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Generator Stator End-Winding Vibration Problems

Generator stator end winding resonance and high levels of end winding vibration are a
significant industry issue that affects many generators. This paper will discuss one generator that
had issues with end winding vibration, dusting and resonance. Repair approaches to solve these
issues also will be presented. High levels of end winding vibration can lead to premature
conductor strand fatigue, cracking, arcing and eventual failure. In many cases, end windings that
are resonant show evidence of looseness, normally in the form of dusting or greasing. Dusting is
typically observed as a white area, identified as insulation material particles that have abraded
away in a particular location.
Greasing is located at similar locations, with the insulation particles mied with oil and forming
a grease!like substance. "nd winding looseness and high vibration levels also can occur due to an
end winding bracing system that does not ade#uately control the vibration. This could be due to a
lack of bracing or blocking materials, or loose or dry ties. "cessive
dusting indicating a loose winding is shown in $igure %.
In some cases, visual evidence of high vibration levels cannot be observed. This is often true in
the phase leads that connect the end winding series connections to the bus rings. The phase leads
are often challenging to ade#uately brace, and due to the many layers of tape, conductor cracking
can occur without any outward sign until a forced outage failure occurs.
Generator stator end winding dusting, vibration and resonance can occur because the stator bars
have long etensions cantilevered from the end of the stator core. If not supported properly, these
etended portions can eperience high levels of vibration as a result of the high electro!magnetic
forces involved. Two key monitoring and diagnostic tools are needed to fully evaluate and
correct stator end winding vibration and resonance. These include both vibration monitoring with
transducers and bump tests.
End winding bump test
&n end winding bump test uses accelerometers, computer software and a calibrated impact
hammer to bump the end winding, causing it to vibrate and measure and analy'e the associated
dynamics. & photo of a calibrated hammer impacting a phase lead on a water cooled generator is
shown in $igure (.
The purpose for performing bump testing and modal analysis on generator end winding baskets,
phase leads and circuit rings is to identify resonances that would be readily ecitable by the
electromagnetic forcing fre#uency. )ne concern occurs if the resonance mode matches the
number of poles of the generator. This would be the n*( mode on a (!pole generator. It is
recommended to take corrective action for ecitable basket modes within the range of %%+!%,+
H' for -. H' generators /0+!%%+ H' for +. H' generators1.
&lso of concern are individual phase!lead and individual end!turns that are either resonant or are
characteri'ed by high responses at or near the electromagnetic forcing fre#uency. It is
recommended that end!turns or phase!leads independently resonant in the range of %%+!%,+ H'
be corrected /for -. H' machines1. The number is biased high and away from %(. H' due to the
fact that the natural fre#uency drops to a lower value when the winding temperature increases
during operation.
Having a higher eclusion range prevents the natural fre#uency from moving too close to %(. H'
when the winding comes up to operating temperature. It is recommended that individual end!
turns or phase!leads with response peaks eceeding ...+ g2s3lbf in the range of %%+!%,+ H' also
be corrected. In some cases, phase!lead natural fre#uencies are more difficult to move out of the
eclusion 'one, so ensuring that they are properly damped below ...+ g2s3lbs is essential.
Generator end!basket bump impact testing typically includes the following tests4
Reciprocity testing 5 used to determine if the end winding is a well consolidated
monolithic structure.
Modal testing 5 used to determine the fre#uency of the ma6or modes, such as the n*(
oval mode.
Frequency response testing of the individual end-turns and phase-leads 5 testing of
individual coils and phase leads.
Reciprocity testing
This test is used to determine if the end winding is well consolidated and behaving like a
monolithic structure. &ccelerometers are placed diametrically opposite the 7bump location.8 &s
the end winding basket is impacted, the reaction at the opposite location is captured. The impact
location and transducer locations are then reversed. This is done at %(4.. and -4.., and also at
,4.. and 04...
If responses are similar, the basket is well consolidated.
Modal testing
The modal test is performed by measuring the fre#uency response at selected points on a
structure to an ecitation force /impact1 applied to a single point on the same structure. &n
alternative is to measure the response at a single point to impacts at the various selected points
on the structure.
The purpose of the test is to determine the baskets2 natural fre#uencies and corresponding mode
shapes. To perform this test, the following is done4
9elect a minimum of %( e#ually spaced points around the
circumference of the basket out near the end turn knuckles.
Radially impact the basket at one of the %( selected points and measure the response to
the impact at all %( points.
:erform modal analysis to determine the baskets2 resonant mode shapes and respective
This test is illustrated in $igure ,.
Freuency response testing o! t"e indi#idual end-turns and p"ase-leads
This test is performed by measuring and recording the fre#uency response of an individual end!
turn or phase lead to an impact applied to that same end!turn or phase lead. The purpose for the
testing is to determine individual end!turn and phase!lead resonances, as well as overall response
characteristics. To perform this test, the following is done4
;ount accelerometer on the end!turn in the knuckle region. $or phase leads, mount
accelerometer onto the phase lead.
Radially impact the corresponding end!turn or phase!lead coil in close proimity of the
End winding #ibration monitoring
There are several end winding vibration monitoring systems on the market today. "ach system is
made up of transducers /typically - at each end for a total of %(1 and fiber optic cable that safely
transmits the signal from the transducer through the generator to the signal conditioner bo, and
then on to the analy'er. Detailed descriptions of the e#uipment are available online. The $)&
/fiber optic accelerometer1 is non!conducting and immune to electromagnetic interference, which
is essential in a high voltage stator winding. )ne system includes $)&s consisting of an optical
head and conditioning electronics connected by a fiber!optic cable %.m long. The head is
lightweight, non!conducting, non!metallic and capable of responding to vibration in the %.!%,...
H' range.
The $)& optical head can be mounted anywhere in an end winding, phase leads or on the
connection rings.
&lthough both the bump test and the on!line vibration monitoring are valuable tools, there are
limitations. The generator typically has between about (< and 0- individual top and bottom bars.
"ach one can vibrate independently if the end winding 7basket8 is not well consolidated into a
homogenous structure. &chieving and maintaining the end winding as a monolithic, homogenous
structure is difficult for the end winding of a generator. $or eample, unlike a turbine blade,
which consists of a single, homogenous metal of a distinct shape, the generator end winding
consists of many components and many different materials. =opper conductors, mica insulation,
resin, glass ties, glass epoy blocking, metal braces and fiberglass rings are some of the
components that make up the generator end winding. "ach of these materials has different
material properties, including varying stiffness and co!efficients of thermal epansion. These
variables can make it challenging to ensure the stator end winding has, and maintains, a distinct
natural fre#uency.
In addition, for cost reasons, it is typical to place vibration monitoring transducers at only -
locations on each end winding at each end of the machine. If the end winding is not well
consolidated into a single monolithic structure, vibration levels on any one of the %(
instrumented coils can be vastly different than coils that are not being monitored. )ne coil might
be monitored that shows low vibration, but the ad6acent coil might be vibrating at much higher
>ikewise, although the bump test provides very valuable information, it can only be done off!
$urthermore, as described previously in the discussion of the biasing on the eclusion 'ones,
fre#uencies can shift when the unit comes up to temperature.
9o, although vibration monitoring while the unit is running is certainly valuable, determining
whether the stator winding will vibrate ecessively before it goes into operation is a necessary
It is somewhat analogous to lateral and torsional vibration analysis done on the rotor shaft as part
of the original design. This analysis
assures that the final shaft machined shape will not operate in detrimental critical speed 'ones.
The same is true for the end winding, although it is more difficult since the shape and material
properties vary. This is unlike a machined metal shaft where, unless the shaft cracks, the resonant
fre#uencies are permanently fied.
Sa!e le#els o! #ibration
In estimating epected vibration levels, it is important to recogni'e that there are two interacting
mechanisms that cause the end windings to vibrate at %(. H'. The first, of course, is the net
dynamic distortion of the end winding itself by the >orent' forces acting on the conductors. The
second mechanism is the radial magnetic pull on the core, which in a (!pole generator deforms
the core into a synchronously rotating ellipse. This 7base8 motion by itself can cause as much as
( mils or more of the total vibration. Depending on the amount of separation of the end winding
global elliptical mode /or other ecitable local mode1 natural fre#uency from %(. H', the forced
vibration levels due to these mechanisms can be somewhat magnified.
There has not yet been sufficient eperience to allow providing valid rule!of!thumb levels of
normal and worrisome vibration, but operation eperience suggests %(+?m /+ mils1 and lower is
safe, while (+.?m /%. mils1 or higher may be too high for safe long!term reliability.
9tator end winding vibration has been a ma6or deterioration concern on large turbine!generator
windings for +. years. "fforts to improve end winding performance have been hampered by lack
of instrumentation that can safely and conveniently measure end winding vibration levels on a
generator while in service. 9uch instrumentation is now available, and along with end winding
bump testing, pro!active steps can be taken to mitigate stator end winding resonance and high
vibration levels. & key also is having the knowledge and eperience to implement corrective
actions based on the test and monitoring results. @locking, tying and bracing are speciali'ed
practices re#uiring an engineering evaluation, as well as diagnosis and repair by knowledgeable
individuals and companies.
&s more end winding vibration data for given generator si'e and type are made known in the
industry, vibration level and resonance acceptance criteria will undoubtedly be forthcoming.
&cceptance criteria for both the bump test and end winding vibration levels are discussed, but
many variations in machine type and design eist. These variances can influence the acceptance
criteria and anticipated results. "ach generator should be treated specifically and individually,
doing the necessary combination of tests and inspections to avoid issues related to stator end
winding resonance and high vibration.
Bill Moore is director of Technical Services for National Electric Coil. rior to !oining NEC in "##$% Moore held utility po&er
plant 'anage'ent positions &ith Florida o&er ( )ight% &or*ing at three different po&er plants during a "+-year ti'e span. ,
licensed professional engineer in -hio and Florida% he started his ./-year po&er industry career as a generator design engineer
&ith 0estinghouse. 1e has a 'aster2s and 3achelor2s of Science degrees fro' the 4niversity of itts3urgh% and Notre 5a'e
4niversity% respectively% along &ith a second M.S. in Engineering Manage'ent fro' the Florida 6nstitute of Technology. 7ou 'ay
contact hi' 3y e-'ailing editorial8&ood&ard3i9''.

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