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Broadcom Test Questions: Firmware II

Q1. Something about addition and subtraction of numbers in binary

Q2. Ranges of n bit binary numers : Unsigned int, sign magnitude, 1s complement and 2s
Q3. iming diagram for !rite cycle of a microprocessor, sho!ing all rele"ant signals.
Q#. implement in assembly code:
$i"e the definition for all the instructions you use.
Q%. $i"e the output of the program:
Q&. $i"e the output of the program:
#include <tdio!"#
$$inline %&'(&,()
int i=+,j=5;
#define %&'(&,() ((&)#(())(&)*(())
Q'. $i"e the output of this program. (hat is it trying to do) *s there a problem in that)
union u
int &;
c"&r c1,c,,c.,c+;
union u u1;
u1!& = 0'1,.+5/-0;
printf(%c %c %c %c, c1,c,,c.,c+);
Q+. ,-planation of !hat is an * frame, . frame and / frame !as gi"en. 0ind the buffer si1e
re2uired for the gi"en se2uence of frames:
10 21 2, 3. 2+ 25 3/
Q3. $i"en the loop:
for (i=0;i<+;i++)
4itc" (i)
{ c&e 0* fn&(i); (re&k;
c&e 1* fn((i); (re&k;
c&e ,* fnc(i); (re&k;
c&e .* fnd(i); (re&k;
Use something other than s!itch case so that the functions are called faster than in this case.
Q14. $i"en number 4-123#%&'+ and an address 4-144, put the number in the memory in little
endian and big endian !ays.
Q11. $i"e the output for the follo!ing code
# include <tdio!"#
c"&r 5 &
c"&r 5 (=267;
c"&r 5 & = 726;
5S/ 2uestions:
Q1%. 6re 0*R filters al!ays stable) !hy)
Q1&. e-press step function u7n8 in terms of impulse function d7n8 and "ice "ersa.
Q1'. !hat is the effect in fre2uency domain of sampling in time domain)
Interview Questions
0irst Round: echnical *nter"ie! round
1. 5ifference bet!een struct and union. ,-plain !ith some code
2. 9alloc:; and free:; functions. heir synta- and some general 2uestions about them
3. (hat is pipelining) 0rom a programmers point of "ie!, is a pipeline !ith greater depth
preferable, or one !ith lo!er depth) <o! does pipelining impro"e speed of operation)
#. 6 lot of 2uestions on pointers
%. 2 pu11les
a. *f you ha"e 1& coins and one is of abnormal !eight and all the others !eigh the
same, ho! many tries do you need to find that abnormal coin)
b. 3 people, !ith either a red or a blue hat ta=en from a bo- !ith 3 blue and 2 red hats.
>ne can see !hich color hat is on the other t!os head. ?an he predict the color of
his o!n hat)
Second round: *nter"ie! !ith 5@ chief
1. 6 2uestion about a noisy channel, and ho! do you reduce noise in the channel through
2. 6 2uestion on microprocessor speed re2uired to process pac=ets of length 6 and . at some
R 9bps.
3. /ipelining 2uestion again
hird Round: <R *nter"ie!
1. Strengths and !ea=nesses
2. .ac=ground, curricular and other!ise
3. (hy .roadcom)

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