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Secret TPP treaty: Intellectual Property Chapter

working document for all 12 nations with

negotiating positions
WikiLeaks release: October 16, 2014
This is a revised version of the confidential draft treaty chapter from the Intellectual Property group of the
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) talks between the United States, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Malaysia,
Chile, Singapore, Peru, Vietnam, New Zealand and Brunei Darussalam. The treaty is being negotiated in
secret by delegations from each of these 12 countries, who together acount for 40% of global GDP. The
chapter covers agreements on facilitations, restrictions and enforcement of regulations of copyright,
trademark, patent, pharmaceuticals, counterfeit and piracy issues between the signatories of the
agreement. The document was produced and distributed on May 16th 2014, after the 20th Round of
Negotiations at Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.
Keywords: United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore,
Japan, Mexico, Peru, Vietnam, Brunei, Chile, TTIP, Trade, Treaty,
Enforcement Measures, Geographical Indications, Circumvention, DRM,
Pay Television, Encryption, Copyright, Pharmaceuticals, Intellectual
Property, Trademark, Patent, CDA, DMCA
Restraint: This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information MODIFIED
Title: Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP):
Intellectual Property [Rights] Chapter
Consolidated Text
Date: May 16th, 2014
Group: Trans-Pacific Partnership
Author: Trans-Pacific Partnership IP group country negotiators
Pages: 77
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
Consolidated Text
Ho Chi Minh Round May 16, 2014
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
{Section A: Gene!" Po#i$ion$}
Atic"e QQ%A%1: {&e'inition$}
For the "ur"oses of this Cha"ter inte""ect(!" )o)et* refers to a## categories of
inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ that are the su,-ect of .ection ' through / of Part II of the TIP.
A"t% + Atic"e QQ%A%,
1%Confirming their commitment to& 2 %Each Part$ confirms its commitment to& 22
%ecogni3ing the im"ortance of& 2 %Each Part$ recogni3es the im"ortance of& "romoting
inno4ation, creati4it$ an5 5ee"er economic integration through6
effecti4e an5 a5e7uate creation, uti#i3ation, "rotection an5 enforcement of
inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights, an5
%achie4ing& a ,a#ance of 1rights an58 interests of %rights ho#5ers an5 intereste5
"arties2thir5 "arties2users&,
%ta9ing into account 5ifferences in #e4e#s of economic 5e4e#o"ment an5 ca"acit$&8
Atic"e QQ%A%,: {O-.ecti#e$}
%O"tion6 The Pream,#e, Artic#e /, an5 Artic#e : of TIP. is incor"orate5 into an5
ma5e "art of this Cha"ter mutatis mutandis0&
%O"tion6 %e"#icating the TIP. Pream,#e, Artic#e /, an5 Artic#e : 4er,atim in
the te;t0&
' .ection an5 Artic#e tit#es an5 hea5ings a""ear in this te;t on a <ithout "re-u5ice ,asis0 Parties ha4e agree5 to
5efer consi5eration of the nee5 for, an5 5rafting of, .ection an5 Artic#e tit#es an5 hea5ings0 .uch tit#es or hea5ings
that a""ear in ,races =i0e0, >1 8?@ are inc#u5e5 for genera# reference an5 information "ur"oses on#$0 C0!i 0!$
!"$o ($e1 -!ce$ in t0e te2t to in1ic!te i$$(e$ nee1in3 tec0nic!" 4o5%
) 1U0.0 NegotiatorAs Note6 De#egations <or9e5 on this te;t 5uring the .inga"ore oun5 to ref#ect a "ossi,#e
a#ternati4e to a""roaches a""earing in NonBPa"er from .a#t La9e Cit$ oun50 De#egations 5iscusse5 <hether this
te;t shou#5 ,e "ream,u#ar te;t or o,-ecti4es te;t0 De#egations a#so 5iscusse5 the "ossi,i#it$ of inc#u5ing conce"ts
from TIP. Art0 +* in this te;t or e#se<here08
C NegotiatorAs Note6 AU su""orts inc#u5ing o,-ecti4es ,ut is sti## consi5ering the 5rafting an5 sco"e of this Artic#e0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
%O"tion6 %Current Artic#e DD0A0) an5 DD0)bis&&
"ro"oseJ U.2KP o""ose6 The o,-ecti4es of this
Cha"ter are6
=a@ enhance the ro#e of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ in "romoting economic an5 socia#
5e4e#o"ment, "articu#ar#$ in re#ation to the ne< 5igita# econom$, techno#ogica#
inno4ation, the %PE6 generation,& transfer an5 5issemination of techno#og$ an5
=,@ re5uce im"e5iments to tra5e an5 in4estment ,$ "romoting 5ee"er economic
integration through effecti4e an5 a5e7uate creation, uti#i3ation, "rotection an5
enforcement of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights, ta9ing into account the 5ifferent
#e4e#s of economic 5e4e#o"ment an5 ca"acit$ as <e## as 5ifferences in nationa#
#ega# s$stemsJ
=c@ maintain a ,a#ance ,et<een the rights of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ ho#5ers an5 the
#egitimate interests of users an5 the communit$ in su,-ect matter "rotecte5 ,$
inte##ectua# "ro"ert$J
=5@ "rotect the a,i#it$ of Parties to i5entif$, "romote access to an5 "reser4e the "u,#ic
=e@ ensure that measures an5 "roce5ures to enforce inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights 5o not
themse#4es ,ecome ,arriers to #egitimate tra5eJ
=f@ "romote o"erationa# efficienc$ of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ s$stems, in "articu#ar
through 7ua#it$ e;amination "roce5ures 5uring the granting of inte##ectua#
"ro"ert$ rights0&
%N!2CA2.G2CL2MG2EN2FN2AU "ro"ose6 =g@ the "rotection an5 enforcement of
inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights shou#5 contri,ute to the "romotion of techno#ogica# inno4ation
an5 to the transfer an5 5issemination of techno#og$, to the mutua# a54antage of "ro5ucers
an5 users of techno#ogica# 9no<#e5ge an5 in a manner con5uci4e to socia# an5 economic
<e#fare, an5 to a ,a#ance of rights an5 o,#igations0
=h@ .u""ort each Part$As right to "rotect "u,#ic hea#th, inc#u5ing ,$ faci#itating
time#$ access to affor5a,#e me5icines0&
%AU6 Each Part$ confirms its commitment to re5ucing im"e5iments to tra5e an5
in4estment ,$ "romoting 5ee"er economic integration through effecti4e an5 a5e7uate
creation, uti#i3ation, "rotection an5 enforcement of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights, an5
through greater 7ua#it$, efficienc$ an5 trans"arenc$ in its inte##ectua# "ro"ert$
a5ministration an5 registration s$stems0&
+ NegotiatorAs Note6 CA su""orts this "ro4ision in "rinci"#e, ,ut is re4ie<ing the "ro"osa#0
I NegotiatorAs Note6 MH <i## ref#ect further on the a55itiona# su,"aragra"hs =g@ an5 =h@0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
Atic"e QQ%A%,bis: {Pinci)"e$}
%N!2CA2.G2CL2MG2EN "ro"ose
6 '0 Each Part$ ma$, in formu#ating or amen5ing its
#a<s an5 regu#ations, a5o"t measures necessar$ to "rotect "u,#ic hea#th an5 nutrition, an5
to "romote the "u,#ic interest in sectors of 4ita# im"ortance to its socioBeconomic an5
techno#ogica# 5e4e#o"ment, "ro4i5e5 that such measures are consistent <ith the
"ro4isions of this Cha"ter0
)0 Each Part$ ma$ a5o"t or maintain a""ro"riate measures, "ro4i5e5 that the$ are
consistent <ith the "ro4isions of this Cha"ter, to "re4ent the a,use of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$
rights ,$ right ho#5ers or the resort of "ractices <hich unreasona,#$ restrain tra5e or
a54erse#$ affect the internationa# transfer of techno#og$0
C0 Each Part$ ma$ a5o"t or maintain, consistent#$ <ith the other "ro4isions of this
Cha"ter, a""ro"riate measures to "re4ent or contro# 1#icensing8 "ractices or con5itions
that ma$ in "articu#ar cases constitute an a,use of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights ha4ing an
a54erse effect on com"etition in the re#e4ant mar9et0&
Atic"e QQ%A%6: {Gene!" Po#i$ion$}
Each Part$ sha## gi4e effect to the "ro4isions of this Cha"ter0 A Part$ ma$, ,ut sha## not ,e
o,#ige5 to, "ro4i5e more e;tensi4e "rotection for, an5 enforcement of, inte##ectua#
"ro"ert$ rights un5er its #a< than is re7uire5 ,$ this Cha"ter, "ro4i5e5 that such
"rotection an5 enforcement 5oes not contra4ene the "ro4isions of this Cha"ter0 Each Part$
sha## ,e free to 5etermine the a""ro"riate metho5 of im"#ementing the "ro4isions of this
Cha"ter <ithin its o<n #ega# s$stem an5 "ractice0
Atic"e QQ%A%7: {&ec"!!tion on t0e TRIPS A3ee8ent !n1 P(-"ic He!"t0}
The Parties affirm their commitment to the Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and
Public Health =LT2MIN=*'@2DEC2)@0
( NegotiatorAs Note6 FN can su""ort in "rinci"#e ,ut is consi5ering 5iscussion on DD0A0M0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
Note: Potential poposal to ba!"et the !lause in #ist senten!e$
Atic"e QQ%A%9: {Un1e$t!n1in3 Re3!1in3 Cet!in P(-"ic He!"t0 :e!$(e$}
The Parties ha4e reache5 the fo##o<ing un5erstan5ings regar5ing this Cha"ter6
=a@ The o,#igations of this Cha"ter 5o not an5 shou#5 not "re4ent a Part$ from ta9ing
measures to "rotect "u,#ic hea#thB1,$ "romoting access to me5icines for a##, in
"articu#ar concerning cases such as HIE2AID., tu,ercu#osis, ma#aria, an5 other
e"i5emics as <e## as circumstances of e;treme urgenc$ or nationa# emergenc$08
Accor5ing#$, <hi#e reiterating their commitment to this Cha"ter, the Parties
affirm that this Cha"ter can an5 shou#5 ,e inter"rete5 an5 im"#emente5 in a
manner su""orti4e of each Part$As right to "rotect "u,#ic hea#th an5, in "articu#ar,
to "romote access to me5icines for a##0
=,@ In recognition of the commitment to access to me5icines that are su""#ie5 in
accor5ance <ith the Decision of the Genera# Counci# of C* August )**C on the
Im"#ementation of Paragra"h .i; of the Doha Dec#aration on the TIP.
Agreement an5 Pu,#ic Hea#th =LT2L2I+*@ an5 the LTO Genera# Counci#
ChairmanAs statement accom"an$ing the Decision =KOF=*C@2'//, LT2GC2M2:)@,
as <e## as the Decision on the Amen5ment of the TIP. Agreement, a5o"te5 ,$
the Genera# Counci#, ( Decem,er )**I an5 the LTO Genera# Counci#
Chair"ersonAs statement accom"an$ing the Decision =LT2GC2M2'**@
=co##ecti4e#$, the >TIP.2hea#th so#ution?@, this Cha"ter 5oes not an5 shou#5 not
"re4ent the effecti4e uti#i3ation of the TIP.2hea#th so#ution0
=c@ Lith res"ect to the aforementione5 matters, if an$ <ai4er of an$ "ro4ision of the
TIP. Agreement, of an$ amen5ment of the TIP. Agreement, enters into force
<ith res"ect to the Parties, an5 a Part$As a""#ication of a measure in conformit$
<ith that <ai4er or amen5ment is contrar$ to the o,#igations of this Cha"ter, the
Parties sha## imme5iate#$ consu#t in or5er to a5a"t this Cha"ter as a""ro"riate in
the #ight of the <ai4er or amen5ment0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
Atic"e QQ%A%;: {E2i$tin3 Ri30t$ !n1 O-"i3!tion$ / Inten!tion!" A3ee8ent$}
%N!2MG2CA2MH2EN2FN2PE2CL o""ose6 '0 Each Part$ affirms that it has
ratifie5 or acce5e5 to the fo##o<ing agreements, as re4ise5 an5 amen5e56
=a@ Patent Cooperation Treaty ='M/*@, as amen5e5 in 'M/MJ
=,@ Paris Convention or the Protection o Industrial Property ='M(/@J an5
=c@ !erne Convention or the Protection o "iterary and Artistic Wor#s ='M/'@0
%KP o""ose6 )0 Each Part$ sha## ratif$ or acce5e to each of the
fo##o<ing agreements, <here it is not a#rea5$ a Part$ to such agreement, 1su,-ect
to the fu#fi##ment of its necessar$ 5omestic re7uirements an5 in an$ e4ent no #ater
than ' Kanuar$ )*'I, or a#ternati4e#$, ,$ the 5ate of entr$ into force of this
=a@ Protocol Relating to the $adrid Agreement Concerning the International
Registration o $ar#s ='M:M@J
=,@ !udapest Treaty on the International Recognition o the Deposit o
$icroorganisms or the Purposes o Patent Procedure ='M//@, as amen5e5 in
=c@ International Convention or the Protection o %e& 'arieties o Plants
='MM'@ =UPOE Con4ention@J
=5@ 1Singapore Treaty on the "a& o Trademar#s =)**(@ 2 the Trademar# "a&
Treaty ='MM+@
=e@ WIP( Copyright Treaty ='MM(@J an5
=f@ WIP( Perormances and Phonograms Treaty ='MM(@0&
/ Parties reser4e right to re4isit in #ight of outcome of AA0) an5 DD0C0)0)0
: A Part$ ma$ satisf$ the o,#igation in Artic#e DD0A0:0)=5@ ,$ ratif$ing or acce5ing to the Singapore Treaty on the
"a& o Trademar#s =)**(@0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
C0 Each Part$ sha## notif$ the LTO of its acce"tance of the Protoco# amen5ing the
TIP. Agreement 5one at Gene4a on Decem,er (, )**I0
+0 Each Part$ sha## un5erta9e reasona,#e efforts to ratif$ or acce5e to the fo##o<ing
=a@ %.G o""ose6 Patent "a& Treaty =)***@J&
)b* Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration o Industrial
Designs ='MMM@
)c* %KP o""ose6 Convention Relating to the Distribution o Programme+Carrying
Signals Transmitted by Satellite ='M/+@0&&
Atic"e QQ%A%<: {N!tion!" Te!t8ent}
'0 In res"ect of a## categories of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ co4ere5 in this Cha"ter,
Part$ sha## accor5 to nationa#s
of the other Part$ treatment no #ess fa4ora,#e
than it accor5s to its o<n nationa#s <ith regar5 to the "rotection

%MG2CA2EN2FN2N! o""ose6 an5 en-o$ment& of such inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights
%MG2CA2EN2FN2N! o""ose6 an5 an$ ,enefits 5eri4e5 from such rights
& %MG
"ro"ose6, su,-ect to the e;ce"tions "ro4i5e5 in the TIP. Agreement an5 in
those mu#ti#atera# agreements conc#u5e5 un5er the aus"ices of LIPO&0
1Lith res"ect to secon5ar$ uses of "honograms
,$ means of ana#og
communications%,& free
o4erBtheBair %CL "ro"ose6 ra5io&
,roa5casting %CA2KP
"ro"oseJ U. o""ose6 an5 other nonBinteracti4e communications to the "u,#ic&,
ho<e4er, a Part$ ma$ #imit the rights of the "erformers an5 "ro5ucers of the
other Part$ to the rights its "ersons are accor5e5 <ithin the -uris5iction of the
other Part$0
%AU "ro"ose6 Lhere a Part$ "ro4i5es for the right of remuneration in a
"honogram in res"ect of free o4erBtheBair te#e4ision ,roa5casting of a
cinematogra"hic fi#m or other au5ioB4isua# <or9 incor"orating a "honogram, the
M For greater certaint$, nothing in this Agreement #imits Parties from ta9ing other<ise "ermissi,#e 5erogations from
nationa# treatment <ith res"ect to 1co"$right an5 re#ate5 rights8 not co4ere5 un5er .ection G =Co"$right an5
e#ate5 ights@ of this Cha"ter0
'* For "ur"oses of Artic#es %DD0A0/0'B) =Nationa# Treatment an5 Ku5icia#2A5min Proce5ures@, DD0D0)0a
=GIs2Nationa#s@, an5 DD0G0'+0' =Performers2Phonograms2e#ate5 ights@,& a >nationa# of a Part$? sha## mean, in
res"ect of the re#e4ant right, an entit$ of that Part$ that <ou#5 meet the criteria for e#igi,i#it$ for "rotection
"ro4i5e5 for in the agreements #iste5 in %Artic#e DD0A0(0A N must inc#u5e LPPT =Artic#e C@& an5 the TIP.
'' For "ur"oses of this "aragra"h %Artic#e DD0A0/0'&, >"rotection? sha## inc#u5e matters affecting the a4ai#a,i#it$,
ac7uisition, sco"e, maintenance, an5 enforcement of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights as <e## as matters affecting the
use of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights s"ecifica##$ co4ere5 ,$ this Cha"ter0 Further, for "ur"oses of "aragra"hs 1' an5
)8, >"rotection? a#so inc#u5es the "rohi,ition on circum4ention of effecti4e techno#ogica# measures set out in
Artic#e DD0G0'* an5 the rights an5 o,#igations concerning rights management information set out in Artic#e
') For greater certaint$, >,enefits 5eri4e5 from such rights? refers to ,enefits such as co"$right #e4ies0
'C %KP "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, it is un5erstoo5 that secon5ar$ uses of "honograms ,$ means of te#e4ision
"rograms are outsi5e of the sco"e of this Artic#e0&
'+ %KP "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, it is un5erstoo5 that "u,#ic an5 nonBcommercia# ,roa5casting <ith a man5ator$
recei4ing fee un5er a Part$As nationa# #a< is inc#u5e5 in >free o4erBtheBair ,roa5casting? in the conte;t of Artic#e
'I NegotiatorAs Note6 Technica# <or9 is ongoing on the sco"e of the ,roa5casting e;c#usion0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
Part$ ma$ #imit the rights of the "erformers an5 "ro5ucers of the other Part$ in
res"ect of the se"arate right of remuneration in the "honogram to the rights its
"ersons are accor5e5 <ithin the -uris5iction of the other Part$0&
ALTENATIEE to "re4ious ) "aras6 %CA2KP2FN2MH "ro"oseJ U. o""ose6 Lith
res"ect to secon5ar$ uses of "honograms, a Part$ ma$ #imit the rights of the
"erformers %MH o""ose6 an5 "ro5ucers& of the other Part$ to the rights its
"ersons are accor5e5 <ithin the -uris5iction of the other Part$0&8
)0 A Part$ ma$ 5erogate from "aragra"h ' in re#ation to its -u5icia# an5
a5ministrati4e "roce5ures, inc#u5ing re7uiring a nationa# of the other Part$ to
5esignate an a55ress for ser4ice of "rocess in its territor$, or to a""oint an agent
in its territor$, "ro4i5e5 that such 5erogation is6
=a@ necessar$ to secure com"#iance <ith #a<s an5 regu#ations that are not
inconsistent <ith this Cha"ter, an5
=,@ not a""#ie5 in a manner that <ou#5 constitute a 5isguise5 restriction on
C0 Paragra"h ' 5oes not a""#$ to "roce5ures "ro4i5e5 in mu#ti#atera# agreements
conc#u5e5 un5er the aus"ices of LIPO re#ating to the ac7uisition of maintenance
of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights0
Oi3in!" Atic"e QQ%A%;: {:o$t+=!#o(e1+N!tion Te!t8ent}
%EN "ro"ose6 Artic#e + an5 I of the TIP. sha## a""#$ <ith necessar$ mo5ifications to
the "rotection of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ in this Cha"ter0&
Atic"e QQ%A%1>: {T!n$)!enc*}
2MH2CL2PE2EN "ro"ose6 )0 Each Part$ sha## en5ea4or to
ma9e a4ai#a,#e on the Internet
=a@ its #a<s, regu#ations, "roce5ures, an5 a5ministrati4e ru#ings of genera#
a""#ication concerning the "rotection an5 enforcement of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$
rightsJ an5
=,@ %KP2EN2U. o""ose6 those 5etai#s %KP "ro"ose6, <here a""ro"riate,& of "atent,
tra5emar9, 5esign, "#ant 4ariet$ "rotection an5 geogra"hica# in5ication
a""#ications that are o"en to "u,#ic ins"ection un5er nationa# #a<0&&
'( ChairAs Note6 As of Ma$ '(, )*'+, 5iscussions on Artic#e DD0A0'* Trans"arenc$ are ref#ecte5 in A55en5um EI N
Non Pa"er on Trans"arenc$0
'/ NegotiatorAs Note6 CA su""orts in "rinci"#e "en5ing c#arification of <hat is meant to >o"en to "u,#ic ins"ection?
in su,B"aragra"h =,@0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
{Atic"e QQ%A%1>bis: {A))"ic!tion o' A3ee8ent to E2i$tin3 S(-.ect :!tte !n1
Pio Act$}
'0 E;ce"t as it other<ise "ro4i5es, inc#u5ing in Artic#e DD0G: =Ferne ':2TIP.
'+0(@, this Cha"ter gi4es rise to o,#igations in res"ect of a## su,-ect matter
e;isting at the 5ate of entr$ into force of this Agreement that is "rotecte5 on that
5ate in the territor$ of the Part$ <here "rotection is c#aime5, or that meets or
comes su,se7uent#$ to meet the criteria for "rotection un5er this Cha"ter0
)0 %CL2N!2PE2MG2FN2EN2CA2MH o""ose6 E;ce"t as other<ise "ro4i5e5 in this
Cha"ter, inc#u5ing Artic#e DD0G0: =Ferne ':2TIP. '+0(@,& a Part$ sha## not ,e
re7uire5 to restore "rotection to su,-ect matter than on the 5ate of entr$ into force
of this Agreement has fa##en into the "u,#ic 5omain in its territor$0

C0 This Cha"ter 5oes not gi4e rise to o,#igations in res"ect of acts that occurre5
,efore the 5ate of entr$ into force of this Agreement08
Atic"e QQ%A%11: {E20!($tion o' IP Ri30t$}
Nothing in this Cha"ter sha## ,e construe5 to a55ress the issue of the e;haustion of
inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights0
Atic"e QQ%A%1?: {Sec(it* E2ce)tion$}
%Note: This &ti!le is sub'e!t to #uthe dis!ussion pendin( out!o)e in the *+,
': NegotiatorAs Note6 AU2N!2CL2.G2PE2MG2FN2EN2KP2MH2CA2U. reser4e "ositions 1on "aragra"hs ' an5 )8
"en5ing fina# outcome of Cha"ter0 A## Parties agree to re4isit this "ro4ision at the conc#usion of this Cha"ter0
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Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
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Without Prejudice
Section @: Coo)e!tion
Atic"e QQ%@%1: {Cont!ct Point$ 'o Coo)e!tion}
Further to TT0C %Contact Points for Coo"eration an5 Ca"acit$ Fui#5ing&, each
Part$ ma$ 5esignate one or more contact "oints for the "ur"ose of coo"eration un5er this
Atic"e QQ%@%,: {Coo)e!tion Acti#itie$ !n1 Initi!ti#e$}
The Parties sha## en5ea4or to coo"erate on the su,-ect matter co4ere5 ,$ this Cha"ter,
such as through a""ro"riate coor5ination, training an5 e;change of information ,et<een
the inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ offices of the Parties, or other institutions as 5etermine5 ,$ each
Part$0 Coo"eration ma$ co4er such areas as6
=a@ 5e4e#o"ments in 5omestic an5 internationa# inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ "o#ic$J
=,@ inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ a5ministration an5 registration s$stemsJ
=c@ e5ucation an5 a<areness re#ating to inte##ectua# "ro"ert$J
=5@ inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ issues re#e4ant to6
=a@ sma## an5 me5iumBsi3e5 enter"risesJ
=,@ science, techno#og$ O inno4ation acti4itiesJ an5
=c@ the generation, transfer an5 5issemination of techno#og$J
=e@ "o#icies in4o#4ing the use of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ for research, inno4ation an5
economic gro<thJ
=f@ im"#ementation of mu#ti#atera# inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ agreements, such as those
conc#u5e5 or a5ministere5 un5er the aus"ices of LIPOJ an5
=g@ technica# assistance for 5e4e#o"ing countries0
Atic"e QQ%@%/: {P!tent Coo)e!tion/Ao5 S0!in3}
'0 In or5er to im"ro4e 7ua#it$ an5 efficienc$ in the PartiesA "atent s$stems, the
Parties sha## en5ea4or to coo"erate among their res"ecti4e "atent offices to
faci#itate the sharing an5 use of search an5 e;amination <or9 of other Parties0
This ma$ inc#u5e6
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=a@ ma9ing search an5 e;amination resu#ts a4ai#a,#e to the "atent offices of other
, an5
=,@ e;changes of information on 7ua#it$ assurance s$stems an5 7ua#it$ stan5ar5s
re#ating to "atent e;amination0
)0 In or5er to re5uce the com"#e;it$ an5 cost of o,taining the grant of a "atent, the
Parties sha## en5ea4or to coo"erate to re5uce 5ifferences in the "roce5ures an5
"rocesses of their res"ecti4e "atent offices0
Atic"e QQ%@%2: {P(-"ic &o8!in}
'0 The Parties recogni3e the im"ortance of a rich an5 accessi,#e "u,#ic 5omain0
)0 The Parties a#so ac9no<#e5ge the im"ortance of informationa# materia#s, such as
"u,#ic#$ accessi,#e 5ata,ases of registere5 inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights that assist
in the i5entification of su,-ect matter that has fa##en into the "u,#ic 5omain0
Atic"e QQ%@%?: {Coo)e!tion on ReB(e$t}
Coo"eration acti4ities an5 initiati4es un5erta9en un5er this Cha"ter sha## ,e su,-ect to the
a4ai#a,i#it$ of resources, an5 on re7uest an5 on terms an5 con5itions mutua##$ agree5
u"on ,et<een the Parties in4o#4e50
'M Parties recogni3e the im"ortance of mu#ti#atera# efforts to "romote the sharing an5 use of search an5 e;amination
resu#ts, <ith a 4ie< to im"ro4ing the 7ua#it$ of search an5 e;amination "rocesses an5 to re5ucing the costs for
,oth a""#icants an5 "atent offices0
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{Section C: T!1e8!5$}
Atic"e QQ%C%1: {T*)e$ o' Si3n$ Re3i$t!-"e !$ T!1e8!5$}
No Part$ ma$ re7uire, as a con5ition of registration, that a sign ,e 4isua##$ "erce"ti,#e,
& nor ma$ a Part$ 5en$ registration of a tra5emar9 so#e#$ on the groun5 that the sign of
<hich it is com"ose5 is a soun5 %EN2FN2CA2KP o""ose6 or a scent& %
&0 A Part$ ma$
re7uire a concise an5 accurate 5escri"tion, or gra"hica# re"resentation, or ,oth, as
a""#ica,#e, of the tra5emar90
Atic"e QQ%C%,: {Co""ecti#e !n1 Ceti'ic!tion :!5$}
'0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that tra5emar9s sha## inc#u5e co##ecti4e mar9s an5
certification mar9s0 A Part$ is not o,#igate5 to treat certification mar9s as a se"arate
categor$ in its 5omestic #a<, "ro4i5e5 that such mar9s are "rotecte50 Each Part$ %MH
o""ose6 sha##& %MH "ro"ose6 ma$& a#so "ro4i5e that signs that ma$ ser4e as geogra"hica#
in5ications are ca"a,#e of "rotection un5er its tra5emar9 s$stem0
2.G "ro"oseJ AU2N!2EN2FN2MG2CA o""ose6 )0 Pursuant to Artic#e )*
of the TIP. Agreement, each Part$ sha## ensure that its measures man5ating the use of
the term customar$ in common #anguage as the common name for a goo5 or ser4ice
=>common name?@ inc#u5ing, inter alia, re7uirements concerning the re#ati4e si3e,
"#acement or st$#e of use of the tra5emar9 in re#ation to the common name, 5o not im"air
the use or effecti4eness of tra5emar9s use5 in re#ation to such goo5 or ser4ice0%
)* EN can acce"t the "rotection of soun5 ,ut on#$ if it is gi4en an a5e7uate transitiona# "erio50
)' %MH "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, nothing in this Artic#e sha## ,e construe5 to o,#igate a Part$ to grant
"rotection for nonB4isua##$ "erce"ti,#e tra5emar9s other than soun5s an5 scents0&
)) For "ur"oses of this Cha"ter, 3eo3!)0ic!" in1ic!tion means in5ications that i5entif$ a goo5 as originating in the
territor$ of a Part$, or a region or #oca#it$ in that territor$, <here a gi4en 7ua#it$, re"utation, or other characteristic
of the goo5 is essentia##$ attri,uta,#e to its geogra"hica# origin0 Consistent <ith this 5efinition, an$ sign or
com,ination of signs sha## ,e e#igi,#e for "rotection un5er one or more of the #ega# means for "rotecting GIs, or a
com,ination of such means0
)C NegotiatorAs Note6 PE2MH2.G <i## go <ith consensus on this "aragra"h0
)+ %PE2U. "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, the e;istence of such measures 5oes not "er se, amount to im"airment0&
)I NegotiatorAs Note6 KP is consi5ering this "ro4ision0
)( %.G "ro"ose6 This "ro4ision is not inten5e5 to affect the use of common names of "harmaceutica# "ro5ucts in
"rescri,ing me5icine0&
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Atic"e QQ%C%/: {U$e o' I1entic!" o Si8i"! Si3n$}
Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that the o<ner of a registere5 tra5emar9 sha## ha4e the e;c#usi4e
right to "re4ent thir5 "arties not ha4ing the o<nerAs consent from using in the course of
tra5e i5entica# or simi#ar signs, %PE2MG2EN2CA2MH o""ose6 inc#u5ing su,se7uent
geogra"hica# in5ications,& for goo5s or ser4ices that are re#ate5 to those goo5s or ser4ices
in res"ect of <hich the o<nerAs tra5emar9 is registere5, <here such use <ou#5 resu#t in a
#i9e#ihoo5 of confusion0 In the case of the use of an i5entica# sign,
%PE2MG2.G2CL2CA2MH2EN o""ose6 inc#u5ing a geogra"hica# in5ication,& for i5entica#
goo5s or ser4ices, a #i9e#ihoo5 of confusion sha## ,e "resume50
Atic"e QQ%C%?6
Each Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e #imite5 e;ce"tions to the rights conferre5 ,$ a tra5emar9, such as
fair use of 5escri"ti4e terms, "ro4i5e5 that such e;ce"tions ta9e account of the #egitimate
interest of the o<ner of the tra5emar9 an5 of thir5 "arties0
Atic"e QQ%C%6: {Ae"" Cno4n T!1e8!5$}
'0 No Part$ ma$ re7uire as a con5ition for 5etermining that a tra5emar9 is <e##B
9no<n that the tra5emar9 has ,een registere5 in the Part$ or in another
-uris5iction, inc#u5e5 on a #ist of <e##B9no<n tra5emar9s, or gi4en "rior
recognition as a <e##B9no<n tra5emar90
)0 Artic#e (bis of the Paris Convention or the Protection o Industrial Property
='M(/@ sha## a""#$, mutatis mutandis, to goo5s or ser4ices that are not i5entica# or
simi#ar to those i5entifie5 ,$ a <e##B9no<n tra5emar9,
<hether registere5 or
not, "ro4i5e5 that use of that tra5emar9 in re#ation to those goo5s or ser4ices
<ou#5 in5icate a connection ,et<een those goo5s or ser4ices an5 the o<ner of
the tra5emar9, an5 "ro4i5e5 that the interests of the o<ner of the tra5emar9 are
#i9e#$ to ,e 5amage5 ,$ such use0
C0 Each Part$ recogni3es the im"ortance of the ,oint Recommendation Concerning
Provisions on the Protection o Well+-no&n $ar#s ='MMM@ as a5o"te5 ,$ the
Assem,#$ of the Paris Union for the Protection of In5ustria# Pro"ert$ an5 the
Genera# Assem,#$ of LIPO0
+0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e for a""ro"riate measures to refuse the a""#ication or
cance# the registration an5 "rohi,it the use of a tra5emar9 that is i5entica# or
simi#ar to a <e##B9no<n tra5emar9,
for i5entica# or simi#ar goo5s or ser4ices, if
the use of that tra5emar9 is #i9e#$ to cause confusion <ith the "rior <e## 9no<n
tra5emar90 A Part$ ma$ a#so "ro4i5e such measures inter alia in cases in <hich
the su,se7uent tra5emar9
)/ Lhere a Part$ 5etermines <hether a mar9 is <e##B9no<n in the Part$, the Part$ nee5 to not re7uire that the
re"utation of the tra5emar9 e;ten5 ,e$on5 the sector of the "u,#ic that norma##$ 5ea#s <ith the re#e4ant goo5s or
): It is un5erstoo5 that such <e##B9no<n tra5emar9 is one that <as a#rea5$ <e##B9no<n ,efore the registration or use
of the firstBmentione5 tra5emar90
)M NegotiatorAs Note6 AU o""oses the #ast sentence of this cha"eau, ,ut is in 5iscussion <ith N! an5 U. as to
#anguage that cou#5 reso#4e this0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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=a@ is #i9e#$ to 5ecei4e or ris9 associating the tra5emar9 <ith the o<ner of the
<e##B9no<n tra5emar9, or
=,@ constitutes unfair e;"#oitation of the re"utation of the <e##B9no<n tra5emar90
Atic"e QQ%C%7: {E2!8in!tionD O))o$ition !n1 C!nce""!tion / Poce1(!" A$)ect$}
Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e a s$stem for the e;amination an5 registration of tra5emar9s
<hich sha## inc#u5e, inter alia6
=a@ "ro4i5ing to the a""#icant a communication in <riting, <hich ma$ ,e e#ectronic,
of the reasons for an$ refusa# to register a tra5emar9J
=,@ "ro4i5ing the o""ortunit$ for the a""#icant to res"on5 to communications from
the com"etent authorities, to contest an initia# refusa#, an5 to a""ea# -u5icia##$
an$ fina# refusa# to register a tra5emar9J
=c@ "ro4i5ing an o""ortunit$ to o""ose the registration of a tra5emar9 or to see9
of a tra5emar9J an5
=5@ re7uiring that a5ministrati4e 5ecisions in o""osition an5 cance##ation
"rocee5ings ,e reasone5 an5 in <riting0 Lritten 5ecisions ma$ ,e "ro4i5e5
Atic"e QQ%C%9: {E"ectonic T!1e8!5$ S*$te8}
Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e6
=a@ a s$stem for the e#ectronic a""#ication for, an5 maintenance of, tra5emar9sJ an5
=,@ a "u,#ic#$ a4ai#a,#e e#ectronic information s$stem, inc#u5ing an on#ine 5ata,ase,
of tra5emar9 a""#ications an5 of registere5 tra5emar9s0
Atic"e QQ%C%;: {C"!$$i'ic!tion o' Goo1$ !n1 Se#ice$}
Each Part$ sha## a5o"t or maintain a tra5emar9 c#assification s$stem that is consistent
<ith the %ice Agreement Concerning the International Classiication o .oods and
Services or the Purposes o the Registration o $ar#s =Nice C#assification@ of Kune 'I,
'MI/, as re4ise5 an5 amen5e50 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that6
%CA o""ose6 =a@ registrations an5 the "u,#ications of a""#ications in5icate the
goo5s an5 ser4ices ,$ their names grou"e5 accor5ing to the c#asses esta,#ishe5
,$ the Nice C#assification
J an5&
=,@ goo5s or ser4ices ma$ not ,e consi5ere5 as ,eing simi#ar to each other on the
C* For greater certaint$, cance##ation for "ur"oses of this .ection ma$ ,e im"#emente5 through nu##it$ or re4ocation
C' Parties that re#$ on trans#ations of the Nice C#assification are re7uire5 to fo##o< u"5ate5 4ersions of the Nice
C#assification to the e;tent that officia# trans#ations ha4e ,een issue5 an5 "u,#ishe50
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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groun5 that, in an$ registration or "u,#ication, the$ are c#assifie5 in the same
c#ass of the Nice C#assification0 Con4erse#$, each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that
goo5s or ser4ices ma$ not ,e consi5ere5 as ,eing 5issimi#ar from each other
on the groun5 that, in an$ registration or "u,#ication, the$ are c#assifie5 in
5ifferent c#asses of the Nice C#assification0
Atic"e QQ%C%<: {Te8 o' t0e Potection 'o T!1e8!5$}
Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that initia# registration an5 each rene<a# of registration of a
tra5emar9 sha## ,e for a term of no #ess than '* $ears0
Atic"e QQ%C%1>:
No Part$ ma$ re7uire recor5a# of tra5emar9 #icenses6 to esta,#ish the 4a#i5it$ of the
#icenseJ %EN2MH o""ose6 %CL2FN2MG o""ose6 as a con5ition for an$ right that a #icensee
ma$ ha4e un5er that Part$As #a< to -oin infringement "rocee5ings initiate5 ,$ the ho#5er,
or to o,tain ,$ <a$ of ci4i# infringement "rocee5ings 5amages resu#ting from an
infringement of the tra5emar9 <hich is su,-ect to the #icense&J or as a con5ition for use of
a tra5emar9 ,$ a #icensee, to ,e 5eeme5 to constitute use ,$ the ho#5er in "rocee5ings
re#ating to the ac7uisition, maintenance an5 enforcement of tra5emar9s&0
Atic"e QQ%C%1,: {&o8!in N!8e C*-e$B(!ttin3}
'0 In connection <ith each Part$As s$stem for the management of its countr$Bco5e
to"B#e4e# 5omain =ccTLD@ 5omain names, the fo##o<ing sha## ,e a4ai#a,#e6

=a@ an a""ro"riate "roce5ure for the sett#ement of 5is"utes, ,ase5 on, or mo5e#e5
a#ong the same #ines as, the "rinci"#es esta,#ishe5 in the Uniform DomainB
Name Dis"uteBeso#ution Po#ic$, or that is6 =i@ 5esigne5 to reso#4e 5is"utes
e;"e5itious#$ an5 at #o< cost, =ii@ fair an5 e7uita,#e, =iii@ not o4er#$
,ur5ensome, an5 =i4@ 5oes not "rec#u5e resort to court #itigationJ an5
=,@ on#ine "u,#ic access to a re#ia,#e an5 accurate 5ata,ase of contact
information concerning 5omainBname registrantsJ
in accor5ance <ith each Part$As #a<s an5, or re#e4ant a5ministrator "o#icies
regar5ing "rotection of "ri4ac$ an5 "ersona# 5ata0
)0 In connection <ith each Part$As s$stem for the management of ccTLD 5omain
names, a""ro"riate reme5ies,
sha## ,e a4ai#a,#e, at #east in cases <here a "erson
registers or ho#5s, <ith a ,a5 faith intent to "rofit, a 5omain name that is i5entica#
or confusing#$ simi#ar to a tra5emar90
C) It is un5erstoo5 that such reme5ies ma$ ,ut nee5 not inc#u5e, for e;am"#e, re4ocation, cance##ation, transfer,
5amages, or in-uncti4e re#ief0
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{Section &: Geo3!)0ic!" In1ic!tion$}
Note: &s a esult o# #uthe !han(es, Paties )ay need to e.attibute to po/isions not
pe/iously !losed belo0$
Atic"e QQ%&%1: {Reco3nition o' Geo3!)0ic!" In1ic!tion$}
The Parties recogni3e that geogra"hica# in5ications ma$ ,e "rotecte5 through a tra5emar9
or sui generis s$stem or other #ega# means0
Atic"e QQ%&%,:
Lhere a Part$ "ro4i5es a5ministrati4e "roce5ures for the "rotection or recognition of
geogra"hica# in5ications, <hether through a tra5emar9 or a sui generis s$stem, the Part$
sha## <ith res"ect to a""#ications for such "rotection or "etitions for such recognition6
=a@ acce"t those a""#ications or "etitions <ithout re7uiring intercession ,$ a Part$ on
,eha#f of its nationa#s
=,@ "rocess those a""#ications or "etitions <ithout im"osition of o4er#$ ,ur5ensome
=c@ ensure that its regu#ations go4erning the fi#ing of those a""#ications or "etitions
are rea5i#$ a4ai#a,#e to the "u,#ic an5 c#ear#$ set out the "roce5ures for these
=5@ ma9e a4ai#a,#e information sufficient to a##o< the genera# "u,#ic to o,tain
gui5ance concerning the "roce5ures for fi#ing a""#ications or "etitions an5 the
"rocessing of those a""#ications or "etitions in genera#J an5 a##o< a""#icants,
"etitioners, or their re"resentati4es to ascertain the status of s"ecific a""#ications
an5 "etitionsJ
=e@ ensure that those a""#ications or "etitions are "u,#ishe5 for o""osition an5
"ro4i5e "roce5ures for o""osing geogra"hica# in5ications that are the su,-ect of
a""#ications or "etitionsJ an5
=f@ "ro4i5e for cance##ation
of the "rotection or recognition affor5e5 to a
geogra"hica# in5ication0
CC .u,"aragra"h =a@ sha## a#so a""#$ to -u5icia# "roce5ures that "rotect or recogni3e a geogra"hica# in5ication0
C+ For greater certaint$, cance##ation for "ur"oses of this .ection ma$ ,e im"#emente5 through nu##it$ or re4ocation
"rocee5ings, 1sma## grou" to 5iscuss ma9ing this a#so a""#ica,#e to GI cance##ation08
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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Atic"e QQ%&%/: {Go(n1$ o' O))o$ition !n1 C!nce""!tion}
'0 Lhere a Part$ "rotects or recogni3es a geogra"hica# in5ication through the
"roce5ures referre5 to in Artic#e DD0D0), that Part$ sha## "ro4i5e "roce5ures that a##o<
intereste5 "ersons to o,-ect to the "rotection or recognition of a geogra"hica# in5ication,
an5 that a##o< for an$ such "rotection or recognition to ,e refuse5 or other<ise not
affor5e5, %MH o""ose6 at #east on the fo##o<ing groun5s6
=a@ %MG2EN o""ose6 the geogra"hica# in5ication is #i9e#$ to cause confusion
<ith a tra5emar9 or geogra"hica# in5ication that is the su,-ect of a "reB
e;isting goo5 faith "en5ing a""#ication or registration in the territor$ of
the Part$J&
=,@ %MG2EN o""ose6 the geogra"hica# in5ication is #i9e#$ to cause confusion
<ith a "reBe;isting tra5emar9 or geogra"hica# in5ication, the rights to
<hich ha4e ,een ac7uire5 in accor5ance <ith Part$As #a<J an5&
=c@ the geogra"hica# in5ication is a term customar$ in common #anguage as
the common name for such goo5s in that Part$As territor$0&
CI A Part$ is not re7uire5 to a""#$ Artic#e DD0D0C an5 Artic#e DD0D0Cbis to geogra"hica# in5ications for <ines an5
s"irits or a""#ications for such geogra"hica# in5ications0
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%N!2CL2U.2AU2.G2MG2MH2EN2FN "ro"oseJ )0 %KP "ro"ose6 As an a#ternati4e to
"aragra"h ',& Lhere a Part$ has "rotecte5 or recogni3e5 a geogra"hica# in5ication
through the "roce5ures referre5 to in Artic#e DD0D0), that Part$ sha## "ro4i5e "roce5ures
that a##o< for intereste5 "ersons to see9 the cance##ation of a geogra"hica# in5ication, an5
that a##o< for the "rotection or recognition to ,e cance#e5 %MH o""ose at #east on the
groun5s #iste5 in "aragra"h ' %MG2EN "ro"ose6 =c@&&0 A Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that such
groun5s sha## a""#$ as of the time of fi#ing the re7uest for "rotection or recognition of a
geogra"hica# in5ication in the territor$ of the Part$
"ro"oseJ MG2CL2MH2EN2.G2FN o""ose6 )bis0 Each Part$
%N!2AU2U.6 sha##& %KP "ro"ose6 nee5 not& a""#$ "roce5ures that are e7ui4a#ent to, an5
groun5s that are the same as, those set forth in 1"aragra"h ' an5 )8 <ith res"ect to
geogra"hica# in5ications for goo5s "rotecte5 "ursuant to an agreement <ith another
go4ernment or go4ernment entit$, <here those geogra"hica# in5ications are not "rotecte5
"ursuant to the "roce5ures in Artic#e DD0D0)&
C0 Lhere a Part$ has in "#ace a sui generis s$stem for "rotecting unregistere5
geogra"hica# in5ications ,$ means of -u5icia# "roce5ures, a Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that its
-u5icia# authorities ha4e the authorit$ to 5en$ the "rotection or recognition of a
geogra"hica# in5ication <here an$ of the circumstances i5entifie5 in "aragra"h '=i@,
"aragra"h '=ii@ an5 "aragra"h '=iii@ ha4e ,een esta,#ishe5
0 A Part$ sha## a#so "ro4i5e a
"rocess that a##o<s 1intereste5 "ersons8 to commence a "rocee5ing on such groun5s0
OPTION to e)"!ce Atic"e QQ%&%/bis:
%+0 Lhere a Part$ e;ten5s "rotection or recognition of an$ geogra"hica# in5ication,
<hether "ursuant to the "roce5ures referre5 to in Artic#e DD0D0) or "ursuant to an
agreement <ith another go4ernment or go4ernment entit$, to the trans#ation or
trans#iteration of such geogra"hica# in5ication, the Part$ sha## ma9e a4ai#a,#e "roce5ures
that are e7ui4a#ent to, an5 groun5s that are the same as, those set forth in "aragra"hs '
an5 ) <ith res"ect to such trans#ation or trans#iteration0&
C( 1O"tion '6 For greater certaint$, <here the groun5s #iste5 in "aragra"h ' 5i5 not e;ist as of the time of the fi#ing
of the re7uest for "rotection or recognition of a geogra"hica# in5ication un5er Artic#e DD0D0), a Part$ is not
re7uire5 to a""#$ such groun5s for the "ur"oses of "aragra"h ) or Artic#e DD0D0Cbis in re#ation to such
geogra"hica# in5ication08 1O"tion )6 No Part$ sha## ,e re7uire5 to a""#$ "aragra"h ) in res"ect of geogra"hica#
in5ications that are "rotecte5 or recogni3e5 in that Part$ ,efore this Agreement comes into force08 NegotiatorAs
Note6 Parties are sti## consi5ering the t<o O"tions for this footnote0
C/ %KP2PE "ro"ose6 This "aragra"h 5oes not "re4ent a Part$ from #imiting the a4ai#a,i#it$ of the "roce5ures for
cance##ation to a certain "erio5 after registration0&
C: NegotiatorAs Note6 KP su""ort is contingent u"on ren5ering the "ro4ision ina""#ica,#e to geogra"hica# in5ications
"rotecte5 "ursuant to agreements0
CM %MG2.G "ro"ose6 As an a#ternati4e to "aragra"h C, <here a Part$ has in "#ace a sui generis s$stem of the t$"e
referre5 to in "aragra"h C as of %date /+ already in place pre+TPP&, that Part$ sha## at #east "ro4i5e that its -u5icia#
authorities ha4e the authorit$ to 5en$ the "rotection or recognition of a geogra"hica# in5ication <here the
circumstances i5entifie5 in "aragra"h '=iii@ ha4e ,een esta,#ishe50&
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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Without Prejudice
Atic"e QQ%&%/bis: {Go(n1$ o' O))o$ition !n1 C!nce""!tion 'o t!n$"!tion$ !n1
%N!2U.2AU2.G2FN2KP "ro"oseJ MH2MG2PE o""ose6 '0 If a Part$ "ro4i5es for
"rotection or recognition of a trans#ation or trans#iteration of a geogra"hica# in5ication,
that Part$ sha## a#so ma9e a4ai#a,#e "roce5ures that are e7ui4a#ent to, an5 groun5s that are
the same as, those set forth in 1Artic#e DD0D0C0' an5 DD0D0C0)8 <ith res"ect to such
trans#ation or trans#iteration0&
%N!2U.2AU2KP "ro"oseJ MH2MG2PE2.G2CL2FN o""ose6 )0 Each Part$ %sha##& %KP
"ro"ose6 nee5 not& a""#$ the "roce5ures that are e7ui4a#ent to, an5 groun5s that are the
same as, those set forth in 1Artic#e DD0D0C0' an5 DD0D0C0)8 <ith res"ect to trans#ations
an5 trans#iterations of geogra"hica# in5ications for goo5s other than <ines an5 s"irits
"rotecte5 "ursuant to an agreement <ith another go4ernment or go4ernment entit$, <here
those geogra"hica# in5ications are not "ursuant to the "roce5ures in Artic#e DD0D0)&0
Atic"e QQ%&%?: {O))o$ition !n1 C!nce""!tion E4ine$ !n1 $)iit$ )($(!nt to
1Each Part$ 1sha## a""#$8 1nee5 not a""#$8 "roce5ures e7ui4a#ent to those set forth in
1Artic#e DD0D0)=e@ N =f@8 <ith res"ect to geogra"hica# in5ications for <ines an5 s"irits
"rotecte5 "ursuant to an agreement <ith another go4ernment or go4ernment entit$, <here
those geogra"hica# in5ications are not "rotecte5 "ursuant to the "roce5ures in Artic#e
Note: Paties 0ill need to !onside thei attibutions #o 11$2$4
Atic"e QQ%&%6: {E2i$tin3 Inten!tion!" A3ee8ent$}
"ro"ose6 No Part$ sha## ,e re7uire5 to a""#$ %.ection D& %Artic#e
DD0D0C& %CA "ro"ose6 DD0D0C, DD0D0+, DD0D0H an5 DD0D0M& to geogra"hica#
in5ications that %ha4e ,een s"ecifica##$ i5entifie5 in& %are "rotecte5 "ursuant to& an
agreement ,et<een that Part$ an5 another go4ernment, go4ernment entit$ 1or
internationa# organi3ation8%0& %"ro4i5e5 that such an agreement <as conc#u5e5 or agree5
in "rinci"#e "rior to C' Decem,er )*'C& %"ro4i5e5 that such agreement <as conc#u5e5 or
agree5 "rior to the 5ate of entr$ into force of this Agreement&
0 %EN "ro"ose6 "ro4i5e5
that such an agreement <as conc#u5e5 or agree5 "rior to the e;"ir$ of three $ears after
entr$ into force of this Agreement&0 %CA "ro"ose6 For the "ur"ose of this Artic#e, >agree5
in "rinci"#e? refers to an agreement <ith another go4ernment or go4ernment entit$ or
internationa# organi3ation in res"ect of <hich a "o#itica# un5erstan5ing has ,een reache5
an5 the negotiate5 outcomes of the agreement ha4e ,een "u,#ic#$ notifie52announce5&0&
%MH "ro"ose6 No Part$ sha## ,e re7uire5 to a""#$ =.ection D@ to geogra"hica# in5ications
that are "rotecte5 "ursuant to an internationa# agreement ,et<een that Part$ an5 another
go4ernment, go4ernment entit$ or internationa# organi3ation, "ro4i5e5 that the
geogra"hica# in5ications are s"ecifica##$ i5entifie5 an5 that such an agreement <as
+* NegotiatorAs Note6 KP su""ort is contingent u"on ren5ering the "ro4ision ina""#ica,#e to geogra"hica# in5ications
"rotecte5 "ursuant to agreements0
+' NegotiatorAs Note6 AU2CA to confirm0
+) %CL "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, this "ro4ision a""#ies to an$ mo5ification ma5e to an e;isting agreement0&
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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Without Prejudice
conc#u5e5 or agree5 in "rinci"#e "rior to the 5ate of entr$ into force of this Agreement0
Atic"e QQ%&%G:
N!2U.2AU2.G2FN "ro"oseJ
No Part$ sha## "rec#u5e the "ossi,i#it$ that the "rotection
or recognition of a geogra"hica# in5ication ma$ ,e cance#e5
or other<ise cease on the
groun5s that the "rotecte5 or recogni3e5 term has cease5 meeting the con5itions u"on
<hich the "rotection <as origina##$ grante50

Atic"e QQ%&%7: {&!te o' Potection o' ! Geo3!)0ic!" In1ic!tion}
'0 Lhere a Part$ grants "rotection or recognition to a geogra"hica# in5ication
through the "roce5ures referre5 to in Artic#e DD0D0), such "rotection or recognition sha##
commence no ear#ier than the fi#ing 5ate
in the Part$ or the registration 5ate in the Part$,
as a""#ica,#e0
%)0 N!2.G2CA2AU2U.2CL2PE2EN2KP2FN "ro"oseJ MH o""ose6 Lhere a Part$
grants "rotection or recognition to a geogra"hica# in5ication through an agreement <ith
another go4ernment or go4ernment entit$, %an5 those geogra"hica# in5ications are not
"rotecte5 "ursuant to the "roce5ures in Artic#e DD0D0),& such "rotection or recognition
sha## commence no ear#ier than the 5ate on <hich such agreement enters into force, or if
that Part$ im"#ements such "rotection or recognition on a 5ate after entr$ into force of the
agreement, on that #ater 5ate0& %MG "ro"ose6
+C %MH "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, the "rotection of geogra"hica# in5ications in accor5ance <ith this "ro4ision
ma$ ta9e "#ace after the entr$ into force of this Agreement0&
++ NegotiatorAs Note6 MH2PE is sti## ref#ecting on the a""#ication of this "ro4ision <ith regar5s to its nationa#
geogra"hica# in5ications0
+I NegotiatorAs Note6 EN <ou#5 #i9e to use the <or5 >termination? instea5 of >cance##ation?0
+( A Part$ nee5 not a""#$ Artic#e DD0D0H to geogra"hica# in5ications for <ines an5 s"irits0
+/ %KP2EN "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, this Artic#e 5oes not a""#$ to cases <here a GI ,ecomes 1generic8 after
"rotection or recognition is gi4en0&
+: For greater certaint$, the fi#ing 5ate reference5 in this "aragra"h inc#u5es the "riorit$ fi#ing 5ate un5er the Paris
Con4ention, <here a""#ica,#e0
+M %MG "ro"ose6 This "aragra"h sha## not a""#$ to "rotection or recognition of unregistere5 geogra"hica# in5ications
,$ means of -uri5ica# "roce5ures0&
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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Atic"e QQ%&%;: {G(i1e"ine$ 'o &ete8inin3 40et0e ! te8 i$ t0e te8 c($to8!*
in t0e co88on "!n3(!3e !$ t0e co88on n!8e 'o t0e e"e#!nt 3oo1$ in ! P!t*H$
In 5etermining <hether a term is the term customar$ in the common #anguage as the
common name for the re#e4ant goo5s in a Part$As territor$, a Part$As authorities sha## ha4e
the authorit$ to ta9e into account ho< consumers un5erstan5 the term in that Part$As
territor$0 Factors re#e4ant to such consumer un5erstan5ing ma$ inc#u5e6
=a@ <hether the term is use5 to refer to the t$"e of "ro5uct in 7uestion, as in5icate5
,$ com"etent sources such as 5ictionaries, ne<s"a"ers, an5 re#e4ant <e,sitesJ
=,@ ho< the "ro5uct reference5 ,$ the term is mar9ete5 an5 use5 in tra5e in the
territor$ of that Part$0
Atic"e QQ%&%<: {:("ti+Co8)onent Te8$}
An in5i4i5ua# com"onent of a mu#tiBcom"onent term that is "rotecte5 as a geogra"hica#
in5ication in a Part$ sha## not ,e "rotecte5 in that Part$ <here the in5i4i5ua# com"onent is
a term customar$ in the common #anguage as the common name for the associate5 goo5s0
Atic"e QQ%&%11: %CL2.G2FN2EN2MH "ro"ose
J AU2PE2U.2N!2CA2KP o""ose6 Li$t o'
Geo3!)0ic!" In1ic!tion$
The terms #iste5 in Anne; %P& are recogni3e5 as geogra"hica# in5ications of the
res"ecti4e Part$, <ithin the meaning of "aragra"h ' of Artic#e )) of the TIP.
Agreement0 .u,-ect to 5omestic #a<s %
&, in a manner that is consistent <ith the TIP.
Agreement, such terms <i## ,e "rotecte5 as geogra"hica# in5ications in the territories of
the other Parties0&
Atic"e QQ%&%1,: {Ho8on*8o($ Geo3!)0ic!" In1ic!tion$}
%PE o""ose6 Lhere a Part$ "ro4i5es "rotection for homon$mous geogra"hica# in5ications
for s"irits, that Part$ sha## 5etermine the "ractica# con5itions un5er <hich such in5ications
<i## ,e 5ifferentiate5 from each other in its territor$, ta9ing into account the nee5 to
ensure e7uita,#e treatment of the "roce5ures concerne5 an5 that consumers are not
%CL "ro"oseJ AU2U.2PE2N!2EN2.G2MG2FN2MH2CA2KP o""ose6 )0 The Parties
recogni3e the geogra"hica# in5ication Pisco for the e;c#usi4e use for "ro5ucts from Chi#e
an5 Peru0&
I* %CL2.G2MH2U.2N!2MG2CA2FN2KP2AU2EN "ro"ose6 For "ur"oses of su,"aragra"h =,@, a Part$As authorities
ma$ ta9e into account, <here a""ro"riate, <hether the term is use5 in re#e4ant internationa# stan5ar5s recogni3e5
,$ a## the Parties to refer to a t$"e or c#ass of "ro5uct in the Part$As territor$0&
NegotiatorAs Note6 PE is consi5ering0
I' NegotiatorAs Note6 EN su""orts su,-ect to the #ist of GIs in the Anne;0
I) %CL2FN2.G "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, the Parties ac9no<#e5ge that geogra"hica# in5ications <i## ,e
recogni3e5 an5 "rotecte5 in the Parties on#$ to the e;tent "ermitte5 ,$ an5 accor5ing to the terms an5 con5itions
set out in their res"ecti4e 5omestic #a<s0&
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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%CL2.G2FN2MH "ro"oseJ AU2PE2U.2N!2CA2KP2EN2MG o""ose6 Anne2 [I] Li$t$ o'
Geo3!)0ic!" In1ic!tion$]
Atic"e QQ%&%1/: {Co(nt* N!8e$}
Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e the #ega# means for intereste5 "arties to "re4ent commercia# use
of countries names of the Parties in re#ation to goo5s in a manner <hich mis#ea5s
consumers as to the origin of such goo5s0
IC NegotiatorAs Note6 Lega# scru, to 5etermine "#acement in TM 4s GI 4s stan5a#one0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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{Section E: P!tent$ / Un1i$c"o$e1 Te$t o Ot0e &!t! / T!1ition!" Cno4"e13e}
Atic"e QQ%E%1: {P!tent$ / P!tent!-"e S(-.ect :!tte}
'0 .u,-ect to the "ro4isions of "aragra"h ) an5 C, each Part$ sha## ma9e "atents
a4ai#a,#e for an$ in4ention, <hether a "ro5uct or "rocess, in a## fie#5s of techno#og$,
"ro4i5e5 that the in4ention is ne<, in4o#4es an in4enti4e ste", an5 is ca"a,#e of in5ustria#
)0 Each Part$ ma$ e;c#u5e from "atenta,i#it$ in4entions, the "re4ention <ithin their
territor$ of the commercia# e;"#oitation of <hich is necessar$ to "rotect ordre public or
mora#it$, inc#u5ing to "rotect human, anima# or "#ant #ife or hea#th or to a4oi5 serious
"re-u5ice to nature of the en4ironment, "ro4i5e5 that such e;c#usion is not ma5e mere#$
,ecause the e;"#oitation is "rohi,ite5 ,$ their #a<0
%U.2KP "ro"oseJ CL2MG2PE2.G2EN2FN2AU2N!2CA2MH o""ose6 )bis0 For greater
certaint$, a Part$ ma$ not 5en$ a "atent so#e#$ on the ,asis that the "ro5uct 5i5 not resu#t
in an enhance5 efficac$ of the 9no<n "ro5uct <hen the a""#icant has set forth
5istinguishing features esta,#ishing that the in4ention is ne<, in4o#4es an in4enti4e ste",
an5 is ca"a,#e of in5ustria# a""#ication0&
C0 %U.2KP2.G "ro"oseJ AU2N!2EN2FN2CL2PE2MG2CA2MH o""ose6 Consistent
<ith "aragra"h ', each Part$ sha## ma9e "atents a4ai#a,#e for in4entions for "#ants an5
A#t0 C6 1Consistent <ith "aragra"h ', each Part$ confirms that it ma9es a4ai#a,#e "atents
for "#antBre#ate5 in4entions0
+0 %U.2AU2KP "ro"oseJ CL2MG2PE2.G2EN2FN2N!2CA2MH o""ose6 Consistent
<ith "aragra"h ', the Parties confirm that "atents are a4ai#a,#e for
=a@ an$ ne< uses, or a#ternati4e#$
, ne< metho5s of using a 9no<n "ro5uct0&
%CA "ro"ose6 A#t =a@ an$ ne< use, or ne< metho5 of using a 9no<n "ro5uct that is not
other<ise e;c#u5e5 from "atenta,i#it$ ,$ the Part$0&
%N!2CA2CL2MG2EN2MH2FN2PE2AU "ro"ose6 A"T C0 Each Part$ ma$ a#so e;c#u5e
from "atenta,i#it$6
=a@ 5iagnostic, thera"eutic an5 surgica# metho5s for the treatment of humans or
anima#sJ an5
I+ For "ur"oses of this .ection, a Part$ ma$ 5eem the terms >in4enti4e ste"? an5 >ca"a,#e of in5ustria# a""#ication?
to ,e s$non$mous <ith the terms >nonBo,4ious? an5 >usefu#?, res"ecti4e#$0 In 5eterminations regar5ing in4enti4e
ste" =or nonBo,4iousness@, each Part$ sha## consi5er <hether the c#aime5 in4ention <ou#5 ha4e ,een o,4ious to a
"erson s9i##e5 or ha4ing or5inar$ s9i## in the art ha4ing regar5 to the "rior art0
II 1For greater certaint$, no Part$ sha## ,e re7uire5 to ma9e "atents a4ai#a,#e for "#ant 4arieties that are "rotecta,#e
in that Part$ un5er the Internationa# Con4ention for the Protection of Ne< Earieties of P#ants %'MM'&=UPOE
Con4ention@08 1NegotiatorAs Note6 AU <ou#5 "refer this footnote to ,e in the main te;t80
%Note6 This formu#ation is "remise5 u"on the un5erstan5ing that TPP Parties <i## ma9e a commitment to acce5e
to UPOE 'MM'&0
I( NegotiatorAs Note6 U.2KP reconsi5ering the inc#usion of su,"aragra"h =,@ ="ro4ision re#ating to 5iagnostic,
thera"eutic an5 surgica# metho5s@, su,-ect to consensus on "atent #an5ing 3one0
I/ NegotiatorAs Note6 AU is sti## consi5ering inc#usion of >a#ternati4e#$?0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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Without Prejudice
=,@ "#ants an5 anima#s other than microorganisms, an5 essentia##$ ,io#ogica#
"rocesses for the "ro5uction of "#ants or anima#s other than nonB,io#ogica# an5
micro,io#ogica# "rocesses0 Ho<e4er, Parties sha## "ro4i5e for the "rotection of
"#ant 4arieties either ,$ "atents or ,$ an effecti4e sui generis s$stem or ,$ an$
com,ination thereof0&
%MH "ro"ose6 =c@ an5 the 5iagrams, "#ans, ru#es an5 metho5s for carr$ing out menta#
"rocesses, "#a$ing games or 5oing ,usiness, an5 mathematica# metho5s as suchJ soft<are
as such, metho5s to "resent information as suchJ an5 aesthetic creations an5 artistic or
#iterar$ <or9s0&
Atic"e QQ%E%,: {G!ce Peio1}
Each Part$ sha## 5isregar5 at #east information containe5 in "u,#ic 5isc#osures use5 to
5etermine if an in4ention is no4e# or has an in4enti4e ste" if the "u,#ic 5isc#osure

=a@ <as ma5e ,$ the "atent a""#icant or ,$ a "erson <ho o,taine5 the information
5irect#$ or in5irect#$ from the "atent a""#icant,
=,@ occurre5 <ithin ') months "rior to the 5ate of fi#ing of the a""#ication in the
territor$ of the Part$0
Atic"e QQ%E%/:
O)tion 1: %U.2KP "ro"oseJ CA2CL2MH2FN2MG2AU2EN2N!2.G o""ose6 Lithout
"re-u5ice to Artic#e IA=C@ of the Paris Con4ention,& each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that a "atent
ma$ ,e cance#e5, re4o9e5, or nu##ifie5 on#$ on groun5s that <ou#5 ha4e -ustifie5 a refusa#
to grant the "atent0 A Part$ ma$ a#so "ro4i5e that frau5, misre"resentation, or ine7uita,#e
con5uct ma$ ,e the ,asis for cance#ing, re4o9ing or nu##if$ing a "atent or ho#5ing a "atent
O)tion ,: Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that a "atent ma$ ,e cance#e5, re4o9e5 or
nu##ifie5 on#$ on groun5s that <ou#5 ha4e -ustifie5 a refusa# to grant the "atent0 A Part$
ma$ a#so "ro4i5e that frau5, misre"resentation, or ine7uita,#e con5uct ma$ ,e the ,asis
for cance#ing, re4o9ing or nu##if$ing a "atent or ho#5ing a "atent unenforcea,#e0
%AU2CL2MG2N!2FN2CA2MH2EN2.G2PE "ro"ose
J U.2KP o""ose6 A Part$ ma$ a#so
"ro4i5e that a "atent ma$ ,e cance#e5, re4o9e5 or nu##ifie5 on the ,asis that the "atent is
use5 in a manner 5etermine5 to ,e antiBcom"etiti4e in a -u5icia# or a5ministrati4e
I: A Part$ sha## not ,e re7uire5 to 5isregar5 information containe5 in a""#ications for, or registrations of, inte##ectua#
"ro"ert$ rights 1ma5e a4ai#a,#e to the "u,#ic821"u,#ishe58 ,$ a "atent office un#ess erroneous#$ "u,#ishe5 or
un#ess the a""#ication <as fi#e5 <ithout the consent of the in4entor or their successor in tit#e ,$ a thir5 "art$ <ho
o,taine5 the information 5irect#$ or in5irect#$ from the in4entor0
Ne(otiato3s Note: Paties to !onsult on 0hethe 4published5 is needed$
IM For greater certaint$, a Part$ ma$ #imit a""#ication of this "ro4ision to 5isc#osures ma5e ,$ or o,taine5 5irect#$ or
in5irect#$ from the in4entor or -oint in4entor0 For greater certaint$, a Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that, for "ur"oses of this
Artic#e information o,taine5 5irect#$ or in5irect#$ from the "atent a""#icant ma$ ,e information containe5 in the
"u,#ic 5isc#osure that <as authori3e5 ,$, or 5eri4e5 from, the "atent a""#icant0
(* 1For greater certaint$, a Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e for forfeiture of a "atent "ursuant to Artic#e IA=C@ of the Paris
Con4ention08 NegotiatorAs Note6 .ome Parties consi5er that this footnote ma$ ,e necessar$ to ensure consistenc$
<ith Artic#e IA=C@ of the Paris Con4ention0
(' NegotiatorAs Note6 PE an5 .G are f#e;i,#e <ith ,oth o"tions0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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Without Prejudice
"rocee5ing& %AU2CL2CA2MH2N!2MG2FN2EN2.G2PE "ro"ose6 consistent <ith Artic#e
IA=C@ of the Paris Con4ention0&
Atic"e QQ%E%?: {E2ce)tion$}
Each Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e #imite5 e;ce"tions to the e;c#usi4e rights conferre5 ,$ a "atent,
"ro4i5e5 that such e;ce"tions 5o not unreasona,#$ conf#ict <ith a norma# e;"#oitation of
the "atent an5 5o not unreasona,#$ "re-u5ice the #egitimate interests of the "atent o<ner,
ta9ing account of the #egitimate interests of thir5 "arties0
Atic"e QQ%E%1/

: {E2ce)tion$ / Re3("!to* Re#ie4 E2ce)tion}
%CL2MG o""ose6 Consistent <ith Artic#e DD0E0+ =E;ce"tions@,& if a Part$ "ermits a thir5
"erson to use the su,-ect matter of a su,sisting "atent to %CL o""ose6 generate
information necessar$& to su""ort an a""#ication for mar9eting a""ro4a# of a
"harmaceutica# %CA2MG2FN6 or other& "ro5uct %PE6 an5 an agricu#tura# chemica#
"ro5uct&, that Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that an$ "ro5uct "ro5uce5 un5er such authorit$ sha## not
,e ma5e, use5, so#5 in, %PE6 offere5 for sa#e,& 1or im"orte5 into,8 the territor$ of that
Part$ other than for "ur"oses re#ate5 to %CL o""ose6 generating information to meet& %CL6
meeting& re7uirements for mar9eting a""ro4a# 1of that Part$8 for the "ro5uct 1, an5 each
Part$ ma$ a#so 1a#so8 "ermit 1such8 1a8 "ro5uct1s8 to ,e e;"orte5 outsi5e its territor$
for "ur"oses re#ate5 %CL o""ose6 to generating information& to su""ort an a""#ication for
mar9eting a""ro4a# in the %CL6 e;"orting& Part$ or another countr$08&
O)tion ,:
%N!2CA2.G2CL2MG2EN2FN2AU "ro"ose
6 Consistent <ith %Artic#e DD0E0I
=E;ce"tions@&, each Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that a thir5 "erson ma$ 5o an act that <ou#5
other<ise infringe a "atent if the act is 5one for "ur"oses connecte5 <ith %AU o""ose6 the
co##ection an5 su,mission of 5ata in or5er to com"#$ <ith the regu#ator$ re7uirements of
that Part$ or another countr$, inc#u5ing for "ur"oses connecte5 <ith mar9eting or sanitar$
a""ro4a#0& %AU "ro"ose6 o,taining mar9eting or regu#ator$ a""ro4a# or meeting sanitar$
"ermit re7uirements of that Part$ or another countr$0&&
Atic"e QQ%E%7: {P!tent =i"in3}
Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that <here an in4ention is ma5e in5e"en5ent#$ ,$ more than one
in4entor, an5 se"arate a""#ications c#aiming that in4ention are fi#e5 <ith or for the
re#e4ant authorit$ of the Part$, that Part$ sha## grant the "atent on the a""#ication that is
() NegotiatorAs Note6 CA2MH2AU is sti## consi5ering the o"tions in this "ro4ision0
(C %MH "ro"ose6 For greater c#arit$, the 5uration of the regu#ator$ re4ie< e;ce"tion <i## ,e su,-ect to each Part$As
nationa# #egis#ation0&
(+ NegotiatorAs Note6 '0 Parties focuse5 5iscussion on O"tion ', as a "ossi,#e #an5ing 3one, rather than O"tion )J )0
Consi5er mo4ing O"tion ' =Fo#ar for "harmaceutica#s@ to the Other egu#ate5 Pro5ucts "ro4isions0 For some
countries, that might "otentia##$ remo4e the nee5 to inc#u5e reference to >other "ro5ucts? in the section0J C0
Lou#5 it ,e "ossi,#e to remo4e >generating information necessar$? if the reference to DD0E0+ remaine5QJ +0
Gi4en #ength an5 com"#e;it$ of "aragra"h, cou#5 <e ,rea9 this out into t<o su,"aragra"hsQJ I0 Comment that the
5rafting2structure of the "ro4ision ma9es it a #imiting "ro4ision rather than a more affirmati4e a""roach0
(I NegotiatorAs Note6 MH su""orts in "rinci"#e, "en5ing the 5iscussion on DD0E0'C0
(( NegotiatorAs Note6 Parties 5i5 not 5iscuss O"tion ) in 5etai# as some Parties in5icate5 that it <as not a "ossi,#e
#an5ing 3one0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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Without Prejudice
"atenta,#e an5 that has the ear#iest fi#ing, or if a""#ica,#e, "riorit$ 5ate
, un#ess that
a""#ication has, "rior to "u,#ication, %
&,een <ith5ra<n, a,an5one5 or refuse50
Atic"e QQ%E%9:
Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e "atent a""#icants <ith at #east one o""ortunit$ to ma9e
amen5ments, corrections, an5 o,ser4ations in connection <ith their a""#ications
Atic"e QQ%E%;:
%U.2AU2PE2EN2KP "ro"oseJ CL2MG2FN2CA2.G2MH o""ose6 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e
that a 5isc#osure of a c#aime5 in4ention sha## ,e consi5ere5 to ,e sufficient#$ c#ear an5
com"#ete if it "ro4i5es information that a##o<s the in4ention to ,e ma5e an5 use5 ,$ a
"erson s9i##e5 in the art, <ithout un5ue e;"erimentation, as of the fi#ing 5ate0&
Atic"e QQ%E%<:
%U.2PE2AU2KP2.G2EN "ro"oseJ CL2MG2FN2N!2CA2MH
o""ose6 Each Part$ sha##
"ro4i5e that a c#aime5 in4ention %AU2EN o""ose6 is& %AU2EN "ro"ose6 sha## ,e&
sufficient#$ su""orte5 ,$ its 5isc#osure %AU2KP2.G2EN o""ose6 if the 5isc#osure
reasona,#$ con4e$s to a "erson s9i##e5 in the art that the a""#icant <as in "ossession of
the c#aime5 in4ention& %KP "ro"oseJ EN o""ose6 if the 5isc#osure a##o<s a "erson s9i##e5
in the art to e;ten5 the teaching therein to the entire sco"e of the c#aim& as of the fi#ing
Atic"e QQ%E%1>:
%U.2AU2MH2.G "ro"oseJ
CL2MG2EN2PE2FN2N!2CA o""ose6 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e
that a c#aime5 in4ention is %U.2AU2.G "ro"ose6 usefu#& %MH "ro"ose6 in5ustria##$
a""#ica,#e& if it has a s"ecific %MH "ro"ose6 an5&, su,stantia#, %MH o""ose6 an5 cre5i,#e&
Atic"e QQ%E%11: {P(-"ic!tion o' P!tent A))"ic!tion$}
%AU2PE2N!2MG2CL2EN2U.2CA2MH2FN2KP2.G "ro"ose6 '0 Each Part$ sha##
%U.2MH o""ose6 or ma9e a4ai#a,#e for "u,#ic ins"ection& an$ "atent a""#ication
(/ A Part$ sha## not ,e re7uire5 to a""#$ this "ro4ision in cases in4o#4ing 5eri4ation or in situations in4o#4ing an$
a""#ication that has or ha5 at an$ time at #east one c#aim ha4ing an effecti4e fi#ing 5ate ,efore this Agreement
comes into force or an$ a""#ication that has or ha5 at an$ time a "riorit$ c#aim to an a""#ication that contains or
containe5 such a c#aim0
(: %EN "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, a Part$ ma$ grant the "atent to the su,se7uent a""#ication that is "atenta,#e
an5 that has a fi##ing or "riorit$ 5ate <hich is "rior to the "u,#ication of the ear#ier a""#ication in cases <here the
ear#ier a""#ication has ,een <ith5ra<n, a,an5one5, or refuse5, either "rior to or after its "u,#ication0&
(M Each Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that such amen5ments 5o not go ,e$on5 the sco"e of the 5isc#osure of the in4ention as of
the fi#ing 5ate0
/* NegotiatorAs Note6 MH2.G are <i##ing to acce"t the Artic#e "ro4i5e5 that the sentence ><ithout un5ue
e;"erimentation? is 5e#ete50 N! can go a#ong <ith consensus0
/' NegotiatorAs Note6 KP is consi5ering this "ro4ision0
/) %CA2.G2MG2KP2PE2MH2FN2EN2CL "ro"oseJ U. o""ose6 For the "ur"oses of this .ection %Patents&, >"u,#ish? or
>"u,#ication? inc#u5es ma9ing a4ai#a,#e for "u,#ic ins"ection, <hich ma$ inc#u5e ma9ing a4ai#a,#e on the
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
"rom"t#$ after the e;"ir$ of ': months from its fi#ing 5ate or, if "riorit$ is c#aime5, from
its "riorit$ 5ate, un#ess the a""#ication has ,een "u,#ishe5 ear#ier or has ,een <ith5ra<n,
a,an5one5 or refuse5 %CA2CL2FN2PE "ro"ose6, <ithout #ea4ing an$ rights outstan5ing
%PE "ro"ose6, <here a""#ica,#e&&0&

%U.2KP2MG2.G2CA2PE2FN2CL2MH2N!2EN "ro"ose6 )0 A Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that the
o,#igation in "aragra"h ' 5oes not a""#$ <here the "atent a""#ication6
im"#icates nationa# securit$, %EN o""ose6 "u,#ic safet$, or "u,#ic or5er
%KP2MG2.G2PE2FN2CL "ro"ose6 or mora#it$&&J
%U. "ro"oseJ KP2MG2.G2CA2PE2FN2CL2MH2AU2N!2EN o""ose6 =,@ has ,een issue5 as
a "atentJ
=c@ contains or com"rises 5is"araging or offensi4e su,-ect matterJ
=5@ <as fi#e5 <ith a nonB"u,#ication re7uest, accom"anie5 ,$ the a""#icantAs
certification that the in4ention has not ,een an5 <i## not ,e the su,-ect of an
a""#ication fi#e5 in another countr$, or un5er a mu#ti#atera# internationa#
agreement, that re7uires "u,#ication of a""#icationsJ or
=e@ in4o#4es other e;ce"tiona# cases un5er the Part$As #a<0&&
%AU "ro"ose6 ALT to "aras ' an5 )
'0 ecogni3ing the ,enefits of trans"arenc$ to the "atent s$stem, inc#u5ing ,$
"romoting inno4ation, each Part$ sha## en5ea4or to "u,#ish
%U.2MH o""ose6 or ma9e
a4ai#a,#e for "u,#ic ins"ection& an$ un"u,#ishe5 "en5ing "atent a""#ication "rom"t#$
after the e;"ir$ of ': months from its fi#ing 5ate or, if "riorit$ is c#aime5, from its "riorit$
5ate0 Lhere an a""#ication is not "u,#ishe5 "rom"t#$, Parties sha## ma9e ,est efforts to
"u,#ish such a""#ications or the re#e4ant "atent as soon as "ractica,#e0&
C0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that an a""#icant ma$ re7uest the ear#$ "u,#ication of an
a""#ication "rior to the e;"ir$ of the "erio5 mentione5 in "aragra"h '0
Internet0& %egotiator0s %ote1 A2 support or this 3% is lin#ed to resolution o Article 445A567)8* and subject to
clariication o the use o the &ord Internet5
A#t0 %U. "ro"oseJ EN o""ose6 For the "ur"oses of this .ection %Patents&, >"u,#ish? or >"u,#ication? means
ma9ing a4ai#a,#e on the Internet0&
%egotiator0s %ote1 (ther relevant provisions in 4459 )Patents* are 44595: )priority date re &here publication o
patent application has occurred* and 4459568 )other inormation in respect o published patents to be made
publicly available*5 CA;S. propose to move this 3% to be attached to 44595:5
/C NegotiatorAs Note6 U. su""ort for this "ro4ision is contingent u"on accommo5ating e;ce"tions "ro4i5e5 un5er
U0.0 La<0
/+ %U. "ro"oseJ AU o""ose6 For greater certaint$, this Artic#e 5oes not a""#$ to in5ustria# 5esigns0&
/I NegotiatorAs Note6 AU is sti## consi5ering =a@0
/( %CA2.G2MG2KP2PE2MH2FN2EN2CL "ro"oseJ U. o""ose6 For the "ur"oses of this .ection %Patents&, >"u,#ish? or
>"u,#ication? inc#u5es ma9ing a4ai#a,#e for "u,#ic ins"ection, <hich ma$ inc#u5e ma9ing a4ai#a,#e on the
Internet0& %egotiator0s %ote1 A2 support or this 3% is lin#ed to resolution o Article 445A567)8* and subject to
clariication o the use o the &ord Internet5
A#t0 %U. "ro"oseJ EN o""ose6 For the "ur"oses of this .ection %Patents& , >"u,#ish? or >"u,#ications? means
ma9ing a4ai#a,#e on the Internet0&
%egotiator0s %ote1 (ther relevant provisions in 4459 )Patents* 44595: )priority date re &here publication o
patent application has occurred* and 4459568 )other inormation in respect o published patents to be made
publicly available*< CA;S. propose to move this 3% to be attached to 44595:5
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
Atic"e QQ%E%11bis:
For "u,#ishe5
"atent a""#ications an5 issue5 "atents, an5 in accor5ance <ith the Part$As
re7uirements for "rosecution of such a""#ications an5 "atents, each Part$ sha## ma9e
a4ai#a,#e to the "u,#ic at #east the fo##o<ing information, to the e;tent that such
information is in "ossession of the com"etent authorities an5 is generate5 on or after the
5ate of entr$ into force of the Agreement for that Part$6
=a@ search an5 e;amination resu#ts, inc#u5ing 5etai#s of, or information re#ate5 to,
re#e4ant "rior art searchesJ
=,@ non confi5entia# communications from a""#icants, <here a""ro"riateJ an5
=c@ "atent an5 nonB"atent re#ate5 #iterature citations su,mitte5 ,$ a""#icants, an5
re#e4ant thir5 "arties0
Atic"e QQ%E%1,:
%U.2.G "ro"ose
J CA2N!2MG2EN2CL2PE2MH2AU2FN o""ose6
1O)tion 1: Each Part$, at the re7uest of the "atent o<ner, sha## a5-ust the term of a "atent
to com"ensate for unreasona,#e 5e#a$s that occur in the granting of the "atent08 1O)tion
,: If there are unreasona,#e 5e#a$s in a Part$As issuance of "atents, that Part$ sha## "ro4i5e
the means to, an5 at the re7uest of the "atent o<ner, sha##, a5-ust the term of the "atent to
com"ensate for such 5e#a$s08 For "ur"oses of this 1su,"aragra"h2Artic#e8, an
unreasona,#e 5e#a$ at #east sha## inc#u5e a 5e#a$ in the issuance of 1the8 2 1a8 "atent of
more than four %CL2PE "ro"ose6 fi4e& $ears from the 5ate of fi#ing of the a""#ication in
the territor$ of the Part$, or t<o %KP2CL2PE "ro"ose6 three& $ears after a re7uest for
e;amination of the a""#ication has ,een ma5e, <hiche4er is #ater0 1O)tion 1: Perio5s
attri,uta,#e to actions of the "atent a""#icant %KP "ro"ose6 an5 to -u5icia# or 7uasiB-u5icia#
actions on the "atent a""#ication& nee5 not to ,e inc#u5e5 in the 5etermination of such
5e#a$s08 2 1O)tion ,: For the "ur"oses of this Artic#e, an$ 5e#a$s that occur in the
issuance of a "atent 5ue to "erio5s attri,uta,#e to actions of the "atent a""#icant or an$
o""osing thir5 "erson nee5 not to ,e inc#u5e5 in the 5etermination of such 5e#a$08
%AU2N! o""ose6 An$ "atent term a5-ustment un5er this Artic#e sha## confer a## of the
e;c#usi4e rights of a "atent su,-ect to the same #imitations an5 e;ce"tions that <ou#5
other<ise a""#$ to the "atent a,sent an$ a5-ustment of the "atent term0&& %.G6
& %KP6

// NegotiatorAs Note6 The <or5 >"u,#ishe5? is su,-ect to #arger 5iscussions in this section concerning its sco"e0
/: NegotiatorAs Note6 KP can su""ort this Artic#e if KP "ro"osa#s are acce"te50
/M %.G "ro"ose6 Perio5s attri,uta,#e to actions of the "atent a""#icant sha## inc#u5e such "erio5s of time ta9en to fi#e
"rescri,e5 5ocuments re#ating to the e;amination as "ro4i5e5 in the #a<s of the Part$0&
:* %KP "ro"ose6 Not<ithstan5ing Artic#e DD0A0'', this Artic#e sha## a""#$ to a## "atent a""#ications fi#e5 on or after
%Kanuar$ ', )*'(&0&
:' NegotiatorAs Note6 KP an5 U. to #ea5 <or9 on an a""ro"riate transition "erio5 for Parties <ho 5o not current#$
"ro4i5e such a s$stem0
:) =a@ >DuasiB-u5icia#? is inten5e5 to co4er "rimari#$ "rocesses ,$ "atent a""ea# ,oar5sJ =,@ One Part$ suggeste5
using the "hrase, >or an$ o""osing thir5 "erson? <ithin the sco"e of "ro4isionJ =c@ One Part$ suggeste5 inc#u5ing
"ro4ision on >-u5icia# or 7uasiB-u5icia#? "rocee5ings in a footnoteJ =5@ .ome Parties suggeste5 inc#u5ing
>a5ministrati4e? "rocee5ings, in a55ition to, or in #ieu of >7uasiB-u5icia#0?J =e@ At #east one Part$ e;"resse5 a
concern that this "ro4ision goes ,e$on5 e;isting FTAs0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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Atic"e QQ%E%1/: {A3ic("t(!" C0e8ic!" Po1(ct$}
%MH o""ose6 '0 If a Part$ re7uires, as a con5ition of a""ro4ing the mar9eting 1or
sanitar$ "ermit8 of a ne< agricu#tura# chemica# "ro5uct,
%KP2U. "ro"oseJ
CL2PE2.G2CA2N!2FN2MG2EN o""ose6 inc#u5ing certain ne< uses of the same "ro5uct,&
the su,mission of un5isc#ose5 1information821test or other 5ata8 concerning safet$ or
efficac$ of the "ro5uct, the Part$ sha## not "ermit thir5 "ersons, <ithout the consent of the
"erson <ho "ro4i5e5 the information, to mar9et the same %CL o""ose6 or a simi#ar&
"ro5uct on the ,asis of 1that information, %CL o""ose6 or8 the 1mar9eting8 a""ro4a#
grante5 to the "erson <ho su,mitte5 such 1information821test or other 5ata8&, for at #east
%ten& %fi4e& $ears from the 5ate of the mar9eting a""ro4a# 1of the ne< agricu#tura#
chemica# "ro5uct8 ,$ the Part$0&
%MH2CL o""ose6 )0 If a Part$ "ermits as a con5ition of a""ro4ing the mar9eting of a
ne< agricu#tura# chemica# "ro5uct, thir5 "ersons to su,mit e4i5ence concerning the safet$
or efficac$ of a "ro5uct that <as "re4ious#$ a""ro4e5 in another territor$, such as
e4i5ence of "rior mar9eting a""ro4a#, the Part$ sha## not "ermit thir5 "ersons, <ithout the
consent of the "erson <ho "re4ious#$ su,mitte5 1un5isc#ose58 1information821test or
other 5ata8 concerning safet$ or efficac$, to mar9et the same or a simi#ar "ro5uct on the
,asis of e4i5ence of "rior mar9eting a""ro4a# in another countr$, or 1un5isc#ose58
1information821test or other 5ata8 that has not ,een ma5e "u,#ic#$ a4ai#a,#e
safet$ or efficac$ that <as "re4ious#$ su,mitte5 to o,tain mar9eting a""ro4a# in another
territor$, for at #east %ten& %fi4e& $ears for agricu#tura# chemica# "ro5ucts, from the 5ate of
1first8 mar9eting a""ro4a# 1re#ie5 on821,$ the Part$, or the other territor$, <hiche4er is
%CL "ro"ose6 A#t )0 A Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e for the "ossi,i#it$ of granting mar9eting
a""ro4a# or sanitar$ "ermit for a ne< agricu#tura# chemica# "ro5uct ,ase5 on a "rior
mar9eting a""ro4a# in another territor$0 If a Part$ "ro4i5es for such "ossi,i#it$, the Part$
ma$ a#so re7uire consent or ac7uiescence of a "erson "re4ious#$ su,mitting the
un5isc#ose5 test or other 5ata to o,tain mar9eting a""ro4a# in the other territor$, in or5er
to authori3e a thir5 "erson to mar9et a same or simi#ar "ro5uct in the territor$ of the Part$
for at #east '* $ears from the 5ate of the first mar9eting a""ro4a# of the ne< agricu#tura#
chemica# "ro5uct0&
C0 For the "ur"oses of this Artic#e, a ne< agricu#tura# "ro5uct %CL "ro"ose6 means a
"ro5uct that 5oes not contain or uti#i3e a chemica# entit$ that as ,een "re4ious#$ a""ro4e5
in the Part$0& %CL o""ose6 is one that contains a chemica# entit$ that has not ,een
"re4ious#$ a""ro4e5 in the territor$ of the Part$ for use in an agricu#tura# chemica#
%MH2CL o""ose6 +0 Lhere a Part$ "ro4i5es "rotection un5er "aragra"hs ' an5 ), a
Part$ ma$ re7uire in con-unction <ith "aragra"h ) that the "erson "ro4i5ing the
information in the other territor$ see9 a""ro4a# in the territor$ of the Part$ <ithin fi4e
$ears after o,taining mar9eting a""ro4a# in the other territor$0&
:C EN can su""ort on#$ ,ase5 on "ro4ision of transitiona# "erio5 ,ase5 on factors inc#u5ing #i4ing stan5ar5 of
farmers0 FN <ou#5 a#so re7uire a transition "erio50 Parties are sti## consi5ering certain technica# issues on this
:+ For "ur"oses of this Artic#e, a ne< agrochemica# "ro5uct is one that either =i@ 5oes not contain a chemica# entit$
that has ,een "re4ious#$ a""ro4e5 for mar9eting in the Part$, or for <hich a sanitar$ "ermit has ,een o,taine5 =in
the Part$@ or =ii@ <hich uti#i3es a ne< chemica# entit$ that has not ,een "re4ious#$ a""ro4e5 in the territor$ of the
:I For greater certaint$, information a4ai#a,#e through su,scri"tion ser4ices that are o"en to the "u,#ic to su,scri,e
are consi5ere5 to ,e "u,#ic#$ a4ai#a,#e0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
%MH "ro"ose6
'0 If a Part$ re7uires, as a con5ition of a""ro4ing the mar9eting for a ne<
agricu#tura# chemica# "ro5uct that uti#i3es a ne< chemica# entit$, the su,mission
of un5isc#ose5 test or other 5ata concerning safet$ or efficac$ of that "ro5uct, the
Part$ sha## "rotect against 5isc#osure of such 5ata for at #east fi4e $ears from the
5ate of the mar9eting a""ro4a#, <here the origination of such 5ata in4o#4e
consi5era,#e effort,
of the ne< agricu#tura# chemica# "ro5uct ,$ the Part$,
e;ce"t <here the 5isc#osure is necessar$ to "rotect the "u,#ic or un#ess ste"s are
ta9en to ensure that the 5ata are "rotecte5 against unfair commercia# use0
)0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that for 5ata su,-ect to "aragra"h ' that are su,mitte5 to
the Part$ after the 5ate of entr$ into force of this Agreement, no "erson other than
the "erson that su,mitte5 them ma$, <ithout the #atterAs "ermission, re#$ on such
5ata in su""ort of an a""#ication for "ro5uct a""ro4a# 5uring a reasona,#e "erio5
of time after their su,mission0 For this "ur"ose, a reasona,#e "erio5 sha##
norma##$ mean not #ess than fi4e $ears from the 5ate on <hich the Part$ grante5
a""ro4a# to the "erson that "ro5uce5 the 5ata for a""ro4a# to mar9et its "ro5uct,
ta9ing account of the nature of the 5ata an5 the "ersonAs efforts an5 e;"en5itures
in "ro5ucing them0 .u,-ect to this "ro4ision, there sha## ,e no #imitation on an$
Part$ to im"#ement a,,re4iate5 a""ro4a# "roce5ures for such "ro5ucts on the
,asis of ,ioe7ui4a#ence an5 ,ioa4ai#a,i#it$ stu5ies0
C0 Lhere a Part$ re#ies on a mar9eting a""ro4a# grante5 ,$ another Part$, the
reasona,#e "erio5 of e;c#usi4e use of the 5ata su,mitte5 in connection <ith
o,taining the a""ro4a# re#ie5 on sha## ,egin <ith the 5ate of the first mar9eting
a""ro4a# re#ie5 on0&
:( For greater certaint$, to 5etermine <hether the a""#icant of a mar9eting a""ro4a# ma5e a >consi5era,#e effort? a
Part$ ma$ consi5er the time #ength to o,tain the test 5ata, the num,er of "ersons su,-ecte5 to the re#e4ant tests,
the amount of financia# an5 an$ other t$"e of resource uti#i3e5 to o,tain the 5ata an5 that a significant "art of
such 5ata <as generate5 ,$ the a""#icant0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
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Atic"e QQ%E%,/
: {T!1ition!" Cno4"e13eD T!1ition!" C("t(!" E2)e$$ion$ !n1
Genetic Re$o(ce$}
%PE2N!2EN2FN2MH2.G2CL2MG "ro"ose
6 '0 The Parties recogni3e the im"ortance
an5 contri,ution of tra5itiona# 9no<#e5ge, tra5itiona# cu#tura# e;"ressions, an5 ,io#ogica#
5i4ersit$ to cu#tura#, economic an5 socia# 5e4e#o"ment0&
PE2MG2MH2FN "ro"oseJ N!2AU2.G2CL o""ose6 )0 Each Part$ e;ercises
so4ereignt$ o4er their ,io#ogica# %MG2FN o""ose6 5i4ersit$& %MG2FN "ro"ose6
resources& an5 sha## 5etermine the access con5itions to their genetic resources an5 their
5eri4ati4es in accor5ance to their 5omestic #egis#ation0&
%PE2FN2MG2MH2EN "ro"oseJ AU2.G2CL o""ose6
C0 Lhere nationa# #egis#ation
%MG2FN "ro"ose6 or "o#icies& esta,#ishes such re7uirements, the Parties recogni3e that
users of genetic resources %N!2CA o""ose6 an5 their 5eri4ati4es& %
& or tra5itiona#
9no<#e5ge associate5 <ith generic resources %N!2CA o""ose6 an5 their 5eri4ati4es& %N!
"ro"ose6 ma$& %PE2MG "ro"ose6 sha##&6
=a@ o,tain "rior informe5 consent to access genetic resources %N!2CA
o""ose6 an5 their 5eri4ati4es&J
=,@ access tra5itiona# 9no<#e5ge associate5 <ith generic resources %N!2CA
o""ose6 an5 their 5eri4ati4es& <ith the "rior informe5 consent or
a""ro4a# an5 in4o#4ement of the in5igenous or #oca# communit$ ho#5ing
such 9no<#e5geJ an5
=c@ %FN2MG "ro"ose6 fair#$ an5& e7uita,#$ share the ,enefits arising from
the use of the genetic resources %N!2CA o""ose6 an5 its 5eri4ati4es& an5
tra5itiona# 9no<#e5ge associate5 <ith genetic resources %N!2CA o""ose6
an5 their 5eri4ati4es& on mutua##$ agree5 terms0&
%PE2N!2MH2CL2EN2FN2MG "ro"ose6 +0 The Parties recogni3e that the inte##ectua#
"ro"ert$ s$stem ma$ ,e one "ossi,#e means to "rotect the tra5itiona# 9no<#e5ge
associate5 <ith genetic resources an5 tra5itiona# cu#tura# e;"ressions of in5igenous an5
#oca# communities0&&
%PE2N!2MH2CL2.G2FN2EN2MG2AU "ro"ose6 I0 The Parties sha## en5ea4or to 1"ursue8
7ua#it$ "atent e;amination inc#u5ing a""#ications concerning genetic resources an5
tra5itiona# 9no<#e5ge associate5 <ith generic resources0 This ma$ inc#u5e6
=a@ in 5etermining "rior art, "u,#ic#$ a4ai#a,#e 5ocumente5 information
re#ate5 to genetic resources or tra5itiona# 9no<#e5ge associate5 <ith
genetic resources
ma$ ,e ta9en into accountJ
:/ NegotiatorAs Note6 CA2U. "osition is that DD0E0)C "ro4isions shou#5 ,e a55resse5 in the En4ironment Cha"ter0
The U.2KP o""oses the inc#usion of this Artic#e in this Cha"ter0
:: NegotiatorAs Note6 AU is consi5ering this "aragra"h in #ight of the rest of the Artic#e0
:M NegotiatorAs Note6 A""ro"riate "#acement <ithin the Agreement of "aragra"hs ), C an5 / is un5er consi5eration0
M* NegotiatorAs Note6 N!2CA "refer the issues inc#u5e5 in this "aragra"h to ,e 5iscusse5 in the En4ironment
M' %MH2PE "ro"oseJ CL2MG2.G2AU2N! o""ose6 For greater certaint$ >5eri4ati4e? means a natura##$ occurring
,iochemica# com"oun5 resu#ting from the genetic e;"ression or meta,o#ism of ,io#ogica# or genetic resources,
<ithout human mani"u#ation, e4en if 5oes not contain functiona# units of here5it$0&
M) %PE2MG2FN2EN "ro"oseJ N!2CL2AU2.G2CA o""ose6 For greater certaint$, the term >genetic resources? ma$
a#so encom"ass its 5eri4ati4es0&
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Without Prejudice
=,@ an o""ortunit$ for thir5 "arties to cite, in <riting, to the com"etent
e;amining authorit$ "rior art that ma$ ha4e a ,earing on "atenta,i#it$J
=c@ <here a""#ica,#e an5 a""ro"riate, the use of 5ata,ases or 5igita# #i,raries
containing tra5itiona# 9no<#e5ge associate5 genetic resourcesJ an5
=5@ coo"eration in the training of "atent e;aminers in the e;amination of
"atent a""#ications re#ate5 to genetic resources an5 tra5itiona#
9no<#e5ge associate5 genetic resources0&
%PE2N!2AU2MH2MG2FN2EN2CL2.G "ro"ose6 (0 .u,-ect to each Part$As internationa#
o,#igations each Part$ ma$ esta,#ish a""ro"riate measures to 1res"ect, "reser4e an5
"romote8 1"rotect8 tra5itiona# 9no<#e5ge an5 tra5itiona# cu#tura# e;"ressions0
%PE2MH2FN "ro"oseJ N!2AU2.G2CL o""ose6 /0 Each Part$ <i## ta9e a""ro"riate,
effecti4e an5 "ro"ortionate measures to a55ress situations of nonBcom"#iance <ith
"ro4isions esta,#ishe5 in "aragra"h C0&
%PE2N!2MH2.G2MG2FN2EN2CL "ro"ose6 :0 The Parties sha## en5ea4or to coo"erate
through their res"ecti4e agencies res"onsi,#e for inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ or other re#e4ant
institutions to enhance un5erstan5ing of ho< the inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ s$stem can 5ea#
<ith issues associate5 <ith tra5itiona# 9no<#e5ge, tra5itiona# cu#tura# e;"ressions an5
genetic resources
Note: Pha)a!euti!al Po/isions &e in &ddendu) ,$
MC NegotiatorAs Note6 Pro"onents of this "ro4ision cou#5 ,e f#e;i,#e to mo4e this "ro4ision to Cha"ter AA 1Initial
Provisions8 in or5er to 5ri4e consensus0
M+ NegotiatorAs Note6 Pro"onents of this "aragra"h cou#5 ,e f#e;i,#e to mo4e to .ection F 1Coo"eration8 in or5er to
5ri4e consensus0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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Without Prejudice
Section =: In1($ti!" &e$i3n$
Atic"e QQ%=%1: {In1($ti!" &e$i3n$}
1.u,-ect to8 2 1Lithout "re-u5ice to a Part$As rights an5 o,#igations un5er8 Artic#es )I
an5 )( of the TIP. Agreement, each Part$ sha## ensure a5e7uate an5 effecti4e "rotection
of in5ustria# 5esigns0 The Parties a#so confirm that "rotection for in5ustria# 5esigns is
a4ai#a,#e for 5esigns6
=a@ em,o5ie5 in a "art of an Artic#e, or a#ternati4e#$,
=,@ of a "art of an Artic#e, <here a""ro"riate, ha4ing regar5 to the "art in the conte;t
of the Artic#e as a <ho#e0
%A#ternati4e te;t ,e#o< N for confirmation ,$ Parties&
Atic"e QQ%=%1: {In1($ti!" &e$i3n$}
.u,-ect to Artic#es )I an5 )( of the TIP. Agreement, each Part$ sha## ensure a5e7uate
an5 effecti4e "rotection of in5ustria# 5esigns0 The Parties a#so confirm that "rotection for
in5ustria# 5esigns is a4ai#a,#e for 5esigns6
=a@ em,o5ie5 in a "art of an Artic#e, or a#ternati4e#$,
=,@ of a %EN "ro"ose6 com"onent& "art of an Artic#e, <here a""ro"riate, ha4ing
regar5 to the "art in the conte;t of the Artic#e as <ho#e0
MI NegotiatorAs Note6 N! is sti## consi5ering0
M( NegotiatorAs Note6 N! is sti## consi5ering0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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Without Prejudice
{Section G: Co)*i30t !n1 Re"!te1 Ri30t$}
Atic"e QQ%G%1: {Co)*i30t !n1 Re"!te1 Ri30t$ / Ri30t o' Re)o1(ction}
Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e
that authors, "erformers, an5 "ro5ucers of "honograms
the right
to authori3e or "rohi,it a## re"ro5uctions of their <or9s, "erformances
, an5
"honograms in an$ manner of form, inc#u5ing in e#ectronic form0
Atic"e QQ%G%,: {Co)*i30t / Ri30t o' Co88(nic!tion to t0e P(-"ic}
Lithout "re-u5ice to Artic#es ''='@=ii@, ''bis='@=i@ an5 =ii@, ''ter='@=ii@, '+='@=ii@, an5
'+bis='@ of the Ferne Con4ention, each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e to authors the e;c#usi4e right
to authori3e or "rohi,it the communication to the "u,#ic of their <or9s, ,$ <ire or
<ire#ess means, inc#u5ing the ma9ing a4ai#a,#e to the "u,#ic of their <or9s in such a <a$
that mem,ers of the "u,#ic ma$ access these <or9s from a "#ace an5 a time in5i4i5ua##$
chosen ,$ them0
Atic"e QQ%G%?: {Ri30t o' &i$ti-(tion}
Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e to authors, "erformers, an5 "ro5ucers of "honograms the right to
authori3e or "rohi,it the ma9ing a4ai#a,#e to the "u,#ic of the origina# an5 co"ies
their <or9s, "erformances, an5 "honograms through sa#e or other transfer of o<nershi"0

M/ The Parties reaffirm that it is a matter for each Part$As #a< to "rescri,e that <or9s in genera# or an$ s"ecifie5
categories of <or9s, "erformances an5 "honograms sha## not ,e "rotecte5 ,$ co"$right or re#ate5 rights un#ess
the$ ha4e ,een fi;e5 in some materia# form0
M: eferences to >authors, "erformers, an5 "ro5ucers of "honograms? refer a#so to an$ successors in interest0
MM Lith res"ect to co"$rights an5 re#ate5 rights in this Cha"ter, the >right to authori3e or "rohi,it? an5 the >right to
authori3e? refer to e;c#usi4e rights0
'** Lith res"ect to this Cha"ter, a >"erformance? means a "erformance fi;e5 in a "honogram un#ess other<ise
'*' It is un5erstoo5 that the mere "ro4ision of "h$sica# faci#ities for ena,#ing or ma9ing a communication 5oes not in
itse#f amount to communication <ithin the meaning of this Cha"ter of the Ferne Con4ention0 It is further
un5erstoo5 that nothing in this Artic#e "rec#u5es a Part$ from a""#$ing Artic#e ''bis=)@ of the Ferne Con4ention0
'*) The e;"ressions >co"ies? an5 >origina# an5 co"ies? su,-ect to the right of 5istri,ution in this "aragra"h refer
e;c#usi4e#$ to fi;e5 co"ies that can ,e "ut into circu#ation as tangi,#e o,-ects0
'*C Nothing in this Agreement sha## affect a Part$As right to 5etermine the con5itions, if an$, un5er <hich the
e;haustion of this right a""#ies after the first sa#e or other transfer of o<nershi" of the origina# or a co"$ of their
<or9s, "erformances, or "honograms <ith the authori3ation of the author, "erformer, or "ro5ucer0
'*+ NegotiatorAs Note6 AUAs su""ort for this "ro4ision ma$ ,e contingent on ho< the e;haustion issue is 5ea#t <ith in
Genera# Pro4isions0
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Without Prejudice
Atic"e QQ%G%6: {No Hie!c0*}
Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that in cases <here authori3ation is nee5e5 from ,oth the author
of a <or9 em,o5ie5 in a "honogram an5 a "erformer or "ro5ucer o<ning rights in the
"honogram, the nee5 for the authori3ation of the author 5oes not cease to e;ist ,ecause
the authori3ation of the "erformer or "ro5ucer is a#so re7uire50 Li9e<ise, each Part$ sha##
"ro4i5e that in cases <here authori3ation is nee5e5 from ,oth the author of a <or9
em,o5ie5 in a "honogram an5 a "erformer or "ro5ucer o<ning rights in the "honogram,
the nee5 for the authori3ation of the "erformer or "ro5ucer 5oes not cease to e;ist ,ecause
the authori3ation of the author is a#so re7uire50
Atic"e QQ%G%1?: {Re"!te1 Ri30t$}
'0 Each Part$ sha## accor5 the rights "ro4i5e5 for in this Cha"ter <ith res"ect to
"erformers an5 "ro5ucers of "honograms to the "erformers an5 "ro5ucers of "honograms
<ho are nationa#s of another Part$ an5 to "erformances or "honograms first "u,#ishe5 or
first fi;e5 in the territor$ of another Part$0
A "erformance or "honogram sha## ,e
consi5ere5 first "u,#ishe5 in the territor$ of a Part$ in <hich it is "u,#ishe5 <ithin C*
5a$s of its origina# "u,#ication0
)0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e to "erformers right to authori3e or "rohi,it6
=a@ ,roa5casting an5 communication to the "u,#ic of their unfi;e5
"erformances, e;ce"t <here the "erformance is a#rea5$ a ,roa5cast
"erformanceJ an5
=,@ fi;ation of their unfi;e5 "erformances0
%CA o""ose6
=a@ Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e to "erformers an5 "ro5ucers of "honograms the
right to authori3e or "rohi,it the ,roa5casting or an$ communication to
the "u,#ic of their "erformances or "honograms, ,$ <ire or <ire#ess

%KP2U. "ro"ose6
&, an5 the ma9ing a4ai#a,#e to the "u,#ic
of those "erformances an5 "honograms in such a <a$ that mem,ers of
the "u,#ic ma$ access them from a "#ace an5 at a time in5i4i5ua##$
chosen ,$ them0
'*I For greater certaint$, in this "aragra"h <ith res"ect to "erformances or "honograms first "u,#ishe5 or first fi;e5
in the territor$ of a Part$, a Part$ ma$ a""#$ the criterion of "u,#ication, or a#ternati4e#$, the criterion of fi;ation,
or ,oth0 %KP "ro"ose6 A Part$ ma$ a#so com"#$ <ith its o,#igation un5er this Paragra"h ,$ #egis#ating that
"erformers are "rotecte5 to the e;tent "ro4i5e5 for in Artic#e C of the LPPT0&
'*( For "ur"oses of this Artic#e, fi;ation means the fina#i3ation of the master ta"e or its e7ui4a#ent0
'*/ Lith res"ect to ,roa5casting an5 communication to the "u,#ic, a Part$ ma$ satisf$ the o,#igation ,$ a""#$ing
Artic#e 'I='@ an5 'I=+@ of the LPPT %an5 ma$ a#so a""#$ Artic#e 'I=)@& of the LPPT, as #ong as it is 5one in a
manner consistent <ith that Part$As o,#igations un5er Artic#e DD0A0/ =Nationa# Treatment@0
'*: %CA2U.2AU2.G2N!2MH "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, ma9ing the soun5s or re"resentation of soun5s fi;e5 in a
"honogram au5i,#e to the "u,#ic is not inc#u5e5 in this right, e;ce"t <here 5one ,$ <ire or <ire#ess means0& 22
%Possi,#e A#t0 Te;t6 For greater certaint$, the mere act of ma9ing the soun5s or re"resentations of soun5s fi;e5 in
a "honogram au5i,#e to the "u,#ic is not inc#u5e5 in this right0& NegotiatorAs Note6 CA "ro"oses to 5o a<a$ <ith
this footnote entire#$ if the )
sentence in DD0G0'I=,@ is a#so 5ro""e50
'*M %KP2U. "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, ,roa5casting or communicating to the "u,#ic the soun5s or re"resentation
of soun5s incor"orate5 in a cinematogra"hic or other au5io4isua# <or9 ,$ <ire or <ire#ess means is not inc#u5e5
in this right0&
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Without Prejudice
=,@ Not<ithstan5ing su,"aragra"h =a@ an Artic#e %DD0G0'(& %three step test&,
the a""#ication of this right to ana#og transmissions an5 nonBinteracti4e
free o4erBtheBair ,roa5casts0 %CA "ro"ose6 an5 to the retransmission of
"honograms& an5 e;ce"tions or #imitations to this right for such
acti4ities, sha## ,e a matter of each Part$As #a<0&
%CA "ro"ose6 A#t C0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e to "erformers an5 "ro5ucers of
"honograms the rights to authori3e or "rohi,it6
=a@ the ,roa5casting or an$ communication to the "u,#ic of their
"erformances or "honogramsJ an5
=,@ the ma9ing a4ai#a,#e to the "u,#ic, ,$ <ire or <ire#ess means, of their
"erformances an5 "honograms in such a <a$ that mem,ers of the "u,#ic
ma$ access them from a "#ace an5 at a time in5i4i5ua##$ chosen ,$ them0
Lhere, u"on the 5ata of signature of this Agreement, the right in su,"aragra"h =a@ has not
,een im"#emente5 ,$ a Part$, the re7uirement ma$ ,e satisfie5 ,$ "ro4i5ing a right to a
sing#e e7uita,#e remuneration for the 5irect or in5irect use of "honograms "u,#ishe5
commercia# "ur"oses for ,roa5casting or for an$ communication to the "u,#ic0
Atic"e QQ%G%166 For "ur"oses of this %Artic#e DD0G0' an5 Artic#e DD0G0C N ':&, the
fo##o<ing 5efinitions a""#$ <ith res"ect to "erformers an5 "ro5ucers of "honograms6
=a@ >,roa5casting? means the transmission ,$ <ire#ess means for "u,#ic rece"tion of
soun5s or of images an5 soun5s or of the re"resentations thereofJ such
transmission ,$ sate##ite is a#so >,roa5casting?J transmission of encr$"te5 signa#s
is >,roa5casting? <here the means for 5ecr$"ting are "ro4i5e5 to the "u,#ic ,$
the ,roa5casting organi3ation or <ith its consentJ
=,@ >communication to the "u,#ic? of a "erformance or a "honogram means the
transmission to the "u,#ic ,$ an$ me5ium, other than ,$ ,roa5casting, of soun5s
of a "erformance or the soun5s or the re"resentations of soun5s fi;e5 in a
"honogram0 For "ur"oses of "aragra"h %C&%DD0G0'+0C&, >communication to the
"u,#ic? inc#u5es ma9ing the soun5s or re"resentations of soun5s fi;e5 in a
"honogram au5i,#e to the "u,#icJ
=c@ >fi;ation? means the em,o5iment of soun5s, or of the re"resentations thereof,
from <hich the$ can ,e "ercei4e5, re"ro5uce5, or communicate5 through a
=5@ >"erformers? means actors, singers, musicians, 5ancers, an5 other "ersons <ho
act, sing, 5e#i4er, 5ec#aim, "#a$ in, inter"ret, or other<ise "erform #iterar$ or
artistic <or9s or e;"ressions of fo#9#oreJ

''* The term "u,#ishe5 in this "aragra"h inc#u5es "honograms that are ma5e a4ai#a,#e in accor5ance <ith Artic#e
'I=+@ of the LPPT0
''' Lhere a Part$ has a4ai#e5 itse#f of an o"tion containe5 in Artic#e 'I=C@ of the LPPT, the o,#igation containe5 in
%DD0A0/ N nationa# treatment& 5oes not a""#$ to the e;tent that a Part$ ma9es use of a reser4ation ta9en un5er
that Artic#e0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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Without Prejudice
=e@ >"honogram? means the fi;ation of the soun5s of a "erformance or of other
soun5s, or of a re"resentation of soun5s, other than in the form of a fi;ation
incor"orate5 in a cinematogra"hic or other au5io4isua# <or9J
=f@ >"ro5ucer of a "honogram? means the "erson <ho, or the #ega# entit$ <hich,
ta9es the initiati4e an5 has the res"onsi,i#it$ for the first fi;ation of the soun5s of
a "erformance or other soun5s, or the re"resentations of soun5sJ an5
=g@ >"u,#ication of a "erformance or a "honogram? means the offering of co"ies of
the "erformance or the "honogram to the "u,#ic, <ith the consent of the
rightho#5er, an5 "ro4i5e5 that co"ies are offere5 to the "u,#ic in reasona,#e
Atic"e QQ%G%7:
Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that, <here the term of "rotection of a <or9 =inc#u5ing a
"hotogra"hic <or9@, "erformance, or "honogram is to ,e ca#cu#ate5
=a@ on the ,asis of the #ife of a natura# "erson, the term sha## not ,e #ess than the #ife
of the author an5 %I*& %/*& %'**& after the authorAs 5eathJ an5
=,@ on a ,asis other than the #ife of a natura# "erson, the term sha## ,e6
i0 not #ess than %I*& %/*& %/I& %MI& $ears from the en5 of the ca#en5ar $ear of
the first authori3e5 "u,#ication of the <or9, "erformance, or "honogram, or
ii0 fai#ing such authori3e5 "u,#ication <ithin %)I& %I*& $ears from the creation
of the <or9, "erformance, or "honogram, not #ess than %I*& %/*& %'**& %')*&
$ears from the en5 of the ca#en5ar $ear of the creation of the <or9,
"erformance, or "honogram0
%KP "ro"ose6 Not<ithstan5ing Artic#e DD0A0/0', a Part$ ma$ #imit the term
"ro4i5e5 to authors of another Part$ %MG "ro"ose6 or countr$& to the term
"ro4i5e5 to authors un5er the #egis#ation of the other Part$ %MG "ro"ose6 or
Atic"e QQ%G%;: {@ene 1;}
Each Part$ sha## a""#$ Artic#e ': of the Ferne Con4ention for the Protection of Literar$
an5 Artistic Lor9s ='M/'@ =Ferne Con4ention@ an5 Artic#e '+0( of the TIP. Agreement,
mutatis mutandis, to <or9s, "erformances an5 "honograms, an5 the rights in an5
"rotections affor5e5 to that su,-ect matter as re7uire5 ,$ .ection G0
'') NegotiatorAs Note6 CA to "ro"ose footnote on con5itions0
''C %CA "ro"ose6 Artic#es / an5 /bis of the Ferne Con4ention a""#$ mutatis mutandis, <ith the e;ce"tion of the
"ro4isions of Artic#e /=+@, in res"ect to "hotogra"hic <or9s0&
''+ NegotiatorAs Note6 MG agrees ,ut reser4es the right to re4isit <here there are changes to certain "ositions on
su,stanti4e o,#igations in the Co"$right .ection, if re7uire50
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
Atic"e QQ%G%17: {Li8it!tion$ !n1 E2ce)tion$}
=a@ Lith res"ect to .ection G, each Part$ sha## confine #imitations or e;ce"tions to
e;c#usi4e rights to certain s"ecia# cases that 5o not conf#ict <ith a norma#
e;"#oitation of the <or9, "erformance, or "honogram, an5 5o not unreasona,#$
"re-u5ice the #egitimate interests of the right ho#5er0
=,@ Artic#e DD0G0'(=a@ neither re5uces nor e;ten5s the sco"e of a""#ica,i#it$ of the
#imitations an5 e;ce"tions "ermitte5 ,$ the TIP. Agreement, the Ferne
Con4ention, %EN "ro"oseJ U.2.G o""ose6 the ome Con4ention,& the LIPO
Co"$right Treat$, an5 the LIPO Performances an5 Phonograms Treat$0
Atic"e QQ%G%Y: {Li8it!tion$ !n1 E2ce)tion$}
Each Part$ sha## en5ea4or to achie4e an a""ro"riate ,a#ance in its co"$right an5 re#ate5
rights s$stem, inter alia ,$ means of #imitations or e;ce"tions that are consistent <ith
Artic#e DD0G0'(0', inc#u5ing those for the 5igita# en4ironment, gi4ing 5ue consi5eration
to #egitimate "ur"oses such as, ,ut not #imite5 to6 criticism, comment, ne<s re"orting,
teaching, scho#arshi", research, an5 other simi#ar "ur"osesJ an5 faci#itating access to %AU
o""ose6 "u,#ishe5& <or9s for "ersons <ho are ,#in5, 4isua##$ im"aire5, or other<ise "rint
%AU "ro"ose6 or "erce"tua##$& 5isa,#e50

Atic"e QQ%G%JJ: {Intenet Ret!n$8i$$ion}
%U.2.G2PE "ro"ose6 CL2EN2MG2N!2MH2CA2FN2KP o""ose6 No Part$ ma$ "ermit the
retransmission of te#e4ision signa#s =<hether terrestria#, ca,#e, or sate##ite@ on the Internet
<ithout the authori3ation of the right ho#5er or right ho#5ers of the content of the signa#
%.G o""ose6 an5, if an$, of the signa#&0
FN attache5 to DD0G0)6 A Part$ ma$ not #imit this right in or5er to "ro4i5e for a
com"u#sor$ remuneration regime in cases <here an o4er the air signa# containing an
au5io4isua# <or9 is transmitte5 on the Internet0&
''I NegotiatorAs Note6 De#egations are consi5ering the re#ationshi" ,et<een Artic#e DD0G0'(=,@ an5 ne< mu#ti#atera#
agreements conc#u5e5 un5er the aus"ices of LIPO an5 the agreements #iste5 in Artic#e DD0G0'(=,@0 De#egations
<i## <or9 to reso#4e this issue in Artic#e DD0A0( =Genera# Pro4isions N re#ationshi" to other agreements@ or
''( 1In "articu#ar,8 As recogni3e5 ,$ the Marra9esh Treat$ to Faci#itate Access to Pu,#ishe5 Lor9s for Persons Lho
Are F#in5, Eisua##$ Im"aire5, or Other<ise Print Disa,#e5 =Kune )/, )*'C@0
''/ For "ur"oses of greater c#arit$, a use that has commercia# as"ects ma$ in a""ro"riate circumstances ,e consi5ere5
to ha4e a #egitimate "ur"ose un5er Artic#e DD0G0'(0C0
'': For "ur"oses of this Artic#e an5 for greater certaint$, retransmission <ithin a Part$As territor$ o4er a c#ose5,
5efine5, su,scri,er net<or9 that is not accessi,#e from outsi5e the Part$As territor$ 5oes not constitute
retransmission on the Internet0
''M NegotiatorAs Note6 PE is consi5ering the use of the <or9 >emissions? in a55ition to >signa#s? as an a#ternati4e0
')* NegotiatorAs Note6 If this a#ternati4e is use5, it is un5erstoo5 that there ma$ ,e changes re7uire5 in this #anguage0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
Atic"e QQ%G%<: {Cont!ct(!" T!n$'e$}
Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that for co"$right an5 re#ate5 rights, an$ "erson ac7uiring or
ho#5ing an$ economic right
in a <or9, %.G2FN2MG2EN o""ose6 "erformance,& or
=a@ ma$ free#$ an5 se"arate#$ transfer that right ,$ contractJ an5
=,@ ,$ 4irtue of a contract, inc#u5ing contracts of em"#o$ment un5er#$ing the
creation of <or9s, %.G2FN2MG2EN o""ose6 "erformances,& an5 "honograms,
sha## ,e a,#e to e;ercise that right in that "ersonAs o<n name an5 en-o$ fu##$ the
,enefits 5eri4e5 from that right0
Atic"e QQ%G%G: {No =o8!"itie$ R("e}
No Part$ ma$ su,-ect the en-o$ment an5 e;ercise of the rights of authors, "erformers an5
"ro5ucers of "honograms "ro4i5e5 for in this Cha"ter to an$ forma#it$0
Atic"e QQ%G%1>: {Tec0no"o3ic!" Potection :e!$(e$}

=a@ In or5er to "ro4i5e a5e7uate #ega# "rotection an5 effecti4e #ega# reme5ies against
the circum4ention of effecti4e techno#ogica# measures that authors, "erformers,
an5 "ro5ucers of "honograms use in connection <ith the e;ercise of their rights
an5 that restrict unauthori3e5 acts in res"ect of their <or9s, "erformances, an5
each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that an$ "erson <ho6
i0 9no<ing#$ %MH "ro"ose6, or <ith res"ect to ci4i# reme5ies& %CL o""ose6, or
ha4ing reasona,#e groun5s to 9no<,& circum4ents <ithout authorit$ an$ %MG
"ro"ose6 such& effecti4e techno#ogica# measure %MG o""ose6 that contro#s access
to a "rotecte5 <or9,
"erformance, or "honogram&J
')' For greater certaint$, this "ro4ision 5oes not affect the e;ercise of mora# rights0
')) Nothing in this Artic#e affects a Part$As a,i#it$ to esta,#ish6 =i@ <hich s"ecific contracts un5er#$ing the creation of
<or9s or "honograms sha##, in the a,sence of a <ritten agreement, resu#t in a transfer of economic rights ,$
o"eration of #a<J an5 =ii@ reasona,#e #imits to "rotect the interests of the origina# right ho#5ers, ta9ing into account
the #egitimate interests of the transferees0
')C Nothing in this Agreement sha## re7uire an$ Part$ to restrict the im"ortation or 5omestic sa#e of a 5e4ice that 5oes
not ren5er effecti4e a techno#ogica# measure the so#e "ur"ose of <hich is to contro# mar9et segmentation for
#egitimate "h$sica# co"ies of cinematogra"hic fi#m, an5 is not other<ise a 4io#ation of #a<0
')+ NegotiatorAs Note6 MG an5 EN o""ose man5ator$ a""#ication of this Artic#e to access contro# TPMs0 N!2CAAs
agreement to this Artic#e is su,-ect to securing sufficient f#e;i,i#it$ to a5o"t e;ce"tions an5 #imitations to the
"rohi,ition on circum4ention for non infringing uses0 CL reser4es its "osition on the a""roach set out in
"aragra"h =5@ "en5ing nationa# consu#tations an5 ma$ su""ort the a""roach in the conso#i5ate5 te;t0
')I 1AU2N! "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, nothing sha## "re4ent a Part$ from #imiting >unauthori3e5 acts in res"ect
of their <or9s, "erformances, an5 "honograms? to infringing acts, <here a""ro"riate, su,-ect to an$ other
1reme5ies2#ia,i#it$8 a4ai#a,#e un5er the Part$As #a<08
')( For greater certaint$, in this Cha"ter, cinematogra"hic <or9s an5 com"uter "rograms are inc#u5e5 in the term
><or9?0 Chair0s %ote1 2ltimate placement o this 3% to be determined based on &hen the &ord =&or#s> irst
appears in this Chapter as this is a cross+section issue5
')/ For greater certaint$, no Part$ is re7uire5 to im"ose ci4i# or crimina# #ia,i#it$ un5er su,"aragra"h =a@=i@ for a
"erson <ho circum4ents an$ effecti4e techno#ogica# measure that %MG o""ose6 "rotects an$ of the e;c#usi4e
rights of co"$right or re#ate5 rights in a "rotecte5 <or9, "erformance or "honogram, ,ut that 5oes not contro#
access to such <or9, "erformance or "honogram0&
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
ii0 manufactures, im"orts, 5istri,utes
, offers for sa#e or renta# to the "u,#ic, or
other<ise "ro4i5es 5e4ices, "ro5ucts, or com"onents, or offer to the "u,#ic or
"ro4i5ers ser4ices, that6
A@ are "romote5, a54ertise5, or other<ise mar9ete5 ,$ that "erson
for the
"ur"ose of circum4enting an$ effecti4e techno#ogica# measure,
F@ ha4e on#$ a #imite5 commercia##$ significant "ur"ose or use other than to
circum4ent an$ effecti4e techno#ogica# measure
, or
C@ are "rimari#$ 5esigne5, "ro5uce5, or "erforme5 for the "ur"ose of
circum4enting an$ effecti4e techno#ogica# measure,
sha## ,e #ia,#e an5 su,-ect to the reme5ies set out in %Artic#e DD0H0+0'/ =Ci4i#
Ku5icia# Procee5ings re#ating to TPMs an5 MIs@
Each Part$ %U.2CA2.G2N!2MH2PE2AU2FN2KP2CL "ro"ose6 sha##& %EN2MG
"ro"ose6 ma$& "ro4i5e for crimina# "roce5ures an5 "ena#ties to ,e a""#ie5 <here
an$ "erson is foun5 to ha4e engage5 <i##fu##$
an5 for the "ur"oses of
commercia# a54antage or financia# gain
in an$ of the a,o4e acti4ities0
Each Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that such crimina# "roce5ures an5 "ena#ties 5o not a""#$
to a nonB"rofit #i,rar$, museum archi4e, e5ucationa# institution, or "u,#ic nonB
commercia# ,roa5casting entit$0 A Part$ ma$ a#so "ro4i5e that the reme5ies set
out in Artic#e DD0H0+0'/ =Ci4i# Ku5icia# Procee5ings re#ating to TPMs an5 MIs@
5o not a""#$ to those same entities "ro4i5e5 that the a,o4e acti4ities are carrie5
out in goo5 faith <ithout 9no<#e5ge that the con5uct is "rohi,ite50
=,@ In im"#ementing su,"aragra"h =a@, no Part$ sha## ,e o,#igate5 to re7uire that the
5esign of, or the 5esign an5 se#ection of "arts an5 com"onents for, a consumer
e#ectronics, te#ecommunications, or com"uting "ro5uct "ro4i5e for a res"onse to
an$ "articu#ar techno#ogica# measure, so #ong as the "ro5uct 5oes not other<ise
4io#ate an$ measure im"#ementing su,"aragra"h =a@0
%CL o""ose6 =c@ Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that a 4io#ation of a measure im"#ementing this
"aragra"h is in5e"en5ent of an$ infringement that might occur un5er the Part$As #a< on
co"$right an5 re#ate5 rights0&
'): %MG "ro"ose6 A Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that the o,#igations 5escri,e5 in "aragra"h =ii@ in res"ect to manufacturing,
im"ortation, an5 5istri,ution a""#$ on#$ <here such acti4ities are un5erta9en for sa#e or renta#, or to such an
e;tent as to affect "re-u5icia##$ the o<ner of the co"$right0&
')M It is un5erstoo5 that this "ro4ision sti## a""#ies <here the "erson "romotes, a54ertises, or mar9ets through the
ser4ices of a thir5 "art$0
'C* A Part$ ma$ com"#$ <ith this "aragra"h if the con5uct referre5 to in =ii@ 5oes not ha4e a commercia##$ significant
"ur"ose or use other than to circum4ent an$ effecti4e techno#ogica# measure0
'C' NegotiatorAs Note6 PartiesA "osition on this reference is "en5ing reso#ution of the 5iscussion on DD0H0+0'/ =Ci4i#
Ku5icia# Procee5ings re#ating to TPMs an5 MIs@0
'C) For great certaint$, for "ur"oses of Artic#es DD0G0'* an5 DD0G0'C, it is un5erstoo5 that <i##fu#ness contains a
9no<#e5ge e#ement0
'CC For greater certaint$, for "ur"oses of Artic#es DD0G0'* an5 DD0G0'C, it is un5erstoo5 that a Part$ ma$ treat
>financia# gain? as >commercia# "ur"oses? in its #a<0
'C+ For "ur"oses of greater certaint$, no Part$ is re7uire5 to im"ose #ia,i#it$ un5er Artic#es %DD0G0'* =TPMs@& an5
%DD0G0'C =MIs@& for actions ta9en ,$ that Part$ or a thir5 "art$ acting <ith the authori3ation or consent of that
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
=5@ =i@ Each Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e MG2MH2PE o""ose6 certain& e;ce"tions an5 #imitations
to the measures im"#ementing su,"aragra"hs =a@=i@ an5 =ii@ in or5er to ena,#e
nonBinfringing uses <here there is an actua# or #i9e#$ a54erse im"act of those
measures on those nonBinfringing uses, as 5etermine5 through a #egis#ati4e,
regu#ator$, or a5ministrati4e "rocess in accor5ance <ith the Part$As #a<, gi4ing
5ue consi5eration to e4i5ence <hen "resente5 in that "rocess, inc#u5ing <ith
res"ect to <hether a""ro"riate an5 effecti4e measures ha4e ,een ta9en ,$ rights
ho#5ers to ena,#e the ,eneficiaries to en-o$ the #imitation s an5 e;ce"tions un5er
that Part$As #a< %in accor5ance <ith Artic#e DD0G0'(& %CL "ro"ose6, as <e## as
the e4i5ence "resente5 ,$ the ,eneficiaries <ith res"ect to the necessit$ of the
creation of such e;ce"tion an5 #imitation&
=ii@ An$ e;ce"tions an5 #imitations to the measures im"#ementing su,"aragra"h %CL
"ro"ose6 a=i@ an5& =a@=ii@ sha## ,e "ermitte5 so#e#$ to ena,#e the #egitimate use of
an e;ce"tion or #imitation "ermissi,#e un5er Artic#e DD0G0'* =TPMs@ ,$ its
inten5e5 ,eneficiaries %CA "ro"ose6
& an5 %CL "ro"ose6 in the case of
su,"aragra"h =a@=ii@& sha## not authori3e the ma9ing a4ai#a,#e of 5e4ices,
"ro5ucts, com"onents, or ser4ices ,e$on5 such inten5e5 ,eneficiaries0
=iii@ %N!2CA2FN "ro"ose6 Paragra"h =5@=i@ an5 =ii@ sha## not ,e use5 ,$ a Part$ to
un5ermine& %U. "ro"ose6 F$ "ro4i5ing e;ce"tions an5 #imitations un5er
"aragra"h 5=i@ an5 =ii@ a Part$ sha## not 1im"air821un5ermine8& the a5e7uac$ of
that Part$As %MG "ro"ose6 o4era##& #ega# 1frame<or98 2 1s$stem8 2 1regime8 for
the "rotection of effecti4e techno#ogica# measures, or the effecti4eness of #ega#
reme5ies against the circum4ention of such measures, that authors, "erformers, or
"ro5ucers of "honograms use in connection <ith the e;ercise of their rights, or
that restrict unauthori3e5 acts in res"ect of their <or9s, "erformances or
"honograms, as "ro4i5e5 for in this Cha"ter0 %CL "ro"ose6
%MG o""ose6 =e@ >Effecti4e techno#ogica# measure? means an$ effecti4e techno#og$,
5e4ice or com"onent that, in the norma# course of its o"eration, contro#s access to a
"rotecte5 <or9, "erformance or "honogram, or "rotects %CA "ro"ose6 co"$right or
re#ate5& rights re#ate5 to a <or9, "erformance or "honogram %CL "ro"ose, CA o""ose6,
an5 cannot, in a usua# case, ,e circum4ente5 acci5enta##$&0&
'CI NegotiatorAs Note6 Agreement a5 referen5um on ,rac9ete5 te;tJ further technica# <or9 re7uire50
'C( For greater certaint$, nothing in this "ro4ision re7uires Parties to ma9e a ne< 5etermination 4ia the #egis#ati4e,
regu#ator$, or a5ministrati4e "rocess <ith res"ect to e;ce"tions an5 #imitations to the #ega# "rotection of effecti4e
techno#ogica# measures "re4ious#$ %esta,#ishe5 in tra5e agreements in force ,et<een Parties or& im"#emente5 ,$
the Parties, %"ro4i5e5 that such e;ce"tions an5 #imitations are other<ise consistent <ith Artic#e DD0G0'*=5@0& =ref
DD0A0''=C@@ =agreement a5 referen5umJ further technica# <or9 re7uire5@0
'C/ %CA "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, a Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e an e;ce"tion to a=ii@ <ithout ha4ing to "ro4i5e a
corres"on5ing e;ce"tion to a=i@, "ro4i5e5 that the e;ce"tion to a=ii@ is #imite5 to ena,#ing an act that is <ithin the
sco"e for e;ce"tions to a=i@ un5er 5=i@0&
'C: For the "ur"oses of inter"reting su,"aragra"h 5=ii@ on#$, su,"aragra"h a=i@ shou#5 ,e rea5 to a""#$ to a## effecti4e
techno#ogica# measures as 5efine5 in "aragra"h =e@, mutatis mutandis0 NegotiatorAs Note6 agreement a5
referen5um on this footnoteJ further technica# <or9 re7uire50
'CM %CL "ro"ose6 It is un5erstoo5 that the circum4ention of a techno#ogica# "rotection measure ma$ ,e "ermitte5
so#e#$ to ena,#e the #egitimate use of an e;ce"tion or #imitation un5er each Part$As 5omestic #a<0&
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
Atic"e QQ%G%1/: {Co)*i30t !n1 Re"!te1 Ri30t$ / Ri30t$ :!n!3e8ent In'o8!tion}
In or5er to "ro4i5e a5e7uate an5 effecti4e #ega# reme5ies to "rotect rights management
=a@ each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that an$ "erson <ho <ithout authorit$, an5 9no<ing, or,
<ith res"ect to ci4i# reme5ies, ha4ing reasona,#e groun5s to 9no<, that it <ou#5
in5uce, ena,#e, faci#itate or concea# an infringement of the co"$right or re#ate5
right of authors, "erformers, or "ro5ucers of "honograms,
=i@ 9no<ing#$
remo4es or a#ters an$ rights management informationJ
%U.2FN2.G2N!2PE2CL2KP2AU2MH "ro"oseJ CA2MG2EN o""ose6 =ii@
9no<ing#$ 5istri,utes or im"orts for 5istri,ution rights management
information 9no<ing that the rights management information has ,een a#tere5
<ithout authorit$
J& or
=iii@ 9no<ing#$ 5istri,utes, im"orts for 5istri,ution, ,roa5casts,
communicates or ma9es a4ai#a,#e to the "u,#ic co"ies of <or9s, "erformances, or
"honograms, 9no<ing that rights management information has ,een remo4e5 or
a#tere5 <ithout authorit$,
sha## ,e #ia,#e an5 su,-ect to the reme5ies set out in %Artic#e DD0H0+='/@0&
Each Part$ %U.2.G2MH2N!2PE2KP2FN2AU2CL2MG "ro"ose6 sha##& %EN2CA
"ro"ose6 ma$& "ro4i5e for crimina# "roce5ures an5 "ena#ties to ,e a""#ie5 <here
an$ "erson is foun5 to ha4e engage5 <i##fu##$ an5 for "ur"oses of commercia#
a54antage or financia# gain in an$ of the a,o4e acti4ities0
Each Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that such crimina# "roce5ures an5 "ena#ties 5o not a""#$
to a nonB"rofit #i,rar$, museum, archi4e, e5ucationa# institution, or "u,#ic nonB
commercia# ,roa5casting entit$0
=,@ For greater certaint$, nothing "re4ents a Part$ from e;c#u5ing #a<fu##$
authori3e5 acti4ities carrie5 out for the "ur"ose of #a< enforcement, essentia#
securit$ interests, %MG "ro"ose6 "erforming statutor$ functions,& or other
go4ernmenta# "ur"oses, from measures im"#ementing su,"aragra"h =a@0
=c@ >ights management information? means6
i0 information that i5entifies a <or9, "erformance, or "honogram, the author of
the <or9, the "erformer of the "erformance, or the "ro5ucer of the
"honogramJ or the o<ner of an$ right in the <or9, "erformance, or
'+* Each Part$ ma$ com"#$ <ith the o,#igations in this Artic#e ,$ "ro4i5ing #ega# "rotection on#$ to e#ectronic rights
management information0
'+' Each Part$ ma$ e;ten5 the "rotections affor5e5 ,$ this "aragra"h to circumstances in <hich a "erson engages
<ithout 9no<#e5ge in the acts in su,"aragra"h =i@, =ii@, an5 =iii@, an5 to other re#ate5 rights ho#5ers0
'+) A Part$ ma$ com"#$ <ith its o,#igations un5er this su,B"aragra"h ,$ "ro4i5ing for ci4i# -u5icia# "rocee5ings
concerning the enforcement of mora# rights un5er the Part$As co"$right #a<0
'+C NegotiatorAs Note6 PartiesA "osition on this reference is "en5ing reso#ution of the 5iscussion on DD0H0+='/@0
'++ For greater certaint$, a Part$ ma$ treat a ,roa5casting entit$ esta,#ishe5 <ithout a "rofitBma9ing "ur"ose un5er its
#a< as a "u,#ic nonBcommercia# ,roa5casting entit$0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
ii0 information a,out the terms an5 con5itions of the use of the <or9,
"erformance, or "honogramJ or
iii0 an$ num,ers or co5es that re"resent such information,
<hen an$ of these items of information is attache5 to a co"$ of the <or9,
"erformance, or "honogram or a""ears in connection <ith the communication or
ma9ing a4ai#a,#e of a <or9, "erformance or "honogram, to the "u,#ic0
=5@ For greater certaint$, nothing in this Artic#e sha## o,#igate a Part$ to re7uire the
o<ner of an$ right in the <or9, "erformance, or "honogram to attach rights
management information to co"ies of the <or9, "erformance, or "honogram, or
to cause rights management information to a""ear in connection <ith a
communication of the <or9, "erformance, or "honogram to the "u,#ic0
Atic"e QQ%G%1;: {Co""ecti#e :!n!3e8ent}
The Parties recogni3e the im"ortant ro#e of co##ecti4e management societies for co"$right
an5 re#ate5 rights in co##ecting an5 5istri,uting ro$a#ties
,ase5 on "ractices that are fair,
efficient, trans"arent an5 accounta,#e, an5 <hich ma$ inc#u5e a""ro"riate recor5 9ee"ing
an5 re"orting mechanisms0
'+I For greater certaint$, ro$a#ties ma$ inc#u5e e7uita,#e remuneration0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
{Section H: En'oce8ent}
Atic"e QQ%H%1: {Gene!" En'oce8ent / Gene!" O-"i3!tion$ Re"!tin3 to t0e
En'oce8ent o' L!4 o' Inte""ect(!" Po)et* Ri30t$}
'0 Each Part$ sha## ensure that enforcement "roce5ures are s"ecifie5 in this section,
are a4ai#a,#e un5er its #a<
so as to "ermit effecti4e action against an$ act of
infringement of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights co4ere5 ,$ this Cha"ter, inc#u5ing
e;"e5itious reme5ies to "re4ent infringements an5 reme5ies <hich constitute a
5eterrent to future infringements %PE2CL "ro"ose6
&0 These "roce5ures sha## ,e
a""#ie5 in such a manner as to a4oi5 the creation of ,arriers to #egitimate tra5e
an5 to "ro4i5e for safeguar5s against their a,use0
)0 %U.2N!2MG2FN2.G2AU2CA2PE2MH2KP "ro"oseJ CL2EN
o""ose6 Each Part$
confirms that the enforcement "roce5ures set forth in Artic#es 1DD0H0+ an5
DD0H0I =ci4i# an5 "ro4isiona# measures@ an5 DD0H0/ =crimina# measures@8 sha##
,e a4ai#a,#e %to the same e;tent& <ith res"ect to acts of %PE o""ose6 tra5emar9,&
co"$right or re#ate5 infringement in the 5igita# en4ironment0
C0 Each Part$ sha## ensure that its "roce5ures concerning the enforcement of
inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights sha## ,e fair an5 e7uita,#e0 These "roce5ures sha## not
,e unnecessari#$ com"#icate5 or cost#$, or entai# unreasona,#e timeB#imits or
un<arrante5 5e#a$s0
+0 This section 5oes not create an$ o,#igation6
=a@ to "ut in "#ace a -u5icia# s$stem for the enforcement of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$
rights 5istinct from that for the enforcement of #a< in genera#, nor 5oes it
affect the ca"acit$ of each Part$ to enforce #a< in genera#, or
=,@ <ith res"ect to the 5istri,ution as ,et<een the enforcement of inte##ectua#
"ro"ert$ rights an5 the enforcement of #a< in genera#0
I0 %U.2KP "ro"oseJ N!2EN2MH2PE2AU2MG2FN o""ose6 The Parties un5erstan5
that the 5istri,ution of enforcement resources 5oes not e;cuse that Part$ from
com"#$ing <ith this section0
'+( For greater certaint$, >#a<? is not #imite5 to #egis#ation0
'+/ %PE2CL "ro"ose6 Nothing in this Cha"ter sha## affect the 5iscretion that the com"etent authorities ma$ e;ercise
<hen enforcing inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights0&
'+: NegotiatorAs Note6 EN can acce"t this on the con5ition that ENAs "ro"osa# on a5ministrati4e measures as an
a#ternati4e to crimina# measures is acce"te50
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
Atic"e QQ%H%,: {Pe$(8)tion$}
'0 In ci4i#, crimina#, an5 if a""#ica,#e, a5ministrati4e "rocee5ings in4o#4ing
co"$right or re#ate5 rights, each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e6
=a@ for a "resum"tion
that, in the a,sence of "roof to the contrar$, the "erson
<hose name is in5icate5 in the usua# manner
as the author, "erformer,
"ro5ucer of the <or9, "erformance, or "honogram, or as a""#ica,#e, the
"u,#isher is the 5esignate5 right ho#5er in such <or9, "erformance, or
"honogramJ an5
=,@ for a "resum"tion that, in the a,sence of "roof to the contrar$, the co"$right
or re#ate5 right su,sists in such su,-ect matter0
)0 In connection <ith the commencement of a ci4i#, a5ministrati4e or crimina#
enforcement "rocee5ing in4o#4ing a registere5 tra5emar9 that has ,een
su,stanti4e#$ e;amine5 ,$ the com"etent authorit$, each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that
such a tra5emar9 ,e consi5ere5 prima acie 4a#i50
C0 In connection <ith the commencement of a ci4i# or a5ministrati4e enforcement
"rocee5ing in4o#4ing a "atent that has ,een su,stanti4e#$ e;amine5 an5
,$ the com"etent authorit$, each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that each c#aim in
the "atent ,e consi5ere5 prima acie to satisf$ the a""#ica,#e criteria of
"atenta,i#it$ in the territor$ of the Part$

Atic"e QQ%H%/: {En'oce8ent P!ctice$ Ait0 Re$)ect to Inte""ect(!" Po)et*
'0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that fina# -u5icia# 5ecisions an5 a5ministrati4e ru#ings of
genera# a""#ication "ertaining to the enforcement of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights
sha## "refera,#$ ,e in <riting an5 state an$ re#e4ant fin5ings of fact an5 the
reasoning or the #ega# ,asis on <hich the 5ecisions an5 ru#ings are ,ase50 Each
Part$ sha## a#so "ro4i5e that such 5ecisions an5 ru#ings sha## ,e "u,#ishe5
<here "u,#ication is not "ractica,#e, other<ise ma5e a4ai#a,#e to the "u,#ic, in a
nationa# #anguage in such a manner as to ena,#e intereste5 "ersons an5 Parties to
,ecome ac7uainte5 <ith them0
'+M For greater certaint$, a Part$ ma$ im"#ement this Artic#e on the ,asis of s<orn statements or 5ocuments ha4ing
e4i5entiar$ 4a#ue, such as statutor$ 5ec#arations0 A Part$ ma$ a#so "ro4i5e that such "resum"tions are re,utta,#e
"resum"tions that ma$ ,e re,utte5 ,$ e4i5ence to the contrar$0
'I* Each Part$ ma$ esta,#ish the means ,$ <hich it sha## 5etermine <hat constitutes the >usua# manner? for a
"articu#ar "h$sica# su""ort0
'I' For greater certaint$, nothing "re4ents a Part$ from ma9ing a4ai#a,#e thir5 "art$ "roce5ures in connection <ith its
fu#fi##ment of Paragra"hs ) an5 C0
'I) For greater certaint$, <here a Part$ "ro4i5es its a5ministrati4e authorities <ith the e;c#usi4e %EN "ro"ose6 or
nonBe;c#usi4e& authorit$ to 5etermine the 4a#i5it$ of a registere5 tra5emar9 or "atent, nothing in "aragra"hs ) an5
C sha## "re4ent that Part$As com"etent authorit$ from sus"en5ing the enforcement "roce5ures unti# the 4a#i5it$ of
the registere5 tra5emar9 or "atent is 5etermine5 ,$ the a5ministrati4e authorit$0 In such 4a#i5it$ "roce5ures, the
"art$ cha##enging the 4a#i5it$ of the registere5 tra5emar9 or "atent sha## ,e re7uire5 to "ro4e that the registere5
tra5emar9 or "atent is not 4a#i50 Not<ithstan5ing the foregoing sentence, a Part$ ma$ re7uire the tra5emar9
ho#5er to "ro4i5e e4i5ence of first use0
'IC A Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that this "ro4ision a""#ies on#$ to those "atents that ha4e ,een a""#ie5 for, e;amine5 an5
grante5 after the entr$ into force of this Agreement0
'I+ A Part$ ma$ satisf$ the re7uirement for "u,#ication ,$ ma9ing the 5ecision or ru#ing a4ai#a,#e to the "u,#ic on
the Internet0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
)0 Each Part$ recogni3es the im"ortance of co##ecting an5 ana#$3ing statistica# 5ata
an5 other re#e4ant information concerning inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights
infringements as <e## as co##ecting information on ,est "ractices to "re4ent an5
com,at infringements0
C0 Each Part$ sha## "u,#ish or other<ise ma9e a4ai#a,#e to the "u,#ic information on
its efforts to "ro4i5e effecti4e enforcement of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights in its
ci4i#, a5ministrati4e an5 crimina# s$stems, such as statistica# information that the
Part$ ma$ co##ect for such "ur"oses0
Atic"e QQ%H%?: {Ci#i" Poce1(e$ !n1 Re8e1ie$ / Ci#i" !n1 A18ini$t!ti#e
Poce1(e$ !n1 Re8e1ie$}
'0 Each Part$ sha## ma9e a4ai#a,#e to right ho#5ers
ci4i# -u5icia# "roce5ures
concerning the enforcement of an$ inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ right co4ere5 in this
)0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e
that in ci4i# -u5icia# "rocee5ings its -u5icia#
authorities ha4e at #east the infringer to "a$ the right ho#5er 5amages a5e7uate to
com"ensate for the in-ur$ the right ho#5er has suffere5 ,ecause of an
infringement of that "ersonAs inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ right ,$ an infringer <ho
9no<ing#$, or <ith reasona,#e groun5s to 9no<, engage5 in infringing acti4it$0

C0 At #east in cases of co"$right or re#ate5 rights infringement an5 tra5emar9
counterfeiting, each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that, in ci4i# -u5icia# "rocee5ings, its
-u5icia# authorities ha4e the authorit$ to or5er the infringer, at #east as 5escri,e5
in "aragra"h ), to "a$ the right ho#5er the infringerAs "rofits that are attri,uta,#e
to the infringement0

+0 In 5etermining the amount of 5amages un5er "aragra"h ), its -u5icia# authorities
sha## ha4e the authorit$ to consi5er, inter alia, an$ #egitimate measure of 4a#ue
the right ho#5er su,mits, <hich ma$ inc#u5e #ost "rofits, the 4a#ue of the
infringe5 goo5s or ser4ice measure5 ,$ the mar9et "rice, or the suggeste5 retai#
I0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that its -u5icia# authorities ha4e the authorit$ to or5er
in-uncti4e re#ief that conforms to the "ro4isions of Artic#e ++ of the TIP.
Agreement, inter alia, to "re4ent goo5s that in4o#4e the infringement of an
inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ right %MG "ro"ose6 in that Part$As -uris5iction& from entering
into the channe#s of commerce %EN "ro"ose6 "ursuant to that Part$As #a<&0
'II For the "ur"oses of this Artic#e, the term >right ho#5er? sha## inc#u5e those authori3e5 #icensees, fe5erations an5
associations that ha4e the #ega# stan5ing an5 authorit$ to assert such rights0 The term >authori3e5 #icensee? sha##
inc#u5e the e;c#usi4e #icensee of an$ one or more of the e;c#usi4e inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights encom"asse5 in a
gi4en inte##ectua# "ro"ert$0
'I( A Part$ ma$ a#so "ro4i5e that the right ho#5er ma$ not ,e entit#e5 to %AU o""ose6 either& %AU "ro"ose6 an$& of
the reme5ies set out in %AU o""ose6 ) an5 C& %AU "ro"ose ), C an5 :& in the case of a fin5ing of nonBuse of a
tra5emar90 It is un5erstoo5 that there is no o,#igation for a Part$ to "ro4i5e for the "ossi,i#it$ of the %AU6 an$ of
the& reme5ies in ), C, / an5 : to ,e or5ere5 in "ara##e#0
'I/ Ne(otiato3s Note: 67 is 0ithda0in( easonable oyalties #o patent in#in(e)ent ad e# pendin( out!o)e$
'I: A Part$ ma$ com"#$ <ith this "aragra"h through "resuming those "rofits to ,e the 5amages referre5 to in
"aragra"h )0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
(0 %U. o""ose6 Each Part$ sha## ensure that its -u5icia# authorities sha## ha4e the
authorit$ to or5er a "art$ at <hose re7uest measures <ere ta9en an5 <ho has
a,use5 enforcement "roce5ures to "ro4i5e the "art$ <rongfu##$ en-oine5 or
restraine5 a5e7uate com"ensation for the in-ur$ suffere5 ,ecause of such a,use0
The -u5icia# authorities sha## a#so ha4e the authorit$ to or5er the a""#icant to "a$
the 5efen5ant e;"enses, <hich ma$ inc#u5e a""ro"riate attorne$As fees0&
/0 In ci4i# -u5icia# "rocee5ings, <ith res"ect to infringement of co"$right or re#ate5
rights "rotecting <or9s, "honograms, an5 "erformances, each Part$ sha##
esta,#ish or maintain a s$stem that "ro4i5es for one or more of the fo##o<ing6
=a@ "reBesta,#ishe5 5amages, <hich sha## ,e a4ai#a,#e u"on the e#ection of the
right ho#5erJ or
=,@ a55itiona# 5amages0

:0 In ci4i# -u5icia# "rocee5ings, <ith res"ect to tra5emar9 counterfeiting, each Part$
%U. "ro"ose6 sha##& %N!2KP2MH2AU2FN2MG "ro"ose6 ma$& a#so esta,#ish or
maintain a s$stem that "ro4i5es for one or more of the fo##o<ing6
=a@ "reBesta,#ishe5 5amages, <hich sha## ,e a4ai#a,#e u"on the e#ection of the
right ho#5erJ or
=,@ a55itiona# 5amages0

M0 PreBesta,#ishe5 5amages un5er "aragra"hs =/@ an5 =:@ sha## ,e set out in an
amount that <ou#5 ,e sufficient to com"ensate the right ho#5er for the harm
cause5 ,$ the infringement, an5 <ith a 4ie< to 5eterring future infringements0
'*0 In a<ar5ing a55itiona# 5amages un5er "aragra"hs =/@ an5 =:@, -u5icia# authorities
sha## ha4e the authorit$ to a<ar5 such a55itiona# 5amages as the$ consi5er
a""ro"riate, ha4ing regar5 to a## re#e4ant matters, inc#u5ing the nature of the
infringing con5uct an5 the nee5 to 5eter simi#ar infringements in the future0

''0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that its -u5icia# authorities, <here a""ro"riate
, ha4e
the authorit$ to or5er, at the conc#usion of ci4i# -u5icia# "rocee5ings concerning
infringement of at #east co"$right or re#ate5 rights, %U. o""ose6 "atents,& an5
tra5emar9s, that the "re4ai#ing "art$ ,e a<ar5e5 "a$ment ,$ the #osing "art$ of
court costs or fees an5 a""ro"riate attorne$As fees, or an$ other e;"enses as
"ro4i5e5 for un5er that Part$As #a<0
'IM For greater certaint$, a55itiona# 5amages ma$ inc#u5e e;em"#ar$ or "uniti4e 5amages0
'(* For greater certaint$, a55itiona# 5amages ma$ inc#u5e e;em"#ar$ or "uniti4e 5amages0
'(' U. <ith5ra<s a5 ref Artic#e DD0H0+0G on "atents2tre,#e 5amages "en5ing outcome0
'() %CA "ro"ose6 For the "ur"oses of this Artic#e, ><here a""ro"riate? sha## not ,e #imite5 to cases <here a Part$
acte5 in ,a5 faith0&
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
')0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that in ci4i# -u5icia# "rocee5ings6
=a@ At #east <ith res"ect to "irate5 co"$right goo5s an5 counterfeit tra5emar9
goo5s, each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that, in ci4i# -u5icia# "rocee5ings, at the right
ho#5erAs re7uest, its -u5icia# authorities ha4e the authorit$ to or5er that such
infringing goo5s %EN "ro"oseJ U.2KP o""ose6 5is"ose5 of outsi5e the
channe#s of commerce in such a manner to a4oi5 an$ harm cause5 to the
right ho#5er, or& 5estro$e5, e;ce"t in e;ce"tiona# circumstances, <ithout
com"ensation of an$ sort0
=,@ Each Part$ sha## further "ro4i5e that its -u5icia# authorities ha4e the authorit$
to or5er that materia#s an5 im"#ements that ha4e ,een %EN "ro"oseJ U.
o""ose6 "re5ominant#$& use5 in the manufacture or creation of such
infringing goo5s, ,e, <ithout un5ue 5e#a$ an5 <ithout com"ensation of an$
sort, 5estro$e5 or 5is"ose5 of outsi5e the channe#s of commerce in such a
manner as to minimi3e the ris9s of further infringements0

=c@ In regar5 to counterfeit tra5emar9 goo5s, the sim"#e remo4a# of the
tra5emar9 un#a<fu##$ affi;e5 sha## not ,e sufficient, other than in e;ce"tiona#
circumstances, to "ermit the re#ease of goo5s into the channe#s of commerce0
'C0 Lithout "re-u5ice to its #a< go4erning "ri4i#ege, the "rotection of confi5entia#it$
of information sources, or the "rocessing of "ersona# 5ata, each Part$ sha##
"ro4i5e that, in ci4i# -u5icia# "rocee5ings concerning the enforcement of
inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights, its -u5icia# authorities ha4e the authorit$, u"on a
-ustifie5 re7uest of the right ho#5er, to or5er the infringer or, in the a#ternati4e,
the a##ege5 infringer, to "ro4i5e to the right ho#5er or to the -u5icia# authorities, at
#east for the "ur"ose of co##ecting e4i5ence, re#e4ant information as "ro4i5e5 for
in its a""#ica,#e #a<s an5 regu#ations that the infringer or a##ege5 infringer
"ossesses or contro#s0 .uch information ma$ inc#u5e information regar5ing an$
"erson in4o#4e5 in an$ as"ect of the infringement or a##ege5 infringement an5
regar5ing the means of "ro5uction or the channe#s of 5istri,ution of the
infringing or a##ege5#$ infringing goo5s or ser4ices, inc#u5ing the i5entification
of thir5 "ersons a##ege5 to ,e in4o#4e5 in the "ro5uction an5 5istri,ution of such
goo5s or ser4ices an5 of their channe#s of 5istri,ution0
'+0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that in re#ation to a ci4i# -u5icia# "rocee5ings concerning
the enforcement of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights, its -u5icia# or other authorities
ha4e the authorit$ to im"ose sanctions on a "art$, counse#, e;"erts or other
"ersons su,-ect to the courtAs -uris5iction, for 4io#ation of -u5icia# or5ers
concerning the "rotection of confi5entia# information "ro5uce5 or e;change5 in
that "rocee5ing0
'I0 To the e;tent that an$ ci4i# reme5$ can ,e or5ere5 as a resu#t of a5ministrati4e
"roce5ures on the merits of a case, each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that such "roce5ures
conform to "rinci"#es e7ui4a#ent in su,stance to those set out in this Artic#e =ci4i#
an5 a5ministrati4e "rocee5ings@0
'(C NegotiatorAs Note6 This su,"aragra"h <as "re4ious#$ c#ose5, ,ut EN <ou#5 #i9e to insert >"re5ominant#$? ,efore
>use5 in the manufacture? in su,"aragra"h ,0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
'(0 In the e4ent that a Part$As -u5icia# or other authorities a""oint technica# or other
e;"erts in ci4i# "rocee5ings concerning the enforcement of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$
rights an5 re7uire that the "arties to the #itigation ,ear the costs of such e;"erts,
that Part$ shou#5 see9 to ensure that such costs are reasona,#e an5 re#ate5
a""ro"riate#$, inter alia, to the 7uantit$ an5 nature of <or9 to ,e "erforme5 an5
5o not unreasona,#$ 5eter recourse to such "rocee5ings0
'/0 In ci4i# -u5icia# "rocee5ings concerning the acts 5escri,e5 in Artic#e DD0G0'*
=TPMs@ an5 Artic#e DD0G0') =MI@
, each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that its -u5icia#
authorities sha##, at #east, ha4e the authorit$ to
=a@ im"ose "ro4isiona# measures, inc#u5ing sei3ure or other ta9ing into custo5$
of 5e4ices an5 "ro5ucts sus"ecte5 of ,eing in4o#4e5 in the "rohi,ite5
=,@ or5er the t$"e of 5amages a4ai#a,#e for co"$right infringement, as "ro4i5e5
un5er its regime in accor5ance <ith Artic#e DD0H0+J

=c@ Or5er court costs, fees, or e;"enses as "ro4i5e5 for un5er Artic#e DD0H0+0''J
=5@ or5er %CL "ro"ose6, at their 5iscretion,& the 5estruction %CL "ro"ose6, e;ce"t
in e;ce"tiona# cases,& of 5e4ices an5 "ro5ucts foun5 to ,e in4o#4e5 in the
"rohi,ite5 acti4it$0
A Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that 5amages sha## not ,e a4ai#a,#e against a non"rofit
#i,rar$, archi4es, e5ucationa# institution, museum, or "u,#ic %PE o""ose6
noncommercia#& ,roa5casting entit$ that sustains the ,ur5en of "ro4ing that such
entit$ <as not a<are or ha5 no reason to ,e#ie4e that its acts constitute5 a
"rohi,ite5 acti4it$0
Atic"e QQ%H%6: {Po#i$ion!" :e!$(e$}
'0 Each Part$As authorities sha## act on re7uests for re#ief inaudita altera parte
e;"e5itious#$ in accor5ance <ith the Part$As -u5icia# ru#es0
)0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that its -u5icia# authorities ha4e the authorit$ to re7uire
the a""#icant, <ith res"ect to "ro4isiona# measures, to "ro4i5e an$ reasona,#$
a4ai#a,#e e4i5ence in or5er to satisf$ themse#4es <ith a sufficient 5egree of
certaint$ that the a""#icantAs right is ,eing infringe5 or that such infringement is
imminent, an5 to or5er the a""#icant to "ro4i5e a securit$ or e7ui4a#ent assurance
set at a #e4e# sufficient to "rotect the 5efen5ant an5 to "re4ent a,use0 .uch
securit$ or e7ui4a#ent assurance sha## not unreasona,#$ 5eter recourse to such
'(+ NegotiatorAs Note6 CL su""ort 5e"en5s on content of MI an5 TPM "ro4isions0
'(I For greater certaint$, a Part$ ma$, ,ut is not re7uire5 to, "ut in "#ace se"arate reme5ies in res"ect of Artic#e
DD0G0'* =TPMs@ an5 Artic#e DD0G0') =MI@, if such reme5ies are a4ai#a,#e un5er its co"$right #a<0
'(( Lhere a Part$As co"$right regime "ro4i5es for ,oth "reBesta,#ishe5 5amages an5 a55itiona# 5amages, it ma$
com"#$ <ith the re7uirements of this su,"aragra"h ,$ "ro4i5ing for on#$ one of these forms of 5amages0
'(/ NegotiatorAs Note6 PE2CL ha4e intro5uce5 a footnote 'CM to accommo5ate -u5icia# 5iscretion an5 are <or9ing
<ith the U. to fina#i3e #anguage an5 "#acement0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
C0 In ci4i# -u5icia# "rocee5ings concerning co"$right or re#ate5 rights infringement
an5 tra5emar9 counterfeiting, each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that its -u5icia# authorities
sha## ha4e the authorit$ to or5er the sei3ure or other ta9ing into custo5$ of
sus"ecte5 infringing goo5s, materia# an5 im"#ements re#e4ant to the
infringement, an5, at #east for tra5emar9 counterfeiting, 5ocumentar$ e4i5ence
re#e4ant to the infringement0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
Atic"e QQ%H%7: {S)eci!" ReB(ie8ent$ Re"!te1 to @o1e En'oce8ent / S)eci!"
ReB(ie8ent$ e"!te1 to @o1e :e!$(e$}
'0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e for a""#ications to sus"en5 the re#ease of, or to 5etain,
an$ sus"ect counterfeit %U.2KP2N!2AU2MH2PE "ro"oseJ CA2MG2.G2FN2EN2CL
o""ose6 or confusing#$ simi#ar& tra5emar9, or "irate5 co"$right goo5s that are
im"orte5 %CA "ro"ose6
& into %MG2EN2N!2AU2FN2MH o""ose6, or %.G
o""ose6 a,out to ,e& e;"orte5 from,& the territor$ of the Part$0
)0 %U.2AU2KP2N!2FN "ro"oseJ CL2.G2PE2MG2MH o""ose6 Each Part$ sha##
"ro4i5e that such a""#ications remain in force for a "erio5 of not #ess than one
$ear from the 5ate of a""#ication,
or the "erio5 that the goo5 is "rotecte5 ,$
co"$right or the re#e4ant tra5emar9 registration is 4a#i5, <hiche4er is shorter0 A
Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that its com"etent authorities ha4e the authorit$ to sus"en5 or
in4a#i5ate an a""#ication <hen there is 5ue cause, inc#u5ing <hen the a""#icant
has a,use5 the "roce5ures 5escri,e5 in this Artic#e0&
C0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that an$ right ho#5er initiating "roce5ures for its
com"etent authorities to sus"en5 re#ease of sus"ecte5 counterfeit 1or confusing#$
simi#ar8 tra5emar9 goo5s, or "irate5 co"$right goo5s
into free circu#ation is
re7uire5 to "ro4i5e a5e7uate e4i5ence to satisf$ the com"etent authorities that
un5er the #a< of the Part$ "ro4i5ing the "roce5ures there is prima acile an
infringement of the right ho#5erAs inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ right an5 to su""#$
sufficient information that ma$ reasona,#$ ,e e;"ecte5 to ,e <ithin the right
ho#5erAs 9no<#e5ge to ma9e the sus"ecte5 goo5s reasona,#$ recogni3a,#e ,$ its
com"etent authorities0 The re7uirement to "ro4i5e such information sha## not
unreasona,#$ 5eter recourse to these "roce5ures0
+0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that its com"etent authorities ha4e the authorit$ to
re7uire a right ho#5er initiating "roce5ures to sus"en5 the re#ease of sus"ecte5
counterfeit 1or confusing#$ simi#ar8 tra5emar9 goo5s, or "irate5 co"$right goo5s,
to "ro4i5e a reasona,#e securit$ or e7ui4a#ent assurance sufficient to "rotect the
5efen5ant an5 the com"etent authorities an5 to "re4ent a,use0 Each Part$ sha##
"ro4i5e that such securit$ or e7ui4a#ent assurance sha## not unreasona,#$ 5eter
recourse to these "roce5ures0 A Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that such securit$ ma$ ,e in
the form of a ,on5 con5itione5 to ho#5 the 5efen5ant harm#ess from an$ #oss or
5amage resu#ting from an$ sus"ension of the re#ease of goo5s in the e4ent the
com"etent authorities 5etermine that the Artic#e is not an infringing goo50
I0 Lithout "re-u5ice to a Part$As #a<s "ertaining to "ri4ac$ or the confi5entia#it$ of
information, <here its com"etent authorities ha4e 5etaine5 or sus"en5e5 the
'(: %CA "ro"ose6 It is un5erstoo5 that there sha## ,e no o,#igation to a""#$ the "roce5ures set forth in this Artic#e to
goo5s "ut on the mar9et in another countr$ ,$ or <ith the consent of the right ho#5er0&
'(M %CA "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, reference to >im"orte5? nee5 not inc#u5e goo5s mo4ing >in transit?0&
'/* %For "ur"oses of this Artic#e, a Part$ ma$ a#so "ro4i5e that the a""#icant ma$ 5esignate a shorter "erio50&
'/' For "ur"oses of Artic#e DD0H0(6
=a@ counterfeit tra5emar9 goo5s means an$ goo5s, inc#u5ing "ac9aging, ,earing <ithout authori3ation a
tra5emar9 that is i5entica# to the tra5emar9 4a#i5#$ registere5 in res"ect of such goo5s, or that cannot ,e
5istinguishe5 in its essentia# as"ects from such a tra5emar9, an5 that there,$ infringes the rights of the
o<ner of the tra5emar9 in 7uestion un5er the #a< of the Part$ "ro4i5ing the "roce5ures un5er this sectionJ
=,@ "irate5 co"$right goo5s means that are co"ies ma5e <ithout the consent of the right ho#5er or "erson 5u#$
authori3e5 ,$ the right ho#5er in the countr$ of "ro5uction an5 that are ma5e 5irect#$ or in5irect#$ from an
artic#e <here the ma9ing of that co"$ <ou#5 ha4e constitute5 an infringement of a co"$right or a re#ate5
right un5er the #a< of the Part$ "ro4i5ing the "roce5ures un5er this section0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
re#ease of goo5s that are sus"ecte5 of ,eing counterfeit or "irate5, a Part$ ma$
"ro4i5e that its com"etent authorities ha4e the authorit$ to inform the right
ho#5er <ithout un5ue 5e#a$ of the names an5 a55resses of the consignor,
e;"orter, consignee, or im"orter, a 5escri"tion of the goo5s, 7uantit$ of the
goo5s, an5, if 9no<n, the countr$ of origin of the goo5s0
Lhere a Part$ 5oes
not "ro4i5e such authorit$ to its com"etent authorities <hen sus"ect goo5s are
5etaine5 or sus"en5e5 from re#ease, it sha## "ro4i5e at #east in cases of im"orte5
goo5s, its com"etent authorities <ith the authorit$ to "ro4i5e the foregoing
information to the right ho#5er norma##$ <ithin C* 5a$s
of the sei3ure or
5etermination that the goo5s are counterfeite5 or "irate50
(0 %EN2N!2MH o""ose
6 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that its com"etent authorities
ma$ initiate ,or5er measures e/ oicio
<ith res"ect to goo5s 1su,-ect to
customs "roce5ures821un5er customs contro#8 that are6
=a@ im"orte5,
=,@ %MG2FN2.G o""ose6 1a,out to ,e e;"orte525estine5 for e;"ort8& 22 %Ne<
A#t0 Te;t6 15estine5 for e;"ort821e;"orte58&, or
=c@ %.G2CA2MG2FN2AU o""ose6 inBtransit& %U. "ro"ose6
that are sus"ecte5 of ,eing counterfeit 1or confusing#$ simi#ar8 tra5emar9 goo5s,
or "irate5 co"$right goo5s0&
%CL "ro"ose6 In the case of "aragra"h =c@, each
Part$, in conformit$ <ith other internationa# agreements su,scri,e5 to ,$ it, ma$
"ro4i5e that e/ oicio authorit$ sha## ,e e;ercise5 "rior to sea#ing the container,
or other means of con4e$ance, <ith the customers sea#s, as a""#ica,#e0&
/0 Each Part$ sha## a5o"t or maintain a "roce5ure ,$ <hich its com"etent
authorities ma$ 5etermine, <ithin a reasona,#e "erio5 of time after the initiation
of the "roce5ures 5escri,e5 un5er Artic#e DD0H0(='@ %AU2FN o""ose6 an5 =(@&

<hether the sus"ect goo5s infringe an inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ right0 Lhere a Part$
"ro4i5es a5ministrati4e "roce5ures for the 5etermination of an infringement it
ma$ a#so "ro4i5e its authorities <ith the authorit$ to im"ose a5ministrati4e
"ena#ties or sanctions, <hich ma$ inc#u5e fines or the sei3ure of the infringing
goo5s, fo##o<ing a 5etermination that the goo5s are infringing0
'/) For greater certaint$, a Part$ ma$ esta,#ish reasona,#e "roce5ures to recei4e or access such information0
'/C For "ur"oses of this Artic#e, >5a$s? sha## mean >,usiness 5a$s?0
'/+ %NegotiatorAs Note6 AU is sti## consi5ering this Artic#e0&
'/I For greater certaint$, the Parties un5erstan5 that e/ oicio action 5oes not re7uire a forma# com"#aint from a
"ri4ate "art$ or right ho#5er0
'/( %U. "ro"ose6 .u,"aragra"h =c@ a""#ies to sus"ect goo5s <hich are inBtransit from one customs office to another
customs office in the Part$As territor$ from <hich the goo5s <i## ,e e;"orte50 As an a#ternati4e to su,"aragra"h
=c@, a Part$ sha## en5ea4or u"on re7uest to e;amine such sus"ect goo5s not consigne5 to a #oca# "art$ an5
transshi""e5 through its territor$ an5 5estine5 for the territor$ of another Part$, an5 sha## coo"erate 1u"on
re7uest8 to "ro4i5e a## a4ai#a,#e information to the other Part$ to ena,#e effecti4e enforcement against such
sus"ect goo5s0&
%CA "ro"ose6 A#t secon5 sentence to footnote '/(6 As a a#ternati4e to su,"aragra"h =c@, if u"on con5ucting an
e;amination of goo5s in transit, a Part$ sus"ects such goo5s are counterfeit tra5emar9 or "irate5 co"$right, it
sha## "ro4i5e its com"etent authorities the authorit$ to "ro4i5e information to other Part$ to i5entif$ those goo5s
u"on arri4a# in the other Part$As territor$0&
'// NegotiatorAs Note6 Further technica# <or9 is nee5e5 on termino#og$ use5 in this Artic#e0
'/: NegotiatorAs Note6 There ma$ not ,e a "roce5ure to ,e in4o9e5 in res"ect of H0(=(@, if the o,#igation is as 5efine5
in footnote for H0(=(@ co4ering >in transit?0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
:0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that its com"etent authorities ha4e the authorit$ to or5er
the 5estruction of goo5 fo##o<ing a 5etermination that the goo5s are infringing0
In cases <here such goo5s are not 5estro$e5, each Part$ sha## ensure that, e;ce"t
in e;ce"tiona# circumstances, such goo5s are 5is"ose5 of outsi5e the channe#s of
commerce in such a manner as to a4oi5 an$ harm to the right ho#5er0 In regar5 to
counterfeit tra5emar9 goo5s, the sim"#e remo4a# of the tra5emar9 un#a<fu##$
affi;e5 sha## not ,e sufficient, other than in e;ce"tiona# cases, to "ermit the
re#ease of the goo5s into the channe#s of commerce0
M0 Lhere a Part$ esta,#ishes or assesses, in connection <ith the "roce5ures
5escri,e5 in this Artic#e, an a""#ication fee, storage fee, or 5estruction fee, such
fee sha## not ,e set at an amount that unreasona,#$ 5eters recourse to these
'*0 Each Part$ sha## inc#u5e in the a""#ication of this Artic#e goo5s of a commercia#
nature sent in sma## consignments0 A Part$ ma$ e;c#u5e from the a""#ication of
this Artic#e sma## 7uantities of goo5s of a nonBcommercia# nature containe5 in
tra4e#ersA "ersona# #uggage0
Atic"e QQ%H%9: {Ci8in!" Poce1(e$ !n1 Re8e1ie$ / Ci8in!" En'oce8ent}
'0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e for crimina# "roce5ures an5 "ena#ties to ,e a""#ie5 at
#east in cases of <i##fu# tra5emar9 counterfeiting or co"$right or re#ate5 rights
"irac$ on a commercia# sca#e0 1For the "ur"oses of this Artic#e, %U. "ro"ose,
CA2MG o""ose6 such acts of %N!6 <i##fu#& co"$right or re#ate5 rights "irac$ 1on
a commercia# sca#e8 inc#u5e at #east6& %CA2MG "ro"ose6 In res"ect of co"$right
or re#ate5 rights "irac$, acts carrie5 out on a commercia# sca#e inc#u5e at #east6&
%CL "ro"ose6
& %
=a@ acts carrie5 out for commercia# a54antage or financia# gain%CA "ro"ose6
=,@ significant acts %CA o""ose6 of co"$right or re#ate5 rights "irac$&, not carrie5
out for commercia# a54antage or financia# gain, that ha4e a su,stantia#
"re-u5icia# im"act on the interests of the co"$right or re#ate5 rights o<ner in
re#ation to the mar9et"#ace08 %AU "ro"ose6
'/M For greater certaint$, a Part$ ma$ a#so e;c#u5e from the a""#ication of this Artic#e sma## 7uantities of goo5s of a
nonBcommercia# nature sent in sma## consignments0
':* In con-unction <ith Artic#e DD0H0/, nothing "re4ents a Part$ from e;ercising an$ 5iscretion that it ma$ ha4e to
a#so "ro4i5e for a5ministrati4e enforcement "roce5ures an5 "ena#ties0 %EN "ro"ose6 A Part$ that "ro4i5es for
a5ministrati4e "roce5ures an5 "ena#ties as an a#ternati4e to crimina# "roce5ures an5 "ena#ties un5er %this
Cha"ter&2%"aragra"hs DD0G0'*=a@, DD0G0'C=a@, DD0H0/0C, DD0H0/0+, DD0H0:0), DD0H0M0'& sha## ensure that6 =i@
such a5ministrati4e "ena#ties sha## ,e %of sufficient se4erit$ to "ro4i5e a 5eterrent&2%su,stantia##$ e7ui4a#ent to
crimina# "ena#ties as re7uire5 ,$ this Cha"ter an5 ma$ not inc#u5e im"risonment&J an5 =ii@ its a5ministrati4e
authorities ma$ initiate a #ega# action <ithout a forma# com"#aint0
':' %CL "ro"ose6 It is un5erstoo5 that a Part$ ma$ com"#$ <ith this "aragra"h <here acts on a commercia# sca#e
inc#u5e the <i##fu# infringing re"ro5uction or 5istri,ution, inc#u5ing ,$ e#ectronic means, of co"ies <ith a
significant aggregate monetar$ 4a#ue, ca#cu#ate5 ,ase5 on the #egitimate retai# 4a#ue of the infringe5 goo50&
':) NegotiatorAs Note6 EN <i## nee5 to "ro"ose a footnote to a55ress >commercia# sca#e?0
':C %CA "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, for the "ur"oses of this su,"aragra"h, it is un5erstoo5 that a Part$ ma$ treat
>financia# gain? as >commercia# "ur"oses?0&
':+ %AU "ro"ose6 A Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that the 4o#ume an5 4a#ue of an$ infringing artic#es ma$ ,e ta9en into account
in 5etermining <hether the act has a su,stantia# "re-u5icia# im"act on the interests of the co"$right or re#ate5
rights o<ner in re#ation to the mar9et"#ace0&
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
%The fo##o<ing "aragra"h is to ,e 5e#ete5 an5 re"#ace5 <ith su,"aragra"h =a@6 )0
Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that crimina# "roce5ures an5 "ena#ties are a4ai#a,#e
against <i##fu# infringement of co"$right or re#ate5 rights carrie5 out for
commercia# a54antage or 1financia# gain
)0 Each Part$ sha## treat <i##fu# im"ortation %EN o""ose6 or e;"ortation& of
counterfeit tra5emar9 goo5s or "irate5 co"$right goo5s on a commercia# sca#e as
un#a<fu# acti4ities su,-ect to crimina# "ena#ties0

C0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e for crimina# %EN "ro"ose6 or a5ministrati4e& "roce5ures
an5 "ena#ties to ,e a""#ie5 in cases of <i##fu# im"ortation
an5 5omestic use, in
the course of tra5e an5 on a commercia# sca#e, of #a,e#s or "ac9aging
=a@ to <hich a mar9 has ,een a""#ie5 <ithout authori3ation <hich is i5entica# to,
%PE o""ose6 or cannot ,e 5istinguishe5 from&
, a tra5emar9 registere5 in its
territor$J an5
=,@ <hich are inten5e5 to ,e use5 in the course of tra5e on goo5s or in re#ation to
ser4ices <hich are i5entica# to goo5s or ser4ices for <hich such tra5emar9 is
+0 %U.2CA2KP2MG "ro"ose6 %MH2PE o""ose6 Each Part$ %N!2.G2AU2CL2FN2EN
"ro"ose6 ma$& %N!2.G2AU2CL2FN2EN o""ose6 sha##& "ro4i5e crimina#
"roce5ures an5 "ena#ties for the 9no<ing an5 unauthori3e5 co"$ing
, or %CA
o""ose6 1transmitta#
8& of a cinematogra"hic <or9, or an$ "art thereof, from a
"erformance in a mo4ie theater0

Possible &ltenati/e to Paa$ 4
1Each Part$ sha## 1"ro4i5e821ensure that8 crimina# "roce5ures an5 "ena#ties, or
a5ministrati4e "roce5ures an5 "ena#ties of sufficient se4erit$ to "ro4i5e a
, 1are a4ai#a,#e8 for the %.G6 <i##fu# an5& unauthori3e5 co"$ing %CA
o""ose6 or transmitta#,
& of cinematogra"hic <or9, or %MH "ro"ose6 a
':I 1For greater certaint$, >financia# gain? 5oes not o,#igate a Part$ to "ro4i5e crimina# "roce5ures an5 "ena#ties in
cases of de minimis infringements08
':( For greater certaint$, it is un5erstoo5 that a Part$ ma$ com"#$ <ith its o,#igation re#ating to im"ortation an5
e;"ortation of counterfeit tra5emar9 goo5s or "irate5 co"$right goo5s ,$ "ro4i5ing that 5istri,ution or sa#e of
such goo5s on a commercia# sca#e is an un#a<fu# acti4it$ su,-ect to crimina# "ena#ties0
':/ A Part$ ma$ com"#$ <ith its o,#igation re#ating to im"ortation of #a,e#s or "ac9aging through its measures
concerning 5istri,ution0
':: A Part$ ma$ com"#$ <ith its o,#igation un5er this "aragra"h ,$ "ro4i5ing for crimina# "roce5ures an5 "ena#ties
to ,e a""#ie5 to attem"ts to commit a tra5emar9 offense0
':M NegotiatorAs Note6 PE to confirm <hether it can go a#ong <ith this #anguage0
'M* NegotiatorAs Note6 U. is "re"are5 to 5ro" i##icit #a,e#s chausette a5 ref "en5ing outcome0
'M' For greater certaint$, for "ur"oses of Artic#e DD0H0/0+ it is un5erstoo5 that a Part$ ma$ treat co"$ing as recor5ing
in its #a<0
'M) %KP2MG2EN "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, a Part$ ma$ com"#$ <ith this "aragra"h ,$ "ro4i5ing crimina#
"roce5ures an5 "ena#ties for the act of transmitta# that ma9es the cinematogra"hic <or9 a4ai#a,#e to the "u,#ic0&
'MC A Part$ ma$ #imit a""#ication of this "ro4ision to firstBrun cinematogra"hic <or9s0
'M+ %.G2N!2AU2CL2MG2FN2EN "ro"ose6 A Part$ ma$ meet the re7uirements of this o,#igation ,$ "ro4i5ing
crimina# "roce5ures an5 "ena#ties for the <i##fu# co"$ing of a significant "art of the cinematogra"hic <or9 for the
"ur"oses of commercia# a54antage 1or a#ternati4e#$ on a commercia# sca#e80&
'MI 1A Part$ that "ro4i5es for a5ministrati4e "roce5ures an5 "ena#ties un5er this "aragra"h %MH o""ose6 sha##& a#so
ensure that its a5ministrati4e authorities ma$ initiate a #ega# action <ithout a forma# com"#aint08
'M( 1A Part$ ma$ com"#$ <ith this "aragra"h ,$ "ro4i5ing crimina# "roce5ures an5 "ena#ties for the act of
transmitta# that ma9es the cinematogra"hic <or9 a4ai#a,#e to the "u,#ic0 A Part$ ma$ a#so treat co"$ing %CA6 an5
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
significant& %MH o""ose6 an$& "art thereof, %MH "ro"ose6 for "ur"oses of
financia# gain& %AU "ro"ose6 or commercia# a54antage, or on a commercia# sca#e&
from a "erformance in a mo4ie theater0
8 %CL2MH2PE "ro"ose6
I0 Lith res"ect to the offenses for <hich this Artic#e re7uires the Parties to "ro4i5e
for crimina# "roce5ures an5 "ena#ties, Parties sha## ensure that crimina# #ia,i#it$
for ai5ing an5 a,etting is a4ai#a,#e un5er its #a<0
(0 Lith res"ect to the offenses 5escri,e5 in Artic#e DD0H0/ ='@=I@ a,o4e, each Part$
sha## "ro4i5e6
=a@ "ena#ties that inc#u5e sentences of im"risonment as <e## as monetar$ fines
sufficient#$ high to "ro4i5e a 5eterrent to future acts of infringement,
consistent#$ <ith the #e4e# of "ena#ties a""#ie5 for crimes of a corres"on5ing
=,@ that its -u5icia# authorities sha## ha4e the authorit$, <hen 5etermining
"ena#ties, to account for the seriousness of the circumstances, <hich ma$
inc#u5e those that in4o#4e threats to, or effects on, hea#th or safet$J
=c@ that its -u5icia# or other com"etent authorities sha## ha4e the authorit$ to
or5er the sei3ure of sus"ecte5 counterfeit tra5emar9 goo5s or "irate5
co"$right goo5s, an$ re#ate5 materia#s an5 im"#ements use5 in the
commission of the a##ege5 offense, 5ocumentar$ e4i5ence re#e4ant to the
a##ege5 offense %MG o""ose6 an5 assets 5eri4e5 from
, or o,taine5 through
the a##ege5 infringing acti4it$&0
Lhere a Part$ re7uires the i5entification of items to su,-ect to sei3ure as a
"rere7uisite for issuing an$ such -u5icia# or5er, that Part$ sha## not re7uire
the items to ,e 5escri,e5 in greater 5etai# than necessar$ to i5entif$ them for
the "ur"ose of sei3ureJ
=5@ %MG o""ose6 that its -u5icia# authorities sha## ha4e the authorit$ to or5er the
forfeiture, at #east for serious offenses, of an$ assets %PE o""ose6 5eri4e5
from, or& o,taine5 through the infringing acti4it$J
=e@ that its -u5icia# authorities sha## ha4e the authorit$ to or5er the forfeiture or
5estruction of
i0 a## counterfeit tra5emar9 goo5s or "irate5 co"$right goo5sJ an5
ii0 materia# an5 im"#ements that ha4e ,een %CA "ro"ose6 "re5ominant#$
transmitta#& as recor5ing to its #a<08
'M/ 1A Part$ ma$ #imit a""#ication of this "aragra"h to firstBrun cinematogra"hic <or9s0 %MH o""ose6 A Part$ ma$
a#so e;c#u5e de minimis recor5ings from a""#ication of this "aragra"h0&8
'M: %CL2MH2PE "ro"ose6 For grater certaint$, a Part$ ma$ com"#$ <ith this "ro4ision <here it "ro4i5es for crimina#
"roce5ures an5 "ena#ties for the <i##fu# an5 unauthori3e5 re"ro5uction an52or communication to the "u,#ic for
"ur"oses of financia# gain of cinematogra"hic <or9s0&
'MM It is un5erstoo5 that there is no o,#igation for a Part$ to "ro4i5e for the "ossi,i#it$ of the im"risonment an5
monetar$ fines to ,e im"ose5 in "ara##e#0
)** A Part$ ma$ a#so account for such circumstances through a se"arate crimina# offense0
)*' NegotiatorAs Note6 PE is consi5ering #anguage to a55ress its concerns <ith >5eri4e5 from?0
)*) NegotiatorAs Note6 CA is intereste5 in 9no<ing <hether >"rimari#$? might ,e acce"ta,#e to the grou" in #ieu of
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
use5 in the creation of "irate5 co"$right goo5s or counterfeit tra5emar9
goo5sJ an5
iii0 an$ other #a,e#s or "ac9aging to <hich a counterfeit tra5emar9 has ,een
a""#ie5 an5 that ha4e ,een use5 in the commission of the offense0
In cases <here counterfeit tra5emar9 goo5s an5 "irate5 co"$right goo5s
are not 5estro$e5, the com"etent authorities sha## ensure that, e;ce"t in
e;ce"tiona# circumstances, such goo5s sha## ,e 5is"ose5 of outsi5e of
channe#s of commerce in such a manner as to a4oi5 causing an$ harm to
the right ho#5er0 Each Part$ sha## further "ro4i5e that forfeiture or
5estruction un5er this su,"aragra"h an5 su,"aragra"h =c@ sha## occur
<ithout com"ensation of an$ 9in5 to the 5efen5antJ
=g@ that its -u5icia# or other com"etent authorities sha## ha4e the authorit$ to
re#ease or, in the a#ternati4e, "ro4i5e access to, goo5s, materia#,
im"#ements, an5 other e4i5ence he#5 ,$ the authorit$ to a right ho#5er
for ci4i#
infringement "rocee5ings0
=h@ %EN o""ose6 that its com"etent authorities ma$ act u"on their o<n
initiati4e to initiate a #ega# action <ithout the nee5 for a forma#
com"#aint ,$ a "ri4ate "art$ or right ho#5er0 %KP "ro"ose6
/0 Lith res"ect to the offenses 5escri,e5 in Artic#e DD0H0/ %='@& %=I@& a,o4e, a Part$
ma$ "ro4i5e that its -u5icia# authorities ha4e the authorit$ to or5er the sei3ure or
forfeiture of assets, or a#ternati4e#$, a fine, the 4a#ue of <hich corres"on5s to that
of the assets 5eri4e5 from, or o,taine5 5irect#$ or in5irect#$ through, the
infringing acti4it$0
Atic"e QQ%H%;: {T!1e Secet$}
'0 In the course of ensuring effecti4e "rotection against unfair com"etition as
"ro4i5e5 in Artic#e '*bis of the Paris Con4ention, each Part$ sha## ensure that
natura# an5 #ega# "ersons ha4e the #ega# means to "re4ent tra5e secrets #a<fu##$ in
their contro# from ,eing 5isc#ose5 to, ac7uire5 ,$, or use5 ,$ others =inc#u5ing
state commercia# enter"rises@ <ithout their consent in a manner contrar$ to
honest commercia# "ractices0
As use5 in this Cha"ter, tra5e secrets encom"ass,
at a minimum, un5isc#ose5 information as "ro4i5e5 for in Artic#e CM0) of the
TIP. Agreement0
%ote1 Parties are still relecting on the ne& ormulation or paragraphs 8 and A5
)0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e for crimina# %EN "ro"ose6 or a5ministrati4e& "roce5ures
an5 "ena#ties for one or more of the fo##o<ing6
)*C A Part$ ma$ a#so "ro4i5e such authorit$ in connection <ith a5ministrati4e infringement "rocee5ings0
)*+ %KP "ro"ose6 Lith regar5 to co"$right an5 re#ate5 rights "irac$, a Part$ ma$ #imit a""#ication of this "ro4ision to
the cases <here there is an im"act on the right ho#5erAs a,i#it$ to e;"#oit the <or9 in the mar9et0& NegotiatorAs
Note6 KPAs su""ort of this "ro4ision is con5itione5 u"on acce"tance of this footnote0
)*I For the "ur"oses of this "aragra"h >a manner contrar$ to honest commercia# "ractices? sha## mean at #east
"ractices such as ,reach of contract, ,reach of confi5ence an5 in5ucement to ,reach, an5 inc#u5es the ac7uisition
of un5isc#ose5 information ,$ thir5 "arties <ho 9ne<, or <ere gross#$ neg#igent in fai#ing to 9no<, that such
"ractices <ere in4o#4e5 in the ac7uisition0
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=a@ the unauthori3e5, <i##fu# access to a tra5e secret he#5 in a com"uter s$stemJ
=,@ the unauthori3e5, <i##fu# misa""ro"riation of a tra5e secret, inc#u5ing ,$
means of a com"uter s$stemJ or
=c@ the frau5u#ent 1or unauthori3e58 5isc#osure of a tra5e secret, inc#u5ing ,$
means of a com"uter s$stem0
C0 A Part$ ma$, <here a""ro"riate, #imit the a4ai#a,i#it$ of such crimina# "roce5ures
or #imit the #e4e# of "ena#ties a4ai#a,#e in res"ect of the aforementione5 acti4it$
to one or more of the fo##o<ing con5itions6
=a@ for "ur"oses of commercia# a54antage or financia# gainJ
=,@ re#ate5 to a "ro5uct or ser4ice in nationa# or internationa# commerceJ
=c@ inten5e5 to in-ure the o<ner of such tra5e secretJ
=5@ 5irecte5 ,$ or for the ,enefit of or in association <ith a foreign economic
entit$J or
=e@ 5etrimenta# to a Part$As economic interests, internationa# re#ations, or nationa#
5efense or nationa# securit$
Atic"e QQ%H%<: {Potection o' Enc*)te1 Po3!8+C!*in3 S!te""ite Si3n!"$ /
Potection o' Enc*)te1 Po3!8+C!*in3 S!te""ite !n1 C!-"e Si3n!"$}
'0 Each "art$ sha## ma9e it a %CL "ro"ose6 ci4i# or& %EN "ro"ose6 a5ministrati4e or&
crimina# offense6
=a@ manufacture, assem,#e, mo5if$, im"ort, e;"ort, se##, #ease, or other<ise
5istri,ute a tangi,#e or intangi,#e 5e4ice or s$stem, 9no<ing
o""ose6 or ha4ing reason to 9no<&
that the 5e4ice or s$stem is "rimari#$ of
assistance or a#ternati4e#$, that the s$stemAs "rinci"a# function is so#e#$ to
assist, in 5eco5ing an encr$"te5 "rogramBcarr$ing sate##ite signa# <ithout the
authori3ation of the #a<fu# 5istri,utor of such signa#
J an5
=,@ <i##fu##$ recei4e
%EN2CL o""ose6 an5 ma9e use of,

& or <i##fu##$
further 5istri,ute %CA2MH2FN "ro"ose6 to the "u,#ic&, a "rogramBcarr$ing
signa# that originate5 as an encr$"te5 sate##ite signa# 9no<ing that it has ,een
5eco5e5 <ithout the authori3ation of the #a<fu# 5istri,utor of the signa#
%CL2PE2CA2.G2EN2MH2FN2KP o""ose6 1or if the signa# has ,een 5eco5e5
<ith the authori3ation of the #a<fu# 5istri,utor of the signa#, <i##fu##$ to
)*( A Part$ ma$ 5eem the term >misa""ro"riation? to ,e s$non$mous <ith >un#a<fu# ac7uisition0?
)*/ NegotiatorAs Note6 PE nee5s to c#arif$ <hether it can meet the re7uirements of "aragra"hs ) an5 C0
)*: For "ur"oses of "aragra"h ', it is un5erstoo5 that 9no<#e5ge ma$ ,e 5emonstrate5 through reasona,#e e4i5ence,
ta9ing into account the facts an5 circumstances surroun5ing the a##ege5 i##ega# act0
)*M %KP "ro"ose6 A Part$ ma$ im"#ement this "aragra"h, ,$ a""#$ing it to the cases <here such acts are committe5
<i##fu##$ or in <i##fu# neg#igence0& NegotiatorAs Note6 KP can su""ort >or ha4ing reasons to 9no<? <ith this
)'* The o,#igation regar5ing e;"ort ma$ ,e met ,$ ma9ing it a crimina# offense to "ossess an5 5istri,ute such a
5e4ice or s$stem0 %CA2U.2.G2N!2MG2AU "ro"ose6 For the "ur"oses of this "ro4ision, a Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that
a >#a<fu# 5istri,utor? means a "erson <ho has the #a<fu# right in that Part$As territor$ to 5istri,ute the signa# an5
authori3e its 5eco5ing0&
)'' For greater certaint$, a Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that ><i##fu##$ recei4ing? ma$ mean o"erating a ra5io a""aratus so as
to recei4e an encr$"te5 signa#0
)') %CA "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, a Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that >recei4e an5 ma9e use of? inc#u5es %MH o""ose6
4ie<ing& %MH "ro"ose6 5is"#a$ing& of the signa#, <hether such acti4it$ is "ri4ate or commercia#0&
)'C %CA2MH2FM2AU "ro"ose6 A Part$ nee5 not a""#$ the %crimina#& offense in "aragra"h , in circumstances <here
%a "erson recei4es an5 ma9es use of such signa# an5 <here& the #a<fu# 5istri,utor has not ma5e the signa#
a4ai#a,#e to "ersons in the area <here the 5eco5ing occurs0&
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further 5istri,ute the signa# for "ur"oses of commercia# a54antage 9no<ing
that the signa# originate5 as an encr$"te5 "rogramBcarr$ing signa# an5 that
such further 5istri,ution is <ithout the authori3ation of the #a<fu# signa#
)0 Each Part$ %MG2FN o""ose6 sha##& %MG2FN "ro"ose6 ma$& "ro4i5e for ci4i#
reme5ies for an$ "erson in-ure5 ,$ an$ acti4it$ 5escri,e5 in "aragra"h %'&,
inc#u5ing an$ "erson that ho#5s an interest in the encr$"te5 "rogramming signa#
%CA "ro"ose6, as 5etermine5 ,$ that Part$As #a<,& or its content0

C0 %CL2PE2EN2MG2MH o""ose6 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e for crimina# %CA2.G2FN2
o""ose6 %an5& ci4i#& "ena#ties for <i##fu##$6
=a@ 1manufacturing or 5istri,uting e7ui"ment 9no<ing that the e7ui"ment is
inten5e5 to ,e use5 in the unauthori3e5 rece"tion8 of an$ "rogramBcarr$ing
ca,#e signa#J an5
=,@ %FN o""ose6 1recei4ing, or assisting another to recei4e8
, a "rogramB
carr$ing ca,#e signa# <ithout authori3ation of the #a<fu# 5istri,utor of the
Atic"e QQ%H%11: {Go#en8ent U$e o' So't4!e / Go#en8ent U$e o' So't4!e !n1
Ot0e :!tei!"$ Potecte1 -* Co)*i30t o Re"!te1 Ri30t$}
Each Part$ sha## a5o"t or maintain a""ro"riate #a<s, regu#ations, "o#icies, or5ers,
go4ernmentBissue5 gui5e#ines, or a5ministrati4e or e;ecuti4e 5ecrees "ro4i5ing that its
%.G2CL2FN2N!2PE o""ose6 centra#
& go4ernment agencies use on#$ nonBinfringing
com"uter soft<are %CL2EN2KP2PE2FN o""ose6, an5 %CA "ro"ose6 ma9e use of& other %CA
"ro"ose6 <or9s, "honograms, an5 "erformances& %U. "ro"ose6 materia#s& "rotecte5 ,$
co"$right or re#ate5 rights& in a manner authori3e5 ,$ #a< an5 ,$ the re#e4ant #icense0
These measures sha## a""#$ to the ac7uisition an5 management %CL2EN2KP2PE2FN
o""ose6 of such materia#s& for go4ernment use0
Note: ,7P Po/isions ae in &ddendu) ,,,$
)'+ NegotiatorAs Note6 CL "osition <i## 5e"en5 on the outcome of "aragra"h '0
)'I %N! "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, a Part$ ma$ #imit >assisting another to recei4e? to mean "u,#ishing
)'( For "ur"oses of Artic#es DD0H0M0' N DD0H0M0C, each Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that recei"t of a "rogramBcarr$ing
sate##ite or ca,#e signa# <ithout authori3ation inc#u5es recei"t of the signa# <ith intent to a4oi5 "a$ment, or
a#ternati4e#$ recei"t of the signa# <ithout "a$ment0
)'/ NegotiatorAs Note6 This is "en5ing the outcome of hori3onta# 5iscussions on the issue of #e4e#s of go4ernment
co4ere5 ,$ the Agreement0
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A11en1(8 I
EA$ o' :!c0 1/D ,>1?F
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Atic"e QQ%K%G:
'0 E;ce"t as other<ise "ro4i5e5 in "aragra"h ) ,e#o<, each Part$ sha## gi4e effect
to this Cha"ter on the 5ate of entr$ into force of this Agreement0
)0 As s"ecifie5 ,e#o<, a Part$ ma$ 5e#a$ gi4ing effect to certain "ro4isions of this
Cha"ter as set forth in this "aragra"h, ,eginning on the 5ata of entr$ into force of
the Agreement0
=a@ E;ce"t as "ro4i5e5 in Anne2 A, Artic#es DD0E0'+, DD0E0'(, DD0E0'/,
DD0E0)*, an5 DD0E0)) a""#$ to a## Parties0
=,@ If a countr$ s"ecifie5 in Anne2 A ,ecomes a >high income? countr$, as
5efine5 ,$ the officia# statistics of the Internationa# Fan9 for econstruction
an5 De4e#o"ment, such countr$ sha## fu##$ im"#ement the o,#igations of
Artic#es DD0E0'+, DD0E0'(, an5 DD0E0)) <ithin one $ear after it has
maintaine5 such >high income? countr$ status for t<o $ears consecuti4e#$0
{Section E: P!tent$ / Un1i$c"o$e1 Te$t o Ot0e &!t! / T!1ition!" Cno4"e13e}
Atic"e QQ%E%1?: {P!tent Te8 A1.($t8ent / :!5etin3 A))o#!"}
'0 Each Part$ sha## ma9e ,est efforts to "rocess "atent a""#ications an5 a""#ications
for mar9eting a""ro4a#
of "harmaceutica# "ro5ucts in an efficient an5 time#$
manner, <ith a 4ie< to a4oi5ing unreasona,#e or unnecessar$ 5e#a$s0
)0 Lith res"ect to a "harmaceutica# "ro5uct that is su,-ect to a "atent, each Part$
sha## ma9e a4ai#a,#e an a5-ustment
of the "atent term to com"ensate the "atent
o<ner for unreasona,#e curtai#ment of the effecti4e "atent term as a resu#t of the
mar9eting a""ro4a# "rocess0
C0 For greater certaint$, further to2consistent <ith Artic#e DD0A0I
, each Part$ ma$
"ro4i5e for con5itions an5 #imitations in im"#ementing the o,#igations of this
)': For greater certaint$, the term >mar9eting a""ro4a#? is s$non$mous <ith >sanitar$ a""ro4a#? un5er a Part$As #a<0
)'M %CA "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$ a Part$ ma$ a#ternati4e#$ "ro4i5e for a "erio5 of a55itiona# sui generis
"rotection to com"ensate for unreasona,#e curtai#ment0&
))* NegotiatorAs Note6 Parties to further 5iscuss an5 consi5er nee5 for reference to DD0A0I0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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Atic"e QQ%E%17: {P0!8!ce(tic!" &!t! Potection}
=a@ If a Part$ re7uires, as a con5ition for granting mar9eting a""ro4a# for a ne<
"harmaceutica# "ro5uct, the su,mission of un5isc#ose5 test or other 5ata
concerning the safet$ or efficac$ of the "ro5uct, the Part$ sha## not "ermit
thir5 "ersons, <ithout the consent of the "erson <ho "re4ious#$ su,mitte5
such information, to mar9et the same %MG o""ose6 or a simi#ar
& "ro5uct on
the ,asis of6
i0 that informationJ or
ii0 the mar9eting a""ro4a# grante5 to the "erson <ho su,mitte5 such
for at #east fi4e $ears from the 5ate of mar9eting a""ro4a# of the ne<
"harmaceutica# "ro5uct in the territor$ of the Part$ %MG "ro"ose6, or an$
other countr$ <here mar9eting a""ro4a# is first grante5&0
=,@ If a Part$ "ermits, as con5ition of granting mar9eting a""ro4a# for a ne<
"harmaceutica# "ro5uct, the su,mission of e4i5ence of "rior mar9eting
a""ro4a# of the "ro5uct in another territor$, the Part$ sha## not "ermit thir5
"ersons, <ithout the consent of a "erson <ho "re4ious#$ su,mitte5 such
information concerning the safet$ or efficac$ of the "ro5uct, to mar9et a
same %MG o""ose6 or a simi#ar& "ro5uct ,ase5 on e4i5ence re#ating to "rior
mar9eting a""ro4a# in the other territor$ for at #east fi4e $ears from the 5ate
of mar9eting a""ro4a# of the ne< "harmaceutica# "ro5uct in the territor$ of
the Part$ %MG "ro"ose6, or an$ other countr$ <here mar9eting a""ro4a# is
first grante5&0
%CL "ro"ose6 A#t =,@ A Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e for the "ossi,i#it$ of granting
mar9eting a""ro4a# or sanitar$ "ermit for a ne< "harmaceutica# "ro5uct
,ase5 on a "rior mar9eting a""ro4a# in another territor$0 If a Part$ "ro4i5es
for such "ossi,i#it$, it ma$ a#so re7uire consent or ac7uiescence of a "erson
"re4ious#$ su,mitting the un5isc#ose5 test or other 5ata to o,tain mar9eting
a""ro4a# in the other territor$ in or5er to authori3e a thir5 "erson to mar9et a
same or simi#ar "ro5uct =in the territor$ of the Part$@ for at #east I $ears from
the 5ate of the first2"rior mar9eting a""ro4a# of the ne< "harmaceutica#
)0 Lith res"ect to "re4ious#$ a""ro4e5 "harmaceutica# "ro5ucts, if a Part$ re7uires
the su,mission of6
=a@ ne< c#inica# information =other than information re#ate5 to ,ioe7ui4a#enc$@,
=,@ e4i5ence of "rior a""ro4a# of the "ro5uct in another territor$ that re7uires
such ne< information,
))' For greater certaint$, for "ur"oses of this .ection, a "harmaceutica# "ro5uct is >simi#ar? to a "re4ious#$ a""ro4e5
"harmaceutica# "ro5uct if the mar9eting a""ro4a# of that simi#ar "harmaceutica# "ro5ucts is ,ase5 u"on the
information concerning the safet$ or efficac$ of the "re4ious#$ a""ro4e5 "harmaceutica# "ro5uct, or the "rior
a""ro4a# of that "re4ious#$ a""ro4e5 "ro5uct0
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<hich is essentia# to the su,se7uent a""ro4a# of a "harmaceutica# "ro5uct, the
Part$ sha## not "ermit a thir5 "erson not ha4ing the consent of the "erson
"ro4i5ing the information to mar9et the same or a simi#ar "harmaceutica# "ro5uct
on the ,asis of the mar9eting a""ro4a# grante5 to a "erson su,mitting the
information for a "erio5 of at #east three $ears from the 5ate of mar9eting
a""ro4a# ,$ the Part$ %MG o""ose6 or the other territor$, as a""#ica,#e,
<hiche4er is #ater& %MG "ro"ose6 or an$ other countr$ <here mar9eting a""ro4a#
is first grante5&0

C0 Not<ithstan5ing "aragra"hs ' an5 ) a,o4e, a Part$ ma$ ta9e measures to "rotect
"u,#ic hea#th in accor5ance <ith6
=a@ the Dec#aration on the TIP. Agreement an5 Pu,#ic Hea#th
=LT2MIN=*'@2DEC2)@ =the >Dec#aration?@J
=,@ an$ <ai4er of an$ "ro4ision of the TIP. Agreement grante5 ,$ LTO
Mem,ers in accor5ance <ith the LTO Agreement to im"#ement the
Dec#aration an5 in force ,et<een the PartiesJ an5
=c@ an$ amen5ment of the TIP. Agreement to im"#ement the Dec#aration that
enters into force <ith res"ect to the Parties0
%MG "ro"ose6 +0 A Part$ ma$ for the "ur"ose of granting "rotection un5er su,"aragra"h
='@=a@ an5 ='@=,@, re7uire an a""#icant to commence the "rocess of o,taining mar9eting
a""ro4a# for that "harmaceutica# "ro5uct <ithin ': months from the 5ate the "ro5uct is
first registere5 or grante5 mar9eting a""ro4a#, an5 grante5 "rotection for such
information in an$ countr$0&
%MG "ro"ose6 I0 A Part$ ma$ for the "ur"ose of granting "rotection un5er "aragra"h )
re7uire an a""#icant to commence the "rocess of o,taining mar9eting a""ro4a# for that
"harmaceutica# "ro5uct <ithin ') months from the 5ate the "ro5uct is first registere5 or
grante5 mar9eting a""ro4a#, an5 grante5 "rotection for such information in an$ countr$0&
%MG "ro"ose6 (0 Not<ithstan5ing "aragra"hs ' an5 ) a,o4e, a Part$ ma$ <ai4e the
"rotection un5er "aragra"hs ' an5 ) a,o4e, <here it has ta9en measures
=a@ in accor5ance <ith6
=i@ Artic#e C' of the TIP. AgreementJ
=ii@ the Dec#aration on the TIP. Agreement an5 Pu,#ic Hea#th
=LT2MIN=*'@2DEC2)@ =the >Dec#aration?@J
=ii@ an$ <ai4er of an$ "ro4ision of the TIP. Agreement grante5 ,$
))) As an a#ternati4e to this "aragra"h, <here a Part$, on the 5ate of entr$ into force of this Agreement for that Part$,
has in "#ace a s$stem for "rotecting information su,mitte5 in connection <ith the a""ro4a# of a "harmaceutica#
"ro5uct that uti#i3es a "re4ious#$ a""ro4e5 1AU2N!2.G o""ose6 chemica#8 1AU2N!2.G "ro"ose6 acti4e8
com"onent from unfair commercia# use, the Part$ ma$ retain that s$stem, not<ithstan5ing the o,#igations of this
"aragra"h0 A55itiona##$, a Part$ is not re7uire5 to a""#$ Artic#e DD0E0'(0) <ith res"ect to "harmaceutica#
"ro5ucts co4ere5 ,$ Artic#e DD0E0)* %CA o""ose6 or to "harmaceutica# "ro5ucts that recei4e a "erio5 of at #east :
$ears of "rotection "ursuant to su,"aragra"h '=a@ an5 '=,@ of Artic#e DD0E0'(0& %CA "ro"ose6 A Part$ that
"ro4i5es a "erio5 of at #east : $ears of "rotection "ursuant to DD0E0'(0' is not re7uire5 to a""#$ Artic#e
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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LTO Mem,ers in accor5ance <ith the LTO Agreement to
im"#ement the Dec#aration an5 in force ,et<een the PartiesJ
=iii@ an$ amen5ment of the TIP. Agreement to im"#ement the
Dec#aration that enters into force <ith res"ect to the Parties0
=,@ necessar$ to "rotect "u,#ic hea#th, nationa# securit$, nonBcommercia#
"u,#ic use, nationa# emergenc$ or other urgent circumstances as
5etermine5 ,$ the Part$0&
Atic"e QQ%E%19: {TPP P!tent Lin5!3e}
'0 Lhere a Part$ "ermits, as a con5ition of a""ro4ing the mar9eting of a
"harmaceutica# "ro5uct, "ersons, other than the "erson origina##$ su,mitting the
safet$ or efficac$ information, to re#$ on e4i5ence or information concerning the
safet$ or efficac$ of a "ro5uct that <as "re4ious#$ a""ro4e5, such as e4i5ence of
"rior mar9eting a""ro4a# ,$ the Part$ or in another territor$6
=a@ that Part$ sha## "ro4i5e measures in its mar9eting a""ro4a# "rocess to
"re4ent those other "ersons from6

i0 mar9eting a "ro5uct, <here that "ro5uct is c#aime5 in a "atentJ or
ii0 mar9eting a "ro5uct for an a""ro4e5 use, <here that a""ro4e5 use is
c#aime5 in a "atent,
5uring the term of that "atent, un#ess ,$ consent or ac7uiescence of the
"atent o<ner
%CA "ro"ose6
&J an5
=,@ if the Part$ "ermits a thir5 "erson to re7uest mar9eting a""ro4a# to enter the
mar9et <ith6
i0 a "ro5uct 5uring the term of a "atent i5entifie5 as c#aiming the "ro5uctJ
ii0 a "ro5uct for an a""ro4e5 use, 5uring the term of a "atent i5entifie5 as
c#aiming that a""ro4e5 use,
the Part$ sha## "ro4i5e for the "atent o<ner to ,e notifie5 of such re7uest an5
the i5entif$ of an$ such other "erson0
)0 Lhere a Part$ chooses not to im"#ement "aragra"h ', such Part$ sha## "ro4i5e
that <ith res"ect to an$ "harmaceutica# "ro5uct that is su,-ect to a "atent
))C For greater certaint$, the measures referre5 to in this su,"aragra"h ma$ ,e in con-unction <ith a Part$As
mar9eting a""ro4a# "rocess0
))+ NegotiatorAs Note6 .ome Parties are consi5ering "ossi,i#it$ of a negotiatorAs note to a55ress 7uestions surroun5ing
the a""#ication of this %"aragra"h2Artic#e&, that cou#5 ,e re#ie5 u"on for the "ur"oses of su""#ementar$ #ega#
inter"retation0 This is <ithout "re-u5ice to CAAs "osition regar5ing its "rior FN (0
))I %CA "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, the consent or ac7uiescence is <ith res"ect of those other "ersons ,$"assing
the measures in the Part$As mar9eting a""ro4a# "rocess that <ou#5 "re4ent the mar9eting of a "ro5uct an5 not
<ith res"ect to "re4enting the mar9eting of the "ro5uct0&
))( For greater certaint$, a Part$ ma$ #imit the o,#igation of "aragra"h ) to the t$"es of "atents 5escri,e5 in
"aragra"hs '=a@=i@ an5 =ii@0
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=a@ the Part$ sha## not grant mar9eting a""ro4a# to an$ thir5 "art$ "rior to the
e;"iration of the "atent term, un#ess ,$ consent or <ith the ac7uiescence of
the "atent o<ner %CL "ro"ose6
&J an5
=,@ the Part$ sha## "ro4i5e for the "atent o<ner to ,e notifie5 of, or ma9e
a4ai#a,#e to the "atent o<ner, the i5entif$ of an$ thir5 "art$ re7uesting
mar9eting a""ro4a# effecti4e 5uring the term of the "atent0

Atic"e QQ%E%,>: Lith res"ect to the first mar9eting a""ro4a# of a "harmaceutica#
"ro5uct that is ,io#ogic,
each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e the "rotection affor5e5 un5er Artic#e
DD0E0'(0'=a@B=,@, mutatis mutandis for a "erio5 of %*& 2 %I& 2 %:& 2 %')& $ears from the 5ate
of mar9eting a""ro4a# of such "harmaceutica# "ro5uct in that Part$0
Atic"e QQ%E%,1: For the "ur"ose of Artic#e DD0E0'(, a ne< "harmaceutica# "ro5uct
means a "ro5uct that 5oes not contain %CL "ro"ose6 or uti#i3e& a chemica# entit$ that has
,een "re4ious#$ a""ro4e5 ,$ the Part$0 1In the a#ternati4e, a8 A Part$ ma$ 1a#so8 "ro4i5e
that a ne< "harmaceutica# "ro5uct means a "harmaceutica# "ro5uct that uti#i3es a
chemica# entit$ that has not ,een "re4ious#$ a""ro4e5 in the Part$0

Atic"e QQ%E%,,: .u,-ect to Artic#e DD0E0'(0C =protection o public health@, <hen a
"ro5uct is su,-ect to a s$stem of mar9eting a""ro4a# in the territor$ of a Part$ "ursuant to
Artic#es DD0E0'(, DD0E0)*, or DD0E0HHH =agricultural chemical products@, an5 is a#so
co4ere5 ,$ a "atent in the territor$ of that Part$, the Part$ sha## not a#ter the term of
"rotection that it "ro4i5es "ursuant to Artic#es DD0E0'(, DD0E0)*, or DD0E0HHH
))/ %MH "ro"ose6 Lhere a Part$ has in "#ace a s$stem <ith the re7uirements set forth in "aragra"h )=a@ on the 5ate
of entr$ into force of this Agreement for that Part$, it ma$ retain that s$stem as an a#ternati4e to "aragra"hs '=a@
=i@ an5 =ii@0&
)): %CL "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, Parties ma$ com"#$ <ith this o,#igation ,$ "ro4i5ing for in-unctions or other
-u5icia# "rocee5ings <ithin their "atent infringement "roce5ures0&
))M 1For greater certaint$, a Part$ is not re7uire5 to "ro4i5e the notification or to ma9e a4ai#a,#e the information set
forth in "aragra"h )=,@, if that Part$ "rec#u5es the issuance of mar9eting a""ro4a# or sanitar$ "ermit to a thir5
"art$ "rior to the e;"iration of the "atent term in the a,sence of #ega# enforcement action ,$ a right ho#5er08
)C* For greater certaint$, the Parties recogni3e that this Artic#e 5oes not im"#$ that the mar9eting a""ro4a# authorit$
shou#5 ma9e "atent 4a#i5it$ or infringement 5eterminations0
)C' NegotiatorAs Note6 De#egations 5iscusse5 t<o a""roaches to a footnote on ,io#ogics, <hich are set forth ,e#o<0
De#egations ha5 5ifferent 4ie<s an5 "references regar5ing these t<o a""roaches0
A))o!c0 1: 1For "ur"oses of this Cha"ter, a "harmaceutica# "ro5uct that is ,io#ogica# means %at #east& a
4accine, a "rotein, or a %AU "ro"ose6 "#asmaB5eri4e5 "ro5uct, U. "ro"ose6 ,#oo5B5eri4ati4e, KP "ro"ose6 ,#oo5B
5eri4e5 "ro5uct& for use in human ,eings for the "re4ention, treatment, or, cure of a 5isease or con5ition0 A Part$
ma$ #imit the sco"e of such "harmaceutica# "ro5ucts to "ro5ucts that are "ro5uce5 %U. "ro"ose6 at #east in "art,
through ,io#ogica# "rocesses in4o#4ing #i4ing organisms, tissues, or ce##s, such as those in4o#4ing& %U. o""ose6
,$ ,iotechno#og$ %such as&2%inc#u5ing&& recom,inant DNA techno#og$0 %CA "ro"ose6 Pro5ucts that& a Part$ ma$
e;c#u5e %CA o""ose6 the fo##o<ing& from the sco"e of such "harmaceutica# "ro5ucts, %CA6 inc#u5e6 & ,#oo5 an5
,#oo5 com"onents, chemica##$ s$nthesi3e5 "o#$"e"ti5es, an5 %U. "ro"ose6 natura##$ occurring& anima#B5eri4e5
"o#$"e"ti5es that are 5eri4e5 <ho##$ ,$ means of e;traction an5 "urification from anima# organs an5 tissues %CA
"ro"ose6 or from "#ants&8 Note: 2ele(ations also to !onside ne!essity and potential da#tin( o# the #ollo0in(
text: %CA o""ose6 For greater certaint$, each Part$ confirms that "harmaceutica# "ro5ucts that are not 5efine5 as
,io#ogics un5er this "ro4isions %are su,-ect to&2%sha## ,e e4a#uate5 un5er& Artic#e DD0E0'(0&
A))o!c0 ,: .e#fB5efining 2 accor5ing to nationa# #a<0
)C) Each Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that an a""#icant ma$ re7uest a""ro4a# of a "harmaceutica# "ro5uct that is a ,io#ogic
un5er the "roce5ures set forth in Artic#e DD0E0'(='@=a@B=,@ <ithin I $ears of entr$ into force of this Agreement,
"ro4i5e5 that other "harmaceutica# "ro5ucts in the same c#ass of "ro5ucts ha4e ,een a""ro4e5 ,$ the Part$ un5er
the "roce5ures set forth in Artic#e DD0E0'(='@=a@B=,@ ,efore entr$ into force of this Agreement0
)CC NegotiatorAs Note6 CL 5oes not consi5er the )
sentence necessar$ gi4en the '
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=agricultural chemical products@ in the e4ent that the "atent "rotection terminates on a
5ate ear#ier than the en5 of the term of "rotection s"ecifie5 in Artic#es DD0E0'(, DD0E0)*,
or DD0E0HHH =agricultural chemical products@0
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A@ For 1speciied countries8, the fo##o<ing su,"aragra"h sha## a""#$ in #ieu of
Artic#e DD0E0'+ =)@B=C@ =patent term restoration@ as set out in Artic#e DD0A0H
=general provisions@6
Lith res"ect to an$ "harmaceutica# "ro5uct that is co4ere5 ,$ a "atent, each
Part$ ma$ ma9e a4ai#a,#e a restoration of the "atent term or "atent rights to
com"ensate the "atent o<ner for unreasona,#e curtai#ment of the effecti4e "atent
term resu#ting from the mar9eting a""ro4a# "rocess re#ate5 to the first
commercia# mar9eting of the "ro5uct in that Part$0 An$ restoration un5er this
su,"aragra"h sha## confer a## of the e;c#usi4e rights of a "atent su,-ect to the
same #imitations an5 e;ce"tions a""#ica,#e to the origina# "atent0
F@ For 1speciied countries8, the fo##o<ing su,"aragra"hs sha## a""#$ in #ieu of
Artic#e DD0E0'/ =TPP patent lin#age@ as set out in Artic#e DD0H0A =general
Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e6
=a@ "roce5ures, such as -u5icia# or a5ministrati4e "rocee5ings, an5 reme5ies,
such as "re#iminar$ in-unctions or e7ui4a#ent effecti4e "ro4isiona# measures,
for the e;"e5itious a5-u5ication of 5is"utes concerning the 4a#i5it$ or
infringement of a "atent <ith res"ect to "atent c#aims that co4er an a""ro4e5
"harmaceutica# "ro5uct or its a""ro4e5 metho5 of useJ
=,@ a trans"arent s$stem to "ro4i5e notice to a "atent ho#5er that another "erson
is see9ing to mar9et an a""ro4e5 "harmaceutica# "ro5uct 5uring the term of
a "atent co4ering the "ro5uct or its a""ro4e5 metho5 of useJ an5
=c@ sufficient time an5 o""ortunit$ for a "atent ho#5er to see9, "rior to the
mar9eting of an a##ege5#$ infringing "ro5uct, a4ai#a,#e reme5ies for an
infringing "ro5uct0
C@ For 1speciied countries8, the fo##o<ing "aragra"hs sha## a""#$ in #ieu of Artic#e
DD0E0'( an5 Artic#e DD0E0)) as set out in Artic#e DD0A0H6
=a@ If a Part$ re7uires, as a con5ition for a""ro4ing the mar9eting of a
"harmaceutica# "ro5uct that uti#i3es a ne< chemica# entit$,
the su,mission
of un5isc#ose5 test or other 5ata necessar$ to 5etermine <hether the use of
such "ro5ucts is safe an5 effecti4e, the Part$ sha## "rotect against 5isc#osure
of the 5ata of "ersons ma9ing such su,missions, <here the origination of
such 5ata in4o#4es consi5era,#e effort, e;ce"t <here the 5isc#osure is
necessar$ to "rotect the "u,#ic or un#ess ste"s are ta9en to ensure that the
5ata are "rotecte5 against unfair commercia# use0
=,@ Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e that for 5ata su,-ect to "aragra"h '=a@ that are
su,mitte5 to the Part$ after the 5ate of entr$ into force of this Agreement, no
)C+ For greater certaint$, the Parties un5erstan5 that the 5efinition in DD0E0)' for >ne< "harmaceutica# "ro5uct? is
a""#ica,#e to su,"aragra"h C0
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"erson other than the "erson that su,mitte5 them ma$, <ithout the #atterAs
"ermission, re#$ on such 5ata in su""ort of an a""#ication for "ro5uct
a""ro4a# 5uring a reasona,#e "erio5 of time after their su,mission0 For this
"ur"ose, a reasona,#e "erio5 sha## norma##$ mean fi4e $ears from the 5ate on
<hich the Part$ grante5 a""ro4a# to the "erson that "ro5uce5 the 5ata for
a""ro4a# to mar9et its "ro5uct, ta9ing account of the nature of the 5ata an5
"ersonAs efforts an5 e;"en5itures in "ro5ucing them0 .u,-ect to this
"ro4ision, there sha## ,e no #imitation on an$ Part$ to im"#ement a,,re4iate5
a""ro4a# "roce5ures for such "ro5ucts on the ,asis of ,ioe7ui4a#ence or
,ioa4ai#a,i#it$ stu5ies0
=c@ Lhere a Part$ re#ies on a mar9eting a""ro4a# grante5 ,$ another Part$, an5
grants a""ro4a# <ithin si; months of the fi#ing of a com"#ete a""#ication for
mar9eting a""ro4a# fi#e5 in the Part$, the reasona,#e "erio5 of e;c#usi4e use
of the 5ata su,mitte5 in connection <ith o,taining the a""ro4a# re#ie5 on
sha## ,egin <ith the 5ate of the first mar9eting a""ro4a# re#ie5 on0
=5@ A Part$ nee5 not a""#$ the "ro4isions of su,"aragra"hs =a@, =,@, an5 =c@ <ith
res"ect to a "harmaceutica# "ro5uct that contains a chemica# entit$ that has
,een "re4ious#$ a""ro4e5 in the territor$ of the Part$ for use in a
"harmaceutica# "ro5uct0
=e@ Not<ithstan5ing su,"aragra"hs =a@, =,@, an5 =c@, a Part$ ma$ ta9e measures
to "rotect "u,#ic hea#th in accor5ance <ith6
i0 the Dec#aration on the TIP. Agreement an5 Pu,#ic Hea#th
=LT2MIN=*'@2DEC2)@ =the >Dec#aration?@J
ii0 an$ <ai4er of an$ "ro4ision of the TIP. Agreement grante5 ,$ LTO
Mem,ers in accor5ance <ith the LTO Agreement to im"#ement the
Dec#aration an5 in force ,et<een the PartiesJ an5
iii0 an$ amen5ment of the TIP. Agreement to im"#ement the Dec#aration
that enters into force <ith res"ect to the Parties0
)0 .u,-ect to "aragra"h '=e@, <hen a "ro5uct is su,-ect to a s$stem of
mar9eting a""ro4a# in the territor$ of a Part$ "ursuant to "aragra"h ', Artic#e
DD0E0)*, or Artic#e DD0E0HHH =agricultural chemical products@ an5 is a#so
co4ere5 ,$ a "atent in the territor$ of that Part$, the Part$ sha## not a#ter the term
of "rotection that it "ro4i5es "ursuant to "aragra"h ', Artic#e DD0E0)*, or Artic#e
DD0E0HHH =agricultural chemical products@ in the e4ent that the "atent
"rotection terminates on a 5ate ear#ier than the en5 of the term of "rotection
s"ecifie5 in "aragra"h ', Artic#e DD0E0)* , or Artic#e DD0E0HHH =agricultural
chemical products@0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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A11en1(8 II
Non+P!)e on T!n$ition!" Peio1$ !n1 O-"i3!tion 'o P!tent$ P0!8!
E!$ o' =e-(!* ,,D ,>1?F
Po)o$!" on P!tent P0!8!ce(tic!"$ T!n$ition Peio1$
Atic"e QQ%A%G:
'0 For the "ur"oses of these Artic#es, the Parties to this Agreement sha## ,e 5i4i5e5
into Categor$ A, Categor$ F, or Categor$ C as fo##o<s6
=a@ Categor$ A6 Unite5 .tates, Ka"an, .inga"ore, %other countries to ,e
=,@ Categor$ F6 Me;ico, Frunei, %other countries to ,e confirme5&
=c@ Categor$ C6 Peru an5 Eietnam
)0 In im"#ementing Artic#es DD0E0'+ =Patent Term A5-ustment2Mar9eting
A""ro4a#@, an5 DD0E0'/ =Patent Lin9age@, Parties sha## com"#$ <ith the
im"#ementation sche5u#e state5 in Ta,#e '0
Ta,#e '
C!te3o* A , *e!$ !'te ent* into 'oce o' t0e A3ee8ent
C!te3o* @ , L [G
] *e!$ !'te ent* into 'oce o' t0e A3ee8ent
C!te3o* C , L [G
] L [G
] *e!$ !'te ent* into 'oce o' t0e A3ee8ent
C0 For the "ur"oses of Artic#e DD0E0'(0'=a@ an5 =,@, the "erio5 of "rotection to ,e
accor5e5 =from the 5ate of mar9eting a""ro4a# of the ne< "harmaceutica#
"ro5uct in the territor$ of the Part$@ sha## ,e no #ess than that s"ecifie5 in Ta,#e
Ta,#e )
, *e!$ !'te ent* into
'oce o' t0e A3ee8ent
, *e!$ !'te ent* into
'oce o' t0e A3ee8ent
L [G
] *e!$
, *e!$ !'te ent* into
'oce o' t0e A3ee8ent
L [G
] L [G
] *e!$
Categor$ A I $ears
Categor$ F C $ears I $ears
Categor$ C * $ears C $ears I $ears
+0 For the "ur"oses of Artic#e DD0E0)*, the "erio5 of "rotection to ,e accor5e5
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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Without Prejudice
=from the 5ate of mar9eting a""ro4a# of the "harmaceutica# "ro5uct that is
,io#ogic in that Part$@ sha## ,e no #ess than that s"ecifie5 in Ta,#e C0
Ta,#e C
, *e!$ !'te ent* into
'oce o' t0e A3ee8ent
, *e!$ !'te ent* into
'oce o' t0e A3ee8ent
L [G
] *e!$
, *e!$ !'te ent* into
'oce o' t0e A3ee8ent
L [G
] L [G
] *e!$
Categor$ A %R& $ears
Categor$ F %RBC& $ears %R& $ears
Categor$ C * $ears %RBC& $ears %R& $ears
I0 Artic#e DD0E0)) sha## a""#$ to a## Parties, <ith the e;ce"tion of Parties fa##ing
<ithin Categor$ C prior to the "erio5 of ) $ears after entr$ into force of the
Agreement S %H
& $ears0 For greater certaint$, u"on ) $ears after entr$ into force
of the Agreement S %H
& $ears, Artic#e DD0E0)) sha## thereafter a""#$ to such
Parties fa##ing <ithin Categor$ C0
(0 Un#ess the Parties agree other<ise, an$ Part$ acce5ing to this Agreement after its
entr$ into force sha## #i9e<ise ,e assigne5 to Categor$ A, F, or C, ,ut the
im"#ementation sche5u#es in su,B"aragra"hs ) to I a""#ica,#e to such a Part$
sha## ,e 5eeme5 to ha4e commence5 from the time of entr$ into force of the
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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A11en1(8 III
Non+P!)e on Intenet Se#ice Po#i1e S!'e H!-o$ %CL "ro"ose6
%AU "ro"ose6 Consistent <ith Artic#e +' of the TIP. Agreement,& In or5er to faci#itate
the continue5 5e4e#o"ment of entities engage5 in "ro4i5ing %AU o""ose6 #egitimate&
on#ine ser4ices, <hi#e a#so %AU o""ose6 ensuring the a4ai#a,i#it$ of& %AU6 "ro4i5ing&
enforcement "roce5ures that "ermit effecti4e action against co"$right infringement

%CL2PE "ro"ose6 co4ere5 un5er this Cha"ter& %AU o""ose6, each Part$ sha## esta,#ish or
maintain a frame<or9 that "ro4i5es #ega#& %AU "ro"ose6 inc#u5ing& reme5ies for right
ho#5ers to a55ress co"$right infringement in the on#ine en4ironment %AU o""ose6 an5&
%AU "ro"ose6, each Part$ sha## esta,#ish or maintain a frame<or9& that "ro4i5es safe
har,ors <ith res"ect to co"$right infringement #imiting the 1#ia,i#it$ of, or the a4ai#a,i#it$
or reme5ies against8, on#ine ser4ice "ro4i5ers
that %AU o""ose6 meet %CA o""ose6
a""ro"riate& %CA "ro"ose6 certain& re7uirements0 .uch a frame<or9 sha## inc#u5e& %AU
"ro"ose6 inc#u5es& the fo##o<ing e#ements6
'0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e #ega# incenti4es %CA "ro"ose6
& for on#ine ser4ice
"ro4i5ers to coo"erate <ith %MH "ro"ose6 authorities or& co"$right o<ners or
%AU2N!2 o""ose6 other<ise& %AU2N! "ro"ose6 in the a#ternati4e to& 1he#"8 2
1ta9e action8 to 5eter the unauthori3e5 storage an5 transmission of co"$righte5
materia#s %MH "ro"ose6 in accor5ance to the nationa# #egis#ation of each Part$&0
)0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e #imitations in its #a< on the 1#ia,i#it$ of
, or %AU
o""ose6 the 1a4ai#a,i#it$ of 1%CA2CL o""ose6 monetar$&& %AU "ro"ose6 sco"e of&
reme5ies %CL "ro"ose6
&8 against, on#ine ser4ice "ro4i5ers %CA o""ose6 1acting
as %AU o""ose6 neutra#& interme5iaries8
& for co"$right infringements that the$
)CI NegotiatorAs Note6 CL is sti## consi5ering this "ro"osa# an5 reser4es its "osition to the entire section0
)C( For the "ur"oses of this Artic#e, >co"$right? inc#u5es re#ate5 rights0
)C/ For "ur"oses of this Artic#e, >on#ine ser4ice "ro4i5er? an5 >"ro4i5er? mean a "ro4i5er of on#ine ser4ices or
net<or9 access, or the o"erators of faci#ities therefore, an5 inc#u5es %CL o""ose6 an entit$& %CL "ro"ose6 an$
"erson& offering the transmission, routing, or "ro4i5ing of connections for 5igita# on#ine communications,
,et<een or among "oints s"ecifie5 ,$ a user, of materia# of the userAs choosing, <ithout mo5ification to the
content of the materia# as sent or recei4e5 %CA "ro"ose6 other than mo5ifications ma5e as "art of a technica#
"rocess or for so#e#$ technica# reasons&0 A Part$ ma$ "ro4i5e that net<or9 access inc#u5es cases in <hich net<or9
access is "ro4i5e5 ,$ another "ro4i5er0 %N! "ro"ose6 A Part$ ma$ #imit the a""#ication of this Artic#e to entities
offering the transmission, routing, or "ro4i5ing of connections for 5igita# on#ine communications, ,et<een or
among "oints s"ecifie5 ,$ a user, of materia# of the userAs choosing, <ithout mo5ification to the content of the
materia# as sent or recei4e5, or offering the hosting of materia# on <e,sites or other e#ectronic retrie4a# s$stems
that can ,e accesse5 ,$ a user0&
)C: %CA "ro"ose6 Lega# incenti4es ma$ ,e un5erstoo5 as e;"osure to "otentia# #ia,i#it$ un5er that Part$As 5omestic
co"$right #a<0&
)CM 1%CA o""ose6 Lhere a Part$ chooses to #imit #ia,i#it$, a""ro"riate courtBor5ere5 re#ief& %CA "ro"ose6 Limitation
in #a< on the #ia,i#it$ of on#ine ser4ice "ro4i5ers sha## not affect an$ -u5icia# authorit$, in accor5ance <ith a
Part$As #ega# s$stem,& to com"e# or restrain certain actions %CA "ro"ose6 <here a""ro"riate an5& %CA o""ose6 sha##
,e a4ai#a,#e,& su,-ect to reasona,#e restrictions <ith 5ue regar5 to the re#ati4e ,ur5ens to the ser4ice "ro4i5er an5
harm to the co"$right o<ner, the technica# feasi,i#it$ an5 effecti4eness of the re#ief an5 <hether #ess ,ur5ensome,
com"ara,#$ effecti4e enforcement metho5s are a4ai#a,#e08
)+* %CL "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, these #imitations ma$ "rec#u5e monetar$ re#ief an5 "ro4i5e reasona,#e
#imitations on court or5er re#ief to com"e# or restrain certain actions for the functions referre5 to in "aragra"h C
an5 sha## ,e confine5 to those functions0&
)+' %CA o""ose6 1P#aceho#5er for further e#a,oration on <hat factors ma$ 5etermine <hat is a neutra# interme5iar$,
<ith focus on se"arating out non #egitimate I.Ps that "romote infringement80&
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
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Without Prejudice
5o not contro#, initiate, or 5irect, an5 that ta9e "#ace through s$stems or net<or9s
contro##e5 or o"erate5 ,$ them or on their ,eha#f0
%PE "ro"ose6
& %CA
C0 The #imitations 5escri,e5 in "aragra"h ) sha## co4er %CA "ro"ose6 at #east& the
fo##o<ing functions6
i0 transmitting, routing, or "ro4i5ing connections for materia# <ithout
mo5ification of its content
, or the interme5iate an5 transient storage of
such materia# 5one automatica##$ in the course of such a technica# "rocessJ
ii0 caching carrie5 out through an automate5 "rocessJ
iii0 storage
, at the 5irection of a user, of materia# resi5ing on a s$stem or
net<or9 contro##e5 or o"erate5 ,$ or for the ser4ice "ro4i5er
J an5
i40 referring or #in9ing users to an on#ine #ocation ,$ using information #ocation
too#s, inc#u5ing h$"er#in9s an5 5irectories0
+0 Each Part$ sha## "rescri,e in its #a< con5itions for on#ine ser4ice "ro4i5ers to
7ua#if$ for the #imitations 5escri,e5 in "aragra"h ) %CA o""ose6, or sha##
other<ise "ro4i5e for their fu#fi##ment, to incenti4i3e on#ine ser4ice "ro4i5ers to
ta9e effecti4e action& %CA "ro"ose6 to "artici"ate in a s$stem for sen5ing notices
of a##ege5 infringement& <ith res"ect to infringements that ta9e "#ace through
s$stems or net<or9s contro##e5 or o"erate5 ,$ them or on their ,eha#f %CA
"ro"ose6, or other<ise ensure "artici"ation in such a s$stem&0 Lith res"ect to
infringing materia# resi5ing on on#ine ser4ice "ro4i5ersA net<or9s %CL "ro"ose6
or s$stems& un5er %CL "ro"ose6 functions referre5 to in& "aragra"h C=iii@ an5
C=i4@ a,o4e, %CL o""ose6 on#ine ser4ice "ro4i5ers sha## ,e re7uire5& %CL "ro"ose6
#imitations sha## ,e con5itione5 on the ser4ice "ro4i5er& e;"e5itious#$ to remo4e
or 5isa,#e access to such materia# u"on %MH o""ose6 o,taining& %MH "ro"ose6
recei4ing a notification from the authorit$ or "erson authori3e5 to 5o so, in
accor5ance to the nationa# #egis#ation of each Part$& %MH o""ose6 actua#
9no<#e5ge of the infringement or a<areness of facts or circumstances from
<hich the infringement is a""arent %AU "ro"ose6, such as& %CL "ro"ose6
& %AU
o""ose6, or u"on& recei4ing a #ega##$ sufficient notice
of a##ege5 infringement
from the rights ho#5er or a "erson authori3e5 to act on its ,eha#f&, an5 in the
a,sence of %AU o""ose6 #ega##$ sufficient statement& %AU "ro"ose6 counterB
notice& from the "erson <hose materia# is %AU o""ose6 remo4e5 or 5isa,#e5&
)+) It is un5erstoo5 that, to the e;tent that a Part$ 5etermines, consistent <ith its internationa# #ega# o,#igations, that a
"articu#ar act 5oes not constitute co"$right infringement, there is no o,#igation to "ro4i5e for a #imitation in
re#ation to the act0
)+C %PE "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, the fai#ure of a ser4ice "ro4i5er to 7ua#it$ for the #imitations in "aragra"h )
5oes not itse#f resu#t in #ia,i#it$0 Furthermore, "aragra"h ) is <ithout "re-u5ice to the a4ai#a,i#it$ of 5efenses to
co"$right infringement that are of genera# a""#ica,i#it$0&
)++ %CA "ro"ose6 It is un5erstoo5 that on#ine ser4ice "ro4i5ers ma$ contro#, initiate, or 5irect 4arious acts of
re"ro5uction or communication that ma$ in4o#4e infringing acts so#e#$ for technica# reasons in carr$ing out the
functions in "aragra"h C an5 as "art of "ro4i5ing their ser4ices0&
)+I .uch mo5ification 5oes not inc#u5e mo5ifications ma5e as "art of a technica# "rocess or for so#e#$ technica#
reasons %CL "ro"ose6, such as 5i4ision in to "ac9ages0&
)+( For greater certaint$, Parties ma$ inter"ret >storage? as >hosting?0
)+/ For greater certaint$, such storage of materia# ma$ inc#u5e eBmai#s an5 their attachments store5 in the "ro4i5erAs
ser4er an5 <e, "ages resi5ing on the "ro4i5erAs ser4er0
)+: %CL "ro"ose6 A Part$ ma$ re7uire -u5icia# inter4ention for "ur"ose of o,taining actua# 9no<#e5ge of the
infringement or a<areness of facts or circumstances from <hich the infringement is a""arent0&
)+M Each Part$ un5erstan5s that a #ega##$ sufficient notice or statement, as 5efine5 un5er a Part$As #a<, must contain
information that is reasona,#$ sufficient to ena,#e the on#ine ser4ice "ro4i5er to i5entif$ the <or9, "erformance,
or "honogram c#aime5 to ,e infringe5, the a##ege5 infringing materia#, an5 the on#ine #ocation of the a##ege5
infringement an5 that has a sufficient in5icia of re#ia,i#it$ <ith res"ect to the authorit$ of the "art$ sen5ing the
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
%AU "ro"ose6 su,-ect to a notice for remo4a# or 5isa,#ing& in5icating that the
notice <as the resu#t of mista9e or misi5entification0
An on#ine ser4ice
"ro4i5er that remo4es or 5isa,#es access to materia# in goo5 faith "ursuant to an5
consistent <ith this "aragra"h sha## ,e e;em"te5 from an$ #ia,i#it$ for ha4ing
5one so %N! "ro"ose6
&, "ro4i5e5 that it ta9es reasona,#e ste"s %KP "ro"ose6 in
a54ance or& "rom"t#$ to notif$ the "erson <hose materia# is remo4e5 or
%KP "ro"ose6
%AU "ro"ose6 The #imitations in "aragra"h ) sha## not ,e con5itione5 on the
ser4ice "ro4i5er un5erta9ing measures that im"ose su,stantia# costs or
su,stantia# ,ur5ens on their s$stems or net<or9s0&
%MH "ro"ose6 Lhere a "erson, <hose materia# is remo4e5 or 5isa,#e5, c#aims
that the notice <as the resu#t of mista9e or misi5entification, on#ine ser4ice
"ro4i5ers sha## ,e re7uire5 e;"e5itious#$ to u"#oa5 or ena,#e access to such
materia# u"on recei4ing a notification from the authorit$ or the "erson authori3e5
to 5o so, in accor5ance to the nationa# #egis#ation of each Part$0&
I0 E#igi,i#it$ for the #imitations in "aragra"h ) ma$ not ,e con5itione5 on the
ser4ice "ro4i5er monitoring its ser4ice or affirmati4e#$ see9ing facts in5icating
infringing acti4it$0
(0 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e "roce5ures, <hether -u5icia# or a5ministrati4e, in
accor5ance <ith that Part$As #ega# s$stem, an5 consistent <ith "rinci"#es %KP
& of 5ue "rocess an5 "ri4ac$, ena,#ing a co"$right o<ner <ho has
ma5e a #ega##$ sufficient c#aim of co"$right infringement to o,tain e;"e5itious#$
from an on#ine ser4ice "ro4i5er information in the "ro4i5erAs "ossession
i5entif$ing the a##ege5 infringer, <here such information is sought for the
"ur"ose of "rotecting or enforcing such co"$right0
%AU "ro"ose6 Each Part$ sha## "ro4i5e for monetar$ reme5ies against an$ "erson
<ho ma9es a 9no<ing materia# misre"resentation in a notification or counterB
notification that causes in-ur$ to an$ intereste5 "art$ as a resu#t of a ser4ice
"ro4i5er re#$ing on the misinter"retation0&
)I* A Part$ ma$ com"#$ <ith %KP o""ose6 its& %KP "ro"ose6 the& o,#igations un5er %KP "ro"ose6 the secon5 sentence
of& %KP o""ose6 su,& "aragra"h + ,$ %KP "ro"ose6 ='@& ha4ing a %KP o""ose6 mu#tiB&sta9eho#5er organi3ation %KP
"ro"ose6, <hich inc#u5es re"resentati4es of ,oth on#ine ser4ice "ro4i5ers an5 rights ho#5ers, <ith the go4ernment
in4o#4e5,& to 5e4e#o" an5 maintain %KP o""ose6 a5e7uac$ of institutiona#& %KP "ro"ose6 a5e7uate& "roce5ures to
4erif$ %KP o""ose6 or un5er<rite& the 4a#i5it$ of %KP o""ose6 a notice on& %KP "ro"ose6 notices of& co"$right
infringement %KP o""ose6, an5 ,$ "ro4i5ing that a "ro4i5er sha## ,e e;em"te5 from an$ #ia,i#it$ for remo4ing or
5isa,#ing access to materia#, =a@ u"on recei4ing the notice un5er<ritten or 4erifie5 through such "roce5uresJ or
=,@ u"on recei4ing other notice after informing of such notice an5 not recei4ing o,-ections <ithin a reasona,#e
"erio5 from the "erson0& %KP "ro"ose6, an5 =)@ ta9ing a""ro"riate measures to #imit the #ia,i#it$ of on#ine ser4ice
"ro4i5ers for co"$right infringement <here the on#ine ser4ice "ro4i5ers e;"e5itious#$ remo4e or 5isa,#e access to
the materia#, u"on o,taining actua# 9no<#e5ge of the infringement or a<areness of facts or circumstances from
<hich the infringement is a""arent, inc#u5ing through recei4ing a 4erifie5 notice0&
)I' %N! "ro"ose6 for greater certaint$, <here no such #ia,i#it$ e;ists un5er a Part$As #a<, a Part$ nee5 not "ro4i5e an$
further e;em"tion0&
)I) Lith res"ect to the function in su,"aragra"h C=ii@, a Part$ ma$ #imit the re7uirements of "aragra"h + re#ate5 to
remo4ing or 5isa,#ing access to infringing materia# to circumstances in <hich the ser4ice "ro4i5er ,ecomes
a<are or recei4es notification that the cache5 materia# has ,een remo4e5 or access to it has ,een 5isa,#e5 at the
originating site0
)IC %KP "ro"ose6 A Part$ nee5 not re7uire such notification in circumstances in <hich the on#ine ser4ice "ro4i5er has
reasona,#e groun5s to ,e#ie4e that infringement is occurring0&
)I+ %NegotiatorAs Note6 KP <ou#5 #i9e to in4ite PartiesA 4ie<s on inc#u5ing other "rinci"#es0&
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
/0 This Artic#e is <ithout "re-u5ice to the a4ai#a,i#it$ in a Part$As #a< of %KP o""ose6
other 5efenses,& #imitations, an5 e;ce"tions to the infringement of co"$right %KP
"ro"ose6 or an$ other 5efenses&0
%P#aceho#5er for gran5father "ro4ision0&
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
A11en1(8 IV
Non+P!)e on St!te+O4ne1 Ente)i$e$ !n1 IPS
E!$ o' =e-(!* ,,D ,>1?F
Atic"e QQ%H%1: {Gene!" En'oce8ent / Gene!" O-"i3!tion$ Re"!tin3 to t0e
En'oce8ent o' L!4 o' Inte""ect(!" Po)et* Ri30t$}
'0 Each Part$ sha## ensure that enforcement "roce5ures as s"ecifie5 in this section
are a4ai#a,#e un5er its #a<
so as to "ermit effecti4e action against an$ act of
infringement of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights co4ere5 ,$ this Cha"ter, inc#u5ing
e;"e5itious reme5ies to "re4ent infringements an5 reme5ies <hich constitute a
5eterrent to future infringements0 These "roce5ures sha## ,e a""#ie5 in such a
manner as to a4oi5 the creation of ,arriers to #egitimate tra5e an5 to "ro4i5e for
safeguar5s against their a,use0 %FN&
FN For greater certaint$, each Part$ confirms that it ma9es such enforcement
"roce5ures a4ai#a,#e consistent <ith the "ro4isions of this Agreement, <ith
res"ect to stateBo<ne5 enter"rises0

)II For greater certaint$, >#a<? is not #imite5 ,$ #egis#ation0
)I( NegotiatorAs Note6 The 5efinition of .OEs <i## ,e su,-ect to reso#ution ,$ the .OE Cha"ter <or9ing grou"0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
A11en1(8 V
Non+P!)e on N!tion!" Te!t8ent
Atic"e QQ%A%<: {N!tion!" Te!t8ent}
'0 In res"ect of a## categories of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ co4ere5 in this Cha"ter,
Part$ sha## accor5 to nationa#s
of the other Part$ treatment no #ess fa4ora,#e
than it accor5s to its o<n nationa#s <ith regar5s to the "rotection

%MG2CA2EN2FN2N! o""ose6 an5 en-o$ment& of such inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights
%MG2CA2EN2FN2N! o""ose6 an5 an$ ,enefits 5eri4e5 from such rights
Lith res"ect to secon5ar$ uses of "honograms
,$ means of ana#og
communications %CA "ro"ose6,& %CA o""ose6 an5& free
,roa5casting %CA2KP "ro"oseJ U. o""ose6 an5 other nonBinteracti4e
communications to the "u,#ic&, ho<e4er, a Part$ ma$ #imit the rights of the
"erformers an5 "ro5ucers of the other Part$ %CA o""ose6 to the rights its "ersons&
%CA "ro"ose6 to the e;tent to <hich the rights& are accor5e5 %CA "ro"ose6 to its
"ersons& <ithin the -uris5iction of the other Part$0
ALTENATIEE to "re4ious ) "aras6 %CA2KP2FN2MH "ro"oseJ U. o""ose6 Lith
res"ect to secon5ar$ uses of "honograms, a Part$ ma$ #imit the rights of the
"erformers %MH o""ose6 an5 "ro5ucers& of the other Part$ to the rights its
"ersons are accor5e5 <ithin the -uris5iction of the other Part$0&
)0 A Part$ ma$ 5erogate form "aragra"h ' in re#ation to its -u5icia# an5
a5ministrati4e "roce5ures, inc#u5ing re7uiring a nationa# of the other Part$ to
5esignate an a55ress for ser4ice of "rocess in its territor$, or to a""oint an agent
in its territor$, "ro4i5e5 that such 5erogation is6
)I/ For greater certaint$, nothing in this Agreement #imits Parties from ta9ing an other<ise "ermissi,#e 5erogation
from nationa# treatment <ith res"ect to 1co"$rights an5 re#ate5 rights8 that are not co4ere5 un5er .ection G
=Co"$right an5 e#ate5 ights@ of this Cha"ter0 NegotiatorAs Note6 Chi#e <i## confirm0
)I: For "ur"oses of Artic#es %DD0A0M0'B) =Nationa# Treatment an5 Ku5icia#2A5min Proce5ures@, DD0D0)0a
=GIs2Nationa#s@, an5 DD0G0'+0' =Performers2Phonograms2e#ate5 ights@,& %CA "ro"ose6 su,-ect to the
f#e;i,i#ities in DD0G0'+0'& a >nationa# of a Part$? sha## mean, in res"ect of the re#e4ant right, a "erson of that
Part$ that <ou#5 meet the criteria for e#igi,i#it$ for "rotection "ro4i5e5 for in the agreements #iste5 in %Artic#e
DD0A0(0+& an5 the TIP. Agreement0 NegotiatorAs Note6 Parties to remem,er to insert correct cross references to
other treaties inc#u5ing LPPT =Artic#e C@ 5e"en5ing on <hether Cha"ter inc#u5es an o,#igation to acce5e to a #ist
of treaties0
)IM For "ur"oses of this "aragra"h =Artic#e DD0A0M0'@, >"rotection? sha## inc#u5e matters affecting the a4ai#a,i#it$,
ac7uisition, sco"e, maintenance, an5 enforcement of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights as <e## as matters affecting the
use of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights s"ecifica##$ co4ere5 ,$ this Cha"ter0 Further, for "ur"oses of "aragra"h ',
>"rotection? a#so inc#u5es the "rohi,ition on circum4ention of effecti4e techno#ogica# measures set out in Artic#e
DD0G0'* an5 the "ro4isions concerning rights management information set in Artic#e DD0G0'C0
)(* For greater certaint$, >,enefits 5eri4e5 from such rights? refers to ,enefits such as co"$right #e4ies0
)(' %KP "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, it is un5erstoo5 that secon5ar$ uses of "honograms ,$ means of te#e4ision
"rograms are outsi5e of the sco"e of this Artic#e0&
)() %KP "ro"ose6 For greater certaint$, a Part$ ma$ 5efine >free? to inc#u5e the im"osition through #egis#ation of a
man5ator$ fee on the genera# "u,#ic for rece"tion of ,roa5cast from a "u,#ic an5 nonBcommercia# entit$
s"ecifica##$ chartere5 ,$ a Part$As #a<, <here that Part$ is res"onsi,#e for the a""ointment or a""ro4a# of the
mem,ers of the entit$As go4erning ,oar50&
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
=a@ necessar$ to secure com"#iance <ith #a<s an5 regu#ations that are not
inconsistent <ith this Cha"terJ an5
=,@ not a""#ie5 in a manner that <ou#5 constitute a 5isguise5 restriction on tra5e0
C0 Paragra"h ' 5oes not a""#$ to "roce5ures "ro4i5e5 in mu#ti#atera# agreements
conc#u5e5 un5er the aus"ices of LIPO re#ating to the ac7uisition or maintenance
of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights0
This Document Contains TPP CONFIDENTIAL Information TPP Negotiations, Ho Chi Minh
Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ %ights& Cha"ter
Ma$ '(, )*'+
Without Prejudice
A11en1(8 VI
Non+P!)e on QQ%A%1> {T!n$)!enc*}
E!$ o' :!* 17D ,>1?F
Cuent Po/ision
Atic"e QQ%A%1>: {T!n$)!enc*}
2MH2CL2PE2EN "ro"ose6 )0 Each Part$ sha## en5ea4or to
ma9e a4ai#a,#e on the Internet6
=a@ its #a<s, regu#ations, "roce5ures, an5 a5ministrati4e ru#ings of genera#
a""#ication concerning the "rotection an5 enforcement of inte##ectua# "ro"ert$
rightsJ an5
=,@ %KP2EN2U. o""ose6 those 5etai#s %KP "ro"ose6, <here a""ro"riate,& of "atent,
tra5emar9 5esign, "#ant 4ariet$ "rotection an5 geogra"hica# in5ication
a""#ications that are o"en to "u,#ic ins"ection un5er nationa# #a<0&&
&ltenati/e 8ption #o Paties Consideation
%'0 Further to Artic#e !!0) 1Pu,#ication8 an5 DD0H0C0' 1Enforcement "ractices <ith
es"ect to Inte##ectua# Pro"ert$ ights8, each Part$ sha## en5ea4or to ma9e
a4ai#a,#e on the Internet its #a<s, regu#ations, "roce5ures an5 a5ministrati4e
ru#ings of genera# a""#ication concerning the "rotection an5 enforcement of
inte##ectua# "ro"ert$ rights0
)0 Lithout "re-u5ice to DD0C0/ 1E#ectronic Tra5emar9s .$stem8, each Part$ sha##
en5ea4or to ma9e a4ai#a,#e on the Internet the content of 1a""#ications for8
"atent, tra5emar9, 5esign, "#ant 4ariet$ an5 geogra"hica# in5ication
1a""#ications8 that are o"en to "u,#ic ins"ection un5er their nationa# #a<,
C0 Lithout "re-u5ice to DD0C0/ 1E#ectronic Tra5emar9s .$stem8, each Part$ sha##
ma9e a4ai#a,#e on the Internet the registere5 or grante5 "atents, tra5emar9s,
5esigns, "#ant 4ariet$ rights an5 geogra"hica# in5ications that are o"en to
"u,#ic ins"ection un5er their nationa# #a<0&
%ote1 Some Parties &ill coner &ith the legal &or#ing group to chec# the reerence to
Article BB58 CPublicationD5
)(C NegotiatorAs Note6 CA su""orts in "rinci"#e "en5ing c#arification of <hat is meant ,$ >o"en to "u,#ic ins"ection?
in su,B"aragra"h =,@0
)(+ P#aceho#5er for footnote, in5icating that this "ro4ision is <ithout "re-u5ice to the manner in <hich each Part$
"ro4i5es for these rights un5er its #a<0
)(I P#aceho#5er for #anguage c#arif$ing that the o,#igation 5oes not e;ten5 to ma9ing the <ho#e 5ossier o"en to
"u,#ic ins"ection0

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