it;G
FAes an- no4G : sai-; F: )$ess it -epen-s on "hat 1o$ mean b1 T"ron);@G
FB1 perceptions are stran)e'1 a%%ecte- ?$st no";G
F!hat is beca$se the space itse'% is %o'-e- in here4 'ike some o-- ori)ami %i)$re; !he ha'' is
m$ch 'ar)er than it seems; Ao$ can "an-er thro$)h man1 times an- "itness a -i%%erent arra1 o%
-isp'a1s on each occasion; !here ma1 e&en be some interna' mo&ement in&o'&e-; : "as ne&er
s$re; On'1 (a"a'' kne" %or certain;G
F: "as ri)ht; (omethin)@s "ron) "ith it;G
F: rather 'ike it this "a1;G
: seate- m1se'% on a si'&er st$mp besi-e a spra"'e- si'&er tree;
F: "ant to see ho" it %o'-s4G he sai- at 'ast;
F#o ahea-;G
As he -ri%te- o%%4 : tho$)ht o% m1 recent inter&ie" "ith m1 mother; : "as remin-e- o%
e&er1thin) Ban-or ha- sai- or imp'ie-4 o% the con%'ict bet"een the Pattern an- the 9o)r$s4 o% m1
%ather as the champion o% the Pattern an- inten-e- kin) in Amber; ,a- she kno"n this4 kno"n it
as %act rather than spec$'ation> : ima)ine- she co$'- ha&e4 %or she seeme- to en?o1 a specia'
re'ationship "ith the 9o)r$s4 an- it "o$'- s$re'1 ha&e been a"are o% its a-&ersar1@s more
prominent -ecisions; (he@- a-mitte- that she -i- not 'o&e the man; :t seeme- as i% she ha- so$)ht
him %or "hate&er )enetic materia' ha- so impresse- the Pattern; ,a- she rea''1 been tr1in) to
bree- a champion %or the 9o)r$s>
: ch$ck'e- as : consi-ere- the res$'t; (he ha- seen me traine- "e'' in arms4 b$t : "as no"here
near /a-@s 'ea)$e; :@- pre%erre- sorcer14 b$t sorcerers "ere a -ime a -o6en in the Co$rts; +ina''14
she@- shippe- me o%% to co''e)e on that (ha-o" 2arth the Amberites %a&or; B$t a -e)ree in
Comp$ter (cience %rom Berke'e1 -i-n@t m$ch <$a'i%1 me to $pho'- the banner o% Chaos a)ainst
the %orces o% Or-er either; : m$st ha&e been a -isappointment to her;
: tho$)ht back to m1 chi'-hoo-4 to some o% the stran)e a-&ent$res %or "hich this p'ace ha-
ser&e- as a point o% -epart$re; #r1'' an- : "o$'- come here4 #'ait s'itherin) at o$r %eet4 coi'e-
abo$t a 'imb or ri-in) some"here ami- m1 )arments; : "o$'- )i&e that o-- $'$'ant cr1 : ha-
'earne- in a -ream4 an- sometimes 3er)ma "o$'- ?oin $s4 come skitterin) -o"n the %o'-s o%
-arkness4 o$t some %ra1e- area o% t"iste- space; : "as ne&er s$re e.act'1 "hat 3er)ma "as4 or
e&en o% "hat )en-er4 %or 3er)ma "as a shapeshi%ter an- %'e"4 cra"'e-4 hoppe-4 or ran in a
s$ccession o% interestin) %orms;
On an imp$'se4 : &oice- that ancient ca''; Nothin)4 o% co$rse4 happene-4 an- : sa" it moments
'ater %or "hat it "as8 a cr1 a%ter a &anishe- chi'-hoo-4 "hen : ha- at 'east %e't "ante-; No"4 no"
: "as nothin)Dneither Amberite nor Chaosite4 an- certain'1 a -isappointment to m1 re'ati&es on
both si-es; : "as a %ai'e- e.periment; :@- ne&er been "ante- %or m1se'%4 b$t as somethin) that
mi)ht come to pass; ($--en'1 m1 e1es "ere moist4 an- : he'- back a sob; An- :@'' ne&er kno"
"hat sort o% moo- : mi)ht ha&e "orke- m1se'% into beca$se : "as -istracte- then;
!here came a %'are o% re- 'i)ht %rom a point hi)h on the "a'' to m1 'e%t; :t "as in the %orm o% a
sma'' circ'e abo$t the %eet o% a h$man %i)$re;
FBer'inIG ca''e- a &oice %rom that -irection4 an- the %'ames 'eapt hi)her; B1 their 'i)ht4 : sa"
that %ami'iar %ace4 remin-in) me a bit o% m1 o"n4 an- : "as p'ease- "ith the meanin) it ha- ?$st
)i&en to m1 'i%e4 e&en i% that meanin) "as -eath;
: raise- m1 'e%t han- abo&e m1 hea- an- "i''e- a %'ash o% b'$e 'i)ht %rom the spikar-;
FO&er here4 E$rtIG : ca''e-4 risin) to m1 %eet; : be)an %ormin) the ba'' o% 'i)ht that "as to be his
-istraction "hi'e : rea-ie- the strike that "o$'- e'ectroc$te him; On re%'ection4 it ha- seeme- the
s$rest "a1 o% takin) him o$t; :@- 'ost co$nt o% the n$mber o% attempts he@- ma-e on m1 'i%e4 an-
:@- reso'&e- to take the initiati&e the ne.t time he came ca''in); +r1in) his ner&o$s s1stem
seeme- the s$rest "a1 to ice him4 -espite "hat the +o$ntain ha- -one %or him; FO&er here4 E$rtIG
FBer'inI : "ant to ta'kIG
F: -on@t; :@&e trie- it too o%ten4 an- :@&e nothin) 'e%t to sa1; Come on o&er an- 'et@s )et this -one
D"eapons4 han-s4 ma)ic; : -on@t care;G
,e raise- both han-s4 pa'ms o$t"ar-;
F!r$ceIG he crie-; F:t "o$'-n@t be ri)ht to -o it here in (a"a'';G
F/on@t )i&e me that scr$p'es shit4 brotherIG : crie-4 b$t e&en as : sai- it : rea'i6e- there mi)ht be
somethin) to it; : co$'- remember ho" m$ch the o'- man@s appro&a' ha- meant to him4 an- :
rea'i6e- that he@- hate to -o an1thin) to anta)oni6e /ara here on the premises; F=hat -o 1o$
"ant4 an1"a1>G
F!o ta'k; : mean it4G he sai-; F=hat -o : ha&e to -o>G
FBeet me o&er there4G : sai-4 castin) m1 ba'' o% 'i)ht to shine abo&e a %ami'iar ob?ect that 'ooke-
'ike a )iant ho$se o% car-s ma-e o% )'ass an- a'$min$m4 bo$ncin) 'i)ht %rom h$n-re-s o% p'anes;
FA'' ri)ht4G came the rep'1;
: be)an "a'kin) in that -irection; : sa" him approachin) %rom his4 an- : an)'e- m1 co$rse so
that o$r paths "o$'- not intersect; A'so4 : increase- m1 pace so as to arri&e ahea- o% him;
FNo tricks4G he ca''e- o$t; FAn- i% "e -o -eci-e "e can on'1 take it to the en-4 'et@s )o o$tsi-e;G
: entere- the str$ct$re at a point aro$n- the corner %rom his approach; :mme-iate'14 :
enco$ntere- si. ima)es o% m1se'%;
F=h1 here>G came his &oice %rom some"here near at han-;
F: -on@t s$ppose 1o$ e&er sa" a mo&ie ca''e- 9a-1 %rom (han)hai>G
F:t occ$rre- to me that "e co$'- "an-er aro$n- in here an- ta'k4 an- the p'ace "o$'- -o a 'ot to
keep $s %rom h$rtin) each other;G
: t$rne- a corner; !here "ere more o% me in -i%%erent p'aces; A %e" moments 'ater4 : hear- a
sharp intake o% breath %rom some"here near at han-; :t "as %o''o"e- a'most imme-iate'1 b1 a
F: be)in to $n-erstan-4G : hear- him sa1;
!hree steps an- another t$rn; : ha'te-; !here "ere t"o o% him an- t"o o% me; ,e "as not
'ookin) at me4 tho$)h; : reache- o$t s'o"'1 to"ar- one o% the ima)es; ,e t$rne-4 he sa" me; ,is
mo$th opene- as he steppe- back an- &anishe-;
F=hat -i- 1o$ "ant to ta'k abo$t>G : aske-4 ha'tin);
F:t@s har- to kno" "here to be)in;G
F!hat@s 'i%e;G
FAo$ $pset /ara <$ite a bit;;;;G
F!hat "as <$ick; : on'1 'e%t her ten4 %i%teen min$tes a)o; Ao$@re sta1in) here at (a"a''>G
FAes; An- : kne" she "as ha&in) '$nch "ith 1o$; : ?$st sa" her brie%'1 a 'itt'e "hi'e a)o;G
F=e''4 she -i-n@t make me %ee' too )oo- either;G
: t$rne- another corner an- passe- thro$)h a -oor"a1 in time to see him smi'e %aint'1;
F(he@s that "a1 sometimes; : kno"4G he sai-; F(he te''s me the 9o)r$s came b1 %or -essert;G
F(he sai- it seems to ha&e chosen 1o$ %or the throne;G
: hope- he sa" m1 shr$);
F:t seeme- that "a1; : -on@t "ant it4 tho$)h;G
FB$t 1o$ sai- 1o$@- -o it;G
FOn'1 i% there@s no other "a1 to restore a certain ba'ance o% %orces; :t@s a 'ast resort sort o% thin);
:t "on@t come to that4 :@m s$re;G
FB$t it chose 1o$;G
Another shr$);
F!mer an- !$bb'e prece-e me;G
F!hat -oesn@t matter; :@- "ante- it4 1o$ kno";G
F: kno"; (eems a prett1 -$mb career choice;G
($--en'14 he s$rro$n-e- me;
F:t -oes no"4G he a-mitte-; F:t "as )ettin) that "a1 some time4 tho$)h4 be%ore 1o$ )ot
-esi)nate-; : tho$)ht : ha- the e-)e each time "e met4 an- each time 1o$ came a 'itt'e c'oser to
ki''in) me;G
F:t -i- keep )ettin) messier;G
F!hat 'ast timeDin the ch$rch-in 3ash%a4 : "as certain : co$'- %ina''1 take 1o$ o$t; :nstea-4 1o$
-amn near -i- me in;G
F(a1 that /ara or Ban-or remo&e- !mer an- !$bb'e; Ao$ kne" 1o$@- ha&e to take care o% me
1o$rse'%4 b$t "hat abo$t /espi'>G
F,e@- step asi-e %or me;G
FAo$ aske- him>G
FNo; B$t :@m s$re;G
: mo&e- on;
FAo$ a'"a1s ass$me- too m$ch4 E$rt;G
FBa1be 1o$@re ri)ht4G he sai-4 appearin) an- &anishin) a)ain; F2ither "a14 it -oesn@t matter;G
F=h1 not>G
F: <$it; :@m o$t o% the r$nnin); !he he'' "ith it;G
F,o" come>G
F2&en i% the 9o)r$s ha-n@t ma-e its intentions c'ear4 : "as be)innin) to %ee' ner&o$s; :t "as not
?$st that : "as a%rai- 1o$@- ki'' me either; : )ot to thinkin) abo$t m1se'%4 an- the s$ccession;
=hat i% : ma-e it to the throne> :@m not so s$re as : once "as that :@m competent to ho'- it;G :
t$rne- a)ain4 ca$)ht a )'impse o% him 'ickin) his 'ips4 bro"s knotte-; F: co$'- mess $p the rea'm
se&ere'14G he "ent on4 F$n'ess : ha- )oo- a-&ice; An- 1o$ kno" that4 $'timate'14 it "o$'- come
%rom Ban-or or /ara; :@- "in- $p a p$ppet4 "o$'-n@t :>G
FProbab'1; B$t 1o$@&e )otten me &er1 c$rio$s; =hen -i- 1o$ start thinkin) this "a1> Bi)ht it
coinci-e "ith 1o$r treatment in the +o$ntain> =hat i% m1 interr$ption ma-e 1o$rs c'oser to the
correct co$rse there>G
F:t@s possib'e there@s somethin) to that4G he sai-; F:@m )'a- no" : -i-n@t )o the %$'' ro$te; :
s$spect it mi)ht ha&e -ri&en me ma-4 as it -i- Bran-; B$t it ma1 not ha&e been that at a''; OrD:
-on@t kno";G
!here "as si'ence as : si-'e- a'on) a passa)e"a14 m1 p$66'e- ima)es keepin) pace in the
mirrors at either han-;
F(he -i-n@t "ant me to ki'' 1o$4G he %ina''1 b'$rte- %rom some"here o%% to m1 ri)ht;
F,o" is she>G
F0eco&erin); Prett1 rapi-'14 act$a''1;G
F:s she here at (a"a''>G
F9ook4 :@- 'ike to see her; B$t i% she -oesn@t "ant to4 : $n-erstan-; : -i-n@t kno" it "as her "hen
: stabbe- Bask4 an- :@m sorr1;G
F(he ne&er rea''1 "ante- to h$rt 1o$; ,er <$arre' "as "ith Easra; =ith 1o$4 it "as an e'aborate
)ame; (he "ante- to pro&e she "as as )oo- asDma1be better thanD1o$; (he "ante- to sho"
1o$ "hat 1o$@- thro"n a"a1;G
F(orr14G : m$ttere-;
F!e'' me one thin)4 p'ease4G he sai-; F/i- 1o$ 'o&e her> /i- 1o$ e&er rea''1 'o&e her>G
: -i-n@t ans"er him imme-iate'1; A%ter a''4 :@- aske- m1se'% that <$estion man1 times4 an- :@-
ha- to "ait %or the ans"er4 too;
FAes4G : %ina''1 sai-; F: -i-n@t rea'i6e it ti'' it "as too 'ate4 tho$)h; Ba- timin) on m1 part;G
A 'itt'e 'ater : aske-4 F=hat abo$t 1o$>G
F:@m not )oin) to make the same mistake 1o$ -i-4G he rep'ie-; F(he@s "hat )ot me to thinkin)
abo$t a'' these thin)s;;;;G
F: $n-erstan-; :% she "on@t see me4 te'' her that : sai- :@m sorr1Dabo$t e&er1thin);G
!here "as no rep'1; : stoo- sti'' %or a time4 hopin) he@- catch $p "ith me4 b$t he -i-n@t;
!hen4 FOka14G : ca''e- o$t; FO$r -$e'@s en-e-4 so %ar as :@m concerne-;G
: be)an mo&in) a)ain; A%ter a time4 : came to an an- : steppe- thro$)h it;
,e "as stan-in) o$tsi-e4 'ookin) $p at a massi&e porce'ain %ace;
F#oo-4G he sai-;
: -re" near;
F!here@s more4G he sai-4 sti'' not 'ookin) at me;
F: think the1@re stackin) the -eck4G he state-;
F=ho> ,o"> =hat %or>G
FBom an- the 9o)r$s4G he to'- me; F!o p$t 1o$ on the throne; =ho@s the bri-e o% the Ee"e'>G
F: )$ess that "o$'- be Cora'; :t seems : -i- hear /ara $se that term at some point; =h1>G
F: o&erhear- her )i&in) or-ers 'ast c1c'e4 to some o% her ,en-rake kin; (he@s sen-in) a specia'
team to ki-nap this "oman an- brin) her here; : )ot the impression she@s inten-e- as 1o$r
F!hat@s ri-ic$'o$s4G : sai-; F(he@s marrie- to m1 %rien- 9$ke; (he@s M$een o% 3ash%aDG
,e shr$))e-;
FE$st te''in) 1o$ "hat : hear-4G he sai-; F:t ha- to -o "ith this ba'ancin) o% %orces thin);G
:n-ee-; : ha-n@t tho$)ht o% that possibi'it14 b$t it ma-e per%ect sense; =ith Cora'4 the Co$rts
"o$'- a$tomatica''1 obtain the Ee"e' o% E$-)ment4 or the 21e o% the (erpent as it "as kno"n
hereabo$t4 an- that ba'ance "o$'- certain'1 be a%%ecte-; A 'oss %or Amber4 a )ain %or the Co$rts;
:t co$'- be s$%%icient to achie&e "hat : "ante-4 the harmon1 that mi)ht postpone catastrophe
!oo ba- : co$'-n@t 'et it occ$r; !he poor )ir' ha- been ?erke- aro$n- too m$ch4 beca$se she
happene- to be in Amber at the "ron) time4 beca$se she happene- to take a 'ikin) to me; : can
reca'' once %ee'in) phi'osophica' in the abstract an- -eci-in)4 1es4 it "o$'- be oka1 to sacri%ice
one innocent %or the )oo- o% the man1; !hat "as back in co''e)e4 an- ha- somethin) to -o "ith
princip'es; B$t Cora' "as m1 %rien-4 m1 co$sin4 an- technica''1 m1 'o&erDtho$)h $n-er a set o%
circ$mstances that sho$'- har-'1 co$ntC an- a <$ick check o% m1 %ee'in)s4 so as not to be ca$)ht
$p short a)ain4 in-icate- that : co$'- %a'' in 'o&e "ith her; A'' o% "hich meant that phi'osoph1
ha- 'ost 1et another ro$n- in the rea' "or'-;
F,o" 'on) a)o -i- she sen- these peop'e o%%4 E$rt>G
F: -on@t kno" "hen the1 'e%tDor e&en i% the1@&e 'e%t 1et4G he rep'ie-; FAn- "ith the time
-i%%erentia'4 the1 co$'- be )one an- back a'rea-1 %or that matter;G
F!r$e4G : sai-4 an-4 F(hitIG
,e t$rne- an- 'ooke- at me;
F:t@s important in a'' sorts o% other "a1s4 too4 : s$ppose>G he sai-;
F:t is to her4 an- she is to me4G : ans"ere-;
,is e.pression chan)e- to one o% p$66'ement;
F:n that case4G he sai-4 F"h1 -on@t 1o$ ?$st 'et them brin) her to 1o$> :% 1o$ ha&e to take the
throne4 it "i'' s"eeten thin)s; :% 1o$ -on@t4 1o$@'' ha&e her "ith 1o$4 an1ho";G
F+ee'in)s are har- eno$)h to keep secret4 e&en aro$n- non-sorcerers4G : sai-; F(he co$'- be $se-
as a hosta)e a)ainst m1 beha&ior;G
FOh; : hate to sa1 this p'eases me; =hat : mean is;;;:@m p'ease- 1o$ care abo$t someone e'se;G
: 'o"ere- m1 hea-; : "ante- to reach o$t an- to$ch him4 b$t : -i-n@t;
E$rt ma-e a 'itt'e h$mmin) noise4 as he sometimes ha- "hen pon-erin) thin)s as a ki-; !hen4
F=e@&e )ot to )et her be%ore the1 -o4 an- mo&e her to somep'ace sa%e4G he sai-; FOr take her
a"a1 %rom them i% the1@&e a'rea-1 )ot her;G
,e smi'e-4 a rare e&ent;
FAo$ kno" "hat :@&e become; :@m to$)h;G
F: hope so4G : sai-; FB$t 1o$ kno" "hat@'' happen i% there are an1 "itnesses to sa1 it "as a
co$p'e o% the (a"a'' brothers behin- this> Bost 'ike'1 a &en-etta "ith ,en-rake;G
F2&en i% /ara ta'ke- them into it>G
F:t@'' 'ook 'ike she set them $p;G
FOka14G he sai-; FNo "itnesses;G
: co$'- ha&e sai- that a&ertin) &en-etta "o$'- sa&e a 'ot o% other 'i&es4 b$t that "o$'- ha&e
so$n-e- h1pocritica' e&en i% : -i-n@t mean it that "a1; :nstea-4 F!hat po"er 1o$ )aine- in the
+o$ntain4G : sai-4 F)i&es 1o$ somethin) :@&e hear- re%erre- to as a T'i&in) !r$mp@ e%%ect; (eems to
me 1o$ "ere ab'e to transport E$'ia as "e'' as 1o$rse'% "ith it;G
,e no--e-;
FCan it )et $s %rom here to 3ash%a in a h$rr1>G !he -istant so$n- o% an enormo$s )on) %i''e- the
F: can -o an1thin) the car-s can -o4G he sai-4 Fan- : can take someone a'on) "ith me; !he on'1
prob'em is that the !r$mps themse'&es -on@t ha&e that ran)e; :@- ha&e to take $s there in a series
o% ?$mps;G
!he )on) so$n-e- a)ain;
F=hat@s )oin) on>G : aske-;
F!he noise>G he sai-; F!hat@s notice that the %$nera' is abo$t to be)in; :t can be hear- thro$)ho$t
the Co$rts;G
FBa- timin);G
FBa1be4 ma1be not; :t@s )i&in) me an i-ea;G
F!e'' me abo$t it;G
F:t@s o$r a'ibi i% "e ha&e to take o$t some ,en-rakes;G
F,o" so>G
F!he time -i%%erentia'; =e )o to the %$nera' an- )et seen; =e s'ip o$t4 r$n o$r erran-4 come
back4 an- atten- the rest o% the ser&ice;G
FAo$ think the %'o" "i'' a''o" that>G
F: think there@s a )oo- chance4 1es; :@&e -one a 'ot o% ?$mpin) aro$n-; :@m startin) to )et a rea'
%ee' %or %'o"s;G
F!hen "e@'' )i&e it a tr1; !he more con%$sion the better;G
A)ain4 the )on);
0e-4 the co'or o% the %ire o% 'i%e that %i''s $s4 is the co'or o% mo$rnin) )arments in the Co$rts; :
$se- the spikar- rather than the (i)n o% the 9o)r$s to s$mmon s$itab'e c'othin) %or m1se'%; :@- a
-esire to a&oi- an1 commerce4 e&en the most m$n-ane4 "ith that Po"er4 %or no";
E$rt then tr$mpe- $s to his <$arters4 "here he ha- s$itab'e )arments o% his o"n %rom the 'ast
%$nera' he@- atten-e-; :@- a sma'' -esire to see m1 o'- room4 too; (ometime4 perhaps4 "hen :
"asn@t r$she-;;;;
=e "ashe- $p4 combe-4 trimme-4 -resse- <$ick'1; : took on a chan)e- %orm then4 as -i- E$rt4
an- "e "ent thro$)h the rit$a' a)ain at this 'e&e'4 be%ore )arbin) o$rse'&es %or the occasion;
(hirt4 breeches4 ?acket4 c'oak4 ank'ets4 brace'ets4 scar%4 an- ban-annaD"e 'ooke- incen-iar1;
=eapons ha- to be 'e%t behin-; =e p'anne- to ret$rn %or them on the "a1 o$t;
F0ea-1>G E$rt aske- me;
,e ca$)ht ho'- o% m1 arm an- "e "ere transporte-4 arri&in) at the in"ar- e-)e o% the P'a6a at
the 2n- o% the =or'-4 "here a b'$e sk1 -arkene- abo&e a con%'a)ration o% mo$rners mi''in)
a'on) the ro$te the procession "o$'- take; =e passe- amon) them4 in hope o% bein) seen b1 as
man1 as possib'e; : "as )reete- b1 a %e" o'- ac<$aintances; *n%ort$nate'14 most "ante- to stop
an- ta'k4 not ha&in) seen me %or some time; E$rt ha- simi'ar prob'ems; Bost a'so "on-ere- "h1
"e "ere here4 rather than back at the !he'bane4 the massi&e4 )'ass1 nee-'e o% Chaos %ar to o$r
rear; Perio-ica''14 the air "o$'- &ibrate as the )on) contin$e- its s'o" so$n-in); : %e't it in the
)ro$n-4 a'so4 as "e "ere &er1 near to its home; =e ma-e o$r "a1 s'o"'1 across the P'a6a4
to"ar- the massi&e pi'e o% b'ack stone at the &er1 e-)e o% the Pit4 its )ate an arch"a1 o% %ro6en
%'ame4 as "as its -o"n"ar- stair4 each trea- an- riser time-barre- %ire4 each rai'in) the same; !he
ro$)h amphitheater be'o" $s "as a'so %ire-%$rnishe-4 se'%-i''$me-4 %acin) the b'ack b'ock at the
en- o% e&er1thin)4 no "a'' behin- it4 b$t the open emptiness o% the Pit an- its sin)$'arit1 "hence
a'' thin)s came;
No one "as enterin) it 1et4 an- "e stoo- near the )ates o% %ire an- 'ooke- back a'on) the ro$te
the procession "o$'- %o''o"; =e no--e- to %rien-'1 -emonic %aces4 <$i&ere- to the note o% the
)on)4 "atche- the sk1 -arken a 'itt'e %$rther; ($--en'14 m1 hea- "as %i''e- "ith a po"er%$'
: imme-iate'1 ha- an ima)e o% Ban-or in a chan)e- %orm4 'ookin) -o"n his re--c'othe- arm4
han- in&isib'e4 pres$mab'1 re)ar-in) me thro$)h m1 !r$mp4 "earin) the c'osest thin) :@- seen in
a 'on) "hi'e to an irritate- e.pression;
FAes>G : sai-;
,is )a6e mo&e- past me; ,is e.pression s$--en'1 chan)e-4 e1ebro"s risin)4 'ips partin);
F!hat@s E$rt 1o$@re "ith>G he aske-;
F!hat@s ri)ht;G
F:@- tho$)ht 1o$ not on the best o% terms4G he sai- s'o"'14 Fas o% o$r 'ast con&ersation;G
F=e a)ree- to p$t asi-e o$r -i%%erences %or the %$nera';G
F=hi'e it seems &er1 ci&i'i6e-4 :@m not certain ho" "ise it is4G he sai-;
: smi'e-;
F: kno" "hat :@m -oin)4G : to'- him;
F0ea''1>G he sai-; F!hen "h1 are 1o$ at the cathe-ra' rather than here at !he'bane>G
FNobo-1 to'- me : "as s$ppose- to be at !he'bane;G
FO--4G he respon-e-; FAo$r mother "as s$ppose- to ha&e in%orme- both 1o$ an- E$rt that 1o$
"ere to be part o% the procession;G
: shook m1 hea- an- t$rne- a"a1;
FE$rt4 -i- 1o$ kno" "e "ere to be in the procession>G : aske-;
FNo4G he sai-; FOn the one han-4 it makes sense; On the other4 there@s the b'ack "atch4 "hich
mi)ht recommen- "e maintain a 'o" pro%i'e; =ho@s te''in) 1o$ this>G
FBan-or; ,e sa1s /ara "as s$ppose- to 'et $s kno";G
F(he -i-n@t te'' me;G
FAo$ catch that>G : sai- to Ban-or;
FAes; :t -oesn@t matter no"; Come on thro$)h4 both o% 1o$;G
,e e.ten-e- his other han-;
F,e "ants $s no"4G : sai- to E$rt;
F/amnIG E$rt mo$the-4 an- came %or"ar-;
: reache- o$t an- c'aspe- Ban-or@s han- ?$st as E$rt came $p an- ca$)ht ho'- o% m1 sho$'-er;
=e both mo&e- %or"ar- thenDinto the s'ick an- )'eamin) interior o% !he'bane@s main ha'' at
)ro$n- 'e&e'4 a st$-1 in b'ack4 )ra14 moss1 )reen4 -eep re-4 chan-e'iers 'ike sta'actites4 %ire
sc$'pt$res abo$t the "a''s4 sca'1 hi-es h$n) behin- them4 -ri%tin) )'obes o% "ater in the mi--'e
air4 creat$res s"immin) "ithin them; !he p'ace "as %i''e- "ith no-ti'es4 re'ati&es4 co$rtiers4
stirrin) 'ike a %ie'- o% %'ame abo$t the cata%a'<$e at the ha''@s center; !he )on) so$n-e- a)ain ?$st
as Ban-or sai- somethin) to $s;
,e "aite- ti'' the &ibrations s$bsi-e-4 then spoke a)ain8 F: sai- /ara hasn@t arri&e- 1et; #o pa1
1o$r respects4 an- 'et Bances assi)n 1o$ p'aces in the procession;G
#'ancin) to"ar- the cata%a'<$e4 : ca$)ht si)ht o% both !mer an- !$bb'e in the &icinit1; !mer
"as ta'kin) to Bances4 !$bb'e to someone "ho ha- his back t$rne- this "a1; A horrib'e tho$)ht
s$--en'1 str$ck me;
F=hat4G : aske-4 Fis the sec$rit1 sit$ation %or the procession>G
Ban-or smi'e-;
F!here are <$ite a %e" )$ar-smen mi.e- in "ith the )ro$p here4G he sai-4 Fan- more spotte-
a'on) the "a1; (omeone "i'' be "atchin) 1o$ e&er1 secon-;G
: )'ance- at E$rt to see "hether he@- hear-4 that; ,e no--e-;
3eepin) m1 'itan1 o% obscenities s$b&oca'4 : mo&e- to"ar- the casket4 E$rt at m1 back; !he
on'1 "a1 : co$'- think to pro-$ce a -o$b'e "o$'- be to ta'k the Pattern into sen-in) in a )host o%
m1se'% to take m1 p'ace; B$t the 9o)r$s "o$'- -etect the rin)er@s pro?ecte- ener)ies in no time;
An- i% : ?$st 'e%t4 not on'1 "o$'- m1 absence be notice-4 b$t :@- probab'1 be tracke-Dpossib'1
b1 the 9o)r$s itse'% once /ara ca''e- a con%erence; !hen it "o$'- be 'earne- that :@- )one o%% to
th"art the 9o)r$s@s attempt to reba'ance or-er4 an- the hea-"aters o% (hit Creek are a cr$e' an-
treachero$s e.panse; : "o$'- not make the mistake o% %anc1in) m1se'% in-ispensab'e;
F,o" are "e )oin) to -o this4 Ber'in>G E$rt sai- so%t'1 as "e %o$n- o$r "a1 to the en- o% the
s'o"mo&in) 'ine;
!he )on) so$n-e- a)ain4 ca$sin) the chan-e'iers to &ibrate;
F: -on@t see ho" "e can4G : ans"ere-; F: think the best : can hope %or is to tr1 )ettin) a messa)e
thro$)h as : "a'k a'on);G
F:t can@t be -one b1 !r$mp %rom here4G he ans"ere-; F=e''4 ma1be $n-er per%ect con-itions4G he
amen-e-4 Fb$t not "ith a'' these -istractions;G
: trie- to think o% some spe''4 some sen-in)4 some a)ent to ser&e me in this; #host "o$'- ha&e
been i-ea'; O% co$rseC he@- -ri%te- o%% to e.p'ore the spatia' as1mmetries o% the (c$'pt$re ,a'';
!hat co$'- keep him occ$pie- %or a 'on) "hi'e;
F: co$'- )et there prett1 <$ick'14G E$rt &o'$nteere-4 Fan- "ith the time -i%%erentia' : mi)ht make
it back be%ore an1one notice-;G
FAn- 1o$ kno" e.act'1 t"o peop'e in 3ash%a 1o$ mi)ht te''4G : sai-; F9$ke an- Cora'; !he1
both met 1o$ in ch$rch4 "hen "e "ere tr1in) to ki'' each otherDan- 1o$ sto'e 9$ke@s %ather@s
s"or-; O%%han-4 :@- sa1 he@- tr1 to ki'' 1o$ on si)ht an- she@- scream %or he'p;G
!he 'ine a-&ance- some"hat;
F(o : -on@t ask %or he'p4G he sai-;
F*n-$h4G : to'- him; F: kno" 1o$@re to$)h4 b$t ,en-rakes are pros; A'so4 1o$@- be %ace- "ith a
&er1 $ncooperati&e resc$ee in Cora';G
FAo$@re a sorcerer4G E$rt sai-; F:% "e %in- o$t "ho the )$ar-s are4 co$'-n@t 1o$ 'a1 a spe'' on
them so that the1 think the1 see $s %or this "ho'e a%%air> !hen "e -isappear an- no one@s the
F:@&e a h$nch either Bom or o$r bi) brother has 'ai- protecti&e spe''s on the )$ar-s; At s$ch an
i-ea' time %or an assassination4 : "o$'-; : "o$'-n@t "ant an1one ab'e to mess "ith m1 peop'e@s
hea-s i% : "ere r$nnin) sec$rit1 here;G
=e sh$%%'e- a 'itt'e %arther a'on); B1 'eanin) to one si-e an- stretchin) m1 neck : "as ab'e to
)et a %e" )'impses o% the "aste- -emonic %oam o% o'- ("a1&i''4 resp'en-ent'1 )arbe-4 serpent o%
re--)o'- 'ai- $pon his breast4 there in the %'ame-%orme- co%%in4 Oberon@s ancient nemesis4 )oin)
to ?oin him at 'ast;
As : mo&e- nearer4 it occ$rre- to me that there "as more than one a approach to the prob'em;
Perhaps :@- -"e''e- too 'on) amon) the ma)ica''1 nai&e; :@- )otten o$t o% the habit o% thinkin) o%
ma)ic a)ainst ma)ic4 o% m$'tip'e mi.e- spe''s; (o "hat i% the )$ar-s "ere protecte- %rom an1
%i--'in) "ith their perceptions> 9et it be; +in- a "a1 to "ork aro$n- it;
!he )on) so$n-e- a)ain; =hen the echoes -ie-4 E$rt 'eane- near;
F!here@s more to it than e&er1thin) : sai-4G he "hispere-;
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G : aske-;
FAnother reason : came to 1o$ back at (a"a'' "as beca$se : "as scare-4G he rep'ie-;
FO% "hat>G
FAt 'east one o% themDBan-or or /araD"ants more than a ba'ance4 "ants a tota' &ictor1 %or
the 9o)r$s4 %or Chaos; : rea''1 be'ie&e that; :t@s not ?$st that : -on@t "ant to be part1 to it; : -on@t
"ant it to happen; No" that : can &isit (ha-o" : -on@t "ant to see it -estro1e-; : -on@t "ant a
&ictor1 %or either si-e; !ota' contro' b1 the Pattern "o$'- probab'1 be ?$st as ba-;G
F,o" can 1o$ be s$re one o% them rea''1 "ants this>G
F!he1 trie- it be%ore "ith Bran-4 -i-n@t the1> ,e "as o$t to -estro1 a'' or-er;G
FNo4G : sai-; F,e p'anne- to -estro1 the o'- or-er4 then rep'ace it "ith his o"n; ,e "as a
re&o'$tionar14 not an anarchist; ,e "as )oin) to create a ne" Pattern "ithin the Chaos he
bro$)ht %orthDhis o"n4 b$t sti'' the rea' thin);G
F,e "as -$pe-; ,e co$'-n@t ha&e mana)e- a thin) 'ike that;G
FNo "a1 o% kno"in) ti'' he trie-4 an- he -i-n@t )et the chance;G
F2ither "a14 :@m a%rai- someone@s )oin) to p$'' the p'$) on rea'it1; :% this ki-nappin) takes
p'ace4 it@'' be a bi) step in that -irection; :% 1o$ can@t mana)e somethin) to co&er o$r absence4 :
think "e sho$'- ?$st )o an1"a1 an- take o$r chances;G
FNot 1et4G : sai-; F,an) on; :@m "orkin) somethin) o$t; ,o"@s this so$n-> : -on@t 'ocate the
)$ar-s an- ha''$cinate them; :nstea-4 : -o a trans%ormation; : ca$se a co$p'e o% other peop'e to
'ook 'ike $s; Ao$ tr$mp $s o$t as soon as : -o; !hat "on@t be a ha''$cination %or an1one;
2&er1one "i'' see them as $sC "e can )o abo$t o$r b$sinessDan- check back i% "e ha&e to;G
FAo$ -o it an- :@'' )et $s o$t o% here;G
FOka14 :@'' -o it to the t"o )$1s in %ront o% $s; As soon as :@&e %inishe- :@'' )est$re 'ike this4G :
sai-4 'o"erin) m1 'e%t han- %rom sho$'-er-hei)ht to "aist-'e&e'4 Fan- "e both stoop as i% one o%
$s ha- -roppe- somethin); !hen 1o$ take $s a"a1;G
F:@'' be rea-1;G
!he spikar- ma-e it easier than "orkin) o$t a trans%orm spe''; :t "as 'ike a spe'' processor; : %e-
it the t"o en- pro-$cts4 an- it ran tho$san-s o% &ariations in a trice an- han-e- me the %inishe-
pro-$ctsDa pair o% spe''s it "o$'- ha&e taken me a 'on) "hi'e to "ork o$t a'on) c'assica' 'ines;
: raise- m1 han- as : h$n) them an- accesse- one o% the man1 po"er so$rces the thin)
comman-e- o%% in (ha-o"; : %e- ?$ice into the constr$cts4 "atche- the chan)e commence4
-roppe- m1 han-4 an- 'eane- %or"ar-;
!here %o''o"e- a moment@s &erti)o4 an- "hen : strai)htene- "e "ere back in E$rt@s apartment; :
'a$)he- an- he s'appe- m1 sho$'-er;
:mme-iate'1 then4 "e "ere chan)in) back into o$r h$man %orms an- )arments; As soon as that
"as -one4 he ca$)ht ho'- o% m1 arm a)ain an- tr$mpe- $s to +ire #ate; A moment 'ater4 an- he@-
?$mpe- $s a)ain4 this time to a mo$ntaintop o&er'ookin) a b'$e &a''e1 beneath a )reen sk1; !hen
a)ain4 to the mi--'e o% a hi)h bri-)e abo&e a -eep )or)e4 the sk1 p$ttin) a"a1 stars or takin)
them on;
FOka14 no"4G he sai-4 an- "e stoo- atop a )ra1 stone "a'' -amp "ith -e"4 possib'1 e&en the
remains o% a storm; C'o$-s "ere takin) %ire in the east; !here "as a 'i)ht bree6e o$t o% the so$th;
!his "as the "a'' that s$rro$n-e- the innermost 6one o% Ei-rash4 9$ke@s capita' in 3ash%a; !here
"ere %o$r h$)e b$i'-in)s be'o" $sDinc'$-in) the pa'ace an- the !emp'e o% the *nicorn -irect'1
across the P'a6a %rom itDas "e'' as a n$mber o% sma''er b$i'-in)s; /ia)ona''1 across the "a1
%rom "here "e stoo- "as the "in) o% the pa'ace %rom "hich #r1'' ha- %etche- me Jho" 'on)
a)o>K %rom m1 ren-e6&o$s "ith the <$een; : co$'- e&en make o$t the broken sh$tter o% o$r
"in-o" ami- an e.panse o% i&1;
FO&er there4G : sai-4 )est$rin); F!hat@s "here : 'ast sa" her;G
An e1eb'ink 'ater "e stoo- "ithin the chamber4 its on'1 inhabitants; !he p'ace ha- been
strai)htene-4 the be- ma-e $p; : "ith-re" m1 !r$mps an- sh$%%'e- o$t Cora'@s; (tarin) then ti'' it
)re" co'-4 : %e't her presence an- reache- %or it;
(he "as there 1et she "asn@t; :t "as the -is?ointe- sense o% presence one enco$nters in -ream or
st$por; : passe- m1 han- o&er the car- an- en-e- o$r ten$o$s contact;
F=hat happene->G E$rt aske-;
F: think she@s -r$))e-4G : rep'ie-;
F!hen it "o$'- seem the1@&e a'rea-1 )ot her4G he sai-; FAn1 "a1 1o$ can trace her in that
F(he co$'- a'so be in the ne.t b$i'-in)4 on me-ication4G : sai-; F(he "asn@t "e'' "hen : 'e%t;G
F=hat no">G
F2ither "a14 "e@&e )ot to ta'k to 9$ke4G : sai-4 searchin) %or his car-;
: reache- him in an instant on $nco&erin) it; FBer'inI =here the he'' are 1o$>G he aske-;
F:% 1o$@re in the pa'ace4 :@m ne.t -oor4G : sai-;
,e rose to his %eet %rom "hat : no" rea'i6e- to be the e-)e o% a be-stea-4 an- he picke- $p a
'on)-s'ee&e- )reen shirt an- -re" it on4 co&erin) his co''ection o% scars; : tho$)ht that : )'impse-
someone in the be- behin- him; ,e m$ttere- somethin) in that -irection4 b$t : co$'- not
o&erhear it;
F=e@&e )ot to ta'k4G he sai-4 r$nnin) his han- thro$)h his r$st1 hair; FBrin) me thro$)h;G
FOka14G : sai-; FB$t %irst4 1o$@- better kno" that m1 brother E$rt is here;G
F,as he )ot m1 -a-@s s"or->G
F#$ess : "on@t ki'' him ri)ht no"4G he sai-4 t$ckin) his shirt into his "aistban-;
Abr$pt'14 he e.ten-e- his han-; : c'aspe- it; ,e steppe- %or"ar- an- ?oine- $s;
Chapter $
9$ke )rinne- at me4 sco"'e- at E$rt;
F=here@&e 1o$ been4 an1"a1>G he aske-;
F!he Co$rts o% Chaos4G : rep'ie-; F: "as s$mmone- %rom here at the -eath o% ("a1&i''; !he
%$nera'@s in pro)ress ri)ht no"; =e sneake- a"a1 "hen : 'earne- that Cora' "as in -an)er;G
F: kno" thatDno"4G 9$ke sai-; F(he@s )one; 3i-nappe-4 : think;G
F=hen -i- it happen>G
FNi)ht be%ore 'ast4 :@- ?$-)e; =hat -o 1o$ kno" o% it>G
: )'ance- at E$rt; F!ime -i%%erentia'4G he sai-;
F(he represente- a chance to pick $p a %e" points4G : e.p'aine-4 Fin the on)oin) )ame bet"een
the Pattern an- the 9o)r$s; (o a)ents o% Chaos "ere sent %or her; !he1 "ante- her intact4 tho$)h;
(he sho$'- be oka1;G
F=hat -o the1 "ant her %or>G
F(eems the1 %ee' she@s specia''1 s$ite- to be <$een in !he'bane4 "hat "ith the Ee"e' o%
E$-)ment as a piece o% her anatom1 an- a'';G
F=ho@s )oin) to be the ne" kin)>G
B1 %ace %e't "arm o% a s$--en;
F=e''4 the peop'e "ho came %or her ha- me in min- %or the ?ob4G : rep'ie-;
F,e14 con)rat$'ationsIG he sai-; FNo" : -on@t ha&e to be the on'1 one ha&in) a'' this %$n;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F!his kin) b$siness ain@t "orth shit4 man; : "ish :@- ne&er )otten s$cke- into the -ea' in the %irst
p'ace; 2&er1bo-1@s )ot a piece o% 1o$r time4 an- "hen the1 -on@t someone sti'' has to kno"
"here 1o$ are;G
F,e''4 1o$ "ere ?$st cro"ne-; #i&e it a chance to shake -o"n;G
FTE$st@> :t@s been o&er a monthIG
F!ime -i%%erentia'4G E$rt repeate-;
FCome on; :@'' b$1 1o$ a c$p o% co%%ee4G 9$ke sai-;
FAo$@&e )ot co%%ee here>G
F: re<$ire it4 man; !his "a1;G ,e 'e- $s o$t the -oor4 t$rne- 'e%t4 hea-e- -o"n a stair;
F: ha- a %$nn1 tho$)ht4G he sai-4 F"hi'e 1o$ "ere ta'kin) back thereDabo$t 1o$ rei)nin)4 an-
Cora' a -esirab'e <$een; : co$'- )et the marria)e ann$''e- prett1 -amn <$ick4 since :@m in char)e
here; No"4 1o$ "ant her %or 1o$r <$een an- : "ant that #o'-en Circ'e !reat1 "ith Amber; : think
: see a "a1 to make e&er1bo-1 happ1;G
F:t@s a 'ot more comp'icate- than that4 9$ke; : -on@t "ant the ?ob4 an- it "o$'- be &er1 ba- %or $s
i% m1 kinsmen back in the Co$rts )ot c$sto-1 o% Cora'; :@&e 'earne- a 'ot o% thin)s recent'1;G
F($ch as>G 9$ke sai-4 openin) a postern that 'et $pon a "a'k"a1 to the rear o% the pa'ace;
: )'ance- back at E$rt;
F,e@s scare-4 too4G : sai-; F!hat@s "h1 "e@re a 'itt'e more cor-ia' these -a1s;G
E$rt no--e-;
F:t@s possib'e Bran- co$'- ha&e been part'1 &ictim o% a p'an ori)inate- in the Co$rts4G he sai-4
Fpart o% an i-ea that@s sti'' a'i&e there;G
F=e@- better )o %or the "ho'e break%ast4G 9$ke sai-; F9et@s s"in) aro$n- back an- take it in the
kitchen;G =e %o''o"e- him -o"n a )ar-en path;
An- so "e ate an- ta'ke- as the -a1 bri)htene- abo$t $s; 9$ke insiste- : tr1 Cora'@s !r$mp
a)ain4 "hich : -i- "ith the same res$'t; !hen he c$rse-4 no--e-4 an- sai-4 FAo$r timin)@s
act$a''1 prett1 )oo-; !he )$1s "ho )rabbe- her "ere reporte- to ha&e taken o%% a'on) a b'ack
trai' into the "est;G
F:t %i)$res4G : sai-;
F:@&e reason to be'ie&e the1 -i-n@t make it back to the Co$rts "ith her;G
F: $n-erstan- these b'ack thoro$)h%ares 1o$ )$1s $se are -an)ero$s to o$tsi-ers4G he obser&e-;
FB$t : can sho" 1o$ "hat@s 'e%t o% this oneDit@s a b'ack path"a1 no"4 act$a''1; :@- 'ike to %o''o"
it4 b$t : -on@t kno" that : can )et a"a1 %or 'on); A'so4 is there a "a1 to protect me %rom the trai'
FE$st bein) in o$r compan1 "o$'- keep 1o$ %rom harm as "e tra&e'e- it4G E$rt sai-;
: stoo-; !he cook an- t"o -ish"ashers )'ance- in o$r -irection;
F!here is somebo-1 1o$ ha&e to meet4 9$ke4G : to'- him; F0i)ht no";G
F=h1 not>G he sai-4 risin); F=here is he>G
F9et@s take a "a'k4G : sai-;
=e )ot to o$r %eet4 hea-e- back to the ser&ants@ -oor; F(o4 "hether she "as a "i''in) accomp'ice
or a ma)ica' time bomb4 Bom mi)ht ha&e conne- /a- into his e%%orts to take o&er in AmberD
an-4 $'timate'14 to chan)e the "or'-4G 9$ke sai-;
F=e''4 : )ather he -i-n@t e.act'1 come to her "ith c'ean han-s4G : sai-;
F!r$e4 b$t : "on-er ho" e'aborate his p'ans rea''1 "ere4 to be)in "ith4G 9$ke m$se-; F!his is
the most cheer%$' thin) :@&e hear- a'' month;G
=e e.ite- into the 'itt'e co&ere- "a'k"a1 that ran a'on) the si-e o% the pa'ace; 9$ke ha'te- an-
'ooke- aro$n-;
F=here is he>G he aske-;
FNot here4G : sai-; F: ?$st nee-e- a point o% -epart$re "ith no "itnesses to sa1 :@- ki-nappe- the
F=here are "e )oin)4 Ber'in>G E$rt aske-4 as : s"ir'e- a spira' %rom the center o% the spikar-4
-ra"in) $pon si.teen -i%%erent po"er so$rces;
F#oo- i-ea; 3i-nap a"a14G 9$ke "as sa1in) as he "as ca$)ht $p a'on) "ith E$rt;
: $se- it as : ha- "hen :@- transporte- m1se'% %rom Amber to 3ash%a4 %ormin) the tar)et %rom
memor1 rather than -isco&ere- &ision; On'1 this time there "ere three o% $s an- a 'on)4 'on) "a1
to )o;
F,a&e : )ot a -ea' %or 1o$4G : sai-;
:t "as 'ike steppin) into a ka'ei-oscope4 an- passin) thro$)h abo$t 12 -e)rees o% c$bist
%ra)mentation an- reassemb'14 be%ore emer)in) on the other si-e beneath a to"erin) tree4 its top
'ost in the %o)4 in the &icinit1 o% a re- an- "hite @57 Che&14 its ra-io p'a1in) 0enbo$rn@s FNine
9$ke@s )host emer)e- %rom the %ront seat an- stare- at the ori)ina'; 9$ke stare- back;
F,i4G : sai-; FBeet each other; Ao$ har-'1 nee- an intro-$ction4 tho$)h; Ao$ ha&e so m$ch in
common;G E$rt stare- at the Pattern;
F!hat@s m1 -a-@s e-ition4G : sai-;
F: co$'- ha&e )$esse- that4G E$rt to'- me; FB$t "hat are "e -oin) here>G
FAn i-ea : ha-; B$t : tho$)ht Cor"in "o$'- be here4 an- : mi)ht -isc$ss it "ith him;G
F,e came back4 an- he 'e%t a)ain4G sai- the resi-ent 9$ke4 o&erhearin) me;
F/i- he 'ea&e a %or"ar-in) a--ress4 or sa1 "hen he mi)ht ret$rn>G
F/amnI 9ook4 somethin) that )ot sai- ?$st a 'itt'e "hi'e a)o )a&e me the i-ea that 1o$ 9$kes
mi)ht "ant to chan)e p'aces %or a timeDi% this Pattern co$'- be pers$a-e- to appro&e some
9$ke4 "hom : -eci-e- to contin$e ca''in) 9$ke "hen his )host "as aro$n-4 bri)htene-
s$--en'1; : reso'&e- to think o% his -o$b'e as 0ina'-o4 to keep thin)s sorte-;
F:t@s an e.perience no man sho$'- -o "itho$t4G he sai-;
F!hen "h1 are 1o$ so$s to )et a"a1 %rom it>G 0ina'-o rep'ie-;
F!o he'p Ber'e %in- Cora'4G 9$ke sai-; F(he@s been ki-nappe-;G
F0ea''1> B1 "hom>G
FA)ents o% Chaos;G
F,m;G 0ina'-o be)an to pace; FOka14 1o$ kno" more abo$t it than : -o4G he %ina''1 sai-; F:%
Cor"in )ets back soon an- the Pattern e.c$ses me4 :@'' he'p 1o$ an1 "a1 : can;G
F!he trai' "i'' be )ettin) co'-er "hi'e "e "ait4G 9$ke obser&e-;
FAo$ -on@t $n-erstan-4G 0ina'-o sai-; F:@&e )ot a ?ob to -o here4 an- : can@t ?$st take o%%De&en i%
it@s to )o an- be a kin) some"here; =hat : -o is more important;G
9$ke )'ance- at me;
F,e@s ri)ht4G : sai-; F,e@s a )$ar-ian o% the Pattern; On the other han-4 nobo-1@s abo$t to h$rt
Cora'; =h1 -on@t E$rt an- : pop on back to the Co$rts %or a %e" min$tes4 to check on the pro)ress
o% the %$nera'> Cor"in mi)ht sho" $p "hi'e "e@re abo$t it; :@m s$re 1o$ t"o "i'' %in- somethin)
to ta'k abo$t;G
F#o ahea-4G 9$ke to'- me;
FAeah4G sai- 0ina'-o; F:@- 'ike to kno" "hat "e@&e been -oin);G
: 'ooke- at E$rt4 "ho no--e-; : "ent an- stoo- besi-e him;
FAo$r t$rn to -ri&e4G : sai-;
FBack soon4G : remarke- as "e %a-e- into the %irst ?$mp;
;;;An- so a)ain to the =a1s o% (a"a''4 an- back into o$r r$--1 )arb o&er -emon%orm; : a'so
chan)e- o$r %acia' appearance to the non-escript be%ore E$rt ret$rne- $s to the %$nera' part14 not
"antin) a matchin) set marchin) a'on);
!he !he'bane pro&e- -eserte-; A <$ick check o$tsi-e4 ho"e&er4 sho"e- $s the procession4
perhaps a <$arter "a1 across the P'a6a4 ha'te- an- in a state o% con%$sion;
F*h-oh4G E$rt remarke-; F=hat sho$'- : -o>G
F!ake $s -o"n there4G : to'- him;
Boments 'ater4 "e "ere at the o$ter e-)e o% the cro"-; ("a1&i''@s b'a6in) casket ha- been
'o"ere- to the )ro$n-4 a )$ar- poste- abo$t it; B1 attention "as imme-iate'1 attracte- to a knot
o% %i)$res perhaps t"ent1 %eet o%% to the ri)ht o% it; !here "as some sho$tin) )oin) on4 somethin)
'a1 $pon the )ro$n-4 an- t"o -emonic %orms "ere bein) he'- ti)ht'1 b1 se&era' others; B1
stomach ti)htene- as : sa" that the t"o "ere the pair : ha- ensorce''e- to resemb'e E$rt an-
m1se'%; Both "ere protestin) somethin);
As : p$she- m1 "a1 %or"ar-4 : "ith-re" m1 spe''s4 ca$sin) the t"o to re&ert to their o"n
appearance; !here "ere more sho$ts as this occ$rre-4 inc'$-in) an F: to'- 1o$IG %rom the nearest;
!he response to this "as a FAes4 the1 areIG %rom someone : s$--en'1 rea'i6e- to be Ban-or; ,e
stoo- bet"een them an- the thin) on the )ro$n-;
F:t "as a trickIG Ban-or sai-; FA -istractionI 0e'ease themI G
: -eci-e- the moment "as propitio$s %or -roppin) the spe''s that maske- E$rt an- m1se'%;
#'orio$s con%$sionI Boments 'ater4 Ban-or sa" me an- si)na'e- %or me to approach; E$rt4 : sa"4
o%% to m1 ri)ht4 ha- stoppe- to ta'k to someone he kne";
FBer'inIG he sai- as soon as : "as near; F=hat -o 1o$ kno" o% this>G
FNothin)4G : sai-; F: "as "a1 to the rear4 "ith E$rt; : -on@t e&en kno" "hat happene-;G
F(omeone )a&e t"o o% the sec$rit1 )$ar-s 1o$r appearance an- E$rt@s; !his "as ob&io$s'1
inten-e- to create con%$sion "hen the assassin str$ck; !he1 r$she- %or"ar- insistin) the1 "ere
)$ar-s; Ob&io$s'14 the1 "eren@t; C'e&erDespecia''1 "ith 1o$ an- E$rt on their b'ack "atch 'ist;G
F: see4G : a)ree-4 "on-erin) "hether : ha- he'pe- an assassin to escape; F=ho )ot hit>G
F!mer4 "ith a &er1 pro%essiona' -a))er stroke4G he e.p'aine-4 'e%t e1e'i- t"itchin); A %aint
"ink> Beanin)> FAn- he "as )one in an instant;G
+o$r mo$rners4 ha&in) ma-e a stretcher o% c'oaks4 raise- the %a''en bo-1; A%ter the1@- mo&e-
on'1 a %e" paces "ith it4 : sa" another knot o% peop'e be1on- them;
(eein) m1 p$66'e- e.pression4 Ban-or )'ance- back;
FBore sec$rit14G he sai-; F!he1@re s$rro$n-in) !$bb'e; : think :@'' or-er him o$t o% here %or no";
Ao$ an- E$rt4 too; Ao$ can come to the temp'e 'ater; :@'' see that sec$rit1@s e&en hea&ier there;G
FOka14G : sai-; F:s /ara here>G ,e )'ance- abo$t;
F: ha&en@t seen her; /on@t no"4 either; Ao$@- better )o;G
: no--e-; As : t$rne- a"a14 : sa" a ha'%-%ami'iar %ace o%% to m1 ri)ht; (he "as ta'' an- -ark-
e1e-4 shi%tin) %rom a s"ir' o% m$'tico'ore- ?e"e's to a s"a1in) %'o"er-'ike %orm4 an- she ha-
been starin) at me; : ha- been tr1in) to reca'' her name ear'ier4 an- ha- %ai'e-; (eein) her
bro$)ht it back4 tho$)h; : approache- her;
F: ha&e to 'ea&e %or a time4G : sai-; FB$t : "ante- to sa1 he''o4 #i'&a;G
FAo$ -o remember; : "as "on-erin);G
FO% co$rse;G
F,o" are 1o$4 Ber'in>G
: si)he-; (he smi'e- her "a1 into %$rr14 ha'%-h$man so'i-it1;
FBe4 too4G she sai-; F:@'' be so )'a- "hen this is a'' sett'e-;G
FAes; 9isten4 : "ant to see 1o$4 %or se&era' reasons; =hen "o$'- be a )oo- time>G
F=h14 an1time a%ter the %$nera'4 : )$ess; =hat abo$t>G
FNo time no"; Ban-or@s )i&in) me an)r1 'ooks; (ee 1o$ 'ater;G
FAes; 9ater4 Ber'in;G
: h$rrie- back to E$rt an- ca$)ht him b1 the e'bo"; F=e@re or-ere- to 'ea&e4G : sai-; F(ec$rit1
FA'' ri)ht;G ,e t$rne- to the man he@- been ta'kin) "ith; F!hanks; :@'' see 1o$ 'ater4G he to'-
!he "or'- s'ippe- a"a1; A ne" one -a"ne-8 E$rt@s apartment4 o$r c'othes stre"n abo$t it;
F#oo- timin) %or $s; Ba- %or !mer4G he remarke-;
F,o"@s it %ee' to be n$mber t"o>G he aske- as "e chan)e- a)ainDboth c'othin) an- %orm;
F:t a-&ances 1o$r case4 too4G : sai-;
F:@&e a %ee'in) he -ie- on 1o$r acco$nt4 brother4 not mine;G
F: hope not4G : sai-;
,e 'a$)he-;
F:t@s bet"een !$bb'e an- 1o$;G
F:% it "ere4 :@- be -ea- a'rea-14G : sai-; F:% 1o$@re ri)ht4 it@s rea''1 bet"een (a"a'' an- Chanic$t;G
F=o$'-n@t it be %$nn14 Ber'in4 i% : "ere stickin) "ith 1o$ beca$se it@s the sa%est p'ace to be ?$st
no">G he aske-; F:@m s$re o$r )$ar-s an- assassins are better than Chanic$t@s; ($pposin) :@m ?$st
"aitin)4 sa&in) m1 %ina' e%%ort ti'' !$bb'e@s o$t o% the "a1> !hen4 tr$stin) me an- a''4 1o$ t$rn
1o$r backDCoronationIG
: 'ooke- at him; ,e "as smi'in)4 b$t he a'so seeme- to be st$-1in) me;
: "as abo$t to sa14 FAo$ can ha&e it4 "itho$t the tro$b'e4G in a ?okin) "a1; B$t : "on-ere- ?$st
then8 2&en in ?est4 i% it "ere a choice bet"een the t"o o% $s;;;:t occ$rre- to me that i% "e "ere the
on'1 options4 this "as a circ$mstance $n-er "hich :@- a)ree to take the throne; :@- reso'&e- to
)i&e him the bene%it o% the -o$bt4 to meet him more than ha'%"a1; B$t : co$'-n@t he'p it; +or a''
his conci'iator1 ta'k an- apparent cooperation4 a 'i%e'on) habit is a har- thin) to break; : co$'-n@t
brin) m1se'% to tr$st him an1more than : ha- to;
F!e'' it to the 9o)r$s4G : sai-;
A 'ook o% %earDthe "i-enin) o% the e1es4 the shi%tin) o% the )a6e -o"n"ar-4 a sma'' %or"ar-
ti)htenin) o% the sho$'-ersDthen4 FAo$ rea''1 -o ha&e an $n-erstan-in) "ith it4 -on@t 1o$>G he
F!here seems to be an $n-erstan-in)4 b$t it on'1 "orks one "a14G : sai-;
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F:@m not abo$t to he'p either si-e "reck o$r "or'-;G
F(o$n-s 'ike 1o$@re prepare- to -o$b'e-cross the 9o)r$s;G
: raise- a %in)er to m1 'ips;
F:t m$st be 1o$r Amber b'oo-4G he sai- then; F:@&e been to'- the1@re a'' a 'itt'e cra61;G
FBa1be so4G : sai-;
F(o$n-s 'ike somethin) 1o$r %ather "o$'- -o;G
F=hat -o 1o$ kno" o% him>G
FAo$ kno"4 e&er1bo-1 has a %a&orite Amber stor1;G
FNobo-1 aro$n- here e&er to'- an1 to me;G
FO% co$rse notDconsi-erin);G
FBe bein) a ha'% bree- an- a''>G : sai-;
,e shr$))e-; !hen4 F=e''4 1es;G
: p$''e- on m1 boots;
F=hate&er 1o$@re -oin) "ith that ne" Pattern4G he sai-4 Fit probab'1 "on@t make the o'- one too
F/o$bt'ess 1o$@re ri)ht4G : a)ree-;
F(o 1o$ "on@t be ab'e to r$n to it %or protection i% the 9o)r$s is a%ter 1o$;G
F: )$ess not;G
F;;;An- i% the1@re both a%ter 1o$4 the ne" one "on@t be ab'e to stan- a)ainst them;G
FAo$ think the1@- rea''1 )et to)ether on an1thin)>G
F,ar- to sa1; Ao$@re p'a1in) a "i'- )ame; : hope 1o$ kno" "hat 1o$@re -oin);G
FBe4 too4G : sai-4 risin); FB1 t$rn;G
: $n"o$n- the spikar- at a 'e&e' :@- ne&er attempte- be%ore4 an- : )ot $s there in a sin)'e ?$mp;
9$ke an- 0ina'-o "ere sti'' ta'kin); : co$'- te'' them apart b1 their )arments; Cor"in "as
no"here in si)ht; Both "a&e- as "e ma-e o$r appearance;
F,o"@s e&er1thin) in the Co$rts>G 9$ke aske-;
FChaotic4G E$rt rep'ie-; F,o" 'on) ha&e "e been a"a1>G
F(i. ho$rs4 :@- )$ess4G 0ina'-o rep'ie-;
FNo si)n o% Cor"in>G : aske-;
FNo4G 9$ke sai-; FB$t in the meantime4 "e@&e "orke- o$t a -ea' "ith each otherDan- 0ina'-o@s
been in to$ch "ith the Pattern here; :t "i'' re'ease him an- contin$e his maintenance as soon as
Cor"in ret$rns;G
F0e)ar-in) that;;;G E$rt sai-;
FAes>G 0ina'-o aske-;
F:@'' sta1 here an- co&er %or 0ina'-o "hi'e 1o$ )o %in- the 'a-1 "ith the )'ass e1e;G
F=h1>G 0ina'-o aske-;
FBeca$se 1o$@'' -o a better ?ob to)ether an- :@'' %ee' a 'ot sa%er here than : "o$'- most other
F:@- ha&e to see "hether that@s acceptab'e4G 0ina'-o sai-;
F/o it4G sai- E$rt;
,e mo&e- o%% to"ar- the Pattern; : searche- the %o) in a'' -irections4 hopin) to see m1 %ather
ret$rnin); E$rt st$-ie- the car4 its ra-io no" p'a1in) a Br$ce /$n'ap n$mber %rom F9os
F:% 1o$r %ather comes back an- re'ie&es me4G E$rt sai-4 F:@'' ret$rn to the %$nera' an- make
e.c$ses %or 1o$ i% 1o$@re not there; :% 1o$ )et back an- :@m not there4 1o$ -o the same; A'' ri)ht>G
FAes4G : sai-4 "isps o% mist risin) 'ike smoke bet"een $s; FAn- "hiche&er o% $s is %ree %irst an-
has somethin) "orth sa1in);;;G
FAes4G he a)ree-; F:@'' come 'ookin) i% 1o$ -on@t )et to me;G
F/i-n@t happen to pick $p m1 s"or- "hi'e 1o$ "ere back in the Co$rts4 -i- 1o$>G 9$ke aske-;
F/i-n@t ha&e time4G E$rt rep'ie-;
FNe.t time 1o$@re back4 : "ish 1o$@- make time;G
F: "i''4 : "i''4G E$rt sai-;
0ina'-o mo&e- a"a1 %rom the Pattern4 ret$rne- to $s; FAo$@re hire-4G he sai- to E$rt; FCome
"ith me; !here@s a sprin) : "ant to sho" 1o$4 an- a store o% %oo-4 some "eapons;G
9$ke t$rne- an- "atche- them mo&e o%% to o$r 'e%t;
F:@m sorr14G he sai- so%t'14 Fb$t : sti'' -on@t tr$st him;G
F/on@t be sorr1; : -on@t either; :@&e kno"n him too 'on); B$t "e ha&e better reasons %or tr$stin)
each other no" than "e@&e ha- %or a 'on) time;G
F:@m "on-erin) "hether it "as "ise to 'et him kno" "here this Pattern is4 an- no" to 'ea&e him
a'one "ith it;G
F:@m prett1 s$re the Pattern kno"s "hat it@s -oin)4 an- that it can take care o% itse'%;G
,e raise- a pair o% crosse- %in)ers;
F:@-@&e ar)$e- a)ainst it4G he sai-4 Fsa&e that : nee- m1 -o$b'e;G
=hen the1 ret$rne-4 a -ee?a1@s baritone s$--en'1 ro''e- %orth4 sa1in)4 F:t a'' )oes to sho"4
timin) is e&er1thin); 0oa- con-itions are %ine; :t is a )oo- -a1 %or tra&e';G :mme-iate'14 there
%o''o"e- a -r$m so'o :@- ha&e s"orn "as somethin) : once hear- 0an-om p'a1;
FAo$@re on -$t1 as o% no"4G 0ina'-o sai- to E$rt; !o $s4 he no--e-; FAn1time;G
: ca$)ht $s $p "ith the spikar- an- sp$n $s back to 3ash%a4 brin)in) $s into Ei-rash near
t"i'i)ht4 to the same "a''top &anta)e : ha- en?o1e- ear'ier "ith m1 brother;
FAn- so at 'ast4G 0ina'-o sai-4 'ookin) o$t o&er the to"n;
FAes4G 9$ke rep'ie-; F:t@s a'' 1o$rsD%or a time;G !hen4 FBer'e4 ho"@s abo$t ?$mpin) $s to m1
: t$rne- to the "est "here c'o$-s ha- )one oran)e4 )'ance- $p"ar- to "here se&era' h$n)
FBe%ore "e -o that4 9$ke4G : sai-4 F:@- 'ike to $se "hat -a1'i)ht@s 'e%t %or a 'ook at that b'ack
,e no--e-;
F#oo- i-ea; Oka14 take $s o&er there;G
,is )est$re in-icate- a hi''1 area to the so$th"est; : ca$)ht $s $p an- spikar-e- $s to it4 creatin)
a &erb %or "hich : %e't a nee- in the same act; ($ch is the po"er o% Chaos;
Arri&in) on a sma'' hi''top4 "e %o''o"e- 9$ke -o"n its %ar si-e;
FO&er this "a14G he sai-;
9on) sha-o"s 'a1 a'' abo$t $s4 b$t there is a -i%%erence bet"een their -imness an- the b'ackness
o% a tra&e'-threa- %rom the Co$rts;
F:t "as ri)ht here4G 9$ke %ina''1 sai- "hen "e came to a p'ace bet"een a pair o% bo$'-ers;
: mo&e- %or"ar- into the area b$t : %e't nothin) specia';
FAo$ s$re this is the p'ace>G : aske-;
: a-&ance- another ten paces4 t"ent1;
F:% this is rea''1 "here it "as4 it@s )one no"4G : to'- him; FO% co$rse;;;: "on-er ho" 'on) "e@&e
been a"a1>G
9$ke snappe- his %in)ers;
F!imin)4G he obser&e-; F!ake $s back to m1 apartments;G
=e kisse- the -a1 )oo--b1e as : sent %orth a 'ea- an- opene- o$r "a1 thro$)h the "a'' o% -ark;
=e steppe- thro$)h into the room : ha- occ$pie- ear'ier "ith Cora';
FC'ose eno$)h>G : aske-; F:@m not s$re "here 1o$r rooms are;G
FCome on4G he sai-4 takin) $s o$t4 to the 'e%t an- -o"n the stair; F!ime to cons$'t the resi-ent
e.pert; Ber'e4 -o somethin) abo$t this )$1@s appearance; !oo m$ch o% a )oo- thin) mi)ht ca$se
:t "as eas14 an- the %irst time :@- ma-e an1one 'ook 'ike the bi) portrait o% Oberon back home;
9$ke knocke- on a -oor be%ore enterin); (ome"here be1on- it4 a %ami'iar &oice spoke his name;
F: ha&e some %rien-s "ith me4G he sai-;
FBrin) them in4G came her rep'1;
,e opene- the -oor an- -i- so;
FBoth o% 1o$ kno" Na1-a4G 9$ke anno$nce-; FNa1-a4 this is m1 -o$b'e; 9et@s ca'' him 0ina'-o
an- me 9$ke "hi'e "e@re to)ether; ,e@s )oin) to r$n thin)s %or me here "hi'e Ber'e an- : are o%%
'ookin) %or 1o$r sister;G
: chan)e- 0ina'-o back then4 in response to her p$66'e- 'ook;
(he ha- on b'ack tro$sers an- an emera'- b'o$se4 her hair bo$n- back b1 a matchin) )reen
scar%; (he smi'e- as she )reete- $s4 an- "hen she re)ar-e- me she to$che- her 'ips 'i)ht'14
a'most cas$a''14 "ith a %in)ertip; : no--e- imme-iate'1;
F: tr$st 1o$ are reco&ere- %rom an1 misa-&ent$res in Amber4G : sai-; FAo$ "ere4 o% co$rse4 there
at a ba- time;G
FO% co$rse4G she respon-e-; F+$''1 reco&ere-4 thank 1o$; 3in- o% 1o$ to ask; !hanks4 too4 %or
the recent -irections; :t "as 1o$4 : take it4 "ho spirite- 9$ke a"a1 these t"o -a1s past>G
F:t@s rea''1 been that 'on)>G : sai-;
F:t has4 sir;G
F(orr1 abo$t that4 m1 -ear4G 9$ke sai-4 s<$ee6in) her han- an- 'ookin) 'on) into her e1es;
F!hat e.p'ains "h1 the trai'@s %a-e-4G : sai-;
0ina'-o sei6e- her han- an- kisse- it4 "hi'e$tin) an e'aborate bo";
FAma6in) ho" m$ch 1o$@&e chan)e- %rom the )ir' : kne"4G he state-;
F: share 9$ke@s memories as "e'' as his appearance4G he e.p'aine-;
F: co$'- te'' there "as somethin) not <$ite h$man abo$t 1o$4G she remarke-; F: see 1o$ as a
man "hose &er1 b'oo- is %ire;G
FAn- ho" mi)ht 1o$ see that>G he in<$ire-;
F(he has her means4G 9$ke sai-4 Ftho$)h : tho$)ht it on'1 a ps1chic bon- "ith her sister;
Apparent'1 it )oes some"hat %$rther;G
(he no--e-;
F(peakin) o% "hich4 : hope 1o$ can $se it to he'p $s track her4G he contin$e-; F=ith the trai'
)one an- a -r$) or a spe'' barrin) a !r$mp ca''4 "e@'' be nee-in) assisstance;G
FAes4G she ans"ere-4 Ftho$)h she is in no -an)er at the moment;G
F#oo-4G he sai-; F:n that case4 :@'' or-er $s a'' %oo- an- set to brie%in) this )oo--'ookin) %e''o"
on "hat@s )oin) on in 3ash%a these -a1s;G
F9$ke4G : sai-; F:t so$n-s 'ike an i-ea' time %or me to hea- back to the Co$rts %or the rest o% the
F,o" 'on) "o$'- 1o$ be )one4 Ber'e>G
F: -on@t kno"4G : rep'ie-;
FBack b1 mornin)4 : tr$st>G
FBe4 too; =hat i% :@m not4 tho$)h>G
F:@&e a %ee'in) : sho$'- )o 'ookin) "itho$t 1o$;G
F!r1 reachin) me %irst4 tho$)h;G
F($re; (ee 1o$ 'ater;G
: -re" m1 c'oak o% space abo$t me4 shr$))in) 3ash%a a"a1; =hen : opene- it a)ain : "as back
in E$rt@s <$arters at (a"a'';
: stretche-4 : 1a"ne-; : -i- a <$ick t$rn abo$t the room4 makin) certain : "as a'one; :
$n%astene- m1 c'oak an- tosse- it $pon the be-; : pace- as : $nb$ttone- m1 shirt;
,a't; =hat "as it> A'so4 "here>
: retrace- a %e" paces; : ha- ne&er spent a )reat -ea' o% time in m1 1o$n)er brother@s rooms4 b$t
: "o$'- ha&e reca''e- "hat : "as %ee'in);
!here "as a chair an- tab'e in the corner %orme- b1 the "a'' an- an armoire o% -ark4 a'most
b'ack "oo-; 3nee'in) on the chair an- reachin) o&er the tab'e4 : co$'- %ee' itDthe presence o% a
"a14 not <$ite stron) eno$)h %or transport4 tho$)h; 2r)o;;;;
: mo&e- o%% to m1 ri)ht4 opene- the armoire; :t ha- to be insi-e4 o% co$rse; : "on-ere- ho"
recent'1 he ha- insta''e- it; : a'so %e't s'i)ht'1 %$nn1 abo$t pokin) abo$t in his <$arters this "a1;
(ti''4 he o"e- me %or a 'ot o% miser1 an- incon&enience; A %e" con%irences an- a 'itt'e
cooperation har-'1 c'eane- the s'ate; : ha-n@t 'earne- to tr$st him 1et4 an- it "as possib'e he "as
settin) me $p %or somethin); #oo- manners4 : -eci-e-4 "o$'- ha&e to be sacri%ice- to pr$-ence;
: p$she- )arments asi-e4 makin) a "a1 c'ear to the back o% the thin); : co$'- %ee' it stron)'1; A
%ina' sho&e at the )arments4 a <$ick sh$%%'e to the rear4 an- : "as at the %oc$s; : 'et it take me
Once there "as a %or"ar- 1ie'-in)4 the press$re o% the )arments at m1 back )a&e me a sma''
p$sh; !hat4 p'$s the %act that someone JE$rt4 himse'%>K ha- -one a s'opp1 sha-o"masterin) ?ob
res$'tin) in mismatche- %'oor 'e&e's4 sent me spra"'in) as : achie&e- -estination;
At 'east4 : -i-n@t 'an- in a pit %$'' o% sharpene- stakes or aci-; Or the 'air o% some ha'%-star&e-
beast; No4 it "as a )reen-ti'e- %'oor4 an- : ca$)ht m1se'% as : %e''; An- %rom the %'ickerin) 'i)ht
a'' abo$t me : )$esse- there "as a mess o% can-'es b$rnin);
2&en be%ore : 'ooke- $p : "as s$re the1@- a'' be )reen;
Nor "as : incorrect; Abo$t that or an1thin) e'se; !he set$p "as simi'ar to that o% m1 %ather4 "ith
a )roine- &a$'t containin) a 'i)ht so$rce s$perior to the can-'es; On'1 there "as no paintin)
abo&e this a'tar; !his one %eat$re- a staine--)'ass "in-o"4 'ots o% )reen in it4 an- a 'itt'e re-;
:ts principa' "as Bran-;
: rose an- crosse- to it; 91in) $pon it4 -ra"n a %e" inches %rom its sheath4 "as =ere"in-'e;
: reache- o$t an- took ho'- o% it4 m1 %irst imp$'se bein) to bear it a"a1 "ith me %or e&ent$a'
restoration to 9$ke; !hen : hesitate-; :t "asn@t somethin) : co$'- "ear to a %$nera'; :% : took it
no" :@- ha&e to hi-e it some"here4 an- it "as a'rea-1 "e''-hi--en ri)ht here; : 'et m1 han- rest
$pon it4 tho$)h4 as : tho$)ht; :t containe- a simi'ar %ee'in) o% po"er to that "hich #ra1s"an-ir
bore4 on'1 someho" bri)hter4 'ess tra)e-1-to$che- an- broo-in); :ronic; :t seeme- an i-ea' b'a-e
%or a hero;
: 'ooke- abo$t; !here "as a book on a rea-in) stan- o%% to m1 'e%t4 a penta)ram $pon the %'oor
behin- me4 "orke- in -i%%erent sha-es o% )reen4 a sme''Das o% a recent "oo- %ireDh$n) in the
air; :-'14 : "on-ere- "hat : mi)ht %in- i% : "ere to knock a ho'e in the "a''; =as this chape'
'ocate- $pon a mo$ntaintop> Beneath a 'ake> *n-er)ro$n-> =as it -ri%tin) some"here in the
=hat -i- it represent> :t 'ooke- to be re'i)io$s in nat$re; An- Bene-ict4 Cor"in4 an- Bran- "ere
the three : kne" abo$t; =ere the1 a-mire-4 respecte-D&enerate-Db1 certain o% m1 co$ntr1men
an- re'ati&es> Or "ere these hi--en chape's someho" more sinister>
: remo&e- m1 han- %rom =ere"in-'e4 steppe- to the &icinit1 o% the penta)ram;
B1 9o)r$s &ision re&ea'e- nothin) $nto"ar-4 b$t an intense scan "ith the spikar- -etecte- the
resi-$e o% a 'on)-remo&e- ma)ica' operation; !he traces "ere too %aint to te'' me an1thin) o% its
nat$re4 ho"e&er; =hi'e it seeme- possib'e : mi)ht probe %$rther a%ter this an- come $p "ith a
c'earer pict$re4 : a'so rea'i6e- : ha-n@t the time s$ch an operation "o$'- re<$ire;
0e'$ctant'14 : retreate- to the &icinit1 o% the "a1; Co$'- these p'aces ha&e been $se- to tr1 to
in%'$ence the in-i&i-$a's in&o'&e->
: shook m1 hea-; !his "as somethin) : "o$'- ha&e to sa&e %or another -a1; : 'ocate- the "a1
an- )a&e m1se'% to it;
: st$mb'e- on m1 ret$rn4 a'so;
Catchin) ho'- o% the %rame "ith one han-4 : sei6e- a )arment "ith another4 kept m1se'% $pri)ht4
strai)htene-4 an- steppe- o$t; !hen : shi%te- the c'othin) back into p'ace an- sh$t the -oors;
: strippe- <$ick'14 a'terin) m1 %orm as : "as abo$t it4 an- : -onne- m1 mo$rnin) )arb once
a)ain; : %e't some acti&it1 in the &icinit1 o% the spikar-4 an- %or the %irst time : ca$)ht it -ra"in)
$pon one o% the man1 so$rces it comman-e- to a'ter its shape4 accommo-atin) the chan)in) si6e
o% m1 %in)er; :t ha- ob&io$s'1 -one this se&era' times be%ore4 tho$)h this "as the %irst time : ha-
note- the process; !his "as interestin)4 in that it sho"e- the -e&ice capab'e o% actin)
in-epen-ent o% m1 "i'';
: -i-n@t rea''1 kno" "hat the thin) "as4 "hat its ori)in mi)ht ha&e been; : kept it beca$se it
represente- a consi-erab'e so$rce o% po"er4 an acceptab'e s$bstit$te %or the $se o% the 9o)r$s4
"hich : no" %eare-; B$t as : "atche- it chan)e shape to remain sn$) $pon m1 chan)in) %in)er4 :
"on-ere-; =hat i% it "ere someho" boob1trappe- to t$rn $pon me at e.act'1 the "ron)
: t$rne- it a co$p'e o% times $pon m1 %in)er; : mo&e- into it "ith m1 min-4 kno"in) this to be
an e.ercise in %$ti'it1; :t "o$'- take a)es %or me to r$n -o"n each 'ine to its so$rce4 to check o$t
hi--en spe''s a'on) the "a1; :t "as 'ike takin) a trip thro$)h a ("iss "atchDc$stom-ma-e; :
"as impresse- both "ith the bea$t1 o% its -esi)n4 an- "ith the enormo$s amo$nt o% "ork that
ha- )one into its creation; :t co$'- easi'1 possess hi--en imperati&es that "o$'- on'1 respon- to
specia' sets o% circ$mstances; Aet it ha- -one nothin) $nto"ar-4 1et; An- the a'ternati&e "as the
9o)r$s; :t str$ck me as a )en$ine instance o% the pre%erabi'it1 o% the -e&i' one -i-n@t kno";
#ro"'in)4 : a-?$ste- m1 appare'4 %oc$se- m1 attention on the !emp'e o% the (erpent4 an- ba-e
the spikar- -e'i&er me near its entrance; :t per%orme- as smooth'1 an- )ent'1 as i% : ha- ne&er
-o$bte- it4 as i% : ha- not -isco&ere- in it 1et another ca$se %or paranoia;
An- %or a time4 : simp'1 stoo- o$tsi-e the -oors o% %ro6en %'ame4 there at the )reat Cathe-ra' o%
the (erpent at the o$ter e-)e o% the P'a6a at the 2n- o% the =or'-4 sit$ate- e.act'1 at the 0im4
opene- to the Pit itse'%D"here4 on a )oo- -a14 one can &ie" the creation o% the $ni&erse4 or its
en-in)Dan- : "atche- the stars s"arm thro$)h space that %o'-e- an- $n%o'-e- 'ike the peta's o%
%'o"ersC an- as i% m1 'i%e "ere abo$t to chan)e4 m1 tho$)hts ret$rne- to Ca'i%ornia an- schoo'4
o% sai'in) the ($nb$rst "ith 9$ke an- #ai' an- E$'ia4 o% sittin) "ith m1 %ather near the en- o% the
"ar4 o% ri-in) "ith 7inta Ba1'e thro$)h the "ine co$ntr1 to the east o% Amber4 o% a 'on)4 brisk
a%ternoon spent sho"in) Cora' abo$t the to"n4 o% the stran)e enco$nters o% that -a1C an- : t$rne-
an- raise- m1 sca'1 han-4 stare- past it at the spire o% !he'bane4 an- Fthe1 cease not %i)htin)4
east an- "est4 on the marches o% m1 breast4G : tho$)ht; ,o" 'on)4 ho" 'on);;;> :ron14 as $s$a'4 a
three-to-one %a&orite "hene&er sentimenta'it1 makes its mo&e;
!$rnin) a)ain4 : "ent in to see the 'ast o% the 3in) o% Chaos;
Chapter %
/o"n4 -o"n into the pi'e4 into the )reat s'a) heap4 "in-o" onto the en-s o% time an- space4
"here nothin) is to be seen at the en-4 : "ent4 bet"een "a''s %ore&er a%ire4 ne&er b$rnt -o"n4
"a'kin) in one o% m1 bo-ies to"ar- the so$n- o% a &oice rea-in) %rom the Book o% the (erpent
,$n) $pon the !ree o% Batter4 an- at 'en)th came into the )rotto that backe- $pon b'ackness4
"i-enin) semicirc'es o% re--c'a- mo$rners %acin) the rea-er an- the )ran- cata%a'<$e besi-e
"hich he stoo-4 ("a1&i'' c'ear'1 in &ie" "ithin it4 ha'%-co&ere- "ith re- %'o"ers -roppe- b1
mo$rners4 re- tapers %'ickerin) a)ainst the Pit4 b$t a %e" paces behin- themC across the rear o%
the chamber then4 'istenin) to Bances o% Amb'erash4 ,i)h Priest o% the (erpent4 his "or-s
so$n-in) as i% spoken besi-e me4 %or the aco$stics o% Chaos are )oo-C %in-in) a seat in an
other"ise empt1 arc4 "here an1one 'ookin) back "o$'- be certain to notice meC seekin) %ami'iar
%aces4 %in-in) /ara4 !$bb'e4 an- Ban-or seate- in %ronta' positions that in-icate- the1 "ere to
assist Bances in s'i-in) the casket past the e-)e into %ore&er "hen the time cameC an- in m1
-i&i-e- heart : reca''e- the 'ast %$nera' : ha- atten-e- be%ore this8 Caine@s4 back in Amber4 besi-e
the sea4 an- : tho$)ht a)ain o% B'oom an- the "a1 the min- "an-ers on these occasions;
: so$)ht abo$t me; E$rt "as no"here in si)ht; #i'&a o% ,en-rake "as on'1 a co$p'e o% ro"s
be'o" me; : shi%te- m1 )a6e to the -eep b'ackness be1on- the 0im; :t "as a'most as i% : "ere
'ookin) -o"n4 rather than o$tDi% s$ch terms ha- an1 rea' meanin) in that p'ace; Occasiona''14 :
"o$'- percei&e -artin) points o% 'i)ht or ro''in) masses; :t ser&e- me as a kin- o% 0orschach %or
a time4 an- : ha'%--o6e- be%ore the prospect o% -ark b$tter%'ies4 c'o$-s4 pairs o% %aces;;;;
: sat $pri)ht "ith a sma'' start4 "on-erin) "hat ha- broken m1 re&erie;
!he si'ence4 it "as; Bances ha- stoppe- rea-in);
: "as abo$t to 'ean %or"ar- an- "hisper somethin) to #i'&a "hen Bances be)an the
Consi)nment; : "as start'e- to -isco&er that : reca''e- a'' o% the appropriate responses;
As the chantin) s"e''e- an- %oc$se-4 : sa" Ban-or )et to his %eet4 an- /ara4 an- !$bb'e; !he1
mo&e- %or"ar-4 ?oinin) Bances abo$t the casketD/ara an- Ban-or at its %oot4 !$bb'e an-
Bances at its hea-; (er&ice assistants rose %rom their section an- be)an sn$%%in) can-'es4 $nti'
on'1 the 'ar)e one4 at the 0im4 behin- Bances4 sti'' %'ickere-; At this point "e a'' stoo-;
!he e&er-eerie 'i)ht o% %'ame mosaics4 "orke- into the "a''s at either han-4 )rante- a--itiona'
i''$mination to the e.tent that : co$'- -etect the mo&ement be'o" "hen the chantin) cease-;
!he %o$r %i)$res stoope- s'i)ht'14 pres$mab'1 takin) ho'- o% the casket@s han-'es; !he1
strai)htene- then an- mo&e- to"ar- the 0im; An assistant a-&ance- an- stoo- besi-e the can-'e
?$st as the1 passe- it4 rea-1 to sn$%% the %ina' %'ame as ("a1&i''@s remains "ere consi)ne- to
A ha'% -o6en paces remaine-;;;; !hree; !"o;;;; Bances an- !$bb'e kne't at the &er)e4 positionin)
the casket "ithin a )roo&e in the stone %'oor4 Bances intonin) a %ina' bit o% rit$a' the "hi'e4 /ara
an- Ban-or remainin) stan-in);
!he pra1er %inishe-4 : hear- a c$rse; Ban-or seeme- ?erke- %or"ar-; /ara st$mb'e- a"a1 to the
si-e; : hear- a c'ank as the casket hit the %'oor; !he assistant@s han- ha- a'rea-1 been mo&in)4 an-
the can-'e "ent o$t at that moment; !here %o''o"e- a ski--in) so$n- as the casket mo&e-
%or"ar-4 more c$rses4 a sha-o"1 %i)$re retreatin) %rom the 0im;;;;
!hen came a "ai'; A b$'k1 o$t'ine %e'' an- "as )one; !he "ai' -iminishe-4 -iminishe-4
: raise- m1 'e%t %ist4 ca$se- the spikar- to create a )'obe o% "hite 'i)ht as a b$bb'e pipe -oes a
b$bb'e; :t "as abo$t three %eet in -iameter "hen : re'ease- it to -ri%t o&erhea-; ($--en'14 the
p'ace "as %i''e- "ith babb'in); Others o% sorcero$s back)ro$n- ha&in) e.ercise- their %a&orite
i''$mination spe''s at abo$t the same time : ha-4 the temp'e "as no" o&er-i''$minate- %rom
-o6ens o% point-so$rces;
(<$intin)4 : sa" Bances4 Ban-or4 an- /ara in con&erse near the 0im; !$bb'e an- the remains o%
("a1&i'' "ere no 'on)er "ith $s;
B1 %e''o" mo$rners "ere a'rea-1 mo&in); : -i-4 too4 rea'i6in) that m1 time here "as no"
e.treme'1 'imite-; : steppe- -o"n o&er the empt1 ro"4 mo&e- to the ri)ht4 to$che- #i'&a@s sti''
h$mani6e- sho$'-er; FBer'inIG she sai-4 t$rnin) <$ick'1; F!$bb'eD"ent o&erD-i-n@t he>G
F($re 'ooke- that "a14G : sai-;
F=hat "i'' happen no">G
F:@&e )ot to 'ea&e4G : sai-4 F%astIG
F(omebo-1@s )oin) to start thinkin) abo$t the s$ccession in a %e" moments4 an- :@m )oin) to be
smothere- "ith protection4G : to'- her; F: can@t ha&e that4 not ?$st no";G
F=h1 not>G
FNo time to )o into that; B$t :@- "ante- to ta'k to 1o$; Ba1 : borro" 1o$ no">G
!here "ere mi''in) bo-ies a'' abo$t $s;
FO% co$rseDsir4G she sai-4 apparent'1 ha&in) ?$st tho$)ht abo$t the s$ccession;
FC$t that o$t4G : sai-4 spikar- spira'in) the ener)ies that ca$)ht $s an- took $s a"a1;
: bro$)ht $s to the %orest o% meta' trees4 an- #i'&a kept ho'- o% m1 arm an- 'ooke- abo$t her;
F9or-4 "hat is this p'ace>G she aske-;
F:@- rather not sa14G : rep'ie-4 F%or reasons that "i'' become apparent in a moment; : on'1 ha-
one <$estion %or 1o$ the 'ast time : spoke "ith 1o$; B$t no" : ha&e t"o4 an- this p'ace %i)$res in
one o% them4 in a "a14 besi-es bein) %air'1 -eserte- most o% the time;G
FAsk4G she sai-4 mo&in) to %ace me; F:@'' tr1 to he'p; :% it@s important4 tho$)h4 : ma1 not be the
best personDG
FAes4 it@s important; B$t : ha&en@t time to make an appointment "ith Be'issa; :t concerns m1
%ather4 Cor"in;G
F:t "as he "ho s'e" Bore' o% ,en-rake in the "ar at Pattern%a'';G
F(o : $n-erstan-4G she sai-;
FA%ter the "ar4 he ?oine- the ro1a' part1 that came here to the Co$rts to "ork o$t the !reat1;G
FAes4G she sai-; F: kno" that;G
F,e -isappeare- short'1 therea%ter4 an- no one seeme- to kno" "here he@- )otten o%% to; +or a
time4 : tho$)ht he mi)ht be -ea-; 9ater4 ho"e&er4 : recei&e- in-ications that he "as not4 b$t
rather "as imprisone- some"here; Can 1o$ te'' me an1thin) abo$t this>G
(he t$rne- a"a1 s$--en'1;
F: am o%%en-e-4G she sai-4 Fb1 "hat : be'ie&e 1o$ imp'1;G
F:@m sorr14G : sai-4 Fb$t : ha- to ask;G
FO$rs is an honorab'e ,o$se4G she sai-; F=e accept the %ort$nes o% "ar; =hen the %i)htin) is
en-e-4 "e p$t it a'' behin- $s;G
F: apo'o)i6e4G : sai-; F=e@re e&en re'ate-4 1o$ kno"4 on m1 mother@s si-e;G
FAes4 : kno"4G she sai-4 t$rnin) a"a1; F=i'' that be a''4 Prince Ber'in>G
FAes4G : ans"ere-; F=here sha'' : sen- 1o$>G
(he "as si'ent %or a moment4 then4 FAo$ sai- there "ere t"o <$estions4G she state-;
F+or)et it; : chan)e- m1 min- abo$t the secon- one;G
(he t$rne- back;
F=h1> =h1 sho$'- : %or)et it> Beca$se : maintain m1 %ami'1@s honor>G
FNo4 beca$se : be'ie&e 1o$;G
F:@'' tro$b'e someone e'se %or an opinion;G
F/o 1o$ mean it@s -an)ero$s4 an- 1o$@&e -eci-e- a)ainst askin) me>G
F: -on@t $n-erstan- it4 so it co$'- be -an)ero$s;G
F/o 1o$ "ant to o%%en- me a)ain>G
F,ea&en %orbi-IG
FAsk me 1o$r <$estion;G
F:@'' ha&e to sho" 1o$;G
F/o it;G
F2&en i% it means c'imbin) a tree>G
F=hate&er it means;G
F+o''o" me;G
(o : 'e- her to the tree an- c'imbe- it4 an enormo$s'1 simp'e %eat in m1 present %orm; (he "as
ri)ht behin- me;
F!here@s a "a1 $p here4G : sai-; F:@m abo$t to 'et it take me; #i&e me a %e" secon-s to mo&e
: mo&e- a 'itt'e %arther $p"ar- an- "as transporte-; (teppin) asi-e4 : s$r&e1e- the chape'
<$ick'1; Nothin) seeme- chan)e-;
!hen #i'&a "as at m1 si-e; : hear- a sharp intake o% breath;
FOh4 m1I G she sai-;
F: kno" "hat :@m 'ookin) at4G : sai-4 Fb$t : -on@t kno" "hat :@m seein)4 i% 1o$ %o''o" me;G
F:t is a shrine4G she sai-4 F-e-icate- to the spirit o% a member o% the ro1a' ho$se o% Amber;G
FAes4 it@s m1 %ather Cor"in4G : a)ree-; F!hat@s "hat :@m 'ookin) at; B$t "hat am : seein)> =h1
sho$'- there be s$ch a thin) here in the Co$rts4 an1"a1>G
(he mo&e- %or"ar- s'o"'14 st$-1in) /a-@s a'tar;
F: mi)ht as "e'' te'' 1o$4G : a--e-4 Fthat this is not the on'1 s$ch shrine :@&e seen since m1
(he reache- o$t an- to$che- the hi't o% #ra1s"an-ir; (earchin) beneath the a'tar4 she %o$n- a
s$pp'1 o% can-'es; 0emo&in) a si'&er one an- scre"in) it into the socket o% one o% a n$mber o%
ho'-ers4 she 'it it %rom one o% the others an- p'ace- it near #ra1s"an-ir; (he m$ttere- somethin)
"hi'e she "as abo$t it4 b$t : -i- not make o$t the "or-s;
=hen she t$rne- back to me a)ain she "as smi'in); F=e both )re" $p here4G : sai-; F,o" is it
that 1o$ seem to kno" a'' abo$t this "hen : -on@t>G
F!he ans"er is %air'1 simp'e4 9or-4G she to'- me; FAo$ -eparte- ri)ht a%ter the "ar4 to seek an
e-$cation in other 'an-s; !his is a si)n o% somethin) that came to pass in 1o$r absence;G
(he reache- o$t4 took ho'- o% m1 arm4 'e- me to a bench;
FNobo-1 tho$)ht "e "o$'- act$a''1 'ose that "ar4G she sai-4 Ftho$)h it ha- 'on) been ar)$e-
that Amber "o$'- be a %ormi-ab'e a-&ersar1;G =e seate- o$rse'&es; FA%ter"ar-4 there "as
consi-erab'e $nrest4G she contin$e-4 Fo&er the po'icies that ha- 'e- to it an- the treat1 that
%o''o"e- it; No sin)'e ho$se or )ro$pin) co$'- hope %or a -eposition a)ainst the ro1a' coa'ition4
tho$)h; Ao$ kno" the conser&atism o% the 0im 9or-s; :t "o$'- take m$ch4 m$ch more to $nite a
ma?orit1 a)ainst the Cro"n; :nstea-4 their -iscontent took another %orm; !here )re" $p a brisk
tra-e in Amber memorabi'ia %rom the "ar; Peop'e became %ascinate- b1 o$r con<$erors;
Bio)raphica' st$-ies o% Amber@s ro1a' %ami'1 so'- &er1 "e''; (omethin) 'ike a c$'t be)an to take
shape; Pri&ate chape's s$ch as this be)an to appear4 -e-icate- to a partic$'ar Amberite "hose
&irt$es appea'e- to someone;G
(he pa$se-4 st$-1in) m1 %ace;
F:t smacke- too m$ch o% a re'i)ion4G she "ent on then4 Fan- %or time o$t o% min- the =a1 o% the
(erpent ha- been the on'1 si)ni%icant re'i)ion in the Co$rts; (o ("a1&i'' o$t'a"e- the Amber
c$'t as heretica'4 %or ob&io$s po'itica' reasons; !hat pro&e- a mistake; ,a- he -one nothin) it
mi)ht ha&e passe- <$ick'1; : -on@t rea''1 kno"4 o% co$rse; B$t o$t'a"in) it -ro&e it $n-er)ro$n-4
ma-e peop'e take it more serio$s'1 as a rebe''io$s thin); :@&e no i-ea ho" man1 c$'t chape's
there are amon) the ,o$ses4 b$t that@s ob&io$s'1 "hat this is;G
F+ascinatin) socio'o)ica' phenomenon4G : sai-4 Fan- 1o$r c$'t %i)$re is Bene-ict;G
(he 'a$)he-;
F!hat "o$'-n@t ha&e been har- to )$ess4G she sai-;
FAct$a''14 : ha- the chape' -escribe- to me b1 m1 brother Ban-or; ,e c'aime- to ha&e
"an-ere- into it at a part1 at ,en-rake4 not kno"in) "hat it "as;G
(he ch$ck'e-;
F,e m$st ha&e been testin) 1o$4G she sai-; F!he practice has been common kno"'e-)e %or a
'on) "hi'e8 An- : happen to kno" he@s a c$'tist himse'%;G
F0ea''1> ,o" -o 1o$ kno" this>G
F,e ma-e no secret o% it in the o'- -a1s4 be%ore the )enera' proscription;G
FAn- "ho mi)ht his persona' patron be>G : sai-;
F!he Princess +iona4G she rep'ie-;
C$rio$ser an- c$rio$ser;;;;
FAo$@&e act$a''1 seen his chape' to her>G : aske-;
FAes; Be%ore the ban it "as not $ncommon to ha&e 1o$r %rien-s o&er %or a ser&ice "hene&er 1o$
"ere %ee'in) partic$'ar'1 -is)r$nt'e- "ith ro1a' po'ic1;G
FAn- a%ter the ban>G
F2&er1one c'aime- p$b'ic'1 that their shrines ha- been -estro1e-; Ban1 "ere simp'1 re'ocate-4
: think4 $p hi--en "a1s;G
FAn- the b$siness o% ha&in) %rien-s o&er %or ser&ices>G
F:@- )$ess it "o$'- -epen- on ho" )oo- a %rien- 1o$@re ta'kin) abo$t; : -on@t rea''1 kno" ho"
or)ani6e- the Amber c$'t is;G (he )est$re- "i-e'1; FA p'ace 'ike this is i''e)a'4 tho$)h; #oo-
thin) : -on@t kno" "here "e are;G
F: )$ess so4G : sai-; F=hat abo$t the re'ationship bet"een the c$'t %i)$re an- the rea' thin)> :@-
sa1 that Ban-or rea''1 -oes ha&e a thin) abo$t +iona; ,e@s met her4 1o$ kno"4 an- :@&e been
present an- seen it; (omeone e'se : kno" sto'e somethin) be'on)in) to hisDpatron>Dan- keeps
it in his shrine; An- thatGD: rose4 crosse- the a'tar4 an- picke- $p Cor"in@s s"or-DFis the rea'
thin); :@- seen #ra1s"an-ir c'ose-$p4 to$che- it4 he'- it; !his is it; B$t "hat :@m )ettin) at is that
m1 %ather is missin)4 an- the 'ast time : sa" him he "as "earin) that b'a-e; =o$'- it be in
keepin) "ith the tenets o% this c$'t to keep 1o$r patron prisoner>G
F: ne&er hear- o% s$ch a thin)4G she sai-; FB$t : -on@t see "h1 not; :t is rea''1 the spirit o% the
person that is bein) &enerate-; !here is no reason the person co$'- not be imprisone-;G
FOr -ea->G
FOr -ea-4G she a)ree-;
F!hen %ascinatin) as a'' this is4G : sai-4 t$rnin) a"a1 %rom the a'tar4 Fit -oesn@t rea''1 he'p me to
%in- m1 %ather;G
: mo&e- back to her4 across "hat m$st ha&e been a representation o% Amber4 st1'i6e- as the
pattern on a Ca$casian r$)4 there in the -ark an- 'i)ht ti'e4 the Chaotic one %ar o%% to m1 ri)ht;
FAo$ "o$'- ha&e to ask the person responsib'e %or his b'a-e@s bein) there4G she sai-4 risin);
F: a'rea-1 aske- the person : be'ie&e- responsib'e; !he response "as not satis%actor1;G
: took her arm to steer her back to"ar- the "a1 to the tree4 an- she "as s$--en'1 stan-in) &er1
F: "o$'- 'ike to ser&e o$r ne.t kin) an1 "a1 : mi)ht4G she sai-; F!ho$)h : ma1 not norma''1
speak %or o$r ,o$se4 : am certain ,en-rake "o$'- a)ree to he'p 1o$ brin) press$re $pon the
person responsib'e;G
F!hanks4G : sai- as "e embrace-; ,er sca'es "ere coo'; ,er %an)s "o$'- ha&e shre--e- m1
h$man ear4 b$t it "as on'1 a nibb'e in -emon%orm; F: "i'' ta'k to 1o$ a)ain i% : nee- he'p a'on)
those 'ines;G
F!a'k to me a)ain4 an1"a1;G
:t "as )oo- to ho'- an- be he'- %or a time4 an- that is "hat "e -i-4 ti'' : sa" a sha-o" mo&e in
the &icinit1 o% the "a1;
FBasster Ber'in;G
FAess; : ssa" 1o$ come thiss "a1; Ban%orm4 -emon%orm4 )ro"n or ssma''4 : kno" 1o$;G
FBer'in4 "hat is it>G #i'&a aske-;
FAn o'- %rien-4G : to'- her; F#'ait4 meet #i'&a; An- &ice &ersa;G
FP'easse-; : came to "arn 1o$ that ssomeone approachess;G
FPrincess /ara;G
FOh4 -earIG #i'&a remarke-;
FAo$ s$spect "here "e are4G : sai- to her; F3eep it to 1o$rse'%;G
F: &a'$e m1 hea-4 9or-; =hat -o "e -o no">G
F#'ait4 to me4G : sai-4 knee'in) an- e.ten-in) an arm; (he %'o"e- $p it an- ma-e herse'%
com%ortab'e; : rose an- ca$)ht ho'- o% #i'&a "ith the other; : sent m1 "i'' into the spikar-;
!hen : hesitate-;
: -i-n@t kno" "here the he'' "e "ereDrea''14 ph1sica''14 in terms o% )eo)raph1; A "a1 can
-e'i&er 1o$ ne.t -oor4 or some"here tho$san-s o% mi'es -istant %rom its point o% ori)in4 or
some"here o%% in (ha-o"; :t "o$'- take a "hi'e to ha&e the spikar- %i)$re "here "e "ere an-
then "ork o$t the "a1 back4 i% "e "ere )oin) to b1pass the "a1; !oo 'on)4 : "as certain;
: co$'- simp'1 $se it to ren-er $s in&isib'e; B$t : %eare- m1 mother@s sorcero$s sensiti&it1 "o$'-
be s$%%icient to -etect o$r presence at 'e&e's be1on- the &is$a';
: %ace- the nearest "a'' an- e.ten-e- m1 senses past it on a 'ine o% the spikar-@s %orce; =e "ere
not $n-er"ater or -ri%tin) on a sea o% 'a&a or <$icksan-; =e seeme- to be in a "oo-e- spot;
(o : "a'ke- to"ar- the "a'' an- passe- $s thro$)h it "hen "e )ot there;
(e&era' paces 'ater4 in the mi-st o% a sha-e- )'a-e4 : 'ooke- back an- behe'- a )rass1 hi''si-e4
"ith no sin)in) comin) %rom beneath it; =e stoo- $n-er a b'$e sk14 oran)e s$n nearin) its top;
!here "ere bir- an- insect so$n-s abo$t $s;
FBarro"IG #'ait e.c'aime-4 $n"o$n- herse'% %rom m1 arm an- &anishe- into the )asses;
F/on@t sta1 a"a1 'on)IG : hisse-4 tr1in) to keep m1 &oice 'o"C an- : 'e- #i'&a a"a1 %rom the
FBer'in4G she sai-4 F:@m %ri)htene- at "hat :@&e 'earne-;G
F: "on@t te'' an1one i% 1o$ "on@t4G : sai-; F:% 1o$@- 'ike4 : can e&en remo&e these memories
be%ore : sen- 1o$ back to the %$nera';G
FNo4 'et me keep them; : can e&en "ish there "ere more;G
F:@'' %i)$re o$r 'ocation an- )et 1o$ back be%ore 1o$@re misse-;G
F:@'' "ait "ith 1o$ "hi'e 1o$r %rien- h$nts;G
: ha'% e.pecte- her to contin$e4 F;;;in case : ne&er see 1o$ a)ain4G "hat "ith the near
skateboar-in) o% !mer an- !$bb'e o%% this e&er-morta' he'i.; B$t no4 she "as a -em$re an- "e''-
bre- batt'e-mai-D"ith o&er thirt1 notches on the ha%t o% her broa-s"or-4 : 'ater 'earne-Dan-
she "as abo&e statin) the -istaste%$' ob&io$s in the presence o% her possib'e %$t$re 'ie)e;
=hen #'ait ret$rne- a%ter an appropriate time4 : sai-4 F!hanks4 #i'&a; :@m )oin) to sen- 1o$
back to the %$nera' no"; :% an1one sa" $s to)ether an- "ants to kno" "here : am4 te'' them :
sai- : "as )oin) into hi-in);G
F:% 1o$ -o nee- a p'ace to hi-e;;;G
F!a'k to 1o$ sometime 'ater perhaps4G : sai-4 an- : sent her back to the temp'e at the e-)e o%
F#oo- &ermin4G #'ait remarke-4 as : commence- m1 shi%t h$man"ar-; J:t@s a'"a1s easier that
"a1 %or me than the -emon-shi%t;K
F:@- 'ike to sen- 1o$ back to (a"a''@s sc$'pt$re )ar-en4G : sai-;
F=h1 there4 Basster Ber'in>G
F!o "ait %or a time4 to see "hether 1o$ beho'- a sentient circ'e o% 'i)ht; An- i% 1o$ -o4 to
a--ress it as #host"hee' an- te'' it to come to me;G
F=here sha'' : te'' it to sseek 1o$>G
F!hat : -o not kno"4 b$t it is )oo- at that sort o% thin);G
F!hen ssen- me; An- i% 1o$ are not eaten b1 ssomethin) bi))er4 come te'' me 1o$r sstor1 one
F: sha'';G
:t "as the "ork o% b$t a moment to han) the serpent back in her tree; :@&e ne&er been s$re "hen
she@s ?okin)4 repti'ian h$mor bein) more than a 'itt'e stran)e;
: s$mmone- %resh )arments an- )arbe- m1se'% in )ra1 an- p$rp'e; +etche- me b'a-es 'on) an-
short then4 a'so; : "on-ere- "hat m1 mother mi)ht ha&e been $p to in her chape'4 b$t -eci-e-
a)ainst tr1in) to sp1 on her; : raise- the spikar- an- re)ar-e- it %or a moment4 then 'o"ere- it; :t
seeme- possib'1 co$nterpro-$cti&e to transport m1se'% to 3ash%a "hen : "as $ncertain ho"
m$ch time ha- passe- an- "hether 9$ke "as act$a''1 sti'' there; : took o$t m1 !r$mps4 "hich :
ha- ha- a'on) in m1 mo$rnin) )arb4 $ncase- them;
: 'ocate- 9$ke@s4 %oc$se- $pon it; Be%ore too 'on) it "ent co'- an- : %e't 9$ke@s presence;
FAes>G he sai-; F!hat 1o$4 Ber'e>G at abo$t the same time as his ima)e s"am an- a'tere-4
ca$sin) me to see him mo$nte- an- ri-in) thro$)h a part-b'aste-4 part-norma' co$ntr1si-e;
FAeah4G : ans"ere-; F: )ather 1o$@re no 'on)er in 3ash%a;G
F0i)ht4G he sai-; F=here@re 1o$>G
F(ome"here in (ha-o"; ,o"@s abo$t 1o$rse'%>G
F/amne- i% : kno" %or s$re4G he respon-e-; F=e@&e been %o''o"in) this b'ack path %or -a1sD
an- : can on'1 sa1 Tsome"here in (ha-o"4@ too;G
Fh4 1o$ 'ocate- it>G
FNa1-a -i-; : -i-n@t see an1thin)4 b$t she ?$st 'e- me on; 2&ent$a''14 the trai' )ot c'ear to me;
,e'' o% a tracker4 that )a';G
F(he@s "ith 1o$ no">G
F!hat@s ri)ht; (he sa1s "e@re )ainin) on them4 too;G
FBetter brin) me thro$)h then;G
FCome ahea-;G
,e e.ten-e- a han-; : reache- %or"ar-4 c'aspe- it4 took a step4 re'ease- his han-4 be)an "a'kin)
besi-e him4 a pack horse to the rear;
F,i4 Na1-aIG : ca''e-4 to "here she ro-e at his other si-e; A )rim %i)$re "as mo$nte- $pon a
b'ack horse ahea- an- to her ri)ht;
(he smi'e-;
FBer'in4G she sai-; F,e''o;G
F,o" abo$t Ber'e>G : sai-;
F:% 1o$ "ish;G
!he %i)$re on the -ark horse t$rne- an- re)ar-e- me;
: ha'te- a -eath strike that ran %rom re%'e. to the spikar- so %ast that it scare- me; !he air
bet"een $s "as sm$-)e- an- %i''e- "ith a screechin) note4 as o% a car )rabbin) pa&ement to
a&ert co''ision;
,e "as a bi)4 b'on--haire- son o% a bitch4 an- he ha- on a 1e''o" shirt an- b'ack tro$sers4 b'ack
boots4 'ots o% c$t'er1; !he me-a''ion o% the 9ion ren-in) the *nicorn bo$nce- $pon his broa-
chest; 2&er1 time :@- seen or hear- o% the man4 he@- been abo$t somethin) nast14 -amn near
ki''in) 9$ke on one occasion; ,e "as a mercenar14 a 0obin ,oo- %i)$re o$t o% 2re)nor4 an- a
s"orn enem1 o% AmberDi''e)itimate son o% her 'ate 'ie)e Oberon; : be'ie&e- there "as a price
on his hea- "ithin the #o'-en Circ'e; On the other han-4 he an- 9$ke ha- been b$--ies %or
1ears4 an- 9$ke s"ore he "asn@t a'' that ba-; ,e "as m1 $nc'e /a't4 an- :@- a %ee'in) that i% he
mo&e- too <$ick'1 the %' o% his m$sc'es "o$'- shre- his shirt;
F;;;An- 1o$ remember m1 mi'itar1 a-&iser4 /a't4G 9$ke sai-;
F: remember4G : state-;
/a't stare- at the b'ack 'ines in the air that %a-e-4 smoke-'ike4 bet"een $s; ,e act$a''1 smi'e-
then4 a 'itt'e;
FBer'in4G he sai-4 Fson o% Amber4 Prince o% Chaos4 the man "ho -$) m1 )ra&e;G
F=hat@s this>G 9$ke aske-;
FA 'itt'e con&ersationa' )ambit4G : rep'ie-; FAo$@&e a )oo- memor14 /a'tD%or %aces;G
,e ch$ck'e-;
F,ar- to %or)et somethin) 'ike a )ra&e openin) itse'%4G he sai-; FB$t :@&e no <$arre' "ith 1o$4
FNor : 1o$Dno"4G : sai-;
,e )r$nte- then an- : )r$nte- back an- consi-ere- $s intro-$ce-; : t$rne- back to"ar- 9$ke;
F:s the path itse'% )i&in) 1o$ an1 tro$b'e>G : aske-;
FNo4G he rep'ie-; F:t@s nothin) at a'' 'ike those stories :@- hear- abo$t the B'ack 0oa-; :t 'ooks a
'itt'e b'eak at times4 b$t nothin)@s rea''1 threatene- $s;G ,e )'ance- -o"n"ar- an- ch$ck'e-; FO%
co$rse it@s on'1 a %e" 1ar-s "i-e4G he a--e-4 Fan- this is the broa-est it@s been4 so %ar;G
F(ti''4G : sai-4 openin) m1 senses an- st$-1in) its emanations "ith m1 9o)r$s si)ht4 F:@- think
somethin) mi)ht ha&e threatene-;G
F: )$ess "e@&e been '$ck14G he sai-;
A)ain4 Na1-a 'a$)he-4 an- : %e't %oo'ish; !he presence o% at'iga "o$'- co$nt as s$re'1 as m1
o"n in o%%settin) the -ire e%%ects o% a Chaos roa-"a1 in the rea'm o% Or-er;
F#$ess 1o$ ha- a 'itt'e '$ck comin)4G : sai-;
FAo$@re )oin) to nee- a horse4 Ber'e4G he sai- then;
F: s$ppose 1o$@re ri)ht4G : a)ree-;
: "as a%rai- to $se 9o)r$s ma)ic an- ca'' attention to m1 'ocation; (ti''4 : ha- a'rea-1 'earne-
that the spikar- co$'- be $se- in a simi'ar %ashion4 an- : entere- it "ith m1 "i''4 e.ten-e-4
e.ten-e-4 ma-e contact4 s$mmone-;;;;
F:t@'' be a'on) an1 min$te4G : sai-; F/i- 1o$ sa1 somethin) abo$t o$r )ainin) on them>G
F!hat@s "hat Na1-a te''s me4G he e.p'aine-; F(he has an ama6in) rapport "ith her sisterDnot to
mention a hi)h sensiti&it1 to this path"a1 itse'%;
F3no"s a 'ot abo$t -emons4 too4G he a--e-;
FOh4 are "e 'ike'1 to enco$nter an1>G : aske- her;
F:t "as -emon%orme- "arriors %rom the Co$rts "ho ab-$cte- Cora'4G she sai-; F!he1 seem
hea-e- to"ar- a to"er $p ahea-;G
F,o" %ar ahea->G : aske-;
F,ar- to sa14 since "e@re c$ttin) thro$)h (ha-o"4G she ans"ere-;
!he trai'4 "hich consiste- o% b'ackene- )rasses an- "hich pro-$ce- the same e%%ect on an1 tree
or shr$b that so m$ch as o&erh$n) it4 "o$n- its "a1 thro$)h a hi''1 area no"C an- as : steppe-
onto an- o%% o% it : note- that it seeme- bri)hter an- "armer each time : -eparte-; :t ha- reache-
this point no" a%ter ha&in) been &irt$a''1 $n-etectab'e in the &icinit1 o% 3ash%aDan in-e. o%
ho" %ar "e "ere into the rea'm o% the 9o)r$s;
A 'itt'e past the ne.t ben-in) o% the trai'4 : hear- a "hinn1 %rom o%% to the ri)ht;
F2.c$se me4G : sai-; F/e'i&er1 time4G an- : -eparte- the trai' an- entere- a )ro&e o% o&a'-'ea%e-
(nortin) an- stampin) so$n-s reache- me %rom ahea-4 an- : %o''o"e- them -o"n sha-e- "a1s;
F=ait $pIG 9$ke ca''e-; F=e sho$'-n@t separate;G
B$t the "oo- "as %air'1 -ense4 not at a'' eas1 )oin) %or someone on horseback4 so : ho''ere-
back4 F/on@t "orr1IG an- p'$n)e- ahea-;
;;;An- that4 o% co$rse4 "as "h1 he "as there;
+$''1 sa--'e- an- bri-'e-4 his reins tan)'e- in the -ense %o'ia)e4 he "as c$rsin) in horse-ta'k4
shakin) his hea- %rom si-e to si-e4 pa"in) at the earth; : ha'te- stare-;
: ma1 ha&e )i&en the impression that : "o$'- rather p$'' on a pair o% A-i-as an- ?o) thro$)h
(ha-o" than p'$n)e thro$)h on the back o% a beast -ri&en ha'%-ma- b1 the chan)es )oin) on
abo$t it; Or ri-e a bic1c'e; Or hop thro$)h on a po)o stick;
Nor "o$'- this impression be incorrect; :t is not that : -on@t kno" ho" to -ri&e the thin)s; :t is
?$st that :@- ne&er been partic$'ar'1 %on- o% them; A-mitte-4 : ne&er ha- the $se o% one o% those
"on-er horses4 s$ch as E$'ian@s Bor)enstern4 /a-@s (tar4 or Bene-ict@s #'em-ennin)4 "hich
stoo- to morta' horses in terms o% 'i%e span4 stren)th4 an- en-$rance as -i- Amberites to the
inhabitants o% most sha-o"s;
: 'ooke- a'' abo$t4 b$t co$'- -etect no in?$re- ri-er;;;;
FBer'inIG : hear- 9$ke ca''4 b$t m1 attention "as nearer at han-; : a-&ance- s'o"'14 not "antin)
to $pset him %$rther; FAre 1o$ a'' ri)ht>G
: ha- simp'1 p$t in an or-er %or a horse; An1 o'- ha1 b$rner "o$'- ha&e ser&e-4 %or p$rposes o%
keepin) $p "ith m1 companions;
: %o$n- m1se'% 'ookin) at an abso'$te'1 'o&e'1 anima'Db'ack an- oran)e-stripe- 'ike a ti)er; :n
this4 he resemb'e- #'em-ennin) "ith his re- an- b'ack stripin); :n that : -i-n@t kno" "here
Bene-ict@s mo$nt came %rom either4 : "as )'a- to 'et it be the p'ace o% ma)ic;
: a-&ance- s'o"'1;
FBer'eI An1thin) "ron)>G
: -i-n@t "ant to sho$t back a rep'1 an- %ri)hten the poor beast; : p'ace- m1 han- )ent'1 $pon his
F:t@s oka14G : sai-; F: 'ike 1o$; :@'' $n-o it an- "e@'' be %rien-s4 a'' ri)ht>G
: took m1 time $ntan)'in) the reins4 $sin) m1 other han- to massa)e his neck an- sho$'-ers;
=hen he "as %ree he -i- not p$'' a"a14 b$t seeme- to st$-1 me;
FCome on4G : sai-4 takin) $p the reins4 Fthis "a1;G
: 'e- him back the "a1 : ha- come4 ta'kin) the "hi'e; : rea'i6e- b1 the time "e emer)e- that :
act$a''1 'ike- him; : met 9$ke abo$t then4 a b'a-e in his han-;
FB1 #o-IG he sai-; FNo "on-er it took 1o$ so 'on)I Ao$ stoppe- to paint itIG
FAo$ 'ike4 h$h>G
FAo$ e&er "ant to )et ri- o% that one4 :@'' make 1o$ a )oo- o%%er;G
F: -on@t think :@'' be )ettin) ri- o% him4G : sai-;
F=hat@s his name>G
F!i)er4G : sai- "itho$t preme-itation4 an- then : mo$nte-;
=e hea-e- back to the trai'4 "here e&en /a't e1e- m1 mo$nt "ith somethin) 'ike p'eas$re;
Na1-a reache- o$t an- stroke- the b'ack an- oran)e mane;
FNo" "e ma1 be ab'e to make it in time4G she sai-4 i% "e h$rr1;F
: mo$nte-4 an- : )$i-e- !i)er o&er onto the trai'; : anticipate- a'' manner o% reactions to the
trai'4 as : reca''e- %rom m1 %ather@s stor1 the possib'1 intimi-atin) e%%ects o% the thin) $pon
anima's; :t -i-n@t seem to bother him4 tho$)h4 an- : re'ease- the breath : ha-n@t rea'i6e- : "as
F:n time %or "hat>G : aske- as "e %o$n- a %ormationD9$ke in the 'ea-4 /a't behin- him an- to
the ri)ht4 Na1-a to the 'e%t o% the trai'4 rear4 me to her ri)ht an- some"hat back;
F: cannot te'' %or certain4G she sai-4 Fbeca$se she is sti'' se-ate-; ,o"e&er4 : -o kno" that she is
no 'on)er bein) mo&e-C an- : ha&e the impression that her ab-$ctors ha&e taken re%$)e in the
to"er4 "here the trai' is m$ch "i-er;G
F,m4G : sai-; FAo$ "o$'-n@t ha&e happene- to notice the rate o% chan)e in "i-th per $nit o%
-istance tra&e'e- on this trai'4 "o$'- 1o$>G
F: "as in 'ibera' arts4G she sai-4 smi'in); F0emember>G
(he t$rne- s$--en'1 then4 )'ancin) in 9$ke@s -irection; ,e "as sti'' an entire horse@s 'en)th
ahea-4 e1es %rontDtho$)h he ha- 'ooke- back moments be%ore;
F/amn 1o$IG she sai- so%t'1; FBein) "ith 1o$ both this "a1 )ets me to thinkin) abo$t schoo';
!hen : start ta'kin) that "a1DG
F:n 2n)'ish4G : sai-;
F/i- : sa1 that in 2n)'ish>G
F(hitI ,e'p me i% 1o$ catch me at it4 "i'' 1o$>G
FO% co$rse4G : sai-; F:t seems to sho" 1o$@- en?o1e- it some"hat4 -espite its bein) a ?ob /ara@-
'ai- on 1o$; An- 1o$@re probab'1 the on'1t'iga "ith a -e)ree %rom Berke'e1;G
FAes4 : en?o1e- itDcon%$se- as : "as o&er "hich o% 1o$ "as "hich; !hose "ere the happiest
-a1s in m1 'i%e4 "ith 1o$ an- 9$ke4 back in schoo'; +or 1ears : trie- to 'earn 1o$r mothers@
names so :@- kno" "ho : "as s$ppose- to be protectin); Ao$ "ere both so ca)e14 tho$)h;G
F:t@s in the )enes4 : )$ess4G : obser&e-; F: en?o1e- 1o$r compan1 as 7inta Ba1'eDappreciate-
1o$r protection as others4 too;G
F: s$%%ere-4G she sai-4 F"hen 9$ke be)an his 1ear'1 attempts on 1o$r 'i%e; :% he "ere the son o%
/ara : "as s$ppose- to protect4 it sho$'-n@t ha&e mattere-; B$t it -i-; : "as a'rea-1 &er1 %on- o%
both o% 1o$; A'' : co$'- te'' "as that 1o$ "ere both o% the b'oo- o% Amber; : -i-n@t "ant either o%
1o$ harme-; !he har-est thin) "as "hen 1o$ "ent a"a14 an- : "as s$re 9$ke ha- '$re- 1o$ into
the mo$ntains o% Ne" Be.ico to ki'' 1o$; B1 then4 : s$specte- &er1 stron)'1 that 1o$ "ere the
one4 b$t : "as not certain; : "as in 'o&e "ith 9$ke4 : ha- taken o&er the bo-1 o% /an Bartine64
an- : "as carr1in) a pisto'; : %o''o"e- 1o$ e&er1"here : co$'-4 kno"in) that i% he trie- to harm
1o$ the )eas : "as $n-er "o$'- %orce me to shoot the man : 'o&e-;G
FAo$ shot %irst4 tho$)h; =e "ere ?$st stan-in) ta'kin)4 b1 the si-e o% the roa-; ,e shot back in
F: kno"; B$t e&er1thin) seeme- to in-icate that 1o$ "ere in peri'; ,e@- taken 1o$ to a per%ect
spot %or an$tion4 at an i-ea' timeDG
FNo4G : sai-; FAo$r shot "ent "i-e4 an- 1o$ 'e%t 1o$rse'% open %or "hat %o''o"e-;G
F: -on@t $n-erstan- "hat 1o$@re sa1in);G
FAo$ so'&e- the prob'em o% possib'1 ha&in) to shoot 9$ke b1 settin) $p a sit$ation "here he
shot 1o$;G
F: co$'-n@t -o that4 $n-er a )eas;G
FBa1be not conscio$s'14G : sai-; F(o somethin) stron)er than the )eas %o$n- a "a1;G
FAo$ rea''1 be'ie&e that>G
FAes4 an- it@s a'' ri)ht %or 1o$ to a-mit it no"; Ao$@re re'ease- %rom the )eas; B1 mother to'-
me; Ao$ to'- meD: think;G
(he no--e-; F: -on@t kno" e.act'1 "hen it came $n-one4 or ho"4G she sai-; FB$t it@s )oneD
tho$)h :@- sti'' tr1 to protect 1o$ i% somethin) threatene-; :t@s )oo- that 1o$ an- 9$ke are rea''1
%rien-s4 an-DG
F(o "h1 the secret>G : interr$pte-; F=h1 not ?$st te'' him 1o$ "ere #ai'> ($rprise the he'' o$t
o% himDp'easant'1;G
FAo$ -on@t $n-erstan-4G she sai-; F,e broke $p "ith me4 remember> No" :@&e another chance;
:t@s 'ike it "as4 a'' o&er a)ain; ,eD'ikes me a 'ot; :@m a%rai- to sa14 T:@m rea''1 the )ir' 1o$ once
broke $p "ith;@ :t mi)ht )et him to thinkin) o% a'' the reasons "h14 an- make him -eci-e he "as
ri)ht the %irst time;G
F!hat@s si''14G : sai-; F: -on@t kno" "hat reasons he )a&e; ,e ne&er to'- me abo$t it; E$st sai-
there@- been an ar)$ment; B$t :@m s$re the1 "ere specio$s; : kno" he 'ike- 1o$; :@m s$re he
rea''1 broke $p "ith 1o$ beca$se he "as a son o% Amber abo$t to come home on some &er1
nast1 b$siness4 an- there "as no room %or "hat he tho$)ht "as a norma' sha-o" )ir' in the
pict$re; Ao$@- p'a1e- 1o$r part too "e'';G
F:s that "h1 1o$ broke $p "ith E$'ia>G she aske-;
FNo4G : sai-;
: notice- the b'ack trai' ha- "i-ene- abo$t a %oot since "e@- be)$n ta'kin); : "as in the market
%or a mathematica' prob'em ?$st then;
Chapter 10
An- so "e ro-eDsi. paces a'on) a cit1 street4 ami- the b'are o% horns4 o$r b'ack "a1 e-)e- b1
ski- marksC a <$arter mi'e a'on) a b'ack san- beach4 besi-e a so%t )reen sea4 stirrin) pa'ms to o$r
'e%tC across a tarnishe- sno"%ie'-C beneath a bri-)e o% stone4 o$r "a1 a -ea- an- b'ackene-
streambe-C then to prairieC back to "oo-e- "a1Dan- !i)er ne&er %'inche-4 e&en "hen /a't p$t a
boote- %oot thro$)h a "in-shie'- an- broke o%% an antenna;
!he "a1 contin$e- to "i-en4 to perhaps t"ice its "i-th "hen : ha- %irst come $pon it; (tark
trees "ere more common "ithin it no"4 stan-in) 'ike photo)raphic ne)ati&es o% their bri)ht
mates b$t a %e" %eet o%% the trai'; =hi'e the 'ea&es an- branches o% these 'atter "ere re)$'ar'1
stirre-4 "e %e't no "in- at a''; !he so$n-s o% o$r &oices4 o% o$r mo$nts@ hoo&es4 came someho"
m$te- no"4 a'so; O$r entire co$rse ha- a constant4 "a&er1 t"i'i)ht atmosphere to it4 no matter
that a %e" paces a"a1D"hich brie% e.c$rsion "e essa1e- man1 timesDit mi)ht be hi)h noon or
mi-ni)ht; /ea--'ookin) bir-s "ere perche- "ithin the b'ackene- trees4 tho$)h the1 seeme- on
occasion to mo&e4 an- the rasp14 croakin) so$n-s that sometimes came to $s ma1 "e'' ha&e been
At one time4 a %ire ra)e- to o$r ri)htC at another4 "e seeme- to be passin) near the %oot o% a
)'acier on the 'e%t; O$r trai' contin$e- to "i-enDnothin) 'ike the )reat B'ack 0oa- Cor"in ha-
-escribe- to me %rom the -a1s o% the "ar4 b$t bi) eno$)h no" %or $s a'' to ri-e abreast;
F9$ke4G : sai-4 a%ter a time;
FAeah>G he ans"ere-4 %rom m1 'e%t; Na1-a ro-e to m1 ri)ht no"4 an- /a't to her ri)ht; F=hat@s
F: -on@t "ant to be kin);G
FBe neither4G he sai-; F,o" har- the1 p$shin) 1o$>G
F:@m a%rai- the1@re )oin) to )rab me an- cro"n me i% : )o back; 2&er1bo-1 in m1 "a1 -ie-
s$--en'1; !he1 rea''1 p'an to stick me on the throne4 to marr1 me to Cora'DG
F*h-h$h4G he sai-4 Fan- :@&e t"o <$estions abo$t it; +irst4 "i'' it "ork>G
F!he 9o)r$s seems to think it "i''4 at 'east %or a timeD"hich is a'' po'itics is abo$t4 an1ho";G
F(econ-4G he sai-4 Fi% 1o$ %ee' abo$t the p'ace the "a1 : %ee' abo$t 3ash%a4 1o$@re not )oin) to
'et it )o to he'' i% 1o$ can he'p itDe&en i% it means some persona' miser1; Ao$ -on@t "ant to take
the throne4 tho$)h4 so 1o$ m$st ha&e "orke- o$t some a'ternati&e reme-1; =hat is it>G
: no--e- as the trai' t$rne- sharp'1 to the 'e%t an- hea-e- $phi''; (omethin) sma'' an- -ark
sc$tt'e- across o$r path;
F:@&e a notionDnot e&en a %$'' i-ea4G : sai-4 F"hich : "ant to -isc$ss "ith m1 %ather;G
F!a'' or-er4G he sai-; FAo$ kno" %or s$re that he@s e&en a'i&e>G
F: ta'ke- to him not a'' that 'on) a)oD&er1 brie%'1; ,e@s a prisoner4 some"here; A'' : kno" %or
s$re is that it@s some"here in the &icinit1 o% the Co$rtsDbeca$se : can reach him b1 !r$mp %rom
there4 b$t no"here e'se;G
F!e'' me abo$t this comm$nication4G he sai-;
An- so : -i-4 b'ack bir- an- a'';
F(o$n-s 'ike b$stin) him o$t@s )oin) to be trick14G he sai-; FAn- 1o$ think 1o$r mom@s behin-
F: tho$)ht : "as the on'1 one "ith these materna' prob'ems; B$t it %i)$res4 seein) as 1o$rs
traine- mine;G
F,o" come "e t$rne- o$t so norma'>G : sai-;
,e ?$st stare- at me %or se&era' secon-s; !hen he starte- to 'a$)h;
F=e''4 : %ee' norma'4G : sai-;
FO% co$rse4G he sai- <$ick'1 then4 Fan- that@s "hat co$nts; !e'' me4 i% it came to an o$t-an--o$t
crossin) o% po"ers4 -o 1o$ think 1o$ co$'- beat /ara>G
F,ar- to sa14G : to'- him; F:@m stron)er no" than : e&er "as be%ore4 beca$se o% the spikar-; B$t
:@m be)innin) to be'ie&e she@s &er1 )oo-;G
F=hat the he''@s a spikar->G (o : to'- him that stor14 too;
F!hat@s "h1 1o$ "ere so %'ash1 back in the ch$rch "hen 1o$ "ere %i)htin) "ith E$rt>G he sai-;
F!hat@s ri)ht;G
F9et@s see it;G
: trie- to p$'' it o%%4 b$t it "o$'-n@t pass the kn$ck'e;
(o : simp'1 e.ten-e- m1 han-; 9$ke reache- %or it; ,is %in)ers ha'te- a co$p'e o% inches abo&e
F:t@s ho'-in) me o%%4 Ber'e; Protecti&e 'itt'e -e&i';G
F,e''4G : sai-4 F:@m not a shapeshi%ter %or nothin);G : took ho'- o% it then4 s'imme- m1 %in)er
s$--en'14 an- s'i- it o%%; F,ere;G
,e he'- it in the pa'm o% his 'e%t han- as "e bo$nce- a'on)4 re)ar-in) it thro$)h narro"e- e1es;
($--en'14 : %e't -i661; =ith-ra"a' s1mptoms %rom the thin)> : %orce- m1se'% $pri)ht4 re&erse-
m1 breathin)4 re%$se- to 'et it sho";
F,ea&14G 9$ke sai- at 'ast; F: can %ee' the po"er there; Other thin)s4 too; :t "on@t 'et me in4
: reache- %or it an- he -re" his han- a"a1;
F: can %ee' it in the air a'' aro$n- $s4G he sai-; FBer'e4 this thin) 'a1s a spe'' on an1bo-1 "ho
"ears it;
: shr$))e-;
FAes4G : sai-; FA beni)n one4 tho$)h; :t@s -one nothin) to harm me4 an- it@s he'pe- me a n$mber
o% times;G
FB$t can 1o$ tr$st an1thin) that came to 1o$ in s$ch an o-- "a1Da'most b1 tricker14 ca$se-
1o$ to aban-on +rakir "hen she trie- to "arn 1o$ abo$t it4 an- %or a'' 1o$ kno" has been
in%'$encin) 1o$r beha&ior e&er since 1o$ p$t it on>G
F: a-mit to a kin- o% -isorientation at %irst4G : sai-4 Fb$t : think that "as ?$st in the "a1 o%
accommo-ation to the 'e&e's o% &o'ta)e it -ra"s; :@&e been back to norma' %or some time no";G
F,o" can 1o$ te'' %or s$re> Ba1be it@s brain"ashe- 1o$;G
F/o : seem brain"ashe- to 1o$>G
FNo; : "as ?$st tr1in) to sa1 that : "o$'-n@t comp'ete'1 tr$st an1thin) "ith s$ch <$estionab'e
F=e'' taken4G : a)ree-4 ho'-in) %orth m1 han-; FB$t so %ar the bene%its ha&e o$t"ei)he- an1
h1pothetica' -an)ers; Consi-er me "arne-4 an- :@'' take m1 chances;G
,e han-e- it back;
F:% : think it@s makin) 1o$ act "eir- :@m )oin) to hit 1o$ o&er the hea- an- p$'' it o%%4 tho$)h;G
F+air eno$)h4G : sai-4 s'ippin) it back on; :mme-iate'14 : %e't a r$sh o% ener)1 thro$)ho$t m1
s1stem as the 'ines o% contro' "ere reestab'ishe-;
F:% 1o$@re not s$re 1o$ can %orce the in%ormation o$t o% 1o$r mother4G he sai-4 Fho" -o 1o$
propose %in-in) Cor"in an- %reein) him>G
F(e&era' thin)s s$))est themse'&es4G : sai-; F!he simp'est "a1 ma1 be a %oot in the -oor
techni<$e; !hat is4 :@- open a'' o% the channe's on the spikar- an- )o %or another !r$mp contact;
As soon as there@s an1 sort o% openin) :@- ?$st p$sh ahea- "ith %$'' %orce4 ?ammin) an1 spe''s that
tr1 to stop me an- b$rnin) them o$t;G
F(o$n-s as i% it co$'- be -an)ero$s;G
F: can@t think o% an1 "a1 to )o abo$t this that "o$'-n@t be;G
F!hen "h1 ha&en@t 1o$ trie- it>G
F:t on'1 occ$rre- to me recent'14 an- : ha&en@t ha- the time since then;G
F,o"e&er 1o$ )o abo$t it4 1o$@re )oin) to nee- some he'p4G he sai-; F(o co$nt me in;G
F!hanks4 9$ke; :DG
FNo"4 abo$t the kin) b$siness4G he sai-; F=hat happens i% 1o$ simp'1 re%$se to take the throne>
=ho@s ne.t in 'ine>G
F:t@s a bit tan)'e- "hen 1o$ come to (a"a''4G : sai-; FB1 ri)hts4 Ban-or sho$'- be %irst in 'ine o%
s$ccession %rom o$r ,o$se; ,e@- remo&e- himse'% %rom the 'ine 1ears a)o4 tho$)h;G
F: be'ie&e he c'aime- he "as $n%it to r$'e;G
FNo o%%ense4 Ber'e; B$t he seems 'ike the on'1 one o% 1o$ "ho is %it %or the ?ob;G
FOh4 "itho$t a -o$bt4G : respon-e-; FBost o% the ,o$ses ha&e someone 'ike him4 tho$)h;
!here@s $s$a''1 a nomina' hea- an- a -e %acto one4 someone %or sho" an- someone %or schemin);
Ban-or 'ikes the c'imate behin- the scenes;G
F(o$n-s as i% 1o$r ,o$se has t"o4G he sai-;
F:@m not rea''1 c'ear on it4G : sai-; F: -on@t kno" /ara@s stat$s ri)ht no" in her %ather@s ,o$seD
,e')ramDor her mother@sD,en-rake; B$t it mi)ht be "orth a po"er str$))'e "ithin (a"a'' i%
that@s "here the ne.t kin) is comin) %rom; (ti''4 the more : 'earn o% Ban-or the more
intimi-atin) s$ch a str$))'e "o$'- seem; :@- )$ess the1@re cooperatin);G
F: take it 1o$@re ne.t in 'ine4 an- then E$rt>G
FAct$a''14 o$r brother /espi' is ne.t a%ter me; E$rt sai- that /espi' "o$'- probab'1 step asi-e %or
him4 b$t : think that "as "ish%$' thinkin); :@m not at a'' s$re he "o$'-; An1ho"4 E$rt sa1s no"
that he isn@t intereste-;G
F,aI : think he@s ?$st takin) a -i%%erent approach; Ao$ "hippe- him too man1 times4 an- he@s
tr1in) to )et in )oo- "ith 1o$; ,ope that spikar- can protect 1o$r back;G
F: -on@t kno"4G : sai-; F:@- 'ike to be'ie&e him; ,e spent a 'ot o% time makin) s$re that it
"o$'-n@t be eas14 tho$)h;G
F($pposin) 1o$ a'' -ec'ine; =ho@s ne.t>G
F:@m not certain4G : sai-4 Fb$t : think it "o$'- )o to ,en-rake then;G
F/amn4G 9$ke sai-; F:t@s as t"iste- a p'ace as Amber4 isn@t it>G
FNeither one@s t"iste-4 e.act'1; E$st a 'itt'e comp'icate-4 ti'' 1o$@&e 'earne- the ropes;G
F=hat sa1 : ?$st 'isten4 an- 1o$ %i'' me in on e&er1thin) that 1o$ ha&en@t so %ar>G
F#oo- i-ea;G
(o : ta'ke- %or a 'on) "hi'e4 breakin) to s$mmon %oo- an- "ater; =e ha'te- t"ice -$rin) that
time4 ca$sin) me to rea'i6e ?$st ho" tire- : ha- become; An- brie%in) 9$ke remin-e- me 1et
a)ain that : sho$'- be te''in) a'' o% this to 0an-om; B$t i% : )ot in to$ch an- trie- it : "as certain
he "o$'- or-er me back to Amber; An- : co$'-n@t -isobe1 a -irect or-er %rom the kin)4 e&en i% :
"as a'most his opposite n$mber;
F=e@re )ettin) nearer4G Na1-a anno$nce- some"hat 'ater4 an- : note- that o$r roar"a1 ha-
"i-ene- e&en more4 a'most to the point she@- -escribe-; : -re" a ?o't o% ener)1 into m1 s1stem4
-i)este- it4 an- kept )oin);
(hort'1 therea%ter4 she remarke-4 FB$ch nearer;G
F9ike ?$st aro$n- the corner>G 9$ke aske-;
FCo$'- be4G she ans"ere-; F: can@t be more precise4 the con-ition she@s in;G
B$t a 'itt'e 'ater4 "e hear- -istant sho$ts;
9$ke -re" rein;
F(omethin) abo$t a to"er4G he sai-;
(he no--e-;
F=ere the1 hea-in) %or it4 ho'in) $p in it4 or -e%en-in) themse'&es there>G
FA'' o% the abo&e4G she sai-; F: $n-erstan- no"; ,er captors "ere p$rs$e-4 hea-e- %or a p'ace o%
re%$)e4 reache- it4 are there no";G
F,o" come 1o$@re s$--en'1 that precise>G
(he )a&e me a <$ick 'ook that : took as a re<$est %or an e.p'anation other thant'iga po"ers;
F: "as $sin) the spikar-4G : o%%ere-4 Ftr1in) to see "hether : co$'- )i&e her a c'earer &ision;G
F#oo-4G 9$ke sai-; FCan 1o$ boost it e&en more4 so "e can see "hat "e@re $p a)ainst>G
F: can tr14G : sai-4 narro"in) m1 e1es at her in in<$ir1; (he respon-e- "ith a &er1 s'i)ht no-;
: "asn@t certain ho" to )o abo$t it4 so : ?$st %e- her ener)1 in the "a1 o% that ?o't :@- )i&en
m1se'% a "hi'e back;
FAes4G she sai- a%ter a %e" moments4 FCora' an- her captorsDsi. o% them4 : be'ie&eDha&e
taken re%$)e in a to"er near here; !he1 are $n-er attack;G
F,o" 'ar)e is the part1 o% attackers>G 9$ke aske-;
F(ma''4G she sai-; FM$ite sma''; : can@t )i&e 1o$ a n$mber;G
F9et@s )o an- see4G 9$ke sai-4 an- he 'e- the "a14 /a't behin- him;
F!hree or %o$r4G Na1-a "hispere- to me4 Fb$t the1@re Pattern )hosts; !hat@s probab'1 a'' it can
maintain this %ar %rom home4 on a B'ack 0oa-;G
FO$ch4G : sai-; F!his makes it trick1;G
F,o" so>G
F:t means : ha&e re'ati&es on both si-es;G
F:t a'so 'ooks as i% Amber@s )hosts an- the Co$rt@s -emons are on'1 a)ents4 an- that it@s rea''1 a
con%rontation bet"een the 9o)r$s an- the Pattern;G
F/amnI O% co$rseIG : sai-; F:t co$'- easi'1 esca'ate into another o% those; :@m )oin) to ha&e to
"arn 9$ke "hat "e@re ri-in) into;G
FAo$ can@tI Not "itho$t te''in) him "hat : amIG
F:@'' te'' him : 'earne- it m1se'%Dthat : ha- a s$--en insi)ht into a ne" spe'';G
FB$t "hat then> =hich si-e are 1o$ on> =hat -o "e -o>G
FNeither4G : sai-; F=e@re on o$r o"n4 an- a)ainst both o% them;G
FAo$@re cra61I !here@s no p'ace 1o$ can hi-e4 Ber'eI !he Po"ers -i&i-e the $ni&erse bet"een
F9$keIG : crie-; F: ?$st probe- ahea-4 'earne- the attackers are Pattern )hostsIG
FAo$ -on@t sa1>G he ca''e- back; F!hink "e sho$'- be takin) their si-e> :t@s probab'1 better %or
the Pattern to take her back than %or the Co$rts to )et her4 "o$'-n@t 1o$ think>G
F(he sho$'-n@t be $se- that "a14G : sai-; F9et@s take her a"a1 %rom both o% them;G
F: a)ree "ith 1o$r %ee'in)s4G he state-; FB$t "hat i% "e s$ccee-> : -on@t rea''1 care to be str$ck
b1 a meteor or transporte- to the bottom o% the nearest ocean;G
FAs near as : can te''4 the spikar- -oesn@t -ra" its po"er %rom the Pattern or the 9o)r$s; :ts
so$rces are scattere- thro$)h (ha-o";G
F(o> :@m s$re it@s not a match %or either one4 'et a'one both;G
FNo4 b$t : can $se it to start an e&asion co$rse; !he1@'' be )ettin) in each other@s "a1 i% the1
-eci-e to p$rs$e $s;G
FB$t e&ent$a''1 the1@- %in- $s4 "o$'-n@t the1>G
FBa1be4 ma1be not4G : sai-; F: ha&e some i-eas4 b$t "e@re r$nnin) o$t o% time;G
F/a't4 -i- 1o$ hear a'' that>G 9$ke aske-;
F: -i-4G /a't rep'ie-;
F:% 1o$ "ant o$t4 no"@s 1o$r chance;G
FAn- miss an opport$nit1 to t"ist the *nicorn@s tai'>G he sai-; F3eep ri-in)IG
=e -i-4 an- the sho$ts )re" 'o$-er as "e race- ahea-; !here "as a certain time'ess %ee'in) to it4
tho$)hD"ith the m$%%'e- so$n-s an- the -imnessDas i% "e ha- a'"a1s been ri-in) here an-
a'"a1s "o$'- be;;;;
!hen "e ro$n-e- a ben- an- : sa" the top o% the to"er in the -istance4 hear- more sho$ts; =e
s'o"e- as "e came to the ne.t t$rn4 a-&ancin) more ca$tio$s'14 "orkin) o$r "a1 thro$)h a
sma'' stan- o% b'ack sap'in)s;
+ina''14 "e ha'te-4 -ismo$nte-4 "orke- o$r "a1 %or"ar- on %oot; =e p$she- asi-e the %ina'
screenin) branches an- 'ooke- -o"n a s'i)ht s'ope to a b'ackene-4 san-1 p'ain besi-e a three-
stor1 )ra1 to"er "ith s'it "in-o"s an- a narro" entrance"a1; :t took a "hi'e to sort o$t the
tab'ea$ at its base;
!here "ere t"o -emon%orme- in-i&i-$a's stan-in) to either si-e o% the to"er@s entrance; !he1
"ere arme- an- their attention seeme- %oc$se- $pon the contest takin) p'ace on the san-s be%ore
them; +ami'iar %i)$res stoo- at the %ar en- o% this imprompt$ arena an- at either si-e8 Bene-ict
stroke- his chin4 e.pression'essC 2ric h$nkere- an- smi'e-C Caine ?$))'e-4 %'ippe-4 pa'me-4 an-
passe- a -a))er4 re%'e.i&e'14 thro$)h some pri&ate ro$tine4 an e.pression o% am$se- %ascination
on his %ace; +rom the to"er@s top4 : s$--en'1 note-4 t"o horne- -emons 'eane- %or"ar-4 their
)a6es as intent as those o% Amber@s Pattern )hosts;
At the circ'e@s center #erar- %ace- a -emon%orme- son o% ,en-rake4 o% his o"n hei)ht an-
)reater )irth; :t 'ooke- to be China"a1 himse'%4 "ho "as sai- to ha&e a co''ection o% o&er t"o
h$n-re- sk$''s o% those he@- -ispatche-; : pre%erre- #erar-@s co''ection o% a tho$san- or so m$)s4
steins4 an- -rinkin) horns4 b$t 1o$r )host "i'' "a'k4 1o$ 'o&er o% trees4 in an 2n)'ish 'ane4 i% 1o$
kno" "hat : mean;
Both "ere strippe- to the "aist4 an- %rom the sc$%%e-$p con-ition o% the san-s abo$t them :
)$esse- the1 ha- been at it %or some time; China"a1 trie- to trip #erar- ?$st then4 "ho ca$)ht
his arm an- hea- as he steppe- behin- him4 an- sent him cart"hee'in) a"a1; !he -emon 'or-
came $p on his %eet4 ho"e&er4 an- imme-iate'1 a-&ance- once a)ain4 arms e.ten-e-4 han-s
"ea&in) a sin$o$s pattern be%ore him; #erar- simp'1 "aite- in a rea-1 position; China"a1
stabbe- ta'one- %in)ers to"ar- #erar-@s e1es an- hooke- a b'o" a)ainst his rib ca)e; #erar-
ca$)ht ho'- o% his sho$'-er4 ho"e&er4 as China"a1 -roppe- an- ca$)ht him abo$t the thi)h;
F9et@s "ait4G /a't sai- so%t'1; F: "ant to "atch;G 9$ke an- : both no--e- as #erar- 'ocke-
China"a1@s hea- an- China"a1 "rappe- his other arm abo$t #erar-@s "aist; !hen the1 simp'1
stoo- there4 m$sc'es b$')in) beneath t"o hi-es4 one pa'e an- smooth4 the other re- an- sca'1;
!heir '$n)s "orke- 'ike be''o"s;
F: ass$me the thin)@s been -ra))in) o$t4G 9$ke "hispere-4 Fan- the1 -eci-e- to sett'e it
champion a)ainst champion;G
F9ooks that "a14G : sai-;
FCora' m$st be insi-e then4 "o$'-n@t 1o$ think>G
F=ait a min$te;G
: ran a <$ick probe into the str$ct$re4 'ocatin) t"o peop'e "ithin; : no--e- then;
F,er an- a sin)'e )$ar-4 :@- sa1;G
#erar- an- China"a1 sti'' stoo- 'ike stat$es;
FNo" mi)ht be the best time to )rab Cora'4G 9$ke sai-4 F"hi'e e&er1bo-1@s "atchin) the %i)ht;G
FAo$@re probab'1 ri)ht4G : to'- him; F9et me see "hether : can make m1se'% in&isib'e; !hat
mi)ht simp'i%1 matters;G
FOka14G he sai- abo$t a <$arter min$te 'ater; F=hate&er 1o$ -i- ?$st then "orke-; Ao$@re )one;G
F:n-ee- : am4G : sai-; FBack in a bit;G
F,o" "i'' 1o$ )et her o$t>G
F:@'' -eci-e a%ter :@&e reache- her; E$st be rea-1;G
: mo&e- s'o"'14 care%$' not to sc$%% the san-; : skirte- the circ'e4 passin) behin- Caine; :
approache- the -oor to the to"er4 so$n-'ess4 checkin) abo$t me constant'1; #erar- an-
China"a1 sti'' stoo- e.act'1 as the1 ha- been4 'ocke-4 an- app'1in) enormo$s press$res to each
: passe- bet"een the )$ar-s4 enterin) the -im interior o% the to"er; :t consiste- o% a sin)'e ro$n-
room "ith a bare earth %'oor4 stone pe-esta's beneath each s'it "in-o"; A 'a--er 'e- $p to the
secon- %'oor thro$)h a ho'e in the cei'in); Cora' 'a1 $pon a b'anket to m1 'e%tC the in-i&i-$a' "ho
"as ostensib'1 )$ar-in) her stoo- $pon a pe-esta'4 "atchin) the %i)ht thro$)h the nearest
: mo&e- nearer4 kne't4 ca$)ht $p her 'e%t "rist an- %e't her p$'se; :t "as stron) an- stea-1; :
-eci-e- a)ainst tr1in) to a"aken her4 tho$)h; :nstea-4 : "rappe- the b'anket aro$n- her4 raise-
her in m1 arms4 an- stoo-;
: "as abo$t to tr1 e.ten-in) the in&isibi'it1 spe'' to inc'$-e her "hen the "atcher at the "in-o"
t$rne-; : m$st ha&e ma-e some noise in mo&in) her;
+or a moment4 the )$ar- stare- at the si)ht o% his prisoner -ri%tin) be'o" him; !hen he opene-
his mo$th4 as i% to )i&e a'armD'ea&in) me "ith sma'' choice b$t to shock his ner&o$s s1stem
into insensibi'it1 "ith a char)e %rom m1 rin);
*n%ort$nate'14 there "as a ratt'e o% arms as he %e'' %rom his pe-esta' to the %'oor; A'most
imme-iate'14 : hear- a cr1 %rom o&erhea-C %o''o"e- b1 so$n-s o% rapi- mo&ement;
!$rnin)4 : h$rrie- to the -oor; : ha- to s'o" an- t$rn beca$se o% its narro"ness; : "asn@t certain
"hat the )$ar-s o$tsi-e "o$'- think "hen a comatose Cora' -ri%te- b14 b$t : -i-n@t "ant to be
trappe- insi-e; Peerin) ahea-4 : sa" that #erar- an- China"a1 seeme- in the same position as
be%ore; (econ-s 'ater4 ho"e&er4 as : t$rne- m1 bo-1 an- took m1 %irst si-'in) step4 there came a
s$--en4 sharp t"istin) mo&ement %rom #erar-4 %o''o"e- imme-iate'1 b1 a so$n- 'ike that o% a
snappin) stick;
#erar- 'et his arms %a'' an- stoo- erect; !he bo-1 o% China"a1 hit the )ro$n- at his si-e4 neck at
an $nnat$ra' an)'e; 2ric an- Caine app'a$-e-; !he t"o )$ar-s besi-e the -oor mo&e- %or"ar-;
Behin- me4 "ithin4 the 'a--er ratt'e- at the other si-e o% the room; : hear- a cr1 %rom that
!"o more steps an- : t$rne-4 hea-e- 'e%t; !he o$tsi-e )$ar-s "ere r$shin) to"ar- their %a''en
champion; A ha'% -o6en paces4 an- there "ere more cries at m1 back4 as m1 p$rs$ers e.ite- the
to"erC an- there "ere h$man cries as "e''4 %rom the ki''in) circ'e;
: kne" that : co$'-n@t o$tr$n an1 o% them4 carr1in) m1 b$r-enC an- a'' that motor acti&it1
inter%ere- "ith m1 concentration to the point "here : "as incapab'e o% per%ormin) ma)ica'
(o : -roppe- to m1 knees4 'o"erin) Cora' to the )ro$n- be%ore me4 t$rne- "itho$t e&en risin)4
an- e.ten-e- m1 'e%t %ist4 p'$n)in) m1 min- -eep "ithin the rin)4 ca''in) %or e.treme meas$res
to ha't the pair o% ,en-rake comman-os "ho "ere on'1 a %e" paces a"a1 no"4 e-)e- "eapons
rea-1 to pierce an- to s'ash;
;;;An- then the1 "ere ca$)ht $p in the mi-st o% %'ames; : think the1 screame-4 b$t there "as a 'ot
o% noise ?$st then; !"o paces more4 perhaps4 an- the1 %e''4 b'ackene- an- t"itchin)4 be%ore me;
B1 han- "as shakin)4 %rom its pro.imit1 to the po"ers that ca$se- thisC an- : ha-n@t time4 e&en4
to think or to %ee' as : s"$n) to"ar- the san-1 p'ace o% the recent contest an- "hate&er mi)ht be
comin) at me %rom that -irection;
One o% the t"o )$ar-s "ho ha- r$she- %or"ar- 'a1 smo'-erin) on the )ro$n- at 2ric@s %eet;
AnotherD"ho ha- apparent'1 attacke- CaineDc'$tche- at the kni%e in his )$''et4 %ires sprea-in)
o$t"ar-4 -o"n"ar-4 $p"ar-4 %rom his throat4 as he sank s'o"'14 then topp'e- to the rear;
:mme-iate'14 Caine4 2ric4 an- Bene-ict t$rne- to stare at me; #erar-4 ha&in) ?$st -ra"n on a
b'$e shirt4 "as b$ck'in) his s"or-be't in p'ace; ,e t$rne-4 too4 ?$st as Caine sai-4 FAn- "ho4 sir4
are 1o$>G
FBer'in4G : rep'ie-4 Fson o% Cor"in;G Caine act$a''1 'ooke- start'e-;
F/oes Cor"in ha&e a son>G he aske- the others; 2ric shr$))e- an- #erar- sai-4 F: -on@t kno";G
B$t Bene-ict st$-ie- me;
F!here is a resemb'ance4G he sai-;
F!r$e4G Caine a)ree-; FA'' ri)ht4 bo1; 2&en i% 1o$ are Cor"in@s son4 that "oman 1o$@re makin)
o%% "ith be'on)s to $s; =e ?$st "on her %air an- s<$are o%% these "e''--one Chaosites;G
=ith that4 he be)an "a'kin) to"ar- me; A moment 'ater4 2ric ?oine- him; !hen #erar- %e'' into
step behin- them; : -i-n@t "ant to harm them4 e&en i% the1 "ere on'1 )hosts4 so : )est$re- an- a
'ine "as -ra"n in the san- be%ore them; :mme-iate'14 it ca$)ht %ire;
!he1 ha'te-;
($--en'14 a h$)e %i)$re appeare- at m1 'e%t; :t "as /a't4 a nake- b'a-e in his han-; A moment
'ater4 9$ke "as there; !hen Na1-a; !he %o$r o% $s %ace- the %o$r o% them4 across the %ire;
F(he@s o$rs no"4G /a't sai-4 an- he took a sin)'e step %or"ar-;
FAo$ are mistaken4G came the rep'14 an- 2ric crosse- the 'ine4 -ra"in) his "eapon;
/a't "as a co$p'e o% inches ta''er than 2ric4 an- he ha- a 'on)er reach; ,e mo&e- %or"ar-
imme-iate'1; : e.pecte- some kin- o% c$t %rom that bi) b'a-e he carrie-4 b$t he "ent in %or a
point-attack; 2ric4 $sin) a 'i)hter "eapon4 si-esteppe- an- came in $n-er his arm; /a't -roppe-
the point o% his b'a-e4 mo&e- to his 'e%t4 an- parrie- it; !he t"o "eapons "ere s$ite- %or &er1
-i%%erent st1'esD2ric@s bein) at the hea&iest en- o% the rapier c'ass4 /a't@s at the 'i)hter en- o%
broa-s"or-; /a't@s co$'- be a sin)'e-han-e- "eapon %or a bi)-eno$)h4 stron)-eno$)h )$1; :@-
ha&e ha- to $se it t"o-han-e- m1se'%; /a't trie- an $p"ar- c$t ?$st then4 o% the sort a Eapanese
s"or-sman "o$'- re%er to as kiria)e; 2ric simp'1 steppe- back an- trie- %or a "rist c$t as it
passe- him; /a't s$--en'1 mo&e- his 'e%t han- to the ha%t an-$te- a b'in-in) t"o-han-e-
c$t o% the sort kno"n as naname )iri; 2ric contin$e- to circ'e4 tr1in) %or the "rist 1et a)ain;
($--en'14 /a't opene- his ri)ht han- an- 'et it -ri%t back4 as his ri)ht %oot per%orme- a h$)e
semicirc$'ar step to his rear an- his 'e%t arm mo&e- %or"ar-4 'ea&in) him in a 'e%t-han-e-
2$ropean en )ar-e position4 %rom "hich that massi&e arm an- matchin) b'a-e imme-iate'1
e.ten-e-4 per%ormin) an insi-e beat $pon 2ric@s b'a-e %o''o"e- b1 a '$n)e; 2ric parrie- as his
ri)ht %oot crosse- behin- his 'e%t an- he spran) back"ar-; 2&en so4 : sa" a spark as his )$ar-
"as crease-; ,e %einte- in si.te4 ho"e&er4 -roppe- his point beneath the parr1 that %o''o"e-4
e.ten-e- his arm in <$atreC raise- himse'% an- his b'a-e into somethin) resemb'in) a stop-thr$st
tar)etin) the 'e%t sho$'-er as the parr1 crosse-4 t$rne- his "rist4 an- s'ashe- /a't across the 'e%t
Caine app'a$-e-4 b$t /a't simp'1 bro$)ht his han-s to)ether an- separate- them a)ain4$tin) a 'itt'e hopstep as he -i- so4 'ea&in) him in a ri)ht en )ar-e position; 2ric -re" circ'es
in the air "ith the point o% his "eapon an- smi'e-;
FC$te 'itt'e -ance ro$tine 1o$ ha&e there4G he sai-;
!hen 2ric '$n)e-4 "as parrie-4 retreate-4 si-esteppe-4 thre" a %ront kick at /a't@s kneecap4
misse-4 then mo&e- "ith per%ect timin) as /a't attempte- a hea- c$t; ("itchin) to the Eapanese
himse'%4 he sp$n in to the 'ar)er man@s ri)ht4 a mane$&er :@- seen in a k$matchi e.ercise4 his o"n
b'a-e risin) an- %a''in) as /a't@s c$t s"ept past; /a't@s ri)ht %orearm "ent s$--en'1 "et4 a thin) :
-i- not rea''1 notice $nti' a%ter 2ric ha- rotate- his "eapon4 b'a-e pointin) o$t"ar- an- $p"ar-4
an-4 the )$ar- co&erin) his kn$ck'es4 ha- -ri&en his %ist a)ainst the ri)ht si-e o% /a't@s ?a"; ,e
kicke- him then behin- the knee an- str$ck him "ith his 'e%t sho$'-er; /a't st$mb'e- an- %e'';
2ric imme-iate'1 kicke- him4 ki-ne14 e'bo"4 thi)hDthe 'atter on'1 beca$se he misse- the knee
Dset his boot $pon /a't@s "eapon an- s"$n) his o"n abo$t to brin) its point in 'ine "ith the
man@s heart;
: ha- been hopin) a'' a'on)4 : s$--en'1 rea'i6e-4 that /a't "o$'- kick 2ric@s assDnot ?$st
beca$se he "as on m1 si-e an- 2ric "asn@t4 b$t beca$se o% the ro$)h time 2ric ha- )i&en m1
-a-; On the other han-4 : -o$bte- there "ere too man1 peop'e o% s$ch ass-kickin) pro"ess
abo$t; *n%ort$nate'14 t"o o% them stoo- on the other si-e o% the 'ine : ha- -ra"n; #erar- co$'-
ha&e o$t"rest'e- him; Bene-ict4 Baster o% Arms at Amber4 co$'- ha&e beaten him "ith an1
"eapon; : ?$st -i-n@t see $s as ha&in) m$ch o% a chance a)ainst them a''4 "ith Caine thro"n in
%or )oo- meas$reDnot e&en "ith at'iga on o$r si-e; An- i% : "ere s$--en'1 to te'' 2ric that /a't
"as his ha'% brother4 it "o$'-n@t s'o" his thr$st b1 an instant4 e&en i% he be'ie&e- me;
(o : ma-e the on'1 -ecision : co$'- make; !he1 "ere4 a%ter a''4 on'1 Pattern )hosts; !he rea'
Bene-ict an- #erar- "ere some"here e'se at this moment an- "o$'- in no "a1 be harme- b1
an1thin) : -i- to their -o$b'es here; 2ric an- Caine "ere4 o% co$rse4 'on) -ea-4 Caine bein) the
%ratrici-a' hero o% the Pattern%a'' "ar an- s$b?ect o% a recent stat$e on the #ran- Conco$rse4 on
the occasion o% 9$ke@s assassinatin) him %or ki''in) his %ather; An- 2ric4 o% co$rse4 ha- %o$n- a
hero@s -eath on the s'opes o% 3o'&ir4 sa&in) him4 : s$ppose4 %rom -1in) at the han-s o% m1 %ather;
!he b'oo-1 histor1 o% m1 %ami'1 s"am thro$)h m1 hea- as : raise- the spikar- to a-- a %ootnote
to it4 ca''in) a)ain %or the "a&e o% incineration that ha- taken o$t t"o o% m1 ,en-rake kin;
B1 arm %e't as i% someone ha- str$ck it "ith a baseba'' bat; A "isp o% smoke rose %rom the
spikar-; +or a moment4 m1 %o$r $pri)ht $nc'es stoo- $nmo&in); An- m1 %i%th remaine- s$pine;
!hen4 s'o"'14 2ric raise- his "eapon; An- he contin$e- to raise it4 as Bene-ict4 Caine4 an-
#erar- -re" theirs; ,e strai)htene- as he he'- it be%ore his %ace; !he others -i- the same; :t
'ooke- stran)e'1 'ike a sa'$teC an- 2ric@s e1es met mine;
F: kno" 1o$4G he sai-;
!hen the1 a'' comp'ete- the )est$re4 an- %a-e-4 %a-e-4 t$rne- to smoke4 an- b'e" a"a1;
/a't b'e-4 m1 arm ache-4 an- : %i)$re- o$t "hat "as )oin) on ?$st moments be%ore 9$ke )aspe-
an- sai-4 FO&er there;G
B1 'ine o% %ire ha- )one o$t some time a)o4 b$t be1on- the mark it ha- 'e%t4 "here m1 %a-e-
kinsmen ha- ?$st been stan-in)4 the air be)an to shimmer;
F!hat "i'' be the Pattern4G : sai- to 9$ke4 Fcome ca''in);G
A moment 'ater the (i)n o% the Pattern ho&ere- be%ore $s;
FBer'in4G it sai-4 F1o$ certain'1 mo&e aro$n- a 'ot;G
FB1 'i%e has become &er1 b$s1 o% 'ate4G : sai-;
FAo$ took m1 a-&ice an- 'e%t the Co$rts;G
FAes4 that seeme- pr$-ent;G
FB$t : -o not $n-erstan- 1o$r p$rposes here;G
F=hat@s to $n-erstan->G
FAo$ took the 'a-1 Cora' a"a1 %rom the a)ents o% the 9o)r$s;G
F!hat@s ri)ht;G
FB$t then 1o$ attempte- to keep her %rom m1 a)ents as "e'';G
F!hat4 too4 is correct;G
FAo$ m$st rea'i6e b1 no" that she bears somethin) that contrib$tes to o$r ba'ance o% po"er;G
F(o one o% $s m$st ha&e her; Aet 1o$ "o$'- -en1 $s both;G
F:t@s her "hom : care abo$t; (he has ri)hts an- %ee'in)s; Ao$@re treatin) her 'ike a )ame piece;G
F!r$e; : reco)ni6e her personhoo-4 b$t $n%ort$nate'1 she is become both;G
F!hen : "o$'- -en1 her to both o% 1o$; Nothin) "o$'- be chan)e-4 in that neither o% 1o$ has her
no"4 an1"a1; B$t : "o$'- take her o$t o% the )ame;G
FBer'in4 1o$ are a more important piece than she is4 b$t 1o$ are sti'' on'1 a piece an- 1o$ ma1
not -ictate to me; /o 1o$ $n-erstan->G
F: $n-erstan- m1 &a'$e to 1o$4G : sai-;
F: think not4G it respon-e-;
: "as "on-erin) ?$st then ho" stron) it rea''1 "as in this p'ace; :t seeme- ob&io$s that in terms
o% ener)1 e.pen-it$re4 it ha- been necessar1 %or it to re'ease its %o$r )hosts to be ab'e to mani%est
itse'% here; /are- : oppose it "ith e&er1 channe' on the spikar- opene-> : ha- ne&er trie-
accessin) e&er1 (ha-o" so$rce it contro''e- sim$'taneo$s'1; :% : -i- this4 an- i% : "ere to mo&e
&er1 <$ick'14 co$'- : )et $s a'' o$t o% here be%ore the Pattern reacte-> :% : co$'-n@t4 co$'- : p$nch
thro$)h "hate&er it raise- $p to stop $s> An- i% : s$ccee-e-Deither "a1Dto "hat p'ace sho$'-
"e %'ee>
+ina''14 ho" mi)ht this a%%ect the Pattern@s attit$-e to"ar- me>
J;;;i% 1o$ are not eaten b1 somethin) bi))er4 come te'' me 1o$r stor1 one ni)ht;K
=hat the he''4 : -eci-e-; :t is a )oo- -a1 to be 'iste- a 'a carte;
: opene- a'' the channe's;
:t %e't as i% : ha- been ?o))in) a'on) at a )oo- c'ip an- a brick "a'' ha- s$--en'1 appeare- si.
inches be%ore me;
: %e't the smash an- : "ent a"a1;
: 'a1 $pon a smooth4 coo' stone s$r%ace; !here "as a terrib'e r$shin) o% ener)ies in m1 min- an-
bo-1; : reache- into their so$rce an- took contro' o% them4 -ampenin) them to somethin) that
-i-n@t threaten to take the top o% m1 hea- o%%; !hen : opene- one e1e4 s'i)ht'1;
!he sk1 "as &er1 b'$e; : sa" a pair o% boots4 stan-in) a %e" %eet o%%4 %ace- a"a1 %rom me; :
reco)ni6e- them as Na1-a@s4 an- t$rnin) m1 hea- s'i)ht'14 : sa" that she "ore them; : a'so sa"
then that /a't 'a1 spra"'e- se&era' 1ar-s o%% to m1 'e%t;
Na1-a "as breathin) hea&i'14 an- m1 9o)r$s &ision sho"e- a pa'e re- 'i)ht abo$t her &ibratin)
han-s4 menacin);
Proppin) m1se'% $pon m1 'e%t e'bo" an- peerin) abo$t her4 : sa" that she stoo- bet"een me an-
the (i)n o% the Pattern that ho&ere- in the air perhaps ten %eet a"a1;
=hen it spoke a)ain it "as the %irst time :@- hear- it an1thin) 'ike am$sement8 FAo$
"o$'- protect him4 a)ainst me>G
FAes4G she rep'ie-;
F: -i- it %or so 'on) that it "o$'- be a shame to %ai' him "hen he rea''1 nee-s it;G
FCreat$re o% the Pit4 -o 1o$ kno" "here 1o$ stan->G it aske-;
FNo4G she sai-;
: 'ooke- be1on- them both at a per%ect'1 c'ear b'$e sk1; !he s$r%ace $pon "hich : 'a1 "as a
'e&e' area o% rock4 perhaps o&a' in shape4 openin) onto nothin); A <$ick t$rnin) o% m1 hea-
sho"e- that it seeme- bitten o$t o% a mo$ntainsi-e4 ho"e&er4 se&era' -ark recesses to the rear
in-icatin) the possibi'it1 o% ca&es; : sa"4 too4 that Cora' 'a1 behin- me; O$r ston1 she'% "as
se&era' h$n-re- meters "i-e; An- there "as mo&ement be1on- Na1-a an- the (i)n o% the
Pattern; 9$ke ha- ?$st ha$'e- himse'% $p into a knee'in) position;
: co$'- ha&e ans"ere- the <$estion p$t to Na1-a4 b$t there "as no percenta)e in m1 -oin) so;
Not "hen she "as -oin) s$ch a %ine ?ob o% ho'-in) o$r captor@s attention an- pro&i-in) a cr$cia'
!o m1 'e%t4 : sa" )o'--pink s"ir's "ithin the stone4 an- tho$)h : ha- ne&er been here : reca''e-
the -escription %rom m1 %ather@s stor1 an- kne" this to be the p'ace o% the prima' Pattern4 the
-eeper 'e&e' o% rea'it1 that $n-er'a1 Amber itse'%;
: ro''e- onto a'' %o$rs then4 an- cra"'e- a %e" steps4 sea"ar-4 Pattern"ar-;
FAo$ are at the other en- o% the $ni&erse4t'iga 4 in the p'ace o% m1 )reatest po"er;G
/a't )roane- an- ro''e- o&er4 sat $p4 massa)e- his e1es "ith the pa'ms o% his han-s;
: co$'- %ee' somethin) 'ike a &ibration ?$st at the e-)e o% hearin) comin) %rom Na1-a no"4 an-
her entire %orm ha- taken on that re--ish )'o"; : kne" that she "o$'- -ie i% she attacke- the
(i)n4 an- : rea'i6e- that : "o$'- attack it m1se'% i% it ki''e- her;
: hear- a moan %rom Cora';
FAo$ "i'' not h$rt m1 %rien-s4G Na1-a sai-;
: "on-ere- then at its s'appin) me -o"n be%ore : co$'- $se the spikar-4 an- transportin) $s
imme-iate'1 to its stron)ho'-; /i- this mean : mi)ht act$a''1 ha&e ha- a chance a)ainst it4 o$t
there in 9o)r$s territor1 "here it "as "eakene->
FCreat$re o% the Pit4G it to'- her4 Fs$ch a -oome-4 pathetic )est$re as 1o$rs &er)es on the heroic;
: %ee' a certain %on-ness %or 1o$; =o$'- that : ha- s$ch a %rien-; No4 : "i'' not harm 1o$r
companions; B$t : m$st -etain Cora' an- Ber'in here as po"er co$nters4 an- the rest o% 1o$ %or
po'itica' reasons4 $nti' this -isp$te "ith m1 a-&ersar1 is sett'e-;G
F/etain>G she sai-; F,ere>G
F!here are com%ortab'e <$arters "ithin the rock4G it sai-;
: rose care%$''1 to m1 %eet4 %$mb'in) at m1 be't %or m1 -a))er;
9$ke )ot $p an- "a'ke- o&er to Cora'4 kne't besi-e her;
FAre 1o$ a"ake>G he aske-;
F(ort o%4G she ans"ere-;
FCan 1o$ stan->G
F9et me he'p 1o$;G
/a't rose "hi'e 9$ke "as assistin) her; : contin$e- to si-'e to"ar- the -esi)n; =here "as
/"orkin "hen : rea''1 nee-e- him>
FAo$ ma1 enter the ca&es behin- 1o$ an- inspect 1o$r <$arters4G the (i)n sai-; FB$t %irst 1o$
m$st remo&e that rin)4 Ber'in;G
FNo4 no"@s har-'1 a time to be $npackin) an- )ettin) com%ortab'e4G : ans"ere-4 s'ashin) m1 'e%t
pa'm "ith the -a))er an- takin) a %ina' step; F=e "on@t be sta1in) 'on);G
A so$n- 'ike a sma'' th$n-erc'ap emer)e- %rom the (i)n o% the Pattern4 b$t there "as no
'i)htnin)4 nor -i- : think there "o$'- be; Not "hen it rea'i6e- "hat : "as ho'-in) in m1 han-4
an- "here : "as ho'-in) it;
FA thin) : 'earne- %rom 9$ke@s %ather4G : e.p'aine-; F9et@s ta'k;G
FAes4G sai- the (i)n o% the Pattern4 F'ike the reasonab'e bein)s that "e are; =o$'- 1o$ care %or
some c$shions>G
:mme-iate'14 three s$ch ob?ects appeare- nearb1;
F!hanks4G : sai-4 -ra"in) $p a )reen one; F: co$'- s$re $se an ice- tea;G
F/o 1o$ take s$)ar>G
Chapter 11
(eate- $pon a c$shion4 -a))er at m1 si-e4 : he'- m1 'e%t han- o$t o&er the Pattern4 c$ppe- pa'm
%i''e- "ith m1 b'oo-; !he (i)n o% the Pattern ho&ere- in the air be%ore me4 seemin)4 o% a s$--en4
to ha&e %or)otten Cora'4 Na1-a4 /a't4 an- 9$ke; : sippe- %rom the %roste- )'ass in m1 ri)ht han-4
a spri) o% %resh mint &isib'e ami- the ice;
FPrince Ber'in4G in<$ire- the (i)n4 Fte'' me "hat it is that 1o$ -esire4 an- 'et $s reso'&e this
matter <$ick'1; Are 1o$ s$re : mi)htn@t %etch 1o$ a napkin to p'ace at the -an)er point> :t "o$'-
not minimi6e 1o$r bar)ainin) abi'it14 i% 1o$ stop to think o% it; B$t it "o$'- ser&e to pre&ent
FNo4 that@s oka14G : sai-4 ha'%-)est$rin) "ith the b'oo--%i''e- han-4 so that its contents "ere
stirre-4 a sma'' 'ine o% re- trick'in) $p m1 "rist; F!hanks4 an1ho";G
!he (i)n o% the Pattern &ibrate-4 )re" sti'';
FPrince Ber'in4 1o$ ha&e ma-e 1o$r point4G it sai-; FB$t : -o not think 1o$ rea'i6e the %$''
imp'ications o% 1o$r threat; A %e" -rops o% 1o$r b'oo- $pon m1 ph1sica' -esi)n co$'- -ist$rb the
%$nctionin) o% the $ni&erse;G
: no--e-;
F: kno"4G : sai-;
F7er1 "e''4G it ans"ere-; F(tate 1o$r -eman-s;G
FO$r %ree-om4G : sai-; F9et $s )o4 an- 1o$ remain intact;G
FAo$ )i&e me sma'' choice4 b$t the same app'ies to 1o$r %rien-s;G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
FAo$ ma1 sen- /a't "hene&er 1o$ "ish4G it sai-; FAs %or the -emon 'a-14 : re'in<$ish her "ith
re)ret4 as : %ee' she "o$'- ha&e pro&i-e- )oo- compan1DG
9$ke re)ar-e- Na1-a;
F=hat is this Tcreat$re o% the Pit4@ T-emon 'a-1@ b$siness4 an1"a1>G he aske-;
F=e''4 there are a %e" thin)s 1o$ -on@t kno" abo$t me;;;G she respon-e-;
F:s it a 'on) stor1>G he aske-;
FAm : an assi)nment> Or -o 1o$ rea''1 'ike me>G
FAo$@re not an assi)nment4 an- : rea''1 'ike 1o$;G
F!hen "e@'' hear the stor1 'ater4G he sai-;
FAs : sai-4 sen- her4G it "ent on; FAn- /a't; An- 9$ke; : "i'' be happ1 to sen- the three o% them
"here&er 1o$ "ish; B$t -oes it occ$r to 1o$ that 1o$ an- Cora' are probab'1 sa%er here than
an1"here e'se>G
FBa1be; Ba1be not4G : ans"ere-; FCora'4 ho" -o 1o$ %ee' abo$t it>G
F#et me o$t o% here4G she sai-;
F(o m$ch %or that notion4G : to'- it; FNo"DG
F=ait; Ao$ "ant to be %air to 1o$r %rien-s4 -on@t 1o$>G
F($re : -o;G
F!hen 'et me point some thin)s o$t to them "hich the1 ma1 not ha&e consi-ere-;G
F#o ahea-;G
F9a-14G it sai-4 Fthe1 "ant 1o$r e1e in the Co$rts o% Chaos; Ao$r %ee'in)s on the matter are
immateria'; :% this can on'1 be achie&e- b1 makin) 1o$ a prisoner4 then it "i'' be -one;G
Cora' 'a$)he- so%t'1;
F!he a'ternati&e bein) to remain 1o$r prisoner>G she aske-;
F!hink o% 1o$rse'% as a )$est; : "i'' pro&i-e %or 1o$r e&er1 com%ort; O% co$rse4 there is a
positi&e )ain %or me in this state o% a%%airsDapart %rom -en1in) the a-&ersar1 1o$r presence; :
ackno"'e-)e this; B$t 1o$ m$st choose one o% $s4 e'se the other "i'' )rab 1o$ o%%;G
: 'ooke- at Cora'4 "ho shook her hea- s'i)ht'1;
F(o "hat@'' it be>G : aske-;
Cora' came o&er an- p'ace- her han- $pon m1 sho$'-er;
F#et me o$t o% here4G she sai-;
FAo$ hear- @em4G : to'- it; F2&er1bo-1 )oes;G
F: cra&e 1o$r in-$')ence a moment more4G it sai-;
F+or "hat>G : aske-;
FConsi-er; Choosin) bet"een the 9o)r$s an- m1se'% is not a mere matter o% po'iticsDo%
se'ectin) this person or that to -o a partic$'ar ?ob; B1 a-&ersar1 an- : represent t"o %$n-amenta'
princip'es b1 means o% "hich the $ni&erse is or)ani6e-; Ao$ ma1 ta) $s "ith no$ns an-
a-?ecti&es %rom most 'an)$a)es an- -o6ens o% -iscip'ines4 b$t "e represent4 basica''14 Or-er an-
ChaosDApo''onian an- /ion1siac4 i% 1o$ 'ikeC reason an- %ee'in)4 i% 1o$ pre%erC ma-ness an-
sanit1C 'i)ht an- -arkC si)na' an- noise; As m$ch as this ma1 seem to in-icate it4 ho"e&er4 neither
o% $s seeks the other@s e.tinction; ,eat -eath or %ireba''4 c'assicism or anarch14 each o% $s
procee-s a'on) a sin)'e track4 an- "itho$t the other it "o$'- 'ea- to a -ea- en-; Both o% $s kno"
this4 an- the )ame "e ha&e p'a1e- since the be)innin) is a %ar more s$bt'e thin)D$'timate'14
perhaps4 to be ?$-)e- on'1 esthetica''1;
FNo"4 : ha&e )aine- a si)ni%icant e-)e o&er m1 ancient a-&ersar14 %or the %irst time in a)es; : am
in a position no" to pro-$ce a historian@s -ream thro$)ho$t (ha-o"Dan a)e o% hi)h ci&i'i6ation
an- c$'t$re s$ch as sha'' ne&er be %or)otten; :% the ba'ance "ere tippe- the other "a1 "e "o$'-
be contemp'atin) a perio- o% $phea&a' at 'east on par "ith that o% an ice a)e; =hen : spoke o%
1o$ as )ame pieces it "as not to minimi6e 1o$r ro'es in this; +or this is a time o% )reat %'$i-it14
"hen the Ee"e' an- the man "ho "o$'- be kin) "i'' make a -i%%erence; (ta1 "ith me4 an- : "i''
)$arantee the #o'-en A)e o% "hich : spoke4 an- 1o$ a part in it; 9ea&e4 an- 1o$ "i'' be snatche-
a"a1 b1 the other; /arkness an- -isor-er "i'' %o''o"; =hich "o$'- 1o$ ha&e>G
9$ke smi'e-;
F: kno" a )oo- sa'es pitch "hen : hear it4G he sai-; FNarro" it -o"n to a simp'e choice; Bake
them think it@s their o"n;G
Cora' s<$ee6e- m1 sho$'-er; F=e@re )oin)4G : sai-;
F7er1 "e''4G sai- the (i)n; F!e'' me "here 1o$ "ant to )o4 an- :@'' sen- 1o$ a'' there;G
FNot a''4G 9$ke sai- s$--en'1; FE$st them;G
F: -o not $n-erstan-; =hat abo$t 1o$>G
,e -re" a -a))er an- s'ashe- his pa'm; ,e a-&ance- an- stoo- besi-e me4 e.ten-in) his han-
o$t o&er the Pattern4 a'so;
F:% "e )o4 on'1 three o% $s ma1 arri&e4G he sai-4 Fi% that; :@'' sta1 here an- keep 1o$ compan1
"hi'e 1o$ -e'i&er m1 %rien-s;G
F,o" "i'' 1o$ kno" :@&e -one it in a satis%actor1 %ashion>G
F#oo- <$estion4G he sai-; FBer'e4 1o$ )ot a set o% !r$mps on 1o$>G
: remo&e- them an- sho"e- them to him;
F(ti'' )ot one o% me in there>G
F9ast time : 'ooke- : -i-;G
F!hen )et it o$t an- ha&e it rea-1; +i)$re 1o$r ne.t mo&e be%ore 1o$ take o%%; (ta1 in to$ch "ith
me ti'' 1o$ make it;G
F=hat abo$t 1o$rse'%4 9$ke> Ao$ can@t sit there %ore&er as a b'oo-1 threat to Or-er; :t@s on'1 a
temporar1 sta'emate; Ao$ ha&e to s$rren-er 1o$r position sooner or 'ater4 an- "hen 1o$ -oDG
F/o 1o$ sti'' ha&e some o-- car-s in that -eck>G
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
F!he ones 1o$ once re%erre- to as the !r$mps o% /oom;G
: ri%%'e- thro$)h; !he1 "ere most'1 near the bottom; FAes4G : sai-; FBea$ti%$''1$te-; :
"o$'-n@t ha&e tosse- them;G
FAo$ rea''1 think so>G
FAeah; #et to)ether a b$nch o% st$%% this )oo-4 an- :@'' )et 1o$ an e.hibit back in Amber;G
FAo$ serio$s> Ao$@re not ?$st sa1in) that beca$seDG
!he (i)n o% the Pattern emitte- a )ro"'in) so$n-;
F2&er1bo-1@s a critic4G 9$ke obser&e-; FOka1; P$'' a'' the !r$mps o% /oom;G
: -i- this;
FBi. @em $p a 'itt'e; 3eep @em %ace -o"n4 p'ease;G
FA'' ri)ht;G
F+an @em;G
,e 'eane- %or"ar-4 took a car-;
FOka14G he sai-; F:@m in b$siness; =hene&er 1o$@re rea-14 te'' it "here to take 1o$; (ta1 in
to$ch; ,e14 Pattern4 : "ant an ice- tea o% m1 o"n;G
A %rost1 )'ass appeare- near his ri)ht %oot; ,e stoope- an- took it $p4 sippe- %rom it;
F9$ke4G Na1-a sai-4 F: -on@t $n-erstan- "hat@s )oin) on; =hat "i'' happen to 1o$>G
FNothin) m$ch4G he rep'ie-; F/on@t cr1 %or me4 -emon 'a-1; :@'' see 1o$ 'ater;G
,e 'ooke- at me an- <$irke- an e1ebro";
F(en- $s to Ei-rash4G : sai-4 Fin 3ash%aDto the open area bet"een the pa'ace an- the ch$rch;G
: he'- 9$ke@s !r$mp in m1 moist 'e%t han-4 near to a h$mmin) spikar-; : %e't the car- )ro" co'-
?$st as 9$ke sai-4 FAo$ hear- him;G
An- the "or'- s"ir'e- an- $ns"ir'e-4 an- it "as a brisk4 "in-1 mornin) in Ei-rash; : re)ar-e-
9$ke thro$)h his !r$mp; : opene- channe' a%ter channe' o% the rin);
F/a't4 : mi)ht as "e'' 'ea&e 1o$ here4G : sai-; FAo$4 too4 Na1-a;G
FNo4G the bi) man sai-4 ?$st as Na1-a sai-4 F,o'- on a min$te;G
FAo$@re both o$t o% the pict$re no"4G : e.p'aine-; FNeither si-e "ants 1o$ %or an1thin); B$t :@&e
)ot to )et Cora' somep'ace sa%e; Be4 too;G
FAo$@re a %oc$s o% the action4G Na1-a sai-4 Fan- : can he'p 9$ke b1 he'pin) 1o$; !ake me
F: %ee' the same "a1 abo$t it4G /a't sai-; F: sti'' o"e 9$ke a bi) one;G
FOka14G : sai-; F,e14 9$keI Ao$ hear a'' that>G
FAeah4G he sai-; FBetter be abo$t 1o$r b$siness then; (hitI : spi''e- itDG
,is !r$mp "ent b'ack;
: -i-n@t "ait %or a&en)in) an)e's4 ton)$es o% %ire4 'i)htnin) bo'ts4 or an openin) o% the earth; : )ot
$s o$t o% ?$ris-iction rea' <$ick;
: spra"'e- on the )reen )rass beneath the bi) tree; =isps o% %o) -ri%te- b1; /a-@s Pattern
spark'e- be'o" me; E$rt "as seate- cross-'e))e- on the hoo- o% the car4 b'a-e across his knees;
,e hit the )ro$n- "hen "e ma-e o$r appearance; Cor"in "as no"here in si)ht;
F=hat@s )oin) on>G E$rt aske- me;
F: am beat4 b$she-4 an- "hacke--o$t; : am )oin) to 'ie here an- stare at the %o) ti'' m1 min-
)oes a"a14G : sai-; FBeet Cora'4 Na1-a4 an- /a't; ,ear their stor1 an- te'' them 1o$rs4 E$rt;
/on@t "ake me %or the en- o% the "or'- $n'ess it has &er1 )oo- specia' e%%ects;G
: procee-e- to -o as : ha- promise-4 to the t$ne o% a %a-in) )$itar an- the -istant &oice o% (ara
3; !he )rass "as "on-ro$s so%t; !he %o) s"ir'e- thro$)h m1 brain; +a-e to b'ack;
An- then4 an- then;;;; An- then4 sir;;;;
=a'kin); : "as "a'kin)4 a'most -ri%tin)4 thro$)h a Ca'i%ornia shoppin) ma'' : $se- to %re<$ent;
3nots o% ki-s4 co$p'es "ith in%ants4 "omen "ith parce's4 passe-4 "or-s smothere- b1 so$n-s
%rom a m$sic store speaker; Potte- oases she'tere-4 -e'i sme''s -ri%te-4 sa'e si)ns promise-;
=a'kin); Past the -r$)store; Past the shoe store; Past the can-1 store;;;;
Narro" corri-or to the 'e%t; :@- ne&er notice- it; B$st t$rn;;;;
O-- there sho$'- be a carpetDan- can-'es in hi)h ho'-ers4 an- sconces4 an- can-e'abra atop
narro" chests; !he "a''s )'ittere- "ith their reD
: t$rne- back;
!here "as no back; !he ma'' "as )one; !he corri-or en-e- in that -irection at a "a''; A sma''
tapestr1 h$n) $pon it4 -epictin) nine %i)$res "ho 'ooke- back at me; : shr$))e- an- t$rne-
F(ti'' somethin) 'e%t to 1o$r spe''4 *nc'e4G : remarke-; F9et@s be abo$t it then;G
=a'kin); :n si'ence no"; Ahea-; !o the p'ace "here the mirrors )'ittere-; : ha- seen this p'ace
'on) a)o4 : reca''e-4 tho$)h its -ispositionD: s$--en'1 rea'i6e-D"as not pec$'iar to Amber
Cast'e; :t "as ri)ht there4 on the tip o% memor1Dm1 1o$n)er se'% passin) this "a14 not
$naccompanie-Db$t the price o% that reco''ection "o$'- be 'oss o% contro' here4 : kne";
0e'$ctant'14 : re'ease- the ima)e an- t$rne- m1 attention to the sma'' o&a' mirror to m1 'e%t;
: smi'e-; (o -i- m1 ima)e; : st$ck o$t m1 ton)$e an- "as so sa'$te- in ret$rn;
: mo&e- on; On'1 a%ter se&era' paces -i- : rea'i6e that the ima)e ha- been m1 -emon%orme-
se'%4 "hi'e m1 person ha- not;
A so%t throat-c'earin) so$n- occ$rre- to m1 ri)ht; !$rnin) in that -irection4 : behe'- m1 brother
Ban-or "ithin a b'ack-%rame- 'o6en)e;
F/ear bo14G he state-4 Fthe kin) is -ea-; 9on) 'i&e 1o$r a$)$st persona)e as soon as 1o$ ha&e
ass$me- the throne; Ao$ ha- best make haste to ret$rn %or a cro"nin) at the 2n- o% the =or'-4
"ith or "itho$t the bri-e o% the Ee"e';G
F=e ran into a %e" sma'' prob'ems4G : sai-;
FNothin) "orth reso'&in) ?$st no"; Ao$r presence in the Co$rts is %ar more important;G
FNo4 m1 %rien-s are4G : sai-;
A momentar1 smi'e to$che- his 'ips;
FAo$ "i'' be in an i-ea' position to protect 1o$r %rien-s4G he sai-4 Fan- to -o as 1o$ "o$'- "ith
1o$r enemies;G
F: "i'' be back4G : sai-4 Fsoon; B$t not to be cro"ne-;G
FAs 1o$ "o$'-4 Ber'in; :t is 1o$r presence that is -esire-;G
F: promise nothin)4G : sai-;
,e ch$ck'e-4 an- the mirror "as emptie-;
: t$rne- a"a1; : "a'ke- on;
Bore 'a$)hter; +rom the 'e%t; B1 mother@s;
+rom "ithin a re- %rame o% car&e- %'o"ers4 she stare- at me4 a 'ook o% &ast am$sement $pon her
%eat$res; F(eek him in the PitIG she sai-; F(eek him in the PitIG
: passe-4 an- her 'a$)hter contin$e- at m1 back %or a time;
F,sstIG !o m1 ri)ht4 a 'on)4 narro" mirror bor-ere- in )reen; FBasster Ber'in4G she sai-; F:
ha&e sso$)ht4 b$t the )hosst-'i)ht hass not passse- m1 "a1;G
F!hanks4 #'ait; 3eep 'ookin)4 p'ease;G
FAess; =e m$sst ssit to)ether in a "arm p'ace b1 ni)ht once a)ain an- -rink mi'k an- ta'k o% the
o'- -a1ss;G
F!hat "o$'- be nice; Aes4 "e m$st; :% "e are not eaten b1 somethin) bi))er;G
Co$'- that be 'a$)hter>
F#oo- h$ntin)4 #'ait;G
FAess; (-s-sIG
;;;An- on; =a'kin);
F(on o% Amber; =earer o% the spikar-GDthis %rom "ithin a sha-o"1 niche to m1 'e%t;
: ha'te- an- stare-; !he %rame "as "hite4 the )'ass "as )ra1; =ithin "as a man : ha- ne&er met;
,is shirt "as b'ack an- opene- at the neck; ,e "ore a bro"n 'eather &est4 his hair -ark b'on-4
e1es perhaps )reen; FAes>G
FA spikar- "as hi--en in Amber4G he state-4 F%or 1o$ to %in-; :t con&e1s )reat po"ers; :t a'so
bears a series o% spe''s that "i'' ca$se its "earer to act in certain "a1s $n-er certain
F: s$specte- this4G : sai-; F=hat is it set to -o>G
F+ormer'1 "orn b1 ("a1&i''4 3in) o% Chaos4 it "i'' %orce the chosen s$ccessor to take the
throne4 beha&e in a certain %ashion4 an- be amenab'e to the s$))estions o% certain persons;G
F!hese bein)>G
F!he "oman "ho 'a$)he- an- crie-4 T(eek him in the Pit;@ !he man in b'ack4 "ho -esires 1o$r
F/ara an- Ban-or; !he1 'ai- these spe''s $pon it>G
FE$st so; An- the man 'e%t it %or 1o$ to %in-;G
F: hate to s$rren-er the thin) ?$st no"4G : sai-4 F"hen it@s pro&in) so $se%$'; :s there a "a1 to 'i%t
these spe''s>G
FO% co$rse; B$t it sho$'- not matter to 1o$;G
F=h1 not>G
F!he rin) 1o$ "ear is not the one o% "hich : speak;G
F: -o not $n-erstan-;G
FB$t 1o$ "i''; Ne&er %ear;G
F=ho are 1o$4 sir>G
FB1 name is /e'"in4 an- "e ma1 ne&er act$a''1 meetD$n'ess certain ancient po"ers come
,e raise- his han-4 an- : sa" that he4 too4 "ore a spikar-; ,e mo&e- it to"ar- me;
F!o$ch 1o$r rin) to mine4G he comman-e-; F!hen it can be or-ere- to brin) 1o$ to me;G
: raise- mine an- mo&e- it to"ar- the )'ass; At the moment the1 seeme- to to$ch4 there "as a
%'ash o% 'i)ht an- /e'"in "as )one;
: 'et m1 arm %a''; : "a'ke- on; On an imp$'se4 : stoppe- be%ore a chest an- opene- its -ra"er;
: stare-; !here "as no "a1 to one-$p this p'ace4 it seeme-; !he -ra"er containe- a miniat$re4
sca'e---o"n representation o% m1 %ather@s chape'Dtin1 co'ore- ti'es4 -imin$ti&e b$rnin) tapers4
e&en a -o''-si6e- #ra1s"an-ir $pon the a'tar;
F!he ans"er 'ies be%ore 1o$4 -ear %rien-4G came a throat1 &oice : kne" 1et -i- not kno";
: raise- m1 )a6e to a 'a&en-er-bor-ere- mirror : ha- not rea'i6e- h$n) abo&e the chest; !he 'a-1
"ithin ha- 'on)4 coa'-b'ack hair an- e1es so -ark : co$'- not te'' "here the p$pi's 'e%t o%% an- the
irises be)an; ,er comp'e.ion "as &er1 pa'e4 emphasi6e- perhaps b1 her pink e1e sha-o" an- 'ip
co'orin); !hose e1es;;;; F0han-aIG : sai-;
FAo$ rememberI Ao$ -o remember meIG
F;;;An- the -a1s o% o$r bone-ance )ames4G : sai-;
F#ro"n an- 'o&e'1; : tho$)ht o% 1o$ b$t recent'1;G
FAn- : %e't the to$ch o% 1o$r re)ar- as : s'ept4 m1 Ber'in; : am sorr1 "e parte- so4 b$t m1
F: $n-erstan-4G : sai-; F!he1 tho$)ht me -emon or &ampire;G
FAes;G (he e.ten-e- her pa'e han- thro$)h the mirror4 took ho'- o% m1 o"n4 -re" it to"ar- her;
=ithin the 'ookin) )'ass4 she presse- it to her 'ips; !he1 "ere co'-; F!he1 "o$'- rather :
c$'ti&ate- the ac<$aintance o% the sons an- -a$)hters o% men an- "omen4 than o% o$r o"n kin-;G
=hen she smi'e- : behe'- her %an)s; !he1 ha- not been apparent in her chi'-hoo-;
F#o-sI Ao$ 'ook h$manIG she sai-; FCome &isit me in =i'-"oo- one -a1IG
:mp$'si&e'14 : 'eane- %or"ar-; O$r 'ips met "ithin the mirror; =hate&er she "as4 "e ha- been
F!he ans"er4G she repeate-4 F'ies be%ore 1o$; Come see meIG
!he mirror t$rne- re- an- she "as )one; !he chape' stoo- $nchan)e- "ithin the -ra"er; : c'ose-
it an- t$rne- a"a1;
=a'kin); Birrors to the 'e%t; Birrors to the ri)ht; On'1 m1se'% "ithin them;
!hen8 F=e''4 "e''4 nephe"; Con%$se->G
FAs $s$a';G
FCan@t sa1 as : b'ame 1o$;G
,is e1es "ere mockin) an- "ise4 his hair re- as his sister +iona@s or his 'ate brother Bran-@s; Or
9$ke@s4 %or that matter;
FB'e1s4G : sai-4 F"hat the he'' is )oin) on>G
F:@&e the rest o% /e'"in@s messa)e4G he sai-4 reachin) into his pocket an- e.ten-in) his han-;
: reache- into the mirror an- accepte- it; :t "as 1et another spikar-4 'ike the one : "ore;
F:t is the one o% "hich /e'"in spoke4G he sai-; FAo$ m$st ne&er "ear it;G
: st$-ie- it %or se&era' moments;
F=hat am : to -o "ith it>G : aske-;
FP$t it in 1o$r pocket; A $se ma1 s$))est itse'% at some point;G
F,o" -i- 1o$ come b1 it>G
F: s"itche- it a%ter Ban-or 'e%t it4 %or the one 1o$ "ear no";G
F,o" man1 are there4 an1"a1>G
FNine4G he rep'ie-;
F: s$ppose 1o$ kno" a'' abo$t them;G
FBore than most;G
F!hat "o$'-n@t be har-; : -on@t s$ppose 1o$ kno" "here m1 %ather is>G
FNo; B$t 1o$ -o; Ao$r 'a-1 %rien- "ith the san)$inar1 tastes to'- 1o$;G
F0i--'es4G : sai-;
FA'"a1s pre%erab'e to no ans"er at a''4G he respon-e-;
!hen he "as )one an- : "a'ke- a)ain; A%ter a "hi'e4 this "as )one4 too;
/ri%tin); B'ack; #oo-; (o )oo-;;;;
A bit o% 'i)ht %o$n- its "a1 thro$)h m1 e1e'ashes; : sh$t it o$t a)ain; B$t the th$n-er ro''e-4 an-
a%ter a time the 'i)ht 'eake- in once a)ain;
/ark 'ines in bro"n4 )reat horn1 ri-)es4 %ern1 %orests;;;;
A 'itt'e 'ater the %ac$'t1 that e&a'$ates perceptions a"oke an- pointe- o$t that : "as '1in) on m1
si-e starin) at the cracke- earth bet"een a pair o% roots %rom the tree4 c'$mps o% )rass -otte- here
an- there across the prospect;
;;;An- : contin$e- to stare4 an- there "as a s$--en bri)htness as o% a 'i)htnin) %'ash %o''o"e-
a'most imme-iate'1 b1 a crack o% th$n-er; !he earth seeme- to sh$--er "ith it; : hear- the
patterin) o% -rops $pon the 'ea&es o% a tree4 the hoo- o% a car; : contin$e- to stare at the 'ar)est
crack that tra&erse- the &a''e1 o% m1 re)ar-;
;;;An- : rea'i6e- that : kne";
:t "as the n$mb kno"'e-)e o% a"akenin); !he so$rces o% emotion sti'' -o6e-; :n the -istance4 :
co$'- hear %ami'iar &oices in so%t con&erse; : co$'- a'so hear the so$n-s o% c$t'er1 a)ainst china;
B1 stomach "o$'- a"aken in a bit4 : kne"4 an- : "o$'- ?oin them; +or no"4 it "as so &er1
p'easant to 'ie here "rappe- in m1 c'oak4 hearin) the )ent'e rain an- kno"in);;;;
: ret$rne- to m1 micro-"or'- an- its -ark can1on;;;; !he )ro$n- shook a)ain4 this time "itho$t
bene%it o% 'i)htnin) or th$n-er; An- it kept on shakin); !his irritate- me4 %or it -ist$rbe- m1
%rien-s an- re'ati&es4 ca$sin) them to raise their &oices in somethin) 'ike a'arm; A'so4 it stirre- a
-ormant Ca'i%ornia re%'e. at a time "hen : ?$st "ante- to 'o'' an- sa&or m1 %resh-ac<$ire-
FBer'in4 are 1o$ a"ake>G
FAes4G : sai-4 sittin) $p s$--en'14 )i&in) m1 e1es a <$ick r$b4 an- r$nnin) m1 han-s thro$)h m1
:t "as the )host o% m1 %ather that kne't besi-e me4 ha&in) ?$st shaken m1 sho$'-er; F=e seem to
ha&e a prob'em4G he sai-4 F"ith rather e.treme rami%ications;G
E$rt4 stan-in) behin- him4 no--e- se&era' times; !he )ro$n- shook once a)ain4 t"i)s an- 'ea&es
%e'' abo$t $s4 pebb'es bo$nce-4 -$st rose4 the %o)s "ere a)itate-; : hear- a -ish break in the
&icinit1 o% the hea&1 re- an- "hite c'oth abo$t "hich 9$ke4 /a't4 Cora'4 an- Na1-a sat eatin);
: $ntan)'e- m1 c'oak an- rose to m1 %eet4 rea'i6in) then that someone ha- remo&e- m1 boots
"hi'e : s'ept; : -re" them back on; !here came another tremor4 an- : 'eane- a)ainst the tree %or
F!his is the prob'em>G : sai-; FOr is somethin) bi))er abo$t to eat it>G
,e )a&e me a p$66'e- 'ook; !hen4 FBack "hen : -re" the Pattern4G he sai-4 F:@- no "a1 o%
kno"in) that this area "as %a$'te-4 or that somethin) 'ike this "o$'- one -a1 occ$r; :% these
shocks sho$'- crack the Pattern4 "e@&e ha- itDin more "a1s than one; As : $n-erstan- it4 that
spikar- 1o$ "ear can -ra" $pon enormo$s so$rces o% ener)1; :s there some "a1 1o$ co$'- $se it
to -e%$se this thin)>G
F: -on@t kno"4G : to'- him; F: ne&er trie- an1thin) 'ike it;G
F+in- o$t %ast4 oka1>G he sai-;
B$t : "as a'rea-1 spinnin) m1 min- abo$t the circ'e o% tines4 to$chin) each one to 'i%e; !hen :
sei6e- $pon the one possesse- o% the most ?$ice4 -re" har- $pon it4 %i''e- m1se'%4 bo-1 an- min-4
"ith its ener)1; :)nition comp'ete- an- en)ine i-'in)4 "ith me in the -ri&er@s seat4 : shi%te- into
)ear then4 e.ten-in) a 'ine o% %orce %rom the spikar- -o"n into the )ro$n-;
: reache- %or a 'on) "hi'e4 seekin) a con&ersion metaphor to the s$b?ecti&e %or an1thin) : mi)ht
;;;=a-in) o$t %rom the beach into the ocean"a&es tick'in) m1 stomach4 m1 chestD%ee'in) "ith
m1 toes the rocks4 the stran-s o% sea-"ee-;;;; (ometimes a rock "o$'- t$rn4 s'ip4 b$mp a)ainst
another4 s'i-e;;;;
: co$'-n@t see to the bottom "ith m1 e1es; B$t : sa" the rocks4 the "rack4 in their -isposition
an- mo&ement4 ?$st the same4 behe'- them as c'ear'1 as i% the bottom "ere %$''1 i''$minate-;
+ee'in)4 %ee'in) m1 "a1 no"4 -o"n thro$)h the strata4 sin)'e toe so%t as a %'ash'i)ht@s beam
r$nnin) a'on) rock1 s$r%aces4 testin) the press$res o% one $pon another4 isostatic kisses o%
mo$ntains beneath the earth4 oro)enic ero)enies o% s'o" mo&ement4 %'esh caressin) minera' in
the -arkest o% secret p'aces
('ipI !he rock s'i-es o%%; B1 bo-1 %o''o"s;;;;
: -i&e %or it4 %o''o"in) the s'i-in) passa)e; : race ahea-4 po$rin) %orth heat4 crackin) rock4
sp'interin) ne" path"a1s4 o$t"ar-4 o$t"ar-;;;; :t "as comin) this "a1; : broke thro$)h a "a'' o%
stone4 another; Another; : "as not certain this "as the "a1 to -i&ert it4 b$t it "as the on'1 one :
kne" to tr1; #o that "a1I /amn itI !hat "a1I : accesse- t"o more channe's4 a thir-4 a %o$rthD
!here "as a s'i)ht &ibration "ithin the )ro$n-; : opene- another channe'; =ithin m1 metaphor
the rocks )re" stab'e beneath the "aters; (hort'1 therea%ter4 the )ro$n- cease- its &ibration;
: ret$rne- to the p'ace "here : ha- %irst %e't the s'i-e be)in4 stab'e no"4 1et sti'' stresse-; +ee' it4
%ee' it care%$''1; /escribe a &ector; +o''o"; +o''o" it to the point o% ori)ina' press$re; B$t no;
!his point is b$t a con%'$ence o% &ectors; !race them;
Aet a)ain; Bore ?$nctions; !race them; Access more channe's; !he entire press$re str$ct$re4
intricate as a ner&o$s s1stem4 m$st be -escribe-; : m$st ho'- its tree "ithin m1 min-;
Another 'a1er; :t ma1 not be possib'e; : ma1 be co$rtin) in%init1 in m1 topo)raphic branchin)s;
+ree6e %rame; (imp'i%1 the prob'em; :)nore e&er1thin) be1on- the tertiar1; !race to the ne.t
?$nction; !here are some 'oops; #oo-; An- a p'ate is no" in&o'&e-; Better;
!r1 another ?$mp; No )oo-; !oo bi) a pict$re to contain; /iscar- tertiaries;
!h$s )enera' 'ines sketche-; 7ectors o% transmission simp'1 -ra"nDback to p'ate4 a'most;
Press$re e.erte- 'ess than %$'' press$re e.ten-e-; =h1> A--itiona' point o% inp$t a'on) secon-
&ector4 re-irectin) shear %orces to"ar- this &a''e1;
FBer'in> Are 1o$ a'' ri)ht>G
F9et me be4G : hear m1 &oice respon-;
2.ten- then4 inp$t so$rce4 into4 %ee'in)4 transmission si)nat$re;;;;
:s this a 9o)r$s that : see be%ore me>
: opene- three more channe's4 %oc$se- on the area4 be)an heatin) it;
(oon rocks "ere crackin)4 b$t a 'itt'e 'ater the1 me'te-; B1 ne"'1 create- ma)ma %'o"e- -o"n
%a$'t 'ines; A ho''o"e--o$t area occ$rre- at the point "hence the precipitatin) %orce ha-
: "ith-re" m1 probes4 sh$t -o"n the spikar-;
F=hat -i- 1o$ -o>G he aske- me;
F: %o$n- the p'ace "here the 9o)r$s "as messin) "ith $n-er)ro$n- stresses4G : sai-4 Fan- :
remo&e- the p'ace; !here@s a sma'' )rotto there no"; :% it co''apses it ma1 ease the press$re e&en
F(o 1o$@&e stabi'i6e- it>G
FAt 'east %or no"; : -on@t kno" the 'imits o% the 9o)r$s4 b$t it@s )oin) to ha&e to %i)$re a ne"
ro$te to reach this p'ace; !hen it@s )oin) to ha&e to test it o$t; An- i% it@s -oin) a 'ot o% Pattern
"atchin) ?$st no"4 that ma1 s'o" it;G
F(o 1o$@&e bo$)ht some time4G he sai-; FO% co$rse4 the Pattern ma1 mo&e a)ainst $s ne.t;G
F:t co$'-4G : sai-; F:@&e bro$)ht e&er1one here beca$se : tho$)ht the1@- be sa%e %rom both
FApparent'1 1o$ ma-e the pa1o%% "orth the risk;G
FOka14G : sai-; F: )$ess it@s time to )i&e them some other thin)s to "orr1 abo$t;G
F($ch as>G
: 'ooke- at him4 Pattern )host o% m1 %ather4 )$ar-ian o% this p'ace;
F: kno" "here 1o$r %'esh-an--b'oo- co$nterpart is4G : sai-4 Fan- :@m abo$t to set him %ree;G
!here came a %'ash o% 'i)htnin); A s$--en )$st o% "in- 'o%te- the %a''en 'ea&es4 stirre- the %o)s;
F: m$st accompan1 1o$4G he sai-;
F:@&e a persona' interest in him4 o% co$rse;G
FA'' ri)ht;G
!h$n-er crashe- abo$t $s4 an- the %o)s "ere torn apart b1 a %resh ons'a$)ht o% "in-;
E$rt came $p to $s then;
F: think it@s be)$n4G he sai-;
F=hat>G : aske-;
F!he -$e' o% Po"ers4G he sai-; F+or a 'on) time the Pattern ha- an e-)e; B$t "hen 9$ke
-ama)e- it an- 1o$ snatche- a"a1 the bri-e o% the Ee"e'4 it m$st ha&e "eakene- it more4
re'ati&e to the 9o)r$s4 than it@s been in a)es; (o the 9o)r$s -eci-e- to attack4 pa$sin) on'1 %or a
<$ick attempt to -ama)e this Pattern;G
F*n'ess the 9o)r$s "as ?$st testin) $s4G : sai-4 Fan- this is simp'1 a storm;G
A 'i)ht rain ha- be)$n "hi'e he "as speakin);
F: came here beca$se : tho$)ht it "as the one p'ace neither o% them "o$'- to$ch in the e&ent o%
a contest4G he "ent on; F:@- ass$me- neither "o$'- care to -i&ert ener)1 %rom its o"n attack or
-e%ense %or a s"ipe in this -irection;G
F!hat reasonin) ma1 sti'' ho'-4G : sai-;
FE$st %or once :@- 'ike to be on the "innin) si-e4G he state-; F:@m not s$re : care abo$t ri)ht or
"ron); !he1@re &er1 ar)$ab'e <$antities; :@- ?$st 'ike to be in "ith the )$1s "ho "in %or a chan)e;
=hat -o 1o$ think4 Ber'e> =hat are 1o$ )oin) to -o>G
FCor"in here an- : are )oin) to hea- %or the Co$rts4 an- "e@re )oin) to %ree m1 %ather4G : sai-;
F!hen "e@re )oin) to reso'&e "hate&er nee-s reso'&in) an- 'i&e happi'1 e&er a%ter; Ao$ kno"
ho" it )oes;G
,e shook his hea-;
F: can ne&er -eci-e "hether 1o$@re a %oo' or "hether 1o$r con%i-ence is "arrante-; 2&er1 time :
-eci-e- 1o$ "ere a %oo'4 tho$)h4 it cost me;G ,e 'ooke- $p at the -ark sk14 "ipe- rain %rom his
bro"; F:@m rea''1 torn4G he sai-4 Fb$t 1o$ co$'- sti'' be 3in) o% Chaos;G
FNo4G : sai-;
F;;;An- 1o$ en?o1 some specia' re'ationship "ith the Po"ers;G
F:% : -o4 : -on@t $n-erstan- it m1se'%;G
FNo matter4G he sai-; F:@m sti'' "ith 1o$;G : crosse- to the others4 h$))e- Cora';
F: m$st ret$rn to the Co$rts4G : sai-; F#$ar- the Pattern; =e@'' be back;G
!he sk1 "as i''$minate- b1 three bri''iant %'ashes; !he "in- shook the tree;
: t$rne- a"a1 an- create- a -oor in the mi--'e o% the air; Cor"in@s )host an- : steppe- thro$)h
Chapter 12
!h$s -i- : ret$rn to the Co$rts o% Chaos4 comin) thro$)h into (a"a''@s space-"arpe- sc$'pt$re
F=here are "e>G m1 )host-%ather aske-;
FA m$se$m o% sorts4G : rep'ie-4 Fin the ho$se o% m1 step%ather; : chose it beca$se the 'i)htin) is
trick1 an- there are man1 p'aces to hi-e;G
,e st$-ie- some o% the pieces4 as "e'' as their -isposition $pon the "a''s an- cei'in);
F!his "o$'- be a he'' o% a p'ace to %i)ht a skirmish4G he obser&e-;
F: s$ppose it "o$'-;G
FAo$ )re" $p hereabo$t4 h$h>G
F=hat "as it 'ike>G
FOh4 : -on@t kno"; : -on@t ha&e an1thin) to compare it to; : ha- some )oo- times4 a'one4 an-
"ith %rien-sDan- a %e" ba- times; A'' a part o% bein) a ki-;G
F!his p'ace;;;>G
F!he =a1s o% (a"a''; : "ish : ha- time to sho" 1o$ the "ho'e thin)4 take 1o$ thro$)h a'' o% the
FOne -a14 perhaps;G
: be)an "a'kin)4 hopin) %or the #host"hee' or 3er)ma to appear; Neither -i-4 ho"e&er;
=e %ina''1 passe- into a corri-or that took $s to a ha'' o% tapestries4 "hence there "as a "a1 to a
room that : -esire-D%or the room 'et $pon the ha''"a1 that passe- the )a''er1 o% meta' trees;
Be%ore "e co$'- -epart4 ho"e&er4 : hear- &oices %rom that ha''"a1; (o "e "aite- in the roomD
"hich containe- the ske'eton o% a Eabber"ock painte- in oran)e4 b'$e4 an- 1e''o"4 2ar'1
Ps1che-e'icDas the speakers approache-; One o% them : reco)ni6e- imme-iate'1 as m1 brother
Ban-orC the other : co$'- not i-enti%1 b1 &oice a'one4 b$t mana)in) a )'impse as the1 passe-4 :
sa" it to be 9or- Bances o% Amb'erash4 ,i)h Priest o% the (erpent =hich Bani%ests the 9o)r$s
Jto cite a %$'' tit'e ?$st onceK; :n a ba-'1 p'otte- stor1 the1@- ha&e pa$se- o$tsi-e the -oor"a14 an-
:@- ha&e o&erhear- a con&ersation te''in) me e&er1thin) : nee-e- to kno" abo$t an1thin);
!he1 s'o"e- as the1 passe-;
F!hat@s the "a1 it "i'' be then>G Bances sai-;
FAes4G Ban-or rep'ie-; F(oon;G
An- the1 "ere b14 an- : co$'-n@t make o$t another "or-; : 'istene- to their rece-in) %ootsteps ti''
the1 "ere )one; !hen : "aite- a 'itt'e 'on)er; : "o$'- ha&e s"orn : hear- a sma'' &oice sa1in)4
F+o''o"; +o''o";G
F,ear an1thin) ?$st then>G : "hispere-;
(o "e steppe- o$t into the ha''"a1 an- t$rne- ri)ht4 mo&in) in the opposite -irection %rom that
"hich Ban-or an- Bances ha- taken; As "e -i-4 : %e't a sensation o% heat at a point some"hat
be'o" m1 'e%t hip; ;
FAo$ think he is some"here near here>G the Cor"in )host aske-; FPrisoner to /ara>G
FAes an- no4G : sai-; FO"IG
:t %e't 'ike a hot coa' presse- a)ainst m1 $pper 'e); : ?amme- m1 han- into m1 pocket as : s'i-
into the nearest -isp'a1 niche4 "hich : share- "ith a m$mmi%ie- 'a-1 in an amber casket;
2&en as m1 han- c'ose- abo$t it4 : kne" "hat it "as4 raisin) a'' manner o% phi'osophica'
spec$'ations : ha- neither time nor -esire to a--ress at the moment an- so treate- in the time-
honore- %ashion o% -ea'in) "ith s$ch thin)s8 : she'&e- them;
:t "as a spikar- that : "ith-re"4 that 'a1 "arm'1 $pon m1 paten; A'most imme-iate'1 a sma''
spark 'eapt bet"een it an- the one that : "ore $pon m1 %in)er;
!here %o''o"e- a "or-'ess comm$nication4 a se<$ence o% ima)es4 i-eas4 %ee'in)s4 $r)in) me to
%in- Ban-or an- p'ace m1se'% in his han-s %or the preparations %or m1 cro"nin) as the ne.t 3in)
o% the Co$rts; : co$'- see "h1 B'e1s ha- to'- me not to p$t the thin) on; *nme-iate- b1 m1 o"n
spikar-4 its in?$nctions "o$'- probab'1 ha&e been o&erpo"erin); : $se- mine to sh$t it o%%4 to
b$i'- a tin1 ins$'atin) "a'' abo$t it;
FAo$ ha&e t"o o% the -amne- thin)sIG Cor"in@s )host obser&e-;
: no--e-;
F3no" an1thin) abo$t them that : -on@t>G : aske-; F!hat "o$'- inc'$-e a'most an1thin);G
,e shook his hea-;
FOn'1 that the1 "ere sai- to be &er1 ear'1 po"er ob?ects4 %rom the -a1s "hen the $ni&erse "as
sti'' a m$rk1 p'ace an- the (ha-o" rea'ms 'ess c'ear'1 -e%ine-; =hen the time came4 their
"ie'-ers s'ept or -isso'&e- or "hate&er s$ch %i)$res -o4 an- the spikar-s "ere "ith-ra"n or
stashe- or trans%orme-4 or "hate&er becomes o% s$ch thin)s "hen the stor1@s o&er; !here are
man1 &ersions4 o% co$rse; !here a'"a1s are; B$t brin)in) t"o o% them to the Co$rts co$'-
concei&ab'1 -ra" a 'ot o% attention to 1o$rse'%4 not to mention a--in) to the )enera' po"er o%
Chaos ?$st b1 &irt$e o% their presence at this po'e o% e.istence;G
FOh4 m14G : sai-; F:@'' or-er the one :@m "earin) to concea' itse'%4 a'so;G
F: -on@t think that@'' "ork4G he sai-4 Ftho$)h :@m not certain; :@- think the1 m$st maintain a
constant %'$.pin "ith each so$rce o% po"er4 an- that "o$'- )i&e some in-ication o% the thin)@s
presence beca$se o% its broa-cast nat$re;G
F:@'' te'' it to t$ne itse'% as 'o" as it can then;G
,e no--e-;
F:t can@t h$rt to make it speci%ic4G he sai-4 Ftho$)h :@- )$ess it probab'1 -oes that an1ho"4
: p'ace- the other rin) back in m1 pocket4 -eparte- the niche4 an- h$rrie- on $p the ha''"a1;
: s'o"e- "hen "e neare- "hat : tho$)ht to be the area; B$t : seeme- mistaken; !he meta' %orest
"as not there; =e passe- that section; (hort'14 "e came to a %ami'iar -isp'a1Dthe one that ha-
prece-e- the meta' %orest4 on approachin) it %rom that -irection;
2&en as : t$rne- back4 : kne"; : kne" "hat ha- happene-; =hen "e reache- "hat ha- been the
area4 : stoppe- an- st$-ie- it;
F=hat is it>G m1 )host'1 %ather aske-;
F:t seems a -isp'a1 o% e&er1 concei&ab'e &ariet1 o% e-)e- "eapon an- too' that Chaos has e&er
spe"e- %orth4G : sai-4 Fa'' o% them e.hibite- point $p4 1o$@'' note;G
F(o>G he aske-;
F!his is the p'ace4G : ans"ere-4 Fthe p'ace "here "e "ere )oin) to c'imb a meta' tree;G
FBer'e4G he sai-4 Fma1be this p'ace -oes somethin) to m1 tho$)ht processes4 or 1o$rs; : ?$st
-on@t $n-erstan-;G
F:t@s $p near the cei'in)4G : e.p'aine-4 )est$rin); F: kno" the appro.imate areaD: think; 9ooks a
'itt'e -i%%erent no";;;;G
F=hat@s there4 son>G
FA "a1Da transport area4 'ike the one "e passe- thro$)h to the p'ace o% the Eabber"ock
ske'eton; On'1 this one "o$'- take $s to 1o$r chape';G
FAn- that@s "here "e@re hea-e->G
,e r$bbe- his chin;
F=e''4 there "ere some %air'1 ta'' items in some o% the -isp'a1s "e passe-4G he obser&e-4 Fan-
not a'' o% them "ere meta' or stone; =e co$'- "rest'e o&er that totem po'e or "hate&er the he'' it
is4 %rom back $p the ha''4 c'ear a"a1 some o% the sharp -isp'a1s be'o" that p'ace4 set the thin) $p
FNo4G : sai-; F/ara ob&io$s'1 ca$)ht on to the %act that someone ha- &isite- itDprobab'1 this
'ast time aro$n-4 "hen she a'most s$rprise- me; !he -isp'a1 "as chan)e- beca$se o% this; !here
are on'1 t"o ob&io$s "a1s to )et $p thereDtransport somethin) $n"ie'-14 as 1o$ s$))est4 an-
c'ear a"a1 a 'ot o% c$t'er1 be%ore "e c'imb; Or re& $p the spikar- an- 'e&itate o$rse'&es to the
spot; !he %irst "o$'- take too 'on) an- probab'1 )et $s -isco&ere-; !he secon- "o$'- emp'o1 so
m$ch po"er that it "o$'- -o$bt'ess set o%% an1 ma)ica' "ar-s she@s insta''e- abo$t the area;G
,e took ho'- o% m1 arm an- -re" me on past the -isp'a1;
F=e@&e )ot to ta'k4G he sai-4 'ea-in) me into an a'co&e containin) a sma'' bench;
,e seate- himse'% an- %o'-e- his arms;
F:@&e )ot to kno" "hat the he''@s )oin) on4G he sai-; F: can@t he'p proper'1 $n'ess :@m brie%e-;
=hat@s the connection bet"een the man an- the chape'>G
F: %i)$re- o$t somethin) : think m1 mother rea''1 meant "hen she to'- me4 T(eek him in the
Pit4@G : e.p'aine-; F!he %'oor o% the chape' bears st1'i6e- representations o% the Co$rts an- o%
Amber "orke- o$t in ti'es; At the e.treme o% the Co$rts@ en- is a representation o% the Pit; : ne&er
set %oot in that area "hen : &isite- the chape'; :@m "i''in) to bet there@s a "a1 'ocate- there4 an-
at the other en- is the p'ace o% his imprisonment;G
,e@- be)$n no--in) as : spoke4 then4 F(o 1o$ "ere )oin) to pass thro$)h an- %ree him>G he
F!e'' me4 -o these "a1s ha&e to "ork both "a1s>G he sai-;
F=e''4 no;;;; Oh4 : see "hat 1o$@re )ettin) at;G
F#i&e me a more comp'ete -escription o% the chape'4G he sai-;
: procee-e- to -o so;
F!hat ma)ic circ'e on the %'oor intri)$es me4G he sai-; F:t mi)ht be a means o% comm$nicatin)
"ith him "itho$t riskin) the -an)ers o% presence; (ome sort o% ima)e-e.chan)e4 perhaps;G
F: mi)ht ha&e to %oo' "ith it a 'on) "hi'e to %i)$re it o$tCG : sai-4 F$n'ess : )ot '$ck1; =hat :
propose -oin) is to 'e&itate4 enter4 $se the "a1 at the Pit to reach him4 %ree him4 an- )et the he''
o$t; No s$bt'et1; No %inesse; :% an1thin) %ai's to -o "hat "e e.pect4 "e %orce o$r "a1 thro$)h it
"ith the spikar-; =e@'' ha&e to mo&e %ast beca$se the1@'' be a%ter $s once "e start;G
,e stare- past me %or a 'on) "hi'e4 as i% thinkin) har-; At 'en)th4 he aske-4 F:s there an1 "a1
her "ar-s mi)ht be set o%% acci-enta''1>G
F,m; !he passa)e o% a stra1 ma)ica' c$rrent %rom the rea' Pit4 : s$ppose; :t sometimes spe"s
them %orth;G
F=hat "o$'- characteri6e its passa)e>G
FA ma)ica' -eposit or trans%ormation4G : sai-;
FCo$'- 1o$ %ake s$ch a phenomenon>G
F: s$ppose; B$t "hat "o$'- be the point> !he1@- sti'' in&esti)ate4 an- "ith Cor"in )one the1@-
rea'i6e it "as ?$st a trick; !he e%%ort "o$'- be "aste-;G
,e ch$ck'e-;
FB$t he "on@t be missin)4G he sai-; F:@m )oin) to take his p'ace;G
F: can@t 'et 1o$ -o thatIG
FB1 choice4G he sai-; FB$t he@s )oin) to nee- the time i% he@s )oin) to he'p stop /ara an-
Ban-or %rom a-&ancin) the con%'ict bet"een the Po"ers be1on- an1thin) at Pattern%a'';G
: si)he-;
F:t@s the on'1 "a14G he sai-;
F: )$ess 1o$@re ri)ht;G
,e $n%o'-e- his arms4 stretche-4 an- rose to his %eet;
F9et@s )o -o it4G he sai-;
: ha- to "ork o$t a spe''4 a thin) : ha-n@t -one recent'1D"e''4 ha'% o% a spe''4 the e%%ects ha'%4 as
: ha- the spikar- to ?$ice it; !hen : 'a1 it in a s"athe across the -isp'a14 t$rnin) portions o% b'a-es
into %'o"ers4 ?oine- at the mo'ec$'ar 'e&e'; As : -i-4 : %e't a tin)'in) : "as certain "as the ps1chic
a'arm takin) note o% the enterprise an- reportin) it to centra';
!hen : s$mmone- a 'ot o% ?$ice an- 'o%te- $s; : %e't the t$) o% the "a1 as "e neare- it; : ha- been
a'most -ea--on; : 'et it take $s thro$)h;
,e "hist'e- so%t'1 on re)ar-in) the chape';
F2n?o14G : sai-; F:t@s the treatment a )o- )ets;G
FAeah; Prisoner in his o"n ch$rch;G
,e sta'ke- across the room4 $nb$ck'in) his be't as he "ent; ,e s$bstit$te- it %or the one $pon
the a'tar;
F#oo- cop14G he sai-4 Fb$t not e&en the Pattern can -$p'icate #ra1s"an-ir;G
F: tho$)ht a section o% the Pattern "as repro-$ce- on the b'a-e;G
FBa1be it@s the other "a1 aro$n-4G he sai-;
F=hat -o 1o$ mean>G
FAsk the other Cor"in sometime4G he sai-; F:t has to -o "ith somethin) "e "ere ta'kin) abo$t
,e approache- an- passe- the 'etha' packa)e to meD"eapon4 sheath4 be't;
FBe nice i% 1o$ take it to him4G he sai-;
: b$ck'e- it an- h$n) it o&er m1 hea- an- sho$'-er;
FOka14G : to'- him; F=e@- better mo&e;G
: hea-e- to"ar- the %ar corner o% the chape'; As : neare- the area "here the Pit "as represente- :
%e't the $nmistakab'e t$) o% a "a1;
F2$rekaIG : sai-4 acti&atin) channe's on the spikar-; F+o''o" me;G
: steppe- %or"ar- an- it took me a"a1;
=e arri&e- in a chamber o% perhaps %i%teen %eet s<$are; !here "as a "oo-en post at its center
an- the %'oor "as o% stone "ith some stra" stre"n $pon it; (e&era' o% the bi) can-'es4 as %rom the
chape'4 "ere spotte- abo$t; !he "a''s "ere o% stone on t"o si-es4 "oo- on the others; !he
"oo-en "a''s containe- $n'atche- "oo-en -oors; One o% the stone "a''s containe- a "in-o"'ess
meta' -oor4 a ke1ho'e at its 'e%t si-e; A ke14 "hich 'ooke- abo$t the ri)ht si6e4 h$n) %rom a nai' in
the post;
: took -o"n the ke1 an- checke- <$ick'1 be1on- the "oo-en -oor to m1 ri)ht4 -isco&erin) a
'ar)e barre' o% "ater4 a -ipper4 an- a &ariet1 o% -ishes4 c$ps4 $tensi's; Behin- the other -oor "ere
a %e" b'ankets an- stacks o% "hat "ere probab'1 toi'et tiss$es;
: crosse- to the meta' -oor then an- knocke- $pon it "ith the ke1; !here "as no response; :
inserte- the ke1 in the 'ock an- %e't m1 companion take ho'- o% m1 arm;
FBetter 'et me -o that4G he sai-; F: think 'ike him4 an- : think :@'' be sa%er;G
: ha- to a)ree "ith the "is-om o% this4 an- : steppe- asi-e;
FCor"inIG he ca''e- o$t; F=e@re sprin)in) 1o$I :t@s 1o$r son Ber'in an- me4 1o$r -o$b'e; /on@t
?$mp me "hen : open the -oor4 oka1> =e@'' stan- sti'' an- 1o$ can take a 'ook;G
FOpen it4G came a &oice %rom "ithin;
(o he -i-4 an- "e stoo- there;
F=hat -o 1o$ kno">G came the &oice : remembere-4 %ina''1; FAo$ )$1s 'ook %or rea';G
F=e are4G sai- his )host4 Fan- as $s$a'4 at times s$ch as this4 1o$@- better h$rr1;G
FAeah;G !here came a s'o" trea- %rom "ithin4 an- "hen he emer)e- he "as shie'-in) his e1es
"ith his 'e%t han-; F2ither o% 1o$ )ot a pair o% sha-es> !he 'i)ht h$rts;G
F/amnIG : sai-4 "ishin) :@- tho$)ht o% it; FNo4 an- i% : sen- %or them the 9o)r$s mi)ht spot
F9ater4 'ater; :@'' s<$int an- st$mb'e; 9et@s )et the he'' o$t;G
,is )host entere- the ce'';
FNo" make me bear-e-4 thin4 an- )rim1; 9en)then the hair an- tatter the c'othes4G he sai-;
F!hen 'ock me in;G
F=hat@s )oin) on>G m1 %ather aske-;
FAo$r )host "i'' be impersonatin) 1o$ in 1o$r ce'' %or a "hi'e;G
F:t@s 1o$r p'an4G Cor"in state-; F/o "hat the )host sa1s;G An- so : -i-; ,e t$rne- an- e.ten-e-
his han- back into the ce'' then; F!hanks4 b$--1;G
FB1 p'eas$re4G the other rep'ie-4 c'aspin) his han- an- shakin) it; F#oo- '$ck;G
F(o 'on);G
: c'ose- an- 'ocke- the ce'' -oor; : h$n) the ke1 on its nai' an- steere- him to the "a1; :t took $s
,e 'o"ere- his han- as "e came into the chape'; !he -imness m$st ha&e been s$%%icient %or him
to han-'e no"; ,e -re" a"a1 %rom me an- crosse- to the a'tar;
F=e@- better )o4 /a-;G
,e ch$ck'e- as he reache- across the a'tar4 raise- a b$rnin) taper4 an- $se- it to 'i)ht one o% the
others that ha- apparent'1 )one o$t in some -ra%t;
F:@&e pisse- on m1 o"n )ra&e4G he anno$nce-; FCan@t pass $p the p'eas$re o% 'i)htin) a can-'e to
m1se'% in m1 o"n ch$rch;G
,e e.ten-e- his 'e%t han- in m1 -irection "itho$t 'ookin) at me;
F#i&e me #ra1s"an-ir4G he sai-;
: s'ippe- it o%% an- passe- it to him; ,e $n%astene- it an- b$ck'e- it abo$t his "aist4 'oosene- it
in its sheath; FA'' ri)ht; =hat no">G he aske-;
: tho$)ht %ast; :% /ara "as a"are that : ha- e.ite- thro$)h the "a'' 'ast timeDa -istinct
possibi'it14 consi-erin)Dthen the "a''s mi)ht "e'' be boob1-trappe- in some %ashion; On the
other han-4 i% "e "ent o$t the "a1 : ha- come in "e mi)ht enco$nter someone r$shin) this "a1
in ans"er to the a'arm;
FCome on4G : sai-4 acti&atin) the spikar-4 rea-1 to "hisk $s a"a1 at the )'impse o% an intr$-er;
F:t@s )oin) to be trick1 beca$se it in&o'&es 'e&itation on the "a1 o$t;G
: ca$)ht ho'- o% him a)ain an- "e approache- the "a1; : "rappe- $s in ener)ies as it took $s4
an- : 'o%te- $s abo&e the %ie'- o% b'a-es an- %'o"ers as "e -eparte-;
!here "ere %oot%a''s %rom $p the corri-or; : s"ir'e- $s a"a1 to another p'ace;
: took $s to E$rt@s apartment4 "hich -i-n@t seem a p'ace an1one "as 'ike'1 to come 'ookin) %or a
man "ho "as sti'' in his ce''C an- : kne" that E$rt ha- no nee- o% it ?$st then;
Cor"in spra"'e- on the be- an- s<$inte- at me; FB1 the "a14G he sai-4 Fthanks;G
FAn1time4G : to'- him;
FAo$ kno" 1o$r "a1 aro$n- this p'ace prett1 "e''>G he sai-;
F:t -oesn@t seem to ha&e chan)e- that m$ch4G : to'- him;
F!hen ho"@s abo$t rai-in) an icebo. %or me "hi'e : borro" 1o$r brother@s scissors an- ra6or %or
a <$ick sha&e an- hairc$t;G
F=hat "o$'- 1o$ 'ike>G
FBeat4 brea-4 cheese4 "ine4 ma1be a piece o% pie4G he sai-; FE$st so it@s %resh an- there@s 'ots o%
it; !hen 1o$@re )oin) to ha&e a 'ot o% stor1 to te'' me;G
F: )$ess : am4G : sai-;
An- so : ma-e m1 "a1 to the kitchen4 -o"n %ami'iar ha''s an- "a1s : ha- tra&erse- as a bo1;
!he p'ace "as 'it b1 ?$st a %e" tapers4 the %ires banke-; No one "as abo$t;
: procee-e- to rai- the 'ar-er4 heapin) a tra1 "ith the &ario$s &ian-s re<$este-4 a--in) a %e"
pieces o% %r$it : came across; : a'most -roppe- the "ine bott'e "hen : hear- a sharp intake o%
breath near the -oor"a1 : ha- entere-;
:t "as E$'ia4 in a b'$e si'k "rap;
: crosse- to her;
F: o"e 1o$ se&era' apo'o)ies4G : sai-; F:@m rea-1 to make them;G
F:@- hear- 1o$ "ere back; : hear- 1o$ "ere to be kin);G
F+$nn14 : hear- that4 too;G
F!hen it "o$'- be $npatriotic o% me to sta1 ma-4 "o$'-n@t it>G
F: ne&er meant to h$rt 1o$4G : sai-; FPh1sica''14 or an1 other "a1;G
($--en'14 "e "ere ho'-in) each other; :t 'aste- a 'on) time be%ore she to'- me4 FE$rt sa1s 1o$@re
%rien-s no";G
F: )$ess "e sort o% are;G
: kisse- her;
F:% "e )ot back to)ether a)ain4G she sai-4 Fhe@- probab'1 tr1 to ki'' 1o$ a)ain;G
F: kno"; !his time the conse<$ences co$'- rea''1 be catac'1smic4 too;G
F=here are 1o$ )oin) ri)ht no">G
F:@m on an erran-4 an- it@s )oin) to take me se&era' ho$rs;G
F=h1 -on@t 1o$ stop b1 "hen 1o$@re %inishe-> =e@&e )ot a 'ot to ta'k abo$t; :@m sta1in) in a
p'ace ca''e- the =isteria 0oom %or no"; 3no" "here that is>G
FAes4G : sai-; F!his is cra61;G
F(ee 1o$ 'ater>G
!he ne.t -a1 : tra&e'e- to the 0im4 %or :@- hear- report that the Pit--i&ersDthose "ho seek a%ter
arti%acts o% creation be1on- the 0imDha- s$spen-e- operations %or the %irst time in a )eneration;
=hen : <$estione- them the1 to'- me o% -an)ero$s acti&ities in the -epthsD"hir'"in-s4 "in)s
o% %ire4 b'asts o% ne"-minte- matter;
(ittin) in a sec'$-e- p'ace an- 'ookin) -o"n4 : $se- the spikar- : "ore to <$estion the one :
-i-n@t; =hen : remo&e- the shie'- in "hich :@- encase- it4 it commence- a stea-1 'itan14 F#o to
Ban-or; #et cro"ne-; (ee 1o$r brother; (ee 1o$r mother; Be)in preparations;G : "rappe- it
a)ain an- p$t it a"a1; :% : -i-n@t -o somethin) soon he "as )oin) to s$spect that : "as be1on- its
contro'; /i- : care>
: co$'- ?$st absent m1se'%4 perhaps )oin) a"a1 "ith m1 %ather4 he'pin) him at "hate&er
sho"-o"n mi)ht %ina''1 -e&e'op o&er his Pattern; : co$'- e&en -itch both spikar-s there4
enhancin) the %orces in that p'ace; : co$'- sti'' re'1 on m1 o"n ma)ic in a pinch; B$t m1 prob'em
"as ri)ht here; : ha- been bre- an- con-itione- to be a per%ect ro1a' %'$nk14 $n-er the contro' o%
m1 mother4 an- possib'1 m1 brother Ban-or; : 'o&e- Amber4 b$t : 'o&e- the Co$rts as "e'';
+'eein) to Amber4 "hi'e ass$rin) m1 sa%et14 "o$'- no more so'&e m1 persona' prob'em than
r$nnin) o%% "ith m1 -a-Dor ret$rnin) to the (ha-o" 2arth : a'so care- %or4 "ith or "itho$t
Cora'; No; !he prob'em "as hereDan- insi-e me;
: s$mmone- a %i'm1 to bear me to an e'e&ate- "a1 to take me back to (a"a''; As : tra&e'e-4 :
tho$)ht o% "hat : m$st -o4 an- : rea'i6e- that : "as a%rai-; :% thin)s )ot p$she- as %ar as the1 "e''
mi)ht4 there "as a stron) possibi'it1 that : "o$'- -ie; A'ternati&e'14 : mi)ht ha&e to ki'' someone
: -i-n@t rea''1 "ant to;
2ither "a14 tho$)h4 there ha- to be some reso'$tion or :@- ne&er kno" peace at this po'e o% m1
: "a'ke- besi-e a p$rp'e stream beneath a )reen s$n atop a pear'1 sk1; : s$mmone- a p$rp'e an-
)ra1 bir-4 "hich came an- sat $pon m1 "rist; : ha- tho$)ht to -ispatch it to Amber "ith a
messa)e %or 0an-om; !r1 as : mi)ht4 ho"e&er4 : co$'- phrase no simp'e note; !oo man1 thin)s
-epen-e- on other thin)s; 9a$)hin)4 : re'ease- it an- 'eapt %rom the bank4 "here : str$ck another
"a1 abo&e the "ater;
0et$rne- to (a"a''4 : ma-e m1 "a1 to the sc$'pt$re ha''; B1 then4 : kne" "hat : m$st tr1 to -o
an- ho" : m$st )o abo$t it; : stoo- "here : ha- stoo-Dho" 'on) a)o>Dre)ar-in) massi&e
str$ct$res4 simp'e %i)$res4 intricate ones;
F#host>G : sai-; FAo$ in the nei)hborhoo->G
!here "as no response;
F#hostIG : repeate- more 'o$-'1; FCan 1o$ hear me>G
: -$) o$t m1 !r$mps4 'ocate- the one : ha- -one %or #host"hee'4 bri)ht circ'e;
: re)ar-e- it "ith some intensit14 b$t it "as s'o" to )ro" coo'; !his "as $n-erstan-ab'e4
consi-erin) some o% the o-- areas o% space to "hich this ha'' )a&e access; A'so4 it "as irritatin);
: raise- the spikar-; *sin) it here at the 'e&e' : inten-e- "o$'- be 'ike settin) o%% a b$r)'ar
a'arm; Amen;
: to$che- the !arot "ith a 'ine o% s$bt'e %orce4 attemptin) to enhance the instr$ment@s sensiti&it1;
: maintaine- m1 concentration;
A)ain4 nothin);
: backe- it "ith more %orce; !here %o''o"e- a perceptib'e coo'in); B$t there "as no contact;
F#host4G : sai- thro$)h c'enche- teeth; F!his is important; Come to me;G
No rep'1; (o : sent po"er into the thin); !he car- be)an to )'o" an- %rost cr1sta's %orme- $pon
it; (ma'' crack'in) so$n-s occ$rre- in its &icinit1;
F#host4G : repeate-;
A "eak sense o% his presence occ$rre- then4 an- : po$re- more ?$ice into the car-; :t shattere- in
m1 han-4 an- : ca$)ht it in a "eb o% %orces an- he'- a'' o% the pieces to)ether4 'ookin) 'ike a
sma'' staine--)'ass "in-o"; : contin$e- to reach thro$)h it;
F/a-I :@m in tro$b'eIG came to me then;
F=here are 1o$> =hat@s the matter>G : aske-;
F: %o''o"e- this entit1 : met; P$rs$e- herDit; A'most a mathematica' abstraction; Ca''e-
3er)ma; #ot ca$)ht here at an o---e&en -imensiona' inter%ace4 "here :@m spira'in); =as ha&in)
a )oo- time $p $nti' thenDG
F: kno" 3er)ma "e''; 3er)ma is a trickster; : can %ee' 1o$r spatia' sit$ation; : am abo$t to sen-
b$rsts o% ener)1 to co$nter the rotation; 9et me kno" i% there are prob'ems; As soon as 1o$@re
ab'e to !r$mp thro$)h4 te'' me an- come ahea-;G
: p$'se- it thro$)h the spikar- an- the brakin) e%%ect be)an; Boments 'ater4 he in%orme- me4 F:
think : can escape no";G
FCome on4 then;G
($--en'14 #host "as there4 spinnin) abo$t me 'ike a ma)ic circ'e;
F!hanks4 /a-; : rea''1 appreciate this; 9et me kno" i% there@s e&er an1thin)DG
F!here is4G : sai-;
F(hrink 1o$rse'% -o"n an- hi-e some"here abo$t m1 person;G
F=rist oka1 a)ain>G
,e -i- that thin); !hen4 F=h1>G he aske-;
F: ma1 nee- a s$--en a''14G : rep'ie-;
FA)ainst "hat>G
FAn1thin)4G : sai-; F:t@s sho"-o"n time;G
F: -on@t 'ike the so$n- o% that;G
F!hen 'ea&e me no"; : "on@t ho'- it a)ainst 1o$;G
F: co$'-n@t -o that;G
F9isten4 #host; !his thin) has esca'ate-4 an- a 'ine m$st be -ra"n no"; :DG
!he air be)an to shimmer4 o%% to m1 ri)ht; : kne" "hat it meant;
F9ater4G : sai-; FBe sti'';G
;;;An- there "as a -oor"a14 an- it opene- to a-mit a to"er o% )reen 'i)ht8 e1es4 ears4 nose4
mo$th4 'imbs c1c'in) abo$t its sea-'ike ran)eDone o% the more inspire- -emonic %orms :@-
behe'- o% 'ate; An-4 o% co$rse4 : kne" the %eat$res;
FBer'in4G he sai-; F: %e't 1o$ p'1 the spikar- here;G
F: tho$)ht 1o$ mi)ht4G : rep'ie-4 Fan- : am at 1o$r ser&ice4 Ban-or;G
F:n a'' respects4 brother;G
F:nc'$-in) a certain matter o% s$ccession>G
F!hat in partic$'ar;G
F2.ce''entI An- "hat b$siness "ere 1o$ abo$t here>G
F: "as b$t seekin) somethin) : ha- 'ost;G
F!hat can "ait $pon another -a14 Ber'in; =e ha&e m$ch to -o ?$st no";G
FAes4 that is tr$e;G
F(o ass$me a more p'easin) %orm an- come "ith me; =e m$st -isc$ss the meas$res 1o$ are to
take $pon ass$min) the throneD"hich ,o$ses are to be s$ppresse-4 "ho o$t'a"e-DG
F: m$st speak "ith /ara imme-iate'1;G
F: "o$'- rather 'a1 some )ro$n-"ork %irst; ComeI (hi%t4 an- 'et $s be a"a1IG
F=o$'- 1o$ kno" "here she is ?$st no">G
F#ant$4 : be'ie&e; B$t "e "i'' con%er "ith her 'ater;G
FAo$ "o$'-n@t happen to ha&e her !r$mp han-14 "o$'- 1o$>G
F: %ear not; : tho$)ht 1o$ carrie- a -eck o% 1o$r o"n>G
F: -o; B$t hers "as ina-&ertent'1 -estro1e- one ni)ht "hen : "as -rinkin);G
FNo matter4G he sai-; F=e "i'' see her 'ater4 as : e.p'aine-;G
: ha- been openin) channe's on the spikar- as "e spoke; : ca$)ht him at the center o% a
"hir'"in- o% %orces; : co$'- see the trans%ormation proce-$re "ithin him4 an- it "as a simp'e
matter to re&erse it4 co''apsin) the )reen an- spinnin) to"er into the %orm o% a "hite-haire- man
c'a- in b'ack an- "hite an- 'ookin) &er1 irritate-;
FBer'inIG he crie-; F=h1 ha&e 1o$ chan)e- me>G
F!his thin) %ascinates me4G : sai-4 "a&in) the spikar-; F: ?$st "ante- to see "hether : co$'- -o
FNo" 1o$@&e seen it4G he sai-; F3in-'1 re'ease me to t$rn back4 an- %in- a more %ittin) %orm %or
FA moment4G : sai-4 as he attempte- to me't an- %'o"; F: re<$ire 1o$ ?$st as 1o$ are;G
: he'- him a)ainst his e%%ort4 an- : -re" a %ier1 rectan)'e in the air; A series o% <$ick mo&ements
%i''e- it "ith a ro$)h 'ikeness o% m1 mother;
FBer'inI =hat are 1o$ -oin)>G he crie-;
: s$ppresse- his e%%ort to e.tricate himse'% b1 means o% a transport spe'';
FCon%erence time4G : anno$nce-; FBear "ith me;G
: -i-n@t ?$st me-itate $pon the imprompt$ !r$mp : ha- h$n) in the air be%ore me4 b$t practica''1
attacke- it "ith a char)e o% the ener)ies : "as c1c'in) thro$)h m1 bo-1 an- the space abo$t me;
($--en'14 /ara stoo- "ithin the %rame : ha- create-Dta''4 coa'-b'ack4 e1es o% )reen %'ame;
FBer'inI =hat@s happenin)>G she crie-;
:@- ne&er hear- o% it bein) -one <$ite this "a1 be%ore4 b$t : he'- the contact4 "i''e- her presence4
an- b'e" a"a1 the %rame; (he stoo- be%ore me then4 perhaps se&en %eet ta''4 p$'sin) "ith
F=hat is the meanin) o% this>G she aske-;
: ca$)ht her as : ha- Ban-or an- co''apse- her -o"n to h$man sca'e;
F/emocrac14G : sai- F9et@s a'' 'ook a'ike %or a min$te;G
F!his is not am$sin)4G she respon-e-4 an- she be)an to chan)e back;
: cance'e- her e%%ort;
FNo4 it isn@t4G : ans"ere-; FB$t : ca''e- this meetin)4 an- it "i'' be r$n on m1 terms;G
F7er1 "e''4G she sai-4 shr$))in); F=hat has become so terrib'1 $r)ent>G
F!he s$ccession;G
F!he matter is sett'e-; !he throne is 1o$rs;G
FAn- "hose creat$re am : to be>G : raise- m1 'e%t han-4 hopin) the1 ha- no "a1 o% te''in) one
spikar- %rom another; F!his thin) con%ers )reat po"ers; :t a'so char)es %or their $se; :t bore a
spe'' %or contro' o% its "earer;G
F:t "as ("a1&i''@s4G Ban-or sai-; F: )ot it to 1o$ "hen : -i- to acc$stom 1o$ to the %orce o% its
presence; An- 1es4 there is a price; :ts "earer m$st come to terms "ith it;G
F: ha&e "rest'e- "ith it4G : 'ie-4 Fan- : am its master; B$t the main prob'ems "ere not cosmic;
!he1 "ere comp$'sions o% 1o$r o"n insta''ation;G
F: -o not -en1 it4G he sai-; FB$t there "as a &er1 )oo- reason %or their presence; Ao$ "ere
re'$ctant to take the throne; : %e't it necessar1 to a-- an e'ement o% comp$'sion;G
: shook m1 hea-;
FNot )oo- eno$)h4G : sai-; F!here "as more to it than that; :t "as a thin) -esi)ne- to make me
s$bser&ient to 1o$;G
FNecessar14G he respon-e-; FAo$@&e been a"a1; Ao$ 'ack intimate kno"'e-)e o% the 'oca'
po'itica' scene; =e co$'- not simp'1 'et 1o$ take the reins an- )o o%% in 1o$r o"n -irectionDnot
in times s$ch as these4 "hen b'$n-ers co$'- be &er1 cost'1; !he ,o$se nee-e- some means to
contro' 1o$; B$t this "as on'1 to be $nti' 1o$r e-$cation "as comp'ete;G
FPermit me to -o$bt 1o$4 brother4G : sai-;
,e )'ance- at /ara4 "ho no--e- s'i)ht'1;
F,e is ri)ht4G she sai-4 Fan- : see nothin) "ron) "ith s$ch temporar1 contro' $nti' 1o$ 'earn the
b$siness; !oo m$ch is at stake to permit other"ise;G
F:t "as a s'a&e-spe''4G : sai-; F:t "o$'- %orce me to take the throne4 to %o''o" or-ers;G
Ban-or 'icke- his 'ips; :t "as the %irst time :@- e&er seen him betra1 a si)n o% ner&o$sness; :t
instant'1 ma-e me "ar1Dtho$)h : rea'i6e- moments 'ater that it ma1 ha&e been a ca'c$'ate-
-istraction; :t ca$se- me to )$ar- a)ainst him imme-iate'1C an-4 o% co$rse4 the attack came %rom
A "a&e o% heat s"ept o&er me; : shi%te- m1 attention at once4 attemptin) to raise a barrier; :t "as
not an attack a)ainst m1 person; :t "as somethin) soothin)4 coerci&e; : bare- m1 teeth as :
%o$)ht to ho'- it o%%;
FBotherDG : )ro"'e-;
F=e m$st restore the imperati&es4G she sai- %'at'14 more to Ban-or than to me;
F=h1>G : aske-; FAo$@re )ettin) "hat 1o$ "ant;G
F!he throne is not eno$)h4G she ans"ere-; F: -o not tr$st 1o$ in this4 an- re'iance "i'' be
FAo$ ne&er tr$ste- me4G : sai-4 p$shin) a"a1 the remains o% her spe'';
F!hat is not tr$e4G she to'- me4 Fan- this is a technica' matter4 not a persona' one;G
F=hate&er the matter4G : sai-4 F:@m not b$1in);G
Ban-or tosse- a para'1sis spe'' at me4 an- : p$she- it a"a14 rea-1 %or an1thin) no"; As : "as
-oin) this4 /ara hit me "ith an e'aborate "orkin) : reco)ni6e- as a Con%$sion (torm; : "as not
abo$t to tr1 matchin) them both4 spe'' %or spe''; A )oo- sorcerer ma1 ha&e a ha'% -o6en ma?or
spe''s h$n); !heir ?$-icio$s emp'o1ment is )enera''1 eno$)h %or -ea'in) "ith most sit$ations; :n
a sorcero$s -$e' the strate)1 in&o'&e- in their emp'o1ment is a ma?or part o% the )ame; :% both
parties are sti'' stan-in) "hen the spe''s ha&e been e.ha$ste-4 then the1 are re-$ce- to %i)htin)
"ith ra" ener)ies; =hoe&er contro's a )reater <$antit1 $s$a''1 has the e-)e then;
: raise- an $mbre''a a)ainst the Con%$sion (torm4 parrie- Ban-or@s Astra' C'$b4 he'- m1se'%
to)ether thro$)h Bom@s (pirit (p'it4 maintaine- m1 senses thro$)h Ban-or@s =e'' o% B'ackness;
B1 ma?or spe''s ha- a'' )one sta'e4 an- : ha- h$n) no ne" ones since :@- be)$n re'1in) on the
spikar-; : "as a'rea-1 re-$ce- to re'iance on ra" po"er; +ort$nate'14 the spikar- )a&e me contro'
o% more o% it than :@- e&er he'- be%ore; A'' : ha- to -o "as %orce them to $se $p their spe''s4 then
a'' trickiness "o$'- be remo&e- %rom the sit$ation; : "o$'- "ear them -o"n4 -rain them;
Ban-or sneake- one part"a1 thro$)h4 h$rtin) me in a br$sh "ith an 2'ectric Porc$pine; :
battere- him "ith a "a'' o% %orce4 ho"e&er4 s'ammin) him into a s1stem o% re&o'&in) -iscs that
%'ashe- o%% in a'' -irections; /ara t$rne- into a 'i<$i- %'ame4 coi'in)4 "a&in)4 %'o"in) thro$)h
circ'es an- %i)$re-ei)hts4 as she a-&ance- an- retreate-4 tossin) b$bb'es o% e$phoria an- pain to
orbit me; : trie- to b'o" them a"a14 h$rricane-"ise4 shatterin) the )reat porce'ain %ace4 $prootin)
to"ers4 %ami'1 )ro$ps "ith ho'es in them4 )'o"in) )eometries; Ban-or t$rne- to san-4 "hich
%i'tere- -o"n"ar- thro$)h the str$ct$re $pon "hich he spra"'e-4 became a 1e''o" carpet4 crept
to"ar- me;
: i)nore- the e%%ects an- contin$e- to beat at them "ith ener)ies; : h$r'e- the carpet thro$)h the
%'ame an- -$mpe- a %'oatin) %o$ntain $pon them; Br$shin) o$t sma'' %ires in m1 c'othin) an-
hair4 : %orce- m1 conscio$sness thro$)h n$mbe- areas in m1 'e%t sho$'-er an- 'e); : %e'' apart
an- -re" m1se'% back to)ether a)ain as : mastere- /ara@s spe'' o% *n"ea&in); : shattere-
Ban-or@s /iamon- B$bb'e an- -i)este- the Chains o% /e'i&erance; On three occasions4 :
-roppe- m1 h$man %orm %or thin)s more s$itab'e4 b$t a'"a1s : ret$rne- to it; : ha-n@t ha- a
"orko$t 'ike this since m1 %ina' e.ams "ith ($h$1;
B$t the $'timate a-&anta)e "as ob&io$s'1 mine; !heir on'1 rea' chance ha- 'ain in s$rprise4 an-
that "as )one no"; : opene- a'' channe's on the spikar-4 a thin) "hich mi)ht ha&e intimi-ate-
e&en the PatternDtho$)h4 no" : tho$)ht on it4 it ha- )otten me knocke- sense'ess; : ca$)ht
Ban-or in a cone o% %orce that strippe- him -o"n to a ske'eton an- b$i't him back $p a)ain in an
instant; /ara "as har-er to nai'4 b$t "hen : b'aste- her "ith a'' o% the channe's4 she hit me "ith a
/a66'ement spe'' she@- been ho'-in) in reser&e4 the on'1 thin) that sa&e- her %rom t$rnin) into a
stat$e as :@- inten-e-; :nstea-4 it 'e%t her in morta' %orm an- restricte- to s'o" motion;
: shook m1 hea- an- r$bbe- m1 e1es; 9i)hts -ance- be%ore me;
FCon)rat$'ations4G she sai-4 o&er a span o% perhaps ten secon-s; FAo$@re better than :@- tho$)ht;G
FAn- :@m not e&en %inishe-4G : rep'ie-4 breathin) -eep'1; F:t@s time to -o $nto 1o$ as 1o$@- ha&e
-one $nto me;G
: be)an to cra%t the "orkin) "hich "o$'- p'ace them $n-er m1 contro'; :t "as then that : notice-
her sma'' s'o" smi'e;
F:@- tho$)htD"e mi)htD-ea' "ithD1o$Do$rse'&es4G she sai- as the air be)an to shimmer
be%ore her; F: "asD"ron);G
!he (i)n o% the 9o)r$s took %orm be%ore her; :mme-iate'14 her %eat$res )re" more animate-;
!hen : %e't its terrib'e re)ar-; =hen it a--resse- me4 that pastiche-&oice tore at m1 ner&o$s
F: ha&e been s$mmone-4G it sai-4 Fto -ea' "ith 1o$r reca'citrance4 oh man "ho "o$'- be kin);G
!here came a crash %rom -o"nhi'' as the ho$se o% mirrors co''apse-; : 'ooke- in that -irection;
(o -i- /ara; Ban-or4 ?$st no" str$))'in) to his %eet4 -i- a'so;
!he re%'ecti&e pane's rose into the air an- -ri%te- to"ar- $s; !he1 "ere <$ick'1 -ep'o1e- a''
abo$t $s4 re%'ectin) an- re-re%'ectin) o$r con%rontation %rom co$nt'ess an)'es; !he prospect "as
be"i'-erin)4 %or space itse'% seeme- someho" bent4 t"iste- no" in o$r &icinit1; An- in each
ima)e "e "ere s$rro$n-e- b1 a circ'e o% 'i)ht4 tho$)h : co$'- not -etect its abso'$te so$rce;
F: stan- "ith Ber'in4G #host sai-4 %rom some"here;
FConstr$ctIG the 9o)r$s (i)n state-; FAo$ th"arte- me in AmberIG
FAn- a short th"art %or the Pattern4 too4G #host obser&e-; F:t sort o% ba'ances o$t;G
F=hat are 1o$r "ishes no">G
F,an-s o%% Ber'in4G #host sai-; F,e@'' r$'e here as "e'' as rei)n; No strin)s on him;G
#host@s 'i)hts be)an c1c'in);
: p$'se- the spikar-4 open on a'' channe's4 hopin) to 'ocate #host4 )i&e him access to its
ener)ies; : co$'-n@t seem to make contact4 tho$)h;
F: -on@t nee- that4 /a-4G #host state-; F: access so$rces in (ha-o" m1se'%;G
F=hat is it that 1o$ "ant %or 1o$rse'%4 constr$ct>G the (i)n in<$ire-;
F!o protect one "ho cares %or me;G
F: can o%%er 1o$ cosmic )reatness;G
FAo$ a'rea-1 -i-; : t$rne- 1o$ -o"n then4 too; 0emember>G
F: remember; An- : "i'' remember;G A ?a))e- tentac'e o% the constant'1 shi%tin) %i)$re mo&e-
to"ar- one o% the circ'es o% 'i)ht; !here "as a b'in-in) r$sh o% %'ame "hen the1 met; =hen m1
&ision c'eare-4 ho"e&er4 nothin) ha- chan)e-; F7er1 "e''4G the (i)n ackno"'e-)e-; FAo$ came
prepare-; :t is not 1et time to "eaken m1se'% in 1o$r -estr$ction; Not "hen another "aits %or me
to %a'ter;
F9a-1 o% Chaos4G it state-4 F1o$ m$st honor Ber'in@s "ishes; :% his rei)n be a %oo'ish thin)4 he
"i'' -estro1 himse'% b1 his o"n actions; :% it be pr$-ent4 1o$ "i'' ha&e )aine- "hat 1o$ so$)ht
"itho$t inter%erence;G
!he e.pression on her %ace "as one o% -isbe'ie%;
FAo$ "o$'- back -o"n be%ore a son o% Amber an- his to1>G she aske-;
F=e m$st )i&e him "hat he "ants4G it ackno"'e-)e-4 F%or no"; +or no";;;G
!he air s<$ea'e- abo$t its &anishment; Ban-or smi'e- the sma''est o% smi'es4 re%'ecte- to
F: can@t be'ie&e this4G she sai-4 becomin) a %'o"er%ace- cat an- then a tree o% )reen %'ame;
FBe'ie&e as 1o$ "o$'-4G Ban-or to'- her; F,e@s "on;G
!he tree %'are- thro$)h its a$t$mn an- "as )one; Ban-or no--e- to me;
F: ?$st hope 1o$ kno" "hat 1o$@re -oin)4G he sai-;
F: kno" "hat :@m -oin);G
F!ake it ho"e&er 1o$ "o$'-4G he sai-4 Fb$t i% 1o$ nee- a-&ice :@'' tr1 to he'p 1o$;G
FCare to -isc$ss it o&er '$nch>G
FNot ?$st no";G
,e shr$))e- an- became a b'$e "hir'"in-;
F!i'' 'ater then4G came the &oice o$t o% the "hir'"in-4 be%ore it b'e" a"a1;
F!hanks4 #host4G : sai-; FAo$r timin)@s )otten a 'ot better;G
FChaos has a "eak 'e%t4G he rep'ie-;
: 'ocate- %resh )arments o% si'&er4 b'ack4 )ra14 an- "hite; : took them back to E$rt@s apartments
"ith me; : ha- a 'on) stor1 to te'';
=e "a'ke- 'itt'e-$se- "a1s4 passin) thro$)h (ha-o"4 comin) at 'en)th to the %ina' batt'e%ie'- o%
the Pattern%a'' =ar; !he p'ace ha- hea'e- itse'% o&er the 1ears4 'ea&in) no in-ication o% a'' that
ha- transpire- there; Cor"in re)ar-e- it %or a 'on) "hi'e in si'ence;
!hen he t$rne- to me an- sai-4 F:t@'' take some -oin) to sort e&er1thin) o$t4 to achie&e a more
permanent ba'ance4 to ass$re its stabi'it1;G
FAo$ think 1o$ can keep thin)s peace%$' on this en- %or a "hi'e>G
F!hat@s the i-ea4G : sai-; F:@'' )i&e it m1 best shot;G
F!hat@s a'' an1 o% $s can -o4G he sai-; FOka14 0an-om has to kno" "hat@s happene-4 o% co$rse;
:@m not s$re ho" he@s )oin) to take ha&in) 1o$ as an opposite n$mber4 b$t that@s the breaks;G
F#i&e him m1 re)ar-s4 an- Bi'' 0oth4 too;G
,e no--e-;
FAn- )oo- '$ck4G : sai-;
F!here are sti'' m1steries "ithin m1steries4G he to'- me; F:@'' 'et 1o$ kno" "hat : %in- o$t4 as
soon as : ha&e somethin);G
,e mo&e- %or"ar- an- embrace- me;
!hen4 F0e& $p that rin) an- sen- me back to Amber;G
F:t@s a'rea-1 re&&e-4G : sai-; F#oo--b1e;G
F;;;An- he''o4G he ans"ere-4 %rom the tai' en- o% a rainbo";
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