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SECTION 02 21 00
This section specifies the gathering of research documents, performance
of a property and topographic survey and preparation of a site survey
A. Professional Land urveyor! "ne #ho possesses a valid state license as a
$Professional Land urveyor$ from the state in #hich they practice.
%. Professional &ivil 'ngineer! "ne #ho possesses a valid state license as
a $Professional &ivil 'ngineer$ from the state in #hich they practice.
(or this section, the term $surveyor$ shall also include Professional
&ivil 'ngineers authori)ed to practice Land urveying under the la#s of
the state in #hich they practice.
A. The surveyor shall research availa*le pu*lic records for all mapping,
monumentation, plats, governmental surveys etc. that may pertain to the
su*+ect property. ,esearch all applica*le pu*lic utilities for
su*structure data such as se#ers, storm drains, #ater lines, electrical
conduits etc.
%. The survey shall *e performed on the ground in accordance #ith the
current $Accuracy tandards for Land Title urveys$ as adopted, from
time to time, *y the American &ongress on urveying and -apping, the
.ational ociety of Professional urveyors, and the American Land Title
&. The surveyor, #hen applica*le, shall consult #ith the &ontracting
"fficer to determine scale of plat or map and si)e of dra#ings.
/. The surveyor shall furnish t#o sets of prints of the plat or map of
survey and the electronic &A// file for 3/ soft#are. The sheets shall *e
num*ered, the total num*er of sheets indicated and the match lines shall
*e sho#n on each sheet.
'. "n the plat or map, the survey *oundary shall *e dra#n to a scale not
larger than 1 inch 0 30 feet 125 mm 0 3 m4, #ith the scale clearly
indicated. A graphic scale, sho#n in feet or meters or *oth, shall *e
included. A north arro# shall *e sho#n and #hen practica*le, the plat or
map of survey shall *e oriented so that north is at the top of the
dra#ing. ym*ols or a**reviations used shall *e identified on the face
02 21 00 - 1
of the plat or map *y use of a legend or other means. upplementary or
e5aggerated diagrams shall *e presented accurately on the plat or map
#here dimensional data is too small to *e sho#n clearly at full scale.
The plat or map shall *e 30 *y 62 inches.
(. The survey shall contain the follo#ing applica*le information!
1. The name, address, telephone num*er, and signature of the
Professional Land urveyor #ho made the survey, his or her official
seal and registration num*er, the date the survey #as completed and
the dates of all revisions.
2. The survey dra#ing1s4 su*mitted shall *ear the follo#ing
certification ad+acent to the 'ngineer7s official seal!
$8 here*y certify that all information indicated on this dra#ing #as
o*tained or verified *y actual measurements in the field and that
every effort has *een made to furnish complete and accurate
3. 9icinity map sho#ing the property surveyed in reference to near*y
high#ays or ma+or street intersections.
6. (lood )one designation 1#ith proper annotation *ased on (ederal (lood
8nsurance ,ate -aps or the state or local e:uivalent, *y scaled map
location and graphic plotting only4.
5. Land area as defined *y the *oundaries of the legal description of
the surveyed premises, including legal description of the land.
;. All data necessary to indicate the mathematical dimensions and
relationships of the *oundary represented *y *earings and distances,
and the length and radius of each curve, together #ith elements
necessary to mathematically define each curve. The point of *eginning
of the surveyor7s description and the *asis of *earings shall also *e
<. =hen record *earings or angles or distances differ from measured
*earings, angles or distances, *oth record and measured *earings,
angles, and distances shall *e clearly indicated. 8f the record
description fails to form a mathematically closed figure, the
surveyor shall so indicate.
>. -easured and record distances from corners of parcels surveyed to the
nearest right-of-#ay lines of streets in ur*an or su*ur*an areas,
together #ith recovered lot corners and evidence of lot corners,
shall *e noted. The distances to the nearest intersecting street
shall *e indicated and verified. .ames and #idths of streets and
02 21 00 - 2
high#ays a*utting the property surveyed and #idths of rights of #ay
shall *e given. "*serva*le evidence of access 1or lac? thereof4 to
such a*utting streets or high#ays shall *e indicated. "*serva*le
evidence of private roads shall *e so indicated. treets a*utting the
premises, #hich have *een descri*ed in ,ecord /ocuments, *ut not
physically opened, shall *e sho#n and so noted.
3. The identifying titles of all recorded plats, filed maps, right of
#ay maps, or similar documents #hich the survey represents, #holly or
in part, #ith their appropriate recording data. The survey shall
indicate platted set*ac? or *uilding restriction lines #hich have
*een recorded in su*division plats or #hich appear in a ,ecord
/ocument #hich has *een delivered to the surveyor. &ontiguity, gores,
and overlaps along the e5terior *oundaries of the survey premises,
#here ascertaina*le from field evidence or ,ecord /ocuments, or
interior to those e5terior *oundaries, shall *e clearly indicated or
noted. =here only a part of a recorded lot or parcel is included in
the survey, the *alance of the lot or parcel shall *e indicated.
10. All evidence of found monuments shall *e sho#n and noted. All
evidence of monuments found *eyond the surveyed premises on #hich
esta*lishment of the corners of the survey premises are dependent,
and their application related to the survey shall *e indicated.
11. The character of any and all evidence of possession shall *e
stated and the location of such evidence carefully given in relation
to *oth the measured *oundary lines and those esta*lished *y the
record. An a*sence of notation on the survey shall *e presumptive of
no o*serva*le evidence of possession.
12. The location of all *uildings upon the plot or parcel shall *e
sho#n and their locations defined *y measurements perpendicular to
the *oundaries. 8f there are no *uildings, so state. Proper street
num*ers shall *e sho#n #here availa*le.
13. All easements evidenced *y a ,ecord /ocument #hich have *een
delivered to the surveyor shall *e sho#n, *oth those *urdening and
those *enefiting the property surveyed, indicating recording
information. 8f such an easement cannot *e located, a note to this
affect shall *e included. "*serva*le evidence of easements and@or
servitudes of all ?inds, such as those created *y roads, rights-of-
#ays, #ater courses, drains, telephone, telegraph, or electric lines,
#ater, se#er, oil or gas pipelines on or across the surveyed property
02 21 00 - 3
and on ad+oining properties if they appear to affect the surveyed
property, shall *e located and noted. urface indications, if any, or
of underground easements and@or servitudes shall also *e sho#n.
16. The character and location of all #alls, *uildings, fences, and
other visi*le improvements #ithin five feet of each side of the
*oundary lines shall *e noted. =ithout e5pressing a legal opinion,
physical evidence of all encroaching structural appurtenances and
pro+ections, such as fire escapes, *ay #indo#s, #indo#s and doors
that open out, flue pipes, stoops, eaves, cornices, area#ays, stoops,
trip, etc., *y or on ad+oining property or on a*utting streets, on
any easement or over set*ac? lines sho#n *y ,ecord /ocuments shall *e
indicated #ith the e5tent of such encroachment or pro+ection.
15. /rive#ays and alleys on or crossing the property must *e sho#n.
=here there is evidence of use *y other than the occupants of the
property, the surveyor must so indicate on the plat or map. =here
drive#ays or alleys on ad+oining properties encroach, in #hole or in
part, on the property *eing surveyed, the surveyor must so indicate
on the plat or map #ith appropriate measurements.
1;. Location, alignment and dimensions of all roads, cur*s, #al?s,
par?ing and paved areas a*utting the su*+ect land. 8ndicate road
centerlines #ith true *earings and lengths *y 50 foot stationing.
/escri*e curves *y designating the points of curvature and tangency
*y station. 8nclude all curve data as #ell a location of radius and
verte5 points. 'levations on 50 foot 115 m4 centers on centerline of
roads, edges of roads and top and *ottom of cur*s.
1<. As accurately as the evidence permits, the location of cemeteries
and *urial grounds disclosed in the process of researching title to
the premises or o*served in the process of performing the field #or?
for the survey, shall *e sho#n.
1>. Ponds, la?es, springs, or rivers *ordering on or running through
the premises *eing surveyed shall *e sho#n. =hen a property surveyed
contains a natural #ater *oundary, the surveyor shall measure the
location of the *oundary according to appropriate surveying methods
and note on the plat or map the date of the measurement and the
caveat that the *oundary is su*+ect to change due to natural causes
and that it may or may not represent the actual location of the limit
of title. =hen the surveyor is a#are of changes in such *oundaries,
the e5tent of those changes shall *e identified.
02 21 00 - 6
13. &ontours at a minimum interval of @@1 foot 1305 mm4@@. -odify
*et#een @@--@@ if not applica*le to pro+ect. %ase vertical control on
the permanent 1not assumed4 .ational Aeodetic urvey 1.A4 or 9A
-edical &enter %ench -ar?. .ote location, description and datum.
urveyor to esta*lish three *enchmar?s on the property that are *ased
on the .A. Bori)ontal and vertical control to *e provided on each
control point.
20. 8dentify and sho# if possi*le, set*ac?, height, and floor space
area restrictions of record or disclosed *y applica*le )oning or
*uilding codes 1in addition to those recorded in su*division maps4.
8f none, so state.
21. '5terior dimensions of all *uildings at ground level. ho# s:uare
footage of e5terior footprint of all *uildings at ground level and
gross floor area of all *uildings.
22. -easured height of all *uildings a*ove grade at a defined
location. 8f no defined location is provided, the point of
measurement shall *e sho#n.
23. 'levations at each entrance to *uildings, service doc?s, *uilding
corners, steps, ramps and grade sla*s.
26. u*stantial, visi*le improvements 1in addition to *uildings4 such
as signs, par?ing areas, s#imming pools, etc.
25. Par?ing areas and, if striped, the striping and the type 1eg.
handicapped, motorcycle, regular, etc.4 and num*er of par?ing spaces.
2;. 8ndication of access to a pu*lic #ay such as cur* cuts and
2<. Location of utilities e5isting on or serving the surveyed property
as determined *y o*served evidence together #ith plans and mar?ings
provided *y utility companies, and other appropriate sources 1#ith
references as to the source of information. Locate and sho# all fire
hydrants located #ithin 500 feet of the su*+ect property.
2>. ,ailroad trac?s and sidings.
23. -anholes, catch *asins, valve vaults or other surface indications
of su*terranean uses together #ith depths or invert elevations,
si)es, and materials of all pipes.
30. =ires and ca*les 1including their function4 crossing the survey
premises, all poles on or #ithin ten feet of the surveyed premises,
and the dimensions of all cross-#ires or overhangs affecting the
surveyed premises.
02 21 00 - 5
31. Ctility company installations on the surveyed premises.
32. .ames of ad+oining o#ners of platted lands together #ith )oning
33. "*serva*le evidence of earth moving #or?, *uilding construction or
*uilding additions #ithin recent months.
36. Any changes in street right-of-#ay lines either completed or
proposed, and availa*le from the controlling +urisdiction. "*serva*le
evidence of recent street or side#al? construction or repairs.
35. "*serva*le evidence of site use as a solid #aste dump, sump or
sanitary landfill.
3;. All trees #ith a minimum diameter of ;$ measured at 6>$ a*ove the
*ase of the tree. Perimeter outline only of thic?ly #ooded areas #ith
description of predominant vegetation.
- - - ' . / - - -
02 21 00 - ;

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