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... through Bertha Dudde

Thinking apparatus....
Influx of good or eil strength....
!piritual kno"ledge #easelessl$ flo"s to $ou fro% the spiritual
kingdo% "hi#h $ou need onl$ a##ept in order to possess it. &our
"ill is de#isie as to "hat kind of spiritual kno"ledge $ou take hold
of' for $ou #an %ake the spiritual trans%ission of light as "ell as
that of darkness $our possession' depending on $our "ill.
The hu%an (eing)s thinking apparatus is so deli#atel$ #onstru#ted
that it is (eing a#tiated ($ eer$ e%anation' i.e. as soon as
thoughts surround hi% like "aes it (e#o%es a#tie ($ a##epting
"hat he agrees to' "hi#h is thus faoured ($ the person)s "ill. For
this %akes the de#ision.... it effe#tiel$ a##epts part of it "hilst
re*e#ting eer$thing else' depending on its attitude to"ards that
"hi#h is good and diine or to"ards the po"er "hi#h is hostile to
For the influx of thoughts fro% (oth po"ers' fro% the illu%inated or
spirituall$ dark for#es' are either (enefi#iall$ or unpleasantl$
experien#ed ($ the person' "ho therefore a##epts the one and
re*e#ts the other.
+en#e' it depends on his (asi# attitude to"ards God "hi#h %ental
infor%ation the hu%an (eing)s "ill allo"s to take effe#t in hi%self'
for on#e his thinking apparatus has re#eied it' it "ill #onstantl$
re%ain at his disposal' for it "ill al"a$s rise to the surfa#e as soon
as the person "ants to deal "ith it.
If' therefore' the hu%an (eing)s "ill is dire#ted to"ards God' the
%ental kno"ledge "ill (e a##ordingl$ so' i.e. it "ill onl$ #onsist of
su#h #o%%uni#ations "hi#h flo" to hi% fro% the real% of light'
"hi#h thus do not #ontradi#t the diine "ill.
The hu%an (eing "ill predo%inantl$ #on#ern hi%self "ith spiritual
things and disregard "orldl$ %atters' he "ill feel a spiritual hunger
and thus a##ept fro% the spiritual trans%issions that "hi#h
#orresponds to his desire "hile disregarding eer$thing else.
,nd so eer$ person for%s his o"n %ental kno"ledge- it "ill (e
i%parted to hi% fro% all sides' that is' good and eil for#es
endeaour to open their "orld of thought to the hu%an (eing and
%ake hi% in#lined to a##ept their offer.
If the hu%an (eing unites hi%self "ith God in thoughts or in pra$er
he "ill' understanda(l$' also a##ept the %ental infor%ation gien to
hi% ($ for#es "hi#h are united "ith God' and these for#es "ill
preent the opposing po"er fro% influen#ing hi%' and this' on#e
again' is expressed through the hu%an (eing)s "ill' through its
affir%atie or negatie attitude regarding the offered %ental
This is "h$ so%eone "ith the desire for God #an (e assured that he
thinks #orre#tl$' for through his desire for God he %akes hi%self
re#eptie to the spiritual influx of good for#es and feels that the
%ental infor%ation gien ($ the opposing po"er is "rong and
%erits its re*e#tion. The irtuous spiritual for#es diligentl$ train his
po"er of *udg%ent and "at#h out that the "illing hu%an (eing
shall not fall pre$ to eil influen#es....
.u(lished ($ friends of ne" reelations of God / Infor%ation'
do"nload of all translated reelations' the%e0(ooklets at1


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