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ADS Fundamentals 2009

LAB 2: System Design Fundamentals

0veiview - This chaptei intiouuces the use of behavioial mouels to cieate a system
such as a ieceivei. This lab will be the fiist step in the uesign piocess wheie the system
level behavioial mouels aie simulateu to appioximate the uesiieu peifoimance. By
setting the uesiieu specifications in the system components, you can latei ieplace them
with inuiviuual ciicuits anu compaie the iesults to the behavioial mouels.

0se the skills uevelopeu in the fiist lab exeicise.
Cieate a system pioject foi an RF ieceivei using behavioial mouels (filtei,
amplifiei, mixei) wheie: RF = 19uu NBz anu IF= 1uu NBz.
0se an RF souice, L0 with phase noise, anu a Noise Contiollei.
Test the system: S-paiameteis , Spectium, Noise, etc.

Copyiight Agilent Technologies
Lab 2: System Design Fundamentals

2-2 Copyiight Agilent Technologies

Table of Contents

1. Create a New Project (system) and schematic. ................................................... 3
2. Build a behavioral RF receiver system. .............................................................. 3
3. Set up an S-parameter simulation with frequency conversion. ............................ 6
4. Plot the S-21 data. .............................................................................................. 9
5. Increase gain, simulate, and add a sccond trace. .............................................. 9
6. Set up an RF source and LO with Phase Noise................................................. 10
7. Set up a HB Noise Controller............................................................................. 12
8. Set up a HB simulation. ...................................................................................... 13
9. Simulate and plot the response: pnmx and Vout. .............................................. 14
10. OPTIONAL - SDD (Symbolically Defined Device) simulation.......................... 15
Lab 2: System Design Fundamentals

Copyiight Agilent Technologies
"# $%&'(& ' )&* +%,-&.( /010(&23 '45 0.6&2'(7.#
'# 0se the File > New Pioject commanu anu name the new pioject: 010(&2.
8# 0pen anu save a new schematic with the name: %9:010.
2. ;<7=5 ' 8&6'>7,%'= ?@ %&.&7>&% 010(&2#
a. ;<((&%*,%(6 97=(&%: uo to the Component Palette list
Palette list anu scioll uown to @7=(&%0A;'45B'00.
;'45B'00. Inseit a Butteiwoith filtei. Set it as
shown: Fcentei = 1.9 uBz to iepiesent the caiiiei
caiiiei fiequency. Set BWpass = 2uu NBz anu
anu BWstop = 1 uBz.
b. Amplifiei: uo to the System-Amps & Nixeis palette
palette anu inseit the C2B. Set S21 = ubpolai
ubpolai (1u,18u).

Foi on-scieen
euiting, use the
Entei key to step to
the next paiametei.
Lab 2: System Design Fundamentals

2-4 Copyiight Agilent Technologies
c. D&%2: Inseit a teimination at the input foi poit 1. Teims aie in the
E72<='(7,4AE:+'%'2 palette oi type in the name Teim in the Component
Bistoiy anu piess Entei.
)FDG ,4 ;<((&%*,%(6 97=(&% A The behavioial Butteiwoith iesponse is iueal; theiefoie
theie is no iipple in the pass banu. Latei on, when the filtei anu amplifiei aie ieplaceu
with ciicuit mouels, theie will be iipple. Foi system filtei moueling with iipple, use the
behavioial Elliptical filtei.
Lab 2: System Design Fundamentals

Copyiight Agilent Technologies
The next steps will auu a behavioial mixei anu L0 to the RF system.
u. Fiom the System-Amps & Nixeis palette, inseit a behavioial H7I&% at the
at the amp output - be caieful to inseit the H7I&% anu not Nixei2. Nixei2
Nixei2 is similai anu also foi nonlineai analysis but uoes not woik with
with the small-signal fiequency conveision featuie of S-paiametei
analysis that you will use in this exeicise.
e. Set the Nixei $,4>J'74 K 58B,='% /LMN3. Also, set the Nixei E75&;'45 K
OFPG? by inseiting the cuisoi in fiont of the uefault (B0TB) anu using
the keyboaiu 0P anu B0WN aiiow keys to toggle the setting to L0WER.
Leave all othei settings in the uefault conuition.
f. H,>& .,2B,4&4( (&I( A click the @Q keyboaiu key anu then click on a
component to move its text. Bo this so that you can cleaily see the

g. Auu the L0 by inseiting ' QN ,62 %&070(,% in seiies with a R:"D,4&
souice fiom the E,<%.&0A@%&S T,2'74 palette. Set the Fieq to "#U JVW.
This will pioviue an IF of 1uu NBz at the output. Bon't foiget the giounu.

Local 0scillatoi:
iesistoi, voltage
souice, anu
Lab 2: System Design Fundamentals

2-6 Copyiight Agilent Technologies
h. Auu a low pass Bessel filtei at the mixei output as shown heie. The filtei
is in the @7=(&%0AO,*B'00 palette. Set @B'00 K XNN HVW.
i. Inseit a D&%2 foi poit 2. The final system ciicuit shoulu look like the one
shown heie:

N0TE: You can set the N paiametei (oiuei) on the filteis but it is not iequiieu. By
uefault, ABS will calculate the oiuei (N) baseu on the specifications. If N is specifieu,
ABS will oveiwiite the filtei specifications.
L# E&( <B '4 EAB'%'2&(&% 072<='(7,4 *7(6 9%&S<&4.1 .,4>&%07,4#
a. Inseit the contiollei anu setup the simulation: 1 uBz to S uBz in 1uu NBz
steps as shown heie.
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
Lab 2: System Design Fundamentals

Copyiight Agilent Technologies

b. Euit the Simulation contiollei anu, in the
the Paiameteis TabM G4'8=& C$ 9%&S<&4.1
9%&S<&4.1 .,4>&%07,4 by checking the box
the box as shown heie.
c. uo to the T70B='1 tab anu check the two
two boxes to uisplay the settings shown
shown heie: @%&S$,4>&%07,4 anu
@%&S$,4>&%07,4+,%(. The uefault (poit 1)
(poit 1) is useu because it is the poit wheie
wheie fiequencies will be conveiteu using
using the mixei settings also. N0TE: this
N0TE: this conveision only woiks with
with this ABS mixei.

The S-paiametei simulation contiollei shoulu now
look like the one shown heie:

u. Click: E72<='(& Y E72<='(7,4 E&(<B. When the
When the uialog appeais, change the uefault
uefault uataset name to if_sys_1uuB to inuicate
inuicate that this simulation uata iepiesents the
iepiesents the system with 1uuB of amplifiei
amplifiei gain.
e. Click CBB=1 anu E72<='(&.

Lab 2: System Design Fundamentals

2-8 Copyiight Agilent Technologies
Lab 2: System Design Fundamentals

Copyiight Agilent Technologies
Z# +=,( (6& EX" 5'('#
a. In the Bata Bisplay winuow, inseit a
iectangulai plot of S(2,1).
b. Put a maikei on the tiace neai 1.9 uBz
with the mouse. Then inseit youi cuisoi
anu type in the value: 1.9 in the ieauout
box. The gain incluues mixei conveision
gain minus some loss to uue mismatches.
Q# [4.%&'0& \'74M 072<='(&M '45 '55 ' 0&.,45 (%'.&#
a. uo back to the schematic anu change the amplifiei
gain S21 fiom 1u to XN uB as shown heie.
b. In E72<='(& Y E72<='(7,4 E&(<B, change the uataset
name to %9:010:XN5;. Click CBB=1 anu E72<='(&.
c. When the simulation finishes you will be piompteu
to change the uefault uataset - answei: ),.
u. Euit the existing plot (uouble click on it) - this is
this is the one with the 1uuB tiace. When the
the uialog appeais, click the aiiow to see the
the available Batasets anu Equations (shown heie) anu select the
%9:010:XN5; uataset.
e. Select the E/XM"3 uata anu C55 it in 5;, clicking F]. Notice that the entiie
uataset pathname appeais because it is not the uefault uataset.
f. Put a H'I H'%^&% on the new tiace. E&=&.( 8,(6 2'%^&%0 (select the
(select the ieauouts) anu click the icon to D<%4 ,4 T&=(' H,5& (select
(select eithei as a iefeience) to see the 1uuB uiffeience between the
between the two simulations. Be suie to 0'>& (6& T'(' T70B='1.
Deleted: , t
Deleted: 4
Deleted: &* 2'%^&%
Deleted: commanu H'
Deleted: %^&% Y
Deleted: F4
Lab 2: System Design Fundamentals

2-1u Copyiight Agilent Technologies
_# E&( <B '4 ?@ 0,<%.& '45 OF *7(6 +6'0& ),70&#
This next step shows how to simulate phase noise, contiibuteu by a behavioial
oscillatoi, using the Baimonic Balance simulatoi. At this point in the couise, it is not
iequiieu that you unueistanu all the Baimonic Balance settings (coveieu latei).
a. Save the cuiient schematic with a new name. Click` @7=& Y E'>& T&07\4
C0 anu type in the name: %9:010:B64,70&.
b. In the saveu schematic, uelete the following components: E:B'%'2
072<='(7,4 .,4(%,==&%, the R:"D,4& L0 souice, its QN ,62 %&070(,% anu
c. Replace the poit 1 Teim with a +:"D,4& souice (Souices-Fieq Bomain
palette) anu set the powei anu fiequency as shown: Fieq = "#a JVW anu P
= polai (ubmtow (AZN), u). Also, iename the souice as ?@:0,<%.& anu
change the Num paiametei to )<2 K".
u. Inseit a wiie label R,<( (noue) anu so the schematic looks like the one
shown heie:

e. uo to E,<%.&0A@%&S T,2'74 palette, scioll to the bottom, select the FE$
icon anu inseit the FE$*+6),70& - connect it to the mixei. Set @%&S K
"#U JVW anu change the PhaseNoise =70( as shown. The uefault value of P
is the powei in uBm anu it has Su ohms Z (Rout).
Connect to Nixei L0 input.
Lab 2: System Design Fundamentals

Copyiight Agilent Technologies
Lab 2: System Design Fundamentals

2-12 Copyiight Agilent Technologies
b# E&( <B ' V; ),70& $,4(%,==&%#
a. uo to the E72<='(7,4AV; palette anu inseit a
),70&$,4 (Noise Contiollei) on the schematic
as shown heie.
)FDG ,4 ),70&$,4` This component is useu with the BB
simulatoi. It allows you to conveniently keep all noise
measuiements sepaiate fiom the simulation contiollei. Also,
you can setup anu use multiple noise cons foi uiffeient noise
measuiements while only using only one BB contiollei.
b. @%&S ('8 A Euit the Noise Con - go to the @%&S tab anu set the Sweep Type
to Log fiom 1u Bz to 1u KBz with S points pei uecaue.

c. ),5&0 ('8 - Click the +,0 ),5& aiiow, select the R,<( noue, anu click the
C55 button. The noise contiollei, like othei ABS componets, can ieau
anu iuentify noue names in the schematic.
u. +6'0&),70& ('8 - Set the Phase Noise
Noise Type: +6'0& ),70& 0B&.(%<2
0B&.(%<2 anu set the .'%%7&%
@%&S<&4.1 to "NN HVW# This is the IF
the IF fiequency which has phase noise
phase noise uue to the L0.
e. T70B='1 ('8 - uo to the Bisplay tab anu
check the boxes foi the settings you maue
(shown heie). In the futuie, you may
piefei to uisplay the uesiieu settings fiist
anu then euit them on the schematic.
Bisplay these settings:
Deleted: 1uKBz
Lab 2: System Design Fundamentals

Copyiight Agilent Technologies
U# E&( <B (6& V; 072<='(7,4#
a. uo to the Simulation-BB palette anu inseit a V; simulation contiollei on
contiollei on the schematic.
b. Euit the BB contiollei (uouble click). In the @%&S
@%&S tab, change the uefault fieq setting to "#U JVW
"#U JVW using the CBB=1 button. Then auu the RF
the RF fiequency "#a JVW anu click CBB=1 again.
c. In the T70B='1 tab, check the box to uisplay
H'IF%5&% anu click CBB=1 at the bottom
)FDG ,4 V; 9%&S 0&((74\0 - You only neeu to specify the
L0 fieq (1.8 uBz) anu the RF fieq (1.9 uBz) in the
contiollei. Theie is no neeu to specify any othei
fiequencies because the uefaults foi 0iuei (haimonics)
anu Naximum oiuei (mixing piouucts) will calculate the
othei tones in the ciicuit, incluuing the 1uu NBz IF.

u. uo to the ),70& ('8 anu check the ),70&$,40 box as shown. Then use the
Euit button to select )$" which is the instance name of the Noise Con.
Click C55 anu CBB=1.

e. Bisplay tab - uo to the BB T70B='1 tab anu check the boxes foi the
settings shown heie. The noise con settings aie neai the bottom of the list
as you scioll uown.
Lab 2: System Design Fundamentals

2-14 Copyiight Agilent Technologies
The complete schematic foi simulating L0 Phase Noise at the IF is shown heie. Check
youi schematic befoie simulating:
a# E72<='(& '45 B=,( (6& %&0B,40&` B42I '45 R,<(#
a. Inseit a iectangulai plot of B42I. 0se +=,( FB(7,40 to set the c-axis to
O,\ scale. Notice tiace shows the uecieasing uB values assigneu in the
oscillatoi setting (foi example: about SuuB at 1 KBz). Also, inseit a
iectangulai plot of R,<( in 5;2 with a maikei on the 1uu NBz IF signal.
At -4u uBm input, plus about 2S uB of amp anu conveision gain, the
output shoulu be about -17.7 uBm as shown.
b. E'>& all youi woik. You have now completeu the fiist step in the uesign
piocess foi the RF ieceivei. In the following labs, you will builu the
ciicuits that will ieplace the system mouel components.
N0TE: You can
change the minimum
Y axis value to -1uu
foi a moie iealistic
noise flooi.
Lab 2: System Design Fundamentals

Copyiight Agilent Technologies
"N# F+D[F)CO A ETT /E128,=7.'==1 T&974&5 T&>7.&3 072<='(7,4
SBBs allow you to wiite an equation to uesciibe the behavioi at the noues of a
component, eithei lineai oi nonlineai. Foi this step, you will wiite a simple lineai
equation uesciibing sums anu uiffeiences that appeai at the output of a S poit SBB.
a. 0se E'>& T&07\4 C0 to give the cuiient uesign (if_sys_phnoise) the name:
b. Belete the behavioial mixei in the ciicuit.
c. uo to the palette GS4 ;'0&5A),4=74&'% anu inseit the L
the L B,%( ETT in schematic, in place of the mixei. Connect
Connect \%,<450 on the negative teiminals as shown heie.
u. Euit the [dXMNe value by inseiting the cuisoi uiiectly on the
on the text anu auuing the values shown: A : >" f :>L. By subtiacting the
voltage of the mixing teims of the RF (_v1) anu L0 (_vS), the IF (_v2)
voltage iemains. The SBB is now a mixei with no conveision gain, anu
both the sum anu the uiffeience fiequencies will appeai at the output.

e. E72<='(& anu plot the 0B&.(%<2 ,9 R,<( 74 5;2.
74 5;2. As you can see, without conveision gain,
conveision gain, the IF signal is much lowei.
lowei. Also, both the uiffeience anu the sum
sum (RF+L0) appeai (maikei: S0N). Although
Although SBBs can be useful to uesciibe
behavioi, wiiting the piopei equations can be
be complicateu (iequiies auvanceu couise).
N0TE: SBBs peifoim
numeiical opeiations.
This means v1* vS is a
piouuct of the voltages
at teiminals 1 anu S.
Lab 2: System Design Fundamentals

2-16 Copyiight Agilent Technologies
f. Beactivate the BB anu NC contiolleis.
g. Inseit a Tiansient simulation
contiollei anu use the setup shown
heie. Also, use Simulation > Setup to
change the uataset name to:
h. Run the Tiansient simulation.
i. Bo not change uefault uatasets in the Bata Bisplay.
j. Inseit an equation (shown heie as vout2) that uses the 90 () function to
tiansfoim the uata - be suie to incluue the 7 commas aftei vout (these
skip aiguments). The 1un aigument is the stait time of 1u nanoseconus
anu 4un is the stop time of 4u nanoseconus. N0TE: You coulu also use
Tiace 0ptions > Tiace Expiession on vout anu then mouify the
expiession insteau of wiiting an equation anu then plotting it.
k. Inseit a plot of the equation. As you can see, the 1uuNBz tone compaies
with the BB uata extiemely well (< u.1 uB uiffeience).
INP0RTANT N0TE: this step is useu only to show how to set up an SBB mixei
(especially the multipliei settings). If you use othei mouels in this same setup foi a
compaiison, you may get uiffeient iesults (especially Tiansient) because such mouels
may have non-causal iesponses. Also, uelay can be auueu to some filteis to eliminate
the non-causal effect.
l. Save the uesign anu uata.

Lab 2: System Design Fundamentals

Copyiight Agilent Technologies

1. 0sing the if_sys_phnoise uesign, iun a Tiansient simulation foi the system (not
using the SBB) anu compaie the iesults with the 90 function.
2. uo back anu ieplace the Butteiwoith filtei with an elliptical
filtei mouel shown heie anu simulate. Tiy setting uiffeient
ianges foi the Ripple value oi tiy using the tunei to aujust
the iipple paiametei. Then uisplay the iesults anu look at
the iipple in the passbanu. To uo this, you will have to use
the zoom commanus on the uata uisplay.
S. Tiy tuning vaiious paiameteis in the uesign.
4. Entei values of L0 anu RF iejection to the behavioial mixei
anu look at the simulation iesults.

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