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Sub code:07EE62 Credits: 4

L-T-: 4-!-0 CIE : "0
Tot#$ $ecture %ours: "2 SEE : "0

ri'ci($es o) e$ectric#$ *#c%i'e desi+':
Introduction, considerations for the design of electrical machines, limitations. Different
types of materials and insulators used in electrical machines.
Output equation, choice of specific loadings of DC Machines- Output equation for single
phase and three phase transformers, choice of specific loadings, expression for volts/turn-
Output equation, Choice of specific loadings of ynchronous machines, short circuit
ratio- Output equation, Choice of specific loadings of Induction Machines.
Desi+' o) DC *#c%i'es!
Design of Main dimensions of the DC machines, Design of armature slot dimensions,
commutators and "rushes- Magnetic circuit -estimation of ampere turns, design of yo#e
and pole, field $indings % shunt & series. !0 Hours
Desi+' o) tr#'s)or*ers ,Si'+$e (%#se #'d t%ree (%#se-:
Determination of main dimensions of the core, types of $indings and estimation of
num"er of turns and cross sectional area of 'rimary and secondary coils, estimation of no
load current, expression for lea#age reactance and voltage regulation. Design of tan# and
cooling tu"es (round and rectangular) !!Hours
Desi+' o) s/'c%ro'ous *#c%i'es:
Design of main dimensions, armature slots and $indings, slot details for the stator of
salient and non salient pole synchronous machines. Design of rotor of salient pole
synchronous machines, magnetic circuits, dimensions of the pole "ody, design of the field
$inding, and design of rotor of non-salient pole machine. !! Hours
&NIT .
Desi+' o) i'ductio' *otors:
Main dimensions of three phase induction motor, tator $inding design, choice of length
of the air gap, estimation of num"er of slots for the squirrel cage rotor, design of *otor
"ars and end ring, design of lip ring induction motor, estimation of +o load current,
lea#age reactance0 !0 Hours
Te1t 2oo3s
,) -...a$hney, /- course in electrical machine design0
1) 2. +. Mittle, /Design of electrical Machines0, 3/e edition
4) Devalapur, . 5., 6lectrical Drafting, 6astern 7oo# 'romoters, 7elgaum, 1889.
3) 7hattacharya, . .., 6lectrical 6ngineering Dra$ing, :iley 6astern ;td ('art -).
Re)ere'ce 2oo3s:
,) M.<.ay, /'erformance and design of -C Machines0.
1) *...-ggar$al, /'rinciples of electrical machine design0
4) anmug undarm0Design data hand"oo#0
cheme of 6xamination!
=$o questions to "e set from each unit. tudents have to ans$er any 5I26 full questions
choosing one question from each unit

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