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The Who's Who of Nobel Prize Winners, 1901-

Sherby, Louise S.; Odelber, Wilhel!.
"reen#ood Publishin "rou$
isbn10 | asin : 1%&'%()1)1
print isbn13 : 9&*1%&'%()1))
ebook isbn13 : 9&*0'1'00(**'
lcc : +S911.N9W%' 2002eb
ddc : 001.),)
P-e i
The Whos Who of Nobel Prize Winners 19012000
P-e ii
This $-e in/en/ion-lly lef/ bl-n0.
P-e iii
The Whos Who of Nobel Prize Winners 1901
o!rth "dition
Louise S. Sherby
1ore#ord by Wilhel! Odelber

O234 P25SS
Wes/$or/, 6T 7 London
P-e i8
The rare Arabian Oryx is believed to have inspired the myth of the unicorn. This
desert antelope became virtually extinct in the early 1960s. At that time, several
groups of international conservationists arranged to have nine animals sent to the
hoenix !oo to be the nucleus of a captive breeding herd. Today, the Oryx population
is over 1000, and over "00 have been returned to reserves in the #iddle $ast.
#ibrar$ of %on&ress %atalo&in&'in'P!blication (ata
The Who9s #ho of Nobel Prize #inners 1901:2000 , ;edi/ed by< Louise S. Sherby ;
fore#ord by Wilhe! Odelber.=)/h ed.
$. >!.
?n>ludes inde@.
?SAN 1:%&'%(:)1):1 B-l0. $-$erC
1. Nobel Prizes. 2. Aior-$hy=20/h >en/ury=Di>/ion-ries. ?. Sherby, Louise S. ??.
Odelber, Wilhel!.
+S911.N9W%' 2002
001.)E)=d>21 20010%0029
Ari/ish Libr-ry 6-/-louin in Publi>-/ion D-/- is -8-il-ble.
6o$yrih/ F 2002 by The Ory@ Press
+ll rih/s reser8ed. No $or/ion of /his boo0 !-y be
re$rodu>ed, by -ny $ro>ess or /e>hniGue, #i/hou/ /he
e@$ress #ri//en >onsen/ of /he $ublisher.
Libr-ry of 6onress 6-/-lo 6-rd Nu!berH 20010%0029
?SANH 1-%&'%(-)1)-1
1irs/ $ublished in 2002
Ory@ Press, ** Pos/ 2o-d Wes/, Wes/$or/, 6T 0(**1
+n i!$rin/ of "reen#ood Publishin "rou$, ?n>.
Prin/ed in /he Ini/ed S/-/es of +!eri>-
The $-$er used in /his boo0 >o!$lies #i/h /he
Per!-nen/ P-$er S/-nd-rd issued by /he N-/ion-l
?nfor!-/ion S/-nd-rds Or-niz-/ion BJ'9.)*:19*)C.
10 9 * & ( % ) ' 2 1
P-e 8

ore)ord +lfred NobelH The K-n -nd Lis Prizes
%ilhelm Odelberg 8ii



*sin& This +ook


#ist of %ontrib!tors

,ain "ntr$ -ection




Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy




N-!e ?nde@


5du>-/ion ?nde@


N-/ion-li/y or 6i/izenshi$ ?nde@


2eliion ?nde@

P-e 8i
This $-e in/en/ion-lly lef/ bl-n0.
P-e 8ii
ore)ord 0lfred Nobel: The ,an and 1is Prizes
b$ Wilhel2 3delber&
?/ >-!e /o $-ss in 190& /h-/ /he f-!ous $hysi>is/ +lber/ +br-h-! Ki>helson se/ off fro!
+!eri>- for /he #ilds of S/o>0hol! /o >olle>/ /h-/ ye-r9s Nobel Prize for Physi>s. Le
/oo0 /he +/l-n/i> s/e-!er fro! Ne# 3or0 /o Sou/h-!$/on, #en/ by /r-in /o L-r#i>h,
fro! /here /o 5sbMer in Den!-r0, -nd so /o S#eden. +n 5nlish en/le!-n #ho
bo-rded /he bo-/ -/ L-r#i>h h-$$ened /o be i8en - se-/ -/ /he s-!e dinin /-ble -s
Ki>helson. Durin /he 8oy-e - so!e#h-/ he-/ed dis>ussion ensued be/#een /he /#o of
/he!. The 5nlish en/le!-n s$o0e dis$-r-inly of +!eri>-n s>ien>e -nd !ili/-ry
!ih/=Ki>helson #-s on /he /e->hin s/-ff of /he +nn-$olis N-8-l 6ollee=-nd
Ki>helson in /urn #-s >ri/i>-l of /he e@er>ise of $o#er in /he Ari/ish 5!$ire. They
$-r/ed in /he e@$ress ho$e of ne8er se//in eyes on one -no/her --in. Au/ /hey did !ee/
--in, -nd sooner /h-n ei/her of /he! e@$e>/ed.
Durin /he e-rly ye-rs of /he Nobel Prizes, u$ un/il /he 1irs/ World W-r, /he rule #-s
/h-/ only - fe# $eo$le #ere /o be infor!ed of /he iden/i/y of /he ye-r9s L-ure-/es before
/hey ->/u-lly -$$e-red in /he A-nGue/in L-ll of /he 2oy-l +>-de!y of Kusi> /o re>ei8e
/heir $rizes fro! /he Nin of S#eden. So you >-n i!-ine /he !u/u-l -s/onish!en/ of
our /#o fih/in >o>0s on dis>o8erin /h-/ bo/h of /he! #ere Nobel L-ure-/es, /he
5nlish en/le!-n bein one 2udy-rd Ni$lin. Lis >i/-/ion re-dH OO?n >onsider-/ion of
/he $o#er of obser8-/ion, oriin-li/y of i!-in-/ion, 8irili/y of ide-s -nd re!-r0-ble
/-len/ for n-rr-/ion #hi>h >h-r->/erise /he >re-/ions of /his f-!ous -u/hor.99 Ki>helson9s
>i/-/ion referred /o OOhis o$/i>-l $re>ision ins/ru!en/s -nd /he s$e>/ros>o$i> -nd
!e/roloi>-l in8es/i-/ions, >-rried ou/ #i/h /heir -id.99 Ki>helson9s r-ndd-uh/er, #ho
in>ludes /his -ne>do/e in - bior-$hy of her r-ndf-/her, is un-ble /o /ell us #he/her or
no/ Ni$lin -nd Ki>helson #ere re>on>iled -f/er#-rds. ?n -ny e8en/, /his #-s nei/her /he
firs/ nor /he l-s/ ins/-n>e of - Nobel Prize ener-/in >on/ro8ersy.
When /he firs/ Nobel Prize for Li/er-/ure >-!e u$ in 1901, /he li/er-ry #orld e@$e>/ed
one of /he >urren/ i-n/s of li/er-/ure /o be sele>/ed for /he honor. They #ere #ron. The
Nobel 6o!!i//ee of /he S#edish +>-de!y >hose 1ren>h -u/hor Sully Prudho!!e OOin
s$e>i-l re>oni/ion of his $oe/i> >o!$osi/ion, #hi>h i8es e8iden>e of lof/y ide-lis!,
-r/is/i> $erfe>/ion -nd - r-re >o!bin-/ion of Gu-li/ies of bo/h he-r/ -nd in/elle>/.99
Prudho!!e #-s unGues/ion-bly - brilli-n/ $oe/, bu/ his /rue f-!e #-s )0 ye-rs $-s/.
3oun #ri/ers in S#eden #ere furious #i/h /he +>-de!y, - -/herin of old foeys, -nd
- le//er, sined by !os/ of S#eden9s !os/ e!inen/ -u/hors, #-s sen/ /o Leo Tols/oy,
de$lorin /he f->/ /h-/ he h-d no/ been !-de /he firs/ re>i$ien/.
The /-s0 of /he S#edish +>-de!y, of >ourse, is - diffi>ul/ -nd /ou>hy one, be>-use /he
$rize h-s /o /-0e in /he #hole of /he #orld9s li/er-/ure. +nd so, no/ infreGuen/ly, /he
>hoi>e /urns ou/ /o be so!ebody #ho is no/ -ll /h-/ #ell 0no#n /o /he ener-l $ubli>,
/hereby >onfoundin -ll !-nner of >onMe>/ure. "r-h-! "reene, for e@-!$le, h-s been
ru!ored on se8er-l o>>-sions /o be >hosen, #hile in ->/u-l f->/ /he $rize h-s one /o -
"ree0, ?/-li-n, or P-$-nese $oe/. The >hoi>e of L-ure-/e h-s of/en been >ri/i>ized in
li/er-ry Mourn-ls or in /he d-ily $-$ers.
There h-8e -lso been $oli/i>-l r-!ifi>-/ions. The 19%* Prize for Li/er-/ure #en/ /o
So8ie/ -u/hor Aoris P-s/ern-0 OOfor his i!$or/-n/ ->hie8e!en/ bo/h in >on/e!$or-ry
lyri>-l $oe/ry -nd /he field of /he re-/ 2ussi-n e$i> /r-di/ion.99 1or ideoloi>-l re-sons
#hi>h -re no/ -l/oe/her >le-r, P-s/ern-0 #-s ou/ of f-8or #i/h /he rei!e -/ /h-/ /i!e
-nd #-s for>ed /o de>line /he $rize. Tod-y, 29 ye-rs -f/er his de-/h, he h-s been res/ored
P-e 8iii
r-de -nd his boo0s -re on>e !ore bein $rin/ed in 2ussi--/houh no/, -s ye/, /he !os/
re!-r0-ble one of -llH &octor !hivago.
When /he 19%' $rize #en/ /o Sir Wins/on 6hur>hill OOfor his !-s/ery of his/ori>-l -nd
bior-$hi>-l des>ri$/ion -s #ell -s for his brilli-n/ or-/ory in defendin e@-l/ed hu!-n
8-lues,99 /here #ere $rob-bly Gui/e - fe# $eo$le #ho fel/ /h-/ /he dis/in>/ion ouh/ /o
h-8e one /o - fi>/ion #ri/er ins/e-d. Au/ !os/ $eo$le in /he free #orld #el>o!ed /his
/ribu/e /o >i8iliz-/ion. When, in 19&0, /he $rize #en/ /o +le@-nder Solzheni/syn OOfor /he
e/hi>-l for>e #i/h #hi>h he h-s $ursued /he indis$ens-ble /r-di/ions of 2ussi-n
li/er-/ure,99 /his #-s -no/her >hoi>e /h-/ did no/ o o8er #ell #i/h /he rulers of /he So8ie/
Inion. Lis -u/obior-$hy -nd Nobel le>/ure #ere se>re/ly >on8eyed ou/ of /he >oun/ry
for $ubli>-/ion in /he 3e-r Aoo0 of /he Nobel 1ound-/ion. Au/ se8er-l ye-rs #ere /o
el-$se before, e@iled fro! his n-/i8e >oun/ry, he #-s -ble /o 8isi/ S/o>0hol! -nd >olle>/
his $rize.
The s>ien>e $rizes, /h-/ is, /he $rizes for Physi>s, 6he!is/ry, -nd Physioloy or
Kedi>ine, h-8e >o!e in for less >ri/i>is! on /he #hole. 5@$er/s h-8e ener-lly -$$ro8ed
of /he -#-rds -nd fel/ /h-/ /hey h-8e one /o /he rih/ $eo$le. Au/ so!e s>-/hin
re!-r0s h-8e been $-ssed on o>>-sions, for e@-!$le in /he Mourn-ls 'ature -nd (cience.
? re!e!ber /h-/ #hen Sir K-r/in 2yle -nd +n/ony Le#ish fro! 6-!bride sh-red /he
$rize for /heir re!-r0-ble dis>o8eries in -s/ro$hysi>s, i/ #-s $oin/ed ou/ /h-/ one of /he
!os/ 8i/-l >on/ribu/ions h-d been !-de by -n -ssis/-n/ -/ /he obser8-/ory #ho! /he
Nobel 6o!!i//ee for Physi>s h-d o8erloo0ed.
The !os/ >on/ro8ersi-l $rize of -ll, of >ourse, h-s been /he Nobel Pe->e Prize, -#-rded
by /he Nobel 6o!!i//ee Nor#ei-n S/or/in BP-rli-!en/C. The Pe->e Prize h-s of/en
one /o or-niz-/ions, or re$resen/-/i8es of or-niz-/ions, /h-/ h-8e been fel/ /o $l-y -n
i!$or/-n/ $-r/ in /he >-use of $e->e. Qui/e n-/ur-lly, /he firs/ re>i$ien/ in /his >-/eory,
in 1901, #-s Lenri Dun-n/, founder of /he ?n/ern-/ion-l 2ed 6ross.
On Gui/e - nu!ber of o>>-sions /he Pe->e Prize h-s one /o $eo$le #ho h-8e been in /he
$oli/i>-l li!elih/, h-8e ir0ed /he #ielders of $o#er bu/ h-8e >-!$-ined for hu!-n
dini/y -nd re>on>ili-/ion. The firs/ re-lly s/-r/lin ins/-n>e >-!e in 19'(, #hen /he
Pe->e Prize #-s -#-rded /o /he "er!-n 6-rl 8on Ossie/s0y, - r-di>-l $->ifis/ -nd
Mourn-lis/. +/ /h-/ /i!e he #-s i!$risoned in one of Li/ler9s >on>en/r-/ion >-!$s, -nd
der 1Rhrer #-s so enr-ed by /he Nor#ei-n 6o!!i//ee9s de>ision /h-/ he forb-de -ny
"er!-ns /o ->>e$/ Nobel Prizes in /he fu/ure. The Nobel 6o!!i//ees, un!o8ed,
$ersis/en/ly -#-rded $rizes /o "er!-ns. 1or e@-!$le, /he 19'9 Prize for Physioloy or
Kedi>ine #en/ /o "erh-rd Do!-0 OOfor /he dis>o8ery of /he -n/ib->/eri-l effe>/s of
$ron/osil.99 Do!-0 #-s, of >ourse, ordered /o de>line /he $rize, bu/ -f/er /he W-r he
#-s -ble /o >olle>/ his !ed-l -nd di$lo!-, /houh no/ /he !oney.
There -re $len/y of o/her $e->e L-ure-/es #ho h-8e >-used /e!$ers /o fl-re in one $l->e
or -no/herH K-r/in Lu/her Nin, +ndrei S-0h-ro8 B-no/her 2ussi-n dissiden/ #ho #-s
reins/-/ed before his de-/hC, Presiden/ +n#-r S-d-/ of 5y$/ -nd ?sr-eli Pri!e Kinis/er
Ken->he! Aein, Le>h W-les-, -nd Sou/h +fri>-n +r>hbisho$ Des!ond Tu/u, /o
!en/ion bu/ - fe#.
S#eden -nd Nor#-y, -nd /he e8en/s /h-/ /-0e $l->e /here, do no/ of/en -//r->/ -//en/ion
in /he in/ern-/ion-l $ress. + re!-r0-ble e@>e$/ion fro! /his rule is /he -nnoun>e!en/s of
/he ye-r9s Nobel Prizes, #hi>h -re usu-lly !-de in O>/ober, -nd /he e8en/s surroundin
/he -#-rd >ere!ony on De>e!ber 10. ?/ is only n-/ur-l /h-/ in/eres/ should -/ /h-/ /i!e
be dire>/ed -lso -/ /he !-n #ho #-s /he >-use of -ll /his -//en/ion.
0#4"( N3+"#5 T1" (3N34
+lfred Nobel #-s 8ery !u>h -n in/ern-/ion-l fiure. Le #-s born in S/o>0hol! in 1*'',
re# u$ in S/. Pe/ersbur, 2ussi-, li8ed /he re-/er $-r/ of his life in P-ris, -nd died in
S-n 2e!o, ?/-ly, in 1*9(.
58en -/ -n e-rly -e, he be-n /o /-0e -n in/eres/ in /he e@$losi8es indus/ry. ?n /his, he
#-s ins$ired by his f-/her, #ho !-nuf->/ured !ines in S/. Pe/ersbur durin /he
6ri!e-n W-r. +f/er s/udies in 8-rious >oun/ries, he founded, in 1*(), Ni/roly>erin +A
-nd se/ u$ f->/ories ou/side S/o>0hol! -nd L-!bur. The found-/ion of +lfred Nobel9s
o$er-/ion #-s his in8en/ion of $ri!-ry de/on-/ion #i/h - $er>ussion >-$, #hi>h !-de i/
$ossible in $r->/i>e /o rele-se /he de/on-/i8e for>e of ni/roly>erine -nd o/her e@$losi8e
subs/-n>es subseGuen/ly in8en/ed by Nobel.
Sin>e ni/roly>erine $ro8ed /o be hihly d-nerous in /r-nsi/ Bnu!erous de-/hs h-d
o>>urred, -nd ni/roly>erine h-d ->Guired - b-d re$u/-/ionC, Nobel se/ -bou/ $rodu>in -
!ore sui/-ble e@$losi8e, -nd in 1*(( he in8en/ed dyn-!i/e, #hi>h is $rodu>ed by
!i@in ni/roly>erine -nd 0ieseluhr, or fossil !e-l. + subseGuen/ i!$ro8e!en/ on /his
#-s e@$losi8e el-/in, in8en/ed by Nobel in 1*&%, #hi>h >onsis/s of ni/roly>erine
>on8er/ed in/o - el-/inous for! by /he solu/ion in i/ of ni/ro>ellulose of - lesser deree
of ni/rifi>-/ion, i.e., >ollodion >o//on. No#, $o#erful -nd ine@$ensi8e e@$losi8es su>h -s
elini/e -nd e@/r--dyn-!i/e #ere $rodu>ed by /he -d!i@/ure of ni/r-/es -nd $ollen, e/>.
The in8en/ion of e@/r--dyn-!i/e s-8ed hue su!s in bl-s/in. When /he S/. "o//h-rd
/unnel #-s bl-s/ed, 20 !illion fr-n>s #ere s-8ed -nd /he /i!e /-0en >onsider-bly
P-e i@
?n 1*9', Nobel be-n /o /-0e -n in/eres/ in /he S#edish -r!s indus/ry -nd es/-blished
hi!self in Aofors, in STr!l-nd, in /he #es/ern $-r/ of >en/r-l S#eden. Durin /he
>losin $eriod of his life he 8isi/ed Aofors e8ery ye-r -nd s/-yed in his !-nor /here,
#hi>h is 0no#n -s AMUr0born. + l-re rese-r>h l-bor-/ory #-s -lso se/ u$ in Aofors for
/he s/udy, -bo8e -ll, of s!o0eless $o#der, /h-/ is /o s-y s!o0eless ni/roly>erine=
ni/ro>ellulose $o#der, b-llis/i/e, or OONobel99 $o#der. Nu!erous eni-neers #ere
e!$loyed -/ his l-bor-/ory, in>ludin 2-n-r Sohl!-n, #ho l-/er be>-!e !-n-in
dire>/or of /he Nobel 1ound-/ion. Nobel #-s -lso res$onsible for re-l in8en/ions in -
8-rie/y of differen/ fields, in>ludin /he in8en/ion of -r/ifi>i-l sil0 -nd le-/her, -nd u//--
$er>h-. Le reis/ered no fe#er /h-n '%% $-/en/s in differen/ >oun/ries. The !-n-e!en/
of Aofor9s no# #orld-f--!ous -r!s f->/ory h-s $-id ou/s/-ndin /ribu/e /o Nobel9s
!e!ory. ?n 19*', /he !-nor of AMUr0born -nd /he old l-bor-/ory ne-rby #ere >on8er/ed
in/o - !useu! /o !-r0 /he 1%0/h -nni8ers-ry of +lfred Nobel9s bir/h. The l-bor-/ory h-s
been re>ons/ru>/ed -s i/ #-s in Nobel9s d-y. The !-nor no# houses /he re-/er $-r/ of
Nobel9s $erson-l libr-ry.
Throuh his in8en/ions, !-inly in /he field of e@$losi8es, -nd /he re8enues fro! /he
>o!$-nies he h-d founded, Nobel buil/ u$ - >onsider-ble for/une, #hi>h -!oun/ed -/
his de-/h /o S5N '' !illion, or in >urren/ /er!s so!e V% !illion.
+/ /he $erson-l le8el, Nobel li8ed - 8ery re/ired life, -nd for his >ir>u!s/-n>es - 8ery
si!$le one. Le #-s un!-rried, -nd $os/eri/y9s e-er del8ins in/o his ero/i>
rel-/ionshi$s h-8e $rodu>ed f-irly s>-n/y resul/s. Lis e!o/ion-l life #-s subli!-/ed in/o
/he /houh/ of ne# in8en/ions. To hi!, - d-y #i/hou/ -ny ne# ide-s /-0in sh-$e #-s -
d-y #-s/ed. OOAu/,99 he s-id, OOif only - fe# ou/ of - hundred su>h ide-s e8er be-r frui/, ?
>onsider ? h-8e -ined - ri>h resul/.99 Nobel /hus h-d -n unusu-l >-$->i/y for #or0. Le
s$o0e -nd #ro/e fi8e l-nu-es, -nd #-s -n e@/re!ely #i//y >orres$onden/. Le re>ei8ed,
of >ourse, nu!erous honors.
T1" W.##
On No8e!ber 2%, 1*9%, Nobel dre# u$ his #ill in P-ris. There h-s been - re-/ de-l of
s$e>ul-/ion -s /o Nobel9s /houh/s before he !-de his fin-l #ishes 0no#n. Le h-d
>orres$onded - re-/ de-l o8er /he ye-rs #i/h /he #ell-0no#n +us/ri-n -u/hor -nd
-$os/le of $e->e Aer/h- 8on Su//ner. Prob-bly /his >orres$onden>e -8e hi! /he
ins$ir-/ion for #h-/ #-s /o be /he Nobel Pe->e Prize.
Nobel h-d /#o bro/hers, Lud8i -nd 2ober/, #ho se//led in 2ussi- -nd de8elo$ed, #i/h
re-/ su>>ess, /he oil finds in A-0u on /he 6-s$i-n Se-. They, /oo, be>-!e e@/re!ely
#e-l/hy -nd h-8e been referred /o in li/er-/ure -s /he OO2o>0efellers of 5uro$e.99 +lfred
Nobel h-d so!e in/eres/s in /he 2ussi-n >o!$-nies he-ded by his bro/her Lud8i.
Lud8i Nobel died in 6-nnes, 1r-n>e, in 1***. The 1ren>h $ress re$or/ed his de-/h, bu/
- $-$er in P-ris >onfused Lud8i #i/h +lfred -nd r-n /he he-dlineH OOLe !-r>h-nd de l-
!or/ es/ !or/99 or OOThe !er>h-n/ of de-/h is de-d.99 We >-n -ssu!e /h-/ +lfred Nobel,
f->ed #i/h /his he-dline, #ondered #he/her /his #-s /he sor/ of obi/u-ry he #ould e/
#hen his o#n /i!e >-!e. ?/ h-s -lso been sues/ed /h-/ Nobel en/er/-ined r-di>-l-lib-
er-l $oli/i>-l 8ie#s >lose /o /hose of So>i-l De!o>r->y.
+ny#-y, #i/hou/ re-lly dis>ussin /he !-//er #i/h -nyone=he h-d been le/ do#n by
l-#yers before -nd de>ided no/ /o e!$loy one /his /i!e=Nobel dre# u$ his #ill -nd
de$osi/ed i/ in - b-n0 in S/o>0hol!. ?/s >on/en/s #ere - 8-s/ sur$rise /o his rel-/i8es,
>olle-ues, -nd /he ener-l $ubli> in S#edenH
The #hole of !y re!-inin re-liz-ble es/-/e sh-ll be de-l/ #i/h in /he follo#in #-yH
The >-$i/ol sh-ll be in8es/ed by !y e@e>u/ors in s-fe se>uri/ies -nd sh-ll >ons/i/u/e -
fund, /he in/eres/ on #hi>h sh-ll be -nnu-lly dis/ribu/ed in /he for! of $rizes /o /hose
#ho, durin /he $re>edin ye-r, sh-ll h-8e >onferred /he re-/es/ benefi/ on !-n0ind.
The s-id in/eres/ sh-ll be di8ided in/o fi8e eGu-l $-r/s, #hi>h sh-ll be -$$or/ioned -s
follo#sH one $-r/ /o /he $erson #ho sh-ll h-8e !-de /he !os/ i!$or/-n/ dis>o8ery of
in8en/ion #i/hin /he field of $hysi>s; one $-r/ /o /he $erson #ho sh-ll h-8e !-de /he
!os/ i!$or/-n/ >he!i>-l dis>o8ery or i!$ro8e!en/; one $-r/ /o /he $erson #ho sh-ll
h-8e !-de /he !os/ i!$or/-n/ dis>o8ery #i/hin /he do!-in of $hysioloy or !edi>ine;
one $-r/ /o /he $erson #ho sh-ll h-8e $rodu>ed in /he field of li/er-/ure /he !os/
ou/s/-ndin #or0 of -n ide-lis/i> /enden>y; -nd one $-r/ /o /he $erson #ho sh-ll h-8e
done /he !os/ or /he bes/ #or0 for fr-/erni/y -!on n-/ions, for /he -boli/ion or
redu>/ion of s/-ndin -r!ies -nd for /he holdin -nd $ro!o/ion of $e->e >onresses.
The $rizes for $hysi>s -nd >he!is/ry sh-ll be -#-rded by /he S#edish +>-de!y of
S>ien>es; /h-/ for $hysioloy or !edi>-l #or0s by /he N-rolins0- ?ns/i/u/e in S/o>0hol!;
/h-/ for li/er-/ure by /he +>-de!y in S/o>0hol!; -nd /h-/ for >h-!$ions of $e->e by -
>o!!i//ee of fi8e $ersons /o be ele>/ed by /he Nor#ei-n S/or/in. ?/ is !y e@$ress #ish
/h-/ in -#-rdin /he $rizes no >onsider-/ion #h-/e8er sh-ll be i8en /o /he n-/ion-li/y of
/he >-ndid-/es, so /h-/ /he !os/ #or/hy sh-ll re>ei8e /he $rize, #he/her he be -
S>-ndin-8i-n or no/.
Lis rel-/i8es #ere Gui/e n-/ur-lly dis-$$oin/ed, bu/ /he fore!os/ of /hese, ?!!-nuel
Nobel, -ssis/ed /he e@e>u/or of /he #ill, 2-n-r Sohl!-n, in e8ery $ossible
P-e @
#-y. K-ny $eo$le re-rded /he #ill -s refle>/in - l->0 of $-/rio/i> feelin. The 1ren>h
s/-/e, for i/s $-r/, #-s 0eenly in/eres/ed in /he Gues/ion of #he/her +lfred Nobel9s for/une
h-d i/s le-l do!i>ile ?n 1r-n>e or S#eden. Wh-/ de>ided /he issue #-s /h-/ Nobel h-d
/r-nsferred /o S#eden his f-!ous >-rri-e horses, Orloff horses fro! 2ussi-, #hi>h he
h-d re>ei8ed fro! his bro/her Lud8i. Ay 1ren>h >us/o!, #here8er /he >-rri-e horses
#ere, /here /he es/-/e in8en/ory h-d /o be dr-f/ed.
The dis$os-l of Nobel9s 8-rious sh-reholdin9s, -nd /he /r-nsfer of his for/une /o
S#eden, $ro8ed /o be - >o!$li>-/ed -ff-ir. Diffi>ul/ies #ere -lso e@$erien>ed in
$ersu-din /he ins/i/u/ions /h-/ Nobel h-d #ished /o be res$onsible for /he -#-rds in
/heir res$e>/i8e fields /o under/-0e /heir du/ies. 1in-lly, ho#e8er, /he or-niz--/ion-l
de/-ils #ere se//led, -nd /he firs/ $rizes >ould be -#-rded in 1901.
To >oordin-/e /he $ro8isions of /he #ill -nd ener-lly fur/her /he $ur$oses of /he donor,
-nd /o -d!inis/er Nobel9s for/une, /he Nobel 1ound-/ion #-s >re-/ed. Sin>e /he #ill
only indi>-/ed /he in/en/ions of /he donor in ener-l /er!s, i/ be>-!e ne>ess-ry /o >re-/e
fir! $ro>edures for /he -d!inis/r-/ion of /he don-/ion; /his #-s done in /he 1ound-/ion9s
S/-/u/es, #hi>h #ere r-/ified in 1900 -nd -$$ro8ed by /he o8ern!en/. S$e>i-l s/-/u/es
#ere -lso dr-#n u$ /o reul-/e /he -#-rd of $rizes /hrouh /he S#edish -#-rd bodies,
n-!ely /he roy-l S#edish +>-de!y of S>ien>es for /he $rizes in $hysi>s -nd >he!is/ry,
/he N-rolins0- ?ns/i/u/e for /he $rize in $hysioloy or !edi>ine, -nd /he S#edish
+>-de!y for /he $rize in li/er-/ure. ?n 19(*, - fur/her $rize #-s -dded, in /he e>ono!i>
s>ien>es, /hrouh - don-/ion !-de /o >elebr-/e /he /er>en/en-ry of /he S#edish N-/ion-l
A-n0 B2i0sb-n0C. ?n >on/r-dis/in>/ion fro! /he $rizes ins/i/u/ed by +lfred Nobel
hi!self, /his is 0no#n -s /he OO+lfred Nobel Ke!ori-l Prize.99
%133-.N6 #0*4"0T"-
There #ere /hus fi8e Nobel $rizes, -nd /here -re no# si@, if #e >oun/ /he +lfred Nobel
Ke!ori-l Prize in 5>ono!i>s. +/ /he /i!e +lfred Nobel #ro/e his #ill, S#eden -nd
Nor#-y #ere Moined in - Poli/i>-l union, #hi>h #-s dissol8ed in 190%. Nobel de>ided
/h-/ /he Pe->e Prize should be -#-rded /hrouh /he Nor#ei-n P-rli-!en/, /he S/or/in,
#hi>h subseGuen/ly dele-/ed /he de>ision /o - s$e>i-l Nor#ei-n Nobel 6o!!i//ee.
The Ao-rd of /he Nobel 1ound-/ion >onsis/s of - >h-ir$erson, -$$oin/ed by /he S#edish
o8ern!en/, -nd four !e!bers, >hosen for - /er! of /#o ye-rs by /he 1% ele>/ors
-$$oin/ed by /he $rize -#-rdin bodies. The ele>/ors #ho -lso ser8e for /#o ye-rs, >-n
$u/ for#-rd $ro$os-ls or !-0e s/-/e!en/s on $ro$os-ls, for -!end-!en/s /o /he b-si>
S/-/u/es. This h-s been done on se8er-l o>>-sions.
The Nobel 1ound-/ion9s >-$i/-l h-s ro#n sin>e i/ #-s firs/ ->Guired. ;5di/or9s No/eH +s
of 2001 i/ h-s ro#n /o -round S5N ) billion, >orres$ondin /o -$$ro@i!-/ely V'(9
!illion. The $rize su! in 2001 #-s S5N 10 !illion, >orres$ondin /o V900,000.<
Ay /he /er!s of /he Nobel 1ound-/ion9s S/-/u/es, - $rize >-n be eGu-lly di8ided be/#een
/#o ->hie8e!en/s, or -#-rded Moin/ly /o /#o or !ore $ersons for #or0 /hey h-8e done
/oe/her. The Pe->e Prize >-n -lso be -#-rded /o -n ins/i/u/ion or -sso>i-/ion. ?n -ny
i8en ye-r, -ll /he $rizes -re of -n iden/i>-l -!oun/. On /he o/her h-nd, /hey 8-ry in size
fro! ye-r /o ye-r, de$endin on /he yield on /he fund on #hi>h /hey -re b-sed. Th-/ i/
h-s been $ossible /o in>re-se /he yield !ore or less in s/e$ #i/h infl-/ion is due l-rely
/o /he f->/ /h-/ /he Nobel 1ound-/ion is no# e@e!$/ fro! S/-/e /-@, -nd /herefore
es>-$es /he >-$i/-l -ins /-@ /h-/ h-s been su>h - burden in -ll >-$i/-l -d!inis/r-/ion in
Ay /he /er!s of /he S/-/u/es, $ro$os-ls sh-ll be sub!i//ed $rior /o 1ebru-ry 1 of /he ye-r
in #hi>h /he -#-rd is /o be !-de. De>isions -re reul-rly !-de by /he S#edish -#-rd
bodies durin /he $eriod fro! O>/ober 1 /o No8e!ber 1%. The Nor#ei-n Nobel
6o!!i//ee !-0es i/s de>ision on /he Pe->e Prize be/#een Se$/e!ber 1 -nd No8e!ber
Of re-/ i!$or/-n>e in /he e8-lu-/ion of >-ndid-/es #or/hy of /he Nobel Prize is /he f->/
/h-/ so !-ny $eo$le h-8e /he rih/ /o sub!i/ no!in-/ions. Pre8ious L-ure-/es, -nd /he
offi>i-ls -nd !e!bers of ->-de!ies, -lon #i/h uni8ersi/ies -nd o/her s>ien/ifi>
ins/i/u/ions /hrouhou/ /he #orld -re -ll en/i/led /o no!in-/e >-ndid-/es.
+n i!$or/-n/ rule is /h-/ /he rih/ /o $ro$ose >-ndid-/es is -ssined /o indi8idu-ls, no/ /o
->-de!ies -nd uni8ersi/y f->ul/ies -s su>h, or >or$or-/ions. This rule #-s es/-blished in
order /o -8oid $ubli> dis>ussion. ?f i/ be>o!es >le-r /h-/ $rizes >-nno/ be -#-rded=-nd
-#-rds #ere sus$ended for - nu!ber of ye-rs durin /he /#o World W-rs=/he su!s -re
reser8ed -nd -llo>-/ed /o /he !-in fund; - >er/-in $-r/ of /he su! reser8ed, ho#e8er, >-n
be -llo>-/ed /o - s$e>i-l fund. The yield on /his l-//er fund >-n be used /o $ro!o/e /he
$ur$oses of /he Nobel 1ound-/ion o/her /h-n /hrouh /he $rizes.
Tr-di/ion-lly, /he $rize-i8in /-0es $l->e #i/h due >ere!ony in S/o>0hol! -nd Oslo on
De>e!ber 10 e->h ye-r=Nobel D-y=/he d-y on #hi>h +lfred Nobel died. +$-r/ fro!
/he !oney $rize, e->h L-ure-/e re>ei8es - di$lo!-, e@e>u/ed in /he >-se of L-ure-/es
ele>/ed by /he +>-de!y of S>ien>es -nd /he S#edish +>-de!y by - #ell-0no#n
S#edish -r/is/, -nd - old !ed-l of enerous
P-e @i
size-/he 8-lue of /he old in 1990 #-s -round S5N 20,000 or V',)2%. ?n S#eden, /he
$r->/i>e is for L.K. /he Nin /o h-nd o8er /he $rizes in /he S/o>0hol! >on>er/ h-ll, -f/er
#hi>h - b-nGue/ is held for so!e 1,'00 $ersons in /he S/o>0hol! 6i/y L-ll. ?n Oslo, /he
Pe->e Prize is $resen/ed by /he >h-ir!-n of /he S/or/in9s Nobel 6o!!i//ee in /he
uni8ersi/y -udi/oriu!, /r-di/ion-lly in /he $resen>e of /he roy-l f-!ily. Ay /he /er!s of
/he b-si> S/-/u/es, - L-ure-/e is reGuired #i/hin si@ !on/hs of /he -#-rd >ere!ony /o
i8e - so->-lled Nobel le>/ure; /his is usu-lly deli8ered on ->>e$/-n>e of /he $rize.
Wor0 on /he ele>/ion of L-ure-/es >on/inues $r->/i>-lly -ll ye-r round. The >o!!i//ees
for /he 8-rious $rizes -re reGuired /o /-0e $re8ious $ro$os-ls in/o >onsider-/ion -nd /o
no/e ne# $ro$os-ls. ?n 19*9 no!in-/ions for $rizes /o/-led 20* for $hysi>s, 2(1 for
>he!is/ry, 1*9 for $hysioloy or !edi>ine, 1** for li/er-/ure, 9& for /he Pe->e Prize, -nd
1'1 for /he Ke!ori-l Prize in e>ono!i> s>ien>es. N-/ur-lly, !-ny of /hese no!in-/ions
re>ur fro! ye-r /o ye-r.
To ->Guire -s -ll-round - $i>/ure -s $ossible, /he >o!!i//ees h-8e >o!!issioned
s$e>i-lis/s /o in8es/i-/e /he #eih/ -nd sinifi>-n>e of /he rese-r>h $erfor!ed by /he
8-rious $o/en/i-l >-ndid-/es for $rizes. These in8es/i-/ors, #ho $resen/ /heir re$or/s /o
/he >o!!i//ee in Gues/ion, >-n be u$ /o 20 in nu!ber -nd -re n-/ur-lly reGuired /o
obser8e /he s/ri>/es/ >onfiden/i-li/y. Sin>e /he nu!ber of $ro$os-ls is so re-/, /he
>o!!i//ee h-s /o re->h -ree!en/ -s /o #h-/ $-r/i>ul-r field i/ #ill in/eres/ i/self in on
/his o>>-sion; #he/her, for e@-!$le, in $hysi>s, $riori/y is /o be ->>orded /o OOsolid
s/-/e99 or OO$-r/i>le $hysi>s.99 Si!il-r deliber-/ions h-8e /o be !-de in >he!is/ry; for
e@-!$le, #he/her /o i8e $riori/y /o or-ni> or inor-ni> >he!is/ry.
Ay l-/e su!!er /he >o!!i//ees h-8e usu-lly $u/ /oe/her /heir $ro$os-ls, #hi>h no#
h-8e /o be s>ru/inized by /he roy-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es9 res$e>/i8e >l-sses for $hysi>s
-nd >he!is/ry. The $hysi>s >l-ss is >h-ired by /he +>-de!y9s $er!-nen/ se>re/-ry -nd
>onsis/s -/ $resen/ of 2* !e!bers. On>e /he >l-ss h-s s>ru/inized /he $ro$os-l -nd held
i/s !ee/in, /he no!i-n-/ion is sub!i//ed for - de>ision /o - $len-ry session of /he
+>-de!y. Ay /he /i!e /he session is held, /he $ro$os-l #ill h-8e been -8-il-ble for -
>ou$le of #ee0s /o !e!bers of /he +>-de!y, -ll of #ho! h-8e /-0en - $lede of
se>re>y. 1in-lly, /he de>ision is /-0en by /he +>-de!y, #hi>h, in /he >-se of /he $rizes in
$hysi>s -nd >he!is/ry, usu-lly /-0es -bou/ - d-y. The $ro>edure s/-r/s #i/h /he
>o!!i//ee9s se>re/-ry $resen/in - ener-l sur8ey of /hose rese-r>h in$u/s /h-/ h-8e
been re-rded -s /he !os/ in/eres/in -nd h-8e been s/udied by /he s$e>i-l in8es/i-/ors.
1in-lly, /he se>re/-ry re$or/s #hi>h s>ien/is/ or rou$ of s>ien/is/s should, in /he o$inion
of /he >o!!i//ee, be -#-rded /he ye-r9s Nobel Prize. The $residen/ of /he +>-de!y /hen
des>ribes /he $osi/ion /-0en by /he res$e>/i8e >l-ss #i/hin /he +>-de!y /o /he
>o!!i//ee9s $ro$os-ls. + s$e>i-lis/ on /he >o!!i//ee /hen $resen/s - de/-iled ->>oun/ of
/he rese-r>h $erfor!ed by /he $ro$osed >-ndid-/e -nd, #here -$$li>-ble, his >o-#or0er
or >o-#or0ers.
Dis>ussions -rise usu-lly rel-/in /o /he $roble! of re#-rdin - /e-! of rese-r>hers for
- i8en dis>o8ery. ?/ !-y be, for e@-!$le, /h-/ >-ndid-/e + h-s !-de - re!-r0-ble
rese-r>h findin bu/ /he sinifi>-n>e of /he findin #-s firs/ es/-blished by >-ndid-/e A
-nd /he dis>o8ery #-s /hen de>isi8ely de8elo$ed by >-ndid-/e 6. The Gues/ion >-n /hen
be $u/ -s follo#s. ?s >-ndid-/e + /o re>ei8e /he en/ire -#-rdW ?f /his is /houh/
in-$$ro$ri-/e, should /he $rize be s$li/ in/o /hree eGu-l $-r/sW We !us/ -dd /h-/ no/ !ore
/h-n /hree L-ure-/es !-y be sele>/ed in one -nd /he s-!e subMe>/. When - se>re/ b-llo/
h-s been /-0en -nd /he +>-de!y h-s !-de i/s de>ision, - s$e>i-l $ress >onferen>e is
i8en, -f/er #hi>h /he L-ure-/e in Gues/ion is infor!ed of /he de>ision -nd in8i/ed /o /he
-#-rd >ere!ony in S/o>0hol!. The Nobel 1ound-/ion -lso $-ys /he /r-8el >os/s -nd
li8in e@$enses in S/o>0hol! for - 8ery li!i/ed nu!ber of >lose rel-/i8es.
The $ro>edure follo#ed by /he N-rolins0- ?ns/i/u/e, /he S#edish +>-de!y -nd /he
S/or/in Nobel 6o!!i//ee in Oslo is rouhly /he s-!e. ?n /he >-se of /he N-rolins0-
?ns/i/u/e, #here i/ is /he /e->hin s/-ff #ho de>ides on /he $rize in $hysioloy or
!edi>ine, /he si/u-/ion un/il /he e-rly 19&0s #-s /h-/ dis>ussions #ere >onfiden/i-l -s in
/he >-se of o/her $rize--#-rdin bodies. Inli0e /he ->-de!ies, ho#e8er, /he N-rolins0-
?ns/i/u/e is - s/-/e or-niz-/ion, -nd >er/-in ne# reul-/ions !e-n/ /h-/ i/s ->/i8i/ies
#ould be subMe>/ /o >o!$le/e $ubli> insih/. So, #hen -ff-irs rel-/in /o /he Nobel
Prizes -re dis>ussed, /he >ollee of $rofessors is >on8er/ed in/o - s$e>i-l OONobel
+sse!bly99 of - $ri8-/e n-/ure, in/o #hi>h ou/siders h-8e no insih/.
The Nobel Prizes h-8e -//r->/ed -n enor!ous -!oun/ of -//en/ion e8er sin>e /hey #ere
in/rodu>ed. The >hoi>es !-de by /he $rize--#-rdin bodies h-8e -//r->/ed bo/h $r-ise
-nd bl-!e. ?/ is -bo8e -ll, $erh-$s, /he $rize in li/er-/ure -nd /he Pe->e Prize, /h-/ h-8e
>o!e in for >ri/i>is!, due, of >ourse, /o /hese bein subMe>/s on #hi>h e8eryone >-n
h-8e -n o$inion. The o/her $rizes -re usu-lly >o!!en/ed on in 'ature -nd (cience in -
!ore ini/i-/ed !-nner, -l/houh so!e f-irly #-s$ish re!-r0s h-8e been !-de /here /oo
fro! /i!e /o /i!e.
P-e @ii
The firs/ /i!e +lfred Nobel see!s /o h-8e >onsidered #ri/in - #ill #-s in K-r>h 1**9.
Peo$le h-8e been dis$osed /o re-rd /he -bsen>e of de/-iled ins/ru>/ions -s -
>onseGuen>e of Nobel9s h-bi/ of i8in /rus/ed -ssis-/-n/s only /he !eres/ indi>-/ion of
#h-/ he #-n/ed done. ?/ #-s /heir business /o #or0 ou/ /he !e-ns /o /he end. This is
$erh-$s - >orre>/ sur!ise, bu/ /he fund #-s /o be -d!inis/ered by $eo$le -bou/ #ho!
Nobel 0ne# no/hin. The ->/u-l >hoi>e of L-ure-/es, i/ is /rue, #-s en/rus/ed /o /hree
ins/i/u/ions -nd - >o!!i//ee -$$oin/ed by /he Nor#ei-n S/or/in, bu/ no/ e8en in /his
>-se did Nobel i8e -ny /houh/ /o /he $ro>edur-l de/-ils.
There #-s - /ou>h of fl-!boy-n/ es/ure -bou/ Nobel9s #ill -s he >-s/ his !illions in/o
/he -ir, #i/hou/ inGuirin /oo >losely #here /hey #ere oin /o l-nd. The !-in /hin #-s
/h-/ /hey should no/ e/ in/o /he $o>0e/s of his le-l heirs. This !-ssi8e don-/ion #-s
$rob-bly one of innu!er-ble ide-s, -nd Nobel9s i!-in-/ion see!s /o h-8e been e@/r-
$rolifi> -/ /he /i!e #hen his #ill #-s dr-#n u$. Le os>ill-/ed fro! $honor-$hs -nd
/ele$hones /o $roMe>/iles of 8-rious 0inds. Le si!$ly did no/ h-8e /i!e /o #or0 ou/ his
ide-s in !ore de/-il, -nd his l-s/ #ill -nd /es/-!en/, li0e se8er-l of $ro8ision-l $-/en/
-$$li>-/ions, re!-ined -n e8-nes>en/ s0e/>h.
Of one /hin, ho#e8er, #e >-n be rel-/i8ely >er/-inH ?/ #-s $eo$le #i/h ide-s he #-n/ed
/o re#-rd, $eo$le #i/h ins$ir-/ion. ?n o/her #ords, $eo$le of his o#n 0ind. This is #hy
/he $rizes h-d /o refer /o ->hie8e!en/s durin /he $-s/ ye-r. There is no $rize for
/e>hnoloy, be>-use Nobel 0ne# fro! his o#n e@$erien>e /h-/ - su>>essful in8en/ion is
of/en re#-rded /hrouh /he $-/en/ sys/e!. Au/ - !edi>-l or >he!i>-l dis>o8ery #-s
so!e/hin differen/; /here #-s no/hin /o u-r-n/ee /h-/ /he $erson !-0in /he
dis>o8ery #ould h-8e - sh-re in /he resul/-n/ $rofi/.
+l/houh in/eres/ in /he Nobel Prizes h-s flu>/u-/ed #i/h /he ye-rs, /he $rizes h-8e
be>o!e in/ern-/ion-lly es/-blished in /he #-y in #hi>h +lfred Nobel in/ended. They -re
-s/onishinly #ell 0no#n in l-re $-r/s of /he #orld. ?n/eres/ in +lfred Nobel $erson-lly
h-s -lso been sus/-ined, $erh-$s $-r/ly be>-use he #-s su>h - >o!$li>-/ed -nd unusu-l
$erson-li/y. There is no for!ul- or slo-n #i/h #hi>h he >-n be $inned do#n.
P-e @iii
-%3P" 0N( %3NT"NT-
The %ho)s %ho of 'obel ri*e %inners 1901+,000 is /he four/h edi/ion of - boo0
>on>ei8ed /o i8e users Gui>0 ->>ess /o b-si> infor!-/ion -bou/ -ll Nobel L-ure-/es -nd
/heir ->hie8e!en/s. Wi/h /he re/ire!en/ of /he edi/ors of /he $re8ious /hree edi/ions,
Aern-rd S. S>hlessiner -nd Pune L. S>hlessiner, /he four/h edi/ion of The %ho)s %ho
of 'obel ri*e %inners 1901+,000 be>-!e !y sole res$onsibili/y. Ae>-use ? h-d ser8ed
-s -n -sso>i-/e edi/or for /he firs/ /hree edi/ions, ? #-s f-!ili-r #i/h /he or-niz-/ion of
/he 8olu!e -nd i/s $ur$ose. +lon #i/h /he $re8ious edi/ors ? belie8e /h-/ /here is - need
for - OOre-dy-referen>e99 boo0, $ro8idin - one-s/o$ $l->e /o loo0 for b-si> bior-$hi>-l
infor!-/ion on e->h #inner in - >onsis/en/ for!-/ -nd inde$enden/ly 8erified. Of/en
infor!-/ion is in>luded here /h-/ does no/ -$$e-r on Web si/es, in>ludin /he Nobel e-
!useu!, or /h-/ is diffi>ul/ /o find e-sily. +lso in>luded is - lis/ of -ddi/ion-l sour>es /o
lo>-/e !ore infor!-/ion -bou/ /he #inners, -nd /he boo0 >on>ludes #i/h four useful
This four/h edi/ion of The %ho)s %ho of 'obel ri*e %inners >on/-ins re8ised en/ries
for Nobel Prize Winners fro! 1901:199% -nd (2 ne# en/ries for /he #inners fro!
199(:2000, /o/-lin &20 en/ries. 5->h of /he (%* en/ries fro! /he /hird edi/ion #-s
re8ie#ed -nd u$d-/ed by /he edi/or, #i/h -$$ro@i!-/ely &0 $er>en/ of /he $re8ious
en/ries >h-nin. ?n !os/ >-ses, ne# bior-$hi>-l infor!-/ion #-s -8-il-ble, Nobel
l-ure-/es >on/inued /o #in -#-rds /h-/ !-r0ed /heir ->hie8e!en/s, or $erson-l
infor!-/ion >h-ned. To /he e@/en/ $ossible, -ll en/ries -re ->>ur-/e /hrouh P-nu-ry 1,
2001. The ye-r 2001 is - s$e>i-l one for /he Nobel Prize, -s i/ !-r0s /he 100/h
-nni8ers-ry of /he -#-rdin of /he Nobel Prize. The 6en/enni-l 3e-r #ill be !-r0ed by
!-ny s$e>i-l e8en/s -nd e@hibi/ions >ul!in-/in in /he 6en/enni-l Wee0 in De>e!ber,
/o #hi>h -ll li8in L-ure-/es h-8e been in8i/ed /o $-r/i>i$-/e.
5n/ries for /he $rize#inners fro! 199(:2000 #ere rese-r>hed -nd #ri//en by /he edi/or.
58ery en/ry #-s >he>0ed --ins/ /he s/-nd-rd bior-$hi>-l resour>es, ne#s$-$er -nd
!--zine ->>oun/s of /heir -#-rds, -nd in !-ny s$e>i-lized resour>es rele8-n/ /o /he
$-r/i>ul-r subMe>/ dis>i$line for /he -#-rd. 1or /he firs/ /i!e, !-ny resour>es #ere
-8-il-ble /o /he edi/or in ele>/roni> for!-/ bu/ -ll en/ries reGuired sinifi>-n/ >ross-
>he>0in of f->/s. One sour>e /h-/ #-s of $-r/i>ul-r i!$or/-n>e is /he Nobel e-Kuseu!
h//$H,,,. The Nobel 1ound-/ion h-s >re-/ed -n online Web si/e /h-/
$ro8ides useful infor!-/ion -bou/ /he Nobel Prize, in>ludin his/ori>-l -nd b->0round
infor!-/ion. ?/ -lso $ro8ides bior-$hi>-l or -u/obior-$hi>-l infor!-/ion on /he
#inners, /he #inner9s ->>e$/-n>e s$ee>h -nd,or Nobel le>/ure, -nd, for /he !ore re>en/
#inners, /he $ress rele-se -nnoun>in /he -#-rds, 8ideo >li$s, -nd lin0s /o o/her
resour>es on /he indi8idu-l l-ure-/es.
+s #i/h /he firs/ /hree edi/ions, e->h en/ry is >o!$osed of 1% fields of bior-$hi>-l -nd
biblior-$hi>-l infor!-/ion. See OOIsin This Aoo099 for >o!$le/e infor!-/ion on /he
0inds of infor!-/ion /o be found in e->h en/ry. 5n/ries -re -rr-ned by $rizeH 6he!is/ry,
5>ono!i>s, Li/er-/ure, Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, Pe->e -nd Physi>s. Wi/hin e->h
se>/ion, en/ries -re -rr-ned >hronoloi>-lly. ?nfor!-/ion h-s been in>luded in e->h of
/he 1% fields #hen -8-il-ble. ?n >-ses #here /he infor!-/ion >ould no/ be 8erified
inde$enden/ly, i/ #-s lef/ ou/. 2e-ders should -lso no/e /h-/, due /o e8en/s su>h -s #-r
-nd,or l->0 of sui/-ble >-ndid-/es, $rizes #ere no/ -#-rded in so!e ye-rs.
?n -ddi/ion /o /he >hronoloi>-l -rr-ne!en/ of /he $rize #inners, four o/her inde@es -re
in>luded /o hel$ re-ders ->>ess /he en/riesH B1C N-!e ?nde@, -n -l$h-be/i>-l lis/in of -ll
#inners; B2C 5du>-/ion ?nde@, - lis/in of $os/-se>ond-ry edu>-/ion-l ins/i/u/ions -nd /he
#inners #ho re>ei8ed derees fro! /he!; B'C N-/ion-li/y or 6i/izen ?nde@, - lis/in of
#inners by /heir n-/ion-li/y or >i/izenshi$ Bso!e l-ure-/es -re /hus lis/ed under !ore
/h-n one n-/ion-li/y or >i/izenshi$ >-/eoryC; -nd B)C 2eliion ?nde@, - lis/in of #inners
by reliion. This in>ludes only /hose l-ure-/es #hose reliious -ffili-/ions h-8e been
defini/ely -s>er/-ined.
?n s$i/e of -ll !y bes/ effor/s, i/ is $ossible /h-/ errors #ere !-de in so!e en/ries.
Therefore ? -s0 re-ders of /his edi/ion /o no/ify !e of -ny >orre>/ions, sues/ions, -nd
u$d-/es so /h-/ /hey >-n be in>or$or-/ed in fu/ure edi/ions. Ple-se send -ll Gueries /o
Louise S. Sherby, in >-re of /he Ory@ Press, )0)1 N. 6en/r-l +8e., Phoeni@, +rizon-
P-e @i8
N3+"# P4.7" W.NN"4- 2001
Willi-! Nno#les, Ini/ed S/-/es
N. A-rry Sh-r$less, Ini/ed S/-/es
2yoMi Noyori, P-$-n
"eore +. +0erlof, Ini/ed S/-/es
+. Ki>h-el S$en>e, Ini/ed S/-/es
Pose$h 5. S/ili/z, Ini/ed S/-/es
S.S. N-i$-ul, "re-/ Ari/-in
Lel-nd L. L-r/#ell, Ini/ed S/-/es
2. Ti!o/hy Lun/, "re-/ Ari/-in
P-ul K. Nurse, "re-/ Ari/-in
Ini/ed N-/ions -nd I.N. Se>re/-ry-"ener-l Nofi +nn-n, "h-n-
5ri> +. 6ornell, Ini/ed S/-/es
6-rl 5. Wie!-n, Ini/ed S/-/es
Wolf-n Ne//erle, "er!-ny
L-s/, bu/ no/ le-s/, ? #ish /o /h-n0 Aernie S>hlessiner -nd Pune S>hlessiner for /heir
hel$ in !-0in /his edi/ion h-$$en -nd for /heir >onfiden>e in !e. ? -lso #-n/ /o /h-n0
!y edi/or, 5le-nor- S. 8on Dehsen, of /he Ory@ Press, #ho h-s been !os/ hel$ful -nd
$-/ien/ -s ? /oo0 on /his ne# res$onsibili/y. Ky /h-n0s, /oo, /o Dr. +ni/- Ondruse0,
S>ien>e 2eferen>e Libr-ri-n -/ /he Lun/er 6ollee Libr-ries, #hose su$erb se-r>hin
s0ills found >i/-/ions /o $ubli>-/ions #hen needed.
? ho$e /h-/ /his four/h edi/ion #ill $ro8e /o be -s useful -nd 8-lu-ble -s /he $re8ious
/hree edi/ions -nd /h-/ i/ #ill be - resour>e of firs/ >hoi>e #hen loo0in for b-si>
bior-$hi>-l infor!-/ion on Nobel Prize #inners.
-ouise (. (herby
Associate &ean and .hief -ibrarian
/unter .ollege, 'e0 1or2 .ity
P-e @8
*sin& This +ook
5->h en/ry in /his boo0 is >o!$osed of 1% fields of infor!-/ion. The for!-/ of e->h
field, -nd so!e fur/her infor!-/ion -bou/ /he n-/ure of e->h field, -re e@$l-ined here.
The !os/ >o!$le/e n-!e found for /he indi8idu-l h-s been used. ?f - $seudony! #-s
found, i/ is in>luded in $-ren/heses. ?f - $erson9s n-!e >h-ned, /he for!er n-!e is
in>luded in $-ren/heses. The l-s/ n-!e is -l#-ys i8en firs/. +lso in>luded -s $-r/ of /he
n-!e -re /i/les of nobili/y, #hen -$$li>-ble. 5@-!$les of en/ries -re
+nell, Nor!-n, Sir BL-ne, 2-l$h Nor!-n +nellC
+non, Sh!uel 3osef B6z->z0es, Sh!uel 3osefC
Sien0ie#i>z, Lenry0 +d-! +le0s-ndr Pius BLi/#osC
+ll su>h n-!e 8-ri-/ions -re in>luded in /he N-!e ?nde@ of /his boo0, #i/h OOsee99
referen>es i8en /o dire>/ /he user /o /he !-in n-!e en/ry.
The $rize -#-rded is lis/ed, follo#ed by /he ye-r in #hi>h /he -#-rd #-s #on. Thus,
/his field -$$e-rs -s follo#sH
Pe->e, 19'1
?n /hose >-ses #here - $rize #-s -#-rded $os/hu!ously or /he l-ure-/e refused /he
$rize, - no/-/ion /o /h-/ effe>/ is in>luded in /he en/ry. Kul/i$le #inners -re lis/ed under
e->h -$$li>-ble >-/eory, #i/h OOsee99 referen>es i8en /o dire>/ /he user /o /he firs/ full
lis/in for /he #inner. ?n ye-rs #hen no $rize #-s i8en, /here is no en/ry.
+.4T1 0N( ("0T1 (0T"-
The bir/h -nd de-/h d-/es B#hen -$$li>-bleC of e->h Nobel Prize #inner -re lis/ed, -lon
#i/h bir/h$l->e -nd lo>-/ion of de-/h B#hen -$$li>-bleC. S/-/es in /he Ini/ed S/-/es -re
-bbre8i-/ed #i/h /he s/-nd-rd /#o-le//er >odes. O/her#ise, /he fulles/ infor!-/ion is
$resen/ed, -s >-n be seen hereH
P-nu-ry 2&, 190'; Kelbourne, +us/r-li-
Se$/e!ber 2(, 1***; S/. Louis, KO
1or indi8idu-ls #ho #ere born in $oli/i>-l reions no loner in e@is/en>e, su>h -s /he
+us/ro-Lun-ri-n 5!$ire $rior /o 191*, $l->e of bir/h is i8en -s reion of /he e!$ire
Bi.e., Pol-nd or 6ze>hoslo8-0i-C, r-/her /h-n +us/ri--Lun-ry.
?n /he >-se of >or$or-/e or ins/i/u/ion-l #inners, /he d-/e #hen -nd lo>-/ion in #hi>h /he
ins/i/u/ion or >or$or-/ion #-s es/-blished is in>luded.
The n-!es of /he #inner9s f-/her -nd !o/her in /he fulles/ for! found -re in>luded.
Ko/hers9 n-!es es$e>i-lly #ere of/en diffi>ul/ /o find. The -bsen>e of - firs/ or !-iden
n-!e indi>-/es /h-/ only -n in>o!$le/e n-!e >ould be found. ?f no re>ord #-s found,
/he $hr-se OOno re>ord found99 is used. Thus, -n en/ry su>h -s /he one sho#n belo# >-n
be >onsidered /o be >o!$le/e.
1-/her, 5zr- 1lory; Ko/her, K-r/h- Aru!b-uh 1lory
Lo#e8er, en/ries #ill -lso be found in less >o!$le/e for!s, su>h -s /heseH
1-/her, Kuh-!!ed 5l-S-d-/; Ko/her, no re>ord found
1-/her, P-n-yio/is +le$oudelis; Ko/her, K-ri- +le$oudelis
N0T.3N0#.T9 34 %.T.7"N-1.P
?n >-ses #here /he l-ure-/e #-s born -nd re!-ined in /he >oun/ry of bir/h /hrouhou/ his
or her >-reer, - sinle no/-/ion is i8en, -s in /he follo#in e@-!$leH
P-e @8i
?f /he l-ure-/e #-s born in one >oun/ry, /hen l-/er !o8ed /o -nd be>-!e - >i/izen of
-no/her >oun/ry, /he >oun/ry of bir/h is i8en firs/, follo#ed by - no/-/ion for /he >oun/ry
/o #hi>h /he l-ure-/e !o8ed -nd be>-!e - >i/izen. +n e@-!$le isH
"er!-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen
?n >-ses #here l-ure-/es s$en/ sinifi>-n/ $-r/s of /heir li8es in se8er-l >oun/ries -nd
ob/-ined !ul/i$le >i/izenshi$s, e->h of /hose is iden/ified in /he en/ryH
"er!-n; l-/er S#iss -nd +!eri>-n >i/izen
?n >-ses #here i/ is 0no#n /h-/ - l-ure-/e resided in - >er/-in >oun/ry, bu/ >i/izenshi$ for
/h-/ >oun/ry >-nno/ be de/er!ined, /he en/ry is -rr-ned -s follo#sH
Du/>h; l-/er 1ren>h residen/ -nd +!eri>-n >i/izen
Of -ll /he fields in /his boo0, /his #-s by f-r /he !os/ diffi>ul/ for #hi>h /o lo>-/e
defini/i8e infor!-/ion. Whe/her /he Nobel Prize #inner #-s in Li/er-/ure, Pe->e,
5>ono!i>s, Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 6he!is/ry, or Physi>s, /here #-s s>-n/ d-/- on
reliious $referen>e -nd of/en/i!es >on/r-di>/ory d-/-. The Li/er-/ure -nd Pe->e #ere
!ore li0ely /o h-8e reliion iden/ified; bu/ e8en in /hese >-ses, i/ #-s !ore of/en -
$-ssin B-nd so!e/i!es $uzzlinC referen>e, r-/her /h-n - >le-r s/-/e!en/ Be.., OOPe#ish,
58-neli>-l99 or OO1ree/hin0er; fro! Lu/her-n b->0round99C. Inless - s$e>ifi> n-rro#
reliious $referen>e #-s s/-/ed in /he li/er-/ure >onsul/ed, eneri> /er!s Bsu>h -s
OO6hris/i-n99C #ere used. ?n ins/-n>es #here #e #ere f-irly >er/-in of reliion, bu/ no/
$osi/i8e, #e used /he $hr-se OOKos/ $rob-bly.99 When no/ e8en - ood uess >ould be
!-de, #e used /he no/-/ion, OONo re>ord found.99 Where - $erson9s reliious $referen>e
>h-ned, #e used s/-/e!en/s su>h -s OO+nos/i>; fro! 6hris/i-n b->0round.99 +lso, in
so!e >-ses, /he l-ure-/e9s $-ren/s #ere of differen/ reliious $ersu-sions; /h-/ f->/ h-s
been no/ed, #hen 0no#n, in /he field. Lere is -n e@-!$leH
+reliious; fro! +nli>-n,Ke/hodis/ b->0round.
58en #hen /he li/er-/ure >onsul/ed #-s defini/e -bou/ reliious $referen>e, /here is s/ill
so!e Gues/ion -s /o reliious -ffili-/ion in so!e ins/-n>es be>-use of /he hihly $erson-l
-nd 8-ri-ble n-/ure of - $erson9s $referen>e in /his -re-. The user should re-d -ll en/ries
#i/h /h-/ /houh/ in !ind. +ny ne# infor!-/ion !-de -8-il-ble #ill be in>luded in l-/er
The 2eliion ?nde@ >on/-ins only /he #inners #hose reliious -ffili-/ion #-s defini/e. +
>i/-/ion for OOKos/ $rob-bly Pe#ish,99 for e@-!$le, #ill no/ be found in /he 2eliion
?nde@ under OOPe#ish.99
?n >i/in /he uni8ersi/y n-!e -nd /he deree n-!e, /he for!-/ found in /he sour>es
>onsul/ed #-s follo#ed. 1or uni8ersi/ies in /he Ini/ed S/-/es, /he -bbre8i-/ion of /he
s/-/e in #hi>h /he uni8ersi/y is lo>-/ed is used. 1or uni8ersi/ies ou/side /he Ini/ed S/-/es,
/he >oun/ry of lo>-/ion is i8en. So!e >oun/ry iden/ifi>-/ions !-y loo0 odd, -s !-y
so!e s$ellins, bu/ i/ !us/ be re!e!bered /h-/ bo/h eor-$hi> lo>-/ions -nd s$ellin
>us/o!s >h-ned !-r0edly be/#een 1901 -nd 2000. Our rule #-s /h-/ #e used /he d-/-
$resen/ed in /he sour>es >onsul/ed unless -n ob8ious error #ould /hus resul/. Where /he
l-ure-/e did no/ re>ei8e -ny deree, /he en/ry re-ds OONo >ollee derees.99
The full n-!e of /he s$ouse is $resen/ed, follo#ed by -s full - d-/e of !-rri-e -s #-s
-8-il-ble. ?f /he $erson !-rried !ore /h-n on>e, /he de-/h or di8or>e of /he $re8ious
s$ouse is no/ed, #i/h - d-/e, if -8-il-ble. Where i/ #-s no/ $ossible /o de/er!ine #he/her
/he $re8ious s$ouse h-d died or been di8or>ed, /h-/ infor!-/ion #-s o!i//ed. ?n so!e
>-ses, /he /er! OOdissol8ed99 Bused in so!e sour>esC is >-rried in/o /his boo0 -s #ell. ?f
/he $erson did no/ !-rry, /he no/-/ion OONone99 is used. ?f i/ #-s i!$ossible /o de/er!ine
#he/her - !-rri-e h-d o>>urred, /he no/-/ion OONo re>ord found99 is used.
Where n-!es of >hildren #ere found, /he n-!e $lus /he /er! OOson99 or OOd-uh/er99 -re
in>luded. ?f nu!bers of >hildren #ere found, bu/ no n-!es, /he nu!bers -re i8en,
so!e/i!es -s /o/-ls -nd so!e/i!es bro0en do#n by d-uh/ers -nd sons, -s -8-il-ble.
?n/eres/inly, #here n-!es #ere no/ found, i/ #-s !os/ of/en /he n-!es of d-uh/ers; in
so!e >-ses, sons9 n-!es #ere i8en, bu/ d-uh/ers9 n-!es #ere o!i//edX Where
-$$li>-ble, -nd #here su>h infor!-/ion is -8-il-ble, -do$/ed >hildren, s/e$>hildren, -nd
s/illborn >hildren -re lis/ed -s #ell.
P-e @8ii
?n i/s !os/ >o!$le/e for!, >-reer infor!-/ion is $resen/ed /his #-yH
Or-niz-/ion n-!e, eor-$hi> lo>-/ion, /i/le, ye-rs of e!$loy!en/.
The >-reer en/ry ener-lly beins #i/h /he firs/ OO$rofession-l99 $osi/ion held by /he
#inner. Thus, for !os/ s>ien>e-orien/ed l-ure-/es, /he firs/ $osi/ion lis/ed #ill be -f/er
/he ye-r of /he /er!in-l deree. 1or ->-de!-i>s, /he /i/le OOProfessor99 is used, no !-//er
#h-/ /he r-n0 or dis/ribu/ion be/#een /e->hin, rese-r>h, -nd ser8i>e. ?n /he >-se of /he
Li/er-/ure #inners, #here /he $erson9s sole in8ol8e!en/ #-s in #ri/in, /he /i/le
OOWri/er99 is used. ?n /he >-se of /he Pe->e #inners, #here /he $erson9s >-reer #-s s$en/
in - 8-rie/y of ->/i8is/ -nd $oli/i>-l roles, -$$ro$ri-/e ener-l /i/les su>h -s OOPoli/i>-l
+>/i8is/99 or OO$oli/i>-l $os/s99 -re used. 1or !ili/-ry >-reer ye-rs, no s$e>ifi> /i/les -re
K-ny l-ure-/es h-8e $eriods in /heir >-reers #here /hey o>>u$ied >on>urren/ $osi/ions.
?n /hese >-ses, /he $rin>i$-l $osi/ion, -s in/er$re/ed by /he edi/ors, is lis/ed, e@>e$/ in -
fe# e@/r-ordin-ry en/ries. O>>-sion-lly, /here #ill be - -$ in >o8er-e, of/en due /o -
re/urn /o edu>-/ion-l $ursui/.
3T1"4 0W04(-
The lis/ins for /his field -re /hose /-0en dire>/ly fro! /he sour>es >onsul/ed. Where
d-/es #ere -8-il-ble, /hey -re in>luded. The -#-rds -re lis/ed in >hronoloi>-l order.
Nnih/hood is no/ed #here -$$ro$ri-/e, bu/ $eer-es -re no/.
-"#"%T"( P*+#.%0T.3N-
1or -ll en/ries, /he $ubli>-/ions lis/ed -re no/ e@h-us/i8e or >o!$rehensi8e, bu/
re$resen/-/i8e of /he #inners9 #or0s. They re$resen/ /he #or0 for #hi>h /he l-ure-/e #-s
-#-rded or -re re$resen/-/i8e of /he >-reer #or0 of /he l-ure-/e. ?n - fe# >-ses, ei/her
/he #inners did no/ #ri/e -ny #or0s or no /i/les -//ribu/ed /o /he! >ould be found.
We found /h-/ /he Li/er-/ure -nd Pe->e #inners9 biblior-$hi> lis/ins #ere !ore
>o!$le/e /h-n /hose for /he l-ure-/es in 5>ono!i>s, Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy,
6he!is/ry, -nd Physi>s. 1or /he l-ure-/es in Li/er-/ure -nd Pe->e, /he /o/-l sinifi>-n/
ou/$u/ #-s li!i/ed in nu!bers of /i/les be>-use i/ #-s no/ un>o!!on /o find one
l-ure-/e #i/h - $rodu>/ion of se8er-l hundred #or0s.
The /i/les of #or0s in>luded -re i8en in /he !os/ >o!$le/e for! -8-il-ble.
1or boo0s, bo/h /he 5nlish /i/le -nd /he oriin-l-l-nu-e /i/le, if -$$li>-ble, -re i8en
-s $resen/ed in s/-nd-rd >-/-loin sour>es. 1or $eriodi>-l !-/eri-l, /he !os/ >o!$le/e
-r/i>le infor!-/ion -nd $eriodi>-l n-!e -8-il-ble in /he s/-nd-rd inde@in sour>es
>onsul/ed -re in>luded. ?f - OO6olle>/ed Wor0s99 #-s found, i/ #-s lis/ed -s one of /he
biblior-$hi> en/ries. Aiblior-$hi> i/e!s in /his field -re in >hronoloi>-l order, -nd /he
l-ure-/e9s n-!e, -s -u/hor, is no/ in>luded.
+.3640P1.%0# -3*4%"-
Where - boo0-len/h bior-$hy or -u/obior-$hy on /he #inner #-s -8-il-ble, i/ h-s
been lis/ed in /his field. 1or /hese l-ure-/es, usu-lly in Li/er-/ure or Pe->e, for #ho!
se8er-l bior-$hies #ere found, /hese /i/les -re li!i/ed.
1or !-ny of /he s>ien>e l-ure-/es, es$e>i-lly /hose of !ore re>en/ 8in/-e, no boo0-
len/h bior-$hi>-l /re-/!en/ #-s found. ?n /hose >-ses, /he lis/ins -re of ei/her Mourn-l
-r/i>les -bou/ /he $erson, /he $ubli>i/y -//endin /he re>ei$/ of /he Prize, or - s$e>i-l/y
en>y>lo$edi-9s /re-/!en/ of /he indi8idu-l.
Aiblior-$hi> i/e!s in /his field -re -rr-ned in -l$h-be/i>-l order. ?f /he /i/le is
-u/obior-$hi>-l, /he -u/hor is no/ lis/ed. 1or /hose sour>es Be.., - 'e0 1or2 Times
-r/i>leC, #here /he /i/le #ould be - he-dline su>h -s OONobel Prize +nnoun>ed,99 /he /i/le
h-s been o!i//ed.
The >o!!en/-ry $ro8ides - brief e@$l-n-/ion of #hy /he l-ure-/e re>ei8ed his or her
Prize, -s #ell -s su!!-rizes o/her i!$or/-n/ >on/ribu/ions !-de by /he indi8idu-l. ?n
/his field, /he l-ure-/e is referred /o by his or her f-!ili-r n-!e r-/her /h-n /he full n-!e
used /o he-d /he en/ry. Where /he l-nu-e of /he +>-de!y9s >i/-/ion #-s -8-il-ble
Bei/her in /he Nobel +>-de!y9s $ubli>-/ions or in su>h s/-nd-rd sour>es -s /he 'e0 1or2
Times or The TimesC, i/ h-s been in>luded. 5->h >o!!en/-ry >on>ludes #i/h -
$-ren/he/i>-l -bbre8i-/ion of /he en/ry edi/or9s n-!e. The >o!$le/e lis/in of
-bbre8i-/ions -nd full edi/or n-!es >-n be found in /he OOLis/ of 6on/ribu/ors99 in /his
P-e @8iii
This $-e in/en/ion-lly lef/ bl-n0.
P-e @i@
#ist of %ontrib!tors
0:%: ;Dr. +n- 6le8el-nd, Professor, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
0:(: ;Dr. +nne D-y, Professor, 6l-rion I. of P+, 6l-rion, P+
0:(:<: ;Dr. +d- D. P-red, Libr-ri-n, Louisi-n- S/-/e I., +le@-ndri-, L+
0:<: ;+li>e Pohnson, Libr-ri-n, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
0:N: ;Dr. +l Ni>osi-, Professor, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
0:-: ;+lison S/-/on, Libr-ri-n, K>Ninney Publi> Libr-ry, K>Ninney, T4
+:": ;A-rb-r- 5d!-nson, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
+:":,: ;A-rb-r- 5. Koos>he0i-n, Libr-ri-n, ?nfo!-r/, D-ll-s, T4
+:: ;Arend- 1lo#ers, Libr-ri-n, Alo#er Kound, T4
+:.:,: ;A-rb-r- ?. K>Nu//, Libr-ri-n, Kon!ou/h 6oun/y Libr-ry, 1reehold, NP
+:#: ;Dr. Aulli/ Lo#ry, Professor, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
+:#:W: ;Ary-n L. W-ner, S/uden/, 6l-rion I. of P+, 6l-rion, P+
+:,: ;A-rb-r- K>6r->0en, Libr-ri-n, T-rr-n/ 6oun/y 6o!!uni/y 6ollee, 1or/
Wor/h, T4
+:N:#: ;A-rb-r- N. Lis/, Libr-ri-n, 6olu!bi- I., Ne# 3or0, Ne# 3or0
+:4:W: ;Ae8erly 2. Wes/er, Libr-ri-n, Le-l/h S>ien>es Libr-ry, I. of K-ryl-nd,
A-l/i!ore, KD
+:-: ;A-rb-r- S$en>er, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
+:-:-: ;Dr. Aern-rd S. S>hlessiner, Professor, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
+:W: ;Arend- Wes/broo0, Libr-ry 6onsul/-n/, 1or/ Wor/h, T4
%:+: ;Dr. 6h-rles Aru>e, Professor, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
%:+:+: ;6h-rlo//e A. Aro#n, Libr-ri-n, 1r-n0lin -nd K-rsh-ll 6ollee, L-n>-s/er, P+
%:%: ;6heryl 6h-n, Libr-ri-n, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
%:(: ;6onnie Do#ell, Libr-ri-n, I. of 6-liforni-, S-n/- A-rb-r-, 6+
%:": ;6-rlyle 5d#-rds, Libr-ri-n, 6u!berl-nd 6oun/y Publi> Libr-ry, 1-ye//e8ille,
%:6: ;6-role "od/, Libr-ri-n, I. of Ki>hi-n, +nn +rbor, K?
%:1:W: ;6-rol L. Win, Libr-ri-n, 2hode ?sl-nd 6ollee, Pro8iden>e, 2?
%:,: ;6-rolyn Ke-nley, Libr-ri-n, P->obs 5nineerin, Lous/on, T4
%:N:+: ;6heryl N. Aroo!e, Libr-ri-n, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
%:4:#: ;6h-rles Lo-n, Libr-ri-n, N-8-l Inder#-/er Sys/e!s 6en/er, Ne# London,
%:-: ;6-rol So!ers, S/uden/, 6l-rion I. of P+, 6l-rion, P+
%:T: ;6l-r-bel T-nner, Libr-ry 6onsul/-n/, 1or/ Wor/h, T4
(:+: ;Dr. D-niel Aeren, Professor, I. of 2hode ?sl-nd, Nins/on, 2?
(:%: ;Dr. Don-ld 6le8el-nd, Professor, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
(:%:-: ;Dr. D-rrel 6. Sher-#, Professor, 6l-rion I. of P+, 6l-rion, P+
(:":-: ;Doreen 5. S/e8ens, Libr-ri-n, 6leburne Publi> Libr-ry, 6leburne, T4
(:6: ;Di-ne "rund, Libr-ri-n, Kor-ine S-lley 6o!!uni/y 6ollee, P-los Lills, ?L
(:1: ;Di-ne Ludson, Libr-ri-n, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I. Den/on, T4
(:8: ;Debor-h N-ne, Libr-ri-n, D-ll-s Tr-ns$or/-/ion Sys/e!, D-ll-s, T4

$ditor)s 'oteH This lis/ refers /o /he >on/ribu/ors /o /he firs/ /hree edi/ions of The %ho)s
%ho of 'obel ri*e %inners B19*(, 1991, -nd 199(C.
P-e @@
(:N:-: ;Dr. D-8id N. Sh-8i/, Professor, Nor/hern ?llinois I., De N-lb, ?L
(:N:W: ;D-8id N. We-/herby, Professor, 6l-rion I. of P+, 6l-rion, P+
(:3:: ;Dr. D-rlene O. 1ord, +dMun>/ Professor, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
(:P: ;Dolores P-ye//e, Libr-ri-n, A-r/le// Publi> Libr-ry, A-r/le//, ?L
(:P:8: ;D-8id P. N-r$, S/uden/, 6l-rion I. of P+, 6l-rion, P+
(:P:N: ;D-rlene P. Ni>hols, Libr-ri-n, I. of Ki>hi-n, +nn +rbor, K?
(:4: ;Doro/hy 2ie!ens>hneider, Libr-ri-n, 6olu!bi- I., Ne# 3or0, N3
(:-: ;Delbye Sessions, Libr-ri-n, Nor#i>h I., Nor#i>h, ST
(:T: ;Di-ne Tilson, S/uden/, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
(:=: ;Dr. Don S-nn -nd Dolores S-nn, Professors, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on,
(:W: ;Di-ne Whi/, Libr-ri-n, De So/o, ?n>., Des Pl-ines, ?L
":+: ;Dr. 5dr- Aole, Professor, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
":":6: ;Dr. 5liz-be/h 5. "un/er, Professor, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
":6: ;5liz-be/h "#yn, Libr-ri-n, Aride$or/ Publi> Libr-ry, Aride$or/, 6T
":#: ;5l-ine Lo#en/h-l, Libr-ri-n, 1loss!oor Publi> Libr-ry, 1loss!oor, ?L
:8: ;1r-n0 Neller!-n, Libr-ri-n, Aro#n I., Pro8iden>e, 2?
:#:T: ;Dr. 1r-n0 L. Turner, Professor, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
:4:P: ;Dr. 1r-n>is>o 2. Perez, Professor, Sou/h#es/ern Te@-s S/-/e I., S-n K-r>os,
6:":,: ;"lenn 5. Kens>hin, Libr-ri-n, I. of Ki>hi-n, +nn +rbor, K?
6:8: ;Dr. "er-ld Nir0, Professor, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
6:N:W: ;". Ne-le Weber, Phoeni@, +J
6:4: ;"r->iel- 2eyn-, Libr-ri-n, I. of Te@-s, Sou/h#es/ern Kedi>-l 6en/er, D-ll-s,
6:-: ;Dr. "ene Sessions, Professor, Nor#i>h I., Nor#i>h, ST
6:W: ;Dr. "eore Woll-s/on, Professor, 6l-rion I. of P+, 6l-rion, P+
1:<:W: ;Lenry P. W-/0in, Libr-ri-n, 6olu!bi- I., Ne# 3or0, N3
1:#:: ;Dr. Lo#-rd L. 1ord, Professor, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
.:1:6: ;?. Lelen "ross, Libr-ri-n, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
.:-:7: ;?r#in S. Jeid!-n, Libr-ri-n, 6olu!bi- I., Ne# 3or0, N3
<:0: ;Pohn +d>o@, S/uden/, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
<:0:-: ;Po-nne +. S--le, S/uden/, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
<:+: ;Dr. Poni Aod-rd, Professor, 5!$ori- S/-/e I., 5!$ori-, NS
<:+:T: ;Dr. Pulie A. Tod-ro, Professor, I. of Ki>hi-n, +nn +rbor, K?
<:%: ;Poy>e 6hesher, S/uden/, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
<:%:1: ;Pohn 6. Le$ner, Libr-ri-n, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
<:":1: ;Dr. P-!es 5. L-rd>-s/le, Professor, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
<:: ;Pohn 1eruson, Professor, 2i>hl-nd 6o!!uni/y 6ollee, D-ll-s, T4
<::8: ;Dr. P-0e 1. Nobler, Professor, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
<:6: ;Dr. P-!es "-llo#-y, Libr-ri-n, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
<:1: ;Poy>e Luhes, Libr-ri-n, Le#is8ille Publi> S>hools, Le#is8ille, T4
<:1:-: ;Dr. Pune L. S>hlessiner, Professor, I. of Nor/h Te@-s, Den/on, T4
<:<:-: ;Poel P. S>hlessiner, K.D., I. of +l-b-!-, Air!inh-!, +L
<:#: ;Dr. P-!es Lee, Professor, I. of Nor/h Te@-s, Den/on, T4
<:#:8: ;P. L-#ren>e Nell-nd, Libr-ri-n, I. of 2hode ?sl-nd, Nins/on, 2?
<:,:-: ;Pe-nne K. S/e8ens, Libr-ri-n, L-!line I. S>hool of L-#, S/. P-ul, KN
<:N:+: ;Pill N. Aer-hn, S/uden/, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
<:N:: ;P-ni>e N. 1r-n0lin, S/uden/, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
<:N:#: ;Pe-nne N. Le-der, Libr-ri-n, Aoze!-n Publi> Libr-ry, Aoze!-n, KT
P-e @@i
<:N:-: ;P-ni>e N. Siebur/h, Libr-ri-n, I. of 2hode ?sl-nd, Nins/on, 2?
<:P: ;Pe-ne//e Pr-sif0-, Libr-ri-n, +nderson +>>oun/in, D-ll-s, T4
<:-: ;Dr. Pohn S!i/h, Professor, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
<:=: ;Pune S-nderrys/, Libr-ri-n, 2i>h-rdson Publi> Libr-ry, 2i>h-rdson, T4
<:=:-: ;Pun0o S. S/u8er-s, Libr-ri-n, 6olu!bi- I., Ne# 3or0, N3
<:W: ;P->0 Weiel, Libr-ri-n, 6olu!bi- I., Ne# 3or0, N3
8:%: ;Dr. N-/herine 68elMo, Professor, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
8:: ;N-y 1rey, Libr-ri-n, Nor/hern Ki>hi-n I., K-rGue//e, K?
8:6: ;N-/hleen "unnin, Libr-ri-n, I. of Lous/on, Lous/on, T4
8:1: ;N-y L-r8ey, Libr-ri-n, 5-s/ Te@-s S/-/e I., 6o!!er>e, T4
8:<:1: ;N-/hleen P. L-ynes, Libr-ri-n, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
8:,: ;Nei/h K>2e-ry, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
8:N:,: ;N-/hleen N. Kurr-y, Libr-ri-n, Koun/ Pros$e>/ Publi> Libr-ry, Koun/
Pros$e>/, ?L
#:0: ;Lind- +rny, Libr-ri-n, I. of K-ss->huse//s, +!hers/, K+
#:+: ;Louise Al-lo>0, Libr-ri-n, D-rien Publi> Libr-ry, D-rien, 6T
#:+:W: ;Dr. L.A.Woods, Libr-ry Dire>/or, Lenderson S/-/e I., +r0edel$hi-, +2
#:%: ;Lind- 6l-ry, S/uden/, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
#:%:+: ;Lind- 6. Ar-dley, S/uden/, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
#:(: ;Lis- D-l/on, Libr-ri-n, I. of Nor/h 6-rolin-, 6h-$el Lill, N6
#:.:-: ;Louise ?. S-ul, Libr-ri-n, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
#:.:W: ;Lis- ?. Whi/e, Libr-ri-n, Dun>-n8ille Publi> Libr-ry, Dun>-n8ille, T4
#:1: ;Le-h L-rri>0, Libr-ri-n, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
#:8: ;Lis- N-!!erlo>her, Libr-ri-n, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
#:,: ;Lynd- K->e->hron, S/uden/, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
#:,:W: ;Dr. Lu>ille K. Wer/, Libr-ri-n, I. of ?llinois, 6h-!$-in, ?L
#:N:W: ;L-ur- N. Windsor, Libr-ri-n, I. of Ki>hi-n, +nn +rbor, K?
#:P: ;Dr. Lloyd P-r0s, Professor, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
#:4:-: ;Dr. L. 2ober/ S/e8ens, Professor, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
#:-: ;Leslie S-ndlin, Libr-ri-n, Koun/ Ple-s-n/ Publi> Libr-ry, Koun/ Ple-s-n/,
#:-:-: ;Louise S. Sherby, +ssis/-n/ Dire>/or for Publi> Ser8i>es, I. of Kissouri-
N-ns-s 6i/y, KO
#:T: ;Lind- T-shboo0, Libr-ri-n, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
#:W: ;Lor-lyn Whi/ney, Libr-ri-n, Sill- K-ri- 6ollee Libr-ry, 5rie, P+
,:0:=:%: ;K-ry +nn S-n 6ur-, Libr-ri-n, L-!line I. S>hool of L-#, S/. P-ul, KN
,:+: ;K-r/h- A-bul-, S/uden/, Nor/hern ?llinois I., De N-lb, ?L
,:%: ;K-ry 6oleson, S/uden/, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
,:(:%: ;K-ry Du>>- 6-rri>0, Te->her, 6or/ez Lih S>hool, Phoeni@, +J
,:":T: ;K-ry 5. Te-sd-le, S/uden/, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
,:: ;K-uri>e 1or/in, Libr-ri-n, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
,::#: ;K-ureen 1. Lo-n, Te->her, Wes/erly Lih S>hool, Wes/erly, 2?
,:6:4: ;Dr. K-r/h- ". 2-ndiro, Professor, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
,:1: ;K-rueri/e Lorn, Libr-ri-n, Aro#n I., Pro8iden>e, 2?
,:<:+: ;K-rsh- P.Al-ir, Libr-ri-n, 5-s/ Te@-s S/-/e I., 6o!!er>e, T4
,:<:1: ;K-ry P-ne Lilburer, Libr-ri-n, Nor/he-s/ern ?llinois I., 6hi>-o, ?L
,:8: ;Kon- Nerby, Libr-ri-n, +rlin/on Dis/ri>/, +rlin/on, T4
,:#: ;K-rlene L-/u>h, Libr-ri-n, So!erse/ Dis/ri>/, So!erse/ P+
,:#:#: ;K-rlene L. Lo$es, Libr-ri-n, 2hode ?sl-nd 6ollee, Pro8iden>e, 2?
P-e @@ii
,:N: ;Ke//- Ni>e#-r!er, Libr-ri-n, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
,:N:%: ;K-ry N. 6-rill, Libr-ri-n, 6olu!bi- I., Ne# 3or0, N3
,:N:8: ;K-ry N. N-y, Libr-ri-n, 6olu!bi- I., Ne# 3or0, N3
,:P: ;K-ry Porre//, Libr-ri-n, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I, Den/on, T4
N:1: ;N-n>y Lu!$hreys, Libr-ri-n, I. of Wis>onsin, Whi/e#-/er, W?
N:#: ;Nol-n Lushin/on, Libr-ri-n, "reen#i>h Publi> Libr-ry, "reen#i>h, 6T
N:4:1: ;N-n>y 2. Lessler, Libr-ri-n, Kor-ine S-lley 6o!!uni/y 6ollee, P-los
Lills, ?L
P:0:%: ;P-/ri>i- +. 6-nnon, Libr-ri-n, +!-rillo Publi> Libr-ry, +!-rillo, T4
P:0:6: ;Dr. Pe/e +. "un/er, Professor, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
P:":<: ;Dr. P-/ri>i- 5. Pensen, Professor, I. of 2hode ?sl-nd, Nins/on, 2?
P:1: ;Philli$ Lih/, Libr-ri-n, Nor/he-s/ern ?llinois I., 6hi>-o, ?L
P:8: ;Dr. P-r8in NuMoory, Professor, Pr-irie Sie# + Y K I, Pr-irie Sie#, T4
P:,: ;P-/ri>i- Kon/rose, S/uden/, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
P:P: ;P-/ri>i- Pe-0, Libr-ri-n, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
P:P:: ;P-!el- P. 1e-/her, Libr-ri-n, Os#eo Publi> Libr-ry, Os#eo, ?L
P:P:1: ;Dr. P-!el- P. Lufn-el, Professor, Pennsyl8-ni- S/-/e I., Dubois, P+
P:-: ;P-/ri>i- SGuires, Libr-ri-n, Nor/hern Tele>o!, D-ll-s, T4
4:0: ;Dr. 2eyn-ldo +y-l-, Professor, I. of S-n Dieo, 6-le@i>o, 6+
4:<: ;2-l$h Pohnson, Libr-ri-n, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
4:8: ;Dr. 2-shelle N-r$, Professor, 6l-rion I. of P+, 6l-rion, P+
4: P: ;2ober/ Peden, Libr-ri-n, ?nfo!-r/, D-ll-s, T4
4:4: ;2i>h-rd 2ussell, Libr-ri-n, "len8ille S/-/e 6ollee, "len8ille, WS
4:-:#: ;Dr. 2ober/ S. L- 1or/e, Professor, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
4:W:-: ;2ober/ W. Se-rs, Libr-ri-n, D-ll-s Publi> Libr-ry, D-ll-s, T4
-:+: ;Sh-ron 6h-re//e, Libr-ri-n, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
-:(: ;S-r- D-8is, Libr-ri-n, P->obs 5nineerin, Lous/on, T4
-:(:-: ;S-r-h D. S!i/h, Libr-ri-n, ?ndi-n Tr-ils Publi> Libr-ry, Wheelin, ?L
-:6: ;S-ndy "-llu$, Libr-ri-n, Aro#n I., Pro8iden>e, 2?
-:1:-: ;S-r-h L. S$urin, Libr-ri-n, 6olu!bi- I., Ne# 3or0, N3
-:8: ;S/e$hen Do>hoff, Libr-ri-n, 6olu!bi- I., Ne# 3or0, N3
-:8:0: ;Sheil- N. +res/-d, Libr-ri-n, 1r-n0lin -nd K-rsh-ll 6ollee, L-n>-s/er, P+
-:,: ;Dr. S-!uel K-rino, Professor, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
-:3: ;Dr. Sol8ei Olsen, Professor, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
-:4: ;Sus-n 2oos/h, Libr-ri-n, Sou/hern Ke/hodis/ I., D-ll-s, T4
-:W: ;Dr. S/e8e Wood, Professor, I. of 2hode ?sl-nd, Nins/on, 2?
-:W:%: ;S-r-h W. 6o-n, Libr-ri-n, I. of Ki>hi-n, +nn +rbor, K?
-:#: ;S/e8en Lin, Libr-ri-n, D-ll-s Publi> Libr-ry, D-ll-s, T4
T:+: ;Teres- Aun-rd, Libr-ri-n, I. of Ki>hi-n, +nn +rbor, K?
T:8: ;T-iss- Nuz!-n, Libr-ri-n, +!eri>-n K-/he!-/i>-l So>ie/y, Pro8iden>e, 2?
T:,: ;Tho!-s K>"in/y, Libr-ri-n, LTS 6or$or-/ion, D-ll-s, T4
T:N:+: ;Tho!-s N. Aoo0er, S/uden/, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
T:-: ;Tony S/-n0us, Libr-ry, Loly 6ross 6ollee, Wor>es/er, K+
T:-:8: ;Dr. Turner S. Nobler, Professor, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
=:0:1: ;Sirini- +. Loo/on, Libr-ri-n, I. of Te@-s -/ D-ll-s, D-ll-s, T4
=:+: ;Seroni>- Ae-sley, S/uden/, Te@-s Wo!-n9s I., Den/on, T4
=:%: ;Si>/ori- 6l-y/on, Libr-ri-n, Queens 6ollee, 1lushin, Ne# 3or0
=:=:,: ;Dr. S-ndeli- S-n Ke/er, Professor, Ini8ersi/y of Sou/hern Kississi$$i,
L-//iesbur, KS
P-e @@iii
W:":W: ;Wynne 5. Weiss, Libr-ri-n, Des Pl-ines Publi> Libr-ry, Des Pl-ines, ?L
W:6: ;Wendy "r-h-!, Libr-ri-n, Kon/-n- S/-/e Libr-ry, Lelen- , KT
W:8: ;Dr. Willi-! N-!!-n, Professor, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
W:#:N: ;Dr. W. Lee N-hr-n, Professor, Nor/h Te@-s S/-/e I., Den/on, T4
P-e @@i8
This $-e in/en/ion-lly lef/ bl-n0.
P-e 1
,0.N "NT49 -"%T.3N
P-e 2
This $-e in/en/ion-lly lef/ bl-n0.
P-e '
=ant 1off5 <acob!s 1enric!s 1
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 1901. Born: +uus/ '0, 1*%2; 2o//erd-!, Ne/herl-nds. Death: K-r>h
1, 1911; Aerlin, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, P->obus Lenri>us S-n9/ Loff; Ko/her, +lid-
P->ob- N-lff S-n9/ Loff. Nationality: Du/>h. Religion: No or-nized reliion; !os/
$rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/ b->0round. Education: Poly/e>hni> S>hool, Ne/herl-nds,
/e>hnoloy di$lo!-, 1*&1; Ini8. of I/re>h/, Ne/herl-nds, do>/or-/e, 1*&). Spouse:
Poh-nn- 1r-n>in- Kees, !-rried 1*&*. Children: Poh-nn- 1r-n>in-, d-uh/er; +leid-
P->ob-, d-uh/er; P->obu Lenri>us, son; "o8er/ P->ob, son. Career: Se/erin-ry 6ollee,
I/re>h/, Ne/herl-nds, Professor, 1*&(:&&; Ini8. of +!s/erd-!, Ne/herl-nds, Professor,
1*&&:&*; Ini8. of Lei$zi, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*&*:9(; Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny,
Professor, 1*9(:1911. Other Awards: D-8y Ked-l, 1*9'; 6he8-lier de l- Leion
d9Lonneur, 1*9); Lel!hol/z Ked-l, Prussi-n +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 1911.
Selected Publications: -a .himie dans l)$space. 2o//erd-!H P.K. A-zendiM0, 1*&%.
Ansichten 3ber die Organische .hemie. 2 8olu!es. Ar-uns>h#eis, "er!-nyH 1. Sie#es,
1*&*:*1. $tudes de &ynami4ue .himi4ue. +!s/erd-!H 1. Kuller Y 6o., 1**). -ois de
l)$4uilibre .himi4ue dans l)$tate &ilue, 5a*eux on &issous. S/o>0hol!H P.+. Nors/ed/,
1**(. 6orlesunsen 3ber Theoretischen und hysi2alischen .hemie. ' 8olu!es.
Ar-uns>h#ei, "er!-nyH 1. Sie#e und Sohn, 1*9*:1900.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6ohen, 5. 7acobus /enricus 6an)t /off. (ein -eben und
%er2en. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH +0-de!is>he Serl-s-esells>h-f/, 1912. &ictionary of
(cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&( BSolu!e 1'C, %&%:*1.
Co$$entary: P->obus S-n9/ Loff #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize OOin re>oni/ion of /he
e@/r-ordin-ry ser8i>es he h-s rendered by /he dis>o8ery of /he l-#s of >he!i>-l
dyn-!i>s -nd os!o/i> $ressure in solu/ions.Z ?n -ddi/ion /o /his #or0, he #-s -lso no/ed
for his rese-r>h on s/ru>/ur-l for!ul-s in s$->e Bs/ereo>he!is/ryC -nd on >he!i>-l
eGuilibriu!. BW.".C
ischer5 1er2ann "2il 2
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 1902. Born: O>/ober 9, 1*%2; 5us0ir>hen, "er!-ny. Death: Puly 1%,
1919; Aerlin, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, L-urenz 1is>her; Ko/her, Pulie Poensen
1is>her. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of Aonn,
"er!-ny, A.S., 1*&1; Ini8. of S/r-sbour, 1r-n>e, Ph.D., 1*&). Spouse: +nes "erl->h,
!-rried 1***. Children: Ler!-nn O//o L-urenz, son; 2 o/her sons. Career: Ini8. of
Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*&%:*2; Ini8. of 5rl-nen, "er!-ny, Professor, 1**2:
*%; Ini8. of Wurzber, "er!-ny, Professor, 1**%:92; Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny,
Professor, 1*92:1919. Other Awards: D-8y Ked-l, 1*90; Loff!-n Ked-l, "er!-n
6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 190(; 5llio/ 6resson "old Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, Phil-del$hi-,
P+, 191'.
Selected Publications: Anleitung *ur &arstellung Organischer r9parate. WRrzbur,
"er!-nyH Serl- der S/-hel9s>hen 0l. Lof-und Ini8ersi/[/s-Au>h und Nuns/b-ndlun,
1*9'. :ntersuchungen 3ber Aminos9uren, olypeptide, und roteine, 1;99+1906.
AerlinH S$riner, 190(. :ntersuchungen in der uringrupp, 1;;,+1906. AerlinH
S$riner, 190&. :ntersuchungen 3ber Triphenylmethanfarbstoffe, /ydra*ine, und
<ndole. AerlinH S$riner, 192).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aus #einem -eben. AerlinH Serl-n Pulius S$riner, 1921.
&ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&2 BSolu!e %C, 1:%.
1ors/er, K-r/in Onslo#. \5!il 1is>her Ke!ori-l Le>/ure.Z 7ournal of the .hemical
(ociety 11& B1920CH 11%&:1201. Loes>h, Nur/. $mil =ischer, (ein -eben und (ein %er2.
AerlinH Serl- 6he!ie, 1921.
Co$$entary: 5!il 1is>her #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 #i/h /he
>-rbohydr-/e -nd $urine >he!i>-l rou$s. ?n -ddi/ion, he #-s re>onized for his #or0 in
/he -re-s of enzy!e >he!is/ry -nd -niline dyes/uffs, his syn/heses of $re8iously
un0no#n -!ino ->ids, -nd /he f-//y ->id es/erifi>-/ion of ly>erol /o $rodu>e !-r-rine.
1is>her re-/ly e@$-nded /he s>ien>e of bio>he!is/ry by elu>id-/in b-si> >he!i>-l
s/ru>/ures, >l-rifyin s/ru>/ur-l rel-/ionshi$s #i/hin >he!i>-l rou$s, -nd syn/hesizin
ne# 8-ri-/ions -nd >onfiur-/ions of or-ni> subs/-n>es. + $r->/i>-l -s$e>/ of his
rese-r>h #-s /he de8elo$!en/ of l-bor-/ory $rin>i$les #hi>h #ere -$$li>-ble in /he
/e>hnoloi>-l $rodu>/ion of syn/he/i> >he!i>-ls -nd foods/uffs. BD.O.1.C
0rrheni!s5 ->ante 0!&!st 3
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 190'. Born: 1ebru-ry 19, 1*%9; Wi0, S#eden. Death: O>/ober 2,
192&; S/o>0hol!, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, S8-n/e "us/-8 +rrhenius; Ko/her, 6-rolin-
6hris/in- Thunber +rrhenius. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education:
Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden, A.S., 1*&*; Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden, Ph.D., 1**). Spouse:
Sofi- 2udbe>0, !-rried 1*9); K-ri- Poh-nsson, !-rried 190%. Children: Olof, son;
S8en, son; 5s/er, d-uh/er; +nn--Lis-, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden,
Professor, 1**):91; Ini8. of S/o>0hol!, S#eden, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 1*91:
190%; Nobel ?ns/i/u/e for Physi>-l 6he!is/ry, S#eden, Dire>/or, 190%:2&. Other
Awards: D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1902; Will-rd "ibbs Ked-l, Ini/ed S/-/es, 1911;
1-r-d-y Ked-l, 191).
Selected Publications: -ehrbuch der $le2trochemie. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH Qu-nd/ Y
L-ndell, 1901 BTextboo2 on $lectrochemistry. Tr. by Pohn K>6r-e. Ne# 3or0H
P-e )
"reen Y 6o., 1902C. Theorien der .hemie. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH +0-de!is>he
Serl-seesells>h-f/, 190( BTheories of .hemistry. Tr. by T. Sl-/er Pri>e. Ne# 3or0H
Lon!-ns "reen Y 6o., 190&C. The %orld in the #a2ing> $volution of the :niverse.
Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y Aro/hers, 190*. The (illiman -ectures and Theories of (olutions.
Ne# L-8en, 6TH 3-le Ini8. Press, 1912. The ?uantitative -a0s in 8iological
.hemistry. LondonH ". Aell Y Sons, 191%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&' BSolu!e 1C, 29(:'02. The -egacy of (vante Arrhenius> :nderstanding the 5reen@
house $ffect. S/o>0hol!H 2oy-l S#edish +>-de!y of S>ien>es, S/o>0hol! Ini8ersi/y,
199*. Solo8e8, ?. (vante Arrhenius, 1;"9+19,A. Kos>o#, 2ussi-H N-u0-, 1990. \S8-n/e
+uus/ +rrhenius.Z !eitschrift f3r hysi2alische .hemie (9 B1909CH %:20. (venst
8iografis2t -exi2on. S/o>0hol!H +lber/ Aonniers 1orl-, 1920 BSolu!e 2C, 2*&:'01.
Co$$entary: S8-n/e +rrhenius re>ei8ed /he Nobel \in re>oni/ion of /he e@/r-ordin-ry
ser8i>es he h-s rendered /o /he -d8-n>e!en/ of >he!is/ry by his ele>/roly/i> /heory of
disso>i-/ion.Z Le #-s -lso no/-ble for his #or0 in ele>/ri>-l >ondu>/i8i/y, in seroloy
-nd i!!uno>he!is/ry, -nd in $hysi>-l $ro>esses in /he uni8erse. +rrhenius $-r/i>i$-/ed
->/i8ely in nons>ien/ifi> -ff-irs -nd #-s ins/ru!en/-l in neo/i-/in /he rele-se of
"er!-n-+us/ri-n s>ien/is/s #ho #ere $risoners of #-r in World W-r ?. BA.S.S.C
4a2sa$5 Willia25 -ir ?
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 190). Born: O>/ober 2, 1*%2; "l-so#, S>o/l-nd. Death: Puly 2',
191(; Lih Wy>o!be, Au>0inh-!shire, "l-so#, S>o/l-nd. Parents: 1-/her,
2ober/son W. 2-!s-y; Ko/her, 6-/herine 2ober/son 2-!s-y. Nationality: S>o//ish.
Religion: 6-l8inis/. Education: Ini8. of TRbinen, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 1*&2. Spouse:
K-r-re/ S/e8enson Au>h-n-n, !-rried +uus/ 1**1. Children: 1 son; 1 d-uh/er.
Career: +nderson 6ollee, "l-so#, S>o/l-nd, Professor, 1*&2:&); Ini8. of "l-so#,
S>o/l-nd, Professor, 1*&):*0; Aris/ol Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 1**0:*&; Ini8. of
London, 5nl-nd, Professor, 1**&:191'. Other Awards: D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y,
1*9%; Lod0ins Prize, S!i/hsoni-n ?ns/i/u/ion, 1*9%; 1ren>h +>-de!y of S>ien/is/s
Prize, 1*9%; Nnih/hood, 1902; +.W. Loff!-n Ked-l, "er!-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 190';
Prussi-n Order of Keri/; 6o!!-nder of /he 6ro#n of ?/-ly.
Selected Publications: The 5ases of the Atmosphere> The /istory of Their &iscovery.
Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 1*9(. #odern .hemistry> Theoretical. LondonH P. Den/, 1900.
#odern .hemistry> (ystematic. LondonH P. Den/, 1900. <ntroduction to the (tudy of
hysical .hemistry. LondonH Pose$h Al->0, 190). $ssays 8iographical and .hemical.
LondonH +. 6ons/-ble Y 6o., 190*. $lements and $lectrons. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er, 1912.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&' BSolu!e 11C, 2&&:*). Tr-8ers, Korris W. A -ife of %illiam Bamsay. LondonH
5d#-rd +rnold, 19%(.
Co$$entary: Willi-! 2-!s-y9s Nobel #-s \in re>oni/ion of his ser8i>es in /he
dis>o8ery of /he iner/ -seous ele!en/s in -ir, -nd his de/er!in-/ion of /heir $l->e in /he
$eriodi> sys/e!.Z Lis in/eres/s, ho#e8er, #ere f-r-r-nin -nd in>luded sinifi>-n/ #or0
on /he $yridine b-ses, on e8-$or-/ion -nd disso>i-/ion, on !ole>ul-r surf->e enery, -nd
on r-dio->/i8i/y. BA.S.S.C
=on +ae$er5 0dolf <ohann riedrich Wilhel2 @
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 190%. Born: O>/ober '1, 1*'%; Aerlin, "er!-ny. Death: +uus/ 20,
191&; S/-rnber, A-8-ri-, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, Poh-nn P-0ob A-eyer; Ko/her,
5uenie Li/zi A-eyer. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Pe#ish,58-neli>-l. Education:
Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 1*%*. Spouse: +delheid Aende!-nn, !-rried 1*(*.
Children: 5uenie, d-uh/er; L-ns, son; O//o, son. Career: Ne0ule L-bor-/ory,
Leidelber, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 1*%*:(0; Tr-de +>-de!y, Aerlin, "er!-ny,
Professor, 1*(0:((; Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*((:(9; W-r +>-de!y,
"er!-ny, Professor, 1*(9:&2; Ini8. of S/r-usber, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*&2:&%; Ini8.
of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*&%:191'. Other Awards: D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y,
Selected Publications: Adolph von 8aeyer)s 5esammelte %er2e B.ollected %or2sC. 2
8olu!es. Aruns#i>0, "er!-nyH 1. Sie#i und Sohn, 190%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&0 BSolu!e 2C, '*9:91. 2u$e, L. Adolf von 8aeyer als -ehrer und =orscher. S/u//-r/,
"er!-nyH 1. 5n0e, 19'2. S>h!orl, N-rl. Adolf von 8aeyer, 1;C"+191A. S/u//-r/H
Wissens>h-f/li>he Serl-sesells>h-f/, 19%2.
Co$$entary: +dolf 8on A-eyer #-s r-n/ed /he Nobel \in re>oni/ion of his ser8i>es in
/he -d8-n>e!en/ of or-ni> >he!is/ry -nd /he >he!i>-l indus/ry, /hrouh his #or0 on
or-ni> dyes -nd hydro-ro!-/i> >o!$ounds.Z One of /he f-/hers of or-ni> >he!is/ry,
A-eyer9s #or0 en>o!$-ssed /he s/udy of uri> ->id, b-rbi/uri> ->id, indio, indole,
indio/in, zin>-dus/ dis/ill-/ion, >ondens-/ion re->/ions, /he $h/h-leins, ->e/ylene,
$oly->e/ylene, or-ni> $ero@ides, o@oniu! >o!$ounds, benzene -nd >y>li> /er$ene.
,oissan5 1enri A
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 190(. Born: Se$/e!ber 2*, 1*%2; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death: 1ebru-ry 20,
190&; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, no re>ord found; Ko/her, Ki/elle Koiss-n.
Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, b->>-l-ure-/e,
1*&); Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, li>en>e, 1*&&; Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, do>/eur es s>ien>es
$hysiGues, 1**0. Spouse: Leonie Lu-n, !-rried 1**2. Children: Louis, son. Career:
]>ole Su$erieure de Ph-r!->ie, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1*&9:*', 1**(:1900; Ini8. of
Sorbonne, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1900:0&. Other Awards: L->-ze Prize, +>-de!y of
S>ien>es, 1**&; D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1*9(; Loff!-n Ked-l, "er!-n 6he!i>-l
So>ie/y, 190'.
Selected Publications: -e =our $lectri4ue. P-risH ". S/einheil, 1*9&. -e =luor et ses
.omposes. P-risH ". S/einheil, 1900. -e .himie #inerale, ses Belations avec les Autres
(ciences. P-risH ". S/einheil, 190). Traite de .himie #inerale. P-risH K-sson, 190):0(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&0 BSolu!e 9C, )%0:%2. "u/bier, +le@-nder. !ur $rinnerung an /enrie #oissan.
P-e %
5rl-nenH K. Ken>0e, 190*. Lebe-u, P-ul. \Lenri Koiss-n.99 8ulletin de la (ociete
.himi4ue de =rance B)/h seriesC ' B190*CH 1:'*.
Co$$entary: Lenri Koiss-n #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \in re>oni/ion of /he re-/
ser8i>es rendered by hi! in his in8es/i-/ion -nd isol-/ion of /he ele!en/ fluorine, -nd
for /he -do$/ion in /he ser8i>e of s>ien>e of /he ele>/ri> furn->e >-lled -f/er hi!.Z
Koiss-n used /he hih /e!$er-/ures -//-in-ble in /he ele>/ri> furn->e he de8elo$ed /o
$re$-re nu!erous ne# >o!$ounds -nd /o 8-$orize subs/-n>es $re8iously re-rded -s
infusible. ?n -ddi/ion, he dis>o8ered sili>on >-rbide B>-rborundu!C, $rodu>ed -r/ifi>i-l
di-!onds, -nd de8ised - >o!!er>i-lly $rofi/-ble !e/hod of $rodu>in ->e/ylene. The
de8elo$!en/ of hih-/e!$er-/ure >he!is/ry #-s re-/ly ins$ired by his ele>/ri> furn->e.
+!chner5 "d!ard B
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 190&. Born: K-y 20, 1*(0; Kuni>h, "er!-ny. Death: +uus/ 1',
191&; 1o>s-ni, 2u!-ni-. Parents: 1-/her, 5rns/ Au>hner; Ko/her, 1riederi0e K-r/in
Au>hner. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/.
Education: Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 1***. Spouse: Lo//e S/-hl, !-rried 1900.
Children: 2 sons; 1 d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor, 1**9:9';
Ini8. of Niel, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*9':9(; Ini8. of TRbinen, "er!-ny, Professor,
1*9(:9*; +ri>ul/ur-l 6ollee, Aerlin, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*9*:190*; Ini8. of
Aresl-u, "er!-ny, Professor, 190*:11; Ini8. of WRrzbur, "er!-ny, Professor, 1911:
Selected Publications: &ie !ymassegarung B!ymosisC. Kuni>hH 2. Oldenbour, 190'
B#i/h L. Au>hner -nd K. L-hnC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical &ictionary of (cientists. LondonH +. -nd 6.
Al->0, 19(9, *&:**. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&0
BSolu!e 2C, %(0:('.
Co$$entary: 5du-rd Au>hner #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize in >he!is/ry in 190& \for
his bio>he!i>-l rese-r>hes -nd his dis>o8ery of >ell-free fer!en/-/ion,Z /he /urnin $oin/
for /he s/udy of enzy!es -nd /he beinnin of !odern enzy!e >he!is/ry. Ay rindin
ye-s/ >ells #i/h s-nd -/ - >on/rolled /e!$er-/ure, he #-s -ble /o $re$-re - >ell-free
e@/r->/ /h-/ #ould fer!en/ su>rose /o e/h-nol. Le >-lled /he ->/i8e, fer!en/-/ion-
$rodu>in -en/ of /he e@$ressed fluid \zy!-se.Z The #or0 sho#ed /h-/ li8in ye-s/
>ells #ere no/ essen/i-l for fer!en/-/ion -s o/hers h-d su$$osed. Au>hner9s
re8olu/ion-ry dis>o8eries in bio>he!is/ry o8ersh-do#ed his #or0 in $re$-r-/i8e or-ni>
>he!is/ry, one resul/ of #hi>h #-s /he syn/heses of >y>lohe$/-/riene -nd
>y>lohe$/-ne>-rbo@yli> ->id. BD.2.C
4!therford5 "rnest5 -ir C
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 190*. Born: +uus/ '0, 1*&1; Nelson, Ne# Je-l-nd. Death: O>/ober
19, 19'&; 6-!bride, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, P-!es 2u/herford; Ko/her, K-r/h-
Tho!$son 2u/herford. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education:
6-n/erbury 6ollee, Ne# Je-l-nd, A.+., 1*92; 6-n/erbury 6ollee, Ne# Je-l-nd,
K.+., 1*9'; 6-n/erbury 6ollee, Ne# Je-l-nd, A.S>., 1*9). Spouse: K-ry "eorin-
Ne#/on, !-rried 1900. Children: 5ileen, d-uh/er. Career: K>"ill Ini8., 6-n-d-,
Professor, 1*9*:190&; Si>/ori- Ini8., K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd, Professor, 190&:19;
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 1919:'&. Other Awards: 2u!ford Ked-l, 2oy-l
So>ie/y, 190); Aress- Prize, 1910; Nnih/hood, 191); 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y,
1922; Order of Keri/, 192%; +lber/ Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y of +r/s, 192*; 1-r-d-y Ked-l,
Selected Publications: Badioactivity. 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 190).
Badioactive Transformations. LondonH +. 6ons/-ble, 190(. Badioactive (ubstances and
Their Badiations. 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 191'. Badiations from
Badioactive (ubstances. 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19'0 B#i/h P. 6h-d#i>0
-nd 6.D. 5llisC. The 'e0er Alchemy. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19'&. .ollected apers of
-ord Butherford of 'elson. ' 8olu!es. Ne# 3or0H ?n/ers>ien>e Publishers, 19(2:(%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&% BSolu!e 12C, 2%:'(. 1e-/her, Nor!-n. -ord Butherford. LondonH Al->0ie -nd Son,
L/d., 19)0. Obituary 'otices of the Boyal (ociety of -ondon. 6-!brideH 2oy-l So>ie/y,
19'* BSolu!e 2C, '9%:)2'.
Co$$entary: 5rnes/ 2u/herford #-s honored by /he +>-de!y \for his in8es/i-/ions
in/o /he disin/er-/ion of /he ele!en/s, -nd /he >he!is/ry of r-dio->/i8e subs/-n>es.Z
While s/ill in Ne# Je-l-nd, 2u/herford s/udied /he !-ne/i> $ro$er/ies of iron in hih-
freGuen>y dis>h-res -nd desined - /i!e-!e-surin de8i>e. ?n 5nl-nd, he in8en/ed -n
ele>/ro!-ne/i> #-8e de/e>/or -nd s/udied @-r-y bo!b-rd!en/ -nd ur-niu! r-di-/ions.
Durin his /i!e in 6-n-d-, he >on/inued his s/udies of r-dio->/i8i/y -nd r-don. A->0 in
5nl-nd, his fur/her s/udies on r-dio->/i8i/y led /o his >on>e$/ of nu>le-r s/ru>/ure -nd
e8en/u-lly /o /he bo!b-rd!en/ s/udies /h-/ el-bor-/ed /his, -nd $rodu>ed
/r-ns!u/-/ions. ?n -ddi/ion /o his o#n #or0, he de8elo$ed - !ul/i/ude of re-/
rese-r>hers. BL.N.C
3st)ald5 riedrich Wilhel2 9
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 1909. Born: Se$/e!ber 2, 1*%'; 2i-, L-/8i-. Death: +$ril ), 19'2;
"rossbo/hen, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, "o//fried Os/#-ld; Ko/her, 5liz-be/h Leu>0el
Os/#-ld. Nationality: L-/8i-n; l-/er "er!-n >i/izen. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education:
Ini8. of Dor$-/, L-/8i-, b->>-l-ure-/e, 1*&%; Ini8. of Dor$-/, L-/8i-, K.+., 1*&(; Ini8.
of Dor$-/, L-/8i-, Ph.D., 1*&*. Spouse: Lelene 8on 2eyher, !-rried +$ril 2), 1**0.
Children: 6-rl Wilhel! Wolf-n, son; "re/e, d-uh/er; 2 o/her sons; 1 o/her d-uh/er.
Career: 2i- Poly/e>hni> ?ns/i/u/e, L-/8i-, Professor, 1**1:*&; Ini8. of Lei$zi,
"er!-ny, Professor, 1**&:190(. Other Awards: 1-r-d-y Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 190).
Selected Publications: -ehrbuch der Allgemeinen .hemie. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH
5nle!-n, 1*91:1902. /and@und /ilfsbuch *ur Ausfuhrung hysi2ochemischer
#essungen. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH W. 5nle!-nn, 1*9'. \^ber Physi0o>he!is>he
Kess!e/hoden.Z !eitschrift f3r hysi2alische .hemie 1& B1*9%CH )2&:)%. 5rundlinien
der Anorganischen .hemie.
P-e (
Lei$zi, "er!-nyH W. 5nle!-nn, 1900. \^ber N-/-lyse.Z 6erhandlungen der
5esellschaft &eutsch 'aturforscher und Ar*te &' B1901CH 1*):201.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&* BSolu!e 1%C, )%%:(9. -ebenslinien. ' 8olu!es. AerlinH Nl-sin -nd 6o., 192(:2&.
Os/#-ld, "re/e. %ilhelm Ost0ald, #ein 6ater. S/u//-r/, "er!-nyH Aerliner Inion,
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s $resen/ed /o Wilhel! Os/#-ld \for his #or0 on
>-/-lysis -nd on /he >ondi/ions of >he!i>-l eGuilibriu! -nd 8elo>i/ies of >he!i>-l
re->/ions.Z Os/#-ld9s e-rly rese-r>h on >he!i>-l dyn-!i>s -nd his effor/s /o de8elo$
ne# !e/hods of !e-sure!en/ $ro!$/ed his e!eren>e -s one of /he >en/r-l fiures in
/he de8elo$!en/ of /he ne# field of $hysi>-l >he!is/ry. Lis s/udies of >-/-lysis, se!in-l
in /his field, led /o his $-/en/in of /he Os/#-ld $ro>ess of o@idizin -!!oni- /o ni/ri>
->id. Os/#-ld9s #ri/ins #ere b-si> /o /he de8elo$in fields of inor-ni>, -n-ly/i>-l, -nd
$hysi>-l >he!is/ry. Lis l-/er $hiloso$hi>-l -nd \uni8ers-lZ s>ien/ifi> #ri/ins #ere
eGu-lly i!$or/-n/. BL.N.C
Wallach5 3tto 10
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 1910. Born: K-r>h 2&, 1*)&; NUnisber, "er!-ny. Death: 1ebru-ry
2(, 19'1; "U//inen, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, "erh-rd W-ll->h; Ko/her, O/illi-
Tho!- W-ll->h. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of
"U//inen, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 1*(9. Spouse: None. Children: None. Career:
+0/ienesells>h-f/ fRr +nilinf-bri0-/ion, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 1*&1:&'; Ini8. of Aonn,
"er!-ny, Professor, 1*&':*9; Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, Professor, 1**9:191%.
Other Awards: D-8y Ked-l, 1912; "er!-n 2oy-l Order of /he 6ro#n, 191%.
Selected Publications: \Jur Nen/niss de Ter$ene und +/heris>hen Oele ?S.99 7ustus
-iebigs Annalen der .hemie 2'* B1**&CH &*:*9. \Jur 6ons/i/u/ionsbes/i!!un des
Ter$ineols.Z 8erichte der &eutschen .hemischen 5esellschaft 2* B1*9%CH 1&&':&&. &ie
Terpene und .ampher. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH Sei/, 1909.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s
BSolu!e 1)C, 1)1:)2. P-r/ride, Willi-! S., -nd S>hierz, 5rnes/ 2. \O//o W-ll->hH The
1irs/ Or-nizer of /he Ter$enes.Z 7ournal of .hemical $ducation 2) B19)&CH 10(:0*.
Co$$entary: The Nobel +#-rd /o O//o W-ll->h #-s \in re>oni/ion of his ser8i>es /o
or-ni> >he!is/ry -nd /he >he!i>-l indus/ry by his $ioneer #or0 in /he field of -li>y>li>
>o!$ounds.Z +l/houh he #-s -lso res$onsible for so!e of /he 0ey rese-r>h on or-ni>
s/ru>/ure de/er!in-/ion -nd on or-ni> syn/heses -nd /r-nsfor!-/ions, his rese-r>h in /he
-re- of oils -nd $erfu!es is usu-lly >i/ed be>-use of i/s i!$e/us in /he de8elo$!en/ of -
!-Mor indus/ry. BP.L.C
%!rie5 ,arie D-klodo)ska5 ,ariaE 11
Prize: Physi>s, 190' ;S55 251<; 6he!is/ry, 1911. Born: No8e!ber &, 1*(&; W-rs-#,
Pol-nd. Death: Puly ), 19'); S-n>elle!oz, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, Wl-dysl-#
S0lodo#s0-; Ko/her, Aronisl-#- Aous0- S0lodo#s0-. Nationality: Polish; l-/er
1ren>h >i/izen. Religion: +n/i>leri>-l; fro! 6-/holi> b->0round. Education: Ini8. of
P-ris-Sorbonne, 1r-n>e, li>en>e es s>ien>es $hysiGues, 1*9'; Ini8. of P-ris-Sorbonne,
1r-n>e, li>en>e es s>ien>es !-/he!-/iGues, 1*9); Ini8. of P-ris-Sorbonne, 1r-n>e,
Ph.D., 190). Spouse: Pierre 6urie, !-rried Puly 2%, 1*9%. Children: ?rene, d-uh/er;
58e, d-uh/er. Career: "o8erness, 1**%:91; ]>ole Nor!-le Su$_rieur, S`8res, 1r-n>e,
Professor, 1900; Ini8. of Sorbonne, 1r-n>e, Professor, 190):'). Other Awards:
Aer/hole/ Ked-l, +>-d_!ie des S>ien>es, 1902; "ener Prize, 1902; D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l
So>ie/y, 190'; 5llio// 6resson Ked-l, 1909.
Selected Publications: Becherches sur les (ubstances Badioactives. P-risH "-u/hier-
Sill-rs, 190). TraitD de BadioactivitD. 2 8olu!es. P-risH "-u/hier-Sill-rs, 1910. \Les
Kesures en 2-dio->/i8i/_ e/ l95/-lon du 2-diu!.Z 7ournal de hysi4ue 2 B1912CH &1%.
Oeuvres de #arie (2lodo0s2a@.urie. W-rs-#H P-ns/#o#ie Wid-#ni>/#o N-u0o#e,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6o//on, 5uene. -es .uries. P-risH Sehers, 19('. 6urie,
58e. #adame .urie. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19'9. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne#
3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&1 BSolu!e 'C, )9&:%0'.
Co$$entary: K-rie 6urie #-s /he firs/ #o!-n /o #in - Nobel Prize -nd /he firs/ $erson
/o re>ei8e /#o Nobel Prizes. She sh-red /he firs/ Nobel, in Physi>s, #i/h her husb-nd,
Pierre, -nd +. L. Ae>Guerel \in re>oni/ion of /he s$e>i-l ser8i>es rendered by /he! in
/he #or0 /hey Moin/ly >-rried ou/ in in8es/i-/in /he $heno!en- of r-di-/ion dis>o8ered
by Professor Ae>Guerel.Z Ler se>ond, unsh-red Nobel Prize, in 6he!is/ry, >-!e \in
re>oni/ion of /he ser8i>es rendered by her /o /he de8elo$!en/ of >he!is/ryH by her
dis>o8ery of /he ele!en/s r-diu! -nd $oloniu!, by her de/er!in-/ion of /he n-/ure of
r-diu! -nd isol-/ion of i/ in - !e/-lli> s/-/e, -nd by her in8es/i-/ions in/o /he
>o!$ounds of /his re!-r0-ble ele!en/.Z BS.6.C
6ri&nard5 ranFois 0!&!ste =ictor 12
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 1912. Born: K-y (, 1*&1; 6herbour, 1r-n>e. Death: De>e!ber 1',
19'%; Lyons, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, Theo$hile Lenri "rin-rd; Ko/her, K-rie Leber/
"rin-rd. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/.
Education: Ini8. of Lyons, 1r-n>e, Li>en>ie es S>ien>es K-/he!-/iGues, 1*9'; Ini8. of
Lyons, 1r-n>e, Li>en>ie es S>ien>es PhysiGues, 1*9*; Ini8. of Lyons, 1r-n>e, Do>/eur
es S>ien>es, 1901. Spouse: +uus/ine K-rie Aoul-n/, !-rried 1910. Children: 2oer,
son; 1 d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Lyons, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1*9):190%; Ini8. of
Aes-naon, 1r-n>e, Professor, 190%:0(; Ini8. of Lyons, 1r-n>e, Professor, 190(:09;
Ini8. of N-n>y, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1909:20; Ini8. of Lyons, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1920:
'2. Other Awards: 6-hours Prize B?ns/i/u/e de 1r-n>eC, 1901 -nd 1902; Aer/hole/ Ked-l,
1902; Pri@ Pe>0er, 190%; L-8oisier Ked-l, 1912.
Selected Publications: \Sur QuelGues Nou8elles 6o!bin-sions Or-no!e/-lliGues du
K-nesiu! e/ Leur +$$li>-/ion - des Syn/heses d9+l>ohols e/ d9Lydro>-rbures.Z
.omptes Bendus de l)AcadDmie des (ciences 12( B1*9*CH 1'22. \Sur les 6o!bin-sions
Or-no!-nesiennes Ki@/es e/ Leur +$$li>-/ion - des Syn/heses d9+>ides, d9+l>ohols,
e/ d9Lydro>-rbures.Z Annales de l):niversite de -yon (
P-e &
B1901CH 1:11(. Traite de .himie Organi4ue. P-risH K-sson, 19'%:%9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&2 BSolu!e %C, %)0:)1. \Si>/or "rin-rd.Z 7ournal of the American .hemical (ociety
%9 B19'&CH 1&:19.
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o Si>/or "rin-rd #-s \for /he dis>o8ery of /he so->-lled
"rin-rd re-en/, #hi>h in re>en/ ye-rs h-s re-/ly -d8-n>ed /he $roress of or-ni>
>he!is/ry.Z Le firs/ s/udied e/hyl be/--iso$ro$yl->e/obu/yr-/e, /he
diiso$ro$ylbu/enedi>-rbo@yli> ->ids -nd br-n>hed uns-/ur-/ed hydro>-rbons, !o8in on
/hen /o /he or-no!-nesiu! >o!$ounds. +f/er $re$-r-/ion of /he !-nesiu! -l0yl
h-lides, he used /he! /o $re$-re -l>ohols, 0e/ones, 0e/o-es/ers, ni/riles, /er$ene
>o!$ounds, -nd ful8enes. "rin-rd -lso s/udied hydro>-rbon >r->0in -nd >-/-ly/i>
hydroen-/ion -nd dehydroen-/ion. BK.5.T.C
-abatier5 Pa!l 13
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 1912. Born: No8e!ber %, 1*%); 6-r>-ssone, 1r-n>e. Death: +uus/
1), 19)1; Toulouse, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, +le@is S-b-/ier; Ko/her, P-uline "uilh-!
S-b-/ier. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: ]>ole Nor!-le
Su$_rieure, 1r-n>e, +ree in Physi>-l S>ien>es, 1*&&; 6oll`e de 1r-n>e, Do>/or of
S>ien>e, 1**0. Spouse: "er!-ine Ler-il, !-rried 1**). Children: ) d-uh/ers. Career:
Ly>_e de Ni!es, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1*&&:&*; 6ollee de 1r-n>e, Professor, 1*&*:*0;
Ini8. of Aorde-u@, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1**0:*2; Ini8. of Toulouse, 1r-n>e, Professor,
1**2:1929. Other Awards: Pri@ L- 6-ze, +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 1*9&; Pri@ Pe>0er,
+>-de!y of S>ien>es, 190%; D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 191%; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l
So>ie/y, 191*; S$e>i-l +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 192(; 1r-n0lin Ked-l,
1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e of Phil-del$hi-, 19''; 6o!!-nder, Leion d9Lonneur.
Selected Publications: -eEons $lementaires de .himie Agricole B$lementary -essons in
Agricultural .hemistryC. P-risH ". K-sson, 1*90. -a .atalyse en .himie Organi4ue
B.atalysis in Organic .hemistryC. P-risH Aer-ner, 191'. \Lo# ? L-8e Aeen Led /o /he
Dire>/ Lydroen-/ion Ke/hod by Ke/-lli> 6-/-lys/s.Z <ndustrial and $ngineering
.hemistry 1* BO>/ober 192(CH 100%:0*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)2:)) BSolu!e )C, (':((. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography.
Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&% BSolu!e 12C, )(:)&. \P-ul S-b-/ier, 1*%):19)1.99 'ature
1&) BNo8e!ber (, 19%)CH *%9:(0. WoM/0o#i-0, Aruno. aul (abatier, un .himiste
indepDndant F1;"G+19G1H> 'aissance de l)hydrogDnation catalyti4ue. 5lbeuf-sur-
+ndelle, +rueil B1r-n>e, Seine K-ri/i!eCH Pon-s _di/eur, 19*9.
Co$$entary: 2e>onized e-rly for his #or0 in $hysi>-l >he!is/ry, P-ul S-b-/ier
e@$-nded his s/udies /o in>lude or-ni> $ro>esses -nd !ole>ul-r s/ru>/ure, >ul!in-/in
in /he Nobel Prize -#-rded \for his !e/hod of hydroen-/in or-ni> >o!$ounds in /he
$resen>e of finely di8ided !e/-ls #hereby /he $roress of or-ni> >he!is/ry h-s been
re-/ly -d8-n>ed in re>en/ ye-rs.Z ?n 1*9&, in >oll-bor-/ion #i/h /he +bb_ Pe-n-A-$/is/e
Senderens, he ini/i-/ed o8er '0 ye-rs of rese-r>h -nd refine!en/ of /he >he!i>-l /heory
in8ol8ed. Le el-bor-/ed on his hy$o/hesis in -a .atalyse en .himie Organi4ue,
>onsidered - fund-!en/-l #or0 in or-ni> >-/-lysis. S-b-/ier s$-r0ed bro-der $ro8in>i-l
$-r/i>i$-/ion in 1ren>h s>ien/ifi> ins/i/u/ions -nd, /hrouh his -d8o>->y of ne#
/e>hniGues, e@$-nded s>ien/ifi> ->>o!$lish!en/. BP.+.6.C
Werner5 0lfred 1?
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 191'. Born: De>e!ber 12, 1*((; Kulh-usen, 1r-n>e. Death:
No8e!ber 1%, 1919; JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pe-n-+d-! Werner; Ko/her,
S-lo!e Pe-nne//e Tes>he Werner. Nationality: 1ren>h; l-/er S#iss >i/izen. Religion:
6-/holi>. Education: JRri>h Poly/e>hni>, S#i/zerl-nd, b->>-l-ure-/e, 1**9; Ini8. of
JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, do>/or-/e, 1*90. Spouse: 5!!- Wilhel!ine "ies0er, !-rried
1*9). Children: +lfred, son; 6h-rlo//e, d-uh/er. Career: JRri>h Poly/e>hni0u!,
S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 1**9:91; 6ollee de 1r-n>e, 1*91:92; JRri>h Poly/e>hni0u!,
S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 1*92:9', Ini8. of JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 1*9':1919.
Other Awards: Lebl-n> Ked-l, So>i_/_ 6hi!iGue; Offi>ier de l9?ns/ru>/ion PubliGue,
So>i_/_ 6hi!iGue.
Selected Publications: \Aie/r[e Jur Theorie der +ffini/[/ und S-lenz.Z
6iertelIahrsschrift der 'aturforschenden 5esellschaft in !3rich '( B1*91CH 129:(9.
-ehrbuch der (tereochemie BTextboo2 of (tereo@.hemistryC. Pen-, "er!-nyH ". 1is>her,
190). 'euere Anschauungen auf dem 5ebiete der Anorganischen .hemie. Aruns#i>0,
"er!-nyH Sie#i -nd Son, 190%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&( BSolu!e 1)C, 2():&2. N-uf!-nn, ".A. Alfred %erner, =ounder of .oordination
.hemistry. Ne# 3or0H S$riner-Serl-, 19((.
Co$$entary: +lfred Werner #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \in re>oni/ion of his #or0
on /he lin0-e of -/o!s in !ole>ules, by #hi>h he h-s /hro#n fresh lih/ on old
$roble!s -nd o$ened u$ ne# fields of rese-r>h, $-r/i>ul-rly in inor-ni> >he!is/ry.Z
L-8in es/-blished -n e-rly re$u/-/ion in or-ni> >he!is/ry by e@/endin LeAel -nd
S-n9/ Loff9s ide-s -nd Gues/ionin Ne0ul_9s >on>e$/ of 8-len>es, Werner de8elo$ed -
>o!$rehensi8e >oordin-/ion /heory. When, -f/er ne-rly 20 ye-rs of -$$li>-/ion, he
dis>o8ered o$/i>-lly ->/i8e inor-ni> >o!$ounds $redi>/ed by /he /heory, i/s #ide
-$$li>-bili/y #-s re>onized. BP.+.6.C
4ichards5 Theodore Willia2 1@
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 191). Born: P-nu-ry '1, 1*(*; "er!-n/o#n, P+. Death: +$ril 2,
192*; 6-!bride, K+. Parents: 1-/her, Willi-! T. 2i>h-rds; Ko/her, +nn- K-/l->0
2i>h-rds. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: L-8erford 6ollee,
P+, S.A., 1**%; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, +.A., 1**(; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, +.K., Ph.D., 1***.
Spouse: Kiri-! S/u-r/ Th-yer, !-rried K-y 2*, 1*9(. Children: "r->e Th-yer,
d-uh/er; Willi-! Theodore, son; "reenouh Th-yer, son. Career: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+,
Professor, 1*9):192*. Other Awards: D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1910; 1-r-d-y
Ked-l, 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 1911; Will-rd "ibbs Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y,
P-e *
1r-n0lin Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e of Phil-del$hi-, 191(; L-8oisier Ked-l, P-ris, 1922;
Le Al-n> Ked-l, P-ris, 1922.
Selected Publications: \The 2el-/i8e S-lues of /he +/o!i> Weih/s of Lydroen -nd
O@yen.Z roceedings of the American Academy of Arts and (ciences 2' B1**&CH 1)9
B#i/h P. 6oo0e, Pr.C. \+ 2e8ision of /he +/o!i> Weih/s of Sodiu! -nd 6hlorine.Z
7ournal of the American .hemical (ociety 2& B190%CH )%9 B#i/h 2.6. WellsC. \The
+/o!i> Weih/ of Le-d of 2-dio->/i8e Oriin.99 7ournal of the American .hemical
(ociety '( B191)CH 1'29.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the 'ational Academy of
(ciences. W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19&) B8olu!e ))C, 2%1:*(.
&ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&% BSolu!e 11C, )1(:1*.
\Theodore Willi-! 2i>h-rds Ke!ori-l Le>/ure.Z 7ournal of the American .hemical
(ociety B19'0CH 19'0:(*.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y >i/ed Theodore 2i>h-rds \in re>oni/ion of his ->>ur-/e
de/er!in-/ions of /he -/o!i> #eih/ of - l-re nu!ber of >he!i>-l ele!en/s.Z 2i>h-rds
de8elo$ed /he /e>hniGues -nd de/er!ined '0 -/o!i> #eih/s, in>ludin su>h
fund-!en/-l -/o!i> #eih/s -s /hose of o@yen, sil8er, >hlorine, bro!ine, iodine,
$o/-ssiu!, sodiu!, ni/roen, -nd sulfur. Le #-s -lso - no/-ble rese-r>her in /he -re-s of
>rys/-l ro#/h, -s e@$-nsion, ele>/ri>-l resis/-n>e, -nd s$e>/r-. BA.S.S.C
WillstGter5 4ichard ,artin 1A
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 191%. Born: +uus/ 1', 1*&2; N-rlsruhe, "er!-ny. Death: +uus/ ',
19)2; Lo>-rno, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, K-@ Wills/[/er; Ko/her, So$hie Il!-nn
bcddefgfhijNationality: "er!-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of Kuni>h,
"er!-ny, Ph.D., 1*9). Spouse: So$hie Lesen, !-rried 190'. Children: Lud#i, son;
?d- K-r-re/e, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*9(:190%;
1eder-l ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, "er!-ny, Professor, 190%:12; Ini8. of Aerlin,
"er!-ny, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 1912:1(; Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor,
191(:2%. Other Awards: D-8y Ked-l, 19'2; "ibbs Ked-l, 19''.
Selected Publications: :ntersuchungen 3ber .hlorophyll. AerlinH P. S$riner, 191'
B#i/h +r/hur S/ollC. :ntersuchungen 3ber die Assimilation der Johlensaure. AerlinH P.
S$riner, 191* B#i/h +r/hur S/ollC. :ntersuchungen 3ber $n*yme. 2 8olu!es. AerlinH P.
S$riner, 192*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aus #einem -eyben. Weinhei!, "er!-nyH Serl- 6he!ie,
19)*. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&( BSolu!e 1)C,
Co$$entary: The Nobel +#-rd /o 2i>h-rd Wills/[/er #-s \for his rese-r>h on $l-n/
$i!en/s, es$e>i-lly >hloro$hyllZ -nd re>onized his >on/ribu/ion in el-bor-/in /he
s/ru>/ure -nd fun>/ion of >hloro$hyll. Le #-s eGu-lly no/ed for his #or0 on $l-n/
$i!en/s, es$e>i-lly /he s/udy of /he blue -nd red $i!en/s of flo#ers, -nd for /he
s/udies of >-rboni> ->id -ssi!il-/ion by $l-n/s, of enzy!es, -nd of syn/hesis -nd
s/ru>/ure of -/ro$ine -nd >o>-ine. Lis de8elo$!en/ of /he /e>hniGues of $-r/i/ion
>hro!-/or-$hy >h-ned /he n-/ure of rese-r>h in or-ni> >he!is/ry. BP.L.C
1aber5 ritz 1B
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 191*. Born: De>e!ber 9, 1*(*; Aresl-u, "er!-ny. Death: P-nu-ry
29, 19'); A-sel, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Siefried L-ber; Ko/her, P-ul- L-ber.
Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, "er!-ny,
Ph.D., 1*91. Spouse: 6l-r- ?!!e#h-r, !-rried 1901, died 191); 6h-rlo//- N-/h-n,
!-rried 191&, di8or>ed 192&. Children: Ler!-n, son; Lud#i, son; 58-, d-uh/er.
Career: Ini8. of Pen-, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 1*92:9); Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule,
N-rlsruhe, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*9):1911; N-iser Wilhel! ?ns/i/u/e, D-hle!,
"er!-ny, Dire>/or, 1911:''. Other Awards: 2u!ford Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'2.
Selected Publications: $xperimentelle :ntersuchungen 3ber !ertset*gung und
6erbrennung von Johlen0asserstoffen. Kuni>hH 2. Oldenbour, 1*9(. 5rundriss der
Technischen $le2trochemie auf Theoretischer 5rundlage. Kuni>hH 2. Oldenbour, 1*9*.
Thermodynami2 Technisher 5asrea2tionen 6orlesungen. Kuni>hH 2. Oldenbour, 190%.
\Pro>esses for /he Pre$-r-/ion of +!!oni-.Z I.S. P-/en/ 9&1%01, 1910 B#i/h 2. Le
2ossinolC. \Produ>/ion of Syn/he/i> +!!oni-.Z I.S. P-/en/ 1, 1)9, %10, 191% B#i/h N.
Aos>h -nd +. Ki//-s>hC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&2 BSolu!e %C, (20:2'. "or-n, Korris. The (tory of =rit* /aber. Nor!-n, ONH Ini8.
of O0l-ho!- Press, 19(&. S/ol/zenber, D. =rit* /aber. Ne# 3or0H S6L, 199)
Co$$entary: 1ri/z L-ber re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for his de8elo$!en/ of /he L-ber
$ro>ess, #hi>h >o!bined ni/roen -nd hydroen under $ressure #i/h -n iron >-/-lys/,
$rodu>in -!!oni-, #hi>h >ould be used in $rodu>/ion of fer/ilizer or e@$losi8es. Lis
$rodu>/i8e >-reer -lso in>luded - nu!ber of o/her $ioneerin >on/ribu/ionsH /he
de8elo$!en/ of /he l-ss $L ele>/rode, /he s/udy of >he!i>-l re->/ions in - fl-!e, /he
-$$li>-/ions of >he!i>-ls in -s #-rf-re, -nd his rese-r>h in/o >-/-lysis. B6.N.A.C
Nernst5 Walther 1er2ann 1C
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 1920. Born: Pune 2%, 1*(); Ariesen, "er!-ny. Death: No8e!ber 1*,
19)1; Kus0-u, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, "us/-8 Nerns/; Ko/her, O//ilie Nerer Nerns/.
Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of WRrzbur, "er!-ny,
Ph.D., 1**&. Spouse: 5!!- Loh!eyer, !-rried 1*92. Children: 2 sons; ' d-uh/ers.
Career: Ini8. of Lei$zi, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 1**&:90; Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny,
Professor, 1*90:190); Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, 190):''.
Selected Publications: Theoretische .hemie vom (tandpun2te der Avogadroschen Begel
und der Thermodynami2. "U//inen, "er!-nyH 1. 5n0e, 1*9' BTheoretical .hemistry
from the (tandpoint of Avogadro)s Bule and Thermodynamics. Tr. by Prof. 6h-rles
S0eele P-l!er. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n -nd 6o., 1*9%C. $infuhrung in die #athematische
8ehandlung der 'atur0issenschaftenJur*gefasstes -ehrbuch der &ifferential@und
<ntegralrechnung mit 8esonderer 8eruc2sichtigung der .hemie. Kuni>hH Dr. 5. Wolff,
1*9%. $xperimental and Theoretical Applications of Thermodynamics to .hemistry.
Ne# 3or0H 6.
P-e 9
S>ribner9s Sons, 190&. &ie Theoretischen und $xperimentellen 5rundlagen des 'euen
%armesat*es. L-lle-S-lle, "er!-nyH W. Nn-$$, 191*. &as %eltgebaude im -ichte der
'eueren =orschung. AerlinH Pulius S$riner, 1921.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A-r0-n, Di-n- N. %alther 'ernst and the Transition to
#odern hysical (cience. 6-!bride; Ne# 3or0H 6-!bride Ini8ersi/y Press, 1999.
Aodens/ein, K-@. \W-l/her Nerns/.Z 8erichte der &eutschen .hemischen 5esellschaft
&% B19)2CH &9:10). &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&*
BSolu!e 1%C, )'2:%'. Kendelsohn, Nur/. The %orld of %alther 'ernst. The Bise and
=all of 5erman (cience, 1;6G+19G1. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19&'.
Co$$entary: W-l/her Nerns/ re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \in re>oni/ion of his #or0 in
/her!o>he!is/ry.Z Nerns/9s e-rly rese-r>h #-s in ele>/ro>he!is/ry. Durin /his $eriod,
he for!ul-/ed /he /heory of -l8-ni> >ells. This #-s follo#ed by his f-!ous he-/
/heore!, -lso 0no#n -s /he Third L-# of Ther!odyn-!i>s, #hi>h be>-!e /he b-sis for
/he solu/ion of !-ny indus/ri-l $roble!s. Le $-r/i>i$-/ed in /he de8elo$!en/ of
Gu-n/u! /heory, es$e>i-lly #i/h his de/er!in-/ion of s$e>ifi> he-/s -/ lo# /e!$er-/ure
-nd 8-$or densi/ies -/ hih /e!$er-/ure. Nerns/9s s/udies of $ho/o>he!is/ry led hi! /o
/he -/o! >h-in re->/ion /heory. Lis l-/er rese-r>h #-s in -s/ro$hysi>-l /heories. BL.N.C
-odd$5 rederick 19
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 1921. Born: Se$/e!ber 2, 1*&&; 5-s/bourne, Susse@, 5nl-nd. Death:
Se$/e!ber 22, 19%(; Arih/on, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, AenM-!in Soddy; Ko/her,
L-nn-h "reen Soddy. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: 6-l8inis/. Education: O@ford
Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+., 1*9*; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 1910. Spouse: Winifred
Koller Aeilloy, !-rried K-r>h ', 190*. Children: ' >hildren. Career: K>"ill Ini8.,
Kon/re-l, 6-n-d-, 2ese-r>her, 1900:02; Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 190':
0); Ini8. of "l-so#, S>o/l-nd, Professor, 190):1); +berdeen Ini8., S>o/l-nd,
Professor, 191):19; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 1919:'(. Other Awards:
6-nnizz-ro Prize, +>-de!i- dei Lin>ei, 2o!e, 191'.
Selected Publications: Badio@Activity> An $lementary Treatise from the (tandpoint of
the &isintegration Theory. LondonH The 5le>/ri>i-n Prin/in -nd Publishin, 190). The
<nterpretation of Badium. LondonH P. Kurr-y, 190*. The .hemistry of the Badio@
$lements. LondonH Lon!-ns, "reen, 1911:1). (cience and -ife. LondonH P. Kurr-y,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19%& BSolu!e 'C, 20':1(. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography.
Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19*1 BSolu!e 12C, %0):09. Lo#or/h, Kuriel. ioneer Besearch
on the Atom, Butherford and (oddy in a 5lorious .hapter of (cience, the -ife of
=rederic2 (oddy. LondonH Ne# World Publi>-/ions, 19%*. N-uf!-n, "eore A.
=rederic2 (oddy> $arly ioneer in Badiochemistry. LondonH 2eidel, 19*(. Kerri>0s,
Lind-. The %orld #ade 'e0> =rederic2 (oddy, (cience, olitics, and $nvironment.
O@ford; Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8ersi/y Press, 199(.
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o 1rederi>0 Soddy #-s \for his >on/ribu/ions /o our
0no#lede of /he >he!is/ry of r-dio->/i8e subs/-n>es, -nd his in8es/i-/ions in/o /he
oriin -nd n-/ure of iso/o$es.99 Soddy #or0ed #i/h Lord 2u/herford on /he /heory of
r-dio->/i8e de>-y. Lis #or0 on heliu! -nd o/her ele!en/s hel$ed >l-rify /he rel-/ions of
ele!en/s in /he $eriodi> /-ble. Throuhou/ his >-reer, bu/ es$e>i-lly -f/er his re/ire!en/
in 19'(, Soddy #-s -lso ou/s$o0en re-rdin so>i-l issues. Le bl-!ed s>ien/is/s for
/heir disre-rd for /he so>i-l >onseGuen>es of /heir #or0, in>ludin r-dio->/i8i/y. B1.N.C
0ston5 rancis Willia2 20
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 1922. Born: Se$/e!ber 1, 1*&&; L-rborne, Air!inh-!, 5nl-nd.
Death: No8e!ber 20, 19)%; 6-!bride, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Willi-! +s/on;
Ko/her, 1-nny 6h-rlo//e L-llis +s/on. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nli>-n.
Education: K-l8ern 6ollee, 5nl-nd, A.S., 1*9'; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+.,
1912. Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: Ari/ish Are#ery, 6he!is/, 1900:0';
Ini8. of Air!inh-!, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 190':09; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd,
2ese-r>her, 1909:1); 2oy-l +ir>r-f/ 5s/-blish!en/, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 191):1*;
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 1919:)%. Other Awards: K->0enzie D-8idson
Ked-l, 2oen/en So>ie/y, 1920; Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1922; Pohn S>o// Ked-l,
1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 192'; P-/erno Ked-l, 192'; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'*;
Duddell Ked-l, Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19)1.
Selected Publications: \6ons/i/u/ion of +/!os$heri> Neon.Z hilosophical #aga*ine '9
B1920CH ))9:%%. \The K-ss S$e>/r- of 6he!i>-l 5le!en/s.Z hilosophical #aga*ine )0
B1920CH (2*:'). <sotopes. LondonH 5. +rnold -nd 6o., 1922. (tructural :nits of the
#aterial :niverse. LondonH O@ford Ini8. Press, 192%. #ass@(pectra and <sotopes.
LondonH +rnold, 19''. \K-sses of So!e Lih/ +/o!s Ke-sured by Ke-ns of - Ne#
K-ss S$e>/ro!e/er.Z 'ature 1'& B19'(CH '%&:%*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&0 BSolu!e 1C, '20:22. Obituary 'otices of =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety. 6-!brideH
2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)%:)* BSolu!e %C, ('%:%1.
Co$$entary: 1r-n>is +s/on9s Nobel Prize #-s r-n/ed \for his dis>o8ery, by !e-ns of
his !-ss s$e>/ror-$h, of iso/o$es in - l-re nu!ber of non-r-dio->/i8e ele!en/s, -nd
for his enun>i-/ion of /he #hole-nu!ber rule.Z Aeinnin in /he field of o$/i>-l
$ro$er/ies of or-ni> >o!$ounds -nd in bre#ery >he!is/ry, +s/on !o8ed on /o s/udy
$heno!en- in -s dis>h-re /ubes -nd dis>o8ered /he +s/on D-r0 S$->e. Lis s/udies of
$osi/i8e r-ys led hi! /o /he iden/ifi>-/ion of /#o iso/o$es of neon -nd e8en/u-lly /o /he
in8en/ion of /he !-ss s$e>/ror-$h. Wi/h /his ins/ru!en/, +s/on iden/ified 212 n-/ur-lly
o>>urrin iso/o$es -nd s/-/ed /he Whole Nu!ber 2ule, #hi>h s-ys /h-/ -ll iso/o$es h-8e
8ery ne-rly #hole nu!ber !-sses rel-/i8e /o /he defined !-ss of /he o@yen iso/o$e.
Pre&l5 ritz 21
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 192'. Born: Se$/e!ber ', 1*%9; L-ib->h, +us/ri-. Death: De>e!ber
1', 19'0; "r-z, +us/ri-. Parents: 1-/her, 2-i!und Prel; Ko/her, 1rideri0e S>hl->0er
P-e 10
Prel. Nationality: +us/ri-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of "r-z, +us/ri-,
K.D., 1*9). Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: Ini8. of "r-z, +us/ri-, Professor,
1*9':190&; Kedi>o-6he!i>-l ?ns/i/u/e, "r-z, +us/ri-, 1orensi> 6he!is/, 190&:10;
Ini8. of ?nnsbru>0, +us/ri-, Professor, 1910:1'; Ini8. of "r-z, +us/ri-, Professor,
191':'0. Other Awards: Lieben Prize, ?!$eri-l +>-de!y of S>ien>e, Sienn-, +us/ri-,
Selected Publications: &ie ?uantitative Organische #i2roanalyse B?uantitative
Organic #icroanalysisC. AerlinH P. S$riner, 191&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&% BSolu!e 11C, 12*:29. \1ri/z Prel.Z 8erichte der &eutschen .hemischen
5esellschaft ()+ B19'1CH 11'.
Co$$entary: 1ri/z Prel9s Nobel Prize #-s \for his in8en/ion of /he !e/hod of !i>ro-
-n-lysis of or-ni> subs/-n>es,Z - resul/ of his diss-/isf->/ion #i/h /he len/hy,
>o!$li>-/ed, -nd ine@->/ -n-ly/i>-l !e/hods for or-ni> >he!is/ry of his /i!e. The use
of 8ery s!-ll Gu-n/i/ies for -n-lysis !-de $ossible /he $roress in !-ny -re-s of
bio>he!is/ry. BP.L.C
7si&2ond$5 4ichard 0dolf 22
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 192%. Born: +$ril 1, 1*(%; Sienn-, +us/ri-. Death: Se$/e!ber 2),
1929; "U//inen, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, +dolf Jsi!ondy; Ko/her, ?r!- 8on
Sz-0!-ry Jsi!ondy. Nationality: +us/ri-n; l-/er "er!-n residen/. Religion: Kos/
$rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 1*90.
Spouse: L-ur- Louise Kuller, !-rried 190'. Children: +nne!-rie, d-uh/er; N-/he,
d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 1*91:92; Te>hnis>he
Lo>hs>hule, "r-z, +us/ri-, Professor, 1*9':9&; S>ho// und "enossen, Pen-, "er!-ny,
2ese-r>her, 1*9&:1900; Person-l 2ese-r>her, 1900:0&; Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny,
Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 190&:19.
Selected Publications: !ur $r2enntnis der Jolloide B.olloids and the :ltramicroscopeC.
Pen-, "er!-nyH ". 1is>her, 190%. Jolloidchemie> ein -ehrbuch BThe .hemistry of
.olloidsC. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH O//o S$-!er, 1912. &as Jolloid 5old B.olloidal 5oldC.
Lei$zi, "er!-nyH +0-de!is>he Serl-sesells>h-f/, 192% B#i/h P.+. ThiessenC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Asimov)s 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cience and
Technology. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, 19*2, (0':0). &ictionary of (cientific
8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&( BSolu!e 1)C, ('2:').
Co$$entary: 2i>h-rd Jsi!ondy #on /he Nobel Prize for his OOelu>id-/ion of /he
he/eroeneous n-/ure of >olloid-l solu/ions.Z Le s/-r/ed on /his $-/h e-rly in his >-reer,
#hen he be>-!e in/eres/ed in /he >olors $rodu>ed by or-ni> solu/ions of old. L-/er, he
#or0ed in - rel-/ed -re-, s/udyin $ro$er/ies of >olored l-ss. Le for!ul-/ed - 8-rie/y of
#hi/e l-ss, >-lled !il0 l-ss, #hi>h be>-!e f-!ous. These in8es/i-/ions led /o #or0
on >olloids. Wi/h L.1.W. Sieden/o$f, Jsi!ondy in8en/ed /he ul/r-!i>ros>o$e, - /ool
#hi>h en-bled hi! /o s/udy /he !o8e!en/ of >olloid-l $-r/i>les, /o de/er!ine /heir
Gu-n/i/y in - $-r/i>ul-r solu/ion, -nd /o le-rn so!e/hin of /heir sh-$e, -ll of #hi>h #-s
i!$ossible before his dis>o8eries. BP.L.C
->edber&5 Theodor 1: ": 23
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 192(. Born: +uus/ '0, 1**); 1ler-n, S-lbo, S#eden. Death:
1ebru-ry 2%, 19&1; Orebro, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, 5li-s S8edber; Ko/her, +uus/-
+ls/er!-r0 S8edber. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of
I$$s-l-, S#eden, A.S., 190%; Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden, Ph.D., 190&. Spouse: +ndre-
+ndreen, !-rried 1909; P-ne 1rodi, !-rried 191(; ?nrid Aloo!Guis/, !-rried 19'*;
K-ri/ L-llen, !-rried 19)*. Children: ( sons; ( d-uh/ers. Career: Ini8. of I$$s-l-,
S#eden, Professor, 1912:)9; "us/-f Werner ?ns/i/u/e of Nu>le-r 6he!is/ry, S#eden,
Dire>/or, 19)9:(&. Other Awards: S>heele +#-rd, 2oy-l S#edish +>-de!y of S>ien>es,
190&, 191(; Os>-r ?? 2e#-rd, Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden, 190*; 5dlund +#-rd, 2oy-l
S#edish +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 1909; Aers/ed/ 2e#-rd, 2oy-l So>ie/y of S>ien>es,
S#eden, 1910; W-ll!-r0 +#-rd, 2oy-l S#edish +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 1910; AMor0en
Prize, 191', 192', 192(; Aerzelius Ked-l, 19)1; Ked-l, 6i/y of I$$s-l-, S#eden, 19)*;
1r-n0lin Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19)9; "us/-f +dolf Ked-l, 19().
Selected Publications: &ie #ethoden *ur /erstellung Jolloider -osungen
Anorganischer (toffe. Dresden, "er!-nyH T. S/ein0o$ff, 1909. &ie $xisten* der
#ole2ule. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH +>-de!is>he Serl-sessels>h-f/, 1912. .olloid
.hemistry. Ne# 3or0H 6he!i>-l 6-/-lo 6o!$-ny, 192). The :ltracentrifuge. O@fordH
6l-rendon Press, 19)0 B#i/h N.O. PedersenC. \The Os!o/i> A-l-n>e.Z 'ature 1%'
B19))CH %2' B#i/h ?. Pull-nderC. \The 6ellulose Kole>ule. Physi>-l-6he!i>-l S/udies.Z
7ournal of hysical and .olloid .hemistry %1 B19)&CH 1:1*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
6-!brideH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&2 BSolu!e 1*C, %9%:(2&. &ictionary of (cientific
8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&( BSolu!e 1'C, 1%*:().
Co$$entary: Theodor S8edber #-s i8en /he Nobel Prize for his lifelon in8ol8e!en/
#i/h >olloid-l >he!is/ry in i/s 8-rious for!s. Lis e-rly rese-r>h de-l/ #i/h /he
$re$-r-/ion -nd s/udy of >olloid-l sus$ensions of !e/-ls. S8edber de8elo$ed /he
ul/r->en/rifue so /h-/ he >ould use >en/rifu-l for>e /o se$-r-/e >olloid-l $-r/i>les fro!
solu/ion -nd used i/ /o >h-r->/erize -nd s/udy $ro/ein !ole>ules. ?/ #-s l-/er -d-$/ed /o
/he s/udy of $oly!ers. Wi/h Tiselius, he -lso l-/er de8elo$ed /he /e>hniGues of
ele>/ro$horesis. B6.N.A.C
Wieland5 1einrich 3tto 2?
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 192&. Born: Pune ), 1*&&; Pforzhei!, "er!-ny. Death: +uus/ %,
19%&; S/-rnber, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, Theodor W. Wiel-nd; Ko/her, 5lise Alu!
Wiel-nd. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of Kuni>h,
"er!-ny, Ph.D., 1901. Spouse: Pose$hine A-r/!-nn, !-rried 190*. Children:
Wolf-n, son; Theodor, son; O//o, son; 58-, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Kuni>h,
"er!-ny, Professor, 1901:1'; Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor,
191':21; Ini8. of 1reibur, "er!-ny, Professor, 1921:2%; Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny,
Professor, 192%:%0. Other Awards: L-8oisier
P-e 11
Ked-l, 1r-n>e, 19'*; Order Pour le K_ri/e, 19%2; O//o L-hn Prize, 19%%.
Selected Publications: &ie /ydra*ine. S/u//-r/, "er!-nyH 1. 5n0e, 191'. \Die 6he!ie
der "-llens-uren.Z !eitschrift f3r Ange0andte .hemie und !entralblate f3r Technische
.hemie )2 B1929CH )21:2). \2e>en/ 2ese-r>hes on Aioloi>-l O@id-/ion.Z 7ournal of
the .hemical (ociety B19'1CH 10%%:(). On the #echanism of Oxidation. Ne# L-8en,
6TH 3-le Ini8. Press, 19'2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: \+u/obior-$hy.Z 'achrichten aus .hemie und Techni2
B19%%CH 222:2'. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&(
BSolu!e 1)C, ''):'%. Lunde, "ulbr-nd. \The 192& -nd 192* Nobel 6he!is/ry Prize
Winners, Wiel-nd -nd Wind-us.Z 7ournal of .hemical $ducation & B19'0CH &(':&1.
Co$$entary: Leinri>h Wiel-nd9s Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded OOfor his in8es/i-/ions of
/he >ons/i/u/ion of /he bile ->ids -nd rel-/ed subs/-n>es.Z Wiel-nd9s e-rlier #or0 de-l/
#i/h or-ni> ni/roen->on/-inin >o!$ounds, !o8in fro! s/udies of ni/roen o@ide
re->/ions #i/h olefins -nd -ro!-/i> >o!$ounds /hrouh s/udies of $oly!eriz-/ion -nd
syn/hesis /o $rodu>/ion -nd >h-r->/eriz-/ion of shor/-li8ed r-di>-ls. Lis l-/er rese-r>h
#-s on /he >he!is/ry of n-/ur-l subs/-n>es su>h -s !or$hine, s/ry>hnine, /he -l0-loids,
>rys/-lline >y>lo$e$/ides, -nd $/erin >o!$ounds. Wiel-nd9s !-Mor >on/ribu/ions #ere /he
s/udy of bile ->ids #hi>h led /o /he re>oni/ion of /he >-rbon fr-!e#or0 of /he s/eroids
-nd /he s/udy of o@id-/ion $ro>esses in li8in >ells. B2.P.C
Winda!s5 0dolf 3tto 4einhold 2@
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 192*. Born: De>e!ber 2%, 1*&(; Aerlin, "er!-ny. Death: Pune 9,
19%9; "U//inen, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, +dolf Wind-us; Ko/her, K-r-re/e 5ls/er
Wind-us. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of
Aerlin, "er!-ny, !edi>-l li>ense, 1*9&; Ini8. of 1reibur, "er!-ny, Dr. $hil., 1900.
Spouse: 5liz-be/h 2es-u, !-rried 191%. Children: "un/er, son; "us/-8, son; K-r-re/e,
d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 1900:01; Ini8. of 1reibur,
"er!-ny, Professor, 1901:1'; ?nnsbru>0 Ini8., +us/ri-, Professor, 191':1%; Ini8. of
"U//inen, "er!-ny, Professor, 191%:)). Other Awards: P-s/eur Ked-l, 19'*; "oe/he
Ked-l, 19)1; "r-nd Order of Keri/, 19%1; Order Pour le K_ri/e, 19%2; "r-nd Order of
Keri/ #i/h S/-r, 19%(.
Selected Publications: \Die Nons/i/u/ion des 6holes/erins.Z 'achrichten 5esellschaft d.
%issenschaften. "U//inen, "er!-nyH 1919. \+n#endunen der S$-nnuns/heorie.Z
'achrichten 5esellschaft d. %issenschaften. "U//inen, "er!-nyH 1921. \Il/r--8iole/
Aes/r-hlun 8on 5r-s/erin.Z 'achrichten 5esellschaft d. %issenschaften, 5Kttingen
B1929CH )%:%9 B#i/h o/hersC. \6he!is/ry of ?rr-di-/ed 5ros/erol.Z roceedings of the
Boyal (ociety A 10* B19'1CH %(*:&%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Au/en-nd/, +dolf. roceedings of the .hemical (ociety
B19(1CH 1'1:'*. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&(
BSolu!e 1)C, ))':)(.
Co$$entary: +dolf Wind-us #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y \for /he ser8i>es rendered
/hrouh his rese-r>h in/o /he >ons/i/u/ion of /he s/erols -nd /heir >onne>/ion #i/h /he
8i/-!ins.Z Wind-us, in ->>ord-n>e #i/h his 8ie# /h-/ s/erols #ere $-ren/s /o o/her
rou$s of n-/ur-l subs/-n>es, >on8er/ed >holes/erol /o >hol-ni> ->id, $ro8in /he
rel-/ionshi$ of s/erols /o bile ->ids. Le -lso sho#ed /h-/ his/idine, - $ro/ein >o!$onen/,
#-s -n i!id-zole -l-nine, -nd dis>o8ered his/-!ine. Lis l-/er rese-r>h >en/ered -round
/he -n/ir->hi/i> -nd -n/ineuri/i> 8i/-!ins, #hose s/ru>/ur-l >o!$onen/s he in8es/i-/ed;
/he s/ereo>he!is/ry of hydroen-/ed rins; -nd >he!o/her-$y. BA.S.S.C
"!ler'%helpin5 1ans 8arl 0!&!st -i2on >on 2A
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 1929. Born: 1ebru-ry 1%, 1*&'; +usbur, "er!-ny. Death:
No8e!ber (, 19(); S/o>0hol!, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, 2i-s 8on 5uler-6hel$in;
Ko/her, "-brielle 1ur/ner 8on 5uler-6hel$in. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er S#edish
>i/izen. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of Kuni>h,
"er!-ny, do>/or-/e, 1*9%. Spouse: +s/rid 6le8e, !-rried 1902, di8or>ed 1912;
5liz-be/h A-roness Il-s, !-rried 191'. Children: 9 >hildren. Career: 2ese-r>her,
1*9%:190(; Ini8. of S/o>0hol!, S#eden, Professor, 190(:)1. Other Awards: Lindblo!
Prize, "er!-ny, 1*9*; "r-nd 6ross for 1eder-l Ser8i>es #i/h S/-r, "er!-ny, 19%9.
Selected Publications: .hemie der /efe und der Al2oholischen 59rung. Lei$zi,
"er!-nyH +0-de!is>he Serl-sesells>h-f/, 191% B#i/h P-ul LindnerC. .hemie der
$n*yme. Kuni>hH P.1. Aer!-n, 1920:2&. 8io2atalysatoren. S/u//-r/, "er!-nyH 1.
5n0e, 19'0. 8iochemie der Tumoren. S/u//-r/, "er!-nyH 5n0e, 19)2 B#i/h Aol
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&1 BSolu!e )C, )*%:*(. \L-ns 8on 5uler-6hel$in.Z 8ayerische A2ademie der
%issenschaften, 7ahrbuch B19(%CH 20(:12.
Co$$entary: L-ns 8on 5uler-6hel$in #on /he Nobel B-lon #i/h +r/hur L-rdenC for
his \in8es/i-/ion on /he fer!en/-/ion of su-r -nd fer!en/-/i8e enzy!es.Z 5uler-
6hel$in9s ini/i-l in/eres/ #-s in >-/-lysis. Le !o8ed on /o s/udy /he >he!is/ry of $l-n/s,
/he >he!is/ry of funi, -nd /he >he!is/ry of enzy!es. ?n -ddi/ion, he $l-yed -n
i!$or/-n/ $-r/ in e@$l-inin /he >he!is/ry of 8i/-!ins -nd /he bio>he!is/ry of /u!ors.
Lis "er!-n $-/rio/is! #-s refle>/ed in his 8olun/-ry ser8i>e in bo/h #orld #-rs.
1arden5 0rth!r5 -ir 2B
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 1929. Born: O>/ober 12, 1*(%; K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd. Death: Pune 1&,
19)0; Aourne 5nd, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, +lber/ Ty-s L-rden; Ko/her, 5liz-
K->+lis/er L-rden. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of
K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd, A.S., 1**%; Ini8. of 5rl-nen, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 1***. Spouse:
"eorin- Sydney Aride, !-rried 1900. Children: None. Career: Ini8. of K-n>hes/er,
5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 1***:9&; Ari/ish ?ns/i/u/e of Pre8en/i8e Kedi>ine, Professor,
1*9&:19'0. Other Awards: Nnih/hood, 192(; D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'%.
Selected Publications: An $lementary .ourse of ractical Organic .hemistry. LondonH
Lon!-ns, "reen, 1*9& B#i/h 1.6. "-rre//C. <norganic .hemistry for Advanced (tudents.
LondonH K->!ill-n -nd 6o., 1*99 B#i/h L.5.
P-e 12
2os>oeC. \The +l>oholi> 1er!en/ of 3e-s/ Pui>e.Z roceedings of the Boyal (ociety &&A
B190&CH )0%:20 B#i/h W.P. 3ounC. Alcoholic =ermentations. LondonH Lon!-ns, "reen,
-nd 6o!$-ny, 1911.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&2 BSolu!e (C, 110:12. Obituary 'otices of =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety. 6-!brideH
2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)2:)) BSolu!e )C, ':1). S!edley-K->le-n, ?d-. \+r/hur L-rden
B1*(%:19)0C.Z 8iochemical 7ournal '% B19)1CH 10&1:*1.
Co$$entary: +r/hur L-rden -nd L-ns 8on 5uler-6hel$in sh-red /he Nobel Prize \for
/heir in8es/i-/ions on /he fer!en/-/ion of su-r -nd fer!en/-/i8e enzy!es.Z L-rden9s
e-rly rese-r>h #-s on /he effe>/ of lih/ on >hlorine !i@/ures #i/h >-rbon dio@ide -nd on
bioloi>-l re->/ions su>h -s b->/eri-l ->/ion -nd -l>oholi> fer!en/-/ion. Lis >l-ssi> #or0
#-s on su-r fer!en/-/ion by ye-s/ Mui>e=#or0 #hi>h -dded !u>h /o l-/er s/udies of
!e/-boli> $ro>esses in life. Le -lso s/udied 8i/-!ins. BL.N.C
ischer5 1ans 2C
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19'0. Born: Puly 2&, 1**1; Lo>hs/-!-K-in, "er!-ny. Death: K-r>h
'1, 19)%; Kuni>h, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, 5uen 1is>her; Ko/her, +nn- Lerdeen
1is>her. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/.
Education: Ini8. of K-rbur, "er!-ny, do>/or-/e, 190); Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny,
K.D., 190*. Spouse: Wil/rud L-ufe, !-rried 19'%. Children: None. Career: Ini8. of
Aerlin, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 190*:10; Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor, 1910:1(;
Ini8. of ?nnsbru>0, +us/ri-, Professor, 191(:1*; Ini8. of Sienn-, +us/ri-, Professor,
191*:21; Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, "er!-ny, Professor, 1921:)%. Other Awards: Liebi
Ke!ori-l Ked-l, 1929; D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'&.
Selected Publications: &ie .hemie des yrrols. ' 8olu!es. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH
+0-de!is>he Serl-sesells>h-f/, 19'):)0 B#i/h L. Or/hC. 6orlesungen 3ber
Organische .hemie. 2 8olu!es. Kuni>hH P. Aele, 19%0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical &ictionary of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H Pohn
Wiley, 19*2, 1*1. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&*
BSolu!e 1%C, 1%&:%*.
Co$$entary: L-ns 1is>her #on /he Nobel Prize OOfor his #or0s on /he s/ru>/ur-l
>o!$osi/ion of /he >olorin !-//er of blood, -nd of le-8es, -nd for his syn/hesis of
he!in.Z L-/er he #or0ed ou/ /he s/ru>/ur-l for!ul-s for bo/h bili8erdin -nd bilirubin,
-nd in 19)2 he syn/hesized bili8erdin, #i/h /he syn/hesis of bilirubin follo#in in 19)).
Le -lso #or0ed ou/ /he >o!$le/e s/ru>/ure of >hloro$hylls, de!ons/r-/in /h-/
>hloro$hylls #ere subs/i/u/ed $or$hins #i/h -n -/o! of !-nesiu! -/ /he >en/er, /hus
$-8in /he #-y for /heir syn/hesis by his $u$ils follo#in his un/i!ely de-/h. BN.L.C
+er&i!s5 riedrich 8arl 4!dolph 29
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19'1. Born: O>/ober 11, 1**); "olds>h!ieden, "er!-ny. Death:
K-r>h '0, 19)9; Auenos +ires, +ren/in-. Parents: 1-/her, Leinri>h Aerius; Ko/her,
K-rie L--se Aerius. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of
Lei$zi, "er!-ny, Ph.D, 190&. Spouse: O//ilie Nr-zer/, !-rried Bno d-/e foundC.
Children: 2 sons; 1 d-uh/er. Career: Te>hni>-l Ini8., L-no8er, "er!-ny, Professor,
1909:1); "olds>h!id/ 6o!$-ny, 5ssen, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>h Dire>/or, 191):)%;
+ren/ine Kinis/ry of ?ndus/ries, 2ese-r>her, 19)(:)9. Other Awards: Liebi Ked-l,
Selected Publications: &ie An0endung /oher &ruc2e bei .hemischen 6organgen und
$ine 'achbildung des $ntstehungspro*esses der (tein2ohle. L-lle, "er!-nyH W. Nn-$$,
191'. \Die Serflussiun der Nohle.Z !eitschrift des vereins &eutscher <ngenieure (9
B192(C. \"e#innun 8on +l0ohol -nd "lu>ose -us Lolz.Z .hemical Age F-ondonH 29
B19''CH )*1:*'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&0 BSolu!e 2C, ':). S/r-nes, +. \1riedri>h Aerius -nd /he 2ise of /he "er!-n
Syn/he/i> 1uel ?ndus/ry.Z <(<( &% BDe>e!ber 19*)CH ()':(&.
Co$$entary: 1riedri>h Aerius #-s -#-rded /he Nobel for his \ser8i>es re-rdin /he
in8en/ion -nd de8elo$!en/ of >he!i>-l hih-$ressure !e/hods.Z Aeinnin #i/h his
#or0 on /he disso>i-/ion of >-l>iu! $ero@ide, he de8elo$ed !e/hods for l-bor-/ory #or0
-/ hih $ressures -nd -$$lied /he! /o /he liGuef->/ion of >o-l. +f/er su>>essfully
>o!!er>i-lizin /his $ro>ess, he sol8ed /he $roble! of ob/-inin su-r fro! /he
>ellulose in #ood. BK.P.C
+osch5 %arl 30
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19'1. Born: +uus/ 2&, 1*&); 6olone, "er!-ny. Death: +$ril 2(,
19)0; Leidelber, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, 6-rl Aos>h; Ko/her, P-ul- Liebs/ Aos>h.
Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n, Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8.
of Lei$zi, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 1*9*. Spouse: 5lse S>hib->h, !-rried 1902. Children: 1
d-uh/er; 1 son. Career: A-dis>he +nilin-und Sod-f-bri0, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 1*99:192%; ?.". 1-rben ?ndus/rie, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 192%:
)0. Other Awards: Liebi Ked-l, "er!-ny; Aunsen Ked-l, "er!-ny; Sie!ens 2in,
"er!-ny; 5@ner Ked-l, +us/ri-; 6-rl Lue Ked-l, "er!-ny.
Selected Publications: \Serf-hren zur Lers/ellun 8on +!!oni-0 -us Seinen
5le!en/en !i/ Lilfe 8on N-/-lys-/oren.Z .hemisches !entralblatt B191'CH 19%.
\S/i>0s/off in Wih/s>h-f/ und Te>hni0.Z 'atur0issenschaften * B1920CH *(&:(*.
\Proble!e "ross/e>hnis>her Lydrierun-Serf-hren.Z .hemische =abri2 & B19')CH 1:10.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: \6-rl Aos>h, 1*&):19)0.Z .hemische 8erichte 90 B19%&CH
19:'9. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&0 BSolu!e 2C,
'2':2). Lolder!-nn, N-rl. <m 8anne der .hemie> .arl 8osch, -eben und %er2.
DRsseldorfH 5>on-Serl-, 19%).
Co$$entary: 6-rl Aos>h re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for his \dis>o8ery -nd de8elo$!en/
of >he!i>-l hih-$ressure !e/hods,Z !os/ $-r/i>ul-rly for /he #or0 he did in fi@in of
ni/roen. Aeinnin #i/h /he $rodu>/ion of b-riu! >y-nide, he su>>eeded in
>o!!er>i-lizin /he hih-$ressure syn/hesis of -!!oni-. Le /hen de8elo$ed /he
!e/hods for $r->/i>-l $rodu>/ion of ni/roen fer/ilizers. BK.P.C
P-e 1'
#an&2!ir5 .r>in& 31
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19'2. Born: P-nu-ry '1, 1**1; Aroo0lyn, N3. Death: +uus/ 1(,
19%&; 1-l!ou/h, K+. Parents: 1-/her, 6h-rles L-n!uir; Ko/her, S-die 6o!ins
L-n!uir. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: 6olu!bi- Ini8.,
N3, A.S., 190'; Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 190(. Spouse: K-rion Kersere-u,
!-rried +$ril 2&, 1912. Children: Nenne/h, son; A-rb-r-, d-uh/er. Career: S/e8ens
?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Lobo0en, NP, Professor, 190(:09; "ener-l 5le>/ri> 2ese-r>h
L-bor-/ory, S>hene>/-dy, N3, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 1909:%0. Other Awards:
Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 191*; 2u!ford Ked-l, 1920; Ni>hols Ked-l, +!eri>-n
6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 1920; "ibbs Ked-l, 19'0; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 19'); 1-r-d-y Ked-l,
6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19'*; 1-r-d-y Ked-l, ?ns/i/u/e of 5le>/ri>-l 5nineers, 19)'; Ked-l
for Keri/, Ini8. S. +r!y -nd N-8y, 19)*; Pohn 6-r/y Ked-l, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of
S>ien>es, 19%0.
Selected Publications: The .ollected %or2s of <rving -angmuir. Ne# 3or0H Per-!on
Press, 19(2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the 'ational Academy of
(ciences. W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19&) BSolu!e )%C, 21%:)&.
&ictionary of American 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19*0 BSu$$le!en/ (C, '(':
(%. 2ei>h, Leon-rd. \?. L-n!uir -nd /he Pursui/ of S>ien>e -nd Te>hnoloy in /he
6or$or-/e 5n8iron!en/.Z Technology and .ulture 2) B19*'CH 199:221. 2osenfeld,
+lber/. The ?uintessence of <rving -angmuir. Solu!e 12 of .ollected %or2s. Ne# 3or0H
Per-!on Press, 19(2.
Co$$entary: ?r8in L-n!uir #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y \for his dis>o8eries -nd
rese-r>hes in /he field of surf->e >he!is/ry.Z L-n!uir, in /he >ourse of $ursuin
/heore/i>-l s/udies in >he!is/ry, $hysi>s, -nd enineerin, !-n-ed /o $ro8ide so!e of
/he !-Mor $r->/i>-l -d8-n>es of /he /#en/ie/h >en/ury. Lis ->hie8e!en/s in>luded /he
de8elo$!en/ of /he -s-filled lih/ bulb, /he hih-8->uu! r-dio /ube, /he -/o!i>
hydroen #eldin /or>h, -nd !-ny o/her ele>/roni> de8i>es. The ener-l /heory of
-bsorbed fil!s #-s -no/her of his >on/ribu/ions, -s #-s /he ini/i-l #or0 on $rodu>/ion of
-r/ifi>i-l r-inf-ll. BL.6.A.C
*re$5 1arold %la$ton 32
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19'). Born: +$ril 29, 1*9'; W-l0er/on, ?N. Death: P-nu-ry %, 19*1;
L- Poll-, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, S-!uel 6l-y/on Irey; Ko/her, 6or- 2ebe>>- 2einoehl
Irey. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of Kon/-n-, A.S.,
191&; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Ph.D., 192'. Spouse: 1ried- D-u!, !-rried Pune 12, 192(.
Children: "er/rude 5liz-be/h, d-uh/er; 1ried- 2ebe>>-, d-uh/er; K-ry +li>e,
d-uh/er; Pohn 6l-y/on, son. Career: Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, 2ese-r>her,
192':2); Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, Professor, 192):29; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3,
Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 1929:)2; K-nh-//-n ProMe>/, Ini/ed S/-/es, Dire>/or of
W-r 2ese-r>h, 19)0:)%; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19)%:%*; Ini8. of 6-liforni-,
S-n Dieo, Professor, 19%*:&0. Other Awards: "ibbs Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l
So>ie/y, 19'); D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)0; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+,
19)'; Ked-l for Keri/, 19)(; Dis/inuished Ser8i>e +#-rd, Phi Ae/- N-$$-, 19%0;
6ordoz- +#-rd, 19%); Pries/ley +#-rd, Di>0enson 6ollee, P+, 19%%; L-!il/on +#-rd,
6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 19(1; 2e!sen +#-rd, 19('; Ked-l, Ini8. of P-ris, 19(); N-/ion-l
Ked-l of S>ien>e for +s/rono!y, 19(); +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, +!eri>-n +>-de!y, 19((;
"old Ked-l, 2oy-l +s/rono!i>-l So>ie/y, 19((; Leon-rd Ked-l, Ke/eori/i>-l So>ie/y,
19(9; D-y +#-rd, "eoloi>-l So>ie/y of +!eri>-, 19(9; 6he!i>-l Pioneer +#-rd,
+!eri>-n ?ns/i/u/e of 6he!is/s, 19(9; Linus P-ulin +#-rd, Oreon S/-/e Ini8., 19&0;
Poh-nn Ne$ler Ked-l, +!eri>-n So>ie/y for /he +d8-n>e!en/ of S>ien>e, 19&1; "old
Ked-l, +!eri>-n ?ns/i/u/e of 6he!is/s, 19&2; Pries/ley Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l
So>ie/y, 19&'; 5@>e$/ion-l S>ien/ifi> +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, N+S+, 19&'; Nnih/ of
K-l/-, 19&'; Le-dliner +#-rd, S-n Dieo Press 6lub, 19&); "olds>h!id/ Ked-l,
"eo>he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19&%.
Selected Publications: Atoms, #olecules and ?uanta. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19'0
B#i/h +.5. 2u-r0C. The lanets> Their Origin and &evelopment. Ne# L-8en, 6TH 3-le
Ini8. Press, 19%2. roduction of /eavy %ater. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19%% B#i/h
o/hersC. Beprints. L- Poll-, 6+H Ini8. of 6-liforni-, S-n Dieo, 1990. (ome .osmo@
chemical roblems. Ini8ersi/y P-r0, P+H Pennsyl8-ni- S/-/e Ini8. Press, 19('.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(0, ))1:)2. 'e0 1or2 Times BP-nu-ry &, 19*1CH 1l.
Co$$entary: L-rold 6l-y/on Irey #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for 6he!is/ry in 19')
OOfor his dis>o8ery of he-8y hydroenZ 0no#n -s deu/eriu!, - 0ey f->/or in /he
de8elo$!en/ of /he -/o!i> bo!b. Le #-s -lso 0no#n for his rese-r>h on
/her!odyn-!i> $ro$er/ies of -ses, -/o!i> s/ru>/ure, -bsor$/ion s$e>/r- -nd s/ru>/ure of
!ole>ules, $ro$er/ies -nd se$-r-/ion of iso/o$es, e@>h-ne re->/ions, !e-sure!en/ of
$-leo/e!$er-/ure, -nd >he!i>-l $roble!s rel-/i8e /o /he oriin of /he e-r/h, !e/eori/es,
/he !oon, -nd /he sol-r sys/e!. BD.2.C
<oliot'%!rie5 rHdHric 33
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19'%. Born: K-r>h 19, 1900; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death: +uus/ 1), 19%*;
P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, Lenri Polio/; Ko/her, ]!ilie 2oederer Polio/.
Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: +/heis/; fro! Pro/es/-n/ b->0round. Education: ]>ole
de PhysiGue e/ de 6hi!ie ?ndus/rielle, 1r-n>e, enineerin deree, 192'; ]>ole de
PhysiGue e/ de 6hi!ie ?ndus/rielle, 1r-n>e, li>en>i_-_s s>ien>e, 192&; Ini8. of P-ris,
1r-n>e, do>/eur-_s-s>ien>es, 19'0. Spouse: ?r`ne 6urie, !-rried O>/ober 9, 192(.
Children: L_l_ne, d-uh/er; Pierre, son. Career: 2-diu! ?ns/i/u/e, P-ris, 1r-n>e,
2ese-r>her, 192%:'1; 6-isse N-/ion-le des S>ien>es, 2ese-r>her, 19'1:'&; 6oll`e de
1r-n>e, Professor, 19'&:)); 6en/re N-/ion-l de l- 2e>her>he S>ien/ifiGues, Dire>/or,
19)):)(; +/o!i> 5nery 6o!!ission, 1r-n>e, 6o!!issioner, 19)(:%0; Ini8. of P-ris,
1r-n>e, Professor -nd 2ese-r>her, 19%(:%*. Other Awards: Lenri Wilde Prize, 1r-n>e,
19''; K-rGue/ Prize, 1r-n>e, 19'); A-rn-rd "old Ked-l, 6olu!bi- Ini8., 19)0.
P-e 1)
Selected Publications: Oeuvres (cientifi4ues .ompletes. P-risH Presses Ini8ersi/-ires de
1r-n>e, 19(1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19)(, 29):9(. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&' BSolu!e
S??C, 1%1:%&. "olds!i/h, K-uri>e. =rDdDric 7oliot@.urie, A 8iography. LondonH
L-uren>e -nd Wish-r/, 19&(. Pin-ul/, Ki>hel. =rDdDric 7oliot@.urie. P-risH O. P->ob,
Co$$entary: This Moin/ -#-rd /o 1r_d_ri> -nd ?r`ne Polio/-6urie B/he fif/h Nobel for /he
6urie e@/ended f-!ilyC #-s !-de \for /heir Moin/ly $erfor!ed syn/hesis of /he ne#
r-dio->/i8e ele!en/s,Z referrin /o e@$eri!en/s in #hi>h -l$h--$-r/i>le bo!b-rd!en/
$rodu>ed r-dio->/i8e $hos$horus fro! -lu!inu!, r-dio->/i8e ni/roen fro! boron, -nd
r-dio->/i8e sili>on fro! !-nesiu!. The /e-! h-d $re8iously $rodu>ed neu/rons by
bo!b-rd!en/ of berylliu!. 1r_d_ri>9s e-rlier #or0 #-s on /he ele>/ro>he!i>-l
$ro$er/ies of r-dio->/i8e ele!en/s. Le #-s l-/er in8ol8ed #i/h $rodu>in hih-enery
$-r/i>les, #i/h /he /heory of nu>le-r fission, -nd #i/h /he de8elo$!en/ of 1r-n>e9s
+/o!i> 5nery 6o!!ission, on #hi>h he ser8ed -s hih >o!!issioner. ?n his
nons>ien/ifi> ende-8ors, he be>-!e - hero of /he underround resis/-n>e durin /he
Se>ond World W-r, -n ->/i8e !e!ber of /he 1ren>h 6o!!unis/ P-r/y, -nd - $ri!e
!o8er in /he World Pe->e Ko8e!en/. BL.A.W.C
<oliot'%!rie5 .rIne 3?
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19'%. Born: Se$/e!ber 12, 1*9&; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death: K-r>h 1&,
19%(; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, Pierre 6urie; Ko/her, K-rie S0lodo#s0- 6urie.
Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: +/heis/; fro! 6-/holi> B!o/herC -nd Pro/es/-n/ Bf-/herC
b->0round. Education: 6oll`e S_8in_, 1r-n>e, b->>-l-ur_-/, 191); Ini8. of P-ris,
1r-n>e, li>en/i-/e, 1920; Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, S>.D., 192%. Spouse: 1r_d_ri> Polio/,
!-rried O>/ober 9, 192(. Children: L_l_ne, d-uh/er; Pierre, son. Career: 6urie
L-bor-/ory, P-ris, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her, 1921:'%; 6-isse N-/ion-le de l- 2e>her>he,
2ese-r>her, 19'%:'(; Ini8. of P-ris -nd 2-diu! ?ns/i/u/e, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her, 19'&:%(.
Other Awards: Lenri Wilde Prize, 1r-n>e, 19''; K-rGue/ Prize, 1r-n>e, 19'); A-rn-rd
"old Ked-l, 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 19)0.
Selected Publications: Oeuvres (cientifi4ues .omplLtes. P-risH Presses Ini8ersi/-ires de
1r-n>e, 19(1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19)0, )'%:'(. K>No#n, 2obin. (he -ived for (cience> <rene 7oliot@.urie. Ne# 3or0H
Kessner, 19(1. S-re, 5/hlie +nn. #others of <nvention. Ne# 3or0H Korro#, 19**, 1)':
Co$$entary: The Moin/ -#-rd of /he Nobel Prize /o ?r`ne -nd 1r_d_ri> Polio/-6urie #-s
!-de \for /heir Moin/ly $erfor!ed syn/hesis of /he ne# r-dio->/i8e ele!en/s,Z referrin
/o /he e@$eri!en/s in #hi>h -l$h--$-r/i>le bo!b-rd!en/ $rodu>ed r-dio->/i8e
$hos$horus fro! -lu!inu!, r-dio->/i8e ni/roen fro! boron, -nd r-dio->/i8e sili>on
fro! !-nesiu!. The /e-! h-d $re8iously $rodu>ed neu/rons by bo!b-rd!en/ of
berylliu!. ?rene l-/er de!ons/r-/ed /he s$li//in of ur-niu!. Toe/her, /he Polio/-6uries
#ere -lso ins/ru!en/-l in de8elo$in -/o!i> enery in 1r-n>e, -nd #ere ->/i8e in /he
underround of /he Se>ond World W-r, in 6o!!unis/ ->/i8i/ies, -nd in /he World Pe->e
Ko8e!en/. BL.A.W.C
(eb$e5 Peter <oseph!s Wilhel2!s 3@
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19'(. Born: K-r>h 2), 1**); K--s/ri>h/, Ne/herl-nds. Death:
No8e!ber 2, 19((; ?/h->-, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Wilhel!us Debye; Ko/her, K-ri-
2eu!0ens Debye. Nationality: Du/>h; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: 6-/holi>.
Education: +->hen ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, "er!-ny, ele>/ri>-l /e>hnoloy deree,
190%; Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 190*. Spouse: K-/hilde +lberer, !-rried +$ril
10, 191'. Children: Pe/er P-ul 2u$$re>h/, son; K-/hilde K-ri-, d-uh/er. Career:
+->hen Te>hnoloi>-l ?ns/i/u/e, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 190%:0(; Ini8. of Kuni>h,
"er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 190(:10; Ini8. of JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 1910:12; Ini8.
of I/re>h/, Ne/herl-nds, Professor, 1912:1); Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, Professor,
191):20; Ini8. of JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 1920:2&; Ini8. of Lei$zi, "er!-ny,
Professor, 192&:'); Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, Professor, 19'):'9; 6ornell Ini8., N3,
Professor, 19'9:%2. Other Awards: 2u!ford Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y; 1r-n0lin Ked-l,
Phil-del$hi-, P+; 1-r-d-y Ked-l; Loren/z Ked-l, 2oy-l Ne/herl-nds +>-de!y; Will-rd
"ibbs Ked-l, 19)9; K-@ Pl-n>0 Ked-l, Wes/ "er!-n Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19%0; Nend-ll
+#-rd, 19%&; Ni>hols Ked-l, 19(1; Pries/ley Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(';
+!eri>-n Physi>s So>ie/y Lih-Poly!er Physi>s Prize, 1ord Ko/or 6o., 19(%; K-dison
K-rsh-ll +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(%; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19(%.
Selected Publications: The &ipole #oment and .hemical (tructure. LondonH Al-0is/on,
19'2. \5nery +bsor$/ion in Diele>/ri>s #i/h Pol-r Kole>ules.Z =araday (ociety '0
B19')CH (&9:*). .ollected apers. Ne# 3or0H ?n/ers>ien>e, 19%).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of 'ational Academy of (ciences.
W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19&% BSolu!e )(C, 2':(*. D-8ies,
K-nsel. 7ournal of .hemical $ducation )% B19(*CH )(&:&'. &ictionary of (cientific
8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&1 BSolu!e 'C, (1&:21.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y honored Pe/er Debye \for his >on/ribu/ions /o our
0no#lede of !ole>ul-r s/ru>/ure /hrouh his in8es/i-/ions on di$ole !o!en/s -nd on
/he diffr->/ion of @-r-ys -nd ele>/rons in -ses.99 Ay u/ilizin /e>hniGues of !e-surin
di$ole !o!en/s -nd of ele>/ron -nd @-r-y diffr->/ion, Debye es/-blished in8-lu-ble /ools
for s/ru>/ure de/er!in-/ion. Debye -lso !-de sinifi>-n/ >on/ribu/ions in /he -re-s of
s$e>ifi> he-/s of bodies -/ 8-rious /e!$er-/ures, !-ne/i> >oolin, >rys/-l s/ru>/ure
de/er!in-/ion, /he /heory of solu/ions, -nd $oly!er size de/er!in-/ions. BA.S.S.C
1a)orth5 Walter Nor2an5 -ir 3A
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19'&. Born: K-r>h 19, 1**'; 6horley, L-n>-shire, 5nl-nd. Death:
K-r>h 19, 19%0; Air!inh-!, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Tho!-s L-#or/h; Ko/her,
L-nn-h L-#or/h. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of
K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd, b->>-l-ure-/e, 190(; Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 1910;
Ini8. of K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd, D.S>., 1911. Spouse: Siole/ 6hil/on Dobbie, !-rried
1922. Children: P-!es, son; D-8id, son. Career:
P-e 1%
Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, Professor, 1911:12; Ini8. of S/. +ndre#s, S>o/l-nd,
Professor, 1912:20; Ini8. of Durh-!, 5nl-nd, Professor, 1920:2%; Ini8. of
Air!inh-!, 5nl-nd, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 192%:)*. Other Awards: Lons/-ff
Ked-l, 19''; D-8y Ked-l, 19'); 2oy-l Ked-l, 19)2; Nnih/hood, 19)&.
Selected Publications: The .onstitution of (ugars. LondonH 5. +rnold Y 6o!$-ny,
1929. \The 6ons/i/u/ion of So!e 6-rbohydr-/es.Z .hemische 8erichte B19'2CH )':(%.
\Syn/hesis of +s>orbi> +>id.Z .hemistry and <ndustry B19''CH 2&90:2*0( B#i/h 5.L.
Lirs/C. \S/-r>h.Z 7ournal of the .hemical (ociety B19)(CH %)':)9. OOThe S/ru>/ure,
1un>/ion -nd Syn/hesis of Polys->>h-rides.Z roceedings of the Boyal (ociety B19)(CH
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&2 BSolu!e (C, 1*):*%. Obituary 'otices of =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety. 6-!brideH
2oy-l So>ie/y, 19%0:%1 BSolu!e &C, '&':)0). \W-l/er Nor!-n L-#or/h.Z 7ournal of
the .hemical (ociety B19%1CH 2&90:2*0(.
Co$$entary: W-l/er L-#or/h re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for his rese-r>hes in/o /he
>ons/i/u/ion of >-rbohydr-/es -nd 8i/-!in 6.Z Lis el-bor-/ions of /he s/ru>/ure of /he
si!$le su-rs, his s/udies in >ellulose >he!is/ry, -nd his in8es/i-/ions of 8i/-!in 6
#ere -ll $ioneer l-nd!-r0 effor/s. ?n -ddi/ion, he /oo0 $-r/ in /he >he!i>-l #or0 of /he
-/o!i> enery $roMe>/ in World W-r ??. BA.5.C
8arrer5 Pa!l 3B
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19'&. Born: +$ril 21, 1**9; Kos>o#, 2ussi-. Death: Pune 1*, 19&1;
JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, P-ul N-rrer; Ko/her, Pulie Ler>h N-rrer.
Nationality: 2ussi-n; l-/er S#iss >i/izen. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of
JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, do>/or-/e, 1911. Spouse: Lelene 1roli>h, !-rried +$ril 1), 191).
Children: Pur, son; Leinz, son. Career: Ini8. of JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her,
1911:12; "eor S$eyer L-us, 1r-n0fur/--!-K-in, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 1912:1*; Ini8. of JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or,
191*:%9. Other Awards: K-r>el Aenois/ Prize, S#i/zerl-nd, 192'; 6-nnizz-ro Prize,
?/-ly, 19'%; Offi>ier de l- Leion d9Lonneur, 19%).
Selected Publications: $inf3hrung in die .hemie der olymeren Johlehydrate, ein
5rundiss der .hemie der (tar2e, des 5ly2ogen, der !ellulose und Anderer
olysaccharide. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH +0-de!is>he Serl-sesells>h-f/, 192%. -ehrbuch
der Organischen .hemie. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH Thie!e, 192*. &ie .arotenoids. A-sel,
S#i/zerl-ndH Air0h[user, 19)* B#i/h 5. Pu>0erC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&* BSolu!e 2)C, 2)):'21. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography.
Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&* BSolu!e 1%C, 2%&:%*.
Co$$entary: P-ul N-rrer #-s -#-rded /he Nobel $rize \for his rese-r>hes in/o /he
>ons/i/u/ion of >-ro/enoids, fl-8ins -nd 8i/-!ins + -nd A2.Z Le syn/hesized 8i/-!in 5;
isol-/ed 8i/-!in N1, de/er!ined i/s s/ru>/ure, -nd syn/hesized i/; >on/ribu/ed re-/ly /o
-n unders/-ndin of /he s/ru>/ure -nd fun>/ion of ni>o/in--!ide--denine dinu>leo/ide
BN+DC; #or0ed on !-ny of /he >-ro/enoids; >-rried ou/ /he /o/-l syn/hesis of >-ro/ene
hydro>-rbons; syn/hesized -nd de/er!ined /he s/ru>/ure of /o@iferine -nd rel-/ed
-l0-loids; -nd syn/hesized >-n/h-@-n/hin fro! A->-ro/ene. ?n -ddi/ion, he -lso founded
/#o i!$or/-n/ found-/ions for /he -d8-n>e!en/ of s>ien>eH /he 1ri/z Loff!-n-L- 2o>he
1ound-/ion for /he -d8-n>e!en/ of in/erdis>i$lin-ry s/udy rou$s in S#i/zerl-nd -nd /he
1ound-/ion for S>hol-rshi$s in 6he!is/ry. BN.L.C
8!hn5 4ichard 3C
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19'*. Born: De>e!ber ', 1900; Sienn-, +us/ri-. Death: +uus/ 1,
19(&; Leidelber, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, Lofr-/ 2i>h-rd 6le!ens Nuhn; Ko/her,
+neli0- 2odler Nuhn. Nationality: +us/ri-n; l-/er "er!-n >i/izen. Religion: Kos/
$rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 1922.
Spouse: D-isy L-r/!-n, !-rried 192*. Children: 2 sons; ) d-uh/ers. Career: Ini8. of
Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor, 192%:2(; 5idenossis>he Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, JRri>h,
S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 192(:2*; Ini8. of Leidelber, "er!-ny, Professor, 192*:(&.
Other Awards: Pour le K_ri/e fRr Wissens>h-f/en und Nuns/e, 19%*.
Selected Publications: \K-/eri-ls of Li8in N-/ure.Z 'atur0issenschaften 2% B19'&CH
22%:'1. \1er/ilizin B"-!onesC -nd Se@-De/er!inin Subs/-n>es BTer!onesC in Pl-n/s
-nd +ni!-ls.Z Ange0andte .hemie %' B19)0CH 1:(. \6-ro/ene Dyes.Z "er!-n P-/en/
&19*)% BK-r>h 2(, 19)2C B#i/h L. AieliC. \Si/-!ins -nd Kedi>ines.Z &ie .hemie %%
B19)2CH 1:(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, )%%. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&'
BSolu!e &C, %1&:1*. Ober0ofler, ". Bichard Juhn. ?nnsbru>0, +us/ri-H D-s +r>hi8,
Co$$entary: 2i>h-rd Nuhn #-s -#-rded /he Nobel \for his #or0 on >-ro/enoids -nd
8i/-!ins.Z Le be-n his >-reer #or0in on enzy!e s$e>ifi>i/y in >-rbohydr-/e
!e/-bolis! -nd !o8ed on /o s/udy o$/i>-l s/ereo>he!is/ry. +!on /he !-ny -re-s in
#hi>h he #or0ed #ere -ddi/ions /o e/hylene bonds, /he di$henyls, /he di$henyl$olyenes,
>olored hydro>-rbons, >ro>e/in, bi@in, >-ro/ene, #-/er-soluble 8i/-!ins, -nd f->/ors
effe>/i8e --ins/ infe>/ion. BK.1.C
+!tenandt5 0dolf riedrick <ohann 39
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19'9. Born: K-r>h 2), 190'; Are!erh-8enLehe, "er!-ny. Death:
P-nu-ry 1*, 199%; Kuni>h, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, O//o Louis K-@ Au/en-nd/;
Ko/her, Wilhel!in- Tho!fohrde Au/en-nd/. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Kos/
$rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 192&.
Spouse: 5ri0- 8on Jiener, !-rried 1ebru-ry 2*, 19'1. Children: ?n-, d-uh/er; O/frid,
son; Leide, d-uh/er; 5>0-r/, son; +n0e, d-uh/er; ?!!e, d-uh/er; K-i0e, d-uh/er.
Career: S>herin 6or$or-/ion, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 192&:'1; Ini8. of "U//inen,
"er!-ny, Professor, 19'1:''; Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, D-nzi, "er!-ny, Professor,
19'':'(; N-iserWilhel! ?ns/i/u/e for Aio>he!is/ry, Aerlin, "er!-ny, Dire>/or, 19'(:
)%; K-@-Pl-n>0 ?ns/i/u/e for Aio>he!is/ry, "er!-ny, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or,
19)%:*%. Other Awards: Son L-rn->0 Ked-l, 19&', 19*'.
P-e 1(
Selected Publications: :ntersuchungen 3ber das %eibliche (exualhormon F=olli2el@
oder 8runsthormonH. AerlinH Weid!-nns>he Au>hh-ndlun, 19'1. &ie 8iologische
.hemie im &ienste der 6ol2agesundheit. AerlinH W. de "ruy/er, 19)1. Mber die
8iochemische Analyse einer 5en%ir22ette der igmentbildung bei <nse2ten. Debre>en,
Lun-ryH Tisz- ?s/8-n-Tudo!-nyeye/e!i Nyo!d-, 19)'. !ur =einstru2tur des
Taba2mosai2@6irus. AerlinH +0-de!ie der Wissens>h-f/en, W. de "ruy/er, 19)).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: \+dolf Au/en-nd/.Z 7ournal of .hemical $ducation 2(
B1ebru-ry 19)9CH 91. Asimov)s 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cience and Technology.
"-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, 19*2, &92. N-rlson, O. Adolf 8utenandt. S/u//-r/,
"er!-nyH Wissens>h-f/li>he Serl-sessels>h-f/, 1990.
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o +dolf Au/en-nd/ #-s \for his #or0 on se@ hor!ones.Z Le
#-s for>ed by /he "er!-n o8ern!en/ /o refuse /he $rize bu/ #-s -ble /o ->>e$/ /he
honor l-/er in 19)9. ?n 1929, Au/en-nd/ isol-/ed es/rone, one of /he hor!ones
res$onsible for fe!-le se@u-l de8elo$!en/ -nd fun>/ionin; in 19'1, -ndros/erone, -
!-le se@ hor!one; -nd in 19'), /he hor!one $roes/erone, #hi>h $l-ys -n i!$or/-n/
$-r/ in /he fe!-le re$rodu>/i8e >y>le. Le -lso s/udied /he in/errel-/ionshi$s of se@
hor!ones -nd /heir $ossible >-r>inoeni> $ro$er/ies. B6.D.C
4!zicka5 #eopold -tephen ?0
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19'9. Born: Se$/e!ber 1', 1**&; Su0o8-r, 3uosl-8i-. Death:
Se$/e!ber 2(, 19&(; JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, S/Me$-n 2uzi>0-; Ko/her,
LMubi>- Se8er 2uzi>0-. Nationality: 3uosl-8i-n; l-/er S#iss >i/izen. Religion:
6hris/i-n. Education: Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, "er!-ny, Dr. ?n., 1910. Spouse: +nn-
L-us!-n, !-rried 1912, di8or>ed 19%0; "er/rud 1rei +>0lin, !-rried Puly 19%1.
Children: None. Career: 1eder-l ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd,
Professor, 192':2(; Ini8. of I/re>h/, Ne/herl-nds, Professor, 192(:29; 1eder-l ?ns/i/u/e
of Te>hnoloy, JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 1929:%&.
Selected Publications: Mber den 8au der Organischen #aterieN Antrittarede 5ehalten
am 10. I/re>h/, Ne/herl-ndsH +ul- der 2ei>hsuni8ersi/-/, 192(. Mber Jonstitution und
!usammenhange in der (es4uiterpenreihe. AerlinH "ebruder Aorn/r-eer, 192*.
.onferen*e di .himica Organica, Tenute 'ell)<nstituto .himico dell):niversita di
Boma. 2o!eH +>-de!i- N-zion-le dei Lin>ei, 19%1. OOThe ?so$rene 2ule -nd /he
Aioenesis of Ter$eni> 6o!$ounds.Z $xperimentia 9 B19%'CH '%&:(%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Asimov)s 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cience and
Technology. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, 19*2, &12. 8iographical #emoirs of the
=ello0s of the Boyal (ociety. LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*0 BSolu!e 2(C, )11:%01. \Dr.
Leo$old 2uzi>0- Dies in S#i/zerl-nd -/ +e *9; Won Nobel in 6he!is/ry.Z The 'e0
1or2 Times BSe$/e!ber 2&, 19&(CH ').
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o Leo$old 2uzi>0- #-s \for his #or0 on $oly!e/hylenes -nd
hiher /er$enes.Z ?n 191(, he be-n rese-r>hin n-/ur-l odoriferous >o!$ounds, #hi>h
>ul!in-/ed in /he dis>o8ery /h-/ /he !ole>ules of !us0one -nd >i8e/one, i!$or/-n/ /o
/he $erfu!e indus/ry, >on/-in rins of 1% -nd 1& >-rbon -/o!s res$e>/i8ely. Prior /o his
#or0, rins #i/h !ore /h-n eih/ -/o!s #ere /houh/ /o be uns/-ble, if /hey did e@is/. Ay
19'','), 2uzi>0- #-s -ble /o offer /he firs/ >o!$le/e $roof of /he >ons/i/u/ion of - se@
hor!one -nd ->>o!$lish /he firs/ -r/ifi>i-l $rodu>/ion of - se@ hor!one. Lis $-/en/ for
/he $re$-r-/ion of /es/os/erone fro! >holes/erol e-rned hi! - for/une -s #ell -s
in/ern-/ion-l ->>l-i!. B6.D.C
1e>es$5 6eor&e %harles >on D1e>es$5 6eor&e %harles (eE ?1
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19)'. Born: +uus/ 1, 1**%; Aud-$es/, Lun-ry. Death: Puly %, 19((;
1reibur, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, Louis de Le8esy; Ko/her, 5uenie S>hosberer de
Le8esy. Nationality: Lun-ri-n; l-/er "er!-n residen/, D-nish residen/, -nd S#edish
>i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of 1reibur, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 190*. Spouse:
Pi- 2iis, !-rried Se$/e!ber 2(, 192). Children: "eore Louis, son; Penny, d-uh/er;
?nrid, d-uh/er; Pi-, d-uh/er. Career: Te>hni>-l Lih S>hool, JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd,
Te->her, 190*:10; +us/ri-n-Lun-ri-n "o8ern!en/ Wor0er, 1910:12; Ini8. of
Aud-$es/, Lun-ry, Professor, 1912:20; ?ns/i/u/e of Theore/i>-l Physi>s, 6o$enh-en,
Den!-r0, 2ese-r>her, 1920:2(; Ini8. of 1reibur, "er!-ny, Professor, 192(:');
?ns/i/u/e of Theore/i>-l Physi>s, 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, 2ese-r>her, 19'):)'; Ini8. of
S/o>0hol!, S#eden, Professor, 19)':%%. Other Awards: 6-nizz-ro Prize, +>-de!y of
S>ien>es, 2o!e, 1929; 6o$ley Ked-l, 19)9; 1-r-d-y Ked-l, 19%0; A-iley Ked-l, 19%1;
Syl8-nus Tho!$son Ked-l, 19%%; +/o!s for Pe->e +#-rd, Ini/ed N-/ions, 19%9; Niels
Aohr Ked-l, 19(1; 2osenberer Ked-l, Ini8. of 6hi>-o, 19(1.
Selected Publications: Adventures in Badioisotope Besearch> The .ollected apers of
5eorge /evesy. Ne# 3or0H Per-!on Press, 19(2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%9, 1*(:**. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&2 BSolu!e
(C, '(%:(&. Le8i, Lilde. 5eorge de /evesy. S/o>0hol!H Liler, 19*%.
Co$$entary: "eore 8on Le8esy re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for his #or0 on /he use of
iso/o$es -s /r->er ele!en/s in rese-r>hes on >he!i>-l $ro>esses.Z 5-rly in his >-reer he
-//e!$/ed unsu>>essfully /o se$-r-/e r-diu!-D fro! le-d -nd ins/e-d used /he
r-dio->/i8i/y of /he r-diu!-D /o follo# /he re->/ions of le-d, in/rodu>in /he >on>e$/ of
r-dio->/i8e l-belin -nd /r->in. Le8esy #-s ins/ru!en/-l l-/er in ->hie8in $hysi>-l
se$-r-/ions -nd -$$lyin /r->er /e>hniGues in bioloy. Le -lso #-s /he >odis>o8erer of
/he ele!en/ h-fniu!. BK.1.C
1ahn5 3tto ?2
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19)). Born: K-r>h *, 1*&9; 1r-n0fur/--!-K-in, "er!-ny. Death:
Puly 2*, 19(*; "U//inen, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, Leinri>h L-hn; Ko/her, 6h-rlo//e
S/u/z!-nn "iese L-hn. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of
K-rbur, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 1901. Spouse: 5di/h Punh-ns, !-rried K-r>h 22, 191'.
Children: L-nno, son. Career: Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, Professor, 190&:''; N-iser
Wilhel! ?ns/i/u/e of 6he!is/ry, "er!-ny, Professor, 192*:)%; K-@ Pl-n>0 So>ie/y for
/he +d8-n>e!en/ of S>ien>e, "er!-ny, Presiden/, 19)(:(0.
P-e 1&
Other Awards: "r-nd 6ross of /he Order of Keri/, "er!-ny, 19%9; 1er!i +#-rd, Ini/ed
S/-/es +/o!i> 5nery 6o!!ission, 19((.
Selected Publications: Applied Badiochemistry. ?/h->-, N3H 6ornell Ini8. Press, 19'(.
'e0 Atoms, rogress and (ome #emories> A .ollection of apers. Ne# 3or0H 5lse8ier,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&2 BSolu!e (C, 1):1&. Loff!-n, N. (chuld und 6erant0ortung. Aerlin, "er!-nyH
S$riner-Serl-, 199'. #y -ife> The Autobiography of a (cientist B/r. #ein -ebenC. Ne#
3or0H Lerder -nd Lerder, 19&0. Otto /ahn> A (cientific Autobiography. Ne# 3or0H
S>ribner9s, 19((.
Co$$entary: O//o L-hn re>ei8ed /he Nobel \for his dis>o8ery of /he fission of he-8y
nu>lei.Z L-hn9s e-rly dis>o8eries in>luded /he iden/ifi>-/ion of r-dio/horiu! -nd
$ro/->/iniu!, rese-r>h #hi>h l-id /he found-/ion for /he ne# field of r-dio>he!is/ry. Lis
in/eres/ in /he effe>/s of /her!-l neu/rons on ur-niu! -nd /horiu! led /o /he re>oni/ion
of /he /heory of fission. L-hn #-s e@>eedinly >on>erned o8er /he -$$li>-/ion of his
dis>o8eries in -/o!i> enery -nd #-s res$onsible for /he \K-in-u De>l-r-/ionZ in 19%%,
#hi>h #-rned of /he d-ners in !isusin -/o!i> enery. ?n 19%&, he #-s one of 1*
e!inen/ "er!-n s>ien/is/s #ho $ubli>ly $ro/es/ed -ny "er!-n ->Guisi/ion of nu>le-r
#e-$ons. BP.L.C
=irtanen5 0rtt!ri .l2ari ?3
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19)%. Born: P-nu-ry 1%, 1*9%; Lelsin0i, 1inl-nd. Death: No8e!ber
11, 19&'; Lelsin0i, 1inl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, N--rlo Sir/-nen; Ko/her, Ser-fRn- ?so/-lo
Sir/-nen. Nationality: 1innish. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of
Lelsin0i, 1inl-nd, K.S>., 191(; Ini8. of Lelsin0i, 1inl-nd, Ph.D., 1919. Spouse: LilM-
Koisio, !-rried 1920. Children: N--rlo, son; +r//uri, son. Career: 6en/r-l L-bor-/ory
of ?ndus/ry, 1inl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 191(:1&; "o8ern!en/ Au//er -nd 6heese 6on/rol
S/-/ion, 1inl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 1919; 1innish 6oo$er-/i8e D-iries +sso>i-/ion,
2ese-r>her, 1919:2); Ini8. of Lelsin0i, 1inl-nd, Professor, 192):)*; +>-de!y of
1inl-nd, Presiden/, 19)*:('. Other Awards: 1riesl-nd Prize, Ne/herl-nds, 19(&; +/#-/er
Prize, 19(*; Siefried Th-nnh-user Ked-l, 19(9; "old Ked-l, "er!-ny, 19&1; "old
Ked-l -nd Prize, S$-in, 19&2; Io8o d9oro, ?/-ly, 19&'.
Selected Publications: .attle, =odder and /uman 'utrition> %ith (pecial Beference to
8iological 'itrogen =ixation. 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19'*.
JirIa2auppoIen -ii2etalous Ia Jannattavuus, 19",. Lelsin0iH Lii0e/-lous /ie/eellinen
Tu/0i!usl-i/os, 19%). On 'itrogen #etabolism in #il2ing .o0s. Lelsin0iH Suo!-l-inen
Tiede-0-/e!i-, 19(*. =undamental (tudies of Organic .ompounds in lants, $specially
6egetables and =odder lants, and Their $n*ymic and .hemical (plitting roducts
%hich Often /ave hysiological $ffects, in Order to <mprove the :tili*ation otential
for Their roducts, =inal Beport. Lelsin0iH Aio>he!i>-l 2ese-r>h ?ns/i/u/e, 19(9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, *12. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&(
BSolu!e 1)C, )%):%(. Kie//inen, Por!-0, Tor-K-nus 5n-ri, K-rM-//- Ni8i!-0i-
K-M-nen. A.<. 6irtanen TyKtoverien (ilmin. Lelsin0iH Ne!i-n Nus/-nnus, 199).
Co$$entary: +r//uri Sir/-nen re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for \his rese-r>hes -nd
in8en/ions in -ri>ul/ur-l -nd nu/ri/i8e >he!is/ry, es$e>i-lly for his !e/hod of fodder
$reser8-/ion.Z Le s/udied /he $ro>ess of fer!en/-/ion /h-/ o>>urs in s/ored reen fodder
-nd de/er!ined /h-/ ->idifyin /he fodder /o - $L le8el slih/ly under ) #ould h-l/ /he
de/erior-/ion of /he for-e. Tes/s sho#ed /h-/ /he ->idified fodder no/ only 0e$/ #ell bu/
-lso >on/inued /o be s-/isf->/ory in /-s/e -nd nu/ri/ion. This dis>o8ery #-s $-r/i>ul-rly
i!$or/-n/ for >oun/ries #i/h lon #in/ers, -s i/ ensured - >ons/-n/ su$$ly of feed
re-rdless of /he /i!e of h-r8es/. Sir/-nen did -ddi/ion-l rese-r>h on leu!inous,
ni/roen-fi@in $l-n/s; /he >he!i>-l >o!$osi/ion of hiher $l-n/s; -nd on /he !e/hods by
#hi>h $l-n/s syn/hesize 8i/-!ins. BL.D.C
Northrop5 <ohn 1o)ard ??
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19)(. Born: Puly %, 1*91; 3on0ers, N3. Death: K-y 2&, 19*&;
Wi>0enber, +J. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn ?. Nor/hro$; Ko/her, +li>e Aelle 2i>h Nor/hro$.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, A.S.,
1912; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, K.+., 191'; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 191%. Spouse:
Louise W-l0er, !-rried Pune 2(, 191&. Children: +li>e, d-uh/er; Pohn, son. Career:
2o>0efeller ?ns/i/u/e, N3, Professor, 191(:(2; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor,
19)9:(2. Other Awards: S/e8ens Prize, 6olu!bi- Ini8., 19'1; D-niel "ir-ud 5llio/
Ked-l, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19'9; 6er/ifi>-/e of Keri/, Ini/ed S/-/es, 19)*;
+le@-nder L-!il/on +#-rd, 6olu!bi- Ini8., 19(1.
Selected Publications: \6rys/-lline Pe$sin.Z (cience (9 B1929CH %*0. \6rys/-lline
Pe$sin.?. ?sol-/ion -nd Tes/s of Puri/y.99 7ournal of 5eneral hysiology 1' B19'0CH &'9:
((. \The ?sol-/ion of 6rys/-lline Pe$sin -nd Try$sin.Z (cientific #onthly '% B19'2CH
''':)0. \6on>en/r-/ion -nd P-r/i-l Purifi>-/ion of A->/erio$h-e.Z (cience *) B19'(CH
90:91. .rystalline $n*ymes. Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 19'9 B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, %99:(00. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19)&,
)&2:&). The $xcitement and =ascination of (cience. P-lo +l/o, 6+H +nnu-l 2e8ie#s,
?n>., Sol. 1, ''%:)). 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BPuly 1(, 19*&CH (9'.
Co$$entary: Pohn Nor/hro$ sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions /o /he
\$re$-r-/ion of enzy!es -nd 8irus $ro/eins in - $ure for!.Z Lis !-Mor effor/s de-l/ #i/h
/he >rys/-lliz-/ion of - nu!ber of enzy!es -nd /he $roof of /heir $ro/ein n-/ure. The
/e>hniGues he de8elo$ed #ere used in his l-bor-/ory /o isol-/e $e$sin, /ry$sin,
>hy!o/ri$sin, ribonu>le-se, -nd deo@yribonu>le-se. Le #or0ed l-/er #i/h isol-/ion -nd
>h-r->/eriz-/ion of - b->/eri-l 8irus -nd -lso s/udied /e!$er-/ure effe>/s on life s$-n.
-tanle$5 Wendell ,eredith ?@
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19)(. Born: +uus/ 1(, 190); 2ide8ille, ?N. Death: Pune 1%, 19&1;
S-l-!-n>-, S$-in. Parents: 1-/her, P-!es ". S/-nley; Ko/her, 6l-ire Plessiner S/-nley.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n.
P-e 1*
Education: 5-rlh-! 6ollee, ?N, A.S., 192(; Ini8. of ?llinois, K.+., 192&; Ini8. of
?llinois, Ph.D., 1929. Spouse: K-ri-n S/-$les P-y, !-rried Pune 1%, 1929. Children:
Wendell Keredi/h, Pr., son; K-rMorie Pe-n, d-uh/er; Doro/hy 6l-ire, d-uh/er; P-ne/
5liz-be/h, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of ?llinois, Professor, 1929:'0; Ini8. of Kuni>h,
"er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19'0:'1; 2o>0efeller ?ns/i/u/e, N3, Professor, 19'1:)*; Ini8. of
6-liforni-, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19)*:&1. Other Awards: +!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion
for /he +d8-n>e!en/ of S>ien>e Prize, 19'&; ?s--> +dler +#-rd, L-r8-rd Ini8., K+,
19'*; 2osenburer Ked-l, Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, 19'*; S>o// +#-rd, Phil-del$hi-, P+,
19'*; "old Ked-l, +!eri>-n ?ns/i/u/e of Ne# 3or0, 19)1; 6o$erni>-n 6i/-/ion, 19)';
Ni>hols Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19)(; "ibbs Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l
So>ie/y, 19)&; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, Phil-del$hi-, P+, 19)*; 6er/ifi>-/e of
Keri/, Ini/ed S/-/es, 19)*; Kodern Kedi>ine +#-rd, 19%*; Dis/inuished Ser8i>e
Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6-n>er So>ie/y, 19('; S>ien/ifi> +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, +!eri>-n
Kedi>-l +sso>i-/ion, 19((.
Selected Publications: \6he!i>-l S/udies on /he Sirus of Tob->>o Kos-i>. S?. The
?sol-/ion fro! Dise-sed Tur0ish Tob->>o Pl-n/s of - 6rys/-lline Pro/ein Possessin /he
Pro$er/ies of Tob->>o-Kos-i> Sirus.Z hytopathology 2( B19'(CH '0%:20. \The
?sol-/ion of - 6rys/-lline Pro/ein Possessin /he Pro$er/ies of +n>ub--Kos-i> Sirus.Z
7ournal of 8acteriology '1 B19'(CH %2:%'. \The ?sol-/ion of 6rys/-lline Tob->>o Kos-i>
Sirus Pro/ein fro! Dise-sed To!-/o Pl-n/s.Z (cience *' B19'(CH *% B#i/h L.S. LorinC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Asimov)s 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cience and
Technology. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, 19*2, *01:02. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2.
Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19)&, (0):0&. 'ational .yclopedia of American 8iography.
6lif/on, NPH P-!es T. Whi/e, 19&& BSolu!e %&C, 1(1:('.
Co$$entary: Wendell S/-nley #on his Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions /o /he
\$re$-r-/ion of enzy!es -nd 8irus $ro/eins in - $ure for!.Z S/-nley used Pohn
Nor/hro$9s /e>hniGues /o >rys/-llize /ob->>o !os-i> 8irus, #hi>h re/-ined i/s infe>/i8e
$ro$er/ies. L-/er, he isol-/ed /he influenz- 8irus -nd $re$-red - 8->>ine --ins/ i/. BP.A.C
-!2ner5 <a2es +atcheller ?A
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19)(. Born: No8e!ber 19, 1**&; 6-n/on, K+. Death: +uus/ 12,
19%%; Auff-lo, N3. Parents: 1-/her, 6h-rles Su!ner; Ko/her, 5liz-be/h 2-nd Nelly
Su!ner. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Ini/-ri-n. Education: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+,
A.+., 1910; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.+., 191'; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Ph.D., 191). Spouse:
Aer/h- Louise 2i>0e//s, !-rried 191%, di8or>ed 19'0; +nes P-ulin- LundGuis/, !-rried
19'1, di8or>ed 19)2; K-ry Korrison Aeyer, !-rried 19)'. Children: 2ober/- 2-nd,
d-uh/er; Pruden>e +8ery, d-uh/er; N-/h-ni-l, son; P-!es 6osby 2i>0e//s, son;
1rederi>0 O8er/on Aurnley, son; Pohn ?n>re-se, son; S-!uel Aeyer, son. Career: 6ornell
Ini8., N3, Professor, 191):%%. Other Awards: S>heele Ked-l, S#eden, 19'&.
Selected Publications: OOThe ?sol-/ion -nd 6rys/-lliz-/ion of /he 5nzy!e Ire-se.Z
7ournal of 8iological .hemistry (9 B192(CH )'%:)1. Textboo2 of 8iological .hemistry.
Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n 6o!$-ny, 192&. \6rys/-lline 6-/-l-se.Z 7ournal of 8iological
.hemistry 121 B19'&CH )1&:2). .hemistry and #ethods of $n*ymes. Ne# 3or0H
+>-de!i> Press, 19)'. The $n*ymes, .hemistry and #echanism of Action. 2 8olu!es.
Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19%0:%2 B#i/h N. Kyrb->0C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the 'ational Academy of
(ciences. W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19%* BSolu!e '1C, '&(:9(.
.urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19)&, (20:22. &ictionary of
(cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&( BSolu!e 1'C, 1%2:%'.
Co$$entary: P-!es Su!ner sh-red /he Nobel Prize \for his dis>o8ery /h-/ enzy!es >-n
be >rys/-llized,Z s/e!!in fro! his #or0 #i/h ure-se. Lis #or0 -lso in>luded /he
>rys/-lliz-/ion of >-/-l-se -nd >on/ribu/ions /o /he >he!is/ry of /he $ero@id-ses -nd
li$o@id-se. BP.A.C
4obinson5 4obert5 -ir ?B
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19)&. Born: Se$/e!ber 1', 1**(; 6hes/erfield, Derbyshire, 5nl-nd.
Death: 1ebru-ry *, 19&%; "re-/ Kissenden, Au>0s, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, W. A.
2obinson; Ko/her, P-ne D-8en$or/ 2obinson. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion:
1ree/hin0er; fro! 6onre-/ion-lis/ b->0round. Education: Ini8. of K-n>hes/er,
5nl-nd, b->>-l-ure-/e, 190(; Ini8. of K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd, D.S>., 1910. Spouse:
"er/rude K-ud W-lsh, !-rried 1922, died 19%); S/e-rn Syl8i- Lershey Lills/ro!,
!-rried 19%&. Children: K-rion, d-uh/er; Ki>h-el, son. Career: Ini8. of Sydney,
+us/r-li-, Professor, 1912:1%; Ini8. of Li8er$ool, 5nl-nd, Professor, 191%:20; Ari/ish
Dyes/uffs 6or$or-/ion, Dire>/or of 2ese-r>h, 1920; Ini8. of S/. +ndre#s, S>o/l-nd,
Professor, 1921; Ini8. of K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd, Professor, 1922:2*; Ini8. of London,
5nl-nd, Professor, 192*:'0; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'0:%%. Other
Awards: D-8y Ked-l, 19'0; 2oy-l Ked-l, 19'2; Nnih/hood, 19'9; 6o$ley Ked-l,
19)2; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, P+, 19)&.
Selected Publications: \+ Syn/hesis of Tro$inone.Z 7ournal of the .hemical (ociety 111
B191&CH &(2:(*. \+ Theory of /he Ke>h-nis! of /he Phy/o>he!i>-l Syn/hesis of 6er/-in
+l0-loids.Z 7ournal of the .hemical (ociety 111 B191&CH *&(:99. \+n 5le>/ro>he!i>-l
Theory of /he Ke>h-nis! of Or-ni> 2e->/ions.Z <nst. <nternat. .him. (olvay .onseil
.him )e 6onseil, Arussels B19'2CH )2':%0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&(, )1%:%2&. #emoirs of a #inor rophet. Ne# 3or0H
5lse8ier, 19&(. Willi-!s, T. Bobert Bobinson, .hemist $xtraordinary. O@ford, 5nl-ndH
6l-rendon Press, 1990.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s r-n/ed /o 2ober/ 2obinson \for rese-r>h on >er/-in
8ee/-ble $rodu>/s of re-/ bioloi>-l i!$or/-n>e, $-r/i>ul-rly -l0-loids.Z Lis
>on/ribu/ions in>luded i!$or/-n/ rese-r>h on s/erols, $yri!idine -n-los, /he -r/ifi>i-l
se@ hor!ones, -nd $eni>illin. BA.5.C
Tiseli!s5 0rne Wilhel2 8a!rin ?C
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19)*. Born: +uus/ 10, 1902; S/o>0hol!, S#eden. Death: O>/ober
29, 19&1; S/o>0hol!, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, L-ns +br-h-! P-son Tiselius; Ko/her,
P-e 19
2os- N-urin Tiselius. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of
I$$s-l-, S#eden, K.+., 192); Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden, Ph.D., 19'0. Spouse: ?nrid
K-r-re/- D-l_n, !-rried No8e!ber 2(, 19'0. Children: Per, son; 58-, d-uh/er.
Career: Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden, 2ese-r>her -nd Professor, 192%:(*. Other Awards:
Aers/ed/ Prize, 2oy-l S#edish S>ien/ifi> So>ie/y, 192(; P-/erno Ked-l, 19%); Loff!-n
Ked-l, 19%%; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 19%(; Koo0erMee Ked-l, 19%9; N-rrer Ked-l, 19(1;
Kessel Ked-l, 19(2.
Selected Publications: \+ Ne# Ke/hod for De/er!in-/ion of /he Kobili/y of Pro/eins.Z
7ournal of the American .hemical (ociety )* BSe$/e!ber 192(CH 22&2:&* B#i/h T.
S8edberC. \The Ko8in Aound-ry Ke/hod of S/udyin /he 5le>/ro$horesis of
Pro/eins.Z 'ova Acta Begiae (ocietatis (cientarium :psaliensis )/h series, & B19'0CH
100:0&. \+dsor$/ion -nd Diffusion in Jeoli/e 6rys/-ls.Z 7ournal of hysical .hemistry
)0 B1ebru-ry 19'(CH 22':'2. \+ Ne# +$$-r-/us for 5le>/ro$hore/i> +n-lysis of
6olloid-l Ki@/ures.Z Transactions of the =araday (ociety '' B19'&CH %2):'1.
\5le>/ro$horesis of Seru! "lobulin ??. 5le>/ro$hore/i> +n-lysis of Nor!-l -nd ?!!une
Ser-.99 8iochemical 7ournal '1 BPuly 19'&CH 1)():&&. \Se$-r-/ion -nd 1r->/ion-/ion of
K->ro!ole>ules -nd P-r/i>les.Z (cience 1)1 BPuly 19('CH 1':20 B#i/h P. P-r-/h -nd P.+.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&) BSolu!e 20C, )01:2*. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19)9, (0':0). &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H
S>ribner9s, 19&( BSolu!e 1'C, )1*:22. The $xcitement and =ascination of (cience. P-lo
+l/o, 6+H +nnu-l 2e8ie#s, ?n>., 19&*, Sol. 2, %)9:&2.
Co$$entary: +rne Tiselius re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 #i/h /#o !e/hods of
bio>he!i>-l s/udy of $ro/eins -nd o/her l-re !ole>ulesH ele>/ro$horesis -nd -dsor$/ion
-n-lysis. The -#-rds >o!!i//ee s$e>ifi>-lly >i/ed his use of ele>/ro$hore/i> !e/hods /o
se$-r-/e /he $ro/eins of blood seru!; Tiselius h-d de8elo$ed -n -$$-r-/us #hi>h
se$-r-/ed -lbu!in fro! lobulin -nd led /o /he dis>o8ery of -l$h-, be/-, -nd -!!-
lobulins -nd /he i!!unolobulins B-n/ibodiesC. Le l-/er #or0ed #i/h -dsor$/ion
!e/hods for se$-r-/in subs/-n>es -nd /hrouh /his #or0 !-de !-Mor >on/ribu/ions /o
/he field of $ro/ein >hro!-/or-$hy. BD.O.1. -nd L.L.1.C
6ia!J!e5 Willia2 rancis ?9
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19)9. Born: K-y 12, 1*9%; Ni--r- 1-lls, On/-rio, 6-n-d-. Death:
K-r>h 29, 19*2; Aer0eley, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, Willi-! Te>u!seh Sher!-n "i-uGue;
Ko/her, ?s-bell- P-ne Dun>-n "i-uGue. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly
6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, A.S., 1920; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Ph.D., 1922.
Spouse: Kurill 1r-n>is +shley, !-rried Puly 19, 19'2. Children: Willi-! 1r-n>is
+shley, son; 2ober/ D-8id +shley, son. Career: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor,
1922:(2. Other Awards: P->ifi> Di8ision Prize, +!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion for /he
+d8-n>e!en/ of S>ien>e, 1929; Ked-l, 6h-ndler 1ound-/ion, 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3,
19'(; 5llio/ 6resson Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, 19'&; "ibbs Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l
So>ie/y, 19%1; Le#is Ked-l, 19%(.
Selected Publications: \Ther!odyn-!i> Tre-/!en/ of 6er/-in K-ne/i> 5ffe>/sH +
Pro$osed Ke/hod of Produ>in Te!$er-/ures 6onsider-bly Aelo# 1m +bsolu/e.Z
7ournal of the American .hemical (ociety )9 B192&CH 1*():&0. \Te!$er-/ures Aelo# 1m
+bsolu/e.Z <ndustrial and $ngineering .hemistry 2* B19'(CH &)':)%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: The Annual Obituary, 19;,. Ne# 3or0H S/. K-r/in9s Press,
19*', 1)':)%. 8iographical #emoirs of 'ational Academy of (ciences. W-shin/on,
D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 199( BSolu!e (9C, 1:21. .urrent 8iography
1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19%0, 1&0:&2.
Co$$entary: Willi-! 1r-n>is "i-uGue #on /he Nobel Prize \for his >on/ribu/ions in
/he field of >he!i>-l /her!odyn-!i>s, $-r/i>ul-rly >on>ernin /he beh-8iour of
subs/-n>es -/ e@/re!ely lo# /e!$er-/ures.Z Aeinnin #i/h his in/eres/ durin his Ph.D.
rese-r>h, he e!b-r0ed on rese-r>h /h-/ #ould >ool ele!en/s /o zero derees -bsolu/e
-nd /hen /es/ed /heir !ole>ul-r order. ?n 19'', he firs/ -$$ro->hed his o-l, h-8in
in8en/ed !os/ of /he eGui$!en/ needed /o !e-sure -nd /es/ -/ su>h lo# /e!$er-/ures. ?n
/he >ourse of his e@$eri!en/s, he dis>o8ered /#o ne# iso/o$es of o@yen B1& -nd 1*C.
"i-uGue -lso #-s - 0ey #or0er in /he -re- of s/-/is/i>-l !e>h-ni>s -nd /he !e-sure!en/
of en/ro$ies -/ lo# /e!$er-/ures. BL.T.C
0lder5 8!rt @0
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19%0. Born: Puly 10, 1902; NUnishue//e, "er!-ny. Death: Pune 20,
19%*; 6olone, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, Pose$h +lder; Ko/her, K-ri- +lder.
Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of Niel,
"er!-ny, Ph.D., 192(. Spouse: No re>ord found. Children: No re>ord found. Career:
Ini8. of Niel, "er!-ny, Professor, 19'0:'(; ?.". 1-rben ?ndus/rie, +d!inis/r-/or, 19'(:
)0; Ini8. of 6olone, "er!-ny, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19)0:%*. Other Awards:
5!il 1is>her Ke!ori-l Ked-l, +sso>i-/ion of "er!-n 6he!is/s, 19'*.
Selected Publications: \Syn/hesen in der Lydro-ro!-/is>hen 2eihe. ?. Ki//eilun,
+nl-erunen 8on ODi-en9-0ohlen#-ssers/offen.Z Annalen die .hemie )(0 B192*CH 9*:
122 B#i/h O. DielsC. \Die Ke/hode der Dien-Syn/hese.Z /andbuch der 8iologischen
Arbeitsmethoden. AerlinH Irb-n -nd S>h#-r/zenbur, 19'' BSolu!e 2C, '1&1. 'euere
#ethoden der raeparativen Organischen .hemie. AerlinH Serl- 6he!ie, 19)'. \^ber
den S/eris>hen Serl-uf 8on Dien-Syn/hesen !i/ +>y>lis>hen Dienen. Die +lle!eine
S/eris>he 1or!el.Z Annalen die .hemie %&1 B19%1CH 1%&:((.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&0 BSolu!e 1C, 10%:0(. "uenzl-S>hu!->her, K. \Nur/ +lder.Z .hemi2er*eitung *2
B19%*CH )*9:90.
Co$$entary: Nur/ +lder #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions /o /he
\dis>o8ery -nd de8elo$!en/ of /he diene syn/hesis,Z #hi>h in8ol8es -ddi/ion of
uns-/ur-/ed >o!$ounds #i/h -l/ern-/in double bonds /o >o!$ounds #i/h - double bond
->/i8-/ed by - >-rbonyl or >-rbo@yl rou$ in ne-r $ro@i!i/y /o for! - ne# >o!$ound.
P-e 20
>on/inued /o s/udy /he >ondi/ions -nd -$$li>-/ions of /he Diels-+lder re->/ion
/hrouhou/ his >-reer. Le -lso h-d -n indus/ri-l in/eres/ in $rodu>/ion of syn/he/i>
rubbers, -nd he sho#ed his in/eres/ in /he e@/ern-l #orld by Moinin in /he Nobel l-ure-/e
renun>i-/ion of #-r in 19%%. BT.N.C
(iels5 3tto Pa!l 1er2an @1
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19%0. Born: P-nu-ry 2', 1*&(; L-!bur, "er!-ny. Death: K-r>h &,
19%); Niel, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, Ler!-nn Diels; Ko/her, Aer/h- Duebell Diels.
Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of Aerlin,
"er!-ny, Ph.D., 1*99. Spouse: P-ul- "eyer, !-rried 1909. Children: ' sons; 2
d-uh/ers. Career: Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*99:191(; Ini8. of Niel,
"er!-ny, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 191(:)*. Other Awards: "old Ked-l, S/. Louis
5@$osi/ion, KO, 190(; +dolf 8on A-eyer Ke!ori-l Ked-l, So>ie/y of "er!-n
6he!is/s, 19'1.
Selected Publications: \^ber d-s Nohlensubo@yd ?.Z 8erichte der &eutschen
.hemischen 5esellschaft '9 B190(CH (*9 B#i/h A. WolfC. $infuhrung in die Organische
.hemie. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH Weinhei!, 190&. \Syn/hesen in der Lydro-ro!-/is>hen
2eihe. ?. Ki//eilun, +nl-erunen 8on9si-en-90ohlen#-ssers/offen.Z Annalen die
.hemie )(0 B192&CH 9*:122 B#i/h N. +lderC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&1 BSolu!e )C, 90:92. Olsen, S. \O//o Diels.99 .hemische 8erichte 9% B19(2CH %:)(.
Co$$entary: O//o Diels sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 in /he \dis>o8ery -nd
de8elo$!en/ of /he diene syn/hesis,Z in #hi>h -n or-ni> >o!$ound #i/h - se/ of
double-bonded >-rbons -round - sinle-bonded se/ >o!bines #i/h -n or-ni> >o!$ound
/h-/ >on/-ins - double bond ->/i8-/ed by - ne-rby >-rbonyl or >-rbo@yl rou$ /o for! -
ne# >o!$ound. Diels >on/inued /o s/udy Diels-+lder re->/ions -nd /heir -$$li>-/ions
/hrouhou/ his >-reer. Le -lso isol-/ed, e-rlier in his >-reer, >-rbon subo@ide, -nd
de8elo$ed - !e/hod for re!o8in hydroen fro! s/eroids, usin seleniu!. BT.N.C
,c,illan5 "d)in ,attison @2
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19%1. Born: Se$/e!ber 1*, 190&; 2edondo Ae->h, 6+. Death:
Se$/e!ber &, 1991; 5l 6erri/o, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, 5d#in L-rb-uh K>Kill-n;
Ko/her, +nne K-rie K-//ison K>Kill-n. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n.
Education: 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, A.S., 192*; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy, K.S., 1929; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Ph.D., 19'2. Spouse: 5lsie W-lford
Alu!er, !-rried Pune &, 19)1. Children: +nn, d-uh/er; D-8id, son; S/e$hen, son.
Career: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor, 19'2:&'. Other Awards: 2ese-r>h
6or$or-/ion S>ien/ifi> +#-rd, 19%1; +/o!s for Pe->e +#-rd, 19('; +lu!ni
Dis/inuished Ser8i>e +#-rd, 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 19((; 6en/enni-l
6i/-/ion, Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, 19(*; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 1990.
Selected Publications: \The Syn>hro/ron=+ Pro$osed Lih-5nery P-r/i>le
+>>eler-/or.Z hysical Bevie0 (* BSe$/e!ber 19)%CH 1)':)). -ecture (eries in 'uclear
hysics. W-shin/on, D6H Ini/ed S/-/es "o8ern!en/ Prin/in Offi>e, 19)&. \Produ>/ion
of Kesons by 4-r-ys.Z (cience 110 B19)9CH %&9:*' B#i/h P. Pe/erson -nd 2. Whi/eC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%2, '*2:*). 'ational .yclopedia of American 8iography. Ne# 3or0H P. T. Whi/e,
19%2 BSolu!e LC, 2'(:'&. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BSe$/e!ber 9, 1991CH
9)1. hysics Today )% B1992CH11*.
Co$$entary: 5d#in K>Kill-n #on /he 19%1 Nobel Prize for >he!is/ry for \his
dis>o8ery of ele!en/ 9', ne$/uniu!, /he firs/ ele!en/ beyond ur-niu!.Z Le sh-red /he
$rize #i/h "lenn Se-bor, #ho h-d been ins/ru!en/-l in dis>o8erin ele!en/s 9):102.
K>Kill-n #-s in8ol8ed -lso in /he #-r/i!e #or0 on r-d-r, son-r, -nd /he -/o!i> bo!b,
-nd de8ised /he /heory of $h-se s/-bili/y used in /he >ons/ru>/ion of hih-enery -/o!-
s!-shin eGui$!en/. BA.1.C
-eabor&5 6lenn Theodore @3
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19%1. Born: +$ril 19, 1912; ?sh$e!in, K?. Death: 1ebru-ry 2%,
1999; L-f-ye//e, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, Ler!-n Theodore Se-bor; Ko/her, Sel!-
5ri>0son Se-bor. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of
6-liforni-, Los +neles, +.A., 19'); Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Ph.D., 19'&. Spouse: Lelen
Lu>ille "ris, !-rried 19)2. Children: Pe/er, son Bde>.C; D-8id, son; S/e$hen, son;
Pohn 5ri>, son; Lynne, d-uh/er; Di-ne, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley,
Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19'&:99. Other Awards: +#-rd in Pure 6he!is/ry, 19)&;
Pohn 5ri>sson "old Ked-l, 19)*; Ni>hols Ked-l, 19)*; Pohn S>o// +#-rd, 19%'; Ked-l
of 6i/y of Phil-del$hi-, 19%'; Per0in Ked-l, 19%&; 5nri>o 1er!i +#-rd, Ini/ed S/-/es
+/o!i> 5nery 6o!!ission, 19%9; Pries/ley Ke!ori-l +#-rd, 19(0; 1r-n0lin Ked-l,
19('; 6h-rles L-/hro$ P-rsons +#-rd, 19(); 6he!is/ry Pioneer +#-rd, 19(*; "old
Ked-l +#-rd, 19&'; +r>hes of S>ien>e +#-rd, 19(*; Pohn 2. Nuebler +#-rd, +l$h- 6hi
Si!-, 19&*; Pries/ley Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19&9; Lenry DeWolf S!y/h
+#-rd, +!eri>-n Nu>le-r So>ie/y, 19*2; +>/inide +#-rd, 19*); Aush +#-rd, 19**;
N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 1991.
Selected Publications: The .hemistry of the Actinide $lements. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19%*
B#i/h Pose$h P. N-/zC. The Transuranium $lements. Ne# L-8en, 6TH 3-le Ini8. Press,
19%*. $ducation and the Atom. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#Lill, 19() B#i/h D-niel K. Wil0esC.
#an and Atom. Ne# 3or0H 5. P. Du//on, 19&1 B#i/h Willi-! 2. 6orlissC. 'uclear
#ilestones. S-n 1r-n>is>o, 6+H W.L. 1ree!-n, 19&2. Transuranium $lements> roducts
of #odern Alchemy. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19&* B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Asimov)s 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cience and
Technology. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, 19*2, *)2:)'. 8iographical $ncyclopedia of
(cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s on 1ile, 19*1, &21:22. .hemist in the %hite /ouse.
W-shin/on, D6H +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 199*. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19(1, )1':1%.
Co$$entary: "lenn Se-bor9s Nobel Prize Bsh-red #i/h 5d#in K>Kill-nC >-!e \for
dis>o8eries in /he >he!is/ry of /he /r-nsur-niu! ele!en/s.Z Of /he 1' su>h ele!en/s
0no#n in /he &0s, he #-s in8ol8ed in /he iden/ifi>-/ion of nine
P-e 21
B-/o!i> nu!bers 9) /hrouh 102C. Le -lso s/udied /he >he!is/ry -nd $hysi>s of /he
->/inide series, es$e>i-lly of ne$/uniu! -nd $lu/oniu!. ?n -ddi/ion, Se-bor #-s -n
->/i8e s>ien/is/ ou/side of /he l-bor-/ory -nd ser8ed - /er! -s >h-ir of /he +/o!i> 5nery
6o!!ission. BA.1.C
,artin5 0rcher <ohn Porter @?
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19%2. Born: K-r>h 1, 1910; London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her,
Willi-! +r>her Por/er K-r/in; Ko/her, Lilli-n N-/e Aro#n K-r/in. Nationality: Ari/ish.
Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd,
A.+., 19'2; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 19'%; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D.,
19'(. Spouse: Pudi/h A-en-l, !-rried P-nu-ry 9, 19)'. Children: 2 sons; ' d-uh/ers.
Career: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19'':'*; Wool ?ndus/ries 2ese-r>h
+sso>i-/ion, Leeds, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19'*:)(; Aoo/s Pure Dru 6o!$-ny,
No//inh-!, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19)(:)*; Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h 6oun>il, 5nl-nd,
2ese-r>her, 19)*:%2; N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/e for Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h, London, 5nl-nd,
2ese-r>her, 19%2:%(; 6onsul/-n/, 5nl-nd, 19%(:%9; +bbo/sbury L-bor-/ories,
5nl-nd, Dire>/or, 19%9:&0; Well>o!e 1ound-/ion, 5nl-nd, 6onsul/-n/, 19&0:&';
Ini8. of Lous/on, T4, Professor, 19&):&9. Other Awards: Aerzelius "old Ked-l,
S#edish Kedi>-l So>ie/y, 19%1; Pohn S>o// +#-rd, 19%*; Pohn Pri>e We/herill Ked-l,
19%9; 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e Ked-l, 19%9; Le8erhul!e Ked-l, 19('; Nol/hoff Ked-l, 19(9;
6-llend-r Ked-l, 19&1; +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, The Worshi$ful 6o!$-ny of S>ien/ifi>
?ns/ru!en/ K-0ers, 19&2; 2-ndolf K-Mor Ked-l, 19&9; 1ri/z Prel Ked-l, 19*%.
Selected Publications: \+ Ne# 1or! of 6hro!-/or-$hy 5!$loyin T#o LiGuid
Ph-ses.Z 8iochemical 7ournal '% B19)1CH 1'%*:(* B#i/h 2. SyneC. \?den/ifi>-/ion of
Lo#er Pe$/ides in 6o!$le@ Ki@/ures.Z 8iochemical 7ournal B1ebru-ry 19)&CH %9%:9(
B#i/h 2. 6onsden -nd +. "ordonC. \Se$-r-/ion of /he 612-61' 1-//y +>ids by 2e8ersed-
Ph-se P-r/i/ion 6hro!-/or-$hy.Z 8iochemical 7ournal BK-y 19%0CH %'2:'* B#i/h ".
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6-!$bell, W. +., -nd "reen#ood, N. N. .ontemporary
8ritish .hemists. LondonH T-ylor -nd 1r-n>is, 19&1. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19%', )1&:19.
Co$$entary: +. P. P. K-r/in #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his in8en/ion of $-r/i/ion
>hro!-/or-$hy, #hi>h >o!bines /he $rin>i$les of >oun/er>urren/ sol8en/ e@/r->/ion -nd
>hro!-/or-$hy. S!-ll Gu-n/i/ies of >losely rel-/ed >he!i>-l subs/-n>es >-n be
se$-r-/ed fro! one -no/her by $-r/i/ion >hro!-/or-$hy. K-r/in -lso #-s ins/ru!en/-l
in /he de8elo$!en/ of $-$er >hro!-/or-$hy -nd -s >hro!-/or-$hy. BP.L.C
-$n&e5 4ichard #a!rence ,illin&ton @@
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19%2. Born: O>/ober 2*, 191); Li8er$ool, 5nl-nd. Death: +uus/
1*, 199)H Nor#i>h, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, L-uren>e Killin/on Syne; Ko/her,
N-/h-rine 6h-rlo//e S#-n Syne. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly
6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, b->>-l-ure-/e, 19'(;
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19)1. Spouse: +nn S/e$hen, !-rried 19)'. Children:
P-ne, d-uh/er; 5liz-be/h, d-uh/er; 6h-rlo//e, d-uh/er; K-ry, d-uh/er; Tho!-s
Killin/on, son; K-//he# Killin/on, son; P-/ri>0 Killin/on, son. Career: Wool
?ndus/ries 2ese-r>h +sso>i-/ion, Leeds, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19)1:)'; Lis/er ?ns/i/u/e
of Pre8en/i8e Kedi>ine, London, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19)':)*; 2o#e// 2ese-r>h
?ns/i/u/e, +berdeen, S>o/l-nd, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19)*:(&; 1ood 2ese-r>h
?ns/i/u/e, 2ese-r>her, Nor#i>h, 5nl-nd, 19(&:&(; Ini8. of 5-s/ +nli-, 5nl-nd,
Professor, 19(&:*). Other Awards: Pohn Pri>e We/herill Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e,
Phil-del$hi-, P+, 19%9.
Selected Publications: \+ Ne# 1or! of 6hro!-/or-$hy 5!$loyin T#o LiGuid
Ph-ses.Z 8iochemical 7ournal '% B19)1CH 1'%*:(* B#i/h +. K-r/inC. (cience in (ociety.
LondonH 5d#-rd +rnold, 19(9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H
1->/s on 1ile, 19*1, &(9. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19%',
(11:12. -ondon &aily Telegraph BO>/ober 10, 199)CH 21.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o 2. L. K. Syne for /he rese-r>h /h-/ led
/o /he de8elo$!en/ of $-r/i/ion >hro!-/or-$hy. Syne i!!edi-/ely used /his /e>hniGue
/o se$-r-/e /he 20 >losely rel-/ed -!ino ->ids of #hi>h $ro/eins -re >o!$osed. +lso,
Syne used >hro!-/or-$hi> /e>hniGues in his OOele-n/ in8es/i-/ionZ of /he >he!i>-l
s/ru>/ure of /he -n/ibio/i> r-!i>idin. ?n l-/er ye-rs, he #-s - /r-nsl-/or of no/-ble
2ussi-n s>ien/ifi> /e@/boo0s -nd - /ireless #or0er in 8-rious $e->e !o8e!en/s. BL.D.
-nd P.L.C
-ta!din&er5 1er2ann @A
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19%'. Born: K-r>h 2', 1**1; Wor!s, "er!-ny. Death: Se$/e!ber *,
19(%; 1reibur-i!-Areis-u, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, 1r-nz S/-udiner; Ko/her,
+uus/e Wen>h S/-udiner. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n.
Education: Ini8. of L-lle, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 190&. Spouse: K-d- Woi/, !-rried 192&.
Children: None. Career: Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, N-rlsruhe, "er!-ny, Professor, 190&:
12; 1eder-l Te>hni>-l ?ns/i/u/e, JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 1912:2(; Ini8. of
1reibur, "er!-ny, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 192(:%(. Other Awards: 5!il 1isher
Ked-l, 19'0; Le Al-n> Ked-l, 19'1; 6-nnizz-ro Prize, 2e-le +>-de!i- N-zion-le dei
Lin>ei, 2o!e, ?/-ly, 19''.
Selected Publications: &ie Jetene BJetenesC. S/u//-r/, "er!-nyH 5n0e, 1912.
Anleitung *ur Organischen ?ualitativen Analyse B<ntroduction to Organic ?ualitative
AnalysisC. AerlinH S$riner, 192'. &ie /ochmole2ularen Organischen 6erbindungen,
Jautschu2 und .ellulose BThe /igh@#olecular Organic .ompounds, Bubber and
.elluloseC. AerlinH S$riner, 19'2. Organische Jolloid .hemie BOrganic .olloid
.hemistryC. Ar-uns>h#ei, "er!-nyH Sie#e, 19)0. #a2romole2ulare .hemie und
8iologie B#acromolecular .hemistry and 8iologyC. A-sel, S#i/zerl-ndH We$f -nd 6o.,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Arbeitserrinnerungen B%or2ing #emoirsC. Leidelber,
"er!-nyH +. Lu/hi, 19(1.
P-e 22
&ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&( BSolu!e 1'C, 1:).
Co$$entary: Ler!-nn S/-udiner #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y \for his dis>o8eries in /he
field of !->ro!ole>ul-r >he!is/ry.Z Lis #or0, #hi>h #-s /he found-/ion of !u>h of
!->ro!ole>ul-r >he!is/ry, #-s >on>en/r-/ed !os/ly on >ellulose, rubber, -nd iso$rene,
bu/ /here #ere sinifi>-n/ >on/ribu/ions -s #ell /o /he >he!is/ry of 0e/enes, o@-lyl
>hloride, ou/o@id-/ion, -li$h-/i> di-zo->o!$ounds, e@$losions, -nd inse>/i>ides. BT.N.C
Pa!lin&5 #in!s %arl @B
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19%); Pe->e, 19(2 ;S55 251<. Born: 1ebru-ry 2*, 1901; Por/l-nd,
O2. Death: +uus/ 19, 199); Ai Sur, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, Ler!-n Lenry Willi-!
P-ulin; Ko/her, Lu>y ?s-belle D-rlin P-ulin. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: No
reliious $r->/i>e; fro! 6hris/i-n b->0round. Education: Oreon S/-/e 6ollee, A.S>.,
1922; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 192%. Spouse: +8- Lelen Killer,
!-rried 192'; died 19*1. Children: Linus 6-rl, Pr., son; Pe/er Peffress, son; Lind-
Lelen, d-uh/er; 5d#-rd 6rellin, son. Career: Oreon S/-/e 6ollee, 6or8-llis,
Professor, 1919:20; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 192%:(); 6en/er for
S/udy of De!o>r-/i> ?ns/i/u/ions, Professor, 19():(&; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, S-n Dieo,
Professor, 19(&:(9; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19(9:&); Linus P-ulin ?ns/i/u/e,
19&):92. Other Awards: L-n!uir Prize, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19'1; Ni>hols
Ked-l, 19)1; D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)&; Ked-l for Keri/, 19)*; P-s/eur Ked-l,
Aio>he!i>-l So>ie/y of 1r-n>e, 19%2; +ddis Ked-l, N-/ion-l Ne$hrosis 1eder-/ion,
19%%; Philli$s Ke!ori-l +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6ollee of Physi>i-ns, 19%(; +8o-dro
Ked-l, ?/-li-n +>-de!y of S>ien>e, 19%(; 1er!-/ Ked-l, 19%&; S-b-/ier Ked-l, 19%&;
?n/ern-/ion-l "ro/ius Ked-l, 19%&; Order of Keri/, 2e$ubli> of ?/-ly, 19(%; Ked-l,
+>-de!y of 2u!-ni-n Peo$le9s 2e$ubli>, 19(%; Linus P-ulin Ked-l, 19((; Sil8er
Ked-l, ?ns/i/u/e of 1r-n>e, 19((; Su$re!e Pe->e S$onsor, World 1ello#shi$ of
2eliion, 19((; ?n/ern-/ion-l Lenin Pe->e Prize, 19&1; K-r/in Lu/her Nin, Pr., Ked-l,
19&2; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19&); Pries/ley Ked-l, 19*); +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l
So>ie/y +#-rd in 6he!i>-l 5du>-/ion, 19*&; Aush +#-rd, 19*9; Tol!-n Ked-l, 1991.
Selected Publications: <ntroduction to ?uantum #echanics. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill,
19'% B#i/h 5. A. Wilson, Pr.C. The 'ature of the .hemical 8ond. ?/h->-, N3H 6ornell
Ini8. Press, 19'9. 'o #ore %arO Ne# 3or0H Dodd, Ke-d, 19%*. The Architecture of
#olecules. S-n 1r-n>is>o, 6+H W. L. 1ree!-n, 19() B#i/h 2. L-y#-rdC. 6itamin . and
the .ommon .old. S-n 1r-n>is>o, 6+H W. L. 1ree!-n, 19&0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L. W. Wilson,
19(), ''9:)2. The $xcitement and =ascination of (cience. P-lo +l/o, 6+H +nnu-l
2e8ie#s, ?n>., 19(%, Sol. 1, ')&:(0; -nd 1990, Sol. ', P-r/ 1, %)1:)9. L-er, Tho!-s.
=orce of 'ature> the -ife of -inus auling. Ne# 3or0H Si!on Y S>hus/er, 199%. The
Boots of #olecular #edicine> A Tribute to -inus auling. Ne# 3or0H W. L. 1ree!-n,
19*(. Ser-fini, +. -inus auling. Ne# 3or0H P-r-on Louse, 1991. Whi/e, 1. K. -inus
auling> (cientist and .rusader. Ne# 3or0H W-l0er -nd 6o., 19*0.
Co$$entary: Linus P-ulin #-s /he firs/ $erson /o re>ei8e /#o unsh-red Nobel Prizes
in /#o differen/ fields. Lis $rize in >he!is/ry #-s r-n/ed for his #or0 on >he!i>-l
bonds -nd !ole>ul-r s/ru>/ure, #hile his $e->e $rize >i/ed his #ri/ins -nd le>/ures
#-rnin --ins/ /he d-ners of r-dio->/i8e f-llou/ in #e-$ons /es/in -nd #-r. P-ulin9s
-$$li>-/ions of Gu-n/u! !e>h-ni>s /o >he!is/ry be-n his >-reer, bu/ i/ 8en/ured f-r
-field, in8es/i-/in su>h 8-ryin -re-s -s >rys/-l s/ru>/ure, bondin, /he reson-n>e
/heory, $ro/ein s/ru>/ure, -n/ibodies, heredi/-ry dise-ses, -nes/hesi-, -nd Si/-!in 6
/her-$y. Sin>e World W-r ??, P-ulin -lso de8o/ed l-re -!oun/s of /i!e /o /he >-use of
$e->e -nd dis-r!-!en/, in deb-/es, le>/ures, -r/i>les, $e/i/ions, -nd boo0s. BK.5.T. -nd
(! =i&nea!d5 =incent @C
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19%%. Born: K-y 1*, 1901; 6hi>-o, ?L. Death: De>e!ber 11, 19&*;
Whi/e Pl-ins, N3. Parents: 1-/her, +lfred Pose$h Du Sine-ud; Ko/her, K-ry Theres-
O9Le-ry Du Sine-ud. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n.
Education: Ini8. of ?llinois, A.S>., 192'; Ini8. of ?llinois, K.S>., 192); Ini8. of
2o>hes/er, N3, Ph.D., 192&. Spouse: Jell- Jon 1ord, !-rried Pune 12, 192). Children:
Sin>en/ Pr., son; K-rilyn 2en_e, d-uh/er. Career: DuPon/ L-bor-/ory, D5, 2ese-r>her,
192); Phil-del$hi- "ener-l Los$i/-l, P+, 2ese-r>her, 192):2%; Ini8. of 2o>hes/er, N3,
2ese-r>her, 192%:2&; Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, 2ese-r>her, 192&:2*; Ini8. of ?llinois,
Professor, 1929:'2; "eore W-shin/on Ini8., W-shin/on, D6, Professor, 19'2:'*;
6ornell Ini8., N3, Professor, 19'*:&%. Other Awards: Lildebr-nd +#-rd, W-shin/on
6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19'(; Ke-d-Pohnson Si/-!in A 6o!$le@ +#-rd, +!eri>-n ?ns/i/u/e
of Nu/ri/ion, 19)2; Ni>hols Ked-l, Ne# 3or0 Se>/ion, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y,
19)%; Aorden +#-rd, +!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion of +!eri>-n Kedi>-l 6ollees; L-s0er
+#-rd, +!eri>-n Publi> Le-l/h +sso>i-/ion, 19)*; +#-rd of Keri/ for W-r 2ese-r>h,
19)*; Osborne -nd Kendel +#-rd, 19%'; Pohn S>o// Ked-l -nd +#-rd, +!eri>-n
Ph-r!->eu/i>-l K-nuf->/urers9 +sso>i-/ion, 19%); 6h-ndler Ked-l, 19%%; P-ss-no
1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19%%; Will-rd "ibbs Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19%(.
Selected Publications: A Trail of Besearch in (ulphur .hemistry and the #etabolism
and Belated =ields. ?/h->-, N3H 6ornell Ini8. Press, 19%2. \Tri/i-/ion of O@y/o>in by
/he Wilzb->h Ke/hod -nd /he Syn/hesis of O@y/o>in fro! Tri/iu!-L-beled Leu>ine.Z
7ournal of the American .hemical (ociety *) B19(2CH )09:1' B#i/h o/hersC. \The
Lor!ones of /he Pos/erior Pi/ui/-ry "l-nd #i/h S$e>i-l 2eferen>e /o Their Kil0-
5Me>/in +bili/y.Z 8ulletin of the 'e0 1or2 Academy of #edicine )1 B19(%CH *02:0'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, 222. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19%(, 1(0:
(2. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice B+uus/ 2&, 199)CH 12%2.
Co$$entary: Sin>en/ Du Sine-ud #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y \for his #or0 on
bio>he!i>-lly i!$or/-n/ sul$hur >o!$ounds, es$e>i-lly for /he firs/ syn/hesis of -
P-e 2'
hor!one.Z Du Sine-ud be-n his rese-r>h on /he sul$hur of insulin, s/udied o/her
sul$hur->on/-inin >o!$ounds -nd /he role of /he !e/hyl rou$ in bioloy, -nd
>on/ribu/ed /o /he 0no#lede -bou/ bio/in, >oenzy!e 2, -nd $eni>illin. Lis l-/er
rese-r>h >en/ered on o@y/o>in -nd 8-so$ressin, /#o $i/ui/-ry hor!ones. BL.T.C
1inshel)ood5 %$ril Nor2an5 -ir @9
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19%(. Born: Pune 19, 1*9&; London, 5nl-nd. Death: O>/ober 9,
19(&; London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Nor!-n K->!ill-n Linshel#ood; Ko/her,
5/hel 1r-n>es S!i/h. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/.
Education: O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+., 1920; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 192).
Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 1921:().
Other Awards: L-8oisier Ked-l, So>i_/_ 6hi!iGue de 1r-n>e, 19'%; D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l
So>ie/y, 19)'; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)&; Lons/-ff Ked-l, 6he!i>-l So>ie/y,
19)*; Nnih/hood, 19)*; "uldber Ked-l, Ini8. of Oslo, 19%2; 1-r-d-y Ked-l,
6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19%'; Order of /he 2e$ubli>, ?/-ly, 19%(; +8o-dro Ked-l,
+>>-de!i- dei Lin>ei, 19%(; Le8erhul!e Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(0.
Selected Publications: Jinetics of .hemical .hange in 5aseous (ystems. O@fordH
6l-rendon Press, 192(. Thermodynamics for (tudents of .hemistry. LondonH Ke/huen,
192(. The Beaction 8et0een /ydrogen and Oxygen. O@fordH 6l-rendon Press, 19')
B#i/h +. T. Willi-!sonC. The .hemical Jinetics of the 8acterial .ell. LondonH
6l-rendon Press, 19)&. The (tructure of hysical .hemistry. O@fordH 6l-rendon Press,
19%1. 5ro0th, =unction and Begulation in 8acterial .ells. O@fordH 6l-rendon Press,
19(( B#i/h +.6.2. De-nC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%&, 2%9:(0. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&2 BSolu!e
(C, )0):0%.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o Sir 6yril Linshel#ood B-nd Ni0ol-i
Se!eno8C for OO/heir rese-r>hes in/o /he !e>h-nis! of >he!i>-l re->/ions.Z Wor0in
inde$enden/ly, e->h dis>o8ered /h-/ - series of !ole>ules >ould re->/ in one seGuen>e
#i/hou/ /he -ddi/ion of ne# ou/side enery bu/ >ould -lso be for>ed /o so re->/. Ay
s$eedin u$ >h-nes in /he s/ru>/ure of !ole>ules, /he resul/in >h-in re->/ions >ould
$rodu>e sudden or >on/rolled 8iolen/ e@$losions. These dis>o8eries $-8ed /he #-y for
!ore effi>ien/ -u/o!obile enines -nd for /he !odern $l-s/i>s indus/ry. L-/er #or0 by
Linshel#ood >en/ered on in8es/i-/ion of >he!i>-l re->/ions in li8in or-nis!s.
-e2eno>5 Nikolai Nikolae>ich A0
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19%(. Born: +$ril 1(, 1*9(; S-r-/o8, 2ussi-. Death: Se$/e!ber 2%,
19*(; Kos>o#, 2ussi-. Parents: 1-/her, Ni0ol-i +le@ Se!eno8; Ko/her, 5len-
D!i/rie8- Se!eno8. Nationality: 2ussi-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 5-s/ern Or/hodo@.
Education: Leninr-d S/-/e Ini8., ISS2, r-du-/e, 191&. Spouse: N-/-li- Ni0ol-e8n-
Aur/se8-, !-rried Se$/e!ber 1%, 192). Children: 3urii Ni0ol-e8i>h, son; Lud!ill-
Ni0ol-e8n-, d-uh/er. Career: Leninr-d Poly-Te>hni>-l ?ns/i/u/e, ISS2, Professor,
1920:'1; ?ns/i/u/e of 6he!i>-l Physi>s of /he +>-de!y of S>ien>es, ISS2, Dire>/or,
19'2:*(. Other Awards: S/-lin Prize; Order of /he 2ed A-nner of L-bor; Order of Lenin
B& /i!esC; Lo!onoso8 "old Ked-l, ISS2.
Selected Publications: .hain Beactions. Tr. by Prof. 1ren0el -nd Pud8i- S!id/-
6hernysheff. O@fordH 6l-rendon Press, 19'%. .hemical Jinetics and .hain Beactions.
Tr. by Prof. 1ren0el -nd Pud8i- S!id/-6hernysheff. O@fordH 6l-rendon Press, 19'%.
(ome roblems of .hemical Jinetics and Beactivity. Tr. by Ki>hel Aoud-r/. Prin>e/on,
NPH Prin>e/on Ini8. Press, 19%*:%9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1990 BSolu!e '(C, %2&. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19%&, )9*:%00. 'e0 1or2 Times BNo8e!ber 2, 19%(CH 1.
Co$$entary: Ni0ol-i Se!eno8 #-s /he firs/ So8ie/ >i/izen li8in in his ho!el-nd /o
#in /he Nobel Prize. Lis rese-r>h on >he!i>-l $ro>esses led hi! /o belie8e $hysi>s
!ih/ be /he 0ey /o !-ny of /he $roble!s of >he!is/ry. ?n $ursuin /his ide-, he
de8elo$ed /he s>ien>e of >he!i>-l 0ine/i>s. ?n 19%(, Se!eno8, #i/h Sir 6yril
Linshel#ood, #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize in 6he!is/ry for \rese-r>hes in/o /he
!e>h-nis! of >he!i>-l re->/ions.Z So!e >on/end /h-/ /heir #or0 led /o /he >-$-bili/y of
>on/rolled -/o!i> >h-in re->/ions; i/ is !ore ener-lly -reed /h-/ /heir #or0 $-8ed /he
#-y for /he de8elo$!en/ of !ore effi>ien/ -u/o!obile enines -nd /he found-/ion of /he
$l-s/i>s indus/ry. Se!eno89s e-rly #or0 de-l/ #i/h !ole>ul-r $hysi>s -nd /he s$li//in
off of ele>/rons by ele>/ri>-l for>e. +s e-rly -s 192&, he de8elo$ed - /heory of /he
/her!-l e@$losion of -seous !i@/ures. BA.K.C
Todd5 0le/ander 4obert!s5 -ir A1
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19%&. Born: O>/ober 2, 190&; "l-so#, S>o/l-nd. Death: P-nu-ry 10,
199&; 6-!bride, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, +le@-nder Todd; Ko/her, P-ne Lo#rie
Todd. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: "l-so# Ini8., S>o/l-nd,
b->>-l-ure-/e, 192*; Ini8. of 1r-n0fur/, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 19'1; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd,
Ph.D., 19''. Spouse: +lison S-r-h D-le, !-rried P-nu-ry 10, 19'&. Children:
+le@-nder Lenry, son; Lelen Pe-n, d-uh/er; Lil-ry +lison, d-uh/er. Career:
5dinburh Ini8., S>o/l-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19'):'(; Lis/er ?ns/i/u/e for Pre8en/i8e
Kedi>ine, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19'(:'*; K-n>hes/er Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'*:
)); 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19)):&*. Other Awards: L-8oisier Ked-l,
1ren>h 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19)*; D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)9; Nnih/hood, 19%);
2oy-l Ked-l, 19%%; 6-nnizz-ro Ked-l, ?/-li-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19%*; Lons/-ff
Ked-l, 6he!i>-l So>ie/y of London, 19('; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&0; Ordre
Pour Le K_ri/e, 1eder-l 2e$ubli> of "er!-ny; Se>ond 6l-ss Order of 2isin Sun,
P-$-n; Lo!onoso8 "old Ked-l, ISS2, 19&9; L-nbury Ked-l, 19*(.
Selected Publications: \6he!i>-l S/ru>/ure -nd Pro$er/ies of To>o$herol BSi/-!in 5C. ?.
6he!is/ry.Z (oc. .hem. <nd., =ood 5roup B+$ril 19'9CH ':*. \Si/-!ins of /he A
"rou$.Z 7ournal of the .hemical (ociety B19)1CH )2&:'2.
P-e 2)
\Syn/hesis in /he S/udy of Nu>leo/ides.Z 7ournal of the .hemical (ociety B19)(CH ()&:
%'. \Syn/hesis of Nu>leo/ides.Z 8ull. (oc. .hem. =rance B19)*CH 9'':'*. \+ Lundred
3e-rs of Or-ni> 6he!is/ry.Z Advancement of (cience * B19%2CH '9':9(. erspectives in
Organic .hemistry. Ne# 3or0H ?n/ers>ien>e, 19%(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%*, )'&:'9. 'e0 1or2 Times BP-nu-ry 1%, 199&CH Se>/. A, &. A Time to Bemember> The
Autobiography of a .hemist. 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19*'.
Co$$entary: +le@-nder Todd #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions /o
bio>he!is/ry -nd /o /he unders/-ndin of /he ene. +/ /he beinnin of his i!$resssi8e
>-reer, Todd syn/hesized -nd de/er!ined /he s/ru>/ure of 8i/-!in A-1 -nd -lso s/udied
8i/-!ins 5 -nd A-12, -s #ell -s isol-/in /he ->/i8e en/i/y fro! 6-nn-bis. Le l-/er
syn/hesized -nd de/er!ined /he s/ru>/ures of /he $urine -nd $yri!idine b-ses in nu>lei>
->ids, syn/hesized >oenzy!es rel-/ed /o /he nu>lei> ->id sys/e!s, -nd syn/hesized /he
enery-/r-nsfer >o!$ounds B-denosine di$hos$h-/e -nd -denosine /ri$hos$h-/eC. B6.T.C
-an&er5 rederick A2
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19%*; 6he!is/ry, 19*0 ;S55 251<. Born: +uus/ 1', 191*;
2end>o!b, "lou>es/ershire, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 1rederi>0 S-ner; Ko/her, 6i>ely
6re#dson S-ner. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nos/i>; fro! Qu-0er,+nli>-n
b->0round. Education: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+., 19)0; 6-!bride Ini8.,
5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19)'. Spouse: K-r-re/ Po-n Lo#e, !-rried 19)0. Children: 2obin,
son; Pe/er 1rederi>0, son; S-lly Po-n, d-uh/er. Career: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd,
Professor, 19)):*'. Other Awards: 6ord-y-Kor-n Ked-l -nd Prize, 6he!i>-l So>ie/y,
19%1; "-irdner 1ound-/ion +nnu-l +#-rd, 19&1, 19&9; Willi-! A-/e L-rdy Prize,
6-!bride Philoso$hi>-l So>ie/y, 19&(; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&&; Whel-nd
+#-rd, 19&*; Lor#i/z Prize, 19&9; L-s0er +#-rd, 19&9.
Selected Publications: \The 1ree +!ino "rou$s of ?nsulin.Z 8iochemical 7ournal '9
B19)%CH %0&:1%. OOThe +!ino-+>id SeGuen>e in /he "ly>yl 6h-in of ?nsulin. The
?den/ifi>-/ion of Lo#er Pe$/ides fro! P-r/i-l Lydrolys-/es.Z 8iochemical 7ournal %'
B19%'CH '%':(( B#i/h 5.O.P. Tho!$sonC. \DN+ SeGuen>in #i/h 6h-in-Ter!in-/in
?nhibi/ors.Z roceedings of the 'ational Academy of (ciences, :(A &) B19&&CH %)(':(&
B#i/h +. 2. 6oulson -nd S. Ni>0lenC. \Nu>leo/ide SeGuen>e of A->/erio$h-e Phi 41&)
DN+.Z 'ature F-ondonH 2(% B19&&CH (*&:9% B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19*1, '%):%(. Sil8ers/ein, +. =rederic2 (anger. Ne# 3or0H D-y, 19(9.
Co$$entary: 1rederi>0 S-ner, /he re>i$ien/ of /#o Nobel Prizes in 6he!is/ry,
re>ei8ed /he firs/ \for his #or0 on /he s/ru>/ure of $ro/eins, es$e>i-lly /h-/ of insulinZ
-nd /he se>ond for his #or0 in de/er!inin /he b-se seGuen>es of nu>lei> ->ids. The
!e/hods #hi>h S-ner de8elo$ed in $-ins/-0in ye-rs of effor/ #ere su>>essfully used
by o/hers in de/er!inin /he s/ru>/ures of >o!$li>-/ed >o!$ounds. ?n his #or0 on DN+,
S-ner -lso found /#o >-ses of enes lo>-/ed #i/hin enes, $re8iously /houh/ /o be
i!$ossible. BK.A.C
1e$ro>sk$5 <arosla> A3
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19%9. Born: De>e!ber 20, 1*90; Pr-ue, 6ze>hoslo8-0i-. Death:
K-r>h 2&, 19(&; Pr-ue, 6ze>hoslo8-0i-. Parents: 1-/her, Leo$old Leyro8s0y; Ko/her,
6l-r- L-nlo8- Leyro8s0y. Nationality: 6ze>hoslo8-0i-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n.
Education: Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, A.S>., 191'; 6h-rles Ini8., 6ze>hoslo8-0i-,
Ph.D., 191*; 6h-rles Ini8., 6ze>hoslo8-0i-, D.S>., 1921. Spouse: K-rie N-r-no8-,
!-rried 1ebru-ry 22, 192(. Children: Ki>h-el, son; Pudi/h 6nrny, d-uh/er. Career:
Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, Professor, 191':1); 6h-rles Ini8., Pr-ue, 6ze>hoslo8-0i-,
Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 1919:%); ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>-l 6he!is/ry, Pr-ue,
6ze>hoslo8-0i-, Dire>/or, 192(:%); 6en/r-l Pol-ror-$hi> ?ns/i/u/e, Pr-ue,
6ze>hoslo8-0i-, Dire>/or, 19%0:('. Other Awards: 1irs/ S/-/e Prize, 6ze>hoslo8-0i-,
19%1; Order of /he 6ze>hoslo8-0 2e$ubli>, 19%%.
Selected Publications: \5le>/rolysis #i/h - Dro$$in Ker>ury 6-/hode, P-r/ ?.
De$osi/ion of +l0-li -nd +l0-line 5-r/h Ke/-ls.Z hilosophical #aga*ine )% B192'CH
'0':1). \2ese-r>hes #i/h /he Dro$$in Ker>ury 6-/hode, P-r/ ??. The Pol-ror-$h.Z
Becueil des Travaux .himi4ues des ays@8as )) B192%CH )9(:9* B#i/h K. Shi0-/-C. A
olarographic (tudy of the $lectro2inetic henomena of Adsorption, $lectroreduction
and Overpotential &isplayed at the &ropping #ercury .athode. P-risH Ler!-nn, 19').
olarographie> Theoretische 5rundlagen, ra2tische Ausfuhrung und An0endungen
der $le2trolyse mit der Tropfenden ?uec2silberele2trode. Sienn-H S$riner, 19)1.
8ibliography of ublications &ealing 0ith the olarographic #ethod. % 8olu!es.
Pr-ueH N-0l-d-/els/8o 6ns0oslo8ens0_ -0-de!ie 8_d, 19(0:19().
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(1, 202:0). &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&% BSolu!e
(C, '&0:&(. Nory/-, P. 7aroslav /eyrovs2y. Pr-ue, 6ze>hoslo8-0i-H Kel-n/ri>h, 1990.
Co$$entary: P-rosl-8 Leyro8s0y #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y -s \/he oriin-/or of one
of /he !os/ i!$or/-n/ !e/hods of >on/e!$or-ry >he!i>-l -n-lysis.Z +/ /he $resen/-/ion
i/ #-s s-id \your $ol-ror-$h p >-n be used for /he !os/ di8erse $ur$oses. S/e-dily
your !e/hod h-s #on /he >onfiden>e of -n-ly/i>-l >he!is/s.Z Leyro8s0y9s >-reer #-s
unusu-l in /h-/ he s$en/ i/ en/irely on /he s/udy of /he $ol-ror-$h, /he de8i>e /h-/ he
in8en/ed, -nd on i/s -$$li>-/ion in $ol-ror-$hy, /he ele>/ro>he!i>-l !e-ns of
de/er!inin /he >he!i>-l >o!$osi/ion of o@idiz-ble subs/-n>es. BD.W.C
#ibb$5 Willard rank A?
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19(0. Born: De>e!ber 1&, 190*; "r-nd S-lley, 6O. Death:
Se$/e!ber *, 19*0; Los +neles, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, Or- 5d#-rd Libby; Ko/her, 58-
K-y 2i8ers Libby. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly
6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of 6-liforni-,
P-e 2%
A.S., 19'1; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Ph.D., 19''. Spouse: Leonor Li>0ey, !-rried 19)0,
di8or>ed 19((; Leon- Woods K-rsh-ll, !-rried 19((. Children: P-ne/ 58-, d-uh/er;
6h-rlo//e, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor, 19'':)%; Ini8. of
6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19)%:%); Ini/ed S/-/es +/o!i> 5nery 6o!!ission, 19%):%9;
Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Los +neles, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19%9:*0. Other Awards:
2ese-r>h 6or$or-/ion +#-rd, 19%1; 6h-ndler Ked-l, 6olu!bi- Ini8., 19%); 2e!sen
Ke!ori-l Le>/ure +#-rd, 19%%; Ai>en/enni-l Le>/ure +#-rd, 6i/y 6ollee of Ne# 3or0,
19%(; Nu>le-r +$$li>-/ions in 6he!is/ry +#-rd, 19%(; 6resson Ked-l, 1r-n0lin
?ns/i/u/e, 19%&; Will-rd "ibbs Ked-l, 19%*; Pries/ley Ke!ori-l +#-rd, Di>0inson
6ollee, 19%9; +lber/ 5ins/ein Ked-l +#-rd, 19%9; D-y Ked-l, "eoloi>-l So>ie/y of
+!eri>-, 19(1; "old Ked-l, +!eri>-n ?ns/i/u/e of 6he!is/s, 19&0; Leh!-n +#-rd,
Ne# 3or0 +>-de!y of S>ien>e, 19&1.
Selected Publications: \S/-bili/y of Ir-niu! -nd Thoriu! for N-/ur-l 1ission.Z
hysical Bevie0 %% B19'9CH 12(9. Badiocarbon &ating. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o
Press, 19%2. \6he!is/ry -nd /he Pe->eful Ises of /he +/o!.Z .hemical and
$ngineering 'e0s '% B19%&CH 1):1&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%), )0(:0&. The $xcitement and =ascination of (cience. P-lo +l/o, 6+H +nnu-l
2e8ie#s, ?n>., 19(%, Sol. 1, 2)1:)(. 'e0 1or2 Times BSe$/e!ber 10, 19*0CH D2'.
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o Will-rd Libby #-s !-de \for his !e/hod /o use >-rbon-1)
for -e de/er!in-/ion in -r>h-eoloy, eoloy, eo$hysi>s, -nd o/her br-n>hes of
s>ien>e.Z Le de8elo$ed sensi/i8e /e>hniGues /o de/e>/ /he -!oun/ of >-rbon-1) ->/i8i/y
in - s-!$le, -nd by rel-/in /he -!oun/ found /o /he >ons/-n/ -!oun/ #hen /he
subs/-n>e #-s - li8in $l-n/ or -ni!-l, he de/er!ined /he -e of /he s-!$le. Libby -lso
$-r/i>i$-/ed in /he K-nh-//-n ProMe>/ durin World W-r ?? -s $-r/ of /he rou$ /h-/
de8elo$ed /he -seous-diffusion !e/hod of se$-r-/in ur-niu! iso/o$es, -nd he #-s -n
i!$or/-n/ !e!ber of /he +/o!i> 5nery 6o!!ission in i/s deliber-/ions in /he %0s.
%al>in5 ,el>in A@
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19(1. Born: +$ril *, 1911; S/. P-ul, KN. Death: P-nu-ry *, 199&;
Aer0eley, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, 5li-s 6-l8in; Ko/her, 2ose Ler8i/z 6-l8in. Nationality:
+!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ki>hi-n 6ollee of Kinin -nd Te>hnoloy,
A.S., 19'1; Ini8. of Kinneso/-, Ph.D., 19'%. Spouse: "ene8ie8e Pe!/e--rd, !-rried
19)2, died 19*(. Children: Noel, son; 5lin, d-uh/er; N-role, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8.
of K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19'%:'&; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor,
19'&:*0. Other Awards: D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(); Pries/ley Ked-l, +!eri>-n
6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19&*; "old Ked-l, +!eri>-n ?ns/i/u/e of 6he!is/s, 19&9; Lynen
Ked-l, 19*'; Lendri>0s Ked-l, 19*'; 6-l8in Ked-l, 19*%; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e,
19*9; 5ri>sson +#-rd, 1991.
Selected Publications: \The P-/h of 6-rbon in Pho/osyn/hesis.Z (cience 10& B19)*CH
)&(. The ath of .arbon in hotosynthesis. 5nle#ood 6liffs, NPH Pren/i>e-L-ll, 19%&
B#i/h P.+. A-ssh-!C. OOQu-n/u! 6on8ersion in Pho/osyn/hesis.Z 7ournal of Theoretical
8iology 1 B19(1CH 2%*. hotosynthesis of .arbon .ompounds. Ne# 3or0H W.+.
AenM-!in, 19(2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Asimov)s 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cience and
Technology. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, 19*2, *'&. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19(2, (*:&0. =ollo0ing the Trail of -ight. W-shin/on, D6H
+!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 1992. 'e0 1or2 Times BP-nu-ry 10, 199&CH Se>/. A, (.
Co$$entary: Kel8in 6-l8in9s Nobel Prize #-s e-rned \for his rese-r>h on /he >-rbon
dio@ide -ssi!il-/ion in $l-n/s,Z /he $ro>ess of $ho/osyn/hesis. Le $ioneered /he use of
r-dio->/i8e iso/o$es, $-r/i>ul-rly >-rbon-1), in /he /r->in of /he !e/-bolis! of >he!i>-l
subs/-n>es in bio>he!i>-l $-/h#-ys. Lis rese-r>h on /he !e/-l >hel-/e >o!$ounds -nd
in /he -re- of bioloy #-s -lso sinifi>-n/. BP.5.L.C
8endre)5 <ohn %o)der$5 -ir AA
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19(2. Born: K-r>h 2), 191&; O@ford, 5nl-nd. Death: +uus/ 2',
199&; 6-!bride, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Wilfrid "eore Nendre#; Ko/her, 58elyn
K-y "r-h-! S-ndber Nendre#. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nos/i>. Education:
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+., 19'9; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 19)';
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19)9; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, D.S>., 19(2.
Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: Ari/ish Kili/-ry Ser8i>e, 19'9:)(; 6-!bride
Ini8., 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her -nd Professor, 19)&:&); 5uro$e-n Kole>ul-r Aioloy
L-bor-/ory, Leidelber, "er!-ny, Dire>/or, 19&%:*2. Other Awards: Order of /he
Ari/ish 5!$ire, 19('; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(%; Nnih/hood, 19&); Order of
/he K-d-r- Lorse!en, Aul-ri-, 19*0.
Selected Publications: \The 6rys/-l S/ru>/ure of Lorse Kyolobin.Z /aemoglobin
F(ymposium on .onference at .ambridge in #emory of 7oseph 8arcroftH BPune 19)*CH
1'1:)9. \The 6rys/-l S/ru>/ure of Lorse Ke/!yolobin ?. "ener-l 1e-/uresH The
+rr-ne!en/ of /he Poly$e$/ide 6h-ins.Z roceedings of the Boyal (ociety F-ondonH
+201 B19%0CH (2:*9. \+ Three-Di!ension-l Kodel of /he Kyolobin Kole>ule
Ob/-ined by 4-r-y +n-lysis.Z 'ature 1*1 B19%*CH ((( B#i/h o/hersC. \The Kole>ul-r
S/ru>/ures of Kyolobin -nd Le!olobin.Z 'e0 erspectives in 8iology, roceedings
of the (ymposium, Behovoth, <srael B19('CH 1*:2&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, )'). .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19(', 21%:
1&. 'e0 1or2 Times B+uus/ '0, 199&CH+%2. Thin2ers of the T0entieth .entury. De/roi/,
K?H "-le, 19*', 292:9'.
Co$$entary: Pohn Nendre# sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions /o /he \s/udies
of /he s/ru>/ures of lobul-r $ro/eins,Z usin @-r-y >rys/-llor-$hy. Nendre# de/er!ined
/he s/ru>/ure of !yolobin, - $ro/ein >on/-inin -$$ro@i!-/ely 2,(00 -/o!s. +no/her
!-Mor in/eres/ #-s /he hihly res$e>/ed 7ournal of #olecular 8iology, #hi>h he founded
in 19%9, -nd for #hi>h he ser8ed -s edi/or /hrouhou/ /he re!-inder of his >-reer.
P-e 2(
Per!tz5 ,a/ erdinand AB
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19(2. Born: K-y 19, 191); Sienn-, +us/ri-. Parents: 1-/her, Luo
Peru/z; Ko/her, +dele "olds>h!id/ Peru/z. Nationality: +us/ri-n; l-/er Ari/ish >i/izen.
Religion: Pe#ish. Education: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19)0. Spouse: "isel-
6l-r- Peiser, !-rried K-r>h 2*, 19)2. Children: 2obin, son; Si8ien, d-uh/er. Career:
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her -nd Professor, 19'9:&9. Other Awards: 2oy-l
Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&1; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&9.
Selected Publications: roteins and 'ucleic Acids> (tructure and =unction. Ne# 3or0H
5lse8ier Publishin 6o!$-ny, 19(2. /aemoglobin and #yoglobin B+/l-s of Kole>ul-r
S/ru>/ures in Aioloy SeriesH No. 2C. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press, 19*1 B#i/h ".
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19(', '2):2(. <s
(cience 'ecessaryP O@ford, 5nl-ndH O@ford Ini8. Press, 1991.
Co$$entary: K-@ Peru/z sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ion /o /he \s/udies of
/he s/ru>/ures of lobul-r $ro/eins.Z ?n $-r/i>ul-r, Peru/z de/er!ined /he s/ru>/ure of
he!olobin, usin 4-r-y diffr->/ion -n-lysis of he!olobin >rys/-ls. Lis rese-r>h
in/eres/s >en/ered on !ole>ul-r bioloy, -nd his dis>o8eries led /o - re-/er
unders/-ndin of /he rel-/ionshi$ be/#een /he s/ru>/ure -nd fun>/ion of !->ro!ole>ules
in li8in sys/e!s. BP.5.L.C
Natta5 6i!lio AC
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19('. Born: 1ebru-ry 2(, 190'; ?!$eri-, ?/-ly. Death: K-y 1, 19&9;
Aer-!o, ?/-ly. Parents: 1-/her, 1r-n>es>o N-//-; Ko/her, 5len- 6res$i N-//-.
Nationality: ?/-li-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Poly/e>hni> ?ns/i/u/e, ?/-ly, Ph.D.,
192). Spouse: 2osi/- Ae-/i, !-rried +$ril 2%, 19'%. Children: 1r-n>-, d-uh/er;
"iusse$e, son. Career: Poly/e>hni> ?ns/i/u/e, Kil-n, ?/-ly, Professor, 192):''; Ini8. of
P-8i-, ?/-ly, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19'':'%; Ini8. of 2o!e, ?/-ly, Professor -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19'%:'&; Poly/e>hni> ?ns/i/u/e, Turin, ?/-ly, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or,
19'&:&). Other Awards: "old Ked-l, Kil-n, ?/-ly, 19(0; "old Ked-l, Presiden/ of ?/-ly,
19(1; "old Ked-l, Syn/he/i> 2ubber ?ndus/ry, 19(1; S/-s Ked-l, Aeli-n 6he!i>-l
So>ie/y, 19(2; "old Ked-l, So>ie/y of Pl-s/i> 5nineers, N3, 19('; Perrin Ked-l,
1ren>h 6he!i>-l Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19('; L-8oisier Ked-l, 1ren>h 6he!i>-l So>ie/y,
19('; Per0in "old Ked-l, 5nlish So>ie/y of Dyers -nd 6olouris/s, 19('; Pohn S>o//
+#-rd, Phil-del$hi-, P+, 19(); Lo!onoso8 "old Ked-l, +>-de!y of S>ien>es, ISS2,
Selected Publications: \The Nine/i>s of /he S/ereos$e>ifi> Poly!eriz-/ion of +-
Olefins.Z Advances in .atalysis 11 B19%9CH 1:(( B#i/h ?. P-sGuonC. OOOr-no!e/-lli>
6o!$le@es +s 6-/-lys/s in ?oni> Poly!eriz-/ion.Z Tetrahedron * B19(0CH *(:100 B#i/h
". K-zz-n/iC. \Pre>isely 6on-s/ru>/ed Poly!ers.Z (cientific American 20% B+uus/
19(1CH '':)1. \+l/ern-/in 6o$oly!er of Di!e/hyl0e/ene #i/h +>e/one.Z
#acromolecular (yntheses ) B19&2CH &':&% B#i/h ".1. Pre-li- -nd K. Ain-hiC.
olymeri*ation Beactions. Ne# 3or0H S$riner, 19&% B#i/h o/hersC. (tructure and
8ehavior of C@&imensional #olecules. An <ntroduction to (tereochemistry. Weinhei!,
"er!-nyH Serl- 6he!ie, 19&( B#i/h K-rio 1-rinoC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(), '12:1). \"iulio N-//-H Aior-$hy.Z Bubber .hem. Technology %& BK-y, Pune
19*)CH (%*:(1
Co$$entary: "iulio N-//-9s life -s - /e->her, -d!inis/r-/or, -nd rese-r>her s$-nned
o8er %0 ye-rs of #or0 in indus/ri-l -nd >he!i>-l enineerin, #hi>h resul/ed in /he
dis>o8ery of b-si> >he!i>-l /e>hniGues -nd /heir $r->/i>-l -$$li>-/ions for business -nd
indus/ry. N-//-9s !-Mor rese-r>h fo>us in !->ro!ole>ul-r >he!is/ry #-s /he s/udy of
$e/ro>he!i>-ls, s$e>ifi>-lly olefins. Wor0in inde$enden/ly bu/ >oo$er-/i8ely #i/h N-rl
Jieler, -nd usin his b->0round in $oly!ers, N-//- dis>o8ered /he $ro>ess of
s/ereos$e>ifi> $oly!eriz-/ion. 1or /hese s/udies, for dis>o8eries in $oly!eriz-/ion, for
\bridin /he -$ be/#een n-/ur-l -nd syn/he/i> !->ro!ole>ules, -nd for de8elo$in
$r->/i>-l !e/hods for lin0in si!$le -/o!s in/o >o!$le@ !ole>ul-r ne/#or0s,Z N-//- -nd
Jieler #on /he Nobel Prize. BP.A.T.C
7ie&ler5 8arl A9
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19('. Born: No8e!ber 2(, 1*9*; Lels-, Oberh-usen, "er!-ny.
Death: +uus/ 11, 19&'; Kulhei!, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, N-rl Jieler; Ko/her,
Luise 2-ll Jieler. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of
K-rbur, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 1920. Spouse: K-ri- Nur/z, !-rried 192'. Children: 5rh-r/,
son; K-ri-nne, d-uh/er. Career: K-rbur Ini8., "er!-ny, Professor, 192':2&;
Leidelber Ini8., "er!-ny, Professor, 192&:'(; Ini8. of L-lle, "er!-ny, Professor -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19'(:)'; N-iser Wilhel! ?ns/i/u/e, "er!-ny, Dire>/or, 19)':(9. Other
Awards: Leibi Ked-l, 19'%; L-8osier Ked-l, 19%%; S#inburne Ked-l, 19().
Selected Publications: \6-/-lysis of /he Poly!eriz-/ion of Ins-/ur-/ed Lydro>-rbons
by +l0-li Or-ni> 6o!$ounds.Z Annalen %11 B19')CH )%:(' B#i/h L. P-0obC. \The
?!$or/-n>e of +l0-li Ke/-llo-or-ni> 6o!$ounds for Syn/hesis.Z Ange0andte .hemie
)9 B19'(CH )%%:(0. \The Poly!eriz-/ion of Au/-diene -nd /he Produ>/ion of +r/ifi>i-l
2ubber.Z Bubber .hem. Tech 11 B19'*CH %01:0&. \Or-no-l0-li 6o!$ounds. 4S.
6on/rolled 1,2- -nd 1,)-Poly!eriz-/ion of Au/-diene.Z Annalen %)2 B19)0CH 90:122
B#i/h L. "ri!! -nd 2. WillerC. raparative Organische .hemie. Wiesb-den, "er!-nyH
Die/eri>hs>he Serl-s, 19)*. \The Poly!eriz-/ion of 5/hylene.Z 8ull. (oc. .him.
=rance B19%(CH 1:(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&% BSolu!e 21C, %(9. .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s )1
BNo8e!ber 11, 19('CH 22. \N-rl JielerH Aior-$hy.Z Bubber .hemistry and Technology
%& BK-y,Pune 19*)CH ")9-"%&.
Co$$entary: N-rl Jieler sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 on >-/-lysis of
$oly!eriz-/ion. Lis e-rly rese-r>h >en/ered on /he "rin-rd re->/ions, #hi>h $ro!$/ed
his in/eres/ in !e/-llo-or-ni> >o!$ounds. ?n /he 19%0s, Jieler dis>o8ered /h-/ he
>ould use -lu!inu!- or /i/-niu!-i!bedded resins -s >-/-lys/s in /he $rodu>/ion of
$olye/hylene, $rodu>in - s/roner, unbr-n>hed $oly!er. Le -nd his
P-e 2&
>ol-ure-/e, "iulio N-//-, >on/inued /o de8elo$ /his fer/ile field of >he!is/ry o8er /he
>ourse of /heir >-reers. B2.P.C
1od&kin5 (oroth$ %ro)foot B0
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19(). Born: K-y 12, 1910; 6-iro, 5y$/. Death: Puly 29, 199);
Shi$s/on-on-S/our, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn Win/er 6ro#foo/; Ko/her, "r->e
K-ry Lood Lod0in. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly
6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, b->>-l-ure-/e, 19'2;
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19'&. Spouse: Tho!-s L. Lod0in, !-rried
De>e!ber 1(, 19'&, died 19*2. Children: Lu0e, son; Tobi-s, son; 5liz-be/h, d-uh/er.
Career: O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'):&&; Aris/ol Ini8ersi/y, 5nl-nd,
Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19&0:**. Other Awards: 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y,
19%&; Order of Keri/, 19(%; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&(; Ki0h-il Lo!onoso8
"old Ked-l, 19*2; D!i/ro8 Prize, 19*); Lenin Prize, 19*&.
Selected Publications: \4-r-y +n-lysis -nd Pro/ein S/ru>/ure.Z .old (pring /arbor
(ymposia on ?uantitative 8iology 1) B19)9CH &9:*). \4-r-y +n-lysis of /he S/ru>/ure of
Peni>illin.Z Advancement (ci ( B19)9CH *%:*9. \4-r-y 6rys/-llor-$hi> S/udy of /he
S/ru>/ure of Si/-!in A-12.Z 8ull. (oc. =ranc. #ineral et .ryst &* B19%%CH 10(:1%.
%andering (cientists. Ne# DelhiH ?ndi-n 6oun>il for 6ul/ur-l 2el-/ions, 19&).
(tructural (tudies on #olecules of 8iological <nterest. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Asimov)s 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cience and
Technology. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, 19*2, *'). 8iographical $ncyclopedia of
(cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s on 1ile, 19*1, '*(:*&. 1erry, "eorin-. &orothy /odg2in> a
-ife. LondonH "r-n/- Aoo0s, 199*. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice B+uus/ 1,
199)CH 11%0.
Co$$entary: Doro/hy Lod0in s$en/ her >-reer #or0in on /he de/er!in-/ion of /he
s/ru>/ure of >o!$le@ or-ni> !ole>ules -nd #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for her
s/ru>/ur-l de/er!in-/ion on 8i/-!in A-12. She #-s /he firs/ /o use /he >o!$u/er
su>>essfully in su>h #or0 /o de/er!ine /he s/ru>/ure of $eni>illin B19)9C -nd l-/er -lso
s/udied /he s/ru>/ure of insulin. Lod0in #-s -lso -n in8e/er-/e /r-8eler, -n -8o>-/ion
inheri/ed fro! her -r>h-eolois/ f-/her, -nd - #or0er for $e->e -nd >o!!uni>-/ion
be/#een n-/ions. BP.L.C
Wood)ard5 4obert +!rns B1
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19(%. Born: +$ril 10, 191&; Aos/on, K+. Death: Puly *, 19&9;
6-!bride, K+. Parents: 1-/her, +r/hur 6hes/er Wood#-rd; Ko/her, K-r-re/ W.
Aurns Wood#-rd. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education:
K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, A.S., 19'(; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 19'&; Wesley-n Ini8., 6T, D.S>., 19)%. Spouse: ?rMi Pull!-n,
!-rried Puly '0, 19'*; 5udo@i- K.K. Kuller, !-rried Se$/e!ber 1), 19)(. Children:
Siiri +nne, d-uh/er; Pe-n Nirs/en, d-uh/er; 6rys/-l 5lis-be/h, d-uh/er; 5ri> 2i>h-rd
+r/hur, son. Career: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19'&:&9. Other Awards: Pohn S>o//
Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, 19)%; Ledlie Prize, L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, 19%%; D-8y Ked-l,
2oy-l So>ie/y, 19%9; Pius 4? "old Ked-l, Pon/ifi>-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19(1; 2oer
+d-!s Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(1; Pries/ley Ked-llion, Di>0inson
6ollee, NP, 19(2; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, IS+, 19(); Will-rd "ibbs Ked-l,
+!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(&; L-8oisier Ked-l, So>i_/_ 6hi!iGue de 1r-n>e, 19(*;
De>or-/ed Order of /he 2isin Sun, P-$-n, 19&0; S>ien>e +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, +!eri>-n
Kedi>-l +sso>i-/ion, 19&1; +r/hur 6. 6o$e +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19&';
6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&*.
Selected Publications: \To/-l Syn/hesis of Quinine.Z 7ournal of the American .hemical
(ociety (( B19))CH *)9 B#i/h W. 5. DoerinC. \To/-l Syn/hesis of - S/eroid.99 7ournal of
the American .hemical (ociety &' B19%1CH 2)0':0) B#i/h o/hersC. \The To/-l Syn/hesis
of 6holes/erol.Z 7ournal of the American .hemical (ociety &' B19%1CH '%)* B#i/h 1.
Sondhei!er -nd D. T-ubC. \The To/-l Syn/hesis of 6or/isone.Z 7ournal of the American
.hemical (ociety &' B19%1CH )0%& B#i/h 1. Sondhei!er -nd D. T-ubC. \The To/-l
Syn/hesis of 2eser$ine.Z 7ournal of the American .hemical (ociety &* B19%(CH 202':2%
B#i/h o/hersC. \To/-l Syn/hesis of Si/-!in A-12.Z ure and Applied .hemistry ''
B19&'CH 1)%:&&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety .
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*1 BSolu!e 2&C, (29:9%. Ao#den, K. Bobert 8urns
%ood0ard and the Art of Organic (ynthesis. Phil-del$hi-, P+H Ae>0!-n 6en/er, 1992.
.urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19%2, ()&:)9.
Co$$entary: 2ober/ Wood#-rd9s Nobel re>onized \his !eri/orious >on/ribu/ions /o
/he -r/ of >he!i>-l syn/hesis.Z + brilli-n/ l-bor-/ory #or0er, Wood#-rd de8elo$ed
/e>hniGues for /o/-l syn/hesis -nd ->hie8ed /o/-l syn/hesis of Guinine B19))C, $eni>illin
B19)%C, s/ry>hnine B19)&C, >holes/erol -nd >or/isone B19%1C, lyseri> ->id B19%)C,
reser$ine B19%(C, /e/r->y>line B19(2C, >hloro$hyll B19((C, -nd 8i/-!in A-12 B19&1C.
,!lliken5 4obert -anderson B2
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19((. Born: Pune &, 1*9(; Ne#bury$or/, K+. Death: O>/ober '1,
19*(; +rlin/on, S+. Parents: 1-/her, S-!uel P-rsons Kulli0en; Ko/her, N-/herine
Wil!-r/h Kulli0en. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Ini/-ri-n. Education:
K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, A.S., 191&; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Ph.D., 1921.
Spouse: K-ry Lelen Noe, !-rried De>e!ber 2), 1929; died 19&%. Children: Lu>i-
K-ri-, d-uh/er; S-lerie Noe, d-uh/er. Career: Aure-u of Kines, Ini/ed S/-/es,
5nineer, 191&; Ini/ed S/-/es +r!y, 191*:19; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 1919:
2(; Ne# 3or0 Ini8., Professor, 192(:2*; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, 192*:*). Other
Awards: Ked-l, Ini8. of Liee, 19)*; Le#is "old Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y,
19(0; 2i>h-rds "old Ked-l, 19(0; Debye +#-rd, 19('; Nir0#ood Ked-l, 19(); Will-rd
"ibbs "old Ked-l, 19(%; A-s0er8ille Ked-l, 66N3, 19(%; Pries/ley Ked-l, 19*'.
Selected Publications: \The +ssin!en/ of Qu-n/u! Nu!bers for 5le>/rons in
Kole>ules.Z hysics Bevie0 '2 B192*CH 1*(:222. \The +ssin!en/ of Qu-n/u!
P-e 2*
for 5le>/rons in Kole>ules. ??. 6orrel-/ion of Kole>ul-r -nd +/o!i> 5le>/ron S/-/es.Z
hysics Bevie0 '2 B192*CH &(1:&2. \5le>/roni> S/-/es of Di-/o!i> 6-rbon, -nd /he 6-6
Aond.Z hysics Bevie0 %( B19'9CH &&*:*1. \Qu-n/u!-Ke>h-ni>-l Ke/hods -nd /he
5le>/roni> S$e>/r- -nd S/ru>/ure of Kole>ules.Z .hemical Bevie0s )1 B19)&CH 201:0(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, &%2:%'. 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1990 BSolu!e '%C, '2&. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19(&, '0&:09. Kulli0en, 2.S. -nd 2-nsil, A.P. -ife of a (cientist.
Aerlin; Ne# 3or0H S$riner-Serl-, 19*9.
Co$$entary: 2ober/ Kulli0en9s Nobel #-s $resen/ed \for his fund-!en/-l #or0
>on>ernin >he!i>-l bonds -nd /he ele>/roni> s/ru>/ure of !ole>ules by /he
!ole>ul-rorbi/-l !e/hod.Z Kulli0en, o8er - lon -nd frui/ful >-reer, de8elo$ed /he
/heory -nd in/er$re/-/ion of !ole>ul-r s$e>/r- -nd -$$lied Gu-n/u! /heory /o /he
ele>/roni> s/-/es of !ole>ules, e8en/u-lly $ro8idin /he !ole>ul-r orbi/-l /heory of
ele>/rons !o8in in - field $rodu>ed by -ll /he nu>lei $resen/. Le -lso #or0ed in /he
-re-s of iso/o$e se$-r-/ion by e8-$or-/i8e >en/rifuin -nd in ele>/rone-/i8i/y. BP.P.C
"i&en5 ,anfred B3
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19(&. Born: K-y 9, 192&; Ao>hu!, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, 5rns/
5ien; Ko/her, Led#i 1eld 5ien. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Lu/her-n.
Education: Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, Do>/or 2eru! N-/ur-liu!, 19%1. Spouse:
5lfriede KRller, !-rried 19%2. Children: "er-ld, son; +nel-, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8.
of "U//inen, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19%1:%'; K-@ Pl-n>0 ?ns/i/u/, "er!-ny, Professor
-nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19%'-. Other Awards: Aodens/ein Prize, 19%(; O//o L-hn Prize,
"er!-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(2; Nir0#ood Ked-l, 19('. L-rrison Lo#e +#-rd, 19(%;
6-rus Ked-l, 19(&; Linus P-ulin Ked-l, 19(&; 1-r-d-y Ked-l, 19&&; K-@ Pl-n>0
1ors>hunsPreis, 199); P-ul 5hrli>h +#-rd, 199(.
Selected Publications: \Ke/hods for ?n8es/i-/ion of ?oni> 2e->/ions in +Gueous
Solu/ions #i/h L-lf Ti!es -s Shor/ -s 10
Se>.H +$$li>-/ion /o Neu/r-liz-/ion -nd
Lydrolysis 2e->/ions.Z &iscussions of the =araday (ociety 1& B19%)CH 19):20%.
OONine/i>s of Neu/r-liz-/ion.Z !eitschrift f3r $le2trochemie %9 B19%%CH 9*(:9' B#i/h Leo
De K-eyerC. \Po/en/i-l-?!$ulse Ke/hod for /he ?n8es/i-/ion of Sery 2-$id ?oni>
2e->/ions in +Gueous Solu/ion.Z !eitschrift f3r $le2trochemie %9 B19%%CH )*':9) B#i/h
P. S>hoenC. \+ Te!$er-/ure-Pu!$ Ke/hod for /he 5@-!in-/ion of 6he!i>-l 2el-@-/ion.Z
!eitschrift f3r $le2trochemie (' B19%9CH (%2:(1 B#i/h ". 6zerlins0iC. \5ine Nine/is>he
Ke/hode zur In/ersu>hun S>hneller Pro/o/ro$er T-u/o!erisierunsre-0/ionen.Z
.hemische 8erichte 9* BK-y 19(%CH 1(2':'* B#i/h ". ?lenfri/z -nd W. NruseC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .ontemporary Authors. De/roi/, K?H "-le 2ese-r>h
6o!$-ny, 19*' BSolu!e 10*C, 1)0. (cience 1%* BNo8e!ber 10, 19(&CH &)*:(*.
Co$$entary: K-nfred 5ien #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for de8elo$in /e>hniGues /o
!e-sure r-$id >he!i>-l re->/ions. 2on-ld ".W. Norrish -nd "eore Por/er Moin/ly
sh-red /he o/her h-lf of /he $rize. The rel-@-/ion !e/hods de8elo$ed by 5ien, beinnin
in /he !id-19%0s, re8olu/ionized >he!i>-l rese-r>h by !-0in $ossible /he s/udy of
>he!i>-l re->/ions #i/h h-lf /i!es fro! one se>ond /o fr->/ions of - !illi!i>rose>ond.
Ay dis/urbin /he eGuilibriu! of - solu/ion -nd ele>/roni>-lly !e-surin /he /i!e
ne>ess-ry for /he solu/ion /o re/urn /o eGuilibriu!, 5ien $ro8ided - #-y /o s/udy /he
re->/ion r-/es of $re8iously un!e-sur-ble >he!i>-l $ro>esses. BP.6.L.C
Norrish5 4onald 6eor&e Wre$ford B?
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19(&. Born: No8e!ber 9, 1*9&; 6-!bride, 5nl-nd. Death: Pune &,
19&*; 6-!bride, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Lerber/ Norrish; Ko/her, +!y Norrish.
Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n, Pro/es/-n/. Education:
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, b->>-l-ure-/e, 1921; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D.,
192). Spouse: +nne S!i/h, !-rried 192(. Children: 2 d-uh/ers. Career: Ari/ish +r!y,
191(:19; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 192%:(%. Other Awards: Li8erside
Ked-l, 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19%*; D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19%*; Aern-rd Le#is "old
Ked-l, 6o!bus/ion ?ns/i/u/e, 19(); 1-r-d-y Ked-l, 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(%; Lons/-ff
Ked-l, 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(9.
Selected Publications: \6he!i>-l 2e->/ions Produ>ed by Sery Lih Lih/ ?n/ensi/ies.Z
'ature 1() B19)9CH (%* B#i/h ". Por/erC. \The +$$li>-/ion of 1l-sh Te>hniGues /o /he
S/udy of 1-s/ 2e->/ions.Z &iscussions of the =araday (ociety 1& B19%)CH )0:)( B#i/h ".
Por/erC. \The "-s Ph-se O@id-/ion of n-Au/enes.Z roceedings of the Boyal (ociety
F-ondonH Series +2&2 B19('CH 1():91 B#i/h N. Por/erC. \The Nine/i>s -nd +n-lysis of
Sery 1-s/ 2e->/ions.Z .hemistry in 8ritain 1 B19(%CH 2*9:'11.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*1 BSolu!e 2&C, '&9:)2). The $xcitement and =ascination of
(cience. P-lo +l/o, 6+H +nnu-l 2e8ie#s, ?n>., 19&*, Sol. 2, )*':%0(. \Obi/u-ry 2. ".
W. Norrish, 1*9&:19&*.Z 'ature 2&% BSe$/e!ber &, 19&*CH &*:&9.
Co$$entary: 2on-ld Norrish #-s -#-rded /he $rize for his \s/udies of e@/re!ely f-s/
>he!i>-l re->/ions, effe>/ed by dis/urbin /he eGuilibriu! by !e-ns of 8ery shor/ $ulses
of enery.Z The >he!i>-l re->/ions s/udied l-s/ed only for onebillion/h of - se>ond, bu/
/he /e>hniGues de8elo$ed -llo#ed for /he obser8-/ion of shor/-li8ed in/er!edi-/e
s$e>ies, su>h -s free r-di>-ls, -nd for >o!$le/e el-bor-/ions of re->/ion 0ine/i>s. The
/e>hniGues of fl-sh $ho/olysis h-8e been used in liGuids, -ses, -nd for /he s/udy of
bioloi>-l !-/eri-ls. Norrish -lso fur/her de8elo$ed /he /heory of $ho/o>he!i>-l
re->/ions. BK.1.C
Porter5 6eor&e5 -ir B@
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19(&. Born: De>e!ber (, 1920; S/-infor/h, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her,
Pohn S!i/h Por/er; Ko/her, +li>e +nn 2oebu>0 Por/er. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion:
+nos/i>; fro! Ke/hodis/ b->0round. Education: Ini8. of Leeds, 5nl-nd, A.S>.,
19)1; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 19)&; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19)9.
Spouse: S/ell- Pe-n Aroo0e, !-rried +uus/ 12, 19)9. Children: Pohn Aroo0e, son;
+ndre# 6hris/o$her, son. Career: Ari/ish N-8y, 19)1:)%; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd,
P-e 29
19)9:%%; Ini8. of Sheffield, 5nl-nd, Professor, 19%%:((; 2oy-l ?ns/i/u/ion, 5nl-nd,
Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19((:*%; ?!$eri-l 6ollee, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 1990-. Other Awards: 6ord-y-Kor-n Ked-l, 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19%%;
Sil8-nus Tho!$son Ked-l, 19(9; D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&1; Nnih/hood, 19&2;
N-lin- Prize, 19&&; 2ober/son Prize, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19&*; 2u!ford
Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&*; 6o!!uni>-/ions +#-rd, 5uro$e-n Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19&*;
1-r-d-y Ked-l, 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19&9; Lons/-ff Ked-l, 19*1; 1-r-d-y +#-rd, 1991;
6o$ley Ked-l, 1992.
Selected Publications: \6he!i>-l 2e->/ions Produ>ed by Sery Lih Lih/ ?n/ensi/ies.Z
'ature 1() B19)9CH (%* B#i/h 2. NorrishC. \The +$$li>-/ion of 1l-sh Te>hniGues /o /he
S/udy of 1-s/ 2e->/ions.Z &iscussions of the =araday (ociety 1& B19%)CH )0:)( B#i/h 2.
NorrishC. .hemistry for the #odern %orld. Ne# 3or0H A-rnes -nd Noble, 19(2.
rogress in Beaction Jinetics. Ne# 3or0H Per-!on Press, 19(%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, ()&:)*. (cience 1%* BNo8e!ber 10, 19(&CH &)(:)*.
Co$$entary: "eore Por/er sh-red /he Nobel for his OOs/udies of e@/re!ely f-s/
>he!i>-l re->/ions, effe>/ed by dis/urbin /he eGuilibriu! by !e-ns of 8ery shor/ $ulses
of enery.Z The >he!i>-l re->/ions s/udied l-s/ed only for onebillion/h of - se>ond, bu/
/he /e>hniGues /h-/ #ere de8elo$ed be>-!e s/-nd-rd for obser8in shor/-li8ed
in/er!edi-/es /h-/ $er!i//ed elu>id-/in >he!i>-l re->/ion 0ine/i>s. 1l-sh $ho/olysis #-s
used in i!$or/-n/ s/udies of -ses, liGuids, -nd bio>he!i>-l sys/e!s. BK.1.C
3nsa&er5 #ars BA
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19(*. Born: No8e!ber 2&, 190'; Oslo, Nor#-y. Death: O>/ober %,
19&(; 6or-l "-bles, 1L. Parents: 1-/her, 5rlin Ons-er; Ko/her, ?nrid Nir0eby
Ons-er. Nationality: Nor#ei-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pro/es/-n/.
Education: Nores Te0nis0e Los0-le, Nor#-y, 6he!. 5., 192%; 3-le Ini8., 6T, Ph.D.,
19'%. Spouse: K-r-re/e +rled/er, !-rried Se$/e!ber &, 19''. Children: ?ner K-rie,
d-uh/er; 5rlin 1rederi>0, son; L-ns T-nber, son; 6hris/i-n 6-rl, son. Career: Aro#n
Ini8., Pro8iden>e, 2?, Professor, 192*:''; 3-le Ini8., Ne# L-8en, 6T, Professor,
19'':&2; Ini8. Ki-!i, Professor, 19&2:&(. Other Awards: 2u!ford Ked-l, +!eri>-n
+>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19%'; Loren/z Ked-l, 19%*; ". N. Le#is Ked-l, 19(2; P. ".
Nir0#ood Ked-l, 19(2; Will-rd "ibbs Ked-l, 19(2; T. W. 2i>h-rds Ked-l, 19();
Debye +#-rd, 19(%; Aelfer +#-rd, 19((; N-/ion-l S>ien>e Ked-l, 19(9.
Selected Publications: \2e>i$ro>-l 2el-/ions in ?rre8ersible Pro>esses.Z hysical
Bevie0 '& B19'1CH )0%:2(. \2e>i$ro>-l 2el-/ions in ?rre8ersible Pro>esses.Z hysical
Bevie0 '* B19'1CH 22(%:&9. \?ni/i-l 2e>o!bin-/ion of ?ons.Z hysical Bevie0 %)
B19'*CH %%):%&. \de L--s-8-n +l$hen 5ffe>/ in Jin>.Z hysical Bevie0 &) B19)*CH 12'%
B#i/h P. 5. 2obinsonC. \1lu>/u-/ions -nd ?rre8ersible Pro>esses.Z hysical Bevie0 91
B19%'CH 1%0%:12 B#i/h S. K->hlu$C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&* BSolu!e 2)C, ))%. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19%*, '21:2'.
Co$$entary: L-rs Ons-er #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \for /he dis>o8ery of /he
re>i$ro>-l rel-/ions be-rin his n-!e #hi>h -re fund-!en/-l for /he /her!odyn-!i>s of
irre8ersible $ro>esses.Z Lis /heore/i>-l /re-/!en/s $ro8ided /he found-/ion for /he s/udy
of noneGuilibriu! /her!odyn-!i>s. 5-rlier in his >-reer, he -lso !odified /he
DebyeLu>0el eGu-/ions for ion !o/ion in solu/ion /o in>lude /he effe>/ of Aro#ni-n
!o/ion. BW.".C
+arton5 (erek 1arold 4ichard5 -ir BB
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19(9. Born: Se$/e!ber *, 191*; "r-8esend, Nen/, 5nl-nd. Death:
K-r>h 1(, 199*; 6ollee S/-/ion, T4. Parents: 1-/her, Willi-! Tho!-s A-r/on; Ko/her,
K-ude Lenrie//- Lu0es A-r/on. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education:
?!$eri-l 6ollee, 5nl-nd, A.S>., 19)0; ?!$eri-l 6ollee, 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19)2; Ini8.
of London, 5nl-nd, D.S>., 19)9. Spouse: Pe-nne Wil0ins, !-rried De>e!ber 20, 19)),
di8or>ed 19(%; 6hris/i-ne 6one/, !-rried No8e!ber %, 19(9, died 1992; Pudi/h
SonLeuenberer 6obb, !-rried +uus/ 1%, 199'. Children: Willi-! "odfrey Lu0es,
son. Career: Ari/ish "o8ern!en/ Ser8i>e, 2ese-r>her, 19)2:)%; ?!$eri-l 6ollee,
5nl-nd, Professor, 19)%:)9; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19)9:%0; Ini8. of London,
5nl-nd, Professor, 19%0:%%; Ini8. of "l-so#, S>o/l-nd, Professor, 19%%:%&; ?!$eri-l
6ollee, 5nl-nd, Professor, 19%&:&*; ?ns/i/u/e of 6he!is/ry -nd N-/ur-l Subs/-n>es,
1r-n>e, Dire>/or, 19&*:*%; Te@-s + Y K, Professor, 19*%:9*. Other Awards: Loff!-n
Prize, ?!$eri-l 6ollee, 5nl-nd, 19)0; L-rrison Ke!ori-l Prize, 6he!i>-l So>ie/y,
19)*; 6ord-y-Kor-n Ked-l, 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19%1; 1ri/zs>he +#-rd, +!eri>-n
6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19%(; 2oer +d-!s +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19%9; D-8y
Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(1; Nnih/hood, 19&2; 2oy-l Ked-l, 19&2; Lons/-ff Ked-l,
19&2; Pries/ley Ked-l, 199%.
Selected Publications: \The 6onfor!-/ion of /he S/eroid Nu>leus.Z $xperienta (
B19%0CH '1(:20. \The S/ereo>he!is/ry of 6y>lohe@-ne Deri8-/i8es.Z 7ournal of the
.hemical (ociety B19%'CH 102&:)0. \The ?n-uur-l Si!onsen Le>/ure. So!e +s$e>/s of
SesGui/er$enoid 6he!is/ry.Z roceedings of the .hemical (ociety B19%*CH (1:((.
\2e>en/ Proress in 6onfor!-/ion-l +n-lysis.Z Theoret Org. .hem., apers Je2ule
(ymposium, -ondon B19%*CH 12&:)'. \2e>en/ Proress in 6onfor!-/ion-l +n-lysis.Z
(uomen Jemistilehte '2+ B19%9CH 2&:''.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: The 8iographical &ictionary of (cientists> .hemists. Ne#
3or0H Aedri>0, 19*), 1):1%. .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s )& BNo8e!ber 10, 19(9CH
11. (cience 1(( BNo8e!ber &, 19(9CH &1%:22. (ome Becollections of 5ap 7umping.
W-shin/on, D6H +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 1991.
Co$$entary: Dere0 A-r/on sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h Odd L-ssel for >on/ribu/ions
\/o /he de8elo$!en/ of /he >on>e$/ of >onfor!-/ion -nd i/s -$$li>-/ion in >he!is/ry.Z
A-r/on9s l-nd!-r0 $-$er $ro$osed /h-/ fun>/ion-l rou$ orien/-/ions in s$->e -ffe>/ /he
re->/ion r-/es in iso!ers. Le -$$lied his 8ie#s /o si@-!e!bered or-ni> rins -nd
e@$l-ined /he s/-bili/y of >y>lohe@-ne, buildin on L-ssel9s
P-e '0
#or0. A-r/on9s l-/er #or0 de-l/ #i/h s/eroids, /er$enes, -nd o@yr-di>-ls. BP.2.1.C
1assel5 3dd BC
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19(9. Born: K-y 1&, 1*9&; Oslo, Nor#-y. Death: K-y 1%, 19*1;
Oslo, Nor#-y. Parents: 1-/her, 5rns/ L-ssel; Ko/her, K-/hilde Nl-8eness L-ssel.
Nationality: Nor#ei-n. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of Oslo, Nor#-y,
6-ndid-/e 2e-l deree, 1920; Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, D. Phil., 192). Spouse: None.
Children: None. Career: Ini8. of Oslo, Nor#-y, Professor, 192%:(). Other Awards:
1rid/Mof N-nsen +#-rd, 19)(; Nnih/ Order of S/. Ol-8; "unnerus Ked-l, 19();
"uldber W--e Ked-l, 19().
Selected Publications: .rystal .hemistry. LondonH Leine!-nn, 19'%. :.(. &ept. .om.,
Office Tech. (erv. +D2(&29' B19(1CH 1:'&. \We-0 ?n/er!ole>ul-r Aonds in Solids.Z
&ans2. Tidss2r. =arm '( B19(2CH )1:%). \?n8es/i-/ion of Kole>ul-r S/ru>/ures.Z
(elected Topics in (tructure .hemistry. OsloH Ini8ersi/e/sforl-e/, 19(&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s )& BNo8e!ber 10, 19(9CH
11. (cience 1(( BNo8e!ber &, 19(9CH &1%:22.
Co$$entary: Odd L-ssel -nd Dere0 A-r/on sh-red /he Nobel Prize for /heir
>on/ribu/ions OO/o /he de8elo$!en/ of /he >on>e$/ of >onfor!-/ion -nd i/s -$$li>-/ion in
>he!is/ry.Z L-ssel9s e-rly >-reer >en/ered on /he in8es/i-/ion of sil8er h-lide
$ho/osensi/iz-/ion by or-ni> dyes, in /he >ourse of #hi>h he dis>o8ered -dsor$/ion
indi>-/ors. Lo#e8er, i/ #-s his l-nd!-r0 $-$ers on >onfor!-/ion-l -n-lysis of
>y>lohe@-ne B#hi>h sho#ed /he >h-ir for! of /he >o!$ound /o be !ore s/-ble /h-n /he
bo-/ for!C /h-/ brouh/ hi! /o $ro!inen>e. Lis l-/er s/udies of >h-re-/r-nsfer bondin
#ere -lso i!$or/-n/. BP.2.1.C
#eloir5 #!is ederico B9
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19&0. Born: Se$/e!ber (, 190(; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death: De>e!ber 2,
19*&; Auenos +ires, +ren/in-. Parents: 1-/her, 1ederi>o 2. Leloir; Ko/her, Lor/ensi-
+uirre Leloir. Nationality: +ren/ini-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of
Auenos +ires, +ren/in-, K.D., 19'2. Spouse: +!elie Juherbuhler, !-rried No8e!ber
2(, 19)'. Children: +!eli-, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Auenos +ires, +ren/in-,
2ese-r>her, 19'2:'%; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19'%:'&; ?ns/i/u/e of
Physioloy, +ren/in-, 2ese-r>her, 19'&:)); Ini/ed S/-/es, 5@ile, 19)):)&;
Aio>he!i>-l 2ese-r>h ?ns/i/u/e, +ren/in-, 2ese-r>her, 19)&:*&. Other Awards:
"-irdner +#-rd; Louis- "ross Loro#i/z +#-rd.
Selected Publications: \The 5nzy!i> Tr-nsfor!-/ion of Iridine Di$hos$h-/e in/o -
"-l->/ose Deri8-/i8e.Z Arch. 8iochem. 8iophys '' B19%1CH 1*(:90. \6-rbohydr-/e
Ke/-bolis!.Z Ann. Bev. 8iochem 22 B19%'CH 1&9:210 B#i/h 6.5. 6-rdiniC. \Iridine
6oenzy!es.Z roc. Crd <ntern. .ongr. 8iochem., 8russels B19%%CH 1%):(2. \Nu>leo/ide
-nd S->>h-ride Syn/hesis.Z .onf. on olysaccharides in 8iol., Trans B19%*CH 1%%:2').
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1990 BSolu!e '%C, 201. .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s )*
BNo8e!ber 2, 19&0CH 1'. The $xcitement and =ascination of (cience. P-lo +l/o, 6+H
+nnu-l 2e8ie#s, ?n>., 1990, Sol. ', P-r/ 1, '(&:*1 (cience 1&0 BNo8e!ber (, 19&0CH
Co$$entary: Luis Leloir #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for \his dis>o8ery of su-r
nu>leo/ides -nd /heir role in /he biosyn/hesis of >-rbohydr-/es.Z Leloir, #or0in in
si!$le >ir>u!s/-n>es, isol-/ed uridine di$hos$h-/e lu>ose -nd sho#ed /h-/ i/ #-s
in>or$or-/ed in/o ly>oen in /he $resen>e of - li8er enzy!e. Le -lso #or0ed ou/ /he
!e>h-nis! of syn/hesis of s/-r>h. Leloir9s dis>o8eries=/h-/ /he su-r nu>leo/ides -re
$rin>i$-l ->/ors in in/er>on8ersion of su-rs -nd $olys->>h-ride for!-/ion=led /o
-ddi/ion-l rese-r>h in >-rbohydr-/e !e/-bolis! -nd on /he !edi>-l i!$li>-/ions of /he
dis>o8eries. B6.N.A.C
1erzber&5 6erhard C0
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19&1. Born: De>e!ber 2%, 190); L-!bur, "er!-ny. Death: K-r>h
', 1999; O//-#-, On/-rio, 6-n-d-. Parents: 1-/her, +lbin Lerzber; Ko/her, 5ll- Aiber
Lerzber. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er 6-n-di-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education:
D-r!s/-d/ ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, "er!-ny, Do>/or of 5nineerin, 192*. Spouse:
Luise L. Oe//iner, !-rried De>e!ber 29, 1929, died 19&1; Koni0- Ten/hoff, !-rried
K-r>h 21, 19&2. Children: P-ul +lbin, son; +nes K-r-re/, d-uh/er. Career:
D-r!s/-d/ ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, "er!-ny, Professor, 19'0:'%; Ini8. of
S-s0-/>he#-n, 6-n-d-, Professor, 19'%:)%; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19)%:)*;
N-/ion-l 2ese-r>h 6oun>il, 6-n-d-, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19)9:9). Other
Awards: Ini8. of Liee Ked-l, 19%0; Lenry K-rsh-ll Tory Ked-l, 6-n-di-n 2oy-l
So>ie/y, 19%'; P-y Nissen Koo0erMee "old Ked-l, ?ndi-n +sso>i-/ion for /he 6ul/i8-/ion
of S>ien>e, 19%&; 1rederi> ?8es Ked-l, O$/i>-l So>ie/y of +!eri>-, 19(); Will-rd "ibbs
Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(9; 1-r-d-y Ked-l, 6he!i>-l So>ie/y of London,
19&0; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&1; Linus P-ulin Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l
So>ie/y, 19&1; Plyler Prize, 19*%.
Selected Publications: Atomic (pectra and Atomic (tructure. Ne# 3or0H Pren/i>e-L-ll,
19'&. #ole2ulspe2tren und #ole2ulstructur. !0eiatomige #ole2ule. Dresden, "er!-nyH
T. S/ein0o$ff, 19'9. <nfrared and Boman (pectra of olyatomic #olecules. Ne# 3or0H
D. S-n Nos/r-nd, 19)%. \The 5le>/roni> S/ru>/ure of /he Ni/roen Kole>ule.Z hysical
Bevie0 (9 B19)(CH '(2:(%. \L-!b Shif/ of /he 1B2CS "round S/-/e of Deu/eriu!.Z
roceedings of the Boyal (ociety of -ondon 2')+ B19%(CH %1(:2*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s )9 BNo8e!ber 1, 19&1CH
%. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19&', 1*%:*&.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s i8en /o "erh-rd Lerzber for his \>on/ribu/ions /o
/he 0no#lede of ele>/roni> s/ru>/ure -nd eo!e/ry of !ole>ules, $-r/i>ul-rly free
r-di>-ls.Z Lerzber #-s res$onsible for de8elo$!en/ of /e>hniGues -nd !e-sure!en/
-nd in/er$re/-/ion of /he s$e>/r- of !ole>ules, in>ludin hydroen, o@yen, ni/roen,
-nd 6O. Le -lso !e-sured /he L-!b shif/s in D, Le, -nd Li BlC -nd /he s$e>/r- of
in/ers/ell-r -s. Lis #or0 #-s used in /he e@$l-n-/ion of /he $ro$er/ies of free r-di>-ls
-nd ions $resen/ -s in/er!edi-/es in >he!i>-l re->/ions. BL.?.S.C
P-e '1
0nfinsen5 %hristian +oeh2er C1
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19&2. Born: K-r>h 2(, 191(; Konessen, P+. Death: K-y 1), 199%,
2-nd-lls/o#n, KD. Parents: 1-/her, 6hris/i-n Aoeh!er +nfinsen; Ko/her, So$hie
2-s!ussen +nfinsen. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n.
Education: S#-r/h!ore 6ollee, P+, A.+., 19'&; Ini8. of Pennsyl8-ni-, K.S., 19'9;
L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Ph.D., 19)'. Spouse: 1loren>e Aerni>e Nenener, !-rried
No8e!ber 29, 19)1, di8or>ed 19&*; Libby 5s/her Shul!-n 5ly, !-rried 19&9.
Children: 6-rol, d-uh/er; K-ro/, d-uh/er; 6hris/i-n, son. Career: Ini8. of
Pennsyl8-ni-, Professor, 19'*:'9; 6-rlsber Ini8., Den!-r0, 2ese-r>her, 19'9:)0;
L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19)1:%0; N-/ion-l Le-r/ ?ns/i/u/e, 2ese-r>her, 19%0:(2;
L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19(2:('; N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/e of +r/hri/is, Ke/-bolis!, -nd
Dies/i8e Dise-ses, 2ese-r>her, 19(':*1; Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, Professor, 19*2:
9%. Other Awards: Publi> Ser8i>e +#-rd, 2o>0efeller 1ound-/ion, 19%); Kyr/le Wre-/h,
L-d-ss-h, 19&&.
Selected Publications: \Ke/hod for /he S$e>ifi> Pro/eoly/i> 6le-8-e of Pro/ein
6h-ins.Z Archives of 8iochemistry and 8iophysics (% B19%(CH 1%(:(' B#i/h Ki>h-el Sel-
-nd L-rold Tri/s>hC. \2edu>/i8e 6le-8-e of Disulfide Arides in 2ibonu>le-se.Z
(cience 12% B19%&CH (91:92 B#i/h Ki>h-el Sel- -nd 1rederi>0 L. Whi/eC. The #olecular
8asis of $volution. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19%9. \The 2ibonu>le-sesO>>urren>e, S/ru>/ure
-nd Pro$er/ies.Z ?n $n*ymes. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19(1 BSolu!e %C, 9%:122.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: \The 19&2 Nobel Prize for 6he!is/ry.Z (cience BNo8e!ber
', 19&2CH )92:9'. OONobel Winners in Physi>s, 6he!is/ry.Z 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 21,
19&2C 1H L1).
Co$$entary: The Nobel >i/-/ion >o!!ends 6hris/i-n +nfinsen9s \#or0 on
ribonu>le-se, es$e>i-lly >on>ernin /he >onne>/ion be/#een /he -!ino ->id seGuen>e
-nd /he bioloi>-lly ->/i8e >onfor!-/ion.Z Lis $ioneerin #or0 on enzy!es rel-/in
$ro/ein or-niz-/ion -nd fun>/ion -nd on /he ene/i> b-sis of $ro/ein or-niz-/ion h-8e
been l-nd!-r0 s/udies in /he field. B+.S.C
,oore5 -tanford C2
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19&2. Born: Se$/e!ber ), 191'; 6hi>-o, ?L. Death: +uus/ 2',
19*2; K-nh-//-n, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn Lo#-rd Koore; Ko/her, 2u/h 1o#ler
Koore. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: S-nderbil/ Ini8., TN,
+.A., 19'%; Ini8. of Wis>onsin, Ph.D., 19'*. Spouse: None. Children: None. Career:
2o>0efeller ?ns/i/u/e for Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h, N3, Professor, 19'9:)2; Offi>e of S>ien/ifi>
2ese-r>h -nd De8elo$!en/, W-shin/on, D6, 2ese-r>her, 19)2:)%; 2o>0efeller
?ns/i/u/e for Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h, N3, Professor, 19)%:*2. Other Awards: 1ounder9s
Ked-l, S-nderbil/ Ini8., TN, 19'%; 6hro!-/or-$hy +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l
So>ie/y, 19(); 2i>h-rds Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19&2; Linders/ro!L-n
Ked-l, 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, 19&2.
Selected Publications: \S/ru>/ure -nd +>/i8i/y of P-n>re-/i> 2ibonu>le-se.Z (oc. .him.
8iol., .elebration .in4uantenaire, .onf. Bappt., aris B19()CH 1*9:9). \+!ino +>id
+n-lysisH +Gueous Di!e/hyl Sulfo@ide -s Sol8en/ for /he Ninhydrin 2e->/ion.Z 7ournal
of 8iological .hemistry 2)' B19(*CH (2*1:*'. \6he!i>-l S/ru>/ures of P-n>re-/i>
2ibonu>le-se -nd Deo@yribonu>le-se.Z (cience 1*0 B19&'CH )%*:() B#i/h Willi-! L.
S/einC. \The Pre>ision -nd Sensi/i8i/y of +!ino +>id +n-lysis.Z Jaga2u 'o Byoi2i
!o2an 10( B19&(CH 1'(:&%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: (cience 1&* BNo8e!ber ', 19&2CH )92:9'. (cience 'e0s
102 BO>/ober 2*, 19&2CH 2&(. 8iographical #emoirs. 'ational Academy of (ciences.
W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y Press, 19*&, Solu!e %(, '%%.
Co$$entary: S/-nford Koore, #i/h his >ol-ure-/e Willi-! S/ein, re>ei8ed /he Nobel
Prize for $-ins/-0in, len/hy rese-r>h #hi>h es/-blished /he -!ino-->id seGuen>e of /he
enzy!e ribonu>le-se. ?n /he $ro>ess, /hey de8elo$ed -n in8-lu-ble /ool for l-/er rese-r>h
=/he -u/o!-/i> -!ino ->id -n-lyzer=-s #ell -s iden/ifyin >ri/i>-l sol8en/s -nd
/e>hniGues for use in su>h #or0. Koore -nd S/ein -lso iden/ified /he !os/ li0ely ->/i8e
si/e on /he ribonu>le-se !ole>ule. BK.N.C
-tein5 Willia2 1o)ard C3
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19&2. Born: Pune 2%, 1911; Ne# 3or0, N3. Death: 1ebru-ry 2, 19*0;
Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, 1red K. S/ein; Ko/her, Ae-/ri>e Aor S/ein.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, A.S., 19'';
6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 19'*. Spouse: Phoebe L. Lo>0s/-der, !-rried Pune 22,
19'(. Children: Willi-! Lo#-rd, Pr., son; D-8id 1., son; 2ober/ P., son. Career:
2o>0efeller ?ns/i/u/e, N3, 2ese-r>her, 19'*:*0. Other Awards: +#-rd in
6hro!-/or-$hy -nd 5le>/ro$horesis, 19(); Theodore 2i>h-rds Ked-l, 19&2.
Selected Publications: \+!ino-+>id 6o!$osi/ion of Lu!-n Le!olobin.Z 8iochimica
et 8iophysica Acta 2) B19%&CH ()0:)2 B#i/h o/hersC. \6he!i>-l Kodifi>-/ions of
2ibonu>le-se.Z 8roo2haven (ymposia in 8iology 1' B19(0CH 10):1). \2el-/ions
Ae/#een S/ru>/ure -nd +>/i8i/y of 2ibonu>le-se.Z roc. <ntern. .ongr. 8iochem., "th,
#osco0 ) B19(1CH '':'* B#i/h S/-nford KooreC. \S/ru>/ure+>/i8i/y 2el-/ions in
2ibonu>le-se.Z =ederation roceedings 2' B19()CH %99:(0*. \S/ru>/ure -nd /he +>/i8i/y
of 2ibonu>le-se.Z <srael 7ournal of #edical (cience 1 B19(%CH 1229:)'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s %0 BO>/ober '0, 19&2CH 2:
'. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Su$$le!en/ ??. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, *%1:%%.
(cience 1&* BNo8e!ber ', 19&2CH )92:9'. 8iographical #emoirs. 'ational Academy of
(ciences. W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y Press, 19*&, Solu!e %(, )1%.
Co$$entary: Willi-! S/ein #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his >-reful elu>id-/ion,
#i/h S/-nford Koore, of /he -!ino-->id seGuen>e of /he enzy!e ribonu>le-se. S/ein
de8ised -n -u/o!-/i> -!ino ->id -n-lyzer -nd >hro!-/or-$hi> !e/hods for de/er!inin
/he hydrolysis $rodu>/s of $ro/eins -nd used /he /e>hnoloy he h-d de8elo$ed /o sol8e
/he $uzzle of /he -!ino-->id seGuen>e. BP.+.S.C
ischer5 "rnst 3tto C?
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19&'. Born: No8e!ber 10, 191*; Ku>henSolln, "er!-ny. Parents:
1-/her, N-rl Tobi-s 1is>her; Ko/her, S-len/ine D-nzer 1is>her. Nationality: "er!-n.
P-e '2
Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Di$l. 6he!., 19)9; Ini8. of
Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Do>/or 2eru! N-/ur-liu!, 19%2. Spouse: None. Children: None.
Career: Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor, 19%). Other Awards: "U//inen
+>-de!y Prize, 19%&; +lfred S/o>0-"ed->h/nis Prize, 19%9.
Selected Publications: \The No!en>l-/ure of Ke/-l 6o!$ounds 6on/-inin T#o
6y>lo$en/-dienyl 2ins.Z !. 'aturforsch 9b B19%)CH (19:20. \Ne# 2esul/s on +ro!-/i>
Ke/-l 6-rbonyls.Z 7ournal of <norganic and 'uclear .hemistry * B19%*CH 2(*:&2.
#etal FpiH@.omplexes. Ne# 3or0H 5lse8ier, 19(( B#i/h L. WernerC. OOTr-nsi/ion Ke/-l
6-rbonyl 6-rbene 6o!$le@es.Z ure and Applied .hemistry '0 B19&2CH '%':&2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, 2():(%. (cience 1*2 BNo8e!ber 1(, 19&'CH (99:&00.
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o 5rns/ O//o 1is>her #-s \for his $ioneerin rese-r>h in
or-no!e/-lli> >he!is/ry p in $-r/i>ul-r, his inde$enden/ -nd i!-in-/i8e effor/s in /he
de8elo$!en/ of /he >he!is/ry of s-nd#i>h >o!$le@es of /he /r-nsi/ion !e/-ls.Z Lis
#or0 on /he s/ru>/ure of ferro>ene -8e i!$e/us /o /he s/udy of s-nd#i>h >o!$le@es.
Lis l-/er #or0 on /r-nsi/ion !e/-l >o!$le@es #i/h or-ni> >o!$ounds #-s $rolifi> -nd
no/-ble. BL.?.W.C
Wilkinson5 6eoffre$ C@
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19&'. Born: Puly 1), 1921; Tod!orden, 5nl-nd. Death: Se$/e!ber
2(, 199(; London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Lenry Wil0inson; Ko/her, 2u/h 6ro#/her
Wil0inson. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nos/i>; fro! +nli>-n -nd Ke/hodis/
b->0round. Education: Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, A.S>., 19)1; Ini8. of London,
5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19)(. Spouse: Lise Sql8er S>hou, !-rried Puly 1&, 19%1. Children:
+nne K-rie, d-uh/er; Pernille P-ne, d-uh/er. Career: N-/ion-l 2ese-r>h 6oun>il of
6-n-d-, S>ien/ifi> Offi>er, 19)':)(; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, 2ese-r>her, 19)(:
%0; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19%0:%1; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+,
Professor, 19%1:%%; Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, Professor, 19%(:**. Other Awards:
?nor-ni> 6he!is/ry +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19((; L-8oisier Ked-l, 1ren>h
6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(*; Tr-nsi/ion Ked-l 6he!is/ry +#-rd, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&2;
Liroshi!- Ini8. Ked-l, P-$-n, 19&*; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*1; "-lileo Ked-l,
Ini8. of Pis-, ?/-ly, 19*'; Lons/-ff Ked-l, 19*&; Polyhedron Prize, 2oy-l So>ie/y,
19*9; Kessel Ked-l, 1990.
Selected Publications: \The S/ru>/ure of ?ron Ais>y>lo$en/-dienyl.Z 7ournal of the
American .hemical (ociety &) B19%2CH 212%:2( B#i/h K. 2osenblu!, K. 6. Whi/in,
-nd 2. A. Wood#-rdC. Advanced <norganic .hemistry. Ne# 3or0H ?n/ers>ien>e, 19(2
B#i/h 1. +. 6o//onC. \6-/-ly/i>-lly +>/i8e 2hodiu! B?C 6o!$le@es.Z "er!-n P-/en/ 2,
1'(, )&0 B1ebru-ry 10, 19&2C. \Le@-!e/hyl/uns/en.Z I.S. P-/en/ ', *1(, )91 BPune 11,
19&)C. 8asic <norganic .hemistry. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19&( B#i/h 1. +. 6o//onC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: \The 19&' Nobel Prize for 6he!is/ry.Z (cience BNo8e!ber
1(, 19&'CH (99:&01. \Three Win Nobel Physi>s Prize -nd T#o /he 6he!is/ry +#-rd.Z
'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 2), 19&'C 1H L1, L2(.
Co$$entary: "eoffrey Wil0inson #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y for his \$ioneerin #or0,
$erfor!ed inde$enden/ly, on /he >he!is/ry of /he or-no!e/-lli> so->-lled s-nd#i>h
>o!$ounds.Z Lis e-rlier #or0 on /he $re$-r-/ion -nd el-bor-/ion of s/ru>/ure of iron
bis>y>lo$en/-dienyl #-s follo#ed by o/her i!$or/-n/ #or0 on /he $re$-r-/ion -nd
s/ru>/ure of /r-nsi/ion !e/-l >o!$ounds #i/h or-ni> en/i/ies, su>h -s
he@-!e/hyl/uns/en. Lis l-/er #or0 on /he >-/-ly/i> ->/i8i/y of rhodiu! B??C >o!$le@es
is -no/her s/e$ in de8elo$in !-nuf->/ured >o!$ounds /h-/ !-y h-8e f-r-re->hin
>onseGuen>es in /he use of !e/-l-b-sed indus/ri-l !-/eri-ls. B+.S.C
lor$5 Pa!l <ohn CA
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19&). Born: Pune 19, 1910; S/erlin, ?L. Death: Se$/e!ber *, 19*%;
Ai Sur, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, 5zr- 1lory; Ko/her, K-r/h- Aru!b-uh 1lory.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: K-n>hes/er 6ollee, ?N, A.S>.,
19'1; Ohio S/-/e Ini8., K.S., 19'1; Ohio S/-/e Ini8., Ph.D., 19'). Spouse: 5!ily
6-/h-rine T-bor, !-rried K-r>h &, 19'(. Children: Sus-n, d-uh/er; K-lind-, d-uh/er;
P-ul, Pr., son. Career: DuPon/ 5@$eri!en/-l S/-/ion, D5, 2ese-r>her, 19'(:'*; Ini8. of
6in>inn-/i, OL, Professor, 19'*:)0; S/-nd-rd Oil De8elo$!en/, OL, 2ese-r>her, 19)0:
)'; "oodye-r Tire -nd 2ubber, OL, +d!inis/r-/or, 19)':)*; 6ornell Ini8., N3,
Professor, 19)*:%(; Kellon ?ns/i/u/e, Pi//sburh, P+, +d!inis/r-/or, 19%(:(1; S/-nford
Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19(1:*%. Other Awards: Sulli8-n/ Ked-l, 19)%; A-e0el-nd
+#-rd, 19)&; 6o#yn Ked-l, 19%); Ni>hols Ked-l, 19(2; Lih-Poly!er Physi>s Prize,
19(2; ?n/ern-/ion-l +#-rd in Pl-s/i>s, 19(&; "oodye-r Ked-l, 19(*; Debye +#-rd,
19(*; 6h-ndler Ked-l, 19&0; 1irs/ +#-rd for 5@>ellen>e, 19&1; 6resson Ked-l, 19&1;
Nir0#ood Ked-l, 19&1; "ibbs Ked-l, 19&'; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19&); Pries/ley
Ked-l, 19&).
Selected Publications: rinciples of olymer .hemistry. ?/h->-, N3H 6ornell Ini8.
Press, 19%'. (tatistical #echanics of .hain #olecules. Ne# 3or0H ?n/ers>ien>e
Publishers, 19(9. (elected %or2s of aul 7. =lory. S/-nford, 6+H S/-nford Ini8. Press,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, 2&1:&2. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19&%,
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o Pohn 1lory #-s for his \fund-!en/-l ->hie8e!en/s, bo/h
/heore/i>-l -nd e@$eri!en/-l, in /he field of !->ro!ole>ules.Z 1lory used s/-/is/i>-l
!e>h-ni>s e-rly in his >-reer /o de8elo$ e@$ressions for /he >h-in-len/h dis/ribu/ion in
$oly!er !ole>ules. Le l-/er $resen/ed - /heory of nonline-r $oly!er s/ru>/ure -nd
in/rodu>ed /he ide- of - 1lory /e!$er-/ure, -/ #hi>h $oly!er $ro$er/ies >-n be
!e-sured. Lis #or0 on /he el-s/i>i/y of $oly!er !-/eri-ls #-s -lso no/e#or/hy. 1lory
s$en/ his l-/er ye-rs -s - le-din s$o0es$erson for ->/i8is/ rou$s #or0in /o $ro/e>/
So8ie/ s>ien/is/s. BP.+.S.C
%ornforth5 <ohn Warc!p5 -ir CB
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19&%. Born: Se$/e!ber &, 191&; Sydney, +us/r-li-. Parents: 1-/her,
Pohn Willi-! 6ornfor/h; Ko/her,
P-e ''
Lild- 5i$$er 6ornfor/h. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of
Sydney, +us/r-li-, A.S., 19'&; Ini8. of Sydney, +us/r-li-, K.S>., 19'*; O@ford Ini8.,
5nl-nd, D.Phil., 19)1. Spouse: 2i/- L. L-rr-den>e, !-rried Se$/e!ber 2&, 19)1.
Children: Pohn, son; Arend-, d-uh/er; Phili$$-, d-uh/er. Career: Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h
6oun>il, London, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19)(:(2; Shell 2ese-r>h L-bor-/ory, Nen/,
5nl-nd, Dire>/or, 19(2:&%; Ini8. of Susse@, Arih/on, 5nl-nd, Professor, 19&%:*2.
Other Awards: 6ord-y-Kor-n Ked-l, 6he!is/ry So>ie/y, 19%'; 1lin/off Ked-l,
6he!is/ry So>ie/y, 19((; 6?A+ Ked-l, 19((; S/ouffer Prize, 19(&; D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l
So>ie/y, 19(*; 5rnes/ "uen/her +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(9; Pri@ 2oussel,
19&2; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&(; Nnih/hood, 19&&; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l
So>ie/y, 19*2; Order of +us/r-li-, 1991.
Selected Publications: The .hemistry of enicillin. Prin>e/on, NPH Prin>e/on Ini8.
Press, 19)9 B#i/h o/hersC. \+bsolu/e 6onfiur-/ion of 6holes/erol.Z 'ature 1&' B19%)CH
%'( B#i/h ?. 3ouho/s0y -nd ". Po$M->0C. \To/-l Syn/hesis of S/eroids.Z rogress in
Organic .hemistry ' B19%%CH 1:)'. \S/ereosele>/i8e Syn/hesis of SGu-lene.Z 7ournal of
the .hemical (ociety B19%9CH 2%'9:)& B#i/h 2. L. 6ornfor/h -nd N. N. K-/he#C.
\+bsolu/e S/ereo>he!is/ry of So!e 5nzy!i> Pro>esses.Z 8iochemical 7ournal *(
B19('CH &.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, 1('. (cience 190 BNo8e!ber 21, 19&%CH &&2:&'.
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o Pohn 6ornfor/h #-s \for his rese-r>hes on /he
s/ereo>he!is/ry of enzy!e->-/-lyzed re->/ions.99 6ornfor/h be-n his rese-r>h #i/h
#or0 on /he s/ru>/ure of $eni>illin bu/ #-s !os/ no/ed for his elu>id-/ion of /he s/e$s in
/he biosyn/hesis of >holes/erol fro! ->e/i> ->id. Lis syn/hesis of -l0enes, o@-zoles, -nd
-bs>isi> ->id #-s -lso no/-ble. BL.?.W.C
Prelo&5 =ladi2ir CC
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19&%. Born: Puly 2', 190(; S-r-Me8o, Aosni-, 3uosl-8i-. Death:
P-nu-ry &, 199*; Juri>h, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Kil-n Prelo; Ko/her, K-r-
6e//olo Prelo. Nationality: 3uosl-8i-n; l-/er S#iss >i/izen. Religion: +nos/i>; fro!
6-/holi> b->0round. Education: ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy -nd S>hool of 6he!is/ry,
6ze>hoslo8-0i-, do>/or-/e, 1929. Spouse: N-!il- Si/e0, !-rried O>/ober '1, 19''.
Children: P-n, son. Career: ". J. Driz- L-bor-/ories, Pr-ue, 6ze>hoslo8-0i-,
2ese-r>her, 1929:'%; Ini8. of J-reb, 3uosl-8i-, Professor, 19'%:)2; 5idenossis>he
Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 19)2:&(. Other Awards: Werner
Ked-l, 19)%; S/-s Ked-l, 19(2; Ked-l of Lonor, 2i>e Ini8., 19(2; K-r>el Aenois/
+#-rd, 19(%; +.W. Lof!-n Ked-l, 19(*; D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(*; 2oer
+d-!s +#-rd, 19(9; P-r->elsus Ked-l, 19&(.
Selected Publications: \6onfor!-/ion -nd 2e->/i8i/y of Kediu!-sized 2in
6o!$ounds.Z ure Applied .hemistry ( B19('CH %)%:(0. \6ons/i/u/ion of 2if-!y>ins.Z
ure Applied .hemistry & B19('CH %%1:(). \2ole of 6er/-in Ki>robi-l Ke/-boli/es -s
S$e>ifi> 6o!$le@in +en/s.Z ure Applied .hemistry 2% B19&1CH 19&:210. \6hir-l
?ono$hores.Z ure Applied .hemistry %0 B19&*CH *9':90). \S/ru>/ure -nd Pro$er/ies of
Aoro!y>in -nd Produ>/s of ?/s Der-d-/ion.Z =ront. 8ioorg. .hem. #ol. 8iol B19&9CH
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, (%1:%2. .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s %' BO>/ober 2&, 19&%CH ):%.
Co$$entary: Sl-di!ir Prelo re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions in /he -re-
of /he \s/ereo>he!is/ry of or-ni> !ole>ules -nd re->/ions,Z s$e>ifi>-lly for /he
/e>hniGues -nd rules #hi>h >-n de/er!ine #he/her - $-r/i-lly -sy!!e/ri> >o!$ound is
de@/r- or le8o. Lis e-rly rese-r>h in>luded no/-ble -d8-n>es in /he -re-s of /he s/ru>/ure
of /he -l0-loids, !i>roor-nis! !e/-boli/es, /he dis>o8ery of boro!y>in, /he
s/ereos$e>ifi>i/y of !i>roor-nis!s, -nd /he rel-/ionshi$ be/#een >onfor!-/ion -nd
>he!i>-l ->/i8i/y of !ediu!-sized rin s/ru>/ures. BP.P.C
#ipsco2b5 Willia2 N!nn5 <r: C9
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19&(. Born: De>e!ber 9, 1919; 6le8el-nd, OL. Parents: 1-/her,
Willi-! Nunn Li$s>o!b; Ko/her, 5dn- P-//erson Por/er Li$s>o!b. Nationality:
+!eri>-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of Nen/u>0y, A.S., 19)1; 6-liforni-
?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 19)(. Spouse: K-ry +dele Sere-n/, !-rried K-y 20,
19)), di8or>ed +uus/ 1), 19*'; Pe-n 6r-i 58-ns, !-rried +uus/ 19*'. Children:
Doro/hy Pe-n, d-uh/er; Penn-, d-uh/er; P-!es S-ren/, son. Career: Ini/ed S/-/es
Offi>e of S>ien/ifi> 2ese-r>h -nd De8elo$!en/, 6he!is/, 19)2:)(; Ini8. of Kinneso/-,
Professor, 19)(:%9; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19%9:90. Other Awards: L-rrison
Lo#e +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19%*; Dis/inuished Ser8i>e +#-rd,
+!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(*; "eore Ledlie Prize, L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, 19&1;
Pe/er Debye +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19&'; 58-ns +#-rd, Ohio S/-/e Ini8.;
2e!sen +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, K-ryl-nd Se>/ion, 19&(; +le@-nder 8on
Lu!bold/-S/if/un, 19&9.
Selected Publications: \S-len>e in /he Aoron Lydrides.Z 7ournal of hysical .hemistry
(1 B19%&CH 2':2&. \Aoron Lydrides.Z Advances in <norganic .hemistry and
Badiochemistry 1 B19%9CH 11&:%(. 8oron /ydrides. Ne# 3or0H W.+. AenM-!in, 19('.
\"eo!e/ri>-l Theory of Aoron Lydrides.Z <norganic .hemistry ' B19()CH 1(*':*%.
'uclear #agnetic Besonance (tudies of 8oron /ydrides and Belated .ompounds. Ne#
3or0H W.+. AenM-!in, 19(9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemistry )9 BDe>e!ber 19&(CH 2. (cience 19) BNo8e!ber
19&(CH &09:10.
Co$$entary: Willi-! Li$s>o!b, Pr., re>ei8ed his Nobel for rese-r>h /h-/ e@$l-ined /he
!ole>ul-r s/ru>/ure -nd >he!i>-l bondin in /he bor-nes, usin /he >on>e$/ of /#o
ele>/rons bindin /oe/her /hree -/o!s. Le #en/ on /o s/udy >he!i>-l effe>/s in nu>le-r
!-ne/i> reson-n>e s/udies of >o!$le@ !ole>ules -nd /he Gu-n/u! !e>h-ni>s of l-re
!ole>ules. Li$s>o!b used lo#-/e!$er-/ure @-r-y diffr->/ion /o rese-r>h /he s/ru>/ure of
o/her >rys/-ls -nd >o!$ounds, in>ludin bio>he!i>-l subs/-n>es. BL.6.C
Pri&o&ine5 .l$a 90
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19&&. Born: P-nu-ry 2%, 191&; Kos>o#, 2ussi-. Parents: 1-/her,
2o!-n Prioine; Ko/her, Puli- Wi>h!-nn Prioine. Nationality: 2ussi-n; l-/er
P-e ')
>i/izen -nd +!eri>-n residen/. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8ersi/_ Libre de
Aru@elles, Aeliu!, b->>-l-ure-/e, 19'9; do>/or-/e, 19)1. Spouse: K-rin-
Pro0o$o#i>z, !-rried 1ebru-ry 2%, 19(1. Children: 38es, son; P-s>-l, son. Career:
Ini8ersi/e Libre de Aru@elles, Aeliu!, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19)&:*&; Ini8. of
Te@-s, +us/in, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19(&:*&. Other Awards: Pri@ S-n L--r,
19)&; Pri@ +. De Po//er, 19%0; Pri@ +. We/re!s, 19%0; Pri@ 1r-n>Gui, 19%%; Pri@ Sol8-y,
19(%; Order of Leo$old, 19(*; +rrhenius "old Ked-l, 19(9; Aeli-n 1irs/ 6l-ss
6i8ili-n Ked-l, 19&2; Aour0e Ked-l, 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 5nl-nd, 19&2; 6o/henius "old
Ked-l, 19&%; 2u!ford Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&(; N-r>her Ked-l, +!eri>-n
6rys/-llor-$hi> +sso>i-/ion, 19&*; Des>-r/es Ked-l, Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, 19&9;
Lond- Prize, 19*'; +r/ifi>i-l ?n/ellien>e +#-rd, 1990.
Selected Publications: Thermodynami4ue .himi4ue .onformement aux #ethodes de
5ibbs et &e &onder. Li`e, Aeliu!H Desoer, 19)):%1 BTreatise on Thermodynamics
8ased on the #ethods of 5ibbs and &e &onder. LondonH Lon!-ns, "reen, 19%)C B#i/h
2. Def-yC. <ntroduction to Thermodynamics of <rreversible rocesses. Ne# 3or0H
?n/ers>ien>e, 19(2 B#i/h +. Aelle!-ns -nd S. K-/ho/C. Order Out of .haos. Ne# 3or0H
A-n/-! Aoo0s, 19*).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s %% BO>/ober 1&, 19&&CH ).
.urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19*&, ))&:%0. hysics Today '0
BDe>e!ber 19&&CH &9:*0.
Co$$entary: ?ly- Prioine #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for \his su>>essful
de8elo$!en/ of - s-/isf->/ory /heory of nonline-r /her!odyn-!i>s in s/-/es #hi>h -re
f-r re!o8ed fro! eGuilibriu!.Z The \ener-lized, nonline-r -nd irre8ersible
/her!odyn-!i>s,Z es$e>i-lly /he !e/hod used by Prioine /o s/udy /he s/-bili/y of /he
dissi$-/i8e s/ru>/ures #hi>h \li8e in /heir sy!biosis #i/h /heir en8iron!en/,Z h-s
$ossible -$$li>-/ions in - 8ery #ide r-ne of $roble!s; his rese-r>hes h-8e >re-/ed
\/heories /o bride /he -$s be/#een >he!i>-l, bioloi>-l -nd so>i-l s>ien/ifi> fields of
inGuiry.Z Le h-s been >-lled \/he $oe/ of /her!odyn-!i>s99 for his ele-n/ -nd lu>id
$resen/-/ion of inno8-/i8e /heories. BP.S.S.C
,itchell5 Peter (ennis 91
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19&*. Born: Se$/e!ber 29, 1920; Ki/>h-!, Surrey, 5nl-nd. Death:
+$ril 10, 1992; Aod!in, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 6hris/o$her "ibbs Ki/>hell; Ko/her,
N-/e Ae-/ri>e Doro/hy T-$lin Ki/>hell. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +/heis/; fro!
+/heis/,+nos/i> 6hris/i-n b->0round. Education: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+.,
19)'; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19%0. Spouse: P-/ri>i- Lelen K-ry 1ren>h,
!-rried No8e!ber 1, 19%*. Children: Pere!y, son; D-niel, son; P-son, son; "ideon,
son; Puli-, d-uh/er; S-ness-, d-uh/er. Career: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor,
19)':%%; Ini8. of 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, Professor, 19%%:('; "lynn 2ese-r>h ?ns/i/u/e,
5nl-nd, Dire>/or, 19():*&. Other Awards: 6?A+ Ked-l -nd Prize, Aio>he!i>-l
So>ie/y, 5nl-nd, 19&'; W-rren Trienni-l Prize, K-ss->huse//s "ener-l Los$i/-l, 19&);
Louis -nd Aer/ 1reed!-n 1ound-/ion +#-rd, Ne# 3or0 +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19&);
Wilhel! 1eldber 1ound-/ion Prize, +nlo,+!eri>-n S>ien>e 5@>h-ne, 19&(; Le#is S.
2osens/iel +#-rd, Ar-ndeis Ini8., 19&&; Ked-l, 1eder-l 5uro$e-n Aio>he!is/ry
So>ie/y, 19&*; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*1.
Selected Publications: .hemiosmotic .oupling in Oxidative and hotosynthetic
hosphorylation. Aod!in, 6orn#-ll, 5nl-ndH "lynn 2ese-r>h, 19((. .hemiosmotic
.oupling and $nergy Transduction. Aod!in, 6orn#-ll, 5nl-ndH "lynn 2ese-r>h, 19(*.
.hemiosmotic roton .ircuits in 8iological #embranes. 2e-din, K+H +ddisonWesley,
19*1 B#i/h P. 6. Lin0le -nd S. P. S0ul->he8C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, %(). 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety. LondonH
2oy-l So>ie/y, 199) BSolu!e )0C, 2*1. (cience 202 BDe>e!ber *, 19&*CH 11&):&(.
Co$$entary: Pe/er Ki/>hell #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize in 6he!is/ry for his on>e-
>on/ro8ersi-l >he!ios!o/i> /heory re-rdin enery >ou$lin o@id-/ion -nd
$ho/osyn/he/i> $hos$horyl-/ion. Le $ro$osed /h-/ hydroen ions -re /r-ns$or/ed ->ross
/he !e!br-nes of - >ell9s !i/o>hondri- durin /he $rodu>/ion of -denosine /ri$hos$h-/e
B+TPC /hrouh /he >re-/ion of -n ele>/ro>he!i>-l r-dien/. Pre8iously, i/ #-s /houh/
/h-/ enery #-s /r-ns$or/ed do#n /he res$ir-/ory >h-in by -n elusi8e hih-enery
in/er!edi-/e >o!$ound ener-/ed durin o@id-/ion. Ki/>hell #-s -lso un>on8en/ion-l in
his >re-/ion of his o#n l-bor-/ory, in i/s -r>hi/e>/ure, -nd in his in/eres/ in lo>-l -ff-irs,
buildin res/or-/ion, -nd his/ory. BL.6.C
+ro)n5 1erbert %harles D+ro>arnik5 1erbert %harlesE 92
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19&9. Born: K-y 22, 1912; London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her,
6h-rles Aro8-rni0; Ko/her, Pe-rl "orins/ein Aro8-rni0. Nationality: Ari/ish; l-/er
+!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Wrih/ Punior 6ollee, ?L, +.S., 19'%;
Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, A.S., 19'(; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Ph.D., 19'*. Spouse: S-r-h
A-ylen, !-rried 1ebru-ry (, 19'&. Children: 6h-rles +ll-n, son. Career: Ini8. of
6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19'(:)'; W-yne S/-/e Ini8., K?, Professor, 19)':)&; Purdue
Ini8., ?N, Professor, 19)&:&*. Other Awards: Purdue Si!- 4i 2ese-r>h +#-rd, 19%1;
Ni>hols Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19%9; +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y +#-rd
for 6re-/i8e 2ese-r>h in Syn/he/i> Or-ni> 6he!is/ry, 19(0; L. N. K>6oy +#-rd,
19(%; Linus P-ulin Ked-l, 19(*; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19(9; 2oer +d-!s
Ked-l, 19&1; 6h-rles 1rederi>0 6h-ndler Ked-l, 19&'; K-dison K-rsh-ll +#-rd, 19&%;
6he!i>-l Pioneer +#-rd, 19&%; 66N3 S>ien/ifi> +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd Ked-l, 19&(;
5llio/ 6resson Ked-l, 19&*; 6. N. ?nold Ked-l, 19&*; Pries/ley Ked-l, 19*1; Per0in
Ked-l, 19*2; Nosol-$off Ked-l, 19*&; N+S +#-rd, 19*&; Oes$er +#-rd, 1990; L.6.
Aro#n +#-rd, 199*.
Selected Publications: /ydroboration. Ne# 3or0H W.+. AenM-!in, 19(2. 8oranes in
Organic .hemistry. ?/h->-, N3H 6ornell Ini8. Press, 19&2. Organic (yntheses via
P-e '%
8oranes. Ne# 3or0H Wiley-?n/ers>ien>e, 19&% B#i/h o/hersC. The 'onclassical <on
roblem. Ne# 3or0H Plenu! Press, 19&&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Asimov)s 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cience and
Technology. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, 19*2, *)'. 8iographical $ncyclopedia of
(cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s on 1ile, 19*1, 11).
Co$$entary: Lerber/ 6. Aro#n re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for his \dis>o8ery -nd
e@$lor-/ion of borohydrides -nd or-nobor-nes.Z Aeinnin #i/h /he de8elo$!en/ of -
$r->/i>-l !e/hod for dibor-ne syn/hesis, Aro#n l-/er $rodu>ed sodiu! borohydride,
used e@/ensi8ely in or-ni> >he!is/ry. Le #-s res$onsible for /he in/rodu>/ion of - ne#
>l-ss of >o!$ounds, /he or-nobor-nes, #hi>h -lso be>-!e 8-lu-ble in or-ni>
>he!is/ry. Lis #or0 on s/eri> effe>/s #-s -lso no/e#or/hy. B?.S.J.C
Witti&5 6eor& riedrich 8arl 93
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19&9. Born: Pune 1(, 1*9&; Aerlin, "er!-ny. Death: +uus/ 2(,
19*&; Leidelber, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, "us/-8 Wi//i; Ko/her, K-r/h-
Do!bro#s0i Wi//i. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of
K-rbur, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 192'. Spouse: W-l/r-u/ 5rns/, !-rried 19'0, died 19&*.
Children: 2 d-uh/ers. Career: Ini8. of K-rbur, "er!-ny, Professor, 192(:'2;
Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, Ar-uns>h#ei ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, "er!-ny, Professor,
19'2:'&; Ini8. of 1reibur, "er!-ny, Professor, 19'&:)); Ini8. of TRbinen,
"er!-ny, Professor, 19)):%(; Ini8. of Leidelber, "er!-ny, Professor, 19%(:(&.
Other Awards: +dolf 8on A-eyer Ked-l, So>ie/y of "er!-n 6he!is/s, 19%'; Sil8er
Ked-l, Ini8. of Lelsin0i, 19%&; D-nnie Leine!-n +#-rd, "U//iner +>-de!y of
S>ien>es, 19(%; O//o L-hn Prize, "er!-ny, 19(&; Sil8er Ked-l, 6i/y of P-ris, 19(9;
P-ul N-rrer Ked-l, Ini8. of JRri>h, 19&2; Ked-l of /he Aruyl-n/s 6h-ir, Ini8. of
Leu#en, 19&2; 2oer +d-!s +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19&'; N-rl Jieler
Prize, So>ie/y of "er!-n 6he!is/s, 19&%; Ordens "rosses Serdiens/0reuz, 19*0.
Selected Publications: \6ourse of 2e->/ions of Pen/-$henyl$hos$horus -nd 6er/-in
Deri8-/i8es.Z Annalender .hemie, 7ustus -iebigs %*0 B19%'CH )):%&.
\Tri$henyl$hos$hine!e/hylene -s -n Olefin-for!in 2e-en/.Z .hemisches 8erichte *&
B19%)CH 1'1*:'0. \Tri$henyl$hos$hine!e/hylenes -s Olefin-for!in 2e-en/s.99
.hemisches 8erichte ** B19%%CH (%):((. \Ke/-lliz-bili/y of Qu-/ern-ry +!!oniu! -nd
Phos$honiu! S-l/s.Z Annalender .hemie, 7ustus -iebigs %(2 B19%(CH 1&&:&*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical &ictionary of (cientists, .hemists. Ne# 3or0H
Pe/er Aedri>0 Aoo0s, 19*', 1)*:)9. #odern (cientists and $ngineers. ' 8olu!es. Ne#
3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19*0 BSolu!e 'C, ')1:)2.
Co$$entary: "eor Wi//i #on /he Nobel Prize for \/he dis>o8ery of /he
re-rr-ne!en/ re->/ion /h-/ be-rs his n-!e,Z #hi>h >-used $hos$horusylides /o re->/
#i/h 0e/ones -nd -ldehydes /o for! -l0enes. The re->/ions, >o!!only 0no#n -s /he
Wi//i re->/ion, in/rodu>ed double bonds be/#een >-rbons in s$e>ified lo>-/ions -nd led
/o /he syn/hesis of $h-r!->eu/i>-ls -nd o/her >o!$le@ or-ni> subs/-n>es, in>ludin
Si/-!in +, Si/-!in D deri8-/i8es, $ros/-l-ndin, -nd inse>/ $hero!ones. BK.A.C
+er&5 Pa!l 9?
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19*0. Born: Pune '0, 192(; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, L-rry
Aer; Ko/her, S-r-h Arods0y Aer. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish.
Education: Pennsyl8-ni- S/-/e Ini8., A.S., 19)*; 6-se Wes/ern 2eser8e Ini8., OL,
Ph.D., 19%2. Spouse: Kildred Le8y, !-rried Se$/e!ber 1', 19)&. Children: Pohn
+le@-nder, son. Career: W-shin/on Ini8., S/. Louis, KO, Professor, 19%%:%9; S/-nford
Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19%9-. Other Awards: 5li Lilly +#-rd, 19%9; 6-liforni- S>ien/is/
of /he 3e-r, 19(); S.D. K-//i- Prize, 2o>he ?ns/i/u/e for Kole>ul-r Aio>he!is/ry, 19&2;
S-r-so/- Ked-l, 19&9; N.3. +>-de!y of S>ien>e +#-rd, 19*0; +lber/ L-s0er Kedi>-l
2ese-r>h +#-rd, 19*0; "-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*0; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e,
Selected Publications: \6on/ribu/ions of Nu>lei> +>ids /o /he S$e>ifi>i/y of Pro/ein
Syn/hesis.Z robl. 'eoplastic &iseaseN (ymp., 'e0 1or2 B19(2CH 1%:'). \Sir-l "eno!e
in Tr-nsfor!ed 6ells.Z roceedings of the Boyal (ociety, (eries 8 B19&1CH (%:&(.
\Po/en/i-l Aioh-z-rds of 2e>o!bin-n/ DN+ Kole>ules.Z roceedings of the 'ational
Academy of (ciences :.(.A. B19&)CH 2%9':9) B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 19*0CH
1'%9. (cience 210 BNo8e!ber 21, 19*0CH **&:*9.
Co$$entary: P-ul Aer #-s >i/ed for \his fund-!en/-l s/udies of /he bio>he!is/ry of
nu>lei> ->ids, #i/h $-r/i>ul-r re-rd /o re>o!bin-n/ DN+,Z -nd for his de8elo$!en/ of
/he ne# /e>hnoloy of ene/i> enineerin. Le h-d been one of /he le-ders in s/udyin
/he !ole>ul-r bioloy of nu>lei> ->ids /hrouhou/ his >-reer. Lis #or0 on b->/eri-l
$ro/ein syn/hesis #-s follo#ed by his s/udies of ene e@$ression in hiher or-nis!s.
Le #-s -lso no/-ble for le-din !ole>ul-r biolois/s in >-llin for - >ess-/ion of
re>o!bin-n/ DN+ rese-r>h un/il /he ris0s >ould be -ssessed. BP.P.C
6ilbert5 Walter 9@
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19*0. Born: K-r>h 21, 19'2; Aos/on, K+. Parents: 1-/her, 2i>h-rd
S. "ilber/; Ko/her, 5!!- 6ohen "ilber/. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish.
Education: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, A.+., 19%'; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, +.K., 19%);
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, D. Phil., 19%&. Spouse: 6eli- S/one, !-rried De>e!ber 29,
19%'. Children: Pohn 2i>h-rd, son; N-/e, d-uh/er. Career: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+,
Professor, 19%&:*2; Aioen, ?n>., K+, 2ese-r>her, 19*2:*); L-r8-rd Ini8., K+
Professor, 19*)-. Other Awards: I.S. S/eel 1ound-/ion +#-rd, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of
S>ien>es, 19(*; Ledlie Prize, L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, 19(9; W-rren Trienni-l Prize,
K-ss->huse//s "ener-l Los$i/-l, 19&&; Louis -nd Aer/ 1reed!-n 1ound-/ion +#-rd,
Ne# 3or0 +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19&&; Pri@ 6h-rles-Leo-$old K-yer, +>-d_!ie des
S>ien>es, 1r-n>e, 19&&; Louis- "ross Lor#i/z Prize, 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 19&9;
"-irdner Prize, 19&9; +lber/ L-s0er A-si> S>ien>e +#-rd, 19&9.
Selected Publications: \Pro/ein Syn/hesis in 5s>heri>hi- 6oli.Z .old (pring /arbor
(ymposium on ?uantitative 8iology 2* B19('CH 2*&:9&. \?sol-/ion of /he L->
2e$ressor.Z roceedings of the 'ational Academy of (ciences :.(. %( B19((CH 1*91:9*
B#i/h Aenno Kueller-LillC. \DN+ 2e$li>-/ion. The 2ollin 6ir>le Kodel.Z .old (pring
/arbor (ymposium on ?uantitative 8iology '' B19(*CH )&':*)
P-e '(
B#i/h D-8id DresslerC. \The L-> O$er-/or in DN+.Z roceedings of the 'ational
Academy of (ciences :.(. %* B19(*CH 2)1%:21 B#i/h Aenno Kueller-LillC. \2e$ressors
-nd "ene/i> 6on/rol.Z 'eurosci> (econd (tudy rogram B19&0CH 9)(:%).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BNo8e!ber 12, 199(CH 61. hysics Today
') BP-nu-ry 19*1CH 1&:1*. (cience 210 BNo8e!ber 21, 19*0CH **&:*9.
Co$$entary: W-l/er "ilber/ sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 on de/er!in-/ion of
/he seGuen>e of b-ses in DN+ by - !e/hod -$$li>-ble /o sinle- -nd double-s/r-nded
DN+. Le #-s eGu-lly #ell-0no#n for his use of eGuilibriu! di-lysis /o isol-/e /he l->
re$ressor, /he ele!en/ in /he Konod-P->ob !odel /h-/ de/er!ined #he/her or no/ /he
ene in 5s>heri>hi- >oli #ould >-use $rodu>/ion of /he enzy!e be/---l->/osid-se,
#hi>h is de$enden/ on /he $resen>e or -bsen>e of l->/ose. BA.S.S.C
-an&er5 rederick
(ee en/ry A2
!k!i5 8enichi 9A
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19*1. Born: O>/ober ), 191*; N-r-, P-$-n. Death: P-nu-ry 9, 199*;
Nyo/o, P-$-n. Parents: 1-/her, 2yo0i>hi 1u0ui; Ko/her, 6hie 1u0ui. Nationality:
P-$-nese. Religion: No re>ord found. Education: Nyo/o ?!$eri-l Ini8., P-$-n,
A->helor9s in 5nineerin, 19)1; Nyo/o ?!$eri-l Ini8., P-$-n, Ph.D., 19)*. Spouse:
To!oe Lorie, !-rried 19)&. Children: Te/suy-, son; Kiy-0o, d-uh/er. Career:
P-$-nese +r!y 1uel L-bor-/ory, 2ese-r>her, 19)1:)); Nyo/o ?!$eri-l Ini8., P-$-n,
Professor, 19)):*2; Nyo/o Ini8. of ?ndus/ri-l +r/s, P-$-n, Presiden/, 19*2:**; ?ns/i/u/e
for 1und-!en/-l 6he!is/ry, Dire>/or, 19**:9*. Other Awards: P-$-n +>-de!y Ked-l,
19(2; Order of 6ul/ure, P-$-n, 19*1; Person of 6ul/ur-l Keri/, P-$-n, 19*1.
Selected Publications: \De8elo$!en/s in Qu-n/u!-Ke>h-ni>-l ?n/er$re/-/ion of /he
2e->/i8i/y of Ins-/ur-/ed Lydro>-rbons.Z 7ournal of 7apanese .hemistry ( B19%2CH
'&9:*%. OO1ur/her S/udies on /he 1ron/ier 5le>/rons.Z 7ournal of 7apanese .hemistry *
B19%)CH &':&). \Kole>ul-r Orbi/-l Theory of Orien/-/ion in +ro!-/i>, Le/ero-ro!-/i>,
-nd O/her 6onMu-/ed Kole>ules.Z 7ournal of .hemical hysics 22 B19%)CH 1)'':)2
B#i/h o/hersC. \Theore/i>-l 2e->/i8i/y ?nde@ of +ddi/ion in /he 1ron/ier 5le>/ron
Theory.Z 8ulletin of the .hemical (ociety of 7apan ') B19(1CH 2'0:'2 B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s %9 BO>/ober 2(, 19*1CH (:
&. (cience 21) BNo8e!ber (, 19*1CH (2&:29. 'e0 1or2 Times BP-nu-ry 12, 199*CH A*.
Co$$entary: Neni>hi 1u0ui #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y \for his fron/ier orbi/-l /heory
of >he!i>-l re->/i8i/y,Z #hi>h s/-/ed /h-/ /he $roress of - re->/ion de$ends on /he
eo!e/ries -nd rel-/i8e eneries of /he hihes/ o>>u$ied !ole>ul-r orbi/-l of one
re->/-n/ -nd /he lo#es/ uno>>u$ied !ole>ul-r orbi/-l of /he o/her. Lis /heory #-s
e@/ended by his >ol-ure-/e 2o-ld Loff!-n, #hile 1u0ui >on/inued /o #or0 on
>-l>ul-/ions -nd -$$li>-/ions /o !-ny s$e>ifi> re->/ions durin his >-reer. BD.P.N.C
1off2ann5 4oald D1off2ann5 4onaldE 9B
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19*1. Born: Puly 1*, 19'&; Jlo>zo#, Pol-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Lillel
S-fr-n; S/e$f-/her, P-ul Loff!-nn; Ko/her, 6l-r- 2osen S-fr-n Loff!-nn. Nationality:
Polish; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, A.+.,
19%*; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.+., 19(0; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Ph.D., 19(2. Spouse: 58-
AorMesson, !-rried +$ril '0,19(0. Children: Lillel P-n, son; ?nrid Lelen-, d-uh/er.
Career: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, 2ese-r>her, 19(2:(%; 6ornell Ini8., N3, Professor, 19(%-.
Other Awards: +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y +#-rd, 19(9; 1resenius +#-rd, 19(9;
L-rrison Lo#e +#-rd, 19&0; +nnu-l +#-rd of ?n/ern-/ion-l +>-de!y of Qu-n/u!
Kole>ul-r S>ien>es, 19&0; +r/hur 6. 6o$e +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19&';
Linus P-ulin +#-rd, 19&); Ni>hols Ked-l, 19*0; ?nor-ni> 6he!is/ry +#-rd,
+!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19*2; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19*'; Pries/ley Ked-l,
1990; 6en/enni-l Ked-l, L-r8-rd Ini8ersi/y, 199); P-#-rh-rl-l Nehru Air/h 6en/en-ry
+#-rd, 199*.
Selected Publications: \Orbi/-l Sy!!e/ries -nd 5ndoe@o 2el-/ionshi$s in 6on>er/ed
6y>lo-ddi/ion 2e->/ions.Z 7ournal of the American .hemical (ociety *& B19(%CH )'**:
*9 B#i/h 2.A. Wood#-rdC. \Orbi/-l Sy!!e/ries -nd Orien/-/ion-l 5ffe>/s in -
Si!-/ro$i> 2e->/ion.Z 7ournal of the American .hemical (ociety *& B19(%CH )'*9:90
B#i/h 2.A. Wood#-rdC. \Sele>/ion 2ules for 6on>er/ed 6y>lo-ddi/ion 2e->/ions.Z
7ournal of the American .hemical (ociety *& B19(%CH 20)(:)* B#i/h 2.A. Wood#-rdC.
\S/ereo>he!is/ry of 5le>/ro>y>li> 2e->/ions.Z 7ournal of the American .hemical
(ociety *& B19(%CH '9%:9& B#i/h 2.A. Wood#-rdC. .onservation of Orbital (ymmetry.
Weinhei!, "er!-nyH Serl- 6he!ie, 19&0 B#i/h 2.A. Wood#-rdC. \Theore/i>-l +s$e>/s
of /he 6oordin-/ion of Kole>ules /o Tr-nsi/ion Ke/-l 6en/ers.Z ure Applied .hemistry
%0 B19&*CH 1:9 B#i/h T.+. +lbrih/ -nd D.L. ThornC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, '*&:**. .hemistry <magined. W-shin/on, D.6.H S!i/hsoni-n ?ns/i/u/e
Press, 199'. Old %ine, 'e0 =las2s. Ne# 3or0H W.L. 1ree!-n, 199&. The (ame and 'ot
the (ame. Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8ersi/y Press, 199%. (cience 21) BNo8e!ber (,
19*1CH (2&:29.
Co$$entary: 2o-ld Loff!-nn9s Nobel #-s r-n/ed for his -$$li>-/ions of !ole>ul-r
orbi/-l /heory /o >he!i>-l re->/ions. Le -nd 2ober/ Wood#-rd for!ul-/ed /he
Wood#-rd-Loff!-nn rules of orbi/-l sy!!e/ry, #hi>h $er!i//ed $redi>/ions of re->/ion
resul/s. Loff!-nn >on/inued in /he s/udy of >he!i>-l re->/ions, -s -ffe>/ed by /he
in/er->/ions be/#een /he !ole>ul-r orbi/-ls of re->/-n/s -nd $rodu>/s. BP.P.C
8l!&5 0aron 9C
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19*2. Born: +uus/ 11, 192(; Jel8-s, Li/hu-ni-. Parents: 1-/her,
L-z-r Nlu; Ko/her, Aell- Silin Nlu. Nationality: Sou/h +fri>-n; l-/er Ari/ish residen/.
Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of Wi/#-/ersr-nd, Sou/h +fri>-, A.S>., 19)(; Ini8.
of 6-$e To#n, Sou/h +fri>-, K.S>., 19)&; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19)9.
Spouse: Liebe Aobro#, !-rried 19)*. Children: +d-!, son; D-8id, son. Career:
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19)9:%'; Air0be>0 6ollee, London, 5nl-nd,
Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19%):(1; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19(2-. Other Awards:
P-e '&
Leine0en Prize, 2oy-l Ne/herl-nds +>-de!y of S>ien>e, 19&9; Louis- "ross Loro#i/z
Prize, 6olu!bi- Ini8., 19*1; "old Ked-l of Keri/, Ini8. of 6-$e To#n, 19*'; 6o$ley
Ked-l, 19*%; L-rden Ked-l, 19*%H A-ly Ked-l, 19*&; Nnih/hood, 19**; Order of
Keri/, 199%.
Selected Publications: \2e-re-/ion of /he +-$ro/ein of Tob->>o Kos-i> Sirus.Z
8iochim. et 8iophys. Acta 2' B19%&CH 199:201 B#i/h 2.5. 1r-n0linC. \Poin/ Prob-bili/y
Dis/ribu/ions of S/ru>/ure 1->/ors -nd /he Ph-se Proble!.Z Acta .ryst 11 B19%*CH %1%:
)'. \+r>hi/e>/ure of Pl-n/ Siruses.Z 8iochemical 7ournal ** B19('CH 2). \+n O$/i>-l
Ke/hod for /he +n-lysis of Periodi>i/ies in 5le>/ron Ki>ror-$hs, -nd So!e
Obser8-/ions on /he Ke>h-nis! of Ne-/i8e S/-inin.99 7ournal of #olecular 8iology
10 B19()CH %(%:(9 B#i/h P. AererC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s (0 BO>/ober 2%, 19*2CH ):
%. 'obel ri*e %inners> .hemistry. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 1990 BSolu!e 'C,
10&9:*(. (cience 21* BNo8e!ber 12, 19*2CH (%':%%.
Co$$entary: +-ron Nlu #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y \for his de8elo$!en/ of
>rys/-llor-$hi> ele>/ron !i>ros>o$i> /e>hniGues -nd for elu>id-/ion of bioloi>-lly
i!$or/-n/ nu>lei> ->id-$ro/ein >o!$le@es.Z Nlu9s #or0 refined ele>/ron !i>ros>o$y so
/h-/ i/ >ould be used Gu-n/i/-/i8ely /o $er!i/ /hree-di!ension-l i!-es. Lis s/ru>/ur-l
rese-r>h in>luded /i!e s$en/ su>>essfully #i/h /r-nsfer-2N+, /ob->>o !os-i> 8irus,
>hro!-/in, -nd /he s/ru>/ures #i/hin /he $ur$le !e!br-ne of - sele>/ed b->/eriu!. BS.A.C
Ta!be5 1enr$ 99
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19*'. Born: No8e!ber '0, 191%; Neudorf, S-s0-/>he#-n, 6-n-d-.
Parents: 1-/her, S-!uel T-ube; Ko/her, +lber/in- Tilede/z0i T-ube. Nationality:
6-n-di-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of
S-s0-/>he#-n, 6-n-d-, A.S., 19'%; Ini8. of S-s0-/>he#-n, 6-n-d-,, K.S., 19'&; Ini8.
of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Ph.D., 19)0. Spouse: K-ry +li>e Wes>he, !-rried No8e!ber
2&, 19%2. Children: Lind-, d-uh/er; K-ri-nn-, d-uh/er; Leinri>h, son; N-rl, son.
Career: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor, 19)0:)1; 6ornell Ini8., N3, Professor,
19)1:)(; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19)(:(1; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor,
19(2:*(. Other Awards: +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y +#-rd for Nu>le-r +$$li>-/ions,
19%%; L-rrison Lo#e +#-rd, 19(0; 6h-ndler Ked-l, 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 19();
Nir0#ood +#-rd, 3-le Ini8. -nd +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19((; Dis/inuished
Ser8i>e in +d8-n>e!en/ of ?nor-ni> 6he!is/ry +#-rd, 19(&; Ni>hols Ked-l, 19&1;
Will-rd "ibbs Ked-l, 19&1; 1.P. D#yer Ked-l, +us/r-li-, 19&'; N-/ion-l Ked-l of
S>ien>e, 19&&; T.W. 2i>h-rds Ked-l, 19*0; Linus P-ulin +#-rd, 19*1; Kons-n/o 6o.
+#-rd, 19*1; Wel>h +#-rd, 19*'; A-il-r Ked-l, 19*'; N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es
+#-rd, 19*'; Pries/ley Ked-l, 19*%; Oes$er +#-rd, 19*(; +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd,
?n/ern-/ion-l Pre>ious Ke/-ls ?ns/i/u/e, 19*(; Nosol-$off +#-rd, 1990; Ar-zili-n Order
of S>ien>e Keri/ +#-rd, 199'.
Selected Publications: \2-/es -nd Ke>h-nis!s of Subs/i/u/ion in ?nor-ni> 6o!$le@es
in Solu/ion.Z .hemical Bevie0s %0 B19%2CH (9:12(. \58iden>e for - Arided +>/i8-/ed
6o!$le@ for 5le>/ron Tr-nsfer 2e->/ions.Z 7ournal of the American .hemical (ociety
&( B19%)CH 210':11 B#i/h Lo#-rd KyersC. \5le>/ron-Tr-nsfer 2e->/ions of 2u/heniu!
+!!ines.Z <norganic .hemistry & B19(*CH 2'(9:&9 B#i/h T.P. KeyerC. \+ Dire>/
+$$ro->h /o Ke-surin /he 1r-n>0-6odon A-rrier /o 5le>/ron Tr-nsfer Ae/#een Ke/-l
?ons.Z 7ournal of the American .hemical (ociety 91 B19(9CH '9**:*9 B#i/h 6. 6reu/zC.
$lectron Transfer Beactions of .omplex <ons in (olution. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press,
19&0. \2ede/er!in-/ion of /he Le@--!ine>ob-l/ B???,??C 5le>/ron-Self-5@>h-ne 2-/e.Z
<norganic .hemistry 2' B19*)CH 9&9:*2 B#i/h +nders L-!!ershoi -nd D-niel
or !ore "n#or$ation See: \5le>/ron-Tr-nsfer Wor0 5-rns T-ube - Nobel.Z .hemical
%ee2 BO>/ober 2(, 19*'CH 1%:1(. \The 19*' Nobel Prize in 6he!is/ry.Z (cience
BDe>e!ber 19*'CH 9*(:*&. \Nobel Prize Winner Lenry T-ube Dis>usses Lis 2ese-r>h.Z
(cience BP-nu-ry 9, 19*)CH )':)).
Co$$entary: Lenry T-ube re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for \his #or0 in /he !e>h-nis! of
ele>/ron /r-nsfer re->/ions, es$e>i-lly in !e/-l >o!$le@es.Z Lis >-reer rese-r>h -ns#ered
/he Gues/ion of ho# -n ele>/ron !o8es fro! one $l->e /o -no/her, 8i- - \>he!i>-l
bride.Z T-ube -lso s/udied /he /r-nsfers of ele>/rons in !e/-ls /hrouh >he!i>-l
re->/ions -s e@e!$lified in /he for!-/ion of rus/ -nd o/her o@id-/ions. Lis rese-r>h h-d
re-/ -$$li>-bili/y in indus/ry. BA.W.C
,errifield5 4obert +r!ce 100
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19*). Born: Puly 1%, 1921; 1or/ Wor/h, T4. Parents: 1-/her, "eore
5. Aru>e Kerrifield; Ko/her, Lorene Lu>-s Kerrifield. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: Ke/hodis/. Education: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Los +neles, A.+., 19)'; Ini8. of
6-liforni-, Los +neles, Ph.D., 19)9. Spouse: 5liz-be/h 1urlon, !-rried Pune 20,
19)9. Children: N-n>y, d-uh/er; P-!es, son; Ae/sy, d-uh/er; 6-/hy, d-uh/er; L-urie,
d-uh/er; S-lly, d-uh/er. Career: Phili$ 2. P-r0 2ese-r>h 1ound-/ion, 2ese-r>her,
19)':)); Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Los +neles, Kedi>-l S>hool, 2ese-r>her, 19)*:)9;
2o>0efeller ?ns/i/u/e for Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h, N3, 2ese-r>her, 19)9:%&; 2o>0efeller
Ini8., N3, Professor, 19%&:92. Other Awards: L-s0er +#-rd, 19(9; "-irdner +#-rd,
19&0; ?n/r--S>ien>e +#-rd, 19&0; +#-rd for 6re-/i8e Wor0 in Syn/he/i> Or-ni>
6he!is/ry, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19&2; Ni>hols Ked-l, 19&'; +l-n 5. Pier>e
+#-rd, +!eri>-n Pe$/ide Sy!$osiu!, 19&9; 2udiner +#-rd, 1990; Lirs>h!-nn +#-rd
in Pe$/ide 6he!is/ry, 1990; "lenn Se-bor +#-rd, 199'; 6he!is/ry Pioneer +#-rd,
199'; +sso>i-/ion of Aio!ole>ul-r 2esour>e 1->ili/ies +#-rd, 199*.
Selected Publications: \Solid-Ph-se Pe$/ide Syn/hesisH The Syn/hesis of -
Te/r-$e$/ide.Z 7ournal of the American .hemical (ociety *% B19('CH 21)9:%). \Solid-
Ph-se Syn/hesis of /he 6y>lodode>-de$si$e$/ide S-lino!y>in.Z 7ournal of the American
.hemical (ociety 91 B19(9CH 2(91:9% B#i/h A.1. "isin -nd D.6. Tos/esonC. \+n
+ssess!en/ of Solid Ph-se Pe$/ide Syn/hesis.Z eptides> (tructural =unction,
roceedings of the American eptide (ymposium, ;th B19*'CH '':)). \SN2 De$ro/e>/ion
of Syn/he/i> Pe$/ides #i/h - Lo# 6on>en/r-/ion of Lydroen 1luoride in Di!e/hyl
P-e '*
SulfideH 58iden>e -nd +$$li>-/ion in Pe$/ide Syn/hesis.Z 7ournal of the American
.hemical (ociety 10% B19*'CH ())2:%% B#i/h P-!es P. T-! -nd Willi-! 1. Le-/hC.
\SolidPh-se Syn/hesis of 6e>ro$in + -nd 2el-/ed Pe$/ides.Z roceedings of the
'ational Academy of (ciences :(A *0 B19*'CH ()&%:&9 B#i/h D. +ndreu -nd L.".
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
K-r>h 19*%, 20:22. \The 19*) Nobel Prize in 6he!is/ry.Z (cience BDe>e!ber &, 19*)CH
11%1:%'. \2. Aru>e KerrifieldH Desiner of Pro/einK-0in K->hine.Z .hemical and
$ngineering 'e0s +uus/ 2, 19&1CH 22:2(.
Co$$entary: 2ober/ Aru>e Kerrifield #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his
de8elo$!en/ of - \si!$le -nd inenious -u/o!-/ed l-bor-/ory /e>hniGue for r-$idly
syn/hesizin $e$/ide >h-ins in l-re Gu-n/i/ies on - rou/ine b-sis, >-lled Osolid-$h-se
$e$/ide syn/hesis.Z9 The /e>hniGue h-s -ided in /he /re-/!en/ -nd $re8en/ion of - nu!ber
of dise-ses -nd ene/i> disorders -nd h-s re-/ly s/i!ul-/ed $roress in ene/i>
enineerin. BA.W.C
1a!pt2an5 1erbert 0aron 101
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19*%. Born: 1ebru-ry 1), 191&; Aron@, N3. Parents: 1-/her, ?sr-el
L-u$/!-n; Ko/her, Le-h 2osenfeld L-u$/!-n. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion:
Pe#ish. Education: 6i/y 6ollee of Ne# 3or0, A.S., 19'&; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, K.+.,
19'9; Ini8. of K-ryl-nd, Ph.D., 19%%. Spouse: 5di/h 6i/rynell, !-rried No8e!ber 10,
19)0. Children: A-rb-r-, d-uh/er; 6-rol, d-uh/er. Career: Ini/ed S/-/es 6ensus
Aure-u, S/-/is/i>i-n, 19)0:)2; Ini/ed S/-/es +ir 1or>e, 19)2:)', 19)(:)&; Ini/ed
S/-/es N-8-l 2ese-r>h L-bor-/ory, 2ese-r>her, 19)&:&0; Kedi>-l 1ound-/ion of Auff-lo
Bno# L-u$/!-n-Wood#-rd Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h ?ns/i/u/eC, N3, +d!inis/r-/or, 19&0-.
Other Awards: Aelden Prize, 19'%; Pure S>ien>e +#-rd, Si!- 4i, 19%9; +.L. P-//erson
+#-rd, +!eri>-n 6rys/-llor-$hi> +sso>i-/ion, 19*); Pe#ish +>-de!y +r/s -nd
S>ien>es +#-rd, 19*(; S>hoel0o$f +#-rd, 19*(; "old Pl-/e +#-rd, +!eri>-n +>-de!y
of +>hie8e!en/, 19*(; N-/ion-l Libr-ry of Kedi>ine Ked-l, 19*(; L-# S>hool +#-rd,
K-i!onides 6h-b-d Louse, 19*(.
Selected Publications: OOThe Ph-ses -nd K-ni/udes of /he S/ru>/ure 1->/ors.Z Acta
.ryst ' B19%0CH 1*1:*& B#i/h P. N-rleC. \Solu/ion of S/ru>/ure-1->/or 5Gu-/ions.Z Acta
.ryst ) B19%1CH 1**:*9 B#i/h P. N-rleC. (olution of the hase roblem. <. The
.entrosymmetric .rystal. +nn +rbor, K?H +!eri>-n 6rys/-llor-$hi> +sso>i-/ion, 19%'
B#i/h P. N-rleC. \+ Theory of Ph-se De/er!in-/ion for /he 1our Ty$es of Non-
>en/rosy!!e/ri> S$->e "rou$s.Z Acta .ryst 9 B19%(CH ('%:%1 B#i/h P. N-rleC. Table of
All rimitive Boots for rimes -ess than "000. W-shin/on, D6H N-8-l 2ese-r>h
L-bor-/ory, 19&0. .rystal (tructure &etermination> The Bole of the .osine
(eminvariants. Ne# 3or0H Plenu! Press, 19&2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 2&, 19*%CH 1. 'obel ri*e
%inners> .hemistry. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 1990 BSolu!e 'CH 111':1*. (cience
2'1 BP-nu-ry 2), 19*(CH '(2:().
Co$$entary: No# >onsidered one of /he \founders of - ne# er- in rese-r>h on
!ole>ul-r s/ru>/ure,Z Lerber/ L-u$/!-n #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y for /he
\de8elo$!en/ of dire>/ !e/hods for /he de/er!in-/ion of >rys/-l s/ru>/ures.Z The oriin-l
#or0 #-s >onsidered \un->>e$/ed -nd >on/ro8ersi-lZ for !ore /h-n 1% ye-rs -f/er i/s
$ubli>-/ion. Ay -n-lyzin /he in/ensi/y of /he s/ru>/ure of - !ole>ule dire>/ly, i/ is no#
$ossible /o Gui>0ly -n-lyze /he /hreedi!ension-l s/ru>/ure of /he !ole>ule. +d-$/in
/hese /e>hniGues for use by >o!$u/ers, s>ien/is/s -re no# -ble /o de/er!ine /he s/ru>/ure
of >o!$le@ !ole>ules in Mus/ - fe# d-ys. BL.S.S.C
8arle5 <ero2e 102
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19*%. Born: Pune 1*, 191*; Aroo0lyn, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Louis
N-rfun0le N-rle; Ko/her, S-die Nun N-rle. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish.
Education: 6i/y 6ollee of Ne# 3or0, A.S., 19'&; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, +.K., 19'*;
Ini8. of Ki>hi-n, Ph.D., 19)'. Spouse: ?s-bell- Lelen Luos0i, !-rried Pune ), 19)2.
Children: Louise ?s-bell-, d-uh/er; Pe-n K-ri-nne, d-uh/er; K-deline Di-ne,
d-uh/er. Career: K-nh-//-n ProMe>/, 6hi>-o, ?L, 2ese-r>her, 19)':)); Ini/ed S/-/es
N-8y ProMe>/, K?, 2ese-r>her, 19)):)(; N-8-l 2ese-r>h L-bor-/ory, KD, 2ese-r>her
-nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19)(-. Other Awards: Pure S>ien>e +#-rd, Si!- 4i, 19%9; N-8y
Dis/inuished 6i8ili-n Ser8i>e +#-rd, 19(*; Lillebr-nd +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l
So>ie/y, 19(9; 2ober/ De@/er 6onr-d +#-rd, 19&(; +.L. P-//erson +#-rd, +!eri>-n
6rys/-llor-$hi> +sso>i-/ion, 19*); N-/ion-l 2ese-r>h L-bor-/ory Life/i!e
+>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, 199'.
Selected Publications: \The Ph-ses -nd K-ni/udes of /he S/ru>/ure 1->/ors.Z Acta
.ryst ' B19%0CH 1*1:*& B#i/h L. L-u$/!-nC. \Solu/ion of S/ru>/ure-1->/or 5Gu-/ions.Z
Acta .ryst ) B19%1CH 1**:*9 B#i/h L. L-u$/!-nC. (olution of the hase roblem. <. The
.entrosymmetric .rystal. +nn +rbor, K?H +!eri>-n 6rys/-llor-$hi> +sso>i-/ion, 19%'
B#i/h L. L-u$/!-nC. \+ Theory of Ph-se De/er!in-/ion for /he 1our Ty$es of Non-
>en/rosy!!e/ri> S$->e "rou$s.Z Acta .ryst 9 B19%(CH ('%:%1 B#i/h L. L-u$/!-nC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times O>/ober 2&, 19*%CH 1. (cience 2'1 BP-nu-ry
2), 19*(CH '(2:().
Co$$entary: Pero!e N-rle, #hose #or0 #-s no/ ->>e$/ed un/il /he !id-19(0s, #-s
>i/ed by /he +>-de!y for \/he de8elo$!en/ of dire>/ !e/hods for /he de/er!in-/ion of
>rys/-l s/ru>/ures.Z The !-/he!-/i>-l /e>hniGues -llo#ed /he use of @-r-y
>rys/-llor-$hy for dire>/ly de/er!inin /he s/ru>/ure of /hree-di!ension-l !ole>ules,
$-r/i>ul-rly hor!ones, 8i/-!ins, -nd -n/ibio/i>s. BL.S.S.C
1erschbach5 (!dle$ 4obert 103
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19*(. Born: Pune 1*, 19'2; S-n Pose, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, 2ober/
Dudley Lers>hb->h; Ko/her, Doro/hy 5di/h Aeer Lers>hb->h. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: 1ro! Pro/es/-n/ b->0round. Education: S/-nford Ini8., 6+, A.S., 19%);
S/-nford Ini8., 6+, K.S., 19%%; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.+., 19%(; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+,
Ph.D., 19%*. Spouse: "eorene Lee Ao/yos, !-rried De>e!ber 2(, 19(). Children:
Lis- K-rie, d-uh/er; Arend- Ki>hele, d-uh/er. Career: L-r8-rd Ini8., 2ese-r>her,
19%&:%9; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor, 19%9:('; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+,
Professor, 19('-. Other Awards: Pure 6he!is/ry +#-rd,
P-e '9
+!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(%; S$iers Ked-l, 19&(; 6en/en-ry Ked-l, Ari/ish
6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19&&; Linus P-ulin Ked-l, 19&*; Pol-nyi Ked-l, 19*1; L-n!uir
Prize, 19*'; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 1991; Leyro8s0y Ked-l, 1992; Sierr- Ne8-d-
Dis/inuished 6he!is/ +#-rd, 199'; Nosol-$off Ked-l, 199); Willi-! 1-ul0ner Prize,
Selected Publications: \Kole>ul-r Ae-! Nine/i>sH 58iden>e for Preferred "eo!e/ry in
?n/erh-loen 5@>h-ne 2e->/ions.Z 7ournal of .hemical hysics %1 B19(9CH )%%:%(.
\Su$ersoni> Kole>ul-r Ae-!s of +l0-li Di!ers.Z 7ournal of .hemical hysics %)
B19&1CH 2'9':2)09. \Kole>ul-r Ae-! Nine/i>sH 2e->/ions of Lydroen -nd Deu/eriu!
+/o!s #i/h Di-/o!i> +l0-li Kole>ules.Z 7ournal of .hemical hysics %) B19&1CH 2)10:
2'. .hemical Jinetics. LondonH Au//er#or/hs, 19&(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1(, 19*(CH A19l. hysics Today
)0 B19*&CH 1&:19. Besearch and &evelopment 2* B19*(CH '&:'*.
Co$$entary: Dudley Lers>hb->h sh-red /he Nobel for rese-r>h /h-/ $ro8ided OO- !u>h
!ore de/-iled unders/-ndin of ho# >he!i>-l re->/ions /-0e $l->e.Z Lers>hb->h
de8elo$ed /he -$$ro->h of >rossed !ole>ul-r be-!s, in #hi>h /#o be-!s of !ole>ules
-re ->>eler-/ed -nd >ollide under >on/rolled -nd 0no#n >ondi/ions, -nd /he $rodu>/s of
/he >ollision -re in8es/i-/ed. The $ro>ess >-n be used /o s/udy -ll /y$es of >he!i>-l
re->/ions in - #-y 8ery differen/ fro! $re8ious ross s/udies of re->/ions -nd h-s led /o
- !u>h !ore de/-iled unders/-ndin of re->/ion dyn-!i>s. B".2.C
#ee5 9!an Tseh 10?
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19*(. Born: No8e!ber 29, 19'(; Lsin>hu, T-i#-n. Parents: 1-/her,
Tse 1-n Lee; Ko/her, Pei Ts-i Lee. Nationality: 6hinese; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen.
Religion: None, fro! Auddhis/ b->0round. Education: N-/ion-l T-i#-n Ini8., A.S.,
19%9; N-/ion-l Tsinhu- Ini8., T-i#-n, K.S., 19(1; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley,
Ph.D., 19(%. Spouse: Aerni>e 6hinli Wu, !-rried Pune 2*, 19('. Children: Ted, son;
Sidney, son; 6h-rlo//e, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19(*:&);
Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor, 19&):9); +>-de!i- Sini>-, T-i#-n, Presiden/,
199)-. Other Awards: 5rnes/ Orl-ndo L-#ren>e +#-rd, 19*1; L-rrison 5. Lo#e +#-rd,
19*'; Pe/er Debye +#-rd, 19*(; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19*(.
Selected Publications: \Kole>ul-r Ae-! Nine/i>sH 58iden>e for Preferred "eo!e/ry in
?n/erh-loen 5@>h-ne 2e->/ions.Z 7ournal of .hemical hysics %1 B19(9CH )%%:%(.
\Kole>ul-r Ae-! Nine/i>sH 2e->/ion of Lydroen -nd Deu/eriu! +/o!s #i/h Di-/o!i>
+l0-li Kole>ules.Z 7ournal of .hemical hysics %) B19&1CH 2)10:2'. \S/udies #i/h
6rossed L-ser -nd Kole>ul-r Ae-!s.Z hysics Today '' B19*0CH %2:%9. \Kole>ul-r
Ae-! S/udies of 5le!en/-ry 6he!i>-l Pro>esses.Z (cience 2'( B19*&CH &9':9*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19*&, 1(&.
'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1(, 19*(CH A19l. (cience 2') B19*(CH (&':&).
Co$$entary: 3u-n Tseh Lee sh-red /he Nobel for \>on/ribu/ions >on>ernin /he
dyn-!i>s of ele!en/-ry >he!i>-l $ro>esses.Z Lee re$l->ed his >ol-ure-/e Lers>hb->h9s
surf->e ioniz-/ion ho/-#ire de/e>/or, #hi>h #-s li!i/ed /o s/udy of -l0-li--/o!-
>on/-inin en/i/ies, #i/h - uni8ers-lly -$$li>-ble, s$e>i-lly desined !-ss s$e>/ro!e/er
/h-/ >ould se$-r-/e -nd iden/ify re->/ion $rodu>/s. Lis l-/er #or0 e@$lored /he re->/ions
of l-rer !ole>ules -nd >o!bus/ion >he!is/ry. B".2.C
Polan$i5 <ohn %harles 10@
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19*(. Born: P-nu-ry 2', 1929; Aerlin, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her,
Ki>h-el Pol-nyi; Ko/her, K-d- 5liz-be/h Ne!eny Pol-nyi. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er
5nlish; no# 6-n-di-n >i/izen. Religion: 6hris/i-n Bfro! Pe#ish b->0roundC.
Education: K-n>hes/er Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.S., 19)9; K-n>hes/er Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.S>.,
19%0; K-n>hes/er Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19%2. Spouse: +nne 1err-r D-8idson, !-rried
19%*. Children: K-r-re/ +le@-ndr-, d-uh/er; Ki>h-el 1err-r, son. Career: N-/ion-l
2ese-r>h 6oun>il, 6-n-d-, 2ese-r>her, 19%2:%); Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, 2ese-r>her,
19%):%(; Ini8. of Toron/o, 6-n-d-, Professor, 19%(-. Other Awards: K-rlo# Ked-l,
19(2; S/e->ie Prize, 19(%; 6en/en-ry Ked-l, Ari/ish 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(%; Nor-nd-
+#-rd, 19(&; K->0 +#-rd, 19(9; Ari/ish 6he!i>-l So>ie/y +#-rd, 19&1; Lenry
K-rsh-ll Tory Ked-l, 19&&; 2e!sen +#-rd, 19&*; 6o!$-nion of /he Order of 6-n-d-,
19&9; Wolf Prize, 19*2; Nill-! Ke!ori-l Prize, 19**; 2oy-l Ked-l, 19*9; Pol-nyi
+#-rd, 1992; A-0eri-n +#-rd, 199).
Selected Publications: \Quen>hin -nd Sibr-/ion-l-enery Tr-nsfer of 5@>i/ed ?odine
Kole>ules.Z .anadian 7ournal of .hemistry '( B19%*CH 121:'0. \5nery Dis/ribu/ion
+!on 2e-en/s -nd Produ>/s of +/o!i> 2e->/ions.Z 7ournal of .hemical hysics '1
B19%9CH 1''*:%1. \+n ?nfr-red K-ser De$enden/ on Sibr-/ion-l 5@>i/-/ion.Z 7ournal of
.hemical hysics ') B19(1CH ')&:)*. \So!e 6on>e$/s in 2e->/ion Dyn-!i>s.Z (cience
2'( B19*&CH (*0:90.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical %ee2 1'9 B19*(CH *:10. #aclean)s 99 B19*(CH (0.
(cience 2') B19*(CH (&':&).
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s sh-red by Pohn Pol-nyi for \>on/ribu/ions
>on>ernin /he dyn-!i>s of ele!en/-ry >he!i>-l re->/ions.Z Inli0e his /#o >ol-ure-/es
#ho de8elo$ed /he !ole>ul-r be-! !e/hod for s/udyin >he!i>-l re->/ions, Pol-nyi
used infr-red >he!ilu!ines>en>e /o follo# /he e@>i/ed $rodu>/s of re->/ions,
$roressin fro! /he rel-/i8ely si!$le hydroen->hlorine re->/ion /o !u>h !ore
>o!$li>-/ed re->/ions. Lis #or0 -lso led in/o /he de8elo$!en/ of >he!i>-l l-sers. B".2.C
P-e )0
Ked-l of S>ien>e, 199'; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Los +neles Ked-l, 199'.
Selected Publications: \6hir-l, Lined, -nd 1un>/ion-lized Kul/ihe/ero!->ro>y>les.Z
7ournal of the American .hemical (ociety 9% B19&'CH 2(91:92. \6hir-l 2e>oni/ion in
Kole>ul-r 6o!$le@in.Z 7ournal of the American .hemical (ociety 9% B19&'CH 2(92:
9'. OOLos/"ues/ 6he!is/ry.Z (cience 1*' B19&)CH *0':09. \The Desin of Kole>ul-r
Los/s, "ues/s, -nd Their 6o!$le@es.Z (cience 2)0 B19**CH &(0:(&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: =rom &esign to &iscovery. W-shin/on, D6H +!eri>-n
6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 1990. 'e0 1or2 Times. BO>/ober 1%, 19*&CH +1). (cience 2'* B19*&CH
Co$$entary: The 6he!is/ry Nobel #-s sh-red by Don-ld 6r-! for his $-r/ in
\elu>id-/in !e>h-nis!s of !ole>ul-r re>oni/ion, #hi>h -re fund-!en/-l /o enzy!i>
>-/-lysis, reul-/ion, -nd /r-ns$or/.Z 6r-! e@/ended his >ol-ure-/e Pedersen9s #or0 on
one-di!ension-l >ro#n e/her hos/s -nd -l0-li-!e/-l ues/s /o /hree-di!ension-l >y>li>
>o!$ounds /h-/ e@hibi/ed - $er!-nen/ly riid s/ru>/ure -nd >ould ->>e$/ subs/r-/es in -
s/ru>/ur-lly $reor-nized >-8i/y. Le >-lled /he >o!$ounds >-8i/-nds, #here-s >ol-ure-/e
Lehn referred /o his ne# s/ru>/ures -s >ry$/-nds. B".2.,A.S.S.C
#ehn5 <ean',arie Pierre 10B
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19*&. Born: Se$/e!ber '0, 19'9; 2oshei!, A-s 2hin, 1r-n>e.
Parents: 1-/her, Pierre Lehn; Ko/her, K-rie S-lo!on Lehn. Nationality: 1ren>h.
Religion: No re>ord found. Education: Ini8. of S/r-sbour, 1r-n>e, A.S., 19(0; Ini8.
of S/r-sbour, 1r-n>e, Ph.D., 19('. Spouse: Syl8ie Lederer, !-rried 19(%. Children:
D-8id, son; K-/hi-s, son. Career: N-/ion-l 6en/er for S>ien/ifi> 2ese-r>h, 1r-n>e,
2ese-r>her, 19(0:((; Ini8. of S/r-sbour, 1r-n>e, Professor, 19((:(9; Ini8. Louis
P-s/eur, 1r-n>e, Professor, 19&0:&9; 6ollee of 1r-n>e, P-ris, Professor, 19&9-. Other
Awards: "old Ked-l, ?/-ly, 19*1; P-r->elsus Prize, 19*2; 8on Lu!bold/ Prize, 19*';
N-rl-Jieler Prize, 19*9; Ser!eil Ked-l, P-ris, 19*9; Aonner 6he!ie$reis, 199'; 5//ore
K-Mor-n--5ri>e Pe->e Prize, 199); "old Ked-l, So>ie/y +>-de!y +r/s, S>ien>es,
Le//res, 199%; D-8y Ked-l, 199&; L-8oisier Ked-l, 199&; +.2. D-y +#-rd, 199*.
Selected Publications: \Nine/i> -nd 6onfor!-/ion-l S/udies by Nu>le-r K-ne/i>
2eson-n>e. 4?. 2in ?n8ersion in Te/r-hydro-1, '-O@-zines.Z 8ulletin (oc. .him.
=rance ' B19(*CH 11&2:&&. \6ry$/-/es, 6-/ion 5@>h-ne 2-/es.Z 7ournal of the
American .hemical (ociety 92 B19&0CH 291(:1*. \6-/ion -nd 6-8i/y Sele>/i8i/ies of
+l0-li- -nd +l0-line5-r/h 6ry$/-/es.Z 7ournal of the .hemical (ociety &. B19&1CH ))0:
)1. \6ry$/-/es.Z Becherche 2 B19&1CH 2&(:&&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1%, 19*&CH +1). (cience 2'*
B19*&CH (11:12.
Co$$entary: Pe-n-K-rie Lehn sh-red /he Nobel Prize in 6he!is/ry for his $-r/ in
\elu>id-/in !e>h-nis!s of !ole>ul-r re>oni/ion, #hi>h -re fund-!en/-l /o enzy!i>
>-/-lysis, reul-/ion, -nd /r-ns$or/.Z Lehn e@/ended his >ol-ure-/e Pedersen9s #or0 on
one-di!ension-l >ro#n e/her hos/s -nd -l0-li !e/-l-ion ues/s /o /hree-di!ension-l
s/->0edl-yer $oly>y>li> >o!$ounds /h-/ e@hibi/ed - riid s/ru>/ure, -nd >ould bind -
8-rie/y of !ole>ules in /he \>ry$/sZ /h-/ #ere $rodu>ed in /he s/ru>/ure, #hile >h-nin
/h-/ s/ru>/ure in so!e #-ys. Lehn referred /o /he ->/i8i/y -s su$r-!ole>ul-r, sin>e /he
in/er->/ion #-s /r-nsien/ in n-/ure -nd no/ -s $er!-nen/ -s ordin-ry >o8-len/ bonds.
Pedersen5 %harles <ohn 10C
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19*&. Born: O>/ober ', 190); Pus-n, Nore-. Death: O>/ober 2(,
19*9; S-le!, NP. Parents: 1-/her, Arede Pedersen; Ko/her, T-0ino 3-sui Pedersen.
Nationality: +!eri>-n; born in Nore-. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of D-y/on,
OL, A.S., 192(; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, K.S., 192&. Spouse: Sus-n P.
+ul/, !-rried 19)&, died 19*'. Children: Shirley, d-uh/er; A-rb-r-, d-uh/er. Career:
duPon/ 6o!$-ny, D5, 2ese-r>her, 192&:(9. Other Awards: +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y
+#-rd, 19(*.
Selected Publications: \K->ro>y>li> Polye/hers #i/h +ro!-/i> "rou$s -nd Their
6-/ioni> 6o!$le@es.Z 1ren>h P-/en/ 1, ))0, &1( BPune ', 19((C. \6y>li> Polye/hers -nd
Their 6o!$le@es #i/h Ke/-l S-l/s.Z 7ournal of American .hemical (ociety *9 B19(&CH
&01&:'(. \K->ro>y>li> Polye/hers.Z Ari/ish P-/en/ 1, 1)9, 229 B+$ril 1(, 19(9C.
\K->ro>y>li> Polye/her 6o!$ounds -nd Their ?oni> 6o!$le@es.Z "er!-n P-/en/ 1,
9(', %2* BPuly 2, 19&0C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times. BO>/ober 1%, 19*&CH +1). (cience 2'*
B19*&CH (11:12.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize in 6he!is/ry #-s sh-red by 6h-rles Pedersen for his
$-r/ in \elu>id-/in !e>h-nis!s of !ole>ul-r re>oni/ion, #hi>h -re fund-!en/-l /o
enzy!i> >-/-lysis, reul-/ion, -nd /r-ns$or/.Z Pedersen found /h-/ -l0-li !e/-l ions >ould
be bound by >ro#n e/hers, >on8er/in /he fle@ible e/her rin in/o - !ore riid, l-yered
s/ru>/ure, in #hi>h /he -l0-li !e/-l ion #-s bound in/o /he >en/er of /he rin. Pedersen9s
#or0 ini/i-/ed /he field of #h-/ is 0no#n -s hos/-ues/ >he!is/ry. B".2.,A.S.S.C
(eisenhofer5 <ohann 109
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19**. Born: Se$/e!ber '0, 19)'; Jus-!-l/hei!, "er!-ny. Parents:
1-/her, Poh-nn Deisenhofer; Ko/her, The0l- K- Deisenhofer. Nationality: "er!-n;
l-/er +!eri>-n residen/. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Te>hni>-l Ini8., Kuni>h,
"er!-ny, K.S., 19&1; K-@ Pl-n>0 ?ns/i/u/e for Aio>he!is/ry, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 19&).
Spouse: Nirs/en 1is>her-Lind-hl, !-rried Pune 19, 19*9. Children: No re>ord found.
Career: K-@ Pl-n>0 ?ns/i/u/e for Aio>he!is/ry, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19&):**; Ini8. of
Te@-s Sou/h#es/ern Kedi>-l 6en/er, Professor, 19**-. Other Awards: Aioloi>-l
Physi>s Prize, +!eri>-n Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19*(; O//o-A-yer Prize, 19**.
Selected Publications: \4-r-y S/ru>/ure of - Ke!br-ne Pro/ein 6o!$le@.Z 7ournal of
#olecular 8iology 1*0 B19*)CH '*%:9*. \S/ru>/ure of /he Pro/ein Subuni/s in /he
Pho/osyn/he/i> 2e->/ion 6en/er of Bhodopseudomonas viridis -/ ' +ns/ro!
2esolu/ion.Z 'ature '1* B19*%CH 19:2(. \5@$erien>e #i/h S-rious Te>hniGues for /he
2efine!en/ of Pro/ein S/ru>/ures.Z #ethods $n*ymol B19*%CH 11%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical %ee2 1)' B19**CH 11:12. 'e0 1or2 Times
BO>/ober 20, 19**CH A12.
Co$$entary: The Nobel in 6he!is/ry #-s sh-red by Poh-nn Deisenhofer for his $-r/ in
#or0 /h-/ \re8e-led /he
P-e )1
/hree-di!ension-l s/ru>/ure of >losely-lin0ed $ro/eins /h-/ -re essen/i-l /o
$ho/osyn/hesis.Z +f/er >ol-ure-/e Ki>hel >rys/-llized /he !e!br-ne-bound $ro/ein
$ho/osyn/he/i> re->/ion >en/er of /he Bhodopseudomonas viridis b->/eriu!, Deisenhofer
-nd his o/her >ol-ure-/e Luber used @-r-y >rys/-llor-$hy /o elu>id-/e /he $osi/ions of
/he -$$ro@i!-/ely 10,000 -/o!s in /he $ro/ein >o!$le@. ?n -ddi/ion /o i/s i!$or/-n>e in
/he unders/-ndin of $ho/osyn/hesis, /he #or0 h-d o/her -$$li>-/ions, sin>e !e!br-ne-
bound $ro/eins -re -lso i!$or/-n/ in !-ny dise-se s/-/es. B".2.,A.S.S.C
1!ber5 4obert 110
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19**. Born: 1ebru-ry 20, 19'&; Kuni>h, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her,
Seb-s/i-n Luber; Ko/her, Lelene Nebiner Luber. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion:
6hris/i-n. Education: Te>hni>-l Ini8., Kuni>h, "er!-ny, A.S., 19(0; Te>hni>-l Ini8.,
Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 19('. Spouse: 6hris/- 5ssi, !-rried 19(0. Children: K-r/in,
son; 2ober/, son; Ilri0e, d-uh/er; Puli-, d-uh/er. Career: Te>hni>-l Ini8., Kuni>h,
"er!-ny, Professor, 19(*-; K-@ Pl-n>0 ?ns/i/u/e of Aio>he!is/ry, "er!-ny, Dire>/or,
19&2-. Other Awards: 5.N. 1rey Prize, 19&2; O//o W-rbur Ked-l, 19&&; 5!il 8on
Aehrin Prize, 19*2; Neilin Ked-l, 19*&; 2i>h-rd Nuhn Ked-l, 19*&; 1rey-Werle
Ked-l, 19*9; None +#-rd, 1990; Nrebs Ked-l, 1992.
Selected Publications: \4-r-y S/ru>/ure of - Ke!br-ne Pro/ein 6o!$le@.Z 7ournal of
#olecular 8iology 1*0 B19*)CH '*%:9*. \S/ru>/ure of /he Pro/ein Subuni/s in /he
Pho/osyn/he/i> 2e->/ion 6en/er of Bhodopseudomonas viridis -/ ' +ns/ro!
2esolu/ion.Z 'ature '1* B19*%CH 19:2(. \S/ru>/ur-l A-sis for +n/ien-+n/ibody
2e>oni/ion.Z (cience 2'' B19*(CH &02:0'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 20, 19**CH +1. hysics Today )2
B19*9CH 1&:1*.
Co$$entary: 2ober/ Luber sh-red /he Nobel in 6he!is/ry for his $-r/ in #or0 /h-/
re8e-led OO/he /hree-di!ension-l s/ru>/ure of >losely-lin0ed $ro/eins /h-/ -re essen/i-l /o
$ho/osyn/hesis.Z +f/er >ol-ure-/e Ki>hel >rys/-llized /he !e!br-ne-bound $ro/ein
$ho/osyn/he/i> re->/ion >en/er of /he Bhodopseudomonas viridis b->/eriu!, Luber -nd
his o/her >ol-ure-/e Deisenhofer used @-r-y >rys/-llor-$hy /o elu>id-/e /he $osi/ions of
/he -$$ro@i!-/ely 10,000 -/o!s in /he $ro/ein >o!$le@. ?n -ddi/ion /o i/s i!$or/-n>e in
/he unders/-ndin of $ho/osyn/hesis, /he #or0 h-d o/her -$$li>-/ions sin>e !e!br-ne-
bound $ro/eins -re -lso i!$or/-n/ in !-ny dise-se s/-/es. B".2.,A.S.S.C
,ichel5 1art2!t 111
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19**. Born: Puly 1*, 19)*; Lud#isbur, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her,
N-rl Ki>hel; Ko/her, 1ried- N->hler Ki>hel. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/.
Education: Ini8. of Tubinen, "er!-ny, A.S., 19&); Ini8. of WRrzbur, "er!-ny,
Ph.D., 19&&. Spouse: ?lon- S. Leer-Ki>hel, !-rried 19&9. Children: +ndre-, d-uh/er;
2ober/, son. Career: Ini8ersi/y of WRrzbur, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her 19&&:&9; K-@
Pl-n>0 ?ns/i/u/e of Aio>he!is/ry, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19&9:*&; K-@ Pl-n>0 ?ns/i/u/e
of Aio$hysi>s, "er!-ny, Dire>/or, 19*&-. Other Awards: Aio$hysi>s Prize, +!eri>-n
Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19*(; O//o Nlun Prize, 19*(; Leibniz Prize, 19*(; O//o A-yer Prize,
Selected Publications: \6rys/-lliz-/ion of Ke!br-ne Pro/eins.Z Trends in 8iochemical
(cience * B19*'CH %(:%9. \4-r-y S/ru>/ure of - Ke!br-ne Pro/ein 6o!$le@.Z 7ournal of
#olecular 8iology 1*0 B19*)CH '*%:9*. \S/ru>/ure of /he Pro/ein Subuni/s in /he
Pho/osyn/he/i> 2e->/ion 6en/er of Bhodopseudomonas viridis -/ ' +ns/ro!
2esolu/ion.Z 'ature '1* B19*%CH 19:2(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 20, 19**C; A12. (cience 2)2
B19**CH (&2:&'.
Co$$entary: L-r/!u/ Ki>hel #-s -#-rded - sh-re of /he Nobel for his $-r/ in #or0
/h-/ re8e-led \/he /hreedi!ension-l s/ru>/ure of >losely-lin0ed $ro/eins /h-/ -re essen/i-l
/o $ho/osyn/hesis.Z Ki>hel in8es/ed four ye-rs of effor/ in /ryin /o fully >rys/-llize
b->/eri-l !e!br-ne $ro/ein before su>>eedin #i/h /he !e!br-ne-bound $ro/ein
$ho/osyn/he/i> re->/ion >en/er of /he Bhodopseudomonas viridis b->/eriu!. Le /hen
Moined #i/h his >ol-ure-/es in - su>>essful /#o-ye-r effor/ /o !-$ /he $ro/ein >o!$le@
s/ru>/ure usin @-r-y >rys/-llor-$hy. The #or0 #-s -n i!$or/-n/ 0ey /o unders/-ndin
$ho/osyn/hesis -nd !-ny dise-se s/-/es. B".2.,A.S.S.C
0lt2an5 -idne$ 112
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 19*9. Born: K-y &, 19'9; Kon/re-l, 6-n-d-. Parents: 1-/her, Si>/or
+l/!-n; Ko/her, 2-y +rlin +l/!-n. Nationality: 6-n-di-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen.
Religion: Pe#ish. Education: K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, A.S., 19(0; Ini8.
of 6olor-do, Ph.D., 19(&. Spouse: +nn Norner, !-rried 19&2. Children: D-niel, son;
Le-h, d-uh/er. Career: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, 2ese-r>her, 19(&:(9; Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h
6oun>il L-bor-/ory, 6-!bride, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19(9:&1; 3-le Ini8., 6T,
Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19&1-. Other Awards: 2osens/iel +#-rd, 19*9
Selected Publications: Transfer B'A. 6-!bride, K+H K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy Press, 19&*. \Tr-nsfer-2N+ Pro>essin 5nzy!es.Z .ell 2' B19*1CH ':).
\"ene 6odin for - Pro/-!ine-li0e Pro/ein.Z .ell 2( B19*1CH 299:'0). \+s$e>/s of
Aio>he!i>-l 6-/-lysis.Z .ell '( B19*)CH 2'&:'9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1', 19*9CH +10. (cience 2)(
BO>/ober 20, 19*9CH '2%:2(.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s sh-red by Sidney +l/!-n for \dis>o8eries -bou/ /he
->/i8e role of 2N+ in >he!i>-l >ell re->/ions.Z The l-ure-/es $ro8ed inde$enden/ly /h-/
2N+ Bribonu>lei> ->idC >ould ->/ -s - >-/-lys/ for re->/ions in /he >ell. ?/ #-s $re8iously
/houh/ /h-/ -ll enzy!es, /he >-/-lys/s of re->/ions inside >ells, #ere $ro/eins. The
rese-r>h sho#ed /h-/ 2N+ >ould ser8e -s -n enzy!e B- ribozy!eC, in -ddi/ion /o i/s role
-s - /r-ns!i//er of /he DN+ ene/i> >odes. S$e>ifi>-lly, +l/!-n de!ons/r-/ed /h-/ /he
2N+ !ole>ule >ould re-rr-ne i/self, $rodu>in differen/ $rodu>/s, -n ->/ /h-/ #-s
/houh/ /o be de$enden/ on /he $resen>e of -n enzy!e. The rese-r>h h-s $o/en/i-l
-$$li>-/ion for /re-/!en/ of dise-se s/-/es. B".2., A.S.S.C
%ech5 Tho2as 4obert 113
P-e )2
K-rie 6er8eny 6e>h. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 1ro! Ke/hodis/ b->0round.
Education: "rinnell 6ollee, ?+, A.+., 19&0; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Ph.D.,
19&%. Spouse: 6-rol Lynn K-r/inson, !-rried 19&0. Children: +llison 5., d-uh/er;
Pennifer N., d-uh/er. Career: K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 2esiden/, 19&%:
&&; Ini8. of 6olor-do, Professor, 19&*:99; Lo#-rd Luhes Kedi>-l ?ns/i/u/e, KD,
Presiden/, 2000-. Other Awards: P-ss-no 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*); L-rrison Lo#e
+#-rd, 19*); Pfizer +#-rd, 19*%; I.S. S/eel +#-rd, 19*&; S.D. K-//i- +#-rd, 19*&;
Ne#>o!be-6le8el-nd +#-rd, 19**; Leine0en Prize, 19**; Lor#i/z Prize, 19**;
"-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19**; L-s0er 2ese-r>h +#-rd, 19**; Kole>ul-r Aioloy
+#-rd, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19**; 2osens/iel +#-rd, 19*9; W-rren Prize,
19*9; Lo$0ins Ked-l, 1992; 1eodor Lynen Ked-l, 199%; N-/ion-l S>ien>e Ked-l, 199%;
Ki0e Lo +#-rd, 199&; Wrih/ Prize, 199*; Aonfils-S/-n/on +#-rd, 1990.
Selected Publications: \2N+ -s -n 5nzy!e.Z (cientific American 2%% BNo8e!ber
19*(CH ():&). \The 6he!is/ry of Self-s$li>in 2N+ -nd 2N+ 5nzy!es.Z (cience 2'(
BPune 19, 19*&CH 1%'2:)0. \2ibozy!es -nd Their Kedi>-l ?!$li>-/ions.Z 7ournal of the
American #edical Association BNo8e!ber 2%, 19**CH '0'0:'%. \Definin /he ?nside -nd
Ou/side of - 6-/-ly/i> 2N+ Kole>ule.Z (cience 2)% BPuly 21, 19*9CH 2&(:*'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1', 19*9CH +10. (cience 2)(
BO>/ober 20, 19*9CH '2%:2(.
Co$$entary: Tho!-s 6e>h sh-red /he Nobel Prize for OOdis>o8eries -bou/ /he ->/i8e
role of 2N+ in >he!i>-l >ell re->/ions.Z The l-ure-/es $ro8ed inde$enden/ly /h-/ 2N+
Bribonu>lei> ->idC >ould ->/ -s - >-/-lys/ for re->/ions in /he >ell. ?/ #-s $re8iously
/houh/ /h-/ -ll enzy!es, /he >-/-lys/s of re->/ions inside >ells, #ere $ro/eins. The
rese-r>h sho#ed /h-/ 2N+ >ould ser8e -s -n enzy!e B- ribozy!eC in -ddi/ion /o i/s role
-s - /r-ns!i//er of /he DN+ ene/i> >odes. S$e>ifi>-lly, 6e>h de!ons/r-/ed /he
inde$enden/ >-/-ly/i> fun>/ion of 2N+, le-din /o /he dis>o8ery of !-ny ribozy!es.
The rese-r>h h-s $o/en/i-l -$$li>-/ion for /re-/!en/ of dise-se s/-/es. B".2.,A.S.S.C
%ore$5 "lias <a2es 11?
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 1990. Born: Puly 12, 192*; Ke/huen, K+. Parents: 1-/her, 5li-s
6orey; Ko/her, 1-/in- BTin-C L-sh-! 6orey. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 1ro!
6-/holi> b->0round. Education: K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, A.S., 19)*;
K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 19%1. Spouse: 6l-ire Lih-!, !-rried
Se$/e!ber 1), 19(1. Children: D-8id, son; Pohn, son; Sus-n, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of
?llinois, Professor, 19%1:%9; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19%9-. Other Awards: Pure
6he!is/ry +#-rd, 19(0; ?n/r-s>ien>e 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19(*; 5rnes/ "uen/her +#-rd,
19(*; 1ri/z>he +#-rd, 19(*; +#-rd for 6re-/i8e Wor0 in Syn/he/i> Or-ni> 6he!is/ry,
19&1; L-rrison Lo#e +#-rd, 19&1; 6ib- 1ound-/ion Ked-l, 19&2; 58-ns +#-rd, Ohio
S/-/e Ini8., 19&2; Linus P-ulin +#-rd, 19&'; Di>0son Prize, 19&'; "eore Ledlie
Prize, 19&'; 2e!sen +#-rd, 19&); +.6. 6o$e +#-rd, 19&(; Ni>hols Ked-l, 19&&;
Au>h!-n +#-rd, 19&*; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 19&*; S>ien>e +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, 66N3,
19&9; 6.S. L-!il/on +#-rd, 19*0; P.". Nir0#ood +#-rd, 19*0; 6he!is/ry Pioneer
+#-rd, 19*1; K-dison K-rsh-ll +#-rd, 19*%; S.D. K-/hi- +#-rd, 19*%; Silli!-n
+#-rd, 19*(; Wolf Prize, 19*(; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19**; 2. 2obinson +#-rd,
19**; P-$-n Prize, 19*9; "old Ked-l +#-rd, +?6, 1990; 2oer +d-!s +#-rd, 199'.
Selected Publications: \"ener-l Ke/hods for /he 6ons/ru>/ion of 6o!$le@ Kole>ules.Z
ure and Applied .hemistry 1) B19(&CH 19:'&. \To/-l Syn/hesis of Lu!ulene.Z 7ournal
of the American .hemical (ociety *9 B19(&CH 2&%*:%9. \To/-l Syn/heses of
Pros/-l-ndins.Z roceedings of the Bobert A. %elch =oundation .onference on
.hemical Besearch 12 B19(*CH %1:&9. The -ogic of .hemical (ynthesis. Ne# 3or0H
Wiley, 19*9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1*, 1990CH +12. (cience 2%0
BO>/ober 2(, 1990CH %10:11.
Co$$entary: 5li-s 6orey #on /he Nobel Prize for \his de8elo$!en/ of /he /heory -nd
!e/hodoloy of or-ni> syn/hesis.Z P-r/i>ul-rly no/e#or/hy #ere his syn/heses of
/er$enes, hydro>-rbons found in n-/ur-l $l-n/ oils, -nd $re>ursors of bioloi>-lly ->/i8e
$ro/eins; his syn/heses of se8er-l $ros/-l-ndin hor!ones; -nd /he syn/hesis of -n ->/i8e
subs/-n>e e@/r->/ed fro! /he in0o /ree /h-/ is used for blood >ir>ul-/ion disorders -nd
-s/h!-. BA.S.S.C
"rnst5 4ichard 4obert 11@
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 1991. Born: +uus/ 1), 19''; Win/erhur, JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd.
Parents: 1-/her, 2ober/ 5rns/; Ko/her, ?r!- Arunner 5rns/. Nationality: S#iss.
Religion: 1ro! Pro/es/-n/ b->0round. Education: 5TL=JRri>h, Di$lo!-, 6he!is/ry,
19%(; D.S>., 19(2. Spouse: K-d-len- Nielholz, !-rried O>/ober 9, 19('. Children:
+nn- K-d-len-, d-uh/er; N-/h-rin- 5lis-be/h, d-uh/er; L-ns-K-r/in W-l/er, son.
Career: S-ri-n +sso>i-/es, 6+, 2ese-r>her, 19(':(*; 1eder-l ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy
B5TL-Juri>hC, S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19(*-. Other Awards: Sil8er Ked-l,
5TLJuri>h, 19(2; 2uzi>0- Prize, 19(*; "old Ked-l, So>ie/y of K-ne/i> 2eson-n>e,
19*'; Aenois/ Prize, 19*(; Nir0#ood Ked-l, 19*9; +!$ere Prize, 1990; Wolf Prize,
1991; Lor#i/z Prize, 1991; +>hie8e!en/s in K-ne/i> 2eson-n>e 5+S +#-rd, 1992
Selected Publications: \2e>en/ De8elo$!en/s in 1ourier S$e>/ros>o$y.Z ulsed 'ucl.
#agn. Besonance (pin &yn. (olids, roc. (pec. .ollo4. Ampere 1st B19&'CH )0:%2
\T#odi!ension-l S$e>/ros>o$y.Z .himia 29 B19&%CH 1&9:*'; \2e>en/ +d8-n>es in T#o-
di!ension-l S$e>/ros>o$y.Z roc. .ollo4. (pectrosc. <nt., <nvited -ect., ,0th 2 B19&&CH
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s (9 BO>/ober 21, 1991CH );
(cience 2%) BO>/ober 2%, 1991CH %1*
Co$$entary: 2i>h-rd 5rns/ #on /he Nobel Prize for his \>on/ribu/ions /o /he
de8elo$!en/ of /he !e/hodoloy of hih-resolu/ion nu>le-r !-ne/i> reson-n>e
s$e>/ros>o$y.Z Lis !os/ >i/ed >on/ribu/ions -re /he 1ourier-/r-nsfor!, /#odi!ension-l,
-nd /o!or-$hi> !e/hodoloies=-ll b-sed on -$$li>-/ions of -d8-n>ed
!-/he!-/i>-l,r-$hi>-l -n-lysis of resul/s ob/-ined usin refined ins/ru!en/-/ion.
BA.S.S., P.L.S.C
P-e )'
,arc!s5 4!dolph 0rth!r 11A
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 1992. Born: Puly 21, 192'; Kon/re-l, 6-n-d-. Parents: 1-/her, Kyer
K-r>us; Ko/her, 5s/her 6ohen K-r>us. Nationality: 6-n-di-n; l-/er I.S. 6i/izen, 19%*.
Religion: Pe#ish. Education: K>"ill Ini8., 6-n-d-, A.S>., 19)'; Ph.D., 19)(. Spouse:
L-ur- Le-rne, !-rried +uus/ 2&, 19)9. Children: +l-n 2udol$h, son; Nenne/h Le-rne,
son; 2-y!ond +r/hur, son. Career: N-/ion-l 2ese-r>h 6oun>il, 6-n-d-, 2ese-r>her,
19)(:)*; Ini8. of Nor/h 6-rolin-, 6h-$el Lill, N6, 2ese-r>her, 19)9:%1; Poly/e>hni>
?ns/i/u/e of Aroo0lyn, N3, Professor, 19%1:(); Ini8. of ?llinois, Professor, 19():&*;
6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19&*-. Other Awards: L-n!uir +#-rd,
19&*; 2obinson Ked-l, 19*2; 6h-ndler Ked-l, 19*'; Wolf Prize, 19*%; 1-r-d-y Ked-l,
19**; 6en/en-ry Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y of 6he!is/ry, 19**; Debye +#-rd, 19**; "ibbs
Ked-l, 19**; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19*9; T.W. 2i>h-rds Ked-l, 1990; 58-ns
+#-rd, 1990; 5.1. S!i/h +#-rd, 1991; 2e!sen Ke!ori-l +#-rd, 1991; P-ulin Ked-l,
1991; Lirs>hfelder Prize, 199'; "olden Pl-/e +#-rd, 199'; L-8oisier Ked-l, 199);
+uburn-Nosol-$off +#-rd, 199(; Theore/i>-l 6he!is/ry +#-rd, 199&; Oes$er +#-rd,
Selected Publications: \Theory of O@id-/ion-2edu>/ion 2e->/ions ?n8ol8in 5le>/ron
Tr-nsfer.Z 7. .hem. hys. 2) B19%(CH 9((:&*; \Theory of 5le>/ro>he!i>-l -nd 6he!i>-l
5le>/ron-/r-nsfer Pro>esses.Z .an. 7. .hem. '& B19%9CH B1%%:('C; \Theory of 5le>/ron-
/r-nsfer 2e->/ions -nd of 2el-/ed Pheno!en-.Z $xchange Beactions, roc. (ymp.
:pton, '1. B19(%CH 1:(
or !ore "n#or$ation See: hysics Today )( BP-nu-ry 199'CH 1(:20; (cience 2%*
BO>/ober 2', 1992CH %)).
Co$$entary: 2udol$h K-r>us #on /he Nobel Prize OOfor his >on/ribu/ions /o /he /heory
of ele>/ron /r-nsfer re->/ions in >he!i>-l sys/e!s.Z K-r>us de8elo$ed - !-/he!-/i>-l
-n-lysis of /he Mu!$s of ele>/rons fro! one !ole>ule /o -no/her. The 6o!!i//ee no/ed
/h-/ /he Nobelis/9s #or0 h-s hel$ed in /he e@$l-n-/ion of $heno!en- su>h -s
$ho/osyn/hesis, ele>/ri>-lly >ondu>/in $oly!ers, >he!ilu!ines>en>e, -nd >orrosion.
K-r>us -lso #or0ed in /he -re-s of uni!ole>ul-r re->/ions -nd in/r-!ole>ul-r dyn-!i>s,
se!i>l-ssi>-l /heories of bound 8ibr-/ion-l s/-/es -nd of >ollisions, -nd re->/ion
dyn-!i>s. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
,!llis5 8ar$ +anks 11B
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 199'. Born: De>e!ber 2*, 19)); Lenoir, N6. Parents: 1-/her, 6e>il
A-n0s Kullis; Ko/her, Aerni>e +lber/- A-r0er 1rederi>0s Kullis. Nationality:
+!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: "eori- ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy, A.S., 19((; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Ph.D., 19&'. Spouse: 2i>h-rds
L-ley, !-rried 19(), dissol8ed, no d-/e; "-il Lubbell, !-rried, no d-/e, dissol8ed, no
d-/e; 6yn/hi- "ibson, !-rried 19&(, di8or>ed 19*1; N-n>y Lier 6osro8e, !-rried
K-r>h 21, 199*. Children: 6hris/o$her, son; Pere!y, son; Louise, d-uh/er Career:
6e/us 6or$., 6+, 2ese-r>her, 19&9:*(; 4y/rony@, ?n>., 6+, 2ese-r>her, 19*(:**;
6onsul/-n/, 19**:92; S/-r"ene, ?n>., 6+, 6h-ir!-n, 1992-; Syre@, ?n>., 6+,
+d!inis/r-/or, 199(-. Other Awards: Preis +#-rd, 1990; +ll-n +#-rd, 1990; "-irdner
1ound-/ion +#-rd, 1991; N-/ion-l Aio/e>h +#-rd, 1991; No>h +#-rd, 1992; 6hiron
6or$. +#-rd, 1992; P-$-n Prize, 199'; 6lini>-l 6he!is/ry +#-rd, 199'; "us/-8us
5sselen +#-rd, 199).
Selected Publications: \Tr-ns>ri$/ion Ter!in-/ion -/ /he Try$/o$h-n O$eron +//enu-/or
is De>re-sed ?n Si/ro by -n Olio!er 6o!$le!en/-ry /o - Se!en/ of /he Le-der
Tr-ns>ri$/.Z roc. 'atl. Acad. (ci. :(A &9 B19*2CH 21*1:%; \?sol-/ion of - >DN+ 6lone
for /he Lu!-n LL+-D2 +n/ien +l$h- 6h-in by Isin - Syn/he/i> Olionu>leo/ide -s
- Lybridiz-/ion Probe.Z roc. 'atl. Acad. (ci. :(A &9 B19*2CH %9((:&0; \5nzy!i>
+!$lifi>-/ion of Ae/--lobin "eno!i> SeGuen>es -nd 2es/ri>/ion Si/e +n-lysis for
Di-nosis of Si>0le 6ell +ne!i-.Z (cience 2'0 B19*%CH 1'%0:).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ancing 'a2ed in the #ind =ield. Ne# 3or0H P-n/heon
Aoo0s, 199*. .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s A1 BO>/ober 1*, 199'CH (; 'e0 (cientist
1)0 BO>/ober 2', 199'CH )
Co$$entary: N-ry Kullis sh-red /he Nobel #i/h Ki>h-el S!i/h for \fund-!en/-l
>on/ribu/ions /o /he es/-blish!en/ of olionu>leo/ide-b-sed, si/e-dire>/ed !u/-enesis
-nd i/s de8elo$!en/ for $ro/ein s/udies.Z Kullis de8ised /he /e>hniGue of /he $oly!er-se
>h-in re->/ion, #hi>h -llo#ed du$li>-/ion of - sinle ene fr-!en/. The /e>hniGue h-s
been used for >o$yin DN+ in forensi> -$$li>-/ions -nd in !ole>ules re!-inin in fossil
!-/eri-l. Kullis lef/ /he or-nized #orld of s>ien>e in 19** for surfin, rollerbl-din,
>onsul/in, -nd /hin0in. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
-2ith5 ,ichael 11C
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 199'. Born: +$ril 2(, 19'2; Al->0$ool, 5nl-nd. Death: O>/ober ),
2000; S-n>ou8er, Ari/ish 6olu!bi-, 6-n-d-. Parents: 1-/her, 2o#l-nd S!i/h; Ko/her,
K-ry +nes S!i/h. Nationality: 5nlish; l-/er 6-n-di-n >i/izen. Religion: +/heis/; fro!
+nli>-n b->0round. Education: Ini8. of K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd, A.S>., 19%'; Ph.D.,
19%(. Spouse: Lelen Wood, !-rried +uus/ (, 19(0; se$-r-/ed De>e!ber, 19*2.
Children: To!, son; ?-n, son; Wendy, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Wis>onsin, 2ese-r>her,
19(0:(1; S-n>ou8er L-bor-/ory 1isheries Ao-rd, 6-n-d-, 2ese-r>her, 19(1:((; Ini8.
of Ari/ish 6olu!bi-, 6-n-d-, 2ese-r>her, 19((:9&; "eno!e SeGuen>in 6en/er, Ari/ish
6olu!bi-, 6-n-d-, +d!inins/r-/or, 199&:2000. Other Awards: "-irdner 1ound-/ion
+#-rd, 19*(.
Selected Publications: \6ellul-r +d-$/-/ion /o /he 5n8iron!en/.Z $nviron. hysiol.
Anim. B19&(CH 2'1:%*; \The 1irs/ 6o!$le/e Nu>leo/ide SeGuen>in of -n Or-nis!9s
DN+.Z Am. (ci. (& B19&9CH %&:(&; \+$$li>-/ions of Syn/he/i>
Oliodeo@yribonu>leo/ides /o Proble!s in Kole>ul-r Aioloy.Z 'ucleic Acids (ymp.
(er. & B19*0CH '*&:9%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s &1 BO>/ober 1*, 199'CH (;
'e0 (cientist 1)0 BO>/ober 2', 199'CH ); 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober (, 2000CH +'1.
Co$$entary: Ki>h-el S!i/h #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for #or0 in /he field of
ene/i>s. S!i/h de8elo$ed olionu>leo/ide-b-sed, si/e-dire>/ed !u/-enesis, by #hi>h
forein ene/i> se!en/s >-n be s$li>ed in/o -n or-nis!9s ene/i> !ole>ule, !odifyin
/he $ro/eins $rodu>ed by /he or-nis!. The /e>hniGue h-s found use in ene/i>
enineerin of -ri>ul/ur-l $l-n/s. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
P-e ))
3lah5 6eor&e 0ndre) 119
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 199). Born: K-y 22, 192&; Aud-$es/, Lun-ry. Parents: 1-/her,
Pulius Ol-h; Ko/her, K-d- Nr-szn-i Ol-h. Nationality: Lun-ri-n; l-/er I.S. >i/izen.
Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Te>hni>-l Ini8. of Aud-$es/, Lun-ry,
Ph.D., 19)9. Spouse: Pudi/h +nes Lenyel, !-rried Puly 9, 19)9. Children: "eore
Pohn, son; 2on-ld Pe/er, son. Career: Te>hni>-l Ini8. of Aud-$es/, Lun-ry, Professor,
19)9:%); 6en/r-l 6he!i>-l 2ese-r>h ?ns/i/u/e, Lun-ry, 2ese-r>her, 19%):%(; Do#
6he!i>-l 6o., 6-n-d- -nd I.S., 2ese-r>her, 19%&:(%; 6-se Wes/ern 2eser8e Ini8.,
OL, Professor, 19(%:&&; Ini8. of Sou/hern 6-liforni-, Professor, 19&&-. Other Awards:
Pe/roleu! 6he!is/ry +#-rd, 19(); A-e0el-nd +#-rd, 19((; Korley Ked-l, 19&0;
Lu!bold/ +#-rd, 19&9; Syn/he/i> Or-ni> 6he!is/ry +#-rd, 19&9; 2oer +d-!s
+#-rd, 19*9; 6-liforni- S>ien/is/ of /he 3e-r, 19*9; Kendelee8 Ked-l, 1992; Pioneer of
6he!is/ry +#-rd, 199'; N-$i/s- Ked-l, 199%.
Selected Publications: .arbonium <ons. Ne# 3or0H ?n/ers>ien>e Publishers, 19(9:&(;
.arbocations and $lectrophilic Beactions. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19&'; (uperacids. Ne#
3or0H Wiley, 19*); /ydrocarbon .hemistry. Ne# 3or0H Pohn Wiley, 199%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s &2 BO>/ober 1&, 199)CH ).
A -ife in #agic .hemistry. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 2000. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical
(ervice B199)CH 1%&0.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s r-n/ed /o "eore Ol-h for his #or0 in de8elo$in -
/e>hniGue /o dis-sse!ble -nd rebuild hydro>-rbons. Ol-h used su$er->ids Bli0e L1 -nd
C /o bre-0 u$ hydro>-rbons -nd for! >-rbo>-/ions /h-/ >ould be s/-bilized in 8ery
>old sol8en/s. The #or0 resul/ed in /he de8elo$!en/ of hiher-o>/-ne -soline -nd ne#
fuels. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
%r!tzen5 Pa!l <osef 120
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 199%. Born: De>e!ber ', 19''; +!s/erd-!, Ne/herl-nds. Parents:
1-/her, Posef 6ru/zen; Ko/her, +nn- "ur0 6ru/zen. Nationality: Du/>h, l-/er "er!-n
residen/. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Kiddelb-re Te>hnis>he S>hool,
Ne/herl-nds, >i8il enineerin deree, 19%*; Ini8. of S/o>0hol!, S#eden, K.S., 19(';
Ph.D, 19(*; D.S>., 19&'. Spouse: Ter//u Soininen, !-rried 1ebru-ry 19%*. Children:
?lon-, d-uh/er; Syl8i-, d-uh/er Career: Aride 6ons/ru>/ion Aure-u of +!s/erd-!,
Ne/herl-nds, 5nineer, 19%):%*; Louse 6ons/ru>/ion Aure-u, S#eden, 5nineer, 19%*:
%9; Ini8. of S/o>0hol!, S#eden, 2ese-r>her -nd Professor, 19%9:&); N-/ion-l 6en/er
for +/!os$heri> 2ese-r>h BN6+2C, 6olor-do, 2ese-r>her, 19&):*0; K-@ Pl-n>0
?ns/i/u/e for 6he!is/ry, "er!-ny, 19*0-. Other Awards: S$e>i-l +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd,
NO++, 19&&; 2ole@-Dis>o8er S>ien/is/ of /he 3e-r, 19*); Szil-rd Prize, 19*%; Tyler
Prize, 19*9; Sol8o Prize, 1991; "er!-n 5n8iron!en/-l Prize, 199); K-@-Pl-n>0-
1ors>hun$reis, 199); I.N. 5n8iron!en/ Ozone +#-rd, 199%.
Selected Publications: \SST9s Thre-/ /o /he 5-r/h9s Ozone Shield,Z Ambio 1 B19&2CH )1:
%1; \5s/i!-/es of Possible S-ri-/ions in To/-l Ozone Due /o N-/ur-l 6-uses -nd Lu!-n
+>/i8i/ies,Z Ambio ' B19&)CH 201:10; \I$$er Li!i/s on +/!os$heri> Ozone 2edu>/ions
1ollo#in ?n>re-sed +$$li>-/ion of 1i@ed Ni/roen /o /he Soil,Z 5eophys. Bes. -ett. '
B19&(CH 1(9:&2; Atmospheric .hange, Ne# 3or0H W. L. 1ree!-n, 199'. Atmosphere,
.limate, and .hange. Ne# 3or0H S>ien/ifi> +!eri>-n Libr-ry, 199%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 12, 199%CH +1
Co$$entary: P-ul 6ru/zen sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h K-rio Kolin- -nd 1. Sher#ood
2o#l-nd for #or0 /h-/ OO>on/ribu/ed /o our s-l8-/ion fro! - lob-l en8iron!en/-l
$roble! /h-/ >ould h-8e >-/-s/ro$hi> >onseGuen>es ;-nd !-de i/< $ossible /o !-0e f-r-
re->hin de>isions on $rohibi/in /he rele-se of -ses /h-/ des/roy ozone.Z 6ru/zen9s
>on/ribu/ions /r->e b->0 /o his #or0 in /he 19&0s #hi>h sho#ed ho# ni/roen o@ides
resul/in fro! hu!-n ->/i8i/y ->>eler-/ed /he r-/e of ozone de$le/ion in /he -/!os$here.
,olina5 ,ario <ose 121
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 199%. Born: K-r>h 19, 19)'; Ke@i>o 6i/y, Ke@i>o. Parents: 1-/her,
2ober/o Kolin--P-sGuel; Ko/her, Leonor LenriGuez de Kolin-. Nationality: Ke@i>-n,
l-/er I.S. >i/izen. Religion: None; fro! 6-/holi> b->0round. Education: Ini8.
N->ion-l +u/rno!- de Ke@i>o, A.+., 19(%; Ini8. of 1reibur, "er!-ny, K.+., 19(&;
Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Ph.D., 19&2. Spouse: Luis- 3. T-n, !-rried Puly 12, 19&'.
Children: 1eli$e, son. Career: Ini8. N->ion-l +u/ono!- de Ke@i>o, Professor, 19(&:
(*; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor, 19&2:&'; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, ?r8ine,
Professor, 19&':*2; Pe/ Pro$ulsion L-bor-/ory, KD, 2ese-r>her, 19*2:*9;
K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19*9-. Other Awards: Tyler +#-rd,
19*'; 5sselen +#-rd, 19*&; Ne#>o!b-6le8el-nd Prize, 19**; N+S+ Ked-l, 19*9;
I.N. 5n8iron!en/-l Pror-!!e "lob-l %00 +#-rd, 19*9.
Selected Publications: \S/r-/os$heri> Sin0 for 6hlorofluoro!e/h-nes, 6hlorine +/o!-
6-/-lyzed Des/ru>/ion of Ozone.Z <nt. .onf. $nviron. <mpact Aerosp. Oper. /igh
Atmos., ,nd, B19&)CH 99:10); 'ature F-ondonH 2)9 B19&)CH *10:12 B#i/h 1. 2o#l-ndC;
\In!e-sured 6hlorine +/o! 2e->/ion 2-/es ?!$or/-n/ for S/r-/os$heri> Kodelin of
+/o!-6-/-lyzed 2e!o8-l of Ozone.Z 7. hys. .hem. &9 B19&%CH ((&:9 B#i/h 1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 12, 199%CH +1.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o K-rio Kolin-, 1. Sher#ood 2o#l-nd,
-nd P-ul 6ru/zen for /he #or0 /h-/ \>on/ribu/ed /o our s-l8-/ion fro! - lob-l
en8iron!en/-l $roble! /h-/ >ould h-8e >-/-s/ro$hi> >onseGuen>es ;-nd !-de i/<
$ossible /o !-0e f-r-re->hin de>isions on $rohibi/in /he rele-se of -ses /h-/ des/roy
ozone.Z Kolin- -nd 2o#l-nd, in 19&), >-u/ioned /h-/ >hlorofluoro>-rbons, >o!!only
used in s$r-y >-ns, refrier-/ion, -nd !-ny indus/ri-l -$$li>-/ions, >ould des/roy /he
ozone l-yer /h-/ $ro/e>/s /he $l-ne/ fro! ul/r-8iole/ r-di-/ion. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
4o)land5 rank -her)ood 122
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 199%. Born: Pune 2*, 192&; Del-#-re, OL. Parents: 1-/her, Sidney +.
2o#l-nd; Ko/her, Lois
P-e )%
Dr-0e 2o#l-nd. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education:
Ohio Wesley-n Ini8., +.A., 19)*; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, K.S., 19%1, Ph.D., 19%2.
Spouse: Po-n 5. Lundber, !-rried Pune &, 19%2. Children: Peffrey Sher#ood, son;
?nrid Dr-0e, d-uh/er. Career: Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Professor, 19%2:%(; Ini8. of
N-ns-s, Professor, 19%(:(); Ini8. of 6-liforni-, ?r8ine, Professor, 19()-. Other
Awards: Wiley Pones +#-rd, 19&%; Tol!-n Ked-l, 19&(; Aill-rd +#-rd, 19&&; Leo
Szil-rd +#-rd, 19&9; Ji!!er!-n +#-rd, 19*0; 5n8iron!en/-l S>ien>e -nd Te>hnoloy
+#-rd, 19*'; Tyler Prize, 19*'; 5sselen +#-rd, 19*&; D-n- +#-rd, 19*&; W-ds#or/h
+#-rd, 19*9; P-$-n Prize, 19*9; Ked-l, Ini8. of 6-liforni-, ?r8ine, 19*9; Sil8er Ked-l,
2oy-l ?ns/i/u/e of 6he!is/ry, 19*9; Di>0son Prize, 1991; Debye +#-rd, 199'; 2e8elle
Ked-l, 199); +lber/ 5ins/ein Prize, 199); +lu!ni Ked-l, Ini8. of 6hi>-o, 199&;
Ne8-d- Ked-l, 199&.
Selected Publications: \S/r-/os$heri> Sin0 for 6hlorofluoro!e/h-nes, 6hlorine +/o!-
>-/-lyzed Des/ru>/ion of Ozone.Z <nt. .onf. $nviron. <mpact Aerosp. Oper. /igh Atmos.,
,nd, B19&)CH 99:10); 'ature BLondonC, 2)9 B19&)CH *10:12 B#i/h K. Kolin-C;
\In!e-sured 6hlorine +/o! 2e->/ion 2-/es ?!$or/-n/ for S/r-/os$heri> Kodelin of
+/o!->-/-lyzed 2e!o8-l of Ozone.Z 7. hys. .hem &9 B19&%CH ((&:9 B#i/h K. Kolin-C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 12, 199%CH +1.
Co$$entary: 1. Sher#ood 2o#l-nd sh-red /he Nobel #i/h K-rio Kolin- -nd P-ul
6ru/zen for /he #or0 /h-/ \>on/ribu/ed /o our s-l8-/ion fro! - lob-l en8iron!en/-l
$roble! /h-/ >ould h-8e >-/-s/ro$hi> >onseGuen>es ;-nd !-de i/< $ossible /o !-0e f-r-
re->hin de>isions on $rohibi/in /he rele-se of -ses /h-/ des/roy ozone.Z 2o#l-nd -nd
Kolin-, in 19&), >-u/ioned /h-/ >hlorofluoro>-rbons, >o!!only used in s$r-y >-ns,
refrier-/ion, -nd !-ny indus/ri-l -$$li>-/ions, >ould des/roy /he ozone l-yer /h-/
$ro/e>/ed /he $l-ne/ fro! ul/r-8iole/ r-di-/ion. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
%!rl5 4obert lo$d5 <r: 123
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 199(. Born: +uus/ 2', 19''; +li>e, Te@-s. Parents: 1-/her, 2ober/
1loyd 6url; Ko/her, Lessie Kerri// 6url. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Ke/hodis/.
Education: 2i>e Ini8., T4, A.+., 19%); Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Ph.D., 19%&.
Spouse: Ponel Whi$$le, !-rried De>e!ber 12, 19%%. Children: Ki>h-el, son; D-8id,
son. Other Awards: 6l-y/on Prize, ?ns/i/u/ion of Ke>h-ni>-l 5nineers, 19%*; 8on
Lu!bold/ +#-rd, 19*); +PS ?n/ern-/ion-l Ne# K-/eri-ls Prize, 1992; Order of "olden
Pl-/e, 199&; +>hie8e!en/ in 6-rbon S>ien>e +#-rd, 199&; Te@-s Dis/inuished S>ien/is/
+#-rd, 199&; Poh-nnes K-r>us K-r>i +#-rd, 199*; K-dison K-rsh-ll +#-rd, 199*;
S$->e +>/ +#-rd, 199*; 6en/en-ry Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y of 6he!is/ry, 1999.
Selected Publications: \Probin 6(0,Z (cience 2)2 BNo8e!ber 1*, 19**CH 101&:22
B#i/h 2.5. S!-lleyC. \Probin 6he!i>-l 2e->/ionH 58iden>e for 5@$lor-/ion of -n
5@>i/ed Po/en/i-l 5nery Surf->e -/ Ther!-l 5neries,99 (cience B199'CB#i/h o/hersC.
\The 2e->/ion of NL2 #i/h O,Z 7ournal of hysical .hemistry B199)C B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 7ournal of hysical .hemistry 9) BO>/ober ), 1990CH &&)':
%' B#i/h 2.5.S!-lleyC. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 10, 199(CH D21. (cience 'e0s, 1%0
BO>/ober 19, 199(CH 2)&.
Co$$entary: 2ober/ 6url, L-rold Nro/o -nd 2i>h-rd S!-lley sh-red /he Nobel Prize
for \/heir dis>o8ery of fullerenes.Z ?n 19*%, /he /hree rese-r>hers dis>o8ered - ne# for!
of /he ele!en/ >-rbon -rr-ned in /he for! of - b-ll #hose s/ru>/ure #-s si!il-r /o /he
eodesi> do!e desined by /he +!eri>-n -r>hi/e>/ 2. Au>0!ins/er 1uller in 19(&. Thus,
/hey n-!ed /he >-rbon s/ru>/ure bu>0!ins/erfullerene, or bu>0yb-ll, -f/er hi!. The
nu!ber of >-rbon -/o!s in /he shell >-n 8-ry bu/ /hey #ere -ble $ri!-rily /o $rodu>e
>lus/ers of (0 or &0 >-rbon -/o!s #i/h 6(0 bein !os/ $re8-len/. This dis>o8ery
subseGuen/ly led /o /he de8elo$!en/ of - ne# br-n>h of >he!is/ry, \#i/h >onseGuen>es
in su>h di8erse -re-s -s -s/ro>he!is/ry, su$er>ondu>/i8i/y -nd !-/eri-ls
>he!is/ry,$hysi>s.Z BL.S.S.C
8roto5 1arold Walter5 -ir 12?
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 199(. Born: O>/ober &, 19'9; Wisbe>h, 6-!brideshire, 5nl-nd.
Parents: 1-/her, Leinz Nro/o; Ko/her, 5di/h Nro/o. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion:
+/heis/, fro! Pe#ish b->0round. Education: Ini8. of Sheffield, 5nl-nd, A.S., 19(1;
Ini8. of Sheffield, 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19(). Spouse: K-r-re/ Lenrie//- Lun/er, !-rried
19('. Children: S/e$hen, son; D-8id, son. Career: N-/ion-l 2ese-r>h 6oun>il, 6-n-d-,
2ese-r>her, 19():((; Aell Tele$hone L-bs, NP, 2ese-r>her, 19((:(&; Ini8. of Susse@,
5nl-nd, Professor, 19(*-. Other Awards: Sund-y Times Aoo0 P->0e/ Desin
6o!$e/i/ion, 19(); +PS ?n/ern-/ion-l Ne# K-/eri-ls Prize, 1992; ?/-l-s Prize, 1992;
Lons/-ff Ked-l, 199'; Le#le// P->0-rd 5uro$hysi>s Prize, 199); S>ien>e $our L9-r/
Prize, Koe/ Lennessy Louis Sui//on Prize, 199); Nnih/hood, 199(.
Selected Publications: \S$->e, S/-rs, 6(0, -nd Soo/,Z (cience 2)2 BNo8e!ber 2%,
19**CH 11'9:)%. \6(0H Au>0!ins/erfullerene, /he 6eles/i-l S$here Th-/ 1ell /o 5-r/h,Z
.hemistry, ?n/ern-/ion-l 5di/ion, 1992. The =ullerenes. N3H Per-!on Press, 199' B#i/h
P.5. 1is>her -nd D.5. 6o@C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 10, 199(CH D21. =inancial Times
BLondonC BO>/ober 10, 199(CH ).
Co$$entary: L-rold Nro/o sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h 2ober/ 6url -nd 2i>h-rd
S!-lley for /heir dis>o8ery of - /hird for! of >-rbon, 6(0, in /he sh-$e of - eodesi>
do!e, /hus /he n-!e bu>0!ins/erfullerene or bu>0yb-ll. The o/her for!s of >-rbon #ere
di-!ond -nd r-$hi/e. Nro/o h-d been s/udyin /he -n-lysis of -s in s$->e -nd #-s
$-r/i>ul-rly in/eres/ed in >-rbon-ri>h i-n/ s/-rs -nd /heir lon->h-in !ole>ules. Nro/o,
6url -nd S!-lley $l-nned /o in8es/i-/e >-rbon 8-$oris-/ion. ?ns/e-d /hey found >-rbon
>lus/ers, 6(0, in /he sh-$e of - \/run>-/ed B>u/ offC i>os-hedron.Z This dis>o8ery h-s led
/o /he de8elo$!en/ of - #hole ne# >he!is/ry \/o !-ni$ul-/e /he fullerene s/ru>/ure, -nd
/he $ro$er/ies of fullerenes >-n be s/udied sys/e!-/i>-lly.Z BL.S.S.C
-2alle$5 4ichard "rrett 12@
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 199(. Born: Pune (, 19)'; +0ron, Ohio. Parents: 1-/her, 1r-n0
Dudley S!-lley, Pr.; Ko/her, 5s/her
P-e )(
Sirini- 2ho-ds S!-lley. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Prob-bly 6hris/i-n.
Education: Ini8. of Ki>hi-n, A.S., 19(%; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, K.+., 19&1; Prin>e/on
Ini8., NP, Ph.D., 19&'. Spouse: Pudi/h "r->e S-!$ierM, !-rried K-y ), 19(*, di8or>ed
Puly 19&9; K-ry Lynn 6h-$ies0i, !-rried Puly 10, 19*0, di8or>ed No8e!ber 199);
PoNell K-rie 6h-u8in, !-rried K-r>h 1, 199&, di8or>ed Pune 199*. Children: 6h-d
2i>h-rd, son; Pres/on, son. Career: Shell 6he!i>-l 6o!$-ny, NP, 2ese-r>her, 19(%:(*;
Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, 2ese-r>her, 19&':&(; 2i>e Ini8., T4, Professor, 19&(-. Other
Awards: L-n!uir Prize, 1991; +PS ?n/ern-/ion-l Ne# K-/eri-ls Prize, 1992; Willi-!
L. Ni>hols Ked-l, 199'; S.W. 2eion-l +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 1992;
L-rrison Lo#e +#-rd, 199); K-dison K-rsh-ll +#-rd, 199%; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 199(.
Selected Publications: \Probin 6(0,Z (cience 2)2 BNo8e!ber 1*, 19**CH 101&:22
B#i/h 2.1. 6urlC. \Do$in Au>0yH 1or!-/ion -nd Pro$er/ies of Aoron-Do$ed
Au>0!ins/er-fullerene,Z 7ournal of hysical .hemistry B1991C. OO1or!-/ion of
1ullerides -nd 1ullerene-A-sed Le/eros/ru>/ure,Z (cience B1991C B#i/h o/hersC. \"re-/
A-lls of 6-rbon,Z The (ciences BK-r>h,+$ril 1991C B#i/h T. "uo -nd 6. PinC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: \The +ll-S/-r of Au>0yb-ll,Z (cientific American 2(9
BSe$/e!ber 199'CH )(l. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 10, 199(CH D21.
Co$$entary: 2i>h-rd S!-lley sh-red /he Nobel $rize #i/h 2ober/ 6url -nd L-rold
Nro/o for /heir dis>o8ery of - ne# for! of >-rbon, >-lled fullerenes. 1ullerenes -re
for!ed #hen \8-$orised >-rbon >ondenses in -n -/!os$here of iner/ -s.Z When in/ense
$ulses of l-ser lih/ -re dire>/ed -/ - >-rbon surf->e, /he rele-sed >-rbon -/o!s !i@ #i/h
heliu! -s -nd for! >lus/ers of >-rbon -/o!s, $redo!in-n/ly in >lus/ers of (0 -/o!s or
6(0 >lus/ers. When >ooled -/ 8ery lo# /e!$er-/ures, /he >-rbon b-lls >-n be s/udied
usin !-ss s$e>/ro!e/ry. The dis>o8ery of /he fullerenes \h-s influen>ed our >on>e$/ion
of su>h #idely se$-r-/ed s>ien/ifi> $roble!s -s /he -l->/i> >-rbon >y>le -nd >l-ssi>-l
-ro!-/i>i/yZ bu/ no $r->/i>-l -$$li>-/ions h-8e ye/ been dis>o8ered. BL.S.S.C
+o$er5 Pa!l (elos 12A
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 199&. Born: Puly '1, 191*; Pro8o, I/-h. Parents: 1-/her, D-ryl Dell
Delos Aoyer; Ko/her, "r->e "uy!on Aoyer. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: +/heis/,
fro! 6hris/i-n b->0round. Education: Arih-! 3oun Ini8., IT, A.S., 19'9; Ini8. of
Wis>onsin, W?, K.S., 19)1; Ini8. of Wis>onsin, W?, Ph.D., 19)'. Spouse: Lyd- K-e
Whi>0er, !-rried +uus/ '1, 19'9. Children: "-il +nne, d-uh/er; K-rMorie Lynne,
d-uh/er; Doul-s, son. Career: S/-nford Ini8., 6+, 2ese-r>her, 19)':)%; I.S. N-8y,
19)%:)(; Ini8. of Kinneso/-, KN, Professor, 19)(:('; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Los
+neles, 6+, Professor, 19(':*9. Other Awards: 5nzy!e 6he!is/ry +#-rd, 19%%;
K>6oy +#-rd for 6he!i>-l 2ese-r>h, 19&(; Tol!-n +#-rd, 19*); 2ose +#-rd, 19*9.
Selected Publications: $n*ymes. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19&%, 'rd ed. \O@yen-1*
$robes of enzy!i> re->/ions of $hos$h-/e >o!$ounds,Z #ethods in $n*ymology ()
B19*0CH (0:*' B#i/h D.D. L->0ney -nd N.5. S/e!$elC. \The bindin >h-ne !e>h-nis!
for +TP syn/h-se=So!e $rob-bili/ies -nd $ossibili/ies,Z 8iochimica et 8iophysica Acta
11)0 B199'CH21%:2%0. \The +TP syn/h-se=- s$lendid !ole>ul-r !->hine,Z Annual
Bevie0 in 8iochemistry (( B199&CH&1&:&)9. \1ro! hu!-n seru! -lbu!in /o ro/-/ion-l
>-/-lysis by +TP syn/h-se,Z The =A($8 7ournal 9 B+$ril 199%CH %%9:%(1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1(, 199&CH +1(.
Co$$entary: P-ul Aoyer -nd Pohn W-l0er sh-red h-lf /he Nobel Prize for \/heir
elu>id-/ion of /he enzy!-/i> !e>h-nis! underlyin /he syn/hesis of -denosine
/ri$hos$h-/e.Z +TP fun>/ions -s - >-rrier of enery in -ll li8in or-nis!s, in>ludin
$l-n/s, b->/eri-, -ni!-ls -nd hu!-ns. Aoyer #on /he $rize for sho#in ho# \+TP
syn/h-se fun>/ions -nd $-r/i>ul-rly ho# i/ uses enery /o >re-/e ne# +TP.Z BL.S.S.C
-ko!5 <ens %hristian 12B
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 199&. Born: O>/ober *, 191*; Le!8i, Den!-r0. Parents: 1-/her,
K-nus K-r/inus S0ou; Ko/her, +ne K-rre/he Pensen Nn-0 S0ou. Nationality:
D-nish. Religion: Prob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0,
K.D., 19)); +-rhus Ini8., Den!-r0, Dr. Ked. S>i., 19%). Spouse: 5llen-K-rre/he
Nielsen, !-rried K-y 1&, 19)&. Children: L-nne, d-uh/er; N-ren, d-uh/er. Career:
LMorrin Los$i/-l, Den!-r0, ?n/ern -nd 2esiden/, 19)):)(; Los$i/-l +-rhus,
Ne/herl-nds, Or/ho$edis/, 19)(:)&; +-rhus Ini8., Ne/herl-nds, Professor, 19)&:**.
Other Awards: Leo Prize, 19%); No8o Prize, 19(%; 6onsul 6-rlsen Prize, 19&'; +.
2e/zius "old Ked-l, 19&&; 5.N. 1erns/roo! Ai Nordi> Prize, 19*%; Pro0-sh Do//-
Ked-l, 19*%.
Selected Publications: \The influen>e of so!e >-/ions on -n -denosine /ri$hos$h-/-se
fro! $eri$her-l ner8es,Z 8iochimica et 8iophysica Acta 2' B19%&CH '9):)01. \The N-,
N-+TP-se,Z 7ournal of 8ioenergetics and 8iomembranes 2) B1992CH 2)9:2(1 B#i/h K.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1(, 199&CH +1(.
Co$$entary: Pens S0ou re>ei8ed h-lf of /he Nobel Prize \for /he firs/ dis>o8ery of -n
ion-/r-ns$or/in enzy!e, N+l,Nl-+TP-se.Z Le dis>o8ered /he enzy!e sodiu!,
$o/-ssiu!-s/i!ul-/ed -denosine /ri$hos$h-/-se BN+l,Nl+TP-seC, #hi>h \!-in/-ins /he
b-l-n>e of sodiu! -nd $o/-ssiu! ions in /he li8in >ell.Z The >ell ->/s li0e - $u!$
!-in/-inin - b-l-n>e in /he >ells. ?f /he $u!$ s/o$s, /he >ell >-n s#ell -nd i/ >-n le-d /o
un>ons>iousness fro! - l->0 of o@yen /o /he br-in. This h-s led /o /he dis>o8ery of
o/her ion $u!$s #i/h si!il-r s/ru>/ures -nd fun>/ions. BL.S.S.C
Walker5 <ohn "rnest 12C
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 199&. Born: P-nu-ry &, 19)1; L-lif-@, 3or0shire, 5nl-nd. Parents:
1-/her, Tho!-s 5rnes/ W-l0er; Ko/her, 5lsie L-#/on W-l0er. Nationality: Ari/ish.
Religion: Prob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: S/. 6-/herine9s 6ollee, 5nl-nd, A.+., 19();
O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19(9. Spouse: 6hris/in- P-ne Wes/>o//, !-rried 19('.
Children: 5s/her, d-uh/er; Kiri-!, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Wis>onsin, W?,
2ese-r>her, 19(9:&1; 6N2S, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her, 19&1:&2; P-s/eur ?ns/i/u/e, 1r-n>e,
P-e )&
19&2:&); 6-!bride Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h 6oun>il, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19&)-. Other Awards: +.T. 6l-y "old Ked-l, 19%9; Pohnson 1ound-/ion
Prize, 199); 6?A+ Ked-l, 199(; Pe/er Ki/>hell Ked-l, 199(; "-e/-no Qu-li-riello
Prize, 199&; Nnih/ A->helor, 1999.
Selected Publications: \The Ki/o>hondri-l Tr-ns$or/er 1-!ily,Z .urrent Opinion in
(tructural 8iology 2 B1992CH %19:%2(. \The Ke>h-nis! of +TP Syn/hesis,Z The
8iochemist 1( B199)CH '1:'%. \The 2eul-/ion of 6-/-lysis in +TP Syn/h-se,Z .urrent
Opinion in (tructural 8iology ) B199)CH 912:91*. OOS/ru>/ure -/ 2.* s resolu/ion of 1 1
+TP-se fro! bo8ine he-r/ !i/o>hondri-,Z 'ature '&0 B199)CH (21:(2* B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1(, 199&CH +1(.
Co$$entary: Pohn W-l0er sh-red h-lf of /he Nobel Prize #i/h P-ul Aoyer for
es/-blishin /he s/ru>/ure of /he enzy!e +TP -nd 8erifyin /he !e>h-nis! of ho# i/
#or0ed $ro$osed by Aoyer. +TP h-s been /er!ed /he \>ell9s enery >urren>yZ -nd is one
of /he !os/ uni8ers-l enzy!es found in li8in >ells. BL.S.S.C
8ohn5 Walter 129
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 199*. Born: K-r>h 9, 192'; Sienn-, +us/ri-. Parents: 1-/her,
S-lo!on Nohn; Ko/her, "i//el 2-$$-$or/ Nohn. Nationality: +us/ri-n; l-/er 6-n-di-n
>i/izen, /hen +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of Toron/o, 6-n-d-,
A.+., 19)%; Ini8. of Toron/o, 6-n-d-, K.+., 19)(; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Ph.D., 19)*.
Spouse: Lois K-ry +d-!s Nohn, !-rried, 19)*, dissol8ed, no d-/e; K-r- S>hiff,
!-rried, 19&*. Children: P. K-rilyn, d-uh/er; ?nrid 5., d-uh/er; 5. 2os-lind,
d-uh/er Career: Su//on Lorsley 6o., 6-n-d-, 2ese-r>her, 19)1:)'; Noulo!zine,
6-n-d-, "eo$hysi>is/, 19)):)(; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19)*:%0; 6-rneie-
Kellon Ini8., P+, Professor, 19%0:(0; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, S-n Dieo, 6+, Professor,
19(0:&9; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, S-n/- A-rb-r-, Professor, 19&9:91. Other Awards:
Au>0ley Prize, 19(0; D-8isson"er!er Prize, 19&&; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19**;
1eenber Ked-l, 1991; Niels Aohr,IN5S6O "old Ked-l, 199*.
Selected Publications: \Theory of /he ?nsul-/in S/-/e,Z hys. Bev. 1'' B19()CH +1&1.
\Qu-n/u! Densi/y Os>ill-/ions in -n ?nho!oeneous 5le>/ron "-s,Z hys. Bev. 1'&
B19(%CH+1(9& B#i/h L. P. Sh-!C. \W-nnier 1un>/ions -nd Self-6onsis/en/ Ke/-l
6-l>ul-/ions,Z hys. Bev. '*2 B19&)CHA10. \Lo>-l Densi/y-1un>/ion-l Theory of
1reGuen>y-De$enden/ Line-r 2es$onse,Z hys. Bev. -ett. %% B19*%CH2*%0 B#i/h 5. N. I.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1), 199*CH +1(.
Co$$entary: W-l/er Nohn sh-red /he Nobel Prize \for his de8elo$!en/ of /he densi/y-
fun>/ion-l /heory,Z - si!$ler !e/hod of >-l>ul-/in /he $ro$er/ies of !ole>ules. Nohn
sho#ed /h-/ i/ #-s no/ ne>ess-ry \/o >onsider /he !o/ion of e->h indi8idu-l ele>/ronH i/
suffi>es /o 0no# /he -8er-e nu!ber of ele>/rons lo>-/ed -/ -ny one $oin/ in s$->e.Z
This si!$ler !e/hod !-0es i/ $ossible /o s/udy 8ery l-re !ole>ules -nd h-s been used
/o >-l>ul-/e /he eo!e/ri>-l s/ru>/ure of !ole>ules /o !-$$in >he!i>-l re->/ions.
Pople5 <ohn 0nthon$ 130
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 199*. Born: O>/ober '1, 192%; Aurnh-!, So!erse/, 5nl-nd.
Parents: 1-/her, Lerber/ Nei/h Po$le; Ko/her, K-ry 1r-n>es Pones Po$le. Nationality:
Ari/ish; l-/er +!eri>-n residen/. Religion: Prob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: 6-!bride
Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+., 19)(; 6-!bride Ini8. 5nl-nd, K.+., 19%0; 6-!bride Ini8.,
5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19%1. Spouse: Poy 6yn/hi- Ao#ers, !-rried Se$/e!ber 22, 19%2.
Children: Lil-ry P-ne, d-uh/er; +dri-n Pohn, son; K-r0 S/e$hen, son; +ndre# Nei/h,
son. Career: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her -nd Professor, 19%1:%*; N-/ion-l
Physi>-l L-bor-/ory, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19%*:(); 6-rneie ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy,
P+, Professor, 19(1:(2; 6-rneie-Kellon Ini8., P+, Professor, 19():9'; Nor/h#es/ern
Ini8., ?L, Professor, 19*(-. Other Awards: K-yhe# Prize, 19)*; S!i/h Prize, 19%0;
K-rlo# Ked-l, 19%*; L-n!uir +#-rd, 19&0; Pi//sburh +#-rd, 19&%; L-rrison Lo#e
+#-rd, 19&1; "ilber/ Ne#/on Le#is Prize, 19&'; Linus P-ulin +#-rd, 19&&; Sr.
S>ien/is/ +#-rd, Lu!bold/ 1ound-/ion, 19*1; ". Will-rd Whel-nd +#-rd, 19*1; 58-ns
+#-rd, 19*2; Oes$er +#-rd, 19*); D-8y Ked-l, 19**; 6o!$u/ers in 6he!is/ry +#-rd,
1991; Wolf Prize, 1992; Nir0#ood Ked-l, 199); P.O. Lirs>hfelder Prize, 199).
Selected Publications: /igh Besolution 'uclear #agnetic Besonance. Ne# 3or0H
K>"r-# Lill, 19%9. Approximate #olecular Orbital Theory. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-# Lill,
19&0 B#i/h D.L. Ae8erideC. Ab <nitio #olecular Orbital Theory. Ne# 3or0H Wiley,
19*( B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 7ournal of hysical .hemistry 9) BPuly 12, 1990CH %)'1:
'). 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1), 199*CH +1(.
Co$$entary: Pohn Po$le sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h W-l/er Nohn for his
\de8elo$!en/ of >o!$u/-/ion-l !e/hods in Gu-n/u! >he!is/ryZ #hi>h h-s !-de
$ossible \/he /heore/i>-l s/udy of !ole>ules, /heir $ro$er/ies -nd ho# /hey ->/ /oe/her
in >he!i>-l re->/ions.Z Po$le de8elo$ed - >o!$u/er $ror-! >-lled "+ISS?+N-&0 /h-/
is no# #idely used. This $ror-! -nd Po$le9s >on/inuin refine!en/s h-8e led /o -
\#ell-do>u!en/ed !odel >he!is/ryZ /h-/ h-8e -llo#ed /he s/udy of in>re-sinly
>o!$le@ !ole>ules. BL.S.S.C
7e)ail5 0h2ed 1assan 131
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 1999. Born: 1ebru-ry 2(, 19)(; D-!-nhour, 5y$/. Parents: 1-/her,
L-ss-n +. Je#-il; Ko/her, 2-#hi- D-r Je#-il. Nationality: 5y$/i-n; l-/er +!eri>-n
>i/izen. Religion: No re>ord found. Education: +le@-ndri- Ini8., 5y$/, A.S., 19(&;
+le@-ndri- Ini8., 5y$/, K.S., 19(9; Ini8. of Pennsyl8-ni-, Ph.D., 19&). Spouse:
De!- Je#-il, !-rried, no d-/e Children: K-h-; +!-ni, son; N-beel; L-ni. Career:
Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, 2ese-r>her, 19&):&(; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy,
Professor, 19&(-. Other Awards: 8on Lu!bold/ +#-rd, 19*'; Au>0-Whi/ney Ked-l,
19*%; "uenhei! Ke!ori-l 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*&; Nin 1-is-l ?n/ern-/ion-l Prize,
19*9; L-rrison Lo#e +#-rd, 19*9; Loe>hs/ Prize, 1990; N+S+ +#-rd, 1991; +KK
+>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, 1991; Nobel L-ure-/e Sin-/ure +#-rd, 1992; 6-rl Jeiss +#-rd,
1992; 6-iro Ini8ersi/y Ked-l, 1992; Ini8ersi/y of Q-/-r Ked-l, 199'; 5.N. Plyler
Prize, 199'; Wolf
P-e )*
Prize, 199'; 2oy-l Ne/herl-nds +>-de!y of +r/s Y S>ien>es Ked-l, 199'; Niles +#-rd,
199); Leon-rdo D- Sin>i +#-rd, 199%; L.P. Aroid- Prize, 199%; 6he!is/ry S>ien>e
+#-rd, 199(; Nir0#ood Ked-l, 199(; Pe0in Ini8ersi/y Ked-l, 199(; Pe/er Debye
+#-rd, 199&; Linus P-ulin Ked-l, 199&; 5.A. Wilson +#-rd, 199&; 2.+. Wel>h +#-rd,
199&; Pi//sburh S$e>/ros>o$y +#-rd, 199&; Willi-! L. Ni>hols +#-rd, 199*; 2i>h-rd
Tol!-n +#-rd, 199*; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 1999; P-ul N-rrer "old Ked-l, 1999; 2oen/en
Prize, 1999; 5.O. L-#ren>e +#-rd, 1999; Kers0i +#-rd, 1999.
Selected Publications: \The Air/h of Kole>ulesZ (cientific American BDe>e!ber 1990CH
)0:)(. \The S-lidi/y of /he Dir-di>-l Ly$o/hesisH Dire>/ 1e!/ose>ond S/udies of /he
Tr-nsi/ion-S/-/e S/ru>/ures,Z (cience 2(( B199)CH 1'%9:1'() B#i/h S. Pedersen -nd P.L.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1', 1999CH +*.
Co$$entary: +h!ed Je#-il re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for his s/udies of /he /r-nsi/ion
s/-/es of >he!i>-l re->/ions usin fe!/ose>ond s$e>/ros>o$y.Z Isin - \slo# !o/ionZ
l-ser OO>-!er-,Z Je#-il #-s -ble /o s/udy \->/u-l >he!i>-l re->/ions on /he /i!e s>-le on
#hi>h /he re->/ions ->/u-lly o>>ur.Z 1e!/o>he!is/ry -llo#s one /o obser8e /he \lo8e,Z
\h-/eZ -nd \di8or>eZ of !ole>ules -s /hey >o!e /oe/her, bond, -nd bre-0 -$-r/. The
Nobel 6o!!i//ee no/es Je#-il9s >on/ribu/ions h-8e \brouh/ -bou/ - re8olu/ion in
>he!is/ry -nd -dM->en/ s>ien>es, sin>e /his /y$e of in8es/i-/ion -llo#s us /o unders/-nd
-nd $redi>/ i!$or/-n/ re->/ions.Z BL.S.S.C
1ee&er5 0lan <a$ 132
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 2000. Born: P-nu-ry 22, 19'(; Siou@ 6i/y, ?o#-. Parents: 1-/her,
Pe/er P. Leeer; Ko/her, +li>e Kin0in Leeer. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion:
Prob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of Nebr-s0-, A.S., 19%&; Ini8. of 6-liforni-,
Aer0eley, Ph.D., 19(1. Spouse: 2u/h-nn 6hud->off, !-rried +uus/ 11, 19%&.
Children: Pe/er S., son; D-8id P., son. Career: Ini8. of Pennsyl8-ni-, P+, Professor,
19(2:*2; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, S-n/- A-rb-r-, 6+, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19*2-;
IN?+4 6or$., 6+, 1ounder Y +d!inis/r-/or, 1990:2000. Other Awards: Pohn S>o//
Ked-l, 19*9; Oli8er P. Au>0ley Prize, 19*'; A-lz-n 1ound-/ion Prize, 199%.
Selected Publications: \Syn/hesis of ele>/ri>-lly >ondu>/in or-ni> $oly!ersH L-loen
deri8-/i8es of $oly->e/ylene B6LCn,Z The 7ournal of .hemical (ociety, .hemical
.ommunications BSu!!er 19&&CB#i/h +. K->Di-r!id -nd L.Shir-0-#-C. \Syn/hesis of
Lihly 6ondu>/in 1il!s of Deri8-/i8es of Poly->e/ylene, B6LC@,Z 7ournal of the
American .hemical (ociety 100 B19&*CH 101' B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 11, 2000CH +1(.
Co$$entary: +l-n Leeer -nd his >ol-ure-/es sh-red /he Nobel Prize \for /he dis>o8ery
-nd de8elo$!en/ of >ondu>/i8e $oly!ers.Z Leeer, +l-n K->Di-r!id -nd Lide0i
Shir-0-#- dis>o8ered /h-/ $l-s/i>s, -f/er so!e !odifi>-/ions, >-n >ondu>/ ele>/ri>-l
>urren/. Pl-s/i>s -re $oly!ers, !-de u$ of lon !ole>ules /h-/ rese!ble - >h-in. ?n order
for /he $oly!er /o be -ble /o >ondu>/ ele>/ri>i/y, i/ !us/ be \do$ed,Z #hi>h !e-ns /h-/
ele>/rons -re ei/her re!o8ed or in/rodu>ed. This >re-/es \holesZ #hi>h -llo#s e@/r-
ele>/rons /o !o8e -lon /he !ole>ule /hus be>o!in ele>/ri>-lly >ondu>/i8e. BL.S.S.C
,ac(iar2id5 0lan 6raha2 133
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 2000. Born: +$ril 1), 192&; K-s/er/on, Ne# Je-l-nd. Parents: No
re>ord found. Nationality: Ne# Je-l-nder; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Prob-bly
6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of Ne# Je-l-nd, A.S>i., 19)*; K. S>i., 19%0; Ini8. of
Wis>onsin, W?, K.S., 19%2; Ph.D., 19%'; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19%%.
Spouse: !-rried, 19%). Children: ) >hildren Career: Ini8. of Pennsyl8-ni-, P+,
Professor, 19%%-. Other Awards: 1r-n>is P. 6l-!er Ked-l, 199'; +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l
So>ie/y +#-rd in K-/eri-ls 6he!is/ry, 1999.
Selected Publications: \Syn/hesis of ele>/ri>-lly >ondu>/in or-ni> $oly!ersH L-loen
deri8-/i8es of $oly->e/ylene B6LCn,Z The 7ournal of .hemical (ociety, .hemical
.ommunications BSu!!er 19&&CB#i/h +. Leeer -nd L.Shir-0-#-C. \Syn/hesis of
Lihly 6ondu>/in 1il!s of Deri8-/i8es of Poly->e/ylene, B6LC@,Z 7ournal of the
American .hemical (ociety 100 B19&*CH 101' B#i/h o/hersC. \Pl-s/i>s Th-/ 6ondu>/
5le>/ri>i/y,Z (cientific American 10( B1ebru-ry 19**CB#i/h 2.A. N-nerC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 11, 2000CH +1(.
Co$$entary: +l-n K->Di-r!id sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h +l-n Leeer -nd Lide0i
Shir-0-#- for dis>o8erin /h-/ $l-s/i>s, -f/er >er/-in !odifi>-/ions, >-n >ondu>/
ele>/ri>i/y. Pl-s/i>s, or $oly!ers, >-n be !odified by ei/her re!o8in ele>/rons B/hrouh
o@id-/ionC or -ddin ele>/rons B/hrouh redu>/ionC /h-/ -llo#s /he e@/r- ele>/rons /o
!o8e -lon /he !ole>ule -nd be>o!e ele>/ri>-lly >ondu>/i8e. The Nobel 6o!!i//ee
no/es \#e s/-nd -/ /he /hreshold /o - $l-s/i>-ele>/roni>s re8olu/ion #i/h e@>i/in
i!$li>-/ions in >he!is/ry -nd $hysi>s -s #ell -s infor!-/ion /e>hnoloy.Z BL.S.S.C
-hiraka)a5 1ideki 13?
Prize: 6he!is/ry, 2000. Born: 19'(; To0yo, P-$-n. Parents: No re>ord found.
Nationality: P-$-nese. Religion: No re>ord found. Education: To0yo ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy, P-$-n, Ph.D., 19((. Spouse: K-rried, no fur/her re>ord found. Children:
No re>ord found. Career: To0yo ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, P-$-n, 2ese-r>her; Ini8. of
Pennsyl8-ni-, P+, 2ese-r>her; Ini8. of Tsu0ub-, P-$-n, Professor, 19((-.
Selected Publications: \Syn/hesis of 5le>/roni>-lly 6ondu>/in Or-ni> Poly!ersH
L-loen deri8-/i8es of $oly->e/ylene B6LCn,Z 7ournal of .hemical (ociety, .hemical
.ommunications BSu!!er 19&&C B#i/h +. Leeer -nd +. K->Di-r!idC. \Syn/hesis of
Lihly 6ondu>/in 1il!s of Deri8-/i8es of Poly->e/ylene, B6LC@,Z 7ournal of the
American .hemical (ociety 100 B19&*CH 101' B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 11, 2000CH +1(.
Co$$entary: Lide0i Shir-0-#-, -lon #i/h +l-n Leeer -nd +l-n K->Di-r!id,
re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for /he
P-e )9
dis>o8ery -nd de8elo$!en/ of >ondu>/i8e $oly!ers.Z Pl-s/i>s -re ener-lly >onsidered
-s insul-/ion, >o8erin >o$$er #ires used in ele>/ri>i/y. They found /h-/ -f/er >er/-in
!odifi>-/ions, $l-s/i>s, or $oly!ers, >ould be>o!e ele>/ri>-lly >ondu>/i8e. Pr->/i>-l
-$$li>-/ions in>lude -n/is/-/i> >o-/in on $ho/or-$hi> fil!, lu!inous sins, -nd /he
de8elo$!en/ of o/her -n/is/-/i> !-/eri-ls for use in $l->es #here s/-/i> ele>/ri>i/y should
be -8oided. BL.S.S.C
P-e %0
This $-e in/en/ion-lly lef/ bl-n0.
P-e %1
risch5 4a&nar 8ittil5 0nton 13@
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19(9. Born: K-r>h ', 1*9%; Oslo, Nor#-y. Death: P-nu-ry '1, 19&';
Oslo, Nor#-y. Parents: 1-/her, +n/on 1ris>h; Ko/her, 2-n- 1redri00e Ni//ilsen 1ris>h.
Nationality: Nor#ei-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of Oslo, Nor#-y, A.+.,
1919; Ini8. of Oslo, Nor#-y, Ph.D., 192(. Spouse: K-rie S!ed-l, !-rried +$ril 2*,
1920, died 19%2; +s/rid Poh-nnessen, !-rried 19%'. Children: 2-n-, d-uh/er. Career:
Ini8. of Oslo, Nor#-y, Professor, 19'1:&1. Other Awards: S>hu!$e/er Prize, L-r8-rd
Ini8., K+, 19%%; +n/onio 1el/rinelli Prize, +>-de!i- N->ion-le dei Lin>ei, 2o!e, ?/-ly,
Selected Publications: #axima and #inima. Theory and $conomic Applications. Tr. by
5@$ress Tr-nsl-/ion Ser8i>e. 6hi>-oH 2-nd K>N-lly, 19((. $conomic lanning
(tudies. Dordre>h/, Ne/herl-ndsH D. 2eidel, 19&(. 'e0 #ethods of #easuring #arginal
:tility. Phil-del$hi-, P+H Por>u$ine Press, 19&*. =oundations of #odern $conometrics.
Aroo0field, STH 5d#-rd 5l-r Publishers, 199%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: \2-n-r 1ris>h -nd Ausiness 6y>le 2ese-r>h durin /he
?n/er#-r 3e-rs.Z /istory of olitical $conomy 1' B19*1CH (9%:&2%. (cience 1(( B19(9CH
&1%:1&. Thin2ers of the T0entieth .entury. De/roi/, K?H "-le, 19*', 1*):*%.
Co$$entary: 2-n-r 1ris>h #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions in
es/-blishin /he subMe>/s of e>ono!e/ri>s -nd !-/he!-/i>-l e>ono!i>s. 1ris>h9s rese-r>h
#-s i!$or/-n/ in es/-blishin /heories forH !odels of #hole e>ono!i>s, $rodu>/ion,
>onsu!er beh-8ior, inde@ nu!bers, -nd $l-nnin. Lis #or0 #-s no/ res/ri>/ed /o
e>ono!i>s, sin>e his s/-/is/i>-l -nd !-/he!-/i>-l !e/hodoloies >ould be -$$lied
else#here -s #ell. BP.1.C
Tinber&en5 <an 13A
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19(9. Born: +$ril 12, 190'; The L-ue, Ne/herl-nds. Death: Pune 9,
199); +!s/erd-!, Ne/herl-nds. Parents: 1-/her, Dir0 6ornelis Tinberen; Ko/her,
Pe-ne//e S-n 5e0 Tinberen. Nationality: Du/>h. Religion: +nos/i>; fro! Pro/es/-n/
b->0round. Education: Leiden Ini8., Ne/herl-nds, Ph.D., 1929. Spouse: Tine Poh-nn-
de Wi/, !-rried Puly 19, 1929, died 199). Children: +dri--n K., d-uh/er; 5lsMe,
d-uh/er; L-nne0e, d-uh/er; K-ri-nne, d-uh/er. Career: 6en/r-l Aure-u of S/-/is/i>s,
Ne/herl-nds, S/-/is/i>i-n, 1929:'(; Le-ue of N-/ions Se>re/-ri-/, S/-/is/i>i-n, 19'(:'*;
6en/r-l Aure-u of S/-/is/i>s, Ne/herl-nds, S/-/is/i>i-n, 19'*:)%; 6en/r-l Pl-nnin
Aure-u, Ne/herl-nds, Dire>/or, 19)%:%%; Ne/herl-nds S>hool of 5>ono!i>s, Professor,
19'':&'; Leiden Ini8., Ne/herl-nds, Professor, 19&':&%. Other Awards: 5r-s!us Prize,
19(&; Order of /he Lion; Order of Or-ne N-ss-u; 1our 1reedo!s +#-rd, 1992.
Selected Publications: An $conomic Approach to 8usiness .ycle roblems. P-risH
Ler!-nn, 19'&. (tatistical Testing of 8usiness .ycle Theories. "ene8-H Le-ue of
N-/ions, 19'9. 8usiness .ycles in the :nited Jingdom, 1;A0+191G. +!s/erd-!H Nor/h-
Loll-nd, 19%1. On the Theory of $conomic olicy. +!s/erd-!H Nor/h-Loll-nd, 19%2.
$conomic olicy> rinciples and &esign. +!s/erd-!H Nor/hLoll-nd, 19%(. roduction,
<ncome and %elfare. Lin>oln, N5H Ini8. of Nebr-s0- Press, 19*%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BPune 1), 199)CH **2.
(cience 1(( B19(9CH &1%:1&. Thin2ers of the T0entieth .entury. De/roi/, K?H "-le, 19*',
Co$$entary: P-n Tinberen #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 in e>ono!e/ri>s,
/he !-/he!-/i>-l re$resen/-/ion of e>ono!i> /heory. Durin his i!$ressi8e >-reer, he
#or0ed #i/h s/-/is/i>-l !odels of e>ono!ies, /he !-/he!-/i>-l -n-lysis of e>ono!i>
>y>les, -nd se8er-l /heoriesH of in>o!e dis/ribu/ion, of e>ono!i> ro#/h, of e>ono!i>
$l-nnin, -nd of e>ono!i> de8elo$!en/. BP.1.C
-a2!elson5 Pa!l 0nthon$ 13B
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19&0. Born: K-y 1%, 191%; "-ry, ?N. Parents: 1-/her, 1r-n0
S-!uelson; Ko/her, 5ll- Li$/on S-!uelson. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish.
Education: Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, A.+., 19'%; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.+., 19'(; L-r8-rd
Ini8., K+, Ph.D., 19)1. Spouse: K-rion 6r-#ford, !-rried Puly 2, 19'*, died 19&*;
2ish- 5>0-us, !-rried 19*1. Children: P-ne Nend-ll, d-uh/er; K-r-re/ Wr-y,
d-uh/er; Willi-! 1r-n0, son; 2ober/ P-!es, son; Pohn 6r-#ford, son; P-ul 2eid, son;
Sus-n Killer, s/e$d-uh/er. Career: K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor,
19)0:*%. Other Awards: D-8id Wells Prize, L-r8-rd Ini8., 19)1; Pohn A-/es 6l-r0
Ked-l, +!eri>-n 5>ono!i> +sso>i-/ion, 19)&; "uenhei! 1ello#, 19)*; 1ord
1ound-/ion 1ello#, 19%*; Ked-l of Lonor, Ini8. of 58-ns8ille, ?L, 19&0; +lber/
5ins/ein 6o!!e!or-/i8e +#-rd, 19&1; Dis/inuished Ser8i>e +#-rd, N-/ion-l
+sso>i-/ion of ?n8es/!en/ 6lubs, 19&); +lu!ni Ked-l, Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, 19*';
Ari/-nni>- +#-rd, 19*9; Ked-l of Lonor, S-len>i-, S$-in, 1990; "old S>-nno Prize,
N-$les, ?/-ly, 1990; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 199(.
Selected Publications: =oundations of $conomic Analysis. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd
Ini8. Press, 19)&. $conomics> An <ntroductory Analysis. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill,
19)*. -inear rogramming and $conomic Analysis. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19%*
B#i/h 2ober/ Dorf!-n -nd 2ober/ Solo#C. The .ollected (cientific apers of aul A.
(amuelson. % 8olu!es. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19((:*(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(%, '%(:%9. (cience 1&0 BNo8e!ber 1', 19&0CH &20:21. Sil0, Leon-rd. The
$conomists. Ne# 3or0H A-si> Aoo0s, 19&(, ':)'.
Co$$entary: The Nobel 6o!!i//ee >i/ed P-ul S-!uelson for doin \!ore /h-n -ny
o/her >on/e!$or-ry e>ono!is/ /o
P-e %2
r-ise /he le8el of s>ien/ifi> -n-lysis in e>ono!i> /heory.Z Kos/ >on/e!$or-ries #ould
$rob-bly -ree /h-/ /his is be>-use of S-!uelson9s -bili/y /o e@$ress in !-/he!-/i>-l
/er!s -nd lu>id $rose /he e>ono!i> /heories of /he d-y. Lo#e8er, his re-/es/ i!$->/ h-s
been /hrouh his >l-ssi> /e@/boo0, $conomics, -nd his $o$ul-r #ri/ins #hi>h h-8e
edu>-/ed /he ener-l $ubli> /o /he #orld of e>ono!i>s. BA.S.S.C
8!znets5 -i2on -2ith 13C
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19&1. Born: +$ril '0, 1901; Nh-r0o8, 2ussi-. Death: Puly 9, 19*%;
6-!bride, K+. Parents: 1-/her, +br-h-! Nuzne/s; Ko/her, P-uline 1ried!-n
Nuzne/s. Nationality: 2ussi-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education:
6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, A.+., 192'; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, K.+., 192); 6olu!bi- Ini8.,
N3, Ph.D., 192(. Spouse: 5di/h L-ndler, !-rried Pune %, 1929. Children: P-ul Nuzne/s,
son; Krs. Nor!-n S/ein, d-uh/er. Career: N-/ion-l Aure-u of 5>ono!i> 2ese-r>h,
2ese-r>her, 192&:'0; Ini8. of Pennsyl8-ni-, Professor, 19'0:%); Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8.,
KD, Professor, 19%):(0; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19(0:&1. Other Awards:
2ober/ Trou$ P-ine Prize, 19&0; 1r-n>is +. W-l0er Ked-l, 19&&.
Selected Publications: .ommodity =lo0 and .apital =ormation. Ne# 3or0H N-/ion-l
Aure-u of 5>ono!i> 2ese-r>h, 19'*. 'ational roduct (ince 1;69. Ne# 3or0H N-/ion-l
Aure-u of 5>ono!i> 2ese-r>h, 19)(. $conomic .hange. Ne# 3or0H Nor/on, 19%'.
.apital in the American $conomy. Prin>e/on, NPH Prin>e/on Ini8. Press, 19(1.
$conomic 5ro0th of 'ations> Total Output and roduction (tructure. 6-!bride, K+H
L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19&1. 'ational <ncome and <ts .omposition, 1919+19C". Ne#
3or0H N-/ion-l Aure-u of 5>ono!i> 2ese-r>h, 19&1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'obel -aureates in $conomic (ciences. Ne# 3or0H
"-rl-nd, 19*), 1)':%9. (cience 1&) BO>/ober 2&, 19&1CH )*1:*'. \Si!on Nuzne/s9
6on/ribu/ion /o 5>ono!i>s.Z (0edish 7ournal of $conomics &' BDe>e!ber 19&1CH ))):
Co$$entary: Si!on Nuzne/s #-s re>onized for his \e!$iri>-lly founded
in/er$re/-/ion of e>ono!i> ro#/h99 -nd \for illu!in-/in #i/h f->/s=-nd e@$l-inin
/hrouh -n-lysis=/he e>ono!i> ro#/h fro! /he !iddle of /he l-s/ >en/ury.Z Lis
>on/ribu/ion >onsis/ed of de8elo$in - sys/e! for n-/ion-l in>o!e ->>oun/in -nd
-$$lyin s/-/is/i>-l !e/hods /o !e-sure /he sour>es -nd uses of /he -nnu-l $rodu>/ion of
- >oun/ry. L-/er in his >-reer, Nuzne/s s/udied /he >h-nin roles of >-$i/-l, l-bor, -nd
$rodu>/i8i/y in /he Ini/ed S/-/es e>ono!y -nd be>-!e - le-der in so>ioe>ono!i> /heory.
0rro)5 8enneth <oseph 139
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19&2. Born: +uus/ 2', 1921; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, L-rry
?. +rro#; Ko/her, Lilli-n "reenber +rro#. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish.
Education: 6i/y 6ollee of Ne# 3or0, A.S., 19)0; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, K.+., 19)1;
6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 19%1. Spouse: Sel!- S>h#ei/zer, !-rried +uus/ '1, 19)&.
Children: D-8id Ki>h-el, son; +ndre# Se/h, son. Career: 6o#les 6o!!ission for
2ese-r>h in 5>ono!i>s, Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, 2ese-r>her, 19)&:)9; S/-nford Ini8.,
6+, Professor, 19)9:(*; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19(*:&9; S/-nford Ini8., 6+,
Professor, 19&9:91. Other Awards: Pohn A-/es 6l-r0 Ked-l, +!eri>-n 5>ono!i>
+sso>i-/ion, 19%&; Son Neu!-nn Prize, 19*(; Ne!$e de 1erie/ Ked-l, 199*; Ked-l,
Ini8. of P-ris, 199*.
Selected Publications: (ocial .hoice and <ndividual 6alues. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19%1.
(tudies in -inear and 'onlinear rogramming. S/-nford, 6+H S/-nford Ini8. Press,
19%* B#i/h o/hersC. (tudies in the #athematical Theory of <nventory and roduction.
S/-nford, 6+H S/-nford Ini8. Press, 19%*. $ssays in the Theories of Bis2@8earing.
6hi>-oH K-r0h-! Publishin 6o., 19&1. (tudies in Besource Allocation. Ne# 3or0H
6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19&&. (ocial .hoice and 7ustice> .ollected apers of Jenneth
7. Arro0. O@fordH Al->0#ell, 19*).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Arro0 and the =oundations of the Theory of $conomic
olicy. LondonH K->!ill-n, 19*&. 'obel -aureates in the $conomic (ciences. Ne#
3or0H "-rl-nd, 19*9, 9:'0. (cience 1&* BNo8e!ber ', 19&2CH )*&:*9.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o Nenne/h +rro# for his \$ioneerin #or0
on /he /heory of ener-l e>ono!i> eGuilibriu!.Z +rro#9s do>/or-l rese-r>h #-s on so>i-l
>hoi>e -nd indi8idu-l 8-lues B/he /i/le of his disser/-/ionC, -nd he >on/inued o8er /he
>ourse of his >-reer /o -$$ly e>ono!i> /heory /o -ll /y$es of so>i-l $roble!s=!edi>-l
>-re, edu>-/ion, #-/er resour>es, e/>. Lis l-/er rese-r>h >on>erned /he role of
infor!-/ion in /he beh-8ior of business$eo$le -nd >onsu!ers. +rro# #-s -lso he-8ily
in8ol8ed #i/h s/uden/s -/ -ll le8els -nd #i/h uni8ersi/y -ff-irs #here8er he /-uh/.
1icks5 <ohn 4ichard5 -ir 1?0
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19&2. Born: +$ril *, 190); Le-!in/on S$-, 5nl-nd. Death: K-y
20, 19*9; London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 5d#-rd Li>0s; Ko/her, Doro/hy S/e$hens
Li>0s. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: A-$/is/. Education: O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+.,
192&; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 19'1. Spouse: Irsul- N-/hleen Webb, !-rried
19'%, died 19*%. Children: None. Career: London S>hool of 5>ono!i>s, 5nl-nd,
Professor, 192(:'%; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'%:'*; Ini8. of
K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'*:)(; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19)(:(%.
Other Awards: Nnih/hood, 19().
Selected Publications: The Theory of %ages. LondonH K->!ill-n, 19'2. 6alue and
.apital> An <n4uiry into (ome =undamental rinciples of $conomic Theory. O@fordH
6l-rendon Press, 19'9. The (ocial =rame0or2> An <ntroduction to $conomics. O@fordH
6l-rendon Press, 19)2. A .ontribution to the Theory of the Trade .ycle. O@fordH
6l-rendon Press, 19%0. .apital and 5ro0th. O@fordH 6l-rendon Press, 19(%. The .risis
in Jeynesian $conomics. O@fordH A-sil Al->0#ell, 19&). #ethods of &ynamic
$conomics. O@fordH O@ford Ini8. Press, 19*&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A-u!ol, Willi-! P. \Pohn 2. Li>0s9 6on/ribu/ion /o
5>ono!i>s.Z The (0edish 7ournal of $conomics &) BDe>e!ber 19&2CH %0':2&. 7ohn B.
/ic2s. O@ford, 5nl-ndH Al->0#ell, 199'. Kor-n, Ari-n. \Sir Pohn Li>0s9s
6on/ribu/ions /o 5>ono!i> Theory.Z ?n T0elve .ontemporary $conomists. Ne# 3or0H
Pohn Wiley, 19*1,
P-e %'
10*:)0. 2eid, ".6., -nd Wolfe, P.N. \Li>0s, Pohn 2.Z <nternational $ncyclopedia of the
(ocial (ciences. Ne# 3or0H 1ree Press, 19&9 BSolu!e 1*C, '00:02.
Co$$entary: +l/houh honored for his \$ioneerin >on/ribu/ions /o ener-l e>ono!i>
eGuilibriu! /heory -nd #elf-re /heory,Z /he #or0 of Pohn Li>0s -lso influen>ed su>h
-re-s -s !one/-ry /heory -nd s/-bili/y -n-lysis, -s his #ri/ins be>-!e /he found-/ion
for !u>h of /he e>ono!i> /houh/ of /he /i!e. Li>0s #-s $erh-$s bes/ 0no#n for 6alue
and .apital B19'9C, in #hi>h he se/ for/h his ener-l e>ono!i> eGuilibriu! /heory.
6onsidered -n e>ono!i> >l-ssi>, fe# #or0s h-d su>h - $rofound effe>/ on /he b-si>
s/ru>/ure of e>ono!i> /heory. B2.W.S.C
#eontief5 Wassil$ W: 1?1
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19&'. Born: +uus/ %, 190(; S/. Pe/ersbur, 2ussi-. Death: 1ebru-ry
%, 1999; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, W-ssily Leon/ief; Ko/her, 5ueni- Ae00er
Leon/ief. Nationality: 2ussi-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: 5-s/ern Or/hodo@.
Education: Leninr-d S/-/e Ini8., ISS2, Le-rned 5>ono!is/, 192%; Ini8. of Aerlin,
"er!-ny, Ph.D., 192*. Spouse: 5s/ell- Lelen- K-r0s, !-rried De>e!ber 2%, 19'2.
Children: S8e/l-n- 5ueni- +l$ers, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Niel, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>h
5>ono!is/, 192&:'0; N-/ion-l Aure-u of 5>ono!i> 2ese-r>h, N3, 2ese-r>h +sso>i-/e,
19'1; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19'1:&%; Ne# 3or0 Ini8., Professor -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19&%:91. Other Awards: "uenhei! 1ello#shi$, 19)0, 19%0;
Aernh-rd-L-r!s Prize, "er!-ny, 19&0; T-0e!i Ke!ori-l +#-rd, P-$-n, 1991; L-rry
5d!onds +#-rd for Life +>hie8e!en/, 199%.
Selected Publications: OOQu-n/i/-/i8e ?n$u/ -nd Ou/$u/ 2el-/ions in /he 5>ono!i>
Sys/e! of /he Ini/ed S/-/es.Z Bevie0 of $conomic (tatistics 1* B+uus/ 19'(CH 10%:2%.
The (tructure of the American $conomy, 1919+19,9> An $mpirical Application of
$4uilibrium Analysis. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19)1. \5@$or/s, ?!$or/s,
Do!es/i> Ou/$u/ -nd 5!$loy!en/.Z ?uarterly 7ournal of $conomics (0 B1ebru-ry
19)(CH 1&1:9'. \1->/or Pro$or/ions -nd /he S/ru>/ure of +!eri>-n Tr-deH 1ur/her
Theore/i>-l -nd 5!$iri>-l +n-lysis.Z Bevie0 of $conomics and (tatistics '* BNo8e!ber
19%(CH '*(:)0&. \The 5>ono!i> ?!$->/=?ndus/ri-l -nd 2eion-l=of -n +r!s 6u/.Z
Bevie0 of $conomics and (tatistics )& B+uus/ 19(%CH 21&:)1. \The Dis/ribu/ion of
Wor0 -nd ?n>o!e.Z <nput@Output $conomics. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press, 19((.
(cientific American BSe$/e!ber 19*2CH 1**:190l.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Dorf!-n, 2ober/. \W-ssily Leon/ief9s 6on/ribu/ion /o
5>ono!i>s.Z (0edish 7ournal of $conomics &% BDe>e!ber 19&'CH ))2:)9. S-!uelson,
P-ul +. \Nobel L-ure-/e Leon/ief.Z 'e0s0ee2 BNo8e!ber %, 19&'CH 9). Seli!-n, Aen
A. #ain .urrents in #odern $conomics> $conomic Thought (ince 1;A0. Ne# 3or0H
1ree Press of "len>oe, 19(2, )'):)1. Sil0, Leon-rd. The $conomists. Ne# 3or0H A-si>
Aoo0s, 19&(, 1%1:90.
Co$$entary: W-ssily Leon/ief #on his -#-rd for /he \de8elo$!en/ of /he in$u/-ou/$u/
!e/hod of e>ono!i> -n-lysis, used in 8-rious for!s in !ore /h-n %0 indus/ri-lized
>oun/ries for $l-nnin -nd fore>-s/in.Z Le h-s used his !e/hods /o s/udy /he effe>/s of
8-rious f->/ors on /he I.S. e>ono!y=/he end of World W-r ??, !ili/-ry s$endin,
en8iron!en/, -nd #orld de8elo$!en/. BN.L.C
1a$ek5 riedrich 0!&!st =on 1?2
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19&). Born: K-y *, 1*99; Sienn-, +us/ri-. Death: K-r>h 2', 1992;
1reiber, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, +uus/ Son L-ye0; Ko/her, 1eli>i/-s 8on Pur-s>he0
Son L-ye0. Nationality: +us/ri-n; l-/er Ari/ish, +!eri>-n, -nd "er!-n residen/.
Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of Sienn-, +us/ri-, Dr. Pur., 1921; Ini8. of Sienn-,
+us/ri-, Ph.D., 192'. Spouse: Lelene 8on 1ri/s>h, !-rried 192(, di8or>ed 19%0; Lelene
Ai//erli>h, !-rried 19%0. Children: 6hris/ine, d-uh/er; L-#ren>e, son. Career:
+us/ri-n ?ns/i/u/e of 5>ono!i> 2ese-r>h, Dire>/or, 192&:'1; Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd,
Professor, 19'1:%0; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19%0:(2; Ini8. of 1reibur,
"er!-ny, 19(2:&0; Ini8. of S-lzbur, +us/ri-, Professor, 19&0:&&. Other Awards:
Ordre Pour le K_ri/e; Ked-l of Lonor, +us/ri-, 19&(; 6o!$-nion of Lonor, 19*).
Selected Publications: 5eldtheorie und JonIun2turtheorie. Sienn-H Loelder-Pi>hler-
Te!$s0y, 1929 B#onetary Theory and the Trade .ycle. LondonH L-r>our/, 19''C.
rices and roduction. LondonH ". 2ou/lede, 19''. The ure Theory of .apital.
LondonH ". 2ou/lede, 19)1. The Boad to (erfdom. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press,
19)). <ndividualism and $conomic Order. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19)9. The
.ounter@Bevolution of (cience. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19%2. The .onstitution
of -iberty. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19(0. &enationali*ation of #oney. LondonH
?ns/i/u/e of 5>ono!i> +ff-irs, 19&(. 'e0 (tudies in hilosophy, olitics, $conomics and
the /istory of <deas. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19*%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .ontemporary Authors. De/roi/, K?H "-le, 19*0 BSolu!es
9':9(C, 21*:19. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19)%, 2&1:&'.
5bens/ein, +l-n O. =riedrich /aye2> A 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S/. K-r/in9s Press, 2000.
/aye2 on /aye2. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19*9.
Co$$entary: 1riedri>h L-ye0 sh-red /he Nobel Prize for \$ioneerin #or0 in /he
/heory of !oney -nd e>ono!i> flu>/u-/ionsZ -nd for \$ene/r-/in -n-lysis of /he
in/erde$enden>e of e>ono!i>, so>i-l, -nd ins/i/u/ion-l $heno!en-.Z Aeinnin #i/h
#or0 on /heore/i>-l e>ono!i> /houh/, L-ye0 l-/er >o!bined /hese #ri/ins #i/h
-n-lyses of /he 8i-bili/y of differen/ e>ono!i> sys/e!s /h-/ !-de hi! - #orld fiure.
Lis fir! belief in free-!-r0e/ e>ono!i>s #-s s-id /o h-8e influen>ed Kil/on 1ried!-n
-nd /he e>ono!i> $oli>ies of K-r-re/ Th-/>her -nd 2on-ld 2e--n. BS.N.C
,$rdal5 8arl 6!nnar 1?3
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19&). Born: De>e!ber (, 1*9*; "us/-fs P-rish, S#eden. Death: K-y
1&, 19*&; S/o>0hol!, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, N-rl +dolf Kyrd-l; Ko/her, +nn-
So$hi- 6-rlson Kyrd-l. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of
S/o>0hol!, S#eden, l-# deree, 192'; Ini8. of S/o>0hol!, S#eden, do>/or-/e, 192&.
Spouse: +l8- 2ie!er, !-rried O>/ober *, 192). Children: P-n, son; N-M, d-uh/er;
Sissel-, d-uh/er. Career: S/o>0hol!, S#eden, +//orney, 192':2&; Ini8. of S/o>0hol!,
S#eden, Professor, 192&:'*; 6-rneie 6or$., N3, 2ese-r>her, 19'*:)2;
P-e %)
/hen Wri/er -nd Poli/i>-l +>/i8i/ies. Other Awards: Pe->e Prize, Wes/ "er!-ny, 19&0;
Seid!-n +#-rd, Ke!$his, TN, 19&'; 1eli@ Ne#burh +#-rd, So/honbur, S#eden,
19&&; Nehru +#-rd for ?n/ern-/ion-l Inders/-ndin, 19*1.
Selected Publications: opulation> A roblem for &emocracy. 6-!bride, K+H
L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19)0. An American &ilemma> The 'egro roblem and #odern
&emocracy. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y Aro/hers, 19)). .hallenge to Affluence. Ne# 3or0H
P-n/heon, 19('. Asian &rama> An <n4uiry into the overty of 'ations. Ne# 3or0H
P-n/heon, 19(*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +ss-rsson-2izzi, Ners/in -nd Aohin, L-r-ld. 5unnar
#yrdal> A 8ibliography, 1919+19;1. Ne# 3or0H "-rl-nd, 19*'. .urrent 8iography
1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19&%, 29%:9*. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical
(ervice BK-y 1*, 19*&CH )&(. 'obel -aureates in $conomic (ciences. Ne# 3or0H
"-rl-nd, 21*:2*.
Co$$entary: "unn-r Kyrd-l re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for his \$ioneerin #or0 in /he
/heory of !oney -nd e>ono!i> flu>/u-/ionsZ -nd for his \$ene/r-/in -n-lysis of /he
in/erde$enden>e of e>ono!i>, so>i-l -nd ins/i/u/ion-l $heno!en-.Z Kyrd-l9s s/udies of
-nd influen>e on e>ono!i> -nd so>i-l -ff-irs be-n in S#eden -nd e@/ended /o /he
Ini/ed S/-/es. Lis /re-/!en/s of e>ono!i> $oli>y in bo/h >oun/ries -nd his s/udy of /he
$o$ul-/ion Gues/ion in S#eden -nd /he r->e issue in +!eri>- #ere >l-ssi>s. Le #-s -lso
-n ->/i8e Ini/ed N-/ions #or0er, es$e>i-lly in +si-, -nd - >-!$-iner for $e->e. BS.N.C
8antoro>ich5 #eonid =itale>ich 1??
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19&%. Born: P-nu-ry 19, 1912; S/. Pe/ersbur, 2ussi-. Death: +$ril
(, 19*(; Kos>o#, 2ussi-. Parents: 1-/her, Si/-liM K. N-n/oro8i>h; Ko/her, P-uline ".
S-0s N-n/oro8i>h. Nationality: 2ussi-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Leninr-d S/-/e
Ini8., ISS2, A.+., 19'0; Leninr-d S/-/e Ini8., ISS2, Ph.D., 19'%. Spouse: N-/-lM-
Sl-di!iro8n- ?lyin-, !-rried K-r>h 11, 19'*. Children: ?en, son; Sselo8od, d-uh/er.
Career: Leninr-d S/-/e Ini8., ISS2, Professor, 19'):(0; +>-de!y of S>ien>es,
ISS2, +d!inis/r-/or, 19(0:&1; ?ns/i/u/e of N-/ion-l 5>ono!y 6on/rol, Kos>o#,
ISS2, +d!inis/r-/or, 19&1:&(; +>-de!y of S>ien>es, ISS2, +d!inis/r-/or, 19&(:*(.
Other Awards: S/-/e Prize, ISS2, 19)9; Lenin Prize, ISS2, 19(%; Order of Lenin,
ISS2, 19(&, 19*2.
Selected Publications: #athematiches2ie #etody Organi*atsii i lanirovaniia
roi*vodstva. Leninr-dH Leninr-d S/-/e Ini8., 19'9. \K-/he!-/i>-l Ke/hods of
Or-nizin -nd Pl-nnin Produ>/ion.99 #anagement (cience ( BPuly 19(0CH '((:)22.
$2onomiches2ii Baschet 'ailuschshego <spol)*ogvaniia Besursov. Kos>o#H ?zd8o
+0-de!ii N-u0 SSS2, 19%9 BThe 8est :se of $conomic Besources. Tr. by P.1.
Nnih/sfield. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19(%C. Optimal)nye Besheniia v
$2onomi2e BOptimal (olution in $conomicsC. Kos>o#H N-u0-, 19&2 B#i/h +.S.
"ors/0oC. =un2tsionalyi Anali* B=unctional AnalysisC. Kos>o#H N-u0-, 19&& B#i/h ".P.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Poh-nsen, Leif. \L.S. N-n/oro8i>h9s 6on/ribu/ion /o
5>ono!i>s.Z The (candinavian 7ournal of $conomics &* B19&(CH (1:*0. S/u-r/, 2ober/
6. \Leonid Si/-le8i>h N-n/oro8i>h.Z ?n (oviet -eaders. Ne# 3or0H Tho!-s 3. 6ro#ell,
19(&, 1*&:9'.
Co$$entary: Leonid N-n/oro8i>h #on /he Nobel Prize for his \>on/ribu/ions /o /he
/heory of o$/i!u! -llo>-/ion of resour>es.Z Lis 19'9 /re-/ise, #athematical #ethods of
Organi*ing and lanning roduction, in/rodu>ed line-r $ror-!!in -s - solu/ion /o
/he $roble!s of resour>e -llo>-/ion. 2e>ei8ed unf-8or-bly by /he So8ie/ o8ern!en/,
his /heories #ere no/ re>onized un/il /he $ubli>-/ion in /he 19%0s of #or0s su>h -s The
8est :se of $conomic Besources. B2.W.S.C
8oop2ans5 TKallin& %harles 1?@
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19&%. Born: +uus/ 2*, 1910; "r-8el-nd, Ne/herl-nds. Death:
1ebru-ry 2(, 19*%; Ne# L-8en, 6T. Parents: 1-/her, SMoerd Noo$!-ns; Ko/her, WiM0Me
8-n der Jee Noo$!-ns. Nationality: Du/>h; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: 6hris/i-n.
Education: Ini8. of I/re>h/, Ne/herl-nds, K.+., 19''; Ini8. of Leiden, Ne/herl-nds,
Ph.D., 19'(. Spouse: Truus W-nninen, !-rried 19'(. Children: +nne W., d-uh/er;
Lelen P., d-uh/er; Lenry S., son. Career: Ne/herl-nds S>hool of 5>ono!i>s, Professor,
19'(:'*; Le-ue of N-/ions, S$e>i-lis/ 1in-n>i-l Se>re/-ry, 19'*:)0; Prin>e/on Ini8.,
NP, 2ese-r>her, 19)0:)1; Penn Ku/u-l Life ?nsur-n>e 6o!$-ny, 5>ono!is/, 19)1:)2;
6o!bined Shi$$in +dMus/!en/ Ao-rd, S/-/is/i>i-n, 19)2:)); Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L,
Professor, 19)):%%; 3-le Ini8., 6T, Professor, 19%%:*%.
Selected Publications: Three $ssays on the (tate of $conomic (cience. Ne# 3or0H
K>"r-#-Lill, 19%&. (cientific apers of TIalling .. Joopmans. Ne# 3or0H
S$rinerSerl-, 19&0, S-S??, %9%:(00.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice B19&%CH 12*%:*(.
'obel -aureates in $conomic (ciences. Ne# 3or0H "-rl-nd, 1'(:)'. (cience 190
BNo8e!ber 1), 19&%CH ()9, &10:12.
Co$$entary: TM-llin Noo$!-ns re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions /o /he
/heory of o$/i!u! -llo>-/ion of resour>es. Aeinnin #i/h his #or0 on effi>ien/ use of
shi$$in f->ili/ies, Noo$!-ns -$$lied brilli-n/ !-/he!-/i>-l /e>hniGues /o de8elo$ /he
>o!$li>-/ed eGu-/ions of /his field. Lis #or0 in e>ono!e/ri>s -nd !-/he!-/i>-l
$ror-!!in de8elo$ed en/ire ne# -re-s of e>ono!i> s/udies. BK.6.C
ried2an5 ,ilton 1?A
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19&(. Born: Puly '1, 1912; Aroo0lyn, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Peno S-ul
1ried!-n; Ko/her, S-r-h 5/hel L-nd-u 1ried!-n. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion:
Pe#ish. Education: 2u/ers Ini8., NP, +.A., 19'2; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, +.K., 19'';
6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Ph.D.; 19)(. Spouse: 2ose Dire>/or, !-rried Pune 2%, 19'*.
Children: P-ne/, d-uh/er; D-8id, son. Career: N-/ion-l 2esour>es 6o!!i//ee,
W-shin/on, D6, +ssis/-n/ 5>ono!is/, 19'%:'&; N-/ion-l Aure-u of 5>ono!i>
2ese-r>h, N3, 2ese-r>her, 19'&:)%; Ini8. of Kinneso/-, Professor, 19)%:)(; Ini8. of
6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19)(:*'. Other Awards: 6l-r0 Ked-l, +!eri>-n 5>ono!i>
+sso>i-/ion, 19%1; 6hi>-o-n of /he 3e-r, 6hi>-o Press 6lub, 19&2; Pri8-/e 5n/er$rise
5@e!$l-r Ked-l, 1reedo!s 1ound-/ion, 19&*; Presiden/i-l
P-e %%
Ked-l of 1reedo!, 19**; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19**; Prize in Kor-l-6ul/ur-l
+ff-irs, 199'; "old#-/er +#-rd, 199&.
Selected Publications: 1ried!-n, Kil/on. .apitalism and =reedom. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of
6hi>-o Press, 19(2. 1ried!-n, Kil/on, -nd S>h#-r/z, +nn- P->obson. A #onetary
/istory of the :nited (tates, 1;6A+1960. Prin>e/on, NPH Prin>e/on Ini8. Press, 19('.
1ried!-n, Kil/on. The .ounter@Bevolution in #onetary Theory. LondonH ?ns/i/u/e of
5>ono!i> +ff-irs, 19&0. 1ried!-n, Kil/on, -nd Dire>/or, 2ose. =ree to .hoose. Ne#
3or0H L-r>our/, Ar->e, Po8-no8i>h, 19*0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson 6o.,
19(9, 1%1:%). Sh->0le/on, P.2. \Kil/on 1ried!-n, Su$ers/-rWZ olitical ?uarterly %1
BPuly,Se$/e!ber 19*0CH ')9:%). Tobin, P-!es, -nd Pohnson, L-rry. \Nobel Kil/on.Z The
$conomist 2(1 BO>/ober 2', 19&(CH 9):9%. Siors/, Kil/on. /ustlers and /eroes. Ne#
3or0H Si!on -nd S>hus/er, 19&1.
Co$$entary: The Nobel >i/-/ion no/es Kil/on 1ried!-n9s #or0, .apitalism and
=reedom, bu/ -lso s/-/es /h-/ i/ is OO8ery r-re for -n e>ono!is/ /o #ield su>h influen>e,
dire>/ly or indire>/ly, no/ only on /he dire>/ion of s>ien/ifi> rese-r>h bu/ -lso on /he
->/u-l $r->/i>e.Z Lis >le-r s/-/e!en/s in >onser8-/i8e e>ono!i>s -nd in /he -re-s of
!one/-ry -nd Gu-n/i/y /heory h-8e influen>ed e>ono!is/s -nd $oli>y !-0ers in /he
Ini/ed S/-/es -nd /hrouhou/ /he #orld. BK.P.A.C
,eade5 <a2es "d)ard 1?B
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19&&. Born: Pune 2', 190&; S#-n-e, Dorse/, 5nl-nd. Death:
De>e!ber 22, 199%; 6-!bride, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 6h-rles Li$$isley Ke-de;
Ko/her, N-/hleen 6o//on-S/-$le/on Ke-de. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Kos/
$rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+., 19'0. Spouse:
5liz-be/h K-r-re/ Wilson, !-rried K-r>h 1), 19''. Children: Tho!-s Wilson, son;
6h-rlo//e 5liz-be/h, d-uh/er; Aride/ +ri-ne, d-uh/er; 6-rol K-r-re/, d-uh/er.
Career: O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'0:'&; Le-ue of N-/ions, 5>ono!is/,
19'*:)&; London S>hool of 5>ono!i>s, Professor, 19)&:%&; 6-!bride Ini8.,
5nl-nd, Professor, 19%&:(*. Other Awards: 6o!$-nion of /he Order of A-/h, 19)&.
Selected Publications: The Theory of <nternational $conomic olicy. 2 8olu!es.
LondonH O@ford Ini8. Press, 19%1:%%. A 5eometry of <nternational Trade. LondonH
+llen Y In#in, 19%2. A 'eo@.lassical Theory of $conomic 5ro0th. LondonH +llen Y
In#in, 19(2. The rinciples of olitical $conomy. ) 8olu!es. +lb-ny, N3H S/-/e Ini8.
of Ne# 3or0 Press, 19(%:&(. The <ntelligent Badical)s 5uide to $conomic olicy.
LondonH +llen Y In#in, 19&%. Alternate (ystems of 8usiness Organi*ation and of
%or2ers) Bemuneration. LondonH "eore +llen -nd Inion, 19*(. The .ollected apers
of 7ames #eade. LondonH In#in Ly!-n, 1990.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: (cience 19* B19&&CH *1':1)l. T0entieth .entury .ulture>
A 8iographical .ompanion. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er -nd 2o#, 19*'.
Co$$entary: P-!es Ke-de #on /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 -s - $ioneer in /he -re- of
!->roe>ono!i>s, /he e>ono!i> beh-8ior of l-re sys/e!s. + $rolifi> #ri/er, Ke-de9s
influen>e #-s fel/ $ri!-rily /hrouh his boo0s -nd his #or0 on i!$or/-n/ Ari/ish
>o!!i//ees s/udyin /he e>ono!y. Lis boo0s /h-/ de-l/ #i/h forein /r-de in -n \o$enZ
#orld e>ono!y -nd #i/h /he d-ners, -s #ell -s benefi/s, of e!$loyers9 -sso>i-/ions -nd
/r-de unions, -re re$resen/-/i8e of his influen>e. BP.1.C
3hlin5 +ertil 6otthard 1?C
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19&&. Born: +$ril 2', 1*99; Nli$$-n, S#eden. Death: +uus/ ',
19&9; Nor/hern S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, 5lis Silhel! Ohlin; Ko/her, ?nebor
S-ndber Ohlin. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Lund Ini8.,
S#eden, A.+., 191&; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.+., 192'; Ini8. of S/o>0hol!, S#eden,
Ph.D., 192). Spouse: 58y Nruse, !-rried K-y 2, 19'1. Children: Lelen, d-uh/er;
Tho!-s, son; +nne K-rie, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, Professor,
192%:'0; S/o>0hol! S>hool of 5>ono!i>s, S#eden, Professor, 19'0:(%; S#eden,
Ke!ber of P-rli-!en/, 19'*:&0. Other Awards: 6o!!-nder #i/h /he "re-/ 6ross,
2oy-l Nor/h S/-r, S#eden, 19(1; 6o!!-nder, 1irs/ Order of /he D-nnebroen,
Selected Publications: /andelns Teori BThe Theory of TradeC. S/o>0hol!H
6en/r-l/ry>0erie/, 192). The .ourse and hases of the %orld $conomic &epressionN
Beport resented to the Assembly of the -eague of 'ations. "ene8-H The Se>re/-ri-/ of
/he Le-ue of N-/ions, 19'1. <nterregional and <nternational Trade. 6-!bride, K+H
L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19''. The roblem of $conomic (tabili*ation. Ne# 3or0H
6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 19)9. 8ertil Ohlin)s #emoarer B8ertil Ohlin)s #emoirsC.
S/o>0hol!H Aonnier, 19&2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Al-u, K-r0. 8ertil Ohlin F1;99+19A9H. +ldersho/, L-n/s,
5nl-nd; Aroo0field, STH 5. 5l-r, 1992. <nternational $ncyclopedia of the (ocial
(ciences 8iographical (upplement. Ne# 3or0H The 1ree Press, 19&9, (0':0&. Lundber,
5ri0. \Por/r-i/H Aer/il Ohlin.Z .hallenge 2' BSe$/e!ber-O>/ober 19*0CH %):%&.
S-!uelson, P-ul +. \Aer/il OhlinH 1*99:19&9.Z 7ournal of <nternational $conomics
(upplement BP-nu-ry 19*2CH '1:)9.
Co$$entary: Aer/il Ohlin re>ei8ed /he Nobel -#-rd for his \$-/hbre-0in >on/ribu/ion
/o /he /heory of in/ern-/ion-l /r-de -nd in/ern-/ion-l >-$i/-l !o8e!en/s.Z +l/houh -
$ro!inen/ e>ono!is/ -nd - !e!ber of /he S#edish +>-de!y of S>ien>e, Ohlin #-s
$rob-bly be//er 0no#n in his n-/i8e S#eden -s - $oli/i>i-n -nd - Mourn-lis/. 1or !ore
/h-n /#o de>-des he #-s /he le-der of /he S#edish Liber-l P-r/y -nd ser8ed -s /he
Kinis/er of Tr-de -/ /he >lose of World W-r ??. Ohlin $rodu>ed /he !-Mori/y of /he
e>ono!i> #or0 for #hi>h /he $rize #-s -#-rded $rior /o /he s/-r/ of his $oli/i>-l >-reer,
bu/ beinnin in /he 1920s -nd >on/inuin un/il his de-/h, he reul-rly >on/ribu/ed
!-/eri-l on e>ono!i> $oli>y /o /he S#edish d-ily ne#s$-$ers. BD.".C
-i2on5 1erbert 0le/ander 1?9
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19&*. Born: Pune 1%, 191(; Kil#-u0ee, W?. Parents: 1-/her, +r/hur
Si!on; Ko/her, 5dn- Ker0el Si!on. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Ini/-ri-n; fro!
P-e %(
Pe#ish b->0round. Education: Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, +.A., 19'(; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L,
Ph.D., 19)'. Spouse: Doro/he- Pye, !-rried De>e!ber 2%, 19'&. Children: N-/herine,
d-uh/er; A-rb-r-, d-uh/er; Pe/er +r/hur, son. Career: Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L,
2ese-r>her, 19'(:'*; ?n/ern-/ion-l 6i/y K-n-ers +sso>i-/ion, 6hi>-o, ?L, 5di/or,
19'*:'9; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, +d!inis/r-/or, 19'9:)2; ?llinois ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19)2:)9; 6-rneieKellon Ini8., P+, Professor -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19)9:9'. Other Awards: +d!inis/r-/or9s +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6ollee of
Los$i/-l +d!inis/r-/ors, 19%&; Dis/inuished S>ien/ifi> 6on/ribu/ions +#-rd, +!eri>-n
Psy>holoi>-l +sso>i-/ion, 19(9; 1rederi>0 Kosher +#-rd, +!eri>-n So>ie/y for Publi>
+d!inis/r-/ion, 19&); Turin +#-rd, +sso>i-/ion for 6o!$u/in K->hinery, 19&%;
Pro>/or Prize, 19*0; Do#Pones +#-rd, 19*'; S>hol-rly 6on/ribu/ions +#-rd, +>-de!y
of K-n-e!en/, 19*'; P-!es K-dison +#-rd, +!eri>-n Poli/i>-l S>ien>e +sso>i-/ion,
19*); N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, Ini/ed S/-/es, 19*(; "old Ked-l, +!eri>-n
Psy>holoy 1ound-/ion, 19**; Son Neu!-nn Theory +#-rd, 19**; Life/i!e
6on/ribu/ion +#-rd, +!eri>-n Psy>holoi>-l +sso>i-/ion, 199'; D#ih/ W-ldo +#-rd,
199%; 2ese-r>h 5@>ellen>e +#-rd, ?n/ern-/ion-l Poin/ 6onferen>e +r/ifi>i-l ?n/ellien>e,
Selected Publications: Administrative 8ehavior> A (tudy of &ecision@#a2ing rocesses
in Administrative Organi*ation. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n 6o., 19)&. #odels of #an>
(ocial and BationalN #athematical $ssays on Bational /uman 8ehavior in a (ocial
(etting. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19%&. Organi*ations. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19%* B#i/h P.".
K-r>h -nd L. "ue/z0o#C. 'e0 (cience of #anagement &ecision. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er,
19(0. /uman roblem (olving. 5nle#ood 6liffs, NPH Pren/i>e-L-ll, 19&2 B#i/h +llen
Ne#ellC. Beason in /uman Affairs. S/-nford, 6+H S/-nford Ini8. Press, 19*'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .ontemporary Authors. Ne# 2e8ision Series. De/roi/, K?H
"-le, 19*' BSolu!e 9C, )%(:%&. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson
6o., 19&1, '%*:(1. #odels of #y -ife. Ne# 3or0H A-si> Aoo0s, 1991.
Co$$entary: Thir/y ye-rs -f/er he $ublished his rese-r>h resul/s in /he no# >l-ssi> /e@/
Administrative 8ehavior, Lerber/ Si!on re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize in re>oni/ion of his
\$ioneerin rese-r>h in/o /he de>ision !-0in $ro>ess in e>ono!i> or-niz-/ion.Z Lis
>on>e$/ of \bounded r-/ion-li/yZ ->0no#leded /he hu!-n ele!en/ in $roble! sol8in
-nd sho#ed /h-/ de>ision !-0ers >hoose no/ /he o$/i!u! solu/ion bu/ r-/her /he firs/
-l/ern-/i8e \ood enouhZ /o !ee/ $redefined needs. L-/er, Si!on, #or0in #i/h +llen
Ne#ell, used >o!$u/er si!ul-/ion /o s/udy $roble! sol8in -nd /hereby be>-!e -
$ioneer in /he field of -r/ifi>i-l in/ellien>e. Des>ribed -s - /rue 2en-iss-n>e !-n
be>-use of /he 8-rie/y -nd s>o$e of his 0no#lede -nd /-len/s, Si!on h-s #ri//en on
subMe>/s r-nin fro! e>ono!i>s -nd $oli/i>-l s>ien>e /o $sy>holoy -nd >o!$u/ers.
#e)is5 Willia2 0rth!r5 -ir 1@0
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19&9. Born: P-nu-ry 2', 191%; 6-s/ries, S/. Lu>i-. Death: Pune 1%,
1991; A-rb-dos, Wes/ ?ndies. Parents: 1-/her, "eore 1. Le#is; Ko/her, ?d- A-r/on
Le#is. Nationality: S/. Lu>i-n; l-/er Ari/ish -nd +!eri>-n residen/. Religion: +nli>-n.
Education: S/. K-ry9s 6ollee, Ari/ish Wes/ ?ndies, A->helor deree, 1929; London
S>hool of 5>ono!i>s, 5nl-nd, A->helor of 6o!!er>e, 19'&; Ph.D., 19)0. Spouse:
"l-dys ?s-bel P->obs, !-rried K-y %, 19)&. Children: 5liz-be/h +nne, d-uh/er;
A-rb-r- Pe-n, d-uh/er. Career: London S>hool of 5>ono!i>s, 5nl-nd, Le>/urer,
19'*:)*; Ini8. of K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd, Professor, 19)*:%*; Ini8. of Wes/ ?ndies,
Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19%9:('; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Professor, 19(':*'. Other
Awards: Nnih/hood, 19('.
Selected Publications: $conomic (urvey, 1919+C9. Phil-del$hi-, P+H Al-0is/on 6o.,
19%0. &evelopment lanning. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er -nd 2o#, 19((. Aspects of Tropical
Trade, 1;;C+196". S/o>0hol!H +l!G8is/ -nd Wi0sell, 19(9. The $volution of the
<nternational $conomic Order. Prin>e/on, NPH Prin>e/on Ini8. Press, 19&*. (elected
$conomic %ritings of %. Arthur -e0is. Ne# 3or0H Ne# 3or0 Ini8. Press, 19*'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6ri//enden, +nn. \19&9 Nobel 5>ono!i>s +#-rd Sh-red by
T#o 5@$er/s on Poorer N-/ions.Z 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1&, 19&9CH 1l. 'e0 1or2
Times 8iographical (ervice BPune 1(, 1991CH (0%. OONobel L-ure-/e Sir Willi-! +r/hur
Le#is 19*0.Z 8lac2 $nterprise 10 BPuly 19*0CH '). 2-nis, "us/-n. \The 19&9 Nobel
Prize in 5>ono!i>s.Z (cience 20( BDe>e!ber 19&9CH 1'*9:91.
Co$$entary: Sir Willi-! +r/hur Le#is is !os/ no/ed for his !odels for de8elo$in /he
e>ono!i>s of Third World n-/ions, b-sed on #or0 #i/h /he de8elo$in n-/ions in +fri>-
-nd /he 5nlish-s$e-0in 6-ribbe-n. The Nobel Prize -#-rd #-s - re>oni/ion of his
\lifelon >on>erns #i/h $o8er/y -nd ro#/h, -ri>ul/ur-l -nd hu!-n de8elo$!en/ in
de8elo$in >oun/ries,Z in >on/r-s/ /o o/her ye-rs, #hen /he -#-rd #-s i8en s/ri>/ly for
/heore/i>-l bre-0/hrouhs. Le#is #-s /he firs/ Al->0 /o re>ei8e - Nobel Prize in -
>-/eory o/her /h-n Pe->e. B5.L.C
-ch!ltz5 Theodore Willia2 1@1
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19&9. Born: +$ril '0, 1902; +rlin/on, SD. Death: 1ebru-ry 2(,
199*; 58-ns/on, ?L. Parents: 1-/her, Lenry 5d#-rd S>hul/z; Ko/her, +nn- 5liz-be/h
Weiss S>hul/z. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/.
Education: Sou/h D-0o/- S/-/e 6ollee, A.S., 192&; Ini8. of Wis>onsin, K.S., 192*;
Ini8. of Wis>onsin, Ph.D., 19'0. Spouse: 5s/her 1loren>e Wer/h, !-rried 19'0.
Children: 5l-ine, d-uh/er; K-r-re/, d-uh/er; T. P-ul, son. Career: ?o#- S/-/e
6ollee, Professor, 19'0:)'; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19)':&2. Other Awards:
1r-n>is +. W-l0er Ked-l, +!eri>-n 5>ono!i> +sso>i-/ion, 19&2; Leon-rd 5l!hirs/
Ked-l, ?n/ern-/ion-l +ri>ul/ure 5>ono!i> +sso>i-/ion, 19&(.
Selected Publications: The $conomic 6alue of $ducation. Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8.
Press, 19('. Transforming Traditional Agriculture. Ne# L-8en, 6TH 3-le Ini8. Press,
19(). $conomic 5ro0th and Agriculture. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19(*. <nvestments
in /uman .apital> The Bole of $ducation and of Besearch. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n 6o.,
19&1. &istortions of Agricultural <ncentives. Aloo!in/on, ?NH ?ndi-n- Ini8. Press,
19&*. <nvesting in eople>
P-e %&
The $conomics of opulation ?uality. Aer0eley, 6+H Ini8. of 6-liforni- Press, 19*1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of 'ational Academy of (ciences.
W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 1999 BSolu!e &&C, '0':1&. 'e0 1or2
Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 19&9CH 1)1). (cience 20( BDe>e!ber 21, 19&9CH
Co$$entary: Theodore S>hul/z #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize in re>oni/ion of his #or0
#hi>h s/ressed /he i!$or/-n>e of hu!-n resour>es in -ri>ul/ure. The >i/-/ion no/ed his
i!$or/-n>e in $oin/in ou/ /h-/ /here \h-s been - >onsider-bly hiher yield on hu!-n
>-$i/-l /h-n on $hysi>-l >-$i/-l in /he +!eri>-n e>ono!y.Z Lis /hin0in #-s - $ri!e
f->/or in /he de8elo$!en/ of hu!-n resour>es in /he Ini/ed S/-/es -nd de8elo$in
>oun/ries. BK.6.C
8lein5 #a)rence 4obert 1@2
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19*0. Born: Se$/e!ber 1), 1920; O!-h-, N5. Parents: 1-/her, Leo
Ayron Nlein; Ko/her, Al-n>he Konhei/ Nlein. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/
$rob-bly Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, A.+., 19)2; K-ss->huse//s
?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 19)); O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 19%&. Spouse: Soni-
+delson, !-rried 1ebru-ry 1%, 19)&. Children: L-nn-h, d-uh/er; 2ebe>>-, d-uh/er;
2->hel, d-uh/er; Pon-/h-n, son. Career: Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, 2ese-r>her, 19)):)&;
N-/ion-l Aure-u of 5>ono!i> 2ese-r>h, 2ese-r>her, 19)*:%0; Ini8. of Ki>hi-n,
Professor, 19)9:%); O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19%):%*; Ini8. of
Pennsyl8-ni-, Professor, 19%*-. Other Awards: Pohn A-/es 6l-r0 Ked-l, +!eri>-n
5>ono!i> +sso>i-/ion, 19%9; Willi-! 1. Au/ler +#-rd, Ne# 3or0 +sso>i-/ion of
Ausiness 5>ono!is/s, 19&%; "olden Sli$$er 6lub +#-rd, 19&&; Presiden/9s Ked-l, Ini8.
of Pennsyl8-ni-, 19*0.
Selected Publications: The Jeynesian Bevolution. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19)&.
$conomic =luctuations in the :nited (tates, 19,1+19G1. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19%0. A
Textboo2 of $conometrics. 58-ns/on, ?LH 2o#, Pe/erson, 19%'. An $conometric #odel
of the :nited (tates, 19,9+19",. +!s/erd-!H Nor/h-Loll-nd Publishin 6o!$-ny, 19%%
B#i/h +.S. "oldbererC. An <ntroduction to $conometrics. 5nle#ood 6liffs, NPH
Pren/i>e-L-ll, 19(2. $conomic Theory and $conometrics. Phil-del$hi-, P+H Ini8. of
Pennsyl8-ni- Press, 19*%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A-ll, 2.P. \On L-#ren>e 2. Nlein9s 6on/ribu/ions /o
5>ono!i>s.Z (candinavian 7ournal of $conomics *' B19*1CH *1:9%. K-uh, Tho!-s L.,
??. \The 19*0 Nobel Ke!ori-l Prize in 5>ono!i>s.Z (cience 210 BNo8e!ber 1), 19*0CH
Co$$entary: 6i/in L-#ren>e Nlein -s /he le-din rese-r>her in /he field of
e>ono!e/ri>s, /he +>-de!y ->0no#leded /hree de>-des of ->hie8e!en/ by -#-rdin
hi! /he Nobel Prize for \/he >re-/ion of e>ono!e/ri> !odels -nd /heir -$$li>-/ion /o /he
-n-lysis of e>ono!i> flu>/u-/ions -nd e>ono!i> $oli>ies.Z No/ /he firs/ /o s/udy /he
rel-/ionshi$ of indi8idu-l 8-ri-bles #i/hin - /o/-l e>ono!y, Nlein re8i8ed P-n
Tinberen9s 19'0s !odel, -dded - sys/e! of eGu-/ions b-sed u$on /he e>ono!i> /heory
of Pohn K-yn-rd Neynes, -$$lied !odern s/-/is/i>-l -n-lysis -nd >o!$u/er /e>hnoloy,
-nd /here#i/h $ioneered - $r->/i>-l ins/ru!en/ /h-/ >ould bo/h fore>-s/ business
flu>/u-/ions -nd $or/r-y e>ono!i> in/errel-/ionshi$s. Nlein9s #ri/ins >l-rified /heory;
his $roMe>/s be>-!e /r-inin rounds for e>ono!is/s -nd o8ern!en/ offi>i-ls
/hrouhou/ /he #orld. BK.L.L.C
Tobin5 <a2es 1@3
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19*1. Born: K-r>h %, 191*; 6h-!$-in, ?L. Parents: 1-/her, Louis
Ki>h-el Tobin; Ko/her, K-r-re/ +n0e/ell 5der/on Tobin. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, +.A., 19'9;
L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.+., 19)0; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Ph.D., 19)&. Spouse: 5liz-be/h
1-y 2ino, !-rried Se$/e!ber 1), 19)(. Children: K-r-re/ 2ino, d-uh/er; Louis
Ki>h-el, son; Luh 2ino, son; 2oer "ill, son. Career: Offi>e of Pri>e +d!inis/r-/ion,
5>ono!is/, 19)1:)2; I.S. N-8y, Lieu/en-n/, 19)2:)(; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor,
19)(:%0; 3-le Ini8., 6T, Professor, 19%0:**. Other Awards: 6l-r0 Ked-l, +!eri>-n
5>ono!i>s +sso>i-/ion, 19%%; 6en/enni-l Ked-l, L-r8-rd Ini8., 19*9.
Selected Publications: 'ational $conomic olicy. Ne# L-8en, 6TH 3-le Ini8. Press,
19((. $ssays in $conomics. Solu!e 1, K->roe>ono!i>s. 6hi>-oH K-r0h-!, 19&2. The
'e0 $conomics> One &ecade Older. Prin>e/on, NPH Prin>e/on Ini8. Press, 19&). $ssays
in $conomics. Solu!e 2, 6onsu!$/ion -nd 5>ono!i>s. Ne# 3or0H 5lse8ier, 19&%. Asset
Accumulation and $conomic Activity. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19*0. $ssays in
$conomics. Solu!e ', Theory -nd Poli>y. 6-!bride, K+H K?T Press, 19*2. A
Jeynesian 6ie0 of the (tagnation of the 19;0)s. Wolfeboro, NLH Lon#ood Publishin
"rou$, 19*%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson 6o.,
19*), '9':9(. $conometric Theory, 1% B1999CH*(&:900. The 'ational .yclopedia of
American 8iography. Ne# 3or0H P-!es T. Whi/e -nd 6o., 19() BSolu!e PC, 2*0:*1.
S-!uelson, P-ul +. \19*1 Nobel Prize in 5>ono!i>s.99 (cience BO>/ober '0, 19*1CH
Co$$entary: P-!es Tobin9s -#-rd >i/-/ion no/ed /h-/ he h-d $ro8ided \- b-sis for
unders/-ndin ho# subMe>/s ->/u-lly beh-8e #hen /hey ->Guire differen/ -sse/s -nd in>ur
deb/sZ by his s/-/e!en/ of /he \$or/folio sele>/ion /heoryZ of in8es/!en/. Lis #or0 #-s
in /he -re-s of e>ono!i> /heory, e>ono!e/ri>s, !one/-ry /heory, -nd $oli>y -nd
>onsu!er beh-8ior, bu/ his !-Mor >on>ern #-s /o !odify, in /er!s of /he l-/er I.S.
e>ono!y, /he oriin-l Neynesi-n /heory /h-/ /he feder-l o8ern!en/ should $ursue -n
-ressi8e fis>-l -nd !one/-ry $oli>y /o -//-in r-$id ro#/h -nd full e!$loy!en/.
-ti&ler5 6eor&e <oseph 1@?
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19*2. Born: P-nu-ry 1&, 1911; 2en/on, W+. Death: De>e!ber 1,
1991; 6hi>-o, ?L. Parents: 1-/her, Pose$h S/iler; Ko/her, 5liz-be/h Lunler S/iler.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of
W-shin/on, AA+, 19'1; Nor/h#es/ern Ini8., ?L, KA+, 19'2; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L,
P-e %*
19'*. Spouse: K-r-re/ L. K->0, !-rried De>e!ber 2(, 19'(, died 19&0. Children:
S/e$hen, son; D-8id, son; Pose$h, son. Career: ?o#- S/-/e Ini8., Professor, 19'(:'*;
Ini8. of Kinneso/-, Professor, 19'*:)(; Aro#n Ini8., 2?, Professor, 19)(:)&;
6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor, 19)&:%&; 6en/er for +d8-n>ed S/udies in Aeh-8ior-l
S>ien>es, 1ello#, 19%&:%*; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19%*:*1. Other Awards:
N-/ion-l Ked-l of Lonor, 19*&
Selected Publications: roduction and &istribution Theories. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n,
19)1. The Theory of rice. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19)2. =ive -ectures on $conomic
roblems. Ne# 3or0H Lon!-ns "reen, 19)9. The .iti*en and the (tate> $ssays on
Begulation. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19&%. The $conomist as reacher.
6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19*2. The Organi*ation of <ndustry. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of
6hi>-o Press, 19*'. The <ntellectual and the #ar2etplace. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd
Ini8. Press, 19*).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: The $ssence of (tigler. S/-nford, 6+H Loo8er Press, 19*(.
\"eore S/iler9s 6on/ribu/ions /o 5>ono!i>s.Z (candinavian 7ournal of $conomics
*%H1 B19*'CH &&:*(. #emoirs of an :nregulated $conomist. Ne# 3or0H A-si> Aoo0s,
19**. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BDe>e!ber ', 1991CH 1299. (cience 21*
BNo8e!ber 12, 19*2CH (%%:%&.
Co$$entary: "eore S/iler #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his \se!in-l s/udies of
indus/ri-l s/ru>/ures, fun>/ionin of !-r0e/s -nd /he >-uses -nd effe>/s of $ubli>
reul-/ions. Lis s/udies of /he for>es #hi>h i8e rise /o reul-/ory leisl-/ion h-8e
o$ened u$ - >o!$le/ely ne# -re- of e>ono!i> rese-r>h,Z /he +>-de!y9s >i/-/ion s-id.
The +>-de!y -lso $r-ised his #or0 in e@$l-inin $ri>e 8-ri-/ions -nd his e@$l-n-/ions
of /he effe>/ in /he !-r0e/$l->e of households -nd >o!$-nies !-0in si!il-r e>ono!i>
de>i sions #i/h differen/ -!oun/s of infor!-/ion. BS.A.C
(ebre!5 6erard 1@@
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19*'. Born: Puly ), 1921; 6-l-is, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, 6-!ille
Debreu; Ko/her, 1ern-nde De>h-rne Debreu. Nationality: 1ren>h; l-/er +!eri>-n
>i/izen. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: ]>ole Nor!-le Su$_rieure,
1r-n>e, +r__ de l9Ini8ersi/_, 19)(; Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, D.S>., 19%(. Spouse:
1r-naoise Aled, !-rried Pune 1), 19)%. Children: 6h-n/-l, d-uh/er; 1loren>e, d-uh/er.
Career: 1ren>h +r!y, 19)):)%; 6en/er N-/ion-l de l- 2o>her>he S>ien/ifiGue, P-ris,
1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her, 19)(:)*; 2o>0efeller 1ello#, I.S., S#eden, -nd Nor#-y, 19)*:%0;
Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, 2ese-r>her, 19%0:%%; 3-le Ini8., 6T, Professor, 19%%:(1; Ini8.
of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor, 19(2:91. Other Awards: 6he8-lier de L_ion
d9Lonneur, 19&(; Senior I.S. S>ien/is/ +#-rd, +le@-nder 8on Lu!bold/ 1ound-/ion,
19&&; 6o!!-nder de l9Ordre N-/ion-le du K`ri/e, 19*); Aer0eley 6i/-/ion, 1991;
Leion d9Lonneur, 199'.
Selected Publications: Theory of 6alue> An Axiomatic Analysis of $conomic
$4uilibrium. Ne# L-8en, 6TH 3-le Ini8. Press, 19%9. rofessor &ebreu)s Q#ar2et
$4uilibriumR Theorem> An $xpository 'ote. Wes/ L-f-ye//e, ?NH Purdue Ini8. Press,
19&'. #athematical $conomics> T0enty apers of 5erard &ebreu. 6-!bride, K+H
6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19*'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Arro0 and the Ascent of #odern $conomic Theory.
LondonH K->!ill-n, 19*&, 2)':%&. S-!uelson, P-ul. \The 19*' Nobel Prize in
5>ono!i>s.Z (cience 222 BDe>e!ber 2, 19*'CH 9*&:*9. S-ri-n, L-l. \"erh-rd Debreu9s
6on/ribu/ions /o 5>ono!i>s.99 (candinavian 7ournal of $conomics *( B19*)CH ):1).
Co$$entary: "er-rd Debreu #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for /hree de>-des of #or0 on
one of /he !os/ b-si> of e>ono!i> $roble!sH /he eGuilibriu! be/#een $ri>es in - free-
!-r0e/ e>ono!y -nd #h-/ $rodu>ers su$$lied -nd >onsu!ers de!-nded. Debreu9s
#or0, /houh li//le 0no#n ou/side of /he e>ono!i> >o!!uni/y, is /he b-sis on #hi>h
!-ny o/her e>ono!is/s >on>erned #i/h !i>ro-e>ono!i>s h-8e buil/ /heir o#n #or0. The
+>-de!y s-id Debreu9s boo0, The Theory of 6alue, is \- >l-ssi> bo/h for i/s uni8ers-li/y
-nd for i/s ele-n/ -n-ly/i>-l -$$ro->h.Z They fur/her s/-/ed /h-/ Debreu9s /heore/i>-l
>on/ribu/ions len/ /he!sel8es /o \f-r-re->hin in/er$re/-/ions -nd -$$li>-/ions.Z BS.A.C
-tone5 <ohn 4ichard Nicholas5 -ir 1@A
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19*). Born: +uus/ '0, 191'; London, 5nl-nd. Death: De>e!ber (,
1991; 6-!bride, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, "ilber/ S/one; Ko/her, 5lsie S/one.
Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education:
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, b->>-l-ure-/e, 19'%; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+.,
19'*; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, D.S>., 19%&. Spouse: Winifred K-ry Pen0ins, !-rried
19'(, di8or>ed 19)0; 1eodor- Leon/inoff, !-rried 19)1, died 19%(; "io8-nn- S-ffi
6rof/-Kurr-y, !-rried 19(0. Children: 1 d-uh/er. Career: 6.5. Le-/h -nd 6o.,
London, 5nl-nd, 5>ono!is/, 19'(:'9; Ari/ish "o8ern!en/ Offi>es, 5>ono!is/, 19'9:
)%; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19)%:*0. Other Awards: Nnih/hood, 19&*.
Selected Publications: ?uantity and rice <ndexes in 'ational Accounts. P-risH
Or-niz-/ion for 5>ono!i> 6oo$er-/ion -nd De8elo$!en/, 19%(. #athematics in the
(ocial (ciences and Other $ssays. LondonH 6h-$!-n Y L-ll, 19((. &emographic
Accounting and #odel 8uilding. P-risH Or-niz-/ion for 5>ono!i> 6oo$er-/ion -nd
De8elo$!en/, 19&1. 'ational <ncome and $xpenditure. LondonH Ao#es Y Ao#es, 19&&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: \Aiblior-$hy of 2i>h-rd S/one9s Wor0s.Z (candinavian
7ournal of $conomics *& B1C B19*%CH '':)'. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice 1%
B19*)CH 1'9&:9*. 'obel -aureates in $conomic (ciences. Ne# 3or0H "-rl-nd, 29):'0).
(cience 22& B19*%CH 20:22.
Co$$entary: 2i>h-rd S/one9s ->hie8e!en/s #hi>h e-rned hi! /he Nobel Prize l-y in
de8elo$in >o!$le@ e>ono!i> !odels, $-r/i>ul-rly /hose #hi>h led /o ->>oun/in
sys/e!s /h-/ >ould be used /o >h-r/ /he e>ono!i> ->/i8i/y of n-/ions. Lis #or0 #-s
res$onsible for s/-nd-rdiz-/ion of n-/ion-l in>o!e re$or/s /hrouhou/ /he #orld -nd by
/he Ini/ed N-/ions. 5-rly in his >-reer, S/one de8elo$ed s/-/is/i>-l /e>hniGues for
e>ono!i>s -nd s/udied >onsu!er re->/ion /o >h-nes in in>o!e -nd $ri>es. BP.1.C
P-e %9
,odi&liani5 ranco 1@B
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19*%. Born: Pune 1*, 191*; 2o!e, ?/-ly. Parents: 1-/her, 5nri>o
Kodili-ni; Ko/her, Ol- 1l-s>hel Kodili-ni. Nationality: ?/-li-n; l-/er +!eri>-n
>i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of 2o!e, ?/-ly, l-# deree, 19'9; Ne#
S>hool for So>i-l 2ese-r>h, N3, Ph.D., 19)). Spouse: Seren- 6-l-bi, !-rried K-y 22,
19'9. Children: +ndre, son; Serio, son. Career: Ne# Persey 6ollee for Wo!en,
Professor, 19)2; A-rd 6ollee, N3, Professor, 19)2:)); Ne# S>hool for So>i-l
2ese-r>h, N3, Professor, 19)):)*; Ini8. of ?llinois, Professor, 19)*:%2;
6-rneieKellon Ini8., P+, Professor, 19%2:(0; Nor/h#es/ern Ini8., ?L, Professor,
19(0:(2; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19(2:**. Other Awards:
"r-h-! -nd Dodd +#-rd, 19&%, 19*0; 6-8-liere Di "r-n 6ro>e, ?/-ly, 19*%; Pre!io
6ol/ur-, ?/-ly, 19**; Pre!io +P5 +#-rd, 19**; Lord 1ound-/ion Prize, 19*9; ?/-ly
Pre!io 6olu!bus, 19*9; ?/-ly Pre!io "uido Dorso, 19*9; ?/-ly Pre!io S/i8-le D9oro,
1991; ?/-ly Pre!io 6-!$ione D9?/-li-, 1992; Pre!io S>-nno, 199&.
Selected Publications: The .ollected apers of =ranco #odigliani. ' 8olu!es.
6-!bride, K+H K?T Press, 19*0. The &ebate over (tabili*ation olicies, -ectures and
Other #acroeconomic <ssues. 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19*(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Adventures of an $conomist. LondonH Te@ere, 2000.
8usiness %ee2 BO>/ober 2*, 19*%CH '2. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober
1(, 19*%CH 12%9:(0. 'obel -aureates in $conomic (ciences Ne# 3or0H "-rl-nd, 20':
Co$$entary: 1r-n>o Kodili-ni #-s i8en /he Nobel Prize for /#o !-Mor /heories. The
firs/, on $erson-l fin-n>e, s/-/ed /h-/ $ersons s-8e #hen /heir in>o!e is hihes/ /o -llo#
for fin-n>i-l se>uri/y /hrouhou/ life. The se>ond, on >or$or-/e fin-n>e, no/ed /h-/ -
>o!$-ny9s !-r0e/ 8-lue #-s no/ -l/ered by /he dis/ribu/ion of sh-res or bonds in i/s
b-l-n>e shee/. The /#o /heories -re #ell ->>e$/ed in e>ono!i> >ir>les -nd $ro8ide /he
b-sis for !u>h #or0 in /he field. BD.P.N.C
+!chanan5 <a2es ,c6ill5 <r: 1@C
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19*(. Born: O>/ober ', 1919; Kurfreesboro, Tennessee. Parents:
1-/her, P-!es K>"ill Au>h-n-n; Ko/her, Lil- S>o// Au>h-n-n. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Kiddle Tennessee S/-/e Te->hers
6ollee, A.+., 19)0; Ini8. of Tennessee, K.S., 19)1; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Ph.D., 19)*.
Spouse: +nne A-00e, !-rried O>/ober %, 19)%. Children: None. Career: Ini8. of
Tennessee, Professor, 19)*:%1; 1lorid- S/-/e Ini8., Professor, 19%1:%(; Ini8. of
Sirini-, Professor, 19%(:(*; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Los +neles, 19(*:(9; Sirini-
Poly/e>hni> ?ns/i/u/e, Professor, 19(9:*'; "eore K-son Ini8., S+, Professor, 19*':
99. Other Awards: 1r-n0 5. Seid!-n +#-rd, 19*).
Selected Publications: ublic rinciples of ublic &ebt. Lo!e#ood, ?LH 2.D. ?r#in,
19%*. The .alculus of .onsent> -ogical =oundations of .onstitutional &emocracy. +nn
+rbor, K?H Ini8. of Ki>hi-n Press, 19(2. .ost and .hoice> An <n4uiry in $conomic
Theory. 6hi>-oH K-r0h-! Publishin 6o., 19(9. The -imits of -iberty> 8et0een
Anarchy and -eviathan. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19&%. The Beason of Bules
B#i/h ". Arenn-nC. 6-!bride; N3H 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19*%. -iberty, #ar2et and
(tate. N3H Ne# 3or0 Ini8. Press, 19*(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: \Ae//er Th-n Plo#in.Z 8anca 'a*ionale del -avoro
?uarterly Bevie0 1%9 B19*(CH '%9:&%. N-/z, Aern-rd S. 'obel -aureates in $conomic
(ciences. Ne# 3or0H "-rl-nd, 19*9, '0:'9. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1&, 19*(C, D1.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s - re>oni/ion of P-!es Au>h-n-n9s \de8elo$!en/ of
/he >on/r->/u-l -nd >ons/i/u/ion-l b-ses for /he /heory of e>ono!i> -nd $oli/i>-l
de>ision-!-0in.Z Lis le-dershi$ in /he -re- 0no#n -s $ubli> >hoi>e /heory resul/ed in -
bride be/#een /he dis>i$lines of e>ono!i>s -nd $oli/i>-l s>ien>e. The b-si> ide- of
$ubli> >hoi>e /heory is /h-/ no/ only -re indi8idu-ls !o/i8-/ed by self-in/eres/, bu/ so
-lso -re $oli/i>i-ns -nd -ll of so>ie/y. +s - resul/ of /his /heory -n ide- h-s de8elo$ed
/h-/ indi8idu-l self-in/eres/ ener-lly $rodu>es benefi/s for so>ie/y #hile $oli/i>-l self-
in/eres/ ener-lly resul/s in ne-/i8e effe>/s on /he e>ono!y. BL.L.,A.S.S.C
-olo)5 4obert ,erton 1@9
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19*&. Born: +uus/ 2', 192); Aroo0lyn, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Kil/on
Lenry Solo#; Ko/her, L-nn- "er/rude S-rney Solo#. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion:
Pe#ish. Education: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, A.+., 19)&; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.S. 19)9;
L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Ph.D., 19%1. Spouse: A-rb-r- Le#is, !-rried +uus/ 19, 19)%.
Children: Pohn Le#is, son; +ndre# 2ober/, son; N-/herine, d-uh/er. Career: +r!y
Sin-l 6or$s, 19)2:)%; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19)9:9%;
Ne# 3or0 Ini8., 199(:9&. Other Awards: D-8id +. Wells Prize, 19%1; Pohn A-/es 6l-r0
Ked-l, 19(1; 1->ul/y +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 19&*;
Seid!-n +#-rd, 19*'; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 2000.
Selected Publications: .apital Theory and the Bate of Beturn. 6hi>-oH 2-nd-K>N-lly,
19(%. rice $xpectations and the 8ehavior of the rice -evel> -ectures 5iven in the
:niversity of #anchester. Ini/ed Nindo!H K-n>hes/er Ini8. Press, 19(9. The 5reat
(ociety> -essons for the =uture. Ne# 3or0H A-si> Aoo0s, 19&). Alternative Approaches
to #acroeconomic Theory> A artial 6ie0. +lbuGuerGue, NKH ?ns/i/u/e for 5>ono!i>
2ese-r>h, 19&9. -inear rogramming and $conomic Analysis. Ne# 3or0H Do8er
Publishin, 19*&. The .onse4uences of $conomic Bhetoric. 6-!bride, 5nl-ndH
6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19**.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Nl-!er, +rMo. .onversations 0ith $conomists. To/o#-, NPH
2o#!-n -nd +ll-nheld, 19*', 12&:)*. (cience 2'* BNo8e!ber (, 19*&CH &%):%%.
Co$$entary: 2ober/ Solo# #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \for his >on/ribu/ions /o /he
/heory of e>ono!i> ro#/h.99 Lis $ioneerin #or0 in !e-sure!en/ of /e>hnoloi>-l
>h-ne9s effe>/ on e>ono!i> ro#/h resul/ed in /he de8elo$!en/ of - !-/he!-/i>-l
!odel de!ons/r-/in /he de$enden>e of lon-/er! ro#/h on /e>hnoloi>-l
-d8-n>e!en/, #hi>h #-s in dire>/ o$$osi/ion /o /he /heory /h-/ s/-/ed
P-e (0
/h-/ /he ->>u!ul-/ion of >-$i/-l #-s /he !os/ i!$or/-n/ f->/or in e>ono!i> ro#/h.
Solo# -lso #-s - $ro$onen/ of o8ern!en/ in8ol8e!en/ in !-r0e/s /o !-in/-in -
he-l/hy e>ono!i> $oli>y. BL.L.,A.S.S.C
0llais5 ,a!rice eli/ 1A0
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19**. Born: K-y '1, 1911; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, K-uri>e
+ll-is; Ko/her, Louise 6-ube/ +ll-is. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly
6hris/i-n. Education: ]>ole Poly/e>hniGue, 1r-n>e, b->>-l-ur_-/, 19''; ]>ole N-/ion-le
Su$_rieure des Kines de P-ris, 1r-n>e, r-du-/e, 19'(; Ini8. of P-ris, D.5n., 19)9.
Spouse: P->Gueline Aou/elou$, !-rried Se$/e!ber (, 19(0. Children: 6hris/ine,
d-uh/er. Career: De$-r/!en/ of Kines -nd Qu-rries, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her, 19'&:)';
]>ole N-/ion-le Su$_rieure des Kines de P-ris, 1r-n>e, Professor, 19)):**. Other
Awards: Du$in Prize, 19%); L-n>hes/er Prize, 19%*; Du/ens Prize, 19%9; "-l-ber/ Prize,
19%9; "re-/ Prize of +/l-n/i> 6o!!uni/y, 19%9; "r-8i/y 2ese-r>h 1ound-/ion Prize,
19%9; "r-nd Pri@ +ndre +rnou@, 19(*; "old Ked-l, So>i_/_ d95n>our-e!en/ $our
l9?ndus/rie N-/ion-le, 1r-n>e, 19&0; "old Ked-l, 6en/re N-/ion-l de l- 2e>her>he
S>ien/ifiGue, 1r-n>e, 19&*; Pri@ 2ober/ Al-n>he, 19*'; "r-nd Pri@ Jerilli K-ri!o,
19*); Pri@ S$e>i-l du Pury, 19*&; Ked-l, Ini8. of P-ris, 19*9; "old Ked-l, 6i/y of
P-ris, 19*9; "old Ked-l, 5/oile 6i8iGue, 1990.
Selected Publications: A la Becherche d)une &iscipline $conomi4ue. P-risH +/eliers
?ndus/ri-, 19)'. $conomie et <nteret. P-risH ?!$ri!erie N-/ion-le, 19)&. \The 2ole of
6-$i/-l in 5>ono!i> De8elo$!en/.Z ?n The $conomic Approach to $conomic
&evelopment. +!s/erd-!H Nor/h-Loll-nd, 19(%. \"ro#/h -nd ?nfl-/ion.Z 7ournal of
#oney, .redit and 8an2ing 1 B+uus/ 19(9CH '%%:)2(. \Theories of "ener-l 5>ono!i>
5Guilibriu! -nd 5>ono!i> 5ffi>ien>y.Z ?n $4uilibrium and &ise4uilibrium in $conomic
Theory. Dordre>h/H 2eidel, 19&1. \The Psy>holoi>-l 2-/e of ?n/eres/.Z 7ournal of
#oney, .redit and 8an2ing ( B+uus/ 19&)CH 2*%:''1. OOThe So->-lled +ll-is P-r-do@
-nd 2-/ion-l De>isions under In>er/-in/y.Z ?n $xpected :tility /ypotheses and the
Allais aradox. Dordre>h/H 2eidel, 19&9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Autoportraits. P-risH Kon/>hres/ien, 19*9. 'e0 1or2 Times
BO>/ober 19, 19**CH D1l. 'obel -aureates in $conomic (ciences. Ne# 3or0H "-rl-nd,
19*9, 1:9.
Co$$entary: K-uri>e +ll-is, /he firs/ 1ren>h!-n /o #in /he Nobel in e>ono!i>s, #-s
honored \for his $ioneerin de8elo$!en/ of /heories /o be//er unders/-nd !-r0e/
beh-8ior -nd /he effi>ien/ use of resour>es.Z The l-ure-/e de8elo$ed /he /heore/i>-l
found-/ion for de/er!inin - so>i-lly ->>e$/-ble -nd effi>ien/ o$/i!u! $ri>e, no/ only in
- free !-r0e/$l->e, bu/ -lso in !ono$olies, in>ludin l-re s/-/e !ono$olies. Lis #or0
#-s e@/ended by /#o o/her for!er l-ure-/es -nd >olle-ues, "er-rd Debreu -nd Nenne/h
+rro#. +ll-is is -lso 0no#n for his +ll-is P-r-do@, #hi>h -rues --ins/ /he >on>e$/ /h-/
indi8idu-ls !-0e de>isions b-sed on differen>es be/#een ris0s -nd re#-rds, -nd ins/e-d
-d8-n>es /he -ru!en/ /h-/ /he de>isions -re b-sed, no/ only on differen>es, bu/ -lso on
f->/ors /h-/ -re /he s-!e for bo/h >hoi>es. BL.L.,A.S.S.C
1aa>el2o5 Tr$&>e ,a&n!s 1A1
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 19*9. Born: De>e!ber 1', 1911; S0eds!o, Nor#-y. Death: Puly 2(,
1999; Oslo, Nor#-y. Parents: No re>ord found. Nationality: Nor#ei-n. Religion:
Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of Oslo, Nor#-y, A.+., 19''; Ini8. of Oslo,
Nor#-y, Ph.D., 19)(. Spouse: No re>ord found. Children: No re>ord found. Career:
?ns/i/u/e of 5>ono!i>s, Ini8. of Oslo, Nor#-y, 2ese-r>her, 19'':'*; Ini8. of +-rhus,
Nor#-y, Professor, 19'*:'9; Nor#ei-n "o8ern!en/, 2ese-r>her, 19)0:)%; Ini8. of
6hi>-o, ?L, 2ese-r>her, 19)%:)&; Nor#ei-n Tr-de 6o!!ission, 2ese-r>her, 19)&:
)*; Ini8. of Oslo, Nor#-y, Professor, 19)*:&9. Other Awards: 1rid/Mof N-nsen +#-rd,
Selected Publications: \The S/-/is/i>-l ?!$li>-/ions of - Sys/e! of Si!ul/-neous
5Gu-/ions.Z $conometrica 11 BP-nu-ry 19)'CH 1:12. \Kul/i$lier 5ffe>/s of - A-l-n>ed
Aude/.Z $conometrica 1' BO>/ober 19)%CH '11:1*. A (tudy in the Theory of $conomic
$volution. +!s/erd-!H Nor/h-Loll-nd, 19%). A (tudy in the Theory of <nvestment.
6hi>-oH Ini8ersi/y of 6hi>-o Press, 19(0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: The 'e0 algrave. LondonH K->!ill-n Press, 19*&,
Solu!e 2, %*0. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice. B19*9CH 1000.
Co$$entary: Try8e L--8el!o #on /he Nobel be>-use his \$ioneerin #or0 in
!e/hods for /es/in e>ono!i> /heories hel$ed $-8e /he #-y for !odern e>ono!i>
fore>-s/in.Z Lis e-rly >on/ribu/ions hel$ed found /he s/udy of e>ono!e/ri>s b-sed on
$rob-bili/y /heory. Lis l-/er #or0 fo>used on /he need for - de8elo$ed /heore/i>-l
-$$ro->h in e>ono!i>s, on ro#/h /heory, -nd on /he !i>roe>ono!i> b-sis of /he
!->roe>ono!i> /heory of in8es/!en/ de!-nd. BA.S.S.C
,arko)itz5 1arr$ ,: 1A2
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 1990. Born: +uus/ 2), 192&; 6hi>-o, ?L. Parents: 1-/her, Korris
K-r0o#i/z; Ko/her, Kildred "ruber K-r0o#i/z. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: No
re>ord found. Education: Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Ph.A., 19)&; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L,
K.+., 19%0; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Ph.D., 19%). Spouse: A-rb-r- "-y, !-rried Bno d-/e
foundC. Children: 2 >hildren. Career: 2-nd 6or$or-/ion, 6+, 2ese-r>her, 19%2:(';
6onsolid-/ed +n-lysis 6en/ers, 6+, 2ese-r>her, 19(':(*; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Los
+neles, Professor, 19(*:(9; +rbi/r-e K-n-e!en/, N3, Presiden/, 19(9:&2;
6onsul/-n/, Ne# 3or0, 19&2:&); ?AK, Ne# 3or0, 2ese-r>her, 19&):*'; A-ru>h
6ollee, 6i/y Ini8. of Ne# 3or0, Professor, 19*2:9'. Other Awards: Pohn 8on
Neu!-nn Prize, 19*9
Selected Publications: ortfolio (election. Ne# L-8en, 6TH 3-le Ini8. Press, 19&1
re$rin/. #ean 6ariance Analysis in ortfolio .hoice and .apital #ar2ets. Ne# 3or0H
A-sil Al->0#ell, 1990.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1(, 1990CH +1. 'e0 1or2 Times
BO>/ober 1&, 1990CH 6%. (cience 2%0 BO>/ober 2(, 1990CH %09.
Co$$entary: L-rry K-r0o#i/z sh-red /he Nobel in 5>ono!i>s \for de8elo$in /he
/heory of $or/folio >hoi>e.Z Lis s/udy of >o!bin-/ions of differen/ /y$es of -sse/s, for
e@-!$le, s/o>0s of differen/ indus/ries or >o!$-nies #i/h
P-e (1
differen/ $rodu>/ lines, indi>-/ed /h-/ >o!bin-/ions of differen/ -sse/s of differin ris0s
>ould de>re-se /he o8er-ll ris0 of in8es/!en/. BA.S.S.C
,iller5 ,erton 1o)ard 1A3
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 1990. Born: K-y 1(, 192'; Aos/on, K+. Death: Pune ', 2000;
6hi>-o, ?L. Parents: 1-/her, Poel L. Killer; Ko/her, Syl8i- 1. S/-rr Killer. Nationality:
+!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly Pe#ish. Education: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, +.A.,
19)'; Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, Ph.D., 19%2. Spouse: 5le-nor Killer, !-rried Bno
d-/eC, de>e-sed 19(9; N-/herine, !-rried 19&0. Children: K-ro/, d-uh/er; P-!el-,
d-uh/er; Louise, d-uh/er. Career: I.S. Tre-sury De$-r/!en/, 2ese-r>her, 19)):)&;
I.S. 1eder-l 2eser8e Ao-rd, 2ese-r>her, 19)&:)9; Ph.D. s/udy, 19)9:%2; London
S>hool of 5>ono!i>s, Professor, 19%2:%'; 6-rneie ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, P+,
Professor, 19%':(1; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19(1:9(.
Selected Publications: Theory of =inance. Linsd-le, ?LH Dryden, 19&2;
#acroeconomics> A 'eoclassical <ntroduction. 6hi>-o, ?LH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press,
19*( re$rin/. =inancial <nnovations and #ar2et 6olatility. 6-!bride, K+H Al->0#ell,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1(, 1990CH +1. (cience 2%0
BO>/ober 2(, 1990CH %09.
Co$$entary: The Nobel in 5>ono!i>s #-s -#-rded /o Ker/on Killer \for his
fund-!en/-l >on/ribu/ions /o /he /heory of >or$or-/e fin-n>e.Z Killer de8elo$ed differen/
!e/hods of loo0in -/ - >o!$-ny9s -bsolu/e 8-lue. Lis rese-r>h sho#ed /h-/ >o!$-nies
!ih/ in>re-se -bsolu/e 8-lue !ore effe>/i8ely, for e@-!$le, by in8es/in /he $rofi/s in
/he business, ins/e-d of $-yin /he $rofi/s ou/ /o /he sh-reholders -s di8idends. BA.S.S.C
-harpe5 Willia2 ors$th 1A?
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 1990. Born: Pune 1(, 19'); Aos/on, K+. Parents: 1-/her, 2ussell
Thornley Sh-r$e; Ko/her, 58elyn 1orsy/h Pillson K-loy Sh-r$e. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: No re>ord found. Education: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Los +neles, +.A., 19%%;
Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Los +neles, K.+., 19%(; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Los +neles, Ph.D.,
19(1. Spouse: 2ober/- 2u/h Ar-n/on, !-rried Puly 2, 19%), di8or>ed 19*(; N-/hryn
Doro/hy Pe>0, !-rried +$ril %, 19*(. Children: Pon-/h-n 1orsy/h, son; Debor-h +nn,
d-uh/er. Career: 2-nd 6or$., 2ese-r>her, 19%&:(1; Ini8. of W-shin/on, Professor,
19(1:(*; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, ?r8ine, Professor, 19(*:&0; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor,
19&0:*9, 1992:99; >on>urren/ly Willi-! 1. Sh-r$e +sso>i-/es, Presiden/, 19*(:92;
1in-n>i-l 5nines, ?n>., 6+, 6h-ir!-n, 199(-. Other Awards: "r-h-! -nd Dodd +#-rd,
19&2, 19&', 19*(, 19**; Ni>hol-s Kolodo8s0y +#-rd, 19*9, I6L+ Ked-l, 2000.
Selected Publications: $conomics of .omputers. Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press,
19(9. <ntroduction to #anagerial $conomics. Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 19&'.
<nvestments B#i/h ".P. +le@-nder -nd P.S. A-ileyC. (/h ed. I$$er S-ddle 2i8er, NPH
Pren/i>e L-ll, 1999. =undamentals of <nvestments. B#i/h ".P. +le@-nder -nd P.S. A-ileyC
'rd ed. I$$er S-ddle 2i8er, NPH Pren/i> L-ll, 2001.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1&, 1990CH 6%. (cience 2%0
BO>/ober 2(, 1990CH %09.
Co$$entary: Willi-! Sh-r$e #-s -#-rded /he Nobel \for his >on/ribu/ions /o /he
/heory of $ri>e for!-/ion for fin-n>i-l -sse/s, /he so->-lled 6-$i/-l +sse/ Pri>in
Kodel.Z Sh-r$e s-id /h-/ \/he bo//o! line p >on>luded in 19() is /h-/ $or/folios
>o!$osed of s/o>0s #i/h hih !-r0e/ ris0s=li0e /hose of -irlines, #hi>h >-n /-n0 in -
re>ession, -re e@$e>/ed by in8es/ors /o e-rn !ore o8er /he lon run /h-n less ris0y
s/o>0s, su>h -s u/ili/ies.99 Sh-r$e -lso de8ised /he be/- >oeffi>ien/, - !e-sure of - s/o>09s
ris0 f->/or. BA.S.S.C
%oase5 4onald 1arr$ 1A@
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 1991. Born: De>e!ber 29, 1910; Willesden, 5nl-nd. Parents:
1-/her, Lenry Pose$h 6o-se; Ko/her, 2os-lie "iles 6o-se. Nationality: Ari/ish; >-!e /o
I.S. in 19%1. Religion: No reliion. Education: London S>hool of 5>ono!i>s, 5nl-nd,
A. of 6o!!er>e, 19'2; D.S>., 19%1. Spouse: K-ri-n 2u/h L-r/un, !-rried +uus/ &,
19'&. Children: None. Career: Dundee S>hool of 5>ono!i>s, S>o/l-nd, Professor,
19'2:'); Ini8. of Li8er$ool, 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'):'%; London S>hool of
5>ono!i>s, Professor, 19'%:%1; Ini8. of Auff-lo, N3, Professor, 19%1:%*; Ini8. of
Sirini-, Professor, 19%*:(); Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19():*2.
Selected Publications: \The N-/ure of /he 1ir!.Z $conomica ) B19'&CH '(*; 8ritish
8roadcasting, a (tudy in #onopoly. London, 5nl-ndH Lon!-n9s "reen, 19%0; \The
Proble! of So>i-l 6os/.Z 7. -a0 $c. ' B19(0CH 1; The =irm, the #ar2et, and the -a0.
6hi>-o, ?LH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 1990; $ssays on $conomics and $conomists.
6hi>-o, ?LH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 199).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Kede!-, S. Bonald /. .oase . Ne# 3or0H S/. K-r/in9s
Press, 199); 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 1(, 1991CH 109); (cience
2%) BO>/ober 2%, 1991CH %19:20.
Co$$entary: 2on-ld 6o-se re>ei8ed /he Nobel for his e@$l-n-/ions of #hy >o!$-nies
e@is/ -nd #hy /he !-r0e/$l->e >-n be !ore effi>ien/ /h-n o8ern!en/ in/er8en/ion in
sol8in so>i-l $roble!s. 5-rlier in his >-reer, 6o-se -lso in/rodu>ed /he ide- /h-/ ->>ess
/o $or/ions of /he r-dio s$e>/ru! should be /re-/ed -s - for! of $ro$er/y. BA.S.S., P.L.S.C
P-e (2
Selected Publications: \6ri!e -nd Punish!en/.Z 7ournal of olitical $conomy &(
BK-r>h-+$ril 19(*CH 1(9:21&. $conomics of &iscrimination. 6hi>-o, ?LH Ini8. of
6hi>-o Press, 19&1. A Treatise on the =amily. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press,
1991. /uman .apital. 6hi>-o, ?LH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 199'. Accounting for Tastes.
6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 199(. $conomics of -ife. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-
Lill, 199&. (ocial $conomics B#i/h Ne8in K. Kur$hyC. 6-!bride, K+H Ael0n-$ Press,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8usiness %ee2 BO>/ober 2(, 1992CH '(; 'e0 1or2 Times
8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 1), 1992CH 1'21.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s i8en /o "-ry Ae>0er for \h-8in e@/ended /he
do!-in of e>ono!i> /heory /o -s$e>/s of hu!-n beh-8ior #hi>h h-d $re8iously been
de-l/ #i/h=if -/ -ll=by o/her so>i-l s>ien>e dis>i$lines.Z Ae>0er h-s been no/ed for his
-$$li>-/ions of /r-di/ion-l e>ono!i>s /o unusu-l subMe>/s Be.., >hild-be-rin, bine
drin0in, dis>ri!in-/ion, >ri!e, -nd /he f-!ilyC. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
o&el5 4obert Willia2 1AB
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 199'. Born: Puly 1, 192(; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, L-rry
"reory 1oel; Ko/her, 5liz-be/h Ki/ni0 1oel. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/
$rob-bly fro! Pe#ish b->0round. Education: 6ornell Ini8., N3, +.A., 19)*; 6olu!bi-
Ini8., N3, +.K., 19(0; Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, Ph.D., 19('. Spouse: 5nid 6-ss-ndr-
Kor-n, !-rried +$ril 2, 19)9. Children: Ki>h-el P-ul, son; S/e8en Dennis, son.
Career: Ini8. of 2o>hes/er, N3, Professor, 19(0:(); Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor,
19():&%; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19&%:*1; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor,
19*1-. Other Awards: 6ole Prize, 19(*; S>hu!$e/er Prize, 19&1; A-n>rof/ Prize, 19&%;
Kyers Prize, 1990.
Selected Publications: Bailroads and American $conomic 5ro0th. A-l/i!ore, KDH
Pohns Lo$0ins Press, 19(). The Beinterpretation of American $conomic /istory. Ne#
3or0H L-r$er, 19&1. Time on the .ross. Ne# 3or0H Li//le, Aro#n, 19&). %ithout .onsent
or .ontract. Ne# 3or0H Nor/on, 19*9. The =ourth 5reat A0a2ening S the =uture of
$galitarianism. 6hi>-oH 6hi>-o Ini8. Press, 2000.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 1), 199'CH
1)10; (cience 2(2 BO>/ober 22, 199'CH %0*; T0o ioneers of .liometrics. O@ford, OLH
6lio!e/ri> So>ie/y, 199)
Co$$entary: 2ober/ 1oel sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h Doul-ss Nor/h, bo/h of #ho!
#ere >i/ed for \-$$lyin e>ono!i> /heory -nd Gu-n/i/-/i8e !e/hodsZ /o his/ory. Their
#or0 led /o >lio!e/ri>s, /he s/udy of e>ono!i>s of /he $-s/ by Gu-n/i/-/i8e !e-ns. 1oel
h-s been /he subMe>/ of !u>h >on/ro8ersy for his -sser/ions /h-/ r-ilro-ds #ere no/
>ri/i>-l dri8in for>es of /he +!eri>-n e>ono!y -nd /h-/ sl-8ery in /he I.S. #-s
e>ono!i>-lly effi>ien/. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
North5 (o!&lass %ecil 1AC
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 199'. Born: No8e!ber %, 1920; 6-!bride, K+. Parents: 1-/her,
Lenry 5!erson Nor/h; Ko/her, 5di/h S-i//- Nor/h. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion:
Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, A.+., 19)2; Ph.D.,
19%2. Spouse: 1s/ #ife, !-rried 19)), dissol8ed, no d-/e; 5lis-be/h Will-rd 6-se,
!-rried Se$/e!ber 2*, 19&2 Children: Doul-ss +l-n, son; 6hris/o$her, son; K-l>ol!
Pe/er, son Career: Ini8. of W-shin/on, Professor, 19%0:*'; W-shin/on Ini8., KO,
Professor, 19*'-.
Selected Publications: $conomic 5ro0th of the :nited (tates. Aos/onH Nor/on -nd 6o.,
19((. The $conomics of ublic <ssues. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er -nd 2o#, 19&1. 5ro0th and
%elfare in the American ast. 5nle#ood 6liffs, NPH Pren/i>e-L-ll, 19&). (tructure and
.hange in $conomic /istory. Aos/onH W. W. Nor/on -nd 6o. 19*2. <nstitutions,
<nstitutional .hange and $conomic erformance. 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press,
1990. $mpirical (tudies in <nstitutional .hange. 6-!bride; Ne# 3or0H 6-!bride
Ini8. Press, 199(. Bise of the %estern %orld. 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 1999,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 1), 199'CH
1)10; (cience 2(2 BO>/ober 22, 199'CH %0*; T0o ioneers of .liometrics. O@ford, OLH
6lio!e/ri> So>ie/y, 199).
Co$$entary: Doul-ss Nor/h #-s r-n/ed /he Nobel Moin/ly #i/h 2ober/ 1oel, bo/h of
#ho! #ere >i/ed for \-$$lyin e>ono!i> /heory -nd Gu-n/i/-/i8e !e/hodsZ /o his/ory.
Their #or0 led /o >lio!e/ri>s, /he s/udy of e>ono!i>s of /he $-s/ by Gu-n/i/-/i8e
!e/hods. Nor/h is no/ed for his /heore/i>-l #or0, #hi>h $ro8ides - !e/hodoloy for
s/udy of ins/i/u/ions -nd ho# /hey de8elo$ o8er /i!e. The Nobelis/ h-s s/udied /he
in/er->/ions of $oli/i>-l -nd e>ono!i> ins/i/u/ions -nd h-s $oin/ed ou/ /h-/ - !->ro-
e>ono!i> $oli>y, /o be su>>essful, !us/ -lso h-8e - body of l-# OO/h-/ i8es $eo$le /he
rih/ in>en/i8es /o en-e in e>ono!i> ->/i8i/y.Z BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
1arsan$i5 <ohn %harles 1A9
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 199). Born: K-y 29, 1920; Aud-$es/, Lun-ry. Death: +uus/ 9,
2000; Aer0eley, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, 6h-rles L-rs-nyi; Ko/her, +li>e L-rs-nyi.
Nationality: Aorn Lun-ri-n; e!ir-/ed /o I.S., 19(1. Religion: 6-/holi>, fro! Pe#ish
b->0round. Education: Ini8. of Aud-$es/, Lun-ry, Dr. Phil., 19)&; Sydney Ini8.,
+us/r-li-, K.+., 19%'; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Ph.D., 19%9. Spouse: +nne Nl-uber, !-rried
P-nu-ry 2, 19%1. Children: To! Pe/er, son. Career: Ini8. ?ns/i/u/e of So>ioloy,
Lun-ry, Professor, 19)&:)*; 1->/ory #or0er, +us/r-li-, 19%0:%'; Ini8. of Queensl-nd,
+us/r-li-, Professor, 19%):%(; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19%(:%*; +us/r-li-n
N-/ion-l Ini8., 2ese-r>her, 19%*:(1; W-yne S/-/e Ini8., K?, Professor, 19(1:('; Ini8.
of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor, 19():90.
Selected Publications: Bational 8ehavior and 8argaining $4uilibrium. 6-!brideH
6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19&&; apers in 5ame Theory. Aos/onH D. 2eidel Publishin
6o., 19*2; A 5eneral Theory of $4uilibrium (election in 5ames. 6-!bride, K+H
K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy Press, 19** B#i/h 2einh-rd Sel/enC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice B199)CH 1%&2;
(cience 2(( BO>/ober 21, 199)CH '(*.
P-e ('
Co$$entary: Pohn L-rs-nyi #on /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 on -!e /heory, #hi>h
e@$lores ho# en/i/ies li0e businesses or >oun/ries !-0e de>isions in >o!$e/i/i8e
si/u-/ions. L-rs-nyi buil/ u$on Pohn N-sh9s eGuilibriu! /heory, #hi>h e@$l-ined #hy
en/i/ies >e-se b-r-inin, /o -llo# for si/u-/ions #here 0no#lede of infor!-/ion #-s
no/ eGu-l be/#een /he $-r/i>i$-n/s. The Nobelis/ -lso s/udied ho# indi8idu-ls de>ide /o
/-0e e/hi>-l $osi/ions or !-0e !or-l Mud!en/s. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
Nash5 <ohn orbes 1B0
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 199). Born: Pune 1', 192*; Aluefield, WS. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn 1.
N-sh; Ko/her, K-r-re/ Sirini- K-r/in N-sh. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/
$rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: 6-rneie ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, P+, A.S., K.S., 19)*;
Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Ph.D., 19%0. Spouse: +li>i- L-rde, !-rried 19%&, di8or>ed 19('.
Children: P. 6. K., son. Career: Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Professor, 19%0:%1;
K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19%1:%9; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Sisi/in
2ese-r>h 6oll-bor-/or, 19%9-. Other Awards: Son Neu!-nn Ked-l, 19&*; 8usiness
%ee2 +#-rd, 5r-s!us Ini8., 199*; Leroy P. S/eele Prize, 1999; Presiden/9s +#-rd,
N-/ion-l +lli-n>e for /he Ken/-lly ?ll, 1999.
Selected Publications: \5Guilibriu! Poin/s in VnV-Person "-!es.Z roc. 'at. Acad.
(ci. :(A '( B19%0CH 1%%:(2. \The A-r-inin Proble!,Z $conometrica 1* B19%0CH 1%%:
(2; \Non-6oo$er-/i8e "-!es,Z Annals of #athematics %) B19%1CH 2*(:92; \T#o-$erson
6oo$er-/i8e "-!es,Z $conometrica 21 B19%'CH 12*. \+n-ly/i>i/y of /he Solu/ions of
?!$li>i/ 1un>/ion Proble!s #i/h +n-ly/i> D-/-.Z Annals of #athematics *) B19((CH ')%:
or !ore "n#or$ation See: #athematical <ntelligencer. 1& BSu!!er 199%CH 11:1&.
'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice B199)CH 1%&2. (cience 2(( BO>/ober 21, 199)CH
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o Pohn N-sh for his $ioneerin #or0
#hi>h resul/ed in - /hesis /h-/ $resen/ed /he found-/ions of -!e /heory. "-!e /heory
e@$lores /he in/er->/ions -nd de>isions of en/i/ies in >o!$e/i/ion. N-sh firs/
dis/inuished be/#een >oo$er-/i8e -nd non>oo$er-/i8e -!es -nd for!ul-/ed -n
eGuilibriu! /heory for non>oo$er-/i8e -!es. Lis l-/er #or0 de-l/ #i/h $-r-boli> -nd
elli$/i> eGu-/ions, 2ie!-nni-n !-nifolds, -nd solu/ions of i!$li>i/ fun>/ion $roble!s.
-elten5 4einhard 1B1
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 199). Born: O>/ober %, 19'0; Aresl-u, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her,
+dolf Sel/en; Ko/her, N-/he Lu/her Sel/en. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: 1ro!
Pe#ish,Pro/es/-n/ b->0round. Education: Ini8. of 1r-n0fur/, "er!-ny, A.+., 19%&;
Ph.D., 19(1. Spouse: 5lis-be/h +!-lie L-nreiner, !-rried 1ebru-ry, 19%9. Children:
None. Career: Ini8. of 1r-n0fur/ -! K-in, "er!-ny, Professor, 19%&:(&; Ini8. of
6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor, 19(&:(*; 1ree Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, Professor
19(9:&2; Ini8. of Aielefeld, "er!-ny, Professor 19&2:*); Ini8. of Aonn, "er!-ny,
Professor, 19*):9(.
Selected Publications: 5eneral $4uilibrium 0ith rice#a2ing =irms. Ne# 3or0H
S$riner-Serl-, 19&). A 5eneral Theory of $4uilibrium (election in 5ames.
6-!bride, K+H K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy Press, 19** B#i/h Pohn
L-rs-nyiC. #odels of (trategic Bationality. Aos/onH Nlu#er +>-de!i> Publishers, 19**.
5ame Theory and $conomic 8ehaviour. 2 8ols. 6hel/enh-!, IN; Nor/h-!$/on, K+H
5d#-rd 5l-r, 1999.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice B199)CH 1%&2;
(cience 2(( BO>/ober 21, 199)CH '(*.
Co$$entary: 2einh-rd Sel/en9s Nobel Prize #-s r-n/ed in re>oni/ion of his s/udy of
/he $l-nnin !e>h-nis!s B\$l-yers9 s/r-/eiesZC /h-/ -re - >ri/i>-l $-r/ of -!e /heory.
Lis rese-r>h el-bor-/es on /he #or0 of bo/h of his >ol-ure-/es, Pohn N-sh -nd Pohn
L-rs-nyi, #ho de8elo$ed /he !-/he!-/i>-l for!ul-/ions /h-/ des>ribe ho# en/i/ies Bi.e.,
$ersons, businesses, or >oun/riesC !-0e de>isions #hile in >o!$e/i/i8e si/u-/ions.
#!cas5 4obert "2erson5 <r: 1B2
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 199%. Born: Se$/e!ber 1%, 19'&; 3-0i!-, W+. Parents: 1-/her,
2ober/ 5!erson Lu>-s; Ko/her, P-ne Te!$le/on Lu>-s. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, A.+., 19%9; Ph.D., 19().
Spouse: 2i/- Lilli 6ohen, !-rried +uus/ 29, 19%9, di8or>ed 19*9. Children: S/e8en,
son; Pose$h, son Career: Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Le>/urer, 19(2:('; 6-rneieKellon
Ini8., P+, Professor, 19(':&); Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19&)-.
Selected Publications: Bational $xpectations and $conometric ractice. Kinne-$olis,
KNH Ini8. of Kinneso/- Press, 19*1 B#i/h T. S-ren/C; (tudies in 8usiness .ycle
Theory. 6-!bride, K+H K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy Press, 19*1; #odels of
8usiness .ycles. 6-!bride, K+H Al->0#ell, 19*9; Becursive #ethods in $conomic
&ynamics. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19*9 B#i/h N. S/o0eyC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 11, 199%CH 61.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o 2ober/ Lu>-s -s \/he e>ono!is/ #ho h-s
h-d /he re-/es/ influen>e on !->roe>ono!i> rese-r>h sin>e 1990.Z Lu>-s -$$lied Pohn
Ku/h9s insih/s on r-/ion-l e@$e>/-/ions /o !one/-ry /heories of /he business >y>le. Le
sho#ed /h-/ /he effe>/ of o8ern!en/9s influen>es on /he e>ono!y -re -!elior-/ed by
/he f->/ /h-/ #or0ers -nd fir!s do no/ re->/ -u/o!-/i>-lly /o o8ern!en/ influen>es.
?ns/e-d, /he >onsu!ers sh-$e /he e>ono!y by /heir r-/ion-l e@$e>/-/ions -s /o #h-/ /he
e>ono!y #ill be li0e in /he fu/ure. Lu>-s -$$lied /he s-!e -n-lysis of /he role of
e@$e>/-/ions /o in8es/!en/, une!$loy!en/, /-@-/ion, $ubli> deb/ !-n-e!en/, -nd -sse/
$ri>in. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
,irrlees5 <a2es 0le/ander5 -ir 1B3
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 199(. Born: Puly %, 19'(; Kinni-ff, S>o/l-nd. Parents: 1-/herH
"eore A-rl-s K->N-b Kirrlees; Ko/herH N-n- Linds-y Purdie Kirrlees. Nationality:
S>o//ish. Religion: Prob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+.,
19%9; Ini8. of 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, K.+., 19%&; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D.,
19('. Spouse: "illi-n K-rMorie Luhes, !-rried Puly 29, 19(1, died No8e!ber 199'.
Children: 6-/rion-, d-uh/er; 1ion-, d-uh/er.
P-e ()
Career: Ini8. of 6-!bride, 5nl-nd, Professor, 19(':(*; Ini8. of O@ford, 5nl-nd,
Professor, 19(*:9%; Ini8. of 6-!bride, 5nl-nd, Professor, 199%-.
Selected Publications: #anual of <ndustrial roIect Analysis in &eveloping .ountries,
6ol. <<> (ocial .ost 8enefit Analysis. P-risH O56D, 19(9 B#i/h ?.K.D. Li//leC. roIect
Appraisal and lanning for &eveloping .ountries. Ne# 3or0H A-si> Aoo0s, 19&) B#i/h
?.K.D. Li//leC. \Pri8-/e 6ons/-n/ 2e/urns -nd Publi> Sh-do# Pri>es,Z Bevie0 of
$conomic (tudies B19&(C B#i/h P. Di-!ondC. %elfare, <ncentives, and Taxation. O@fordH
O@ford Ini8ersi/y $ress, 2000.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 9, 199(CH D1.
Co$$entary: P-!es Kirrlees -nd Willi-! Si>0rey sh-red /he Nobel Prize \for /heir
fund-!en/-l >on/ribu/ions /o /he e>ono!i> /heory of in>en/i8es under -sy!!e/ri>
infor!-/ion.Z A-sed on Si>0rey9s #or0 on ho# in>o!e /-@-/ion >-n be b-l-n>ed
be/#een effi>ien>y -nd eGui/y, Kirrlees iden/ified /he >ondi/ion 0no#n -s \sinle
>rossinZ #hi>h re-/ly si!$lified /he $roble! -nd sol8ed i/ in su>h - #-y -s /o -llo#
indi8idu-ls /o re8e-l infor!-/ion #i/hou/ h-r!in /heir self-in/eres/. +s no/ed by /he
Nobel 6o!!i//ee, \Ay -$$lyin /his $rin>i$le, i/ be>o!es !u>h e-sier /o desin o$/i!-l
>on/r->/s -nd o/her solu/ions /o in>en/i8e $roble!s.Z BL.S.S.C
=ickre$5 Willia2 -pencer 1B?
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 199(. Born: Pune 21, 191); Si>/ori-, Ari/ish 6olu!bi-, 6-n-d-.
Death: O>/ober 11, 199(; Whi/e Pl-ins, N3. Parents: 1-/her, 6h-rles Sernon Si>0rey;
Ko/her, +d- 5liz- S$en>er Si>0rey. Nationality: 6-n-di-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen.
Religion: Qu-0er. Education: 3-le Ini8., 6T, A.+., 19'%; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, K.+.,
19'&; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 19)&. Spouse: 6e>ile Kon/ez Tho!$son, !-rried
Puly 21, 19%1. Children: None. Career: N-/ion-l 2esour>es Pl-nnin Ao-rd,
W-shin/on, D.6., 5>ono!is/, 19'&:'*; 20/h 6en/ury 1und, W-shin/on, D.6.,
2ese-r>her, 19'9:)0; I.S. Tre-sury De$-r/!en/, W-shin/on, D.6., 5>ono!is/, 19)1:
)'; 6i8ili-n Publi> Ser8i>e +ssinee, 19)':)(; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor, 19)(:
Selected Publications: Agenda for rogressive Taxation. Ne# 3or0H 2on-ld Press, 19)&.
OOPri>in of Irb-n Tr-ns$or/-/ion,Z American $conomic Bevie0 %', 2 BK-y 19('CH )%2:
(%. #etastatistics and #acroeconomics. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, Ar->e, 19().
#icrostatistics. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/ Ar->e, 19(). ublic $conomics. 6-!brideH
6-!bride Ini8ersi/y Press, 199).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 9, 199(CH D1. 'e0 1or2 Times
BO>/ober 12, 199(CH +1.
Co$$entary: Willi-! Si>0rey sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h P-!es Kirrlees \for /heir
fund-!en/-l >on/ribu/ions /o /he e>ono!i> /heory of in>en/i8es under -sy!!e/ri>
infor!-/ion.Z Si>0rey9s rese-r>h indi>-/ed /h-/ - $roressi8e /-@ s>hedule #ould h-8e -n
i!$->/ on /he $rodu>/i8i/y of /he indi8idu-l -nd /he in>o!$le/e 0no#lede /h-/ /he
o8ern!en/ h-d -bou/ e->h $erson9s in>en/i8e /o #or0. Le sol8ed /he in>o!e /-@-/ion
$roble! in $rini>i$le bu/ #-s un-ble /o sol8e i/ !-/he!-/i>-lly. ?/ #-s Kirrlees #ho
sol8ed /he $roble! /#en/y-fi8e ye-rs l-/er. Si>0rey is -lso 0no#n for his #or0 on
-u>/ions, es$e>i-lly se>ond-$ri>e or Si>0rey -u>/ions, #here /he hihes/ bidder e/s /o
buy /he i/e! -/ /he se>ond hihes/ $ri>e, /hus ensurin /h-/ /he bidder #ill $l->e -
/ru/hful bid in /er!s of #h-/ he is ->/u-lly #illin /o $-y. BL.S.S.C
,erton5 4obert %: 1B@
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 199&. Born: Puly '1, 19)); Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, 2ober/
N. Ker/on; Ko/her, Suz-nne 6-rh-r/ Ker/on. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion:
Ke/hodis/,Qu-0er b->0round. Education: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, A.S., 19((; 6-liforni-
?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, K.S., 19(&; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 19&0.
Spouse: Pune 2ose, !-rried 19((, se$-r-/ed. Children: S-!-n/h- P., d-uh/er; 2ober/
1., son; P-ul P., son. Career: K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, K+, Professor,
19(9:**; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19**-; Lon-Ter! 6-$i/-l K-n-e!en/, 6T,
Prin>i$-l -nd 6o-founder, 199':99. Other Awards: Leo Kel-!ed Prize, 19*'; 2oer
Kurr-y Prize, 19*%, 19*(; ?n/ern-/ion-l ?N+-N-/ion-l +>-de!y of Lin>ei Prize, 199';
1O265 +#-rd, 199'; 1in-n>i-l 5nineer of /he 3e-r +#-rd, 199'; Pu$in Ked-l, 199*;
Deri8-/i8es L-ll of 1-!e, 199*; Dis/inuished +lu!ni +#-rd, 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy, 1999; K1D Life/i!e +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, 1999.
Selected Publications: \Theory of 2-/ion-l O$/ion Pri>in,Z 8ell 7ournal of $conomics
and #anagement (cience ) B19&'CH 1)1:1*'. .ontinuous@Time =inance. 6-!bride,
K+; O@fordH A-sil-Al->0#ell, 1990, re8. ed. 1992, 199*. .ases in =inancial
$ngineering. Ne# 3or0H Pren/i>e-L-ll, 199%. 5lobal =inancial (ystem. Aos/onH L-r8-rd
Ini8ersi/y Press, 199%. =inance. I$$er S-ddle 2i8er, NPH Pren/i>eL-ll, 2000 B#i/h J8i
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1%, 199&CH D1. 'e0 1or2 Times
BNo8e!ber 1), 199*CH +1.
Co$$entary: 2ober/ 6. Ker/on -nd Kyron S>holes sh-red /he Nobel Prize \for - ne#
!e/hod /o de/er!ine /he 8-lue of deri8-/i8es.Z Ker/on #-s -ble /o e@$-nd on /he #or0
done by S>holes -nd /he l-/e 1is>her Al->0 in de8elo$in - ne# for!ul- for 8-luin
s/o>0 o$/ions no# used in s/o>0 !-r0e/s -ll o8er /he #orld. This for!ul- /oo0 in/o
->>oun/ /he ris0 f->/ors /h-/ >ould -ffe>/ /he 8-lue of - s/o>0 -nd in>luded i/ in /he $ri>e
of /he s/o>0. This for!ul-/ion h-s h-d - re-/ i!$->/ on /he ro#/h of !-r0e/s for
deri8-/i8e se>uri/ies. BL.S.S.C
-choles5 ,$ron -: 1BA
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 199&. Born: Puly 1, 19)1; Ti!!ins, On/-rio, 6-n-d-. Parents: No
re>ord found. Nationality: 6-n-di-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: No re>ord found.
Education: K>K-s/er Ini8., 6-n-d-, A.+., 19(2; K>K-s/er Ini8., 6-n-d-, K.A.+.,
19(); Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Ph.D., 19(9. Spouse: !-rried $re8iously, no n-!e, d-/e; P-n
Al-us/ein, !-rried O>/ober ), 199*. Children: +nne, d-uh/er; S-r-, d-uh/er. Career:
Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19(&:(*; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, K+,
Professor, 19(*:&'; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19&':*'; S/-nford Ini8., 6+,
Professor, 19*':9(; Lon-Ter! 6-$i/-l K-n-e!en/, 6T, Prin>i$-l -nd 6o-1ounder,
Selected Publications: \The Pri>in of O$/ions -nd 6or$or-/e Li-bili/ies,Z 7ournal of
olitical $conomy *1
P-e (%
B19&'CH ('&:%) B#i/h 1. Al->0C. Taxes and 8usiness (trategy> A lanning Approach.
5nle#ood 6liffs, NPH Pren/i>eL-ll, 1992 B#i/h K-r0 +. WolfsonC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: #aclean)s 110 BO>/ober 2&, 199&CH )0. 'e0 1or2 Times
BO>/ober 1%, 199&CH D1. 'e0 1or2 Times BNo8e!ber 1), 199*CH +1.
Co$$entary: Kyron S>holes -nd 2ober/ 6. Ker/on #ere -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for
de/er!inin - ne# for!ul- /h-/ -llo#s in8es/ors /o !ore ->>ur-/ely de/er!ine /he 8-lue
of - s/o>0. S>holes, /he l-/e 1is>her Al->0, -nd Ker/on de8elo$ed /he Al->0-S>holes
for!ul- /h-/ -llo#s -n in8es/or /o lo#er /he ris0 of >h-nes in /he $ri>e of s/o>0s -/
so!e $oin/ in /he fu/ure. This for!ul- h-d -n i!!edi-/e i!$->/ in /he ro#/h of o$/ions
!-r0e/s #orld#ide -nd h-s \ener-/ed ne# /y$es of fin-n>i-l ins/ru!en/s -nd f->ili/-/ed
!ore effi>ien/ ris0 !-n-e!en/ in so>ie/y.Z BL.S.S.C
-en5 02art$a 8!2ar 1BB
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 199*. Born: No8e!ber ', 19''; S-n/ini0e/-n, ?ndi-. Parents: 1-/her,
+shu/osh Sen; Ko/her, +!i/- Sen. Nationality: ?ndi-n; l-/er Ari/ish -nd +!eri>-n
residen/. Religion: Lindu. Education: 6-l>u//- Ini8., ?ndi-, A.+., 19%'; 6-!bride
Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+., 19%%; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19%*. Spouse:
N-b-nee/- De8, !-rried 19(0, di8or>ed 19&); 58- 6olorni, !-rried 19&&, died 19*%;
5!!- 2o/hs>hild, !-rried 1991. Children: +n/-r-; N-nd-n-; ?ndr-ni; N-bir, son.
Career: P-d-8$ur Ini8., ?ndi-, Professor, 19%(:%*; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, 1ello#,
19%&:('; Delhi Ini8., ?ndi-, Professor, 19(':&1; London S>hool of 5>ono!i>s,
5nl-nd, Professor, 19&1:&&; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19&&:**; L-r8-rd
Ini8., K+, Professor, 19**:9*; Trini/y 6ollee, 5nl-nd, K-s/er, 199*-. Other
Awards: K-h-l-nobis Prize, 19&(; +nelli ?n/ern-/ion-l Prize, 1990; 1eins/ein World
Luner +#-rd, 1990.
Selected Publications: .hoice of Techni4ues. O@fordH Al->0#ell, 19(0. .ollective
.hoice and (ocial %elfare. S-n 1r-n>is>oH Lolden-D-y, 19&0. 8ehaviour and the
.oncept of reference. LondonH London S>hool of 5>ono!i>s, 19&1. On $conomic
<ne4uality. Ne# 3or0H Nor/on, 19&'; Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8ersi/y Press, 199&, enl. ed.
overty and =amines. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8ersi/y Press, 19*1. .hoice, %elfare, and
#easurement. 6-!bride, K+H K?T Press, 19*2. Besources, 6alues and &evelopment.
6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8ersi/y Press, 19*). /unger and ublic Action. Ne# 3or0H
O@ford Ini8ersi/y Press, 19*9 B#i/h Pe-n DrezeC. <ne4uality Beexamined. 6-!bride,
K+H L-r8-rd Ini8ersi/y Press, 1992. &evelopment as =reedom. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: $conomist BO>/ober 1&, 199*CH *&. =oreign Affairs
BP-nu-ry-1ebru-ry 2000CH 1('. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1%, 199*CH 61. Time BO>/ober
2(, 199*CH (9.
Co$$entary: +!-r/y- Sen #on /he Prize for his \>on/ribu/ions /o #elf-re e>ono!i>s.Z
Lis #or0 on $o8er/y -nd /he re-l >-uses of f-!ines h-s led /o re-l >h-ne in ho#
o8ern!en/s de-l #i/h f-!ines. +!on his !-Mor >on/ribu/ions is /he de8elo$!en/ of -
$o8er/y inde@ /h-/ loo0s -/ /he dis/ribu/ion of in>o!e for /hose belo# /he $o8er/y line.
+no/her !-Mor >on/ribu/ion is his -n-lysis of /he 8-rious so>i-l -nd e>ono!i> f->/ors
/h-/ >on/ribu/e /o /he >-uses of f-!ines #hi>h >-n o>>ur e8en food su$$lies -re no/
sinifi>-n/ly lo#er. The 6o!!i//ee -lso no/ed /h-/ Sen \h-s res/ored -n e/hi>-l
di!ension /o /he dis>ussion of 8i/-l e>ono!i> $roble!s.Z BL.S.S.C
,!ndell5 4obert 0le/ander 1BC
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 1999. Born: O>/ober 2), 19'2; Nins/on, On/-rio, 6-n-d-. Parents:
1-/her, Willi-! 6. Kundell; Ko/her, Lil- Nnif/on Kundell. Nationality: 6-n-di-n; l-/er
+!eri>-n residen/. Religion: Prob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of Ari/ish 6olu!bi-,
6-n-d-, A.+., 19%'; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 19%(. Spouse:
A-rb-r- S>heff, !-rried, O>/ober 1), 19%&, di8or>ed 19&2; S-lerie K-/sios, !-rried, no
d-/e. Children: Willi-! +ndre#, son; P-ul +le@-nder, son; Ni>hol-s, son; 2obin Leslie,
d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, 2ese-r>her, 19%(:%&; Ini8. of Ari/ish
6olu!bi-, 6-n-d-, Professor, 19%&:%*; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19%*:%9; Pohns
Lo$0ins Ini8., ?/-ly, Professor, 19%9:(1; ?n/ern-/ion-l Kone/-ry 1und, W-shin/on,
D6, 2ese-r>her, 19(1:('; K>"ill Ini8., 6-n-d-, Professor, 19(':(); Aroo0ins
?ns/i/u/ion, W-shin/on, D6, Professor, 19():(%; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19(%:
&1; Ini8. of W-/erloo, 6-n-d-, Professor, 19&2:&); 6olu!bi- Ini8., Professor, 19&)-.
Other Awards: P->Gues 2ueff Ked-l, 19*'.
Selected Publications: \+ Theory of O$/i!-l 6urren>y +re-s,99 American $conomic
Bevie0 %1 B19(1CH (%&:(%. \6-$i/-l Kobili/y -nd S/-biliz-/ion Poli>y under 1i@ed -nd
1le@ible 5@>h-ne 2-/es,Z .anadian 7ournal of $conomics 29 B19('CH )&%:)*%.
<nternational #onetary (ystem. Kon/re-lH 6-n-di-n Tr-de 6o!!i//ee, 19(%.
<nternational $conomics. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19(*. #an and $conomics Ne# 3or0H
K>"r-# Lill, 19(*. #onetary Theory. P->ifi> P-lis-des, 6+H "oodye-r Publishin,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: =orbes BNo8e!ber 1%, 1999CH '9. #aclean)s BO>/ober 2%,
1999CH )(l. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1), 1999CH 61.
Co$$entary: 2ober/ Kundell #-s -#-rded /he Prize \for his -n-lysis of !one/-ry -nd
fis>-l $oli>y under differen/ r-/e rei!es -nd his -n-lysis of o$/i!u! >urren>y -re-s.Z
Kundell de!ons/r-/ed /he i!$->/ of /he e@>h-ne r-/e rei!e #here \under - flo-/in
e@>h-ne r-/e, !one/-ry $oli>y be>o!es $o#erful -nd fis>-l $oli>y $o#erless, #here-s
/he o$$osi/e is /rue under - fi@ed e@>h-ne r-/e.Z Kundell9s /heories on su$$ly side
e>ono!i>s be>-!e - >orners/one of Presiden/ 2on-ld 2e--n9s fis>-l $oli>y. Le #-s
-lso influen/i-l in /he de8elo$!en/ of /he >o!!on 5uro$e-n >urren>y, /he euro. BL.S.S.C
1eck2an5 <a2es <oseph 1B9
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 2000. Born: +$ril 19, 19)); 6hi>-o, ?L. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn
P->ob Le>0!-n; Ko/her, Aerni>e ?rene Kedley Le>0!-n. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: No re>ord found. Education: 6olor-do 6ollee, 6O, +.A., 19(%; Prin>e/on
Ini8., NP, K.+., 19(*; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Ph.D., 19&1; 3-le Ini8., 6T, K.+., 19*9.
Spouse: Lynn Pe//ler, !-rried 19&9. Children: Pon-/h-n P->ob, son; +l!- 2->hel,
d-uh/er. Career: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor,
P-e ((
19&0:&); Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19&'-. Other Awards: "uenhei! 1ello#,
19&*:&9; Pohn A-/es 6l-r0 Ked-l, 19*'; L. Aeneze/ +lu!ni Prize B6olor-do 6olleeC,
Selected Publications: -ongitudinal Analysis of -abor #ar2et &ata. 6-!bride; Ne#
3or0H 6-!bride Ini8ersi/y Press, 19*% B#i/h Aur/on SinerC. \Sele>/ion Ai-s -nd Self-
Sele>/ion,Z in P. Ne#!-n, K. Kil-/e -nd P. 5-/#ell Beds.C, The 'e0 algraveTA
&ictionary of $conomics. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19*&. \+ssessin /he 6-se for So>i-l
5@$eri!en/s,Z 7ournal of $conomic erspectives 9 B199%CH *%:110 B#i/h P. S!i/hC.
$valuating (ocial rograms. 6hi>-oH 6hi>-o Ini8ersi/y Press, 2000. <ncentives in
5overnment 8ureaucracies. 6hi>-oH I$Mohn, 2000.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8usiness %ee2 BO>/ober 2', 2000CH )*. $conomist '%&
BO>/ober 1), 2000CH 9). 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 12, 2000CH 61.
Co$$entary: P-!es Le>0!-n sh-red /he Nobel Prize for \his de8elo$!en/ of /heory
-nd !e/hods for -n-lyzin sele>/i8e s-!$lesZ in /he field of !i>roe>ono!e/ri>s.
Le>0!-n de8elo$ed -$$ro$ri-/e s/-/is/i>-l !e/hods for s/udyin sele>/i8e s-!$les, or
!i>rod-/-, /h-/ -llo# /he s/udy of l-re rou$s of indi8idu-ls, households or >o!$-nies.
,cadden5 (aniel #ittle 1C0
Prize: 5>ono!i>s, 2000. Born: Puly 29, 19'&; 2-leih, N6. Parents: 1-/her, 2ober/ S.
K>1-dden; Ko/her, +li>e Li//le K>1-dden. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: No re>ord
found. Education: Ini8. of Kinneso/-, A.S., 19%&; Ini8. of Kinneso/-, KN, Ph.D.,
19(2. Spouse: Ae8erlee Ti/o Si!boli, !-rried De>e!ber 1%, 19(2. Children: Nin-,
d-uh/er; 2ober/, son; 2-y!ond, son. Career: Ini8. of Kinneso/-, KN, Professor,
19%&:(2; Ini8. of Pi//sburh, P+, Professor, 19(2:('; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley,
6+, Professor, 19(':&9; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, K+, Professor, 19&9:
90; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, 6+, Professor, 1990-. Other Awards: Pohn A-/es
6l-r0 Ked-l, 19&%; 1ris>h Ked-l, 19*(; Ne!!ers Prize, 2000.
Selected Publications: :rban Travel &emand. +!s/erd-!; Ne# 3or0H Nor/h-Loll-nd,
19&%. roduction $conomics. +!s/erd-!; Ne# 3or0H Nor/h-Loll-nd, 19&* B#i/h K.+.
1ussC. (tructural Analysis of &iscrete &ata 0ith $conometric Applications. 6-!bride,
K+H K?T Press, 19*1. #icroeconomic #odeling and olicy Analysis. Orl-ndoH
+>-de!i> Press, 19*) B#i/h T.". 6o#inC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8usiness %ee2 BO>/ober 2', 2000CH)*. $conomist '%&
BO>/ober 1), 2000CH9). 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 12, 2000CH 61.
Co$$entary: D-niel K>1-dden #-s >i/ed by /he Nobel 6o!!i//ee \for his
de8elo$!en/ of /heory -nd !e/hods for -n-lyzin dis>re/e >hoi>eZ in
!i>roe>ono!e/ri>s. Le de8elo$ed s/-/is/i>-l !e/hods for s/udyin dis>re/e >hoi>e /h-/
h-s /r-nsfor!ed e!$iri>-l rese-r>h in /his -re-. Lis !e/hods h-8e been used /o s/udy
/r-ns$or/-/ion !odels -nd /o e8-lu-/e >h-nes in >o!!uni>-/ion sys/e!s, su>h -s S-n
1r-n>is>o9s A+2T sys/e! -nd /ele$hone ser8i>e for /he elderly. BL.S.S.C
P-e (&
Pr!dho22e5 4enH'ranFois'0r2end D-!ll$ Pr!dho22e5 4enH'ranFois'0r2endE 1C1
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 1901. Born: K-r>h 1(, 1*'9; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death: Se$/e!ber (,
190&; 6ht/en-y, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, K. Sully Prudho!!e; Ko/her, 6lo/ilde 6-ill-/
Sully Prudho!!e. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ly>_e
Aon-$-r/e, 1r-n>e, A->helier `s S>ien>es, 1*%(. Spouse: None. Children: None.
Career: P-ris, 1r-n>e, 6ler0, 1*%9:(0; Wri/er.
Selected Publications: -es (olitudes> oLsies. P-risH +. Le!erre, 1*(9. oLsie, 1;6"+
;;. P-risH +. Le!erre, 1**':**. -e risme, oLsies &iverses. P-risH +. Le!erre, 1**(.
sychologie du Arbitre de &efinitions =ondamentales> 6ocabulaire -ogi4uement
OrdonnD des <dDes les lus 5enerals et des <dDes les lus Abstraites. P-risH +. Le!erre,
1*9(. Oeuvres de (ully rudhomme. P-risH +. Le!erre, 1900:01. $paves. P-risH +.
Le!erre, 190*. atrie et /umanitD F$ssai de (olution .ollectiveH. P-risH 5di/ion de OOL-
2e8ue,Z 191'. 7ournal <ntime> -ettres@ensDe. P-risH +. Le!erre, 1922.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .olumbia &ictionary of #odern $uropean -iterature. Ne#
3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 19)&, &91. 5s/e8e, 5d!ond. (ully rudhomme. P-risH
Aoi8in, 192%.
Co$$entary: 2en_ Sully-Prudho!!e, 1ren>h $oe/, #-s /he re>i$ien/ of /he firs/ Nobel
Prize for li/er-/ure. Lis #or0 is ener-lly >onsidered /o f-ll in/o /#o s/ylis/i> rou$s. The
e-rlier is lyri>-l, /y$ified by his !os/ f-!ous $oe!, \S-se Aris_,Z #hi>h #-s $ublished
in his firs/ boo0 of $oe!s, (tances et oLmes B1*(%C. L-/er in his life, Sully-
Prudho!!e9s $oe/ry re# in>re-sinly -bs/r->/ -nd >on>erned #i/h $hiloso$hi> -nd
did->/i> issues. SullyPrudho!!e #-s i8en /he Nobel Prize \in s$e>i-l re>oni/ion of
his $oe/i> >o!$osi/ion, #hi>h i8es e8iden>e of lof/y ide-lis!, -r/is/i> $erfe>/ion, -nd -
r-re >o!bin-/ion of /he Gu-li/ies of bo/h he-r/ -nd in/elle>/.Z BS.W.6.C
+KLrnson5 +KLrnstKerne ,artini!s 1C2
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 1902. Born: De>e!ber *, 1*'2; N8i0ne, Nor#-y. Death: +$ril 2(,
1910; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, Peder AMUrnson; Ko/her, ?ner 5lise Nordr--0
AMUrnson. Nationality: Nor#ei-n. Religion: 1ree/hin0er; fro! Lu/her-n b->0round.
Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: N-roline 2ei!ers, !-rried 1*%&. Children:
AMUrn, son; AerlMo/, d-uh/er. Career: #orgenbladet, The-/er 6ri/i>, 1*%):%(;
<llustreret =ol2eblad, 5di/or, 1*%(; 8ergensposten, 5di/or, 1*%*; Aftenbladet, 5di/or,
1*%9:(0; 'ors2 =ol2eblad, 5di/or, 1*((:&1. Other Awards: Nor#ei-n "o8ern!en/9s
+u/hor9s S-l-ry, firs/ re>i$ien/, 1*('.
Selected Publications: (ynnKve (olba22en. Nris/i-ni-H D-hl, 1*%& B(ynnKve (olba22en.
Tr. by Pulie Su//er. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 1912C. (igurd (lembe. 6o$enh-enH
"yldend-l, 1*(2 B(igurd (lembe. Tr. by Willi-! Kor/on P-yne. Aos/onH Louh/on,
Kifflin Y 6o., 1***C. $n 5ead 5utt. 6o$enh-enH "yldend-l, 1*(*. Arnl Iot 5elline.
6o$enh-enH "yldend-l, 1*&0. &igte og (ange. 6o$enh-enH "yldend-l, 1*&0 Boems
and (ongs. Tr. by +r/hur Lubbel P-l!er. Ne# 3or0H +!eri>-n-S>-ndin-8i-n
1ound-/ion, 191%C. (igurd 7orsalfar B(igurd the .rusaderC. 6o$enh-enH "yldend-l,
1*&2. Over Aevne BSolu!e ?, 1**'C -nd Over Aevne BSolu!e ??, 1*9%C. 6o$enh-enH
"yldend-l, 1**':9% B8eyond Our o0er BSolu!e ?C C. #odern .ontinental lays. Tr. by
5d#in AMor0!-n. 5d. by S.K. Tu>0er. Ne# 3or0, 1929 -nd 8eyond /uman #ight
BSolu!e ??C. Tr. by 5d#in AMor0!-n. 'obel ri*e -ibrary B8olu!e on Ae>0e//,
AMUrnson, Au>0, AuninC. Ne# 3or0H "reory, 19&1, *%:1'(. UVWYZ[[\]^[_`abcdWZW.
"yldend-l, 1909 B%hen the 'e0 %ine 8looms. Tr. by Lee K. Loll-nder. Aos/onH 2.".
A-der, 1911C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +n0er, uy8ind. 8IKrnstIerne 8IKrnson> The #an and /is
%or2 B#i/h AMUrnson9s #odern 'or0egian -iteratureC. 1ollebuH +ules/-d, 19%%. Aeyer,
L-r-ld. A /istory of 'or0egian -iterature. Tr. by 5in-r L-uen. Ne# 3or0H Ne# 3or0
Ini8. Press, 19&0. Ar-ndes, "eor Korris 6ohen. /enri2 <bsen> A .ritical (tudy 0ith a
G,@age $ssay on 8IKrnstIerne 8IKrnson. LondonH K->!ill-n, 1*99; Ne# 3or0H +rno
Press, 19&&. P-yne, Willi-! Kor/on. 8IKrnstIerne 8IKrnson, 1;C,+1910. 6hi>-oH
K>6lur, 1910.
Co$$entary: AMUrns/Merne AMUrnson #-s &1 ye-rs old #hen he re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize
-s \- /ribu/e /o his noble, !-nifi>en/, -nd 8ers-/ile #or0 -s - $oe/, #hi>h h-s -l#-ys
been dis/inuished by bo/h /he freshness of i/s ins$ir-/ion -nd /he r-re $uri/y of i/s
s$iri/.Z Aesides $oe/ry, he #ro/e nu!erous no8els -nd $l-ys, r-nin fro! e-rly $e-s-n/
s/ories -nd his/ori>-l dr-!-s /o >on/e!$or-ry #or0s. Lis !os/ f-!ous $oe! is /he
Nor#ei-n n-/ion-l -n/he!. +n un/irin #ri/er, or-/or, -nd >h-!$ion of /he o$$ressed,
AMUrnson #-s -l#-ys in8ol8ed in $ubli> deb-/e -nd surrounded by >on/ro8ersy. 58en
/od-y his s/-/us -s -u/hor is ri8-led by /he !e!ory of his fe-rless -nd fl-!boy-n/
$erson-li/y. BS.O.C
,o22sen5 %hristian ,atthias Theodor 1C3
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 1902. Born: No8e!ber '0, 1*1&; "-rdin, S>hles#i, "er!-ny.
Death: No8e!ber 1, 190'; Aerlin6h-rlo//enbur, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, Pens
Ko!!sen; Ko/her, So$hie 5lis-be/h Nru!bh-ur Ko!!sen. Nationality: "er!-n.
Religion: +/heis/; fro! Pro/es/-n/ b->0round. Education: Ini8ersi/[/ zu Niel,
"er!-ny, Do>/or of L-#, 1*)'. Spouse: K-rie +uus/e 2ei!er, !-rried 1*%).
+delheid, d-uh/er; Luise, d-uh/er; +nn-, d-uh/er; Wolf-n, son; N-rl, son; Nur/,
son; 5rns/, son; Os#-ld, son; Nonr-d, son; L-ns, son; K-@, son; O//o,
P-e (*
son. Career: D-nish "o8ern!en/ Tr-8elin 1ello#shi$, 1*)):)(; (chles0ig@
/olsteinische !eitung, 5di/or, 1*)*; Ini8. of Lei$zi, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*)*:%1;
Ini8. of JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 1*%2:%); Ini8. of Aresl-u, "er!-ny, Professor,
1*%):%*; NUnili>h Preussis>hen +0-de!ie der Wissens>h-f/en, Professor, 1*%*:(1;
Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*(1:190'.
Selected Publications: <nscriptiones regni 'eapolitani -atinae. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH ".
Wi-nd, 1*%2. Bomische 5eschichte. AerlinH Weid!-nn, 1*%):*% B/istory of Bome.
Solu!es ?-???. Tr. by W.P. Di>0son. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 1*(2:&%; The rovinces of
the Boman $mpire. Solu!e S. Tr. by W.P. Di>0son. LondonH Aen/ley, 1**(C. 5eschichte
der BKmische #un*0esen. AerlinH Weid!-nn, 1*(0. BKmisches (taatsrecht. Lei$zi,
"er!-nyH S. Lirzel, 1*&1:**. BKmisches (trafrecht. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH Dun>0er und
Lu!blo/, 1*99. 5esammelte (chriften B.ollected %ritingsC. AerlinH Weid!-nn, 190%:
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 1o#ler, W. W-rde, \Theodor Ko!!senH Lis Life -nd
Wor0.Z ?n Boman $ssays and <nterpretations. O@fordH 6l-rendon Press, 1920, 2%0:(*.
L-r/!-nn, Ludo Kori/z. Theodor #ommsen> $ine 8iographische (2i**e. "o/h-,
"er!-nyH 1. +. Per/hes, 190*. Wi0er/, Lo/h-r. Theodor #ommsen> $ine 8iographie.
1r-n0fur/H S. Nlos/er!-n, 19%*:*0.
Co$$entary: The Nobel 6o!!i//ee >i/ed Theodor Ko!!sen -s \/he re-/es/ li8in
!-s/er of his/ori>-l #ri/in, #i/h s$e>i-l referen>e /o his !onu!en/-l #or0, /istory of
Bome.Z ?n /his #or0, he de!ons/r-/ed un$-r-lleled -bili/y /o >o!bine !inu/e de/-il #i/h
- s#ee$in bre-d/h of 8ie#, -nd $-ssion-/e feelin #i/h sober >ri/i>-l Mud!en/.
P-r/i>ul-rly !e!or-ble -re his b-//le s>enes -nd >h-r->/er $or/r-i/s #hi>h, /houh
/horouhly his/ori>-l, -re $-in/ed #i/h >onsu!!-/e -r/is/i> s0ill. Lis o/her s>hol-rly
->hie8e!en/s in>lude his #or0 -s -n edi/or of /he .orpus <nscriptionum -atinarum, -
>olle>/ion of -ll 0no#n L-/in ins>ri$/ions. Ko!!sen #-s no/ only >hiefly res$onsible
for or-nizin /his $ubli>-/ion, #hi>h e@/ended /he r-ne of rese-r>h on 2o!-n
>i8iliz-/ion i!!e-sur-bly, bu/ #-s -lso i/s !os/ i!$or/-n/ >on/ribu/or. + rese-r>her of
Ler>ule-n $rodu>/i8i/y #ho #-s -lso in/i!-/ely in8ol8ed in /he $oli/i>-l life -nd /houh/
of his /i!e, Ko!!sen r-n0s -s one of /he re-/es/ !inds of /he nine/een/h >en/ury.
"che&ara$ 9 "iza&!irre5 <osH 1C?
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 190). Born: +$ril 19, 1*'2; K-drid, S$-in. Death: Se$/e!ber 1),
191(; K-drid, S$-in. Parents: 1-/her, Pos_ 5>he-ry y L->os/-; Ko/her, K-nuel-
5iz-uirre 6h-ler. Nationality: S$-nish. Religion: 1ree/hin0er; fro! 6-/holi>
b->0round. Education: 5s>uel- de 6-!inos, S$-in, enineerin deree, 1*%'. Spouse:
+n- Perfe>/- 5s/r-d-, !-rried 1*%&. Children: 1 d-uh/er. Career: 5s>uel- de 6-!inos,
K-drid, S$-in, Professor, 1*%):(*; Poli/i>-l $os/s -nd Wri/er, 1*(*:191(. Other
Awards: 6or/in- +#-rd, 2e-l +>-de!i- 5s$-nol- de L- Lenu-, S$-in, 1*92; "r-nd
6ross of +lfonso 4??, 190); Pre!io 5>he-r-y, 2oy-l +>-de!y of /he 5@->/, Physi>-l
-nd N-/ur-l S>ien>es, 190&; Nnih/ of /he "olden 1lee>e; "r-nd 6ordon of /he Leion
of Lonor; "r-nd 6ross of S-n K-uri>io -nd S-n L-z-ro, ?/-ly.
Selected Publications: O -ocura o (antidad, &rama en Tres Actos y en &rosa. K-dridH
P.K. Dun>-z>-l, 1*&& B#adman or (aint. Tr. by L. Lyn>h. Aos/onH L. Wolfe, 1*9%C. $l
5ran 5aleoto, &rama en Tres Actos y en 6erso, recedido de un &ialogo en rosa.
K-dridH P. 2odrines, 1**1 BThe 5reat 5aleoto, a &rama in =our Acts> a rologue. Tr.
by P->ob 1. 1-sse//. Aos/onH 2. ". A-der, 191)C. $l -oco &iosN &rama en .uatro
Actos, en rosa. K-dridH Sel-s>o, 1900 BThe #adman &ivine, a rose &rama in =our
Acts. Tr. by 5liz-be/h Lo#-rd Wes/. Aos/onH Poe/ Lore, 190*C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: K-/i-s, Pulio. $chegaray@(u 6ida y Obra. K-dridH
5.P.S.+., 19&0. Oxford .ompanion to (panish -iterature. O@fordH 6l-rendon Press,
19&*, 1&(.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s i8en /o Pos_ 5>he-r-y OOin re>oni/ion of /he
nu!erous -nd brilli-n/ >o!$osi/ions #hi>h in -n indi8idu-l -nd oriin-l !-nner h-8e
re8i8ed /he re-/ /r-di/ions of /he S$-nish dr-!-.Z 5>he-r-y e@>elled -s - $rofessor of
!-/he!-/i>s, -s - hih $oli/i>-l fiure in /he S$-nish o8ern!en/ -nd -s - le-der in
S$-nish dr-!-. 2e!e!bered -s - dr-!-/is/, his ou/$u/ in>luded - dozen >o!$e/en/
#or0s in s>ien>e. ?/ #-sn9/ un/il e-rly !iddle -e /h-/ he /urned /o #ri/in $l-ys; in /he
'0 follo#in ye-rs, he $rodu>ed !ore /h-n (0 #or0s in /he !elodr-!-/i> 8ein; his
re-/es/ s/ren/h l-y in his $o#er /o >re-/e -nd !-in/-in sus$ense -nd /o s/i!ul-/e /he
i!-in-/ion #i/h s/-e effe>/s. BD.6.C
,istral5 rederic 1C@
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 190). Born: Se$/e!ber *, 1*'0; K-ill-ne, Aou>hes-du-2hone,
1r-n>e. Death: K-r>h 2%, 191); K-ill-ne, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, 1r-naois Kis/r-l;
Ko/her, +del-ide Pouline/ Kis/r-l. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education:
Ini8. of +i@-en-Pro8en>e, 1r-n>e, li>en>e en droi/, 1*%1. Spouse: K-rie 2i8i_re,
!-rried 1*&(. Children: None. Career: Wri/er. Other Awards: 1ren>h +>-de!y Prize,
1*(1; 2eyn-ud Prize, ?ns/i/u/e of 1r-n>e.
Selected Publications: #ireio, oDmes rovenEau de =rederic #istral. +8inon,
1r-n>eH P. 2ou!-nille, 1*%9 B#ireille, A astoral $pic of rovence from the rovencal
of =. #istral. Tr. by L. 6ri>h/on. LondonH K->!ill-n, 1*(*C. .alendau. +8inon,
1r-n>eH P. 2ou!-nille, 1*(&. -a Beine 7eanne> Tragedie rovenEale en .in4 Actes.
P-risH +. Le!erre, 1*&9. -ou Tresor d)ou =elibridge ou &ictionaire rovenEal@=ranEais.
+i@-en-Pro8en>e, 1r-n>eH Seue 2e!onde/-+ubin, 1*&9:1**&. 'erte, 'ouvelle
rovenEale. P-risH L->he//e, 1**). -e poLme du Bhene, xii .hantes> Texte, rovenEal et
Traduction =ranEaise. P-risH +. Le!erre, 1*9& BThe oem of the Bhone. Tr. by K.A.
Pones. 6l-re!on/, 6+H 6l-re!on/ 6ollee Press, 191)C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Do#ner, 6h-rles. =rederic #istral. Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi-
Ini8. Press, 1901. 5d#-rds, T. The -ion of Arles. Ne# 3or0H 1ordh-! Ini8. Press,
19(). #emoirs of =rederic #istral. Tr. by "eore Wi>0s. Ne# 3or0H Ne# Dire>/ions,
19*(. #emoirs of #istral. Tr. by 6ons/-n>e K-ud. LondonH 5. +rnold, 190&.
Co$$entary: The Nobel +#-rd #-s >onferred on 1rederi> Kis/r-l \in re>oni/ion of
/he fresh oriin-li/y -nd /rue -r/is/i> enius of his $oe/ry, #hi>h f-i/hfully !irrors /he
n-/i8e s$iri/ of his $eo$le, -nd of his i!$or/-n/ #or0 -s -
P-e (9
Pro8ena-l $hilolois/.Z Kis/r-l9s lo8e of Pro8en>e /r-nsl-/ed i/self in/o -n ou/$ourin of
$oe/ry -bou/ i/s $eo$le -nd i/s n-/ur-l be-u/ies, -s #ell -s /he foundin of /he
+sso>i-/ion of Pro8ena-l Poe/s, #hose !e!bers s/-nd-rdized /he l-nu-e -nd
$resen/ed i/ in di>/ion-ry for!. BP.N.C
-ienkie)icz5 1enr$k 0da2 0leksander Pi!s D#it)osE 1CA
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 190%. Born: K-y %, 1*)(; Wol- O0rzeMs0-, Li/hu-ni-. Death:
No8e!ber 1%, 191(; Se8ey, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pozef Sien0ie#i>z; Ko/her,
S/ef-ni- 6ie>iszo#s0- Sien0ie#i>z. Nationality: Polish. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education:
No >ollee derees. Spouse: K-ri- Sze/0ie#i>z, !-rried 1**1, died O>/ober 19, 1**%;
K-ri- 2o!-no#s0-, !-rried 1*9', se$-r-/ed shor/ly /here-f/er, !-rri-e l-/er -nnulled;
K-ri- A-bs0-, !-rried K-y %, 190). Children: Lenry0 Pozef, son; P-d#i-, d-uh/er.
Career: Wri/er, Pourn-lis/, -nd 5di/or. Other Awards: Obleore0 5s/-/e, re>ei8ed -s
n-/ion-l if/, 1900.
Selected Publications: &*iela. Si@/y-8olu!e >olle>/i8e edi/ion. 5d. by Puli-n
Nrzyz-no#s0i. W-rs-#H P-n/s#oro ?ns/y/u/ Wyd-#ni>zy, 19)&:%%. 6on/-ins Polish
8ersions of -ll belo#. 7an2o #u*y2ant. 1*&9 B1an2o, the #usician and Other (tories. Tr.
by Pere!i-h 6ur/in. Aos/onH Li//le, Aro#n Y 6o., 1*9'C. Ogniem i #iec*em. 1**) B%ith
=ire and (0ord> An /istorical 'ovel of oland and Bussia. Tr. by Pere!i-h 6ur/in.
Aos/onH Li//le, Aro#n Y 6o., 1*90C. otop. 1**( BThe &eluge> An /istorical 'ovel of
oland, (0eden, and Bussia. Tr. by Pere!i-h 6ur/in. Aos/onH Li//le, Aro#n Y 6o.,
1*91C. an %olodyIo0s2i. 1*** Ban #ichael> An /istorical 'ovel of oland, the
:2raine, and Tur2ey. Tr. by Pere!i-h 6ur/in. Aos/onH Li//le, Aro#n -nd Y 6o., 1*9'C.
8e* &ogmatu. 1*91 B%ithout &ogma. Tr. by ?z- 3oun. Aos/onH Li//le, Aro#n Y 6o.,
1*9'C. Bod*ina olaniec2ich. 1*9) B.hildren of the (oil. Tr. by Pere!i-h 6ur/in. Aos/onH
Li//le, Aro#n Y 6o., 1*9%C. ?uo 6adis. 1*9% B?uo 6adis. Tr. by Pere!i-h 6ur/in.
Aos/onH Li//le, Aro#n Y 6o., 1*9(C. 'a olu .h0aly. 190( BThe =ield of 5lory> An
/istorical 'ovel. Tr. by Lenry Ari/off. Ne# 3or0H P.S. Oil8ie Publishin 6o., 190(C.
%iry. 1910 B%hirlpools. Tr. by K-@ +. Drez!-l. Aos/onH Li//le, Aro#n Y 6o., 1910C. %
ustyni i 0 us*c*y. 1912 B<n &esert and %ilderness. Tr. by K-@ +. Drez!-l. Aos/onH
Li//le, Aro#n Y 6o., 1912C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: "-rdher, Koni>-. The atriot 'ovelist of oland. Ne#
3or0H 5.P. Du//on, 192(. "ieriele#i>z, Kie>zysl-#. /enry2 (ien2ie0ic*. Ne# 3or0H
T#-yne Publishers, 19(*. #odern (lavic -iteratures> A -ibrary of -iterary .riticism.
Ne# 3or0H 1rederi>0 In-r Publishin 6o., 19&( BSolu!e 2C, '9):99.
Co$$entary: Lenry0 Sien0ie#i>z9s -#-rd #-s \be>-use of his ou/s/-ndin !eri/s -s -n
e$i> #ri/er,Z #i/h - s/yle dis/inuished by n-i8e -nd s/ri0in !e/-$hors. ?n his his/ori>-l
no8els, Sien0ie#i>z !-in/-ined /he obMe>/i8i/y of -n his/ori-n #hile de!ons/r-/in
un>o!$ro!isin loy-l/y /o his >oun/ry -nd fello# Poles. Wri/in -bou/ Pol-nd9s $-s/,
Sien0ie#i>z ins$ired f-i/h in /he >oun/ry9s fu/ure. Wi/h re!-r0-ble insih/ -nd ri>h
i!-in-/ion he >re-/ed >h-r->/ers /h-/ belon in /he -llery of i!!or/-l >h-r->/ers of
#orld li/er-/ure. BS.2.C
%ard!cci5 6ios!I 0lessandro 6!iseppe 1CB
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 190(. Born: Pune 2&, 1*'%; S-ldi>-s/ello, ?/-ly. Death: 1ebru-ry 1(,
190&; Aolon-, ?/-ly. Parents: 1-/her, Ki>hele 6-rdu>>i; Ko/her, ?deonde 6elli
6-rdu>>i. Nationality: ?/-li-n. Religion: +n/i->hur>h; fro! 6-/holi> b->0round.
Education: Ini8. of Pis-, ?/-ly, Ph.D., 1*%%. Spouse: 5l8ir- K-ni>u>>i, !-rried 1*%9.
Children: Ae-/ri>e, d-uh/er; L-ur-, d-uh/er; D-n/e, son; Liber/-, d-uh/er. Career:
Ini8. of Aolon-, ?/-ly, Professor, 1*(0:190).
Selected Publications: -evia 5ravia B-ight and /eavyC. Pis/oi- Ti$, ?/-lyH Ni>>ol-i e
Qu-r/eroi, 1*(*. Odi 8arbare BThe 8arbarian OdesC. Aolon-H Presso Ni>ol- J-ni>helli,
1*&& BThe 8arbarian Odes of 5iosuL .arducci. Tr. by W.1. S!i/h e/ -l. Ken-sh-, W?H
"eore A-n/e 6o., 19'9C. 5iambi ed $podi B<ambics and $podes di 5iosue .arducci
1;6A+1;A,C. Aolon-H N. J-ni>helli, 1**2 Bolitical and satiric verse of 5iosue
.arducci. Tr. by W.1. S!i/h. 6olor-do S$rins, 6OH Pri8-/e Prin/in, 19)2C. Bime
'uove B'e0 BhymesC. Aolon-H N. J-ni>helli, 1**& BThe 'e0 -yrics of 5iosue
.arducci. Tr. by W.1. S!i/h. 6olor-do S$rins, 6OH $ri8-/e $rin/in, 19)2C. 8o**etti e
(cherme. Aolon-H 6-rdu>>i, 1**9. rimi (aggi. Aolon-H 6-rdu>>i, 1**9. .onfessioni
e 8attaglie B.onfessions and 8attles. Aolon-H 6-rdu>>i, 1*90C. 5iambi ed $podi e
Bime. Aolon-H N. J-ni>helli, 1*9). (tudi (aggi e &iscorsi. Aolon-H 6-rdu>>i, 1*9*.
(u -udovico Aristo e Ta4uarto Tasso> (tudi. Aolon-H 6-rdu>>i, 190%. Archelogia
oetica. Aolon-H N. J-ni>helli, 190*. $di*ione 'a*ionale &elle Opere di 5iosuL
.arducci. Aolon-H N. J-ni>helli, 19'%:)0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A-iley, Pohn. .arducci. O@fordH 6l-rendon, 192(.
.olumbia &ictionary of #odern $uropean -iterature. Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press,
19)&, 1)':)). Son/-, Sus-n. :nder the (ign of (aturn. LondonH Wri/ers -nd 2e-ders,
Co$$entary: "iosu` 6-rdu>>i, ?/-li-n $oe/, $oli/i>i-n, -nd li/er-ry his/ori-n, #-s
-#-rded /he Nobel Prize \no/ only in >onsider-/ion of his dee$ le-rnin -nd >ri/i>-l
rese-r>h, bu/ -bo8e -ll -s - /ribu/e /o /he >re-/i8e enery, freshness of s/yle, -nd lyri>-l
for>e #hi>h >h-r->/erize his $oe/i> !-s/er$ie>es.99 +n -rden/ $-/rio/ 0no#n for his
r-di>-l o$inions, 6-rdu>>i s/ro8e in his $oe/ry /o fuse /he !odern #i/h /he -n>ien/. Le
#-s 8ie#ed -s /he re-/es/ fiure in ?/-li-n li/er-/ure of his /i!e. BS.W.6.C
8iplin&5 <oseph 4!d$ard 1CC
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 190&. Born: De>e!ber '0, 1*(%; Ao!b-y, ?ndi-. Death: P-nu-ry 1*,
19'(; London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn Lo>0#ood Ni$lin; Ko/her, +li>e
K->Don-ld Ni$lin. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Ke/hodis/. Education: No >ollee
derees. Spouse: 6-roline S/-rr Aoles/ier, !-rried 1*92. Children: Pose$hine, d-uh/er;
5lsie, d-uh/er; Pohn, son. Career: .ivil and #ilitary 5a*ette, ?ndi-, 5di/or, 1**2:*&;
ioneer, ?ndi-, 5di/or, 1**&:*9; Wri/er. Other Awards: Order of Keri/, 191(, 1921,
192) BrefusedC; "old Ked-l, 192(.
Selected Publications: 8arrac2 Boom 8allads and Other 6erses. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH
Leine!-nn -nd A-les/ier, 1*92. The 7ungle 8oo2. The (econd 7ungle 8oo2. "-rden
6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, P-e, 1*9%. =rom (ea to (ea> -etters of
P-e &0
Travel. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 1900. Jim. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH A. T-u>hni/z, 1901. 7ust
(o (tories for -ittle .hildren. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH A. T-u>hni/z, 1902. The =ive 'ations.
Lei$zi, "er!-nyH A. T-u>hni/z, 190'. uc2 of oo2)s /ill. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH A.
T-u>hni/z, 190(. (oldier (tories. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, P-e, 1920.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +!is, Ninsley. Budyard Jipling and /is %orld. Ne#
3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&%. 6le!ens, Willi-! Kon/o!ery. A Jen of Jipling 8eing a
8iographical (2etch of Budyard Jipling. Toron/oH ".N. Nor-n, 1*99. Dobree,
Aon-!ie. Budyard Jipling> Bealist and =abulist. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press, 19(&.
L-s0i, K-rh-ni/-. =rom alm to ine> Budyard Jipling Abroad and at /ome. Ne#
3or0H 1->/s on 1ile, 19*&. Ly>e//, +ndre#. Budyard Jipling. LondonH Weisenfeld -nd
Ni>olson, 1999. (omething of #yself. An Autobiography. LondonH K->!ill-n, 19'&.
Co$$entary: 2udy-rd Ni$lin re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \in >onsider-/ion of /he $o#er
of obser8-/ion, oriin-li/y of i!-in-/ion, -nd -lso /he !-nly s/ren/h in /he -r/ of
$er>e$/ion -nd deline-/ion /h-/ >h-r->/erize /he #ri/ins of /his #orld-reno#ned -u/hor.Z
Ni$lin, only )2 ye-rs of -e, #-s /he firs/ 5nlish $erson /o re>ei8e /he -#-rd. The
-u/hor9s e-rly f-!e -nd >ri/i>-l ->>l-i! #ere $rodu>/s of his s/ories -nd $oe!s of
>oloni-l ?ndi-. Lis $-/rio/is! -nd su$$or/ of Ari/ish >oloni-lis!, ho#e8er, brouh/ hi!
dis-$$ro8-l -nd >ri/i>-l dis!iss-l, -l/houh his s/ories re!-ined f-8ori/es #i/h /he
Ari/ish -nd #i/h in/ern-/ion-l re-ders. Ni$lin9s $oe/ry r-ned fro! !usi> h-ll b-ll-ds /o
serious $oe!s for $ubli> o>>-sions BBecessional, 1*9&C. Lis belo8ed #or0s for >hildren
in>lude su>h /i/les -s Jim B1901C, 7ust (o (tories for -ittle .hildren B1902C, -nd uc2 of
oo2)s /ill B190(C. Ni$lin is re!e!bered -s one of 5nl-nd9s re-/es/ shor/ s/ory
#ri/ers, - enuinely $o$ul-r $oe/, -nd - >l-ssi> -u/hor for >hildren. B+.D.P.C
"!cken5 4!dolph %hristoph 1C9
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 190*. Born: P-nu-ry %, 1*)(; +uri>h, Os/friesl-nd, "er!-ny. Death:
Se$/e!ber 1%, 192(; Pen-, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, +!!o Ae>0er 5u>0en; Ko/her,
?d- K-ri- "i//er!-n 5u>0en. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: 1ree/hin0er; fro!
Lu/her-n b->0round. Education: Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, Dr. Phil., 1*((.
Spouse: ?rene P-sso#, !-rried 1**2. Children: +rnold Tho!-s, son; W-l/er, son; 1
d-uh/er. Career: "er!-ny, S>hool/e->her, 1*(&:&1; Ini8. of A-sel, S#i/zerl-nd,
Professor, 1*&1:&); Ini8. of Pen-, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*&):1920.
Selected Publications: 5eschichte und Jriti2 der 5rundbegriffe der 5egen0art.
Lei$zi, "er!-nyH Sei/ Y 6o!$., 1*&* BThe =undamental .oncepts of #odern
hilosophic Thought. Tr. by K. S/u-r/ Phel$s. Ne# 3or0H +$$le/on Y 6o., 1**0C.
5rundlinien $iner 'euen -ebensanschauung. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH Sei/, 190& B-ife)s
8asis and -ife)s <deal. Tr. by +l-n ". Widery. LondonH Al->0, 1911C. &er (inn und
%ert des -ebens. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH Quelle Y Keyer, 190* BThe #eaning and 6alue of
-ife. Tr. by Lu>y Pude "ibson -nd W.2. Aoy>e "ibson. LondonH Al->0, 191(C. JKnnen
%ir 'och .hristen (einP Lei$zi, "er!-nyH Sei/, 1911 %e (till 8e .hristiansP Tr.
by Lu>y Pude "ibson. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 191)C. $thics and #odern Thought> A
Theory of Their Belations. Ne# 3or0H Pu/n-!, 191'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aoo/h, K. Budolph $uc2en. LondonH T.1. In#in, 191'.
Ler!-nn, 5!ily. $uc2en and 8ergson> Their (ignificance for .hristian Thought.
Aos/onH Pilri! Press, 1912. 2-eber, Tho!-s. \2udol$h 6hris/o$h 5u>0en.Z ?n 'eue
&eutsche 8iographie BSolu!e )C, (&0:&2. AerlinH Dun>0er Y Lu!blo/, 19%9.
Co$$entary: 2udol$h 5u>0en did no/ re>ei8e /he Nobel Prize for $oe/ry or fi>/ion bu/
\in re>oni/ion of his e-rnes/ se-r>h for /ru/h, his $ene/r-/in $o#er of /houh/, /he
#-r!/h -nd s/ren/h of $resen/-/ion #i/h #hi>h in his nu!erous #or0s he h-s
8indi>-/ed -nd de8elo$ed -n ide-lis/i> $hiloso$hy of life.Z Le di-nosed /he !-l-ise of
his -e -s - s$iri/u-l >onfusion -nd $ro8ided - >ons/ru>/i8e res$onse in his #ri/ins. One
of his !os/ influen/i-l #or0s is The #eaning and 6alue of -ife. Lis $hiloso$hy s/resses
\->/i8is!Z -nd s$iri/u-li/y -s - >re-/i8e -nd reno8-/in for>e. BS.O.C
#a&erlLf5 -el2a 3ttilian #o>isa 190
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 1909. Born: No8e!ber 20, 1*%*; Os/r- 5!/er8i0, K-rb->0- 1-r!,
S-r!l-nd, S#eden. Death: K-r>h 1(, 19)0; K-rb->0-, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, 5ri0
"us/-f L-erlUf; Ko/her, Louis- 5liz-be/h W-llro>0 L-erlUf. Nationality: S#edish.
Religion: 1ree/hin0er; fro! 6hris/i-n, !os/ $rob-bly Lu/her-n, b->0round.
Education: 2oy-l Wo!-n9s Su$erior Tr-inin 6ollee, S#eden, r-du-/e, 1**%.
Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: "irls9 Lih S>hool, L-nds0ron-, S#eden,
Te->her, 1**%:9%. Other Awards: "old Ked-l, S#edish +>-de!y, 190).
Selected Publications: 5Ksta 8erling)s (aga. S/o>0hol!H Aonnier, 1*91 BThe (tory of
5Ksta 8erling. Tr. by P-uline 1l->h. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, P-e, 191&C.
Anti2rists #ira2ler. S/o>0hol!H Aonnier, 1*9& BThe #iracles of Antichrist. Tr. by
P-uline 1l->h. Aos/onH Li//le, Aro#n, 1910C. 7erusalem. S/o>0hol!H Aonnier, 1901:02
BTr. by Sel!- S#-ns/on Lo#-rd. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, 191%C. 'ils /olgerssons
underbara Besa 5ennom (verige. S/o>0hol!H Aonnier, 190( BThe %onderful Adventures
of 'ils. Tr. by Sel!- S#-ns/on Lo#-rd. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, 190&C. 'ils
/olgersson ,. S/o>0hol!H Aonnier, 190& BThe =urther Adventures of 'ils. Tr. by Sel!-
S#-ns/on Lo#-rd. Ne# 3or0H "rosse/ -nd Dunl-$, 1911C. Tosen =r9n (tormyrtorpet
och Andra (agor. "U/ebor, S#edenH +hlen -nd +0erlund, 190* BThe 5irl from the
#arsh .roft. Tr. by Sel!- S#-ns/on Lo#-rd. Aos/onH Li//le, Aro#n -nd 6o., 1912C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: The &iary of (elma -agerlKf. Tr. by Sel!- S#-ns/on
Lo#-rd. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, Dor-n, 19'(. 5ds/ro!, Si8i. (elma -agerlKf.
Aos/onH T#-yne, 19*). L-rsen, L-nn-. (elma -agerlKf. Ne# 3or0H Doubled-y, Dor-n,
19'(. #emories of #y .hildhood. Tr. by Sel!- S#-ns/on Lo#-rd. "-rden 6i/y, N3H
Doubled-y, Dor-n, 19'). (omething About the Author. De/roi/, K?H "-le, 19&9 BSolu!e
1%C, 1(0:&).
Co$$entary: Sel!- L-erlUf #on /he Nobel Prize OOin -$$re>i-/ion of /he lof/y
ide-lis!, 8i8id i!-in-/ion, -nd s$iri/u-l $er>e$/ion /h-/ >h-r->/erize her #ri/ins.Z The
firs/ #o!-n /o #in /he $rize for li/er-/ure, her #or0s #ere in
P-e &1
>on/r-s/ /o /he $re8-ilin S#edish #ri/ers9 re-lis! of her d-y. The S#edish edu>-/or,
no8elis/, shor/ s/ory #ri/er, $oe/, bior-$her, -u/obior-$her, -nd dr-!-/is/ #-s /he
le-din fiure in /he ro!-n/i> re8i8-l in S#edish li/er-/ure. BL.A.C
1e$se5 Pa!l <ohann #!d)i& >on 191
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 1910. Born: K-r>h 1%, 1*'0; Aerlin, "er!-ny. Death: +$ril 2, 191);
Kuni>h, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, N-rl Lud#i Leyse; Ko/her, Pulie S--lin Leyse.
Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/ -nd Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of Aonn,
"er!-ny, do>/or-/e, 1*%2. Spouse: K-r-re/h- Nuler, !-rried K-y 1%, 1*%), died
1*(2; +nn- S>hub-r/, !-rried 1*(&. Children: ' sons; ' d-uh/ers. Career: Nin
K-@i!ili-n ?? of A-8-ri-, "er!-ny, 6our/ Poe/, 1*%):191). Other Awards: S>hiller
Prize, "er!-ny, 1**).
Selected Publications: -)Arrabbiata. AerlinH Ler/z, 1*%' B-)Arrabbiata and Other
Tales. Tr. by K-ry Wilson. Ne# 3or0H Ley$old -nd Lol/, 1*(&C. Jinder der %elt. 2
8olu!es. AerlinH Ler/z, 1*&2 B.hildren of the %orld. Ne# 3or0H Kunro, 1**'C. <m
aradiese. ' 8olu!es. AerlinH Ler/z, 1*&% B<n aradise. Ne# 3or0H +$$le/on, 1*&*C.
&er %einh3ter. ?n 'ovellen. & 8olu!es. AerlinH Ler/z, 1**2. (elected (tories. 6hi>-oH
S>hi>0, 1**(. #erlin. AerlinH Ler/z, 1*92.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Ai-nGuis, "ene8ie8e. \The Life -nd Wor0s of P-yl Leyse.Z
?n 'obel ri*e -ibrary. Ne# 3or0H "reory, 19&1, ')&:%'. Ar-ndes, "eor. .reative
(pirits of the 'ineteenth .entury. Tr. by 2-s!-s A. +nderson. Ne# 3or0H 6ro#ell,
192'. 7ugenderinnerungen und 8e2enntnisse B#emories of #y 1outh and .onfessionsC.
AerlinH Ler/z, 1900.
Co$$entary: P-ul Leyse9s Nobel -#-rd #-s \-s - /ribu/e /o /he >onsu!!-/e -r/is/ry,
$er!e-/ed #i/h ide-lis!, #hi>h he h-s de!ons/r-/ed durin his lon -nd $rodu>/i8e
>-reer -s - lyri> $oe/, dr-!-/is/, no8elis/, -nd #ri/er of #orld-reno#ned shor/ s/ories.Z
Le #-s - $rolifi> #ri/er of no8ell-s, $l-ys, $oe!s, no8els, -nd /r-nsl-/ed #or0s, -s
-//es/ed /o by /he '*-8olu!e edi/ion of #or0s >o!$le/ed be/#een 1*&1 -nd 191).
+l/houh liber-l -nd $roressi8e, his >re-/i8e #or0 #-s in /r-di/ion-l for!s >onsidered
oldf-shioned by /he n-/ur-lis/s. Le e@>elled $-r/i>ul-rly in his /ih/ly >ons/ru>/ed
no8ell-s -nd de8elo$ed /his enre /o - !-s/ery r-rely !-/>hed. BS.O.C
,aeterlinck5 ,a!riti!s Pol$dor!s ,aria +ernard!s D,aeterlinck5 ,a!riceE 192
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 1911. Born: +uus/ 29, 1*(2; "hen/, Aeliu!. Death: K-y (, 19)9;
Ni>e, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, Polydore K-e/erlin>0; Ko/her, K-/hilde 6ole//e
1r-naoise S-n den Aoss>he K-e/erlin>0. Nationality: Aeli-n. Religion: +nos/i>; fro!
6-/holi> b->0round. Education: Pesui/ 6oll_e de S-in/e-A-rbe, Aeliu!,
b->>-l-ure-/e, 1**1; Ini8. of "hen/, Aeliu!, l-# deree, 1**%. Spouse: 6o!$-nion,
"eore//e Le Al-n>, 1*9%:191*; 2en_e D-hon, !-rried 1919. Children: 1 s/illborn
>hild. Career: Aeliu!, +//orney, 1**(:*9; Wri/er /here-f/er. Other Awards: Trienni-l
Prize for Dr-!-/i> Li/er-/ure, Aeliu!, 1*91 BrefusedC, 190'; "r-nd Offi>er of /he
Ordre de L_o$old, Aeliu!, 1920; !-de 6oun/, 19'2; Ked-l of /he Order of S/. P-!es
of /he S#ord, Por/u-l, 19'9.
Selected Publications: -a rincesse #aleine. P-risH L->o!blez, 1*91 BThe rincess
#aleine. Tr. by "er-rd L-rry. LondonH W. Leine!-nn, 1*92C. elleas et #elisande.
ArusselsH P. L->o!blez, 1*92 Belleas and #elisanda. Tr. by L-uren>e +l!- T-de!.
LondonH ". +llen Y In#in, 191%C. Aglavaine et (elysette. P-risH So>ie/_ du Ker>ure de
1r-n>e, 1*9( BAglavaine and (elysette> A &rama in =ive Acts. Tr. by +lfred Su/ro.
LondonH ". 2i>h-rds, 1*9&C. -es Aveugles. ArusselsH L->o!blez, 1*9& B8uried Temple.
Tr. by +lfred Su/ro. Ne# 3or0H Dodd, Ke-d, -nd 6o!$-ny, 1902C. -a (agesse et la
&estinDe. P-risH Aiblio/h_Gue6h-r$en/ier, 5. 1-sGuelle, 1*9* B%isdom and &estiny. Tr.
by +lfred Su/ro. Dodd, Ke-d, -nd 6o!$-ny, 1*9*C. #ona 6anna. P-risH 1-sGuelle, 1902
BTr. by +lfred Su/ro. LondonH ". +llen, 190)C. -)oiseau 8leu> =Derie en .in4 Actes et
&ix Tableau. P-risH 6h-r$en/ier e/ 1-sGuelle, 1909 BThe 8lue 8ird> A =airy lay in =ive
Acts. Tr. by +le@-nder Tei@eir- de K-//os. LondonH Ke/huen, 1909C. -a 6ie des Abeilles.
P-risH 6h-r$en/ier, 1912 BThe -ife of the Ant. Tr. by Aern-rd Ki-ll. Ne# 3or0H Pohn D-y,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +ndrieu, Pe-n-K-rie. #aeterlinc2. P-risH ]di/ions
Ini8ersi/-ires, 19(2. $ncyclopedia of %orld -iterature in the ,0th .entury. Ne# 3or0H
In-r Publishin, 19(9 BSolu!e 2C, '(&:(*. L-lls, W.D. #aurice #aeterlinc2> A (tudy
of /is -ife and Thought. O@fordH 6l-rendon Press, 19(0. Nn-$$, Ae//in-. #aurice
#aeterlinc2. Aos/onH T#-yne, 19&%.
Co$$entary: K-uri>e K-e/erlin>0 re>ei8ed /he $rize in honor of \his di8erse li/er-ry
->/i8i/y -nd es$e>i-lly his dr-!-/i> #or0s, #hi>h -re ou/s/-ndin for /heir ri>hness of
i!-in-/ion -nd for $oe/i> re-lis!, #hi>h so!e/i!es in /he di! for! of /he $l-y of
leend dis$l-y - dee$ in/i!->y of feelin, -nd -lso in - !ys/erious #-y -$$e-l /o /he
re-der9s sen/i!en/ -nd sense of forebodin.Z K-e/erlin>0 firs/ ->hie8ed f-!e for his
sy!bolis/ dr-!-s, in #hi>h De-/h see!ed /riu!$h-n/. L-/e in /he 1*90s, his #or0s
sho#ed - !ore o$/i!is/i> -//i/ude, -nd -f/er 1900, he reMe>/ed sy!bolis!, /urnin /o -
!ore re-lis/i> s/yle -s he #ro/e of !or-l -nd $hiloso$hi>-l $roble!s. The 6o!!i//ee9s
referen>e /o K-e/erlin>09s di8ersi/y -lso /oo0 no/e of his $oe!s -nd f-!ous ess-ys su>h
-s %isdom and &estiny B1*9*C -nd The -ife of the 8ees B1901C. BL.L.1.C
1a!pt2ann5 6erhart <ohann 193
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 1912. Born: No8e!ber 1%, 1*(2; A-d S-lzbrunn, Silesi-, "er!-ny.
Death: Pune *, 19)(; +ne/endorf, Silesi-, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, 2ober/
L-u$/!-nn; Ko/her, K-rie S/r-ehler L-u$/!-nn. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion:
2eMe>/ed or-nized 6hris/i-ni/y; fro! Pro/es/-n/ b->0round. Education: No >ollee
derees. Spouse: K-rie Thiene!-nn, !-rried 1**%, di8or>ed 1*9%; K-r-re/e
K-rs>h-l0, !-rried 190). Children: ?8o, son; 5>0-r/, son; Nl-us, son; Aon8enu/o, son.
Career: "er!-ny, S>ul$/or -nd Wri/er. Other Awards: "ull$-rzer Prize, +us/ri-, 1*9(,
1*9*, 1900; Pour Le K_ri/e, Pe->e, 192); "oe/he Prize, 19'2.
Selected Publications: 6or (onnenaufgang. AerlinH 1is>her, 1**9 B8efore (unrise. Tr. by
P-!es Poy>e. S-n
P-e &2
K-rino, 6+H Lun/in/on Libr-ry, 19&*C. &ie %eber. AerlinH 1is>her, 1*92 BThe %eavers.
Tr. by K-ry Korison. Ne# 3or0H Luebs>h, 1911C. &er 8iberpel*, eine &iebs2omKdie.
AerlinH 1is>her, 1*9' BThe 8eaver .oat> A Thieves) .omedy. Tr. by Lud#i Le#isohn.
?n .ontemporary &rama> $uropean lays. 5d. by 5.A. W-/son. Ne# 3or0, 19'1C. &er
'arr in .hristo $manuel ?uint. AerlinH 1is>her, 1910 BThe =ool in .hrist> $manuel
?uint. Tr. by T. Sel/zer. Ne# 3or0H Si0in, 192(C. &ie Batten> 8erliner Tragi2omKdie.
AerlinH 1is>her, 1911 BThe Bats. Tr. by Lud#i Le#isohn. ?n #odern .ontinental lays.
5d. by S.K. Tu>0er. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y Aros., 1929, )1%:(*C. The &ramatic %or2s. &
8olu!es. Ne# 3or0H Luebs>h, 1912:1&. &er Jet*er von (oana. AerlinH 1is>her, 191*
BThe /eretic of (oana. Tr. by A-y-rd Quin>y Kor-n. 2d ed. LondonH 6-lder, 19(0C.
&ie Atriden@Tetralogie. AerlinH Suhr0-!$, 19)9. Three lays> The %eavers, /annele,
the 8eavercoat. Tr. by Lors/ 1renz -nd Kiles W-oner. Ne# 3or0H In-r, 19&&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aehl, 6-rl 1r. W!. 5erhart /auptmann> /is -ife and
%or2s. Tr. by Lelen T-uber/. WRrzburH Lolzner, 19%(. $ncyclopedia of %orld
8iography. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19&', 1'%:'&. "-r/en, Luh 1. 5erhart
/auptmann. Ne# L-8en, 6TH 3-le Ini8. Press, 19%). K-urer, W-rren 2. 5erhart
/auptmann. Aos/onH L-ll, 19*2. K-urer, W. :nderstanding 5erhart /auptmann.
6olu!bi-, S6H Ini8. of Sou/h 6-rolin- Press, 1992. T0entieth .entury Authors. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19)2, (2%:2&. Kellen, P. 5erhart /auptmann. Ne# 3or0H P. L-n,
Co$$entary: "erh-r/ L-u$/!-nn #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \$ri!-rily in
re>oni/ion of his frui/ful, 8-ried, -nd ou/s/-ndin $rodu>/ion in /he re-l! of dr-!-/i>
-r/.Z +/ /h-/ /i!e he #-s f-!ous in/ern-/ion-lly for his n-/ur-lis/ $l-ys, #hi>h 8oi>e -
s/ron so>i-l >o!$-ssion. L-/er #or0s refle>/ his lifelon $reo>>u$-/ion #i/h reliious
s/udies, $hiloso$hy, -nd -n>ien/ "ree>e. BS.O.C
Ta&ore5 4abindranath5 -ir DThak!ra5 4a>indranathaE 19?
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 191'. Born: K-y &, 1*(1; 6-l>u//-, ?ndi-. Death: +uus/ &, 19)1;
6-l>u//-, ?ndi-. Parents: 1-/her, Debendr-n-/h K-r-shi; Ko/her, S-r-d- De8i.
Nationality: ?ndi-n. Religion: \Pir-li99 Ar-h!in. Education: No >ollee derees.
Spouse: Ah-8-/-rini Aeni!-dh-8 2-i>h-udhuri, !-rried 19'(. Children: K-dhuril-/-,
d-uh/er; 2-/hindr-n-/h, son; 1 o/her son. Career: Wri/er, Poe/, L-ndo#ner, -nd
+>/i8is/. Other Awards: Nnih/hood, 191%.
Selected Publications: 5itanIali B(ong OfferingsC. LondonH The ?ndi- So>ie/y, 1912.
The 5ardener. LondonH K->!ill-n, 191'. 5limpses of 8engal -ife. Tr. by 2-M-ni
2-nM-n. K-dr-s, ?ndi-H ".+. N-/es-n, 191'. (adhana B$ssays and -ecturesC. LondonH
K->!ill-n, 191'. The Jing of the &ar2 .hamber. Tr. by N.6. Sen. LondonH K->!ill-n,
191). The =ugitive. S-n0ini0e/-n, ?ndi-H S-n0ini0e/-n Press, 1919. 5ora. Tr. by W.W.
Pe-rson. LondonH K->!ill-n, 192). The .hild. LondonH +llen Y In#in, 19'1. The
Beligion of #an. LondonH +llen Y In#in, 19'1. .ollected oems and lays of
Babindranath Tagore. LondonH K->!ill-n, 19'(. =are0ell, #y =riend. Tr. by Nrishn-
Nri$-l-ni. LondonH The Ne# ?ndi- Publishin 6o., 19)(. A =light of (0ans. Tr. by
+urobindo Aose. LondonH Pohn Kurr-y, 19%%. -etters from Bussia. Tr. by S-s-dh-r
Sinh-. 6-l>u//-H Sis8-Ah-r-/i, 19(0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: "n-/yu0, D. Tagore, <ndia and the (oviet :nion. 6olu!bi-,
KOH Sou/h +si- Aoo0s, 19*(. Nri$-l-ni, Nrishn-. Babindranath Tagore> A 8iography.
Ne# 3or0H "ro8e Press, 19(2. #y 8oyhood &ays B-u/obior-$hyC. Tr. by K-rMorie
Sy0es. S-n0ini0e/-n, ?ndi-H Sis8--Ah-r-/i, 19)0. Sy0es, K-rMorie. Babindranath Tagore.
LondonH Lon!-ns, 19)&. Tho!son, 5d#-rd Pohn. Babindranath Tagore> /is -ife and
%or2s. Ne# 3or0H L-s0ell Louse, 19&). T0entieth .entury Authors. Ne# 3or0H L.W.
Wilson, 19)2, 1'*1:*2.
Co$$entary: 2-bindr-n-/h T-ore re>ei8ed /he Nobel \be>-use of his $rofoundly
sensi/i8e, fresh -nd be-u/iful 8erse, by #hi>h, #i/h >onsu!!-/e s0ill, he h-s !-de his
$oe/i> /houh/, e@$ressed in his o#n 5nlish #ords, - $-r/ of /he li/er-/ure of /he Wes/.Z
+l/houh no/ed for his $oe/ry, be>-use of i/s \rhy/h!i>-lly b-l-n>ed s/yleZ -nd \/-s/e in
/he >hoi>e of #ords,Z T-ore #-s -lso -n ->>o!$lished $l-y#rih/, no8elis/, shor/-s/ory
#ri/er, ess-yis/, !usi>i-n, -nd -r/is/. ?n -ll his ou/$u/, he dis$l-yed /he #isdo! -nd
reliious !ys/i>is! of his ?ndi-n b->0round. T-ore #-s -lso #ell 0no#n -s -n
edu>-/or -nd - $oli/i>i-n. BP.L.S.C
4olland5 4o2ain D-aint <!stE 19@
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 191%. Born: P-nu-ry 29, 1*((; 6l-!e>y, Nie8re, 1r-n>e. Death:
De>e!ber '0, 19)); Sezel-y, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, 2o!-in 5d!_ P-ul ]!ile
2oll-nd; Ko/her, +n/oine//e K-rie 6ouro/ 2oll-nd. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion:
6-/holi>. Education: ]>ole Nor!-le, 1r-n>e, +r_-/ion d9his/oire, 1**9; ]>ole
1r-na-ise d9+r>h_oloie, ?/-ly, Do>/eur-`s-Le//res, 1*9%. Spouse: 6lo/ilde Ar_-l,
!-rried O>/ober '1, 1*92, di8or>ed K-y 1901; Seu8e K-rie Noud->he8, !-rried 19').
Children: None. Career: ]>ole Nor!-le Su$erieure, P-ris, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1*9%:
1900; Sorbonne, P-ris, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1900:12. Other Awards: "r-nd Pri@, 1ren>h
+>-de!y, 191'; "oe/he Ked-l, "er!-ny, 19'' BrefusedC.
Selected Publications: -es -oups. P-risH +lbin Ki>hel, 1*9* BThe %olves. Tr. by A-rre//
L. 6l-r0. Ne# 3or0H 2-ndo! Louse, 19'&C. -e ?uator*e 7uillet. P-risH 6-hier de l-
Quinz-ine, 1902 BThe =ourteenth of 7uly. Tr. by A-rre// L. 6l-r0. Ne# 3or0H L. Lol/ -nd
6o!$-ny, 191*C. 8eethoven. P-risH 1is>hb->her, 190' B8eethoven. Tr. by A. 6ons/-n>e
Lull. Ne# 3or0H L. Lol/ -nd 6o!$-ny, 191&C. -e ThDatre du euple. P-risH Suresnes,
190' BThe eople)s Theatre. Tr. by A-rre// L. 6l-r0. Ne# 3or0H L. Lol/ -nd 6o!$-ny,
191*C. 7ean@.hristopher. 10 8olu!es. P-risH Ollendorff, 190):12 BTr. by "ilber/
6-nn-n. Ne# 3or0H L. Lol/ -nd 6o!$-ny, 1910:1'C. #ichel@Ange. P-risH Libr-irie
Plon, 190(. &anton. P-risH Libr-irie Ollendorff, 1909 B&anton. Tr. by N-/herine Killer.
Ne# 3or0H L. Lol/ -nd 6o!$-ny, 1919C. .olas 8reugnon. P-risH +lbin Ki>hel, 191*
B.olas 8reugnon. Tr. by N-/herine Killer. Ne# 3or0H L. Lol/ -nd 6o!$-ny, 1919C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 1r-n>is, 2.+. Bomain Bolland. O@fordH Aer, 1999. S/-rr,
Willi-!. Bomain Bolland. P-risH L-ue, 19&1. J#ei, S/ef-n. Bomain Bolland. Ne#
P-e &'
3or0H L-s0ell, 19&0. J#ei, S/ef-n. Bomain Bolland> The #an and /is %or2s. S-le!,
NLH +yer 6o., 19&'.
Co$$entary: The >i/-/ion /o 2o!-in 2oll-nd no/ed \- /ribu/e /o /he lof/y ide-lis! of
his li/er-ry $rodu>/ion -nd /o /he sy!$-/hy -nd lo8e of /ru/h #i/h #hi>h he h-s
des>ribed differen/ /y$es of hu!-n beins.Z Lis b->0rounds in his/ory, li/er-/ure, -nd
!usi> $rodu>ed #ri/in of no/e#or/hy >h-r->/er in -ll /hree fields, es$e>i-lly /he
bior-$hi>-l !-/eri-l on su>h re-/s -s L-ndel, Aee/ho8en, Ki>hel-nelo, "-ndhi, -nd
Tols/oi. The s-!e b->0round hel$ed /o $rodu>e his !os/ !e!or-ble #or0, 7ean
.hristophe. ?n -ddi/ion, 2oll-nd #-s in8ol8ed in /he-/er -nd in - lifelon Gues/ for $e->e
-!on n-/ions. BP.N.C
=on 1eidensta25 %arl 6!staf =erner 19A
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 191(. Born: Puly (, 1*%9; Olsh-!!er, S#eden. Death: K-y 20, 19)0;
u8r-lid, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, Nils "us/-f 8on Leidens/-!; Ko/her, K-d-len-
2y//ers0MUld 8on Leidens/-!. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: +/heis/; fro! 6hris/i-n
b->0round. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: 5!ili- Il-, !-rried 1**0, died
1**'; OldM Wiber, !-rried 1**(, di8or>ed 1***; "re/- SMober, !-rried 1**9.
Children: None. Career: Wri/er. Other Awards: Lenri0 S/effens Prize, 19'*.
Selected Publications: ]f`gfWdhij]f[YW^[kcVW Bilgrimage> The %ander 1earsC.
S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 1***. $ndymion. S/o>0hol!H 1. Leel Y Son, 1**9. Benassans.
S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 1**9. /ans Alienus. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 1*92. &i2ter
BoemsC. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 1*9%. Jarolinerna 8erattelser. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier,
1*9&:9* BThe .harles #en. Tr. by 6h-rles W. S/or0. Ne# 3or0H +!eri>-n S>-ndin-8i-n
1ound-/ion, 1920C. (an2t 5oran Och &rahen B(aint 5eorge and the &ragonC.
S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 1900. /eliga 8irgittas ilgrimsfard B(aint 8ridget)s
ilgrimageC. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 1901. $tt =ol2 BOne eopleC. S/o>0hol!H +.
Aonnier, 1902. =ol2ungatradet. =ol2e =ilbyter 8erattelse. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 190%
BThe Tree of the =ol2ungs. Tr. by +r/hur ". 6h-/er. LondonH "lydend-l, 192%C.
=ol2ungatradet 8Ialboarfvet BThe 8Ialbo <nheritanceC. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 190&.
(vens2arna Och &eras /avdingar. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 190*:10 BThe (0edes and
Their .hieftains. Tr. by 6h-rles W. S/or0. Ne# 3or0H +!eri>-n S>-ndin-8i-n
1ound-/ion, 192%C. 'ya &i2ter B'e0 oemsC. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 191%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .yclopedia of %orld Authors. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er -nd 2o#,
19%*, )9%:9(. "us/-fson, +lri0. /istory of (0edish -iterature. Kinne-$olis, KNH Ini8.
of Kinne-$olis Press, 19(1. T0entieth .entury Authors. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19)2,
Co$$entary: Serner 8on Leidens/-! #-s /he re>i$ien/ of /he Nobel Prize \in
re>oni/ion of his sinifi>-n>e -s /he le-din re$resen/-/i8e of - ne# er- in our
li/er-/ure.Z Son Leidens/-! bro0e #i/h /he S#edish re-lis/i> s>hool of loo!y $oe/ry
-nd $rose -nd, usin his s/udies of $-in/in -nd in/eres/ in /r-8el -s /he sour>e, $rodu>ed
- li/er-/ure of e@$losi8e be-u/y, filled #i/h -n enMoy!en/ of life -nd of /he S#edish
>oun/ryside -nd his/ory. +s no/ed in /he Nobel $resen/-/ion, he is OO- !-nly $oe/ -nd -
!-s/er of /he lyri> enre.Z BP.L.S.C
6Keller!p5 8arl 0dolph D"pi&onosE 19B
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 191&. Born: Pune 2, 1*%&; Pr-es/U, 2ohol/e, Den!-r0. Death: O>/ober
1', 1919; Nlo/zs>he, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, 2yde 6-rl +dol$h "Melleru$; Ko/her,
+nn- Poh-nne 1ibier "Melleru$. Nationality: D-nish. Religion: +/heis/; fro! Lu/her-n
b->0round. Education: Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, A.D., 1*&*. Spouse: 5ueni-
+nn- 6-roline Leusiner, !-rried 1**&. Children: None. Career: Wri/er. Other
Awards: Poe/9s Pension, Den!-r0, 1**9.
Selected Publications: $n <dealist BAn <dealistC. 6o$enh-enH 2.+. 2ei/zel, 1*&*.
5ermanerness -oerling BThe Teuton)s ApprenticeC. 6o$enh-enH +. S>h-u, 1**2.
8rynhild. 6o$enh-enH +. S>h-u, 1**). #inna. 6o$enh-enH P.". Phili$sens, 1**9 BTr.
by 6.L. Nielsen. LondonH W. Leine!-nn, 191'C. #ollen BThe #illC. 6o$enh-enH
"yldend-l, 1*9(. ilgrimmen Jamanita. 6o$enh-enH "yldend-l, 190( BThe ilgrim
Jamanita. Tr. by Pohn Loie. LondonH W. Leine!-nn, 1911C. &en =uldentes /usfru
BThe %ife of the erfect OneC. 6o$enh-enH "lydend-ls0e Aoh-ndel, 190&. 6erdens
6andrerne B%orld %anderersC. 6o$enh-enH "yldend-l, 1910.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: $uropean Authors, 1000+1900. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(&, ''0:'1. Jarl 5Iellerup, &er &ichter und &en2erN sein -eben in (elbst*eugnissen
und 8riefen. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH Quelle -nd Keyer, 192'. Nrrerd, "eor. Jarl
5Iellerup> en biografi. 6o$enh-enH 6.+. 2ei/zelsforl-, 19**.
Co$$entary: N-rl "Melleru$ be>-!e - Nobel l-ure-/e \for his !-ny-sided, ri>h -nd
ins$ired #ri/in #i/h hih ide-ls.Z Le is /y$i>-l of l-/e-nine/een/h->en/ury #ri/ers /ryin
/o dis>o8er !e-nin in - life #i/hou/ 6hris/i-ni/y, /urnin firs/ /o -n -r/is/i> defense of
-/heis! -nd n-/ur-lis!, -nd l-/er de8elo$in - !ore hu!-nis/i> -nd ide-lis/i> 8ision.
"Melleru$ !o8ed fro! Lu/her-n /o -/heis/,n-/ur-lis/ /o Auddhis! -nd !ys/i>-l
6hris/i-ni/y. 1e# of his #or0s #ere /r-nsl-/ed -nd he h-s been >onsidered by so!e
undeser8edly foro//en, by o/hers \/he dulles/ #ri/er of /he >en/ury.Z BK.1.L.C
Pontoppidan5 1enrik 19C
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 191&. Born: Puly 2), 1*%&; 1rederi>-, Pu/l-nd, Den!-r0. Death:
+uus/ 21, 19)'; 6h-rlo//enlund, Den!-r0. Parents: 1-/her, Dines Pon/o$$id-n;
Ko/her, K. K-rie Nirs/in- O@enboll Pon/o$$id-n. Nationality: D-nish. Religion:
1ree/hin0er; fro! Lu/her-n b->0round. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: Ke//e
K-rie L-nsen, !-rried De>e!ber 1**1, di8or>ed 1*92; +n/oine//e 6e>ili- Nofoed,
!-rried +$ril 9, 1*92. Children: None. Career: 1ol0 Lih S>hool, Den!-r0, Te->her,
Selected Publications: (tal22ede 6inger B.lipped %ingsC. 6o$enh-enH +ndr. S>hous
1orl-, 1**1. (pogelser B5hostsC. 6o$enh-enH "yldend-ls0e Aoh-ndel 1orl-, 1***.
(2yer B.loudsC. 6o$enh-enH "yldend-ls0e Aoh-ndel 1orl-, 1*90. &et =orIaettede
-and. 6o$enh-enH Phili$sen, 1*92 BThe romised -and. Tr. by Ks. 5d-r Lu>-s.
LondonH P.K. Den/, 1*9(C. $mmanuel. Tr. by Krs. 5d-r Lu>-s. LondonH P.K. Den/,
1*9(. -y22e@er B-uc2y eterC. 6o$enh-enH De/ Nordis0e 1orl-, 1*9*:190).
JIobenhavn Jristiania. 6o$enh-enH "yldend-ls0e Aoh-ndel 1orl-, 190&. &e &odes
Bige BThe Jingdom of the &eadC. 6o$enh-enH "yldend-ls0e
P-e &)
Aoh-ndel, 191&. #and)s /immerig B#an)s /eavenC. 6o$enh-enH Lyldend-l, Nor0is0e
1orl-, 192&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: #asterplots .yclopedia of %orld Authors. Ne# 3or0H
S-le! Press, 19%*, *%2:%'. Ki/>hell, P. /enri2 ontoppidan. Aos/onH T#-yne, 19*).
Co$$entary: Lenri0 Pon/o$$id-n re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for his $rofuse
des>ri$/ions of D-nish life of /od-yZ -nd is re>onized -s /he >l-ssi> D-nish no8elis/,
es$e>i-lly for his /riloy of The romised -and, #hi>h de-l/ #i/h D-nish life in /he
>oun/ryside; -uc2y eter, #hi>h /re-/ed D-nish life in 6o$enh-en; -nd The Jingdom of
the &ead, - $essi!is/i> so>i-l no8el of D-nish life in /he e-rly /#en/ie/h >en/ury.
Aeinnin -s - n-/ur-lis/, he ended -s - $hiloso$hi>-l -nd $sy>holoi>-l no8elis/
se-r>hin for endurin 8-lues. B6.2.L.C
8arlfeldt5 "rik 0/el 199
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 191* BrefusedC; Li/er-/ure, 19'1 ;S55 251< B$os/hu!ousC. Born: Puly
20, 1*(); 1ol0-rn-, S#eden. Death: +$ril *, 19'1; S/o>0hol!, S#eden. Parents:
1-/her, 5ri0 5ri0son P-nson; Ko/her, +nn- S/in- P-nsdo//er. Nationality: S#edish.
Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden, li>en/i-/e, 1*9*. Spouse:
"erd- Lol!ber, !-rried 191(. Children: 2 d-uh/ers. Career: DMurshol! "r-!!-r
S>hool, Te->her, 1*9':9(; S/o>0hol!, S#eden, Ne#s$-$er 2e$or/er, 1*9(:9*; 2oy-l
Libr-ry, S/o>0hol!, S#eden, Libr-ri-n, 1*9*:190'; +ri>ul/ur-l +>-de!y, S#eden,
Libr-ri-n, 190':0%.
Selected Publications: 6idmar2s och Jarle2visor. S/o>0hol!H P. Seli!-n, 190(. =lora
och omona. S/o>0hol!H W-hls/ro! Y Wids/r-nd, 190(. =ridolins 6isor och Andra
&i2ter. S/o>0hol!H W-hls/ro! Y Wids/r-nd, 191). =lora och 8ellonaN &i2ter.
S/o>0hol!H W-hls/ro! Y Wids/r-nd, 191*. /osthornN &i2ter. S/o>0hol!H W-hls/ro! Y
Wids/r-nd, 192&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .olumbia &ictionary of #odern $uropean -iterature. Ne#
3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 19)&, )'(:'&. "us/-fson, +lri0. A /istory of (0edish
-iterature. Kinne-$olis, KNH Ini8. of Kinneso/- Press, 19(1. T0entieth .entury
Authors. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19)2, &)(.
Co$$entary: 5ri0 N-rlfeld/ #on /he $rize in 191*, bu/ refused i/, ins/e-d de8o/in
hi!self /o /he -ff-irs of /he +>-de!y -s !e!ber -nd se>re/-ry fro! 190) un/il his
de-/h. Le #-s -#-rded - se>ond $rize $os/hu!ously in 19'1 for his body of $oe/ry. The
$resen/-/ion /-l0ed -bou/ re$resen/in \ p our >h-r->/er #i/h - s/yle -nd - enuineness
/h-/ #e should li0e /o be ours p Z -nd -bou/ sinin OO p #i/h sinul-r $o#er -nd
e@Guisi/e >h-r! of /he /r-di/ion of our $eo$lep. Z BP.N.C
-pitteler5 %arl riedrich 6eor& Deli/ Tande2E 200
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 1919. Born: +$ril 2), 1*)%; Lies/h-l, S#i/zerl-nd. Death: De>e!ber
2*, 192); Lu>erne, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 6-rl S$i//eler; Ko/her, +nn- Doro/he-
Arodbe>0. Nationality: S#iss. Religion: 2eMe>/ed do>/rine; fro! Pro/es/-n/ b->0round.
Education: Ini8. of A-sel, S#i/zerl-nd, /heoloy deree, 1*&0. Spouse: K-rie Oden
Looff, !-rried 1**'. Children: 2 d-uh/ers. Career: S-in/ Pe/ersbur, 2ussi-, Pri8-/e
Tu/or, 1*&1:&9; Neu8e8ille S>hools, Aerne, S#i/zerl-nd, Te->her, 1**1:*%; 5ren*post,
A-sel, S#i/zerl-nd, 2e$or/er, 1**%:*(; 'eue !urcher !eitung, 2e$or/er, 1*90:92.
Selected Publications: -achende %ahrheiten. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH 5. Diederi>hs, 1*9*
B-aughing Truths. Tr. by P-!es 1. Kuirhe-d. Ne# 3or0H ".P. Pu/n-!9s Sons, 192&C. &er
Olympischer =r3hling BOlympian (pringC. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH 5. Diederi>hs, 1900:0%.
5loc2enlieder B8ell (ongsC. Pen-, "er!-nyH 5. Diederi>hs, 190(. <mago. Pen-,
"er!-nyH 5. Diederi>hs, 190(. rometheus und $pimetheus. Pen-, "er!-nyH 5.
Diederi>hs, 190( Brometheus and $pimetheus. Tr. by P-!es 1. Kuirhe-d. Ne# 3or0H
S>ribner9s, 19'1C. &ie #adchenfeinde. Pen-, "er!-nyH 5. Diederi>hs, 190& BT0o -ittle
#isogynists. Tr. by K!e. l- Si>o!/esse Le 2oGue//e-Auisson. Ne# 3or0H L. Lold,
1922C. #eine =ruhesten $rlebnisse B#y $arliest $xperiencesC. Pen-, "er!-nyH 5.
Diederi>hs, 191). rometheus der &ulder. Pen-, "er!-nyH 5. Diederi>hs, 192).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aoes>he, +. The -ife and %or2s of .arl (pitteler. +lb-ny,
N3H P.A. Lyon, 191':1). \6-rl S$i//eler.Z The -ondon #ercury 1( B192&CH %':(1.
.olumbia &ictionary of #odern $uropean -iterature. Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press,
19)&, &&%:&(.
Co$$entary: 6-rl S$i//eler #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \in s$e>i-l -$$re>i-/ion of his
e$i>, Olympischer =r3hling.Z ?/ #-s >o!$-red /o /he #ri/ins of Lo!er -nd /o =aust by
/he $resen/er. S$i//eler9s #or0 is no/-ble for i/s blend of ide-lis/i> ho$e in /he indi8idu-l
-nd $essi!is/i> 8ie# of /he #orld -s - #hole. B6.6. -nd P.L.S.C
1a2s!n5 8n!t D1a2s!nd5 8n!d PedersenE 201
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 1920. Born: +uus/ ), 1*%9; Lo!, Nor#-y. Death: 1ebru-ry 19,
19%2; NUrhol!en, Nor#-y. Parents: 1-/her, Peder Pedersen L-!sund; Ko/her, Tor-
Olsd-//er "-r!os/r-ee/ L-!sund. Nationality: Nor#ei-n. Religion: 2eMe>/ed
or-nized 6hris/i-ni/y; fro! Lu/her-n b->0round. Education: No >ollee derees.
Spouse: AerlMo/ Ae>0, !-rried 1*9*, di8or>ed 190(; K-rie +ndersen, !-rried 190*.
Children: Si>/ori-, d-uh/er; +rild, son; Tore, son; 5llinor, d-uh/er; 6e>ili-, d-uh/er.
Career: World Tr-8eler e-rly in life; 1-r!er -nd Wri/er in -dul/ life. Other Awards:
"oe/he Prize, 19') B->>e$/ed !ed-l, refused !oneyC.
Selected Publications: (ult. 6o$enh-enH PUrensen, 1*90 B/unger. Tr. by "eore
5er/on. LondonH S!i/hers, 1*99C. an. 6o$enh-enH Phili$sen, 1*9) Ban. Tr. by W.W.
Wors/er. LondonH "yldend-l, 1920C. 6ictoria, en Jaerligheds /istorie. Nris/i-ni-H
6-!!er!eyer, 1*9* B6ictoria> A -ove (tory. Tr. by Oli8er S/-llybr-ss. Ne# 3or0H
1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 19(9C. #ar2ens 5rKde. Nris/i-ni-H "yldend-l, 1920 B5ro0th of
the (oil. Tr. by W.W. Wors/er. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 192'C. -andstry2ere. OsloH "yldend-l,
192& B%ayfarers. Tr. by P-!es K>1-rl-ne. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 19*0C.
August. OsloH "yldend-l, 19'0 BAugust. Tr. by 5uene "-y-Tiff/. Ne# 3or0H
6o#-rdK>6-nn, 19'1C. #en livet lever. OsloH "yldend-l, 19'' BThe Boad -eads On. Tr.
by 5uene "-y-Tiff/. Ne# 3or0H 6o#-rd-K>6-nn, 19')C.
P-e &%
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Au//ry, Dolores. \Nnu/ L-!sunH + S>-ndin-8i-n
2ousse-u.Z Ph.D. diss. Ini8. of ?llinois -/ Irb-n--6h-!$-in, 19&*. 1eruson, 2ober/.
$nigma> The -ife of Jnut /amsun. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 19*&. Os/by,
+r8id. Jnut /amsun> $n bibliografi. OsloH "yldend-l, 19&2. N-ess, L-r-ld. Jnut
/amsun. Aos/onH T#-yne, 19*). aa gIengrodde stier. OsloH "yldend-l, 19)9
BKe!oirsC BOn Overgro0n aths. Tr. by 6-rl L. +nderson. Ne# 3or0H P-ul 5ri>0sson,
Co$$entary: Nnu/ L-!sun re>ei8ed /he Nobel +#-rd \for his !onu!en/-l #or0,
5ro0th of the (oil,Z #hi>h de$i>/ed -n -r>he/y$-l $ioneer f-r!er, /he lo8e of n-/ure, -nd
/he si!$le life. Lis ou/$u/ of $oe/ry, shor/ s/ories, -nd no8els refle>/s his de8elo$!en/
fro! - res/less 8--bond /o f-r!er -nd f-!ily !-n. Ae>-use of his re8eren>e for
e8ery/hin "er!-n, his >oun/ry!en9s -d!ir-/ion for hi! >ooled -f/er /he N-zi
o>>u$-/ion of Nor#-y. Le re!-ins !ore res$e>/ed -bro-d /h-n in his ho!e >oun/ry.
rance5 0natole DThiba!lt5 <acJ!es 0natoleranFoisE 202
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 1921. Born: +$ril 1(, 1*)); P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death: O>/ober 12, 192);
L- Ae>h_llerie, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, 1r-naois-Nol Thib-ul/; Ko/her, +n/oine//e
"-ll-s Thib-ul/. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: \Neo-$--nZ; fro! 6-/holi>
b->0round. Education: 6oll`e S/-nisl-s, 1r-n>e, b->>-l-ur_-/, 1*(). Spouse: K-rie-
S-l_rie "u_rin de S-u8ille, !-rried +$ril 2*, 1*&&, di8or>ed +uus/ ', 1*9'; Leon/ine
+r!-n de 6-ill-8e/, li8ed #i/h, 1***:1910; K-rieL_lose L-$r_8o//e, !-rried 1920.
Children: Suz-nne, d-uh/er. Career: Aiblio/h_Gue du S_n-/, Libr-ri-n, 1*&(:90;
1r-n>e, 1ree-l-n>e Pourn-lis/, 1*(2:&&; -e Temps, 5di/or, 1***.
Selected Publications: -e .rime de (ylvestre 8onnard, membre de l)<nstitute. P-risH
6-l!-nn-L_8y, 1**1 B.rime of (ylvester 8onnard. Tr. by L-f>-dio Le-rn. Ne# 3or0H
Dodd-Ke-d, 191*C. Thais. P-risH 6-l!-nn-L_8y, 1*90 BThais. Tr. by 2ober/ Doul-s.
Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 1929C. -)ltui de 'acre. P-risH 6-l!-nn-L_8y, 1*92 BThe #other
of earl. Tr. by 1rederi> 6h-$!-n. LondonH Pohn L-ne, 190*C. -a Botisserie de la Beine
edau4ue. P-risH 6-l!-nn-L_8y, 1*9' BAt the (ign of the Beine edau4ue. Tr. by
Wilfred P->0son, LondonH Pohn L-ne, 1912C. -e -ys Bouge. P-risH 6-l!-nn-L_8y, 1*99
BThe Bed -ily. Tr. by Wilfred S/e$hens. LondonH Pohn L-ne 6o!$-ny, 1912C. (ur la
iLrre 8lanche. P-risH 6-l!-nn-L_8y, > 1900 BThe %hite (tone. Tr. by 6h-rles 5.
2o>he. LondonH Pohn L-ne, 1909:2'C. -)mle des in4ouins. P-risH 6-l!-nn-L_8y, 190*
Ben4uin <sland. Tr. by +.W. 58-ns. Ne# 3or0H "rosse/ Y Dunl-$, 1909C. -es &ieux ont
(oif. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n; P-risH 6-l!-nnL_8y, 1912 BThe 5ods are Athirst. Tr. by
+lfred +llison. LondonH Pohn L-ne, 191'C. -a Bevolte des Anges. P-risH 6-l!-nn-L_8y,
191) BThe Bevolt of the Angels. Tr. by Krs. Wilfred P->0son. Ne# 3or0H Pohn L-ne,
191)C. /istoire .ontDmporaine. P-risH 6-l!-nn-L_8y, 1920:21. -a 6ie en =leur. P-risH
6-l!-nn-L_8y, 1922 BThe 8loom of -ife. Tr. by P-!es Le#is K-y. Ne# 3or0H Dodd,
Ke-d Y 6o., n.d.C. %or2s of Anatole =rance in $nglish Translation. 5d. by 1rederi>
6h-$!-n. '9 8olu!es. Ne# 3or0H Pohn L-ne 6o., 192*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +@elr-d, P->ob. Anatole =rance> A -ife %ithout <llusions,
1;GG+19,G. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er, 19)). D-r-n, 5d#in Pres/on. Anatole =rance F1;GG+
1;96H. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press, 19'&. Pefferson, 6-r/er. Anatole =rance> The
olitics of (2epticism. Ne# Aruns#i>0, NPH 2u/ers Ini8. Press, 19(%. S-reil, Pe-n.
Anatole =rance et 6oltaire. "ene8-H Droz, 19(1. Tylden-Wrih/, D-8id. Anatole =rance.
Ne# 3or0H W-l0er Y 6o., 19(&. Sir/-nen, 2eino. Anatole =rance. Ne# 3or0H T#-yne,
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o +n-/ole 1r-n>e #-s i8en \in re>oni/ion of his s$lendid
->/i8i/y -s -n -u/hor=-n ->/i8i/y !-r0ed by noble s/yle, l-re he-r/ed hu!-ni/y, >h-r!
-nd 1ren>h s$iri/.Z This ->/i8i/y >o8ered - s$-n of !ore /h-n fi8e de>-des, fro!
$ubli>-/ion of his firs/ boo0, Alfred de 6igny, in 1*(*, /o -a 6ie en =leur, in 1922.
Durin /his $eriod 1r-n>e l-bored -s no8elis/, >ri/i>, re8ie#er, ess-yis/, -nd edi/or. ?n
/his di8erse #or0 he dis$l-yed - ri>h erudi/ion, - sub/le irony, -nd - >ons/-n/ s/r-in of
s0e$/i>is!. Ay /he end of /he 1*90s, he #-s /he le-din 1ren>h li/er-ry fiure. Wi/hin -
fe# ye-rs -f/er his de-/h, ho#e8er, /here #-s - re->/ion --ins/ his #or0=$-r/ly li/er-ry,
$-r/ly $oli/i>-l=fro! #hi>h his re$u/-/ion h-s ne8er re>o8ered. +s one s>hol-r $u/s i/H
Le OOoffers -n in/eres/in >-se of re-/ f-!e follo#ed by -bru$/ de>line.Z B".N.C
+ena>ente $ ,artinez5 <acinto 203
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 1922. Born: +uus/ 12, 1*((; K-drid, S$-in. Death: Puly 1), 19%);
K-drid, S$-in. Parents: 1-/her, K-ri-no Aen-8en/e y "onzles; Ko/her, Sen-n>i-
K-r/inez. Nationality: S$-nish. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: No >ollee derees.
Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: Wri/er, 5di/or, The-/ri>-l Wor0er. Other
Awards: "r-n 6ruz de +l$honso 4???, S$-in, 192'.
Selected Publications: $l 'ido AIeno BThe <ntruderC. BPre!iered O>/ober (, 1*9)C. -a
'oche del (abado. A-r>elon-H 5di/ori-l 6isne, 190' B(aturday 'ight. Tr. by Pohn "-rre//
Inderhill. Aos/onH 2.". A-der, 191*C. -os <ntereses .reados B8onds of <nterestC.
BPre!iered De>e!ber 9, 190&C. ?n -os <ntereses .reados. K-dridH +n-y-, 19(%, %:2*.
(enora Ama BThe -ady of the /ouseC. BPre!iered 1ebru-ry 22, 190*C. -a =uer*a 8rutta.
A-r>elon-H Te-/r-li-, 1909 B8rute =orce. Tr. by Pohn "-rre// Inderhill. Ne# 3or0H S.
1ren>h, 19'%C. $l rincipe ?ue Todo -o Aprendio en -os -ibros. S-n Pu-nH 5di/ori-l
Teres- K-r/inez, 1909 BThe rince %ho -earned $verything Out of 8oo2s. Tr. by Pohn
"-rre// Inderhill. Aos/onH 2.". A-der, 1919C. -a #al4uerida BThe <ll@8elovedC.
BPre!iered De>e!ber 12, 191'C. epa &oncel B&on 7uan)s (ervantC. K-dridH Lern-ndo,
192*. -a /onrade* de la .erradura BThe (ecret of the JeyholeC. Auenos +iresH 5s$-s--
6-l$e +ren/in-, 19)'. (u Amante $sposa BAn $nchanted /ourC. K-dridH +uil-r, 19%1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: $ncyclopedia of %orld -iterature. 5nle#ood 6liffs, NPH
S-le! Press, 19%* BSolu!e 1C, 11&:1*. Penuel-s, K-r>elino. 7acinto 8enavente. Tr. by
N-y 5nler. Ne# 3or0H T#-yne, 19(*. S/-r0ie, W-l/er. 7acinto 8enavente. Ne# 3or0H L.
Kilford, 19*2.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o P->in/o Aen-8en/e y K-r/inez for \/he
/-len/ /h-/ he h-s sho#n, -s - >on/inu-/or of /he illus/rious /r-di/ions of S$-nish dr-!-.Z
P-e &(
5ss-yis/ -nd li/er-ry >ri/i>, Aen-8en/e is bes/ re!e!bered for his /he-/re, /hrouhou/
#hi>h /he /he!e of lo8e is !os/ i!$or/-n/. ?n his 8-s/ -nd $rodu>/i8e li/er-ry life, his
$reo>>u$-/ion #-s /o sho# /h-/ lo8e #-s /he defini/i8e -nd >er/-in #-y /o re->h sin>ere
0indness, /ru/h, -nd Mus/i>e. Lis bes/ -nd !os/ $o$ul-r $l-ys, The 8onds of <nterest
B190&C, The -ady of the /ouse B190*C, -nd The assion =lo0er B191'C, -//es/ /o /his
o-l. B1.2.P.C
9eats5 Willia2 +!tler 20?
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 192'. Born: Pune 1', 1*(%; Dublin, ?rel-nd. Death: P-nu-ry 2*, 19'9;
6-$ K-r/in, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn Au/ler 3e-/s; Ko/her, Sus-n Polle@fen 3e-/s.
Nationality: ?rish. Religion: +n/i-reliious; fro! Pro/es/-n/ B6hur>h of ?rel-ndC
b->0round. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: "eorie Lyde-Lees, !-rried
O>/ober 21, 191&. Children: +nn Au/ler, d-uh/er; Ki>h-el, son. Career: 8eltaine,
5di/or, 1*99:1900; (amhain, 5di/or, 1901:0*; The Arro0, 5di/or, 190*:09; +bbey
The-/re, Dublin, ?rel-nd, Dire>/or, 190):'9. Other Awards: 2oy-l +>-de!y Prize,
1*99; Nnih/hood, 191% BrefusedC.
Selected Publications: The .eltic T0ilight. #en and %omen, 5houls and =aeries.
LondonH L-#ren>e -nd Aullen, 1*9'. The %ind among the Beeds. LondonH Pohn L-ne,
1*99. The .ollected %or2s. * 8olu!es. LondonH 6h-$!-n Y L-ll, 190*.
Besponsibilities, and Other oems. LondonH K->!ill-n -nd 6o., 191(. $ssays. LondonH
K->!ill-n -nd 6o., 192). The To0er. LondonH K->!ill-n -nd 6o., 192*. The %inding
(tair. Ne# 3or0H The 1ound-/ion Press, 1929. The .ollected oems. LondonH K->!ill-n
-nd 6o., 19''. The .ollected lays. LondonH K->!ill-n -nd 6o., 19'). -ast oems and
lays. LondonH K->!ill-n -nd 6o., 19)0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6o#ell, 2-y!ond. %.8. 1eats. Ne# 3or0H +r>o, 19&0.
Donohue, D. %illiam 8utler 1eats. Ne# 3or0H 5>>o, 19*9. 5ll!-n, 2i>h-rd. 1eats> The
#an and the #as2s. Ne# 3or0H Nor/on, 19)*. Peff-res, +le@-nder. %.8. 1eats> #an and
oet. Ne# 3or0H A-rnes -nd Noble, 19((. 2onsley, P. 1eats) Autobiography> -ife as a
(ymbolic attern. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19(*. %. 8. 1eats. Ne# 3or0H
S/. K-r/in9s Press, 199%.
Co$$entary: Willi-! Au/ler 3e-/s re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for his >onsis/en/ly
e!o/ion-l $oe/ry, #hi>h in /he s/ri>/es/ -r/is/i> for! e@$resses - $eo$le9s s$iri/.Z Le
#en/ on /o be>o!e #h-/ !-ny >ri/i>s >onsider /he !os/ i!$or/-n/ $oe/ of /he /#en/ie/h
>en/ury, in/er-/in in/o his $oe/ry -nd $l-ys lifelon >on>erns #i/h /heoso$hy,
sy!bolis!, ?rish fol0lore, /he ?rish >-use, -nd o>>ul/is!. Lis >on/ribu/ions e@/ended /o
de8elo$!en/ of /he -r/s -nd /o $erson-l in8ol8e!en/ in /he $oli/i>s of /he ?rish >-use.
4e$2ont5 Wlad$sla) -tanisla) D4eK2ent5 Wlad$sla) -tanisla)E 20@
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 192). Born: K-y &, 1*(&; Nobiele Weil0ie, Pol-nd. Death: De>e!ber
%, 192%; W-rs-#, Pol-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pozef 2eM!en/; Ko/her, +n/oni- Nu$>yns0-
2eM!en/. Nationality: Polish. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: No >ollee derees.
Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: Wri/er.
Selected Publications: The .ommedienne. Tr. by 5d!und Obe>ny. Ne# 3or0H ".P.
Pu/!-n9s Sons, 1920. The easants. Tr. by Ki>h-el L. Dzie#i>0i. ) 8olu!es. Ne#
3or0H Nno$f, 192):2%. The romised -and. Tr. by Ki>h-el L. Dzie#i>0i. 2 8olu!es.
Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 192&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .olumbia &ictionary of #odern $uropean -iterature. Ne#
3or0H 6olu!bi- Press, 19)&, (&1:&2. Nrzyz-no#s0i, Perzy N. %ladysla0 (tanisla0
Beymont. Ne# 3or0H T#-yne, 19&2.
Co$$entary: Wl-dysl-# 2ey!on/ re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for his re-/ n-/ion-l e$i>,
The easants,Z #hi>h des>ribed in i!-in-/i8e for! /he rur-l life -nd l-nds>-$e of
Pol-nd. Lis e-rly #or0 #-s n-/ur-lis/i> -nd r-du-lly de8elo$ed in/o /he blend of
re-lis! -nd sy!bolis! /h-/ >h-r->/erized The easants -nd l-/er #or0. BP.L.S.C
-ha)5 6eor&e +ernard 20A
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 192%. Born: Puly 2(, 1*%(; Dublin, ?rel-nd. Death: No8e!ber 2,
19%0; Ler/fordshire, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, "eore 6-rr Sh-#; Ko/her, 5liz-be/h
"urly Sh-#. Nationality: ?rish. Religion: +n/ifund-!en/-lis/; fro! 6hris/i-n
b->0round. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: 6h-rlo//e P-yne-To#nshend,
!-rried 1*9*. Children: None. Career: 5dison Tele$hone 6o!$-ny, London, 5nl-nd,
6ler0, 1*&9:*0; (tar, 6ri/i>, 1***:90; The %orld, 6ri/i>, 1*90:9); (aturday Bevie0,
6ri/i>, 1*9%:9*; Wri/er. Other Awards: Order of Keri/ BrefusedC.
Selected Publications: %ido0ers) /ouses> A .omedy. LondonH Lenry, 1*9'. The &evil)s
&isciple> A #elodrama in Three Acts. LondonH "r-n/ 2i>h-rds, 1901. #rs. %arren)s
rofession> A lay in =our Acts. LondonH "r-n/ 2i>h-rds, 1902. #an and (uperman.
6-!bride, K+H The Ini8ersi/y Press, 190'. Arms and the #an> A leasant lay. Ne#
3or0H Aren/-no9s, 190%. .aesar and .leopatra> A /istory. LondonH 6ons/-ble, 190%.
.andida> A #ystery. LondonH 6ons/-ble, 190%. The hilanderer> An :npleasant lay.
Ne# 3or0H Aren/-no9s, 190%. .aptain 8rassbound)s .onversion> An Adventure. LondonH
6ons/-ble, 190(. #aIor 8arbara. Ne# 3or0H Aren/-no9s, 190&. The &octor)s &ilemma.
Ne# 3or0H Aren/-no9s, 1911. ygmalion> A lay in =ive Acts. LondonH 6ons/-ble, 1912.
/eartbrea2 /ouse. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH T-u>hni/z, 1921. 8ac2 to #ethuselah> A
#etabiological entateuch. LondonH 6ons/-ble, 1921. The Apple .art> A olitical
$xtravagan*a. LondonH 6ons/-ble, 19'0. The olitical #adhouse in America and
'earer /ome> A -ecture. LondonH 6ons/-ble, 19''.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6h-$$elo#, +ll-n. (ha0 the 6illager and /uman 8eing> A
8iographical (ymposium. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19(2. 5.8. (ha0> An Annotated
8ibliograpy of %ritings about /im. P.P. We-rin, ed. De N-lb, ?LH Nor/hern ?llinois
Ini8. Press, 19*(:*&. L-rris, 1r-n0. 8ernard (ha0. "-rden 6i/y, N3H "-rden 6i/y
Publishin 6o!$-ny, ?n>., 19'1. Lenderson, +r>hib-ld. 5eorge 8ernard (ha0> #an of
the .entury. Ne# 3or0H +$$le/on6en/ury 6rof/s, 19%(. Lolroyd, K. 8ernard (ha0. Ne#
3or0H 2-ndo! Louse, 19**:92.
Co$$entary: "eore Aern-rd Sh-# #-s /he Nobel re>i$ien/ \for his #or0 #hi>h is
!-r0ed by bo/h ide-lis! -nd hu!-ni/y, i/s s/i!ul-/in s-/ire of/en bein infused #i/h -
sinul-r $oe/i> be-u/y.99 Sh-#9s #ri/ins o#ed !u>h /o his
P-e &&
lifelon es$ous-l of so>i-lis! -nd his i!$ressi8e 0no#lede of !usi>, dr-!-,
$hiloso$hy, -nd bioloy. Le #-s no/ only - re-/ $l-y#rih/, bu/ - brilli-n/ !usi> -nd
dr-!- >ri/i>, - no/ed ess-yis/, -nd - no8elis/ of so!e re$u/e. BP.L. -nd P.L.S.C
(eledda5 6razia D,adesani5 6raziaE 20B
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 192(. Born: Se$/e!ber 2&, 1*&1; Nuoro, S-rdini-, ?/-ly. Death:
+uus/ 1(, 19'(; 6er8i-, ?/-ly. Parents: 1-/her, "io8-n/onio Deledd-; Ko/her,
6hris>ed- 6-!bosu Deledd-. Nationality: ?/-li-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: No
>ollee derees. Spouse: P-l!iro K-des-ni; !-rried P-nu-ry 11, 1900. Children:
S-rdus, son; 1r-nz, son. Career: Wri/er.
Selected Publications: <l 6ecchio della #ontagna BThe Old #an of the #ountainC.
Kil-nH 1r-/elli Tre8es, 1900. $lias ortolu> Boman*o. Kil-nH 1r-/elli Tre8es, 190'.
.enere> Boman*o. 2o!eH Nuo8- +n/oloi-, 190) BAshes> A (ardinian (tory. Tr. by
Lelen Les/er 6ol8ell. LondonH P. L-ne, 190*C. -)$dera> Boman*o BThe <vyC. 2o!eH
Nuo8- +n/oloi-, 190*. .hiaroscuro> 'ovella B-ight and &ar2C. Kil-nH 1r-/elli Tre8es,
1912. <l =anciulla 'ascosto BThe /idden 8oyC. Kil-nH 1r-/elli Tre8es, 191%. -a #adre>
Boman*o. Kil-nH 1r-/elli Tre8es, 1920 BThe #other. Tr. by K-ry ". S/ee!-nn. Ne#
3or0H K->!ill-n, 192*C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A-ldu>>i, 6-rolyn. A (elf#ade %oman. Aos/onH Louh/on-
Kifflin, 19&%. Kundul-, Ker>ede. 5ra*ia &eledda. 2o!eH +.1. 1orniini, 1929.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y re>onized "r-zi- Deledd- \for her ide-lis/i>-lly ins$ired
#ri/ins #hi>h #i/h $l-s/i> >l-ri/y $i>/ure /he life on her n-/i8e isl-nd -nd #i/h de$/h
-nd sy!$-/hy de-l #i/h hu!-n $roble!s in ener-l.Z Deledd-9s e-rlier !-/eri-l
re8ol8ed -round /he life -nd /he >us/o!s of S-rdini-, #i/h /he!e - less i!$or/-n/ $-r/ of
/he #ri/in. "r-du-lly, -nd !ore $o#erfully in her l-/er #or0s, her only !ess-e
=\e8ery/hin is h-/red, blood -nd $-in; bu/, $erh-$s, e8ery/hin #ill be >onGuered one
d-y by !e-ns of lo8e -nd ood #illZ=e!eres in her #ri/ins. BP.L.S.C
+er&son5 1enri #o!is 20C
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 192&. Born: O>/ober 1*, 1*%9; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death: P-nu-ry ), 19)1;
P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, S-rso8ie Ki>h-el Aerson; Ko/her, N-/h-rine Le8inson
Aerson. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: ]>ole Nor!-le Su$_rieure,
1r-n>e, Li>en>i_ _s Le//res, 1**1; Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, Do>/eur-_s-Le//res, 1**9.
Spouse: Louise Neuburer, !-rried 1*91. Children: Pe-nne Aerson, d-uh/er. Career:
Ly>_e of +ners, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1**1:*'; Ly>_e of 6ler!on/-1err-nd, 1r-n>e,
Professor, 1**':**; 6ollee 2ollin -nd Ly>_e Lenry ?S, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1***:9*;
]>ole Nor!-le Su$_rieure, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1*9*:1900; 6oll`e de 1r-n>e, Professor,
1900:1*. Other Awards: Ni>hol-s Kurr-y Au/ler "old Ked-l, 19)0.
Selected Publications: $ssai (ur les &onnDes <mmDdiates de la .onscience. P-risH 1_li@
+l>-n, 1**9 BTime and =ree %ill> An $ssay on the <mmediate &ata of .onsciousness. Tr.
by 1.L. Poson. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 1910C. #atiDre et #Dmoire> $ssai (ur la
Belation du .orps Avec -)(pirit. P-risH 1_li@ +l>-n, 1*9( B#atter and #emory. Tr. by
N-n>y P-ul -nd W. S>o// P-l!er. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 1911C. -e Bire> $ssai (ur la
(ignification du .omi4ue. P-risH 1_li@ +l>-n, 1900 B-aughter> An $ssay on the #eaning
of the .omic. Tr. by 6loudesly Arere/on -nd 1red 2o/h#ell. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n,
1911C. OO?n/rodu>/ion l- K_/-$hysiGue.Z Bevue de #Dtaphysi4ue et de #orale B29
P-n8ier 190'CH 1:'(. -)$volution .reatrice. P-risH 1_li@ +l>-n, 190& B.reative
$volution. Tr. by +r/hur Ki/>hell. Ne# 3or0H Lol/ -nd 6o., 1911C. -)$nergie (pirituelle.
P-risH 1_li@ +l>-n, 1919 B#ind $nergy, -ectures and $ssays. Tr. by L. Wildon 6-rr.
LondonH K->!ill-n -nd 6o., 1920C. &urDe et (imultaneite. P-risH 1_li@ +l>-n, 1922
B&uration and (imultaneity, 0ith Beference to $instein)s Theory. Tr. by Leon P->obson.
Ne# 3or0H Aobbs-Kerrill, 19((C. -es &eux (ources de la #orale et de la Beligion.
P-risH 1_li@ +l>-n, 19'2 BThe T0o (ources of #orality and Beligion. Tr. by +shley
+ndr-, 6loudesly Arere/on, -nd W. Lorsf-l 6-r/er. LondonH K->!ill-n -nd 6o., 19'%C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +le@-nder, ?-n W. 8ergson, hilosopher of Beflection. Ne#
3or0H Lill-ry Louse, 19%&. "un/er, Pe/e +.3., ed. /enri 8ergson> A 8ibliography.
Ao#lin "reen, OLH Ao#lin "reen S/-/e Ini8., 19*(. Le2oy, 5dou-rd. The 'e0
hilosophy of /enri 8ergson. Ne# 3or0H Lol/, 191'.
Co$$entary: +l/houh Lenri Aerson9s Nobel Prize h-s been lin0ed in /he $ubli> !ind
#i/h his !-s/er#or0 .reative $volution, /he $rize #-s -#-rded hi! for /he full s>o$e of
his #ri/ins, #hi>h $ro8ided - foru! for ne# ide-s in -es/he/i>s, $sy>holoy, bioloy,
-nd $hiloso$hy. The >i/-/ion re-d \in re>oni/ion of his ri>h -nd 8i/-lizin ide-s -nd /he
brilli-n/ s0ill #i/h #hi>h /hey -re $resen/ed.Z ?n /he firs/ /hree de>-des of /he /#en/ie/h
>en/ury, Aerson9s boo0s, /r-nsl-/ed in/o !ore /h-n 20 l-nu-es, e@/ended his influen>e
/hrouhou/ /he #orld. BP.+.".C
*ndset5 -i&rid 209
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 192*. Born: K-y 20, 1**2; N-lundbor, Den!-r0. Death: Pune 10,
19)9; Lilleh-!!er, Nor#-y. Parents: 1-/her, ?n8-ld K-r/in Indse/; Ko/her, +nn-
6h-rlo//e "y/h Indse/. Nationality: D-nish; l-/er Nor#ei-n >i/izen. Religion:
6-/holi>; fro! Lu/her-n b->0round. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: +nders
6-s/us S8-rs/-d, !-rried 1912, di8or>ed 192%. Children: +nders, son; K-ren 6h-rlo//e,
d-uh/er; L-ns, son. Career: Se>re/-ry, 1*9*:1909; Wri/er. Other Awards: "r-nd 6ross
of /he Order of S/. Ol-f, Nor#-y, 19)&.
Selected Publications: 6iga -Iot og 6igdis> Boman. Ol/en, Den!-r0H W-l/er, 1909
B5unnar)s &aughter. Tr. by +r/hur ". 6h-/er. LondonH 6-ssell, 19'1C. 6aaren B(pringC.
OsloH L. +s>hehou, 191). Jristin -avansdatter. ' 8olu!es. OsloH L. +s>hehou, 1920:
22. =ru #arta Oulie. OsloH L. +s>hehou, 1921. Olav Audunsson> /estvi2en. 2
8olu!es. OsloH L. +s>hehou, 192%. Olav Audunsson og /ans 8nrn. OsloH L.
+s>hehou, 192&. 5ymnadenia. OsloH L. +s>hehou, 1929 BThe %ild Orchid. Tr. by
+r/hur ". 6h-/er. Ne# 3or0H +lfred +. Nno$f, 19'1C. &en 8raendende 8us2. OsloH L.
+s>hehou, 19'0 BThe 8urning 8ush. Tr. by
P-e &*
+r/hur ". 6h-/er. LondonH 6-ssell, 19'2C. o``ZpZVW. OsloH L. +s>hehou, 19') BThe
-ongest 1ears. Tr. by +r/hur ". 6h-/er. Ne# 3or0H +.+. Nno$f, 19'%C. #adam &orthe.
1r-n0fur/ -! K-inH Au>herilde, 19'9 B#adam &orothea. Tr. by +r/hur ". 6h-/er. 2
8olu!es. Ne# 3or0H +.+. Nno$f, 19)0C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A-yers>h!id/, 6-rl. (igrid :ndset. Ne# 3or0H T#-yne
Publishers, 19&0. Arund-le, K. (igrid :ndset. Ne# 3or0H S/. K-r/in9s Press, 19**.
$ncyclopedia of %orld -iterature in the ,0th .entury. Ne# 3or0H In-r Publishin,
19&1 BSolu!e 'C, )%1:%2.
Co$$entary: Sirid Indse/9s $rize #-s -#-rded \!-inly in 8ie# of her s$lendid
des>ri$/ions of S>-ndin-8i-n life in /he Kiddle +es.Z Ler e-rly no8els de-l/ #i/h /he
$roble!s of youn #o!en in - !-n9s #orld loo0in for !e-nin in life. Ler
$sy>holoi>-l insih/s -nd reliious >on8i>/ions #ere /hen /urned /o /he #ri/in of /he
his/ori>-l s--s >i/ed by /he 6o!!i//ee. Throuhou/ her #ri/in >-reer, Indse/
>on/inued /o e@$lore #o!en9s role -nd /he ero/i> life. BP.L.S.C
,ann5 Pa!l Tho2as 210
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 1929. Born: Pune (, 1*&%; LRbe>0, "er!-ny. Death: +uus/ 12, 19%%;
JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Poh-nn Leinri>h K-nn; Ko/her, Puli- d-
Sil8-Aruhns K-nn. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er 6ze>hoslo8-0i-n -nd +!eri>-n >i/izen.
Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: N-/M- Prinshei!,
!-rried 190%. Children: 5ri0- Puli- Led#i, d-uh/er; Koni0-, d-uh/er; 5lis-be/h
Seroni0-, d-uh/er; Nl-us Leinri>h, son; +nelus "o//fried, son; Ki>h-el Tho!-s, son.
Career: Wri/er. Other Awards: Prussi-n +>-de!y of +r/s, 192(; Ked-l of Ser8i>e,
+!eri>-n +>-de!y of +r/s -nd Le//ers, 19)9; "oe/he Prize, 1r-n0fur/, "er!-ny, 19)9;
"oe/he Prize, Wei!-r, "er!-ny, 19)9; Pe-sus Ked-llion, +!eri>-n +>-de!y of +r/
-nd Li/er-/ure, 19%0; +n/onio 1el/rinelli Prize, +>-de!i- N-zion-le dei Lin>ei, 19%2;
6ross of /he Leion of Lonor, 1r-n>e, 19%2.
Selected Publications: 8uddenbroo2s. AerlinH S. 1is>her, 1901. &er Tod in 6enedig.
Kuni>hH Ly$erion Serl- L-ns 8on Weber, 1912 B&eath in 6enice. LondonH K-r/in
Se>0er, 192*C. &er !auberberg. AerlinH S. 1is>her, 192) BThe #agic #ountain. Ne#
3or0H Nno$f, 192&C. 7oseph und (eine 8r3der. AerlinH S. 1is>her, 19'' B7oseph and /is
8rothers. Tr. by L.T. Lo#e-Por/er. Ne# 3or0H +.+. Nno$f, 19')C. &o2tor =austus.
1r-n0fur/H S. 1is>her, 19)& B&octor =austus. Tr. by L.T. Lo#e-Por/er, Ne# 3or0H
Kodern Libr-ry, 19)*C. .onfessions of =elix Jrull, .onfidence #an. Tr. by Den8er
Lindley. Ne# 3or0H Ne# +!eri>-n Libr-ry, 19%&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aerendsohn, W-l/er. Thomas #ann. Ini8ersi/y, +LH Ini8.
of +l-b-!- Press, 19&'. ARrin, L-ns, -nd K-yer, L-ns-O//o. Thomas #ann> A
.hronicle of /is -ife. Tr. by 5uene Dobson. Ini8ersi/y, +LH +l-b-!- Ini8. Press,
19(9. 1euerli>h/, ?n->e. Thomas #ann. Ne# 3or0H T#-yne, 19(*. L-y!-n, 2. Thomas
#ann. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 199%.
Co$$entary: When Tho!-s K-nn9s -#-rd >i/ed \his re-/ no8el, 8uddenbroo2s,
#hi>h in /he >ourse of /he ye-rs h-s found re-/er -nd re-/er re>oni/ion -s - >l-ssi>
#or0 of /he $resen/ d-y,Z ne-rly h-lf of his #ri/in >-reer re!-ined before hi! -nd
!-ny of his re-/es/ #or0s h-d no/ ye/ been #ri//en. + s/udy of /he de>line of four
ener-/ions of - "er!-n f-!ily, /he no8el e@$ressed Nie/z>he-n /he!es of /he rif/
be/#een he-l/h -nd #ill on one h-nd, -nd /he -r/is/ -nd sensi/i8i/y on /he o/her. This
/he!e #-s fur/her de8elo$ed in o/her #or0s su>h -s &eath in 6enice. The #agic
#ountain $-r-lleled - youn !-n9s !usins on de-/h #i/h World W-r ? "er!-ny, -s
l-/er &octor =austus found $-r-llels be/#een - $ossessed >o!$oser -nd "er!-ny under
/he N-zis. Poli/i>-l ess-ys o$$osin /he N-zis for>ed hi! /o le-8e "er!-ny in /he 9'0s.
Le -lso #ro/e !-ny ess-ys on li/er-ry fiures. ?n his Nobel ->>e$/-n>e s$ee>h, K-nn
s-id he $u/ /he $rize OO-/ /he fee/ of !y >oun/ry -nd $eo$le p dedi>-/ed /o /he "er!-n
soul,Z -nd /hrouhou/ his e@ile K-nn e@$ressed /h-/ soul -/ i/s bes/, #i/h his lo8e for
f-!ily, in/elle>/u-lis!, s-/iri> ben/, -nd hu!-ni/y. B5.A.C
#e)is5 1arr$ -inclair 211
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19'0. Born: 1ebru-ry &, 1**%; S-u0 6en/re, KN. Death: P-nu-ry 10,
19%1; 2o!e, ?/-ly. Parents: 1-/her, 5!!e/ P. Le#is; Ko/her, 5!!- Ner!o// Le#is.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: +reliious; fro! 6onre-/ion-lis/ b->0round.
Education: 3-le Ini8., 6T, +.A., 190*. Spouse: "r->e Leer, !-rried 191), di8or>ed
192%; Doro/hy Tho!$son, !-rried 192*, di8or>ed 19)2. Children: Wells, son; Ki>h-el,
son. Career: 'e0 /aven F.TH 7ournal and .ourier, (an =rancisco F.AH $vening
8ulletin, 2e$or/er, 190*:10; "eore L. Dor-n 6o., 5di/or, 1910:1). Other Awards:
Puli/zer Prize, 192( BrefusedC.
Selected Publications: #ain (treet. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, Ar->e, 1920. 8abbitt. Ne#
3or0H P.1. 6ollier, 1922. Arro0smith. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, Ar->e, 192%. $lmer 5antry.
Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, Ar->e, 192&. &ods0orth. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, Ar->e, 1929. <t
.an)t /appen /ere. Ne# 3or0H P.1. 6ollier, 19'%. .ass Timberlane. Ne# 3or0H P.1.
6ollier, 19)%. Jingsblood Boyal. Ne# 3or0H 2-ndo! Louse, 19)&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Au>>o, K-r/in, ed. .ritical $ssays on (inclair -e0is.
Aos/onH ".N. L-ll, 19*(. "ribs/ein, Sheldon. (inclair -e0is. Ne# 3or0H T#-yne
Publishers, 19(2. S>horer, K-r0. (inclair -e0is> An American -ife. Ne# 3or0H
K>"r-#-Lill, 19(1. S-n Doren, 6-rl. (inclair -e0is> A 8iographical (2etch. "-rden
6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, Dor-n, 19''.
Co$$entary: Sin>l-ir Le#is9s >i/-/ion re-ds \for his re-/ -nd li8in -r/ of $-in/in life,
#i/h - /-len/ for >re-/in /y$es, #i/h #i/ -nd hu!or,Z bu/ -s /he firs/ +!eri>-n re>i$ien/,
his -#-rd -lso re$resen/ed /he in/ern-/ion-l re>oni/ion of !odern +!eri>-n #ri/in.
Le#is9s fi8e no8els $ublished in /he 1920s >re-/ed fro! his b->0round - !y/hi>-l
#orld #i/h densi/y -nd 8i/-li/y -nd $ro8ided - fr-!e#or0 for his -//->0s on /hose 8-lues
he bo/h unders/ood -nd s>orned. +l/houh Le#is #ro/e before -nd -f/er, he #-s s>-r>ely
no/i>ed by >ri/i>s -nd re-ders e@>e$/ for /he #or0 he $rodu>ed in /he 20s. BP.S.C
8arlfeldt5 "rik 0/el
(ee en/ry 199
P-e &9
6als)orth$5 <ohn 212
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19'2. Born: +uus/ 1), 1*(&; Nins/on Lill, Surrey, 5nl-nd. Death:
P-nu-ry '1, 19''; "ro8e Lode, L-!$s/e-d, London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn
"-ls#or/hy; Ko/her, Al-n>he A-iley A-r/lee/. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: No
or-nized reliion; fro! +nli>-n b->0round. Education: O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd,
A->helor in L-#, 1*90. Spouse: +d- 6oo$er, !-rried Se$/e!ber 2', 190%. Children:
None. Career: ?nde$enden/ly #e-l/hy, Wri/er. Other Awards: Nnih/hood, 191*
BrefusedC; Les P-l!es D9Or, Aeliu!, 1919; Order of Keri/, 1929.
Selected Publications: =rom the =our %inds. LondonH T. 1isher In#in, 1*9&. 7ocelyn.
LondonH Du>0#or/h -nd 6o., 1*9*. The <sland =arisees. LondonH W. Leine!-nn, 190).
The #an of roperty. LondonH W. Leine!-nn, 190(. =raternity. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH A.
T-u>hni/z, 1909. lays> The (ilver 8ox> 7oy> (trife. LondonH Du>0#or/h -nd 6o., 1909.
The (ilver 8ox. Ne# 3or0; LondonH ".P. Pu/n-!9s Sons, 1909. 7ustice> A Tragedy in
=our Acts. LondonH Du>0#or/h -nd 6o., 1910. (trife> A &rama in Three Acts. LondonH
Du>0#or/h -nd 6o., 1910. The igeon> A =antasy in Three Acts. LondonH Du>0#or/h
-nd 6o., 1912. The &ar2 =lo0er. LondonH W. Leine!-nn, 191'. The =ugitive> A lay in
=our Acts. LondonH Du>0#or/h -nd 6o., 191'. The =reelands. LondonH W. Leine!-nn,
191%. 8eyond. LondonH W. Leine!-nn, 191&. (aint)s rogress. LondonH W. Leine!-nn,
1919. 6illa Bubein, and Other (tories. LondonH W. Leine!-nn, 192'. A #odern
.omedy. Ne# 3or0H 6. S>ribner9s Sons, 192):2*. =lo0ering %ilderness. LondonH W.
Leine!-nn, 19'2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A-r0er, Dudley. The #an of rinciple> A 6ie0 of 7ohn
5als0orthy. Toron/oH W. Leine!-nn, 19('. &ictionary of -iterary 8iography. De/roi/,
K?H "-le 2ese-r>h, 19*% BSolu!e ')C, 1%':&). Du$r_, 6-/herine. 7ohn 5als0orthy> A
8iography. LondonH 6ollins, 19&(. "indin, P. 7ohn 5als0orthy> -ife and Art. +nn +rbor,
K?H Ini8. of Ki>hi-n Press, 19*&. K-rro/, L.S. The -ife and -etters of 7ohn
5als0orthy. LondonH W. Leine!-nn, 19'%.
Co$$entary: Pohn "-ls#or/hy9s -#-rd #-s for \his dis/inuished -r/ of n-rr-/ion,Z
#i/h The =orsyte (aga B1922C bein sinled ou/ for -//en/ion. The firs/ #or0 in /his
/riloy #-s The #an of roperty B190(C, #hi>h s-/irized /he 1orsy/e f-!ily for /heir
obsession #i/h $ro$er/y; /o /his he -dded /#o o/her no8els, <n .hancery B1920C -nd To
-et B1921C. "-ls#or/hy #-s -lso - su>>essful $l-y#rih/, freGuen/ly defendin /he
under$ri8ileed -nd >onde!nin /he Ari/ish sys/e! of Mus/i>e for i/s h-rshness; /he $l-y
7ustice B1910C so i!$ressed Lo!e Se>re/-ry Wins/on 6hur>hill /h-/ he i!!edi-/ely
ini/i-/ed refor!s in /he $rison sys/e!. BL.L.1.C
+!nin5 .>an 0le/eie>ich 213
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19''. Born: O>/ober 22, 1*&0; Soronezh, 2ussi-. Death: No8e!ber *,
19%'; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, +le0seM Ni0ol-e8i> Aunin; Ko/her, LMud!il-
+le0s-ndro8n- 6ub-ro8- Aunin. Nationality: 2ussi-n; l-/er 1ren>h residen/. Religion:
5-s/ern Or/hodo@. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: +nn- Ni0ol-e8n- 6-0ni,
!-rried Se$/e!ber 2', 1*9*, di8or>ed 1902; Ser- Ni0ol-e8n- Kuro!>e8-, !-rried
1922. Children: Ni>hol-s, son; +le@ei, son; Lud!ill- 6hub-ro8-, d-uh/er. Career:
Wri/er. Other Awards: Push0in Prize, 2ussi-, 190'.
Selected Publications: The &reams of .hang. Tr. by Aern-rd "ilber/ "uerney. Ne#
3or0H +.+. Nno$f, 192'. The 6illage. Tr. by ?s-bel 1. L-$ood. LondonH K. Se>0er,
192'. #itya)s -ove. Tr. by K-del-ine Aoyd. Ne# 3or0H Lol/, 192(. The 5entleman from
(an =rancisco. Tr. by Aern-rd "ilber/ "uerney. Ne# 3or0H +.+. Nno$f, 192&. %ell of
&ays. Tr. by "leb S/ru8e -nd L-!ish Kiles. LondonH Lo-r/h Press, 19''. $laghin
Affair. Tr. by Aern-rd "ilber/ "uerney. Ne# 3or0H 1un0 -nd W-n-lls, 19'%. &ar2
Avenues. Tr. by 2i>h-rd L-re. LondonH P. Leh!-nn, 19)9. #emories and ortraits. Tr.
by Ser- Tr-ill -nd 2obin 6h-n>ellor. LondonH P. Leh!-nn, 19%1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6onnolly, Puli-n W. <van 8unin. Aos/onH T#-yne, 19*2.
K-rullo, T. <van 8unin. 6hi>-oH ?8-n 2. Dee, 199'. T0entieth@.entury Bussian
-iterature. LondonH 1effer -nd Si!ons, 19&), '1:'2. Wood#-rd, P. <van 8unin. 6h-$el
Lill, N6H Ini8. of Nor/h 6-rolin- Press, 19*0.
Co$$entary: ?8-n Aunin #on /he Nobel Prize \for /he s/ri>/ -r/is/ry #i/h #hi>h he h-s
>-rried on /he >l-ssi>-l 2ussi-n /r-di/ions in $rose #ri/in.Z +n ->>o!$lished /r-nsl-/or
-nd #ri/er of bo/h $rose -nd $oe/ry, his #or0 #-s l-den #i/h sy!bolis! -nd /he
re>urren/ /he!es of /he uselessness of 8-ni/y -nd /he nobili/y of hu!-n s$iri/. Lis !os/
Guo/ed #or0 re!-ins The 5entleman from (an =rancisco. B6.6. -nd P.L.S.C
Pirandello5 #!i&i 21?
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19'). Born: Pune 2*, 1*(&; "iren/i, Si>ily. Death: De>e!ber 10,
19'(; 2o!e, ?/-ly. Parents: 1-/her, S/ef-no Pir-ndello; Ko/her, 6-/erin- 2i>>i-"r-!i//o
Pir-ndello. Nationality: ?/-li-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of Aonn,
"er!-ny, Dr. Phil., 1*91. Spouse: K-rie +n/onie//- Por/ul-no, !-rried P-nu-ry 2&,
1*9). Children: S/ef-no, son; 1-us/o, son; Lie//-, d-uh/er. Career: Wri/er, 1*91:9*; 2.
?ns/i/u/o Su$eriore di K-Mis/ero 1e!!inile, 2o!e, ?/-ly, Professor, 1*9*:1921; Te-/ro
d9+r/e di 2o!-, ?/-ly, Dire>/or, 192%:2*.
Selected Publications: $rma 8ifronte BT0o@=aced $rmaC. Kil-n, ?/-lyH 1r-/elli Tre8es,
190(. -)$scula BThe OutcastsC. Kil-n, ?/-lyH Tre8es, 190*. .o si e F(e vi pareH. 2o!eH
Nuo8- +n/oloi-, 191* BBight 1ou Are, <f 1ou Thin2 1ou Are. Tr. by +r/hur Li8ins/on.
Ne# 3or0H 2i-l/o Ser8i>e Aure-u, 192&C. #aschere 'ude. Kil-n, ?/-lyH 1r-/elli Tre8es,
191*:20. .iascuno a (uo #odo. 1loren>e, ?/-lyH 2. Ae!$or-d, 1920 B$ach in /is O0n
%ay. Tr. by P.K. Den/. Ne# 3or0H 5.P. Du//on Y 6o., 192'C. (ie ersonnaggi in .erca
d)Autore. 1loren>e, ?/-lyH 2. Ae!$or-d, 1921 B(ix .haracters in (earch of an Author. Tr.
by 1rederi>0 K-y. LondonH Leine!-nn, 19%)C. $nrico <6. 1loren>e, ?/-lyH 2. Ae!$or-d,
1922 B/enry <6. Tr. by P.K. Den/, Ne# 3or0H Du//on, 192'C. .ollected lays. LondonH P.
6-lder, 19**:92.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6-$u/i, +. irandello and the .risis of #odern
.onsciousness. 6h-!$-in, ?LH Ini8. of ?llinois Press, 19**. "uidi>e, "-s$-re.
irandello> A
P-e *0
8iography. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press, 19&%. 2-us-, Ol-. -uigi irandello. Ne#
3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 19(*.
Co$$entary: \1or his bold -nd inenious re8i8-l of ?/-li-n dr-!-/i> -nd s>eni> -r/,Z
Luii Pir-ndello re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize. Pir-ndello9s influen>e -s - !odern dr-!-/is/
#-s no/ >onfined /o /he ?/-li-n /he-/er. Le #-s re>onized -s - !-Mor in/ern-/ion-l fiure
in /he /he-/er of /he /#en/ie/h >en/ury for his inno8-/i8e /e>hniGues of $hiloso$hi>-l -nd
$sy>holoi>-l dr-!-, -nd he $rodu>ed no/-ble #or0s -s dr-!-/is/, no8elis/, shor/ s/ory
#ri/er, $oe/, -nd >ri/i>. B+.D.P.C
3Neill5 "!&ene 6ladstone 21@
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19'(. Born: O>/ober 1(, 1***; Ne# 3or0, N3. Death: No8e!ber 2&,
19%'; Aos/on, K+. Parents: 1-/her, P-!es O9Neill; Ko/her, 5ll- Quinl-n O9Neill.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse:
N-/hleen Pen0ins, !-rried O>/ober ), 1909, di8or>ed 1912; +nes Aoul/on, !-rried
+$ril 12, 191*, di8or>ed Puly 1929; 6-rlo//- Kon/erey, !-rried Puly 1929. Children:
5uene "l-ds/one, son; Sh-ne 2udreihe, son; Oon-, d-uh/er. Career: Ne# 5nl-nd,
6leri>-l -nd K-nu-l L-borer, 190&:12; 'e0 -ondon F.TH Telegraph, 2e$or/er, 1912.
Other Awards: Puli/zer Prize, 1920; Puli/zer Prize, 1922; "old Ked-l, N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/e
of +r/s -nd Le//ers, 192'; Puli/zer Prize, 192*; Puli/zer Prize, 19%& B$os/hu!ousC.
Selected Publications: 8eyond the /ori*on. 1920. The $mperor 7ones. 1920. Anna
.hristie. 1921. The /airy Ape. 1922. &esire :nder the $lms. 192). The 5reat 5od
8ro0n. 192%. (trange <nterlude. 192*. #ourning 8ecomes $lectra. 19'1. Ah,
%ildernessO 19''. The <ceman .ometh. 19'*. A #oon for the #isbegotten. 19)'. A
-ong &ay)s 7ourney into 'ight. 19%%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: American %riters> A .ollection of -iterary 8iographies.
Ne# 3or0H 6h-rles S>ribner9s Sons, 19&) BSolu!e ???C, '*%:)0*. Aerlin, N. $ugene
O)'eill. Ne# 3or0H "ro8e Press, 19*2. Ao-rd, T., -nd Aryer, P., eds. (elected -etters of
$ugene O)'eill. Ne# L-8en, 6TH 3-le Ini8. Press, 19**. S0inner, 2i>h-rd D-n-.
$ugene O)'eill> A oet)s ?uest. Ne# 3or0H Lon!-n9s, "reen, 19'%. Win/her, S.N.
$ugene O)'eill> A .ritical (tudy. Ne# 3or0H 2ussell, 19(1.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o 5uene O9Neill \for dr-!-/i> #or0s of
8i/-l enery, sin>eri/y -nd in/ensi/y of feelin, s/-!$ed #i/h -n oriin-l >on>e$/ion of
/r-edy.99 +l/houh /here h-s been dis-ree!en/ #i/h /h-/ e8-lu-/ion, /he >or$us of
O9Neill9s #or0 no# see!s /o Mus/ify /h-/ sele>/ion of -n i!$or/-n/ -nd !e!or-ble
+!eri>-n dr-!-/is/ #hose influen/i-l dr-!-s h-8e been re-d, /r-nsl-/ed, -nd ->/ed ou/
-round /he #orld. B6.A.C
,artin d! 6ard5 4o&er 21A
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19'&. Born: K-r>h 22, 1**1; Neuilly-surSeine, 1r-n>e. Death:
+uus/ 22, 19%*; Aelle!e, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, P-ul K-r/in du "-rd; Ko/her,
K-deleine Winy K-r/in du "-rd. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: No or-nized reliion;
fro! 6-/holi> b->0round. Education: ]>ole des 6h-r/res, 1r-n>e, b->>-l-ur_-/, 190(.
Spouse: Lelene 1ou>-ul/, !-rried 1ebru-ry 190(. Children: 6hris/i-ne, d-uh/er.
Career: Wri/er.
Selected Publications: &evener. P-risH So>i_/_ d95di/ions Li//er-ire e/ +r/is/iGue, 190*.
7ean 8arois. P-risH 5di/ion de l- Nou8elle 2e8ue 1r-na-ise, 191' B7ean 8arois. Tr. by
S/u-r/ "ilber/. Ne# 3or0H Si0in, 19)9C. -es Thibaults. * 8olu!es. P-risH "-lli!-rd,
1922:)0. 6ieille =rance. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19'' BThe ostman. Tr. by Pohn 2ussell.
Ne# 3or0H Si0in, 19%%C. 'ote sur AndrD 5ide, 191C+19"1. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19%1
BBecollections of Andre 5ide. Tr. by Pohn 2ussell. Ne# 3or0H Si0in, 19%'C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: O9N-n, K. Boger #artin du 5ard .entennial. Aro>0$or/,
N3H S/-/e Ini8ersi/y of Ne# 3or0, 19*1. The Oxford .ompanion to =rench -iterature.
O@fordH 6l-rendon Press, 19%9, )%*:%9. S-8-e, 6-/herine. Boger #artin du 5ard.
Ne# 3or0H T#-yne Publishers, 19(*.
Co$$entary: 2oer K-r/in du "-rd, no8elis/ -nd $l-y#rih/, re>ei8ed his Nobel Prize
\for /he -r/is/i> 8ior -nd /ru/hfulness #i/h #hi>h he h-s $i>/ured hu!-n >on/r-s/s -s
#ell -s so!e fund-!en/-l -s$e>/s of >on/e!$or-ry life in /he series of no8els en/i/led
-es Thibault.Z The eih/-$-r/ no8el is one of - enre >-lled /he \ro!-n-fleu8e,Z -
$o$ul-r no8elis/i> s/yle of 1ren>h #ri/ers in /he /#en/ie/h >en/ury >h-r->/erized by
b-sin - >olle>/ion of no8els -round - >en/r-l >h-r->/er or /he!e. K-r/in du "-rd9s
#or0s illus/r-/e his -bili/y /o obser8e -nd des>ribe hu!-n n-/ure #i/h $re>ision -nd
de/-il, !-0in his no8els re-lis/i> $sy>holoi>-l s/udies. Lis #or0s -re !-r0ed by
>en/r-l /he!es of /ur!oil >-used by illness, sufferin -nd de-/h, e8il, -nd loss of f-i/h,
-ll refle>/in his o#n e-rly reliious u$brinin -nd subseGuen/ -b-ndon!en/ of his
reliion. BS.6.C
+!ck5 Pearl %o2fort -$denstricker 21B
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19'*. Born: Pune 2(, 1*92; Lillsboro, WS. Death: K-r>h (, 19&';
D-nby, ST. Parents: 1-/her, +bs-lo! +ndre# Sydens/ri>0er; Ko/her, 6-roline S/ul/in
Sydens/ri>0er. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Presby/eri-n. Education: 2-ndol$h-
K->on 6ollee, S+, +.A., 191); 6ornell Ini8., N3, K.+., 192(. Spouse: Pohn Lossin
Au>0, !-rried 191&, di8or>ed 19'%; 2i>h-rd Pohn W-lsh, !-rried 19'%. Children:
6-rol, d-uh/er; le-lly -do$/ed >hildren in>lude P-ni>e, d-uh/er; 2i>h-rd, son; Pohn,
son; 5d-r, son; Pe-n, d-uh/er; Lenrie//-, d-uh/er; Theres-, d-uh/er; 6hie0o,
d-uh/er; Poh-nn-, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of N-n0in, 6hin-, ?n/er!i//en/ ?ns/ru>/or,
1921:'1. Other Awards: L-ur- Kessener Prize, 6ornell Ini8., 192(; Puli/zer Prize,
19'1; Lo#ells Ked-l, +!eri>-n +>-de!y of +r/s -nd Le//ers, 19'%.
Selected Publications: $ast %ind, %est %ind. Ne# 3or0H Pohn D-y, 19'0. The 5ood
$arth. Ne# 3or0H Pohn D-y, 19'1. (ons. Ne# 3or0H Pohn D-y, 19'2. The #other. Ne#
3or0H Pohn D-y, 19'). A /ouse &ivided. Ne# 3or0H Pohn D-y, 19'%. The $xile. Ne#
3or0H Pohn D-y, 19'(. =ighting Angel. Ne# 3or0H Pohn D-y, 19'(. The atriot. Ne#
3or0H Pohn D-y, 19'9. &ragon (eed. Ne# 3or0H Pohn D-y, 19)1. A 8ridge for assing.
Ne# 3or0H Pohn D-y, 19(2.
P-e *1
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6onn, Pe/er P. earl (. 8uc2. 6-!brideH 6-!bride
Ini8ersi/y Press, 199(. Doyl, P-ul +. earl (. 8uc2. Ne# 3or0H T#-yne, 19(%. L-rris,
Theodore. earl (. 8uc2> A 8iography. 2 8olu!es. Ne# 3or0H Pohn D-y, 19(9:&1.
L-1-re, +. earl 8uc2. Ne# 3or0H 6helse- Louse, 19**.
Co$$entary: Pe-rl Au>0 #on /he Nobel Prize \for her ri>h -nd enuine e$i> $i>/ures of
6hinese life, -nd for her !-s/erly bior-$hies.Z She s-# herself -s -n in/er$re/er of /he
n-/ure of 6hin- -nd i/s $eo$le, -!on #ho! she li8ed, -nd brouh/ in/o fo>us in her
no8els /he >onfli>/ be/#een /he old -nd /he ne# -nd /he $roble!s f->ed by 6hinese
#o!en in bo/h /he old -nd ne# #orld. BS.S.K.C
-illanpGG5 rans "e2il DTaataE 21C
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19'9. Born: Se$/e!ber 1(, 1***; L[!een Nyro, 1inl-nd. Death: Pune
', 19(); Lelsin0i, 1inl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 1r-ns Lenri0 Nos0inen Sill-n$[[; Ko/her,
Louis- Silhel!Rn- ?is-0sdo//or Sill-n$[[. Nationality: 1innish. Religion: Kos/
$rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: Sirid K-ri-
S-lo![0i, !-rried Se$/e!ber 11, 191(, died +$ril 19'9; +nn- +r!i- 8on Ler/zen,
!-rried No8e!ber 19'9. Children: * >hildren. Career: Wri/er. Other Awards: 1innish
S/-/e Pension, 1919; +le0sis Ni8i Prize, 19'&; Nordelin 1ound-/ion Prize, 19'*;
1ren>0ell 1ound-/ion Prize, 19'*.
Selected Publications: /iltu Ia Bagner B/iltu and BangerC. Por8oo, 1inl-ndH
Soders/rU!, 192'. /urs2has JurIuus. Lelsin0iH O/-8-, 19'0 B#ee2 /eritage. Tr. by
+le@ K-/son. LondonH Pu/n-!, 19'*C. 'uorena 'u22unut. Lelsin0iH O/-8-, 19'1 BThe
#aid (ilIa> The /istory of the -ast Offshoot of an Old =amily Tree. Tr. by +le@-nder
K-/son. Ne# 3or0H The K->!ill-n 6o., 19''C. <hmiset (uviyossa, eepillinen sarIa.
Lelsin0iH O/-8-, 19') Beople in a (ummer 'ight> An $pic (uite. Tr. by +le@-nder
K-/son. K-dison, W?H Ini8. of Wis>onsin Press, 19((C. #annis2or i (ommarnatten BA
#an)s %ayC. S/o>0hol!H Loler S>hild/, 19'%. #iehentie Ahrolan Talon Oloista aavon
<s9nnyyden 6a2iintuessa. Lelsin0iH O/-8-, 19)*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +ho0-s, P. A /istory of =innish -iterature. Aloo!in/on,
?NH ?ndi-n- Ini8. Press, 19&'. $ncyclopedia of %orld -iterature in the T0entieth
.entury. Ne# 3or0H 1rederi>0 Publishin, 19&% BSolu!e 'C, 2&':&). T0entieth .entury
Authors. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19)2, 12*(:**.
Co$$entary: 1r-ns Sill-n$[[ re>ei8ed /he Nobel \for his dee$ >o!$rehension -nd
e@Guisi/e -r/ in $-in/in /he n-/ure of his >oun/ry -nd /he life of i/s $e-s-n/s in /heir
!u/u-l rel-/ions.Z The 1innish no8elis/ -nd shor/-s/ory #ri/er #ro/e -round ele!en/-l
/he!es -bou/ /he life -nd s/rules of his $eo$le, -nd #-s - f-8ori/e bo/h in 1inl-nd -nd
S#eden before re>ei8in #orld-#ide ->>l-i!. BP.L.S.C
<ensen5 <ohannes =ilhel2 D#$kke5 .>arE 219
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19)). Born: P-nu-ry 20, 1*&'; 1-rso, Den!-r0. Death: No8e!ber 2%,
19%0; 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0. Parents: 1-/her, L-ns Pensen; Ko/her, K-rie Nirs/ine
Pensen. Nationality: D-nish. Religion: 1ree/hin0er; fro! Lu/her-n b->0round.
Education: Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, K.D., 1*9(. Spouse: 5lse K-rie Ilri0,
!-rried 190). Children: ' sons. Career: Wri/er.
Selected Publications: /immerlandshistorier B/immerland (toriesC. 6o$enh-enH
"yldend-l, 1*9*:1910. #adame d)Ora. 6o$enh-enH "yldend-l, 190). /Iulet BThe
%heelC. 6o$enh-enH "yldend-l, 190%. &en -ange BeIse. 6o$enh-enH "yldend-l,
190*:22 BThe -ong 7ourney. Tr. by +r/hur 6h-/er. LondonH "yldend-l, 1922C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .olumbia &ictionary of #odern $uropean -iterature. Ne#
3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 19)&, %)):)%. NuMoory, P-r8in. \Poh-nnes Silhel!
Pensen,Z in 8oo2 of &ays. +nn +rbor, K?H Pieri-n Press, 19**. 2ossel, S8en L.
7ohannes 6. 7ensen. Aos/onH T#-yne, 19*). T0entieth .entury Authors. Ne# 3or0H L.W.
Wilson, 19)2, &2':2).
Co$$entary: Poh-nnes Pensen re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for /he r-re s/ren/h -nd
fer/ili/y of his $oe/i> i!-in-/ion, #i/h #hi>h is >o!bined -n in/elle>/u-l >uriosi/y of
#ide s>o$e -nd - bold, freshly >re-/i8e s/yle.Z Pensen #-s no/-ble for his e$i> his/ori>-l
-nd i!-in-/i8e $rose, $-r/i>ul-rly /he !ul/i8olu!e /immerlandshistorier -nd &en
-ange BeIse. Le #-s -lso re>onized -s -n ->>o!$lished $oe/, /r-nsl-/or, ess-yis/, -nd -
lu>id -d8o>-/e of D-r#in9s /heories. BP.N.C
,istral5 6abriela D6odo$ 0lca$a&a5 #!cilaE 220
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19)%. Born: +$ril &, 1**9; Si>un-, 6hile. Death: P-nu-ry 10, 19%&;
Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Peroni!o "odoy Sill-nue8-; Ko/her, Pe/ronil-
+l>-y-- de Kolin-. Nationality: 6hile-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ped-oi>-l
6ollee, 6hile, /e->her9s /r-inin, 1909. Spouse: None. Children: Pu-n Kiuel "odoy,
son B-do$/edC. Career: Li>eo de +n/of--s/-, 6hile, Te->her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 1911:
12; Li>eo de los +ndes, 6hile, Te->her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 1912:1*; Li>eo de Pun/e
+ren-s, 6hile, Te->her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 191*:20; Li>eo de Te!u>o, 6hile, Te->her
-nd +d!inis/r-/or, 1920:21; Kinis/ry of 5du>-/ion, Ke@i>o, +d8iser, 1922:2); Wri/er,
Le>/urer, -nd Di$lo!-/ /here-f/er. Other Awards: L-urel Wre-/h -nd "old 6ro#n,
Wri/er9s So>ie/y, S-n/i-o, 6hile, 191); 6hile-n N-/ion-l Prize, 19%1.
Selected Publications: &esolaEion B&espairC. Ne# 3or0H S$-nish ?ns/i/u/e, 1922.
Ternura BTendernessC. K-dridH S-/unio 6-lleM-, 192). Tala BBavageC. Auenos +iresH
SI2, 19'*. -agar BThe %ine ressC. S-n/i-oH 5di/ori-l del P->ifi>o, 19%).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6-s/le!-n, W. 8eauty and the #ission of the Teacher.
S!i/h/o#n, N3H 5@$osi/ion Press, 19*2. De S-zGuez, K-ro/ +r>e. 5abriela #istral>
The oet and /er %or2. Tr. by Lelene K-sslo +nderson. Ne# 3or0H Ne# 3or0 Ini8.
Press, 19(). "-z-ri-n-"-u/ier, K-rie-Lise. 5abriela #istral> The Teacher from the
6alley of $l4ui. 6hi>-oH 1r-n>is>-n Ler-ld Press, 19&%.
Co$$entary: The Nobel +>-de!y >i/ed "-briel- Kis/r-l \for her lyri> $oe/ry #hi>h,
ins$ired by $o#erful e!o/ions, h-s !-de her n-!e - sy!bol of /he ide-lis/i> -s$ir-/ions
of /he en/ire L-/in +!eri>-n #orld.99 Ler des$-ir on /he loss of her lo8er /hrouh sui>ide
led /o her firs/ $o#erful $oe/ry, &esolaEion, her lo8e for >hildren /o Ternura -nd Tala. ?n
-ddi/ion, Kis/r-l #-s - uidin for>e in edu>-/ion in 6hile
P-e *2
-nd Ke@i>o -nd - if/ed 6hile-n di$lo!-/ in se8er-l >oun/ries -nd in in/ern-/ion-l
->/i8i/ies. BD.N.C
1esse5 1er2an D#a!scher5 1er2annM -inclair5 "2ilE 221
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19)(. Born: Puly 2, 1*&&; 6-l#, "er!-ny. Death: +uus/ 9, 19(2;
Kon/-nol-, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Poh-nnes Lesse; Ko/her, K-rie "under/
Lesse. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er S#iss >i/izen. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: No
>ollee derees. Spouse: K-rie Aernoulli, !-rried 190), di8or>ed 192'; 2u/h Wener,
!-rried P-nu-ry 192), di8or>ed 192&; Ninon +usl[nder Dolbin, !-rried No8e!ber
19'1. Children: Aruno, son; Leiner, son; K-r/in, son. Career: 6lo>0 1->/ory, 6-l#,
"er!-ny, +$$ren/i>e, 1*9); TRbinen, "er!-ny, Aoo0-seller, 1*9%:99. Other Awards:
A-uernfeld Prize, Sienn-, 190); 1on/-ne Prize, 1920 BrefusedC; Neller Prize, JRri>h,
19'(; "oe/he Prize, 1r-n0fur/, 19)(; 2--be Prize, Aruns#i>0, "er!-ny, 19%0; "er!-n
Aoo0 Tr-de Pe->e Prize, 19%%; Nnih/ of /he Order Pour le Keri/e, "er!-ny, 19%%.
Selected Publications: eter .amen*ind. AerlinH S. 1is>her, 190) BTr. by Ki>h-el
2oloff. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19(*C. :nterm Bad. AerlinH S. 1is>her, 190( B8eneath
the %heel. Tr. by Ki>h-el 2oloff. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19(*C. 5ertrude. Kuni>hH
+. L-nen, 1910 BTr. by 2-l$h K-nhei!. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19&0C. Bosshalde.
AerlinH S. 1is>her, 191) BTr. by 2-l$h K-nhei!. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19&0C.
Jnulp> &rei 5eschichten aus dem -eben Jnulps. AerlinH S. 1is>her, 191% BThree Tales
from the -ife of Jnulp. Tr. by 2-l$h K-nhei!. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19&1C.
#aerchen. AerlinH S. 1is>her, 191* B(trange 'e0s from Another (tar and Other Tales.
Tr. by Den8er Lindley. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19&1C. &emian. AerlinH S. 1is>her,
1919 BTr. by Ki>h-el 2oloff -nd Ki>h-el Lebe>0. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er, 19(%C. Jlingsors
-et*ter (ommer. AerlinH S. 1is>her, 1920 BJlingsor)s -ast (ummer. Tr. by 2i>h-rd
Wins/on -nd 6l-r- Wins/on. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19&0C. %anderung,
Auf*eichnungen. AerlinH S. 1is>her, 1920 B%andering> 'otes and (2etches. Tr. by P-!es
Wrih/. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19&2C. (iddhartha. AerlinH S. 1is>her, 1922 BTr. by
Lild- 2osner. Ne# 3or0H Ne# Dire>/ions, 19%1C. &er (teppen0olf. AerlinH S. 1is>her,
192& B(teppen0olf. Tr. by A-sil 6reih/on. Ne# 3or0H Lol/, 19&0C. 'ar*iss und
5oldmund. AerlinH S. 1is>her, 19'0 B'arcissus and 5oldmund. Tr. by Irsul- Kolin-ro.
Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19(*C. &ie #orgenlandfahrt> $ine $r*aehlung. AerlinH S.
1is>her, 19'2 BThe 7ourney to the $ast. Tr. by Lild- 2osner. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us,
19(*C. &as 5lasperlenspiel> 6ersuch einer -ebensbeschreibung des #agister -udi 7osef
Jnecht samt Jnechts hintelassenen (chriften. JRri>hH 1re/z Y W-s!u/h, 19)' B#agister
-udi> The 5lass 8ead 5ame. Tr. by 2i>h-rd Wins/on -nd 6l-r- Wins/on. Ne# 3or0H
Lol/, 19(9C. Jrieg und =rieden> 8etrachtungen *u Jrieg und oliti2 seit dem 7ahre
191G. JRri>hH 1re/z Y W-s!u/h, 19)9 B<f the %ar 5oes on> Beflections on %ar and
olitics. Tr. by 2-l$h K-nhei!. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19&1C. #y 8elief> $ssays on
-ife and Art. 5d. by Theodore Jiol0o#s0i, Tr. by Den8er Lindley -nd 2-l$h K-nhei!.
Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19&). /ours in the 5arden and Other oems BTr. by 2i0-
Lesser. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19&9C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .ontemporary Authors ermanent (eries. De/roi/, K?H
"-le 2ese-r>h, 19&* BSolu!e 2C, 2%2:(0. 1reed!-n, 2-l$h. /ermann /esse, ilgrim of
.risis. Ne# 3or0H P-n/heon, 19&*. Kile>0, Pose$h. /ermann /esse, -ife and Art.
Aer0eley, 6+H Ini8. of 6-liforni- Press, 19&*. S/elzi, 5. /erman /esse)s =iction of the
(elf. Prin>e/on, NPH Prin>e/on Ini8. Press, 19**.
Co$$entary: Ler!-n Lesse9s -#-rd #-s \for his ins$ired #ri/ins #hi>h, #hile
ro#in in boldness -nd $ene/r-/ion, e@e!$lify /he >l-ssi>-l hu!-ni/-ri-n ide-ls -nd
hih Gu-li/ies of s/yle.Z Lis #or0, #hi>h e@-!ined /he /he!e of !-n9s se-r>h for his
essen/i-l, /rue self -s i/ >onfli>/s #i/h /he #orld, -nd !irrored /he s/-es of his o#n life,
#-s no!in-/ed for /he -#-rd by Tho!-s K-nn. BK.N.C
6ide5 0ndrH Pa!l 6!illa!2e 222
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19)&. Born: No8e!ber 22, 1*(9; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death: 1ebru-ry 19,
19%1; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, P-ul "ide; Ko/her, Pulie//e 2onde-u@.
Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: Pro/es/-n/; fro! Luueno/ b->0round. Education:
]>ole +ls-aienne, 1r-n>e, b->>-l-ur_-/, 1**9. Spouse: K-deleine 2onde-u@, !-rried
1*9%. Children: 6-/herine, d-uh/er. Career: -a 'ouvelle Bevue =ranEaise, 1ounder
-nd 5di/or, 190*:)1.
Selected Publications: -)<mmoraliste. P-risH Ker>eure de 1r-n>e, 1902 BThe <mmoralist.
Tr. by Doro/hy Aussy. Ne# 3or0H +.+. Nno$f, 19'0C. -a orte ltroite. P-risH Ker>eure
de 1r-n>e, 1909 B(trait <s the 5ate. Tr. by Doro/hy Aussy. Ne# 3or0H +.+. Nno$f,
192)C. -es .aves du 6atican. P-risH Libr-rie S/o>0, 191) BThe 6atican (0indle. Tr. by
Doro/hy Aussy. Ne# 3or0H +.+. Nno$f, 192%C. -a (ymphonie astorale. P-risH ]di/ions
de L- Nou8elle 2e8ue 1r-na-ise, 1919 BThe astoral (ymphony. Tr. by Doro/hy Aussy.
Ne# 3or0H +.+. Nno$f, 192%C. -es =aux@#onnayeurs. P-risH ]di/ions de L- Nou8elle
2e8ue 1r-na-ise, 192% BThe .ounterfeiters. Tr. by Doro/hy Aussy. Ne# 3or0H +.+.
Nno$f, 192&C. O9Arien, Pus/in. The 7ournals of AndrD 5ide. 2 Solu!es. 58-ns/on, ?LH
Nor/h#es/ern Ini8. Press, 19*&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: \+ndr_ "ide.Z (aturday Bevie0 BNo8e!ber 29, 19)&CH 20.
Ar`e, "er!-ine. 5ide. Ne# Aruns#i>0, NPH 2u/ers Ini8. Press, 19('. 6ordle, T. Andre
5ide. Ne# 3or0H T#-yne Publishers, 199'. "u_r-rd, +lber/ P. AndrD 5ide. 2d ed.
6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19(9. O9Arien, Pus/in. \The A-rely Pos/hu!ous
"ide.Z (aturday Bevie0 BK-r>h 22, 19%2CH 21, )1:)2. O9Arien, Pus/in. ortrait of AndrD
5ide> A .ritical 8iography. Ne# 3or0H +.+. Nno$f, 19%'. Sherid-n, +l-n. AndrD 5ide>
A -ife in the resent. LondonH L-!ish L-!il/on, 199*.
Co$$entary: +ndr_ "ide #ro/e o8er %0 8olu!es of no8els, $l-ys, $oe!s, /r-nsl-/ions,
>ri/i>is!, Mourn-ls, -nd /r-8el boo0s. No/ sur$risinly, /he Nobel -#-rd #-s i8en no/
for -ny one #or0 bu/ \for his >o!$rehensi8e -nd -r/is/i>-lly sinifi>-n/ #ri/ins, in
#hi>h hu!-n $roble!s -nd >ondi/ions h-8e been $resen/ed #i/h - fe-rless lo8e of /ru/h
-nd 0een $sy>holoi>-l insih/.99 +l/houh "ide h-s h-d - bro-d -nd di8erse influen>e
on /he /#en/ie/h->en/ury 1ren>h no8el, he re!-ins be//er 0no#n -s -n \e!-n>i$-/or of
/he !indZ #ho, dis>on/en/ed #i/h hi!self -nd /he #orld,
P-e *'
fouh/ --ins/ so>i-l -nd !or-l >on8en/ions #hile insis/in on riorous $erson-l hones/y
-nd -u/hen/i> -ffir!-/ion of /he indi8idu-l. B5.5.".C
"liot5 Tho2as -tearns 223
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19)*. Born: Se$/e!ber 2(, 1***; S/. Louis, KO. Death: P-nu-ry ),
19(%; London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Lenry W-re 5lio/; Ko/her, 6h-rlo//e 6h-!$e
S/e-rns 5lio/. Nationality: +!eri>-n; l-/er Ari/ish >i/izen. Religion: +nli>-n; fro!
Ini/-ri-n b->0round. Education: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, A.+., 1909; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+,
K.+., 1910. Spouse: Si8ienne L-ih-Wood, !-rried Pune 2(, 191%, se$-r-/ed 19'2,
died 19)&; S-lerie 1le/>her, !-rried P-nu-ry 10, 19%&. Children: None. Career: Lih
Wy>o!be -nd Lih-/e, Te->her, 191%:1(; $goist, 5di/or, 191&:19; Lloyds A-n0,
6ler0, 191&:2'; .riterion, 5di/or, 1922:'9; 1-ber -nd "#yer, 5di/or -nd Dire>/or,
192%:(%. Other Awards: Order of Keri/, 19)*; 1ren>h Leion of Lonor, 19)*;
L-nse-/i> "oe/he Prize, 19%); D-n/e Ked-l, 19%9; "er!-n Order of Keri/, 19%9;
Ini/ed S/-/es Ked-l of 1reedo!, 19().
Selected Publications: The %aste -and. Ne# 3or0H Aoni -nd Li8erih/, 1922. Ash@
%ednesday. LondonH 1-ber Y 1-ber L/d., 19'0. #urder in the .athedral. LondonH 1-ber
Y 1-ber L/d., 19'%. =our ?uartets. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, Ar->e -nd 6o., 19)'. The
.oc2tail arty. LondonH 1-ber Y 1-ber L/d., 19%0. The -etters of T.(. $liot. S-n Dieo,
6+H L-rbr->e, 19**.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: "ilber/, S-ndr-. T.(. $liot. +/l-n/i> Lihl-nds, NPH
Lu!-ni/ies, 19*9. "ordon, Lynd-ll. T.(. $liot> An <mperfect -ife. Ne# 3or0H Nor/on,
199*. Le-dins, Phili$. T.(. $liot. Ne# 3or0H T#-yne, 19(). K-rolis, Pohn D. T.(.
$liot)s <ntellectual &evelopment, 19,,+19C9. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19&2.
K-//heissen, 1r-n>is O. The Achievement of T.(. $liot> An $ssay on the 'ature of
oetry. 'd edi/ion. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press, 19%*.
Co$$entary: T.S. 5lio/9s Nobel #-s \for his ou/s/-ndin $ioneer >on/ribu/ion /o
$resen/-d-y $oe/ry.Z +n indi8idu-lis/ /hrouhou/ his life/i!e, 5lio/ $ioneered !-ny
/e>hniGues in his $oe/ry /h-/ de8elo$ed -s - resul/ of his life e@$erien>e -nd /he
influen>e of su>h #ri/ers -s L-forue, /he 5liz-be/h-ns, "-u/ier, -nd o/hers. Lis e-rly
$essi!is/i> #ri/ins #ere l-/er /e!$ered by his in>re-sin unders/-ndin -nd el-bor-/ion
of /he rel-/ionshi$s -!on reliion, $oli/i>s, -nd >ul/ure. B".N.C
a!lkner5 Willia2 %!thbert 22?
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19)9. Born: Se$/e!ber 2%, 1*9&; Ne# +lb-ny, KS. Death: Puly (,
19(2; O@ford, KS. Parents: 1-/her, Kurry 6. 1-ul0ner; Ko/her, K-ud Au/ler 1-ul0ner.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 5$is>o$-li-n. Education: No >ollee derees.
Spouse: 5s/elle Oldh-! 1r-n0lin, !-rried Pune 20, 1929. Children: +l-b-!-, d-uh/er;
Pill, d-uh/er. Career: 1irs/ N-/ion-l A-n0, O@ford, KS, 6ler0, 191%; Win>hes/er
2e$e-/in +r!s, Ne# L-8en, 6T, 6ler0, 191*; 2oy-l +ir 1or>e, 6-n-d-, 6-de/, 191*;
Aoo0s/ore, N3, 6ler0, 1921; O@ford, KS, Pos/!-s/er, 1921:2); Po#er 6o!$-ny,
O@ford, KS, Nih/ Su$erin/enden/, 1929. Other Awards: Lo#ells Ked-l for 1i>/ion,
+!eri>-n +>-de!y of +r/s -nd Le//ers, 19%0; N-/ion-l Aoo0 +#-rd for 1i>/ion, 19%1;
Ke!ber of /he 1ren>h Leion of Lonor, 19%1; N-/ion-l Aoo0 +#-rd for 1i>/ion, 19%%;
Puli/zer Prize, 19%%, 19('; Sil8er Ked-l of /he "ree0 +>-de!y, 19%&; "old Ked-l for
1i>/ion, N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/e of +r/s -nd Le//ers, 19(2.
Selected Publications: (artoris. Ne# 3or0H "rosse/ Y Dunl-$, 1929. The (ound and the
=ury. Ne# 3or0H P. 6-$e -nd L. S!i/h, 1929. As < -ay &ying. Ne# 3or0H P. 6-$e -nd L.
S!i/h, 19'0. (anctuary. Ne# 3or0H P. 6-$e -nd L. S!i/h, 19'0. -ight in August. Ne#
3or0H L. S!i/h -nd 2. L-ss, 19'2. Absalom, AbsalomO LondonH 6h-//o -nd Windus,
19'). The /amlet. LondonH 6h-//o -nd Windus, 19)0. <ntruder in the &ust. Ne# 3or0H
The Kodern Libr-ry, 19)*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Alo/ner, Pose$h. =aul2ner> A 8iography. 2 8olu!es. Ne#
3or0H 2-ndo! Louse, 19&). .ontemporary Authors. De/roi/, K?H "-le 2ese-r>h, 19&9
BSolu!es *1:*)C, 1%&:(%. "r-y, 2i>h-rd P. The -ife of %illiam =aul2ner> A .ritical
8iography. O@ford; 6-!bride, K+H Al->0#ell, 199). N-rl, 1rederi>0. 8iography of
%illiam =aul2ner. Ne# 3or0H Weidenfeld, 19**. Sensib-r, Pudi/h. =aul2ner)s oetry> A
8ibliographical 5uide. +nn +rbor, K?H IK? 2ese-r>h Press, 19**.
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o Willi-! 1-ul0ner #-s \for his $o#erful -nd -r/is/i>-lly
uniGue >on/ribu/ion /o /he !odern +!eri>-n no8el.Z ?n /he $resen/-/ion, "us/-f
Lells/roe! >-lled 1-ul0ner \/he unri8-lled !-s/er of -ll li8in Ari/ish -nd +!eri>-n
no8elis/s -s - dee$ $sy>holois/Z -nd OO/he re-/es/ e@$eri!en/-lis/ -!on /#en/ie/h-
>en/ury no8elis/s.Z Le used /he se//in -nd >h-r->/ers of fi>/ion-l 3o0n-$-/-#$h-
6oun/y in Kississi$$i /o e@$ound his $hiloso$hy of /he sufferin -nd o8er-ll dini/y of
!-n. BP.1.N.C
4!ssell5 +ertrand 0rth!r Willia2 22@
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19%0. Born: K-y 1*, 1*&2; Kon!ou/hshire, W-les. Death: 1ebru-ry
', 19&0; Kerione/hshire, W-les. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn 2ussell; Ko/her, N-/h-rine
S/-nley 2ussell. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nos/i>; fro! +nli>-n b->0round.
Education: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 1*9). Spouse: +lys Pe-rs-ll S!i/h,
!-rried 1*9), di8or>ed 1921; Dor- Winifred Al->0, !-rried 1921, di8or>ed 19'%;
P-/ri>i- Lelen S$en>e, !-rried 19'(, di8or>ed 19%2; 5di/h 1in>h, !-rried 19%2.
Children: Pohn 6onr-d, son; N-/h-rine P-ne, d-uh/er; 6onr-d S-b-s/i-n 2ober/, son.
Career: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 1*9):1(; N-/ion-l Ini8. of Pe0in,
6hin-, Professor, 1920:21; Ae->on Lill S>hool, 5nl-nd, 1ounder -nd Dire>/or, 192&:
'2; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Los +neles, Professor, 19'9:)0; A-rnes 1ound-/ion, Kerion,
P+, Le>/urer, 19)1:)2. Other Awards: Ni>hol-s Kurr-y Au/ler Ked-l, 191%; Syl8es/er
Ked-l, London, 19'); Order of Keri/, 5nl-nd, 19)9; Pe-rs 6y>lo$edi- Prize, London,
19%%; N-lin- Prize, IN5S6O, 19%&; Sonnin Prize, Den!-r0, 19(0.
Selected Publications: The rinciples of #athematics. 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8.
Press, 190'. rincipia #athematica. ' 8olu!es. 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press,
1910:1'. The roblems of hilosophy. Ne# 3or0H
P-e *)
Lol/, 1912. Our Jno0ledge of the $xternal %orld as a =ield for (cientific #ethod in
hilosophy. 6hi>-oH O$en 6our/, 191). The Analysis of #ind. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n,
1921. The Analysis of #atter. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, 192&. #arriage and #orals. Ne#
3or0H Li8erih/, 1929. $ducation and the #odern %orld. Ne# 3or0H Nor/on, 19'2.
Beligion and (cience. Ne# 3or0H Lol/, 19'%. An <n4uiry into #eaning and Truth. Ne#
3or0H Nor/on, 19)0. A /istory of %estern hilosophy and <ts .onnection 0ith olitical
and (ocial .ircumstances from the $arliest Times to the resent &ay. Ne# 3or0H Si!on
Y S>hus/er, 19)%. Authority and the <ndividual. Ne# 3or0H Si!on Y S>hus/er, 19)*.
/uman Jno0ledge> <ts (cope and -imits. Ne# 3or0H Si!on Y S>hus/er, 19)*. #y
hilosophical &evelopment. Ne# 3or0H Si!on Y S>hus/er, 19%9. Al->0#ell, N. A
8ibliography of 8ertrand Bussell. LondonH 2ou/lede, 199).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +yer, +.P. 8ertrand Bussell. +nn +rbor, K?H Ini8. of
Ki>hi-n Press, 19**. 6l-r0, 2on-ld. 8ertrand Bussell. Ne# 3or0H Th-!es -nd Ludson,
19*1. Nun/z, P-ul ". 8ertrand Bussell. Ne# 3or0H T#-yne, 19*(. 2ussell, Aer/r-nd.
The Autobiography of 8ertrand Bussell. 2 8olu!es. Aos/onH Li//le, Aro#n, 19(&:(*.
2ussell, Aer/r-nd. The Autobiography of 8ertrand Bussell, 19GG+1969. Ne# 3or0H
Si!on Y S>hus/er, 19(9.
Co$$entary: Aer/r-nd 2ussell #-s r-n/ed /he Nobel Prize \in re>oni/ion of his
8-ried -nd sinifi>-n/ #ri/ins, in #hi>h he >h-!$ions hu!-ni/-ri-n ide-ls -nd freedo!
of /houh/.Z Le >ould h-8e >l-i!ed #orld#ide i!$->/ for his #or0 in !-/he!-/i>s,
his/ory, $hiloso$hy, edu>-/ion, or $oli/i>s, bu/ his re-/es/ i!$->/ #-s in /he !odel he
se/ for /he #orld of -n indi8idu-l #ho fel/ - res$onsibili/y for /he #elf-re of /he #hole
-nd s$o0e ou/, un-fr-id, in defense of his /hree $-ssionsH \/he lonin for lo8e, /he
se-r>h for 0no#lede, -nd unbe-r-ble $i/y for /he sufferin of !-n0ind.Z BK.N.C
#a&erk>ist5 PGr abian 22A
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19%1. Born: K-y 2', 1*91; S-@Mo, S#eden. Death: Puly 11, 19&);
S/o>0hol!, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, +nders Poh-n L-er08is/; Ko/her, Poh-nn- Al-d
L-er08is/. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: +/heis/; fro! Pro/es/-n/ b->0round.
Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: N-ren D-!-r Poh-nne Sorensen, !-rried
191*, di8or>ed 192%; 5l-ine Luell- L-llber, !-rried 192%. Children: None. Career:
Wri/er. Other Awards: S-!funde/ Prize, S#eden, 192*; S-n/e-Aeu8e Prize, 19)(; Pri@
du Keilleur Li8re 5/r-ner, 19%1; +!e/ies 1r-n>-ises +#-rd, 1r-n>e, 19%(.
Selected Publications: &et $viga -eendet. S/o>0hol!H Aonniers, 1920 BThe $ternal
(mile. Tr. by Denys L-rdin -nd 5ri> K-s/er/on. 6-!brideH 1r-ser, 19')C. 8Kdeln.
S/o>0hol!H Aonniers, 19'' BThe /angman. Tr. by Denys L-rdin -nd 5ri> K-s/er/on.
6-!brideH 1r-ser, 19')C. #annen :tan (I9l. S/o>0hol!H Aonniers, 19'( BThe #an
%ithout a (oul. Tr. by Lele No0eri/z in (candinavian lays of the T0entieth .entury,
1irs/ Series. Prin>e/on, NPH Prin>e/on Ini8. Press, 19))C. 8arabbas. S/o>0hol!H
Aonniers, 19%0 B8arabbas. Tr. by +nn Al-ir. Ne# 3or0H 2-ndo! Louse, 19%1C.
(ibyllan. S/o>0hol!H Aonniers, 19%( BThe (ibyl. Tr. by N-o!i W-lford. Ne# 3or0H
2-ndo! Louse, 19%*C. ilgrim a /avet. S/o>0hol!H Aonniers, 19(2 Bilgrim at (ea.
Tr. by N-o!i W-lford. Ne# 3or0H 2-ndo! Louse, 19()C. #ariamne. S/o>0hol!H
Aonniers, 19(& B/erod and #ariamne. Tr. by N-o!i W-lford. Ne# 3or0H +.+. Nno$f,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%2, '21:2). S$e>/or, 2ober/ Don-ld. ar -ager2vist. Ne# 3or0H T#-yne, 19&'.
Syober, Leif. ar -ager2vist. Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 19&(.
Co$$entary: P[r L-er08is/, eGu-lly her-lded -s - dr-!-/is/ -nd no8elis/, #on /he
Nobel Prize OOfor /he -r/is/i> 8ior -nd /rue inde$enden>e of !ind #i/h #hi>h he
ende-8ors in his $oe/ry /o find -ns#ers /o /he e/ern-l Gues/ions >onfron/in !-n0ind.Z
5-rly in his #ri/ins, $erh-$s in rebellion --ins/ his >onser8-/i8e -nd reliious
u$brinin, L-er08is/ fo>used $essi!is/i>-lly on /he!es su>h -s /he >ruel/y of
hu!-n0ind, hu!-ni/y9s >os!i> loneliness, -nd /he fu/ili/y of ho$e,lo8e. L-/er, -l/houh
his #or0s >on/inued /o >on/-in >orru$/ >h-r->/ers, he /e!$ered $essi!is! #i/h ho$e -nd
8isions of !or-li/y. BP.L.S.C
,a!riac5 ranFois 22B
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19%2. Born: O>/ober 11, 1**%; Aorde-u@, 1r-n>e. Death: Se$/e!ber
1, 19&0; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, Pe-n-P-ul K-uri->; Ko/her, K-rueri/e 6oiff-rd
K-uri->. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of Aorde-u@,
1r-n>e, Li>en>e _s Le//res, 190). Spouse: Pe-nne L-fon/, !-rried Pune ', 191'.
Children: 6l-ude, son; 6l-ire, d-uh/er; Lu>e, d-uh/er; Pe-n, son. Career: Wri/er.
Other Awards: "r-nd Pri@ du 2o!-n, L9+>-d_!ie 1r-na-ise, 192(.
Selected Publications: -)$nfant .hargD de .haines. P-risH "r-sse/, 191' B1oung #an
in .hains. Tr. by "er-rd Lo$0ins. LondonH 5yre -nd S$o//is#oode, 19(1C. -a Bobe
rDtexte. P-risH "r-sse/, 191) BThe (tuff of 1outh. Tr. by "er-rd Lo$0ins. LondonH 5yre
-nd S$o//is#oode, 19(0C. -a .hair et le (ang. P-risH 5!ile-P-ul, 1920 B=lesh and
8lood. Tr. by "er-rd Lo$0ins. LondonH 5yre -nd S$o//is#oode, 19%)C. -e 8aiser au
-Dpreux. P-risH "r-sse/, 1922 BA Jiss for the -eper. Tr. by "er-rd Lo$0ins. LondonH
5yre -nd S$o//is#oode, 19%0C. -e &Dsert de -)Amour. P-risH "r-sse/, 192% BThe &esert
of -ove. Tr. by "er-rd Lo$0ins. LondonH 5yre -nd S$o//is#oode, 19)9C. .e ?ui ltait
erdu. P-risH "r-sse/, 19'0 BThat %hich %as -ost. Tr. by P.L. K>5#en. LondonH 5yre
-nd S$o//is#oode, 19%0C. -e #ystLre =rontenac. P-risH "r-sse/, 19'' B=rontenac
#ystery. Tr. by "er-rd Lo$0ins. LondonH 5yre -nd S$o//is#oode, 19(1C. -es Anges
'oirs. P-risH "r-sse/, 19'( BThe &ar2 Angels. Tr. by "er-rd Lo$0ins. LondonH 5yre -nd
S$o//is#oode, 19%0C. AsmodDe. P-risH "r-sse/, 19'* BAsmodDe or the <ntruder. Tr. by
A-sil A-r/le//. LondonH Se>0er -nd W-rbur, 19'9C. -a harisienne. P-risH "r-sse/, 19)1
BA %oman of the harisees. Tr. by "er-rd Lo$0ins. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19)(C.
-)Agneau. P-risH 1l-!!-rion, 19%) BThe -amb. Tr. by "er-rd Lo$0ins. LondonH 5yre
-nd S$o//is#oode, 19%%C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +lyn, K-r>. =ranEois #auriac. P-risH P. Sehers, 19(0.
Pen0ins, 6e>il. #auriac. LondonH Oli8er -nd Aoyd, 19(%. S!i/h, K-@#ell +us/in.
=ranqois #auriac. Ne# 3or0H T#-yne Publishers, 19&0.
P-e *%
Co$$entary: 1r-nois K-uri-> re>ei8ed his Nobel \for /he dee$ s$iri/u-l insih/ -nd
/he -r/is/i> in/ensi/y #i/h #hi>h he h-s in his no8els $ene/r-/ed /he dr-!- of hu!-n
life.Z Thouh 0no#n $ri!-rily -s - no8elis/, K-uri-> -lso #-s - su>>essful $l-y#rih/,
bior-$her, $oe/, -nd Mourn-lis/. Lis no8els de-l #i/h $sy>holoi>-l s/rules of ood
8ersus e8il -nd #e-0nesses of /he flesh 8ersus /he s$iri/. The reliious o8er/ones of
K-uri->9s se!i--u/obior-$hi>-l no8els -re /he resul/ of - $ious u$brinin, #hi>h
#ould l-/er >-use hi! /o be iden/ified -s - 6-/holi> no8elis/. ?n -ddi/ion /o his fulllen/h
fi>/ion-l #or0s, he -lso $ublished /#o 8olu!es of shor/ s/ories, four $l-ys, four boo0s of
$oe/ry, - nu!ber of 8olu!es of li/er-ry >ri/i>is!, -nd se8er-l bior-$hies B!os/ no/-bly
&e 5aulle=19(), -a 6ie de 7esus=19'(, -nd -a 6ie de Bacine=192*C. BS.6.C
%h!rchill5 Winston #eonard -pencer5 -ir 22C
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19%'. Born: No8e!ber '0, 1*&); Alenhei! P-l->e, 5nl-nd. Death:
P-nu-ry 2), 19(%; London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 2-ndol$h S$en>er 6hur>hill;
Ko/her, Pennie Pero!e 6hur>hill. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nli>-n. Education:
2oy-l Kili/-ry 6ollee, 5nl-nd, b->>-l-ure-/e, 1*9%. Spouse: 6le!en/ine Oil8y
Lozier, !-rried Se$/e!ber 12, 190*. Children: Di-n-, d-uh/er; 2-ndol$h 1rederi>0
5d#-rd S$en>er, son; S-r-h, d-uh/er; K-ry, d-uh/er; K-riold 1r-n>es, d-uh/er.
Career: "re-/ Ari/-in, 8-rious !ili/-ry -nd o8ern!en/-l $os/s u$ /hrouh Pri!e
Kinis/er, 1*9*:19%%. Other Awards: Li/er-ry +#-rd, (unday Times, 19'*, 19)9; K-n of
/he 3e-r, Time, 19)9; 6h-rle!-ne Prize, 19%%; 1reedo! Louse +#-rd, Ini/ed S/-/es,
19%%; Willi-!sbur +#-rd, 19%%; Lu!-ni/-ri-n +#-rd, 19%), 19%(; Sonnin
1ound-/ion +#-rd, Den!-r0, 19%9; 6o!$-nion of Li/er-/ure Prize, Ini/ed Nindo!
2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(1; Theodore Lerzl +#-rd, Jionis/ Or-niz-/ion of +!eri>-, 19().
Selected Publications: The Biver %ar> An /istorical Account of the Becon4uest of the
(udan. LondonH 5yre Y S$o//is#ood, 1*99. -ord Bandolph .hurchill. LondonH
K->!ill-n, 190(. The %orld .risis. ) 8olu!es. LondonH T. Au//er#or/h, 192':29.
#arlborough, /is -ife and Times. ) 8olu!es. LondonH ".". L-rr-$, 19'':'*. The
(econd %orld %ar. ( 8olu!es. Aos/onH Louh/on-Kifflin, 19)*:%'. A /istory of the
$nglish@(pea2ing eoples. ) 8olu!es. Ne# 3or0H Dodd, Ke-d, 19%(:%*. #y $arly -ife.
Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19*&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aro-d, Le#is. %inston .hurchill> A 8iography. 2 8olu!es.
Ne# 3or0H L-#/horn Aoo0s, 19%*:('. 6hur>hill, 2-ndol$h S$en>er. %inston (.
.hurchill. Aos/onH Louh/on-Kifflin, 19((. Pellin, Lenry. %inston .hurchill. Ne#
3or0H Du//on, 19&). 2obbins, N. .hurchill. LondonH Lon!-n, 1992. S>hoenfeld,
K-@#ell. (ir %inston .hurchill. Kelbourne, 1LH Nrieer, 19*(.
Co$$entary: Wins/on 6hur>hill9s Nobel +#-rd #-s \for his !-s/ery of his/ori>-l -nd
bior-$hi>-l des>ri$/ion -s #ell -s for brilli-n/ or-/ory in defendin e@-l/ed hu!-n
8-lues.Z ?/ #-s - fi//in /ribu/e /o -n heroi> soldier, -n inenious $oli/i>i-n, - /irelessly
in/ellien/ or-nizer -nd !-n-er, -nd -n in/ern-/ion-l $oli/i>-l fiure, #ho !-n-ed /o
le-8e, des$i/e -ll of his o/her ->/i8i/ies, -n i!$ressi8e ou/$u/ of #ri/ins of !-nifi>en/
Gu-li/y for fu/ure ener-/ions. BN.L.C
1e2in&)a$5 "rnest ,iller 229
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19%). Born: Puly 21, 1*99; O-0 P-r0, ?L. Death: Puly 2, 19(1;
Ne/>hu!, ?D. Parents: 1-/her, 6l-ren>e 5d!onds Le!in#-y; Ko/her, "r->e L-ll
Le!in#-y. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: No >ollee
derees. Spouse: L-dley 2i>h-rdson, !-rried Se$/e!ber ', 1921, di8or>ed P-nu-ry 2&,
192&; P-uline Pfeiffer, !-rried K-y 10, 192&, di8or>ed No8e!ber ), 19)0; K-r/h-
"ellhorn, !-rried No8e!ber 21, 19)0, di8or>ed De>e!ber 21, 19)%; K-ry Welsh,
!-rried K-r>h 1), 19)(. Children: Pohn L-dley Ni>-nor, son; P-/ri>0, son; "reory
L-n>o>0, son. Career: Jansas .ity (tar, 2e$or/er, 191&:1*; +!eri>-n 2ed 6ross,
+!bul-n>e Dri8er in ?/-ly, 191*; Toronto (tar %ee2ly, 6-n-d-, Wri/er, 1920;
.ooperative .ommon0ealth, Wri/er, 1921; Toronto (tar, 6-n-d-, 6orres$onden/, 1922:
2); Nor/h +!eri>-n Ne#s$-$er +lli-n>e, 6orres$onden/ in S$-in, 19'&:'*; #,
6orres$onden/, 19)1; .olliers, 6orres$onden/, 19)). Other Awards: Puli/zer Prize,
Selected Publications: The (un Also Bises. Ne# 3or0H "rosse/ Y Dunl-$, 192(. A
=are0ell to Arms. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 192&. &eath in the Afternoon. Ne# 3or0H
S>ribner9s, 19'2. =or %hom the 8ell Tolls. "-rden 6i/y, NPH Sun Di-l Press, 19)0. The
Old #an and the (ea. LondonH Pon-/h-n 6-$e, 19%2. A #oveable =east. Ne# 3or0H
S>ribner9s, 19().
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A-0er, 6-rlos. $rnest /eming0ay> A -ife (tory. Ne# 3or0H
K->!ill-n, 19**. "riffin, Pe/er. Along 0ith 1outh> /eming0ay, the $arly 1ears. Ne#
3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press, 19**. Le!in#-y, "reory. apa> A ersonal #emoir. Ne#
3or0H P-r-on, 19**. Kellon, P. /eming0ay. Aos/onH Louh/on Kifflin, 1992.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize >i/-/ion >o!!ended 5rnes/ Le!in#-y for his
\$o#erful, s/yle!-0in !-s/ery of /he -r/ of !odern n-rr-/ion, !os/ re>en/ly dis$l-yed
in The Old #an and the (ea, -nd for his influen>e on >on/e!$or-ry s/yle.Z Lis e-rly
#or0 #-s des>ribed -s \bru/-l, >yni>-l, -nd >-llous,99 bu/ /he >i/-/ion -lso s$o0e of his
\heroi> $-/hosZ /h-/ for!ed \/he b-si> ele!en/ of his -#-reness of life,Z -nd of his
\!-nly lo8e of d-ner -nd -d8en/ure.Z Le!in#-y #-s $r-ised for his \n-/ur-l
-d!ir-/ion for e8ery indi8idu-l #ho fih/s /he ood fih/ in - #orld of re-li/y
o8ersh-do#ed by 8iolen>e -nd de-/h.Z BP.N.C
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19%%. Born: +$ril 2', 1902; 2ey0M-8i0, ?>el-nd. Death: 1ebru-ry *,
199*; 2ey0M-8i0, ?>el-nd. Parents: 1-/her, "udMon Leli Lel-son; Ko/her, Siridur
L-lldordo//ir. Nationality: ?>el-ndi>. Religion: 6hris/i-n by bir/h; 6-/holi> in youn
!-nhood; de8o/ed /o /he >l-ss s/rule l-/er; #i/h no reliious -ffili-/ion. Education:
No >ollee derees. Spouse: ?nibMor 5in-rsdo//ir, !-rried K-y 1, 19'0, di8or>ed
19)0; +udur S8einsdo//ir, !-rried De>e!ber 2), 19)%. Children: Siridur, d-uh/er;
"udny, d-uh/er; 5in-r, son. Career: Wri/er. Other Awards: S/-lin
P-e *(
Prize, 19%'; Li/er-/ure Prize, ?n/ern-/ion-l Pe->e Ko8e!en/, 19%'; Sonnin Prize, 19(9.
Selected Publications: 6afarinn #i2li fra Jasmir BThe 5reat %eaver from JashmirC.
2ey0M-8i0H +>/-, 192&. Altydubo2in BThe 8oo2 of the eopleC. 2ey0M-8i0H
+l$youflo00urin, 1929. u 6invidur /reini BO Thou ure 6ineC. 2ey0M-8i0H Ao0-deild,
Kennin-rsMoos, 19'1. =uglinn i =Iorunni BThe 8ird on the 8eachC. 2ey0M-8i0H
Ao0-deild, Kennin-rsMoos, 19'2. (al2a 6al2a. 6o$enh-enH S/een L-sselb->h, 19')
BTr. by 1. L. Lyon. LondonH +llen -nd In#in, 19('C. (Ialfstaett =ol2. 2 8olu!es.
2ey0M-8i0H 5.P. Arie!, 19'):'% B<ndependent eople. Tr. by P.+. Tho!$son. LondonH
+llen -nd In#in, 19)%C. -Ios /eimsins BThe -ight of the %orldC. 2ey0M-8i0H
Lei!s0rinl-, 19'&. Atomstodin. 2ey0M-8i0H Lel-fell, 19)* BThe Atom (tation. Tr. by
K. K-nusson. LondonH Ke/huen -nd 6o!$-ny, 19(1C. 5erpla. 2ey0M-8i0H Lel-fell,
19%2 BThe /appy %arriors. Tr. by N. Pohn. LondonH Ke/huen -nd 6o!$-ny, 19%*C.
aradisarheimt. 2ey0M-8i0H Lel-fell, 19(0 Baradise Beclaimed. Tr. by K.
K-nusson. LondonH Ke/huen -nd 6o!$-ny, 19(2C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: L-llber, Pe/er. /alldor -axness. Ne# 3or0H T#-yne
Publishers, 19&1. 'e0 1or2 Times B1ebru-ry 10, 199*CHSe>/. D, 22. T0entieth .entury
Authors. =irst (upplement. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19%%, %(1:(2.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y >i/ed L-lldrr L-@ness \for his 8i8id e$i> $o#er, #hi>h h-s
rene#ed /he re-/ n-rr-/i8e -r/ of ?>el-nd.Z +ll of L-@ness9s i!$or/-n/ boo0s h-8e
?>el-ndi> /he!es -nd e@$lore so>i-l -nd so!e/i!es $oli/i>-l issues, #hi>h rel-/es /o his
o#n s/ron $osi/i8e feelins -bou/ his >oun/ry -nd i/s l-nu-e, -s #ell -s /o his lifelon
s/rules #i/h $erson-l reliious -nd $oli/i>-l beliefs. BP.L.S.C
<i2Hnez5 <!an 4a2Nn 231
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19%(. Born: De>e!ber 2), 1**1; Kouer, S$-in. Death: K-y 29,
19%*; S-n Pu-n, Puer/o 2i>o. Parents: 1-/her, So>/or Pi!_nez y Pi!_nez; Ko/her,
Purifi>->irn K-n/e>rn y Lr$ez P-reMo. Nationality: S$-nish. Religion: 6-/holi>.
Education: 6oleio de los Pesui/-s del Puer/o de S-n/- K-ro- de 6diz, S$-in,
b->hiller-/o, 1*9(. Spouse: Jenobi- 6-!$rubo +y!-r, !-rried 191(. Children: None.
Career: Wri/er.
Selected Publications: Almas de 6ioleta B6iolet (oulsC. K-dridH Ti$or-fi- Kodern-,
1900. 'inflas B%ater -iliesC. K-dridH Ti$or-fi- Kodern-, 1900. Arias Tristes B(ad
AirsC. K-dridH 1ern-ndo 1e, 190'. Bimas BBhymesC. K-dridH 1ern-ndo 1e, 190'.
7ardines -eIanos B&istant 5ardensC. K-dridH 1ern-ndo 1e, 190). $leIras uras. Bure
$legiesC. K-dridH 2e8is/- de +r>hi8-s, 190*. astorales BastoralsC. K-dridH Aiblio/e>-
2en->i!ien/o, 1911. -a (oledad (onora BThe (onorous (olitudeC. K-dridH 2e8is/- de
+r>hi8es, 1911. latero y 1o. K-dridH L- Le>/ur-, 191) Blatero and <. Tr. by Willi-!
-nd K-ry 2ober/s. O@fordH Dol$hin, 19%(C. $stio B(ummerC. K-dridH 6-lleM-, 191(.
(onetos $sperituales B(piritual (onnetsC. K-dridH 6olleM-, 191&. &iario de :n oeta
BeciDn .asado B&iary of a 'e0ly@%ed oetC. K-dridH 6-lleM-, 191&. $spanoles de Tres
#undos B(paniards of Three %orldsC. Auenos +iresH Los-d-, 19)2. Animal de =ondo
BAnimal of &epthC. Auenos +iresH Ple-!-r, 19)9. (elected %ritings. Tr. by L.2. L-ys.
Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us -nd 6ud-hy, 19%&. Three /undred oems. Tr. by 5loise 2o->h.
+us/in, T4H Ini8. of Te@-s Press, 19(2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 1oelGuis/, Don-ld 1. 7uan Bamsn 7imDne*. Aos/onH
T#-yne Publishers, 19&(. "r-fi-s, 1r-n>is>o. 7uan Bamsn 7imDne*. K-dridH T-urus
5di>iones, 19%*. 3oun, Lo#-rd. 7uan Bamsn 7imDne*. Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8.
Press, 19(&.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s r-n/ed /o Pu-n 2-!rn Pi!_nez \for his lyri>-l
$oe/ry #hi>h >ons/i/u/es -n ins$irin e@-!$le in /he S$-nish l-nu-e of s$iri/u-li/y -nd
-r/is/i> $oe/ry.Z ?nfluen>ed by A_>Guer, D-roo, -nd o/her !odernis/s, -s #ell -s by
1ren>h sy!bolis/s, Pi!_nez >re-/ed his o#n uniGue s/yle=!e/-$hysi>-l, -bs/r->/, $ure,
lyri>-l, -nd s$iri/u-l. Lis #or0, in /urn, re-/ly influen>ed !-ny Lis$-ni> $oe/s=
+lber/i, "uill_n, S-lin-s, Lor>-, Kis/r-l. BK.".2.C
%a2!s5 0lbert 232
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19%&. Born: No8e!ber &, 191'; Kondo8i, +leri-. Death: P-nu-ry ),
19(0; Pe/i/-Silleble8in, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, Lu>ien 6-!us; Ko/her, 6-/herine
Sin/es 6-!us. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: OO+/heis/i> Lu!-nis/;Z fro! 6hris/i-n
b->0round. Education: Ini8. of +liers, +leri-, Di$l!e d9_/udes su$erieurs, 19'(.
Spouse: Si!one Lie, !-rried Pune 1(, 19'(, di8or>ed 19)0; 1r-n>ine 1-ure, !-rried
De>e!ber ', 19)0. Children: Pe-n, son; 6-/herine, d-uh/er. Career: Th_t/re du
Tr-8-il, 1r-n>e, +>/or, Wri/er, Produ>er, 19'%:'*; Alger@BDpublicain, +liers,
Pourn-lis/, 19'*:)0; aris@(oir, 1r-n>e, Pourn-lis/, 19)0; Or-n, +leri- Publi> S>hool,
Te->her, 19)1:)2; P-ris, 1r-n>e, 1reel-n>e Pourn-lis/, 19)2:)%; .ombat, P-ris, 1r-n>e,
5di/or, 19)):)&; ]di/ions "-lli!-rd, 2e-der, 19)':(0. Other Awards: Ked-l of /he
Liber-/ion, 1ren>h "o8ern!en/, 19)(; Pri@ des 6ri/iGues, 19)&; Leion of Lonor
Selected Publications: -)ltranger. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19)2 BThe (tranger. Tr. by S/u-r/
"ilber/. Ne# 3or0H +. Nno$f, 19)(C. -e #ythe de (isyphe. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19)2 BThe
#yth of (isyphus. Tr. by Pus/in O9Arien. LondonH L. L-!il/on, 19%%C. -a este. P-risH
"-lli!-rd, 19)& BThe lague. Tr. by S/u-r/ "ilber/. Ne# 3or0H +. Nno$f, 19)*C.
-)/omme BDvoltD. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19%1 BThe Bebel. Tr. by +n/hony Ao#er. Ne#
3or0H +. Nno$f, 19%)C. -a .hute. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19%( BThe =all. Tr. by Pus/in
O9Arien. Ne# 3or0H +. Nno$f, 19%&C. -)$xil et -e Boyaume. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19%&
B$xile and the Jingdom. Tr. by Pus/in O9Arien. Ne# 3or0H +. Nno$f, 19%*C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Ar_e, "er!-ine. .amus. Ne# Aruns#i>0, NPH 2u/ers
Ini8. Press, 19&2. 6-!us, +lber/. 'oteboo2s 19C"+19G,. Ne# 3or0H +lfred +. Nno$f,
19('. Lo//!-n, Lerber/. Albert .amus, a 8iography. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y,
19&9. Thody, Phili$. Albert .amus. Ne# 3or0H S/. K-r/in9s Press, 19**.
Co$$entary: +lber/ 6-!us #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \for his i!$or/-n/ li/er-ry
$rodu>/ion, #hi>h #i/h >le-r-sih/ed e-rnes/ness illu!in-/es /he $roble!s of /he hu!-n
>ons>ien>e in our /i!es.Z Lis #or0 e@$ressed /he >on>erns of his ener-/ion -nd /he
!or-l >li!-/e of /he !id-/#en/ie/h >en/ury. 6onfron/ed #i/h #-r9s -/ro>i/ies, 6-!us
e@$ressed des$-ir bu/ loo0ed beyond nihilis! /o find -
P-e *&
re-son for hu!-n e@is/en>e -nd /he $ossibili/y of h-$$iness. BN.".C
Pasternak5 +oris #eonido>ich 233
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19%* BrefusedC. Born: 1ebru-ry 10, 1*90; Kos>o#, 2ussi-. Death:
K-y '0, 19(0; Peredel0ino, ISS2. Parents: 1-/her, Leonid Ossi$o8i>h P-s/ern-0;
Ko/her, 2os- ?sodorno8n- N-uf!-n P-s/ern-0. Nationality: 2ussi-n. Religion: Pe#ish.
Education: Kos>o# Ini8., ISS2, b->>-l-ure-/e, 191'. Spouse: 58enii- Sl-di!iro8n-
Lourie, !-rried 1922, di8or>ed 19'1; Jin-id- Ni0ol-e8n- Neuh-us 5ree!ee8, !-rried
19'). Children: 58enii Aoriso8i>h, son; Leonid Aoriso8i>h, son. Career: Kos>o#,
2ussi-, Tu/or, 191):1(; Kos>o#, 2ussi-, 6ler0, 191(:1&; So8ie/ 6o!!iss-ri-/ for
5du>-/ion, ISS2, Libr-ri-n, 191*; Wri/ers Aoo0sho$, Kos>o#, ISS2, S-les>ler0,
1921; 6o!!iss-ri-/ of 1orein +ff-irs, Libr-ri-n, 192); Tr-nsl-/or, 19'2:)'. Other
Awards: A-n>-rell- Prize, 19%*.
Selected Publications: The .ollected rose %or2s. +rr-ned by S/ef-n S>hi!-ns0i.
LondonH L. Dru!!ond, 19)%. &octor !hivago. Tr. by K-@ L-y#-rd -nd K-ny- L-r-ri.
Ne# 3or0H P-n/heon, 19%*. The -ast (ummer. Tr. by "eore 2e-8y. Ne# 3or0H +8on
Aoo0 Di8ision, Le-rs/ 6or$., 19%9. The oetry of 8oris asterna2, 191G+1960. Tr. by
"eore 2e-8y. Ne# 3or0H Pu/n-!, 19(0. The 8lind 8eauty. Tr. by K-@ L-y#-rd -nd
K-ny- L-r-ri. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, Ar->e Y World, 19(9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: An $ssay in Autobiography. Tr. by K-ny- L-r-ri. LondonH
6ollins Y L-r8ill Press, 19%9. 6onGues/, 2ober/. asterna2> A 8iography. Ne# 3or0H
O>/-on Aoo0s, 19&9. de K-ll->, "uy. 8oris asterna2> /is -ife and Art. Nor!-n, ONH
Ini8. of O0l-ho!- Press, 19*1. 1leish!-n, L-z-r, ed. 8oris asterna2 and /is Times.
O-0l-nd, 6+H Aer0eley Sl-8i>, 19**. Linley, 2ober/. asterna2> A 8iography. Ne#
3or0H Nno$f, 19*'. < Bemember> (2etch for an Autobiography. Tr. by D-8id
K--rsh->0. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19*'. Sendi>h, K. 8oris asterna2.
Ne# 3or0H ". N. L-ll, 199).
Co$$entary: The 6o!!i//ee >i/ed Aoris P-s/ern-0 \for his i!$or/-n/ ->hie8e!en/
bo/h in >on/e!$or-ry lyri>-l $oe/ry -nd in /he field of /he re-/ 2ussi-n e$i> /r-di/ion.Z
So!e fel/ /h-/ /he -#-rd #-s b-sed solely on &octor !hivago, bu/ /he i!$or/-n>e of
P-s/ern-09s $oe/ry is unders>ored by /he f->/ /h-/ he #-s -lso no!in-/ed in 19%'. +nders
Oes/erlin, $er!-nen/ se>re/-ry of /he +>-de!y, >o!$-red P-s/ern-09s no8el /o
Tols/oy9s %ar and eace -nd s$o0e of /he boo09s \$ure -nd $o#erful enius.Z Le -lso
s-id /h-/ /he -#-rd #-s in honor of P-s/ern-09s >our-e in $rodu>in - #or0 of su>h
inde$enden>eH \?/ is indeed - re-/ ->hie8e!en/ /o h-8e been -ble /o >o!$le/e under
diffi>ul/ >ir>u!s/-n>es - #or0 of su>h dini/y, hih -bo8e -ll $oli/i>-l $-r/y fron/iers
-nd r-/her -n/i-$oli/i>-l in i/s en/irely hu!-ne ou/loo0.Z BD.S.C
O!asi2odo5 -al>atore 23?
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19%9. Born: +uus/ 20, 1901; Kodi>-, Si>ily, ?/-ly. Death: Pune 1),
19(*; N-$les, ?/-ly. Parents: 1-/her, "-e/-no Qu-si!odo; Ko/her, 6lo/ilde 2-us-
Qu-si!odo. Nationality: ?/-li-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: No >ollee derees.
Spouse: Ai>e Done//i; !-rried 1920, died 19)*; K-ri- 6u!-ni, !-rried 19)*.
Children: Orie//-, d-uh/er; +less-ndro, son. Career: ?/-li-n Kinis/ry of Publi> Wor0s,
5nineer, 192(:'*; <l Tempo, 5di/or, 19'*:)0; "iuse$$e Serdi 6onser8-/ory of Kusi>,
Kil-n, ?/-ly, Professor, 19)1:(). Other Awards: 1loren/ine Prize, ?/-ly, 19'2; 5/n--
T-or!in- ?n/ern-/ion-l Poe/ry Prize, 19%'; Si-reio Prize, 19%*.
Selected Publications: $dL (ubito (era. Kil-nH Kond-dori, 19)2. 5iorno &opo 5iorno.
Kil-nH Kond-dori, 19)&. -a 6ita 'on L (ogno. Kil-nH Kond-dori, 19)9. <l =also e 6ero
6erde. Kil-nH S>h#-rz, 19%). -a Terra <mpareggiabile. Kil-nH Kond-dori, 19%*.
(elected %ritings of (alvatore ?uasimodo. Tr. by +llen K-ndelb-u!. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r,
S/r-us Y 6ud-hy, 19(0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .ontemporary Authors, ermanent (eries. De/roi/, K?H
"-le, 19&% BSolu!e 1C, %2):2%. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(0, '2%:2&.
Co$$entary: S-l8-/ore Qu-si!odo, ?/-li-n $oe/ -nd /r-nsl-/or, #-s -#-rded /he Nobel
Prize OOfor his lyri>-l $oe/ry, #hi>h #i/h >l-ssi>-l fire e@$resses /he /r-i> e@$erien>e of
life in our /i!es.Z ?n /he 19'0s, he #-s >onsidered /o be - le-der of /he ?/-li-n her!e/i>
$oe/ry !o8e!en/. +f/er World W-r ??, his $oe/ry, #hile re/-inin >l-ssi>-l i!-ery -nd
/he!es, be>-!e -n ins/ru!en/ for so>i-l -nd $oli/i>-l refor!. ?/ is /his l-/er $oe/ry /h-/
/he Nobel 6o!!i//ee e@$ressly >i/ed in -#-rdin /he $rize. BS.W.6.C
-aint'<ohn Perse D#H&er5 ,arie'4ene 0!&!ste 0le/is -aint'#H&erE 23@
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19(0. Born: K-y '1, 1**&; S-in/-L_erles-1euilles, 1ren>h Wes/
?ndies. Death: Se$/e!ber 20, 19&%; "iens, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, +!ed_e L_er;
Ko/her, 1r-naoise-2en_e Dor!oy L_er. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: S$iri/u-lis/;
fro! Pro/es/-n/ b->0round. Education: Ini8. of Aorde-u@, 1r-n>e, Li>en>i_ in L-#,
190*. Spouse: Doro/hy Kilburn 2ussell, !-rried 19%*. Children: None. Career: 1ren>h
"o8ern!en/ Posi/ions, 191):)0; Ini/ed S/-/es Libr-ry of 6onress, 6onsul/-n/, 19)1:
)%. Other Awards: "r-nd Offi>er of Leion of Lonor; Nnih/ of /he "r-nd 6ross of /he
Ari/ish 5!$ire; +#-rd of Keri/, +!eri>-n +>-de!y of +r/s -nd Le//ers, 19%0; "r-nd
Pri@ N-/ion-l des Le//ers, 19%9; "r-nd Pri@ ?n/ern-/ion-l de Po_sie, Aeliu!, 19%9.
Selected Publications: lloges. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 1911 B$ulogies and Other oems. Tr.
by Louise S-rese. Ne# 3or0H Nor/on, 19))C. Anabase. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 192) BAnabasis.
Tr. by T.S. 5lio/. LondonH 1-ber, 19'0C. $xil, (uivi de oDmes a -)ltrangere, luies,
'eiges. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19)% B$xile, and Other oems. Tr. by Denis De8lin. Ne#
3or0H P-n/heon, 19)9C. 6ents. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19)( B%inds. Tr. by Luh 6hishol!.
Ne# 3or0H P-n/heon, 19%2C. Amers. P-risH N21, 19%' B(eamar2s. Tr. by W-ll->e 1o#lie.
Ne# 3or0H P-n/heon, 19%*C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: "-l-nd, 2ene. (aint@7ohn erse. Ne# 3or0H T#-yne, 19&2.
Nnodel, +r/hur. (aint7ohn erse> A (tudy of /is oetry. 5dinburhH 5dinburh
P-e **
Ini8. Press, 19((. Os/ro8s0y, 5ri>-. :nder the (ign of Ambiguity. Ne# 3or0H Ne# 3or0
Ini8. Press, 19*%. S->o//e, K. (aint@7ohn erse. P-risH P. Aelfond, 1991.
Co$$entary: S-in/-Pohn Perse9s Nobel #-s \for /he so-rin flih/ -nd /he e8o>-/i8e
i!-ery of his $oe/ry, #hi>h in - 8ision-ry f-shion refle>/s /he >ondi/ions of our /i!es.Z
Lis i!$ressi8e di$lo!-/i> >-reer -nd /he des/ru>/ion of his !-nus>ri$/s by /he N-zis lef/
- r-/her s!-ll /o/-l body of #or0. Ne8er >losely -llied #i/h -ny s>hool of $oe/ry /houh
- friend of !-ny $oe/s, S-in/-Pohn Perse be-n by e8o0in his >hildhood by /he /ro$i>-l
se-. Anabasis >on/inues /he e@o/i> b->0round, in his o#n #ords \- $oe! of $erson-l
-nd $ubli> soli/ude in /he !ids/ of ->/ion.Z $xile de-ls #i/h !ore $erson-l subMe>/s in -
ne8er/heless e$i> f-shion; %inds, /oo, is e$i>, -nd li0e Anabasis >-n be re-d on -no/her
le8el -s -bou/ li/er-/ure9s -bili/y /o !-0e $-ssin /i!e e/ern-l. (eamar2s $i>/ures hu!-n
life >en/ered -bou/ /he se- -nd fe-/ures - dis>ussion be/#een K-n -nd Wo!-n
>on>ernin hu!-n life, lo8e, -nd e/erni/y. Li//le-0no#n in or ou/ of 1r-n>e, S-in/-Pohn
Perse is -n -u/hor #hose #or0 is no/ e-sy bu/ is e@/re!ely re#-rdin for /hose #ho #ill
li8e #i/h i/ -nd -bsorb i/s r-nd s>o$e, i/s >l-ri/y of i!-e, -nd i/s le8els of !e-nin.
0ndriP5 .>o 23A
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19(1. Born: O>/ober 10, 1*92; Dol->, 3uosl-8i-. Death: K-r>h 1',
19&%; Aelr-de, 3uosl-8i-. Parents: 1-/her, +n/un +ndri; Ko/her, N-/-rin- PeMi>
+ndri. Nationality: 3uosl-8i-n. Religion: 5-s/ern Or/hodo@. Education: Ini8. of
"r-z, +us/ri-, Ph.D., 192'. Spouse: Kili>- A-bi>, !-rried 19%9. Children: None.
Career: 3uosl-8i-n Di$lo!-/i> Ser8i>e, 192':)1; 3uosl-8i-n Poli/i>s, 19)(:%2.
Other Awards: Prize for Life Wor0, 3uosl-8i-.
Selected Publications: 5ospodica BThe %oman from (araIevoC. S-r-Me8o, 3uosl-8i-H
SMe/los/, 19)%. Travnic2 /roni2a B8osnian .hronicleC. Aelr-deH Drez. ?zd-8->0i J-8-d
Puosl-8iMe, 19)%. 'a &rini .upriIa. S-r-Me8o, 3uosl-8i-H SMe/los/, 19)& BThe 8ridge
on the &rina. Tr. by Lo8e// 1. 5d#-rds. LondonH "eore +llen Y In#in, L/d., 19%9C.
ro2leta AvliIa. Aelr-deH Pros8e/-, 19%) B&evil)s 1ard. Tr. by Nenne/h Pohns/one. Ne#
3or0H "ro8e Press, 19(2C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .ontemporary -iterary .riticism. De/roi/, K?H "-le, 19&*
BSolu!e *C, 19:22. L-#0es#or/h, 6eli-. <vo Andriq. LondonH +/hlone Press, 19*0.
Puri>i>, Jeli!ir. The #an and the Artist> $ssays on <vo Andriq. Lenh-!, KDH Ini8.
Press of +!eri>-, 19*(. Sinh Ku0erMi, S. <vo Andriq. Pefferson, N6H K>1-rl-nd, 1990.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s $resen/ed /o ?8o +ndri \for /he e$i> for>e #i/h
#hi>h he h-s /r->ed /he!es -nd de$i>/ed hu!-n des/inies fro! his >oun/ry9s his/ory.Z
5s$e>i-lly in his Aosni-n /riloy, +ndri $resen/ed /he $-nor-!- of Serbi-n his/ory -nd
life, fro! /he si@/een/h->en/ury ->/ion -round /he bride in The 8ridge on the &rina /o
/he ri8-lry be/#een /he +us/ri-n -nd 1ren>h >onsuls in Tr-8ni>0 of /he N-$oleoni> W-rs
in 8osnian (tory -nd fin-lly /o /he $sy>holoi>-l s/udy of /he !er>h-n/9s d-uh/er in /he
$resen/-d-y The %oman from (araIevo. BN.6.C
-teinbeck5 <ohn "rnst 23B
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19(2. Born: 1ebru-ry 2&, 1902; S-lin-s, 6-lforni-. Death: De>e!ber
2*, 19(*; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn 5rns/ S/einbe>0; Ko/her, Oli8e
L-!il/on S/einbe>0. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: No
>ollee derees. Spouse: 6-rol Lennin, !-rried 19'0, di8or>ed 19)'; "#yn 6oner,
!-rried 19)', di8or>ed 19)9; 5l-ine S>o//, !-rried 19%0. Children: To!, son; Pohn,
son. Career: Wri/er -nd 1ree-l-n>e Pourn-lis/. Other Awards: "old Ked-l,
6o!!on#e-l/h 6lub of 6-liforni-, 19'(, 19'&, 19)0; 6ir>le Sil8er Pl-Gue, Ne# 3or0
Dr-!- 6ri/i>s, 19'*; Puli/zer Prize, 19)0.
Selected Publications: To a 5od :n2no0n. Ne# 3or0H 6o8i>i-1reide, 19''. Tortilla
=lat. Ne# 3or0H 6o8i>i-1reide, 19'%. <n &ubious 8attle. Ne# 3or0H 6o8i>i-1reide,
19'(. Of #ice and #en. Ne# 3or0H 6o8i>i-1reide, 19'&. The Bed ony. Ne# 3or0H
Si0in Press, 19'&. The 5rapes of %rath. Ne# 3or0H Si0in Press, 19'9. The =orgotten
6illage. Ne# 3or0H Si0in Press, 19)1. The #oon <s &o0n. Ne# 3or0H Si0in Press,
19)2. The earl. Ne# 3or0H Si0in Press, 19)&. $ast of $den. Ne# 3or0H Si0in Press,
19%2. (0eet Thursday. Ne# 3or0H Si0in Press, 19%). Once There %as a %ar. Ne#
3or0H Si0in Press, 19%*. The %inter of Our &iscontent. Ne# 3or0H Si0in Press, 19(1.
The (hort 'ovels of 7ohn (teinbec2. Ne# 3or0H Si0in Press, 19('. L-r!on, 2ober/ A.
(teinbec2 8ibliography> An Annotated 5uide. Ke/u>hen, NPH S>-re>ro#, 19*&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aloo!, L-rold. 7ohn (teinbec2. Ne# 3or0H 6helse-, 19*&.
1ens>h, Tho!-s, ed. .onversations 0ith (teinbec2. P->0son, KSH Ini8. of Kississi$$i,
19**. 1on/enrose, Pose$h. 7ohn (teinbec2. Ne# 3or0H A-rnes Y Noble, 19('. 1ren>h,
W-rren. 7ohn (teinbec2. Aos/onH T#-yne Publishers, 19(1. P-rini, P. 7ohn (teinbec2.
Ne# 3or0H L. Lol/, 199%.
Co$$entary: Pohn S/einbe>0 #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y OOfor his one -nd -/ /he s-!e
/i!e re-lis/i> -nd i!-in-/i8e #ri/ins dis/inuished -s /hey -re by - sy!$-/he/i>
hu!our -nd - so>i-l $er>e$/ion.Z +n -u/hor #hose >ri/i>-l ->>l-i! see!ed /o rise or f-ll
-l!os/ #i/h e->h li/er-ry >on/ribu/ion, S/einbe>0 -$$e-red /o be !os/ in his ele!en/
#hen #ri/in -bou/ \/he si!$le Moy of life.Z The Nobel Murors >i/ed his \re-/ feelin for
n-/ure=/he /illed soil, /he #-s/el-nd, /he !oun/-ins -nd /he o>e-n >o-s/sZ in his #ri/in.
The +!eri>-n $role/-ri-/ #-s /he !odel for S/einbe>09s !os/ !e!or-ble >h-r->/ers -nd
for!ed /he nu>leus -round #hi>h so!e of his !os/ re>onized /he!es re8ol8ed=su>h
/o$i>s -s /he De$ression, re-li/ies of n-/ure, res$onsibili/y -nd hu!-n sufferin, !or-l
neu/r-li/y, -nd e>>en/ri> loneliness. BP.L.S.C
-eferis5 6ior&os D-eferiQdis5 9or&osE 23C
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19('. Born: 1ebru-ry 29, 1900; S!yrn-, Tur0ey. Death: Se$/e!ber
20, 19&1; +/hens, "ree>e. Parents: 1-/her, S/elios Seferidis; Ko/her, Dhes$o
Tine0idhis Seferidis. Nationality: "ree0. Religion: 5-s/ern Or/hodo@. Education:
Ini8. of P-ris-Sorbonne, 1r-n>e, l-# deree, 192). Spouse: K-ri- J-nnou, !-rried
19)1. Children: None. Career: "ree0 Di$lo!-/, 19'1:(2.
Selected Publications: (ix oems from the 5ree2 of (i2elianos and (eferis. Tr. by L.
Durell. +/hensH 2hodes,
P-e *9
19)(. The Jing of Asine and Other oems. Tr. by A. S$en>er, N. S-l-ori/is, -nd L.
Durell. LondonH Leh!-nn, 19)*. oems. Tr. by 2e@ W-rner. LondonH Aodley Le-d,
19(0. .ollected oems, 19,G+19"". Tr. by 5d!und Neeley -nd Phili$ Sherr-rd.
Prin>e/on, NPH Prin>e/on Ini8. Press, 19(&. Three (ecret oems. Tr. by W-l/er N-iser.
6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19(9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(), )02:0). &ays of 19G"+19"1> A oet)s 7ournal. Tr. by +/h-n +n-nos/o$oulos.
6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19&). Ts-/sou, ?. #y 8rother, 5eorge (eferis. S/.
P-ul, KNH Nor/h 6en/r-l Publishin, 19*2.
Co$$entary: "ioros Seferis #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y for \/he uniGue /houh/ -nd
s/yle -nd be-u/y of his l-nu-e, #hi>h h-s be>o!e - l-s/in sy!bol of -ll /h-/ is
indes/ru>/ible in /he Lelleni> ->>e$/-n>e of life.Z ?n his $oe/ry, Seferis i!!or/-lized /he
lory -nd /he $-in of /he "ree0 e@$erien>e, in8es/i-/in in de$/h /he /he!es of !odern
/ensions, #-r, e@ile, -nd nos/-li-. ?n his life9s #or0, !e-n#hile, /he $oe/ >-rried
for#-rd /he his/ory of "ree>e in - series of i!$or/-n/ di$lo!-/i> $os/s held o8er -
$eriod of '1 ye-rs. BP.L.S.C
-artre5 <ean'Pa!l %harles 0$2ard 239
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19() BrefusedC. Born: Pune 21, 190%; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death: +$ril 1%,
19*0; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, Pe-n A-$/is/e S-r/re; Ko/her, +nne K-rie
S>h#ei/zer. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: +/heis/ in -dul/ ye-rs; fro!
Lu/her-n,6-/holi> b->0round. Education: ]>ole Nor!-le Su$_rieure, 1r-n>e, \+ree
de $hiloso$hie,Z 1929. Spouse: In!-rried, bu/ li8ed #i/h life-lon >o!$-nion Si!one
De Ae-u8oir for -l!os/ %0 ye-rs. Children: None; bu/ le-lly -do$/ed his edi/ori-l
-ssis/-n/, Kiss +rle//e N-i!. Career: 1ren>h +r!y, Sere-n/, 1929:'1; Ly>_e du L-8re,
1r-n>e, Professor, 19'1:''; ?ns/i/u/e 1r-na-is, Aerlin, "er!-ny, Te->hin 1ello#,
19'':'); Ly>_e de L-on, 1r-n>e, Professor, 19'(:'&; Ly>_e P-s/eur de Neuilly-
surSeine, 1r-n>e, Professor, 19'&:'9; 1ren>h +r!y, 19'9:)1; Ly>_e 6ondor>e/, 1r-n>e,
Professor, 19)1:)); -es Temps #oderne, P-ris, 1r-n>e, 5di/or, 19)):*0. Other Awards:
1ren>h Po$ul-r No8el Prize, 19)0; Leion d9honneur BrefusedC, 19)%; Ne# 3or0 Dr-!-
6ri/i>s +#-rd, 19)&; 1ren>h "r-nd No8el Prize, 19%0; O!e- Prize, ?/-ly, 19%0.
Selected Publications: -a 'ausDe. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19'* B'ausea. Tr. by 2. A-ldi>0.
L-r!onds#or/h, 5nl-ndH Penuin, 19(%C. -)imagination. P-risH 1. +l>-n, 19'9
B<magination. Tr. by 1. Willi-!s. +nn +rbor, K?H Ini8. of Ki>hi-n Press, 19(2C. -e
#ur. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19'9 BThe %all. Tr. by L. +le@-nder. Norfol0, 6TH Penuin 19)*C.
-)imaginaire> sychologie henomenologie. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19)0 BThe sychology of
<magination. Tr. by A. 1re>h/!-n. Ne# 3or0H Philoso$hi>-l Libr-ry, 19)*C. -)ttre et le
'Dant> $ssais d)Ontologie henomenologi4ue. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19)' B8eing and
'othingness> An $ssay on henomenological Ontology. Ne# 3or0H Philoso$hi>-l
Libr-ry, 19%(C. /uis clos. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19)' B<n .amera. Tr. by S. "ilber/. Ne#
3or0H +lfred +. Nno$f, 19)(. +lso Tr. -s 'o $xit by P. Ao#les. Ne# 3or0, 19%*C. -es
.hemins de la -ibertD. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19)%:)9, >o!$risinH 1. -)uge de Baison,
Boman, 19)% BThe Age of Beason. Tr. by 5. Su//on. Ne# 3or0H +lfred +. Nno$f, 19)&C;
2. -e (ursis, 19)% BThe Beprieve. Tr. by 5. Su//on. LondonH L-!ish L-!il/on, 19)&C; '.
-a #ort dans l)vme, 19)9 B<ron in the (oul. Tr. by ". Lo$0ins. LondonH L-!ish
L-!il/on, 19%0C. #ort sans (Dpalture. L-us-nneH K-ruer-/, 19)( B#en 0ithout
(hado0s. Tr. by Ni//y Al->0. LondonH L. L-!il/on, 19)9C. -es #ouches. P-risH
"-lli!-rd, 19)( BThe =lies. Tr. by S. "ilber/. Ne# 3or0H +lfred +. Nno$f, 19)(C. -a
utain Bespectueuse. P-risH N-el, 19)( BThe Bespectful rostitute. Tr. by N. Al->0.
LondonH L-!ish L-!il/on, 19)9C. BDflexion sur la ?uestion 7uive. P-risH Korihien,
19)( Bortrait of the Anti@(emite. Tr. by K-ry "uenhei!. Ne# 3or0H P-r/is-n
2e8ie#, 19)(C. (ituations, 9 8olu!es B>olle>/ed -r/i>les -nd >ri/i>is!C. P-risH "-lli!-rd,
19)&:&2 B%hat is -iteratureP Tr. by A. 1re>h/!-n. Ne# 3or0H Philoso$hi>-l Libr-ry,
19)9=fro! (ituation <<<C. -iterary and hilosophical $ssays. BTr by +. Ki>helson.
LondonH 2ider, 19%%=sele>/ionsC. (ituations. BTr. by A. 5isler. LondonH 1-#>i//, 19(%
=(ituations <6C. -es 7eux sont =aits. 1ren>h -nd 5uro$e-n Publi>-/ions, 19)& BThe
.hips are &o0n. Tr. by L. S-res. Ne# 3or0H Le-r, 19)*C. -)engrenage. P-risH N-el,
19)* B<n the #esh. Tr. by K. S-8ill. LondonH +. D-0ersC. -es #ains (ales. P-risH
"-lli!-rd, 19)* B&irty /ands. Tr. by L. +bel. Ne# 3or0H Sin/-e Aoo0s, 19)9C. -e
&iable et le bon &ieu. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19%1 B-ucifer and the -ord. Tr. by Ni//y Al->0.
LondonH L. L-!il/on, 19%'C. -es (D4uestrDs d)Altona. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19%% BThe
.ondemned of Altona. Tr. by ". -nd S. Leeson. Ne# 3or0H Sin/-e Aoo0s, 19(1C. -es
#ots. P-risH "-lli!-rd, 19() B%ords. Tr. by ?. 6le$h-ne. LondonH L. L-!il/on, 19()C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: de Ae-u8oir, S. Adieux> A =are0ell to (artre. Ne# 3or0H
P-n/heon, 19*). L-y!-n, 2on-ld. (artre. Ne# 3or0H Si!on Y S>hus/er, 19*&. Lo#ells,
6. The .ambridge .ompanion to (artre. 6-!bride, 5nl-ndH 6-!bride Ini8. Press,
1992. Suhl, AenM-!in. 7eanaul (artre> The hilosopher as -iterary .ritic. Ne# 3or0H
6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 19&0. Thody, Phili$ K-l>ol!. (artre> A 8iographical
<ntroduction. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&2.
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o Pe-n-P-ul S-r/re #-s \for his #or0 #hi>h, ri>h in ide-s -nd
filled #i/h /he s$iri/ of freedo! -nd /he Gues/ for /ru/h, h-s e@er/ed - f-r-re->hin
influen>e on our -e.99 +l/houh S-r/re is $ri!-rily 0no#n for his >on/ribu/ions in /he
-re-s of dr-!- -nd $sy>holoi>-l bior-$hy, he is eGu-lly #ell 0no#n for his no/-ble
>on/ribu/ions in li/er-ry >ri/i>is!, $oli/i>-l Mourn-lis!, -nd $hiloso$hy. Prob-bly !os/
0no# hi! for his de8elo$!en/ of /he $hiloso$hy of e@is/en/i-lis! -nd for /he $l-y 'o
$xit B19)&C, s/ill freGuen/ly re-d in >ollee li/er-/ure >ourses. BP.N.C
-holokho>5 ,ikhail 0leksandro>ich 2?0
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19(%. Born: K-y 2), 190%; Seshens0-y-, 2os/o8, 2ussi-. Death:
1ebru-ry 21, 19*); Seshens0-y-, 2os/o8, ISS2. Parents: 1-/her, +le0s-nder
Ki0h-ilo8i>h Sholo0ho8; Ko/her, +n-s/-siy- D-nilo8n- 6herni0o8- Sholo0ho8.
Nationality: 2ussi-n. Religion: +/heis/; fro!
P-e 90
5-s/ern Or/hodo@ b->0round. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: K-ri- Pe/ro8n-
"ro!osl-0s0-y-, !-rried 192'. Children: ) >hildren. Career: So8ie/ +r!y, 191*:22;
Kos>o#, ISS2, K-nu-l L-borer, 1922:2(; Wri/er -nd Poli/i>i-n /here-f/er. Other
Awards: S/-lin Prize, 19)1; Order of /he 1-/herl-nd; Lenin Prize, 19(0; Lero of
So>i-lis/ L-bor, 19(&; Order of Lenin, * /i!es.
Selected Publications: 'a2halenof. Kos>o#H n.$., 192%. -a*orevaya (teppe. Kos>o#H
n.$., 192%. &ons2ie Bass2a*y. Oriin-lly $ublished in 192%. +8-il-ble /hrouh Kos>o#H
"osud. ?zd-8o, Nhudozh Li/-ry, 19%* BTales of the &on. Tr. by L.6. S/e8ens. Ne# 3or0H
Nno$f, 19(2C. Ti2hii &on. Oriin-lly $ublished, 192(:)0. +8-il-ble /hrouh Kos>o#H
"osud. ?zd-8o, Nhudozh Li/-ry, 19)% BTr-nsl-/ion of 8olu!es 1 -nd 2 by S/e$hen "-rry
$ublished -s And ?uiet =lo0s the &on. Ne# 3or0H Pu/!-n, 19'); /r-nsl-/ion of 8olu!es
' -nd ) by S/e$hen "-rry $ublished -s The &on =lo0s /ome to the (ea. Ne# 3or0H
Pu/!-n, 19)0C. (eeds of Tomorro0. Tr. by S/e$hen "-rry. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 19'%.
'au2a 'enavisti. Oriin-lly $ublished in 19)2. +8-il-ble /hrouh Kos>o#H
So8re!enni0, 19&% B/ate. Kos>o#H 1orein L-nu-e Publishin Louse, 19)2C. Oni
(ra*halis) !a Bodinu. Solu!e 1. Kos>o#H Pr-8d-, 19)'. (horni2 (tatei. Leninr-dH
?zd8o Leninr-ds0oo Ini8ersi/e/-, 19%(. (obraine (ochinenii. * 8olu!es. Kos>o#H
"osli/zd-/, 19%(:(0. (ud)ba .helove2a. Kos>o#H "os. ?zd-8o Nhudozh, Li/-ry, 19%&
BThe =ate of #an. Tr. by 2ober/ D-lish. Kos>o#H 1orein L-nu-es Press, 19%&C.
/arvest on the &on. Tr. by L.6. S/e8ens. Ne# 3or0H Pu/n-!, 19(0. Bannie Bass2a*y.
Kos>o#H So8e/s0-ii- 2ossi-, 19(1. les0ns, Bomans. Kos>o#H 2i-, 19(1.
ut)doro*hen)2a. Kos>o#H Kolod-i- "8-rdii-, 19(2. (lovo o Bodine. Kos>o#H n.$.,
19(%. <*brannoe. Kos>o#H Kolod-i- "8-rdii-, 19(*. o 6eleniiu &ushi. Kos>o#H
Kolod-i- "8-rdii-, 19&0 BAt the 8idding of the /eart. Tr. by Ol- Sh-r/se. Proress
Publishers, 19&'C. Bosii v (erdtse. Kos>o#H So8re!enni0, 19&%. (lovo 2 #olodym.
Kos>o#H n.$., 19&%. (tories. Kos>o#H Proress Publishers, 19&%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 5r!ol-e8, Ler!-n. #i2hail (holo2hov and /is Art.
Prin>e/on, NPH Prin>e/on Ini8. Press, 19*2. Sloni!, K-r>. (oviet Bussian -iterature,
191A+AA. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press, 19&&, 1**:9&. S/e#-r/, D. #i2hail (holo2hov>
A .ritical <ntroduction. +nn +rbor, K?H Ini8. of Ki>hi-n Press, 19(&.
Co$$entary: Ki0h-il Sholo0ho89s -#-rd #-s for \-r/is/i> s/ren/h -nd hones/y #hen
de$i>/in - his/ori>-l e$o>h in /he life of /he 2ussi-n $eo$le.Z Lis !-Mor #or0, The
?uiet &on B- 19') #or0 #hi>h /oo0 hi! 1) ye-rs /o #ri/e -nd #hi>h is $ublished in /he
I.S. -s ?uiet =lo0s the &onC, is -n e$i> no8el s/ee$ed he-8ily in nine/een/h >en/ury
re-lis!. The #or0, -n ou/s/-ndin re$resen/-/i8e of /he so->-lled \$role/-ri-nZ >urren/ in
2ussi-n li/er-/ure, h-s been >o!$-red by so!e /o %ar and eace, -nd i/ #-s
ins/ru!en/-l in his be>o!in, -/ -e %0, /he !os/ reno#ned #ri/er in /he So8ie/ Inion.
The s/rule be/#een /he old -nd /he ne#, /he diffi>ul/y in >hoosin be/#een #hi/e -nd
red 2ussi-, do!in-/es his #or0. Sholo0ho8 #-s of/en - >on/ro8ersi-l fiure in /he
Nre!lin be>-use his $osi/ion #-s so hih /h-/ he >ould -fford /o be 8ery ou/s$o0en.
BD.S. -nd 2.P.C
0&non5 -h2!el 9osef D%zaczkes5 -h2!el 9osefE 2?1
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19((. Born: Puly 1&, 1***; Au>z->z, "-li>i- B+us/ri-C. Death:
1ebru-ry 1&, 19&0; 2eho8-/, ?sr-el. Parents: 1-/her, Sh-lo! 6z->z0es; Ko/her, 5s/her
1-rb 6z->z0es. Nationality: +us/ri-n; l-/er ?sr-eli >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education:
No >ollee derees. Spouse: 5s/her K-r@, !-rried 1920. Children: 5!un-, d-uh/er;
Le!d-/, son. Career: ?sr-el, "o8ern!en/-l +en>y Se>re/-ry, 190&:1'. Other Awards:
Issish0in Prize, 19%0; Ai-li0 Prize, ?sr-el, 19%), 19%*.
Selected Publications: /a2hnasat Jalah. AerlinH S>ho>0en, 19'1 BThe 8ridal .anopy.
Tr. by ?.K. L-s0. Ne# 3or0H Doubled-y, 19'&C. \Sefer L-!--si!Z BThe 8oo2 of &eedsC.
&avar F#usafH S?? B+$ril 20, 19'2C. \P-/ Shle!-.99 #o*nayim ?S BP-nu-ry %, 19''CH
%0:%'. ?n A %hole -oaf. Tr. by ?.K. L-s0. Perus-le!H S>ho>0en, 19%*, '1(:'1. Oreach
'ata -alun. ?n Jol (ippurav BSolu!e S??C. AerlinH S>ho>0en, 19'9 B%ayfarer (topped
for a 'ight. Tr. by 2. +l/er. #osaic ?? BWin/er 19(1CH '&:)1C. (hevuat $munim.
Perus-le!H S>ho>0en, 19)' B\Ae/ro/hed.Z ?n T0o Tales. Tr. by W. Le8er. Ne# 3or0H
S>ho>0en, 19((C. Temol (hilshom BOnly 1esterdayC. ?n Jol (ipurav BSolu!e ?4C. AerlinH
S>ho>0en, 19)%. Jol (ipurav B.ollected %or2sC. 11 8olu!es. AerlinH S>ho>0en, 19'1:
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +berb->h, D-8id. At the /andles of the -oc2. LondonH
O@ford Ini8. Press, 19*). A-nd, +rnold P. 'ostalgia and 'ightmare. Aer0eley, 6+H
Ini8. of 6-liforni- Press, 19(*. .ontemporary Authors. ermanent (eries. De/roi/, K?H
"-le, 19&* BSolu!e 2C, 1(:1*. 1is>h, L-rold. (.1. Agnon. Ne# 3or0H 1rederi>0 In-r,
19&%. Sh-0ed, "ershon. (hmuel 1osef Agnon> A Bevolutionary Tradition. Ne# 3or0H
Ne# 3or0 Ini8. Press, 19*9.
Co$$entary: \1or his $rofoundly dis/in>/i8e n-rr-/i8e -r/ #i/h !o/ifs fro! /he life of
/he Pe#ish $eo$le,Z S.3. +non #-s i8en /he Nobel Prize. O8er si@ de>-des, +non
$rodu>ed $oe!s, s/ories, -nd no8els /h-/ firs/ lo8inly -nd si!$ly /old of /he life of /he
Pe#ish >o!!uni/ies in 5-s/ern 5uro$e -nd l-/er in/rodu>ed o8er/ones of f-n/-sy -nd
nih/!-re in /he N-f0- /r-di/ion. Lis The 8ridal .anopy h-s been referred /o -s -
Lebre# &on ?uixote. +non -lso $rodu>ed >ri/i>-lly ->>l-i!ed boo0s on /he D-ys of
+#e, /he i8in of /he Tor-h, -nd L-ssidi> lore. BP.L.S.C
-achs5 #eonie Nell$ 2?2
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19((. Born: De>e!ber 10, 1*91; Aerlin, "er!-ny. Death: K-y 12,
19&0; S/o>0hol!, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, Willi-! S->hs; Ko/her, K-r-re/h- N-rer.
Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er S#edish >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: No >ollee
derees. Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: Aerlin, "er!-ny -nd S/o>0hol!,
S#eden, Tr-nsl-/or. Other Awards: Nul/ur$reis der Deu/s>hen ?ndus/rie, 19%9;
P-hres$rin Li/er-ry Prize, 19%9; +nne//e 8on Dros/e-LRlshoff Prize, 19(0; 1s/ Nelly
S->hs Prize for Li/er-/ure, 19(1; Pe->e Prize, "er!-n Aoo0seller9s +sso>i-/ion, 19((.
Selected Publications: $li> $in #ysterienspiel vom -eiden <sraels. S/o>0hol!H W-l/er
+. Aerendsohn, 19)' B$li> A #ystery lay of the (ufferings of <srael. Tr. by 6hris/o$her
Lol!e. Ne# 3or0H Nur/ Aernhei!, 19&0C. <n den %ohnungen
P-e 91
des Todes B<n the /abitations of &eathC. AerlinH +ufb-uSerl-, 19)&. (ternverdun2elung
B$clipse of the (tarsC. +!s/erd-!H Aer!-n-1is>her, 19)9. :nd 'eimand %eiss %eiter
BAnd 'oone Jno0s %here to 5oC. L-!burH Leinri>h 5ller!-n, 19%&. =lucht und
6er0andlung B=light and #etamorphosisC. S/u//-r/, "er!-nyH Deu/s>he Serl-s-
+ns/-l/, 19%9. =ahrt ins (taublose B7ourney to the 8eyondC. 1r-n0fur/H Suhr0-!$
Serl-, 19(1. !erchen im (and B(igns in the (andC. 1r-n0fur/H Suhr0-!$ Serl-, 19(2.
O the .himneys. (elected oems, <ncluding the 6erse lay, Q$li.R Tr. by Ki>h-el
L-!burer, 6hris/o$her Lol!e, 2u/h -nd K-//he# Ke-d, -nd Ki>h-el 2-loff. Ne#
3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us -nd "irou@, 19(&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Ler!-nn, +r!in. 5erman 'obel ri*e0inners. Kuni>hH
Leinz Koos Serl-sesells>h-f/, 19(*, '2, '9, )0. O$fell, Ol- S. The -ady -aureates.
Ke/u>hen, NPH S>-re>ro# Press, 19&*, 1'%:)(. S/. +ndre#, A. \The 1or>es of Life.Z
/umanist )% BP-nu-ry,1ebru-ry 19*%CH '1.
Co$$entary: The Lolo>-us/, fro! #hi>h she es>-$ed, /r-nsfor!ed Nelly S->hs fro! -
!inor "er!-n $oe/ #ri/in rhy!ed for!s -bou/ n-/ure -nd !y/holoi>-l fiures /o -
$o#erful 8oi>e /h-/ re->hed in/o /he he-r/s of /he #orld #i/h e>hoes of Pe#ish !ys/i>is!
in #or0s /h-/ #ere her \!u/e ou/>ryZ --ins/ her $eo$le9s sufferins. Ler l-/er #or0
iden/ified Pe#ish sufferin #i/h /he sufferin of -ll hu!-ni/y -nd led /o - fin-l !ess-e
of fori8eness, $e->e, -nd ho$e res/in in ne# ener-/ions. The 6o!!i//ee >i/ed her
\for her ou/s/-ndin lyri>-l -nd dr-!-/i> #ri/ins, #hi>h in/er$re/ ?sr-el9s des/iny #i/h
/ou>hin s/ren/h.Z BP.L.S.C
0st!rias5 ,i&!el 0n&el 2?3
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19(&. Born: O>/ober 19, 1*99; "u-/e!-l- 6i/y, "u-/e!-l-. Death:
Pune 9, 19&); K-drid, S$-in. Parents: 1-/her, 5rnes/o +s/uri-s; Ko/her, K-ri- 2os-les
de +s/uri-s. Nationality: "u-/e!-l-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,6-/holi>.
Education: S-n 6-rlos Ini8., "u-/e!-l-, l-# deree, 192'. Spouse: 6le!en>i- +!-do,
!-rried 19'9, di8or>ed 19)&; Al-n>- Kor- y +r-uMo, !-rried Bno d-/e foundC.
Children: 2odrio, son; Kiuel +nel, son. Career: "u-/e!-l-, Ne#s$-$er
6orres$onden/, 192':''; Wri/er,Di$lo!-/. Other Awards: 6h-8ez Prize, 192'; Pri@
Syll- Konseur, P-ris, 19'1; Lenin Pe->e Prize, 19((.
Selected Publications: -eyendas de 5uatemala. K-dridH 5di>iones Orien/e, 19'0. $l
(ewor residente. Ke@i>o 6i/yH 5di/ori-l 6os/--+!i>, 19)( BThe resident. Tr. by
1r-n>es P-r/ride. LondonH S. "oll-n>z, 19('C. 6iento =uerte. Auenos +iresH Los-d-,
19%0 BThe .yclone. Tr. by D-#in 1l-h-ll -nd 6l-ribel +le-ri-. LondonH O#en, 19(&C.
8olivxr. "u-/e!-l- 6i/yH 5di/ori-l L-ndi8er, 19(1. $mulo -ipolidan =antomina por
#iguel Angel Asturias. "u-/e!-l- 6i/yH 5di/ori-l L-ndi8er, 19(1. #ulata de Tal.
Auenos +iresH 5di/ori-l Los-d-, 19(' B#ulata. Tr. by "reory 2-/-ss-. Ne# 3or0H
Del->or/e Press, 19(&C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6-ll-n, 2i>h-rd. #iguel Angel Asturias. Ne# 3or0H
T#-yne, 19&0. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19&%, '%:'*.
Co$$entary: Kiuel +s/uri-s re>ei8ed /he Nobel OOfor his hihly >olored #ri/ins,
roo/ed in - n-/ion-l indi8idu-li/y -nd ?ndi-n /r-di/ions.Z ?n his !-ny no8els, s/ories,
$oe!s, -nd $l-ys, +s/uri-s dis$l-yed his >on>ern for /he Sou/h +!eri>-n ?ndi-n
/r-di/ions, !y/holoy, -nd fol0lore; /he n-/ion-l iden/i/y for #hi>h he fouh/; -nd /he
>o!$-ssion for /he underdo in #hi>h he belie8ed. Lis #ri/in #-s - /rue refle>/ion of
his beliefs, #hi>h led /o !-ny ye-rs in e@ile be>-use of his o$$osi/ion /o di>/-/orshi$s in
$o#er in his n-/i8e "u-/e!-l-. BP.L.S.C
8a)abata5 9as!nari 2??
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19(*. Born: Pune 11, 1*99; Os-0-, P-$-n. Death: +$ril 1(, 19&2;
Jushi, P-$-n. Parents: 1-/her, 5i0i>hi N-#-b-/-; Ko/her, "en N-#-b-/-. Nationality:
P-$-nese. Religion: 1ro! Auddhis/ b->0round. Education: To0yo ?!$eri-l Ini8.,
P-$-n, b->>-l-ure-/e, 192). Spouse: K-/sub-y-shi Lide0o, !-rried B>o!!on l-#C
192(, Bfor!-llyC 19'1. Children: 1 d-uh/er. Career: P-$-n, Wri/er -nd 5di/or. Other
Awards: Aunei Non#- N-i Prize, 19'&; "eiMu/suin-sho Li/er-ry Prize, 19%2; No!-
Li/er-ry Prize, 19%); "oe/he Ked-l, "er!-ny, 19%9; Ordre des +r/s e/ Le//res, 1r-n>e,
19(0; 1ren>h Pri@ du Keilleur Li8re 5/r-ner, 19(1; 6ul/ur-l Ked-l, P-$-n, 19(1;
+0u/--#- Prize.
Selected Publications: 1u2iguni B(no0 .ountryC. Tr. by 5d#-rd ". Seidens/i>0er. Ne#
3or0H Nno$f, 19%(. (emba*uru BThousand .ranesC. Tr. by 5d#-rd ". Seidens/i>0er.
Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 19%9. 'emureru biIo BThe /ouse of the (leeping 8eauties and Other
(toriesC. Tr. by 5d#-rd ". Seidens/i>0er. To0yoH Nod-nsh- ?n/ern-/ion-l, 19(9. 1ama
'o Oto BThe (ound of the #ountainC. Tr. by 5d#-rd ". Seidens/i>0er. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f,
19&0. #eiIin BThe #aster of 5oC. Tr. by 5d#-rd ". Seidens/i>0er. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f,
19&2. :tsu2shisa To Janashimi To B8eauty and (adnessC. Tr. by Lo#-rd Libbe//. Ne#
3or0H Nno$f, 19&%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Au>0s/e-d, 2i>h-rd. Ja0abata and the &ivided (elf.
T-i#-nH 6hin- Prin/in, 19&2. .ontemporary Authors. De/roi/, K?H "-le 2ese-r>h, 19*0
BSolu!e 9':9(C, 2(%:(*. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19(9,
2'1:''. "esell, S. Three #odern 'ovelists. To0yo, P-$-nH Nod-nsh- ?n/ern-/ion-l,
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o 3-sun-ri N-#-b-/- #-s \for his n-rr-/i8e !-s/ershi$, #hi>h
#i/h sensibili/y e@$resses /he essen>e of /he P-$-nese !ind.Z The firs/ P-$-nese #ri/er /o
#in /he Nobel Prize in li/er-/ure, N-#-b-/- reMe>/ed e-rlier e@$eri!en/s #i/h /he
\-u/o!-/i> #ri/inZ of "er/rude S/ein -s #ell -s /he \s/re-! of >ons>iousnessZ !e/hod
of P-!es Poy>e in f-8or of - !ore /r-di/ion-l P-$-nese s/yle of #ri/in /h-/ is lyri>-l -nd
de>e$/i8ely si!$le. N-#-b-/-9s #or0s -re >h-r->/eris/i>-lly !el-n>holi> -nd de-l #i/h
su>h !-Mor /he!es -s -lien-/ion, uil/, lo8e, old -e, -nd /he ->>e$/-n>e of de-/h. Prior
/o #innin /he Nobel Prize, N-#-b-/- #-s 8ir/u-lly un0no#n ou/side of P-$-n. Lis
#innin of /he -#-rd sur$rised !-ny Wes/ern >ri/i>s, #ho #ere of/en $uzzled by /he
e$isodi> s/ru>/ure found in his i!$ressionis/i> no8els. BN.K.C
+eckett5 -a2!el +arcla$ 2?@
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19(9. Born: +$ril 1', 190(; Dublin, ?rel-nd. Death: De>e!ber 22,
19*9; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents:
P-e 92
1-/her, Willi-! 1r-n0 Ae>0e//; Ko/her, K-ry 2oe Ae>0e//. Nationality: ?rish; l-/er
1ren>h residen/. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: Trini/y 6ollee, ?rel-nd, A.+., 192&;
Trini/y 6ollee, ?rel-nd, K.+., 19'1. Spouse: Suz-nne De>he8-u@-Du!esnil, !-rried
K-r>h 2%, 19(1. Children: None. Career: 6-!$bell 6ollee, Aelf-s/, ?rel-nd, Professor,
192&:2*; ]>ole Nor!-le Su$_rieure, P-ris, 1r-n>e, Professor, 192*:'1; Trini/y 6ollee,
Dublin, ?rel-nd, Professor, 19'1:'2; Wri/er. Other Awards: 58enin S/-nd-rd +#-rd,
19%%; Obie +#-rd, 19%*, 19(0, 19(2, 19(); ?/-li- Prize, 19%9, 19%&; ?n/ern-/ion-l
Publishers Prize, 19(1; Pri@ 1or!en/or, 19(1; Pri@ 1il!>ri/i>e, 19(%; Tours 1il! Prize,
19((; "r-nd Priz N-/ion-l du The-/re, 1r-n>e, 19&%.
Selected Publications: $n Attendant 5odot. P-risH 5di/ion de Kinui/, 19%2 B%aiting for
5odot. LondonH 1-ber, 19%(C. #alloy. P-risH Oly!$i- Press, 19%%. #alone &ies. Ne#
3or0H "ro8e Press, 19%(. All That =alls. Ne# 3or0H "ro8e Press, 19%&. #urphy. Ne#
3or0H "ro8e Press, 19%&. roust. Ne# 3or0H "ro8e Press, 19%&. The :nnamable. Ne#
3or0H "ro8e Press, 19%*. %att. P-risH Oly!$i> Press, 19%*. $ndgame. LondonH 1-ber,
19%9. Jrapp)s -ast Tape, and $mbers. LondonH 1-ber, 19%9. /appy &ays. Ne# 3or0H
"ro8e Press, 19(1. #ore ric2s than Jic2s. LondonH 6-lder Y Aoy-rs, 19((. 'o)s
Jnife> .ollected (horter rose, 19G"+1966. LondonH 6-lder Y Aoy-rs, 19(&. .ollected
%or2s. Ne# 3or0H "ro8e Press, 19&0. =irst -ove and Other (horts. Ne# 3or0H "ro8e
Press, 19&). The .omplete &ramatic %or2s. LondonH 1-ber, 19*(. #alloy #alone &ies
:nnameable. Ne# 3or0H "ro8e, 19*9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A-ir, Dierdre. (amuel 8ec2ett> A 8iography. Ne# 3or0H
L-r>our/, 19&*. Aen-J8i, Lind-. (amuel 8ec2ett. Aos/onH T#-yne, 19*(. Ar-/er, 5. %hy
8ec2ett. Ne# 3or0H Th-!es -nd Ludson, 19*9. "ordon, Lois ". The %orld of (amuel
8ec2ett, 1906+19G6. Ne# L-8enH 3-le Ini8ersi/y Press, 199(. Nennedy, +ndre#.
(amuel 8ec2ett. 6-!bride, 5nl-ndH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19*9. Lyons, 6h-rles.
(amuel 8ec2ett. Ne# 3or0H "ro8e Press, 19*'. Tind-ll, Willi-! 3or0. (amuel 8ec2ett.
Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 19().
Co$$entary: S-!uel Ae>0e//9s Nobel >i/-/ion re>onized hi! \for in/rodu>in ne#
for!s /o /he no8el -nd /he dr-!-.Z Nno#n for his >on/ribu/ions /o /he /he-/er of /he
-bsurd, Ae>0e// hi!self s-id \The !-Mor sin is /he sin of bein born.Z Lis #or0s
$or/r-yed life -s \buzzin >onfusion -ll -round usZ >en/ered on Ae>0e//9s 8ie# of hu!-n
beins9 fu/ile e@is/en>e. Lis >h-r->/ers buzz -#-y /heir e@is/en>e in $oin/less, -bsurd,
>onfusin ->/i8i/y. They e@is/ in se//ins -nd en-e in dis>ussions fro! #hi>h /he only
ho$e for relief is - re/urn /o - $refe/-l no/hinness. Isin $-r-bles /o define hu!-n
beins9 >o!$le/ely rudderless s$iri/u-l desol-/ion, Ae>0e// >on8eys /he -bsurdi/y of life
by sho#in re-li/y -s no/hinness -nd /he-/er=- re$resen/-/ion of life=-s -bsurd.
-olzhenits$n5 0le/ander 2?A
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19&0. Born: De>e!ber 11, 191*; Nislorods0, ISS2. Parents: 1-/her,
?s-i Solzheni/syn; Ko/her, T-isy- J-0h-ro8n- Sh>herb-0 Solzheni/syn. Nationality:
2ussi-n; l-/er +!eri>-n residen/. Religion: 5-s/ern Or/hodo@. Education: 2os/o8 Ini8.,
ISS2, b->>-l-ure-/e, 19)1. Spouse: N-/-ly- 2eshe/o8s0-y-, !-rried +$ril 2&, 19)0,
di8or>ed 19)9, re!-rried 19%(, redi8or>ed 19&2; N-/-ly- S8e/lo8-, !-rried 19&'.
Children: 3er!oli, son; ?n-/, son; S/e$h-n, son. Career: Se>ond-ry S>hool, ISS2,
Te->her, 19)1; So8ie/ +r!y, 19)1:)%; Prisoner, 5@ile, Wri/er, 19)%-. Other Awards:
Lenin Prize No!in-/ion, 19(); Pri@ du Keilleur Li8re 5/r-ner, 1r-n>e, 19(9; 1reedo!s
1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19&(; Te!$le/on Prize, 19*'; Ked-l of Lonor for Li/er-/ure,
N-/ion-l +r/s 6lub, 199'.
Selected Publications: Odin den) <vana &enisovicha #atrenin &vor. P-risH 3K6+
Press, 19&' Bfirs/ $ublished in 19('C BOne &ay in the -ife of <van &enisovich. Tr. by
2-l$h P-r0er. Ne# 3or0H Du//on, 19('C. 6 Jruge ervom. P-risH 3K6+ Press, 19(*
B=irst .ircle. Tr. by Tho!-s P. Whi/ney. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er -nd 2o#, 19(*C. Ba2ovyy
Jorpus. P-risH 3K6+ Press, 19(9 B.ancer %ard. (obranie (ochinenii. B6olle>/ed
Wor0sC. % 8olu!es. 1r-n0fur/H Posse8 Serl-, 19(9:&0. Tr. by Ni>hol-s Ae/hel -nd
D-8id Aur. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us -nd "irou@, 19(9C. August .hetyrnadtsatogo.
P-risH 3K6+ Press, 19&1 BAugust 191G. Tr. by Ki>h-el "lenny. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r,
S/r-us -nd "irou@, 19&2C. Ar2hipelag 5ulag. P-risH 3K6+ Press, 19&' B5ulag
Archipelago. Tr. by Tho!-s Whi/ney. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er -nd 2o#, 19&):&*C. 6ictory
.elebrations, risoners, The -ove 5irl and <nnocent> Three lays. Tr. by Lelen 2-$ -nd
N-n>y Tho!-s. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, -nd "irou@, 19*'. The Bed %heel> A
'arrative, <ndiscreet eriod of Time. Tr. by L.T. Wille/s. LondonH Aodley Le-d, 19*9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .ontemporary Authors. De/roi/, K?H "-le 2ese-r>h, 19&*
BSolu!e (9:&2C, %)':%0. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19**,
%'):'*. S>-!!el, Ki>h-el. (ol*henitsyn. Ne# 3or0H W.W. Nor/on, 19*). Tho!-s,
D.K. Alexander (ol*henitsyn> A .entury in /is -ife. Ne# 3or0H S/. K-r/in9s Press,
Co$$entary: +le@-nder Solzheni/syn9s Nobel +#-rd #-s \for /he e/hi>-l for>e #i/h
#hi>h he h-s $ursued /he indis$ens-ble /r-di/ions of 2ussi-n li/er-/ure.Z Ao/h his #ri//en
#or0 -nd his $erson-l life=roo/ed in his o#n >oun/ry, his o#n $eo$le, his o#n reliion
=e!body /he heri/-e of /he re-/ 2ussi-n no8elis/s=li0e Dos/oe8s0y in his $rison
e@$erien>es -nd in his s$iri/u-l >on8ersion, li0e Tols/oy in his !or-l -$$ro->h /o
li/er-/ure -nd life, -nd li0e bo/h in /he i!!ense r-ne of his #or0. BT.S.N.C
Ner!da5 Pablo D"liecer Neftali 4e$es $ +asoalto5 4icardoE 2?B
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19&1. Born: Puly 12, 190); P-rr-l, 6hile. Death: Se$/e!ber 2', 19&';
S-n/i-o, 6hile. Parents: 1-/her, Pos_ del 6-r!en 2eyes; Ko/her, 2os- de A-so-l/o.
Nationality: 6hile-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n b->0round. Education: No >ollee derees.
Spouse: K-rie +n/onie/- K-ru>- L-en--r Soelz-nz, !-rried 19'0, se$-r-/ed 19'(;
Deli- del 6-rril, !-rried 19'); K-/ilde Irru/i-, !-rried 19%%. Children: K-l8- K-rin-,
d-uh/er. Career: Di$lo!-/,Wri/er. Other Awards: Pre!io Kuni>i$-l de Poesi-, 6hile,
19)); Order of /he +z/e> 5-le, Ke@i>o, 19)(; ?n/ern-/ion-l Pe->e Prize, 19%0; S/-lin
Pe->e Prize, 19%'.
Selected Publications: 6einte oemas de Amor y :na .ancion &esesperada. S-n/i-oH
N-s>i!en/o, 192) BT0enty
P-e 9'
oems> A &isdaining (ong. Tr. by W.S. Ker#in. Ne# 3or0H "ross!-n, 19&0C.
Besidencia en la Tierra. K-dridH 5di>iones del +rbol, 19'% BBesidence on $arth. Tr. by
+nel 1lores. Ne# 3or0H Ne# Dire>/ions, 19)&C. $spana en el .ora*o B(pain in the
/eartC. S-n/i-oH 5di>iones 5r>ill-, 19'&. .anto 5eneral. S-n/i-oH n.$., 19%0 B5eneral
(ong. Tr. by N-/h-niel T-rn. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 19(&C. Odas
$lementales. Auenos +iresH 5di/ori-l Los-d-, 19%) BThe $lementary Odes of ablo
'eruda. Tr. by 6-rlos Loz-no. Ne# 3or0H L-s +!eri>-s, 19(1C. 8estiarioN 8estiaryN a
oem. Tr. by 5ls- Neuberer. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, 19(%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +osin, K-rMorie. ablo 'eruda. Aos/onH T#-yne, 19*(.
Dur-n, K-nuel, -nd S-fir, K-rery. $arth Tones> The oetry of ablo 'eruda.
Aloo!in/on, ?NH ?ndi-n- Ini8. Press, 19*1. #emoirs. Tr. by L-rdie S/. K-r/in. Ne#
3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, -nd "irou@, 19&&. Tei/elboi!, S. 'eruda. +us/in, T4H Ini8. of
Te@-s Press, 1991.
Co$$entary: P-blo Nerud- #on /he Nobel Prize for OO- $oe/ry /h-/, #i/h /he ->/ion of
-n ele!en/-ry for>e, brins -li8e - >on/inen/9s des/iny -nd dre-!s.Z Lis #or0, u/ilizin
surre-lis/ /e>hniGues -nd e@$lorin his inner self --ins/ /he bro-d b->0round of Sou/h
+!eri>-, #-s >ri/i>-lly ->>l-i!ed /hrouhou/ his >-reer. Le -lso #-s - for>e in /he
$oli/i>-l -ren- -s - 6hile-n di$lo!-/ -nd /hrouh his dee$ >o!!i/!en/ /o 6o!!unis!.
+Lll5 1einrich 2?C
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19&2. Born: De>e!ber 21, 191&; 6olone, "er!-ny. Death: Puly 1(,
19*%; Aornhei!-Ker/en, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, Si0/or AUll; Ko/her, K-ri-
Ler!-nns AUll. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: No >ollee
derees. Spouse: +nne!-rie 6e>h, !-rried 19)2. Children: 6hris/o$h, son; 2-i!und,
son; 2en_, son; Sin>en/, son. Career: Aonn, "er!-ny, Aoo0sho$ +$$ren/i>e, 19'&:'*;
"er!-ny, 6i8ili-n L-bor Ser8i>e, 19'*:'9; "er!-ny, +r!y, 19'9:)%. Other Awards:
Prize of \"rou$ )&,Z A-d DRr0hei!, 19%1; 2en_-S>hi>0ele Prize, 19%2; "er!-n 6ri/i>s
Prize, 19%'; Sou/hern "er!-n N-rr-/or Prize, 19%'; Prize of /he Tribune de aris, 19%%;
5du-rd8on-der-Leyd/ Prize, Wu$$er/-l, 19%*; Prize of /he S/-/e of Nordrhein-Wes/f-len,
19%9; 6h-rles-Seillon Prize, 19(0; Li/er-ry Prize of /he 6i/y of 6olone, 19(1; Li/er-ry
Prize ?sol- d95lb-, ?/-ly, 19(%; Pre!io 6-l-bri-, 19((; "eorAR>hner Prize, 19(&; 6-rl-
8on-Ossie/z0y Ked-l, ?n/ern-/ion-l Le-ue for Lu!-n 2ih/s, 19&).
Selected Publications: :nd (agte Jein $in*iges %ort. 6oloneH Nie$enheuer -nd
Wi/s>h, 19%' BAnd 'ever (aid a %ord. Tr. by Leil- Senne#i/z. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#Lill,
19&*C. /aus ohne /3ter. 6oloneH Nie$enheuer -nd Wi/s>h, 19%) BThe :nguarded
/ouse. Tr. by Ker8yn S-8ill. LondonH +r>o, 19%&C. 8illard um /alb*ehn. 6oloneH
Nie$enheuer -nd Wi/s>h, 19%9 B8illiards at /alf@ast 'ine. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill,
19&'C. Ansichten eines .lo0ns. 6oloneH Nie$enheuer -nd Wi/s>h, 19(' BThe .lo0n. Tr.
by Leil- Senne#i/z. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19(%C. 5ruppenbild mit &ame. 6oloneH
Nie$enheuer -nd Wi/s>h, 19&1 B5roup ortrait 0ith -ady. Tr. by Leil- Senne#i/z. Ne#
3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19&'C. =3rsorgliche 8elagerung. 6oloneH Nie$enheuer -nd
Wi/s>h, 19&9 BThe (afety 'et. Tr. by Leil- Senne#i/z. Ne# 3or0H Penuin, 19*'C. &ie
6er0undung und Andrere =ruhe $r*ahlungen. Aornhei!Ker/en, "er!-nyH L-!u8
Serl-, 19*' BThe .asualty. Tr. by Leil- Senn#i/z. Ne# 3or0H Nor/on, 19*(C. The
(tories of /einrich 8Kll. Tr. by Leil- Senn#i/z. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 19*(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6on-rd, 2ober/ 6. /einrich 8Kll. Aos/onH T#-yne
Publishers, 19*1. 1riedri>hs!eyer, 5rh-rd. The #aIor %or2s of /einrich 8Kll> A
.ritical .ommentary. Ne# 3or0H Kon-r>h Press, 19&). K->$herson, 5nid. A (tudent)s
5uide to 8Kll. LondonH Leine!-nn, 19&2. 2eid, P-!es L. /einrich 8Kll> %ithdra0al
and Be@emergence. LondonH Os#-ld Wolff, 19&'. 2eid, P. A 5erman for /is Time. Ne#
3or0H S/. K-r/in9s, 19**. 3uill, W.5., \Leinri>h AUll.Z ?n $ssays on .ontemporary
5erman -iterature, edi/ed by Ari-n Nei/h-S!i/h, LondonH Os#-ld Wolff, 19((, 1)1:%*.
Co$$entary: Leinri>h AUll re>ei8ed /he -#-rd for his \li/er-ry #or0s, #hi>h re$resen/
- rene#-l of /he "er!-n li/er-ry /r-di/ion -nd #hi>h >o!bine - >le-r 8ision of
>on/e!$or-ry his/ory #i/h -n -r/ of re$resen/-/ion >h-r->/erized by sensi/i8i/y -s #ell -s
e!o/ion-l $ene/r-/ion.Z Se/ in !odern "er!-ny, bu/ sy!boli> of >ondi/ions /hrouhou/
/he #orld, AUll9s #or0s e@hibi/ - s/e-df-s/ hu!-ni/-ri-nis!, #hi>h is !-r0ed by
un#-8erin >o!$-ssion for /he 8i>/i!s of so>ie/y -s #ell -s by resolu/e >onde!n-/ion
of /he 8-rious indi8idu-ls, rou$s -nd e>ono!i>, his/ori>-l, $oli/i>-l, or so>i-l for>es
#hi>h in his o$inion $re>i$i/-/ed /he #ide-s$re-d hu!-n sufferin of /his >en/ury.
White5 Patrick =ictor ,artindale 2?9
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19&'. Born: K-y 2*, 1912; London, 5nl-nd. Death: Se$/e!ber '0,
1990; Sydney, +us/r-li-. Parents: 1-/her, Si>/or K-r/ind-le Whi/e; Ko/her, 2u/h
Wi/hy>o!be Whi/e. Nationality: +us/r-li-n. Religion: No or-nized reliion; fro!
+nli>-n b->0round. Education: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+., 19'%. Spouse:
None. Children: None. Career: 2oy-l +ir 1or>e, 19)0:)%, Wri/er. Other Awards: "old
Ked-l, +us/r-li-n Li/er-ry So>ie/y, 19)0, 19%(; Kiles 1r-n0lin +#-rd, 19%*, 19(2;
W.L. S!i/h -nd Son Li/er-ry +#-rd, 19%9; Aro/herhood +#-rd, N-/ion-l 6onferen>e of
6hris/i-ns -nd Pe#s, 19(2.
Selected Publications: /appy 6alley. LondonH L-rr-$, 19'9. The -iving and the &ead.
Ne# 3or0H Si0in, 19)1. The Aunt)s (tory. Ne# 3or0H Si0in, 19)*. The Tree of #an.
Ne# 3or0H Si0in, 19%%. The 8urnt Ones. LondonH 5yre Y S$o//is#oode, 19%&. 6oss.
LondonH 5yre Y S$o//is#oode, 19%&. Biders in the .hariot. Ne# 3or0H Si0in, 19(1.
The (olis #andala. Ne# 3or0H Si0in, 19((. The 6ivisector. Ne# 3or0H Si0in, 19&0.
The $ye of the (torm. Ne# 3or0H P. 6-$e, 19&'. The .oc2atoos> (horter 'ovels and
(tories. Ne# 3or0H P. 6-$e, 19&). A =ringe of -eaves. Ne# 3or0H P. 6-$e, 19&(. =la0s
in the 5lass. Ne# 3or0H Si0in, 19*2. #emoirs of #any in One. Ne# 3or0H Penuin,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6ol!er, Pohn. atric2 %hite. Ne# 3or0H Ke/huen ?n>.,
19*). L-#son, +l-n. atric2 %hite. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press, 19&). K-rr, D.
atric2 %hite. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 1992. Weiel, Pohn. atric2 %hite. Aos/onH T#-yne,
P-e 9)
Co$$entary: The Nobel $resen/-/ion no/ed /h-/ P-/ri>0 Whi/e9s #or0 \for /he firs/ /i!e
h-s i8en /he >on/inen/ of +us/r-li- -n -u/hen/i> 8oi>e /h-/ >-rries ->ross /he #orldZ by
>re-/in \5$i> -nd Psy>holoi>-l n-rr-/i8e -r/ #hi>h h-s in/rodu>ed - ne# >on/inen/ in
Li/er-/ure.Z The 2oy-l +>-de!y >on>luded by s-yin his #or0s OOsho# Whi/e9s
unbro0en >re-/i8e $o#er, -n e8er dee$er res/lessness -nd see0in ure, -n onsl-uh/
--ins/ 8i/-l $roble!s /h-/ h-8e ne8er >e-sed /o en-e hi! -nd - #res/lin #i/h /he
l-nu-e in order /o e@/r->/ -ll i/s $o#er -nd nu-n>es, /o /he 8ere of /he unob/-in-ble.Z
<ohnson5 "$>ind 3lof =erner 2@0
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19&). Born: Puly 29, 1900; O8erlule-, S#eden. Death: +uus/ 2%,
19&(; S/o>0hol!, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, Olof Pohnson; Ko/her, 6e8i- "us/-fsdo//er
Pohnson. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/.
Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: +-se 6hris/offersen, !-rried 192&, died 19'*;
6ill- 1r-n0enh-euser, !-rried 19)0. Children: Tore, son; K-ri-, d-uh/er; +nders,
d-uh/er. Career: Wri/er. Other Awards: S-!funde/ De Nio9s +#-rd, 19'(; S#edish
+>-de!y +#-rd, 19)); Nordi> 6oun>il Prize for Li/er-/ure, Lelsin0i, 19(2.
Selected Publications: An $n 5ang, Japten BOnce #ore, .aptainC. S/o>0hol!H +.
Aonnier, 19'). 'u 6ar &et, 191G. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 19') B191G. Tr. by K-ry
S-ndb->h. Ne# 3or0H +d-!- Aoo0s, 19&0C. 5rupp Jrilon BJrilon)s 5roupC. S/o>0hol!H
+. Aonnier, 19)1. Jrilon)s Besa BJrilon)s 7ourneyC. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 19)2.
Jrilon (Ialv BJrilon /imself C. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 19)'. (trandernas (vall.
S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 19)( BBeturn to <thaca. Tr. by K.+. Ki>h-el. Ne# 3or0H
Th-!es Y Ludson, 19%2C. Bomantis2 8erattelse BBomantic TaleC. S/o>0hol!H +.
Aonnier, 19%%. Tidens 5ang BThe .ourse of TimeC. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 19%%. /ans
'aades Tid. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 19(0 BThe &ays of /is 5race. Tr. by 5ls$e/h L-rley
S>huber/. Ne# 3or0H S-nu-rd, 19(*C. -ivsdagen -ang B-ife)s -ong &ayC. S/o>0hol!H
+. Aonnier, 19(). =avel Ansam B=avel AloneC. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 19(*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .ontemporary Authors. De/roi/, K?H "-le 2ese-r>h, 19&*
BSolu!e &':&(C, '1&:1*. Or/on, ". $yvind 7ohnson. Ne# 3or0H T#-yne, 19&2.
Co$$entary: 5y8ind Pohnson re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for \- n-rr-/i8e -r/, f-r-seein in
l-nds -nd -es.Z K-ny obMe>/ed -/ /he /i!e be>-use his re$u/-/ion #-s n-/ion-l r-/her
/h-n in/ern-/ion-l. Pohnson9s #ri/ins fell in/o se8er-l $eriods. Lis no8els -nd shor/
s/ories firs/ e@$lored so>i-lis! -nd #orld refor!, !o8ed /o re$resen/-/ions of S#edish
life #i/h $sy>holoi>-l -nd in/elle>/u-lly Gues/ionin o8er/ones, -nd, #i/h /he ro#/h of
N-ziis!, be>-!e $le-s for freedo! -nd --ins/ di>/-/orshi$. Pohnson de8o/ed
>onsider-ble /i!e -f/er 19)% /o re$resen/in S#eden in IN5S6O ->/i8i/ies. BP.L.S.C
,artinson5 1arr$ "d2!nd 2@1
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19&). Born: K-y (, 190); P-!sho, S#eden. Death: 1ebru-ry 11,
19&*; S/o>0hol!, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, K-r/in Olofsson; Ko/her, Ae//y Olofsson.
Nationality: S#edish. Religion: Lu/her-n b->0round; #i/h T-ois/ orien/-/ion.
Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: Ko- S#-r/z, !-rried 1929, di8or>ed 19)0;
?nrid Lind>r-n/z, !-rried 19)2. Children: None. Career: Se-!-n, 191*:2&; Wri/er.
Other Awards: Lenri0 S/effins Prize, 19&2.
Selected Publications: Jap =aerval. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 19'' B.ape =are0ell. Tr.
by N-o!i W-lford. Ne# 3or0H Pu/n-!, 19')C. 'aesslorna 8lomma. S/o>0hol!H +.
Aonnier, 19'% B=lo0ering 'ettle. Tr. by N-o!i W-lford. Ne# 3or0H 6resse/, 19'%C.
6erlighet Till &ods BBealism :nto &eathC. S/o>0hol!H P.+. Nors/ed/ -nd Soner, 19)0.
assad BTrade %indC. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 19)%. 6agen Till Jloc2rile. S/o>0hol!H +.
Aonnier, 19)* BThe Boad. Tr. by K.+. Ki>h-el. Ne# 3or0H P. 6-$e, 19%%C. .i2ada
B.icadaC. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 19%'. Aniara. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 19%( BAniara.
Tr. by Luh K>Di-r!id -nd 5ls$e/h L-rley Shuber/. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 19('C. %ild
8ou4uet> 'ature oems. Tr. by Willi-! S!i/h -nd Leif SMober. N-ns-s 6i/y, KOH Ini8.
of Kissouri, 19*%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: $ncyclopedia of %orld -iterature in the T0entieth .entury.
Ne# 3or0H 1rederi>0 In-r Publishin 6o., 19() BSolu!e 2C, '*&:**. Lol!, ?. /arry
#artinson> #yster #alningar #otiv. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 19(0. Nris/ensen, To!.
/arry #artinson, den =ribaarne =yrboder. 6o$enh-enH "lydend-l, 19)1.
Co$$entary: L-rry K-r/inson=$oe/, no8elis/, dr-!-/is/, -nd ess-yis/=sh-red /he
Nobel Prize for \#ri/ins /h-/ >-/>h /he de#dro$s -nd refle>/ /he >os!os.Z Lis -#-rd
#-s loo0ed u$on -s S#edish n-/ion-lis! -/ /he /i!e, sin>e his in/ern-/ion-l re$u/-/ion
#-s slih/. K-r/inson9s e-rly #or0 de-l/ #i/h his h-rdshi$s -s - >hild -nd his e@/ensi8e
/r-8els, -nd e@hibi/ed his l->0 of edu>-/ion -nd ->Gu-in/-n>e #i/h s/-nd-rd #ri/in
for!s, #hile >-$/urin /he i!-in-/ion #i/h i/s unor/hodo@ Gu-li/ies. The $ri!i/i8is! of
his e-rly #or0 !-/ured in/o /he $hiloso$hi>-l, >os!i> n-/ure of his l-/er effor/s, #hi>h
de-l/ #i/h /he disorien/-/ion of !odern hu!-ni/y -nd h-8e been >-lled \- uniGue
>on/ribu/ion /o $oe/i> s>ien>e fi>/ion.Z BP.L.S.C
,ontale5 "!&enio 2@2
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19&%. Born: O>/ober 12, 1*9(; "eno-, ?/-ly. Death: Se$/e!ber 12,
19*1; Kil-n, ?/-ly. Parents: 1-/her, Do!eni>o Kon/-le; Ko/her, "uise$$in- 2i>>i
Kon/-le. Nationality: ?/-li-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: No >ollee derees.
Spouse: Drusill- T-nzi, !-rried 19%0, died 19('. Children: None. Career: Wri/er,
5di/or, 6ri/i>, Tr-nsl-/or. Other Awards: +n/i>o 1-//ore Poe/ry Prize, ?/-ly, 19'2; Pre!io
K-nzo//o, ?/-ly, 19%(; D-n/e Ked-l, ?/-ly, 19%9; 1el/rinelli Prize, ?/-ly, 19(2; 6-lous/e
"ulben0i-n Prize, P-ris, 19&1.
Selected Publications: Ossi &i (eppia. Turin, ?/-lyH "obe//i, 192% B.uttlefish 8ones. Tr.
by 5di/h 1-rns#or/h. 6hi>-oH 2enery, 19&0C. -a Occasioni. Turin, ?/-lyH 5in-udi,
19'9. =inistere. Lu-no, ?/-lyH Qu-redeni di Lu-no, 19)'. -a 8ufera e Alto. Seni>eH
5dizione Nero Pozz-, 19%( BThe (torm and Other Things. Tr. by 5di/h 1-rns#or/h.
6hi>-oH 2enery, 19&0C. -a =arfalla di &inard. Seni>eH Nero Puzzo, 19%( BThe
8utterfly of &inard. Tr. by ". Sinh. Le@in/on, N3H Nen/u>0y Ini8. Press, 19&1C.
zenia Bbilinu-lC. Tr. by ". Sinh. Los +nelesH Al->0 S$-rro# Press, 19&0. (atura.
Kil-nH Kond-dori, 19&1 B(atura and &iario del )A1@)A, Bsele>/ionsC. Tr. by ". Sinh.
Ne# 3or0H Ne# Dire>/ions
P-e 9%
Publishin 6or$., 19&(C. 'el 'ostro Tempo. 2o!eH 2izzoli 5di/ore, 19&2 Boets in our
Time. Tr. by +l-s/-ir L-!il/on. Ne# 3or0H Irizen Aoo0s, 19&(C. The (torm and Other
Things. Tr. by Willi-! +rro#s!i/h. Ne# 3or0H Nor/on, 19*(. The Occasions. Tr. by
Willi-! +rro#s!i/h. Ne# 3or0H Nor/on, 19*&. oems. Kil-n, ?/-lyH Kond-dori, 1991.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Ae>0er, P-red. $ugenio #ontale. Aos/onH T#-yne, 19*(.
.urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19&(, 2(%:(*. Sinh, "h-n
Shy-!. $ugenio #ontale> A .ritical (tudy of /is oetry, rose, and .riticism. Ne#
L-8en, 6TH 3-le Ini8. Press, 19&'. Wes/, 2ebe>>-. $ugenio #ontale> oet on the $dge.
6-!bride, K+.H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19*1.
Co$$entary: 5uenio Kon/-le, ?/-li-n $oe/, /r-nsl-/or, -nd Mourn-lis/, #-s >i/ed by /he
+>-de!y, #hi>h no/ed /h-/ his \$oe/ry #i/h re-/ -r/is/i> sensi/i8i/y, h-s in/er$re/ed
hu!-n 8-lues under /he sin of -n ou/loo0 on life #i/h no illusions.Z Lis $oe/i> ou/$u/
of fi8e 8olu!es of $oe/ry -/ /he /i!e of /he $rize, -l/houh s!-ll, h-s r-n0ed hi! -s one
of /he #orld9s re-/ $oe/s. Lis $ubli> in8ol8e!en/ -s - Mourn-lis/ in ser8in -s -
>ons>ien>e for his ener-/ion is -lso #or/hy of no/e. B+.N.C
+ello)5 -a!l 2@3
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19&(. Born: Pune 10, 191%; L->hine, Quebe>, 6-n-d-. Parents:
1-/her, +br-h-! Aello#; Ko/her, Liz- "ordon Aello#. Nationality: 6-n-di-n; l-/er
+!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Nor/h#es/ern Ini8., ?L, A.S., 19'&.
Spouse: +ni/- "osh0in, !-rried De>e!ber '1, 19'&, di8or>ed 19%%; +le@-ndr-
Ts>h->b-so8, !-rried 1ebru-ry 1, 19%(, di8or>ed 19%(; Sus-n "l-ss!-n, !-rried
De>e!ber 10, 19(1, di8or>ed 19(*; +le@-ndr- ?ones>u Tul>e-, !-rried O>/ober 19&),
di8or>ed 19*(; P-nis 1reed!-n, !-rried Se$/e!ber 19*9. Children: "reory, son;
+d-!, son; D-niel, son. Career: Pes/-lozzi-1roebel Te->hers 6ollee, 6hi>-o, ?L,
Professor, 19'*:)2; $ncyclopedia 8ritannica, 5di/or, 19)':)(; Ini8. of Kinneso/-,
Professor, 19)(:)9; Ne# 3or0 Ini8., Professor, 19%0:%2; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, 1ello#,
19%2:%'; A-rd 6ollee, N3, Professor, 19%':%); Ini8. of Kinneso/-, Professor, 19%):
%9; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, Professor, 19(2-. Other Awards: "uenhei! 1ello#shi$, 19)*,
19%%; N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/e of +r/s -nd Le//ers +#-rd, 19%2; +!eri>-n +>-de!y "r-n/,
19%2; N-/ion-l Aoo0 +#-rd, 19%), 19(), 19&0; O. Lenry Prize, 19%(, 19*0; 1ord "r-n/,
19%9; 1riends of Li/er-/ure 1i>/ion +#-rd, 19(0; P-!es L. Do# +#-rd, 19(); Pri@
?n/ern-/ion-l de Li/er-/ure, 19(%; Pe#ish Leri/-e +#-rd, 19(*; 6roi@ de 6he8-lier,
1r-n>e, 19(*; 1or!en/or Prize, 19&0; Puli/zer Prize, 19&(; Neil "unn ?n/ern-/ion-l
1ello#shi$, 19&&; +!eri>-n +>-de!y +r/s Y Le//ers "old Ked-l, 19&&; 5!erson
Thore-u Ked-l, 19&&; Ar-ndeis Ini8. 6re-/i8e +r/s +#-rd, 19&*; Ked-l of Lonor for
Li/er-/ure, N-/ion-l +r/s 6lub, 19&*; K-l-$-r/e Li/er-/ure +#-rd, 19*); Pre!io S>-nno
Li/er-/ure +#-rd, ?/-ly, 19**; N-/ion-l Ked-l of +r/s, 19**; Life/i!e +>hie8e!en/
+#-rd, N-/ion-l Aoo0 +#-rd, 1990; Life/i!e 6ul/ur-l +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, 3?SO
?ns/i/u/e for Pe#ish 2ese-r>h, 199(; Life/i!e +>hie8e!n/ +#-rd, 'e0 1or2er, 2000.
Selected Publications: &angling #an. Ne# 3or0H S-nu-rd, 19)). The 6ictim. Ne#
3or0H S-nu-rd, 19)&. Adventures of Augie #arch. Ne# 3or0H Si0in Press, 19%'. (ei*e
the &ay, and Three (hort (tories. Ne# 3or0H Si0in Press, 19%(. /enderson, the Bain
Jing. Ne# 3or0H Si0in Press, 19%9. /er*og. Ne# 3or0H Si0in Press, 19(). The -ast
Analysis. Ne# 3or0H Si0in Press, 19(%. #osby)s #emories and Other (tories. Ne#
3or0H Si0in Press, 19(*. #r. (ammler)s lanet. Ne# 3or0H Si0in Press, 19&0.
/umboldt)s 5ift. Ne# 3or0H Si0in Press, 19&%. The &ean)s &ecember. Ne# 3or0H
L-r$er, 19*1. /im 0ith /is =oot in /is #outh and Other (tories. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er
-nd 2o#, 19*). To 7erusalem and 8ac2> A ersonal Account. Ne# 3or0H Penuin, 19*%.
#ore &ie of /eartbrea2. Ne# 3or0H Korro#, 19*&. The Theft. Ne# 3or0H Penuin,
19*9. (omething to Bemember #e 8y. Ne# 3or0H Si0in, 1991; <t All Adds :p. Ne#
3or0H Si0in, 199).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +/l-s, P-!es. 8ello0> A 8iography. Ne# 3or0H 2-ndo!
Louse, 2000. 6l-y/on, Pohn P. (aul 8ello0> <n &efense of #an. Aloo!in/on, ?NH
?ndi-n- Ini8. Press, 19&9. 6ohen, S-r- A. (aul 8ello0)s $nigmatic -aughter. Irb-n-,
?LH Ini8. of ?llinois Press, 19&). .ontemporary Authors. De/roi/, K?H "-le 2ese-r>h,
19(9 BSolu!e %:* 1irs/ 2e8isionC, 9):9(. Niern-n, 2ober/. (aul 8ello0. Ne# 3or0H
6on/inuu!, 19*9. Killer, 2u/h. (aul 8ello0. Ne# 3or0H S/. K-r/in9s Press, 1991.
T-nner, Tony. (aul 8ello0. 5dinburhH Oli8er -nd Aoyd, 19(%.
Co$$entary: S-ul Aello# re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize in li/er-/ure \for /he hu!-n
unders/-ndin -nd sub/le -n-lysis of >on/e!$or-ry >ul/ure /h-/ -re >o!bined in his
#or0s.Z +/ /he /i!e of /he -#-rd Aello# h-d #ri//en se8en !-Mor no8els, one no8ell-,
-nd - nu!ber of shor/ s/ories -s #ell -s ess-ys -nd $l-ys. This serious no8elis/ of /he
$os/-World W-r ?? ener-/ion #-s s$e-0in for /he hu!-nis/i> $ur$oses of /he no8el.
The $rize re>onized Aello#9s \e@uber-n/ ide-s, fl-shin irony p -nd burnin
>o!$-ssionZ in his de$i>/ion of !odern !-n -s one OO#ho 0ee$s /ryin /o find -
foo/hold durin his #-nderins in our /o//erin #orld, one #ho >-n ne8er relinGuish his
f-i/h /h-/ /he 8-lue of life de$ends on i/s dini/y no/ i/s su>>ess.Z B6.A.C
0lei/andre $ ,erlo5 =icente Pio ,arcelino %irilo 2@?
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19&&. Born: +$ril 2(, 1*9*; Se8ille, S$-in. Death: De>e!ber 1),
19*); K-drid, S$-in. Parents: 1-/her, 6irilo +lei@-ndre A-lles/er; Ko/her, 5l8ir- Kerlo
"-r>i- de Pruned-. Nationality: S$-nish. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of
K-drid, S$-in, l-# deree, 1919; Ini8. of K-drid, S$-in, Di$lo!- in Ausiness
+d!inis/r-/ion, 1919. Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: 6en/r-l S>hool of
6o!!er>e, K-drid, S$-in, Professor, 1919:21; 2esiden/i- de 5s/udi-n/es, K-drid,
S$-in, Professor, 1921:22; Wri/er, 1922-. Other Awards: N-/ion-l Prize for Li/er-/ure,
S$-in, 19''; S$-nish 6ri/i>s Prize, 19(9; 6er-ud 6ross of Order of 6-rlos ???, 19&&.
Selected Publications: Ambito, 19,G+19,A. K-l--, S$-inH ?!$res- Sur, 192*. $spadas
.omo -abios, 19C0+C1. K-dridH 5s$-s--6-l$e, 19'2. asion de la Tierra. Ke@i>o 6i/yH
1-bul-, 19'%. (ombra del aradiso. K-dridH +d-n, 19)) B(hado0 of aradise. Tr. by
Luh L-r/er. Aer0eley, 6+H Ini8. of 6-liforni- Press, 19*&C. #undo a (olas. K-dridH
6l-n, 19%0. 'acimiento :ltimo. K-dridH ?nsul-, 19%'. $s
P-e 9(
:n 6asto &ominio. K-dridH 2e8is/- del O>>iden/e, 19(2. oemas de la .onsumacion.
A-r>elon-H Pl-z- y P-nes, 19(*. &ialogos del .onocimiento. A-r>elon-H Pl-z- y P-nes,
19&). oemas aradisiacos. K-dridH 5di/iones 6-/edr-, 19*1. A -onging for the 'ight>
(elected oems of 6icente Aleixandre. Le#is Lyde, ed. Tr. by S/e$hen Nessler, e/. -l.
Por/ To#nsend, W+H 6o$$er 6-nyon Press, 19*%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: D-ydi-Tolson, S-n/i-o, ed. 6icente Aleixandre> A .ritical
Appraisal. 3$sil-n/i, K?H Ailinu-l Press, 19*1. Luis, Leo$oldo. 6ida y Obra de 6icente
Aleixandre. K-dridH 5s$-s--6-l$e, 19&*. S>h#-r/z, Nessel. 6icente Aleixandre. Ne#
3or0H T#-yne Publishers, 19&0.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s r-n/ed /o Si>en/e +lei@-ndre \for - >re-/i8e $oe/i>
#ri/in #hi>h illu!in-/es !en9s >ondi/ion in /he >os!os -nd $resen/-d-y so>ie/y, -/ /he
s-!e /i!e re$resen/in /he re-/ rene#-l of /he /r-di/ions of S$-nish $oe/ry be/#een /he
#-rs.Z +lei@-ndre #-s hihly -d!ired in S$-in -nd in L-/in +!eri>- -s - lifelon $oe/
of /he $eo$le, beinnin #i/h his !e!bershi$ in /he so->-lled Poe/i> "rou$ of 192&,
#i/h roo/s in bo/h /he S$-nish lyri> /r-di/ion -nd in !odernis!. Lis $oe!s -re free 8erse
-nd de-l #i/h lo8e, de-/h, -nd e/erni/y. Kos/ of his e-rly $oe!s #ere s-d lo8e $oe!s,
bu/ l-/er, his #ri/ins rose -bo8e /he e-rly $essi!is/i> e!$/iness. BD.6.C
-in&er5 .saac +ashe>is 2@@
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19&*. Born: Puly 1), 190); Leon>in Bso!e sour>es s-y 2-dzy!inC,
Pol-nd. Death: Puly 2), 1991; Ki-!i, 1L. Parents: 1-/her, Pin>h-s Kendel Siner;
Ko/her, A-/hsheb- Jylber!-n Siner. Nationality: Polish; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen.
Religion: Pe#ish. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: 2uny- B2->helC, !-rried
192& BWC, di8or>ed 19'%; +l!- L-i!-nn, !-rried 1ebru-ry 1), 19)0. Children: ?sr-el,
son. Career: Wri/er. Other Awards: Louis L-!ed Prize, 19%0, 19%(; +!eri>-n +>-de!y
+#-rd, 19%9; L-rry -nd 5/hel D-roff Ke!ori-l 1i>/ion +#-rd, 19('; 5$s/ein 1i>/ion
+#-rd, 19('; N-/ion-l 5ndo#!en/ for /he +r/s "r-n/, 19((, 19(&; layboy K--zine
+#-rd, 19(&; Ne#bery Lonor Aoo0 +#-rd, 19(&, 19(*; A-n>-rell- Prize, 19(*;
Ar-ndeis Ini8. 6re-/i8e +r/s Ked-l, 19&0; N-/ion-l Aoo0 +#-rd, 19&0, 19&); Poses
6re-/i8e +r/s +#-rd, 19&0; +non "old Ked-l, 19&%; L-ndel Ked-llion, 19*(; "old
Ked-l, +>-de!y +r/s Y Le//ers, 19*9.
Selected Publications: The =amily #os2at. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 19%0. (atan in 5oray.
Ne# 3or0H Noond-y, 19%%. The #agician of -ublin. Ne# 3or0H Noond-y, 19(0. The
(lave. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19(2. !lateh the 5oat and Other (tories. Ne# 3or0H
L-r$er, 19((. The =earsome <nn. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19(&. The #anor. Ne# 3or0H
1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19(&. #a*el and (chlima*el. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19(&. %hen
(chlemiel %ent to %arsa0 and Other (tories. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19(*. The
$state. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19(9. 7oseph and Jo*a. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us,
19&0. Alone in the %ild =orest. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19&1. Topsy Turvy $mperor of
.hina. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er, 19&1. $nemies> A -ove (tory. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19&2.
The =ools of .helm and Their /istory. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19&'. 'aftali the
(toryteller and /is /orse, (us, and Other (tories. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19&(. Tale
of Three %ishes. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19&(. (hosha. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us,
19&*. (tories for .hildren. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19*%. The <mage and Other
(tories. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19*%. The &eath of #ethuselah and Other (tories.
Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19**. The Jing of the =ields. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19**.
(cum. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 199).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +le@-nder, 5d#-rd. <saac 8ashevis (inger. Aos/onH T#-yne
Publishers, 19*0. Aenedi>/, ?/o. ortraits in rint. Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press,
1991. 8ibliography of <saac 8ashevis (inger, 19,G+G9. D-8id Killer, ed. Ne# 3or0H P.
L-n, 19*'. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19(9, )02:0).
L-dd-, P-ne/. <saac 8ashevis (inger> A -ife. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8ersi/y Press, 199&.
Nresh, P-ul. <saac 8ashevis (inger. Ne# 3or0H Lode S/-r, 19*). 'e0 1or2 Times
8iographical (ervice BPuly 2%, 1991CH &'(.
Co$$entary: ?s--> A-she8is Siner re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for his i!$-ssioned
n-rr-/i8e -r/ #hi>h, #i/h roo/s in - Polish-Pe#ish >ul/ur-l /r-di/ion, brins uni8ers-l
hu!-n >ondi/ions /o life.Z Siner9s #ri/ins brin /o life /he sh/e/l #orld of 5-s/
5uro$e-n Pe#ry in his /i!e of ro#/h -nd !-/urin. A-sed on his o#n >hildhood,
-doles>en>e, -nd you/hful -nd !-/ure e@$erien>es, his #ri/ins 8i8idly $or/r-y \/he
>l-sh be/#een /r-di/ion -nd rene#-l, be/#een o/her#orldliness -nd $ious !ys/i>is! on
/he one h-nd, free /houh/, doub/, -nd nihilis! on /he o/her.Z Lis -dul/ #or0s h-8e been
su$$le!en/ed by - !u>h-lo8ed -nd -d!ired se/ of >hildren9s boo0s -nd s/ories, #hi>h
h-8e ende-red hi! /o >hildren -nd -dul/s -li0e. BP.S.C
"l$tis5 3d$sse!s D0lepo!delisE 2@A
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19&9. Born: No8e!ber 2, 1911; 6re/e, "ree>e. Death: K-r>h 1*,
199(; +/hens, "ree>e. Parents: 1-/her, P-n-yio/is +le$oudelis; Ko/her, K-ri-
+le$oudelis. Nationality: "ree0. Religion: 5-s/ern Or/hodo@. Education: No >ollee
derees. Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: Jathimerini, +/hens, "ree>e, +r/
6ri/i>, 19)(:)*; Wri/er. Other Awards: N-/ion-l Poe/ry Prize, 19(0; N-/ion-l Aoo0
+#-rd, 19(0; Order of /he Phoeni@, 19(%; Aenson Sil8er Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y of
Li/er-/ure, 19*1.
Selected Publications: To Axion $sti. +/hensH ?0-ros, 19%9 BThe Axion $sti of Odysseus
$lytis. Tr. by 5d!und Neeley -nd "eore S-8-dis. Pi//sburh, P+H Ini8. of Pi//sburh
Press, 19&)C. O <lios Oiliatorus. +/hensH ?0-ros, 19&1 BThe (overeign (un> (elected
oems. Tr. by Ni!on 1ri-r. Phil-del$hi-, P+H Te!$le Ini8. Press, 19&)C. To
=otodhendro Je i &he2ati Tetarti Omorfia BThe -ight Tree and the =ourteenth 8eautyC.
+/hensH ?0-ros, 19&1. O =illomandis BThe -eaf &ivinerC. +/hensH +s/eri-s, 19&'. Anihta
/artia BOpen 8oo2C. +/hensH +s/eri-s, 19&). #aria 'efeli> (hini2o 3ma. +/hensH
?0-ros, 19&* B#aria 'efephele. Ne# 3or0H Louh/on-Kifflin, 19*1C. #i2ros 'autilos.
+/hens, "ree>eH ?0-ros 50do/i0e//e/-i$ei-, 19*( BThe -ittle #ariner. Tr. by Ol-
Aro8!-s. Por/ To#nsend, W+H 6o$$er 6-nyon, 19**C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .ontemporary Authors. De/roi/, K?H "-le, 19*1 BSolu!e
102C, 1&1:&'. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19*0, 9):9(.
P-e 9&
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y $r-ised Odysseus 5ly/is9s \$oe/ry, #hi>h --ins/ /he
b->0round of "ree0 /r-di/ion, de$i>/s #i/h sensuous s/ren/h -nd in/elle>/u-l
>le-rsih/edness !odern !-n9s s/rule for freedo! -nd >re-/i8i/y.99 ?/ #-s fur/her no/ed
/h-/ by \i/s >o!bin-/ion of fresh sensuous fle@ibili/y -nd s/ri>/ly dis>i$lined
i!$l->-bili/y in /he f->e of -ll >o!$ulsion, 5ly/is9s $oe/ry i8es sh-$e /o i/s
dis/in>/i8eness, #hi>h is no/ only 8ery $erson-l bu/ -lso re$resen/s /he /r-di/ions of /he
"ree0 Peo$le.Z BD.5.S.C
,ilosz5 %zesla) 2@B
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19*0. Born: Pune '0, 1911; Se/eini-i, Li/hu-ni-. Parents: 1-/her,
+le0s-nder Kilosz; Ko/her, Weroni0- Nun-/ Kilosz. Nationality: Polish; l-/er
+!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of Wilno, Pol-nd, K-s/er Puris,
19'). Spouse: P-nin- BP-n0-C Dlus0-, !-rried P-nu-ry 1, 19)). Children: +n/hony, son;
Pohn Pe/er, son. Career: Polish N-/ion-l 2-dio, Pror-!!er, 19'%:'9; Polish 1orein
+ff-irs Kinis/ry, Di$lo!-/, 19)%:%0; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor, 19(0:&*.
Other Awards: Polish Wri/ers Inion +#-rd, 19'); Pri@ Li//er-ire 5uro$een, Les "uildes
du Li8re, "ene8-, 19%'; K-ri-n Nis/er Li/er-ry +#-rd, 19(&; Purzy0o#s0i 1ound-/ion
+#-rd for 6re-/i8e Wor0, 19(*; Polish P5N 6lub +#-rd for Poe/ry Tr-nsl-/ions, 19&);
Neus/-d/ ?n/ern-/ion-l Prize for Li/er-/ure, Ini8. of O0l-ho!-, 19&*.
Selected Publications: Tr*y !imy BThree %intersC. W-rs-#H Wilno, 19'(. Ocalenie
BBescueC. 6r->o#H S$oldzielni- Wyd-#ni>z- \6y/elni0,Z 19)%. !dobycie %lad*y. P-risH
?ns/y/u/ Li/er->0i, 19%' BThe (ei*ure of o0er. Tr. by 6elin- Sienn-ie#s0-. Ne# 3or0H
6ri/erion Aoo0s, 19%%C. !nie0olony :mysl. P-risH ?ns/i/u/ Li//_r-ire, 19%' BThe .aptive
#ind. Tr. by P-ne Jielon0o. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 19%'C. &olina <ssy. P-risH ?ns/i/u/
Li//_r-ire, 19%% BThe <ssa 6alley. Tr. by Louis ?rib-rne. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y
"irou@, 19*1C. (0iatlo &*ienne B&aylightC. P-risH ?ns/i/u/ Li//_r-ire, 19%%. Tra2tat
oetyc2i Boetic TreatiseC. P-risH ?ns/i/u/ Li//_r-ire, 19%&. Bod*inna $uropa. P-risH
?ns/i/u/ Li//_r-ire, 19%* B'ative Bealm> A (earch for (elf@&efinition. Tr. by 6-/herine S.
Le->h. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, 19(*C. %id*enia 'ad !ato2a. P-risH ?ns/i/u/
Li//_r-ire, 19(9 B6isions from (an =rancisco 8ay. Tr. by 2i>z-rd Lourie. Ne# 3or0H
1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 19*2C. ry0atne Obo0ia*2i Brivate ObligationsC. P-risH
?ns/i/u/ Li//_r-ire, 19&2. $mperor of the $arth> #odes of $ccentric 6ision. Aer0eleyH
Ini8. of 6-liforni- Press, 19&&. !iemia :lro BThe -and of :lroC. P-risH ?ns/i/u/
Li//_r-ire, 19&&. 8ells in %inter. Ne# 3or0H 5>>o Press, 19&*. .*esla0 #ilos*, an
<nternational 8ibliography, 19C0+19;0. +nn +rbor, K?H Ini8. of Ki>hi-n, 19*'. The
(eparate 'oteboo2s. Tr. by 2ober/ L-ss -nd 2ober/ Pins0y. Ne# 3or0H 5>>o Press,
19*&. The .ollected oems, 19CA+19;A. Ne# 3or0H 5>>o Press, 19**. A 1ear of the
/unter. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us -nd "irou@, 199). Boadside &og. Tr. Ay 2ober/ L-ss.
Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 199*. #ilos*)s A8.)s. Tr. Ay K-deline ". Le8ine.
Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 2001.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8eginning 0ith #y (treets. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us -nd
"irou@, 1991. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19*1, '0%:0*.
#odern (lavic -iteratures> A -ibrary of -iterary .riticism. Ne# 3or0H 1rederi>0 In-r
Publishin 6o., 19&( BSolu!e 2C, ')0:)(. 'ative Bealm> A (earch for (elf@&efinition.
Tr. by 6-/herine S. Le->h. Aer0eley, 6+H Ini8. of 6-liforni- Press, 19*1.
Co$$entary: 6zesl-# Kilosz9s -#-rd #-s for 8oi>in \#i/h un>o!$ro!isin
>le-rsih/edness ... !-n9s e@$osed >ondi/ion in - #orld of se8ere >onfli>/s.Z Kilosz is -n
e@iled #ri/er, \- s/r-ner for #ho! $hysi>-l e@ile is re-lly - refle>/ion of - p s$iri/u-l
e@ile -$$lyin /o hu!-ni/y in ener-l.Z Lis #or0s -s - $oe/, no8elis/, ess-yis/, /r-nsl-/or,
>ri/i>, -nd li/er-ry s>hol-r -re of re-/ his/ori>-l, so>ioloi>-l, $oli/i>-l, -nd s$iri/u-l
8-lue. L-8in e@$erien>ed /he de8-s/-/ion of Li/ler9s N-ziis! -nd /he re$ression of
2ussi-n >o!!unis!, he de$i>/s in his #ri/in /he !e-nness -nd >ruel/y of /he #orld;
bu/ his #ri/in, of i/self, is -n e@$ression of ho$e. BS.2.C
%anetti5 "lias 2@C
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19*1. Born: Puly 2%, 190%; 2usse, Aul-ri-. Death: +uus/ 1), 199);
JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, P->Gues 6-ne//i; Ko/her, K-/hilde +rdi//i.
Nationality: Aul-ri-n; l-/er +us/ri-n residen/ -nd Ari/ish >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish.
Education: Ini8. of Sienn-, +us/ri-, D.S>., 1929. Spouse: Sene/i- T-ubner-6-lderrn,
!-rried 1ebru-ry 2(, 19'), died 19('; Ler- Aus>hor, !-rried 19&1. Children: Poh-nn-,
d-uh/er. Career: 1r-n>e, Wri/er -nd 1reel-n>e Pourn-lis/. Other Awards: Pri@
?n/ern-/ion-l, P-ris, 19)9; +u/hor9s Prize, Sienn-, 19((; Deu/s>her Nri/i0er$reis, Aerlin,
19(&; +us/ri-n Prize for Li/er-/ure, 19(*; "eor AR>hner Prize, Kuni>h, 19&2; 1r-nz
N-bl Prize, "r-z, 19&%; Nelly S->hs Prize, Dor/!und, 19&%; "o//fried Neller Prize,
Juri>h, 19&&; Lebel Preis, 19*0; Pre!io 5uro$- Pr-/o, ?/-ly, 19*0; N-f0- Prize, +us/ri-,
Selected Publications: &ie JomKdie der $itel2eit. Kuni>hH W. Weis!-nn, 19')
B.omedy of 6anity and -ife@Terms. Tr. by "e//- Loneer. Ne# 3or0H Perfor!in +r/s,
19*'C. &ie 8lendung. Sienn-H L. 2ei>hner, 19'% BAuto@da@=D. Tr. by 6.S. Wed#ood.
LondonH P. 6-$e, 19)(C. #asse und #acht. Dusseldorf, Wes/ "er!-nyH 6l--sen, 19(2
B.ro0ds and o0er. Tr. by 6-rol S/e#-r/. Ne# 3or0H Si0in, 19(2C. &ie Andere
ro*ess> Jaf2a)s 8riefe an =elice. Kuni>hH L-nser, 19(9 BJaf2a)s Other Trial> The
-etters of =elice. Tr. by 6hris/o$her Kiddle/on. Ne# 3or0H S>ho>0en Aoo0s, 19&)C. &ie
Ohren*euge> "0 .hara2tere. Kuni>hH L-nser, 19&) B$ar0itness> =ifty .haracters. Tr.
by Po->hi! Neuros>hel. Ne# 3or0H Se-bury, 19&9C. &as 5e0issen der %orte. Kuni>hH
L-nser, 19&% BThe .onscience of %ords. Tr. by Po->hi! Neuros>hel. Ne# 3or0H
6on/inuu!, 19&9C. The lays of $lias .anetti. Tr. by "e//- Loneer. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r,
S/r-us -nd "irou@, 19*). &er ohren*euge> funf*ig chara2tere. 1r-n0fur/H Ills/ein, 19&)
B$ar0itness> =ifty .haracters. Tr. by Po->hi! Neuros>hel. Ne# 3or0H Se-bury, 19&9C.
&as Augenspiel. Kuni>hH 6. L-nser, 19*% BThe lay of the $yes. Tr. by 2-l$h K-nhei!.
Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us -nd "irou@, 19*(C. 5eheimher* der :hr. Kuni>hH 6. L-nser,
19*& BThe (ecret /eart of the .loc2. Tr. by Poel +ee. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us -nd
"irou@, 19*9C.
P-e 9*
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19*', )*:%1. Son/-, Sus-n. :nder the (ign of (aturn. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, 19*0, 1*1:
20). &ie 5erettete !unge. 5eschichte einer 7ugend. Kuni>hH L-nser, 19&& BThe Tongue
(et =ree. Tr. by Po->hi! Neuros>hel. Ne# 3or0H Se-bury, 19&9C. &ie =ac2el im Ohr.
Kuni>hH L-nser, 19*0 BThe Torch in #y $ar. Tr. by Po->hi! Neuros>hel. LondonH
1-rr-r, 19*2C. #emoirs of $lias .anetti. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us -nd "irou@, 1999.
%orld Authors. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19&%, 2&0:&2.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o 5li-s 6-ne//i for \#ri/ins !-r0ed by -
bro-d ou/loo0, - #e-l/h of ide-s -nd -r/is/i> $o#er.Z The !odes/ -nd hu!ble 6-ne//i
$-r-do@i>-lly s$en/ - life/i!e s/udyin -nd #ri/in -bou/ $o#er. The Aul-ri-n-born
#ri/er9s firs/ l-nu-es #ere S$-nish -nd L-dino; his edu>-/ion #-s in /he s>ien>es B-
do>/or-/e in 6he!is/ryC in Ari/-in, "er!-ny, S#i/zerl-nd, -nd +us/ri-; -nd he iden/ified
hi!self -s - \SienneseZ #ri/er, follo#in /he /r-di/ions of "oe/he -nd /he >ir>le of
#ri/ers he 0ne# -nd -d!ired BAre>h/, Aro>h, N-f0-, -nd Nr-usC. This -u/hor #-s
rel-/i8ely un0no#n /o /he 5nlishs$e-0in #orld un/il /he Nobel Prize #-s r-n/ed in
19*1. Lis !os/ >i/ed #or0s -re /he nih/!-rish Auto@da@=D, #ri//en in /he N-f0-
/r-di/ion of horror -nd >o!edy i!bedded in - s/ory si!$ly /old, -nd his \life #or0,Z
.ro0ds and o0er, #i/h i/s $-r-noi> ruler, #hi>h h-s been referred /o -s OO/he ne-res/
/hin /o - boo0 of #isdo! #e -re li0ely /o e/ in /he /#en/ie/h >en/ury.Z BP.L.S.C
6arcRa ,QrJ!ez5 6abriel <osH 2@9
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19*2. Born: K-r>h (, 192*; +r->-/->-, 6olo!bi-. Parents: 1-/her,
"-briel 5liio "-r>i-; Ko/her, Luis- S-n/i-- KrGuez ?u-rn. Nationality:
6olo!bi-n. Religion: No or-nized reliion; fro! 6-/holi> b->0round. Education: No
>ollee derees. Spouse: Ker>edes A-r>h-, !-rried K-r>h, 19%*. Children: 2odrio,
son; "onz-lo, son. Career: $l /eraldo, A-rr-nGuill-, 6olo!bi-, Pourn-lis/, 19%0:%); $l
$spectador, Aoo/-, 6olo!bi-, 2o!e, ?/-ly, -nd P-ris, 1r-n>e, Pourn-lis/, 19%):%%;
5uro$e, 1reel-n>e Pourn-lis/, 19%(:%&; #omento, 6-r->-s, Senezuel-, Pourn-lis/, 19%&:
%9; remsa -atina, Aoo/-, 6olo!bi- -nd L-8-n-, 6ub-, Pourn-lis/, 19%9:(1; Ke@i>o
6i/y, 1reel-n>e 5di/or, S>reen#ri/er, 6o$y#ri/er, 19(1:(%; Ke@i>o 6i/y -nd A-r>elon-,
S$-in, Wri/er, 19(%-. Other Awards: 6olo!bi-n +sso>i-/ion of Wri/ers -nd +r/is/s
+#-rd, 19%); Pre!io Li/er-rio 5sso, 6olo!bi-, 19(1; Pre!io 6hi-n>i-no, ?/-ly, 19(9;
Pri@ du Keilleur Li8re 5/r-ner, 1r-n>e, 19(9; 2o!ulo "-lleos Prize, Senezuel-,
19&1; Aoo0s +bro -d, Neus/-d/ ?n/ern-/ion-l Prize for Li/er-/ure, 19&2; -os Angeles
Times Aoo0 Prize, 19**; Serfin Prize, 19*9
Selected Publications: -a /oIarasca. Aoo/-H 5di>iones S.L.A., 19%% B-eaf (torm, and
Other (tories. Tr. by "reory 2-b-ss-. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19&*C. $l .oronel 'o
Tiene ?uien -e $scriba. KedellinH +Girre, 19(1 B'o One %rites to the .olonel, and
Other (tories. Tr. by P.S. Aerns/ein. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19&9C. -a #ala /ora.
K-dridH 19(2 BThe $vil /our. Tr. by "reory 2-b-ss-. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#,
19&9C. .ien Anos de (oledad. Auenos +iresH 5di/ori-l Sud-!eri>-n-, 19(& BOne
/undred 1ears of (olitude. Tr. by "reory 2-b-ss-. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19&0C.
Belato de un naufrago. Aoo/-, 6olo!bi-H O8-M- Ner-, 19&9 BThe (tory of a
(hip0rec2ed (ailor. Tr. by 2-ndol$h Lo-n. Ne# 3or0H +lfred +. Nno$f, 19*(C.
.ollected (tories. 1s/ ed. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er -nd 2o#, 19*). Amor en los tiempos del
colera. Aoo/-, 6olo!bi-H O8-M- Ner-, 19*% B-ove in the Time of .holera. Tr. by 5di/h
"ross!-n. Ne# 3or0H +lfred +. Nno$f, 19**C. 8ibliographic 5uide to 5abriel 5arcia
#xr4ue*, 19A9+19;". 6o!$. by K-r-re/ 5us/ell- 1-u -nd Nelly Sfeir de "onz-lez.
Wes/$or/, 6TH "reen#ood Press, 19*(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aell-Sill-d-, ". 5arcia #xr4ue*. 6h-$el Lill, N6H Ini8. of
Nor/h 6-rolin- Press, 1990. Nennedy, Willi-!. \The 3ello# Trolley 6-r in A-r>elon-H +
Profile of "-briel "-r>i- KrGuez.Z The Atlantic 2'1 BP-nu-ry 19&'CH %0:%9.
K>Kurr-y, 2ober/ 2. 5abriel 5arcia #xr4ue*. Ne# 3or0H In-r, 19*). Willi-!s,
2-y!ond L. 5abriel 5arcia #xr4ue*. Aos/onH ".N. L-ll, 19*). K>Nerney, N-/hleen.
:nderstanding 5abriel 5arcia #xr4ue*. 6olu!bi-, S6H Ini8. of Sou/h 6-rolin- Press,
Co$$entary: "-briel "-r>o- KrGuez #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \for his no8els -nd
shor/ s/ories, in #hi>h /he f-n/-s/i> -nd /he re-lis/i> -re >o!bined in - ri>hly >o!$osed
#orld of i!-in-/ion, refle>/in - >on/inen/9s life -nd >onfli>/s.Z The fi>/ion-l #orld
>re-/ed by "-r>o- KrGuez >en/ers -round /he Munle /o#n of K->ondo, #hi>h re-$$e-rs
in !-ny no8els -nd s/ories, in>ludin his ou/s/-ndin ->hie8e!en/ One /undred 1ears
of (olitude. The >en/r-l /he!es of soli/ude, /i!e, -nd de-/h -re $or/r-yed /hrouh
>o!edy, surre-lis!, -nd !y/hi>-l -lleory. "-r>o- KrGuez is >o!!i//ed $oli/i>-lly /o
/he side of /he $oor -nd, in -ddi/ion /o his li/er-ry #or0s, h-s been 8ery ->/i8e -s -
Mourn-lis/ #ri/in on $oli/i>s -nd /he -r/s. BN.".C
6oldin&5 Willia2 6erald 2A0
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19*'. Born: Se$/e!ber 19, 1911; S/. 6olu!b, 6orn#-ll, 5nl-nd.
Death: Pune 19, 199'; Perr-n-r#or/h-l, Trur, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, +le> +.
"oldin; Ko/her, Kildred +. "oldin. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Aelons /o no
or-nized >hur>h; fro! 6hris/i-n b->0round. Education: O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+.,
19'%. Spouse: +nn Aroo0field, !-rried 19'9. Children: D-8id, son; Pudi/h, d-uh/er.
Career: Aisho$ Words#or/h9s S>hool, 5nl-nd, Te->her, 19'9:)0; Ari/ish N-8y, 19)0:
)%; Aisho$ Words#or/h9s S>hool, 5nl-nd, Te->her, 19)%:(1; Lollins 6ollee, S+,
Wri/er-?n-2esiden>e, 19(1:(2; Wri/er, 19(2:9'. Other Awards: 6o!!-nder, Order of
/he Ari/ish 5!$ire, 19(%; Aoo0er Prize, 19&9; Al->0 Ke!ori-l +#-rd, 19*0; Aoo0er
K>6onnell Prize, 19*1; Nnih/hood, 19**.
Selected Publications: -ord of the =lies. LondonH 1-ber -nd 1-ber, 19%). The
<nheritors. LondonH 1-ber -nd 1-ber, 19%%. incher #artin. LondonH 1-ber -nd 1-ber,
19%(. =ree =all. LondonH 1-ber -nd 1-ber, 19%9. The (pire. LondonH 1-ber -nd 1-ber,
19(). &ar2ness 6isible. LondonH 1-ber -nd 1-ber, 19&9. Bites of assage. LondonH
1-ber -nd 1-ber, 19*0. The aperman. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us -nd "irou@, 19*). An
$gyptian 7ournal. LondonH 1-ber, 19*%. =ire &o0n 8elo0. London, Aos/onH 1-ber,
19*(. .lose
P-e 99
?uarters. LondonH 1-ber, 19*&. &ouble Tongue. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .ontemporary Authors 'e0 Bevision (eries. De/roi/, K?H
"-le 2ese-r>h, 19*) BSolu!e 1'C, 219:2(. Di>0, Aern-rd. %illiam 5olding. Aos/onH
T#-yne, 19*&. 1ried!-n, L. %illiam 5olding. Ne# 3or0H 6on/inuu!, 199'. Lynes,
S-!uel. %illiam 5olding. Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 19(). Nin0e-d-Wee0es,
K-r0, -nd "reor, D-n. %illiam 5olding> A .ritical (tudy. LondonH 1-ber -nd 1-ber,
Co$$entary: The body of Willi-! "oldin9s #or0s, #hi>h \illus/r-/e /he hu!-n
>ondi/ion in /he #orld /od-yZ -nd de!ons/r-/e /h-/ \e8il s$rins fro! /he de$/h of !-n
hi!self,Z #on hi! /he Nobel Prize. -ord of the =lies, /he no8el /h-/ brouh/ hi! li/er-ry
re>oni/ion, sho#s - rou$ of 5nlish s>hoolboys on - deser/ed isl-nd re8er/in /o
$ri!-l s-8-ery; in his o/her no8els, "oldin, #ho h-s been >-lled -n -lleoris/ -nd
f-bulis/, de8elo$s /he /he!e of hu!-ns9 /enden>y /o#-rd e8il. BP.+.C
-eifert5 <arosla> 2A1
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19*). Born: Se$/e!ber 2', 1901; Pr-ue, 6ze>hoslo8-0i-. Death:
P-nu-ry 10, 19*(; Pr-ue, 6ze>hoslo8-0i-. Parents: 1-/her, +n/onin Seifer/; Ko/her,
K-rie Seifer/. Nationality: 6ze>hoslo8-0i-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: No >ollee
derees. Spouse: K-rie Ilri>ho8-, !-rried 192*. Children: P-n-, d-uh/er; P-rosl-8,
son. Career: Pr-ue, 6ze>hoslo8-0i-, Wri/er,Pourn-lis/, 1921; (r{atec, 5di/or, 1922:2%;
J(| Befle2tor, 5di/or, 192&:29; 'ovx scDna, 5di/or, 1929:'1; estrD 2|vty, 5di/or,
19'1:''; Banni noviny, 5di/or, 19'':'9; 'xrodnr prxce, 5di/or, 19'9:)%; rxce,
5di/or, 19)%:)9; Wri/er, 19)9:*(. Other Awards: 6ze>hoslo8-0 S/-/e Prize, 19'(,
19%%, 19(*; Inion of 6ze>hoslo8-0 Wri/ers Publishin Louse Prize, 19((;
6ze>hoslo8-0 N-/ion-l +r/is/, 19(&.
Selected Publications: 7abl2o * Jlrna BAn Apple from the -apC. Pr-ueH Kel-n/ri>h,
19''. Buce 6enuing FThe /ands of 6enusC. Toron/oH Si@/y-5ih/ Publishers, 19'). B+lso
Pr-ueH Kel-n/ri>h, 19'(C. !hasn}ti (v}tla But Out the -ightsC. Pr-ueH 1r. Aoro8y,
19)0. (v}tlem Od}nx B&ressed in -ightC. Pr-ueH N0l. 1r. Aoro8_h-, 19)0. Bu2a a
lamen BThe /and and the =lameC. Pr-zeH 1. Aoro8y, 19)'. Jammen~ #ost BThe (tone
8ridgeC. Pr-ueH 1r. Aoro8y, 19)). rilba /lrny BThe /elmut of .layC. Pr-zeH Pr>e,
19)%. #o*art v ra*e. Pr-ze, P-rsosl-8 Pi>-, 19)*. B#o*art in rague Bno re>ord foundC,
19&0C. is}n o 6i2torce. Pr-zeH 6es0oslo8ens0y s$iso8-/el, 19%0. #amin2a B#otherC.
Pr-ueH 6es0oslo8ens0y S$iso8-/el, 19%%. OdlDvxnr !von. Pr-zeH 6es0oslo8ens0y s$is,
19(& BThe .asting of the 8ells. Tr. by To! O9"r-dy -nd P-ul P--si>h. ?o#- 6i/y, ?+H
The S$iri/ Th-/ Ko8es Is Press, 19*'C. Joncert no Ostrov} B.oncert on the <slandC.
Pr-ueH 6es0oslo8ens0y s$iso8-/el, 19(&. #orov~ (loup. 6oloneH ?nde@, 19&& BThe
lague #onument. Tr. by Lyn 6offin. Ne# 3or0H 6ze>hoslo8-0 So>ie/y of +r/s -nd
S>ien>es, 19*0C. &estnr2 * icadilly. Pr-ueH 6s. s$is, 19&9 B:mbrella from icadilly.
Tr. by 5#-ld Osers. S-n 1r-n>is>o, 6+H P-rsons Aoo0s, 19*)C. (elected oetry of
7aroslav (eifert. Tr. by 5#-ld Osers -nd "eore "ibi-n. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19*&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: \6ze>h Poe/ Wins Nobel Prize for Li/er-/ure.Z ublisher)s
%ee2ly BO>/ober 2(, 19*)CH 2(:2&. 1ren>h, +lfred. The oets of rague. LondonH
O@ford Ini8. Press, 19(9, 20:'%. ?ers, W.+. \The World of P-rosl-8 Seifer/.Z %orld
-iterature Today BWin/er 19*(CH *:12. S08ore>0y, Posef. \6ze>h K-/e.99 The 'e0
Bepublic B1ebru-ry 1*, 19*%CH 2&:'2. 6ec2y Jrxsy (veta B\#emoirs> All the 8eauties
of the %orldZC. Pr-h-H 6es0oslo8ens0 S$iso8-/el, 19*2.
Co$$entary: The Nobel -nnoun>e!en/ >i/ed P-rosl-8 Seifer/9s #or0, #hi>h \endo#ed
#i/h freshness, sensu-li/y -nd ri>h in8en/i8eness, $ro8ides - liber-/in i!-e of /he
indo!i/-ble s$iri/ -nd 8ers-/ili/y of !-n.Z Seifer/9s defense of -nd >-ll for re-/er
freedo! is -lso no/ed in /h-/ \he >onMures u$ -no/her #orld /h-n /h-/ of /yr-nny -nd
desol-/ion=- #orld /h-/ e@is/s bo/h here -nd no#, -l/houh i/ !-y be hidden fro! our
8ie# -nd bound in >h-ins, -nd one /h-/ e@is/s in our dre-!s -nd our #ill -nd our -r/ -nd
our indo!i/-ble s$iri/. Lis $oe/ry is - 0ind of !-ieu/i>s=-n ->/ of deli8er-n>e.Z BD.W.C
-i2on5 %la!de "!&ene 1enri 2A2
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19*%. Born: O>/ober 10, 191'; T-n-n-ri8e, K-d--s>-r. Parents:
1-/her, Louis d9+n/oine Si!on; Ko/her, Suz-nne Den-!iel Si!on. Nationality: 1ren>h.
Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: 38onne Du>in, !-rried
19%1, di8or>ed Bno d-/e foundC; 2he- +@elos N-r-8-s, !-rried K-y 29, 19&*. Children:
None. Career: Wri/er. Other Awards: Pri@ de l95@$ress, 19(1; Pri@ Kedi>is, 19(&.
Selected Publications: -e Tricheur BThe .heatC. P-risH ]di/ions de Kinui/, 19)%. -a
.orde Baide BThe TightropeC. P-risH ]di/ions de Kinui/, 19)&. 5ulliver. P-risH
6-l!-nnL_8y, 19%2. -e (acre du rintemps BThe Annointment of (pringC. P-risH
6-l!-nn-L_8y, 19%2. -e 6ent, Tentative de Bestitution d)un Betable 8aro4ue BThe
%indC. P-risH ]di/ions de Kinui/, 19%&. -)/erbe BThe 5rassC. P-risH ]di/ions de Kinui/,
19%*. -a Boute des =landres BThe =landers BoadC. P-risH ]di/ions de Kinui/, 19(0. -e
alace BThe alaceC. P-risH ]di/ions de Kinui/, 19(2. /istoire. P-risH ]di/ions de
Kinui/, 19(&. -a 8ataille de harsale BThe 8attle of harsalusC. P-risH ]di/ions de
Kinui/, 19(9. Orion Aveugle B8lind OrionC. "ene8-H 5di/ions +lber/ S0ir-, 19&0. -es
.orps .onducteurs B.onducting 8odiesC. P-risH ]di/ions de Kinui/, 19&1. Tripty4ue.
P-risH ]di/ions de Kinui/, 19&'. -eEon de .hoses B-esson in ThingsC. P-risH ]di/ions de
Kinui/, 19&%. .laude (imon, 'e0 &irections> .ollected apers. 5d. by +l-s/-ir A.
Dun>-n. 5dinburhH S>o//ish +>-de!i> Press, 19*%. -)<nvitation. P-risH ]di/ions de
Kinui/, 19*&. The 5eorgics. LondonH Pohn 6-lder, 19*9. The Acacia. Ne# 3or0H
P-n/heon Aoo0s, 1991.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Ari//on, 6eli-. .laude (imon. Ne# 3or0H 6-!bride Ini8.
Press, 19*&. Duffy, Pe-n. Beading 8et0een the -ines. Li8er$oolH Li8er$ool Ini8ersi/y
Press, 199*. 1le/>her, Pohn. .laude (imon. LondonH 6-lder -nd Aoy-rs, 19&%. Pi!enez-
1-M-rdo, S-l8-dor. .laude (imon. Aos/onH T#-yne, 19&%.
Co$$entary: 6l-ude Si!on #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y be>-use he \in his no8els
>o!bines /he $oe/9s -nd /he
P-e 100
$-in/er9s >re-/i8eness #i/h - dee$ened -#-reness of /i!e in /he de$i>/ion of /he hu!-n
>ondi/ion.Z Si!on >o!bined his lifelon in/eres/ in $-in/in #i/h linuis/i> -nd li/er-ry
e@$eri!en/-/ion /o be>o!e - le-der -!on 1ren>h e@$eri!en/-lis/ no8elis/s, b-sin his
#or0 on re!e!bered i!-es, es$e>i-lly of #-r. +l/houh Si!on9s ini/i-l #or0s
>on/-ined lon, in8ol8ed sen/en>es, !-ny $-ren/heses, -nd $resen/ $-r/i>i$les, his l-/er
#or0s #ere >o!$osed of shor/ sen/en>es /h-/ reGuire >-reful re-din for e!o/ion-l -nd
li/er-l >o!$rehension. BP.L.S.C
-o$inka5 Wole D0kin)ande 3l!)ole -o$inkaE 2A3
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19*(. Born: Puly 1', 19'); +beo0u/-, Nieri-. Parents: 1-/her,
S-!uel +yodele Soyin0-; Ko/her, "r->e 5niol- Soyin0-. Nationality: Nieri-n.
Religion: 1ro! +fri>-n,+nli>-n b->0round. Education: Ini8. of Leeds, 5nl-nd,
A.+., 19%9. Spouse: A-rb-r- Di>0son, !-rried 19%*; Ol-yide ?do#u, !-rried 19('.
Children: 1 son; ' d-uh/ers. Career: 2oy-l 6our/ The-/re, London, Pl-y 2e-der, 19%&:
%9; Ini8. of ?b-d-n, Nieri-, 2ese-r>h 1ello#, 19(0:(1; Ini8. of ?fe, Nieri-, Professor,
19(2:(); Ini8. of L-os, Nieri-, Professor, 19(%:(&; Poli/i>-l Prisoner, 19(&:(9;
Ini8. of ?b-d-n, Nieri-, Professor, 19(9:&2; Ini8. of ?fe, Nieri-, Professor, 19&':*&;
6ornell Ini8., Ne# 3or0, Professor, 19**:91; Transition, 5di/or, 1991:2000; Ini8. of
Ne8-d-, L-s Se-s, Professor, 2000-. Other Awards: Pohn Whi/in Dr-!- Prize, 19((;
D-0-r Nero +r/s 1es/i8-l +#-rd, 19((; Po>0 6-!$bell +#-rd, 19(*; Prisoner of
6ons>ien>e, 19(9; Po>0 6-!$-bell-Ne# S/-/es!-n Li/er-/ure +#-rd, 19(9; Leo$old
Sed-n Senhor +#-rd, 19*(; 5nri>o K-//ei +#-rd, 19*(.
Selected Publications: <ndare and Other oems. Ne# 3or0H Lill -nd W-n, 19(*. Three
(hort lays> The (0amp &0ellers, The Trials of 8rother 7ero, The (trong 8reed.
LondonH O@ford Ini8. Press, 19(9. The <nterpreters. Ne# 3or0H 6ollier Aoo0s, 19&0.
(eason of Anomy. Ne# 3or0H The Third Press, 19&). #yth, -iterature and the African
%orld. Ne# 3or0H 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19&(. Opera %onyosi. Aloo!in/onH ?ndi-n-
Ini8. Press, 19*1. A lay of 5iants. Ne# 3or0H Ke/huen, 19*). Be4uiem for a
=uturologist. LondonH 2. 6ollins, 19*%. %ole (oyin2a> A 8ibliography. Wes/$or/, 6TH
"reen#ood, 19*(. #andela)s $arth and Other oems. Ne# 3or0H 2-ndo! Louse,
19**. The Open (ore of a .ontinent. O@fordH O@ford Ini8. Press, 199(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A2e> The 1ears of .hildhood. Ne# 3or0H 2-ndo! Louse,
19*1. "ibbs, P-!es. %ole (oyin2a. A-sins/o0e, 5nl-ndH K->!ill-n, 19*(. <badan> A
#emoir. LondonH Ke/huen, 199). Pones, 5ldred. %ole (oyin2a. Ne# 3or0H T#-yne,
19&'. Pones, 5ldred. The %ritings of %ole (oyin2a. LondonH 6urrey, 19**. The #an
&ied. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19&2. Wrih/, Dere0. %ole (oyin2a. 1rederi>/on, N.A.H
3or0 Press, 199(.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y >i/ed Wole Soyin0- -s - #ri/er \#ho in - #ide >ul/ur-l
$ers$e>/i8e -nd #i/h $oe/i> o8er/ones f-shions /he dr-!- of e@is/en>e.Z The firs/ +fri>-n
-u/hor /o #in - Nobel, Soyin0-9s #or0s $or/r-y - fusion be/#een +fri>-n -nd 5uro$e-n
influen>es, >on8en/ions, -nd -r/is/i>,/he!-/i> de8i>es. S/-r/in -s - #ri/er of lih/
s-/iri>-l 8erse, he !o8ed /o dr-!-, -nd de8elo$ed - se/ of #ri/ins >on>erned #i/h /he
ro-d /h-/ le-ds /o /he re-li/y of de-/h. De-/h-on-/he-ro-d is for Soyin0- - /y$e of self-
s->rifi>e -i!in -/ \$roressZ /o#-rd re-li/y=- /he!e /h-/ he ->/ed ou/ in his re-l-life
-rres/ -nd i!$rison!en/. Lis $os/-$rison #ri/ins e!$h-size his ->/i8is/ roleH /he
$ro/-onis/ of freedo! --ins/ /yr-nny. BP.N.,P.L.S.C
+rodsk$5 <oseph 0le/andro>ich D.osif 0le/andro>ichE 2A?
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19*&. Born: K-y 2), 19)0; Leninr-d, ISS2. Death: P-nu-ry 2*,
199(; Aroo0lyn, N3. Parents: 1-/her, +le@-nder ?. Arods0y; Ko/her, K-ri- K. Sol$er/
Arods0y. Nationality: 2ussi-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Spouse: K-ri-,
no d-/e. Children: +ndrei, son; +nn-, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Ki>hi-n, Poe/-in-
2esiden>e -nd Professor, 19&2:&', 19&):*0; Queens 6ollee, 6i/y Ini8. of Ne# 3or0,
Professor, 19&':&); K/. Lolyo0e 6ollee, K+, Professor, 19*1:9(; I.S. Poe/ L-ure-/e,
1991:92. Other Awards: Pre!io Kondello, ?/-ly, 19&9; K->+r/hur 1ound-/ion 1ello#,
19*1; N-/ion-l Aoo0 6ri/i>s 6ir>le +#-rd, 19*(.
Selected Publications: (ti2hotvoreniia i poemi B6erses and oems. W-shin/on D6H
?n/er-L-nu-e Li/er-ry +sso>i-/es, 19(%C. $legy to 7ohn &onne and Other oems. Tr.
by Ni>hol-s Ae/hell. LondonH Lon!-ns "reen, 19(&. Ostanov2a v pustyne BA (top in
the &esert. Ne# 3or0H 6he0ho8 Publishin 6o., 19&0C. (elected oems. Tr. by "eore
L. Nline. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19&'. Jonets pre2rasnoi epo2hi> sti2hotvoreniia
196G+A1. +nn +rbor, K?H +rdis, 19&&. .hast)rechi> sti2hotvoreniia 19A,+A6. +nn +rbor,
K?H +rdis, 19&& BA art of (peech. ;6olle>/ed Poe!s< Tr. by 2i>h-rd Wilbur, +n/hony
Le>h/, "eore Nline, e/ -l. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 19*0C. Bims2ie elegii.
Ne# 3or0H 2ussi>-, 19*2 BBoman $legies ;bilinu-l edi/ion<. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us
Y "irou@, 19*)C. -ess Than One> (elected $ssays. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@,
19*(. :rania B$oe!sC. +nn +rbor, K?H +rdis Publishers, 19*&. To :rania. Ne# 3or0H
1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 19**. #arbles. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, Y "irou@, 19*9.
%atermar2. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 1992. On 5rief and Beason. Ne# 3or0H
1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 199(. &iscovery. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 1999.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aenedi>/, Lelen. \1lih/ fro! Predi>/-bili/yH Pose$h
Arods0y.99 The Antioch Bevie0. )' BWin/er 19*%CH 9:21. Aenedi>/, L. ortraits in rint.
Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 1991. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W.
Wilson, 19*2, %1:%). T-8is, +nne. \+ Pourney fro! Pe/ersbur /o S/o>0hol!H
Preli!in-ry Aior-$hy of Pose$h Arods0y.Z (lavic Bevie0 )& B1-ll 19**CH )99:%01.
Co$$entary: +/ /he -e of )&, Pose$h Arods0y, /he se>ond younes/ $erson /o re>ei8e
/he Nobel in li/er-/ure, #-s $r-ised by /he +>-de!y for his \-ll-e!br->in -u/horshi$
i!bued #i/h >l-ri/y of /houh/ -nd $oe/i> in/ensi/y.Z Aorn in /he ISS2 -nd - re>onized
$oe/ /here before his $oli/i>-l i!$rison!en/, Arods0y, #ho >-!e /o /he I.S. in 19&2, is
eGu-lly -/ ho!e #i/h 2ussi-n -nd 5nlish, re8e-lin - bro-d r-ne of in/eres/s rel-/ed /o
bo/h >oun/ries in his
P-e 101
$oe/ry, #hi>h /he +>-de!y >i/ed for i/s \lu!inous in/ensi/y.Z BP.N.,P.L.S.C
,ahfo!z5 Na&!ib D,ahf!z5 NaKibM 0bdel 0ziz 0l-abil&iE 2A@
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19**. Born: De>e!ber 11, 1911BWC; 6-iro, 5y$/. Parents: 1-/her,
+bdel +ziz ?br-hi! K-hfouz; Ko/her, 1-/!- Kos/-$h- K-hfouz. Nationality:
5y$/i-n. Religion: Kusli!. Education: Ini8. of 6-iro, 5y$/, A.+., 19'). Spouse:
+//iy-/-+ll-h, !-rried Se$/e!ber 2&, 19%). Children: I!! N-l/hu!, d-uh/er; 1-/i!-,
d-uh/er. Career: "o8ern!en/ 5!$loyee, 19'):&2. Other Awards: 5y$/i-n S/-/e
Prize, 19%(; "re-/ Nile 6oll-r, S/-/e Prize for Li/er-/ure, 19%&; N-/ion-l 1il! Prize,
19(2; N-/ion-l Prize for Le//ers, 5y$/, 19&0; 6oll-r of /he 2e$ubli>, 19&2.
Selected Publications: !ugag@al@#idagg. +l Q-hir-hH K-0/-b-/ Kisr, 19)( B#ida4
Alley. Tr. by Tre8or le "-ssi>0. W-shin/on, D6H Three 6on/inen/s Press, 19*1C. 8edaya
%a 'ehaya. +l Q-hir-hH K-0/-b-/ Kisr, 19)9 BThe 8eginning and the $nd. Tr. by
2-!ses L. +#-d. 6-iroH +!eri>-n Ini8. of 6-iro, 19*%C. Al -ess %a al Jalib. +l
Q-hir-hH K-0/-b-/ Kisr, 19(1 BThief and the &ogs. Tr. by Tre8or le "-ssi>0. 6-iroH
+!eri>-n Ini8. of 6-iro, 19*)C. A0lad /arettna. Aeiru/H 6-r -l +d-b, 19(2 BThe
.hildren of 5ebela0i. Tr. by Phili$ S/e#-r/. LondonH Leine!-nn, 19*1C. Al (eman %a
$l Jhareef. +l Q-hir-hH D-r K-sser, 19(2 BAutumn ?uail. Tr. by Pohn 2odenbe>0.
6-iroH +!eri>-n Ini8. of 6-iro, 19*%C. $l (hahadh. +l Q-hir-hH K-0/-b-/ Kisr, 19(%
BThe 8eggar. Tr. by Nris/in W-l0er Lenry -nd N-ri!-n Nh-les N-ili -l-W-rr-0i. 6-iroH
+!eri>-n Ini8. of 6-iro, 19*(C. #iramar. +l Q-hir-hH K-0/-b-/ Kisr, 19(& B#iramar.
Tr. by 1-/!- Kous--K-h!oud. LondonH Leine!-nn, 19&*C. 5od)s %orld> An
Anthology of (hort (tories. Tr. by +0ef +b-dir -nd 2oer +llen. Kinne-$olisH
Aiblio/he>- ?sl-!i>-, 19&'. /adret $l #uhtaram. +l Q-hir-hH K-0/-b-/ Kisr, 19&%
BBespected (ir. Tr. by 2-sheed 5l 5n-ny. LondonH Qu-r/e/, 19*(C. 1a0m 4utila al*aim
BThe Assassination of a -eader.C +l Q-hir-hH K-0/-b-/ Kisr, 19*%. /adith al@(abah 0a@
al@masa B#orning and $vening .hatting.C +l Q-hir-hH K-0/-b-/ Kisr, 19*&. (abah al@
0ard Bshor/ s/ories.C +l Q-hir-hH K-0/-b-/ Kisr, 19*&. ?ushtumur. +l Q-hir-hH
K-0/-b-/ Kisr, 19*9. .hildren of the Alley. BTr. Ay Pe/er Therou@C Ne# 3or0H
Doubled-y, 199(. A2henaten> &0eller in Truth. BTr. by T-reid +bu-L-ss-boC Ne#
3or0H Doubled-y,+n>hor, 2000.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +l-"hi/-ni, P-!-l. 'iIib #ahfu*@1atadha22ar. Aeiru/H D-r
+l-K-sir-h, 19*0. Autobiography. Ne# 3or0H Doubled-y, 199&. .urrent 8iography
1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19*9, '(%:(9. Kilson, Ken-he!. 'aIib #ahfou*.
Ne# 3or0H S/. K-r/in9s Press, 199*. Peled, K-//i/y-hu. Beligion, #y O0n> The -iterary
%or2s of 'aIib #ahfu*. Ne# Aruns#i>0, NPH Tr-ns->/ion Aoo0s, 19*'.
Co$$entary: The Nobel for Li/er-/ure #-s r-n/ed /o N-uib K-hfouz be>-use his
#ri/in \/hrouh #or0s ri>h in nu-n>e=no# >le-r-sih/edly re-lis/i>, no# e8o>-/i8ely
-!biuous=h-s for!ed -n +r-bi-n n-rr-/i8e -r/ /h-/ -$$lies /o -ll !-n0ind.Z The
$rolifi> l-ure-/e, - !-s/er in /he -r/ of /he no8el, shor/ s/ory, $l-y, -nd s>reen$l-y, #-s
$-r/i>ul-rly re>onized for his in/rodu>/ion of /he no8el for! in 5y$/, -nd for his
i!$->/ on /he field of s>reen#ri/in. Lis e-rly -//e!$/s -/ his/ori>-l fi>/ion -8e #-y /o
- su>>ession of re-lis/i> no8els, follo#ed by #ri/ins /h-/ e!br->ed !e-sures of re-lis!,
!odernis!, -nd /he re-l! of \sy!bolis/-bsurd.Z Au/ no !-//er /he for!, -ll his #ri/ins
-re i!bedded in /he 5y$/i-n e@$erien>e. K-hfouz #-s -lso re>onized for his
friendshi$ #i/h ?sr-el, es$e>i-lly -/ - /i!e #hen su>h friendshi$ #-s bo/h dis>our-ed
-nd d-nerous. BP.N., P.L.S.C
%ela5 %a2ilo <osH D(on %a2ilo5 ,atilde =erd!E 2AA
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 19*9. Born: K-y 11, 191(; ?ri- 1l-8i-, L- 6orun-, S$-in. Parents:
1-/her, 6-!ilo 6el-; Ko/her, 6-!il- 5!!-nuel- Trulo>0 Aer/orini 6el-. Nationality:
S$-nish. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: K-ri- del 2os-rio
6onde Pi>-8e-, !-rried K-r>h 12, 19)), di8or>ed 19*9; K-ri- 6-s/-no, !-rried 1991.
Children: 6-!ilo Pose, son. Career: Wri/er; apeles de (on Armadans Bli/er-ry
!on/hlyC, Publisher, 19%(:&9. Other Awards: Pre!io de l- 6ri/i>-, 19%%; N-/ion-l Prize
for Li/er-/ure, S$-in, 19*); Pre!io Prin>i$e de +s/uri-s, 19*&.
Selected Publications: -a =amilia de ascual &uarte. A-r>elon-H 5di>iones Des/ino,
19)2 B=amily of ascual &uarte. Tr. by +n/hony Nerri-n. LondonH 5yre -nd
S$o//is#oode, 19)(C. abellon de reposo. K-dridH +frodisio +u-do, 19)' BBest /ome.
Tr. by Ler!- Ariff-ul/. Ne# 3or0H L-s +!eri>-s Publishin, 19(1C. 'uevas andan*as y
desventuras de -a*arillo de Tormes. K-dridH 5di>iones L- N-8-, 19)). -as 8otas de
siete leguas> 6iaIe a la Alcarria, con los versos de su cancionero, cada uno en su debido
lugar. K-dridH 2e8is/- de O>>iden/e, 19)* B7ourney to the Alcarria. Tr. by 1r-n>es K.
Lo$ez-Korrilos. K-disonH Ini8. of Wis>onsin Press, 19()C. .aminos inciertos> -a
.olmena. Auenos +iresH 5!e>e 5di/ores, 19%1 BThe /ives. Tr. by P.K. 6ohen -nd
+r/uro Aere-. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 19%'C. #rs. .ald0ell habla con su hiIo.
A-r>elon-H 5di>iones Des/ino, 19%' B#rs. .ald0ell (pea2s to /er (on. Tr. by Pero!e S.
Aers/ein. ?/h->-, N3H 6ornell Ini8. Press, 19(*C. 'uevas escanas matritenses. K-dridH
+lfu-r-, 19(%. /omenaIe al 8osco, <> $l carro de henoN el inventor de la guillotina.
A-le-res, S$-inH P-$el-s de Son +r!-d-ns, 19(9. $l /uevo del 7uicio. A-r>elon-H Sei@
A-rr-l, 199'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6h-rlebois, Lu>ille 6. :nderstanding .amilio 7ose .ela.
6olu!bi-, S.6.H Ini8. of Sou/h 6-rolin- Press, 199&. .ontemporary Authors. De/roi/,
K?H "-le 2ese-r>h 6o., 19&&, 1(0:('. 1os/er, D-8id. =orms of the 'ovel in the %or2 of
.amilo 7ose .ela. 6olu!bi-H Ini8. of Kissouri Press, 19(&. K>Phee/ers, D.W. .amilo
7ose .ela, Aos/onH T#-yne, 19(9.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y >i/ed 6-!ilo 6el- for his \ri>h -nd in/ensi8e $rose, #hi>h
#i/h res/r-ined >o!$-ssion for!s - >h-llenin 8ision of !-n9s 8ulner-bili/y.Z The
8ers-/ile -u/hor of /en no8els -nd si@/y o/her #or0s=ess-ys, shor/ s/ories, $oe/ry, -nd
/r-8el boo0s=rein/rodu>ed /he S$-nish -udien>e /o /he no8el. 6el- -lso e@$eri!en/ed
#i/h o$enness of /he no8el s/ru>/ure, #i/h - fo>us on re-lis! -nd e@$lor-/ion of /he
\d-r0er side of life,99 -nd #i/h fr-!en/ed
P-e 102
>hronoloy. +bou/ /he no8el, 6el- s-id, \+ny/hin oes p -s lon -s i/9s /old #i/h
>o!!on sense.Z BP.N.,P.L.S.C
Paz5 3cta>io 2AB
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 1990. Born: K-r>h '1, 191); Ke@i>o 6i/y, Ke@i>o. Death: +$ril 19,
199*; Ke@i>o 6i/y, Ke@i>o. Parents: 1-/her, O>/-8io P-z; Ko/her, Pose$hin- Loz-no
P-z. Nationality: Ke@i>-n. Religion: +/heis/, fro! 6-/holi> b->0round. Spouse: 5len-
"-rro, !-rried 19'&, di8or>ed, no d-/e; K-rie-Pose Tr-!ini, !-rried 19(). Children:
5len-, d-uh/er Career: Wri/er; 8-rious Ke@i>-n o8ern!en/ $osi/ions, 19)%:(*. Other
Awards: "r-nd Pri@ ?n/ern-/ion-l de Poesie, Aeliu!, 19('; 6ri/i>s Prize, S$-in, 19&&;
N-/ion-l Prize for Le//ers, Ke@i>o, 19&&; Perus-le! Prize, 19&&; "r-nd "olden 5-le
?n/ern-/ion-l 1es/i8-l, P-ris, 19&9; "r-nd +ile d9Or, Ni>e, 19&9; Pre!io Ollin 3oliz/li,
19*0; 6er8-n/es Prize, 19*1; Neus/-d/ Prize, 19*2; "er!-n Aoo0 Tr-de Pe->e Prize,
19*); Ke@i>o Leinse Ked-l, 19*); "r-n 6ruz de +lfonso 4 el S-brio, 19*(; T.S. 5lio/
+#-rd, 19*&; To>Gue8ille Prize, 19**.
Selected Publications: The -abyrinth of (olitude. Ne# 3or0H "ro8e, 19(1. (un (tone.
Ne# 3or0H Ne# Dire>/ions, 19('. Alternating .urrent. Ne# 3or0H Si0in, 19&'.
.onIunctions and &isIunctions. Ne# 3or0H Si0in, 19&'. One $arth, =our or =ive
%orlds. S-n Dieo, 6+H L-r>our/ Ar->e Po8-no8i>h, 19*%. .ollected oems, 19"A+;A.
Ne# 3or0H Ne# Dire>/ions, 19*&. (or 7uana> Or, The Traps of =aith. 6-!bride, K+H
L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19**. The Other 6oice> $ssays on #odern oetry. Ne# 3or0H
L-r>our/ Ar->e, 1991. $ssays on #exican Art. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/ Ar->e, 199'. The
&ouble =lame> $ssays on -ove and $roticism. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/ Ar->e, 199%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .ontemporary Authors. De/roi/H "-le 2ese-r>h, 19&*, Sol.
&':&(, )91:92. <tinerary. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, 1999. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 12,
1990CH A1. Wilson, P. Octavio a*. Aos/onH T#-yne, 19*(.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize in Li/er-/ure #-s r-n/ed /o O>/-8io P-z, /he firs/
Ke@i>-n #ri/er /o #in, \for i!$-ssioned #ri/in #i/h #ide horizons, >h-r->/erized by
sensuous in/ellien>e -nd hu!-nis/i> in/eri/y.Z + $oli/i>-l >o!!en/-/or, - di$lo!-/,
-nd -n ->>o!$lished ess-yis/ -nd $oe/, P-z #-s - for>e in Ke@i>o /hrouhou/ his life,
de-lin in his #ri/ins -nd ->/ions #i/h so>ie/-l re-li/y -nd \surre-lis/i>-lly ins$ired
/houh/s.Z BP.L.S.C
6ordi2er5 Nadine 2AC
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 1991. Born: No8e!ber 20, 192'; S$rins, Sou/h +fri>-. Parents:
1-/her, ?sidore "ordi!er; Ko/her, N-n Kyers "ordi!er. Nationality: Sou/h +fri>-n.
Religion: Pe#ish. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: "er-ld "-8rons0y, !-rried
K-r>h (, 19)9, di8or>ed 19%2; 2einhold 6-ssirer, !-rried P-nu-ry 29, 19%). Children:
Ori-nne, d-uh/er; Luo, son. Career: Wri/er. Other Awards: S!i/h +#-rd, 19(1;
Prinle +#-rd, 19(9; Al->0 +#-rd, 19&'; Aoo0er Prize, 19&); 6N+ +#-rd, 19&), 19&9,
19*1, 1991; "r-nd +ile d9Or, 19&%; 6o!!on#e-l/h +#-rd for Dis/inuished Ser8i>e
in Li/er-/ure, 19*1; KL+ +#-rd, 19*2; S->hs Prize, 19*%; K-l-$-r/e +#-rd, 19*(;
Aenne/ +#-rd, 19*(; Aenson Ked-l, 1990.
Selected Publications: A %orld of (trangers. LondonH 6-$e, 19%*, 19&(; (elected
(tories. L-r!ons#or/hH Penuin, 19&%; 8erger)s &aughter. Ne# 3or0H Si0in Press,
19&9; 7uly)s eople. Ne# 3or0H Si0in Press, 19*1; A (port of 'ature. Ne# 3or0H
Nno$f, 19*&; .rimes of .onscience. O@fordH Leine!-nn ?n/ern-/ion-l, 1991; Three in a
8ed> =iction, #orals, and olitics. Aennin/on, STH Aennin/on 6ollee, 1991; -egal
=ictions> (hort (tories about -a0yers and the -a0. Woods/o>0, N3H O8erloo0 Press,
1992; %hy /aven)t 1ou %ritten> (elected (tories, 19"0+19A,. Ne# 3or0H Penuin
Aoo0s, 199'; The -ying &ays. Ne# 3or0H Penuin Aoo0s, 199); #y (on)s (tory. Ne#
3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 199); 'o One to Accompany #e. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r,
S/r-us Y "irou@, 199); layboy (tories> The 8est of =orty 1ears of (hort =iction. Ne#
3or0H Du//on, 199).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .ontemporary Authors. De/roi/, K?H "-le 2ese-r>h, 1991.
Dri8er, Doro/hy. 'adine 5ordimer> A 8ibliography of rimary and (econdary (ources,
19CA+199,. Ne# Pro8iden>e, NPH N. ". S-ur, 199). Le-d, Do!ini>. 'adine 5ordimer.
Ne# 3or0H 6-!bride Ini8ersi/y Press, 199). Oli$h-n/, +.W. Y "ordi!er, N. A %riting
-ife. London; Ne# 3or0H Si0in, 199*. Te!$le-Thurs/on, A-rb-r-. 'adine 5ordimer
Bevisited. Ne# 3or0H T#-yne, 1999.
Co$$entary: N-dine "ordi!er, /he firs/ Sou/h +fri>-n /o #in /he Nobel Prize, #-s
>i/ed be>-use her \>on/inu-l in8ol8e!en/ on beh-lf of li/er-/ure -nd free s$ee>h in -
$oli>e s/-/e #here >ensorshi$ -nd $erse>u/ion of boo0s -nd $eo$le e@is/ ;h-s< !-de her
/he doyenne of Sou/h +fri>-n le//ers.Z "ordi!er9s #ri/ins $or/r-y /he /r-u!- of r->i-l
sere-/ion in Sou/h +fri>-, refle>/in /he >h-nes in /he life of /he reion sin>e 19)9.
Ler /he!es -re $redo!in-n/ly >on>erned #i/h /he effe>/s of /he $oli/i>-l si/u-/ion,
/-boos, -nd res/ri>/ions on indi8idu-l li8es -nd sensibili/ies=effe>/s /h-/ resul/ in fe-r
-nd dis/rus/. BP.N.C
Walcott5 (erek 0lton 2A9
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 1992. Born: P-nu-ry 2', 19'0; 6-s/ries, S/. Lu>i-, Wes/ ?ndies.
Parents: 1-/her, W-r#i>0 W-l>o//; Ko/her, +li@ W-l>o//. Nationality: P-!-i>-n.
Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of Wes/ ?ndies, P-!-i>-, A.+., 19%'. Spouse:
1-y Kor/on, !-rried 19%), di8or>ed 19%9; K-r-re/ 2u/h K-ill-rd, !-rried 19(2,
di8or>ed Bno d-/eC; Norline Ke/i8ier, !-rried Bno d-/eC, di8or>ed Bno d-/eC. Children:
Pe/er, son; 2 d-uh/ers. Career: Wri/er; Trinid-d The-/re Wor0sho$, Dire>/or, 19%9:&(.
Other Awards: P-!-i>- Prize, 19%*; "uinness +#-rd, 19(1; 2oy-l So>ie/y +#-rd, 19();
W. L. Leine!-nn +#-rd, 19((, 19*'; 6hol!ondeley +#-rd, 19(9; Obie +#-rd, 19&1;
Po>0 6-!$bell,Ne# S/-/es!-n Prize, 19&); ?n/ern-/ion-l Wri/er9s Prize, Welsh +r/s
6oun>il, 19&9; K->+r/hur 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*1; L.+. Ti!es Aoo0 2e8ie# Prize,
19*(; Queen 5liz-be/h ?? "old Ked-l, 19**; W.L. S!i/h Li/er-ry +#-rd, 1991; S/.
Lu>i- 6ross, 199'.
Selected Publications: oems. Nins/on, P-!-i>-H 6i/y Prin/ery, 19%'; <n a 5reen
'ight> oems 19G;+1960. LondonH Pon-/h-n 6-$e, 19(2; (elected oems. Ne# 3or0H
P-e 10'
1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 19(); .asta0ay and Other oems. LondonH Pon-/h-n 6-$e,
19(%; &ream on #on2ey #ountain and Other lays. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y
"irou@, 19&0; Another -ife. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 19&'; (ea 5rapes. Ne#
3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 19&(; 7o2er of (eville S O 8abylon. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r,
S/r-us Y "irou@, 19&*; The =ortunate Traveler. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@,
19*1; #idsummer. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 19*); The Ar2ansas Testament
;/hree $l-ys<. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 1990. The Odyssey> A (tage 6ersion.
Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 199'; The Antilles> =ragments of $pic oetry. Ne#
3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 199'; Tiepolo)s /ound. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, 2000.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aro#n, S/e#-r/. The Art of &ere2 %alcott. 6hes/er S$rins,
P+H Dufour 5di/ion, 1991. &ictionary of -iterary 8iography 1earboo2, 19;1. De/roi/H
"-le, 19*2. L-!ner, 2ober/ D. .ritical erspectives on &ere2 %alcott. W-shin/on,
D6H Three 6on/inen/s Press, 199'. Nin, Aru>e. &ere2 %alcott. O@ford; Ne# 3or0H
O@ford Ini8. Press, 2000.
Co$$entary: Poe/ -nd $l-y#rih/, $-in/er -nd Mourn-lis/, Dere0 W-l>o// #on /he Nobel
Prize for /he \!elodious -nd sensi/i8e s/yle99 in his \$oe/i> oeu8re of re-/ lu!inosi/y,
sus/-ined by his/ori>-l 8ision, /he ou/>o!e of !ul/i>ul/ur-l >o!!i/!en/.Z Lis #ri/ins
e!body /he >ul/ur-l di8ersi/y of /he ?ndies, /he s/r-ne -nd e@o/i> isl-nd life, e8o0in
/he d-r0ness of >oloni-lis!, sl-8ery, -nd e@ile. Thouh he uses /he idio!s -nd rhy/h!s
of 6-ribbe-n di-le>/s, he \->hie8es - uni8ers-l reson-n>e in his >onne>/ion of /he
6-ribbe-n si/u-/ion #i/h /hose of /he e@$loi/ed $eo$les e8ery#here.Z The +>-de!y
no/ed /h-/ \in hi!, Wes/ ?ndi-n >ul/ure h-s found i/s re-/ $oe/.Z BP.N.C
,orrison5 Toni D%hloe 0nthon$ WoffordE 2B0
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 199'. Born: 1ebru-ry 1*, 19'1; Lor-in, OL. Parents: 1-/her, "eore
Wofford; Ko/her, 2-!-h Willis Wofford. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n.
Education: Lo#-rd Ini8., W-shin/on, D6, A.+., 19%'; 6ornell Ini8., N3, K.+.,
19%%. Spouse: L-rold Korrison, !-rried 19%*, di8or>ed 19(). Children: L-rold 1ord,
son; Sl-de Ne8in, son. Career: Te@-s Sou/hern Ini8., Professor, 19%%:19%&; Lo#-rd
Ini8., W-shin/on, D6, Professor, 19%&:(); 2-ndo! Louse, N3, 5di/or, 19(%:*); S/-/e
Ini8. of Ne# 3or0 -/ +lb-ny, N3, Professor, 19*):*9; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Professor,
19*9- Other Awards: Ohio-n- Aoo0 +#-rd, 19&%; N-/ion-l Aoo0 6ri/i>s 6ir>le +#-rd,
19&&; Ne# 3or0 S/-/e "o8ernor9s +r/ +#-rd, 19*(; Nennedy +#-rd, 19**; Puli/zer
Prize, 19**; Kel>her Aoo0 +#-rd, 19**; N-/ion-l Aoo0 1ound-/ion Ked-l, 199(.
Selected Publications: The 8luest $ye. Ne# 3or0H Lol/, 2ineh-r/ -nd Wins/on, 19(9;
(ula. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 19&'; (ong of (olomon, Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 19&&; ath0ays to
the 5ods> The #ystery of the <ndies -ines. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19&*; Tar 8aby.
Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 19*&; 8eloved. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 19*&; 7a**. Ne# 3or0H 2-ndo!
Louse, 1992; laying in the &ar2> %hiteness and the -iterary <magination. 6-!bride,
K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 199'; (exual Offending against .hildren> Assessment and
Treatment of #ale Abusers. Ne# 3or0H 2ou/lede, 199).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: AMor0, P. The 'ovels of Toni #orrison. Ne# 3or0H P. L-n,
1992; 2iney, A. The 6oices of Toni #orrison. 6olu!bus, OLH Ohio S/-/e Ini8. Press,
1991; S-!uel, W. Toni #orrison. Aos/onH T#-yne Publishers, 1990; T-ylor-"u/hrie, D.
.onversations 0ith Toni #orrison. P->0son, KSH Ini8. Press of Kississi$$i, 199).
Co$$entary: ?n r-n/in /he Nobel Prize /o Toni Korrison, /he +>-de!y des>ribed her
-s \- li/er-ry -r/is/ of /he firs/ r-n0 p >h-r->/erized by 8ision-ry for>e -nd $oe/i> i!$or/
;/h-/< i8es life /o -n essen/i-l -s$e>/ of +!eri>-n re-li/y.Z Korrison9s fi>/ion is -
!i@/ure of f-n/-sy -nd re-lis!, dr-#in on fol0lore, !y/h, -nd leend, -nd Mu@/-$osin
bl->0 hu!-ni/y -nd #hi/e >ul/ur-l 8-lues. She h-s been des>ribed -s /he \hih $ries/ess
of 8ill-e li/er-/ure,Z re8e-lin /he bl->0 e@$erien>e in -ll i/s f->e/s. The +>-de!y no/ed
/h-/ she \del8es in/o /he l-nu-e i/self, - l-nu-e she #-n/s /o liber-/e fro! /he fe//ers
of r->e, -nd she -ddresses us #i/h /he lus/er of $oe/ry.Z BP.N.C
3e5 8enzab!ro 2B1
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 199). Born: P-nu-ry '1, 19'%; Ose Sill-e, Shi0o0u, P-$-n. Parents:
1-/her, No/-ro Oe; Ko/her, Nose0i Oe. Nationality: P-$-nese. Religion: +nos/i>.
Education: To0yo Ini8., P-$-n, A.+., 19(0. Spouse: 3u0-ri ?/-!i, !-rried 1ebru-ry
19(0. Children: Li0-ri, son; N-/su!i0o, d-uh/er; S-0ur-o, son Career: Wri/er, 19%2-.
Other Awards: K-y 1es/i8-l Prize, 19%); +0u/--#- Prize, 19%*; Shin>hosh- Li/er-ry
Prize, 19(); T-niz-0i Prize, 19(&; No!- Prize, 19(9, 19&'; Os-r-i Piro +#-rd, 19*';
5uro$eli- +r/s 1es/i8-l Prize, 19*9.
Selected Publications: (hii2u, 19%* BThe .atch. Tr. by Pohn Aes/er in The (hado0 of
(unrise, ed. S-e0i Shoi>hi, P-lo +l/o, 6+H S/-nford Ini8. Press, 19((C; JoIinte2i na
tai2en FA ersonal #atter. Ne# 3or0H "ro8e Press, 19(9C; #an)en gannen no futtoboru,
19(&; The (ilent .ry. Tr. by Pohn Aes/er. To0yoH Nod-nsh- ?n/ern-/ion-l, 19&); Teach
:s to Outgro0 Our #adness. Tr. by Pohn N-/h-n. Ne# 3or0H "ro8e Press, 19&&; =ire
and Ashes> (hort (tories about /iroshima and 'agasa2i. LondonH 2e-ders ?n/ern-/ion-l,
19*%; The .ra*y <ris and Other (tories of the Atomic Aftermath. Ne# 3or0H "ro8e
Press, 19*%; inchi ranna chosho, 19&(; The inch Bunner #emorandum. Tr. by
Ki>hi0o N. Wilson -nd Ki>h-el N. Wilson. +r!on0, N3H K. 5. Sh-r$e, 199); A ?uiet
-ife. Tr. Ay Nunio0i 3-n-ishi/- -nd Willi-! We/her-ll. Ne# 3or0H "ro8e Press, 199(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6-!eron, Lindsley. The #usic of -ight. Ne# 3or0H 1ree
Press, 199*. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 1), 199)CH 1%1(. Wilson,
Ki>hi0o N. The #arginal %orld of Oe, Jen*aburo> A (tudy in Times and Techni4ues.
+r!on0, N3H K. 5. Sh-r$e, 19*(. %orld Authors, 19;0+;". Ne# 3or0H L. W. Wilson,
1991, (%%:*.
Co$$entary: Nenz-buro Oe, /he P-$-nese \un>o!$ro!isin -8-n/--rdis/,Z #on /he
Nobel for his #or0s in #hi>h \$oe/i> for>e >re-/es -n i!-ined #orld #here life -nd
!y/h >ondense /o for! - dis>on>er/in $i>/ure of /he hu!-n $redi>-!en/ /od-y.Z
?nfluen>ed by /he #-r, Liroshi!-, -nd /he bir/h of - br-in-d-!-ed son, Oe9s #or0
!o8es fro! his e-rly #ri/ins of inno>en>e o8ersh-do#ed by - life of -lien-/ion, /o
se!i--u/obior-$hi>-l >onsider-/ions of $-s/
P-e 10)
-nd $resen/, -nd fin-lly /o !i@/ures of P-$-nese -nd Wes/ern in/elle>/u-l /r-di/ions. Oe
su!!-rizes his #or0 -s \#ri/in -bou/ /he dini/y of hu!-n beins.Z BP.N.C
1eane$5 -ea2!s <!stin 2B2
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 199%. Born: +$ril 1', 19'9; Kossb-#n, 6oun/y Derry, Nor/hern
?rel-nd. Parents: 1-/her, P-/ri>0 Le-ney; Ko/her, K-r-re/ N-/hleen K>6-nn Le-ney.
Nationality: ?rish. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Queen9s Ini8., ?rel-nd, A.+., 19(1.
Spouse: K-rie De8lin, !-rried +uus/ 19(%. Children: 6hris/o$her, son; Ki>h-el, son;
6-/herine, d-uh/er. Career: Poe/, 19(0-; A-lly!ur$hy S>hools, ?rel-nd, Te->her, 19(2:
('; S/. Pose$h9s 6ollee of 5du>-/ion, ?rel-nd, Le>/urer, 19(':((; Queen9s Ini8.,
?rel-nd, Le>/urer, 19((:&2; 1reel-n>e Wri/er, 19&2:&%; 6-rysfor/ 6ollee, ?rel-nd,
Le>/urer, 19&(:*2; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19*2:92. Other Awards: "reory
+#-rd, 19((; 6holo!ondely +#-rd, 19(&; K-uh-! +#-rd, 19(*; 1-ber Prize, 19(*;
?rish +>-de!y of Le//ers +#-rd, 19&1; De8lin Prize, 19&'; +!eri>-n-?rish 1ound-/ion
+#-rd, 19&%; 5.K. 1ors/er +#-rd, 19&%; S!i/h +#-rd, 19&(; 6oo$er +#-rd, 19&(;
Aenne// +#-rd, 19*2; Whi/bre-d +#-rd, 19*&, 199(, 1999; L-nn-! +#-rd, 1990;
Kondello Prize, 199'; ?rish Li/er-/ure Poe/ry Prize, 1999.
Selected Publications: &eath of a 'aturalist. LondonH 1-ber, 19((; &oor into the &ar2.
LondonH 1-ber, 19(9; %intering Out. LondonH 1-ber, 19&2; 'orth. LondonH 1-ber, 19&%;
=ield %or2. LondonH 1-ber, 19&9; oems, 196"+19A". Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y
"irou@, 19*0; reoccupations> (elected rose, 196;+19A;. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y
"irou@, 19*0; (tation <sland. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 19*); The /a0
-antern. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 19*&; (elected oems, 1966+19;A. Ne#
3or0, N3H 1-rr-r, S/r-us Y "irou@, 1990; (pirit -evel. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 199(;
Opened 5round> (elected oems, 1966+1996. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 199*; 8eo0ulf
Tr. Ne# 3or0H 1-rr-r, S/r-us, 2000. $lectric -ight. LondonH 1-ber Y 1-ber, 2001.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +llen, K. ed. (eamus /eaney. Ne# 3or0H S/. K-r/in9s
Press, 199&; Au//el, 2. (eamus /enry. Le#isbur, P+H Au>0nell Ini8. Press, 19&%;
.ontemporary Authors. 'e0 Bevision (eries. De/roi/, K?H "-le 2ese-r>h, 19*9, Solu!e
2%; .ontemporary -iterary .riticism. De/roi/, K?H "-le 2ese-r>h, 199', Solu!e &);
'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober (, 199%CH A1.
Co$$entary: Se-!us Lenry, \/he u-rdi-n s$iri/ of ?rish $oe/ry,Z re>ei8ed /he Nobel
Prize \for #or0s of lyri>-l be-u/y -nd e/hi>-l de$/h, #hi>h e@-l/ e8eryd-y !ir->les -nd
/he li8in $-s/.Z The L-ure-/e, in his $oe/ry, se-r>hes for ?rish oriins -nd iden/i/ies,
in>ludin his $erson-l oriins -nd iden/i/y. 6h-r->/erized by sensuous l-nu-e, se@u-l
!e/-$hors, -nd n-/ur-l i!-es, Le-ney9s #or0 -lso sho#s his >on>ern -bou/ $oe/ry9s
rele8-n>e in /he >onfused -nd diffi>ul/ #orld in #hi>h he finds hi!self. BP.N.,P.L.S.C
-z$2borska5 Wisla)a 2B3
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 199(. Born: Puly 2, 192'; Pro#en/-Anin, Norni0, Pol-nd. Parents: No
re>ord found. Nationality: Polish. Religion: No re>ord found. Education: No >ollee
derees. Spouse: +d-! Wlode0, !-rried, no d-/e, di8or>ed, no d-/e; Nornel 1li$o#i>z,
!-rried, no d-/e, died, e-rly 1990s. Children: None. Career: Poe/; !ycie -iterac2ie
BLi/er-ry LifeC, 5di/ori-l S/-ff, 19%':*1. Other Awards: 6r->o# Li/er-ry Prize, 19%);
Polish Kinis/ry of 6ul/ure Prize, 19('; Nnih/9s 6ross, Order of Poloni- 2es/i/u/e,
19&); "old 6ross of Keri/, 19%%; "oe/he Prize, 1991; Lerder Prize, 199%; Polish P5N
Poe/ry +#-rd, 199(.
Selected Publications: ?uestions ut to #yself, 19%). .alling Out to 1eti. 19%&. (sl
B(altC. W-rsz-#-H P-ns/#o#y ?ns/y/u/ Wyd-#ni>zy, 19(2. 'o $nd of =un, 19(&.
(ounds, =eelings, Thoughts BTr. K.P. Nryns0i -nd 2.+. K-uireC. Prin>e/on, NPH
Prin>e/on Ini8ersi/y Press, 19*1. The eople on a 8ridge BTr. +. 6zerni-#s0iC. London;
Aos/onH 1ores/ Aoo0s, 19*(. The $nd and the 8eginning, 199'. 6ie0 0ith a 5rain of
(and BTr. S. A-r-n>z-0 -nd 6. 6-8-n-hC. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, 199%. 'ic d0a ra*y.
Nr-0o#H Wyd-#n! 199& B'othing T0ice. Tr. S. A-r-n>z-0 -nd 6. 6-8-n-uhC. oems
'e0 and .ollected, 19"A+199A BTr. S. A-r-n>z-0 -nd 6. 6-8-n-hC. Ne# 3or0H
L-r>our/, 199*. #iracle =air BTr. P. Trze>i-0C. Ne# 3or0H Nor/on, 2001.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober ), 199(CH 6%. 'e0 1or2 Times
#aga*ine BDe>e!ber 1, 199(CH )(l.
Co$$entary: Wisl-#- Szy!bors0- #on /he Nobel Prize OOfor $oe/ry /h-/ #i/h ironi>
$re>ision -llo#s /he his/ori>-l -nd bioloi>-l >on/e@/ /o >o!e /o lih/ in fr-!en/s of
hu!-n re-li/y.Z + Guie/, shy, ye/ #i//y $erson, she h-s been des>ribed -s /he \Koz-r/ of
$oe/ry, no/ #i/hou/ Mus/i>e in 8ie# of her #e-l/h of ins$ir-/ion -nd /he 8eri/-ble e-se
#i/h #hi>h her #ords see! /o f-ll in $l->e.Z Dis>l-i!in her e-rly #or0 #hi>h
e!br->ed so>i-l re-lis!, she no# #ri/es $ri!-rily of ordin-ry life -nd rel-/ionshi$s.
o5 (ario 2B?
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 199&. Born: K-r>h 2(, 192(; S-n "i-no, Lo!b-rdy, ?/-ly. Parents:
1-/her, 1eli>e 1o; Ko/her, Pin- 2o/- 1o. Nationality: ?/-li-n. Religion: No re>ord
found. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: 1r-n>- 2-!e, !-rried Pune 2), 19%).
Children: P->o$o, son; /hree o/her >hildren Career: Pl-y#rih/ -nd +>/or; L- 6o!une
The-/re 6olle>/i8e, ?/-ly, 1ounder, 19&0:&'; Nuo8- S>en-, ?/-ly, 6o-founder, 19(*; 1o-
2-!e 6o!$-ny, 6o-founder, 19%&:(9. Other Awards: Sonnin +#-rd, 19*1; Pre!io
5du-rdo, 19*(; Obie +#-rd, 19*&; +ro Dol>e Prize, 19**.
Selected Publications: Teatro .omico. Kil-noH "-rz-n/i, 19(2. #istero 8uffo BTr. The
.omic #ysteries. LondonH Ke/huen, 19**. Tr. 5d 5!ery.C, 19(9. #orte accidentale di
un anarchio BTr. Accidental &eath of an Anarchist. LondonH Ke/huen, 199)C. TorinoH
5in-udi, 19&) BTr. "-8in 2i>h-rdsC. Tutta casa, letto e chiesa B#i/h 1. 2-!eC. Seron-H
Aer/-ni, 19&* BTr. All /ouse, 8ed and .hurchC. -e .ommedie di &ario =o. ( 8olu!es.
TorinoH 5in-udi, 19&), re$rin/ed, 19*). Tric2s of the Trade BTr.#anuale minimo
dell)attore. LondonH Ke/huen, 1991 BTr. by P. 1-rrellC. The 6irtuous 8urglars. LondonH
Ke/huen, 1992. lays, 2 8ols. LondonH Ke/huen, 199). The ope and the %itch Bapa e
la strega. Tr. by 5d 5!eryC. LondonH Oberon, 199&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aeh-n, To!. &ario =o. London; S/erlin, S+H Plu/o Press,
2000. .ontemporary
P-e 10%
-iterary .riticism. De/roi/H "-le, 8.'2, 19*%; 8ol. 109, 199*. Ki/>hell, Tony. &ario =o.
LondonH Ke/huen, 19*), 1999. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 10, 199&CH +1.
Co$$entary: Nno#n $ri!-rily -s -n ->/or -nd >lo#n, bu/ -lso - $l-y#rih/, D-rio 1o
#-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize -s one \#ho e!ul-/es /he Mes/ers of /he Kiddle +es in
s>ourin -u/hori/y -nd u$holdin /he dini/y of /he do#n/rodden.Z + >on/ro8ersi-l
-#-rd denoun>ed by /he S-/i>-n, /he S#edish +>-de!y no/ed his 19(9 #or0 \Kis/ero
AuffoZ B\6o!i> Kys/ery99C -nd /he \Kor/e ->>iden/-le di un -n-r>hioZ B\+>>iden/-l
De-/h of -n +n-r>his/,Z 19&0C -s !-Mor e@-!$les /h-/ \o$en our eyes /o -buses -nd
inMus/i>es in so>ie/y -nd -lso /he #ider his/ori>-l $ers$e>/i8e in #hi>h /hey >-n be
$l->ed. 1o is -n e@/re!ely serious s-/iris/ #i/h - !ul/if->e/ed oeu8re.Z BL.S.S.C
-ara2a&o5 <osH 2B@
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 199*. Born: No8e!ber 1(, 1922; +zinh-y-, Por/u-l. Parents: 1-/her,
Pos_ de Sous-; Ko/her, K-ri- d- Pied-de. Nationality: Por/uuese. Religion:
6o!!unis/. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: ?ld- 2eis, !-rried 19)), di8or>ed
19&0; Pil-r del 2io, !-rried 19**. Children: Siol-n/e K-/os, d-uh/er. Career: Wri/er.
Other Awards: +sso>i-/ion of Por/uuese 6ri/i>s Prize, 19&9; Lisbon Li/er-ry Prize,
19*0; Pre!io 6id-de de Lisbo-, 19*0; Por/uuese P5N Prize, 19*2, 19*); Pre!io P5N
6lub Por/uu, 19*', 19*); "rinz-ne 6-8our Prize, 19*&; Kondello Prize, 1992;
1l-i-no Prize, 1992; Ar-n>-//i Prize, 1992; ?nde$enden/ 1orein 1i>/ion Prize, 199';
Por/uuese +sso>i-/ion of Wri/ers Prize, 199'; Pre!io Sid- Li/er-ri-, 199'; Luis de
6-!oes Prize, 199%; Por/uuese So>ie/y of +u/hors Prize, 199%.
Selected Publications: -and of (in, 19)&. #anual de pintura e caligrafia B#anual of
ainting and .alligraphy. Tr. ". Pon/iero. K-n>hes/erH 6-r>-ne/, 199)C, S-o P-uloH
Kor-es,19&(. -evantado do chao BBaised =rom the 5roundC, LisbonH 6-!inho,19*0.
#emorial do convento B#emoirs of the .onventC, LisbonH 6-!inho, 19*2 BTr.
".Pon/iero -s 8altasar and 8limunda. S-n DieoH L-r>our/, 19*&C. The 1ear of the
&eath of Bicardo Beis, Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/,1991 BTr.O ano da morte de Bicardo Beis by
". Pon/iero. LisbonH 6-!inho, 19*)C. The 5ospel According to 7esus .hrist BO
$vangelho (egundo 7esus .risto, LisbonH 6-!inho,1991C Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, 199)
BTr. ". Pon/iero. The (tone Baft Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, 199) BTr. ". Pon/iero. A Iangada
de pedra. LisbonH 6-!inho, 19*)C. /istory of the (iege of -isbon B/istoria do cerco de
-isboa. LisbonH 6-!inho, 19*9C. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/ Ar->e, 199( BTr. ". Pon/ieroC.
8lindness> A 'ovel. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/ Ar->e, 199*. All the 'ames BTodos os 'omesC.
Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/H, 2000 BTr. K.P. 6os/-C. 7ourney to ortugal B6iagem a ortugalC.
Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, 2001 BTr. +. Lo$0inson -nd N. 6-is/erC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 9, 199*CH +12. 'e0 1or2 Times
BDe>e!ber ', 199*CH 51. aris Bevie0 )0 BWin/er, 199*CH %):&'.
Co$$entary: Pos_ S-r-!-o, \#ho #i/h $-r-bles sus/-ined by i!-in-/ion,
>o!$-ssion -nd irony >on/inu-lly en-bles us on>e --in /o -$$rehend -n elusory re-li/yZ
#-s /he firs/ Por/uese /o be -#-rded /he $rize for li/er-/ure. Lis su>>ess -s - #ri/er
>-!e l-/e in life, -/ /he -e of (0, #i/h /he $ubli>-/ion of \A-l/-s-r -nd Ali!und-.Z This
no8el is des>ribed -s h-8in \- his/ori>-l, - so>i-l -nd -n indi8idu-l $ers$e>/i8e. The
insih/ -nd #e-l/h of i!-in-/ion /o #hi>h i/ i8es e@$ression is >h-r->/eris/i> of
S-r-!-o9s #or0s -s - #hole.Z BL.S.S.C
6rass5 6Snter Wilhel2 2BA
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 1999. Born: O>/ober 1(, 192&; 1ree 6i/y of D-nzi, "er!-ny Bno#
"d-ns0, Pol-ndC. Parents: 1-/her, Willy "r-ss; Ko/her, Lelen- Nnoff "r-ss.
Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: +nn-
K-r-re/- S>h#-rz "r-ss, !-rried 19%), di8or>ed no d-/e; I//e "runer/, !-rried 19&9.
Children: 1r-nz, son; 2-oul, son; L-ur-, d-uh/er, Aruno, son; K-l/e, s/e$son; L-ns,
s/e$son. Career: Wri/er. Other Awards: Suddeu/s>her 2und 1un0 Lyri0$reis, 19%%;
Preisder "ru$$e )&, 19%*; 6i/y of Are!en Li/er-ry Prize, 19%9; "er!-n 6ri/i>s Prize,
19(0; 1orein Aoo0 Prize, 1r-n>e, 19(2; Au>hner Prize, 19(%; 1on/-ine Prize, 19(*;
Aerliner 1on/-ne +eis, 19(9; Leuss Prize, 19(9; Kondello Prize, 19&&; 6-rl 8on
Ossiers0y Ked-l, 19&&; ?n/ern-/ion-l Li/er-/ur +#-rd, 19&*; Si-reio-Sersili- Prize,
19&*; K-M-0o#s0i Ked-l, 19&*; Sienn- Li/er-/ure Prize, 19*0; 1el/rinelli Prize, 19*2;
Leonh-rd 1r-n0 2in, 19**; N-rel 6-$e0 Prize, 199).
Selected Publications: The Tin &rum B&ie 8lechtrommel. D-r!s/-d/H Lu>h/erh-nd,
19%9C. BTr. 2. K-nhei!C Ne# 3or0H Sin/-e, 19(2. .at and #ouse BJat* und #aus.
D-r!s/-d/H Lu>h/erh-nd, 19(1.C BTr. 2. K-nhei!C S-n DieoH L-r>our/ Ar->e, 19('.
&og 1ears B/undeIahre. D-r!s/-d/H Lu>h/erh-nd, 19('C. BTr. 2. K-nhei!.C Ne# 3or0H
L-r>our/, 19(%. The lebeians Behearse the :prising. B&ie lebeIer proben den
AufstandC. BTr. 2. K-nhei!.C Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/ Ar->e, 19((. =our lays. Ne# 3or0H
L-r>our/, Ar->e Y World, 19(&. (pea2 outO (peeches, Open -etters, .ommentaries. BTr.
2. K-nhei!.C LondonH Se>0er Y W-rbur, 19(9. -ocal Anaesthetic BOertlich betacubt.
D-r!s/-d/H Lu>h/erh-nd, 19(9C. BTr. 2. K-nhei!.C Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, 19&0. =rom the
&iary of a (nail BAus dem Tagebuch einer (chnec2e. D-r!s/-d/H Lu>h/erh-nd, 19&2C.
BTr. 2. K-nhei!.C Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/ Ar->e Po8-no8i>h, 19&'. <n the $gg and Other
oems B&er 8utt. D-r!s/-d/H Lu>h/erh-nd, 19&&C. BTr. by K. L-!burer -nd 6.
Kiddle/on.C Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/ Ar->e Po8-no8i>h, 19&&. The #eeting at Telgte B&as
Treffen in Telgte. D-r!s/-d/H Lu>h/erh-nd, 19&*C. BTr. 2. K-nhei!.C Ne# 3or0H
L-r>our/ Ar->e Po8-no8i>h, 19*1. The =lounder. BTr. 2. K-nhei!.C Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/
Ar->e Po8-no8i>h, 19&*. /eadbirths, or, the 5ermans are &ying Out BJopfgeburtenN
oder &ie &eutschen sterben ausC. BTr. 2. K-nhei!.C Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/ Ar->e
Po8-no8i>h, 19*2. The Bat B&ie BaettinC. BTr. 2. K-nhei!.C S-n DieoH L-r>our/ Ar->e
Po8-no8i>h, 19*&. (ho0 1our Tongue B!unge !eigenC. BTr. P. 5. Woods.C S-n DieoH
L-r>our/ Ar->e Po8-no8i>h, 19*&. T0o (tates One 'ationP B&eutscher
-astenausgleichC. BTr. 2. Wins/on #i/h +.S. Wensiner.C S-n DieoH L-r>our/ Ar->e
Po8-no8i>h, 1990. The .all of the Toad B:n2enrufeC. BTr. 2. K-nhei!.C Ne# 3or0H
L-r>our/ Ar->e Po8-no8i>h, 1992. #y .entury B#eine 7ahrhundertC. BTr. K. L. Lei!.C
Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/ Ar->e,
P-e 10(
1999. Too =ar Afield B$in %eites =eldC. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, 2000 BTr. N. Wins/onC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Ar-ndes, I/e Thoss. 5uenter 5rass. AerlinH 5di/ion
6olloGuiu!, 199*. Lollin/on, Ki>h-el. 5uenter 5rass. Ne# 3or0H K-rion Aoy-rs,
19*0. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1, 1999CH +1'. O9Neill, P-/ri>0. 5uenter 5rass
Bevisited. Aos/onH T#-yne, 1999. Pree>e, Puli-n. 5uenter 5rass. Ne# 3or0H S/. K-r/in9s
Press, 2000.
Co$$entary: "Rn/er "r-ss, \Whose froli>so!e bl->0 f-bles $or/r-y /he foro//en f->e
of his/oryZ #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize in li/er-/ure. \The Tin Dru!,Z for #hi>h "r-ss
is !os/ f-!ous, \6-/ -nd KouseZ -nd \The Do 3e-rsZ !-0e u$ /he OOD-nzi TriloyZ
in #hi>h he re>re-/es /he horror of /he N-zi ye-rs -nd /he e@$lor-/ion of "er!-ny9s
n-/ion-l iden/i/y. Lis l-/er #or0s \>onfir! /he -u/hor9s $osi/ion -s /he re-/ $rober of /he
his/ory of /his >en/ury.Z Lis #or0s e@$lore /he in/er/#ined roo/s of ood -nd e8il --ins/
/he $oli/i>-l b->0round of /he 20/h 6en/ury. BL.S.S.C
Tin&Kian5 6ao 2BB
Prize: Li/er-/ure, 2000. Born: P-nu-ry ), 19)0; "-nzhou, Pi-n@i, 6hin-. Parents:
1-/herH A-n0 offi>i-l; Ko/herH +!-/eur ->/ress BNo fur/her re>ord foundC. Nationality:
6hinese; l-/er 1ren>h >i/izen. Religion: No re>ord found. Education: AeiMin 6ollee,
6hin-, A.+., 19(2. Spouse: K-rried, no d-/e, dissol8ed, no d-/e; no fur/her re>ord
found. Children: No re>ord found. Career: Wri/er. Other Awards: 6he8-lier de l9Ordre
des +r/s e/ des Le//res, 1992; Pri@ 6o!!un-u/_ fr-na-ise de AeliGue, 199); Pri@ du
Nou8el +n >hinois, 199&. V11remier essai sur les techni4ues du roman moderneA
reliminary &iscussion of the Art of #odern =iction. 19*1. (ignal d)alarme(ignal
Alarm, 19*2. Arrtt de bus8us (top, 19*'. -)/omme sauvage%ild #an, 19*%. igeon
.alled Bed 8ea2, 19*%. .ollected lays, 19*%. <n (earch of a #odern =orm of
&ramatic Bepresentation, 19*&. 8et0een -ife and &eath. The Other (hore BTr. "ilber/
6.1. 1onC. Lon NonH 6hinese Ini8ersi/y Press, 1999. (oul #ountain. BTr. K-bel
LeeC Sydney, +us/r-li-H L-r$er6ollins, 1999; Ne# 3or0H L-r$er6ollins, 2000. -a fuite
=ugitives. 6-rnieres-Korl-n#elzH L-ns!-n, 2000. -e -ivre d)un homme seulOne #an)s
8ible. L- Tour d9+iuesH 5di/ions de l9+ube, 2000.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1', 2000CH +%. 'e0 1or2 Times
BO>/ober 1*, 2000CH +). 'e0 Times #aga*ine BDe>e!ber 10, 2000CH %1.
Co$$entary: The firs/ 6hinese l-nu-e #ri/er /o #in /he Nobel Prize in li/er-/ure
re>ei8ed /he -#-rd \for -n oeu8re of uni8ers-l 8-lidi/y, bi//er insih/s -nd linuis/i>
inenui/y, #hi>h h-s o$ened ne# $-/hs for /he 6hinese no8el -nd dr-!-.Z 5@iled fro!
his ho!el-nd -nd no# - 1ren>h >i/izen, his #or0 h-s been b-nned in 6hin-. Lis
li/er-/ure \is born -ne# fro! /he s/rule of /he indi8idu-l /o sur8i8e /he his/ory of /he
!-ssesZ -nd refle>/s /he influen>e of Wes/ern dr-!- fro! /he #or0s of +r/-ud, Are>h/
-nd Ae>0e//. BL.S.S.C
P-e 10&
,edicine and Ph$siolo&$
>on +ehrin&5 "2il 0dolph 2BC
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1901. Born: K-r>h 1%, 1*%); L-nsdorf, "er!-ny.
Death: K-r>h '1, 191&; K-rbur, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, +uus/ "eor Aehrin;
Ko/her, +uus/ine Je>h Aehrin. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: +nos/i>; !os/
$rob-bly fro! Pro/es/-n/ b->0round. Education: 1riedri>h-Wilhel!s Ini8., "er!-ny,
K.D., 1*&*; 1riedri>h-Wilhel!s Ini8., "er!-ny, Ph.D., 1**0. Spouse: 5lsie S$inol-,
!-rried 1*9(. Children: ( sons. Career: 6h-ri/_ Los$i/-l, Aerlin, "er!-ny, ?n/ern,
1**0:*1; Prussi-n +r!y, Sureon, 1**1:*&; +>-de!y for Kili/-ry Kedi>ine, Aerlin,
"er!-ny, Professor, 1***:*9; ?ns/i/u/e of Lyiene, Aerlin, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 1**9:
9'; Ini8. of L-lle, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*9):9%; Ini8. of K-rbur, "er!-ny, Professor
-nd +d!inis/r-/or, 1*9%:191&. Other Awards: Offi>er, Leion of Lonor, 1*9%; Prize,
P-ris +>-d_!ie d9 Kedi>ine, 1*9%; Prize, ?ns/i/u/e of 1r-n>e, 1*9%; Nobili/y, Prussi-,
1901; ?ron 6ross, "er!-ny, World W-r ?.
Selected Publications: \^ber d-s Jus/-nde0o!!en der Di$/herie-?!!uni/[/ und der
Te/-nus-?!!uni/[/ bei Thieren.Z &eutsche #edi*inische %ochenschrift 1( B1*90CH 11':
1) B#i/h S. Ni/-s-/oC. 5esammelte Abhandlungen *ur Atiologischen Therapie von
Anstec2enden Jran2heiten. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH Thie!e, 1*9'. 5esammelte
Abhandlungen. 'ene =olge. AonnH +. K-r>us -nd 5. Webers, 191%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&0 BSolu!e 1C, %&):&*. K->n-l/y, +.S. \5!il 8on Aehrin.Z 8ritish #edical 7ournal
1 B19%)CH ((*:&0. Iner, Lell!u/h. $mil von 8ehring, (ein -ebens0er2 Als
6overgangliches $rbe. L-!burH Loff!-nn und 6-!$e, 19)*. Jeiss, Leinz, -nd
Aielin, 2., 8ehring, 5estalt und %er2. AerlinH "rune#-ld, A. S>hul/z, 19)0.
Co$$entary: The Nobel >i/-/ion for 5!il 8on Aehrin re-ds \for his #or0 on seru!
/her-$y, es$e>i-lly i/s -$$li>-/ion --ins/ di$/heri-, by #hi>h he h-s o$ened - ne# ro-d
in /he do!-in of !edi>-l s>ien>e -nd /hereby $l->ed in /he h-nds of /he $hysi>i-n -
8i>/orious #e-$on --ins/ illness -nd de-/h.Z Son Aehrin is >onsidered one of /he
founders of i!!unoloy, in/rodu>ed /he /er! \-n/i/o@in,Z -nd su>>essfully used
-n/i/o@ins --ins/ di$h/heri-, /e/-nus, -nd bo8ine /uber>ulosis. BL.W.C
4oss5 4onald5 -ir 2B9
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1902. Born: K-y 1', 1*%&; +l!or-, ?ndi-. Death:
Se$/e!ber 1(, 19'2; London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 6-!$bell 6l-ye "r-n/ 2oss;
Ko/her, K-/ild- 6h-rlo//e 5lder/on 2oss. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nli>-n.
Education: S/. A-r/holo!e#9s Kedi>-l S>hool Los$i/-l, 5nl-nd, K26S di$lo!-
B!edi>-l dereeC, 1*&9. Spouse: 2os- Aessie Alo@-!, !-rried +$ril 2%, 1**9.
Children: 6h-rles 6l-ye, son; Doro/hy, d-uh/er; Syl8i-, d-uh/er; 2on-ld, son.
Career: ?ndi-n Kedi>-l Ser8i>e, Do>/or, 1**1:99; S>hool of Tro$i>-l Kedi>ine,
Li8er$ool, 5nl-nd, Professor, 1*99:191&; London, 5nl-nd, Physi>i-n, 191&:2';
Los$i/-l for Tro$i>-l Dise-ses, 2oss ?ns/i/u/e, London, 5nl-nd, Dire>/or, 192':'2.
Other Awards: P-r0e "old Ked-l, 1*9%; 6-!eron Prize, 1901; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l
So>ie/y, 1909; Nnih/hood, 1911.
Selected Publications: OOOn So!e Pe>uli-r Pi!en/ed 6ells 1ound in T#o KosGui/oes
1ed on K-l-ri-l Alood.Z 8ritish #edical 7ournal 2 B1*9&CH 1&*(:**. The revention of
#alaria. LondonH P. Kurr-y, 1910. (tudies on #alaria. LondonH P. Kurr-y, 192*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&% BSolu!e 11C, %%%:%&. Keroz, 2.L. Bonald Boss, &iscoverer and .reator.
LondonH +llen -nd In#in, 19'1. Nye, 5.2. -nd "ibson, K-ry 5. Bonald Boss>
#alariologist and olymath. Ne# 3or0H S/. K-r/in9s Press, 199&. 2oss, Sir 2on-ld.
#emoirs, 0ith a =ull Account of the 5reat #alaria roblem and <ts (olution. LondonH P.
Kurr-y, 192'.
Co$$entary: 2on-ld 2oss9s Nobel Prize >-!e for his #or0 on !-l-ri-. Lis rese-r>h
$ro8ed /h-/ /he +no$heles !osGui/o #-s /he in/er!edi-/e hos/ in !-l-ri-9s /r-ns!ission,
-nd he l-/er de8elo$ed /he !e/hods for des/royin /he !osGui/o. 2oss #-s -lso -n
->>o!$lished do>/or, !-/he!-/i>i-n, -u/hor, edi/or, !usi>i-n, -nd >o!$oser. B2.N.C
insen5 Niels 4$ber& 2C0
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 190'. Born: De>e!ber 1%, 1*(0; Thorsh-8n,
Den!-r0. Death: Se$/e!ber 2), 190); 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0. Parents: 1-/her, L-nnes
S/einrin 1insen; Ko/her, Poh-nne 1ro!-n 1insen. Nationality: D-nish. Religion:
Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, K.D., 1*90. Spouse: ?nebor
A-lsle8, !-rried 1*92. Children: L-lldor, son; "udrun, d-uh/er; S-lerd-, d-uh/er.
Career: Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, Professor, 1*90:9'; 1insen 2-y ?ns/i/u/e,
6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, 1ounder -nd Dire>/or, 1*9(:190). Other Awards: Nnih/ of /he
Order of D-nnebro, 1*99; D-nish "old Ked-l for Keri/; 6-!eron Prize, Ini8. of
5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, 190).
Selected Publications: \2ed Lih/ Tre-/!en/ of S!-ll-$o@.Z 8ritish #edical 7ournal 2
B1*9%CH 1)12:1). Om Anvendelse i #edicinen af Joncentrede Jemis2e -ysstraaler BOn
/he use in !edi>ine of >on>en/r-/ed >he!i>-l r-ysC. 6o$enh-enH 1. Leel -nd Son,
1*9(. hototherapy. LondonH 5. +rnold, 1901. Om 8e2aempelse af -upus 6ulgaris #ed
Bede 5nrelse for de i &anmar2 Opnaaede Besultater. 6o$enh-enH "yldend-ls0e
Aoh-ndels 1orl-, 1902. &ie 8e2ampfung des -upus 6ulgaris. Pen-, "er!-nyH ".
1is>her, 190'.
P-e 10*
or !ore "n#or$ation See: De Nruif, P-ul. #en Against &eath. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/,
Ar->e, 19'), 2*':99. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&0
BSolu!e )C, (20:21.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o Niels 1insen \in re>oni/ion of his
/re-/!en/ of dise-se, es$e>i-lly lu$us 8ul-ris, #i/h >on>en/r-/ed lih/ r-ys, #hereby he
o$ened u$ ne# >h-nnels for /he -r/ of !edi>ine.Z Lis fr-il he-l/h -nd shor/ ye-rs
$re8en/ed fur/her su>>esses, bu/ 1insen9s dis>o8ery /h-/ /he b->/eri>id-l effe>/ of
sunlih/ #-s due /o /he blue, 8iole/, -nd ul/r-8iole/ $or/ions of /he s$e>/ru!; his
de8elo$!en/ of /he ins/ru!en/-/ion -nd /he !e>h-nis! for s>reenin ou/ he-/; -nd his
-$$li>-/ions /o /re-/!en/ of dise-se s/-/es lef/ - 8-lu-ble le->y. BA.?.K.C
Pa>lo>5 .>an Petro>ich 2C1
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 190). Born: Se$/e!ber 2&, 1*)9; 2y-z-n, 2ussi-.
Death: 1ebru-ry 2&, 19'(; Leninr-d, ISS2. Parents: 1-/her, Pyo/r D!i/rie8i>h
P-8lo8; Ko/her, S-r8-r- ?8-no8- P-8lo8. Nationality: 2ussi-n. Religion: +nos/i>;
fro! 5-s/ern Or/hodo@ b->0round. Education: Kili/-ry Kedi>-l +>-de!y, 2ussi-,
r-du-/e, 1*&9; Kili/-ry Kedi>-l +>-de!y, 2ussi-, K.D., 1**'. Spouse: Ser-fin-
S-silie8n- N-r>he8s0-y-, !-rried K-y 1, 1**1. Children: Kir>hi0, son; Sl-d!ir, son;
Ser-, d-uh/er; Si>/or, son; Sse8olod, son. Career: Kili/-ry Kedi>-l +>-de!y, S/.
Pe/ersbur, 2ussi-, Professor, 1***:192); ?ns/i/u/e of 5@$eri!en/-l Kedi>ine, S/.
Pe/ersbur, 2ussi-, Dire>/or, 1*91:19'(. Other Awards: "old Ked-l, Ini8. of S/.
Pe/ersbur, 2ussi-, 1*&%; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 191%.
Selected Publications: The %or2 of the &igestive 5lands. Phil-del$hi-H P.A. Li$$in>o//,
1910. .onditioned Beflexes. LondonH O@ford Ini8. Press, 192&. olnoe (obranie
(ochineny B>o!$le/e >olle>/ed #or0sC Kos>o#H +>-de!y of S>ien>es, ISS2, 19%).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A-b0in, Aoris P. avlov> A 8iography. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of
6hi>-o Press, 19)9. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&)
BSolu!e 10C, )'1:'(. "r-y, P.+. <van avlov. Ne# 3or0H Penuin, 19*1. P-rry, +lber/.
The Bussian (cientist. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19&', &*:*9.
Co$$entary: The Nobel +#-rd >i/-/ion /o ?8-n P-8lo8 re-d \in re>oni/ion of his #or0
on /he $hysioloy of dies/ion, by #hi>h, in essen/i-l res$e>/s, he h-s /r-nsfor!ed -nd
enl-red our 0no#lede of /he subMe>/.Z Durin his lon >-reer, P-8lo8 >on/ribu/ed
i!$ressi8ely /o /he unders/-ndin of /he he-r/, of blood >ir>ul-/ion, -nd of dies/ion, bu/
his n-!e /od-y is re!e!bered $rin>i$-lly for /he >on>e$/ of \>ondi/ioned refle@es,Z
dis>o8ered #hile s/udyin /he dies/i8e $ro>ess. BL.W.C
8och5 1einrich 1er2ann 4obert 2C2
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 190%. Born: De>e!ber 11, 1*)'; 6l-us/h-l, "er!-ny.
Death: K-y 2&, 1910; A-den-A-den, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, Ler!-nn No>h;
Ko/her, K-/hilde Pulie Lenrie//e Aie#end No>h. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion:
Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, K.D., 1*((. Spouse: 5!!y
+dolfine Posefine 1r--/z, !-rried Puly 1*(&, di8or>ed 1*9'; Led#i 1reiber, !-rried
1*9'. Children: "er/rud, d-uh/er. Career: L-!bur, "er!-ny, Do>/or, 1*((;
L-enh-en Lun-/i> +sylu!, "er!-ny, Do>/or, 1*((:(*; Pozn-n, "er!-ny, Do>/or,
1*(*; 2-0#i/z, "er!-ny, Do>/or, 1*(9; "er!-n +r!y, Do>/or, 1*&0:&1; Wolls/ein,
"er!-ny, Do>/or, 1*&2:*0; Le-l/h De$-r/!en/, Aerlin, "er!-ny, Do>/or, 1**0:*%;
Aerlin Ini8., "er!-ny, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 1**%:90; ?ns/i/u/e for ?nfe>/ious
Dise-ses, Aerlin, "er!-ny, Dire>/or, 1*91:190). Other Awards: L-rben Ked-l, 1901;
Prussi-n Order Pour le K_ri/e, 190(; 2ober/ No>h Ked-l, 190*.
Selected Publications: <nvestigations into the $tiology of Traumatic <nfective &iseases.
LondonH The Ne# Sydenh-! So>ie/y, 1**0. \5/ioloy of Turber>ulosis.Z American
Bevie0 of Tuberculosis 2% B19'2CH 2*%:'2'. OO5/ioloy of +n/hr-@, A-ses on /he
On/oeny of /he +n/hr-@ A->illus.Z #edical .lassics 2 B19'&:'*CH &*&:*20. \Ke/hods
for S/udyin, Preser8in -nd Pho/or-$hin A->/eri-.Z ?n #icrobiology .ontributions
from 1AA6+190;. Ne# Aruns#i>0, NPH 2u/ers Ini8. Press, 19(0, (&:&'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A-rlo#e, 6. Bobert Joch. Por/l-nd, O2H Leron Aoo0s,
19&1. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s 19&' BSolu!e &C, )20:
'%. Aro>0, Tho!-s D. Bobert Joch. Ne# 3or0H S$rinerSerl-, 19**.
Co$$entary: 1or his #or0 on /uber>ulosis, 2ober/ No>h #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize.
No>h is re-rded -s /he founder of !odern !edi>-l b->/erioloy, in re>oni/ion of his
dis>o8eries -s #ell -s de8elo$!en/ of riorous rese-r>h !e/hods. Lis !os/ i!$or/-n/
#or0 in>luded $ro8in /h-/ -n/hr-@, /uber>ulosis, -nd >holer- #ere >-used by b->/eri-.
6ol&i5 %a2illo 2C3
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 190(. Born: Puly &, 1*)'; 6or/eno, ?/-ly. Death:
P-nu-ry 21, 192(; P-8i-, ?/-ly. Parents: 1-/her, +less-ndro "oli; Ko/her, 6-rolin-
P-$ini "oli. Nationality: ?/-li-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of P-du-, ?/-ly,
K.D., 1*(%. Spouse: Lin- +le//i, !-rried O>/ober 2*, 1*&&. Children: 6-rolin-, nie>e
B-do$/edC. Career: P-8i-, ?/-ly, Do>/or -nd 2ese-r>her, 1*(%:&2; Ini8. of P-8i-, ?/-ly,
Professor, 1*&%:&*; Ini8. of Sien-, ?/-ly, Professor, 1*&9:*0; Ini8. of P-8i-, ?/-ly,
Professor, 1**0:191*.
Selected Publications: Opera Omnia B>olle>/ed #or0sC ) 8olu!es. Kil-nH I. Loe$li,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6horobs0i, P. \6-!illo "oli, 1*)':192(.Z Archives of
'eurology B6hi>-oC '' B19'%CH 1(':&0. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H
S>ribner9s, 19&' BSolu!e %C, )%9:(1. K-zz-rello, P-olo, Lenry +. Au>h/el -nd +ldo
A-di-ni. The /idden (tructure> A (cientific 8iography of .amillo 5olgi. O@ford; Ne#
3or0H O@ford Ini8ersi/y Press, 1999.
Co$$entary: 6-!illo "oli sh-red /he Nobel Prize for \#or0 on /he s/ru>/ure of /he
ner8ous sys/e!.Z + $ro!inen/ neurohis/olois/, $-/holois/, -nd !-l-riolois/, his !-Mor
>on/ribu/ions -re usu-lly lis/ed -s /he de8elo$!en/ of - s/-inin /e>hniGue usin sil8er
B/he "oli !e/hodC for ner8e
P-e 109
subs/-n>es, /he $or/r-y-l of /he >y/o$l-s!i> re/i>ul-r subs/-n>e of ner8e -nd o/her >ells,
-nd /he in8es/i-/ion of /he fe8er >ur8e -s rel-/ed /o /he $-r-si/e de8elo$!en/ in !-l-ri-.
4a2Nn $ %aKal5 -antia&o 2C?
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 190(. Born: K-y 1, 1*%2; Pe/ill- de +r-rn, S$-in.
Death: O>/ober 1*, 19'); K-drid, S$-in. Parents: 1-/her, Pus/o 2-!rn y 6-s-ss
6-M-l; Ko/her, +n/oni- 6-M-l. Nationality: S$-nish. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education:
Ini8. of J-r-oz-, S$-in, li>en/i-/e in !edi>ine, 1*&'; Ini8. of J-r-oz-, S$-in,
do>/or-/e in !edi>ine, 1*&&. Spouse: Sil8eri- 1-n-ns "-r>o-, !-rried 1**0. Children:
P-ul-, d-uh/er; 1e, d-uh/er; Pil-r, d-uh/er; S-n/i-o, son; Pore, son; Luis, son.
Career: +r!y Kedi>-l Ser8i>e, 1*&):&(; Ini8. of J-r-oz-, S$-in, Professor, 1*&(:*';
Ini8. of S-len>i-, S$-in, Professor, 1**':*&; Ini8. of A-r>elon-, S$-in, Professor,
1**&:92; Ini8. of K-drid, S$-in, Professor, 1*92:1922; ?ns/i/u/e 6-M-l, K-drid,
2ese-r>her, 1922:'). Other Awards: 1-u8elle Prize, 1*9(; 2ubio Prize, 1*9&; Kos>o#
Prize, 1900; K-r/inez y Kolin- Prize, 1902; Lel!hol/z "old Ked-l, 190%; 5>he-r-y
Ked-l, 1922.
Selected Publications: #anual de Anatomia athologica 5eneral. K-dridH Koy-, 1*9(.
Textura del (ystema 'ervioso del /ombre y de los 6ertebrados. K-dridH Koy-, 1*99:
190). &egeneration and Begeneration of the 'ervous (ystem. Tr. by 2-oul K. D-y.
LondonH O@ford Ini8. Press, 192*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6-nnon, Doro/hy 1. $xplorer of the /uman 8rain> The -ife
of (antiago Bamsn y .aIal. 1;",+19CG. Ne# 3or0H S>hu!-n, 19)9. &ictionary of
(cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&% BSolu!e 11C, 2&':&(. Obituary
'otices of =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety, 6-!brideH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'2:'% BSolu!e
1C, )2%:)1. 2-!rn y 6-M-l, S-n/i-o. Becollections of #y -ife. 6-!bride, K+H
K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 19((.
Co$$entary: S-n/i-o 2-!rn y 6-M-l #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 on /he
s/ru>/ure of /he ner8ous sys/e!. Lis !-Mor >on/ribu/ions #ere in -d-$/in "oli9s sil8er
ni/r-/e s/-inin /e>hniGues /o /hi>0 se>/ions of e!bryoni> !-/eri-l, in for!ul-/in
/heories of ner8ous sys/e! s/ru>/ure -nd ner8e i!$ulse /r-ns!ission, -nd in e@$l-inin
/he -re-s of /r-u!-/i> deener-/ion -nd reener-/ion of ner8ous s/ru>/ures. Le #-s -lso
- no/-ble -u/hor -nd S$-nish s/-/es!-n, -l#-ys >on>erned -bou/ /he s/-/us of S$-in -nd
/he S$-nish l-nu-e. B+.6.C
#a>eran5 %harles #o!is 0lphonse 2C@
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 190&. Born: Pune 1*, 1*)%; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death: K-y
1*, 1922; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, Louis L-8er-n; Ko/her, no re>ord found.
Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of S/r-sbour, 1r-n>e, K.D.,
1*(&. Spouse: K-rried, 1**%. Children: No re>ord found. Career: 1ren>h +r!y,
Sureon, 1*&0:9(; P-s/eur ?ns/i/u/e, P-ris, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her, 1*9&:1922. Other
Awards: Are-n/ Prize, 1**); Penner Ked-l, 1902; Kos>o# Prize, 190(; 6o!!-nder of
Leion of Lonor, 1912.
Selected Publications: Traite des =ieures alustres avec la &escription des #icrobes du
aludisme. P-risH O. Doin, 1**). &u aludisme et de (on /emato*oaire. P-risH ".
K-sson, 1*91 -es /emato*oaires de -)/omme et des Animaux. P-risH 2ueff, 1*9%.
Trypanosome et Trypanosomiases. P-risH K-sson, 1912.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&' BSolu!e *C, (%:((. \Le Professeur L-8er-n.Z 8ulletin de la (ociDtD de athologie
$xoti4ue 1% B1922CH '&':&*.
Co$$entary: 6h-rles L-8er-n #-s >i/ed \for his #or0 on /he $-r/ $l-yed by $ro/ozo- in
/he ener-/ion of dise-se.Z Lis e-rly obser8-/ion, /h-/ $ro/ozo- >-used !-l-ri-, #-s
follo#ed by >-reful s/udy of /he /ry$-noso!e dise-ses of >-//le -nd hu!-n slee$in
si>0ness. BD.W.C
"hrlich5 Pa!l 2CA
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 190*. Born: K-r>h 1), 1*%); S/rehlen, "er!-ny.
Death: +uus/ 20, 191%; A-d Lo!bur, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, ?s!-r 5hrli>h;
Ko/her, 2os- Weier/ 5hrli>h. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education:
Ini8. of Lei$zi, "er!-ny, K.D., 1*&*. Spouse: Led#i Pin0us, !-rried 1**'.
Children: S/eff-, d-uh/er; K-ri-nne, d-uh/er. Career: 6h-ri/_ Los$i/-l -nd Ini8. of
Aerlin, "er!-ny, Do>/or -nd 2ese-r>her, 1*&*:*&; 2ober/ No>h ?ns/i/u/e, Aerlin,
"er!-ny, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 1*90:9%; S/-/e ?ns/i/u/e for /he ?n8es/i-/ion
-nd 6on/rol of Seru!, S/ieli/z, "er!-ny, Dire>/or, 1*9(:99; 2oy-l ?ns/i/u/e for
5@$eri!en/-l Ther-$y, 1r-n0fur/, "er!-ny, Dire>/or, 1*99:191%. Other Awards:
"ehei!er Ober!edizin-lr-/, 190&; Pri8y 6oun>ilor, 1911; Liebi Ked-l, So>ie/y of
"er!-n 6he!is/s, 1911; 6-!eron Prize, 5dinburh, 191).
Selected Publications: The .ollected apers of aul $hrlich. 5d. by 1. Li!!el#er/.
Ne# 3or0H Per-!on Press, 19%(:%*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A-u!ler, 5. aul $hrlich. Ne# 3or0H Lol!es -nd Keier,
19*). &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&1 BSolu!e )C, 29%:
'0%. K-rGu-nd/, K-r/h-. aul $hrlich. Ne# 3or0H Lenry S>hu!-n, 19%1.
Co$$entary: P-ul 5hrli>h #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \in re>oni/ion of his #or0 on
i!!uni/y,Z s$e>ifi>-lly /he #or0 #hi>h led /o - di$h/heri- -n/i/o@in seru! dos-e #hi>h
>ould be s-fely used in >lini>-l $r->/i>e. ?n /he $ro>ess, he de8elo$ed - !e/hod for
!e-surin /he effe>/i8eness of ser- /h-/ #-s #idely -do$/ed, -nd - /heory of i!!uni/y.
Lis #or0 in his/oloy $rodu>ed /issue-s/-inin /e>hniGues /h-/ #ere -lso ->>l-i!ed. Au/
/he #or0 for #hi>h he is re!e!bered is in /he field of >he!o/her-$y, $-r/i>ul-rly his
/re-/!en/ of sy$hilis #i/h /he -rseni> >o!$ound, Nu!ber (0(. BL.W.C
,etchnikoff5 "lie D,echniko>5 .l$a .l$ichE 2CB
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 190*. Born: K-y 1%, 1*)%; Nh-r0o8, 2ussi-. Death:
Puly 1%, 191(; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, ?ly- ?8-no8i>h Ke>hni0o8; Ko/her,
5!ili- Ne8-0ho8i>h Ke>hni0o8. Nationality: 2ussi-n; l-/er 1ren>h residen/. Religion:
Pe#ish; #i/h re>ord of unsu>>essful
P-e 110
>on8ersion /o Lu/her-nis! -s - >hild; !o/her #-s Pe#ish; f-/her #-s no/. Education:
Ini8. of Nh-r0o8, 2ussi-, r-du-/e, 1*(); Ini8. of S/. Pe/ersbur, 2ussi-, K.S., 1*(&;
Ini8. of S/. Pe/ersbur, 2ussi-, do>/or-/e, 1*(*. Spouse: Lyud!ill- 1edoro8i>h, !-rried
1*(*, died 1*&'; Ol- Aelo0o$y/o8-, !-rried 1*&%. Children: None. Career: Ini8. of
Odess-, 2ussi-, Professor, 1*(&:(9; Ini8. of S/. Pe/ersbur, 2ussi-, Professor, 1*&0;
Ini8. of No8orossii-, 2ussi-, Professor, 1*&0:&2; Kessin-, Si>ily, 2ese-r>her, 1**2:*(;
A->/erioloi>-l ?ns/i/u/e, Odess-, 2ussi-, Dire>/or, 1**(:*&; P-s/eur ?ns/i/u/e, P-ris,
1r-n>e, +d!inis/r-/or /o Dire>/or, 1***:191(. Other Awards: 6o$ley Ked-l, 190*.
Selected Publications: -ectures on the .omparative athology of <nflammation,
&elivered at the asteur <nstitute in 1;91. LondonH N. P-u, Tren>h, Trubner -nd 6o.,
1*9'. <mmunity in <nfectious &iseases. 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 190&. The
rolongation of -ife> Optimistic (tudies. Ne# 3or0H ".P. Pu/n-!9s Sons, 1912. The
'ature of #an> (tudies in Optimistic hilosophy. LondonH W-//s -nd 6o!$-ny, 19'*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&' BSolu!e 9C, ''1:'%. Ke>hni0o8, Ol-. The -ife of $lie #etchni2off, 1;G"+1916.
Ne# 3or0H Louh/on-Kifflin, 1921. T-uber, +. #etchni2off and the Origins of
<mmunology. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press, 1991.
Co$$entary: 5lie Ke/>hni0off #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y for his \#or0 on i!!uni/y,Z
es$e>i-lly for /he for!ul-/ion of /he OO>ellul-rZ /heory of i!!uni/y, #hi>h s/-/es /h-/
>er/-in >ells of /he body B$h-o>y/esC -re -ble /o >-$/ure -nd des/roy b->/eri- #hi>h
h-8e in8-ded /he body. Lis e-rly >-reer $rodu>ed i!$or/-n/ dis>o8eries in >o!$-r-/i8e
-n-/o!y, es/-blishin -n e8olu/ion-ry lin0 be/#een in8er/ebr-/es -nd 8er/ebr-/es. Lis
l-/er >-reer led /o -n in>re-sin in/eres/ by s>ien/is/s in /he $ro>ess of -in, es$e>i-lly
in /he role die/ -nd body b->/eri-l $ro>esses $l-yed. BL.W.C
8ocher5 "2il Theodor 2CC
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1909. Born: +uus/ 2%, 1*)1; Aerne, S#i/zerl-nd.
Death: Puly 2&, 191&; Aerne, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, P->ob +le@-nder No>her;
Ko/her, K-ri- Wer!u/h No>her. Nationality: S#iss. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education:
Ini8. of Aerne, S#i/zerl-nd, K.D., 1*(9. Spouse: K-rie Wi/s>hi-6our-n/, !-rried
1*(9. Children: ' sons. Career: Ini8. of Aerne, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 1*&2:1911.
Selected Publications: .hirurgische Operationslehre. Pen-, "er!-nyH ". 1is>her, 1*92.
Operative (urgery. Ne# 3or0H W. Wood -nd 6o., 1*9). 6orlesungen 3ber .hirurgische
<nfe2tions2ran2heiten. 2 8olu!es. A-sel, S#i/zerl-ndH 6. S-ll!-n, 1*9%:1909 B#i/h 5.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A 8iographical &ictionary of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H Wiley,
19(9, 29%:9(. Aoni, T. Theodor Jocher, 1;G1+191A. AerneH Luber, 1991. AonMour,
5d-r. Theodor Jocher. AerneH P. L-u$/, 19*1.
Co$$entary: 5!il No>her #on /he Nobel Prize \for his #or0 on /he $hysioloy,
$-/holoy -nd surery of /he /hyroid l-nd.Z No>her -lso #-s - $ioneer in -se$/i>
!e/hods -nd in surery of !-ny /y$es. B6.5. -nd D.W.C
8ossel5 8arl ,artin #eonhard 0lbrecht 2C9
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1910. Born: Se$/e!ber 1(, 1*%'; 2os/o>0, "er!-ny.
Death: Puly %, 192&; Leidelber, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, +lbre>h/ Nossel; Ko/her,
6l-r- Pe$$e Nossel. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of
S/r-sbour, 1r-n>e, K.D., 1*&*. Spouse: Luise Lol/z!-nn, !-rried 1**(. Children:
W-l/her, son; 1 d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of S/r-sbour, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1*&&:*';
Aerlin Physioloi>-l ?ns/i/u/e, "er!-ny, Dire>/or, 1**':*&; Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny,
Professor, 1**&:9%; Ini8. of K-rbur, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*9%:1901; Ini8. of
Leidelber, "er!-ny, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 1901:2&.
Selected Publications: -eitfaden f3r #edicinisch.hemische Jurse. AerlinH 1is>her
Kede>in, 1***. &ie 5e0ebe des #enschlichen JKrpers und <hre #i2ros2opische
:ntersuchung. Aruns#i>0, "er!-ny; Ler-ld Ar-h-, 1**9 B#i/h W. Aehrens -nd P.
S>hiefferde>0erC. The rotamines and /istones. Ne# 3or0H Lon!-ns, "reen -nd 6o.,
or !ore "n#or$ation See:dih|feehdzhyg|fcej/oppe@(eyler)s
!eitschrift f3r hysiologische .hemie 1&& B192*CH 1:1). &ictionary of (cientific
8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&' BSolu!e &C, )((:(*.
Co$$entary: +lbre>h/ Nossel #-s /he Nobel +#-rd re>i$ien/ \in re>oni/ion of /he
>on/ribu/ions /o /he >he!is/ry of /he >ell !-de /hrouh his #or0 on $ro/eins, in>ludin
/he nu>lei> subs/-n>es.Z Nossel se$-r-/ed nu>leo$ro/eins in/o /#o $-r/s=- $ro/ein -nd -
nu>lei> ->id >o!$osed of su-r, $hos$hori> ->id, -nd ni/roen->on/-inin >o!$ounds.
Le l-/er found /h-/ /he su-r #-s - he@ose. Lis #ri/ins fores-# /he !odern
in8es/i-/ions of nu>lei> ->ids -s /he s/orers -nd /r-ns!i//ers of ene/i> infor!-/ion.
6!llstrand5 0ll>a 290
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1911. Born: Pune %, 1*(2; L-nds0ron-, S#eden.
Death: Puly 21, 19'0; I$$s-l-, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, Pehr +lfred "ulls/r-nd;
Ko/her, So$hi- K-/ild- Norsell "ulls/r-nd. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: Kos/
$rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: 2oy-l 6-roline ?ns/i/u/e, S#eden, K.D.,
1***; 2oy-l 6-roline ?ns/i/u/e, S#eden, Ph.D., 1*90. Spouse: Sine 6hris/in- Arei/holz,
!-rried 1**%. Children: 1 d-uh/er. Career: 2oy-l 6-roline ?ns/i/u/e, S/o>0hol!,
S#eden, Le>/urer, 1*92:9); Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden, Professor, 1*9):19'0. Other
Awards: "r-fe Ked-l, Deu/s>he O$/h-l!olois>he "esells>h-f/, 192&.
Selected Publications: Allgemeine Theorie der #onochromatischen Aberrationen and
<hre 'achsten $rgebnisse f3r die Opththalmologie. I$$s-l-, S#edenH Aerlin, 1900.
&ie Optische Abbildung in /eterogenen #edien und die &ioptri2 der Jristallinge des
#enschen. I$$s-l-, S#i/zerl-ndH +l!Guis/ Y Wi0sells, 190*. $inf3hrung in die
#ethoden der &ioptri2 des Auges des #enschen. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH S. Lirzil, 1911.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: \+ll8-r "ulls/r-nd.Z !eitschift f3r Opthalmologische Opti2
1* B19'0CH 129:'). &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&2
BSolu!e %C, %90:91.
P-e 111
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o +ll8-r "ulls/r-nd \for his #or0 on /he
dio$/ri>s of /he eye.Z Wi/h - sound !edi>-l -nd s>ien/ifi> b->0round, he e@$l-ined
!-/he!-/i>-lly -nd $hysioloi>-lly /he b-sis of /he o$er-/ion of /he eye, #i/h s$e>i-l
-//en/ion /o ->>o!!od-/ion -nd -s/i!-/is!. Le -lso #-s -n ->/i8e #ri/er in /he -re- of
eo!e/ri>-l o$/i>s -nd -n in8en/or of no/e of se8er-l o$/i>-l ins/ru!en/s. B2.2.C
%arrel5 0le/is 291
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1912. Born: Pune 2*, 1*&'; S-in/e 1oy-les-Lyon,
1r-n>e. Death: No8e!ber %, 19)); P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, +le@is 6-rrel-
Ailli-rd; Ko/her, +nne K-rie 2i>-rd 6-rrel. Nationality: 1ren>h; l-/er +!eri>-n
residen/. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of Lyons, 1r-n>e, A->helor of Le//ers,
1**9; Ini8. of Lyons, 1r-n>e, A->helor of S>ien>e, 1*90; Ini8. of Lyons, 1r-n>e, K.D.,
1900. Spouse: +nne-K-rie L-ure "ourley de l- Ko//e de Keyrie, !-rried 191'.
Children: None. Career: Lyons Los$i/-l, 1r-n>e, ?n/ern, 1*9(:1900; Ini8. of Lyons,
1r-n>e, Professor, 1900:02; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, 2ese-r>her, 190%:0(; 2o>0efeller
?ns/i/u/e, N3, 2ese-r>her, 190(:)). Other Awards: Leion d9Lonneur, 1r-n>e;
Nordhoff-Pun Prize for 6-n>er 2ese-r>h, 19'0; Ne#!-n 1ound-/ion +#-rd, Ini8. of
?llinois, 19'&; 2o/-ry 6lub of Ne# 3or0 Ser8i>e +#-rd, 19'9.
Selected Publications: Treatment of <nfected %ounds. Ne# 3or0H Loeber, 191& B#i/h
"eore DehellyC. The .ulture of Organs. Ne# 3or0H Loeber, 19'* B#i/h 6h-rles +.
LindberhC. #an, the :n2no0n. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er -nd Aro/hers, 19'9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0, S>ribner9s,
19&1 BSolu!e 'C, 90:91. K-l-nin, T.?. (urgery and -ife> The $xtraordinary .areer of
Alexis .arrel. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, Ar->e, Po8-no8i>h, 19&9. K-y, +. The T0o -ions of
-yons. 2o>08ille, KDH N-bel Publishers, 1992. Sou$-l/, 2ober/. Alexis .arrel, 1;AC+
19GG. P-risH Plon, 19%2.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y >i/ed +le@is 6-rrel \for his #or0 on 8-s>ul-r su/urin, -nd
on /he r-f/in of blood 8essels -nd or-ns.Z ?n -ddi/ion /o his no/-ble !edi>-l #or0,
6-rrel #-s - $hiloso$her -nd $hiloso$hi>-l #ri/er. ?n l-/er life, he he-ded /he Si>hy
o8ern!en/9s 6-rrel 1ound-/ion for /he S/udy of Lu!-n Proble!s. BA.?.K.C
4ichet5 %harles 4obert 292
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 191'. Born: +uus/ 2(, 1*%0; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death:
De>e!ber ), 19'%; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, +lfred 2i>he/; Ko/her, 5uenie
2enou-rd 2i>he/. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of P-ris,
1r-n>e, K.D., 1*&&; Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, D.S>., 1*&*. Spouse: +!_lie +ubry, !-rried
1*&&. Children: "eores, son; P->Gues, son; 6h-rles, son; +lber/, son; +lfred, son;
Louise, d-uh/er; +dele, d-uh/er. Career: 6oll`e de 1r-n>e, P-ris, Professor, 1*&(:
*&; Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1**&:192&. Other Awards: 1ren>h Aioloi>-l
So>ie/y ?ns/i/u/e +#-rd, 1*&9; 6ross of /he Leion of Lonor, 192(.
Selected Publications: hysiology and /istology of the .erebral .onvolutions. Ne#
3or0H W. Wood -nd 6o., 1*&9. -a .haleur Animale. P-risH 1. +l>-n, 1**9. &ictionnaire
de hysiologie. 10 8olu!es. P-risH 1. +l>-n, 1*9%:192* B#i/h P. L-nlois -nd L.
L-$i>GueC. TraitD de #Dtapsychi4ue. P-risH 1. +l>-n, 192'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical &ictionary of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H Wiley,
19(9, ))'. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&% BSolu!e 11C,
)2%:'2. Wolf, S. 8rain, #ind, and #edicine. Ne# Aruns#i>0, NPH Tr-ns->/ion
Publishers, 199'.
Co$$entary: 6h-rles 2i>he/ re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \in re>oni/ion of his #or0 on
-n-$hyl-@is,Z /he s/udy of hy$ersensi/i8i/y indu>ed by forein \bodiesZ inMe>/ed in/o /he
body. Lis #or0 led /o !u>h of our 0no#lede of -lleri> re->/ions. 2i>he/ -lso s/udied
-nd #ro/e e@/ensi8ely on >l-ir8oy-n>e, /ele$-/hy, -nd o/her $sy>holoi>-l $heno!en-;
#-s -n -rden/ s/uden/ of -eron-u/i>s; -u/hor of se8er-l li/er-ry #or0s; -nd -n ->/i8e
$->ifis/. B2.N.C
+QrQn$5 4obert 293
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 191). Born: +$ril 22, 1*&(; Sienn-, +us/ri-. Death:
+$ril *, 19'(; I$$s-l-, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, ?n-z Arny; Ko/her, K-rie Lo>0
Arny. Nationality: +us/ri-n; l-/er S#edish residen/. Religion: Pe#ish. Education:
Ini8. of Sienn-, +us/ri-, K.D., 1900. Spouse: ?d- Aerer, !-rried 1909. Children: 2
sons; 1 d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Sienn-, +us/ri-, Professor -nd 2ese-r>her, 190':1);
+us/ri-n +r!y, 191):1&; Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or,
191&:'(. Other Awards: Poli/zer Prize, 1912; Aeli-n +>-de!y of S>ien>es Prize,
191'; 52A Ked-l, "er!-n Neuroloi>-l So>ie/y, 191'; "uyo/ Prize, 191); S#edish
Kedi>-l So>ie/y Ked-l, 192%.
Selected Publications: :ntersuchungen 3ber den 6estibular@Apparat des Ohres. AerlinH
O. 6oblen/z, 190(. hysiologie und athologie des 8ogengang@Apparatus beim
#enschen. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH 1. Deu/i>0e, 190&. =un2tionelle r3fung des 6estibular@
Apparatus. Pen-, "er!-nyH ". 1is>her, 1911 B#i/h N. Wi//!-->0C. &ie Badi2aloperation
des Ohres ohne 5ehoergangsplasti2. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH 1. Deu/i>0e, 192'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&1 BSolu!e 1C, ))(:)&. Po-s, "un/er. Bobert 8arany F1;A6+19C6H> -eben und %er2.
1r-n0fur/ -! K-in; Ne# 3or0H P. L-n, 199(. Wod-0, 5rns/. &er 8xrxnysche
!eigeversuch. AerlinH Irb-n -nd S>h#-rzenber, 192&.
Co$$entary: 2ober/ Arny #-s r-n/ed /he Nobel Prize OOfor his #or0 on /he
$hysioloy -nd $-/holoy of /he 8es/ibul-r -$$-r-/us.Z This founder of /he !edi>ine of
/he e-r -lso s/udied /he br-in in de$/h. BA.?.K.C
+ordet5 <!les <ean +aptiste =incent 29?
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1919. Born: Pune 1', 1*&0; Soinies, Aeliu!. Death:
+$ril (, 19(1; Arussels, Aeliu!. Parents: 1-/her, 6h-rles Aorde/; Ko/her,
P-e 112
6_les/ine S-nden-beele Aorde/. Nationality: Aeli-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education:
Ini8. of Arussels, Aeliu!, K.D., 1*92. Spouse: K-r/he Le8oz, !-rried 1*99.
Children: Si!one, d-uh/er; K-rueri/e, d-uh/er; P-ul, son. Career: Kiddle0er0e
Los$i/-l, Aeliu!, Physi>i-n, 1*92:9); ?ns/i/u/ P-s/eur, P-ris, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her,
1*9):1901; ?ns/i/u/ P-s/eur de Ar-b-n/, Ini8. of Arussels, Aeliu!, Professor -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 1901:)0. Other Awards: Pri@ de l- S-ille, P-ris, 1911; L-nsen Prize,
191'; P-s/eur Ked-l, S#edish Kedi>-l So>ie/y, 191'.
Selected Publications: (tudies in <mmunity. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 1909 B#i/h o/hersC. TraitD
de l)<mmunitD dans les #aladies <nfectieuses. P-risH K-sson e/ >ie, 1920. <nfection et
immunitD. P-risH 1l-!!-rion, 19)&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(2 BSolu!e *C, 1*:2%. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography.
Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&1 BSolu!e 2C, '00:01.
Co$$entary: Pules Aorde/ re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for his dis>o8eries in re-rd /o
i!!uni/y.Z Lis #or0 r-ned fro! /he el-bor-/ion of /he >ons/i/uen/s of i!!une seru!
/o /he uses of /h-/ rese-r>h in di-nosin 8-rious dise-se s/-/es, -nd fro! /he dis>o8ery
of /he #hoo$in >ouh b->illus /o s/udies of blood >o-ul-/ion -nd b->/erio$h-es.
8ro&h5 -chack 0!&!st -teenber 29@
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1920. Born: No8e!ber 1%, 1*&); "ren--, Pu/l-nd,
Den!-r0. Death: Se$/e!ber 1', 19)9; 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0. Parents: 1-/her, Sio
Nroh; Ko/her, K-rie Dre>h!-nn Nroh. Nationality: D-nish. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly
6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, K.S>., 1*99; Ini8. of
6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, Ph.D., 190'. Spouse: Air/e K-rie PUrensen, !-rried 190%.
Children: 5ri0, son; Aodie, d-uh/er; 5llen, d-uh/er; +nes, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of
6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, Professor, 1*99:19)9. Other Awards: See-n Prize, Sienn-
+>-de!y of S>ien>es, 190(; A-ly Ked-l, 2oy-l 6ollee of Physi>i-ns, London, 19)%.
Selected Publications: #eddelelser fra A2ademiet for de Te2nis2e 6idens2aber 1 B19)9CH
'9:%0 B>o!$le/e #or0sC. or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific
8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&' BSolu!e &C, %01:0). 2ehber, Ar-nd/. \+uus/
Nroh, No8e!ber 1%, 1*&)Se$/e!ber 1', 19)9.Z S>h!id/-Nielsen, A. August and
#arie Jrogh. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press, 199%. 1ale 7ournal of 8iology and
#edicine 2) B19%1CH *':102.
Co$$entary: +uus/ Nroh9s Nobel Prize #-s $resen/ed \for his dis>o8ery of /he
reul-/ion of /he !o/or !e>h-nis! of >-$ill-ries.Z Lis s/udies of res$ir-/ion led hi! /o
/he dis>o8ery /h-/ /he >-$ill-ries of /he !us>les #ere o$en durin !us>ul-r #or0 -nd
$-r/i-lly >losed durin res/. Le l-/er #ro/e -bou/ /he i!$or/-n>e of >-$ill-ry >on/rol /o
/he e>ono!y of /he body, -nd /he role of !us>les -nd hor!ones in >-$ill-ry >on/rol.
1ill5 0rchibald =i>ian 29A
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1922. Born: Se$/e!ber 2(, 1**(; Aris/ol,
"lou>es/ershire, 5nl-nd. Death: Pune ', 19&&; 6-!bride, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her,
Pon-/h-n Lill; Ko/her, +d- Pris>ill- 2u!ney Lill. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion:
+nli>-n. Education: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 190(; 6-!bride Ini8.,
5nl-nd, S>.D., 190&. Spouse: K-r-re/ Ne8ille Neynes, !-rried Pune 1*, 191'.
Children: K-ry 5l-n/yne, d-uh/er; D-8id Neynes, son; P-ne/ 2u!ney, d-uh/er;
K-uri>e Ne8ille, son. Career: Ari/ish +r!y, 191):19; Ini8. of K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd,
Professor, 1920:2'; Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, Professor, 192':%1. Other Awards:
Order of /he Ari/ish 5!$ire, 191*; 2oy-l Ked-l, 192(; Offi>er of /he Ari/ish 5!$ire,
192&; Ked-l of 1reedo! #i/h Sil8er P-l!, I.S., 19)&; 6o!$-nion of Lonour, Ari/-in,
19)*; 6o$ley Ked-l, 19)*; 6he8-lier of Leion of Lonor, 19%0.
Selected Publications: #uscular Activity. A-l/i!oreH Willi-!s -nd Wil0ins, 192(.
-iving #achinery. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/ Ar->e, 192&. #uscular #ovement in #an. Ne#
3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 192&. Trails and Trials in hysiology. A-l/i!ore, KDH Willi-!s
-nd Wil0ins, 19(%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&* BSolu!e 2)C, &1:1)9. erspectives in 8iology and
#edicine 1) B19&&CH 2&:)2.
Co$$entary: +r>hib-ld Lill #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y \for his dis>o8ery rel-/in /o
/he $rodu>/ion of he-/ in /he !us>les.99 Lis o/her ->/i8i/ies in>luded ser8i>e -s - !e!ber
of P-rli-!en/ -nd -s - !e!ber of /he S>ien/ifi> +d8isory 6o!!i//ee in 5nl-nd durin
/he Se>ond World W-r. BA.?.K.C
,e$erhof5 3tto ritz 29B
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1922. Born: +$ril 12, 1**); L-no8er, "er!-ny.
Death: O>/ober (, 19%1; Phil-del$hi-, P+. Parents: 1-/her, 1eli@ Keyerhof; Ko/her,
Ae//in- K-y Keyerhof. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish.
Education: Ini8. of Leidelber, "er!-ny, K.D., 1909. Spouse: Led#i S>h-llenber,
!-rried Pune ), 191). Children: "eore "eoffrey, son; W-l/er 5rns/, son; Ae//in- ?d-,
d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Leidelber, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 1909:11; Ini8. of Niel,
"er!-ny, Professor, 1912:2); N-iser Wilhel! ?ns/i/u/e of Aioloie, Aerlin-D-hle!,
"er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 192):29; N-iser Wilhel! ?ns/i/u/e of Physioloy, Leidelber,
"er!-ny, Dire>/or, 1929:'*; 2ese-r>h 6en/re N-/ion-le, P-ris, 1r-n>e, Dire>/or, 19'*:
)0; Ini8. of Pennsyl8-ni-, Professor, 19)0:%1.
Selected Publications: .hemical &ynamics of -ife henomena. LondonH P.A.
Li$$in>o//, 192). &ie .hemischen 6org9nge in #us2el. AerlinH P. S$riner, 19'0.
.himie de la .ontraction #usculaire. Aorde-u@H Del!-s, 19'2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs. 'ational Academy of (ciences.
Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 19(0 BSolu!e ')C, 1%2:*2. &ictionary of (cientific
8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&) BSolu!e 9C, '%9.
Co$$entary: O//o Keyerhof re>ei8ed his Nobel \for his dis>o8ery of /he fi@ed
rel-/ionshi$ be/#een /he >onsu!$/ion of o@yen -nd /he !e/-bolis! of l->/i> ->id in /he
!us>le.Z Lis l-/er s/udies led /o re>oni/ion of /he si!il-ri/y of >he!i>-l $-/h#-ys in
!-ny bioloi>-l sys/e!s -nd of /he 0ey role in !us>le >on/r->/ion $l-yed by -denosine
/ri$hos$h-/e. BA.?.K.C
P-e 11'
+antin&5 rederick 6rant5 -ir 29C
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 192'. Born: No8e!ber ), 1*91; +llis/on, On/-rio,
6-n-d-. Death: 1ebru-ry 21, 19)1; Ne#foundl-nd, 6-n-d-. Parents: 1-/her, Willi-!
Tho!$son A-n/in; Ko/her, K-r-re/ "r-n/ A-n/in. Nationality: 6-n-di-n. Religion:
Ke/hodis/. Education: Si>/ori- 6ollee, 6-n-d-, K.A., 191(; Ini8. of Toron/o, 6-n-d-,
K.D., 1922. Spouse: K-rion 2ober/son, !-rried 192), di8or>ed 19'2; Lenrie//- A-ll,
!-rried 19'9. Children: Willi-! 2ober/son, son. Career: Wes/ern On/-rio Ini8.,
London, 6-n-d-, 2ese-r>her, 1920:21; Ini8. of Toron/o, 6-n-d-, Professor, 1921:)1.
Other Awards: S/-rr "old Ked-l, Ini8. of Toron/o, 6-n-d-, 1922; "eore +r!s/ron
Pe/ers Prize, Ini8. of Toron/o, 6-n-d-, 1922; Pohn S>o// Ked-l, +!eri>-n Philoso$hi>-l
So>ie/y, 192'; 6h-rles Ki>0le 1ello#shi$, Ini8. of Toron/o, 6-n-d-, 192'; 2ee8e Prize,
Ini8. of Toron/o, 6-n-d-, 192'; 2osenberer "old Ked-l, 6hi>-o, ?L, 192); 6-!eron
Prize, 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, 192&; 1l-8elle Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y of 6-n-d-, 19'1;
Nnih/hood, 19'); +$o/he>-ries9 Ked-l, London, 6-n-d-, 19').
Selected Publications: \?n/ern-l Se>re/ion of P-n>re-s.Z 7ournal of -aboratory and
.linical #edicine & B1ebru-ry 1922CH 2%1:'2( B#i/h 6.L. Aes/C. \P-n>re-/i> 5@/r->/s in
Di-be/es.Z 7ournal of the .anadian #edical Association 12 BK-r>h 1922CH 1)1:)( B#i/h
o/hersC. \5ffe>/ of P-n>re-/i> 5@/r->/ B?nsulinC on Nor!-l 2-bbi/s.99 American 7ournal
of hysiology (2 BSe$/e!ber 1922CH 1(2:&(. \?nsulin in Tre-/!en/ of Di-be/es
Kelli/us.Z 7ournal of #etabolic Besearch 2 BNo8e!ber-De>e!ber 1922CH %)&:(0) B#i/h
W.2. 6-!$bell -nd +.+. 1le/>herC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aliss, K. 8anting. Toron/o, 6-n-d-H Ini8. of Toron/o Press,
1992. &ictionary of 'ational 8iography. LondonH O@ford Ini8. Press, 19%9, %):%%.
&ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&0 BSolu!e 1C, ))0:)'.
L-rris, Se-le. 8anting)s #iracle> The (tory of the &iscoverer of <nsulin. Phil-del$hi-,
P+H Li$$in>o//, 19)(. Obituary 'otices of =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety. 6-!brideH
2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)2:)) BSolu!e )C, 21:2(. S/e8enson, Lloyd. (ir =rederic2 8anting.
Toron/oH 2yerson Press, 19)(.
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o Sir 1rederi>0 A-n/in #-s \for /he dis>o8ery of insulin.Z ?n
>oll-bor-/ion #i/h 6.L. Aes/, P. K->Leod, -nd P.A. 6olli$, A-n/in li-/ed /he
$-n>re-/i> du>/s of dos -nd subseGuen/ly re!o8ed /he $-n>re-s. The no#-di-be/i> dos
#ere i8en -n in/r-8enous solu/ion $re$-red fro! /he deener-/ed $-n>re-s, resul/in in
- redu>ed blood su-r. Purifi>-/ion of /he ->/i8e subs/-n>e yielded insulin, #hi>h h-s
s-8ed /hous-nds of li8es sin>e i/s in/rodu>/ion in 1922. A-n/in9s l-/er #or0 in>luded
rese-r>h in >-n>er, >oron-ry /hro!bosis, sili>osis, -nd -l/i/ude si>0ness. BD.P.S.C
,acleod5 <ohn <a2es 4ickard 299
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 192'. Born: Se$/e!ber (, 1*&(; 6luny, S>o/l-nd.
Death: K-r>h 1(, 19'%; +berdeen, S>o/l-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 2e8erend 2ober/
K->Leod; Ko/her, P-ne "u/hrie K>W-l/er K->Leod. Nationality: S>o//ish. Religion:
Presby/eri-n. Education: K-ris>h-l 6ollee, S>o/l-nd, K.A., 1*9*; K-ris>h-l 6ollee,
S>o/l-nd, 6h.A., 1*9*; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, D.P.L., 1902. Spouse: K-ry W-/son
K>W-l/er, !-rried 190'. Children: None. Career: Wes/ern 2eser8e Ini8., 6le8el-nd,
OL, Professor, 190':1*; Ini8. of Toron/o, 6-n-d-, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 191*:
2*; Ini8. of +berdeen, S>o/l-nd, Professor, 192*:'%. Other Awards: 6-!eron Prize,
Ini8. of 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, 192'.
Selected Publications: ractical hysiology. LondonH 5. +rnold, 1902 B#i/h o/hersC.
Becent Advances in hysiology. Ne# 3or0H Lon!-ns, "reen, 190( B#i/h Leon-rd LillC.
&iabetes> <ts athological hysiology. Ne# 3or0H Lon!-ns, "reen, 191'.
=undamentals of /uman hysiology. S/. LouisH 6.S. Kosby, 191( B#i/h 2.". Pe-r>eC.
hysiology and 8iochemistry in #odern #edicine. S/. LouisH 6.S. Kosby, 191* B#i/h
2.". Pe-r>eC. .arbohydrate #etabolism and <nsulin. Ne# 3or0H Lon!-ns, "reen,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aes/, 6.L. \The L-/e Pohn P-!es 2i>0-rd K->leod, K.A.,
6h.A., LL.D., 1.2.6.P.Z .anadian #edical Association 7ournal '2 B19'%CH %%(.
&ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&' BSolu!e *C, (1):1%.
Obituary 'otices of =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety. 6-!brideH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'2:'%
BSolu!e 1C, %*%:*9. Willi-!s, K. 7ohn 7ames Bic2ard #ac-eod. 5dinburh, S>o/l-ndH
2oy-l 6ollee of Physi>i-ns, 199'.
Co$$entary: Pohn K->Leod sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h 1rederi>0 A-n/in \for /he
dis>o8ery of insulin.Z Oriin-lly >on>erned #i/h s/udies of res$ir-/ion, his in/eres/s
/urned /o e@$eri!en/-l ly>osuri- -nd >-rbohydr-/e !e/-bolis!. Toe/her #i/h A-n/in,
- ne# sureon in his ->-de!i> de$-r/!en/, -nd 6.L. Aes/, - s/uden/ in his >l-sses, he
>-rried ou/ /he insulin #or0 in /he e-rly 20s. Lis lon >-reer >on/inued in fur/her
in8es/i-/ions of >-rbohydr-/e !e/-bolis! -nd res$ir-/ion. B6.S.C
"intho>en5 Wille2 300
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 192). Born: K-y 22, 1*(0; Se!-r-n, Du/>h 5-s/
?ndies. Death: Se$/e!ber 29, 192&; Leiden, Ne/herl-nds. Parents: 1-/her, P->ob
5in/ho8en; Ko/her, Louise K.K.6. de Soel 5in/ho8en. Nationality: Du/>h. Religion:
Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of I/re>h/, Ne/herl-nds, Ph.D., 1**%. Spouse: 1r_d_riGue
Pe-nne Louise de Soel, !-rried 1**(. Children: +uus/-, d-uh/er; Louise, d-uh/er;
Wille!, son; Poh-nn-, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Leiden, Ne/herl-nds, Professor, 1**%:
Selected Publications: (tereoscopie door Jleurverschil. I/re>h/, Ne/herl-ndsH
I/re>h/s>he Dru00eriM, 1**%. Over de 8etee2enis der $lectrophysiologie als een
Ouderdeel 6an de -eer der -evensverrichtingen. Leiden, Ne/herl-ndsH Arill, 190(. &as
(aitengalvenometer und die #essung der A2tionsstrKme des /er*ens. S/o>0hol!H
Nors/ed/, 192(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&1 BSolu!e )C, ''':'%. Loen#erf, S. -even en %er2en van %illem $inthoven. n.$.H
Loorn, 192%. Snellen, L. %illem $inthoven. Aos/onH Nl8#er +>-de!i> Publishers,
Co$$entary: Wille! 5in/ho8en re>ei8ed /he Nobel \for his dis>o8ery of /he
!e>h-nis! of /he ele>/ro>-rdior-!.Z Lis 0no#lede of bo/h $hysi>s -nd !edi>ine led
/o /he de8elo$!en/ of /he s/rin -l8-no!e/er -nd o/her !edi>-lly
P-e 11)
orien/ed eGui$!en/, -nd e@/ension of his #or0 /o /he !e-sure!en/ of ->/ion >urren/s of
/he >er8i>-l sy!$-/he/i> ner8e -nd of /he he-r/. B2.N.C
ibi&er5 <ohannes 0ndreas 6rib 301
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 192(. Born: +$ril 2', 1*(&; Sil0ebor, Den!-r0.
Death: P-nu-ry '0, 192*; 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0. Parents: 1-/her, 6.5.+. 1ibier;
Ko/her, 5lfride Kuller 1ibier. Nationality: D-nish. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education:
Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, b->>-l-ure-/e, 1**'; Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0,
K.D., 1*90; Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, Ph.D., 1*9%. Spouse: K-/hilde 1ibier,
!-rried 1*9). Children: None. Career: Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, 2ese-r>her,
1*91:9); Aled-!s Los$i/-l for 6on/-ious Dise-ses, 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0,
Physi>i-n, 1*9):9&; Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, Professor, 1*9&:192*. Other
Awards: Nordhoff-Pun 6-n>er Prize, 192&.
Selected Publications: 8a2teriologis2e (tudier over &iphtheri. 6o$enh-enH de/
S>hulo/he>0e 1orl-, 1*9%. <nvestigations on the (piroptera .ancer. 6o$enh-enH +ndr.
1red. Los/ -nd Son, Ai-n>o Lunos Ao/ry00eri, 191*:19. $xperimental roduction of
Tar .ancer in %hite #ice. 6o$enh-enH +ndr. 1red. Los/ -nd Son, Ai-n>o Lunos
Ao/ry00eri, 1921 B#i/h 1rid/Mof A-nC. <nvestigations :pon <mmunisation against
#etastasis =ormation in $xperimental .ancer. 6o$enh-enH +ndr. 1red. Los/ -nd Son,
Ai-n>o Lunos Ao/ry00eri, 192& B#i/h P-ul KollerC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Keisen, S. rominent &anish (cientists. 6o$enh-enH
Le8in -nd Kun0e--rd, 19'2. Se>her, N. 7ohannes =ibiger. 6o$enh-enH Nordis0
Sorl-, 19)&.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y >i/ed Poh-nnes 1ibier \for his dis>o8ery of /he (piroptera
>-r>ino!-.Z 1ibier $ublished e@/ensi8ely in /his -re- -nd #-s /he firs/ /o s/udy
-r/ifi>i-lly $rodu>ed >-n>er. BA.?.K.C
Wa&ner >on <a!re&&5 <!li!s 302
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 192&. Born: K-r>h &, 1*%&; Wels, +us/ri-. Death:
Se$/e!ber 2&, 19)0; Sienn-, +us/ri-. Parents: 1-/her, +dolf Poh-nn W-ner 8on
P-ure; Ko/her, Ludo8i0- 2-nzoni 8on P-ure. Nationality: +us/ri-n. Religion:
6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of Sienn-, +us/ri-, Ph.D., 1**0. Spouse: +nn- No>h,
!-rried 1*99. Children: Puli-, d-uh/er; Theodor, son. Career: Ini8. of Sienn-,
+us/ri-, Professor, 1**1:192*. Other Awards: 6-!eron Prize, 19'%; "old Ked-l,
+!eri>-n 6o!!i//ee for 2ese-r>h on Sy$hilis, 19'&.
Selected Publications: \^ber die 5in#ir0un 1ieberh-f/er 5r0r-n0unen -uf
Psy>hosen.Z 7ahrbuch f3r sychiatrie und 'eurologie & B1**&CH 9):1'1. OOJur 2efor!
des ?rren#esens.Z 6iennaer Jlinische %ochenschrift 1) B1901CH 29':9(. #yxKden und
Jretinismus. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH 1. Deu/i>0e, 191%. \^ber die 5in#ir0un der K-l-ri-
-uf die Proressi8e P-r-lyse.Z sychiatrischneurologische %ochenschrift 20 B191*:19CH
1'2:'). =ieber und <nfe2tionstherapie. Sienn-H Serl- fRr Kedizin, Weid!-nn, 19'(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&( BSolu!e 1)C, 11):1(. 5rosse 'erven9r*te. S/u//-r/, "er!-nyH ". Thie!e, 19%(,
2%):((. Whi/ro#, K-d-. 7ulius %agner@7auregg F1;"A+19G0H. LondonH S!i/h-"ordon,
Co$$entary: Pulius W-ner 8on P-ure #-s r-n/ed /he Nobel Prize \for his
dis>o8ery of /he /her-$eu/i> 8-lue of !-l-ri- ino>ul-/ion in /he /re-/!en/ of
de!en/i-$-r-ly/i>-.Z Lis lon >-reer in>luded o/her no/-ble #or0 in /he -re-s of /he
8-us ner8e, /he /hyroid l-nd, >re/inis!, -nd ins-ne $-/ien/ /re-/!en/. B2.N.C
Nicolle5 %harles <!les 1enri 303
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 192*. Born: Se$/e!ber 21, 1*((; 2ouen, 1r-n>e.
Death: 1ebru-ry 2*, 19'(; Tunis, Tunisi-. Parents: 1-/her, Dr. 5u`ne Ni>olle; Ko/her,
no re>ord found. Nationality: 1ren>h; l-/er Tunisi-n residen/. Religion: 6hris/i-n.
Education: 2ouen S>hool of Kedi>ine, 1r-n>e, K.D., 1*9'. Spouse: +li>e +8i>e,
!-rried 1*9'. Children: K-r>elle, son; Pierre, son. Career: 2ouen S>hool of Kedi>ine,
1r-n>e, Professor, 1*9%:190'; P-s/eur ?ns/i/u/e, Tunis, Tunisi-, Dire>/or, 190':'(.
Other Awards: Pri@ Kon/yon, 1909, 1912, 191); Pri@ Osiris, 192&; "old Ked-l, Tunis,
Selected Publications: \2e>her>hes 5@$eri!en/-les sur le Ty$hus 5@-n/h_!-/iGue.Z
Annales de l)<nstitut asteur 2) B1910CH 2)':&%; 2% B1911CH 9&:1)); 2( B1912CH 2%0:*0,
''2:'%. 'aissance, 6ie et #ort des #aladies <nfectieuses. P-risH 1. +l>-n, 19'0.
8iologie de l)<nvention. P-risH 1. +l>-n, 19'2. &estindes #aladies <nfectieuses. P-risH
Presses Ini8ersi/-ires de 1r-n>e, 19'9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&* BSu$$le!en/C, )%':%%. Lo/, ". .harles 'icolle et la 8iologie .on4uerante. P-risH
Sehers, 19(1.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y >i/ed 6h-rles Ni>olle for his #or0 on /y$hus, #hi>h $ro8ed
/he infe>/ious n-/ure of /he blood of /y$hus fe8er $-/ien/s -nd /he /r-ns!ission of /y$hus
fe8er by /he body louse. Ni>olle -lso de!ons/r-/ed /h-/ seru! fro! $-/ien/s #i/h
!e-sles, /y$hus fe8er, or undul-n/ fe8er >ould $ro/e>/ uninfe>/ed $ersons fro! /he
dise-se. B2.N.C
"iKk2an5 %hristiaan 30?
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1929. Born: +uus/ 11, 1*%*; NiM0er0, Ne/herl-nds.
Death: No8e!ber %, 19'0; I/re>h/, Ne/herl-nds. Parents: 1-/her, 6hris/i--n 5iM0!-n;
Ko/her, Poh-nn- +lid- Pool 5iM0!-n. Nationality: Du/>h. Religion: 6hris/i-n.
Education: Ini8. of +!s/erd-!, Ne/herl-nds, K.D., 1**'. Spouse: +-l/Me Wieri 8-n
5de!-, !-rried 1**', died 1**(; Aer/he Pulie Louise 8-n der Ne!$, !-rried 1***.
Children: Pie/er Lendri0, son. Career: Du/>h +r!y, 1**(:*&; Kedi>-l S>hool, P-8-,
?ndonesi-, Dire>/or, 1***:9(; Ini8. of I/re>h/, Ne/herl-nds, Professor, 1*9(:192*.
Other Awards: Pohn S>o// Ked-l, Phil-del$hi-, 192'.
Selected Publications: (pecifie2e Antistoffen. L--rle!, Ne/herl-ndsH de 5r8en 1. Aohn,
1901. On*ichtbare (metstoffen. L--rle!, Ne/herl-ndsH de 5r8en 1. Aohn, 190). $en en
Ander over 6oeding. L--rle!, Ne/herl-ndsH de
P-e 11%
5r8en 1. Aohn, 190(. /yginische (triIdvragen. 2o//erd-!H W.L. -nd P. Arusse, 190&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&1 BSolu!e )C, '10:12. P-nsen, A-rend 6oenr--d. /et -evens0er2 van .hristiaan
$iI2man, 1;";+19C0. L--rle!, Ne/herl-ndsH de 5r8en 1. Aohn, 19%9. olyneuritis in
.hic2ens or the Origins of 6itamin Besearch. Ne# Aruns#i>0, NPH Loff!-n-L-2o>he,
Co$$entary: 6hris/i--n 5iM0!-n #on /he Nobel \for his dis>o8ery of /he -n/ineuri/i>
8i/-!in,Z by s/udy of /he effe>/ of $olishins fro! $olished ri>e on - beri-beri-li0e
dise-se in fo#l. Le -lso s/udied /he $hysioloy of /ro$i>-l residen/s -nd >ondu>/ed
fer!en/-/ion /es/s -nd /es/in for /he >olon b->illus in #-/er. B2.N.C
1opkins5 rederick 6o)land5 -ir 30@
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1929. Born: Pune '0, 1*(1; 5-s/bourne, Susse@,
5nl-nd. Death: K-y 1(, 19)&; 6-!bride, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 1rederi>0
Lo$0ins; Ko/her, 5liz-be/h "o#l-nd Lo$0ins. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nli>-n.
Education: Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, A.S>., 1*90; Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, K.A.,
1*9). Spouse: Pessie +nne S/e8ens, !-rried 1*9*. Children: A-rb-r- Lol!es, d-uh/er;
P->Gue//- L-#0es, d-uh/er; 1 son. Career: "uy9s Los$i/-l, London, 5nl-nd,
2ese-r>her, 1*9):9&; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 1*9*:19)'. Other Awards:
A-ly Ked-l, 2oy-l 6ollee of Physi>i-ns, 191%; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 191*;
6-!eron Prize, Ini8. of 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, 1922; Nnih/hood, 192%; 6o$ley Ked-l,
192(; +lber/ Ked-l, 19'); Order of Keri/, 19'%; L-rben Ked-l, 19'&.
Selected Publications: /op2ins and 8iochemistry, 1;61+19GA. 6-!brideH W. Leffer,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A-ld#in, 5rnes/. 5o0land /op2ins. LondonH
S-ndenAerhs, 19(1. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&2
BSolu!e (C, )9*:%02. Obituary 'otices of =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety. 6-!brideH
2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)*:)9 BSolu!e (C, 11%:)%.
Co$$entary: 1rederi>0 Lo$0ins re>ei8ed /he Nobel \for his dis>o8ery of /he ro#/h-
s/i!ul-/in 8i/-!ins.Z Lo$0ins9s #or0 on nu/ri/ion #-s $ioneerin in /h-/ field, bu/ he
-lso >on/ribu/ed /o /he s/udy of !us>le !e/-bolis!, lu/-/hione, -nd uri> ->id. B2.N.C
#andsteiner5 8arl 30A
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19'0. Born: Pune 1), 1*(*; Sienn-, +us/ri-. Death:
Pune 2(, 19)'; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Leo$old L-nds/einer; Ko/her, 1-nny
Less L-nds/einer. Nationality: +us/ri-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: 6-/holi>;
fro! Pe#ish b->0round. Education: Ini8. of Sienn-, +us/ri-, K.D., 1*91. Spouse:
Lelen Wl-/so, !-rried 191(. Children: 5rns/ N-rl, son. Career: Ini8. of Sienn-,
+us/ri-, Professor, 1*9(:9*; P-/holoi>-l-+n-/o!i>-l ?ns/i/u/e, Sienn-, +us/ri-,
2ese-r>her, 1*9*:190&; Wilhel!in- Los$i/-l, Sienn-, +us/ri-, Physi>i-n, 190*:19;
2.N. Ji>0enhuis Los$i/-l, The L-ue, Ne/herl-nds, Physi>i-n, 1919:22; 2o>0efeller
?ns/i/u/e, N3, 2ese-r>her, 1922:)'. Other Awards: 6he8-lier Leion of Lonor, 1r-n>e;
L-ns +ronson 1ound-/ion Prize, Aerlin, 192(; P-ul 5hrli>h "old Ked-l, 19'0; Du/>h
2ed 6ross Ked-l, 19''; 6-!eron Prize, Ini8. of 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, 19'*.
Selected Publications: &ie (pe*ifi*it9t der (erologischen Bea2tionen. AerlinH Pulius
S$riner, 19''.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&' BSolu!e &C, (22:2%. Obituary 'otices of =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety of -ondon.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)& BSolu!e %C, 29%:'2). S$eiser, P-ul. Jarl -andsteiner.
Sienn-H L-llene0 Aro/hers, 19(1.
Co$$entary: N-rl L-nds/einer #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \for his dis>o8ery of /he
hu!-n blood rou$s,Z bu/ his #or0 r-ned ->ross >he!is/ry, b->/erioloy, i!!unoloy,
-nd $-/holoy, #i/h i!$or/-n/ #or0 in e->h. Lis effor/s in /he s/udy of $olio!yeli/is -nd
sy$hilis #ere es$e>i-lly no/-ble. B2.N.C
Warb!r&5 3tto 1einrich 30B
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19'1. Born: O>/ober *, 1**'; 1reibur, "er!-ny.
Death: +uus/ 1, 19&0; Aerlin, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, 5!il "-briel W-rbur;
Ko/her, 5liz-be/h "-er/ner W-rbur. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Pe#ish.
Education: Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, Dr. der 6he!ie, 190(; Ini8. of Leidelber,
"er!-ny, Dr. der Kedizin, 1911. Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: N-iser-
Wilhel! ?ns/i/u/e, "er!-ny, Professor, 191':&0. Other Awards: P-ul 5hrli>h Prize,
19(2; Nordhoff-Pun Prize; S>hneider Prize; "old Ked-l, Ini8. of WRrzbur; "er!-n
Order of Keri/; 1reedo! of /he 6i/y of Aerlin.
Selected Publications: Mber den (toff0echsel der Tumoren. AerlinH S$riner, 192( BThe
#etabolism of Tumours. Tr. by 1r-n0 Di>0ens. LondonH 6ons/-ble, 19'0C. Mber die
Jatalytischen %ir2ungen der -ebendigen (ubstan*. AerlinH S$riner, 192*.
(ch0ermetalle als %ir2ungsgruppen von =ermenten. AerlinH W. S-ener, 19)*.
%asserstoff3bertragende =ermente. AerlinH W. S-ener, 19)*. The rime .ause and
revention of .ancer. WRrzbur, "er!-nyH N. Tril/s>h, 19(9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&2 BSolu!e 1*C, (29:99. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography.
Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&( BSolu!e 1)C, 1&2:&&. Nrebs, L-ns +. The $xcitement and
=ascination of (cience. P-lo +l/o, 6+H +nnu-l 2e8ie#s, ?n>., 19(%, Sol. 1, %'1:)). Otto
%arburg> 8iochemist and $ccentric. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press, 19*1. Werner, P.
$in 5enie <rrt (eltenerTOtto /einrich %arburg. AerlinH +0-de!ie Serl-, 1991.
Co$$entary: ?n - >-reer s$-nnin (% ye-rs -nd o8er %00 $-$ers, O//o W-rbur
dis/inuished hi!self -s $rob-bly /he re-/es/ bio>he!is/ of /his >en/ury. Lis Nobel
Prize #-s -#-rded for /he dis>o8ery of OO/he n-/ure -nd !ode of ->/ion of /he res$ir-/ory
enzy!eZ B>y/o>hro!e o@id-se9s ->/ion in >ellul-r res$ir-/ionC. O/her !-Mor rese-r>h
-re-s in>luded $ho/osyn/hesis -nd /he !e/-bolis!, $re8en/ion, -nd /re-/!en/ of >-n>er.
Possibly -s i!$or/-n/ -s his rese-r>h #-s /he f->/ /h-/ W-rbur #or0ed #i/h -nd hel$ed
de8elo$ /hree fu/ure Nobel Prize #innersH O//o Keyerhof, L-ns Nrelos, -nd Luo
Theorell, sus/-inin - le->y #hi>h #ould e8en
P-e 11(
fur/her enh-n>e our unders/-ndin of /he essen>e of life. BD.P.S.C
0drian5 "d&ar (o!&las5 +aron 30C
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19'2. Born: No8e!ber '0, 1**9; London, 5nl-nd.
Death: +uus/ ), 19&&; London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, +lfred Doul-s +dri-n;
Ko/her, 1lor- L-8ini- A-r/on +dri-n. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Pro/es/-n/; fro!
Luueno/ b->0round. Education: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 1911; 6-!bride
Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.D., 191%. Spouse: Les/er +nes Pinsen/, !-rried Pune 1%, 192'.
Children: +nne, d-uh/er; Penne/, d-uh/er; 2i>h-rd Lu!e, son. Career: Ari/ish +r!y,
191(:19; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 1920:&%. Other
Awards: A-ly Ked-l, 1929; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'); Order of Keri/, 5nl-nd,
19)2; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)(; Luhlins P->0son Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y of
Kedi>ine, 19)&; "old Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y of Kedi>ine, 19%0; +lber/ "old Ked-l,
2oy-l So>ie/y of +r/s, 19%'; L-rben Ked-l, 19%%; K-de A-ron, 19%%; 6he8-lier Leion
of Lonour, 1r-n>e, 19%(; Sherrin/on Ke!ori-l Ked-l, 19%&; Ked-l for Dis/inuished
Keri/, Ari/ish Kedi>-l +sso>i-/ion, 19%*; Pe$h>o// Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y of Kedi>ine,
Selected Publications: The 8asis of (ensation. Ne# 3or0H W.W. Nor/on, 192*.
#echanism of 'ervous Action. Phil-del$hi-, P+H Ini8. of Pennsyl8-ni- Press, 19'2.
hysical 8ac2ground of erception. O@fordH 6l-rendon Press, 19)&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&9 BSolu!e 2%C, 1:&'. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19%%, 1:'.
Co$$entary: 5d-r +dri-n9s sh-red Nobel #-s for his \dis>o8eries re-rdin /he
fun>/ion of /he neuronsZ in sendin ner8e !ess-es. Lis #or0 led /o /he de8elo$!en/ of
/he /e>hniGues of ele>/roen>e$h-lor-$hy. B2.N.C
-herrin&ton5 %harles -cott5 -ir 309
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19'2. Born: No8e!ber 2&, 1*%&; London, 5nl-nd.
Death: K-r>h ), 19%2; 5-s/bourne, Susse@, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, P-!es Nor/on
Sherrin/on; Ko/her, +nne Aroo0es Sherrin/on. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion:
+nli>-n. Education: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.A., 1**%. Spouse: 5/hel K-ry
Wrih/, !-rried 1*92. Children: 6-rr 5.2., son. Career: No>h L-bor-/ory, Aerlin,
"er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 1**(:*&; S/. Tho!-s Los$i/-l, London, 5nl-nd, Physi>i-n,
1**&:90; Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 1*91:9); Ini8. of
Li8er$ool, 5nl-nd, Professor, 1*9%:191'; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 191':'%;
Ini8. of 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, Professor, 19'(:'*. Other Awards: 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l
So>ie/y, 190%; Nnih/hood, 1922; Order of Keri/, 5nl-nd, 192); A-ly "old Ked-l;
2e/zius "old Ked-l, 2oy-l S#edish +>-de!y; 6o$ley Ked-l, 192&.
Selected Publications: The <ntegrative Action of the 'ervous (ystem. Ne# L-8en, 6TH
3-le Ini8. Press, 190(. #an on /is 'ature. LondonH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19)0.
(elected %ritings of (ir .harles (herrington. O@fordH O@ford Ini8. Press, 19&9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&% BSolu!e 12C, '9%:)02. 5>>les, Pohn 6., -nd "ibson, Willi-! 6. (herrington. /is
-ife and Thought. Ne# 3or0H S$riner ?n/ern-/ion-l, 19&9. Obituary 'otices of =ello0s
of the Boyal (ociety. 6-!brideH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19%2 BSolu!e 21C, 2)1:&0.
Co$$entary: 6h-rles Sherrin/on sh-red /he Nobel Prize for \dis>o8eries re-rdin /he
fun>/ion of /he neuronsZ in /he ->/i8i/y of /he br-in -nd s$in-l >ord. +l/houh his life9s
#or0 #-s in /his field, his #ri/ins sho# - bro-der s>o$e, in>ludin $oe/ry -nd /he
his/ory of !edi>ine. B2.N.C
,or&an5 Tho2as 1!nt 310
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19''. Born: Se$/e!ber 2%, 1*((; Le@in/on, N3.
Death: De>e!ber ), 19)%; P-s-den-, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, 6h-rl/on Lun/ Kor-n;
Ko/her, 5llen Ney Lo#-rd Kor-n. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 5$is>o$-li-n.
Education: S/-/e 6ollee of Nen/u>0y, A.S., 1**(; S/-/e 6ollee of Nen/u>0y, K.S.,
1***; Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, K.D., Ph.D., 1*90. Spouse: Lili-n S. S-!$son,
!-rried Pune ), 190). Children: Lili-n S-uhn, d-uh/er; ?s-bel Kerri>0, d-uh/er;
5di/h S-!$son, d-uh/er; Lo#-rd Ney, son. Career: Aryn K-#r 6ollee, P+,
Professor, 1*91:190'; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor, 190):2*; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy, Professor, 192*:)%. Other Awards: D-r#in Ked-l, 192); 6o$ley Ked-l,
Selected Publications: Begeneration. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 1901. /eredity and (ex.
Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 191'. The (cientific 8asis of $volution. LondonH
1-ber -nd 1-ber, 19'2. The Theory of the 5ene. Ne# L-8en, 6TH 3-le Ini8. Press,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +ll-n, "-rl-nd 5. Thomas /unt #organ> The #an and /is
(cience. Prin>e/on, NPH Prin>e/on Ini8. Press, 19&*. A-r-hon-, +. $l /ombre de las
#oscasN Thomas /. #organ. Ke@i>o 6i/yH P-ne-, 1992. 8iographical #emoirs.
'ational Academy of (ciences. Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 19%9 BSolu!e ''C,
'*':)'(. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&) BSolu!e 9C,
Co$$entary: Tho!-s Kor-n re>ei8ed /he Nobel \for his dis>o8eries >on>ernin /he
fun>/ion of /he >hro!oso!e in /he /r-ns!ission of heredi/y.Z Lis life9s #or0 on /he frui/
fly, &rosophila melanogaster, led /o - bro-d unders/-ndin of ene/i> $rin>i$les. B2.N.C
,inot5 6eor&e 4ichards 311
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19'). Born: De>e!ber 2, 1**%; Aos/on, K+. Death:
1ebru-ry 2%, 19%0; Aroo0line, K+. Parents: 1-/her, P-!es P->0son Kino/; Ko/her,
5liz-be/h Whi/ney Kino/. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Ini/-ri-n. Education:
L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, A.+., 190*; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.D., 1912. Spouse: K-ri-n
Linzee Weld, !-rried Pune 29, 191%. Children: K-ri-n Linzee, d-uh/er; 5liz-be/h
Whi/ney, d-uh/er; 6h-rles Sed#i>0, son. Career: K-ss->huse//s "ener-l Los$i/-l,
Aos/on, Physi>i-n, 1912:1'; Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., A-l/i!ore, KD, 2ese-r>her,
P-e 11&
191':1%; K-ss->huse//s "ener-l Los$i/-l, Aos/on, Physi>i-n, 191%:2'; Pe/er Aen/
Arih-! Los$i/-l, K+, Physi>i-n, 192':2*; 6ollis P. Lun/in/on Ke!ori-l Los$i/-l,
K+, Physi>i-n -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 192':2*; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 192*:%0. Other Awards: Nober "old Ked-l, +sso>i-/ion of +!eri>-n
Physi>i-ns, 192*; 6-!eron Prize, Ini8. of 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, 19'0; "old Ked-l,
N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/e of So>i-l S>ien>es, 19'0; "old Ked-l -nd +#-rd, Po$ul-r S>ien>e
Kon/hly, 19'0; Ko@on Ked-l, 2oy-l 6ollee of Physi>i-ns, 19''; Pohn S>o// Ked-l,
Phil-del$hi-, 19'%; S>roll +#-rd, +sso>i-/ion of "ro>ery K-nuf->/urers of +!eri>-,
Selected Publications: \De8elo$!en/ of Li8er Ther-$y in Perni>ious +ne!i-.Z -ancet 1
B19'%CH '(1:(). athological hysiology and .linical &escription of the Anemias. Ne#
3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press, 19'(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs> 'ational Academy of (ciences.
Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 19&) BSolu!e )%C, ''(:*'. &ictionary of (cientific
8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s BSolu!e 9C, 19&), )1(:1&. 2->0e!-nn, 1.K. The
<n4uisitive hysician> The -ife and Times of 5eorge Bichards #inot. 6-!bride, K+H
L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19%(.
Co$$entary: "eore Kino/ sh-red /he Nobel Prize for \dis>o8eries >on>ernin li8er
/her-$y --ins/ -ne!i-s.99 Kino/9s #or0 in -ne!i- -nd $erni>ious -ne!i- #-s only $-r/
of his #or0 in blood disorders -nd #-s in -ddi/ion /o rese-r>h in su>h 8-ried -re-s -s
>-n>er, -r/hri/is, -nd die/-ry defi>ien>ies. B2.N.C
,!rph$5 Willia2 Parr$ 312
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19'). Born: 1ebru-ry (, 1*92; S/ouh/on, W?. Death:
O>/ober 9, 19*&; Aroo0line, K+. Parents: 1-/her, Tho!-s 1r-n>is Kur$hy; Ko/her,
2ose +nn- P-rry Kur$hy. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6onre-/ion-lis/.
Education: Ini8. of Oreon, +.A., 191); L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.D., 1920. Spouse:
Pe-rl L-rrie/ +d-!s, !-rried Se$/e!ber 10, 1919. Children: Pris>ill- +d-!s, d-uh/er;
Willi-! P-rry, Pr., son. Career: I.S. +r!y, 191&:1*; 2hode ?sl-nd Los$i/-l, Physi>i-n,
1920:22; Pe/er Aen/ Arih-! Los$i/-l, K+, Physi>i-n -nd 2ese-r>her, 1922:%*. Other
Awards: 6-!eron Prize, Ini8. of 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, 19'0; 6o!!-nder Order of
Whi/e 2ose 1irs/ 2-n0, 1inl-nd, 19'); Aronze Ked-l for S>ien>e 5@hibi/, +!eri>-n
Kedi>-l +sso>i-/ion, 19'); "old Ked-l, Lu!-ne So>ie/y of K-ss->huse//s, 19'%;
N-/ion-l Order of Keri/ 6-rlos P. 1inl-y, 6ub-, 19%2; Dis/inuished +>hie8e!en/
+#-rd, Aos/on, K+, 19(%; ?n/ern-/ion-l Ai>en/enni-l Sy!$osiu! +#-rd, 19&2; "old
A-de, K-ss->huse//s Kedi>-l So>ie/y, 19&'; P-ul L-rris 1ello# +#-rd, 19*0.
Selected Publications: Anemia in ractice> ernicious Anemia. Phil-del$hi-, P+H W.A.
S-unders, 19'9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Asimov)s 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cience and
Technology. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, 19(), %0&. 'ational .yclopedia of American
8iography. Ne# 3or0H P-!es T. Whi/e, 19)( BSolu!e "C, '%*:%9.
Co$$entary: Willi-! Kur$hy9s sh-red Nobel #-s for \dis>o8eries >on>ernin li8er
/her-$y --ins/ -ne!i-s.Z Lis #or0 #i/h Kino/ on $erni>ious -ne!i- is no/ed -s his
!os/ i!$or/-n/ >on/ribu/ion. B2.N.C
Whipple5 6eor&e 1o$t 313
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19'). Born: +uus/ 2*, 1*&*; +shl-nd, NL. Death:
1ebru-ry 1, 19&(; 2o>hes/er, N3. Parents: 1-/her, +shley 6oo$er Whi$$le; Ko/her,
1r-n>es +nn- Loy/ Whi$$le. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: A-$/is/,5$is>o$-li-n
b->0round. Education: 3-le Ini8., 6T, +.A., 1900; Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, K.D.,
190%. Spouse: N-/herine A-ll W-rin, !-rried Pune 2), 191). Children: A-rb-r-,
d-uh/er; "eore Loy/, son. Career: Lolbroo0 S>hool, N3, Te->her, 1901; Pohns
Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, Professor, 1902:1); Ini8. of 6-liforni-, S-n 1r-n>is>o, Professor
-nd +d!inis/r-/or, 191):21; Ini8. of 2o>hes/er, N3, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or,
1921:%%. Other Awards: W-rren Trienni-l Prize, 1910; Po$ul-r S>ien>e Kon/hly +#-rd,
1929; Willi-! Wood "erh-rd "old Ked-l, 19'); 6h-rles Ki>0le 1ello#shi$, Ini8. of
Toron/o, 6-n-d-, 19'*; Nober Ked-l, "eore/o#n Ini8., 19'9; 2o>hes/er 6i8i> Ked-l,
N3, 19)'; 6er/ifi>-/e of Lonor, 5uro$e-n So>ie/y for Le!-/oloy, 19%9; "old-Le-ded
6-ne +#-rd, +!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion of P-/holois/s -nd A->/eriolois/s, 19(1;
No8-len0o Ked-l, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19(2; Dis/inuished Ser8i>e +#-rd,
+!eri>-n Kedi>-l +sso>i-/ion, 19&'; Presiden/9s Ked-l, Ini8. of 2o>hes/er, N3, 19&%.
Selected Publications: \?>/erus. + 2-$id 6h-ne of Le!olobin /o Aile Pi!en/s in /he
6ir>ul-/ion Ou/side /he Li8er.Z 7ournal of $xperimental #edicine 1& B191'CH (12:'%
B#i/h 6.W. Loo$erC. \Alood 2eener-/ion 1ollo#in Si!$le +ne!i-. ?S. ?nfluen>e of
Ke-/, Li8er, -nd S-rious 5@/r->/i8es, +lone or 6o!bined #i/h S/-nd-rd Die/s.Z
American 7ournal of hysiology %' B1920CH 2'(:(2 B#i/h 6.W. Loo$er -nd 1.S.
2obs>hei/C. \Pi!en/ Ke/-bolis! -nd 2eener-/ion of Le!olobin in /he Aody.Z
Archives of <nternal #edicine 29 B1922CH &11:'1. \Alood 2eener-/ion in Se8ere
+ne!i-. 1). + Li8er 1r->/ion Po/en/ in Perni>ious +ne!i- 1ed +lone -nd 6o!bined
#i/h Whole Li8er, Li8er +sh -nd 1resh Aile.Z 7ournal of $xperimental #edicine )9
B1929CH 21%:2& B#i/h 1.S. 2obs>hei/-2obbinsC. The &ynamic $4uilibrium of 8ody
roteins. /emoglobin, lasma roteins, Organ and Tissue roteins. S$rinfield, ?LH
Tho!-s, 19%(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of 'ational Academy of (ciences.
W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y, 199% BSolu!e ((C. 6orner, "eore W. 5eorge
/oyt %hipple and /is =riends. Phil-del$hi-, P+H Li$$in>o//, 19('. erspectives in
8iology and #edicine 2 BS$rin 19%9CH 2%':*9.
Co$$entary: "eore Whi$$le sh-red his Nobel Prize for \dis>o8eries >on>ernin li8er
/her-$y --ins/ -ne!i-.Z ?n - lon -nd frui/ful >-reer, his #or0 on -ne!i- in dos #-s
l-nd!-r0, bu/ he -lso did no/-ble #or0 on bile -nd bile $i!en/s, bl->0 #-/er fe8er,
in/es/in-l obs/ru>/ions, $l-s!- $ro/ein reener-/ion, -nd iron !e/-bolis!. B2.N.C
-pe2ann5 1ans 31?
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19'%. Born: Pune 2&, 1*(9; S/u//-r/, WRr/enber,
"er!-ny. Death: Se$/e!ber 12, 19)1; 1reibur-i!-Areis-u, A-den, "er!-ny.
Parents: 1-/her, Poh-nn Willhel! S$e!-nn; Ko/her, Lisin0-
P-e 11*
Loff!-nn S$e!-nn. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of
WRrzbur, "er!-ny, do>/or-/e, 1*9%. Spouse: 6l-r- Ainder, !-rried 1*9%. Children:
1ri/z, son; 2udo, son. Career: Ini8. of WRrzbur, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 1*9):190*;
Ini8. of 2os/o>0, "er!-ny, Professor, 190*:1'; N-iser Wilhel! ?ns/i/u/e of Aioloy,
Aerlin-D-hle!, "er!-ny, Dire>/or, 191):1*; Ini8. of 1reiburi!-Areis-u, "er!-ny,
Professor, 1919:'%.
Selected Publications: $xperimentelle 8eitr9ge *u einer Theorie der $nt0ic2lung.
AerlinH P. S$riner, 19'( B$mbryonic &evelopment and <nduction. Ne# L-8en, 6TH 3-le
Ini8. Press, 19'*C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. S>ribner9s, 19&%
BSolu!e 12C, %(&:(9. K-nold, O//o. /ans (pemann, ein #eister der
$nt0ic2lungsphysiologie, sein -eben und sein %er2. S/u//-r/, "er!-nyH
Wissens>h-f/li>h Serl-sesells>h-f/, 19%'. S$e!-nn, L-ns. =orschung und -eben,
$rinnerungen. S/u//-r/, "er!-nyH P. 5nelhorns N->h/, 19)'.
Co$$entary: L-ns S$e!-nn #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \for his dis>o8ery of /he
or-nizer effe>/ in e!bryoni> de8elo$!en/.Z Ay de8elo$in /e>hniGues /h-/ $er!i//ed
i!$l-n/in e!bryo se>/ions in/o -no/her e!bryo, S$e!-nn #-s -ble /o sho# /h-/ >er/-in
$-r/s of /he e!bryo, #hi>h >on/-ined s$e>ifi> >he!i>-ls, >ould indu>e fur/her
de8elo$!en/, #hile o/hers >ould no/. B2.N.C
(ale5 1enr$ 1allett5 -ir 31@
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19'(. Born: Pune 9, 1*&%; London, 5nl-nd. Death:
Puly 2', 19(*; 6-!bride, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 6h-rles P-!es D-le; Ko/her,
1r-n>es +nn L-lle// D-le. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Ke/hodis/. Education:
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.S., 1*9*; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, A. 6hir., 190';
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.D., 1909. Spouse: 5llen L-rrie/ L-lle//, !-rried
No8e!ber %, 190). Children: 2ober/ Lenry, son; +lison S-r-h, d-uh/er; 5linor K-ry,
d-uh/er. Career: Well>o!e Physioloi>-l 2ese-r>h L-bor-/ories, 5nl-nd, Dire>/or,
190):1); N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/e for Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h, L-!$s/e-d, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 191):)2; 2oy-l ?ns/i/u/ion of "re-/ Ari/-in, Dire>/or, 19)2:)(. Other
Awards: "ede Prize, 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, 1900; W-lsinh-! Ked-l, 6-!bride
Ini8., 5nl-nd, 1900; 2-y!ond Lor/on S!i/h Prize, 1909; A-ly Ked-l, 2oy-l 6ollee
of Physi>i-ns, 1921; 6-!eron Prize, Ini8. of 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, 192(; Ked-l of /he
So>ie/y of +$o/he>-ries, 19'2; L-rrison Ke!ori-l Ked-l, Ph-r!->eu/i>-l So>ie/y of
"re-/ Ari/-in, 19'2; Nnih/hood, 19'2; +ddinh-! Ked-l, Willi-! Loff!-nn Wood
Trus/, Leeds, 5nl-nd, 19'%; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'(; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l
So>ie/y, 19'&; 1o/herilli-n Ked-l, Kedi>-l So>ie/y of London, 19'*; L-rben "old
Ked-l, 2oy-l ?ns/i/u/e of Publi> Le-l/h -nd Lyiene, 19)'; D-nbury Ke!ori-l Ked-l,
Ph-r!->eu/i>-l So>ie/y of "re-/ Ari/-in, 19)'; Dr. Ai!-l- 6hurn L-# "old Ked-l,
?ndi-n +sso>i-/ion for /he 6ul/i8-/ion of S>ien>e, 19)'; Order of Keri/, 19)); IS+
Ked-l of 1reedo! #i/h Sil8er P-l!, 19)&; "r-nd 6roi@ de l9Ordre de l- 6ouronne of
Aeliu!, 19)9; Pour le K_ri/e, Wes/ "er!-ny, 19%%; "old Ked-l of Lonour, 6-n-di-n
Ph-r!->eu/i>-l K-nuf->/urer9s +sso>i-/ion, 19%%; "old +lber/ Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y of
/he +r/s, 19%(; S>h!iedeber-Pl-0e//e, "er!-n Ph-r!->oloi>-l So>ie/y, 19(2.
Selected Publications: Adventures in hysiology. LondonH Per-!!on Press, 19%'. An
Autumn 5leaning. LondonH Per-!!on Press, 19%).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&0 BSolu!e 1(C, &&:1&). &ictionary of (cientific 8iography.
Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&* BSu$$le!en/ ?C, 10):0&.
Co$$entary: Lenry D-le sh-red /he Nobel Prize for \dis>o8eries rel-/in /o /he
>he!i>-l /r-ns!ission of ner8e i!$ulses.Z Lis /#o !-Mor rese-r>h in/eres/s #ere deri8ed
fro! s/udies of /he ->/ion of -dren-line -nd ->e/yl>holine B>he!i>-l /r-ns!ission of
ner8e i!$ulsesC -nd s/udies of /he ->/ion of his/-!ine Bres$onse of /he or-nis! -nd i/s
/issues /o 8-rious e@/ern-l -ss-ul/sC. B2.N.C
#oe)i5 3tto 31A
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19'(. Born: Pune ', 1*&'; 1r-n0fur/--!-K-in,
"er!-ny. Death: De>e!ber 2%, 19(1; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, P->ob Loe#i;
vf|hixwbcddefgyfhi~hcjNationality: "er!-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen.
Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of S/r-sbour, 1r-n>e, K.D., 1*9(. Spouse: "uld-
"olds>h!ied/, !-rried +$ril %, 190*. Children: L-rold, son; Si>/or, son; "eoffrey W.,
son; +nn-, d-uh/er. Career: 6i/y Los$i/-l, 1r-n0fur/, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 1*9&:9*;
Ini8. of K-rbur, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*9*:190); Ini8. of Sienn-, +us/ri-, Professor,
190%:09; Ini8. of "r-z, +us/ri-, Professor, 1909:'*; Ini8. of Arussels, Aeliu!,
Professor, 19'*:'9; Ne# 3or0 Ini8., Professor, 19)0:(1. Other Awards: +us/ri-n
Dis/inuished Order for +r/ -nd S>ien>e, 19'(; 6-!eron Prize, Ini8. of 5dinburh,
S>o/l-nd, 19)).
Selected Publications: \The Lu!or-l Tr-ns!ission of Ner8ous ?!$ulse.Z /arvey
-ectures 2* B19')CH 21*:''. OOThe 1errier Le>/ure on Proble!s 6onne>/ed #i/h /he
Prin>i$le of Lu!or-l Tr-ns!ission of Ner8ous ?!$ulses.Z roceedings of the Boyal
(ociety 11*A B19'%CH 299:'1(. \Die 6he!is>he ^ber/r-un der Ner8#ir0un.Z
(ch0ei*erische #edi*inische %ochenschrift (& B19'&CH *%0:%%. \The 5d#-rd "-!-liel
P-ne#-y Le>/uresH +s$e>/s of /he Tr-ns!ission of Ner8ous ?!$ulse.Z 7ournal of the
#ount (inai /ospital 12 B19)%CH *0':1(, *%1:(%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(2 BSolu!e *C, (&:*9. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography.
Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&' BSolu!e *C, )%1:%(. Le!be>0, 1red, -nd "iere, Wolf-n.
The $xcitement and =ascination of (cience. P-lo +l/o, 6+H +nnu-l 2e8ie#s, ?n>., 19(%,
Sol. 1, 2(9:&*. Otto -oe0i> $in -ebensbild in &o2umenten. Ne# 3or0H S$riner, 19(*.
Co$$entary: O//o Loe#i9s sh-red Nobel Prize #-s for \dis>o8eries rel-/in /o
>he!i>-l /r-ns!ission of ner8e i!$ulses.Z Le -lso $rodu>ed sinifi>-n/ $-$ers on
!e/-bolis!, /he he-r/, /he 0idney, /he ->/ion of insulin, -nd >o>-ine9s effe>/ on
-dren-lin. B2.N.C
P-e 119
-zent'6$Lr&$i5 0lbert >on Na&$rapolt 31B
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19'&. Born: Se$/e!ber 1(, 1*9'; Aud-$es/, Lun-ry.
Death: O>/ober 22, 19*(; Woods Lole, K+. Parents: 1-/her, Ni>hol-s Szen/-"yUryi;
Ko/her, Pose$hine Lenhosse0 Szen/-"yUryi. Nationality: Lun-ri-n; l-/er +!eri>-n
>i/izen. Religion: Aeloned /o no or-nized >hur>h. Education: Ini8. of Aud-$es/,
Lun-ry, K.D., 191&; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 192&. Spouse: 6orneli-
De!eny, !-rried 191&; K-r/- Aorbiro, !-rried 19)1; K-r>i- Lous/on, !-rried 19&%.
Children: 6orneli-, d-uh/er. Career: +us/ro-Lun-ri-n +r!y, 191):1*; 2ese-r>her -/
8-rious uni8ersi/ies BPr-ue, 6ze>hoslo8-0i-; Aerlin, "er!-ny; L-!bur, "er!-ny;
Leiden, Ne/herl-nds; Li_e, Aeliu!; "roninen, "er!-ny; Aud-$es/, Lun-ry;
Kinneso/-; 6-!bride, 5nl-ndC, 1919:'0; Ini8. of Szeed, Lun-ry, Professor -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19'1:)%; Ini8. of Aud-$es/, Lun-ry, Professor, 19)%:)&; K-rine
Aioloy L-bor-/ories, Woods Lole, K+, Dire>/or, 19)&:&%; N-/ion-l 1ound-/ion for
6-n>er 2ese-r>h, Woods Lole, K+, Dire>/or, 19&%:*(. Other Awards: 6-!eron Prize,
Ini8. of 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, 19)(; L-s0er +#-rd, +!eri>-n Le-r/ +sso>i-/ion, 19%).
Selected Publications: On Oxidation, =ermentation, 6itamins, /ealth and &isease.
A-l/i!ore, KDH Willi-!s -nd Wil0ins, 19'9. .hemistry of #uscular .ontraction. Ne#
3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19)&. 8ioelectronics. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19(*. The
-iving (tate and .ancer. Ne# 3or0H K. De00er, 19&*. $ssays and (cientific apers of
Albert (*ent@5yKrgyi. Szeed, Lun-ryH +lber/ Szen/"yUryi Kedi>-l Ini8., 1991.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%%, %9(:99. $ncyclopedia of %orld 8iography. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19&'
BSolu!e 10C, '1):1(. The $xcitement and =ascination of (cience. P-lo +l/o, 6+H
+nnu-l 2e8ie#s, ?n>., 19(%, Sol. 1, )(1:&). \Los/ in /he T#en/ie/h 6en/ury.Z Annual
Bevie0 of 8iochemistry '2 B19('CH 1:1). Sz-bo, T. Albert (*ent5yKrgy and (*eged.
Szeed, Lun-ryH Szo/e Nyo!b-, 199'.
Co$$entary: +lber/ Szen/-"yUryi #-s r-n/ed /he Nobel Prize \for his dis>o8eries in
>onne>/ion #i/h /he bioloi>-l >o!bus/ion $ro>esses, #i/h es$e>i-l referen>e /o Si/-!in
6 -nd /he >-/-lysis of fu!-ri> ->id.Z + $rolifi> rese-r>her -nd #ri/er, Szen/-"yUryi
!-de sinifi>-n/ >on/ribu/ions -s #ell in dis>o8erin Si/-!in P, in /he bio>he!is/ry of
!us>ul-r >on/r->/ion, in isol-/ion of +TP, -nd in /he s/udy of >-n>er. BK.L.C
1e$2ans5 %orneille <ean ranFois 31C
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19'*. Born: K-r>h 2*, 1*92; "hen/, Aeliu!. Death:
Puly 1*, 19(*; Nno00e, Aeliu!. Parents: 1-/her, Pe-n-1r-naois Ley!-ns; Ko/her,
K-rie-Lenrie//e Lennin Ley!-ns. Nationality: Aeli-n. Religion: 6-/holi>.
Education: Ini8. of "hen/, Aeliu!, K.D., 1920. Spouse: Aer/h- K-y, !-rried P-nu-ry
1*, 1921. Children: Pierre, son; K-rie-Lenrie//e, d-uh/er; Pe-n, son; Aer/he, d-uh/er.
Career: Ini8. of "hen/, Aeliu!, Professor, 192':(*. Other Awards: +l8-ren- Prize,
+>-d_!ie 2oy-le de K_de>ine, Aeliu!; "lue Prize, +>-d_!ie 2oy-l des S>ien>es,
Aeliu!; Pri@ QuinGuenn-l de K_de>ine du "ou8erne!en/, Aeliu!; Pius 4? Prize,
Pon/ifi>- +>-de!i- S>ien/i-ru!, 2o!e; Pur0inMe Prize, +>-de!y of Kedi>ine,
6ze>hoslo8-0i-; Aour>ere/ Prize, +>-d_!ie de K_de>ine de P-ris, 1r-n>e; Kon/hyon
Prize, ?ns/i/u/ de 1r-n>e; S>h!iedeber Pl-0e//e, Deu/s>he Ph-r!-0olois>he
"esells>h-f/, "er!-ny; 6yon Prize; +>-de!y of S>ien>es, Aolon-, ?/-ly; Auri Prize,
Ini8. of Aern, S#i/zerl-nd.
Selected Publications: The .artiod (inus and Other Beflexogenic 6asosensitive !ones.
P-risH Press of 1ren>h Ini8ersi/ies, 1929. <ntroduction to the Begulation of 8lood
ressure and /eart Bate. S$rinfield, ?LH Tho!-s, 19%0. Beflexogenic Areas of the
.ardiovascular (ystem. LondonH 6hur>hill, 19%* B#i/h 5. NeilC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A 8iographical /istory of #edicine. Ne# 3or0H "rune -nd
S/r-//on, 19&0, 9*):*(. .orneel /eymanns> A .ollective 8iography. "hen/, Aeliu!H
+r>hi8es ?n/ern-/ion-les de Ph-r!->odyn-!ie e/ de Ther-$ie, 19&2. The $xcitement
and =ascination of (cience. P-lo +l/o, 6+H +nnu-l 2e8ie#s, ?n>., 19(%, Sol. 1, 1(':&(.
Co$$entary: 6orneille Ley!-ns #on /he Nobel Prize \for his dis>o8ery of /he role
$l-yed by /he sinus -nd -or/i> !e>h-nis!s in /he reul-/ion of res$ir-/ion.Z This #-s
->>o!$lished by de8elo$!en/ of ne# /e>hniGues for $hysioloi> in8es/i-/ion, su>h -s
>ross->ir>ul-/ion B#here /he >-ro/id -r/ery -nd Muul-r 8ein of one -ni!-l #ere used /o
$erfuse blood in -no/her -ni!-l un>onne>/ed e@>e$/ for /he ner8es in8ol8edC. BK.L. -nd
(o2a&k5 6erhard 319
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19'9 BrefusedC. Born: O>/ober '0, 1*9%; L-o#,
Ar-ndenbur, "er!-ny. Death: +$ril 2), 19(); Aeirber, WRr//enbur, A-den,
"er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, P-ul Do!-0; Ko/her, K-r/h- 2ei!er Do!-0.
Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of Niel, "er!-ny, K.D.,
1921. Spouse: "er/rude S/rRbe, !-rried 192%. Children: Lilde-rde, d-uh/er; ' sons.
Career: "er!-n +r!y, 191):1*; Ini8. of "reifs#-ld, "er!-ny, Professor, 1921:2%;
Ini8. of KRens/er, "er!-ny, Professor, 192%:(); ?.". 1-rberindus/rie, 5lberfeld,
"er!-ny, Dire>/or of 2ese-r>h, 192*:(). Other Awards: 5!il 1is>her Ke!ori-l
Pl-Gue, 19'&; "old Ked-l of /he P-ris 5@$osi/ion, 19'*; P-ul 5hrli>h "old Ked-l,
19'9; 6-!eron Prize, Ini8. of 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, 19'9; Son Nlebelsber +#-rd,
Ini8. of Szeed, Lun-ry.
Selected Publications: OO5in Aei/r- zur 6he!o/her-$ie der A-0/eriellen ?nfe0/ionen.Z
&eutsche #edi*inische %ochenschrift (1 B19'%CH 2%0:%'. .hemotherapie 8a2terieller
<nfe2tionen. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH Lirzel, 19)0 B#i/h 1. LelerC. athologische Anatomie
und .hemotherapie der <nfe2tions2ran2enheiten. S/u//-r/, "er!-nyH Thie!e, 19)&.
.hemotherapie der Tuber2ulose mit Thiosemi2arba*onen. S/u//-r/, "er!-nyH Thie!e,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19() BSolu!e 10C, '9:%0. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography.
Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&1 BSolu!e )C, 1%':%(.
Co$$entary: "erh-rd Do!-0 re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for his dis>o8ery of /he
-n/ib->/eri-l effe>/s of $ron/osil,Z
P-e 120
one of /he sulfon-!ide >o!$ounds. ?/ #-s used --ins/ !-ny dise-se s/-/es su>>essfully,
-nd led /o /he $re$-r-/ion of !-ny rel-/ed sulfon-!ides. Do!-0 >on/inued /o #or0 /o
find !edi>-lly effe>/i8e drus, firs/ for /uber>ulosis, l-/er for >-n>er. B6.5.C
(a25 %arl Peter 1enrik 320
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19)'. Born: 1ebru-ry 21, 1*9%; 6o$enh-en,
Den!-r0. Death: +$ril 1*, 19&(; 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0. Parents: 1-/her, 5!il D-!;
Ko/her, 5!ilie Pe/erson D-!. Nationality: D-nish. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education:
Poly/e>hni> ?ns/i/u/e, Den!-r0, K.S., 1920; Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, D.S>.,
19'). Spouse: ?ner Olsen, !-rried Puly 1%, 192). Children: None. Career: 2oy-l
S>hool of +ri>ul/ure -nd Se/erin-ry Kedi>ine, 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, Professor,
1920:2'; Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, Professor, 192':)1; Ini8. of 2o>hes/er, N3,
2ese-r>her, 19)2:)%; 2o>0efeller ?ns/i/u/e for Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h, N3, 2ese-r>her,
19)%:)*; Poly/e>hni> ?ns/i/u/e, 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, Professor, 19)*:(%. Other
Awards: 6hris/i-n Aohr +#-rd in Physioloy, 19'9; Nor!-n Ked-l, "er!-n 1-/
2ese-r>h So>ie/y, 19(0.
Selected Publications: (ome (tudies on 6itamin $. 6o$enh-enH 5. Kun0s--rd, 19)1.
\Si/-!in N, ?/s 6he!is/ry -nd Physioloy.Z Advances in $n*ymology 2 B19)2CH 2*%.
\Kedi>-l +s$e>/s of Si/-!in N.Z -ancet (' B19)'CH '%'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19)9, 1'):'(. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Su$$le!en/ ??. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
1990, 19(:202. #odern (cientists and $ngineers. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19*0
BSolu!e 1C, 2%*:%9.
Co$$entary: Lenri0 D-! #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y \for his dis>o8ery of 8i/-!in N,Z
/he blood >o-ul-/ion f->/or. D-!9s #or0 -lso in>luded rese-r>h in >holes/erol
!e/-bolis!, 8i/-!in 5, li$ids, ro#/h f->/ors, -nd -lls/one for!-/ion. B6.5.C
(ois$5 "d)ard 0delbert 321
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19)'. Born: No8e!ber 1', 1*9'; Lu!e, ?L. Death:
O>/ober 2', 19*(; S/. Louis, KO. Parents: 1-/her, 5d#-rd Perez Doisy; Ko/her, +d-
+lley Doisy. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6onre-/ion-lis/. Education: Ini8. of
?llinois, +.A., 191); Ini8. of ?llinois, K.S., 191(; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Ph.D., 1920.
Spouse: +li>e +>0er/, !-rried Puly 20, 191*, died +uus/ 19(); K-r-re/ K>6or!i>0,
!-rried +$ril 19, 19(%. Children: 5d#-rd +delber/, son; 2ober/ +., son; Phili$ P., son;
2i>h-rd P., son. Career: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, 2ese-r>her, 191%:1&; I.S. +r!y, 191&:
19; W-shin/on Ini8., KO, Professor, 1919:2'; S/. Louis Ini8., KO, Professor, 192':
(%. Other Awards: "old Ked-l, S/. Louis Kedi>-l So>ie/y, 19'%; Phili$ +. 6onne
Ked-l, 6he!is/9s 6lub of Ne# 3or0, 19'%; S/. Louis 6i8i> +#-rd, 19'9; Will-rd "ibbs
+#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19)1; +!eri>-n Ph-r!->eu/i>-l K-nuf->/urin
+sso>i-/ion +#-rd, 19)2; SGuibb +#-rd, 19)); 1leur de Lis, S/. Louis Ini8., KO, 19%1;
6o!!er>i-l Sol8en/ +#-rd, 19%2; ?llini +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, Ini8. of ?llinois, 19%*;
A-rren 1ound-/ion Ked-l, 19&2.
Selected Publications: OOThe 6ons/i/u/ion -nd Syn/hesis of Si/-!in N1.Z 7ournal of
8iological .hemistry 1'1 B19'9CH '%&:(9 B#i/h o/hersC. \The ?sol-/ion of Si/-!in N1.Z
7ournal of 8iological .hemistry 1'0 B19'9CH 219:') B#i/h o/hersC. \The ?sol-/ion of
Si/-!in N2.Z 7ournal of 8iological .hemistry 1'1 B19'9CH '2&:)) B#i/h o/hersC.
=emale (ex /ormones. Phil-del$hi-, P+H Ini8. of Pennsyl8-ni- Press, 19)1 B#i/h
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19)9, 1(1:(2. #odern (cientists and $ngineers. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19*0
BSolu!e 1C, 29*:99.
Co$$entary: 5d#-rd Doisy #-s r-n/ed /he Nobel Prize \for his dis>o8ery of /he
>he!i>-l n-/ure of 8i/-!in N.Z ?n -ddi/ion /o syn/hesis isol-/ion, -nd >h-r->/eriz-/ion of
/he N 8i/-!ins, Doisy -lso #or0ed #i/h !e/-bolis!, endo>rinoloy, insulin, blood
buffers, o8-ri-n hor!ones, -nd es/roens. BN.1.C
"rlan&er5 <oseph 322
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19)). Born: P-nu-ry %, 1*&); S-n 1r-n>is>o, 6+.
Death: De>e!ber %, 19(%; S/. Louis, KO. Parents: 1-/her, Ler!-n 5rl-ner; Ko/her,
S-r-h "-liner 5rl-ner. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of
6-liforni-, A.S., 1*9%; Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, K.D., 1*99. Spouse: +i!ee Lirs/el,
!-rried Pune 21, 190(. Children: K-r-re/, d-uh/er; 2u/h Pose$hine, d-uh/er;
Ler!-n, son. Career: Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, Professor, 1*99:190(; Ini8. of
Wis>onsin, Professor, 190(:10; W-shin/on Ini8., KO, Professor, 1910:(%.
Selected Publications: \+ S/udy of /he Ke/-bolis! in Dos #i/h Shor/ened S!-ll
?n/es/ines.Z American 7ournal of hysiology ( B1901CH 1:'0 B#i/h +.W. Le#le//C. \On
/he Physioloy of Le-r/-Alo>0 in K-!!-ls, #i/h 5s$e>i-l 2eferen>e /o /he 6-us-/ion of
S/o0es-+d-!s Dise-se.Z 7ournal of $xperimental #edicine & B190%CH (&(:&2). \S/udies
in Alood Pressure 5s/i!-/ion by ?ndire>/ Ke/hods. ?. The Ke>h-nis! of /he Os>ill-/ory
Ke/hods.Z American 7ournal of hysiology '9 B191(CH )01:)(. \The 6o!$ound N-/ure
of /he +>/ion 6urren/ of Ner8e -s Dis>losed by /he 6-/hode 2-y Os>illor-$h.Z
American 7ournal of hysiology &0 B192)CH (2):(( B#i/h L.S. "-sserC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs. 'ational Academy of (ciences.
Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 19&0 BSolu!e )1C, 111:'9. &ictionary of (cientific
8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&1 BSolu!e )C, '9&:99. The $xcitement and
=ascination of (cience. P-lo +l/o, 6+H +nnu-l 2e8ie#s, ?n>., 19(%, Sol. 1, 9':10(. \+
Physiolois/ 2e!inis>es.Z Annual Bevie0 of hysiology 2( B19()CH 1:1).
Co$$entary: Pose$h 5rl-ner sh-red his Nobel for \dis>o8eries re-rdin /he hihly
differen/i-/ed fun>/ions of sinle ner8e fibers.Z Lis >-reer in>luded #or0 on >ir>ul-/ion
-nd >-rdi-> $hysioloy, blood $ressure -nd blood 8olu!e, neuro$hysioloy, -nd
/re-/!en/ of #ound sho>0. BA.2.W.C
6asser5 1erbert -pencer 323
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19)). Born: Puly %, 1***; Pl-//e8ille, W?. Death: K-y
11, 19('; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Ler!-n "-sser; Ko/her, 5liz-be/h "ris#old
P-e 121
"-sser. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of Wis>onsin, +.A.,
1910; Ini8. of Wis>onsin, +.K., 1911; Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, K.D., 191%. Spouse:
None. Children: None. Career: Ini8. of Wis>onsin, Professor, 1911:1(; W-shin/on
Ini8., KO, Professor, 191(:'1; 6ornell Ini8., N3, Professor, 19'1:'%; 2o>0efeller
?ns/i/u/e for Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h, N3, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19'%:('. Other
Awards: Nober Ked-l, +!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion of Physi>i-ns, 19%).
Selected Publications: \+ S/udy of /he Ke>h-nis! by Whi>h Kus>ul-r 5@er>ise
Produ>es +>>eler-/ion of /he Le-r/.Z American 7ournal of hysiology ') B191)CH )*:&1
B#i/h W.P. Kee0C. \+n 5@$eri!en/-l S/udy of Suri>-l Sho>0.Z 7ournal of the American
#edical Association (9 B191&CH 20*9:92 B#i/h P. 5rl-ner -nd A.L. 5llio//C. \The
6o!$ound N-/ure of /he +>/ion 6urren/ of Ner8e -s Dis>losed by /he 6-/hode 2-y
Os>illor-$h.Z American 7ournal of hysiology &0 B192)CH (2):(( B#i/h P. 5rl-nerC.
\The 6l-ssifi>-/ion of Ner8e 1ibers.Z Ohio 7ournal of (cience )1 B19)1CH 1)%:%9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
6-!brideH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19() BSolu!e 10C, &%:*2. &ictionary of (cientific
8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&2 BSolu!e %C, 290:91. /erbert (pencer 5asser,
1;;;+196C> An Autobiographical #emoir. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19().
Co$$entary: Lerber/ "-sser sh-red his Nobel Prize for OOdis>o8eries re-rdin /he
hihly differen/i-/ed fun>/ions of sinle ner8e fibers.Z "-sser9s !-Mor #or0 #-s
->>o!$lished #i/h Pose$h 5rl-ner, in #ound sho>0, blood 8olu!e, -nd in
neuro$hysioloy, bu/ his l-/er #or0 on ner8e fibers hel$ed /o >l-rify !-ny $roble!s in
/h-/ field. BA.2.W.C
%hain5 "rnst +oris5 -ir 32?
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19)%. Born: Pune 19, 190(; Aerlin, "er!-ny. Death:
+uus/ 12, 19&9; Kulr-nny, 6oun/y K-yo, ?rel-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Ki>h-el 6h-in;
Ko/her, K-r-re/e 5isner 6h-in. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er ?/-li-n residen/ -nd Ari/ish
>i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: 1riedri>h-Wilhel!s Ini8., "er!-ny, Ph.D., 19'0.
Spouse: +nne Aeloff, !-rried 19)*. Children: AenM-!in, son; D-niel, son; Pudi/h,
d-uh/er. Career: 6h-ri/e Los$i/-l, Aerlin, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19'0:''; 6-!bride
Ini8., 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19'':'%; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'%:)*;
?ns/i/u/o Su$eriore di S-ni/-, 2o!e, ?/-ly, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19)*:(1; Ini8.
of London, 5nl-nd, Professor, 19(1:&'. Other Awards: Sil8er Aerzelius Ked-l,
S#edish Kedi>-l So>ie/y, 19)(; P-s/eur Ked-l, ?ns/i/u/ P-s/eur -nd So>i_/_ de 6hi!ie
AioloiGue, 19)(; L-r!s#or/h Ke!ori-l 1und, 19)(; P-ul 5hrli>h 6en/en-ry Prize,
19%); "old Ked-l for Ther-$eu/i>s, Worshi$ful So>ie/y of +$o/he>-ries, 5nl-nd, 19%&;
Nnih/hood, 19(9; K-ro//- Ked-l, So>ie/- 6hi!i>- ?/-li-n-, 19&2; 6-rl Neuber Ked-l,
19&2; L-!bur Ke!ori-l Ked-l, "er!-ny, 19&2; Ley!-ns Ke!ori-l Ked-l, 19&).
Selected Publications: \Peni>illin -s - 6he!o/her-$eu/i> +en/.Z -ancet 2'9 B19)0CH
22(:2* B#i/h o/hersC. \1ur/her Obser8-/ions on Peni>illin.Z -ancet 2)1 B19)1CH 1&&:*9
B#i/h o/hersC. Antibiotics> A (urvey of enicillin, (treptomycin and other Antimicrobial
(ubstances from =ungi, Actinomycetes, 8acteria and lants. LondonH O@ford Ini8.
Press, 19)9 B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, 1)0. 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety. LondonH
2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*' BSolu!e 29C, )2:91. 6l-r0, 2.W. The -ife of $rnst .hain. Ne#
3or0H S/. K-r/in Press, 19*%.
Co$$entary: 5rns/ 6h-in sh-red /he Nobel \for /he dis>o8ery of $eni>illin -nd i/s
>ur-/i8e effe>/ in 8-rious infe>/ious dise-ses.Z 6h-in $-r/i>i$-/ed in /he rese-r>h /h-/
de!ons/r-/ed /he s/ru>/ure of $eni>illin -nd used i/ in su>>essful >lini>-l /ri-ls. O/her
no/-ble #or0 in>luded /h-/ on $eni>illin-se, /u!or !e/-bolis!, -nd insulin ->/ion.
le2in&5 0le/ander5 -ir 32@
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19)%. Born: +uus/ (, 1**1; Lo>hfield 1-r!, +yrshire,
S>o/l-nd. Death: K-r>h 11, 19%%; London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Luh 1le!in;
Ko/her, "r->e Kor/on 1le!in. Nationality: S>o//ish. Religion: Presby/eri-n.
Education: Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, K.D., 190'. Spouse: S-r-h K-rion K>5lroy,
!-rried De>e!ber 191%, died 19)9; +!-li- 6o/souris Soure0-, !-rried +$ril 19%'.
Children: 2ober/, son. Career: Shi$$in 6o!$-ny, London, 6ler0, 1*9&:1901; S/.
K-ry9s Los$i/-l, London, 5nl-nd, Physi>i-n -nd 2ese-r>her, 190(:%%. Other Awards:
"old Ked-l, Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, 190*; 6he-dle Ked-l, 190*; Pohn S>o// Ked-l,
Phil-del$hi-, P+, 19)); Nnih/hood, 19)); 6-!eron Prize, Ini8. of 5dinburh,
S>o/l-nd, 19)%; Louis P-s/eur Ked-l, 19)&; Ked-l for Keri/, Ini/ed S/-/es, 19)&.
Selected Publications: \On /he Ise of S-l8-rs-n in /he Tre-/!en/ of Sy$hilis.Z -ancet 1
B1911CH 1('1:'). \On - 2e!-r0-ble A->/erioly/i> Subs/-n>e 1ound in Se>re/ions -nd
Tissues.Z roceedings of the Boyal (ociety 9'A B1922CH '0(:1&. \On /he +n/ib->/eri-l
+>/ion of 6ul/ures of - enicillium, #i/h S$e>i-l 2eferen>e /o Their Ise in /he ?sol-/ion
of 8. <nfluen*ae.Z 8ritish 7ournal of $xperimental athology 10 B1929CH 22(:'(.
\Peni>illinH ?/s Dis>o8ery, De8elo$!en/, -nd Ises in /he 1ield of Kedi>ine -nd
Surery.Z 7ournal of the Boyal <nstitute of ublic /ealth and /ygiene * B19)%CH '(:)9,
(':&1, 9':10%. .hemotherapy> 1esterday, Today, and Tomorro0. 6-!brideH
6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19)(. Shi$/on, 2. 8ibliography of (ir Alexander =leming.
1**1:19%%. LondonH S/. K-ry9s Los$i/-l Kedi>-l S>hool, 199'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aenne//, P. Alexander =leming. Aos/onH W-yl-nd, 1992.
&ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&2 BSolu!e %C, 2*:'1.
Ludo8i>i, L-uren>e P. =leming, &iscoverer of enicillin. LondonH +. D-0ers, 19%2.
K->f-rl-ne, "#yn. Alexander =leming> The #an and the #yth. 6-!bride, K+H
L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19*). K-urois, +ndre. The -ife of (ir Alexander =leming,
&iscoverer of enicillin. Ne# 3or0H Du//on, 19%9.
Co$$entary: +le@-nder 1le!in re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for /he dis>o8ery of
$eni>illin,Z #hi>h h-d o>>urred in 192*. 1le!in sh-red /he $rize #i/h 1lorey -nd
P-e 122
#ho, -f/er h-8in dis>o8ered 1le!in9s $ublished #or0 on /he enicillium !old, h-d
$urified $eni>illin, $rodu>ed i/ in Gu-n/i/y, -nd used i/ su>>essfully in /he /re-/!en/ of
dise-se. 1le!in9s #or0 >on/inued #i/h i!$or/-n/ >on/ribu/ions in /he -re-s of blood
>he!is/ry, -n/ise$/i>s, lysozy!e, -nd -n/ibio/i>s. BL.L.1.C
lore$5 1o)ard Walter5 -ir 32A
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19)%. Born: Se$/e!ber 2), 1*9*; +del-ide, +us/r-li-.
Death: 1ebru-ry 21, 19(*; O@ford, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pose$h 1lorey; Ko/her,
Aer/h- K-ry W-dh-! 1lorey. Nationality: +us/r-li-n; l-/er Ari/ish residen/. Religion:
6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: +del-ide Ini8., +us/r-li-, A.S., 1921; +del-ide Ini8.,
+us/r-li-, K.A., 1921; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.S>., 192); O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd,
K.+., 192); 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 192&. Spouse: K-ry 5/hel 2eed, !-rried
192(, died 19((; K-r-re/ +uus/- 1re!-n/le Pennins, !-rried 19(&. Children:
6h-rles, son; PoGui/-, d-uh/er. Career: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 192(:
'1; Ini8. of Sheffield, 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'1:'%; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor
-nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19'%:(%; +us/r-li-n N-/ion-l Ini8., 6-nberr-, 6h-n>ellor, 19(%:(*.
Other Awards: Nnih/hood, 19)); Lis/er Ked-l, 2oy-l 6ollee of Sureons, 19)%;
6-!eron Prize, Ini8. of 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, 19)%; Aerzelius Sil8er Ked-l, S#edish
Kedi>-l So>ie/y, 19)%; 6o!!-nder of /he Leion of Lonor, 19)(; L-r!s#or/h
Ke!ori-l +#-rd, 19)(; +lber/ "old Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y of /he +r/s, 19)(; Ked-l in
Ther-$eu/i>s, So>ie/y of +$o/he>-ries, London, 5nl-nd, 19)(; "old Ked-l, 2oy-l
So>ie/y of Kedi>ine, 19)&; Ked-l for Keri/, Ini/ed S/-/es, 19)*; +ddinh-! "old
Ked-l, 19)9; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19%1; 2oy-l Ked-l, 19%1; "old Ked-l,
Ari/ish Kedi>-l +sso>i-/ion, 19(); Lo!onosso8 Ked-l, ISS2 +>-de!y of S>ien>es,
Selected Publications: \The Se>re/ion of Ku>us by /he 6olon.Z 8ritish 7ournal of
$xperimental athology 11 B19'0CH ')*:(1. \So!e Pro$er/ies of Ku>us, #i/h S$e>i-l
2eferen>e /o ?/s +n/ib->/eri-l 1un>/ions.Z 8ritish 7ournal of $xperimental athology 11
B19'0CH 192:20* B#i/h N.5. "olds#or/hyC. \Peni>illin -s - 6he!o/her-$eu/i> +en/.Z
-ancet 2'9 B19)0CH 22(:2* B#i/h o/hersC. \1ur/her Obser8-/ions on Peni>illin.Z -ancet
2)1 B19)1CH 1&&:** B#i/h o/hersC. Antibiotics> A (urvey of enicillin, (treptomycin, and
Other Antimicrobial (ubstances from =ungi, Actinomycetes, 8acteria and lants.
LondonH O@ford Ini8. Press, 19)9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1& B19&1CH 2%%:'02. 6h-se, D. /o0ard =lorey, The #an %ho
&eveloped enicillin. Sou/h Kelbourne, +us/r-li-H K->!ill-n +us/r-li-, 1991.
&ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&2 BSolu!e %C, )1:)).
K>1-rl-ne, 2.". /o0ard =lorey. LondonH O@ford Ini8. Press, 19&9.
Co$$entary: Lo#-rd 1lorey sh-red /he Nobel Prize \for /he dis>o8ery of $eni>illin -nd
i/s >ur-/i8e effe>/s in 8-rious infe>/ious dise-ses.99 Lis Moin/ rese-r>h el-bor-/ed /he
s/ru>/ure of $eni>illin -nd used i/ in su>>essful >lini>-l /ri-ls. 1lorey did no/-ble #or0
-lso in !u>ous se>re/ions, /he >ell9s role in infl-!!-/ion, /he ->/ion of lysozy!e, -nd
/he de8elo$!en/ of -/heros>lerosis. B2.N.C
,!ller5 1er2ann <oseph 32B
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19)(. Born: De>e!ber 21, 1*90; Ne# 3or0, N3.
Death: +$ril %, 19(&; ?ndi-n-$olis, ?N. Parents: 1-/her, Ler!-nn Pose$h Kuller;
Ko/her, 1r-n>es Louise Lyons Kuller. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Ini/-ri-n; fro!
Pe#ish,6-/holi> b->0round. Education: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, A.+., 1910; 6olu!bi-
Ini8., N3, K.+., 1911; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 191(. Spouse: Pessie K-rie P->obs,
!-rried Pune 11, 192', di8or>ed 19'); Doro/he- Poh-nn- N-n/oro#i>z, !-rried K-y 20,
19'9. Children: D-8id 5uene, son; Lelen Pulie//e, d-uh/er. Career: 6ornell Ini8.,
N3, Professor, 1911:12; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor, 1912:1%; 2i>e ?ns/i/u/e, T4,
Professor, 191%:1*; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor, 191*:20; Ini8. of Te@-s, Professor,
1920:'(; So8ie/ +>-de!y of S>ien>es ?ns/i/u/e of "ene/i>s, ISS2, 2ese-r>her, 19'':
'&; Ini8. of 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, Professor, 19'&:)0; +!hers/ 6ollee, K+, Professor,
19)0:)%; ?ndi-n- Ini8., Professor, 19)%:(&. Other Awards: 6le8el-nd 2ese-r>h Prize,
+!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion for /he +d8-n>e!en/ of S>ien>e, 192&; Ni!ber +#-rd in
"ene/i>s, IS N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19%%; Sir>ho# Ked-l, Sir>ho# So>ie/y of
Ne# 3or0, 19%(; D-r#in Ked-l, Linne-n So>ie/y of London, 19%*; D-r#in Ked-l,
Deu/s>he +0-de!ie N-/urfors>her Leo$oldin-, 19%9; +le@-nder L-!il/on +#-rd,
6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 19(0; Lu!-nis/ of /he 3e-r, Lu!-nis/ +sso>i-/ion, 19('; 6i/y of
Lo$e Kedi>-l 6en/re 2ese-r>h 6i/-/ion, 19().
Selected Publications: \+r/ifi>i-l Tr-ns!u/-/ion of /he "ene.Z (cience (( B192&CH *):
*&. Out of the 'ight> A 8iologist)s 6ie0 of the =uture. LondonH S. "oll-n>z, 19'(.
5enetics, #edicine and #an. ?/h->-, N3H 6ornell Ini8. Press, 19)& B#i/h 6.6. Li//le
-nd L.L. SnyderC. (tudies in 5enetics> The (elected apers of /.7. #uller.
Aloo!in/on, ?NH ?ndi-n- Ini8. Press, 19(2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(* BSolu!e 1)C, ')9:*9. 6-rlson, 5.+. 5enes, Badiation and
(ociety> The -ife and %or2 of /.7. #uller. ?/h->-, N3H 6ornell Ini8. Press, 19*1.
&ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&) BSolu!e 9C, %():(%.
Co$$entary: Ler!-nn Kuller #-s i8en /he Nobel \for /he dis>o8ery of /he
$rodu>/ion of !u/-/ions by !e-ns of @-r-y irr-di-/ion.Z Lis #or0 -nd #ri/ins led /o
!u>h rese-r>h on -r/ifi>i-l !u/-/ion of or-nis!s -nd /o !u>h dis>ussion of /he effe>/s
of -/o!i> fission. Kuller9s #ri/ins -lso in>lude $-$ers on ene/i>s, blood /r-nsfusion,
-nd /he $sy>holoi>-l s/udies of iden/i>-l /#ins r-ised in differen/ en8iron!en/s. B2.N.C
%ori5 %arl erdinand 32C
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19)&. Born: De>e!ber %, 1*9(; Pr-ue,
6ze>hoslo8-0i-. Death: O>/ober 20, 19*); 6-!bride, K+. Parents: 1-/her, 6-rl ?sidor
6ori; Ko/her, K-ri- Li$$i>h 6ori. Nationality: 6ze>hoslo8-0i-n; l-/er +!eri>-n
>i/izen. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: "er!-n Ini8. of Pr-ue, 6ze>hoslo8-0i-,
K.D., 1920. Spouse: "er/y Theres- 2-dni/z, !-rried +uus/ %, 1920, died O>/ober 2(,
19%&; +nne 1i/zer-ld Pones, !-rried K-r>h 2',
P-e 12'
19(0. Children: 6-rl Tho!-s, son. Career: Ini8. of "r-z, +us/ri-, 2ese-r>her, 1920:
21; S/-/e ?ns/i/u/e for /he S/udy of K-lin-n/ Dise-se, Auff-lo, N3, 2ese-r>her, 1922:
'1; W-shin/on Ini8., S/. Louis, KO, Professor, 19'1:((; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+,
Professor, 19((:*). Other Awards: Kid#es/ +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19)(;
L-s0er +#-rd, 19)(; SGuibb +#-rd, 19)&; Su-r 2ese-r>h 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19)&,
19%0; Will-rd "ibbs Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19)*.
Selected Publications: \K-!!-li-n 6-rbohydr-/e Ke/-bolis!.Z hysiological Bevie0s
11 B+$ril 19'1C. \The 1or!-/ion of Le@ose$hos$h-/e 5s/ers in 1ro Kus>le.Z 7ournal
of 8iological .hemistry 11( B19'(CH 119:2* B#i/h ".T. 6oriC. OO6rys/-lline Kus>le
Phos$horyl-se. ???. Nine/i>s.Z 7ournal of 8iological .hemistry 1%1 B19)'CH '9:%% B#i/h
+.+. "reen -nd ".T. 6oriC. \The 5nzy!-/i> 6on8ersion of Phos$horyl-se - /o b.Z
7ournal of 8iological .hemistry 1%* B19)%CH '21:'2 B#i/h ".T. 6oriC. \"lu>ose (-
Phos$h-/-se of /he Li8er in "ly>oen S/or-e Dise-se.Z 7ournal of 8iological
.hemistry 199 B19%2CH ((1:(& B#i/h ".T. 6oriC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*( BSolu!e '2C, (%. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2 Ne# 3or0H
L.W. Wilson, 19)&, 1'%:'&. Louss-y, A.+. \6-rl 1. -nd "er/y T. 6ori.Z 8iochimica et
8iophysica Acta 20 B19%(CH 11:1(. 8iographical #emoirs. 'ational Academy of
(ciences. W-shin/on, D.6.H N-/ion-l +>-de!y Press, 1992, Solu!e (1, 111.
Co$$entary: 6-rl 6ori, #i/h his #ife -nd >ol-ure-/e, "er/y, #ere honored #i/h /he
Nobel Prize \for /heir dis>o8ery of /he >ourse of /he >-/-ly/i> >on8ersion of ly>oen.Z
The 6oris elu>id-/ed /he $ro>ess by #hi>h -ni!-l s/-r>h Bly>oenC is >on8er/ed in/o
u/iliz-ble su-r -nd isol-/ed /he enzy!e, $hos$horyl-se, #hi>h is in/er-l /o /he $ro>ess.
The l-ure-/es -lso !-de sinifi>-n/ >on/ribu/ions in /he s/udies of su-r u/iliz-/ion -nd
/he effe>/s of insulin -nd e$ine$hrine, /u!or ly>olysis, >-rbohydr-/e !e/-bolis!, -nd
/he ->/ion of $i/ui/-ry e@/r->/s. BA.+. -nd 2.N.C
%ori5 6ert$ Theresa 4adnitz 329
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19)&. Born: +uus/ 1%, 1*9(; Pr-ue, 6ze>hoslo8-0i-.
Death: O>/ober 2(, 19%&; S/. Louis, KO. Parents: 1-/her, O//o 2-dni/z; Ko/her, K-r/h-
Neus/-d/ 2-dni/z. Nationality: 6ze>hoslo8-0i-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion:
Pe#ish. Education: "er!-n Ini8. of Pr-ue, 6ze>hoslo8-0i-, K.D., 1920. Spouse: 6-rl
1erdin-nd 6ori, !-rried +uus/ %, 1920. Children: 6-rl Tho!-s, son. Career:
6hildren9s Los$i/-l, Sienn-, +us/ri-, 2ese-r>her, 1920:22; S/-/e ?ns/i/u/e for /he S/udy
of K-lin-n/ Dise-ses, Auff-lo, N3, 2ese-r>her, 1922:'1; W-shin/on Ini8., S/. Louis,
KO, Professor, 19'1:%&. Other Awards: Kid#es/ +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y,
19)(; SGuibb +#-rd, 19)&; "-r8-n Ked-l, 19)*; Su-r 2ese-r>h Prize, N-/ion-l
+>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19%0; Aorden +#-rd, +sso>i-/ion of Kedi>-l 6ollees.
Selected Publications: \The 1or!-/ion of Le@ose$hos$h-/e 5s/ers in 1ro Kus>le.Z
7ournal of 8iological .hemistry 11( B19'(CH 119:2* B#i/h 6.1. 6oriC. \6rys/-lline
Kus>le Phos$horyl-se. ??. Pros/he/i> "rou$.Z 7ournal of 8iological .hemistry 1%1
B19)'CH '1:'*. B#i/h +.+. "reenC. \6rys/-lline Kus>le Phos$horyl-se. ???. Nine/i>s.Z
7ournal of 8iological .hemistry 1%1 B19)'CH '9:%% B#i/h +.+. "reen -nd 6.1. 6oriC.
\The 5nzy!-/i> 6on8ersion of Phos$horyl-se - /o b.Z 7ournal of 8iological .hemistry
1%* B19)%CH '21:'2 B#i/h 6.1. 6oriC. \+>/ion of +!ylo-1,(-"ly>osid-se -nd
Phos$horyl-se on "ly>oen -nd +!ylo$e>/in.Z 7ournal of 8iological .hemistry 1**
B19%1CH 1&:29 B#i/h P. L-rnerC. \"lu>ose (-Phos$h-/-se of /he Li8er in "ly>oen
S/or-e Dise-se.Z 7ournal of 8iological .hemistry 199 B19%2CH ((1:(& B#i/h 6.1. 6oriC.
\"ly>oen S/ru>/ure -nd 5nzy!e Defi>ien>ies in "ly>oen S/or-e Dise-se.Z /arvey
-ectures )* B19%2:%'CH 1)%:&1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6ori, 6.1. \The 6-ll of S>ien>e.Z Annual Bevie0 of
8iochemistry '* B19(9CH 1:20. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19)&, 1'%:'&. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&1 BSolu!e
'C, )1%:1(. Louss-y, A.+. \6-rl 1. -nd "er/y T. 6ori.Z 8iochimica et 8iophysica Acta
20 B19%(CH 11:1(. 8iographical #emoirs. 'ational Academy of (ciences. W-shin/on,
D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y Press, 1990, Solu!e (1, 111.
Co$$entary: "er/y 6ori, #i/h her husb-nd -nd >ol-ure-/e, 6-rl, #ere honored #i/h /he
Nobel Prize \for /heir dis>o8ery of /he >ourse of /he >-/-ly/i> >on8ersion of ly>oen.Z
The 6oris elu>id-/ed /he $ro>ess by #hi>h -ni!-l s/-r>h Bly>oenC is >on8er/ed in/o
us-ble su-r -nd isol-/ed /he enzy!e, $hos$oryl-se, #hi>h is in/er-l /o /he $ro>ess. The
6oris -lso !-de sinifi>-n/ >on/ribu/ions in /he s/udy of su-r u/iliz-/ion -nd /he effe>/s
of insulin -nd e$ine$hrine, /u!or ly>olysis, >-rbohydr-/e !e/-bolis!, -nd /he ->/ion of
$i/ui/-ry e@/r->/s. BA.+. -nd 2.N.C
1o!ssa$5 +ernardo 0lberto 330
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19)&. Born: +$ril 10, 1**&; Auenos +ires, +ren/in-.
Death: Se$/e!ber 2&, 19&1; Auenos +ires, +ren/in-. Parents: 1-/her, +lber/o
Louss-y; Ko/her, 6l-r- L-ffon/ Louss-y. Nationality: +ren/ini-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n.
Education: Ini8. of Auenos +ires, +ren/in-, Ph-r!->y Deree, 190); Ini8. of Auenos
+ires, +ren/in-, Do>/or-/e in Kedi>ine, 1910. Spouse: K-ri- +neli>- 6-/-n, !-rried
De>e!ber 22, 1920. Children: +lber/o Aern-rdo, son; Le>/or 5!ilio Pose, son; 2-ul
Lor->io, son. Career: Ini8. of Auenos +ires, +ren/in-, Professor, 190&:(9. Other
Awards: N-/ion-l +#-rd of S>ien>es, Auenos +ires, +ren/in-, 192'; 6h-rles Ki>0le
1ello#shi$, Toron/o, 6-n-d-, 19)%; A-n/in Ked-l, +!eri>-n Di-be/es +sso>i-/ion,
19)(; 2ese-r>h +#-rd, +!eri>-n Ph-r!->eu/i>-l K-nuf->/urers9 +sso>i-/ion, 19)&;
A-ly Ked-l, 2oy-l 6ollee of Physi>i-ns, 5nl-nd, 19)&; P-!es 6oo0 Ked-l; Sydney
Ked-l, 19)*; D-le Ked-l, So>ie/y for 5ndo>rinoloy, 5nl-nd, 19(0; Weiz!-nn Prize,
Selected Publications: \6-rbohydr-/e Ke/-bolis!.Z 'e0 $ngland 7ournal of #edicine
21) B19'(CH 9&1. \The Ly$o$hysis -nd Ke/-bolis!.Z 'e0 $ngland 7ournal of #edicine
21) B19'(CH 9(1. \Di-be/es -s - Dis/urb-n>e of 5ndo>rine 2eul-/ion.Z American
7ournal of #edical (cience 19' B19'&CH %*1. \+d8-n>e!en/ of Nno#lede of /he 2ole
of /he Ly$o$hysis in 6-rbohydr-/e Ke/-bolis! Durin /he L-s/ T#en/y-1i8e 3e-rs.Z
$ndocrinology '0 B19)2CH **).
P-e 12)
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&) BSolu!e 20C, 2)&:&0. 6ereiMido, K. -a 'uca de /oussay.
Auenos +iresH 1ondo de 6ul/ur- 5>ono!i>-, 1990. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19)*, 29%:9&. The $xcitement and =ascination of (cience. P-lo
+l/o, 6+H +nnu-l 2e8ie#s, ?n>., 19(%, Sol. 1, 20%:1(.
Co$$entary: +ren/ini-n s>ien/is/ -nd ->/i8is/ Aern-rdo Louss-y #-s re>onized by
/he +>-de!y \for his dis>o8ery of /he $-r/ $l-yed by /he hor!one of /he -n/erior
$i/ui/-ry lobe in /he !e/-bolis! of su-rs.Z +l/houh Louss-y9s !-Mor in/eres/ #-s in
/he endo>rine l-nds -nd /he $i/ui/-ry, his rese-r>h $rodu>ed sinifi>-n/ resul/s on /he
$hysioloy of >ir>ul-/ion -nd res$ir-/ion, /he $ro>ess of i!!uni/y, /he ner8ous sys/e!,
dies/ion, -nd sn-0e -nd s$ider 8eno!s. Le #-s -lso re>onized -s -n ->/i8is/ le-der in
/he $ro!o/ion of de!o>r->y, edu>-/ion, -nd s>ien/ifi> rese-r>h in +ren/in-. BA.S.S.C
,Sller5 Pa!l 1er2an 331
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19)*. Born: P-nu-ry 12, 1*99; Ol/en, S#i/zerl-nd.
Death: O>/ober 1', 19(%; A-sel, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, "o//lieb KRller; Ko/her,
1-nny Ley$old/ KRller. Nationality: S#iss. Religion: 58-neli>-l. Education: Ini8. of
A-sel, S#i/zerl-nd, do>/or-/e, 192%. Spouse: 1riedel 2useer, !-rried O>/ober (,
192&. Children: Lenry, son; Ni0l-us, son; K-r-re/, d-uh/er. Career: Lonz- Po#er
Pl-n/, S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 191(:1&; P.2. "eiy 6o!$-ny, A-sel, S#i/zerl-nd,
2ese-r>her, 192%:(%.
Selected Publications: \^ber Nons/i/u/ion und To@is>he Wir0un 8on N-/urli>hen und
Neuen Syn/he/is>hen. ?nse0/en/o/enden S/offen.Z /elvetica .himica Acta 2& B19))CH
*99:92* B#i/h P. L-uer -nd L. K-r/inC. OO^ber Jus-!!enh-ne J#is>hen
Nons/i/u/ion und ?nse0/izider Wer0un. ?.Z /elvetica .himica Acta 29 B19)(CH 1%(0:*0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19)%, ')0:)2. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&) BSolu!e
9C, %&(:&&.
Co$$entary: P-ul KRller9s Nobel #-s r-n/ed \for his dis>o8ery of /he hih effi>ien>y
of DDT -s - >on/->/ $oison --ins/ se8er-l -r/hro$ods.Z KRller9s oriin-l rese-r>h on
$l-n/ $i!en/s -nd n-/ur-l /-nnin -en/s led hi! /o /he rese-r>h on disinfe>/-n/s -nd
$es/i>ides /h-/ resul/ed in his dis>o8ery of /he effe>/i8eness of DDT -s -n inse>/i>ide. ?/
#-s l-/er used in /ro$i>-l -re-s -nd in /he fih/ --ins/ !-l-ri- -nd /y$hus. KRller9s
oriin-l -r/i>les in>luded - #-rnin -bou/ /he s/-bili/y of DDT, #hi>h l-/er $ro8ed /o be
#-rr-n/ed #hen l-re ->>u!ul-/ions of DDT #ere found in bioloi>-l or-nis!s.
"&as ,oniz5 0ntonio %aetano 0bre! reire 332
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19)9. Born: No8e!ber 29, 1*&); +8-n>-, Por/u-l.
Death: De>e!ber 1', 19%%; Lisbon, Por/u-l. Parents: 1-/her, 1ern-ndo De Pin-
2ezende +breu; Ko/her, K-ri- de 2os-rio de +l!eid- e Sous-. Nationality: Por/uuese.
Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of 6oi!br-, Por/u-l, K.D., 1*99. Spouse: 5l8ir-
de K->edo Di-s, !-rried 1902. Children: None. Career: Ini8. of 6oi!br-, Por/u-l,
Professor, 1902:11; Ini8. of Lisbon, Por/u-l, Professor, 1911:%%. Other Awards:
"r-nd 6ross of ?s-bel l- 6-/oli>-, S$-in; ?ns/ru>-o Publi>-, Por/u-l; S-n/i-o de
5s$-d-; 6o!!-nder, Leion of Lonour.
Selected Publications: &iagnostic des Tumeurs .DrDbrales et $preuve de
-)$ncephalographie Arterielle. P-risH K-sson, 19'1. A 6ida (exual F=isiologia e
atologiaH. LisbonH +br-n/es, 19'1. -)Angiographie .DrDbrale, (es Applications et
BDsultats en Anatomie, hysiologie et .lini4ue. P-risH K-sson, 19'). .DrDbrale
Arteriographie und hlebographie. AerlinH P. S$riner, 19)0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&1 BSolu!e )C, 2*(:*&. \5-s Koniz, 1*&):19%%.Z 7ournal of the <nternational
.ollege of (urgeons '( B19(1CH 2(1:&1.
Co$$entary: 5-s Koniz #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y \for his dis>o8ery of /he
/her-$eu/i> 8-lue of leu>o/o!y in >er/-in $sy>hoses.Z Lis e-rlier #or0 #-s >on>erned
#i/h >erebr-l -nior-$hy, - !e/hod of s/udyin blood >ir>ul-/ion in /he br-in. ?n
-ddi/ion, he #-s -n ->/i8e -nd i!$or/-n/ !e!ber of /he $oli/i>-l s>ene in Por/u-l
/hrouhou/ his life/i!e. B+.6.C
1ess5 Walter 4!dolph 333
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19)9. Born: K-r>h 1&, 1**1; 1r-uenfeld, S#i/zerl-nd.
Death: +uus/ 12, 19&'; Lo>-rno, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 6le!en Less; Ko/her,
"er/rud 1is>her S-@on Less. Nationality: S#iss. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8.
of JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, K.D., 190(. Spouse: Louise S-nd!eyer, !-rried 1909.
Children: "er/rud, d-uh/er; 2udol$h, son. Career: JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, Physi>i-n,
190%:12; Aonn, "er!-ny, Physi>i-n, 191':1&; Ini8. of JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor
-nd +d!inis/r-/or, 191&:%1. Other Awards: K-r>el Aenors/ Prize, S#i/zerl-nd, 19'';
Lud#i Ked-l, "er!-n So>ie/y for 6ir>ul-/ion 2ese-r>h, 19'*.
Selected Publications: &ie =un2tionelle Organisation des 6egetativen 'ervensystems.
A-sel, S#i/zerl-ndH A. S>h#-be, 19)*. The =unctional Organi*ation of the
&iencephalon. Ne# 3or0H "rune -nd S/r-//on, 19%&. The 8iology of #ind. 6hi>-oH
Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19(). 8iological Order and 8rain Organi*ation> (elected %or2s
of %.B. /ess. Ne# 3or0H S$riner-Serl-, 19*1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: ?nle, D.P. A &o*en &octors. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o
Press, 19('. #odern (cientists and $ngineers. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19*0 BSolu!e
2C, %2. \W.2. LessH The 6on/rol of /he +u/ono!i> Ner8ous Sys/e! by /he
Ly$o/h-l-!us.Z The -ancet 1 BK-r>h 1&, 19%1CH (2&:29.
Co$$entary: W-l/er Less re>ei8ed /he Nobel \for his dis>o8ery of /he fun>/ion-l
or-niz-/ion of /he in/erbr-in -s - >oordin-/or of /he ->/i8i/ies of /he in/ern-l or-ns,Z
usin s/ri>/ly lo>-lized s/i!uli -s /he in8es/i-/in /ool. Le -lso #or0ed in /he -re-s of
blood $ressure -nd 8is>osi/y -nd in res$ir-/ory fun>/ion. B2.N.C
1ench5 Philip -ho)alter 33?
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%0. Born: 1ebru-ry 2*, 1*9(; Pi//sburh, P+.
Death: K-r>h '0, 19(%; O>ho 2ios,
P-e 12%
P-!-i>-. Parents: 1-/her, P->ob Ai@ler Len>h; Ko/her, 6l-r- Pohn Sho#-l/er Len>h.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Presby/eri-n. Education: L-f-ye//e 6ollee, P+, +.A.,
191(; Ini8. of Pi//sburh, P+, K.D., 1920; Ini8. of Kinneso/-, K.S>., 19'1. Spouse:
K-ry "ene8ie8e N-hler, !-rried Puly 1), 192&. Children: K-ry Sho#-l/er, d-uh/er;
Sus-n N-hler, d-uh/er; Phili$ N-hler, son; Pohn Ai@ler, son. Career: S/. 1r-n>is
Los$i/-l, Pi//sburh, P+, Physi>i-n, 1920:21; Ini8. of Kinneso/-, Professor, 1921:%&.
Other Awards: Leberden Ked-l, London, 19)2; L-s0er +#-rd, +!eri>-n Publi> Le-l/h
+sso>i-/ion, 19)9; P-e One +#-rd, Ne#s$-$er "uild of Ne# 3or0, 19%0; P-ss-no
1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19%0; S>ien/ifi> +#-rd, +!eri>-n Ph-r!->eu/i>-l K-nuf->/urers
+sso>i-/ion, 19%0; S$e>i-l 6i/-/ion, +!eri>-n 2heu!-/is! +sso>i-/ion, 19%1;
Pennsyl8-ni- +!b-ss-dor +#-rd, 19%1; Nor/h#es/ern Ini8. 6en/enni-l +#-rd, 19%1;
+#-rd of Keri/, K-soni> 1ound-/ion, 19%1; 6riss +#-rd, 19%1; Lonor +#-rd,
Kississi$$i S-lley Kedi>-l So>ie/y, 19%2; Order of 6-rlos 1inl-y, 6ub-.
Selected Publications: .hronic Arthritis> .hronic <nfectious Arthritis, .hronic
(enescent Arthritis, 5out. A-l/i!ore, KDH The Willi-!s -nd Wil0ins 6o!$-ny, 19)0.
\5ffe>/s of 6or/isone +>e/-/e -nd Pi/ui/-ry +6TL on 2heu!-/oid +r/hri/is, 2heu!-/i>
1e8er, -nd 6er/-in O/her 6ondi/ions.Z Archives of <nternal #edicine *% B19%0CH %)%:(((
B#i/h 5. Nend-llC. .ortisone, /ydrocortisone, and .orticotropin FA.T/H in the
Treatment of Bheumatoid Arthritis. A-sel, S#i/zerl-ndH "eiy, 19%).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%0, 2'0:'2. #odern (cientists and $ngineers. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19*0
BSolu!e 2C, )2:)'. 2o#n/ree, L.". Amid #asters of the T0entieth .entury #edicine.
S$rinfield, ?LH 6.6. Tho!-s, 19%*.
Co$$entary: Phili$ Len>h sh-red /he Nobel Prize for \dis>o8eries rel-/in /o /he
hor!ones of /he -dren-l >or/e@, /heir s/ru>/ure, -nd bioloi>-l effe>/s.Z Lis use of
>or/isone in /he /re-/!en/ of -r/hri/is, - dise-se in #hi>h he #-s -n ->0no#leded
e@$er/, led /o his re>ei8in /he -#-rd. Len>h #-s -lso - s>hol-r of /he his/ory of yello#
fe8er. BA.W.C
8endall5 "d)ard %al>in 33@
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%0. Born: K-r>h *, 1**(; Nor#-l0, 6T. Death: K-y
), 19&2; 2-h#-y, NP. Parents: 1-/her, "eore S/-nley Nend-ll; Ko/her, 58- 1r-n>es
+bbo// Nend-ll. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6onre-/ion-lis/. Education:
6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, A.S., 190*; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, K.S., 1909; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3,
Ph.D., 1910. Spouse: 2ebe>>- Nennedy, !-rried De>e!ber '0, 191%. Children: Luh,
son; 2oy, son; Nor!-n, son; 5liz-be/h, d-uh/er. Career: P-r0e, D-8is, -nd 6o., De/roi/,
K?, 2ese-r>her, 1910:11; S/. Lu0e9s Los$i/-l, N3, 2ese-r>her, 1911:1); Ini8. of
Kinneso/-, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 191):%1. Other Awards: Pohn S>o// Prize -nd
Pre!iu!, Phil-del$hi-, 1921; 6h-ndler Ked-l, 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 192%; SGuibb
+#-rd for Ou/s/-ndin 2ese-r>h in 5ndo>rinoloy, 19)%; L-s0er +#-rd, +!eri>-n
Publi> Le-l/h +sso>i-/ion, 19)9; P-e One +#-rd, Ne#s$-$er "uild of N3, 19%0; Pohn
Philli$s Ke!ori-l +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6ollee of Physi>i-ns, 19%0; 2ese-r>h 6or$or-/ion
+#-rd, 2ese-r>h 6or$or-/ion of N3, 19%0; 2e!sen Ke!ori-l +#-rd, KD se>/ion of
+!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19%0; 2ese-r>h +#-rd, +!eri>-n Ph-r!->eu/i>-l
K-nuf->/urers +sso>i-/ion, 19%0; 5d-r 1. S!i/h +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y,
19%0; P-ss-no +#-rd, 19%0; Ked-l of Lonor, 6-n-di-n Ph-r!->eu/i>-l K-nuf->/urers
+sso>i-/ion, 19%0; Dr. 6.6. 6riss +#-rd, 19%1; +#-rd of Keri/, K-soni> 1ound-/ion for
Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h -nd Lu!-ne Welf-re, 19%1; 6-!eron +#-rd, Ini8. of 5dinburh,
S>o/l-nd, 19%1; Leberden So>ie/y +#-rd, London, 19%1; Nober +#-rd, +sso>i-/ion of
+!eri>-n Physi>i-ns, 19%2; +le@-nder L-!il/on Ked-l, +lu!ni of 6olu!bi- 6ollee,
19(1; S>ien/ifi> +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, +!eri>-n Kedi>-l +sso>i-/ion, 19(%.
Selected Publications: \The ?sol-/ion in 6rys/-lline 1or! of /he 6o!$ound 6on/-inin
?odin Whi>h O>>urs in /he ThyroidH ?/s 6he!i>-l N-/ure -nd Physioloi>-l +>/i8i/y.99
Transactions of the Association of American hysicians '0 B191)CH )20:)9. Oxidative
.atalysis. Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 192%. \The ?den/ifi>-/ion of - Subs/-n>e
Whi>h Possesses /he Qu-li/-/i8e +>/ion of 6or/in.Z 7ournal of 8iological .hemistry 11(
B19'(CH 2(&:&(. \5ffe>/s of 6or/isone +>e/-/e -nd Pi/ui/-ry +6TL on 2heu!-/oid
+r/hri/is, 2heu!-/i> 1e8er, -nd 6er/-in O/her 6ondi/ions.Z Archives of <nternal
#edicine *% B19%0CH %)%:((( B#i/h P. Len>hC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs. 'ational Academy of (ciences.
W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19&% BSolu!e )*C, 2)9:92.
&ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&* BSu$$le!en/ ?C, 2%*:%9.
Co$$entary: 5d#-rd Nend-ll sh-red /he Nobel Prize for \dis>o8eries rel-/in /o /he
hor!ones of /he -dren-l >or/e@, /heir s/ru>/ure, -nd bioloi>-l effe>/s.Z ?n -ddi/ion /o his
rese-r>h on >or/isone -nd i/s /her-$eu/i> effe>/s, Nend-ll -lso did no/-ble #or0 on
/hyro@ine -nd /hyroid e@/r->/s, o@id-/ion in -ni!-ls, -nd /he ->/ion of -!yl-ses. BA.W.C
4eichstein5 Tade!s 33A
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%0. Born: Puly 20, 1*9&; Wlo>l-#e0, Pol-nd.
Death: +uus/ 1, 199(; A-sel, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, ?sidor 2ei>hs/ein; Ko/her,
"us/-8- Aro>0!-n 2ei>hs/ein. Nationality: Polish; l-/er S#iss >i/izen. Religion:
Pe#ish. Education: 5idenUssis>he Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, S#i/zerl-nd, A.S., 1920;
5idenUssis>he Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, S#i/zerl-nd, Ph.D., 1922. Spouse: Louise
Lenrie//e Qu-rls S-n Ifford, !-rried Puly 21, 192&. Children: 2u/h, d-uh/er. Career:
5idenUssis>he Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 1922:'*; Ini8. of A-sel,
S#i/zerl-nd, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19'*:*&. Other Awards: 6-!eron +#-rd,
Ini8. of 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, 19%1; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(*.
Selected Publications: Mber das Offen2ettige Tropin und $inige (einer /omologen.
Weid- i. ThRr, "er!-nyH Tho!-s Y Luber/, 192). \Die Lor!one der
Nebennierenrinde.Z ?n /andbuch der 8iologischen Arbeitsmethoden, by 5!il
+bderh-lden. Aerlin, 19'* BSolu!e %C, 1'(&:1)'9. \The Lor!ones of /he +dren-l
6or/e@.Z ?n 6itamins and /ormones. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19)', ')(:)1) B#i/h
6.W. Sho$$eeC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%1, %12:1). \T-deus 2ei>hs/ein.Z 7ournal of .hemical $ducation 2( B19)9CH %29:'0.
P-e 12(
Co$$entary: T-deus 2ei>hs/ein sh-red /he Nobel Prize for \dis>o8eries rel-/in /o /he
hor!ones of /he -dren-l >or/e@, /heir s/ru>/ure, -nd bioloi>-l effe>/s.Z Prior /o his #or0
on /he hor!ones of /he -dren-l >or/e@, 2ei>hs/ein rese-r>hed /he >o!$osi/ion of ro-s/ed
>offee -nd >offee, -lon #i/h syn/hesized Si/-!in 6, -nd s/udied $l-n/ ly>osides. The
isol-/ion of >or/isone -nd /he dis>o8ery of i/s /her-$eu/i> 8-lue #ere /he end resul/s of
/he Nobel Prize#innin #or0. B2.N.C
Theiler5 ,a/ 33B
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%1. Born: P-nu-ry '0, 1*99; Pre/ori-, Sou/h +fri>-.
Death: +uus/ 11, 19&2; Ne# L-8en, 6T. Parents: 1-/her, Sir +rnold Theiler; Ko/her,
5!!- Pee Theiler. Nationality: Sou/h +fri>-n; l-/er +!eri>-n residen/. Religion:
Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, K.D., 1922.
Spouse: Lilli-n "r-h-!, !-rried 1ebru-ry 1*, 192*. Children: 5liz-be/h, d-uh/er.
Career: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 1922:'0; 2o>0efeller 1ound-/ion, N3,
2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19'0:(); 3-le Ini8., Ne# L-8en, 6T, Professor, 19():
(&; 2o>0efeller 1ound-/ion, N3, 2ese-r>her, 19(&:&2. Other Awards: 6h-l!ers Ked-l,
2oy-l So>ie/y of Tro$i>-l Kedi>ine -nd Lyiene, 5nl-nd, 19'9; 1l-//ery Ked-l,
L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, 19)%; L-s0er +#-rd, +!eri>-n Publi> Le-l/h +sso>i-/ion, 19)9.
Selected Publications: \S/udies on /he +>/ion of 3ello# 1e8er Sirus in Ki>e.Z Annals of
Tropical #edicine and arasitology 2) B19'0CH 2)9:&2. \The 5ffe>/ of Proloned
6ul/i8-/ion in Si/ro u$on /he P-/hoeni>i/y of 3ello# 1e8er Sirus.Z 7ournal of
$xperimental #edicine (% B19'&CH &(&:*(. 1ello0 =ever. 6h-$/er 2. Ne# 3or0H
K>"r-#-Lill, 19%1. The Anthropod@8orne 6iruses of 6ertebrates> An Account of the
Boc2efeller =oundation 6irus rogram. Ne# L-8en, 6TH 3-le Ini8. Press, 19&'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, &&*:&9. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19%2,
Co$$entary: K-@ Theiler #on /he Nobel \for his dis>o8eries >on>ernin yello# fe8er
-nd ho# /o >o!b-/ i/.Z Lis >on/ribu/ions /o yello# fe8er rese-r>h in>luded /he /heory of
/r-ns!ission, /he in/rodu>/ion of - ne# e@$eri!en/-l -ni!-l B!i>eC, -nd /he
de8elo$!en/ of - 8->>ine. Durin his lon >-reer, he -lso #or0ed on -!oebi> dysen/ery,
r-/ bi/e fe8er, denue fe8er, -nd P-$-nese en>e$h-li/is. BK.D.6.C
Waks2an5 -el2an 0braha2 33C
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%2. Born: Puly 2, 1***; Prilu0-, I0r-ine, 2ussi-.
Death: +uus/ 1(, 19&'; Ly-nnis, K+. Parents: 1-/her, P->ob W-0s!-n; Ko/her,
1r-di- London W-0s!-n. Nationality: 2ussi-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion:
Pe#ish. Education: 2u/ers Ini8., NP, A.S>., 191%; 2u/ers Ini8., NP, K.S>., 191(;
Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Ph.D., 191*. Spouse: Aer/h- Debor-h Ki/ni>0, !-rried +uus/ %,
191(. Children: Ayron L., son. Career: 2u/ers Ini8., NP, Professor, 191*:%*. Other
Awards: Ni/r-/e of Sod- 2ese-r>h +#-rd, 19'0; P-ss-no 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19)&;
+#-rd of /he 6-rlsber L-bor-/ories, Den!-r0, 19)*; Ne# Persey +ri>ul/ur-l So>ie/y
Ked-l, 19)*; L-s0er +#-rd, +!eri>-n Publi> Le-l/h +sso>i-/ion, 19)*; 5!il 6hris/i-n
L-nson Ked-l, 19)*; Leeu#enhoe0 Ked-l, Ne/herl-nds +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19%0;
Lenrie//- Szold +#-rd, 19%0; 6o!!-nder, 1ren>h Leion of Lonour, 19%0; Ari/ish
Sh-lo! Lu!-ni/-ri-n +#-rd, 19%2; Order of Keri/ of /he 2isin Sun, P-$-n, 19%2;
"re-/ 6ross of Publi> Le-l/h, S$-in, 19%); S/. Sin>en/ +#-rd for Kedi>-l S>ien>es,
+>-de!y of S>ien>es of Torino, ?/-ly, 19%); ?ns/i/u/o 6urlo 1orl-nini Ked-l, 19%9;
+!eri>-n Trude-u Ked-l, 19(1; 6o!!end-/ore Order of Sou/hern 6ross of Ar-zil,
Selected Publications: $n*ymes> roperties, &istribution, #ethods and Applications.
A-l/i!ore, KDH Willi-!s -nd Wil0ins, 192( B#i/h W.6. D-8isonC. /umus> Origin,
.hemical .omposition, and <mportance in 'ature. A-l/i!ore, KDH Willi-!s -nd
Wil0ins, 19'(. 'eomycin> <ts 'ature, =ormation, <solation and ractical Application.
Ne# Aruns#i>0, NPH 2u/ers Ini8. Press, 19%'. The Actinomycetes. ' 8olu!es.
A-l/i!ore, KDH Willi-!s -nd Wil0ins, 19%9:(2. (cientific .ontributions of (elman A.
%a2smanN (elected Articles ublished in /onor of /is ;0th 8irthday. Ne# Aruns#i>0,
NPH 2u/ers Ini8. Press, 19(*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'ational .yclopedia of American 8iography. Ne# 3or0H
P-!es T. Whi/e, 19(0 BSolu!e ?C, '12:1'. W-0s!-n, Sel!-n. #y -ife 0ith the
#icrobes. Ne# 3or0H Si!on -nd S>hus/er, 19%).
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y >i/ed Sel!-n W-0s!-n \for his dis>o8ery of s/re$/o!y>in,
/he firs/ -n/ibio/i> effe>/i8e --ins/ /uber>ulosis.99 Lis o/her rese-r>h #-s >on>erned #i/h
/he !i>robioloy in soil -nd se-; in8es/i-/ion of or-ni> !-//er de>o!$osi/ion in
8-rious soils; /he s/udy of b->/eri-, funi, -nd ->/ino!y>e/es; -nd /he /r-nsfor!-/ion of
ni/roen -nd >-rbon >o!$ounds. B2.N.C
8rebs5 1ans 0dolf5 -ir 339
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%'. Born: +uus/ 2%, 1900; Lildeshei!, "er!-ny.
Death: No8e!ber 22, 19*1; O@ford, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, "eor Nrebs; Ko/her,
+l!- D-8idson Nrebs. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er Ari/ish >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish.
Education: Ini8. of L-!bur, "er!-ny, K.D., 192%; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.S.,
19'). Spouse: K-r-re/ 6i>ely 1ieldhouse, !-rried 19'*. Children: P-ul, son; Pohn,
son; Lelen, d-uh/er. Career: N-iser Wilhel! ?ns/i/u/e, Aerlin, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her,
192(:'0; Kuni>i$-l Los$i/-l, +l/on-, "er!-ny, Physi>i-n, 19'0:'2; Ini8. of 1reiber,
"er!-ny, Professor, 19'2:''; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'':'%; Ini8. of
Sheffield, 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'%:%); O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19%):(&.
Other Awards: L-s0er +#-rd, 19%'; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19%); "old Ked-l,
Ne/herl-nds So>ie/y for Physi>s, Kedi>-l S>ien>e -nd Surery, 19%*; Nnih/hood, 19%*;
6o$ley Ked-l, 19(1.
Selected Publications: \Ke/-bolis! of +>e/o->e/i> +>id in +ni!-l Tissues.Z 'ature 1%)
B+uus/ 12, 19))CH 209:10 B#i/h L. S. 5les/onC. \Ire- Syn/hesis in K-!!-li-n
P-e 12&
Li8er.Z 'ature BPune 1), 19)&CH *0*:09 B#i/h o/hersC. \Tri>-rbo@yli> +>id 6y>le.Z
/arvey -ectures )) B19%0CH 1(%:99. \+ Sur8ey of /he 5nery Tr-nsfor!-/ions in Li8in
K-//er.Z $rgcbn. hysiol. 8iol. .hem. $xp. harma2 )9 B19%&CH 212 B#i/h L. NornberC.
The #etabolic Boles of .itrate. LondonH +>-de!i> Press, 19(*. $ssays in .ell
#etabolism. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19&0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs. Boyal (ociety of -ondon. LondonH
2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*) BSolu!e '0C, ')9. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W.
Wilson, 19%), '*):*%. Lol!es, 1. /ans Jrebs. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press, 1991:
9'. Beminiscences and Beflections. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press, 19*2.
Co$$entary: L-ns Nrebs9s Nobel Prize #-s r-n/ed \for his dis>o8ery of /he >i/ri> ->id
>y>le,Z no# 0no#n -s /he Nrebs >y>le, #hi>h no/ed /he o@id-/ion of $yru8i> ->id /o
>-rbon dio@ide -nd #-/er. O/her !e/-boli> $-/hs, es$e>i-lly enery-rel-/ed B#hi>h #ere
!-Mor in/eres/sC, in>luded /he orni/hine >y>le of ure- syn/hesis in li8er -nd /he lyo@-l-/e
>y>le of f-/ !e/-bolis!. BP.5.L.C
#ip2ann5 ritz 0lbert 3?0
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%'. Born: Pune 12, 1*99; NUnisbur, "er!-ny.
Death: Puly 2), 19*(; Pouh0ee$sie, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Leo$old Li$!-nn; Ko/her,
"er/rude L->h!-ns0i Li$!-nn. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion:
Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, K.D., 192); Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny,
Ph.D., 192&. Spouse: 5lfred- K. L-ll, !-rried Pune 2', 19'1. Children: S/e$hen L-ll,
son. Career: N-iser Wilhel! ?ns/i/u/e, Aerlin -nd Leidelber, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her,
192&:'0; 1is>her9s L-bor-/ory, Aerlin, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19'0:'1; 2o>0efeller
?ns/i/u/e for Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h, N3, 2ese-r>her, 19'1:'2; 6-rlsbur 1ound-/ion,
6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, 2ese-r>her, 19'2:'9; 6ornell Ini8., ?/h->-, N3, 2ese-r>her,
19'9:)1; K-ss->huse//s "ener-l Los$i/-l, Aos/on, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19)1:
%&; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19)9:%&; 2o>0efeller Ini8., N3, Professor, 19%&:*(.
Other Awards: 6-rl Neuber Ked-l, 19)*; Ke-d Pohnson -nd 6o!$-ny +#-rd, 19)*;
N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19((.
Selected Publications: OO1er!en/-/ion of Phos$holu>oni> +>id.Z 'ature BO>/ober ',
19'(CH %**:*9. \6olored ?n/er!edi-/e on 2edu>/ion of Si/-!in A1.Z 'ature BNo8e!ber
1', 19'&CH *)9. \6ou$lin Ae/#een Pyru8i> +>id Dehydroen-/ion -nd +denyli> +>id
Phos$horyl-/ion.Z 'ature B1ebru-ry 1*, 19'9CH 2*1. \Aiosyn/he/i> Ke>h-nis!s.Z
/arvey -ectures )) B19%0CH 99:12'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%), )1':1). The $xcitement and =ascination of (cience. P-lo +l/o, 6+H +nnu-l
2e8ie#s, ?n>., 1990, Sol. ', P-r/ 1, '*':)1%. %anderings of a 8iochemist. Ne# 3or0H
Wiley, 19&1.
Co$$entary: 1ri/z Li$!-nn re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for his dis>o8ery of 6oenzy!e
+ -nd i/s i!$or/-n>e for in/er!edi-ry !e/-bolis!.Z Li$!-nn9s !-Mor #or0 #-s in /he
>l-ssifi>-/ion of enery-$rodu>in $hos$h-/es, bu/ his rese-r>h ende-8ors -lso in>luded
#or0 #i/h /he /hyroid l-nd, fibrobl-s/s -nd /he P-s/eur effe>/, ly>olysis in e!bryo >ell
!e/-bolis!, -nd /he !e>h-nis! of $e$/ide -nd $ro/ein syn/hesis. B2.N.C
"nders5 <ohn ranklin 3?1
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%). Born: 1ebru-ry 10, 1*9&; Wes/ L-r/ford, 6T.
Death: Se$/e!ber *, 19*%; W-/erford, 6T. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn Os/ro! 5nders;
Ko/her, L-rrie/ "oulden Whi/!ore 5nders. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion:
Pro/es/-n/. Education: 3-le Ini8., 6T, +.A., 1920; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.+., 1922;
L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Ph.D., 19'0. Spouse: S-r-h 1r-n>es Aenne//, !-rried Se$/e!ber
1&, 192&, died 19)'; 6-rolyn Ne-ne, !-rried K-y 12, 19%1. Children: Pohn Os/ro! ??,
son; S-r-h S/effi-n, d-uh/er; Willi-! 5d!und Ne-ne, s/e$son. Career: I.S. +r!y,
191&:20; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 1929:&&. Other Awards: 6o!!-nder, Order
N-/ion-l de l- 2e$ubli> de L-u/e Sol/-; P-ss-no 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19%'; L-s0er
+#-rd, 19%); Ni!b-ll +#-rd, 19%); Nyer +#-rd, I.S. Publi> Le-l/h Ser8i>e, 19%%;
6h-$in +#-rd, 19%%; Aru>e +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6ollee of Physi>i-ns, 19%(; 6-!eron
Prize, Ini8. of 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, 19(0; Lo#-rd T-ylor 2i>0e//s Ke!ori-l +#-rd,
Ini8. of 6hi>-o, 19(2; Ne# 5nl-nd ?sr-el 1reedo! +#-rd, 19(2; 2ober/ No>h
Ked-l, "er!-ny, 19(2; S>ien>e +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, +!eri>-n Kedi>-l +sso>i-/ion,
19('; Presiden/i-l Ked-l of 1reedo!, 19('.
Selected Publications: <mmunity> rinciples and Application in #edicine and ublic
/ealth. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19'9 B#i/h L-ns Jinsser -nd Leroy D. 1o/herillC.
\6ul/i8-/ion of /he L-nsin S/r-in of Polio!yeli/is Sirus in 6ul/ures of S-rious Lu!-n
5!bryoni> Tissues.Z (cience 109 BP-nu-ry 2*, 19)9CH *%:*&. \Ku!$s.Z ?n 6iraland
Bic2etsial <nfections of #an. Phil-del$hi-, P+H Li$$in>o//, 19%9, &*0:*9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*& BSolu!e ''C, 211. 8iographical $ncyclopedia of
(cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s on 1ile, 19*1, 2'9. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H
L.W. Wilson, 19%%, 1*2:*).
Co$$entary: Pohn 5nders sh-red /he Nobel Prize for \dis>o8ery of /he -bili/y of /he
$olio!yeli/is 8irus /o ro# in >ul/ures of differen/ /issues.Z Le $ioneered #or0 in 8irus
s/udy -nd 8->>ine de8elo$!en/ /h-/ e8en/u-lly led /o s-fe 8->>ines for $olio, !e-sles,
"er!-n !e-sles, -nd !u!$s. 5nders -lso #or0ed in /he -re-s of >-n>er -nd ene/i>s.
4obbins5 rederick %hap2an 3?2
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%). Born: +uus/ 2%, 191(; +uburn, +L. Parents:
1-/her, Dr. Willi-! P->ob 2obbins; Ko/her, 6hris/ine 1. 6h-$!-n. Nationality:
+!eri>-n. Religion: Presby/eri-n b->0round. Education: Ini8. of Kissouri, A.+.,
19'(; Ini8. of Kissouri, A.S., 19'*; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.D., 19)0. Spouse: +li>e
L-8e!eyer Nor/hro$, !-rried Pune 19, 19)*. Children: +li>e, d-uh/er; Louise,
d-uh/er. Career: 6hildren9s Los$i/-l, Aos/on, K+, Physi>i-n, 19)(:%2; L-r8-rd Ini8.,
K+, Professor, 19%0:%2; 6-se Wes/ern 2eser8e Ini8., OL, Professor -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19%2:*0; ?ns/i/u/e of Kedi>ine, Ae/hesd-, KD, 2ese-r>her, 19*0:*%.
Other Awards: Aronze S/-r, 19)%; Ke-d Pohnson Prize, 19%'; Kedi>-l Ku/u-l Lonor
+#-rd, 19(9; Ohio "o8ernor9s +#-rd, 19&1; +br-h-! 1le@ner +#-rd, 19*&.
P-e 12*
Selected Publications: \6ul/i8-/ion of /he L-nsin S/r-in of Polio!yeli/is Sirus in
6ul/ures of S-rious Lu!-n 5!bryoni> Tissues.Z (cience 109 BP-nu-ry 2*, 19)9CH *%:*&
B#i/h T.L. Weller -nd P.1. 5ndersC. roceedings of the (ociety for $xperimental 8iology
and #edicine &2 B19)9CH 1%':%% B#i/h T.L. Weller -nd P.1. 5ndersC. \S/udies of /he
6ul/i8-/ion of Polio!yeli/is Siruses in Tissue 6ul/ure. ?. The Pro$--/ion of
Polio!yeli/is Siruses in Sus$ended 6ell 6ul/ures of S-rious Lu!-n Tissues.Z 7ournal
of <mmunology (9 B19%2CH ()%:&1 B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, (*2. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19%%, 1*2:
Co$$entary: 1rederi>0 2obbins re>ei8ed /he Nobel for \dis>o8ery of /he -bili/y of /he
$olio!yeli/is 8irus /o ro# in >ul/ures of differen/ /issues.Z Lis rese-r>h effor/s -lso
in>luded #or0 on /he $-r-si/i> !i>roor-nis!s >-usin Q fe8er. B2.N.C
Weller5 Tho2as 1!ckle 3?3
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%). Born: Pune 1%, 191%; +nn +rbor, K?. Parents:
1-/her, 6-rl Sernon Weller; Ko/her, 5lsie Lu>0le Weller. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of Ki>hi-n, A.S., 19'(; Ini8. of
Ki>hi-n, K.S., 19'&; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.D., 19)0. Spouse: N-/hleen 2. 1-hey,
!-rried +uus/ 1*, 19)%. Children: Pe/er 1-hey, son; 2ober/ +ndre#, son; N-n>y
N-/hleen, d-uh/er; P-ne/ Louise, d-uh/er. Career: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19)0:*%. Other Awards: 5. Ke-d Pohnson +#-rd, +!eri>-n +>-de!y of
Pedi-/ri>s, 19%'; Ni!ble Ke/hodoloy +#-rd, 19%); "eore Ledlie Prize, 19(';
Weins/ein 6erebr-l P-lsy +#-rd, 19&'; Aris/ol +#-rd, ?nfe>/ious Dise-ses So>ie/y of
+!eri>-, 19*0; "old Ked-l, Ini8. of 6os/- 2i>-, 19*); 1irs/ S>ien>e +>hie8e!en/
+#-rd, SJS 2ese-r>h 1ound-/ion, 199'; W-l/er 2eed Ked-l, +!eri>-n So>ie/y of
Tro$i>-l Kedi>ine, 199(.
Selected Publications: \6ul/i8-/ion of /he L-nsin S/r-in of Polio!yeli/is Sirus in
6ul/ures of S-rious Lu!-n 5!bryoni> Tissues.Z (cience 109 BP-nu-ry 2*, 19)9CH *%:*&
B#i/h 1.6. 2obbins -nd P.1. 5ndersC. roceedings of the (ociety for $xperimental
8iology and #edicine &2 B19)9CH 1%':%% B#i/h 1.6. 2obbins -nd P.1. 5ndersC. OOS/udies
of /he 6ul/i8-/ion of Polio!yeli/is Siruses in Tissue 6ul/ure. ?. The Pro$--/ion of
Polio!yeli/is Siruses in Sus$ended 6ell 6ul/ures of S-rious Lu!-n Tissues.Z 7ournal
of <mmunology (9 B19%2CH ()%:&1 B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, *'). .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19%%, 1*2:
Co$$entary: Tho!-s Weller9s Nobel #-s sh-red for \dis>o8ery of /he -bili/y of /he
$olio!yeli/is 8irus /o ro# in >ul/ures of differen/ /issues.Z Prior /o /his rese-r>h, Weller
h-d ro#n bo/h rubell- -nd >hi>0en-$o@ 8iruses in /issue >ul/ures. Lis #or0 led /o /he
de8elo$!en/ of - su>>essful $olio 8->>ine. B2.N.C
Theorell5 0/el 1!&o Theodor 3??
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%%. Born: Puly (, 190'; Lin0U$in, S#eden. Death:
+uus/ 1%, 19*2; S/o>0hol!, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, Thure Theorell; Ko/her, +r!id-
Aill Theorell. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of
S/o>0hol!, S#eden, A->helor of Kedi>ine, 192); Ini8. of S/o>0hol!, S#eden, K.D.,
19'0. Spouse: 5lin K-ri/ 5lis-be/h +lenius, !-rried 19'1. Children: Nl-s, son;
Lennin, son; Tores, son; 58- Nris/in-, d-uh/er, died 19'%. Career: Ini8. of I$$s-l-,
S#eden, Professor, 19'0:'(; Nobel Kedi>-l ?ns/i/u/e, S/o>0hol!, S#eden, Professor
-nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19'&:&0. Other Awards: 1irs/ 6l-ss 6o!!-nder, 2oy-l Order of
Nor/h S/-r; Leion d9Lonneur, 1r-n>e; Offi>er, Order Sou/hern 6ross, Ar-zil.
Selected Publications: \The Le!e-Pro/ein Lin0-e in Le!olobin -nd in Lorser-dish
Pero@id-se.Z +r0i8 Ne!i Kiner-l. "eol. 1(+ B19)'CH 1:1*. \6-/-l-ses -nd
Pero@id-ses.Z ?n The $n*ymes. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19%1, '9&:)2&. \1un>/ion
-nd S/ru>/ure of Li8er +l>ohol Dehydroen-se.Z /arvey -ectures (1 B19(&CH 1&:)1.
\?n/rodu>/ion /o Ke>h-nis!s of 5nzy!e +>/ions.Z ?n #etabolic Begulation and $n*yme
Action. LondonH +>-de!i> Press, 19&0, 1&9:*0. \Ky Life #i/h Pro/eins -nd Pros/he/i>
"rou$s.Z ?n roteolysis and hysiological Begulation. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i>, 19&%, 1:
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*' BSolu!e 29C, %*%:(21. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19%(, (22:2).
Co$$entary: +@el Theorell #on /he Nobel Prize \for his dis>o8eries >on>ernin /he
n-/ure -nd !ode of ->/ion of o@id-/ion enzy!es.Z ?n $ioneer rese-r>h, he found /h-/ /he
yello# enzy!e isol-/ed fro! ye-s/ >onsis/s of /#o $-r/s, /he firs/ -n enzy!e of 8i/-!in
A2 $lus - $hos$h-/e rou$, /he se>ond - $ro/ein -$oenzy!e. Le fur/her el-bor-/ed on
/he !e>h-nis! by #hi>h /he >oenzy!e o@idizes lu>ose. Theorell -lso s/udied
6y/o>hro!e 6, isol-/ed >rys/-lline !yolobin, -nd rese-r>hed -l>ohol dehydroen-se,
#hi>h resul/ed in /he de8elo$!en/ of blood /es/s for -l>ohol le8els. B2.N.C
%o!rnand5 0ndrH rHdHric 3?@
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%(. Born: Se$/e!ber 2), 1*9%; P-ris, 1r-n>e.
Death: 1ebru-ry 19, 19**; "re-/ A-rrin/on, K+. Parents: 1-/her, Pules 6ourn-nd;
Ko/her, K-rueri/e Weber 6ourn-nd. Nationality: 1ren>h; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen.
Religion: +nos/i>; fro! - 6hris/i-n b->0round. Education: Ini8. of P-ris-Sorbonne,
1r-n>e, A.+., 191'; Ini8. of P-ris-Sorbonne, 1r-n>e, P.6.A., 191); Ini8. of P-ris,
1r-n>e, K.D., 19'0. Spouse: Sibylle Alu!er, !-rried 192), died 19%9; 2u/h 1-bi-n,
!-rried 19(', died 19&'; Ae-/ri>e Aisho$ Aerle, !-rried +uus/ 29, 19&%. Children:
Kuriel, d-uh/er; K-rie-58e, d-uh/er; K-rie 6l-ire, d-uh/er; Pierre, son B-do$/edC.
Career: 1ren>h +r!y, 191%:19; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor -nd 2ese-r>her, 19'0:
(). Other Awards: 6roi@ de "uerre, 1r-n>e; Sil8er Ked-l, Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, 19'0;
+nders 2e/zius Sil8er Ked-l, S#edish So>ie/y of ?n/ern-l Kedi>ine, 19)(; L-s0er
+#-rd, 19)9; Pohn Philli$s Ke!ori-l +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6ollee of Physi>i-ns, 19%2;
"old Ked-l, 2oy-l +>-de!y of Kedi>ine, Aeliu!, 19%(; Pi!iniz Di-z Prize, 19&0.
P-e 129
Selected Publications: \6-/he/eriz-/ion of /he 2ih/ +uri>le in K-n.Z roceedings of
the (ociety for $xperimental 8iology and #edicine )( B19)1CH )(2:((. .ardiac
.atheteri*ation in .ongenital /eart &isease> A .linical and hysiological (tudy in
<nfants and .hildren. Ne# 3or0H 6o!!on#e-l/h 1und, 19)9 B#i/h P.S. A-ld#in -nd +.
Li!!els/einC. ulmonary .irculation> /istorical 8ac2ground and resent &ay (tatus
of Jno0ledge in #an. Leiden, Ne/herl-ndsH Ini8ersi/-ire Pers, 19%9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%&, 11&:19. =rom Boots to -ate 8udding> The <ntellectual Adventures of a #edical
(tudent. Ne# 3or0H "-rdner Press, 19*%.
Co$$entary: +ndr_ 6ourn-nd sh-red /he Nobel for \dis>o8eries >on>ernin he-r/
>-/he/eriz-/ion -nd $-/holoi>-l >h-nes in /he >ir>ul-/ory sys/e!s.Z 6ourn-nd9s #or0
#i/h Di>0inson 2i>h-rds #-s /he $rodu>/ of - lifelon in/eres/ in /he he-r/ -nd lun
sys/e!s of /he body. Lis l-/er in/eres/s e@/ended /o /he his/ory of s>ien>e -nd s>ien/ifi>
e/hi>s -nd $sy>holoy. B2.N.C
orss2ann5 Werner Theodor 3tto 3?A
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%(. Born: +uus/ 29, 190); Aerlin, "er!-ny.
Death: Pune 1, 19&9; S>ho$fhei!, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, Pulius 1orss!-nn; Ko/her,
5!!y Lindenber 1orss!-nn. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: 58-neli>-l.
Education: Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, K.D., 1929. Spouse: 5lsbe/ 5nel, !-rried 19''.
Children: Nl-us, son; Nnu/, son; Por, son; Wolf, son; Aernd, son; 2en-/e, d-uh/er.
Career: +uus/- Si0/ori- Los$i/-l, 5bers#-lde, "er!-ny, Physi>i-n, 1929:'0;
1erdin-nd S-uerbru>h 6lini>, Aerlin, "er!-ny, Physi>i-n -nd 2ese-r>her, 19'1:'2;
6i/y Los$i/-l, Dresden, "er!-ny, Physi>i-n -nd 2ese-r>her, 19'':'*; "er!-n +r!y,
Physi>i-n, 19'9:)%; A-d Nreuzn->h, "er!-ny, Physi>i-n, 19)(:%*; Dusseldorf
58-neli>-l Los$i/-l, "er!-ny, Physi>i-n, 19%*:&9. Other Awards: Leibniz Ked-l,
"er!-n +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19%); "rosses Aundes8erdiens/ Nreuz, 19%*, 19(); "old
Ked-l, So>ie/- Kedi>o 6hiruri>- di 1err-r-, 19(*; Orden/li>hes Ki/leid der
2heinis>h-Wes/f-lls>hoen +0-de!y der Wissens>h-f/en des L-ndes Nordrhein
Wes/f-len, 19(*; 6o!!-nder, Ordre des P-l!es +>-de!iGues, 19&1.
Selected Publications: OODie Sondierun des 2e>h/en Lerzens.Z Jlinische
%ochenschrift * B1929CH 20*%:*&. \Te>hni0 und Pr-0/is>he Aeden/un der
Lerz0-/he/erun fur die 1un0/ionelle Di-nos/i0 und die Ther-$ie 8on Lerzund
Lunener0r-n0unen.Z #ed. Jlin., 8erl )* BO>/ober '0, 19%'CH 1(1):20 B#i/h W. Aol/
-nd L. 2in0C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%&, 190:92. (elbstversuch> $rinnerungen $ines .hirurgen. DRsseldorf, "er!-nyH
Dros/e, 19&2 B$xperiments on #yself> #emoirs of a (urgeon in 5ermany. Tr. by Lil-ry
D-8ies. Ne# 3or0H S/. K-r/in9s Press, 19&)C.
Co$$entary: Werner 1orss!-nn re>ei8ed /he Nobel in re>oni/ion of \dis>o8eries
>on>ernin he-r/ >-/he/eriz-/ion -nd $-/holoi>-l >h-nes in /he >ir>ul-/ory sys/e!.Z Le
rese-r>hed -nd in/rodu>ed /he $ro>ess /h-/ #-s l-/er de8elo$ed fur/her by 2i>h-rds -nd
6ourn-nd. Le s$e>i-lized bo/h in #or0 -nd in rese-r>h -s - he-r/ -nd $ul!on-ry
sureon -nd urolois/. B2.N.C
4ichards5 (ickinson Woodr!ff 3?B
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%(. Born: O>/ober '0, 1*9%; Or-ne, NP. Death:
1ebru-ry 2', 19&'; L-0e8ille, 6T. Parents: 1-/her, Di>0inson Woodruff 2i>h-rds;
Ko/her, S-lly L-!ber/ 2i>h-rds. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Presby/eri-n.
Education: 3-le Ini8., 6T, +.A., 191&; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, K.+., 1922; 6olu!bi-
Ini8., N3, K.D., 192'. Spouse: 6ons/-n>e A. 2iley, !-rried Se$/e!ber 19, 19'1.
Children: ?d- 5., d-uh/er; +nn L., d-uh/er; 6ons/-n>e L., d-uh/er; "er/rude W.,
d-uh/er. Career: Presby/eri-n Los$i/-l, N3, Physi>i-n, 192':2&; N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/e for
Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h, London, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 192&:2*; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3,
Professor, 192*:&'. Other Awards: 6he8-lier Leion of Lonor, 1r-n>e.
Selected Publications: \The 6ir>ul-/ion in Tr-u!-/i> Sho>0 in K-n.Z /arvey -ectures
'9 B19)':))CH 21&. \6-rdi-> Ou/$u/ by /he 6-/he/eriz-/ion Te>hniGue in S-rious
6lini>-l 6ondi/ions.Z =ederation roceedings ) B19)%CH 21%. \6on/ribu/ions of 2ih/
Le-r/ 6-/he/eriz-/ion /o /he Physioloy of 6ones/i8e Le-r/ 1-ilure.Z American 7ournal
of #edicine ' B19)&CH )').
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%&, )%&:%9. The 'ational .yclopedia of American 8iography. Ne# 3or0H P-!es T.
Whi/e, 19(0 BSolu!e ?C, ''(:'&.
Co$$entary: Di>0inson 2i>h-rds sh-red /he Nobel for \dis>o8eries >on>ernin he-r/
>-/he/eriz-/ion -nd $-/holoi>-l >h-nes in /he >ir>ul-/ory sys/e!s.Z 2i>h-rds9s #or0
#i/h +ndre 6ourn-nd !-de fe-sible /he -$$li>-/ion of /he !e/hod e-rlier de8ised by
Werner 1orss!-nn. Throuhou/ - lon >-reer, he >on/inued /o in8es/i-/e /he $roble!s
of $ul!on-ry -nd >-rdi-> $hysioloy -nd /he di-nosis of >lini>-l disorders in /hese
sys/e!s. B2.N.C
+o>et5 (aniel 3?C
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%&. Born: K-r>h 2', 190&; Neu>h-/el, S#i/zerl-nd.
Death: +$ril 9, 1992; 2o!e, ?/-ly. Parents: 1-/her, Pierre Ao8e/; Ko/her, +!y A-bu/
Ao8e/. Nationality: S#iss; l-/er ?/-li-n >i/izen. Religion: 1ro! 6-l8inis/ b->0round.
Education: Ini8. of "ene8-, S#i/zerl-nd, K.S., 192&; Ini8. of "ene8-, S#i/zerl-nd,
D.S>., 1929. Spouse: 1ilo!en- Ni//i, !-rried K-r>h 19, 19'*. Children: 2 d-uh/ers;
D-ni`le, son. Career: ?ns/i/u/ P-s/eur, P-ris, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her, 1929:)&; ?ns/i/u/o
Su$eriore di S-ni/-, 2o!e, ?/-ly, 2ese-r>her, 19)&:(); Ini8. of S-ss-ri, ?/-ly, Professor,
19():&1; 2o!e Ini8., ?/-ly, Professor, 19&1:&&. Other Awards: K-r/in D-!oure//e
Prize, 1r-n>e, 19'(; "ener-l Ku/e-u Prize, ?/-ly, 19)1; 6he8-lier de l- Leion
d9Lonneur, 19)(; Auri Prize, S#i/zerl-nd, 19)9; +ddinh-! "old Ked-l, 5nl-nd,
19%2; Order of Keri/, ?/-ly, 19%9.
Selected Publications: (tructure .himi4ue et ActivitD harmacodynami4ue du (ysteme
'erveux 6egetatif. A-sel, S#i/zerl-ndH N-rer, 19)* B#i/h 1. Ao8e/-Ni//iC. .urare and
.urare@li2e Agents. +!s/erd-!H 5lse8ier Publishin 6o., 19%9 B#i/h 1. Ao8e/-Ni//i -nd
".A. K-rini-Ae//oloC. .ontrolling &rugs. S-n 1r-n>is>o, 6+H Possey-A-ss, 19&) B#i/h
P-e 1'0
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, 9*:99. 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 199) BSolu!e '9C, %9. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H
L.W. Wilson, 19%*, %%:%(.
Co$$entary: D-niele Ao8e/ #-s r-n/ed /he Nobel \for his dis>o8eries rel-/in /o
syn/he/i> >o!$ounds /h-/ inhibi/ /he ->/ion of >er/-in body subs/-n>es, -nd es$e>i-lly
/heir ->/ion on /he 8-s>ul-r sys/e! -nd /he s0ele/-l !us>les.Z +!on his >on/ribu/ions
#-s $ioneer #or0 on /he sulf-nili!ids, -n/ihis/-!ines, >ur-re-li0e -nes/he/i>s, br-in-
influen>in drus, -nd o@y/o>i> subs/-n>es. B+.N.C
+eadle5 6eor&e Wells 3?9
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%*. Born: O>/ober 22, 190'; W-hoo, N5. Death:
Pune 9, 19*9; Po!on-, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, 6h-un>ey 5l!er Ae-dle; Ko/her, L-//ie
+lbro Ae-dle. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/.
Education: Ini8. of Nebr-s0-, A.S., 192(; Ini8. of Nebr-s0-, K.S., 192&; 6ornell
Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 19'1. Spouse: K-rion 6e>ile Lill, !-rried +uus/ 22, 192*, di8or>ed
19%'; Kuriel K>6lure Aurne//, !-rried +uus/ 12, 19%'. Children: D-8id, son. Career:
6ornell Ini8., ?/h->-, N3, 2ese-r>her, 192(:'1; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy,
Professor, 19'1:'%; ?ns/i/u/ de Aioloie, P-ris, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her, 19'%; L-r8-rd Ini8.,
K+, Professor, 19'(:'&; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19'&:)(; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19)(:(1; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or,
19(1:&%. Other Awards: L-s0er +#-rd, +!eri>-n Publi> Le-l/h +sso>i-/ion, 19%0;
Dyer +#-rd, 19%1; 5!il 6. L-nsen Prize, Den!-r0, 19%'; +lber/ 5ins/ein
6o!!e!or-/i8e +#-rd in S>ien>e, 19%*; N-/ion-l +#-rd of +!eri>-n 6-n>er So>ie/y,
19%9; Ni!ber "ene/i>s +#-rd, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>e, 19(0; Pries/ley Ke!ori-l
+#-rd, 19(&; Don-ld 1orsh- Pones Ked-l, 19&2.
Selected Publications: An <ntroduction to 5enetics. Phil-del$hi-, P+H W.A. S-unders,
19'9 B#i/h +.L. S/ur/e8-n/C. The -anguage of the 5ene. LondonH Ini8. of London
Press, 19(0. 5enetics and #odern 8iology. Phil-del$hi-, P+H +!eri>-n Philoso$hi>-l
So>ie/y, 19('. The -anguage of -ife. Ne# 3or0H Doubled-y, 19(( B#i/h K.K. Ae-dleC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%(, '&:'9. 'ational .yclopedia of American 8iography. Ne# 3or0H P-!es T. Whi/e,
19() B6urren/ Solu!e PC, '&2:&'. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BPune 12,
19*9CH %'1. 8iographical #emoirs. 'ational Academy of (ciences. W-shin/on, D6H
N-/ion-l +>-de!y Press, 1990, Solu!e %9, 2&.
Co$$entary: "eore Ae-dle sh-red /he Nobel Prize for \fund-!en/-l >on/ribu/ions in
/he field of bio>he!i>-l -nd !i>robi-l ene/i>s.Z Lis ene/i> s/udies $roressed fro!
!-ize /o Droso$hil- /o Neuros$or- >r-ss-, /he red bre-d !old. ?n /he s/udies of
'eurospora, Ae-dle found !u/-/ions by irr-di-/ion /h-/ >ould be re8ersed by Si/-!in
A( -ddi/ions -nd >on>luded /h-/ s$e>ifi> enes >on/rolled >he!i>-l syn/hesis in >ells.
The rese-r>h for #hi>h /he Nobel #-s -#-rded l-id /he found-/ions of bio>he!i>-l
ene/i>s. BP.K.C
#ederber&5 <osh!a 3@0
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%*. Born: K-y 2', 192%; Kon/>l-ir, NP. Parents:
1-/her, J#i Lirs>h Lederber; Ko/her, 5s/her "oldenb-u! Lederber. Nationality:
+!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, A.+., 19)); 3-le Ini8.,
6T, Ph.D., 19)&. Spouse: 5s/her Kiri-! Ji!!er, !-rried 19)(, di8or>ed 19(*;
K-rueri/e S/ein Nirs>h, !-rried +$ril %, 19(*. Children: D-8id, son; +nne, d-uh/er.
Career: Ini8. of Wis>onsin, Professor, 19)&:%*; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19%*:&*; 2o>0efeller Ini8., N3, Presiden/, 19&*:90; Professor
5!eri/us, 1990-. Other Awards: 5li Lilly +#-rd, 19%'; P-s/eur +#-rd, So>ie/y of
?llinois A->/eriolois/s, 19%(; Pro>/er Prize, 19*2. N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19*9;
+l-n Ne#ell +#-rd, +6K, 199(; Pohn S/e-rns +#-rd, Ne# 3or0 +>-de!y of Kedi>ine,
199(; K-@#ell 1inl-nd +#-rd, N6?N, 199&.
Selected Publications: apers in #icrobial 5enetics. K-dison, W?H Ini8. of Wis>onsin
Press, 19%2. \Siruses, "enes -nd 6ells.Z 8acteriological Bevie0s 21 B19%&CH 1'':'9.
\A->/eri-l 2e$rodu>/ion.Z /arvey -ectures %' B19%9CH (9:*2. Tables and Algorithms for
.alculating =unctional 5roups of Organic #olecules in /igh #ass (pectrometry. P-lo
+l/o, 6+H S/-nford Ini8. Press, 19().
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, )&9:*0. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19%9,
2%1:%2. The $xcitement and =ascination of (cience. P-lo +l/o, 6+H +nnu-l 2e8ie#s,
?n>., 1990, Sol. ', P-r/ 1, *9':91%.
Co$$entary: Poshu- Lederber9s Nobel #-s r-n/ed \for his dis>o8eries >on>ernin
ene/i> re>o!bin-/ion -nd /he or-niz-/ion of /he ene/i> !-/eri-l of b->/eri-.99 Lis
s/udies sho#ed /h-/, in so!e >-ses, b->/eri- #ere se@u-l, b-sed on /he #or0 #i/h
$scherichio coli. Lederber -lso s/udied b->/eri-l /r-nsdu>/ion=ene/i> infor!-/ion
/r-nsfer ->ross b-rriers by (almonella=/h-/ led /o /he l-/er #or0 in ene/i> enineerin.
Tat!25 "d)ard #a)rie 3@1
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%*. Born: De>e!ber 1), 1909; Aoulder, 6O. Death:
No8e!ber %, 19&%; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, +r/hur L-#rie T-/u!; Ko/her,
K-bel Webb T-/u!. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 1ro! Qu-0er b->0round.
Education: Ini8. of Wis>onsin, +.A., 19'1; Ini8. of Wis>onsin, K.+., 19'2; Ini8. of
Wis>onsin, Ph.D., 19'). Spouse: Pune +l/on, !-rried Puly 2*, 19'), di8or>ed 19%(;
Siol- N-n/or, !-rried De>e!ber 1(, 19%(, died +$ril 21, 19&); 5lsie Aerlund, !-rried
19&). Children: K-r-re/ 6-rol, d-uh/er; A-rb-r- +nn, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of
Wis>onsin, 2ese-r>her, 19'%; Ini8. of I/re>h/, Ne/herl-nds, 2ese-r>her, 19'(:'&;
S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19'&:)%; 3-le Ini8., Ne# L-8en, 6T, Professor, 19)*:
%(; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19%(:%&; 2o>0efeller ?ns/i/u/e, N3, Professor, 19%&:
&%. Other Awards: 2e!sen +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19%'.
Selected Publications: \"ene/i> 6on/rol of Aio>he!i>-l 2e->/ions in Neuros$or-.Z
roceedings of the 'ational Academy of (ciences 2& B19)1CH )99:%0( B#i/h ". Ae-dleC.
\"ene/i> 6on/rol of Aio>he!i>-l 2e->/ions in Neuros$or-H +n +!inobenzoi>less
Ku/-n/.Z roceedings of the 'ational
P-e 1'1
Academy of (ciences 2* B19)2CH 2'):() B#i/h ". Ae-dleC. \"ene 2e>o!bin-/ion in /he
A->/eriu! 5s>heri>hi- 6oli.Z 7ournal of 8acteriology %' B19)&CH (&':*) B#i/h P.
LederberC. \Se@ in A->/eri-H "ene/i> S/udies, 19)%:19%2.Z (cience 11* B19%'CH 1(9:&)
B#i/h P. LederberC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%9, )'&:'9. The $xcitement and =ascination of (cience. P-lo +l/o, 6+H +nnu-l
2e8ie#s, ?n>., 1990, Sol. ', P-r/ 1, &&%:&9. 'ational .yclopedia of American
8iography. Ne# 3or0H P-!es T. Whi/e, 19() B6urren/ Solu!e PCH )&%. 8iographical
#emoirs. 'ational Academy of (ciences. W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y Press,
1990, Solu!e %9, '%&.
Co$$entary: 5d#-rd T-/u! sh-red /he Nobel Prize \for dis>o8erin /h-/ enes ->/ by
reul-/in s$e>ifi> >he!i>-l $ro>esses.Z Lis >-reer in>luded #or0 on /he nu/ri/ion -nd
!e/-bolis! of Droso$hil-, on inheri/ed defe>/s in eye $i!en/ de8elo$!en/ in
Droso$hil-, on !u/-/ion -nd heredi/-ry >h-r->/eris/i> /r-ns!ission in rel-/ion /o enes in
'eurospora crassa, on bio>he!i>-l !u/-/ions -nd nu/ri/ion of $scherichia coli, -nd on
ene/i> re>o!bin-/ion. BP.K.C
8ornber&5 0rth!r 3@2
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%9. Born: K-r>h ', 191*; Aroo0lyn, N3. Parents:
1-/her, Pose$h Nornber; Ko/her, Len- N-/z Nornber. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: Pe#ish. Education: 6i/y 6ollee of Ne# 3or0, A.S., 19'&; Ini8. of
2o>hes/er, N3, K.D., 19)1. Spouse: Syl8y 2. Le8y, !-rried No8e!ber 21, 19)', died
19*(; 6h-rlene W-lsh Le8erin, !-rried 19**, died 199%. Children: 2oer D-8id, son;
Tho!-s Aill, son; Nenne/h +ndre#, son. Career: N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/es of Le-l/h, KD,
2ese-r>her, 19)2:%2; W-shin/on Ini8., KO, Professor, 19%':%9; S/-nford Ini8., 6+,
Professor, 19%9:**. Other Awards: P-ul-Le#is L-bor-/ory +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l
So>ie/y, 19%1; Sil8er Ked-l, 1eder-l Se>uri/y +en>y, 19%2; Lu>y Wor/h-! P-!es
+#-rd, P-!es 5#in So>ie/y, 19(*; K-@ Aer +#-rd, 19(*; S>ien>e +>hie8e!en/
+#-rd, +!eri>-n Kedi>-l +sso>i-/ion, 19(*; Aorden +#-rd, +!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion of
Kedi>-l 6ollees, 19(*; +lber/ "-ll-/in Ked-l, Ne# 3or0 Ini8., 19&0; P.K. 2ussell
Ked-l, 19&0; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, Ini/ed S/-/es, 19*0; "-irdner 1ound-/ion
?n/ern-/ion-l +#-rd, 199%.
Selected Publications: /arvey -ectures %' B19%&:%*CH *'. $n*ymatic (ynthesis of &'A.
Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19(1. \5nzy!-/i> Syn/hesis of DN+. 44???. Syn/hesis of 6ir>ul-r
2e$li>-/i8e 1or! of Ph-e Phi 41&)DN+.Z roceedings of the 'ational Academy of
(ciences %* B19(&CH 1&2':'0 B#i/h K. "ouli-nC. \5nzy!-/i> Syn/hesis of DN+. 44?S.
Syn/hesis of ?nfe>/ious Ph-e Phi 41&)DN+.99 roceedings of the 'ational Academy of
(ciences %* B19(&CH 2'21:2* B#i/h K. "ouli-n -nd 2. Sinshei!erC. &'A Beplication.
Ne# 3or0H W.L. 1ree!-n, 19*0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(*, 210:12. =or the -ove of $n*ymes. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 1991.
'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1(, 19%9CH 1.
Co$$entary: +r/hur Nornber #on /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions \/o /he
dis>o8ery of /he !e>h-nis!s in /he bioloi>-l syn/hesis of ribonu>lei> ->id -nd
deo@yribonu>lei> ->id.Z +/ /he beinnin of his >-reer, Nornber s/udied /he
!e>h-nis!s of for!-/ion of i!$or/-n/ >oenzy!es Bfl-8in -denine dinu>leo/ide -nd
ni>o/in-!ide -denine dinu>leo/ideC. This led /o /he dis>o8ery of /he enzy!e DN+
$oly!er-se, #hi>h >-/-lyzes for!-/ion of shor/ DN+ !ole>ules. Nornber9s l-/er
rese-r>h >en/ered -round re->/ions in /he Nrebs >y>le -nd on $hos$holi$id syn/hesis.
3choa5 -e>ero 3@3
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19%9. Born: Se$/e!ber 2), 190%; Lu-r>-, S$-in.
Death: No8e!ber 1, 199'; K-drid, S$-in. Parents: 1-/her, Se8ero O>ho-; Ko/her,
6-r!en de +lbornoz O>ho-. Nationality: S$-nish; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion:
6hris/i-n. Education: K-l-- 6ollee, S$-in, A.+., 1921; Ini8. of K-drid, S$-in,
K.D., 1929. Spouse: 6-r!en "-r>i- 6obi-n, !-rried Puly *, 19'1, died 19*(.
Children: None. Career: N-iser-Wilhel! ?ns/i/u/e, Aerlin, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 1929:
'&; K-rine Aioloi>-l L-bor-/ory, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19'&; Ini8. of O@ford,
5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19'*:)0; W-shin/on Ini8., KO, 2ese-r>her, 19)1:)2; Ne# 3or0
Ini8., Professor, 19)2:&%; 2o>he ?ns/i/u/e of Kole>ul-r Aioloy, NP, 2ese-r>her, 19&%:
*%. Other Awards: Neuber Ked-l +#-rd, So>ie/y of 5uro$e-n 6he!is/s, 19%1; 6h-rles
Keyer Pri>e +#-rd, So>ie/_ de 6hi!ie AioloiGue, 19%%; Aorden +#-rd, +sso>i-/ion of
+!eri>-n Kedi>-l 6ollees, 19%*; Ne# 3or0 Ini8. Ked-l, 19(0; Order of /he 2isin
Sun, 2nd 6l-ss "old Ked-l, P-$-n, 19(&; Que8edo "old Ked-l, S$-in, 19(9; +lber/
"-ll-/in Ked-l, 19&0; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19&9.
Selected Publications: \5nzy!-/i> Syn/hesis -nd Are-0-do#n of Polynu>leo/ides;
Polynu>leo/ide Phos$horyl-se.Z 7ournal of the American .hemical (ociety && B19%%CH
'1(%:(( B#i/h K. "runber-K-n-oC. \5nzy!-/i> Syn/hesis of Nu>lei> +>idli0e
Polynu>leo/ides.Z (cience 122 B19%%CH 90&:10 B#i/h K. "runber-K-n-o -nd P.P.
Or/izC. \S!-ll Polyribonu>leo/ides #i/h %
Phos$ho!onoes/er 5nd-"rou$s.Z (cience
12' B19%(CH )1%:1& B#i/h L.+. Le$$el -nd P.P. Or/izC. -a .lare 5enetica, 8ase ?uimica
de la /erencia. A-r>elon-, S$-inH 2e-l +>-de!i- de 6ien>i-s y +r/es de A-r>elon-,
19(). #acromolecules> 8iosynthesis and =unction. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19&0.
6iruses, Oncogenes, and .ancer. Ne# 3or0H N-rer, 19*%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(2, '2&:29. The $xcitement and =ascination of (cience. P-lo +l/o, 6+H +nnu-l
2e8ie#s, ?n>., 1990, Sol. ', P-r/ 1, 291:'20. "o!ezS-n/os, K. (evero Ochoa. K-dridH
Pir-!id-, 199'. (cience BO>/ober 2', 19%9CH 1099:1100.
Co$$entary: Se8ero O>ho- sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions \/o /he
dis>o8ery of /he !e>h-nis!s in /he bioloi>-l syn/hesis of ribonu>lei> ->id -nd
deo@yribonu>lei> ->id.Z Lis rese-r>h on hih-enery $hos$h-/es -nd /heir role in /he
body9s enery $ro>esses resul/ed in /he dis>o8ery -nd -$$li>-/ion of /he enzy!e
$olynu>leo/ide $hos$horyl-se, #hi>h >-/-lyzes /he syn/hesis of 2N+. O>ho- -lso
s/udied enzy!e >-/-lysis of re->/ions in /he Nrebs >y>le. BP.6.C
P-e 1'2
+!rnet5 rank ,acarlane5 -ir 3@?
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(0. Born: Se$/e!ber ', 1*99; Tr-r-lon, Si>/ori-,
+us/r-li-. Death: +uus/ '1, 19*%; Kelbourne, +us/r-li-. Parents: 1-/her, 1r-n0
Aurne/; Ko/her, L-d-ss-h Pollo>0 K->N-y Aurne/. Nationality: +us/r-li-n. Religion:
Presby/eri-n. Education: Kelbourne Ini8., +us/r-li-, K.+., 1922; Kelbourne Ini8.,
+us/r-li-, K.D., 192'; Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 192*. Spouse: 5di/h Lind-
K-rs/on Dru>e, !-rried Puly 10, 192*, died 19&'; L-zel 1ole//- Pen0in, !-rried 19&(.
Children: ?-n, son; 5liz-be/h, d-uh/er; Debor-h, d-uh/er. Career: Kelbourne
Los$i/-l, +us/r-li-, Physi>i-n, 192':2); Lis/er ?ns/i/u/e, London, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her,
192(:2&; W-l/er -nd 5liz- L-ll ?ns/i/u/e for Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h, Kelbourne, +us/r-li-,
Physi>i-n -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 192*:(%. Other Awards: 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y,
19)&; Nnih/hood, 19%1; L-s0er +#-rd, 19%2; Son Aehrin Prize, K-rbur Ini8.,
"er!-ny, 19%2; "-len Ked-l, So>ie/y of +$o/he>-ries, 19%*; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l
So>ie/y, 19%9.
Selected Publications: 8iological Aspects of <nfectious &isease. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n,
19)0. 6irus as Organism. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19)%. rinciples of
Animal 6irology. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19%%. .lonal (election> Theory of
Ac4uired <mmunity. N-sh8ille, TNH S-nderbil/ Ini8. Press, 19%9. <mmunology, Aging
and .ancer. S-n 1r-n>is>o, 6+H W.L. 1ree!-n, 19&(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*& BSolu!e ''C, 100:1(2. .hanging atterns> an Atypical
Autobiography. Ne# 3or0H +!eri>-n 5lse8ier, 19(*. \1if/y 3e-rs On.Z 8ritish #edical
7ournal 2 B19()CH 1091. Norry, 2. 6irus /unter in Australia. Kelbourne, +us/r-li-H
Nelson, 19((. Se@/on, 6. The (eeds of Time. O@ford, 5nl-ndH O@ford Ini8. Press,
Co$$entary: K->1-rl-ne Aurne/ sh-red /he Nobel \for /he dis>o8ery of ->Guired
i!!unoloi>-l /oler-n>e,Z for #hi>h he $ro8ided /he hy$o/hesis /h-/ #-s /he i!$e/us
for /he e@$eri!en/-/ion by Sir Pe/er Ked-#-r. Lis #or0 on /he -lu/inins of /y$hoid
fe8er, his rese-r>h on influenz- 8irus -nd o/her 8irus bioloy, -nd his s/udies of
h-e!-lu/in-/ion should -lso be !en/ioned. BA.?.K.C
,eda)ar5 Peter +rian5 -ir 3@@
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(0. Born: 1ebru-ry 2*, 191%; 2io de P-neiro, Ar-zil.
Death: O>/ober 2, 19*&; London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Ni>hol-s Ked-#-r; Ko/her,
5di/h Kuriel Do#lin Ked-#-r. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education:
O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+., 19'%; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 19'9; O@ford Ini8.,
5nl-nd, D.S>i., 19)%. Spouse: Pe-n Shinle#ood T-ylor, !-rried 1ebru-ry 2&, 19'&.
Children: 6-roline, d-uh/er; Louise, d-uh/er; 6h-rles, son; +le@-nder, son. Career:
O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19'*:)&; Air!inh-! Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor
-nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19)&:%1; Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or,
19%1:(2; N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/e for Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h, Kill Lill, 5nl-nd, Dire>/or, 19(2:
&1; 6lini>-l 2ese-r>h 6en/re, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19&1:*&. Other Awards: 5d#-rd
6h-$!-n 2ese-r>h Prize, 19'*; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19%9; Nnih/hood, 19(%;
6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(9; L-!il/on 1-irley Ked-l, 2oy-l 6ollee of
Physi>i-ns, 19&1; Order of Keri/, 19*1.
Selected Publications: The =uture of #an. Ne# 3or0H A-si> Aoo0s, 19(0.
\Tr-ns$l-n/-/ion of Tissues -nd Or-ns.99 8ritish #edical 8ulletin 2& B19(%C. The -ife
(cience> .urrent <deas of 8iology. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19&& B#i/h P.S.
Ked-#-rC. Advice to a 1oung (cientist> (cientific apers on 5ro0th, Aging, %ound
/ealing and Transplantation. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er 6olo$hon Aoo0s, 19*1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1990 BSolu!e '%C, 2*2:'01. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19(1, '0':0%. Ked-#-r, P. A 6ery &ecided reference. Ne# 3or0H
W. W. Nor/on 6o., 1990. #emoir of a Thin2ing Badish> An Autobiography. O@ford,
5nl-ndH O@ford Ini8. Press, 19*(.
Co$$entary: Pe/er Ked-#-r sh-red /he Nobel \for /he dis>o8ery of ->Guired
i!!unoloi>-l /oler-n>e,Z for #hi>h he $ro8ided /he e@$eri!en/-l e8iden>e /o su$$or/
K->1-rl-ne Aurne/9s hy$o/hesis. Le -lso >-rried ou/ rese-r>h in /he -re-s of ro#/h,
-in, -nd >ellul-r /r-nsfor!-/ions -nd >on/ribu/ed no/-ble #ri/ins on /he $hiloso$hy
of s>ien>e. B2.N.C
=on +HkHs$5 6eor& 3@A
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(1. Born: Pune ', 1*99; Aud-$es/, Lun-ry. Death:
Pune 1', 19&2; Lonolulu, L?. Parents: 1-/her, +le@-nder Son A_0_sy; Ko/her, P-ul-
K-z-ly Son A_0_sy. Nationality: Lun-ri-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion:
6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of Aud-$es/, Lun-ry, Ph.D., 192'. Spouse: None.
Children: None. Career: Lun-ri-n Tele$hone Sys/e!, 6o!!uni>-/ions 5nineer,
192':)(; N-rolins0- ?ns/i/u/e, S/o>0hol!, S#eden, 2ese-r>her, 19)(:)&; L-r8-rd
Ini8., K+, Professor, 19)&:((; Ini8. of L-#-ii, Professor, 19((:&2. Other Awards:
Den0er Prize, 19'1; Leibniz Ked-l, +0-de!ie der Wissens>h-f/en, Aerlin, "er!-ny,
19'&; +>-de!y +#-rd, +>-de!y of S>ien>e, Aud-$es/, Lun-ry, 19)(; Sh-!b-uh
Prize, 19%0; Lo#-rd 6rosby W-rren Ked-l, So>ie/y of 5@$eri!en/-l Psy>holois/s,
19%%; "old Ked-l, +!eri>-n O/oloi>-l So>ie/y, 19%&; +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, De-fness
2ese-r>h 1ound-/ion, 19(1; "old Ked-l, +>ous/i>-l So>ie/y of +!eri>-, 19(1.
Selected Publications: $xperiments in /earing. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19(0
B>olle>/ion of his $-$ersC. (ensory <nhibition. Prin>e/on, NPH Prin>e/on Ini8. Press,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, (0. 8iographical #emoirs of the 'ational Academy of (ciences.
W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19&9, 2%:)9. .urrent 8iography
1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19(2, '(:'*. D-niel, P. 8D2Dsy 5yorgy. Aud-$es/,
Lun-ryH +0-de!i-i N-ido, 1990. The $xcitement and =ascination of (cience. P-lo
+l/o, 6+H +nnu-l 2e8ie#s, ?n>., 19&*, Sol. 2, (%&:&2.
Co$$entary: "eor Son A_0_sy #on /he Nobel for his \dis>o8eries >on>ernin /he
$hysi>-l !e>h-nis!s of s/i!ul-/ion #i/hin /he >o>hle-,Z #hi>h $er!i//ed /he
e@$l-n-/ion of ho# $ersons dis/inuished be/#een sounds. Lis en/ire >-reer #-s de8o/ed
/o /he e-r, in>ludin /he de8elo$!en/ of ins/ru!en/-/ion -s #ell -s e@$eri!en/-/ion. Son
P-e 1''
#or0 #-s ins/ru!en/-l in -d8-n>es in !e-surin de-fness, in surery of /he e-r, -nd in
#or0in /o#-rd res/orin he-rin. B2.N.C
%rick5 rancis 1arr$ %o2pton 3@B
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(2. Born: Pune *, 191(; Nor/hh-!$/on, 5nl-nd.
Parents: 1-/her, L-rry 6ri>0; Ko/her, +nnie 5liz-be/h Wil0ins 6ri>0. Nationality:
Ari/ish. Religion: +/heis/; fro! 6onre-/ion-lis/ b->0round. Education: Ini8. of
London, 5nl-nd, A.S>., 19'&; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19%). Spouse: 2u/h
Doreen Dodd, !-rried 19)0, di8or>ed 19)&; Odile S$eed, !-rried 19)9. Children:
Ki>h-el, son; "-brielle, d-uh/er; P->Gueline, d-uh/er. Career: Ari/ish +d!ir-l/y,
2ese-r>her, 19'9:)&; S/r-ne#-ys 2ese-r>h L-bor-/ory, 6-!bride, 5nl-nd,
2ese-r>her, 19)&:)9; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19)9:&&; S-l0 ?ns/i/u/e for
Aioloi>-l S/udies, S-n Dieo, 6+, Professor, 19&&-. Other Awards: W-rren Trienni-l
Prize, 19%9; +lber/ L-s0er +#-rd, 19(0; Pri@ 6h-rles Leo$old K-yer, 1ren>h +>-de!y
of S>ien>es, 19(1; 2ese-r>h 6or$or-/ion +#-rd, 19(1; "-irdner 1ound-/ion Ked-l,
19(2; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&2; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&%;
Ki>helson-Korley +#-rd, 6le8el-nd, OL, 19*1; AenM-!in P. 6heney Ked-l, 19*(;
"olden Pl-/e +#-rd, 19*&; +lber/ Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y of /he +r/s, 19*&; Order of
Keri/, 1991; Phil-del$hi- Liber/y Ked-l, 2000.
Selected Publications: \S/ru>/ure for Deo@yribose Nu>lei> +>id.Z 'ature 1&1 B+$ril 2%,
19%'CH &'&. \"ene/i>-l ?!$li>-/ions of /he S/ru>/ure of Deo@yribonu>lei> +>id.Z 'ature
1&1 BK-y '0, 19%'CH 9():(&. The 5enetic .ode. <<<. S-n 1r-n>is>oH W.L. 1ree!-n,
19((. Of #olecules and #en. Se-//leH Ini8. of W-shin/on Press, 19((. -ife <tself> <ts
Origin and 'ature. Ne# 3or0H Si!on -nd S>hus/er, 19*1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Asimov)s 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cience and
Technology. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, 19*2, *%9:(1. 8iographical $ncyclopedia of
(cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s on 1ile, 19*1, 1(*:(9. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19*', (*:&1. Ne#/on, D. 7ames %atson and =rancis .ric2. Ne#
3or0H 1->/s on 1ile, 1992.
Co$$entary: 1r-n>is 6ri>0 #on /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 le-din /o \dis>o8eries
>on>ernin /he s/ru>/ure of nu>lei> ->ids -nd i/s sinifi>-n>e for infor!-/ion /r-nsfer in
li8in !-/eri-l.Z Oriin-lly - $hysi>is/ #ho #or0ed on $roble!s of r-d-r -nd !-ne/i>
!ines, he en/ered !ole>ul-r bioloy #i/h his >ol-ure-/e, P-!es W-/son, in #or0 #hi>h
defined /he !ole>ul-r s/ru>/ure of DN+, -nd e@$l-ined ho# i/ re$li>-/ed. 6ri>0
>on/inued /o #or0 on /he unders/-ndin of /he ene/i> >ode, $ro$osed /he e@is/en>e of
/r-nsfer 2N+s, -nd for!ul-/ed /he \>en/r-l do!-Z of !ole>ul-r ene/i>s. Lis l-/er
rese-r>h fo>used on /he br-in. B2.N.C
Watson5 <a2es (e)e$ 3@C
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(2. Born: +$ril (, 192*; 6hi>-o, ?L. Parents:
1-/her, P-!es De#ey W-/son; Ko/her, Pe-n Ki/>hell W-/son. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: 1ro! 5$is>o$-li-n,6-/holi> b->0round. Education: Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L,
A.S., 19)&; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Ph. A., 19)&; ?ndi-n- Ini8., Ph.D., 19%0. Spouse:
5liz-be/h Le#is, !-rried 19(*. Children: Dun>-n P-!es, son; 2ufus 2ober/, son.
Career: Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, 2ese-r>her, 19%0:%1; 6-!bride Ini8.,
5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19%1:%'; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 2ese-r>her, 19%':%%;
L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19%%:&(; 6old S$rin L-rbor L-bor-/ory, N3, Dire>/or,
19(*:9', Presiden/, 199)-. Other Awards: Pohn 6ollins W-rren Prize, K-ss->huse//s
"ener-l Los$i/-l, 19%9; 5li Lilly +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19%9; +lber/
L-s0er Prize, +!eri>-n Publi> Le-l/h +sso>i-/ion, 19(0; 2ese-r>h 6or$or-/ion Prize,
19(2; 6-r/y Ked-l, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19&1; Presiden/i-l Ked-l of
1reedo!, 19&&, 19*9; N-ul 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 199'; 6o$ley Ked-l, 199'; N-/ion-l
Aio/e>hnoloy Sen/ure +#-rd, 199'; 6h-rles +. D-n- +#-rd, 199); Lo!onoso8 Ked-l,
199%; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 199&; Phil-del$hi- Liber/y Ked-l, 2000.
Selected Publications: \S/ru>/ure for Deo@yrib-se Nu>lei> +>id.99 'ature 1&1 B+$ril 2%,
19%'CH &'&. \"ene/i>-l ?!$li>-/ions of /he S/ru>/ure of Deo@yribonu>lei> +>id.Z 'ature
1&1 BK-y '0, 19%'CH 9():(&. #olecular 8iology of the 5ene. Kenlo P-r0, 6+H W.+.
AenM-!in, 19(%. The &'A (tory. S-n 1r-n>is>oH W.L. 1ree!-n, 19*1 B#i/h P. ToozeC.
The #olecular 8iology of the .ell. Ne# 3or0H "-rl-nd, 19*' B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A-ld#in, P. &'A ioneer. Ne# 3or0H W-l0er -nd 6o.,
199). .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19(', )%*:(0. The &ouble
/elix. Ne# 3or0H +/heneu!, 19(*. 'e0 1or2 Times B+$ril &, 199*CH 11.
Co$$entary: P-!es W-/son sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions /o \dis>o8eries
>on>ernin /he s/ru>/ure of nu>lei> ->ids -nd i/s sinifi>-n>e for infor!-/ion /r-nsfer in
li8in !-/eri-l.Z Lis l-nd!-r0 >oll-bor-/ion #i/h his >ol-ure-/e, 1r-n>is 6ri>0, resul/ed
in /he $resen/-/ion of - !odel for /he s/ru>/ure of DN+ -nd in /he dis>ussion of i/s
ene/i> i!$li>-/ions. ?n -ddi/ion, W-/son $erfor!ed no/-ble s/udies on /he !ole>ul-r
s/ru>/ure of 8iruses -nd on $ro/ein biosyn/hesis. B2.N.C
Wilkins5 ,a!rice 1!&h rederick 3@9
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(2. Born: De>e!ber 1%, 191(; Pon-ro-, Ne#
Je-l-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 5d-r Lenry Wil0ins; Ko/her, 58eline 6ons/-n>e P-ne
Whi//-0er Wil0ins. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nos/i>; fro! Pro/es/-n/,+nos/i>
Auddhis/ b->0round. Education: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+., 19'*; 6-!bride
Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19)0. Spouse: P-/ri>i- +nn 6hidey, !-rried K-r>h 12, 19%9.
Children: S-r-h 1enell-, d-uh/er; 5!ily Lu>y In-, d-uh/er; "eore Luh, son;
Willi-! Lenry, son. Career: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, 2ese-r>her, 19)); S/.
+ndre#s Ini8., S>o/l-nd, Professor, 19)%; Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, Professor -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19)(:*1. Other Awards: +lber/ L-s0er +#-rd, +!eri>-n Publi> Le-l/h
+sso>i-/ion, 19(0; 6o!$-nion of /he Ari/ish 5!$ire, 19(2; T.1. 2y-n 2oen/en Prize,
Selected Publications: \6rys/-llini/y in S$er! Le-dsH Kole>ul-r S/ru>/ure of
Nu>leo$ro/ein in Si8o.Z 8iochim. 8iophys. Act 10 B19%'CH 192:9' B#i/h P.T. 2-nd-llC.
\The Kole>ul-r 6onfiur-/ion of Deo@yribonu>lei> +>id. ?. 4-r-y Diffr->/ion S/udy of -
6rys/-lline 1or! of /he Li/hiu! S-l/s.Z 7ournal of #olecular 8iology 2 B19(0CH 19 B#i/h
o/hersC. \The Kole>ul-r S/ru>/ure of Deo@yribonu>lei> +>id
P-e 1')
BDN+C.Z 7. .him. hys %* B19(1CH *91:9*. \De/er!in-/ion of /he Leli>-l 6onfiur-/ion
of 2ibonu>lei> +>id Kole>ules by 4-r-y Diffr->/ion S/udy of 6rys/-lline +!ino-->id
Tr-nsfer 2ibonu>lei> +>id.Z 'ature 19) B19(2CH 101) B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(', )(%:((. Pohnson, S. -nd Ker/ens, T.2. \+n ?n/er8ie# #i/h Nobel L-ure-/e
K-uri>e Wil0ins.99 American 8iology Teacher %1 BK-r>h 19*9CH 1%1:%'.
Co$$entary: K-uri>e Wil0ins9s Nobel Prize #-s for his rese-r>h >on/ribu/in /o /he
\dis>o8eries >on>ernin /he s/ru>/ure of nu>lei> ->ids -nd i/s sinifi>-n>e for
infor!-/ion /r-nsfer in li8in !-/eri-l.Z Wil0ins be-n his >-reer -s - $hysi>is/, #or0in
su>>essi8ely on /he lu!ines>en>e of solids, /he /heory of $hos$hores>en>e, r-d-r, -nd
/he se$-r-/ion of ur-niu! iso/o$es. Lis bio$hysi>-l rese-r>h s/-r/ed #i/h /he ene/i>
effe>/s of ul/r-soni> #-8es, !o8ed /o ul/r-8iole/ !i>ros$e>/ro$ho/o!e/ri> s/udy of
nu>lei> ->ids -nd 8iruses, -nd fin-lly /o /he l-ure-/e #or0 on @-r-y diffr->/ion of DN+
-nd l-/er 2N+. B2.N.C
"ccles5 <ohn %are)5 -ir 3A0
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19('. Born: P-nu-ry 2&, 190'; Kelbourne, +us/r-li-.
Death: K-y 2, 199&; 6on/r-, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Willi-! P-!es 5>>les;
Ko/her, K-ry 6-re# 5>>les. Nationality: +us/r-li-n; l-/er Ari/ish -nd +!eri>-n
residen/. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Kelbourne Ini8., +us/r-li-, A.S., 192%;
Kelbourne Ini8., +us/r-li-, K.A., 192%; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 1929; O@ford
Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 1929. Spouse: ?rene Killer, !-rried Puly ', 192*, di8or>ed 19(*;
Lelen- Tboro0o8, !-rried +$ril 2&, 19(*. Children: 2os-!ond, d-uh/er; +li>e,
d-uh/er; K-ry, d-uh/er; Pudi/h, d-uh/er; 1r-n>es, d-uh/er; Pe/er, son; Willi-!, son;
Pohn son; 2i>h-rd, son. Career: O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'):'&; N-ne!-/su
Ke!ori-l ?ns/i/u/e of P-/holoy, Sydney, +us/r-li-, Dire>/or, 19'&:)); Ini8. of O/-o,
Dunedin, Ne# Je-l-nd, Professor, 19)):%1; +us/r-li-n N-/ion-l Ini8., 6-nberr-,
+us/r-li-, Professor, 19%1:((; ?ns/i/u/e for Aio!edi>-l 2ese-r>h, ?L, 2ese-r>her, 19((:
(*; S/-/e Ini8. of N3 -/ Auff-lo, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19(*:&%. Other Awards:
"o/>h Ke!ori-l Prize, 192&; 2olles/on Ke!ori-l Prize, 19'2; Nnih/hood, 19%*; A-ly
Ked-l, 19(1; 6o/henius Ked-l, Deu/s>he +0-de!ie der N-/urfors>her Leo$oldin-,
Selected Publications: Beflex Activity of the (pinal .ord. LondonH O@ford Ini8. Press,
19'*. The 'europhysiological 8asis of #ind. O@fordH 6l-rendon Press, 19(%. The
.erebellum as a 'euronal #achine. AerlinH S$riner-Serl-, 19(&. The hysiology of
'erve .ells. A-l/i!ore, KDH Pohns Lo$0ins Press, 19(*. The <nhibitory ath0ays of the
.entral 'ervous (ystem. Li8er$oolH Li8er$ool Ini8. Press, 19(9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19&2, 119:22. 2obinson, Pohn. 100 #ost <mportant eople in the %orld Today. Ne#
3or0H Pu/n-!, 19&0, 2'&:)0.
Co$$entary: Pohn 5>>les #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y for es/-blishin /he rel-/ionshi$
be/#een inhibi/ion of ner8e >ells -nd re$ol-riz-/ion of - >ell9s !e!br-ne, !u>h of
#hi>h #or0 re# ou/ of /he findins of his >ore>i$ien/s, +ndre# Lu@ley -nd +l-n
Lod0in. 5>>les9s o/her sinifi>-n/ >on/ribu/ions #ere in /he -re-s of br-in rese-r>h,
ner8e i!$ulses, -nd neuro!us>ul-r /r-ns!issions. B2.N.C
1od&kin5 0lan #lo$d5 -ir 3A1
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19('. Born: 1ebru-ry %, 191); D-nbury, O@fordshire,
5nl-nd. Death: De>e!ber 20, 199*; 6-!bride, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, "eore L.
Lod0in; Ko/her, K-ry 1. Wilson Lod0in. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Kos/
$rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., S>.D.,
19'(. Spouse: K-rion de N-y 2ous, !-rried 19)). Children: Debor-h, d-uh/er; S-r-h,
d-uh/er; 2->hel, d-uh/er; Pon-/h-n, son. Career: +ir Kinis/ry -nd Kinis/ry of +ir>r-f/
Produ>/ion, 5nl-nd, S>ien/ifi> Offi>er, 19'9:)%; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor
-nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19)%:%2; 2oy-l So>ie/y, 5nl-nd, 1ouler/on 2ese-r>h Professor,
19%2:(9; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19&0:*). Other
Awards: A-ly Ked-l, 19%%; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19%*; 6o$ley Ked-l, 19(%;
Nnih/hood, 19&2; Order of Keri/, 19&'; Lord 6roo0 Ked-l, 19*'; Lel!eri>h Prize,
Selected Publications: \?oni> 6urren/s Inderlyin /he +>/i8i/y in /he "i-n/ +@on of /he
SGuid.Z Arch. (ci. hysiol ' B19)9CH 129:%0 B#i/h +. Lu@ley -nd A. N-/zC. \Pro$er/ies
of Ner8e +@ons. ?. Ko8e!en/ of Sodiu! -nd Po/-ssiu! ?ons durin Ner8ous +>/i8i/y.Z
.old (pring /arbor (ymposia on ?uantitative 8iology 1& B19%2CH )':%2 B#i/h +.
Lu@leyC. \Ko8e!en/ of 2-dio->/i8e Po/-ssiu! -nd Ke!br-ne 6urren/ in - "i-n/
+@on.Z 7ournal of hysiology F-ondonH 121 B19%'CH )0':1) B#i/h +. Lu@leyC. The
.onduction of the 'ervous <mpulse. Li8er$oolH Li8er$ool Ini8. Press, 19&1. The
ursuit of 'ature> <nformal $ssays on the /istory of hysiology. 6-!brideH 6-!bride
Ini8. Press, 19&&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, '*(. .hance and &esign> Beminiscences of (cience in eace and %ar.
6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8ersi/y Press, 1992. (cience 1)2 BO>/ober 2%, 19('CH )(*:
Co$$entary: +l-n Lod0in9s Nobel Prize #-s sh-red for s/udies of /he ioni>
!e>h-nis!s in8ol8ed in e@>i/-/ion -nd inhibi/ion in $eri$her-l -nd >en/r-l $or/ions of
/he ner8e >ell !e!br-ne. The dis>o8eries s/e!!ed fro! \ele-n/ e@$eri!en/sZ /h-/
!e-sured /he $o/en/i-l ->ross /he !e!br-ne #i/h ->/i8i/y -nd #i/hou/, -nd e@$l-ined
/hose !e-sure!en/s -s rel-/ed /o sodiu! >on>en/r-/ions. The sodiu! hy$o/hesis #-s
l-/er $ro8en by !-ny rese-r>hers. Lod0in -lso did no/-ble #or0 on !us>les -nd 8ision.
1!/le$5 0ndre) ieldin&5 -ir 3A2
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19('. Born: No8e!ber 22, 191&; London, 5nl-nd.
Parents: 1-/her, Leon-rd Lu@ley; Ko/her, 2os-lind Aru>e Lu@ley. Nationality: Ari/ish.
Religion: +nos/i>; fro! 6hris/i-n b->0round. Education: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd,
A.+., 19'*; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 19)1. Spouse: Po>elyn 2i>hend-
"-!!ell Pe-se, !-rried Puly %, 19)&. Children: 5le-nor Aru>e, d-uh/er; Lenrie//-
6-/herine, d-uh/er; 6l-re K-rMory
P-e 1'%
Pe-se, d-uh/er; 6-!ill- 2os-lind, d-uh/er; P-ne/ 2->hel, d-uh/er; S/e#-r/ Leon-rd,
son. Career: Ply!ou/h K-rine Aioloy L-bor-/ory, K+, 2ese-r>her, 19'9:)0;
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19)1:(0; Ini8. of London,
5nl-nd, Professor, 19(0:*'; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or,
19*'-. Other Awards: 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&'; Nnih/hood, 19&); Order of
Keri/, 19*'.
Selected Publications: \?oni> 6urren/s Inderlyin /he +>/i8i/y in /he "i-n/ +@on of /he
SGuid.Z Arch. (ci. hysiol ' B19)9CH 129:%0 B#i/h +. Lod0in -nd A. N-/zC. \Pro$er/ies
of Ner8e +@ons. ?. Ko8e!en/ of Sodiu! -nd Po/-ssiu! ?ons durin Ner8ous +>/i8i/y.Z
.old (pring /arbor (ymposia on ?uantitative 8iology 1& B19%2CH )':%2 B#i/h +.
Lod0inC. \Ko8e!en/ of 2-dio->/i8e Po/-ssiu! -nd Ke!br-ne 6urren/ in - "i-n/
+@on.Z 7ournal of hysiology F-ondonH 121 B19%'CH )0':1) B#i/h +. Lod0inC.
Beflections on #uscle. Prin>e/on, NPH Prin>e/on Ini8. Press, 19*0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, )0). (cience 1)2 BO>/ober 2%, 19('CH )(*:&0.
Co$$entary: +ndre# Lu@ley sh-red /he Nobel Prize for s/udies of /he ioni>
!e>h-nis!s in8ol8ed in e@>i/-/ion -nd inhibi/ion in $eri$her-l -nd >en/r-l $or/ions of
/he ner8e >ell !e!br-ne. Lis e-rlier for!ul-/ion of /he hy$o/hesis /h-/, durin ->/i8i/y,
/he ner8e !e!br-ne $o/en/i-l #-s >on/rolled by sodiu! le8els, #-s $ro8en /o be /rue by
his o#n s/udies; s/udies of o/hers -lso $ro8ed /his. Lu@ley9s rese-r>h e@/ended in/o
!us>ul-r >on/r->/ion -nd /he de8elo$!en/ of /he in/erferen>e !i>ros>o$e -nd /he
ul/r-!i>ro/o!e. B2.N.C
+loch5 8onrad "2il 3A3
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(). Born: P-nu-ry 12, 1912; Neisse, "er!-ny.
Death: O>/ober 1%, 2000; Aurlin/on, K+. Parents: 1-/her, 1rederi>0 D. Alo>h;
Ko/her, Led#i S/rie!er Alo>h. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion:
Pe#ish. Education: Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, "er!-ny, 6he!. 5n., 19'); 6olu!bi-
Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 19'*. Spouse: Lore Teu/s>h, !-rried 1ebru-ry 1%, 19)1. Children:
Pe/er, son; Sus-n, d-uh/er. Career: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor, 19'9:)(; Ini8. of
6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19)(:%); L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19%):*2. Other
Awards: Ked-l, So>i_/_ de 6hi!ie AioloiGue, 19%*; 1ri/zs>he +#-rd, +!eri>-n
6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(); Dis/inuished Ser8i>e +#-rd, Ini8. of 6hi>-o S>hool of
Kedi>ine, ?L, 19(); 6en/enni-l S>ien>e +#-rd, Ini8. of No/re D-!e, ?N, 19(%;
6-rd-no Ked-l, Lo!b-rdy +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19(%; 5rns/ "uen/her +#-rd, 19(%;
Willi-! Lloyd 58-ns +#-rd, Ohio S/-/e Ini8., 19(*; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19**.
Selected Publications: \Aioloi>-l 6on8ersion of 6holes/erol /o 6holi> +>id.Z 7ournal
of 8iological .hemistry 1)9 B19)'CH %11:1& B#i/h A. Aer -nd D. 2i//enberC. \The
I/iliz-/ion of +>OL for 1-//y +>id Syn/hesis.99 7ournal of 8iological .hemistry 1%)
B19))CH '11:12 B#i/h D. 2i//enberC. \Aiosyn/hesis of SGu-line.Z 7ournal of 8iological
.hemistry 200 B19%'CH 129:') B#i/h 2.". L-ndonC. -ipide #etabolism. Ne# 3or0H
Wiley, 19(0. 8londes in 6enetian aintings, the 'ine@8anded Armadillo, and other
essays in 8iochemistry. Ne# L-8enH 3-le Ini8ersi/y Press, 199).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: The $xcitement and =ascination of (cience. P-lo +l/o, 6+H
+nnu-l 2e8ie#s, ?n>., 1990, Sol. ', P-r/ 1, )9%:%1'. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1(,
19()CH 1, '. (cience 1)( BO>/ober 2', 19()CH %0):0(. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1*,
2000CH 62'.
Co$$entary: Nonr-d Alo>h sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his \>on/ribu/ions /o
unders/-ndin /he !e>h-nis! -nd reul-/ion of >holes/erol -nd f-//y ->id !e/-bolis!.Z
Alo>h9s e-rly rese-r>h sho#ed /h-/ ->e/i> ->id #-s - !-Mor $re>ursor of >holes/erol in
r-/s, -nd he >on/inued /o #or0 on e@$l-inin /he s/e$s in /he biosyn/hesis of s/erols, firs/
follo#in /he !e/-bolis! of ->e/i> ->id /o sGu-lene, /hen $ro$osin /he >y>liz-/ion of
sGu-lene /o l-nos/erol, -nd /hen #or0in on /he in/er!edi-/es of l-nos/erol >on8ersion /o
>holes/erol. Alo>h -lso !-de no/-ble >on/ribu/ions in /he s/udy of /he biosyn/hesis of
lu/-/hione -nd of /he !e/-bolis! of /he f-//y ->ids. B2.N.C
#$nen5 eodor eli/ 8onrad 3A?
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(). Born: +$ril (, 1911; Kuni>h, "er!-ny. Death:
+uus/ (, 19&9; Kuni>h, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, Wilhel! L. Lynen; Ko/her, 1ried-
Pry! Lynen. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of Kuni>h,
"er!-ny, Dr. Phil., 19'&. Spouse: 58- Wiel-nd Lynen, !-rried K-y 1), 19'&.
Children: Pe/er, son; Leinri>h, son; +nne!-rie, d-uh/er; Sus-nne, d-uh/er; 58--
K-rie, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor, 19)2:&9. Other
Awards: Neuber Ked-l, +!eri>-n So>ie/y of 5uro$e-n 6he!is/s -nd Ph-r!->is/s,
19%); Pus/us 8on Liebi Ked-l, "esells>h-f/ Deu/s>her 6he!i0er, 19%%; 6-rus Ked-l,
Deu/s>he +0-de!ie der N-/urfors>her Leo$oldin-, 19(1; O//o W-rbur Ked-l,
"esells>h-f/ fRr Physiolois>he 6he!ie, 19('; Nor!-n Ked-ille, Deu/s>he "esells>h-f/
fRr 1e//nissens>h-f/, 19(&.
Selected Publications: \+>e/yl 6oenzy!e + -nd /he 1-//y +>id 6y>le.Z /arvey -ecture
(eries )* B19%'CH 210:)). \Der 1e//s-ure>y>lus.Z Ange0andte .hemie (& B19%%CH )(':
&0. \Phos$h-/0reisl-uf und P-s/eur-5ffe0/.Z roceedings of the <nternational
(ymposium on $n*yme .hemistry, To2yo and Jyoto B19%&CH 2%:'). \Aiosyn/hesis of
1-//y +>ids.Z roceedings of the (ymposium on &rugs Affecting -ipid #etabolism
B19(1CH ':1%. \6holes/erol und +r/erios0lerose.Z 'atur0iss. Bundschau 2% B19&2CH '*2:
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*2 BSolu!e 2*C, 2(1. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19(&, 2(':(%. &ie A2tivierte $ssigsaure und <hre =olgen>
Autobiograph. Ne# 3or0H de "ruy/er, 19&(.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o 1eodor Lynen for his \>on/ribu/ions /o
unders/-ndin /he !e>h-nis! -nd reul-/ion of >holes/erol -nd f-//y ->id !e/-bolis!.Z
Lis rese-r>h on >holes/erol, in $-r/i>ul-r, hel$ed >l-rify i/s role -s - $ossible >-use of
dise-ses of /he he-r/ -nd /he >ir>ul-/ory sys/e!. Lynen s/udied /he enzy!-/i> s/e$s of
/he f-//y ->id >y>le, /he role of bio/in in f-//y subs/-n>e !e/-bolis!, fer!en/-/ion, /he
>i/ri> ->id >y>le,
P-e 1'(
$hos$horiz-/ion,o@id-/ion, -nd /he reul-/ion of !e/-boli> r-/es. B2.N.C
<acob5 ranFois 3A@
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(%. Born: Pune 1&, 1920; N-n>y, 1r-n>e. Parents:
1-/her, Si!on P->ob; Ko/her, Therese 1r-n>0 P->ob. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion:
Pe#ish. Education: Ly>_e 6-rno/, 1r-n>e, b->>-l-ur_-/, 19'*; Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e,
K.D., 19)&; Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, A.S., 19%1; Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, D.S>., 19%).
Spouse: Lysi-ne Alo>h, !-rried No8e!ber 2&, 19)&, died 19*). Children: Pierre, son;
L-uren/, son; Lenri, son; Odile, d-uh/er. Career: 1ren>h +r!y, 19)0:)%; ?ns/i/u/
P-s/eur, P-ris, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19%0:92. Other Awards: Aronze
Ked-l, 1ren>h N-/ion-l S>ien/ifi> 2ese-r>h 6en/er, 19%%; 5ssee Prize, +n/i-6-n>er
Le-ue, 19%*; Pri@ 6h-rles Leo$old K-yer, +>-d_!ie des S>ien>es, 19(2; 6roi@ de l-
Liber-/ion; "r-nd 6roi@; Leion d9Lonneur.
Selected Publications: \"ene/i> 2eul-/ory Ke>h-nis!s in /he Syn/hesis of Pro/eins.Z
7ournal of #olecular 8iology ' B19(1CH '%( B#i/h P->Gues KonodC. \On /he 2eul-/ion
of "ene +>/i8i/yH Ae/--"-l->/osid-se 1or!-/ion in 5. 6oli.Z .old (pring /arbor
(ymposia on ?uantitative 8iology 2( B19(1CH 20& B#i/h P->Gues KonodC. (exuality and
5enetics of 8acteria. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19(1 B#i/h 5. Woll!-nC. \Teleno!i>
Ke>h-nis!9s 6ellul-r Ke/-bolis!, "ro#/h -nd Differen/i-/ion.Z .old (pring /arbor
(ymposia on ?uantitative 8iology 2( B19(1CH '9):9% B#i/h P->Gues KonodC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19((, 191:9'. Of =lies, #ice and #en. Tr. "iselle Weiss. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd
Ini8ersi/y Press, 199*. (cience 1%0 BO>/ober 22, 19(%CH )(2:('. The (tatue %ithin.
P-risH Seuil, 1990.
Co$$entary: 1r-n>ois P->ob sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h P->Gues Konod -nd +ndr_
L#off for his >on/ribu/ions OO/o our 0no#lede of /he fund-!en/-l $ro>esses in li8in
!-//er #hi>h for! /he b-ses for su>h $heno!en- -s -d-$/-/ion, re$rodu>/ion -nd
e8olu/ion.Z P->ob9s !-Mor >on/ribu/ions >-!e in his e@$l-n-/ion of /he ene/i> b-sis of
lysoeni> b->/eri- /hrouh inheri/ed se@u-l differen>es, in his elu>id-/ion of /he ->/ion of
reul-/or enes #hi>h >on/rol /he beh-8ior of s/ru>/ur-l -nd o$er-/or enes in enzy!e
syn/hesis, -nd in his #or0 on !essener 2N+. BA.S.S.C
#)off5 0ndrH ,ichel 3AA
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(%. Born: K-y *, 1902; +llier, 1r-n>e. Death:
Se$/e!ber '0, 199); P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, S-lo!on L#off; Ko/her, K-rie
Si!ino8i/>h L#off. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of P-ris,
1r-n>e, Li>en>ie es S>ien>es, 1921; Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, K.D., 192&; Ini8. of P-ris,
1r-n>e, D.S>., 19'2. Spouse: K-rueri/e Aourd-lei@, !-rried De>e!ber %, 192%.
Children: None. Career: ?ns/i/u/ P-s/eur, P-ris, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or,
1921:(*; 6-n>er 2ese-r>h ?ns/i/u/e, SilleMuif, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or,
19(*:&2. Other Awards: Ked-ille de l- 2esis/-n>e, 1r-n>e; 6o!!-nder Leion
d9Lonneur, 1r-n>e; L-lle!on/ +#-rd, +>-d_!ie des S>ien>es; Noury +#-rd, +>-d_!ie
des S>ien>es; Lon>h-!$/ +#-rd, +>-d_!ie des S>ien>es; 6h-ussier +#-rd, +>-d_!ie
des S>ien>es; Pe/i/ d9Or!oy, 1r-n>e; 6h-rles Leo$old K-yer 1ound-/ion Prize;
Leeu#enhoe0 Ked-l, 2oy-l Ne/herl-nds +>-de!y of S>ien>es -nd +r/s, 19(0; Neilin
Ked-l, Ari/ish Aio>he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(); 5ins/ein +#-rd, 19(&.
Selected Publications: -)$volution hysiologi4ue. P-risH Ler!-nn, 19)). The
Jinetosomes in &evelopment, Beproduction, and $volution. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19%0.
roblems of #orphogenesis in .iliates. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19%0. 8iochemistry and
hysiology of roto*oa. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19%1:(). 8iological Order.
6-!bride, K+H K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy Press, 19(2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Asimov)s 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cience and
Technology. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, 19*2, &*&. Debr_, P. 7ac4ues #onod. P-risH
1l-!!-rion, 199(. The $xcitement and =ascination of (cience. P-lo +l/o, 6+H +nnu-l
2e8ie#s, ?n>., 19&*, Sol. 2, '01:2(. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1%, 19(%CH 1, '(. 'e0
1or2 Times 8iographical (erivce BO>/ober %, 199)CH 1%20. (cience 1%0 BO>/ober 22,
19(%CH )(2:('.
Co$$entary: +ndr_ L#off #-s honored, /oe/her #i/h his >ol-ure-/es 1r-naois P->ob
-nd P->Gues Konod, for his >on/ribu/ions \/o our 0no#lede of /he fund-!en/-l
$ro>esses in li8in !-//er #hi>h for! /he b-ses for su>h $heno!en- -s -d-$/-/ion,
re$rodu>/ion, -nd e8olu/ion.Z L#off #-s ->/i8e firs/ in elu>id-/in /he !or$holoy -nd
bioloy of /he >ili-/e $ro/ozo-, #i/h $-r/i>ul-r -//en/ion $-id /o ho# >ell s/ru>/ures -re
ene/i>-lly >on/inued. Le #-s -lso - !-Mor >on/ribu/or in /he -re-s of /he bioloy of
8iruses, /he ene/i>s of b->/eri-, -nd /he !e>h-nis!s by #hi>h 8iruses -re re$li>-/ed in
/he >ourse of - 8ir-l infe>/ion. BA.S.S.C
,onod5 <acJ!es #!cien 3AB
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(%. Born: 1ebru-ry 9, 1910; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death:
K-y '1, 19&(; 6-nnes, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, Lu>ien Konod; Ko/her, 6h-rlo//e Todd
K->"reor Konod. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of
P-ris, 1r-n>e, A.S., 19'1; Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, D.S>., 19)1. Spouse: Ode//e Aruhl,
!-rried 19'*. Children: Oli8ier, son; Phili$$e, son. Career: Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e,
Professor, 19'1:)1; P-s/eur ?ns/i/u/e, P-ris, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or,
19)%:&(. Other Awards: Kon/yon Physioloy Prize, P-ris +>-d_!ie des S>ien>es,
19%%; Louis 2-$0ine Ked-l, London, 5nl-nd, 19%*; 6he8-lier de l9Ordre des P-l!es
+>-de!iGues, 19(1; 6h-rles Leo$old K-yer Prize, +>-d_!ie des S>ien>es, 19(2;
Offi>er de l- Leion d9Lonneur, 19('.
Selected Publications: \"ene/i> 2eul-/ory Ke>h-nis!s in /he Syn/hesis of Pro/eins.Z
7ournal of #olecular 8iology ' B19(1CH '%( B#i/h 1r-naois P->obC. \On /he 2eul-/ion
of "ene +>/i8i/yH Ae/- "-l->/osid-se 1or!-/ion in 5. 6oli.Z .old (pring /arbor
(ymposia on ?uantitative 8iology 2( B19(1CH 20& B#i/h 1r-naois P->obC. \Teleono!i>
Ke>h-nis!9s 6ellul-r Ke/-bolis!, "ro#/h -nd Differen/i-/ion.Z .old (pring /arbor
(ymposia on ?uantitative 8iology 2( B19(1CH '9):9% B#i/h 1r-naois P->obC. .hance
and 'ecessity. Ne# 3or0H 2-ndo! Louse, 19&1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19&1, 2&&:&9. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Su$$le!en/ ??. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
1990, ('(:)9. (cience 1%0 BO>/ober 22, 19(%CH )(2:('.
P-e 1'&
Co$$entary: P->Gues Konod sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h 1r-naois P->ob -nd +ndr_
L#off for his >on/ribu/ions \/o our 0no#lede of /he fund-!en/-l $ro>esses in li8in
!-//er #hi>h for! /he b-ses for su>h $heno!en- -s -d-$/-/ion, re$rodu>/ion, -nd
e8olu/ion.Z The subMe>/ rese-r>h elu>id-/ed /he !e>h-nis! by #hi>h enes !-nuf->/ure
/he $ro/eins ne>ess-ry for indi8idu-l de8elo$!en/. Konod s/udied $ro/ein !e/-bolis!,
s$e>ifi>-lly /he syn/hesis of /he b->/eri-l enzy!e Ae/---l->/osid-se -nd i/s role -s -
>-/-lys/. Le #-s -lso - $-r/ of /he #or0 /h-/ iden/ified !essener 2N+ -nd i/s role in
$ro/ein $rodu>/ion -nd in/rodu>ed /he >on>e$/ of /he o$eron B#or0in ene >lus/erC.
Konod is re>onized -s #ell -s - $hiloso$her of s>ien>e. BA.S.S.C
1!&&ins5 %harles +renton 3AC
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19((. Born: Se$/e!ber 22, 1901; L-lif-@, No8-
S>o/i-, 6-n-d-. Death: P-nu-ry 12, 199&; 6hi>-o, ?L. Parents: 1-/her, 6h-rles 5d#-rd
Luins; Ko/her, Aessie S$en>er Luins. Nationality: 6-n-di-n; l-/er +!eri>-n
>i/izen. Religion: A-$/is/. Education: +>-di- Ini8., 6-n-d-, A.+., 1920; L-r8-rd Ini8.,
K+, K.D., 192). Spouse: K-r-re/ Well!-n, !-rried Puly 29, 192&, died 19*'.
Children: 6h-rles 5d#-rd, son; 5!ily Well!-n 1ine, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of
Ki>hi-n Kedi>-l S>hool, Surery ?n/ern -nd ?ns/ru>/or, 192):2&; Ini8. of 6hi>-o
Kedi>-l S>hool, ?L, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 192&:&2; +>-di- Ini8., No8- S>o/i-,
6h-n>ellor, 19&2:&9. Other Awards: "old Ked-l, +!eri>-n Kedi>-l +sso>i-/ion, 19'(,
19)0; 6h-rles L. Keyer +#-rd, N-/ion-l +>-de!y S>ien>es, 19)'; +#-rd for 2ese-r>h,
+!eri>-n Iroloi>-l +sso>i-/ion, 19)*; 1r-n>is +!ory +#-rd, 19)*; "old Ked-l,
So>i_/_ ?n/ern-/ion-le d9Iroloie, 19)*; +!eri>-n 6-n>er So>ie/y +#-rd, 19%'; Aer/ner
+#-rd, K.D. +nderson Los$i/-l, T4, 19%'; +!eri>-n Ph-r!->eu/i>-l K-nuf->/urers
+#-rd, 19%'; "old Ked-l, +!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion of "eni/oIrin-ry Sureons, 19%%;
Aorden +#-rd, +sso>i-/ion of +!eri>-n Kedi>-l 6ollees, 19%%; 6o!for/ 6rui0sh-n0
+#-rd, Kiddlese@ Los$i/-l, London, 19%&; 6-!eron Prize, 5dinburh Ini8., 19%*;
S-len/ine Prize, Ne# 3or0 +>-de!y of Kedi>ine, 19(2; Lun/er +#-rd, +!eri>-n
Ther-$eu/i> So>ie/y, 19(2; L-s0er +#-rd for Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h, 19('; "old Ked-l for
2ese-r>h, 2udol$h Sir>ho# So>ie/y, 19(); L-ure- +#-rd, +!eri>-n Iroloi>-l So>ie/y,
19(9; "old Ked-l in Ther-$eu/i>s, Worshi$ful So>ie/y of +$o/he>-ries of London,
19((; "-irdner +#-rd, Toron/o, 19((; 6hi>-o Kedi>-l So>ie/y +#-rd, 19(&;
6en/enni-l Ked-l, +>-di- Ini8., No8- S>o/i-, 19(&; L-!il/on +#-rd, ?llinois Kedi>-l
So>ie/y, 19(&; Aielo# Ked-l, Aos/on Suri>-l So>ie/y, 19(&; Sheen +#-rd, +!eri>-n
Kedi>-l +sso>i-/ion, 19&0; Dis/inuished Ser8i>e +#-rd, +!eri>-n So>ie/y of
+bdo!in-l Sureons, 19&2; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 19*%; SesGui>en/enni-l 6o!!e!or-/i8e
+#-rd, N-/ion-l Libr-ry of Kedi>ine, 19*(.
Selected Publications: \The Ausiness of Dis>o8ery in /he Kedi>-l S>ien>es.Z 7ournal of
the American #edical Association 19) BDe>e!ber 1', 19(%CH 1211:1%. \5ndo>rine-
?ndu>ed 2eression of 6-n>ers.99 (cience 1%( B19(&CH 10%0:%). $xperimental -eu2emia
and #ammary .ancer> <nduction, revention and .ure. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o
Press, 19&9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(%, 20%:0*. T-l-l-y, P-ul. \The S>ien/ifi> 6on/ribu/ions of 6h-rles Aren/on
Luins.Z 7ournal of the American #edical Association 192 BPune 2*, 19(%CH 11'&:)0.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #en/ /o 6h-rles Luins \for his dis>o8eries >on>ernin
hor!on-l /re-/!en/ of $ros/-/e >-n>er,Z re>onizin 2% ye-rs of $-ins/-0in
in8es/i-/ion of /he rel-/ionshi$ be/#een hor!ones -nd >-n>er. Luins firs/ found /h-/
-ndroens B!-le hor!onesC >-n s/i!ul-/e $ros/-/i> >-n>er, #here-s >-s/r-/ion or
es/roens Bfe!-le hor!onesC freGuen/ly h-8e /he o$$osi/e effe>/. The effe>/i8eness of
-n/i-ndroeni> /re-/!en/ #-s soon >onfir!ed -nd -do$/ed. Luins h-s #or0ed sin>e
on $rodu>in 8-ri-n/s of n-/ur-l hor!ones /h-/ h-8e li//le or no fe!inizin effe>/.
4o!s5 rancis Pe$ton 3A9
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19((. Born: O>/ober %, 1*&9; A-l/i!ore, KD. Death:
1ebru-ry 1(, 19&0; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, 6h-rles 2ous; Ko/her, 1r-n>es
+nderson Wood 2ous. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/.
Education: Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, A.+., 1900; Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, K.+.,
1901; Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, K.D., 190%. Spouse: K-rion 5>0ford de N-y, !-rried
Pune 1%, 191%. Children: K-rion de N-y, d-uh/er; 5llen de N-y, d-uh/er; Phoebe de
N-y, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Ki>hi-n, Professor, 190(:0*; 2o>0efeller ?ns/i/u/e,
N3, Professor, 1909:)%. Other Awards: Pohn S>o// Ked-l, Phil-del$hi-, P+, 192&;
W-l0er Prize, 2oy-l 6ollee of Sureons, London, 19)1; Nobler Ked-l, +sso>i-/ion of
+!eri>-n Physi>i-ns, 19%'; Aer/ner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, Ini8. of Te@-s, 19%); Pessie
S/e8enson No8-len0o +#-rd, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19%); Dis/inuished
Ser8i>e +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6-n>er So>ie/y, 19%&; L-s0er 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19%*; N-rl
L-nds/einer +#-rd, +!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion of Alood A-n0s, 19%*; Ne# 3or0 +>-de!y of
Kedi>ine Ked-l, 19%9; Pudd +#-rd, Ke!ori-l 6en/er for 6-n>er, N3, 19%9; Ini/ed
N-/ions Prize, 19(2; "oldLe-ded 6-ne, +!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion of P-/holois/s -nd
A->/eriolois/s, 19(); N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, Ini/ed S/-/es, 19((; P-ul 5hrli>h-
Lud#i D-r!s/-ed/er Prize, Wes/ "er!-ny, 19((; "old Ked-l, Ari/ish 2oy-l So>ie/y of
Kedi>ine, 19((; 6le8el-nd Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6-n>er So>ie/y, 19((.
Selected Publications: \+ S-r>o!- of /he 1o#l Tr-ns!issible by -n +en/ Se$-r-ble
fro! /he Tu!or 6ells.Z 7ournal of $xperimental #edicine 1' B1911CH '9&:)11.
\Tr-ns!ission of - K-lin-n/ Ne# "ro#/h by Ke-ns of - 6ell-1ree 1il/r-/e.Z 7ournal
of the American #edical Association %( B1911CH 19*. The #odern &ance of &eath.
LondonH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 1929. \The Sirus Tu!ors -nd /he Tu!or Proble!.Z
American 7ournal of .ancer 2* B19'(CH 2'':&1. \Sur!ise -nd 1->/ on /he N-/ure of
6-n>er.Z 'ature 1*' B19%9CH 1'%&:(1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&1 BSolu!e 1&C, ()':(2. 8iographical #emoirs of the
'ational Academy of (ciences. W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19&(
BSolu!e )*C, 2&%:'0(. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19(&,
P-e 1'*
A 'otable .areer in =inding Out> eyton Bous. Ne# 3or0H 2o>0efeller Ini8. Press,
Co$$entary: Pey/on 2ous9s #or0 on /u!or-indu>in 8iruses in >hi>0ens e-rned hi!
/he Nobel Prize, %% ye-rs -f/er /he oriin-l re$or/. 2ous did no/-ble #or0 -lso in /he
fields of blood $reser8-/ion, /he li8er -nd i/s >onne>/ion #i/h /he bili-ry sys/e!, /he -ll
bl-dder, -nd >ul/ure /e>hniGues for 8iruses -nd >ells. B2.N.C
6ranit5 4a&nar 0rth!r 3B0
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(&. Born: O>/ober '0, 1900; Lelsin0i, 1inl-nd.
Death: K-r>h 12, 1991; S/o>0hol!, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, +r/hur W. "r-ni/;
Ko/her, +lber/in- Lelen- K-l!ber "r-ni/. Nationality: 1innish; l-/er S#edish >i/izen.
Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Lelsin0i Ini8., 1inl-nd, K.S., 192'; Lelsin0i Ini8.,
1inl-nd, K.D., 192&. Spouse: A-roness K-rueri/e 5. Aruun, !-rried O>/ober 2, 1929.
Children: Ki>h-el, son. Career: Pennsyl8-ni- Ini8., Phil-del$hi-, 1ello#, 1929:'1;
Lelsin0i Ini8., 1inl-nd, Professor, 19'2:)0; 2oy-l 6-roline ?ns/i/u/e, S/o>0hol!,
S#eden, Professor, 19)0:(&. Other Awards: Luns--rd "old Ked-l, 19'*; Pubilee
Ked-l, S#edish So>ie/y of Physi>i-ns, 19)&; AMqr0_n Prize, I$$s-l- Ini8., 19)*;
2e/zius "old Ked-l, 19%&; Donders Ked-l, 19%&; 'rd ?n/ern-/ion-l S/. Sin>en/ Prize,
19(1; P-hre Prize, Oslo Ini8., Nor#-y, 19(1; Sherrin/on Ke!ori-l "old Ked-l, 19(&;
Pur0inMe "old Ked-l, 19(9.
Selected Publications: On the .orrelation of (ome (ensory and hysiological
henomena of 6ision. LondonH "eore Pu/!-n, 19'*. (ensory #echanisms of the
Betina. Ne# 3or0H L-fner, 19('. Beceptors and (ensory erception. Wes/$or/, 6TH
"reen#ood Press, 19&%. The urposive 8rain. 6-!bride, K+H K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e
of Te>hnoloy Press, 19*0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: /ur det Jom (ig B+ Ke!oirC. n.$., 19*'. (cience BO>/ober
2&, 19(&CH )(*:&1.
Co$$entary: 2-n-r "r-ni/ sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his rese-r>h #hi>h illu!in-/ed
/he ele>/ri>-l $ro$er/ies of 8ision by s/udyin #-8elen/h dis>ri!in-/ion by /he eye. Lis
$ioneer dis>o8ery /h-/ lih/ #-8es bo/h e@>i/e -nd inhibi/ /he ele>/ri> i!$ulse dis>h-re
s/i!ul-/ed !u>h rese-r>h. "r-ni/9s o/her >on/ribu/ions -re in /he -re-s of ele>/ri>-l
>on/rol of ner8es in !us>le /issues -nd ner8e i!$ulse /r-ns!ission of $-in -nd /ou>h.
1artline5 1aldan 8effer 3B1
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(&. Born: De>e!ber 22, 190'; Aloo!sbur, P+.
Death: K-r>h 1&, 19*'; 1-lls/on, KD. Parents: 1-/her, D-niel S>hollenberer L-r/line;
Ko/her, L-rrie/ 1r-n0lin Neffer L-r/line. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/.
Education: L-f-ye//e 6ollee, P+, A.S., 192'; Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, K.D., 192&.
Spouse: K-ry 5liz-be/h Nr-us, !-rried +$ril 11, 19'(. Children: D-niel Neffer, son;
Pe/er L-ld-n, son; 1rederi>0 1l-nders, son. Career: Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., A-l/i!ore,
KD, 2ese-r>her, 192&:29; Ini8. of Pennsyl8-ni-, Professor, 1929:)9; Pohns Lo$0ins
Ini8., A-l/i!ore, KD, Professor, 19)9:%'; 2o>0efeller Ini8., N3, Professor, 19%':&).
Other Awards: Willi-! L. Lo#ell +#-rd, 192&; Lo#-rd 6rosby W-rren Ked-l, 19)*;
+.+. Ki>helson +#-rd, 6-se ?ns/i/u/e, 19(); Lih/house +#-rd, Ne# 3or0 6i/y, 19(9;
"eore W-shin/on Nidd +#-rd, 19*2.
Selected Publications: (tudies on $xcitation and <nhibition in the Betina> A .ollection
of apers from the -aboratories of /. Jeffer /artline. Ne# 3or0H 2o>0efeller Ini8.
Press, 19&).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, '%%. 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety. LondonH
2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*% BSolu!e '1C, 2(1. (cience 1%* BO>/ober 2&, 19(&CH )&1:&'.
Co$$entary: L-ld-n L-r/line9s rese-r>h on /he !e>h-nis!s by #hi>h #e see #on hi!
/he Nobel Prize. 5-rly in his >-reer, he found /h-/ in /he $ro>ess of 8ision, >h-nes o>>ur
in /he ele>/ri>-l $o/en/i-l of /he re/in-. Ay s/udyin indi8idu-l ner8e fibers in /he eye of
/he >r-b, L-r/line de!ons/r-/ed /h-/ /he in/ensi/y of lih/ -ffe>/ed /he s$eed of /he
ele>/ri> i!$ulses ener-/ed, -nd /h-/ f-in/ lih/9s effe>/ #-s >u!ul-/ed o8er /i!e. ?n
fur/her rese-r>h #i/h 8er/ebr-/es -nd >r-bs, he de!ons/r-/ed >o!$le@ in/er->/ions of /he
ner8e >ells -nd fibers of /he eye /h-/ hel$ed /o e@$l-in /he in/ri>->ies of 8ision. BA.?.K.C
Wald5 6eor&e 3B2
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(&. Born: No8e!ber 1*, 190(; Ne# 3or0, N3.
Death: +$ril 12, 199&; 6-!bride, K+. Parents: 1-/her, ?s--> W-ld; Ko/her, 5rnes/ine
2osen!-nn W-ld. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ne# 3or0
Ini8., A.S., 192&; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, K.+., 192*; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 19'2.
Spouse: 1r-n>es Ninsley, !-rried K-y 1%, 19'1, di8or>ed 19%&; 2u/h Lubb-rd,
!-rried 19%*. Children: 5liM-h, son; Ki>h-el, son; D-8id, son; Debor-h, d-uh/er.
Career: N-/ion-l 2ese-r>h 6oun>il 1ello#, 19'2:'); L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor,
19'):&&. Other Awards: 5li Lilly Prize, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19'9; L-s0er
+#-rd, +!eri>-n Publi> Le-l/h +sso>i-/ion, 19%'; Pro>/or Ked-l, +sso>i-/ion for
2ese-r>h in O$h/h-l!oloy, 19%%; 2u!ford Ked-l, +!eri>-n +>-de!y of +r/s -nd
S>ien>es, 19%9; ?8es Ked-l, O$/i>-l So>ie/y of +!eri>-, 19((; P-ul N-rrer Ked-l, Ini8.
of JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, 19(&; T. Du>0e// Pones +#-rd, Lelen L-y Whi/ney 1ound-/ion,
19(&; Ar-dford W-shburn Ked-l, Aos/on Kuseu! So>ie/y, 19(*; K-@ Aer +#-rd,
19(9; Pries/ley Ked-l, Di>0inson 6ollee, 19&0.
Selected Publications: 5eneral $ducation in a =ree (ociety. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd
Ini8. Press, 19)%. T0enty@(ix Afternoons of 8iology. 2e-din, K+H +ddison-Wesley,
19((. 6isual igments and hotoreceptors> Bevie0 and Outloo2. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i>
Press, 19&).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(*, )12:1). \"eore W-ldH The K-n, /he S$ee>h.Z 'e0 1or2 Times #aga*ine
B+uus/ 1&, 19(9CH 2*:29l.
Co$$entary: "eore W-ld9s sh-re of /he Nobel Prize #-s for his rese-r>h on /he
>he!i>-l $ro>esses /h-/ -llo# $i!en/s in /he re/in- of /he eye /o >on8er/ lih/ in/o
8ision. W-ld9s oriin-l rese-r>h sho#ed /h-/ /he eye rod $i!en/ #-s !-de u$ of /he
$ro/ein o$sin -nd re/inene, - Si/-!in + >o!$ound. Lih/ s/ri0in /he $i!en/ se$-r-/ed
/he /#o >o!$onen/s -nd $rodu>ed -n enery burs/ /h-/ !o8ed -lon
P-e 1'9
/he re/in-9s ner8e ne/#or0. ?n l-/er #or0, W-ld sho#ed /h-/ /he eye >ones >on/-ined
/hree $i!en/s >orres$ondin /o /he /hree $ri!-ry >olors, #hi>h >ould be used /o
e@$l-in !-ny $heno!en-, in>ludin >olor blindness. BA.?.K.C
1olle$5 4obert Willia2 3B3
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(*. Born: P-nu-ry 2*, 1922; Irb-n-, ?L. Death:
1ebru-ry 11, 199'; Los "-/os, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, 6h-rles 5l!er Lolley; Ko/her,
Siol- 5s/her Wolfe Lolley. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Ini/-ri-n. Education:
Ini8. of ?llinois, +.A., 19)2; 6ornell Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 19)&. Spouse: +nne Lenore
D#or0in, !-rried K-r>h ', 19)%. Children: 1rederi>0, son. Career: W-shin/on S/-/e
6ollee, 2ese-r>her, 19)&:)*; 6ornell Ini8., ?/h->-, N3, Professor, 19)*:((; S-l0
?ns/i/u/e of Aioloi>-l S/udies, L- Poll-, 6+, 2ese-r>her, 19((:9'. Other Awards:
Dis/inuished Ser8i>e +#-rd, I.S. De$-r/!en/ of +ri>ul/ure, 19(%; L-s0er +#-rd,
19(%; I.S. S/eel 1ound-/ion +#-rd, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19(&.
Selected Publications: \+ Ne# Ke/hod for SeGuen>e De/er!in-/ion of L-re
Oleonu>leo/ides.Z 8iochem. 8iophys. Bes. .ommun. 1& B19()CH '*9:9) B#i/h o/hersC.
\S/ru>/ure of - 2ibonu>lei> +>id.Z (cience 1)& B19(%CH 1)(2:(% B#i/h o/hersC.
\S/ru>/ure of -n +l-nine Tr-nsfer 2ibonu>lei> +>id.99 7ournal of the American #edical
Association 19) B19(%CH *(*:&1. \5@$eri!en/-l +$$ro->hes /o /he De/er!in-/ion of /he
Nu>leo/ide SeGuen>es of L-re Olionu>leo/ides -nd S!-ll Nu>lei> +>ids.Z rogr.
'ucl. Acid Bes. #ol. 8iol. B19(*CH '&:)&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(&, 1&2:&). 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice B1ebru-ry 1), 199'CH 2'0. (cience
1(2 BO>/ober 2%, 19(*CH )'':'(.
Co$$entary: 2ober/ Lolley sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his de8elo$!en/ of /e>hniGues
for de/er!inin /he s/ru>/ure of nu>lei> ->ids -nd for his de/er!in-/ion of /he >o!$le/e
nu>leo/ide seGuen>e of /he -l-nine /r-nsfer ribonu>lei> ->ids. Lis >on/inued rese-r>h
refined /e>hniGues, $re$-red o/her >-ndid-/es for s/udy, -nd el-bor-/ed fur/her
s/ru>/ures. Lis l-/er rese-r>h in>luded #or0 on f->/ors -ffe>/in >ell di8ision. BN.1.C
8horana5 1ar 6obind 3B?
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(*. Born: P-nu-ry 9, 1922; 2-i$ur, ?ndi-. Parents:
1-/her, Shri "-n$-/ 2-i Nhor-n-; Ko/her, Shri!-/ Nrishn- De8i Nhor-n-. Nationality:
?ndi-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Lindu. Education: PunM-b Ini8., ?ndi-, A.S>.,
19)'; PunM-b Ini8., ?ndi-, K.S>., 19)%; Li8er$ool Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19)*. Spouse:
5s/her 5liz-be/h Sibler, !-rried 19%2. Children: Puli-, d-uh/er; 5!ily +nne, d-uh/er;
D-8e 2oy, son. Career: 1eder-l ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd,
2ese-r>her, 19)*:)9; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19%0:%2; Ini8. of Ari/ish
6olu!bi-, 6-n-d-, +d!inis/r-/or, 19%2:(0; Ini8. of Wis>onsin, Professor -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19(0:&0; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19&0:9&.
Other Awards: Ker>0 +#-rd, 6he!i>-l ?ns/i/u/e of 6-n-d-, 19%*; "old Ked-l,
Profession-l ?ns/i/u/e of Publi> Ser8i>e of 6-n-d-, 19(0; D-nnieLeinne!-n Preiz,
"U//inen, "er!-ny, 19(&; 2e!sen +#-rd, Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., 19(*; +!eri>-n
6he!i>-l So>ie/y +#-rd, 19(*; Louis- "ross Loro#i/z Prize, 19(*; L-s0er +#-rd,
19(*; "ibbs Ked-l, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19&). "-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd,
19*0; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19*&; N-yser +#-rd, 19*&.
Selected Publications: (ome Becent &evelopments in the .hemistry of hosphate
$sters of 8iological <nterest. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19(1. \S/udies on Polynu>leo/ides.
L4S??. ?ni/i-/ion of Pro/ein Syn/hesis in Si/ro -s S/udied by Isin 2ibo$olynu>leo/ides
#i/h 2e$e-/in Nu>leo/ide SeGuen>es -s Kesseners.Z 7ournal of #olecular 8iology 2%
B19(&CH 2&%:9* B#i/h o/hersC. \Syn/hesis of Tr-nsfer 2N+ "enes.Z Advan. 8iosci
B19&1CH *9:102.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19&0, 222:2). (cience 1(2 BO>/ober 2%, 19(*CH )'':'(.
Co$$entary: L-r Nhor-n- re>ei8ed /he Nobel +#-rd for his #or0 in /he ene/i>s -re-.
Le su>>eeded firs/ in syn/hesizin $olynu>leo/ides -nd e@/ended Nirenber9s
ni/ro>ellulose bindin /e>hniGue by /es/in e->h of /he () $ossible ribonu>leo/ides. This
#or0 #-s follo#ed by o/her $roofs of $-r/s of /he ene/i> >ode. Prior /o his #or0 in
ene/i>s, Nhor-n- h-d done 8-lu-ble rese-r>h on -l0-loids -nd on /he syn/hesis of
6oenzy!e +. +f/er re>ei8in /he Nobel, Nhor-n- su>>eeded in -n e8en !ore s/ri0in
->>o!$lish!en/=/he syn/hesis of -n -r/ifi>i-l ene. BN.1.C
Nirenber&5 ,arshall Warren 3B@
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(*. Born: +$ril 10, 192&; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents:
1-/her, L-rry 5d#-rd Nirenber; Ko/her, Kiner8- Ay0o#s0y Nirenber. Nationality:
+!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of 1lorid-, A.S., 19)*; Ini8. of 1lorid-,
K.S., 19%2; Ini8. of Ki>hi-n, Ph.D., 19%&. Spouse: Perol- J-l/z!-n, !-rried Puly 1),
19(1. Children: None. Career: N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/es of Le-l/h, Ae/hesd-, KD, 2ese-r>her
-nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19%&-. Other Awards: Kole>ul-r Aioloy +#-rd, N-/ion-l +>-de!y
of S>ien>es, 19(2; Aioloi>-l S>ien>es +#-rd, W-shin/on +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19(2;
P-ul Le#is +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19('; Kodern Kedi>ine +#-rd, 19(';
Ked-l, De$-r/!en/ of Le-l/h, 5du>-/ion -nd Welf-re, 19(); L-rrison Lo#e +#-rd,
+!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(); N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>es, 19(%; Lildebr-nd
+#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19((; 2ese-r>h 6or$or-/ion +#-rd, 19((; "-irdner
1ound-/ion +#-rd of Keri/, 6-n-d-, 19(&; Pri@ 6h-rles Leo$old Keyer, 1ren>h
+>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19(&; +.6.P. +#-rd, 19(&; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e,
19(*; L-s0er +#-rd, 19(*; Pries/ly +#-rd, 19(*; Louis- "ross Loro#i/z Prize, 19(*.
Selected Publications: \The "ene/i> 6ode.Z (cientific American 20* BK-r>h 19('CH *0:
9). \2N+ 6ode -nd Pro/ein Syn/hesis.Z .old (pring (ymposium on ?uantitative
8iology B19((CH 11:2) B#i/h o/hersC. \"ene/i> Ke!ory.Z 7ournal of the American
#edical Association 20( B19(*CH 19&':&&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(%, '0%:0&. 2obinson, Don-ld. 100 #ost <mportant eople in the %orld Today. Ne#
3or0H Pu/n-!, 19&0, 20):0(.
Co$$entary: K-rsh-ll Nirenber #on /he Nobel Prize for his de8elo$!en/ of /he
$ro>edure for de>i$herin /he ene/i> >ode in li8in >ells. Le #-s /hen -ble /o re8e-l /he
P-e 1)0
e@->/ order of -!ino ->ids in $ro/ein syn/hesis -s dire>/ed by /he infor!-/ion s/ored in
DN+ Bdeo@yribonu>lei> ->idC. BN.1.C
(elbrSck5 ,a/ 3BA
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(9. Born: Se$/e!ber ), 190(; Aerlin, "er!-ny.
Death: K-r>h 10, 19*1; P-s-den-, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, L-ns DelbrR>0; Ko/her, Lin-
Thiers>h DelbrR>0. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pro/es/-n/.
Education: Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 19'0. Spouse: K-ry +d-line Aru>e,
!-rried +uus/ 2, 19)1. Children: Pon-/h-n, son; Ni>ol-, d-uh/er; Tobi-s, son; Ludin-,
d-uh/er. Career: N-iser Wilhel! ?ns/i/u/e, Aerlin, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19'2:'&;
6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 2ese-r>her, 19'&:'9; S-nderbil/ Ini8., TN,
Professor, 19)0:)&; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19)&:&(. Other
Awards: Ni!ber Ked-l, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es; Louis- "ross Loro#i/z Prize,
Selected Publications: \Ku/-/ion of A->/eri- fro! SirusSensi/i8e /o Sirus-2esis/-n/.Z
5enetics 2* B19)'CH )91:%11 B#i/h S. Luri-C. \?ndu>ed Ku/-/ions in A->/eri-l Siruses.Z
.old (pring /arbor (ymposia on ?uantitative 8iology 11 B19)(CH '':'&. Mber
6ererbungschemie. 6oloneH Wes/-deu/s>her Serl-, 19('.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*2 BSolu!e 2*C, %9:(0. 1is>her, 5.P. -nd Li$son, 6. Thin2ing
about (cience> #ax &elbr3c2 and the Origins of #olecular 8iology. Ne# 3or0H Nor/on,
Co$$entary: K-@ DelbrR>0 #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his sh-re in /he
\dis>o8eries >on>ernin /he re$li>-/ion !e>h-nis! -nd /he ene/i> s/ru>/ure of 8iruses.99
Oriin-lly - $hysi>is/, DelbrR>0 be>-!e in/eres/ed in b->/erio$h-es. Le $ioneered /he
use of /he $l-Gue /e>hniGue /o s/udy b->/erio$h-e re$li>-/ion -nd dis>o8ered /h-/
b->/erio$h-es $rodu>ed !ul/i$le offs$rin #hile des/royin /heir hos/s. Le -lso
sho#ed /h-/ ene/i> !-/eri-l fro! /#o differen/ 8iruses >ould >o!bine in/o - /hird for!.
Lis >-reer l-/er /urned /o /he s/udy of sensory $hysioloy. BN.1.C
1ershe$5 0lfred (a$ 3BB
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(9. Born: De>e!ber ), 190*; O#osso, K?. Death:
K-y 22, 199&; Syosse/, N3. Parents: 1-/her, 2ober/ D-y Lershey; Ko/her, +l!- Wilbur
Lershey. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n, Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ki>hi-n
S/-/e Ini8., A.S., 19'0; Ki>hi-n S/-/e Ini8., Ph.D., 19'). Spouse: L-rrie/ D-8idson,
!-rried No8e!ber 1%, 19)(. Children: Pe/er K-nnin, son. Career: W-shin/on Ini8.,
KO, Professor, 19'):%0; 6-rneie ?ns/i/u/e -/ 6old S$rin L-rbor, N3, 2ese-r>her -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19%0:&). Other Awards: L-s0er +#-rd, +!eri>-n Publi> Le-l/h
+sso>i-/ion, 19%*; Ni!ber "ene/i>s +#-rd, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19(%.
Selected Publications: \2e$rodu>/ion of A->/erio$h-e.Z <nternational Bevie0 of
.ytology 1 B19%2CH 119:'). \Nu>lei> +>id 5>ono!y in A->/eri- ?nfe>/ed #i/h
A->/erio$h-e T2. ??. Ph-e Pre>ursor Nu>lei> +>id.Z 7ournal of 5eneral hysiology '&
B19%'CH 1:2'. \I$$er Li!i/ /o /he Pro/ein 6on/en/ of /he "er!in-l Subs/-n>e of
A->/erio$h-e T2.Z 6irology 1 B19%%CH 10*:2&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, '&0. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19&0, 1&%:
&&. (cience BO>/ober 2), 19(9CH )&9:*1. S/-hl, 1.W. -nd Lershey, +.D. %e .an (leep
-ater> Alfred &. /ershey and the Origins of #olecular 8iology. 6old S$rin L-rbor,
N3H 6old S$rin L-rbor L-bor-/ory Press, 2000.
Co$$entary: +lfred Lershey sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 in \dis>o8eries
>on>ernin /he re$li>-/ion !e>h-nis! -nd /he ene/i> s/ru>/ure of 8iruses.Z Le #-s
ins/ru!en/-l in de!ons/r-/in /h-/ s$on/-neous !u/-/ions o>>urred in bo/h
b->/erio$h-es -nd /he >ells #i/h #hi>h /hey in/er->/ed; /h-/ /he ene/i> !-/eri-l of
differen/ 8iruses >ould >o!bine; -nd /h-/ /he nu>lei> ->id, no/ i/s -sso>i-/ed $ro/ein,
>-rried ene/i> infor!-/ion. Lis e-rly rese-r>h #-s on /he >he!is/ry of Aru>ell- b->/eri-
-nd in /he -re- of i!!unoloy. Lershey -lso #or0ed on /he de8elo$!en/ of 8->>ines for
8-rious >hildhood dise-ses. BN.1.C
#!ria5 -al>ador "d)ard 3BC
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19(9. Born: +uus/ 1', 1912; Turin, ?/-ly. Death:
1ebru-ry (, 1991; Le@in/on, K+. Parents: 1-/her, D-8id Luri-; Ko/her, 5s/er
S->erdo/e Luri-. Nationality: ?/-li-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish.
Education: Ini8. of Turin, ?/-ly, K.D., 19'%. Spouse: Jell- Lur#i/z, !-rried +$ril 1*,
19)%. Children: D-niel, son. Career: ?/-li-n +r!y, 19'%:'*; ?ns/i/u/e of 2-diu!, P-ris,
1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her, 19'*:)0; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 2ese-r>her, 19)0:)2; ?ndi-n- Ini8.,
Professor, 19)':%0; Ini8. of ?llinois, Professor, 19%0:%9; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19%9:&*. Other Awards: Le$e/i/ Prize, 19'%;
Lenhi Prize, +>-de!i- N-zion-le Lin>ei, 19(%; Louis- "ross Loro#i/z Prize,
6olu!bi- Ini8., 19(9; N-/ion-l Aoo0 +#-rd, 19&).
Selected Publications: \Ku/-/ion of A->/eri- fro! SirusSensi/i8e /o Sirus-2esis/-n/.Z
5enetics 2* B19)'CH )91:%11 B#i/h K. DelbrR>0C. The #ultiplication of 6iruses. Sienn-H
S$riner, 19%*. The Becognition of &'A in 8acteria. S-n 1r-n>is>o, 6+H W.L. 1ree!-n,
19(9. A 6ie0 of -ife. Kenlo P-r0, 6+H AenM-!in 6u!!ins, 19*1 B#i/h S. "ould -nd S.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19&0, 2%*:(0. A (lot #achine, A 8ro2en Test Tube B-u/obior-$hyC. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er
Y 2o#, 19*). 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice B1ebru-ry &, 1991CH 10*.
Co$$entary: S-l8-dor Luri- sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his $-r/ in \dis>o8eries
>on>ernin /he re$li>-/ion !e>h-nis! -nd /he ene/i> s/ru>/ure of 8iruses.Z Luri-,
#or0in #i/h DelbrR>0, de8elo$ed /e>hniGues for $urifyin 8iruses -nd dis>o8ered /h-/
ener-/ions of 8iruses !u/-/e, -nd /h-/ durin b->/erio$h-e ro#/h, s$on/-neous
!u/-/ions o>>urred in bo/h /he b->/erio$h-es -nd in /he hos/ b->/eri-l >ells. Le -lso
#or0ed on /he $heno!en- of lysoeny -nd /r-nsdu>/ion, -s #ell -s bein - so>i-l
>ons>ien>e of /he s>ien/ifi> >o!!uni/y, >h-!$ionin - 8-rie/y of >-uses. B+.N.C
P-e 1)1
0/elrod5 <!li!s 3B9
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&0. Born: K-y '0, 1912; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents:
1-/her, ?s-dore +@elrod; Ko/her, Kolly Lie>h/lin +@elrod. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: Pe#ish. Education: 6i/y 6ollee of Ne# 3or0, A.S., 19''; Ne# 3or0 Ini8.,
K.+., 19)1; "eore W-shin/on Ini8., W-shin/on, D6, Ph.D., 19%%. Spouse: S-lly
T-ub, !-rried +uus/ '0, 19'*. Children: P-ul K-r0, son; +lfred N-/h-n, son. Career:
Ne# 3or0 Ini8., 2ese-r>her, 19'':)9; N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/es of Le-l/h, KD, 2ese-r>her
-nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19%0:9(. Other Awards: Keri/orious 2ese-r>h +#-rd, +sso>i-/ion
for 2ese-r>h on Ner8ous -nd Ken/-l Dise-ses, 19(%; "-irdner +#-rd, 19(&; +lu!ni
Dis/inuished +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, "eore W-shin/on Ini8., 19(*; 6l-ude Aern-rd
Professorshi$ -nd +#-rd, Ini8. of Kon/re-l, 19(9; Dis/inuished Ser8i>e +#-rd, 19&0;
Dis/inuished Ser8i>e +#-rd, Kodern Kedi>ine K--zine, 19&0; +lber/ 5ins/ein
+#-rd, 3eshi8- Ini8., 19&1; 2udol$h Sir>ho# Ked-l, 19&1; Kyr/le Wre-/h +#-rd,
L-d-ss-h, 19&2; Tor-ld Soll!-nn +#-rd, +!eri>-n So>ie/y of Ph-r!->oloy -nd
5@$eri!en/-l Ther-$eu/i>s, 19&'. Leibniz Ked-l, 19*); S-l!on Ked-l, 19*9;
Thudi>u! Ked-l, 19*9; "er-rd Ked-l, 1991.
Selected Publications: \2edu>/ion in /he +>>u!ul-/ion of Nore$ine$hrine 'L in
5@$eri!en/-l Ly$er/ension.Z -ife (cience % B19((CH 22*':91 B#i/h o/hersC. \6on/rol of
6-/e>hol +!ine Ke/-bolis!.Z rogress in $ndocrinology, <nternational .ongress of
$ndocrinology, Crd B19(*CH 2*(:9'. The ineal. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19(* B#i/h
2. Wur/h!-n -nd D. NellyC. \Aio>he!i>-l Ph-r!->oloy of 6-/e>hol +!ines -nd ?/s
6lini>-l ?!$li>-/ions.99 Transactions of the American 'eurological Association 9(
B19&2CH 1&9:*(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: eople 11 B1ebru-ry %, 19&9CH 2). (cience BO>/ober 2',
19&0CH )22:2'.
Co$$entary: Pulius +@elrod sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his role in de8elo$in /he
-8-il-ble 0no#lede -bou/ hu!or-l /r-ns!i//ers in sy!$-/he/i> ner8es. +@elrod used
/-ed e$ine$hrine -nd nore$ine$hrine /o sho# /h-/ /he inMe>/ed drus eGuilibr-/ed #i/h
/he $ool of /r-ns!i//ers in /he ner8e >h-nnels. Le s/udied /he ->/ion of !-ny drus -nd
$ro8ed /h-/ /heir ->/ion #-s due /o /he >h-nes /hey >-used in /he s/or-e of
neuro/r-ns!i//ers. +@elrod -lso s/udied /he role of /#o enzy!es #hi>h der-de /he
>-/e>hol-!ines, of #hi>h nore$ine$hrine is one. Wi/h Aern-rd Arodie, he #-s
res$onsible for /he #idely used dru Tylenol. BN.1.C
8atz5 +ernard5 -ir 3C0
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&0. Born: K-r>h 2(, 1911; Lei$zi, "er!-ny.
Parents: 1-/her, K-@ N. N-/z; Ko/her, 5uenie 2-bino#i/z N-/z. Nationality: "er!-n;
l-/er Ari/ish >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of Lei$zi, "er!-ny, K.D.,
19'); Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19'*. Spouse: K-rueri/e Penly, !-rried
O>/ober 2&, 19)%. Children: D-8id, son; Pon-/h-n, son. Career: Sydney Los$i/-l,
+us/r-li-, Physi>i-n, 19'9:)2; Ari/ish +r!y, 19)2:)%; Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd,
Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19)(:&*. Other Awards: "-r/en Prize, Ini8. of Lei$zi,
19'); 1eldber 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19(%; A-ly Ked-l, 2oy-l 6ollee of Physi>i-ns,
19(&; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(&; Nnih/hood, 19(9; 6o/henius Ked-l,
Deu/s>he +0-de!ie der N-/urfors>her Leo$oldin-, 19*9.
Selected Publications: $lectric $xcitation of 'erve> A Bevie0. LondonH O@ford Ini8.
Press, 19'9. /o0 .ells .ommunicate. S-n 1r-n>is>oH W.L. 1ree!-n, 19(1. 'erve,
#uscle, and (ynapse. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19((. The Belease of 'eural
Transmitter (ubstance. S$rinfield, ?LH Tho!-s, 19(9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 19&0CH
2%*9. (cience 1&0 BO>/ober 2', 19&0CH )22:2).
Co$$entary: Aern-rd N-/z sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ion /o /he
0no#lede of /he !e>h-nis!s in8ol8ed in /he rele-se of /r-ns!i//er subs/-n>es fro!
ner8e /er!in-ls. N-/z dis>o8ered /h-/ /here #-s - $o/en/i-l $resen/ -/ - neuro!us>ul-r
Mun>/ion e8en -f/er s/i!ul-/ion -nd $ro$osed /he Gu-n/u! hy$o/hesis B/h-/ ner8e endins
se>re/e ->e/yl>holine in Gu-n/-, -nd /h-/ s/i!ul-/ion enor!ously in>re-ses /he Gu-n/-
rele-sedC. Le -lso rese-r>hed /he effe>/s of sodiu!, $o/-ssiu!, -nd >-l>iu! on ->/i8i/y
in /he Mun>/ion. BN.1.C
=on "!ler5 *lf ->ante 3C1
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&0. Born: 1ebru-ry &, 190%; S/o>0hol!, S#eden.
Death: K-r>h 10, 19*'; S/o>0hol!, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, L-ns 8on 5uler-6hel$in;
Ko/her, +s/rid 6le8e 8on 5uler. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education:
N-rolins0- ?ns/i/u/e, S#eden, K.D., 19'0. Spouse: P-ne Sodens/iern-, !-rried +$ril 12,
19'0, di8or>ed 19%&; D-!-r 6rons/ed/, !-rried +uus/ 20, 19%*. Children: Leo, son;
6hris/o$her, son; Irsul-, d-uh/er; K-rie, d-uh/er. Career: N-rolins0- ?ns/i/u/e,
S#eden, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19'0:&1. Other Awards: 6o!!-nder, Order of
/he Nor/h S/-r, S#eden; 6ruzeiro do Sul, Ar-zil, 19%2; P-l!es +>-de!iGues, 1r-n>e;
"-irdner +#-rd, 19(1; P-hre Prize, 19(%; S/ouffer Prize, 19(&; "r-nd 6ross -l Keri/o
6i8il, S$-in, 19&9.
Selected Publications: \Ly$er/ension -f/er Ail-/er-l Ne$hre>/o!y in /he 2-/.Z 'ature
1(0 B19)&CH 90% B#i/h 5. Ar-un-KenendezC. 'oradrenaline> .hemistry, hysiology,
harmacology, and .linical Aspects. S$rinfield, ?LH Tho!-s, 19%(. rostaglandins.
Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19(*. Belease and :pta2e =unctions in Adrenergic 'erve
5ranules. Li8er$oolH Li8er$ool Ini8. Press, 19*2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, *1%. 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety. LondonH
2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*% BSolu!e '1C, 1)':&0. The $xcitement and =ascination of (cience.
P-lo +l/o, 6+H +nnu-l 2e8ie#s, ?n>., 19&*, Sol. 2, (&%:*(.
Co$$entary: Ilf 8on 5uler #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ion /o
0no#lede >on>ernin hu!or-l /r-ns!i//ers in sy!$-/he/i> ner8es. Son 5uler #-s
res$onsible for isol-/ion -nd iden/ifi>-/ion of nore$ine$hrine -s /he /r-ns!i//er in /he
sy!$-/he/i> ner8ous sys/e! -nd el-bor-/ion of i/s role in s/ress >ondi/ions. Le -lso
found /h-/ s/i!ul-/ion of /he ner8e /o /he -dren-l l-nd $rodu>ed in>re-sed -dren-l
e$ine$hrine -nd isol-/ed -nd >h-r->/erized /he nore$ine$hrine s/or-e uni/s in ner8es.
Son 5uler, e-rly in his >-reer, dis>o8ered $ros/-l-ndin, #hi>h #ould l-/er be>o!e -
!u>h-s/udied en/i/y. BN.1.C
P-e 1)2
-!therland5 "arl Wilb!r5 <r: 3C2
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&1. Born: No8e!ber 19, 191%; Aurlin-!e, NS.
Death: K-r>h 9, 19&); Ki-!i, 1L. Parents: 1-/her, 5-rl Wilbur Su/herl-nd; Ko/her,
5di/h L-r/shorn Su/herl-nd. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education:
W-shburn 6ollee, NS, A.S., 19'&; W-shin/on Ini8., KO, K.D., 19)2. Spouse:
Kildred 2i>e, !-rried 19'&, di8or>ed 19(2; 6l-udi- Sebes/e S!i/h, !-rried 19('.
Children: 2 sons; 2 d-uh/ers. Career: W-shin/on Ini8., KO, Professor, 19)0:)2;
Ini/ed S/-/es +r!y, 19)2:)%; W-shin/on Ini8., KO, Professor, 19)%:%'; 6-se
Wes/ern 2eser8e Ini8., OL, Professor, 19%':('; S-nderbil/ Ini8., TN, Professor, 19(':
&'; Ini8. of Ki-!i, 1L, Professor, 19&':&). Other Awards: Tor-ld Soll!-n +#-rd,
19(9; Di>0son Prize in Kedi>ine, 19&0; L-s0er +#-rd, 19&0; +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd,
+!eri>-n Le-r/ +sso>i-/ion, 19&1; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, Ini/ed S/-/es, 19&'.
Selected Publications: \Lor!on-l 2eul-/ory Ke>h-nis!s.Z roceedings of the Third
<nternational .ongress of 8iochemistry. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19%%, '1*:2&.
\The Pro$er/ies of -n +denine 2ibonu>leo/ide Produ>ed #i/h 6ellul-r P-r/i>les, +TP,
Kll, -nd 5$ine$hrine or "lu>-on.Z 7ournal of the American .hemical (ociety &9
B19%&CH '0(* B#i/h T.W. 2-llC. \1or!-/ion of - 6y>li> +denine 2ibonu>leo/ide by
Tissue P-r/i>les.Z 7ournal of 8iological .hemistry 2'2 B19%*CH 10(%:&( B#i/h T.W.
2-llC. \The Aioloi>-l 2ole of +denosine '
, %
-Phos$h-/e.99 /arvey -ecture (eries.
Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19(2 BSolu!e %&C, 1&:''. \The 2ole of 6y>li> '
, %-
+KP in 2es$onses /o 6-/e>hol-!ines -nd O/her Lor!ones.Z harmacological Bevie0s
1* B19((CH 1)%:(1 B#i/h ".+. 2obisonC. .yclic A#. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19&1
B#i/h ".+. 2obison -nd 2.W. Au/>herC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the 'ational Academy of
(ciences. W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19&* BSolu!e )9C, '19:%0.
Time 9* BO>/ober 2%, 19&1CH ('.
Co$$entary: 5-rl Su/herl-nd re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for \his lon s/udy of hor!ones,
/he >he!i>-l subs/-n>es /h-/ reul-/e 8ir/u-lly e8ery body fun>/ion.Z Durin his >-reer,
he in8es/i-/ed /he reul-/ion of >-rbohydr-/e !e/-bolis! by /he hor!one -dren-line
in/er->/ion #i/h $hos$horyl-se, /he role of /he >y>li> +KP in/er!edi-/e in hor!on-l
->/i8i/ies, -nd /he in8ol8e!en/ of >y>li> +KP in /r-ns!ission of ene/i> infor!-/ion -nd
in -bnor!-l >ell ro#/h. BA.?.K.C
"del2an5 6erald ,a!rice 3C3
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&2. Born: Puly 1, 1929; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents:
1-/her, 5d#-rd 5del!-n; Ko/her, +nn- 1reed!-n 5del!-n. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Irsinus 6ollee, P+, A.S., 19%0; Ini8. of Pennsyl8-ni-,
K.D., 19%); 2o>0efeller Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 19(0. Spouse: K-@ine Korrison, !-rried
Pune 11, 19%0. Children: 5ri>, son; D-8id, son; Pudi/h, d-uh/er. Career: 2o>0efeller
Ini8., N3, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19%&:92. S>ri$$s 2ese-r>h ?ns/i/u/e, 6+,
2ese-r>her, 1992-. Other Awards: S$en>er Korris +#-rd, Ini8. of Pennsyl8-ni-, 19%);
5li Lilly +#-rd, 19(%; +nnu-l +lu!ni +#-rd, Irsinus 6ollee, 19(9; +lber/ 5ins/ein
6o!!e!or-/i8e +#-rd, 3eshi8- Ini8., 19&); Au>h!-n Ke!ori-l +#-rd, 6-liforni-
?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 19&%; 2-bbi Sh-i S>h-0n-i Ke!ori-l Prize, Lebre# Ini8.,
19&&; 2een/s Ked-l, Ne# 3or0 S/-/e, 19*); SesGui>en/enni-l 6o!!e!or-/i8e +#-rd,
N-/ion-l Libr-ry of Kedi>ine, 19*(; Neur-/h Prize, 19*(; So/ +#-rd, 19**;
Personn-li/e de l9-nnee, P-ris, 1990; W-rren Prize, 1992.
Selected Publications: \The S/ru>/ure -nd 1un>/ion of +n/ibodies.Z (cientific American
22' B+uus/ 19&0CH '):)2. .ellular (election and Begulation in the <mmune Besponse.
Ne# 3or0H 2-8en Press, 19&). #olecular #achinery of the #embrane. 6-!bride,
K+H K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy Press, 19&%. &ynamic Aspects of
'eocortical =unction. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19*% B#i/h 5. "-ll -nd W. 6o#-nC. #olecular
8asis of 'eural &evelopment. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19*% B#i/h 5. "-ll -nd W. 6o#-nC.
8right Air, 8rilliant =ire. Ne# 3or0H A-si> Aoo0s, 1992.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L. W. Wilson,
199%, 9. 'e0 1or2 Times BK-y 22, 19**CH Se>/ion (, 1(:19. (cience 1&* BO>/ober 2&,
19&2CH '*):*(.
Co$$entary: "er-ld 5del!-n sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his rese-r>h on /he >he!i>-l
s/ru>/ure of -n/ibodies. Lis disser/-/ion used 2odney Por/er9s !e/hods /o >le-8e -nd
s/udy /he s/ru>/ure of hu!-n i!!unolobulins. L-/er rese-r>h led /o /he >le-8-e of /he
l-re !ole>ules in/o >o!$onen/ $oly$e$/ide >h-ins, usin ure-. 5del!-n re$or/ed /#o
differen/ $oly$e$/ides -nd differen/ -n/ienbindin $ro$er/ies, #hi>h s/i!ul-/ed !u>h of
/he l-/er #or0 in /his field. Le -lso su>>eeded in de/er!inin /he s/ru>/ure of hu!-n
!yelo!- $ro/ein. Lis l-/er s/udies fo>used on br-in fun>/ion -nd e!bryoloy. BA.?.K.C
Porter5 4odne$ 4obert 3C?
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&2. Born: O>/ober *, 191&; Li8er$ool, 5nl-nd.
Death: Se$/e!ber (, 19*%; Win>hes/er, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pose$h L. Por/er;
Ko/her, ?sobel K. Por/er. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education:
Li8er$ool Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.S., 19'9; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19)*. Spouse:
Puli- 1r-n>es Ne#, !-rried 19)*. Children: Niel, son; Ti!, son; Sus-n, d-uh/er;
2u/h, d-uh/er; Lelen, d-uh/er. Career: N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/e for Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h,
London, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19)9:(0; London Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19(0:(&;
O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19(&:*%. Other Awards: +#-rd of Keri/, "-irdner
1ound-/ion, 19((; 6ib- Ked-l, Aio>he!is/ry So>ie/y, 19(&; N-rl L-nds/einer Ke!ori-l
+#-rd, +!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion of Alood A-n0s, 19(*; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&'.
Selected Publications: &efence and Becognition. A-l/i!ore, KDH Ini8ersi/y P-r0 Press,
19&'. .hemical Aspects of <mmunology. Aurlin/on, N6H 6-rolin- Aioloi>-l Su$$ly
6o!$-ny, 19&(. .ontemporary Topics in #olecular <mmunology. Solu!e (, Ne# 3or0H
Plenu! Press, 19&( B#i/h ". +d-C. 8iochemistry and 5enetics of .omplement> A
&iscussion. LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*& BSolu!e ''CH )''. 'e0 (cientist BO>/ober 19, 19&2CH 1)2:
)'. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice B19&2CH 1&&9. (cience 1&* BO>/ober 2&, 19&2CH
P-e 1)'
Co$$entary: 2odney Por/er #on /he Nobel Prize for his rese-r>h on /he >he!i>-l
s/ru>/ure of -n/ibodies. Le de8elo$ed /he !e/hod of sele>/i8e >le-8-e #i/h enzy!es
-nd su>>eeded in se$-r-/in -n/ibodies in/o /#o differen/ $-r/s #i/h /he enzy!e $-$-in.
The ->/i8i/ies of /he /#o $-r/s fi/ /he 0no#n bi8-len>y of i!!unolobulin ". L-/er,
Por/er se$-r-/ed r-bbi/ i!!unolobulin $oly$e$/ides -nd de8elo$ed /he four->h-in
!odel for i!!unolobulin " s/ru>/ure. B2.N.C
risch5 8arl >on 3C@
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&'. Born: No8e!ber 20, 1**(; Sienn-, +us/ri-.
Death: Pune 12, 19*2; Kuni>h, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, +n/on 2i//er 8on 1ris>h;
Ko/her, K-rie 5@ner 8on 1ris>h. Nationality: +us/ri-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education:
Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 1910. Spouse: K-r-re/ Kohr, !-rried Puly 20,
191&. Children: Poh-nn-, d-uh/er; K-ri-, d-uh/er; Lelene, d-uh/er; O//o, son.
Career: Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor, 1910:1); DUblin Los$i/-l, Sienn-,
+us/ri-, Physi>i-n, 191):19; Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor, 1912:21; Ini8. of
2os/o>0, "er!-ny, Professor, 1921:2'; Ini8. of Aresl-u, Pol-nd, Professor, 192':2%;
Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, +d!inis/r-/or, 192%:)(; Ini8. of "r-z, +us/ri-, Professor
-nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19)(:%0; Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor, 19%0:%*. Other
Awards: Orden Pour le Keri/e fRr Wissens>h-f/en und Nuns/e, 19%2; K-ell-n Prize,
+!eri>-n Philoso$hi>-l So>ie/y, 19%(; N-lin- Prize, IN5S6O, 19%9; A-lz-n Prize,
Selected Publications: The &ancing 8ees> An Account of the -ife and (enses of the
/oneybee. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, Ar->e, 19%%. #an and the -iving %orld. Ne# 3or0H
L-r>our/, 19('. 8ees> Their 6ision, .hemical (enses and -anguage. ?/h->-, N3H 6ornell
Ini8. Press, 19&2. Animal Architecture. Ne# 3or0H S-n Nos/r-nd 2einhold, 19*'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A 8iologist Bemembers. Ne# 3or0H Per-!on, 19(&.
.urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19&), 1'0:''. \N-rl 8on
1ris>h.Z 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety. LondonH 2oy-l
So>ie/y, 19*' BSolu!e 29C, 19&:200.
Co$$entary: N-rl 8on 1ris>h #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 in e/holoy
B/he s/udy of -ni!-l beh-8iorC. Le used >ondi/ioned refle@ s/udies /o sho# /h-/ bees
dis/inuished -!on >olors -nd >ould >o!!uni>-/e /heir findins. Pre8iously, 8on
1ris>h h-d sho#n /h-/ fish >ould dis/inuish -!on >olors, lih/ in/ensi/ies, -nd sound
le8els. BA.?.K.C
#orenz5 8onrad 7acharias 3CA
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&'. Born: No8e!ber &, 190'; Sienn-, +us/ri-.
Death: 1ebru-ry 2&, 19*9; +l/enbur, +us/ri-. Parents: 1-/her, +dolf Lorenz; Ko/her,
5!!- Le>her Lorenz. Nationality: +us/ri-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of
Sienn-, +us/ri-, K.D., 192*; Ini8. of Sienn-, +us/ri-, Ph.D., 19''. Spouse: K-r-re/he
\"re/lZ "ebh-rd/, !-rried Pune 2), 192&. Children: +nes, d-uh/er; D-!-r, d-uh/er;
Tho!-s, son. Career: Ini8. of Sienn-, +us/ri-, Professor, 192*:)0; Ini8. of
NUnisber, "er!-ny, Professor, 19)0:)2; "er!-n +r!y, 19)2:)); So8ie/ +r!eni-,
Prisoner of W-r, 19)):)*; ?ns/i/u/e of 6o!$-r-/i8e 5/holoy, +l/enber, +us/ri-,
+d!inis/r-/or, 19)9:%1; K-@ Pl-n>0 1ound-/ion, "er!-ny, +d!inis/r-/or, 19%1:&';
+us/ri-n +>-de!y of S>ien>e, +d!inis/r-/or, 19&':*2. Other Awards: "old Ked-l,
Jooloi>-l So>ie/y of Ne# 3or0, 19%%; 6i/y Prize, Sienn-, 19%9; "old AUls>he Ked-l,
19(2; +us/ri-n Dis/in>/ion for S>ien>e -nd +r/, 19(); Pri@ Kondi-l, 6ino de Du>-,
19(9; N-lin- Prize, IN5S6O, 19&0; Order Pour le K_ri/e; "rosses Serdiens/0reuz,
19&); A-yeris>her Serdiens/orden, 19&).
Selected Publications: On Aggression. Ne# 3or0H L-r>our/, Ar->e -nd World, 19((.
$volution and #odification of 8ehavior. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19(&. (tudies
in Animal and /uman 8ehavior. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19&0:&1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19&&, 2&):&&. 58-ns, 2i>h-rd. Jonrad -oren*> The #an and /is <deas. Ne# 3or0H
L-r>our/, Ar->e, Po8-no8i>h, 19&%. Lorenz, N. -nd KRndl, N.L. On -ife and -iving>
Jonrad -oren* in .onversation 0ith Jurt #3ndl. Ne# 3or0H S/. K-r/in9s, 1990.
Wu0eli/s, 1. Jonrad -oren*. Kuni>hH Pi$er, 1990.
Co$$entary: Nonr-d Lorenz sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 in e/holoy B/he
>o!$-r-/i8e s/udy of /he beh-8ior of -ni!-ls in /heir n-/ur-l en8iron!en/C. Le #or0ed
!os/ly #i/h birds, $-r/i>ul-rly eese, -nd #-s es$e>i-lly #ell 0no#n for his s/udy of
-ressi8e beh-8ior, of i!$rin/in B/he $ror-!ed ->/ion of follo#in /he firs/ !o8in
obMe>/ seen -f/er h-/>hinC, -nd of /he effe>/s of isol-/ion -nd o8er>ro#din on youn
$ri!-/es. BA.?.K.C
Tinber&en5 Nikolaas 3CB
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&'. Born: +$ril 1%, 190&; The L-ue, Ne/herl-nds.
Death: De>e!ber 21, 19**; O@ford, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Dir0 6ornelus
Tinberen; Ko/her, Pe-nne//e S-n 5e0 Tinberen. Nationality: Du/>h; l-/er Ari/ish
>i/izen. Religion: +nos/i>; fro! Pro/es/-n/ b->0round. Education: Ini8. of Leiden,
Ne/herl-nds, Ph.D., 19'2. Spouse: 5lis-be/h OOLiesZ +!elie 2u//en, !-rried +$ril 1),
19'2. Children: P->ob, son; 6-/h-rin-, d-uh/er; Dir0, son; P-nne/Me, d-uh/er;
"er-rdin-, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Leiden, Ne/herl-nds, Professor, 19'':)9; "er!-n
Prisoner of W-r, 19)%:)&; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19)9:&). Other Awards:
AUls>he Ked-l, 19(9; ?/-li- Prize for TS Do>u!en/-ries, 19(9; "od!-n-S-l8in Ked-l,
Ari/ish Orni/holois/s Inion, 19(9; P-n S#-!!erd-! Ked-l, 19&'.
Selected Publications: The Animal in <ts %orld> $xplorations of an $thologist, 19C,+A,
B>olle>/ed $-$ersC. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19&2:&'. $arly .hildhood
Autism> An $thological Approach. AerlinH P. P-rry, 19&2 B#i/h 5.+. TinberenC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1990 BSolu!e '(CH %)9. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19&%, )1):1(. sychology Today BK-r>h 19&)CH (*:&1. 2Ull, d.2.
-nd Nofod, K-r-re/. The %orld of <nstinct> 'i2o Tinbergen and the Bise of $thology in
the 'etherlands F19,0+19"0H. +ssenH S-n "or>u!, 2000.
Co$$entary: Ni0ol--s Tinberen re>ei8ed /he Nobel for his s/udies of -ni!-l beh-8ior,
in ->0no#lede!en/ of /he i!$or/-n>e of e/holoi>-l rese-r>h /o /he unders/-ndin of
hu!-n beh-8ior. Aes/ 0no#n for his s/udies of /he h-bi/s of ulls, Tinberen -lso
rese-r>hed /he ho!in ins/in>/s of
P-e 1))
dier #-s$s, /he !-/in ri/u-ls of s/i>0leb->0s, -nd /he >olor -d-$/-/ions of bu//erflies.
Lis l-/er s/udies of -u/is! in >hildren #ere -lso no/e#or/hy. BA.?.K.C
%la!de5 0lbert 3CC
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&). Born: +uus/ 2), 1*9*; Lonlier Bno#
Lu@e!bourC, Aeliu!. Death: K-y 22, 19*'; Arussels, Aeliu!. Parents: 1-/her,
1loren/in Pose$h 6l-ude; Ko/her, K-rie-"l-udi>ine W-u/riGu-n/ 6l-ude. Nationality:
Aeli-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of Li`e,
Aeliu!, K.D., 192*. Spouse: Poy "ilder, !-rried Pune 20, 19'%, di8or>ed. Children:
Phili$$-, d-uh/er. Career: 2o>0efeller Ini8., N3, Professor, 1929:&2; Ini8. of
Aeliu!, Professor, 19)*:&0; ?ns/i/u/e Pules Aorde/, Arussels, Aeliu!, 19)*:&1;
6-/holi> Ini8ersi/y, Lou8-in, Professor, 19&2:*'. Other Awards: Ari/ish W-r Ked-l,
191*; ?n/er-llied Ked-l, 191*; "r-nd 6ordon de l9Ordre de Leo$old ??, Aeliu!; Prize
1onds N-/ion-l de l- 2e>her>he S>ien/ifiGue, 19(%; Ked-l, Aeli-n +>-de!ie of
Kedi>ine; Louis- ". Loro#i/z Prize, 6olu!bi- Ini8., 19&0; P-ul 5hrli>h +#-rd, 19&1;
Lud#i D-r!s/-ed/er Prize, 19&1.
Selected Publications: \1r->/ion-/ion of 6hi>0en Tu!or 5@/r->/s by Lihs$eed
6en/rifu-/ion.Z American 7ournal of .ancer '0 B19'&CH &)2:)%. \Dis/ribu/ion of
Nu>lei> +>ids in /he 6ell -nd /he Kor$holoi>-l 6ons/i/u/ion of 6y/o$l-s!.Z 8iological
(ymposia 10 B19)'CH 111:29. \1r->/ion-/ion of K-!!-li-n Li8er 6ells by Differen/i-l
6en/rifu-/ion. ? -nd ??.Z 7ournal of $xperimental #edicine *) B19)(CH %1:*9. OOThe
N-/ure of /he "oli +$$-r-/us. ? -nd ??.Z 7ournal of #orphology *% B19)9CH '%:111
B#i/h ". P-l-deC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, 1%1. 'e0 (cientist BO>/ober 2), 19&)CH 2%%:%(. (cience 1*( BNo8e!ber
*, 19&)CH %1(:20.
Co$$entary: +lber/ 6l-ude #on /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions /o /he rese-r>h
on /he s/ru>/ure -nd fun>/ion of /he in/ern-l >o!$onen/s of >ells. 6l-ude dis>o8ered
e-rly /h-/ >ell >o!$onen/s >ould be se$-r-/ed in - >en/rifue -nd de8elo$ed /he
$ro>edures -nd s/udied /he fr->/ions for se8er-l differen/ >ells -nd /issues. Le -lso used
ele>/ron !i>ros>o$y /o s/udy >ell s/ru>/ure. B2.N.C
de (!>H5 %hristian 4enH ,arie <oseph 3C9
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&). Born: O>/ober 2, 191&; Th-!es Di//on, 5nl-nd.
Parents: 1-/her, +l$honse de Du8_; Ko/her, K-d-leine Puns de Du8_. Nationality:
Aeli-n; l-/er +!eri>-n residen/. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of Lou8-in,
Aeliu!, K.D., 19)1; Ini8. of Lou8-in, Aeliu!, K.S>., 19)(; Ini8. of Lou8-in,
Aeliu!, Ph.D., 19)%. Spouse: P-nine Ler!-n, !-rried Se$/e!ber '0, 19)'. Children:
Thierry, son; +l-in, son; +nne, d-uh/er; 1r-naoise, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Lou8-in,
Aeliu!, Professor, 19)&:*%; 2o>0efeller Ini8., N3, Professor, 19(2:**. Other
Awards: Pri@ des +lu!ni, 19)9; Pri@ Pfizer, 19%&; Pri@ 1r-n>Gui, 19(0; Pri@
QuinGuenn-l, Aele des S>ien>es K_di>-les, Aeliu!, 19(&; ?n/ern-/ion-l +#-rd of
Keri/, "-irdner 1ound-/ion, 6-n-d-, 19(&; Dr. L.P. Leine0en PriMs, Ne/herl-nds, 19&';
"r-nd 6ross, Order of Leo$old ??, 19&%; L-rden +#-rd, 19&*; Theob-ld S!i/h +#-rd,
19*1; Pi!enez Di-z +#-rd, 19*%; 5.A. Wilson +#-rd, 19*9.
Selected Publications: \6y/o>hro!e O@id-se -nd +>id Phos$h-/-se of ?sol-/ed
Ki/o>hondri-.Z .ongr. <ntern. 8iochim., 2esu!es 6o!!uns., 2e 6onr., P-ris B19%2CH
2&* B#i/h 1. +$$el!-ns -nd 2. W-//i-u@C. \Lysoso!es, - Ne# "rou$ of 6y/o$l-s!i>
P-r/i>les.Z (ubcellular articles, (ymposium, %oods /ole, #A B19%*CH 12*:%*.
\Lysoso!es -nd 6he!o/her-$y.Z 8iological Approaches to .ancer .hemotherapy
B19(0CH 101:12. A 5uided Tour of the -iving .ell. Ne# 3or0H S>ien/ifi> +!eri>-n
Aoo0s, 19*). 6ital &ust. Ne# 3or0H A-si>, 199%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 19&)CH
1)0%. (cience 1*( BNo8e!ber *, 19&)CH %1(:20.
Co$$entary: 6hris/i-n de Du8_ sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions /o rese-r>h
on /he s/ru>/ure -nd fun>/ion of /he in/ern-l >o!$onen/s of >ells. Isin ele>/ron
!i>ros>o$y -nd bio>he!i>-l -n-lyses, de Du8_ iden/ified -nd dis>ussed in de/-il /#o
>y/o$l-s!i> enzy!e->on/-inin uni/s=/he lysoso!e -nd $ero@iso!e. Lis l-/er rese-r>h
-lso in8ol8ed #or0 on /he rel-/ionshi$s of lysoso!es -nd s/or-e dise-ses in !-n, on
lysoso!es in >ell $-/holoy, -nd on dru-lysoso!e in/er->/ions. BA.?.K.C
Palade5 6eor&e "2il 390
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&). Born: No8e!ber 19, 1912; P-ssi, 2u!-ni-.
Parents: 1-/her, 5!il P-l-de; Ko/her, 6ons/-n- 6-n/e!ir P-l-de. Nationality:
2o!-ni-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: "ree0 Or/hodo@. Education: Ini8. of
Au>h-res/, 2u!-ni-, K.D., 19)0. Spouse: ?rin- K-l-@-, !-rried Pune 12, 19)1, died
19(9; K-rilyn 1-rGuh-r, !-rried 19&0. Children: Phili$ Theodore, son; "eori-
Teodor-, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Au>h-res/, 2u!-ni-, Professor, 19'%:)%;
2o>0efeller Ini8., N3, Professor, 19)(:&2; 3-le Ini8., 6T, Professor, 19&2:90; Ini8. of
6-liforni-, S-n Dieo, Professor, 1990-. Other Awards: P-ss-no +#-rd, +!eri>-n
Kedi>-l +sso>i-/ion, 19(); L-s0er +#-rd, 19((; "-irdner S$e>i-l +#-rd, 19(&;
Loro#i/z Prize, 19&0; W-rren Prize, K-ss->huse//s "ener-l Los$i/-l; N-/ion-l Ked-l of
S>ien>e, 19*(.
Selected Publications: \The N-/ure of /he "oli +$$-r-/us. ? -nd ??.Z 7ournal of
#orphology *% B19)9CH '%:111 B#i/h +. 6l-udeC. \Li8er Ki>roso!es. +n ?n/er-/ed
Kor$holoi>-l -nd Aio>he!i>-l S/udy.Z 7. 8iophys. 8iochem. .ytol. 2 B19%(CH 1&1:200
B#i/h P. Sie0o8i/zC. \P-n>re-/i> Ki>roso!es. +n ?n/er-/ed Kor$holoi>-l -nd
Aio>he!i>-l S/udy.Z 7. 8iophys. 8iochem. .ytol 2 B19%(CH (&1:90 B#i/h P. Sie0o8i/zC.
\1un>/ion-l 6h-nes in /he S/ru>/ure of 6ell 6o!$onen/s.Z (ubcellular articles,
(ymposium, %oods /ole, #A B19%*CH ():*0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(&, '2):2(. (cience 1*( BNo8e!ber *, 19&)CH %1(:20.
Co$$entary: "eore P-l-de sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions /o rese-r>h on
/he s/ru>/ure -nd fun>/ion of /he in/ern-l >o!$onen/s of >ells. P-l-de used -nd refined
/he -8-il-ble /e>hniGues of ele>/ron !i>ros>o$y -nd sedi!en/-/ion /o isol-/e $urified
>ell fun>/ions -nd s/udy /heir bio>he!i>-l n-/ure. Lis in/rodu>/ion of os!iu! /e/ro@ide
-s - fi@-/i8e !-de ele>/ron !i>ros>o$y - 8i-ble /e>hniGue for /he
P-e 1)%
s/udies. P-l-de -lso s/udied /he syn/hesis of enzy!es on riboso!es -nd /he $-/h#-ys of
resul/in $ro/ein -nd $ro8ided /he firs/ de/-iled s/udies of !i/o>hondri-l fine s/ru>/ure.
+alti2ore5 (a>id 391
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&%. Born: K-r>h &, 19'*; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents:
1-/her, 2i>h-rd ?. A-l/i!ore; Ko/her, "er/rude Li$s>hi/z A-l/i!ore. Nationality:
+!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: S#-r/h!ore 6ollee, P+, A.+., 19(0;
2o>0efeller Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 19(). Spouse: +li>e S. Lu-n, !-rried O>/ober %, 19(*.
Children: L-uren 2->hel, d-uh/er. Career: +lber/ 5ins/ein 6ollee of Kedi>ine, N3,
2ese-r>her, 19():(%; S-l0 ?ns/i/u/e, 6+, 2ese-r>her, 19(%:(*; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e
of Te>hnoloy, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19(*:90; 2o>0efeller Ini8., N3, Professor,
1990:9); K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 199):9&; 6-liforni-
?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, +d!inis/r-/or, 199&-. Other Awards: "us/-8 S/ern +#-rd, 19&0;
W-rren Trienni-l Prize, K-ss->huse//s "ener-l Los$i/-l, 19&1; 5li Lilly +#-rd, 19&1;
I.S. S/eel 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19&); "-irdner 1ound-/ion +nnu-l +#-rd, 19&); N-/ion-l
Ked-l of S>ien>e, 1999.
Selected Publications: \Sir-l 2N+-De$enden/ DN+ Poly!er-se.Z 'ature F-ondonH 22(
B19&0CH 1211:1'. \2N+-Dire>/ed DN+ Syn/hesis -nd 2N+ Tu!or Siruses.Z Advances
in 6irus Besearch 1& B19&2CH %1:9). Animal 6irology. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19&(
B#i/h o/hersC. Activation and Begulation of <mmunoglobin (ynthesis in #alignant 8
.ells. 6o$enh-enH Kun0s--rd, 19&9 B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19*', 2%:2*. (cience 190 BNo8e!ber 1), 19&%CH (%0, &12:1'.
Co$$entary: D-8id A-l/i!ore re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions /o /he
\dis>o8eries >on>ernin /he in/er->/ion be/#een /u!or 8iruses -nd /he ene/i> !-/eri-l
of /he >ell.Z Le -nd Lo#-rd Te!in inde$enden/ly -rri8ed -/ -n e@$l-n-/ion of DN+
syn/hesis in 2N+ /u!or 8iruses /hrouh /he $ro$os-l of - re8erse /r-ns>ri$/-se enzy!e
#hi>h -llo#ed DN+ syn/hesis /o $ro>eed by >o$yin /he 2N+ ele!en/. The /heory,
-l/houh >on/ro8ersi-l, #-s l-/er ->>e$/ed. A-l/i!ore be-n his >-reer #or0in on 2N+
8irus re$li>-/ion -nd !o8ed on /o $olio 8irus -nd leu0e!i- 8irus rese-r>h l-/er. Lis
$-r/i-l syn/hesis of - !-!!-li-n he!olobin ene led /o his ->/i8i/y in su$$or/ of
li!i/-/ions of ene/i> enineerin rese-r>h. Le -lso #or0ed su>>essfully in syn/he/i>
8->>ine rese-r>h. BA.?.K.C
(!lbecco5 4enato 392
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&%. Born: 1ebru-ry 22, 191); 6-/-nz-ro, ?/-ly.
Parents: 1-/her, Leon-rdo Dulbe>>o; Ko/her, K-ri- Sirdi- Dulbe>>o. Nationality:
?/-li-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of Torino, ?/-ly,
K.D., 19'(. Spouse: "iuse$$in- S-l8o, !-rried Pune 1, 19)0, di8or>ed 19('; K-ureen
2u/herford Kuir, !-rried Puly 1&, 19('. Children: Pe/er Leon-rd, son; K-ri- Si//ori-,
d-uh/er; 1ion- Linsey, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Torino, ?/-ly, 2ese-r>her, 19'(:)&;
?ndi-n- Ini8., 2ese-r>her, 19)&:)9; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor,
19)9:('; S-l0 ?ns/i/u/e, 6+, 2ese-r>her, 19(':&1; ?!$eri-l 6-n>er 2ese-r>h 1und,
London, 5nl-nd, +d!inis/r-/or, 19&1:&&; S-l0 ?ns/i/u/e, 6+, Professor -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19&&:92. Other Awards: Pohn S>o// +#-rd, 6i/y of Phil-del$hi-, P+,
19%*; Ni!b-ll +#-rd, 6onferen>e of Publi> Le-l/h L-bor-/ory Dire>/ors, 19%9; +lber/
-nd K-ry L-s0er A-si> Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h +#-rd, 19(); Lo#-rd T-ylor 2i>0e//s +#-rd,
19(%; P-ul 5hrli>h-Lud#i D-r!s/-ed/er Prize, 19(&; Loro#i/z Prize, 6olu!bi- Ini8.,
19&'; Sel!-n W-0s!-n +#-rd, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19&); K-n of /he 3e-r,
London, 19&%; T-ro d9oro, Sill- S-n "io8-nni, 19&*; ?/-li-n-+!eri>-n of /he 3e-r, S-n
Dieo, 6+, 19&*; De>or-/ed "r-nd Offi>i-le, ?/-li-n 2e$ubli>, 19*1; K-ndel "old
Ked-l, 6ze>hoslo8-0 +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19*2; Si- de 6ondo//i Prize, 1990; N-/-le
Di 2o!- Prize, 199'; 6olu!bus Prize, 199'.
Selected Publications: The <nduction of .ancer by 6iruses. S-n 1r-n>is>oH W.L.
1ree!-n, 19(&. The 8iology of (mall &'A@Tumor 6iruses. Ne# 3or0H KSS ?nfor!-/ion
6or$., 19&). <nduction of /ost (ystems, <ntegration and $xcision. 6-!bride, K+H
6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19&%. 6irology. L-ers/o#n, KDH L-r$er -nd 2o#, 19*0 B#i/h
Lo#-rd "insberC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, 219. 'e0 (cientist BO>/ober 2', 19&%CH 219:20. 'e0 1or2 Times
8ibliographic (ervice BO>/ober 19&%CH 12((:(&. (cience 190 BNo8e!ber 1), 19&%CH
(%0, &12:1'. (cien*a, 6ita e Aventura. P-risH Plo#, 1990.
Co$$entary: 2en-/o Dulbe>>o9s Nobel #-s -#-rded for his >on/ribu/ions /o /he
OOdis>o8eries >on>ernin /he in/er->/ion be/#een /u!or 8iruses -nd /he ene/i> !-/eri-l
of /he >ell.Z Le de8elo$ed !-ny of /he /e>hniGues used by rese-r>hers /o s/udy /he
!ole>ul-r bioloy of -ni!-l 8iruses, in>ludin /hose used by his >ol-ure-/es, #ho h-d
bo/h #or0ed under hi!. Dulbe>>o -lso did $ioneer #or0 on ene /r-nsfor!-/ion by
DN+ /u!or 8iruses. BA.?.K.C
Te2in5 1o)ard ,artin 393
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&%. Born: De>e!ber 10, 19'); Phil-del$hi-, P+.
Death: 1ebru-ry 9, 199); K-dison, W?. Parents: 1-/her, Lenry Te!in; Ko/her, +nne//e
Leh!-n Te!in. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: S#-r/h!ore
6ollee, P+, A.+., 19%%; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 19%9. Spouse: 2-yl-
"reenber, !-rried K-y 2&, 19(2. Children: S-r- Ae/h, d-uh/er; Kiri-! Pudi/h,
d-uh/er. Career: 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 2ese-r>her, 19%9:(0; Ini8. of
Wis>onsin, Professor, 19(0:9). Other Awards: W-rren Trienni-l Prize, K-ss->huse//s
"ener-l Los$i/-l, 19&1; S$e>i-l 6o!!end-/ion, Kedi>-l So>ie/y of Wis>onsin, 19&1;
P+P +#-rd, P-$-ni>ol-ou ?ns/i/u/e, 19&2; Aer/ner +#-rd, K.D. +nderson Los$i/-l -nd
Tu!or ?ns/i/u/e, 19&2; I.S. S/eel 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19&2; W-0s!-n +#-rd, Theob-ld
S!i/h So>ie/y, 19&2; "riffuel Prize, +sso>i-/ion of De8elo$!en/-l 2e>her>he 6-n>er,
SilleMuif, 1r-n>e, 19&2; +#-rd in 5nzy!e 6he!is/ry, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19&';
+#-rd for Dis/inuished +>hie8e!en/, Kodern Kedi>ine, 19&'; "-irdner 1ound-/ion
?n/ern-/ion-l +#-rd, 19&); +lber/ L-s0er +#-rd, 19&); Lu>y Wor/h-! P-!es +#-rd,
So>ie/y of Suri>-l On>olois/s, 19&(; +lu!ni Dis/inuished Ser8i>e +#-rd, 6-liforni-
?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 19&(; "ruber +#-rd, +!eri>-n +>-de!y of Der!-/oloy,
19*1; Lilld-le
P-e 1)(
+#-rd, Ini8. of Wis>onsin, 19*(; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 1992.
Selected Publications: \P-r/i>i$-/ion of Deo@yribonu>lei> +>id BDN+C in 2ous
S-r>o!- Sirus Produ>/ion.Z 6irology 22 B19()CH )*(:9). \6-r>inoenesis by +8i-n
S-r>o!- Siruses. ???. The Differen/i-l 5ffe>/ of Seru! -nd Poly-nions on Kul/i$li>-/ion
of Ininfe>/ed -nd 6on8er/ed 6ells.Z 7ournal of the 'ational .ancer <nstitute '& B19((CH
1(&:&%. B'A@&irected &'A (ynthesis. S-n 1r-n>is>oH W.L. 1ree!-n, 19&2. \2N+-
Dire>/ed DN+ Syn/hesis -nd 2N+ Tu!or Siruses.99 Advances in 6irus Besearch 1&
B19&2CH %1:9) B#i/h D. A-l/i!oreC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, &&(:&&. 'e0 (cientist BO>/ober 2', 19&%CH 219:20. 'e0 1or2 Times
8iographical (ervice B1ebru-ry 11, 199)CH 22(. (cience 190 BNo8e!ber 1), 19&%CH (%0,
Co$$entary: Lo#-rd Te!in sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions /o /he
\dis>o8eries >on>ernin /he in/er->/ion be/#een /u!or 8iruses -nd /he ene/i> !-/eri-l
of /he >ell.Z Le -nd D-8id A-l/i!ore inde$enden/ly $ro$osed -n e@$l-n-/ion of /he DN+
syn/hesis in 2N+ /u!or 8iruses. The /heory of /he re8erse /r-ns>ri$/-se enzy!e s-id /h-/
/he DN+ syn/hesis $ro>eeded by >o$yin /he 2N+ ele!en/. The /heory, >on/r-ry /o /he
\>en/r-l do!-Z of !ole>ul-r bioloy -/ /h-/ /i!e, #-s l-/er ->>e$/ed. Te!in #or0ed
#i/h 2ous s-r>o!- 8irus, beinnin #i/h r-du-/e #or0 /h-/ de8elo$ed - re$rodu>ible
-ss-y in 8i/ro for /he /u!or 8irus. BA.?.K.C
+l!2ber&5 +ar!ch -a2!el 39?
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&(. Born: Puly 2*, 192%; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents:
1-/her, Keyer Alu!ber; Ko/her, ?d- Si!onoff Alu!ber. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Inion 6ollee, N3, A.S., 19)(; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3,
K.D., 19%1; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19%&. Spouse: Pe-n Liebes!-n, !-rried
+$ril ), 19%). Children: "eore Ki>-h 6onnor, son; No-h 1r-n>is A-ru>h, son; P-ne
5!ily, d-uh/er; +nne 1r-n>es>-, d-uh/er. Career: N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/es of Le-l/h, KD,
+d!inis/r-/or, 19%&:(); ?ns/i/u/e for 6-n>er 2ese-r>h, P+, +d!inis/r-/or, 19()-; Ini8.
of Pennsyl8-ni-, Professor, 19&&:99; N+S+ +s/robioloy ?ns/i/u/e, 6+, +d!inis/r-/or,
1999-. Other Awards: +lbion O. Aers/ein +#-rd, Kedi>-l So>ie/y of /he S/-/e of Ne#
3or0, 19(9; "r-nd S>ien/ifi> +#-rd, Phi L-!bd- N-$$-, 19&2; +nnu-l +#-rd, 5-s/ern
Pennsyl8-ni- Ar-n>h of /he +!eri>-n So>ie/y for Ki>robioloy, 19&2; 5$$iner Prize,
Ini8. of 1reibur, "er!-ny, 19&'; P-ss-no +#-rd, 19&); Dis/inuished +>hie8e!en/
+#-rd, Kodern Kedi>ine, 19&%; "-irdner 1ound-/ion ?n/ern-/ion-l +#-rd, 19&%; N-rl
L-nds/einer Ke!ori-l +#-rd, +!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion of Alood A-n0s, 19&%; S>o$us
+#-rd, +!eri>-n 1riends of Lebre# Ini8ersi/y, 19&&; S/ri//!-//er +#-rd, Phil-del$hi-
6oun/y Kedi>-l So>ie/y, 19*0. Dis/inuished Ser8i>e +#-rd, Pennsyl8-ni- Kedi>-l
So>ie/y, 19*2; Jubro# +#-rd, 19*(; K>"o8ern +#-rd, 19**; Alundell +#-rd, 19*9;
Lu@ley Ked-l, 19*9; "o8ernor9s +#-rd, 6o!!on#e-l/h of Pennsyl8-ni-, 19*9; "old
Ked-l, 6-n-di-n Li8er 1ound-/ion, 1990; Kudd +#-rd, 1990; N-/ion-l ?n8en/or L-ll of
1-!e, 199'; Sho#- 5!$eror Ke!ori-l +#-rd, P-$-n, 199).
Selected Publications: .onference on 5enetic olymorphisms and 5eographic
6ariations in &isease. roceedings. Ne# 3or0H "rune Y S/r-//on, 19(2. Australia
Antigen and /epatitis. 6le8el-nd, OLH 6he!i>-l 2ubber 6o., 19&2 B#i/h o/hersC.
rimary /epatocellular .arcinoma and /epatitis 8 6irus. 6hi>-oH 3e-rboo0 Kedi>-l
Publishers, 19*2. /epatitis 8> The 6irus, the &isease, and the 6accine. Ne# 3or0H
Plenu! Press, 19*) B#i/h N. 5isens/ein -nd ?. Kil!-nC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19&&, &2:&). (cience 19) BNo8e!ber 2(, 19&(CH 92*:29.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y >i/ed A-rry Alu!ber for his #or0 in \dis>o8eries
>on>ernin !e>h-nis!s in8ol8ed in /he oriin -nd s$re-d of infe>/ious dise-ses.Z
Alu!ber iden/ified +us/r-li- -n/ien -s /he indi>-/or in /he blood of /he $resen>e of
he$-/i/is-A, #hi>h be>-!e /he b-sis for /he /es/ for s>reenin ou/ he$-/i/is-A >-rriers
-!on blood donors -nd for 8->>ine #or0. Lis >-reer-lon rese-r>h de-l/ #i/h ho# -nd
#hy $eo$le of differen/ b->0rounds re->/ differen/ly /o dise-se. BA.?.K.C
6aKd!sek5 (aniel %arleton 39@
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&(. Born: Se$/e!ber 9, 192'; 3on0ers, N3.
Parents: 1-/her, N-rl +. "-Mduse0; Ko/her, O//ili- Dobro>z0i "-Mduse0. Nationality:
+!eri>-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of 2o>hes/er, N3, A.S., 19)'; L-r8-rd
Ini8., K+, K.D., 19)(. Spouse: None. Children: %* -do$/ed >hildren. Career:
6olu!bi- Presby/eri-n Kedi>-l 6en/er, N3, Physi>i-n, 19)(:)&; Pedi-/ri>s 6hildren9s
Los$i/-l, OL, Physi>i-n, 19)&:)*; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, 2ese-r>her, 19)9:%2; W-l/er
2eed +r!y ?ns/i/u/e of 2ese-r>h, W-shin/on, D6, 2ese-r>her, 19%2:%'; ?ns/i/u/e
P-s/eur, ?r-n, 2ese-r>her, 19%):%%; W-l/er -nd 5liz- L-ll ?ns/i/u/e of Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h,
+us/r-li-, 2ese-r>her, 19%%:%&; N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/es of Le-l/h, KD, +d!inis/r-/or, 19%*:
9&. Other Awards: 5. Ke-de Pohnson +#-rd, +!eri>-n +>-de!y of Pedi-/ri>s, 19(';
Su$erior Ser8i>e +#-rd, N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/es of Le-l/h, 19&0; Dis/inuished Ser8i>e
+#-rd, De$-r/!en/ of Le-l/h, 5du>-/ion -nd Welf-re, 19&%; Professor Lu>i-n
D-u/reb-nde Prize, Aeliu!, 19&(; 6o/zi-s Prize, +!eri>-n +>-de!y of Neuroloy,
Selected Publications: 7ournals. (tudy of .hild 5ro0th and &evelopment of &isease
atterns in rimitive .ultures. Ae/hesd-, KDH N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/e of Neuroloi>-l
Dise-ses -nd Alindness, 19('. (lo0 -atent and Temperate 6irus <nfections. Ae/hesd-,
KDH N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/e of Le-l/h, 19(% B#i/h 6. "ibbs, Pr., -nd K. +l$ersC. 5enetic
(tudies in Belation to Juru. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19&2:&% B#i/h o/hersC.
Juru. Ne# 3or0H 2-8en Press, 19*1 B#i/h P. 1-rGuh-rC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19*1, 1%(:%9. (cience 19) BNo8e!ber 2(, 19&(CH 92*:29. L-!!ond, +., ed. A assion
to Jno0. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19*), 11:22.
Co$$entary: 6-rle/on "-Mduse0 #-s re>onized for his \dis>o8eries >on>ernin
!e>h-nis!s in8ol8ed in /he oriin -nd s$re-d of infe>/ious dise-ses,Z es$e>i-lly for his
in/ensi8e s/udy of 0uru, - br-in dise-se in Ne# "uine-, /h-/ sho#ed /h-/ slo# 8irus
infe>/ions #ere $ossible in hu!-ns,
P-e 1)&
-nd dis>o8ered - ne# rou$ of 8iruses, -$$-ren/ly $ie>es of ene/i>-lly ->/i8e nu>lei>
->id bound /o fr-!en/s of $l-s!- !e!br-ne. Lis #or0 in>luded rese-r>h in !-ny o/her
!edi>-l $roble!s in $ri!i/i8e isol-/ed $o$ul-/ions -s #ell -s >on/ribu/ions /o
-n/hro$oloy -nd >o!$-r-/i8e >hild beh-8ior. BA.?.K.C
6!ille2in5 4o&er %harles #o!is 39A
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&&. Born: P-nu-ry 11, 192); DiMon, 1r-n>e. Parents:
1-/her, 2-y!ond "uille!in; Ko/her, Al-n>he 2iollo/ "uille!in. Nationality: 1ren>h;
l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: +nos/i>; fro! 6-/holi> b->0round. Education: Ini8.
of DiMon, 1r-n>e, A.+., 19)1; Ini8. of DiMon, 1r-n>e, A.S>., 19)2; 1->ul/y of Kedi>ine,
Lyons, 1r-n>e, K.D., 19)9; Ini8. of Kon/re-l, 6-n-d-, Ph.D., 19%'. Spouse: Lu>ienne
Pe-nne Aill-rd, !-rried K-r>h 22, 19%1. Children: 6h-n/-l, d-uh/er; 1r-naois, son;
6l-ire, d-uh/er; Lelene, d-uh/er; 5liz-be/h, d-uh/er; 6e>ile, d-uh/er. Career:
A-ylor Ini8., Te@-s, Professor, 19%':&0; S-l0 ?ns/i/u/e, 6+, Professor, 19&0:*9;
Whi//ier ?ns/i/u/e, 6+, 2ese-r>her, 19*9:9&; S-l0 ?ns/i/u/e, 6+, Professor, 199&-. Other
Awards: Aonne-u -nd L- 6-ze +#-rds, +>-d_!ie des S>ien>es, 19%&, 19(0; Leion of
Lonor, 1r-n>e, 19&); "-irdner ?n/ern-/ion-l +#-rd, 19&); L-s0er 1ound-/ion +#-rd,
19&%; Di>0son 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19&%; Di>0son Prize, 19&(; P-ss-no +#-rd, 19&(;
S>h!i// Ked-l, 19&&; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, IS+, 19&&; A-rren "old Ked-l,
IS+, 19&9; D-le Ked-l, So>ie/y for 5ndo>rinoloy, 5nl-nd, 19*0; 5llen Aro#nin
S>ri$$s So>ie/y Ked-l, 19**; Dis/inuished S>ien/is/ +#-rd, N-/ion-l Di-be/es
2ese-r>h 6o-li/ion.
Selected Publications: \Lu!or-l Ly$o/h-l-!i> 6on/rol of /he +n/erior Pi/ui/-ry. +
S/udy #hi>h 6o!bined Tissue 6ul/ures.Z $ndocrinology %& B19%%CH %99 B#i/h A-rry
2osenberC. \Ly$o/h-l-!i> 6on/rol of /he +n/erior Pi/ui/-ry, S/udy #i/h Tissue 6ul/ure
Te>hniGues.Z =ederation roceedings 1) B19%%CH 211. OOThe +denohy$o$hysis -nd ?/s
Ly$o/h-l-!i> 6on/rol.Z Annual Bevie0 of hysiology 29 B19(&CH '1'. The /ormones of
the /ypothalamus. S-n 1r-n>is>oH W.L. 1ree!-n 6o., 19&2 B#i/h 2. AurusC. \6on/rol
of +denohy$o$hysi-l 1un>/ions by Pe$/ides of /he 6en/r-l Ner8ous Sys/e!.Z The
/arvey -ectures &1 B19&%:&(C. \Purifi>-/ion, ?sol-/ion, -nd Pri!-ry S/ru>/ure of /he
Ly$o/h-l-!i> Lu/einizin Lor!one-rele-sin 1->/or of O8ine Oriin=- Lis/ori>-l
+>>oun/.Z American 7ournal of Obstetrics and 5ynecology 129 B19&&CH 21). The 8rain
as an $ndocrine Organ. 6-!bride, K+H K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy Press,
19&*. /ypothalamic .ontrol of ituitary =unctions> The 5ro0th /ormone Beleasing
=actor. Li8er$oolH Li8er$ool Ini8. Press, 19*%. ioneers in 'euroendocrinology <<.
Ne# 3or0H Plenu! Press, 19&*, '%1. (cience19* BNo8e!ber 11, 19&&CH %9):9%. W-de,
Ni>hol-s. The 'obel &uel. Ne# 3or0H Doubled-y, 19*1.
Co$$entary: 2oer "uille!in #-s re>onized, #i/h his >ol-ure-/es, for his #or0 /h-/
\o$ened ne# 8is/-s #i/hin bioloi>-l -nd !edi>-l rese-r>h f-r ou/side /he border of /heir
o#n s$heres of in/eres/.Z "uille!in9s rese-r>h, bo/h #i/h -nd inde$enden/ of +ndre#
S>h-lly, led /o -n unders/-ndin of /he $rodu>/ion of $e$/ide hor!ones in /he br-in. The
/#o iden/ified -nd syn/hesized /hree br-in hor!ones B/hyro/ro$in-rele-sin f->/or,
lu/einizin-hor!one rele-sin f->/or, -nd ro#/h hor!one inhibi/in f->/orC /h-/ -re
used by /he hy$o/h-l-!us /o dire>/ /he rele-se of $i/ui/-ry hor!ones. 2ese-r>h on
unders/-ndin /he br-in9s $-r/ in body >he!is/ry -nd /he unders/-ndin of /he br-in9s
role h-8e been enor!ously in>re-sed -s - resul/ of /heir effor/s. B2.N.C
-chall$5 0ndre) =ictor 39B
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&&. Born: No8e!ber '0, 192(; Wilno, Pol-nd.
Parents: 1-/her, 6-si!ir Pe/er S>h-lly; Ko/her, K-ri- L->0- S>h-lly. Nationality:
Polish; l-/er 6-n-di-n -nd +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n.
Education: K>"ill Ini8., 6-n-d-, A.S>., 19%%; K>"ill Ini8., 6-n-d-, Ph.D., 19%&.
Spouse: K-r-re/ 2->hel Whi/e, !-rried K-y 1), 19%(, di8or>ed Bno d-/e foundC; +n-
K-ri- de Kedeiros 6o!-ru, !-rried +uus/ 19&(. Children: N-ren, d-uh/er; "ordon,
son. Career: A-ylor Ini8., Te@-s, Professor, 19%&:(2; S+ Los$i/-l, Ne# Orle-ns, L+,
+d!inis/r-/or, 19(2-; Tul-ne Ini8., Ne# Orle-ns, L+, Professor, 19(2-. Other Awards:
Dire>/or9s +#-rd, S+ Los$i/-l, Ne# Orle-ns, L+, 19(*; S-n Ke/er Prize, +!eri>-n
Thyroid +sso>i-/ion, 19(9; +yers/-SGuibb +#-rd, 5ndo>rine So>ie/y, 19&0; Willi-! S.
Kiddle/on +#-rd, S+ Los$i/-l, Ne# Orle-ns, L+, 19&0; 6h-rles Ki>0le +#-rd, Ini8.
of Toron/o, 19&); "-irdner ?n/ern-/ion-l +#-rd, 19&); 5d#-rd T. Tyler +#-rd, 19&%;
Aorden +#-rd, +sso>i-/ion of Kedi>-l 6ollees -nd Aorden 6o!$-ny 1ound-/ion,
19&%; L-s0er +#-rd, 19&%; L-ude +#-rd, 19&%; +#-rd, S$-nish Ph-r!->eu/i>-l So>ie/y,
19&&; Ked-l of S>ien/ifi> Keri/, 1eder-l Ini8. of 6e-r-, Ar-zil, 19&&; 1irs/ Di$lo!- of
Keri/ of S/. Lu0e, 1ound-/ion of So>i-l Pioneers, 2io de P-neiro, 19&&.
Selected Publications: \The 2ele-se of 6or/i>o-/ro$in by +n/erior Pi/ui/-ry Tissue in
Si/ro.Z .anadian 7ournal of 8iochemistry and hysiology '' B19%%CH )0* B#i/h K.
S-ffr-nC. \S/i!ul-/ion of /he 2ele-se of 6or/i>o/ro$in fro! /he +denohy$o$hysis by -
Neurohy$o$hysi-l 1->/or.Z .anadian 7ournal of 8iochemistry and hysiology %&
B19%%CH )'9 B#i/h K. S-ffr-nC. \?sol-/ion of Thyro/ro$in 2ele-sin 1->/or BT21C fro!
Por>ine Ly$o/h-l-!us.Z 8iochemical and 8iophysical Besearch .ommunications 2%
B19((CH 1(% B#i/h o/hersC. \Purifi>-/ion of Thyro/ro$i> Lor!one 2ele-sin 1->/or fro!
Ao8ine Ly$o/h-l-!us.Z $ndocrinolgy &* B19((CH &2( B#i/h o/hersC. \The +!ino +>id
SeGuen>e of - Pe$/ide #i/h "ro#/h Lor!one 2ele-sin +>/i8i/y ?sol-/ed fro! Por>ine
Ly$o/h-l-!us.Z 7ournal of 8iological .hemistry 2)( B19&1CH (()& B#i/h o/hersC. The
/ypothalamus and ituitary in /ealth and &isease. S$rinfield, ?LH Tho!-s, 19&2 B#i/h
W. Lo>0eC. ioneers in 'euroendocrinology <<. Ne# 3or0H Plenu! Press, 19&*, '%1.
(cience 19* BNo8e!ber 11, 19&&CH %9):9%. W-de, Ni>hol-s. The 'obel &uel. Ne#
3or0H Doubled-y, 19*1.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y >i/ed +ndre# S>h-lly -nd his >ol-ure-/es for #or0 /h-/
\o$ened ne# 8is/-s #i/hin bioloi>-l -nd !edi>-l rese-r>h f-r ou/side /he border of /heir
o#n s$heres of in/eres/,Z s$e>ifi>-lly /h-/ rese-r>h #hi>h >on/ribu/ed /o /he
unders/-ndin of /he $rodu>/ion of $e$/ide hor!ones in /he br-in. S>h-lly iden/ified -nd
syn/hesized, -lon #i/h his >ol-ure-/e, 2oer "uille!in, /hree br-in hor!ones
B/hyro/ro$in-rele-sin f->/or, lu/einizinhor!one-rele-sin f->/or, -nd ro#/h hor!one
rele-se inhibi/in f->/orC /h-/ /he hy$o/h-l-!us uses /o dire>/ /he
P-e 1)*
rele-se of $i/ui/-ry hor!ones. The resul/-n/ unders/-ndin of /he br-in9s role in body
>he!is/ry -nd /he rese-r>h /herein h-s been enor!ously in>re-sed -s - resul/ of /heir
effor/s. B2.N.C
9alo)5 4osal$n -!ss2an 39C
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&&. Born: Puly 19, 1921; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents:
1-/her, Si!on Suss!-n; Ko/her, 6l-r- Ji$$er Suss!-n. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Lun/er 6ollee, N3, +.A., 19)1; Ini8. of ?llinois, K.S.,
19)2; Ini8. of ?llinois, Ph.D., 19)%. Spouse: +. +-ron 3-lo#, !-rried Pune (, 19)'.
Children: AenM-!in, son; 5l-nn-, d-uh/er. Career: Lun/er 6ollee, N3, Professor,
19)(:%0; S+ Los$i/-l, N3, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19%0:*0; Kon/efiore
Kedi>-l 6en/er, N3, +d!inis/r-/or, 19*0:*%; Koun/ Sin-i S>hool of Kedi>ine, N3,
Professor, 19(*:&9, 19*(-; +lber/ 5ins/ein 6ollee of Kedi>ine, Professor, 19&9:*%.
Other Awards: Willi-! S. Kiddle/on Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h +#-rd, Se/er-ns +d!inis/r-/ion,
19(0; 5li Lilly +#-rd, +!eri>-n Di-be/es +sso>i-/ion, 19(1; 1eder-l Wo!-n9s +#-rd,
19(1; S-n Sly0e +#-rd, +!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion of 6lini>-l 6he!is/s, 19(*; +#-rd,
+!eri>-n 6ollee of Physi>i-ns, 19&1; Di>0son Prize, Ini8ersi/y of Pi//sburh, P+,
19&1; Lo#-rd T-ylor 2i>0e//s +#-rd, Ini8ersi/y of 6hi>-o, ?L, 19&1; "-irdner
1ound-/ion ?n/ern-/ion-l +#-rd, 19&1; 6o!!e!or-/i8e Ked-llion, +!eri>-n Di-be/es
+sso>i-/ion, 19&2; No>h +#-rd, 5ndo>rine So>ie/y, 19&2; Aerns/ein +#-rd, Kedi>-l
So>ie/y of /he S/-/e of Ne# 3or0, 19&); AoehrinerK-nhei! 6or$or-/ion +#-rd,
+!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion of 6lini>-l 6he!is/s, 19&%; S>ien>e +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd,
+!eri>-n Kedi>-l +sso>i-/ion, 19&%; 5@>e$/ion-l Ser8i>e +#-rd, Se/er-ns
+d!inis/r-/ion, 19&%; +. 6ressy Korrison +#-rd, Ne# 3or0 +>-de!y of S>ien>es,
19&%; Dis/inuished +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, Kodern Kedi>ine, 19&(; L-s0er +#-rd, 19&(;
L- K-donnin- ?n/ern-/ion-l Prize, Kil-n, 19&&; "olden Pl-/e +#-rd, +!eri>-n
+>-de!y +>hie8e!en/, 19&&; ". 8on Le8esy Ked-l, 19&*; 2os-lyn S. 3-lo# 2ese-r>h
-nd De8elo$!en/ +#-rd, +!eri>-n Di-be/es +sso>i-/ion, 19&*; A-n/in Ked-l, 19&*;
Tor>h of Le-rnin +#-rd, +!eri>-n 1riends of Lebre# Ini8ersi/y, 19&*; Sir>ho# "old
Ked-l, Sir>ho#-PirGue/ Kedi>-l So>ie/y, 19&*; "r-/u! "enus Lu!-nu! "old Ked-l,
World 1eder-/ion of Nu>le-r Kedi>ine or Aioloy, 19&*; P->obi Ked-llion, Koun/ Sin-i
S>hool of Kedi>ine, 19&*; Pubilee Ked-l, 6ollee of Ne# 2o>helle, 19&*; 5@>e$/ion-l
Ser8i>e +#-rd, Se/er-ns +d!inis/r-/ion, 19&*; S-r-so/- Kedi>-l +#-rd, 19&9; "old
Ked-l, Phi L-!bd- N-$$-, 19*0; +>hie8e!en/ in Life +#-rd, 5n>y>lo$edi- Ari/-nni>-,
19*0; Theob-ld S!i/h +#-rd, 19*2; Pohn -nd S-!uel A-rd +#-rd, A-rd 6ollee, 19*2;
Dis/inuished 2ese-r>h +#-rd, D-ll-s +sso>i-/ion of 2e/-rded 6i/izens, 19*2; "eor
6h-rles de Lenesy Nu>le-r Kedi>ine Pioneer +#-rd, 19*(; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e,
19**. S->h-r Ked-llion, 19*9.
Selected Publications: eptide /ormones. Ne# 3or0H +!eri>-n 5lse8ier, 19&' B#i/h
S.+. AersonC. #ethods in Badioimmunoassay of eptide /ormones. Ne# 3or0H
+!eri>-n 5lse8ier, 19&(. 8asic Besearch and .linical #edicine. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-
Lill, 19*1 B#i/h o/hersC. Badioimmunoassay. Ne# 3or0H S-n Nos/r-nd-2einhold, 19*).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19&*, )%*:(0. \K-d-!e 6urie fro! /he Aron@.Z 'e0 1or2 Times #aga*ine B+$ril 9,
19&*CH 29:'1l. S/r-us, 5uene. Bosalyn 1alo0, 'obel -aureate. Ne# 3or0H Plenu!,
Co$$entary: 2os-lyn 3-lo# sh-red /he Nobel for her >on/ribu/ions /o /he dis>o8ery
-nd de8elo$!en/ of r-dioi!!uno-ss-y, - /e>hniGue #hi>h e!$loys r-dio->/i8e iso/o$es
/o de/e>/ -nd !e-sure /he le8els of insulin -nd hor!ones in /he blood -nd body /issues.
3-lo#9s #or0 indi>-/ed /h-/ di-be/es in -dul/s led /o -n in>re-se of /he insulin le8el, bu/
/he su-r-!e/-bolizin ->/ion of /he insulin #-s blo>0ed. 2-dioi!!uno-ss-ys h-8e
been used /o /es/ donors9 blood for he$-/i/is 8irus; /o /es/ -n/ibio/i> ->/ion; -nd /o
di-nose /hyroid dise-se, hy$er/ension, hor!onese>re/in >-n>ers, dru -buse,
re$rodu>/i8e f-ilures, -nd o/her ro#/h disorders. B2.N.C
0rber5 Werner 399
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&*. Born: Pune ', 1929; "r-ni>hen, S#i/zerl-nd.
Parents: 1-/her, Pulius +rber; Ko/her, K-ri- +rber. Nationality: S#iss. Religion:
Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of "ene8-, S#i/zerl-nd, Ph.D., 19%*. Spouse: +n/oni-,
!-rried Pune ', 19((. Children: Sil8i-, d-uh/er; 6-roline, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of
Sou/hern 6-liforni-, 2ese-r>her, 19%*:%9; Ini8. of "ene8-, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor,
19(0:&0; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor, 19&0:&1; Ini8. of A-sel,
S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 19&1:9(.
Selected Publications: \Aioloi>-l S$e>ifi>i/ies of Deo@yribonu>lei> +>id.Z athol.
#icrobiol. 2% B19(2CH ((*:*1. \Los/-6on/rolled 2es/ri>/ion -nd Kodifi>-/ion of
A->/erio$h-e.Z (ymp. (oc. 5en. #icrobiol. 1* B19(*CH 29%:'1). \DN+ Kodifi>-/ion
-nd 2es/ri>/ion.99 rog. 'ucleic Acid Bes. #ol. 8iol. 1) B19&)CH 1:'&. 5enetic
#anipulation> <mpact on #en and (ociety. Ne# 3or0H 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19*).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Asimov)s 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cience and
Technology. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, ***:*9. (cience 202 BDe>e!ber *, 19&*CH
Co$$entary: Werner +rber sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions /o \/he
dis>o8ery of res/ri>/ion enzy!es -nd /heir -$$li>-/ion /o $roble!s of !ole>ul-r
ene/i>s.Z +rber be-n /o rese-r>h /he !ole>ul-r b-sis of /he hos/>on/rolled 8-ri-/ion
-!on b->/eri-l 8iruses -nd found /h-/ !odifi>-/ion in8ol8ed DN+ >h-nes -nd
res/ri>/ion DN+ der-d-/ion. Lis !odel, l-/er e@$eri!en/-lly >onfir!ed, s/-/ed /h-/
DN+ >on/-ined s$e>ifi> si/es re>oniz-ble -nd >le-8-ble by res/ri>/ion endonu>le-ses
#i/h s$e>ifi>i/ies >h-r->/eris/i> of /he b->/eri-l s/r-in. The b->/eriu! >-n !e/hyl-/e
#i/hin /he DN+ !ole>ule, $ro/e>/in i/ fro! >le-8-e, bu/ $rodu>in !odifi>-/ion.
+rber9s >ol-ure-/es B-nd o/hersC e@/ended his #or0. B2.N.C
Nathans5 (aniel ?00
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&*. Born: O>/ober '0, 192*; Wil!in/on, D5.
Death: No8e!ber 1(, 1999; A-l/i!ore, KD. Parents: 1-/her, S-!uel N-/h-ns; Ko/her,
S-r-h Le8i/-n N-/h-ns. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of
Del-#-re, A.S., 19%0; W-shin/on
P-e 1)9
Ini8., KO, K.D., 19%). Spouse: Po-nne 5. "o!ber, !-rried K-r>h ), 19%(.
Children: 5li, son; Pere!y, son; AenM-!in, son. Career: 6olu!bi- Presby/eri-n Kedi>-l
6en/er, N3, Physi>i-n, 19%):%9; 2o>0efeller Ini8., N3, Professor, 19%9:(2; Pohns
Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19(2:*0; Lo#-rd Luhes Kedi>-l
?ns/i/u/e, 6+, 2ese-r>her, 19*0:9(. Other Awards: N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 199'.
Selected Publications: \Purifi>-/ion of - Su$ern-/-n/ 1->/or /h-/ S/i!ul-/es +!ino +>id
Tr-nsfer fro! Soluble 2ibonu>lei> +>id /o Pro/ein.Z Annals of the 'e0 1or2 Academy of
(ciences ** B19(0CH &1*:21. \6ell-free Pro/ein Syn/hesis Dire>/ed by 6oli$h-e KS2
2N+H Syn/hesis of ?n/->/ Sir-l 6o-/ Pro/ein -nd O/her Produ>/s.Z 7ournal of #olecular
8iology 1' B19(%CH %21:'1. OON-/ur-l 2N+ 6odin of A->/eri-l Pro/ein Syn/hesis.Z
#ethods of $n*ymology 12 B19(*CH &*&:91. \2es/ri>/ion 5ndonu>le-ses in /he +n-lysis
-nd 2es/ru>/urin of DN+ Kole>ules.Z Annual Bevie0 of 8iochemistry )) B19&%CH 2&':
9' B#i/h L.O. S!i/hC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, %*):*%. (cience 202 BDe>e!ber *, 19&*CH 10(9:&1.
Co$$entary: D-niel N-/h-ns sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ion /o /he
\de8elo$!en/ of res/ri>/ion endonu>le-ses, enzy!es /h-/ >-n be used /o s/udy ene/i>
or-niz-/ion -nd /o !-ni$ul-/e DN+ for ene/i> enineerin.Z N-/h-ns used res/ri>/ion
enzy!es /o bre-0 u$ /he !on0ey >-n>er 8irus SS)0 -nd #-s -ble /o !-$ /he SS)0
enes. Lis /e>hniGues #ere used by o/hers /o !-$ 8-rious DN+ !ole>ules. N-/h-ns -lso
des>ribed o/her $ossible -$$li>-/ions, in>ludin /he re>o!bin-n/ DN+ /e>hniGue /h-/
#-s /he subMe>/ of !u>h >on/ro8ersy -bou/ $o/en/i-l d-ners -nd benefi/s in /he #orld9s
s>ien/ifi> >o!!uni/y. B+.D.C
-2ith5 1a2ilton 3thanel ?01
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&*. Born: +uus/ 2', 19'1; Ne# 3or0, N3.
Parents: 1-/her, To!!ie L-r0ey S!i/h; Ko/her, Aunnie O/h-nel S!i/h. Nationality:
+!eri>-n. Religion: 1ro! A-$/is/ b->0round. Education: Ini8. of 6-liforni-,
Aer0eley, +.A., 19%2; Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, K.D., 19%(. Spouse: 5liz-be/h +nne
Aol/on, !-rried K-y 2%, 19%&. Children: Poel, son; A-rry, son; Dir0, son; Nirs/en,
d-uh/er; Ary-n, son. Career: A-rnes Los$i/-l, KO, Physi>i-n, 19%(:%&; I.S. N-8y,
19%&:%9; Lenry 1ord Los$i/-l, K?, Physi>i-n, 19%9:(2; Ini8. of Ki>hi-n, 2ese-r>her,
19(2:(&; Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, Professor, 19(&-. Other Awards: "uenhei!
1ello#, 19&%:&(.
Selected Publications: \+ 2es/ri>/ion 5nzy!e fro! Le!o$hilus ?nfluenz-eH ?.
Purifi>-/ion -nd "ener-l Pro$er/ies.Z 7ournal of #olecular 8iology %1 B19&0CH '&9 B#i/h
N.W. Wil>o@C. \+ 2es/ri>/ion 5nzy!e fro! Le!o$hilus ?nfluenz-eH ??. A-se SeGuen>e
of /he 2e>oni/ion Si/e.Z 7ournal of #olecular 8iology %1 B19&0CH '9'. \2es/ri>/ion
5ndonu>le-ses in /he +n-lysis -nd 2es/ru>/urin of DN+ Kole>ules.Z Annual Bevie0 of
8iochemistry )) B19&%CH 2&':9' B#i/h D. N-/h-nsC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, &'&:'*. (cience 202 BDe>e!ber *, 19&*CH 10(9:&1.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y >i/ed L-!il/on S!i/h for his rese-r>h on \/he dis>o8ery of
res/ri>/ion enzy!es -nd /heir -$$li>-/ion /o $roble!s of !ole>ul-r ene/i>s.Z S!i/h
$urified -nd >h-r->/erized /he firs/ s$e>ifi> res/ri>/ion endonu>le-se, fro! Le!o$hilus
influenz-e. Le -lso in/eres/ed his >ol-ure-/e, D-niel N-/h-ns, in -$$lyin /he res/ri>/ion
enzy!e in \>ho$$inZ e@$eri!en/s -nd su$$lied /he reGuisi/e endonu>le-se /o hi!.
%or2ack5 0llan ,ac#eod ?02
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&9. Born: 1ebru-ry 2', 192); Poh-nnesbur, Sou/h
+fri>-. Death: K-y &, 199*; Win>hes/er, K+. Parents: 1-/her, "eore 6or!->0;
Ko/her, +!eli- K->Leod 6or!->0. Nationality: Sou/h +fri>-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen.
Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of 6-$e To#n, Sou/h +fri>-, A.S>., 19)); Ini8.
of 6-$e To#n, Sou/h +fri>-, K.S>., 19)%. Spouse: A-rb-r- Pe-nne Se-8ey, !-rried
P-nu-ry (, 19%0. Children: K-r-re/ Pe-n, d-uh/er; Pe-n A-rb-r-, d-uh/er; 2ober/
+ll-n Se-8ey, Pr., son. Career: Ini8. of 6-$e To#n, 2ondebos>h, Sou/h +fri>-,
Professor, 19)(:%(; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, 2ese-r>her, 19%(:%&; Tuf/s Ini8., K+,
Professor, 19%&:9). Other Awards: A-llou Ked-l, Tuf/s Ini8., 19&*; Lonor-ble
Ken/ion, S#edish 2-dioloi>-l So>ie/y, 19&9; Ked-l of Keri/, Ini8. of 6-$e To#n,
Sou/h +fri>-, 19*0; Lo Ked-l, 19*1; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 1990.
Selected Publications: \2e$resen/-/ion of - 1un>/ion by ?/s Line ?n/er-ls, #i/h So!e
2-dioloi>-l +$$li>-/ions.Z 7ournal of Applied hysics ') BSe$/e!ber 19('CH 2&22:2&.
\2e$resen/-/ion of - 1un>/ion by ?/s Line ?n/er-ls, #i/h So!e 2-dioloi>-l
+$$li>-/ions ??. 7ournal of Applied hysics '% BO>/ober 19()CH 290*:1'. \S!-ll-+nle
S>-//erin of 1)'-!e8 Pol-rized Pro/ons.Z 'uclear hysics %( B19()CH )(:() B#i/h P.N.
P-l!ieri -nd D.P. S/einberC. \Ke-sure!en/ of 6ross Se>/ions #i/h Neu/rons -s
T-re/s.Z hysical Bevie0 1'* B19(%CH *2':'0 B#i/h K.W. Sh-$iro -nd +. K. NoehlerC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: hysics Today '2 BDe>e!ber 19&9CH 19:20. (cience 20(
BNo8e!ber '0, 19&9CH 10(0:(2. (on of the Angel. Aos/onH A. Aen->err-f, 1990.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o +ll-n 6or!->0 for his >on/ribu/ions /o
\/he in8en/ion of /he @-r-y di-nos/i> /e>hniGue, >o!$u/erized -@i-l /o!or-$hy.Z
6or!->0 de8elo$ed /he eGu-/ions ne>ess-ry for i!-e re>ons/ru>/ion, /he $ro>ess in
#hi>h @-r-y $roMe>/ions of - s-!$le /-0en -/ - 8-rie/y of differen/ -nles -re >o!bined,
usin /he >o!$u/er, /o re>ons/ru>/ /he i!-e bein 8ie#ed. 6o!$u/er--ssis/ed
/o!or-$hy B6+TC h-s be>o!e - !os/ 8-lu-ble -ddi/ion /o !edi>-l di-nos/i>
/e>hniGues. B2.N.C
1o!nsfield5 6odfre$ Ne)bold5 -ir ?03
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19&9. Born: +uus/ 2*, 1919; Ne#-r0, 5nl-nd.
Parents: 1-/her, Tho!-s Lounsfield; Ko/her, no re>ord found. Nationality: Ari/ish.
Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: 6i/y -nd "uilds 6ollee, 5nl-nd, 2-dio
6o!!uni>-/ions Qu-lifi>-/ion, 19'*; 1-r-d-y Louse 5le>/ri>-l 5nineerin 6ollee,
5nl-nd, Deree in 5le>/ri>-l -nd Ke>h-ni>-l 5nineerin, 19%1. Spouse: None.
Children: None. Career: Thorn 5K? Li!i/ed, Kiddlese@, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19%1-. Other Awards: K->2ober/ +#-rd, 19&2; A-r>l-y Prize, Ari/ish
P-e 1%0
?ns/i/u/e of 2-dioloy, 19&); Willhel! 5@ner Ked-l, +us/ri-n ?ndus/ri-l +sso>i-/ion,
19&); Jiedses des Pl-n/es Ked-l, Physi0-lis>h-Kedizinis>he "esells>h-f/, WRrzbur,
"er!-ny, 19&); Prin>e Phili$ Ked-l +#-rd, 6i/y -nd "uilds of London ?ns/i/u/e, 19&%;
+NS 2-di-/ion +#-rd, "eori- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 19&%; L-s0er +#-rd, 19&%;
Duddell Aronze Ked-l, ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s, 19&(; "olden Pl-/e +#-rd, +!eri>-n
+>-de!y of +>hie8e!en/, 19&(; 6hur>hill "old Ked-l, 19&(; "-irdner 1ound-/ion
+#-rd, 19&(; 2ein-ld Ki/>hell "old Ked-l, S/o0e-on-Tren/ +sso>i-/ion of 5nineers,
19&(; +!broino d9Oro +#-rd, 6i/y of Kil-n, 19*0; Deu/s>he 2oen/en Pl-0e//e,
Deu/s>he 2oen/en Kuseu!, 19*0; Order Ari/ish 5!$ire, 19&(; Nnih/hood, 19*1.
Selected Publications: \K-ne/i> 1il!s for ?nfor!-/ion S/or-e.Z 8ritish atent
10;C6AC BSe$/e!ber 20, 19(&C B#i/h P.L. Aro#nC. \6o!$u/erized Tr-ns8erse +@i-l
S>-nnin BTo!or-$hyC.Z 8ritish 7ournal of Badiology )( B19&'CH 101(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19*0, 1%':%%. hysics Today '2 BDe>e!ber 19&9CH 19:20. (cience 20( BNo8e!ber '0,
19&9CH 10(0:(2.
Co$$entary: "odfrey Lounsfield sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions \/o /he
de8elo$!en/ of /he @-r-y s>-nnin sys/e!, >o!$u/erized -@i-l /o!or-$hy.Z Lounsfield
desined /he -$$-r-/us /h-/ #ould $er!i/ i!-e re>ons/ru>/ion, /he $ro>ess in #hi>h @-
r-y $roMe>/ions of - s-!$le /-0en -/ - 8-rie/y of differen/ -nles -re >o!bined, usin /he
>o!$u/er, /o re>ons/ru>/ /he i!-e bein 8ie#ed. The $ro>ess h-s re8olu/ionized
!edi>-l di-nos/i> /e>hniGues e!$loyin @-r-y !e/hods. Lounsfield #-s -lso
res$onsible for sinifi>-n/ de8elo$!en/s in r-d-r sys/e!s, >o!$u/er desin, -nd l-re-
>-$->i/y !e!ory s/or-e in >o!$u/ers, -nd >on/inues his rese-r>h in nonin8-si8e
!edi>-l di-nos/i> /e>hniGues. B2.N.C
+enacerraf5 +ar!K ?0?
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*0. Born: O>/ober 29, 1920; 6-r->-s, Senezuel-.
Parents: 1-/her, +br-h-! Aen->err-f; Ko/her, Lenrie//- L-sry Aen->err-f. Nationality:
Senezuel-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: No or-nized reliion; fro! Pe#ish
b->0round. Education: Ly>_e P-nson, 1r-n>e, b->>-l-ur_-/, 19)0; 6olu!bi- Ini8.,
N3, A.S., 19)2; Kedi>-l 6ollee of Sirini-, K.D., 19)%. Spouse: +nne//e Dreyfus,
!-rried K-r>h 2), 19)'. Children: Aeryl, d-uh/er. Career: Queens "ener-l Los$i/-l,
N3, Physi>i-n, 19)%:)(; Ini/ed S/-/es +r!y, 19)(:)*; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3,
2ese-r>her, 19)*:%0; 6en/re N-/ion-l de 2e>her>he S>ien/iGue, 1r-n>e, +d!inis/r-/or,
19%0:%(; Ne# 3or0 Ini8., Professor, 19%(:(*; N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/es of Le-l/h, KD,
+d!inis/r-/or, 19(*:&0; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19&0:91.
Other Awards: 2-bbi Sh-i S>h->0n-i Prize, Lebre# Ini8. of Perus-le!, 19&); T.
Du>0e// Pones Ke!ori-l +#-rd, Lelen P-y Whi/ney 1ound-/ion, 19&(; W-/erford
+#-rd, 19*0; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 1990.
Selected Publications: \S/udies on Ly$ersensi/i8i/y. ???. The 2el-/ion be/#een Del-yed
2e->/i8i/y /o /he Pi>ryl "rou$ of 6onMu-/es -nd 6on/->/ Sensi/i8i/y.Z <mmunology 2
B19%9CH 219:29 B#i/h P.".L. "ellC. OOS/udies on Ly$ersensi/i8i/y. ?S. The 2el-/ion
be/#een 6on/->/ -nd Del-yed Sensi/i8i/yH + S/udy on /he S$e>ifi>i/y of 6ellul-r
?!!une 2e->/ions.Z 7ournal of $xperimental #edicine 11' B19(1CH %&1:*% B#i/h
P.".L. "ellC. \+n/ieni>i/y of +l/ered +u/oloous Pro/eins, - Ke>h-nis! of
+u/oi!!une 2e->/ions.Z Annals of the 'e0 1or2 Academy of (ciences 12) B19(%CH 12(:
'2. Textboo2 of <mmunology. A-l/i!ore, KDH Willi-!s -nd Wil0ins, 19&9.
<mmunogenetics and <mmune Begulation. Ne# 3or0H K-sson Publi>-/ions, 19*2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: =rom .aracas to (toc2holm> A -ife in #edicine. +!hers/,
N3H Pro!e/heus, 199*. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 19*0CH 1'%*:%9.
(cience 210 BNo8e!ber &, 19*0CH (21:2'.
Co$$entary: A-ruM Aen->err-f sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions /o /he
e@$l-n-/ion of /he \ene/i>-lly de/er!ined s/ru>/ures of /he >ell surf->e /h-/ reul-/e
i!!unoloi>-l re->/ions.Z Aen->err-f found /h-/ /he enes lo>-/ed in /he !-Mor
his/o>o!$-/ibili/y >o!$le@ BKL6C, #hi>h $l-ys - !-Mor role in /r-ns$l-n/ reMe>/ion,
>on/rol /he i!!une >ell in/er->/ions /h-/ -re res$onsible for - hu!-n i!!une res$onse.
Aen->err-f >on/inues /o rese-r>h /he >o!$le@ sys/e! needed for >on/rollin i!!une
res$onses. B2.N.C
(a!sset5 <ean +aptiste 6abriel <oachi2 ?0@
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*0. Born: O>/ober 19, 191(; Toulouse, 1r-n>e.
Parents: 1-/her, Lenri Pierre Pules D-usse/; Ko/her, 5liz-be/h Arull-rd D-usse/.
Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: +nos/i>; fro! 6hris/i-n b->0round. Education: Ly>ee
Ki>hele/, 1r-n>e, +.A., 19'9; Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, K.D., 19)'. Spouse: 2osi/-
K-yor-l Lo$ez, !-rried K-r>h 1&, 19(2. Children: Lenri, son; ?rene, d-uh/er. Career:
N-/ion-l Alood Tr-nsfusion 6en/er, 1r-n>e, +d!inis/r-/or, 19)(:('; Ini8. of P-ris,
1r-n>e, Professor, 19%*:&&; 6oll_e de 1r-n>e, Professor, 19&&:*&; Lo$i/-l S-in/-
Louis, P-ris, 1r-n>e, +d!inis/r-/or -nd 2ese-r>her, 19(9:*); Lu!-n Poly!or$his!
S/udy 6en/er, 19*)-. Other Awards: "r-nd Pri@ des S>ien>es 6hi!iGues e/ N-/urelles,
19(&; d9+ren/ Ked-l, 19(&; "r-nd Pri@ S>ien/ifiGue, Sille de P-ris, 19(*; Pri@
6on->-P-y, 19(9; S/r-//on Le>/ure +#-rd, ?n/ern-/ion-l Le!-/oloy So>ie/y, 19&0;
N-rl L-nds/einer +#-rd, +!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion of Alood A-n0s, 19&1; "-irdner
1ound-/ion Prize, 19&&; No>h 1ound-/ion Prize, 19&*; Wolf 1ound-/ion Prize, 19&*.
Lond- Prize, 19*&.
Selected Publications: <mmuno@/ematologie 8iologi4ue et .lini4ue. P-risH
1l-!!-rion, 19%(. Tissue Typing. Ne# 3or0H S. N-rer, 19((. Advances in
Transplantation. Ne# 3or0H Willi-!s -nd Wil0ins, 19(*. /uman Transplantation.
Orl-ndo, 1LH "rune -nd S/r-//on, 19(*. Tissue Typing Today. Orl-ndo, 1LH "rune -nd
S/r-//on, 19&1. /istocompatibility Testing. Ne# 3or0H Willi-!s -nd Wil0ins, 19&'.
/istocompatibility. S-n Dieo, 6+H +>-de!i> Press, 19&( B#i/h ". Snell -nd S.
N-/h-nsonC. <mmunology. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19*0 B#i/h K. 1ouere-uC. A
#odern <llustration of $xperimental #edicine in Action. Ne# 3or0H 5lse8ier,Nor/h-
Loll-nd, 19*0 B#i/h 1eli@ 2-$-$or/C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19*1, 10*:11. (cience 210 BNo8e!ber &, 19*0CH (21:2'.
P-e 1%1
Co$$entary: Pe-n D-usse/ re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for #or0 /h-/ led /o /he e@$l-n-/ion
of \/he ene/i>-lly de/er!ined s/ru>/ures of /he >ell surf->e /h-/ reul-/e i!!unoloi>-l
re->/ions.Z D-usse/ firs/ es/-blished /he e@is/en>e in hu!-ns of /he !-Mor
his/o>o!$-/ibili/y >o!$le@ BKL6C, #hi>h $l-ys - !-Mor role in /r-ns$l-n/ reMe>/ion, -nd
led /he #-y /o !ore su>>ess in or-n /r-ns$l-n/s, -s #ell -s /o rese-r>h on indi8idu-l
sus>e$/ibili/y /o infe>/ions, dise-ses, -nd /u!ors. Lis rese-r>h s/e!!ed fro! his
$re8ious #or0 #i/h blood-re$l->e!en/ /r-nsfusion !e/hods. Le #-s -lso res$onsible for
de8elo$in l-/er sys/e!s for >l-ssifi>-/ion of -n/iens. B2.N.C
-nell5 6eor&e (a>is ?0A
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*0. Born: De>e!ber 19, 190'; Ar-dford, K+.
Death: Pune (, 199(; A-r L-rbor, K5. Parents: 1-/her, 6ullen Ary-n/ Snell; Ko/her,
N-/herine D-8is Snell. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6onre-/ion-lis/. Education:
D-r/!ou/h 6ollee, NL, A.S., 192(; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.S., 192*; L-r8-rd Ini8.,
K+, S>.D., 19'0. Spouse: 2hod- 6-rson, !-rried Puly 2*, 19'&, died 199). Children:
Tho!-s 6-rle/on, son; 2oy 6-rson, son; Pe/er "-rl-nd, son. Career: D-r/!ou/h
6ollee, NL, Professor, 1929:'0; Aro#n Ini8., 2?, Professor, 19'0:'1; Ini8. of Te@-s,
2ese-r>her, 19'1:''; W-shin/on Ini8., KO, Professor, 19'':'%; P->0son L-bor-/ory,
A-r L-rbor, K5, 2ese-r>her, 19'%:&'. Other Awards: Le0/oen Sil8er Ked-l, +!eri>-n
Kedi>-l +sso>i-/ion, 19%%; Aer/ner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19(2; "riffin +#-rd, +ni!-l
6-re P-nel, 19(2; "reor Kendel +#-rd, 6ze>hoslo8-0 +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19(&;
"-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19&(; Wolf Prize, 19&*; +#-rd, N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/e for
+r/hri/is -nd ?nfe>/ious Dise-se, N-/ion-l 6-n>er ?ns/i/u/e, 19&*.
Selected Publications: The 8iology of the -aboratory #ouse. Phil-del$hi-, P+H The
Al-0is/on 6o., 19)1. .ell (urface Antigens> (tudies in #ammals Other Than #an. Ne#
3or0H KSS ?nfor!-/ion 6or$or-/ion, 19&' B#i/h o/hersC. 5enetic and 8iological
Aspects of /istocompatibility Antigens. 6o$enh-enH Kun0s--rd, 19&' B#i/h o/hersC.
/istocompatibility. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19&( B#i/h P. D-usse/ -nd S.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19*(, %'':'(. (cience 210 BNo8e!ber &, 19*0CH (21:2'.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o "eore Snell for his #or0 on /he
\ene/i>-lly de/er!ined s/ru>/ures of /he >ell surf->e /h-/ reul-/e i!!unoloi>-l
re->/ions.Z Snell9s rese-r>h s/-r/ed #i/h /he @-r-y indu>/ion of !u/-/ions in !i>e -nd
$roressed /o /he breedin of >oneni> !i>e, !i>e /h-/ -re ene/i>-lly iden/i>-l e@>e$/
for - sinle ene/i> reion. Snell found 10 lo>i /h-/ >on/rolled r-f/ resis/-n>e, bu/ one
Bn-!ed Lis/o>o!$-/ibili/y ?? or L-2C #-s $-r-!oun/ in de/er!inin r-f/ ->>e$/-n>e. ?/
l-/er >-!e /o be 0no#n -s /he !-Mor his/o>o!$-/ibili/y >o!$le@ BKL6C, #or0ed on by
his >ol-ure-/es -s #ell. B2.N.C
1!bel5 (a>id 1!nter ?0B
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*1. Born: 1ebru-ry 2&, 192(; Windsor, On/-rio,
6-n-d-. Parents: 1-/her, Pesse Ler8ey Lubel; Ko/her, 5lsie K. Lun/er Lubel.
Nationality: 6-n-di-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Ini/-ri-n. Education: K>"ill
Ini8., 6-n-d-, A.S>., 19)&; K>"ill Ini8., 6-n-d-, K.D., 19%1. Spouse: Shirley 2u/h
?zz-rd, !-rried Pune 20, 19%'. Children: 6-rl +ndre#, son; 5ri> D-8id, son; P-ul
K-//he#, son. Career: Kon/re-l Neuroloi>-l ?ns/i/u/e, 6-n-d-, Physi>i-n, 19%2:%);
Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, Physi>i-n, 19%):%9; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19%9-.
Other Awards: Trus/ees 2ese-r>h /o Pre8en/ Alindness +#-rd, 19&1; Le#is S.
2osens/iel +#-rd, Ar-ndeis Ini8., K+, 19&2; 1rieden#-ld +#-rd, +sso>i-/ion for
2ese-r>h in Sision -nd O$h/h-l!oloy, 19&%; N-rl S$en>er L-shley Prize, +!eri>-n
Philoso$hi>-l So>ie/y, 19&&; Louis- "ross Loro#i/z Prize, 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 19&*;
Di>0son Prize, Ini8. of Pi//sburh, P+, 19&9; Ledlie Prize, L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, 19*0;
N-yser +#-rd, 19*9; Ou/s/-ndin S>ien>e Le-dershi$ +#-rd, 1990; 6i/y of Kedi>ine
+#-rd, 1990; "len +. 1ry Ked-l, 1991; "er-rd +#-rd, 199'; 6h-rles 1. Pren/i>e Ked-l,
199'; Lelen Neller Prize, 199%.
Selected Publications: \2e>e$/i8e 1ields of Sinle Neurones in /he 6-/9s S/ri-/e
6or/e@.Z 7ournal of hysiology 1)* B19%9CH %&):91 B#i/h T.N. WieselC. \2e>e$/i8e
1ields, Aino>ul-r ?n/er->/ion -nd 1un>/ion-l +r>hi/e>/ure in /he 6-/9s Sisu-l 6or/e@.Z
7ournal of hysiology 1(0 B19(2CH 10(:%) B#i/h T.N. WieselC. \2e>e$/i8e 1ields -nd
1un>/ion-l +r>hi/e>/ure in T#o Nons/ri-/e Sisu-l +re-s B1* -nd 19C of /he 6-/.99 7ournal
of 'europhysiology 2* B19(%CH 229:*9 B#i/h T.N. WieselC. \2e>e$/i8e 1ields -nd
1un>/ion-l +r>hi/e>/ure of Kon0ey S/ri-/e 6or/e@.Z 7ournal of hysiology 19% B19(*CH
21%:)' B#i/h T.N. WieselC. \The Sisu-l 6or/e@ of Nor!-l -nd De$ri8ed Kon0eys.Z
American (cientist (& B19&9CH %'2:)'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 19*1CH
1'(2. (cience 21) BO>/ober '0, 19*1CH %1*:20.
Co$$entary: D-8id Lubel #-s honored by /he +>-de!y for his #or0 on \infor!-/ion
$ro>essin in /he 8isu-l sys/e!.Z Le dis>o8ered, #i/h his fello# l-ure-/e Tors/en Wiesel,
/h-/ e->h neuron in /he 8isu-l sys/e! res$onds bes/ /o - $-r/i>ul-r s/i!ulus -nd /h-/ -
>o!$li>-/ed -rr-ne!en/ of >ells o$er-/es /o !-0e 8ision #or0. ?n rel-/ed rese-r>h, /he
/e-! !-de dis>o8eries rel-/in /o bino>ul-r 8ision -nd /he i!$or/-n>e of e-rly 8isu-l
s/i!ul-/ion for $ro$er de8elo$!en/. BP.P.L.C
-perr$5 4o&er Wolcott ?0C
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*1. Born: +uus/ 20, 191'; L-r/ford, 6T. Death:
+$ril 1&, 199); P-s-den-, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, 1r-n>is Aushnell S$erry; Ko/her,
1loren>e Nr-!er S$erry. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education:
Oberlin 6ollee, OL, A.+., 19'%; Oberlin 6ollee, OL, K.+., 19'&; Ini8. of 6hi>-o,
?L, Ph.D., 19)1. Spouse: Nor!- "-y Deu$ree, !-rried De>e!ber 2*, 19)9. Children:
"lenn Ki>h-el BT-dC, son; P-ne/h Lo$e, d-uh/er. Career: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+,
2ese-r>her, 19)1:)(; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19)(:%'; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19%):*). Other Awards: Oberlin 6ollee +lu!ni 6i/-/ion, 19%);
Lo#-rd 6rosby W-rren Ked-l, So>ie/y for 5@$eri!en/-l Psy>holoy, 19(9;
Dis/inuished S>ien/is/,6on/ribu/ion +#-rd, +!eri>-n Psy>holoi>-l +sso>i-/ion, 19&1;
6-liforni- S>ien/is/ of /he 3e-r, 19&2; Willi-! Tho!-s W-0e!-n 2ese-r>h +#-rd,
P-e 1%2
N-/ion-l P-r-$lei> 1ound-/ion, 19&2; P-ss-no 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19&'; 6l-ude
Aern-rd S>ien>e Pourn-lis! +#-rd, 19&%; N-rl L-shley +#-rd, +!eri>-n Philoso$hi>-l
So>ie/y, 19&(; +lber/ L-s0er +#-rd, 19&9; 2-l$h "er-rd Prize, 19&9; Wolf 1ound-/ion
Prize, 19&9; Dis/inuished Ser8i>e +#-rd, ?n/ern-/ion-l Sisu-l Li/er->y +sso>i-/ion,
19&9; "olden Pl-/e +#-rd, +!eri>-n +>-de!y of +>hie8e!en/, 19*0; 2e-li- +#-rd,
19*(; Ken/or So>ie/y +#-rd, 19*&; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19*9.
Selected Publications: \Neuroloy -nd /he Kind-Ar-in Proble!.Z American (cientist )0
B19%2CH 291. \On /he Neur-l A-sis of /he 6ondi/ioned 2es$onse.Z 8ritish 7ournal of
Animal 8ehavior ' B19%%CH )1. \6erebr-l Or-niz-/ion -nd Aeh-8ior.99 (cience 1''
B19(1CH 1&)9. \6he!o-ffini/y in /he Orderly "ro#/h of Ner8e 1iber P-//erns of
6onne>/ion.Z roceedings of the 'ational Academy of (ciences :.(.A. %0 B19('CH &0'.
\Ken/-l Ini/y 1ollo#in Suri>-l Dis>onne>/ion of /he 6erebr-l Le!is$heres.Z /arvey
-ectures (2 B19(*CH 29':'22. (cience and #oral riority. Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8.
Press, 19*'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: American sychologist %0 BNo8e!ber 1, 199%CH 9)0:)1.
.urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19*(, %':%(. 1iner, S/-nley.
#inds 8ehind the 8rain. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8ersi/y Press, 2000. 'e0 1or2 Times
8iographical (ervice B+$ril 10, 199)CH %(1. (cience 21) BO>/ober '0, 19*1CH %1&:1*.
Co$$entary: 2oer S$erry #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y for his s$li/-br-in rese-r>h /h-/
se$-r-/ed -nd iden/ified /he fun>/ions of /he lef/ -nd rih/ he!is$heres of /he br-in.
Lo#e8er, /he Nobel Prize -lso re>onized S$erry9s relen/less $ursui/ o8er )0 ye-rs for -
be//er unders/-ndin of /he >ons>ious $ro>esses -nd fun>/ions of /he hu!-n br-in
/hrouh s/udies in -/ le-s/ /hree !-Mor -re-sH de8elo$!en/-l neurobioloy, e@$eri!en/-l
$sy>hobioloy, -nd hu!-n s$li/br-in s/udies. Lis l-/er rese-r>h >on>en/r-/ed on /he
e!o/ion-l -nd so>i-l >o!$onen/s of /he /#o-sided br-in. BD.T.C
Wiesel5 Torsten N: ?09
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*1. Born: Pune ', 192); I$$s-l-, S#eden. Parents:
1-/her, 1ri/z S-!uel Wiesel; Ko/her, +nn--Lis- 5lis-be/ Aen/zer Wiesel. Nationality:
S#edish; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: 1ro! Pro/es/-n/ b->0round. Education:
N-rolins0- ?ns/i/u/e, S#eden, K.D., 19%). Spouse: Teiri S/enh-!!er, !-rried 19%(,
di8or>ed 19&0; +nn "r->e 3ee, !-rried 19&', di8or>ed 19*1; Pe-n S/ein, !-rried 199%.
Children: S-r- 5lis-be/, d-uh/er. Career: N-rolins0- ?ns/i/u/e, S#eden, Professor,
19%):%%; Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, Professor, 19%%:%9; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor,
19%9:*'; 2o>0efeller Ini8., N3, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19*'-. Other Awards:
Pules S/ein +#-rd, Trus/ees for Pre8en/ion of Alindness, 19&1; Le#is S. 2osens/iel
Prize, Ar-ndeis Ini8., K+, 19&2; 1rieden#-ld +#-rd, Trus/ees of +sso>i-/ion for
2ese-r>h in Sision -nd O$h/h-l!oloy, 19&%; L-shley Prize, +!eri>-n Philoso$hi>-l
So>ie/y, 19&&; Louis- "ross Lor#i/z Prize, 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 19&*; Di>0son Prize,
Ini8. of Pi//sburh, P+, 19&9; Ledlie Prize, L-r8-rd Ini8., 19*0; W.L. Lel!eri>h ???
+#-rd, 19*9.
Selected Publications: \2e>e$/i8e 1ields of Sinle Neurones in /he 6-/9s S/ri-/e
6or/e@.Z 7ournal of hysiology 1)* B19%9CH %&):91 B#i/h D.L. LubelC. \2e>e$/i8e
1ields, Aino>ul-r ?n/er->/ion -nd 1un>/ion-l +r>hi/e>/ure in /he 6-/9s Sisu-l 6or/e@.Z
7ournal of hysiology 1(0 B19(2CH 10(:%) B#i/h D.L. LubelC. \2e>e$/i8e 1ields -nd
1un>/ion-l +r>hi/e>/ure in T#o Nons/ri-/e Sisu-l +re-s B1* -nd 19C of /he 6-/.Z 7ournal
of 'europhysiology 2* B19(%CH 229:*9 B#i/h D.L. LubelC. \2e>e$/i8e 1ields -nd
1un>/ion-l +r>hi/e>/ure of Kon0ey S/ri-/e 6or/e@.Z 7ournal of hysiology 19% B19(*CH
21%:)' B#i/h D.L. LubelC. \+n-/o!i>-l De!ons/r-/ion of Orien/-/ion 6olu!ns in
K->-Gue Kon0ey.Z 7ournal of .omparative 'eurology 1&& B19&*CH '(1:*0 B#i/h D.L.
Lubel -nd K.P. S/ry0erC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +8edon, Pohn 1. %ings for the #ad =light. Ne# 3or0H
Doubled-y, 1991. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 19*1CH 1)%1. (cience
21) BO>/ober '0, 19*1CH %1*:20.
Co$$entary: Tors/en Wiesel sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 on \infor!-/ion
$ro>essin in /he 8isu-l sys/e!.Z Wi/h his fello# l-ure-/e, D.L. Lubel, he de!ons/r-/ed
/h-/ indi8idu-l neurons res$ond /o s$e>ifi> s/i!uli -nd /h-/ /he >ells -re or-nized in
>olu!ns. S/udies of /he \o>ul-r do!in-n>e >olu!nsZ sho#ed /h-/ /he 8isu-l res$onse is
be//er /o s/i!ul-/ion $resen/ed /o /he do!in-n/ eye. Wiesel -nd Lubel -lso rel-/ed o>ul-r
do!in-n>e /o e-rly 8isu-l s/i!ul-/ion. BP.P.L.C
+er&strL25 -!ne 8arl ?10
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*2. Born: P-nu-ry 10, 191(; S/o>0hol!, S#eden.
Parents: 1-/her, S8er0er Aers/rU!; Ko/her, Wer- Wis/r-nd Aers/rU!. Nationality:
S#edish. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: N-rolins0- ?ns/i/u/e, S#eden, D. Ked. S>i.,
19)); N-rolins0- ?ns/i/u/e, S#eden, K.D., 19)). Spouse: K-M "ern-nd/, !-rried Puly
'0, 19)'. Children: 1 son. Career: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 2ese-r>her, 19)0:)1; SGuibb
?ns/i/u/e, NP, 2ese-r>her, 19)1:)2; Nobel ?ns/i/u/e, S/o>0hol!, S#eden, 2ese-r>her,
19)2:)(; A-sel Ini8., S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19)(:)&; Ini8. of Lund, S#eden,
Professor, 19)&:%*; N-rolins0- ?ns/i/u/e, S#eden, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19%*:
*0. Other Awards: +nders P-hre Prize, 19&2; "-irdner +#-rd, 19&2; Louis- "ross
Lor#i/z Prize, 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 19&%; 1r-n>is +!ory Prize, 19&%; L-s0er +#-rd,
19&&; L-ser A-si> Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h +#-rd, 19&&; 2ober/ +. Wel>h +#-rd, 19*0.
Selected Publications: rostaglandins> roceedings of the (econd 'obel (ymposium,
(toc2holm, 7une 1966. Ne# 3or0H ?n/ers>ien>e Publishers, 19(& B#i/h Aen/
S-!uelssonC. Third .onference on rostaglandins in =ertility .ontrol, 7anuary 1A+,0,
19A,. S/o>0hol!H N-rolins0- ?ns/i/u/e/, 19&2 B#i/h N. "reen -nd A. S-!uelssonC.
Beport from the #eeting of the rostaglandin Tas2 =orce (teering .ommittee, .hapel
/ill, 7une ;+10, 19A,, (toc2holm, October ,+C, 19A,, 5eneva, =ebruary ,6+,;, 19AC.
S/o>0hol!H N-rolins0- ?ns/i/u/e/, 19&'. rostacyclin. Ne# 3or0H 2-8en Press, 19&9
B#i/h Pohn 2. S-neC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 (cientist 9( BNo8e!ber 1), 19*2CH *2:*'. (cience 21*
BNo8e!ber 19, 19*2CH &(%:(*.
Co$$entary: Sune Aers/rU! #on /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 on /he \dis>o8eries
>on>ernin $ros/-l-ndins -nd rel-/ed bioloi>-lly ->/i8e subs/-n>es.Z Aers/rU!9s #or0
P-e 1%'
be-n #hen he found /h-/ e@>eedinly s!-ll -!oun/s of /he $ros/-l-ndins in8es/i-/ed
by Ilf 8on 5uler re/-ined 8ery hih ->/i8i/y on !us>les -nd in lo#erin blood $ressure.
Le su>>eeded l-/er in /he isol-/ion -nd >h-r->/eriz-/ion of /he s/ru>/ures of /he
$ros/-l-ndins -nd in /he de/er!in-/ion /h-/ /heir biosyn/he/i> oriin #-s -r->hidoni>
->id. The -8-il-bili/y of $ros/-l-ndins for rese-r>h re-/ly s/i!ul-/ed /his field. B2.N.C
-a2!elsson5 +en&t .n&e2ar ?11
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*2. Born: K-y 21, 19'); L-l!s/-d, S#eden.
Parents: 1-/her, +nders S-!uelsson; Ko/her, Nris/in- Nilsson S-!uelsson.
Nationality: S#edish. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: N-rolins0- ?ns/i/u/e, S#eden, D.
Ked. S>i., 19(0; N-rolins0- ?ns/i/u/e, S#eden, K.D., 19(1. Spouse: ?n- N-rin
Aers/ein, !-rried +uus/ 19, 19%*. Children: Ao, son; 5lis-be/, d-uh/er; +s/rid,
d-uh/er. Career: N-rolins0- ?ns/i/u/e, S#eden, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19(1:((;
2oy-l Se/erin-ry 6ollee, S#eden, Professor, 19(&:&2; N-rolins0- ?ns/i/u/e, S#eden,
Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19&':9%. Other Awards: +. P-hres +#-rd, Oslo Ini8.,
19&0; Louis- "ross Lor#i/z Prize, 6olu!bi- Ini8., 19&%; L-s0er +#-rd, 19&&; 6ib--
"eiy Dre# +#-rd, 19*0; Le#is 2osens/iel +#-rd, 19*1; "-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd,
19*1; S#edish Kedi>-l +sso>i-/ion Pubilee +#-rd, 19*1; Leinri>h Wiel-nd Prize, 19*1;
Kedi>-l 6he!is/ry +#-rd, 19*2; W-/erford Aio-Kedi>-l S>ien>e +#-rd, 19*2;
?n/ern-/ion-l +sso>i-/ion of +lleroloy -nd 6lini>-l ?!!unoloy +#-rd, 19*2; Aror
Lol!ber Ked-l, 19*2; +br-h-! Whi/e S>ien>e +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, 19*); "reory
Pin>us Ke!ori-l +#-rd, 19*); 6h-rles 5. 6ul$e$$er +#-rd, 19*%; Su$el>o +#-rd,
19*%; +br-h-! Whi/e +#-rd, 1990; 6i/y of Kedi>ine +#-rd, 1992; K-ri- Theres-
Ked-l, 199(; Kedi>us K-nus Ked-l, 199&.
Selected Publications: rostaglandins> roceedings of the (econd 'obel (ymposium,
(toc2holm, 7une 1966. Ne# 3or0H ?n/ers>ien>e Publishers, 19(& B#i/h S. Aers/ro!C.
Third .onference on rostaglandins in =ertility .ontrol, 7anuary 1A+,0, 19A,.
S/o>0hol!H N-rolins0- ?ns/i/u/e/, 19&2 B#i/h N. "reen -nd S. Aers/ro!C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 (cientist 9( BNo8e!ber 1), 19*2CH *2:*'. (cience 21*
BNo8e!ber 19, 19*2CH &(%:(*.
Co$$entary: Aen/ S-!uelsson #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his effor/s in /he
\dis>o8eries >on>ernin $ros/-l-ndins -nd rel-/ed bioloi>-lly ->/i8e subs/-n>es.Z
S-!uelsson, #or0in -lon #i/h his >ol-ure-/e Sune Aers/rU!, #-s i8en >redi/ for
s/ru>/ur-l #or0, for /he de/-iled des>ri$/ion of /he role of -r->hidoni> ->id, -nd for
>l-rifyin /he biosyn/he/i> $ro>ess /h-/ $rodu>ed /he $ros/-l-ndins. S-!uelsson -lso
dis>o8ered /hro!bo@-nes, #hi>h hel$ blood /o >lo/, -nd leu0o/rienes, in8ol8ed in
-s/h!-. B2.N.C
=ane5 <ohn 4obert ?12
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*2. Born: K-r>h 29, 192&; T-rdebi,
Wor>es/ershire, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, K-uri>e S-ne; Ko/her, 1r-n>es 1loren>e
1isher S-ne. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8.
of Air!inh-!, 5nl-nd, A.S>., 19)(; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.S>., 19)9; O@ford
Ini8., 5nl-nd, D.Phil., 19%'. Spouse: 5liz-be/h D-$hne P-e, !-rried +$ril ), 19)*.
Children: Ni>ol-, d-uh/er; Kir-nd-, d-uh/er. Career: 3-le Ini8., 6T, Professor,
19%':%%; Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, Professor, 19%%:&'; Well>o!e L-bor-/ories,
5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19&':*%; S/. A-r/holo!e#9s Los$i/-l Kedi>-l
6ollee, London, Ao-rd of Dire>/ors, 19*(:9&. Other Awards: L-s0er +#-rd, 19&&;
A-ly Ked-l, 2oy-l 6ollee of Physi>i-ns, 19&&; Pose$h P. Auni! Ked-l, 19&9; Nuffield
"old Ked-l, 19*0; Pe/er Debye Prize, Ini8. of K--s/ri>h/, Ne/herl-nds, 19*0; 1eldber
1ound-/ion Prize, 19*0; 6ib- "eiy Dre# +#-rd, Dre# Ini8., NP, 19*0; D-le Ked-l,
So>ie/y of 5ndo>rinoloy, 19*1; "-len Ked-l, +$o/he>-ries9 So>ie/y, 19*'; Aioloi>-l
6oun>il Ked-l, 19*'; Louis P-s/eur 1ound-/ion Prize, 6+, 19*); N-/ion-l Le-d->he
1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19**; 2oy-l Ked-l, 19*9; L-!bur "old Ked-l, 199(.
Selected Publications: rostaglandin (ynthetase <nhibitorsTTheir $ffects on
hysiological =unctions and athological (tates. Ne# 3or0H 2-8en Press, 19&) B#i/h
L. 2obinsonC. #etabolic =unctions of the -ung. Ne# 3or0H De00er, 19&& B#i/h 3.S.
A-0hleC. <nflammation. Ne# 3or0H S$riner Serl-, 19&* B#i/h S.L. 1erreir-C. Anti@
<nflammatory &rugs. Ne# 3or0H S$riner Serl-, 19&9. rostacyclin. Ne# 3or0H 2-8en
Press, 19&9 B#i/h S. Aers/ro!C. <nteractions 8et0een latelets and 6essel %alls. "re-/
Ne>0, N3H S>holiu! ?n/ern-/ion-l, 19*1 B#i/h ".S.2. AonnC. rostacyclin in /ealth
and &isease. 5dinburhH 2oy-l 6ollee of Physi>i-ns, 19*2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2 Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19*(, %&%:&*. 'e0 (cientist 9( BNo8e!ber 1), 19*2CH *2:*'. (cience 21* BNo8e!ber
19, 19*2CH &(%:(*.
Co$$entary: Pohn S-ne sh-red /he Nobel for his >on/ribu/ions /o /he \dis>o8eries
>on>ernin $ros/-l-ndins -nd rel-/ed bioloi>-lly ->/i8e subs/-n>es.Z S-ne used /he
dyn-!i> bio-ss-y !e/hod he h-d de8elo$ed #or0in #i/h /he -nio/ensins /o
differen/i-/e /he 8-rious $ros/-l-ndins. Le in8es/i-/ed $ros/-l-ndin rele-se durin
-n-$hyl-@is in $erfused uine- $i lun -nd /hen de!ons/r-/ed /h-/ /he rele-se of -
>on/r->/in subs/-n>e >ould be h-l/ed #i/h -n/i-infl-!!-/ory drus. S-ne9s e@$l-n-/ion
/h-/ -s$irin -nd rel-/ed drus ->/ed by inhibi/in -r->hidoni> ->id >on8ersion /o
$ros/-l-ndins s/i!ul-/ed e@/ensi8e rese-r>h on /he role of $ros/-l-ndins in -ll sor/s of
bioloi>-l sys/e!s. B2.N.C
,c%lintock5 +arbara ?13
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*'. Born: Pune 1(, 1902; L-r/ford, 6T. Death:
Se$/e!ber 2, 1992; Lun/in/on, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Tho!-s Lenry K>6lin/o>0;
Ko/her, S-r- L-ndy K>6lin/o>0. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6onre-/ion-lis/.
Education: 6ornell Ini8., N3, A.S., 192'; 6ornell Ini8., N3, K.+., 192%; 6ornell
Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 192&. Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: 6ornell Ini8., N3,
2ese-r>her, 192):'1; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 2ese-r>her, 19'1:''; Ini8. of
1reibur, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19'':'); 6ornell Ini8., N3, 2ese-r>her, 19'):'(;
Ini8. of Kissouri, 6olu!bi-, Professor, 19'(:)1;
P-e 1%)
6-rneie ?ns/i/u/ion of W-shin/on -/ 6old S$rin L-rbor L-bor-/ory, N3, 2ese-r>her,
19)1:*%. Other Awards: +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, ++IW, 19)&; Keri/ +#-rd, Ao/-ny
So>ie/y of +!eri>-, 19%&; Ni!ber +#-rd, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19(&;
N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19&0; 2osens/iel +#-rd, 19&*; 1ree!-n 1ound-/ion +#-rd,
19&*; K->+r/hur 1ound-/ion Prize, 19*1; Tho!-s Lun/ Kor-n Ked-l, 19*1; L-s0er
+#-rd, 19*1; Wolf 1ound-/ion Prize, ?sr-el, 19*1; Lor#i/z Prize, 6olu!bi- Ini8.,
19*2; K-yer Prize, 19*2.
Selected Publications: OO+ 6orrel-/ion of 6y/oloi>-l -nd "ene/i>-l 6rossin O8er in
Je- K-ys.Z roceedings of the 'ational Academy of (ciences 1& B+uus/ 19'1CH )92:9&
B#i/h L. 6reih/onC. \The 2el-/ion of - P-r/i>ul-r 6hro!oso!-l 5le!en/ /o /he
De8elo$!en/ of /he Nu>leoli in Je- K-ys.Z A. !ellforsch. :. #i2r. Anat 21 B19')CH 29):
'2*. \Ku/-ble Lo>i in K-ize.Z .arnegie <nstitution of %ashington 1earboo2 )* B19)9CH
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19*), 2(2:(%. 1ederoff, N. -nd Ao/s/ein, D. The &ynamic 5enome. 6old S$rin L-rbor,
N3H 6old S$rin L-rbor L-bor-/ory Press, 1992. Neller, 5. A =eeling for the Organism>
The -ife and %or2 of 8arbara #c.lintoc2. S-n 1r-n>is>oH 1ree!-n, 19*'. Ni//rede, K.
8arbara #c.lintoc2. Ne# 3or0H 6helse- Louse Publishers, 1991. 8iographical
#emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety. LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 199) BSolu!e )0CH
Co$$entary: A-rb-r- K>6lin/o>0 re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for \dis>o8ery of !obile
ene/i> ele!en/s of $rofound i!$or/-n>e for our unders/-ndin of /he or-niz-/ion -nd
fun>/ion of enes. She >-rried ou/ /his rese-r>h -lone -nd -/ - /i!e #hen her
>on/e!$or-ries #ere no/ ye/ -ble /o re-lize /he ener-li/y -nd sinifi>-n>e of her
findins.Z Ler e-rly e@$eri!en/s $ro8ed /h-/ >hro!oso!es e@>h-ne ene/i>
infor!-/ion -nd $hysi>-l !-/eri-l in >rossin o8er durin >ell di8ision. Ler l-/er #or0
on >orn sho#ed /h-/ $or/ions of DN+ /h-/ >on/rol o/her enes >-n !o8e be/#een
>hro!oso!e si/es. B2.N.C
<erne5 Niels 8aK ?1?
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*). Born: De>e!ber 2', 1911; London, 5nl-nd.
Death: O>/ober &, 199); Pon/ du "-rd, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, L-ns Pessen Perne;
Ko/her, 5lse K-rie Lindber Perne. Nationality: Ari/ish; l-/er D-nish >i/izen -nd S#iss
residen/. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of 2o//erd-!, Ne/herl-nds, A.+., 192*;
Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, do>/or-/e in !edi>ine, 19%1. Spouse: Irsul- +le@-ndr-
Nohl, !-rried 19(). Children: 2 sons. Career: D-nish S/-/e Seru! ?ns/i/u/e,
2ese-r>her, 19)':%(; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 2ese-r>her, 19%):%%; World
Le-l/h Or-niz-/ion, "ene8-, S#i/zerl-nd, 6hief Kedi>-l Offi>er, 19%(:(2; Ini8. of
Pi//sburh, P+, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19(2:((; P-ul 5hrli>h ?ns/i/u/e, 1r-n0fur/,
"er!-ny, Dire>/or, 19((:(9; A-sel ?ns/i/u/e for ?!!unoloy, S#i/zerl-nd, Dire>/or,
19(9:*0; P-s/eur ?ns/i/u/e, Professor, 19*1:*2. Other Awards: W-/erford Aio-Kedi>-l
S>ien>e +#-rd, 19&*; K-r>el Aenois/ Prize, Aerne, S#i/zerl-nd, 19&9; P-ul 5hrli>h
Prize, 1r-n0fur/, "er!-ny, 19*2.
Selected Publications: \?!!unoloi>-l S$e>ul-/ion.Z Annual Bevie0 of #icrobiology
1) B19(0CH ')1:%*. \+n/ibody 1or!-/ion -nd ?!!unoloi>-l Ke!ory.Z
#acromolecular 8ehavior B19((CH 1%1:%&. \2eul-/ion of +n/ibody Syn/hesis.Z
Transplant. Or-nu! "e#eben, ?n/. Sy!$., A-d L-!bur 8.d. L., "er. B19((CH *1:*9.
\The ?!!une Sys/e!.Z (cientific American 229 BPuly 19&'CH %2:(0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 (cientist 10) BO>/ober 1*, 19*)CH ':%. (cience 22(
BNo8e!ber '0, 19*)CH 102%:2*. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober *,
199)CH 1%'&.
Co$$entary: Niels Perne, >i/ed -s /he \le-din /heore/i>i-n in i!!unoloy durin /he
l-s/ '0 ye-rs,Z #-s re>onized for /hree /heories /h-/ $ro$elled /he s>ien>e of
i!!unoloy for#-rd. The firs/ B19%%C o$$osed /he 8ie# /h-/ /he body >re-/ed -n/ibodies
-s needed -nd ins/e-d $ro$osed /h-/ /he body >on/-ined -ll /he -n/ibodies needed /o fih/
infe>/ion. The se>ond B19((C e@$l-ined ho# - /y$e of i!!une-sys/e! >ell, /he T
ly!$ho>y/e, de8elo$s in /he /hy!us l-nd -nd le-rns i/s fun>/ion. The ne/#or0 /heory
B19&'C $os/ul-/ed /h-/ /he i!!une sys/e! #-s - self-reul-/in fun>/ion-l ne/#or0 of
in/er->/in -n/ibodies -nd ly!$ho>y/es. B2.N.C
8Lhler5 6eor&es <:: ?1@
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*). Born: +$ril 1&, 19)(; Kuni>h, "er!-ny. Death:
K-r>h 1, 199%; 1reibur, "er!-ny. Parents: No re>ord found. Nationality: "er!-n.
Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of 1reibur, "er!-ny, A.+., 19&1, Ph.D., 19&).
Spouse: 6l-udi- NUhler Children: ' >hildren Career: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd,
2ese-r>her, 19&):&(; A-sel ?ns/i/u/e for ?!!unoloy, S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19&(:
*); K-@ Pl-n>0 ?ns/i/u/e for ?!!une Aioloy, 1reibur, "er!-ny, Dire>/or, 19*%:9%.
Other Awards: L-s0er +#-rd, 19*)
Selected Publications: \6on/inuous 6ul/ure of 1used 6ells Se>re/in +n/ibody of
Predefined S$e>ifi>i/y.Z 'ature F-ondonH 2%( B19&%CH )9%:9& B#i/h 6. Kils/einC.
\?!!unolobulin Produ>/ion by Ly!$ho>y/e Lybrido!-s.Z $uropean 7ournal of
<mmunology * B19&*CH *2:** B#i/h L. Len-r/ner -nd K.P. Shul!-nC. \?!!unolobulin
6h-in Loss in Lybrido!- Lines.Z roceedings of the 'ational Academy of (ciences
:(A && B19*0CH 219&:99. \The Te>hniGue of Lybrido!- Produ>/ion.Z <mmunological
#ethods 2 B19*1CH 2*%:9*. \2esis/-n>e of Ki>e Defi>ien/ in ?L-) /o 2e/ro8irus-?ndu>ed
?!!unodefi>ien>y Syndro!e.Z (cience 2(2 BO>/ober *, 199'CH 2)0:)2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times B) K-r>h 199%CH +2(. 'e0 1or2 Times
8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 1(, 19*)CH 1''9. (cience 22( BNo8e!ber '0, 19*)CH
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #en/ /o "eores P.1. NUhler -nd his >o-l-ure-/e, 6_s-r
Kils/ein, for /heir \$ioneerin >on/ribu/ions /o /he /heory -nd /e>hniGues of
i!!unoloy.Z NUhler hel$ed /o de8elo$ /he /e>hniGues for $rodu>in !ono>lon-l
-n/ibodies, -n/ibodies #hi>h h-8e - s$e>ifi> -ffini/y for >er/-in si/es in /he body /h-/
!ih/ $er!i/ /he!, for e@-!$le, /o -//->0 dise-sed >ells bu/ le-8e he-l/hy >ells in/->/.
The /e>hniGues h-8e been s-id /o l-y /he b-sis for !edi>-l -d8-n>es su>h -s >-n>er
/re-/!en/ -nd /he de/e>/ion of ->Guired i!!une defi>ien>y syndro!e B+?DSC. B2.N.C
P-e 1%%
,ilstein5 %Hsar ?1A
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*). Born: O>/ober *, 192&; A-hi- Al-n>-, +ren/in-.
Parents: 1-/her, Lz-ro Kils/ein; Ko/her, K@i!- Kils/ein. Nationality: +ren/ini-n;
l-/er Ari/ish >i/izen. Religion: +nos/i>; fro! Pe#ish b->0round. Education: Ini8. of
Auenos +ires, +ren/in-, Li>en>i-do en 6ien>i-s Qui!i>-s, 19%2; Ini8. of Auenos
+ires, +ren/in-, Do>/or en Qui!i>-, 19%&; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19(0.
Spouse: 6eli- Prillel/ens0y, !-rried 19%'. Children: None. Career: 6-!bride Ini8.,
5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19(0:(1; N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/e of Ki>robioloy, Auenos +ires,
+ren/in-, 2ese-r>her, 19(1:('; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19(':9%. Other Awards: Sil8er Pubilee Ked-l, 19&&; 6ib- Ked-l,
Aio>he!is/ry So>ie/y, 19&*; 2osens/iel Ked-l, 19&9; +8ery-L-nds/einer Preis, 19&9;
2osenber Prize, 19&9; K-//i- +#-rd, 19&9; Louis- "ross Lor#i/z Prize, 6olu!bi-
Ini8., N3, 19*0; No>h Preis, 19*0; Wolf Prize, 19*0; Well>o!e 1ound-/ion Ked-l,
19*0; Pi!enez Di-z Ked-l, 19*1; Willi-! A-/e L-rdy Prize, 6-!bride Philoso$hi>-l
So>ie/y, 5nl-nd, 19*1; Slo-n Prize, "ener-l Ko/ors 6-n>er 2ese-r>h 1ound-/ion,
19*1; "-irdner +#-rd, 19*1; K-donnin- +#-rd, 19*1; Nrebs Ked-l, 19*1; Aro#n-
L-zen Ke!ori-l +#-rd, 19*2; Lynen Ked-l, 19*2; 1or/ez- Ked-l, 19*2; Press!-n
Ke!ori-l +#-rd, 19*2; Aio>he!i>-l +n-lysis Prize, 19*2; L-nds/einer +#-rd, 19*2;
+lleroloy -nd 6lini>-l ?!!unoloy +#-rd, 19*2; Sh->0n-i Ke!ori-l Prize, 19*2;
2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*2; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 19*'; +lber/ L-s0er +#-rd, 19*);
D-le Ked-l, 5nl-nd, 19*). 6o$ley Ked-l, 19*9.
Selected Publications: \5@$-nsion -nd 6on/r->/ion in /he 58olu/ion of ?!!unolobulin
"ene Pools.Z Pror. ?!!unol., ?n/. 6onr. ?!!unol., 1s/ B19&1CH '':)% B#i/h P. S8-s/iC.
\6lon-l S-ri-n/s of Kyelo!- 6ells.Z rog. <mmunol., roc. <ntern .ongr. <mmunol.,
,nd 1 B19&)CH 1&':*2 B#i/h o/hersC. \6on/inuous 6ul/ures of 1used 6ells Se>re/in
+n/ibody of Predefined S$e>ifi>i/y.Z 'ature F-ondonH 2%( B19&%CH )9%:9& B#i/h ".
NoehlerC. \?!!unolobulin "enes in - Kouse Kyelo!- -nd in Ku/-n/ 6lones.99 #iami
%inter (ymposium 9 B19&%CH 1'1:%2 B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +h!-d, 1. =rom 5ene to rotein. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i>
Press, 19*2. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 1(, 19*)CH 1'(1. (cience
22( BNo8e!ber '0, 19*)CH 102%:2*.
Co$$entary: 6_s-r Kils/ein sh-red /he Nobel Prize for \$ioneerin >on/ribu/ions /o /he
/heory -nd /e>hniGues of i!!unoloy,Z #hi>h #ere s-id /o l-y /he b-sis for -d8-n>es in
!edi>-l -re-s su>h -s >-n>er /re-/!en/ -nd /he de/e>/ion of ->Guired i!!une defi>ien>y
syndro!e B+?DSC. ?n #or0 #i/h his >ol-ure-/e, "eores P. 1. Noehler, Kils/ein
de8elo$ed /he /e>hniGues for $rodu>in !ono>lon-l -n/ibodies, -n/ibodies #i/h -
s$e>ifi> -ffini/y for >er/-in si/es in /he body /h-/ !ih/ find dise-sed >ells bu/ le-8e
he-l/hy >ells in/->/. B2.N.C
+ro)n5 ,ichael -t!art ?1B
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*%. Born: +$ril 1', 19)1; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents:
1-/her, L-r8ey Aro#n; Ko/her, 58elyn N-/z Aro#n. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion:
Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of Pennsyl8-ni-, A.+., 19(2; Ini8. of Pennsyl8-ni-, K.D.,
19((. Spouse: +li>e L-$in, !-rried Pune 21, 19(). Children: 5liz-be/h P-ne, d-uh/er;
S-r- 5llen, d-uh/er. Career: K-ss->huse//s "ener-l Los$i/-l, Aos/on, Physi>i-n, 19((:
(*; N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/es of Le-l/h, KD, 2ese-r>her, 19(*:&1; Ini8. of Te@-s Le-l/h
S>ien>e 6en/er, D-ll-s, Professor, 19&1-. Other Awards: Wiel-nd Prize, 19&); Pfizer
+#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19&(; +.O. Aerns/ein +#-rd, 19&&; P-ss-no +#-rd,
19&*; Lounsbery +#-rd, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, IS+, 19&9; "-irdner
1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*1; Ne# 3or0 +>-de!y of S>ien>es +#-rd, 19*1; Li/- +nnenber
L-zen +#-rd, 19*2; Lor#i/z Prize, 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 19*); K-//i- +#-rd, 19*);
Dis/inuished 2ese-r>h +#-rd, +sso>i-/ion of +!eri>-n Kedi>-l 6ollees, 19*); 'K
Life S>ien>es +#-rd, 19*%; Willi-! +ll-n +#-rd, 19*%; L-s0er +#-rd, 19*%; N-/ion-l
Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19**.
Selected Publications: \Aindin -nd Der-d-/ion of Lo# Densi/y Li$o$ro/eins by
6ul/ured Lu!-n 1ibrobl-s/sH 6o!$-rison of 6ells fro! - Nor!-l SubMe>/ -nd fro! -
P-/ien/ #i/h Lo!ozyous 1-!ili-l Ly$er>holes/erole!i-.Z 7ournal of 8iological
.hemistry 2)9 B19&)CH %1%':(2 B#i/h P.L. "olds/einC. \De8elo$!en/ of - 6ell 6ul/ure
Sys/e! for S/udy of /he A-si> Defe>/ in 1-!ili-l Ly$er>holes/erole!i-.Z ?n
Atherosclerosis <<<> roceedings of the Third <nternational (ymposium. AerlinH S$riner-
Serl-, 19&), )22:2% B#i/h P.L. "olds/einC. \5@$ression of /he 1-!ili-l
Ly$er>holes/erole!i- "ene in Le/erozyo/esH Kodel for - Do!in-n/ Disorder in K-n.Z
Transactions of the Association of American hysicians *& B19&)CH 120:'1 B#i/h P.L.
"olds/einC. \1-!ili-l Ly$er>holes/erole!i-H + "ene/i> 2eul-/ory Defe>/ in 6holes/erol
Ke/-bolis!.Z American 7ournal of #edicine %* B19&%CH 1)&:%0 B#i/h P.L. "olds/einC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1%, 19*%CH 6 1,'. (cience 2'1
BP-nu-ry 10, 19*(CH 12(:29. K-ill, 1. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysiology or #edicine.
P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 1991, 1)*0:91.
Co$$entary: Ki>h-el Aro#n -nd Pose$h "olds/ein sh-red /he Nobel Prize for /heir
dis>o8eries #hi>h \re8olu/ionized our 0no#lede -bou/ /he reul-/ion of >holes/erol
!e/-bolis! -nd /he /re-/!en/ of dise-ses >-used by -bnor!-lly ele8-/ed >holes/erol
le8els in /he blood.Z Aro#n9s e-rly #or0 in>luded s/udy of /he role of enzy!es in /he
>he!is/ry of /he dies/i8e sys/e! -nd of >holes/erol $rodu>/ion. The Nobel #or0
>en/ered on /he >-uses of f-!ili-l hy$er>holes/erole!i- -nd /he dis>o8ery /h-/ hu!-n
body >ells h-8e surf->e re>e$/ors #hi>h $ro>ess bloods/re-! $-r/i>les /h-/ >-rry
>holes/erol. BA.S.S.C
6oldstein5 <oseph #eonard ?1C
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*%. Born: +$ril 1*, 19)0; Su!/er, S6. Parents:
1-/her, ?s-dore 5. "olds/ein; Ko/her, 1-nnie +l$er/ "olds/ein. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: Pe#ish. Education: W-shin/on -nd Lee Ini8., S+, A.S., 19(2; Sou/h#es/ern
Kedi>-l S>hool, Ini8. of Te@-s, K.D., 19((. Spouse: None. Children: None. Career:
K-ss->huse//s "ener-l Los$i/-l, Aos/on, Physi>i-n, 19((:(*; N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/es of
Le-l/h, KD, 2ese-r>her, 19(*:&0; Ini8. of W-shin/on, Se-//le, 2ese-r>her, 19&0:&2;
Ini8. of Te@-s Le-l/h S>ien>e 6en/er, D-ll-s, Professor, 19&2-. Other Awards:
Leinri>h-Wiel-nd Prize, 19&); Pfizer +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19&(; +.O.
Aerns/ein +#-rd, 19&&; P-ss-no +#-rd, 19&*; Lounsbery +#-rd, N-/ion-l
P-e 1%(
+>-de!y of S>ien>es, IS+, 19&9; "-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*1; +#-rd, Ne# 3or0
+>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19*1; Li/- +nnenber L-zen +#-rd, 19*2; Louis- "ross Lor#i/z
+#-rd, 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 19*); S.D. K-//i- +#-rd, 19*); Dis/inuished 2ese-r>h
+#-rd, +sso>i-/ion of +!eri>-n Kedi>-l 6ollees, 19*); 2ese-r>h +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd,
+!eri>-n Le-r/ +sso>i-/ion, 19*); 'K Life S>ien>es +#-rd, 19*); Willi-! +ll-n
+#-rd, 19*%; L-s0er +#-rd, 19*%; +6P +#-rd, 19*(; Trus/ees9 Ked-l, K-ss->huse//s
"ener-l Los$i/-l, 19*(; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19**.
Selected Publications: \1-!ili-l Ly$er>holes/erole!i-H ?den/ifi>-/ion of - Defe>/ in /he
2eul-/ion of '-hydro@y-'-!e/hyllu/-ryl 6oenzy!e + 2edu>/-se +>/i8i/y +sso>i-/ed
#i/h O8er$rodu>/ion of 6holes/erol.Z roceedings 'ational Academy of (ciences :(A
&0 B19&'CH 2*0):0* B#i/h K.S. Aro#nC. \5@$ression of /he 1-!ili-l
Ly$er>holes/erole!i- "ene in Le/erozyo/esH Ke>h-nis! for - Do!in-n/ Disorder in
K-n.Z (cience 1*% B19&)CH (1:(' B#i/h K.S. Aro#nC. \Lo!ozyous 1-!ili-l
Ly$er>holes/erole!i-H S$e>ifi>i/y of /he Aio>he!i>-l Defe>/ in 6ul/ured 6ells -nd
1e-sibili/y of Pren-/-l De/e>/ion.Z American 7ournal of /uman 5enetics 2( B19&)CH
199:20( B#i/h K.P.5. L-rrod -nd K.S. Aro#nC. \1-!ili-l Ly$er>holes/erole!i-H
Aio>he!i>-l, "ene/i>, -nd P-/ho$hysioloi>-l 6onsider-/ions.Z Advances in <nternal
#edicine 20 B19&%CH 2&':9( B#i/h K.S. Aro#nC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19*&, 20*:11. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1%, 19*%CH 6 1,'. (cience 2'1 BP-nu-ry 10,
19*(CH 12(:29. K-ill, 1. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysiology or #edicine. P-s-den-, 6+H
S-le! Press, 1991, 1)*0:91.
Co$$entary: Pose$h "olds/ein sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h Ki>h-el Aro#n for his
dis>o8eries #hi>h OOre8olu/ionized our 0no#lede -bou/ /he reul-/ion of >holes/erol
!e/-bolis! -nd /he /re-/!en/ of dise-ses >-used by -bnor!-lly ele8-/ed >holes/erol
le8els in /he blood.Z Lis e-rly #or0 in>luded s/udy of /he ene/i> >ode -nd /he ene/i>
-s$e>/s of he-r/ dise-se. The Nobel #or0 >en/ered on /he >-uses of f-!ili-l
hy$er>holes/erole!i- -nd /he dis>o8ery /h-/ hu!-n body >ells h-8e surf->e re>e$/ors
/h-/ $ro>ess bloods/re-! $-r/i>les /h-/ >-rry >holes/erol. BA.S.S.C
%ohen5 -tanle$ 1arold ?19
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*(. Born: No8e!ber 1&, 1922; Aroo0lyn, N3.
Parents: 1-/her, Louis 6ohen; Ko/her, 1-nnie 1ei/el 6ohen. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Aroo0lyn 6ollee, N3, A.+., 19)'; Oberlin 6ollee, OL,
K.+., 19)%; Ini8. of Ki>hi-n, Ph.D., 19)*. Spouse: Oli8i- A-rb-r- L-rson, !-rried
19%1, di8or>ed Bno d-/eC; P-n 5liz-be/h Pord-n, !-rried 19*1. Children: Aur/ Aisho$,
son; Nenne/h L-rson, son; 6-ry, son. Career: Ini8. of 6olor-do, Professor, 19)*:%2;
W-shin/on Ini8., KO, Professor, 19%2:%9; S-nderbil/ Ini8., TN, Professor, 19%9-.
Other Awards: Willi-! Tho!son W-0e!-n +#-rd, 19&); 5-rl Su/herl-nd 2ese-r>h
Prize, 19&&; +lbion O. Aerns/ein +#-rd, 19&*; L.P. 2ober/son Ke!ori-l +#-rd, 19*1;
Le#is S. 2osen/iel +#-rd, 19*2; +lfred P. Slo-n +#-rd, 19*2; Louis- "ross Lor#i/z
Prize, 19*'; Lil- "ruber Ke!ori-l 6-n>er 2ese-r>h +#-rd, 19*'; Aer/ner +#-rd, 19*';
"-irdner 1ound-/ion ?n/ern-/ion-l +#-rd, 19*%; 1red 6onr-d No>h +#-rd, 19*(;
N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19*(; +lber/ L-s0er +#-rd, 19*(; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 19*&;
+lber/ +. Ki>h-elson +#-rd, 19*&.
Selected Publications: \Ner8e "ro#/h-s/i!ul-/in 1->/or ?sol-/ed fro! S-r>o!-s '&
-nd 1*0.Z roceedings of the 'ational Academy of (cience. :nited (tates )0 B19%)CH
101):1*. \+ Ner8e "ro#/h-s/i!ul-/in 1->/or ?sol-/ed fro! Sn-0e Seno!.Z
roceedings of the 'ational Academy of (cience. :nited (tates )2 B19%(CH %&1:&).
\Purifi>-/ion -nd Pro$er/ies of - Ner8e "ro#/h-$ro!o/in 1->/or ?sol-/ed fro! Kouse
S-r>o!- 1*0.Z .ancer Besearch 1& B19%&CH 1%:20. \?sol-/ion of - Kouse Sub!-@ill-ry
"l-nd Pro/ein +>>eler-/in ?n>isor 5ru$/ion -nd 5yelid O$enin in /he Ne#-Aorn
+ni!-l.Z 7ournal of 8iological .hemistry 2'& B19(2CH 1%%%:(2. \?sol-/ion -nd
Aioloi>-l 5ffe>/s of -n 5$ider!-l "ro#/h-s/i!ul-/in Pro/ein.Z 'ational .ancer
<nstitute #onograph 1' B19()CH 1':2&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1), 19*(CH +1, 6'. (cience 2')
B19*(CH %)':)). K-ill, 1. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysiology or #edicine. P-s-den-,
6+H S-le! Press, 1991, 1)9%:1%0'.
Co$$entary: S/-nley 6ohen re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for \dis>o8eries #hi>h -re of
fund-!en/-l i!$or/-n>e for our unders/-ndin of /he !e>h-nis!s #hi>h reul-/e >ell
-nd or-n ro#/h.Z Wi/h 2i/- Le8i-Kon/-l>ini, he iden/ified /he $ro/eins /h-/ >on/rolled
/he ro#/h of >ells in /he ner8ous sys/e! B/he ner8e ro#/h f->/or N"1C. L-/er, he found
- se>ond ro#/h f->/or, /he e$ider!-l ro#/h f->/or B5"1C, $urified i/, de/er!ined i/s
-!ino ->id seGuen>e, -nd s/udied /he bindin of 5"1 /o re>e$/ors on /he surf->e of /he
>ell. B".2.,A.S.S.C
#e>i',ontalcini5 4ita ?20
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*(. Born: +$ril 22, 1909; Turin, ?/-ly. Parents:
1-/her, +d-!o Le8i; Ko/her, +dele Kon/-l>ini Le8i. Nationality: ?/-li-n; l-/er
+!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of Turin, ?/-ly, K.D., 19'(.
Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: Ini8. of Turin, ?/-ly, 2ese-r>her, 19'(:'*,
19)%:)&; +llied Le-l/h Ser8i>e, ?/-ly, 2ese-r>her, 19)):)%; W-shin/on Ini8., S/
Louis, KO, Professor, 19)&:&&; ?ns/i/u/e of 6ell Aioloy, ?/-ly, 2ese-r>her, 19(9:*1.
Other Awards: K-@ Weins/ein +#-rd, 19(2; 1el/rinelli Prize, 19(9; "olden Pl-/e
+#-rd, 19&0; ?bi>o-2eino +#-rd, 19&0; Willi-! W-0e!-n +#-rd, 19&);
?n/ern-/ion-l S/. Sin>en/9s +#-rd, 19&9; Nnih/s of Lu!-ni/y +#-rd, 19&9; Le#is
2osens/iel +#-rd, 19*2; Louis- Lor#i/z Prize, 19*'; +lber/ L-s0er +#-rd, 19*(; "old
Ked-l for S>ien>e, 2o!e, 19*(; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e BI.S.C, 19*&; Thudi>u!
+#-rd, 19*&; "old Ked-l, Kinis/er of Publi> Le-l/h, 2o!e, 19**.
Selected Publications: \The Ner8e "ro#/h 1->/or.Z (cientific American 2)0 B19&9CH
(*:&&. #olecular Aspects of 'eurobiology. Ne# 3or0H S$riner-Serl-, 19*(. \The
Ner8e-"ro#/h 1->/or '% 3e-rs L-/er.Z (cience 2'& B19*&CH 11%):(1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: \The Le-r/ -nd Kind of - "enius.Z 6ogue 1&& B19*&CH
)*0l. <n raise of <mperfection> #y -ife and %or2. Ne# 3or0H A-si> Aoo0s, 19**.
\?n/er8ie#=2i/- Le8i-Kon/-l>ini.Z Omni 10 B19**CH &0:&2.
Co$$entary: The $rize for !edi>ine -nd $hysioloy #-s r-n/ed /o 2i/- Le8i-
Kon/-l>ini for \dis>o8eries #hi>h -re of fund-!en/-l i!$or/-n>e for our unders/-ndin
of /he
P-e 1%&
!e>h-nis!s #hi>h reul-/e >ell -nd or-n ro#/h.Z The l-ure-/e iden/ified $ro/eins /h-/
>on/rolled /he ro#/h of >ells in /he ner8ous sys/e! B/he ner8e ro#/h f->/or N"1C. The
#or0 on ner8e->ell ro#/h >on/inued /hrouhou/ her >-reer, #i/h sinifi>-n/ i!$->/ on
b-si> rese-r>h on se8er-l dise-ses, in>ludin >-n>er, P-r0inson9s dise-se, -nd
+lzhei!er9s dise-se. B".2.,A.S.S.C
Tone&a)a5 -!s!2! ?21
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*&. Born: Se$/e!ber %, 19'9; N-oy-, P-$-n.
Parents: 1-/her, Tsu/o!u Tone-#-; Ko/her Kiyu0o K-su0o Tone-#-. Nationality:
P-$-nese; l-/er I.S. residen/. Religion: No re>ord found. Education: Nyo/o ?!$eri-l
Ini8., P-$-n, A.S., 19('; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, S-n Dieo, Ph.D., 19(*. Spouse: Nyo0o,
no o/her re>ord; K-yu!i 3oshin-ri, !-rried Se$/e!ber 2*, 19*%. Children: Lidde, son;
L-nn-, d-uh/er; S-//o, son. Career: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, S-n Dieo, 2ese-r>her, 19(*:
(9; S-l0 ?ns/i/u/e, 6+, 2ese-r>her, 19(9:&0; A-sel ?ns/i/u/e for ?!!unoloy,
S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19&1:*1; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor,
19*1-. Other Awards: 6loe//- Prize, 19&*; W-rren Trienni-l Prize, 19*0; "ene/i>s
"r-nd Prize, P-$-n, 19*1; +8ery L-nds/einer Prize, 19*1; +s-hi Prize, 19*2; Louis-
"ross Lor#i/z Prize, 19*2; "-irdner +#-rd, 19*'; S.D. K-//i- +#-rd, 19*'; Aun0-
Nunsho Order of 6ul/ure, P-$-n, 19*); 2ober/ No>h Prize, 19*(; Aris/ol-Kyers +#-rd,
19*(; L-s0er +#-rd, 19*&; 2-bbi Sh-i Sh->0n-i Ke!ori-l Prize, 19*9; Order of /he
Sou/hern 6ross, Ar-zil, 1991.
Selected Publications: \"ene/i> Tr-ns>ri$/ion Dire>/ed by /he b
2eion of L-!bd-
A->/erio$h-e.Z roceedings of the 'ational Academy of (cience. :nited (tates (1
B19(*CH 1'20:2&. \58iden>e for So!-/i> "ener-/ion of +n/ibody Di8ersi/y.Z
roceedings of the 'ational Academy of (cience. :nited (tates &1 B19&)CH )02&:'1.
\The Kole>ules of /he ?!!une Sys/e!.Z (cientific American 2%' B19*%CH 122:'1.
\+n/ibody -nd T-6ell 2e>e$/ors.Z 7ournal of the American #edical Association 2%9
B19**CH 1*)%:)&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1', 19*&CH 61. (cience 2'*
B19*&CH )*):*%. K-ill, 1. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysiology or #edicine. P-s-den-,
6+H S-le! Press, 1991, 1%19:2(.
Co$$entary: Susu!u Tone-#- be>-!e /he firs/ P-$-nese re>i$ien/ of /he Nobel in
Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy for his dis>o8ery of OO/he ene/i> $rin>i$le for ener-/ion of
-n/ibody di8ersi/y.Z The l-ure-/e9s rese-r>h sol8ed /he $uzzle $resen/ed by /he 8ery l-re
nu!ber of -n/ibodies /h-/ resul/ed in /he hu!-n body in res$onse /o 8-ryin >ondi/ions,
fro! - li!i/ed nu!ber of enes. Tone-#- sho#ed /h-/ /he body9s i!!une sys/e! >ells
>ould reor-nize /he enes in res$onse /o -n -//->0 by - hos/ile or-nis! /o $rodu>e -n
-n/ibody #i/h - uniGue s/ru>/ure /h-/ >ould sele>/i8ely -//->0 /he in8-si8e >ondi/ion.
+lack5 <a2es Wh$te5 -ir ?22
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19**. Born: Pune 1), 192); Iddins/on, S>o/l-nd.
Parents: 1-/her, W-l/er Al->0; Ko/her, 6-/herine Why/e Al->0. Nationality: Ari/ish.
Religion: Non$r->/i>in Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of S/. +ndre#s, S>o/l-nd, K.D.,
19)(. Spouse: Lil-ry S-uhn, !-rried 19)(, died 19*(. Children: S/e$h-nie, d-uh/er.
Career: Ini8. of S/. +ndre#s, S>o/l-nd, Professor, 19)(:)&; Ini8. of K-l-y-,
Sin-$ore, Professor, 19)&:%0; Ini8. of "l-so#, S>o/l-nd, Professor, 19%0:%*;
?!$eri-l 6he!i>-l ?ndus/ries, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19%*:(); S!i/h, Nline -nd 1ren>h,
5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19():&'; Ini8ersi/y 6ollee, 5nl-nd, Professor, 19&':&&;
Well>o!e 2ese-r>h L-b, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19&&:*); Nin9s 6ollee Los$i/-l
Kedi>-l S>hool, 5nl-nd, Professor, 19*)-; Dundee Ini8., S>o/l-nd, 6h-n>ellor, 1992-.
Other Awards: L-s0er +#-rd, 19&(; Kull-rd +#-rd, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&*; Nnih/ed,
Selected Publications: \+ Ne# +dreneri> Ae/-re>e$/or +n/-onis/.Z -ancet B19()CH
10*0. \Defini/ion -nd +n/-onis! of Lis/-!ine L2-2e>e$/ors.Z 'ature 2'( B19&2CH
'*%:90. \+n +n-lysis of /he De$ressor 2es$onses /o Lis/-!ine in /he 6-/ -nd DoH
?n8ol8e!en/ of Ao/h L1- -nd L2-2e>e$/ors.Z 8ritish 7ournal harmacology %) B19&%CH
'19:2). The #edicine 1ou Ta2e. LondonH 1on/-n-, 19&*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1*, 19**CH +1, 61&. (cience 2)2
B19**CH %1(:1&. KeiMler, 1. 7ournal of the American .ollege of .ardiology 1' BK-r>h
19*9CH &(9. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysiology or #edicine. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press,
1991, 1%29:'&.
Co$$entary: The sh-rin of /he Nobel by P-!es Al->0 #-s for his $-r/ in /he
\dis>o8eries of i!$or/-n/ $rin>i$les for dru /re-/!en/ B>re-/in -C r-/ion-l !e/hod for
desinin ne# >o!$ounds.Z Al->0 s/udied /he re->/ions of >he!i>-ls #i/h re>e$/ors in
/he body lo>-/ed on /he surf->e of ner8e -nd !us>le >ells. The rese-r>h en-bled hi! /o
desin drus of /#o /y$es, bo/h useful in /he /re-/!en/ of >er/-in -bnor!-l s/-/es=be/--
blo>0ers B$ro$-nolC e!$loyed in /he /re-/!en/ of he-r/ dise-se -nd hih blood $ressure,
-nd L-2 re>e$/or-n/-onis/s B>i!e/idineC e!$loyed in /re-/!en/ of s/o!->h -nd
duoden-l ul>ers. B".2.,A.S.S.C
"lion5 6ertr!de +elle ?23
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19**. Born: P-nu-ry 2', 191*; Ne# 3or0, N3. Death:
1ebru-ry 21, 1999; 6h-$el Lill, N6. Parents: 1-/her, 2ober/ 5lion; Ko/her, Aer/h-
6ohen 5lion. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Lun/er 6ollee, N3,
+.A., 19'&; Ne# 3or0 Ini8., K.S., 19)1. Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: Ne#
3or0 6i/y, Te->her, 19)1:)2; Qu-0er K-id 6o!$-ny, N3, 2ese-r>her, 19)2:)';
Pohnson -nd Pohnson, NP, 2ese-r>her, 19)':)); Aurrouhs Well>o!e 6o!$-ny, N3
-nd N6, 2ese-r>her, 19)):*'; Du0e Ini8., N6, Professor, 19*':99. Other Awards:
"-r8-n Ked-l, 19(*; Presiden/9s Ked-l, Lun/er 6ollee, N3, 19&0; Dis/inuished
6he!is/ +#-rd, N6, 19*1; Pudd +#-rd, 19*'; 6-in +#-rd, 19*); Aer/ner +#-rd, 19*9;
Ked-l of Lonor, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 1990; Third 6en/ury +#-rd, 1990;
Dis>o8erers +#-rd, 1990; 6i/y of Kedi>ine +#-rd, Durh-!, N6, 1990; N-/ion-l
?n8en/ors L-ll of 1-!e, 1991; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 1991; Liu>hi Ke!ori-l
+#-rd, 199%; 2on-ld L. Aro#n +!eri>-n ?nno8-/or +#-rd, 199(; Life/i!e
+>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, Le!elson-K?T, 199&.
Selected Publications: \De/e>/ion of +en/s #hi>h ?n/erfere #i/h /he ?!!une
2es$onse.Z roceedings for the (ociety for $xperimental 8iology and #edicine 10&
P-e 1%*
&9(:99. \+ Su!!-ry of ?n8es/i-/ions #i/h (-;B1-!e/hyl-)-ni/ro-r-i!id-zolylC /hio<
Purine.Z .ancer .hemotherapy Beport 1) B19(1CH 9':9*. \The Purine P-/h /o
6he!o/her-$y.Z (cience 2)) B19*9CH )1:)&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1*, 19**CH +1, 61&. (cience 2)2
B19**CH %1(:1&. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, K-r>h 199%,
1); S/. Pierre, S. 5ertrude $lion. Sero Ae->h, 1LH 2our0e 5n/er$rises, 199'.
Co$$entary: The Nobel $rize #-s sh-red by "er/rude 5lion for her $-r/ in /he
\dis>o8eries of i!$or/-n/ $rin>i$les for dru /re-/!en/ ;>re-/in -< r-/ion-l !e/hod for
desinin ne# >o!$ounds.Z She -nd her >ol-ure-/e Li/>hins rese-r>hed /he differen>es
in s/ru>/ure -nd ->/ion of nor!-l -nd -bnor!-l >ells. The rese-r>h en-bled /he! /o
desin drus /h-/ sele>/i8ely o$er-/e --ins/ 8-rious dise-se s/-/es, -!on /he!
leu0e!i- B(-!er>-$/o$urine -nd /hiou-nineC, !-l-ri- B$yri!e/h-!ineC, ou/
B-llo$urinolC, urin-ry -nd res$ir-/ory infe>/ions B/ri!e/ho$ri!C, -nd -u/oi!!une
disorders B-z-/hio$rineC. B".2.,A.S.S.C
1itchin&s5 6eor&e 1erbert5 <r: ?2?
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19**. Born: +$ril 1*, 190%; LoGui-!, W+. Death:
1ebru-ry 2&, 199*; 6h-$el Lill, N6. Parents: 1-/her, "eore Lerber/ Li/>hins, Sr.;
Ko/her, Lilli-n K-/he#s Li/>hins. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 1ro! Ke/hodis/,
5$is>o$-l b->0round. Education: Ini8. of W-shin/on, A.S., 192&; Ini8. of
W-shin/on, K.S., 192*; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Ph.D., 19''. Spouse: Ae8erly 2ei!er,
!-rried Pune 2), 19'', died 19*%; Poy>e Sh-8er, !-rried 1ebru-ry 9, 19*9. Children:
L-r-!ie 2u/h, d-uh/er, Tho!-s 5ldride, son. Career: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor,
19'':'9; Wes/ern 2eser8e Ini8., OL, Professor, 19'9:)2; Aurrouhs-Well>o!e, N3 Y
N6, 2ese-r>her, 19)2:&%. Other Awards: "-irdner +#-rd, 19(*; "reor Kendel
Ked-l, 19(*; P-ss-no +#-rd, 19(9; de Sillier +#-rd, 19(9; Pur0inMe Ked-l, 19&1;
6-!eron Prize, 19&2; Kedi>in-l 6he!is/ry +#-rd, 19&2; Aer/ner 1ound-/ion +#-rd,
19&); Kull-rd Ked-l, 19&(; P-$-ni>ol-ou +#-rd, 19&9; "o8ernor9s +#-rd, N6, 19*0;
6. 6hes/er S/o>0 Ked-l, 19*1; Os>-r A. Lun/er +#-rd, 19*); +lfred Aurer +#-rd,
19*); Le0o# Ked-l, Pol-nd, 19**; +lber/ S>h#ei/zer Prize, 19*9; +!eri>-n
+sso>i-/ion for 6-n>er 2ese-r>h +#-rd, 19*9; "olden Pl-/e +#-rd, +!eri>-n +>-de!y
of +>hie8e!en/, 19*9; 6i/y of Kedi>ine +#-rd, Durh-!, N6, 1990; N6 Dis/inuished
6he!is/ +#-rd, 1991; 6i8i> Lonor +#-rd, Durh-!, N6, 1991; Ked-l of Lonor,
Te>hni>-l Ini8., "d-ns0, Pol-nd, 199'.
Selected Publications: \Pyri!e/h-!ineH The Ise of -n +n/i!e/-boli/e in /he
6he!o/her-$y of K-l-ri- -nd O/her ?nfe>/ions.99 .linical harmacology and
Therapeutics 1 B19(0CH %&0:*9. \Su$$ression of /he ?!!une 2es$onse by Drus in
6o!bin-/ion.Z roceedings for the (ociety for $xperimental 8iological #edicine 111
B19(2CH ''):'&. \6he!i>-l Su$$ression of /he ?!!une 2es$onse.Z harmacology
Bevie0 1% B19('CH '(%:)0%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1*, 19**CH +1, 61&. (cience 2)2
B19**CH %1(:1&. 'e0 1or2 Times #aga*ine BP-nu-ry 29, 19*9CH 2*.
Co$$entary: "eore Li/>hins sh-red /he Nobel for his $-r/ in /he \dis>o8eries of
i!$or/-n/ $rin>i$les for dru /re-/!en/ ;>re-/in -< r-/ion-l !e/hod for desinin ne#
>o!$ounds.Z Le -nd his >ol-ure-/e 5lion rese-r>hed /he differen>es in s/ru>/ure -nd
->/ion of nor!-l -nd -bnor!-l >ells. The rese-r>h en-bled /he! /o desin drus /h-/
sele>/i8ely o$er-/e --ins/ 8-rious dise-se s/-/es, -!on /he! leu0e!i- B(-
!er>-$/o$urine -nd /hiou-nineC, !-l-ri- B$yri!e/h-!ineC, ou/ B-llo$urinolC, urin-ry
-nd res$ir-/ory infe>/ions B/ri!e/ho$ri!C, -nd -u/oi!!une disorders B-z-/hio$rineC.
+ishop5 <ohn ,ichael ?2@
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*9. Born: 1ebru-ry 22, 19'(; 3or0, P+. Parents:
1-/her, Pohn S>h#-r/z Aisho$; Ko/her, 6-rrie 2u/lede "rey Aisho$. Nationality:
+!eri>-n. Religion: No reliious -ffili-/ion; fro! Lu/her-n b->0round. Education:
"e//ysbur 6ollee, P+, A.+., 19%&; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.D., 19(2. Spouse: N-/hryn
?one Pu/!-n, !-rried Pune 1*, 19%9. Children: Dyl-n Ki>h-el D#ih/, son; 5lio/ Pohn
Pu/!-n, son. Career: K-ss->huse//s "ener-l Los$i/-l, 2esiden/, 19(2:(); N-/ion-l
?ns/i/u/es of Le-l/h, KD, 2ese-r>her, 19():(*; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, S-n 1r-n>is>o,
Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19(*-. Other Awards: Aio!edi>-l 2ese-r>h +#-rd,
+!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion of Kedi>-l 6ollees, 19*1; L-s0er +#-rd, 19*2; P-ss-no +#-rd,
19*'; +r!-nd L-!!er +#-rd, 19*); "ener-l Ko/ors 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*);
"-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*); Ked-l of Lonor, +!eri>-n 6-n>er So>ie/y, 19*%;
+!eri>-n 6ollee of Physi>i-ns +#-rd, 19*&; W-rren Trienni-l Prize, no d-/e; Lil-
"ruber +#-rd, no d-/e; Di>0son Prize, no d-/e.
Selected Publications: \DN+ rel-/ed /o /he Tr-nsfor!in "eneBsC of +8i-n S-r>o!-
Siruses is Presen/ in Nor!-l +8i-n DN+.Z 'ature 2(0 BK-r>h 11, 19&(CH 1&0:&'.
\On>oenes.Z (cientific American 2)( BK-r>h, 19*2CH *0:91. \+!$lifi>-/ion of N-!y>
in In/re-/ed Lu!-n Neurobl-s/o!-s 6orrel-/es #i/h +d8-n>e Dise-se S/-/e.Z (cience
22) BPune *, 19*)CH 1121:2). \The Kole>ul-r "ene/i>s of 6-n>er.Z (cience 2'%
BP-nu-ry 1(, 19*&CH '0%:12.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s (& BO>/ober 1(, 19*9CH (:
*. (cientific American 2(1 BDe>e!ber 19*9CH '):'(.
Co$$entary: The Nobel #-s sh-red by P. Ki>h-el Aisho$ \for /he dis>o8ery /h-/ /he
on>oenes of /he -ni!-l /u!our 8iruses -re deri8ed fro! >ellul-r enes
B$ro/oon>oenesC.Z Aisho$9s rese-r>h sho#ed /h-/ 8ir-l on>oenes B>-n>er->-usin
enes -sso>i-/ed #i/h - 8irusC #ere $rodu>ed fro! -l/ered >ellul-r enes /h-/ /he 8irus
h-d $i>0ed u$, r-/her /h-n fro! 8ir-l enes /he!sel8es. The dis>o8ery -ffe>/ed /he
n-/ure of rese-r>h on /he nor!-l ro#/h of >ells -nd on /he ro#/h of /u!ors.
=ar2!s5 1arold "liot ?2A
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 19*9. Born: De>e!ber 1*, 19'9; O>e-nside, N3.
Parents: 1-/her, 1r-n0 S-r!us; Ko/her, Ae-/ri>e A-r-s>h S-r!us. Nationality:
+!eri>-n. Religion: 1ro! Pe#ish b->0round. Education: +!hers/ 6ollee, K+, A.+.,
19(1; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.+., 19(2; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, K.D., 19((. Spouse:
6ons/-n>e Louise 6-sey, !-rried O>/ober 2%, 19(9. Children: P->ob 6-rey, son;
6hris/o$her ?ss->, son. Career: Presby/eri-n Los$i/-l, N3, 2esiden/, 19((:(*; N-/ion-l
?ns/i/u/es of
P-e 1%9
Le-l/h, KD, 2ese-r>her, 19(*:&0; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, S-n 1r-n>is>o, Professor, 19&0:
9'; N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/es of Le-l/h, KD, Dire>/or, 199':99; Ke!ori-l Slo-n-Ne//erin
6-n>er 6en/er, N3, Presiden/, 2000-. Other Awards: L-s0er +#-rd, 19*2; P-ss-no
+#-rd, 19*'; +lfred Slo-n +#-rd, 19*); +r!-nd L-!!er Prize, 19*); Shubi/z Prize,
19*); "-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*); +!eri>-n 6ollee of Physi>i-ns +#-rd, 19*&.
Selected Publications: \DN+ 2el-/ed /o /he Tr-nsfor!in "eneBsC of +8i-n S-r>o!-
Siruses is Presen/ in Nor!-l +8i-n DN+.Z 'ature 2(0 BK-r>h 11, 19&(CH 1&0:&'.
\+!$lifi>-/ion of N-!y> in In/re-/ed Lu!-n Neurobl-s/o!-s 6orrel-/es #i/h
+d8-n>ed Dise-se S/-/e.Z (cience 22) BPune *, 19*)CH 1121:2%. \On>oenes -nd
Tr-ns>ri$/ion-l 6on/rol.99 (cience 2'* BDe>e!ber ), 19*&CH 1''&:)0. 5enes and the
8iology of .ancer B#i/h 2. WeinberC. Ne# 3or0H S>ien/ifi> +!eri>-n Libr-ry, 199'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s (& BO>/ober 1(, 19*9CH (:
*; (cientific American 2(1 BDe>e!ber 19*9CH '):'(.
Co$$entary: L-rold S-r!us sh-red /he Nobel \for /he dis>o8ery /h-/ /he on>oenes of
-ni!-l /u!our 8iruses -re deri8ed fro! >ellul-r enes B$ro/o-on>oenesC.Z S-r!us9s
rese-r>h sho#ed /h-/ 8ir-l on>oenes B>-n>er->-usin enes -sso>i-/ed #i/h - 8irusC
#ere $rodu>ed fro! -l/ered >ellul-r enes /h-/ /he 8irus h-d $i>0ed u$, r-/her /h-n fro!
8ir-l enes /he!sel8es. The dis>o8ery -ffe>/ed /he n-/ure of rese-r>h on /he nor!-l
ro#/h of >ells -nd on /he ro#/h of /u!ors. B".2.,A.S.S.C
,!rra$5 <oseph ": ?2B
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1990. Born: +$ril 1, 1919; Kilford, K+. Parents:
1-/her, Willi-! +ndre# Kurr-y; Ko/her, K-ry DeP-sGu-le Kurr-y. Nationality:
+!eri>-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Loly 6ross 6ollee, K+, +.A., 19)0;
L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.D., 19)'. Spouse: Sirini- Lin0, !-rried Pune 2, 19)%.
Children: Sirini-, d-uh/er; K-r-re/, d-uh/er; Pose$h, son; N-/herine, d-uh/er;
Tho!-s, son; 2i>h-rd, son. Career: Kedi>-l $r->/i>e, 19)':*(; Arih-! Y Wo!en9s
Los$i/-l, K+, Sureon, 19%1:*(; 6hildren9s Los$i/-l Kedi>-l 6en/er, K+, Sureon,
19&2:*%; L-r8-rd Kedi>-l S>hool, K+, Professor, 19&0:*(. Other Awards: +!eri>-n
+>-de!y of +r/s Y S>ien>es +#-rd, 19(2; "old Ked-l, ?n/ern-/ion-l So>ie/y of
Sureons, 19('; S-bin +#-rd, 199); Life/i!e +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, K-ss->huse//s
Kedi>-l So>ie/y, 199*.
Selected Publications: \Or-n Tr-ns$l-n/-/ionH S/-/us -nd - Loo0 in/o /he 1u/ure.Z 'e0
1or2 7ournal of #edicine (1 BO>/ober 1, 19(1CH '2)%:)*. \Or-n Tr-ns$l-n/-/ion=The
Nidney -nd /he S0in.Z (outhern #edical 7ournal %% BSe$/e!ber 19(2CH *90:9'.
\Proloned Sur8i8-l of Lu!-nNidney Lo!or-f/s by ?!!unosu$$ressi8e Dru
Ther-$y.Z 'e0 $ng. 7. #ed. 2(* BPune 1', 19('CH 1'1%:2'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 9, 1990CH +1. K-ill, 1. 'obel
ri*e %inners> hysiology or #edicine. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 1991, %**:9&.
Co$$entary: The Nobel in Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy #-s r-n/ed /o Pose$h 5. Kurr-y
for #or0 /h-/ \$ro8ed /o - doub/in #orld /h-/ i/ #-s $ossible /o /r-ns$l-n/ or-ns /o
s-8e /he li8es of dyin $-/ien/s.Z Kurr-y #-s /he firs/ /o $erfor! 0idney /r-ns$l-n/s. Lis
#or0 #-s l-/er used in /he ener-l $r->/i>e of or-n /r-ns$l-n/s. The l-ure-/e #-s -lso
->/i8e in /he -re- of $l-s/i> surery. BA.S.S.C
Tho2as5 "d)ard (onnall ?2C
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1990. Born: K-r>h 1%, 1920; K-r/, T4. Parents:
1-/her, 5d#-rd 5. Tho!-s; Ko/her, +nie Lill Donn-ll Tho!-s. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of Te@-s, +us/in, A.+., 19)1; Ini8. of Te@-s,
+us/in, K.+., 19)'; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.D., 19)(. Spouse: Doro/hy K-r/in, !-rried
De>e!ber 20, 19)2. Children: 5d#-rd Donn-ll, Pr., son; Peffery +., son; 5l-ine,
d-uh/er. Career: Kedi>-l $r->/i>e, 19)(:90; I.S. +r!y, Do>/or, 19)*:%0; L-r8-rd
Kedi>-l S>hool, K+, Professor 19%':%%; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor, 19%%:(';
Ini8. of W-shin/on, Professor, 19(':90. Other Awards: K>?n/yre +#-rd, 19&%; Le8ine
+#-rd, 19&9; N-/ion-l +#-rd for A-si> S>ien>e, 19*0; Ne//erin Prize, 19*1; de Silliers
+#-rd, 19*'; L-nds/einer +#-rd, 19*&; 1o@ +#-rd, 1990; "-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd,
1990; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 1990; Nober Ked-l, 1992.
Selected Publications: \Su$r-le/h-l Whole Aody ?rr-di-/ion -nd ?soloous K-rro#
Tr-ns$l-n/-/ion in K-n.Z 7ournal of .linical <nvestigation '* BO>/ober 19%9CH 1&09:1(.
\?rr-di-/ion -nd K-rro# ?nfusion in Leu0e!i-. Obser8-/ions in 1i8e P-/ien/s #i/h +>u/e
Leu0e!i- Tre-/ed by Whole Aody 5@$osures of 1)00 /o 2000 2oen/ens -nd ?nfusions
of K-rro#.Z Archives of <nternal #edicine B6hi>-oC 10& BPune 19(1CH *29:)%.
\Tr-ns$l-n/-/ion of K-rro# -nd Whole Or-ns.Z .anadian #edical Association
7ournal *( BK-r>h 10, 19(2CH )'%:)).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 9, 1990CH +1. K-ill, 1. 'obel
ri*e %inners> hysiology or #edicine. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 1991, %**:9&.
Co$$entary: 5. Donn-ll Tho!-s #-s -#-rded /he Nobel for #or0 /h-/ \$ro8ed /o -
doub/in #orld /h-/ i/ #-s $ossible /o /r-ns$l-n/ or-ns /o s-8e /he li8es of dyin
$-/ien/s.Z Tho!-s9s re>oni/ion #-s for his #or0 #i/h bone !-rro# /r-ns$l-n/s in
leu0e!i- /re-/!en/, bu/ he #-s ->/i8e in /he -re-s of he!-/oloy, bio>he!i>-l !edi>ine,
-nd irr-di-/ion bioloy -s #ell. BA.S.S.C
Neher5 "r)in ?29
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1991. Born: K-r>h 20, 19)); L-ndsber, "er!-ny.
Parents: 1-/her, 1r-nz 4-8er Neher; Ko/her, 5liz-be/h Pfeiffer Neher. Nationality:
"er!-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, "er!-ny, A.S., 19(%;
Ini8. of Wis>onsin, K.S., 19(&; ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 19&0.
Spouse: 58--K-rie 2uhr, !-rried De>e!ber 2(, 19&*. Children: 2i>h-rd, son;
AenM-!in, son; Si!und, son; 6-rol-, d-uh/er; K-rre/, d-uh/er. Career: K-@ Pl-n>0
?ns/i/u/ fRr Psy>hi-/rie, Kuni>h, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19&0:&2; 3-le Ini8., 2ese-r>her,
19&%:&(; K-@ Pl-n>0 ?ns/i/u/ fRr Aio$hysi0-lis>he 6he!ie, "o//inen, "er!-ny,
2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19&2:&%, 19&(-. Other Awards: Nerns/-L-ber-
2odens/ein +#-rd, 19&&; 1eldber 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19&9; L-rold L-!$er/ +#-rd,
19*2; N.6. 6ole +#-rd, 19*2; S$enser +#-rd, 19*'; Louis- "ross Lor#i/z +#-rd,
19*(; Leibniz +#-rd, 19*(; S>hun>0 Prize, 19*(; "-irdner
P-e 1(0
1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*9; L-ns Lel!u/ Si/s Prize, 1990; Aris/ol-Kyers SGuibb 2ese-r>h
+#-rd, 1990; "er-rd Prize, 1991.
Selected Publications: \Sinle->h-nnel 6urren/s 2e>orded fro! Ke!br-ne of
Dener8-/ed 1ro Kus>le 1ibres.Z 'ature 2(0 B19&(CH &99 B#i/h A. S-0!-nnC; \Noise
+n-lysis of Dru-?ndu>ed Sol/-e 6l-!$ 6urren/s in Dener8-/ed 1ro Kus>le 1ibers.Z
7. hysiol. F-ondonH 2%* B19&(CH &0%:29 B#i/h A. S-0!-nnC; (ingle .hannel Becording.
Ne# 3or0H Plenu! Press, 19*' B#i/h A. S-0!-nnC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s (9 BO>/ober 1), 1991CH );
(cience 2%) BO>/ober 1*, 1991CH '*0.
Co$$entary: 5r#in Neher sh-red /he Nobel #i/h Aer/ S-0!-nn for \/heir dis>o8eries
>on>ernin /he fun>/ion of sinle ion >h-nnels in >ells.Z The /#o de8ised - /iny ele>/rode
B- $-/>h >l-!$ ele>/rodeC #hi>h >ould be used /o iden/ify /he ->/i8i/y of ion >h-nnels B-
/y$e of !e!br-ne $ro/einC in $er!i//in ion flo# ->ross - >ell !e!br-ne. ?on >h-nnel
s/udies h-8e been ins/ru!en/-l in #or0 /o e@$l-in dise-ses li0e >ys/i> fibrosis, di-be/es,
e$ile$sy, -nd neuro!us>ul-r disorders. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
-ak2ann5 +ert ?30
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1991. Born: Pune 12, 19)2; S/u//-r/, "er!-ny.
Parents: 1-/her, Aer/hold S-0!-nn; Ko/her, +nne!-rie S>h-effer S-0!-nn.
Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny,
A.+., 19(&; Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, K.D., 19&). Spouse: 6hris/i-ne Wulfer/,
!-rried 19&0. Children: Aernh-rd, son; N-s$-r, son; So$hie, d-uh/er. Career: K-@
Pl-n>0 ?ns/i/u/ fRr Psy>hi-/rie, Kuni>h, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19(9:&0; Ini8ersi/y
6ollee, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19&0:&'; K-@ Pl-n>0 ?ns/i/u/ fRr Aio$hysi0-lis>he
6he!ie, "U//inen, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19&):*9; K-@ Pl-n>0 ?ns/i/u/, Leidelber,
"er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19*9-. Other Awards: Nerns/ Prize, 19&&; 1eldber 1ound-/ion
Prize, 19&9; K-nes +#-rd, 19*2; S$en>er +#-rd, 19*'; Louis- "ross Lor#i/z Prize,
19*(; "-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*9; L-r8ey Prize, Te>hnion, 1991.
Selected Publications: \Sinle->h-nnel 6urren/s 2e>orded fro! Ke!br-ne of
Dener8-/ed 1ro Kus>le 1ibres.99 'ature 2(0 B19&(CH &99 B#i/h 5. NeherC; \Noise
+n-lysis of Dru-?ndu>ed Sol/-e 6l-!$ 6urren/s in Dener8-/ed 1ro Kus>le 1ibers.Z
7. hysiol. F-ondonH 2%* B19&(CH &0%:29 B#i/h 5. NeherC; (ingle .hannel Becording.
Ne# 3or0H Plenu! Press, 19*' B#i/h 5. NeherC; \The P-/>h 6l-!$ Te>hniGue,Z
(cientific American BK-r>h 1992CH )):%1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s (9 BO>/ober 1), 1991CH );
(cience 2%) BO>/ober 1*, 1991CH '*0.
Co$$entary: Aer/ S-0!-nn sh-red /he Nobel #i/h 5r#in Neher for \/heir dis>o8eries
>on>ernin /he fun>/ion of sinle ion >h-nnels in >ells.Z The /#o de8ised - /iny ele>/rode
B- $-/>h >l-!$ ele>/rodeC #hi>h >ould be used /o iden/ify /he ->/i8i/y of ion >h-nnels B-
/y$e of !e!br-ne $ro/einC in $er!i//in ion flo# ->ross - >ell !e!br-ne. ?on >h-nnel
s/udies h-8e been ins/ru!en/-l in #or0 /o e@$l-in dise-ses li0e >ys/i> fibrosis, di-be/es,
e$ile$sy, -nd neuro!us>ul-r disorders. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
ischer5 "d2ond 1enri ?31
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1992. Born: +$ril (, 1920; Sh-nh-i, 6hin-. Parents:
1-/her, Os>-r 1is>her; Ko/her, 2enee T-$ernou@ 1is>her. Nationality: 6hinese,1ren>h;
>-!e /o I.S. in 19%'. Religion: None. Education: Ini8. of "ene8-, S#i/zerl-nd,
li>ensure, 19)'; di$lo!-, 19)); Ph.D., 19)&. Spouse: Nelly "-n-u@, !-rried, no d-/e,
died 19(1; Ae8erly A. Aullo>0, !-rried O>/ober, 19(' Children: 1r-naois Louis, son;
Lenri Pierre, son; P-ul- D-nli>0er Tubbs, s/e$d-uh/er Career: Ini8. of "ene8-,
S#i/zerl-nd, Do>en/, 19%0:%'; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19%':%);
Ini8. of W-shin/on, Professor, 19%):90 Other Awards: Werner Ked-l, 19%2; Lederle
+#-rd, 19%(:%9; P-ss-no 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19**; Aeerin +#-rd, 1991; Priz P-uber/,
no d-/e.
Selected Publications: \Phos$horyl-se +>/i8i/y of S0ele/-l-!us>le 5@/r->/s.Z 7. 8iol.
.hem. 21( BB19%%CH 11':20 B#i/h 5. NrebsC; \6on8ersion of Phos$horyl-se b /o
Phos$horyl-se - in Kus>le 5@/r->/s.Z 7. 8iol. .hem. 21( B19%%CH 121:'2 B#i/h 5.
NrebsC; \Phos$horyl-se b-/o-- 6on8er/in 5nzy!e of 2-bbi/ S0ele/-l Kus>le.Z
8iochem. et 8iophys. Acta 20 B19%(CH 1%0:& B#i/h 5. NrebsC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s &0 BO>/ober 19, 1992CH (;
(cience 2%* BO>/ober 2', 1992CH %)2.
Co$$entary: 5d!ond 1is>her -nd 5d#in Nrebs Moin/ly re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for
/heir iden/ifi>-/ion of /he $ro>ess /h-/ reul-/es !-ny !e/-boli> sys/e!s. The 6oris,
Nobel Prize #inners in 19)&, h-d sho#n /h-/ $hos$horyl-se -llo#ed lu>ose /o be
rele-sed fro! ly>oen, #hi>h, in /urn, $ro8ided enery for !us>le >ells. 1is>her -nd
Nrebs found -n enzy!e, - $ro/ein 0in-se, /h-/ ->/i8-/es /he $hos$horyl-se by re!o8in
- $hos$h-/e rou$ fro! +TP -nd $l->in i/ on /he $hos$horyl-se. The $hos$horyl-se is
de->/i8-/ed by re!o8in - $hos$h-/e rou$ #i/h /he enzy!e $ro/ein $hos$h-/-se.
?n-$$ro$ri-/ely $hos$horyl-/ed $ro/eins h-8e been i!$li>-/ed in !-ny dise-se s/-/es,
in>ludin >-n>er, di-be/es, -nd !us>ul-r dys/ro$hy. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
8rebs5 "d)in 6erhard ?32
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1992. Born: Pune (, 191*; L-nsin, ?+. Parents:
1-/her, Willi-! 6-rl Nrebs; Ko/her, Louise Lelen- S/ee!-n Nrebs. Nationality:
+!eri>-n. Religion: Presby/eri-n. Education: Ini8. of ?llinois, +.A., 19)0; W-shin/on
Ini8., KO, K.D., 19)'. Spouse: Sirini- Deedy 1re>h, !-rried K-r>h 10, 19)%.
Children: S-lly, d-uh/er; 2ober/, son; K-r/h-, d-uh/er Career: W-shin/on Ini8. of
S/. Louis, KO, 2ese-r>her, 19)(:)*; Ini8. of W-shin/on, Professor, 19)*:(*; Ini8. of
6-liforni-, D-8is, Professor, 19(*:&(; Ini8. of W-shin/on, Professor, 19&(:90. Other
Awards: "-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19&*; Thorn +#-rd, 19*'; +!eri>-n Le-r/
+sso>i-/ion +#-rd, 19*&; P-ss-no +#-rd, 19**; 'K +#-rd, 19*9; L-s0er +#-rd, 19*9;
Lor#i/z +#-rd, 19*9; 6ib--"eiy-Dre# +#-rd, 1991; Aeerin +#-rd, 1991; Wel>h
+#-rd, 1991; +lu!ni +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, Ini8. of ?llinois, 1992; N-ul 1ound-/ion
+#-rd, 199(.
Selected Publications: \Phos$horyl-se +>/i8i/y of S0ele/-l-!us>le 5@/r->/s.Z 7. 8iol.
.hem. 21( B19%%CH 11':120 B#i/h 5. 1is>herC; \6on8ersion of Phos$horyl-se b /o
Phos$horyl-se - in Kus>le 5@/r->/s.Z 7. 8iol. .hem. 21(
P-e 1(1
B19%%CH 121:'2 B#i/h 5. 1is>herC; \Phos$horyl-se b-/o-- 6on8er/in 5nzy!e of 2-bbi/
S0ele/-l Kus>le.Z 8iochim. et 8iophys. Acta 20 B19%(CH 1%0:& B#i/h 5. 1is>herC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s &0 BO>/ober 19, 1992CH (;
(cience 2%* BO>/ober 2', 1992CH %)2.
Co$$entary: 5d#in Nrebs -nd 5d!ond 1is>her Moin/ly re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for
/heir iden/ifi>-/ion of /he $ro>ess /h-/ reul-/es !-ny !e/-boli> sys/e!s. The 6oris,
Nobel Prize #inners in 19)&, h-d sho#n /h-/ $hos$horyl-se -llo#s lu>ose /o be
rele-sed fro! ly>oen, /hus $ro8idin enery for !us>le >ells. 1is>her -nd Nrebs found
-n enzy!e, - $ro/ein 0in-se, #hi>h ->/i8-/es /he $hos$horyl-se by re!o8in -
$hos$h-/e rou$ fro! +TP -nd $l->in i/ on /he $hos$horyl-se. The $hos$horyl-se is
de->/i8-/ed by re!o8in - $hos$h-/e rou$ #i/h /he enzy!e $ro/ein $hos$h-/-se.
?n-$$ro$ri-/ely $hos$horyl-/ed $ro/eins h-8e been i!$li>-/ed in !-ny dise-se s/-/es,
in>ludin >-n>er, di-be/es, -nd !us>ul-r dys/ro$hy. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
4oberts5 4ichard <ohn ?33
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 199'. Born: Se$/e!ber (, 19)'; Derby, 5nl-nd.
Parents: 1-/her, Pohn W-l/er 2ober/s; Ko/her, 5dn- Wilhel!in- +llso$ 2ober/s.
Nationality: 5nlish; e!ir-/ed /o I.S. 19(9. Religion: +/heis/, fro! +nli>-n
b->0round. Education: Sheffield Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.S. 19(%; Ph.D. 19(*. Spouse:
5liz-be/h Dyson, !-rried +uus/ 21, 19(%, died +uus/ &, 19*%; Pe-n 5. Ki>h-elis
T-li-bue, !-rried 1ebru-ry 1), 19*(. Children: +lison, d-uh/er; +ndre#, son;
+!-nd-, d-uh/er; 6hris/o$her, son. Career: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, 2ese-r>her, 19(9:&2;
6old S$rin L-rbor L-bor-/ory, N3, 2ese-r>her, 19&2:92; Ne# 5nl-nd Aiol-bs, K+,
2ese-r>her, 1992-.
Selected Publications: \2es/ri>/ion 5ndonu>le-ses.Z .B. .rit. Bev. 8iochem. ) B19&(CH
12':(); OOThe 2ole of 2es/ri>/ion 5ndonu>le-ses in "ene/i> 5nineerin.Z #iles <nt.
(ymp. (er. 10 B19&&CH 21:'2; \The S$li>ed Kessener 2N+s of +deno8iru-2. \roc.
=$8( #eet. %1 B19&*CH 2)%:%'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s &1 BO>/ober 1*, 199'CH &;
'e0 (cientist 1) BO>/ober 1(, 199'CH ).
Co$$entary: 2i>h-rd 2ober/s sh-red his Nobel #i/h Philli$ Sh-r$ for /heir inde$enden/
dis>o8ery of \s$li/ enes.Z 2ober/s -nd Sh-r$ dis>o8ered /h-/ ene s/r-nds in >ells -re
in/erru$/ed by nonsense se!en/s of DN+ #hi>h do no/ >on/-in ene/i> >odes. They
-lso dis>o8ered /h-/ !essener 2N+ !ole>ules re!o8e /he nonsense se!en/s -nd re-d
in -$$ro$ri-/e ene/i> se!en/s. The +>-de!y no/ed /h-/ \/he dis>o8ery of s$li/ enes
h-s been of fund-!en/-l i!$or/-n>e for /od-y9s b-si> rese-r>h in bioloy, -s #ell -s for
!ore !edi>-lly orien/ed rese-r>h >on>ernin /he de8elo$!en/ of >-n>er -nd o/her
dise-ses.Z BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
-harp5 Phillip 0llen ?3?
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 199'. Born: Pune (, 19)); 1-l!ou/h, N3. Parents:
1-/her, Pose$h W-l/er Sh-r$; Ko/her, N-/herin 6ol8in Sh-r$. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: 6onre-/ion-lis/. Education: Inion 6ollee, N3, A.+., 19((; Ini8. of
?llinois, Ph.D. 19(9. Spouse: +nn 6hris/ine Lol>o!be, !-rried +uus/ 29, 19().
Children: 6hris/ine +lynn, d-uh/er; S-r-h N-/herine, d-uh/er; Lelen- Lol>o!be,
d-uh/er. Career: 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 6+, 2ese-r>her, 19(9:&1; 6old
S$rin L-rbor L-bor-/ory, N3, 2ese-r>her, 19&1:&); K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19&):99. Other Awards: N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>e +#-rd,
19*0; I.S. S/eel 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*0; 5li Lilly +#-rd, 19*0; 2i>0e//s +#-rd, 19*%;
Slo-n Prize, 19*(; "-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*(; Ne# 3or0 +>-de!y of S>ien>es
+#-rd, 19*(; Lor#i/z Prize, 19**; L-s0er +#-rd, 19**; Di>0son Prize, 1990; 1r-n0lin
Ked-l, 1999.
Selected Publications: \S$e>ul-/ions on 2N+ S$li>in.Z .ell 2' B19*1CH ()':(;
\+deno8irus L-/e Tr-ns>ri$/ion-l Ini/.Z erspect. 6irol. 11 B19*1CH 9:'0; &'A Tumor
6iruses. 6old S$rin L-rbor, N3H 6old S$rin L-rbor L-bor-/ory, 19*(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s &1 BO>/ober 1*, 199'CH &;
'e0 (cientist 1) BO>/ober 1(, 199'CH ).
Co$$entary: Philli$ Sh-r$ #-s r-n/ed /he Nobel #i/h 2i>h-rd 2ober/s for /heir
inde$enden/ dis>o8ery of \s$li/ enes.Z They found /h-/ ene s/r-nds in >ells -re
in/erru$/ed by nonsense se!en/s of DN+ #hi>h do no/ >on/-in ene/i> >odes. They
-lso dis>o8ered /h-/ !essener 2N+ !ole>ules re!o8e /he nonsense se!en/s -nd re-d
in -$$ro$ri-/e ene/i> se!en/s. The 6o!!i//ee no/ed /h-/ \/he dis>o8ery of s$li/ enes
h-s been of fund-!en/-l i!$or/-n>e for /od-y9s b-si> rese-r>h in bioloy, -s #ell -s for
!ore !edi>-lly orien/ed rese-r>h >on>ernin /he de8elo$!en/ of >-n>er -nd o/her
dise-ses.Z BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
6il2an5 0lfred 6ood2an ?3@
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 199). Born: Puly 1, 19)1; Ne# L-8en, 6T. Parents:
1-/her, +lfred "il!-n; Ko/her, K-bel S>h!id/ "il!-n. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: 3-le Ini8., 6T, A.S., 19(2; 6-se
Wes/ern 2eser8e Ini8., OL, K.D., Ph.D., 19(9. Spouse: N-/hryn Ledlund, !-rried
Se$/e!ber 21, 19('. Children: +!y, d-uh/er; +nne, d-uh/er; 5d#-rd, son. Career:
N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/es of Le-l/h, KD, 2ese-r>her, 19(9:&1; Ini8. of Sirini-, Professor,
19&1:*1; Ini8. of Te@-s Sou/h#es/ern Kedi>-l 6en/er, Professor, 19*1:9&; 3-le Ini8.,
6T, Professor, 199&-. Other Awards: P.P. +bel +#-rd, 19&%; P-ulsson +#-rd, 19*2;
"-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*); Lounsbery +#-rd, 19*&; L-s0er +#-rd, 19*9;
P-ss-no +#-rd, 1990; W-/erford +#-rd, 1990; +!eri>-n Le-r/ +sso>i-/ion Prize, 1990;
Aeerin +#-rd, 1990; L.S. "ood!-n +#-rd, 1990; +lfred "il!-n +#-rd, 1990; 6?A+-
"eiy-Dre# +#-rd, 1991; +!eri>-n +>-de!y +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, 199%; +!eri>-n
6-n>er So>ie/y Ked-l, 199%; +6P +#-rd, 199%; Soll!-n +#-rd, 199&.
Selected Publications: \2esolu/ion, 6h-r->/eriz-/ion, -nd P-r/i-l Purifi>-/ion of
6o!$onen/s of 6-/e>hol-!ine-sensi/i8e +denyl-/e 6y>l-se.Z '</ ublication N?L-*0:
201& B19*0CH 1%&:&2; \"u-nine Nu>leo/ide-bindin 2eul-/ory Pro/eins -nd Du-l
6on/rol of +denyl-/e 6y>l-se.Z 7. .lin. <nvest. 9' B19*)CH 1:); \" Pro/eins -nd Du-l
6on/rol of +denyl-/e 6y>l-se.Z .ell '( B19*)CH %&&:9.
P-e 1(2
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s &2 BO>/ober 1&, 199)CH );
'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice B199)CH 1%(2.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s r-n/ed /o +lfred "il!-n in re>oni/ion of his
iden/ifi>-/ion of /he "-$ro/eins des>ribed e-rlier by his >ol-ure-/e, K-r/in 2odbell. "-
$ro/eins -re /he subs/-n>es ->/i8-/ed in - >ell #hen hor!ones or neuro/r-ns!i//ers
>-rryin !ess-es fro! -no/her >ell !ee/ /he >ell9s re>e$/ors. The "-$ro/eins /hen
->/i8-/e -no/her in/er!edi-ry. "il!-n9s #or0 #i/h >-n>erous >ells h-s been e@/ended /o
o/her dise-se s/-/es -nd h-s been ins/ru!en/-l in in/er$re/in /he !odes of ->/ion in
sih/, s!ell, -nd /-s/e. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
4odbell5 ,artin ?3A
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 199). Born: De>e!ber 1, 192%; A-l/i!ore, KD.
Death: De>e!ber &, 199*; 6h-$el Lill, N6. Parents: 1-/her, Kil/on Willi-! 2odbell;
Ko/her, Shirley Lelen +br-!s 2odbell. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: None; fro!
Pe#ish b->0round. Education: Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, A.+., 19)9; Ini8. of
W-shin/on, Ph.D., 19%). Spouse: A-rb-r- 6h-rlo//e Leder!-nn, !-rried Se$/e!ber
10, 19%0. Children: P-ul, son; Suz-nne, d-uh/er; +ndre#, son; Philli$, son. Career:
Ini8. of ?llinois, ?L, 2ese-r>her, 19%):%(; N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/es of Le-l/h, KD -nd N6,
2ese-r>her, 19%(:9). Other Awards: N?L Duis/inuished Ser8i>e +#-rd, 19&'; Le-l/h
-nd Lu!-n Ser8i>es Su$erior Ser8i>e +#-rd, 19&); "-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*);
P->obeus +#-rd, 19&'; Lounsbery +#-rd, 19*&.
Selected Publications: \6ell Surf->e 2e>e$/or Si/es.Z .urr. Top. 8iochem. B19&2CH 1*&:
21*; \Proble! of ?den/ifyin /he "lu>-on 2e>e$/or.Z =ed. roc., =A($8 '2 B19&'CH
1*%):*; \Kole>ul-r Ke>h-nis!s of Lor!one 2e>e$/ors.Z 'eurosci. Bes. rogram 8ull.
11 B19&'CH 211:1%, 2&1:9).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s &2 BO>/ober 1&, 199)CH );
'e0 1or2 Times BDe>e!ber 11, 199*CH A1%; 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice
B199)CH 1%(2.
Co$$entary: K-r/in 2odbell re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for his rese-r>h on "-$ro/eins,
/he subs/-n>es /h-/ -re ->/i8-/ed in - >ell #hen hor!ones or neuro/r-ns!i//ers >-rryin
!ess-es fro! -no/her >ell !ee/ /he >ell9s re>e$/ors. The "-$ro/eins >o!$le/e /he
!ess-es be/#een >ells by ->/i8-/in -no/her in/er!edi-ry. The ->/ion of "-$ro/eins h-s
been sho#n /o be - >on/ribu/or /o /he unders/-ndin of so!e >-n>ers, heredi/-ry
l-ndul-r disorders, di-be/es, -nd -l>oholis!. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
#e)is5 "d)ard +: ?3B
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 199%. Born: K-y 20, 191*; Wil0es-A-rre, P+.
Parents: 1-/her, 5d#-rd A. Le#is; Ko/her, L-ur- Lis/ed Le#is. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: Non-$r->/i>in. Education: Ini8. of Kinneso/-, A+, 19'9; 6-liforni-
?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, K.S., 19)'; Ph.D., 19)2. Spouse: P-!el- L-rr-h, !-rried
Se$/e!ber 2(, 19)(. Children: Luh, son; "lenn, son; Nei/h, son. Career: I.S. +r!y
+ir 1or>e, Do>/or, 19)2:)%; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19)(:**.
Other Awards: Tho!-s Lun/ Kor-n Ked-l, 19*'; "-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*&;
Wolf 1ound-/ion Prize, 19*9; 2osens/iel +#-rd, 1990; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 1990;
L-s0er +#-rd, 1991; Lor#i/z Prize, 1992.
Selected Publications: \The 2el-/ion of 2e$e-/s /o Posi/ion 5ffe>/ in Droso$hil-.Z
5enetics '0 B19)%CH 1'&:((; OO"er!in-l -nd So!-/i> 2e8ersion of /he ?8ory Ku/-n/ in
Droso$hil-.Z 5enetics )) B19%9CH %22:'1; \+ "ene 6o!$le@ 6on/rollin Se!en/-/ion
in Droso$hili-.Z 'ature 2&( B19&*CH %(%:&0; \6lus/ers of K-s/er 6on/rol "enes
2eul-/e /he De8elo$!en/ of Liher Or-nis!s.Z 7A#A 2(& B1992CH 1%2):'1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 10, 199%CH A%.
Co$$entary: 5d#-rd Le#is sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h 6hris/i-ne Nusslein-Solh-rd
-nd 5ri> Wies>h-us for #or0 /h-/ \->hie8ed - bre-0/hrouh /h-/ #ill e@$l-in >oneni/-l
!-lfor!-/ion in !-np. ;?/< is li0ely /h-/ ;/he s-!e< !u/-/ions -re res$onsible for so!e
of /he e-rly s$on/-neous -bor/ions in ;hu!-ns< -nd for so!e of /he -bou/ )0 $er>en/ of
/he >oneni/-l !-lfor!-/ions /h-/ de8elo$ due /o un0no#n re-sons.Z ?n #or0 /h-/ s/-r/ed
in /he )0s, Le#is used r-di-/ion /o des/roy enes in Droso$hil-, - /y$e of frui/ fly, -nd
iden/ified unusu-l !u/-n/s. Le dis>o8ered /h-/ e->h ene >on/rolled /he de8elo$!en/ of
- differen/ se!en/ of /he frui/ fly9s body -nd /h-/ /he enes #ere lined u$ -lon /he
>hro!oso!es in /he order of /he $-r/s of /he body /hey >on/rolled. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
N!sslein'=olhard5 %hristiane ?3C
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 199%. Born: O>/ober 20, 19)2; K-debur, "er!-ny.
Parents: 1-/her, 2olf Solh-rd; Ko/her, Arii//e L--s Solh-rd. Nationality: "er!-n.
Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of TRbinen, "er!-ny, Di$lo!-,
19(*, Ph.D., 19&'. Spouse: No re>ord found. Children: No re>ord found. Career: K-@
Pl-n>0 ?ns/i/u/e, Tubinen, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19&2:&%; Aiozen/ru! A-sel,
S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19&%:&(; Ini8. of 1reibur, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19&(:&&;
5uro$e-n Kole>ul-r Aioloy L-bor-/ory, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19&*:*0; K-@ Pl-n>0
?ns/i/u/e, Tubinen, "er!-ny, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19*1-. Other Awards:
Leibniz Prize, 19*(; So/ Prize, 19*(; 1order$reis, 19*(; 6-rus Ked-l, 19*9; 2osens/iel
Ked-l, 1990; L-s0er Prize, 1991; Louis- "ross Lor#i/z Prize, 1992; Priz Louis Pe-n/e/,
1992; O//o A-yer Prize, 1992; +lfred Slo-n Prize, 1992; Kendel Ked-l, 1992; W-rbur
Ked-l, 1992; S>herin Prize, 199'; Nrebs Ked-l, 199'; Aer/ner +#-rd, 199'.
Selected Publications: \Ku/-/ions +ffe>/in Se!en/ Nu!ber -nd Pol-ri/y in
Droso$hil-.Z 'ature 2*& B19*0CH&9%:*01 B#i/h 5. Wies>h-usC. \De/er!in-/ion of /he
5!bryoni> +@es of Droso$hil-.Z &ev. (uppl. B1991CH 1:10; \The 1or!-/ion of /he
5!bryoni> +@es in Droso$hil-.Z .ancer &1 B199'CH '1*9:9'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 10, 199%CH A%. 'e0 1or2 Times
#aga*ine BO>/ober 12, 199&CH )2l.
Co$$entary: 6hris/i-ne Nusslein-Solh-rd sh-red /he Nobel #i/h 5d#-rd Le#is -nd
5ri> Wies>h-us for #or0 /h-/ \->hie8ed - bre-0/hrouh /h-/ #ill e@$l-in >oneni/-l
!-lfor!-/ions in !-np. ;?/< is li0ely /h-/ ;/he s-!e< !u/-/ions -re res$onsible for so!e
of /he e-rly s$on/-neous -bor/ions in ;hu!-ns< -nd for so!e of /he -bou/ )0 $er>en/
P-e 1('
of /he >oneni/-l !-lfor!-/ions /h-/ de8elo$ due /o un0no#n re-sons.Z Le#is, in /he
)0s, h-d for!ul-/ed /he >on>e$/ of /he e@is/en>e of >lus/ers of enes #hi>h >on/rolled
de8elo$!en/ of /he frui/ fly9s body. Nusslein-Solh-rd -nd Wies>h-us, in /he *0s,
e@/ended Le#is9s #or0, se-r>hin for !u/-/ions /h-/ >on/rolled /he e-rly s/-es of
de8elo$!en/. They iden/ified /he enes /h-/ >-use /he fer/ilized e /o de8elo$ in/o -n
ordered $-//ern of se!en/s #hi>h e8en/u-lly de/er!ine /he sh-$e of /he frui/ fly.
BA.S.S., P.L.S.C
Wiescha!s5 "ric : ?39
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 199%. Born: Pune *, 19)&; Sou/h Aend, ?N. Parents:
1-/her, Leroy Pose$h Wies>h-us; Ko/her, K-r>ell- 6-rner Wies>h-us. Nationality:
+!eri>-n. Religion: None; fro! 6-/holi> b->0round. Education: Ini8. of No/re
D-!e, ?N, A.S., 19(9; 3-le Ini8., 6T, Ph.D., 19&). Spouse: "er/rude BTrudiC
S>hu$b->h, !-rried +$ril 11, 19*2. Children: ?nrid, d-uh/er; 5le-nor, d-uh/er;
L-ur-, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19&%:&*; 5uro$e-n
Kole>ul-r Aioloy L-bor-/ory, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19&*:*1; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP,
Professor, 19*1-. Other Awards: Pohn S$-nler Ni>l-us Prize, 19&); N?L Keri/ +#-rd,
19*9; "ene/i>s So>ie/y of +!eri>-n Prize, 199%.
Selected Publications: \The De8elo$!en/ -nd 1un>/ion of /he 1e!-le "er! Line in
Droso$hil-.Z &ev. 8iol. (* B19&9CH 29:)(; \Ku/-/ions +ffe>/in Se!en/ Nu!ber -nd
Pol-ri/y in Droso$hil-.Z 'ature 2*& B19*0CH &9%:*01 B#i/h 6. Nusslein-Solh-rdC;
OOOr/ho Den/i>-l +>/i8i/y is 2eGuired for /he De8elo$!en/ of Kedi-l S/ru>/ures in /he
L-r8-l -nd +dul/ 5$ider!is of Droso$hil-.Z &evelopment 11% B1992CH*01:11;
\5!bryoni> Tr-ns>ri$/ion -nd /he 6on/rol of De8elo$!en/-l P-/h#-ys,Z 5enetics
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 10, 199%CH A%.
Co$$entary: 5ri> Wies>h-us sh-red /he Nobel #i/h 6hris/i-ne Nusslein-Solh-rd -nd
5d#-rd Le#is for #or0 /h-/ \->hie8ed - bre-0/hrouh /h-/ #ill e@$l-in >oneni/-l
!-lfor!-/ions in !-np. ;?/< is li0ely /h-/ ;/he s-!e< !u/-/ions -re res$onsible for so!e
of /he e-rly s$on/-neous -bor/ions in ;hu!-ns< -nd for so!e of /he -bou/ )0 $er>en/ of
/he >oneni/-l !-lfor!-/ions /h-/ de8elo$ due /o un0no#n re-sons.Z Le#is, in /he )0s,
h-d for!ul-/ed /he >on>e$/ of /he e@is/en>e of >lus/ers of enes #hi>h >on/rolled
de8elo$!en/ of /he frui/ fly9s body. Wies>h-us -nd Nusslein-Solh-rd, in /he *0s,
e@/ended Le#is9s #or0, se-r>hin for !u/-/ions /h-/ >on/rolled /he e-rly s/-es of
de8elo$!en/. They iden/ified /he enes /h-/ >-use /he fer/ilized e /o de8elo$ in/o -n
ordered $-//ern of se!en/s #hi>h e8en/u-lly de/er!ine /he sh-$e of /he frui/ fly.
BA.S.S., P.L.S.C
(ohert$5 Peter %harles ??0
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 199(. Born: O>/ober 1%, 19)0; Arisb-ne, Queensl-nd,
+us/r-li-. Parents: 1-/her, 5ri> 6. Doher/y; Ko/her, Lind- Ayford Doher/y.
Nationality: +us/r-li-n; l-/er +!eri>-n residen/. Religion: Ke/hodis/. Education: Ini8.
of Queensl-nd, +us/r-li-, A.S.S>., 19(2; Ini8. of Queensl-nd, +us/r-li-, K.S.S>., 19((;
Ini8. of 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, Ph.D., 19&0. Spouse: Penelo$e S/e$hens, !-rried 19(%.
Children: P-!es, son; Ki>h-el, son. Career: +ni!-l 2ese-r>h ?ns/i/u/e, +us/r-li-,
Se/erin-ri-n Offi>er, 19(':(&; Koredun 2ese-r>h ?ns/i/u/e, S>o/l-nd, S>ien/ifi> Offi>er,
19(&:&1; +us/r-li-n N-/ion-l Ini8., +us/r-li-, Professor -nd 2ese-r>her, 19&2:&%;
Wis/-r ?ns/i/u/e, P+, Professor, 19&%:*2; +us/r-li-n N-/ion-l Ini8., +us/r-li-,
+d!inis/r-/or, 19*2:**; S/. Pude 6hildren9s 2ese-r>h Los$i/-l, TN, 2ese-r>her -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19**-. Other Awards: P-ul 5hrli>h Prize, 19*'; "-irdner 1ound-/ion
+#-rd, 19*(; L-s0er +#-rd, 199%; +us/r-li-n of /he 3e-r +#-rd, 199&.
Selected Publications: \?!!unoloi>-l Sur8eill-n>e +-ins/ +l/ered Self 6o!$onen/s
by Sensi/ized T Ly!$ho>y/es in Ly!$ho>y/i> 6horio!enini/is,Z 'ature 2%1 BO>/ober
11, 19&)CH %)&:)* B#i/h 2.K. Jin0ern-elC. \2es/ri>/ion of in 8i/ro T >ell-!edi-/ed
>y/o/o@i>/y in ly!$ho>y/i> >horio!enini/is #i/hin - syneni> -nd se!i-lloenei>
sys/e!,Z 2)* 'ature B19&)CH &01:02 B#i/h 2.K. Jin0ern-elC. \6ell-!edi-/ed
>y/o@i>i/y,Z .ell BNo8e!ber 19, 199'CH (0&:12. \58-sion of Los/ ?!!une 2es$onses
by Tu!ours -nd SirusesZ B#i/h 2.+. Tri$$ -nd P.W. Si@byC in .iba =oundation
(ymposium B199)CH 2)%:)(, 2%(:(0. \The Dis>o8ery of KL6 2es/ri>/ion,Z
<mmunology Today BP-nu-ry 199&CH 1):1& B#i/h 2.K. Jin0ern-elC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: -ancet '%( BPuly *, 2000CH 1&2. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober
*, 199(CH 6(.
Co$$entary: Pe/er Doher/y sh-red /he Nobel Prize for dis>o8erin ho# \/he i!!une
sys/e! re>onizes 8irus-infe>/ed >ells.Z Le -nd 2olf Jin0ern-el found /h-/ \#hi/e
blood >ells h-d /o re>onize bo/h /he 8irus -nd >er/-in self !ole>ules in order /o 0ill /he
8irus-infe>/ed >ells.Z This dis>o8ery h-s been hihly rele8-n/ /o >lini>-l !edi>ine -nd
h-s been es$e>i-lly useful in s/udyin /he effe>/s of -u/oi!!une re->/ions in dise-ses
su>h -s !ul/i$le s>lerosis -nd di-be/es. BL.S.S.C
7inkerna&el5 4olf ,artin ??1
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 199(. Born: P-nu-ry (, 19)); A-sel, S#i/zerl-nd.
Parents: 1-/her, 2ober/ W. Jin0ern-el; Ko/her, Suz-nne S/-ehlin Jin0ern-el.
Nationality: S#iss. Religion: No re>ord found. Education: Ini8. of A-sel, S#i/zerl-nd,
K.D., 19(*; +us/r-li-n N-/ion-l Ini8., +us/r-li-, Ph.D., 19&%. Spouse: N-/hrin ".
Ludin, !-rried No8e!ber 11, 19(*. Children: 6hris/ine, d-uh/er; +nnelies, d-uh/er;
K-r/in, son. Career: 6l-r-s$i/-l, S#i/zerl-nd, ?n/ern, 19(*:(9; Ini8. of A-sel,
S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19(9:&0; Ini8. of L-us-nne, S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19&1:
&'; +us/r-li-n N-/ion-l Ini8., +us/r-li-, 2ese-r>her, 19&':&%; S>ri$$s Ini8., 6+,
Professor, 19&%:&9; Ini8. of Juri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 19&9-. Other Awards:
6loe//- S/if/un +#-rd, 19*1; Pun S/if/un +#-rd, 19*2; P-ul 5hrli>h Prize, 19*';
K->0-1ors/er Prize, 19*%; "-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*(; 6hris/oforo 6olo!bo
+#-rd, 1992; L-s0er +#-rd, 199%.
Selected Publications: \?!!unoloi>-l Sur8eill-n>e +-ins/ +l/ered Self 6o!$onen/s
by Sensi/ized T Ly!$ho>y/es in Ly!$ho>y/i> 6horio!enini/is,Z 'ature 2%1 BO>/ober
11, 19&)CH %)&:)* B#i/h P.6. Doher/yC. \2es/ri>/ion of in 8i/ro T >ell-!edi-/ed
>y/o/o@i>/y in ly!$ho>y/i> >horio!enini/is #i/hin - syneni> -nd se!i-lloenei>
sys/e!,Z 2)* 'ature B19&)CH &01:02 B#i/h P.6. Doher/yC.
P-e 1()
\6y/o/o@i> T 6ells Le-rn S$e>ifi>i/y for Self L-2 Durin Differen/i-/ion in /he
Thy!us,Z 'ature BP-nu-ry 19, 19&*CH 2%1:%'. \The Dis>o8ery of KL6 2es/ri>/ion,Z
<mmunology Today BP-nu-ry 199&CH 1):1& B#i/h P.6. Doher/yC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: -ancet '%( BPuly *, 2000CH 1&2. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober
*, 199(CH 6(.
Co$$entary: 2olf Jin0ern-el sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h Pe/er Doher/y for /heir
\dis>o8eries >on>ernin /he s$e>ifi>i/y of /he >ell !edi-/ed i!!une defen>e.Z ?n /heir
s/udies of !i>e /hey found /h-/ OOinfe>/ed !i>e de8elo$ed 0iller T-ly!$ho>y/es, #hi>h in
- /es/-/ube >ould 0ill 8irusinfe>/ed >ellsZ bu/ #ere no/ -ble /o do so fro! -no/her s/r-in
of infe>/ed !i>e. Thus infe>/ed >ells h-d /o dis$l-y bo/h /he 8irus -nd self !ole>ules
indi>-/in /hey #ere fro! /he infe>/ed -ni!-l. This dis>o8ery h-d -n i!!edi-/e i!$->/
on i!!unoloi>-l rese-r>h in infl-!!-/ory dise-ses. BL.S.S.C
Pr!siner5 -tanle$ +en ??2
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 199&. Born: K-y 2*, 19)2; Des Koines, ?+. Parents:
1-/her, L-#ren>e +lber/ Prusiner; Ko/her, Kiri-! S$iel Prusiner. Nationality:
+!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of Pennsyl8-ni-, P+, +.A., 19(); Ini8.
of Pennsyl8-ni-, K.D., 19(*. Spouse: S-ndr- Lee Tur0, !-rried O>/ober 1*, 19&0.
Children: Lelen 6hloe, d-uh/er; Le-h +nne, d-uh/er Career: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, S-n
1r-n>is>o, 6+, ?n/ern -nd 2esiden/, 19(*:&); Ini8. of 6-liforni-, S-n 1r-n>is>o, 6+,
Professor, 19&)- ; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, 6+, Professor, 19&9Other Awards:
Willi-!s A-si> S>ien>es 2ese-r>h +#-rd, 19(*; 6o/zi-s +#-rd, 19*&; Po/-!0in Prize,
1991; Kedi>-l 2ese-r>h +#-rd, Ke/ro$oli/-n Life 1ound-/ion, 1992; 6hris/o$her
6olu!bus +#-rd, N?L, 1992; D-n- +#-rd, 1992; Di>0son Prize, 1992; K-@ Pl-n>0
+#-rd, 1992; 8on Lu!bold/ +#-rd, 1992; "-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 199';
Lounsbery +#-rd, 199'; Presiden/i-l +#-rd, +!eri>-n +>-de!y of Neuroloy, 199';
Aris/ol-Kyers SGuibb Dis/inuished +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, 199); L-s0er +#-rd, 199);
6-ledoni-n 2ese-r>h Prize, 199%; P-ul 5hrli>h +#-rd, 199%; D-r!s/-ed/er +#-rd,
199%; P-ul Lo>h +#-rd, 199%; Wolf Prize, 199(; ?6N Siroloy Prize, 199(; Sori-no
+#-rd, 199(; P-s-ro# Prize, 199(; Leo$old-K-yer Prize, 199(; Neio ?n/ern-/ion-l
Prize, 199(; A-@/er +#-rd, 199(; +!en +#-rd, 199&; Louis- "ross Lor#i/z Prize,
199&; N.P. Jul>h Prize, 199&; Dis/inuished +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, +!eri>-n +>-de!y of
Neuroloy, 199*; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 199*; Pubilee Ked-l, S#edish Kedi>-l So>ie/y, 199*.
Selected Publications: rion &iseases of /umans and Animals. Ne# 3or0H 5llis
Lor#ood, 1992. \58iden>e for ?sol-/e S$e>ified +llo/y$i> ?n/er->/ions be/#een /he
6ellul-r -nd S>r-$ie Prion Pro/eins in 6oneni> -nd Tr-nseni> Ki>e,Z roceedings of
the 'ational Academy of (ciences 91 B199)CH %(90:%(9) B#i/h o/hersC. \The Prion
Dise-ses,Z (cientific American 2&2 B199%CH &0:&&. rions, rions, rions. AerlinH
S$riner, 199( B#i/h o/hersC. rion 8iology and &iseases. 6old S$rin L-rbor, N3H
6old S$rin L-rbor L-bor-/ory Press, 1999.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 199&, Sol. %*,
))0:)). 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober &, 199&CH +1. T-ubes, "-ry. \The "-!e of /he N-!e
?s 1-!e. Au/ ?s ?/ S>ien>eWZ &iscover BDe>e!ber 19*(CH )):%(.
Co$$entary: S/-nley Prusiner #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his dis>o8ery of
\Prions=- ne# bioloi>-l $rin>i$le of infe>/ion.Z Prions -re $ro/eins /h-/ h-8e /he
-bili/y /o >h-ne /heir sh-$e by foldin -nd \resul/ in /he for!-/ion of h-r!ful $-r/i>les,
/he >-us-/i8e -en/s of se8er-l de-dly br-in dise-ses of /he de!en/i- /y$e in hu!-ns -nd
-ni!-ls.Z Prusiner9s #or0 h-s led /o ne# unders/-ndins of de!en/i-/y$e dise-ses su>h
-s +lzhei!er9s dise-se, 8-ri-n/s of 6reu/zfeld/-P-0ob dise-se B6PDC -nd !-d->o#
dise-se. BL.S.S.C
!rch&ott5 4obert rancis ??3
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 199*. Born: Pune ), 191(; 6h-rles/on, S6. Parents:
No re>ord found. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of Nor/h
6-rolin-, N6, A.S., 19'&; Nor/h#es/ern Ini8., ?L, Ph.D., 19)0. Spouse: Lenore,
!-rried 19)1, died 19*'; K--re/, !-rried, no d-/e. Children: ' >hildren. Career:
6ornell Ini8. N3, 2ese-r>her -nd Professor, 19)0:)9; W-shin/on Ini8., KO,
Professor, 19)9:%(; S/-/e Ini8. of Ne# 3or0 Le-l/h S>ien>e 6en/er, N3, Professor -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19%(:90. Other Awards: "ood!-n Y "il!-n +#-rd, 19*); 6?A+
+#-rd, 19**; +!eri>-n Le-r/ +sso>i-/ion 2ese-r>h +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, 1990; Aris/ol-
Kyers-SGuibb +#-rd, 1991; "-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 1991; Ne# 3or0 +>-de!y of
Kedi>ine Ked-l, 1992; 2oussel-I>l-f Prize, 199'; Well>o!e "old Ked-l, 199%;
+SP5T +#-rd, 199(; Pin>us +#-rd, 199(; L-s0er +#-rd, 199(; Lu>i-n +#-rd, 199&.
Selected Publications: \The role of endo/heliu! in /he res$onses of 8-s>ul-r s!oo/h
!us>le /o drus,Z Annual Bev harmacol Toxicol. 2) B19*)CH1&%:9&. \58iden>e for
endo/heliu!-de$enden/ 8-sodil-/ion of resis/-n>e 8essels by ->e/yl>holine,Z 8lood
6essels 2), 'B19*&CH1)%:9 B#i/h o/hersC. \5ndo/heliu!-deri8ed rel-@in f->/orH
dis>o8ery, e-rly s/udies, -nd iden/ifi>-/ion -s ni/ri> o@ide,Z Aius>i 2e$. 19, ) B+uus/
1999CH 2'%:%1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: -ancet '%( BPuly 22, 2000CH ')(. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober
1', 199*CH +1).
Co$$entary: 2ober/ 1ur>ho// sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his dis>o8ery of /he sin-l
!ole>ule 5D21, /he endo/heliu!-deri8ed rel-@in f->/or. 1ur>ho// dis>o8ered /h-/ /he
s-!e dru >ould $ro8ide >on/r-di>/ory resul/s by so!e/i!es >on/r->/in -nd so!e/i!es
dil-/in. Le /houh/ /he >on/r-di>/ory resul/s !ih/ de$end on #he/her /he surf->e >ells
B/he endo/heliu!C in /he blood 8essels #ere in/->/ or d-!-ed. Le de!ons/r-/ed /h-/
\->e/yl>holine dil-/ed blood 8essels only if /he endo/heliu! #-s in/->/. Le >on>luded
/h-/ blood 8essels -re dil-/ed be>-use /he endo/heli-l >ells $rodu>e -n un0no#n sin-l
!ole>ule /h-/ !-0es s!oo/h !us>le >ells rel-@.Z Le l-/er dis>o8ered /h-/ ni/ri> o@ide
BNOC #-s /he 5D21 f->/or. BL.S.S.C
.&narro5 #o!is <: ???
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 199*. Born: K-y '1, 19)1; Aroo0lyn, N3. Parents:
No re>ord found. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: No re>ord found. Education:
6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, A.+., 19(2; Ini8. of Kinneso/-, Ph.D., 19((. Spouse: K-rried, no
d-/e, di8or>ed 19*%; Sh-ron 5liz-be/h Willi-!s, !-rried Puly, 199&. Children: Le-/her,
P-e 1(%
d-uh/er. Career: N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/es of Le-l/h, KD, 2ese-r>her, 19((:(*; "eiy
Ph-r!->eu/i>-ls, NP, 2ese-r>her, 19(*:&'; Tul-ne Ini8., L+, Professor, 19&':*%; Ini8.
of 6-liforni-, Los +neles, 6+, Professor, 19*%-. Other Awards: Ker>0 2ese-r>h
+#-rd, 19&); ISPLS 2ese-r>h 6-reer De8elo$!en/ +#-rd, 19&%:*0; S>hleider
1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19&':&(; Lilly 2ese-r>h +#-rd, 19&*.
Selected Publications: \5ndo/heliu!-deri8ed rel-@in f->/or $rodu>ed -nd rele-sed
fro! -r/ery -nd 8ein is ni/ri> o@ide,Z roceedings of the 'ational Academy of (ciences
*) BDe>e!ber 19*&CH92(%:9 B#i/h o/hersC. \5ndo/heliu!-deri8ed rel-@in f->/or -nd
ni/ri> o@ide $ossess iden/i>-l $h-r!->oloi> $ro$er/ies -s rel-@-n/s of bo8ine -r/eri-l
-nd 8enous s!oo/h !us>le,Z 7 harmacol $xp Ther. 2)( BPuly 19**CH21*:2( B#i/h
o/hersC. 'itric Oxide. S-n DieoH +>-de!i> Press, 199% B#i/h 1. Kur-dC. 'itric Oxide.
S-n DieoH +>-de!i> Press, 2000.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: -ancet '%( BPuly 22, 2000CH ')(. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober
1', 199*CH +1).
Co$$entary: Louis ?n-rro sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his dis>o8ery >on>ernin \ni/ri>
o@ide -s - sin-llin !ole>ule in /he >-rdio8-s>ul-r sys/e!.Z ?n-rro iden/ified ni/ri>
o@ide BNOC -s /he endo/heli-l f->/or in - OObrilli-n/ series of -n-lyses p /oe/her #i/h
-nd inde$enden/ly of 2ober/ 1ur>ho//, /h-/ 5D21 #-s iden/i>-l /o NO.Z BL.S.S.C
,!rad5 erid DredE ??@
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 199*. Born: Se$/e!ber 1), 19'(; Whi/in, ?N.
Parents: 1-/her, P-bir BPohnC Kur-d 5Mu$i; Ko/her, Lerie//- Pose$hine Ao#!-n Kur-d.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 5$is>o$-li-n. Education: DeP-u# Ini8., ?N, A.+.,
19%*; 6-se Wes/ern 2eser8e Ini8., OL, K.D., 19(%; 6-se Wes/ern 2eser8e Ini8., OL,
Ph.D., 19(%. Spouse: 6-rol +nn Leo$old, !-rried Pune 21, 19%*. Children: 6hris/ine,
d-uh/er; K-ri-nne, d-uh/er; 6-rrie, d-uh/er; Pulie, d-uh/er; Pose$h, son. Career:
K-ss->huse//s "ener-l Los$i/-l, K+, ?n/ern -nd 2esiden/, 19(%:(&; N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/es
of Le-l/h, KD, 2ese-r>her, 19(&:&0; Ini8. of Sirini-, S+, Professor, 19&0:*1;
S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19*1:**; +bbo// L-bs, ?L, +d!inis/r-/or, 19**:9';
Kole>ul-r "eri-/ri>s 6or$or-/ion, ?L, Presiden/ -nd 65O, 199':9%; Ini8. of Te@-s-
Lous/on, T4, Professor, 199&-. Other Awards: 6?A+ +#-rd, 19**; L-s0er +#-rd, 199(;
++K6 +#-rd for Dis/inuished 2ese-r>h in /he Aio!edi>-l S>ien>es, 2000.
Selected Publications: harmacological 8asis of Therapeutics, &/h ed., 19*%. .yclic
5#. S-n DieoH +>-de!i> Press, 199). 'itric Oxide. S-n DieoH +>-de!i> Press,
199% B#i/h L.P. ?n-rroC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: -ancet '%( BPuly 22, 2000CH ')(. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober
1', 199*CH +1).
Co$$entary: 1erid Kur-d sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his dis>o8ery /h-/ ni/roly>erin
-nd rel-/ed 8-sodil-/in >o!$ounds rele-se \ni/ri> o@ide, #hi>h rel-@es s!oo/h !us>le
>ells.Z Lis dis>o8ery h-s led /o ne# drus /o /re-/ he-r/ dise-se, i!$o/en>e, sho>0 -nd
lun dise-se. BL.S.S.C
+lobel5 6Snter ??A
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 1999. Born: K-y 21, 19'(; W-l/ersdorf, Silesi-,
"er!-ny. Parents: No re>ord found. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen.
Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of Tubinen, "er!-ny, K.D., 19(0; Ini8. of
Wis>onsin-K-dison, W?, Ph.D., 19(&. Spouse: L-ur- K-iolio, !-rried, no d-/e.
Children: None Career: 2o>0efeller Ini8., N3, 2ese-r>her, 19(&:(9; 2o>0efeller Ini8.
N3, Professor, 19(9-. Other Awards: I.S. S/eel +#-rd, 19&*; Lounsbery +#-rd, 19*';
"-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*2; W-rbur Ked-l, 19*'; Wilson Ked-l, 19*(; K-//i-
+#-rd, 19*(; Lor#i/z Prize, 19*&; W-/erford Aio!edi>-l S>ien>e +#-rd, 19*9; L-s0er
+#-rd, 199'; Nin 1-is-l ?n/ern-/ion-l Prize, 199(; Ne# 3or0 6i/y K-yor9s +#-rd for
5@>ellen>e in S>ien>e -nd Te>hnoloy, 199&; K-ssry Prize, 1999; 6?A+-Dre# +#-rd,
199%; K-@-Pl-n>0 1ors>huns$reis, 1992; 5llis ?sl-nd Ked-l of Lonor, 2000.
Selected Publications: \"ene -/inH - hy$o/hesis,Z roceedings of the 'ational
Academy of (ciences *2 B19*%CH*%2&:*%29. \N-$10)$H + 0-ryo$herin in8ol8ed in /he
nu>le-r /r-ns$or/ of !essener 2N+ bindin $ro/eins,Z (cience 2&) B199(CH(2):(2&
B#i/h PD +i/>hison -nd KP 2ou/C. \Nu>le-r $ro/ein i!$or/H 2-n-"TP disso>i-/es /he
0-ryo$herin -l$h- be/- he/erodi!er by dis$l->in -l$h- fro! -n o8erl-$$in bindin
si/e on be/-,Z roceedings of the 'ational Academy of (ciences 9' B199(CH&0%9:& B#i/h
P. Koroi-nu -nd +. 2-duC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 12, 1999CH A1. (cience 'e0s
BO>/ober 1(, 1999CH 1'('. (cientific American 2*2 BK-y 2000CH '*:)0.
Co$$entary: "Rn/er Alobel #on /he Nobel Prize for his dis>o8ery /h-/ \$ro/eins h-8e
in/rinsi> sin-ls /h-/ o8ern /heir /r-ns$or/ -nd lo>-liz-/ion in /he >ell.Z Alobel sho#ed
/h-/ e->h $ro/ein \>-rries in i/s s/ru>/ure /he infor!-/ion needed /o s$e>ify i/s $ro$er
lo>-/ion in /he >ell.Z Lis \sin-l hy$o/hesisZ $os/ul-/ed /h-/ \$ro/eins se>re/ed ou/ of /he
>ell >on/-in -n in/rinsi> sin-l /h-/ o8erns /he! /o -nd ->ross !e!br-nes.Z ?/ is -s if
/he $ro/eins h-8e -n \-ddress /-Z /h-/ de/er!ines i/s >orre>/ lo>-/ion in /he body. This
dis>o8ery h-s h-d - /re!endous i!$->/ on rese-r>h in !odern >ell bioloy. BL.S.S.C
%arlsson5 0r>id ??B
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 2000. Born: P-nu-ry 2%, 192'; I$$s-l-, S#eden.
Parents: No re>ord found. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: No re>ord found.
Education: Ini8. of Lund, S#eden, K.D., 19%1. Spouse: No re>ord found. Children:
No re>ord found. Career: Ini8. of Lund, S#eden, Professor, 19%1:%(; "U/ebor Ini8.,
S#eden, Professor, 19%9:*9. Other Awards: K-nus Ali@ Prize, 19)&; P-!es P-r0inson
+#-rd, 19&0; Pehr Dubb "old Ked-l, 19&0; +nders P-hre Prize, 19&); S/-nley 2. De-n
+#-rd, 19&%; +nn--Koni0- S/if/un Prize, 19&%; Wolf Prize, 19&9; AMUr0_ns0- Prise/,
19*1; "-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*2; Aris/ol-Kyers +#-rd, 19*9; P-ul Lo>h Prize,
1990; 1red S$riner +#-rd, 1990; Willi-! N. W-rren S>hizo$hreni- 2ese-r>h +#-rd,
1991; O$en Kind +#-rd in Psy>hi-/ry, 1992; Pulius +@elrod Ked-l, 1992; P-$-n Prize,
199); Lieber Prize, 199); Lundbe>0 1ound-/ion 2ese-r>h Prize, 199%; P-s-ro#
1ound-/ion "old Ked-l, So>ie/y of Aioloi>-l Psy>hi-/ry, 199*; "old Ked-l, Ini8. of
A-ri, ?/-ly, 1999; 1el/rinelli ?n/ern-/ion-l +#-rd, 1999.
P-e 1((
Selected Publications: \Air/h of neuro$sy>ho$h-r!->oloy-i!$->/ on br-in rese-r>h,Z
8rain Besearch 8ulletin %0 BNo8e!ber 1%-De>e!ber 1999CH '('.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 10, 2000CH +22. Time 1%(
BO>/ober 2', 2000CH &*.
Co$$entary: +r8id 6-rlsson sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his dis>o8ery \/h-/ do$-!ine is
- /r-ns!i//er in /he br-in -nd /h-/ i/ h-s re-/ i!$or/-n>e for our -bili/y /o >on/rol
!o8e!en/s.Z Lis rese-r>h led /o /he de8elo$!en/ of L-do$-, used in /he /re-/!en/ of
P-r0inson9s dise-se. The dru >on8er/s /o do$-!ine in /he br-in -nd hel$s reul-rize /he
$-/ien/9s !o/or beh-8ior. Lis dis>o8eries h-8e -lso h-d \re-/ i!$or/-n>e for /he
/re-/!en/ of de$ression, #hi>h is one of our !os/ >o!!on dise-sesZ -nd - OOne#
ener-/ion of -n/ide$ressi8e drus.Z BL.S.S.C
6reen&ard5 Pa!l ??C
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 2000. Born: De>e!ber 11, 192%; Ne# 3or0 N3.
Parents: No re>ord found. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: No re>ord found.
Education: L-!il/on 6ollee, N3, +.A., 19)*; Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, Ph.D., 19%'.
Spouse: K-rried, no fur/her re>ord found. Children: ' >hildren. Career: Ini8. of
London, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19%':%); 6-!bride Ini8., 2ese-r>her, 19%):%(;
N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/es of Le-l/h, KD, 2ese-r>her, 19%(:%*; 6?A+-"eiy 2ese-r>h
L-bor-/ories, +d!inis/r-/or, 19%*:(&; 3-le Ini8. 6T, Professor, 19(*:*'; 2o>0efeller
Ini8., N3, Professor, 19*'-. Other Awards: Di>0son Prize, 19&&; 6?A+-"eiy Dre#
+#-rd, 19&9; Ne# 3or0 +>-de!y of S>ien>es +#-rd, 19*0; Pfizer Aio!edi>-l 2ese-r>h
+#-rd, 19*(; 'K Life S>ien>es +#-rd, 19*&; Ken/-l Le-l/h 2ese-r>h +>hie8e!en/
+#-rd, 19*&; Aris/ol-Kyers +#-rd, 19*9; N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es +#-rd in /he
Neuros>ien>es, 1991; "ood!-n Y "il!-n +#-rd, 1992; L-shley Prize, 199'; "er-rd
Prize, 199); Thudi>hu! Ked-l, 199(; Lieber Prize, 199(; D-n- 1ound-/ion +#-rd,
199&; Ke/ro$oli/-n Life 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 199*; 5llison Kedi>-l 1ound-/ion +#-rd,
1999; K-yor of Ne# 3or0 6i/y9s +#-rd for 5@>ellen>e in S>ien>e -nd Te>hnoloy,
Selected Publications: .yclic 'ucleotides, hosphorylated roteins, and 'euronal
=unction. Ne# 3or0H 2-8en Press, 19&*. rotein hosphorylation in the 'ervous
(ystem. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19*) B#i/h 5.P. Nes/lerC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 10, 2000CH +22.
Co$$entary: P-ul "reen-rd is - >o-#inner of /he Nobel Prize for his dis>o8ery of
\ho# do$-!ine -nd - nu!ber of o/her /r-ns!i//ers e@er/ /heir ->/ion in /he ner8ous
sys/e!.Z This /r-ns!ission sin-ls - \slo# syn-$/i> /r-ns!issionZ #hi>h resul/s in
>h-nes in /he ner8e >ells /h-/ >-n l-s/ fro! - fe# se>onds /o hours. Lis #or0 $ioneered
/he field of sin-l /r-nsdu>/ion. BL.S.S.C
8andel5 "ric 4ichard ??9
Prize: Kedi>ine -nd Physioloy, 2000. Born: No8e!ber &, 1929; Sienn-, +us/ri-.
Parents: No re>ord found. Nationality: +us/ri-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion:
Pe#ish. Education: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, A.+., 19%2; Ne# 3or0 Ini8., K.D., 19%(.
Spouse: K-rried, 19%(, no fur/her re>ord found. Children: 2 >hildren. Career:
Kon/efiore Los$i/-l, N3, ?n/ern, 19%(:%&; N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/es of Le-l/h, KD,
2ese-r>her, 19%&:(0; L-r8-rd Kedi>-l S>hool, K+, 2esiden/ -nd S/-ff Psy>hi-/ris/,
19(0:(%; Ne# 3or0 Ini8., N3, Professor, 19(%:&); 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor,
19&)-. Other Awards: Lenry L. Koses 2ese-r>h +#-rd, 19%9; Lofhei!er Prize, 19&&;
Lu>y ". Koses Prize, 19&&; Solo!on +. Aerson Kedi>-l +lu!ni +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd,
19&9; L-shley Prize, 19*1; Di>0son Prize, 19*2; L-s0er +#-rd, 19*'; 2osens/iel +#-rd,
19*); Lo#-rd 6rosby W-rren Ked-l, 19*); +!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion of Kedi>-l 6ollees
+#-rd, 19*%; "-irdner 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*&; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19**; "old
Ked-l for S>ien/ifi> Keri/, 19**; Dis/inuished Ser8i>e +#-rd of /he +!eri>-n
Psy>hi-/ri> +sso>i-/ion, 19*9; +!eri>-n 6ollee of Physi>i-ns +#-rd in A-si> S>ien>e,
19*9; Aris/ol-Kyers-SGuibb +#-rd, 1991; W-rren Trienni-l Prize, 1992; Pe-n-Louis
Sinore/ Prize, 1992; L-r8ey Prize, 199'; 1.O. S>h!i// Ked-l, 199'; K-yor9s +#-rd for
5@>ellen>e in S>ien>e -nd Te>hnoloy, Ne# 3or0 6i/y, 199); S/e8ens Trienni-l Prize,
199%; Ne# 3or0 +>-de!y of Kedi>ine +#-rd, 199(; "er-rd Prize, 199&; 6h-rles +.
D-n- +#-rd, 199&; Wolf Prize, 1999.
Selected Publications: 8ehavioral 8iology of Aplysia. S-n 1r-n>is>oH W.L. 1ree!-n,
19&9. #emory> =rom #ind to #olecules. Ne# 3or0H S>ien/ifi> +!eri>-n Libr-ry, 1999
B#i/h L.2. SGuireC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: -ancet '%( BO>/ober &, 2000CH 12%0. 'e0 1or2 Times
BO>/ober 10, 2000CH +22.
Co$$entary: 5ri> N-ndel sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his dis>o8eries of ho# \/he
effi>ien>y of syn-$ses >-n be !odified, -nd #hi>h !ole>ul-r !e>h-nis!s /h-/ /-0e
$-r/.Z Isin /he se- slu -s his !odel, N-ndel #-s -ble /o de!ons/r-/e /h-/ \shor/ /er!
!e!ory, -s #ell -s lon /er! !e!ory in /he se- slu is lo>-/ed -/ /he syn-$se.Z
N-ndel9s rese-r>h in>re-ses /he $ossibili/ies of ne# drus bein de8elo$ed /o /re-/
differen/ /y$es of de!en/i- -nd i!$ro8e !e!ory fun>/ion. BL.S.S.C
P-e 1(&
(!nant5 <ean 1enri ?@0
Prize: Pe->e, 1901. Born: K-y *, 1*2*; "ene8-, S#i/zerl-nd. Death: O>/ober '0, 1910;
Leiden, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pe-n P->Gues Dun-n/; Ko/her, +nne +n/oine//e
6oll-don Dun-n/. Nationality: S#iss. Religion: +n/i->hur>h; fro! 6-l8inis/
b->0round. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: None. Children: None. Career:
6olonies Suisses de Se/if, Presiden/, 1*%':%*; So>i_/_ +nony!e des Koulins de Kons-
DMe!il-, Presiden/, 1*%*:(0; So>i_/_ de l9O!niu! +lerien Des/ine - 1-8oriser le
De8elo$$e!en/ de l9?ndus/rie, du 6o!!er>e e/ de l9+ri>ul/ure en +lerie, Presiden/,
1*(0:((; 6o!$-nie +lerienne, Presiden/, 1*((:(&. Other Awards: Order of S-in/
K-uri>e -nd S-in/ L-z-rus, ?/-ly, 1*(0; 6he8-lier of /he Leion of Lonor, 1r-n>e, 1*(%;
Aine/-1end/ Prize, S#i/zerl-nd, 1*9&; Order of /he 6ro#n, Prussi-, 1*9&; Order of
6hris/, Por/u-l, 1*9&; S/u//-r/ Ked-l, "er!-ny, 190*.
Selected Publications: -)$mpire de .harlemagne BDtabli ou le (aint@$mpire Bomain
BeconstituD par 'apoleon <<<. "ene8-H 1i>0, 1*%9. #emorandum au (uIet de la (ociDtD
=inanciere et <ndustrielle des #oulins de #ons@&IDmila en AlgDrie. P-risH n.$., 1*%9.
:n (ouvenir de (olferino. "ene8-H 1i>0, 1*(2 BA #emory of (olferino. Tr. by D.L.
Wrih/. LondonH 6-ssell, 19)&C. roIect de (ociDtD <nternationale pour la Benovation
de l)Orient. P-risH n.$., 1*((. 8ibliothD4ue <nternationale :niverselle. P-risH n.$., 1*(&.
-es risonniers de 5uerre. "ene8-H ?!$ro8. L. P-rrys, 191% B#i/h re$rodu>/ion of
oriin-l 1*(& edi/ionC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Dur-nd, 2. /enry &unant und die Ostsch0er*. "ene8-H
S#i/. So>ie/e Lenry Dun-n/, 1992. "u!$er/, K-r/in. &unant> The (tory of the Bed
.ross. Ne# 3or0H Alue 2ibbon Aoo0s, 19)2. L-r/, 5llen. #an 8orn to -ive. -ife and
%or2 of /enry &unant. LondonH Si>/or "oll-n>z, 19%'. #emoires. 5d. by Aern-rd
"-nebin. "ene8-H n.$., 19&0.
Co$$entary: Lenri Dun-n/ sh-red /he firs/ Pe->e Prize for his #or0 in or-nizin /he
"ene8- 6on8en/ions of 1*(' -nd 1*() -nd /he ?n/ern-/ion-l 2ed 6ross, #hi>h /hose
>on8en/ions $rodu>ed. Lis !e!oir of /he A-//le of Solferino in 1*%9 s/irred 5uro$e -s
/he e@$erien>e h-d s/irred hi!. Dun-n/ found hi!self /r-nsfor!ed by /he horrors of #-r
-s he $erson-lly !inis/ered /o hundreds of /he #ounded in /he 6hies- K-iore, -
>hur>h o8erloo0in /he Lo!b-rd Pl-in, #hi>h #-s /he si/e of /he b-//le. Lis -nuished
$le- for neu/r-liz-/ion of /he #ounded -nd !edi>-l >-re for friend -nd foe -li0e for!ed
/he ne@us for /he 6on8en/ions -nd for "ene8-9s ?n/ern-/ion-l 6o!!i//ee of 1i8e, #hi>h
"us/-8e Koynier he-ded -nd Dun-n/ ser8ed -s se>re/-ry. Thouh b-sed on his 2ed
6ross effor/s, Dun-n/9s $rize >ould h-8e resul/ed fro! his lon/i!e de8o/ion /o
in/ern-/ion-l effor/s -/ hu!-n -!elior-/ion, in>ludin /he es/-blish!en/ of - 3K6+, /he
fih/ /o es/-blish - Pe#ish ho!el-nd in P-les/ine, -nd >h-!$ionin of /he ide-s of
in/ern-/ion-l -rbi/r-/ion, dis-r!-!en/, - #orld >our/, - uni8ers-l libr-ry, -boli/ion of
sl-8ery, -nd hu!-ne /re-/!en/ for $risoners of #-r. B2.".C
Pass$5 rederic ?@1
Prize: Pe->e, 1901. Born: K-y 20, 1*22; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death: Pune 12, 1912; Neuilly-
sur-Seine, 1r-n>e. Parents: No re>ord found. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: Pro/es/-n/;
fro! 6-/holi> b->0round. Education: Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, l-# deree, 1*)(.
Spouse: K-rried, no re>ord found. Children: P-ul 5dou-rd, son; o/hers, no re>ord
found. Career: 1ren>h o8ern!en/-l $osi/ions, 1*)&:)9, 1**1:*9; Wri/er -nd Le>/urer
on 5>ono!i>s.
Selected Publications: #elanges $conomi4ues. P-risH "uill-u!in, 1*%&. /istoire du
Travail. P-risH L. Aell-ire, 1*&'. \The +d8-n>e of /he Pe->e Ko8e!en/ /hrouhou/ /he
World.Z American #onthly Bevie0 of Bevie0s 1& B1ebru-ry 1*9*CH 1*':**. our la
aix> 'otes et &ocuments. P-risH 6h-r$en/ier, 1909.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical &ictionary of #odern eace -eaders.
Wes/$or/, 6TH "reen#ood, 19*%, &'0:'2. P-ssy, P-ul. :n Apotre de la aix> -a 6ide
=redric assy. P-risH n.$., 192&.
Co$$entary: 1rederi> P-ssy #on /he Nobel Prize for his effor/s o8er %0 ye-rs in /he
$e->e !o8e!en/, for #hi>h he be>-!e 0no#n -s /he -$os/le of $e->e. Le #-s
ins/ru!en/-l in for!in n-/ion-l -nd in/ern-/ion-l le-ues /o fur/her /he >-use of $e->e.
?n his leisl-/i8e effor/s in 1r-n>e, he #-s -n -d8o>-/e of l-bor, dis-r!-!en/ -rbi/r-/ion,
-nd free /r-de, -nd -n o$$onen/ of >oloni-lis!. P-ssy #-s -lso -n ->0no#leded s>hol-r
of e>ono!i>s. B2.".C
(!co22!n5 "lie ?@2
Prize: Pe->e, 1902. Born: 1ebru-ry 19, 1*''; "ene8-, S#i/zerl-nd. Death: De>e!ber
&, 190(; Aerne, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pules Du>o!!un; Ko/her, O>/-8ie K-//ey
Du>o!!un. Nationality: S#iss. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: No
>ollee derees. Spouse: +dele Du>o!!un, !-rried 1*%&. Children: No re>ord found.
Career: "ene8- Publi> S>hools, S#i/zerl-nd, Te->her, 1*%%:%&; Pourn-lis/ -nd Wri/er,
1*%&:190(; $oli/i>-l $os/s, 1*%%:&%; Pur--Aern-Lu>ern 2-ilro-d, S#i/zerl-nd,
Se>re/-ry-"ener-l, 1*&%:190'.
Selected Publications: recis /istori4ue du #ouvement en =aveur de la aix. Aerne,
S#i/zerl-ndH 1*99. \The Per!-nen/ ?n/ern-/ion-l Aure-u of Pe->e.Z The <ndependent %%
BK-r>h 19, 190'CH ((0:(1. &erniers (ourires> oesies recedees d)une 'otice
8iographi4ue. Aerne, S#i/zerl-ndH 190*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical &ictionary of #odern eace -eaders.
Wes/$or/, 6TH "reen#ood Press,
P-e 1(*
19*%, 22*:29. &ictionnaire /istori4ue et 8iographi4ue de la (uisse. Neu>h-/el,
S#i/zerl-ndH +d!inis/r-/ion du Di>/ionn-ire Lis/oriGue e/ Aior-$hiGue de l- Suisse,
1921:''. The <ndependent %% BK-r>h %, 190'CH %%):%&.
Co$$entary: 5lie Du>o!!un re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 -s \/he un/irin
-nd s0illful dire>/or of /he Aerne Pe->e Aure-u -nd /herefore he-d of /he uni/ed #or0 of
-ll /he $e->e so>ie/ies of /he #orld.Z +l/houh - res$e>/ed Mourn-lis/, business$erson,
-nd $oe/, !u>h of his enery -nd /i!e #-s de8o/ed /o /he >-use of $e->e. Le -//ended
!-ny of /he !ee/ins #hi>h #ere >-lled on /he /o$i> -nd edi/ed se8er-l Mourn-ls de8o/ed
/o $e->e. Du>o!!un -lso #-s -n i!$or/-n/ $oli/i>-l fiure in S#i/zerl-nd. BA.S.S.C
6obat5 %harles 0lbert ?@3
Prize: Pe->e, 1902. Born: K-y 21, 1*)'; Tr-!el-n, S#i/zerl-nd. Death: K-r>h 1(,
191); Aerne, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: No re>ord found. Nationality: S#iss. Religion:
Pro/es/-n/. Education: Leidelber Ini8., "er!-ny, Do>/or of L-#, 1*(&. Spouse:
None. Children: None. Career: Aerne, S#i/zerl-nd, +//orney, 1*(&:*2; Aerne Ini8.,
S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 1**2:1912.
Selected Publications: -a Bepubli4ue de 8erne et la =rance endant les 5uerres de
Beligion d)apres des &ocuments <nedits. P-risH "ed-le, 1*91. /istoire de la (uisse
Bacontee au euple. Neu>h-/el, S#i/zerl-ndH 1. J-hn, 1*99. -e .auchemar de l)$urope.
P-risH Le Soudier, 1911.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: -ondon Times BK-r>h 1&, 191)CH 10>. 'e0 1or2 Times
BK-r>h 1&, 191)CH 11l.
Co$$entary: L-#yer -nd s/-/es!-n 6h-rles "ob-/ sh-red /he Nobel for \his ener-l
effor/s for Pe->e, -nd his #or0 -s Presiden/ of /he four/h >onferen>e of /he
?n/er$-rli-!en/-ri-n Inion -/ Aerne in 1*92.99 +f/er #innin /he Nobel, "ob-/9s role in
/he s/rule for $e->e be>-!e e8en re-/er. ?n 190), he >-!e /o +!eri>- /o le-d /he
?n/er-P-rli-!en/-ry 6onferen>e in S/. Louis, KO. + fir! belie8er in -rbi/r-/ion, he
>-lled on /he Ini/ed S/-/es /o in/er8ene in /he 2usso-P-$-nese W-r. +s $residen/ of /he
Aerne ?n/ern-/ion-l Pe->e Aure-u fro! 190( -nd -d!inis/r-/i8e he-d of /he
?n/er$-rli-!en/-ry Inion fro! 1*92, he #-s si!ul/-neously dire>/or of /he /#o l-res/
$e->e or-niz-/ions in /he #orld. "ob-/ died \#i/h his boo/s onZ #hile -ddressin -
!ee/in of /he ?n/ern-/ion-l Pe->e Aure-u. BN.N.K.C
%re2er5 Willia2 4andal5 -ir ?@?
Prize: Pe->e, 190'. Born: K-r>h 1*, 1*2*; 1-reh-!, Wil/shire, 5nl-nd. Death: Puly
22, 190*; London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, "eore 6re!er; Ko/her, L-rrie/ Tu//e
6re!er. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Ke/hodis/. Education: No >ollee derees.
Spouse: 6h-rlo//e Wilson, !-rried 1*(0, died 1*&(; Lu>y 6oo!bes, !-rried 1*&&.
Children: None. Career: 5nl-nd, 6-r$en/er -nd Tr-de Inion Or-nizer,Wor0er, 1*)':
*%; Ari/ish P-rli-!en/ Ke!ber, 1**%:190*. Other Awards: 6ross of /he Leion of
Lonor, 5nl-nd, 1*90; 6o!!-nder of /he Nor#ei-n Order of S-in/ Ol-8, 190);
Nnih/hood, 190&.
Selected Publications: The Arbitrator, Pourn-l of /he ?n/ern-/ion-l +rbi/r-/ion Le-ue,
5di/or -nd 6on/ribu/or, 1**9:190*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of 'ational 8iography> T0entieth .entury
(upplement, 1901+1911. LondonH O@ford Ini8. Press, 1912, ))1:)2. 58-ns, Lo#-rd.
(ir Bandal .remer> /is -ife and %or2s. LondonH T. 1isher In#in, 1909.
Co$$entary: Willi-! 6re!er e-rned /he Nobel Prize for his in/ensi8e #or0 in /he
$e->e !o8e!en/ -nd his belief in in/ern-/ion-l -rbi/r-/ion in ->hie8in #orld $e->e. Lis
ini/i-l effor/s, in 1**&, led /o /he dr-f/in of - /re-/y of in/ern-/ion-l -rbi/r-/ion -nd /o
/he for!-/ion of /he ?n/er$-rli-!en/-ry Inion for ?n/ern-/ion-l 6our/s of +rbi/r-/ions
-f/er /he /re-/y #-s no/ ->>e$/ed by Ari/-in -nd /he Ini/ed S/-/es in 1**9. Le h-d
es/-blished /he $re>ursor of /he ?n/er$-rli-!en/-ry Inion=/he Wor0!en9s Pe->e
+sso>i-/ion=in 1*&0. L-/er >-lled /he ?n/ern-/ion-l +rbi/r-/ion Le-ue, /his
or-niz-/ion B-nd 6re!erC for!ul-/ed /he $l-n for - hih >our/ of n-/ions, #hi>h
e8en/u-lly !-/eri-lized in /he L-ue Tribun-l. BD.P.C
.nstit!te of .nternational #a) D.nstit!t de (roit .nternationalE ?@@
Prize: Pe->e, 190). ounded: 1*&' in "en/, Aeliu!
Co$$entary: This re$resen/ed /he firs/ Nobel Prize i8en /o -n ins/i/u/ion -nd #-s
-#-rded for /he ?ns/i/u/e9s effor/s in es/-blishin /he l-# of n-/ions -s - \>olle>/i8e
s>ien/ifi> ->/ion,Z by - $er!-nen/ s>hol-rly ins/i/u/ion /h-/ -s$ired \/o ser8e -s p /he
le-l >ons>ien>e of /he >i8ilized #orld.Z B".N.W.C
>on -!ttner5 +ertha elicie -ophie 8insk$ ?@A
Prize: Pe->e, 190%. Born: Pune 9, 1*)'; Pr-ue, +us/ri-. Death: Pune 21, 191); Sienn-,
+us/ri-. Parents: 1-/her, 6oun/ 1r-nz Pose$h Nins0y; Ko/her, So$hie Wilhel!ine
NUrner Nins0y. Nationality: +us/ri-n. Religion: +reliious; fro! 6-/holi> b->0round.
Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: +r/hur "und->>-r 8on Su//ner, !-rried 1*&(.
Children: None. Career: &ie %affen nieder, 5di/or, 1*92:99.
Selected Publications: &ie %affen nieder. Dresden, "er!-nyH 5. Pierson, 1**9 B-ay
&o0n 1our Arms> The Autobiography of #artha von Tilling. Tr. by T. Lol!es. Ne#
3or0H "-rl-nd Publishin, 19&2C. #emoiren von 8ertha von (uttner. S/u//-r/, "er!-nyH
Deu/s>he Serl-s-+ns/-l/, 1909 B#emoirs of 8ertha von (uttner> Becords of an $ventful
-ife. Ne# 3or0H "-rl-nd Publishin, 19&2C. &er Jampf um die 6ermeidung des
%elt2rieges> Bandglossen aus *0ei 7ahr*ehnten *u den $reignissen vor der Jatastrophe
F1;9,+1900 und 190A+191GH. JRri>hH Orell 1ussli, 191&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Ne!$f, Ae-/ri@. %oman for eace> The -ife of 8ertha von
(uttner. P-r0 2ide, NPH Noyes Press, 19&'. Lenyel, 5!il. And All /er aths %ere
eace> The -ife of 8ertha von (uttner. N-sh8ille, TNH T. Nelson, 19&%. O$fell, Ol- S.
The -ady -aureates. Ke/u>hen, NPH S>-re>ro# Press, 19&*, 1:1&. L-!-nn, A. 8ertha
von (uttner. Kuni>hH "er Pyser, 1991.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Pe->e Prize #-s -#-rded /o Aer/h- 8on Su//ner \for her
sin>ere $e->e ->/i8i/ies.Z Ler e!eren>e on /he in/ern-/ion-l s>ene be-n #i/h
$ubli>-/ion of -ay &o0n 1our Arms, #hi>h e@$osed /he >ruel re-li/ies of
P-e 1(9
#-r, r-/her /h-n i/s lory, herois!, -nd $-/rio/is!. Throuhou/ her life, she $o$ul-rized
/he Gues/ for $e->e /hrouh her #ri/ins=no8els, >orres$onden>e, ne#s$-$er -r/i>les
Bshe #-s one of /he firs/ fe!-le $oli/i>-l Mourn-lis/sC; /hrouh /he $->ifis/ Mourn-l she
edi/ed; /hrouh her ->/i8i/ies in $e->e so>ie/ies -nd -/ in/ern-/ion-l >onferen>es; -nd
/hrouh le>/urin in 5uro$e -nd /he Ini/ed S/-/es. BK.+.S.6.C
4oose>elt5 Theodore ?@B
Prize: Pe->e, 190(. Born: O>/ober 2&, 1*%*; Ne# 3or0, N3. Death: P-nu-ry (, 1919;
Oys/er A-y, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Theodore 2oose8el/; Ko/her, K-r/h- Aullo>h
2oose8el/. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Presby/eri-n. Education: L-r8-rd Ini8.,
K+, +.A., 1**0. Spouse: +li>e L-/h-#-y Lee, !-rried O>/ober 2&, 1**0, died 1ebru-ry
1), 1**); 5di/h Ner!i/ 6-ro#, !-rried De>e!ber 2, 1**(. Children: +li>e Lee,
d-uh/er; Theodore, son; Ner!i/, son; 5/hel 6-ro#, d-uh/er; +r>hib-ld Aullo>h, son;
Quen/in, son. Career: Ne# 3or0 +sse!bly, Ke!ber, 1**2:*); I.S. 6i8il Ser8i>e
6o!!ission, 1**9:9%; Ne# 3or0 6i/y, Poli>e 6o!!issioner, 1*9%; De$-r/!en/ of /he
N-8y, +ssis/-n/ Se>re/-ry, 1*9&:9*; I.S. +r!y, 1*9*; S/-/e of Ne# 3or0, "o8ernor,
1*99:1901; I.S. Presiden/, 1901:09.
Selected Publications: The 'aval %ar of 1;1,. Ne# 3or0H ".P. Pu/n-! -nd Sons, 1**2.
/unting Trips of a Banchman. I$$er S-ddle 2i8er, NPH Li/er-/ure Louse "re Press,
1**%. The %inning of the %est 1A69+1;0A. ) 8olu!es. Ne# 3or0H ".P. Pu/n-! -nd
Sons, 1**9:9(. Oliver .rom0ell Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s Sons, 1901. /istory as
-iterature, and Other $ssays. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s Sons, 191'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aisho$, Pose$h Au>0lin. Theodore Boosevelt and /is Time
(ho0n in /is O0n -etters. 2 8olu!es. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 1920. &ictionary of
American 8iography. 19'% ed. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s BSolu!e 1(C, 1'%:)). Korris,
5d!und. The Bise of Theodore Boosevelt. Ne# 3or0H 6o#-rd, K>6-nn -nd "eohe-n,
19&9. 2oose8el/, Theodore. Theodore Boosevelt> An Autobiography. Ne# 3or0H
S>ribner9s, 191'.
Co$$entary: Theodore 2oose8el/9s !edi-/ion of /he 2usso-P-$-nese W-r -/ - $e->e
>onferen>e in Por/s!ou/h, Ne# L-!$shire, -nd his in/er8en/ion in /he dis$u/e be/#een
Ari/-in, "er!-ny, -nd 1r-n>e >on>ernin /he roles /o be $l-yed in Koro>>o #on hi! /he
Nobel Pe->e Prize. Le #-s /he firs/ +!eri>-n -nd /he firs/ he-d of s/-/e /o #in /he $rize.
Au/ his >on/ribu/ions /o +!eri>- -nd /he #orld nei/her be-n nor ended #i/h /hose
e8en/s. Le is no/ed -s - $roressi8e $residen/ #ho -//e!$/ed /o >on/rol /rus/s, /o
>onser8e n-/ur-l resour>es, /o $ro/e>/ l-bor, -nd /o $ro8ide - \sGu-re de-lZ for -ll. Lis
forein $oli>ies led !os/ i!$or/-n/ly /o /he se>urin of /he P-n-!- 6-n-l Jone -nd
buildin of /he 6-n-l, -nd /o /he e@$-nsion of /he Konroe Do>/rine by s/-/e!en/ of /he
2oose8el/ 6oroll-ry. BS.W.C
,oneta5 "rnesto Teodoro ?@C
Prize: Pe->e, 190&. Born: Se$/e!ber 20, 1*''; Kil-n, ?/-ly. Death: 1ebru-ry 10, 191*;
Kil-n, ?/-ly. Parents: 1-/her, 6-rlo +urelio Kone/-; Ko/her, "iuse$$in- Kuzio Kone/-.
Nationality: ?/-li-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: 5rsili-
6-lio, !-rried 1*&). Children: 2 sons. Career: ?/-ly, Tr-8eler, Soldier, Poli/i>-l
+>/i8is/, 1*)*:((; <l (ecolo, 5di/or, 1*((:9*; -a 6ita <nterna*ionale, Publisher, 1*9*:
Selected Publications: atria i :manita. Kil-nH Sonzono, 1*99. -e 5uerre, le
<nsurre*ioni e la ace nel (ecolo &ecimonono. ) 8olu!es. Kil-nH So>ie/e Ti$. 5di/ri>e
Po$ol-re, 190':10. -a 'ostra ace. Kil-nH Aellini, 1909.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6o!bi, K-ri-. $rnesto Teodoro #oneta> remio 'obel per
la ace. Kil-nH Kursi-, 19(*. Pin-rdi, "iuse$$e. -a .arriere d)un acifiste> $.T.
#oneta. Le L-8re, 1r-n>eH L9Ini8ersel, 190).
Co$$entary: 5rnes/o Kone/-, - \!ili/-n/ $->ifis/,Z #on /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 in
foundin /he Lo!b-rd Pe->e Inion in 1**&, his $e->e >onferen>es in ?/-ly, -nd his role
in $residin o8er /he ?n/ern-/ion-l Pe->e 6onress in Kil-n in 190(. + rued ?/-li-n
soldier in >-!$-ins be/#een 1*)* -nd 1*((, Kone/- -d8o>-/ed fih/in for freedo! in
?/-ly #hile #or0in >on/inuously for $e->e. Le #-s -lso #ell 0no#n for re!-r0-ble
Mourn-lis/i> s0ill in - 8-rie/y of $ublishin 8en/ures. BS.K.C
4ena!lt5 #o!is ?@9
Prize: Pe->e, 190&. Born: K-y 21, 1*)'; +u/un, S-ne-e/Loire, 1r-n>e. Death:
1ebru-ry *, 191*; A-rbizon, 1r-n>e. Parents: No re>ord found. Nationality: 1ren>h.
Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of DiMon, 1r-n>e,
b->helor9s deree, 1*(1; Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, do>/or-/e in l-#, 1*(*. Spouse: Pulie//e
Thi-ff-i/, !-rried 1ebru-ry 22, 1*&'. Children: ) d-uh/ers B2 sur8i8ed, "er!-ine -nd
K-rieC; 1 son. Career: Ini8. of DiMon, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1*(*:&'; Ini8. of P-ris,
1r-n>e, Professor, 1*&':191*.
Selected Publications: rDcis de &roit .ommercial. 2 8olu!es. P-risH 1. Pin>hon, 1**):
*%. #anuel de &roit .ommercial. P-risH 1. Pin>hon, 1**&. TraitD de &roit .ommercial.
* 8olu!es. P-risH 1. Pin>hon, 1**9:99.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: $ncyclopedia of the (ocial (ciences. Ne# 3or0H
K->!ill-n, 19'& BSolu!e 1'C, 2*&:**. 1-u>hille, P-ul. -ouis Benault. P-risH +. Pedone,
191*. S>o//, P-!es. \?n Ke!ori-!H Louis 2en-ul/.99 ?n American 7ournal of
<nternational -a0 12 BPuly 191*C, (0(:10.
Co$$entary: Louis 2en-ul/, 1ren>h Muris/, s>hol-r, di$lo!-/, -nd Mude, #on /he Nobel
Prize for his effor/s -s \$rin>i$-l #or0erZ -/ /he L-ue Pe->e 6onferen>es in 1*99 -nd
190&. +l/houh /he >onferen>es did no/ su>>eed in li!i/in -r!-!en/s, /hey did
es/-blish /he L-ue Per!-nen/ 6our/ of +rbi/r-/ion, #hi>h $ro8ided -n -8enue for
$e->eful resolu/ion of dis$u/es be/#een >oun/ries. 2en-ul/ is -lso >onsidered /o be /he
founder of in/ern-/ion-l l-# -s - le-l s>ien>e in 1r-n>e. BK.P.L.C
0rnoldson5 8las Pont!s ?A0
Prize: Pe->e, 190*. Born: O>/ober 2&, 1*)); "o/ebor, S#eden. Death: 1ebru-ry 20,
191(; S/o>0hol!, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, Ol-f +ndersson +rnoldson; Ko/her, ?n-
L-bo! 8on Se/h +rnoldson. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/; #i/h
Ini/-ri-n 8ie#s. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: 58- Aernh-rdin- W-hlren,
!-rried K-y 1%, 1*(9, dissol8ed +$ril &, 190'; 5di/ Si0/ori-
P-e 1&0
Alo!s0old, !-rried K-y ), 190'. Children: No re>ord found. Career: 2-ilro-d Wor0er,
1*(0:*1; S#edish P-rli-!en/, 1**2:*&; Poli/i>-l +>/i8is/, Wri/er, -nd Pe->e Wor0er,
Selected Publications: Ar 6arldsfred #aIlig. S/o>0hol!H 1roleen, 1*90 Bax #undi.
LondonH S#-n Sonnens>hein, 1*90C. Beligionen i =ors2ningens -Ius BBeligion in the
-ight of BesearchC. Sunds8-ll, S#edenH 1orl-sforeninen 1ri- Orde/, 1*91. (e2lernas
/opp B/ope of the .enturiesC. S/o>0hol!H Wilhel!sson, 1901. #aria #agdalena.
S/o>0hol!H Aohlin, 190'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: S8enson, +@el. $n -ifsgerning for =reden> 'agra
$rinrande Ord a J.. Arnoldson (ixtioarsdag den ,A O2tober 190G. S/o>0hol!H n.$.,
190). (venst 8iografis2t -exi2on. S/o>0hol!H +lber/ Aonniers 1orl-, 1920 BSolu!e 2C,
Co$$entary: Nl-s +rnoldson #-s r-n/ed /he Nobel Prize for '% ye-rs of #or0in for
$e->e. Lis ou/s/-ndin >on/ribu/ions in /his re-rd, in -ddi/ion /o his influen/i-l #ri/ins,
#ere /he foundin of /he S#edish So>ie/y of +rbi/r-/ion -nd Pe->e, /he ->>o!$lish!en/
of - $e->eful se$-r-/ion of Nor#-y -nd S#eden, -nd /he #illinness of S#eden /o
>onsider $er!-nen/ neu/r-li/y. +rnoldson #-s -lso - $o#erful !e!ber of /he S#edish
P-rli-!en/ for !-ny ye-rs. BA.S.S.C
+aKer5 redrik ?A1
Prize: Pe->e, 190*. Born: +$ril 21, 1*'&; Ses/er 5ede, Den!-r0. Death: P-nu-ry 22,
1922; 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0. Parents: 1-/her, +lfred A-yer; Ko/her, 6e>ilie Luise
6rone A-yer. Nationality: D-nish. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: No >ollee derees.
Spouse: P-uline K-/ilde S>hlu/er, !-rried O>/ober *, 1*(&. Children: No re>ord found.
Career: D-nish +r!y, 1*%(:(%; Wri/er -nd Te->her, 1*(%:&2; Poli/i>i-n -nd Wri/er,
Selected Publications: 'ordis2e 'eutralitetsforbund. 6o$enh-enH S/uden/ers-!fund
1orl-, 1**%. Tactics for the =riends of eace. Tr. by P.L. Pe>0o8er. Wisbe>h, 5nl-ndH
Poyser, 1*91. <dDen til 'ordens, (aerlig &anmar2s, 6edvarende 'eutralitet.
6o$enh-enH 1900. A (erious &rama of #odern /istory> /o0 &anish (lesvig %as -ost.
Tr. by P.L. Pe>0o8er. LondonH Pe->e So>ie/y, 190&. 'ordens, (aerlig &enmar2s,
'eutralitet under Jrim2rigen. 6o$enh-enH S>hul/z, 191).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ans2 8iografis2 -e2si2on. 6o$enh-enH P.L. S>hul/z
1orl-, 19'' BSolu!e ??C, '):'9. S>hou, +uus/. /istoire de l)<nternationalisme <<<> &u
.ongres de 6ienne 7us4u)a la remiere 5uerre #ondiale. OsloH +s>hehou, 19('.
Co$$entary: 1redri0 A-Mer9s $oli/i>-l -nd #ri/in ->/i8i/ies in su$$or/ of $e->e #on
hi! /he Nobel Prize. +n ->>o!$lished !ili/-ry fiure in his e-rly ye-rs, A-Mer be>-!e
-n ou/s/-ndin s$o0es$erson for -rbi/r-/ion -nd $e->e l-/er. Le #-s -lso -n ou/s/-ndin
fiure in D-nish edu>-/ion, - le-din s$o0es$erson for #o!en9s eGu-li/y, -nd - fer8en/
$ro!o/er of S>-ndin-8i-n uni/y. BA.S.S.C
+eernaert5 0!&!ste ,arie ranFois ?A2
Prize: Pe->e, 1909. Born: Puly 2(, 1*29; Os/end, Aeliu!. Death: O>/ober (, 1912;
Lu>erne, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Aern-rd Aeern-er/; Ko/her, 5u$hrosine-Pose$h-
2oyon Aeern-er/. Nationality: Aeli-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of
Lou8-in, Aeliu!, Do>/or of L-#, 1*%1. Spouse: K-/hilde-Wilhel!ine-K-rie Aorel,
!-rried +uus/ (, 1*&0. Children: None. Career: Arussels, Aeliu!, +//orney, 1*%':
&'; Aeli-n -nd in/ern-/ion-l $oli/i>s, 1*&':190&.
Selected Publications: &e l)ltat de l)$nseignement du &roit en =rance et en
Allemagne> Bapport AdressD #. le #inistre de l)<ntDrieur. ArusselsH Lesine, 1*%).
&iscours rononcD l)Occasion de l)<nauguration des ?uais d)Anvers, le ,6 7uillet
1;;". P-risH 6h-i@, 1**%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6-r/on de Wi-r/, Lenri. 8eernaert et (on Temps. ArusselsH
L- 2en-iss-n>e du Li8re, 19)%. 6-r/on de Wi-r/, Lenri. \No/i>e sur +uus/e Aeern-er/,Z
Annuaire de l)AcadDmic Boyale de 8elgi4ue 10% B19'9CH 29':'(). 'otices>
8iographi4ues S 8ibliographi4ues. ArusselsH L-yez, ?!$ri!eur de L9+>-de!ie 2oy-le
de AeliGue, 1909, '1%:2%.
Co$$entary: +uus/e Aeern-er/ #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his un/irin effor/s
for $e->e in /he l-s/ /hird of his lon, ->/i8e life. Le #-s - $ro!inen/ !e!ber of -ll /he
$e->e >onferen>es fro! 1**9 un/il his de-/h in 1912, his #or0 #i/h /he Ke@i>-n
Gues/ion in 1902 -nd ene!y $ro$er/y in8iol-bili/y in 190& bein es$e>i-lly no/e#or/hy.
5-rly in his >-reer he #-s -lso ins/ru!en/-l in in/rodu>in ener-l suffr-e -nd effi>ien/
ele>/ions in Aeliu! -nd in /he es/-blish!en/ of /he Aeli-n 6ono. BL.S.C
d"sto!rnelles5 Pa!l 1enri +enKa2in +alle!t de %onstant5 +aron ?A3
Prize: Pe->e, 1909. Born: No8e!ber 22, 1*%2; L- 1le>he, S-r/he, 1r-n>e. Death: K-y
1%, 192); Aorde-u@, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, L_on>e A-llue/ d95s/ournelles; Ko/her,
Louise de 6ons/-n/ d95s/ournelles. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education:
Ly>_e Louis le "r-nd, 1r-n>e, li>en>e in l-#, 1*&%. Spouse: D-isy Sed#i>0-A-r-n/,
!-rried 1**%. Children: 2 sons; ' d-uh/ers. Career: 1ren>h di$lo!-/i> >or$s -nd
$oli/i>-l es/-blish!en/, 1*&(:192). Other Awards: Offi>er of /he Leion of Lonor,
Selected Publications: -a Bapprechement =rancoallemand. P-risH Del-r-8e, 1909.
America and /er roblems. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 191%. -es Beparations> -es Buines
de =argniers et la &otation .arnegie. L- 1l`>he, S-r/he, 1r-n>eH L- 6on>ili-/ion
?n/ern-/ion-le, 1922.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical &ictionary of #odern eace -eaders.
Wes/$or/, 6TH "reen#ood Press, 19*%, 2(%:((. Wild, +dol$h. 8aron d)$stournelles de
.onstant F1;",+19,GH. L-!burH S/if/un 5uro$--Nolle, 19&'.
Co$$entary: 1ounder of /he +sso>i-/ion for ?n/ern-/ion-l 6on>ili-/ion in 190%, P-ul
d95s/ournelles re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for his ser8i>es /o /he >-use of in/ern-/ion-l
$e->e -nd ood#ill. Lis /-len/s in -rbi/r-/ion -!on n-/ions #ere no/-ble -nd #ere used
in -8oidin >onfron/-/ion be/#een 1r-n>e -nd Ari/-in in /he 1*9' Si-!,1ren>h Si-!
border dis$u/e -nd in nu!erous -rbi/r-/ions -nd,or /re-/ies in8ol8in 1r-n>e, Ari/-in,
-nd "er!-ny. d95s/ournelles founded /he 6on>ili-/ion ?n/ern-/ion-le -nd #or0ed #i/h
+ndre# 6-rneie /o#-rd $e->e. B6.A.A.C
P-e 1&1
Per2anent .nternational Peace +!rea! D+!rea! .nternational Per2anent de la Pai/E ?A?
Prize: Pe->e, 1910. ounded: 1*91 in Aern, S#i/zerl-nd
Co$$entary: Prior /o 191), /he Per!-nen/ ?n/ern-/ion-l Pe->e Aure-u #-s /he
he-dGu-r/ers of /he $o$ul-r $e->e !o8e!en/, i.e., i/ ser8ed -s \-n in/ern-/ion-l bure-u
of -rbi/r-/ion -nd dis-r!-!en/.Z Ne-rly #innin /he -#-rd e->h of /he firs/ 10 ye-rs of
/he $rize, /he Pe->e Aure-u9s /urn fin-lly >-!e in 1910 #hen /he >o!!i//ee de>l-red /he
sele>/ion \en/irely in /he s$iri/ of +lfred Nobel9s $l-n; he #-n/ed his !oney /o be used
/o su$$or/, ->>eler-/e, -nd $ro!o/e /he $e->e !o8e!en/.Z B".N.W.C
0sser5 Tobias ,ichael %arel ?A@
Prize: Pe->e, 1911. Born: +$ril 29, 1*'*; +!s/erd-!, Ne/herl-nds. Death: Puly 29,
191'; The L-ue, Ne/herl-nds. Parents: 1-/her, 6-rel D-niel +sser; Ko/her, 2ose//e
Lenry "odefroi-+sser. Nationality: Du/>h. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: +/heneu!,
Ne/herl-nds, Do>/or of L-#s, 1*(0. Spouse: Poh-nn- 5rnes/in- +sser, !-rried 1*().
Children: ' sons; 1 d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of +!s/erd-!, Ne/herl-nds, Professor,
1*(2:9'. Other Awards: 2e>i$ien/ of de>or-/ions fro! /he o8ern!en/s of Loll-nd,
+us/ri-, ?/-ly, -nd Aeliu!.
Selected Publications: (chets van /et 'ederlandsch /andelsrecht. L--rle!,
Ne/herl-ndsH 5r8en 1. Aohn, 1*&'. (chets van /et <nternational rivaatrecht. L--rle!,
Ne/herl-ndsH 5r8en 1. Aohn, 1**0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: The 7e0ish $ncyclopedia. Ne# 3or0H 1un0 -nd W-n-lls,
192% BSolu!e 2C, 229. \Tobi-s +sser.99 ?n 7aarboe2en der Jonin2ly2e A2ademie.
+!s/erd-!H ".". S-nder Pos/, 191).
Co$$entary: Tobi-s +sser #-s re>onized by /he 6o!!i//ee -s - \$r->/i>-l le-l
s/-/es!-nZ -nd \$ioneer in /he field of in/ern-/ion-l le-l rel-/ions.Z +n -u/hori/y on
in/ern-/ion-l l-#, he belie8ed /h-/ $e->e de$ended on - unifor!i/y in in/ern-/ion-l
$ri8-/e l-# #hi>h n-/ions >ould e!ul-/e in /heir n-/ion-l leisl-/ion. To /his end, he
$ersu-ded /he Du/>h o8ern!en/ /o >on8ene -nd $resided o8er four >onferen>es -/ The
L-ue on in/ern-/ion-l $ri8-/e l-# B1*9', 1*9), 1900, 190)C. Le #-s one of /he
founders of /he ?ns/i/u/e of ?n/ern-/ion-l L-# -nd /he 2e8ie# of ?n/ern-/ion-l L-# -nd
6o!$-r-/i8e Leisl-/ion. BD.S.C
ried5 0lfred 1er2ann ?AA
Prize: Pe->e, 1911. Born: No8e!ber 11, 1*(); Sienn-, +us/ri-. Death: K-y (, 1921;
Sienn-, +us/ri-. Parents: 1-/her, S-!uel 1ried; Ko/her, Aer/h- 5nel 1ried.
Nationality: +us/ri-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse:
"er/rud "n-denfeld, !-rried 1**9; K-r/h- Loll-nder Bno d-/e foundC; Therese Sol-nd/,
!-rried 190*. Children: No re>ord found. Career: +us/ri-, Aoo0de-ler -nd Publisher.
Selected Publications: /andbuch der =riedensbe0egung. Sienn-; Lei$zi, "er!-nyH
Oes/er8ei>his>he 1riendensesells>h-f/, 190%. &ie 5rundlogen des Bevolutionaeren
acifismus. TRbinen, "er!-nyH Kohr 2ei>henb->hs>he Au>hh-ndlun, 190*. &er
Jaiser und der %eltfrieden. AerlinH K-ri/i!-, Serl-ses, 1910. &er %eltprotest gegen
den 6ersailler =rieden. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH P. 2einhold, 1920.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: $ncyclopedia 7udaica. Perus-le!H K->!ill-n, 19&1
BSolu!e &C, 1&1. "olds>heid, 2. Alfred =ried. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH P. 2einhold, 1922.
Co$$entary: +lfred 1ried #-s re>onized by /he 6o!!i//ee -s $erh-$s \/he !os/
indus/rious li/er-ry $->ifis/ in /he $-s/ /#en/y ye-rs.Z Tr-ined -s - boo0seller, 1ried
belie8ed /h-/ /he e@is/in in/ern-/ion-l -n-r>hy #ould de>re-se -nd dis-$$e-r if
in/ern-/ion-l le-l -nd $oli/i>-l or-niz-/ions >ould be es/-blished. To /his end, he
founded /he "er!-n -nd +us/ri-n Pe->e So>ie/ies -nd edi/ed -nd $ublished se8er-l
$->ifis/ $eriodi>-ls in bo/h "er!-ny -nd +us/ri-. Le #or0ed >losely #i/h $->ifis/ Aer/h-
8on Su//ner BNobel Pe->e Prize #inner in 190%C. +>>used of hih /re-son in +us/ri- for
his $->ifis/ #or0, he e!ir-/ed /o S#i/zerl-nd /o #or0 #i/h $risoners of #-r. BD.S.C
4oot5 "lih! ?AB
Prize: Pe->e, 1912. Born: 1ebru-ry 1%, 1*)%; 6lin/on, N3. Death: 1ebru-ry &, 19'&;
Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Oren 2oo/; Ko/her, N-n>y Whi/ney Au//ri>0 2oo/.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: L-!il/on 6ollee, N3, +.A.,
1*(); Ne# 3or0 Ini8., l-# deree, 1*(&. Spouse: 6l-r- 1r-n>es W-les, !-rried P-nu-ry
1*&*. Children: 5di/h, d-uh/er; 5lihu, Pr., son; 5d#-rd W-les, son. Career: Ne# 3or0,
+//orney, 1*(&:99; Ini/ed S/-/es $oli/i>-l offi>es, 1*99:191%. Other Awards: 2oose8el/
Ked-l, 192); Woodro# Wilson 1ound-/ion Ked-l, 192(; 6i8i> 1oru! Ked-l, 192&;
5le-nor 8-n 2enssel-er 1-irf-@ Ked-l, 19'0.
Selected Publications: The .iti*en)s art in 5overnment. Ne# L-8en, 6TH 3-le Ini8.
Press, 190&. $xperiments in 5overnment and the $ssentials of the .onstitution.
Prin>e/on, NPH Prin>e/on Ini8. Press, 191'. Addresses on American 5overnment and
.iti*enship. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 191(. Addresses on <nternational
(ubIects. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 191(. #ilitary and .olonial olicy of
the :.(. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 191(. -atin America and the :.(.
6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 191&. #iscellaneous Addresses. 6-!bride, K+H
L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 191&. #en and olicies. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Pessu$, Phili$ 6. $lihu Boot. Ne# 3or0H Dodd, Ke-d -nd
6o., 19'*. Leo$old, 2i>h-rd W. $lihu Boot and the .onservative Tradition. Aos/onH
Li//le, Aro#n -nd 6o., 19%). The 'ational .yclopedia of American 8iography. Ne#
3or0H P.T. Whi/e -nd 6o., 19'& BSolu!e 2(C, 1:%.
Co$$entary: 5lihu 2oo/ #on /he Nobel Prize for - nu!ber of effor/s /h-/ #ere
-$$l-uded by /he +>-de!y, in>ludin his >h-!$ionin of /he T-f/ $ro$os-l for -n
un>ondi/ion-l -rbi/r-/ion /re-/y #i/h Ari/-in, his su$$or/ of no s$e>i-l $ri8ilees for
+!eri>-n shi$$in in /he P-n-!- 6-n-l, -nd his $residen>y of /he 6-rneie Pe->e
1ound-/ion. ?n -ddi/ion /o his $e->e effor/s, 2oo/ ser8ed his >oun/ry #ell
P-e 1&2
in !-ny ye-rs of $ubli> ser8i>e, #i/h no/-ble su>>esses in or-nizin IS in8ol8e!en/ in
6ub- -nd /he Phili$$ines -f/er /he S$-nish-+!eri>-n W-r, in $ro!o/in unders/-ndin
be/#een Sou/h +!eri>-n >oun/ries -nd be/#een /he >oun/ries of Sou/h -nd Nor/h
+!eri>-, -nd in de-lin #i/h P-$-n in /he dis$u/e o8er /he s/-/us of P-$-nese
i!!ir-n/s. BA.S.C
#a ontaine5 1enri ,arie ?AC
Prize: Pe->e, 191'. Born: +$ril 22, 1*%); Arussels, Aeliu!. Death: K-y 1), 19)';
Arussels, Aeliu!. Parents: 1-/her, +lfred L-1on/-ine; Ko/her, K-rie Phili$s
L-1on/-ine. Nationality: Aeli-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of Arussels,
Aeliu!, l-# do>/or-/e, 1*&&. Spouse: K-/hilde +uus/ine ?s-belle Lhoes/, !-rried
190'. Children: No re>ord found. Career: +//orney, 1*&&:9'; Ini8. of Arussels,
Aeliu!, Professor, -nd Aeli-n Sen-/or, 1*9):19)0.
Selected Publications: &es &roits et Obligations des $ntrepreneurs de Travaux ublics
'ationaux, rovinciaux, et .ommunaux. ArusselsH 1erdin-nd L-r>ier, 1**%. -a =emme
et le 8arreau. ArusselsH 1erdin-nd L-r>ier, 1901. /istoire (ommaire et .hronologi4ue
des Arbitrages <nternationaux F1A9G+1900H. ArusselsH Aure-u de l- 2e8ue de Droi/
?n/ern-/ion-l e/ de L_isl-/ion 6o!$-r_e, 1902. 8ibliographie de la aix et de
l)Arbitrage <nternational. ArusselsH ?ns/i/u/ ?n/ern-/ion-l de Aiblior-$hie, 190). The
5reat (olution> #agnissima .harta. Aos/onH World Pe->e 1ound-/ion, 191(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical &ictionary of #odern eace -eaders.
Wes/$or/, 6TH "reen#ood Press, 19*%, %'*:'9. 8iographie 'ationale. ArusselsH
Aruyl-n/, 19&':&) BSolu!e '*CH >ols. 21':21.
Co$$entary: 1or his effor/s -/ es/-blishin -nd fur/herin /he $rin>i$les of in/ern-/ion-l
>oo$er-/ion -nd unders/-ndin -!on /he $eo$les of /he #orld, Lenri L- 1on/-ine #-s
-#-rded /he Nobel Prize. Lis e-rly su$$or/ of /he ide- of - #orld biblior-$hy -nd -
uni8ers-l inde@ /o infor!-/ion, in order /o brin -bou/ unders/-ndin -!on /he n-/ions,
led /o his lifelon de8o/ion /o /he $rin>i$le of brinin freedo! /o /he #hole #orld. The
o-l, he fel/, #ould be ->hie8ed by \/he re-/ solu/ion,Z - \!-nissi!- >h-r/-Z #hi>h
#ould >re-/e - \Ini/ed S/-/es of /he World.Z B1.L.T.C
.nternational %o22ittee of the 4ed %ross D%o2itH .nternational de la %roi/'4o!&eE ?A9
Prize: Pe->e, 191&. ounded: 1*(' in "ene8-, S#i/zerl-nd
Co$$entary: The ?626 re>ei8ed /he only Pe->e Prize -#-rded durin /he 1irs/ World
W-r. The Prize #-s -#-rded for /he hel$ /he ?626 -8e /o $risoners of #-r by ser8in
-s -n in/er!edi-ry be/#een /he $risoners -nd /he >oun/ry /h-/ h-d >-$/ured /he!, by
$ro8idin /he! >o!!uni>-/ions ->ross b-//le lines, -nd by dis$-/>hin dele-/es /o
ins$e>/ >ondi/ions in /he >-!$s. ?n -ddi/ion /o /hese ->hie8e!en/s, /he ?626 -lso
dis/ribu/ed relief su$$lies -nd !oni/ored >o!b-/-n/s9 ->>o!id-/ions of /he es/-blished
rules of #-rf-re. B".N.W.C
Wilson5 Tho2as Woodro) ?B0
Prize: Pe->e, 1919. Born: De>e!ber 2*, 1*%(; S/-un/on, S+. Death: 1ebru-ry ', 192);
W-shin/on, D6. Parents: 1-/her, Pose$h 2ules Wilson; Ko/her, Pessie P-ne/
Woodro# Wilson. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Presby/eri-n. Education: Prin>e/on
Ini8., NP, A.+., 1*&9; Ini8. of Sirini-, LLA., 1**1; Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8., KD, Ph.D.,
1**(. Spouse: 5llen Louise +@son, !-rried Pune 2), 1**%, died +uus/ (, 191); 5di/h
Aollin "-l/, !-rried De>e!ber 1*, 191%. Children: K-r-re/ Woodro#, d-uh/er;
Pessie Woodro#, d-uh/er; 5le-nor 2-ndol$h, d-uh/er. Career: +/l-n/-, "+, +//orney,
1**2:*'; Aryn K-#r 6ollee, P+, Professor, 1**%:**; Wesley-n Ini8., Kiddle/o#n,
6T, Professor, 1***:90; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Professor -nd Presiden/, 1*90:1910; Ne#
Persey, "o8ernor, 1911:1'; I.S. Presiden/, 191':21.
Selected Publications: .ongressional 5overnment. Ne# 3or0H Keridi-n Aoo0s, 1902. A
/istory of the American eople. % 8olu!es. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er -nd Aro/hers, 1902.
.onstitutional 5overnment in the :nited (tates. Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 190*.
The 'e0 =reedom. Ne# 3or0H Doubled-y, P-e, -nd 6o!$-ny, 191'. A &ay of
&edication> The $ssential %ritings and (peeches of %oodro0 %ilson. 5di/ed #i/h -n
in/rodu>/ion by +l-n 1ried. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19(%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A-0er, 2-y S/-nn-rd. %oodro0 %ilson> -ife and -etters. *
8olu!es. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, Dor-n -nd 6o., 192&:'9. Alu!, Pohn Kor/on.
%oodro0 %ilson and the olitics of #orality. Aos/onH Li//le, Aro#n, 19%(. Auehri,
5d#-rd Lenry. %ilson)s =oreign olicy in erspective. Aloo!in/on, ?NH ?ndi-n- Ini8.
Press, 19%&. $ncyclopedia of American 8iography. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19&),
121):1&. $ncyclopedia of %orld 8iography. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19&', )0':0(.
Lin0, +r/hur S/-nley. %oodro0 %ilson. % 8olu!es. Prin>e/on, NPH Prin>e/on Ini8. Press,
19)&:(%. Whi/e, Willi-! +llen. %oodro0 %ilson. Aos/onH Louh/on-Kifflin, 192).
Co$$entary: The Nobel Pe->e Prize #-s -#-rded /o Woodro# Wilson \for his sin>ere
-//e!$/s -/ $e->e neo/i-/ions99; /his s/-/e!en/ h-s been ener-lly /houh/ /o refer /o his
\1our/een Poin/sZ s$ee>h /o 6onress /h-/ #-s -i!ed -/ se>urin - l-s/in $e->e -/ /he
end of /he 1irs/ World W-r -nd #-s ins/ru!en/-l in /he es/-blish!en/ of /he Le-ue of
N-/ions. Presiden/ Wilson9s effor/s /o ensure $e->e in /he #orld follo#ed - lon
->-de!i> >-reer -s - #ri/er -nd /e->her of $oli/i>-l s>ien>e, -s $residen/ of Prin>e/on
Ini8ersi/y, -s o8ernor of Ne# Persey, -nd -s Presiden/ of /he Ini/ed S/-/es, en->/in
!-Mor bills de-lin #i/h -re-s su>h -s /-riffs, b-n0in, -nd -n/i-/rus/ leisl-/ion. BD.A.C
+o!r&eois5 #Hon'=ictor 0!&!ste ?B1
Prize: Pe->e, 1920. Born: K-y 29, 1*%1; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death: Se$/e!ber 29, 192%;
5$ern-y, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, K-rie Si>/or Aoureois; Ko/her, +uus/ine 5lise
Linoul/ Aoureois. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of P-ris,
1r-n>e, Do>/eur en Droi/, 1*&%. Spouse: No re>ord found. Children: No re>ord found.
Career: 1ren>h Publi> Offi>es, 1*&(:192'.
P-e 1&'
Selected Publications: (olidaritD. P-risH +. 6olin, 1*9(. -)$ducation de la &Dmocratie
=ranEaise. P-risH 5. 6orn_ly, 1*9&. -e &eclaration des &roits de l)/omme. P-risH 5.
6orn_ly, 1902. our la (ociDtD des 'ations. P-risH Aiblio/h`Gue 6h-r$en/ier, 1910. -a
acte de 1919 et la (ociDtD des 'ations. P-risH Aiblio/h`Gue 6h-r$en/ier,5. 1-sGuelle,
1919. -)Oeuvre de la (ociDtD des 'ations, 19,0+19,C. P-risH P-yo/, 192'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: L-!burer, K. -Don 8ourgeois, 1;"1+19,". P-risH
Libr-irie des S>ien>es Poli/iGues e/ So>i-les, 19'2. Kinni>h, L-#ren>e +. \So>i-l
Proble!s -nd Poli/i>-l +lin!en/s in 1r-n>e, 1*9':1*9*H Leon Aoureois -nd
Solid-ri/y.Z BPh.D. disser/-/ion, 6ornell Ini8., 19)9C.
Co$$entary: L_on Aoureois #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize in re>oni/ion of his s/-/us
-s /he s$iri/u-l f-/her of /he Le-ue of N-/ions, in /h-/ he dr-f/ed /he oriin-l do>u!en/
#hi>h des>ribed su>h -n or-niz-/ion. ?n -ddi/ion /o his yeo!-n effor/s for /he Le-ue,
Aoureois de8o/ed his life /o /he ser8i>e of 1r-n>e, o>>u$yin - series of !-Mor offi>es
-nd s$e-rhe-din !-Mor refor!s in edu>-/ion, fin-n>es, -nd /he >ondu>/ of o8ern!en/.
+rantin&5 8arl 1Kal2ar ?B2
Prize: Pe->e, 1921. Born: No8e!ber 2', 1*(0; S/o>0hol!, S#eden. Death: 1ebru-ry
2), 192%; S/o>0hol!, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, L-rs "-briel Ar-n/in; Ko/her,
5!eren/i- K-ri- 6h-rlo//- "eorii Ar-n/in. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: Kos/
$rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden, b->>-l-ure-/e,
1**2. Spouse: +nn- K-/ild- 6h-rlo//- P-derin, !-rried +$ril ), 1**). Children: No
re>ord found. Career: S/o>0hol! Obser8-/ory, S#eden, +s/rono!er, 1**2:*); Tiden,
5di/or, 1**):*(; (ocialdemo2raten, 5di/or, 1**(:191&; Poli/i>-l +>/i8is/ -nd Pri!e
Kinis/er, 1**9:192%.
Selected Publications: (ocialdemo2ratiens Arhundrade. 2 8olu!es. S/o>0hol!H
+0/iebol-e/ LMus, 190):0(. 6arfor det var Batt Antaga ensionforsa2ringslagen.
S/o>0hol!H Tidens 1orl-, 191'. &en olitis2a Jrisen> &ess <nnebord, :pp2omst och
=orsta =orlopp. S/o>0hol!H Tidens 1orl-, 191). Tal och (2rifter i :rval. S/o>0hol!H
Tidens 1orl-, 192&:'0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Ar-n/in, +nn-. #in -anga Besa> 8o2en om /Ialmar Och
#ig. S/o>0hol!H Keden, 19)%. Lolund, Je/h. /Ialmar 8ranting. S/o>0hol!H 1ol0e/ i
Ailds 1orl-, 19)9. (vens2t 8iografis2t -exi2on. S/o>0hol!H +lber/ Aonniers 1orl-,
192( BSolu!e (C, 1):'&.
Co$$entary: LM-l!-r Ar-n/in #on /he Nobel Prize for his lifelon >o!!i/!en/ /o
>ons/i/u/ion-l $->ifis! -nd /he ->/i8i/ies in #hi>h he in8ol8ed hi!self -s - resul/. Le
#-s - fer8en/ su$$or/er of S#edish neu/r-li/y -nd s-# /he role of S#eden -s -rbi/r-/or
-nd >on>ili-/or in in/ern-/ion-l dis$u/es. +n in8ol8ed #or0er for -nd -/ /he Le-ue of
N-/ions, Ar-n/in $-r/i>i$-/ed in !-ny dis-r!-!en/ deb-/es, #-s in8ol8ed ->/i8ely in
/he se//le!en/ of /he "ree0-?/-li-n >onfli>/ of 192' -nd /he Ari/ish-Tur0ish dis$u/e in
192), -nd hel$ed in /he dr-f/in of /he "ene8- Pro/o>ol for in/ern-/ion-l se>uri/y.
Ar-n/in #-s -lso /he f-/her of so>i-lis! in S#eden -nd ser8ed in /he P-rli-!en/ fro!
1**( un/il his de-/h, in>ludin /hree /er!s -s Pri!e Kinis/er. BA.S.S.C
#an&e5 %hristian #o!s ?B3
Prize: Pe->e, 1921. Born: Se$/e!ber 1&, 1*(9; S/-8-ner, Nor#-y. Death: De>e!ber
11, 19'*; Oslo, Nor#-y. Parents: 1-/her, L-l8-rd L-ne; Ko/her, Thor- K-rie Lous.
Nationality: Nor#ei-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education:
Ini8. of Oslo, Nor#-y, K.+., 1*9'; Ini8. of Oslo, Nor#-y, Ph.D., 1919. Spouse:
Aer/h- K-n/hey, !-rried De>e!ber 2&, 1*9). Children: ' sons; 2 d-uh/ers. Career:
Wri/er, Pourn-lis/, -nd Poli/i>-l +>/i8is/, 1*9':19'*.
Selected Publications: &en $uropaeis2e 8orger2rig. OsloH +s>hehou, 191%. The
.onditions of a -asting eace. OsloH ?n/er$-rli-!en/-ry Inion, 191&. /istoire de
l)<nternationalisme. ' 8olu!es. OsloH +s>hehou, 1919, 19%), 19('.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 1-lnes, Os>-r P. \6hris/i-n L. L-ne -nd Lis Wor0 for
Pe->e.Z American@(candinavian Bevie0 %& B19(9CH 2((:&). 'ors2 8iografis2 -e2si2on.
OsloH +s>hehou, 19'* BSolu!e *C, 1&2:&).
Co$$entary: + le-der in /he $r->/i>e of in/ern-/ion-lis!, bo/h in #ords -nd ->/ion,
6hris/i-n L-ne re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for - life/i!e fo>used on $e->e -nd
in/ern-/ion-l -ff-irs. L-ne #-s - founder -nd offi>er of /he ?n/er$-rli-!en/-ry Inion
-nd of /he Nor#ei-n Nobel ?ns/i/u/e. Lis #or0 for /he Inion #-s es$e>i-lly
no/e#or/hy. Le -lso $-r/i>i$-/ed ->/i8ely in /#o in/ern-/ion-l $e->e >onferen>es -nd #-s
- dele-/e /o /he Le-ue of N-/ions fro! i/s foundin un/il his de-/h. ?n -ddi/ion, he #-s
- le-der of liber-l /houh/, fih/in for free s$ee>h, free /r-de, uni8ers-l suffr-e, -nd /he
rih/s of l-bor. BA.S.S.C
Nansen5 ridtKof ?B?
Prize: Pe->e, 1922. Born: O>/ober 10, 1*(1; S/ore frren, Ses/re +0er, Nor#-y. Death:
K-y 1', 19'0; Polhod-, Nor#-y. Parents: 1-/her, A-ldur N-nsen; Ko/her, +del-ide
Wedel P-rlsber N-nsen. Nationality: Nor#ei-n. Religion: +nos/i>; fro! Lu/her-n
b->0round. Education: Ini8. of Nris/i-ni-, Nor#-y, Dr. Philos., 1***. Spouse: 58-
S-rs, !-rried 1**9, died 190&; Sirunn Kun/he S-ndber, !-rried 1919. Children: Li8,
ywz{|fhi}ihdcxywz{|fhi}yyxe}ihxe}ezyxejCareer: Aeren
Kuseu!, Nor#-y, 6ur-/or, 1**2:*&; "reenl-nd 5@$edi/ion Le-der, 1***:*9; Nris/i-ni-
Joo/o!i> 6olle>/ion, Nor#-y, 6ur-/or, 1**9:9'; Pol-r 5@$edi/ion Le-der, 1*9':9(;
Ini8. of Nris/i-ni-, Nor#-y, Professor, 1*9&:1919. Other Awards: P-->hi! 1riele9s
"old Ked-l; Se- Ked-l, S#eden, 1**9.
Selected Publications: $s2imo -ife. LondonH Lon!-ns, 1*9'. =arthest 'orth. Ne#
3or0H L-r$er, 1*9&. <n 'orthern #ists. Ne# 3or0H S/o0es, 1911.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6hris/ensen, 6.+.2. =ridtIof 'ansen. Oslo, Nor#-yH
1-bri/ius, 19(1. Sorensen, Pon. =ridtIof 'ansen. Ne# 3or0H W.W. Nor/on, 19'2.
Sorenson, O. =ridtIof 'ansen. OsloH Ini8ersi//e/sforl-e/, 199'.
Co$$entary: 1rid/Mof N-nsen re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for his ->/i8i/ies in beh-lf of
$e->e -nd s>ien>e.Z + 2en-iss-n>e !-n #i/h ->>o!$lish!en/s in zooloy, -n-/o!y,
eoloy, o>e-nor-$hy, -n/hro$oloy, -nd -r/, he -ined e-rly f-!e -s - $ol-r e@$lorer
-nd, durin /he firs/ fe# ye-rs -f/er Nor#-y9s inde$enden>e in 190%, -s - s/-/es!-n. ?/
#-s, ho#e8er, -s - dele-/e /o /he Le-ue of N-/ions /h-/ he
P-e 1&)
be-n his >rus-de --ins/ sufferin -nd for $e->e. 1or ins/-n>e, he $erson-lly or-nized
/he re$-/ri-/ion of o8er )2%,000 $risoners of #-r -f/er World W-r ?, -ssis/ed /he
+r!eni-ns, -nd hel$ed s-8e !illions of 2ussi-ns fro! s/-r8-/ion. +nd #i/h - \N-nsen
$-ss$or/,Z $oli/i>-l refuees -nd dis$l->ed $ersons -ined -n in/ern-/ion-lly re>onized
do>u!en/ of iden/ifi>-/ion en-blin /he! /o -$$ly for -d!ission /o - ne# ho!e >oun/ry.
N-nsen9s ser8i>e /o hu!-ni/y -ffe>/ed >oun/less li8es -ll o8er /he #orld. BS.O.C
%ha2berlain5 <oseph 0!sten5 -ir ?B@
Prize: Pe->e, 192%. Born: O>/ober 1(, 1*('; Air!inh-!, 5nl-nd. Death: K-r>h 1(,
19'&; London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pose$h 6h-!berl-in; Ko/her, L-rrie/ Nenri>0
6h-!berl-in. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nli>-n. Education: 6-!bride Ini8.,
5nl-nd, b->>-l-ure-/e, 1**%. Spouse: ?8y Kuriel Dund-s, !-rried 190(. Children:
Di-ne, d-uh/er; Pose$h, son; L-#ren>e 5ndi>o//, son. Career: Ari/-in, Ke!ber of
P-rli-!en/ -nd o/her $os/s, 1*92:19'&. Other Awards: Nnih/hood, 192%.
Selected Publications: eace in Our Time. LondonH +ll-n, 192*. The ermanent 8ases
of =oreign olicy. Ne# 3or0H 6oun>il of 1orein 2el-/ions, 19'1 B#i/h o/hersC. &o0n
the 1ears. LondonH 6-ssell, 19'%. olitics from the <nside, an $pistolary .hronicle,
1906+191G. LondonH 6-ssell, 19'(. (een in assing. LondonH 6-ssell, 19'&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Du//on, D-8id. Austen .hamberlain> 5entleman in olitics.
LondonH Tr-ns->/ion Aoo0s, 19*&. Pe/rie, Sir 6h-rles. -ife and -etters of the Bt. /on.
(ir Austen .hamberlain. 2 8olu!es. LondonH 6-ssell, 19'9:)0.
Co$$entary: +us/en 6h-!berl-in re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 on /he
Lo>-rno P->/s of 192%, -n ->/i8i/y hihly ->>l-i!ed -lso in 5nl-nd. The Lo>-rno
Tre-/y, of #hi>h he #-s /he $rin>i$-l -r>hi/e>/, se/ /o res/ !-ny of /he h-/reds of World
W-r ? by u-r-n/eein /he fron/iers of Wes/ern 5uro$e, es/-blishin /he ide- of >olle>/i8e
se>uri/y, -nd $re$-rin /he #-y for "er!-ny9s en/r-n>e in/o /he Le-ue of N-/ions. ?n
his )% ye-rs of offi>e, 6h-!berl-in -lso #-s res$onsible for !-ny -d8-n>es in fis>-l
$oli>y -nd for es/-blishin fu/ure $-//erns for de-lins #i/h 6hin- -nd 5y$/. B1.L.T.C
(a)es5 %harles 6ates ?BA
Prize: Pe->e, 192%. Born: +uus/ 2&, 1*(%; K-rie//-, OL. Death: +$ril 2', 19%1;
58-ns/on, ?L. Parents: 1-/her, 2ufus 2. D-#es; Ko/her, K-ry Ae!-n "-/es D-#es.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education:
K-rie//- 6ollee, OL, A.+., 1**); 6in>inn-/i L-# S>hool, OL, L.L.A., 1**(; K-rie//-
6ollee, OL, K.+., 1**&. Spouse: 6-rol D. Aly!yer, !-rried 1**9. Children: 2ufus
1e-rin, son; D-n- K>6u/>heon, son; 6-rolyn, d-uh/er; Sirini-, d-uh/er. Career:
Lin>oln, N5, +//orney, 1**&:9); I/ili/y business de8elo$!en/, 1*9):9&; Ini/ed S/-/es,
6o!$/roller of 6urren>y, 1*9&:1901; 6en/r-l Trus/ 6o., 6hi>-o, ?L, Presiden/ -nd
6h-ir, 1902:2%; Ini/ed S/-/es "o8ern!en/, $osi/ions /o Si>e Presiden/, 192%:'%. Other
Awards: Dis/inuished Ser8i>e Ked-l, Ini/ed S/-/es; 6o!$-nion of /he A-/h, 5nl-nd;
6o!!-nder of S.S. K-uri>e -nd L-z-rus, ?/-ly; Order of Leo$old, Aeliu!, 1919;
6o!!-nder Leion d9Lonneur, 1r-n>e, 1919.
Selected Publications: The 8an2ing (ystem of the :nited (tates and <ts Belation to the
#oney and 8usiness of the .ountry. 6hi>-oH 2-nd-K>N-lly, 1*9). 'otes as 6ice
resident. Aos/onH Li//le, Aro#n -nd 6o!$-ny, 19'%. A 7ournal of Beparations.
LondonH K->!ill-n, 19'9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of American 8iography. (upplement ". Ne#
3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&&, 1%9:(0. Ti!!ons, A-s>o!. ortrait of an American> .harles
5. &a0es. Ne# 3or0H Lenry Lol/, 19%'.
Co$$entary: 6h-rles D-#es #-s /he Nobel re>i$ien/ for his #or0 in dr-f/in /he
D-#es Pl-n. The -$o/heosis of +!eri>-n >-$i/-lis!, D-#es ->Guired #e-l/h -nd $ubli>
influen>e -s -n inno8-/i8e fin-n>ier -nd 2e$ubli>-n P-r/y s/-l#-r/. 1ro! K>Ninley9s
-d!inis/r-/ion /o Loo8er9s, he held 8-ried feder-l e@e>u/i8e -nd di$lo!-/i> $osi/ions,
>-$$in his >-reer -s 6oolide9s 8i>e $residen/ fro! 1929:'1. + $i>/uresGue fiure,
$ossessed of -n unusu-l \dr-!-/i> sense99 -nd - $en>h-n/ for \dire>/ ->/ion,Z D-#es
>h-ired /he 2e$-r-/ions 6o!!i//ee of 5@$er/s, >on8ened in 192) /o resol8e /he >risis
#hi>h /hre-/ened $e->e in 5uro$e, -nd he $o$ul-rized i/s re$or/. +n i!-in-/i8e
-ree!en/ -!on /he for!er >o!b-/-n/s /o se//le "er!-n re$-r-/ions $-y!en/s, /he
D-#es Pl-n bro0e /he i!$-sse -!on /he 5uro$e-n $o#ers, e@/endin b->0 /o 191),
-nd see!ed /o l-y /he found-/ions for /heir e>ono!i> re>o8ery. BS.W.C
+riand5 0ristide ?BB
Prize: Pe->e, 192(. Born: K-r>h 2*, 1*(2; N-n/es, 1r-n>e. Death: K-r>h &, 19'2;
P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, Pierre-"uill-u!e Ari-nd; Ko/her, K-deleine Aou>he-u
Ari-nd. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, l-#
deree, 1**1. Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: +//orney, Pourn-lis/, $oli/i>-l
offi>e /hrouh Pre!ier B12 /i!esC, 1**1:19'2.
Selected Publications: Pourn-lis/ effor/s -$$e-red in -e euple, -a -anterne, -a etite
Bepubli4ue, -nd -)/umanitD, 1901:'2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +uber/, +lfred. 8riand. P-risH 6hiron, 192*. A-u!on/,
K-uri>e. Aristide 8riand> &iplomat and <dealist. "U//inen, "er!-nyH Kuns/ers>h!id/,
19((. Su-rez, "eores. 8riand, sa 6ie, son Oeuvre. ( 8olu!es. P-risH Plon, 19'*:%2.
Tho!son, S-len/ine. 8riand> #an of eace. Ne# 3or0H 6o8i>i-1riede, 19'0. Ser>ours.
#oi Aristide 8riand. ArusselsH 5di/ions 6o!$le@e, 1991.
Co$$entary: The re-/ 1ren>h $oli/i>i-n, +ris/ide Ari-nd, - !e!ber of 21 >-bine/s -nd
12 /i!es Pre!ier of 1r-n>e, sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 on /he Lo>-rno P->/s of
192%, #hi>h in>luded /re-/ies, u-r-n/ees, -nd non-ression -ree!en/s /h-/ in8ol8ed
"er!-ny, 1r-n>e, Pol-nd, Aeliu!, -nd 6ze>hoslo8-0i-. + lifelon ene!y of #-r,
Ari-nd none/heless led 1r-n>e /hrouh - >ri/i>-l $eriod in World W-r ? bu/ re/urned /o
$e->e effor/s -f/er /he #-r. Lo>-rno re$resen/ed - $e-0 in his $erfor!-n>e in /his re-rd
-nd #-s follo#ed by -n e8en re-/er 8i>/ory, /he sinin by 1% n-/ions of /he Nello-
Ari-nd P->/ in 192*, #hi>h es/-blished -rbi/r-/ion -s - 8i-ble >on>e$/ -nd renoun>ed
P-e 1&%
Ari-nd -lso $ro$osed, in 19'0, /he >on>e$/ of - 5uro$e-n Inion. ?n -ddi/ion /o his o/her
effor/s, Ari-nd #-s no/ed -s - su$$or/er of l-bor unions -nd -s /he !-n #ho uided /he
"o8ern!en/ 6o!!ission /h-/ #ro/e /he l-# se$-r-/in >hur>h -nd s/-/e, #on i/s
$-ss-e in /he 6h-!ber, -nd enfor>ed i/ -s /he 6-bine/ Kinis/er of Publi> ?ns/ru>/ion
-nd Worshi$. BA.S.S.C
-trese2ann5 6!sta> ?BC
Prize: Pe->e, 192(. Born: K-y 10, 1*&*; Aerlin, "er!-ny. Death: O>/ober ', 1929;
Aerlin, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, 5rns/ S/rese!-nn; Ko/her, no re>ord found.
Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, Ph.D.,
1900; Ini8. of Lei$zi, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 1902. Spouse: N[/he Nleefeld, !-rried 190(.
Children: "er/ Wolf-n, son; L-us Po->hi!, son. Career: "er!-n -nd in/ern-/ion-l
$oli/i>-l offi>es, 1900:29. Other Awards: Deu/s>her 2in, 1orein ?ns/i/u/e.
Selected Publications: $ssays and (peeches. 1ree$or/, N3H Aoo0s for Libr-ries Press,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Olden, 2udolf. (tresemann. Ne# 3or0H 5.P. Du//on, 19'0.
Turner, Lenry. (tresemann and the olitics of the %eimer Bepublic. Prin>e/on, NPH
Prin>e/on Ini8. Press, 19('. Son 2heinb-ben, 2o>hus. (tresemann> The #an and the
(tatesman. Ne# 3or0H D. +$$le/on, 1929.
Co$$entary: "us/-8 S/rese!-nn #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his su>>essful
effor/s on beh-lf of $e->e. S/rese!-nn9s in8ol8e!en/ in "er!-n $oli/i>s -f/er World
W-r ? #-s >h-r->/erized by his -//e!$/ /o rees/-blish order -nd $e->e. Le su>>eeded in
>urbin /he r-!$-n/ infl-/ion, -nd #-s in8ol8ed in /he neo/i-/ions le-din /o /he D-#es
Pl-n, /he Lo>-rno P->/, -nd /he -d!ission of "er!-ny /o /he Le-ue of N-/ions.
S/rese!-nn s/ro8e /o -lle8i-/e /he h-rsh >ondi/ions i!$osed u$on "er!-ny -f/er World
W-r ?, #hile i!$ro8in rel-/ions in/ern-/ion-lly, es$e>i-lly #i/h 1r-n>e. Le #-s /he
!os/ $ro!inen/ -nd influen/i-l s/-/es!-n of /he Wei!-r 2e$ubli> -nd res$e>/ed -bro-d
-s - !-n of ood#ill. BS.O.C
+!isson5 erdinand "do!ard ?B9
Prize: Pe->e, 192&. Born: De>e!ber 20, 1*)1; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death: 1ebru-ry 1(, 19'2;
Thieuloy-S-in/-+n/oine, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, Pierre Auisson; Ko/her, +dele +urelie
de +ibe-u>our/ Auisson. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of
P-ris, 1r-n>e, Ph.D., 1*92. Spouse: No n-!e found, !-rried 1*((. Children: 2 sons, 1
d-uh/er. Career: +>-de!ie de Neu>h-/el, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 1*((:&0; 1ren>h
o8ern!en/ $osi/ions, 1*&0:9(; Sorbonne Ini8., P-ris, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1*9(:1901;
1ren>h o8ern!en/ -nd in/ern-/ion-l $osi/ions, 1902:2(.
Selected Publications: -e .hristianisme -iberal. P-risH P. 6henbuliez, 1*(%.
&ictionnaire de edagogie et d)<n@struction rimarie. P-risH L->he//e, 1*&*:*&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionnaire de 8iographie =ranEaise. P-risH Libr-irie
Le/ouzey, 19%( BSolu!e &C, ()%:)(. Loeffel, L-uren>e. =erdinand 8uisson> Apotre de
l)Dcole -a4ue. P-risH L->he//e 5du>-/ion, 1999. T-lbo//, Pohn 5. The olitics of
$ducational Beform in =rance, 191;+19G0. Prin>e/on, NPH Prin>e/on Ini8. Press, 19(9,
%&:%9, &%:&&, 10(:0&.
Co$$entary: 1erdin-nd Auisson h-s been >-lled \/he #orld9s !os/ $ersis/en/ $->ifis/,Z
-nd in /he Nobel $resen/-/ion s/-/e!en/, his $ro!inen>e -s - $roressi8e edu>-/or -nd
s/-/es!-n #-s -lso ->0no#leded in /h-/ \ p re-/ or-nized #or0 for $e->e !us/ be
$re>eded by /he edu>-/ion of /he $eo$lep. Z Auisson dedi>-/ed his life /o $e->e by
#or0in >onsis/en/ly /o#-rd re>on>ili-/ion be/#een for!er -d8ers-ry n-/ions, 1r-n>e
-nd "er!-ny, in $-r/i>ul-r -nd /hrouh his effor/s /o re8erse /he Dreyfus de>ision; his
-d8o>->y of uni8ers-l suffr-e; -nd by hel$in /o found hu!-n rih/s -nd $e->e
or-niz-/ions, L- Liue ?n/ern-/ion-le de l- P-i@ e/ de l- Liber/_ B1*(&C -nd L- Liue
des Droi/s des Lo!!es B1*9*C. B6.A.A.C
O!idde5 #!d)i& ?C0
Prize: Pe->e, 192&. Born: K-r>h 2', 1*%*; Are!en, "er!-ny. Death: K-r>h ), 19)1;
"ene8-, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: No re>ord found. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Kos/
$rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of S/r-sbour, 1r-n>e, -nd; Ini8. of
"U//inen, "er!-ny, Ph.D., no d-/e. Spouse: K-r-re/he P->obson, !-rried 1**2.
Children: None. Career: ?nde$enden/ly #e-l/hy, bu/ ser8ed in 8-rious $oli/i>-l,
edi/ori-l, -nd so>ie/-l roles.
Selected Publications: .aligula> $ine (tudie Mber BKmischen .aesaren0ahnsinn.
Lei$zi, "er!-nyH Wilhel! 1riedri>h, 1*9). \Sh-ll There Ae - "er!-ny ?rreden/-WZ
-iving Age '02 BSe$/e!ber (, 1919CH %*':*%. &ie (chuldfrage. AerlinH S>h#e/s>h0e,
1922. OOThe 1u/ure of "er!-ny.Z -iving Age '21 B+$ril %, 192)CH ('%:'*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: T-ube, I/z-1riedeber/. -ud0ig ?uidde> $in 8eitrag !ur
5eschichte des &emo2ratischen 5edan2ens in &eutschland. N-ll!Rnz Rber
2eensburH L-ssleben, 19('. Wehber, L-ns. -ud0ig ?uidde> $in &eutscher
&emo2rat und 6or29mpfer der 6Kl2ersverst9ndigung. Offenb->h -! K-inH A-ll#er0,
Co$$entary: Lud#i Quidde re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize in re>oni/ion of his \lon -nd
-rduous ser8i>e in /he >ourse of $e->e.Z Lis $ubli>-/ion of .aligula in 1*9), seen -s -n
-//->0 on /he N-iser, led /o his M-ilin -nd subseGuen/ lifelon in8ol8e!en/ in $->ifis/
!o8e!en/s. Durin his >-reer, he founded /he Kuni>h Pe->e So>ie/y, o$$osed "er!-n
$oli>ies in 191) -nd fled /o S#i/zerl-nd, #ro/e --ins/ se>re/ !ili/-ry /r-inin in
"er!-ny in /he 20s B-nd #-s --in M-iledC, -nd #-s for>ed in/o e@ile - se>ond /i!e on
Li/ler9s -ssu!$/ion of $o#er in 19''. BS.N.+.C
8ello&&5 rank +illin&s ?C1
Prize: Pe->e, 1929. Born: De>e!ber 22, 1*%(; Po/sd-!, N3. Death: De>e!ber 21,
19'&; S/. P-ul, KN. Parents: 1-/her, +s- 1. Nello; Ko/her, +bi-il Aillins Nello.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Spouse: 6l-r- K. 6oo0, !-rried 1**(.
Children: None. Career: Kinneso/-, +//orney, 1*&&:191(; Sen-/or fro! Kinneso/-,
191&:2'; +!b-ss-dor /o "re-/ Ari/-in, 192):2%; Se>re/-ry of S/-/e, 192%:29;
Kinneso/-, +//orney, 1929:'&; Per!-nen/ 6our/ of ?n/ern-/ion-l Pus/i>e, Pude, 19'0:
'%. Other Awards: "r-nd 6ross 1ren>h Leion of Lonor, 1929; Order of Oli8e Ar-n>h
of +ren/in-, 19'0.
P-e 1&(
Selected Publications: -incoln and Boosevelt. S/. P-ul, KNH K>"ill W-rner, 190*; The
aris eace act. Ne# 3or0H World +lli-n>e for ?n/ern-/ion-l 1riendshi$ Throuh /he
6hur>hes, 192*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aryn-Pones, D-8id. =ran2 8. Jellogg> A 8iography. Ne#
3or0H ".P. Pu/n-!9s Sons, 19'&. 5llis, L. 5/h-n. =ran2 8. Jellogg and American
=oreign Belations, 19,"+19,9. Ne# Aruns#i>0, NPH 2u/ers Ini8. Press, 19(1. 1errell,
2ober/ L. eace in Their Time> The Origins of the Jellogg@8riand act. Ne# L-8en,
6TH 3-le Ini8. Press, 19%2. The #c5ra0@/ill $ncyclopedia of %orld 8iography. Ne#
3or0H K>"r-#-Lill Aoo0 6o!$-ny, 19&' BSolu!e (C, 1%&:%*.
Co$$entary: 1r-n0 Nello #on /he Nobel Prize for his effor/s in >on>ludin /he P->/
of P-ris BNello-Ari-nd Tre-/yC in 192*. The /re-/y, #hi>h Nello !o8ed fro! -
$ro$osed bil-/er-l -ree!en/ #i/h 1r-n>e /o one /h-/ in8ol8ed -ll /he !-Mor n-/ions of
/he #orld, ou/l-#ed #-r -s -n ins/ru!en/ of n-/ion-l $oli>y. Durin Nello9s /enure -s
se>re/-ry of s/-/e, he -lso i!$ro8ed I.S. rel-/ions #i/h Ke@i>o, >on/ribu/ed /o
se//le!en/ of - /erri/ori-l dis$u/e be/#een 6hile -nd Peru, -nd souh/ /he end of -
re8olu/ion in Ni>-r-u-. Le sined *0 /re-/ies, in>ludin >on>ili-/ion /re-/ies #i/h -ll of
/he L-/in +!eri>-n >oun/ries e@>e$/ +ren/in- -nd #i/h 1% o/her n-/ions. Le -lso
>on>luded 19 -rbi/r-/ion /re-/ies. BW.N.C
-Lderblo25 Nathan D-Lderblo25 #ars 3lof <onathanE ?C2
Prize: Pe->e, 19'0. Born: P-nu-ry 1%, 1*((; TrUnU, S#eden. Death: Puly 12, 19'1;
I$$s-l-, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, Pon-s SUderblo!; Ko/her, So$hi- Alu!e SUderblo!.
Nationality: S#edish. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden, A.+.,
1**(; Ini8. of P-ris-Sorbonne, 1r-n>e, Do>/or of Theoloy, 1901. Spouse: +nn-
1orsell, !-rried 1*9&. Children: & sons; ' d-uh/ers. Career: S#edish 6hur>h,
$osi/ions /o +r>hbisho$, 1*9):1901; Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden, Professor, 1901:12;
Ini8. of Lei$zi, "er!-ny, Professor, 1912:1).
Selected Publications: &ie Beligionen der $rde BThe Beligions of the %orldC. L-lle,
"er!-nyH "eb-uerS>h#e/s>h0e, 190%. $inf3hrung in die Beligionsgeschichte
B<ntroduction to the /istory of BeligionC. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH Quelle -nd Keyer, 1920.
.hristian =ello0ship. Ne# 3or0H 1le!in L. 2e8ell, 192'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: $ncyclopedia of %orld 8iography. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#
Lill, 19&' BSolu!e 10C, 120:21. Sund0ler, Aen/. 'athan (Kderblom> /is -ife and
%or2. Lynd, S#edenH "leeru$, 19(*.
Co$$entary: S#edish /heoloi-n N-/h-n SUderblo! #-s -#-rded /he 19'0 Nobel
Prize for \his $ro!o/ion of in/ern-/ion-l unders/-ndin.Z +n ou/s$o0en $->ifis/ -nd
le-der in /he e>u!eni>-l !o8e!en/, he -u/hored nu!erous /heoloi>-l #or0s.
SUderblo!9s disser/-/ion, -a 6ie =uture d)Apres le #a*daisme, es/-blished hi! -s -
reliious s>hol-r. Perh-$s his ou/s/-ndin su>>ess #-s /he re-liz-/ion of /he Ini8ers-l
6hris/i-n 6onferen>e on Life -nd Wor0 in 192%. BL.S.C
0dda2s5 #a!ra <ane ?C3
Prize: Pe->e, 19'1. Born: Se$/e!ber (, 1*(0; 6ed-r8ille, ?L. Death: K-y 21, 19'%;
6hi>-o, ?L. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn Luy +dd-!s; Ko/her, S-r-h Weber +dd-!s.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Presby/eri-n. Education: 2o>0ford 1e!-le Se!in-ry,
?L, +.A., 1**2. Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: Lull Louse, 6hi>-o, ?L,
1ounder -nd Dire>/or, 1**9:19'%. Other Awards: Tho!-s Prize, Aryn K-#r 6ollee,
19'1; Pi>/ori-l 2e8ie#s +nnu-l +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, 19'1; +!eri>-n 5du>-/ion +#-rd,
N-/ion-l 5du>-/ion +sso>i-/ion, 19'%.
Selected Publications: &emocracy and (ocial $thics. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 1902.
'e0er <deals of eace. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 190&. The (pirit of 1outh and the .ity
(treets. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 1909. The $xcellent 8ecomes the ermanent. Ne# 3or0H
K->!ill-n, 19'2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +dd-!s, P-ne. The (econd T0enty 1ears at /ull /ouse.
Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19'0. +dd-!s, P-ne. T0enty 1ears at /ull /ouse. Ne# 3or0H
K->!ill-n, 1910. 1-rrell, Pohn 6. 8eloved -ady> A /istory of 7ane Addams) <deas on
Beform and eace. A-l/i!ore, KDH Pohns Lo$0ins Press, 19(&. Le8ine, D-niel. 7ane
Addams and the -iberal Tradition. S/e8ens Poin/, W?H Worz-ll- Publishin 6o., 19&1.
Poli0off, A-rb-r- "-rl-nd. %ith One 8old Act> The (tory of 7ame Addams. 6hi>-oH
Aos#ell Aoo0s, 1999.
Co$$entary: Ao/h 19'1 re>i$ien/s of /he Pe->e Prize, P-ne +dd-!s -nd Ni>hol-s
Kurr-y Au/ler #ere >i/ed by /he >o!!i//ee for - life/i!e s$en/ \in /ryin /o r-ise /he
ide-l of $e->e in /heir $eo$le -nd in /he #hole #orld.Z The >o!!i//ee fur/her no/ed for
P-ne +dd-!s /h-/ \#e -lso $-y ho!-e /o /he #or0 #hi>h #o!en >-n do for /he >-use
of $e->e -nd fr-/erni/y -!on n-/ionsZ -nd /h-/ \for /#en/y-fi8e ye-rs she h-s been /he
f-i/hful s$o0es!-n of /he ide- of $e->e.99 Ler !os/ no/-ble >on/ribu/ions #ere /he
es/-blish!en/ of /he in/ern-/ion-lly f-!ous se//le!en/ house, 6hi>-o9s Lull Louse, -nd
her #or0 #i/h /he N-/ion-l +!eri>-n Wo!-n Suffr-e +sso>i-/ion -nd /he Wo!en9s
?n/ern-/ion-l Le-ue for Pe->e -nd 1reedo!. BK.N.C
+!tler5 Nicholas ,!rra$ ?C?
Prize: Pe->e, 19'1. Born: +$ril 2, 1*(2; 5liz-be/h, NP. Death: De>e!ber &, 19)&; Ne#
3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Lenry Leny Au/ler; Ko/her, K-ry P. Kurr-y Au/ler.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 5$is>o$-li-n. Education: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, +.A.,
1**2; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, +.K., 1**'; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 1**). Spouse:
Sus-nn- 5d#-rds S>hyler, !-rried 1**&, died 190'; N-/e L- Kon/-ne, !-rried 190&.
Children: 1 d-uh/er. Career: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 1**%:
19)%. Other Awards: "oe/he "old Ked-l, 19'2; "r-nd 6ross of /he Leion of Lonor,
19'&; +le@-nder L-!il/on +#-rd, 19)&.
Selected Publications: The <nternational #ind> An Argument for the 7udicial (ettlement
of <nternational &isputes. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 1912. 8uilding the American 'ation>
An $ssay of <nterpretation. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 192'. The ath to eace> $ssays and
Addresses on eace and <ts #a2ing. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19'0. The =amily of
'ations> <ts 'eed and <ts roblems. $ssays and Addresses. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19'*.
%hy %arP $ssays and Addresses on
P-e 1&&
%ar and eace. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19)0. -iberty$4uality@=raternity> $ssays and
Addresses on the roblems of Today and Tomorro0. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19)2. The
%orld Today> $ssays and Addresses. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19)(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Across the 8usy 1ears> Becollections and Beflections. 2
8olu!es. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19'9:)0. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H
L.W. Wilson, 19)0, 1'0:'2. K-rrin, +lber/. 'icholas #urray 8utler. Aos/onH T#-yne,
Co$$entary: Ni>hol-s Kurr-y Au/ler=edu>-/or, inno8-/i8e uni8ersi/y -d!inis/r-/or,
-nd $oli/i>-l ->/i8is/ in /he 2e$ubli>-n $-r/y=#on /he Nobel be>-use \durin his
/#en/y-fi8e ye-rs of #or0 for $e->e Dr. Au/ler h-s sho#n -l!os/ !-/>hless s/ren/h -nd
indef-/i-ble enery.Z Throuh his lon -sso>i-/ion #i/h /he 6-rneie 5ndo#!en/ for
?n/ern-/ion-l Pe->e he ->hie8ed #orld-#ide influen>e for his ide-s. 1riend /o /he #orld9s
s/-/es!en, in 19'0 he $erson-lly -ined /he su$$or/ of Po$e Pius 4? for /he Nello-
Ari-nd $->/ ou/l-#in #-r -s -n ins/ru!en/ of n-/ion-l $oli>y. B1.L.T.C
0n&ell5 Nor2an5 -ir D#ane5 4alph Nor2an 0n&ellE ?C@
Prize: Pe->e, 19''. Born: De>e!ber 2(, 1*&); Lolbe->h, Lin>olnshire, 5nl-nd.
Death: O>/ober &, 19(&; 6roydon, Surrey, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Tho!-s +nell
L-ne; Ko/her, K-ry +nn Ari//-in L-ne. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nli>-n.
Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: Ae-/ri>e 6u8ellier, !-rried 1*9*. Children:
None. Career: Wri/er -nd Pourn-lis/. Other Awards: Nnih/hood, 19'1.
Selected Publications: atriotism :nder Three =lags. LondonH In#in, 190'. The 5reat
<llusion. LondonH Leine!-nn, 1910. The =ruits of 6ictory. LondonH 6ollins, 1921. The
:nseen Assassins. LondonH L-!ish L-!il/on, 19'2. eace 0ith the &ictatorsP LondonH
L-!ish L-!il/on, 19'*. The (teep laces. LondonH L-!ish L-!il/on, 19)&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: After All> The Autobiography of 'orman Angell. Ne# 3or0H
1-rr-r, S/r-us -nd 3oun, 19%2. K-rrin, +lber/. (ir 'orman Angell. Aos/onH T#-yne,
Co$$entary: Pourn-lis/, -u/hor, -nd ->/i8is/, Nor!-n +nell #-s -#-rded /he Nobel
Prize for his #ri/ins on $e->e. ?n 1909, he $ublished - $-!$hle/ #hi>h #-s e@$-nded
/o be>o!e his !os/ f-!ous #or0, The 5reat <llusion. The boo0 $re->hed #h-/ #-s /o be
his >on/inuin /he!e, /he fu/ili/y of #-rs of >onGues/ -s - !e-ns /o ->hie8e e>ono!i>
benefi/s -nd hu!-n h-$$iness. Denoun>ed by !-ny durin World W-r ? -s -n
un$-/rio/i> $->ifis/, he #or0ed s/e-df-s/ly durin -nd -f/er /he #-r for in/ern-/ion-l
>oo$er-/ion /hrouh >olle>/i8e se>uri/y. ?n 19'2, he $ublished The :nseen Assassins, -
!-s/erful -nd /i!ely -n-lysis of /he issues of #-r -nd $e->e. O$$osed /o #-r, +nell
did, ho#e8er, belie8e /h-/ /he f-s>is/ di>/-/ors should be resis/ed in defense of freedo!.
Le #or0ed --ins/ /he $oli>y of -$$e-se!en/ -nd su$$or/ed /he #-r effor/ durin World
W-r ??. +f/er /he #-r, he $ro!o/ed - union of /he Wes/ern de!o>r->ies -nd /he
in/ern-/ion-l >on/rol of -/o!i> enery. B1.L.T.C
1enderson5 0rth!r ?CA
Prize: Pe->e, 19'). Born: Se$/e!ber 1', 1*('; "l-so#, S>o/l-nd. Death: O>/ober 20,
19'%; London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, D-8id Lenderson; Ko/her, no re>ord found.
Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Ke/hodis/. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse:
5le-nor Per>y W-/son, !-rried 1***. Children: D-8id, son; Willi-! W-/son, son;
+r/hur, Pr., son; 5le-nor, d-uh/er. Career: 1oundry Wor0er -nd Inion Offi>er, 5nl-nd,
1*&%:190'; D-rlin/on, 5nl-nd, K-yor, 190'; Ari/ish P-rli-!en/, Ke!ber, 190':'%.
Other Awards: W-/eler Pe->e Prize, 6-rneie 1ound-/ion, 19''.
Selected Publications: 8ritish =inance and russian #ilitarism. Ne# 3or0H Lodder -nd
S/ouh/on, 191&. The Aims of -abor. LondonH Le-dley, 1919. Beport of the -abour
.ommission to <reland. LondonH The L-bour P-r/y, 1921. .onsolidating %orld eace.
O@fordH 6l-rendon Press, 19'1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: The &ictionary of 'ational 8iography, 19C1+19G0.
LondonH O@ford Ini8. Press, 19)9, )1&:20. L-!il/on, K-ry. Arthur /enderson.
LondonH W. Leine!-nn, 19'*. Wriley, 6. Arthur /enderson. 6-rdiff, W-lesH "P6
Aoo0s, 1990.
Co$$entary: +r/hur Lenderson #-s -#-rded /he Nobel $rize in re>oni/ion of /he role
he $l-yed -s $residen/ of /he Le-ue of N-/ion9s World Dis-r!-!en/ 6onferen>e.
Durin his ye-rs -s $residen/, his /ireless effor/s, bols/ered by his fir! >on8i>/ion in -
#orld >o!!on#e-l/h, #ere res$onsible for holdin /oe/her /his >onferen>e lon -f/er i/
h-d be>o!e -$$-ren/ /h-/ i/ #-s doo!ed /o f-ilure by /he r-$id ro#/h of n-/ion-lis!
/h-/ $re>eded World W-r ??. +l/houh Lenderson9s dedi>-/ion /o /he >-use of #orld
$e->e #-s /o h-8e li//le influen>e, his o/her ->hie8e!en/s #ere /o h-8e f-r-re->hin
effe>/s. The re-/er $-r/ of his life #-s dedi>-/ed /o /he es/-blish!en/, -nd su>>ess, of -
s/ron Ari/ish #or0in >l-ss $-r/y; /od-y he is re!e!bered -s - foundin f-/her of /he
L-bour P-r/y. B5.".C
3ssietzk$5 %arl >on ?CB
Prize: Pe->e, 19'%. Born: O>/ober ', 1**9; L-!bur, "er!-ny. Death: K-y ), 19'*;
Aerlin, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, 6-rl ?n-/ius 8on Ossie/z0y; Ko/her, 2os-lie K-rie
Pr-/s0- 8on Ossie/z0y. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: No
>ollee derees. Spouse: K-ud Woods, !-rried K-y 22, 191). Children: 2os-linde,
d-uh/er. Career: "er!-ny, Pourn-lis/, 191*:'*.
Selected Publications: (chriften B%ritingsC. 2 8olu!es. AerlinH +ufb-u, 19((.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 1rei, Aruno. .arl v. Ossiet*2y> Bitter ohne =urcht und
Tadel. AerlinH +ufb-u, 19((. "ross!-n, Nur/ 2. Ossiet*2y> $in &eutscher atriot.
Kuni>hH Nindler, 19('. Ossie/z0y, K-ud 8on. #aud v. Ossiet*2y $r*ahlt> $in
-ebensbild. AerlinH Au>h8erl- der Koren, 19((. Nr-i0er, ". .arl von Ossiet*2y.
2einbe>0, "er!-nyH 2o#hol/, 199).
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y >i/ed 6-rl 8on Ossie/z0y for \his 8-lu-ble >on/ribu/ion /o
/he >-use of $e->eZ bu/
P-e 1&*
no/ed his 8-lue -s \- sy!bol of /he s/rule for $e->e r-/her /h-n i/s >h-!$ion.Z +n
->>o!$lished Mourn-lis/ dedi>-/ed /o liber-lis!, Ossie/z0y be>-!e - >onfir!ed fih/er
for $e->e -f/er his s-d e@$erien>es -s - soldier in World W-r ?. Le #-s - le-der of /he
"er!-n Pe->e So>ie/y for !-ny ye-rs, bu/ his !-Mor >on/ribu/ions /oo0 /he for! of
brilli-n/ ess-ys in - nu!ber of Mourn-ls. ?/ #-s -s - sy!bol, ho#e8er, /h-/ he be>-!e -n
in/ern-/ion-l for>e. Aeinnin in 192(, he fe-rlessly e@$osed "er!-n !ili/-ry ->/i8i/ies,
#hi>h led /o his i!$rison!en/ se8er-l /i!es. Lis -//->0s on Li/leris! -nd N-zi $oli>ies,
beinnin in 19'', led /o his b-nish!en/ /o >on>en/r-/ion >-!$ life un/il his de-/h.
Ossie/z0y9s re>ei$/ of /he Prize, #hi>h he #-s $re8en/ed fro! ->>e$/in, resul/ed in
Li/ler9s de>ree /h-/ no "er!-n in /he fu/ure >ould ->>e$/ -ny Nobel Prize. BA.S.S.C
-aa>edra #a2as5 %arlos ?CC
Prize: Pe->e, 19'(. Born: No8e!ber 1, 1*&*; Auenos +ires, +ren/in-. Death: K-y %,
19%9; Auenos +ires, +ren/in-. Parents: 1-/her, K-ri-no S--8edr- J-8-le/-; Ko/her,
Luis- L-!-s. Nationality: +ren/ini-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: N-/ion-l Ini8.,
+ren/in-, Do>/or-/e of L-#s, 190'. Spouse: 2os- S-enz Pen-, !-rried 190'.
Children: 6-rlos 2oGue, son. Career: Ini8. of L- Pl-/- -nd Ini8. of Auenos +ires,
+ren/in-, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or B/o Presiden/C, 190':)(; >on>urren/ly ser8ed in -
nu!ber of $oli/i>-l $os/s. Other Awards: ?n/ern-/ion-l Ked-l, P-n+!eri>-n So>ie/y,
N3, 19''; S/-r of /he "er!-n 2ed 6ross, 19'(; "r-nd 6ross of /he Leion of Lonor,
Selected Publications: Traites <nternationaux de Type (ocial> -es .onventions sur
-)$migration et le Travail erspective ?u)elles Offrent aux ays (ud@Americains et
(pecialement a la Bepubli4ue Argentine. P-risH Pedone, 192). .entro de -egislacion
(ocial y del TrabaIo. Auenos +iresH ?!$ren/- de l- Ini8ersid-d, 192&. -a .rise de la
.odification et de la &octrine Argentine de &roit <nternational. P-risH Pedone, 19'1.
.odigo 'acional del TrabaIo. ' 8olu!es. Auenos +iresH 2old-n, 19''.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: $ncyclopedia of %orld 8iography. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-
Lill, 19&' BSolu!e 9C, ')(:)&. Oro K-ini, +/ilio del. .arlos (aavedra -amas. Auenos
+iresH +n-les de l- +>-de!i- N->ion-l de Dere>ho y 6ien>i-s So>i-les, 19(0. 1r--, 2.
.arlos (aavedra -amas. Auenos +iresH 5di/ori-l 6en/ro de 5s/udios Inion, 1991.
Co$$entary: ?n - du-l >-reer -s - dis/inuished $rofessor of l-# -nd $oli/i>-l le-der,
6-rlos S--8edr- L-!-s e-rned /he Nobel Prize /hrouh his es$ous-l of -n +n/i#-r P->/
born in L-/in +!eri>- -nd sub!i//ed /o /he Le-ue of N-/ions, -s #ell -s for his #or0 in
/he Le-ue of N-/ions. S--8edr- L-!-s h-d ser8ed +ren/in- in - nu!ber of i!$or/-n/
$os/s fro! 190(:'2, s$onsorin leisl-/ion /h-/ >l-rified $oli>ies on #-/er rih/s,
-ri>ul/ure, i!!ir-/ion, -nd fin-n>es. Lis in/ern-/ion-l $ro!inen>e be-n in 19'2
#hen, -s forein !inis/er, he su>>eeded in endin /he 6h->o W-r be/#een P-r-u-y -nd
Aoli8i-; he -lso de8elo$ed /he found-/ion for /he Sou/h +!eri>-n +n/i#-r P->/, #hi>h
he $resen/ed firs/ /o /he +!eri>-n n-/ions -nd l-/er /o /he Le-ue of N-/ions. Le #-s
Presiden/ of /he Le-ue in 19'(. B2.+.C
%ecil5 "d&ar 0l&ernon 4obert 6asco$ne5 -ir ?C9
Prize: Pe->e, 19'&. Born: Se$/e!ber 1), 1*(); London, 5nl-nd. Death: No8e!ber 2),
19%*; Turnbride Wells, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 2ober/ +r/hur T-lbo/ 6e>il; Ko/her,
"eori-n- +lderson 6e>il. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nli>-n. Education: O@ford
Ini8., 5nl-nd, b->>-l-ure-/e, 1**1; l-# deree, 1**). Spouse: 5le-nor L-!b/on,
!-rried 1**9. Children: None. Career: Pri8-/e Se>re/-ry, 1**(:**; +//orney, 1***:
190(; Ari/ish P-rli-!en/ -nd o/her $oli/i>-l $osi/ions, 190(:2&. Other Awards:
Nnih/hood, 192'.
Selected Publications: Our 'ational .hurch. LondonH 1. W-rne Y 6o., 191' B#i/h L. P.
6l-y/onC. The #oral 8asis of the -eague of 'ations. LondonH Lindsey Press, 192'. The
.o@operation of 'ations. LondonH Ini8. of London Press, 192*. The %ay of eace.
LondonH P. +ll-n Y 6o., 192*. All the %ay. LondonH Lodder Y S/ouh/on, 19)9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A 5reat $xperiment> An Autobiography. Ne# 3or0H O@ford
Ini8. Press, 19)1. P->0son, Pere L-ndon. OO+$os/le of /he Le-ueH Lord 2ober/ 6e>il
-nd /he 1ih/ for /he Le-ue of N-/ions, 191(:192).Z BPh.D. disser/-/ion, Ini8. of Nor/h
6-rolin- -/ 6h-$el Lill, 19&)C.
Co$$entary: 2ober/ 6e>il #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 -s one of /he
-r>hi/e>/s of /he Le-ue of N-/ions -nd -s i/s f-i/hful defender. The Le-ue o>>u$ied
!u>h of his life, #hile -/ /he s-!e /i!e he ser8ed his >oun/ry in - 8-rie/y of i!$or/-n/
o8ern!en/ $os/s. 6e>il h-d /he dis/in>/ion of bein -n i!$or/-n/ fiure in /he foundin
of /he Le-ue, in i/s his/ory /hrouhou/ i/s e@is/en>e, -nd in /he fin-l !ee/ins in "ene8-
in 19)(, #hen he s-id \The Le-ue is de-d; lon li8e /he Ini/ed N-/ions.Z BA.L.C
Nansen .nternational 3ffice of 4ef!&ees D3ffice .nternational Nansen po!r les 4Hf!&iHsE ?90
Prize: Pe->e, 19'*. ounded: 1921 in "ene8-, S#i/zerl-nd
Co$$entary: +n in/ern-/ion-l -id or-niz-/ion es/-blished by 1rid/Mof N-nsen in 1921
-nd -u/horized by /he Le-ue of N-/ions in 19'0, /he ?n/ern-/ion-l Offi>e of 2efuees
>losed i/s doors De>e!ber '1, 19'*. Wi/h /he Le-ue in full de>line, /he >o!!i//ee
de>ided /o i8e /he -#-rd /o /he Le-ue9s Offi>e of 2efuees. Wh-/e8er /he $oli/i>-l
diffi>ul/ies of /he #orld9s firs/ in/ern-/ion-l or-niz-/ion of n-/ions, /he >o!!i//ee
#-n/ed /o >-ll -//en/ion /o ho# effe>/i8e i/ h-d been in >-rryin ou/ hu!-ni/-ri-n #or0.
.nternational %o22ittee of the 4ed %ross D%o2itH .nternational de la %roi/'4o!&eE ?91
Prize: Pe->e, 19)). ounded: 1*(' in "ene8-, S#i/zerl-nd
Co$$entary: The ?626 re>ei8ed i/s se>ond Pe->e Prize for i/s hu!-ni/-ri-n ->/i8i/ies
durin World W-r ?? -nd, ->>ordin /o /he >o!!i//ee, for \res>uin in /he d-r0 s/or! of
#-r /he ide- of hu!-n solid-ri/y -nd res$e>/ for /he dini/y of e8ery hu!-n bein=
$re>isely -/ - /i!e #hen /he re-l or -lleed ne>essi/ies of #-r $ush !or-l 8-lues in/o /he
P-e 1&9
1!ll5 %ordell ?92
Prize: Pe->e, 19)%. Born: O>/ober 2, 1*&1; O8er/on 6oun/y, TN. Death: Puly 2', 19%%;
Ae/hesd-, KD. Parents: 1-/her, Willi-! Lull; Ko/her, 5liz-be/h 2iley Lull.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: 6u!berl-nd Ini8., TN, l-#
deree, 1*91. Spouse: 2ose 1r-n>es Wi/z Whi/ney, !-rried 191&. Children: None.
Career: Tennessee, Louse of 2e$resen/-/i8es, Ke!ber, 1*9':9&; Tennessee, ?nf-n/ry
6-$/-in, 1*9*:99; +//orney, 1*99:190'; Tennessee, Pude, 190':0&; Ini/ed S/-/es,
Louse of 2e$resen/-/i8es, Ke!ber, 190&:'1; Ini/ed S/-/es, Sen-/or, 19'1:''; Ini/ed
S/-/es, Se>re/-ry of S/-/e, 19'':)). Other Awards: Woodro# Wilson Ked-l, 19'&;
Theodore 2oose8el/ Dis/inuished Ser8i>e Ked-l, 19)%.
Selected Publications: $conomic 8arriers to eace. Ne# 3or0H Woodro# Wilson
1ound-/ion, 19'&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Lin/on, L-rold A. .ordell /ull> A 8iography. "-rden 6i/y,
N3H Doubled-y, Dor-n -nd 6o!$-ny, 19)2. The #emoirs of .ordell /ull. 2 8olu!es.
Ne# 3or0H The K->!ill-n 6o!$-ny, 19)*. Pr-//, Pulius. .ordell /ull, 19CC+GG. 2
8olu!es. Ne# 3or0H 6oo$er SGu-re Publishers, 19().
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o 6ordell Lull #-s \for his lon -nd indef-/i-ble #or0 for
unders/-ndin be/#een n-/ions.Z Lull #-s >i/ed for his $ro!inen/ role in l-yin /he
round#or0 for /he Ini/ed N-/ions -s -n or-niz-/ion dedi>-/ed /o /he !-in/en-n>e of
$e->e follo#in World W-r ??. The Nobel 6o!!i//ee -lso re>onized Lull9s lifelon
effor/s -/ lo#erin /r-de b-rriers -s - !e-ns /o i!$ro8e in/ern-/ion-l rel-/ions -nd
re!o8e one of /he >-uses of #-r; -nd his $ro!o/ion of $e->e -!on /he n-/ions of /he
+!eri>-n >on/inen/s /hrouh /he i!$le!en/-/ion of 1r-n0lin D. 2oose8el/9s \ood
neihbor $oli>y.Z B".S.C
+alch5 "2il$ 6reene ?93
Prize: Pe->e, 19)(. Born: P-nu-ry *, 1*(&; Aos/on, K+. Death: P-nu-ry &, 19(1;
6-!bride, K+. Parents: 1-/her, 1r-n>is Sernies A-l>h; Ko/her, 5llen Noyes A-l>h.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Ini/-ri-n. Education: Aryn K-#r 6ollee, P+, +.A.,
1**9. Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: 6hildren9s +id So>ie/y, Aos/on, K+,
So>i-l Wor0er, 1*91; Denison Louse Se//le!en/, Aos/on, K+, Le-d#or0er, 1*92:9';
Wellesley 6ollee, K+, Professor, 1*9(:191*; The 'ation, N3, 5di/or, 191*:19.
Selected Publications: ublic Assistance of the oor in =rance. A-l/i!ore, KDH
+!eri>-n 5>ono!i> +sso>i-/ion, 1*9'. Our (lavic =ello0 .iti*ens. Ne# 3or0H
6h-ri/ies Publi>-/ion 6o!!i//ee, 1910. Approaches to the 5reat (ettlement. Ne# 3or0H
A.W. Luebs>h, 191*. The #iracle of -iving. Ne# 3or0H ?sl-nd Press, 19)1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19)*, '2:'). 2-nd-ll, Ker>edes K. <mproper 8ostonian> $mily 5reene 8alch. Ne#
3or0H T#-yne Publishers, 19().
Co$$entary: The Nobel +#-rd /o 5!ily "reene A-l>h re>onized her i!$or/-n/
>on/ribu/ions -s - le-der of /he in/ern-/ion-l #o!en9s !o8e!en/ for $e->e. Ler ->/i8is!
be-n in 191% #hen she ser8ed -s - dele-/e /o /he ?n/ern-/ion-l 6onress of Wo!en,
-nd l-/er -s -n offi>i-l s$o0es$erson /o /he /hen-neu/r-l S>-ndin-8i-n >oun/ries, 2ussi-,
-nd /he Ini/ed S/-/es. She >on/inued her #or0 -s - founder, offi>er, -nd lifelon #or0er
of /he Wo!en9s ?n/ern-/ion-l Le-ue for Pe->e -nd 1reedo!. ?n 1919, -f/er 22 ye-rs of
her /e->hin, Wellesley 6ollee de>lined /o re-$$oin/ her be>-use of her $->ifis/ 8ie#s.
,ott5 <ohn 4: ?9?
Prize: Pe->e, 19)(. Born: K-y 2%, 1*(%; Li8ins/on K-nor, N3. Death: P-nu-ry '1,
19%%; Orl-ndo, 1L. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn S/i// Ko//; Ko/her, 5l!ir- Dode Ko//.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Ke/hodis/. Education: 6ornell Ini8., N3, Ph.A.,
1***. Spouse: Leil- +d- Whi/e, !-rried No8e!ber 2(, 1*91; died Se$/e!ber 2*, 19%2;
+nes Pe/er, !-rried Puly 2*, 19%'. Children: Pohn Li8ins/one, son; ?rene, d-uh/er;
1rederi>0 Dode, son; 5le-nor, d-uh/er. Career: 3oun Ken9s 6hris/i-n +sso>i-/ion,
+d!inis/r-/or, 1***:19'1. Other Awards: Dis/inuished Ser8i>e Ked-l, Ini/ed S/-/es,
1919; Order of /he 6ro#n, Si-!, 1919; 6he8-lier, 1ren>h Leion of Lonor, 1919;
6he8-lier, Order of /he 6ro#n of ?/-ly, 1920; ?!$eri-l Order of /he S->red Tre-sure,
P-$-n, 1920 -nd 1929; S/-r of /he Lun-ri-n 2ed 6ross, 192'; Order of Polon-
2es/i/u/-, Pol-nd, 192); Order of /he Loly Se$ul>hre, Perus-le!, 192); Order of /he
S-8ior, "ree>e, 192); Order of /he Whi/e Lion, 6ze>hoslo8-0i-, 19'0; Order of /he
P-de, 6hin-, 19'*; Order of /he Whi/e 2ose, 1inl-nd, 19)(; Prin>e 6-rl Ked-l, S#eden,
19)(; 6o!!-nder9s 6ross, Order of Keri/ of /he 1eder-/ed 2e$ubli> of "er!-ny, 19%).
Selected Publications: -iberating the -ay =orces of .hristianity. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n,
19'2. =ive &ecades and a =or0ard 6ie0. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er -nd Aro/hers, 19'9.
Addresses and apers. ( 8olu!es. Ne# 3or0H +sso>i-/ion Press, 19)(:19)&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19)&, )%':%(. &ictionary of American 8iography. (upplement " F19"1+19""H. Ne#
3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&&, %0(:0*. Lo$0ins, 6h-rles Lo#-rd. 7ohn B. #ott, 1;6"+19""> A
8iography. "r-nd 2-$ids, K?H 5erd!-ns, 19&9.
Co$$entary: Pohn Ko// #-s nei/her - $oli/i>i-n nor -n ->/i8e $-r/i>i$-n/ in $e->e
or-niz-/ions bu/ #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his s/e-df-s/ >o!!i/!en/ /o
s$re-din /he #ord of 6hris/, -s #ell -s his ins$ir-/ion /o you/h, his le-din role in fi8e
#orld >hur>h -nd !ission-ry !o8e!en/s, his de!ons/r-/ed res$e>/ for indi8idu-l
differen>es, -nd hu!-ni/-ri-n effor/s in /i!e of #-r. + re>onized le-der of /he 6hris/i-n
e>u!eni>-l !o8e!en/ -nd -n or-nizer -/ his bes/ #hen de-lin #i/h di8erse ele!en/s,
Ko// #-s -lso ins/ru!en/-l in foundin /he World 6oun>il of 6hur>hes. BK.L.L.C
02erican riends -er>ice %o22ittee DO!akersE ?9@
Prize: Pe->e, 19)&. ounded: 1(&2; he-dGu-r/ered in W-shin/on, D6
Co$$entary: The Pe->e Prize #-s di8ided eGu-lly be/#een /he +!eri>-n 1riends
Ser8i>e 6o!!i//ee -nd /he 1riends Ser8i>e 6oun>il for /heir ->/i8i/ies durin World W-r
?? -nd -f/er#-rd, #hen Qu-0er 8olun/eers -d!inis/ered
P-e 1*0
relief in /he for! of food, >lo/hin, -!bul-n>e ser8i>e, -nd !edi>-l >-re /o !-ny n-/ions
of $eo$le on !ore /h-n one >on/inen/. B".N.W.C
riends -er>ice %o!ncil ?9A
Prize: Pe->e, 19)&. ounded: 1()& in London, 5nl-nd
Co$$entary: The Pe->e Prize #-s di8ided eGu-lly be/#een /he 1riends Ser8i>e 6oun>il
-nd /he +!eri>-n 1riends Ser8i>e 6o!!i//ee for /heir ->/i8i/ies durin World W-r ??
-nd -f/er#-rd, #hen Qu-0er 8olun/eers -d!inis/ered relief in /he for! of food, >lo/hin,
-!bul-n>e ser8i>e, -nd !edi>-l >-re /o !-ny n-/ions of $eo$le on !ore /h-n one
>on/inen/. B".N.W.C
3rr5 <ohn +o$d D3rr5 +o$d5 #ordE ?9B
Prize: Pe->e, 19)9. Born: Se$/e!ber 2', 1**0; Nil!-urs, +yrshire, S>o/l-nd. Death:
Pune 2%, 19&1; Are>hin, +nus, S>o/l-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 2ober/ 6l-r0 Orr; Ko/her,
+nnie Aoyd Orr. Nationality: S>o//ish. Religion: Presby/eri-n. Education: "l-so#
Ini8., S>o/l-nd, K.+., 1902; "l-so# Ini8., S>o/l-nd, A.S>., 1910; "l-so# Ini8.,
S>o/l-nd, K.A., 6h.A., 1912; "l-so# Ini8., S>o/l-nd, K.D., 191); "l-so# Ini8.,
S>o/l-nd, D.S>., 1920. Spouse: 5liz-be/h Pe-rson 6-llu!, !-rried 191%. Children:
5liz-be/h Po-n, d-uh/er; Lelen +nn, d-uh/er; Don-ld Noel, son. Career: Ari/ish
Kili/-ry Ser8i>e, 191):19; 2o#e// ?ns/i/u/e, 5nl-nd, Dire>/or -nd Publisher, 191):)%;
"l-so# Ini8., S>o/l-nd, 2e>/or -nd 6h-n>ellor, 19)%:&1; 1ood -nd +ri>ul/ure
Or-niz-/ion, Ini/ed N-/ions, Dire>/or, 19)(:)*. Other Awards: Nnih/hood, 19'%;
2-ised /o $eer-e, 19)*; Leion d9Lonneur, 19)9; L-rben Ked-l, 2oy-l ?ns/i/u/e of
Publi> Le-l/h, 19)9; "old Ked-l, ?n/ern-/ion-l 1eder-/ion of +ri>ul/ur-l Produ>ers,
19)9; "old Ked-l, N-/ion-l 1-r!ers Inion of +!eri>-, 19%1; Aorden "old Ked-l,
I.S.+., 19%*.
Selected Publications: =ood, /ealth and <ncome. LondonH K->!ill-n, 19'(. =ood and
the eople. LondonH Pilo/ Press, 19)'. The %hite #an)s &ilemma. LondonH +llen -nd
In#in, 19%'. =east and =amine. LondonH 2-/hbone Aoo0s, 19%&. As < Becall> The
1;;0)s to the 1960)s. LondonH K->"ibbon -nd Nee, 19((.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson 6o.,
19)(, ))0:)'. 6u/hber/son, D.P. \Lord Aoyd Orr B1**0:19&1CH + Aior-$hi>-l S0e/>h.Z
7ournal of 'utrition. 10% BK-y 19&%CH %19:2). N-y, L.D. \Pohn Aoyd Orr, A-ron Aoyd
Orr of Are>hin Ke-rns.99 ?n 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety
BSolu!e 1*C, )':*1. LondonH The 2oy-l So>ie/y of London, 19&2. 8iographical
#emoirs. 'ational Academy of (ciences. W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y Press,
199), Solu!e (', )2'.
Co$$entary: Pohn Aoyd Orr #-s re>onized by /he +>-de!y for his effor/s /o
eli!in-/e #orld huner -nd /o $ro!o/e lob-l uni/y -nd $e->e. + nu/ri/ionis/, Orr
le-rned e-rly /h-/ i/ #-s e-sier /o $ersu-de f-r!ers /o feed -ni!-ls #ell /h-n i/ #-s /o
>on8in>e $eo$le of /he i!$or/-n>e of hu!-n nu/ri/ion. +s /he firs/ dire>/or-ener-l of
/he 1ood -nd +ri>ul/ure Or-niz-/ion, he /ried, unsu>>essfully, /o es/-blish - #orld
food $l-n. Ku>h of his l-/er life #-s s$en/ #or0in /o#-rd - \Ini/ed S/-/es of /he
WorldZ /h-/ #ould -llo# su>h - $l-n /o e@is/. \There >-n be no $e->e in /he #orld so
lon -s - l-re $ro$or/ion of /he $o$ul-/ion l->0 /he ne>essi/ies of life p ,Z Pohn Aoyd
Orr s/-/ed in his Nobel le>/ure. BK.L.L.C
+!nche5 4alph <ohnson ?9C
Prize: Pe->e, 19%0. Born: +uus/ &, 190); De/roi/, K?. Death: De>e!ber 9, 19&1; Ne#
3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, 1red Aun>he; Ko/her, Oli8e +nes Pohnson Aun>he.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Los
+neles, +.A., 192&; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, +.K., 192*; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Ph.D., 19').
Spouse: 2u/h 5/hel L-rris, !-rried Pune 2', 19'0. Children: Po-n L-rris, d-uh/er;
P-ne Pohnson, d-uh/er; 2-l$h Pohnson, Pr., son. Career: Lo#-rd Ini8., W-shin/on,
D6, Professor, 1929:)1; Ini/ed S/-/es o8ern!en/ $osi/ions, 19)2:)&; Ini/ed N-/ions
$osi/ions, 19)&:&1. Other Awards: S$in-r! Ked-l, N-/ion-l +sso>i-/ion for /he
+d8-n>e!en/ of 6olored Peo$le, 19)9; Ked-l of 1reedo!, 19('.
Selected Publications: A %orld 6ie0 of Bace. W-shin/on, D6H +sso>i-/es in Nero
1ol0 5du>-/ion, 19'(. \Wh-/ +!eri>- Ke-ns /o Ke.Z American #aga*ine 1)9
B1ebru-ry 19%0CH 19, 122:2(. The olitical (tatus of the 'egro in the Age of =&B.
6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19&'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19)*, &&:&9. Nuel!-ss, P.+. Balph 7. 8unche> =ighter for eace. Ne# 3or0H Puli-n
Kessner, 19%2. K-nn, Pey. Balph 8unche> :' eacema2er. Ne# 3or0H 6o#-rd,
K>6-nn -nd "eohe-n, 19&%. IrGuh-r/, A. Balph 8unche. Ne# 3or0H W. W. Nor/on,
Co$$entary: 2-l$h Aun>he e-rned /he Nobel Prize for !edi-/in /he #-r -!on ?sr-el,
5y$/, Pord-n, Leb-non, -nd Syri-, - #-r #hi>h h-d follo#ed /he Ini/ed N-/ion9s $l-n
in 19)& for $-r/i/ionin P-les/ine. +s $erson-l re$resen/-/i8e of /he IN Se>re/-ry
"ener-l, Aun>he ->>o!$-nied 6oun/ 1ol0e Aern-do//e, IN !edi-/or, /o /he Kiddle
5-s/. 1ollo#in Aern-do//e9s -ss-ssin-/ion, Aun>he be>-!e ->/in !edi-/or -nd
dire>/ed /he diffi>ul/ -nd >o!$le@ neo/i-/ions be/#een ?sr-eli -nd +r-b dele-/ions
#hi>h >ul!in-/ed in /he sinin of -r!is/i>e -ree!en/s be/#een /hese >oun/ries in
19)9. Aun>he #-s e-rlier -n ou/s/-ndin ->-de!i>, - >i8il rih/s ->/i8is/, -nd - le-din
Ini/ed S/-/es o8ern!en/ ser8i>e e!$loyee. Lis >-reer ended #i/h 2% ye-rs of ser8i>e
/o /he Ini/ed N-/ions. BD.N.S.C
<o!ha!/5 #eon ?99
Prize: Pe->e, 19%1. Born: Puly 1, 1*&9; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death: +$ril 2*, 19%); P-ris,
1r-n>e. Parents: No re>ord found. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education:
No >ollee derees. Spouse: BNo firs/ n-!e foundC Pouh-u@, !-rried Bno d-/e foundC.
Children: None. Career: K-/>h 6o!$-ny, P-ris, 1r-n>e, Ins0illed L-borer, 1*9%:
1900; P-ris, 1r-n>e, Ins0illed L-borer, 1900:02; 1r-n>e, Inion +>/i8is/ -nd Le-der,
1902:%). Other Awards: Ked-l of /he 1ren>h 2esis/-n>e, 19)(.
Selected Publications: "eores, A. -nd o/hers. -Don 7ouhaux dans le movement
syndical franEais. P-risH Presses
P-e 1*1
uni8ersi/-ires de 1r-n>e, 19&9. The <nternational =ederation of Trade :nions and
$conomic Beconstruction. +!s/erd-!H ?1TI, 1922. -e &esarmement. P-risH +l>-n,
192&. -e #ouvement (yndical en =rance. AerlinH 1eder-/ion Syndi>-le ?n/ern-/ion-le,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19)*, '29:'1. -iving Age '%2 BPuly 19'&CH )19:2%. Kille/, 2-y!ond. 7ouhaux et la
..5.T. P-risH Denoel e/ S/eele, 19'&.
Co$$entary: Leon Pouh-u@ #-s re>onized for his \#or0 -nd s/rule /o ele8-/e /he
#or0in >l-ss, -nd firs/ of -ll /o i!$ro8e /heir >ondi/ions.Z Le re>ei8ed /he Prize
\be>-use fro! his e-rlies/ ye-rs he h-s /i!e -f/er /i!e /hro#n hi!self in/o /he fih/ for
$e->e -nd --ins/ #-rp. Z Pouh-u@, for>ed in/o #or0 -/ - !-/>h f->/ory -/ -e 1',
be>-!e - le-der of /he 1ren>h /r-de-union !o8e!en/ -nd -n offi>er in /he n-/ion-l
or-niz-/ion, The 6onfeder-/ion "ener-le du Tr-8-il B6.".T.C fro! 1909:%1. Le used
his $o#er /o le-d /he 6.".T. in/o $e->e $ror-!s #hi>h in>luded su$$or/ of -r!s
li!i/-/ion, in/ern-/ion-l -rbi/r-/ion, res$e>/ for -ll n-/ion-li/ies, -nd o$en /re-/ies. BT.A.C
-ch)eitzer5 0lbert @00
Prize: Pe->e, 19%2. Born: P-nu-ry 1), 1*&%; N-yersbur, +ls->e. Death: Se$/e!ber ),
19(%; L-!b-r_n_, "-bon, 1ren>h 5Gu-/ori-l +fri>-. Parents: 1-/her, Louis S>h#ei/zer;
Ko/her, +dele S>hilliner S>h#ei/zer. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er 1ren>h residen/.
Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of S/r-sbour, 1r-n>e, Ph.D., 1*99; Ini8. of
S/r-sbour, 1r-n>e, Li>en/i-/e, 1900; Ini8. of S/r-sbour, 1r-n>e, Do>/or-/e in
Kedi>ine, 191'. Spouse: Lelene Aressl-u, !-rried Pune 1*, 1912. Children: 2hen-
1-nny Suz-nne S>h#ei/zer 5>0er/ Killer, d-uh/er. Career: 6h-$el of S/. Ni>hol-s,
S/r-sbour, 1r-n>e, Pre->her, 1*99:1900; Ini8. of S/r-sbour, 1r-n>e, Prin>i$-l of
Theoloi>-l 6ollee, 1901:12; S>h#ei/zer Los$i/-l, "-bon, 1r-n>e, 1ounder -nd
Dire>/or, 191':(%. Other Awards: "oe/he Ke!ori-l Prize, 1r-n0fur/, 192*; Well>o!e
Ked-l, 2oy-l +fri>-n So>ie/y, 19%2; "r-nd "old Ked-l, P-ris, 19%%; Pour le Keri/e,
"er!-ny, 19%%; Order of Keri/, 5nl-nd, 19%%.
Selected Publications: 7.(. 8ach, le musicien@poete. P-risH 6os/-ll-/, 190% BTr. by 5rnes/
Ne#!-n. Ne$/une, NPH P--nini-n-, 19*0C. &eutsche und =ran*osische
Orgelbau2unstund Orgel2unst. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH Arei/0o$f und L-r/el, 190( BOrgan
laying and Organ 8uilding in =rance and 5ermany. Tr. by Willi-! D. Turner,
Ar-in/ree, K+H Or-n Li/er-/ureC. 6on Beimarus *u %rede. TRbinen, "er!-nyH P.6.A.
Kohr, 190( BThe ?uest of the /istorical 7esus> A .ritical (tudy of <ts rogress from
Beimarus to %rede. Tr. by W. Kon/o!ery. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19(*C. !0ischen
%asser und :r0ald. I$s-l-, S#edenH Lindbl-d Publishin Louse, 1921 BOn the $dge of
the rimeval =orest. Tr. by 6.T. 6-!$ion. Ne# 3or0H +KS Press, 19&(C. Jultur und
$thi2. Kuni>hH 6.L. Ae>0, 192' B.ivili*ation and $thics. Tr. by 6.T. 6-!$ion. LondonH
+. Y 6. Al->0, 192'C. Aus #einer Jindheit und 7ugend*eit. Aern, S#i/zerl-ndH P-ul
L-u$/, 192) B#emoirs of .hildhood and 1outh. Tr. by 6.T. 6-!$ion. Ne# 3or0H
K->!ill-n, 19)9C. &ie #ysti2 des Apostels aulus. TRbinen, S#i/zerl-ndH P.6.A. Kohr
BSiebe>0C, 19'0 BThe #ysticism of aul the Apostle. Tr. by W. Kon/o!ery. Ne# 3or0H
6rossro-d, 19(*C. Aus #einem -eben und &en2en. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH 1eli@ Keiner,
19'1 BOut of #y -ife and Thought. Tr. by 6.T. 6-!$ion, Ne# 3or0H Lol/, 19''C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Ar-b-zon, P-!es. Albert (ch0eit*er> A 8iography. Ne#
3or0H Pu/n-!, 19&%; Syr->use, N3H Syr->use Ini8ersi/y Press, 2000 B2nd ed.C. 6ousins,
Nor!-n. &r. (ch0eit*er of -ambarDnD. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er, 19(0. .urrent 8iography
1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19(%, '&%:&*. S>h#ei/zer, +lber/. #emoirs of
.hildhood and 1outh. Tr. by 6.T. 6-!$ion. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19)9. S>h#ei/zer,
+lber/. Out of #y -ife and Thought. Tr. by 6.T. 6-!$ion. Ne# 3or0H Lol/, 19''.
Se-8er, "eore. Albert (ch0eit*er, the #an and his #ind. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er, 19%%.
Aen/ley, P. Albert (ch0eit*er. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er6ollins, 1992.
Co$$entary: +lber/ S>h#ei/zer, !usi>i-n, /heoloi-n, $hiloso$her, -nd do>/or, e-rned
/he res$e>/ -nd -d!ir-/ion of /he #orld -s - hu!-ni/-ri-n, re>ei8in /he Nobel Prize for
his effor/s in beh-lf of \/he Aro/herhood of N-/ions.Z The -u/hor of s>hol-rly boo0s on
A->h -nd /heoloy, - reno#ned or-n builder -nd or-nis/, he be>-!e 0no#n /o /he
#orld -s /he founder -nd dire>/or of /he S>h#ei/zer Los$i/-l in L-!b-r_n_, "-bon,
1ren>h 5Gu-/ori-l +fri>-. Lis \2e8eren>e for Life99 $hiloso$hy lef/ - $rofound !-r0 on
/he #orld. BK.N.C
,arshall5 6eor&e %atlett @01
Prize: Pe->e, 19%'. Born: De>e!ber '1, 1**0; Inion/o#n, P+. Death: O>/ober 1(,
19%9; Ae/hesd-, KD. Parents: 1-/her, "eore 6-/le// K-rsh-ll; Ko/her, L-ur- Ar-dford
K-rsh-ll. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 5$is>o$-li-n. Education: Sirini- Kili/-ry
?ns/i/u/e, r-du-/e, 1901. Spouse: 5liz-be/h 6-r/er 6oles, !-rried 1902, died 192&;
N-/h-rine Tu$$er Aro#n, !-rried 19'0. Children: None. Career: I.S. +r!y -nd
"o8ern!en/ Pos/s, 1902:%1. Other Awards: "old Ked-l, Dis/inuished Ser8i>e Ked-l,
-nd Si>/ory Ked-l, IS+; 6roi@ de "uerre Kon/enero; "r-nd 6roi@ Leion of Lonor,
1r-n>e; Offi>er, Order of /he 6ro#n, ?/-ly; Nnih/ "r-nd 6ross, Order of /he A-/h,
5nl-nd; Order of Su8-ro8, ISS2; Theodore 2oose8el/ Dis/inuished Ser8i>e Ked-l,
19)%; Lu!-ni/-ri-n +#-rd, S-rie/ies 6lubs, 19)&; 1reedo! Louse +#-rd, 19)&; "old
Ked-l, N-/ion-l Pl-nnin +sso>i-/ion, 19)9; N-/ion-l 6i8i> Ser8i>e +#-rd, 19)9; Ne#
3or0 Ao-rd of Tr-de +#-rd, 19)9; Dis/inuished Publi> Ser8i>e +#-rd, 6onferen>e of
K-yors, 19)9; 6i/izenshi$ +#-rd, Dis-bled +!eri>-n Se/er-ns, Ne# 3or0 6h-$/er,
19%0; Dis/inuished Ser8i>e Ked-l, +!eri>-n Leion, 19%1; 1our 1reedo!s 1ound-/ion
+#-rd, 19%2.
Selected Publications: #emories of #y (ervice in the %orld %ar, 191A+1;. Aos/onH
Louh/on-Kifflin, 19&(. Al-nd, L-rry ?. Bed.C, The apers of 5eorge .atlett #arshall.
A-l/i!ore, KDH Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8. Press, 19*1:*(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6r-y, 5d. 5eneral of the Army> 5eorge .. #arshall,
(oldier and (tatesman. Ne# 3or0H 6oo$er SGu-re Press, 2000. 1errell, 2ober/ L.
5eorge .. #arshall. Ne# 3or0H 6oo$er SGu-re Publishers, 19((. Kosley, Leon-rd.
#arshall, /ero for Our Times. Ne#
P-e 1*2
3or0H Le-rs/ Aoo0s, 19*2. Poue, 1orres/ 6. 5eorge .. #arshall. Kul/i8olu!e se/.
Ne# 3or0H Si0in Press, 19('-.
Co$$entary: To l-/er ener-/ions, "ener-l "eore 6-/le// K-rsh-ll9s sele>/ion for /he
Nobel Pe->e Prize see!s -no!-lous. The see!inly >on/r-di>/ory sele>/ion of - !ili/-ry
!-n, /he firs/ e8er >hosen /o re>ei8e /he Pe->e Prize, is !ore -$$-ren/ /h-n re-l. While
ser8in -s Se>re/-ry of S/-/e, K-rsh-ll $ro!o/ed $e->e in /he -f/er!-/h of /he !os/
de8-s/-/in #-r in his/ory -nd re>ei8ed /he Nobel honor !os/ $rob-bly for /he K-rsh-ll
Pl-n, #hi>h $ro8ided +!eri>-n lo-ns -nd /e>hni>-l -ssis/-n>e /o -ny 5uro$e-n s/-/es
$ursuin re>o8ery. Throuhou/ his >-reer, K-rsh-ll >o8ered hi!self in lory, es$e>i-lly
-s 6hief of S/-ff of /he I.S. +r!y B19'9:)%C, Se>re/-ry of S/-/e B19)&:)9C, -nd
Se>re/-ry of Defense B19%0:%1C. B2.S.L.C
3ffice of the *nited Nations 1i&h %o22issioner for 4ef!&ees @02
Prize: Pe->e, 19%). ounded: 19%1 by Ini/ed N-/ions
Co$$entary: The Offi>e for 2efuees re>ei8ed /he Pe->e Prize for /heir #or0 for -nd
-!on refuees. The >o!!i//ee >redi/ed /he Offi>e #i/h \/e->hin us /h-/ /he
unfor/un-/e foreiner is one of us, -nd i/ !-0es us unders/-nd /h-/ /he solid-ri/y
e@/endin eGu-lly /o hu!-n beins beyond ;n-/ion-l< fron/iers >ons/i/u/es /he 8ery
found-/ion on #hi>h -ny l-s/in $e->e !us/ be buil/.Z B".N.W.C
Pearson5 #ester +o)les @03
Prize: Pe->e, 19%&. Born: +$ril 2', 1*9&; Ne#/on Aroo0, 6-n-d-. Death: De>e!ber
2&, 19&2; O//-#-, 6-n-d-. Parents: 1-/her, 5d#in +r/hur Pe-rson; Ko/her, +nnie S-r-h
Ao#les Pe-rson. Nationality: 6-n-di-n. Religion: Ke/hodis/. Education: Ini8. of
Toron/o, 6-n-d-, A.+., 1919; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+., 192'; O@ford Ini8.,
5nl-nd, K.+., 192%. Spouse: K-ryon 5ls$e/h Koody, !-rried 192%. Children:
"eoffrey +r/hur, son; P-/ri>i- Lilli-n L-nn-h, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Toron/o,
6-n-d-, Professor, 192(:2*; 6-n-di-n "o8ern!en/, $osi/ions /hrouh Pri!e Kinis/er,
192*:(*. Other Awards: Order of Keri/, 5nl-nd, 19(2; Ked-llion of S-lor, ?sr-el.
Selected Publications: &emocracy in %orld olitics. Prin>e/on, NPH Prin>e/on Ini8.
Press, 19%%. &iplomacy in the 'uclear Age. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press,
19%9. eace in the =amily of #an. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press, 19(9. %ords and
Occasions. Toron/oH Ini8. of Toron/o Press, 19&0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Ao/h#ell, 2ober/. earson, /is -ife and %orld. Ne# 3or0H
K>"r-#-Lill, 19&*. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19(', '19:
21. #i2e> The #emoirs of the Bight /onourable -ester 8. earson. Toron/oH Ini8. of
Toron/o Press, 19&2:&%. 5nlish, P. The -ife of -ester earson> the %orldly 1ears.
Toron/o; LondonH Sin/-e Aoo0s 6-n-d-, 199' B2 8ols.C. 5nlish, P. (hado0 of /eaven.
LondonH Sin/-e IN, 1990.
Co$$entary: Les/er Pe-rson #-s /he Nobel re>i$ien/ for lifelon #or0 in $ursui/ of
$e->e, >ul!in-/in in his effor/s /o resol8e /he Suez 6-n-l 6risis of 19%(. +n i!!ensely
li0e-ble $erson, Gui>0 in !ind, -nd buoy-n/ in s$iri/, \Ki0eZ Pe-rson s$en/ )0 ye-rs -/
/he >en/er of 6-n-di-n forein $oli>y de8elo$!en/, /he firs/ 20 -s -n in>re-sinly
res$e>/ed $rofession-l di$lo!-/, /he l-//er 20 -s - su>>essful Liber-l P-r/y le-der. 1or
ne-rly 10 ye-rs, -s Kinis/er for 5@/ern-l +ff-irs B19)*:%&C, he $resided o8er - 8eri/-ble
olden -e of 6-n-di-n le-dershi$ in /he $os/#-r Gues/ for #orld $e->e, -nd he
>ul!in-/ed his dis/inuished $oli/i>-l >-reer -s $ri!e !inis/er B19(':(*C. 1ollo#in /he
>o!bined Ari/ish, 1ren>h, -nd ?sr-eli -//->0 u$on 5y$/ in 19%(, Pe-rson /oo0 /he le-d
in Ini/ed N-/ions effor/s /o resol8e /he Suez 6-n-l 6risis. Lis lon di$lo!-/i>
e@$erien>e, f-!ili-ri/y #i/h $rin>i$-l ->/ors, -nd hihly res$e>/ed \$erson-l Gu-li/iesZ
en-bled hi! /o f-shion - solu/ion ->>e$/-ble /o -ll $-r/ies, endin /he -r!ed >onfli>/ -nd
res/orin $e->e /o /he reion. BS.W.C
Pire5 (o2iniJ!e5 4e>erend DranFois5 6eor&es %harles %le2ent 6hislain "!&HneE @0?
Prize: Pe->e, 19%*. Born: 1ebru-ry 10, 1910; Din-n/, Aeliu!. Death: P-nu-ry '0,
19(9; Lou8-in, Aeliu!. Parents: 1-/her, "eores Pire; Ko/her, 1r-naois L-uren/ Pire.
Nationality: Aeli-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: 6oleio +neli>o, ?/-ly, Do>/or of
S->red Theoloy, 19'(. Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: Do!ini>-n Pries/,
19'):(9; S/udiu! de l- S-r/e-Luy, Professor, 19'&:)&; 6rus-der for /he su>>essful
se//le!en/ of dis$l->ed $ersons, 19)&:(9. Other Awards: 6roi@ de "uerre #i/h $-l!s,
Aeliu!; 6roi@ d9Lonneur du K_ri/e 6i8iGue 1r-na-is; Ked-ille de l- 2_sis/-n>e #i/h
>rossed s#ords; Leion d9Lonneur, 1r-n>e; 6ross of Keri/ Order of Keri/, "er!-ny;
Ked-ille de l- 2e>onn-iss-n>e N-/ion-le; Sonnin Prize, Den!-r0, 19().
Selected Publications: The (tory of =ather &omini4ue ire, %inner of the 'obel eace
ri*e, as Told to /ugues 6ehenne. Tr. by Pohn L. S0effin/on. Ne# 3or0H Du//on, 19(1.
8uilding eace. Tr. by "r-e!e K. O. LondonH Tr-ns#orld Publishers, 19(&. 6ivre ou
#ourir $nsemble. ArusselsH Presses +>-de!iGues 5uro$eennes, 19(9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%9, '(2:(). Lou-r/, Si>/or. The Open /eart> The <nspiring (tory of =ather ire and
the $urope of the /eart. Tr. by Ker8yn S-8ill. LondonH Sou8enir Press, 19%9. Nen/,
"eore. OO1-/her PireH Nobel Prize Winner.Z .atholic %orld 1*9 B+$ril 19%9CH 2(:'1.
Co$$entary: 1-/her Do!iniGue Pire #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 #i/h
5uro$e-n refuees. Le or-nized - s$onsorshi$ $ror-! #hi>h $u/ refuee f-!ilies
li8in in >-!$s in /ou>h #i/h $ri8-/e f-!ilies else#here -nd founded four ho!es for
elderly refuees -nd se8en 5uro$e-n 8ill-es for /he rese//le!en/ of refuees. The
in/ern-/ion-l so>ie/y L9+ide -u@ Personnes De$l->_es B+id /o Dis$l->ed PersonsC #-s
-lso es/-blished by 1-/her Pire /o -ssis/ s/-/eless refuees #i/h !-/eri-l -nd !or-l
su$$or/. BP.6.L.C
Noel'+aker5 Philip <ohn @0@
Prize: Pe->e, 19%9. Born: No8e!ber 1, 1**9; London, 5nl-nd. Death: O>/ober *,
19*2; London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pose$h +llen A-0er; Ko/her, 5liz-be/h A.
P-e 1*'
Kos>ri$ A-0er. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Qu-0er. Education: 6-!bride Ini8.,
5nl-nd, b->>-l-ure-/e, 1912; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 191). Spouse: ?rene
Noel, !-rried 191%. Children: 1r-n>is 5d#-rd, son. Career: 2us0in 6ollee, 5nl-nd,
Si>e-Prin>i$-l, 191); 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, 1ello# -nd W-r Ser8i>e, 191%:19;
Ari/ish "o8ern!en/ Offi>es, 1919:2); Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, Professor, 192):29;
Ari/ish P-rli-!en/ -nd "o8ern!en/, 8-rious $osi/ions, 1929:&0. Other Awards: Kons
S/-r, 191%; 6ro>e di "uerr-, 191*; Lo#l-nd Prize, 3-le Ini8., 6T, 19'); Sil8er Ked-l,
19)&; +lber/ S>h#ei/zer Aoo0 Prize, 19(0.
Selected Publications: The 5eneva rotocol for the acific (ettlement of <nternational
&isputes. LondonH Nin, 192%. &isarmament. LondonH Lo-r/h, 192(. The -eague of
'ations at %or2. LondonH Nisbe/, 192(. &isarmament and the .oolidge .onference.
LondonH Leon-rd -nd Sirini- Woolf, 192&. The rivate #anufacture of Armaments.
LondonH "oll-n>z, 19'(. The Arms Bace> A rogramme for %orld &isarmament.
LondonH S/e8ens, 19%*. The %ay to %orld &isarmamentT'o0O LondonH Inion of
De!o>r-/i> 6on/rol, 19('.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Annual Obituary. Ne# 3or0H S/. K-r/in9s Press, 19*2.
2ussell, Aer/r-nd. The 'obel eace ri*e and the -aureates. Aos/onH ".N. L-ll, 19**,
1&0:&'. \Phili$ Noel-A-0erH + Tribu/e.Z <nternational Belations 2 B19(0CH 1:2.
Whi//-0er, D.P. =ighter for eace> hilip 'oel@8a2er, 1;;9+19;,. 3or0, 5nl-ndH W.
Sessions, 19*9.
Co$$entary: Phili$ Noel-A-0er #-s -#-rded /he Nobel for his >on/ribu/ions -s -
/ireless #or0er for #orld $e->e /hrouh dis-r!-!en/. 1or %' ye-rs, he #or0ed for $e->e
in his s$ee>hes, #ri/ins, -nd $-r/i>i$-/ion in e8ery in/ern-/ion-l dis-r!-!en/
>onferen>e. Lis ser8i>e /o Ari/-in #-s eGu-lly i!$ressi8e, bo/h -s -n Oly!$i> !ed-l
#inner -nd 6-$/-in of Ari/-in9s /e-! -nd in - lon >-reer in P-rli-!en/ -nd - su>>ession
of o8ern!en/ offi>es. B+.P. -nd A.S.S.C
#!th!li5 0lbert <ohn @0A
Prize: Pe->e, 19(0. Born: 1*9* BWC; 2hodesi-. Death: Puly 21, 19(&; "rou/8ille, Sou/h
+fri>-. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn Lu/huli; Ko/her, K/ony- "u!ede Lu/huli. Nationality:
Sou/h +fri>-n. Religion: 6onre-/ion-lis/. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse:
No0u0h-ny- Ahenu, !-rried 192&. Children: 2 sons; % d-uh/ers. Career: +d-!9s
Kission S/-/ion 6ollee, Sou/h +fri>-, Te->her, 1921:'(; +b-se!-0hol#eni Tribe,
Sou/h +fri>-, 6hief, 19'(:%'; +fri>-n N-/ion-l 6onress, Presiden/-"ener-l, 19%':(&.
Other Awards: Ini/ed N-/ions Lu!-n 2ih/s Prize, 19(*.
Selected Publications: \Wh-/ ? Would Do ?f ? Were Pri!e Kinis/er.Z $bony 1&
B1ebru-ry 19(2CH 21:29. Africa)s =reedom. LondonH +llen -nd In#in, 19().
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aenson, K-ry. .hief Albert -uthuli of (outh Africa.
LondonH O@ford Ini8. Press, 19('. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W.
Wilson, 19(2, 2&1:&'. -et #y eople 5o. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19(2. 'e0 1or2
Times BO>/ober 2), 19(1CH 22.
Co$$entary: +lber/ Lu/huli B-lso s$elled Lu/uliC #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y for his
le-dershi$ in $e->eful resis/-n>e /o -$-r/heid in Sou/h +fri>-, no/in /h-/ OOin his fih/
--ins/ r->i-l dis>ri!in-/ion he h-d -l#-ys #or0ed for non8iolen/ !e/hods.Z + lon/i!e
/e->her, /rib-l >hief/-in, Presiden/ of /he +fri>-n N-/ion-l 6onress, -nd - le-der of
6hris/i-ni/y in Sou/h +fri>-, Lu/huli #-s - for>eful fiure of in/ern-/ion-l s/-/ure in
-ff-irs #i/hin Sou/h +fri>-, des$i/e bein h-r-ssed -nd under in/ern-l e@ile for - ood
$-r/ of his >-reer. BA.S.S.C
1a22arskKold5 (a& 1Kal2ar 0&ne %arl @0B
Prize: Pe->e, 19(1 B$os/hu!ousC. Born: Puly 29, 190%; Pon0o$in, S#eden. Death:
Se$/e!ber 1&, 19(1; Nor/hern 2hodesi-. Parents: 1-/her, LM-l!-r L-!!-rs0Mold;
Ko/her, +nes +l!Gues/ L-!!-rs0Mold. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: Lu/her-n.
Education: Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden, A.+., 192%; Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden, LLA,
19'0; Ini8. of S/o>0hol!, S#eden, Ph.D., 19'). Spouse: None. Children: None.
Career: 6o!!ission on Ine!$loy!en/, S#eden, Se>re/-ry, 19'0:'); A-n0 of S#eden,
Se>re/-ry, 19'%:'(; Kinis/ry of 1in-n>e, S#eden, 19'(:)%; Kinis/ry of 1orein +ff-irs,
S#eden, 19)(; Or-niz-/ion of 5uro$e-n 5>ono!i> 6oo$er-/ion, 5@e>u/i8e 6o!!i//ee
Si>e-6h-ir, 19)*:)9; "ener-l +sse!bly, I.N., 19)9:(1.
Selected Publications: The (ervant of eace. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19(2.
#ar2ings. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 19().
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson 6o.,
19%', 2)1:)'. $ncyclopedia of %orld 8iography. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19&'
BSolu!e %C, (%:((. S/ol$e, S8en. &ag /ammars2Iold. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s Sons, 19((.
Thor$e, Dery>0. /ammars2IKld> #an of eace. ?lfr->o!be, 5nl-ndH S/o>0#ell, 19(9.
Co$$entary: +l/houh /he -#-rd /o D- L-!!-rs0Mold did no/ !en/ion -ny s$e>ifi>
->hie8e!en/, i/ #-s #idely s$e>ul-/ed -/ /he /i!e /h-/ /he -#-rd #-s $resen/ed
$os/hu!ously for his #or0 /o#-rd $e->e in /he 6ono. The re>i$ien/ dre# u$on 1*
ye-rs of dis/inuished ser8i>e in /he S#edish o8ern!en/ -nd for /he Or-niz-/ion for
5uro$e-n 5>ono!i> 6oo$er-/ion /o de8elo$ /he offi>e of /he Se>re/-ry "ener-l of /he
Ini/ed N-/ions -s - non$oli/i>-l -ren- #hi>h >ould ser8e -s - >h-nnel of >o!!uni>-/ion
-nd -n i!$-r/i-l >onsul/-n/ in in/ern-/ion-l >onfli>/s. L-!!-rs0Mold $ro8ed /he
effe>/i8eness of /his $hiloso$hy in 19%% #hen he se>ured /he rele-se of 1% +!eri>-n
-8i-/ors sho/ do#n -nd held by /he 6hinese; in his role -s !edi-/or durin /he 19%(
Kiddle 5-s/ >risis; -nd durin /he 19(0:(1 $roble!s in /he ne# 2e$ubli> of /he 6ono.
Pa!lin&5 #in!s %arl See entr$ @B
.nternational %o22ittee of the 4ed %ross D%o2itH .nternational de la %roi/'4o!&eE @0C
Prize: Pe->e, 19('. ounded: 1*(' in "ene8-, S#i/zerl-nd
Co$$entary: On /he 100/h -nni8ers-ry of /he foundin of /he 2ed 6ross, /he Pe->e
Prize #-s di8ided eGu-lly be/#een /he ?626 Bi8en /o /he! for - /hird /i!eC -nd /he
Le-ue of 2ed 6ross So>ie/ies, re$resen/in /he /#o !-Mor ele!en/s of /he 2ed 6ross
!o8e!en/. B".N.W.C
P-e 1*)
#ea&!e of 4ed %ross -ocieties D#i&!e des -ociHtHs de la %roi/'4o!&eE @09
Prize: Pe->e, 19('. ounded: ?n "ene8-, S#i/zerl-nd
Co$$entary: On /he 100/h -nni8ers-ry of /he foundin of /he 2ed 6ross, /he Pe->e
Prize #-s di8ided eGu-lly be/#een /he Le-ue of 2ed 6ross So>ie/ies -nd /he ?626,
re$resen/in /he /#o !-Mor ele!en/s of /he 2ed 6ross !o8e!en/. The Le-ue #-s
founded by /he +!eri>-n b-n0er -nd 2ed 6ross le-der, Lenry P. D-8ison, /o Moin
/oe/her /he inde$enden/, n-/ion-l so>ie/ies in/o - feder-/ion. B".N.W.C
8in&5 ,artin #!ther5 <r: @10
Prize: Pe->e, 19(). Born: P-nu-ry 1%, 1929; +/l-n/-, "+. Death: +$ril ), 19(*;
Ke!$his, TN. Parents: 1-/her, K-r/in Lu/her Nin, Sr.; Ko/her, +lber/- 6hris/ine
Willi-!s Nin. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: A-$/is/. Education: Korehouse
6ollee, "+, +.A., 19)*; 6rozer Theoloi>-l Se!in-ry, P+, A.D., 19%1; Aos/on Ini8.,
K+, Ph.D., 19%%. Spouse: 6ore//- S>o//, !-rried Pune 1*, 19%'. Children: 3oul-nd-
Denise, d-uh/er; K-r/in Lu/her, ???, son; De@/er S>o//, son; Aerni>e +lber/ine, d-uh/er.
Career: 5benezer A-$/is/ 6hur>h, +/l-n/-, "+, P-s/or, 19)&:%); De@/er +8enue A-$/is/
6hur>h, Kon/o!ery, +L, P-s/or, 19%):(0; 5benezer A-$/is/ 6hur>h, +/l-n/-, "+,
P-s/or, 19(0:(*. Other Awards: Pe-rl Pl-f0er +#-rd, 6rozer Theoloi>-l Se!in-ry, P+,
19%1; S$in-rn Ked-l, N-/ion-l +sso>i-/ion for /he +d8-n>e!en/ of 6olored Peo$le,
19%&; K-n of /he 3e-r, Time, 19('.
Selected Publications: (tride To0ard =reedom. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19%*.
(trength to -ove. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19('. %hy %e .an)t %ait. Ne# 3or0H
L-r$er Y 2o#, 19(). %here &o %e 5o from /ere> .haos or .ommunity. Ne# 3or0H
L-r$er Y 2o#, 19(&. The Trumpet of .onscience. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19(*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +nsboro, Pohn. #artin -uther Jing, 7r.> The #a2ing of a
#ind. K-ry0noll, N3H Orbis Aoo0s, 19*2. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H
L.W. Wilson, 19(%, 220:2'. Nin, 6ore//- S>o//. #y -ife 0ith #artin -uther Jing, 7r.
Ne# 3or0H Lol/, 2ineh-r/ -nd Wins/on, 19(9. 1-ir>louh, +. #artin -uther Jing, 7r.
+/hens, "+H Ini8. of "eori- Press, 199%.
Co$$entary: Nobel re>i$ien/ K-r/in Lu/her Nin, Pr., re>ei8ed his -#-rd for his effor/s
/o brin -bou/ in/er-/ion #i/hin /he Ini/ed S/-/es #i/hou/ 8iolen>e. Aeinnin #i/h /he
su>>essful boy>o// of /he Kon/o!ery, +L, /r-nsi/ >o!$-ny /h-/ ended sere-/ed
se-/in on buses in /he >o!!uni/y, Nin led Al->0 +!eri>-ns in/o - ne# er- of
->hie8e!en/ of >i8il rih/s b-sed on - non8iolen/ $hiloso$hy -nd - re/urn of lo8e for
h-/e. Le #-s -lso l-/er - le-der in /he !o8e!en/ /o end /he Sie/n-! W-r. BA.S.C
*nited Nations %hildrens !nd D*N.%"E @11
Prize: Pe->e, 19(%. ounded: 19)( by /he Ini/ed N-/ions
Co$$entary: The Pe->e Prize #-s -#-rded /o IN?651 in ->>ord #i/h \/he sole!n
re>oni/ion /h-/ /he #elf-re of /od-y9s >hildren is inse$-r-bly lin0ed #i/h /he $e->e of
/o!orro#9s #orld.Z IN?651 #-s es/-blished by /he Ini/ed N-/ions in 19)( /o !ee/ /he
des$-r-/e needs of >hildren in $os/#-r 5uro$e for food, >lo/hin, -nd !edi>-l >-re.
%assin5 4enH'-a2!el @12
Prize: Pe->e, 19(*. Born: O>/ober %, 1**&; A-yonne, 1r-n>e. Death: 1ebru-ry 20,
19&(; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, Lenri 6-ssin; Ko/her, "-brielle Dreyfus 6-ssin.
Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of +i@-enPro8en>e, 1r-n>e,
deree in hu!-ni/ies, 190*; Ini8. of +i@en-Pro8en>e, 1r-n>e, deree in l-#, 190*; Ini8.
of +i@-enPro8en>e, 1r-n>e, do>/or-/e, 191). Spouse: Si!one 3zo!-rd, !-rried 191&,
died 19(9; "hisl-ine Aru, !-rried 19&%. Children: None. Career: P-ris, 1r-n>e,
+//orney, 1909:1); 1ren>h +r!y, 191):1(; Ini8. of +i@-en-Pro8en>e, 1r-n>e,
Professor, 191(:20; Ini8. of Lille, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1920:29; Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e,
Professor, 1929:(0. Other Awards: Lu!-n 2ih/s Prize, Ini/ed N-/ions, 19(*; "oe/he
Prize, 19&'; "r-nd 6roi@ Leion d9Lonneur; 6roi@ de "uerre.
Selected Publications: -a .onception des &roits de -)$tat dans les (uccessions d)apres
le .ode .ivil (uisse. P-risH Sirey, 191). -)<negalite entre l)/omme et la =emme dans la
-egislation .ivile. K-rseilleH A-rl-/ier, 1919. our la &efense de la aix. P-risH n.$.,
19'(. \Lo# /he 6h-r/er on Lu!-n 2ih/s #-s Aorn.Z :'$(.O .ourier 21 BP-nu-ry
19(*CH ):(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: $ncyclopedia 7udaica. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19&1
BSolu!e %C, 2'1. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 10, 19(*CH 1, 1). ?sr-el, ". BenD .assin,
1;AA+19A6. P-risH Des>lee de Aro#er, 1990.
Co$$entary: 2en_ 6-ssin #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \$ri!-rily for his >on/ribu/ion
/o /he $ro/e>/ion of hu!-n #or/h -nd /he rih/s of !-n, -s se/ for/h in /he Ini8ers-l
De>l-r-/ion of Lu!-n 2ih/s.99 2eno#ned -s - Muris/, hu!-ni/-ri-n, -nd in/ern-/ion-lis/,
6-ssin brouh/ /o -ll of his ->/i8i/ies - $rofound res$e>/ for hu!-n rih/s. Lis le-l
s>hol-rshi$ in>luded no/-ble #or0 on >on/r->/s, inheri/-n>e, do!i>ile, -nd /he ineGu-li/y
be/#een !en -nd #o!en. Le #-s - !-Mor for>e in 1ren>h $oli/i>s durin World W-rs ?
-nd ?? -nd es$e>i-lly in his #or0 #i/h 6h-rles De"-ulle. 6-ssin o>>u$ied i!$or/-n/
$osi/ions in 1r-n>e, 5uro$e, -nd /he Ini/ed N-/ions /hrouhou/ his lon >-reer. Le
founded /he 1ren>h 1eder-/ion of Dis-bled W-r Se/er-ns -nd uided i/ -s #ell -s /he
Lih 6oun>il for W-rds of /he N-/ion for !-ny ye-rs. Au/ he #ill be re!e!bered
$ri!-rily -s - >h-r/er !e!ber of /he Ini/ed N-/ions 6o!!ission on Lu!-n 2ih/s, i/s
>h-ir or 8i>e->h-ir for !u>h of i/s e@is/en>e, -nd /he one !os/ res$onsible for dr-f/in
/he De>l-r-/ion of Lu!-n 2ih/s. BT.A. -nd A.S.S.C
.nternational #abo!r 3r&anization D.#3E @13
Prize: Pe->e, 19(9. ounded: 1919 in "ene8-, S#i/zerl-nd
Co$$entary: The Pe->e Prize #-s -#-rded /o /he ?LO, /he only in/ern-/ion-l
or-niz-/ion -sso>i-/ed #i/h /he Le-ue of N-/ions /o ou/li8e i/, on i/s %0/h bir/hd-y.
+>>ordin /o /he >o!!i//ee, \There -re fe# or-niz-/ions /h-/ h-8e su>>eeded /o /he
e@/en/ /h-/ /he ?LO h-s in /r-nsl-/in in/o ->/ion /he fund-!en/-l !or-l ide- on #hi>h i/
is b-sed,Z n-!ely /h-/ $e->e >-n only /hri8e #hen so>i-l Mus/i>e is
P-e 1*%
->hie8ed. The ?LO h-s #or0ed /o se>ure -ree!en/ -!on n-/ions /o i!$ro8e /he
>ondi/ions of #or0ers by redu>in /he len/h of /he #or0in d-y, i8in eGu-l $-y for
eGu-l #or0, $ro8idin - s-fe #or0$l->e, -nd su$$lyin he-l/h insur-n>e. +>>ordin /o
/he ?LO, /heir $ri!-ry >on>ern is /o eli!in-/e $o8er/y -nd h-rdshi$ e8ery#here.
+orla!&5 Nor2an "rnest @1?
Prize: Pe->e, 19&0. Born: K-r>h 2%, 191); 6res>o, ?+. Parents: 1-/her, Lenry O.
Aorl-u; Ko/her, 6l-r- S--l- Aorl-u. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Lu/her-n.
Education: Ini8. of Kinneso/-, A.S., 19'&; Ini8. of Kinneso/-, K.S., 19)0; Ini8. of
Kinneso/-, Ph.D., 19)1. Spouse: K-r-re/ ". "ibson, !-rried Se$/e!ber 2), 19'&.
Children: Nor!- Pe-n 2hod-, d-uh/er; Willi-! "ibson, son. Career: 5.?. DuPon/, D5,
Ki>robiolois/, 19)2:)); 2o>0efeller 1ound-/ion, N3, 2ese-r>h S>ien/is/ -nd
+d!inis/r-/or #or0in $ri!-rily in Ke@i>o, 19)):&9; Te@-s +YK Ini8., Professor,
19*0-. Other Awards: 5.6. S/-0!-n +#-rd, 19(1; +ri>ul/ur-l 5di/ors +sso>i-/ion
+#-rd, 19(&; ?n/ern-/ion-l +rono!y +#-rd, 19(*; Dis/inuished Ser8i>e Ked-l,
P-0is/-n, 19(*; Ser8i>e +#-rd, +!eri>-n 1-r!ers Aure-u 1eder-/ion, 19&1;
Ou/s/-ndin +ri>ul/ur-l +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, World 1-r! 1ound-/ion, 19&1; Ked-l of
Keri/, ?/-li-n Whe-/ S>ien/is/s, 19&1; Ked-l of 1reedo!, Ke@i>o, 19&&.
Selected Publications: The 5reen Bevolution, eace and /umanity. W-shin/on, D6H
Po$ul-/ion 2eferen>e Aure-u, 19&1. The %orld =ood roblem> resent and =uture.
+!s/erd-!, Ne/herl-ndsH Nor/h-Loll-nd, 19&2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19&1, %0:%2. P--rlber, Don. 'orman 8orlaug> /unger =ighter. W-shin/on, D6H
1orein 5>ono!i> De8elo$!en/ Ser8i>e, 19&0.
Co$$entary: Nor!-n Aorl-u #-s >i/ed by /he Nobel 6o!!i//ee for his le-dershi$ in
/he \"reen 2e8olu/ionZ in de8elo$in >oun/ries in /h-/ \he h-s hel$ed /o $ro8ide bre-d
for - hunry #orld. We h-8e !-de /his >hoi>e in /he ho$e /h-/ $ro8idin bre-d #ill -lso
i8e /he #orld $e->e.Z Aorl-u9s >on/ribu/ion #-s findin - hih-yield, d#-rf, dise-se-
resis/-n/ #he-/ s/r-in, >-$-ble of >ul/i8-/ion in - #ide r-ne of >li!-/i> >ondi/ions, /o
$ro8ide relief fro! f-!ine in de8elo$in >oun/ries. BK.P.L.C
+randt5 Will$ Drah25 1erbert "rnst 8arl @1@
Prize: Pe->e, 19&1. Born: De>e!ber 1*, 191'; LRbe>0, "er!-ny. Death: O>/ober *,
1992; In0el, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, In0no#n; Ko/her, K-r/h- 1r-h!; S/e$f-/her,
5!il Nuhl!-n. Nationality: "er!-n; -lso Nor#ei-n 6i/izen, 19)0:)&. Religion: +n/i-
reliious; fro! 6hris/i-n b->0round. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: 6-rlo//-
Thor0ildsen, !-rried 19)0, di8or>ed 19)*; 2u/ L-nsen Aer-us/, !-rried 19)*,
di8or>ed 19*0; Arii//e Seeb->her, !-rried 19*'. Children: NinM-, d-uh/er; Pe/er, son;
L-rs, son; K-//hi-s, son. Career: -3bec2er 6ol2sbote, 2e$or/er, 192&:''; LRbe>0,
"er!-ny, Shi$bro0er, 19'':'); S/uden/ -nd !is>ell-neous ->/i8i/ies, 19'):'9;
Nor#ei-n +r!y, 19)0; S/o>0hol!, 2e$or/er, 19)0:)*; Aerlin, "er!-ny, Poli/i>-l
Offi>es /o K-yor -nd in So>i-l De!o>r-/i> P-r/y, 19)*:((; "er!-ny, Poli/i>-l Offi>es
/o 6h-n>ellor, 19((:92. Other Awards: "ross0reuz des Serdiens/orden der
Aundesre$ubli0 Deu/s>hl-nd, 19%9; "r-nd 6ross, Order of S/. Ol-f, Nor#-y, 19(0;
1reedo! Prize, 1reedo! Louse Or-niz-/ion, 19(1; K-n of /he 3e-r, Time, 19&0; Order
of Pius ?4, S-/i>-n, 19&0; 2einhold-Niebuhr Prize, 19&2; +s$en ?ns/i/u/e for Lu!-nis/i>
S/udies Prize, 19&'; "old Ked-l, A9n-i Ari/h, 19*1; 5ins/ein ?n/ern-/ion-l Pe->e Prize,
19*%; Third World Prize, 19*%.
Selected Publications: #y Boad to 8erlin. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, 19(0. The
Ordeal of .oexistence. 6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19('. A eace olicy for
$urope. Ne# 3or0H Lol/, 2ineh-r/ -nd Wins/on, 19(9. <n $xile> $ssays, Beflections and
-etters, 19CC+GA. Phil-del$hi-, P+H Ini8. of Pennsyl8-ni- Press, 19&1. eople and
olitics> The 1ears 1960+19A". Aos/onH Li//le, Aro#n, 19&*. Arms and /unger. Ne#
3or0H P-n/heon Aoo0s, 19*(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Ainder, D-8id. The Other 5erman> %illy 8randt)s -ife S
Times. W-shin/on, D6H Ne# 2e$ubli> Aoo0s, 19&%. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19%*, %&:%*. L-r$$re>h/, Nl-us. %illy 8randt> ortrait and (elf@
ortrait. Los +nelesH N-sh Publishin 6o., 19&1. Pri//ie, Teren>e. %illy 8randt>
ortrait of a (tatesman. Ne# 3or0H S>ho>0en Aoo0s, 19&). %illy 8randt> A olitical
8iography. Ne# 3or0H S/. K-r/in9s, 199&.
Co$$entary: The Nobel 6o!!i//ee un-ni!ously sele>/ed Willy Ar-nd/, >i/in his
OOeffor/s /o ob/-in for /he $eo$le of Wes/ Aerlin /he fund-!en/-l hu!-n rih/s of
$erson-l se>uri/y -nd full freedo! of !o8e!en/Z -nd his \ou/s/-ndin effor/s in order /o
>re-/e >ondi/ions for $e->e in 5uro$e.Z ?n - lon -nd res$e>/ed >-reer, he fouh/
N-ziis!, #ro/e in Nor#-y -nd "er!-ny, -nd led $os/#-r "er!-ny b->0 /o so!e
!e-sure of e>ono!i> -nd $oli/i>-l he-l/h, #or0in /o#-rd nor!-l rel-/ions be/#een
5-s/ -nd Wes/. BS.N.+.C
8issin&er5 1enr$ 0lfred @1A
Prize: Pe->e, 19&'. Born: K-y 2&, 192'; 1uer/h, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, Louis
Nissiner; Ko/her, P-ul- S/ern Nissiner. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen.
Religion: Pe#ish. Education: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, +.A., 19%0; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+,
K.+., 19%2; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Ph.D., 19%). Spouse: +nn 1leis>her, !-rried 1ebru-ry
(, 19)9, di8or>ed 19(); N-n>y K-innes, !-rried K-r>h '0, 19&). Children: 5liz-be/h,
d-uh/er; D-8id, son. Career: I.S. +r!y, 19)':)(; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor,
19%):(9; I.S. "o8ern!en/, S$e>i-l +ssis/-n/ /o /he Presiden/ -nd Se>re/-ry of S/-/e,
19(9:&&; Nissiner +sso>i-/es, 6h-ir, 19&*-. Other Awards: Woodro# Wilson Aoo0
Prize, 19%*; "uenhei! 1ello#shi$, 19(%:((; "old Ked-l, N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/e of So>i-l
S>ien>es, 19&2; Time K-n of /he 3e-r, 19&2; +!eri>-n ?ns/i/u/e for Publi> Ser8i>e
+#-rd, 19&'; Pefferson +#-rd, 19&'; Theodore 2oose8el/ +#-rd, 19&'; +!eri>-n
Leion Dis/inuished Ser8i>e Ked-l, 19&); W-/eler Pe->e Prize, 19&); Presiden/i-l
Ked-l of 1reedo!, 19&&; Ked-l of Liber/y, 19*(.
Selected Publications: 'uclear %eapons and =oreign olicy. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er, 19%&.
A %orld Bestored> #etternich, .astlereagh and the roblem of eace. Aos/onH
P-e 1*(
Louh/on-Kifflin, 19%&. The 'ecessity for .hoice> ros@pects of American =oreign
olicy. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er, 19(1. The Troubled artnership> A Be@Appraisal of the
Atlantic Alliance. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19(%. American =oreign olicy. 'd ed. Ne#
3or0H Nor/on, 19&&. %hite /ouse 1ears. Aos/onH Li//le, Aro#n, 19&9. 1ears of
:pheaval. Aos/onH Li//le, Aro#n, 19*2. Observations> (elected (peeches and $ssays,
19;,+;G. Aos/onH Li//le, Aro#n, 19*%. 1ears of Bene0al. Ne# 3or0H Si!on Y S>hus/er,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson 6o.,
19&2, 2%):%&. Di>0son, Pe/er W. Jissinger and the #eaning of /istory. 6-!brideH
6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19&*. $ncyclopedia of American 8iography. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er
Y 2o#, 19&), (2':2%. "r-ub-rd, S/e$hen 2. Jissinger> ortrait of a #ind. Ne# 3or0H
Nor/on, 19&'. Lersh, Sey!our K. The rice of o0er> Jissinger in the %hite /ouse.
Ne# 3or0H Su!!i/ Aoo0s, 19*'. Korris, 2oer. :ncertain 5reatness> /enry Jissinger
and American =oreign olicy. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19&&. ?s-->son, W. Jissinger.
LondonH 1-ber -nd 1-ber, 1992.
Co$$entary: Lenry Nissiner re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for his #or0 in \neo/i-/in -n
end /o /he #-r in Sie/n-!,Z /oe/her #i/h Le Du> Tho of Nor/h Sie/n-!. The -#-rds
ener-/ed - s/or! of $ro/es/s -nd led /o /he resin-/ion of /#o >o!!i//ee !e!bers.
Nissiner is 0no#n for his s>hol-rly -nd $r->/i>-l #or0 in in/ern-/ion-l rel-/ions -nd for
his de8elo$!en/, -s - o8ern!en/ >onsul/-n/ -nd se>re/-ry of s/-/e, of +!eri>-n defense
-nd forein $oli>y. Le is -lso re!e!bered for his lon effor/s /o#-rd - neo/i-/ed $e->e
be/#een ?sr-el -nd /he +r-b >oun/ries. BD.A.C
#e (!c Tho DPhan (inh 8haiE @1B
Prize: Pe->e, 19&' BrefusedC. Born: O>/ober 1), 1911; Di>h Le, Sie/n-!. Death:
O>/ober 1', 1990; L-noi, Sie/n-!. Parents: No re>ord found. Nationality: Sie/n-!ese.
Religion: No re>ord found. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: K-rried /#i>e.
Children: No re>ord found. Career: Sie/n-!, 6o!!unis/ P-r/y Posi/ions, 19'0:90.
Selected Publications: No re>ord found.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19&%, 2'%:'*. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical $dition BO>/ober 19&'CH 1(*'. 'e0 1or2
Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 1), 1990CH 9'(.
Co$$entary: Le Du> Tho sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h Lenry Nissiner for his #or0 in
neo/i-/in /he Sie/n-! -r!is/i>e. Le refused /he -#-rd on /he rounds /h-/ /here #-s
no $e->e in Sie/n-!. O/hers bi//erly resen/ed /he -#-rd !-de /o - !-n dedi>-/ed /o
>o!!unis! -nd /o #-rs of liber-/ion. Thouh his $ubli> $resen>e in /he lon -nd
-rduous sessions of neo/i-/ion #i/h Nissiner #on hi! in/ern-/ion-l re>oni/ion, Le
Du> Tho h-d been 0no#n sin>e 19'0 -s one of /he founders of /he ?ndo>hinese
6o!!unis/ P-r/y -nd -s - $o#erful fiure in /he Sie/n-!ese $oli/i>-l -ren-. B2.P.C
,ac+ride5 -ean @1C
Prize: Pe->e, 19&). Born: P-nu-ry 2(, 190); P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death: P-nu-ry 1%, 19**;
Dublin, ?rel-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn K->Aride; Ko/her, K-ud "onne K->Aride.
Nationality: ?rish. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: N-/ion-l Ini8. of ?rel-nd, l-# s/udy,
19'&. Spouse: 6-/-lin- Aulfin, !-rried P-nu-ry 2(, 192(, died 19&(. Children: Tiern-n,
son; +nn-, d-uh/er. Career: ?rish 2e$ubli>-n +r!y, 191*:2); ?rel-nd, Pourn-lis/,
192):'&; ?rel-nd, +//orney, 19'&:)&; ?rel-nd -nd Ini/ed N-/ions, +//orney -nd
Poli/i>i-n, 19)&:**. Other Awards: ?n/ern-/ion-l "-eli> L-ll of 1-!e, 19&); K-n of /he
3e-r, ?rish Ini/ed So>ie/ies, 19&%; Lenin ?n/ern-/ion-l Prize, 19&&; Ked-l of Pus/i>e,
I.S., 19&*; ?n/ern-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/e of Lu!-n 2ih/s Ked-l, 19&*; IN5S6O Sil8er
Ked-l, 19*0; D- L-!!-rs0Mold Pe->e Prize, 19*1.
Selected Publications: .ivil -iberty. n.$., 19)*. Our eopleTOur #oney. ' le>/ures.
DublinH Aro#ne -nd Nol-n, 19)9. <relandN $conomyN Beport on <talian $conomic
(ituation. n.$., 19%%. Beport on .urrent $conomic (ituation in %estern $urope. n.$.,
19%(. The Bight to Befuse to Jill. "ene8-H ?n/ern-/ion-l Pe->e Aure-u, 19&1. <srael in
-ebanon. Lolly#ood, 6+H 58erreen Dis/r., 19*'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical $dition. BO>/ober 19&)CH
1)%9. Time 10) BO>/ober 21, 19&)CH 1*. Pord-n, +. (ean #ac8ride. DublinH Al->0#-/er
Press, 199'.
Co$$entary: Se-n K->Aride #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his lifelon >o!!i/!en/
/o rih/s ->/ions, in>ludin his #or0 on hu!-n rih/s, on $e->e -nd dis-r!-!en/, -nd on
/he liber-/ion of N-!ibi- fro! Sou/h +fri>-n rule. K->Aride9s you/hful !ili/-n>y in /he
?rish 2e$ubli>-n +r!y, his ye-rs -s - su>>essful -//orney, -nd his $oli/i>-l $ro#ess #ere
in8-lu-ble -sse/s in - nu!ber of i!$or/-n/ in/ern-/ion-l $os/s, in>ludin >o!!i//ee
res$onsibili/ies -nd offi>ershi$s in /he 6oun>il of Kinis/ers of /he 6oun>il of 5uro$e,
/he 6oun>il of O556, /he P-n 5uro$e-n Inion, /he ?n/ern-/ion-l 6o!!ission of Puris/s,
/he 6oun>il of Kinori-/ies 2ih/s "rou$, /he ?n/ern-/ion-l Pe->e Aure-u, +!nes/y
?n/ern-/ion-l, /he I.N. 6o!!ission for N-!ibi-, -nd /he IN5S6O S/udy "rou$ on
6o!!uni>-/ion Proble!s. BT.N.A.C
-ato5 "isak! @19
Prize: Pe->e, 19&). Born: K-r>h 2&, 1901; T-buse, 3-!-u>hi, P-$-n. Death: Pune 2,
19&%; To0yo, P-$-n. Parents: 1-/her, Lidesu0e S-/o; Ko/her, Koyo S-/o. Nationality:
P-$-nese. Religion: Shin/o. Education: To0yo ?!$eri-l Ini8., P-$-n, l-# deree, 192).
Spouse: Liro0u S-/o, !-rried 1ebru-ry 2%, 192(. Children: 2yo/-ro, son; ShinMi, son.
Career: P-$-nese "o8ern!en/, $os/s /o Pri!e Kinis/er, 192):&2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson 6o.,
19(%, '(1:(), -nd 19&%:&(, )&'. "r-y, Tony. .hampions of eace. Ne# 3or0H
P-ddin/on Press, 19&(, '02:0%. 'e0 1or2 Times. Pune ', 19&%, 1H'(.
Co$$entary: 5is-0u S-/o #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Pe->e Prize for his de/er!ined
-n/i!ili/-ris! -nd - \re>on>ili-/ion $oli>y /h-/ >on/ribu/ed /o - s/-biliz-/ion of
>ondi/ions in /he P->ifi> -re-.Z Lis #innin of /he Nobel Prize >-$$ed - )*-ye-r >-reer
of ser8i>e /o P-$-n, in>ludin eih/ ye-rs -s $ri!e !inis/er. BW.5.W.C
P-e 1*&
-akharo>5 0ndrei (2itri$e>ich @20
Prize: Pe->e, 19&%. Born: K-y 21, 1921; Kos>o#, ISS2. Death: De>e!ber 1), 19*9;
Kos>o#, ISS2. Parents: 1-/her, D!i/ri S-0h-ro8; Ko/her, 50-/erin- Sofi-no.
Nationality: 2ussi-n. Religion: 1ro! 2ussi-n Or/hodo@ b->0round. Education:
Kos>o# S/-/e Ini8., ISS2, A.+., 19)2; Lebede8 ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s, So8ie/ +>-de!y
of S>ien>es, ISS2, Ph.D., 19)&. Spouse: Nl-udi- Si0here8-, !-rried Puly 10, 19)',
died 19(9; 3elen- ". Aonner, !-rried P-nu-ry &, 19&2. Children: T-/i-n- +ndreye8n-,
d-uh/er; Lyubo8 +ndreye8n-, d-uh/er; D!i/ri +ndreye8i>h, son; T-/i-n- 3-n0ele8i>h,
d-uh/er Bfro! Aonner9s firs/ !-rri-e; +le@ei Se!yeno8, son Bfro! Aonner9s firs/
!-rri-eC Career: Lebede8 ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s, ISS2, Professor, 19)%:*0; ?n/ern-l
5@ile, 19*0:*(. Other Awards: S/-lin Prize; Order of So>i-lis/ L-bor +#-rd, 19%',
19%(, 19(2; 5le-nor 2oose8el/ Pe->e +#-rd, 19&'; 6ino del Du>- Prize, Ini8. of
6hi>-o, 19&); 2einhold Niebohr Prize, Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, 19&); Order of Lenin,
ISS2; 1ri// Ord Prize, 19*0.
Selected Publications: rogress, .oexistence, and <ntellectual =reedom. Ne# 3or0H
Nor/on, 19(*. (a2harov (pea2s. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 19&). #y .ountry and the %orld.
Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 19&%. Alarm and /ope. Ne# 3or0H Sin/-e Aoo0s, 19&*. .ollected
(cientific %or2s. LondonH Penuin, 19*2. #osco0 and 8eyond, 19;6+19;9. Ne# 3or0H
Nno$f, 1991.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A-byonyshe8, +le@-nder. On (a2harov. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f,
19*2. Aonner, 3elen- ". Alone Together. LondonH 6ollins L-r8ill, 19*(. .urrent
8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19&1, '(1:('. #emoirs. LondonH
Lu/>hinson, 1990.
Co$$entary: +ndrei S-0h-ro8 #-s >i/ed by /he 6o!!i//ee in /h-/ OOS-0h-ro89s fe-rless
$erson-l >o!!i/!en/ in u$holdin /he fund-!en/-l $rin>i$les for $e->e be/#een !en is
- $o#erful ins$ir-/ion for -ll /rue #or0 for $e->e.Z S-0h-ro8 #-s - brilli-n/ $hysi>is/,
no/ed -s /he f-/her of /he So8ie/ hydroen bo!b, before e!b-r0in in /he 19(0s on his
lifelon $ursui/ of, firs/, edu>-/ion-l -nd s>ien/ifi> /houh/ refor! in /he So8ie/ Inion,
-nd, l-/er, in/elle>/u-l freedo! -nd - de!o>r-/i> so>i-lis! /h-/ #ould brin /he Ini/ed
S/-/es -nd /he So8ie/ Inion /oe/her in >oo$er-/i8e effor/s. BS.N.C
%orri&an5 ,airead @21
Prize: Pe->e, 19&(. Born: P-nu-ry 2&, 19)); Aelf-s/, Nor/hern ?rel-nd. Parents: 1-/her,
+ndre# 6orri-n; Ko/her, K-r-re/ 6orri-n. Nationality: ?rish. Religion: 6-/holi>.
Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: P->0 K-uire, !-rried Se$/e!ber *, 19*1.
Children: 2. Career: Te@/ile f->/ory, Aelf-s/, ?rel-nd, Aoo00ee$er, 19(0:(%; "uiness
Son -nd 6o!$-ny, Aelf-s/, ?rel-nd, Se>re/-ry, 19(%:&(; Pe->e Peo$le, 1ounder -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19&(-. Other Awards: 6-rl 8on Ossie/z0y Ked-l, Aerlin, 19&(; Peo$le9s
Pe->e Prize, Nor#-y, 19&(; L-ll of 1-!e, Ini/ed S/-/es, 19&&.
Selected Publications: \+ Ko/her Ple-ds for Pe->e.Z arade BDe>e!ber 29, 19*%C 1):
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19&*, **:91. Deu/s>h, 2i>h-rd. #airead .orrigan, 8etty %illiams. Tr-nsl-/ed by P->0
Aern-rd. Woodbury, N3H A-rron9s, 19&&. Lershey, 2ober/ D. \Nobels "o /o 2 Ils/er
Wo!en -nd /o +!nes/y ?n/ern-/ion-l.Z 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 11, 19&&CH 1l.
Co$$entary: The -#-rd >i/-/ion $r-ised bo/h K-ire-d 6orri-n -nd Ae//y Willi-!s
be>-use /hey h-d \->/ed fro! - $rofound >on8i>/ion /h-/ /he indi8idu-l >-n !-0e -
!e-n-inful >on/ribu/ion /o $e->e /hrouh >ons/ru>/i8e re>on>ili-/ionZ -nd h-d \$-8ed
/he #-y for /he s/ron resis/-n>e --ins/ 8iolen>e -nd !isuse of $o#er, #hi>h #-s
$resen/ in bro-d >ir>les of /he $eo$le.Z 6orri-n9s i!$e/us for s/-r/in /he ?rish rou$
Pe->e Peo$le >-!e fro! /he 0illin of /hree of her nie>es -nd ne$he#s by - >-r dri8en
by - /erroris/ #ho h-d been sho/. +f/er her sis/er9s de-/h, she !-rried her bro/her-in-l-#,
P->0 K-uire. She re!-ins -n ->/i8e #or0er for $e->e. BN.P.L.C
Willia2s5 "lizabeth @22
Prize: Pe->e, 19&(. Born: K-y 22, 19)'; +ndersons/o#n, Aelf-s/, Nor/hern ?rel-nd.
Parents: No re>ord found. Nationality: ?rish. Religion: 6-/holi> B!o/herC,Pro/es/-n/
Bf-/herC b->0round. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: 2-l$h Willi-!s, !-rried
Pune 1), 19(1, dissol8ed, 19*2; P-!es T. Per0ins, !-rried 19*2. Children: P-ul, son;
Debor-h, d-uh/er. Career: ?rel-nd, 6ler0 -nd W-i/ress, 19(1:&(; 6o!!uni/y of Pe->e
Peo$le, ?rel-nd, Le-der, 19&(-. Other Awards: 6-rl 8on Ossie/s0y Ked-l for 6our-e,
19&(; Nor#ei-n Peo$le9s Pe->e Prize, 19&(. Selected Publications: O>>-sion-l Wri/er
for eace by eace, 19&(:*(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19&9, )'):'&. Deu/s>h, 2i>h-rd. #airead .orrigan, 8etty %illiams. Tr-nsl-/ed by P->0
Aern-rd. Woodbury, N3H A-rron9s, 19&&.
Co$$entary: Ae//y Willi-!s sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h K-ire-d 6orri-n in
re>oni/ion of /he f->/ /h-/ \/heir ini/i-/i8e $-8ed /he #-y for /he s/ron resis/-n>e
--ins/ 8iolen>e -nd !isuse of $o#er #hi>h #-s $resen/ in bro-d >ir>les of /he $eo$le.Z
Sho>0ed in/o ->/ion by her #i/nessin of /he ->>iden/-l de-/h in - /erroris/ in>iden/ of
6orri-n9s /hree nie>es -nd ne$he#s -nd /he subseGuen/ de-/h of 6orri-n9s sis/er, +nne
K-uire, Ae//y Willi-!s, -lon #i/h 6orri-n, l-un>hed /he or-niz-/ion, Pe->e Peo$le,
#i/h /he o-l of endin /he fih/in -nd 0illin in ?rel-nd. The or-niz-/ion, under
Willi-!s9s le-dershi$, h-s re!-ined - for>e in ?rel-nd -nd in /he #orld. BT.A.C
02nest$ .nternational @23
Prize: Pe->e, 19&&. ounded: 19(1 in London, 5nl-nd
Co$$entary: The $rize #-s i8en /o +!nes/y ?n/ern-/ion-l in 19&&, /he 3e-r of
Prisoners of 6ons>ien>e, \for /he >on/ribu/ion /he or-niz-/ion h-s !-de /o $ro/e>/ /his
rou$ of $risoners --ins/ /re-/!en/ #hi>h inores hu!-n rih/s. Wi/h i/s #or0 for /he
$ro/e>/ion of hu!-n rih/s --ins/ der-d-/ion, 8iolen>e, -nd /or/ure, +!nes/y
?n/ern-/ion-l h-s >on/ribu/ed /o se>urin - found-/ion for dini/y, -nd /hereby, -lso for
$e->e in /he #orld.Z B".N.W.C
P-e 1**
+e&in5 ,enache2 Wolfo>itch @2?
Prize: Pe->e, 19&*. Born: +uus/ 1(, 191'; Ares/-Li/o8s0, Pol-nd. Death: K-r>h 9,
1992; Perus-le!, ?sr-el. Parents: 1-/her, Jee8-Do8 Aein; Ko/her, L-ssi- Nosso8s0y
Aein. Nationality: Polish; l-/er ?sr-eli >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of
W-rs-#, Pol-nd, K-s/ers of Puris$ruden>e, 19'%. Spouse: +liz- +rnold, !-rried 19'9,
died 19*2. Children: AenM-!in, son; L-ssi-, d-uh/er; Le-h, d-uh/er. Career: Ae/-r
Jionis/ 3ou/h Ko8e!en/, S/-ff -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 1929:)0; ?sr-eli +ff-irs -nd Poli/i>-l
Pos/s /o Pri!e Kinis/er, 19)2:*'.
Selected Publications: The Bevolt> (tory of the <rgun. Tr. by Sh!uel N-/z. Ne# 3or0H
S>hu!-n, 19%1. %hite 'ights> The (tory of a risoner in Bussia. Tr. by N-/y N-$l-n.
LondonH K->Don-ld, 19%&. <n the :nderground. Tel +8i8H L-d-r, 19&%, 19&&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson 6o.,
19&*, )1:)%. "er8-si, 1r-n0 Lenry. The -ife and Times of #enahem 8egin> Bebel to
(tatesman. Ne# 3or0H Pu/n-!, 19&9. Lers>hler, "er/rude, -nd 5>0!-n, Les/er S.
#enahem 8egin> =rom =reedom =ighter to (tatesman. Ne# 3or0H Shenold Publishers,
19&9. Sil8er, 5ri>, 8egin> A 8iography. LondonH Weidenfeld -nd Ni>olson, 19*).
Seid!-n, L. #enachem 8egin. Ne# 3or0H Shenold, 1990. 'e0 1or2 Times
8iographical (ervice BK-r>h 10, 1992CH 2*(.
Co$$entary: Ken->he! Aein sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his \>on/ribu/ion /o /he /#o
fr-!e -ree!en/s on $e->e in /he Kiddle 5-s/, -nd on $e->e be/#een 5y$/ -nd ?sr-el,
#hi>h #ere sined -/ 6-!$ D-8id on Se$/e!ber 1&, 19&*.Z Aein9s en/ire $ubli> >-reer
#-s dedi>-/ed /o /he ->hie8e!en/ -nd $er$e/u-/ion of - Pe#ish s/-/e, firs/ -s - rebel, /hen
-s - Nnesse/ h-#0, -nd fin-lly -s $ri!e !inis/er -nd $e->e neo/i-/or. B?.S.J.C
"l'-adat5 ,!ha22ed 0n)ar @2@
Prize: Pe->e, 19&*. Born: De>e!ber 2%, 191*; Ki/ +bulNu!, Kinufiy-h Pro8in>e,
5y$/. Death: O>/ober (, 19*1; 6-iro, 5y$/. Parents: 1-/her, Kuh-!!ed 5l-S-d-/;
Ko/her, no re>ord found. Nationality: 5y$/i-n. Religion: Kusli!. Education: 2oy-l
Kili/-ry +>-de!y, 5y$/, b->>-l-ure-/e, 19'*. Spouse: 50b-l Koh-!!ed K-di,
!-rried 19'*; di8or>ed Bno d-/eC; Pih-n S-f#-/ 2-ouf, !-rried K-y 29, 19)9.
Children: Ay firs/ #ifeH 2o0-y-, d-uh/er; 2-#i-, d-uh/er; 6-!eli-, d-uh/er. Ay
se>ond #ifeH "-!-l, son; Lubn-, d-uh/er; Noh-, d-uh/er; Pih-n, d-uh/er. Career:
5y$/i-n +r!y -nd Poli/i>-l $os/s /o Presiden/, 19'*:*1. Other Awards: Sin-i Ked-l,
19&); K-n of /he 3e-r, Time, 19&&; Ke/hodis/ Pe->e Prize, 19&*.
Selected Publications: Bevolt on the 'ile. Tr. by Tho!-s "r-h-!. LondonH +. Win-/e,
19%&. <n (earch of <dentity> An Autobiography. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19&*.
(peeches and <ntervie0s by resident An0ar el@(adat. 6-iroH +r-b 2e$ubli> of 5y$/,
Kinis/ry of ?nfor!-/ion, 19&1:&9. The ublic &iary of resident (adat. 5d. by 2-$h-el
?sr-eli. Leiden, Ne/herl-ndsH Arill, 19&9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson 6o.,
19&1, '%*:(1. Lirs/, D-8id, -nd Aeeson, ?rene. (adat. LondonH 1-ber -nd 1-ber, 19*1.
N-r-y-n, A.N. An0ar el@(adat> #an 0ith a #ission. Ne# DelhiH Si0-s Publishers, 19&&.
S-d-/, 6-!eli-. #y =ather and <. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19*%. 1in0les/one, P. An0ar
(adat. 5sse@, 5nl-ndH 1r-n0 6-se, 199%.
Co$$entary: +n#-r S-d-/ sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his \>on/ribu/ion /o /he /#o
fr-!e -ree!en/s on $e->e in /he Kiddle 5-s/, -nd on $e->e be/#een 5y$/ -nd ?sr-el,
#hi>h #ere sined -/ 6-!$ D-8id on Se$/e!ber 1&, 19&*.Z ?n /he #-0e of /he O>/ober
W-r of 19&', S-d-/ in>re-sinly souh/ >on>ili-/ion #i/h /he ?sr-elis, >ul!in-/in in his
his/ori> /ri$ /o Perus-le! in No8e!ber 19&&. Subs/-n/i8e -ree!en/s #ere re->hed -/
/he 6-!$ D-8id /-l0s -nd - $e->e /re-/y #-s sined in K-r>h 19&9. This #-s /he
hihlih/ of - >-reer-lon in8ol8e!en/ in 5y$/i-n !ili/-ry -nd $oli/i>-l life, #hi>h
in>luded - role in /he o8er/hro# of /he 1-rou0 !on-r>hy. B?.S.J.C
Teresa5 ,other D+oKa/hi!5 0&nes 6on/haE @2A
Prize: Pe->e, 19&9. Born: +uus/ 2&, 1910; S0o$Me, 3uosl-8i-. Death: Se$/e!ber %,
199&; 6-l>u//-, ?ndi-. Parents: 1-/her, Ni0ol- AoM-@hiu; Ko/her, Dr-nofile Aern-i
AoM-@hiu. Nationality: 3uosl-8i-n; l-/er ?ndi-n >i/izen. Religion: 6-/holi>. Spouse:
None. Children: None. Career: Sis/ers of Lore//o, Te->her -nd Prin>i$-l, 192*:)*;
Kission-ries of 6h-ri/y, 19)*:9&. Other Awards: P-d!- Shri Lo/us Order, 19(2;
K-s-ys-y Prize, 19('; "ood S-!-ri/-n Prize, 19&0; Pose$h Nennedy Pr. 1ound-/ion
+#-rd, 19&1; Po$e Pohn 44??? Pe->e Prize, 19&1; P-#-h-rl-l Nehru +#-rd of ?ndi-,
19&2; Te!$le/on Prize for Proress in 2eliion, 19&'; S-in/ Louise de K-rill-> +#-rd,
19&'; +lber/ S>h#ei/zer +#-rd, 19&%; A-lz-n +#-rd, ?/-ly, 19&9; Ah-r-/ 2-/n- +#-rd
BS/-r of ?ndi-C, 19*0.
Selected Publications: -ife in the (pirit> Beflections, #editations, rayers. Ne# 3or0H
L-r$er Y 2o#, 19*'. A (imple ath. Ne# 3or0H A-llen/ine, 199%. <n #y O0n %ords.
Liuori, KOH Liuori Publi>-/ions, 199(. 'o 5reater -ove. No8-/oH 6+H Ne# World
Libr-ry, 199&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19&', )0':0(. 5-n, 5ileen. (uch a 6ision of the (treet. Ne# 3or0H Doubled-y, 19*%.
Kueride, K-l>ol!. (omething 8eautiful for 5od. Ne# 3or0H W-l0er, 19*). 2-e,
D-$hne. -ove :ntil <t /urts> The %or2 of #other Teresa and /er #issionaries of
.harity. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19*1. S$in0, N-/hryn. The #iracle of -ove> #other
Teresa of .alcutta, /er #issionaries of .harity and /er .o@%or2ers. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er
Y 2o#, 19*2. Sh-#, S. #other Theresa of .alcutta. +nn +rbor, K?H Ser8-n/
Publi>-/ions, 199).
Co$$entary: ?n -nnoun>in Ko/her Teres- of 6-l>u//- -s /he #inner of /he 19&9 Nobel
Pe->e Prize, /he 6o!!i//ee s-id, OOThis ye-r, /he #orld h-s /urned i/s -//en/ion /o /he
$lih/ of >hildren -nd refuees, -nd /hese -re $re>isely /he >-/eories for #ho! Ko/her
Teres- h-s for !-ny ye-rs #or0ed so selflessly.Z +s - Sis/er of Lore//o, she /-uh/ -nd
#-s $rin>i$-l of S/. K-ry9s Lih S>hool in 6-l>u//- for 20 ye-rs before bein ins$ired /o
le-8e /he >lois/er /o #or0 -!on /he des/i/u/e, /he dyin, -nd /he or$h-ned >hildren in
/he slu!s of 6-l>u//-. Sin>e foundin her order, /he So>ie/y of /he Kission-ries of
6h-ri/y, in 19%0, Ko/her Teres-9s #or0 -!on /he $oores/ of /he $oor h-s s$re-d /o %0
?ndi-n >i/ies -nd !ore /h-n 2% >oun/ries. The order o$er-/es s>hools, hos$i/-ls, you/h
>en/ers, -nd or$h-n-es, -nd %',000
P-e 1*9
le$ers -re -!on /he $-/ien/s /re-/ed -/ !edi>-l >en/ers in +fri>- -nd +si-. BP.5.P.C
PHrez "sJ!i>el5 0dolfo @2B
Prize: Pe->e, 19*0. Born: No8e!ber 2(, 19'1; Auenos +ires, +ren/in-. Parents: No
re>ord found. Nationality: +ren/ini-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: N-/ion-l S>hool
of 1ine +r/s, +ren/in-, r-du-/e, 19%(. Spouse: +!-nd- Perez, !-rried 19%(.
Children: Leo$oldo, son; 2 o/her sons. Career: K-nuel Aelr-no 5s>uel- N->ionl de
Aell-s +r/es, Auenos +ires, +ren/in-, Professor, 19%(:&'; Ser8i>e for Pus/i>e -nd Pe->e
in L-/in +!eri>-, 1ounder -nd Se>re/-ry "ener-l, 19&'-. Other Awards: Pre!io L-
N->ion de 5s>ul/ur-; Ke!ori-l Pu-n 44???, ?ns/i/u/o de Poledoi- Si>/or Sei@,
A-r>elon-, S$-in, 19&&.
Selected Publications: a* y 7usticia, 1ounder -nd 5di/or, 19&'-. .hrist in a oncho.
Ne# 3or0H Orbis Aoo0s, 19*'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19*1, '21:2). 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 1), 19*0CH 1)%%:%(.
19;0 6ela de Armas. Ke@i>o 6i/yH L-s 5di>iones del Tie!$o, 19*0, '1%:1(, )&'.
Co$$entary: +dolfo P_rez 5sGui8el #-s honored -s \- s$o0es!-n of - re8i8-l of
res$e>/ of hu!-n rih/s p h-8in shone - lih/ /hrouh /he d-r0nessZ of +ren/in-9s
!ili/-ry rule. P_rez 5sGui8el lef/ - dis/inuished >-reer -s - s>ul$/or /o be>o!e - hu!-n
rih/s ->/i8is/ -nd 6-/holi> >hur>h l-y le-der, >oordin-/in hu!-n rih/s effor/s in
+ren/in- -nd in -ll of L-/in +!eri>-. Le #-s !is/re-/ed -nd M-iled by /he +ren/ini-n
!ili/-ry o8ern!en/ for 1) !on/hs e-rly in his >-reer #i/hou/ >h-re or /ri-l bu/ h-s
$ersis/ed in his effor/s /hrouh /he Ser8i>e for Pus/i>e -nd Pe->e, #hi>h he founded, -nd
/hrouh - #o!en9s rou$, L-s Lo>-s de K-yo. B2.+.C
3ffice of the *nited Nations 1i&h %o22issioner for 4ef!&ees @2C
Prize: Pe->e, 19*1. ounded: 19%1 by /he Ini/ed N-/ions
Co$$entary: The Pe->e Prize, -#-rded in re>oni/ion of INL629s '0/h bir/hd-y, #-s
/heir se>ond -#-rd B/he firs/ #-s 19%)C. The INL62 $ro8ides refuees #i/h le-l
$ro/e>/ion fro! for>ed re$-/ri-/ion, $hysi>-l h-r!, -nd unMus/ified de/en/ion, -s #ell -s
-ssur-n>es of -deGu-/e food, >lo/hin, -nd shel/er. B".N.W.C
6arcRa 4obles5 0lfonso @29
Prize: Pe->e, 19*2. Born: K-r>h 20, 1911; J-!or-, Ki>ho->-n, Ke@i>o. Death:
Se$/e!ber 2, 1991; Ke@i>o 6i/y, Ke@i>o. Parents: 1-/her, Quirino "-r>i-; Ko/her,
Teres- 2obles "-r>i-. Nationality: Ke@i>-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of
Ke@i>o, l-# deree, 19''; Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, l-# deree, 19'&; +>-de!y of
?n/ern-/ion-l L-#, Ne/herl-nds, l-# deree, 19'*. Spouse: Pu-n- K-ri- de Szyszlo,
!-rried 19%0. Children: +lfonso, son; 1ern-ndo, son. Career: Ke@i>-n "o8ern!en/,
8-rious $os/s in 5!b-ssies, Ini/ed N-/ions, -nd in Ke@i>o, 19'9:91.
Selected Publications: -a Anchura del #ar Territorial. Ke@i>oH 6olleio de Ke@i>o,
19((. (eis Anos de la olrtica $xterior de #exico B(ix 1ears of #exican =oreign
olicyC. Tl-/elol>o, Ke@i>oH Se>re/-ri- de 2el->iones 5@/eriores, 19&(. -a .onferencia
de Bevision del Tratado (obre la 'o roliferacisn de las Armas 'ucleares BThe Bevie0
.onference on the 'on@roliferation TreatyC. Ke@i>o 6i/yH 5di/ori-l de 5l 6oleio
N->ion-l, 19&&. CC; &ias de Tlatelolco BCC; &ays of TlatelolcoC. Ke@i>oH 1ondo de
6ul/ur- 5>ono!i>-, 19&&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hristian .entury BNo8e!ber ', 19*2CH 109&. 'e0 1or2
Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 1), 19*2CH 1'0%. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical
(ervice BSe$/e!ber ), 1991CH 91%.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize -#-rded /o +lfonso "-r>o- 2obles #-s \no/ only -
re#-rd for -l!os/ /#en/y ye-rs of #or0 on dis-r!-!en/, bu/ -lso 8indi>-/ion of /he
8ir/ues of $-/ien/ -nd !e/hodi>-l neo/i-/ion.Z "-r>o- 2obles9s !-Mor >on/ribu/ion #-s
/he Tre-/y of Tl-/elol>o, #ri//en /o b-n nu>le-r #e-$ons fro! L-/in +!eri>- in /he (0s,
-nd sined by 22 n-/ions. +l/houh dedi>-/ed /o dis-r!-!en/, he h-s -lso been -
n-/ion-l -nd in/ern-/ion-l s$o0es$erson for Ke@i>o in - nu!ber of i!$or/-n/
o8ern!en/ -nd Ini/ed N-/ions $os/s /h-/ d-/e b->0 /o 19'9. Lis do>u!en/s on
Ke@i>o9s $osi/ion on /he L-# of /he Se- in /he l-/e %0s -re no/-ble -s #ell. B2.+.C
,$rdal5 0l>a 4ei2er
Prize: Pe->e, 19*2. Born: P-nu-ry '1, 1902; I$$s-l-, S#eden. Death: 1ebru-ry 1,
19*(; S/o>0hol!, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, +lber/ 2ei!er; Ko/her, Lo8- L-rsson
2ei!er. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of S/o>0hol!,
S#eden, A.+., 192); Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden, K.+., 19'). Spouse: "unn-r Kyrd-l,
!-rried O>/ober *, 192). Children: P-n, son; Sissel- Ao0, d-uh/er; N-M 1fols/er,
d-uh/er. Career: S/o>0hol!, S#eden, Te->her, 192):'2; 6en/r-l Prison, S/o>0hol!,
S#eden, Psy>holois/, 19'2:'); Tr-inin 6ollee for Pres>hool Te->hers, S/o>0hol!,
S#eden, Dire>/or, 19'%:)*; Ini/ed N-/ions, Ne# 3or0, +d!inis/r-/or, 19)9:%%;
S#edish "o8ern!en/, +!b-ss-dor -nd Kinis/er, 19%%:&'; 6en/er for /he S/udy of
De!o>r-/i> ?ns/i/u/ions, S-n/- A-rb-r-, 6+, 2ese-r>her, 19&':&); K-ss->huse//s
?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19&):&%; Wellesley 6ollee, K+, Professor, 19&(:
&&; ?ns/i/u/e for 2ese-r>h on Po8er/y, K-dison, W?, 2ese-r>her, 19&&:&*. Other
Awards: Wes/ "er!-n Pe->e Prize, 19&0; W-/eler Prize, L-ue +>-de!y of
?n/ern-/ion-l Pe->e, 19&'; Prize, 2oy-l S#edish ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 19&%;
Konis!-nien Prize, 19&(; "old Ked-l, 2oy-l S#edish +>-de!y of S>ien>e, 19&&;
+lber/ 5ins/ein Pe->e Prize, 19*0; Peo$le9s Pe->e Prize, Nor#-y, 19*1; Nehru +#-rd,
Selected Publications: .risis in the opulation ?uestion. S/o>0hol!H +. Aonnier, 19')
B#i/h "unn-r Kyrd-lC. %omen in the .ommunity. 6o$enh-enH T+2P, 19)'. %omen)s
T0o Boles> /ome and %or2. 6o$enh-enH 2ou/lede -nd Ne-n P-ul, 19%(. Our
Besponsibility for the oor eoples> &evelopment roblems at .lose 6ie0. 6o$enh-enH
2-ben -nd SMoeren, 19(1. The 5ame of &isarmament. Ne# 3or0H P-n/heon, 19&&, re8.
ed. 19*2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .ontemporary Authors. De/roi/H "-le, 19&* BSolu!e (9:
&2C, ))*:%0. 'e0 1or2
P-e 190
Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 19*2CH 1'(&:(*. Ao0, S. Alva #yrdal. 2e-din,
K+H +ddison Wesley Publishin 6o., 1991.
Co$$entary: +l8- Kyrd-l re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for her obsessi8e #or0 in /he l-//er
$-r/ of her life in $ursui/ of dis-r!-!en/. Ler e-rly >-reer in>luded !-ny ye-rs -s -
/e->her -nd -s - dire>/or of /e->hers9 >ollees in S#eden, #hile -/ /he s-!e /i!e
#or0in #i/h her husb-nd, "unn-r, -lso - Nobel Prize #inner, in /heir so>ioloi>-l #or0
on /he $o$ul-/ion $roble! -nd in ener-l -re-s of so>i-l $hiloso$hy. + l-/er in/eres/ #-s
/he role of #o!en. +$$oin/ed /o i!$or/-n/ Ini/ed N-/ions -nd S#edish $os/s, Kyrd-l
be>-!e - for>e in n-/ion-l -nd in/ern-/ion-l $oli>y. BP.".C
Walesa5 #ech D#eszek5 ,ichaelE @31
Prize: Pe->e, 19*'. Born: Se$/e!ber 29, 19)'; Po$o#o, Pol-nd. Parents: 1-/her,
Aolesl-# W-les-; Ko/her, 1eli0s- W-les-. Nationality: Polish. Religion: 6-/holi>.
Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: Kirosl-#- D-nu/- "olos W-les-, !-rried
No8e!ber *, 19(9. Children: Aod-n, son; Sl-#o!ir, son; Prze!ysl-#, son; P-rosl-#,
son; K-d-len-, d-uh/er; +nn-, d-uh/er; K-ri--Si>/ori-, d-uh/er; Aryid-, d-uh/er
Career: Polish +r!y, 19(':(%; Lenin Shi$y-rd, "d-ns0, Pol-nd, 5le>/ri>i-n, 19((:&(;
Polish L-bor Le-der, 19&(:90; Presiden/ of Pol-nd, 1990:9%; Le>h W-les- ?ns/i/u/e
1ound-/ion, Pol-nd, +d!inis/r-/or, 199%-. Other Awards: K-n of /he 3e-r, Time, 19*1;
Lo8e ?n/ern-/ion-l +#-rd, 19*1; 1reedo! Ked-l, I.S.+., 19*1; Ked-l of Keri/, Polish
+!eri>-n 6onress, 19*1; Pe->e Prize of +rbe/e/, 19*1; 1ree World Prize, Nor#-y,
19*2; ?n/ern-/ion-l De!o>r->y +#-rd, 19*2; So>i-l Pus/i>e +#-rd, 19*'; +!eri>-n
1riendshi$ Ked-l, 19*'; Lu!-ni/-ri-n Publi> Ser8i>e Ked-l, 19*); Pro 1ide e/ P-/ri-
Ked-l, Pol-nd, 19*%; ?n/ern-/ion-l ?n/eri/y +#-rd, 19*(; Phil-del$hi- Liber/y Ked-l,
19*9; I.S. Ked-l of 1reedo!, 19*9; "eore Ke-ny Lu!-n 2ih/s +#-rd, 19*9; P-/h
/o Pe->e +#-rd, I.N., 199(
Selected Publications: 8irth of (olidarity. Ne# 3or0H S/. K-r/in9s Press, 19*'. A %ay of
/ope. Ne# 3or0H Lol/, 19*&. The (truggle and the Triumph. Ne# 3or0H +r>-de
Publishers, 1992.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +s>herson, Ne-l. The 8oo2 of -ech %elesa. Ne# 3or0H
Si!on Y S>hus/er, 19*2. Arole#i>z, W-l/er. #y 8rother, -ech %alesa. Ne# 3or0H
Tribe>- 6o!!uni>-/ions, 19*'..urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19*1, )'(:'9. \Le>hX Le>hX Le>hXZ 'e0 1or2 Times #aga*ine BO>/ober 2', 19**CH '(:
Co$$entary: Le>h W-les- #-s r-n/ed /he Nobel Prize for his effor/s /hrouh
neo/i-/ion -nd non8iolen/ $ro/es/ /o -in /he rih/ for Polish #or0ers /o or-nize freely.
W-les- #-s in8ol8ed in l-bor unres/ -l!os/ fro! his firs/ #or0in d-y -nd e8en/u-lly Bin
19&(C los/ his ele>/ri>i-n9s $osi/ion be>-use of his ->/i8i/ies. Le #-s one of /he founders
of /he free /r-de union on /he A-l/i> 6o-s/ in 19&9, /he forerunner of /he l-re union
Solid-ri/y, #hi>h W-les- h-s uided sin>e i/s beinnins. L-r-ssed >ons/-n/ly -nd M-iled
by Polish le-ders, W-les- re!-ins - sy!bol /o Polish l-bor -nd /he Polish $eo$le, #i/h
his ->/i8i/ies OO>h-r->/erized by - de/er!in-/ion /o sol8e his >oun/ry9s $roble!s /hrouh
neo/i-/ion -nd >oo$er-/ion #i/hou/ resor/in /o 8iolen>e.Z BP.L.S.C
T!t!5 (es2ond ,pilo @32
Prize: Pe->e, 19*). Born: O>/ober &, 19'1; Nler0sdor$, Wi/#-/ersr-nd, Tr-ns8--l,
Sou/h +fri>-. Parents: 1-/her, J->h-ri-h Tu/u; Ko/her, +le//- Tu/u. Nationality: Sou/h
+fri>-n. Religion: +nli>-n. Education: A-n/u Nor!-l 6ollee, Sou/h +fri>-, Te->her9s
Di$lo!-, 19%'; Ini8. of Sou/h +fri>-, A.+., 19%); S/. Pe/er9s Theoloi>-l 6ollee,
Sou/h +fri>-, L.Th., 19(0; Nin9s 6ollee BIni8. of LondonC, 5nl-nd, A.D., 19((;
Nin9s 6ollee BIni8. of LondonC, 5nl-nd, K.Th, 19((. Spouse: Le-h No!-lizo
Shen@-ne, !-rried Puly 2, 19%%. Children: Tre8or, son; N-o!i, d-uh/er; K$ho,
d-uh/er; Theres- Th-ndi, d-uh/er. Career: Sou/h +fri>-, S>hool!-s/er, 19%):%&;
+nli>-n 6hur>h, Sou/h +fri>-, P-rish Pries/ -nd 8-rious -d!inis/r-/i8e $osi/ions,
19(0:9(. Other Awards: +/hen- Prize, On-ssis 1ound-/ion, "ree>e, 19*0; 1-!ily of
K-n "old Ked-llion, 19*'; K.L. Nin, Pr. Lu!-ni/-ri-n +#-rd, 19*); K.L. Nin, Pr.
Pe->e +#-rd, 19*(; ?n/ern-/ion-l ?n/eri/y +#-rd, 19*(; +lber/ S>h#ei/zer
Lu!-ni/-ri-n +#-rd, 19**; Third World Prize, 19*9; Dis/inuished Pe->e Le-dershi$
+#-rd, 1990.
Selected Publications: .rying in the %ilderness> The (truggle for 7ustice in (outh
Africa. LondonH +.2. Ko#br-y -nd 6o., 19*2. /ope and (uffering> (ermons and
(peeches. Poh-nnesburH S0o/-8ille Publishers, 19*'. Bainbo0 eople of 5od. Ne#
3or0H Doubled-y, 199). African rayer 8oo2. Ne# 3or0H Doubled-y, 199%. 'o =uture
%ithout =orgiveness. Ne# 3or0H Doubled-y, 1999.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
P-nu-ry 19*%, )0:)). \"if/s Seen -nd Le-rd.Z .ommon0eal ??? BNo8e!ber '0, 19*)CH
()%:)(. L-!!er, Poshu-. \Irin Non8iolen/ 6h-ne in Lis Tor/ured L-ndH Sou/h
+fri>-9s Des!ond Tu/u Wins /he Nobel Prize.Z eople 22 BDe>e!ber 1&, 19*)CH 1*%:
*&. L-n/ier-S-!$son, P. &esmond Tutu. Kil#-u0eeH ". S/e8ens 6hildren9s Aoo0s, 1991.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize 6o!!i//ee indi>-/ed /h-/ Aisho$ Des!ond Tu/u9s
re>oni/ion \should be re-rded no/ only -s - es/ure of su$$or/ /o hi! -nd /o /he Sou/h
+fri>-n 6oun>il of 6hur>hes of #hi>h he is le-der, bu/ -lso /o -ll indi8idu-ls -nd rou$s
in Sou/h +fri>- #ho, #i/h /heir >on>ern for hu!-n dini/y, fr-/erni/y -nd de!o>r->y,
in>i/e /he -d!ir-/ion of /he #orld.Z Tu/u h-s been ou/s$o0en for !u>h of his life --ins/
-$-r/heid, Sou/h +fri>-9s sys/e! of s/ri>/ r->e se$-r-/ion. ?n 19*) -nd 19*%, he be>-!e
$erson-lly in8ol8ed in in/er8enin /o defuse 8iolen>e -nd in -d8o>-/in /he #i/hdr-#-l
of forein in8es/!en/s fro! Sou/h +fri>-. BP.P.1.C
.nternational Ph$sicians for the Pre>ention of N!clear War5 .nc: @33
Prize: Pe->e, 19*%. ounded: 19*0 in Aos/on, K+
Co$$entary: This #-s one of /he !os/ >on/ro8ersi-l -#-rds in /he his/ory of /he Prize.
+>>ordin /o /he >o!!i//ee, /he Physi>i-ns for /he Pre8en/ion of Nu>le-r W-r
P-e 191
\$erfor!ed - >onsider-ble ser8i>e /o !-n0ind by s$re-din -u/hori/-/i8e infor!-/ion
-nd by >re-/in -n -#-reness of /he >-/-s/ro$hi> >onseGuen>es of -/o!i> #-rf-re.Z The
-#-rd #-s !e-n/ -s - !ess-e /o Presiden/ 2e--n -nd Se>re/-ry "orb->he8, #ho #ere
/o h-8e - su!!i/ !ee/in si@ #ee0s l-/er. B".N.W.C
Wiesel5 "lie @3?
Prize: Pe->e, 19*(. Born: Se$/e!ber '0, 192*; Sihe/, 2o!-ni-. Parents: 1-/her,
Shlo!o Wiesel; Ko/her, S-r-h 1ei Wiesel. Nationality: 2o!-ni-n; l-/er residen/ in
1r-n>e; +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse:
K-rion 5rs/er 2ose, !-rried 19(9. Children: Shlo!o-5lish-, son. Career: Wri/er -nd
le>/urer; 6i/y 6ollee, 6i/y Ini8. of Ne# 3or0, Professor, 19&2:&(; Aos/on Ini8., K+,
Professor, 19&(-. Other Awards: Pri@ 2i8-rol, 19('; ?nr-! Kerrill +#-rd, 19();
5le-nor 2oose8el/ Ke!ori-l +#-rd, 19&2; +!eri>-n Liber/ies Ked-llion, 19&2; K-r/in
Lu/her Nin Ked-llion, 6i/y 6ollee of Ne# 3or0, 19&'; Pe#ish Aoo0 6oun>il Li/er-ry
+#-rd, 19(%, 19&'; 2-!b-! +#-rd, 19&); Pe#ish Leri/-e +#-rd, 19&%; 1irs/ S$er/us
?n/ern-/ion-l +#-rd, 19&(; Nin Solo!on +#-rd, 19&&; Lu!-ni/-ri-n +#-rd, 19&*;
Pose$h Prize for Lu!-n 2ih/s, 19&*; J-l!-n Sh-z-r +#-rd, ?sr-el, 19&9; P-bo/ins0y
Ked-l, 19*0; S.3. +non Ked-l, 19*0; ?n/ern-/ion-l Li/er-ry Prize for Pe->e, 19*'; +.
S>h-r-ns0y Lu!-ni/-ri-n +#-rd, 19*'; 6onression-l Ked-l of +>hie8e!en/, 19*%;
+nne 1r-n0 +#-rd, 19*%; Ked-l of Liber/y +#-rd, 19*(; "old- Keir Lu!-ni/-ri-n
+#-rd, 19*&; Pri!o Le8i +#-rd, 1992; Presiden/i-l Ked-l of 1reedo!, 1992; Pe#ish
Aoo0 6oun>il Life/i!e Li/er-ry +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, 2001.
Selected Publications: 'ight. Ne# 3or0H Lill -nd W-n, 19(0. &a0n. Ne# 3or0H Lill
-nd W-n, 19(1. The Accident. Ne# 3or0H Lill -nd W-n, 19(2. The To0n 8eyond the
%all. Ne# 3or0H Lol/, 2ineh-r/ -nd Wins/on, 19(). The 5ates of the =orest. Ne# 3or0H
Lol/, 2ineh-r/ -nd Wins/on, 19((. A 8eggar in 7erusalem. Ne# 3or0H 2-ndo! Louse,
19&0. The Oath. Ne# 3or0, 2-ndo! Louse, 19&'. The =ifth (on. Ne# 3or0H Su!!i/,
19*%. All Bivers Bun to the (ea. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 199%. And the (ea is 'ever =ull.
Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 1999.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +br-h-!son, ?r8in. Against (ilence> The 6oice and 6ision
of $lie %iesel. Ne# 3or0H S>ho>0en, 19*). Aro#n, 2ober/. $lie %iesel. Sou/h Aend, ?NH
Ini8. of No/re D-!e Press, 19*). 6-r-s, L-rry. <n .onversation 0ith $lie %iesel.
K-h#-h, NPH P-ulis/ Press, 19&(. A 7e0 Today. Ne# 3or0H 2-ndo! Louse, 19&*. =rom
the Jingdom of #emory. Ne# 3or0H S>ho>0en Aoo0s, 199%.
Co$$entary: The Pe->e +#-rd #-s r-n/ed /o 5lie Wiesel for his self-->>e$/ed !ission
-s \- !essener /o !-n0indH his !ess-e is one of $e->e, -/one!en/ -nd hu!-n
dini/y.Z Wiesel is - >o!!i//ed Pe# #ho sur8i8ed /#o N-zi >on>en/r-/ion >-!$s -nd
found hi!self -f/er ye-rs of se-r>hin. Lis -u/obior-$hi>-l 'ight B19%*C h-un/inly
e8o0es i!-es of /he Lolo>-us/, e@$lores #h-/ i/ !e-ns /o be Pe#ish, -nd e@-!ines /he
/or/uous Mourney fro! /he li8in de-/h of /he >on>en/r-/ion >-!$ /o life. ?n his l-/er
#ri/ins, /he l-ure-/e in/rodu>ed /he ele!en/ of ho$e, bu/ - ho$e /h-/ is sh-do#ed by /he
lur0in s$e>/er of dis-s/er. Wiesel9s !ission of hel$in o$$ressed !inori/ies e@/ended /o
8-rious rou$s -nd >-uses /hrouhou/ /he #orld. BP.L.S.C
0rias -anchez5 3scar @3@
Prize: Pe->e, 19*&. Born: Se$/e!ber 1', 19)1; Leredi-, 6os/- 2i>-. Parents: 1-/her,
Pu-n 2-f-el +ri-s TreMos; Ko/her, Lili-n S-n>hez. Nationality: 6os/- 2i>-n. Religion:
Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of 6os/- 2i>-, l-# deree, 19(&; London
S>hool of 5>ono!i>s, 5nl-nd, do>/or-/e. Spouse: K-r-ri/- Penon Lonor-, !-rried
19&'. Children: Sil8i- 5ueni-, d-uh/er; Os>-r 1eli$e, son. Career: Ini8. of 6os/-
2i>-, Professor, 19(9:&2; Poli/i>i-n, 19&2-. Other Awards: Phil-del$hi- Liber/y Ked-l,
Selected Publications: 5rupos de resion en .osta Bica. S-n Pose, 6os/- 2i>-H
5di/ori-l 6os/- 2i>-, 19&1; %ho 5overnsP S-n Pose, 6os/- 2i>-H 5du>-, 19&(; &a0n of
a 'e0 olitical $ra. S-n Pose, 6os/- 2i>-H Presiden>i- de l- 2e$ubli>-, 19*&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: +br-!s, ?r#in. \Aehind /he S>enes.Z Antioch Bevie0 )(
BSu!!er 19**C. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1), 19*&CH +1.
Co$$entary: Os>-r +ri-s S-n>hez #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y for his OOou/s/-ndin
>on/ribu/ion /o /he $ossible re/urn of s/-bili/y -nd $e->e /o - reion lon /orn by s/rife
-nd >i8il #-r.Z +ri-s #-s /he i!$e/us behind -n -ree!en/ /h-/ he ho$ed #ould end /he
lon-/i!e >on/ro8ersies in8ol8in Ni>-r-u-, "u-/e!-l-, 6os/- 2i>-, 5l S-l8-dor, -nd
Londur-s. This #-s one of /he fe# /i!es /h-/ /he Nobel for Pe->e #-s -#-rded in -n
-//e!$/ /o $ro!o/e $oli/i>-l ini/i-/i8es /h-/ #ere dee!ed $osi/i8e by /he +>-de!y. ?n
/his >-se, /he endorse!en/ did no/ su>>eed in $rodu>in - $e->eful or $er!-nen/
solu/ion /o /he >onfli>/s in /he -re-. BP.L.S.C
*nited Nations Peace'8eepin& orces @3A
Prize: Pe->e, 19**. ounded: 1ounded 19)*
Co$$entary: The $rize #-s -#-rded /o /he $e->e 0ee$ers in /rouble s$o/s -round /he
#orld. ?n /he >o!!i//ee9s eyes, /hey re$resen/ed \/he !-nifes/ #ill of /he >o!!uni/y of
n-/ions /o ->hie8e $e->e.Z
(alai #a2a5 the o!rteenth DTserin&5 TensinE @3B
Prize: Pe->e, 19*9. Born: Puly (, 19'%; T-0/ser, Tibe/. Parents: 1-/her, 6huMon Tserin;
Ko/her, De0yi Tserin. Nationality: Tibe/-n. Religion: Tibe/-n Auddhis/ BL-!-is/C.
Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: 2eliious -nd $oli/i>-l ->/i8is/, 19)0-.
Selected Publications: #y -and and #y eople. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19(2. The
Opening of the %isdom $ye and the /istory of the Advancement of 8uddhadharma in
Tibet. A-n0o0H So>i-l S>ien>e +sso>i-/ion Press of Th-il-nd, 19(*. The 8uddhism of
Tibet and the Jey to the #iddle %ay. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19&%. =reedom in $xile.
Ne# 3or0H L-r$er6ollins, 1990.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: "ood!-n, Ki>h-el L. The -ast &alai -ama> A 8iography.
Aos/onH Sh-!bh-l-, 19*&.
P-e 192
"ould, A-sil. Beport on the &iscovery, Becognition, and <nstallation of the =ourteenth
&alai -ama. Ne# Delhi, ?ndi-H n.$., 19)1. The &alai -ama> A olicy of Jindness.
?/h->-, N3H Sno# Lion Publishers, 199'.
Co$$entary: The D-l-i L-!- re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize in re>oni/ion of his non8iolen/
>-!$-in /o end 6hin-9s lon do!in-/ion of his ho!el-nd. The Nobel >o!!i//ee
$r-ised hi! for \-d8o>-/in $e->eful solu/ion b-sed u$on /oler-n>e -nd !u/u-l res$e>/
in order /o $reser8e /he his/ori>-l -nd >ul/ur-l heri/-e of his $eo$le.Z ?n e@ile sin>e he
fled 6hinese o>>u$-/ion for>es in 19%9, /he D-l-i L-!- /r-8eled -round /he #orld,
$re->hin /he non8iolen/ Auddhis/ $hiloso$hy -nd #or0in for Tibe/9s fu/ure. The
1our/een/h D-l-i L-!- su>>essfully $-ssed -ll /he reGuisi/e /es/s -/ /he -e of fi8e, -nd
#-s >onfir!ed, -s /he /rue rein>-rn-/ion, by /he S/-/e Or->le of Tibe/. BS.L.C
6orbache>5 ,ikhail -er&e$e>ich @3C
Prize: Pe->e, 1990. Born: K-r>h 2, 19'1; Pri8olnoye, ISS2. Parents: 1-/her, Serei
+ndree8i>h "orb->he8; Ko/her, K-ri- P-n/eley8n- "orb->he8-. Nationality: 2ussi-n.
Religion: No re>ord found. Education: Kos>o# S/-/e Ini8., ISS2, l-# deree, 19%%.
Spouse: 2-is- K-0si!o8n- "orb->he8-, !-rried 19%', died 1999. Children: ?rin-,
d-uh/er. Career: 6o!!unis/ P-r/y Offi>i-l -nd So8ie/ Poli/i>i-n, 19%2:91; Presiden/,
ISS2, 1990:91; ?n/ern-/ion-l 1ound-/ion for So>i-l -nd 5>ono!i> -nd Poli/i>-l
2ese-r>h, +d!inis/r-/or, 1991-. Other Awards: Order of Lenin, ISS2 B' /i!esC; Order
of 2ed A-nner of L-bor, ISS2, 19)9; ?ndir- "-ndhi +#-rd, 19*&; Pe->e +#-rd, World
Ke/hodis/ 6oun>il, 1990; +lber/ S>h#ei/zer Le-dershi$ +#-rd, 1992; 2on-ld 2e--n
1reedo! +#-rd, 1992.
Selected Publications: The .oming .entury of eace. Ne# 3or0H 5-le Publishin,
19*(. (peeches and %riting. 2 8olu!es. Ne# 3or0H Per-!on, 19*(:*&. #oratorium.
Kos>o#H No8os/i P.2., 19*(. erestroi2a. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19**. #emoirs.
Ne# 3or0H Doubled-y, 199(. On #y .ountry and the %orld. Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi- Ini8.
Press, 2000.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Au/son, Tho!-s. 5orbachev. Ne# 3or0H S/ein -nd D-y,
19*%. Je!/so8, ?ly-, -nd Pohn 1-rr-r. 5orbachev. Ne# Aruns#i>0, NPH Tr-ns->/ion,
19*9. 2ue, ". 5orbachev. LondonH 6h-//o -nd Windus, 1991.
Co$$entary: Ki0h-il "orb->he8 #on /he Nobel for his \de>isi8e >on/ribu/ions ;/o /he<
dr-!-/i> >h-nes /h-/ h-8e /-0en $l->e in /he rel-/ionshi$ be/#een 5-s/ -nd Wes/.Z
"orb->he89s rel-@-/ion of /he riid >on/rol $oli>ies of $re8ious So8ie/ le-ders -llo#ed
/he bre-0do#n of /he Aerlin #-ll in "er!-ny -nd /he bre-0do#n of !ore in/-nible
#-lls be/#een /he $eo$les of /he #orld inside -nd ou/side /he \?ron 6ur/-in.Z "orb->he8
#-s eGu-lly #ell 0no#n for /he /#o $oli>ies of l-snos/ Bo$enness or $oli/i>-l
>oe@is/en>eC -nd $eres/roi0- B- !o8e /o#-rd - free !-r0e/ e>ono!yC. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
0!n& -an5 -!! 8$i @39
Prize: Pe->e, 1991. Born: Pune 19, 19)%; 2-noon, Aur!-. Parents: 1-/her, Aoyo0e
+un S-n; Ko/her, Nhin Nyi +un S-n. Nationality: Aur!ese. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly
Auddhis/. Education: O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+., 19(&. Spouse: Ki>h-el S-ill-n>our/
+ris, !-rried 19&2. Children: +le@-nder, son; Ni!, son. Career: Ini/ed N-/ions, Ne#
3or0, 2ese-r>her, 19(*:&1; 1orein Kinis/ry, Ahu/-n, 2ese-r>her, 19&2:&); ?ndi-n
?ns/i/u/e of +d8-n>ed S/udy, Si!l-, ?ndi-, 2ese-r>her, 19*(:*&; N-/ion-l Le-ue for
De!o>r->y, 2-noon, Aur!-, Le-dershi$ 2ole, 19**-; Louse -rres/, 19*9:9%. Other
Awards: 2-f/o Ke!ori-l Prize, 1990; S-0h-ro8 Prize, 1991; Aellis-rio Prize, 1992;
Si!on Aoli8-r Prize, 1992.
Selected Publications: The olitical -egacy of Aung (an. ?/h->-, N3H 6ornell Ini8.,
19&2; 8urma and <ndia. Ne# Delhi, ?ndi-H ?ndi-n ?ns/i/u/e of +d8-n>ed S/udy, 1990.
=reedom =rom =ear. Ne# 3or0H Penuin, 1991. To0ards a True Befuge. O@fordH
Per$e/u- Press, 199'. 6oice of /ope. Ne# 3or0H Se8en S/ories Press, 199&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0, N3H L.W. Wilson
6o., 1992, 2&:'1. P-ren/e-u, P. risoner for eace. "reensboro, N6H Kor-n 2eynolds,
Co$$entary: Suu Nyi +un S-n #-s under house -rres/ in Aur!- #hen she #on /he
Nobel, re>onizin her -s \/he le-der of - de!o>r-/i> o$$osi/ion /h-/ e!$loys
non8iolen/ !e-ns /o resis/ - rei!e >h-r->/erized by bru/-li/y.Z The 6o!!i//ee no/ed
/he desire OO/o sho# i/s su$$or/ for /he !-ny $eo$le /hrouhou/ /he #orld #ho -re
s/ri8in /o -//-in de!o>r->y, hu!-n rih/s, -nd e/hni> >on>ili-/ion by $e->eful !e-ns.Z
1ro! +uus/ 19**, #hen she Moined - $rode!o>r->y !o8e!en/ in Aur!-, un/il Puly
19*9, #hen she dis-$$e-red fro! sih/, +un S-n, d-uh/er of - leend-ry Aur!ese
hero, -l8-nized /he $eo$le of Aur!- in/o su$$or/ of de!o>r-/i> refor! in - >oun/ry
o8erned by - !ili/-ry Mun/- sin>e 19(2. +un S-n #-s rele-sed fro! house -rres/ in
199%. She #-s /he firs/ Aur!ese -nd se>ond +si-n /o #in /he Nobel Prize in Pe->e.
,ench! T!25 4i&oberta @?0
Prize: Pe->e, 1992. Born: 19%9; 6hi!el, "u-/e!-l-. Parents: 1-/her, Si>en/e Ken>hu;
Ko/her, Pu-n- Ken>hu. Nationality: "u-/e!-l-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Spouse: +nel
6-nil, !-rried P-nu-ry 1&, 199*. Children: Tz9unun, son. Career: Poli/i>-l ->/i8is/,
19*1-; ?n/ern-/ion-l "ood#ill +!b-ss-dor, IN5S6O, 199(-.
Selected Publications: <, Bigoberta #enchu. Ne# 3or0, N3H 2ou/lede, 19*%. .rossing
8orders. Ne# 3or0H Serso, 199*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Arill, K. T. 7ourney for eace. Ne# 3or0H Du//on, 199(.
.urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 199', '9*:)02; L-zo, 6.
Bigoberta #enchu. Ne# 3or0H Dillon Press, 199).
Co$$entary: 2iober/- Ken>hu #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Pe->e Prize for her #or0 in
"u-/e!-l- -nd in /he #orld be>-use she \s/-nds ou/ -s - 8i8id sy!bol of $e->e -nd
re>on>ili-/ion ->ross e/hni>, >ul/ur-l, -nd so>i-l di8idin lines.Z Ken>hu9s life, de8o/ed
/o /he >-use of freedo!=- >-use for #hi>h she #i/nessed /he de-/h of /hose de-res/ /o
her=re!-ins -n ins$ir-/ion for -ll. The 6o!!i//ee no/ed /h-/ \by !-in/-inin -
dis-r!in hu!-ni/y in - bru/-l #orld,
P-e 19'
2iober/- Ken>hu -$$e-ls /o /he bes/ in us. She s/-nds -s - uniGuely $o/en/ sy!bol of -
Mus/ s/rule.Z BP.L.S.,A.S.S.C
de 8lerk5 rederik Wille2 @?1
Prize: Pe->e, 199'. Born: K-r>h 1*, 19'(; Poh-nnesbur, Sou/h +fri>-. Parents:
1-/her, Poh-nnes de Nler0; Ko/her, Lendrin- 6ornell- 6oe/zer de Nler0. Nationality:
Sou/h +fri>-n. Religion: Du/>h 2efor!. Education: Po/>hefs/roon Ini8. for 6hris/i-n
Liher 5du>-/ion, Sou/h +fri>-, A.+., L.L.A., 19%*. Spouse: K-ri0e Wille!se, !-rried
+$ril 19%9, dissol8ed, no d-/e; 5li/- L-n-r-s "eori-dis, !-rried No8e!ber 199*.
Children: Wille!, son; P-n, son; Sus-n, d-uh/er. Career: Sereeniin L-# 1ir!, Sou/h
+fri>-, L-#yer, 19(1:&2; S-rious $oli/i>-l $os/s, Sou/h +fri>-, 19&2:9&; Presiden/,
Sou/h +fri>-, 19*9:9).
Selected Publications: The -ast Tre2@A 'e0 8eginning. Ne# 3or0H S/. K-r/in9s, 1999.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: de Nler0, W. =. %. de Jler2. Poh-nnesbur, Sou/h +fri>-H
Pon-/h-n A-ll Publishers, 1991; N-!s/ee, +. =. %. de Jler2. 6-$e To#n, Sou/h +fri>-H
Sl-eber Publishers, 1990; O//-#-y, D. .hained Together Ne# 3or0H Ti!es Aoo0s,
Co$$entary: 1. W. de Nler0 re>ei8ed /he Nobel Moin/ly #i/h Nelson K-ndel- for /heir
\>ons/ru>/i8e $oli>y of $e->e -nd re>on>ili-/ion ;#hi>h< -lso $oin/s /he #-y /o /he
$e->eful resolu/ion of si!il-r dee$-roo/ed >onfli>/s else#here in /he #orld.Z de Nler0
ini/i-/ed /he effor/s /o#-rd $e->e -nd /o#-rd de8elo$in - nonr->i-l de!o>r->y #hile
Pri!e Kinis/er of Sou/h +fri>-, -l/houh his r->i-l $oli>ies $rior /o /his $oli/i>-l
/urn-round, -s #ell -s his $re8ious ->/ions, #ere /he subMe>/ of !u>h >on/ro8ersy #hen
/he -#-rd #-s -nnoun>ed. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
,andela5 Nelson @?2
Prize: Pe->e, 199'. Born: Puly 1*, 191*; Tr-ns0ei, Sou/h +fri>-. Parents: 1-/her, "-dl-
Lenry K$h-0-nyis#- K-ndel-; Ko/her, Nose0eni 1-#ny K-ndel-. Nationality: Sou/h
+fri>-n. Religion: Ke/hodis/ b->0round. Education: Ini8. of Sou/h +fri>-, l-#
deree, 19)2. Spouse: 58elyn N/o0o K-se, !-rried 19)), di8or>ed 19%*; No!z-!o
Winnie K-di0izel-, !-rried 19%*, se$-r-/ed 1992, di8or>ed 199(; "r->- K->hel,
!-rried Puly 1*, 199*. Children: K-0-/ho, son; K-0-zi#e, d-uh/er; Jeni, d-uh/er;
Jindzi, d-uh/er. Career: +//orney, 19%2:%(; Poli/i>-l ->/i8i/y -nd offi>es, 19%(-;
Presiden/, 2e$ubli> of Sou/h +fri>-, 199):99. Other Awards: Nehru +#-rd, 19&9;
Nreis0y Prize, 19*1; Aoli8r Prize, 19*'; Third World Prize, 19*(; Lu!-n 2ih/s Prize,
19**; S-0h-ro8 Prize, 19**; "-dd-fi Prize, 19*9; Lou$houe/ Prize, 1991; +s/uri-s
Prize, 1992; Lu!-n 2ih/s +#-rd, +!eri>-n Pe#ish 6onress, 199'; K-ndel-1ulbrih/
Prize, 199'.
Selected Publications: 'o $asy %al2 to =reedom. Ne# 3or0H A-si> Aoo0s, 19(%.
'elson #andela (peeches. Ne# 3or0H P-/hfinder Press, 1990; 'elson #andela (pea2s.
Ne# 3or0H P-/hfinder Press, 199'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: -ong %al2 to =reedom. Aos/onH Li//le, Aro#n -nd 6o.,
199); O//-#-y, D-8id. .hained Together. Ne# 3or0H Ti!es Aoo0s, 199'. The (truggle
<s #y -ife. Ne# 3or0H P-/hfinder Press, 1990. S-!$son, +. #andela. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f,
Co$$entary: Nelson K-ndel- #-s Moin/ly -#-rded /he Nobel #i/h 1. W. de Nler0 for
/heir \>ons/ru>/i8e $oli>y of $e->e -nd re>on>ili-/ion ;#hi>h< -lso $oin/s /he #-y /o /he
$e->eful resolu/ion of si!il-r dee$-roo/ed >onfli>/s else#here in /he #orld.Z Lon
i!$risoned -s - resul/ of his effor/s /o se>ure eGu-li/y for /he bl->0 >o!!uni/y in Sou/h
+fri>-, K-ndel-, -f/er his rele-se, su>>eeded #i/h de Nler0 in de8elo$in - nonr->i-l
de!o>r->y=#hi>h K-ndel- #-s l-/er ele>/ed /o he-d. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
0rafat5 9asir D,oha22ed 0bed 0ro!f 0rafat al O!d)a al'1!sseiniE @?3
Prize: Pe->e, 199). Born: +uus/ 2), 1929; 6-iro, 5y$/. Parents: 1-/her, +bd -l-
2-ouf -l-Qud#- -l-Lusseini; Ko/her, J-h#- +bu S-ud. Nationality: P-les/ini-n.
Religion: Kusli!. Education: Ini8. of 6-iro, 5y$/, A. 5nineerin, 19%(. Spouse:
Suli- T-#il, !-rried 1991. Children: J-h#-, d-uh/er. Career: 2e8olu/ion-ry, 19%0-.
Other Awards: Polio/-6urie "old Ked-l, 19&%
or !ore "n#or$ation See: "o#ers, +ndre# -nd Tony W-l0er. Arafat. Ne# 3or0H
?n/erlin0 Publishin "rou$, 199); L-r/, +l-n. Arafat. Aloo!in/on, ?NH ?ndi-n- Ini8.
Press, 19*9; W-ll->h, P-ne/ -nd Pohn W-ll->h. <n the $yes of the 8eholder. Ne# 3or0H
6-rol Publishin "rou$, 1990
Co$$entary: 3-sir +r-f-/ sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h 3i/zh-0 2-bin -nd Shi!on Peres
for /heir \subs/-n/i-l >on/ribu/ions /o - his/ori> $ro>ess /hrouh #hi>h $e->e -nd
>oo$er-/ion >-n re$l->e #-r -nd h-/eZ in /he Kiddle 5-s/. +ll /hree #inners l-bored
dilien/ly /o de8elo$ - do>u!en/ on P-les/ini-n self-rule. The -#-rd, ho#e8er, #-s /he
subMe>/ of !u>h >on/ro8ersy. One >o!!i//ee !e!ber s/e$$ed do#n /o $ro/es/ +r-f-/9s
re>ei$/ of /he Nobel, -nd /here #-s - series of bloody e8en/s in ?sr-el -nd /he Wes/ A-n0
-f/er /he -#-rd #-s $resen/ed. Au/ /he !-r>h /o#-rd $e->e ini/i-/ed by /he /hree
>on/inued /o !o8e for#-rd, e8en -f/er /he -ss-sin-/ion of 2-bin in No8e!ber 199%.
Peres5 -hi2on @??
Prize: Pe->e, 199). Born: +uus/ 1(, 192'; Sishne8-, Pol-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 3i/zh-0
?s--> Peres; Ko/her, S-r-h Pers0y Peres. Nationality: ?sr-eli. Religion: Pe#ish. Spouse:
Soni- "ell!-n, !-rried K-y 1, 19)%. Children: Pon-/h-n, son; Ne>he!i-, son; J8i-,
d-uh/er Career: ?sr-eli $oli/i>i-n, 19)*-. Other Awards: Leion of Lonor, 19%9.
Selected Publications: &avid)s (ling. LondonH Weidenfeld -nd Ni>olson, 19&0; =rom
these #en. Ne# 3or0H Wyndh-! Aoo0s, 19&9; The 'e0 #iddle $ast. Ne# 3or0H Lol/,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: "ol-n, K-//i. The Boad to eace. Ne# 3or0H W-rner
Aoo0s, 19*9; 8attling for eace. LondonH Weidenfeld -nd Ni>olson, 199%.
Co$$entary: Shi!on Peres #-s Moin/ly -#-rded /he Nobel #i/h 3-sir +r-f-/ -nd
3i/zh-0 2-bin for OO/heir subs/-n/i-l >on/ribu/ions /o - his/ori> $ro>ess /hrouh #hi>h
$e->e -nd >oo$er-/ion >-n re$l->e #-r -nd h-/eZ in /he Kiddle 5-s/. Peres #-s - >ri/i>-l
-r>hi/e>/ of /he do>u!en/ #hi>h -//e!$/ed /o s$ell ou/ /he s/e$s /o#-rd P-les/ini-n self-
rule. The -#-rds #ere /he subMe>/ of !u>h >on/ro8ersy, -nd -f/er /he -nnoun>e!en/, -
series of bloody e8en/s o>>urred in ?sr-el -nd /he Wes/ A-n0. Pe->e effor/s >on/inued by
-ll $-r/ies, e8en so. Peres be>-!e $ri!e !inis/er of
P-e 19)
?sr-el -f/er 2-bin #-s -ss-ssin-/ed in No8e!ber 199%. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
4abin5 9itzhak @?@
Prize: Pe->e, 199). Born: K-r>h 1, 1922; Perus-le!, ?sr-el. Death: No8e!ber ), 199%;
Tel +8i8, ?sr-el. Parents: 1-/her, Nehe!i- 2-bin; Ko/her, 2os- 6ohen 2-bin.
Nationality: ?sr-eli. Religion: Pe#ish. Spouse: Le-h S>hlossber, !-rried +uus/ 2*,
19)*. Children: 3u8-l, son; D-li-, d-uh/er. Career: ?sr-eli $oli/i>i-n -nd !ili/-ry
le-der, 19)1:199%.
Selected Publications: Bodef (halom BPursuin Pe->eC. Tel-+8i8H Je!or-h-Ai/-n, 199%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
P-nu-ry 199%. The Babin #emoirs. Aos/onH Li//le, Aro#n, 19&9 BAer0eleyH Ini8. of
6-liforni- Press, 199(, e@$-nded ed.C. Sl-/er, 2ober/. Babin of <srael. Ne# 3or0H S/.
K-r/in9s Press, ?n>., 199'.
Co$$entary: 3i/zh-0 2-bin, Shi!on Peres, -nd 3-sir +r-f-/ sh-red /he Pe->e Prize for
/heir \subs/-n/i-l >on/ribu/ions /o - his/ori> $ro>ess /hrouh #hi>h $e->e -nd
>oo$er-/ion >-n re$l->e #-r -nd h-/eZ in /he Kiddle 5-s/. 2-bin, -s Pri!e Kinis/er of
?sr-el, re>ei8ed bo/h $r-ise -nd bl-!e=$r-ise fro! /hose #ho s-# $e->e -s #or/h -ny
$ri>e, -nd bl-!e fro! /hose #ho fores-# dire >onseGuen>es fro! P-les/ini-n self-rule
-s s$elled ou/ in /he do>u!en/s $re$-red by /he /hree l-ure-/es. +f/er /he -nnoun>e!en/
of /he -#-rds, - series of bloody e8en/s o>>urred in ?sr-el -nd /he Wes/ A-n0, bu/ $e->e
effor/s >on/inued un-b-/ed. 2-bin #-s -ss-ssin-/ed in No8e!ber 199% by -n ?sr-eli
s/uden/ o$$osed /o 2-bin9s $oli>ies of i8in u$ l-nd for $e->e. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
P!&)ash %onferences on -cience and World 0ffairs @?A
Prize: Pe->e, 199%. ounded: 19%& in Pu#-sh, No8- S>o/i-.
Co$$entary: The Pe->e Prize #-s di8ided eGu-lly be/#een /he Pu#-sh 6onferen>es
-nd Pose$h 2o/bl-/, one of /he >onferen>es9 >h-r/er !e!bers -nd >urren/ $residin
offi>er. ?n 19%%, 2o/bl-/ Moined +lber/ 5ins/ein, Aer/r-nd 2ussell, -nd si@ o/her s>ien/is/s
in sinin - !-nifes/o /h-/ led /o /he foundin of /he -nnu-l >onferen>es, #hi>h h-8e
lobbied /o >on8in>e o8ern!en/s /o dis>on/inue /he >ons/ru>/ion -nd use of nu>le-r
-r!-!en/s. The >onferen>es #ere $r-ised by /he >o!!i//ee for re>onizin \/he
res$onsibili/y of s>ien/is/s for /heir in8en/ionsZ -nd for brinin /oe/her \s>ien/is/s -nd
de>ision !-0ers /o >oll-bor-/e ->ross $oli/i>-l di8ides on >ons/ru>/i8e $ro$os-ls for
redu>in /he nu>le-r /hre-/.Z B".N.W.C
4otblat5 <oseph @?B
Prize: Pe->e, 199%. Born: No8e!ber ), 190*; W-rs-#, Pol-nd. Parents: 1-/her,
Jy!un/ 2o/bl-/; Ko/her, Soni- 2o/bl-/. Nationality: Polish, l-/er Ari/ish >i/izen.
Religion: Pe#ish. Education: 1ree Ini8. of Pol-nd, K.+., 19'2; Ini8. of W-rs-#,
Pol-nd, Ph.D., 19'*; Ini8. of Li8er$ool, 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19%0; Ini8. of London,
5nl-nd, D.S>., 19%'. Spouse: No re>ord found. Children: No re>ord found. Career:
Ini8. of W-rs-#, Pol-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19'':'9; Li8er$ool Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor,
19'9:)9; Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, Professor, 19%0:&(. Other Awards: 2ussell
So>ie/y +#-rd, 19*'; Order of Keri/, Pol-nd, 19*&; 5ins/ein Pe->e Prize, 1992; A-MeM
1ound-/ion Prize, 1999; Tod- Pe->e Prize, 2000.
Selected Publications: (cientists, the Arms Bace, and &isarmament. Aris/ol, P+H T-ylor
-nd 1r-n>is, 19*2; .oexistence, .ooperation, and .ommon (ecurity. Ne# 3or0H S/.
K-r/in9s, 19**; (triving for eace, (ecurity, and &evelopment in the %orld. 2i8er 5de,
NPH World S>ien/ifi> Publi>-/ion, 1991.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1), 199%CH +1.
Co$$entary: Pose$h 2o/bl-/ sh-red /he Nobel #i/h /he or-niz-/ion he he-ds, /he
Pu#-sh 6onferen>es on S>ien>e -nd World +ff-irs, for /heir >on/inuin effor/ \/o
di!inish /he $-r/ $l-yed by nu>le-r -r!s in in/ern-/ion-l $oli/i>s, -nd in /he loner run,
/o eli!in-/e su>h -r!s.Z 2o/bl-/, - refuee fro! /he Lolo>-us/, #or0ed on de8elo$in
/he -/o!i> bo!b in /he K-nh-//-n ProMe>/, bu/ lef/ /h-/ effor/ l-/e in /he se>ond World
W-r -s - $ro/es/. Le -lso lef/ nu>le-r $hysi>s -f/er /he #-r /o #or0 on -$$lyin $hysi>s
/o !edi>-l rese-r>h. Sin>e /h-/ /i!e, he h-s #or0ed on /he >-use of $e->e, -lon #i/h
o/her $ro!inen/ s>ien/is/s, in>ludin Aer/r-nd 2ussell -nd +lber/ 5ins/ein.
+elo5 %arlos ilipe Ti2enes @?C
Prize: Pe->e, 199(. Born: 1ebru-ry ', 19)*; W-il-0-!-, A-u>-u, 5-s/ Ti!or. Parents:
1-/herH Do!ino S-z 1eli$e; Ko/herH 5r!elind- A-$/is/- 1eli$e. Nationality: 5-s/
Ti!orese. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: S-lesi-n Pon/ifi>-l Ini8., ?/-ly, b->helor9s
deree in /heoloy, no d-/e. Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: 6-/holi> Pries/,
19*0-; 6-/holi> Aisho$, 19*'-.
Selected Publications: &emi 2eadilan dan perdamaian. DiliH No!isi Ne-dil-n, 199&
B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: America 1&% BDe>e!ber 1), 199(CH (:&. Nohen, +rnold.
=rom the lace of the &ead. Ne# 3or0H S/. K-r/in9s Press, 1999. 'e0 1or2 Times
BO>/ober 12, 199(CH +(.
Co$$entary: 6-rlos Aelo sh-red /he Nobel Pe->e Prize #i/h Pos_ 2-!os-Lor/- for
\/heir #or0 /o#-rds - Mus/ -nd $e->eful solu/ion /o /he >onfli>/ in 5-s/ Ti!or.99 ?ndonesi-
in8-ded 5-s/ Ti!or in 19&% -nd \be-n sys/e!-/i>-lly o$$ressin /he $eo$le.Z Aisho$
Aelo is >onsidered /he \fore!os/ re$resen/-/i8e of /he $eo$le of 5-s/ Ti!or. +/ /he ris0
of his o#n life, he h-s /ried /o $ro/e>/ his $eo$le fro! infrine!en/s by /hose in $o#er.Z
?n !-0in /he -#-rd /o Aelo -nd 2-!os-Lor/-, /he Nobel 6o!!i//ee #-n/ed /o \honour
/heir sus/-ined -nd self-s->rifi>in >on/ribu/ions for - s!-ll bu/ o$$ressed $eo$le.Z
4a2os'1orta5 <osH @?9
Prize: Pe->e, 199(. Born: De>e!ber 2(, 19)9; Dili, 5-s/ Ti!or. Parents: 1-/her,
1r-n>is>o Lor/-; Ko/her, N-/-lin- 2-!os 1ili$e Lor/-. Nationality: 5-s/ Ti!orese.
Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: +n/io>h 6ollee, OL, K.+., 19*). Spouse: +n- Pesso-,
!-rried 19&*, di8or>ed, no d-/e. Children: 1 son. Career: Poli/i>-l ->/i8is/; Pourn-lis/,
19(9:&); Kinis/er for 5@/ern-l +ff-irs, 5-s/ Ti!or, 19&%;
P-e 19%
I.N. 2e$resen/-/i8e fro! 1re/ilin, N3, 19&(:*9; Ini8. of Ne# Sou/h W-les, +us/r-li-,
Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 1990:99; 5-s/ Ti!or Ne#s +en>y, Pourn-lis/, 2000-.
Other Awards: Thorolf 2-f/ol Lu!-n 2ih/s +#-rd, 199'; "lei/z!-n 1ound-/ion
+#-rd, 199%;
Selected Publications: =unu> The :nfinished (aga of $ast Timor. Tren/on, NPH 2ed Se-
Press, 19*&. Timor -este> amanha em &ili. LisbonHDo! Qui@o/e, 199).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: $conomist ')1BDe>e!ber 1), 199(CH '). 'e0 1or2 Times
BO>/ober 12, 199(CH +(.
Co$$entary: Pos_ 2-!os-Lor/- sh-red /he Nobel Pe->e Prize #i/h 6-rlos Aelo for
\/heir #or0 /o#-rds - Mus/ -nd $e->eful solu/ion /o /he >onfli>/ in 5-s/ Ti!or.Z ?n8-ded
by ?ndonesi- in 19&%, 2-!os-Lor/- fled 5-s/ Ti!or. Li8in in +us/r-li-, 2-!os-Lor/-,
>onsidered /he le-din s$o0es!-n for /he 5-s/ Ti!orese >-use, #-s >i/ed for his
\sinifi>-n/ >on/ribu/ion /hrouh /he Ore>on>ili-/ion /-l0s9 -nd by #or0in ou/ - $e->e
$l-n for /he reion.Z ?n !-0in /his -#-rd, /he Nobel 6o!!i//ee ho$ed i/ #ould \s$ur
effor/s /o find - di$lo!-/i> solu/ion /o /he >onfli>/ in 5-s/ Ti!or b-sed on /he $eo$le9s
rih/ /o self-de/er!in-/ion.Z BL.S.S.C
.nternational %a2pai&n to +an #and2ines D.%+#E @@0
Prize: Pe->e, 199&. ounded: 1992; W-shin/on, D.6.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Pe->e Prize #-s -#-rded Moin/ly /o /he ?n/ern-/ion-l 6-!$-in
/o A-n L-nd!ines B?6ALC -nd /o Pody Willi-!s, /he >-!$-in9s >oordin-/or, OOfor /heir
#or0 for /he b-nnin -nd >le-rin of -n/i-$ersonnel !ines.Z The ?6AL is - ne/#or0 of
-ffili-/ed or-niz-/ions \/hrouh #hi>h i/ h-s been $ossible /o e@$ress -nd !edi-/e -
bro-d #-8e of $o$ul-r >o!!i/!en/ in -n un$re>eden/ed #-yp. This #or0 h-s ro#n
in/o - >on8in>in e@-!$le of -n effe>/i8e $oli>y for $e->e.Z BL.S.S.C
Willia2s5 <od$ @@1
Prize: Pe->e, 199&. Born: O>/ober 9, 19%0; 2u/l-nd, ST. Parents: No re>ord found.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: No re>ord found. Education: Ini8. of Ser!on/, ST,
A.+., 19&2; S>hool for ?n/ern-/ion-l Tr-inin, ST, K.+., 19&(; Pohns Lo$0ins Ini8.,
KD, K.+., 19*). Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: Lu!-n 2ih/s +>/i8is/;
Ni>-r-u--Londur-s 5du>-/ion ProMe>/, W-shin/on, D6, 6oordin-/or, 19*):*(;
Kedi>-l +id for 5l S-l8-dor, 6+, De$u/y Dire>/or, 19*(:92; ?n/ern-/ion-l 6-!$-in /o
A-n L-nd!ines, W-shin/on, D6, 1ounder -nd +!b-ss-dor, 1991:2000. Other
Awards: None.
Selected Publications: \So>i-l 6onseGuen>es of Wides$re-d Ise of L-nd!ines,Z
-andmine (ymposium. Kon/reu@, S#i/zerl-ndH ?n/ern-/ion-l 6o!!i//ee of /he 2ed
6ross, +$ril 199'. After the 5uns =all (ilent. W-shin/on, D.6.H Sie/n-! Se/er-ns of
+!eri>-n 1ound-/ion, 199% B#i/h Sh-#n 2ober/sC. \L-nd!ines -nd Ke-sures /o
5li!in-/e The!,Z <nternational Bevie0 of the Bed .ross, no. '0& BPuly-+uus/ 199%C.
\The Pro/e>/ion of 6hildren +-ins/ L-nd!ines -nd Ine@$loded Ordin-n>eZ in <mpact
of Armed .onflict on .hildren, I.N. Do>u!en/ +,%1,'0(, 2( +uus/ 199(. \L-nd!inesH
De-lin #i/h /he 5n8iron!en/-l ?!$->/,Z $nvironmental (ecurity B199&C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2 199;. Ne# 3or0H L.W.
Wilson, 199*, (12:1). #aclean)s 110 BO>/ober 10, 199&CH '2. 'e0 1or2 Times
BSe$/e!ber 20, 199&CH +%.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Pe->e Prize #-s -#-rded Moin/ly /o /he ?n/ern-/ion-l 6-!$-in
/o A-n L-nd!ines B?6ALC -nd /o Pody Willi-!s, /he >-!$-in9s >oordin-/or, \for /heir
#or0 for /he b-nnin -nd >le-rin of -n/i-$ersonnel !ines.Z ?n Mus/ - fe# shor/ ye-rs,
Pody Willi-!s -nd /he ?6AL be-n - $ro>ess /h-/ >ul!in-/ed in - /re-/y /o b-n
l-nd!ines /h-/ #-s sined by !ore /h-n 100 >oun/ries, bu/ no/ /he Ini/ed S/-/es, 6hin-
or 2ussi- in De>e!ber 199&. The Nobel 6o!!i//ee ho$ed /h-/ /he O//-#- $ro>ess
#ould be>o!e - !odel for si!il-r $ro>esses -nd /h-/ \i/ >ould $ro8e of de>isi8e
i!$or/-n>e /o /he in/ern-/ion-l effor/ for dis-r!-!en/ -nd $e->e.Z BL.S.S.C
1!2e5 <ohn @@2
Prize: Pe->e, 199*. Born: P-nu-ry 1*, 19'&; Londonderry, Nor/hern ?rel-nd. Parents:
1-/her, S-!uel Lu!e; Ko/her, +nne Doher/y Lu!e. Nationality: ?rish. Religion:
6-/holi>. Education: S/. P-/ri>09s 6ollee, ?rel-nd, A.+., no d-/e; N-/ion-l Ini8. of
?rel-nd, K.+., no d-/e. Spouse: P-/ri>i- Lone, !-rried De>e!ber 29, 19(0. Children: 2
sons; ' d-uh/ers. Career: Poli/i>i-n, Nor/hern ?rel-nd, 19(9-. Other Awards: S/.
Tho!-s Koore +#-rd, 1991.
Selected Publications: ersonal 6ie0s. DublinH To#n Louse, 199(. A 'e0 <reland.
Aoulder, 6OH 2ober/s 2ineh-r/ Publishers, 199& B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1&, 199*CH +&. 2ou/lede, P-ul.
7ohn /ume. LondonH L-r$er6ollins, 199&. Whi/e, A-rry. 7ohn /ume> (tatesman of the
Troubles. Aelf-s/H Al->0s/-ff Press, 19*).
Co$$entary: The Nobel Pe->e Prize #-s -#-rded /o Pohn Lu!e -nd D-8id Tri!ble
\for /heir effor/s /o find - $e->eful solu/ion /o /he >onfli>/ in Nor/hern ?rel-nd.Z Pohn
Lu!e #-s >i/ed -s \/he >le-res/ -nd !os/ >onsis/en/ of Nor/hern ?rel-nd9s $oli/i>-l
le-ders in his #or0 for - $e->eful solu/ionZ #hi>h resul/ed in - $e->e -ree!en/ sined
in +$ril 199*. BL.S.S.C
Tri2ble5 Willia2 (a>id @@3
Prize: Pe->e, 199*. Born: O>/ober 1%, 19)); Aelf-s/, Nor/hern ?rel-nd. Parents: 1-/her,
Willi-! Tri!ble; Ko/her, ?8y Tri!ble. Nationality: ?rish. Religion: Pro/es/-n/.
Education: Queen9s Ini8., ?rel-nd, l-# deree, 19(*. Spouse: 1s/ #ife, !-rried, no
d-/e, di8or>ed, no d-/e; D-$hne 5liz-be/h Orr, !-rried, 19&*. Children: 2i>h-rd, son;
Si>/ori-, d-uh/er; Ni>hol-s, son; S-r-h, d-uh/er. Career: ?rish Poli/i>i-n, 19&'-;
Queen9s Ini8., ?rel-nd, Professor, 19(*:90.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2 ,000. Ne# 3or0H L.W.
Wilson, 2000, %(1:(). 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1&, 199*CH +&.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Pe->e Prize #-s -#-rded /o D-8id Tri!ble -nd Pohn Lu!e
\for /heir effor/s /o find - $e->eful solu/ion /o /he >onfli>/ in Nor/hern ?rel-nd.Z Tri!ble
\sho#ed re-/ $oli/i>-l >our-e #hen, -/ - >ru>i-l s/-e of /he $ro>ess, he -d8o>-/ed
solu/ions #hi>h led /o /he $e->e -ree!en/.Z No/in -s #ell /he $osi/i8e >on/ribu/ions of
P-e 19(
o/hers /o /he $e->e $ro>ess, /he Nor#ei-n Nobel 6o!!i//ee >i/ed Tri!ble for his
effor/s \/o#-rds buildin u$ /he !u/u-l >onfiden>e on #hi>h - l-s/in $e->e !us/ be
b-sed.Z BL.S.S.C
,Hdecins -ans rontiIres D,-E @@?
Prize: Pe->e, 1999. ounded: 19&1; 1r-n>e
Co$$entary: K_de>ins S-ns 1ron/i`res #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Pe->e Prize for
-dherin /o \/he fund-!en/-l $rin>i$le /h-/ -ll dis-s/er 8i>/i!s, #he/her /he dis-s/er is
n-/ur-l or hu!-n in oriin, h-8e - rih/ /o $rofession-l -ssis/-n>e, i8en -s Gui>0ly -nd
effi>ien/ly -s $ossible.Z The KS1, -lso >-lled Do>/ors Wi/hou/ Aorders, is 0no#n for
hu!-ni/-ri-n -ssis/-n>e /o -ll #i/h no re-rd for $oli/i>s or n-/ion-l borders. BL.S.S.C
8i2 (ae'<!n& @@@
Prize: Pe->e, 2000. Born: De>e!ber ', 192%; Lu0#-n-ri L-e#i-!yon, Shin-nun,
Nore-. Parents: 1-/her, Ni! Inshi0; Ko/her, 6h-n Soo-0eu!. Nationality: Sou/h
Nore-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Nyunhee Ini8., Sou/h Nore-, K.+., 19&0;
Di$lo!-/i> +>-de!y of 1orein Kinis/ry, 2ussi-, Ph.D., 1992. Spouse: 6h- 3on--e,
!-rried 19)), died 19%9; Lee-ho Lee, !-rried K-y 10, 19(2. Children: Lon-il, son;
Lon-u$, son; Lon-ul, son. Career: Poli/i>i-n, Sou/h Nore-, 19%)-; Presiden/, Sou/h
Nore-, 199*- Other Awards: Aruno Nreis0y Lu!-n 2ih/s +#-rd, 19*1; Lu!-n 2ih/s
+#-rd, Nor/h +!eri>-n 6o-li/ion for Lu!-n 2ih/s in Nore-, 19*); "eore Ke-ny
Lu!-n 2ih/s +#-rd, 19*&; Inion Theoloi>-l Se!in-ry Ked-l, 199); Phil-del$hi-
Liber/y Ked-l, 1999.
Selected Publications: #ass articipatory $conomy in Jorea. L-nh-!, KDH Ini8.
Press of +!eri>-, 19&1, re8. ed., 19*%. rison %ritings. Aer0eleyH Ini8. 6-lif. Press,
19*&. A 'e0 8eginning. Los +nelesH 6en/er for Kul/ie/hni> -nd Tr-nsn-/ion-l S/udies,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: "olds/ein, Nor!. Jim &aeIung. Phil-del$hi-H 6helse-
Louse, 199*. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1), 2000CH +(.
Co$$entary: Ni! D-e-Pun #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Pe->e Prize \for his #or0 for
de!o>r->y -nd hu!-n rih/s in Sou/h Nore- -nd in 5-s/ +si- in ener-l, -nd for $e->e
-nd re>on>ili-/ion #i/h Nor/h Nore- in $-r/i>ul-r.Z + for!er $oli/i>-l $risoner, Ni!,
/hrouh his \sunshine $oli>y,99 h-s \-//e!$/ed /o o8er>o!e !ore /h-n fif/y ye-rs of #-r
-nd hos/ili/y be/#een Nor/h -nd Sou/h Nore-.Z Ay -#-rdin /he Pe->e Prize /o /he
Sou/h Nore-n Presiden/, /he 6o!!i//ee e@$ressed /he ho$e \/h-/ /he >old #-r #ill -lso
>o!e /o -n end in Nore-.Z BL.S.S.C
P-e 19&
4oent&en5 Wilhel2 %onrad @@A
Prize: Physi>s, 1901. Born: K-r>h 2&, 1*)%; Lenne$, "er!-ny. Death: 1ebru-ry 10,
192'; Kuni>h, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, 1riedri>h 6onr-d 2oen/en; Ko/her,
6h-rlo//e 6ons/-nze 1ro#ein 2oen/en. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Lu/her-n.
Education: Poly/e>hni>, S#i/zerl-nd, enineerin di$lo!-, 1*(*; Poly/e>hni>,
S#i/zerl-nd, Ph.D., 1*(9. Spouse: +nn- Aer/h- Lud#i, !-rried P-nu-ry 19, 1*&2.
Children: None; bu/ -do$/ed #ife9s nie>e, Pose$hine Aer/h-. Career: Ini8. of JRri>h,
S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 1*(9; Ini8. of WRrzbur, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 1*&0:&2;
Ini8. of S/r-sbour, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*&2:&%; +ri>ul/ur-l +>-de!y, Lohenhei!,
"er!-ny, Professor, 1*&%:&(; Ini8. of S/r-sbour, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*&(:&9; Ini8.
of "iessen, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*&9:**; Ini8. of WRrzbur, "er!-ny, Professor,
1***:1900; Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor, 1900:2'. Other Awards: 2u!ford
Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1*9(; 2oy-l Order of Keri/, A-8-ri-, 1*9(; A-u!-er/ner Prize,
Sienn- +>-de!y, 1*9(; 5llio/6resson Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, Phil-del$hi-, P+, 1*9&;
Prize L->-ze, P-ris, 1*9&; K-//en>ei Ked-l, 2o!e, 1*9&; O//o-W-hlbu>h-S/if/un
Prize, L-!bur, 1*9*; Order of Keri/ of S/. Ki>h-el, ? >l-ss, 1900; Sil8er Ked-l of
Prin>e 2een/ Lui/$old, 1900; A-rn-rd Ked-l, 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 1900; No!i/ur of
/he Order of /he ?/-li-n 6ro#n, 1900; Order Pour le K_ri/e for S>ien>e -nd +r/, 1r-n>e,
1911; Lel!hol/z Ked-l, "er!-ny, 1919.
Selected Publications: \On - Ne# Nind of 2-ys, - Preli!in-ry 6o!!uni>-/ion.Z
(it*ungsberichte hys.@#ed. 5es. %3r*burg B1*9%CH 6Physi>sS??. \On - Ne# Nind of
2-ys, 6on/inued.Z (it*ungsberichte hys.@#ed. 5es. %3r*burg B1*9(CH 4?. \1ur/her
Obser8-/ions on /he Pro$er/ies of 4-r-ys.Z #ath. u. 'atur0. #itt. a.d. (it*ungsberichte
reuss. A2ad. %iss., hysi2.@#ath. Jl. B1*9&CH '92.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&% BSolu!e 11C, %29:'1. "l-sser, O//o. &r. %... Boentgen. S$rinfield, ?LH Tho!-s,
19)%. Ni/s0e, W. 2ober/. The -ife of %ilhelm .onrad Boentgen, &iscoverer of the z@ray.
Tu>son, +JH Ini8. of +rizon- Press, 19&1.
Co$$entary: Wilhel! 2oen/en, firs/ re>i$ien/ of /he Nobel Prize in Physi>s, #-s >i/ed
OOin re>oni/ion of /he e@/r-ordin-ry !eri/ -ined by /he dis>o8ery of /he s$e>i-l r-ys
be-rin his n-!e.Z +l/houh /he -#-rd #-s !-de for - sinle sur$rise dis>o8ery,
2oen/en h-d s$en/ 2* ye-rs Guie/ly >on/ribu/in >-refully done #or0 /h-/ l-id $-r/ of
/he found-/ion for !u>h of /he /heory of /her!odyn-!i>s, !e>h-ni>s, -nd ele>/ri>i/y.
Lis dis>o8ery of 4-r-ys re!-ins his s/unnin >on/ribu/ion in /h-/ i/ o$ened /he doors /o
!odern $hysi>s -nd, in re-/ !e-sure, /o !odern surery -nd !edi>-l /re-/!en/. BT.S.C
#orentz5 1endrik 0ntoon @@B
Prize: Physi>s, 1902. Born: Puly 1*, 1*%'; +rnhe!, Ne/herl-nds. Death: 1ebru-ry ),
192*; L--rle!, Ne/herl-nds. Parents: 1-/her, "erri/ 1rederi0 Loren/z; Ko/her,
"eer/ruid- 8-n "in0el Loren/z. Nationality: Du/>h. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education:
Ini8. of Leiden, Ne/herl-nds, A.S>., 1*&1; Ini8. of Leiden, Ne/herl-nds, Ph.D., 1*&%.
Spouse: +le//- N-iser, !-rried 1**1. Children: "eer/ruid- Luber/-, d-uh/er; Poh-nn-
Wilhel!in-, d-uh/er; 2udolf, son; four/h >hild died in inf-n>y. Career: Ini8. of
Leiden, Ne/herl-nds, Professor, 1*&*:1912; Teyler L-bor-/ory, L--rle!, Ne/herl-nds,
Dire>/or, 1912:2'. Other Awards: 2u!ford Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 190*; 6o$ley Ked-l,
2oy-l So>ie/y, 191*.
Selected Publications: -ectures on Theoretical hysica. * 8olu!es. LondonH K->!ill-n
-nd 6o., 192&:'1. /.A. -orent*, .ollected apers. 9 8olu!es. The L-ueH K. NiMhoff,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: de L--s-Loren/z, ".L. /.A. -orent*. <mpressions of /is
-ife and %or2. Tr. by Poh. 6. 1-iner +uer. +!s/erd-!H Nor/h-Loll-nd Publishin
6o., 19%&. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&' BSolu!e *C,
Co$$entary: Lendri0 Loren/z sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h Pie/er Jee!-n \in
re>oni/ion of /he e@/r-ordin-ry ser8i>e /hey rendered by /heir rese-r>hes in/o /he
influen>e of !-ne/is! u$on r-di-/ion $heno!en-.Z Aeinnin #i/h his do>/or-l #or0
on refle>/ion -nd refr->/ion of lih/, Loren/z >h-ned /he f->e of o$/i>s -nd ele>/ri>i/y in
- lon -nd frui/ful >-reer. Lis firs/ !-Mor >on/ribu/ion #-s - for!ul- rel-/in lih/
8elo>i/y /o /he densi/y -nd >o!$osi/ion of /he !ediu! /hrouh #hi>h i/ $-ssed. Lis
ener-l /heory of /he ele>/ri>-l -nd o$/i>-l $ro$er/ies of !o8in bodies follo#ed. Ne@/
>-!e /he >on>e$/ of /he ele>/ron, #hi>h $-8ed /he #-y for !ole>ul-r -nd Gu-n/u!
/heories. Loren/z9s #or0 in ele>/ro!-ne/is! -nd !o/ion led /o /he 5ins/ein /heory of
rel-/i8i/y. Le -lso $ioneered in /he s>ien>e of hydr-uli>s. B+.S.C
7ee2an5 Pieter @@C
Prize: Physi>s, 1902. Born: K-y 2%, 1*(%; Jonne!-ire Jeel-nd, Ne/herl-nds. Death:
O>/ober 9, 19)'; +!s/erd-!, Ne/herl-nds. Parents: 1-/her, 6-/h-rinus 1-r-ndinus
Jee!-n; Ko/her, Wilhel!in- Wors/ Jee!-n. Nationality: Du/>h. Religion: Lu/her-n.
Education: Ini8. of Leiden, Ne/herl-nds, Ph.D., 1*9'. Spouse: Poh-nn- 5lis-be/h
Lebre/, !-rried 1*9%. Children: ' d-uh/ers; 1 son. Career: Ini8. of Leiden,
Ne/herl-nds, Professor, 1*9':9&; Ini8. of +!s/erd-!, Ne/herl-nds, Professor, 1*9&:
19'%. Other Awards: "old Ked-l, Ne/herl-nds S>ien/ifi> So>ie/y of L--rle!, 1*92;
2u!ford Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1922.
Selected Publications: Besearches in #agneto@Optics. LondonH K->!ill-n, 191'.
6erhandelingen van &r. . !eeman over #agneto@Optische 6erschiInselen. Leiden,
P-e 19*
Ne/herl-ndsH 5. ?Mdo, 1921. Sel/huys-Ae>h/hold, P. <nventory of the apers of ieter
!eeman. L--rle!, Ne/herl-ndsH 2iM0s-r>hief in Noord-Loll-nd, 199'.
or $ore in#or$ation see: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&' BSolu!e 10C, %2):2(. Obituary 'otices of =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety of -ondon
) B19))CH %91:9%.
Co$$entary: Pie/er Jee!-n -nd Lendri0 Loren/z re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \in
re>oni/ion of /he e@/r-ordin-ry ser8i>e /hey rendered by /heir rese-r>hes in/o /he
influen>e of !-ne/is! u$on r-di-/ion $heno!en-.Z Jee!-n de8o/ed his e-rly >-reer /o
s/udyin /he in/errel-/ionshi$s be/#een !-ne/is! -nd lih/. The Jee!-n effe>/ refers
/o /he #idenin -nd s$li//in of s$e>/r-l lines by - !-ne/i> field -nd -dded /o /he
e8iden>e for -n ele>/ro!-ne/i> /heory of lih/. Jee!-n -lso s/udied /he -bsor$/ion -nd
!o/ion of ele>/ri>i/y in fluids, !-ne/i> fields on /he sun9s surf->e, /he Do$$ler effe>/,
/he effe>/ of nu>le-r !-ne/i> !o!en/s on s$e>/r-l lines, -nd !-ss s$e>/ror-$hy of +r-
'* -nd Ni-(). B+.S.C
+ecJ!erel5 0ntoine 1enri @@9
Prize: Physi>s, 190'. Born: De>e!ber 1%, 1*%2; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death: +uus/ 2%, 190*;
Le 6roisi>, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, +le@-nder 5d!ond Ae>Guerel; Ko/her, no re>ord
found. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: ]>ole des
Pon/es-e/-6h-ussees, 1r-n>e, inenieur, 1*&&; ]>ole des Pon/es-e/-6h-ussees, 1r-n>e,
do>/eur-es-s>ien>es, 1***. Spouse: Lu>ie-Joe-K-rie P-!in, !-rried 1*&), died 1*&*;
Louise-Desiree Lorieu@, !-rried 1*90. Children: Pe-n, son. Career: ]>ole
Poly/e>hniGue, P-ris, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1*&(:190*; >on>urren/ly e!$loyed -/ Kuseu!
of N-/ur-l Lis/ory, N-/ion-l +d!inis/r-/ion of Arides -nd Lih#-ys, -nd N-/ion-l
6onser8-/ory of +r/s -nd Tr-des. Other Awards: Leion of Lonour, 1r-n>e, 1900;
2u!ford Ked-l, 190*; A-rn-rd Ked-l, 190*; Lel!hol/z Ked-l, 190*.
Selected Publications: \5!ission de 2-di-/ions Nou8elles $-r l9Ir-niu! Ke/-lliGue.Z
.omptes Bendus de l)AcadDmie des (ciences, aris 122 B1*9(CH 10*(:**. \Sur Di8erses
Pro$rie/es des 2-yons Ir-niGues.99 .omptes Bendus de l)AcadDmie des (ciences, aris
12' B1*9(CH *%%:%*. \Sur le 2-yonne!en/ des 6or$s 2-dio-+>/ifs.Z .omptes Bendus
de l)AcadDmie des (ciences, aris 129 B1*99CH 120%:0&. \Sur l- 2-dio->/i8i/e de
l9Ir-niu!.Z .omptes Bendus de l)AcadDmie des (ciences, aris 1'' B1901CH 9&&:*0.
\2e>her>hes sur Ine Pro$rie/e Nou8elle de l- K-/iere. +>/i8i/e 2-di-n/e S$on/-nee ou
2-dio->/i8i/e de l- K-/iere.Z #emories de l)AcadDmie des (ciences, aris )( B190'C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&0 BSolu!e 1C, %%*:(1. 2-n>, +lber/. /enri 8ec4uerel et la &ecouverte de la
Badioactivite. P-risH ]di/iones de l- Liber/_, 19)(.
Co$$entary: Lenri Ae>Guerel #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y \in re>oni/ion of /he
e@/r-ordin-ry ser8i>es he h-s rendered by his dis>o8ery of s$on/-neous r-dio->/i8i/y.Z ?n
-ddi/ion /o /h-/ !onu!en/-l dis>o8ery, Ae>Guerel $erfor!ed $ioneer rese-r>h in /he
-re-s of lih/ $ol-riz-/ion, lih/ -bsor$/ion, $hos$hores>en>e, -nd /erres/ri-l !-ne/is!.
%!rie5 ,arie D-klodo)ska5 ,ariaE
(ee en/ry 11
%!rie5 Pierre @A0
Prize: Physi>s, 190'. Born: K-y 1%, 1*%9; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Death: +$ril 19, 190(; P-ris,
1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, 5uene 6urie; Ko/her, So$hie-6l-ire De$oully 6urie.
Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: +n/i>leri>-l; fro! Pro/es/-n/ b->0round. Education:
Ini8. of P-ris-Sorbonne, 1r-n>e, li>en>e es s>ien>es, 1*&%; Ini8. of P-ris-Sorbonne,
1r-n>e, li>en>e in $hysi>-l s>ien>es, 1*&&; Ini8. of P-ris-Sorbonne, 1r-n>e, do>/or of
s>ien>e, 1*9%. Spouse: K-rie S0lodo#s0-, !-rried Puly 2%, 1*9%. Children: ?rene,
d-uh/er; 58e, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Sorbonne, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her, 1*&*:*2;
Ini8. of Sorbonne, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1**2:190(. Other Awards: L- 6-ze Prize,
+>-d_!ie des S>ien>es, 1901; D-8y Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 190'; K-//eu>i "old Ked-l,
?/-li-n So>ie/y of S>ien>es, 190).
Selected Publications: Oeuvres de ierre .urie. P-risH "-u/hier-Sill-rs, 190*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6urie, K. ierre .urie. Tr. by 6h-rlo//e -nd Sernon
Nello. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 192'. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H
S>ribner9s, 19&1 BSolu!e 'C, %0':0*.
Co$$entary: Pierre 6urie sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h K-rie 6urie -nd +. Ae>Guerel
\in re>oni/ion of /he s$e>i-l ser8i>es rendered by /he! in /he #or0 /hey Moin/ly >-rried
ou/ in in8es/i-/in /he $heno!en- of r-di-/ion dis>o8ered by Professor Ae>Guerel.Z
6urie #-s -lso res$onsible for $ioneer !-ne/i> s/udies. The 6urie $oin/, /he
/e!$er-/ure -/ #hi>h - subs/-n>e >h-nes i/s !-ne/i> $ro$er/ies, is n-!ed -f/er hi!.
Le -lso s/udied /he $iezo-ele>/ri> $ro$er/ies of >rys/-ls -nd de8elo$ed sensi/i8e
ins/ru!en/-/ion /o $er!i/ su>h s/udy. BS.6.C
-tr!tt5 <ohn Willia2 D#ord 4a$lei&hE @A1
Prize: Physi>s, 190). Born: No8e!ber 12, 1*)2; L-nford "ro8e, 5sse@, 5nl-nd.
Death: Pune '0, 1919; Wi/h-!, 5sse@, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn P-!es S/ru//;
Ko/her, 6l-r- 5liz-be/h L- Tou>he Si>-rs S/ru//. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion:
S$iri/u-lis/; fro! +nli>-n b->0round. Education: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+.,
1*(%. Spouse: 58elyn A-lfour, !-rried 1*&1. Children: 2ober/ Pohn, son; +r/hur
6h-rles, son; Puli-n, son. Career: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, L-bor-/ory Dire>/or,
1*&9:*); 2oy-l ?ns/i/u/e, 5nl-nd, Professor, 1**&:190%; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd,
6h-n>ellor, 190*:19. Other Awards: 2oy-l Ked-l, 1**2; Aress- Prize, ?/-ly, 1*91;
Lod0ins Prize, S!i/hsoni-n, 1*9%; K-//eu>i Ked-l, ?/-ly, 1*9%; A-rn-rd Ked-l,
6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 1*9%; 1-r-d-y Ked-l, 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 1*9%; 6o$ley Ked-l,
1*99; +lber/ Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y of /he +r/s, 190%; 2u!ford Ked-l, 191); 6resson
Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, 191).
Selected Publications: The Theory of (ound. 2 8olu!es. LondonH K->!ill-n, 1*&&:&*.
(cientific apers. ( 8olu!es. 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 1*99:1920.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&( BSolu!e 1'C, 100:0&. Linds-y, 2ober/. -ord Bayleigh. 5l!sford, N3H Per-!on,
19&0. S/ru//, 2ober/ Pohn. -ife of 7ohn %illiam (trutt. K-disonH Ini8. of Wis>onsin
Press, 19(%.
P-e 199
Co$$entary: Lord 2-yleih re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for his in8es/i-/ions in/o /he
densi/y of /he !os/ i!$or/-n/ -ses, -nd for his dis>o8ery of -ron in >onne>/ion #i/h
/hese in8es/i-/ions.Z Lis su>>ess #-s -//ribu/-ble /o bo/h his de8elo$!en/ of ne#
e@$eri!en/-l /e>hniGues -nd his -bili/y /o e@$l-in /he e@$eri!en/-l resul/s ob/-ined. ?n
his >-reer, he /ou>hed !-ny f->e/s of $hysi>s-ele>/ri>i/y, o$/i>s, >-$ill-ri/y, /he -s l-#s,
-nd sound. Prob-bly his !os/re!e!bered >on/ribu/ion is /he e@$l-n-/ion of #hy /he s0y
is blue. BL.K.C
#enard5 Philipp "d!ard 0nton >on @A2
Prize: Physi>s, 190%. Born: Pune &, 1*(2; Pressbur, Lun-ry. Death: K-y 20, 19)&;
Kesselh-usen, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, Phili$$ Len-rd; Ko/her, +n/oni- A-u!-nn
Len-rd. Nationality: Lun-ri-n; l-/er "er!-n >i/izen. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education:
Ini8. of Leidelber, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 1**(. Spouse: N-/herine S>hlehner, !-rried
1*9&. Children: Werner, son; o/hers, no re>ord found. Career: Ini8. of Leidelber,
"er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 1**&:90; Ini8. of Aonn, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 1*91:9); Ini8.
of Aresl-u, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*9):9%; Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, +->hen, "er!-ny,
Professor, 1*9%:9(; Ini8. of Leidelber, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*9(:9*; Ini8. of Niel,
"er!-ny, Professor, 1*9*:190&; Ini8. of Leidelber, "er!-ny, Professor, 190&:'1.
Other Awards: 2u!ford Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 190); 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e,
Selected Publications: Mber Jathodenstrahlen. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH P.+. A-r/h, 190(.
Mber Aether und #aterie. Leidelber, "er!-nyH 6. Win/er, 1911. Mber
Belativitatsprin*ip, Aether, 5ravitation. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH S. Lirzel, 1920.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&' BSolu!e *C, 1*0:*'. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press,
19**, Solu!e 1, *&:9%.
Co$$entary: The 6o!!i//ee >i/ed Phili$$ Len-rd \for his #or0 in >onne>/ion #i/h
>-/hode r-ys,Z in #hi>h he s/udied /heir !-ne/i> defle>/ion -nd ele>/ros/-/i> $ro$er/ies.
Len-rd -lso !-de sinifi>-n/ >on/ribu/ions /o /he /heory of /he s/ru>/ure of -/o!s, /o
f-llin dro$ /heory, /o /he $heno!en- of !-ne/is! -nd lu!ines>en>e, -nd /o /he
unders/-ndin of s$e>/r-l lines. Lis -bili/y /o >on/ribu/e, ho#e8er, #-s s-dly !-rred by
his lifelon $-/holoi>-l -n/iSe!i/is!, #hi>h did no/ -llo# hi! /o ->>e$/ /he #or0 of
/he Pe#ish i-n/s in $hysi>s -nd l-/er !-de hi! - #illin su$$or/er of Li/ler -nd \+ry-n
Physi>s.Z BK.N.6.C
Tho2son5 <oseph <ohn5 -ir @A3
Prize: Physi>s, 190(. Born: De>e!ber 1*, 1*%(; K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd. Death: +uus/
'0, 19)0; 6-!bride, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pose$h P-!es Tho!son; Ko/her, 5!!-
S#indells Tho!son. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nli>-n. Education: O#ens
6ollee, 5nl-nd, enineerin deree, 1*&(; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+., 1**0.
Spouse: 2ose 5lis-be/h P-e/, !-rried 1*90. Children: "eore P-e/, son; Po-n,
d-uh/er. Career: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 1**':191*. Other Awards:
2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1*9); Luhes Ked-l, 1902; Lod0ins Ked-l, S!i/hsoni-n
?ns/i/u/ion, 1902; Nnih/hood, 190*; Order of Keri/, 1912; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l
So>ie/y, 191); 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 192'; S>o// Ked-l, 192'; Kes>-r/ Ked-l, P-ris, 192&;
"u/hrie Ked-l -nd Prize, 192*; D-l/on Ked-l, 19'1; 1-r-d-y Ked-l, ?ns/i/u/ion of 6i8il
5nineers, 19'*.
Selected Publications: A Treatise on the #otion of 6ortex Bings. LondonH K->!ill-n,
1**'. $lements of the #athematical Theory of $lectricity and #agnetism. 6-!brideH
6-!bride Ini8. Press, 1*9%. The .onduction of $lectricity Through 5ases.
6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 190'. $lectricity and #atter. Wes/!ins/er, 5nl-ndH
6ons/-ble, 190). The .orpuscular Theory of #atter. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 190&.
Atomic Theory. O@fordH 6l-rendon Press, 191).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'9:)1 BSolu!e 'C, %*&:(09. &ictionary of (cientific
8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&( BSolu!e 1'C, '(2:&2. Obituary 'otices of
=ello0s of the Boyal (ociety. LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)1 BSolu!e 'C, %*&. 2-yleih,
2ober/ P.S. The -ife of 7.7. Thomson. 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19)'.
Tho!son, P.P. Becollections and Beflections. LondonH ". Aell, 19'(.
Co$$entary: The Nobel -#-rd /o P.P. Tho!son #-s \in re>oni/ion of his !eri/s for
/he /heore/i> -nd e@$eri!en/-l s/udy of /he >ondu>/ion of ele>/ri>i/y /hrouh -ses.Z
Durin his lon >-reer -/ 6-!bride, Tho!son es/-blished - >en/er for e@$eri!en/-l
#or0 on /he dis>h-re of ele>/ri>i/y /hrouh -ses -nd on >he!i>-l -n-lysis #i/h /he -id
of $osi/i8e ele>/ri> r-ys. Le -lso >-rried ou/ sinifi>-n/ in8es/i-/ions on /he s/ru>/ure of
-/o!s -nd de8elo$ed - !odel of -/o!i> s/ru>/ure #hi>h #-s i!$or/-n/ /o /heore/i>-l
$hysi>s un/il i/ #-s re$l->ed by /he 2u/herford !odel in 191'. BS.".C
,ichelson5 0lbert 0braha2 @A?
Prize: Physi>s, 190&. Born: De>e!ber 19, 1*%2; S/relno, "er!-ny. Death: K-y 9,
19'1; P-s-den-, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, S-!uel Ki>helson; Ko/her, 2os-lie Przlubs0-
Ki>helson. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education:
Ini/ed S/-/es N-8-l +>-de!y, KD, b->>-l-ure-/e, 1*&'. Spouse: K-r-re/ K>Le-n
Le!in#-y, !-rried +$ril 10, 1*&&, di8or>ed, 1*9&; 5dn- S/-n/on, !-rried De>e!ber
2', 1*99. Children: +lber/ Le!in#-y, son; Tru!-n, son; 5ls-, d-uh/er; K-deline,
d-uh/er; Doro/hy, d-uh/er; Ae-/ri>e, d-uh/er. Career: Ini/ed S/-/es N-8-l +>-de!y,
KD, Professor, 1*&%:&9; "er!-ny -nd 1r-n>e, S/uden/, 1*&9:*2; 6-se S>hool of
+$$lied S>ien>e, 6le8el-nd, OL, Professor, 1**':*9; 6l-r0 Ini8., K+, Professor,
1**9:9'; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 1*9':1929. Other Awards: 2u!ford Ked-l,
2oy-l So>ie/y, 1**9; "r-nd Pri@, P-ris 5@$osi/ion, 1900; K-//eu>i Ked-l, 2o!e, ?/-ly,
190); 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 190&; 5llio/ 6resson Ked-l, 1912; Dr-$er Ked-l,
N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 191(.
Selected Publications: 6elocity of -ight. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 1902 -ight
%aves and Their :ses. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 190'. (tudies in Optics.
6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 192&.
P-e 200
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs. 'ational Academy of (ciences.
W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19'* BSolu!e 19C, 120:)&.
&ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&) BSolu!e 9C, '&1:&).
Li8ins/on, Doro/hy K. The #aster of -ight> A 8iography of Albert A. #ichelson. Ne#
3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&'.
Co$$entary: +lber/ Ki>helson #-s /he re>i$ien/ of /he Nobel Prize \for his o$/i>-l
$re>ision ins/ru!en/s -nd /he s$e>/ros>o$i> -nd !e/roloi>-l in8es/i-/ions >-rried ou/
#i/h /heir -id.99 +l/houh re!e!bered for his $-ins/-0in !e-sure!en/s of /he 8elo>i/y
of lih/, Ki>helson -lso de8elo$ed /he e>helon s$e>/ror-$h -nd -s/ro$hysi>-l
s$e>/ros>o$y, !e-sured /he riidi/y of /he 5-r/h, -nd #-s - le-der in $rodu>in hih-
Gu-li/y o$/i>-l r-/ins. B6.". -nd L.S.C
#ipp2ann5 6abriel <onas @A@
Prize: Physi>s, 190*. Born: +uus/ 1(, 1*)%; Lolleri>h, Lu@e!bour. Death: Puly 1',
1921; -/ se-. Parents: No re>ord found. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: Pe#ish.
Education: Leidelber Ini8., "er!-ny, Ph.D.; Ini8. of P-risSorbonne, 1r-n>e, D.S>.,
1*&%. Spouse: BNo firs/ n-!e foundC 6herbuliez, !-rried 1***. Children: None.
Career: Sorbonne Ini8., P-ris, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1*&*:1921.
Selected Publications: \5@/ension du Prin>i$e de 6-rno/ l- Theorie des Pheno!enes
5le>/riGues.Z .omptes Bendus de l)AcadDmie des (ciences *2 B1*&(CH 1)2%.
\Pho/or-$hies 6olor_es du S$e>/re, sur +lbu!ine e/ sur "el-/ine Ai>hro!-/ees.Z
.omptes Bendus de l)AcadDmie des (ciences 11% B1*92CH %&%. \Sur un 6oelos/-/.Z
.omptes Bendus de l)AcadDmie des (ciences 120 B1*9%CH 101%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Annales de hysi4ue 1( B1921CH 1%(. &ictionary of
(cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19*1 BSolu!e &C, '*&:**. Lebon, 5rnes/.
5abriel -ippmann. P-risH "-u/hier-Sill-rs, 1911.
Co$$entary: "-briel Li$$!-nn #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \for his !e/hod, b-sed
on /he in/erferen>e $heno!enon, for re$rodu>in >olours $ho/or-$hi>-lly.Z Li$$!-nn
$ossessed - f-r-r-nin rese-r>h !ind #hi>h >on/ribu/ed /o /he fund-!en/-l $rin>i$les
of o$/i>s, $ho/o>he!is/ry, ele>/ri>i/y, -nd /her!odyn-!i>s. ?n -ddi/ion /o his
$ho/or-$hi> #or0, his de8elo$!en/ of - sensi/i8e >-$ill-ry ele>/ro!e/er -nd his
rese-r>h #i/h $endulu! >lo>0s -nd -s/rono!i>-l de8i>es -re usu-lly !en/ioned.
+ra!n5 8arl erdinand @AA
Prize: Physi>s, 1909. Born: Pune (, 1*%0; 1uld-, "er!-ny. Death: +$ril 20, 191*;
Aroo0lyn, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Nonr-d Ar-un; Ko/her, 1r-nzis0- "Uhrin Ar-un.
Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, Ph.D.,
1*&2. Spouse: +!elie ARhler, !-rried 1**%. Children: 6onr-d, son; 1 o/her son; 2
d-uh/ers. Career: Ini8. of WRrzbur, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 1*&2:&); S/. Tho!-s
"y!n-siu!, Lei$zi, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*&):&(; Ini8. of K-rbur, "er!-ny,
Professor, 1*&(:*0; Ini8. of S/r-sbour, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1**0:*'; Te>hni>-l Lih
S>hool, N-rlsruhe, "er!-ny, Professor, 1**':*%; Ini8. of TRbinen, "er!-ny,
Professor, 1**%:9%; Ini8. of S/r-sbour, 1r-n>e, Professor, 1*9%:191%.
Selected Publications: Mber den $influss von (teifig2eit, 8efestigung und Amplitude auf
die (ch0ingungen von (aiten. AerlinH Dru>0 8on ". S>h-de, 1*&2. Mber $le2trische
Jraft3bertragung <nbesondere 3ber &rehstrom. TRbinen, "er!-nyH L. L-u$$9s>he
Au>hh-ndlun, 1*92. &rahtlose Telegraphie durch %asser und -uft. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH
Sei/ -nd 6o., 1901. Anleitung f3r das hotographieren von Tieren. AerlinH Deu/s>he
L-nd#ir/s>h-f/s-"esells>h-f/, 192&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&0 BSolu!e 2C, )2&:2*. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press,
19**, Solu!e 1, 1'&:)%.
Co$$entary: N-rl Ar-un #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y, -lon #i/h his >ol-ure-/e,
"uliel!o K-r>oni, for \>on/ribu/ions /o /he de8elo$!en/ of #ireless /eler-$hy.Z
Ar-un refined >-/hode-r-y /ubes, in8en/ed /he os>illor-$h, -nd in/rodu>ed >rys/-l
re>/ifiers, bu/ he is re!e!bered $rin>i$-lly for his !odifi>-/ion of /he K-r>oni
/r-ns!i//in sys/e! /o $er!i/ re-/er r-ne. Le -lso !-de sinifi>-n/ >on/ribu/ions in
his s/udy of /he os>ill-/ions of s/rins -nd el-s/i> rods, of /her!odyn-!i>s, -nd of
ele>/ri>i/y Bs$e>ifi>-lly, /he /heory of Oh!9s L-# -nd /he >-l>ul-/ion of /he
ele>/ro!o/i8e for>e of re8ersible -l8-ni> ele!en/s fro! /her!-l sour>esC. B6.S.C
,arconi5 6!&liel2o @AB
Prize: Physi>s, 1909. Born: +$ril 2%, 1*&); Aolon-, ?/-ly. Death: Puly 20, 19'&; 2o!e,
?/-ly. Parents: 1-/her, "uise$$i K-r>oni; Ko/her, +nnie P-!eson K-r>oni. Nationality:
?/-li-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: No >ollee derees. Spouse: Ae-/ri>e O9Arien,
!-rried K-r>h 1(, 190%, -nnulled 192); K-ri- 6ris/in- Aezzi-S>-li, !-rried 192&.
Children: "iulio, son; Den-, d-uh/er; "iol-, d-uh/er; 5le//r-, d-uh/er. Career:
?n8en/or -nd 5n/re$reneur, ?/-ly. Other Awards: Order of S-in/ +nne, 2ussi-;
6o!!-nder of /he Order of S-in/ K-uri>e -nd S-in/ L-z-rus, 1902; "r-nd 6ross of /he
Order of /he 6ro#n of ?/-ly, 1902; 1reedo! of /he 6i/y of 2o!e, 190'; "r-nd 6ross
Order of +l$honso 4??; "r-nd 6ordon Order of /he 2isin Sun; +lber/ Ked-l, 2oy-l
So>ie/y of +r/s.
Selected Publications: \Wireless Teler-$hy.Z roceedings of the <nstitution of
$lectrical $ngineers 2* B1*99CH 2&'. \Wireless Teler-$hy.Z roceedings of the Boyal
<nstitution of 5reat 8ritain 1( B1*99:1901CH 2)&:%(. \Syn/oni> Wireless Teler-$hy.Z
Boyal (ociety of Arts 7ournal )9 B1901CH %0%. \The Proress of 5le>/ri> S$->e
Teler-$hy.Z roceedings of the Boyal <nstitution of 5reat 8ritain 1& B1902:0)CH 19%:
210. \2e>en/ +d8-n>es in Wireless Teler-$hy.Z roceedings of the Boyal <nstitution of
5reat 8ritain 1* B190%:0&CH '1:)%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aoinod, A.L. P->o/ de, -nd 6ollier, D.K.A. #arconi>
#aster of (pace. LondonH Lu/>hinson, 19'%. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne#
3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&) BSolu!e 9C, 9*:99. Dunl-$, Orrin 5., Pr. #arconi> The #an and
/is %ireless. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n Publishin 6o., 19'&. K-r>oni, Den-. #y =ather,
#arconi. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill Aoo0 6o., ?n>., 19(2. Air>h, A. 5ugliemo #arconi.
Ne# 3or0H 5@ley, 1990.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize i8en /o "uliel!o K-r>oni re>onized his
\>on/ribu/ions /o /he de8elo$!en/ of #ireless /eler-$hy.Z + $ri8-/ely edu>-/ed in8en/or,
K-r>oni be>-!e /he in8en/or of /he firs/ $r->/i>-l sys/e! of
P-e 201
#ireless /eler-$hy, #or0in in - l-bor-/ory on his f-/her9s es/-/e. Le s$en/ his life/i!e
refinin /he in8en/ion, ->Guirin 0ey $-/en/s -nd for!in his o#n >o!$-ny. K-r>oni9s
de!ons/r-/ions -nd in8en/ions !-de $ossible /he ele>/roni> >o!!uni>-/ions sys/e!s of
/he !odern #orld. B6.". -nd L.S.C
=an der Waals5 <ohannes (iderik @AC
Prize: Physi>s, 1910. Born: No8e!ber 2', 1*'&; Leiden, Ne/herl-nds. Death: K-r>h *,
192'; +!s/erd-!, Ne/herl-nds. Parents: 1-/her, P->obus 8-n der W--ls; Ko/her,
5lis-be/h 8-n den Aur 8-n der W--ls. Nationality: Du/>h. Religion: 6hris/i-n.
Education: Leiden Ini8., Ne/herl-nds, Te->hin 6er/ifi>-/e, 1*(%; Leiden Ini8.,
Ne/herl-nds, do>/or-/e, 1*&'. Spouse: +nn- K-del-n- S!i/, !-rried 1*(). Children:
+nne K-deleine, d-uh/er; P->Gueline 5lis-be/h, d-uh/er; Poh-nn- Dideri>-, d-uh/er;
Poh-nnes Dideri0, son. Career: Lih s>hool /e->her, De8en/er, Ne/herl-nds, 1*():((;
Te->her -nd Prin>i$-l, The L-ue, Ne/herl-nds, 1*((:&&; Ini8. of +!s/erd-!,
Ne/herl-nds, Professor, 1*&&:190&.
Selected Publications: Over de .ontinuiteit van den 5asen@6loeistoftoestand. Leiden,
Ne/herl-ndsH +.W. SiM/hoff, 1*&'. -a .ontinuit9t des 5asfKrmigen und =l3ssigen
!ustandes. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH P.+. A-r/h, 1**1. -ehrbuch der Thermodynami2 in <hrer
An0endung auf das 5leichge0icht von (ystemen mit 5asfKrmig@fl3ssigen hasen.
Lei$zi, "er!-nyH K--s und 8-n Su>h/elen, 190*. &e Belativiteitstheorie. L--rle!,
Ne/herl-ndsH 1. Aohn, 192'. -ehrbuch der Thermostati2, das /eisst, des Thermischen
5leich 5e0ichtes #aterieller (ysteme. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH P.+. A-r/h, 192&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&( BSolu!e 1)C, 109:11. Ni$nis, +.+., +8elo8, A.5., -nd 2o#linson, P.S. 6an der
%aals and #olecular (ciences. O@fordH 6l-rendon Press; Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8ersi/y
Press, 199(. Oes$er, 2.5. \Poh-nnes Dideri0 8-n der W--ls.Z 7ournal of .hemical
$ducation '1 B19%)CH %99.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y re>onized Poh-nnes Dideri0 8-n der W--ls \for his #or0
on /he eGu-/ion of s/-/e for -ses -nd liGuids,Z #hi>h rel-/es $ressure, -bsolu/e
/e!$er-/ure, -nd 8olu!e /hrouh /he use of /hree >ons/-n/s. S-n der W--ls #-s -lso #ell
0no#n for his /heory of bin-ry solu/ions -nd /her!odyn-!i> /heory of >-$ill-ri/y. B6.S.C
Wien5 Wilhel2 %arl Werner 3tto ritz ranz @A9
Prize: Physi>s, 1911. Born: P-nu-ry 1', 1*(); "-ff0en, "er!-ny. Death: +uus/ '0,
192*; Kuni>h, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, 6-rl Wien; Ko/her, 6-roline "er/z Wien.
Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, Ph.D.,
1**(. Spouse: Luise Kehler, !-rried 1*9*. Children: W-l/r-u/, son; N-rl, son; "erd-,
d-uh/er; Lilde-rd, d-uh/er. Career: "er!-ny, L-ndo#ner, 1**(:90; S/-/e Physi>o-
Te>hni>-l ?ns/i/u/e, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 1*90:9(; Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, +->hen,
"er!-ny, Professor, 1*9(:99; Ini8. of "iessen, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*99:1900; Ini8.
of WRrzbur, "er!-ny, Professor, 1900:20; Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor,
Selected Publications: -ehrbuch der /ydrodynami2. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH S. Lirzel, 1900.
Janalstrahlen. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH +0-de!is>he Serl-sesells>h-f/, 191&. Aus &em
-eben und %ir2en eines hysi2ers. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH P.+. A-r/h, 19'0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Ausdem -eben und %ir2en $ines hysi2ers. AerlinH
Deu/s>hes Serl-s, 19'0. &eutsches 8iographisches 7ahrbuch. AerlinH Deu/s>hes
Serl-s, 19'1 BSolu!e 10C, '02:10. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H
S>ribner9s, 19&( BSolu!e 1)C, ''&:)2. S/eenbe>0, K-@. %ilhelm %ien und (ein $influss
auf die hysi2 (einer !eit. AerlinH +0-de!ie-Serl-, 19().
Co$$entary: Wilhel! Wien #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \for his dis>o8eries
re-rdin /he l-#s o8ernin /he r-di-/ion of he-/.99 ?n 1*9' he de8elo$ed /he l-# of
dis$l->e!en/ #hi>h s/-/es /h-/ /he #-8elen/h of r-di-/ion e!i//ed fro! bodies 8-ries
#i/h /e!$er-/ure; for ins/-n>e, !oder-/ely ho/ bodies r-di-/e in /he infr-red, #hile
e@/re!ely ho/ bodies r-di-/e in /he ul/r-8iole/ ends of /he s$e>/ru!. Le did fur/her
rese-r>h on bl->0 bodies, #hi>h -bsorb -ll r-di-/ion. +l/houh his #or0 in /his -re-
$ro8ed 8-lid only for shor/ #-8es, Wien9s /heories en-bled K-@ Pl-n>0 /o de8ise /he
Gu-n/u! /heory. Wien9s fur/her rese-r>hes /oo0 hi! in/o /he -re-s of >-/hode r-ys, >-n-l
r-ys, lih/ diffr->/ion, >olor of refr->/ed lih/, !e/-l $er!e-bili/y /o lih/ -nd he-/,
!e-sure!en/ of hih /e!$er-/ures, -nd /her!odyn-!i>s. BK.L.C
(alHn5 Nils 6!staf @B0
Prize: Physi>s, 1912. Born: No8e!ber '0, 1*(9; S/ens/or$, S#eden. Death: De>e!ber
9, 19'&; Lidino, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, +nders Poh-nsson D-l_n; Ko/her, Lo8is-
+ndersdo//er D-l_n. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: 6h-l!ers
Te0nis0- LUs0ol-, S#eden, 6i8il 5nineerin Deree, 1*9(. Spouse: 5l!- +@eli-
Persson, !-rried Puly 1', 1901. Children: "unn-r, son; +nders, son; 2 d-uh/ers.
Career: L-8-l S/e-! Turbine 6o., S#eden, 2ese-r>her, 1*9&:1900; S#edish 6-rbide
-nd +>e/ylene 6o., S#eden, +d!inis/r-/or -nd 2ese-r>her, 1901:0'; "-s +>>u!ul-/or
6o., 5nineer -nd 2ese-r>her, 190(:12; ?n8en/or, 1912:'&. Other Awards: Korehe-d
Ked-l, ?n/ern-/ion-l +>e/ylene +sso>i-/ion, 19''.
Selected Publications: .hemische Technologie des apiers. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH P.+.
A-r/h, 1911.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, 1&9. (vens2t 8iografis2t -exi2on. S/o>0hol!H +lber/ Aonners 1orl-,
19'1 BSolu!e 'C, '(:%0. W-s/ber, 5ri0. 5ustaf &alDn. S/o>0hol!H Lo0erber, 19'*.
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o "us/-f D-l_n #-s \for his in8en/ion of -u/o!-/i> reul-/ors
for use in >onMun>/ion #i/h -s ->>u!ul-/ors for illu!in-/in lih/houses -nd buoys.Z
Lis in8en/ions /o i!$ro8e >o-s/-l lih/in #ere ->/u-lly /hreefoldH B1C he dis>o8ered -
!e/hod for s/orin ->e/ylene -s in s!-ll >on/-iners #i/hou/ fe-r of e@$losion; B2C he
>ons/ru>/ed -n -$$-r-/us #hi>h -llo#ed one li/er of -s /o $ro8ide /hous-nds of r-$id
fl-shes; -nd B'C he de8elo$ed - \sunse/Z or \sol-rZ 8-l8e #hi>h -llo#ed uns/-ffed lih/s
P-e 202
be li/ -s soon -s /he sun se/ -nd e@/inuished -s soon -s /he sun rose. This l-s/
de8elo$!en/ !-de o$er-/ion of lih/houses -nd be->ons en/irely -u/o!-/i> for !on/hs
-/ - /i!e. Alinded in -n indus/ri-l ->>iden/ in 1912, D-l_n #-s un-ble /o -//end /he
$resen/-/ion of his -#-rd. Lis rese-r>h did no/ s/o$, /houhH he #-s -#-rded /he
>on/r->/ for lih/in /he P-n-!- 6-n-l, #or0ed #i/h ho/ -ir /urbines -nd -ir
>o!$ressors, -nd in8en/ed -n effi>ien/ >oo0in s/o8e. BK.L.C
8a2erlin&h 3nnes5 1eike @B1
Prize: Physi>s, 191'. Born: Se$/e!ber 21, 1*%'; "rUninen, Ne/herl-nds. Death:
1ebru-ry 21, 192(; Leiden, Ne/herl-nds. Parents: 1-/her, L-r! N-!erlinh Onnes;
Ko/her, +nne "erdin- 6oers N-!erlinh Onnes. Nationality: Du/>h. Religion:
6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of "rUninen, Ne/herl-nds, 6-ndid--/s Deree, 1*&1; Ini8.
of Leidelber, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 1*&9. Spouse: K-ri- +dri-n- Wilhel!in- 5lis-be/h
AiMle8eld, !-rried 1**&. Children: +lber/, son. Career: Ini8. of Leiden, Ne/herl-nds,
Professor, 1**2:192'. Other Awards: 2u!ford Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1912.
Selected Publications: \+le!eene Theorie der Sloeis/offenZ B5eneral Theory of
=luidsC. 6erhandelingen der Jon. A2ademie van %etenschappen FAmsterdamH 21 B1**1CH
9. \On /he 6ryoeni> L-bor-/ory -/ Leiden -nd on /he Produ>/ion of Sery Lo#
Te!$er-/ures.Z .ommunications from the -aboratory of hysics at the :niversity of
-eiden 1) B1*9)C. \The LiGuef->/ion of Leliu!.Z .ommunications from the hysical
-aboratory at the :niversity of -eiden 10* B+uus/ 190*C BTr-nsl-/ed fro! 8iIvoegsel
aan het 6erslag van de 5e0one 6ergadering der %is@en 'atur2undige Afdeeling der
Jon. A2ademie van %etenschappen te Amsterdan BPune 190*CH 1(':&9C. OO1ur/her
5@$eri!en/s #i/h LiGuid Leliu!. D. On /he 6h-ne of /he 5le>/ri>-l 2esis/-n>e of Pure
Ke/-ls -/ Sery Lo# Te!$er-/ures, e/>. S. The Dis-$$e-r-n>e of /he 2esis/-n>e of
Ker>ury.Z .ommunications from the hysical -aboratory of the :niversity of -eiden
122b BK-y 1911C BTr-nsl-/ed fro! 6erslagen van de Afdeeling 'atuur2unde der Jon.
A2ademie van %etenschappen te Amsterdam BK-y 1911CH *1:*'C. \1ur/her 5@$eri!en/s
#i/h LiGuid Leliu!. ". On /he 5le>/ri>-l 2esis/-n>e of Pure Ke/-ls, e/>. S?. On /he
Sudden 6h-ne in /he 2-/e -/ Whi>h /he 2esis/-n>e of Ker>ury Dis-$$e-rs.Z
.ommunications from the hysical -aboratory of the :niversity of -eiden 12)>
BDe>e!ber 1911C BTr-nsl-/ed fro! 6erslagen van de Afdeeling 'atuur2unde der Jon.
A2ademie van %etenschappen te Amsterdam BDe>e!ber '0, 1911CH &99:*02C. \1ur/her
5@$eri!en/s #i/h LiGuid Leliu!. P. On /he Lo#es/ Te!$er-/ure 3e/ Ob/-ined.Z
Transactions of the =araday (ociety 1*, P-r/ 2 BDe>e!ber 1922C. 2e$rin/ed in
.ommunications from the hysical -aboratory of the :niversity of -eiden 1%9 B1922CH
':'2. Through #easurement to Jno0ledge. LondonH Nlu#er +>-de!i> Publishers,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&' BSolu!e &C, 220:22. \Lei0e N-!erlinh Onnes=1*%':192(.Z roceedings of the
Boyal (ociety +11' BP-nu-ry 192&CH i-8i.
Co$$entary: 6onsidered /he \f-/her of >ryoeni>s,Z Lei0e N-!erlinh Onnes re>ei8ed
/he Nobel Prize for \rese-r>hes on /he $ro$er/ies of !-//er -/ lo# /e!$er-/uresp. Z
Wor0in in his #orld-reno#ned l-bor-/ory -/ Leiden -nd e8er-!indful of his !o//o,
\/hrouh !e-surin /o 0no#in,Z he -s/onished /he s>ien/ifi> >o!!uni/y in 190* by
liGuifyin heliu!, - fe-/ #hi>h o$ened u$ /he #hole field of >ryoeni>s. 6on/inued
e@$eri!en/-/ion in /his -re- brouh/ hi! /o /he dis>o8ery of /he $heno!enon of
\su$r->ondu>/i8i/yZ Bl-/er >-lled su$er>ondu>/i8i/yC in 1911, -s #ell -s /h-/ of Leliu!
??. Less #ell 0no#n -re his effor/s durin World W-r ? /o -id s/-r8in >hildren in e8ery
>oun/ry sufferin fro! food shor/-es. B6.L.W.C
#a!e5 ,a/ Theodor eli/ >on @B2
Prize: Physi>s, 191). Born: O>/ober 9, 1*&9; Pf-ffendorf, "er!-ny. Death: +$ril 2),
19(0; Aerlin, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, Pulius 8on L-ue; Ko/her, Kinn- L. Jerrenner
8on L-ue. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of Aerlin,
"er!-ny, Dr. Phil., 190'. Spouse: K-d-lene Deer, !-rried O>/ober (, 1910.
Children: Theodor Ler!-nn, son; Lilde-rd Kinn-, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Aerlin,
"er!-ny, Professor, 190(:09; Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor, 1909:12; Ini8. of
JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 1912:1); Ini8. of 1r-n0fur/ -! K-in, "er!-ny,
Professor, 191):1*; Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 1919:)';
Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19)(:%1; 1ri/z L-ber
?ns/i/u/e of Physi>-l 6he!is/ry, Aerlin, "er!-ny, Dire>/or, 19%1:%*. Other Awards:
K-@ Pl-n>0 Ked-l, "er!-n Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19'2; Ai!-l--6hurn-L-# "old Ked-l,
?ndi-n +sso>i-/ion for /he 6ul/i8-/ion of S>ien>e, ?ndi-, 19%0; Nnih/, Order Pour le
K_ri/e, 19%2; "r-nd 6ross #i/h S/-r for 1eder-l Ser8i>e, 19%'; Offi>er of /he Leion of
Lonour, 1r-n>e, 19%&.
Selected Publications: \?n/erferenzers>heinunen bei 2Un/ens/r-hlen.Z 8ayerische
A2ademie der %issenschaften *u #unchen. (it*ungsberichte #athematisch@
hysi2alischen Jlasse BPune 1912CH '0':22 B#i/h W. 1riedri>h -nd P. Nni$$inC. \5ine
Qu-n/i/-/i8e PrRfun der Theorier fR die ?n/erferenzers>heinunen bei 2Un/ens/r-hlen.Z
8ayerische A2ademie der %issenschaften *u #unchen. (it*ungsberichte #athematisch@
hysi2alischen Jlasse BPuly 1912CH '(':&'. 8ayerische A2ademie der %issenschaften *u
#unchen. (it*ungsberichte #athematisch@hysi2alischen Jlasse B191'CH 9&1:**. Mber
die Auffindung der BKntgenstrahlinterferen*en. N-rlsruhe, "er!-nyH 6.1. KRllers>he
Lofbu>hh-ndlun, 1920. &ie Belativit9tstheorie BThe Theory of BelativityC. 2 8olu!es.
Ar-uns>h#ei, "er!-nyH 1. Sie#e Y Sohn, 1921. BKntgenstrahlinterferen*en Bz@ray
<nterferenceC. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH +0-de!is>he Serl-sesells>h-f/, 19)1. 5eschichte
der hysi2. AonnH Ini8ersi/-/s Serl-, 19)( B/istory of hysics. Tr. by 2-l$h Oes$er.
Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19%0C. Theorie der (upraleitung. AerlinH S$riner, 19)&
BTheory of (uperconductivity. Tr. by Lo/h-r Keyer -nd Willi-! A-nd. Ne# 3or0H
+>-de!i> Press, 19%2C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(0 BSolu!e (C, 1'%:%(. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography.
Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&' BSolu!e *C, %0:%'.
P-e 20'
\Ky De8elo$!en/ -s - Physi>is/H +n +u/obior-$hy.Z ?n =ifty 1ears of z@ray
&iffraction, by Pe/er P-ul 5#-ld, 2&*:'0&. I/re>h/, Ne/herl-ndsH N.S.+. Obs/hoe09s
Ii/e8ers!--/s>h-$$, 19(2.
Co$$entary: K-@ 8on L-ue $ro8ided /he !-/he!-/i>-l for!ul-/ions in 1912 /h-/
de!ons/r-/ed /h-/ - n-rro# be-! of 4-r-ys is diffr->/ed by /he orderly -rr-y of -/o!s in
- >rys/-l l-//i>e. Le #on /he Nobel -#-rd for /his \dis>o8ery of /he diffr->/ion of 4-r-ys
in >rys/-ls,Z #hi>h #-s des>ribed by 5ins/ein -s one of /he !os/ be-u/iful dis>o8eries in
$hysi>s. ?/ en-bled /he de8elo$!en/ of /#o ne# br-n>hes of s>ien>eH @-r-y
>rys/-llor-$hy -nd @-r-y s$e>/ros>o$y. L-ue9s o/her i!$or/-n/ ->>o!$lish!en/s bo/h
before -nd -f/er his $rize-#innin #or0 #ere his /hin0in -nd #ri/ins on /he /heory of
rel-/i8i/y -nd su$er>ondu>/i8i/y. B6.L.W.C
+ra&&5 Willia2 1enr$5 -ir @B3
Prize: Physi>s, 191%. Born: Puly 2, 1*(2; Wes/#-rd, 6u!berl-nd, 5nl-nd. Death:
K-r>h 12, 19)2; London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 2ober/ Pohn Ar-; Ko/her, K-ry
Wood Ar-. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nli>-n. Education: 6-!bride Ini8.,
5nl-nd, K.+., 1**). Spouse: "#endoline Todd, !-rried 1**9. Children: Willi-!
L-#ren>e, son; 2ober/ 6h-rles, son; "#endolyn K-ry, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of
+del-ide, +us/r-li-, Professor, 1**%:1909; Leeds Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 1909:1%;
Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, Professor, 191%:2%; 2oy-l ?ns/i/u/ion, 5nl-nd, Professor
-nd +d!inis/r-/or, 192':)2. Other Awards: A-rn-rd "old Ked-l, 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3,
191%; 2u!ford Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 191%; "old Ked-l, So>ie/- ?/-li-n- de S>ienze,
191&; Nnih/hood, 1920; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'0; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 1r-n0lin
?ns/i/u/e, Phil-del$hi-, P+, 19'0; 1-r-d-y Ked-l, ?ns/i/u/ion of 5le>/ri>-l 5nineers,
19'(; Pohn P. 6-r/y Ked-l, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19'*; ?ns/i/u/e of Ke/-ls
Ked-l, 19'9.
Selected Publications: (tudies in Badioactivity. LondonH K->!ill-n, 1912. \4-r-ys -nd
6rys/-l S/ru>/ure.Z (cience BDe>e!ber 1), 191)CH &9%:*02. An <ntroduction to .rystal
Analysis. LondonH Aell -nd Sons, L/d., 192*. The .rystalline (tate. ) 8olu!es. LondonH
". "ell, 19'':%' B#i/h W.L. Ar-C. Atomic (tructure of #inerals. LondonH O@ford
Ini8. Press, 19'& B#i/h W.L. Ar-C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6-roe, "#endolyn K. %illiam /enry 8ragg, 1;6,+19G,.
6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19&*. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne#
3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&0 BSolu!e 2C, '9&:)00. Obituary 'otices of the =ello0s of the
Boyal (ociety. LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)' BSolu!e )CH 2&&:'00.
Co$$entary: Willi-! Lenry Ar- -nd his son, Willi-! L-#ren>e Ar-, #ere Moin/ly
-#-rded /he Nobel Prize \for /he 8-lue of /heir >on/ribu/ion /o /he s/udy of >rys/-l
s/ru>/ures by !e-ns of @-r-ys.99 W.L. Ar- be-n his >-reer s/udyin /he $ro$er/ies of
-l$h-, be/-, -nd -!!- r-ys, >on/ribu/in re-/ly /o /he unders/-ndin of r-dio->/i8i/y.
Le buil/ /he firs/ @-r-y s$e>/ro!e/er -nd es/-blished /he field of @-r-y s$e>/ros>o$y. W.L.
Ar- found /h-/ /he $heno!enon of @-r-y diffr->/ion in >rys/-ls >ould be /re-/ed
!-/he!-/i>-lly, -nd /oe/her #i/h his f-/her de/er!ined >rys/-l s/ru>/ures, usin /he @-
r-y s$e>/ro!e/er. The Ar-s redu>ed /he $roble! of >rys/-l s/ru>/ure -n-lysis /o -
s/-nd-rd $ro>edure, -nd /heir dis>o8eries -nd /e>hniGues be>-!e fund-!en/-l /o /he
field of !ole>ul-r bioloy -s #ell. BK.N.N.C
+ra&&5 Willia2 #a)rence5 -ir @B?
Prize: Physi>s, 191%. Born: K-r>h '1, 1*90; +del-ide, +us/r-li-. Death: Puly 1, 19&1;
?$s#i>h, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Willi-! Lenry Ar-; Ko/her, "#endoline Todd
Ar-. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nli>-n. Education: Ini8. of +del-ide,
+us/r-li-, K.+., 190*; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 1912. Spouse: +li>e "r->e
Penny Lo$0inson, !-rried De>e!ber 1921. Children: S/e$hen, son; D-8id, son;
K-r-re/, d-uh/er; P-/ien>e, d-uh/er. Career: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor,
191):1%; Ari/ish +r!y, 191%:19; K-n>hes/er Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 1919:'&;
N-/ion-l Physi>-l L-bor-/ory, 5nl-nd, Dire>/or, 19'&:'*; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd,
Professor, 19'*:%'; 2oy-l ?ns/i/u/ion, 5nl-nd, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19%):(%.
Other Awards: A-rn-rd "old Ked-l, 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 191%; "old Ked-l, So>ie/-
?/-li-n- di S>ienze, 191&; Kili/-ry 6ross, 191*; Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'1;
Nnih/hood, 19)1; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)(; 2oeblin Ked-l, Kiner-l So>ie/y
of +!eri>-, 19)*; 6o!!-nder, Order of Leo$old of Aeliu!, 19(1.
Selected Publications: z@rays and .rystal (tructure. LondonH ". Aell -nd Sons, 191%
B#i/h W.L. Ar-C. The .rystalline (tate. ) 8olu!es. LondonH ". Aell, 19'':%' B#i/h
W.L. Ar-C. Atomic (tructure of #inerals. LondonH O@ford Ini8. Press, 19'& B#i/h
W.L. Ar-C. The &evelopment of z@Bay Analysis. LondonH ". Aell, 19&%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&%, &%:1)'. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H
S>ribner9s, 19&* BSolu!e 1%C, (1:(). \2e!inis>en>es of 1if/y 3e-rs of 2ese-r>h.Z
roceedings of the Boyal <nstitution of 5reat 8ritain )1 B19((CH 92:100. The -egacy of
(ir -a0rence 8ragg. Nor/h#ood, Kiddlese@, 5nl-ndH S>ien>e 2e8ie#s, L/d., 1990.
Co$$entary: Willi-! L-#ren>e Ar- -nd his f-/her, Willi-! Lenry Ar-, #ere
Moin/ly -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \for /he 8-lue of /heir >on/ribu/ion /o /he s/udy of
>rys/-l s/ru>/ures by !e-ns of @-r-ys.Z W.L. Ar- found /h-/ /he $heno!enon of @-r-y
diffr->/ion in >rys/-ls, dis>o8ered by Son L-ue, >ould be /re-/ed !-/he!-/i>-lly. Lis
si!$lifi>-/ion of /he !-/he!-/i>-l !e/hod !-de $ossible -n e@$eri!en/-l -//->0 on /he
$roble! of >rys/-l s/ru>/ures usin /he @-r-y s$e>/ro!e/er, firs/ >ons/ru>/ed by W.L.
Ar-. The Ar-s redu>ed /he $roble! of >rys/-l s/ru>/ure -n-lysis /o - s/-nd-rd
$ro>edure, -nd /heir dis>o8eries -nd /e>hniGues be>-!e fund-!en/-l /o /he field of
!ole>ul-r bioloy -s #ell. BK.N.N.C
+arkla5 %harles 6lo>er @B@
Prize: Physi>s, 191&. Born: Pune 2&, 1*&&; Widness, L-n>-shire, 5nl-nd. Death:
O>/ober 2', 19)); 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn K-r/in A-r0l-; Ko/her,
S-r-h "lo8er A-r0l-. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Ke/hodis/.
P-e 20)
Education: Ini8. of Li8er$ool, 5nl-nd, A.S>., 1*9*; Ini8. of Li8er$ool, 5nl-nd,
K.S>., 1*99; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+., 1901; Ini8. of Li8er$ool, 5nl-nd,
D.S>., 190). Spouse: K-ry 5s/her 6o#ell, !-rried 190&. Children: Ki>h-el, son; 1
o/her son; 1 d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Li8er$ool, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 190%:09; Ini8.
of London, 5nl-nd, Professor, 1909:1'; Ini8. of 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, Professor,
191':)). Other Awards: Luhes Ked-l, 191&.
Selected Publications: \Se>ond-ry 2oen/en 2-di-/ion.Z hilosophical #aga*ine, (/h
series, 11 BPune 190(CH *12:2*. \The S$e>/r- of /he 1luores>en/ 2oen/en 2-di-/ions.Z
hilosophical #aga*ine 22 BSe$/e!ber 1911CH '9(:)12. Badiation and #atter.
"reeno>0, 5nl-ndH Teler-$h Prin/in Wor0s, 1920.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&0 BSolu!e 1C, )%(:%9. Obituary 'otices of =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety of -ondon.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)&, ')1:((. S/e$henson, 2ein-ld. \The S>ien/ifi> 6-reer of
6h-rles "lo8er A-r0l-.Z American 7ournal of hysics '% B1ebru-ry 19(&CH 1)1:%2.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o 6h-rles "lo8er A-r0l- \for his dis>o8ery
of /he >h-r->/eris/i> 2oen/en r-di-/ion of /he ele!en/s.99 A-r0l- sho#ed /h-/ #hen -
s-!$le of - >he!i>-l ele!en/ is $l->ed in /he $-/h of @-r-ys, se>ond-ry @-r-ys -re
e!i//ed. +l/houh so!e of /his e!i//ed r-di-/ion is in f->/ - s>-//erin of $ri!-ry @-r-ys,
A-r0l- #-s -ble /o dis/inuish - se>ond-ry e!ission #hi>h $rodu>ed - s$e>/ru!
>h-r->/eris/i> of e->h >he!i>-l ele!en/ in8ol8ed -nd >ould be used /o dedu>e !u>h
-bou/ /he s/ru>/ures of -/o!s. A-r0l-9s >-reer #-s -l!os/ en/irely de8o/ed /o /he s/udy of
2oen/en r-di-/ion. BP.L.N.C
Planck5 ,a/ 8arl "rnst #!d)i& @BA
Prize: Physi>s, 191*. Born: +$ril 2', 1*%*; Niel, "er!-ny. Death: O>/ober ), 19)&;
"U//inen, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, Poh-nn Pulius Wilhel! Pl-n>0; Ko/her, 5!!-
P-/zi Pl-n>0. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of Kuni>h,
"er!-ny, Ph.D., 1*&9. Spouse: K-rie Ker>0, !-rried 1**%, died 1909; K-r- 8on
Losslin, !-rried 1911. Children: N-rl, son; Ler!-nn, son; 5rns/, son; K-r-re/e,
d-uh/er; 5!!-, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor, 1**0:*%;
Ini8. of Niel, "er!-ny, Professor, 1**%:*9; Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, Professor, 1**9:
192*. Other Awards: 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1929.
Selected Publications: 6orlesungen 3ber Thermodynami2. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH Sei/,
1*9&. \Jur Theorie des "ese/zes der 5nerie8er/eilur i! Nor!-ls$e0/ru!.Z
6erhandlungen der &eutschen hysi2alischen 5esellschaft 2 B1900CH 2'&:)%. \^ber die
5le!en/-rGu-n/- der K-/erie und der 5le0/rizi/-/.Z Annalen der hysi2 ) B1901CH %():
((. 6orlesungen 3ber die Theorie der %armestrahlung. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH A-r/h, 190(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&% BSolu!e 11C, &:1&. Ler!-nn, +. #ax lanc2 in (elbst*eugnissen und
8ilddo2umenten. L-!burH 2o#ohl/, 19&'. Obituary 'otices of =ello0s of the Boyal
(ociety. LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)*, 1(0:**. #ax lanc2. L-lle,S-lle, "er!-nyH
Deu/s>he +0-de!ie der N-/urfors>her Leo$oldin-, 1990.
Co$$entary: K-@ Pl-n>0 #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \for his #or0 on /he
es/-blish!en/ -nd de8elo$!en/ of /he /heory of ele!en/-ry Gu-n/-.Z Pl-n>09s e-rlies/
rese-r>h #-s in /he /her!odyn-!i>s of irre8ersible $ro>esses. Le l-/er /urned /o /he
s/udy of ele>/ro!-ne/i> r-di-/ion, #hi>h re$resen/ed his !-Mor >on/ribu/ion /o s>ien>e.
Pl-n>0 $u/ for/h /he /hesis /h-/ - body e!i/s r-di-/ion in /he for! of dis>re/e Gu-n/- of
enery eGu-l /o /he freGuen>y /i!es - >ons/-n/, h, l-/er n-!ed Pl-n>09s 6ons/-n/, -nd
/hus in/rodu>ed Gu-n/u! /heory. Le -lso >on/ribu/ed /o /he de8elo$!en/ of /he /heory of
rel-/i8i/y, soon -f/er 5ins/ein in/rodu>ed i/. BP.L.N.C
-tark5 <ohannes @BB
Prize: Physi>s, 1919. Born: +$ril 1%, 1*&); S>hi>0enhof, A-8-ri-, "er!-ny. Death:
Pune 21, 19%&; Tr-uns/ein, A-8-ri-, "er!-ny. Parents: No re>ord found. Nationality:
"er!-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of Kuni>h,
"er!-ny, Ph.D., 1*9&. Spouse: Louise Ie$ler, !-rried Bno d-/e foundC. Children: %
>hildren. Career: Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor, 1*9&:1900; Ini8. of "U//inen,
"er!-ny, Professor, 1900:0(; Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, L-nno8er, "er!-ny, Professor,
190(:09; Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, +->hen, "er!-ny, Professor, 1909:1&; Ini8. of
"reifs#-ld, "er!-ny, Professor, 191&:20; Ini8. of WRrzbur, "er!-ny, Professor,
1920:22. Other Awards: A-u!-r/ner Prize, Sienn- +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 1910;
S-hlbru>h Prize, "U//inen +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 191); K-//eu>i Ked-l, 2o!e.
Selected Publications: &ie $le2tri*it9t in 5asen. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH P.+. A-r/h, 1902.
\Der Do$$ler-5ffe0/ bei den N-n-ls/r-hlen und die S$e0/r- der Posi/i8en +/o!ionen.Z
hysi2alische !eitschrift ( B190%CH *92:9&. \5le!en/-rGu-n/u! der 5nerie, Kodell der
Ne-/i8en und Posi/i8en 5le0/rizi/[/.Z hysi2alische !eitschrift * B190&CH **1:*).
rin*ipien der Atomdynami2. ' 8olu!es. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH S. Lirzel, 1910:1%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&% BSolu!e 12C, (1':((. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press,
19**, Solu!e 1, 2'':)1.
Co$$entary: Poh-nnes S/-r09s -#-rd #-s \for his dis>o8ery of /he Do$$ler effe>/ in
>-n-l r-ys -nd /he s$li//in of s$e>/r-l lines in ele>/ri>-l fields.Z The l-//er $heno!enon
be>-!e 0no#n -s /he S/-r0 effe>/ -nd #-s -n e-rly >onfir!-/ion of /he Gu-n/u! /heory
of -/o!s. S/-r0 #-s -n i!$or/-n/ e@$eri!en/-l $hysi>is/ #i/h - /-len/ for
>on>e$/u-liz-/ion. Lis !-in -re- of in/eres/ #-s ele>/ri>-l >ondu>/ion in -ses, -nd he
did 8-lu-ble s$e>ul-/i8e #or0 re-rdin /he n-/ure of >he!i>-l for>es -nd /he $roble!s
of -/o!i> -nd !ole>ul-r s/ru>/ure. ?n 190), S/-r0 founded /he 7ahrbuch der
Badioa2tivit9t und $le2troni2 /o $ublish rese-r>h $-$ers in /he -re- of $-r/i>le $hysi>s.
S/-r0 is -lso 0no#n for his !odifi>-/ion of /he $ho/o-eGui8-len>e l-# $ro$osed by
+lber/ 5ins/ein in 190(. No# 0no#n -s /he S/-r0-5ins/ein l-#, i/ s/-/es /h-/ e->h
!ole>ule in8ol8ed in - $ho/o>he!i>-l re->/ion -bsorbs only one Gu-n/u! of /he
r-di-/ion /h-/ >-uses /he re->/ion. BA.L.C
P-e 20%
6!illa!2e5 %harles Udo!ard @BC
Prize: Physi>s, 1920. Born: 1ebru-ry 1%, 1*(1; 1leurier, S#i/zerl-nd. Death: Pune 1',
19'*; S`8res, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, ]dou-rd "uill-u!e; Ko/her, no re>ord found.
Nationality: S#iss; l-/er 1ren>h residen/. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: JRri>h
Poly/e>hni>, S#i/zerl-nd, Ph.D., 1**'. Spouse: +.K. T-ufflieb, !-rried 1***.
Children: ' >hildren. Career: ?n/ern-/ion-l Aure-u of Weih/s -nd Ke-sures, 1r-n>e,
+d!inis/r-/or -nd 2ese-r>her, 1**':19'(. Other Awards: "r-nd Offi>er, Leion of
Selected Publications: TraitD rati4ue de ThermomDtrie de rDcision. P-risH "-u/hier-
Sill-rs, 1**9. \2e>her>hes sur les +>iers -u Ni>0el. Pro$ri_/_s Ke/roloiGues.Z
.omptes Bendus /ebdomadaires des (Dances de l)AcadDmie des (ciences 12) B1*9&CH
&%2. \2e>her>hes sur les +>iers -u Ni>0el. Pro$ri_/_s K-n_/iGues e/ D_for!-/ions
Per!-nen/es.Z .omptes Bendus /ebdomadaires des (Dances de l)AcadDmie des
(ciences 12) B1*9&CH 1%1%. \2e>her>hes sur les +>iers -u Ni>0el. Dil-/-/ions -u@
Te!$_r-/ures ]le8_esH 2_sis/-n>e ]le>/riGue.99 .omptes Bendus /ebdomadires des
(Dances de l)AcadDmie des (ciences 12% B1*9&CH 2'%. \2e>her>hes sur les +>iers -u
Ni>0el. S-ri-/ions de Solu!es des +lli-es ?rr_8ersibles.Z .omptes Bendus
/ebdomadaires des (Dances de l)AcadDmie des (ciences 12( B1*9*CH &'*. -es ltats de
la #atiDre. P-risH So>i_/_ +s/rono!iGue de 1r-n>e, 190*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&2 BSolu!e %C, %*2:*'. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press,
19**, Solu!e 1, 2)':%1.
Co$$entary: 6h-rles ]dou-rd "uill-u!e #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \in re>oni/ion
of /he ser8i>e he h-s rendered /o $re>ision !e-sure!en/s in $hysi>s by his dis>o8ery of
-no!-lies in ni>0el s/eel -lloys.Z Durin his ye-rs #i/h /he Aure-u ?n/ern-/ion-l des
Poids e/ Kesures, his #or0 #-s >on>erned #i/h in>re-sin /he $re>ision of s/-nd-rd
!e-sures. Le #-s 0no#n for dis>o8erin ?n8-r, -n iron -nd ni>0el -lloy #hi>h h-s -
8ery s!-ll >oeffi>ien/ of e@$-nsion in rel-/ion /o /e!$er-/ure >h-ne. ?n8-r is used in
>lo>0!-0in -nd, -!on o/her $re>ise ins/ru!en/s, sur8eyors9 /-$es. "uill-u!e #-s
-lso 0no#n for rede/er!inin /he 8olu!e of /he li/er; for his #or0 on /he !er>ury
/her!o!e/er; -nd for dis>o8ery of -no/her -lloy, elin8-r, #hi>h does no/ >h-ne i/s
el-s/i>i/y #i/hin - #ide /e!$er-/ure >h-ne. BA.N.L.C
"instein5 0lbert @B9
Prize: Physi>s, 1921. Born: K-r>h 1), 1*&9; Il!, "er!-ny. Death: +$ril 1*, 19%%;
Prin>e/on, NP. Parents: 1-/her, Ler!-nn 5ins/ein; Ko/her, P-uline No>h 5ins/ein.
Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er S#iss -nd +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education:
Ini8. of JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, Ph.D., 190%. Spouse: Kile8- K-ri>, !-rried 190',
di8or>ed 1919; 5ls- Lo#en/h-l, !-rried 1919. Children: L-ns +lber/, son; 5du-rd, son;
Lieserl, d-uh/er. Career: S#iss P-/en/ Offi>e, Aerne, S#i/zerl-nd, P-/en/ 5@-!iner,
1902:0*; Ini8. of JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 1909:11; N-rl-1erdin-nd Ini8.,
Pr-ue, +us/ri-, Professor, 1911:12; Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, Aern, S#i/zerl-nd,
Professor, 1912:1); N-iser Wilhel! ?ns/i/u/e, "er!-ny, Dire>/or, 191):''; Prin>e/on
Ini8., NP, Professor, 19'':%%. Other Awards: A-rn-rd Ked-l, 6olu!bi- Ini8., 1920;
6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 192%; "old Ked-l, 2oy-l +s/rono!i>-l So>ie/y, 192(;
K-@ Pl-n>0 Ked-l, 1929; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, Phil-del$hi-, P+, 19'%.
Selected Publications: Belativity, The (pecial and the 5eneral Theory> A opular
$xposition. Tr. by 2ober/ W. L-#son. LondonH Ke/huen, 1920. The #eaning of
Belativity> =our -ectures &elivered at rinceton :niversity, #ay 19,1. Tr. by 5d#in
Pli!$/on +d-!s. LondonH Ke/huen, 1921. <nvestigations on the Theory of the 8ro0nian
#ovement. Tr. by +.D. 6o#$er. LondonH Ke/huen, 192(. The $volution of hysics> The
5ro0th of <deas from $arly .oncepts to Belativity and ?uanta. Wri//en #i/h Leo$old
?nfeld. Ne# 3or0H Si!on Y S>hus/er, 19'*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6l-r0, 2on-ld W. $instein> The -ife and Times. Ne# 3or0H
World Publishin, 19&1. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&1
BSolu!e )C, '12:''. 1r-n0, Phili$$. $instein, /is -ife and Times. Tr. by ". 2osen. Ne#
3or0H +.+. Nno$f, 19)&. Loff!-nn, A-nesh, -nd Du0-s, Lelen. Albert $insteinT
.reator and Bebel. Ne# 3or0H Si0in, 19&2. O8erbye, Dennis. $instein in -ove. Ne#
3or0H Si0in, 2000. 2eiser, +n/on. Albert $instein, a 8iographical ortrait. Ne# 3or0H
Aoni, 19'0. P-is, +br-h-!. (ubtle <s the -ordR> The (cience and -ife of Albert
$instein. Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press, 19*2. Autobiographical 'otes. Ne# 3or0H
Si!on Y S>hus/er, 199'.
Co$$entary: +l/houh /he /heory of rel-/i8i/y is synony!ous #i/h +lber/ 5ins/ein, /he
Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded for his #or0 on /he $ho/oele>/ri> effe>/ -s des>ribed in his
190% $-$er \The Qu-n/u! L-# of /he 5!ission -nd +bsor$/ion of Lih/Z BAnnalen der
hysi2C. 5ins/ein9s L-# of /he Pho/oele>/ri> 5ffe>/ be>-!e /he b-sis of Gu-n/i/-/i8e
$ho/o>he!is/ry. 5ins/ein #-s no!in-/ed for /he -#-rd e8ery ye-r fro! 1910:22 e@>e$/
for 1911 -nd 191%, -nd /he Nobel Prize in 1921 no/es his >on/ribu/ions /o /heore/i>-l
$hysi>s in /he -re- of Gu-n/u! /heory. +lber/ 5ins/ein9s #or0 >h-ned >on/e!$or-ry
/hin0in -nd for!ed /he b-sis for /he !odern s>ien>e of $hysi>s. BP.S.C
+ohr5 Niels 1enrik (a>id @C0
Prize: Physi>s, 1922. Born: O>/ober &, 1**%; 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0. Death: No8e!ber
1*, 19(2; 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0. Parents: 1-/her, 6hris/i-n Aohr; Ko/her, 5llen +dler
Aohr. Nationality: D-nish. Religion: 1ro! Pe#ish b->0round. Education: Ini8. of
6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, b->>-l-ure-/e, 190&; Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, K.S.,
1909; Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, Ph.D., 1911. Spouse: K-rre/he Norlund,
!-rried +uus/ 1, 1912. Children: 6hris/i-n, son; L-ns, son; 5ri0, son; +-e, son;
5rnes/, son; 1 o/her son. Career: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 1911:12; Ini8.
of K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd, Professor, 1912:1'; Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, Professor,
191':1); Si>/ori- Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 191):1(; Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0,
Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 191(:(2. Other Awards: "old Ked-l, 2oy-l D-nish
+>-de!y of S>ien>es, 190&; Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1921; L.6. Oers/-d
P-e 20(
Ked-l, So>ie/y for /he Pro$--/ion of N-/ur-l S>ien>e, 192); Nor#ei-n "old Ked-l,
Ini8. of Oslo, 192); A-rn-rd Ked-l, 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 192%; K-/eu>>i Ked-l,
So>ie/- ?/-li-n- dell- S>ienze, 2o!e, ?/-ly, 192%; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e,
Phil-del$hi-, P+, 192(; 1-r-d-y Ked-l, 6he!i>-l So>ie/y of London, 5nl-nd, 19'0;
Pl-n>0 Ked-l, Deu/s>he Physi0-lis>he "esells>h-f/, 19'0; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l
So>ie/y, 19'*.
Selected Publications: The Theory of (pectra and Atomic .onstitution> Three $ssays.
6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 1922. Atomic Theory and the &escription of 'ature.
Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19'). Atomic hysics and /uman Jno0ledge. Ne# 3or0H Wiley,
19%*. $ssays, 19";+196,, on Atomic hysics and /uman Jno0ledge. Ne# 3or0H
?n/ers>ien>e, 19('. On the .onstitution of Atoms and #olecules, apers of 191C
Beprinted from the hilosophical #aga*ine. Ne# 3or0H AenM-!in, 19('.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&0 BSolu!e 2C, 2'9:%). 1olse, Lenry. The hilosophy of 'iels 8ohr. Ne# 3or0H Nor/h
Loll-nd, 19*%. Koore, 2u/h 5. 'iels 8ohr> The #an, /is (cience, and the %orld They
.hanged. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 19((. 'iels 8ohr, /is -ife and %or2 as (een by /is
=riends and .olleagues. 5di/ed by S. 2ozen/-l. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19(&. S$-nenbur,
2. 'iels 8ohr. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s on 1ile, 199%.
Co$$entary: \The in8es/i-/ion of /he s/ru>/ure of -/o!s, -nd of /he r-di-/ion
e!-n-/in fro! /he!Z #ere re>onized -s le-din /o Niels Aohr9s Nobel Prize. Aohr9s
/heories on /he e@is/en>e of s/-/ion-ry s/-/es of -n -/o!i> sys/e! -nd /he /r-nsi/ion of
/he sys/e! fro! one s/-/ion-ry s/-/e /o -no/her l-id /he found-/ion for !u>h of /he
unders/-ndin of /he $hysi>-l -nd >he!i>-l $ro$er/ies of /he ele!en/s. Aohr $ro8ided
e@e!$l-ry le-dershi$ /hrouhou/ his >-reer in /he de8elo$!en/ of /he field of Gu-n/u!
$hysi>s. BP.N.S.C
,illikan5 4obert 0ndre)s @C1
Prize: Physi>s, 192'. Born: K-r>h 22, 1*(*; Korrison, ?L. Death: De>e!ber 19, 19%';
S-n K-rino, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, Sil-s 1r-n0lin Killi0-n; Ko/her, K-ry P-ne +ndre#s
Killi0-n. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6onre-/ion-lis/. Education: Oberlin
6ollee, OL, +.A., 1*91; Oberlin 6ollee, OL, +.K., 1*9'; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Ph.D.,
1*9%. Spouse: "re/- ?r8in Al-n>h-rd, !-rried +$ril 10, 1902. Children: 6l-r0
Al-n>h-rd, son; "lenn +llen, son; K-@ 1r-n0lin, son. Career: Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L,
Professor, 1*9(:1921; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or,
1921:)(. Other Awards: 6o!s/o>0 Prize, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 191'; 5dison
Ked-l, +!eri>-n ?ns/i/u/e of 5le>/ri>-l 5nineers, 1922; Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y,
192'; 1-r-d-y Ked-l, 6he!i>-l So>ie/y of London, 192); K-//eu>i Ked-l, So>ie/-
?/-li-n- dell- S>ienze, 192%; "old Ked-l, +!eri>-n So>ie/y of Ke>h-ni>-l 5nineers,
192(; Kessel Ked-l, So>ie/y of 6he!i>-l ?ndus/ry, 192*; "old Ked-l, Loll-nd So>ie/y,
192*; "old Ked-l, 2-dioloi>-l So>ie/y of Nor/h +!eri>-, 19'0; "old Ked-l,
2oose8el/ Ke!ori-l +sso>i-/ion, 19'2; Ne#!-n Ked-l, 19'); Leion of Lonor,
1r-n>e, 19'(; "old Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19'&; "old Ked-l, Ils/er-?rish
+sso>i-/ion of N3, 19'*; Poy Nissen Koo0erMee "old Ked-l, ?ndi-n +sso>i-/ion for /he
6ul/i8-/ion of S>ien>e, 19'9; Oers/ed Ked-l, +!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion of Physi>s Te->hers,
19)0; Order of /he P-de, 6hin-, 19)0; Order +l Keri/o, 6hile, 19)).
Selected Publications: \Qu-n/u! Theory -nd ?/s 2el-/ion /o Pho/oele>/ri> Pheno!en-.Z
hysi2. !. 1& B191(CH 21&:21. $lectron> <ts <solation and #easurement and the
&etermination of (ome of <ts roperties. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 191&.
\2-di-/ion -nd /he 5le>/ron.Z 'ature 101 B191*CH 2'):'&, 2%):%&. \Lih-1reGuen>y
2-ys of 6os!i> Oriin.Z (cience (2 B192%CH ))%:)*. $lectrons, rotons, hotons,
'eutrons and .osmic Bays. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19'%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: The Autobiography of Bobert A. #illi2an. Ne# 3or0H
Pren/i>e-L-ll, 19%0. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&)
BSolu!e 9C, '9%:)00. N-ron, 2ober/. The Bise of Bobert #illi2an. ?/h->-, N3H 6ornell
Ini8. Press, 19*2.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y honored 2ober/ Killi0-n \for his #or0 on /he ele!en/-ry
>h-re of ele>/ri>i/y -nd on /he $ho/oele>/ri> effe>/.99 ?n -ddi/ion /o his de/er!in-/ion of
/he >h-re of /he ele>/ron, his 8erifi>-/ion of 5ins/ein9s $ho/oele>/ri> eGu-/ion, -nd his
de/er!in-/ion of Pl-n>09s >ons/-n/, Killi0-n >on/ribu/ed !-Mor #or0 on Aro#ni-n
!o8e!en/, /he ul/r-8iole/ s$e>/ru!, /he l-# of !o/ion of - f-llin $-r/i>le, -nd >os!i>
r-di-/ion. B?.L.".C
-ie&bahn5 8arl ,anne 6eor& @C2
Prize: Physi>s, 192). Born: De>e!ber ', 1**(; urebro, S#eden. Death: Se$/e!ber 2(,
19&*; S/o>0hol!, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, Nils 2einhold "eor Sieb-hn; Ko/her,
5!!- Sofi- K-/hild- Je//erber Sieb-hn. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: 6hris/i-n.
Education: Ini8. of Lund, S#eden, A.S., 190*; Ini8. of Lund, S#eden, Dr.S>., 1911.
Spouse: N-rin Loebo!, !-rried 191). Children: N-i, son; Ao, son. Career: Ini8. of
Lund, S#eden, Professor, 1911:2'; Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden, Professor, 192':'&;
S#edish 2oy-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19'&:(). Other
Awards: Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'); 2u!ford Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)0;
Duddel Ked-l, Physi>-l So>ie/y of London, 19)*.
Selected Publications: The (pectroscopy of z@rays B>olle>/ed $-$ersC. LondonH O@ford
Ini8. Press, 192%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, &'':'). 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**,
Solu!e 1, 2*':9'. 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety. LondonH
2oy-l So>ie/y, 1991 BSolu!e '&C, )2&.
Co$$entary: N-rl Sieb-hn re>ei8ed his Nobel Prize \for his dis>o8eries -nd rese-r>h
in /he field of @-r-y s$e>/ros>o$y.Z +f/er briefly s/udyin ele>/ri>i/y -nd !-ne/is!,
Sieb-hn de8elo$ed /e>hniGues for ->>ur-/e !e-sure!en/ of @-r-y #-8elen/hs -nd
sho#ed /h-/ @-r-y s$e>/r- #ere 8-lu-ble for iden/ifi>-/ion, -s #ell -s lendin >reden>e /o
/he Aohr ide-s of s/ru>/ure. ?n l-/er rese-r>h, Sieb-hn /urned /o $roble!s of nu>le-r
$hysi>s. B6.S.C
P-e 20&
ranck5 <a2es @C3
Prize: Physi>s, 192%. Born: +uus/ 2(, 1**2; L-!bur, "er!-ny. Death: K-y 21,
19(); "U//inen, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, P->ob 1r-n>0; Ko/her, 2ebe>>- Dru>0er
1r-n>0. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education:
Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 190(. Spouse: ?nrid Pose$hson, !-rried De>e!ber
2', 190(, died 19)2; Ler/h- S$oner, !-rried Pune 29, 19)(. Children: D-!-r,
d-uh/er; 5lis-be/h, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, Professor, 190(:1*;
N-iser Wilhel! ?ns/i/u/e, "er!-ny, Professor, 191*:20; Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny,
Professor, 1920:''; Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, Professor, 19'); Pohns Lo$0ins
Ini8., KD, Professor, 19'%:'*; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19'*:)9. Other
Awards: K-@ Pl-n>0 Ked-l, "er!-n Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19%'; 2u!ford Ked-l, +!eri>-n
+>-de!y of +r/s -nd S>ien>es, 19%%.
Selected Publications: Anregungen von ?uantenspr3ngen durch (tKsse. AerlinH P.
S$riner, 192( B#i/h P. Pord-nC. hotosynthesis in lants. +!es, ?+H ?o#- S/-/e 6ollee
Press, 19)9 B#i/h W.5. Loo!isC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(% BSolu!e 11C, %':&). .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19%&, 192:9). &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H
S>ribner9s, 19&2 BSolu!e %C, 11&:1*.
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o P-!es 1r-n>0 #-s for his >on/ribu/ions /o /he \dis>o8ery of
/he l-#s o8ernin /he i!$->/ of -n ele>/ron u$on -n -/o!.Z Le -lso #-s one of /he
for!ul-/ors of /he 1r-n>0-6ondon Prin>i$le, #hi>h $er!i//ed /he $redi>/ion of !os/-
f-8ored 8ibr-/ion-l /r-nsi/ions in - bond sys/e!. Lis l-/er #or0 de-l/ #i/h - !odel for
$ho/osyn/hesis. 1r-n>0 #-s -lso $ro!inen/ on /he $oli/i>-l, !or-l s>ene in his
obMe>/ions /o /he Li/ler rei!e in "er!-ny in /he e-rly '0s -nd in /he 1r-n>0 re$or/ of
19)%, #hi>h #-s $re$-red by - rou$ of -/o!i> s>ien/is/s -nd #hi>h >-lled for -n o$en
de!ons/r-/ion of /he -/o!i> bo!b in -n uninh-bi/ed lo>-le, r-/her /h-n i/s sur$rise use
in P-$-n. B1.N.C
1ertz5 6!sta> #!d)i& @C?
Prize: Physi>s, 192%. Born: Puly 22, 1**&; L-!bur, "er!-ny. Death: O>/ober '0,
19&%; Aerlin, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, "us/-8 Ler/z; Ko/her, +uus/- +rnin Ler/z.
Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: 1ro! Pe#ish b->0round. Education: Ini8. of Aerlin,
"er!-ny, Ph.D., 1911. Spouse: 5llen Dihl!-nn, !-rried 1919, died 19)1; 6h-rlo//e
Poll-sse, !-rried 19)'. Children: Lell!u/h, son; Poh-nnes, son. Career: Ini8. of
Aerlin, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 191':1); "er!-n +r!y, 191):1&; Ini8. of Aerlin,
"er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 191&:20; Phili$s ?n>-ndes>en/ L-!$ 1->/ory, Ne/herl-nds,
2ese-r>her, 1920:2%; Ini8. of L-lle, "er!-ny, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 192%:2*;
6h-rlo//enbur Te>hnoloi>-l Ini8., Aerlin, "er!-ny, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or,
192*:'%; Sie!ens 6o!$-ny, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19'%:)%;
2ese-r>h L-bor-/ory, ISS2, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19)%:%); N-rl K-r@ Ini8.,
Lei$zi, "er!-ny, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19%%:(1. Other Awards: K-@ Pl-n>0
Ked-l, "er!-n Physi>-l So>ie/y.
Selected Publications: \?!$->/s Ae/#een "-s Kole>ules -nd Slo#ly Ko8in
5le>/rons.Z 8er. hysi2e. 5eog B191'CH '&':91 B#i/h P. 1r-n>0C. \+ 6onne>/ion Ae/#een
?!$->/ ?oniz-/ion -nd 5le>/ron +ffini/y.Z 6erh. &eut. hysi2. 5eo 1%H929:') B#i/h P.
1r-n>0C. OO6ollisions Ae/#een 5le>/rons -nd Kole>ules of Ker>ury S-$or -nd /he
?onizin Sol/-e for /he S-!e.Z 6erh. &eut. hysi2. 5eo 1(H)%&:(&. -ehrbuch der
Jernphysi2. ' 8olu!es. Lei$zi, 5-s/ "er!-nyH A.". Teubner, 19%*:(2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Nu>zer-, Posef. 5ustav /ert*. Lei$ziH ASA A.". Teubner,
19*%. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e 1, '0%:
1'. hysics Today 29 BP-nu-ry 19&(CH *':*%.
Co$$entary: "us/-8 Ler/z sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions /o /he
\dis>o8ery of /he l-#s o8ernin /he >ollision of -n ele>/ron #i/h -n -/o!.Z Ler/z, in his
e-rlies/ rese-r>h, #or0ed on /he infr-red -bsor$/ion of 6O
-nd /he ioniz-/ion $o/en/i-ls
of se8er-l -ses. Lis s/udy of /he rel-/ionshi$s be/#een ele>/ron enery losses in
>ollisions -nd s$e>/r-l lines $ro8ided needed d-/- for Aohr /o de8elo$ his /heory of
-/o!i> s/ru>/ure -nd for Pl-n>0 /o de8elo$ his ide-s on Gu-n/u! /heory. B1.N.C
Perrin5 <ean +aptiste @C@
Prize: Physi>s, 192(. Born: Se$/e!ber '0, 1*&0; Lille, 1r-n>e. Death: +$ril 1&, 19)2;
Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: No re>ord found. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: 6hris/i-n.
Education: ]>ole Nor!-le Su$_rieure, 1r-n>e, D.S>., 1*9&. Spouse: Lenrie//e
Du$or/-l, !-rried 1*9&. Children: +line, d-uh/er; 1r-n>is, son. Career: ]>ole
Nor!-le Su$erieure, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her, 1*9):9&; Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, Professor,
1*9&:19)0. Other Awards: Poule Prize, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1*9(; L- 6-ze Prize, 1ren>h
+>-de!y of S>ien>es, 191).
Selected Publications: \2-yons 6-/hodiGues e/ 2-yons de 2oen/en.Z Annales de
.himie et de hysi4ue 11 B1*9&CH )9(:%%). Traite de .himie hysi4ue. -es rincipes.
P-risH "-u/hier-Sill-rs, 190'. \Kou8e!en/ Aro#nien e/ 2e-li/e Kole>ul-ire.Z Annales
de .himie et de hysi4ue 1* B1909CH 1:11). -es Atomes. P-risH +l>-n, 191'. Oeuvres
(cientifi4ues de 7ean errin. P-risH 6en/re N-/ion-l de l- 2e>her>he S>ien/ifiGue, 19%0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&' BSolu!e 10C, %2):2(. Nye, K-ry Po. #olecular Beality. LondonH K->Don-ld,
Co$$entary: Pe-n Perrin #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y \for his #or0 on /he dis>on/inuous
s/ru>/ure of !-//er, -nd es$e>i-lly for his dis>o8ery of sedi!en/-/ion eGuilibriu!.Z
Perrin be-n his >-reer s/udyin /he n-/ure of >-/hode r-ys -nd $ro8ed /hey #ere
ne-/i8e $-r/i>les. Lis fur/her s/udies #ere of @-r-y effe>/s on -s >ondu>/i8i/y,
fluores>en>e, r-diu! disin/er-/ion, -nd sound. Au/ his !-Mor #or0 #-s in /he
e@$lor-/ion of /he #orld of >olloids, durin #hi>h he fur/her de8elo$ed /he /heory of
Aro#ni-n !o8e!en/ -nd #-s -ble /o >-l>ul-/e /he 8-lue of /he +8o-dro nu!ber B/he
nu!ber of !ole>ules $er r-!!ole>ule of - -sC. Perrin #-s -lso res$onsible for /he
>re-/ion of !u>h of /he s>ien/ifi> es/-blish!en/ in 1r-n>e. B+.S.C
P-e 20*
%o2pton5 0rth!r 1oll$ @CA
Prize: Physi>s, 192&. Born: Se$/e!ber 10, 1*92; Woos/er, OL. Death: K-r>h 1%, 19(2;
Aer0eley, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, 5li-s 6o!$/on; Ko/her, O/eli- 6-/herine +us$urer
6o!$/on. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Presby/eri-n. Education: 6ollee of
Woos/er, OL, A.S., 191'; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, K.+., 191); Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Ph.D.,
191(. Spouse: Ae//y 6h-ri/y K>6los0ey, !-rried Pune 2*, 191(. Children: +r/hur +l-n,
son; Pohn Pose$h, son. Career: Ini8. of Kinneso/-, Professor, 191(:1&; Wes/inhouse
L-!$ 6o., P+, 2ese-r>her, 191&:19; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 1919:20;
W-shin/on Ini8., S/. Louis, KO, Professor, 1920:2'; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor,
192':)%; W-shin/on Ini8., S/. Louis, KO, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19)%:(1.
Other Awards: 2u!ford Ked-l, +!eri>-n +>-de!y of +r/s -nd S>ien>es, 192&; "old
Ked-l, 2-dioloi>-l So>ie/y of Nor/h +!eri>-, 192*; K-//eu>i Ked-l, ?/-li-n +>-de!y
of S>ien>es, 19''; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19)0; Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l
So>ie/y, 19)0; W-shin/on +#-rd, Wes/ern So>ie/y of 5nineers, 19)%; 1r-n0lin Ked-l,
+!eri>-n Philoso$hi>-l So>ie/y, 19)%; 6onression-l Ked-l of Keri/, 19)(.
Selected Publications: \+ Qu-n/u! Theory of /he S>-//erin of 4-2-ys by Lih/
5le!en/s.Z hysical Bevie0 21 B192'CH )*':%02. \Pol-riz-/ion of Se>ond-ry 4-2-ys.Z
7ournal of the Optical (ociety of America * B192)CH )*&:91 B#i/h 6.1. L-eno#C. \4-
2-y S$e>/r- fro! - 2uled 2efle>/ion "r-/in.Z roceedings of the 'ational Academy of
(ciences, :(A 11 B192%CH %9*:(01 B#i/h 2.L. Do-nC. z@Bays and $lectrons. Prin>e/on,
NPH D. S-n Nos/r-nd 6o!$-ny, 192(. z@Bays in Theory and $xperiment. Prin>e/on, NPH
D. S-n Nos/r-nd 6o!$-ny, 19'% B#i/h S.N. +llisonC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of 'ational Academy of (ciences.
W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19(%, *1:110. The .osmos of Arthur
/olly .ompton. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 19(&. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H
S>ribner9s, 19&1 BSolu!e 'C, '((:&2.
Co$$entary: +r/hur 6o!$/on #on his Nobel Prize \for his dis>o8ery of /he effe>/
n-!ed -f/er hi!.Z The 6o!$/on effe>/ referred /o /he in>re-se of #-8elen/h of @-r-ys
>-used by s>-//erin of /he in>iden/ r-di-/ion by ele>/rons. ?/ #-s i!$or/-n/ in /he
de8elo$in /heories of Gu-n/u! 8ersus #-8e n-/ure. 6o!$/on -lso de8elo$ed /he
>oin>iden>e !e/hod for s/udyin @-r-y s>-//erin -nd s/udied @-r-y refle>/ion -nd
$ol-riz-/ion, @-r-y s$e>/r- -nd #-8elen/h !e-sure!en/, -nd eor-$hi> 8-ri-/ions of
>os!i>-r-y in/ensi/y. B?.L.".C
Wilson5 %harles Tho2son 4ees @CB
Prize: Physi>s, 192&. Born: 1ebru-ry 1), 1*(9; "len>orse, Kidlo/hi-n, S>o/l-nd.
Death: No8e!ber 1%, 19%9; 6-rlo$s, Peeblesshire, S>o/l-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn
Wilson; Ko/her, +nnie 6l-r0 L-r$er Wilson. Nationality: S>o//ish. Religion: Pro/es/-n/.
Education: O#ens 6ollee, 5nl-nd, A.S>., 1**&; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+.,
1*92. Spouse: Pessie 1r-ser Di>0, !-rried 190*. Children: 1 son; 2 d-uh/ers. Career:
6-8endish L-bor-/ory, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 1*92:9(; Ar-dford "r-!!-r S>hool,
3or0shire, 5nl-nd, Te->her, 1*9); 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 1*9(:19').
Other Awards: Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1911; Lo$0ins Prize, 6-!bride
Philoso$hi>-l So>ie/y, 5nl-nd, 1920; "unnin Prize, 2oy-l So>ie/y of 5dinburh,
S>o/l-nd, 1921; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 1922; Lo#-rd Po//s Ked-l, 1r-n0lin
?ns/i/u/e, 192%; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'%.
Selected Publications: OO+ Ke/hod of K-0in Sisible /he P-/hs of ?onizin P-r/i>les
Throuh - "-s.Z roceedings of the Boyal (ociety of -ondon Series +. *% B1911CH 2*%:
**. \+n 5@$-nsion +$$-r-/us for K-0in Sisible /he Tr->0 of ?onizin P-r/i>les in
"-ses -nd So!e 2esul/s Ob/-ined by ?/s Ise.Z roceedings of the Boyal (ociety of
-ondon Series +. *& B191'CH 2&&:92. \The +>>eler-/ion of Ae/--P-r/i>les in S/ron
5le>/ri>-l 1ields Su>h -s Those of Thunder>louds.Z roceedings of the .ambridge
hilosophical (ociety 22 B192%CH %'):'*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(0 BSolu!e (C, 2(9:9%. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography.
Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19*1 BSolu!e 1)C, )20:2'.
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o 6h-rles Wilson #-s \for his !e/hod of !-0in /he $-/hs of
ele>/ri>-lly >h-red $-r/i>les 8isible by >ondens-/ion of 8-$our.Z Le in8en/ed /he >loud
>h-!ber, l-/er referred /o -s /he Wilson 6loud 6h-!ber, #hi>h 5rnes/ 2u/herford >-lled
\/he !os/ oriin-l -$$-r-/us in /he #hole his/ory of $hysi>s.Z ?/ be>-!e 8i/-l /o /he
s/udy of r-dio->/i8i/y -nd /he de8elo$!en/ of nu>le-r $hysi>s. Wilson9s #or0 #-s on
>ondens-/ion $heno!en-, /he >ondu>/i8i/y of -ir, -nd -/!os$heri> ele>/ri>i/y. B1.N.C
4ichardson5 3)en Willans5 -ir @CC
Prize: Physi>s, 192*. Born: +$ril 2(, 1*&9; De#sbury, 3or0shire, 5nl-nd. Death:
1ebru-ry 1%, 19%9; +l/on, L-!$shire, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Poshu- Lenry
2i>h-rdson; Ko/her, 6h-rlo//e K-ri- Will-ns 2i>h-rdson. Nationality: Ari/ish.
Religion: +nli>-n. Education: Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, A.S>., 1900; 6-!bride
Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 190); Ini8. of London, 5nl-nd, D.S>., 190). Spouse: Lili-n
K-ud Wilson, !-rried Pune 12, 190(, died 19)%; Lenrie//- K-ri- ". 2u$$, !-rried
19)*. Children: L-rold, son; Pohn, son; 1 d-uh/er. Career: 6-8endish L-bor-/ory,
5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 1900:0(; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Professor, 190(:1); Ini8. of
London, 5nl-nd, Professor, 191):)). Other Awards: Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y,
1920; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'0; Nnih/hood, 19'9.
Selected Publications: The $lectron Theory of #atter. 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8.
Press, 191). The $mission of $lectricity from /ot 8odies. LondonH Lon!-ns, "reen
-nd 6o., 191(. #olecular /ydrogen and <ts (pectrum. Ne# L-8en, 6TH 3-le Ini8.
Press, 19').
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19%9 BSolu!e %C, 20&:1%. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography.
Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19*1 BSolu!e 11C, )19:2'.
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o O#en 2i>h-rdson #-s \for his #or0 on /he /her!ioni>
$heno!enon -nd es$e>i-lly for /he dis>o8ery of /he l-# n-!ed -f/er hi!.Z
\2i>h-rdson9s L-#Z or /he \2i>h-rdson 5ffe>/,Z -lso 0no#n -s /he \/her!ioni> effe>/,Z
Gu-n/ified /he /heory of ele>/ron e!ission fro! ho/ bodies -nd en-bled /he de8elo$!en/
of de8i>es li0e r-dio /ubes -nd /ele8ision /ubes. 2i>h-rdson
P-e 209
>oined /he /er! \/her!ion.Z Le -lso !-de i!$or/-n/ >on/ribu/ions /hrouh his -n-lysis
of /he !ole>ul-r hydroen s$e>/ru!. B1.N.C
+ro&lie5 #o!is'=ictor Pierre 4a$2ond de @C9
Prize: Physi>s, 1929. Born: +uus/ 1%, 1*92; Die$$e, 1r-n>e. Death: K-r>h 19, 19*&;
Lo88e>iennes, 38elines, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, Si>/or de Arolie; Ko/her, P-uline
d9+r!-ill_ de Arolie. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of
P-ris, 1r-n>e, li>en>e in his/ory, 1910; Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, li>en>e in s>ien>e, 191';
Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, D.S>., 192). Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: Ini8. of
P-ris, 1r-n>e, Professor, 192):(2. Other Awards: Lenri Poin>-r_ Ked-l, +>-d_!ie des
S>ien>es, 1929; K-@ Pl-n>0 Ked-l, "er!-n Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19'*; N-lin- Prize,
Selected Publications: \2e>her>hes sur l- Th_orie des Qu-n/-.Z Annales de hysi4ue '
BP-nu-ry-1ebru-ry 192%CH 22:12*. -a #Dcani4ue Ondulatoire. P-risH "-u/hier-Sill-rs,
192* B(elected apers on %ave #echanics. Tr. by W.K. De-ns. LondonH Al->0ie Y Son
Li!i/ed, 192* B#i/h L. ArillouinCC. An <ntroduction to the (tudy of %ave #echanics. Tr.
by L.T. 1lin/. LondonH Ke/huen Y 6o., L/d., 19'0. #atter and -ight> The 'e0 hysics.
Tr. by W.L. Pohns/on. Ne# 3or0H W.W. Nor/on, 19'9. 'on@linear %ave #echanics> A
.ausal <nterpretation. Tr. by +r/hur P. Nnodel -nd P->0 6. Killer. Ne# 3or0H 5lse8ier,
19(0. The .urrent <nterpretation of %ave #echanics, a .ritical (tudy. Tr. by 5@$ress
Tr-nsl-/ion Ser8i>e. Ne# 3or0H 5lse8ier, 19().
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%%, (&:(9. #odern (cientists and $ngineers. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19*0 BSolu!e
1C, 1)':)). 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e 1,
'(1:&0. Lo>h-0, ". -ouis de 8roglie. P-risH 1l-!!-rion, 1992.
Co$$entary: Louis de Arolie #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his dis>o8ery of /he
#-8e n-/ure of /he ele>/ron. Le sho#ed /h-/ bo/h !-//er -nd r-di-/ion dis$l-yed /he
$ro$er/ies of bo/h $-r/i>les -nd #-8es, #hi>h fi/ /he 5ins/ein /heory /h-/ !-//er is !erely
- for! of enery -nd /he /#o >-n be >on8er/ed in/o e->h o/her. S>hrUdiner -nd Aohr
/hen used /he ide- of /he #-8e n-/ure of !-//er in /he de8elo$!en/ of Gu-n/u!
!e>h-ni>s. ?n l-/er #or0, de Arolie -//e!$/ed /o de/er!ine - >-us-l, r-/her /h-n
$rob-bilis/i>, /heory of #-8e !e>h-ni>s. +s - !e!ber of /he 1ren>h 6o!!ission on
+/o!i> 5nery, he ->/i8ely $ro!o/ed /he $e->eful use of -/o!i> $o#er -nd #-s -n
influen>e on $ubli> o$inion /o#-rd i/ in 1r-n>e. BL.+.C
4a2an5 %handrasekhara =enkata5 -ir @90
Prize: Physi>s, 19'0. Born: No8e!ber &, 1***; Tri>hino$oly, ?ndi-. Death: No8e!ber
21, 19&0; A-n-lore, ?ndi-. Parents: 1-/her, 6h-ndr-se0h-r- +iy-r 2-!-n; Ko/her,
P-r8-/i +!!-l 2-!-n. Nationality: ?ndi-n. Religion: Lindu. Education: Presiden>y
6ollee, ?ndi-, A.+., 1902; Presiden>y 6ollee, ?ndi-, K.+., 190&. Spouse: Lo0-sund-ri
2-!-n, !-rried Pune (, 190&. Children: 6h-ndr-se0h-r-, son; 2-dh-0rishn-n, son.
Career: ?ndi-n 1in-n>e De$-r/!en/, 2ese-r>her, 190&:1&; 6-l>u//- Ini8., ?ndi-,
Professor, 191&:''; ?ndi-n ?ns/i/u/e of S>ien>e, A-n-lore, Professor, 19'':)*; 2-!-n
?ns/i/u/e of 2ese-r>h, A-n-lore, ?ndi-, Dire>/or, 19)*:&0. Other Awards: Nnih/hood,
1929; K-/eu>>i Ked-l, ?/-ly, 1929; Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'0; 1r-n0lin
Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19)1.
Selected Publications: \Dyn-!i>-l Theory of /he Ko/ion of Ao#ed S/rins.Z 8ulletin
<ndian Association for the .ultivation of (cience 11 B191)C. OOOn /he Kole>ul-r
S>-//erin of Lih/ in W-/er -nd /he 6olor of /he Se-.Z roceedings of the Boyal (ociety
() B1922C. \+ Ne# 2-di-/ion.Z <ndian 7ournal of hysics 2 B192*CH '*&. \6rys/-ls -nd
Pho/ons.Z roceedings of the <ndian Academy of (cience 1'+ B19)1CH 1. The hysiology
of 6ision. A-n-lore, ?ndi-H ?ndi-n +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19(*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&% BSolu!e 11C, 2():(&. P-y-r-!-n, +. .handrase2hara 6en2ata Baman. Ne# DelhiH
+ffili-/ed 5-s/-Wes/ Press, 19*9. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le!
Press, 19**, Solu!e 1, '&1:*0.
Co$$entary: 6h-ndr-se0h-r- Sen0-/- 2-!-n #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y \for his #or0
on /he s>-//erin of lih/ -nd for /he dis>o8ery of /he effe>/ n-!ed -f/er hi!.Z 2-!-n
dis>o8ered /h-/, i8en /he $ro$er >ir>u!s/-n>es, /he lih/ s>-//ered by !er>ury -nd o/her
ele!en/s -nd >o!$ounds is s>-//ered #i/h - differen/ freGuen>y. Le e@$l-ined /he
obser8-/ions, usin Gu-n/u! /heory. The 2-!-n effe>/ be>-!e - $o#erful /ool for
s/udies of !ole>ul-r s/ru>/ure -nd >he!i>-l -n-lysis. 2-!-n -lso >on/ribu/ed !-Mor
#or0 on /he /heory of !usi>-l ins/ru!en/s, /he o$/i>s of >olloids, ele>/ri>-l -nd !-ne/i>
-niso/ro$y, /he $hysioloy of hu!-n 8ision, lih/ diffr->/ion by ->ous/i> #-8es, @-r-y
effe>/s on infr-red 8ibr-/ions in lih/-irr-di-/ed >rys/-ls, -nd >rys/-l s/ru>/ure -nd
dyn-!i>s. BA.S.S.C
1eisenber&5 Werner 8arl @91
Prize: Physi>s, 19'2. Born: De>e!ber %, 1901; WRrzbur, "er!-ny. Death: 1ebru-ry
1, 19&(; Kuni>h, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, +uus/ Leisenber; Ko/her, +nnie
We>0lein Leisenber. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of
Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 192'; Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, Dr. Phil. L-bil., 192).
Spouse: 5lis-be/h S>hu!->her, !-rried +$ril 29, 19'&. Children: Wolf-n, son;
Po>he!, son; K-r/in, son; +nn- K-ri-, d-uh/er; A-rb-r-, d-uh/er; 6hris/ine, d-uh/er;
Seren-, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, Professor, 192):2&; Ini8. of
Lei$zi, "er!-ny, Professor, 192&:)1; Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, Professor, 19)2:)%;
Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, Professor, 19)(:%*; Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny,
Professor, 19%*:&0. Other Awards: A-rn-rd Ked-l, 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 19'0; K-@
Pl-n>0 Ked-l, "er!-n Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19''; "ro/ius Ked-l, Luo "ro/ius S/if/un,
19%(; Si!und 1reud Prize, Deu/s>he +0-de!ie fRr S$r->he und Di>h/un, 19&0; Niels
Aohr "old Ked-l, D-ns0 ?neniorforenin, 19&0.
Selected Publications: \^ber Qu-n/en/heore/is>he I!deu/un Nine!-/is>her und
Ke>h-nis>her Aeziehunen.Z
P-e 210
!eitschrift f3r hysi2 '' B192%CH *&9:9*'. \Kehr0Ur$er$roble! und 2eson-nz in der
Qu-n/en!e>h-ni0.Z !eitschrift f3r hysi2 '* B192(CH )11:2(; )1 B192&CH 2'9:(&. \^ber
den +ns>h-uli>hen ?nh-l/ der Qu-n/en/heore/is>hen Nine!-/i0 und Ke>h-ni0.Z
!eitschrift f3r hysi2 )' B192&CH 1&2:9*. The hysical rinciples of the ?uantum
Theory. Tr. by 6-rl 5>0-r/ -nd 1r-n0 6. Loy/. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19'0.
hilosophic roblems of 'uclear (cience. Tr. by 1.6. L-yes. Ne# 3or0H P-n/heon,
19%2. hysics and hilosophy> The Bevolution in #odern (cience. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er,
19%*. %erner /eisenberg> A 8ibliography of /is %ritings. Aer0eleyH Ini8ersi/y of
6-liforni- Press, 19*).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&& BSolu!e 22C, 21':%1. Leisenber, 5lis-be/h. <nner $xile>
Becollections of a -ife 0ith %erner /eisenberg. Tr. by S/e8e 6-$-l-ri. Aos/onH
ci|gzehixjhiwxicj%erner /eisenberg, 1901+19A6. Tr. by Ti!o/hy
Ne8ill. Aonn-A-d "odesber, "er!-nyH ?n/er N-/iones, 19&(. 6-ssidy, D. :ncertainty.
Ne# 3or0H W. L. 1ree!-n, 1992.
Co$$entary: Werner Leisenber re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize OOfor /he >re-/ion of Gu-n/u!
!e>h-ni>s, /he -$$li>-/ion of #hi>h h-s, -!on o/her /hins, led /o /he dis>o8ery of /he
-llo/ro$i> for!s of hydroen.Z Le is $rob-bly be//er 0no#n for his for!ul-/ion in 192&
of /he un>er/-in/y $rin>i$le /h-/ be-rs his n-!e, #hi>h s/-/es /h-/ i/ is i!$ossible
simultaneously /o de/er!ine bo/h /he $osi/ion -nd /he !o!en/u! of - $-r/i>le.
Leisenber -lso in8es/i-/ed $roble!s in ferro!-ne/is! -nd Gu-n/u! ele>/rodyn-!i>s
-nd #-s -!on /he firs/ /o sues/ /h-/ /he -/o!i> nu>leus >onsis/ed of $ro/ons -nd
neu/rons. ?n l-/er life, he #or0ed on - unified field /heory of ele!en/-ry $-r/i>les. BL.+.C
(irac5 Pa!l 0drien ,a!rice @92
Prize: Physi>s, 19''. Born: +uus/ *, 1902; Aris/ol, 5nl-nd. Death: O>/ober 20, 19*);
T-ll-h-ssee, 1L. Parents: 1-/her, 6h-rles +drien L-disl-s Dir->; Ko/her, 1loren>e
L-nn-h Lol/en Dir->. Nationality: Ari/ish; l-/er +!eri>-n residen/. Religion: 6-/holi>.
Education: Aris/ol Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.S>., 1921; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D.,
192(. Spouse: K-ri/ Winer, !-rried 19'&. Children: K-ry 5liz-be/h, d-uh/er;
1loren>e Koni>-, d-uh/er. Career: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 192&:(9;
1lorid- S/-/e Ini8., Professor, 19&1:*). Other Awards: 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y,
19'9; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19%2; K-@ Pl-n>0 Ked-l, "er!-n ?ns/i/u/e, 19%2.
Selected Publications: The rinciples of ?uantum #echanics. LondonH 6l-rendon
Press, 19'0. The &evelopment of ?uantum Theory. Ne# 3or0H "ordon -nd Are->h
S>ien>e Publishers, 19&1. (pinors in /ibert (pace. Ne# 3or0H Plenu! Press, 19&).
5eneral Theory of Belativity. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19&%. The (elected %or2s of . A. #.
&irac. 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 199%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Nursunolu, Aehr-! N. -nd 5uene P. Winer. aul
Adrien #aurice &irac. Ne# 3or0H 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19*&. #odern (cientists and
$ngineers. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19*0 BSolu!e 1C, 292:9'. Nr-e, L. &irac.
6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 1990.
Co$$entary: P-ul Dir-> sh-red /he Nobel Prize \for /he dis>o8ery of ne# $rodu>/i8e
for!s of -/o!i> /heory.Z Lis !-/he!-/i>-l /re-/!en/ of ele>/roni> $ro$er/ies $redi>/ed
/he e@is/en>e of $osi/rons, $re8iously unobser8ed, -/ -n e-rly s/-e of his >-reer. Dir->
>on/inued /o de8elo$ /he ne# field of Gu-n/u! !e>h-ni>s, his re-/ >on/ribu/ion bein
/he Dir-> #-8e eGu-/ions #hi>h in>luded s$e>i-l rel-/i8i/y in /he S>hrUdiner eGu-/ion.
-chrLdin&er5 "r)in @93
Prize: Physi>s, 19''. Born: +uus/ 12, 1**&; Sienn-, +us/ri-. Death: P-nu-ry ), 19(1;
Sienn-, +us/ri-. Parents: 1-/her, 2udolf S>hrUdiner; Ko/her, K. A-uer S>hrUdiner.
Nationality: +us/ri-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of Sienn-, +us/ri-, Ph.D.,
1910. Spouse: +nne!-rie Aer/el, !-rried +$ril (, 1920. Children: None. Career: Ini8.
of Sienn-, +us/ri-, 2ese-r>her, 1910:1); +us/ri-n +r!y, 191):20; Ini8. of S/u//-r/,
"er!-ny, Professor, 1920; Ini8. of Pen-, "er!-ny, Professor, 1920:21; Ini8. of
Aresl-u, "er!-ny, Professor, 1921; Ini8. of JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 1921:2&;
Ini8. of Aerlin, "er!-ny, Professor, 192&:''; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her,
19'':'(; Ini8. of "r-z, +us/ri-, Professor, 19'(:'*; 1ond-/ion 1r-n>Gui, Aeliu!,
Professor, 19'9:)0; 2oy-l ?rish +>-de!y, Professor, 19)0; Dublin ?ns/i/u/e for
+d8-n>ed S/udies, ?rel-nd, Professor, 19)0:%(; Ini8. of Sienn-, +us/ri-, Professor,
19%(:%*. Other Awards: K-//eu>i Ked-l; Pl-n>0 Ked-l.
Selected Publications: \Qu-n/isierun -ls 5ien#er/$roble!. 5rs/e Ki//eilun.Z Ann.
hys. &9 B192(CH '(1. \Qu-n/isierun J#ei/e Ki//eilun.Z Ann. hys. &9 B192(CH )*9.
\Qu-n/isierun Dri//e Ki//eilun.Z Ann. hys. *0 B192(CH )'&. \Qu-n/isierun Sier/e
Ki//eilun.Z Ann. hys. *1 B192(CH 109. %hat is -ifeW 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8.
Press, 19)%. (pace@Time (tructure. 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19%0. (tatistical
Thermodynamics. 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19%2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&% BSolu!e 12C, 21&:22. Nil!is/er, 6.W. (chrKdinger> A .entenary .elebration of a
olymath. 6-!bride, 5nl-ndH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19*&. \Wh-/ is LifeWZ
6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 1992.
Co$$entary: 5r#in S>hrUdiner #-s r-n/ed /he Nobel Prize \for /he dis>o8ery of ne#
$rodu>/i8e for!s of -/o!i> /heory.Z 5-rly in his >-reer, S>hrUdiner #or0ed on s$e>ifi>
he-/s of solids, /her!odyn-!i>s, -/o!i> s$e>/r-, -nd $hysioloi>-l s/udies of >olor,
>ul!in-/in /his $eriod #i/h /he de8elo$!en/ of his #-8e eGu-/ions. L-/er he #or0ed on
/he $roble! of - unified field /heory Bof r-8i/-/ion -nd ele>/ro!-ne/is!C -nd on o/her
found-/ion-l s/udies in -/o!i> $hysi>s. B+.S.C
%had)ick5 <a2es5 -ir @9?
Prize: Physi>s, 19'%. Born: O>/ober 20, 1*91; Aollin/on, 5nl-nd. Death: Puly 2),
19&); 6-!bride, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn Pose$h 6h-d#i>0; Ko/her, +nne
K-ry Nno#les 6h-d#i>0. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of
K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd, b->>-l-ure-/e,
P-e 211
1911; Ini8. of K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd, K.S>., 191'. Spouse: +ileen S/e#-r/-Aro#n,
!-rried 192%. Children: 2 d-uh/ers. Career: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her,
1919:'%; Ini8. of Li8er$ool, 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'%:)*; K-nh-//-n ProMe>/, Ari/ish
Kission, 5nl-nd, +d!inis/r-/or, 19)':)*; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19)*:
%9. Other Awards: Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'2; K->Nenzie D-8idson Ked-l,
19'2; Nnih/hood, 19)%; Ini/ed S/-/es Ked-l for Keri/, 19)(; Tr-nsen/er Ked-l, 19)(;
Kel>he// Ked-l, 19)(; 1-r-d-y Ked-l, ?ns/i/u/ion of 5le>/ri>-l 5nineers, 19%0; 6o$ley
Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19%0; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19%1; "u/hrie
Ked-l, 19(&.
Selected Publications: Badioactivity and Badioactive (ubstances. LondonH Sir ?s-->
Pi/!-n -nd Sons, 1921. \The 5@is/en>e of - Neu/ron.Z roceedings of the Boyal (ociety
of -ondon +1'( B1929CH (92:&0*. Badiations from Badioactive (ubstances. 6-!brideH
6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19'0 B#i/h 5. 2u/herford -nd 6.D. 5llisC. \The Neu/ron.Z
BA-0eri-n Le>/ureC roceedings of the Boyal (ociety of -ondon +1)2 B19''CH 1:2%.
\The Neu/ron -nd i/s Pro$er/ies.Z 8ritish 7ournal of Badiology ( B19''CH 2):'2.
\58iden>e for - Ne# Ty$e of Disin/er-/ion Produ>ed by Neu/rons.Z roceedings of the
.ambridge hilosophical (ociety '0 B19')CH '%&:() B#i/h N. 1e-/her -nd W.T. D-8iesC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&( BSolu!e 22C, 11:&0. Aro#n, +ndre# P. The 'eutron and
the 8omb> A 8iography of (ir 7ames .had0ic2. O@ford; Ne# 3or0H O@ford Ini8ersi/y
Press, 199&. \6h-d#i>09s Neu/ron.99 .ontemporary hysics ( B19&)CH %(%:&12.
Co$$entary: P-!es 6h-d#i>09s Nobel #-s r-n/ed \for his dis>o8ery of /he neu/ron.Z
?n - re$e/i/ion of /he Polio/-6urie e@$eri!en/s on -l$h--r-y bo!b-rd!en/, 6h-d#i>0
sho#ed /h-/ /he r-ys $rodu>ed /r-8eled -/ 1,10 /he s$eed of lih/ B/oo slo# /o be -!!-
r-ysC -nd /h-/ /hey o>>-sion-lly s/ru>0 ni/roen -/o!s #i/h re-/ for>e Bso!e/hin -
-!!- r-y >ould no/ doC. Le #en/ on /o de!ons/r-/e /h-/ /hese r-ys #ere neu/r-l -nd
>ould no/ be defle>/ed by - !-ne/; /h-/ /hey #ere $-r/i>les -nd >ould be -bsorbed; -nd
/h-/ /hey h-d - !-ss of one, li0e - $ro/on. ?n dis>o8erin /he neu/ron, 6h-d#i>0 sol8ed
/he $roble! of e@/r- !-ss in /he nu>leus -nd l-id /he round#or0 for /he rele-se of
enery fro! /he -/o!. Le >on/inued /o rese-r>h in /he ener-l -re- of $-r/i>le
bo!b-rd!en/ -nd nu>le-r s/ru>/ure. BS.L.S.C
0nderson5 %arl (a>id @9@
Prize: Physi>s, 19'(. Born: Se$/e!ber ', 190%; Ne# 3or0, N3. Death: P-nu-ry 11,
1991; S-n K-rino, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, 6-rl D-8id +nderson; Ko/her, 5!!- +dolfin-
+M-@son +nderson. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly
6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, A.S., 192&;
6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 19'0. Spouse: Lorr-ine 5l8ir- Aer!-n,
!-rried 19)(. Children: K-rsh-ll D-8id Lee, son; D-8id +ndre# Nei/h, son. Career:
6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19'0:&&. Other
Awards: "old Ked-l, +!eri>-n ?ns/i/u/e of /he 6i/y of Ne# 3or0, 19'%; 5llio// 6resson
Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19'&; Presiden/i-l 6er/ifi>-/e of Keri/, 19)%; Pohn
5ri>sson "old Ked-l, +!eri>-n So>ie/y of S#edish 5nineers, 19(0.
Selected Publications: \5neries -nd 6os!i>-2-y P-r/i>les.Z hysical Bevie0 B+uus/
1%, 19'2CH )0%:21. \Posi/i8e 5le>/ron.Z hysical Bevie0 )' BK-r>h 1%, 19''CH )91:9).
\6os!i>-2-y Posi/i8e -nd Ne-/i8e 5le>/rons.Z hysical Bevie0 )) BSe$/e!ber 1,
19''CH )0(:1(. \Ke>h-nis! of 6os!i>-2-y 6oun/er +>/ion.Z hysical Bevie0 )%
BK-r>h 1%, 19')CH '%2:(' B#i/h o/hersC. \The Posi/ron.Z 'ature 1'' BK-r>h 19')CH
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%1, 1%:1&. The &iscovery of Anti@matter> The Autobiography of .arl &avid Anderson.
Sin-$ore; 2i8er 5de, N.P.H World S>ien/ifi>, 1999. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics.
P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, Solu!e 1, )'&:)&. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice
BP-nu-ry 12, 1991CH 2(
Co$$entary: 6-rl +nderson #-s re>onized by /he +>-de!y \for his dis>o8ery of /he
$osi/ron.Z Isin - Wilson >loud >h-!ber se/ in - !-ne/i> field $o#erful enouh /o
defle>/ hih-enery $-r/i>les, +nderson $ho/or-$hed >h-red $-r/i>les se/ in !o/ion by
>os!i> r-ys. ?n +uus/ 19'2, +nderson $ho/or-$hed - >h-red $-r/i>le !o8in
u$#-rd, -nd be>-use >os!i> r-ys only !o8e do#n#-rd, he >on>luded /h-/ /his !us/ be
- $osi/i8ely >h-red $-r/i>le rele-sed inside /he >loud >h-!ber. The $-r/i>le -$$e-red /o
h-8e /he !-ss of -n ele>/ron, -nd i/s ionizin $o#er #-s /oo #e-0 /o be - $ro/on or
-l$h- $-r/i>le. 6-rl +nderson h-d dis>o8ered /he $osi/i8e ele>/ron #hi>h #ould be>o!e
- sinifi>-n/ >on/ribu/ion /o /he unders/-ndin of -/o!i> s/ru>/ure. +nderson #-s -lso
0no#n for his rese-r>h on >os!i> r-ys -nd for $ro8in /he e@is/en>e of /he !eson in
19'*. BS.L.S.C
1ess5 =ictor ranz @9A
Prize: Physi>s, 19'(. Born: Pune 2), 1**'; S>hloss W-lds/ein, +us/ri-. Death:
De>e!ber 1&, 19(); Koun/ Sernon, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Sin>enz Less; Ko/her,
Ser-fine 5dle 8on "rossb-uer-W-lds/-// Less. Nationality: +us/ri-n; l-/er +!eri>-n
>i/izen. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of "r-z, +us/ri-, Ph.D., 190(. Spouse:
K-ry Aer/- W-er!er Areis0y, !-rried 1920, died 19%%; 5liz-be/h Loen>0e, !-rried
19%%. Children: None. Career: Ini8. of "r-z, +us/ri-, 2ese-r>her, 190(:0*; Sienn-
Se/erin-ry 6ollee, +us/ri-, Professor, 190*:10; Ini8. of Sienn-, +us/ri-, Professor,
1910:20; Ini8. of "r-z, +us/ri-, Professor, 1920:21; I.S. 2-diu! 6or$., N3,
2ese-r>her, 1921:2'; Ini8. of "r-z, +us/ri-, Professor, 192':'1; Ini8. of ?nnsbru>0,
+us/ri-, Professor, 19'1:'&; Ini8. of "r-z, +us/ri-, Professor, 19'&:'*; 1ordh-!
Ini8., N3, Professor, 19'*:%*. Other Awards: Lieben Prize, +us/ri-n +>-de!y of
S>ien>es, 1919; +bbe Prize, 6-rl Jeiss 1ound-/ion, 19'2.
Selected Publications: &ie $le2trische -eitfahig2eit der Atmosphare und <hre :rsachen.
Aruns#i>0, "er!-nyH 1. Sie#i -nd Sohn, 192(. &ie %eltraumstrahlung und <hre
8iologischen %ir2ungen. JRri>hH Drell 1Rssli, 19)0. \The Dis>o8ery of 6os!i>
2-di-/ion.Z Thought B19)0CH 1:12. \Wor0 in /he IS+.Z Oesterreichische
/ochschul*eitung BP-nu-ry 1%, 19%%CH ).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&2 BSolu!e (C, '%):%(.
P-e 212
'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e 1, )2&:'%.
Wilson, P.". \Obi/u-ry No/i>e.Z 'ature 20& B19(%CH '%2.
Co$$entary: Si>/or Less #on /he Nobel Prize \for his dis>o8ery of >os!i> r-di-/ion.Z
Less de8elo$ed /he ins/ru!en/-/ion -nd, in - series of d-rin -s>en/s in b-lloons -nd
>-reful s/udy o8er - $eriod of !-ny ye-rs, sho#ed /h-/ /here #-s - sour>e of $o#erful
r-di-/ion beyond /he -l-@y #hi>h flooded /he e-r/h >ons/-n/ly -nd $rodu>ed r-di-/ion
re-/er in in/ensi/y -nd $o#er /h-n sour>es on e-r/h. Less >on/inued /o s/udy >os!i>
r-di-/ion /hrouhou/ his >-reer. B2.P.C
(a>isson5 %linton <oseph @9B
Prize: Physi>s, 19'&. Born: O>/ober 22, 1**1; Aloo!in/on, ?L. Death: 1ebru-ry 1,
19%*; 6h-rlo//es8ille, S+. Parents: 1-/her, Pose$h D-8isson; Ko/her, K-ry 6-l8er/
D-8isson. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L,
A.S., 190*; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Ph.D., 1911. Spouse: 6h-rlo//e S-r- 2i>h-rdson,
!-rried +uus/ ), 1911. Children: 6lin/on O#en 6-l8er/, son; P-!es Will-ns, son;
2i>h-rd Pose$h, son; 5liz-be/h K-ry, d-uh/er. Career: 6-rneie ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy, Pi//sburh, P+, Professor, 1911:1&; Aell Tele$hone L-bor-/ories, NP,
2ese-r>her, 191&:)(; Ini8. of Sirini-, 6h-rlo//es8ille, Professor, 19)&:)9. Other
Awards: 6o!s/o>0 Prize, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, I.S., 192*; 5llio/ 6resson
Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19'1; Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'%; +lu!ni
Ked-l, Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, 19)1.
Selected Publications: \Dis$ersion of Lydroen -nd Leliu! on Aohr9s Theory.99
hysical Bevie0, ,nd (eries * B191(CH 20:2&. \S>-//erin of 5le>/rons by Ni>0el.Z
(cience, 'e0 (eries %) B1921CH %22:2) B#i/h 6.L. Nuns!-nC. \Ther!ioni> Wor0
1un>/ion of Tuns/en.Z hysical Bevie0, ,nd (eries 20 B1922CH '00:'0 B#i/h L.L.
"er!erC. \2efle>/ion -nd 2efr->/ion of 5le>/rons by - 6rys/-l of Ni>0el.Z roceedings
of the 'ational Academy of (ciences, :(A 1) B192*CH (19:2& B#i/h L.L. "er!erC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs. 'ational Academy of (ciences.
W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19(2 BSolu!e '(C, %1:*). &ictionary
of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&1 BSolu!e 'C, %9&:9*.
Co$$entary: 6lin/on D-8isson sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h "eore P-e/ Tho!son
\for /heir e@$eri!en/-l dis>o8ery of /he diffr->/ion of ele>/rons by >rys/-ls.Z D-8isson
s/udied ele>/ron diffr->/ion by ni>0el >rys/-ls -nd >onfir!ed /he de Arolie /heory of /he
#-8e n-/ure of $-r/i>les. +/ /he s-!e /i!e /h-/ D-8isson #-s s/udyin ele>/ron
diffr->/ion, he #-s -lso doin l-nd!-r0 rese-r>h in /her!-l r-di-/ion -nd /her!ioni>s.
Lis l-/er rese-r>h fo>used on /he /heory of ele>/ron o$/i>s -nd i/s -$$li>-/ion, /he /heory
of ele>/roni> de8i>es, -nd solid s/-/e $hysi>s. BA.S.S.C
Tho2son5 6eor&e Pa&et5 -ir @9C
Prize: Physi>s, 19'&. Born: K-y ', 1*92; 6-!bride, 5nl-nd. Death: Se$/e!ber 10,
19&%; 6-!bride, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pose$h Pohn Tho!son; Ko/her, 2ose
5lis-be/h P-e/. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nli>-n. Education: 6-!bride Ini8.,
5nl-nd, b->>-l-ure-/e, 191). Spouse: N-/hleen +d-! S!i/h, !-rried Se$/e!ber 1*,
192). Children: Pohn +d-!, son; Lili-n 6l-re, d-uh/er; D-8id P-e/, son; 2ose
Au>h-n-n, d-uh/er. Career: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 1919:22; Ini8. of
+berdeen, S>o/l-nd, Professor, 1922:'0; ?!$eri-l 6ollee of S>ien>e, 5nl-nd,
Professor, 19'0:%2; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19%2:(2.
Other Awards: Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'9; Nnih/hood, 19)'; 2oy-l Ked-l,
2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)9; 1-r-d-y Ked-l, ?ns/i/u/ion of 5le>/ri>-l 5nineers, 19(0.
Selected Publications: The Atom. LondonH O@ford Ini8. Press, 19'0 B#i/h P.P.
Tho!sonC. %ave #echanics of =ree $lectrons. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19'0. Theory
and ractice of $lectron &iffraction. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19'9 B#i/h W. 6o>hr-neC.
The =oreseeable =uture. LondonH 6-!bride Ini8. Press, 19%%. The <nspiration of
(cience. LondonH O@ford Ini8. Press, 19(1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&& BSolu!e 2'C, %29:%(. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19)&, ('%:'&.
Co$$entary: "eore Tho!son #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \for /he e@$eri!en/-l
dis>o8ery of /he in/erferen>e $heno!enon in >rys/-ls irr-di-/ed by ele>/rons,Z #hi>h
$ro8ided -!!uni/ion for /hose #ho belie8ed in /he #-8e $ro$er/ies of ele>/rons. Le
de8elo$ed /he /e>hniGues of ele>/ron diffr->/ion -nd !o8ed /o /he s/udy of nu>le-r
$hysi>s, be>o!in in8ol8ed in fission s/udies -nd /he -/o!i> bo!b de8elo$!en/. BT.K.C
er2i5 "nrico @99
Prize: Physi>s, 19'*. Born: Se$/e!ber 29, 1901; 2o!e, ?/-ly. Death: No8e!ber 2*,
19%); 6hi>-o, ?L. Parents: 1-/her, +lber/o 1er!i; Ko/her, ?d- de "-//is 1er!i.
Nationality: ?/-li-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: +nos/i>; Pe#ish sy!$-/hies.
Education: Ini8. of Pis-, ?/-ly, Ph.D., 1922. Spouse: L-ur- 6-$on, !-rried 192*.
Children: "iulio, son; Nell-, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of 1loren>e, ?/-ly, Professor,
192):2(; Ini8. of 2o!e, ?/-ly, Professor, 192(:'*; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor,
19'9:)%; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19)%:%). Other Awards: Luhes Ked-l,
19)2; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19)&; A-rn-rd "old Ked-l, 6olu!bi-
Ini8., N3, 19%0; 2u!ford Ked-l, 19%'; 1er!i Prize, 19%).
Selected Publications: .ollected apers. 2 8olu!es. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&1 BSolu!e )C, %&(:*'. 1er!i, L-ur-. Atoms in the =amily. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of
6hi>-o Press, 19%). Sere, 5!ilio. $nrico =ermi, hysicist. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o
Press, 19&0. Pon/e0or8o, A. $nrico =ermi. Pordenone, ?/-lyH 5dizioni S/udio Tesi, 199'.
Co$$entary: + $hysi>is/ #ho #-s bo/h - /heore/i>i-n -nd -n e@$eri!en/-lis/, 5nri>o
1er!i re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for his de!ons/r-/ions of /he e@is/en>e of ne#
r-dio->/i8e ele!en/s $rodu>ed by neu/ron irr-di-/ion, -nd for his rel-/ed dis>o8ery of
nu>le-r re->/ions brouh/ -bou/ by slo# neu/rons.Z Lis ->>o!$lish!en/s #ere
found-/ion $oin/s for !-ny br-n>hes of $hysi>s, in>ludin s/udies of /he s/-/is/i>s
P-e 21'
of $-r/i>les obeyin /he e@>lusion $rin>i$le, Gu-n/u! ele>/rodyn-!i>s, be/--de>-y,
-r/ifi>i-l r-dio->/i8i/y, $ion-nu>leon >ollisions, -nd nu>le-r >h-in re->/ions. B+.N. -nd
#a)rence5 "rnest 3rlando A00
Prize: Physi>s, 19'9. Born: +uus/ *, 1901; 6-n/on, SD. Death: +uus/ 2&, 19%*; P-lo
+l/o, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, 6-rl "us/-8us L-#ren>e; Ko/her, "und- P->obson
L-#ren>e. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of Sou/h
D-0o/-, A.+., 1922; Ini8. of Kinneso/-, K.+., 192'; 3-le Ini8., 6T, Ph.D., 192%.
Spouse: K-ry Ni!berly Alu!er, !-rried K-y 19'2. Children: Pohn 5ri>, son; K-r-re/
Ar-dley, d-uh/er; K-ry Ni!berley, d-uh/er; 2ober/ Don, son; A-rb-r- Lund-le,
d-uh/er; Sus-n, d-uh/er. Career: 3-le Ini8., 6T, Professor, 192%:2*; Ini8. of
6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 192*:%*. Other Awards: 5llio/
6resson Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19'&; 6o!s/o>0 Prize, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of
S>ien>es, I.S., 19'&; Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19'&; Duddell Ked-l, 2oy-l
Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19)0; 1-r-d-y Ked-l, 19%2; +!eri>-n 6-n>er So>ie/y Ked-l, 19%);
5nri>o 1er!i +#-rd, 19%&; Syl8-nus Th-yer +#-rd, 19%*.
Selected Publications: \On /he Produ>/ion of Lih S$eed Pro/ons.Z (cience &2 B19'0CH
'&(:&& B#i/h N.5. 5dlefsenC. \Disin/er-/ion of Li/hiu! by S#if/ly Ko8in Pro/ons.Z
hysical Bevie0 )2 B19'2CH 1%0:%1 B#i/h K.S. Li8ins/on -nd K.". Whi/eC. \+n
?!$ro8ed 6y>lo/ron.Z (cience *( B19'&CH )11 B#i/h Don-ld 6oo0seyC. \Lih 5nery
Physi>s.Z American (cientist '( B19)*CH )1:)9. OOLih-6urren/ +>>eler-/ors.Z (cience
122 B19%%CH 112&:'2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs. 'ational Academy of (ciences.
W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19&0 BSolu!e )1C, 2%1:9). 6hilds,
Lerber/. An American 5enius> The -ife of $rnest -a0rence. Ne# 3or0H Du//on, 19(*.
&ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&' BSolu!e *C, 9':9(.
Co$$entary: 5rnes/ L-#ren>e #-s honored by /he +>-de!y \for /he in8en/ion -nd
de8elo$!en/ of /he >y>lo/ron -nd for resul/s ob/-ined #i/h i/, es$e>i-lly #i/h re-rd /o
-r/ifi>i-l r-dio->/i8e ele!en/s.Z The >y>lo/ron $er!i//ed nu>le-r $-r/i>le ->>eler-/ion /o
8ery hih 8elo>i/ies. The $-r/i>les #ere used /o bo!b-rd -/o!s, le-din /o !-ny ne#
iso/o$es -nd ele!en/s, so!e of #hi>h #ere -d-$/ed by L-#ren>e -nd his bro/her /o
!edi>-l -nd bioloi>-l -$$li>-/ions. L-#ren>e #-s - $rolifi> rese-r>her -nd #ri/er #ho
led /he #-y /o !-ny -d8-n>es. Le #-s -n i!$or/-n/ $-r/ of /he +/o!i> Ao!b ProMe>/
-nd /he -//e!$/ /o sus$end -/o!i>bo!b /es/in. Le -lso >on/ribu/ed in /he -re-s of
ioniz-/ion $o/en/i-ls of !e/-ls, !e-sure!en/ of s!-ll /i!e in/er8-ls, -nd /he
!e-sure!en/ of /he ele>/ron9s e,! r-/io. BA.S.S.C
-tern5 3tto A01
Prize: Physi>s, 19)'. Born: 1ebru-ry 1&, 1***; Sohr-u, "er!-ny. Death: +uus/ 1&,
19(9; Aer0eley, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, Os0-r S/ern; Ko/her, 5uenie 2osen/h-l S/ern.
Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of
Aresl-u, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 1912. Spouse: None. Children: None. Career: Te>hnis>he
Lo>hs>hule, JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 191':1); Ini8. of 1r-n0fRr/, "er!-ny,
Professor, 191):21; Ini8. of 2os/o>0, "er!-ny, Professor, 1921:22; Ini8. of L-!bur,
"er!-ny, Professor, 192':''; 6-rneie ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, P+, Professor, 19'':
Selected Publications: \Jur Nine/is>hen Theorie des D-!$fdru>0s 5in-/o!ier 1es/er
S/offe und Rber die 5n/ro$ie0ons/-n/e 5in-/o!ier "-se.Z hysi2alische !eitschrift 1)
B191'CH (29:'2. \Die 5n/ro$ie 1es/er Losunen.Z Annalen der hysi2, Gth (eries )9
B191(CH *2':)1. \5in We zur 5@$eri!en/ellen Prufun der 2i>h/unsGu-n/elun i!
K-ne/feld.Z !eitschrift f3r hysi2 & B1921CH 2)9:%'. \D-s K-ne/is>he Ko!en/ des
Silber-/o!s.Z !eitschrift f3r hysi2 9 B1922CH '%':%% B#i/h W. "erl->hC. \^ber die
2i>h/unsGu-n/elun i! K-ne/feld.Z Annalen der hysi2, Gth (eries &) B192)CH (&'
B#i/h W. "erl->hC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the 'ational Academy of
(ciences. W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19&', 21%:'(. &ictionary of
(cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&( BSolu!e 1'C, )0:)'. 5s/er!-nn, ?.
Becent Besearch in #olecular 8eams. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19%9, 1:&.
Co$$entary: O//o S/ern re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for his >on/ribu/ion /o /he
de8elo$!en/ of /he !ole>ul-r r-y !e/hod -nd his dis>o8ery of /he !-ne/i> !o!en/ of
/he $ro/on.Z S/ern9s e-rly #or0 #-s /heore/i>-l, in /he -re-s of s/-/is/i>-l
/her!odyn-!i>s -nd Gu-n/u! /heory. +s no/ed in /he +>-de!y9s >i/-/ion, S/ern9s !-Mor
>on/ribu/ion #-s in /he de8elo$!en/ of /he !ole>ul-r be-! !e/hod -nd i/s -$$li>-/ion
in s/udyin /he >h-r->/eris/i>s of !ole>ules -nd -/o!s. Lis l-/er rese-r>h, #i/h "erl->h,
#-s on -/o! defle>/ion by !-ne/i> field ->/ion on /he !-ne/i> !o!en/ -nd -lso on
/he !-ne/i> !o!en/s of sub-/o!i> $-r/i>les. Lis findin of - $ro/on !-ne/i> !o!en/
/#o /o /hree /i!es l-rer /h-n e@$e>/ed #-s - s/i!ulus /o !u>h rese-r>h. S/ern -lso
s/udied /he #-8e n-/ure of -/o!s -nd !ole>ules. BA.S.S.C
4abi5 .sidor .saac A02
Prize: Physi>s, 19)). Born: Puly 29, 1*9*; 2y!-no8, +us/ri-. Death: P-nu-ry 11, 19**;
Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, D-8id 2ober/ 2-bi; Ko/her, Pennie Tei 2-bi.
Nationality: +us/ri-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: 6olu!bi-
Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 192&. Spouse: Lelen Ne#-r0, !-rried +uus/ 1&, 192(. Children:
N-n>y 5liz-be/h, d-uh/er; K-r-re/ Poell-, d-uh/er. Career: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3,
Professor, 1929:(&. Other Awards: Si!- 4i Se!i>en/enni-l Prize, 19'(; 5llio/
6resson Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19)2; Ini/ed S/-/es Ked-l for Keri/, 19)*;
Nin9s Ked-l, 5nl-nd, 19)*; 6o!!-nder, Order of /he Sou/hern 6ross, Ar-zil, 19%2;
Lenrie//- Szold +#-rd, 19%(; A-rn-rd Ked-l, 19(0; Pries/ley Ke!ori-l +#-rd,
Di>0inson 6ollee, P+, 19(); Niels Aohr ?n/ern-/ion-l "old Ked-l, 19(&; +/o!s for
Pe->e +#-rd, 19(&; Tribu/e of +$$re>i-/ion, Ini/ed S/-/es S/-/e De$-r/!en/, 19&*;
Pu$in "old Ked-l, 6olu!bi- Ini8., 19*1; 1r-n0lin D. 2oose8el/ 1our 1reedo!s Ked-l,
19*%; Publi> Welf-re Ked-l, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19*%; S-nne8-r Aush
+#-rd, 19*(; Weiz!-nn Ked-llion, 19*&.
Selected Publications: \The Prin>i$-l K-ne/i> Sus>e$/ibili/ies of 6rys/-ls.Z hysical
Bevie0 29 B192&CH 1&):*%.
P-e 21)
\Nu>le-r S$in in ?so/o$i> Ki@/ures.Z hysical Bevie0 )% B19')CH ''). \+ Ne# Ke/hod
of Ke-surin Nu>le-r K-ne/i> Ko!en/.Z hysical Bevie0 %' B19'*CH '1* B#i/h
o/hersC. \Kole>ul-r Ae-! 2eson-n>e Ke/hod for Ke-surin Nu>le-r K-ne/i>
Ko!en/s. The K-ne/i> Ko!en/s of '-L?-(, '-Li-&, -nd 9-1-19.Z hysical Bevie0 %%
B19'9CH %2(:'% B#i/h o/hersC. \The 2-diofreGuen>y S$e>/r- of +/o!s.Z hysical Bevie0
%& B19)0CH &(%:*0 B#i/h P. Nus>h -nd S. Kill!-nC. (cience> The .enter of .ulture.
Ne# 3or0H World Publishin, 19&0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: #y -ife and Times as a hysicist. 6l-re!on/, 6+H
6l-re!on/ 6ollee, 19(0. 2iden, Pohn. Babi> (cientist and .iti*en. Ne# 3or0H A-si>
Aoo0s, 19*&.
Co$$entary: ?sidor ?s--> 2-bi #on /he Nobel Prize for his -/o!i>- -nd !ole>ul-r-
be-! #or0 -nd for his dis>o8ery of /he reson-n>e !e/hod=- $re>ise !e-ns of
de/er!inin /he !-ne/i> !o!en/s of fund-!en/-l $-r/i>les. Le -ssis/ed in /he
de8elo$!en/ of r-d-r -nd /he -/o!i> bo!b, -nd his #or0 in definin /he $ro$er/ies of
-/o!i> nu>lei >on/ribu/ed /o /he in8en/ion of /he l-ser, !-ser, -nd -/o!i> >lo>0. 2-bi is
one of /he founders of Aroo0h-8en N-/ion-l L-bor-/ory in I$/on, Ne# 3or0, -nd, #hile
- !e!ber of IN5S6O, he oriin-/ed /he !o8e!en/ /h-/ led /o /he found-/ion of /he
in/ern-/ion-l l-bor-/ory for hih-enery $hysi>s in "ene8- >-lled 652N. BL.N.W.C
Pa!li5 Wolf&an& "rnst A03
Prize: Physi>s, 19)%. Born: +$ril 2%, 1900; Sienn-, +us/ri-. Death: De>e!ber 1%,
19%*; JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Wolf-n Pose$h P-uli; Ko/her, Aer/h-
S>hu/z P-uli. Nationality: +us/ri-n; l-/er S#iss >i/izen. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education:
Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 1921. Spouse: N-/e De$$ner, !-rried Bno d-/e
foundC, di8or>ed Bno d-/e foundC; 1r-n>is0- Aer/r-!, !-rried +$ril ), 19'). Children:
None. Career: Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 1921:22; Ini8. of
6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, 2ese-r>her, 1922:2'; Ini8. of L-!bur, "er!-ny, Professor,
192':2*; 5idenossis>he Te>hnishe Lo>hs>hule, JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, Professor, 192*:
%*. Other Awards: Loren/z Ked-ille, 19'0; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 19%2; K-@ Pl-n>0 Ked-l,
Selected Publications: OO2el-/i8i/-/s/heorie.Z $ncy2lopadie der #athematischen
%issenschaften. Lei$zi, "er!-nyH 1921 BSolu!e 2C, %'9:&&% BTheory of Belativity. Tr.
by ". 1ield. Ne# 3or0H Per-!on Press, 19%*C. \^ber den Jus-!!enh-n des
+bs>hlusses der 5le0/ronenru$$en i! +/o! !i/ der No!$le@s/ru0/ur der S$e0/ren.Z
!eitschrift f3r hysi2 '1 B192%CH &(%. 'aturer2larung und syche. JRri>hH 2-s>her, 19%2
B#i/h 6.". PunC. .ollected (cientific apers. 5d. by 2. Nroni -nd S.1. Weiss0o$f.
Ne# 3or0H ?n/ers>ien>e Publishers, 19().
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19)(, )(*:&0. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&) BSolu!e
10C, )22:2%. Theoretical hysics in the T0entieth .entury> A #emorial 6olume to
%olfgang auli. 5d. by K-r0us 1ierz -nd S.1. Weiss0o$f. Ne# 3or0H ?n/ers>ien>e
Publishers, 19(0. %ritings on hysics and hilosophy. AerlinH S$rinerSerl-, 199).
Co$$entary: Wolf-n P-uli #-s i8en /he Nobel Prize \for his de>isi8e >on/ribu/ion
/hrouh his dis>o8ery in 192% of - ne# l-# of n-/ure, /he e@>lusion $rin>i$le, or P-uli
Prin>i$le.Z This $rin>i$le s/-/es /h-/ no /#o ele>/rons in /he s-!e -/o! >-n e@is/ in /he
s-!e s/-/e. ?/ is i!$or/-n/ in unders/-ndin /he $eriodi> sys/e! of /he ele!en/s -nd in -ll
/heories of -/o!i> -nd nu>le-r s/ru>/ure. P-uli9s >on/ribu/ions /o !odern /heore/i>-l
$hysi>s s$-nned - life/i!e. Le s/udied under +rnold So!!erfeld in Kuni>h -nd, #hile
only 20 ye-rs of -e, #ro/e - 200-$-e -r/i>le on /he /heory of rel-/i8i/y #hi>h re!-ins
hihly re-rded /od-y. Le did !u>h rese-r>h in Gu-n/u! field /heory -nd $os/ul-/ed /he
neu/rino=- sub-/o!i> $-r/i>le=in 19'1 /o e@$l-in enery -no!-lies in e!ission of
be/- $-r/i>les fro! -/o!s. Throuh his s>ien/ifi> $ubli>-/ions, he e@er/ed - de>isi8e
influen>e in /he e8olu/ion of Gu-n/u! /heory. BL.N.W.C
+rid&2an5 Perc$ Willia2s A0?
Prize: Physi>s, 19)(. Born: +$ril 21, 1**2; 6-!bride, K+. Death: +uus/ 20, 19(1;
2-ndol$h, NL. Parents: 1-/her, 2-y!ond L-ndon Arid!-n; Ko/her, +nn K-ri-
Willi-!s Arid!-n. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n.
Education: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, A.+., 190); L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.+., 190%; L-r8-rd
Ini8., K+, Ph.D., 190*. Spouse: Oli8e W-re, !-rried Puly 1(, 1912. Children: P-ne,
d-uh/er; 2ober/ W-re, son. Career: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 190*:%). Other
Awards: 2u!ford Ked-l, +!eri>-n +>-de!y of +r/s -nd S>ien>es, 1929; 6resson
Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, Phil-del$hi-, P+, 19'2; 6o!s/o>0 Prize, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of
S>ien>es, 19''; A-0hius-2oozeboo! Ked-l, 2oy-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, +!s/erd-!,
Ne/herl-nds, 19''; Ainh-! Ked-l, So>ie/y of 2heoloy; 2ese-r>h 6or$or-/ion of
+!eri>- +#-rd, 19'&.
Selected Publications: The -ogic of #odern hysics. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 192&. The
hysics of /igh ressure. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n, 19'1. The 'ature of Thermodynamics.
6-!bride, K+H L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19)1. The Thermodynamics of $lectrical
henomena in #etals and a .ondensed .ollection of Thermodynamic =ormulas. Ne#
3or0H Do8er Publi>-/ions, 19(1. .ollected $xperimental apers. 6-!bride, K+H
L-r8-rd Ini8. Press, 19().
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(2 BSolu!e *C, 2(:)0. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography.
Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&1 BSolu!e 2C, )%&:(1. Beflections of a hysicist. Ne# 3or0H
Philoso$hi>-l Libr-ry, 19%0. W-l/er, K-il- L. (cience and .ultural .risis> An
<ntellectual 8iography of ercy %illiams 8ridgman. S/-nford, 6+H S/-nford Ini8ersi/y
Press, 1990.
Co$$entary: Per>y Arid!-n #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \for /he in8en/ion of
-$$-r-/us for ob/-inin 8ery hih $ressures -nd for dis>o8eries #hi>h he !-de by !e-ns
of /his -$$-r-/us in /he field of hih $ressure $hysi>s.Z Lis de8elo$!en/ of - >h-!ber
>-$-ble of #i/hs/-ndin hiher $ressures /h-n e8er before re-lized o$ened /he #-y for
ne# e@$eri!en/s of i!!ense s>ien/ifi> 8-lue -nd resul/ed, #i/h his o/her #or0, in !-Mor
-d8-n>es in /her!odyn-!i>s, /he $ro$er/ies of !-//er, >rys/-llor-$hy, -nd ele>/ri>
>ondu>/ion in !e/-ls. Le -lso #-s res$onsible for /he $rodu>/ion of
P-e 21%
syn/he/i> di-!onds by "ener-l 5le>/ri>. ?n -ddi/ion /o Arid!-n9s lon -nd
dis/inuished >-reer -/ L-r8-rd #or0in in hih $ressure $hysi>s, he #-s -lso in8ol8ed
in /he $hiloso$hi>-l -s$e>/s of $hysi>s, -s seen in his #or0s The -ogic of hysics -nd
The 'ature of hysical Theory. BS.".C
0ppleton5 "d)ard =ictor5 -ir A0@
Prize: Physi>s, 19)&. Born: Se$/e!ber (, 1*92; Ar-dford, 5nl-nd. Death: +$ril 21,
19(%; 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pe/er +$$le/on; Ko/her, K-ry Wil>o>0
+$$le/on. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: 6-!bride Ini8.,
5nl-nd, A.+., 191'. Spouse: Pessie Lonson, !-rried 191%, died 19(); Lelen 1.
+llison, !-rried 19(%. Children: K-rMery, d-uh/er; 2os-lind, d-uh/er. Career:
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 191&:2); London Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor,
192):'(; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'(:)9; Ini8. of 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd,
+d!inis/r-/or, 19)9:(%. Other Awards: Nnih/hood, 19)1; Ked-l of Keri/, I.S., 19)&;
1ren>h Leion of Lonor, 19)&; +lber/ Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y of +r/s, 19%0; "unnin
Si>/ori- Pubilee Prize, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, 19(0; Ked-l of Lonor,
?ns/i/u/e of 2-dio 5nineers of +!eri>-, 19(2.
Selected Publications: \5Gui8-len/ Leih/s of /he +/!os$heri> ?onized 2eions in
5nl-nd -nd +!eri>-.Z 'ature 12' B1929CH ))%. The Thermionic 6alue. LondonH
Ke/huen, 19'1. Thermionic 6acuum Tubes. Ne# 3or0H 5.P. Du//on, 19''. \So!e
Proble!s of +/!os$heri> Physi>s. +/!os$heri> Ozone.Z 7ournal of the Boyal (ociety of
Arts *% B19'&CH 299:'0&. OONe# K-/eri-l for Old.Z 7. <nst. .ivil $ngrs. F-ondonH *
B19'9:)0CH ))*:(*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(( BSolu!e 12C, 1:21. 6l-r0, 2on-ld Willi-!. (ir $d0ard
Appleton. O@ford; Ne# 3or0H Per-!on Press, 19&1. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography.
Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&0 BSolu!e 1C, 19%:9(.
Co$$entary: 5d#-rd +$$le/on #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \for his in8es/i-/ions of
/he $hysi>s of /he u$$er -/!os$here, es$e>i-lly for /he dis>o8ery of /he so->-lled
+$$le/on l-yer.Z +$$le/on firs/ $ro8ed /he e@is/en>e of /he ionos$here, (0 !iles -bo8e
round, -nd his r-diolo>-/ion e@$eri!en/s led /o /he de8elo$!en/ of r-d-r. Le l-/er
dis>o8ered /he +$$le/on l-yer, 1%0 !iles -bo8e round, -nd sho#ed /h-/ i/ refle>/ed
shor/ #-8es -round /he e-r/h. Lis rese-r>h in/rodu>ed /he $ros$e>/s of round-/he-#orld
bro-d>-s/in. +$$le/on -lso hel$ed de8elo$ >-/hode r-y os>illor-$hy -nd sho#ed /h-/
suns$o/s e!i/ shor/ r-dio #-8es. BA.S.S.C
+lackett5 Patrick ,a$nard -t!art A0A
Prize: Physi>s, 19)*. Born: No8e!ber 1*, 1*9&; London, 5nl-nd. Death: Puly 1',
19&); London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, +r/hur S/u-r/ Al->0e//; Ko/her, 6-roline
1r-n>es K-yn-rd Al->0e//. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nli>-n. Education:
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+., 1921; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 192'.
Spouse: 6ons/-nz- A-yon, !-rried 192). Children: "io8-nn-, d-uh/er; Ni>hol-s, son.
Career: Ari/ish N-8y, 191):19; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 192':''; Ini8.
of London, 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'':'&; Ini8. of K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd, Professor,
19'&:%'; ?!$eri-l 6ollee of S>ien>e -nd Te>hnoloy, London, 5nl-nd, Professor,
19%':(%. Other Awards: 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y of London, 19)0; +!eri>-n
Ked-l for Keri/, 19)(; D-l/on Ked-l, 19)9; 6o$ley Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19%(; Order
of Keri/, 19(&.
Selected Publications: \So!e Pho/or-$hs of /he Tr->0s of Pene/r-/in 2-di-/ion.Z
roceedings of the Boyal (ociety of -ondon +1'9 B19')CH (99 B#i/h ".P.S. O>>hi-liniC.
\So!e 5@$eri!en/s on /he Produ>/ion of Posi/i8e 5le>/rons.Z roceedings of the Boyal
(ociety of -ondon +1)) B19')CH 2'% B#i/h P. 6h-d#i>0 -nd ".P.S. O>>hi-liniC. .osmic
Bays. The /alley -ecture. O@fordH 6l-rendon Press, 19'(. #ilitary and olitical
.onse4uences of Atomic $nergy. LondonH Turns/ile Press, 19)*. \The 5le!en/-ry
P-r/i>les of N-/ure.Z 8ritish 7ournal of Badiology '1 B19%*CH 1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&% BSolu!e 21C, 1:11%. Lo8ell, Aern-rd. #( 8lac2ett> A
8iographical #emoir. LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&(.
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o P-/ri>0 K-yn-rd S/u-r/ Al->0e// #-s for \his de8elo$!en/
of /he Wilson >loud >h-!ber -nd his dis>o8eries /here#i/h in /he field of nu>le-r $hysi>s
-nd >os!i> r-di-/ion.Z Al->0e//9s o/her s>ien/ifi> >on/ribu/ions in>lude /he /heories of
$-ir $rodu>/ion -nd -nnihil-/ion r-di-/ion, - >onfir!-/ion of /he e@is/en>e of /he
$osi/ron, /he dis>o8ery of s/r-ne $-r/i>les, -nd - ne# /heory e@$l-inin /he e-r/h9s
!-ne/is!. Le #-s -lso ->/i8e in $ubli> -ff-irs -nd -n in/ense o$$onen/ of nu>le-r
#e-$ons. BS.6.C
9!ka)a5 1ideki A0B
Prize: Physi>s, 19)9. Born: P-nu-ry 2', 190&; To0yo, P-$-n. Death: Se$/e!ber *, 19*1;
Nyo/o, P-$-n. Parents: 1-/her, T-0uMi O-#-; Ko/her, Noyu0i O-#-; +do$/ed by
"en9yo 3u0-#- -nd his #ife, Ki>hi, in 19'2. Nationality: P-$-nese. Religion: Auddhis/
Bof /he Podo se>/C. Education: Nyo/o ?!$eri-l Ini8., P-$-n, K.S., 1929; Os-0- Ini8.,
P-$-n, Do>/or of S>ien>e, 19'*. Spouse: Su!i0o 3u0-#-, !-rried +$ril 19'2.
Children: L-ru!i, son; T-0--0i, son. Career: Nyo/o ?!$eri-l Ini8., P-$-n, Professor,
19'2:&0. Other Awards: ?!$eri-l Prize, P-$-n +>-de!y, 19)0; De>or-/ion of 6ul/ur-l
Keri/, 19)'; Lo!onoso8 "old Ked-l, 19(); Order of Keri/, "er!-ny, 19(); Order of
2isin Sun, P-$-n, 19&&.
Selected Publications: \On /he ?n/er->/ion of 5le!en/-ry P-r/i>les. ?.Z roceedings of
the hysical@#athematical (ociety of 7apan 1& B19'%CH )*. <ntroduction to ?uantum
#echanics. To0yoH Nobundo, 19)&. <ntroduction to the Theory of $lementary articles.
2 8olu!es. To0yoH ?#-n-!i Sho/en, 19)*. 1u2a0a /ide2i 7ishenshu B(elected %or2s of
/ide2i 1u2a0aC. % 8olu!es. To0yoH +s-hi Shi!bunsh-, 19&1. .reativity and <ntuition>
A hysicist -oo2s at $ast and %est. Tr. by P. Aes/er. To0yoH Nod-nsh- ?n/ern-/ion-l,
19&'. /ide2i 1u2a0a (cientific %or2s. To0yoH ?#-n-!i Sho/en, 19&9.
P-e 21(
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the Boyal (ociety. LondonH 2oy-l
So>ie/y, 19*', ((1:&(. Tabibito, the Traveler. B-u/obior-$hyC. Tr. by L. Aro#n -nd 2.
3oshid-. Sin-$oreH World S>ien/ifi>, 19*2.
Co$$entary: Lide0i 3u0-#- #on /he Nobel Prize \for his $redi>/ion of /he e@is/en>e
of !esons on /he b-sis of /heore/i>-l #or0 on nu>le-r for>es.Z Lis rese-r>h >on/inued on
/he !eson /heory -nd on /he ener-l /heory of ele!en/-ry $-r/i>les rel-/ed /o /he >on>e$/
of /he non-lo>-l field. 3u0-#-9s $ioneerin rese-r>h on /he !esons -nd /heir essen/i-l
$ro$er/ies $ro8ided \-n enor!ous s/i!ulus /o /he /heore/i>-l -s #ell -s e@$eri!en/-l
$hysi>s.Z ?n -ddi/ion, he #-s - s>ien/is/ #i/h - bro-d 8ision, #ell 8ersed in >l-ssi>-l
li/er-/ure, -nd 0eenly -#-re of so>i-l res$onsibili/ies of s>ien/is/s. +s - resul/, he #or0ed
-s -n ->/i8is/ for $e->e, - #orld o8ern!en/, -nd nu>le-r dis-r!-!en/. BP.S.S.C
Po)ell5 %ecil rank A0C
Prize: Physi>s, 19%0. Born: De>e!ber %, 190'; Tonbride, Nen/, 5nl-nd. Death:
+uus/ 9, 19(9; Aell-no, L-0e 6o!o, ?/-ly. Parents: 1-/her, 1r-n0 Po#ell; Ko/her,
5liz-be/h 6-roline Ais->re Po#ell. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Pro/es/-n/.
Education: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, b->>-l-ure-/e, 192%; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd,
Ph.D., 192&. Spouse: ?sobel Therese +r/ner, !-rried 19'2. Children: 2 d-uh/ers.
Career: Aris/ol Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 192*:(9. Other Awards: 6h-rles Sernon
Aoys Prize, 19)&; Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19)9; 2u/herford Ked-l -nd Prize,
19(0; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(1; Lo!onoso8 "old Ked-l, So8ie/ +>-de!y of
S>ien>es, 19(&; "u/hrie Ked-l -nd Prize, ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s -nd Physi>-l So>ie/y,
Selected Publications: The (tudy of $lementary articles by the hotographic #ethod.
LondonH Per-!on Press, 19%9. \6os!i> 2-di-/ion.Z roceedings of the <nstitute of
$lectrical $ngineers 10&A B19(0CH '*9:9). \The 2ole of Pure S>ien>e in 5uro$e-n
6i8iliz-/ion.Z hysics Today 1* B19(%CH %(:(). OOPro!ise -nd Proble!s of Kodern
S>ien>e.Z 'ature 21( B19(&CH %)':)(. (elected apers of .ecil =ran2 o0ell. 5d. by
5.L.S. Aurho$, W.O. Lo>0, -nd K.".N. Kenon. +!s/erd-!H Nor/h-Loll-nd, 19&2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&1, %)1:('. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H
S>ribner9s, 19&% BSolu!e 11C, 11&:1*.
Co$$entary: 6.1. Po#ell re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for his de8elo$!en/ of /he
$ho/or-$hi> !e/hod in /he s/udy of nu>le-r $ro>esses -nd for his dis>o8eries
>on>ernin !esons.Z Lis #or0 in /he use of $ho/or-$hi> e!ulsions /o /r->0 ele>/ri>-lly
>h-red $-r/i>les be-n in /he 19'0s, follo#in his #or0 #i/h Tynd-ll on ioni> !obili/y
in -ses. Po#ell9s /e>hniGue led /o /he dis>o8ery of - ne# $-r/i>le, /he $i!eson,
follo#ed by !-ny su>>essi8e dis>o8eries of uns/-ble ele!en/-ry $-r/i>les. Lis rese-r>h
s>hool -/ Aris/ol $l-yed - do!in-n/ role in $-r/i>le $hysi>s /hrouh 19%(. Po#ell #-s
-lso >o!!i//ed /o /he so>i-l res$onsibili/y of /he s>ien/is/ -nd /o in/ern-/ion-l
>oo$er-/ion, foundin /he Pu#-sh Ko8e!en/ for S>ien>e -nd World +ff-irs, -nd
ser8in -s $residen/ of /he World 1eder-/ion of S>ien/ifi> Wor0ers. BS.".C
%ockcroft5 <ohn (o!&las5 -ir A09
Prize: Physi>s, 19%1. Born: K-y 2&, 1*9&; Tod!orden, 3or0shire, 5nl-nd. Death:
Se$/e!ber 1*, 19(&; 6-!bride, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn +r/hur 6o>0>rof/;
Ko/her, K-ude 1ielden 6o>0>rof/. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nli>-n. Education:
Ini8. of K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd, K.S>.Te>h., 1922; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+.,
192); 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 192*. Spouse: 5uni>e 5liz-be/h 6r-b/ree,
!-rried +uus/ 2(, 192%. Children: ) d-uh/ers; 1 son. Career: 6-!bride Ini8.,
5nl-nd, Professor, 192*:'9; Ari/ish "o8ern!en/ Ser8i>e, 19'9:)); Ari/ish +/o!i>
5nery ProMe>/s, 19)):%9; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19%9:(&. Other
Awards: Luhes Ked-l, 19'*; +!eri>-n 1reedo! Ked-l, 19)&; Nnih/hood, 19)*;
6he8-lier de l- Leion d9Lonneur, 19%0; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19%); 1-r-d-y
Ked-l, 19%%; Nel8in "old Ked-l, 19%(; Niels Aohr ?n/ern-/ion-l "old Ked-l, 19%*;
"r-nd 6ross, Order of +lfonso 4, S$-in, 19%*; +/o!s for Pe->e +#-rd, 19(1.
Selected Publications: \The Desin of 6oils for /he Produ>/ion of S/ron K-ne/i>
1ields.Z hilosophical Transactions of the Boyal (ociety +22& B192*CH '1&:)'.
\5@$eri!en/s #i/h Lih Selo>i/y Posi/i8e ?ons.Z roceedings of the Boyal (ociety +129
B19'0CH )&&:*9 B#i/h 5.T.S. W-l/onC. \5@$eri!en/s #i/h Lih Selo>i/y Posi/i8e ?ons. ?.
1ur/her De8elo$!en/s in /he Ke/hod of Ob/-inin Lih Selo>i/y Posi/i8e ?ons.Z
roceedings of the Boyal (ociety +1'( B19'2CH (19:'0 B#i/h 5.T.S. W-l/onC.
\5@$eri!en/s #i/h Lih Selo>i/y Posi/i8e ?ons. ??. The Disin/er-/ion of 5le!en/s by
Lih Selo>i/y Pro/ons.Z roceedings of the Boyal (ociety +1'& B19'2CH 229:)2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(* BSolu!e 1)C, 1'9:**. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography.
Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&1 BSolu!e 'C, '2*:'1. L-r/>u$, "uy, -nd +llibone, T.5.
.oc2croft and the Atom. Aris/ol, 5nl-ndH +d-! Liler, 19*).
Co$$entary: Pohn 6o>0>rof/ sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his \$ioneer #or0 on /he
/r-ns!u/-/ion of -/o!i> nu>lei by -r/ifi>i-lly ->>eler-/ed -/o!i> $-r/i>les.Z Aeinnin
#i/h his in/eres/ in $rodu>in in/ense !-ne/i> fields -nd lo# /e!$er-/ures, 6o>0>rof/
soon be-n /o >oll-bor-/e #i/h his >ol-ure-/e, 5.T.S. W-l/on, in ->>eler-/in $ro/ons by
hih 8ol/-es, -nd -lso s/udied r-dio->/i8i/y -nd ele!en/s $rodu>ed by hih-enery
$ro/ons -nd deu/erons. + if/ed -d!inis/r-/or, 6o>0>rof/ #-s -lso in8ol8ed in #-r/i!e
rese-r>h -nd in /he Ari/ish +/o!i> 5nery ProMe>/s. B6.". -nd L.S.C
Walton5 "rnest Tho2as -inton A10
Prize: Physi>s, 19%1. Born: O>/ober (, 190'; Dun-r8-n, ?rel-nd. Death: Pune 2%,
199%; Aelf-s/, ?rel-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn +r/hur W-l/on; Ko/her, +nn- 5liz-be/h
Sin/on W-l/on. Nationality: ?rish. Religion: Ke/hodis/. Education: Ke/hodis/ 6ollee,
?rel-nd, A.+., 1922; Trini/y 6ollee, ?rel-nd, K.+., 192(; Trini/y 6ollee, ?rel-nd,
K.S>., 192&; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19'0. Spouse: Winifred ?s-bel Wilson,
!-rried 19'). Children: +l-n, son; K-ri-n, d-uh/er; Phili$, son; Pe-n, d-uh/er.
Career: Lord 2u/herford9s 2ese-r>h +ssis/-n/, 192&:'); Trini/y 6ollee,
P-e 21&
Dublin, ?rel-nd, Professor, 19'):&). Other Awards: Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y,
Selected Publications: \Produ>/ion of Lih S$eed 5le>/rons by ?ndire>/ Ke-ns.Z
.ambridge hilosophical (ociety roceedings BO>/ober 1929CH )(9:*1. \5@$eri!en/s
#i/h Lih Selo>i/y Posi/i8e ?ons.Z Boyal (ociety roceedings + BNo8e!ber ', 19'0CH
)&&:*9 B#i/h P. 6o>0>rof/C. \Tr-ns!u/-/ion of Li/hiu! -nd Aoron.Z Boyal (ociety
roceedings + BSe$/e!ber 1, 19''CH &'':)2 B#i/h P.?. DeeC. \Lih Selo>i/y Posi/i8e
?ons, P-r/ 'H Disin/er-/ion of Li, A, -nd 6 by Di$lons.Z Boyal (ociety roceedings +
BK-y 1, 19')CH &0):20 B#i/h P. 6o>0>rof/C. OOP-r/ )H Produ>/ion of ?ndu>ed
2-dio->/i8i/y by Pro/ons -nd Di$lons.Z Boyal (ociety roceedings + BP-nu-ry 1, 19'%CH
22%:)0 B#i/h P. 6o>0>rof/ -nd 6.W. "ilber/C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%2, (1*:20. #odern #en of (cience. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19((, %09:10. 'obel
ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e 2, %91:(00. 'e0
1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BPune 2*, 199%CH 9'*.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y >i/ed 5rnes/ W-l/on B-lon #i/h Pohn 6o>0>rof/C \for /heir
$ioneer #or0 on /he /r-ns!u/-/ion of -/o!i> nu>lei by -r/ifi>i-lly ->>eler-/ed -/o!i>
$-r/i>les.Z While #or0in for 2u/herford -/ 6-!bride, W-l/on buil/ - line-r ->>eler-/or
#hi>h be>-!e - $ro/o/y$e for subseGuen/ -/o!-s!-shers. Isin 8ol/-es of -bou/ )00
0ilo#-//s, #i/h - $ro/on >urren/ of - fe# !i>ro-!$eres, W-l/on -nd 6o>0>rof/ #ere -ble
/o bo!b-rd li/hiu! -/o!s #i/h suffi>ien/ for>e /o /r-nsfor! e->h li/hiu! nu>leus in/o
/#o heliu! nu>lei=/he firs/ su>>essful /r-ns!u/-/ion of ele!en/s by hu!-n !e-ns.
Their e@$eri!en/s de!ons/r-/ed /he enor!ous eneries -8-il-ble in -/o!i> nu>lei -nd
$ro8ided /he firs/ e@$eri!en/-l >onfir!-/ion of 5ins/ein9s eGu-/ions sho#in /he
eGui8-len>e of !-ss -nd enery. BL.2.S.C
+loch5 eli/ A11
Prize: Physi>s, 19%2. Born: O>/ober 2', 190%; JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd. Death: Se$/e!ber
10, 19*'; JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, "us/-8 Alo>h; Ko/her, +nes K-yer
Alo>h. Nationality: S#iss; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8.
of Lei$zi, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 192*. Spouse: Lore 6l-r- Kis>h, !-rried K-r>h 1), 19)0.
Children: "eore, son; D-niel, son; 1r-n0, son; 2u/h, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of
JRri>h, S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 192*:29; Ini8. of I/re>h/, Ne/herl-nds, 2ese-r>her,
1929:'0; Ini8. of Lei$zi, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19'0:'1; Ini8. of 6o$enh-en,
Den!-r0, 2ese-r>her, 19'1:'2; Ini8. of Lei$zi, "er!-ny, Professor, 19'2:'';
S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19'):&1.
Selected Publications: \The K-ne/i> Ko!en/ of /he Neu/ron.Z Ann. <nst. /enri
oincare * B19'*CH (':&*. \Nu>le-r ?ndu>/ion.Z hysical Bevie0 &0 B19)(CH )(0:&).
\6he!i>-l +n-lysis by Nu>le-r ?ndu>/ions.Z :.(. atent ,, "61, G;1. Puly 2), 19%1
B#i/h Willi-! W. L-nsenC. \Dyn-!i>-l Theory of Nu>le-r ?ndu>/ion. ??.Z hysical
Bevie0 102 B19%(CH 10):'%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 6hodoro#, K-r8in. =elix 8loch and the T0entieth .entury
hysics. Lous/on, T4H 2i>e Ini8. Press, 19*0. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-,
6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e 2, (01:10.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y honored 1eli@ Alo>h for his \de8elo$!en/ of hih
$re>ision !e/hods in /he field of nu>le-r !-ne/is! -nd /he dis>o8eries #hi>h #ere
!-de /hrouh /he use of /hese !e/hods.Z Alo>h in/rodu>ed /he /e>hniGues of nu>le-r
!-ne/i> reson-n>e, used ini/i-lly /o !e-sure /he !-ne/i> !o!en/s of /he $ro/on -nd
neu/ron, bu/ u/ilized l-/er for -n-lysis of or-ni> !ole>ules. Alo>h -lso #-s - !-Mor
fiure in rese-r>h on ele>/ron beh-8ior in >rys/-ls, /he $ro$er/ies of ferro!-ne/i>
do!-ins, @-r-y $heno!en-, Gu-n/u! ele>/rodyn-!i>s, -nd su$er>ondu>/i8i/y. BL.?.S.C
P!rcell5 "d)ard ,ills A12
Prize: Physi>s, 19%2. Born: +uus/ '0, 1912; T-ylor8ille, ?L. Death: K-r>h &, 199&;
6-!bride, K+. Parents: 1-/her, 5d#-rd +. Pur>ell; Ko/her, K-ry 5liz-be/h Kills
Pur>ell. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/.
Education: Purdue Ini8., ?N, A.S.5.5., 19''; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, +.K., 19'%; L-r8-rd
Ini8., K+, Ph.D., 19'*. Spouse: Ae/h 6. Ausser, !-rried P-nu-ry 22, 19'&. Children:
Dennis W., son; 1r-n0 A., son. Career: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19'*:)0;
K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 2ese-r>her, 19)1:)%; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+,
Professor, 19)(:*0. Other Awards: Oers/ed Ked-l, +!eri>-n +sso>i-/ion of Physi>s
Te->hers, 19(*; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19*0; L-r8-rd Ked-l, 19*(.
Selected Publications: \2el-@-/ion 5ffe>/s in Nu>le-r K-ne/i> 2eson-n>e
+bsor$/ion.Z hysical Bevie0 &' B19)*CH (&9:&12 B#i/h N. Aloe!beren -nd 2.S.
PoundC. \S/ru>/ur-l ?n8es/i-/ions by Ke-ns of Nu>le-r K-ne/is!. ?. 2iid 6rys/-l
L-//i>es.Z 7ournal of .hemical hysics 1& B19)9CH 9&2:*1 B#i/h o/hersC. \+ Pre>ise
De/er!in-/ion of /he Pro/on K-ne/i> Ko!en/ in Aohr K-ne/ons.Z hysical Bevie0
&( B19)9CH 12(2:(' B#i/h P.L. "-rdnerC. \?n/er->/ions be/#een Nu>le-r S$ins in
Kole>ules.Z hysical Bevie0 *% B19%2CH 1)':)) B#i/h N.1. 2-!seyC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%), %19:21. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e
2, (11:20.
Co$$entary: 5d#-rd Pur>ell sh-red /he Nobel Prize for \de8elo$!en/ of ne# !e/hods
of nu>le-r !-ne/i> $re>ision !e-sure!en/s -nd dis>o8eries in >onne>/ion /here#i/h.Z
Le inde$enden/ly dis>o8ered - !e/hod of !e-surin nu>le-r !-ne/is! #i/h r-dio
#-8es, #i/hou/ -ffe>/in /he s/ru>/ure bein e@-!ined. Pre8ious !e/hods, $-r/i>ul-rly
/hose of ?.?. 2-bi, de$ended on 8-$orizin /he subs/-n>e /o be e@-!ined. Pur>ell9s
!e/hod -lso $ro8ided for !u>h !ore ->>ur-/e 8-lues of nu>le-r !-ne/i> !o!en/s. Ay
19)9, Pur>ell h-d >o!$le/ed /he rese-r>h for #hi>h he #on /he $rize. Le >on/inued /o
!-0e >on/ribu/ions in /he fields of nu>le-r !-ne/is!, r-dio -s/rono!y, -s/ro$hysi>s,
-nd bio$hysi>s. BK.L.C
7ernike5 rits A13
Prize: Physi>s, 19%'. Born: Puly 1(, 1***; +!s/erd-!, Ne/herl-nds. Death: K-r>h 10,
19((; N--rden, Ne/herl-nds. Parents: 1-/her, 6-rl 1rederi>0 +uus/ Jerni0e;
P-e 21*
Ko/her, +n/Me Die$erin0 Jerni0e. Nationality: Du/>h. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education:
Ini8. of +!s/erd-!, Ne/herl-nds, Ph.D., 191%. Spouse: Dor- 8-n Ao!!el 8-n Slo/en,
!-rried 1929, died 19)); L. No$erber-A--nders, !-rried 19%). Children: 2 >hildren.
Career: Ini8. of "roninen, Ne/herl-nds, Professor, 191':%*. Other Awards: "old
Ked-l, Du/>h So>ie/y for S>ien>es, 1912; 2u!ford Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19%2.
Selected Publications: \Die Aeuun 8on 2on/ens/r-hlen in 1lussi0ei/en -ls 5ffe>/
der Kole0ul-nordnun.Z !. hys. )1 B192&CH 1*) B#i/h P.+. PrinsC. \Diffr->/ion Theory
of /he Nnife-5de Tes/ -nd ?/s ?!$ro8ed 1or!, /he Ph-se-6on/r-s/ Ke/hod.Z #on. 'at.
Boy. Astron. (oc. 9) B19')CH '&&. OOD-s Ph-sen0on/r-s/8erf-hren bei der
Ki0ros0o$s>hen Aeob->h/un.Z !. Techn. hys. 1( B19'%CH )%). \The Pro$--/ion of
Order in 6oo$er-/i8e Pheno!en-.Z hysica & B19)0CH %(%. \+ Pre>ision Ke/hod for
Ke-surin S!-ll Ph-se Differen>es.Z 7ournal of the Optical (ociety of America )0
B19%0CH '2(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
6-!brideH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(& BSolu!e 1'C, '9':)02. &ictionary of (cientific
8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&( BSolu!e 1)C, (1(:1&.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y >i/ed 1ri/s Jerni0e \for his de!ons/r-/ion of /he $h-se-
>on/r-s/ !e/hod, es$e>i-lly for his in8en/ion of /he $h-se->on/r-s/ !i>ros>o$e.Z Jerni0e
#-s -ble /o sho# /h-/ /here #ere indeed $h-se differen>es be/#een in>iden/ -nd
refr->/ed lih/, reGuired by /he >on>e$/ of lih/ -s - #-8e !o/ion. Le /hen used /his
$heno!enon /o de8elo$ - !i>ros>o$e >-$-ble of 8ie#in o/her#ise in8isible $-r/i>les,
su>h -s b->/eri- -nd >ells. Jerni0e #-s -lso - sinifi>-n/ >on/ribu/or /o /he de8elo$!en/
of $ho/or-$hy, s/-/is/i>s /heory, /he -l8-no!e/er, -nd o$/i>s. B2.P.C
+orn5 ,a/ A1?
Prize: Physi>s, 19%). Born: De>e!ber 11, 1**2; Aresl-u, "er!-ny. Death: P-nu-ry %,
19&0; "U//inen, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, "us/-8 Aorn; Ko/her, K-r-re//-
N-uff!-n Aorn. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er Ari/ish >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish.
Education: Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 190&. Spouse: Led#i 5hrenber,
!-rried +uus/ 2, 191'. Children: ?rene, d-uh/er; K-r-re/, d-uh/er; "us/-8, son.
Career: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 190&:0*; Ini8. of Aresl-u, "er!-ny,
2ese-r>her, 190*:09; Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, Professor, 1909:12; Ini8. of
6hi>-o, ?L, 2ese-r>her, 1912:1%; Ini8. of Aerlin, Professor, 191%:19; "er!-n +r!y,
191%:19; Ini8. of 1r-n0fur/, "er!-ny, Professor, 1919:21; Ini8. of "U//inen,
"er!-ny, Professor, 1921:''; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'':'(; Ini8. of
5dinburh, S>o/l-nd, Professor, 19'(:%'. Other Awards: S/o0es Ked-l, 5nl-nd, 19');
K->dou-ll-Arisb-ne -nd "unnin-Si>/ori- Pubilee Prize, 2oy-l So>ie/y of 5dinburh,
S>o/l-nd, 19)%, 19%0; K-@ Pl-n>0 Ked-ille, "er!-ny, 19)*; Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l
So>ie/y, 19%0; "ro/ius Ked-l, Kuni>h, "er!-ny, 19%(.
Selected Publications: !ur 8egrundung der #atri*enmechani2. S/u//-r/, "er!-nyH 5.
A-//enber, 19(2. !ur (tatistischen &eutung der ?uantentheorie. 2 8olu!es. S/u//-r/,
"er!-nyH 5. A-//enber, 19(2. Ausge0oehlte Abhandlungen B>olle>/ed #or0sC. 2
8olu!es. "U//inen, "er!-nyH S-ndenhoe0 -nd 2u$re>h/, 19('.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s,
19&* BSolu!e 1%C, '9:)). #ein -eben. &ie $rrinerungen des 'obelpreistragers.
Kuni>hH Ny!$henburer Serl-sh-ndlun, 19&% B#y -ife> Becollections of a 'obel
-aureate. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner, 19&*C. hysics in #y 5eneration. Ne# 3or0H Per-!on
Press, 19%(.
Co$$entary: K-@ Aorn #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y for his s/-/is/i>-l in/er$re/-/ion of
/he Gu-n/u! /heory. Lis e-rly #or0 on 8ibr-/ions -nd l-//i>e eneries in >rys/-ls #-s
follo#ed by his $ioneer effor/s in /he -re-s of Gu-n/u! /heory -nd !-/ri@ !e>h-ni>s.
Aorn #-s -lso - le-din fiure in /he e-rly e@$l-n-/ions of /he #-8e-$-r/i>le -!biui/ies
of $hysi>s. BK.N.C
+othe5 Walther Wilhel2 6eor& A1@
Prize: Physi>s, 19%). Born: P-nu-ry *, 1*91; Or-nienbur, "er!-ny. Death: 1ebru-ry
*, 19%&; Leidelber, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, 1riedri>h Ao/he; Ko/her, 6h-rlo//e
L-r/un Ao/he. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of Aerlin,
"er!-ny, Ph.D., 191). Spouse: A-rb-r- Aelo#, !-rried Puly (, 1920. Children: 5len-,
d-uh/er; Poh-nn-, d-uh/er. Career: "er!-n +r!y, 191%:20; Ini8. of Aerlin,
"er!-ny, Professor, 1920:'0; "iessen Ini8., "er!-ny, Professor, 19'0:'2; K-@
Pl-n>0 ?ns/i/u/e, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19'2:%&. Other Awards:
Order Pour le K_ri/e, $e->e >l-ss, 19%2; K-@ Pl-n>0 Prize, 19%'; "rossen
Serdeins/0reuz Aundesre$ubli0, 19%).
Selected Publications: \5in We zur 5@$eri!en/ellen N->h$rufund der Theorie 8on
Aohr, Nr-ners und Sl-/er.Z !eitschrift f3r hysi2 2( B192)CH )). \^ber des Wesen des
6o!$/oneffe0/s.Z !eitschrift f3r hysi2 '2 B192%CH ('9. Atlas Typischer
'ebel2ammerbilder. AerlinH P. S$riner, 19)0 B#i/h Wolf-n "en/nerC. \D-s Wesen der
Lohens/r-hlun.Z !eitschrift f3r hysi2 %( B19%9CH &%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%%, %%:%(. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&' BSolu!e
2C, ''&:'9. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e 2,
Co$$entary: The Nobel 6o!!i//ee honored W-l/her Ao/he for \/he >oin>iden>e
!e/hod -nd his dis>o8eries #i/h /his !e/hodZ -nd >i/ed hi! for his le-dershi$ in /he
\ne# $hysi>s.Z The >oin>iden>e !e/hod Ao/he used #-s b-sed on /he f->/ /h-/ - sinle
$-r/i>le $-ssin /hrouh /#o or !ore >oun/ers $rodu>es $ulses fro! e->h >oun/er
$r->/i>-lly >oin>iden/ in /i!e. The !e/hod #-s used /o s/udy -nul-r dis/ribu/ion of
>os!i> r-ys, /he 6o!$/on 5ffe>/, -nd !-ny o/her $hysi>s $roble!s. Ao/he -lso
>on/ribu/ed sinifi>-n/ly in his rese-r>h on /he >or$us>ul-r /heory of lih/, lih/ Gu-n/-
-nd in/erferen>e, -nd fission $rodu>/s. BK.N.6.C
8!sch5 Pol$carp A1A
Prize: Physi>s, 19%%. Born: P-nu-ry 2(, 1911; Al-n0enbur, "er!-ny. Death: K-r>h
20, 199'; D-ll-s, T4. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn K-//hi-s Nus>h; Ko/her, Lenrie//- S-n der
L--s Nus>h. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Lu/her-n.
P-e 219
Education: 6-se ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, OL, A.S., 19'1; Ini8. of ?llinois, K.S., 19'';
Ini8. of ?llinois, Ph.D., 19'(. Spouse: 5di/h S/-rr K>2ober/s, !-rried +uus/ 12, 19'%,
died De>e!ber 19%9; Ae//y P-ne Pezzoni, !-rried 19(0. Children: N-/hryn, d-uh/er;
Pudi/h, d-uh/er; S-r-, d-uh/er; Di-n-, d-uh/er; K-ri-, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of
Kinneso/-, 2ese-r>her, 19'(:'&; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor, 19'&:)1;
Wes/inhouse 5le>/ri> -nd K-nuf->/urin 6o!$-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19)1:)2; 6olu!bi-
Ini8., N3, 2ese-r>her, 19)2:)); Aell Tele$hone L-bor-/ories, NP, 2ese-r>her, 19)):)(;
6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19)(:&2; Ini8. of Te@-s -/ D-ll-s,
Professor, 19&2:*2. Other Awards: ?llinois +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, Ini8. of ?llinois, 19&%.
Selected Publications: \The 2-diofreGuen>y S$e>/r- of +/o!s.Z hysical Bevie0 %&
B19)0CH &(%:*0 B#i/h S. Kill!-n -nd ?.?. 2-biC. \The K-ne/i> Ko!en/ of /he
5le>/ron.Z hysical Bevie0 &) B19)*CH 2%0:(' B#i/h L.K. 1oleyC. OOThe K-ne/i>
Ko!en/ of /he Pro/on.Z hysical Bevie0 &% B19)9CH 1)*1:92 B#i/h L. T-ubC. \The
World of S>ien>e -nd /he S>ien/is/9s World.Z 8ulletin of the Atomic (cientists 2)
BO>/ober 19(*CH '*:)'. \+ Person-l Sie# of S>ien>e -nd /he 1u/ure.Z ?n The =uture of
(cienceN 19A" 'obel .onference Organi*ed by 5ustavus Adolphus .ollege. Ne# 3or0H
Pohn Wiley Y Sons, 19&&, '9:%%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%(, ')*:%0. 'ational .yclopedia of American 8iography. Ne# 3or0H P-!es T. Whi/e,
19(0 BSolu!e ?C, '%. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**,
Solu!e 2, ((':&2. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BK-r>h 2', 199'CH )01.
Co$$entary: Poly>-r$ Nus>h !-de >-reful -n-lyses of /he !-ne/i> !o!en/ of /he
ele>/ron b-sed on /he s/ru>/ure of enery le8els in 8-rious ele!en/s -nd #-s, /hereby,
-ble /o dis$ro8e /he lon-$re8-ilin >-l>ul-/ions of Dr. P.K.+. Dir->. These resul/s led
/o /he de8elo$!en/ of ne# s>ien/ifi> $rin>i$les ser8in -s /he b-sis of Gu-n/u!
ele>/rodyn-!i>s. The i!$or/-n>e of Nus>h9s \$re>ision de/er!in-/ion of /he !-ne/i>
!o!en/ of /he ele>/ronZ !eri/ed hi! /he Nobel Prize, #hi>h he sh-red #i/h Willi-!
L-!b, - >olle-ue #ho h-d $erfor!ed e@$eri!en/s rel-/ed /o Nus>h9s. ?n l-/er ye-rs
Nus>h -lso de8o/ed !u>h effor/ /o $ro!o/in s>ien>e edu>-/ion. B6.L.W.C
#a2b5 Willis "!&ene5 <r: A1B
Prize: Physi>s, 19%%. Born: Puly 12, 191'; Los +neles, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, Willis
5uene L-!b; Ko/her, K-rie Lelen Ke/>-lf L-!b. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion:
No reliious -ffili-/ion. Education: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, A.S., 19'); Ini8. of 6-liforni-,
Ph.D., 19'*. Spouse: Irsul- S>h-efer, !-rried Pune %, 19'9, died 199(; Aruri-
N-uf!-n, !-rried No8e!ber 29, 199(. Children: None. Career: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3,
Professor, 19'*:%1; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19%1:%(; O@ford Ini8., 5nl-nd,
Professor, 19%(:(2; 3-le Ini8., 6T, Professor, 19(2:&); Ini8. of +rizon-, Professor,
19&)-. Other Awards: 2u!ford +#-rd, +!eri>-n +>-de!y of +r/s, 19%'; 2ese-r>h
6or$or-/ion +#-rd, 19%%; 3eshi8- +#-rd, 19(2.
Selected Publications: \1ine S/ru>/ure of /he Lydroen +/o! by - Ki>ro#-8e Ke/hod.Z
hysical Bevie0 &2 B19)&CH 2)1:)' B#i/h 2ober/ 6. 2e/herfordC. \1or!-/ion of
Ke/-s/-ble Lydroen +/o!s by 5le>/ron Ao!b-rd!en/ of L-2.Z hysical Bevie0 &%
B19)9CH 1''2 B#i/h 2ober/ 6. 2e/herfordC. \The 1ine S/ru>/ure of Sinly ?onized
Leliu!.Z hysical Bevie0 &* B19%0CH %'9:%0 B#i/h Kiri-! S0innerC. \1ine S/ru>/ure of
n-' Lydroen by - 2-dio-1reGuen>y Ke/hod.Z hysical Bevie0 10' B19%(CH '1':1)
B#i/h T.K. S-ndersC. -aser hysics. 2e-din, K+H +ddison-Wesley Publishin 6o.,
19&) B#i/h K. S-ren/ -nd K.O. S>ullyC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%(, '%&:%*. 'ational .yclopedia of American 8iography. Ne# 3or0H P-!es T. Whi/e,
19(' BSolu!e PC, 2'*. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**,
Solu!e 2, (%':(2.
Co$$entary: Willis L-!b re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for his \dis>o8eries re-rdin /he
hy$erfine s/ru>/ure of /he hydroen s$e>/ru!.Z Lis ->>ur-/e s/udies sho#ed /h-/ /he /#o
$ossible enery s/-/es of hydroen, r-/her /h-n bein eGu-l -s $redi>/ed by Dir->,
differed by - 8ery s!-ll -!oun/. The \L-!b shif/Z reGuired - re8ision of /he /heory of
in/er->/ion of /he ele>/ron #i/h ele>/ro!-ne/i> r-di-/ion. L-!b -lso >on/ribu/ed
sinifi>-n/ly in /heore/i>-l $hysi>s, -/o!i> -nd nu>le-r s/ru>/ure, !i>ro#-8e
s$e>/ros>o$y, -nd !-ser -nd l-ser $hysi>s. BL.?.S.C
+ardeen5 <ohn A1C
Prize: Physi>s, 19%(; Physi>s, 19&2 ;S55 251<. Born: K-y 2', 190*; K-dison, W?.
Death: P-nu-ry '0, 1991; Aos/on, K+. Parents: 1-/her, 6h-rles 2ussell A-rdeen;
Ko/her, +l/he- L-r!er A-rdeen. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: \L-rdly -nyZ; fro!
Ini/-ri-n,6-/holi> b->0round. Education: Ini8. of Wis>onsin, A.S., 192*; Ini8. of
Wis>onsin, K.+., 1929; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Ph.D., 19'(. Spouse: P-ne K-@#ell,
!-rried 19'*. Children: P-!es K-@#ell, son; Willi-! +llen, son; 5liz-be/h +nn
A-rdeen "rey/-0, d-uh/er. Career: "ulf 2ese-r>h -nd De8elo$!en/, "eo$hysi>is/,
19'0:''; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, 1ello#, 19'%:'*; Ini8. of Kinneso/-, Professor, 19'*:
)1; I.S. N-8-l Ordin-n>e L-bor-/ory, Physi>is/, 19)1:)%; Aell Tele$hone L-bor-/ories,
NP, Physi>is/, 19)%:%1; Ini8. of ?llinois, Professor, 19%1:&%. Other Awards: S/u-r/
A-ll-n/ine Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, 19%2; Au>0ley Prize, +!eri>-n Physi>-l So>ie/y,
19%); Pohn S>o// Ked-l, 6i/y of Phil-del$hi-, 19%%; 1ri/z London +#-rd, 19(2; Sin>en/
Aendi@ +#-rd, +!eri>-n So>ie/y of 5nineerin 5du>-/ion, 19((; Ki>helson-Korley
+#-rd, 6-se Wes/ern 2eser8e Ini8., OL, 19(*; Ked-l of Lonor, ?ns/i/u/e of 5le>/ri>-l
-nd 5le>/roni> 5nineerin, 19&1; P-!es K-dison Ked-l, Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, 19&';
1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e Ked-l, 19&%; Presiden/i-l Ked-l of 1reedo!, 19&&; Lo!onoso8
Ked-l, 19*&.
Selected Publications: \?n/er->/ion be/#een 5le>/rons -nd L-//i>e Sibr-/ions.Z
.anadian 7ournal of hysics ') B19%(CH 11&1:*9. \2ese-r>h Le-din /o /he Poin/-
6on/->/ Tr-nsis/or.Z (cience 12( B19%&CH 10%:1'. \Theory of Su$er>ondu>/i8i/y.Z
hysical Bevie0 10* B19%&CH 11&%:20). \6ri/i>-l 1ields -nd 6urren/s in
Su$er>ondu>/ors.Z Bevie0s of #odern hysics ') B19(2CH ((&:&%. \2e8ie# of /he
Presen/ S/-/us of /he Theory of Su$er>ondu>/i8i/y.Z <8# 7ournal of Besearch ( B19(2CH
':11. \5le>/ron-$honon ?n/er->/ions -nd Su$er>ondu>/i8i/y.Z (cience 1*1 B19&'CH 1209:
1). A .ollection of rofessor 7ohn 8ardeen)s ublications on
P-e 220
(emiconductors and (uperconductivity. Irb-n-H Ini8. of ?llinois Press, 19**.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: #odern #en of (cience. 2 8olu!es. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-
Lill, 19((:(* BSolu!e 1C, 19:20. Weinr-ub, Aern-rd. \Si@ +!eri>-ns Win Nobel Prizes
in Physi>s -nd 6he!is/ry 1ields.Z 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 21, 19&2CH 1, 1).
8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety. LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 199)
BSolu!e '9CH 19.
Co$$entary: Pohn A-rdeen #-s /he /hird Nobel l-ure-/e /o #in /he $rize /#i>e -nd /he
firs/ /o #in /#i>e in /he s-!e field, /he firs/ /i!e B19%(C for >oo$er-/i8e rese-r>h on
\se!i>ondu>/ors -nd p dis>o8ery of /he /r-nsis/or effe>/Z -nd /he se>ond /i!e B19&2C
for - >oo$er-/i8e de8elo$!en/ of - /heory of su$er>ondu>/i8i/y. Lis ini/i-l #or0 h-d
been /he b-sis for /he e!eren>e of /he solid s/-/e ele>/roni>s indus/ry. Lis l-/er #or0
$er!i//ed - /heore/i>-l e@$l-n-/ion of /he dis-$$e-r-n>e of ele>/ri>-l resis/-n>e in
!-/eri-ls -/ /e!$er-/ures >lose /o -bsolu/e zero. BL.K.W.C
+rattain5 Walter 1o!ser A19
Prize: Physi>s, 19%(. Born: 1ebru-ry 10, 1902; +!oy, 6hin-. Death: O>/ober 1', 19*&;
Se-//le, W+. Parents: 1-/her, 2oss 2. Ar-//-in; Ko/her, O//ilie Louser Ar-//-in.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 1ro! Qu-0er b->0round. Education: Whi/!-n
6ollee, W+, A.S., 192); Ini8. of Oreon, K.+., 192(; Ini8. of Kinneso/-, Ph.D.,
1929. Spouse: Neren "il!ore, !-rried Puly %, 19'%, died +$ril 19%&; 5!!- P-ne
Nirs>h Killer, !-rried K-y 10, 19%*. Children: Willi-! "il!ore, son. Career: Aure-u
of S/-nd-rds, W-shin/on, D6, 2ese-r>her, 192*:29; Aell Tele$hone L-bor-/ories, NP,
1929:(&; Whi/!-n 6ollee, W-ll- W-ll-, W+, Professor, 19(&:&2. Other Awards:
S/u-r/ A-ll-n/ine Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19%2; Pohn S>o// Ked-l, Phil-del$hi-,
P+, 19%%; N-/ion-l ?n8en/ors L-ll of 1-!e, 19&).
Selected Publications: \N-/ure of /he 1or#-rd 6urren/ in "er!-niu! Poin/ 6on/->/s.Z
hysical Bevie0 &) B19)*CH 2'1:'2 B#i/h P. A-rdeenC. \The Tr-nsis/or, - Se!i-
6ondu>/or Triode.99 hysical Bevie0 &) B19)*CH 2'0:'1 B#i/h P. A-rdeenC. \Physi>-l
Prin>i$les ?n8ol8ed in Tr-nsis/or +>/ion.Z hysical Bevie0 &% B19)9CH 120*:2% B#i/h P.
A-rdeenC. \Surf->e Pro$er/ies of Se!i>ondu>/ors.Z (cience 12( B19%&CH 1%1:%'. \The
Dis/ribu/ion of Po/en/i-l +>ross /he Lo#?nde@ 6rys/-l Pl-nes of "er!-niu! 6on/->/in
on +Gueous Solu/ion.Z roceedings of the 'ational Academy of (ciences )* B19(2CH
200%:12 B#i/h P.P. AoddyC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%&, (*:&0. 'ational .yclopedia of American 8iography. Ne# 3or0H P-!es T. Whi/e,
19(0 BSolu!e 1C, )0):0%. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H 19**, Solu!e
2, (9%:&0). 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 1), 19*&CH 10)0.
8iographical #emoirs. 'ational Academy of (ciences. W-shin/on, D.6.H N-/ion-l
+>-de!y Press, 199), Solu!e (', (9.
Co$$entary: W-l/er Louser Ar-//-in sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his \in8es/i-/ions on
se!i>ondu>/ors -nd /he dis>o8ery of /he /r-nsis/or effe>/.Z While en-ed in
se!i>ondu>/or rese-r>h -/ Aell L-bor-/ories /o find - subs/i/u/e for 8->uu! /ubes in
r-dios, he -nd his >ol-ure-/es in8en/ed /he /r-nsis/or -nd sho#ed /h-/ >er/-in
se!i>ondu>/ors >ould re>/ify -nd -!$lify >urren/s -nd 8ol/-es. Ar-//-in9s >on/ribu/ions
/o solid s/-/e $hysi>s -lso in>lude his #or0 on /he $ho/oeffe>/ -/ /he free surf->e of -
se!i>ondu>/or. Durin World W-r ??, Ar-//-in #or0ed on /he !-ne/i> de/e>/ion of
sub!-rines. BA.N.L.C
-hockle$5 Willia2 +radford A20
Prize: Physi>s, 19%(. Born: 1ebru-ry 1', 1910; London, 5nl-nd. Death: +uus/ 12,
19*9; P-lo +l/o, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, Willi-! Lill!-n Sho>0ley; Ko/her, K-y
Ar-dford Sho>0ley. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: +/heis/; fro! Pro/es/-n/
b->0round. Education: 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, A.S., 19'2; K-ss->huse//s
?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 19'(. Spouse: Pe-n +lber/- A-iley, !-rried 19'',
di8or>ed 19%%; 5!ily ?. L-nnin, !-rried 19%%. Children: +lison, d-uh/er; Willi-!,
son; 2i>h-rd, son. Career: Aell Tele$hone L-bor-/ories, NP, 2ese-r>her, 19'(:)2;
Ini/ed S/-/es N-8y, 2ese-r>h Dire>/or, 19)2:)); Aell Tele$hone L-bor-/ories, NP,
2ese-r>her, 19)%:%%; Sho>0ley Se!i>ondu>/or L-bor-/ories, Dire>/or, 19%%:%*;
Sho>0ley Tr-nsis/or 6or$or-/ion, Presiden/, 19%*:(0; Sho>0ley Tr-nsis/or Ini/,
Dire>/or, 19(0:('; 6onsul/-n/, 19(':(%; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19(':&%.
Other Awards: Ked-l of Keri/, Ini/ed S/-/es, 19)(; Korris Leib!-nn Prize, ?ns/i/u/e of
2-dio 5nineers, 19%1; O.5. Au>0ley Prize, +!eri>-n Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19%';
6o!s/o>0 Prize, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19%); Wilhel! 5@ner Ked-l,
Oes/errei>his>her "e#erberein, 19('; Lolley Ked-l, +!eri>-n So>ie/y of Ke>h-ni>-l
5nineers, 19('; Publi> Ser8i>e +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, N-/ion-l +eron-u/i>s -nd S$->e
+d!inis/r-/ion, 19(9; "old Ked-l, ?ns/i/u/e of 5le>/ri>-l -nd 5le>/roni>s 5nineers,
19&2; N-/ion-l ?n8en/ors L-ll of 1-!e, 19&); Ked-l of Lonor, ?ns/i/u/e of 5le>/ri>-l -nd
5le>/roni>s 5nineers, 19*0; 6-liforni- ?n8en/or9s L-ll of 1-!e, 19*'.
Selected Publications: \Densi/y of Surf->e S/-/es on Sili>on Dedu>ed fro! 6on/->/
Po/en/i-l Ke-sure!en/s.Z hysical Bevie0 &2 B19)&CH ')% B#i/h W. Ar-//-inC.
\Kodul-/ion of 6ondu>/-n>e of Thin 1il!s of Se!i>ondu>/ors by Surf->e 6h-res.Z
hysical Bevie0 &) B19)*CH 2'2:'' B#i/h ".L. Pe-rsonC. \?n8es/i-/ion of Lole
?nMe>/ion in Tr-nsis/or +>/ion.Z hysical Bevie0 &% B19)9CH (91 B#i/h P.2. L-ynesC.
$lectrons and /oles in (emiconductors. Ne# 3or0H D. S-n Nos/r-nd 6o., 19%0. \The
Kobili/y -nd Life of ?nMe>/ed Loles -nd 5le>/rons in "er!-niu!.Z hysical Bevie0 *1
B19%1CH *'%:)' B#i/h P.2. L-ynesC. \S/-/is/i>s of /he 2e>o!bin-/ions of Loles -nd
5le>/rons.Z hysical Bevie0 *& B19%2CH *'%:)2 B#i/h W.T. 2e-dC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%', %(9:&1. #odern #en of (cience. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19((, )'0. 'obel
ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, Solu!e 2, (&':*2. 'e0 1or2 Times
8iographical (ervice B+uus/ 1), 19*9CH &&(.
Co$$entary: Willi-! Sho>0ley #on /he Nobel Prize for his \rese-r>hes on
se!i>ondu>/ors -nd dis>o8ery of /he /r-nsis/or effe>/.Z Sho>0ley -d8-n>ed /he
hy$o/hesis #hi>h led /he #-y /o /he in8en/ion of /he /r-nsis/or, #hi>h freed ele>/roni>s
fro! /he dis-d8-n/-es of /he 8->uu! /ube, -nd $ro8ided - de8i>e #hi>h >ould re>/ify
e@/re!ely hihfreGuen>y sin-ls #i/h re-/ reli-bili/y. ?n l-/er ye-rs, his
P-e 221
/heories on /he ene/i> differen>es be/#een r->es o>>u$ied !u>h of his /i!e -nd #ere
#idely >ri/i>ized. BD.+.N.C
#ee5 Ts!n&'(ao A21
Prize: Physi>s, 19%&. Born: No8e!ber 2%, 192(; Sh-nh-i, 6hin-. Parents: 1-/her,
Tsin-Non Lee; Ko/her Kin6h-n 6h-n Lee. Nationality: 6hinese; l-/er +!eri>-n
>i/izen. Religion: No reliious -ffili-/ion. Education: N-/ion-l 6he0i-n Ini8., 6hin-,
b->>-l-ure-/e, 19)); Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Ph.D., 19%0. Spouse: Pe-ne//e Lui-6hun
6hin, !-rried Pune ', 19%0. Children: P-!es, son; S/e$hen, son. Career: Ini8. of
6-liforni-, Aer0eley, 2ese-r>her, 19%0:%1; ?ns/i/u/e for +d8-n>ed S/udy, Prin>e/on, NP,
2ese-r>her, 19%1:%'; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor, 19%':(0; ?ns/i/u/e for +d8-n>ed
S/udy, Prin>e/on, NP, 2ese-r>her, 19(0:('; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor, 19('-.
Other Awards: +lber/ 5ins/ein 6o!!e!or-/i8e +#-rd in S>ien>e, 3eshi8- Ini8., 19%&;
S>ien>e +#-rd, Ne#s$-$er "uild of N3, 19%&.
Selected Publications: \?n/er->/ion of Kesons #i/h Nu>leons -nd Lih/ P-r/i>les.Z
hysical Bevie0 &% B19)9CH 90% B#i/h 6.N. 3-n -nd K. 2osenblu/hC. \K-ss
Deener->y of /he Le-8y Kesons.Z hysical Bevie0 102 B19%(CH 290:91 B#i/h 6.N.
3-nC. OOQues/ion of P-ri/y 6onser8-/ion in We-0 ?n/er->/ions.Z hysical Bevie0 10)
B19%(CH 2%):%* B#i/h 6.N. 3-nC. \P-ri/y Non>onser8-/ion -nd - T#o6o!$onen/
Theory of /he Neu/rino.Z hysical Bevie0 10% B19%&CH 1(&1:&% B#i/h 6.N. 3-nC.
\2e!-r0s on Possible Nonin8-ri-n>e under Ti!e 2e8ers-l -nd 6h-re 6onMu-/ion.Z
hysical Bevie0 10( B19%&CH ')0:)% B#i/h 6.N. 3-nC. article hysics and
<ntroduction to =ield Theory. Ne# 3or0H L-r#ood +>-de!i> Press, 19*1. T.&. -ee>
(elected apers. Aos/on, K+; Air0h-user, 19*&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%*, 2)0:)1. hysics Teacher 20 BK-y 19*2C, 2*1:**. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics.
P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e 2, &1%:2%.
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o Tsun-D-o Lee -nd 6hen Nin 3-n #-s \for /heir
$ene/r-/in in8es/i-/ion of /he so->-lled $-ri/y l-#s #hi>h h-s led /o i!$or/-n/
dis>o8eries re-rdin /he ele!en/-ry $-r/i>les.Z The $-ri/y $rin>i$le h-d held /h-/ /here
#-s no differen>e be/#een rih/ -nd lef/ or /h-/ /he !irror i!-e of - nu>le-r re->/ion
#-s iden/i>-l /o /he re->/ion. Lee -nd 3-n >ould no/ !-0e /he N-!eson $-r/i>les fi/ /his
->>e$/ed /heory. They Gues/ioned /he underlyin /heory of sy!!e/ry -nd $ro$osed
e@$eri!en/s /o >he>0 /heir ide-s. ?n -ddi/ion /o his #or0 on $-ri/y non>onser8-/ion,
Lee9s #or0 #-s no/e#or/hy in /he -re-s of s/-/is/i>-l !e>h-ni>s, nu>le-r -nd subnu>le-r
$hysi>s, field /heory, -s/ro$hysi>s, -nd /urbulen>e. B1.N.C
9an&5 %hen Nin& A22
Prize: Physi>s, 19%&. Born: Se$/e!ber 22, 1922; Lofei, +n#hei, 6hin-. Parents:
1-/her, Ne 6hu-n 3-n; Ko/her, Ken L#- Loh 3-n. Nationality: 6hinese; l-/er
+!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: No reliious -ffili-/ion; $-ren/s -re -lso un-ffili-/ed.
Education: N-/ion-l Sou/h#es/ +sso>i-/ed Ini8., 6hin-, A.S>., 19)2; Tsinhu- Ini8.,
6hin-, K.S>., 19)); Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Ph.D., 19)*. Spouse: 6hih Li Tu, !-rried
+uus/ 2(, 19%0. Children: 1r-n0lin, son; "ilber/, son; 5ulee, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8.
of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19)*:)9; ?ns/i/u/e for +d8-n>ed S/udy, Prin>e/on, NP,
Professor, 19)9:(%; S/-/e Ini8. of Ne# 3or0, S/ony Aroo0, Professor -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19(%-. Other Awards: +lber/ 5ins/ein 6o!!e!or-/i8e +#-rd, 19%&;
2u!ford Prize, 19*0; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19*(; Liber/y +#-rd, 19*(; 1r-n0lin
Ked-l, 199'.
Selected Publications: \?n/er->/ion of Kesons #i/h Nu>leons -nd Lih/ P-r/i>les.Z
hysical Bevie0 &% B19)9CH 90% B#i/h T.D. Lee -nd K. 2osenblu/hC. \2efle>/ion
Pro$er/ies of S$in 1,2 1ields -nd - Ini8ers-l 1er!i-Ty$e ?n/er->/ion.Z hysical Bevie0
&9 B19%0CH )9%:9* B#i/h P. Tio!noC. \K-ss Deener->y of /he Le-8y Kesons.Z
hysical Bevie0 102 B19%(CH 290:91 B#i/h T.D. LeeC. \Ques/ion of P-ri/y 6onser8-/ion
in We-0 ?n/er->/ions.Z hysical Bevie0 10) B19%(CH 2%):%* B#i/h T.D. LeeC. \P-ri/y
Non>onser8-/ion -nd - T#o-6o!$onen/ Theory of /he Neu/rino.Z hysical Bevie0 10%
B19%&CH 1(&1:&% B#i/h T.D. LeeC. \2e!-r0s on Possible Nonin8-ri-n>e under Ti!e
2e8ers-l -nd 6h-re 6onMu-/ion.Z hysical Bevie0 10( B19%&CH ')0:)% B#i/h T.D.
LeeC. (elected apers, 19G"+;0, 0ith .ommentary. S-n 1r-n>is>o, 6+H W.L. 1ree!-n,
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, *((. Liu, 6.S. -nd 3-u, Shin-Tun. .hen 'ing 1ang> a 5reat hysicist
of the T0entieth .entury. 6-!bride, K+H ?n/ern-/ion-l Press, 199%. 'obel ri*e
%inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e 2, &0%:1'.
Co$$entary: 6hen Nin 3-n sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h Tsun-D-o Lee \for /heir
$ene/r-/in in8es/i-/ion of /he so->-lled $-ri/y l-#s #hi>h h-s led /o i!$or/-n/
dis>o8eries re-rdin /he ele!en/-ry $-r/i>les.Z 3-n -nd Lee >ould no/ !-0e N-!esons
fi/ /he ->>e$/ed /heory of $-ri/y >onser8-/ion, so /hey e@$eri!en/ed /o de!ons/r-/e
$-ri/y non>onser8-/ion. ?n -ddi/ion /o /he rese-r>h on $-ri/y non>onser8-/ion, 3-n9s
!-Mor in/eres/s #ere in /he -re-s of s/-/is/i>-l !e>h-ni>s -nd sy!!e/ry $rin>i$les.
%herenko>5 Pa>el 0lekse$e>ich A23
Prize: Physi>s, 19%*. Born: Puly 2*, 190); No8-y- 6hil-, 2ussi-. Parents: 1-/her,
+le0sei 6heren0o8; Ko/her, K-riy- 6heren0o8. Nationality: 2ussi-n. Religion: Kos/
$rob-bly 6hris/i-n,5-s/ern Or/hodo@. Education: Soronezh Ini8., ISS2, r-du-/e,
192*; Physi>s ?ns/i/u/e, ISS2 +>-de!y of S>ien>e, Do>/or-/e of Physi>o-K-/he!-/i>-l
S>ien>es, 19)0. Spouse: K-ry- Pu/in/se8-, !-rried 19'0. Children: +le0sei, son; 5len-,
d-uh/er. Career: Lebede8 Physi> ?ns/i/u/e, Kos>o#, ISS2, 2ese-r>her -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19'0-. Other Awards: S/-lin Prize, 19)(; Order of Lenin, 19().
Selected Publications: \Sisible "lo# of Pure LiGuids under /he ?nfluen>e of "-!!--
r-ys.Z .ompt. Bend. Acad. (ci. :.B.(.(. 2 B19')CH )%1:%). \Sisible 2-di-/ion Produ>ed
by 5le>/rons Ko8in in - Kediu! #i/h Selo>i/ies 5@>eedin /h-/ of Lih/.Z hysical
Bevie0 %2 B19'&CH '&*:&9. \Sisible 2-di-/ion of Pure LiGuids under /he +>/ion of 1-s/
5le>/rons.Z 8ull. Acad. (ci. :.B.(.(., .lasse sci. #at. 'at., (er. hys B19'&CH )%%:91.
\+bsolu/e Ou/$u/ of 2-di-/ion
P-e 222
6-used by 5le>/rons Ko8in #i/hin - Kediu! #i/h Su$erLih/ Selo>i/y.Z .ompt. Bend.
Acad. (ci. :.B.(.(. 21 B19'*CH 11(:21. \2-di-/ion of 5le>/rons Ko8in #i/h Su$er-
Lih/ S$eed.Z Trudy =i*. <nst. <m. .'. -ebedeva, A2ad. 'au2. (.(.(.B. 2 B19))CH ':(2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Asimov)s 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cience and
Technology. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, 19*2, *01. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics.
P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e 2, &2&:').
Co$$entary: P-8el 6heren0o8 sh-red /he Nobel for his #or0 on \/he dis>o8ery -nd /he
in/er$re/-/ion of /he 6heren0o8 effe>/.Z 6heren0o8 obser8ed /he e!ission of blue lih/
fro! #-/er bo!b-rded by -!!--r-ys. This 6heren0o8 effe>/, $rodu>ed by >h-red
-/o!i> $-r/i>les !o8in -/ 8elo>i/ies re-/er /hen /he s$eed of lih/, -nd /he 6heren0o8
de/e>/or for obser8in hih-s$eed $-r/i>les be>-!e s/-nd-rds for #or0 on nu>le-r
$hysi>s -nd >os!i> r-ys. 6heren0o8 -lso >on/ribu/ed /o /he de8elo$!en/ -nd
>ons/ru>/ion of ele>/ron ->>eler-/ors -nd s/udy of $ho/o-nu>le-r -nd $ho/o-!eson
re->/ions. B".5.K.C
rank5 .l$a ,ika$lo>ich A2?
Prize: Physi>s, 19%*. Born: O>/ober 2', 190*; Leninr-d, 2ussi-. Death: Pune 22,
1990; Kos>o#, ISS2. Parents: 1-/her, Ki0h-il Luyd8io8i> 1r-n0; Ko/her, 3eliz-8e/-
Ki0h-ilo8n- "r-/si-no8- 1r-n0. Nationality: 2ussi-n. Religion: No re>ord found.
Education: Kos>o# S/-/e Ini8., ISS2, b->>-l-ure-/e, 19'0; Kos>o# S/-/e Ini8.,
ISS2, Do>/or of Physio-!-/he!-/i>-l S>ien>es, 19'%. Spouse: 5ll- +br-!o8n-
Aeili0his, !-rried 19'&. Children: +le@-nder, son. Career: S/-/e O$/i>-l ?ns/i/u/e,
ISS2, Professor, 19'1:'); Lebede8 ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s, ISS2, Professor, 19'):90.
Other Awards: S/-lin Prize, 19)(, 19%), 19&1; Order of Lenin B'C; S-8ilo8 "old Ked-l,
19&9; Lenin Prize.
Selected Publications: \The 5@>i/-/ion 1un>/ion -nd /he +bsor$/ion 6ur8e in /he
O$/i>-l Disso>i-/ion of Th-lliu! ?odide.Z hysi2 !. (o0Ietunion 2 B19'2CH '19:'(.
\6oheren/ Sisible 2-di-/ion of 1-s/ 5le>/rons P-ssin /hrouh K-//er.Z .ompt. Bend.
Acad. (ci. :.B.(.(. 1) B19'&CH 109:1) B#i/h ?. T-!!C. OOSisible 2-di-/ion of Pure
LiGuids under /he +>/ion of 2-$id 5le>/rons.Z 8ull. Acad. (ci. :.B.B.(., .lasse (ci.
#ath, 'at., (er. hys B19'*CH 29:'0. B#i/h ?. T-!! -nd P.+. 6heren0o8C. \+ Ne# Ty$e
of Nu>le-r 2e->/ions BThe S$li//in of Ir-niu! -nd Thoriu! Nu>lei under /he ?nfluen>e
of Neu/ronsC.Z riroda 9 B19'9CH 20:2&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, 2*0:*1. #odern #en of (cience. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19((, 1*2.
'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, Solu!e 2, &'%:)'. 'e0
1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BPune 2%, 1990CH %9&.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s sh-red by ?ly- 1r-n0 for his >on/ribu/ions /o \/he
dis>o8ery -nd in/er$re/-/ion of /he 6heren0o8 effe>/.Z 1r-n09s #or0 on /he in/er$re/-/ion
of /he 6heren0o8 effe>/, $rodu>ed by >h-red -/o!i> $-r/i>les !o8in -/ 8elo>i/ies
re-/er /h-n /he s$eed of lih/, !-de i/ $ossible for /he 6heren0o8 effe>/ -nd 6heren0o8
de/e>/or /o be>o!e s/-nd-rds for #or0 in nu>le-r $hysi>s -nd >os!i> r-ys. 1r-n0 -lso
>-rried ou/ sinifi>-n/ rese-r>h on $ho/olu!ines>en>e, $ho/o>he!is/ry, $-ir $rodu>/ion
by -!!-r-ys, re->/ions of lih/ nu>lei, -nd nu>le-r fission by !esons. B".5.K.C
Ta225 .&or ">&ene>ich A2@
Prize: Physi>s, 19%*. Born: Puly *, 1*9%; Sl-di8os/o0, 2ussi-. Death: +$ril 12, 19&1;
Kos>o#, ISS2. Parents: 1-/her, 58eniM T-!!; Ko/her, Ol- D-8ido8- T-!!.
Nationality: 2ussi-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Kos>o# S/-/e Ini8., ISS2, deree
in $hysi>s, 191*; Kos>o# S/-/e Ini8., ISS2, do>/or-/e, 19''. Spouse: N-/-lie
Shus0-i-, !-rried Se$/e!ber 1(, 191&. Children: ?rene, d-uh/er; 5uen, son. Career:
6ri!e-n Ini8., ISS2, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 191*:20; Odess- Poly/e>hni>-l
?ns/i/u/, ISS2, Professor, 1920:22; S8erdlo8 6o!!unis/ Ini8., ISS2, Professor,
1922:2); Kos>o# Ini8., ISS2, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 192):&1. Other Awards:
Order of Lenin 19)(, 19%'; Order of 2ed A-nner of L-bor; S/-lin Prize, 19)(.
Selected Publications: \5@>h-ne 1or>es Ae/#een Neu/rons -nd Pro/ons, -nd 1er!i9s
Theory.Z 'ature 1'' B19')CH 9*1. \Nu>le-r K-ne/i> Ko!en/s -nd /he Pro$er/ies of /he
Neu/ron.Z 'ature 1') B19')CH '*0. \?zlu>henie 5le0/ron- $ri 2-8no!erno! O8izhenii 8
Prelo!li-iush>hei SredeZ B\Theory of /he 5le>/ron in Inifor! Ko/ion in - 2efr->/in
Kediu!ZC. Trudy =i*iches2ago <nstituta 2 B19))CH ('. \N 2eli-/i8is/s0oi Teorii
Sz-i!odeis/8i- Nu0lono8Z B\To#-rd - 2el-/i8is/i> Theory of /he Ku/u-l ?n/er->/ion of
Nu>leons.ZC !hurnal $2sperimentalnogo i Teoriches2ogo =i*i2a 2) B19%)CH '. \Teorii
K-ni/ny0h Ter!oi-derny0h 2e-0/syZ B\Theory of K-ne/i> Ther!odyn-!i>
2e->/orsZC. =i*i2a la*my i roblemy :pravliaemy2h Termoiaderny2h Bea2tsy B19%*CH
':19, '1:)1. Osnovy Teorii $le2trichestva Brinciples of the Theory of $lectricityC.
Kos>o#H n.$., 19((.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(', )12:1). &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&' BSolu!e
1'C, 2'9:)2. 1einber, 5.L. Beminiscences About <.$. Tamm. Kos>o#H N-u0-, 19*&. \?n
Ke!ory of ?or 58ene8i>h T-!!.Z (oviet hysicsT:spe2hi 1) B19&2CH ((9:&0.
Co$$entary: ?or T-!! sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions /o /he
dis/inuished #or0 on /he 6heren0o8 r-di-/ion effe>/. T-!! -nd his >ol-ure-/es
de8elo$ed - /heory of /he r-di-/ion of /he ele>/ron b-sed on - >l-ssi>-l in/er$re/-/ion /h-/
- >h-red $-r/i>le !o8in /hrouh - !ediu! -/ - 8elo>i/y re-/er /h-n /h-/ of lih/
$rodu>es -n ele>/ro!-ne/i> sho>0-#-8e effe>/. T-!!9s o/her #or0 in>luded - Gu-n/u!
/heory for ->ous/i>-l 8ibr-/ions -nd lih/ s>-//erin in solid bodies, - /heory of lih/
diffusion by free ele>/rons, /r-nsis/or ele>/roni>s, /he /heory of ele!en/-ry $-r/i>les, -nd
/he /heory of -s dis>h-re in - $o#erful !-ne/i> field. BT.A.C
%ha2berlain5 3)en A2A
Prize: Physi>s, 19%9. Born: Puly 10, 1920; S-n 1r-n>is>o, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, W.
5d#-rd 6h-!berl-in; Ko/her, "ene8ie8e Lu>ind- O#en 6h-!berl-in. Nationality:
+!eri>-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: D-r/!ou/h
6ollee, NL, A.S., 19)1; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Ph.D., 19)9. Spouse: A-be//e 6oo$er,
!-rried 19)', di8or>ed 19&*; Pune S/ein-r/, !-rried 19*0, died; Sen/- Puh, !-rried
199*. Children: N-ren, d-uh/er; Lynn, d-uh/er; Pi-, d-uh/er; D-rol, son. Career:
K-nh-//-n ProMe>/, Ini/ed S/-/es, 2ese-r>her, 19)2:)(; +ronne
P-e 22'
N-/ion-l L-bor-/ory, ?llinois, 19)(:)*; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor, 19)*:
19*9. Other Awards: "uenhei! 1ello#, 19%&; Aer0eley 6i/-/ion, Ini8ersi/y of
6-liforni-, 19*9.
Selected Publications: \Obser8-/ion of +n/i$ro/ons.Z hysical Bevie0 100 B19%%CH 9)&:
%0 B#i/h o/hersC. \+n/i$ro/on S/-r Obser8ed in 5!ulsion.Z hysical Bevie0 101 B19%(CH
909:10 B#i/h o/hersC. \5@-!$le of -n +n/i$ro/on Nu>leon +nnihil-/ion.Z hysical
Bevie0 102 B19%(CH 921:2' B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(0, *':*%. #odern (cientists and $ngineers. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19*0 BSolu!e
1C, 191. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, Solu!e 2, &(&:&%.
Co$$entary: O#en 6h-!berl-in sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his >onfir!-/ion of /he
e@is/en>e of /he -n/i$ro/on, usin /he Ae8-/ron $-r/i>le ->>eler-/or. 6h-!berl-in9s e-rly
#or0 #-s on /he -/o!i> bo!b $roMe>/, -l$h- $-r/i>le de>-y, neu/ron diffr->/ion, -nd
hih-enery nu>le-r re->/ions. Le -lso >onfir!ed e@is/en>e of /he -n/ineu/ron. BS.+.L.C
-e&rH5 "2ilio 6ino A2B
Prize: Physi>s, 19%9. Born: 1ebru-ry 1, 190%; 2o!e, ?/-ly. Death: +$ril 22, 19*9;
L-f-ye//e, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, "iuse$$e Ser_; Ko/her, +!eli- Tre8es Ser_.
Nationality: ?/-li-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of
2o!e, ?/-ly, Ph.D., 192*. Spouse: 5lfriede S$iro, !-rried 1ebru-ry 2, 19'(, died 19&0;
2os- Kines, !-rried 1ebru-ry 12, 19&2. Children: 6l-udio, son; +!eli-, d-uh/er;
1-us/-, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of 2o!e, ?/-ly, Professor, 19'2:'(; Ini8. of P-ler!o,
?/-ly, 2ese-r>her, 19'(:'*; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, 2ese-r>her, 19'*:)'; Los
+l-!os L-bor-/ory of /he K-nh-//-n ProMe>/, NK, 2ese-r>her, 19)':)(; Ini8. of
6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor, 19)(:&2; Ini8. of 2o!e, ?/-ly, Professor, 19&):&%.
Other Awards: Lof!-nn Ked-l, "er!-n 6he!i>-l So>ie/y, 19%); 6-nnizz-ro Ked-l,
+>-de!ie N-zion-le dei Lin>ei, 19%(; 6o!!-nder of Keri/, 2e$ubli> of ?/-ly, 19%9.
Selected Publications: \Obser8-/ion of +n/i$ro/ons.99 hysical Bevie0 100 B19%%CH 9)&:
%0 B#i/h o/hersC. \+n/i$ro/on S/-r Obser8ed in 5!ulsion.Z hysical Bevie0 101 B19%(CH
909:10 B#i/h o/hersC. \+n/i$ro/ons.Z 'ature 1&& B19%(CH 11:12 B#i/h o/hersC. \Pro/on-
+n/i$ro/on 5l-s/i> -nd 6h-re 5@>h-ne S>-//erin -/ +bou/ 120 Ke8.Z hysical
Bevie0 110 B19%*CH 99):9% B#i/h o/hersC. 'uclei and articles. Ne# 3or0H W.+.
AenM-!in, 19(). $nrico =ermi, hysicist. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19&0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(0, '(9:&1. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, Solu!e 2,
&%%:(%. A #ind Al0ays in #otion. Aer0eley, 6+H Ini8. of 6-liforni- Press, 199'. Ser_,
6l-udio ". Atoms, 8ombs S $s2imo Jisses> a #emoir of =ather and (on. Ne# 3or0H
Si0in, 199%.
Co$$entary: 1or /he 19%% dis>o8ery of /he -n/i$ro/on, \- nu>le-r hos/ #hi>h h-s
h-un/ed /he #orld9s $hysi>is/s for - ener-/ion,Z 5!ilio Ser_ #-s -#-rded /he 19%9
Nobel Prize for Physi>s, -lon #i/h O#en 6h-!berl-in. The -n/i$ro/on, - ne-/i8ely
>h-red $ro/on /h-/ des/roys i/self -s #ell -s /he !-//er i/ s/ri0es, #-s only one of
Ser_9s dis>o8eries. ?n>luded in his rese-r>h findins /hrouhou/ his >-reer #ere /he role
of /he neu/ron in /he s$li//in of /he -/o!; /he dis>o8ery of ne# ele!en/s B/e>hne/iu!,
-s/-/ine, -nd $lu/oniu!-2'9C; -nd /he de8elo$!en/ of - >he!i>-l !e/hod for di8idin
nu>le-r iso!ers. Ser_9s l-/er in/eres/s h-8e in>luded #ri/ins on /he his/ory -nd
>on/ribu/ions of >l-ssi>-l -nd !odern $hysi>is/s. BP.A.T.C
6laser5 (onald 0rth!r A2C
Prize: Physi>s, 19(0. Born: Se$/e!ber 21, 192(; 6le8el-nd, OL. Parents: 1-/her,
Willi-! Pose$h "l-ser; Ko/her, Len- "l-ser. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish.
Education: 6-se ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, OL, A.S., 19)(; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 19%0. Spouse: 2u/h Louise Tho!$son, !-rried No8e!ber 2*, 19(0;
di8or>ed 19(9. Children: Willi-!, son; Louise, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Ki>hi-n,
Professor, 19)9:%9; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor, 19%9-. Other Awards:
Lenry 2ussel +#-rd, Ini8. of Ki>hi-n, 19%%; 6h-rles Sernon Aoys Prize, ?ns/i/u/e of
Physi>s, 19%*; +!eri>-n Physi>s So>ie/y Prize, 19%9; "old Ked-l, 6-se ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy, 19(&; +lu!ni Dis/inuished Ser8i>e +#-rd, 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy, 19(&; "olden Pl-/e +#-rd, +!eri>-n +>-de!y of +>hie8e!en/, 19*9.
Selected Publications: \So!e 5ffe>/s of ?onizin 2-di-/ion on /he 1or!-/ion of
Aubbles in LiGuids.Z hysical Bevie0 *& B+uus/ 1%, 19%2CH ((%. \Proress 2e$or/ on
/he De8elo$!en/ of Aubble 6h-!bers.Z 'uovo .imento (upplement 11 B19%'CH '(1:(*.
\6h-r->/eris/i>s of Aubble 6h-!bers.Z hysical Bevie0 9& BP-nu-ry 1%, 19%%CH )&):&9
B#i/h D.6. 2-h!C. \Aubble 6oun/in for /he De/er!in-/ion of /he Selo>i/ies of 6h-red
P-r/i>les in Aubble 6h-!bers.Z hysical Bevie0 102 BPuly 1%, 19%(CH 1(%':%* B#i/h
D.6. 2-h! -nd 6. DoddC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(1, 1&(:&*. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, Solu!e 2,
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y >i/ed Don-ld "l-ser \for /he in8en/ion of /he bubble
>h-!ber.Z The >h-!ber, buil/ in 19%2, -llo#ed /he /r->in of !o8e!en/ of hih-enery
-/o!i> $-r/i>les -s /hey $-ssed /hrouh - >h-!ber filled #i/h he-/ed liGuid /hrouh /he
/r->0 of /iny bubbles B#hi>h >ould be $ho/or-$hed for fur/her s/udyC. Aubble >h-!bers
h-8e been used /o s/udy hih-enery $-r/i>les in /he #-y /h-/ >loud >h-!bers h-8e been
used /o s/udy lo#-enery $-r/i>les. Aubble >h-!bers h-8e -lso $l-yed - $-r/ in /he
dis>o8ery of ne# -/o!i> $-r/i>les Bsu>h -s /he rho -nd o!e- !inus $-r/i>lesC; in
8isu-liz-/ion of >h-red $-r/i>le in/er->/ion; -nd in /he s/udy of $-r/i>le !-ss, life/i!e,
-nd de>-y !odes. "l-ser9s l-/er in/eres/s >h-ned /o /he -$$li>-/ion of $hysi>s /o
!ole>ul-r bioloy. BS.L.S.C
1ofstadter5 4obert A29
Prize: Physi>s, 19(1. Born: 1ebru-ry %, 191%; Ne# 3or0, N3. Death: No8e!ber 1&,
1990; S/-nford, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, Louis Lofs/-d/er; Ko/her, Lenrie//- Noenisber
Lofs/-d/er. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: 6i/y 6ollee of Ne#
3or0, A.S., 19'%; Prin>e/on
P-e 22)
Ini8., NP, K.+., 19'*; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Ph.D., 19'*. Spouse: N-n>y "i8-n, !-rried
K-y 9, 19)2. Children: Doul-s 2i>h-rd, son; L-ur- P-!es, d-uh/er; K-ry Lind-,
d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of Pennsyl8-ni-, 2ese-r>her, 19'9:)0; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP,
Professor, 19)0:)1; 6i/y 6ollee of Ne# 3or0, Professor, 19)1:)2; N-/ion-l Aure-u of
S/-nd-rds, W-shin/on, D6, 2ese-r>her, 19)2:)'; Norden L-bor-/ories 6or$or-/ion,
N3, 2ese-r>her, 19)':)(; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Professor, 19)(:%0; S/-nford Ini8., 6+,
Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19%0:*%. Other Awards: Nenyon Prize in K-/he!-/i>s -nd
Physi>s, 19'%; 6-liforni- S>ien/is/ of /he 3e-r, 19%*; To#nsend L-rris Ked-l, 6i/y
6ollee of Ne# 3or0, 19(2; 2Un/en Ked-l, 19*%; N-/ion-l S>ien>e Ked-l, 19*(;
6ul/ur-l 1ound-/ion Prize, 1iui, ?/-ly, 19*(.
Selected Publications: \Lih-5nery 5le>/ron S>-//erin -nd /he 6h-re Dis/ribu/ions
of Sele>/ed Nu>lei.Z hysical Bevie0 101 B19%(CH 11'1:)2 B#i/h A. L-hn -nd D.".
2-8enh-llC. /igh $nergy $lectron (cattering Tables. S/-nford, 6+H S/-nford Ini8.
Press, 19(0 B#i/h 2ober/ 6. Ler!-nC. 'uclear and 'ucleon (tructure. S/-nford, 6+H
S/-nford Ini8. Press, 19('. 'ucleon (tructure> roceedings. S/-nford, 6+H S/-nford
Ini8. Press, 19().
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(2, 212:1). 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e
2, &*&:9%. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervices BNo8e!ber 19, 1990CH 109*.
Co$$entary: 2ober/ Lofs/-d/er #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y \for his $ioneerin s/udies
of ele>/ron s>-//erin in -/o!i> nu>lei -nd for his /hereby ->hie8ed dis>o8eries
>on>ernin /he s/ru>/ure of /he nu>leons.Z +!on Lofs/-d/er9s !-Mor >on/ribu/ions #ere
/he de8elo$!en/ of /he sodiu! iodide-/h-lliu! s>in/ill-/ion >oun/er for -!!- r-ys -nd
o/her de/e>/ors for neu/rons -nd 4-r-ys; /he s/udy of ele>/ron s>-//erin, >os!i> r-ys,
-nd >-s>-de sho#ers fro! hihs$eed ele>/ron in/er->/ions; -nd de/er!in-/ion of nu>le-r
>h-re dis/ribu/ions, /he >h-re -nd !-ne/i> !o!en/s of $ro/ons -nd neu/rons, /he size
-nd surf->e /hi>0ness of nu>lei, -nd /he nu>leon for! f->/ors. Lis l-/er s/udies #ere in
-s/rono!y -nd >oron-ry -nior-$hy. BP.A.T.C
,Lssba!er5 4!dolf #!d)i& A30
Prize: Physi>s, 19(1. Born: P-nu-ry '1, 1929; Kuni>h, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her,
Lud#i KUssb-uer; Ko/her, 5rn- 5rns/ KUssb-uer. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion:
Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, "er!-ny, A.S., 19%2;
Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, "er!-ny, K.S., 19%%; Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, "er!-ny,
Ph.D., 19%*. Spouse: 5liz-be/h Pri/z, !-rried 19%&. Children: Pe/er, son; 2eine,
d-uh/er; 1 o/her d-uh/er. Career: K-@ Pl-n>0 ?ns/i/u/e, Leidelber, "er!-ny,
2ese-r>her, 19%%:%&; ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Kuni>h, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19%*:(0;
6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 2ese-r>her -nd Professor, 19(0:(); Te>hnis>he
Ini8ersi/-/, Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19():&2; ?ns/i/u/e K-@ 8on
L-ue, "renoble, 1r-n>e, Dire>/or, 19&2:&&; ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Kuni>h, "er!-ny,
Professor, 19&&:9&. Other Awards: 2ese-r>h 6or$or-/ion +#-rd, Ne# 3or0, 19(0;
2oen/en +#-rd, Ini8. of "iessen, "er!-ny, 19(1; 5llio/ 6resson Ked-l, 1r-n0lin
?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19(1; A-8-ri-n Order of Keri/, 19(2; "u/hrie Ked-l, ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s,
London, 19&); Lo!onoso8 "old Ked-l, 19*); 5ins/ein Ked-l, 19*(.
Selected Publications: \Nu>le-r 2eson-n>e +bsor$/ion of "-!!--2-ys in ?ridiu!-
191.Z 'atur0issenschaften )% B19%*CH %'*:'9. OONu>le-r 2eson-n>e 1luores>en>e of
"-!!--2-di-/ion in ?ridiu!-191.Z !. hysi2 1%1 B19%*CH 12):)'. \Nu>le-r 2eson-n>e
+bsor$/ion of "-!!--2-ys in ?ridiu!-191.Z !. 'aturforsch. 1)- B19%9CH 211:1(.
\Nu>le-r 2eson-n>e +bsor$/ion of "-!!--2-di-/ion in 2e-*& No/ Aro-dened by
Do$$ler 5ffe>/.Z !. hysi2 1%9 B19(0CH '':)* B#i/h Lerber/ W. Wiede!-nnC.
\Ly$erfine S/ru>/ure S$li//in of 2e>oil-1ree "-!!--Lines.Z !. hysi2 1(1 B19(1CH
'**:91 B#i/h 1.W. S/-ne0 -nd L.W. Wiede!-nnC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(2, '0(:0*. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e
2, &9&:*0&. hysics Today 1% BDe>e!ber 19(2CH %(.
Co$$entary: 2udolf KUssb-uer #on /he Nobel Prize \for his rese-r>hes >on>ernin
/he reson-n>e -bsor$/ion of -!!--r-di-/ion -nd his dis>o8ery in /his >onne>/ion of /he
effe>/ #hi>h be-rs his n-!e.Z KUssb-uer9s dis>o8ery of re>oilless nu>le-r reson-n>e
-bsor$/ion by -/o!s bound in - solid led /o /he 8erifi>-/ion of so!e $redi>/ions of /he
5ins/ein /heory of rel-/i8i/y -nd /o /he $ossibili/y of s/udyin s!-ll $heno!en- rel-/ed
/o /he se$-r-/ion -nd dis$l->e!en/ of nu>le-r enery le8els. The KUssb-uer effe>/ h-s
be>o!e -n i!$or/-n/ /ool of $hysi>s, es$e>i-lly in /he -$$li>-/ion 0no#n -s KUssb-uer
s$e>/ros>o$y. B6.N.A.C
#anda!5 #e> (a>ido>ich A31
Prize: Physi>s, 19(2. Born: P-nu-ry 22, 190*; A-0u, 2ussi-. Death: +$ril 1, 19(*;
Kos>o#, ISS2. Parents: 1-/her, D-8id Llo8i>h L-nd-u; Ko/her, Lyubo8
Seni-!ino8n- "-r8-0i L-nd-u. Nationality: 2ussi-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education:
Leninr-d S/-/e Ini8., ISS2, b->>-l-ure-/e, 192); Nh-r0o8 ?ns/i/u/e of Ke>h-ni>-l
5nineerin, ISS2, Ph.D., 19'). Spouse: Non0ordi- Drob-n/se8-, !-rried 19'&.
Children: ?or, son. Career: Ini8. of Leninr-d, ISS2, 2ese-r>her -nd Professor,
19'1:'%; Nh-r0o8 Ini8., ISS2, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19'%:'&; ?ns/i/u/e of
Physi>-l Proble!s of /he ISS2 +>-de!y of S>ien>es, ISS2, 2ese-r>her, 19'&:(*.
Other Awards: 1ri/z London +#-rd, 19(0; Lenin Prize, 19(2; S/-lin Prize B'C.
Selected Publications: Teoriia olia B=ield TheoryC. Kos>o#H n.$., 19)1 B#i/h 5.
Lifshi/sC. \Teorii- S8er0h/e0u>hes/i "eli--2Z B\Theory of /he Su$erfluidi/y of Leliu!
??ZC. !hurnal $2sperimentalnoe i Theoretiches2oi =i*i2i 11 B19)1CH %92. Jvantovaia
#e2hani2a B?uantum #echanicsC. Kos>o#H n.$., 19)* B#i/h 5. Lifshi/sC. \O J-0on-0h
So0hr-neni- $ri Sl-by0h Sz-i!odeis/8i-0hZ B\On /he L-#s of 6onser8-/ion in We-0
?n/er->/ionsZC. !hurnal $2sperimentalnoe i Theoretiches2oi =i*i2i '2 B19%&CH 2.
.ollected apers of -.&. -andau. Ne# 3or0H Per-!on, 19(%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(', 2'1:''. &ictionary of (cientific 8iography. Ne# 3or0H S>ribner9s, 19&' BSolu!e
&C, (1(:19. Aesser-b, K. -andau. Kos>o#H Kos0o#s0ii 2-bo>hii, 1990. Li8-no8-,
+nn-. -andau, a 5reat hysicist and Teacher. O@ford; Ne# 3or0H Per-!on Press,
P-e 22%
Co$$entary: Le8 L-nd-u9s #or0 #i/h Leliu! ??? -/ lo# /e!$er-/ures #on hi! /he
Nobel Prize. ?n /he 19%0s, buildin on P.L. N-$i/s-9s #or0, he de8elo$ed !-/he!-/i>-l
$hysi>-l /heories /o e@$l-in /he beh-8ior of su$erfluid Leliu! ??? -/ /e!$er-/ures ne-r
-bsolu/e zero. Leliu! -/ /his /e!$er-/ure flo#s !ore e-sily /h-n - -s, -nd sin>e i/ does
no/ beh-8e li0e - solid, liGuid, or - -s, i/ h-s been >-lled /he \four/hZ s/-/e. Le
$redi>/ed /he $ossibili/y of sound #-8e $ro$--/ion -/ /#o differen/ s$eeds. L-nd-u #-s
-lso 0no#n for his #or0 in Gu-n/u! !e>h-ni>s -nd for fund-!en/-l rese-r>h in
!-ne/is!, el-s/i>i/y, -nd $l-s!- os>ill-/ions. BT.A.C
<ensen5 <ohannes 1ans (aniel A32
Prize: Physi>s, 19('. Born: Pune 2%, 190&; L-!bur, "er!-ny. Death: 1ebru-ry 11,
19&'; Leidelber, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, N-rl Pensen; Ko/her, Lelene P. Oh!
Pensen. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: Ini8. of
L-!bur, "er!-ny, Dr. reru! n-/ur-liu!, 19'2. Spouse: None. Children: None.
Career: Ini8. of L-!bur, "er!-ny, Professor, 19'2:)1; L-no8er ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy, "er!-ny, Professor, 19)1:)*; Ini8. of Leidelber, "er!-ny, Professor,
Selected Publications: \Sys/e!-/i>s of /he Aindin 5neries of +/o!i> Nu>lei.Z
'atur0issenschaften '' B19)(CH 2)9:%0 B#i/h L. S/ein#edelC. \?n/er$re/-/ion of
Preferred Nu>leon Nu!bers in /he S/ru>/ure of +/o! Nu>lei.Z 'atur0issenschaften '(
B19)9CH 1%':%% B#i/h L.5. Suess -nd O. L-@elC. \5le>/ro!-ne/i> 5ffe>/s Due /o S$in-
Orbi/ 6ou$lin.Z hysical Bevie0 *% B19%2CH 10)0:)1 B#i/h K. "oe$$er/-K-yerC.
OONu>le-r S/ru>/ure -nd Nu>le-r Tr-nsfor!-/ion.Z !eitschrift f3r $le2trochemie %*
B19%)CH %)(:%'. $lementary Theory of 'uclear (hell (tructure. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19%%
B#i/h K. "oe$$er/-K-yerC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: #odern #en of (cience. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19((,
2%&. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e 2, *)1:
)9. hysics Today 1( BDe>e!ber 19('CH 21.
Co$$entary: The Nobel 6o!!i//ee -#-rded /he Prize /o L-ns Pensen for his #or0
#i/h K-ri- "oe$$er/-K-yer on de8elo$in /he shell !odel of /he -/o!i> nu>leus, >i/in
i/ -s \- !os/ s/ri0in -d8-n>e in /he >orrel-/ion of nu>le-r $ro$er/ies.Z +>>ordin /o /he
+>-de!y, /heir #or0 \h-s ins$ired -n e8er in>re-sin nu!ber of ne# in8es/i-/ions -nd
h-s been indis$ens-ble for l-/er #or0, bo/h e@$eri!en/-l -nd /heore/i>-l, on -/o!i>
nu>lei.Z Pensen -lso s/udied /he re>oil dis/ribu/ion of nu>le-r r-di-/ion, /he i-n/
reson-n>e in /he nu>le-r $ho/oeffe>/, -nd /he -!!--% in8-ri-n>e of /he #e-0
in/er->/ion. BK.N.6.C
,a$er5 ,aria 6oeppert A33
Prize: Physi>s, 19('. Born: Pune 2*, 190(; N-//o#i/z, Pol-nd. Death: 1ebru-ry 20,
19&2; S-n Dieo, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, 1riedri>h "oe$$er/; Ko/her, K-ri- Wolff
"oe$$er/. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education:
Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 19'0. Spouse: Pose$h 5d#-rd K-yer, !-rried
P-nu-ry 19, 19'0. Children: K-ri- +nne, d-uh/er; Pe/er 6onr-d, son. Career: Pohns
Lo$0ins Ini8., A-l/i!ore, KD, Solun/eer 2ese-r>her, 19'0:'9; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3,
Solun/eer Le>/urer, 19'9:)%; S-r-h L-#ren>e 6ollee, N3, Professor, 19)2:)%; Ini8.
of 6hi>-o, 1er!i ?ns/i/u/e, ?L, Professor, 19)(:(0; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, S-n Dieo,
Professor, 19(0:&2.
Selected Publications: (tatistical #echanics. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19)0 B#i/h P.5. K-yerC.
\Nu>le-r 6onfiur-/ions in /he S$in-Orbi/ 6ou$lin Kodel.Z hysical Bevie0 Series 2,
&* B+$ril 1, 19%0CH 1(:2'. \The S/ru>/ure of /he Nu>leus.Z (cientific American 1*)
BK-r>h 19%1CH 22:2(. \5le>/ro!-ne/i> 5ffe>/s Due /o S$in-Orbi/ 6ou$lin.Z hysical
Bevie0 *% B19%2CH 10)0:)1 B#i/h P.L.D. PensenC. $lementary Theory of 'uclear (hell
(tructure. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19%% B#i/h P.L.D. PensenC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs. 'ational Academy of (ciences.
W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19&9 BSolu!e %0C, '10:2*. D-sh,
Po-n. A -ife of One)s O0n. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19&', 22(:'(9. hysics Today 2%
BK-y 19&2CH &&, &9.
Co$$entary: K-ri- "oe$$er/ K-yer #-s >i/ed, #i/h P. L-ns D. Pensen, \for /heir
dis>o8eries >on>ernin nu>le-r shell s/ru>/ure.Z K-yer firs/ $ublished e8iden>e /h-/
-/o!i> nu>lei #i/h 2, *, 20, 2*, %0, *2, or 12( nu>leons B$ro/ons -nd,or neu/ronsC sho#
unusu-l s/-bili/y; /he in/eers in /his >on/e@/ -re 0no#n -s \!-i> nu!bers.Z L-/er,
inde$enden/ly of Pensen, K-yer de!ons/r-/ed /he /heore/i>-l b-sis for - shell !odel of
-/o!i> nu>lei, #i/h e->h !-i> nu!ber >orres$ondin /o - >o!$le/ed nu>le-r shell. She
-lso #or0ed on /he -bsor$/ion s$e>/r- of or-ni> !ole>ules -nd iso/o$e se$-r-/ion by
>he!i>-l !e/hods. K-yer -nd K-rie 6urie -re /he only /#o #o!en #ho h-8e #on -
Nobel Prize in Physi>s. BP.W.C
Wi&ner5 "!&ene Pa!l A3?
Prize: Physi>s, 19('. Born: No8e!ber 1&, 1902; Aud-$es/, Lun-ry. Death: P-nu-ry 1,
199%; Prin>e/on, NP. Parents: 1-/her, +n/hony Winer; Ko/her, 5lis-be/h 5inhorn
Winer. Nationality: Lun-ri-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education:
Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, "er!-ny, 6he!i>-l 5nineerin Deree, 192); Te>hnis>he
Lo>hs>hule, "er!-ny, Do>/or-/e in 5nineerin, 192%. Spouse: +!eli- J. 1r-n0,
!-rried De>e!ber 2', 19'(, died 19'&; K-ry +nne//e Wheeler, !-rried Pune ), 19)1,
died No8e!ber 19&&; 5ileen 6.P. L-!il/on, !-rried De>e!ber 29, 19&9. Children:
D-8id Wheeler, son; K-r/h- 1-i/h, d-uh/er. Career: Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, Aerlin,
"er!-ny, Professor, 192(:2&; Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, Professor, 192&:2*;
Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, Aerlin, "er!-ny, Professor, 192*:'0; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP,
Professor, 19'0:'(; Ini8. of Wis>onsin, Professor, 19'(:'*; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP,
Professor, 19'*:&1. Other Awards: Ked-l of Keri/, 19)(; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 1r-n0lin
?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19%0; 5nri>o 1er!i +#-rd; +/o!s for Pe->e +#-rd; K-@ Pl-n>0 Ked-l,
"er!-n Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19(1; "eore W-shin/on +#-rd; Se!!el#eiss Ked-l;
N-/ion-l S>ien>e Ked-l, 19(9; Pfizer +#-rd, 19&1; +lber/ 5ins/ein +#-rd, 19&2;
"olden Pl-/e Ked-l; Winer Ked-l, 19&*; 1ounders Ked-l, ?n/ern-/ion-l 6ul/ur-l
1ound-/ion, 19*2; Ked-l, Lun-ri-n 6en/r-l 2ese-r>h ?ns/i/u/e, 19*%; +!eri>-n
Pre$-redness +#-rd, 19*%; Lord 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*9.
Selected Publications: 5ruppentheorie und <hre An0endung auf die ?uantenmechani2
der Atomspe2tren. Ar-uns>h#ei, "er!-nyH Sie#e, 19'1 B5roup Theory and <ts
P-e 22(
Application to the ?uantum #echanics of Atomic (pectra. Tr. by P.P. "riffin. Ne# 3or0H
+>-de!i> Press, 19%9C. 'uclear (tructure. Prin>e/on, NPH Prin>e/on Ini8. Press, 19%*
B#i/h Leon-rd 5isenbudC. The hysical Theory of 'eutron .hemical Beactors. 6hi>-oH
Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19%* B#i/h +l8in K-r/in WeinberC. (ymmetries and
Beflections> (cientific $ssays of $ugene . %igner. Aloo!in/on, ?NH ?ndi-n- Ini8.
Press, 19(&. The .ollected %or2s of $ugene aul %igner. Aerlin, "er!-nyH S$riner-
Serl-, 199'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%), (%&:%9. #c5ra0/ill $ncyclopedia of %orld 8iography. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#Lill
Aoo0 6o., 19&' BSolu!e 11C, '%&:%*. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H
S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e 2, *19:2*. The Becollections of $ugene . %igner. Ne#
3or0H Plenu! Press, 1992.
Co$$entary: 5uene P-ul Winer, #ho h-s been >-lled one of /he re-/ $hysi>is/s of
/he /#en/ie/h >en/ury, sh-red /he Nobel Prize for \sys/e!-/i>-lly i!$ro8in -nd
e@/endin /he !e/hods of Gu-n/u! !e>h-ni>s -nd -$$lyin /he! #idely.Z Le
for!ul-/ed sy!!e/ry $rin>i$les -nd #i/h rou$ /heory, -$$lied /he! in -/o!i>, nu>le-r,
-nd ele!en/-ry $-r/i>le $hysi>s. Winer #or0ed ou/ /he /heory of neu/ron -bsor$/ion
-nd sho#ed /h-/ nu>le-r for>es did no/ de$end on ele>/ri> >h-re. Lis #or0 -lso
in>luded rese-r>h in /heories of >he!i>-l re->/ion r-/es -nd /he solid s/-/e -nd $-r/ of /he
desin of /he firs/ l-re-s>-le nu>le-r re->/or in 19)'. ?n /he l-/e 19'0s -nd e-rly 19)0s,
-lon #i/h o/her $hysi>is/s, he >on8in>ed /he I.S. o8ern!en/ of /he need for -n -/o!i>
bo!b $roMe>/. Lis boo0 5ruppentheorie und <hre An0endung auf die ?uantenmechani2
der Atomspe2tren #-s #idely used -s -n -d8-n>ed /e@/ in Gu-n/u! !e>h-ni>s. BL.N.W.C
+aso>5 Nikolai 6ennadie>ich A3@
Prize: Physi>s, 19(). Born: De>e!ber 1), 1922; Is!-n, ISS2. Parents: 1-/her,
"enn-dy 1edoro8i>h A-so8; Ko/her, Jin-id- +ndree8n- Kol>h-no8- A-so8.
Nationality: 2ussi-n. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 5-s/ern Or/hodo@. Education: Kos>o#
?ns/i/u/e of 5nineerin Physi>s, ISS2, 6-ndid--/, 19%0; Lebede8 ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s,
So8ie/ +>-de!y of S>ien>es, ISS2, Ph.D., 19%(. Spouse: Qseni- Ti0hono8- N-s-ro8-,
!-rried Puly 1*, 19%0. Children: "en-dii, son; D!i/rii, son. Career: P.N. Lebede8
Physi>-l ?ns/i/u/e, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, Kos>o#, ISS2, 19%0-. Other Awards:
Lenin Prize, 19%9, 19(); Order of Lenin, 19(&, 19(9, 19&2, 19&%, 19*2; "old Ked-l,
6ze>hoslo8-0i-n +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19&%; +. Sol/- "old Ked-l, ?/-li-n Physi>-l
So>ie/y, 19&&; Len0el "old Ked-l, 19*(; N-lin- Prize, 19*(; "old Ked-l, Slo8-0
+>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19**; S/-/e Prize, ISS2, 19*9; Lo!onoso8 "old Ked-l, 1990;
Teller Ked-l, 1991.
Selected Publications: \+$$li>-/ion of Kole>ul-r Ae-!s /o /he 2-dio S$e>/ros>o$i>
S/udy of /he 2o/-/ion S$e>/r- of Kole>ules.Z !h. $2sp. Teor. =i*. 2& B19%)CH )'1:'*
B#i/h +.K. Pro0horo8C. \Possible Ke/hods of Ob/-inin +>/i8e Kole>ules for -
Kole>ul-r Os>ill-/or.99 (oviet hysics@7$T 1 B19%(CH 1*):*% B#i/h O.N. Nro0hin -nd
3.K. Po$o8C. \Theory of /he Kole>ul-r "ener-/or -nd /he Kole>ul-r Po#er +!$lifier.Z
!h. $2sp. Teor. =i*. '0 B19%(CH %(0:(' B#i/h +.K. Pro0horo8C. \"ener-/ion,
+!$lifi>-/ion, -nd De/e>/ion of ?nfr-red -nd O$/i>-l 2-di-/ion by Qu-n/u! Ke>h-ni>-l
Sys/e!s.Z (oviet hysics@:spe2hi ' BK-r>h-+$ril 19(1CH &02:2* B#i/h O.N. Nro0hin
-nd 3.K. Po$o8C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober '0, 19()CH 2'. 'obel ri*e
%inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e 2, *%9:(*. Perl-do, P.K.
\N.". A-so8 -nd L-ser Te>hnoloy in /he ISS2.Z Arbor 121 B19*%CH *&:9&. Jhu0o8-,
L.K., e/ -l. 'i2olai 5ennadievich 8asov. Kos08-H ?zd-8o \N-u0-,Z 19*2.
Co$$entary: Ni0ol-i "enn-die8i>h A-so8, /oe/her #i/h his /e->her +le@-nder
Pro0horo8, #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for \b-si> rese-r>hes in /he field of
e@$eri!en/-l $hysi>s, #hi>h led /o /he dis>o8ery of /he !-ser -nd /he l-ser.Z They
dedu>ed /h-/ Gu-n/u! !e>h-ni>s, #hi>h o8erns /he beh-8ior of -/o!s -/ differen/
enery le8els, $er!i/s /he -!$lifi>-/ion of !i>ro#-8es -nd lih/ #-8es. They /hen
de8elo$ed $rin>i$les -nd refine!en/s for /he >ons/ru>/ion of firs/ /he !-ser B!i>ro#-8e
-!$lifi>-/ion by s/i!ul-/ed e!ission of r-di-/ionC -nd /hen /he l-ser Bo$/i>-l !-serC,
s/-r/in in 19%). Su>h de8i>es >olle>/ enery #-8es, -!$lify /he! hundreds of /i!es,
-nd $rodu>e - be-! #hose #-8es -re -l!os/ $erfe>/ly $-r-llel #i/h li//le or no
in/erferen>e or s/-/i>. The #or0 #-s done inde$enden/ly of, -nd si!ul/-neously #i/h, /he
#or0 of 6.L. To#nes, #i/h #ho! A-so8 -nd Pro0horo8 sh-red /he 19() Nobel Prize in
Physi>s. BK.N.N.C
Prokhoro>5 0le/ander ,ikhailo>ich A3A
Prize: Physi>s, 19(). Born: Puly 11, 191(; +/her/on, +us/r-li-. Parents: 1-/her, Ki0h-il
?8-no8i>h Pro0horo8; Ko/her, K-riy- ?8-no8n- Pro0horo8-. Nationality: +us/r-li-n;
l-/er 2ussi-n >i/izen. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 5-s/ern Or/hodo@. Education: Leninr-d
S/-/e Ini8., ISS2, b->>-l-ure-/e, 19'9; ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s, +>-de!y of S>ien>es,
ISS2, do>/or-/e, 19)*. Spouse: "-lin- +le0seye8n- Shele$in-, !-rried 19)1.
Children: Nirill, son. Career: ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s, +>-de!y of S>ien>es, ISS2,
2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19'9-. Other Awards: Lenin Prize, 19%9; Order of Lenin;
Lo!osono8 "old Ked-l, 19**.
Selected Publications: \+$$li>-/ion of Kole>ul-r Ae-!s /o /he 2-dio S$e>/ros>o$i>
S/udy of /he 2o/-/ion S$e>/r- of Kole>ules.Z !h. $2sp. Teor. =i*. 2& B19%)CH )'1:'*
B#i/h N.". A-so8C. \Theory of /he Kole>ul-r "ener-/or -nd /he Kole>ul-r Po#er
+!$lifier.Z !h. $2sp. Teor. =i*. '0 B19%(CH %(0:(' B#i/h N.". A-so8C. \Qu-n/u!
5le>/roni>s.Z =i*. #at. (pisanie, 8ulgar. A2ad. 'au2. * B19(%CH 1(%:&1. \Qu-n/u!
5le>/roni>s.Z :sp. =i*. 'au2 *% B19(%CH %99:(0).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: The 5reat (oviet $ncyclopedia. Ne# 3or0H K->!ill-n,
19&* BSolu!e 21C, 2%&. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober '0, 19()CH 2'. 'obel ri*e %inners>
hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e 2, *(9:&9.
Co$$entary: +le@-nder Pro0horo8 #on his Nobel for >on/ribu/in /o - ne# !e/hod for
ener-/in ele>/ro!-ne/i> #-8es usin Gu-n/u! sys/e!s -nd for de8isin /he firs/
!ole>ul-r ener-/or usin -!!oni- !ole>ule be-!s B!-serC. Le l-/er >re-/ed
$-r-!-ne/i> !-sers -nd $ro$osed /he use of ruby in Gu-n/u! ele>/roni>s -nd /he
>on>e$/s of o$en reson-/ors -nd -s dyn-!i> l-sers. Pro0horo8 fur/her in8es/i-/ed /he
reson-n>e -nd nonreson-n>e in/er->/ions of l-ser r-di-/ion #i/h !-//er. B".5.K.C
P-e 22&
To)nes5 %harles 1ard A3B
Prize: Physi>s, 19(). Born: Puly 2*, 191%; "reen8ille, S6. Parents: 1-/her, Lenry Nei/h
To#nes; Ko/her, 5llen Su!/er L-rd To#nes. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion:
Presby/eri-n. Education: 1ur!-n Ini8., S6, A.+.; 1ur!-n Ini8., S6, A.S., 19'%; Du0e
Ini8., N6, K.+., 19'(; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 19'9. Spouse:
1r-n>es L. Aro#n, !-rried K-y ), 19)1. Children: Lind- Le#is, d-uh/er; 5llen
S>re8en, d-uh/er; 6-rl- Nei/h, d-uh/er; Lolly 2obinson, d-uh/er. Career: Aell
Tele$hone L-bor-/ories, NP, 2ese-r>her, 19'9:)*; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor,
19)*:(1; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19(1:(&;
Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor, 19(&:*(. Other Awards: 6o!s/o>0 +#-rd,
19%9; S/u-r/ A-ll-n/ine Ked-l, 19%9, 19(2; Tho!-s 3oun Ked-l, 19('; Ked-l of
Lonor, ?555, 19(&; Kees Ked-l, 19(*; Dis/inuished Publi> Ser8i>es Ked-l, N+S+,
19(9; Wilhel! 5@ner +#-rd, +us/ri-, 19&0; N-/ion-l ?n8en/ors L-ll of 1-!e, 19&(;
5-rle N. Plyler Prize, 19&&; Niels Aohr ?n/ern-/ion-l "old Ked-l, 19&9; N-/ion-l
S>ien>e Ked-l, 19*'; 5nineerin -nd S>ien>e L-ll of 1-!e, 19*'; 6o!!on#e-l/h
+#-rd, 199'; +D?ON Ked-l, 199%.
Selected Publications: \Kole>ul-r Ki>ro#-8e Os>ill-/or -nd Ne# Ly$erfine S/ru>/ure
in /he Ki>ro#-8e S$e>/ru! of NL
.Z hysical Bevie0 Series 2, 9% BPuly 1, 19%)CH 2*2:
*) B#i/h P.P. "ordon -nd L.P. JeierC. #icro0ave (pectroscopy. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-
Lill, 19%% B#i/h +.L. S>h-#lo#C. ?uantum $lectronics> A (ymposium. Ne# 3or0H
6olu!bi- Ini8. Press, 19(0. 6enus> (trategy for $xploration. 2e$or/ of - s/udy by /he
S$->e S>ien>e Ao-rd. 6.L. To#nes, >h-ir. W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of
S>ien>es, 19&0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Asimov)s 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cience and
Technology. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, *%%:%&. .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne#
3or0H L.W. Wilson, 19(', )2':2%. A -ife in hysics. Aer0eleyH Ini8. of 6-liforni-
Press, 199).
Co$$entary: 6h-rles L. To#nes #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize \for fund-!en/-l #or0
in /he field of Gu-n/u! ele>/roni>s, #hi>h h-s led /o /he >ons/ru>/ion of os>ill-/ors -nd
-!$lifiers b-sed on /he !-ser-l-ser $rin>i$le.Z To#nes -nd /#o >o#or0ers >o!$le/ed
/he firs/ su>>essful !-ser in 19%). ?/ #-s b-sed on e@>i/ed -!!oni- !ole>ules #hi>h,
#hen s/ru>0 by $ho/ons of /he -$$ro$ri-/e enery, #ere s/i!ul-/ed in/o e!i//in
-ddi/ion-l $ho/ons of /he s-!e enery. The -!oun/ of enery in Gues/ion #-s eGu-l /o
/he enery le8el differen>e be/#een -n e@>i/ed -!!oni- !ole>ule -nd - round-le8el
-!!oni- !ole>ule. This Gu-n/u! of enery f-lls in/o /he !i>ro#-8e $or/ion of /he
ele>/ro!-ne/i> s$e>/ru!=hen>e, /he n-!e of /he de8i>e !Bi>ro#-8eC -B!$lifi>-/ion
byC sB/i!ul-/edC eB!ission ofC rB-di-/ionC. To#nes9s l-/er rese-r>h #-s in r-dio -nd
infr-red -s/rono!y. BP.W.C
e$n2an5 4ichard Phillips A3C
Prize: Physi>s, 19(%. Born: K-y 11, 191*; Ne# 3or0, N3. Death: 1ebru-ry 1%, 19**;
Los +neles, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, Kel8ille +r/hur 1eyn!-n; Ko/her, Lu>ille Philli$s
1eyn!-n. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e
of Te>hnoloy, A.S., 19'9; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Ph.D., 19)2. Spouse: +rlene L.
"reenb-u!, !-rried Pune 29, 19)2, died Pune 19)%; K-ry Louise Aell, !-rried Pune 2*,
19%2; "#ene/h Lo#-r/h, !-rried 19(0. Children: 6-rl, son; Ki>helle, d-uh/er.
Career: Prin>e/on Ini8. +/o!i> Ao!b ProMe>/, NP, 2ese-r>her, 19)1:)'; Los +l-!os
+/o!i> Ao!b ProMe>/, NK, 2ese-r>her, 19)':)%; 6ornell Ini8., N3, Professor, 19)%:
%0; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19%0:**. Other Awards: 5ins/ein
+#-rd, 19%); Oers/ed Ked-l, 19&2; Niels Aohr ?n/ern-/ion-l "old Ked-l, 19&'.
Selected Publications: ?uantum $lectrodynamics. 2e-din, K+H AenM-!in,6u!!ins,
+d8-n>ed Aoo0 Pror-!, 19(1. Theory of =undamental rocesses. Ne# 3or0H W.+.
AenM-!in, 19(1. =eynman -ectures on hysics. ' 8olu!es. 2e-din, K+H +ddison-
Wesley Pub. 6o., 19(':(9. ?uantum #echanics and ath <ntegrals. Ne# 3or0H
K>"r-#Lill, 19(%. The .haracter of hysical -a0. 6-!bride, K+H K.?.T. Press,
19(&. hoton /adron <nteractions. 2e-din, K+H W.+. AenM-!in, 19&2. (tatistical
#echanics. 2e-din, K+H W. +. AenM-!in, 19&2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19%%, 20%:0&. "ribbin, Pohn 2. -nd K-ry "ribbin. Bichard =eynman> a -ife in (cience.
Ne# 3or0H Plu!e, 199*. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press,
19**, Solu!e 2, 901:10. (cience 1%0 BO>/ober 29, 19(%CH %**:*9. (urely 1ou)re
7o2ing, #r. =eynman. Ne# 3or0H A-n/-!, 19*%. "lei>0, P. 5enius. LondonH Li//le
Aro#n, 1992.
Co$$entary: 2i>h-rd 1eyn!-n, #i/h his /#o >ol-ure-/es, sh-red /he Nobel Prize for
/heir de8elo$!en/ of /he /heory of Gu-n/u! ele>/rodyn-!i>s. Lis >on/ribu/ions in
s>ien/ifi> #or0 in>luded -n i!$or/-n/ role in /he -/o!i> bo!b $roMe>/, /he de8elo$!en/
of - Gu-n/u! /heory of ele>/ri>i/y -nd !-ne/is!, /he $resen/-/ion of /he 1eyn!-n
di-r-! Bfor $ossible $-r/i>le /r-nsfor!-/ionsC, -nd /he Gu-n/u! !e>h-ni>-l e@$l-n-/ion
of /he $ro$er/ies of liGuid heliu!. BA.K.C
-ch)in&er5 <!lian -e$2o!r A39
Prize: Physi>s, 19(%. Born: 1ebru-ry 12, 191*; Ne# 3or0, N3. Death: Puly 1(, 199);
Los +neles, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, AenM-!in S>h#iner; Ko/her, Aelle 2osenfeld
S>h#iner. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3,
A+, 19'(; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 19'9. Spouse: 6l-ri>e 6-rrol, !-rried 19)&.
Children: None. Career: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, 2ese-r>her, 19'9:)1; Purdue
Ini8., ?N, Professor, 19)1:)'; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, 2ese-r>her, 19)'; K-ss->huse//s
?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 2ese-r>her, 19)':)%; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19)%:&2;
Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Los +neles, Professor, 19&%:**. Other Awards: 6.L. K-yer
N-/ure of Lih/ +#-rd, 19)9; Ini8ersi/y Ked-l, 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 19%1; 5ins/ein
Prize, 19%1; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e for Physi>s, 19(); Lu!bol/ +#-rd, 19*1; Konie
+. 1es/ +#-rd, 19*(; 6-s/ilione di Si>ili- +#-rd, 19*(; +!eri>-n +>-de!y of
+>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, 19*&; +le@-nder L-!il/on Ked-l, 199% B$os/hu!ousC.
Selected Publications: \Qu-n/u! 5le>/rodyn-!i>s.Z hysical Bevie0 &) BNo8e!ber 1%,
19)*CH '9:(1. \On "-ue ?n8-ri-n>e -nd S->uu! Pol-riz-/ion.Z hysical Bevie0
P-e 22*
*2 B19%1CH (():&9. \+ Theory of /he 1und-!en/-l ?n/er->/ions.99 Annals of hysics 2
B19%&CH )0&:'). ?uantum $lectrodynamics. Ne# 3or0H Do8er, 19%*. \"-ue ?n8-ri-n>e
-nd K-ss ??.Z hysical Bevie0 12* B19(2CH 2)2%:29. articles (ources and =ields.
2e-din, K+H +ddison-Wesley Pub. 6o., 19&0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(&, '&9:*1. Kehr-, P-dish -nd o/hers. .limbing the #ountain> the (cientific
8iography of 7ulian (ch0inger. O@fordH O@ford Ini8ersi/y Press, 2000. 'obel ri*e
%inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e 2, *91:900. (cience 1%0
BO>/ober 29, 19(%CH %**:*9. S>h#eber, S. ?$& and the #en %ho #ade <t. Prin>e/on,
NPH Prin>e/on Ini8. Press, 199); 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BPuly 20, 199)CH
Co$$entary: Puli-n S>h#iner -nd his /#o >ol-ure-/es re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for
/heir de8elo$!en/ of /he /heory of Gu-n/u! ele>/rodyn-!i>s. 5-rlier #or0 by P-ul Dir->
-$$lied Gu-n/u! !e>h-ni>s /o -n -n-lysis of /he ele>/ro!-ne/i> field -nd $redi>/ed /h-/
$-r/i>les su>h -s /he ele>/ron #ould h-8e -n infini/e Gu-n/i/y of enery, #hi>h
>on/r-di>/ed obser8ed f->/. S>h#iner re#or0ed /he !-/he!-/i>s in /he /heory so /h-/
/he infini/e Gu-n/i/ies no loner -$$e-red -nd !-de i/ >onsis/en/ #i/h obser8-/ion,
>-$-ble of $redi>/in /he !-ne/i> -nd o/her $ro$er/ies of $-r/i>les -nd r-di-/ion. Le
l-/er #or0ed on /he $ro$er/ies of syn>hro/ron r-di-/ion. BP.L.N.C
To2ona&a5 -hinichiro A?0
Prize: Physi>s, 19(%. Born: K-r>h '1, 190(; To0yo, P-$-n. Death: Puly *, 19&9; To0yo,
P-$-n. Parents: 1-/her, S-nMuro To!on--; Ko/her, Lide To!on--. Nationality:
P-$-nese. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly Auddhis/. Education: Nyo/o ?!$eri-l Ini8., P-$-n,
A.+., 1929; To0yo ?!$eri-l Ini8., P-$-n, D.S>., 19'9. Spouse: 2yo0o Se0iu>hi,
!-rried 19)0. Children: +/sushi, son; K-0o/o, son; Shie0o, d-uh/er. Career: To0yo
Ini8., P-$-n, Professor, 19'9:&0. Other Awards: P-$-n +>-de!y Prize, 19)*;
Lo!onoso8 Ked-l, 2ussi-, 19().
Selected Publications: ?uantum #echanics. To0yoH Kisuzu Publishin 6o!$-ny, 19)9.
B5nlish $ubli>-/ion in /#o 8olu!es. +!s/erd-!H Nor/h-Loll-nd Publishin 6o!$-ny,
19(2:((C. (cientific apers of Tomonaga. 2 8olu!es. To0yoH Kisuzu Shobo Publishin
6o!$-ny, 19&1:&(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: K-/sui, K. -nd o/hers. (initiro Tomonaga> -ife of a
7apanese hysicist. To0yoH K3I, 199%. #odern #en of (cience. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-
Lill, 19((H)*':*). 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**,
Solu!e 2, **1:*9. Weber, 2ober/ L. ioneers of (cience, 'obel ri*e %inners in
hysics. LondonH ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s, 19*0, 20%:0(. S>h#eber, S. ?$& and the #en
%ho #ade <t. Prin>e/on, NPH Prin>e/on Ini8. Press, 199).
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o Shini>hiro To!on--, Moin/ly #i/h
2i>h-rd 1eyn!-n -nd Puli-n S>h#iner, for his rese-r>h on - /heore/i>-l b-sis for
Gu-n/u! ele>/rodyn-!i>s #hi>h #-s >onsis/en/ #i/h bo/h obser8-ble beh-8ior of
$-r/i>les -nd /he /heory of rel-/i8i/y. To!on-- -lso #or0ed in /he -re-s of Gu-n/u!
dyn-!i>s, /he /heory of neu/rons, -nd ele>/ro!-ne/i>s. BD.P.N.C
8astler5 0lfred A?1
Prize: Physi>s, 19((. Born: K-y ', 1902; "ueb#iller, 1r-n>e. Death: P-nu-ry &, 19*);
A-ndol, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, 1rederi> N-s/ler; Ko/her, +nn- 1rey N-s/ler.
Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: ]>ole Nor!-le
Su$_rieure, 1r-n>e, Te->hin deree, 192(; Ini8. of Aorde-u@, 1r-n>e, Do>/eur des
S>ien>es PhysiGues, 19'(. Spouse: 5lise 6osse/, !-rried De>e!ber 2), 192). Children:
D-niel, son; 6l-ude-38es, son; Kireille, d-uh/er. Career: 6ler!on/-1err-n/ Ini8.,
1r-n>e, Professor, 19'(:'*; Ini8. of Aorde-u@, 1r-n>e, Professor, 19'*:)1; ]>ole
Nor!-le Su$_rieure, 1r-n>e, Professor, 19)1:(*; 6N2S, 1r-n>e, Dire>/or, 19(*:&2.
Other Awards: Lol#e>0 Prize, London Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19%); 6.5.N. Kees
?n/ern-/ion-l Ked-l, O$/i>-l So>ie/y of +!eri>-, 19(2; +#-rd in S>ien/ifi> 2ese-r>h,
+>-de!y of S>ien>es; S>ien>e Prize, 6i/y of P-ris, 19('.
Selected Publications: -a &iffusion de la -umiLre par les #ilieux Troubles. P-risH
Ler!-nn, 19%2. olarisation, #atiLre et Bayonnement, 6olume 7ubilaire en l)/onneur
d)Alfred Jastler. P-risH Presses Ini8ersi/-ires de 1r-n>e, 19(9. .ette $trange #atiLre.
P-risH S/o>0, 19&(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19(&, 21(:1*. 'e0 1or2 Times BNo8e!ber ), 19((CH 1,2*. \No/i>es sur les !e!bres
d`>`d`sH N-s/ler B+lfredC.Z +sso>i-/ion +!i>-le des +n>iens `l`8es de l9]>ole Nor!-le
Su$_rieure BAnnuaireC, 19*%, (0:(%.
Co$$entary: +lfred N-s/ler #-s -#-rded /he Nobel $rize for \/he dis>o8ery -nd
de8elo$!en/ of o$/i>-l !e/hods for s/udyin Lerzi-n reson-n>es in -/o!s.Z Le no/ only
$ro8ided - s/i!ulus /o fur/her rese-r>h by o/her s>ien/is/s, bu/ his #or0 -lso resul/ed in
$r->/i>-l -$$li>-/ions, n-!ely /he de8elo$!en/s of /he l-ser, !-ne/o!e/ers, -nd -/o!i>
>lo>0s. The double reson-n>e /e>hniGue, #hi>h uses o$/i>-l -nd Lerzi-n reson-n>es
Blih/ -nd r-dio#-8esC, -nd /he o$/i>-l $u!$in /e>hniGue /o orien/ -/o!s -nd -/o!i>
fields !-de i/ $ossible /o de/e>/ #i/h $re>ision /he s$e>/ru! of Lerzi-n reson-n>es.
N-s/ler #-s -lso #ell 0no#n for his hu!-ni/-ri-n, so>i-l, -nd $oli/i>-l ->/i8i/ies. Le
/oo0 s/-nds --ins/ /he 1ren>h o>>u$-/ion of +leri-, --ins/ /he So8ie/ /re-/!en/ of
S-0h-ro8 -nd Solzheni/syn, -nd --ins/ >ruel -nd inhu!-n /re-/!en/ of li8es/o>0.
+ethe5 1ans 0lbrecht A?2
Prize: Physi>s, 19(&. Born: Puly 2, 190(; S/r-ssbour, "er!-ny Bno# 1r-n>eC. Parents:
1-/her, +lbre>h/ Theodore Pulius Ae/he; Ko/her, +nn- Nuhn Ae/he. Nationality:
"er!-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: "oe/he "y!n-siu!,
"er!-ny, b->>-l-ure-/e, 192); Ini8. of Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 192*. Spouse: 2ose
5#-ld, !-rried Se$/e!ber 1), 19'9. Children: Lenry "eore, son; Koni>-, d-uh/er.
Career: Ini8. of 1r-n0fur/, "er!-ny, Professor, 192*:29; Ini8. of S/u//-r/, "er!-ny,
Professor, 1929:'0; Ini8. of Kuni>h -nd Ini8. of TRbinen, "er!-ny, Professor, 19'0:
''; Ini8. of K-n>hes/er, 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'':'); Ini8. of Aris/ol, 5nl-nd,
Professor, 19'):'%; 6ornell Ini8., N3, Professor, 19'&:&%. Other Awards: Korrison
Prize, Ne# 3or0 +>-de!y of S>ien>e,
P-e 229
19'*; I.S. Ked-l of Keri/, 19)(; Dr-$er Ked-l, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19)*;
K-@ Pl-n>0 Ked-l, 19%%; 5nri>o 1er!i Prize, 19(1; 5ddin/on Ked-l, 2oy-l
+s/rono!i>-l So>ie/y, 19('; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19&(; S-nne8-r Aush +#-rd,
19*%; 5ins/ein Pe->e Prize, 199'.
Selected Publications: \5nery Produ>/ion in S/-rs.Z hysical Bevie0 %% B19'9CH )').
$lementary 'uclear Theory. Ne# 3or0H Pohn Wiley -nd Sons, ?n>., 19)&. ?uantum
#echanics of One@ and T0o@$lectron Atoms. Ne# 3or0H Plenu! Publishin 6o., 19%*
B#i/h 5.5. S-l$e/erC. (plitting of Atoms in .rystals. Ne# 3or0H Plenu! Publishin 6o.,
19(2. <ntermediate ?uantum #echanics. S-n 1r-n>is>oH AenM-!in-6u!!ins 6o., 19(*
B#i/h 2o!-n W. P->0i#C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Aerns/ein, Pere!y. /ans 8ethe> rophet of $nergy. Ne#
3or0H A-si> Aoo0s, 19*0. #odern #en of (cience. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-# Lill, 19((, '&:
'9. 'ational .yclopedia of American 8iography. Ne# 3or0H P-!es T. Whi/e, 19(0
BSolu!e ?C, '20:21. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, Solu!e
2, 92':').
Co$$entary: L-ns Ae/he #on /he Nobel Prize for his se8er-l >on/ribu/ions /o nu>le-r
re->/ion /heory, #i/h s$e>i-l referen>e /o /he enery $rodu>/ion of s/-rs. Le #-s uniGue
-!on his >on/e!$or-ries in !-0in di8erse >on/ribu/ions /o /he field of $hysi>s,
r-nin fro! fund-!en/-l $-r/i>les /o b-llis/i> !issiles. Ae/he #-s bes/ 0no#n for
de8elo$in - /heore/i>-l des>ri$/ion of deu/eron fusion -nd usin /he >-rbon >y>le -s -
!e>h-nis! /o e@$l-in /he r-/e of enery $rodu>/ion in /he sun9s in/erior b-l-n>ed --ins/
surf->e enery losses. Le >on/ribu/ed /o /he /heory of nu>le-r re->/ors -nd de8elo$ed /he
firs/ /heory of ele>/ron-$osi/ron $-ir >re-/ion. The e-rly #or0 of Ae/he -nd o/hers led /o
our $resen/-d-y unders/-ndin of >ore nu>le-r re->/ions in /he sun. B".W.C
0l>arez5 #!is Walter A?3
Prize: Physi>s, 19(*. Born: Pune 1', 1911; S-n 1r-n>is>o, 6+. Death: Se$/e!ber 1,
19**; Aer0eley, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, W-l/er 6le!en/ +l8-rez; Ko/her, L-rrie/
S0id!ore S!y/h +l8-rez. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6onre-/ion-lis/
b->0round. Education: Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, A.S., 19'2; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, K.S>.,
19'); Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Ph.D., 19'(. Spouse: "er-ldine S!i/h#i>0, !-rried +$ril
1%, 19'(, di8or>ed 19%&; P-ne/ L. L-ndis, !-rried De>e!ber 2*, 19%*. Children: W-l/er
S., son; Don-ld L., son; Pe-n S., d-uh/er; Lelen L., d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of
6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor, 19'(:&*. Other Awards: 6ollier Tro$hy, 19)(; Ked-l
for Keri/, 19)*; Pohn S>o// Ked-l, 19%'; 6-liforni- S>ien/is/ of /he 3e-r, 19(0; 5ins/ein
Ked-l, 19(1; Pioneer Prize, +?555, 19('; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19(); Ki>helson
+#-rd, 19(%; N-/ion-l ?n8en/ors L-ll of 1-!e, 19&*; Wrih/ Prize, 19*1; 2o>0#ell
Ked-l, 19*(; 5nri>o 1er!i +#-rd, 19*&.
Selected Publications: \The Life/i!e of /he /-Keson.Z 'uovo .imento 2 B19%%CH '))
B#i/h S. "oldh-berC. OO6-/-lysis of Nu>le-r 2e->/ions by u Kesons.Z hysical Bevie0
10% B19%&CH 112& B#i/h o/hersC. \N-?n/er->/ions in Lydroen.Z 'uovo .imento % B19%&CH
102( B#i/h o/hersC. \5l-s/i> S>-//erin of 1.(-Ke8 "-!!- 2-y fro! L, Li, 6, -nd +l
Nu>lei.Z hysical Bevie0 112 B19%*CH 12(& B#i/h 1.S. 6r-#ford -nd K.L. S/e8ensonC.
(trong <nteractions. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19((. \2e>en/ De8elo$!en/s in
P-r/i>le Physi>s.Z (cience 1(% BSe$/e!ber 12, 19(9CH 10&1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Alvare*> Adventures of a hysicist. Ne# 3or0H A-si> Aoo0s,
19*&. (cience 1(2 BNo8e!ber *, 19(*CH ()%.
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o Luis +l8-rez #-s for his \de>isi8e >on/ribu/ions /o
ele!en/-ry $-r/i>le $hysi>s, in $-r/i>ul-r /he dis>o8ery of - l-re nu!ber of reson-n>e
s/-/es !-de $ossible /hrouh his de8elo$!en/ of /he /e>hniGue of usin hydroen bubble
>h-!bers -nd d-/- -n-lysis.Z Le -lso !-de i!$or/-n/ >on/ribu/ions in !-ny o/her -re-s
of $hysi>sH he >odis>o8ered /he e-s/-#es/ effe>/ in >os!i> r-ys, de!ons/r-/ed orbi/-l
ele>/ron >-$/ure by nu>lei, >oll-bor-/ed on buildin /he firs/ $ro/on line-r ->>eler-/or
b-sed on /he use of >-8i/y reson-/ors, -nd de8elo$ed /he round->on/rolled--$$ro->h
blind l-ndin sys/e!, #hi>h uses !i>ro#-8e r-d-r. B6.D.C
6ell',ann5 ,!rra$ A??
Prize: Physi>s, 19(9. Born: Se$/e!ber 1%, 1929; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her,
+r/hur "ell-K-nn; Ko/her, P-uline 2ei>hs/ein "ell-K-nn. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: Nonbelie8er; fro! Pe#ish b->0round. Education: 3-le Ini8., 6T, A.S.,
19)*; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 19%1. Spouse: P. K-r-re/ Do#,
!-rried +$ril 19, 19%%, died De>e!ber 19*1; K-r>i- Sou/h#i>0, !-rried Pune 20, 1992.
Children: 5liz-be/h, d-uh/er; Ni>hol-s, son; Ni>hol-s Le8is, s/e$son. Career:
Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Professor, 19%1:%2; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19%2:%%;
6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, P-s-den-, Professor, 19%%:9'. Other Awards: D-nnie
Leine!-n Prize, +!eri>-n Physi>-l So>ie/y -nd +!eri>-n ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s, 19%9;
5.O. L-#ren>e +#-rd, 19((; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19(&; 6-r/y Ked-l,
19(*; 2ese-r>h 6or$or-/ion +#-rd, 19(9; 5ri>e Prize, 1990.
Selected Publications: \?so/o$i> S$in -nd Ne# Ins/-ble P-r/i>les.Z hysical Bevie0 92
B19%'CH *''. -ectures on %ea2 <nteractions of (trongly <nteracting articles, &elivered
at the (ummer (chool in Theoretical hysics, 8angalore, 1961. Ao!b-yH T-/- ?ns/i/u/e
of 1und-!en/-l 2ese-r>h, 19(1. -ecture 'otes on (pecial Topics in Belativistic
?uantum Theory. 6-!bride, K+H K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy Press, 19('.
\+ S>he!-/i> Kodel of A-ryons -nd Kesons.Z hysics -etters * B1ebru-ry 1, 19()CH
21). The $ightfold %ay> A Bevie0 0ith a .ollection of Beprints. Ne# 3or0H W.+.
AenM-!in, 19() B#i/h 3. Ne9e!-nC. The ?uar2 and the 7aguar. Ne# 3or0H W.L.
1ree!-n, 199).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19((, 12):((. Pohnson, "eore. (trange 8eauty> #urray 5ell@#ann and the Bevolution
in ,0th@.entury hysics. Ne# 3or0H +lfred +. Nno$f, 1999. (cience BNo8e!ber *,
19(9CH &1%:22.
Co$$entary: The -#-rd /o Kurr-y "ell-K-nn #-s \for his >on/ribu/ions -nd
dis>o8eries >on>ernin /he >l-ssifi>-/ion of ele!en/-ry $-r/i>les -nd /heir in/er->/ions.Z
"ellK-nn9s e-rlier >on/ribu/ion #-s /he in/rodu>/ion of /he s/r-neness $rin>i$le, #hi>h
>l-ssified /he ele!en/-ry $-r/i>les in /he -/o!i> nu>leus, b-sed on $ro$er/ies rel-/ed /o
>h-re -nd s$in. L-/er, usin sy!!e/ry rou$ /heory, he
P-e 2'0
de8ised /he 5ih/fold W-y, - s>he!e for >l-ssifi>-/ion, b-sed on eih/ Gu-n/u!
nu!bers. Lis $redi>/ions of /he e@is/en>es of $-r/i>les led /o !-ny dis>o8eries,
in>ludin /hose in /he #orld of Gu-r0s. B6.D.C
0lf>en5 1annes 3lof 6Lsta A?@
Prize: Physi>s, 19&0. Born: K-y '0, 190*; Norr0oe$in, S#eden. Death: +$ril 2, 199%;
DMurshol!, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, Poh-nnes +lf8en; Ko/her, +nn--6l-r- 2o!-nus
+lf8en. Nationality: S#edish. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Ini8. of I$$s-l-,
S#eden, Ph.D., 19'). Spouse: Ners/in K-ri- 5ri0son, !-rried Pune 1*, 19'%. Children:
6e>ili-, d-uh/er; ?ner, d-uh/er; "Us/-, d-uh/er; 2eidun, son; Aereni0e, son. Career:
Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden, Professor, 19'):'&; Nobel ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s, S#eden,
2ese-r>her, 19'&:)0; 2oy-l ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19)0:&'; Ini8. of
6-liforni-, S-n Dieo, Professor, 19(&:**. Other Awards: "old Ked-l, 2oy-l
+s/rono!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(&; Lo!onoso8 "old Ked-l, So8ie/ +>-de!y of S>ien>es,
19&1; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19&1; Ao#ie "old Ked-l, 19*&; Dir->
Ked-l, 199).
Selected Publications: .osmical $lectrodynamics. O@fordH 6l-rendon Press, 19%0. On
the Origin of the (olar (ystem. O@fordH 6l-rendon Press, 19%). .osmical
$lectrodynamics> =undamental rinciples. O@fordH 6l-rendon Press, 19(' B#i/h 6-rl-
"unne 1-l/h-!!-rC. %orlds@Anti0orlds> Antimatter in .osmology. S-n 1r-n>is>oH W.L.
1ree!-n, 19((. (tructure and $volutionary /istory of the (olar (ystem. Dordre>h/,
Ne/herl-ndsH D. 2eidel, 19&% B#i/h "us/-f +rrheniusC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical $dition BO>/ober 2*, 19&0CH
2&0&:0*. hysics Today 2' BDe>e!ber 19&0CH (1:('.
Co$$entary: One of /he founders of /he field of $l-s!- $hysi>s, L-nnes +lf8en sh-red
/he Nobel Prize \for fund-!en/-l #or0 in !-ne/ohydrodyn-!i>s #i/h frui/ful
-$$li>-/ions in differen/ $-r/s of $l-s!- $hysi>s.Z Lis #or0 on /he !o/ion of ele>/ri>-lly
>ondu>/in fluids in - !-ne/i> field #-s >on>erned $ri!-rily #i/h eo$hysi>s -nd
-s/ro$hysi>s. ?/ led /o /he de8elo$!en/ of /he >on>e$/ of \+lf8en9s #-8es,Z /r-ns8erse
hydro!-ne/i> #-8es /r-ns!i//ed by /he $l-s!-. +lf8en9s #or0 hel$ed $ro8ide -n
unders/-ndin of /he sol-r sys/e! -nd #-s ins/ru!en/-l in /he de8elo$!en/ of >on/rolled
/her!onu>le-r re->/ors -nd s$->e /r-8el. BP.N.S.C
NHel5 #o!is "!&ene eli/ A?A
Prize: Physi>s, 19&0. Born: No8e!ber 22, 190); Lyons, 2hone, 1r-n>e. Death:
No8e!ber 1&, 2000; Ari8e-6orreze, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, Louis +n/oine N_el;
Ko/her, K-rie +n/oine//e L-r/!-yer N_el. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: 6-/holi>.
Education: ]>ole Nor!-le Su$_rieure, 1r-n>e, +ree de l9Ini8ersi/_, 192*; Ini8. of
S/r-sbour, 1r-n>e, Do>/eur es S>ien>es, 19'2. Spouse: Lelene Lour/i>G, !-rried
Se$/e!ber 1), 19'1. Children: K-rie-1r-naoise, d-uh/er; K-rueri/e "uely, d-uh/er;
Pierre, son. Career: Ini8. of S/r-sbour, 1r-n>e, Professor, 192*:)%; Ini8. of "renoble,
1r-n>e, Professor, 19)%:&(. Other Awards: Pri@ Lol#e>0, 19%2; "old Ked-l
B6.N.2.SC., 19(%; 6roi@ de "uerre, 19)0; "r-nd 6roi@, Leion d9Lonneur.
Selected Publications: $xposDs sur l)$nergie. P-risH ?ns/i/u/e de 1r-n>e, 19&*. Ouevres
(cientifi4ue de -ouis 'Del. P-risH 6en/re N-/ion-l de l- 2e>her>he S>ien/ifiGue, 19&*.
(elected %or2s of -ouis 'Del. Ne# 3or0H "ordon -nd Are->h, 19**.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical $dition. BO>/ober 2*, 19&0CH
2&0&:0*. (cience BNo8e!ber (, 19&0CH (0):(09.
Co$$entary: Louis N_el re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize \for his $ioneerin s/udies of /he
!-ne/i> $ro$er/ies of solids.99 Lis e-rly s/udies e@$l-ined -n/iferro!-ne/is!, /he
!-ne/i> effe>/ deri8ed fro! ele>/ron -lin!en/s in o$$osi/e dire>/ions. Le -lso s/udied
/he !-ne/i> !e!ory of >er/-in !iner-l de$osi/s #hi>h e@$l-ined obser8ed >h-nes in
/he 5-r/h9s !-ne/i> field. N_el9s rese-r>h on /he ferri!-ne/i>s h-s $ro8ided ne#
!-/eri-ls for !i>ro#-8e ele>/roni>s. BS.+.L.C
6abor5 (ennis A?B
Prize: Physi>s, 19&1. Born: Pune %, 1900; Aud-$es/, Lun-ry. Death: 1ebru-ry *, 19&9;
London, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Aer/hold "-bor; Ko/her, +drienne P->obo8i/s "-bor.
Nationality: Lun-ri-n; l-/er Ari/ish >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Te>hnis>he
Lo>hs>hule, "er!-ny, di$lo!-, 192); Te>hnis>he Lo>hs>hule, "er!-ny, Dr. 5le>/.
5n., 192&. Spouse: K-rMorie Louise Au/ler, !-rried +uus/ *, 19'(. Children: None.
Career: Sie!ens -nd L-ls0e, Aerlin, "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 192&:''; Ari/ish Tho!son-
Lous/on 6o., 2uby, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19'):)*; ?!$eri-l 6ollee, London,
5nl-nd, Professor, 19)9:(&. Other Awards: Tho!-s 3oun Ked-l -nd Prize, 19(&;
6ris/oforo 6olu!bo Prize, "eno-, ?/-ly, 19(&; 2u!ford Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(*;
Ki>helson Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19(*; Ked-l of Lonor, ?ns/i/u/e of 5le>/ri>-l
-nd 5le>/roni>s 5nineers, 19&0; Se!!el#eis Ked-l, +!eri>-n Lun-ri-n Kedi>-l
+sso>i-/ion, 19&0; Lol#e>0 Prize, 1ren>h Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19&1; "eore W-shin/on
+#-rd, +!eri>-n Lun-ri-n S/udies 1ound-/ion, 19&'.
Selected Publications: \+ Ne# Ki>ros>o$i> Prin>i$le.Z 'ature BK-y 1%, 19)*CH &&&:
&*. \Ki>ros>o$y by 2e>ons/ru>/ed W-8e-1ron/s.Z roceedings of the Boyal (ociety
+19& B19)9CH )%). \Ki>ros>o$y by 2e>ons/ru>/ed W-8e 1ron/sH ??.Z roceedings of the
Boyal (ociety A() B19%1CH 2)). <nventing the =uture. Ne# 3or0H Nno$f, 19().
<nnovations> (cientific, Technological, and (ocial. LondonH O@ford Ini8. Press, 19&0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety.
LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*0 BSolu!e 2(C, 10&:)&. 'e0 1or2 Times BNo8e!ber ',
19&1CH 1, 2*.
Co$$entary: Dennis "-bor #-s one of /he fe# in8en/ors #ho re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize,
\for his in8en/ion -nd de8elo$!en/ of holor-$hy,Z - lenseless sys/e! of
/hreedi!ension-l $ho/or-$hy. Lis >on/ribu/ions e@/ended in/o !-ny o/her -re-s=/he
hih-s$eed >-/hode r-y os>illor-$h, /he shrouded !-ne/i> lens, /heories of
>o!!uni>-/ion, infor!-/ion /heory, /he $hysi>s of o$/i>s, $redi>/in !->hines, $l-s!-s,
-s dis>h-re /ubes, -nd /ele8ision. "-bor #-s -lso - /hin0er -bou/ /he dis>i$line of
$hysi>s i/self,
P-e 2'1
#ri/in /houh/fully -bou/ i/s -$$li>-/ions -nd so>ie/-l issues. B".W.C
+ardeen5 <ohn
(ee en/ry A1C
%ooper5 #eon Neil A?C
Prize: Physi>s, 19&2. Born: 1ebru-ry 2*, 19'0; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, ?r8in
6oo$er; Ko/her, +nn- Jol- 6oo$er. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish.
Education: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, +.A., 19%1; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, +.K., 19%';
6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 19%). Spouse: N-y +nne +ll-rd, !-rried K-y 1*, 19(9.
Children: N-/hleen, d-uh/er; 6or-lie, d-uh/er. Career: Prin>e/on Ini8., NP,
2ese-r>her, 19%):%%; Ini8. of ?llinois, 2ese-r>her, 19%%:%&; Ohio S/-/e Ini8.,
Professor, 19%&:%*; Aro#n Ini8., 2?, Professor, 19%*-. Other Awards: 6o!s/o>0 Prize,
N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>e, 19(*; Des>-r/es Ked-l, +>-d_!ie de P-ris, 19&&; Pohn
P-y +#-rd, 6olu!bi- 6ollee, Ne# 3or0, 19*%; Dis/inuished +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd,
6olu!bi- Ini8., 1990; +le@-nder L-!il/on +#-rd, 6olu!bi- 6ollee, 199%.
Selected Publications: \Ki>ros>o$i> Theory of Su$er>ondu>/i8i/y.Z hysical Bevie0
10( B19%&CH 1(2:() B#i/h P. A-rdeen -nd P.2. S>hriefferC. \Theory of
Su$er>ondu>/i8i/y.Z hysical Bevie0 10* B19%&CH 11&%:120) B#i/h P. A-rdeen -nd P.2.
S>hriefferC. \S$e>ifi> Le-/ Ke-sure!en/s -nd /he 5nery "-$ in Su$er>ondu>/ors.Z
hysical Bevie0 -etters ' B19%9CH 1&. \Su$er>ondu>/i8i/y in /he Neihborhood of
Ke/-lli> 6on/->/s.99 hysical Bevie0 -etters ( B19(1CH (*9:90. An <ntroduction to the
#eaning and (tructure of hysics. Ne# 3or0H L-r$er Y 2o#, 19(*. \Oriin of /he
Theory of Su$er>ondu>/i8i/y.Z <$$$ Transactions on #agnetics #A5,C BK-r>h 19*&CH
or !ore "n#or$ation See: hysics Today 2% BDe>e!ber 19&2CH &':&%. (cience 1&*
BNo8e!ber ', 19&2CH )*9:91.
Co$$entary: Leon 6oo$er sh-red, #i/h Pohn A-rdeen -nd Pohn S>hrieffer, /he Nobel
Prize for #or0 on /he /heory of su$er>ondu>/i8i/y. 6oo$er sho#ed /h-/ -/ lo#
/e!$er-/ures ele>/rons in - >ondu>/or >ould ->/ in bound $-irs B>-lled 6oo$er $-irsC.
Wi/h his >ol-ure-/es, he de!ons/r-/ed /h-/ /he 6oo$er $-ir ->/ion resul/ed in no
ele>/ri>-l resis/-n>e /o ele>/ron flo# /hrouh solids. The A6S /heory s/i!ul-/ed !u>h
#or0 in $hysi>s. 6oo$er -lso >on/ribu/ed sinifi>-n/ly in /he -re-s of nu>le-r $hysi>s,
/he su$erfluid s/-/e -/ lo# /e!$er-/ures, -nd /he /heory of /he >en/r-l ner8ous sys/e!.
-chrieffer5 <ohn 4obert A?9
Prize: Physi>s, 19&2. Born: K-y '1, 19'1; O-0 P-r0, ?L. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn Lenry
S>hrieffer; Ko/her, Louise +nderson S>hrieffer. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion:
6hris/i-n. Education: K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, A.S., 19%'; Ini8. of
?llinois, K.S., 19%); Ini8. of ?llinois, Ph.D., 19%&. Spouse: +nne "re/e Tho!sen,
!-rried De>e!ber '0, 19(0. Children: P-ul N-rs/en, son; +nne Aole//e, d-uh/er; +nne
2ein-, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor, 19%&:%9; Ini8. of ?llinois,
Professor, 19%9:(2; Ini8. of Pennsyl8-ni-, Professor, 19(2:&9; Ini8. of 6-liforni-,
S-n/- A-rb-r-, Professor, 19&9:91; 1lorid- S/-/e Ini8., Professor, 1992-. Other Awards:
Au>0ley Prize, 19(*; 6o!s/o>0 Prize, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19(*; Pohn
5ri>sson Ked-l, +!eri>-n So>ie/y of S#edish 5nineers, 19&(; +lu!ni +>hie8e!en/
+#-rd, Ini8. of ?llinois, 19&9; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19*).
Selected Publications: \Ki>ros>o$i> Theory of Su$er>ondu>/i8i/y.Z hysical Bevie0
10( B19%&CH 1(2:() B#i/h L.N. 6oo$er -nd P. A-rdeenC. \Theory of Su$er>ondu>/i8i/y.Z
hysical Bevie0 10* B19%&CH 11&%:120) B#i/h P. A-rdeen -nd L.N. 6oo$erC. \2e>en/
+d8-n>es in /he Theory of Su$er>ondu>/i8i/y.Z hysica 2( B19(0CH S1-S1(. Theory of
(uperconductivity. 2e-din, K+H W.+. AenM-!in, 19(), re8ised 19*'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: hysics Today 2% BDe>e!ber 19&2CH &':&%. (cience 1&*
BNo8e!ber ', 19&2CH )*9:91.
Co$$entary: Pohn S>hrieffer re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize #i/h his >ol-ure-/es, Pohn
A-rdeen -nd Leon 6oo$er, for /heir de8elo$!en/ of /he A6S /heory of
su$er>ondu>/i8i/y, #hi>h rel-/ed /he su$er>ondu>/in s/-/e /o /he bound $-ir ->/ions of
ele>/rons -/ lo# /e!$er-/ure in /he >ondu>/or. Lis l-/er #or0 h-s been in /he -re-s of
$-r/i>le $hysi>s, !e/-l i!$uri/ies, s$in flu>/u-/ions, -nd >he!isor$/ion. BP.S.C
"saki5 #eo A@0
Prize: Physi>s, 19&'. Born: K-r>h 12, 192%; Os-0-, P-$-n. Parents: 1-/her, Soi>hiro
5s-0i; Ko/her, Niyo0o ?/o 5s-0i. Nationality: P-$-nese; l-/er +!eri>-n residen/.
Religion: Auddhis/. Education: Ini8. of To0yo, P-$-n, A.S., 19)&; Ini8. of To0yo,
P-$-n, Ph.D., 19%9. Spouse: K-s-0o +r-0i, !-rried No8e!ber 21, 19%9, di8or>ed;
K-s-0o Nondo, !-rried K-y '1, 19*(. Children: 5uene Leo, son; Nin- 38onne,
d-uh/er; +nn- 5ileen, d-uh/er. Career: Nobe Noyo 6or$or-/ion, P-$-n, 2ese-r>her,
19)&:%(; Sony 6or$or-/ion, P-$-n, 2ese-r>her, 19%(:(0; ?n/ern-/ion-l Ausiness
K->hines, 2ese-r>her, 19(0:92; Ini8. of Tsu0ub-, P-$-n, Presiden/, 1992:9*. Other
Awards: Nishin- Ke!ori-l +#-rd, 19%9; +s-hi Press +#-rd, 19(0; Toyo 2-yon
1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19(1; Korris N. Lieb!-nn Ke!ori-l Prize, 19(1; S/u-r/ A-ll-n/ine
Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19(1; P-$-n +>-de!y +#-rd, 19(%; Order of 6ul/ure,
P-$-n, 19&); S>ien>e +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, I.S.-+si- ?ns/i/u/e, 19*'; ?n/ern-/ion-l Prize
for Ne# K-/eri-ls, +!eri>-n Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19*%; ?555 Ked-l of Lonor, 1991;
P-$-n Prize, 199*.
Selected Publications: \Pro$er/ies of Le-8ily-Do$ed "e -nd N-rro# $-n Pun>/ions.Z
(olid (tate hys. $lectronics Telecommun., roc. <ntern. .onf., 8russels 1 B19%*CH %1):
2'. \Ne# Lorizons in Se!i!e/-l +lloys.Z <$$$ (pectrum ' B19((CH &):*0, *%:*(.
\Tunnelin S/udies on /he "rou$ % Se!i!e/-ls -nd /he ):( Se!i>ondu>/ors.Z 7ournal
of the hysical (ociety of 7apan, Su$$le!en/ 21 B19((CH %*9:9&. \Tunnelin in Solids.Z
$lectron. (truct. (olids, -ect. .hania .onf., ,nd B19(*CH 1:)0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: #odern #en of (cience. Ne# 3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19((,
1%(:%&. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical $dition BO>/ober 2), 19&'CH 1()0. (cience 1*2
BNo8e!ber 1(, 19&'CH &01:0).
Co$$entary: Leo 5s-0i sh-red /he 19&' $rize for his dis>o8ery of /unnelin in
se!i>ondu>/ors. Tunnelin is - Gu-n/u! !e>h-ni>-l effe>/ in #hi>h -n ele>/ron $-sses
/hrouh - $o/en/i-l b-rrier B- solid reionC, e8en /houh
P-e 2'2
>l-ssi>-l /heory $redi>/ed /h-/ i/ >ould no/. Lis rese-r>h -/ /he Sony 6or$or-/ion in /he
l-/e 19%0s led /o /he >re-/ion of /he 5s-0i diode, -n i!$or/-n/ >o!$onen/ of solid s/-/e
$hysi>s. Ae>-use of i/s si!$li>i/y -nd sensi/i8i/y, i/ h-s $r->/i>-l -$$li>-/ions in hih-
s$eed >ir>ui/s, su>h -s /hose in >o!$u/ers, >o!!uni>-/ions ne/#or0s, -nd o/her
ele>/roni> eGui$!en/. 5s-0i -$$lied - /unnelin /e>hniGue in s$e>/ros>o$i> s/udies,
0no#n -s /unnelin s$e>/ros>o$y. BD.P.N.C
6iae>er5 .>ar A@1
Prize: Physi>s, 19&'. Born: +$ril %, 1929; Aeren, Nor#-y. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn +.
"i-e8er; Ko/her, "udrun K. S0--rud "i-e8er. Nationality: Nor#ei-n; l-/er +!eri>-n
>i/izen. Religion: No -ffili-/ion; fro! Lu/her-n b->0round. Education: Nor#ei-n
?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Nor#-y, A->helor of 5nineerin, 19%2; 2enssel-er
Poly/e>hni>-l ?ns/i/u/e, N3, Ph.D., 19(). Spouse: ?ner S0r-!s/-d, !-rried No8e!ber
*, 19%2. Children: Pohn, son; "uri, d-uh/er; +nne N-ri, d-uh/er; Trine, d-uh/er.
Career: Nor#ei-n +r!y, 19%2:%'; Nor#ei-n P-/en/ Offi>e, Oslo, P-/en/ 5@-!iner,
19%':%); "ener-l 5le>/ri> 6o!$-ny, 6-n-d-, 5nineer, 19%):%(; "ener-l 5le>/ri>
6o!$-ny, Ini/ed S/-/es, 2ese-r>her, 19%(:**; 2enssel-er Poly/e>hni>, NP, Professor,
19**-; Ini8. of Oslo, Nor#-y, Professor, 19**-. Other Awards: Oli8er 5. Au>0ley Prize,
+!eri>-n Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19(%; "uenhei! 1ello#, 19&0; S.N. J#ory0in +#-rd,
N-/ion-l +>-de!y of 5nineerin, 19&).
Selected Publications: \5nery "-$ in Su$er>ondu>/ors Ke-sured by 5le>/ron
Tunnelin.Z hysical Bevie0 -etters % B19(0CH 1)&. \5le>/ron Tunnelin be/#een T#o
Su$er>ondu>/ors.Z hysical Bevie0 -etters % B19(0CH )(). \De/e>/ion of /he +.6.
Pose$hson 5ffe>/.99 hysical Bevie0 -etters 1) B19(%CH 90). \K-ne/i> 6ou$lin
Ae/#een T#o +dM->en/ Su$er>ondu>/ors.Z hysical Bevie0 -etters 1% B19(%CH *2%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press,
19**, Solu!e ', 102&:'(. hysics Today 1) BDe>e!ber 19(1CH '*:)1. (cience 1*2
BNo8e!ber 1(, 19&'CH &01:0).
Co$$entary: ?8-r "i-e8er #-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y for his #or0 on /unnelin effe>/s
in se!i>ondu>/ors -nd su$er>ondu>/ors. Lis rese-r>h s/udyin /he beh-8ior of ele>/rons
in solids #hen - su$er>ondu>/in !e/-l is $resen/ l-id /he found-/ion for Pose$hson9s
dis>o8ery of /he Pose$hson effe>/, #hi>h h-s been he-8ily -$$lied in !i>roele>/roni>s.
"i-e8er9s in/eres/ h-s shif/ed /o bioloy, -nd he h-s s/udied s/ress re->/ions -nd
-n/ibody--n/ien re->/ions #hile #or0in -s - rese-r>her in i!!unoloy -/ "ener-l
5le>/ri> -nd -/ /he +lb-ny Kedi>-l 6en/er. BL.D.C
<osephson5 +rian (a>id A@2
Prize: Physi>s, 19&'. Born: P-nu-ry ), 19)0; 6-rdiff, W-les. Parents: 1-/her, +br-h-!
Pose$hson; Ko/her, Ki!i Pose$hson. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: Pe#ish. Education:
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+., 19(0; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 19();
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19(). Spouse: 6-rol +nne Oli8ier, !-rried 19&(.
Children: 1 d-uh/er. Career: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19(%-. Other
Awards: Ne# S>ien/is/ +#-rd, 19(9; 2ese-r>h 6or$or-/ion +#-rd, 19(9; 1ri/z London
Ked-l, 19&0; "u/hrie Ked-l, 19&2; 8-n der Pol Ked-l, 19&2; 5llio// 6resson Ked-l,
19&2; Luhes Ked-l, 19&2; Lol#e>0 Ked-l, 19&'; 1-r-d-y Ked-l, 19*2; Sir "eore
Tho!$son Ked-l, 19*).
Selected Publications: \Po/en/i-l Differen>es in /he Ki@ed S/-/e of Ty$e ??
Su$er>ondu>/ors.Z hysics -etters 1( B19(%CH 2)2:)'. \K->ros>o$i> 1ield 5Gu-/ions for
Ke/-ls in 5Guilibriu!.Z hysical Bevie0 1%2 B19((CH 211:1&. \?neGu-li/y for /he
S$e>ifi> Le-/. ?. Deri8-/ion.Z roceedings of the hysical (ociety 92 B19(&CH 2(9:&%.
\?neGu-li/y for /he S$e>ifi> Le-/. ??. +$$li>-/ion /o 6ri/i>-l Pheno!en-.Z roceedings of
the hysical (ociety 92 B19(&CH 2&(:*). \5Gu-/ion of S/-/e Ne-r /he 6ri/i>-l Poin/.Z
roceedings of the hysical (ociety, -ondon F(olid (tate hysicsH 2 B19(9CH 111':1%.
.onsciousness and the hysical %orld. Ne# 3or0H Per-!on Press, 19*0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 2), 19&'CH 1, 2(. 'obel ri*e
%inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e ', 10'&:)).
Co$$entary: Ari-n Pose$hson sh-red /he Nobel Prize for #or0 in de8elo$in /heories
/h-/ -d8-n>ed -nd e@$-nded /he #orld of !ini-/ure ele>/roni>s. S$e>ifi>-lly, Pose$hson
#-s >i/ed by /he +>-de!y for his /heore/i>-l $redi>/ions of /he $ro$er/ies of
su$er>urren/ /hrouh - /unnel b-rrier, $-r/i>ul-rly $heno!en- >-lled \Pose$hson
effe>/s.Z One of /he younes/ Nobel l-ure-/es, /he $hysi>is/ #-s only 22 -nd in r-du-/e
s>hool #hen he !-de his dis>o8eries #hile doin rese-r>h on se!i>ondu>/i8i/y in 19('.
Le h-s >on/ribu/ed sinifi>-n/ly /o s/udies of su$er>ondu>/i8i/y, >ri/i>-l $heno!en-, -nd
/he /heory of in/ellien>e. BL.D.C
1e)ish5 0nton$ A@3
Prize: Physi>s, 19&). Born: K-y 11, 192); 1o#ey, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 5rnes/
Willi-! Le#ish; Ko/her, 1r-n>es "r->e L-nyon Pin>h Le#ish. Nationality: Ari/ish.
Religion: Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n,Pro/es/-n/. Education: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd,
A.+., 19)*; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 19%0; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D.,
19%2. Spouse: K-rMorie 5liz-be/h 6-/herine 2i>h-rds, !-rried 19%0. Children: 1 son; 1
d-uh/er. Career: 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19%2:*9. Other Awards:
L-!il/on Prize, 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, 19%2; 5ddin/on Ked-l, 2oy-l
+s/rono!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(9; 6h-rles Sernon Aoys Prize, ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s -nd
Physi>-l S>ien>es, 19&0; Delliner "old Ked-l, ?n/ern-/ion-l Inion of 2-dio S>ien>es,
19&2; Ki>helson Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19&'; Lo$0ins Prize, 6-!bride
Philoso$hi>-l So>ie/y, 19&'; Lol#e>0 Ked-l -nd Prize, ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s -nd 1ren>h
Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19&); Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&(.
Selected Publications: (eeing 8eyond the 6isible. LondonH 5nlish Ini8ersi/ies Press,
19&0. \S!-ll S/-rs 2-ise L-re Proble!s.Z hysics 8ulletin 2% B19&)CH )%9:(1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press,
19**, Solu!e ', 10%':%9. (cience 1*( BNo8e!ber 1%, 19&)CH (20:21.
Co$$entary: +n/ony Le#ish #-s honored for his $ioneerin rese-r>h in r-dio
-s/ro$hysi>s, #hi>h led /o /he dis>o8ery of $uls-rs B>o!$->/ r-dio sour>es e!i//in
reul-r $ulsesC. +l/houh Gues/ioned by so!e s>ien/is/s, Le#ish9s del-y in -nnoun>in
/he dis>o8ery -llo#ed $rin>i$-l s>ien/ifi> f->/s /o be es/-blished -nd >l-rified, -8er/in
#h-/ h-s
P-e 2''
been >-lled /he \li//le reen !enZ s$e>ul-/ion. Le#ish9s e-rlier rese-r>h #-s on r-dio
s>in/ill-/ion, -nd he #-s in8ol8ed in /he s/udy of -ll /hree /y$es of r-dio s>in/ill-/ion, i.e.,
due /o r-dio #-8e defle>/ion by ionized -ses in /he in/ers/ell-r !ediu!, in /he
in/er$l-ne/-ry !ediu!, -nd in /he e-r/h9s -/!os$here. BD.L.C
4$le5 ,artin5 -ir A@?
Prize: Physi>s, 19&). Born: Se$/e!ber 2&, 191*; Arih/on, 5nl-nd. Death: O>/ober
1), 19*); 6-!bride, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn +. 2yle; Ko/her, Kiri-! S>ully
2yle. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: 1ro! +nli>-n b->0round. Education: O@ford
Ini8., 5nl-nd, b->>-l-ure-/e, 19'9. Spouse: 5ll- 2o#en- P-l!er, !-rried 19)&.
Children: Pohn, sonH +lison, d-uh/er; 6l-ire, d-uh/er. Career: Tele>o!!uni>-/ions
2ese-r>h 5s/-blish!en/, 5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19'9:)%; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd,
Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19)%:*2. Other Awards: Luhes Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y,
19%); S-n der Pol "old Ked-l, ?n/ern-/ion-l S>ien/ifi> 2-dio Inion, 19('; "old Ked-l,
2oy-l +s/rono!i>-l So>ie/y, 19(); Lenry Dr-$er Ked-l, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of
S>ien>es, I.S.+., 19(%; Lol#e>0 Prize, 19(%; Nnih/hood, 19((; Korris N. Lieb!-n
+#-rd, 19&1; Po$o8 Ked-l, 19&1; 1-r-d-y Ked-l, 19&1; Ki>helson +#-rd, 19&1; 2oy-l
Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&'; Aru>e Ked-l, 19&).
Selected Publications: \The Ne# 6-!bride 2-dio Teles>o$e.Z 'ature 19) BK-y 12,
19(2CH %1&:1*. \Lih-2esolu/ion Obser8-/ions of /he 2-dio Sour>es in 6ynus -nd
6-ssio$ei-.Z 'ature 20% BK-r>h 2&, 19(%CH 12%9:(2 B#i/h A. 5ls!ore -nd +nn 6.
Ne8illeC. \Obser8-/ions of 2-dio "-l-@ies #i/h /he One-Kile Teles>o$e -/ 6-!bride.Z
'ature 20& BSe$/e!ber ), 19(%CH 102):2& B#i/h A. 5ls!ore -nd +nn 6. Ne8illeC. \The
%-0! 2-dio Teles>o$e -/ 6-!bride.99 'ature 2'9 BO>/ober 20, 19&2CH )'%:'*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical $dition BO>/ober 1(, 19&)CH
1)91. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e ',
10)%:%2. 8iographical #emoirs of the =ello0s of the Boyal (ociety. LondonH 2oy-l
So>ie/y, 19*( BSolu!e '2C, )9%.
Co$$entary: K-r/in 2yle sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his >re-/i8e rese-r>h in /he -re- of
r-dio -s/ro$hysi>s. 2yle de8elo$ed /he -$er/ure syn/hesis /e>hniGue, #hi>h >o!bines
r-dio/eles>o$es #i/h >o!$u/ers /o see dee$ly in/o s$->e. Isin /he /e>hniGues -nd
ins/ru!en/-/ion he de8elo$ed, 2yle #-s -ble /o !-$ /he s0ies #i/h - /horouhness
$re8iously no/ $ossible. Lis rese-r>h elu>id-/ed /he >h-r->/eris/i>s of r-dio s/-rs,
-n-lyzed /he $uls-rs -nd eli!in-/ed \li//le reen !enZ >onMe>/ures -bou/ /he!, -nd
e@$l-ined /he oriin of r-dio s>in/ill-/ion. Lis s/udies h-8e -lso s/ren/hened /he belief
in /he \bi b-nZ /heory of /he oriin-/ion of /he uni8erse. BD.L.C
+ohr5 0a&e Niels A@@
Prize: Physi>s, 19&%. Born: Pune 19, 1922; 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0. Parents: 1-/her,
Niels Aohr; Ko/her, K-rre/he Norlund Aohr. Nationality: D-nish. Religion: 1ro!
Pe#ish b->0round. Education: Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, K.S., 19)(; Ini8. of
6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, Ph.D., 19%). Spouse: K-rie//- Ae//in- Soffer, !-rried K-r>h
19%0, died 19&*; Aen/e Keyer S>h-rff, !-rried 19*1. Children: Silhel!, son; To!-s,
son; K-rre/he, d-uh/er. Career: Los +l-!os S>ien/ifi> L-bor-/ory, NK, 2ese-r>her,
19)':)%; ?ns/i/u/e for Theore/i>-l Physi>s, 6o$enh-en, 2ese-r>her, 19)(:)9;
6olu!bi- Ini8., Ne# 3or0, 2ese-r>her, 19)9:%0; Ini8. of 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0,
2ese-r>her -nd Professor, 19%0:*1; Neils Aohr ?ns/i/u/e! 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0,
2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19(2:&0; Nordi> ?ns/i/u/e for Theore/i>-l Physi>s
BNordi/-C, +d!inis/r-/or, 19&%:*1. Other Awards: D-nnie Leine!-n Prize, +!eri>-n
Physi>-l So>ie/y -nd +!eri>-n ?ns/i/u/e for Physi>s, 19(0; Po$e Pius 4? Ked-l, 19(';
+/o!s for Pe->e +#-rd, 1ord Ko/or 6o!$-ny 1und, 19(9; L. 6. Ors/ed Ked-l, 19&0;
2u/herford Ked-l -nd Prize, ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s, London, 19&2; Pohn Pri>e We/herill
Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19&); Ole 2U!er Ked-l, 19&(.
Selected Publications: \On /he Qu-n/iz-/ion of +nul-r Ko!en/- in Le-8y Nu>lei.Z
hysical Bevie0 *1 BP-nu-ry 1, 19%1CH 1'):'*. \Nu>le-r K-ne/i> Ko!en/s -nd
+/o!i> Ly$erfine S/ru>/ure.Z hysical Bevie0 *1 B1ebru-ry 1, 19%1CH ''1:'%.
Botational (tates of Atomic 'uclei. 6o$enh-enH Kun0s--rd, 19%). .ollective and
<ndividual@article Aspects of 'uclear (tructure. 6o$enh-enH Kun0s--rd, 19%& B#i/h
A. Ko//elsonC. 'uclear (tructure. 2 8olu!es. Ne# 3or0H W.+. AenM-!in, 19(9:&% B#i/h
A. Ko//elsonC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: hysics Today 2* BDe>e!ber 19&%CH (9:&1. (cience 190
BNo8e!ber 2*, 19&%CH *(*:&0.
Co$$entary: +-e Aohr sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his >on/ribu/ions /o /he \dis>o8ery
of /he >onne>/ion be/#een >olle>/i8e !o/ion -nd $-r/i>le !o/ion in /he -/o!i> nu>leus
-nd /he de8elo$!en/ of /he s/ru>/ure of /he -/o!i> nu>leus b-sed on /his >onne>/ion.Z
Throuh /heir o#n rese-r>h -s #ell -s /hrouh /heir influen>e on e@$eri!en/-l s/udies
$ursued -/ nu>le-r l-bor-/ories /hrouhou/ /he #orld, Aohr -nd his >ol-ure-/e, Aen
Ko//elson, #ere ins/ru!en/-l in de8elo$in - Gu-li/-/i8e -nd Gu-n/i/-/i8e unders/-ndin
of /he nons$heri>-l Bdefor!edC sh-$e of -/o!i> nu>lei $os/ul-/ed in 19%0 by /heir
>ol-ure-/e P-!es 2-in#-/er. Aohr -nd Ko//elson iden/ified /he $ro$er/ies of /he
s$heroid-l nu>leus -nd $ro8ided - >le-rer $i>/ure of nu>le-r s/ru>/ur-l dyn-!i>s.
,ottelson5 +enKa2in 4o$ A@A
Prize: Physi>s, 19&%. Born: Puly 9, 192(; 6hi>-o, ?L. Parents: 1-/her, "ood!-n
Ko//elson; Ko/her, "eori- Alu! Ko//elson. Nationality: +!eri>-n; l-/er D-nish
>i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Purdue Ini8., ?N, A.S., 19)&; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+,
K.+., 19)*; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Ph.D., 19%0. Spouse: N-n>y P-ne 2eno, !-rried K-y
'1, 19)*, died 19&%. Children: 2 sons; 1 d-uh/er. Career: ?ns/i/u/e for Theore/i>-l
Physi>s, Den!-r0, 2ese-r>her, 19%0:%1; I.S. +/o!i> 5nery 6o!!ission, 2ese-r>her,
19%1:%'; 652N, Theore/i>-l S/udy "rou$, 2ese-r>her, 19%':%(; Nordi> ?ns/i/u/e for
Theore/i>-l +/o!i> Physi>s, Den!-r0, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19%&-.
Selected Publications: .ollective and <ndividual@article Aspects of 'uclear (tructure.
6o$enh-enH Kun0s--rd, 19%& B#i/h +. AohrC. -ectures on (elected Topics in 'uclear
(tructure. Ao!b-yH T-/- ?ns/i/u/e of 1und-!en/-l 2ese-r>h, 19(). 'uclear (tructure. 2
8olu!es. Ne# 3or0H W.+. AenM-!in, 19(9:&% B#i/h +. AohrC. \5le!en/-ry Kodes of
P-e 2')
5@>i/-/ion in /he Nu>leus.Z Bevie0s of #odern hysics )* BPuly 19&(CH '&%:*'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Asimov)s 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cience and
Technology. "-rden 6i/y, N3H Doubled-y, 19*2, **'. Jra2s 8laa 8og 19;G.
6o$enh-enH Nr-0, 19*%, &%). hysics Today 2* BDe>e!ber 19&%CH (9, &1:&2.
Co$$entary: Aen Ko//elson #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for \/he dis>o8ery of /he
>onne>/ion be/#een >olle>/i8e !o/ion -nd $-r/i>le !o/ion in -/o!i> nu>lei -nd /he
de8elo$!en/ of /he /heory of /he s/ru>/ure of /he -/o!i> nu>leus b-sed on /his
>onne>/ion.Z Ko//elson -nd Aohr, $-yin >lose -//en/ion /o ne# e@$eri!en/-l resul/s,
found /he !e-ns /o >o!bine /#o $re8iously dis>re/e !odels of nu>le-r s/ru>/ure=/he
liGuid-dro$ -nd /he nu>le-r shell !odels=in/o one unified /heory. BP.W.C
4ain)ater5 #eo <a2es A@B
Prize: Physi>s, 19&%. Born: De>e!ber 9, 191&; 6oun>il, ?D. Death: K-y '1, 19*(;
3on0ers, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Leo P-s$er 2-in#-/er; Ko/her, 5dn- 5liz- Te-ue
2-in#-/er. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Presby/eri-n. Education: 6-liforni-
?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, A.S., 19'9; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, K.+., 19)1; 6olu!bi- Ini8.,
N3, Ph.D., 19)(. Spouse: 5!!- Louise S!i/h, !-rried K-r>h &, 19)2. Children:
P-!es 6-rl/on, son; 2ober/ S/e$hen, son; Willi-! "eore, son; 5liz-be/h, d-uh/er.
Career: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor, 19)(:*2. Other Awards: 5rnes/ Orl-ndo
L-#ren>e Ke!ori-l +#-rd, +/o!i> 5nery 6o!!ission, 19('.
Selected Publications: \Nu>le-r 5nery Le8el +ru!en/ for - S$heroid-l Nu>le-r
Kodel.Z hysical Bevie0 &9 B+uus/ 10, 19%0CH )'2:'). \Ku-Keson Physi>s.99 Annual
Bevie0 of 'uclear (cience & B19%&CH 1:'0. \?n>re-sin Syn>hro>y>lo/ron 6urren/s -nd
/he S$->e 6h-re Li!i/.Z A& 6C6A0; B19(%CH 1:*.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press,
19**, Solu!e ', 10&9:*&. (cience 190 BNo8e!ber 2*, 19&%CH *(*:&0. 'e0 1or2 Times
8iographical (ervice BPune ', 19*(CH &''.
Co$$entary: P-!es 2-in#-/er -nd his >ol-ure-/es, +-e Aohr -nd Aen Ko//elson,
sh-red /he Nobel Prize \for /heir dis>o8ery of /he >onne>/ion be/#een >olle>/i8e !o/ion
-nd $-r/i>le !o/ion in /he -/o!i> nu>leus -nd /he de8elo$!en/ of /he s/ru>/ure of /he
-/o!i> nu>leus b-sed on /his >onne>/ion.Z 2-in#-/er $os/ul-/ed /he nons$heri>-l
Bdefor!edC sh-$e of -/o!i> nu>lei, for #hi>h Aohr -nd Ko//elson de8elo$ed -
Gu-li/-/i8e -nd Gu-n/i/-/i8e unders/-ndin. The #or0 of /he /hree l-ure-/es resol8ed /he
-$$-ren/ >onfli>/ be/#een /he $re8-ilin liGuid dro$ -nd nu>le-r shell !odels of nu>le-r
s/ru>/ure, -nd $ro8ided /he b-se for -n unders/-ndin of /he lo#-lyin s/-/es of -ll
nu>lei. BP.6.L.C
4ichter5 +!rton A@C
Prize: Physi>s, 19&(. Born: K-r>h 22, 19'1; Aroo0lyn, N3. Parents: 1-/her, +br-h-!
2i>h/er; Ko/her, 1-nny Poll->0 2i>h/er. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish.
Education: K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, A.S., 19%2; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e
of Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 19%(. Spouse: L-urose Ae>0er, !-rried Puly 1, 19(0. Children:
5liz-be/h, d-uh/er; K-//he#, son. Career: S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19%(:99.
Other Awards: 5rnes/o Orl-ndo L-#ren>e Ked-l, 19&%.
Selected Publications: \Lo# K-ss +no!-ly in Pho/o$rodu>/ion of Pion P-irs.Z
hysical Bevie0 -etters 9 B19(2CH 21&:20. <nstabilities in (tored article 8eams.
S$rinfield, S+H 61ST?, 19(% B#i/h K. S-nds -nd +.K. SesslerC. \Lih-enery
Pho/o$rodu>/ion.Z :.(. Atomic $nergy .ommission .O'=@6A09,C B19(&CH '09:'(.
\T#o-body Pho/o$rodu>/ion.Z :.(. Atomic $nergy .ommission (-A.@:8@"01 B19(*CH
1:%&. \Plen-ry 2e$or/ on eBlCeBlC L-drons.Z roceedings of the <nternational
.onference on /igh $nergy hysics 1&/h B19&)CH 20:'%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press,
19** BSolu!e 'C 10*9:9&. (cience BNo8e!ber 19, 19&(CH *2%:2(.
Co$$entary: Aur/on 2i>h/er9s -#-rd #-s for /he dis>o8ery of - sub-/o!i> $-r/i>le
/hree /i!es he-8ier /h-n /he $ro/on #i/h - life s$-n 10,000 /i!es loner /h-n >ould be
$redi>/ed by $rior dis>o8eries. These >h-r->/eris/i>s led /o dr-s/i> re8isions in /he Gu-r0
/heories. 2i>h/er >-lls his $-r/i>le \$siZ be>-use \i/9s /he only un-ssined "ree0 le//er in
$-r/i>le $hysi>sZ; >ol-ure-/e S-!uel Tin refers /o /he $-r/i>le -s \P.Z The s>ien/ifi>
>o!!uni/y h-s no/ ye/ resol8ed /he no!en>l-/ure. P,$si h-s been >-lled \/he re-/es/
dis>o8ery e8er in /he field of $-r/i>le $hysi>s.Z The $ro$er/ies of /he $-r/i>le -re
>onsis/en/ #i/h - four/h /y$e of Gu-r0 -nd su$$or/ /he >on>e$/ of >h-r!. B2.P.C
Tin&5 -a2!el %hao %h!n& A@9
Prize: Physi>s, 19&(. Born: P-nu-ry 2&, 19'(; +nn +rbor, K?. Parents: 1-/her, Nu-n
L-i Tin; Ko/her, Tsun-3in S. W-n Tin. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n.
Education: Ini8. of Ki>hi-n, A.S.5., 19%9; Ini8. of Ki>hi-n, K.S., 19(0; Ini8. of
Ki>hi-n, Ph.D., 19(2. Spouse: N-y Louise Nuhne, !-rried No8e!ber 2', 19(0, no
fur/her re>ord; Sus-n 6-rol K-r0s, !-rried +$ril 2*, 19*%. Children: Pe-nne Kin,
d-uh/er; +!y Kin, d-uh/er; 6hris/o$her K., son. Career: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3,
Professor, 19():(&; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19(&-. Other
Awards: 5rnes/ Orl-ndo L-#ren>e +#-rd, 19&(; +.5. 5rinen Ked-l, 19&&; De "-s$eri
Prize, ?/-li-n 2e$ubli>, 19**; "old Ked-l, Ares>i-, ?/-ly, 19**; "olden Leo$-rd +#-rd,
T-or!in-, 19**; 1oru! 5nelber Prize, 199(.
Selected Publications: \Ti!eli0e Ko!en/- in Qu-n/u! 5le>/rodyn-!i>s.Z hysical
Bevie0 1)% B19((CH 101*:22 B#i/h S/-nley P. Arods0yC. \Le$/oni> De>-ys of Se>/or
Kesons.Z :nited (tates Atomic $nergy .ommission .O'=6A09,C B19(&CH )%2:*'.
\5le>/rodyn-!i>s -/ S!-ll Dis/-n>es, Le$/oni> De>-ys of Se>/or Kesons, -nd
Pho/o$rodu>/ion of Se>/or Kesons.Z <nt. .onf. /igh@$nergy hys., roc. 1Gth B19(*CH
)':&1. \Su!!-ry of Pho/o$rodu>/ion -nd Le$/oni> De>-ys of Se>/or Kesons.Z :nited
(tates Atomic $nergy .ommission &$(1@6;,9 B19(*CH 1:1*. The (earch for .harm,
8eauty and Truth at /igh $nergies. Ne# 3or0H Plenu! Press, 19*) B#i/h ". AelliniC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: hysics Today 29 BDe>e!ber 19&(CH 1&l. (cience 19)
BNo8e!ber 19, 19&(CH *2%:2(l.
P-e 2'%
Co$$entary: S-!uel Tin9s -#-rd #-s for /he dis>o8ery of - sub-/o!i> $-r/i>le /hree
/i!es he-8ier /h-n /he $ro/on #i/h - life s$-n 10,000 /i!es loner /h-n >ould be
$redi>/ed by $rior dis>o8eries. Tin >-lled /he $-r/i>le \PZ -f/er /he $hysi>-l sy!bol for
-nul-r !o!en/u!; his >ol-ure-/e Aur/on 2i>h/er referred /o /he $-r/i>le -s \$si.Z The
dis>o8ery of /he $-r/i>le for>ed re8isions in /he e@is/en/ /heory of Gu-r0s /o
->>o!!od-/e /he $re8iously $redi>/ed >h-r!ed Gu-r0. Sin>e /he dis>o8ery, - f-!ily of
su>h $-r/i>les h-s been found. B2.P.C
0nderson5 Philip Warren AA0
Prize: Physi>s, 19&&. Born: De>e!ber 1', 192'; ?ndi-n-$olis, ?N. Parents: 1-/her,
L-rry W-rren +nderson; Ko/her, 5lsie Osborne +nderson. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, A.S., 19)'; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+,
K.+., 19)&; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Ph.D., 19)9. Spouse: Poy>e "o/h#-i/e, !-rried Puly
'1, 19)&. Children: Sus-n Osborne, d-uh/er. Career: Aell Tele$hone L-bor-/ories, NP,
2ese-r>her, 19)9:*); 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19(&:&%; Prin>e/on Ini8.,
NP, Professor, 19&%:9(. Other Awards: Oli8er 5. Au>0ley Prize, 19(); D-nnie
Leine!-n Prize, 19&%; "u/hrie Ked-l, 19&*; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19*2;
6en/enni-l Ked-l, L-r8-rd Ini8., 199(; A-rdeen Prize, 199&.
Selected Publications: \The Li!i/s of S-lidi/y of /he S-n Sle>0-Weiss0o$f Line Sh-$e
1or!ul-.Z hysical Bevie0 &( B19)9CH )&1. \+n +$$ro@i!-/e Qu-n/u! Theory of /he
+n/iferro!-ne/i> "round S/-/e.Z hysical Bevie0 *( B19%2CH (9):&01. OONe# Ke/hod
in /he Theory of Su$er>ondu>/i8i/y.Z hysical Bevie0 110 B19%*CH 9*%:*(. \Ne#
+$$ro->h /o /he Theory of Su$ere@>h-ne ?n/er->/ions.Z hysical Bevie0 11% B19%9CH
2:1'. \"ener-lized A.6.S. S/-/es -nd +lined Orbi/-l +nul-r Ko!en/u! in /he
Pro$osed Lo#Te!$er-/ure Ph-se of LiGuid Leliu!-'.Z hysica 2( B19(0CH %1'&:)2.
.oncepts in (olids. Ne# 3or0H W.+. AenM-!in, 19('. 8asic 'otions of .ondensed
#atter hysics. Kenlo P-r0, 6+H AenM-!in,6u!!ins, 19*).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical $ncyclopedia of (cientists. Ne# 3or0H 1->/s
on 1ile, 19*1, 1*:19. hysics Today '0 BDe>e!ber 19&&CH &&:&*.
Co$$entary: Phili$ +nderson sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h Pohn S-n Sle>0 -nd Ne8ill
Ko// \for /heir fund-!en/-l /heore/i>-l in8es/i-/ion of /he ele>/roni> s/ru>/ure of
!-ne/i> -nd disordered sys/e!s.Z +nderson #-s res$onsible for - nu!ber of i!$or/-n/
>on/ribu/ionsH /he $ressure bro-denin of s$e>/r-l lines; /he /heory of su$ere@>h-ne;
fur/her e@$l-n-/ions of -n/iferro!-ne/i>s, ferroele>/ri>s, -nd su$er>ondu>/ors; /he
!odel of !e/-ls #i/h i!$uri/y -/o!s B/he +nderson !odelC; /he /re-/!en/ of i!$uri/y
!ir-/ion in >rys/-ls B/he +nderson lo>-liz-/ionC; dis>ussions of su$er>ondu>/i8i/y -nd
su$erfluidi/y; Leliu!-' su$erfluid s/-/e /re-/!en/; -nd #or0 on lo#-/e!$er-/ure
$ro$er/ies of l-ss. B6.T.C
,ott5 Ne>ill rancis5 -ir AA1
Prize: Physi>s, 19&&. Born: Se$/e!ber '0, 190%; Leeds, 5nl-nd. Death: +uus/ *,
199(; Kil/on Neynes, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, 6h-rles 1r-n>is Ko//; Ko/her, Lili-n
K-ry 2eynolds Ko//. Nationality: Ari/ish. Religion: +nli>-n. Education: 6-!bride
Ini8., 5nl-nd, A+, 192&; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K+, 19'0. Spouse: 2u/h Lorder,
!-rried K-r>h 21, 19'0. Children: 5liz-be/h, d-uh/er; +li>e, d-uh/er. Career:
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'0:''; Ini8. of Aris/ol, 5nl-nd, Professor,
19'':%); 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19%):&1. Other Awards: Luhes
Ked-l, 19)1; 2oy-l Ked-l, 19%'; Nnih/hood, 19(2; 6o$ley Ked-l, 19&2; 1-r-d-y
Ked-l, 19&'; Ordre N-/ion-le K_ri/e, 19&&.
Selected Publications: The Theory of Atomic .ollisions. O@fordH 6l-rendon Press, 19''
B#i/h L.S.W. K-sseyC. The Theory of roperties of #etals and Alloys. Ne# 3or0H
Do8er, 19'( B#i/h L. PonesC. $lectronic rocesses in <onic .rystals. O@fordH 6l-rendon
Press, 19)* B#i/h 2.W. "urneyC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: D-8is, 5.+. 'eville #ott. London; Aris/ol, P+H T-ylor Y
1r-n>is, 199*. A -ife in (cience. Phil-del$hi-, P+H T-ylor -nd 1r-n>is, 19*(, 199(.
hysics Today '0 BDe>e!ber *, 19&&CH &&:&*. (cience 19* BNo8e!ber 1*, 19&&CH &1':
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o Ne8ill Ko//, -lon #i/h his /#o
>ol-ure-/es, for /heir \fund-!en/-l /heore/i>-l in8es/i-/ions of /he ele>/roni> s/ru>/ure
of !-ne/i> -nd disordered sys/e!s.Z Ko// be-n his >-reer #or0in on /he Gu-n/u!
/heory of -/o!i> >ollisions -nd s>-//erin. Lis fields of in/eres/ #ere !ul/i$le -nd
in>luded sinifi>-n/ #or0 on !odels of /he solid s/-/e, ele>/roni> $ro>esses in !e/-l-
insul-/or /r-nsi/ions, /he $ho/or-$hi> $ro>ess in rel-/ion /o surf->e -nd defe>/
$ro$er/ies, >rys/-l s/ren/h, liGuid !e/-ls, se!i>ondu>/ors, -nd l-ssy se!i>ondu>/ors.
=an =leck5 <ohn 1asbro!ck AA2
Prize: Physi>s, 19&&. Born: K-r>h 1', 1*99; Kiddle/o#n, 6T. Death: O>/ober 2&,
19*0; 6-!bride, K+. Parents: 1-/her, 5d#-rd Aurr S-n Sle>0; Ko/her, Les/er
L-uren>e 2-y!ond S-n Sle>0. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education:
Ini8. of Wis>onsin, A.S., 1920; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.+., 1921; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+,
Ph.D., 1922. Spouse: +bi-il Pune Pe-rson, !-rried Pune 10, 192&. Children: None.
Career: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 1922:2'; Ini8. of Kinneso/-, Professor, 192':
2*; Ini8. of Wis>onsin, Professor, 192*:'); L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19'):(9.
Other Awards: 6he8-lier Leion of Lonor, 1r-n>e; +lber/ +. Ki>helson +#-rd, 6-se
?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 19('; ?r8in L-n!uir +#-rd, "ener-l 5le>/ri> 1ound-/ion,
19(%; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19((; Dis/inuished Ser8i>e +#-rd, Ini8. of
Wis>onsin +lu!ni +sso>i-/ion, 19(&; 6resson Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19&1;
Loren/z Ked-l, Ne/herl-nds +>-de!y, 19&).
Selected Publications: \Qu-n/u! Theory of /he S$e>ifi> Le-/ of Lydroen. ?. 2el-/ion
/o /he Ne# Ke>h-ni>s, A-nd S$e>/r- -nd 6he!i>-l 6ons/-n/s.Z hysical Bevie0 2*
B192(CH 9*0:1021. \Diele>/ri> 6ons/-n/s -nd K-ne/i> Sus>e$/ibili/ies in /he Ne#
Qu-n/u! Ke>h-ni>s. P-r/ ?. + "ener-l Proof of /he L-ne8in-Debye 1or!ul-.Z
hysical Bevie0 29 B192&CH &2&:)). \The Ne# Qu-n/u! Ke>h-ni>s.Z .hemical
Bevie0s % B192*CH )(&:%0&. The Theory of $lectric and #agnetic (usceptibilities. Ne#
3or0H O@ford Ini8. Press, 19'2. \The Theory of +n/iferro!-ne/is!.Z 7ournal of
.hemical hysics 9 B19)1CH *%:90.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of the 'ational Academy of
(ciences. Ne# 3or0H 6olu!bi-
P-e 2'(
Ini8. Press, 19*& BSolu!e %(C, %01:)0. 8iographical #emoirs of the 'ational
Academy (ciences W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19*&. 8iographical
#emoirs of the Boyal (ociety. LondonH 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19*2 BSolu!e 2*C, (2&:(%.
Co$$entary: Pohn S-n Sle>0 sh-red /he Nobel Prize for \fund-!en/-l /heore/i>-l
in8es/i-/ions of /he ele>/roni> s/ru>/ure of !-ne/i> -nd disordered sys/e!s.Z S-n
Sle>0 #-s s$e>ifi>-lly >i/ed for his rese-r>h on ele>/ron >orrel-/ion, #hi>h #-s
i!$or/-n/ in /he de8elo$!en/ of /he l-ser. Lis e-rly #or0 fo>used on !-ne/is!, bo/h
fro! /he s/-nd$oin/ of >l-ssi>-l Gu-n/u! /heory -nd /he ne# #-8e !e>h-ni>s. S-n
Sle>0 de8elo$ed /he >on>e$/ of /e!$er-/ureinde$enden/ !-ne/i> sus>e$/ibili/y. Le -lso
>on/ribu/ed sinifi>-n/ly in /he -re-s of !ole>ul-r s/ru>/ure -nd bondin, /he $ro$er/ies
of -n -/o! or ion in - >rys/-l, -nd r-d-r -nd r-dio-s/rono!y. B6.T.C
8apitsa5 P$otr #eonido>ich AA3
Prize: Physi>s, 19&*. Born: Puly 9, 1*9); Nrons/-d/, 2ussi-. Death: +$ril *, 19*);
Kos>o#, ISS2. Parents: 1-/her, Leonid Pe/ro8i>h N-$i/s-; Ko/her, Ol- S/ebni/s>0iy
N-$i/s-. Nationality: 2ussi-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Pe/ror-d Poly/e>hni>-l
?ns/i/u/e, ISS2, b->>-l-ure-/e, 191*; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D., 192'. Spouse:
N-dezhd- Ts>hernos8i/o8-, !-rried 191(, died 1920; +nn- +le0seye8n- Nyrillo8n-,
!-rried 192(. Children: +ndrei, son; Serei, son; ?eroni!, son; N-dezhd-, d-uh/er.
Career: Pe/ror-d Poly/e>hni>-l ?ns/i/u/e, ISS2, Professor, 191*:21; 6-!bride Ini8.,
5nl-nd, 2ese-r>her -nd Professor, 1921:'%; ISS2 +>-de!y of S>ien>es, ?ns/i/u/e for
Physi>-l Proble!s, Dire>/or, 19'%:)(, 19%%:*); Physio/e>hni>-l ?ns/i/u/e, Kos>o#,
ISS2, Professor, 19)&:*). Other Awards: S/-lin Prize, 19)1, 19)'; 1-r-d-y Ked-l,
6oun>il of 5le>/ri>-l 5nineers of 5nl-nd, 19)2; 1i8e Orders of Lenin, 19)'; Order of
/he 2ed A-nner of L-bor; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 19)).
Selected Publications: .ollected apers. O@fordH O@ford Ini8. Press, 19)(:)&.
$le2troni2a 8olshi2h #oshchnostei. Kos>o#H n.$., 19(2. Teoriia, $2speriment,
ra2ti2a BTheory, $xperiment, racticeC. Kos>o#H n.$., 19((.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: A-d-sh, L-#ren>e. Japit*a, Butherford and the Jremlin.
Ne# L-8en, 6TH 3-le Ini8. Press, 19*%. eter Japit*a on -ife and (cience. Ne# 3or0H
K->!ill-n, 19(*. (cience 202 BDe>e!ber 1, 19&*CH 9(0:(2. Japit*a in .ambridge and
#osco0. +!s/erd-!, Ne/herl-ndsH Nor/h-Loll-nd, 1990.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o Pyo/r N-$i/s- for his #or0 in lo#
/e!$er-/ure $hysi>s, in>ludin s/udies of ele>/ri>-l $ro$er/ies of !-//er -nd /he
liGuef->/ion of -ses. N-$i/s- in8en/ed - ne# !e/hod for liGuefyin -ses -nd s/udied
/he unusu-l $ro$er/ies of flo# -nd >ondu>/ion of Leliu! ??. Lis in8en/ion of - si!$le
/urbine de8i>e /o subs/i/u/e o@yen for -ir in bl-s/ furn->es re8olu/ionized /he So8ie/
s/eel indus/ry. Le #-s -lso 0no#n for his rese-r>h #i/h b-ll lih/nin, s/-ndin #-8es,
-/o!i> enery, -nd s$->e rese-r>h. N-$i/s-9s >-reer in /he So8ie/ Inion re!-ins
shrouded in !ys/ery sin>e his de/en/ion /here in 19'), #hen he #-s dire>/or of /he
6-8endish L-bor-/ory in 5nl-nd. BT.A.C
Penzias5 0rno 0llan AA?
Prize: Physi>s, 19&*. Born: +$ril 2(, 19''; Kuni>h, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, N-rl
Penzi-s; Ko/her, Pus/ine ?ne 5isenrei>h Penzi-s. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er +!eri>-n
>i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: 6i/y 6ollee of Ne# 3or0, A.S., 19%); 6olu!bi-
Ini8., N3, K.+., 19%*; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 19(2. Spouse: +nne Pe-rl A-rr-s,
!-rried No8e!ber 2%, 19%); Sherry 6h-!o8e Le8i/, !-rried +uus/ 2, 199(. Children:
D-8id Si!on, son; Kindy "-il, d-uh/er; L-urie 2u/h, d-uh/er. Career: Aell
L-bor-/ories, NP, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19(1:9%; Lu>en/ Te>hnoloies,
2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 199%:9*; Ne# 5n/er$rise +sso>i-/es, +d!inis/r-/or,
199*-. Other Awards: Lenry Dr-$er Ked-l, 19&&; Lers>hel Ked-l, 19&&; To#nsend
L-rris Ked-l, 19&9; Ne#!-n +#-rd, 6i/y 6ollee of Ne# 3or0, 19*'; Pose$h
L-ndle!-n Prize, 19*'; "r-du-/e 1->ul/ies +lu!ni +#-rd, 6olu!bi- Ini8., 19*);
+>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, Ai Aro/hers, Ne# 3or0 6i/y, 19*%; Pries/ley +#-rd, 19*9; P-0e
Prize, 1990; Pender +#-rd, 1992; Ne# Persey S>ien>e -nd Te>hnoloy Ked-l, 199(.
Selected Publications: \?n/ers/ell-r 6-rbon Kono@ide, 6-rbon-1' Kono@ide, -nd
6-rbon Kono@ide-O@yen-1*.Z Astrophysics 7ournal 1(% P-r/ ? B19&1CH L(' B#i/h Nei/h
A. Peffer/s -nd 2ober/ W. WilsonC. \?n/ers/ell-r 6-rbon Konosulfide.Z Astrophysics
7ournal 1(* P-r/ 2 B19&1CH L%'-L%* B#i/h o/hersC. OO?n/ers/ell-r 6 N 5@>i/-/ion -/ 2.()
!!.Z hysics Bevie0 -etters 2* B19&2CH &&2:&% B#i/h Nei/h A. Peffer/s -nd 2ober/ W.
WilsonC. \Killi!e/er-W-8elen/h 2-dio-+s/rono!y Te>hniGues.Z Annu. Bev. Astron.
Astrophys 11 B19&'CH %1:&2 B#i/h 6.+. AurrusC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson,
19*%, '2*:'1. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1*, 19&*CH %.
Co$$entary: +rno Penzi-s -nd his >olle-ue, 2ober/ W. Wilson, #ere -#-rded /he
Nobel Prize for /heir de/e>/ion of !i>ro#-8e b->0round r-di-/ion, #hi>h su$$or/ed /he
/heory /h-/ /he uni8erse #-s >re-/ed by - \bi b-nZ /h-/ /oo0 $l->e so!e 20 billion
ye-rs -o, -s o$$osed /o /he \S/e-dy S/-/eZ /heory #hi>h held /h-/ /he uni8erse
>on/inu-lly e@$-nded -nd >oll-$sed u$on i/self. The findins indi>-/ed /h-/ /he uni8erse
is -n \o$enZ sys/e! >on/inu-lly e@$-ndin fro! /he ini/i-l \b-nZ un/il i/ loses
!o!en/u! -nd be>o!es s/ill -nd lifeless. Penzi-s -nd Wilson >on/inued /heir rese-r>h
>oll-bor-/ion -nd dis>o8ered l-re -!oun/s of /he fossil ele!en/ deu/eriu! in /he Kil0y
W-y -l-@y. The /e-!9s dis>o8eries h-8e s/i!ul-/ed e@/ensi8e fur/her rese-r>h. BA.K.C
Wilson5 4obert Woodro) AA@
Prize: Physi>s, 19&*. Born: P-nu-ry 10, 19'(; Lous/on, T4. Parents: 1-/her, 2-l$h
Woodro# Wilson; Ko/her, 1-nnie K-y Willis Wilson. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion:
6hris/i-n. Education: 2i>e Ini8., T4, A.+., 19%&; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy,
Ph.D., 19(2. Spouse: 5liz-be/h 2ho-ds S-#in, !-rried Se$/e!ber ), 19%*. Children:
Phili$ "-rre//, son; Suz-nne N-/herine, d-uh/er; 2-nd-l Woodro#, son. Career: O#ens
L-bor-/ories, Ini/ed S/-/es, 19(2:('; Aell L-bor-/ories, NP, 19(':9%; S!i/hsoni-n
+s/ro$hysi>-l L-bor-/ory, 6-!bride, K+, 2ese-r>her, 199%-. Other Awards: Lenry
Dr-$er Ked-l, 2oy-l +s/rono!y So>ie/y, 19&&; Lers>hel Ked-l, N-/ion-l +>-de!y of
S>ien>es, 19&&.
P-e 2'&
Selected Publications: \?so/ro$y of 6os!i> A->0round 2-di-/ion -/ )0*0 Ke-her/z.Z
(cience 1%( B19(&CH 1100:01 B#i/h +.+. Penzi-sC. \Ke-sure!en/ of /he 1lu@ Densi/y of
6+S + -/ )0*0 K-,s.Z Astrophysical 7ournal 1)2 B19(%CH 11)9:%( B#i/h +.+. Penzi-sC.
\?n/ers/ell-r 6N 5@>i/-/ion -/ 2.() !!.Z hysics Bevie0 -etters 2* B19&2CH &&2:&%
B#i/h +.+. Penzi-s -nd N.A. Peffer/sC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: \The 19&* Nobel Prize in Physi>s.99 (cience 20%
BDe>e!ber 1, 19&*CH 9(2:(%. 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le!
Press, 19**, BSolu!e 'C, 11(':&0.
Co$$entary: 2ober/ Wilson9s Nobel Prize #-s for #or0 /h-/ \!-de i/ $ossible /o
ob/-in infor!-/ion -bou/ >os!i> $ro>esses /h-/ /oo0 $l->e - 8ery lon /i!e -o, -/ /he
/i!e of /he >re-/ion of /he uni8erse.Z Wilson9s s/udies of r-dio noise in /he s0y led /o /he
obser8-/ion of - ubiGui/ous b->0round r-di-/ion #hi>h fi/ /he s$e>/ru! of - bl->0body
-/ - /e!$er-/ure -bou/ ' derees N. The dis>o8ery len/ >reden>e /o /he \bi b-nZ /heory
of /he beinnin of /he uni8erse, #hi>h #ould $redi>/ su>h - b->0round. BL.K.C
6lasho)5 -heldon #ee AAA
Prize: Physi>s, 19&9. Born: De>e!ber %, 19'2; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Le#is
B"lu>ho8s0yC "l-sho#; Ko/her, Aell- 2ubin "l-sho#. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: Pe#ish. Education: 6ornell Ini8., N3, +.A., 19%); L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, K.+.,
19%%; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Ph.D., 19%*. Spouse: Po-n Shirley +le@-nder, !-rried 19&2.
Children: P-son D-8id, son; Pord-n, son; Ari-n Le#is, son; 2ebe>>- Lee, d-uh/er.
Career: ?ns/i/u/e of Theore/i>-l Physi>s, 6o$enh-en, Den!-r0, 2ese-r>her, 19%*:(0;
6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 2ese-r>her, 19(0:(1; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor,
19(1:(2; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor, 19(2:((; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+,
Professor, 19((-; Te@-s + Y K, Professor, 19*'-. Other Awards: P.2. O$$enhei!er
Ke!ori-l Prize, 19&&; "eore Ledlie Prize, 19&*; 6-s/ilione di Sili>- Prize, 19*';
5ri>e S>ien/is/s for Pe->e Prize, 1991.
Selected Publications: \Sy!!e/ries of S/ron ?n/er->/ions.Z ?n roceedings of the
<nternational (chool of hysics Q$nrico =ermiR .ourse zzz<<<, 6arenna, 6th@1;th 7uly
196G, $$.1*9:22%. Ne# 3or0H +>-de!i> Press, 19((. \Di8eren>ies of K-ssi8e 3-n-
Kills TheoriesH Liher "rou$s.Z hysical Bevie0 &> articles and =ields ) BSe$/e!ber
1%, 19&1CH 191*:19 B#i/h P. ?io$oulosC. \To#-rd - Inified TheoryH Thre-ds in -
T-$es/ry.Z (cience 210 B19*0CH 1'19:2'. The .harm of hysics. Ne# 3or0H +!eri>-n
?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s, 1991.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: "l-sho#, S.L. -nd Ao8-, A. <nteractions. Ne# 3or0H
W-rner Aoo0s, 199*. hysics Today '2 BDe>e!ber 19&9CH 1&:19. (cience 20(
BDe>e!ber 1), 19&9CH 1290:92.
Co$$entary: Sheldon "l-sho# sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h +bdus S-l-! -nd S/e8en
Weinber \for /heir >on/ribu/ion /o /he /heory of /he unified #e-0 -nd ele>/ro!-ne/i>
in/er->/ion be/#een ele!en/-ry $-r/i>les, in>ludin, inter alia, /he $redi>/ion of /he #e-0
neu/r-l >urren/.Z "l-sho# e@/ended /he Weinber-S-l-! /heory B#hi>h in/rodu>ed /he
uni/y of /he ele>/ro!-ne/i> in/er->/ion -nd /he #e-0 in/er->/ion=/#o of /he four
fund-!en/-l for>esC /o se8er-l ele!en/-ry $-r/i>les B-!on /he! /he b-ryons -nd
!esonsC by definin - ne# >h-r->/eris/i> #hi>h he >-lled >h-r!. The >on>e$/ of >h-r!
h-s been used sin>e in #or0 on /he Gu-r0 /heory -nd in e@$l-n-/ions of $ro$er/ies of /he
P,$si $-r/i>le. BK.N.C
-ala25 0bd!s AAB
Prize: Physi>s, 19&9. Born: P-nu-ry 29, 192(; Ph-n, P-0is/-n. Death: No8e!ber 21,
199(; O@ford, 5nl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, Kuh-!!ed Luss-in; Ko/her, L-Mir- Luss-in.
Nationality: P-0is/-ni; l-/er Ari/ish residen/. Religion: Kusli!. Education: Ini8. of
PunM-b, P-0is/-n, K.+., 19)(; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+., 19)9; 6-!bride Ini8.,
5nl-nd, Ph.D., 19%1; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, D.S>., 19%&. Spouse: +!/ul L-feez
Aeu!, !-rried 19)9; Louise Pohnson, !-rried, no d-/e found. Children: K-sood-,
d-uh/er; S-l-!, son; ' o/her d-uh/ers; 1 o/her son. Career: ?ns/i/u/e for +d8-n>ed
S/udy, Prin>e/on, NP, 2ese-r>her, 19%1; Ini8. of PunM-b, L-hore, P-0is/-n, Professor,
19%1:%); 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19%):%(; ?!$eri-l 6ollee, London,
5nl-nd, Professor, 19%&:9(. Other Awards: Lo$0ins Prize, 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd,
19%&; +d-!s Prize, 19%*; Pride of Perfor!-n>e +#-rd, P-0is/-n, 19%9; K-@#ell Ked-l,
Physi>-l So>ie/y, London, 5nl-nd, 19(1; Luhes Ked-l, 19(); O$$enhei!er Prize -nd
Ked-l, 19&1; +/o!s for Pe->e +#-rd, 19(*; "u/hrie Ked-l -nd Prize, 19&(;
S-r8-dhi0-ry "old Ked-l, 6-l>u//- Ini8., 19&&; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19&*;
K-//eu>i Ked-l, +>-de!i- N-zion-le di Lin>ei, 2o!e, ?/-ly, 19&*; Pohn T-/e Ked-l,
+!eri>-n ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s, 19&*; 5ins/ein Ked-l, 19&9; Shri 2.D. Airl- +#-rd,
?ndi-n Physi>s +sso>i-/ion, 19&9; Posef S/ef-n Ked-l, 19*0; "old Ked-l, 6ze>hoslo8-0
+>-de!y of S>ien>es, 19*1; Pe->e Ked-l, 19*1; Lo!onoso8 "old Ked-l, 19*';
D-ye!i ?n/ern-/ion-l Pe->e +#-rd, 19*(; 5dinburh Ked-l -nd Prize, 19*9; 5ri>e
S>ien>e Pe->e $rize, 19*9; 6o$ley Ked-l, 1990; 6-/-luny- ?n/ern-/ion-l Prize, 1990;
"old Ked-l, Slo8-0 +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 1992; d9Oro Prize, 199'; K-zh-r-+li
+$$lied S>ien>e Ked-l, 1992.
Selected Publications: \"-ue Inifi>-/ion of 1und-!en/-l 1or>es.Z roc.@$ur. .onf.
art. hys. F9thH 2 B19&&CH 11*&:120&. \"-ue Inifi>-/ion of 1und-!en/-l 1or>es.Z
roc. <nt. .onf. %inter (ch. =ront. Theor. hys. B19&&CH 29:'%. \"-ue Inifi>-/ion of
/he 1our 1und-!en/-l 1or>es.Z hys. .ontemp. 'eeds 2 B19&*CH )19:%(. \The
5le>/ro#e-0 1or>e, "r-nd Inifi>-/ion -nd Su$erunifi>-/ion.Z hys. (cr. 20 B19&9CH 22&:
'). (elected apers of Abdus (alam. 2i8er 5de, N3H World S>ien/ifi>, 199).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: "h-ni, +bdul. Abdus (alam Nh-n->hi, P-0is/-nH K-9+ref,
19*2. hysics Today '2 BDe>e!ber 19&9CH 1&:19. (cience 20( BDe>e!ber 1), 19&9CH
1290:92. Sinh, P. Abdus (alam, A 8iography. Ne# 3or0H Penuin Aoo0s, 1992.
Co$$entary: +bdus S-l-! -nd his /#o >ol-ure-/es, Sheldon "l-sho# -nd S/e8en
Weinber, sh-red /he Nobel Prize \for /heir >on/ribu/ions /o /he /heory of /he unified
#e-0 -nd ele>/ro!-ne/i> in/er->/ion be/#een ele!en/-ry $-r/i>les, in>ludin inter alia
/he $redi>/ion of /he #e-0 neu/r-l >urren/.Z The Weinber-S-l-! /heory /re-/ed /he
unifi>-/ion of /#o of /he four fund-!en/-l for>es B/he ele>/ro!-ne/i> in/er->/ion -nd
/he #e-0 in/er->/ionC for
P-e 2'*
>er/-in $-r/i>les -nd #-s - !-Mor s/e$ /o#-rd -n o8er-ll unified field /heory. The /heory
-lso $redi>/ed neu/r-l >urren/s Bele!en/-ry $-r/i>le in/er->/ions #i/h no e@>h-ne of
ele>/ri> >h-reC. S-l-! >on/inues his #or0 on /heories des>ribin /he beh-8ior -nd
$ro$er/ies of ele!en/-ry $-r/i>les. BL.?.S.C
Weinber&5 -te>en AAC
Prize: Physi>s, 19&9. Born: K-y ', 19''; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, 1rederi>0
Weinber; Ko/her, 58- ?sr-el Weinber. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish.
Education: 6ornell Ini8., N3, +.A., 19%); Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Ph.D., 19%&. Spouse:
Louise "old#-sser, !-rried Puly (, 19%). Children: 5liz-be/h, d-uh/er. Career:
6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor, 19%&:%9; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor,
19%9:(9; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19(9:&'; L-r8-rd Ini8.,
K+, Professor, 19&':*'; Ini8. of Te@-s, +us/in, Professor, 19*2-. Other Awards: P.2.
O$$enhei!er Prize, 19&'; D-nnie Leine!-n K-/he!-/i>-l Physi>s Prize, 19&&;
+!eri>-n ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s=I.S. S/eel 1ound-/ion S>ien>e Wri/in +#-rd, 19&&;
5llio/ 6resson Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19&9; K-dison Ked-l, 1991; N-/ion-l
Ked-l of S>ien>e, 1991; +ndre# "e!-n/ +#-rd, 199&; Pi-zzi Prize, 199*; Le#is
Tho!-s Prize, 1999.
Selected Publications: 5ravitation and .osmology> rinciples and Applications of the
5eneral Theory of Belativity. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19&2. \2e>en/ Proress in "-ue
Theories of /he We-0, 5le>/ro!-ne/i> -nd S/ron ?n/er->/ions.Z Bevie0s of #odern
hysics )( B19&)CH 2%%:&&. The =irst Three #inutes> A #odern 6ie0 of the Origin of
the :niverse. Ne# 3or0H A-si> Aoo0s, 19&&. \Li!i/s of K-ssless P-r/i>les.Z hysics
-etters. 8 9( B19*0CH %9:(2. \6h-res fro! 5@/r- Di!ensions.Z hysics -etters. 8 12%
B19*'CH 2(%:(9. The &iscovery of (ubatomic articles. Ne# 3or0H S>ien/ifi> +!eri>-n
Libr-ry, 19*'. ?uantum Theory of =ields B' 8olu!esC. 6-!bride, 5nl-ndH 6-!bride
Ini8ersi/y Press, 199%, 199&, 2000.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: hysics Today '2 BDe>e!ber 19&9CH 1&:19. (cience 20(
BDe>e!ber 1), 19&9CH 1290:92.
Co$$entary: S/e8en Weinber -nd his /#o >ol-ure-/es, +bdus S-l-! -nd Sheldon
"l-sho#, sh-red /he Nobel Prize \for /heir >on/ribu/ions /o /he /heory of /he unified
#e-0 -nd ele>/ro!-ne/i> in/er->/ion be/#een ele!en/-ry $-r/i>les, in>ludin, inter
alia, /he $redi>/ion of /he #e-0 neu/r-l >urren/.Z The Weinber-S-l-! /heory de-l/ #i/h
/he unifi>-/ion of /#o of /he four fund-!en/-l for>es B/he ele>/ro!-ne/i> in/er->/ion
-nd /he #e-0 in/er->/ionC for >er/-in $-r/i>les -nd #-s - sinifi>-n/ s/e$ /o#-rd /he
o8er-ll unified field /heory. The /heory $redi>/ed neu/r-l >urren/s Bele!en/-ry $-r/i>le
in/er->/ions #i/h no e@>h-ne of ele>/ri> >h-reC. Weinber h-s -lso #ri//en on /he
$roble!s of -s/ro$hysi>s -nd >os!oloy. BK.N.C
%ronin5 <a2es Watson AA9
Prize: Physi>s, 19*0. Born: Se$/e!ber 29, 19'1; 6hi>-o, ?L. Parents: 1-/her, P-!es
1-rley 6ronin; Ko/her, Doro/hy W-/son 6ronin. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion:
6hris/i-n. Education: Sou/hern Ke/hodis/ Ini8., T4, A.S., 19%1; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L,
Ph.D., 19%%. Spouse: +nne//e K-r/in, !-rried Se$/e!ber 11, 19%). Children: D-niel,
son; 5!ily, d-uh/er; 6-/hryn, d-uh/er. Career: Aroo0h-8en N-/ion-l L-bor-/ory,
2ese-r>her, 19%%:%*; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Professor, 19%*:&1; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L,
Professor, 19&1:9(. Other Awards: 2ese-r>h 6or$or-/ion +#-rd, 19(*; Pohn Pri>e
We/herill Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19&%; 5rnes/ Orl-ndo L-#ren>e +#-rd, 19&&.
Selected Publications: \5@$eri!en/-l S/-/us of 6P Siol-/ion.99 A$. Accession 'umber
19G,;, Beport 'umber A'-@A1C0 B19(%CH 1&:2*. \6ou$lin 6ons/-n/ 2el-/ions for 1
Bl,C -nd ?ndu>ed 0 Bl,C Kesons.Z 'uovo .imento )1+ B19((CH '*0:*% B#i/h 3.
N-!buC. \5@$eri!en/-l De8elo$!en/s in We-0 ?n/er->/ions.Z roc. <nt. .onf. articles
=ields B19(&CH ':20. \We-0 ?n/er->/ions -nd 6P Siol-/ion5@$eri!en/-l.Z <nt. .onf.
/igh@$nergy hys., roc., 1Gth B19(*CH 2*1:'0'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 19*0CH
1'&). (cience 210 BNo8e!ber &, 19*0CH (19:21.
Co$$entary: P-!es 6ronin -nd S-l 1i/>h sh-red /he Nobel Prize for /heir
de!ons/r-/ion /h-/ /he N-!esons resul/in fro! $ro/on >ollisions did no/ obey /he
-bsolu/e $rin>i$le of sy!!e/ry. S$e>ifi>-lly, /hey found /h-/ /he r-/es of s#i/>hin of N-
!esons fro! $-r/i>le /o -n/i$-r/i>le -nd fro! -n/i$-r/i>le /o $-r/i>le #ere differen/,
#hi>h re$resen/ed de8i-/ion fro! /he /heory of -bsolu/e sy!!e/ry. 6ronin >on/inued his
#or0 in /he -re- of /he n-/ure -nd >h-r->/eris/i>s of ele!en/-ry $-r/i>les. BP.N.A.C
itch5 =al #o&sdon AB0
Prize: Physi>s, 19*0. Born: K-r>h 10, 192'; Kerri!-n, N5. Parents: 1-/her, 1red A.
1i/>h; Ko/her, 1r-n>es K. Losdon 1i/>h. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n.
Education: K>"ill Ini8., 6-n-d-, A.5n., 19)*; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 19%).
Spouse: 5lise 6unninh-!, !-rried Pune 11, 19)9, died 19&2; D-isy L-r$er Sh-r$,
!-rried +uus/ 1), 19&(. Children: Pohn 6r-i, son; +l-n Pe/er, son. Career: 6olu!bi-
Ini8., N3, Professor, 19%':%); Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Professor, 19%)-. Other Awards:
2ese-r>h 6or$or-/ion +#-rd, 19(*; 5rnes/ Orl-ndo L-#ren>e +#-rd, 19(*; Pohn
We/herill Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19&(; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 199'.
Selected Publications: \K-ss Differen>e of Neu/r-l N Keson.Z 'uovo .imento 22
B19(1CH 11(0:&0 B#i/h P.+. Piroue -nd 2.A. Per0insC. \The NBlC De>-y Prob-bili/y.Z
hysical Bevie0 1)0A B19(%CH 10**:91 B#i/h 6.+. Qu-rlesC. \5@$eri!en/s on Ti!e-
2e8ers-l ?n8-ri-n>e.Z 'ucl. article hys. Annu 1 B19(&CH 11&:20. \6h-re
+ssy!e/ries.Z .omments 'ucl. article hys 2 B19(*CH (:9.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: hysics Today '' BDe>e!ber 19*0CH 1&:19. (cience 210
BNo8e!ber &, 19*0CH (19:21.
Co$$entary: S-l 1i/>h sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h P-!es 6ronin for /heir dis>o8ery
/h-/ /he ele!en/-ry $-r/i>les N-!esons, resul/in fro! $ro/on >ollisions, did no/ obey
/he -bsolu/e $rin>i$le of sy!!e/ry. S$e>ifi>-lly, /hey found /h-/ /he r-/es of s#i/>hin of
N-!esons fro! $-r/i>le /o -n/i$-r/i>le -nd fro! -n/i$-r/i>le /o $-r/i>le #ere differen/.
This re$resen/ed - de8i-/ion fro! /he /heory of -bsolu/e sy!!e/ry. 1i/>h >on/inued /o
#or0 in /he -re- of /he n-/ure -nd >h-r->/eris/i>s of ele!en/-ry $-r/i>les. BP.N.A.C
P-e 2'9
+loe2ber&en5 Nicolaas AB1
Prize: Physi>s, 19*1. Born: K-r>h 11, 1920; Dordre>h/, Ne/herl-nds. Parents: 1-/her,
+u0e Aloe!beren; Ko/her, So$hi- K-ri- Quin/ Aloe!beren. Nationality: Du/>h;
l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Du/>h Kennoni/e. Education: Ini8. of I/re>h/,
Ne/herl-nds, A.+., 19)1; Ini8. of I/re>h/, Ne/herl-nds, K.S>., 19)'; Leiden Ini8.,
Ne/herl-nds, Ph.D., 19)*. Spouse: Luber/- Deli-n- Arin0, !-rried Pune 2(, 19%0.
Children: +n/oni-, d-uh/er; Puli-n-, d-uh/er; Arin0, son. Career: N-!erlinh Onnes
L-bor-/ory, Ne/herl-nds, 2ese-r>her, 19)&:)*; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19)9:90.
Other Awards: "uenhei! 1ello#, 19%&; Au>0ley Prize, +!eri>-n Physi>-l So>ie/y,
19%*; Korris Lieb!-n +#-rd, ?555, 19%9; A-ll-n/ine Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+,
19(1; L-lf Koon Tro$hy, Ne/herl-nds 6lub, N3, 19&2; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e,
19&); Loren/z Ked-l, 2oy-l Du/>h +>-de!y, 19&9; 1rederi> ?8es Ked-l, O$/i>-l
So>ie/y of +!eri>-, 19&9; 8on Lu!bold/ Senior S>ien/is/ +#-rd, Kuni>h, "er!-ny,
19*0; Ked-l of Lonor, ?555, 19*'; Dir-> Ked-l, Ini8. of Ne# Sou/h W-les, +us/r-li-,
19*'; Son Lu!bold/ Ked-l, 19*9.
Selected Publications: 'uclear #agnetic Belaxation. The L-ueH K. NiMhoff, 19)*.
\Nu>le-r K-ne/i> 2el-@-/ion in Se!i>ondu>/ors.Z hysica 20 B19%)CH 11'0:''.
\Pro$os-l for - Ne#-Ty$e Solid-S/-/e K-ser.Z hysical Bevie0 10) B19%(CH '2):2&.
\The Jero-1ield Solid-S/-/e K-ser -s - Possible Ti!e S/-nd-rd.99 ?uantum $lectronics
(ymposium, /igh 6ie0, 'e0 1or2 B19%9CH 1(0:((. 'onlinear Optics. 2e-din, K+H
W.+. AenM-!in, 19(%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press,
19** BSolu!e 'C 1219:2*. (cience 21) BNo8e!ber (, 19*1CH (29:''.
Co$$entary: Ni>ol--s Aloe!beren sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h +r/hur S>h-#lo# \for
/heir >on/ribu/ion /o /he de8elo$!en/ of l-ser s$e>/ros>o$y,Z /he use of l-ser be-!s -s
-n-ly/i>-l /ools. + nu!ber of Aloe!beren9s !-Mor >on/ribu/ions -re in /he field of
nonline-r o$/i>s B$heno!en- /h-/ o>>ur #hen - l-ser be-! is in/ensi8e enouh /o !-0e
/he /-re/ reson-/e, re8e-lin /he s$e>/r-l $ro$er/ies of en/ire !ole>ulesC. Le -lso did
$ioneerin #or0 in /he de8elo$!en/ of /he !-ser. B6.K.C
-cha)lo)5 0rth!r #eonard AB2
Prize: Physi>s, 19*1. Born: K-y %, 1921; K/. Sernon, N3. Death: +$ril 2*, 1999; P-lo
+l/o, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, +r/hur S>h-#lo#; Ko/her, Lelen K-son S>h-#lo#.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6onre-/ion-lis/. Education: Ini8. of Toron/o,
6-n-d-, A.+., 19)1; Ini8. of Toron/o, 6-n-d-, K.+., 19)2; Ini8. of Toron/o, 6-n-d-,
Ph.D., 19)9. Spouse: +ureli- Nei/h To#nes, !-rried K-y 19, 19%1, died 1991.
Children: +r/hur Nei/h, son; Lelen +ureli-, d-uh/er; 5di/h 5llen, d-uh/er. Career:
6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 2ese-r>her, 19)9:%1; Aell Tele$hone L-bor-/ories, NP,
2ese-r>her, 19%1:(1; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19(1:91. Other Awards:
A-ll-n/ine Ked-l, 1r-n0lin ?ns/i/u/e, P+, 19(2; Tho!-s 3oun Ked-l -nd Prize,
?ns/i/u/ion of Physi>s -nd /he Physi>s So>ie/y of London, 5nl-nd, 19('; Lieb!-nn
Prize, ?555, 19(); 6-liforni- S>ien/is/ of /he 3e-r, 19&'; 1rederi>0 ?8es Ked-l, O$/i>-l
So>ie/y of +!eri>-, 19&(; S>h-#lo# Ked-l, 19*2; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 1991;
+r-/- +#-rd, Lih Te!$er-/ure So>ie/y, P-$-n, 199); 2on-ld L. Aro#n +!eri>-n
?nno8-/or +#-rd, 199(; +!eri>-n ?n8en/ors L-ll of 1-!e, 199(.
Selected Publications: \Sinifi>-n>e of /he 2esul/s of Ki>ro#-8e S$e>/ros>o$y for
Nu>le-r Theory.Z Annals of the 'e0 1or2 Academy of (ciences %% B19%2CH 9%%:(%.
\?nfr-red -nd O$/i>-l K-sers.Z hysical Bevie0 112 B19%*CH 19)0:)9 B#i/h 6h-rles L.
To#nesC. \Si!ul/-neous O$/i>-l K-ser +>/ion in T#o 2uby S-/elli/e Lines.Z hysical
Bevie0 -etters ( B19(1CH (0%:0& B#i/h ".5. De8linC. #icro0ave (pectroscopy. Ne#
3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19%% B#i/h 6h-rles L. To#nesC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: hysics Today ') BDe>e!ber 19*1CH 1&:20. (cience 21)
BNo8e!ber (, 19*1CH (29:''. Weber, 2.L. ioneers of (cience> 'obel %inners in
hysics. Aris/olH ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s, 19*0, 2&%:&(.
Co$$entary: +r/hur S>h-#lo# sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h Ni>ol--s Aloe!beren \for
/heir >on/ribu/ion /o /he de8elo$!en/ of l-ser s$e>/ros>o$y,Z /he use of l-ser be-!s -s
-n-ly/i>-l /ools. One of S>h-#lo#9s bes/ 0no#n -$$li>-/ions of l-ser s$e>/ros>o$y h-s
been in de/er!inin /he enery /h-/ binds -n ele>/ron /o /he $ro/on of - hydroen -/o!
B/he 2ydber >ons/-n/C. Sh-#lo# #or0ed #i/h 6h-rles To#nes in !-ser de8elo$!en/
-nd /hen in e@/endin /he !-ser $rin>i$le /o /he o$/i>-l reion. S>h-#lo#9s rou$ h-s
rese-r>hed /he -$$li>-/ions of /he l-ser in de$/h sin>e, in>ludin /he 2ydber >ons/-n/
de/er!in-/ion -nd /he obser8-/ion of /he Do$$ler-free o$/i>-l s$e>/r- of hydroen.
-ie&bahn5 8ai ,anne +oerKe AB3
Prize: Physi>s, 19*1. Born: +$ril 20, 191*; Lund, S#eden. Parents: 1-/her, N-rl
K-nne "eor Sieb-hn; Ko/her, N-rin Loebo! Sieb-hn. Nationality: S#edish.
Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of I$$s-l-, S#eden, A.S>., 19'9; Ini8. of
I$$s-l-, S#eden, Li>en/i-/e of Philoso$hy, 19)2; Ini8. of S/o>0hol!, S#eden, Ph.D.,
19)). Spouse: +nn--Ari/- 2hedin, !-rried K-y 2', 19)). Children: Per, son; L-ns,
son; Nils, son. Career: Nobel ?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s, S#eden, 2ese-r>her, 19)2:%1; Ini8.
of S/o>0hol!, S#eden, Professor, 19%1:%); I$$s-l- Ini8., S#eden, Professor, 19%):
*); P-$-l +>-de!y of S>ien>e, Professor, 199(-. Other Awards: Lindblo! Prize, 19)%;
Nnih/ of /he Order of /he Nor/h S/-r; AMoer0en Prize, 19%%, 19&&; 6elsius Ked-l, 19(2;
Si@/en Ley!-n +#-rd, 19&1; L-rrison Lo#e +#-rd, 19&'; K-uri>e 1. L-sler +#-rd,
19&%; 6h-rles 1rederi>0 6h-ndler Ked-l, 19&(; Torbern Aer!-n Ked-l, 19&9;
Pi//sburh +#-rd of S$e>/ros>o$y, 19*2; 2on/en Ked-l, 19*%; 1iui +#-rd, 19*(;
Lu!bold/ +#-rd, 19*(; Pre!io 6-s/ilione Di S>ili-, 1990.
Selected Publications: \-2-y S$e>/ros>o$y in /he Pre>ision 2-ne of 1H10
.Z 'uclear
hysics 1 B19%(CH 1'&:%9 B#i/h N. 5d8-rsonC. $(.ATAtomic, #olecular and (olid
(tate (tructure (tudied by #eans of $lectron (pectroscopy. No8- +>/- 2ei-e So>ie/-/is
S>ien/-riu! I$s-liensis, Series ?S, Solu!e 20. I$$s-l-, S#edenH +l!Guis/ -nd
Wi0sells Ao0/ry>0eri +b, 19(& B#i/h o/hersC. $(.ATApplied to =ree #olecules.
+!s/erd-!; LondonH Nor/h-Ne/herl-nds, 19(9 B#i/h o/hersC. \5S6+ +$$lied /o
LiGuids.Z 7ournal of $lectron (pectroscopy and Belated henomena 2 B19&'CH '19:2%
B#i/h L-ns Sieb-hnC. \5le>/ron S$e>/ros>o$y for +/o!s, Kole>ules, -nd 6ondensed
K-//er.Z Bevie0 of #odern hysics %) BPuly 19*2CH &09:2*.
P-e 2)0
or !ore "n#or$ation See: Le>h/, P., -nd Aroo0field, 2. \Physi>is/s Nee$ Nobel Prizes
in /he 1-!ily.Z 'e0 (cientist 92 BO>/ober 22, 19*1CH 22):2%. Loll-nder, P->0 K., -nd
Shirley, D-8id. \The 19*1 Nobel Prize in Physi>s.Z (cience 21) BNo8e!ber (, 19*1CH
(29:'1. Sulli8-n, W-l/er. \Physi>sH To /he Le-r/ of /he K-//er.Z 'e0 1or2 Times B20
O>/ober 19*1CH Se>. ', $. 2.
Co$$entary: N-i Sieb-hn re>ei8ed his Nobel Prize in re>oni/ion of \his >on/ribu/ion
/o /he de8elo$!en/ of hihresolu/ion s$e>/ros>o$y99 in de8elo$in /he /e>hniGue of
5S6+=ele>/ron s$e>/ros>o$y for >he!i>-l -n-lysis. Le subseGuen/ly led - /e-! of
rese-r>hers #ho refined /he /e>hniGue -nd e@/ended i/s -$$li>-/ion /o -ses -nd liGuids
in -ddi/ion /o solids. Lis f-/her, K-nne, #on /he 192) $rize for $hysi>s for /he
de8elo$!en/ of hih-resolu/ion @-r-y s$e>/ros>o$y. BN.2.L.C
Wilson5 8enneth 6eddes AB?
Prize: Physi>s, 19*2. Born: Pune *, 19'(; W-l/h-!, K+. Parents: 1-/her, 5d-r Arih/
Wilson, Pr.; Ko/her, 5!ily 1isher Au>0inh-! Wilson. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, A.+., 19%(; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 19(1. Spouse: +lison Aro#n, !-rried O>/ober 19*2. Children:
None. Career: L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, 1ello#, 19%9:(2; 1ord 1ound-/ion 1ello#, 19(2:(';
6ornell Ini8., N3, Professor, 19(':*&; Ohio S/-/e Ini8. OL, Professor, 19**-. Other
Awards: Leine!-n Prize, 19&'; Aol/z!-nn Ked-l, 19&%; Wolf Prize, 19*0; 1r-n0lin
Ked-l, 19*'; +.6. 5rinen Ked-l, 19*); 2-h!-n Prize, 199'.
Selected Publications: \2enor!-liz-/ion "rou$ -nd 6ri/i>-l Pheno!en-. ?.
2enor!-liz-/ion "rou$ -nd /he N-d-noff S>-lin Pi>/ure.Z hysics Bevie0s A)
BNo8e!ber 1, 19&1CH '1&):*'. \2enor!-liz-/ion "rou$ -nd 6ri/i>-l Pheno!en-. ??.
Ph-se-S$->e 6ell +n-lysis of 6ri/i>-l Aeh-8ior.Z hysics Bevie0s A) BNo8e!ber 1,
19&1CH '1*):20%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press,
19** BSolu!e 'C, 12%':(0. hysics Today '% BDe>e!ber 19*2CH 1&:19.
Co$$entary: Nenne/h Wilson re>ei8ed his -#-rd \for his /heory for >ri/i>-l $heno!en-
in >onne>/ion #i/h $h-se /r-nsi/ions.Z Lis fur/her de8elo$!en/ of /he \renor!-liz-/ion
rou$Z !e/hod, - !-/he!-/i>-l /e>hniGue #hi>h -llo#s #or0in #i/h $roble!s /h-/
>on/-in !-/he!-/i>-l infini/ies, #-s -$$lied in in8es/i-/in 8-rious >ri/i>-l $heno!en-
in $hysi>-l sys/e!s, !o8in /o#-rd - ener-l /heory. The !e/hod is #idely -$$li>-ble /o
!-ny fields of rese-r>h. BS.D.C
%handrasekhar5 -!brah2an$an AB@
Prize: Physi>s, 19*'. Born: O>/ober 19, 1910; L-hore, ?ndi-. Death: +uus/ 21, 199%;
6hi>-o, ?L. Parents: 1-/her, 6h-ndr-se0h-r- Subr-h!-ny- +yy-r; Ko/her, Si/-l-0sh!i
A-l-0rishn-n 6h-ndr-se0h-r. Nationality: ?ndi-n; l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion:
Lindu. Education: K-dr-s Ini8., ?ndi-, K.+., 19'0; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Ph.D.,
19''. Spouse: L-li/h- Dor-is#-!y, !-rried Se$/e!ber 19'(. Children: None. Career:
6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, Professor, 19'':'&; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, Professor, 19'&:*(.
Other Awards: Aru>e Ked-l, +s/rono!i>-l So>ie/y of /he P->ifi>, 19%2; "old Ked-l,
2oy-l +s/rono!i>-l So>ie/y, 19%'; 2u!ford Ked-l, +!eri>-n +>-de!y of +r/s -nd
S>ien>es, 19%&; S. 2-!-nuM-n Ked-l, 19(2; 2oy-l Ked-l, 2oy-l So>ie/y, 19(2;
N-/ion-l S>ien>e Ked-l, 19((; P. Sibhush-n Ked-l, 19(*; Lenry Dr-$er Ked-l, 19&1;
S!olu>ho#s0i Ked-l, 19&'; D-nnie Leine!-n Prize, 19&); 6o$ley Ked-l, 19*);
To!-ll- Prize, 19*); Airl- Ke!ori-l +#-rd, 19*); S-inu A-$$u Ke!ori-l +#-rd, 19*(.
Selected Publications: An <ntroduction to the (tudy of (tellar (tructure. 6hi>-oH Ini8.
of 6hi>-o Press, 19'9. rinciples of (tellar &ynamics. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o
Press, 19)2. /ydrodynamic and /ydromagnetic (tability. LondonH 6l-rendon, 19(1.
$llipsoidal =igures of $4uilibrium. Ne# L-8en, 6TH 3-le Ini8. Press, 19(9. The
#athematical Theory of 8lac2 /oles. LondonH 6l-rendon, 19*'. (elected apers, (
8olu!es. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19*9:90.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8iographical #emoirs of 'ational Academy of (ciences.
W-shin/on, D6H N-/ion-l +>-de!y of S>ien>es, 199&, 29:)*. .urrent 8iography
1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, K-r>h 19*(H(:9. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical
(ervice BO>/ober 19&'CH 11&(:&&. (cience 222 BNo8e!ber 2%, 19*'CH **'l. W-li, N.
.handra. Ne# Delhi, ?ndi-H Si0in, 1991.
Co$$entary: ?n honorin Subr-h!-ny-n 6h-ndr-se0h-r, /he +>-de!y no/ed his
life/i!e of s>ien/ifi> >on/ribu/ions, bu/ >i/ed in $-r/i>ul-r his s/udy of /he s/ru>/ure of
#hi/e d#-rfs -s his \$ossibly bes/-0no#n ->hie8e!en/.Z ?n /h-/ e-rly #or0,
6h-ndr-se0h-r no/ed /h-/ only s!-ller s/-rs B#i/h - !-ss less /h-n 1.)) /i!es /h-/ of /he
sunC #ould s/-bilize in/o #hi/e d#-rfs. L-rer s/-rs #ould >on/inu-lly >o!$ress, due /o
/he l-re r-8i/-/ion-l for>es -nd /heir ->>eler-/ion of ele>/rons /o#-rd /he s$eed of lih/
Brel-/i8is/i> deener->yC. This oriin-l #or0 l-/er #ould be used in /he e@$l-n-/ion of
neu/ron s/-rs -nd bl->0 holes. 6h-ndr-se0h-r #-s -lso - !-Mor >on/ribu/or in /he -re-s
of s/ell-r dyn-!i>s, hydro!-ne/i>s, -nd r-di-/i8e /r-nsfer. BA.S.S.C
o)ler5 Willia2 0lfred ABA
Prize: Physi>s, 19*'. Born: +uus/ 9, 1911; Pi//sburh, P+. Death: K-r>h 1), 199%;
P-s-den-, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, Pohn K>Leod 1o#ler; Ko/her, Pennie Su!!ers W-/son
1o#ler. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Presby/eri-n. Education: Ohio S/-/e Ini8.,
A.5n., 19''; 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 19'(. Spouse: +rdi-ne 1oy
Ol!s/e-d, !-rried +uus/ 2), 19)0, died 19**; K-ry Du/>her, !-rried De>e!ber 1),
19*9. Children: K-ry 5!ily 1o#ler "-lo#in, d-uh/er; K-r/h- Su!!ers 1o#ler
S>hoene!-nn, d-uh/er. Career: 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19'(:*2. Other Awards: N-8-l Ordin-n>e De8elo$!en/ +#-rd, Ini/ed
S/-/es N-8y, 19)%; Ked-l of Keri/, 19)*; L-!!e Ked-l, Ohio S/-/e Ini8., 19%2;
Ked-l, Ini8. Li`e, 19%%; S>ien/is/ of /he 3e-r +#-rd, 6+, 19%*; A-rn-rd Ked-l,
6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, 19(%; +$ollo +>hie8e!en/ +#-rd, N-/ion-l +eron-u/i>s -nd S$->e
+d!inis/r-/ion, 19(9; Aonner Prize, +!eri>-n Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19&0; Se/lesen Prize,
19&'; N-/ion-l
P-e 2)1
Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19&); AenM-!in 1r-n0lin 1ello#, 2oy-l So>ie/y of /he +r/s;
5ddin/on Ked-l, 2oy-l +s/rono!i>-l So>ie/y, 19&*; Aru>e "old Ked-l, +s/rono!i>-l
So>ie/y of /he P->ifi>, 19&9; Sulli8-n/ Ked-l, Ohio S/-/e Ini8., 19*%; 1o#ler +#-rd,
19*(; Leion d9Lonneur, 19*9.
Selected Publications: \Syn/hesis of /he 5le!en/s in S/-rs.Z Bevie0 of #odern hysics
29 B19%&CH %)& B#i/h 5.K. Aurbride, ".2. Aurbride, -nd 1. LoyleC. 'ucleosynthesis in
#assive (tars and (upernovae. 6hi>-oH Ini8. of 6hi>-o Press, 19() B#i/h 1. LoyleC.
'uclear Astrophysics. Phil-del$hi-, P+H +!eri>-n Philoso$hi>-l So>ie/y, 19(&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 8ulletin of the American Astronomical (ociety 2&, no.)
B199%CH 1)&%:&&. 'e0 (cientist 100 BO>/ober 2&, 19*'CH 2%):%%. 'e0 1or2 Times
BK-r>h 1(, 199%CH A1). (cience 222 BNo8e!ber 2%, 19*'CH **1:*'.
Co$$entary: Willi-! 1o#ler9s sh-red Nobel Prize #-s \for his /heore/i>-l -nd
e@$eri!en/-l s/udies of /he nu>le-r re->/ions of i!$or/-n>e in /he for!-/ion of /he
>he!i>-l ele!en/s in /he uni8erse.Z 1o#ler9s rese-r>h led /o #h-/ is no# /he ener-lly
->>e$/ed /heory for syn/hesis of /he he-8ier ele!en/s in s/ell-r e@$losions or su$erno8-s.
Toe/her, 1o#ler -nd his >o-re>i$ien/, Subr-h!-ny-n 6h-ndr-se0h-r, h-8e de/-iled /he
s/e$s le-din /o /he syn/hesis of /he en/ire ros/er of subs/-n>es fro! #hi>h s/-rs, $l-ne/s,
-nd $eo$le -re for!ed. BS.D.C
4!bbia5 %arlo ABB
Prize: Physi>s, 19*). Born: K-r>h '1, 19'); "orizi-, ?/-ly. Parents: 1-/her, Sil8io 2.
2ubbi-; Ko/her, Ai>e Li>eni 2ubbi-. Nationality: ?/-li-n. Religion: 6-/holi>.
Education: Ini8. of Pis-, ?/-ly, Ph.D., 19%*. Spouse: K-riss- 2o!_, !-rried Pune 2&,
19(0. Children: L-ur-, d-uh/er; +ndre, son. Career: 5uro$e-n Or-niz-/ion of
Nu>le-r 2ese-r>h, "ene8- B652NC, S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19(1-;
>on>urren/ly -sso>i-/ed #i/h L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19&0:*9. Other Awards:
Ledlie Prize, 19*%; Pesolo d9Oro, 19*(.
Selected Publications: \The Physi>s of /he Pro/on-+n/i$ro/on 6ollider.Z roc. /$;C,
<nt. $urophys. .onf. /igh $nergy hys. B19*'CH *(0:&9. OOThe LPW Pro/on-De>-y
5@$eri!en/.Z A< .onf. roc. B19*)CH &&:** B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography 1earboo2. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson
BPune 19*%C, 2(:29. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1*, 19*)CH A1'. (cience BP-nu-ry 11,
19*%CH 1'1:'). T-ubes, "-ry. 'obel &reams. Ne# 3or0H 2-ndo! Louse, 19*(.
Co$$entary: 6-rlo 2ubbi- -nd Si!on 8-n der Keer sh-red /he Nobel Prize for /heir
>on/ribu/ions /o /he dis>o8ery of /hree sub-/o!i> $-r/i>les /h-/ !o8ed $hysi>s >loser /o
/he ul/i!-/e o-l of - sinle /heory for -ll n-/ur-l for>es. The /e-! desined -nd buil/ -
>ollidin-be-! ->>eler-/or #hi>h $er!i//ed obser8-/ion of /he /hen-hy$o/he/i>-l WBC,
WBlC, -nd J $-r/i>les. The #or0 of /he /#o l-ure-/es >onfir!ed /he unifi>-/ion of /#o of
/he four b-si> for>es of n-/ure=/he ele>/ro!-ne/i> for>e /h-/ rel-/es ele>/ri>i/y -nd
!-ne/is! -nd /he #e-0 for>e /h-/ >on/rols $heno!en- li0e r-dio->/i8i/y. ?n 19*),
2ubbi- -lso -nnoun>ed /he dis>o8ery of /he si@/h B/o$C Gu-r0, -no/her lon-souh/
$-r/i>le. BS.K., A.S.S.C
>an der ,eer5 -i2on ABC
Prize: Physi>s, 19*). Born: No8e!ber 2), 192%; The L-ue, Ne/herl-nds. Parents:
1-/her, Pie/er 8-n der Keer; Ko/her, Pe/s0e "roene8eld 8-n der Keer. Nationality:
Du/>h. Religion: +nos/i>; fro! Pro/es/-n/ b->0round. Education: Te>hni>-l Ini8.,
Ne/herl-nds, $hysi>-l enineerin deree, 19%2. Spouse: 6-/h-rin- K. Noo$!-n,
!-rried +$ril 2(, 19((. Children: 5s/her, d-uh/er; K-/hiMs, son. Career: Du/>h Phili$s
6o!$-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19%2:%(; 5uro$e-n Or-niz-/ion for Nu>le-r 2ese-r>h,
2ese-r>her, 19%(:90. Other Awards: Duddell Ked-l -nd Prize, 5nl-nd, 19*2.
Selected Publications: \S/o>h-s/i> 6oolin Theory -nd De8i>es.Z -a0rence 8er2eley
-aboratory Beport -8-@A"AG B19&*CH 9':9&. \S/o>h-s/i> 6oolin in /he 652N
+n/i$ro/on +>>u!ul-/or.Z <$$$ Trans. 'ucl. (ci. NS2*:' P-r/ ? B19*1CH 199):9*.
\2e>en/ 5@$erien>e #i/h +n/i$ro/on 6oolin.Z <$$$ Trans. 'ucl. (ci. '0:) P-r/ ?
B19*'CH 2%*&:*9 B#i/h o/hersC. \+n/i$ro/on Produ>/ion -nd 6olle>/ion for /he 652N
+n/i$ro/on +>>u!ul-/or.Z <$$$ Trans. 'ucl. (ci. '0:) P-r/ ? B19*'CH 2&&*:*0 B#i/h
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1*, 19*)CH A1'. 'obel ri*e
%inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**. Solu!e ', 1291:99. (cience 22&
BP-nu-ry 11, 19*%CH 1'1:').
Co$$entary: Si!on 8-n der Keer sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h 6-rlo 2ubbi- for /heir
>on/ribu/ions /o /he dis>o8ery of /hree sub-/o!i> $-r/i>les /h-/ $ro8ided -no/her lin0 in
de8elo$in - sinle /heory for -ll n-/ur-l for>es. S-n der Keer #-s /he enineerin for>e
in /he desin -nd >ons/ru>/ion of - >ollidin-be-! ->>eler-/or #hi>h $er!i//ed
obser8-/ion of /he /hen-hy$o/he/i>-l WBC, WBlC, -nd J $-r/i>les. The #or0 of /he /#o
l-ure-/es >onfir!ed /he unifi>-/ion of /#o of /he four b-si> for>es of n-/ure=/he
ele>/ro!-ne/i> for>e /h-/ rel-/es ele>/ri>i/y -nd !-ne/is! -nd /he #e-0 for>e /h-/
>on/rols $heno!en- li0e r-dio->/i8i/y. BA.S.S.C
8litzin&5 8la!s >on AB9
Prize: Physi>s, 19*%. Born: Pune 2*, 19)'; S>hrod-, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her,
Aoisl-8 8on Nli/zin; Ko/her, +nny Ilbri>h 8on Nli/zin. Nationality: "er!-n.
Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Te>hni>-l Ini8., Aerlin, "er!-ny, b->>-l-ure-/e, 19(9;
Ini8. of WRrzbur, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 19&2. Spouse: 2en-/e 1-l0enber, !-rried K-y
2&, 19&1. Children: +ndre-s, son; 6hris/ine, d-uh/er; Tho!-s, son. Career: Ini8. of
WRrzbur, "er!-ny, 19&0:&*; Lih K-ne/i> 1ield L-bor-/ory, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her,
19&9:*0; Te>hni>-l Ini8., Kuni>h, "er!-ny, Professor, 19*0:*); K-@ Pl-n>0 ?ns/i/u/e,
S/u//-r/, Wes/ "er!-ny, 2ese-r>her, 19*%-. Other Awards: W-l/er-S>ho//0y Prize,
19*1; Le#le// P->0-rd 5uro$hysi>s Prize, 19*2.
Selected Publications: \2eson-n>e S/ru>/ure in /he Lih 1ield K-ne/oresis/-n>e of
Telluriu!.Z (olid (tate .ommunications 9 B19&1CH 12%1:%) B#i/h ". L-nd#ehrC. \+n
Obser8-/ion by Pho/o>ondu>/i8i/y of S/r-in S$li//in of Sh-llo# Aul0 Donors Lo>-/ed
Ne-r /o /he Surf->e in Sili>on KOS De8i>es.Z (olid (tate .ommunications 20 B19&(CH
&&:*0 B#i/h 2.P. Ni>hol-s -nd 2.+. S/r-dlinC. \Ne# Ke/hod for Lih-+>>ur->y
De/er!in-/ion of /he 1ine-S/ru>/ure 6ons/-n/ A-sed on Qu-n/ized L-ll 2esis/-n>e.Z
P-e 2)2
Bevie0 -etters )% B19*0CH )9) B#i/h ". Dord- -nd K. Pe$$erC. \5le>/ron S$in
2eson-n>e on "-+s-+lB@C"-B1-@C +s Le/eros/ru>/ures.Z hysical Bevie0 -etters %1
B19*'CH 1'0:'' B#i/h D. S/einC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1&, 19*%CH 1. 'obel ri*e
%inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**. Solu!e ', 1'01:11. (cience 2'1
B1ebru-ry 21, 19*(CH *20:22.
Co$$entary: Nl-us 8on Nli/zin re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for his dis>o8ery of /he
Gu-n/ized L-ll effe>/, #hi>h o>>urs in se!i>ondu>/or de8i>es -/ lo# /e!$er-/ures in
s/ron !-ne/i> fields. The dis>o8ery no/ only >-used !-Mor re8ision of /he /heory of
ele>/ri> >ondu>/ion in s/ron !-ne/i> fields bu/ -lso $ro8ided - hihly ->>ur-/e
l-bor-/ory s/-nd-rd of ele>/ri>-l resis/-n>e. Son Nli/zin -lso rese-r>hed /he ele>/ri>-l
$ro$er/ies of /elluriu! in s/ron !-ne/i> fields, sili>on in8ersion l-yers in s/ron
!-ne/i> fields -nd uni@i-l s/ress, -nd /he $ro$er/ies of /#o-di!ension-l ele>/ron
sys/e!s. BL.S.S.C
+inni&5 6erd 8arl AC0
Prize: Physi>s, 19*(. Born: Puly 20, 19)&; 1r-n0fur/, Wes/ "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her,
N-rl 1r-nz Ainni; Ko/her, 2u/h Ar->0e Ainni. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: No
reliion. Education: "oe/he Ini8., "er!-ny, Di$lo!-, 19&'; Ini8. of 1r-n0fur/,
"er!-ny, Ph.D., 19&*. Spouse: Lore W-ler, !-rried 19(9. Children: K-r8in, son; ?ris,
d-uh/er. Career: ?AK, S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19&*-. Other Awards: Physi>s Prize,
"er!-n Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19*2; O//o Nlun Prize, 19*'; Le#le//-P->0-rd 5uro$hysi>s
Prize, 19*); Nin 1-is-l ?n/ern-/ion-l Prize, S-udi +r-bi-, 19*); 5llio/ 6resson Ked-l,
19*&; Kinnie 2osen +#-rd, 2oss Ini8., Ne# 3or0, 19**; N-/ion-l ?n8en/ors L-ll of
1-!e, 199).
Selected Publications: \S>-nnin Tunnelin Ki>ros>o$y.Z <8# 7ournal of Besearch
and &evelopment '0 B19*(CH '%%:(9. \+/o!i> 2esolu/ion #i/h +/o!i> 1or>e
Ki>ros>o$e.Z $urophysics -etters ' B19*&CH 12*1:*(. \S>-nnin Tunnelin Ki>ros>o$yH
1ro! Air/h /o +doles>en>e.Z Bevie0 of #odern hysics %9 B19*&CH (1%:2%. \S!e>/i>
LiGuid 6rys/-l Konol-yers on "r-$hi/e Obser8ed by STK.99 (cience 2)% B19*9CH )':)(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics., Solu!e '. P-s-den-, 6+H
S-le! Press, 19*9. Besearch and &evelopment 2' B19*(CH '&:'*. (cience 2') B19*(CH
Co$$entary: "erd Ainni -nd Leinri>h 2ohrer sh-red h-lf /he $rize in Physi>s \for
/heir desin of /he s>-nnin /unnel !i>ros>o$e.Z Where-s 5rns/ 2us0-9s B/he /hird
l-ure-/eC ele>/ron !i>ros>o$e $l-yed on /he -bili/y /o fo>us - be-! of ele>/rons usin
!-ne/i> fields, /he s>-nnin /unnel !i>ros>o$e is b-sed on /he ele>/ron9s #-8e
$ro$er/ies, #hi>h resul/ in /heir /unnelin ou/ of \fi@edZ $osi/ions /o for! -n ele>/ron
>loud. Ay brinin /he 8ery fine /i$ of /he !i>ros>o$e >lose enouh /o /he s-!$le
surf->e so /h-/ /he ele>/ron >louds of /he surf->e -nd /he /i$ -re /ou>hin -nd -$$lyin -
8ol/-e, -n ele>/ri> >urren/ B/unnelin >urren/C is >-used /o flo#. +s /he /i$ is !o8ed
->ross /he surf->e, /he -/o!i> >h-r->/eris/i>s of /he surf->e >-n be !e-sured by /he
in/ensi/y of /he >urren/. The /e>hniGue h-s been used in s/udies in se!i>ondu>/or
$hysi>s, -/o!i> s/ru>/ure of bioloi>-l !->ro!ole>ules, -nd lo#-/e!$er-/ure $hysi>s.
B".2., A.S.S.C
4ohrer5 1einrich AC1
Prize: Physi>s, 19*(. Born: Pune (, 19''; Au>hs, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, L-ns
Leinri>h 2ohrer; Ko/her, N-/h-rin- "-n$enbein 2ohrer. Nationality: S#iss. Religion:
Pro/es/-n/. Education: 1eder-l ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, S#i/zerl-nd, Di$lo!-, 19%%;
1eder-l ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, S#i/zerl-nd, Ph.D., 19(0. Spouse: 2ose-K-rie 5-r,
!-rried 19(1. Children: Doris Sh-nnon, d-uh/er; 5llen Lind-, d-uh/er. Career: S#iss
?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19(0:(1; 2u/ers Ini8., Ne# Persey,
2ese-r>her, 19(1:('; ?AK, S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19(':9&; Toho0u Ini8., P-$-n,
2ese-r>her, 199&-; >on>urren/ly, 2?N5N, P-$-n, 2ese-r>her, 199&-. Other Awards:
Le#le//-P->0-rd 5uro$hysi>s Prize, 19*); Nin 1-is-l ?n/ern-/ion-l Prize, S-udi +r-bi-,
19*); ?AK 1ello#, 19*(; 5llio/ 6resson Ked-l, 19*&; N-/ion-l ?n8en/ors L-ll of 1-!e,
Selected Publications: \S>-nnin Tunnelin Ki>ros>o$y.Z <8# 7ournal of Besearch
and &evelopment '0 B19*(CH '%%:(9. \+ S/udy of "r-$hi/e Surf->e Isin /he S>-nnin
Tunnelin Ki>ros>o$e -nd 5le>/roni> S/ru>/ure 6-l>ul-/ions.Z (urface (ciences *1
B19*&CH 2(:'*. \To$or-$hy of Defe>/s -/ +/o!i> 2esolu/ion Isin /he STK.Z (urface
(ciences 1*1 B19*&CH 1'9:)). \S>-nnin Tunnelin Ki>ros>o$yH 1ro! Air/h /o
+doles>en>e.Z Bevie0 of #odern hysics %9 B19*&CH (1%:2%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics, Solu!e '. P-s-den-, 6+H
S-le! Press, 19*9. (cience 2') B19*(CH *21:22. (cience 'e0s 1'0 B19*(CH 2(2:('.
Co$$entary: Leinri>h 2ohrer -nd "erd Ainni sh-red h-lf /he $rize in Physi>s \for
/heir desin of /he s>-nnin /unnel !i>ros>o$e.Z Where-s 5rns/ 2us0-9s B/he /hird
l-ure-/eC ele>/ron !i>ros>o$e $l-yed on /he -bili/y /o fo>us - be-! of ele>/rons usin
!-ne/i> fields, /he s>-nnin /unnel !i>ros>o$e is b-sed on /he ele>/ron9s #-8e
$ro$er/ies, #hi>h resul/ in /heir /unnelin ou/ of \fi@edZ $osi/ions /o for! -n ele>/ron
>loud. Ay brinin /he 8ery fine /i$ of /he !i>ros>o$e >lose enouh /o /he s-!$le
surf->e so /h-/ /he ele>/ron >louds of /he surf->e -nd /he /i$ -re /ou>hin, -nd -$$lyin -
8ol/-e, -n ele>/ri> >urren/ B/unnelin >urren/C is >-used /o flo#. +s /he /i$ is !o8ed
->ross /he surf->e, /he -/o!i> >h-r->/eris/i>s of /he surf->e >-n be !e-sured by /he
in/ensi/y of /he >urren/. The /e>hniGue h-s been used in s/udies in se!i>ondu>/or
$hysi>s, -/o!i> s/ru>/ure of bioloi>-l !->ro!ole>ules, -nd lo#-/e!$er-/ure $hysi>s.
B".2., A.S.S.C
4!ska5 "rnst 0!&!st riedrich AC2
Prize: Physi>s, 19*(. Born: De>e!ber 2%, 190(; Leidelber, "er!-ny. Death: K-y '0,
19**; Aerlin, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, Pulius 1erdin-nd 2us0-; Ko/her, 5lis-be/h
Ker@ 2us0-. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Pro/es/-n/. Education: Te>hni>-l Ini8.,
Kuni>h, "er!-ny, 6er/ified enineer, 19'1; Te>hni>-l Ini8., Aerlin, "er!-ny, Ph.D.,
19'). Spouse: ?r!el- 2u/h "eiis, !-rried K-y 1%, 19'&. Children: Ilri>h-5rns/, son;
Puren, son; ?r!/r-ud, d-uh/er. Career: 1ernseh 6or$or-/ion, "er!-ny, 5nineer,
19'':'&; Sie!ens 6o!$-ny, "er!-ny, 5nineer, 19'&:%(;
P-e 2)'
?ns/i/u/e of 5le>/ron Ki>ros>o$y, K-@ Pl-n>0 So>ie/y, "er!-ny, 19%(:&). Other
Awards: Sen>0enber Prize, 19'9; Leibniz Sil8er Ked-l, 19)1; L-s0er +#-rd, 19(0;
P-ul 5hrli>h Prize, 19&0; Duddell Ked-l -nd Prize, 19&%; 6o/henius Ked-l, 19&%;
+lbre>h/ 8on "r-fe Ked-l, 19*'; Dis/inuished S>ien/is/ +#-rd, 5le>/ron Ki>ros>o$y
So>ie/y of +!eri>-, 19*%; 2ober/ No>h "old Ked-l, 19*(; Kinni 2osen +#-rd, 19*&;
"rune 2ose//e, 19*&.
Selected Publications: \The 5le>/ron Ki>ros>o$e.Z !eitschrift f3r hysi2 &* B19'2CH
'1*:'9. \?!-es of Ke/-l 1or>es in /he 5le>/ron Ki>ros>o$e.Z !eitschrift f3r hysi2 *'
B19''CH 1*&:9'. \?!-es of Surf->es Whi>h 2efle>/ 5le>/rons in /he 5le>/ron
Ki>ros>o$e.99 !eitschrift f3r hysi2 *' B19''CH )92:9&. \K-ne/i> ObMe>/i8e for /he
5le>/ron Ki>ros>o$e.Z !eitschrift f3r hysi2 *9 B19')CH 90:12*. The $arly &evelopment
of $lectron -enses and $lectron #icroscopy. S/u//-r/, "er!-nyH S. Lirzel Serl-, 19*0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BK-y '1, 19**CH D1). 'obel ri*e
%inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e ', 1'1%:21. hysics Today
)0 B19*&CH 1&:20. (cience 2') B19*(CH *21:22.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s sh-red by 5rns/ 2us0- for \fund-!en/-l #or0 in
ele>/ron o$/i>s -nd for /he desin of /he firs/ ele>/ron !i>ros>o$e.Z Lis firs/ ele>/ron
!i>ros>o$e, buil/ in 19'1, re$l->ed /he lih/ be-! used in $re8ious !i>ros>o$y #i/h -n
->>eler-/ed ele>/ron be-! fo>used by ele>/ro!-ne/s. + !ore $o#erful 8ersion #-s
>o!$le/ed in 19'' -nd - >o!!er>i-l, !-ss-$rodu>ed 8ersion in 19'&. The ele>/ron
!i>ros>o$e !-de 8isible /he s/ru>/ures of bioloi>-l en/i/ies -nd !ole>ules. 2us0-9s
#or0 #i/h ele>/ron !i>ros>o$y >on/inued un/il his de-/h. B".2.,A.S.S.C
+ednorz5 <ohannes 6eor& AC3
Prize: Physi>s, 19*&. Born: K-y 1(, 19%0; Neuen0ir>hen, Wes/ "er!-ny. Parents:
1-/her, +n/on Aednorz; Ko/her, 5liz-be/h Aednorz. Nationality: Wes/ "er!-n; residen/
in S#i/zerl-nd. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of KRns/er, "er!-ny, A.S., 19&(;
1eder-l ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, S#i/zerl-nd, Ph.D., 19*2. Spouse: Ke>h/hild
Wenne!er, !-rried 19&*. Children: None. Career: ?AK, S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her,
19*2-. Other Awards: K-r>el-Aenois/ Prize, 19*(; Si>/or Kori/z "olds>h!id/ Prize,
19*&; 2ober/ Wi>h-rd Pohl Prize, 19*&; 1ri/z London Ke!ori-l +#-rd, 19*&; D-nnie
Leine!-n Prize, 19*&; O//o Nlun Prize, 19*&; "olds>h!id/ Prize, 19*&; +PS
?n/ern-/ion-l Prize, 19**; Kinnie 2osen +#-rd, 19**; Le#le//-P->0-rd 5uro$hysi>s
Prize, 19**.
Selected Publications: \Possible Lih T
Su$er>ondu>/i8i/y in /he A--L--6u-O
Sys/e!.Z !eitschrift f3r hysi2 8 () B19*(CH 1*9:9'. \The Dis>o8ery of - 6l-ss of Lih
Te!$er-/ure Su$er>ondu>/ors.Z (cience 2'& B19*&CH 11'':'9. \The Dis>o8ery of
Su$er>ondu>/i8i/y -/ Lih Te!$er-/ure.Z Becherche F=ranceH 19 BP-nu-ry 19**CH %2:(0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press,
19**, Solu!e ', 1''(:)*. (cience 2'* B19*&CH )*1:*2.
Co$$entary: P. "eor Aednorz sh-red /he Nobel Prize for /he \dis>o8ery of
su$er>ondu>/i8i/y in - ne# >l-ss of >er-!i>s -/ /e!$er-/ures hiher /h-n h-d $re8iously
been /houh/ $ossible.Z + rel-/i8ely re>en/ Ph.D. -/ /he /i!e he re>ei8ed /he Nobel,
Aednorz #-s re>rui/ed by his >ol-ure-/e /o #or0 on o@ides -s su$er>ondu>/ors be>-use
of his re>onized /-len/s -s - l-bor-/ory inno8-/or, bo/h in /he -re-s of eGui$!en/ -nd
/e>hniGue. The ro#/h of /he >rys/-ls in /he su$er>ondu>/in e@$eri!en/s -nd /he desin
of /he ne>ess-ry eGui$!en/ #-s, in l-re $-r/, Aednorz9s res$onsibili/y. Aednorz #-s
-//r->/ed /o /he $roMe>/ be>-use of his in/eres/ in /he -$$li>-/ions of su$er>ondu>/i8i/y,
$-r/i>ul-rly in /he desin of su$erf-s/ /r-ins. B".2.,A.S.S.C
,Sller5 8arl 0le/ander AC?
Prize: Physi>s, 19*&. Born: +$ril 20, 192&; A-sel, S#i/zerl-nd. Parents: 1-/her, P-ul
2udol$h KRller; Ko/her, ?r!- 1eienb-u! KRller. Nationality: S#iss. Religion:
Pro/es/-n/. Education: 58-neli>-l 6ollee, S#i/zerl-nd, A.+., 19)%; 1eder-l ?ns/i/u/e
of Te>hnoloy, S#i/zerl-nd, K.S., 19%2; 1eder-l ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, S#i/zerl-nd,
Ph.D., 19%*. Spouse: ?nebor K-rie Louise Win0ler, !-rried 19%(. Children: 5ri>h
2udolf, son; Syl8i- ?rene, d-uh/er. Career: A-/elle ?ns/i/u/e, S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her,
19%9:('; ?AK, S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19(':*%; ?nde$enden/ 2ese-r>her,
S#i/zerl-nd, 19*%-. Other Awards: ?AK 1ello#, 19*2; K-r>el-Aenois/ 1ound-/ion
Prize, 19*(; 1ri/z London Ke!ori-l +#-rd, 19*&; D-nnie Leine!-n Prize, 19*&;
2ober/ Wi>h-rd Pohl Prize, 19*&; Le#le//P->0-rd 5uro$hysi>s Prize, 19**; +PS
?n/ern-/ion-l Prize, 19**; Kinnie 2osen +#-rd, 19**; S$e>i-l Tsu0ub- +#-rd, 19*9.
Selected Publications: \?nho!oeneous Su$er>ondu>/i8i/y Tr-nsi/ions in "r-nul-r +l.Z
hysical Bevie0 -etters )% B19*0CH *'2:'(. \Possible T
Su$er>ondu>/i8i/y in /he A--
L--6u-O Sys/e!.Z !eitschrift f3r hysi2 8 () B19*(CH 1*9:9'. \The Dis>o8ery of -
6l-ss of Lih-Te!$er-/ure Su$er>ondu>/ors,Z (cience 2'& B19*&CH 11'':'9. \The
Dis>o8ery of Su$er>ondu>/i8i/y -/ Lih Te!$er-/ure.Z Becherche F=ranceH 19 BP-nu-ry
19**CH %2:(0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1%, 19*&CH +1). 'obel ri*e
%inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19**, Solu!e ', 1''(:)*.
Co$$entary: N. +le@ KRller sh-red /he Nobel for /he \dis>o8ery of su$er>ondu>/i8i/y
in - ne# >l-ss of >er-!i>s -/ /e!$er-/ures hiher /h-n h-d $re8iously been /houh/
$ossible.Z KRller h-d s$en/ /he e-rly $-r/ of his >-reer #or0in #i/h o@ides -nd solid
s/-/e $hysi>s, -nd h-d obser8ed /h-/ o@ides #i/h ni>0el -nd >o$$er e@hibi/ed so!e
deree of su$er>ondu>/i8i/y. Lis /e-! s/-r/ed ou/ #or0in #i/h -n o@ide of l-n/h-nu!
-nd ni>0el /o #hi>h /hey -dded -lu!inu! #i/h no su>>ess. +f/er /es/s of !-ny o@ides,
/hey found one >on/-inin l-n/h-nu!, b-riu!, -nd >o$$er /h-/ >on/inued /o
su$er>ondu>/ u$ /o '% derees Nel8in. The dis>o8ery re8i/-lized /he field of
su$er>ondu>/i8i/y. B".2., A.S.S.C
#eder2an5 #eon ,a/ AC@
Prize: Physi>s, 19**. Born: Puly 1%, 1922; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Korris
Leder!-n; Ko/her, Kinn- 2osenber Leder!-n. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion:
Pe#ish. Education: 6i/y 6ollee of Ne# 3or0, A.S., 19)'; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, +.K.,
19)*; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Ph.D.,
P-e 2))
19%1. Spouse: 1loren>e "ordon, !-rried Se$/e!ber 19, 19)%; no fur/her re>ord; 5llen
6-rr, !-rried Se$/e!ber 1&, 19*1. Children: 2en- S., d-uh/er; Pesse +., son; Leidi
2->hel, d-uh/er. Career: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor, 19%1:&9; 1er!i N-/ion-l
+>>eler-/or L-b, ?L, +d!inis/r-/or, 19&9:*9; Ini8ersi/y of 6hi>-o, ?L, Professor,
19*9:92; ?llinois ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 1992-. Other Awards: N-/ion-l
Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19(%; To#nsend L-rris Ked-l, 19&'; 5llio/ 6resson Ked-l, 19&(;
Wolf Prize, 19*2; 1er!i Prize, 1992; Presiden/9s +#-rd, 199'; Pose$h Pries/ly +#-rd,
Selected Publications: \The T#o-Neu/rino 5@$eri!en/.Z (cientific American 20*
B19('CH (0:&0. =rom ?uar2s to the .osmos. Ne# 3or0H S>ien/ifi> +!eri>-n Libr-ry,
19*9. The 5od article. Ne# 3or0H Louh/on Kifflin, 199'.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'obel ri*e %inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press,
19*9, Solu!e ', 1'%':(). hysics Today )2 B19*9CH 1&:19. (cience 2)2 B19**CH ((9:
Co$$entary: Leon Leder!-n #on - sh-re of /he Nobel for his $-r/ in \dis>o8erin
neu/rinos -nd -lso for /he !e/hod used /o $rodu>e hih-enery neu/rino s/re-!s.Z Lis
e-rly #or0 #i/h $-r/i>le ->>eler-/ors, Wilson >loud >h-!bers, -nd $i-!esons $re$-red
/he >ol-ure-/e for /he >oll-bor-/i8e #or0 of s/udyin /he neu/rino, - sub-/o!i> en/i/y
#i/h no ele>/ri> >h-re. The bo!b-rd!en/ of berylliu! #i/h $ro/ons $rodu>ed neu/rinos
/h-/ #ere fil/ered ou/ /o $ro8ide - neu/rino be-!. The /e-! $ro8ed /h-/ /he be-!
>onsis/ed of /he neu/rino -sso>i-/ed #i/h ele>/rons B$re8iously obser8edC -nd - se>ond
neu/rino -sso>i-/ed #i/h !u-!esons. The #or0 h-d f-r-re->hin effe>/s on /he /heory of
fund-!en/-l $-r/i>les. B".2.,A.S.S.C
-ch)artz5 ,el>in ACA
Prize: Physi>s, 19**. Born: No8e!ber 2, 19'2; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, L-rry
S>h#-r/z; Ko/her, L-nn-h Shul!-n S>h#-r/z. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion:
Pe#ish. Education: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, A.+., 19%'; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 19%*.
Spouse: K-rilyn 1ens/er, !-rried No8e!ber 2%, 19%'. Children: D-8id N., son; Di-ne
2., d-uh/er; Ae//y Lynne, d-uh/er. Career: Aroo0h-8en N-/ion-l L-bor-/ories, N3,
2ese-r>her, 19%(:%*; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor, 19%*:((; S/-nford Ini8., 6+,
Professor, 19((:*'; Dii/-l P-/h#-ys, 6+, Presiden/, 19&9:91; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3,
Professor, 1991-. Other Awards: Luhes Prize, 19(); "uenhei! 1ello# +#-rd, 19(*;
Pohn P-y +#-rd, 6olu!bi- Ini8., 19*9; +le@-nder L-!il/on Ked-l, 199%.
Selected Publications: \Obser8-/ion of Lih-5nery Neu/rino 2e->/ions -nd /he
5@is/en>e of T#o Ninds of Neu/rinos.99 hysical Bevie0s -etters 9 B19(2CH '(. \Neu/rino
Physi>s.Z Beports on rogress in hysics 2* B19(%CH (1:&%. \Se-r>h for ?n/er!edi-/e
Aosons.Z hysical Bevie0s -etters 1% B19(%CH )2. rinciples of $lectrodynamics Ne#
3or0H K>"r-#-Lill, 19&2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'obel ri*e %inners, hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press,
19*9, Solu!e ', 1'%':(). hysics Today )2 B19*9CH 1&:19. (cience 2)2 B19**CH ((9:
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s sh-red by Kel8in S>h#-r/z for his $-r/ in
\dis>o8erin neu/rinos -nd -lso for /he !e/hod used /o $rodu>e hih-enery neu/rino
s/re-!s.Z + r-du-/e s/uden/ in >ol-ure-/e S/einberer9s l-bor-/ory, S>h#-r/z is >redi/ed
#i/h /he ide- /h-/ ini/i-/ed /he #or0 on neu/rinos, sub-/o!i> en/i/ies #i/h no ele>/ri>
>h-re $re8iously /houh/ /o be -sso>i-/ed only #i/h ele>/rons. The e@$eri!en/, #hi>h
bo!b-rded berylliu! #i/h $ro/ons, $rodu>ed - neu/rino be-! /h-/ >on/-ined - se>ond
neu/rino, -sso>i-/ed #i/h !u-!esons. The resul/s s/i!ul-/ed ne# -$$ro->hes /o /he
/heory of fund-!en/-l $-r/i>les. S>h#-r/z l-/er #or0ed in /he -re- of >o!$u/er sof/#-re
-nd sys/e!s. B".2.,A.S.S.C
-teinber&er5 <ack ACB
Prize: Physi>s, 19**. Born: K-y 2%, 1921; A-d Nissinen, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her,
Lud#i L-z-rus S/einberer; Ko/her, Aer/- K-y S/einberer. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er
+!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, A.S., 19)2; Ini8.
of 6hi>-o, ?L, Ph.D., 19)*. Spouse: Po-n Ae-ure-rd, !-rried No8e!ber 1&, 19)',
di8or>ed 19(2; 6yn/hi- 58e +lff, !-rried 19(2. Children: Pose$h, son; 2i>h-rd, son;
Puli- N-ren, d-uh/er; Pohn P-ul, son. Career: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, Professor,
19)9:%0; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor 19%0:(*; 5uro$e-n 6en/er for Nu>le-r
2ese-r>h, Dire>/or, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19(*:*(; S>uol- Nor!-le Su$eriore,
?/-ly, Professor 19*(-. Other Awards: N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19**; K-/euzzi
Ked-l, 1991.
Selected Publications: \Obser8-/ion of Lih-5nery Neu/rino 2e->/ions -nd /he
5@is/en>e of T#o Ninds of Neu/rinos.Z hysical Bevie0s -etters 9 B19(2CH '(.
\2eson-n>es in S/r-ne-P-r/i>le Produ>/ion.Z hysical Bevie0s 12* B19(2CH 19'0.
\Life/i!e of /he -Keson.Z hysical Bevie0s -etters 11 B19('CH )'(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 20, 19**CH A11:12. 'obel ri*e
%inners> hysics. P-s-den-, 6+H S-le! Press, 19*9, Solu!e ', 1'%':(). hysics Today
)2 B19*9CH 1&:19. (cience 2)2 B19**CH ((9:&0.
Co$$entary: P->0 S/einberer sh-red /he Nobel for his $-r/ in \dis>o8erin neu/rinos
-nd -lso for /he !e/hod used /o $rodu>e hih-enery neu/rino s/re-!s.Z S/einberer
be-n his >-reer s/udyin /he \#e-0 in/er->/ionsZ in8ol8ed in !u-!eson in/er->/ions
#i/h !-//er. Lis #or0 #i/h $i!esons, -nd #i/h !esons ener-lly, o>>u$ied !-ny ye-rs.
The /e-! effor/s #i/h his >ol-ure-/es $ro8ed /he e@is/en>e of - ne# /y$e of neu/rino
-sso>i-/ed #i/h !u-!esons, -nd refined /he /heories of fund-!en/-l $-r/i>les /hen in
e@is/en>e. Lis #or0 #i/h neu/rinos -nd !esons h-s >on/inued /hrouhou/ his >-reer.
(eh2elt5 1ans 6eor& ACC
Prize: Physi>s, 19*9. Born: Se$/e!ber 9, 1922; "Urli/z, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her,
"eor N-rl Deh!el/; Ko/her, +s/- 5ll- Nle!!/ Deh!el/. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er
+!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, K.S.,
19)*; Ph.D., 19%0. Spouse: ?r!-rd L-sso#, !-rried Bno d-/eC, died Bno d-/eC; Di-ne
5l-ine Dundore, !-rried No8e!ber 1*, 19*9. Children: "erd, son. Career: Ini8. of
"U//inen, 2ese-r>her, 19%0:%2; Du0e Ini8., N6, 2ese-r>her, 19%2:%%; Ini8. of
W-shin/on, Se-//le, Professor, 19%%-. Other Awards: D-8isson"er!er Prize, 19&0;
Lu!bol/ Prize, 19&); A-si> 2ese-r>h +#-rd, ?n/ern-/ion-l So>ie/y of K-ne/i>
2eson-n>e, 19*0; 2u!ford Prize, 19*%; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 199%.
P-e 2)%
Selected Publications: \S$in 2eson-n>e of 1ree 5le>/rons Pol-rized by 5@>h-ne
6ollisisons.Z hysical Bevie0 109 B19%*CH '*1:*%. \S$in 2eson-n>e of 1ree 5le>/rons.Z
7ournal of hysical Badium 19 B19%*CH *((:&1. \2-diofreGuen>y S$e>/ros>o$y of
S/ored ?ons. ?. S/or-e.Z Advances in Atomic #olecular hysics ' B19(&CH %':&2.
\2-diofreGuen>y S$e>/ros>o$y of S/ored ?ons. ??. S$e>/ros>o$y.Z Advances in Atomic
#olecular hysics % B19(9CH 109:%).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1', 19*9CH ?, 10. (cience 2)(
BO>/ober 20, 19*9CH '2&:2*.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y -#-rded /he Nobel /o L-ns "eor Deh!el/ \for de8elo$in
#-ys of /r-$$in $-r/i>les /o s/udy /he! #i/h e@/re!e $re>ision.99 Deh!el/ refined /he
!e/hods used /o /r-$ $-r/i>les, in>ludin /hose de8elo$ed by his >ol-ure-/e P-ul, so /h-/
-/o!i> !e-sure!en/s >ould be !-de !ore $re>isely. Lis !os/ i!$or/-n/ >on/ribu/ion
#-s /he \Pennin Tr-$,Z - >o!bin-/ion of - s/ron !-ne/i> field -nd - #e-0 ele>/ri>
field used /o /r-$ sub-/o!i> $-r/i>les. The /r-$ #-s used /o de/er!ine /he ele>/ron
f->/or, /he r-/io of /he !-ne/i> -nd -nul-r !o!en/- of /he ele>/ron. B".2.,A.S.S.C
Pa!l5 Wolf&an& AC9
Prize: Physi>s, 19*9. Born: +uus/ 10, 191', Lorenz0ir>h, "er!-ny. Death: De>e!ber
(, 199'; Aonn, "er!-ny. Parents: 1-/her, Theodor P-ul; Ko/her, 5liz-be/h 2u$$el
P-ul. Nationality: "er!-n. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: Te>hni>-l Ini8., Aerlin,
"er!-ny, Ph.D., 19'9. Spouse: Liselo//e Lirs>he, !-rried 19)0, died 19&&; Doris
W-loh-P-ul, !-rried 19&9. Children: Lorenz, son; S/e$h-n, son; Pu//-, d-uh/er;
2eine, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, Professor, 19)):%2; Ini8. of
Aonn, "er!-ny, Professor, 19%2:*'. Other Awards: Lu!bold/ Prize 19&9; 2ober/ W.
Pohl Prize, 19*9; "old Ked-l, 6ze>h +>-de!y of S>ien>es, no d-/e.
Selected Publications: \+ Ne# K-ss S$e>/ro!e/er Wi/hou/ K-ne/i> 1ield.Z !.
'aturforsch *9 B19%'CH ))*:%0. \Produ>/ion of 5le!en/-ry P-r/i>les in /he L-bor-/ory.Z
'atur0issenschaften )( B19%9CH 2&&:*'. \Sur8ey of Ke/hods of Produ>in Sour>es of
Pol-rized Pro/ons.Z /elvetica hysica Acta (upplement ( B19(1CH 1&:2%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1', 19*9CH ?, 10. (cience 2)(
BO>/ober 20, 19*9CH '2&:2*. 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BDe>. *, 199'CH 1(*1.
Co$$entary: The Nobel $rize #-s sh-red by Wolf-n P-ul \for de8elo$in - #-y of
/r-$$in $-r/i>les /o s/udy /he! #i/h e@/re!e $re>ision.Z P-ul used - he@-$ole !-ne/i>
field -s - \lensZ for fo>usin -/o!i> be-!s, -nd he de8elo$ed !e/hods for se$-r-/in
ions by !-ss dis/ribu/ion /h-/ be>-!e /he b-sis of /he Gu-dru$ole !-ss s$e>/ro!e/er. Le
-lso #-s res$onsible for /he \P-ul Tr-$,Z - !e/hod of isol-/in ions by r-dio-freGuen>y
r-di-/ion. Lis l-/er #or0 in>luded /r-$$in neu/rons ele>/ro!-ne/i>-lly -nd de8elo$in
nu>le-r rese-r>h in "er!-ny. B".2.,A.S.SC
4a2se$5 Nor2an oster5 <r: A90
Prize: Physi>s, 19*9. Born: +uus/ 2&, 191%; W-shin/on, D6. Parents: 1-/her Nor!-n
1. 2-!sey; Ko/her, Kinn- A-uer 2-!sey. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 1ro!
Presby/eri-n b->0round. Education: 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, +.A., 19'%; 6-!bride
Ini8., 5nl-nd, A.+., 19'&; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, K.+., 19)1; 6olu!bi- Ini8.,
N3, Ph.D., 19)0; 6-!bride Ini8., 5nl-nd, D.S>., 19%). Spouse: 5linor S/e-d!-n
P-!eson, !-rried Pune ', 19)0, died De>e!ber, 19*'; 5llie +. Wel>h, !-rried K-y 11,
19*%. Children: K-r-re/, d-uh/er; P-/ri>i-, d-uh/er; P-ne/, d-uh/er; Winifred,
d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of ?llinois, 2ese-r>her, 19)0:)2; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3,
Professor, 19)2:)&; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, Professor, 19)&:*(. Other Awards:
Presiden/i-l Order of Keri/, 19)&; +56 +#-rd, 19(0; 5.O. L-#ren>e +#-rd, 19(0;
D-8isson-"er!er Prize, 19&); Ked-l of Lonor, ?555, 19*); 2-bi Prize, 19*%; Kon/e
1ers/ +#-rd, 19*%; 6o!$/on Ked-l, 19*(; Oers/ed Ked-l, 19**; N-/ion-l Ked-l of
S>ien>e, 19**; Pu$in Ked-l, 1992; S>ien>e for Pe->e Prize, 1992; 5ins/ein Ked-l, 199';
S-nne8-r Aush +#-rd, 199%; +le@-nder L-!il/on +#-rd, 199%.
Selected Publications: \+ Ne# Kole>ul-r-Ae-! 2eson-n>e Ke/hod.Z hysical Bevie0
&( B19)9CH 99(. \+ Kole>ul-r-Ae-! 2eson-n>e Ke/hod #i/h Se$-r-/ed Os>ill-/in
1ields.Z hysical Bevie0 &* B19%0CH (9%:99. \2-diofreGuen>y S$e>/r- of Lydroen -nd
Deu/eriu! by - Ne# Kole>ul-rAe-! 2eson-n>e Ke/hod.Z hysica 1& B19%1CH '2*:'2.
#olecular 8eams. O@ford, 5nl-ndH 6l-rendon Press, 19%(; 2nd ed., 19*%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .urrent 8iography. Ne# 3or0H L.W. Wilson, 199', '%1:
%'. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1', 19*9CH ?, 10. (cience 2)( BO>/ober 20, 19*9CH '2&:2*.
Co$$entary: Nor!-n 2-!sey re>ei8ed /he Nobel \for in8en/in - !e/hod for
!e-surin /i!e on #hi>h /he >urren/ s/-nd-rd of /i!e is !e-sured.Z 2-!sey #-s >i/ed
for his de8elo$!en/ of - !e/hod for s/udyin -/o!i> s/ru>/ure by $-ssin -/o!s -/ hih
s$eeds /hrouh /#o os>ill-/in ele>/ro!-ne/i> fields, /hus $rodu>in -n in/erferen>e
$-//ern, fro! #hi>h >ould be dedu>ed -/o!i> s/ru>/ure -nd beh-8ior. The rese-r>h le-d
/o /he de8elo$!en/ of /he hydroen !-ser B-nd el-bor-/ion of de/-ils of /he hydroen
-/o! s/ru>/ureC, -nd /o /he >esiu! -/o!i> >lo>0, used /o define /he se>ond of /i!e. The
l-ure-/e -lso $l-yed -n i!$or/-n/ role in /he de8elo$!en/ of r-d-r -nd in /he s/udy of
>he!i>-l shif/s in nu>le-r !-ne/i> reson-n>e. B".2., A.S.S.C
ried2an5 <ero2e .saac A91
Prize: Physi>s, 1990. Born: K-r>h 2*, 19'0; 6hi>-o, ?L. Parents: 1-/her, Seli
1ried!-n; Ko/her, Lilli-n W-rs-# 1ried!-n. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish.
Education: Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, +.A., 19%0; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, K.S., 19%'; Ini8. of
6hi>-o, ?L, Ph.D., 19%(. Spouse: T-ny- Le/e/s0y-A-r-no8s0y, !-rried 19%(.
Children: 5llen-, d-uh/er; Poel, son; K-r/in, son; S-ndr-, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of
6hi>-o, ?L, 2ese-r>her, 19%(:%&; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, 2ese-r>her, 19%&:(0;
K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19(0- . Other Awards: P-nofs0y Prize,
Selected Publications: \5le>/ron-Pro/on 5l-s/i> S>-//erin -/ Lih Ko!en/u!
Tr-nsfer.Z hysical Bevie0 -etters 20 B19(*CH 292. \Lih 5nery ?nel-s/i> 5le>/ron-
Pro/on S>-//erin -/ Si@ Derees -nd Ten Derees.Z hysical Bevie0 -etters 2' B19(9CH
9'0. \Obser8ed Aeh-8ior of
P-e 2)(
Lihly ?nel-s/i> 5le>/ron-Pro/on S>-//erin.Z hysical Bevie0 -etters 2' B19(9CH 9'%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1*, 1990CH +12. (cience 2%0
BO>/ober 2(, 1990CH %0*:09
Co$$entary: Pero!e 1ried!-n sh-red /he Nobel in Physi>s for - \bre-0/hrouh in our
unders/-ndin of !-//er.Z ?n -n e@$eri!en/ /h-/ fur/her el-bor-/ed /he /heory of s/ru>/ure
of $ro/ons -nd neu/rons, /he >ol-ure-/es bo!b-rded hydroen -nd deu/eriu! #i/h hih-
enery ele>/rons, -nd >onfir!ed /he e@is/en>e of /he /heore/i>-lly $redi>/ed Gu-r0,
$ro8in /h-/ $ro/ons -nd neu/rons #ere no/ /he fund-!en/-l $-r/i>les /hey #ere
$re8iously -ssu!ed /o be. The e@$eri!en/s le-d /o /he /heory /h-/ -ll /he $-r/i>les /hus
f-r obser8ed #ere >o!bin-/ions of si@ Gu-r0s -nd si@ le$/ons, in/er->/in /hrouh /he
$resen>e of /hree /y$es of for>e $-r/i>les. BA.S.S.C
8endall5 1enr$ Wa$ A92
Prize: Physi>s, 1990. Born: De>e!ber 9, 192(; Aos/on, K+. Death: 1ebru-ry 1%, 1999;
W-0ull- S$rins S/-/e P-r0, 1L. Parents: 1-/her, Lenry P. Nend-ll; Ko/her, 58elyn
Louise W-y Nend-ll. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: +!hers/
6ollee, K+, A.+., 19%0; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 19%%. Spouse:
+nn 6.". Pine, !-rried 19&2, di8or>ed 19**. Children: None. Career: K-ss->huse//s
?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, 2ese-r>her, 19%):%(; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19%(:(1;
K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19(1:99. Other Awards: Leo Szil-rd
+#-rd, 19*1; Aer/r-nd 2ussell So>ie/y +#-rd, 19*2; P-nofs0y Prize, 19*9.
Selected Publications: \5le>/ron-Pro/on 5l-s/i> S>-//erin -/ Lih Ko!en/u!
Tr-nsfer.Z hysical Bevie0 -etters 20 B19(*CH 292. \Lih-5nery ?nel-s/i> 5le>/on-
Pro/on S>-//erin -/ Si@ Derees -nd Ten Derees.99 hysical Bevie0 -etters 2' B19(9CH
9'0. \Obser8ed Aeh-8ior of Lihly ?nel-s/i> 5le>/ron-Pro/on S>-//erin.Z hysical
Bevie0 -etters 2' B19(9CH 9'%. $nergy (trategies. 6-!bride, K+H Inion of 6on>erned
S>ien/is/s, 19*0.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1*, 1990CH +12. (cience 2%0
BO>/ober 2(, 1990CH %0*:09.
Co$$entary: The +>-de!y -#-rded /he Nobel in Physi>s /o Lenry Nend-ll -nd his
>ol-ure-/es for - \bre-0/hrouh in our unders/-ndin of !-//er.Z ?n -n e@$eri!en/ /h-/
fur/her el-bor-/ed /he /heory of s/ru>/ure of $ro/ons -nd neu/rons, /he >ol-ure-/es
bo!b-rded hydroen -nd deu/eriu! #i/h hih-enery ele>/rons, -nd >onfir!ed /he
e@is/en>e of /he /heore/i>-lly $redi>/ed Gu-r0, $ro8in /h-/ $ro/ons -nd neu/rons #ere
no/ /he fund-!en/-l $-r/i>les /hey #ere $re8iously -ssu!ed /o be. The e@$eri!en/s le-d
/o /he /heory /h-/ -ll /he $-r/i>les /hus f-r obser8ed #ere >o!bin-/ions of si@ Gu-r0s -nd
si@ le$/ons, in/er->/in /hrouh /he $resen>e of /hree /y$es of for>e $-r/i>les. Dr. Nend-ll
#-s -lso - founder -nd >h-ir of /he Inion of 6on>erned S>ien/is/s. BA.S.S.C
Ta$lor5 4ichard ": A93
Prize: Physi>s, 1990. Born: No8e!ber 2, 1929; Kedi>ine L-/, +lber/-, 6-n-d-.
Parents: 1-/her, 6l-ren>e 2i>h-rd T-ylor; Ko/her, Deli- +len- Arunsd-le T-ylor.
Nationality: 6-n-di-n; l-/er +!eri>-n residen/. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8.
of +lber/-, 6-n-d-, A.S., 19%0; Ini8. of +lber/-, 6-n-d-, K.S., 19%2; S/-nford Ini8.,
6+, Ph.D., 19(2. Spouse: 2i/- Pe-n Aonne-u, !-rried +uus/ 2%, 19%1. Children:
Nor!-n 5d#-rd, son. Career: Aoursier L-bor-/ory, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her, 19%*:(1;
L-#ren>e L-bor-/ory, 6+, 2ese-r>her, 19(1:(2; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19(2- .
Other Awards: 8on Lu!bold/ 1ound-/ion +#-rd, 19*1; P-nofs0y Prize, 19*9.
Selected Publications: \5le>/ron-Pro/on 5l-s/i> S>-//erin -/ Lih Ko!en/u!
Tr-nsfer.Z hysical Bevie0 -etters 20 B19(*CH 292. \Lih-5nery ?nel-s/i> 5le>/ron-
Pro/on S>-//erin -/ Si@ Derees -nd Ten Derees.Z hysical Bevie0 -etters 2' B19(9CH
9'0. \Obser8ed Aeh-8ior of Lihly ?nel-s/i> 5le>/ron-Pro/on S>-//erin.Z hysical
Bevie0 -etters 2' B19(9CH 9'%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1*, 1990CH +12. (cience 2%0
BO>/ober 2(, 1990CH %0*:09.
Co$$entary: The Nobel in Physi>s #-s sh-red by 2i>h-rd T-ylor for - \bre-0/hrouh
in our unders/-ndin of !-//er.Z ?n -n e@$eri!en/ /h-/ fur/her el-bor-/ed /he /heory of
s/ru>/ure of $ro/ons -nd neu/rons, /he >ol-ure-/es bo!b-rded hydroen -nd deu/eriu!
#i/h hih-enery ele>/rons -nd >onfir!ed /he e@is/en>e of /he /heore/i>-lly $redi>/ed
Gu-r0, $ro8in /h-/ $ro/ons -nd neu/rons #ere no/ /he fund-!en/-l $-r/i>les /hey #ere
$re8iously -ssu!ed /o be. The e@$eri!en/s le-d /o /he /heory /h-/ -ll /he $-r/i>les /hus
f-r obser8ed #ere >o!bin-/ions of si@ Gu-r0s -nd si@ le$/ons, in/er->/in /hrouh /he
$resen>e of /hree /y$es of for>e $-r/i>les. BA.S.S.C
de 6ennes5 Pierre'6illes A9?
Prize: Physi>s, 1991. Born: O>/ober 2), 19'2; P-ris, 1r-n>e. Parents: 1-/her, 2ober/ de
"ennes; Ko/her, 38onne KorinPons de "ennes. Nationality: 1ren>h. Religion: Kos/
$rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Ly>_e 6l-ude-Aern-rd - P-ris, 1r-n>e, A.+., no d-/e;
]>ole Nor!-le Su$_rieure, 1r-n>e, Ph.D., 19%*. Spouse: +nne-K-rie 2oue/, !-rried
Pune ', 19%). Children: 6hris/i-n, son; Do!iniGue, d-uh/er; 6hris/ine, d-uh/er.
Career: 6en/er for +/o!i> S/udies, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her, 19%%:%9; 1ren>h N-8y, 19%9:
(1; Ini8. of P-ris, 1r-n>e, Professor, 19(1:&1; 6oll_e de 1r-n>e, Professor, 19&1-.
Other Awards: +!$ere Prize, 19&&; Poly!er 6he!is/ry +#-rd, +!eri>-n 6he!i>-l
So>ie/y, 19**; L-r8ey Prize, 19*9; Wolf Prize, 1990; Loren/z Ked-l Bno d-/eC; K-//eu>i
Ked-l Bno d-/eC.
Selected Publications: The hysics of -i4uid .rystals. O@ford, 5nl-ndH O@ford Ini8.
Press, 19&); (caling .oncepts in olymer hysics. ?/h->-, N3H 6ornell Ini8. Press,
19&9; (imple 6ie0s on .ondensed #atter. Ne# 3or0H World S>ien/ifi> Publishin 6o.,
1992. =ragile ObIects B#i/h P. A-dozC. Ne# 3or0H S$riner-Serl-, 199(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: .hemical and $ngineering 'e0s (9 BO>/ober 21, 1991CH );
(cience 2%) BO>/ober 2%, 1991CH %1*.
Co$$entary: Pierre-"illes de "ennes re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize for \dis>o8erin /h-/
!e/hods de8elo$ed for s/udyin order $heno!en- in si!$le sys/e!s >-n be ener-lized
/o !ore >o!$le@ for!s of !-//er, in $-r/i>ul-r /o liGuid >rys/-ls -nd $oly!ers.Z The
Nobelis/9s s/udies of >ondensed !-//er h-8e in>luded for-ys in/o /he -re-s of
ferro!-ne/i>s -nd su$er>ondu>/ors -s #ell -s rese-r>h in/o in/erf->es. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
P-e 2)&
%harpak5 6eor&es A9@
Prize: Physi>s, 1992. Born: +uus/ 1, 192); Dubro8i>-, Pol-nd. Parents: 1-/her,
K-uri>e 6h-r$-0; Ko/her, +nne Sz-$iro 6h-r$-0. Nationality: Aorn Polish, n-/ur-lized
1ren>h 19)(. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: ]>ole des Kines de P-ris, 1r-n>e, A.
5nineerin, 19)*; 6oll`e de 1r-n>e, Ph.D., 19%). Spouse: Do!iniGue Sid-l, !-rried
+$ril 2*, 19%'. Children: 38es, son; N-/-lie, d-uh/er; Sere, son. Career: N-/ion-l
6en/er for S>ien/ifi> 2ese-r>h, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her, 19)*:%9; 5uro$e-n 6en/er for
Nu>le-r 2ese-r>h, S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19%9:91. Other Awards: 2i>-rd Prize,
19*0; 6o!!iss-ri-/ Prize of +/o!i> 5nery, 19*); Lih 5nery -nd P-r/i>le Physi>s
Prize, 5uro$e-n Physi>-l So>ie/y, 19*9.
Selected Publications: \2e>en/ Proress in P-r/i>le De/e>/ion.Z <$$$ Transactions in
'uclear (cience 19 B19&2CH 1%2:&; \Kul/i#ire Pro$or/ion-l 6h-!bers.Z Beport P?N2D-
%*0% B19&0CH 21&:%0; OOKul/i#ire -nd Kul/i$ur$ose De8elo$!en/ of Kul/i#ire
Pro$or/ion-l 6h-!bers.Z .$B' .our 12 B19&2CH '(2:); Besearch on article <maging
&etectors. 2i8er 5de, NPH World S>ien/ifi>, 199%.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: -a 6ie a =il Tendu. P-ris, 1r-n>eH O. P->ob, 199'; 'e0
1or2 Times BO>/ober 1%, 1992CH A1); hysics Today )( BP-nu-ry 199'CH 1&:20; (cience
2%* BO>/ober 2', 1992CH %)'.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s -#-rded /o "eores 6h-r$-0 \for his in8en/ion -nd
de8elo$!en/ of $-r/i>le de/e>/ors, in $-r/i>ul-r /he !ul/i#ire $ro$or/ion-l >h-!ber.Z
The !ul/i#ire $ro$or/ion-l >h-!ber re$l->ed /he bubble >h-!ber -s /he ins/ru!en/ used
/o \seeZ /he /r->0s of $-r/i>les resul/-n/ fro! >ollisions in l-re ->>eler-/ors. ?/ -llo#ed
rese-r>hers /o fo>us on $o/en/i-lly 8-lu-ble e8en/s -nd eli!in-/es /he need for
$ho/or-$hs. 6h-r$-0 l-/er #or0ed #i/h de/e>/ors for bio!edi>-l uses. Le is -lso no/ed
for his #or0 in /he su$$or/ of s>ien/is/s li8in in re$ressi8e >oun/ries. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
1!lse5 4!ssell 0lan A9A
Prize: Physi>s, 199'. Born: No8e!ber 2*, 19%0; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, +l-n
5-rle Lulse; Ko/her, Ae//y Po-n Wede!eyer Lulse. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion:
Kos/ $rob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: 6oo$er Inion, N3, A.S., 19&0; Ini8. of
K-ss->huse//s, K.S., 19&2; Ph.D., 19&%. Spouse: Pe-nne Nuhl!-n, >o!$-nion.
Children: No re>ord found. Career: N-/ion-l 2-dio +s/rono!y Obser8-/ory, S+,
2ese-r>her, 19&%:&&; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, 2ese-r>her, 19&&-.
Selected Publications: \Dis>o8ery of - Puls-r in - Ain-ry Sys/e!.Z Astrophysical
7ournal 19% B19&%CH L%1 B#i/h P. L. T-ylorC; \6h-re 5@>h-ne -s - 2e>o!bin-/ion
Ke>h-nis! in Lih-Te!$er-/ure Pl-s!-s.Z Beport -@16CC B19*0C; \6h-re
5@>h-ne -s - 2e>o!bin-/ion Ke>h-nis! in LihTe!$er-/ure Pl-s!-s.Z 7. hys. 8. 1'
B19*0CH '*9%:90&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 12, 199'CH A9; hysics Today )(
BDe>e!ber 199'CH 1&; (cience 2(2 BO>/ober 22, 199'CH %0&.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s r-n/ed Moin/ly /o 2ussell Lulse -nd Pose$h T-ylor
for /heir \dis>o8ery of - ne# /y$e of $uls-r, - dis>o8ery /h-/ h-s o$ened u$ ne#
$ossibili/ies for /he s/udy of r-8i/-/ion.Z Lulse #-s - r-du-/e s/uden/ -/ /he /i!e he
$erfor!ed /he oriin-l obser8-/ions. Le l-/er !o8ed in/o /he -re- of fusion-enery
e@$eri!en/-/ion. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
Ta$lor5 <oseph 1ooton5 <r: A9B
Prize: Physi>s, 199'. Born: K-r>h 29, 19)1; Phil-del$hi-, P+. Parents: 1-/her, Pose$h
Loo/on T-ylor; Ko/her, Syl8i- L-/h-#-y 58-ns T-ylor. Nationality: +!eri>-n.
Religion: Qu-0er. Education: L-8erford 6ollee, P+, A.+., 19('; L-r8-rd Ini8., K+,
Ph.D., 19(*. Spouse: K-rie//- Aisson, !-rried P-nu-ry ', 19&(. Children: Peffrey, son;
2ebe>>-, d-uh/er; +nne-K-rie, d-uh/er. Career: Ini8. of K-ss->huse//s, Professor,
19(9:*0; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP, Professor -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19*0-. Other Awards:
Leine!-n Prize, 19*0; K->+r/hur 1ello#, 19*1; To!-ll- 1ound-/ion Prize, 19*%;
Dr-$er Ked-l, 19*%; K-ell-ni> Pre!iu! +#-rd, 1990; 6-r/y Ked-l, 1991; 5ins/ein
Prize, 1991; Wolf Prize, 1992.
Selected Publications: \Dis>o8ery of - Puls-r in - Ain-ry Sys/e!.Z Astrophysical
7ournal 19% B19&%CH L%1 B#i/h 2. LulseC; \1ur/her Obser8-/ions of /he Ain-ry Puls-r
PS2191'l1(. \Astrophysical 7ournal 20( B19&(CH L%'; ulsars. S-n 1r-n>is>oH W.L.
1ree!-n, 19&&; \1ur/her Tes/s of 2el-/i8is/i> "r-8i/y Isin /he Ain-ry Puls-r PS2
191'l1(. \Astrophysical 7ournal ')% B19*9CH )').
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 12, 199'CH A9; hysics Today )(
BDe>e!ber 199'CH 1&; (cience 2(2 BO>/ober 22, 199'CH %0&.
Co$$entary: Pose$h T-ylor sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h 2ussell Lulse for /heir
\dis>o8ery of - ne# /y$e of $uls-r, - dis>o8ery /h-/ h-s o$ened u$ ne# $ossibili/ies for
/he s/udy of r-8i/-/ion.Z T-ylor l-/er used /he r-dio $ulses fro! /he bin-ry $uls-r /o /es/
5ins/ein9s ener-l /heory of rel-/i8i/y, -nd #-s /he firs/ /o re$or/ r-8i/y #-8es.
+rockho!se5 +ertra2 Ne>ille A9C
Prize: Physi>s, 199). Born: Puly 1%, 191*; Le/hbride, +lber/-, 6-n-d-. Parents:
1-/her, ?sr-el Aer/r-! Aro>0house; Ko/her, K-ble 5!ily Ne8ille Aro>0house.
Nationality: 6-n-di-n. Religion: 6-/holi>. Education: Ini8. of Ari/ish 6olu!bi-,
6-n-d-, A.+., 19)&; Ini8. of Toron/o, 6-n-d-, K.+., 19)*, Ph.D., 19%0. Spouse: Doris
?sobel K-ry Killer Aro>0house, !-rried K-y 22, 19)*. Children: +nn, d-uh/er;
"ordon Pe/er, son; ?-n Aer/r-!, son; P-!es 6hris/o$her, son; +li>e 5liz-be/h, d-uh/er;
6h-rles Leslie, son. Career: Ini8. of Toron/o, On/-rio, 6-n-d-, Professor, 19)9:%0;
+/o!i> 5nery of 6-n-d-, 2ese-r>her, 19%0:(2; K>K-s/er Ini8., On/-rio, 6-n-d-,
Professor, 19(2:*). Other Awards: Au>0ley Prize, 19(2; Duddell Ked-l, 19(';
6-n-di-n +sso>i-/ion of Physi>s Ked-l, 19(&; 6en/enni-l Ked-l, 6-n-d-, 19(&; Tory
Ked-l, 19&'; Queen9s Pubilee Ked-l, 19&&.
Selected Publications: \2eson-n/ S>-//erin of Slo# Neu/rons.Z .anadian 7ournal of
hysics '1 B19%'CH)'2:%2; \5nery Dis/ribu/ion of Neu/rons S>-//ered by P-r-!-ne/i>
Subs/-n>es.Z hysics Bevie0s 99B19%%CH(01:'; \Slo#neu/ron S$e>/ro!e/ry=- Ne#
Tool for /he S/udy of 5nery Le8els in 6ondensed Sys/e!s.Z hysics Bevie0s
P-e 2)*
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice BO>/ober 1', 199)CH
1%&0; hysics Today )& BDe>e!ber 199)CH 1&.
Co$$entary: Aer/r-! Aro>0house re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize in re>oni/ion of his
\$ioneerin >on/ribu/ions /o /he de8elo$!en/ of neu/ron s>-//erin /e>hniGues for s/udy
of >ondensed !-//er.Z Lis use of neu/ron be-!s B\/he de8elo$!en/ of neu/ron
s$e>/ros>o$yZC /o s/udy -/o!i> s/ru>/ure -llo#ed hi! /o de/er!ine -/o!i> 8ibr-/ions
fro! /he 8elo>i/ies of /he defle>/ed neu/rons. Lis el-bor-/ion on /he /heory of $honons
#-s seen by /he 6o!!i//ee -s le-din /o \8-lu-ble infor!-/ion ... for use in /he
de8elo$!en/ of ne# !-/eri-ls.Z BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
-h!ll5 %lifford 6len)ood A99
Prize: Physi>s, 199). Born: Se$/e!ber 2', 191%; Pi//sburh, P+. Parents: 1-/her, D-8id
L. Shull; Ko/her, D-isy ?. Ais/line Shull. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: No re>ord
found. Education: 6-rneie ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, P+, A.S., 19'&; Ne# 3or0 Ini8.,
Ph.D., 19)1. Spouse: K-r/h--Nuel Su!!er, !-rried Pune 19, 19)1. Children: Pohn 6.,
son; 2ober/ D., son; Willi-! 1., son. Career: Te@-s 6o., N3, 2ese-r>her, 19)1:)(; O-0
2ide N-/ion-l L-bor-/ories, TN, 2ese-r>her, 19)(:%%; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of
Te>hnoloy, Professor, 19%%:*(. Other Awards: Au>0ley Prize, 19%(; 6-rneie Kellon
Ini8. +lu!ni +#-rd, 19(*; Lu!bold/ +#-rd, 19&9; Tennessee "o8ernor +#-rd, 19*(;
+!inoff Prize, 199'; 1r-n0 Prize, 199'.
Selected Publications: OODe/er!in-/ion of 4-r-y Diffr->/ion Line Wid/hs.Z hys. Bev. &0
B19)(CH (&9:*); \4-r-y S>-//erin -/ S!-ll +nles by 1inely Di8ided Solids.Z 7.
Applied hys. 1* B19)&CH 29%:'1'; \Lihly Pol-rized Neu/ron Ae-!s by Ar-
2efle>/ion fro! 1erro!-ne/i> 6rys/-ls.Z hys. Bev. *1 B19%1CH (2(.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times 8iographical (ervice B199)CH 1%&0;
hysics Today )& BDe>e!ber 199)CH 1&.
Co$$entary: 6lifford Shull #-s -#-rded /he Nobel Prize for his \$ioneerin
>on/ribu/ions /o /he de8elo$!en/ of neu/ron s>-//erin /e>hniGues for s/udies of
>ondensed !-//er.Z Ay s/udyin /he $-//erns of s>-//erin of /he neu/rons, /he Nobelis/
#-s -ble /o de/er!ine /he $osi/ion of /he -/o!s in /he !-/eri-l bein /es/ed. The Nobel
6o!!i//ee no/ed /h-/, be>-use of Shull9s #or0, \8-lu-ble infor!-/ion is bein ob/-ined
for use in /he de8elo$!en/ of ne# !-/eri-ls.Z BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
Perl5 ,artin #: B00
Prize: Physi>s, 199%. Born: Pune 2), 192&; Ne# 3or0, N3. Parents: 1-/her, Os>-r Perl;
Ko/her, 1-y P. 2osen/h-l Perl. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education:
Poly/e>hni> ?ns/i/u/e of Ne# 3or0, A.+., 19)*; 6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 19%%.
Spouse: Teri Lo>h, !-rried Pune 19, 19)*. Children: Ped, son; K-//he#, son; Pose$h,
son; +nne, d-uh/er. Career: "ener-l 5le>/ri>, N3, 2ese-r>her, 19)*:%0; Ini8. of
Ki>hi-n, Professor, 19%%:('; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19('-. Other Awards:
Wolf Prize, 19*2.
Selected Publications: /igh $nergy /adron hysics. Ne# 3or0, N3H Wiley, 19&);
\58iden>e for, -nd Pro$er/ies of /he T-u Le$/on.Z Beport 19AA, (-A.@:8@,0"",
.O'=AA1010A+1; \6o!!en/s on /he T-u Le-8y Le$/on.Z $xp. #eson (pectrosc. <nt.
.onf., "th B19&&C; 11*:'1; (earch for 'e0 $lementary articles. 2i8er 5de, NPH World
S>ien/ifi>, 1992.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 12, 199%CH + 12. Beflections on
$xperimental (cience. 2i8er 5de, NPH World S>ien/ifi>, 199(.
Co$$entary: K-r/in Perl re>ei8ed /he Nobel Prize #i/h 1rederi>0 2eines for /heir
dis>o8ery of \/#o of n-/ure9s !os/ re!-r0-ble sub-/o!i> $-r/i>les.Z Perl dis>o8ered /he
he-8y /-u le$/on, /he firs/ of - ne# f-!ily of sub-/o!i> $-r/i>les, - dis>o8ery /h-/ is
\8ery i!$or/-n/ for $hysi>is/s9 >onfiden>e in /he $resen/ /heore/i>-l !odel for
unders/-ndin /he $ro$er/ies of n-/ure9s s!-lles/ >ons/i/uen/s.Z BA.S.S., P.L.S.C
4eines5 rederick B01
Prize: Physi>s, 199%. Born: K-r>h 1(, 191*; P-/erson, NP. Death: +uus/ 2(, 199*;
Or-ne, 6+. Parents: 1-/her, ?sr-el 2eines; Ko/her, "ussie 2. 6ohen 2eines.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: S/e8ens ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy,
NP, A.S., 19'9; K.S., 19)1; Ne# 3or0 Ini8., Ph.D., 19)). Spouse: Syl8i- S-!uels,
!-rried +uus/ '0, 19)0. Children: 2ober/ "., son; +lis- N., d-uh/er. Career: Los
+l-!os S>ien/ifi> L-bor-/ory, NK, 2ese-r>her, 19)):%9; 6-se ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy,
OL, Professor, 19%9:((; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, ?r8ine, Professor, 19((:**. Other Awards:
O$$enhei!er Prize, 19*1; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19*'; Ki>helson-Korley +#-rd,
1990; 2ossi Prize, 1990; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 1992; P-nofs0y Prize, 1992.
Selected Publications: \Neu/ron S$e>/r- fro! Pro/on 2e>oils in Pho/or-$hi>
5!ulsions.Z hys. Bev. &) B19)*CH1%(%; \+ Pro$osed 5@$eri!en/ /o De/e>/ /he 1ree
Neu/rino.Z hys. Bev. 90 B19%'CH )92:9'; \De/e>/ion of /he 1ree Neu/rino.Z hys. Bev.
92 B19%'CH *'0:'1.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 12, 199%CH +12.
Co$$entary: The Nobel Prize #-s sh-red by 1rederi>0 2eines -nd K-r/in Perl for /heir
dis>o8ery of \/#o of n-/ure9s !os/ re!-r0-ble sub-/o!i> $-r/i>les.Z 2eines >onfir!ed
/he e@is/en>e of /he neu/rino, one of /hese sub-/o!i> $-r/i>les, in /he %0s. Neu/rinos, firs/
$redi>/ed by Wolf-n P-uli in /he '0s, -re >re-/ed in n-/ure by - 8-rie/y of >os!i>
$ro>esses. BA.S.S.,P.L.S.C
#ee5 (a>id ,orris B02
Prize: Physi>s, 199(. Born: P-nu-ry 20, 19'1; 2ye, N3. Parents: 1-/her, K-r8in Lee;
Ko/her, +nne//e 1r-n0s Lee. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: Pe#ish. Education:
L-r8-rd Ini8., K+, +.A., 19%2; Ini8. of 6onne>/i>u/, 6T, K.S., 19%%; 3-le Ini8., 6T,
Ph.D., 19%9. Spouse: D-n- Thor-n0ul, !-rried Se$/e!ber &, 19(0. Children: 5ri>
Aer/el, son; P-!es K-r8in, son Career: 6ornell Ini8., N3, Professor, 19%9-. Other
Awards: Sir 1r-n>is Si!on Ke!ori-l Prize, 19&(; Oli8er Au>0ley Prize, 19*1; Wilbur
6ross, Ked-l, 199*.
Selected Publications: \58iden>e for - Ne# Ph-se of Solid Le',Z hysical Bevie0
-etters 2* B+$ril 19&2CH**% B#i/h D.D. Osheroff -nd 2.6. 2i>h-rdsonC. \Su$erfluid
P-e 2)9
Leliu!',Z (cientific American BDe>e!ber 19&(CH %(:&1 B#i/h N. D-8id Ker!inC. \The
5@/r-ordin-ry Ph-ses of LiGuid Le',Z Bevie0s of #odern hysics (9 BPuly 199&CH ()%:
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 10, 199(CH D21. (cience 'e0s
1%0 BO>/ober 19, 199(CH 2)&.
Co$$entary: D-8id Lee sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h Doul-s Osheroff -nd 2ober/
2i>h-rdson \for /heir dis>o8ery of su$erfluidi/y in heliu!-'.99 Ay freezin heliu!-' /o
ne-r -bsolu/e zero, /hey dis>o8ered /h-/ heliu!-' -/o!s \lose -ll /heir r-ndo!ness -nd
!o8e in - >oordin-/ed !-nner in e->h !o8e!en/.Z This !e-ns /h-/ /he liGuid loses i/s
8is>osi/y or inner fri>/ion -nd flo#s #i/hou/ -ny resis/-n>e, /hus e@hibi/in unusu-l
beh-8iors su>h -s >li!bin ou/ of - >on/-iner. BL.S.S.C
3sheroff5 (o!&las (ean B03
Prize: Physi>s, 199(. Born: +uus/ 1, 19)%; +berdeen, W+. Parents: 1-/her, Willi-!
Osheroff; Ko/her, Aessie +nne Ondo8 Osheroff. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 1ro!
Pe#ish,Lu/her-n b->0round. Education: 6-liforni- ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, A.S., 19(&;
6ornell Ini8., N3, K.S., 19(9; 6ornell Ini8., N3, Ph.D., 19&'. Spouse: Phyllis S.N.
Liu, !-rried +uus/ 1), 19&0. Children: None. Career: Aell L-bs, N3, 2ese-r>her -nd
+d!inis/r-/or, 19&2:*&; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19*&-. Other Awards: Si!on
Ke!ori-l Prize, 19&(; Oli8er 5. Au>0ley Prize, 19*1; K->+r/hur 1ello#, 19*1.
Selected Publications: \58iden>e for - Ne# Ph-se of Solid Le',Z hysical Bevie0
-etters 2* B+$ril 19&2CH**% B#i/h D.K. Lee -nd 2.6. 2i>h-rdsonC. \No8el K-ne/i>
Pro$er/ies of Solid Leliu!-',Z hysics Today B1ebru-ry 19*&CH ') B#i/h K.6. 6rossC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 10, 199(CH D21. (cience 'e0s
1%0 BO>/ober 19, 199(CH 2)&.
Co$$entary: Doul-s Osheroff sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h D-8id Lee -nd 2ober/
2i>h-rdson for \/heir dis>o8ery of su$erfluidi/y in heliu!-'.Z +>/u-lly loo0in for -
$h-se /r-nsi/ion in frozen heliu!-' i>e, i/ #-s Osheroff #ho no/i>ed \/he s!-ll e@/r-
Mu!$s in /he >ur8e !e-suredZ -nd, -f/er fur/her /es/s, /he /hree >ol-ure-/es de>ided i/
#-s - \/rue effe>/.Z The dis>o8ery of /he unusu-l $ro$er/ies of /hese 8ery >old, or
Gu-n/u!, liGuids h-s en-bled rese-r>hers /o fur/her des>ribe !-//er -/ /he !i>ros>o$i>
le8el. BL.S.S.C
4ichardson5 4obert %ole2an B0?
Prize: Physi>s, 199(. Born: Pune 2(, 19'&; W-shin/on, D.6. Parents: 1-/her, 2ober/
1r-n0lin 2i>h-rdson; Ko/her, Lois Pri>e 2i>h-rdson. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion:
Prob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Sirini- Poly/e>hni> ?ns/i/u/e, S+, A.S., 19%*; Sirini-
Poly/e>hni> ?ns/i/u/e, S+, K.S., 19(0; Du0e Ini8., N6, Ph.D., 19((. Spouse: Ae//y
K-rilyn K>6-r/hy, !-rried Se$/e!ber 2, 19(2 Children: Pennifer, d-uh/er; P-!el-,
d-uh/er Career: 6ornell Ini8. N3, 2ese-r>her, 19((:(&; 6ornell Ini8., N3, Professor,
19(*-. Other Awards: Si!on Ke!ori-l Prize, 19&(; Oli8er 5. Au>0ley Prize, 19*1.
Selected Publications: \58iden>e for - Ne# Ph-se of Solid Le',Z hysical Bevie0
-etters 2* B+$ril 19&2CH**% B#i/h D.D. Osheroff -nd D.K. LeeC. \Lo# Te!$er-/ure
S>ien>e=Wh-/ 2e!-ins for /he Physi>is/WZ hysics Today B+uus/ 19*1CH )(.
$xperimental Techni4ues in .ondensed #atter hysics at -o0 Temperature BWi/h 5.N.
S!i/hC. N3H +ddison-Wesley, 19**.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 10, 199(CH D21. (cience 'e0s
1%0 BO>/ober 19, 199(CH 2)&.
Co$$entary: 2ober/ 2i>h-rdson sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h D-8id Lee -nd Doul-s
Osheroff for dis>o8erin /he su$erfluid $ro$er/ies of heliu!-'. Ay lo#erin /he
/e!$er-/ure of heliu!-' /o ne-r -bsolu/e zero, /hey dis>o8ered /he une@$e>/ed $ro$er/y
of i/s -/o!s losin /heir r-ndo!ness -nd ins/e-d, !o8in in - >oordin-/ed !-nner. \This
>-uses /he liGuid /o l->0 -ll inner fri>/ionH ?/ >-n o8erflo# - >u$, flo# ou/ /hrouh 8ery
s!-ll holes, -nd e@hibi/s - #hole series of o/her non->l-ssi>-l effe>/sp. One /hin /hese
sho# is /h-/ /he Gu-n/u! l-#s of !i>ro$hysi>s so!e/i!es dire>/ly o8ern /he beh-8iour
of !->ros>o$i> bodies -lso.Z BL.S.S.C
%h!5 -te>en B0@
Prize: Physi>s, 199&. Born: 1ebru-ry 2*, 19)*; S/. Louis, KO. Parents: 1-/her, Pu 6hin
6hu; Ko/her, 6hin 6hen Li 6hu. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: No re>ord found.
Education: Ini8. of 2o>hes/er, N3, A.S., +.A., 19&0; Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley,
Ph.D., 19&(. Spouse: K-rried, no d-/e, di8or>ed, no d-/e; no fur/her re>ord found.
Children: "eoffrey, son; Ki>h-el, son. Career: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley, 6+,
2ese-r>her, 19&(:&*; Aell L-bs, Bl-/er +TYT Aell L-bsC NP, 2ese-r>her, 19&*:*&;
S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19*&-. Other Awards: Aroid- Prize, 19*&; +.L.
S>h-#lo# Prize, 199); Willi-! 1. Keers +#-rd, 199); 8on Lu!bold/ +#-rd, 199%;
S>ien>e for +r/ Prize, 199%; Nin 1-isel Prize, 199'; +PS,++PT 2i>h/!yer Ke!ori-l
Prize, 1990.
Selected Publications: \L-ser K-ni$ul-/ion of +/o!s -nd P-r/i>les,Z (cience 2%'
B+uus/ 2', 1991CH *(1:((. \L-ser Tr-$$in of Neu/r-l P-r/i>les,Z (cientific American
&1 B1ebru-ry 1992C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: American (cientist *( BP-nu-ry,1ebru-ry 199*CH 22:%. 'e0
1or2 Times BO>/ober 1(, 199&CH +1(. 'e0 1or2 Times BPune '0, 199*CH 11.
Co$$entary: S/e8en 6hu sh-red /he Nobel Prize for /he \de8elo$!en/ of !e/hods /o
>ool -nd /r-$ -/o!s #i/h l-ser lih/.Z 6hu used l-sers /o >hill -/o!s /o ne-r -bsolu/e zero
-nd /o slo# /he! do#n in - 0ind of \-/o! /r-$.Z The l-ser lih/ for!s - /hi>0 liGuid
>-lled o$/i>-l !ol-sses /h-/ holds /he -/o!s so /hey >-n be s/udied. These ne# !e/hods
of s/udy h-8e -dded /o our 0no#lede of /he rel-/ionshi$ be/#een r-di-/ion -nd !-//er
-nd h-8e \o$ened /he #-y /o - dee$er unders/-ndin of /he Gu-n/u!-$hysi>-l beh-8iour
of -ses -/ lo# /e!$er-/ures.Z BL.S.S.C
%ohen'Tanno!dKi5 %la!de Nessi2 B0A
Prize: Physi>s, 199&. Born: +$ril 1, 19''; 6ons/-n/ine, +leri-, 1r-n>e. Parents:
1-/her, +br-h-! 6ohen-T-nnoudMi; Ko/her, S-r-h Sebb- 6ohen-T-nnoudMi. Nationality:
1ren>h. Religion: Pe#ish. Education: ]>ole Nor!-le Su$_rieure, 1r-n>e, +re-/ion,
19%&; Ini8. de P-ris, 1r-n>e, Ph.D., 19(2. Spouse: P->Gueline Seyr-/, !-rried
No8e!ber 2), 19%*. Children: +l-in, son; Polle, d-uh/er; Ki>hel, son. Career: 6en/re
N-/ion-l L- 2e>her>he S>ien/ifiGue, 1r-n>e, 2ese-r>her, 19(0:(); Ini8. de P-ris,
1r-n>e, Professor,
P-e 2%0
19():&'; 6oll`e de 1r-n>e, 1r-n>e, Professor, 19&'-. Other Awards: Pulius 5d-r
Lilienfeld Prize, 1992; 6h-rles L-rd To#nes Ked-l, 199'; L-r8ey Prize, 199(; "old
Ked-l, 6N2S, 199(.
Selected Publications: hotons and Atoms. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 19*9, 199& B#i/h o/hersC.
\Ne# Ke>h-nis!s for L-ser 6oolin,Z hysics Today BO>/ober 1990CH '':)0 B#i/h
W.D. Philli$sC. Atoms in $lectromagnetic =ields. 2i8er 5de, NPH World S>ien/ifi>,
199). ?uantum #echanics. Ne# 3or0H Wiley, 199', 2 8ols. B#i/h o/hersC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: (cience BK-y 2(, 199%CH 1212:1). 'e0 1or2 Times
BO>/ober 1(, 199&CH +1(.
Co$$entary: 6l-ude 6ohen-T-nnoudMi sh-red /he Nobel Prize for refinin /he !e/hods
of >oolin -/o!s b-sed on /he \use of /he Do$$ler effe>/ -nd #hi>h >on8er/s /he slo#es/
-/o!s /o - d-r0 s/-/e.Z Le #-s -ble /o >o!bine /his !e/hod #i/h l-ser >oolin /o bre-0
/he re>oil li!i/ of heliu! -/o!s -nd slo# /he! do#n /o - s$eed of only -bou/
2>!,se>ond. BL.S.S.C
Phillips5 Willia2 (aniel B0B
Prize: Physi>s, 199&. Born: No8e!ber %, 19)*; Wil0esA-rre, P+. Parents: 1-/her,
Willi-! 6ornelius Philli$s; Ko/her, K-ry 6-/herine S-8ine Philli$s. Nationality:
+!eri>-n. Religion: Ke/hodis/. Education: Puni-/- 6ollee, P+, A.S., 19&0;
K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 19&(. Spouse: P-ne S-n Wynen, !-rried
Pune 20, 19&0 Children: 6-/herine, d-uh/er; 6hris/ine, d-uh/er Career: K-ss->huse//s
?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, K+, 2ese-r>her, 19&0:&*; N-/ion-l ?ns/i/u/e of S/-nd-rds -nd
Te>hnoloy, KD, 2ese-r>her, 19&*-. Other Awards: Ou/s/-ndin 3oun S>ien/is/,
K-ryl-nd, 19*2; "old Ked-l, I.S. De$-r/!en/ of 6o!!er>e, 199'; Ki>helson Ked-l,
199(; S>h-#lo# Prize, 199*; "old Ked-l, Pennsyl8-ni- So>ie/y, 1999; Oes/ed Ked-l,
Selected Publications: \6oolin -nd Tr-$$in +/o!s,99 (cientific American BK-r>h
19*&CH '(:)) B#i/h L.P. Ke/>-lfC. \Ne# Ke>h-nis!s for L-ser 6oolin,Z hysics Today
BO>/ober 1990CH '':)0 B#i/h 6.N. 6ohen-T-nnoudMiC. \L-ser K-ni$ul-/ion of +/o!s
-nd ?onsZ in roceedings of the <nternational (chool of hysics Q$nrico =ermi,R 8ol.
11*. +!s/erd-!; Ne# 3or0H Nor/h-Loll-nd, 1992.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1(, 199&CH +1(.
Co$$entary: Willi-! Philli$s sh-red /he Nobel Prize for his de8elo$!en/ of -
\Jee!-n slo#er, - >oil #i/h - 8-ryin !-ne/i> field, -lon /he -@is of #hi>h -/o!s
>ould be re/-rded by -n o$$osed l-ser be-!.Z Wi/h /he su>>essful l-ser >oolin of -/o!s,
Philli$s #-s -ble /o de8elo$ ne# !e/hods of s/udyin /he /e!$er-/ure of -/o!s,
->hie8in /e!$er-/ures si@ /i!es lo#er /h-n /he /heore/i>-lly >-l>ul-/ed Do$$ler li!i/.
#a!&hlin5 4obert +: B0C
Prize: Physi>s, 199*. Born: No8e!ber 1, 19%0; Sis-li-, 6+. Parents: No re>ord found.
Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion: 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of 6-liforni-, Aer0eley,
+.A., 19&2; K-ss->huse//s ?ns/i/u/e of Te>hnoloy, Ph.D., 19&9. Spouse: +ni/- 2hon-
Perry, !-rried +$ril 22, 19&9. Children: N-/h-niel D-8id, son; Todd Willi-!, son.
Career: Aell Tele$hone L-bs, NP, 2ese-r>her, 19&9:*1; L-#ren>e Li8er!ore N-/ion-l
L-bor-/ory, 6+, 2ese-r>her, 19*1:*%; S/-nford Ini8., 6+, Professor, 19*%-. Other
Awards: 5.O. L-#ren>e +#-rd, 19*%; Oli8er 5. Au>0ley Prize, 19*(; 1r-n0lin Ked-l,
Selected Publications: \Qu-n/ized L-ll 6ondu>/i8i/y in /#o di!ensions,Z hysical
Bevie0 8 2' B1% K-y 19*1CH %('2:'. \5@>i/ons in /he fr->/ion-l Gu-n/u! L-ll effe>/,Z
hysica 8S. 12( BNo8e!ber 19*)CH 2%):%9. \1r->/ion-ls/-/is/i>s -s #i/h s$in -nd
s/-bili/y of /he su$erfluid s/-/e,Z hysical Bevie0 8 )* BO>/ober 1, 199'CH 10'*2:90.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1), 199*CH +1(.
Co$$entary: 2ober/ L-uhlin #on /he Nobel Prize for e@$l-inin /he dis>o8ery of /he
fr->/ion-l Gu-n/u! L-ll effe>/ dis>o8ered by Lors/ S/Ur!er -nd D-niel Tsui. L-uhlin
sho#ed /h-/ \/he ele>/rons in - $o#erful !-ne/i> field >-n >ondense /o for! - 0ind of
Gu-n/u! fluid rel-/ed /o /he Gu-n/u! fluids /h-/ o>>ur in su$er>ondu>/i8i/y -nd in liGuid
heliu!.Z L-uhlin9s Gu-n/u! fluid h-s /he unusu-l $ro$er/y of bein >o!$osed of
>o!$osi/e $-r/i>les >-lled Gu-si$-r/i>les /h-/ h-8e /he -bili/y /o e@$l-in S/Ur!er9s -nd
Tsui9s resul/s. This dis>o8ery led /o /he fur/her unders/-ndin of Gu-n/u! $hysi>s.
-tLr2er5 1orst #!d)i& B09
Prize: Physi>s, 199*. Born: +$ril (, 19)9; 1r-n0fur/--!-K-in, "er!-ny. Parents:
1-/her, N-rl-Lud#i S/U!er; Ko/her, K-rie ?hri S/U!er. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er
+!eri>-n residen/. Religion: Prob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: "oe/he-Ini8ersi/-e/,
"er!-ny, A.S., no d-/e; K.S., no d-/e; Ini8. of S/u//-r/, "er!-ny, Ph.D., 19&&.
Spouse: Do!iniGue +. P-r>he/, !-rried 19*2. Children: None. Career: +TYT Aell
L-bs Bno# Lu>en/ Te>hnoloiesC, NP, 2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19&&:9&;
6olu!bi- Ini8., N3, Professor, 199*-. Other Awards: Au>0ley Prize, 19*); O//o Nlun
Prize, 19*%; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 199*; Leion d9 Lonneur, 1r-n>e -nd "er!-ny, 1999;
K-yor9s +#-rd for 5@>ellen>e in S>ien>e -nd Te>hnoloy, Ne# 3or0 6i/y, 2001.
Selected Publications: \The 1r->/ion-l Qu-n/u! L-ll 5ffe>/,Z (cience BPune 22, 1990CH
1%10 B#i/h P.P. 5isens/einC. \6o!$osi/e 1er!ions,Z hysics 'e0s B199)C; +!eri>-n
?ns/i/u/e of Physi>s, 199% B#i/h D. TsuiC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1), 199*CH +1(. (cience BO>/ober
2', 199*C.
Co$$entary: Lors/ S/Ur!er sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h D-niel Tsui -nd 2ober/
L-uhlin \for /heir dis>o8ery of - ne# for! of Gu-n/u! fluid #i/h fr->/ion-lly >h-red
e@>i/-/ions.Z S/Ur!er -nd Tsui, in /heir s/udies of /he Gu-n/u! L-ll effe>/ -nd usin
!ore $o#erful !-ne/i> fields -nd lo#er /e!$er-/ures, dis>o8ered - ne# s/e$ in /he
L-ll resis/-n>e /h-/ #-s /hree /i!es hiher /h-n /h-/ iden/ified by 8on Nli/zin BPhysi>s,
19*%C. +ddi/ion-l s/e$s #ere dis>o8ered, bo/h -bo8e -nd be/#een /he in/eers. This #-s
>-lled /he \fr->/ion-l Gu-n/u! L-llZ effe>/ be>-use /he ne# heih/s >-n -ll be e@$ressed
#i/h /he s-!e e-rlier >ons/-n/ bu/ no# di8ided by differen/ fr->/ions. BL.S.S.C
Ts!i5 (aniel %hee B10
Prize: Physi>s, 199*. Born: 1ebru-ry 2*, 19'*; Len-n, 6hin-. Parents: No re>ord
found. Nationality: 6hinese;
P-e 2%1
l-/er +!eri>-n >i/izen. Religion: Lu/her-n. Education: +uus/-n- 6ollee, ?L, A.+.,
19(1; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, K.S., 19(&; Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L, Ph.D., 19(&. Spouse:
Lind- S-rl-nd, !-rried 19(). Children: 2 >hildren. Career: Ini8. of 6hi>-o, ?L,
2ese-r>her, 19(&:(*; Aell L-bs, NP, 2ese-r>her, 19(*:*2; Prin>e/on Ini8., NP,
Professor, 19*2-. Other Awards: Au>0ley Prize, 19*); 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 199*.
Selected Publications: \The 1r->/ion-l Qu-n/u! L-ll 5ffe>/,Z <$$$ 7ournal of
?uantum $lectronics 22 B19*(C. \6o!$osi/e 1er!ions,Z hysics 'e0s B199)C;
+!eri>-n ?ns/i/ue of Physi>s, 199% B#i/h L. S/Ur!erC.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1), 199*CH +1(. 'otable
T0entieth .entury (cientists. De/roi/H "-le, 199%, 20%1:%2.
Co$$entary: D-niel Tsui #-s - >ol-ure-/e #i/h Lors/ S/Ur!er -nd 2ober/ L-uhlin
\for dis>o8erin /h-/ ele>/rons ->/in /oe/her in s/ron !-ne/i> fields >-n for! ne#
/y$es of O$-r/i>les9, #i/h >h-res /h-/ -re fr->/ions of ele>/ron >h-res.99 This dis>o8ery
-llo#s rese-r>hers /o unders/-nd !ore /horouhly /he \ener-l inner s/ru>/ure -nd
dyn-!i>s of !-//er.Z BL.S.S.C
Vt 1ooft5 6erard!s B11
Prize: Physi>s, 1999. Born: Puly %, 19)(; Den Lelder, /he Ne/herl-nds. Parents: 1-/her,
Lendri0 O/ Loof/; Ko/her, K-r-re/h- +nes 8-n N-!$en O/ Loof/. Nationality: Du/>h.
Religion: Prob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: 2iM0suni8ersi/ei/ I/re>h/, Ne/herl-nds,
>-ndid--/se@-!en, 19((; do>/or-l e@-!en, 19(9; Ph.D., 19&2. Spouse: +lber/h- +nMe
S>hi0, !-rried Puly 1, 19&2. Children: S-s0i- +nne, d-uh/er; 5llen K-r-, d-uh/er.
Career: 5uro$e-n 6en/er for Nu>le-r 2ese-r>h, S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19&2:&);
Ini8. of I/re>h/, Ne/herl-nds, Professor, 19&)-. Other Awards: Win0ler Prins Prize,
19&); +0zo Prize, 19&&; Loren/z Ked-l, 19*(; D-nnie Leine!-n Prize, 19&9; Wolf
Prize, 19*1; Pius 4? Ked-l, 19*'; 1r-n0lin Ked-l, 199%; S$inoz- Pre!iu!, 199%; "i-n
6-rlo Wi>0 Ked-l, 199&; Os0-r Nlein Sil8er Ked-l, 1999; Lih 5nery Physi>s Prize,
Selected Publications: \"-ue Theories of /he 1or>es Ae/#een 5le!en/-ry P-r/i>les,Z
(cientific American BPune 19*0CH 90. <n (earch of the :ltimate 8uilding 8loc2s BTr.
8ou0stenen van de (cheppingC. 6-!brideH 6-!bride Ini8ersi/y Press, 199&.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1', 1999CH +*. 'e0 1or2 Times
BO>/ober 1&, 1999CH Se>/ion ), (.
Co$$entary: "er-rdus O/ Loof/ sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h his for!er /e->her,
K-r/inus Sel/!-n, \for elu>id-/in /he Gu-n/u! s/ru>/ure of ele>/ro#e-0 in/er->/ions in
$hysi>s.Z Isin Sel/!-n9s #or0 -s - b-sis, O/ Loof/ #-s -ble /o find /he \0ey /o
renor!-lizin ele>/ro#e-0 /heory, re>on>ilin /he infini/iesZ /h-/ of/en #ere $rodu>ed -s
- resul/ of so!e >-l>ul-/ions. Le -lso \dee$ened /he unders/-ndin of ho#, in /he e-rly
!o!en/s of >re-/ion, /he /#o for>es Bele>/ro!-ne/is! -nd /he #e-0 for>eC !ih/ h-8e
>o!e unr-8eled.Z The -en/ for /his is /he Lis $-r/i>le, s/ill undis>o8ered un/il ne#,
!ore $o#erful, ->>eler-/ors be>o!e -8-il-ble. BL.S.S.C
=elt2an5 ,artin!s <:6: B12
Prize: Physi>s, 1999. Born: 19'1; /he Ne/herl-nds. Parents: No re>ord found.
Nationality: Du/>h; l-/er +!eri>-n residen/. Religion: Prob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education:
Ini8. of I/re>h/, /he Ne/herl-nds, Ph.D., 19('. Spouse: K-rried, no fur/her re>ord
found. Children: None. Career: 652N, S#i/zerl-nd, 2ese-r>her, 19(':((; Ini8. of
I/re>h/, Ne/herl-nds, Professor, 19((:*1; Ini8. of Ki>hi-n, K?, Professor, 19*1:9&.
Other Awards: 8on Lu!bold/ +#-rd, 19*9; 1if/h Physi>- Lezin, 1990; Du/>h Order of
/he Lion of Queen Ae-/ri@, 1992; Lih 5nery -nd P-r/i>le Physi>s Prize, 199'; P.+.K.
Dir-> Ked-l -nd Prize, 199(.
Selected Publications: \The Lis Aoson,Z (cientific American BNo8e!ber 19*(CH **.
&iagrammatica. 6-!bride, K+H 6-!bride Ini8ersi/y Press, 199).
or !ore "n#or$ation See: $conomist BO>/ober 1(, 1999C. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober
1', 1999CH +*. 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 1&, 1999CH Se>/ion ), (.
Co$$entary: K-r/inus Sel/!-n sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h his for!er s/uden/
"er-rdus O/ Loof/ for \h-8in $l->ed $-r/i>le $hysi>s /heory on - fir!er !-/he!-/i>-l
found-/ion.Z 6-l>ul-/ions usin /he ele>/ro#e-0 /heory #ould so!e/i!es $rodu>e
infini/e -ns#ers. O/ Loof/ -nd Sel/!-n de8elo$ed de/-iled >-l>ul-/ions /h-/ $l->e /he
ele>/ro#e-0 /heory on - fir!er !-/he!-/i>-l unders/-ndin /h-/ eli!in-/es /he infini/e
-ns#ers in >er/-in >ir>u!s/-n>es. These >-l>ul-/ions h-8e led /o /he dis>o8ery of /he /o$
Gu-r0, /he l-/es/ ele!en/-ry $-r/i>le /o be dis>o8ered. BL.S.S.C
0lfero>5 7hores .: B13
Prize: Physi>s, 2000. Born: K-r>h 1%, 19'0; Si/ebs0, Ayelorussi-, ISS2. Parents:
1-/her, ?8-n N-r$o8i>h +lfero8; Ko/her, +nn- Sl-di!iro8n- 2osenblu! +lfero8.
Nationality: 2ussi-n. Religion: No re>ord found. Education: 5le>/ro/e>hni>-l ?ns/i/u/e,
ISS2, 5nineerin deree, 19%2; ?offe Physi>o-Te>hni>-l ?ns/i/u/e, ISS2, S>ien>e -nd
Te>hnoloy deree, 19(1; ?offe Physi>o-Te>hni>-l ?ns/i/u/e, ISS2, D.S>i., 19&0.
Spouse: T-!-r- "eorie8n- D-rs>-y-, !-rried No8e!ber 11, 19(&. Children: ?8-n
Jhoreso8i>h, son; 1 d-uh/er. Career: ?offe Physi>o-Te>hni>-l ?ns/i/u/e, 2ussi-,
2ese-r>her -nd +d!inis/r-/or, 19%'-. Other Awards: A-ll-n/ine Ked-l, 19&1; Lenin
Prize, 19&2; Le#le//-P->0-rd 5uro$hysi>s Prize, 19&*; S/-/e Prize, ISS2, 19*); "-+s
Sy!$osiu! +#-rd, 19*&; L. Wel0er Ked-l, 19*&; +.P. N-r$ins0ii Prize, 19*9; ?offe
Prize, 199(; Ni>hol-s Lolony-0, Pr. +#-rd, 2000.
Selected Publications: \The Lis/ory -nd 1u/ure of Se!i>ondu>/or Le/eros/ru>/ures
fro! /he Poin/ of Sie# of - 2ussi-n S>ien/is/,Z hysica (cripta T(* B199(CH'2.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 11, 2000CH +1(. 'e0 1or2 Times
BO>/ober 12, 2000CH +'.
Co$$entary: Jhores +lfero8 -nd his >ol-ure-/e, Lerber/ Nroe!er, #ere -#-rded /he
Nobel Prize \for de8elo$in se!i>ondu>/or he/eros/ru>/ures used in hih-s$eed -nd
o$/o-ele>/roni>s.Z Their in8en/ion h-s led /o /he de8elo$!en/ of f-s/ /r-nsis/ors /h-/ -re
used in !odern /ele>o!!uni>-/ions. Le/eros/ru>/ures, su>h -s se!i>ondu>/ors, -re
P-e 2%2
used in r-dio lin0 s-/elli/es, !obile /ele$hones, fibre-o$/i> >-bles, 6D $l-yers, b-r->ode
re-ders -nd l-ser $oin/ers. +lfero8 #-s -lso /he firs/ /o de8elo$ - he/eros/ru>/ure l-ser,
#hi>h !-de fibre-o$/i> >o!!uni>-/ion 8i-ble. BL.S.S.C
8ilb$5 <ack -t: %lair B1?
Prize: Physi>s, 2000. Born: No8e!ber *, 192'; Pefferson 6i/y, KO. Parents: 1-/her,
Luber/ S/. 6l-ir Nilby; Ko/her, Sin- 1rei/- Nilby. Nationality: +!eri>-n. Religion:
Prob-bly 6hris/i-n. Education: Ini8. of ?llinois, AS55, 19)&; Ini8. of Wis>onsin, W?,
K.S., 19%0. Spouse: A-rb-r- +nneers, !-rried Pune 2&, 19)*. Children: +nn,
d-uh/er; P-ne/ Lee, d-uh/er. Career: "lobe-Inion, ?n>., W?, Pror-! K-n-er, 19)&:
%*; Te@-s ?ns/ru!en/s, T4, +d!inis/r-/or -nd 2ese-r>her, 19%*:&0; ?n8en/or, T4,
19&0:&*; Te@-s +YK Ini8. T4, Professor, 19&*:*). Other Awards: S-rnoff Ked-l,
19((; A-llen/ine Ked-l, 19(&; N-/ion-l Ked-l of S>ien>e, 19(9; +lu!ni +>hie8e!en/
+#-rd, Ini8. of ?llinois, 19&); J#ory0in Ked-l, 19&%; Arune//i +#-rd, 19&*; 6onsu!er
5le>/roni>s +#-rd, ?555, 19*0; N-/ion-l ?n8en/ors L-ll of 1-!e, 19*2; Lolley Ked-l,
19*2, 19*9; ?555 Ked-l of Lonor, 19*(; L-er/y ?nno8-/ion +#-rd, 19*&; Dr-$er
Prize, 19*9; N-/ion-l Ked-l of Te>hnoloy, 1990; Nyo/o Prize, 199'.
Selected Publications: \?n8en/ion of /he ?n/er-/ed 6ir>ui/,Z <$$$ Transactions on
$lectronic &evices 5D-2', &BPuly 19&(CH ()*. \The ?ndi8idu-l ?n8en/or,Z <$$$
Transactions on .onsumer $lectronics B1ebru-ry 19&9C.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 11, 2000CH +1(. 'otable
T0entieth .entury (cientists. De/roi/H "-le, 199%, 109):9(.
Co$$entary: P->0 Nilby sh-red /he Nobel Prize \for his $-r/ in /he in8en/ion of /he
in/er-/ed >ir>ui/.Z Ten ye-rs -f/er /he firs/ /r-nsis/or, P->0 Nilby buil/ /he firs/ in/er-/ed
>ir>ui/, /he !i>ro>hi$, /h-/ led, -!on !-ny o/her i/e!s, /o /he in8en/ion of /he $o>0e/
>-l>ul-/or -nd $erson-l >o!$u/ers. Lis rese-r>h hel$ed l-y /he OOfound-/ions of !odern
infor!-/ion /e>hnoloyZ -nd /he de8elo$!en/ of /he field of !i>roele>/roni>s. BL.S.S.C
8roe2er5 1erbert B1@
Prize: Physi>s, 2000. Born: +uus/ 2%, 192*; Wei!-r, "er!-ny. Parents: No re>ord
found. Nationality: "er!-n; l-/er +!eri>-n residen/. Religion: No re>ord found.
Education: Ini8. of "U//inen, "er!-ny, Di$lo!-Physi0er, 19%1; Ini8. of "U//inen,
"er!-ny, Ph.D., 19%2. Spouse: No re>ord found. Children: No re>ord found. Career:
Ini8. of 6-liforni-, S-n/- A-rb-r-, 6+, Professor, 19&(-. Other Awards: P.P. 5bers
+#-rd, 19&'; Leinri>h Wel0er Ked-l, 19*2; P->0 Kor/on +#-rd, 19*(; 8on Lu!bold/
+#-rd, 199).
Selected Publications: \+ Pro$osed 6l-ss of Le/eroMun>/ion ?nMe>/ion L-sers,Z roc.
<$$$ %1 B19('CH 1&*2:*'. \Le/eros/ru>/ure Ai$ol-r Tr-nsis/ors -nd ?n/er-/ed 6ir>ui/s,Z
roc. <$$$ &0 B19*2CH 1':2%. ?uantum #echanics. 5nle#ood 6liffs, NPH Pren/i>e
L-ll, 199). \A-nd Offse/s -nd 6he!i>-l AondinH The A-sis for Le/eros/ru>/ure
+$$li>-/ions,Z hysica (cripta T(* B199(CH10.
or !ore "n#or$ation See: 'e0 1or2 Times BO>/ober 11, 2000CH +1(.
Co$$entary: Lerber/ Nroe!er sh-red /he Nobel Prize #i/h Jhores +lfero8 for /heir
>on/ribu/ions /o infor!-/ion /e>hnoloy -nd /ele>o!!uni>-/ions. Nroe!er firs/
$ro$osed - he/eros/ru>/ure /r-nsis/or /h-/ i!$ro8ed u$on /he >on8en/ion-l /r-nsis/ors
/hen in use \$-r/i>ul-rly for >urren/ -!$lifi>-/ion -nd hih-freGuen>y -$$li>-/ions.Z
?nde$enden/ly of e->h o/her, /he /#o rese-r>hers -lso $ro$osed /he $rin>i$le of /he
he/eros/ru>/ure l-ser. BL.S.S.C
P-e 2%'
Na2e .nde/
No/eH Nu!bers refer /o en/ry ->>ession nu!bers lo>-/ed in /he u$$er rih/-h-nd >orner
of e->h en/ry.
+dd-!s, L-ur- P-ne )*'
+dri-n, 5d-r Doul-s, A-ron '0*
+non, Sh!uel 3osef 2)1
+lder, Nur/ %0
+lei@-ndre y Kerlo, Si>en/e Pio K-r>elino 6irilo 2%)
+lfero8, Jhores ?. &1'
+lf8en, L-nnes Olof "Us/- ()%
+ll-is, K-uri>e 1eli@ 1(0
+l/!-n, Sidney 112
+l8-rez, Luis W-l/er ()'
+!eri>-n 1riends Ser8i>e 6o!!i//ee )9%
+!nes/y ?n/ern-/ion-l %2'
+nderson, 6-rl D-8id %9%
+nderson, Phili$ W-rren ((0
+ndri, ?8o 2'(
+nfinsen, 6hris/i-n Aoeh!er *1
+nell, Nor!-n, Sir )*%
+$$le/on, 5d#-rd Si>/or, Sir (0%
+r-f-/, 3-sir %)'
+rber, Werner '99
+ri-s S-n>hez, Os>-r %'%
+rnoldson, Nl-s Pon/us )(0
+rrhenius, S8-n/e +uus/ '
+rro#, Nenne/h Pose$h 1'9
+sser, Tobi-s Ki>h-el 6-rel )(%
+s/on, 1r-n>is Willi-! 20
+s/uri-s, Kiuel +nel 2)'
+un S-n, Suu Nyi %'9
+@elrod, Pulius '&9
Arny, 2ober/ 29'
A-Mer, 1redri0 )(1
A-l>h, 5!ily "reene )9'
A-l/i!ore, D-8id '91
A-n/in, 1rederi>0 "r-n/, Sir 29*
A-rdeen, Pohn (1*
A-r0l-, 6h-rles "lo8er %&%
A-r/on, Dere0 L-rold 2i>h-rd, Sir &&
A-so8, Ni0ol-i "enn-die8i>h ('%
Ae-dle, "eore Wells ')9
Ae>0er, "-ry S/-nley 1((
Ae>0e//, S-!uel A-r>l-y 2)%
Ae>Guerel, +n/oine Lenri %%9
Aednorz, Poh-nnes "eor (*'
Aeern-er/, +uus/e K-rie 1r-naois )(2
Aein, Ken->he! Wolfo8i/>h %2)
8on Aehrin, 5!il +dol$h 2&*
Aello#, S-ul 2%'
Aelo, 6-rlos 1ili$e 4i!enes %)*
Aen->err-f, A-ruM )0)
Aen-8en/e y K-r/inez, P->in/o 20'
Aer, P-ul 9)
Aerius, 1riedri>h N-rl 2udol$h 29
Aerson, Lenri Louis 20*
Aers/rU!, Sune N-rl )10
Ae/he, L-ns +lbre>h/ ()2
Ainni, "erd N-rl (*0
Aisho$, Pohn Ki>h-el )2%
AMUrnson, AMUrns/Merne K-r/inius 1*2
Al->0, P-!es Why/e, Sir )22
Al->0e//, P-/ri>0 K-yn-rd S/u-r/ (0(
Alobel, "Rn/er ))(
Alo>h, 1eli@ (11
Alo>h, Nonr-d 5!il '('
Aloe!beren, Ni>ol--s (&1
Alu!ber, A-ru>h S-!uel '9)
AUll, Leinri>h 2)*
Aohr, +-e Niels (%%
Aohr, Niels Lenri0 D-8id %*0
Aorde/, Pules Pe-n A-$/is/e Sin>en/ 29)
Aorl-u, Nor!-n 5rnes/ %1)
Aorn, K-@ (1)
Aos>h, 6-rl '0
Ao/he, W-l/her Wilhel! "eor (1%
Aoureois, L_on-Si>/or +uus/e )&1
Ao8e/, D-niel ')*
Aoyer, P-ul Delos 12(
Ar-, Willi-! Lenry, Sir %&'
Ar-, Willi-! L-#ren>e, Sir %&)
Ar-nd/, Willy %1%
Ar-n/in, N-rl LM-l!-r )&2
Ar-//-in, W-l/er Louser (19
Ar-un, N-rl 1erdin-nd %((
Ari-nd, +ris/ide )&&
Arid!-n, Per>y Willi-!s (0)
Aro>0house, Aer/r-! Ne8ille (9*
Arods0y, Pose$h +le@-ndro8i>h 2()
Arolie, Louis-Si>/or Pierre 2-y!ond de %*9
Aro#n, Lerber/ 6h-rles 92
Aro#n, Ki>h-el S/u-r/ )1&
Au>h-n-n, P-!es K>"ill, Pr. 1%*
Au>hner, 5du-rd &
Au>0, Pe-rl 6o!for/ Sydens/ri>0er 21&
Auisson, 1erdin-nd 5dou-rd )&9
Aun>he, 2-l$h Pohnson )9*
Aunin, ?8-n +le@eie8i>h 21'
Aurne/, 1r-n0 K->1-rl-ne, Sir '%)
Au/en-nd/, +dolf 1riedri>0 Poh-nn '9
Au/ler, Ni>hol-s Kurr-y )*)
6-l8in, Kel8in (%
6-!us, +lber/ 2'2
6-ne//i, 5li-s 2%*
6-rdu>>i, "iosu` +less-ndro "uise$$e 1*&
6-rlsson, +r8id ))&
6-rrel, +le@is 291
6-ssin, 2en_-S-!uel %12
6e>h, Tho!-s 2ober/ 11'
6e>il, 5d-r +lernon 2ober/ "-s>oyne, Sir )*9
6el-, 6-!ilo Pos_ 2((
6h-d#i>0, P-!es, Sir %9)
6h-in, 5rns/ Aoris, Sir '2)
6h-!berl-in, Pose$h +us/en, Sir )&%
6h-!berl-in, O#en (2(
6h-ndr-se0h-r, Subr-h!-ny-n (&%
6h-r$-0, "eores (9%
6heren0o8, P-8el +le0seye8i>h (2'
6hu, S/e8en &0%
6hur>hill, Wins/on Leon-rd S$en>er, Sir 22*
6l-ude, +lber/ '**
6o-se, 2on-ld L-rry 1(%
6o>0>rof/, Pohn Doul-s, Sir (09
6ohen-T-nnoudMi, 6l-ude Nessi! &0(
6ohen, S/-nley L-rold )19
6o!$/on, +r/hur Lolly %*(
6oo$er, Leon Neil ()*
6orey, 5li-s P-!es 11)
6ori, 6-rl 1erdin-nd '2*
6ori, "er/y Theres- 2-dni/z '29
6or!->0, +ll-n K->Leod )02
6ornfor/h, Pohn W-r>u$, Sir *&
6orri-n, K-ire-d %21
6ourn-nd, +ndr_ 1r_d_ri> ')%
6r-!, Don-ld P-!es 10(
6re!er, Willi-! 2-nd-l, Sir )%)
6ri>0, 1r-n>is L-rry 6o!$/on '%&
6ronin, P-!es W-/son ((9
6ru/zen, P-ul Posef 120
6urie, K-rie 11
6urie, Pierre %(0
6url, 2ober/ 1loyd, Pr. 12'
D-l-i L-!-, /he 1our/een/h %'&
P-e 2%)
D-le, Lenry L-lle//, Sir '1%
D-l_n, Nils "us/-f %&0
D-!, 6-rl Pe/er Lenri0 '20
D-usse/, Pe-n A-$/is/e "-briel Po->hi! )0%
D-8isson, 6lin/on Pose$h %9&
D-#es, 6h-rles "-/es )&(
Debreu, "er-rd 1%%
Debye, Pe/er Pose$hus Wilhel!us '%
Deh!el/, L-ns "eor (**
Deisenhofer, Poh-nn 109
DelbrR>0, K-@ '&(
Deledd-, "r-zi- 20&
Diels, O//o P-ul Ler!-n %1
Dir->, P-ul +drien K-uri>e %92
Doher/y, Pe/er 6h-rles ))0
Doisy, 5d#-rd +delber/ '21
Do!-0, "erh-rd '19
Du Sine-ud, Sin>en/ %*
Du>o!!un, 5lie )%2
Dulbe>>o, 2en-/o '92
Dun-n/, Pe-n Lenri )%0
de Du8_, 6hris/i-n 2en_ K-rie Pose$h '*9
5>>les, Pohn 6-re#, Sir '(0
5>he-r-y 3 5iz-uirre, Pos_ 1*)
5del!-n, "er-ld K-uri>e '*'
5-s Koniz, +n/onio 6-e/-no +breu 1reire ''2
5hrli>h, P-ul 2*(
5ien, K-nfred &'
5iM0!-n, 6hris/i--n '0)
5ins/ein, +lber/ %&9
5in/ho8en, Wille! '00
5l-S-d-/, Kuh-!!ed +n#-r %2%
5lion, "er/rude Aelle )2'
5lio/, Tho!-s S/e-rns 22'
5ly/is, Odysseus 2%(
5nders, Pohn 1r-n0lin ')1
5rl-ner, Pose$h '22
5rns/, 2i>h-rd 2ober/ 11%
5s-0i, Leo (%0
d95s/ournelles, P-ul Lenri AenM-!in A-lleu/ de 6ons/-n/, A-ron )('
5u>0en, 2udol$h 6hris/o$h 1*9
5uler-6hel$in, L-ns N-rl +uus/ Si!on 8on 2(
1-ul0ner, Willi-! 6u/hber/ 22)
1er!i, 5nri>o %99
1eyn!-n, 2i>h-rd Philli$s ('*
1ibier, Poh-nnes +ndre-s "rib '01
1insen, Niels 2yber 2*0
1is>her, 5d!ond Lenri )'1
1is>her, Ler!-nn 5!il 2
1is>her, 5rns/ O//o *)
1is>her, L-ns 2*
1i/>h, S-l Losdon (&0
1le!in, +le@-nder, Sir '2%
1lorey, Lo#-rd W-l/er, Sir '2(
1lory, P-ul Pohn *(
1o, D-rio 2&)
1oel, 2ober/ Willi-! 1(&
1orss!-nn, Werner Theodor O//o ')(
1o#ler, Willi-! +lfred (&(
1r-n>e, +n-/ole 202
1r-n>0, P-!es %*'
1r-n0, ?ly- Ki0-ylo8i>h (2)
1ried, +lfred Ler!-nn )((
1ried!-n, Pero!e ?s--> (91
1ried!-n, Kil/on 1)(
1riends Ser8i>e 6oun>il )9(
1ris>h, N-rl 8on '*%
1ris>h, 2-n-r Ni//il, +n/on 1'%
1u0ui, Neni>hi 9(
1ur>ho//, 2ober/ 1r-n>is ))'
"-bor, Dennis ()&
"-Mduse0, D-niel 6-rle/on '9%
"-ls#or/hy, Pohn 212
"-r>o- KrGuez, "-briel Pos_ 2%9
"-r>o- 2obles, +lfonso %29
"-sser, Lerber/ S$en>er '2'
"ell-K-nn, Kurr-y ())
de "ennes, Pierre-"illes (9)
"i-e8er, ?8-r (%1
"i-uGue, Willi-! 1r-n>is )9
"ide, +ndr_ P-ul "uill-u!e 222
"ilber/, W-l/er 9%
"il!-n, +lfred "ood!-n )'%
"Melleru$, N-rl +dol$h 19&
"l-ser, Don-ld +r/hur (2*
"l-sho#, Sheldon Lee (((
"ob-/, 6h-rles +lber/ )%'
"oldin, Willi-! "er-ld 2(0
"olds/ein, Pose$h Leon-rd )1*
"oli, 6-!illo 2*'
"orb->he8, Ki0h-il Sereye8i>h %'*
"ordi!er, N-dine 2(*
"r-ni/, 2-n-r +r/hur '&0
"r-ss, "Rn/er Wilhel! 2&(
"reen-rd, P-ul ))*
"rin-rd, 1r-naois +uus/e Si>/or 12
"uill-u!e, 6h-rles ]dou-rd %&*
"uille!in, 2oer 6h-rles Louis '9(
"ulls/r-nd, +ll8-r 290
L--8el!o, Try8e K-nus 1(1
L-ber, 1ri/z 1&
L-hn, O//o )2
L-!!-rs0Mold, D- LM-l!-r +ne 6-rl %0&
L-!sun, Nnu/ 201
L-rden, +r/hur, Sir 2&
L-rs-nyi, Pohn 6h-rles 1(9
L-r/line, L-ld-n Neffer '&1
L-ssel, Odd &*
L-u$/!-n, Lerber/ +-ron 101
L-u$/!-nn, "erh-r/ Poh-nn 19'
L-#or/h, W-l/er Nor!-n, Sir '(
L-ye0, 1riedri>h +uus/ Son 1)2
Le-ney, Se-!us Pus/in 2&2
Le>0!-n, P-!es Pose$h 1&9
Leeer, +l-n P-y 1'2
Leisenber, Werner N-rl %91
Le!in#-y, 5rnes/ Killer 229
Len>h, Phili$ Sho#-l/er '')
Lenderson, +r/hur )*(
Lers>hb->h, Dudley 2ober/ 10'
Lershey, +lfred D-y '&&
Ler/z, "us/-8 Lud#i %*)
Lerzber, "erh-rd *0
Less, Si>/or 1r-nz %9(
Less, W-l/er 2udol$h '''
Lesse, Ler!-n 221
Le8esy, "eore 6h-rles 8on )1
Le#ish, +n/ony (%'
Ley!-ns, 6orneille Pe-n 1r-naois '1*
Leyro8s0y, P-rosl-8 ('
Leyse, P-ul Poh-nn Lud#i 8on 191
Li>0s, Pohn 2i>h-rd, Sir 1)0
Lill, +r>hib-ld Si8i-n 29(
Linshel#ood, 6yril Nor!-n, Sir %9
Li/>hins, "eore Lerber/, Pr. )2)
Lod0in, +l-n Lloyd, Sir '(1
Lod0in, Doro/hy 6ro#foo/ &0
Loff!-nn, 2o-ld 9&
Lofs/-d/er, 2ober/ (29
Lolley, 2ober/ Willi-! '&'
Lo$0ins, 1rederi>0 "o#l-nd, Sir '0%
Lounsfield, "odfrey Ne#bold, Sir )0'
Louss-y, Aern-rdo +lber/o ''0
Lubel, D-8id Lun/er )0&
Luber, 2ober/ 110
Luins, 6h-rles Aren/on '(*
Lull, 6ordell )92
Lulse, 2ussell +l-n (9(
Lu!e, Pohn %%2
Lu@ley, +ndre# 1ieldin, Sir '(2
?n-rro, Louis P. )))
?ns/i/u/e of ?n/ern-/ion-l L-# )%%
?n/ern-/ion-l 6-!$-in /o A-n L-nd!ines %%0
?n/ern-/ion-l 6o!!i//ee of /he 2ed 6ross )(9
?n/ern-/ion-l L-bour Or-niz-/ion %1'
?n/ern-/ion-l Physi>i-ns for /he Pre8en/ion of Nu>le-r W-r, ?n>. %''
P->ob, 1r-naois '(%
Pensen, Poh-nnes L-ns D-niel ('2
Pensen, Poh-nnes Silhel! 219
Perne, Niels N-M )1)
Pi!_nez, Pu-n 2-!rn 2'1
Pohnson, 5y8ind Olof Serner 2%0
Polio/-6urie, 1r_d_ri> ''
Polio/-6urie, ?r`ne ')
Pose$hson, Ari-n D-8id (%2
Pouh-u@, Leon )99
N-!erlinh Onnes, Lei0e %&1
N-ndel, 5ri> 2i>h-rd ))9
N-n/oro8i>h, Leonid Si/-l9e8i>h 1))
N-$i/s-, Pyo/r Leonido8i>h (('
N-rle, Pero!e 102
N-rlfeld/, 5ri0 +@el 199
P-e 2%%
N-rrer, P-ul '&
N-s/ler, +lfred ()1
N-/z, Aern-rd, Sir '*0
N-#-b-/-, 3-sun-ri 2))
Nello, 1r-n0 Aillins )*1
Nend-ll, 5d#-rd 6-l8in ''%
Nend-ll, Lenry W-y (92
Nendre#, Pohn 6o#dery, Sir ((
Nhor-n-, L-r "obind '&)
Nilby, P->0 S/. 6l-ir &1)
Ni! D-e-Pun %%%
Nin, K-r/in Lu/her, Pr. %10
Ni$lin, Pose$h 2udy-rd 1**
Nissiner, Lenry +lfred %1(
Nlein, L-#ren>e 2ober/ 1%2
de Nler0, 1rederi0 Wille! %)1
Nli/zin, Nl-us 8on (&9
Nlu, +-ron 9*
No>h, Leinri>h Ler!-nn 2ober/ 2*2
No>her, 5!il Theodor 2**
NUhler, "eores P.1. )1%
Nohn, W-l/er 129
Noo$!-ns, TM-llin 6h-rles 1)%
Nornber, +r/hur '%2
Nossel, N-rl K-r/in Leonh-rd +lbre>h/ 2*9
Nrebs, 5d#in "erh-rd )'2
Nrebs, L-ns +dolf, Sir ''9
Nroe!er, Lerber/ &1%
Nroh, S>h->0 +uus/ S/eenber 29%
Nro/o, L-rold W-l/er, Sir 12)
Nuhn, 2i>h-rd '*
Nus>h, Poly>-r$ (1(
Nuzne/s, Si!on S!i/h 1'*
L- 1on/-ine, Lenri K-rie )(*
L-er08is/, P[r 1-bi-n 22(
L-erlUf, Sel!- O//ili-n Lo8is- 190
L-!b, Willis 5uene, Pr. (1&
L-nd-u, Le8 D-8ido8i>h ('1
L-nds/einer, N-rl '0(
L-ne, 6hris/i-n Lous )&'
L-n!uir, ?r8in '1
L-ue, K-@ Theodor 1eli@ 8on %&2
L-uhlin, 2ober/ A. &0*
L-8er-n, 6h-rles Louis +l$honse 2*%
L-#ren>e, 5rnes/ Orl-ndo (00
L-@ness, L-lldrr NilM-n 2'0
Le Du> Tho %1&
Le-ue of 2ed 6ross So>ie/ies %09
Lederber, Poshu- '%0
Leder!-n, Leon K-@ (*%
Lee, D-8id Korris &02
Lee, Tsun-D-o (21
Lee, 3u-n Tseh 10)
Lehn, Pe-n-K-rie Pierre 10&
Leloir, Luis 1ederi>o &9
Len-rd, Phili$$ 5du-rd +n/on 8on %(2
Leon/ief, W-ssily W. 1)1
Le8i-Kon/-l>ini, 2i/- )20
Le#is, 5d#-rd A. )'&
Le#is, L-rry Sin>l-ir 211
Le#is, Willi-! +r/hur, Sir 1%0
Libby, Will-rd 1r-n0 ()
Li$!-nn, 1ri/z +lber/ ')0
Li$$!-nn, "-briel Pon-s %(%
Li$s>o!b, Willi-! Nunn, Pr. *9
Loe#i, O//o '1(
Loren/z, Lendri0 +n/oon %%&
Lorenz, Nonr-d J->h-ri-s '*(
Lu>-s, 2ober/ 5!erson, Pr. 1&2
Luri-, S-l8-dor 5d#-rd '&*
Lu/huli, +lber/ Pohn %0(
L#off, +ndr_ Ki>hel '((
Lynen, 1eodor 1eli@ Nonr-d '()
K->Aride, Se-n %1*
K->Di-r!id, +l-n "r-h-! 1''
K->leod, Pohn P-!es 2i>0-rd 299
K-e/erlin>0, K-uri/ius Polydorus K-ri- Aern-rdus 192
K-hfouz, N-uib 2(%
K-ndel-, Nelson %)2
K-nn, P-ul Tho!-s 210
K-r>oni, "uliel!o %(&
K-r>us, 2udol$h +r/hur 11(
K-r0o#i/z, L-rry K. 1(2
K-rsh-ll, "eore 6-/le// %01
K-r/in du "-rd, 2oer 21(
K-r/in, +r>her Pohn Por/er %)
K-r/inson, L-rry 5d!und 2%1
K-uri->, 1r-naois 22&
K-yer, K-ri- "oe$$er/ (''
K>6lin/o>0, A-rb-r- )1'
K>1-dden, D-niel Li//le 1*0
K>Kill-n, 5d#in K-//ison %2
K_de>ins S-ns 1ron/i`res %%)
Ke-de, P-!es 5d#-rd 1)&
Ked-#-r, Pe/er Ari-n, Sir '%%
Ken>hu Tu!, 2iober/- %)0
Kerrifield, 2ober/ Aru>e 100
Ker/on, 2ober/ 6. 1&%
Ke/>hni0off, 5lie 2*&
Keyerhof, O//o 1ri/z 29&
Ki>hel, L-r/!u/ 111
Ki>helson, +lber/ +br-h-! %()
Killer, Ker/on Lo#-rd 1('
Killi0-n, 2ober/ +ndre#s %*1
Kilosz, 6zesl-# 2%&
Kils/ein, 6_s-r )1(
Kino/, "eore 2i>h-rds '11
Kirrlees, P-!es +le@-nder, Sir 1&'
Kis/r-l, 1rederi> 1*%
Kis/r-l, "-briel- 220
Ki/>hell, Pe/er Dennis 91
KUssb-uer, 2udolf Lud#i ('0
Kodili-ni, 1r-n>o 1%&
Koiss-n, Lenri (
Kolin-, K-rio Pose 121
Ko!!sen, 6hris/i-n K-//hi-s Theodor 1*'
Kone/-, 5rnes/o Teodoro )%*
Konod, P->Gues Lu>ien '(&
Kon/-le, 5uenio 2%2
Koore, S/-nford *2
Kor-n, Tho!-s Lun/ '10
Korrison, Toni 2&0
Ko//, Pohn 2. )9)
Ko//, Ne8ill 1r-n>is, Sir ((1
Ko//elson, AenM-!in 2oy (%(
KRller, N-rl +le@-nder (*)
KRller, P-ul Ler!-nn ''1
Kuller, Ler!-nn Pose$h '2&
Kulli0en, 2ober/ S-nderson &2
Kullis, N-ry A-n0s 11&
Kundell, 2ober/ +le@-nder 1&*
Kur-d, 1erid ))%
Kur$hy, Willi-! P-rry '12
Kurr-y, Pose$h 5. )2&
Kyrd-l, +l8- 2ei!er %'0
Kyrd-l, N-rl "unn-r 1)'
N-nsen ?n/ern-/ion-l Offi>e of 2efuees )90
N-nsen, 1rid/Mof )&)
N-sh, Pohn 1orbes 1&0
N-/h-ns, D-niel )00
N-//-, "iulio (*
N_el, Louis 5uene 1eli@ ()(
Neher, 5r#in )29
Nerns/, W-l/her Ler!-nn 1*
Nerud-, P-blo 2)&
Ni>olle, 6h-rles Pules Lenri '0'
Nirenber, K-rsh-ll W-rren '&%
Noel-A-0er, Phili$ Pohn %0%
Norrish, 2on-ld "eore Wreyford &)
Nor/h, Doul-ss 6e>il 1(*
Nor/hro$, Pohn Lo#-rd ))
Nusslein-Solh-rd, 6hris/i-ne )'*
O9Neill, 5uene "l-ds/one 21%
O>ho-, Se8ero '%'
Oe, Nenz-buro 2&1
Offi>e of /he Ini/ed N-/ions Lih 6o!!issioner for 2efuees %02
Ohlin, Aer/il "o//h-rd 1)*
Ol-h, "eore +ndre# 119
Ons-er, L-rs &(
Orr, Pohn Aoyd )9&
Osheroff, Doul-s De-n &0'
Ossie/z0y, 6-rl 8on )*&
Os/#-ld, 1riedri>h Wilhel! 9
P-l-de, "eore 5!il '90
P-ssy, 1rederi> )%1
P-s/ern-0, Aoris Leonido8i>h 2''
P-ul, Wolf-n (*9
P-uli, Wolf-n 5rns/ (0'
P-ulin, Linus 6-rl %&
P-8lo8, ?8-n Pe/ro8i>h 2*1
P-z, O>/-8io 2(&
P_rez 5sGui8el, +dolfo %2&
Pe-rson, Les/er Ao#les %0'
Pedersen, 6h-rles Pohn 10*
Penzi-s, +rno +ll-n (()
Peres, Shi!on %))
Perl, K-r/in L. &00
Per!-nen/ ?n/ern-/ion-l Pe->e Aure-u )()
Perrin, Pe-n A-$/is/e %*%
P-e 2%(
Peru/z, K-@ 1erdin-nd (&
Philli$s, Willi-! D-niel &0&
Pir-ndello, Luii 21)
Pire, Do!iniGue, 2e8erend %0)
Pl-n>0, K-@ N-rl 5rns/ Lud#i %&(
Pol-nyi, Pohn 6h-rles 10%
Pon/o$$id-n, Lenri0 19*
Po$le, Pohn +n/hony 1'0
Por/er, "eore, Sir &%
Por/er, 2odney 2ober/ '*)
Po#ell, 6e>il 1r-n0 (0*
Prel, 1ri/z 21
Prelo, Sl-di!ir **
Prioine, ?ly- 90
Pro0horo8, +le@-nder Ki0h-ilo8i>h ('(
Prudho!!e, 2en_-1r-naois-+r!end 1*1
Prusiner, S/-nley Aen ))2
Pu#-sh 6onferen>es on S>ien>e -nd World +ff-irs %)(
Pur>ell, 5d#-rd Kills (12
Qu-si!odo, S-l8-/ore 2')
Quidde, Lud#i )*0
2-bi, ?sidor ?s--> (02
2-bin, 3i/zh-0 %)%
2-in#-/er, Leo P-!es (%&
2-!-n, 6h-ndr-se0h-r- Sen0-/-, Sir %90
2-!rn y 6-M-l, S-n/i-o 2*)
2-!os-Lor/-, Pos_ %)9
2-!s-y, Willi-!, Sir )
2-!sey, Nor!-n 1os/er, Pr. (90
2ei>hs/ein, T-deus ''(
2eines, 1rederi>0 &01
2en-ul/, Louis )%9
2ey!on/, Wl-dysl-# S/-nisl-# 20%
2i>h-rds, Di>0inson Woodruff ')&
2i>h-rds, Theodore Willi-! 1%
2i>h-rdson, O#en Will-ns, Sir %**
2i>h-rdson, 2ober/ 6ole!-n &0)
2i>he/, 6h-rles 2ober/ 292
2i>h/er, Aur/on (%*
2obbins, 1rederi>0 6h-$!-n ')2
2ober/s, 2i>h-rd Pohn )''
2obinson, 2ober/, Sir )&
2odbell, K-r/in )'(
2oen/en, Wilhel! 6onr-d %%(
2ohrer, Leinri>h (*1
2oll-nd, 2o!-in 19%
2oose8el/, Theodore )%&
2oo/, 5lihu )(&
2oss, 2on-ld, Sir 2&9
2o/bl-/, Pose$h %)&
2ous, 1r-n>is Pey/on '(9
2o#l-nd, 1r-n0 Sher#ood 122
2ubbi-, 6-rlo (&&
2us0-, 5rns/ +uus/ 1riedri>h (*2
2ussell, Aer/r-nd +r/hur Willi-! 22%
2u/herford, 5rnes/, Sir *
2uzi>0-, Leo$old S/e$hen )0
2yle, K-r/in, Sir (%)
S--8edr- L-!-s, 6-rlos )**
S-b-/ier, P-ul 1'
S->hs, Leonie Nelly 2)2
S-in/-Pohn Perse 2'%
S-0h-ro8, +ndrei D!i/riye8i>h %20
S-0!-nn, Aer/ )'0
S-l-!, +bdus ((&
S-!uelson, P-ul +n/hony 1'&
S-!uelsson, Aen/ ?ne!-r )11
S-ner, 1rederi>0 (2
S-r-!-o, Pos_ 2&%
S-r/re, Pe-n-P-ul 6h-rles +y!-rd 2'9
S-/o, 5is-0u %19
S>h-lly, +ndre# Si>/or '9&
S>h-#lo#, +r/hur Leon-rd (&2
S>holes, Kyron S. 1&(
S>hrieffer, Pohn 2ober/ ()9
S>hrUdiner, 5r#in %9'
S>hul/z, Theodore Willi-! 1%1
S>h#-r/z, Kel8in (*(
S>h#ei/zer, +lber/ %00
S>h#iner, Puli-n Sey!our ('9
Se-bor, "lenn Theodore %'
Seferis, "ioros 2'*
Ser_, 5!ilio "ino (2&
Seifer/, P-rosl-8 2(1
Sel/en, 2einh-rd 1&1
Se!eno8, Ni0ol-i Ni0ol-e8i>h (0
Sen, +!-r/y- Nu!-r 1&&
Sh-r$, Philli$ +llen )')
Sh-r$e, Willi-! 1orsy/h 1()
Sh-#, "eore Aern-rd 20(
Sherrin/on, 6h-rles S>o//, Sir '09
Shir-0-#-, Lide0i 1')
Sho>0ley, Willi-! Ar-dford (20
Sholo0ho8, Ki0h-il +le0s-ndro8i>h 2)0
Shull, 6lifford "len#ood (99
Sieb-hn, N-i K-nne AoerMe (&'
Sieb-hn, N-rl K-nne "eor %*2
Sien0ie#i>z, Lenry0 +d-! +le0s-nder Pius 1*(
Sill-n$[W, 1r-ns 5e!il 21*
Si!on, 6l-ude 5uene Lenri 2(2
Si!on, Lerber/ +le@-nder 1)9
Siner, ?s--> A-she8is 2%%
S0ou, Pens 6hris/i-n 12&
S!-lley, 2i>h-rd 5rre// 12%
S!i/h, L-!il/on O/h-nel )01
S!i/h, Ki>h-el 11*
Snell, "eore D-8is )0(
Soddy, 1rederi>0 19
SUderblo!, N-/h-n )*2
Solo#, 2ober/ Ker/on 1%9
Solzheni/syn, +le@-nder 2)(
Soyin0-, Wole 2('
S$e!-nn, L-ns '1)
S$erry, 2oer Wol>o// )0*
S$i//eler, 6-rl 1riedri>h "eor 200
S/-nley, Wendell Keredi/h )%
S/-r0, Poh-nnes %&&
S/-udiner, Ler!-nn %(
S/ein, Willi-! Lo#-rd *'
S/einbe>0, Pohn 5rns/ 2'&
S/einberer, P->0 (*&
S/ern, O//o (01
S/iler, "eore Pose$h 1%)
S/Ur!er, Lors/ Lud#i &09
S/one, Pohn 2i>h-rd Ni>hol-s, Sir 1%(
S/rese!-nn, "us/-8 )&*
S/ru//, Pohn Willi-! %(1
Su!ner, P-!es A-/>heller )(
Su/herl-nd, 5-rl Wilbur, Pr. '*2
8on Su//ner, Aer/h- 1eli>ie So$hie Nins0y )%(
S8edber, Theodor L. 5. 2'
Syne, 2i>h-rd L-uren>e Killin/on %%
Szen/-"yUryi, +lber/ 8on N-yr-$ol/ '1&
Szy!bors0-, Wisl-#- 2&'
T-ore, 2-bindr-n-/h, Sir 19)
T-!!, ?or 58ene8i>h (2%
T-/u!, 5d#-rd L-#rie '%1
T-ube, Lenry 99
T-ylor, Pose$h Loo/on, Pr. (9&
T-ylor, 2i>h-rd 5. (9'
Te!in, Lo#-rd K-r/in '9'
Teres-, Ko/her %2(
Theiler, K-@ ''&
Theorell, +@el Luo Theodor '))
Tho!-s, 5d#-rd Donn-ll )2*
Tho!son, "eore P-e/, Sir %9*
Tho!son, Pose$h Pohn, Sir %('
O/ Loof/, "er-rdus &11
Tinberen, P-n 1'(
Tinberen, Ni0ol--s '*&
Tin, S-!uel 6h-o 6hun (%9
Tiselius, +rne Wilhel! N-urin )*
Tobin, P-!es 1%'
Todd, +le@-nder 2ober/us, Sir (1
To!on--, Shini>hiro ()0
Tone-#-, Susu!u )21
To#nes, 6h-rles L-rd ('&
Tri!ble, Willi-! D-8id %%'
Tsui, D-niel 6hee &10
Tu/u, Des!ond K$ilo %'2
Indse/, Sirid 209
Ini/ed N-/ions 6hildren9s 1und %11
Ini/ed N-/ions Pe->e-Nee$in 1or>es %'(
Irey, L-rold 6l-y/on '2
S-n Sle>0, Pohn L-sbrou>0 ((2
8-n der Keer, Si!on (&*
S-n der W--ls, Poh-nnes Dideri0 %(*
S-ne, Pohn 2ober/ )12
S-n9/ Loff, P->obus Lenri>us 1
S-r!us, L-rold 5lio/ )2(
Sel/!-n, K-r/inus P.". &12
Si>0rey, Willi-! S$en>er 1&)
Sir/-nen, +r//uri ?l!-ri )'
P-e 2%&
Son A-eyer, +dolf Poh-nn 1riedri>h Wilhel! %
Son A_0_sy, "eor '%(
Son 5uler, Ilf S8-n/e '*1
Son Leidens/-!, 6-rl "us/-f Serner 19(
W-ner 8on P-ure, Pulius '02
W-0s!-n, Sel!-n +br-h-! ''*
W-l>o//, Dere0 +l/on 2(9
W-ld, "eore '&2
W-les-, Le>h %'1
W-l0er, Pohn 5rnes/ 12*
W-ll->h, O//o 10
W-l/on, 5rnes/ Tho!-s Sin/on (10
W-rbur, O//o Leinri>h '0&
W-/son, P-!es De#ey '%*
Weinber, S/e8en ((*
Weller, Tho!-s Lu>0le ')'
Werner, +lfred 1)
Whi$$le, "eore Loy/ '1'
Whi/e, P-/ri>0 Si>/or K-r/ind-le 2)9
Wiel-nd, Leinri>h O//o 2)
Wien, Wilhel! 6-rl Werner O//o 1ri/z 1r-nz %(9
Wies>h-us, 5ri> 1. )'9
Wiesel, 5lie %')
Wiesel, Tors/en N. )09
Winer, 5uene P-ul (')
Wil0ins, K-uri>e Luh 1rederi>0 '%9
Wil0inson, "eoffrey *%
Willi-!s, 5liz-be/h %22
Willi-!s, Pody %%1
Wills/[/er, 2i>h-rd K-r/in 1(
Wilson, 6h-rles Tho!son 2ees %*&
Wilson, Nenne/h "eddes (&)
Wilson, 2ober/ Woodro# ((%
Wilson, Tho!-s Woodro# )&0
Wind-us, +dolf O//o 2einhold 2%
Wi//i, "eor 1riedri>h N-rl 9'
Wood#-rd, 2ober/ Aurns &1
4inMi-n, "-o 2&&
3-lo#, 2os-lyn Suss!-n '9*
3-n, 6hen Nin (22
3e-/s, Willi-! Au/ler 20)
3u0-#-, Lide0i (0&
Jee!-n, Pie/er %%*
Jerni0e, 1ri/s (1'
Je#-il, +h!ed L-ss-n 1'1
Jieler, N-rl (9
Jin0ern-el, 2olf K-r/in ))1
Jsi!ondy, 2i>h-rd +dolf 22
P-e 2%*
This $-e in/en/ion-lly lef/ bl-n0.
P-e 2%9
"d!cation .nde/
0achen .nstit!te of Technolo&$5 6er2an$
Debye, Pe/er Pose$hus Wilhel!us '%
0arh!s *ni>:5 (en2ark
S0ou, Pens 6hris/i-n 12&
0cade2$ of .nternational #a)5 Netherlands
"-r>o- 2obles, +lfonso %29
0cadia *ni>:5 %anada
Luins, 6h-rles Aren/on '(*
0delaide *ni>:5 0!stralia
1lorey, Lo#-rd W-l/er, Sir '2(
0le/andria *ni>:5 "&$pt
Je#-il, +h!ed L-ss-n 1'1
02herst %olle&e5 ,0
Nend-ll, Lenry W-y (92
S-r!us, L-rold 5lio/ )2(
0ntioch %olle&e5 31
2-!os-Lor/-, Pos_ %)9
0thene!25 Netherlands
+sser, Tobi-s Ki>h-el 6-rel )(%
0!&!stana %olle&e5 .#
Tsui, D-niel 6hee &10
0!stralian National *ni>:5 0!stralia
Jin0ern-el, 2olf K-r/in ))1
+ant! Nor2al %olle&e5 -o!th 0frica
Tu/u, Des!ond K$ilo %'2
+eiKin& %olle&e5 %hina
4inMi-n, "-o 2&&
+oston *ni>:5 ,0
Nin, K-r/in Lu/her, Pr. %10
+ri&ha2 9o!n& *ni>:5 *T
Aoyer, P-ul Delos 12(
+ristol *ni>:5 "n&land
Dir->, P-ul +drien K-uri>e %92
+rookl$n %olle&e5 N9
6ohen, S/-nley L-rold )19
+r$n ,a)r %olle&e5 P0
A-l>h, 5!ily "reene )9'
%alc!tta *ni>:5 .ndia
Sen, +!-r/y- Nu!-r 1&&
%alifornia .nstit!te of Technolo&$
+nderson, 6-rl D-8id %9%
1o#ler, Willi-! +lfred (&(
"l-ser, Don-ld +r/hur (2*
Le#is, 5d#-rd A. )'&
Li$s>o!b, Willi-! Nunn *9
K>Kill-n, 5d#in K-//ison %2
Ker/on, 2ober/ 6. 1&%
Osheroff, Doul-s De-n &0'
P-ulin, Linus 6-rl %&
2-in#-/er, Leo P-!es (%&
Sho>0ley, Willi-! Ar-dford (20
Te!in, Lo#-rd K-r/in '9'
To#nes, 6h-rles L-rd ('&
Wilson, Nenne/h "eddes (&)
Wilson, 2ober/ Woodro# ((%
%a2brid&e *ni>: "n&land
Po$le, Pohn +n/hony 1'0
%a2brid&e *ni>:5 "n&land
+dri-n, 5d-r Doul-s, A-ron '0*
+$$le/on, 5d#-rd Si>/or, Sir (0%
+s/on, 1r-n>is Willi-! 20
A-r0l-, 6h-rles "lo8er %&%
Al->0e//, P-/ri>0 K-yn-rd S/u-r/ (0(
Ar-, Willi-! Lenry, Sir %&'
Ar-, Willi-! L-#ren>e, Sir %&)
6h-!berl-in, Pose$h +us/en, Sir )&%
6h-ndr-se0h-r, Subr-h!-ny-n (&%
6o>0>rof/, Pohn Doul-s, Sir (09
6ri>0, 1r-n>is L-rry 6o!$/on '%&
D-le, Lenry L-lle//, Sir '1%
Dir->, P-ul +drien K-uri>e %92
1lorey, Lo#-rd W-l/er, Sir '2(
"ilber/, W-l/er 9%
Le#ish, +n/ony (%'
Lill, +r>hib-ld Si8i-n 29(
Lod0in, +l-n Lloyd, Sir '(1
Lod0in, Doro/hy 6ro#foo/ &0
Lu@ley, +ndre# 1ieldin, Sir '(2
Pose$hson, Ari-n D-8id (%2
N-$i/s-, Pyo/r Leonido8i>h (('
Nendre#, Pohn 6o#dery, Sir ((
Nlu, +-ron 9*
Nrebs, L-ns +dolf, Sir ''9
K->Di-r!id, +l-n "r-h-! 1''
K->leod, Pohn P-!es 2i>0-rd 299
K-r/in, +r>her Pohn Por/er %)
Kils/ein, 6_s-r )1(
Kirrlees, P-!es +le@-nder, Sir 1&'
Ki/>hell, Pe/er Dennis 91
Ko//, Ne8ill 1r-n>is, Sir ((1
Noel-A-0er, Phili$ Pohn %0%
Norrish, 2on-ld "eore Wreyford &)
Peru/z, K-@ 1erdin-nd (&
Po$le, Pohn +n/hony 1'0
Por/er, "eore, Sir &%
Por/er, 2odney 2ober/ '*)
Po#ell, 6e>il 1r-n0 (0*
2-!sey, Nor!-n 1os/er, Pr. (90
2i>h-rdson, O#en Will-ns, Sir %**
2ussell, Aer/r-nd +r/hur Willi-! 22%
S-l-!, +bdus ((&
S-ner, 1rederi>0 (2
Sen, +!-r/y- Nu!-r 1&&
Sherrin/on, 6h-rles S>o//, Sir '09
S/one, Pohn 2i>h-rd Ni>hol-s, Sir 1%(
S/ru//, Pohn Willi-! %(1
Syne, 2i>h-rd L-uren>e Killin/on %%
Szen/-"yUryi, +lber/ 8on N-yr-$ol/ '1&
Tho!son, "eore P-e/, Sir %9*
Tho!son, Pose$h Pohn, Sir %('
W-l/on, 5rnes/ Tho!-s Sin/on (10
Whi/e, P-/ri>0 Si>/or K-r/ind-le 2)9
Wil0ins, K-uri>e Luh 1rederi>0 '%9
Wilson, 6h-rles Tho!son 2ees %*&
%anterb!r$ %olle&e5 Ne) 7ealand
2u/herford, 5rnes/, Sir *
%arne&ie .nstit!te of Technolo&$5 P0
N-sh, Pohn 1orbes 1&0
Shull, 6lifford "len#ood (99
%ase .nstit!te of Technolo&$5 31
"l-ser, Don-ld +r/hur (2*
Nus>h, Poly>-r$ (1(
%ase Western 4eser>e *ni>:5 31
Aer, P-ul 9)
"il!-n, +lfred "ood!-n )'%
Kur-d, 1erid ))%
%hal2ers Tekniska 1L&skola5 -)eden
D-l_n, Nils "us/-f %&0
P-e 2(0
%harles *ni>:5 %zechoslo>akia
Leyro8s0y, P-rosl-8 ('
%incinnati #a) -chool5 31
D-#es, 6h-rles "-/es )&(
%it$ %olle&e of Ne) 9ork
+rro#, Nenne/h Pose$h 1'9
+@elrod, Pulius '&9
L-u$/!-n, Lerber/ +-ron 101
Lofs/-d/er, 2ober/ (29
N-rle, Pero!e 102
Nornber, +r/hur '%2
Leder!-n, Leon K-@ (*%
Penzi-s, +rno +ll-n (()
%it$ and 6!ilds %olle&e5 "n&land
Lounsfield, "odfrey Ne#bold, Sir )0'
%ole&io 0n&elico5 .tal$
Pire, Do!iniGue, 2e8erend %0)
%ole&io de los <es!itas del P!erto de -anta ,arRa de %Qdiz5 -pain
Pi!_nez, Pu-n 2-!rn 2'1
%olle&e of Wooster5 31
6o!$/on, +r/hur Lolly %*(
%ollI&e -H>i&nH5 rance
Polio/-6urie, ?r`ne ')
%ollI&e -tanislas5 rance
1r-n>e, +n-/ole 202
%ollI&e de rance
6h-r$-0, "eores (9%
S-b-/ier, P-ul 1'
%olorado %olle&e5 %3
Le>0!-n, P-!es Pose$h 1&9
%ol!2bia *ni>:5 N9
+rro#, Nenne/h Pose$h 1'9
Aen->err-f, A-ruM )0)
Alo>h, Nonr-d 5!il '('
Alu!ber, A-ru>h S-!uel '9)
Au/ler, Ni>hol-s Kurr-y )*)
6oo$er, Leon Neil ()*
1i/>h, S-l Losdon (&0
1oel, 2ober/ Willi-! 1(&
1ried!-n, Kil/on 1)(
L-u$/!-n, Lerber/ +-ron 101
Loff!-nn, 2o-ld 9&
?n-rro, Louis P. )))
Nend-ll, 5d#-rd 6-l8in ''%
Nuzne/s, Si!on S!i/h 1'*
L-n!uir, ?r8in '1
Lederber, Poshu- '%0
Leder!-n, Leon K-@ (*%
Ker/on, 2ober/ 6. 1&%
Killi0-n, 2ober/ +ndre#s %*1
Kuller, Ler!-nn Pose$h '2&
Nor/hro$, Pohn Lo#-rd ))
Penzi-s, +rno +ll-n (()
Perl, K-r/in L. &00
2-bi, ?sidor ?s--> (02
2-in#-/er, Leo P-!es (%&
2-!sey, Nor!-n 1os/er, Pr. (90
2i>h-rds, Di>0inson Woodruff ')&
S>h#-r/z, Kel8in (*(
S>h#iner, Puli-n Sey!our ('9
S/ein, Willi-! Lo#-rd *'
S-r!us, L-rold 5lio/ )2(
Si>0rey, Willi-! S$en>er 1&)
W-ld, "eore '&2
%ooper *nion5 N9
Lulse, 2ussell +l-n (9(
%ornell *ni>:5 N9
Ae-dle, "eore Wells ')9
Au>0, Pe-rl 6o!for/ Sydens/ri>0er 21&
1oel, 2ober/ Willi-! 1(&
"l-sho#, Sheldon Lee (((
Lolley, 2ober/ Willi-! '&'
K>6lin/o>0, A-rb-r- )1'
Korrison, Toni 2&0
Ko//, Pohn 2. )9)
Osheroff, Doul-s De-n &0'
Weinber, S/e8en ((*
%rozer Theolo&ical -e2inar$5 P0
Nin, K-r/in Lu/her, Pr. %10
%!2berland *ni>:5 TN
Lull, 6ordell )92
(ar2stadt .nstit!te of Technolo&$5 6er2an$
Lerzber, "erh-rd *0
(art2o!th %olle&e5 N1
6h-!berl-in, O#en (2(
Snell, "eore D-8is )0(
(ePa!) *ni>:5 .N
Kur-d, 1erid ))%
(iplo2atic 0cade2$ of orei&n ,inistr$5 4!ssia
Ni!, D-e-Pun %%%
(!ke *ni>:5 N%
2i>h-rdson, 2ober/ 6ole!-n &0)
To#nes, 6h-rles L-rd ('&
5rns/, 2i>h-rd 2ober/ 11%
Ucole 0lsaFienne5 rance
"ide, +ndr_ P-ul "uill-u!e 222
Ucole ranFaise d0rchHolo&ie5 .tal$
2oll-nd, 2o!-in 19%
Ucole Nationale -!pHrie!re des ,ines de Paris5 rance
+ll-is, K-uri>e 1eli@ 1(0
Ucole Nor2ale -!pHrie!re5 rance
Aerson, Lenri Louis 20*
6ohen-T-nnoudMi, 6l-ude Nessi! &0(
Debreu, "er-rd 1%%
de "ennes, Pierre-"illes (9)
N-s/ler, +lfred ()1
N_el, Louis 5uene 1eli@ ()(
Perrin, Pe-n A-$/is/e %*%
S-b-/ier, P-ul 1'
S-r/re, Pe-n-P-ul 6h-rles +y!-rd 2'9
Ucole Nor2ale5 rance
2oll-nd, 2o!-in 19%
Ucole Pol$techniJ!e5 rance
+ll-is, K-uri>e 1eli@ 1(0
Ucole de Ph$siJ!e et de %hi2ie .nd!strielle5 rance
Polio/-6urie, 1r_d_ri> ''
Ucole des %hartres5 rance
K-r/in du "-rd, 2oer 21(
Ucole des ,ines de Paris5 rance
6h-r$-0, "eores (9%
Ucole des Pontes'et'%ha!ssees5 rance
Ae>Guerel, +n/oine Lenri %%9
"arlha2 %olle&e5 .N
S/-nley, Wendell Keredi/h )%
"idenLssische Technische 1ochsch!le5 -)itzerland
2ei>hs/ein, T-deus ''(
"lectrotechnical .nstit!te5 *--4
+lfero8, Jhores ?. &1'
"sc!ela de %a2inos5 -pain
5>he-r-y 3 5iz-uirre, Pos_ 1*)
">an&elical %olle&e5 -)itzerland
KRller, N-rl +le@-nder (*)
ac!lt$ of ,edicine5 #$ons5 rance
"uille!in, 2oer 6h-rles Louis '9(
arada$ 1o!se "lectrical "n&ineerin& %olle&e5 "n&land
Lounsfield, "odfrey Ne#bold, Sir )0'
ederal .nstit!te of Technolo&$5 -)itzerland
Aednorz, Poh-nnes "eor (*'
KRller, N-rl +le@-nder (*)
P-e 2(1
2ohrer, Leinri>h (*1
ree *ni>: of Poland
2o/bl-/, Pose$h %)&
riedrich'Wilhel2s *ni>:5 6er2an$
8on Aehrin, 5!il +dol$h 2&*
6h-in, 5rns/ Aoris, Sir '2)
!r2an *ni>:5 -%
To#nes, 6h-rles L-rd ('&
6eor&e Washin&ton *ni>:5 Washin&ton5 (%
+@elrod, Pulius '&9
6eor&ia .nstit!te of Technolo&$
Kullis, N-ry A-n0s 11&
6er2an *ni>: of Pra&!e5 %zechoslo>akia
6ori, 6-rl 1erdin-nd '2*
6ori, "er/y Theres- 2-dni/z '29
6ett$sb!r& %olle&e5 P0
Aisho$, Pohn Ki>h-el )2%
6las&o) *ni>:5 -cotland
Orr, Pohn Aoyd )9&
Todd, +le@-nder 2ober/us, Sir (1
6oethe 6$2nasi!25 6er2an$
Ae/he, L-ns +lbre>h/ ()2
6oethe *ni>:5 6er2an$
Ainni, "erd N-rl (*0
6oethe'*ni>ersitaet5 6er2an$
S/Ur!er, Lors/ Lud#i &09
6rinnell %olle&e5 .0
6e>h, Tho!-s 2ober/ 11'
1a2ilton %olle&e5 N9
"reen-rd, P-ul ))*
2oo/, 5lihu )(&
1ar>ard *ni>:5 ,0
+nderson, Phili$ W-rren ((0
+nfinsen, 6hris/i-n Aoeh!er *1
Aisho$, Pohn Ki>h-el )2%
Arid!-n, Per>y Willi-!s (0)
Aun>he, 2-l$h Pohnson )9*
6r-!, Don-ld P-!es 10(
Doisy, 5d#-rd +delber/ '21
5lio/, Tho!-s S/e-rns 22'
5nders, Pohn 1r-n0lin ')1
"-Mduse0, D-niel 6-rle/on '9%
"ilber/, W-l/er 9%
"l-sho#, Sheldon Lee (((
Lers>hb->h, Dudley 2ober/ 10'
Li/>hins, "eore Lerber/, Pr. )2)
Loff!-nn, 2o-ld 9&
Luins, 6h-rles Aren/on '(*
N-ndel, 5ri> 2i>h-rd ))9
N-rle, Pero!e 102
Nissiner, Lenry +lfred %1(
Nohn, W-l/er 129
Lee, D-8id Korris &02
Killer, Ker/on Lo#-rd 1('
Kino/, "eore 2i>h-rds '11
Ko//elson, AenM-!in 2oy (%(
Kur$hy, Willi-! P-rry '12
Kurr-y, Pose$h 5. )2&
Ohlin, Aer/il "o//h-rd 1)*
Pur>ell, 5d#-rd Kills (12
2i>h-rds, Theodore Willi-! 1%
2obbins, 1rederi>0 6h-$!-n ')2
2oose8el/, Theodore )%&
S-!uelson, P-ul +n/hony 1'&
Snell, "eore D-8is )0(
Solo#, 2ober/ Ker/on 1%9
S/ein, Willi-! Lo#-rd *'
Su!ner, P-!es A-/>heller )(
T-ylor, Pose$h Loo/on, Pr. (9&
Tho!-s, 5d#-rd Donn-ll )2*
Tobin, P-!es 1%'
S-n Sle>0, Pohn L-sbrou>0 ((2
S-r!us, L-rold 5lio/ )2(
Weller, Tho!-s Lu>0le ')'
Wilson, Nenne/h "eddes (&)
1a>erford %olle&e5 P0
2i>h-rds, Theodore Willi-! 1%
T-ylor, Pose$h Loo/on, Pr. (9&
1eidelber& *ni>:5 6er2an$
"ob-/, 6h-rles +lber/ )%'
Li$$!-nn, "-briel Pon-s %(%
1elsinki *ni>:5 inland
"r-ni/, 2-n-r +r/hur '&0
1ol$ %ross %olle&e5 ,0
Kurr-y, Pose$h 5. )2&
1o)ard *ni>:5 Washin&ton5 (%
Korrison, Toni 2&0
1!nter %olle&e5 N9
5lion, "er/rude Aelle )2'
3-lo#, 2os-lyn Suss!-n '9*
.2perial %olle&e5 "n&land
A-r/on, Dere0 L-rold 2i>h-rd, Sir &&
.ndiana *ni>:
W-/son, P-!es De#ey '%*
.nstit!te of Ph$sics5 0cade2$ of -ciences5 *--4
Pro0horo8, +le@-nder Ki0h-ilo8i>h ('(
.nstit!te of Technolo&$ and -chool of %he2istr$5 %zechoslo>akia
Prelo, Sl-di!ir **
.nstit!te of Technolo&$5 6er2an$
Neher, 5r#in )29
.offe Ph$sico'Technical .nstit!te5 *--4
+lfero8, Jhores ?. &1'
<es!it %ollH&e de -ainte'+arbe5 +el&i!2
K-e/erlin>0, K-uri/ius Polydorus K-ri- Aern-rdus 192
<ohns 1opkins *ni>:5 ,(
5rl-ner, Pose$h '22
1oel, 2ober/ Willi-! 1(&
"-sser, Lerber/ S$en>er '2'
"reen-rd, P-ul ))*
L-r/line, L-ld-n Neffer '&1
Killer, Ker/on Lo#-rd 1('
Kor-n, Tho!-s Lun/ '10
2odbell, K-r/in )'(
2ous, 1r-n>is Pey/on '(9
S!i/h, L-!il/on O/h-nel )01
Whi$$le, "eore Loy/ '1'
Willi-!s, Pody %%1
Wilson, Tho!-s Woodro# )&0
<!niata %olle&e5 P0
Philli$s, Willi-! D-niel &0&
8arolinska .nstit!te5 -)eden
Aers/rU!, Sune N-rl )10
S-!uelsson, Aen/ ?ne!-r )11
Son 5uler, Ilf S8-n/e '*1
Wiesel, Tors/en N. )09
8harko> .nstit!te of ,echanical "n&ineerin&5 *--4
L-nd-u, Le8 D-8ido8i>h ('1
8in&s %olle&e D*ni>: of #ondonE5 "n&land
Tu/u, Des!ond K$ilo %'2
8$oto .2perial *ni>:5 <apan
1u0ui, Neni>hi 9(
To!on--, Shini>hiro ()0
Tone-#-, Susu!u )21
3u0-#-, Lide0i (0&
8$!n&hee *ni>:5 -o!th 8orea
Ni! D-e-Pun %%%
#afa$ette %olle&e5 P0
L-r/line, L-ld-n Neffer '&1
Len>h, Phili$ Sho#-l/er '')
#ebede> .nstit!te of Ph$sics5 -o>iet 0cade2$ of -ciences5 *--4
A-so8, Ni0ol-i "enn-die8i>h ('%
S-0h-ro8, +ndrei D!i/riye8i>h %20
#eiden *ni>:5 Netherlands
Aloe!beren, Ni>ol--s (&1
P-e 2(2
Tinberen, P-n 1'(
S-n der W--ls, Poh-nnes Dideri0 %(*
#enin&rad -tate *ni>:5 *--4
N-n/oro8i>h, Leonid Si/-l9e8i>h 1))
L-nd-u, Le8 D-8ido8i>h ('1
Leon/ief, W-ssily W. 1)1
Pro0horo8, +le@-nder Ki0h-ilo8i>h ('(
Se!eno8, Ni0ol-i Ni0ol-e8i>h (0
#i>erpool *ni>:5 "n&land
Nhor-n-, L-r "obind '&)
Por/er, 2odney 2ober/ '*)
#ondon -chool of "cono2ics5 "n&land
+ri-s S-n>hez, Os>-r %'%
6o-se, 2on-ld L-rry 1(%
Le#is, Willi-! +r/hur, Sir 1%0
#!nd *ni>:5 -)eden
Ohlin, Aer/il "o//h-rd 1)*
#$cHe +onaparte5 rance
Prudho!!e, 2en_-1r-naois-+r!end 1*1
#$cHe %arnot5 rance
P->ob, 1r-naois '(%
#$cHe %la!de'+ernard a Paris5 rance
de "ennes, Pierre-"illes (9)
#$cHe <anson5 rance
Aen->err-f, A-ruM )0)
#$cHe #o!is le 6rand5 rance
d95s/ournelles, P-ul Lenri AenM-!in A-lleu/ de 6ons/-n/, A-ron )('
#$cee ,ichelet5 rance
D-usse/, Pe-n A-$/is/e "-briel Po->hi! )0%
,adras *ni>:5 .ndia
6h-ndr-se0h-r, Subr-h!-ny-n (&%
,ala&a %olle&e5 -pain
O>ho-, Se8ero '%'
,al>ern %olle&e5 "n&land
+s/on, 1r-n>is Willi-! 20
,anchester %olle&e5 .N
1lory, P-ul Pohn *(
,anchester *ni>:5 "n&land
Pol-nyi, Pohn 6h-rles 10%
,arietta %olle&e5 31
D-#es, 6h-rles "-/es )&(
,arischal %olle&e5 -cotland
K->leod, Pohn P-!es 2i>0-rd 299
,assach!setts .nstit!te of Technolo&$
+l/!-n, Sidney 112
6orey, 5li-s P-!es 11)
1eyn!-n, 2i>h-rd Philli$s ('*
"ell-K-nn, Kurr-y ())
Nend-ll, Lenry W-y (92
Nlein, L-#ren>e 2ober/ 1%2
L-uhlin, 2ober/ A. &0*
Ker/on, 2ober/ 6. 1&%
Kulli0en, 2ober/ S-nderson &2
Kundell, 2ober/ +le@-nder 1&*
Pedersen, 6h-rles Pohn 10*
Philli$s, Willi-! D-niel &0&
2i>h/er, Aur/on (%*
S>hrieffer, Pohn 2ober/ ()9
Sho>0ley, Willi-! Ar-dford (20
Wood#-rd, 2ober/ Aurns &1
,a/ Planck .nstit!te for +ioche2istr$5 6er2an$
Deisenhofer, Poh-nn 109
,c6ill *ni>:5 %anada
1i/>h, S-l Losdon (&0
Lubel, D-8id Lun/er )0&
K-r>us, 2udol$h +r/hur 11(
S>h-lly, +ndre# Si>/or '9&
,c,aster *ni>:5 %anada
S>holes, Kyron S. 1&(
,edical %olle&e of =ir&inia
Aen->err-f, A-ruM )0)
,elbo!rne *ni>:5 0!stralia
Aurne/, 1r-n0 K->1-rl-ne, Sir '%)
5>>les, Pohn 6-re#, Sir '(0
,ethodist %olle&e5 .reland
W-l/on, 5rnes/ Tho!-s Sin/on (10
,ichi&an %olle&e of ,inin& and Technolo&$
6-l8in, Kel8in (%
,ichi&an -tate *ni>:
Lershey, +lfred D-y '&&
,iddelbare Technische -chool5 Netherlands
6ru/zen, P-ul Posef 120
,iddle Tennessee -tate Teachers %olle&e
Au>h-n-n, P-!es K>"ill, Pr. 1%*
,ilitar$ ,edical 0cade2$5 4!ssia
P-8lo8, ?8-n Pe/ro8i>h 2*1
,oreho!se %olle&e5 60
Nin, K-r/in Lu/her, Pr. %10
,osco) .nstit!te of "n&ineerin& Ph$sics5 *--4
A-so8, Ni0ol-i "enn-die8i>h ('%
,osco) -tate *ni>:5 *--4
1r-n0, ?ly- Ki0-ylo8i>h (2)
"orb->he8, Ki0h-il Sereye8i>h %'*
S-0h-ro8, +ndrei D!i/riye8i>h %20
T-!!, ?or 58ene8i>h (2%
,osco) *ni>:5 *--4
P-s/ern-0, Aoris Leonido8i>h 2''
National %hekian& *ni>:5 %hina
Lee, Tsun-D-o (21
National -chool of ine 0rts5 0r&entina
P_rez 5sGui8el, +dolfo %2&
National -o!th)est 0ssociated *ni>:5 %hina
3-n, 6hen Nin (22
National Tai)an *ni>:
Lee, 3u-n Tseh 10)
National Tsin&h!a *ni>:5 Tai)an
Lee, 3u-n Tseh 10)
National *ni>: of .reland
Lu!e, Pohn %%2
K->Aride, Se-n %1*
National *ni>:5 0r&entina
S--8edr- L-!-s, 6-rlos )**
Ne) -chool for -ocial 4esearch5 N9
Kodili-ni, 1r-n>o 1%&
Ne) 9ork *ni>:
+@elrod, Pulius '&9
5lion, "er/rude Aelle )2'
N-ndel, 5ri> 2i>h-rd ))9
2eines, 1rederi>0 &01
2oo/, 5lihu )(&
Shull, 6lifford "len#ood (99
W-ld, "eore '&2
Nor&es Tekniske 1o&skale5 Nor)a$
Ons-er, L-rs &(
North)estern *ni>:
1ur>ho//, 2ober/ 1r-n>is ))'
North)estern *ni>:5 .#
Aello#, S-ul 2%'
S/iler, "eore Pose$h 1%)
P-e 2('
Nor)e&ian .nstit!te of Technolo&$5 Nor)a$
"i-e8er, ?8-r (%1
3berlin %olle&e5 31
6ohen, S/-nley L-rold )19
Killi0-n, 2ober/ +ndre#s %*1
S$erry, 2oer Wol>o// )0*
3hio -tate *ni>:
1lory, P-ul Pohn *(
1o#ler, Willi-! +lfred (&(
3hio Wesle$an *ni>:
2o#l-nd, 1r-n0 Sher#ood 122
3re&on -tate %olle&e
P-ulin, Linus 6-rl %&
3saka *ni>:5 <apan
3u0-#-, Lide0i (0&
3)ens %olle&e5 "n&land
Tho!son, Pose$h Pohn, Sir %('
Wilson, 6h-rles Tho!son 2ees %*&
3/ford *ni>:5 "n&land
+un S-n, Suu Nyi %'9
Alu!ber, A-ru>h S-!uel '9)
6e>il, 5d-r +lernon 2ober/ "-s>oyne, Sir )*9
6ornfor/h, Pohn W-r>u$, Sir *&
5>>les, Pohn 6-re#, Sir '(0
1lorey, Lo#-rd W-l/er, Sir '2(
"-ls#or/hy, Pohn 212
"oldin, Willi-! "er-ld 2(0
Li>0s, Pohn 2i>h-rd, Sir 1)0
Linshel#ood, 6yril Nor!-n, Sir %9
Lod0in, Doro/hy 6ro#foo/ &0
Nlein, L-#ren>e 2ober/ 1%2
Ke-de, P-!es 5d#-rd 1)&
Ked-#-r, Pe/er Ari-n, Sir '%%
Pe-rson, Les/er Ao#les %0'
2yle, K-r/in, Sir (%)
Soddy, 1rederi>0 19
Todd, +le@-nder 2ober/us, Sir (1
S-ne, Pohn 2ober/ )12
W-l0er, Pohn 5rnes/ 12*
Peda&o&ical %olle&e5 %hile
Kis/r-l, "-briel- 220
Penns$l>ania -tate *ni>:
Aer, P-ul 9)
Petro&rad Pol$technical .nstit!te5 *--4
N-$i/s-, Pyo/r Leonido8i>h (('
Ph$sics .nstit!te5 *--4 0cade2$ of -cience
6heren0o8, P-8el +le0seye8i>h (2'
Pol$technic .nstit!te of Ne) 9ork
Perl, K-r/in L. &00
Pol$technic .nstit!te5 (en2ark
D-!, 6-rl Pe/er Lenri0 '20
Pol$technic .nstit!te5 .tal$
N-//-, "iulio (*
Pol$technic -chool5 Netherlands
S-n9/ Loff, P->obus Lenri>us 1
Pol$technic5 -)itzerland
2oen/en, Wilhel! 6onr-d %%(
Potchefstroon *ni>: for %hristian 1i&her "d!cation5 -o!th 0frica
de Nler0, 1rederi0 Wille! %)1
Presidenc$ %olle&e5 .ndia
2-!-n, 6h-ndr-se0h-r- Sen0-/-, Sir %90
Princeton *ni>:5 N<
A-rdeen, Pohn (1*
Ae>0er, "-ry S/-nley 1((
6o!$/on, +r/hur Lolly %*(
D-8isson, 6lin/on Pose$h %9&
1eyn!-n, 2i>h-rd Philli$s ('*
Le>0!-n, P-!es Pose$h 1&9
Lofs/-d/er, 2ober/ (29
K>Kill-n, 5d#in K-//ison %2
N-sh, Pohn 1orbes 1&0
S!-lley, 2i>h-rd 5rre// 12%
Weinber, S/e8en ((*
Wilson, Tho!-s Woodro# )&0
P!nKab *ni>:5 .ndia
Nhor-n-, L-r "obind '&)
P!rd!e *ni>:5 .N
Ko//elson, AenM-!in 2oy (%(
Pur>ell, 5d#-rd Kills (12
O!eens *ni>:5 .reland
Le-ney, Se-!us Pus/in 2&2
O!eens *ni>:5 .reland
Tri!ble, Willi-! D-8id %%'
4andolph',acon %olle&e5 =0
Au>0, Pe-rl 6o!for/ Sydens/ri>0er 21&
4ensselaer Pol$technical .nstit!te5 N9
"i-e8er, ?8-r (%1
4ice *ni>:5 TT
6url, 2ober/ 1loyd, Pr. 12'
Wilson, 2ober/ Woodro# ((%
4iKks!ni>ersiteit *trecht5 the Netherlands
O/ Loof/, "er-rdus &11
4ockefeller *ni>:5 N9
A-l/i!ore, D-8id '91
5del!-n, "er-ld K-uri>e '*'
4ockford e2ale -e2inar$5 .#
+dd-!s, L-ur- P-ne )*'
4ollins %olle&e5 #
6r-!, Don-ld P-!es 10(
4osto> *ni>:5 *--4
Solzheni/syn, +le@-nder 2)(
4o!en -chool of ,edicine5 rance
Ni>olle, 6h-rles Pules Lenri '0'
4o$al %aroline .nstit!te5 -)eden
"ulls/r-nd, +ll8-r 290
4o$al ,ilitar$ 0cade2$5 "&$pt
5l-S-d-/, Kuh-!!ed +n#-r %2%
4o$al ,ilitar$ %olle&e5 "n&land
6hur>hill, Wins/on Leon-rd S$en>er, Sir 22*
4o$al Wo2ans -!perior Trainin& %olle&e5 -)eden
L-erlUf, Sel!- O//ili-n Lo8is- 190
4!t&ers *ni>:5 N<
1ried!-n, Kil/on 1)(
W-0s!-n, Sel!-n +br-h-! ''*
-alesian Pontifical *ni>:5 .tal$
Aelo, 6-rlos 1ili$e 4i!enes %)*
-an %arlos *ni>:5 6!ate2ala
+s/uri-s, Kiuel +nel 2)'
-chool for .nternational Trainin&5 =T
Willi-!s, Pody %%1
-heffield *ni>:5 "n&land
2ober/s, 2i>h-rd Pohn )''
-o!th (akota -tate %olle&e
S>hul/z, Theodore Willi-! 1%1
-o!thern ,ethodist *ni>:5 TT
6ronin, P-!es W-/son ((9
-o!th)estern ,edical -chool5 *ni>: of Te/as
"olds/ein, Pose$h Leon-rd )1*
-t: +artholo2e)s ,edical -chool 1ospital5 "n&land
2oss, 2on-ld, Sir 2&9
-t: %atherines %olle&e5 "n&land
W-l0er, Pohn 5rnes/ 12*
P-e 2()
-t: ,ar$s %olle&e5 +ritish West .ndies
Le#is, Willi-! +r/hur, Sir 1%0
-t: Patricks %olle&e5 .reland
Lu!e, Pohn %%2
-t: Peters Theolo&ical %olle&e5 -o!th 0frica
Tu/u, Des!ond K$ilo %'2
-tanford *ni>:5 %0
L-rs-nyi, Pohn 6h-rles 1(9
Lers>hb->h, Dudley 2ober/ 10'
T-ylor, 2i>h-rd 5. (9'
-tate %olle&e of 8ent!ck$
Kor-n, Tho!-s Lun/ '10
-te>ens .nstit!te of Technolo&$5 N<
2eines, 1rederi>0 &01
-)arth2ore %olle&e5 P0
+nfinsen, 6hris/i-n Aoeh!er *1
A-l/i!ore, D-8id '91
Te!in, Lo#-rd K-r/in '9'
-$dne$ *ni>:5 0!stralia
L-rs-nyi, Pohn 6h-rles 1(9
Technical *ni>: of +!dapest5 1!n&ar$
Ol-h, "eore +ndre# 119
Technical *ni>:5 +erlin5 6er2an$
Nli/zin, Nl-us 8on (&9
P-ul, Wolf-n (*9
2us0-, 5rns/ +uus/ 1riedri>h (*2
Technical *ni>:5 ,!nich5 6er2an$
Deisenhofer, Poh-nn 109
Luber, 2ober/ 110
2us0-, 5rns/ +uus/ 1riedri>h (*2
Technical *ni>:5 Netherlands
8-n der Keer, Si!on (&*
Technische 1ochsch!le5 6er2an$
Alo>h, Nonr-d 5!il '('
"-bor, Dennis ()&
L-ber, 1ri/z 1&
KUssb-uer, 2udolf Lud#i ('0
2uzi>0-, Leo$old S/e$hen )0
Winer, 5uene P-ul (')
Tok$o .2perial *ni>:5 <apan
N-#-b-/-, 3-sun-ri 2))
S-/o, 5is-0u %19
To!on--, Shini>hiro ()0
Tok$o .nstit!te of Technolo&$5 <apan
Shir-0-#-, Lide0i 1')
Tok$o *ni>:5 <apan
Oe, Nenz-buro 2&1
Trinit$ %olle&e5 .reland
Ae>0e//, S-!uel A-r>l-y 2)%
W-l/on, 5rnes/ Tho!-s Sin/on (10
Tsin&h!a *ni>:5 %hina
3-n, 6hen Nin (22
*nion %olle&e5 89
Sh-r$, Philli$ +llen )')
*nion %olle&e5 N9
Alu!ber, A-ru>h S-!uel '9)
*nited -tates Na>al 0cade2$5 ,(
Ki>helson, +lber/ +br-h-! %()
*ni>: #o!>ain5 +el&i!2
de Du8_, 6hris/i-n 2en_ K-rie Pose$h '*9
*ni>: Nacional 0!tNno2a de ,e/ico
Kolin-, K-rio Pose 121
*ni>: de Paris5 rance
6ohen-T-nnoudMi, 6l-ude Nessi! &0(
*ni>: of 0delaide5 0!stralia
Ar-, Willi-! L-#ren>e, Sir %&)
*ni>: of 0i/'en'Pro>ence5 rance
6-ssin, 2en_-S-!uel %12
Kis/r-l, 1rederi> 1*%
*ni>: of 0lberta5 %anada
T-ylor, 2i>h-rd 5. (9'
*ni>: of 0l&iers5 0l&eria
6-!us, +lber/ 2'2
*ni>: of 02sterda25 Netherlands
5iM0!-n, 6hris/i--n '0)
Jerni0e, 1ri/s (1'
*ni>: of +asel5 -)itzerland
KRller, P-ul Ler!-nn ''1
S$i//eler, 6-rl 1riedri>h "eor 200
Jin0ern-el, 2olf K-r/in ))1
*ni>: of +erlin5 6er2an$
Ao/he, W-l/her Wilhel! "eor (1%
Ar-un, N-rl 1erdin-nd %((
Diels, O//o P-ul Ler!-n %1
1orss!-nn, Werner Theodor O//o ')(
1r-n>0, P-!es %*'
L-ssel, Odd &*
Ler/z, "us/-8 Lud#i %*)
L-ue, K-@ Theodor 1eli@ 8on %&2
Leon/ief, W-ssily W. 1)1
Li$!-nn, 1ri/z +lber/ ')0
S/rese!-nn, "us/-8 )&*
Son A-eyer, +dolf Poh-nn 1riedri>h Wilhel! %
W-rbur, O//o Leinri>h '0&
Wien, Wilhel! 6-rl Werner O//o 1ri/z 1r-nz %(9
Wind-us, +dolf O//o 2einhold 2%
*ni>: of +erne5 -)itzerland
No>her, 5!il Theodor 2**
*ni>: of +ir2in&ha25 "n&land
S-ne, Pohn 2ober/ )12
*ni>: of +onn5 6er2an$
1is>her, Ler!-nn 5!il 2
Leyse, P-ul Poh-nn Lud#i 8on 191
Pir-ndello, Luii 21)
*ni>: of +ordea!/5 rance
N-s/ler, +lfred ()1
K-uri->, 1r-naois 22&
S-in/-Pohn Perse 2'%
*ni>: of +resla!5 6er2an$
S/ern, O//o (01
*ni>: of +ritish %ol!2bia5 %anada
Aro>0house, Aer/r-! Ne8ille (9*
Kundell, 2ober/ +le@-nder 1&*
*ni>: of +r!ssels5 +el&i!2
Aorde/, Pules Pe-n A-$/is/e Sin>en/ 29)
L- 1on/-ine, Lenri K-rie )(*
*ni>: of +!charest5 4!2ania
P-l-de, "eore 5!il '90
*ni>: of +!dapest5 1!n&ar$
L-rs-nyi, Pohn 6h-rles 1(9
Szen/-"yUryi, +lber/ 8on N-yr-$ol/ '1&
Son A_0_sy, "eor '%(
*ni>: of +!enos 0ires5 0r&entina
Louss-y, Aern-rdo +lber/o ''0
Leloir, Luis 1ederi>o &9
Kils/ein, 6_s-r )1(
*ni>: of %airo5 "&$pt
+r-f-/, 3-sir %)'
K-hfouz, N-uib 2(%
*ni>: of %alifornia
5rl-ner, Pose$h '22
"i-uGue, Willi-! 1r-n>is )9
L-!b, Willis 5uene, Pr. (1&
Libby, Will-rd 1r-n0 ()
Se-bor, "lenn Theodore %'
P-e 2(%
Irey, L-rold 6l-y/on '2
W-0s!-n, Sel!-n +br-h-! ''*
*ni>: of %alifornia5 +erkele$
6e>h, Tho!-s 2ober/ 11'
6hu, S/e8en &0%
6url, 2ober/ 1loyd, Pr. 12'
Leeer, +l-n P-y 1'2
Nlein, L-#ren>e 2ober/ 1%2
L-uhlin, 2ober/ A. &0*
Lee, 3u-n Tseh 10)
Kolin-, K-rio Pose 121
Kullis, N-ry A-n0s 11&
Nor/h, Doul-ss 6e>il 1(*
S!i/h, L-!il/on O/h-nel )01
T-ube, Lenry 99
*ni>: of %alifornia5 #os 0n&eles
Aun>he, 2-l$h Pohnson )9*
Kerrifield, 2ober/ Aru>e 100
Se-bor, "lenn Theodore %'
Sh-r$e, Willi-! 1orsy/h 1()
*ni>: of %alifornia5 -an (ie&o
Tone-#-, Susu!u )21
*ni>: of %ape To)n5 -o!th 0frica
6or!->0, +ll-n K->Leod )02
Nlu, +-ron 9*
*ni>: of %hica&o5 .#
+l8-rez, Luis W-l/er ()'
Ae>0er, "-ry S/-nley 1((
Aro#n, Lerber/ 6h-rles 92
Au>h-n-n, P-!es K>"ill, Pr. 1%*
6h-!berl-in, O#en (2(
6ronin, P-!es W-/son ((9
D-8isson, 6lin/on Pose$h %9&
1ried!-n, Pero!e ?s--> (91
1ried!-n, Kil/on 1)(
Lee, Tsun-D-o (21
Lu>-s, 2ober/ 5!erson, Pr. 1&2
K-r0o#i/z, L-rry K. 1(2
Kulli0en, 2ober/ S-nderson &2
2o#l-nd, 1r-n0 Sher#ood 122
S-!uelson, P-ul +n/hony 1'&
S>holes, Kyron S. 1&(
Si!on, Lerber/ +le@-nder 1)9
S$erry, 2oer Wol>o// )0*
S/einberer, P->0 (*&
S/iler, "eore Pose$h 1%)
Tsui, D-niel 6hee &10
W-/son, P-!es De#ey '%*
3-n, 6hen Nin (22
*ni>: of %oi2bra5 Port!&al
5-s Koniz, +n/onio 6-e/-no +breu 1reire ''2
*ni>: of %olorado
+l/!-n, Sidney 112
*ni>: of %onnectic!t
Lee, D-8id Korris &02
*ni>: of %openha&en5 (en2ark
Aohr, +-e Niels (%%
Aohr, Niels Lenri0 D-8id %*0
D-!, 6-rl Pe/er Lenri0 '20
1ibier, Poh-nnes +ndre-s "rib '01
1insen, Niels 2yber 2*0
"Melleru$, N-rl +dol$h 19&
Pensen, Poh-nnes Silhel! 219
Perne, Niels N-M )1)
Nroh, S>h->0 +uus/ S/eenber 29%
S0ou, Pens 6hris/i-n 12&
*ni>: of %osta 4ica
+ri-s S-n>hez, Os>-r %'%
*ni>: of (a$ton5 31
Pedersen, 6h-rles Pohn 10*
*ni>: of (ela)are
N-/h-ns, D-niel )00
*ni>: of (iKon5 rance
"uille!in, 2oer 6h-rles Louis '9(
2en-ul/, Louis )%9
*ni>: of (orpat5 #at>ia
Os/#-ld, 1riedri>h Wilhel! 9
*ni>: of "dinb!r&h5 -cotland
Doher/y, Pe/er 6h-rles ))0
Kirrlees, P-!es +le@-nder, Sir 1&'
*ni>: of "rlan&en5 6er2an$
L-rden, +r/hur, Sir 2&
*ni>: of lorida
Nirenber, K-rsh-ll W-rren '&%
*ni>: of rankf!rt5 6er2an$
Ainni, "erd N-rl (*0
Sel/en, 2einh-rd 1&1
Todd, +le@-nder 2ober/us, Sir (1
*ni>: of reib!r&5 6er2an$
Le8esy, "eore 6h-rles 8on )1
NUhler, "eores P.1. )1%
Kolin-, K-rio Pose 121
Wind-us, +dolf O//o 2einhold 2%
*ni>: of 6ene>a5 -)itzerland
+rber, Werner '99
Ao8e/, D-niel ')*
1is>her, 5d!ond Lenri )'1
*ni>: of 6hent5 +el&i!2
Ley!-ns, 6orneille Pe-n 1r-naois '1*
K-e/erlin>0, K-uri/ius Polydorus K-ri- Aern-rdus 192
*ni>: of 6Lttin&en5 6er2an$
Aorn, K-@ (1)
Au/en-nd/, +dolf 1riedri>0 Poh-nn '9
Deh!el/, L-ns "eor (**
DelbrR>0, K-@ '&(
5ien, K-nfred &'
5u>0en, 2udol$h 6hris/o$h 1*9
L-#or/h, W-l/er Nor!-n, Sir '(
Leisenber, Werner N-rl %91
No>h, Leinri>h Ler!-nn 2ober/ 2*2
Nroe!er, Lerber/ &1%
L-n!uir, ?r8in '1
K-yer, K-ri- "oe$$er/ (''
Quidde, Lud#i )*0
S-0!-nn, Aer/ )'0
W-ll->h, O//o 10
*ni>: of 6raz5 0!stria
+ndri, ?8o 2'(
Less, Si>/or 1r-nz %9(
Prel, 1ri/z 21
*ni>: of 6rLnin&en5 Netherlands
N-!erlinh Onnes, Lei0e %&1
*ni>: of 1alle5 6er2an$
S/-udiner, Ler!-nn %(
*ni>: of 1a2b!r&5 6er2an$
Pensen, Poh-nnes L-ns D-niel ('2
Nrebs, L-ns +dolf, Sir ''9
*ni>: of 1eidelber&5 6er2an$
N-!erlinh Onnes, Lei0e %&1
Len-rd, Phili$$ 5du-rd +n/on 8on %(2
Keyerhof, O//o 1ri/z 29&
W-rbur, O//o Leinri>h '0&
*ni>: of 1elsinki5 inland
Sir/-nen, +r//uri ?l!-ri )'
*ni>: of .llinois
Doisy, 5d#-rd +delber/ '21
Du Sine-ud, Sin>en/ %*
Lolley, 2ober/ Willi-! '&'
Nilby, P->0 S/. 6l-ir &1)
Nrebs, 5d#in "erh-rd )'2
Nus>h, Poly>-r$ (1(
S>hrieffer, Pohn 2ober/ ()9
Sh-r$, Philli$ +llen )')
S/-nley, Wendell Keredi/h )%
3-lo#, 2os-lyn Suss!-n '9*
*ni>: of 8ent!ck$
Li$s>o!b, Willi-! Nunn, Pr. *9
*ni>: of 8harko>5 4!ssia
Ke/>hni0off, 5lie 2*&
*ni>: of 8iel5 6er2an$
+lder, Nur/ %0
Do!-0, "erh-rd '19
*ni>: of 8ristiania5 Nor)a$
N-nsen, 1rid/Mof )&)
P-e 2((
*ni>: of #eeds5 "n&land
Por/er, "eore, Sir &%
Soyin0-, Wole 2('
*ni>: of #eiden5 Netherlands
Noo$!-ns, TM-llin 6h-rles 1)%
Loren/z, Lendri0 +n/oon %%&
Tinberen, Ni0ol--s '*&
Jee!-n, Pie/er %%*
*ni>: of #eipzi&5 6er2an$
Aerius, 1riedri>h N-rl 2udol$h 29
Alo>h, 1eli@ (11
Aos>h, 6-rl '0
5hrli>h, P-ul 2*(
N-/z, Aern-rd, Sir '*0
S/rese!-nn, "us/-8 )&*
*ni>: of #iI&e5 +el&i!2
6l-ude, +lber/ '**
*ni>: of #i>erpool5 "n&land
A-r0l-, 6h-rles "lo8er %&%
2o/bl-/, Pose$h %)&
*ni>: of #ondon5 "n&land
A-r/on, Dere0 L-rold 2i>h-rd, Sir &&
Aurne/, 1r-n0 K->1-rl-ne, Sir '%)
6ri>0, 1r-n>is L-rry 6o!$/on '%&
1le!in, +le@-nder, Sir '2%
Leyro8s0y, P-rosl-8 ('
Lo$0ins, 1rederi>0 "o#l-nd, Sir '0%
N-/z, Aern-rd, Sir '*0
2i>h-rdson, O#en Will-ns, Sir %**
2o/bl-/, Pose$h %)&
Theiler, K-@ ''&
Wil0inson, "eoffrey *%
*ni>: of #o!>ain5 +el&i!2
Aeern-er/, +uus/e K-rie 1r-naois )(2
de Du8_, 6hris/i-n 2en_ K-rie Pose$h '*9
*ni>: of #!nd5 -)eden
6-rlsson, +r8id ))&
Sieb-hn, N-rl K-nne "eor %*2
*ni>: of #$ons5 rance
6-rrel, +le@is 291
"rin-rd, 1r-naois +uus/e Si>/or 12
*ni>: of ,adrid5 -pain
+lei@-ndre y Kerlo, Si>en/e Pio K-r>elino 6irilo 2%)
O>ho-, Se8ero '%'
*ni>: of ,anchester5 "n&land
6h-d#i>0, P-!es, Sir %9)
6o>0>rof/, Pohn Doul-s, Sir (09
L-rden, +r/hur, Sir 2&
L-#or/h, W-l/er Nor!-n, Sir '(
2obinson, 2ober/, Sir )&
S!i/h, Ki>h-el 11*
*ni>: of ,arb!r&5 6er2an$
1is>her, L-ns 2*
L-hn, O//o )2
Wi//i, "eor 1riedri>h N-rl 9'
Jieler, N-rl (9
*ni>: of ,ar$land
L-u$/!-n, Lerber/ +-ron 101
*ni>: of ,assach!setts
Lulse, 2ussell +l-n (9(
*ni>: of ,e/ico
"-r>o- 2obles, +lfonso %29
*ni>: of ,ichi&an
6ohen, S/-nley L-rold )19
N-rle, Pero!e 102
Nirenber, K-rsh-ll W-rren '&%
S!-lley, 2i>h-rd 5rre// 12%
Tin, S-!uel 6h-o 6hun (%9
Weller, Tho!-s Lu>0le ')'
*ni>: of ,innesota
Aorl-u, Nor!-n 5rnes/ %1)
Ar-//-in, W-l/er Louser (19
6-l8in, Kel8in (%
Len>h, Phili$ Sho#-l/er '')
?n-rro, Louis P. )))
L-#ren>e, 5rnes/ Orl-ndo (00
Le#is, 5d#-rd A. )'&
K>1-dden, D-niel Li//le 1*0
*ni>: of ,isso!ri
2obbins, 1rederi>0 6h-$!-n ')2
*ni>: of ,ontana
Irey, L-rold 6l-y/on '2
*ni>: of ,ontreal5 %anada
"uille!in, 2oer 6h-rles Louis '9(
*ni>: of ,Snster5 6er2an$
Aednorz, Poh-nnes "eor (*'
*ni>: of ,!nich5 6er2an$
Ae/he, L-ns +lbre>h/ ()2
Au>hner, 5du-rd &
Debye, Pe/er Pose$hus Wilhel!us '%
5uler-6hel$in, L-ns N-rl +uus/ Si!on 8on 2(
1is>her, 5rns/ O//o *)
1is>her, L-ns 2*
1ris>h, N-rl 8on '*%
Leisenber, Werner N-rl %91
Nuhn, 2i>h-rd '*
Lynen, 1eodor 1eli@ Nonr-d '()
P-uli, Wolf-n 5rns/ (0'
Pl-n>0, K-@ N-rl 5rns/ Lud#i %&(
S-0!-nn, Aer/ )'0
S/-r0, Poh-nnes %&&
Wiel-nd, Leinri>h O//o 2)
Jsi!ondy, 2i>h-rd +dolf 22
*ni>: of Nebraska
Ae-dle, "eore Wells ')9
6r-!, Don-ld P-!es 10(
Leeer, +l-n P-y 1'2
*ni>: of Ne) 7ealand
K->Di-r!id, +l-n "r-h-! 1''
*ni>: of North %arolina5 N%
1ur>ho//, 2ober/ 1r-n>is ))'
*ni>: of Notre (a2e5 .N
Wies>h-us, 5ri> 1. )'9
*ni>: of 3re&on
Ar-//-in, W-l/er Louser (19
Kur$hy, Willi-! P-rry '12
*ni>: of 3slo5 Nor)a$
1ris>h, 2-n-r Ni//il, +n/on 1'%
L--8el!o, Try8e K-nus 1(1
L-ssel, Odd &*
L-ne, 6hris/i-n Lous )&'
*ni>: of Pad!a5 .tal$
"oli, 6-!illo 2*'
*ni>: of Paris
+ll-is, K-uri>e 1eli@ 1(0
*ni>: of Paris'-orbonne5 rance
6ourn-nd, +ndr_ 1r_d_ri> ')%
6urie, K-rie 11
6urie, Pierre %(0
Li$$!-nn, "-briel Pon-s %(%
Seferis, "ioros 2'*
SUderblo!, N-/h-n )*2
*ni>: of Paris5 rance
Aerson, Lenri Louis 20*
Aoureois, L_on-Si>/or +uus/e )&1
Ari-nd, +ris/ide )&&
Arolie, Louis-Si>/or Pierre 2-y!ond de %*9
Auisson, 1erdin-nd 5dou-rd )&9
6ourn-nd, +ndr_ 1r_d_ri> ')%
D-usse/, Pe-n A-$/is/e "-briel Po->hi! )0%
Debreu, "er-rd 1%%
"-r>o- 2obles, +lfonso %29
P->ob, 1r-naois '(%
Polio/-6urie, 1r_d_ri> ''
Polio/-6urie, ?r`ne ')
L#off, +ndr_ Ki>hel '((
Koiss-n, Lenri (
Konod, P->Gues Lu>ien '(&
P-ssy, 1rederi> )%1
2en-ul/, Louis )%9
2i>he/, 6h-rles 2ober/ 292
*ni>: of Penns$l>ania
+nfinsen, 6hris/i-n Aoeh!er *1
Aro#n, Ki>h-el S/u-r/ )1&
5del!-n, "er-ld K-uri>e '*'
P-e 2(&
Prusiner, S/-nley Aen ))2
Je#-il, +h!ed L-ss-n 1'1
*ni>: of Pisa5 .tal$
6-rdu>>i, "iosu` +less-ndro "uise$$e 1*&
1er!i, 5nri>o %99
2ubbi-, 6-rlo (&&
*ni>: of Pittsb!r&h5 P0
Len>h, Phili$ Sho#-l/er '')
*ni>: of P!nKab5 Pakistan
S-l-!, +bdus ((&
*ni>: of O!eensland5 0!stralia
Doher/y, Pe/er 6h-rles ))0
*ni>: of 4ochester5 N9
6hu, S/e8en &0%
Du Sine-ud, Sin>en/ %*
"-Mduse0, D-niel 6-rle/on '9%
Nornber, +r/hur '%2
*ni>: of 4o2e5 .tal$
Kodili-ni, 1r-n>o 1%&
Ser_, 5!ilio "ino (2&
*ni>: of 4otterda25 Netherlands
Perne, Niels N-M )1)
*ni>: of -askatche)an5 %anada
T-ube, Lenry 99
*ni>: of -askatche)an5 %anada5
T-ube, Lenry 99
*ni>: of -heffield5 "n&land
Nro/o, L-rold W-l/er, Sir 12)
*ni>: of -o!th 0frica
K-ndel-, Nelson %)2
Tu/u, Des!ond K$ilo %'2
*ni>: of -o!th (akota
L-#ren>e, 5rnes/ Orl-ndo (00
*ni>: of -t: 0ndre)s5 -cotland
Al->0, P-!es Why/e, Sir )22
*ni>: of -t: Petersb!r&5 4!ssia
Ke/>hni0off, 5lie 2*&
*ni>: of -tockhol25 -)eden
6ru/zen, P-ul Posef 120
L-!!-rs0Mold, D- LM-l!-r +ne 6-rl %0&
Kyrd-l, +l8- 2ei!er %'0
Kyrd-l, N-rl "unn-r 1)'
Ohlin, Aer/il "o//h-rd 1)*
Sieb-hn, N-i K-nne AoerMe (&'
Theorell, +@el Luo Theodor '))
*ni>: of -trasbo!r&5 rance
1is>her, 5!il Ler!-n 2
Nossel, N-rl K-r/in Leonh-rd +lbre>h/ 2*9
L-8er-n, 6h-rles Louis +l$honse 2*%
Lehn, Pe-n-K-rie Pierre 10&
Loe#i, O//o '1(
N_el, Louis 5uene 1eli@ ()(
Quidde, Lud#i )*0
S>h#ei/zer, +lber/ %00
*ni>: of -t!tt&art5 6er2an$
S/Ur!er, Lors/ Lud#i &09
*ni>: of -$dne$5 0!stralia
6ornfor/h, Pohn W-r>u$, Sir *&
*ni>: of Tennessee
Au>h-n-n, P-!es K>"ill, Pr. 1%*
*ni>: of Te/as5 0!stin
Tho!-s, 5d#-rd Donn-ll )2*
*ni>: of Tok$o5 <apan
5s-0i, Leo (%0
*ni>: of Torino5 .tal$
Dulbe>>o, 2en-/o '92
*ni>: of Toronto5 %anada
A-n/in, 1rederi>0 "r-n/, Sir 29*
Aro>0house, Aer/r-! Ne8ille (9*
Nohn, W-l/er 129
Pe-rson, Les/er Ao#les %0'
S>h-#lo#, +r/hur Leon-rd (&2
*ni>: of T!bin&en5 6er2an$
Alobel, "Rn/er ))(
Ki>hel, L-r/!u/ 111
*ni>: of TSbin&en5 6er2an$
Nusslein-Solh-rd, 6hris/i-ne )'*
2-!s-y, Willi-!, Sir )
*ni>: of T!rin5 .tal$
Le8i-Kon/-l>ini, 2i/- )20
Luri-, S-l8-dor 5d#-rd '&*
*ni>: of *ppsala5 -)eden
+lf8en, L-nnes Olof "Us/- ()%
+rrhenius, S8-n/e +uus/ '
Ar-n/in, N-rl LM-l!-r )&2
L-!!-rs0Mold, D- LM-l!-r +ne 6-rl %0&
N-rlfeld/, 5ri0 +@el 199
Kyrd-l, +l8- 2ei!er %'0
Sieb-hn, N-i K-nne AoerMe (&'
SUderblo!, N-/h-n )*2
S8edber, Theodor L. 5. 2'
Tiselius, +rne Wilhel! N-urin )*
*ni>: of *trecht5 Netherlands
Aloe!beren, Ni>ol--s (&1
5in/ho8en, Wille! '00
Noo$!-ns, TM-llin 6h-rles 1)%
S-n9/ Loff, P->obus Lenri>us 1
Sel/!-n, K-r/inus P.". &12
*ni>: of =er2ont5 =T
Willi-!s, Pody %%1
*ni>: of =ienna5 0!stria
Arny, 2ober/ 29'
6-ne//i, 5li-s 2%*
L-ye0, 1riedri>h +uus/ Son 1)2
L-nds/einer, N-rl '0(
Lorenz, Nonr-d J->h-ri-s '*(
S>hrUdiner, 5r#in %9'
W-ner 8on P-ure, Pulius '02
*ni>: of =ir&inia
Wilson, Tho!-s Woodro# )&0
*ni>: of Warsa)5 Poland
Aein, Ken->he! Wolfo8i/>h %2)
2o/bl-/, Pose$h %)&
*ni>: of Washin&ton
Li/>hins, "eore Lerber/, Pr. )2)
2odbell, K-r/in )'(
S/iler, "eore Pose$h 1%)
*ni>: of West .ndies5 <a2aica
W-l>o//, Dere0 +l/on 2(9
Ini8. of Wilno, Pol-nd
Kilosz, 6zesl-# 2%&
*ni>: of Wisconsin
A-rdeen, Pohn (1*
"-sser, Lerber/ S$en>er '2'
Koore, S/-nford *2
Neher, 5r#in )29
S>hul/z, Theodore Willi-! 1%1
T-/u!, 5d#-rd L-#rie '%1
S-n Sle>0, Pohn L-sbrou>0 ((2
*ni>: of Wisconsin',adison5 W.
Alobel, "Rn/er ))(
*ni>: of Wisconsin5 W.
Aoyer, P-ul Delos 12(
Nilby, P->0 S/. 6l-ir &1)
K->Di-r!id, +l-n "r-h-! 1''
*ni>: of Wit)atersrand5 -o!th 0frica
Nlu, +-ron 9*
*ni>: of WSrzb!r&5 6er2an$
Nli/zin, Nl-us 8on (&9
Ki>hel, L-r/!u/ 111
Nerns/, W-l/her Ler!-nn 1*
S$e!-nn, L-ns '1)
*ni>: of 7ara&oza5 -pain
2-!rn y 6-M-l, S-n/i-o 2*)
P-e 2(*
*ni>: of 7Srich5 -)itzerland
5ins/ein, +lber/ %&9
Less, W-l/er 2udol$h '''
N-rrer, P-ul '&
Werner, +lfred 1)
Ko!!sen, 6hris/i-n K-//hi-s Theodor 1*'
*ni>ersitH #ibre de +r!/elles5 +el&i!2
Prioine, ?ly- 90
*rsin!s %olle&e5 P0
5del!-n, "er-ld K-uri>e '*'
=anderbilt *ni>:5 TN
Koore, S/-nford *2
=ictoria %olle&e5 %anada
A-n/in, 1rederi>0 "r-n/, Sir 29*
=ir&inia ,ilitar$ .nstit!te
K-rsh-ll, "eore 6-/le// %01
=ir&inia Pol$technic .nstit!te5 =0
2i>h-rdson, 2ober/ 6ole!-n &0)
=oronezh *ni>:5 *--4
6heren0o8, P-8el +le0seye8i>h (2'
Washb!rn %olle&e5 8-
Su/herl-nd, 5-rl Wilbur, Pr. '*2
Washin&ton *ni>:5 ,3
Nrebs, 5d#in "erh-rd )'2
N-/h-ns, D-niel )00
Su/herl-nd, 5-rl Wilbur, Pr. '*2
Washin&ton and #ee *ni>:5 =0
"olds/ein, Pose$h Leon-rd )1*
Wesle$an *ni>:5 %T
Wood#-rd, 2ober/ Aurns &1
Whit2an %olle&e5 W0
Ar-//-in, W-l/er Louser (19
Wri&ht <!nior %olle&e5 .#
Aro#n, Lerber/ 6h-rles 92
9ale *ni>:5 %T
5nders, Pohn 1r-n0lin ')1
"ell-K-nn, Kurr-y ())
"il!-n, +lfred "ood!-n )'%
Le>0!-n, P-!es Pose$h 1&9
L-#ren>e, 5rnes/ Orl-ndo (00
Lederber, Poshu- '%0
Lee, D-8id Korris &02
Le#is, L-rry Sin>l-ir 211
Ons-er, L-rs &(
2i>h-rds, Di>0inson Woodruff ')&
Si>0rey, Willi-! S$en>er 1&)
Whi$$le, "eore Loy/ '1'
Wies>h-us, 5ri> 1. )'9
7Srich Pol$technic5 -)itzerland
"uill-u!e, 6h-rles ]dou-rd %&*
Werner, +lfred 1)
P-e 2(9
Nationalit$ or %itizenship .nde/
No/eH +s/eris0s indi>-/e n-!es inde@ed under !ore /h-n one n-/ion-li/y or >i/izenshi$
+dd-!s, L-ur- P-ne )*'
+l/!-n, Sidney 112
+l8-rez, Luis W-l/er ()'
+nderson, 6-rl D-8id %9%
+nderson, Phili$ W-rren ((0
+nfinsen, 6hris/i-n Aoeh!er *1
+rro#, Nenne/h Pose$h 1'9
+@elrod, Pulius '&9
A-l>h, 5!ily "reene )9'
A-l/i!ore, D-8id '91
A-rdeen, Pohn (1*
Ae-dle, "eore Wells ')9
Ae>0er, "-ry S/-nley 1((
Aello#, S-ul 2%'
Aen->err-f, A-ruM )0)
Aer, P-ul 9)
Ae/he, L-ns +lbre>h/ ()2
Aisho$, Pohn Ki>h-el )2%
Alobel, "Rn/er ))(
Alo>h, 1eli@ (11
Alo>h, Nonr-d 5!il '('
Aloe!beren, Ni>ol--s (&1
Alu!ber, A-ru>h S-!uel '9)
Aorl-u, Nor!-n 5rnes/ %1)
Aoyer, P-ul Delos 12(
Ar-//-in, W-l/er Louser (19
Arid!-n, Per>y Willi-!s (0)
Arods0y, Pose$h +le@-ndro8i>h 2()
Aro#n, Lerber/ 6h-rles 92
Aro#n, Ki>h-el S/u-r/ )1&
Au>h-n-n, P-!es K>"ill, Pr. 1%*
Au>0, Pe-rl 6o!for/ Sydens/ri>0er 21&
Aun>he, 2-l$h Pohnson )9*
Au/ler, Ni>hol-s Kurr-y )*)
6-l8in, Kel8in (%
6-rrel, +le@is 291
6e>h, Tho!-s 2ober/ 11'
6h-!berl-in, O#en (2(
6h-ndr-se0h-r, Subr-h!-ny-n (&%
6hu, S/e8en &0%
6l-ude, +lber/ '**
6ohen, S/-nley L-rold )19
6o!$/on, +r/hur Lolly %*(
6oo$er, Leon Neil ()*
6orey, 5li-s P-!es 11)
6ori, 6-rl 1erdin-nd '2*
6ori, "er/y Theres- 2-dni/z '29
6or!->0, +ll-n K->Leod )02
6ourn-nd, +ndr_ 1r_d_ri> ')%
6r-!, Don-ld P-!es 10(
6ronin, P-!es W-/son ((9
6url, 2ober/ 1loyd, Pr. 12'
D-8isson, 6lin/on Pose$h %9&
D-#es, 6h-rles "-/es )&(
Debreu, "er-rd 1%%
Debye, Pe/er Pose$hus Wilhel!us '%
Deh!el/, L-ns "eor (**
Deisenhofer, Poh-nn 109
DelbrR>0, K-@ '&(
Dir->, P-ul +drien K-uri>e %92
Doher/y, Pe/er 6h-rles ))0
Doisy, 5d#-rd +delber/ '21
Du Sine-ud, Sin>en/ %*
Dulbe>>o, 2en-/o '92
de Du8_, 6hris/i-n 2en_ K-rie Pose$h '*9
5>>les, Pohn 6-re#, Sir '(0
5del!-n, "er-ld K-uri>e '*'
5ins/ein, +lber/ %&9
5lion, "er/rude Aelle )2'
5lio/, Tho!-s S/e-rns 22'
5nders, Pohn 1r-n0lin ')1
5rl-ner, Pose$h '22
5s-0i, Leo (%0
1-ul0ner, Willi-! 6u/hber/ 22)
1er!i, 5nri>o %99
1eyn!-n, 2i>h-rd Philli$s ('*
1i/>h, S-l Losdon (&0
1lory, P-ul Pohn *(
1oel, 2ober/ Willi-! 1(&
1o#ler, Willi-! +lfred (&(
1r-n>0, P-!es %*'
1ried!-n, Pero!e ?s--> (91
1ried!-n, Kil/on 1)(
1ur>ho//, 2ober/ 1r-n>is ))'
"-Mduse0, D-niel 6-rle/on '9%
"-sser, Lerber/ S$en>er '2'
"ell-K-nn, Kurr-y ())
"i-e8er, ?8-r (%1
"i-uGue, Willi-! 1r-n>is )9
"ilber/, W-l/er 9%
"il!-n, +lfred "ood!-n )'%
"l-ser, Don-ld +r/hur (2*
"l-sho#, Sheldon Lee (((
"olds/ein, Pose$h Leon-rd )1*
"reen-rd, P-ul ))*
"uille!in, 2oer 6h-rles Louis '9(
L-r/line, L-ld-n Neffer '&1
L-u$/!-n, Lerber/ +-ron 101
L-ye0, 1riedri>h +uus/ Son 1)2
Le>0!-n, P-!es Pose$h 1&9
Leeer, +l-n P-y 1'2
Le!in#-y, 5rnes/ Killer 229
Len>h, Phili$ Sho#-l/er '')
Lers>hb->h, Dudley 2ober/ 10'
Lershey, +lfred D-y '&&
Less, Si>/or 1r-nz %9(
Li/>hins, "eore Lerber/, Pr. )2)
Loff!-nn, 2o-ld 9&
Lofs/-d/er, 2ober/ (29
Lolley, 2ober/ Willi-! '&'
Lubel, D-8id Lun/er )0&
Luins, 6h-rles Aren/on '(*
Lull, 6ordell )92
Lulse, 2ussell +l-n (9(
?n-rro, Louis P. )))
N-ndel, 5ri> 2i>h-rd ))9
N-rle, Pero!e 102
Nello, 1r-n0 Aillins )*1
Nend-ll, 5d#-rd 6-l8in ''%
Nend-ll, Lenry W-y (92
Nhor-n-, L-r "obind '&)
Nilby, P->0 S/. 6l-ir &1)
Nin, K-r/in Lu/her, Pr. %10
Nissiner, Lenry +lfred %1(
Nlein, L-#ren>e 2ober/ 1%2
Nohn, W-l/er 129
Noo$!-ns, TM-llin 6h-rles 1)%
Nornber, +r/hur '%2
Nrebs, 5d#in "erh-rd )'2
Nroe!er, Lerber/ &1%
Nus>h, Poly>-r$ (1(
Nuzne/s, Si!on S!i/h 1'*
L-!b, Willis 5uene, Pr. (1&
L-nds/einer, N-rl '0(
L-n!uir, ?r8in '1
L-uhlin, 2ober/ A. &0*
L-#ren>e, 5rnes/ Orl-ndo (00
Lederber, Poshu- '%0
Leder!-n, Leon K-@ (*%
Lee, D-8id Korris &02
Lee, Tsun-D-o (21
Lee, 3u-n Tseh 10)
Leon/ief, W-ssily W. 1)1
Le8i-Kon/-l>ini, 2i/- )20
P-e 2&0
Le#is, 5d#-rd A. )'&
Le#is, L-rry Sin>l-ir 211
Le#is, Willi-! +r/hur, Sir 1%0
Libby, Will-rd 1r-n0 ()
Li$!-nn, 1ri/z +lber/ ')0
Li$s>o!b, Willi-! Nunn, Pr. *9
Loe#i, O//o '1(
Lu>-s, 2ober/ 5!erson, Pr. 1&2
Luri-, S-l8-dor 5d#-rd '&*
K->Di-r!id, +l-n "r-h-! 1''
K-nn, P-ul Tho!-s 210
K-r0o#i/z, L-rry K. 1(2
K-rsh-ll, "eore 6-/le// %01
K-yer, K-ri- "oe$$er/ (''
K>6lin/o>0, A-rb-r- )1'
K>1-dden, D-niel Li//le 1*0
K>Kill-n, 5d#in K-//ison %2
Kerrifield, 2ober/ Aru>e 100
Ker/on, 2ober/ 6. 1&%
Keyerhof, O//o 1ri/z 29&
Ki>helson, +lber/ +br-h-! %()
Killer, Ker/on Lo#-rd 1('
Killi0-n, 2ober/ +ndre#s %*1
Kilosz, 6zesl-# 2%&
Kino/, "eore 2i>h-rds '11
Kodili-ni, 1r-n>o 1%&
Koore, S/-nford *2
Kor-n, Tho!-s Lun/ '10
Korrison, Toni 2&0
Ko//, Pohn 2. )9)
Ko//elson, AenM-!in 2oy (%(
Kuller, Ler!-nn Pose$h '2&
Kulli0en, 2ober/ S-nderson &2
Kullis, N-ry A-n0s 11&
Kundell, 2ober/ +le@-nder 1&*
Kur-d, 1erid ))%
Kur$hy, Willi-! P-rry '12
Kurr-y, Pose$h 5. )2&
N-sh, Pohn 1orbes 1&0
N-/h-ns, D-niel )00
Nirenber, K-rsh-ll W-rren '&%
Nor/h, Doul-ss 6e>il 1(*
Nor/hro$, Pohn Lo#-rd ))
O9Neill, 5uene "l-ds/one 21%
O>ho-, Se8ero '%'
Ons-er, L-rs &(
Osheroff, Doul-s De-n &0'
P-l-de, "eore 5!il '90
P-ulin, Linus 6-rl %&
Pedersen, 6h-rles Pohn 10*
Penzi-s, +rno +ll-n (()
Perl, K-r/in L. &00
Philli$s, Willi-! D-niel &0&
Po$le, Pohn +n/hony 1'0
Prioine, ?ly- 90
Prusiner, S/-nley Aen ))2
Pur>ell, 5d#-rd Kills (12
2-bi, ?sidor ?s--> (02
2-in#-/er, Leo P-!es (%&
2-!sey, Nor!-n 1os/er, Pr. (90
2eines, 1rederi>0 &01
2i>h-rds, Di>0inson Woodruff ')&
2i>h-rds, Theodore Willi-! 1%
2i>h-rdson, 2ober/ 6ole!-n &0)
2i>h/er, Aur/on (%*
2obbins, 1rederi>0 6h-$!-n ')2
2odbell, K-r/in )'(
2oose8el/, Theodore )%&
2oo/, 5lihu )(&
2ous, 1r-n>is Pey/on '(9
2o#l-nd, 1r-n0 Sher#ood 122
S-!uelson, P-ul +n/hony 1'&
S>h-lly, +ndre# Si>/or '9&
S>h-#lo#, +r/hur Leon-rd (&2
S>holes, Kyron S. 1&(
S>hrieffer, Pohn 2ober/ ()9
S>hul/z, Theodore Willi-! 1%1
S>h#-r/z, Kel8in (*(
S>h#iner, Puli-n Sey!our ('9
Se-bor, "lenn Theodore %'
Ser_, 5!ilio "ino (2&
Sen, +!-r/y- Nu!-r 1&&
Sh-r$, Philli$ +llen )')
Sh-r$e, Willi-! 1orsy/h 1()
Sho>0ley, Willi-! Ar-dford (20
Shull, 6lifford "len#ood (99
Si!on, Lerber/ +le@-nder 1)9
Siner, ?s--> A-she8is 2%%
S!-lley, 2i>h-rd 5rre// 12%
S!i/h, L-!il/on O/h-nel )01
Snell, "eore D-8is )0(
Solo#, 2ober/ Ker/on 1%9
Solzheni/syn, +le@-nder 2)(
S$erry, 2oer Wol>o// )0*
S/-nley, Wendell Keredi/h )%
S/ein, Willi-! Lo#-rd *'
S/einbe>0, Pohn 5rns/ 2'&
S/einberer, P->0 (*&
S/ern, O//o (01
S/iler, "eore Pose$h 1%)
S/Ur!er, Lors/ Lud#i &09
Su!ner, P-!es A-/>heller )(
Su/herl-nd, 5-rl Wilbur, Pr. '*2
Szen/-"yUryi, +lber/ 8on N-yr-$ol/ '1&
T-/u!, 5d#-rd L-#rie '%1
T-ube, Lenry 99
T-ylor, Pose$h Loo/on, Pr. (9&
T-ylor, 2i>h-rd 5. (9'
Te!in, Lo#-rd K-r/in '9'
Theiler, K-@ ''&
Tho!-s, 5d#-rd Donn-ll )2*
Tin, S-!uel 6h-o 6hun (%9
Tobin, P-!es 1%'
To#nes, 6h-rles L-rd ('&
Tsui, D-niel 6hee &10
Irey, L-rold 6l-y/on '2
S-n Sle>0, Pohn L-sbrou>0 ((2
S-r!us, L-rold 5lio/ )2(
Sel/!-n, K-r/inus P.". &11
Si>0rey, Willi-! S$en>er 1&)
Son A_0_sy, "eor '%(
W-0s!-n, Sel!-n +br-h-! ''*
W-ld, "eore '&2
W-/son, P-!es De#ey '%*
Weinber, S/e8en ((*
Weller, Tho!-s Lu>0le ')'
Whi$$le, "eore Loy/ '1'
Wies>h-us, 5ri> 1. )'9
Wiesel, 5lie %')
Wiesel, Tors/en N. )09
Winer, 5uene P-ul (')
Willi-!s, Pody %%1
Wilson, Nenne/h "eddes (&)
Wilson, 2ober/ Woodro# ((%
Wilson, Tho!-s Woodro# )&0
Wood#-rd, 2ober/ Aurns &1
3-lo#, 2os-lyn Suss!-n '9*
3-n, 6hen Nin (22
Je#-il, +h!ed L-ss-n 1'1
Louss-y, Aern-rdo +lber/o ''0
Leloir, Luis 1ederi>o &9
Kils/ein, 6_s-r )1(
P_rez 5sGui8el, +dolfo %2&
S--8edr- L-!-s, 6-rlos )**
Aurne/, 1r-n0 K->1-rl-ne, Sir '%)
Doher/y, Pe/er 6h-rles ))0
5>>les, Pohn 6-re#, Sir '(0
1lorey, Lo#-rd W-l/er, Sir '2(
Pro0horo8, +le@-nder Ki0h-ilo8i>h ('(
Whi/e, P-/ri>0 Si>/or K-r/ind-le 2)9
+non, Sh!uel 3osef 2)1
Arny, 2ober/ 29'
6-ne//i, 5li-s 2%*
1ried, +lfred Ler!-nn )((
1ris>h, N-rl 8on '*%
L-ye0, 1riedri>h +uus/ Son 1)2
Less, Si>/or 1r-nz %9(
N-ndel, 5ri> 2i>h-rd ))9
Nohn, W-l/er 129
Nuhn, 2i>h-rd '*
L-nds/einer, N-rl '0(
Lorenz, Nonr-d J->h-ri-s '*(
P-uli, Wolf-n 5rns/ (0'
Peru/z, K-@ 1erdin-nd (&
Prel, 1ri/z 21
2-bi, ?sidor ?s--> (02
S>hrUdiner, 5r#in %9'
8on Su//ner, Aer/h- 1eli>ie So$hie Nins0y )%(
W-ner 8on P-ure, Pulius '02
Jsi!ondy, 2i>h-rd +dolf 22
Aeern-er/, +uus/e K-rie 1r-naois )(2
Aorde/, Pules Pe-n A-$/is/e Sin>en/ 29)
6l-ude, +lber/ '**
P-e 2&1
de Du8_, 6hris/i-n 2en_ K-rie Pose$h '*9
Ley!-ns, 6orneille Pe-n 1r-naois '1*
L- 1on/-ine, Lenri K-rie )(*
K-e/erlin>0, K-uri/ius Polydorus K-ri- Aern-rdus 192
Pire, Do!iniGue, 2e8erend %0)
Prioine, ?ly- 90
+dri-n, 5d-r Doul-s, A-ron '0*
+nell, Nor!-n, Sir )*%
+$$le/on, 5d#-rd Si>/or, Sir (0%
+s/on, 1r-n>is Willi-! 20
A-r0l-, 6h-rles "lo8er %&%
A-r/on, Dere0 L-rold 2i>h-rd, Sir &&
Al->0, P-!es Why/e, Sir )22
Al->0e//, P-/ri>0 K-yn-rd S/u-r/ (0(
Aorn, K-@ (1)
Ar-, Willi-! Lenry, Sir %&'
Ar-, Willi-! L-#ren>e, Sir %&)
Aro#n, Lerber/ 6h-rles 92
6-ne//i, 5li-s 2%*
6e>il, 5d-r +lernon 2ober/ "-s>oyne, Sir )*9
6h-d#i>0, P-!es, Sir %9)
6h-in, 5rns/ Aoris, Sir '2)
6h-!berl-in, Pose$h +us/en, Sir )&%
6hur>hill, Wins/on Leon-rd S$en>er, Sir 22*
6o-se, 2on-ld L-rry 1(%
6o>0>rof/, Pohn Doul-s, Sir (09
6ornfor/h, Pohn W-r>u$, Sir *&
6re!er, Willi-! 2-nd-l, Sir )%)
6ri>0, 1r-n>is L-rry 6o!$/on '%&
D-le, Lenry L-lle//, Sir '1%
Dir->, P-ul +drien K-uri>e %92
5>>les, Pohn 6-re#, Sir '(0
5lio/, Tho!-s S/e-rns 22'
1lorey, Lo#-rd W-l/er, Sir '2(
"-bor, Dennis ()&
"-ls#or/hy, Pohn 212
"oldin, Willi-! "er-ld 2(0
L-rden, +r/hur, Sir 2&
L-#or/h, W-l/er Nor!-n, Sir '(
L-ye0, 1riedri>h +uus/ Son 1)2
Lenderson, +r/hur )*(
Le#ish, +n/ony (%'
Li>0s, Pohn 2i>h-rd, Sir 1)0
Lill, +r>hib-ld Si8i-n 29(
Linshel#ood, 6yril Nor!-n, Sir %9
Lod0in, +l-n Lloyd, Sir '(1
Lod0in, Doro/hy 6ro#foo/ &0
Lo$0ins, 1rederi>0 "o#l-nd, Sir '0%
Lounsfield, "odfrey Ne#bold, Sir )0'
Lu@ley, +ndre# 1ieldin, Sir '(2
Perne, Niels N-M )1)
Pose$hson, Ari-n D-8id (%2
N-/z, Aern-rd, Sir '*0
Nendre#, Pohn 6o#dery, Sir ((
Ni$lin, Pose$h 2udy-rd 1**
Nlu, +-ron 9*
Nrebs, L-ns +dolf, Sir ''9
Nro/o, L-rold W-l/er, Sir 12)
Le#is, Willi-! +r/hur, Sir 1%0
K-r/in, +r>her Pohn Por/er %)
Ke-de, P-!es 5d#-rd 1)&
Ked-#-r, Pe/er Ari-n, Sir '%%
Kils/ein, 6_s-r )1(
Ki/>hell, Pe/er Dennis 91
Ko//, Ne8ill 1r-n>is, Sir ((1
Noel-A-0er, Phili$ Pohn %0%
Norrish, 2on-ld "eore Wreyford &)
Peru/z, K-@ 1erdin-nd (&
Po$le, Pohn +n/hony 1'0
Por/er, "eore, Sir &%
Por/er, 2odney 2ober/ '*)
Po#ell, 6e>il 1r-n0 (0*
2i>h-rdson, O#en Will-ns, Sir %**
2obinson, 2ober/, Sir )&
2oss, 2on-ld, Sir 2&9
2o/bl-/, Pose$h %)&
2ussell, Aer/r-nd +r/hur Willi-! 22%
2u/herford, 5rnes/, Sir *
2yle, K-r/in, Sir (%)
S-l-!, +bdus ((&
S-ner, 1rederi>0 (2
Sen, +!-r/y- Nu!-r 1&&
Sherrin/on, 6h-rles S>o//, Sir '09
Soddy, 1rederi>0 19
S/one, Pohn 2i>h-rd Ni>hol-s, Sir 1%(
S/ru//, Pohn Willi-! %(1
Syne, 2i>h-rd L-uren>e Killin/on %%
Tho!son, "eore P-e/, Sir %9*
Tho!son, Pose$h Pohn, Sir %('
Tinberen, Ni0ol--s '*&
Todd, +le@-nder 2ober/us, Sir (1
S-ne, Pohn 2ober/ )12
W-l0er, Pohn 5rnes/ 12*
Wil0ins, K-uri>e Luh 1rederi>0 '%9
Wil0inson, "eoffrey *%
6-ne//i, 5li-s 2%*
+un S-n, Suu Nyi %'9
+l/!-n, Sidney 112
A-n/in, 1rederi>0 "r-n/, Sir 29*
Aello#, S-ul 2%'
Aro>0house, Aer/r-! Ne8ille (9*
Lerzber, "erh-rd *0
Lubel, D-8id Lun/er )0&
Luins, 6h-rles Aren/on '(*
Nohn, W-l/er 129
K-r>us, 2udol$h +r/hur 11(
Kundell, 2ober/ +le@-nder 1&*
Pe-rson, Les/er Ao#les %0'
Pol-nyi, Pohn 6h-rles 10%
S>h-lly, +ndre# Si>/or '9&
S>holes, Kyron S. 1&(
S!i/h, Ki>h-el 11*
T-ube, Lenry 99
T-ylor, 2i>h-rd 5. (9'
Si>0rey, Willi-! S$en>er 1&)
Kis/r-l, "-briel- 220
Nerud-, P-blo 2)&
1is>her, 5d!ond Lenri )'1
Lee, Tsun-D-o (21
Lee, 3u-n Tseh 10)
Tsui, D-niel 6hee &10
4inMi-n, "-o 2&&
3-n, 6hen Nin (22
"-r>o- KrGuez, "-briel Pos_ 2%9
%osta 4ican
+ri-s S-n>hez, Os>-r %'%
6ori, 6-rl 1erdin-nd '2*
6ori, "er/y Theres- 2-dni/z '29
Leyro8s0y, P-rosl-8 ('
K-nn, P-ul Tho!-s 210
Seifer/, P-rosl-8 2(1
A-Mer, 1redri0 )(1
Aohr, +-e Niels (%%
Aohr, Niels Lenri0 D-8id %*0
D-!, 6-rl Pe/er Lenri0 '20
1ibier, Poh-nnes +ndre-s "rib '01
1insen, Niels 2yber 2*0
"Melleru$, N-rl +dol$h 19&
Le8esy, "eore 6h-rles 8on )1
Pensen, Poh-nnes Silhel! 219
Perne, Niels N-M )1)
Nroh, S>h->0 +uus/ S/eenber 29%
Ko//elson, AenM-!in 2oy (%(
Pon/o$$id-n, Lenri0 19*
S0ou, Pens 6hris/i-n 12&
Indse/, Sirid 209
+sser, Tobi-s Ki>h-el 6-rel )(%
Aloe!beren, Ni>ol--s (&1
6ru/zen, P-ul Posef 120
Debye, Pe/er Pose$hus Wilhel!us '%
5iM0!-n, 6hris/i--n '0)
5in/ho8en, Wille! '00
N-!erlinh Onnes, Lei0e %&1
Noo$!-ns, TM-llin 6h-rles 1)%
Loren/z, Lendri0 +n/oon %%&
O/ Loof/, "er-rdus &11
Tinberen, P-n 1'(
Tinberen, Ni0ol--s '*&
8-n der Keer, Si!on (&*
P-e 2&2
S-n der W--ls, Poh-nnes Dideri0 %(*
S-n9/ Loff, P->obus Lenri>us 1
Sel/!-n, K-r/inus P.". &12
Jee!-n, Pie/er %%*
Jerni0e, 1ri/s (1'
"ast Ti2orese
Aelo, 6-rlos 1ili$e 4i!enes %)*
"ast Ti2orese
2-!os-Lor/-, Pos_ %)9
5l-S-d-/, Kuh-!!ed +n#-r %2%
K-hfouz, N-uib 2(%
Je#-il, +h!ed L-ss-n 1'1
Pol-nyi, Pohn 6h-rles 10%
2ober/s, 2i>h-rd Pohn )''
S!i/h, Ki>h-el 11*
"r-ni/, 2-n-r +r/hur '&0
Sir/-nen, +r//uri ?l!-ri )'
Wiesel, 5lie %')
+ll-is, K-uri>e 1eli@ 1(0
Ae>0e//, S-!uel A-r>l-y 2)%
Ae>Guerel, +n/oine Lenri %%9
Aerson, Lenri Louis 20*
Aoureois, L_on-Si>/or +uus/e )&1
Ari-nd, +ris/ide )&&
Arolie, Louis-Si>/or Pierre 2-y!ond de %*9
Auisson, 1erdin-nd 5dou-rd )&9
Aunin, ?8-n +le@eie8i>h 21'
6-!us, +lber/ 2'2
6-rrel, +le@is 291
6-ssin, 2en_-S-!uel %12
6h-r$-0, "eores (9%
6ohen-T-nnoudMi, 6l-ude Nessi! &0(
6ourn-nd, +ndr_ 1r_d_ri> ')%
6urie, K-rie 11
6urie, Pierre %(0
D-usse/, Pe-n A-$/is/e "-briel Po->hi! )0%
Debreu, "er-rd 1%%
d95s/ournelles, P-ul Lenri AenM-!in A-lleu/ de 6ons/-n/, A-ron )('
1is>her, 5d!ond Lenri )'1
1r-n>e, +n-/ole 202
de "ennes, Pierre-"illes (9)
"ide, +ndr_ P-ul "uill-u!e 222
"rin-rd, 1r-naois +uus/e Si>/or 12
"uill-u!e, 6h-rles ]dou-rd %&*
"uille!in, 2oer 6h-rles Louis '9(
P->ob, 1r-naois '(%
Polio/-6urie, 1r_d_ri> ''
Polio/-6urie, ?r`ne ')
Pouh-u@, Leon )99
N-s/ler, +lfred ()1
L-8er-n, 6h-rles Louis +l$honse 2*%
Lehn, Pe-n-K-rie Pierre 10&
Li$$!-nn, "-briel Pon-s %(%
L#off, +ndr_ Ki>hel '((
K-r/in du "-rd, 2oer 21(
K-uri->, 1r-naois 22&
Ke/>hni0off, 5lie 2*&
Kis/r-l, 1rederi> 1*%
Koiss-n, Lenri (
Konod, P->Gues Lu>ien '(&
N_el, Louis 5uene 1eli@ ()(
Ni>olle, 6h-rles Pules Lenri '0'
P-ssy, 1rederi> )%1
Perrin, Pe-n A-$/is/e %*%
Prudho!!e, 2en_-1r-naois-+r!end 1*1
2en-ul/, Louis )%9
2i>he/, 6h-rles 2ober/ 292
2oll-nd, 2o!-in 19%
S-b-/ier, P-ul 1'
S-in/-Pohn Perse 2'%
S-r/re, Pe-n-P-ul 6h-rles +y!-rd 2'9
S>h#ei/zer, +lber/ %00
Si!on, 6l-ude 5uene Lenri 2(2
Werner, +lfred 1)
4inMi-n, "-o 2&&
+lder, Nur/ %0
8on Aehrin, 5!il +dol$h 2&*
Aerius, 1riedri>h N-rl 2udol$h 29
Ae/he, L-ns +lbre>h/ ()2
Ainni, "erd N-rl (*0
Alobel, "Rn/er ))(
Alo>h, Nonr-d 5!il '('
AUll, Leinri>h 2)*
Aorn, K-@ (1)
Aos>h, 6-rl '0
Ao/he, W-l/her Wilhel! "eor (1%
Ar-nd/, Willy %1%
Ar-un, N-rl 1erdin-nd %((
Au>hner, 5du-rd &
Au/en-nd/, +dolf 1riedri>0 Poh-nn '9
6h-in, 5rns/ Aoris, Sir '2)
6ru/zen, P-ul Posef 120
Deh!el/, L-ns "eor (**
Deisenhofer, Poh-nn 109
DelbrR>0, K-@ '&(
Diels, O//o P-ul Ler!-n %1
Do!-0, "erh-rd '19
5hrli>h, P-ul 2*(
5ien, K-nfred &'
5ins/ein, +lber/ %&9
5u>0en, 2udol$h 6hris/o$h 1*9
5uler-6hel$in, L-ns N-rl +uus/ Si!on 8on 2(
1is>her, Ler!-nn 5!il 2
1is>her, 5rns/ O//o *)
1is>her, L-ns 2*
1orss!-nn, Werner Theodor O//o ')(
1r-n>0, P-!es %*'
"r-ss, "Rn/er Wilhel! 2&(
L-ber, 1ri/z 1&
L-hn, O//o )2
L-u$/!-nn, "erh-r/ Poh-nn 19'
L-ye0, 1riedri>h +uus/ Son 1)2
Leisenber, Werner N-rl %91
Ler/z, "us/-8 Lud#i %*)
Lerzber, "erh-rd *0
Lesse, Ler!-n 221
Le8esy, "eore 6h-rles 8on )1
Leyse, P-ul Poh-nn Lud#i 8on 191
Luber, 2ober/ 110
Pensen, Poh-nnes L-ns D-niel ('2
N-/z, Aern-rd, Sir '*0
Nissiner, Lenry +lfred %1(
Nli/zin, Nl-us 8on (&9
No>h, Leinri>h Ler!-nn 2ober/ 2*2
NUhler, "eores P.1. )1%
Nossel, N-rl K-r/in Leonh-rd +lbre>h/ 2*9
Nrebs, L-ns +dolf, Sir ''9
Nroe!er, Lerber/ &1%
Nuhn, 2i>h-rd '*
L-ue, K-@ Theodor 1eli@ 8on %&2
Len-rd, Phili$$ 5du-rd +n/on 8on %(2
Li$!-nn, 1ri/z +lber/ ')0
Loe#i, O//o '1(
Lynen, 1eodor 1eli@ Nonr-d '()
K-nn, P-ul Tho!-s 210
K-yer, K-ri- "oe$$er/ (''
Keyerhof, O//o 1ri/z 29&
Ki>hel, L-r/!u/ 111
Ki>helson, +lber/ +br-h-! %()
KUssb-uer, 2udolf Lud#i ('0
Ko!!sen, 6hris/i-n K-//hi-s Theodor 1*'
Neher, 5r#in )29
Nerns/, W-l/her Ler!-nn 1*
Nusslein-Solh-rd, 6hris/i-ne )'*
Ossie/z0y, 6-rl 8on )*&
Os/#-ld, 1riedri>h Wilhel! 9
P-ul, Wolf-n (*9
Penzi-s, +rno +ll-n (()
Pl-n>0, K-@ N-rl 5rns/ Lud#i %&(
Pol-nyi, Pohn 6h-rles 10%
Quidde, Lud#i )*0
2oen/en, Wilhel! 6onr-d %%(
2us0-, 5rns/ +uus/ 1riedri>h (*2
S->hs, Leonie Nelly 2)2
S-0!-nn, Aer/ )'0
S>h#ei/zer, +lber/ %00
Sel/en, 2einh-rd 1&1
S$e!-nn, L-ns '1)
S/-r0, Poh-nnes %&&
S/-udiner, Ler!-nn %(
S/einberer, P->0 (*&
S/ern, O//o (01
P-e 2&'
S/Ur!er, Lors/ Lud#i &09
S/rese!-nn, "us/-8 )&*
Son A-eyer, +dolf Poh-nn 1riedri>h Wilhel! %
W-ll->h, O//o 10
W-rbur, O//o Leinri>h '0&
Wiel-nd, Leinri>h O//o 2)
Wien, Wilhel! 6-rl Werner O//o 1ri/z 1r-nz %(9
Wind-us, +dolf O//o 2einhold 2%
Wi//i, "eor 1riedri>h N-rl 9'
Jieler, N-rl (9
Jsi!ondy, 2i>h-rd +dolf 22
5ly/is, Odysseus 2%(
Seferis, "ioros 2'*
+s/uri-s, Kiuel +nel 2)'
Ken>hu Tu!, 2iober/- %)0
"-bor, Dennis ()&
L-rs-nyi, Pohn 6h-rles 1(9
Le8esy, "eore 6h-rles 8on )1
Len-rd, Phili$$ 5du-rd +n/on 8on %(2
Ol-h, "eore +ndre# 119
Szen/-"yUryi, +lber/ 8on N-yr-$ol/ '1&
Son A_0_sy, "eor '%(
Winer, 5uene P-ul (')
L-@ness, L-lldrr NilM-n 2'0
6h-ndr-se0h-r, Subr-h!-ny-n (&%
Nhor-n-, L-r "obind '&)
2-!-n, 6h-ndr-se0h-r- Sen0-/-, Sir %90
Sen, +!-r/y- Nu!-r 1&&
T-ore, 2-bindr-n-/h, Sir 19)
Teres-, Ko/her %2(
Ae>0e//, S-!uel A-r>l-y 2)%
6orri-n, K-ire-d %21
Le-ney, Se-!us Pus/in 2&2
Lu!e, Pohn %%2
K->Aride, Se-n %1*
Sh-#, "eore Aern-rd 20(
Tri!ble, Willi-! D-8id %%'
W-l/on, 5rnes/ Tho!-s Sin/on (10
Willi-!s, 5liz-be/h %22
3e-/s, Willi-! Au/ler 20)
+non, Sh!uel 3osef 2)1
Aein, Ken->he! Wolfo8i/>h %2)
Peres, Shi!on %))
2-bin, 3i/zh-0 %)%
Ao8e/, D-niel ')*
6-rdu>>i, "iosu` +less-ndro "uise$$e 1*&
6h-in, 5rns/ Aoris, Sir '2)
Deledd-, "r-zi- 20&
Dulbe>>o, 2en-/o '92
1er!i, 5nri>o %99
1o, D-rio 2&)
"oli, 6-!illo 2*'
Le8i-Kon/-l>ini, 2i/- )20
Luri-, S-l8-dor 5d#-rd '&*
K-r>oni, "uliel!o %(&
Kodili-ni, 1r-n>o 1%&
Kone/-, 5rnes/o Teodoro )%*
Kon/-le, 5uenio 2%2
N-//-, "iulio (*
Pir-ndello, Luii 21)
Qu-si!odo, S-l8-/ore 2')
2ubbi-, 6-rlo (&&
Ser_, 5!ilio "ino (2&
W-l>o//, Dere0 +l/on 2(9
5s-0i, Leo (%0
1u0ui, Neni>hi 9(
N-#-b-/-, 3-sun-ri 2))
Oe, Nenz-buro 2&1
S-/o, 5is-0u %19
Shir-0-#-, Lide0i 1')
To!on--, Shini>hiro ()0
Tone-#-, Susu!u )21
3u0-#-, Lide0i (0&
Pedersen, 6h-rles Pohn 10*
Os/#-ld, 1riedri>h Wilhel! 9
"-r>o- 2obles, +lfonso %29
Kolin-, K-rio Pose 121
P-z, O>/-8io 2(&
Ne) 7ealander
K->Di-r!id, +l-n "r-h-! 1''
Soyin0-, Wole 2('
AMUrnson, AMUrns/Merne K-r/inius 1*2
Ar-nd/, Willy %1%
1ris>h, 2-n-r Ni//il, +n/on 1'%
"i-e8er, ?8-r (%1
L--8el!o, Try8e K-nus 1(1
L-!sun, Nnu/ 201
L-ssel, Odd &*
L-ne, 6hris/i-n Lous )&'
N-nsen, 1rid/Mof )&)
Ons-er, L-rs &(
Indse/, Sirid 209
S-l-!, +bdus ((&
+r-f-/, 3-sir %)'
Aein, Ken->he! Wolfo8i/>h %2)
6h-r$-0, "eores (9%
6urie, K-rie 11
Loff!-nn, 2o-ld 9&
Kilosz, 6zesl-# 2%&
2ei>hs/ein, T-deus ''(
2ey!on/, Wl-dysl-# S/-nisl-# 20%
2o/bl-/, Pose$h %)&
S>h-lly, +ndre# Si>/or '9&
Sien0ie#i>z, Lenry0 +d-! +le0s-nder Pius 1*(
Siner, ?s--> A-she8is 2%%
Szy!bors0-, Wisl-#- 2&'
W-les-, Le>h %'1
5-s Koniz, +n/onio 6-e/-no +breu 1reire ''2
S-r-!-o, Pos_ 2&%
P-l-de, "eore 5!il '90
Wiesel, 5lie %')
+lfero8, Jhores ?. &1'
A-so8, Ni0ol-i "enn-die8i>h ('%
Arods0y, Pose$h +le@-ndro8i>h 2()
Aunin, ?8-n +le@eie8i>h 21'
6heren0o8, P-8el +le0seye8i>h (2'
1r-n0, ?ly- Ki0-ylo8i>h (2)
"orb->he8, Ki0h-il Sereye8i>h %'*
N-n/oro8i>h, Leonid Si/-l9e8i>h 1))
N-$i/s-, Pyo/r Leonido8i>h (('
N-rrer, P-ul '&
Nuzne/s, Si!on S!i/h 1'*
L-nd-u, Le8 D-8ido8i>h ('1
Leon/ief, W-ssily W. 1)1
Ke/>hni0off, 5lie 2*&
P-s/ern-0, Aoris Leonido8i>h 2''
P-8lo8, ?8-n Pe/ro8i>h 2*1
Prioine, ?ly- 90
Pro0horo8, +le@-nder Ki0h-ilo8i>h ('(
S-0h-ro8, +ndrei D!i/riye8i>h %20
Se!eno8, Ni0ol-i Ni0ol-e8i>h (0
Sholo0ho8, Ki0h-il +le0s-ndro8i>h 2)0
Solzheni/syn, +le@-nder 2)(
T-!!, ?or 58ene8i>h (2%
W-0s!-n, Sel!-n +br-h-! ''*
1le!in, +le@-nder, Sir '2%
P-e 2&)
K->leod, Pohn P-!es 2i>0-rd 299
Kirrlees, P-!es +le@-nder, Sir 1&'
Orr, Pohn Aoyd )9&
2-!s-y, Willi-!, Sir )
Wilson, 6h-rles Tho!son 2ees %*&
-o!th 0frican
6or!->0, +ll-n K->Leod )02
-o!th 0frican
"ordi!er, N-dine 2(*
-o!th 0frican
de Nler0, 1rederi0 Wille! %)1
-o!th 0frican
Nlu, +-ron 9*
-o!th 0frican
Lu/huli, +lber/ Pohn %0(
-o!th 0frican
K-ndel-, Nelson %)2
-o!th 0frican
Theiler, K-@ ''&
-o!th 0frican
Tu/u, Des!ond K$ilo %'2
-o!th 8orean
Ni! D-e-Pun %%%
+lei@-ndre y Kerlo, Si>en/e Pio K-r>elino 6irilo 2%)
Aen-8en/e y K-r/inez, P->in/o 20'
6el-, 6-!ilo Pos_ 2((
5>he-r-y 3 5iz-uirre, Pos_ 1*)
Pi!_nez, Pu-n 2-!rn 2'1
O>ho-, Se8ero '%'
2-!rn y 6-M-l, S-n/i-o 2*)
-t: #!cian
Le#is, Willi-! +r/hur, Sir 1%0
+lf8en, L-nnes Olof "Us/- ()%
+rnoldson, Nl-s Pon/us )(0
+rrhenius, S8-n/e +uus/ '
Arny, 2ober/ 29'
Aers/rU!, Sune N-rl )10
Ar-n/in, N-rl LM-l!-r )&2
6-rlsson, +r8id ))&
D-l_n, Nils "us/-f %&0
5uler-6hel$in, L-ns N-rl +uus/ Si!on 8on 2(
"r-ni/, 2-n-r +r/hur '&0
"ulls/r-nd, +ll8-r 290
L-!!-rs0Mold, D- LM-l!-r +ne 6-rl %0&
Le8esy, "eore 6h-rles 8on )1
Pohnson, 5y8ind Olof Serner 2%0
N-rlfeld/, 5ri0 +@el 199
L-erlUf, Sel!- O//ili-n Lo8is- 190
K-r/inson, L-rry 5d!und 2%1
Kyrd-l, +l8- 2ei!er %'0
Kyrd-l, N-rl "unn-r 1)'
Ohlin, Aer/il "o//h-rd 1)*
S->hs, Leonie Nelly 2)2
S-!uelsson, Aen/ ?ne!-r )11
Sieb-hn, N-i K-nne AoerMe (&'
Sieb-hn, N-rl K-nne "eor %*2
SUderblo!, N-/h-n )*2
S8edber, Theodor L. 5. 2'
Theorell, +@el Luo Theodor '))
Tiselius, +rne Wilhel! N-urin )*
Son 5uler, Ilf S8-n/e '*1
Son Leidens/-!, 6-rl "us/-f Serner 19(
Wiesel, Tors/en N. )09
+rber, Werner '99
Alo>h, 1eli@ (11
Ao8e/, D-niel ')*
Du>o!!un, 5lie )%2
Dun-n/, Pe-n Lenri )%0
5ins/ein, +lber/ %&9
5rns/, 2i>h-rd 2ober/ 11%
"ob-/, 6h-rles +lber/ )%'
"uill-u!e, 6h-rles ]dou-rd %&*
Less, W-l/er 2udol$h '''
Lesse, Ler!-n 221
Perne, Niels N-M )1)
N-rrer, P-ul '&
No>her, 5!il Theodor 2**
KRller, N-rl +le@-nder (*)
KRller, P-ul Ler!-nn ''1
P-uli, Wolf-n 5rns/ (0'
Prelo, Sl-di!ir **
2ei>hs/ein, T-deus ''(
2ohrer, Leinri>h (*1
2uzi>0-, Leo$old S/e$hen )0
S$i//eler, 6-rl 1riedri>h "eor 200
Werner, +lfred 1)
Jin0ern-el, 2olf K-r/in ))1
Aednorz, Poh-nnes "eor (*'
D-l-i L-!-, /he 1our/een/h %'&
Ni>olle, 6h-rles Pules Lenri '0'
6o-se, 2on-ld L-rry 1(%
1is>her, 5d!ond Lenri )'1
L-rs-nyi, Pohn 6h-rles 1(9
K-r>us, 2udol$h +r/hur 11(
Kolin-, K-rio Pose 121
Ol-h, "eore +ndre# 119
2ober/s, 2i>h-rd Pohn )''
Tone-#-, Susu!u )21
Aen->err-f, A-ruM )0)
Le Du> Tho %1&
West 6er2an
Aednorz, Poh-nnes "eor (*'
+ndri, ?8o 2'(
Prelo, Sl-di!ir **
2uzi>0-, Leo$old S/e$hen )0
Teres-, Ko/her %2(
P-e 2&%
4eli&ion .nde/
Nendre#, Pohn 6o#dery, Sir ((
Oe, Nenz-buro 2&1
+nell, Nor!-n, Sir )*%
+s/on, 1r-n>is Willi-! 20
Al->0e//, P-/ri>0 K-yn-rd S/u-r/ (0(
Ar-, Willi-! Lenry, Sir %&'
Ar-, Willi-! L-#ren>e, Sir %&)
6e>il, 5d-r +lernon 2ober/ "-s>oyne, Sir )*9
6h-!berl-in, Pose$h +us/en, Sir )&%
6hur>hill, Wins/on Leon-rd S$en>er, Sir 22*
6o>0>rof/, Pohn Doul-s, Sir (09
Lill, +r>hib-ld Si8i-n 29(
Lo$0ins, 1rederi>0 "o#l-nd, Sir '0%
Le#is, Willi-! +r/hur, Sir 1%0
Ko//, Ne8ill 1r-n>is, Sir ((1
2i>h-rdson, O#en Will-ns, Sir %**
2oss, 2on-ld, Sir 2&9
Sherrin/on, 6h-rles S>o//, Sir '09
Tho!son, "eore P-e/, Sir %9*
Tho!son, Pose$h Pohn, Sir %('
Tu/u, Des!ond K$ilo %'2
Li>0s, Pohn 2i>h-rd, Sir 1)0
Luins, 6h-rles Aren/on '(*
Nin, K-r/in Lu/her, Pr. %10
5s-0i, Leo (%0
2-!s-y, Willi-!, Sir )
Soddy, 1rederi>0 19
+lei@-ndre y Kerlo, Si>en/e Pio K-r>elino 6irilo 2%)
Aednorz, Poh-nnes "eor (*'
Aeern-er/, +uus/e K-rie 1r-naois )(2
Aelo, 6-rlos 1ili$e 4i!enes %)*
Aen-8en/e y K-r/inez, P->in/o 20'
AUll, Leinri>h 2)*
Aoureois, L_on-Si>/or +uus/e )&1
Aro>0house, Aer/r-! Ne8ille (9*
Arolie, Louis-Si>/or Pierre 2-y!ond de %*9
6-rrel, +le@is 291
6el-, 6-!ilo Pos_ 2((
6l-ude, +lber/ '**
6orri-n, K-ire-d %21
Ni! D-e-Pun %%%
Debye, Pe/er Pose$hus Wilhel!us '%
Deledd-, "r-zi- 20&
Dir->, P-ul +drien K-uri>e %92
Dulbe>>o, 2en-/o '92
de Du8_, 6hris/i-n 2en_ K-rie Pose$h '*9
5>>les, Pohn 6-re#, Sir '(0
5-s Koniz, +n/onio 6-e/-no +breu 1reire ''2
d95s/ournelles, P-ul Lenri AenM-!in A-lleu/ de 6ons/-n/, A-ron )('
1ris>h, N-rl 8on '*%
"-Mduse0, D-niel 6-rle/on '9%
"-r>o- 2obles, +lfonso %29
"r-ss, "Rn/er Wilhel! 2&(
L-ye0, 1riedri>h +uus/ Son 1)2
Le-ney, Se-!us Pus/in 2&2
Le!in#-y, 5rnes/ Killer 229
Less, Si>/or 1r-nz %9(
Ley!-ns, 6orneille Pe-n 1r-naois '1*
Lu!e, Pohn %%2
Pi!_nez, Pu-n 2-!rn 2'1
Leloir, Luis 1ederi>o &9
Lorenz, Nonr-d J->h-ri-s '*(
K->Aride, Se-n %1*
K-r>oni, "uliel!o %(&
K-uri->, 1r-naois 22&
Kilosz, 6zesl-# 2%&
Kis/r-l, 1rederi> 1*%
Kis/r-l, "-briel- 220
Kone/-, 5rnes/o Teodoro )%*
Kon/-le, 5uenio 2%2
Koore, S/-nford *2
Kurr-y, Pose$h 5. )2&
N-//-, "iulio (*
N_el, Louis 5uene 1eli@ ()(
Neher, 5r#in )29
O9Neill, 5uene "l-ds/one 21%
P-uli, Wolf-n 5rns/ (0'
P_rez 5sGui8el, +dolfo %2&
Pedersen, 6h-rles Pohn 10*
Pir-ndello, Luii 21)
Pire, Do!iniGue, 2e8erend %0)
Prel, 1ri/z 21
Prudho!!e, 2en_-1r-naois-+r!end 1*1
Qu-si!odo, S-l8-/ore 2')
2-!rn y 6-M-l, S-n/i-o 2*)
2-!os-Lor/-, Pos_ %)9
2ey!on/, Wl-dysl-# S/-nisl-# 20%
2i>he/, 6h-rles 2ober/ 292
2oll-nd, 2o!-in 19%
2ubbi-, 6-rlo (&&
S-b-/ier, P-ul 1'
S>hrUdiner, 5r#in %9'
Seifer/, P-rosl-8 2(1
Sien0ie#i>z, Lenry0 +d-! +le0s-nder Pius 1*(
Teres-, Ko/her %2(
W-les-, Le>h %'1
Werner, +lfred 1)
+nderson, Phili$ W-rren ((0
A-r/on, Dere0 L-rold 2i>h-rd, Sir &&
Aers/rU!, Sune N-rl )10
Aorde/, Pules Pe-n A-$/is/e Sin>en/ 29)
Ar-un, N-rl 1erdin-nd %((
Ari-nd, +ris/ide )&&
6h-d#i>0, P-!es, Sir %9)
6ori, 6-rl 1erdin-nd '2*
6or!->0, +ll-n K->Leod )02
6r-!, Don-ld P-!es 10(
6ronin, P-!es W-/son ((9
D-l_n, Nils "us/-f %&0
D-!, 6-rl Pe/er Lenri0 '20
D-8isson, 6lin/on Pose$h %9&
Deh!el/, L-ns "eor (**
Deisenhofer, Poh-nn 109
Do!-0, "erh-rd '19
5iM0!-n, 6hris/i--n '0)
1i/>h, S-l Losdon (&0
1lorey, Lo#-rd W-l/er, Sir '2(
"oli, 6-!illo 2*'
"uill-u!e, 6h-rles ]dou-rd %&*
L-rden, +r/hur, Sir 2&
L-#or/h, W-l/er Nor!-n, Sir '(
Lershey, +lfred D-y '&&
Less, W-l/er 2udol$h '''
Leyro8s0y, P-rosl-8 ('
Lounsfield, "odfrey Ne#bold, Sir )0'
Louss-y, Aern-rdo +lber/o ''0
Luber, 2ober/ 110
Pensen, Poh-nnes L-ns D-niel ('2
Perne, Niels N-M )1)
Pouh-u@, Leon )99
N-!erlinh Onnes, Lei0e %&1
N-$i/s-, Pyo/r Leonido8i>h (('
Nello, 1r-n0 Aillins )*1
Nend-ll, Lenry W-y (92
Nli/zin, Nl-us 8on (&9
NUhler, "eores P.1. )1%
Noo$!-ns, TM-llin 6h-rles 1)%
Nossel, N-rl K-r/in Leonh-rd +lbre>h/ 2*9
L- 1on/-ine, Lenri K-rie )(*
P-e 2&(
L-uhlin, 2ober/ A. &0*
L-8er-n, 6h-rles Louis +l$honse 2*%
Li$s>o!b, Willi-! Nunn, Pr. *9
K-yer, K-ri- "oe$$er/ (''
K>Kill-n, 5d#in K-//ison %2
Ked-#-r, Pe/er Ari-n, Sir '%%
Ken>hu Tu!, 2iober/- %)0
Korrison, Toni 2&0
Nerns/, W-l/her Ler!-nn 1*
Ni>olle, 6h-rles Pules Lenri '0'
O>ho-, Se8ero '%'
Ossie/z0y, 6-rl 8on )*&
Os/#-ld, 1riedri>h Wilhel! 9
Perrin, Pe-n A-$/is/e %*%
2ous, 1r-n>is Pey/on '(9
2uzi>0-, Leo$old S/e$hen )0
S--8edr- L-!-s, 6-rlos )**
S-!uelsson, Aen/ ?ne!-r )11
S>hrieffer, Pohn 2ober/ ()9
Sieb-hn, N-i K-nne AoerMe (&'
Sieb-hn, N-rl K-nne "eor %*2
Si!on, 6l-ude 5uene Lenri 2(2
S$erry, 2oer Wol>o// )0*
T-ylor, 2i>h-rd 5. (9'
Tho!-s, 5d#-rd Donn-ll )2*
Tin, S-!uel 6h-o 6hun (%9
Todd, +le@-nder 2ober/us, Sir (1
Irey, L-rold 6l-y/on '2
S-n Sle>0, Pohn L-sbrou>0 ((2
S-n der W--ls, Poh-nnes Dideri0 %(*
Son A_0_sy, "eor '%(
W-ner 8on P-ure, Pulius '02
Wiel-nd, Leinri>h O//o 2)
Wien, Wilhel! 6-rl Werner O//o 1ri/z 1r-nz %(9
Wilson, Nenne/h "eddes (&)
Wilson, 2ober/ Woodro# ((%
Wi//i, "eor 1riedri>h N-rl 9'
S-r-!-o, Pos_ 2&%
Doisy, 5d#-rd +delber/ '21
Nend-ll, 5d#-rd 6-l8in ''%
Lu/huli, +lber/ Pohn %0(
K>6lin/o>0, A-rb-r- )1'
Killi0-n, 2ober/ +ndre#s %*1
Kur$hy, Willi-! P-rry '12
S>h-#lo#, +r/hur Leon-rd (&2
Sh-r$, Philli$ +llen )')
Snell, "eore D-8is )0(
Au/ler, Ni>hol-s Kurr-y )*)
1-ul0ner, Willi-! 6u/hber/ 22)
K-rsh-ll, "eore 6-/le// %01
Kor-n, Tho!-s Lun/ '10
Kur-d, 1erid ))%
1orss!-nn, Werner Theodor O//o ')(
KRller, P-ul Ler!-nn ''1
Son A-eyer, +dolf Poh-nn 1riedri>h Wilhel! %
6h-ndr-se0h-r, Subr-h!-ny-n (&%
Nhor-n-, L-r "obind '&)
2-!-n, 6h-ndr-se0h-r- Sen0-/-, Sir %90
Sen, +!-r/y- Nu!-r 1&&
+non, Sh!uel 3osef 2)1
+l/!-n, Sidney 112
+rro#, Nenne/h Pose$h 1'9
+sser, Tobi-s Ki>h-el 6-rel )(%
+@elrod, Pulius '&9
Arny, 2ober/ 29'
A-l/i!ore, D-8id '91
Ae>0er, "-ry S/-nley 1((
Aein, Ken->he! Wolfo8i/>h %2)
Aello#, S-ul 2%'
Aer, P-ul 9)
Aerson, Lenri Louis 20*
Ae/he, L-ns +lbre>h/ ()2
Alo>h, 1eli@ (11
Alo>h, Nonr-d 5!il '('
Alu!ber, A-ru>h S-!uel '9)
Aorn, K-@ (1)
Arods0y, Pose$h +le@-ndro8i>h 2()
Aro#n, Lerber/ 6h-rles 92
Aro#n, Ki>h-el S/u-r/ )1&
6-l8in, Kel8in (%
6-ne//i, 5li-s 2%*
6-ssin, 2en_-S-!uel %12
6h-in, 5rns/ Aoris, Sir '2)
6h-r$-0, "eores (9%
6ohen-T-nnoudMi, 6l-ude Nessi! &0(
6ohen, S/-nley L-rold )19
6oo$er, Leon Neil ()*
6ori, "er/y Theres- 2-dni/z '29
5del!-n, "er-ld K-uri>e '*'
5hrli>h, P-ul 2*(
5ins/ein, +lber/ %&9
5in/ho8en, Wille! '00
5lion, "er/rude Aelle )2'
5rl-ner, Pose$h '22
1eyn!-n, 2i>h-rd Philli$s ('*
1r-n>0, P-!es %*'
1ried, +lfred Ler!-nn )((
1ried!-n, Pero!e ?s--> (91
1ried!-n, Kil/on 1)(
1ris>h, 2-n-r Ni//il, +n/on 1'%
1ur>ho//, 2ober/ 1r-n>is ))'
"-bor, Dennis ()&
"-sser, Lerber/ S$en>er '2'
"ilber/, W-l/er 9%
"l-ser, Don-ld +r/hur (2*
"l-sho#, Sheldon Lee (((
"olds/ein, Pose$h Leon-rd )1*
"ordi!er, N-dine 2(*
L-ber, 1ri/z 1&
L-u$/!-n, Lerber/ +-ron 101
Lerzber, "erh-rd *0
Le8esy, "eore 6h-rles 8on )1
Loff!-nn, 2o-ld 9&
Lofs/-d/er, 2ober/ (29
P->ob, 1r-naois '(%
Pose$hson, Ari-n D-8id (%2
N-ndel, 5ri> 2i>h-rd ))9
N-n/oro8i>h, Leonid Si/-l9e8i>h 1))
N-rle, Pero!e 102
N-/z, Aern-rd, Sir '*0
Nissiner, Lenry +lfred %1(
Nlu, +-ron 9*
Nohn, W-l/er 129
Nornber, +r/hur '%2
Nrebs, L-ns +dolf, Sir ''9
Nuzne/s, Si!on S!i/h 1'*
L-nd-u, Le8 D-8ido8i>h ('1
Lederber, Poshu- '%0
Leder!-n, Leon K-@ (*%
Lee, D-8id Korris &02
Le8i-Kon/-l>ini, 2i/- )20
Li$!-nn, 1ri/z +lber/ ')0
Li$$!-nn, "-briel Pon-s %(%
Loe#i, O//o '1(
Luri-, S-l8-dor 5d#-rd '&*
L#off, +ndr_ Ki>hel '((
K-r>us, 2udol$h +r/hur 11(
Keyerhof, O//o 1ri/z 29&
Ki>helson, +lber/ +br-h-! %()
Kodili-ni, 1r-n>o 1%&
Koiss-n, Lenri (
Ko//elson, AenM-!in 2oy (%(
N-/h-ns, D-niel )00
Nirenber, K-rsh-ll W-rren '&%
P-s/ern-0, Aoris Leonido8i>h 2''
Penzi-s, +rno +ll-n (()
Peres, Shi!on %))
Perl, K-r/in L. &00
Peru/z, K-@ 1erdin-nd (&
Prioine, ?ly- 90
Prusiner, S/-nley Aen ))2
2-bi, ?sidor ?s--> (02
2-bin, 3i/zh-0 %)%
2ei>hs/ein, T-deus ''(
2eines, 1rederi>0 &01
2i>h/er, Aur/on (%*
2o/bl-/, Pose$h %)&
S->hs, Leonie Nelly 2)2
S-!uelson, P-ul +n/hony 1'&
S>h#-r/z, Kel8in (*(
S>h#iner, Puli-n Sey!our ('9
Ser_, 5!ilio "ino (2&
Siner, ?s--> A-she8is 2%%
Solo#, 2ober/ Ker/on 1%9
S/ein, Willi-! Lo#-rd *'
S/einberer, P->0 (*&
S/ern, O//o (01
T-!!, ?or 58ene8i>h (2%
Te!in, Lo#-rd K-r/in '9'
P-e 2&&
Son A-eyer, +dolf Poh-nn 1riedri>h Wilhel! %
W-0s!-n, Sel!-n +br-h-! ''*
W-ld, "eore '&2
W-ll->h, O//o 10
W-rbur, O//o Leinri>h '0&
Weinber, S/e8en ((*
Wiesel, 5lie %')
Winer, 5uene P-ul (')
Wills/[/er, 2i>h-rd K-r/in 1(
3-lo#, 2os-lyn Suss!-n '9*
+lf8en, L-nnes Olof "Us/- ()%
+rrhenius, S8-n/e +uus/ '
Alobel, "Rn/er ))(
Aorl-u, Nor!-n 5rnes/ %1)
Ao/he, W-l/her Wilhel! "eor (1%
5ien, K-nfred &'
1ibier, Poh-nnes +ndre-s "rib '01
1insen, Niels 2yber 2*0
1is>her, 5rns/ O//o *)
"r-ni/, 2-n-r +r/hur '&0
L-!!-rs0Mold, D- LM-l!-r +ne 6-rl %0&
L-ssel, Odd &*
Lesse, Ler!-n 221
N-rlfeld/, 5ri0 +@el 199
No>h, Leinri>h Ler!-nn 2ober/ 2*2
Nus>h, Poly>-r$ (1(
L-#ren>e, 5rnes/ Orl-ndo (00
Lynen, 1eodor 1eli@ Nonr-d '()
Kyrd-l, +l8- 2ei!er %'0
Kyrd-l, N-rl "unn-r 1)'
Ohlin, Aer/il "o//h-rd 1)*
P-ul, Wolf-n (*9
2oen/en, Wilhel! 6onr-d %%(
S>h#ei/zer, +lber/ %00
SUderblo!, N-/h-n )*2
S/rese!-nn, "us/-8 )&*
S8edber, Theodor L. 5. 2'
T-ube, Lenry 99
Theorell, +@el Luo Theodor '))
Tiselius, +rne Wilhel! N-urin )*
Tsui, D-niel 6hee &10
Jee!-n, Pie/er %%*
Jieler, N-rl (9
A-n/in, 1rederi>0 "r-n/, Sir 29*
A-r0l-, 6h-rles "lo8er %&%
6re!er, Willi-! 2-nd-l, Sir )%)
6url, 2ober/ 1loyd, Pr. 12'
D-le, Lenry L-lle//, Sir '1%
Doher/y, Pe/er 6h-rles ))0
Lenderson, +r/hur )*(
Ni$lin, Pose$h 2udy-rd 1**
Kerrifield, 2ober/ Aru>e 100
Ko//, Pohn 2. )9)
Pe-rson, Les/er Ao#les %0'
Philli$s, Willi-! D-niel &0&
W-l/on, 5rnes/ Tho!-s Sin/on (10
+r-f-/, 3-sir %)'
5l-S-d-/, Kuh-!!ed +n#-r %2%
K-hfouz, N-uib 2(%
S-l-!, +bdus ((&
Le#is, 5d#-rd A. )'&
1is>her, 5d!ond Lenri )'1
+dd-!s, L-ur- P-ne )*'
Au>0, Pe-rl 6o!for/ Sydens/ri>0er 21&
Aurne/, 1r-n0 K->1-rl-ne, Sir '%)
6o!$/on, +r/hur Lolly %*(
1le!in, +le@-nder, Sir '2%
1o#ler, Willi-! +lfred (&(
Len>h, Phili$ Sho#-l/er '')
Nrebs, 5d#in "erh-rd )'2
K->leod, Pohn P-!es 2i>0-rd 299
Orr, Pohn Aoyd )9&
2-in#-/er, Leo P-!es (%&
2i>h-rds, Di>0inson Woodruff ')&
2oose8el/, Theodore )%&
To#nes, 6h-rles L-rd ('&
Wilson, Tho!-s Woodro# )&0
+$$le/on, 5d#-rd Si>/or, Sir (0%
+rber, Werner '99
A-Mer, 1redri0 )(1
Ae>0e//, S-!uel A-r>l-y 2)%
Aerius, 1riedri>h N-rl 2udol$h 29
Auisson, 1erdin-nd 5dou-rd )&9
Aun>he, 2-l$h Pohnson )9*
6ornfor/h, Pohn W-r>u$, Sir *&
DelbrR>0, K-@ '&(
5nders, Pohn 1r-n0lin ')1
1is>her, Ler!-nn 5!il 2
1lorey, Lo#-rd W-l/er, Sir '2(
1lory, P-ul Pohn *(
"ob-/, 6h-rles +lber/ )%'
L-hn, O//o )2
L-r/line, L-ld-n Neffer '&1
Leisenber, Werner N-rl %91
Lershey, +lfred D-y '&&
Lull, 6ordell )92
Pensen, Poh-nnes L-ns D-niel ('2
N-rrer, P-ul '&
No>her, 5!il Theodor 2**
L-n!uir, ?r8in '1
L-ue, K-@ Theodor 1eli@ 8on %&2
Len-rd, Phili$$ 5du-rd +n/on 8on %(2
Loren/z, Lendri0 +n/oon %%&
Lu>-s, 2ober/ 5!erson, Pr. 1&2
K-nn, P-ul Tho!-s 210
Ki>hel, L-r/!u/ 111
Konod, P->Gues Lu>ien '(&
KRller, N-rl +le@-nder (*)
Nor/hro$, Pohn Lo#-rd ))
Ons-er, L-rs &(
Pl-n>0, K-@ N-rl 5rns/ Lud#i %&(
Por/er, 2odney 2ober/ '*)
Po#ell, 6e>il 1r-n0 (0*
2i>h-rds, Theodore Willi-! 1%
2ohrer, Leinri>h (*1
2oo/, 5lihu )(&
2ous, 1r-n>is Pey/on '(9
2us0-, 5rns/ +uus/ 1riedri>h (*2
2u/herford, 5rnes/, Sir *
S-0!-nn, Aer/ )'0
Se-bor, "lenn Theodore %'
S$e!-nn, L-ns '1)
S/einbe>0, Pohn 5rns/ 2'&
Su/herl-nd, 5-rl Wilbur, Pr. '*2
Tri!ble, Willi-! D-8id %%'
Son 5uler, Ilf S8-n/e '*1
W-l>o//, Dere0 +l/on 2(9
Wilson, 6h-rles Tho!son 2ees %*&
Wood#-rd, 2ober/ Aurns &1
Jerni0e, 1ri/s (1'
Noel-A-0er, Phili$ Pohn %0%
T-ylor, Pose$h Loo/on, Pr. (9&
Si>0rey, Willi-! S$en>er 1&)
S-/o, 5is-0u %19
A-l>h, 5!ily "reene )9'
Lolley, 2ober/ Willi-! '&'
Lubel, D-8id Lun/er )0&
Kino/, "eore 2i>h-rds '11
Kulli0en, 2ober/ S-nderson &2
Su!ner, P-!es A-/>heller )(

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