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By: ejboy

Quiz 1
1. The atomic number of an element is determined
The number of protons.
2. The atomic weight of an element is approximately
determined by:
The number of neutrons plus the number of protons.
3. Suppose there is an atom of oxygen, containing
eight protons and eight
neutrons in the nucleus, and two neutrons are
added to the nucleus. The resulting
atomic weight is about:
4. An ion:
Might have either a positive or negative charge.
5. An isotope:
Might have either a positive or negative charge.
6. A molecule:
Always has two or more atoms.
7. In a compound:
There must always be two or more elements.
8. An electrical insulator can be made a conductor:
By ionizing.
9. Of the following substances, the worst conductor
10. Of the following substances, the best conductor
11. Movement of holes in a semiconductor:
Results in a certain amount of electric current.
12. If a material has low resistance:
It is a good conductor.
13. A coulomb:
Is an extremely large number of charge carriers.
14. A stroke of lightning:
Is a discharge of static electricity..
15. The volt is the standard unit of:
Electromotive force.
16. If an EMF of one volt is placed across a
resistance of two ohms, then the
current is:
Half an ampere.
17. A backwards-working electric motor is best
described as:
An electric generator.
18. In some batteries, chemical energy can be
replenished by:
Charging it.
19. A changing magnetic field:
Produces a fluctuating electric field.
20. Light is converted into electricity:
In a photovoltaic cell.

Quiz 2
1. A positive electric pole:
Has fewer electrons than the negative pole.
2. An EMF of one volt:
Can sometimes produce a large current.
3. A potentially lethal electric current is on the order
0.1 A.
4. A current of 25 A is most likely drawn by:
A typical household.
5. A piece of wire has a conductance of 20 siemens.
Its resistance is:
0.02 .
6. A resistor has a value of 300 ohms. Its
conductance is:
3.33 millisiemens.
7. A mile of wire has a conductance of 0.6 siemens.
Then three miles of the same
wire has a conductance of:
0.2 siemens.
8. A 2-kW generator will deliver approximately how
much current, reliably, at 117
17 A.
9. A circuit breaker is rated for 15 A at 117 V. This
represents approximately how
many kilowatts?
10. You are told that a certain air conditioner is
rated at 500 Btu. What is this in
11. Of the following energy units, the one most
often used to define electrical
energy is:.
The kilowatt hour.
12. The frequency of common household ac in the
U.S. is:
60 Hz.
13. Half-wave rectification means that:
Half of the ac wave is chopped off.
14. In the output of a half-wave rectifier:
The effective value is less than that of the original ac
15. In the output of a full-wave rectifier:
The effective value is the same as that of the original
ac wave.
16. A low voltage, such as 12 V:
Can be dangerous under certain conditions.
17. Which of these can represent magnetomotive
The ampere-turn.
18. Which of the following units can represent
magnetic flux density?
The gauss.
19. A ferromagnetic material:
Concentrates magnetic flux lines within itself.
20. A coil has 500 turns and carries 75 mA of
current. The magnetomotive force
will be:
37.5 At.

Quiz 3
1. The force between two electrically charged
objects is called:
Electrostatic force.
2. The change in the direction of a compass needle,
when a current-carrying wire
is brought near, is:
Electromagnetic deflection.
3. Suppose a certain current in a galvanometer
causes the needle to deflect 20
degrees, and then this current is doubled. The
needle deflection:
Will increase.
4. One important advantage of an electrostatic
meter is that:
It can detect ac voltages.
5. A thermocouple:
Gets warm when current flows through it.
6. One advantage of an electromagnet meter over a
permanent-magnet meter is
The electromagnet meter is more rugged.
7. An ammeter shunt is useful because:
It allows for measurement of a wide range of currents.
8. Voltmeters should generally have:
Large internal resistance.
9. To measure power-supply voltage being used by
a circuit, a voltmeter
Is placed in parallel with the circuit that works from the
10. Which of the following will not cause a major
error in an ohmmeter reading?
A small change in the resistance to be measured.
11. The main advantage of a FETVM over a
conventional voltmeter is the fact that
the FETVM:
Draws less current from the circuit under test.
12. Which of the following is not a function of a
To be sure there is enough current available for an
appliance to work right.
13. A utility meters motor speed works directly
The number of watts being used at the time.
14. A utility meters readout indicates:
15. A typical frequency counter:
Is usually accurate to six digits or more.
16. A VU meter is never used for measurement of:
17. The meter movement in an illumination meter
18. An oscilloscope cannot be used to indicate:

Quiz 4
1. Suppose you double the voltage in a simple dc
circuit, and cut the resistance in
half. The current will become:
Four times as great.
2. A wiring diagram would most likely be found in:
The service/repair manual for a radio receiver.
3. Given a dc voltage source delivering 24 V and a
circuit resistance of 3.3 K_,
what is the current?
7.3 mA.
4. Suppose that a circuit has 472 _ of resistance and
the current is 875 mA. Then
the source voltage is:
413 V.
5. The dc voltage in a circuit is 550 mV and the
current is 7.2 mA. Then the
resistance is:
76 .
6. Given a dc voltage source of 3.5 kV and a circuit
resistance of 220 _, what is
the current?
None of the above.
7. A circuit has a total resistance of 473,332 _ and
draws 4.4 mA. The best
expression for the voltage of the source is:
2.1 kV.
8. A source delivers 12 V and the current is 777 mA.
Then the best expression for
the resistance is:
9. The voltage is 250 V and the current is 8.0 mA.
The power dissipated by the
potentiometer is:
2.0 W
10. The voltage from the source is 12 V and the
potentiometer is set for 470 _.
The power is about:
310 mW.
11. The current through the potentiometer is 17 mA
and its value is 1.22K_. The
power is:
350 mW.
12. Suppose six resistors are hooked up in series,
and each of them has a value of
540 _. Then the total resistance is:
3.24 K
13. Four resistors are connected in series, each with
a value of 4.0 K_. The total
resistance is:
16 K.
14. Suppose you have three resistors in parallel,
each with a value of 68,000 _.
Then the total resistance is:
23 K
15. You have an unlimited supply of 1-W, 100-_
resistors. You need to get a 100- ,
10-W resistor. This can be done most cheaply by
means of a series-parallel matrix
4 X 4 resistors.
16. You have an unlimited supply of 1-W, 1000-_
resistors, and you need a 500-_
resistance rated at 7 W or more. This can be done
by assembling:
Four sets of two 1000-_ resistors in series, and
connecting these four sets
in parallel.
17. You have an unlimited supply of 1-W, 1000-_
resistors, and you need to get a
3000- , 5-W resistance. The best way is to:
Do something other than any of the above.
18. Good engineering practice usually requires that
a series-parallel resistive
network be made:
From resistors that are all the same.
Quiz 5
1. In a series-connected string of holiday ornament
bulbs, if one bulb gets shorted
out, which of these is most likely?
The current in the string will go up.

2. Fill in the blank in the following sentence. In
either series or a parallel circuit,
the sum of the s in each component is equal to the
total provided by the
3. The maximum voltage output from a voltage
Is equal to the supply voltage.

Quiz 6
1. Biasing in an amplifier circuit:
Can be done using voltage dividers.
2. A transistor can be protected from needless
overheating by:
Current-limiting resistors.
3. Bleeder resistors:
Are connected across the capacitor in a power supply.
4. Carbon-composition resistors:
Are comparatively nonreactive.
5. The best place to use a wirewound resistor is:
By: ejboy

In a high-power, direct-current circuit.
6. A metal-film resistor:
Has less reactance than a wirewound type.
7. A meter-sensitivity control in a test instrument
would probably be:.
A linear-taper potentiometer.
8. A volume control in a stereo compact-disc player
would probably be:
A logarithmic-taper potentiometer.
9. If a sound triples in actual power level,
approximately what is the decibel
B. 5 dB.
10. Suppose a sound changes in volume by _13 dB.
If the original sound power is
1 W, what is the final sound power?
50 mW.
11. The sound from a transistor radio is at a level of
50 dB. How many times the
threshold of hearing is this, in terms of actual
sound power?
12. An advantage of a rheostat over a potentiometer
is that:
A rheostat can handle more current.
13. A resistor is specified as having a value of 68 ,
but is measured with an
ohmmeter as 63 . The value is off by:
7.4 percent.
14. Suppose a resistor is rated at 3.3 K, plus or
minus 5 percent. This means it
can be expected to have a value between:
3,135 and 3,465.
15. A package of resistors is rated at 56 , plus or
minus 10 percent. You test them
with an ohmmeter. Which of the following values
indicates a reject?
50.0 .
16. A resistor has a value of 680 , and you expect
it will have to draw 1 mA
maximum continuous current. What power rating is
best for this application?
1/4 W.
17. Suppose a 1-K resistor will dissipate 1.05 W,
and you have many 1-W
resistors of all common values. If theres room for
20-percent resistance error, the
cheapest solution is to use:
Two 2.2 K 1 -W resistors in parallel.
18. Red, red, red, gold indicates a resistance of:
2.2 K .
20. A resistor has three bands: gray, red, yellow.
This unit can be expected to have
a value within approximately what range?
740 K to 900 K .

Quiz 7
1. The chemical energy in a battery or cell:
Changes to kinetic energy when the cell is used.
2. A cell that cannot be recharged is:
A primary cell.
3. A Weston cell is generally used:
As a voltage reference source.
4. The voltage in a battery is:
More than the voltage in a cell of the same kind
5. A direct short-circuit of a battery can cause:
An explosion.
6. A cell of 1.5 V supplies 100 mA for seven hours
and twenty minutes, and then
it is replaced. It has supplied:
733 mAh.
7. A 12-V auto battery is rated at 36 Ah. If a 100-W,
12-Vdc bulb is connected
across this battery, about how long will the bulb
stay lit, if the battery has been
fully charged?
4 hours and 20 minutes.
8. Alkaline cells:
Are generally better in radios than zinc-carbon cells.
9. The energy in a cell or battery depends mainly
Its physical size.
10. In which of the following places would a
lantern battery most likely be found?
A two-way portable radio.
11. In which of the following places would a
transistor battery be the best
power-source choice?
An electronic calculator.
12. In which of the following places would you most
likely choose a lithium battery?
A microcomputer memory backup.
13. Where would you most likely find a lead-acid
In a portable video camera/recorder.
14. A cell or battery that keeps up a constant
current-delivering capability almost
until it dies is said to have:
A flat discharge curve.
15. Where might you find a NICAD battery?
In more than one of the above.
16. A disadvantage of mercury cells and batteries is
They pollute the environment.
17. Which kind of battery should never be used until
it dies?
18. The current from a solar panel is increased by:
Connecting solar cells in parallel.
19. An interactive solar power system:
Allows a homeowner to sell power to the utility.
20. One reason why it is impractical to make an
extrememly high-voltage battery
of cells is that:
There isnt any real need for such thing.
Quiz 8
1. The geomagnetic field:
Is what makes a compass work.
2. Geomagnetic lines of flux:
Are horizontal at the geomagnetic equator.
3. A material that can be permanently magnetized is
generally said to be:
4. The force between a magnet and a piece of
ferromagnetic metal that has not
been magnetized:
Is never repulsive.
5. Magnetic flux can always be attributed to:
Motion of charged particles.
6. Lines of magnetic flux are said to originate:
At a north magnetic pole.
7. The magnetic flux around a straight, current-
carrying wire:
Is strongest near the wire
8. The gauss is a unit of:
Magnetic flux density.
9. A unit of overall magnetic field quantity is the:
10. If a wire coil has 10 turns and carries 500 mA of
current, what is the
magnetomotive force in ampere-turns?
11. If a wire coil has 100 turns and carries 1.30 A of
current, what is the
magnetomotive force in gilberts?
12. Which of the following is not generally possible
in a geomagnetic storm?
Disruption of microwave radio links.
13. An ac electromagnet:
Will attract pure, unmagnetized iron.
14. An advantage of an electromagnet over a
permanent magnet is that:
An electromagnet can be switched on and off.
15. A substance with high retentivity is best suited
for making:
A permanent magnet.
16. A relay is connected into a circuit so that a
device gets a signal only when the
relay coil carries current. The relay is probably:
Normally open.
17. A device that reverses magnetic field polarity to
keep a dc motor rotating is:
A commutator.
18. A high tape-recorder motor speed is generally
used for:
19. An advantage of a magnetic disk, as compared
with magnetic tape, for data
storage and retrieval is that:
Data can be stored and retrieved more quickly with
disks than with tapes.
20. A bubble memory is best suited for:
A large computer.
Test: Part one
1. An application in which an analog meter would
almost always be preferred
over a digital meter is:
A signal-strength indicator in a radio receiver.
2. Which of the following statements is false?
The current in a series dc circuit is divided up among
the resistances.
3. The ohm is a unit of:
Opposition to electrical current.
4. A wiring diagram differs from a schematic
diagram in that:
A wiring diagram shows component values.
5. Which of the following is a good use, or place, for
a wirewound resistor?
To dissipate a large amount of dc power.
6. The number of protons in the nucleus of an
element is the:
Atomic number.
7. A hot-wire ammeter:
Can measure ac as well as dc.
8. Which of the following units indicates the rate at
which energy is expended?
The watt.
9. Which of the following correctly states Ohms
Ohms equal volts divided by amperes.
10. The current going into a point in a dc circuit is
always equal to the current:
Flowing out of that point.
11. A loudness meter in a hi-fi system is generally
calibrated in:
12. A charged atom is known as:
An ion.
13. A battery delivers 12 V to a bulb. The current in
the bulb is 3 A. What is the
resistance of the bulb?
14. Peak values are always:
Greater than or equal to average values.
15. A resistor has a value of 680 ohms, and a
tolerance of plus or minus 5 percent.
Which of the following values indicates a reject?
16. A primitive device for indicating the presence of
an electric current is:
A galvanometer.
17. A disadvantage of mercury cells is that they:
Pollute the environment when discarded.
18. A battery supplies 6.0 V to a bulb rated at 12 W.
How much current does the
bulb draw?
2.0 A.
19. Of the following, which is not a common use of a
Increasing the charge in a capacitor.
20. When a charge builds up without a flow of
current, the charge is said to be:
21. The sum of the voltages, going around a dc
circuit, but not including the power
supply, has:
Equal value as, but opposite polarity from, the supply.
22. A watt hour meter measures:
23. Every chemical element has its own unique type
of particle, called its:
24. An advantage of a magnetic disk over magnetic
tape for data storage is that:
Data storage and retrieval is faster on disk.
25. A 6-V battery is connected across a series
combination of resistors. The
resistance values are 1, 2, and 3 . What is the
current through the 2- resistor?
1 A.
26. A material that has extremely high electrical
resistance is known as:
An insulator.
27. Primary cells:
Cannot be recharged.
28. A rheostat:
Is used in high-voltage and/or high-power dc circuits.
29. A voltage typical of a dry cell is:
1.5 V.
30. A geomagnetic storm:
Can disrupt the earths magnetic field.

31. An advantage of an alkaline cell over a zinc-
carbon cell is that:
An alkaline cell works at lower temperatures.
32. A battery delivers 12 V across a set of six 4-
resistors in a series voltage
dividing combination. This provides six different
voltages, differing by an increment
3 V.
33. A unit of electrical charge quantity is the:
34. A unit of sound volume is:
The decibel.
35. A 24-V battery is connected across a set of four
resistors in parallel. Each
By: ejboy

resistor has a value of 32 ohms. What is the total
power dissipated by the resistors?
72 W.
36. The main difference between a lantern battery
and a transistor battery is:
The lantern battery has more energy capacity.
37. NICAD batteries are most extensively used:
In handheld radio transceivers.
38. A voltmeter should have:
High internal resistance.
39. The purpose of a bleeder resistor is to:
Protect people against the danger of electric shock.
40. A dc electromagnet:
Has constant polarity.
41. The rate at which charge carriers flow is
measured in:
42. A 12-V battery is connected to a set of three
resistors in series. The resistance
values are 1,2, and 3 ohms. What is the voltage
across the 3- resistor?
6 V.
43. Nine 90-ohm resistors are connected in a 3 3
series-parallel network. The
total resistance is:
44. A device commonly used for remote switching
of wire communications signals
A relay.
45. NICAD memory:
Does not occur very often.
46. A 100-W bulb burns for 100 hours. It has
10.0 kWh.
47. A material with high permeability:
Concentrates magnetic lines of flux.
48. A chemical compound:
Consists of two or more atoms.
49. A 6.00-V battery is connected to a parallel
combination of two resistors, whose
values are 8.00 and 12.0 . What is the power
dissipated in the 8- resistor?
4.50 W.
50. The main problem with a bar-graph meter is that:
It cant give a very precise reading.

Quiz 9
1. Which of the following can vary with ac, but not
with dc?
2. The length of time between a point in one cycle
and the same point in the next
cycle of an ac wave is the:
3. On a spectrum analyzer, a pure ac signal, having
just one frequency
component,would look like:
A single pip.
4. The period of an ac wave is:
Equal to 1 divided by the frequency.
5. The sixth harmonic of an ac wave whose period is
0.001 second has a
frequency of
6 kHz.
6. A degree of phase represents:
1/360 cycle.
7. Two waves have the same frequency but differ in
phase by 1/20 cycle. The
phase difference in degrees is:
8. A signal has a frequency of 1770 Hz. The angular
frequency is:
11,120 radians per second.
9. A triangular wave:
Has equal rise and decay rates.
10. Three-phase ac:
Has three waves, all of the same magnitude.
11. If two waves have the same frequency and the
same amplitude, but opposite
phase, the composite wave is:
12. If two waves have the same frequency and the
same phase, the composite
Has a magnitude equal to the sum of the two originals.
13. In a 117-V utility circuit, the peak voltage is:
165 V.
14. In a 117-V utility circuit, the pk-pk voltage is:
331 V.
15. In a perfect sine wave, the pk-pk value is:
Twice the peak value.
16. Which one of the following does not affect the
power output available from a
particular ac generator?
The type of natural energy source used.
17. If a 175-V dc source were connected in series
with the utility mains from a
standard wall outlet, the result would be:
Pulsating dc.
18. An advantage of ac over dc in utility applications
Ac is easier to transform from one voltage to another.

Quiz 10
1. An inductor works by:
Storing energy as a magnetic field.
2. Which of the following does not affect the
inductance of a coil?
The diameter of the wire.
3. In a small inductance:
Energy is stored and released quickly.
4. A ferromagnetic core is placed in an inductor
mainly to:
Increase the inductance.
5. Inductors in series, assuming there is no mutual
inductance, combine:
Like resistors in series.
6. Two inductors are connected in series, without
mutual inductance. Their
values are 33 mH and 55 mH. The net inductance of
the combination is:
88 mH.
7. If the same two inductors (33 mH and 55 mH) are
connected in parallel
without mutual inductance, the combination will
have a value of:
21 mH.
8. Three inductors are connected in series without
mutual inductance. Their
values are 4 nH, 140 H, and 5 H. For practical
purposes, the net inductance will be
very close to:
5 H.
10. Two inductors, each of 100 H, are in series.
The coefficient of coupling is 0.40.
The net inductance, if the coil fields reinforce each
other, is:
280 H.
11. Two inductors, having values of 44 mH and 88
mH, are connected in series with
a coefficient of coupling equal to 1.0 (maximum
possible mutual inductance). If
their fields reinforce, the net inductance (to two
significant digits) is:
260 mH.
12. With permeability tuning, moving the core
further into a solenoidal coil:
Increases the inductance.
13. A significant advantage, in some situations, of a
toroidal coil over a solenoid is:
The magnetic flux in a toroid is practically all within the
14. A major feature of a pot-core winding is:
Large inductance in small volume.
15. As an inductor core material, air:
Has excellent efficiency.
16. At a frequency of 400 Hz, the most likely form for
an inductor would be:
17. At a frequency of 95 MHz, the best form for an
inductor would be:
18. A transmission-line inductor made from coaxial
cable, having velocity factor of
0.66, and working at 450 MHz, would be shorter
11 cm.

Quiz 11
1. Capacitance acts to store electrical energy as:
An electric field.
2. As capacitor plate area increases, all other things
being equal:
The capacitance increases.
3. As the spacing between plates in a capacitor is
made smaller, all other things
being equal:
The capacitance increases.
4. A material with a high dielectric constant:
Acts to increase capacitance per unit volume.
5. A capacitance of 100 pF is the same as:
C. 0.0001 uF.
6. A capacitance of 0.033 uF is the same as:
33,000 pF.
7. Five 0.050- F capacitors are connected in
parallel. The total capacitance is:
0.25 F.
8. If the same five capacitors are connected in
series, the total capacitance will be:
0.010 F.
9. Two capacitors are in series. Their values are 47
pF and 33 pF. The composite
value is:
19 pF.
10. Two capacitors are in parallel. Their values are
47 pF and 470 F. The
combination capacitance is:
517 F.
11. Three capacitors are in parallel. Their values are
0.0200 F, 0.0500 F and
0.10000 F. The total capacitance is:
0.170 F.
12. Air works well as a dielectric mainly because it:
Has low loss.
13. Which of the following is not a characteristic of
mica capacitors?
Small size.
14. A disk ceramic capacitor might have a value of:
100 pF.
15. A paper capacitor might have a value of:
0.01 uF.
16. An air-variable capacitor might have a range of:
1 pF to 100 pF.
17. Which of the following types of capacitors is
18. If a capacitor has a negative temperature
Its value decreases as the temperature rises.
19. A capacitor is rated at 33 pF, plus or minus 10
percent. Which of the following
capacitances is outside the acceptable range?
37 pF.
20. A capacitor, rated at 330 pF, shows an actual
value of 317 pF. How many
percent off is its value?

Quiz 12
1. Which of the following is not a general
characteristic of an ac wave?
The electrons always flow in the same direction.
2. A sine wave:
Always has the same general appearance.
3. The derivative of a sine wave:
Is a representation of the rate of change.
4. A phase difference of 180 degrees in the circular
model represents:
1/2 revolution.
5. You can add or subtract a certain number of
degrees of phase to or from a
wave, and end up with exactly the same wave again.
This number is:
6. You can add or subtract a certain number of
degrees of phase to or from a sine
wave, and end up with an inverted (upside-down)
representation of the original.
This number is:
7. A wave has a frequency of 300 kHz. One complete
cycle takes:
0.00000333 second.
8. If a wave has a frequency of 440 Hz, how long
does it take for 10 degrees of
0.0000631 second.
9. Two waves are in phase coincidence. One has a
peak value of 3 V and the other
a peak value of 5 V. The resultant will be:
8 V peak, in phase with the composites.
10. Shifting the phase of an ac sine wave by 90
degrees is the same thing as:
Moving it to the right or left by 14 cycle.
11. A phase difference of 540 degrees would more
often be spoken of as:
Phase opposition.
12. Two sine waves are in phase opposition. Wave X
has a peak amplitude of 4 V
and wave Y has a peak amplitude of 8 V. The
resultant has a peak amplitude of:
4 V, in phase with wave Y.
By: ejboy

13. If wave X leads wave Y by 45 degrees of phase,
Wave Y is 18 cycle behind wave X.
14. If wave X lags wave Y by 13 cycle, then:
Y is 120 degrees earlier than X.

Quiz 13
1. As the number of turns in a coil increases, the
current in the coil will
Decrease to near zero.
2. As the number of turns in a coil increases, the
3. As the frequency of an ac wave gets lower, the
value of XL for a particular coil:
4. A coil has an inductance of 100 mH. What is the
reactance at a frequency of
1000 Hz?
628 .
5. A coil shows an inductive reactance of 200 at
500 Hz. What is its inductance?
63.7 mH.
6. A coil has an inductance of 400 H. Its reactance
is 33 . What is the
13 kHz.
10. Each point in the RL plane:
Corresponds to a unique combination of resistance and
inductive reactance.
11. If the resistance R and the inductive reactance
XL both vary from zero to
unlimited values, but are always in the ratio 3:1, the
points in the RL plane for all
the resulting impedances will fall along:
A ray of unlimited length.
12. Each impedance R _ jXL:
All of the above.
13. A vector is a quantity that has:
Magnitude and direction.
14. In an RL circuit, as the ratio of inductive
reactance to resistance, XL/R,
decreases, the phase angle:
15. In a purely reactive circuit, the phase angle is:
90 degrees.
16. If the inductive reactance is the same as the
resistance in an RL circuit, the
phase angle is:
45 degrees.
19 An RL circuit consists of a 100- H inductor and a
100- resistor. What is the
phase angle at a frequency of 200 kHz?
51.5 degrees.
20. An RL circuit has an inductance of 88 mH. The
resistance is 95 . What is the
phase angle at 800 Hz?
78 degrees.

Quiz 14
1. As the size of the plates in a capacitor increases,
all other things being equal:
The value of XC decreases negatively.
2. If the dielectric material between the plates of a
capacitor is changed, all other
things being equal:
You cant say what happens to XC without more data.
3. As the frequency of a wave gets lower, all other
things being equal, the value of
XC for a capacitor:
Increases negatively.
4. Each point in the RC plane:
Corresponds to a unique combination of resistance and
5. If R increases in an RC circuit, but XC is always
zero, then the vector in the RC
plane will:
Always point straight towards the right.
6. If the resistance R increases in an RC circuit, but
the capacitance and the
frequency are nonzero and constant, then the
vector in the RC plane will:
Get longer and rotate counterclockwise.
7. Each impedance R _ jXC:
Represents a unique combination of resistance and
8. In an RC circuit, as the ratio of capacitive
reactance to resistance, _XC/R, gets
closer to zero, the phase angle:
Gets closer to 0 degrees.
9. In a purely resistive circuit, the phase angle is:
0 degrees.
10. If the ratio of XC/R is 1, the phase angle is:
45 degrees.
11. An RC circuit consists of a 150-pF capacitor and
a 330 resisitor in series.
What is the phase angle at a frequency of 1.34 MHz?
A. 67.4 degrees.
12. An RC circuit has a capitance of 0.015 F. The
resistance is 52 . What is the
phase angle at 90 kHz?
66 degrees.
Quiz 15
1. The square of an imaginary number:
Can never be positive.
2. A complex number:
Has a real part and an imaginary part.
3. What is the sum of 3 + j7 and -3 - j7?
A. 0 _ j0
7. The impedance vector 5 _ j0 represents:
A pure resistance.
8. The impedance vector 0 -j22 represents:
A pure capacitance.
9. What is the absolute-value impedance of 3.0 _
6.7 .
10. What is the absolute-value impedance of 50 _
Z _ 240 .
11. If the center conductor of a coaxial cable is
made to have smaller diameter, all
other things being equal, what will happen to the Zo
of the transmission line?
It will increase.
12. If a device is said to have an impedance of Z _
100 , this would most often
mean that:
R _ jX _ 100 _ j0.
13. A capacitor has a value of 0.050 F at 665 kHz.
What is the capacitive
j0. 209.
14. An inductor has a value of 44 mH at 60 Hz. What
is the inductive susceptance?
A.. _j0.060.
15. Susceptance and conductance add to form:
16. Absolute-value impedance is equal to the square
root of:
R2 _ X2.
17. Inductive susceptance is measured in:
18. Capacitive susceptance is:
Positive and imaginary.
19. Which of the following is false?
Characteristic impedance is complex.
20. In general, the greater the absolute value of the
impedance in a circuit:
The less the flow of alternating current.
Quiz 16
1. A coil and capacitor are connected in series. The
inductive reactance is 250 ,
and the capacitive reactance is _300 . What is the
net impedance vector, R _ jX?
.0 - j50.
2. A coil of 25.0 H and capacitor of 100 pF are
connected in series. The
frequency is 5.00 MHz. What is the impedance
vector, R _ jX?
A 0 + j467.
3. When R _ 0 in a series RLC circuit, but the net
reactance is not zero, the
impedance vector:
None of the above.
4. A resistor of 150 , a coil with reactance 100
and a capacitor with reactance
200 are connected in series. What is the
complex impedance R _ jX?
150 - j100.
5. A resistor of 330 , a coil of 1.00 H and a
capacitor of 200 pF are in series.
What is R _ jX at 10.0 MHz?
330 - j16.8.
6. A coil has a reactance of 4.00 . What is the
admittance vector, G _ jB,
assuming nothing else is in the circuit?
0 j0.25.
7. What will happen to the susceptance of a
capacitor if the frequency is doubled,
all other things being equal?
It will double.
8. A coil and capacitor are in parallel, with
jBL__j0.05 and jBC _ j0.03. What is
the admittance vector, assuming that nothing is in
series or parallel with these
A. 0 _ j0.02.
9. A coil, resistor, and capacitor are in parallel. The
resistance is 1 ; the
capacitive susceptance is 1.0 siemens; the
inductive susceptance is _1.0 siemens.
Then the frequency is cut to half its former value.
What will be the admittance
vector, G _ jB, at the new frequency?
1 _ jl.5.
10. A coil of 3.50 H and a capacitor of 47.0 pF are
in parallel. The frequency is
9.55 MHz. There is nothing else in series or parallel
with these components. What is
the admittance vector?
0 j0.00194.
11. A vector pointing southeast in the GB plane
would indicate the following:
Conductance and inductive susceptance.
12. A resistor of 0.0044 siemens, a capacitor whose
susceptance is 0.035 siemens,
and a coil whose susceptance is _0.011 siemens are
all connected in parallel. The
admittance vector is:
0.0044 + j0.024.
13. A resistor of 100 , a coil of 4.50 H, and a
capacitor of 220 pF are in parallel.
What is the admittance vector at 6.50 MHz?
0.010 _ j0.00354.
15. The admittance for a circuit, G _ jB, is 0.02 _
j0.20. What is the impedance, R_jX?
0.495 _ j4.95.
14. A resistor of 51.0 , an inductor of 22.0 H and a
capacitor of 150 pF are in
parallel. The frequency is 1.00 MHz. What is the
complex impedance, R _ jX?
46.2 _ j14.9.
15. A series circuit has 99.0 of resistance and
88.0 of inductive reactance. An
ac rms voltage of 117 V is applied to this series
network. What is the current?
0.886 A.
16. A parallel circuit has 10 ohms of resistance and
15 of reactance. An ac rms
voltage of 20 V is applied across it. What is the total
2.40 A.
Quiz 17
1. The power in a reactance is:
Imaginary power.
2. Which of the following is not an example of true
Power in a capacitor.
3. The apparent power in a circuit is 100 watts, and
the imaginary power is 40
watts. The true power is:
92 watts.
4.Power factor is equal to:
True power divided by apparent power.
5. A circuit has a resistance of 300 W and an
inductance of 13.5 H in series at
10.0 MHz. What is the power factor?
6. A series circuit has Z _ 88.4 , with R _ 50.0 .
What is PF?
56.6 percent.
7. A series circuit has R _ 53.5 and X _ 75.5 .
What is PF?
57.8 percent.
8. Phase angle is equal to:
Arctan X/R.
9. A wattmeter shows 220 watts of VA power in a
circuit. There is a resistance of
50 in series with a capacitive reactance of 20 .
What is the true power?
204 watts.
10. A wattmeter shows 57 watts of VA power in a
circuit. The resistance is known
to be 50 , and the true power is known to be 40
watts. What is the absolute-value
71 .
11. Which of the following is the most important
consideration in a transmission
Minimizing the loss.
12. Which of the following does not increase the
loss in a transmission line?
Reducing the power output of the source.
13. A problem that standing waves can cause is:
All of the above.
By: ejboy

14. A coil and capacitor are in series. The
inductance is 88 mH and the capacitance
is 1000 pF. What is the resonant frequency?
17 kHz.
15. A coil and capacitor are in parallel, with L _ 10.0
H and C _ 10 pF. What is fo?
15.9 MHz.
16. A 1/4-wave line section is made for 21.1 MHz,
using cable with a velocity factor
of 0.800. How many meters long is it?
2.84 m.
17. The fourth harmonic of 800 kHz is:
3.20 MHz.
18. How long is a 1/2-wave dipole for 3.60 MHz?
130 feet.
Quiz 18
1. In a step-up transformer:
The primary voltage is less than the secondary voltage.
2. The capacitance between the primary and the
secondary windings of a
transformer can be minimized by:
Placing the windings on opposite sides of a toroidal
3. A transformer steps a voltage down from 117 V to
6.00 V. What is its
primary-to-secondary turns ratio?
4. A step-up transformer has a primary-to-
secondary turns ratio of 1:5.00. If 117
V rms appears at the primary, what is the rms
voltage across the secondary?
585 V.
5. A transformer has a secondary-to-primary turns
ratio of 0.167. This
transformer is:
A step-down unit.
6. Which of the following is false, concerning air
cores versus ferromagnetic cores?
Air concentrates the magnetic lines of flux.
7. Eddy currents cause:
An increase in core loss.
8. A transformer has 117 V rms across its primary
and 234 V rms across its
secondary. If this unit is reversed, assuming it can
be done without damaging the
windings, what will be the voltage at the output?
58.5 V.
9. The shell method of transformer winding:
Provides maximum coupling.
10. Which of these core types, in general, is best if
you need a winding inductance
of 1.5 H?
Ferromagnetic pot core.
11. An advantage of a toroid core over a solenoid
core is:
The toroid confines the magnetic flux.
12. High voltage is used in long-distance power
transmission because:
The I2R losses are lower.
13. In a household circuit, the 234-V power has:
Three phases.
14. In a transformer, a center tap would probably be
found in:
The balanced winding.
15. An autotransformer:
Has one tapped winding.
16. A transformer has a primary-to-secondary turns
ratio of 2.00:1. The input
impedance is 300 resistive. What is the output
75 .
17. A resistive input impedance of 50 must be
matched to a resistive output
impedance of 450 . The primary-to-secondary
turns ratio of the transformer must be:
18. A quarter-wave matching section has a
characteristic impedance of 75.0 . The
input impedance is 50.0 resistive. What is the
resistive output impedance?
113 .
19. A resistive impedance of 75 must be matched
to a resistive impedance of
300 . A quarter-wave section would need:
Zo_ 150 .
20. If there is reactance at the output of an
impedance transformer:
There will be an impedance mismatch, no matter what
the turns ratio of the
Test: Part two
1. A series circuit has a resistance of 100 and a
capacitive reactance of -200 .
The complex impedance is:
100 - j200.
2. Mutual inductance causes the net value of a set
of coils to:
Vary, depending on the extent and phase of mutual
4. A sine wave has a peak value of 30.0 V. Its rms
value is:
21.2 V.
5. Four capacitors are connected in parallel. Their
values are 100 pF each. The
net capacitance is:
400 pF.
6. A transformer has a primary-to-secondary turns
ratio of exactly 8.88:1. The
input voltage is 234 V rms. The output voltage is:
26.4 V rms.
7. In a series RL circuit, as the resistance becomes
small compared with the
reactance, the angle of lag approaches:
90 degrees.
8. A transmission line carries 3.50 A of ac current
and 150 V ac. The true power in the line is:
Meaningless; true power is dissipated, not transmitted.
9. In a parallel configuration, susceptances:
A. Simply add up.
10. A wave has a frequency of 200 kHz. How many
degrees of phase change occur
in a microsecond (a millionth of a second)?
.72 degrees.
11. At a frequency of 2.55 MHz, a 330-pF capacitor
has a reactance of:
189 .
12. A transformer has a step-up turns ratio of 1:3.16.
The output impedance is 499
purely resistive. The input impedance is:
50.0 .
13. A complex impedance is represented by 34
j23. The absolute-value
impedance is:
41 .
14. A coil has an inductance of 750 H. The
inductive reactance at 100 kHz is:
471 .
15. Two waves are 180 degrees out of phase. This is
a difference of:
1/2 cycle.
16. If R denotes resistance and Z denotes absolute-
value impedance, then R/Z is the:
Power factor.
17. Two complex impedances are in series. One is
30 j50 and the other is 50 j30. The net impedance
80 j20.
18. Two inductors, having values of 140 H and 1.50
mH, are connected in series.
The net inductance is:
1.64 mH.
19. Which of the following types of capacitor is
20. A toroidal-core coil:
Is essentially self-shielding.
21. The efficiency of a generator:
Is equal to output power divided by driving power.
22. Admittance is:
A measure of the ease with which a circuit passes ac.
23. The absolute-value impedance Z of a parallel
RLC circuit, where R is the
resistance and X is the net reactance, is found
according to the formula:
Z2=RX/(R2 X2).
24. Complex numbers are used to represent
impedance because:
They provide a way to represent what happens in
25. Which of the following does not affect the
capacitance of a capacitor?
The frequency (within reason).
26. The zero-degree phase point in an ac sine wave
is usually considered to be the
instant at which the amplitude is:
Zero and positive-going..
27. The inductance of a coil can be continuously
varied by:
Varying the net core permeability.
28. Power factor is defined as the ratio of:
True power to VA power.
29. A 50 feed line needs to be matched to an
antenna with a purely resistive
impedance of 200 . A quarter-wave matching
section should have:
Zo _ 100 .
30. The vector 40 j30 represents:
40 resistance and 30 inductive reactance.
31. In a series RC circuit, where, R _ 300 and XC _
30 :
The current leads the voltage by a few degrees.
32. In a step-down transformer:
The primary voltage is greater than the secondary
33. A capacitor of 470 pF is in parallel with an
inductor of 4.44 H. What is the
resonant frequency?
3.49 MHz.
34. A sine wave contains energy at:
Just one frequency.
35. Inductive susceptance is:
Negative imaginary.
36. The rate of change (derivative) of a sine wave is
itself a wave that:
Leads the original wave by 90 degrees of phase.
37. True power is equal to:
Vector difference of VA and reactive power.
38. Three capacitors are connected in series. Their
values are 47 F, 68 F, and
100 F. The total capacitance is:
22 F.
39. The reactance of a section of transmission line
depends on all of the following except:
The current in the line.
40. When confronted with a parallel RLC circuit and
you need to find the complex impedance:
Find the net conductance and susceptance, then
convert to resistance and
reactance, and add these to get R jX.
42. If two sine waves have the same frequency and
the same amplitude, but they
cancel out, the phase difference is:
180 degrees.
43. A series circuit has a resistance of 50 and a
capacitive reactance of 37 .
The phase angle is:
- 37 degrees.
44. A 200- resistor is in series with a coil and
capacitor; XL _ 200 and XC _
100 . The complex impedance is:
200 j100.
45. The characteristic impedance of a transmission
Depends on the construction of the line.
46. The period of a wave is 2 _ 10 8 second. The
frequency is:
50 MHz.
47. A series circuit has a resistance of 600 and a
capacitance of 220 pF. The phase angle is:
Not determinable from the data given.
48. A capacitor with a negative temperature
Has increasing capacitance as temperature goes down.
49. Three coils are connected in parallel. Each has
an inductance of 300H. There
is no mutual inductance. The net inductance is:
100 H.
50. An inductor shows 100 of reactance at 30.0
MHz. What is its inductance?
0.531 H.
Quiz 19
1. The term semiconductor arises from:
Variable conductive properties of some materials.
2. Which of the following is not an advantage of
semiconductor devices over
vacuum tubes?
Lower working voltage.
3. The most common semiconductor among the
following substances is:
4. GaAs is a(n):
5. A disadvantage of gallium-arsenide devices is
It is expensive to produce.
6. Selenium works especially well in:
7. Of the following, which material allows the lowest
forward voltage drop in a diode?
8. A CMOS integrated circuit:
Is susceptible to damage by static.
9. The purpose of doping is to:
Give a semiconductor material certain properties.
10. A semiconductor material is made into N type
By: ejboy

Adding a donor impurity.
11. Which of the following does not result from
adding an acceptor impurity?
The substance has an electron surplus.
12. In a P-type material, electrons are:
Minority carriers.
13. Holes flow from:
Minus to plus.
14. When a P-N junction does not conduct, it is:
Reverse biased.
15. Holes flow the opposite way from electrons
Charge carriers are passed from atom to atom.
16. If an electron has a charge of -1 unit, a hole has:
A charge of +1 unit.
17. When a P-N junction is reverse-biased, the
capacitance depends on all of the following except:
The frequency.
18. If the reverse bias exceeds the avalanche
voltage in a P-N junction:
The junction will conduct current.
19. Avalanche voltage is routinely exceeded when a
P-N junction acts as a:
Voltage regulator.
20. An unimportant factor concerning the frequency
at which a P-N junction will work effectively is:
The reverse current.

Quiz 20
1. When a diode is forward-biased, the anode:
Is positive relative to the cathode.
2. If ac is applied to a diode, and the peak ac voltage
never exceeds the avalanche voltage, then the
output is:
None of the above.
3. A crystal set:
Requires no battery.
4. A diode detector:
Is employed in some radio receivers.
5. If the output wave in a circuit has the same shape
as the input wave, then:
The circuit is linear.
6. The two input frequencies of a mixer circuit are
3.522 MHz and 3.977 MHz.
Which of the following frequencies might be used at
the output?
455 kHz.
7. A time-domain display might be found in:
An oscilloscope.
8. Zener voltage is also known as:
Avalanche voltage.
9. The forward breakover voltage of a silicon diode
About 0.6 V.
10. A diode audio limiter circuit:
Can cause objectionable signal distortion.
11. The capacitance of a varactor varies with:
Reverse voltage.
12. The purpose of the I layer in a PIN diode is to:
Minimize the diode capacitance.
13. Which of these diode types might be found in
the oscillator circuit of a
microwave radio transmitter?
An IMPATT diode.
14. A Gunnplexer can be used as a:
Communications device.
15. The most likely place you would find an LED
would be:
In a digital frequency display.
16. Coherent radiation is produced by a:
Laser diode.
17. You want a circuit to be stable with a variety of
amplifier impedance
conditions. You might consider a coupler using:
An optoisolator.
18. The power from a solar panel depends on all of
the following except:
The operating frequency of the panel.
19. Emission of energy in an IRED is caused by:
Electron energy-level changes.
20. A photodiode, when not used as a photovoltaic
cell, has:
Reverse bias.

Quiz 21
1. The output of a rectifier is:
Pulsating dc.
2. Which of the following might not be needed in a
power supply?
All of the above are generally needed.
3. Of the following appliances, which would need
the biggest transformer?
A TV broadcast transmitter.
4. An advantage of full-wave bridge rectification is:
It uses the whole transformer secondary for the entire
ac input cycle.
5. In. a supply designed to provide high power at
low voltage, the best rectifier
design would probably be:
Full-wave, center-tap.
6. The part of a power supply immediately
preceding the regulator is:
The filter.
7. If a half-wave rectifier is used with 117-V rms ac
(house mains), the average dc
output voltage is about:
52.7 V.
8. If a full-wave bridge circuit is used with a
transformer whose secondary
provides 50 V rms, the PIV across the diodes is
70 V.
9. The principal disadvantage of a voltage multiplier
Poor regulation.
10. A transformer secondary provides 10 V rms to a
voltage-doubler circuit. The dc
output voltage is about:
28 V.
11. The ripple frequency from a full-wave rectifier is:
Twice that from a half-wave circuit.
12. Which of the following would make the best filter
for a power supply?
A capacitor in parallel and a choke in series.
13. If you needed exceptionally good ripple filtering
for a power supply, the best
approach would be to:
Use two capacitor/choke sections one after the other.
14. Voltage regulation can be accomplished by a
Zener diode connected in:
Parallel with the filter output, reverse-biased.
15. A current surge takes place when a power
supply is first turned on because:
The filter capacitor(s) must be initially charged.
16. Transient suppression minimizes the chance of:
Diode failure.
17. If a fuse blows, and it is replaced with one
having a lower current rating, theres
a good chance that:
The fuse will blow out right away.
18. A fuse with nothing but a straight wire inside is
A quick-break type.
19. Bleeder resistors are:
Connected in parallel with filter capacitors.
20. To service a power supply with which you are
not completely familiar, you
Leave it alone and have a professional work on it.

Quiz 22
1. In a PNP circuit, the collector:
Is negative with respect to the emitter.
2. In many cases, a PNP transistor can be replaced
with an NPN device and the
circuit will do the same thing, provided that:
A. The supply polarity is reversed.
3. A bipolar transistor has:
Three semiconductor layers.
4. In the dual-diode model of an NPN transistor, the
emitter corresponds to:
Either of the diode cathodes.
5. The current through a transistor depends on:
. More than one of the above.
6. With no signal input, a bipolar transistor would
have the least IC when:
The E-B junction is reverse biased.
7. When a transistor is conducting as much as it
possibly can, it is said to be:
In saturation.
12. In a common-emitter circuit, the gain bandwidth
product is:
The frequency at which the gain is 1.
13. The configuration most often used for matching
a high input impedance to a
low output impedance puts signal ground at:
The collector.
14. The output is in phase with the input in a:
More than one of the above.
15. The greatest possible amplification is obtained
A common-emitter circuit.
16. The input is applied to the collector in:
None of the above.
17. The configuration noted for its stability in radio-
frequency power amplifiers is the:
Common-base circuit.
18. In a common-base circuit, the output is taken
from the:
19. The input signal to a transistor amplifier results
in saturation during part of the
cycle. This produces:
Reduced efficiency.
20. The gain of a transistor in a common-emitter
circuit is 100 at a frequency of
1000 Hz. The gain is 70.7 at 335 kHz. The gain drops
to 1 at 210 MHz. The alpha
cutoff is:
335 kHz.

Quiz 23
1. The current through the channel of a JFET is
directly affected by all of the following except:
2. In an N-channel JFET, pinchoff occurs when the
gate bias is:
Very negative.
3. The current consists mainly of holes when a
Has a P-type channel.
4. A JFET might work better than a bipolar
transistor in:
A radio receiver.
5. In a P-channel JFET:
The drain is negative relative to the source.
6. A JFET is sometimes biased at or beyond
pinchoff in:
A power amplifier.
7. The gate of a JFET has:
High impedance.
8. A JFET circuit essentially never has:
A forward-biased P-N junction.
9. When a JFET is pinched off:
dID/dEG is zero with no signal.
10. Transconductance is the ratio of:
A change in drain current to a change in gate voltage.
11. Characteristic curves for JFETs generally show:
Drain current as a function of drain voltage.
12. A disadvantage of a MOS component is that:
It is easily damaged by static electricity.
13. The input impedance of a MOSFET:
Is extremely high.
14. An advantage of MOSFETs over JFETs is that:
MOSFETs can handle a wider range of gate voltages.
15. The channel in a zero-biased JFET is normally:
All the way open.
16. When an enhancement-mode MOSFET is at zero
The drain current is zero with no signal.
17. An enhancement-mode MOSFET can be
recognized in schematic diagrams by:
A broken vertical line inside the circle.
18. In a source follower, which of the electrodes of
the FET receives the input signal?
The gate.
19. Which of the following circuits has its output
180 degrees out of phase with its input?
Common source.
20. Which of the following circuits generally has the
greatest gain?
Common source.

Quiz 24
1. The decibel is a unit of:
Relative signal strength.
2. If a circuit has a voltage-amplification factor of 20,
then the voltage gain is:
26 dB.
3. A gain of -15 dB in a circuit means that:
The input signal is stronger than the output.
4. A device has a voltage gain of 23 dB. The input
voltage is 3.3 V. The output voltage is:
47 V.
5. A power gain of 44 dB is equivalent to an
output/input power ratio of:
6. A resistor between the base of an NPN bipolar
transistor and the positive
supply voltage is used to:
Provide proper bias.
7. The capacitance values in an amplifier circuit
depend on:
The signal frequency.
By: ejboy

8. A class-A circuit would not work well as:
A television transmitter PA.
9. In which of the following FET amplifier types does
drain current flow for 50
percent of the signal cycle?
Class B.
10. Which of the following amplifier types produces
the least distortion of the signal waveform?
Class A.
11. Which bipolar amplifier type has some distortion
in the signal wave, with
collector current during most, but not all, of the
Class AB2.
12. How can a class-B amplifier be made suitable for
hi-fi audio applications?
By using two transistors in push-pull.
13. How can a class-C amplifier be made linear?
A class-C amplifier cannot be made linear.
14. Which of the following amplifier classes
generally needs the most driving power?
Class B.
15. A graphic equalizer is a form of:
Tone control.
16. A disadvantage of transfer coupling, as opposed
to capacitive coupling, is that:
Transformers cost more.
17. A certain bipolar-transistor PA is 66 percent
efficient. The output power is 33 W.
The dc collector power input is:
50 W.
18. A broadband PA is:
Generally easy to use.
19. A tuned PA must always be:
Adjusted for maximum power output.
20. A loading control in a tuned PA:
Provides an impedance match between the bipolar
transistor or FET and
the load.

Quiz 25
1. Negative feedback in an amplifier:
Reduces the gain.
2. Oscillation requires:
A stage with gain.
3. A Colpitts oscillator can be recognized by:
A split capacitance in the tuned circuit.
4. In an oscillator circuit, the feedback should be:
Just enough to sustain oscillation.
5. A tapped coil is used in a(n):
Hartley oscillator.
6. An RF choke:
Passes dc but not RF.
7. Ferromagnetic coil cores are not generally good
for use in RF oscillators
Air-core coils have better thermal stability.
8. An oscillator might fail to start for any of the
following reasons except:
In-phase feedback.
9. An advantage of a crystal-controlled oscillator
over a VFO is:
Low drift.
10. The frequency at which a crystal oscillator
functions is determined mainly by:
The thickness of the crystal.
11. The different sounds of musical instruments are
primarily the result of:
Differences in the waveshape.
12. A radio-frequency oscillator usually:
Has most or all of its energy at a single frequency.
13. A varactor diode:
. Is good for use in frequency synthesizers.
14. A frequency synthesizer has:
Exceptional stability.
15. A ferromagnetic-core coil is preferred for use in
the tuned circuit of an RF oscillator:
No! Air-core coils work better in RF oscillators.
16. If the load impedance for an oscillator is too
Its not a cause for worry; it cant be too high.
17. The bipolar transistors or JFETs in a
multivibrator are usually connected in:
A common-emitter or common-source arrangement.
19. Acoustic feedback in a public-address system:
Serves no useful purpose.
20. An IMPATT diode:
Is used as a microwave oscillator.

Quiz 28
1. Because of the small size of ICs compared with
equivalent circuits made from
discrete components:
Higher switching speeds are attainable.
2. Which of the following is not an advantage of ICs
over discrete components?
Greater power capability.
3. In which of the following devices would you be
least likely to find an integrated
circuit as the main component?
A radio broadcast transmitters final amplifier.
4. Which type of component is generally not
practical for fabrication in an IC?
5. An op amp usually employs negative feedback to:
Control the gain.
6. A channel carries several signals at once. Which
type of IC might be used to
select one of the signals for reception?
A multiplexer/demultiplexer.
7. Which type of IC is used to determine whether
voltage levels are the same or not?
A comparator.
8. Which type of digital IC is least susceptible to
Transistor-transistor logic.
9. Which of the following is not an advantage of
Ability to handle high power levels.
10. An absolute limit on IC component density is:
The size of the semiconductor atoms.
11. In a ROM:
Its easy to get data out, but hard to put it in.
12. In a RAM:
Its hard to get data out, but easy to put it in.
13. Which of the following IC types must be
physically removed from the circuit to
have its memory contents changed?
14. A kilobyte is:
About 1,000 bytes.
15. In magnetic audio tape:
The tracks are parallel to the edges.
16. In magnetic video tape:
The video tracks are diagonal.
17. An advantage of magnetic disks over magnetic
tape is:
Disks allow faster data storage and retrieval.
18. A typical audio recording tape thickness is:
1 mil.
19. Compact disks (CDs) are not generally used for
Via magnetic fields.
20. A reason CDs dont wear out with repeated
playback is:
Nothing touches the disk.

Quiz 29
1. One difference between a triode and an N-channel
FET is that:
Triodes need more voltage.
2. The control grid of a tube corresponds to the:
Gate of an FET.
3. The intensity of the electron flow in a vacuum
tube depends on all of the following except:
The gate voltage.
4. Which type of tube maintains constant voltage
drop with changes in current?
A gas-filled regulator.
5. In a tube with a directly heated cathode:
The filament serves as the cathode.
6. In a tube with a cold cathode:
There is no filament.
7. A screen grid enhances tube operation by:
Decreasing the grid-to-plate capacitance.
8. A tube with three grids is called a:
9. A tube type radio receiver:
Is bulky and heavy.
10. An advantage of a grounded-grid power
amplifier is:
Good stability.
11. A heptode tube has:
Five grids.
12. The electron gun in a CRT is another name for
13. The electron beam in an electrostatic CRT is
bent by:
An electric field.
14. The horizontal displacement on an oscilloscope
CRT screen is usually measured in:
Time per unit division.
15. In a time-domain oscilloscope, the waveform to
be analyzed is usually applied to the:
Vertical deflection plates or coils.
16. A vidicon camera tube is noted for its:
17. In a magnetron, as the frequency is increased:
The achievable power output decreases.
18. The paths of the electrons in a magnetron are
spirals, rather than straight lines, because of:
The longitudinal magnetic flux.
19. A klystron is noted for its:
High achievable output power.
20. In a multicavity klystron, the electrons:
Have variable speed.

Quiz 30
1. The value of the decimal number 23 in binary
form is:
2. The binary number 110001 represents the digital
3. The fifth digit from the right in a binary number
carries a decimal value of:
4. The largest possible decimal number that can be
represented by six binary digits (bits) is:
5. Which of the following voltages could normally
represent a 1 in positive logic?
4 V.
6. Which of the following voltages might normally
represent a 1 in negative logic?
0 V.
7. If X is low, what is the state of X AND Y?
8. If X is high, what is the state of X NOR Y?
9. If X and Y are both high, what is the state of X
10. If X is high and Y is low, what is the state of X
This logic statement makes no sense.
11. A logic circuit has four inputs W, X, Y, and Z.
How many possible input combinations are there?
12. Data sent along a single line, one bit after
another, is called:
15. An advantage of a J-K over an R-S flip-flop is
The J-K always has predictable outputs.
16. In positive-edge triggering, the change of state
occurs when:
The pulse level is going from low to high.
17. The inputs of an R-S flip-flop are known as:
Set and reset.
18. When both inputs of an R-S flip-flop are 0:
The outputs stay as they are.
19. When both inputs of an R-S flip-flop are 1:
The resulting outputs can be absurd.
20. A frequency synthesizer makes use of
A divider.

Test: Part Three
1. In a junction FET, the control electrode is usually
2. A diode can be used as a frequency multiplier
because of its:
3. Which of the following is not a common form of
data transmission?
Parallel modulation.
4. A very brief, high-voltage spike on an ac power
line is called:
A transient.
5. Which of the following is not characteristic of an
Negative feedback.
7. The beta of a bipolar transistor is its:
Current amplification factor.
8. Which type of component is impractical to
fabricate on a silicon chip?
An inductor.
9. The extent to which an oscillator maintains a
constant frequency is called its:
10. A Zener diode would most likely be used in:
A power supply regulating circuit.
By: ejboy

11. When the bias in an FET stops the flow of
current, the condition is called:
12. A vacuum tube would most likely be found in:
A high-power radio-frequency linear amplifier.
13. In an N-type semiconductor, the minority
carriers are:
14. A disadvantage of a half-wave rectifier is that:
The output is hard to filter.
15. A power gain of 30 dB is equivalent to an
amplification factor of:
16. An amplifier has a dc collector power input of
300 W, and is 75.0 percent efficient. The signal
output power is:
225 W.

17. When both N-channel and P-channel transistors
are found in a metal-oxidesemiconductor-
type integrated circuit, the technology is known as:
18. A common-base circuit is commonly employed
A radio-frequency power amplifier.
19. Which of the following devices always uses an
IC as one of its main active components?
A digital computer.
20. Which type of amplifier circuit provides the
greatest efficiency?
Class C.
21. ASCII is a form of:
Teleprinter code.
22. The most stable type of oscillator circuit uses:
A quartz crystal.
23. If the source-gate junction in an FET conducts:
It is a sign of improper bias.
24. The octal number system uses modulo:
25. Signal-plus-noise-to-noise ratio (S_N/N) is often
specified when stating a receivers:
26. In a reverse-biased semiconductor diode, the
capacitance depends on:
The width of the depletion region.
27. The effective speed of a recording or playback
head with respect to the data on a tape can be
maximized by making the tracks:
Slanted with respect to the edges of the tape.
28. A simple power supply filter can be built with:
A capacitor in parallel with the dc output.
29. Which of the following bipolar-transistor circuits
can, in theory, provide the most amplification?
Common emitter.
30. Magnetic fields within ICs can store data in a
device called:
Bubble memory.
31. An example of a device that commonly
oscillates is:
A Gunn diode.
32. In a PNP bipolar transistor:
The collector is negative relative to the emitter.
33. In a cathode-ray tube (CRT), the term
electrostatic deflection means:
The beam is bent by an electric field.
35. A type of electron tube that can be used to
generate microwave energy is:
A magnetron.
36. In an AND gate, the output is high:
Only when all inputs are high.
37. A voltage-controlled oscillator makes use of:
A varactor diode.
38. Which of the following is not an advantage of a
transistor over a vacuum tube?
Higher power-handling capacity.
39. An amplifier has an output signal voltage that is
35 times the input signal voltage. This is a gain of:
31 dB.
40. In an exclusive OR gate, the output is high:
Only when the inputs have opposite logic states.
42. In a radio-frequency power amplifier using a
vacuum tube, stability can be enhanced by using a
circuit in which the following electrode is at RF
ground potential:
The control grid.
43. A method of modulation in which the strength of
pulses varies is called:
Pulse amplitude modulation.
44. Boolean algebra is:
A useful tool in digital logic circuit design.
45. A voltage-doubler power supply is best for use
Circuits that need low current at high voltage.
46. An optoisolator consists of:
An LED and a photodiode.
47. When a semiconductor is reverse-biased with a
large enough voltage, it will conduct. This is
because of:
Avalanche effect.
48. Synchronizing pulses in a video signal:
Keep the image from tearing or rolling.
49. In an enhancement-mode MOSFET:
The channel does not conduct with zero gate bias.
50. In a step-up power transformer:
The secondary voltage is more than the primary

Quiz 31
1. Acoustics is important in the design of:
Speaker enclosures.
2. Electromagnetic interference to a hi-fi amplifier
can be caused by:
A nearby radio broadcast station.
3. The midrange audio frequencies:
Are between approximately 0.2 and 2 kHz.
4. An indoor concert hall such that sound reaches
every listeners ears perfectly at all audio
frequencies requires:
A level of engineering beyond reasonable expectation.
5. A sound volume change of _3 dB represents:
A doubling of acoustic power.
6. A sound whose wavelength is 6 in in the air has a
frequency of:
2200 Hz.
7. A sound wave that travels at 335 m per second
has a frequency of:
It is impossible to calculate from this information.
8. The relative phase of two acoustic waves, as they
arrive at your ears, can affect:
A. How loud the sound seems.
B. The direction from which the sound seems to be
Both A and B.
9. In an acoustic sine wave:
All of the sound power is concentrated at a single
10. Vinyl disks are:
Susceptible to physical damage.
11. If an amplifier introduces severe distortion in the
waveforms of input signals, then that amplifier is:
Operating in a nonlinear fashion.
12. If a 10-watt amplifier is used with speakers
designed for a 100-watt amplifier:
The speakers are capable of handling the amplifier
13. Which of the following frequencies cannot be
received by an AM/FM tuner?
95.7 kHz.
14. A woofer:
Is designed to reproduce low-frequency sounds.
15. Suppose you have an amateur radio station and
its transmitter causes EMI to your hi-fi system.
Which of the following would almost certainly not
Buy a radio transmitter that works on the same
frequencies with the same
power output, but is made by a different manufacturer.
16. A tape recording head:
Converts audio-frequency currents to a fluctuating
magnetic field.
17. A microphone:
Converts sound waves to fluctuating electric current.
18. An audio mixer:
Cannot make an amplifier more powerful.
19. Which of the following media or devices use
digital-to-analog conversion?
A CD player.
20. Phase quadrature is sometimes used to:
Create the illusion of four-channel stereo when there
are really only two

Quiz 33
1. One megabyte is the same amount of data as:
1024 KB.
2. The Web would probably work fastest for a user
in New York at:
2:00 a.m. local time on a Tuesday.
3. Image resolution can be specified in terms of:
Dot pitch.
4. A cluster is a unit of:
Data on a hard drive.
5. An example of a mass-storage device is a:
Hard drive.
6. The character string might
An e-mail address.
7. Bits per second (bps) is a unit of:
. Data speed.
8. A platter is a:
Part of a hard drive.
9. Protocol ensures that:
Computers can exchange data.
10. A packet is:
A piece of a file sent over the Net.
11. A motherboard contains:
A microprocessor.
12. Cross-referencing among web pages is done
13. The abbreviation FTP stands for:
File Transfer Protocol.
14. A telephone modem contains:
An A/D converter.
15. An asset of a dot-matrix printer is:
Low operating cost.
16. Which of the following types of mass storage
provide the fastest access time?
Flash memory.
17. Which of the following is a serial-access
Magnetic tape.
18. When computer data is sent over long-distance
telephone circuits, the digital highs and lows are
generally represented by:
Audio tones.
19. For animated graphics involving fast motion,
you should ideally use:
A noninterlaced monitor.
20. A thermal printer might be the best type of
printer for:
Someone who travels a lot.

Quiz 34
1. An android takes the form of:
A human body.
2. According to Asimovs three laws, under what
circumstances is it all right for a robot to injure a
human being?
3. Second-generation robots first were used around
the year:
4. The extent to which a machine vision system can
differentiate between two objects is called the:
5. An automotive robot might best keep itself
traveling down a specific lane of
traffic by using:
Edge detection.
6. A rule-based system is also known as:
An expert system.
7. A robot that has its own computer, and can work
independently of other robots or computers, is
called an:
Autonomous robot.
8. A manipulator is also known as a:
Robot arm.
9. An android is well suited for operation in:
An environment with children.
10. Proximity sensing is most closely akin to:
Distance measurement.
11. A telechir is used in conjunction with:
12. An absolute limit to the distance over which
teleoperation is practical is
imposed by:
The speed of light.
13. Rodney Brooks is best known for his work with:
Insect robots.
14. An asset of epipolar navigation is the fact that it:
Can be done from a single observation frame.
15. Spherical coordinates can uniquely define the
position of a point in up to:
Three dimensions.
16. The number of ways in which a robot arm can
move is known as:
Degrees of freedom.
17. The region throughout which a robot arm can
accomplish tasks is called its:
Work envelope.
18. A robot arm that moves along three independent
axes, each of which is straight and perpendicular to
the other two, employs:
Cartesian coordinate geometry.
By: ejboy

19. A color vision system can use three gray-scale
cameras, equipped with filters that allow which
three colors of light to pass?
Blue, red, and green.
20. A robot can determine the steepness of a slope
using a(n):

Test: Part four
1. A machine vision system that uses two cameras
to allow a robot to sense depth is:
2. A VU meter contains a scale that measures
3.. A fleet of insect robots generally has:
Low individual intelligence but high group intelligence.
4. When two or more audio sources drive a single
amplifier, it is good engineering practice to use:
An audio mixer.
5. The use of a stereo headset to listen to music
while driving:
Is dangerous.
6. A quantitative measure of the ability of a machine
vision system to detect dim light is its:
7. The pitch of an audio sine-wave tone depends on:
The frequency of the disturbance.
8. Three-dimensional range plotting is generally
done in:
Spherical coordinates.
9. A form of communications in which either party
can hear while talking, thus allowing one party
to instantly interrupt the other at any time, is called:
Full duplex.
10. Which of the following is an example of wireless
The Global Positioning System.
11. A satellite in a LEO system is usually:
In a polar orbit.
12. Which consideration is the most important in a
hi-fi audio amplifier?
13. The microprocessor in a computer is part of the:
Central processing unit.
14. An RF transducer is:
An antenna.
15. Vacuum tubes might be found in:
The amplifier used by a band at a rock concert.
16. One kilobyte is the same amount of data as:
None of the above.
17. Hexaphonic sound is not common, but if it were,
it would most likely be used for:
True three-dimensional hi-fi audio reproduction.
18. Range sensing and range plotting are basically
the same thing except for the:
Number of dimensions involved.
19. In a component-type hi-fi system, cables
connecting the various units should be:
Shielded whenever possible.
20. A radio antenna receives 50 watts of RF power
from a transmitter, and radiates 49 watts of that
power into space. Which of the following
statements is true?
The antenna is 98 percent efficient.
21. The technical expression for robot-arm joint
flexibility is:
Degrees of rotation.
22. In an Internet connection, the receiving
computer is also known as the:
23. The term refresh rate refers to:
The number of times per second that an image is
renewed in a computer
24. The brain of a computer is the:
25. On a computer hard drive, the circular tracks are
broken into arcs called:
26. A robot arm moves in three dimensions
according to a polar coordinate scheme
with a linear elevation dimension added. This is
Cylindrical coordinate geometry.
27. In a volatile memory chip:
The stored data vanishes when power is removed.
28. At low volume levels in an audio amplifier
system, the dynamic range is limited
primarily by the:
Noise level.
29. In a wireless system, noise always:
Degrades performance.
30. The noise level in a wireless receiver can be
reduced using:
31. Image resolution is an important specification
Computer monitors.
32. According to Asimovs laws, a robot must obey
all orders from humans:
As long as nobody gets hurt or killed as a result.
33. The use of a cell phone is prohibited in a
commercial aircraft in flight because:
It can interfere with flight instruments and
34. A satellite can remain over the same spot on the
earths surface at all times:
Only if it orbits at an altitude of 22,300 miles.
35. Signal-plus-noise-to-noise ratio (S_N/N) is often
specified when stating a receivers:
36. A platter is a part of a device known as:
A hard drive.
37. Which type of modulation consists of one voice
sideband, with a suppressed carrier?
38. In a machine vision system, enhanced
sensitivity often involves a sacrifice in the:
Image resolution.
39. A machine hearing system can best identify the
sort of device or object producing a sound by
analyzing the:
Waveform of the sound.
40. A ratio detector is a circuit for demodulating:
41. A belt drive might be found in a:
42. A robot can be considered autonomous if:
Conditions A, B, and C are all true.
43. Sound waves in air consist of:
Vibrating molecules.
44. An AM/FM hi-fi tuner that derives its frequency
from a quartz crystal and phase-locking circuits is
said to be:
45. Epipolar navigation is a means by which a
machine can locate objects and plot a course in:
Three-dimensional space.
46. The term robot generation refers to:
The time period in which a particular type of robot was
47. Which word best completes the following
sentence? The human ear/brain
perceives sound volume according to the
_________ of the actual intensity.
48. Human eyes can see electromagnetic radiation
over a wavelength range of approximately:
390 to 750 nanometers.
49. The World Wide Web is:
Part of the Internet.
50. Synchronizing pulses in a video signal:
Keep the image from rolling.

Final exam
1. As the frequency of ac increases in a coil, the
Gets larger positively.
2. A beat-frequency oscillator is useful for:
Detecting CW.
3. A Colpitts circuit is a form of:
4. The high component density of integrated circuits
acts to:
Increase the operating speed.
5. A utility meter generally measures:
Kilowatt hours.
6. High voltages are better than low voltages for
long-distance electric power transmission because:
The I2R losses are lower.
7. A member of a fleet of robots, all under the
control of a single central computer and able to
communicate only with that computer and not with
each other, is called:
An insect robot.
8. An advantage of a laser printer over a dot-matrix
printer for computer applications is:
Superior image quality.
9. The output electrode of a bipolar transistor is
usually the:
10. The schematic symbol for an op amp is:
A triangle.
11. For a given value of capacitance, as the
frequency goes down, the reactance:
Gets more and more negative.
12. In a 360-Hz wave, a degree of phase represents:
7.72 microseconds.
13. A device that converts visible light into dc is:
A photovoltaic cell.
14. Which of the following is not an example of
The connection between a computer and its monitor
15. A circuit has a battery of 3.0 V and a bulb with a
resistance of 12.0 ohms. The current through the
bulb is:
250 mA.
16. A small 9-V battery might be used to provide
power to:
An electronic calculator.
17. In an AM voice signal, the audio information is:
Contained in sidebands.
18. The oscillating frequency of a quartz crystal can
be varied slightly by:
Placing a small variable capacitor across the crystal.
19. When several resistances are connected in
The current is the same through each one.
20. In a power supply, resistors are sometimes
connected in series with the diodes in order to:
Protect the diodes against surge currents.
21. In a purely resistive impedance, there is:
Zero reactance.
22. Two 400-_H inductors are connected in series.
There is no mutual inductance. The total inductance
800 _H.
23. The current-carrying part of a field-effect
transistor, analogous to a garden
hose in some ways, is called the:
24. In a rectifier diode, current flows for
approximately how much of the a cycle?
180 degrees.
25. A millivolt is:
10_3 V.
26. The reciprocal of reactance is called:
27. Another name for joules per second is:
28. In a pure inductance:
Current lags voltage by 90 degrees.
29. A form of microwave electron tube is:
A Klystron.
30. Magnetic lines of flux are generally:
At right angles to the flow of current.
31. A class-A amplifier conducts during how much
of the input cycle?
360 degrees.
32. An advantage of parallel data transfer over serial
transfer is:
Higher speed.
33. One way to keep interelectrode capacitance to a
minimum is to:
Keep wire leads short.
34. One advantage of ac (compared with dc) as a
source of utility power is that:
It can be easily stepped up or down in voltage.
35. An element of matter:
Has a unique number of protons.
36. A transformer quadruples the ac voltage. The
primary-to-secondary impedance ratio is therefore:
37. Frequency multiplication is possible with a
semiconductor diode because the diode is:
38. An ammeter measures:
39. A good type of resistor to use in a radio
amplifier is:
Carbon composition.
40. An advantage of machine vision over human
vision is the fact that:
Machines can see at wavelengths to which human eyes
are blind.
41. A logic circuit has an output 0 when the input is
1, and vice versa. This is:
A NOT gate.
42. A type of FM detector that has its limiter built in
A ratio detector.
43. Which of the following materials is/are
commonly used as a semiconductor?
Gallium arsenide.
44. In an NPN bipolar transistor circuit:
By: ejboy

The dc collector voltage is positive.
45. A simple power supply filter can be made using:
A capacitor in parallel with the rectifier output.
46. If an ac admittance contains finite, nonzero
resistance and finite, nonzero susceptance:
The impedance is complex.
47. Three resistances are in parallel, with values of
100, 200, and 300 ohms. The current through the
200-ohm resistor is 500 mA. What is the voltage
across the whole combination?
A. There isnt enough information to figure it out.
100 V.
48. As the frequency of ac increases, the reactance
of an inductor:
Becomes large positively.
49. The rate of change in a quantity is called the:
50. The axis of the geomagnetic field:
Is slanted with respect to the rotational axis.
51. One of the main shortcomings of MOSFETs is
that they:
Are easily damaged by static electricity.
52. Resistivity of wire can be specified in:
Ohms per meter.
53. A complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor
Employs N-channel and P-channel FETs on a single
54. A piano sounds different than a saxophone,
even if the notes are at the same
frequency, because of a difference in:
55. Inductances in parallel, assuming there is no
mutual inductance, add up like:
Resistances in parallel.
56. A reactance modulator produces:
57. Antenna efficiency is:
Usually more important in transmitting systems than in
receiving systems.
58. In a parallel-resonant LC circuit, the impedance
High and resistive.
59. In a resistance/inductance (RL) series circuit:
Current lags voltage by less than 90 degrees.
60. In three-phase ac, the difference in phase
between any two waves is:
120 degrees.
61. Electrostatic forces can be measured to directly
62. A circuit has a complex impedance of 9 _ j12.
The absolute-value impedance is:
15 ohms.
63. Three resistors, each of 30 ohms, are connected
in parallel. The net resistance is:
10 ohms.
64. The logical statement X _ Y _ Y _ X depicts:
The commutative property.
65. A cell that can be recharged, and therefore used
again and again, is called:
A secondary cell.
66. A resistor has a positive temperature coefficient
of 1.00 percent per degree C. If its value is 100 ohms
at 20 degrees C, what is its value at 25 degrees C?
105 ohms.
67. A memory that can be easily accessed, but not
written over, is called:
68. The capacitance between two parallel sheets of
metal is:
Inversely proportional to the distance between them.
69. The forward base bias in a transistor is
increased until the collector current
levels off. This condition is:
70. An advantage of a LEO communications satellite
system over a geostationary
communications satellite is the fact that:
Large, high-gain antennas are not required.
71. A coil has 20 mH of inductance. What is the
inductive reactance?
There isnt enough information given here to figure it
72. What is an advantage of digital signal
processing (DSP)?
All of the foregoing.
73. A dc voltage-divider network is made using:
74. The electron volt is a unit of:
75. A transformer has a primary-to-secondary turns
ratio of 10:1. The input is 120V rms ac. The output
12 V rms ac.
76. Wave X leads wave Y by 270 degrees. This
would be better expressed by saying that:
Wave X lags wave Y by 90 degrees.
77. Which type of amplifier circuit has the transistor
or FET biased exactly at cutoff or pinchoff when
there is no signal input?
78. The term resolution might apply to:
A machine vision system.
79. An audio oscillator that uses two amplifiers in
cascade, with positive feedback from the output of
the second stage to the input of the first stage, is
known as a:
80. The main factor that limits the frequency at
which a P-N junction will rectify is the:
Junction capacitance.
81. The henry is a:
Very large unit.
82. A diode that can be used as a variable
capacitance is a:
83. Elements can join together to form:
84. The rms value for an ac wave is also sometimes
called the:
Effective value.
85. The gigabyte is a unit commonly used as a
measure of:
Data storage capacity.
86. In a parallel combination of light bulbs, if one
bulb socket totally shorts out:
The current drawn from the source will decrease.
87. A common lab multimeter cannot measure:
88. In a P-channel JFET:
The majority carriers are holes.
89. If you place a bar of iron inside a cylindrical coil
of wire, and then run dc through the wire, you have:
An electromagnet.
90. Admittance is a quantity expressing:
Ease with which a circuit passes ac.
91. In a common-emitter bipolar-transistor circuit:
The emitter is at signal ground.
92. In a certain resistance-capacitance (RC) circuit,
the current leads the voltage by 45 degrees. The
resistance is 50 ohms. The capacitive reactance is:
_50 ohms.
93. The VA power is equal to the true power only
A circuit has no reactance.
94. Binaural machine hearing can be advantageous
over monaural machine hearing because the
binaural scheme:
Allows a robot to tell from which direction a sound is
95. The standard unit of inductance is the:
96. The output of an amplifier circuit is 20 V and the
input is 5.0 V. The input and
output impedances are identical. The circuit thus
has a gain of:
12 dB.
97. An example of a device that converts electrical
energy into visible radiant
energy is:
A light-emitting diode.
98. What is the function of bleeder resistors in a
power supply?
To discharge the filter capacitors after the supply is shut
99. A resistor of 100 ohms carries 333 mA dc. The
power dissipated by that
resistor is:
11.1 W.
100. The data in nonvolatile memory:
Is retained after the power is removed.

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