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CampaI gm GuI oe

Prn!nguc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
I: Thay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Hislory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
IeopIe and Sociely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
The Land. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Cilies of Thay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
II: Ag!arnnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
Hislory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
IeopIe and Sociely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
The Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Cilies of AgIarond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6O
III: Rashcmcn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Hislory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
IeopIe and Sociely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7O
T h e L a n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Cilies of Rashenen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8O
IV: Rn!c-p!ayIng In thc Unapprnachab!c East . . . . . . .86
Characler Kils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
Nev SpeIIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93
Nev Lnchanled Ilens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1O3
AppcndIx I: NPCs by RcgInn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1O9
Thay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1O9
AgIarond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Rashenen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
AppcndIx II: MIscc!!ancnus LncatInns . . . . . . . . . . . .122
The Red Scourge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122
Thayan Tax Slalion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125
AppcndIx III: TImc!Inc nf thc RcgInn . . . . . . . . . . . .127
CneoI 1 s
DcsIgn: Anlhony Iryor
Dcvc!npmcnt and EdItIng: MicheIe Carler
Cnvcr Art: Ired IieIds
IntcrInr Art: VaIerie VaIusek
Cartngraphy: Dennis Kaulh
PrnnfrcadIng: Doug Slevarl and David Wise
TypcscttIng: AngeIika Lokolz
Art CnnrdInatnr: Ieggy Cooper
GraphIcs CnnrdInatnr: IauI }aquays
Cnvcr DcsIgn: Renee Ciske
PrnductInn: Dee Barnell
Aulhors dedicalion: Spccia| |nan|s |c Sncrri 8rcun fcr nc|p an suppcr|, an Magcn Gu||ifcr fcr ncr purp|c prcsc.
SpeciaI lhanks lo Skip WiIIians, Tin Beach, and }on Iickens for nisceIIaneous references and assislance.
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ISBN O-7869-O139-X
c Tnc Hign |aq cf Si|tcrqnccn, A|us|ric| Si|tcrnan, frcn |nc nan cf
|nacc |nc scrioc, in |nc Ycar cf |nc 8anncr.
Sctcra| ncn|ns agc qcu ccn|ac|c ||nins|cr, rcqucs|ing |na| nc crca|c
fcr |nc Harpcrs a c|ai|c rcpcr| cf |nc na|icns in |nc rcgicn ccnncn|q
|ncun us |nc Unapprcacnao|c |as|. Ag|arcn, Rasncncn, an ncs| prcnincn||q Tnaq,
ncnc cf |nc cti| Rc lizars. Tnc O| Magc prcnp||q assignc |nc |us| |c nc, c|aining nin-
sc|f |cc ousq ui|nuc||, qcu |ncu|c ccnpi|c rcpcr|s an sucn ncnscnsc, an ins|an||q
f|c |c uncrctcr nc gccs uncn nc uisncs |c atci ucr|. 8c |na| us i| naq, uc arc a|| ccnccrnc
aocu| |nc is|uroing runcrs ccning frcn |nc rcgicn, an | inncia|c|q ocgun prcparing |nis
Sincc |na| |inc, | natc cngagc |nc assis|ancc cf sctcra| cf cur ncrc prcnincn| an inpcr|an|
a||ics in |nc Rca|ns an as|c |ncn |c prctic us nucn infcrna|icn as |ncq ccu|. Tncsc rc-
pcr|s, ccnoinc ui|n |nc rcsu||s cf nq cun rcscarcn in|c |nc rcgicn, fcrn |nc oasis fcr |nc ac-
ccnpanqing ccuncn|.
Tnc na|icns cf Ag|arcn an Rasncncn, ocing scncuna| isc|a|c frcn |nc rcs| cf |acrun,
ucu| natc |i|||c inpac| cn |nc cccncnq an pc|i|ics cf |nc Rca|ns satc fcr cnc |i|c fac|cr. Tncq
fcrn |nc firs| |inc cf cfcnscoc|n gccgrapnica||q an nagica||qagains| |nc |cgicns cf Tnaq.
Ag|arcns prcscncc crca|cs a oarricr oc|uccn Tnaq an |nc Sca cf |a||cn S|ars, prctcn|ing
|nc Rc lizars frcn cxcrcising |ncir ui|| cn |nc |nncr Sca na|icns. lcrc i| nc| fcr |nc snic|-
ing cf i|s nagica| ucc an |nc |irc|css cffcr|s cf i|s ru|cr an ncs| prcnincn| ci|izcn, qcur sis|cr
|nc Sinou|, |na| pcaccfu| |an ucu| nc cuo| oc in |nc nans cf |nc Rc lizars. | na ncpc
|c gancr infcrna|icn cn Ag|arcn frcn |nc Sinou| ncrsc|f, ou| snc uas aoscn| uncn | a|-
|cnp|c |c ccn|ac| ncr. Tnc rangcr Ta|qssa S|rcngocu an ncr fricn, |nc ui| c|f ruicss Acr-
i|aqa, arc rcspcnsio|c fcr par|icu|ars cn |nis |an.
Guaring |nc Rca|ns |c |nc ncr|n is Rasncncn, |nc |an cf |nc 8crscr|crs. Tnis |an is a
frcqucn| |argc| cf Tnaqan (nc| Tnaqtian, cspi|c pcpu|ar usagc) intasicns, unicn i|s uarricrs
an ui|cncs ncc| ui|n incni|ao|c spiri| an nign|. Tnc uarf uarricr Sigur cf |ar|nfas| prc-
tic nc ui|n c|ai|s cn |nis ancicn| an nqs|cricus na|icn.
|nfcrna|icn cn Tnaq uas ga|ncrc oq |nc gncnisn oar Hcinc, unc rcccn||q |c nis |rcupc
cf singcrs, anccrs, an acrcoa|s |ncrc fcr una| |ncq a|| rc|a|c uas a niscrao|c, nc| |c ncn-
|icn angcrcus, |cur. Uncuo|c|q cnc cf |nc ncs| angcrcus an cti| |ans in a|| |acrun,
Tnaq nas |ric |inc an again |c ccnqucr |nc rcs| cf |nc Rca|ns. Rcccn| cccurrcnccs natc
a|cr|c |nc Harpcrs an c|ncrs |c ncncn|cus ctcn|s orcuing in |na| na|icn. Oncc a|| |nc
picccs natc occn ccnsicrc, i| is coticus |na| |nc Harpcrs c| cncnq, |nc |icn Szass Tan, is
funancn|a||q intc|tc.
Hcpcfu||q, |nc cffcr|s cf nq infcrnan|s, ccup|c ui|n nq cun nccs| rcscarcncs, ui|| prc-
tic qcu an cur fc||cu Harpcrs ui|n |nc ansucrs |c scnc cf |nc nqs|crics surrcuning Tnaq
an i|s ncignocrs. | can cn|q ncpc |na| i| is nc| |cc |a|c |c atcr| |nc s|crn |na| uc a|| agrcc is
orcuing in |nc Unapprcacnao|c |as|.
Ycur nuno|c scrtan|,
I: Tha
c nc| spca| cf Tnaq, | ocg qcu. Dc nc| spca| cf |nis p|acc, unicn | praq |c
fcrgc|, |ncugn i|s ncrrcrs scar nq ncncrq |i|c uni|c-nc| nc|a|.
Dc nq ucrs natc anq ncaning |c qcu, unc natc nctcr |cc|c upcn |nc
ccrrup| cp|ns cf Tnaq? Hatc qcu gazc upcn |nc Runcs cf Cnacs, ocnc|
|nc |ning unicn si|s cn|nrcnc upcn Tna|crsi|s Sca|, nc| |nc Dca|n Mccn
Oro in qcur |rcno|ing nans, uic|c Nqs|ars Nign|o|acs, cn|crc |nc Dctcuring Pcr|a|
an ua||c |nc Pa|ns cf |nc Dccnc, cr sa| a| |nc |cf| nan cf Szass Tan uring |nc Ri|ua| cf
Tuin 8urnings?
| natc cnc a|| |ncsc |ningscacn aq | praq fcr fcrgitcncss, an cacn nign| a| sunsc| | praq
fcr c|itcrancc frcn |nc cti|s |na| s|a|| nc. | praq, ou| | fcar |na| nc gcs ui|| |is|cn.
Na|ncr, Tnaqan rcfugcc, |nrcc aqs ocfcrc nis isappcarancc
OoenoIeu O[ Tha
o lhe connon foIk of Iaern, Thay is a Iand lo le spoken of onIy in vhispers. Il is
a Iand of nagic and eviI, lhe lvo leing so conpIeleIy inlerlvined lhal lo say sone-
lhing is of Thay is lo expecl il lo le a naIevoIenl nagicaI crealion, nade onIy lo hurl
or kiII. The Red Wizards are considered ly nany lo le lhe epilone of corruplion, nore
dangerous lhan a fIighl of dragons and nore lreacherous lhan lhe Zhenlarin.
Mosl of Thay is Iocaled alop lhe heaviIy sellIed, Iush Thayan IIaleau, accessilIe
onIy al a fev veII-guarded Iocalions. The nalion is olhervise surrounded ly high cIiff
vaIIs knovn as lhe Iirsl Lscarpnenl, vhich have proved virluaIIy inpregnalIe lo Iarge
niIilary forces.
The cenlraI voIcanic peaks of Thaynounl sil alop lhe inner forlress of lhe Second Ls-
carpnenl (anolher series of cIiffs). Iron lhe nounlains pour lhe lhree najor rivers of
Thay~LIlar, Unler, and Lapendrar.
Mosl of Thay has leen lhoroughIy laned, cuIlivaled, and sellIed ly lhe Red Wizards
and lheir suljecls. The luIk of lhe pIaleau is covered vilh sIave pIanlalions, viIIages,
and snaII forlresses knovn as lax slalions. Connerce and lraveI in Thay cenlers aIong
lvo greal highvays: lhe norlh-soulh High Road, and lhe easl-vesl arlery caIIed lhe
Laslern Way.
Bul Thay is knovn nore for ils inhalilanls lhan ils geography. The Red Wizards are
a lhreal lo aII of Iaern, heId lack ly lhe SinluI and Rashenen and lheir ovn disor-
ganizalion. Those vho knov Thay reaIize lhal il is lhe Red Wizards ovn Iack of a co-
herenl slruclure and lheir refusaI lo conline forces lhal keeps lhen fron conquering
lhe resl of ToriI.
The nalion is divided inlo 11 poIilicaI regions knovn as lharchs. The ruIers of lhe
lharchs~lhe lharchions and lharchionesses~are seIecled ly lhe zuIkirs, lhe counciI of
eighl poverfuI Red Wizards vho lruIy ruIe lhe Iand. Wilhin a lharch, lhe lharchion or
lharchioness has alsoIule pover onIy so Iong as his or her viII does nol confIicl vilh lhal
of lhe zuIkirs. In Thay, lhe zuIkirs ruIe suprene.
ncn | qucric ||nins|cr cn |nc nis|crq cf |nis rca na-
|icn, nc nanc nc a occ| an |c| nc |nc fc||cuing.
li|n a|| uc nuni|i|q, | nus| rcccnncn |nis occ|, A
His|crq cf Tnaq an an Otcrticu cf i|s Sccic|q an Pc|-
i|ics, pcnnc oq nqsc|f. 8cing |ncun us cnc cf |nc ncs|
nuno|c, nccs|, an sc|f-cprcca|ing nagcs in |nc Rca|ns, |
ncsi|a|c |c cngagc in cxccssitc sc|f--prcnc|icn, ou| |nc fac| is
|na| c|ncr occ|s cn |nc |cpic, uncsc nancs | ncsi|a|c |c ncn-
|icn cu| cf ccnccrn fcr |nc rcpu|a|icns cf |ncir au|ncrs, arc
fu|| cf spccu|a|icn, runcr, an cu|rign| faorica|icn. Minc
a|cnc is |nc rcsu|| cf sc|i rcscarcn an intcs|iga|icn, an prc-
tics |nc ncs| ccnp|c|c an accura|c pic|urc cf Tnaq an i|s
pccp|c. | saq |nis ui|ncu| a |racc cf arrcgancc cr ctcrccnfi-
HI s1on
cncc, ou| unfcr|una|c|q, fac|s arc fac|s.
Dcspi|c nis |cncncq fcr ctcr-cxaggcra|icn, nc is, in fac|,
ccrrcc|. Dcn| |c|| nin | sai sc.
Modern Thay vas founded over four cenluries ago ly
renegade vizards fron lhe enpire of MuIhorand. These
speIIcaslers, caIIed lhe Red Wizards, legan as a secrel so-
ciely dedicaled lo vinning independence fron lhe en-
pire and crealing a nagicaI reaIn aparl fron lhe god-
kings lheocracy. In 922, under lhe Ieadership of lhe Red
Wizard (and Ialer zuIkir) Ylhazz Buvaar, lhey feIl secure
enough lo raise an arny and sack lhe inperiaI capilaI of
DeIhunide. MuIhorand responded ly sending an enor-
nous lul ineplIy Ied arny lo crush lhe releIIion.
The lvo forces nel in lhe BallIe of ThazaIhar. Though
grossIy oulnunlered, lhe Red Wizards snashed lhe god-
kings lroops vilh lhe assislance of an enornousIy pover-
fuI, nyslerious exlradinensionaI crealure. The god-kings
of MuIhorand conlinued lo Iay cIain lo Thay lul look
IillIe furlher aclion againsl lhe Red Wizards. Today, Thay
is sliII incIuded as an inperiaI province on naps pul-
Iished in MuIhorand, lul everyone oulside lhe enpire
considers lhis nolhing shorl of IaughalIe.
Iron lhe slarl lhe nev nalion prospered, driven ly ils
sIave econony and lhe consideralIe ferliIily of lhe Iand.
Despile a coslIy niIilary defeal in 934 vhen a Ioose aI-
Iiance of Red Wizards allenpled lo annex Rashenen,
Thays econony lhrived. Wilhin Iess lhan a cenlury,
hovever, lhe ranks of Red Wizards had grovn loo Iarge
for lhen lo efficienlIy ruIe lhe Iand. Inporlanl decisions
lecane logged dovn in endIess delale, vizard slrove
againsl vizard, and civiI confIicls raged lhroughoul
LvenluaIIy, lhe Red Wizards sellIed on lhe currenl po-
IilicaI syslen. WhiIe nol exlreneIy efficienl, il soIved
nosl of lhe vizards prolIens and kepl civiI disorder lo a
nininun. The vizards vouId seIecl eighl represenla-
lives, one for each of lhe schooIs of nagic. These repre-
senlalives, caIIed zuIkirs, vouId lhen choose lhe ruIers of
lhe individuaI Thayan provinces, or lharchs. Thar-
chions and lharchionesses vere avarded alsoIule pover
in lheir given province lul vere aIvays lehoIden lo lhe
zuIkirs, vho couId renove lhen al viII.
Sone dissidenl Red Wizards oljecled lo lhe nev sys-
len and narshaIIed lheir forces lo lake Thay for lhen-
seIves. Bul ralher lhan conlining lheir resources, lhese
individuaIs aII vorked al cross purposes, nosl inagined
seizing lhe soIe ruIership of Thay for lhenseIves. By
1O74, lhe Iasl of lhe renegades vas defealed. Iunish-
nenl for lhe releIs vas sIov and lerrilIe, in facl, sone
sliII exisl as decaying undead crealures serving lhe de-
scendanls of lhe Red Wizards vho defealed lhen.
Despile lhe eslalIishnenl of a poIilicaI syslen, lhe
confIicls lelveen Red Wizards conlinued, vilh lhe
zuIkirs acling as agenls for lhe calaIs of vizards vho
eIecled lhen and lhe lharchions in lurn acling on le-
haIf of lheir zuIkir palrons. pen confIicl cane lo le re-
garded as crass, nosl fighls lelveen Red Wizards are car-
ried oul ly individuaIs or lheir represenlalives, or are
pIayed oul in lhe poIilicaI arena onIy.
Thay (or al Ieasl lhe InperiaIisl faclion of lhe Red
Wizards) has Iong dreaned of a vasl enpire conprising
aII of easlern Iaern. ver lhe cenluries, Thay has ini-
lialed nany invasions inlo neighloring Iands, legin-
ning in 934 vilh lhe firsl invasion of Rashenen. Thal
offensive vas snashed ly lhe nagicaI nighl of lhe
Wilches of Rashenen, a group vhich rivaIs lhe Red
Wizards in pover, if nol in nunler. The Thayans con-
slanlIy allenpled olher invasions and eIalorale sorcer-
ous schenes, such as aIIiances vilh such unslalIe and
eviI forces as lhe drov and lhe lanarri, sulversion of
foreign governnenls ly assassinalion and lrilery, vasl
arnies of undead or exlrapIanar crealures, and lhe cre-
alion of naluraI disaslers such as slorns and earlh-
quakes. Though nany of lhese schenes have nel vilh
iniliaI success, aiI have coIIapsed in lhe end due lo
conpelilion and inlernecine lickering lelveen parlic-
ipaling Red Wizards.
TypicaI of such schenes vas lhe invasion of AgIarond
lhal legan in 12O1. Thal allack consisled of a joinl pIan
devised ly lhe nevIy eIecled ZuIkir of Invocalion Nar-
vonna Kren (founder of lhe Kren dynasly), ZuIkir of II-
Iusion Nynor ThruI, and Szass Tan, ZuIkir of Necro-
nancy~lhe connander of vasl undead forces and aI-
ready a Iich. The pIan invoIved an eIalorale feinl allack
ly Tans zonlies aIong lhe WalchvaII vhiIe ThruI and
Krens Iegions infiIlraled lhe Yuirvood lo allack lhe
AgIarondans fron lehind.
This unIikeIy aIIiance had prolIens fron lhe legin-
ning. ThruI and Tan, as represenlalives fron opposing
nagicaI schooIs, look an inslanl disIike lo each olher.
Narvonna Kren, sliII uncerlain in her nev roIe as zuIkir,
allenpled lo navigale a noderale periIous course le-
lveen lhen.
IniliaIIy aII venl veII, and lhe AgIarondan arny of
lhe Cray Sislers (see Hislory in lhe AgIarond chapler)
vere dravn lo lhe WalchvaII ly lhe feinl vhiIe an arny
of gnoIIs, orcs, hunans, and assorled nercenaries crepl
undelecled inlo lhe Yuirvood, nagicaIIy conceaIed ly
Nynor ThruIs iIIusions. Their allack overvheIned lhe
nininaI AgIarondan forces in lhe region and advanced
Bul vhiIe Tans undead forces kepl lhe AgIarondans
aIong lhe WalchvaII lusy, lhe fIanking force, vhich had
depended upon speed and sleaIlh, lecane logged dovn
in lhe Yuirvood. Ils iII-discipIined lroops vere slopping
lo raid and piIIage and vere aIso sIoved ly lhe hil-and-
run laclics of AgIarondan foreslers. Wilhin days, lhe eI-
enenl of surprise vas Iosl. The Sislers narshaIIed lheir
forces lo lhe Yuirvood lo fighl an exlended deIaying ac-
lion againsl lhe onconing Thayans.
Though concerled efforl and reinforcenenl of lhe
fIanking force nighl sliII have von Thay a decisive vic-
lory, lhe lhree Thayan conspiralors inslead feII lo lick-
ering, vilh Szass Tan accusing Nynor ThruIs varriors
of covardice and inconpelence and ThruI cIaining
lhal Tan vas secrelIy responsilIe for his Iegions lrou-
lIes. In a furious exchange, Tan nurdered ThruI vilh a
suffcca|c speII (Tcnc cf Magic). ThruIs arny innedi-
aleIy feII lack in confusion, Ieaving Narvonna Krens
forces unsupporled in lhe Yuirvood. By lhis line, lhe
Cray Sislers vere alIe lo send fresh lroops inlo lhe for-
esl. Tans undead proved loo veak lo lreach lhe
WalchvaII and vere enlireIy defealed, vhiIe Krens Ie-
gion vas sIovIy driven lack and finaIIy forced lo quil
lhe Yuirvood.
Chaos foIIoved as severaI proninenl Red Wizards
conpeled for lhe ZuIkirship of IIIusion. Szass Tan vilh-
drev lo his nanse in disgusl. Narvonna Kren, lhe onIy
one of lhe lhree conspiralors lo cone oul of lhe fiasco
vilh her repulalion inlacl, conlinued lo luiId infIuence
and heIp loIsler her nev dynasly.
Schenes of lhis nalure fiII Thayan hislory. Tine afler
line, pIans of increasing conpIexily have leen over-
lurned ly lhe chaolic nalure of Thayan governnenl and
sociely. nIy vilhin lhe Iasl fev decades have Thayan
lerriloriaI anlilions had any success, and even lhose lri-
unphs have leen Iiniled.
In 1357, Hargrid TensIayer, lharchion of Lapendrar,
conlined forces vilh lhe zuIkirs of Lvocalion and Con-
juralion and underlook one of lhe nosl anlilious
schenes of conquesl in Thayan hislory. AIlhough Kos-
sulh, lyranl of lhe fire eIenenlaIs, vas vorshiped
lhroughoul Thay, lhe lriunvirale chose lo lypass hin in
lheir quesl for exlrapIanar aid and inslead approached
Iyzzar, a Iord of lhe saIananders, and SuIlan Marrake of
lhe efreeli. The Thayans proposed a nassive niIilary
canpaign againsl lhe coaslaI cilies of ThasseIen, Mur-
lanl, LscaIanl, Taskaunl, Lasdur, and TiIlrand. In relurn
for lhe eIenenlaIs aid in heIping lhe Thayans rid lhen-
seIves of lroulIesone conpelilion fron lhe coasl once
and for aII, lhe lriunvirale agreed lo creale a pernanenl
ga|c lo lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Iire, selling lhe enlire
coasl alIaze and giving lhe saIananders and efreeli a
pernanenl loehoId on Iaern.
AIvays greedy, and seeking lo expand lheir pover in
lhe face of Kossulhs suprenacy, lhe eIenenlaIs agreed
and lhe canpaign legan. The operalion nel vilh greal
success, vilh aII lhe najor largels of lhe invasion sviflIy
conquered or deslroyed.
Bul lhis line, Thayan anlilions feII aparl, nol due lo
inlernaI lickering lul as a resuIl of confIicl vilh oulside
aIIies. Wilh lhe najor oljeclives achieved and nosl of
lhe coasl in Thayan hands, lhe saIananders and efreeli
denanded lhal lhe pernanenl ga|c le eslalIished inne-
Nol surprisingIy, lhe Thayans had never inlended lo
creale lhe ga|c lul lo sinpIy lanish lhe eIenenlaIs lack
lo lheir hone pIane afler lhey had served lheir purpose.
Iorced inlo prenalure aclion, lhe zuIkirs slrove lo con-
peI lheir forner aIIies lo Ieave lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane.
They succeeded onIy in ousling lhe efreeli, Ieaving lhe
saIananders lhe ravage lhe Iriador.
Iaced vilh disasler, lhe lhree conspiralors lurned lo
lheir feIIov Red Wizards for aid. Szass Tan, nov lhe
nosl poverfuI zuIkir in Thay, recaIIed eIenenls of his
undead Iegions (vhich vere al lhe line engaged in an
invasion of Rashenen) and senl lhen lo aid lhe leIea-
guered lriunvirale.
The slruggIe for lhe Iriador (vhich cane lo le caIIed
The SaIanander War) Iasled over a year, pilling lhe fe-
rocious saIananders againsl Thayan hunans, gnoIIs,
golIins, and Tans undead forces. The var (in vhich
Hargrid TensIayer perished) finaIIy ended vhen lhe eIe-
nenlaI lyranl Kossulh senl his ovn eIenenlaIs al lhe re-
quesl of lhe up-and-coning Red Wizard Aznar ThruI lo
drive oul lhe saIananders. As a resuIl, vorship of Kos-
sulh reached an aII-line high in Thay, and lhe nalions
poIilicaI face vas changed forever.
The Thayans vere forced vilh vilhdrav fron Lasdur
and Taskaunl, and lhey conlroIIed TiIlrand in nane
onIy lul nainlained doninion over aII lhe olher coaslaI
cilies. They vere reorganized inlo lhe nev lharch of lhe
Iriador, vhich incIuded lhe oId lharch of Bezanlur.
Afler a lrief pover slruggIe, Aznar ThruI lecane lhar-
chion of lhe Iriador afler defealing Mari Agneh, lhe
lharchioness of Bezanlur.
Thay had IillIe line lo Iick ils vounds fron lhe SaIa-
nander War, for an even grealer lhreal rose up in lhe
easl~lhal of lhe Tuigan Horde under lhe Ieadership of
lhe arroganl Yanun Khahan. AIlhough a snaII scouling
force of Tuigans vas defealed ly Thayan nagic, lhe Tui-
gan CeneraI Balu Min Ho proved a far vorlhier foe.
n Uklar 15, 1359, Balu Min Ho, al lhe head of 4,OOO
Tuigan varriors, nel lhe Thayans al lhe noulh of Shars
Iass, severaI niIes norlh of Iyarados. Afler iniliaI Thayan
success lhe Tuigan gained lhe upper hand, sIaughlering
lhousands of gnoIIs and aInosl conpIeleIy annihiIaling
lhe vaunled Criffon Legion.
Wilh lhe fale of Thay al slake, Szass Tan look nallers
inlo his ovn hands and offered lhe Tuigan a lruce. Afler
exlensive negolialion, Tan agreed lo provide Thayan
assislance lo a Tuigan invasion of Rashenen, so Iong as
lhe horde Iefl Thay in peace.
In lhe resuIling BallIe of Ashane, lhe viId Rasheni
and lheir nyslerious vilches provided Iaern vilh ils
onIy decisive viclory over lhe Tuigan lefore lhe khahan
vas finaIIy lealen in lhe BallIes of lhe CoIden Way.
Thayan assislance aIIoved lhe Tuigan lo avoid exlerni-
nalion, and lhe khahan relrealed across Ashanalh vilh
lhe aid of lhe Red Wizards speIIs.
The years since lhe Tuigan War sav ever nore inlense
conpelilion and pover slruggIes anong Red Wizards,
aIong vilh severaI nore Thayan pIols for conquesl, fev
of vhich even Iefl lhe pIanning slages. Many oulside ol-
servers feIl lhal afler cenluries of slagnalion, Thay vas
finaIIy on lhe verge of conpIele coIIapse.
Lvenls since lhen have proved such pundils vrong.
Thay has nol faIIen, lhough lhere are runors of a nev
confIicl vilhin ils lorders vhich seens differenl fron
lhe usuaI slruggIes anong lhe Red Wizards. Weary of lhe
cenluries of poinlIess lickering, lhe Iich Szass Tan has
decided lo unile lhe enlire nalion under his aulhorily.
The exacl neans ly vhich he pIans lo do lhis are uncer-
lain, as are his chances for success. Whalever lhe finaI
oulcone, Tans nev schene is sure lo Iead lo Thays
grealesl inlernaI confIicl since lhe eslalIishnenl of lhe
zuIkirs, a confIicl lhal viII eilher lear lhe nalion aparl or
nake il slronger lhan ever.
n Thay, lhere are four socielies: lhe Red Wizards,
lhe noliIily, lhe connoners, and lhe sIaves. The
sIaves far oulnunler lhe olhers, and lhe connoners
Ialor nearIy as slrenuousIy as lhe sIaves, lhe nalion is
conlroIIed alsoIuleIy ly lhe Red Wizards, and lhey share
lheir aulhorily vilh no one.
PeopLe amo 5ocIe1
The connon peopIe of Thay are descended fron lhe
sane raciaI slock as lhe inhalilanls of nearly Rashe-
nen, lul lhey differ grealIy in hislory and cuIlure. They
are lough and slurdy, averaging a IillIe over five feel in
heighl, dusky of skin and dark of eye. Men are hirsule,
oflen learing lushy leards, and are handsone in a sone-
vhal ursine nanner. Wonen lend lo le shorl and nus-
cuIar, and vear lheir lIack hair Iong, oflen in eIalorale
lraids. Bolh sexes are slrong, hard vorkers and nake
good varriors.
Rasheni in Thay dress sinpIy, in laggy lrousers, lu-
nics, or snocks. IersonaI decoralion is Iiniled anong
lhe Iover cIasses, lhough an occasionaI earring, lraceIel,
or ring is nol unconnon. WeaIlhier Thayan Rasheni
vear rich roles and cIoaks and oflen shave lheir heads
and lear lalloos in inilalion of lhe ruIing MuIan cIass.
AIlhough connon Thayans are lhe nosl IikeIy lo le
encounlered ly visilors and advenlurers, lhe reaI pover
in Thay Iies vilh lhe MuIan, lhe descendanls of lhe
renegade MuIhorandi vho firsl founded lhe nalion.
They are laII, spare, and saIIov conpIecled. Iashion dic-
lales lhal lhe MuIan renove vhal IillIe lody hair lhey
possess, usuaIIy repIacing hair vilh fancifuI lalloos~
slyIized represenlalions of dragons, fiends, Iegendary
nonslers, cryplic runes, or alslracl designs. Anong lhe
Red Wizards, lalloos are oflen nagicaI as veII as decora-
live. This passion for lallooing has spread lhroughoul
Thay, and il is said lhal lhe skin arlisls in lhe porl cily of
Bezanlur are lhe lesl in aII lhe ReaIns.
Many olher races inhalil Thay as veII, lul nosl are nol
considered civiIized leings ly lhe generaI popuIace.
These are lhe sIaves, and lhey cone lo Thay fron nany
Iands. The nosl connon sIaves are lhose fron neigh-
loring Rashenen and AgIarond, caplured in sIaving
raids ly lhe forces of various Red Wizards and lhar-
chions. Hunans fron dozens of olher nalions nay aIso
le found here aIong vilh dvarves, haIfIings, gnones,
orcs, golIins, gnoIIs, and olher nonhunans. LIves are
lhe nosl prized sIaves in Thay, lul lhey are rare, leing
hard lo gel in lhe firsl pIace and having a lendency lo
die ralher lhan sulnil lo caplivily. Drov are lhe raresl
sIave race (lhose here are provided ly lhe drov lhen-
seIves fron anong defealed nolIe houses, crininaIs, and
escaped sIaves) lul seen lo lake lo il leller lhan lheir
eIven cousins.
SIaves crouch al lhe Iovesl rung of Thayan sociely.
They are considered nolhing nore lhan properly and are
lrealed as such~loughl, soId and lraded, nerciIessIy
punished or lhoughlIessIy pul lo dealh for lhe snaIIesl
infraclion. Mosl agricuIluraI and nining sIaves vear
onIy lhe nosl nininaI cIolhing: rags, IoincIolhs, or lal-
lered lunics. To dislinguish lhen fron lheir naslers,
sIaves are forlidden lo cul lheir hair, and one can leII
lhe Ienglh of lheir ensIavenenl ly lhis.
The nolion of sIaves as individuaI leings vilh hopes,
fears, and feeIings is conpIeleIy aIien lo lhe Red Wiz-
ards, vho see lhen as nolhing nore lhan properly or, al
lesl, usefuI aninaIs. AIlhough sIavery ilseIf is an eviI in-
slilulion and lhe Red Wizards have IillIe or no synpalhy
for lhe suffering lhey creale, vanlon crueIly or punish-
nenl is frovned upon and generaIIy considered lo le
lad for lusiness. verIy enlhusiaslic punishnenl re-
duces lhe vaIue of lhe properly, and even lhe Thayans
knov lhal a dead sIave isnl nearIy as usefuI as a Iive one.
(Barring lransfornalion inlo an undead crealure, of
course, lul undead sIaves oflen prove cIunsy and unreIi-
alIe.) CrueIly is considered a looI: Used vilh reslrainl
and inleIIigence, il creales hard vorking, conpIianl
sIaves, used fooIishIy or loo oflen, il nakes sIaves suIIen,
resenlfuI, and releIIious. Iar leller lo punish, lorlure, or
kiII a singIe sIave as an exanpIe lo lhe olhers (so Thay
ans leIieve) lhan lo punish aII lhe sIaves equaIIy (vhich
Iovers sIave noraIe and inspires lhoughls of releIIion or
Though lhe Iol of sIaves in Thay is so poor as lo le
virluaIIy hopeIess, lhere are nany roIes pIayed ly sIaves,
and sone are Iess onerous lhan olhers. The vorsl jol for
a sIave is, nol surprisingIy, in lhe nines, vhere lhey are
vorked every day lo exhauslion and fed onIy so Iong as
lhey conlinue lo vork. SIaves lhere die ly lhe score
each day and are innedialeIy repIaced+ Lscaped sIaves,
incorrigilIes, and lroulIenakers usuaIIy lecone fodder
for a Red Wizards experinenls, and lhese can do IillIe
lul pray for a quick dealh.
Mosl Thayan sIaves vork lhe sIave farns found
lhroughoul lhe nalion. SIave farns are found every-
vhere~grin, cheerIess pIaces vilh vasl cranped lar-
racks for sIaves and quarlers for lhe guards vho oversee
lhen. AIlhough sone Thayan nolIes are nore hunane
lhan olhers, in lhe nain a sIaves Iife is a lerrilIe one.
Driven nerciIessIy fron davn lo dusk and fed onIy
enough for lasic survivaI, individuaIs senl lo Thays sIave
farns usuaIIy Iive onIy a season or lvo, evenluaIIy suc-
cunling lo disease, despair, or lhe svords or nagic of
lheir caplors. Their Iol is sonevhal leller off lhan in lhe
nines, lul nol ly nuch. Mosl farn sIaves hope for eilher
escape or pronolion lo lhe posilion of house sIave.
House sIaves run lhe ganul fron sinpIe doneslic ser-
vanls lo conculines, cooks, leachers, and even erudile,
inleIIecluaI conpanions for Thayan nolIes. Whalever
lheir posilion, househoId sIaves Iols are far leller lhan
lheir unforlunale counlerparls in lhe nines and on lhe
farns. The lhreal of shipping an unruIy sIave lack lo
lhe farn is usuaIIy sufficienl lo reslore unqueslioned
Manunission, or freeing, of sIaves is forlidden in
Thay. nce an individuaI is soId, he or she is considered
a sIave for Iife and nolhing shorl of escape can lring
freedon. IarlicuIarIy leIoved or successfuI sIaves are
sonelines given lheir ovn eslales ly gralefuI ovners, or
are given posilions vilh consideralIe aulhorily and free-
don, lul in lhe eyes of Thayan Iav lhey renain sIaves.
The chiIdren of a sIave are Iikevise considered sIaves
and can never le freed, eilher. ulside olservers have
noled lhal lhis lradilion neans lhal vhen lhe Thayans
ensIave soneone, lhey are ensIaving lhal persons de-
scendanls in perpeluily.
Thay is knovn lo have lhe nosl lhriving sIave nar-
kels of any Iand in Iaern. The nosl connon sIave ner-
chanls haiI fron MuIhorand, Thesk, Chessenla, CaIin-
shan, Ann, and Senphar. Nole lhal nosl of lhese Iands
have poor reIalions vilh Thay. This does nol slop un-
scrupuIous lraders fron visiling Thay, hovever, for
safely, nosl do so vilh lheir coIors conceaIed, and lhey
deaI vilh lhe Thayans in secrel.
The Reo VIzanos
The nosl inporlanl group in Thay, and lhe one nosl
oflen associaled vilh lhe nalion, is lhe Red Wizards.
riginaIIy a dissidenl faclion of MuIhorand nagicians
(see Hislory alove), lhey have evoIved inlo lhe eIile
ruIing cIass of one of lhe nosl eviI and corrupl nalions
on ToriI.
Red Wizards are aInosl aIvays MuIan. Il is forlidden
ly cuslon for a Red Wizard lo lake on an apprenlice
vho is nol of MuIan exlraclion. Many do nonelheIess if
a Thayan Rasheni is of sufficienl nagicaI laIenl, and lhe
olher Red Wizards Iook lhe olher vay. They are lhe onIy
group in Thay aIIoved lo vear red roles~anyone eIse
fooIish or ignoranl enough lo vear such roles is re-
varded ly inslanl dealh al lhe hands of lhe Red Wizards
lhenseIves. ulside of Thay, nosl vizards avoid vearing
lheir roles lo prevenl hosliIe reaclions ly foreigners
vho hale and fear lhen.
Il isnl unliI an apprenlice Red Wizard gains a nini-
naI proficiency in nagic~nininaI lo lhe Thayans
leing 9lh IeveI~lhal he or she is avarded any posilion
of inporlance in Thayan sociely or governnenl. Il is
aIso al lhis poinl lhal Red Wizards cone under scruliny
fron lheir superiors, as lhey are reaching a dangerous
IeveI of nagicaI conpelency. These aIvays-paranoid su-
periors are quick lo see signs of defiance and lrailorous
lendencies, indicaling lhal lhe apprenlice is aloul lo as-
sassinale his or her nasler for grealer slalus. (Assassins
nay nake a spIendid~if oflen exlreneIy shorl~Iiving
in Thay.) LoyaIly lesls and sudden apprenlice dealhs are
connon al lhese IeveIs. Il is for lhis reason lhal nany
nid-IeveI Red Wizards (9lh-15lh IeveI) are spies, ner-
chanls, and agenls for lheir sponsors, conslanlIy slriving
lo prove lheir IoyaIly.
The vizards choose eighl represenlalives, or zuIkirs,
fron anong lheir ranks, one for each schooI of nagic.
ZuIkirs are usuaIIy lhe nosl poverfuI nenler of each
schooI, lhough occasionaIIy lhe rank faIIs lo lhe nosl
poIilicaIIy aslule. Conpelilion for lhe posilion of zuIkir
is inlense, since zuIkirs are lhe nosl poverfuI individuaIs
in Thay.
nce eIecled lo lhe posilion, a zuIkir serves for Iife.
WhiIe lhis seens a sinpIe ruIe, lhe conpIex nalure of
Thayan sociely conpIicales lhe silualion. If a zuIkir
serves for Iife, vhal happens if he or she lecones un-
dead, as in lhe case of Necronancy ZuIkir Szass Tan` By
Thayan Iav, a zuIkir can onIy le renoved if he or she is
deslroyed ullerIy, leyond hope of resurreclion or exis-
lence as a nenler of lhe undead. The lesl-knovn ex-
anpIe vas lhe infanous Vanpire ZuIkir Nyressa IIass,
vho Iived for over 3OO years and vas finaIIy renoved
fron office vilh lhe aid of nunerous firelaII speIIs and an
oaken slake.
UnliI recenlIy, lhe Red Wizards vere divided inlo lvo
najor faclions~lhe InperiaIisls and lhe Researchers.
The InperiaIisls, vho have had lhe nosl infIuence on
Thayan hislory, leIieved in lhe expansion of Thays in-
fIuence lhroughoul Iaern, vhelher lhrough sullerfuge
and inlrigue or lhrough oulrighl conquesl. The isoIa-
lionisl Researchers, on lhe olher hand, vished lo keep
Thay safe vilhin ils lorders, vhiIe perfecling lheir speIIs
and gaining pover in nore esoleric areas lhan lenporaI
reaIns. The repealed faiIures of lhe InperiaIisls lo ex-
pand Thayan pover has aIvays kepl lhe Researcher fac-
lion heaIlhy, if nol poverfuI. ver lhe cenluries, lhe lvo
groups have IargeIy laIanced each olher.
This has changed recenlIy lhrough lhe anlilions of
lhe oIdesl zuIkir, Szass Tan. Weary of lhe conslanl divi-
sions in Thayan sociely, he sel pIans inlo nolion lo
sveep avay lhe ancienl InperiaIisl-Researcher confIicl
and creale a nev and poverfuI Thay vilh hinseIf as
ruIer. ne ly one, lhe zuIkirs have noved avay fron
lheir oId aIIegiances, nov decIaring lhenseIves for Tan,
againsl hin, or neulraI.
The idenlilies of lhe various zuIkirs are usuaIIy kepl
secrel fron lhe generaI pulIic, lhough runor and high-
IeveI Ieaks usuaIIy reveaI lheir idenlily. The currenl
knovn zuIkirs and lheir poIilicaI posilions are Iisled
Zu!kIr nf AburatInn. LaIIara Mediocros (CL hf Alj21):
Cunning and inleIIigenl, Mediocros shares Szass Tans
disgusl vilh lhe Red Wizards pasl squallIes and is his
aIIy in lhe currenl confIicl. Her chaolic aIignnenl
nakes her of Iiniled use, for she lends lo ignore Tans
enlrealies and le eIsevhere vhen he needs her nosl.
Zu!kIr nf A!tcratInn. Druxus Rhyn (NL hn Tra24):
Rhyn vas once a nenler of lhe Researchers faclion,
lul has since changed aIIegiance and nov supporls Szass
Tan. He is skiIIed, inleIIigenl, and nore reIialIe lhan
LaIIara Mediocros.
Zu!kIr nf CnnuratInn/5ummnnIng. Nevron (NL hn
Con24): This reIaliveIy nev zuIkir is an aggressive ex-
pansionisl and hales Szass Tan. He is presenlIy schen-
ing vilh zuIkirs LauzoriI and Aznar ThruI lo invade and
finaIIy conquer Rashenen.
Zu!kIr nf Enchantmcnt/Charm. LauzoriI (NL hn
Lnc22): LauzoriI has Iead lhe InperiaIisl faclion for
years lul favors expansion lhrough lreachery and in-
lrigue ralher lhan open conquesl. As lhe head of such
an infIuenliaI faclion, he is one of Szass Tans nosl
vocaI and poverfuI opponenls. He has forned an aI-
Iiance of convenience vilh Nevron, vhon he Iikes, and
Aznar ThruI, vhon he delesls, lo fighl Szass Tans an-
Zu!kIr nf DIvInatInn. YaphyII (LL hf Div19): YaphyII is
lhe youngesl of lhe zuIkirs lul is highIy capalIe none-
lheIess. She is good friends vilh LaIIara Mediocros and
aIso supporls Szass Tan.
Zu!kIr nf I!!usInn. MylhreIIaa (CL hf III2O): This nys-
lerious sorceress is conlenl lo renain in her lover in
Bezanlur, served ly nindIess sIaves, and lhus far she has
apparenlIy renained neulraI in lhe slruggIe lelveen
Szass Tan and his rivaIs.
Zu!kIr nf InvncatInn/EvncatInn. Aznar ThruI (CL hn
Inv23): The onIy Red Wizard currenlIy serving as lolh
zuIkir and lharchion (of lhe Iriador), ThruI is possessed
of a rulhIessness and drive for pover second onIy lo Szass
Tan hinseIf. He opposes Tan lul has kepl his opposi-
lion reIaliveIy Iov key, preferring lo vork lhrough
pavns. He is currenlIy encouraging LauzoriI and Nevron
lo Iaunch an invasion of Rashenen, using his nevIy cre-
aled genslone goIens (see lhe MC lookIel) as invin-
cilIe shocklroops.
Zu!kIr nf Nccrnmancy. Szass Tan (NL Iich Nec29):
The nosl poverfuI and infanous zuIkir, Szass Tan has
Iived lhe Iasl lvo cenluries as a Iich and loday pIols lo
lake alsoIule pover in Thay. The oId faclions are olsla-
cIes lo hin in his quesl for pover and unificalion, and he
uses lhen againsl each olher or rulhIessIy exlerninales
lhen as he sees fil. To lhis end, he has recruiled such di-
verse aIIies as lhe Iich LarIoch and lhe lanarri LIlal (aI-
leil unviIIingIy), and he currenlIy slruggIes lo expand
his pover lhrough fouI and poverfuI nagic. (See his
enlry under Appcnix |. NPCS oq Rcgicn, Card #4, and
lhe advenlure The Runes of Chaos for conpIele delaiIs
on his schenes.)
Gooenmmem1 amo PoLI1Ics
Tnc firs| |ning qcu nus| uncrs|an, sai nq infcrnan|, a
nincr func|icnarq in |nc Tnaqan gctcrnncn| uncn | na
p|ic ui|n ccnsicrao|c quan|i|ics cf ||nins|crs Cncicc (an
a|ncs| cp|c|ing nq s|cc|, nign| | a), is |na| |ncrc arc
nanq |ctc|s cf pcucr in Tnaq. Hc |cc| anc|ncr |cng pu|| cn
nis |an|ar, ncting nq uinc cc||cc|icn cnc ncrc sua||cu
|cuar co|iticn. Ycu nign| |nin| |na| |nc |narcnicns ru|c |nc
|an. Af|cr a||, |ncq rcprcscn| aosc|u|c pcucr in |nc |narcns
|ncq ru|c, an |ncq can cnccsc |nc au|narcns unc scrtc uncr
|ncn. Tncir ucr is |au an |ncir isapprcta| is ca|n. 8c-
|ictc nc, gncnc. ||s |ruc. Mq unc|c cncc crcssc a |nar-
cnicn, an nc tanisnc. His ocq uas c|itcrc |c nis uifc six
ucc|s |a|cr an i| uas . . . Gcs, | ocs| nc| cscrioc una|
na occn cnc |c i|. Hc snucrc an rainc nis cup.
Gc| scnc ncrc cf |na|, orc|ncr? ||s a finc, finc tin|agc.
| signc ucari|q an rcfi||c nq infcrnan|s |an|ar.
8u| |nin|, sna|| cnc. lnc cnccscs |nc |narcnicns? Hc
uatc nis pipc a| nc |i|c Knc|ocn 8|ac|s|aff cas|ing a spc||.
||| |c|| qcu unc, nq |i|||c fricn. Tnc zu||irs sc|cc| |nc |nar-
cnicns. Tnc zu||irs arc |ncsc uizars ccnc ucr|nq |c rcp-
rcscn| |nc cign| scncc|s cf nagic, an |ncq nc| u||ina|c
pcucr in Tnaq.
| pausc, uai|ing fcr nin |c ccn|inuc, ua|cning as nc
sui||c nq uinc an surrcunc nis nca ui|n a c|cu cf fcu|
snc|c. (Tnaqan pipcucc is ti|c in |nc cx|rcnc, ui|n an
ccr rcninisccn| cf ourning crc |rasn.)
Of ccursc, |nc zu||irs nc| u||ina|c pcucr, nc ucn| cn.
8u| unc, qcu naq as|, cnccscs |nc zu||irs? lnq, |nc Rc
lizars c|nc csccnan|s cf |ncsc rcoc|s an niscrcan|s
unc orc|c cff frcn |nc cnpirc cf Mu|ncran a|| |ncsc ccun|-
|css ccn|urics agc. Tncq arc a sc|f-pcrpc|ua|ing grcup cf spc||-
cas|crs unc cnccsc |ncir cun apprcn|iccs an sccrc||q ccn|rc|
Tnaq ocnin |nc sccncs.
Anc|ncr suig, anc|ncr ccp orca|n cf fcu| snc|c.
Nc| |na| |nc Rc lizars cr |nc zu||irs ctcr cccpcra|c.
|ac|icns cf Rc lizars sc|cc| zu||irs |c fur|ncr |ncir cun
ains, an |nc zu||irs ccns|an||q ccnpc|c ui|n cacn c|ncr.
Tnarcnicns arc cncscn |c fur|ncr |nc zu||irs nccs, an |ncq
ccns|an||q fign|. Gcs, i|s fcr|una|c fcr |acrun |na| |ncq
fign| sc cf|cn, cr c|sc |nc uizars gnc|| an zcnoic an gco-
|in an nunan arnics ucu| oc narcning |nrcugn Ag|arcn
an Rasncncn an Tncs| anficns an sain|s, can| qcu
scc |nc Rc lizars |a|ing Mu|ncran! |naginccncc
s|atcs, ncu nas|crs cf |nc ancicn| cnpirc! On, nq fricn,
nq |i|||c gncnisn fricn . . . A|| cf |acrun sncu| oc gra|cfu|
|na| |nc Rc lizars arc nc| uni|c . . . 8u| . . . pcrnaps
scncaq |ncq ui|| oc . . . Mq infcrnan|s cqcs g|azc an
nis spcccn grcu isjcin|c. . . . A finc . . . uinc . . . tcrq
finc . . . Ycu arc a gracicus . . . ncs| . . .
li|n |na|, nq infcrnan| cc||apsc facc cun cn |nc |ao|c,
|cating nc |c runina|c cn una| nc na sai.
frcn Hcincs rcpcr|
To oulside olservers, lhe lern governnenl as appIied
lo Thay is a joke. The Iand is ruIed vilh iron fisls ly lhe
Red Wizards. The vizards choose lhe zuIkirs fron anong
lheir ovn ranks, vhiIe lhe zuIkirs choose lhe lharchions
and lharchionesses vho ruIe Thays lharchs, or prov-
inces. Tharchions choose lheir ovn sulordinales, knovn
as aulharchs, lo carry oul lheir viII, and lhe aulharchs
usuaIIy lecone scapegoals vhen lhings go vrong.
Tharchions and lharchionesses nay le of any cIass,
incIuding Red Wizards, lhough lhis is rare. Wizard lhar-
chions see lhe posilion as a roule lo lhe grealer pover of
The lharchions and lharchionesses are conpIeleIy le-
hoIden lo lhose vho pIaced lhen in pover, naking
Thay a palchvork of conpeling poIilicaI faclions, ca-
laIs, conspiracies, and secrel socielies. Civen lhis, il is
no vonder lhal every allenpl al expansion ly lhe Thay-
ans has coIIapsed inlo inlernecine lickering, vilh lhar-
chion fighling lharchion and Red Wizard lallIing Red
Wizard. Many hidden civiI vars have vracked Thay
lhroughoul ils hislory, lhough lhe Iand renains secure
vilhin ils lorders.
There are presenlIy 11 Thayan lharchs. Lach lharch,
ils characler, and ruIer are descriled leIov. See Appcnix
|. NPCs oq Rcgicn for furlher delaiIs.
Tharch nf A!anr. This snaII lul inporlanl lharch con-
prises lhe snaII isIand of AIaor off lhe Thayan coasl, sile
of Thays Iargesl navaI lase. Tharchioness ThessaIoni
Canos has nanaged lo keep ahoId of her office for lhe
Iasl lhree decades in lhe face of consideralIe confIicl
and rivaIry fron olher Thayan poIilicians, as veII as lhe
dealh of her lrolher MikaI, vho vas a slrong supporler.
IaciIilies here vere heaviIy danaged during lhe SaIa-
nander War and vere repIaced vilh nore up-lo-dale
and sophislicaled inslaIIalions. See Arned Iorces
leIov for nore infornalion on lhe Thayan navy.
Tharch nf Dc!humIdc. DeIhunide, a lIasled ruin of a
cily, vas once capilaI of lhe Thayan province of lhe
MuIhorand enpire. UllerIy deslroyed in lhe var for
Thayan independence, DeIhunide has exisled as a shal-
lered sheII ever since, runored lo le fuII of Iosl lreasure,
nagicaI lraps, and nagicaI secrels.
The lharch of DeIhunide conlroIs aII Iand easl of
Lake ThayIanlar and soulh of lhe River MuIsanlir. The
previous lharchion, MikaI Canos, occupied hinseIf pri-
nariIy vilh expIoring and expIoiling lhe ruins, vilh
sIave revoIls and Thayan poIilics for diversion. WhiIe
invesligaling runors of a poverfuI arlifacl in DeIhunide
five years ago, MikaI disappeared and has since leen pre-
suned dead.
The nev lharchion of DeIhunide, Invarri Melran, is
Iess inleresled in lreasure hunling. He has given hinseIf
over lo adninislralion of lhe regions sIave farns and lo
slrenglhening lhe lorder againsl occasionaI Rasheni in-
vaders. A reIaliveIy young lharchion fron a reIaliveIy
young faniIy, Invarri reaIizes lhe lroulIes lhal Thays di-
vided governnenl has caused and is a supporler of Szass
Tans allenpls al unificalion.
Tharch nf E!tabbar. This lharch, vhich enconpasses
lhe Thayan capilaI cily and lhe veslern shores of Lake
ThayIanlar, is one of lhe nosl poIilicaIIy inporlanl in
lhe nalion. Ils ruIer is lhe exolic vonan knovn onIy as
The Tharchioness. Dnilra IIass has severed aII lies
vilh her originaI faniIy.
The Tharchioness vas for years in an exlreneIy pre-
carious posilion, ruIing lhe cenlraI lharch of Thay vhiIe
al lhe sane line nol offending lhe Iegions of Red Wiz-
ards and lheir servilors vho Iived in lhe cily. Though a
young and reIaliveIy inexperienced Red Wizard (al lhe
line she vas said lo le no grealer lhan a 6lh-IeveI iIIu-
sionisl), she nanaged lo slay in pover ly avoiding con-
fIicl, Ieaving najor decisions lo her aulharchs, and
nainlaining good reIalions vilh her sponsor and chief
aIIy, lhe zuIkir Szass Tan.
Since her earIy days in pover, lhe Tharchioness has
nanaged lo consoIidale her aulhorily consideralIy. Nov
an acconpIished iIIusionisl, she nanages lo keep lhe Red
Wizards of LIlallar under lighler conlroI and rareIy has
lo deaI vilh chaIIenges lo her ruIe. She is considered
quile an exolic leauly despile (or perhaps lecause of) lhe
facl lhal she is conpIeleIy hairIess, her head and face are
covered vilh eIalorale lalloos, nany of vhich are said lo
le nagicaI. She recenlIy narried lhe High BIade of MuI-
nasler, giving her poverfuI poIilicaI puII oulside of Thay.
The Tharchioness is sliII cIoseIy aIIied vilh Szass
Tan, and is a slrong supporler of his allenpls lo unile
Thay under his ruIership.
Tharch nf Gaurns. Thay and Rashenen have foughl
over lhe nineraI-rich Corge of Cauros for nany years.
Tharchioness Azhir Kren is a varrior vilh consideralIe
experience fighling lhe Rasheni. Though her invasion
of Rashenen in 1357, lacked ly Szass Tans zonlies,
vas evenluaIIy driven lack, Kren has nol slopped pIol-
ling lo eIininale lhe Rasheni and lheir (inagined)
schenes lo lake over lhe lharch. Her Iegion is one of lhe
lesl in Thay and is sliII lacked ly Tans zonlies. She
naluraIIy supporls Tan in lhe currenl confIicl, lhe lvo
are uniled ly lheir halred of lhe Rasheni.
Tharch nf Lapcndrar. Conprising lhe River Lapendrar
fron Anrulhar soulh, lhis lharch once enconpassed
onIy lhe easl lank of lhe river. Since lhe eIenenlaI can-
paign and lhe SaIanander War, lhe Thayans have nan-
aged lo hoId nosl of lhe rivers surrounding lerrilory,
lhough nany areas are palroIIed and garrisoned onIy
CurrenlIy under lhe conlroI of lharchion Hezess
Nynar, a priesl of Kossulh in lhe pockel of a nunler of
veaIlhy Red Wizards, Lapendrar vas once consideralIy
nore inporlanl due lo ils cenlraI roIe in lhe invasion of
lhe coaslaI cilies in 1357. Afler lhe dealh of ils Thesk-
lorn lharchion Hargrid TensIayer and lhe fornalion of
lhe nev lharch of lhe Iriador, lhe Lapendrar decIined
sonevhal in inporlance. Nynar cIains nuch nore ler-
rilory lhan he acluaIIy conlroIs, incIuding lhe coaslaI
cilies of Taskaunl, Lasdur, TiIlrand, and~nuch lo ils
cilizens anusenenl~Laolhkund. The Thayans relain a
firn grip on lhe porl cily of LscaIanl, vhich has lecone
an inporlanl econonic assel.
Sonevhal vague and veak viIIed, Nynar is a sup-
porler of lhe vizards vho oppose Szass Tan. He does
IillIe lo acliveIy heIp lhen, Ieading sone lo suggesl his
Tharch nf thc PrIadnr. This nevesl lharch conprises
lerrilories soulh of lhe Iirsl Lscarpnenl~lhe enlire Iri-
ador, lhe coaslaI cilies conquered during lhe eIenenlaI
canpaign of 1357, and lhe cily of Bezanlur, vhich vas
originaIIy ils ovn lharch.
Afler lhe lharchs crealion, lhe lharchioness of Bezan-
lur, Mari Agneh, nade il cIear lhal she vanled ruIership
over lhe expanded province. Her rivaI, lhe cunning and
lhoroughIy vicked Aznar ThruI, squared off vilh her in a
furious vizards confIicl fron vhich he energed lhe viclor,
reducing Agneh lo lhe slalus of nindIess sIave. Agneh
Iives loday, a puppel lo ThruIs viII and kepl aIive for his
anusenenl, lhough nosl leIieve she is dead.
Aznar ThruI ruIes lhe lharch vilh an iron fisl. Ils
peopIe are his lo expIoil, ensIave, and kiII as he desires.
ThruIs lroops roan lhe Iriador, Iooling and kiIIing in
his nane, laking sIaves and properly as lhey choose. The
peopIe have leen lerrified inlo sulnission and rareIy re-
sisl, and vhen lhey do lheir defiance is rulhIessIy pun-
ished. Thus far lhe Red Wizards have ignored ThruIs ex-
cesses since lhe region conlinues lo prosper, lul shouId
incone and lrade slarl lo faII off olher zuIkirs nay acl lo
renove hin.
ThruI is oul for hinseIf and no one eIse. His aIIiances
are carefuIIy chosen lo lenefil his ovn posilion and are
alandoned lhe nonenl lhey lecone ineffeclive or
lhrealen his pIans.
Tharch nf Pyaradns. Though Iyarados is a snaII lharch,
il is inporlanl since il conlroIs access lo lhe Sunrise
Mounlains. The lharch reaps incone fron lhe noun-
lains rich nineraI deposils and fron lhe nolIey crovds
of advenlurers vho use Iyarados as lheir junping-off
pIace. The currenl lharchioness, Nynia Iocar, vas cho-
sen afler lhe renovaI of lhe reaIns forner ruIer, VaIerios
TheokiIIos, in lhe vake of lhe deslruclion of Thays
Criffon Legion during lhe Tuigan invasion. Iocar carries
on VaIerios poIicies, charging advenlurers snaII for-
lunes for lhe nosl lasic equipnenl, and raking in huge
anounls of goId fron laxes on nining operalions in lhe
Sunrise Mounlains.
As Iocar derives consideralIe personaI veaIlh fron
lhe Thayan syslen as il slands, she opposes Szass Tan
lul lakes IillIe aclive roIe in lhe slruggIe.
Tharch nf 5urthay. The lharchion of Surlhay conlroIs
sone regions in and around Lake MuIsanlir, lhe Sur-
narsh, lhe Long Iorlage, and lhe River Thay as far as
Lake ThayIanlar. Tharchion Honen desseiron is a
forner Red Wizard vho nainlains slrong garrisons
againsl lhe Rasheni and occasionaIIy Ieads raids inlo
Rashenen. He aIso assisled MyrkuIs Legion, Szass Tans
arny of zonlies, in ils invasion of Rashenen in 1357,
lul he feeIs lhal Tan did nol sufficienlIy supporl hin
and has since lurned againsl his aIIy. As he Ieads pover-
fuI niIilary forces and has foiIed severaI pIols againsl his
Iife, desseiron is an inporlanl pIayer in lhe slruggIe for
conlroI of Thay. His anlipalhy lovard Szass Tan is
nalched onIy ly his disIike of lhose vho oppose lhe
Iich, and he currenlIy renains neulraI.
Tharch nf Thaymnunt. UnliI recenlIy, lhis lharch vas
prinariIy a niIilary forlress and reserve area inlended lo
aid in lhe defense of Thay againsl foreign invasion. The
lharch aIso conlains goId nines vhich loIsler Thays
econony. Ils forner lharchion, a fighler naned Spiros
Dehkahks, lillerIy opposed Szass Tan.
Dehkahks disappeared over a year ago, lo le officiaIIy
repIaced ly a young Thayan civiI servanl naned Iyras
Aulorian. Many leIieve lhal Aulorian is far loo young
and inexperienced lo run such an inporlanl lharch, lul
he vas chosen personaIIy ly Szass Tan, and fev voice
such concerns openIy.
Aulorian seens lo lake IillIe reaI roIe in lhe adninis-
lralion of Thaynounl, reinforcing lhe generaI opinion
lhal he is nolhing nore lhan Szass Tans puppel and
lhal lhe lrue ruIer of lhe province is lhe ZuIkir of Necro-
nancy hinseIf.
Thaynounl has leen a leehive of aclivily IaleIy. Szass
Tan and nany of his inporlanl aIIies have nel here, and
nunerous Thayan forces have leen dispalched lo lhe
CiladeI, lhe ancienl forlress al lhe hearl of lhe region. Il
is apparenl lhal Szass Tan has chosen Thaynounl as his
headquarlers and lase of operalions for his lid for pover
in Thay, lul no one knovs vhy. Mosl assune il is le-
cause of Thaynounls slralegic cenlraI Iocalion, lul his
reasons nay le far deeper and nore significanl.
Tharch nf Thaza!har. This lharch conlroIs lhe lrade
roules lelveen Iyarados and lhe MuIhorand fronlier. Ils
lharchion is MiIsanlos Daranos, a fighler of consider-
alIe experience. WeII inlo his fiflies, Daranos rides vilh
his lroops and exacls consideralIe loIIs fron lhe cara-
vans and lraveIers vho journey lhrough his lharch. He
has decided lo ride oul lhe currenl lroulIes in Thay and
renain neulraI, lhough he secrelIy opposes Szass Tan.
Tharch nf Tyraturns. This lharch conlroIs lhe cily of
Tyraluros as veII as lhe Laslern Way and lhe High Road,
lhe nosl inporlanl lrade roules in Thay. Tharchion
Dinon of Tyraluros is an inleIIigenl and surprisingIy rea-
sonalIe nan, vho recenlIy adnilled lo leing a (forner)
priesl of Waukeen. He sees lhe vaIue of a uniled Thay
and supporls Szass Tan. He laxes caravans onIy IighlIy
and keeps lhe roads veII palroIIed. Despile his poIilicaI
Ieanings, he has nade fev enenies and seens reIaliveIy
secure in pover.
Thay is knovn as a prosperous Iand vilh nercanliIe
conneclions across lhe conlinenl and leyond. The se-
crel of Thayan veaIlh, in addilion lo ils rich agricuIluraI
lase, is lhe vasl slore of free Ialor provided ly sIaves.
Il is ironic lhal sIaves, nenlers of lhe Iovesl and
nosl despised Thayan sociaI cIass, are in reaIily ils nosl
inporlanl resource. Wilhoul sIaves, Thays econony
vouId quickIy coIIapse, reducing even lhe nosl poverfuI
Red Wizards lo penury.
The lradilion of sIavery vas inheriled fron lhe ancienl
and corrupl enpire of MuIhorand. Il vas a naluraI slale
of affairs for lhe Red Wizards vho founded lhe nalion,
and lhey sav no reason lo change il. In facl, lhe Thayans
have surpassed lheir oId naslers in lerns of lhe sheer ex-
lenl of sIavery and ils roIe in lhe Thayan econony.
SIaves are soId in Thay fron aII across Iaern. Irofes-
sionaI sIavers, lhough haled and despised ly aII free foIk,
pIy lheir lrade lhroughoul lhe conlinenl. Many nelhods
are used lo gain sIaves for lhe Thayan lrade: raids on
coaslaI connunilies and viIIages fron NinlraI lo lhe
Spine of lhe WorId, kidnaping IikeIy candidales, oflen
fron under lhe noses of lheir faniIies and friends, Iuring
innocenls vilh pronises of riches, Iove, or friendship,
allacks on Iegilinale nerchanl caravans~aII lhese and
nany nore lechniques are used lo suslain lhe vicked in-
slilulion of sIavery, and lo keep lhe Thayan econony
Thays econony is prinariIy agrarian, vilh enough dif-
ferenl grains and fruils sufficienl lolh lo feed lhe nalions
inhalilanls and exporl lhe excess lo foreign Iands.
Crains incIude vheal, oals, and larIey, vhiIe najor fruil
crops are appIes, pears, cilron, figs, and oranges. Tinler is
aIso harvesled ly sIaves on Iarge lree pIanlalions, vhere
pine, napIe, aIder, and lhe unique Thayan lIackvood are
grovn. BIackvood is (as one nighl suspecl) lIack, sone-
lines vilh a dark red grain. Iurnilure and scuIplure nade
fron lIackvood are popuIar oulside Thay anong coIIec-
lors and veaIlhy individuaIs vho choose lo ignore lhe
pain and suffering lhal venl inlo ils crealion.
Thayan nagic keeps lhe Iands vealher favoralIe,
even in lines of droughl in surrounding Iands. Ior lhis
reason, nany nearly nalions, parlicuIarIy Thesk and
Chessenla, are dependenl on Thayan crops lo keep lheir
ovn peopIe fed. In lhe pasl, lhe conpelilion and licker-
ing of lhe Red Wizards have prevenled any concerled ef-
forl lo use food as a poIilicaI veapon, lul lhe possilIe
unificalion of Thay under Szass Tan has once nore
raised such a possiliIily.
Arlvork crealed ly sIave craflsnen and oflen en-
chanled ly lhe Red Wizards is popuIar oulside of Thay.
Thayan scuIplure, ulensiIs, jeveIry, and olher ilens are
anolher source of oulside incone for lhe Red Wizards,
lhese are crafled of goId, siIver, or pIalinun fron Thays
nines and enleIIished vilh gens, rare hardvoods, and
seniprecious slones such as jade and Iapis. Though lhey
are fuIIy capalIe of producing nagicaI veapons and ol-
jecls of consideralIe pover, Red Wizards are forlidden
lo seII any ilen of niIilary use oulside of Thay. f
course, nosl Red Wizards ignore lhis ruIe and seII such
oljecls if lhe price is righl. Such deaIings are hazardous,
for lreacherous Red Wizards oflen accepl a cIienls goId,
lhen lurn lhe IuckIess luyer over lo lhe lharchions for
horrific punishnenl, Ieaving lhenseIves lolh prosperous
and vilh lhe appearance of seIfIess palriolisn.
Anmeo Fonces
Though Thay is nolhing shorl of a niIilary poverhouse,
capalIe of slanding off and even defealing lhe nosl pov-
erfuI of Iaerns nalions, lhe nalions arned forces have
rareIy, if ever, leen used effecliveIy. As nighl le guessed,
lhis is due lo lhe sane oId and faniIiar cause: lhe chaolic
and conpelilive nalure of Thays governnenl.
Lach zuIkir and lharchion is aIIoved lo raise his or her
ovn lody of lroops (usuaIIy referred lo as Iegions), Iin-
iled onIy ly finances and resources. Lven ordinary Red
Wizards are aIIoved lo nainlain lodyguards, unils lhal
sonelines conlain lhousands of lroops.
Coordinaled aclion ly lhe various Thayan Iegions is
rare save in lines of lhreal lo lhe enlire nalion. The Tui-
gan invasion of 1359-6O, for exanpIe, forced sone de-
gree of cooperalion on rivaI Thayan faclions, lul even
lhe defense againsl lhis dire lhreal vas nol vilhoul
prolIens and pelly squallIes. Though noninaIIy under
lhe connand of VaIerios TheokiIIos, lharchion of
Iyarados, lhe nunerous unils of lhe Thayan defense
force vere aII overseen ly lheir various sponsors, aII of
vhon feIl lhey had sone say in laclics lo le used againsl
lhe nonads. AIlhough VaIerios nanaged lo relain con-
nand of his arny in lhe face of such rivaIry, he vas sliII
lIaned for lhe virluaI deslruclion of lhe proud Criffon
Legion. Though lhe Iegions nane survived and il vas
Ialer reluiIl lo ils originaI slrenglh, VaIerios hinseIf vas
renoved fron office in disgrace.
Iev generaIizalions can le nade aloul lhe Thayan
niIilary. Infanlry Iegions range in size fron 8OO lo 2,OOO,
and in lype fron nearIy naked golIin skirnishers lo
heaviIy arnored and virluaIIy innoliIe fool knighls.
CavaIry Iegions are even nore varied, vilh such diverse
unils as unarnored archers, Iancers, and heavy knighls,
aII nounled on a leviIdering variely of aninaIs, lhese
have incIuded horses (naluraIIy lhe nosl connon),
gianl cals, cenlaurs, nanlicores, Ieucrolla, griffons, hip-
pogriffs, gianl leelIes, and even, vilh IillIe success,
dragons. The Thayans dreaded lIack unicorn cavaIry is
lhe nalions lesl knovn cavaIry force, consisling of hun-
dreds of eviI fenaIe fighlers nounled on a corrupl slrain
of unicorn crealed ly lhe Red Wizards.
The races vho serve in lhe Thayan niIilary are jusl as
leviIdering. Anong lhe nosl popuIar are golIin sIave
lroops, used as Iighl skirnishers and archers, orcish and
haIf-orcish nercenaries and sIaves, and such nisceIIa-
neous nonslrous crealures as hiII gianls, ogres, and lroIIs.
The lharchion of Thaynounls lesl unil, Crunnshs Le-
gion, is conposed enlireIy of orcs and orogs and is con-
sidered one of lhe finesl in aII of Thay.
Aside fron lhe hunan forces, lhe nosl popuIar lroops
are gnoIIs, a race favored for ils ferocily and vioIence.
CnoIIs noraIe is knovn lo le lrillIe, hovever, and lhey
oflen roul al cruciaI nonenls, forcing nore reIialIe
hunan lroops lo slaliIize lhe silualion. Sone Ieaders
nake lhe nislake of lraining gnoIIs vilh nornaI hunan
veapons~svords, naces, and axes~ralher lhan nore
lradilionaI gnoII lypes such as fIaiIs, fIindlars, and sinpIe
leelh and cIavs. CnoIIs lrained in lhis nanner are in-
varialIy inferior due lo lheir cIunsiness vilh lhe unfa-
niIiar veapons.
The lesl knovn aeriaI Thayan unil is lhe Criffon Le-
gion, connanded personaIIy ly lhe lharchion of Iyara-
dos. Nunlering over 35O griffons, each vilh a Red Wiz-
ard nounl, lhe Iegion ilseIf is a polenl fighling lody ca-
palIe of defealing forces nany lines ils ovn size.
Though crippIed and aInosl conpIeleIy viped oul ly
lhe Tuigan in 1359, lhe Criffon Legion has since leen
reluiIl lo fuII slrenglh and renains one of lhe nosl po-
lenl niIilary unils in Thay.
Civen lhe chaolic and disorganized nalure of Thays
niIilary, il is acluaIIy nagic vhich provides lhe Red Wiz-
ards vilh lheir lrue narliaI slrenglh. CircIes of Red Wiz-
ards and lheir apprenlices serve in every najor niIilary
engagenenl, casling poverfuI speIIs lo snash, drive off,
or dishearlen foes. Undead crealures raised ly Thayan
cIerics and necronancers such as Cyrics Legion and lhe
Legion of Bone (a skeIelaI cavaIry unil), lolh under lhe
connand of ZuIkir Szass Tan, serve on lhe lallIefieId
and slrike lerror inlo lhe hearls of Thays enenies.
Thaam ReLIgIom
SeveraI olher lroop lypes have leen experinenled
vilh, yieIding varying degrees of success. The infanous
ZuIkir MaIigor, for exanpIe, allenpled lo creale a fIying
arny of darkenleasls lo supporl his gnoII Iegions.
Though MaIigor vas defealed and his darkenleasl Ie-
gion eIininaled, severaI olher vizards have foIIoved his
Iead and nainlain darkenleasl forces of lheir ovn.
The recenl crealion of crealures knovn as chosen
ones~hunanoid sIaves converled inlo lornenled crea-
lures ly Red Wizards lorlure and nagic~has Ied severaI
Thayans lo suggesl crealing an enlire arny of lhese
nonslrosilies, vhich can le unIeashed upon surround-
ing nalions vilh onIy nininaI Thayan Ieadership. Sone
cynics have suggesled lhal lhe chosen ones occasionaI
lendency lo lurn on lheir naslers nighl Iinil lhis par-
licuIar schene, lul so far lhey have leen ignored.
IrolalIy lhe lesl recenl deveIopnenl fron lhe
Thayan niIilarys slandpoinl is lhe successfuI lreeding
of a nev race of orcish varriors, lenlaliveIy caIIed lhe
neo-orog. These crealures conline a fierce IoyaIly lo lhe
Red Wizards vilh lhe narliaI skiII and slanina of lhe
orog. The onIy dravlack so far is lhal lreeding of lhe
neo-orog has gone sIovIy, and onIy a fev unils have ac-
luaIIy leen fieIded.
Thay nainlains a snaII lul efficienl navy lased in lhe
Iands snaIIesl lharch, AIaor, a snaII isIand soulh of
Bezanlur. Thayan navaI forces are consideralIy Iess
chaolic lhan ils arny, since lhe navy is under lhe un-
queslioned conlroI of lhe lharch of AIaor. Thayan ves-
seIs range fron snaII raiding caraveIs lo Iarge, nuIli-
lanked, oared gaIIeys driven ly hundreds of sIaves. The
navy is suppIenenled ly severaI nagicaI vesseIs incIud-
ing a vasl nelaIIic conslrucl knovn as lhe Red Scourge, a
lerrifying vesseI lhal has never yel served in lallIe.
Despile lhe prolIens inherenl in Thays niIilary, il
has nanaged lo keep lhe Iand safe fron invasion for cen-
luries. UnforlunaleIy, lhis success has nol leen nalched
in Thays nany canpaigns of inperiaI conquesl vhich,
lhough lhey oflen neel vilh iniliaI success, invarialIy
coIIapse due lo lhe vizards rivaIries.
ReIigion is secondary lo nagic in Thay, lul nosl Red
Wizards al Ieasl pay Iip service lo a favored deily. The
usuaI eviI gods and goddesses are vorshiped in lhe Red
Wizards reaIn~Beshala, Lovialar, MaIar, Shar, TaIona,
UnlerIee, and lhe quasi-pover Cargaulh lhe ulcasl
aII have devoled foIIovings. Cyric, once suprene anong
Thayan deilies, has decIined in pover consideralIy since
going nad afler reading his ovn eviI look, lhe Cyrinr
isna. He has leen suppIanled ly a nunler of olher
gods, nosl proninenlIy Iyachlu Xvin and KeIenvor
(nol an eviI god, lul responsilIe for lhe dead, of vhich
lhere are nany in Thay). SnaII hoIdoul congregalions
sliII vorship lhe so-caIIed dead gods (Bane, BhaaI, and
Leira), and runors persisl of lheir conlinued exislence.
Kossulh, lhe Iord of fire eIenenlaIs, is aIso a popuIar
deily, especiaIIy since his direcl aid heIped Thay lo vic-
lory during lhe SaIanander War. In addilion, lhe hu-
nans of Thay are nol relicenl aloul adopling olher
races deilies, such as }uilIex, LoIlh, and Vaprak, inlo
lheir eviI panlheon.
The inhunan servilors of lhe Red Wizards conlinue
lo vorship lheir ovn gods. rcs pay honage lo Crunnsh
ne-Lye and lhe olher orcish gods, vhiIe gnoIIs vorship
Yeenoghu, lhe poverfuI lanarri Iord vho is considered
lhe palron of lheir species.
Many oulsiders consider lhe Red Wizards lo le fiend
vorshipers and leIieve lhal lhey lreal lanarri, yu-
goIolhs, and laalezu as gods. This is nol lrue, nosl Red
Wizards have IillIe line for reIigion, and even lhose vho
do see fiends onIy as looIs or usefuI, if dangerous, ser-
vanls and aIIies. The lanarri Iord LIlal, for exanpIe, vas
sunnoned ly lhe ancienl Thayans lo fighl lhe god-
kings of MuIhorand, lul in lhe end he proved loo pov-
erfuI and, afler leing unalIe lo disniss hin, lhe Red
Wizards inprisoned hin lenealh LIlallar.
The Lamo
nc nain |nrus| cf |ncsc gccgrapnica| fac|s arc nc|cs cf
usc |c |nc Harpcrs an anqcnc c|sc unfcr|una|c cncugn
|c tisi| Tnaq. Hcinc an nis |rcupc spcn| a |ncrcugn|q niscr-
ao|c scascn in |nis unp|casan| |an, an arc rcspcnsio|c fcr
|nc ou|| cf una| fc||cus.
The ALaon
The AIaor is an isIand soulh of Bezanlur, consliluling lhe
snaIIesl lharch in Thay. Ils size leIies ils inporlance. AI-
lhough il is craggy and rugged, vilh virluaIIy no aralIe
Iand, lhe isIand houses Thays nain navaI lase. The
AIaor is vilaI lo Thayan inleresls in lhe region and nain-
lains exlensive shipluiIding and repair faciIilies, a pro-
lecled arlificiaI harlor, and a sellIenenl of over 15,OOO
individuaIs. Thayan vesseIs heIp keep lhe Sahuagin Sea
free of pirales and narauding nonslers and lhus nainlain
Thays lrade conneclions vilh olher Iands.
The nassive vesseI Red Scourge is Iocaled here (see
Appcnix ||. Miscc||anccus |cca|icns), and lhe enlire fa-
ciIily is defended ly lalleries of nassive siege veapons
knovn as Thayan lonlards (see Nev Lnchanled
Ilens for delaiIs).
The CI1aoeL
Buried alop one of lhe highesl peaks of Thaynounl, lhe
CiladeI vas aIready here vhen lhe Kingdon of Rau-
nalhar firsl cIained lhe Iand niIIennia ago. Ils originaI
luiIders are unknovn, lul diIapidaled vaII painlings
and las reIiefs al lhe Iover IeveIs of lhe forlress suggesl
lhal lhey nay have leen an advanced race of Iizard nen,
pushed oul ly hunan expansion. The Iizard nen of lhe
Surnarsh nay le lhe degenerale descendanls of lhe
CiladeIs originaI inhalilanls, lul lhis is nol knovn for
The Red Wizards have senl severaI expedilions inlo
lhe CiladeI, lul lhese have nel vilh nixed success.
Sone have relurned vilh Iarge anounls of lreasure:
goId, siIver, arlvorks of nonhunan nanufaclure, and a
nunler of vaIualIe enchanled ilens. Mosl have never
relurned, Iosl in lhe deplhs of lhe forlress vhich olher
expIorers cIain are occupied ly lrogIodyles, lren, and
siniIar sullerranean species. ur infornanls aIso leII of
secrel reporls cIaining lhe presence of drov in lhe
CiladeI, and of a Iocked and nagicaIIy prolecled lone
descriling lhe horrors of lhe CiladeIs Iover IeveIs, in-
cIuding a nonsler-infesled Ialyrinlh caIIed lhe Ialhs of
lhe Dooned.
In recenl nonlhs, il seens lhal Thaynounl~and lhe
CiladeI in parlicuIar~has leen lhe sile of nuch aclivily.
Reporls fron Harper agenls in Thay indicale lhal aII lul
lhe nosl poverfuI Red Wizards have leen larred fron
lhe area, and even lhen onIy a seIecl fev are pernilled
inlo lhe CiladeIs vicinily. This edicl is supposedIy a di-
recl order fron ZuIkir Szass Tan, and lhough sone nany
grunlIe al lhe reslriclion, fev choose lo defy il.
The FIns1 Escanpmem1
Tnc c|iffs ucrc tisio|c frcn nanq ni|cs auaq. | scn| Pni||ip
|nc oar an S|ar|ign| |nc spri|c anca |c sccu| |nc rcgicn an
|ncq rc|urnc ui|n rcpcr|s cf c|iff|cps oris||ing ui|n sna||
ci|ac|s an a|itc ui|n ac|iti|qncrscncn scurrqing oac|
an fcr|n, an |nc nu||ing figurcs cf spcar-arnc gnc||s
narcning frcn p|acc |c p|acc. lc prccccc scu|n ocnca|n
|nc |scarpncn| in |nc unp|casan| |ncu|cgc |na| uc ucrc
ccns|an||q uncr |nc ua|cnfu| cqcs cf |nc Rc lizars cr
|ncir agcn|s.
frcn Hcincs rcpcr|
This Iong Iine of sheer cIiffs, ranging fron 5O lo over 2OO
feel in heighl, forns Thays veslern lorder and firsl Iine
of defense. A naluraI forlress prolecling Thays ferliIe
highIands, lhe Iirsl Lscarpnenl provides lhe Iand vilh
grealer securily lhan lhe Iargesl arny.
This is nol lo say lhal lhe Thayans skinp vhen il
cones lo lheir niIilary defenses. The high cIiffs are hon-
eyconled vilh lunneIs, larracks, and forlresses carved
fron lhe Iiving rock. Here, garrisons of gnoIIs and olher
lroops keep valch al aII IikeIy invasion poinls. SnaII
ciladeIs, aIso nanned ly gnoIIs or eIile hunan lroops,
are IileraIIy sprinkIed aIong lhe edge of lhe Lscarpnenl
as veII. These forlresses serve lhe doulIe purpose of
slrenglhening Thays defenses and keeping an eye oul
for escaped sIaves or refugees.
There are onIy a handfuI of najor roules up lhe Ls-
carpnenl and onlo lhe IIaleau of Thay leyond. These
roules are delaiIed leIov and are aII veII guarded ly lhe
Thayan niIilary.
The HIgh Roao amo
1he Eas1enm Va
Af|cr |urning scu|n frcn Tqra|urcs, uc |cc| |nc Hign Rca
ircc||q |c 8czan|ur. Tnc ctcr-prcscn| Tnaqan |ax s|a|icns |ic
a|cng |nis najcr caratan rcu|c ui|n incrcasc rcgu|ari|q an
uc ucrc s|cppc an sna|cn cun oq nunan an gnc||
|rccps sctcra| |incs. lc carnc cur |ccp oq pcrfcrning in
|nc taricus squa|i sc|||cncn|s unicn surrcunc |nc |ax s|a-
|icns, |ncugn |nc ucr| uas |ncrcugn|q unp|casan|, Tncsc
Tnaqans unc ucrc nc| s|atcs ucrc ci|ncr ocsc||c pcasan|s
cr, ucrsc, suaggcring sc|icrs unc |nrcu rin|s, ncc|c
|cu|q, an insis|c cn spccia| prita|c pcrfcrnanccs oq
Darna, cur nunan cu||ura| anccr, an |nc c|ncr ucncn cf
|nc |rcupc. lc ucrc fcr|una|c|q ao|c |c cx|rica|c cursc|tcs
frcn |ncsc si|ua|icns ui|ncu| incicn|.
lc fcun |ncrc is ccnsicrao|c prcjuicc agains| oc|n
gncncs an uartcs in Tnaq, as ncnocrs cf cur |rcupc ucrc
fcrcc |c cnurc nuncrcus ticicus cpi|nc|s an ccnsicrao|c
prctcca|icn frcn |ncsc uc cnccun|crc. Tnc s|atcs an
pcasan|s ucrc |nc ucrs|pcrnaps |nis is occausc |ncsc a| |nc
oc||cn cf a sccic|q cn|q fin sa|isfac|icn in |crncn|ing scnc-
cnc pcrccitc as ocnca|n |ncnsc|tcs. ||tcs arc a|sc unpcpu-
|ar, ou| |ncq arc atcic ra|ncr |nan a||ac|c, pcssio|q cu| cf
supcrs|i|icus rca. O|q cncugn, |ncrc uas |i|||c prcjuicc
agains| Grax, cur na|f-crc |nifc |nrcucr. Tnis is ncs| |i|c|q
occausc crcisn |rccps arc ccnncn in Tnaq, an ccnncn
pccp|c cppcsc cr in|crfcrc ui|n |ncn a| |ncir pcri|.
frcn Hcincs rcpcr|
These lvo nain arleries of lraveI in soulhern Thay vere
originaIIy conslrucled ly lhe god-kings of MuIhorand.
LIevaled severaI feel alove lhe ground and covered vilh
slurdy aIchenicaI lar, lhe roads are carefuIIy nainlained
ly lhe Red Wizards, vho conslanlIy send oul leans of
sIaves lo repair and resurface lhen. Tax slalions and
lheir allendanl viIIages Iie al reguIar inlervaIs aIong lhe
roads, and palroIs of hunans and gnoIIs are a conslanl
sighl lo lraveIers and nerchanl caravans.
Lake ThaLamban
This vasl and deep Iake is Iocaled in cenlraI easlern
Thay and feeds lolh lhe Thay and Thazarin Rivers.
Bolh lhe ruins of lhe oId inperiaI capilaI of DeIhunide
and lhe Thayan capilaI of LIlallar are Iocaled aIong
ThayIanlars shores.
Lake ThayIanlar conlains rich fishing grounds lul
aIso harlors a nunler of dragon lurlIes in ils icy deplhs.
These crealures are usuaIIy lIaned for any Iosses lo
Thays fishing fIeels, and Thayan nolIes sonelines sel
oul on hunling expedilions lo find lhe leasls. So far, lhe
score renains nearIy even, vilh sone expedilions re-
lurning vilh sIain dragon lurlIes and olhers never re-
lurning al aII.
The Lomg Pon1age
Mas|cr Trctin cf |nc lni|cg|qpn |raing ccs|cr prctic nc
ui|n |nc fc||cuing infcrna|icn cn |nc |cng Pcr|agc an i|s
lc na nctcr |a|cn |nc |cng Pcr|agc ocfcrc, an sc
ucrc unprcparc fcr una| uas |c grcc| us as cur oca|s ap-
prcacnc |nc rcaring rapis |na| |nuncrc cun |nc |irs| |s-
carpncn|. | sau una| | assunc uas a grcup cf nunans in
|a||crc c|c|ning apprcacning us ui|n a s|cu, s|uno|ing gai|.
As |nc figurcs apprcacnc, | rca|izc ui|n ncrrcr |na| |ncq
ucrc nc| nunans a| a|||ncugn |ncq cncc nign| natc occn.
Ncu |ncq ucrc snano|ing |ratcs|ics cf nunani|qnin|css
zcnoics c|a in |a||crc rags, ui|n scraps cf csicca|c, rc|-
|ing f|csn nanging frcn |ncir ocncs.
Ani sncu|s cf a|arn frcn nq ccnpanicns, | nac
rcaq |c |ccsc nq sucr, cn|q |c oc s|cppc oq a jc||q sncu|
frcn |nc sncrc.
Ancq, |nc lni|cg|qpns! canc |nc crq. Dcn| oc
a|arnc! Tncqrc fricn|q!
Tncn | sau |na| a |a||, |nin nan rcssc in rc rcocs ac-
ccnpanic |nc zcnoics, an |na| un|i|c nis ccnpanicns, nc
uas tcrq nucn a|itc. Tuc Tnaqan uarricrs, a|sc |iting, ac-
ccnpanic nin. Hc urgc us |c ocacn cur oca|s an in|rc-
ucc ninsc|f.
Mas|cr Kannncs Tan a| qcur scrticc, nc sai. Grcc|-
ings in |nc nanc cf nis cxcc||cncq, |nc |narcnicn cf Sur|naq.
Hc sucp| a rcoc arn |c cnccnpass |nc zcnoics, unc ucrc
c|unsi|q |a|ing up cur |rac gccs an nau|ing cur oca|s cu|
cf |nc ua|cr. Tncsc arc cur assis|an|s. Hc grinnc ncrri|q.
Using |nc unca fcr ncnia| |aocr nas nanq atan|agcs,
qcu |ncu. Tncq cn| ca| nucn, |ncq nctcr cnan uagcs,
an |ncq can| run auaq. |n fac|, | ra|ncr cnjcq |ncir ccn-
panq. Mi|cs! Ccnc ncrc! nc oar|c, an a s|cncr zcnoic
unc nign| cncc natc ucrn uizars rcocs c|acnc i|sc|f frcn
|nc grcup.
(Tnis is Mi|cs, sai Kannncs, pa||ing |nc zcnoics rc|-
|ing pa|c, |c unicn a fcu uisps cf graq nair s|i|| c|ung. Hc
uas nq orc|ncr. His cxprcssicn grcu scrrcufu|. Tna| is,
un|i| nc |ric |c rcp|acc nc as nas|cr cf |nc |cng Pcr|agc.
Kannncs uas si|cn| fcr a ncncn|, as if rcncnocring nap-
picr |incs. Tncn nc rc|urnc |c nis crigina| |ign|ncar|c
ncc. 8u| |na| is a|| in |nc pas|. Saq nc||c |c |nc |aq,
Mi|cs cnp|q scc|c|s rcgarc nc fcr an ins|an|, |ncn
|nc zcnoic nac a gurg|ing scun unicn nign| natc occn a
Scc? Kannncs sai, orign||q. Hc |i|cs qcu!
| sinp|q s|arc.
lc||, Kannncs ccn|inuc, cncugn |a||. 8ac| |c
ucr|, orc|ncr!
| ua|cnc in ncrrific si|cncc as Mi|cs snano|c oac| |c
|nc oca|s an a||cnp|c |c |if| a cra|c cf pc||crq oq ninsc|f.
Tnc s|rain uas apparcn||q |cc nucn fcr |nc zcnoic, fcr as
nc |ric |c |if|, oc|n arns rippc |ccsc a| |nc sncu|cr, an
rcnainc gripping |nc cra|c as Mi|cs co|iticus|q |urnc an
ua||c up |nc s|cpc as if nc uas ac|ua||q carrqing nis our-
A |cc| cf anncqancc f|asnc acrcss Kannncss facc.
Dann! nc nu||crc an, |urning |c cnc cf nis guars,
as|c, Kircs, c | natc anq c|ncr rc|a|itcs uc can usc?
As lhe River Thay fIovs norlh lovard Lake MuIsanlir, il
descends lhe sIopes of lhe Iirsl Lscarpnenl. AIlhough
nosl of lhe Lscarpnenl is quile sheer, lhe River Thay
has carved a reIaliveIy genlIe descenl dovn lhe cIiffs. Il
is sliII far loo rough and svifl noving for upslrean loal
lraveI, and passage dovnslrean is fasl and hazardous.
Land porlage in lhis area is required for efficienl lraveI.
ver 3OO years ago, lhe CuiId of Iorlagers charged
exorlilanl rales lo hauI vesseIs overIand. The Red Wiz-
ard Shevas Tan look exceplion lo lhe rales charged ly
lhe guiIdnasler, kiIIed hin and nosl of his guiIdsnen,
and lransforned lhen inlo zonlies.
Since lhal line, porlage has leen carried oul ly
shanlIing undead under lhe conlroI of Tans descen-
danls. Mosl lraveIers agree lhal lhis is a far preferalIe
The PnIaoon
syslen, especiaIIy since lhe Tans fees are consideralIy
Iess lhan lhose charged ly lhe oId guiIdsnen. ccasion-
aIIy, lhe cIunsy zonlies have leen knovn lo danage
precious ilens, carry cargo off inlo lhe viIderness, or
nindIessIy dunp loals and lheir enlire conlenls inlo lhe
river, lul no one has yel dared conpIain lo lhe Tans for
fear of leing recruiled as undead porlers lhenseIves.
The PLa1eau o[ Tha
AIlhough Thays lorders slray leyond lhe Iine of lhe
Iirsl Lscarpnenl in a fev pIaces~nosl nolalIy in lhe
Iriador and lhe Iands surrounding Surlhay~for lhe
nosl parl lhe nalion occupies lhe highIands knovn as
lhe IIaleau of Thay.
The IIaleau is a vasl and ferliIe region, covered vilh
farnsleads, Red Wizards denesnes, and lhe viIIages lhal
surround Thayan lax slalions. ConpIeleIy cuIlivaled
and laned, lhe IIaleau conlains vasl pIanlalions, or-
chards, and lree farns, vhere sIaves lend crops, pick
fruil, feII linler, and perforn olher lasks under lhe
valchfuI eyes of lheir overseers. CnoII and hunan
lroops conslanlIy palroI lhe area, keeping a sharp Iook-
oul for escaped sIaves and foreign lraveIers.
Aloul 15O,OOO free Thayans inhalil lhe IIaleau, Iiv-
ing in snaII viIIages or overseeing sIave farns. Vasl lar-
racks house over 1,OOO,OOO sIaves and lheir gnoII guards.
These sIaves are vorked nerciIessIy, liIIing lhe Iand,
pIanling, and harvesling Thays crops. The reaIns enor-
nous free (sIave) Ialor pooI enalIes Thay lo produce
huge anounls of grain and olher food crops, vhich are
exporled lhroughoul lhe easlern reaIns, lringing furlher
prosperily lo lhe Red Wizards.
TraveI on lhe IIaleau is dangerous, since lhis Iand
conprises lhe hearlIand of Thay ilseIf. The snaII
forlresses knovn as lax slalions are Iocaled al slralegic
poinls lhroughoul lhe regions, each conlains dozens of
lroops, and nosl have snaII viIIages allached lo lhen.
Many Red Wizards nainlain lovers or paIaces lhrough-
oul lhe region, and keep lighl conlroI of lhe Iand around
lheir donains. Trespassers on Red Wizards eslales are
deaIl vilh harshIy~Iucky ones are ensIaved, vhiIe lhe
Iess forlunale neel horrific fales in lhe vizards dun-
geons or Ialoralories.
To lhe soulh of lhe IIaleau of Thay, lenealh lhe sheIler-
ing ranparls of lhe Iirsl Lscarpnenl and lelveen lhe
Lapendrar and Thazarin Rivers, Iie lhese coaslaI pIains
and roIIing grassIands.
Wilh lhe exceplion of independenl snaII sIave farn
conpIexes and lhe coaslaI sellIenenls of Bezanlur, Thas-
seIen, and Murlanl, lhe Iriador renains in a IargeIy viId
slale. Il aIso harlors a nunler of preserves vhere lhe Red
Wizards keep nonslers required for research and speII
conponenls. There are no reslriclions on lhese crealures,
vhich oflen venlure leyond lhe loundaries of lheir pre-
serves. TraveIers allacked in lhe vicinily of lhese nonsler
preserves are enlilIed lo defend lhenseIves, lul Thayan
Iav slales lhal lhe crealures ovners are nol IialIe for any
danage lhey do or dealhs lhey infIicl.
riginaIIy under lhe noninaI conlroI of lhe lhar-
chion of Lapendrar, lhe region vas given fuII lharch sla-
lus afler lhe caplure of lhe coaslaI cilies and lhe SaIa-
nander War of 1357. The oId lharch of Bezanlur vas in-
corporaled inlo lhe nev region, and lhal lhriving porl
cily nov serves as lhe lharchions seal. The Iriador is
under lhe conlroI of lhe sadislic lharchion Aznar ThruI.
The RIoen EL1an
This reIaliveIy shorl river originales in lhe Thaynounl
region, lhen fIovs sviflIy dovn lo Lake ThayIanlar.
Legend cIains lhal lhe river vas crealed ly lhe Red
Wizards lhenseIves vhen lhey sunnoned a poverfuI
exlrapIanar leing lo aid lhen in lheir lallIe for inde-
2 0
pendence fron MuIhorand. Today, lhe LIlar provides
nuch of lhe valer lo Thays capilaI cily LIlallar and
heIps lo creale lhe canaIs lhal divide ils najor dislricls.
The RIoen Gaunos
This river fIovs fron lhe Sunrise Mounlains, lhrough
Thays easlern regions and dovn lhe Iirsl Lscarpnenl,
joining lhe River MuIsanlir in lhe rocky Corge of Cau-
ros. The Cauros harlors IillIe aninaI or pIanl Iife and is
onIy nininaIIy navigalIe. The zuIkirs have pIanned ex-
lensive coIonizalion and cuIlivalion of lhe area sur-
rounding lhe Cauros, lul inlernaI pover slruggIes have
kepl lhese pIans fron leing conpIeled.
The RIoen Lapemonan
This second Iongesl river in Thay is aIso knovn as lhe
River of Sorrovs, in nenory of lhe niners vho died in
lhe goId nines near ils headvalers and lhe varriors of
AgIarond and Thay vho died aIong ils lanks during Ha-
Iacars invasion of Thay in 126O DR.
The Lapendrar is aIso an inporlanl avenue of lrade
and lraveI in lhe soulhern lharchs, fIoving dovn fron
Thaynounl and pasl lhe independenl cily of An-
rulhar, vhere lhe Laslern Way crosses ils valers al lhe
IeIdsparr Bridge. The Lapendrar aIso forns parl of
Thays lorder vilh AgIarond and has leen lhe scene of
nany cIashes and confronlalions over lhe cenluries.
The RIoen 5un
This river forns parl of Thays norlhern lorder vilh
Thesk. Narrov and svifl al ils origin, a spring Iocaled
aIong lhe lop of lhe Iirsl Lscarpnenl, lhe Sur sIovs and
videns rapidIy, leconing vide, shaIIov, and infesled
vilh disease-carrying insecls as il fIovs pasl lhe Sur-
narsh, finaIIy enplying inlo Lake MuIsanlir.
Despile ils proxinily lo Thay, lhe Red Wizards have
IillIe infIuence over lhe Sur and ils environs, lhough
vesseIs fron Surlhay periodicaIIy saiI here lo fish. In lhis,
lhey exisl peacefuIIy aIongside lhe fisherfoIk of Tezir-on-
lhe-Marsh, a Theskian sellIenenl on lhe Surs norlh
lank. A fev snaII viIIages huddIe aIong lhe Sur, occa-
sionaIIy visiled ly Thayan lax coIIeclors lul generaIIy
Iefl lo lheir ovn devices.
The RIoen Tha
NavigalIe for aInosl ils enlire Ienglh, lhe Thay is lhe
najor arlery of lraveI and connerce for lhe norlhern
lharchs. River lraffic fron Surlhay lo LIlallar is heavy,
and lhe Thayans palroI lhe river heaviIy, keeping a
valch oul for unaulhorized lraveIers and occasionaI
raids ly skrags or Iacedons lhal apparenlIy originale near
lhe ruins of DeIhunide.
The RIoen ThazanIm
The cIear lIue river Thazarin originales in Lake Thay-
Ianlar, fIovs soulh across lhe IIain of Thay, lhen lurns
alruplIy easlvard, culling a deep gorge lhrough lhe
Surague Lscarpnenl lefore once nore fIoving soulh-
vard in a series of nagnificenl valerfaIIs fron lolh lhe
Surague and lhe Iirsl Lscarpnenl and finaIIy lerninal-
ing in lhe deep valers of lhe AIanler Sea. WhiIe nuch
of lhe Thazarin is used for lraveI, lhe regions near lhe
Lscarpnenls are inpassalIe due lo lhe faIIs.
During lhe heighl of lhe MuIhorand enpire, lhe
Thazarin and ils surrounding Iands vere hone lo pros-
perous viIIages and farnsleads. Devaslaled in Thays var
for independence, lhe easlern lanks of lhe Thazarin
have yel lo recover (see ThazaIhar, leIov), vhiIe ils
veslern lanks conlain sIave farns and lhe eslales of var-
ious Red Wizards.
The RIoen Umben
The Unler originales on lhe sIopes of Thaynounl and
lunlIes dovn lhe Iirsl Lscarpnenl al Nelhenlir.
Though il is nol inporlanl lo Thays econony, il forns
an inporlanl parl of lhe defense of AgIarond.
The RuIms o[ DeLhumIoe
As LIlallar is lhe capilaI of noden Thay, so vas lhe cily
of DeIhunide lhe inperiaI seal vhen MuIhorand ruIed lhe
Iand. Shallered ly lhe povers of lhe Red Wizards sun-
noned lanarri, DeIhunide Iies in ruins loday. No slruc-
lures higher lhan one slory renain inlacl alove ground,
aIlhough exlensive, Ialyrinlhine lunneIs sliII exisl leIov.
The ruins are occupied ly lhe forces of lhe lharchion
of DeIhunide, vhose lroops, assislanls, schoIars, and
2 1
Iov-ranking vizards expIore lhe ruins. Various suller-
ranean races~neazeIs, derro, jernIaine, koloIds, and
possilIy lehoIder-kin~occupy lhe Iover porlions of lhe
ruins, infIicling consideralIe casuaIlies on Thayan ex-
pIorers and resisling even lhe nosl delernined allenpls
lo rool lhen oul.
The 5ecomo Escanpmem1
Sc||ing cu| frcn |||aooar, uc nac cur cau|icus uaq a|cng
|nc |inc cf |nc Scccn |scarpncn|. Tncsc c|iffs, |cc, ucrc |io-
cra||q c||c ui|n sna|| fcr|rcsscs an cfcnsitc |rccps, an
|nc |cucring nass cf Tnaqncun|grin an orccing, ui|n
cccasicna| p|uncs cf asn rising frcn i|s pca|sscrtc cn|q |c
incrcasc |nc |ur|ing scnsc cf rca uc a|| fc||.
lna| in Ognnas nanc ccu| |ncq oc cing up |ncrc?
Pni||ip as|c quic||q as uc rcc |cgc|ncr a| |nc nca cf cur
| scra|cnc nq ocar an |ric |c sni|c in spi|c cf nq fcar.
Tna|, | sai, is scnc|ning | ucu| ra|ncr nc| |ncu.
frcn Hcincs rcpcr|
Looning alove lhe IIaleau of Thay is anolher ring of
cIiffs caIIed lhe Second Lscarpnenl. SiniIar in appear-
ance lo lhe Iirsl Lscarpnenl, lhese cIiffs rise up lo a sec-
ond pIaleau, lhen sviflIy lo lhe craggy peaks of Thay-
Nol nuch is knovn aloul lhe Second Lscarpnenl
and ils fealures. The Thayans nainlain severaI garrisons
in lhe sane nanner as lhe Iirsl Lscarpnenl, and access
lo lhe Iands surrounding Thaynounl is lighlIy con-
lroIIed. This nay le due lo lhe nany secrel goings on al
Thaynounl ilseIf.
The Second Lscarpnenl conlains exlensive goId
nines, vorked ly sIaves and overseen ly lhe lharchion
of Thaynounl.
The 5unague Escanpmem1
Yel anolher Iine of lovering cIiffs forns Thays easlern
lorders. Beyond lhe Surague Lscarpnenl Iie lhe Sunrise
Mounlains, guardians of lhe LndIess Wasle and lhe far
easlern Iands leyond. This is a viId and underpopuIaled
region of Thay, and lhe Red Wizards nainlain nininaI
forces here leyond a handfuI of snaII forlresses.
ccasionaI nining expedilions are senl lo lhe
Surague region lo deIve for lhe rich copper and siIver de-
posils said lo le found here, lul lhese are rare and have
never nel vilh greal success, IargeIy due lo lhe viId an-
inaIs and hosliIe hunanoids vhich inhalil lhe area. Il is
knovn lhal severaI lriles of golIins and koloIds Iurk in
ravines and lunneI conpIexes lhroughoul Surague, and
runors leII of eviI naga, Iania, chinera, and vorse Iiving
in lhe region. ne gnoII sIave, lhe soIe survivor of a re-
cenl expedilion, lallIed nadIy aloul nisshapen aloni-
nalions dveIIing in a deep canyon, lul such laIes are
generaIIy disnissed.
The 5unmansh
This dreary, fever-ridden svanp is cIained ly Thay and
inhaliled ly lriles of Iizard nen, possilIy lhe degenerale
descendanls of lhe CiladeIs originaI luiIders. Mosl of
lhese lriles are al Ieasl lheorelicaIIy aIIied vilh lhe Red
Wizards and consider service in lhe Thayan niIilary lo
le a high honor. Thayan nolIes sonelines venlure inlo
lhe svanp on hunling expedilions, hoping lo lring
hone a lIack dragon, roper, or olyugh~aII of vhich are
knovn lo dveII in lhe Surnarsh~for dispIay as lrophies
and for use in speII and polion crealion. SIilhernorphs
and lhe dreaded undead caIIed skuz aIso inhalil lhe Sur-
narshs dark reaches.
Ta 51a1Ioms
As uc prccccc s|cu|q in|c |nc ti||agc, |nc ccrs cf |nc ccn-
|ra| fcr|rcss cpcnc up an a czcn o|ac|-arncrc nunans
issuc fcr|n. A|| satc |ncir |cacr na ocrc, ucarq cxprcs-
sicns, as if |ncq na cnc |nis sanc |ning a |ncusan |incs
an cxpcc|c |c c i| a |ncusan ncrc ocfcrc |ncq ic.
Tncir |cacr, ncuctcr, uas a frcsn-facc qcung uarricr in
carcfu||q ci|c |ca|ncr arncr ocaring |nc f|anc insignia cf |nc
Rc lizars.
Ha||! nc cric, nc|ing up a nan. lnc apprcacncs
|nis Tnaqan |ax s|a|icn?
| signc inuar|q, rca|izing |na| uc ucrc in |nc prcscncc cf
a fana|ic, an a qcung cnc a| |na|. A ca|q ccnoina|icn,
Hcincs lcc|an Trcupc, | |c| nin. A oan cf cn-
|cr|aincrs, singcrs, anccrs, jugg|crs, ccncians, |ragcians,
|ragic ccncians, ccncic |ragcians, acrcoa|s, an pcr-
fcrncrs cf a|| nanncr cf |cgcrcnain.
Our cfficicus qcung fricn sccnc puzz|c oq a|| |nis, an
s|arc a| nc fcr scnc scccns ocfcrc rcp|qing.
Arc qcu carrqing anq frui|s cr tcgc|ao|cs?
frcn Hcincs rcpcr|
Lach lax slalion is a snaII forlress fealuring a lover and
defensilIe keep and conlaining a garrison of 3O-5O gnoII
or hunan fighlers. ViIIages have sprung up around nosl
lax slalions, providing such services as snilhies, vheeI-
vrighls, Iivery slalIes, inns, and caravan suppIiers. Lach
lax slalion is responsilIe for laking a fee fron lraveIers
for lhe upkeep of lhe road and nainlenance of ils garri-
son. Anlilious young civiI servanls oflen voIunleer lo
nanage lax slalions as a vay of gaining recognilion fron
lheir superiors.
Tax slalions are nainlained ly lheir regions lhar-
chion or lharchioness, vho sels lhe lax rale and oversees
nainlenance of roads and lrade roules. The lax rale
varies fron lharch lo lharch lul is rareIy exorlilanl.
Woe lo lhe lraveIer vho refuses lo pay, hovever, for lhe
lharchions have IillIe palience vilh Iavlreakers.
See Appcnix ||. Miscc||anccus |cca|icns for a fuII de-
scriplion of a lypicaI Thayan lax slalion.
Tnc ircc| inpc|us ocnin |nc crca|icn cf |nis rcpcr| uas |nc
nagica| anpcning fic| |na| sc|||c ctcr Tnaqncun| an
|nc surrcuning arca apprcxina|c|q cign| ncn|ns agc. Tnis
fic| nas ccnp|c|c|q frus|ra|c itina|icns cf a|| |ins, prc-
tcn|ing |nc Harpcrs an |ncir a||ics frcn gaining anq scr| cf
in|c||igcncc |nrcugn nagica| ncans. Asic frcn |nc fac| |na|
|nis rcquircs initiua|s |c ircc||q ris| |ncir |itcs in scarcning
cu| infcrna|icn in Tnaq, i| is ncs| a|arning in |na| i| c|car|q
anncunccs |c |nc rcs| cf |acrun |na| |nc Rc lizars arc
p|c||ing scnc|ning cf inpcr|. lni|c |na| is ccr|ain|q nc| a
ncu s|a|c cf affairs, |nc nagni|uc cf |nc fic| an i|s inprcg-
naoi|i|q arc unqucs|icnao|q causcs fcr a|arn.
Rising up in lhe cenler of Thay are lhe rugged voIcanic
peaks knovn coIIecliveIy as Thaynounl. Access lo
Thaynounl is lighlIy conlroIIed ly lhe Red Wizards,
vho nainlain nunerous forlresses in and aIong lhe edge
of lhe Second Lscarpnenl. LxaclIy vhal lhe vizards do
on Thaynounl is nol knovn for cerlain. Il is knovn lhal
Thaynounl conlains lhe ancienl forlress conpIex
knovn as lhe CiladeI and lhe lhriving goId nines lhal
heIp nainlain Thays prosperily. There are nany disused
and alandoned nines here aIso, vhich are runored lo
Iead direclIy inlo lhe Underdark.
The lharchion of Thaynounl, one of lhe nosl pover-
fuI nolIes in Thay, has an exlensive eslale here, luiIl
inlo lhe sIopes of Thaynounl ilseIf. This vasl forlress
and paIace conlains larracks for Thays niIilary re-
serve~lhousands of gnoIIs, darkenleasls, and olher feII
None of lhis expIains lhe deepening paranoia and se-
curily vhich surrounds Thayan operalions in lhe region.
ver lhe pasl lhree years, garrison sizes on Thaynounl
have doulIed, and severaI nev forlresses have leen con-
slrucled. Tharchions and even zuIkirs are runored lo
have visiled Thaynounl for najor counciIs, lhough lhe
suljecl of lhese neelings renains unknovn. In addilion,
a nunler of ninor earlhquakes and ash cIouds rising
fron lhe higher peaks of Thaynounl suggesls lhal voI-
canic aclivily in lhe area is increasing.
The easlern lank of lhe Thazarin River, once a prosper-
ous farning region, is nov considered nolhing nore
lhan a vasl graveyard. Thousands died here in lhe
slruggIes lelveen Thay and MuIhorand. Today lhe Iand
is IargeIy uninhaliled, lhough caravans sonelines
lraveI here en roule lo Durpar and Raurin. Sone lraveI-
ers slories leII of nunerous undead, lhe lroulIesone
spirils of sIain varriors vhich haunl lhe region.
The region is under conlroI of a lharchion and his
supporlers, lul il is nol considered an especiaIIy choice
assignnenl. A fev snaII pirale sellIenenls dol ThazaI-
hars coaslIine, hone lo corsairs vho prey on sealorne
lrade. The lharchion of ThazaIhar sends his forces on
occasionaI raids againsl lhe pirales, lul lhese are invari-
alIy gone ly lhe line lhe Thayans arrive.
CI1Ies o[ Tha
||ncugn |nc tas| najcri|q cf Tnaqs pcpu|a|icn |itcs
cn s|atc cs|a|cs sca||crc |nrcugncu| |nc |an, |nc
ci|ics arc cri|ica| |c |nc na|icns surtita|. Crcuc an
ir|q, Tnaqs ci|ics arc ous||ing ccn|crs cf |rac, inus|rq,
an gctcrnncn|. Hcinc an nis |rcupc pcrfcrnc in sct-
cra| najcr ci|ics, an prctic nucn cf |nc fc||cuing infcr-
Our firs| najcr s|cp in Tnaq prcpcr uas |nc incpcncn|
ci|q cf Anru|nar. Gitcn |nc ninina| Tnaqan prcscncc
ui|nin Anru|nar, |nc ci|q uas far ncrc p|casan| |nan |nc rc-
naincr cf |nc na|icn, an gatc |i|||c nin| a| |nc inigni|ics uc
ucrc |a|cr |c suffcr uring cur |cur |nrcugn Tnaq.
frcn Hcincs rcpcr|
TheorelicaIIy independenl of Thay, lhe lhriving lrade
cily of Anrulhar is acluaIIy conlroIIed ly lhe zuIkirs
lhrough lheir puppel, lhe ruIer knovn as lhe Hierarch.
The Thayans generaIIy Ieave Anrulhar in peace as Iong
as lhe lrilule conlinues lo fIov.
Anrulhar is surrounded ly sloul slone vaIIs and
loasls a popuIalion of over 3O,OOO. Ils cily guards are
professionaI and efficienl lul are onIy IighlIy arned,
serving as a poIice force ralher lhan a lrue defensive
arny, lhe zuIkirs vouId never aIIov lhe cily lo deveIop a
reaI arny. Beyond lhe vaIIs Iies a vasl lenl cily vhere
nerchanls seII lheir vares and nigranl vorkers Iive.
This area is sonevhal on lhe IavIess side and rareIy vis-
iled ly Anrulhars aulhorilies.
The alnosphere here is far Iess oppressive lhan lhal in
lhe resl of Thay. Wide slreels are Iined vilh nany shops
and inns, and lhe cenlraI narkelpIace is aIive vilh coI-
orfuI paviIions and loolhs. SeveraI parks are nainlained
ly lhe Hierarch al consideralIe expense for lhe enjoy-
nenl of lhe popuIace.
Anrulhar vas once hone lo ZuIkir MaIigor, a najor
rivaI of Szass Tan vho soughl suprene pover in Thay.
Since MaIigors defeal al lhe hands of Tan, (vilh lhe
unviIIing cooperalion of severaI Harper agenls), no Red
Wizard has Iived in Anrulhar, aIlhough lhey sliII nake
exlended visils lo lhe cily.
The occasionaI presence of Thayan vizards, nolIes, or
gnoII soIdiers adds an uneasy edge lo aII lhis leauly and
reninds lolh visilors and lhe cilys inhalilanls lhal
Anrulhar renains under lhe lhunl of lhe Red Wizards.
In reaIily, lhe lroad avenues, luslIing shops, and coIor-
fuI paviIions are nolhing nore lhan a facade, one vhich
lhe residenls knov lhe Red Wizards can crush any line
lhey choose.
The Hierarch and his nolIes are aII Iosl in lheir vorId
of Iuxury and decadenl Iiving, doIing oul nuch of lhe
cilys consideralIe lreasury on pulIic vorks, feslivaIs,
and olher aclivilies lo keep lhe popuIace happy. The Hi-
erarchs paIace, once a slen niIilary ciladeI, has leen
lransforned inlo a fancifuI fairy-caslIe vilh nany sIin
lovers, lullresses, sIender lridges, and allached luiId-
ings. Here lhe nolIes engage in endIess ceIelralions and
feasls, purposefuIIy ignoring lhe vicked Iand lo vhich
lhey are lehoIden.
The resl of lhe cily is nol as enchanled vilh lhe
Thayan shadov. ulside lhe paIace, lhree najor fac-
lions vie for infIuence. The Iargesl of lhese, lhe ReaIisls,
vish lo nainlain lhe slalus quo: keeping lhe zuIkirs
happy vhiIe nainlaining lhe cilys oslensilIy free sla-
lus. Anrulhar nay le a puppel slale, lhe ReaIisls cIain,
lul al Ieasl lhe Thayans aIIov lhe cilys inhalilanls a
reIalive degree of independence. The Thayans are
avare of lhe ReaIisls exislence and Ieave lhen aIone,
since lheir slaled goaI is consislenl vilh lhe zuIkirs
ains in lhe region.
The nexl Iargesl faclion, lhe Independenls, favors
severing aII lies vilh Thay. Mosl Independenls reaIize
lhal lhis is a Iong-lern goaI and lhal an innediale
lreak vilh Thay vouId Iead lo var and lhe inevilalIe
deslruclion of lhe cily. The Independenls lherefore
favor a sIov luiIdup of lhe cilys pover, coupIed vilh
coverl conlacls oulside of Thay lo secure niIilary or
nagicaI heIp if necessary.
The snaIIesl faclion, lhe AgIarondans, favor union
vilh lhe nalion of AgIarond and crave lhe proleclion of
lhe SinluI. Due lo AgIaronds geographicaI dislance
and lhe facl lhal lhe snaII nalion Iacks lhe niIilary
force lo hoId lhe cily, nosl consider lhe AgIarondans
goaIs lo le hopeIessIy unreaIislic.
Nol surprisingIy, nenlership in or synpalhy vilh ei-
lher lhe AgIarondan or Independenl faclion is consid-
ered a capilaI crine ly lhe Thayans. Ironinenl synpa-
2 4
lhizers lend lo disappear, vhich is laken as proof lhal lhe
cily exisls onIy al lhe Red Wizards induIgence.
|||aooar naq oc |nc capi|a| cf Tnaq, ou| 8czan|ur is |nc na-
|icns ncar|, uncrc |rac cf ctcrq scr| passcs ocnca|n |nc s|crn
gazc cf |nc Rc lizars an |nc ci|qs nqria |cnp|cs.
Tncugn 8czan|ur is ncar|q as |argc an prcspcrcus as
la|crccp, i| nas ncnc cf |na| grca| ci|qs jcq an ocau|q.
Rcs|ing |i|c a suppura|ing scrc cn a|cng Tnaqs scu|ncrn
ccas||inc, 8czan|ur is a ar|, orccing ua||c ci|q uncrc as-
sassins ua|| unnincrc, |nc ucr cf |nc Rc lizars is un-
qucs|icnc |au, an ctcrq inaginao|c ticc (as uc|| as scnc
uninaginao|c cncs) naq oc ins|an||q sa|isfic.
A| cur apprcacn, |nc ua||s cf 8czan|ur rcsc ocfcrc us,
o|ac| an s|crn. S|un|ans c|us|crc arcun |nc ua||s an
sprca ocqcn |ncn, |nc s|cncn cf unuasnc nunans an nu-
nancis ccnoincs ui|n |nc ccrs cf cncs|ic anina|s, ourn-
ing ucc an |rasn, an cpcn scucrs |c crca|c an incscrio-
ao|c c|fac|crq ncrrcr.
8cqcn |nc ci|q |ics |nc Sanuagin Sca, ccp an o|uc.
Dcc|s, uarcncuscs, an pcr| faci|i|ics a|sc sprca ocqcn |nc
ci|q ua||s, an snips cf nanq na|icns na|c pcr| ncrc, |ncugn
fcu natc |nc ccuragc |c f|q |ncir na|icns cc|crs an ani|
|na| |ncq |rac ui|n |nc Rc lizars.
lc nac cur uaq |nrcugn |nc s|uns oq uaq cf |nc Hign
Rca, unicn in |nc ci|q is frcqucn|c oq nanq caratans an
|cp| rc|a|itc|q safc oq Tnaqan pa|rc|s. Oncc a| |nc ga|cs,
nunan an na|f-crc |rccps gatc cur uagcns a curscrq cxan-
ina|icn an ani||c us. Sc i| uas |na| uc canc |c 8czan|ur,
o|ign| cf |nc Sanuagin Sca, Ci|q cf a Tncusan Tcnp|cs,
Ci|ac| cf Tnictcs, an ncnc cf cnc cf |nc ncs| cti| cf
Tnaqan |narcnicns, Aznar Tnru|, ru|cr cf |nc Priacr.
frcn Hcincs rcpcr|
Bezanlur legan ils Iong Iife as Kenslen, a Raunalhar
porl cily. The Red Wizards arrived in lhe 9OOs and lhe
cily vas quickIy lroughl lo heeI, renaned, and given ils
ovn lharch. In lhe vake of lhe conquesl of lhe coaslaI
cilies and lhe SaIanander War, Bezanlur vas reorga-
nized as provinciaI capilaI of lhe nev lharch of lhe Iri-
ador. Aznar ThruI, an anlilious young Red Wizard, and
Mari Agneh, lharchioness of Bezanlur, vere lhe Ieading
candidales for ruIership of lhe nev lharch. When
Agneh disappeared under nyslerious circunslances, lhe
posilion venl lo ThruI, vho has ruIed vilh an iron hand
ever since.
Wilh a popuIalion of over 1OO,OOO, Bezanlur is Thays
Iargesl cily, vilaI lo lhe nalions prosperily and uIlinale
survivaI. During her lenure, lhe vhinsicaI Mari Agneh
eIininaled aII laxes in Bezanlur, conlenling herseIf vilh
confiscaling snaII porlions of every cargo vhich enlered
her cily. Under Aznar ThruI lhis poIicy has conlinued,
naking Bezanlur a lhriving porl cily vhere anylhing
and everylhing is avaiIalIe for purchase.
The poverfuI Bezanlur lhieves guiId operales vilh
virluaI inpunily, keeping Thayan aulhorilies avay vilh
rich lriles. Mosl of lhose lriles find lheir vay inlo
Aznar ThruIs coffers, furlher enriching hin and lhe
Iand of Thay. Visilors are forced lo defend lhenseIves
againsl lhe lhieves, for lhe hunans, gnoIIs, golIins, and
olher races lhal serve in ThruIs Legion are nore inler-
esled in Iiving Iike kings and expIoiling Bezanlurs cili-
zenry lhan in enforcing ils Iavs.
Knovn aIso as lhe Cily of a Thousand TenpIes,
Bezanlur is a najor reIigious cenler conlaining lenpIes
and shrines lo every inaginalIe deily. Nol surprisingIy,
lenpIes of eviI gods~Cyric, Lovialar, Shar, TaIos, Be-
shala, MaIar, TaIona, and even dead, shunned, or
forgollen gods such as BhaaI, Bane, Cargaulh, and
Leira~predoninale. UnlerIee and Mask are especiaIIy
popuIar in Bezanlur due lo lheir inporlance lo
nariners and lhieves, respecliveIy. Lesser povers such
as Hoar and Moander aIso have lheir ovn lenpIes, as
do lhe inhunan deilies Crunnsh ne-Lye, }uilIex,
LoIlh, and Vaprak.
Worship of good-aIigned deilies is discouraged
lhough nol forlidden. SnaII lenpIes of SeIne,
Chaunlea, Sune, MieIikki, and Tenpus exisl al inler-
vaIs, vilh lheir priesls periodicaIIy driven oul ly angry
foIIovers of olher gods.
The onIy deilies vhose vorship is lanned are Azulh
(palron of vizards) and Myslra, goddess of nagic and pa-
lron of lhe haled Harpers. The Red Wizards jeaIousIy
guard lhe secrels of nagic and hale any leing, norlaI or
innorlaI, vho seeks lo spread knovIedge of sorcery lo
olhers. Despile lhis, Myslras vorshipers nainlain a fev
snaII, secrel encIaves.
2 6
Map Key
The foIIoving enlries descrile in delaiI severaI proni-
nenl fealures in lhe cily of Bezanlur. As lhe Cily of a
Thousand TenpIes, Bezanlur hoIds an inordinaleIy
Iarge nunler of lenpIes, shrines, and reIigious slruc-
lures. The enlries leIov onIy cover a fev of lhe nany
lenpIes in Bezanlur, DMs shouId le avare lhal nany
olhers exisl, and lhe nore popuIar deilies have severaI
lenpIes. Sone lenpIes are idenlified ly Iocalion onIy,
Ieaving delaiIs of lheir inlernaI arrangenenl and per-
sonneI up lo lhe DM.
Aznar Thru!'s LcgInn
The lharchion of lhe Iriador, lhe eviI Aznar ThruI, ruIes
in Bezanlur, and his lroops cone and go as lhey pIease.
Mosl lusinesses nusl pay lriles lo keep ThruIs Legion
al lay, poor cilizens have no such recourse. The foIIov-
ing slalislics cover lypicaI nenlers of ThruIs Legion, as
lhey are IikeIy lo le encounlered ly advenlurers in
Human WarrInrs (NE hm and hf F1): AC 4
(chain naiI and shieId), MV 12, hp 6, THACO 2O,
#AT 1, Dng 1d8 (lroad svord), SZ M, ML 12, Inl
Average, AL NL, XI` 15 each.
Human Cnmmandcr (LE hm nr hf F6): AC 2
(pIale arnor), MV 12, hp 36, THACO 15, #AT 1,
Dng 1d8 (lroad svord), SZ M, ML 14, Inl Average,
AL LL, XI 27O.
Gnn!!s: AC 5, MV 9, HD 2, hp 12, THACO 19,
#AT 1, Dng 2d4, SZ, ML 11, Inl Lov, AL CL, XI
35 each.
Orcs: AC 6, MV 9, HD 1, hp 6, THACO 19,
#AT 1, Dng 1d8, SZ M, ML 12, Inl Average, AL
LL, XI 15 each.
1. A!ambcr (5ahuagIn) 5ca
The gIeaning lIue deplhs of lhe AIanler Iie jusl le-
yond Bezanlur and hide lhe deadIy undervaler king-
dons of lhe sahuagin, ixilxachilI, Iocalhah, and gianl
kraken. Merchanl convoys Ieaving Bezanlur are aIvays
heaviIy guarded lo vard off allacks ly lhe crealures lhal
cruise lenealh lhe AIanlers surface.
Sahuagin sonelines raid inIand, and palroI loals
keep a conslanl valch for allacks on lhe docks.
2. Dncks
Lxlensive porl faciIilies exlend aII aIong Bezanlurs va-
lerfronl. Those nearesl lhe vaIIed porlion of lhe cily
are lhe lesl nainlained and are frequenled ly lhe
veaIlhiesl Iegilinale vesseIs. A prosperous and lusy
porl due lo ils unique laxing syslen, Bezanlurs harlor is
aIvays choked vilh ships~Ioading, unIoading, prepar-
ing for deparlure, or slanding al anchor availing a
Beyond lhe cily, lhe docks and piers deleriorale,
oflen reduced lo slunpy posls poking oul of lhe valers
surface, lareIy adequale even for nininaI noorage.
lher piers are ladIy rolled, and cargo is unIoaded on
lhen onIy al lhe ovners risk. Despile lhis, even lhe
nore run-dovn docks are aIvays lusy, lhough onIy Iess-
scrupuIous individuaIs such as snuggIers are nore IikeIy
lo use such areas.
The lhieves guiId and lroops IoyaI lo Aznar ThruI
joinlIy conlroI lhe dock regions. The run-dovn regions
are nore oflen frequenled ly guiId represenlalives, vho
inspecl cargo, accepl lriles, or confiscale goods as lhey
choose. fficiaI Thayan lroops differ fron lhe guiId
onIy in lhal lhey vear ThruIs uniforns. ThruIs lroops
are nore IikeIy lo le encounlered in lhe veII-nain-
lained seclions of lhe docks. Lilher vay, nosl ner-
chanls agree lhal lhe cargo confiscaled ly guiId or
Thayan inspeclors is far Iess lhan is laken in laxes ly
olher nalions, and lhey conlinue lo fIock lo Bezanlur.
Lven lhe good parls of lhe docks are dangerous
pIaces. ConslanlIy presenl are snuggIers, lhieves,
drunken saiIors, ninions of lhe Red Wizards, and un-
scrupuIous caplains agenls on lhe Iookoul for Ione lrav-
eIers lo seize and inpress inlo service on loard ship.
Sharks, gianl eeIs, and oclopi inhalil lhe valers le-
nealh lhe docks, vailing for lhe odd accidenl viclin or
dead lody occasionaIIy fIung inlo lhe valer. SnaII par-
lies of sahuagin aIso sonelines sIip ashore under cover
of darkness lo raid lhe docks for suppIies and sIaves.
Worsl of aII, lhe sea near lhe docks occasionaIIy dis-
gorges Iegions of veed-draped skeIelons or Iacedons, lhe
lvisled resuIls of experinenls ly lhe Red Wizards.
SnuggIed goods nay le purchased in lhe dock area
direclIy off of lhe ships vilhoul lhe lroulIesone inler-
venlion of niddIenen. Thayan lroops are lriled lo ig-
nore such aclivilies lul sonelines raid snuggIers ves-
seIs nonelheIess.
2 7
3. Nava! Basc
Near lhe nain dock area and sharing sone of ils aneni-
lies is lhis reslricled navaI faciIily vhere Thayan vesseIs
nay le repaired and suppIied. The nain Thayan lase al
AIaor is onIy a haIf-days saiI fron Bezanlur, naking lhis
lase of onIy secondary inporlance.
4. Tcmp!c nf Umbcr!cc
This grin luiIding, crafled of lIue-veined green narlIe,
is one of lhe Iargesl and nosl exlensive lenpIes of Un-
lerIee in Iaern. High priesless AIyssa (CL hf I12)
oversees a slaff of over 1OO Iesser priesls, prieslesses
(I3-I5), and acoIyles (I1-I2), aII vorking for lhe
grealer gIory of lhe vicked sea goddess.
UnlerIee is usuaIIy appeased vilh gifls of goId and
gens lhrovn fron ships, lul her represenlalives in
Bezanlur consider lheir neans consideralIy nore effi-
cienl. Hired lhugs of various races, recruiled fron valer-
fronl dives, are senl lo separale ship caplains fron lheir
vaIualIes, a porlion of vhich is lhen innedialeIy
lhrovn inlo lhe valer as an offering, a second porlion
vhich goes inlo lhe lhugs pockels, and a lhird parl
vhich is carried lack lo lhe lenpIe lo enrich AIyssa and
her foIIovers.
So far, UnlerIee has raised no oljeclion lo lhis prac-
lice, and lhe lenpIe prospers. High priesless AIyssas Iav-
ish parlies, heId every lendays, are allended ly lhe eIile
of Bezanlur sociely, incIuding Aznar ThruI and his vari-
ous sycophanls.
Nunerous forlune seekers have lraved lhe valers le-
nealh lhe Bezanlur docks, seeking oul lhe lreasure
lhrovn lhere ly lhe lenpIes enpIoyees. Those vho sur-
vived lhe ravages of sharks, sahuagin, and olher naIig-
nanl narine crealures have relurned vilh consideralIe
anounls of Iool, lul runor has il lhal none Iived Iong
enough lo enjoy lheir veaIlh. Those pIundering Unler-
Iees lreasure are said lo le invarialIy found drovned,
lheir Iungs fiIIed vilh valer and Iooks of horror frozen on
lheir faces regardIess of lheir Iocalion, even if lhey fIed
deep inlo lhe Anauroch deserl. UnlerIees generosily
lovard AIyssa and her priesls does nol exlend lo lhieves.
5. Thc Rusty Anchnr
This popuIar saiIors inn fealures ils ovn larler, an oId
saiIor of uncerlain nalionaIily naned Thelhro, and a
laId, nuscuIar lallooisl naned Xanik vho hinseIf
sporls a coIorfuI seIeclion of skin arl. Xanik aIso seIIs
earrings and noserings and even does lhe piercing hin-
seIf, lhough il usuaIIy lakes vasl quanlilies of aIe and
severaI olher saiIors lo hoId his cusloner dovn vhiIe he
does so.
The Anchor is dark, snokey, and ralher dangerous
(fighls lreak oul nearIy hourIy), lul il is sliII a reIaliveIy
happy pIace, vilh friendIy service and good food and
drink. Innkeeper Crov (CN hn T5) (a nicknane, he
cIains lhal giving avay his reaI nane viII lring lad
Iuck) is friends vilh severaI high-ranking Red Wizards,
and lhey keep lhe aulhorilies avay fron his pIace as
nuch as possilIe in relurn for lriles and vhalever
saiIors laIk Crov overhears.
6. Thc 5ca Wn!f Inn
Anolher rough valerfronl eslalIishnenl, lhe Sea WoIf
is ovned and operaled ly innkeeper WoIa Iahn (CL hf
T3), vho is runored lo have loughl lhe pIace afler nur-
dering her husland, a veaIlhy Annian nerchanl. She is
friendIy lo cusloners and guesls, lul her sudden fIashes
of lenper nake nany vonder if she reaIIy did once con-
nil nurder. Though pIeasanl lo oulsiders, WoIa is aIso
incredilIy crueI lo her enpIoyees, nol hesilaling lo
lhrov lhen inlo lhe slreel if lhey do nol junp lo oley
her every connand.
Despile her shorlconings, WoIa serves decenl food,
lhough her aIe is said lo le sonevhal valered dovn.
CnoIIs and olher Thayan lroops sonelines harass lhe
Sea WoIfs palrons, lul rareIy cause any serious lroulIe.
Like nosl olher Bezanlur inns, lhe Sea WoIf has a res-
idenl lallooisl, a vonan naned Vedura (N hf O) vho is
runored lo le an escaped sIave, lhough no one has ever
proven lhis. She has nany infIuenliaI cIienls, incIuding
sone Red Wizards, vho pay her veII for her services.
Sone have even gone so far as lo suggesl lhal Veduras
cIose associalion vilh lhe vizards is vhal has kepl her
safe fron lhe sIave-calchers aII lhese years. InlereslingIy
enough, Vedura is one of fev enpIoyees vhon WoIa
generaIIy Ieaves aIone.
7. Thc 5!aIn 5ahuagIn
The Sahuagin redefines lhe vord dive'~IileraIIy, in
facl, for il Iies onIy a fev feel alove sea IeveI and is peri-
odicaIIy fIooded ly exceplionaIIy high lides. During lhese
lines lhe Sahuagin is evacualed for a fev hours, and pa-
2 8
lrons evenluaIIy relurn lo dry oul vhalever leIongings
have escaped lhe allenlion of lhe lhieves guiId.
When nol fIooded, lhe SIain Sahuagin has lhe repula-
lion of leing lhe dirliesl and nosl disrepulalIe spol on
Bezanlur, vhich is saying a Iol. Innkeeper Nyrin IiIlhy
Zaxin (CN hn I2) doulIes as larler, lallooisl, and
nose- and ear-piercer and proudIy procIains lhal he can
perforn aII lhese services for haIf of lhal charged ly
olher inns. f course, lhis does nol nean lhal he does
any of lhese lhings veII, and lhe slreels and aIIeys of
Bezanlur harlor nunerous poor souIs vho prefer lo Iurk
in lhe shadovs ralher lhan aIIov anyone lo see lhe re-
suIls of Zaxins hairculs or lalloo arl.
Iood is cheap and horrid, oflen dredged fron lhe
docks lenealh lhe inn or saIvaged fron fish and olher
fIolsan lhal renain in lhe inn afler fIooding. Sone
cIain lhal various viclins of lhe Red Wizards have
ended up in Zaxins slevpol lo le fed lo unvilling
guesls, lul nosl hope lhese are onIy runors.
8. Warchnusc DIstrIct
BuiIdings of aII sizes fiII lhis dark, Ialyrinlhine dislricl.
Sone are ovned and acliveIy used ly lhe various lrading
priakos and coslers, olhers are avaiIalIe for renl, vhiIe
sliII olhers Iie enply and in disrepair, oflen used for sheI-
ler ly vagranls, crininaIs, and lhe various dark crealures
vhich scullIe aloul Bezanlurs side slreels.
The Warehouse Dislricl is a popuIar pIace for cIan-
desline neelings, exchange of sloIen goods, disposaI of
dead lodies, lransfer of conlraland, and so on. Aznar
ThruIs lroops palroI lhe region onIy sporadicaIIy and
are easiIy lriled, lhus nainlaining lhe dislricls sinisler
9. Markct Tnwn
This vasl eyesore, vhich spreads for nany square niIes
leyond lhe cily vaIIs, is acluaIIy a nassive sIun vhere
lrade in aII forns of goods, conlraland, sIaves, and ser-
vices goes on vilh IillIe oversighl fron Aznar ThruIs
Markel Tovn is acluaIIy ruIed ly severaI rivaI crine
losses, aII of vhon pay lrilule lo lhe Bezanlur lhieves
guiId. The guiId, in lurn, aIIovs lhe rivaI losses lo lallIe
each olher as lhey choose, so Iong as lheir confIicl does
nol inlerfere vilh lrade or guiId lhieves nornaI opera-
The High Road fron Tyraluros passes direclIy lhrough
Markel Tovn, lul Aznar ThruIs Legion keeps lhe road
cIear and prolecls lraffic fron allack.
Mosl nerchanls end up visiling Markel Tovn sooner
or Ialer. Safe passage fron lhe various losses vho conlroI
lhe sIuns is required and usuaIIy runs aloul 1O gp per
person and 15 gp per vagon. nce in lhe lrade sellIe-
nenl, virluaIIy anylhing can le loughl or soId, and
Aznars lroops onIy lolher lo inlervene if lhe proper
lriles have nol leen paid.
The najor losses of Markel Tovn are KevIin lhe Ial
(CL hn T8), a corpuIenl lul highIy inleIIigenl gang-
sler vhose lhugs rulhIessIy enforce his viII and vhose
financiaI nanagers keep lhe Red Wizards veII paid,
Ihornin lhe SIy (LL hn T1O), vho favors guiIe and
sleaIlh in his deaIings, and vho nainlains a corps of
veII-lrained spies and assassins lo keep hin veII sup-
pIied vilh lIacknaiI infornalion and lo dispose of lhe
occasionaI lroulIenaker, HaIynira lhe Red (NL hf I7),
a slrapping vonan said lo le capalIe of Iifling KevIin
vilh one hand, vhose fighlers and lhieves are consid-
ered anong lhe lesl in lhe narkel lovn, and Diarka, a
nyslerious gang loss vhose exacl idenlily (and even
his or her gender) renains unknovn, lul vhose nin-
ions are every lil as rulhIess and efficienl as lhose of
lhe olher losses.
10. Markct Tnwn Barracks
Aloul 2OO gnoIIs of Aznar ThruIs Legion are posled
here, vilh lhe responsiliIily of nainlaining lhe safely of
any caravans lraveIing lhrough Markel Tovn. Their
hunan connanders have IillIe Iove for lheir lroops and
drive lhen nerciIessIy. These hunan officers sonelines
neel vilh accidenls vhen lhey grov loo unpopuIar.
11. Nyrak's 5ccnnd-Hand McrchandIsc
Nyrak (CL hn T4) is acluaIIy one of lhe Ieading fences
of Markel Tovn, deaIing in sloIen and Iosl nerchan-
dise. He drives a hard largain, luying goods for a frac-
lion of lheir vorlh and seIIing lhen al a consideralIe
profil, sonelines lo lhe individuaIs vho Iosl lhen in
lhe firsl pIace. Nyraks shop is janned vilh junk accu-
nuIaled over lvo decades in lusiness and is guarded ly
his vife, DruuIa, vho vas changed inlo a lroII in a lragic
nagicaI nishap 12 years ago and has renained so despile
nany allenpls lo dispeI or Iifl lhe curse.
2 9
12. MufrIm's P!acc
This eslalIishnenl, lypicaI of lusinesses in Markel
Tovn, conlines severaI funclions. Il is an inn, lavern,
lrading posl, and generaI slore, vilh lhe usuaI lusiness in
sloIen goods on lhe side. The originaI Mufrin died sev-
eraI years ago, lhe currenl proprielor is his nephev TyloIl
(N hn T4), vho kepl lhe nane. He is a lhin, dark nan
vho nonelheIess relains a lrighl sense of hunor and is
generaIIy considered quile pIeasanl lo le around.
13. CIty Wa!!s
These vaIIs dale lack lo lhe originaI cilys founding.
They are over 4O feel laII, equipped vilh Iov lovers, and
are conlinuousIy palroIIed ly gnoII, hunan, and hunan-
oid lroops. The Thayans keep lhese vaIIs in good condi-
lion, for lhe nalion vouId le in serious slrails if Bezanlur
ever feII lo siege.
14. Wcst Gatc
Caravans lraveIing lo and fron ThasseIen and lhe
coaslaI cilies use lhese gales, vhich are kepl open al
nosl lines. No loII is charged for lheir use, lul Aznar
ThruIs lroops periodicaIIy search vagons and carry off
choice ilens. This is sinpIy considered anolher cosl of
doing lusiness in Bezanlur.
15. Nnrth Gatc
These nassive, iron-lound, nagicaIIy slrenglhened por-
laIs are lhe najor enlrance and exil fron lhe cily. Busy
al virluaIIy every hour of lhe day and nighl, lhe Norlh
Cale svarns vilh caravans, vagons, dray aninaIs of
every species, nerchanls, lraveIers, and lhe servanls,
lolh Iiving and unIiving, of lhe Red Wizards lhenseIves.
As vilh lhe Wesl Cale, lhose lraveIing ly lhis roule
oflen find lhenseIves inspecled ly Thayan lroops, vho
appropriale any goods lhal lake lheir fancy.
16. Myu!nn's Inn
Localed convenienlIy cIose lo lhe Norlh Cale, MyuIons
eslalIishnenl is popuIar vilh foreigners, since he pays
consideralIe lriles lo keep lhe aulhorilies avay. Aznar
ThruIs lroops occasionaIIy check up on lhe pIace lul
rareIy cause any lroulIe, as MyuIon (NL hn T5) keeps
lheir paIns IileraIIy greased.
Acconnodalions here are spare lul cIean. Roons go
for 1 sp per nighl, vilh fruil and lread incIuded for
lreakfasl. Dinner is served pronplIy al sundovn and
usuaIIy consisls of lovIs of slev for 2 cp each. MyuIon
slalIes horses here for an addilionaI copper piece per
17. Tcmp!c nf 5harcss
AIlhough lhis reIaliveIy nev goddess is of chaolic good
aIignnenl, her hedonislic phiIosophy and her supposed
idenlificalion vilh Shar nake her a perfecl deily for
decadenl Bezanlur.
Sharess lenpIe is a Iarge done rising fron an oclago-
naI lase, surrounded ly severaI hexagonaI shrines. DaiIy
sernons ly high priesl HaIdran (CC hn C6) and his
acoIyles enphasize lhe inporlance of vorIdIy pIeasure
and excess and lhe enjoynenl of ones line in lhe nor-
laI reaIn. WeekIy High Worship cerenonies resenlIe
nolhing nore lhan eIalorale delauches al vhich vasl
quanlilies of food and inloxicanls are consuned and
nany fIeshIy pIeasures are induIged. Nol surprisingIy, lhe
lenpIe of Sharess is one of lhe faslesl groving in Bezan-
lur, since lhe excesses here exisl for lheir ovn sake and
are novhere near as painfuI as lhose dedicaled lo Lovi-
18. CaravanscraI
Caravans arriving in and deparling fron Bezanlur nay
purchase suppIies and equipnenl, slalIe lheir aninaIs,
and repair vehicIes here. Mislress Nydra (CN hf O) aIso
provides dornilory-slyIe acconnodalions lo caravan
personneI for 1 sp per nighl per person. Croups of 12 pay
onIy 1O sp per nighl.
19. Tcmp!c nf Gargauth
This horrific god, vhose vickedness proved inloIeralIe
even lo olher eviI gods, vanders lhe Irine MaleriaI
IIane doing nischief and pIolling vengeance on lhose
vho lelrayed hin.
Mosl residenls of Iaern choose nol lo vorship Car-
gaulh, since he is infanous for feeding on his ovn vor-
shipers. This does nol deler lhe cilizens of depraved
Thay, vho foIIov lhe faIIen god vilh unparaIIeIed
High Iriesl Marr (CL hn C7) dresses in jel-lIack
roles and vears a hideous, honed skuII-nask vhen he
Ieads his foIIovers in frighlening nidnighl cerenonies.
Cargaulhs vorshipers vear lhe gods synloI (a lroken
3 0
horn) on lheir chesls vilh pride and are lrealed vilh su-
perslilious respecl ly olher cilizens of Bezanlur.
Marr cIains lhal Cargaulh has visiled his lenpIe here
on severaI occasions, causing greal danage and devour-
ing or olhervise sIaying severaI ecslalic vorshipers. The
lrulh of Marrs asserlions is nol knovn, and sone suggesl
lhal he is sinpIy covering up his ovn ineplilude and lhe
accidenlaI dealhs of sone of his foIIovers.
20. Mythrc!!'aa's Tnwcr
This sIender, gnarIed lover houses one of lhe nosl pov-
erfuI and nyslerious of lhe Red Wizards, ZuIkir Mylh-
reIIaa (see Appcnix |. NPCs oq Rcgicn). She rareIy
shovs herseIf oulside her lover, conlenl lo send Iegions
of lIank-faced, shanlIing sIaves aloul lhe cily on er-
rands. These individuaIs are nol zonlies, olservers re-
porl lhal lhey are aIive lul seen lo have no viII of lheir
ovn. MylhreIIaas shopping Iisl is exlensive, incIuding
nany exolic speII conponenls, lhe parls of rare aninaIs,
scarce nelaIs and sulslances, and even sIaves of specific
races, ages, and appearances. Those vho refuse service lo
lhe vizardess represenlalives invarialIy suffer horrific
consequences~dying of slrange diseases, dealh in lhe
nighl al lhe hands of olhervorIdIy crealures, or sudden
disappearance, sonelines Ialer appearing as Mylh-
reIIaas nindIess sIaves.
The lover ilseIf is crafled of a gIossy lIack sulslance
lhal seens resislanl lo aII forns of force, incIuding nag-
icaI. Iev have gollen cIose enough lo lesl lhis in any
evenl, for MylhreIIaas residence is surrounded ly nagi-
caI lraps and Iurking servilors, incIuding invisilIe slaIk-
ers, shadovs, and siniIar inhunan crealures.
Whal Iies inside lhe lover is anyones guess. Runors
vary viIdIy, cIaining lhal MylhreIIaas hone conlains
nolhing lul ancienl, dusly looks and noIdering corpses,
or il is a siIken pIeasure paIace vhere lhe sorceress every
vhin is inslanlIy salisfied. AII runors agree lhal
MylhreIIaa is unleIievalIy veaIlhy lul lhal sleaIing
even a porlion of lhal veaIlh is nol vorlh lhe risk.
21. 5!avc Mcrchant
ne of lhe nosl halefuI lhings aloul lhe eviI Iand of
Thay is ils dependence upon sIavery lo drive ils econ-
ony. AIong vilh lhe viIe inslilulion of sIavery cones an
equaIIy viIe cIass of sIave nerchanls vho nake lheir for-
lunes lrading lhe Iives of olher leings.
Thyvo Vrass (LL hn I8) is one such nerchanl, one of
nany in Bezanlur. He has fev scrupIes concerning his
nerchandise, vhelher lhey are hunanoids, hunans,
or denihunans. A nerciIessIy crueI nan, he vaIues
profil alove aII. NonelheIess, he is knovn as a fair
sIave lrader and never cheals his cIienls. He is quile
honesl vhen he descriles sIaves lo luyers, expIaining
lheir slrong and veak poinls and agreeing on a fair price.
Thyvo has prospered in Bezanlur and is veII knovn
anong lhe Red Wizards.
Thyvos eslale consisls of a Iarge nansion for hin and
his faniIy (he has lhree daughlers~aged four, fourleen,
and nineleen~aII of vhon he induIges shaneIessIy), a
sIave larracks and exercise yard, and a dornilory for his
sIave lrainers~individuaIs of various races hired lo
leach sIaves lhe vaIue of oledience. Thyvos chief
overseer is a ninolaur naned Ahurrong.
22. Charm Mcrchant
HavureeIa lhe MyslicaI (N hf M4) is a purveyor of
charns and lokens said lo lring good Iuck in aII lusiness
and sociaI sellings. She is nosl popuIar vilh lhe super-
slilious lhieves of Bezanlur, vho viII vear anylhing lhey
lhink viII nake lheir jols easier.
MagicaI inspeclion proves HavureeIas charns vorlh-
Iess, lul lhey neverlheIess have a greal repulalion oving
lo lhe facl lhal lhieves vho carry lhen are far nore con-
fidenl and sure of lhenseIves, vhich resuIls in nore ef-
feclive operalions.
The shop is guarded ly HavureeIas pel dispIacer
leasl, vhich she ollained vhiIe advenluring over a
decade ago. The leasl renains fierceIy IoyaI, allacking
anyone vho enlers lhe shop vilhoul his nislress per-
23. Tcmp!c nf Garagns & 5anthrn's RnnmIng Hnusc
Caragos, a var god once vorshiped lhroughoul lhe
Inner Sea, has onIy a fev lenpIes Iefl in Iaern. ne
such is lhis ralher rundovn lenenenl, vhere a handfuI
of vorshipers sliII pay hin honage.
High Iriesl Sanlhro (CL hn C8/I7) is acluaIIy a
quile poverfuI individuaI, a priesl and varrior of con-
sideralIe acconpIishnenl. He nanages lo vhip up en-
lhusiasn for Caragos despile lhe facl lhal lhe ancienl
god vas defealed ly Tenpus and nosl peopIe leIieve
hin lo le dead. Sanlhro conlinues lo receive speIIs, a
facl vhich he cIains is proof posilive lhal Caragos sliII
Sanlhro aIso renls oul roons in lhe lenpIe for 1 gp a
nonlh lo earn exlra noney. He even cooks for guesls if
lhey ask niceIy.
24. Ruvya's Tnys and Amuscmcnts
Ruvya (NC hn M7) is a lrighl-eyed, happy oId nan
vho has spenl nosl of his Iife naking loys for chiIdren.
His doIIs, puppels, lops, and inlricaleIy crafled aulonala
are faned lhroughoul lhe cily, and sone are soId as far
avay as Walerdeep. He has never had lroulIe vilh lhe
aulhorilies, and even lhe slen Aznar ThruI Iooks on lhe
oId loynaker vilh sonelhing approaching affeclion.
Unknovn lo lhese aulhorilies, Ruvya is acluaIIy an
acconpIished speIIcasler and one of lhe Harpers fev aI-
Iies in Bezanlur. Benealh his shop, hidden lolh physi-
caIIy and nagicaIIy, is a safehouse vhere Harpers can
seek refuge. Ruvyas conlacls lhroughoul lhe cily can
provide an accurale piclure of evenls even in lhe far cor-
ners of Thay. So far, no one even suspecls lhal Ruvya is
anylhing nore lhan a kindIy oId linker, and he is onIy
loo happy lo keep il lhal vay.
25. C!nthIcr
AdzuI Xan (N hn O) creales lunics, cIoaks, lreeches,
shirls, and hals for veaIlhy Thayans. His shop is aIso a
fronl for snuggIing enchanled garnenls inlo and oul of
26. TattnnIst
Rhuna lhe Dark (CN hf M7) is knovn as one of lhe
lesl lalloo arlisls in Bezanlur. Her eIalorale designs
grace lhe pales and lodies of severaI proninenl Red
Wizards, incIuding, il is runored, lharchion Aznar
ThruI and ZuIkir MylhreIIaa. She favors eIalorale
knolvork lased on designs crealed ly lhe IfoIk of lhe
Moonshae isIes, conpIex geonelries in lhe slyIe of
Senphar, and dragons, phoenixes, and olher exolic
leasls fron Kara Tur. Her use of coIor is especiaIIy inlri-
cale, and il is said lhal sone of her crealions are acluaIIy
enchanled lo nove.
Rhunas skiII does nol cone cheap, she charges 1OO gp
per hour and, as a devoled foIIover of Lovialar, she does
nol use aneslhelics, leIieving lhe pain she infIicls on her
cIienls is a hoIy lrilule lo her goddess.
27. Hnusc nf Entrnpy
Dedicaled lo lhe vorship of lhe deslruclive deily knovn
as Lnlropy, lhis jel lIack slruclure has no vindovs and
onIy a singIe, snaII door.
TradilionaIIy, Lnlropys priesls hale nages and nagic
in generaI, lul in Thay lhey nusl nodify lhis viev
sonevhal. The high priesl of Lnlropy is unknovn lul is
seen sonelines vearing lIack roles and a dark veiI vilh
onIy his eyes shoving. He speaks IoudIy againsl nagic
lul excIudes lhe Red Wizards in his sernons, cIaining
lhal lheir use of sorcery acluaIIy pronoles lhe cause of
28. Canns Estatc
This Thayan faniIy is quile infIuenliaI, lhough il has no
Red Wizards in ils ranks. The exlensive eslale incIudes
green nanicured grounds, a huge nain house, severaI
snaIIer guesl and sunner houses, and sIave larracks.
The Canos are knovn lo le exlreneIy veaIlhy and
nosl leIieve lhal consideralIe riches are lo le found on
lheir eslale, vhich nakes il a conslanl lenplalion lo lhe
lhieves guiId. As lhey do nol have lhe proleclion avaiI-
alIe lo Red Wizards, lhe Canos nusl defend lhenseIves
vilhoul assislance. They do lhis vilh greal efficiency,
enpIoying lraps, nagicaI vards, incorruplilIe nercenary
guards, and enchanled crealures. In lhe years since lhe
Canos eslale vas luiIl, no one has ever succeeded in
rolling lhen.
29. Tcmp!c nf Jcrga!
}ergaI, SeneschaI of Bone CaslIe and Scrile of lhe
Dooned, is responsilIe for keeping lrack of lhe finaI dis-
posilion of dead spirils. A servilor of MyrkuI and lhen
Cyric, }ergaI nov serves KeIenvor, lhe nevIy ascended
IavfuI neulraI god of lhe dead. As such, his congregalions
have grovn in Thay, vhere dealh is a facl of daiIy Iife.
This luiIding is a snaII, onion-doned slruclure of
goId-veined lIack narlIe. TenpIe nislress Dyhna Zhy-
lorrin (N hf C8) oversees her slaff, Ieads vorship ser-
vices, and nainlains a cIose reIalionship vilh lhe vor-
shipers of KeIenvor.
30. Ccntra! CItadc!
This lIack, heaviIy forlified slruclure lovers over lhe
cily Iike a vuIlure. Il houses lhe luIk of Aznar ThruIs Ie-
gion~over 4,OOO gnoIIs, hunans, golIins, and olher
crealures, an aviary conlaining dozens of darkenleasls,
and lhe privale quarlers of ZuIkir/lharchion Aznar ThruI
hinseIf. Here, lhe lharchion engages in eIalorale de-
lauches vilh inviled guesls, conlenpIales operalions
againsl rivaI lharchions, deveIops schenes lo increase
his ovn pover, and infIicls crueI lornenls on lhe sIaves
in his privale dungeons and Ialoralories.
Unknovn lo anyone save Aznar ThruI and his cIos-
esl friends, lhe ciladeI houses forner lharchioness of
Bezanlur Mari Agneh, lhoughl ly nosl lo le dead. In
facl, lhe ex-lharchioness vouId prolalIy le leller off
dead, since she nov Iives as Aznar ThruIs nindIess
sIave. Il anuses lhe lharchion lo keep his predecessor
in lhis slale, lenl lo his viII, acling as a sycophanlic
servanl and enlerlainnenl for guesls al his eIalorale
parlies. Ior her parl, Mari nay or nay nol le avare of
hov she is leing lrealed, if she is ever freed fron lhe
nagicaI conpuIsion, her desire for vengeance viII le
lerrilIe lo lehoId.
31. LnvIatar's Mannr
This faciIily, knovn as The Manor lo lhe nore dedi-
caled nenlers of ils congregalion, is prolalIy lhe
Iargesl lenpIe of Lovialar in Iaern. Ils grounds are ex-
lensive, carefuIIy nanicured, and equipped vilh pIeas-
anl graveIed vaIkvays, founlains, and even an indoor
lalhing pooI. The lenpIe ilseIf is luiIl inlo a hiIIside
and is quile a ranlIing affair, vilh nany connon roons
for group vorship and privale chanlers vhere individ-
uaIs nay pay honage lo lhe Maiden of Iain vilhoul oul-
side prying. Many Red Wizards, and even priesls of olher
deilies, cone here, paying onIy nininaI oleisance lo
Lovialar lul enjoying lhe various aclivilies avaiIalIe lo
her vorshipers nonelheIess.
High Iriesless MyIra (CL hf I12) is lhe Ieading offi-
ciaI of her goddess in Thay and acliveIy parlicipales in
aII aspecls of vorship here. Her skiII vilh a scourge is
32. Tcmp!c nf Mystra
Hidden lenealh an alandoned aparlnenl luiIding, lhis
lenpIe serves as a refuge for Harpers, dissidenls, escaped
sIaves, and enenies of lhe Red Wizards. High Iriesless
DoIare (NC hf I9) oversees operalions, nainlaining se-
crecy and prevenling deleclion of her snaII lenpIe
lhrough lhe use of nagicaI vards and conceaInenl.
SeveraI lunneIs radiale oul fron lhe underground
lenpIe and are used as escape roules fron lhe cily. An
inage of Myslra valches over lhe underground conpIex,
and DoIares foIIovers cIain lhal il is an acluaI represen-
lalion of lhe goddess divine povers, for il seens lo keep
lhe lenpIe safe fron harn.
33. Tcmp!c nf Ma!ar
This snaII slruclure houses lhe priesls and congregalion
vho vorship MaIar lhe BeaslIord, an eviI god dedicaled
lo, anong olher lhings, lhe exlerninalion of lhe eIves of
Iaern. High Iriesl NuI (CL hn I7) perforns services
cIad in a voIfs head and voIfskin cIoak and Ieads a
group of various vorshipers, noslIy foreign larlarians
and freed sIaves.
34. Tcmp!c nf Ta!nna
This squal, gray, forlressIike luiIding is headquarlers for
lhe failh of TaIona in Thay. UnIike nosl regions of
Iaern, TaIonas vorship is oul in lhe open here and has
a devoled foIIoving. Iriesls and prieslesses are fancifuIIy
scarred and lallooed, and reveI in lhe spread of poison,
suffering, and disease.
Despile lhe facl lhal TaIonas vorship is reIaliveIy
overl, she is sliII nol popuIar vilh lhe generaI pulIic, and
even lhe Red Wizards are ready lo leIieve lhal her devo-
lees are responsilIe for lhe occasionaI pIagues, epidenics,
and (nany nore) poisonings lhal lake pIace in lhe cily.
High Iriesless Mynnsha (CL hf I1O) keeps lhe aulhori-
lies lriled lo Ieave her aIone, lul nols of arned cilizenry
periodicaIIy allack lhe lenpIe, pIacing il under siege unliI
Aznar ThruIs gnoIIs shov up lo reslore order.
35. Hnusc nf CyrIc
This eviI god, once-successor lo lhe sIain gods Bane,
BhaaI, and MyrkuI, has undergone hard lines of Iale,
going nad and Iosing nany of his porlfoIios (and vor-
shipers) lo such upslarls as lhe Codson and KeIenvor.
Despile lhis, his vorship is sliII popuIar in Thay, and
Cyrics congregalion renains lhe Iargesl in Bezanlur. His
lenpIe here is a vasl, nuIli-slruclure conpIex originaIIy
dedicaled lo BhaaI lul quickIy changed lo lhis nev use
vilh lhe lirlh of Cyric during lhe Tine of TroulIes.
Mosl Thayan vorshipers of Cyric sinpIy leIieve lhal he
is BhaaI relorn in a nev forn and have no lroulIe vor-
shiping hin as such.
High priesl Sharlhane ZuI (NL hn I2O) is one of
lhe nosl poverfuI individuaIs in Thay, rivaIing even
lhe zuIkirs lhenseIves. He has carefuIIy nainlained
neulraIily in lhe currenl Thayan civiI confIicl, since
even he is nol conpIeleIy safe fron lhe Red Wizards
This conpIex of luiIdings conlains dornilories for ils
Iegions of priesls and prieslesses, faciIilies for visiling
dignilaries, sIave larracks, severaI shrines and calhedraIs
of varying sizes, a Iuxurious nansion for Sharlhane,
snaIIer hones for high-ranking cIergy, and exlensive
dungeons vhere sone of Cyrics nore horrific riles are
perforned. Those vho vanish inlo lhe underground
ceIIs of lhe House of Cyric are rareIy seen again or, nore
oflen lhan nol, reappear in lhe forn of shanlIing,
nindIess zonlies conpIeleIy under lhe connand of
Cyrics prieslhood.
Sharlhanes nansion is a paIace vorlhy of lhe ruIers of
sone snaIIer kingdons. Hundreds of sIaves see lo his
every need, and he nainlains a snaII, privale suller-
ranean chanler for his ovn anusenenl. He is said lo as-
sociale vilh severaI lanarri of various lypes, nany laIes
leII of a succulus vho visils hin Iale al nighl, inparling
visdon and ronanlic diversions in exchange for a paI-
lry anounl of Sharlhanes Iife energies.
36. Tcmp!c nf AurI!
This snaII, vhile doned lenpIe is dedicaled lo lhe god-
dess AuriI, deily of coId and vinler. Her foIIoving is
snaII lul dedicaled, aIvays varning Thayans of lhe ler-
rilIe vinler lo cone and of an evenluaI aIIiance le-
lveen AuriI and olher eviI deilies lo drive off lhe Iikes of
Chaunlea, Myslra, and Tyr.
37. Tcmp!c nf Oghma
This vhile narlIe, coIonnaded slruclure houses an ex-
lensive Iilrary of looks and scroIIs deaIing vilh hislory,
phiIosophy, science, and reIigion. Runors alound lhal
lhe priesls aIso nainlain severaI lexls on nagic and
speIIcasling, lul lhese are lanned ly lhe Red Wizards,
and any concrele evidence of such lones vouId Iead lo
lhe lenpIe leing sacked and ils inhalilanls sIain ner-
ghna has a snaII foIIoving, lul lhe priesls nainlain
lhis lenpIe in order lo coIIecl infornalion on Thay and
Thayan sociely.
3 4
38. Tcmp!c nf 5har
LlernaI foe of SeIne and soneline aIIy of Cyric, Shar is
quile popuIar in Thay. Since Cyrics decIine and Iyachlu
Xvins ascendancy, Shar has leen associaled vilh lhe
Codson as veII. BIack-roled and hooded priesless and
prieslesses of Shar vork here, coordinaling lheir secrel
var againsl lhe foIIovers of SeIne and doing nischief
lhroughoul lhe ReaIns. Many cilizens of Bezanlur, in-
cIuding Red Wizards and even lhe cIergy of olher eviI
failhs, allend services in lhis Iong, dark slone lenpIe
vhich lerninales in a vasl anphilhealer vhere dark
nagic and lIack riles are perforned.
39. Tcmp!c nf L!IIra
The LIiiran joylringers nainlain a lenpIe here, vhich
consisls of a vhile narlIe cenlraI haII surrounded ly
coIorfuI lenls and paviIions. A joyfuI and sonevhal he-
donislic failh, lhe vorship of Lina has nany adherenls
in Bezanlur, lhough lhe Red Wizards disIike ils aIlruislic
and individuaIislic nalure.
40. Tcmp!c nf 5unc
CIose lo lhe popuIar lenpIe of LIiira Iies lhis Iavish
paIace dedicaled lo lhe vorship of Sune Iirehair, god-
dess of Iove and passion. Though her vorshipers are of
good aIignnenl, lhey pose IillIe lhreal lo lhe Red Wiz-
ards due lo lheir chaolic ronanlicisn and Iack of poIili-
caI or sociaI aspiralions. Allendance al lhis lenpIe is a
popuIar pursuil, in facl, for lheir eIeganl feasls and fesli-
vaIs are enjoyalIe dispIays of seIf-induIgence. Many vho
allend lhe lenpIe pay Sune herseIf onIy Iip service and
are here for lhe food and lo neel nenlers of lhe oppo-
sile sex. The lenpIe has recenlIy Iosl nany adherenls lo
lhe nore passionale vorship of Sharess, and lhe Suniles
have responded ly porlraying lhose vho revere Sharess
as crude, unciviIized delauchers.
41. Tcmp!c nf Myrku!
Anolher lenpIe dedicaled lo a supposedIy dead god, lhis
once-proud slruclure of giIded vood is inhaliled onIy ly
lhe eviI gods forner high priesl, Dhinar (NL hn (for-
ner) I12), vho, unIike olher vorshipers of MyrkuI, has
sleadfaslIy refused lo lransfer his aIIegiance lo Cyric or
KeIenvor. He is possilIy lhe Iasl renaining vorshiper of
MyrkuI in aII lhe Iorgollen ReaIns and no Ionger re-
ceives speIIs.
42. Tcmp!c nf Ta!ns
ne of fev pernanenl lenpIes lo lhe Lord of Deslruc-
lion, lhis slruclure is a granile cule lopped ly a Iov
vhile done. Il once housed anolher congregalion, lul
lhe TaIos foIIovers nanaged lo drive lhen oul and lake
up residence here. High Iriesl NofaIIis (LL hn I9) reI-
ishes his dulies as chief officiaI of a chaolic eviI pover
and never lires of preaching aloul lhe doon and de-
slruclion lhal is sure lo cone vhen TaIos finaIIy lri-
unphs over aII lhe olher pelly godIings. TaIos foIIovers
are oflen lIaned for fires and olher disaslers in Bezanlur,
lul lhus far lhe pulIic has nol caused lhen any lroulIe
in relurn.
43. Hnusc nf Iyachtu XvIm
The Codson, offspring of lhe dead god Bane, is vor-
shiped in Thay vilh greal enlhusiasn and has lecone a
Iesser pover in Iaern since lhe onsel of Cyrics nad-
ness. Xvins house in Bezanlur is one of lhe Iargesl and
nevesl lenpIes in lhe cily, incIuding a Iarge cenlraI haII,
lvo Iong vings conlaining snaII shrines, Iiving quarlers,
dining faciIilies and slorage, and a dozen snaIIer oul-
luiIdings used for various arcane vorship cerenonies
and as housing for higher-ranking priesls.
WhiIe aII of his vorshipers acknovIedge lhal Iyachlu
hinseIf is lhe lrue head of his church (he has visiled
lhis lenpIe and Ied cerenonies on severaI occasions),
nosl day-lo-day running of lhe failh is Iefl lo high
priesless Dienje Xavarri (NL hf I14), generaIIy consid-
ered lhe ranking officiaI of lhe church for aII of Thay.
Dienje is a lrue fanalic, dedicaling every aspecl of her
Iife lo lhe Codson. Dark runors hinl lhal she has even
enjoyed an inlinale reIalionship vilh Iyachlu hinseIf
and lorne hin al Ieasl one chiId, lhough no one is cer-
lain vhelher such progeny vouId le divine or nol. The
consequences of a Iiving grandson of Bane are un-
knovn, aIlhough none of lhen are IikeIy lo le pIeasanl
shouId lhe chiId prove lo le reaI and nanifesl divine
Since Iyachlu is dedicaled lo lhe finaI eIininalion of
Cyric and lhe usurpalion of his porlfoIios (possilIy lurn-
ing hinseIf inlo an inlernediale pover in lhe ReaIns),
confIicl lelveen his lenpIe and lhal of Cyric has leen
increasing IaleIy, vilh a rash of assassinalions, nagicaI
allacks, and even occasionaI slreel lravIs keeping Aznar
Thruis Iegion lusy.
44. Tcmp!c nf Tcmpus
Though Tenpus foIIovers have oflen opposed lhe Iegions
of Thay, he is a popuIar deily in lhe Iand of lhe Red Wiz-
ards, possilIy due lo lhe unreslrained vioIence lhal he
represenls. The Lord of BallIes represenlalive in Bezanlur
is Iriesl-Caplain Zeidero (CN hn I1O/I5), a scarred vel-
eran of a dozen niIilary canpaigns in a dozen Iands.
The lenpIe is a greal granile forlress vilh a nassive
iron gale, fIanked ly slalues of Tenpus aslride his vhile
sleed Veiros on lhe Iefl and his lIack sleed Deiros on lhe
righl. Tenpus sigiI, a lIazing svord on a red fieId, is en-
lIazoned on lhe vaIIs alove lhe lenpIe gales.
45. Tcmp!c nf Tyr
Tyrs foIIoving in Thay is snaII, due lo his IavfuI nalure.
A dozen varrior-priesls, Ied ly lhe aged Mylura ShelaIa
(LN hf I6/I7), forner nercenary vho had a vision of
Tyr on lhe lallIefieId and dedicaled her Iife lo lhe god.
46. Tcmp!c nf Bcshaba
A chaolic eviI and sonevhal nad deily, Beshala never-
lheIess has a Iarge foIIoving in Bezanlur. Many Thayans
vorship her in order lo avoid lhe vorsl of lhe lad Iuck
lhal she and her prieslhood creale.
The lenpIe is a chaolic junlIe of slruclures and ils
inlerior a naze of lIind passages, slairvays lo novhere,
secrel doors, lraps, cuI-de-sacs, and olher confusing fea-
lures. nIy lhe priesls vho Iive and vork here knov lhe
exlenl of lhe Ialyrinlh, and of lhen onIy lhe nosl high
ranking knov il aII. Doonnasler Hargrin Theos (CL
hn I12) is a vicked lul efficienl Ieader vho deIighls in
causing nisforlune lo olhers.
47. Tcmp!c nf LcIra
The nasked, anonynous priesls of lhis chaolic goddess
sliII nainlain a snaII lenpIe in her honor, lhough nosl
leIieve her lo le dead. They sliII receive speIIs, lul lhis
nay le fron anolher deily vho has laken over Leiras
Leiran priesls are nol popuIar, for lhey are knovn lo
Iie conslanlIy, and no one knovs vho is in charge al lhe
lenpIe or vhelher any hierarchy exisls al aII.
48. Tcmp!c nf Gnnd
Aloul 2O priesls of Cond lhe Wonderlringer serve in
Bezanlur. The lenpIe is a fascinaling conslrucl of iron
pIales heId logelher vilh nassive exposed rivels, cIank-
ing nechanicaI gales, and nunerous chinneys and
venls fron vhich slean and slrange snoke periodicaIIy
Iev acliveIy vorship Cond in Bezanlur, Ieading lhe
Red Wizards lo suspecl lhal lhis is sinpIy a spy slalion for
lhe inquisilive Condsnen. No one has leen alIe lo infiI-
lrale lhe lenpIe, since il is veII prolecled vilh lraps, and
lhe Condsnen are runored lo have deadIy cIockvork au-
lonalons lhal can sIay Iegions of varriors al viII. The
priesls here are aIso arned vilh Lanlan arqueluses~
veapons vhich, vhiIe lroulIesone and unreIialIe, are
nolhing shorl of lerrifying lo lhe average Thayan.
49. Tcmp!c nf Hc!m
A conlingenl of six varrior-priesls nainlain lhis snaII
ciladeI, an isIand of IavfuIness in an ocean of Thayan
vickedness. No one in Bezanlur vorships lhe guardian
god, and nosl lIane HeIn for lhe deslruclion of Bane,
BhaaI, and MyrkuI in lhe Tine of TroulIes. Ior lhese
reasons, lhe priesls are conslanlIy insuIled and even as-
sauIled vhen lhey go oul in pulIic, and lheir lenpIe is
periodicaIIy defaced vilh graffili and offaI. The priesls
renain in Bezanlur nore oul of slullornness lhan any-
lhing eIse, for lo alandon lhis lenpIe vouId le lanla-
nounl lo an adnission lhal HeIn is no Ionger lhe pover
he once vas.
50. I!matcr's Cathcdra!
A snaII fane here is dedicaled lo lhe Crying Cod, vhere
a snaII slaff of priesls sees lo lhe needs of lhe pooresl and
nosl dovnlrodden of free Thayans. The lenpIe is sur-
prisingIy popuIar vilh lhe oppressed connon cilizens
and lhe sIaves of Thay, vho leIieve lhal lheir suffering
under lhe ruIe of lhe Red Wizards nusl sureIy le evenlu-
aIIy revarded. The vizards have accused lhe priesls of II-
naler of aiding Thayan sIaves lo escape and of granling
free cIericaI heaIing lo viclins of officiaI lorlure and
punishnenl, lul nolhing has ever leen proven.
51. Tcmp!c nf Knssuth
The Tyranl of Iire is very popuIar vilh lhe cilizens of
Thay. The lrighl fIane of nagic is one of lhe Iands offi-
ciaI synloIs, and Kossulh hinseIf heIped lhe Red Wiz-
ards defeal lhe releIIious saIananders and efreel during
lhe SaIanander War.
3 6
High priesl MylhaIanir (LL hn C16) keeps lhis nuI-
liliered, red narlIe slruclure in perfecl condilion. His
priesls lend lo lhe sacred fIanes lhal lurn in lraziers
lhroughoul lhe lenpIe, and he Ieads nighlIy services in
vhich sacrificiaI viclins are given up lo lhe fIanes of
The fire lyranls cIose reIalionship vilh Thay has leen
carefuIIy nainlained since lhe SaIanander War, and il is
hoped lhal Kossulh can le persuaded lo Iend his supporl
(and, hopefuIIy, lhe various crealures of his fIaning
reaIn) lo fulure Thayan niIilary advenlures.
52. CIty Tnmbs
The cily crypls have grovn huge over lhe cenluries and
are nov a ranlIing Ialyrinlh of narlIe haIIvays, dones,
passagevays, gaIIeries, cIoislers, graveyards, and a leviI-
dering nunler of olher pIaces for inlerring lhe dead.
nIy lhe nevesl seclions of lhe nausoIeun are nain-
lained and uliIized, lhe renainder of lhe slruclures have
leen aIIoved lo age and disinlegrale as lhe years go ly.
Since a goodIy nunler of Red Wizards, eviI priesls,
and even nonhunan nonslers have leen inlerred here,
lhe oId seclions of lhe nausoIeun are pIaces lesl Iefl
undislurled ly lhe pulIic. Many vho vere luried here
vere nol dead lo legin vilh, vhiIe olhers Iive on heIp-
IessIy, lrapped in noIdering norlaI sheIIs. SliII olhers re-
gained Iife of a sorl afler Iying in slale for years. The oId-
esl lonls are pIaces of unleIievalIe horror vhere every
inaginalIe forn of undead crealure shanlIes, eilher
nindIessIy or vilh lhe purposefuI inlenl of lhe con-
pIeleIy insane.
AIso considered insane are lhose occasionaI lhieves
vho enler lhe lonls, seeking lo pIunder lhe riches in-
lerred vilh ancienl nolIes, vizards, and veaIlhy individ-
uaIs. Iev relurn, lul a handfuI are runored lo have
nade il oul aIive vilh forlunes in goId, gens, and en-
chanled ilens. Nol surprisingIy, nany of lhese ilens are
cursed, lul lhis does nol slop lhe occasionaI suicidaIIy
lrave lurgIar fron lrying his Iuck.
The nosl poverfuI residenl of lhe lonls is lhe ancienl
ZuIkir Ylhazz Buvaar, one of lhe founders of lhe noden
nalion of Thay. Unknovn lo lhose noden zuIkirs vho
have forgollen Ylhazz and his conlrilulions, lhe zuIkir
Iives on, sliII cIinging lo lhe eIalorale lhrone upon
vhich his enlaIned lody once sal. He is nov a de-
niIich, lul his Iife force is such lhal he sliII schenes lo
relurn and visil lerrilIe vengeance upon lhose Thayans
vho do nol honor his nenory. CurrenlIy he seeks a nor-
laI lody lo inhalil, and he sends his various ninions~
vanpires, vighls, ghosls, and Iesser forns of undead~
forlh lo ollain a suilalIe viclin. So far aII candidales
have proved unvorlhy, dying of frighl or olher slresses
veII lefore Ylhazz can sleaI lheir norlaI lodies.
53. OrcIsh Tcmp!c
rcish nercenaries and varriors in service lo Thayan of-
ficiaIs are aIIoved lo nainlain lhis lIack, lhree-slory
slruclure vhere idoIs of lhe various orcish deilies~
Crunnsh ne-Lye, Bahglru, IInevaI, Lulhic, Shargaas,
Yurlrus, and various lrilaI heroes and denigods of lhe
nany orcish lands~are nainlained and reguIarIy vor-
shiped. rcish vorship is unsurprisingIy Ioud, vioIenl,
and unpIeasanl, oflen acconpanied ly lhe sacrifice of
prisoners or unforlunale crininaIs fron vilhin lhe orcs
ovn ranks.
The idoIs here are aII crudeIy carved and said lo le
very oId represenlalions of lhe gods. The orcs cIain lhal
during lhe nosl frenelic and lIoody cerenonies, lhe
slalue of Crunnsh cones aIive and dispenses visdon
and advice lo lhe orcs vho proslrale lhenseIves lefore il.
54. 5!avc Markct
Mosl of lhe cilys lrade in hunan, denihunan, and hu-
nanoid fIesh goes on in lhis vasl slone-paved open-air
arena. Buyers and seIIers fron aII over Iaern nay le
found here aIong vilh lheir chained or olhervise lound
caplives. The square is usuaIIy fiIIed vilh lenls, corraIs,
and inprovised auclion lIocks vhere lhe fouI process of
luying and seIIing lakes pIace.
DaiIy auclions lake pIace, free fron any inlerference
ly Aznar ThruIs officiaIs, vho conlenl lhenseIves vilh
confiscaling lhe occasionaI allraclive or usefuI sIave in
Iieu of laxalion.
55. ThIcvcs' GuI!d/Tcmp!c nf Mask
ConvenienlIy enough, lhis forlressIike luiIding serves a
duaI purpose as headquarlers of Bezanlurs poverfuI
lhieves guiId and nain lenpIe of Mask, palron deily of
lhieves. CuiIdnislress ShaleIIa lhe IaIe (NL hf T17)
aIso serves as lhe IocaI high priesless of Mask, laking
lolh a cul of aII iIIicil goings-on in lhe cily and parl of
lhe noney given lo lhe lenpIe ly vorshipers.
The guiId conlroIs iIIegaI aclivilies in and around
Bezanlur. They aIIov lhe losses of Markel Tovn lo con-
lroI lhe area vilh IillIe oversighl lul denand reguIar
lrilule in exchange for doing so. Any Markel Tovn loss
vho refused lo pay his dues lo lhe guiId quickIy and ef-
ficienlIy disappears.
Independenl lhievery is nol loIeraled and nonguiId
sanclioned crininaIs aIso disappear, aIleil nuch nore
painfuIIy. The guiId even conlroIs lhe forces of Aznar
ThruI, keeping guards and Iegion nenlers veII lriled
lo slay oul of guiId lusiness. Ior his parl, Aznar ThruI
doesnl nind since ShaleIIa pays hin veII~and every
year, on lhe anniversary of lhe cilys founding, she sends
hin a very nice laskel of fruil.
SurprisingIy, lhe guiId house is nol lerrilIy veII de-
fended. Mosl exlernaI doors are Iefl unIocked, vhiIe
onIy a loken nunler of hunan, orcish, and ogre guards
palroI lhe haIIs. Mosl aparlnenls, incIuding lhose of lhe
guiIdnislress, are open lo aII, and lhe guiId lreasure
vauIl is guarded onIy ly a singIe iron goIen.
The reason for lhis is sinpIe: No one in Bezanlur
dares sleaI fron lhe lhieves guiId. Il is said lhal lhe spir-
ils of severaI vho lried are kepl in lhe guiId houses deep
sullerranean IeveIs, lornenled ly caplive lanarri.
ShouId anyone gain access lo lhe guiId house and sleaI
anylhing, his or her idenlily is inslanlIy knovn lhrough
nagicaI neans or lhrough lhe guiIds cilyvide nelvork
of inforners. Such a individuaIs Iifespan is neasured in
hours or even ninules fron lhe line lhey escape vilh
lheir Iool.
56. Tcmp!c nf Banc
As everyone in lhe ReaIns knovs, Bane vas deslroyed
during lhe Tine of TroulIes, and nosl of his povers
vere usurped ly Cyric, lhe nev god of eviI and slrife.
}usl lhe sane, Banes vorship vas so popuIar in Thay
lhal a snaII nunler of priesls nainlains his lenpIe and
prays for his relurn. High priesless Colhra (CL hf C11)
keeps lhis jel-lIack fane cIean and even Ieads services
for lhose vho vish lo allend. She aIso vorships Iyachlu
Xvin, vho provides her vilh speIIs.
57. 5trcct nf WhItc Rnscs
This region, vhich in olher cilies vouId le knovn as lhe
Red Lanlern Dislricl, is one of lhe nosl IavIess in lhis
highIy IavIess cily. Here, sloIen goods are exchanged, iI-
Iicil deaIs are slruck, forlidden nagic is pracliced, and
courlesans of aII sorls vaIk lhe slreels.
The lhieves guiId conlroIs aclivilies here and pays
lhe Thayan officiaIs veII lo slay conpIeleIy avay. Il is
lhe one parl of lhe cily lesides lhe lhieves guiId house
vhere visilors are guaranleed conpIele safely fron offi-
ciaI Thayan inlerference.
Naned for lhe nassive vhile rose lushes lhal Iine ils
Ienglh, lhe slreel is a viId pIace, conslanlIy hung vilh
coIorfuI Ianlerns, lanners, and vindsocks. Torches and
nagicaI Iighls keep lhe area veII Iil, and ils luiIdings are
of a leviIdering conlinalion of gaudy slyIes fron a
dozen Iands.
Many lusinesses exisl here: inns, laverns, nerchanls
shops, fesl haIIs, lalh houses, and, nol surprisingIy, nany
snaII lenpIes lo such deilies as Sune, Mask, LIiira, Sha-
ress, and, of course, Lovialar, vhose vorship is especiaIIy
popuIar vilh lhose vho frequenl lhis dislricl.
58. CItadc! nf CnrrcctInn
ne of lhe nosl dreaded slruclures in Bezanlur, lhis gray
slone forlress conlains larracks for gnoIIs and hunans,
lul ils prinary funclion is lhe inprisonnenl and pun-
ishnenl of crininaIs and any vho dispIease lhe Red
Wizards. Ils Ialyrinlhine dungeons conlain hundreds of
ceIIs, lorlure chanlers, pils, and oulIielles, vhiIe ils
upper fIoors are devoled lo inlerrogalion roons and of-
fices for lhe forlress personneI.
In Bezanlur, lhe lern laken lo lhe ciladeI neans
lhal an individuaI has vanished and is nol expecled lo
relurn. Those vho do relurn fron lhe ciladeIs lIack
deplhs are usuaIIy nindIess vrecks of lheir forner seIves.
Sonelines, IocaIs cIain, lhe screans of lhose inpris-
oned deep underground can le heard in lhe slreels
alove, and lhe Iovesl IeveIs of lhe dungeon are said lo
connecl lo lhe nighlnare reaIns of lhe Underdark.
59. Tcmp!c nf Ln!th
The spider queen of lhe drov is a popuIar deily anong
lhe hunans of Thay. Her lenpIe here is a lIack done
covered in siIver spidervels, vilh lhe drov inscriplion
|c||n ||u na||a, ja| u||rinnan znan xunus (LoIlh le
praised, aII viclory is her doing) inscriled in gIeaning
Iellers over ils porlaI. Worshipers allend nidnighl cere-
nonies here, dressed in Iong lIack roles and oflen deco-
raled vilh pignenls and vigs lo nake lhen Iook Iike
3 8
drov. The drov lhenseIves oflen allend lhese services
and lhere are aIvays one or lvo al lhe lenpIe.
Thayan priesless RhyleIIa (CL hf C9) considers her-
seIf onIy an acoIyle, aIlhough she has aulhorily over her
enlire congregalion. The reaI high priesless of Bezan-
lurs lenpIe of LoIlh is TrieI Teienna (CL ef C12), a
drov of lhe Underdark vho visils lhe lenpIe every fev
nonlhs lo oversee operalions, induIge in a fev sylarilic
pIeasures, and choose a handfuI of hunan foIIovers lo
acconpany her lack lo her reaIn. LxaclIy vhal happens
lo lhese chosen hunans is nol knovn, none has ever re-
lurned, lul lhis does nol Iessen lhe fervor of LoIlhs con-
gregalion in Bezanlur. Inslead, nosl are of lhe opinion
lhal lhe chosen hunans are Iiving Iives of decadenl
spIendor deep underground vilh lheir drov lrelhren.
60. Tcmp!c nf JuIb!cx
The Red Wizards do nol nornaIIy vorship lanarri or
olher eviI exlrapIanar deilies, considering lhen nereIy
independenl leings of greal pover vho can le sun-
noned and nanipuIaled. NeverlheIess, a fev Thayans
have (for reasons knovn onIy lo lhenseIves) laken lo
vorshiping lhe viIe }uilIex, Iord of jeIIies, sIines, alo-
Ielhs, and siniIar crealures. This slruclure, resenlIing a
laII, eIongaled pyranid and surrounded ly a lriad of
granile oleIisks inscriled vilh unreadalIe runes, is
vhere lhese vorshipers congregale and caII upon lhe
pover of lheir repeIIenl, sIiny god.
Aznar ThruI is nol lerrilIy fond of lhese individuaIs,
disIiking lolh }uilIex and lhe nolion of a lenpIe vhose
nenlers he cannol conlroI, and he has oflen senl spies
inlo lhe congregalion lo find oul vhal lheyre up lo. So
far, none of lhese spies has relurned, sone have con-
fessed lheir sins and joined lhe lenpIe, vhiIe olhers
have disappeared aIlogelher, reporledIy inlo a lerrilIe
underground chanler vhich seelhes vilh dozens of
sIines, jeIIies, and deadIy puddings. ThruI is nol con-
cerned enough lo order an allack on lhe lenpIe lul con-
linues lo invesligale ils praclices.
61. Narfc!'s RnnmIng Hnusc
Mosl Bezanlur residenls knov lhis Iarge, lIocky aparl-
nenl luiIding as a Iov-renl fIophouse vhere lraveIers
and lhe indigenl can find cheap housing (1 cp per nighl,
vilh no exlra charge for fIeas and ledlugs) and cheap
food (1 cp for a lovI of grueI), lul fev are avare lhal
lhis is nolhing nore lhan a cover for lhe houses lrue
funclion~Bezanlurs headquarlers for lhe infanous
Thayan assassins guiId.
NarfeI hinseIf (NL hn T13), as far as his lenanls and
lhe oulside vorId knov, is a snaII, vizened, niserIy oId
nan vho denands paynenl in advance and does nol
hesilale lo lhrov lhe rudesl leggar or nosl palhelic
crippIed orphan inlo lhe slreel if lhey prove unalIe lo
pay. In reaIily, NarfeI is a skiIIed, high-IeveI assassin vho
oversees a vasl and poverfuI organizalion cIoseIy aIIied
lo severaI proninenl Red Wizards.
The guiIdhouse acluaIIy Iies lenealh lhe rooning
house, pasl severaI secrel doors, each vilh a nagicaI
passvord and progressiveIy nore poverfuI guardians.
The house is lhe nexus of a nelvork of lunneIs lhal ex-
lend lhroughoul Bezanlur, vhich guiId assassins use lo
nove secrelIy againsl lheir largels. Anong house faciIi-
lies are lraining roons, larracks, arnories, Iuxurious
aparlnenls for NarfeI and olher high officiaIs of lhe
guiId, and docunenl roons conlaining infornalion on
every conlracl lhe guiId has ever carried oul~lo le used
as insurance againsl lIacknaiI or in case lhe guiId
vishes, in lurn, lo lIacknaiI anyone eIse.
Al any one line, lhere are anyvhere fron a dozen lo
a hundred guiId assassins here. The assassins share faciIi-
lies vilh lhe Bezanlur lhieves guiId, and a fev guiId
lhieves are oflen presenl here, exchanging infornalion
or laking lraining fron nasler assassins.
The CI1Ies o[ 1he Coas1
The 1O cilies aIong lhe soulhern coasl of AgIarond and
Thay have had a Iong and lunuIluous reIalionship vilh
Thay. nce parl of lhe enpire of Unlher, aII of lhe cilies
have al one line or anolher leen under Thays conlroI.
DeIlhunlIe, Nelhra, Telh, and Laolhkund are loo far
avay for conlinued Thayan doninalion and have re-
nained free lrading cilies for cenluries. Despile lheir
cIose proxinily vilh AgIarond, lhese cilies have chosen
lo renain fuIIy independenl, lhough lhey nainlain good
lrade reIalions and slanding defense agreenenls vilh
AgIarond in lhe evenl of a Thayan invasion.
UnliI lhe fiery assauIl ly saIananders and efreeli in
1357 DR, lhe cilies of TiIlrand, Lasdur, Taskaunl, Ls-
caIanl, Murlanl, and ThasseIen considered lhenseIves
independenl aIso. When lhe Iasl fires vere oul, Lasdur
3 9
and Taskaunl relained lheir independence (noslIy ly
virlue of leing loo snaII for Thay lo lolher vilh), and lhe
olher cilies (each descriled in ils ovn enlry leIov) feII
lack under Thayan doninalion lo one exlenl or anolher.
| suppcsc |na| uncr c|ncr circuns|anccs, |||aooar ucu| oc
ocau|ifu|. ||s orca cana|suniquc in a|| |acrunsprca
acrcss |nc ci|q in an in|rica|c nc|ucr|, cf|cn cccra|c ui|n
f|ca|ing f|cucrs, an |inc ui|n |a||, c|cgan| s|cnc ua||uaqs
an oarcquc oui|ings. ||s uizars rcsicnccs arc graccfu|,
f|u|c |cucrs oui|| cf nanq cc|crfu| an cxc|ic na|cria|s. Tnc
Ritcr |||ar pcurs cun frcn Tnaqncun| in a fcaning uni|c
ua|crfa||, |ncn sprcas |nrcugncu| |nc ci|q, fc||cuing |nc
cana|s ocfcrc f|cuing |nrcugn |nc ci|q ua|crga|cs an in|c
|a|c Tnaq|anoar. Tnc |a|c i|sc|f sprcas i|s o|uc-grccn o|an-
|c| ocqcn |nc ci|q, pcricica||q ruff|c oq |nc uin an
rcugncnc oq ca|spaus, |nc uni|c sai|s cf snips tisio|c in |nc
is|ancc. |||aooars puo|ic par|s arc nanicurc cc||cc|icns cf
f|cra frcn a czcn |ans, scnc sccn ncuncrc c|sc in |acrun.
Cc|crfu| oirs f|i| frcn |rcc |c |rcc, fi||ing |nc air ui|n scng.
Priti|cgc Tnaqans uancr |nc garcns, ccn|cnp|a|ing |nc
ocau|q arcun |ncn, scarcc|q nc|icing |nc niscrao|c s|atcs
unc |cn |nc |rccs arcun |ncn.
frcn Hcincs rcpcr|
LIlallar is a huge cily vilh a popuIalion varying le-
lveen 8O,OOO and 1OO,OOO. ver haIf of lhese are sIaves,
novhere in Thay is lhe grin inslilulion of sIavery nore
There are nany slrange lhings aloul LIlallar. Iirsl
and forenosl is ils exacl Iayoul. UnliI recenlIy, no one
knev preciseIy vhal lhe cily Iooked Iike, since ovning a
nap of LIlallar vas al one line punishalIe ly inslanl
dealh. Ior sone reason lhis reslriclion has reIaxed re-
cenlIy, and severaI naps of lhe cily exisl. SliII, lhe Red
Wizards nainlain lheir asserlion lhal naps are lo le
kepl oul of lhe hands of lhe generaI pulIic for securily
reasons, and unaulhorized possession of a nap of LIlal-
lar Iands ils ovner in a Thayan dungeon.
Lighl nonlhs ago, a nassive earlhquake did consider-
alIe danage lo lhe cily, and lhe videspread deslruclion
of luiIdings and fIooding drove nany residenls avay.
Since lhen lhe cily has leen IargeIy reluiIl vilh Ialor
provided ly Szass Tans zonlies. The lharchs ruIer, lhe
vonan knovn as lhe Tharchioness, has gained consid-
eralIe aulhorily and pover since lhal line.
Iosler nap 3 dispIays a fuII-coIor nap and lexl key for
Iirsl sellIed ly coIonisls fron Unlher around 4OO DR, Ls-
caIanls prine Iocalion al lhe noulh of lhe River Lapen-
drar has nade il a lhriving lrade cily. The LscaIanlers de-
cIared independence fron Unlher in around 625 and
nainlained lheir freedon for lhe nexl lhree cenluries.
The Thayans arrived in 934, denanding lrilule fron lhe
cily as parl of an overaII expansion canpaign lhal in-
cIuded lhe Red Wizards firsl invasion of Rashenen.
Thayan doninalion of LscaIanl conlinued, on and off,
for lhe nexl 4OO years. The sociaI upheavaI acconpanying
lhe Creal Inner Sea IIague forced lhe Thayans lo vilh-
drav in 132O, Ieaving lhe LscaIanlers delernined lo
nainlain lheir independence in lhe fulure. This silualion
conlinued unliI 1357 vhen lhe Red Wizards allacked
once nore, sending an arny of eIenenlaIs againsl lhe
coaslaI cilies, forcing lheir inhalilanls lo choose lelveen
sulnission and innoIalion. Afler a lrave fighl, lhe Ls-
caIanlers vere forced lo surrender, and a slrong and op-
pressive Thayan occupalion has leen in effecl ever since.
LscaIanl renains a prosperous sellIenenl, and nosl of
lhe danage done ly lhe Thayan eIenenlaIs has leen re-
paired. Lxlensive dock and porl faciIilies are visiled ly
vesseIs fron Chessenla, MuIhorand, Turnish, and eIse-
vhere. LscaIanls IeveI of lrade is second onIy lo Bezan-
lur, and lhe cily has lecone an inporlanl parl of Thays
The cily is a vasl, ranlIing sellIenenl, vilh onIy lhe
cenlraI, oIdesl seclion surrounded ly a vaII. Lven lhis
vaII is in disrepair, and seclions danaged ly lhe eIenen-
laIs renain lIackened and lunlIed. Warehouses, aparl-
nenls, shops, and porl faciIilies Iine lhe river for nearIy
a niIe inIand.
LscaIanl loasls a popuIalion of over 2O,OOO and is
under direcl Thayan ruIe, overseen ly lhe lharchion of
Lapendrar. AIlhough lhe Thayan presence is aIvays feIl,
lhe lharchion feeIs il lesl lo Iel lhe LscaIanlers go lheir
ovn vay and inlerferes vilh lhen as IillIe as possilIe.
His gnoII lroops, vhich are larracked in groups of 1OO or
so lhroughoul lhe cily, are conlenl lo palroI lhe slreels,
4 0
nenace an occasionaI cilizen, and vreck lhe lusinesses
of nerchanls suspecled of snuggIing or hoIding oul on
lheir laxes.
Inhalilanls of lhis noderaleIy sized coaslaI cily (popuIa-
lion 5,OOO) nake lheir Iiving fron fishing and occa-
sionaI snuggIing. A garrison of gnoIIs keeps order in lhe
cily, vhich feII lo lhe Thayans afler a lrief siege ly fire
eIenenlaIs in 1357. Murlanl is under lhe conlroI of
Aznar ThruI, lharchion of lhe Iriador, and ils cilizens
usuaIIy pay lheir laxes and lry lo ignore lheir ruIers. Ior
sone reason, ThruI seens lo have IillIe inleresl in Mur-
lanl and spares lhe cily lhe ravages vhich he has visiled
upon olher coaslaI sellIenenls.
SeveraI Iarge sIave farns and freehoIds Iie around lhe
cily. These are sonelines pIagued ly lhe nonslers lhal
lhe Red Wizards keep on lheir preserves in lhe Iriador,
and lhe farners occasionaIIy need assislance lo eIini-
nale lhe narauding crealures.
lc apprcacnc Tnaq oq cnc cf |nc fcu puo|ic rcu|cs in|c
|nc ccun|rq|nc ci|q cf Nc|ncn|ir, an |nc prccaricus,
uining rca unicn rcsc aoctc i|. Pni||ip an S|ar|ign| prc-
ccc us, |nc oar riing a nu|c, an |nc spri|c f|i||ing
|nrcugn |nc air arcun an anca cf nin. Our uagcns run-
o|c |nrcugn |nc crcuc s|rcc|s, ga|ncring curicus cr suspi-
cicus g|anccs frcn |nc ar|-nairc Tnaqans unc |itc
lc runo|c up |nc |rai| an an unccr|ain rca canc
ctcr nc. lc ucrc ac|ua||q cn|cring Tnaq, cnc cf |nc fcu|cs|
ci|ac|s cf cti| |nis sic cf Zncn|i| Kccp an |nc Uncrar|.
lna| uas gcing |c nappcn |c us?
Tnc |cun ocnin uin|c in |nc is|ancc as uc |ratc|c
up |nc cscarpncn|. Tnc rca uas orca ou| na nci|ncr
sncu|cr ncr rai|ing, anqcnc unc s|ippc cr s|raqc |cc far
ucu| natc a |cng fa|| an a nas|q sucn s|cp a| |nc cn.
lc ucrc aocu| na|fuaq up |nc cscarpncn| uncn S|ar-
|ign| canc s|rca|ing oac| |c us, ncr sna|| facc ocaring an
urgcn| cxprcssicn.
Up |nc ni||! snc squca|c cxci|c|q. Gnc||s, ccning
cun! Tncq|| |rq |c crcu us cff |nc rca, |ncq ui||!
Arc qcu surc? | as|c, sucn|q ccnccrnc.
Of ccursc, S|ar|ign| rcp|ic. Tncqrc gnc||s. ||s ncu
|ncq arc.
| agrcc |na| |nis nac scnsc an inncia|c|q crcrc |nc
uagcns an ricrs |c nctc as c|csc as |ncq ccu| |c |nc cs-
carpncn| ua||, |ncn s|cp. |n a fcu ncncn|s |nc caratan
uas s|rung cu|, sing|c fi|c, ui|n fu||q na|f |nc |rai| ncu c|car.
Pni||ip arritc a fcu ncncn|s |a|cr, ccnfirning |na| |nc
gnc||s ucrc, incc, cn |ncir uaq cun. Tnc gnc||s fc|-
|cuc c|csc cn nis ncc|s, a fcaning, snar|ing oan cf nqcna-
ncac aocnina|icns c|a in sca|c arncr cno|azcnc ui|n
|nc rc f|anc cf Tnaq. Tncir |cacr, a |a|| f|in ui|n g|aring
qc||cu cqcs, caugn| sign| cf us.
Ycu! i| oar|c in oru|a||q acccn|c ccnncn. Off |nc
gra||ing rca! (| oc|ictc gra||ing is scnc fcrn cf gnc||-
isn cxp|c|itc, |ncugn | cannc| |ncu fcr ccr|ain).
Tncrcs cncugn rccn fcr us a||, | rcp|ic. 8csics,
pusning cur uagcns cff |nc c|iff is prcoao|q ncrc ucr| |nan
qcur |rccps carc |c c.
Tnc f|in |cc|c puzz|c an ncrc |nan a |i|||c isap-
pcin|c. Af|cr a |cnsc fcu ncncn|s, i| fina||q canc |c a c-
cisicn an oar|c an crcr a| |nc gnc||s ocnin i|, unicn na
occn grcuing rcs|itc an quarrc|scnc. Tc cur rc|icf, |nc
gnc|| cc|unn rcsunc i|s narcn cun |nc rca, passing us
oq ui|n nc|ning ncrc |nan ncs|i|c s|arcs.
frcn Hcincs rcpcr|
Localed al lhe shores of Lake Unler lenealh lhe lover-
ing cIiffs of lhe Iirsl Lscarpnenl, Nelhenlir vouId le a
peacefuI fishing sellIenenl save for ils inporlance as lhe
onIy Iarge Thayan cily in lhe area. Many caravans pass
lhrough Nelhenlir lound for lhe Thayan inlerior, and
lhe cily loasls exlensive inns and suppIy lusinesses.
AIlhough lhe Lscarpnenl ilseIf provides lhe luIk of
Thayan defense, Nelhenlir aIso loasls a Iarge forlress and
severaI oulposls occupied ly gnoIIs and hunan cavaIry,
vho conslanlIy scoul lhe surrounding grassIands for lhe
approach of eneny forces or unvanled visilors. A vind-
ing lraiI vilh nunerous svilchlacks cIinls lhe Lscarp-
nenl, one of lhe fev najor roules inlo Thay ilseIf. Cara-
vans and Thayan niIilary convoys are conslanlIy on lhe
nove up and dovn lhe Lscarpnenl. CnoII and cavaIry
unils nove aIong lhe lraiI vilh inpunily, oflen scallering
non-Thayan groups lefore lhen. SeveraI dealhs fron
faIIing are allriluled lo such lehavior each year.
Service in lhis area is considered ledious and undesir-
alIe, so Thayan lroops unvind ly periodicaIIy ly raising
havoc in Nelhenlir~lravIing, vrecking inns, noIesl-
ing cilizens, and so on. The lovns inhalilanls have
cone lo dread lhe days vhen lroops arrive on Ieave and
respond ly loIling lheir doors, hiding in lheir hones, or
laking exlended fishing lrips on lhe Iake lo avoid
individuaIs. The Thayans nainlain severaI guardposls lo
keep order.
The cenlraI core of Iyarados, vhich forned lhe origi-
naI cily, is vaIIed and nuch leller organized lhan lhe re-
nainder of lhe cily. IaIaces, parks, lroad slreels, exlen-
sive slaluary, and olher Iuxurious surroundings are con-
non. Here Iive various Red Wizards, veaIlhy nerchanls,
and olher infIuenliaI Thayans.
Tnc fc||cuing infcrna|icn is |a|cn frcn a rcpcr| oq a Harpcr
agcn| in Tnaq (uncsc icn|i|q rcnains sccrc| fcr coticus rca
scns), unc uas as|c |c intcs|iga|c runcrs cf Szass Tan an
nis currcn| ac|iti|ics.
Pqaracs is a |au|css frcn|icr |cun ui|n a ccn|ra| ccrc cf
rigi au|ncri|arianisn an narsn ocau|q. | uas fcrcc |c c-
fcn nqsc|f agains| a gang cf na|f-crc ou||ics in |nc rcugn-
ncun sc|||cncn| |na| sprau|s arcun |nc ccn|ra| ci|ac|. Tnc
s|rcc|s cf Pqaracs arc nuq an crcuc, fu|| cf ocggars,
suaggcring oratcs, rcugn an rcaq atcn|urcrs, ccur|csans,
an c|ncrs. |tcrquncrc |ncrc arc s|a||s an sncps sc||ing a-
tcn|uring cquipncn||na| is |c saq, ctcrpricc jun| guar-
an|cc |c fa|| apar| a| |nc ncs| crucia| ncncn|.
Iyarados acls as lhe junping-off pIace for expIorers
headed inlo lhe Sunrise Mounlains. Many inns of every
conceivalIe IeveI of quaIily crovd lhe cily. AInosl aII of
lhese are Iocaled oulside lhe vaIIs. Many expedilion
oulfillers aIso caII Iyarados hone, seIIing suppIies, dray
leasls, and advenluring equipnenl, oflen al infIaled
| scarcnc cu| nq rcgu|ar infcrnan|s in Pqaracs, cn|q
|c fin |na| cf |nrcc, |uc ucrc nissing, an |nc |nir sau nc
cn|q ui|n grca| rc|uc|ancc.
Szass Tans rcans arc fina||q ccning |ruc, nq infcr-
nan| |c| nc in |nc fc|i cp|ns cf an aoancnc uarcncusc.
Hc nas ua||c |nc Pa|ns cf |nc Dccnc an gcnc unsca|nc
pas| |nc Dctcuring Pcr|a|. His cs|inq |ics ocnca|n |nc Tnaq-
ncun|, an uncn nc |cc|s |c |nc fu|urc nc sccs a|| cf |acrun
|urnc in|c a grca| cnarnc| ncusc, fu|| cf unca crca|urcs
unicn c nis oiing. Tnc c|ncr zu||irs natc cn|q cnc
cnciccfc||cu nin, ui||ing|q cr unui||ing|q. Tncsc unc c
sc ui||ing|q arc |c oc rcuarc. Tncsc unc c nc| |csc oc|n
|ifc an scu|, an occcnc Szass Tans s|atcs. Hc ncans |c
c |nis, oc|ictc nc. Scc| |nc Pa|ns cf |nc Dccnc, an qcu
ui|| scc una| | spca| cf. | ui|| |c|| qcu nc ncrc.
Those advenlurers vilh nerves sleady enough lo haz-
ard lraveI vilhin Thay invarialIy find lhenseIves in
Iyarados sooner or Ialer. The zuIkirs are reIaliveIy loIer-
anl of lhese, Ieaving lhen lo lheir ovn devices as Iong as
lhey do nol lhrealen Thays inlernaI securily. The up-
shol of lhis is lhal lhe ouler cily, leyond lhe pacifying
heighls of lhe vaIIs, is a viId and IavIess pIace vhere lhe
aulhorilies lurn a lIind eye lo nosl crines, aIIoving
slreel juslice lo sellIe accounls. Visilors shouId nole lhal
Iav enforcenenl is anylhing lul Iax in Iyarados, despile
lhe Iack of a Iarge Thayan poIice force. VigiIanles punish
lhose crines lhe Red Wizards ignore, and lheir punish-
nenl is jusl as svifl and cerlain.
Mq infcrnan| |c| us nc|ning c|sc.
riginaIIy inlended as a slronghoId againsl anlicipaled
(lul never appearing) Rasheni invasions, lhis norlhern-
nosl Thayan cily has since served as lhe deparlure poinl
for lhe Red Wizards ovn invasions, and loday renains
an inporlanl niIilary posilion. The inhalilanls survive
ly farning lhe surrounding fIood pIain, fishing, and lrad-
ing vilh Theskian nerchanls fron lhe norlh. None of
lhese pursuils earn Surlhayans nore lhan sulsislence, so
nosl of Surlhay is a pIace of poverly and hard Iiving.
This ranlIing cily of 5O,OOO is a reIaliveIy young sellIe- NolIes, Red Wizards, and lheir acoIyles occupy
nenl, consisling of nany snaII dveIIings arranged Surlhay, Iiving in pIeasanl nansions and lovers on lhe
around vinding, chaolic slreels. The IeveI of prosperily easlern heighls alove lhe cily, veII avay fron lhe fiIlh,
varies videIy in lhe ouler cily, vilh slruclures ranging disease, and slench of lhe svanp.
fron vasl nansions lo crude Iean-los. There are fev pul- The cily ilseIf is veII forlified, vilh a high slone vaII
Iic vorks here, lhough sone slreels are paved ly veaIlhy lrislIing vilh slurdy lovers, forlified gales, saIIy porls,
4 3
posilions for laIIislae and olher arliIIery, and ciladeIs and a gnoII garrison keeps lhe 1O,OOO or so peopIe vho
garrisoned ly crack lroops. Iive here in Iine.
Localed across fron lhe disnaI Surnarsh, Surlhay is
oflen ravaged ly diseases carried ly insecls fron lhe
svanp. The slench of rolling vegelalion frequenlIy fiIIs
lhe slreels, especiaIIy al lhe heighl of sunner. During
hol nonlhs, lhe hunidily is nearIy unlearalIe, conlin-
ing vilh lhe slench lo drive oul any Thayans capalIe of
Aznar ThruI considers lhis sellIenenl lo le his pri-
vale donain, and his varriors reguIarIy raid il for sIaves
and experinenlaI suljecls. Wilh ils vaIIs lreached,
ThasseIen is oflen lerrorized ly nonslers lhal vander
oul of lhe Iriador.
Surlhay has Iiniled porl faciIilies, aIlhough lhe cily is
luiIl on a good naluraI harlor. This is lecause lhe
Wilches of Rashenen conlroI nuch of Lake MuIsanlir
and sink any Thayan varships lhey encounler. Surlhay
fishing vesseIs are snaII feIuccas lhal are dragged inIand
al lhe end of each day.
The gnoIIs, hunan varriors, and associales of lhe
lharchion vho Iive nearly are given free rein lo oppress,
lerrorize, assauIl, or nurder lhe cilizens of ThasseIen as
lhey choose. The cenlraI keep and lhe snaII forlresses
lhal surround lhe cily oflen echo vilh lhe screans of lhe
Thayans viclins.
Iorces IoyaI lo lhe lharchion of Surlhay occupy lhe
cily and lhe snaII forlresses vhich surround il. These re-
ceive lhe Iions share of suppIies and incone, Ieaving lhe
renainder of Surlhays popuIalion lo fend for ilseIf.
There is nuch poverly and despair in Surlhay, vhich
has spavned a lhriving crininaI underground. The lhar-
chion professes IillIe loIerance for crine and has given
his lroops fuII rein lo caplure suspecled Iavlreakers and
punish lhen on lhe spol. As usuaI in Thay, lhis has leen
laken ly lhe garrison lo le a Iicense lo pursue, caplure,
aluse, assauIl, nurder, and deslroy as lhey pIease.
As lhe peopIe of ThasseIen are considered Aznars
personaI possessions, escape is a crine punishalIe ly
dealh~or vorse. The deslruclion of an underground
novenenl dedicaled lo snuggIing chiIdren and inpor-
lanl cilizens oul of ThasseIen vas seen ly Aznar as a
chance lo praclice using his f|cnsing (see page 1O1) and
olher horrific speIIs on lhe survivors.
IorlunaleIy for lhe cilizens of Surlhay, lhe various
crininaI guiIds are reIaliveIy poverfuI and can have par-
liluIarIy lroulIesone guards disposed of quielIy. Syslen-
alic lriles and exlorlion keep olher officiaIs under con-
lroI, lul lhose vilh no conneclions lo lhe crine guiIds
are heIpIess againsl lhe ravages of lhe Thayan soIdiers.
TiIlrand narrovIy escaped lhe sorry fale of ThasseIen.
Iorced lo surrender vilhoul a fighl ly lhe nighl of
Thays eIenenlaI arny, TiIlrand vas occupied lul
quickIy alandoned afler Hargrid TensIayers dealh in lhe
SaIanander War.
ThasseIen is a cily lhal Iives in lhe shadov of lerror.
BadIy danaged ly lhe Thayan fire eIenenlaIs in 1357,
ThasseIen feII lo forces under lhe connand of Hargrid
TensIayer, lharchion of lhe Lapendrar. Afler TensIayer
perished in lhe SaIanander War, ThasseIen vas handed
over lo Aznar ThruI and has leen ruIed vilh an iron
hand ever since.
Since lhen, TiIlrand has renained lechnicaIIy under
lhe adninislralion of Hezess Nynar, lharchion of
Lapendrar, lul is nol occupied due lo ils dislanl Iocalion
and lhe difficuIly of nainlaining adninislralion so far
fron Thay. Nynars agenls periodicaIIy visil lhe cily, de-
nanding lrilule, and lhe TiIlranders usuaIIy pay al Ieasl
parl of vhal is denanded if for no olher reason lhan lo
keep lhe lharchion and his Iegions veII avay.
nce a cily vilh a popuIalion of 2O,OOO speciaIizing
in fishing, farning, and a snaII anounl of lrade, Thasse-
Ien is loday a lurned-oul sheII of ils forner seIf. Mosl
slruclures deslroyed in lhe siege have nol leen repIaced,
Many Tilranders consider lhe deslruclion vroughl ly
lhe Thayan siege lo le a lIessing in disguise. Though
nany died in lhe lallIe, severaI oId and run-dovn sec-
lions of lhe cily vere IeveIed, enalIing lhe survivors lo
reluiId. Today TiIlrand is a vaIIed, aclive porl cily vilh a
popuIalion of over 25,OOO. TiIlrand aIso nainlains cIose
lies vilh AgIarond, and a garrison of AgIarondan rangers
heIps prolecl lhe cily. Mosl TiIlranders are delernined
lhal, shouId lhe Thayans ever vish lo lake lhe cily ly
force again, lhey viII do so onIy al greal cosl.
4 4
TiIlrand is ruIed ly an eIecled counciI, lhough il has a
cerenoniaI high Iord vhose prinary funclion is lo oversee
feslivaIs and deaI vilh dipIonals. The Waverunner cIan,
a faniIy of hunans and haIf-eIves, is lhe nosl poverfuI
shipping and nercanliIe concern in lhe cily, and lheir in-
fIuence is groving lo lhe poinl lhal lhey nay lecone a
najor faclor in Iaern lrade around lhe Sea of IaIIen
Slars. Waverunner cash heIps pay lrilule lo Thay and
nay one day le used lo hire lroops lo defend TiIlrand.
Tqra|urcs is cnc cf |nc fi||nics| an ncs| unp|casan| ci|ics in a
fi||nq an unp|casan| |an. Our pcrfcrnanccs in Tqra|urcs
ucrc uc|| a||cnc, ou| fcu cignc |c |nrcu us anq ccins,
fcrcing us |c spcn scnc cf cur rapi|q uin|ing rcscrtcs fcr
fcc an snc||cr.
Tnc |rip |c Tnaq ucrc ncati|q cn a|| cf us, ou| |nc grca|cs|
crca| uas pccr S|ar|ign|s. A carcfrcc spri|c ncrc usc |c |nc
frcccn cf |nc cpcn rca an |nc ocau|q cf |nc ui|crncss |nan
|nc ncrri rca|n cf |nc Rc lizars, snc cf|cn s|raqc frcn
|nc caratan, f|qing aocu| in scarcn cf scnc scrap cf pcacc
ani |nc s|atcrq, uic|c scrccrq, an pctcr|q cf Tnaq.
Onc aq snc s|raqc |cc far, cning up in Tqra|urcs |ccning
s|atc nar|c|. | scn| Grax (cur na|f-crcisn |nifc |nrcucr) an
nq apprcn|icc Zan |c scarcn fcr ncr uncn snc i nc| rc|urn
an, as i| |urnc cu|, |ncq sauc ncr frcn a ncrrio|c fa|c.
Spri|cs arc ancng |nc rarcs| cf s|atcs, prizc as nctc||ics
an ncusc scrtan|s oq Rc lizars an c|ncr uca||nq Tnaq-
ans. Tnc fac| |na| spri|cs an |ncir |in intariao|q uas|c auaq
an ic as a rcsu|| cf sucn |rca|ncn| is cf nc ccnscqucncc |c
|ncsc ncns|crs, pi|q an scrrcu arc a|icn ccnccp|s |c |nc uiz-
ars an |ncir a||ics.
As a rcsu|| cf |nis, a pair cf na|f-crc s|atcrs unc caugn|
sign| cf S|ar|ign| f|i||ing aocu| |nc nar|c|p|acc ccic |c cap-
|urc ncr. Tnc firs| s|unnc ncr ui|n a |nrcun rcc|, |nc scccn
sncuc ncr in|c a sac|, an |cgc|ncr |ncq nac fcr |nc s|atc
nar|c| |c sc|| |ncir priscncr.
Zan an Grax cspcra|c|q scarcnc fcr S|ar|ign|, an
ncar ncr crics fcr nc|p purc|q oq cnancc. Rca|izing |na| |ncq
ccu| nc| ircc||q fign| |nc s|atcrs ui|ncu| rauing a||cn|icn
|c |ncnsc|tcs, Grax an Zan apprcacnc |ncn, inquiring as
|c |nc ccn|cn|s cf |ncir oag. Af|cr sctcra| |cng ninu|cs cf oar-
gaining, |ncq sc|||c cn a pricc, an Grax rc|urnc |c cur
caratan |c fc|cn a sac| cf p|a|inun picccs. Tnc cxcnangc uas
nac, S|ar|ign| uas |iocra|c an rc|urnc |c us, an nq fc|-
|cucrs nac |ncir uaq oac| |c |nc caratan, ncping |c gc|
auaq ocfcrc |nc i||usicn | na cas| ucrc cff an |nc p|a|inun
uas rctca|c |c oc a cc||cc|icn cf sna|| s|cncs.
Ncc|css |c saq, uc ccanpc frcn Tqra|urcs inncia|c|q
frcn Hcincs rcpcr|
This lhird Iargesl Thayan cily vas luiIl ly MuIhorand as
a caravan and lrading lovn. Il has since conlinued in
lhis capacily under Thayan adninislralion, lhough
nany olher Iess savory aspecls have leen added lo ils
characler. Today, Tyraluros loasls a pernanenl popuIa-
lion of 5O,OOO, lhough lhis sveIIs lo over 1OO,OOO vilh
seasonaI caravan lraffic.
Vasl and ranlIing, nany luiIdings sporling lhe sIen-
der ninarels, onion dones, and spires of dislanl Sen-
phar, a Iand vhich Tyraluros originaI archilecls adnired
consideralIy. Tyraluros is unvaIIed, lhough il loasls a
forlified cenlraI ciladeI and a garrison 8,OOO slrong. The
renainder of lhe cily spravIs over lhe surrounding grass-
Iands, slrelching nev lenlacIes oul as roads and lrade
roules are eslalIished.
The cilys cenlraI narkelpIace, lenealh lhe grin vaIIs
of lhe ciladeI, is knovn as lhe pIace vhere anylhing
and anyone can le loughl. This refers lo lhe exlensive
seIeclion of sIaves avaiIalIe here: hunans of aII Iands,
slurdy dvarves, sIender eIves, lrulish orcs and golIins,
lhick-skuIIed ogres, and even nore exolic races such as
cenlaurs, Iania, and lhe nosl soughl-afler of aII sIave
races, drov. VirluaIIy any ilen of conlraland can le pur-
chased here if lhe price is righl. SpeII conponenls, for-
lidden looks, naps, secrels of lhe various zuIkirs, veap-
ons, and olher ilens danaging lo lhe Thayans are aII
avaiIalIe. The Thayans lhenseIves punish such lreaso-
nous snuggIing vilh inslanl (or vorse, Iingering) dealh,
lul generous lriles ly lhe nerchanls of lhe cily keep
lhe zuIkirs forces avay.
The prinary funclion of Thayan forces here is lo Ievy
and coIIecl laxes on aII Iegilinale goods lhal pass
lhrough lhe cily. Wilh lheir naslers loughl off and lheir
aclions againsl snuggIers Iiniled, lhe hunan and gnoII
lroops in service lo lhe lharchion of Tyraluros nake up
for lheir fruslralion ly squeezing every copper piece oul
of lhe caravans lhey inspecl. Despile lhis, excessive lax-
alion is discouraged, for lhe zuIkirs are avare of lhe in-
cone caravans lring inlo Thay.
4 5
II: AgLanomo
n nar|c ccn|ras| |c |nc grin an cti| |an cf Tnaq, ncignocring Ag|arcn is a
p|casan| |an cf ccp uccs, ccp scas, an |cucring c|iffs. Ru|c oq |nc nqs-
|cricus ucnan |ncun as |nc Sinou|, cnc cf |nc Rc lizars ncs| inp|acao|c
cncnics, Ag|arcn is an inpcr|an| ccun|cr |c |nc grcuing s|rcng|n cf Tnaq
an nas cfca|c |na| |ans |cgicns cn sctcra| cccasicns. Gitcn i|s (ti|a| rc|c in
|nc ccn|inuing s|rugg|c agains| Tnaq, a gcc |ncu|cgc cf Ag|arcn, i|s |an, an i|s pccp|c is
inpcr|an| fcr oc|n |nc Harpcrs an anqcnc unc p|ans |c |ratc| in |nc rcgicn. lc rc|q fcr |nis
scc|icn cn rcpcr|s frcn |nc rangcr Ta|qssa S|rcngocu, a gcc fricn unc snarc ncr cxpcricnccs
in Ag|arcn ui|n us.
oIk speak of AgIarond (vhen il is spoken of al aII) as lhe Land of lhe Wilch-
Queen. The SinluI, viId and uninaginalIy poverfuI, is feared and respecled
Iaern-vide. Mosl are gralefuI for her conslanl vigiIance againsl Thay and quile openIy
acknovIedge lhal vilhoul her nagic, lhe Red Wizards vouId have spiIIed inlo lhe Inner
Sea. They are aIso gIad lhal she has lhe Thayans lo occupy her, lhe SinluI is sinpIy loo
poverfuI and inpeluous lo inspire lrusl in her nelhods and nolives. (See 9475 Tnc
Sctcn Sis|crs for fuII delaiIs of lhe SinluI.)
OoenoIeu o[ AgLanomo
Her suljecls, on lhe olher hand, are regarded as ordinary foIk vho have foughl
vaIianlIy (for cenluries lefore lhe SinluI ruIed lhen) againsl lhe incursions of lhe
eviI vizards. The AgIarondans keep lo lhenseIves, lul are considered exanpIes lo lhe
resl of ToriI of hov ordinary peopIe nay defend lhenseIves fron nagicaI and naIev-
oIenl forces.
AgIarond ilseIf is a Iand of greal leauly, isoIaled fron lhe resl of lhe vorId ly lhe Sea
of IaIIen Slars lo lhe norlh, soulh, and vesl, and ly lhe nenacing shadov of Thay in lhe
easl. The lovering peaks of lhe Tannalh nounlains and lhe vasl Unler Marshes prolecl
AgIaronds lorder vilh Thay, and lhose naluraI larriers are loIslered ly lhe forlresses
Lnnech and CIarondar and lhe nagicaIIy crealed WalchvaII. In lhe cenler of lhe
peninsuIa Iies lhe vasl enchanled Yuirvood. AgIaronds lerrilory conprises onIy lhe
Yuirvood and lhe norlhern coasl of lhe peninsuIa.
The nalion is a nonarchy, ruIed ly a king or queen vilh aid and advice fron a ruIing
counciI. The sociely of AgIarond is unique, divided equaIIy lelveen lhe hunans of lhe
coaslaI cilies and lhe haIf-eIves vho dveII in lhe ancienl and langIed Yuirvood. nce
hone lo a poverfuI nalion of eIves, loday lhe Yuirvood is lhe sile of ancienl ruins of un-
knovn pover and origin. Though differences lelveen lhe lvo races vere resoIved in var
Iong ago, a fev Iingering resenlnenls sliII sinner.
AgIarond, aIong vilh Rashenen, represenls lhe fronl Iine of resislance againsl lhe
Red Wizards and lheir schenes. Despile ils isoIalion fron lhe resl of Iaern, il is inpor-
lanl lhal conlacl vilh and supporl for AgIarond le nainlained.
4 6
he dense Yuirvood once covered lhe enlire AgIa-
rondan peninsuIa and vas hone lo lhe Yuir, a race
of Sy-TeIQuessir, or viId (green) eIves. Ancienl and
poverfuI, lhe Yuir naslered poverfuI nagic and luiIl
vondrous slone nenhirs and circIes in vhich lo perforn
lheir nyslicaI cerenonies.
HI s1on
As lhe cenluries passed, eIven pover vaned in lhe
Yuirvood, as eIsevhere. The foresl dvindIed and lhe
Yuir, hard-pressed ly nounlain lroIIs, drov, and even ly
confIicls anong lheir ovn lriles, relrealed vilh il.
During lhis line, coaslaI AgIarond renained IargeIy
unlouched, aIlhough a handfuI of relired hunan pirales,
refugees, and hernils scralched oul sellIenenls and
Iived as lesl lhey couId vhiIe avoiding lhe deplhs of lhe
The firsl vave of hunan fisherfoIk arrived in 756 DR,
noslIy coIonisls fron Chessenla seeking unspoiIed Iands
lo sellIe. Such sellIenenls as VeIprinlaIar, Corlh, and
IngdaIs Arn vere founded al lhis line, and lhey legan
lo grov and prosper.
SIovIy, hunan civiIizalion expanded inIand, luiIding
farns and viIIages, cIearing voodIand, and cIashing
vilh lhe eviI denizens of lhe Yuirvood~ovIlears,
slirges, drov, and lroIIs~as veII as vilh Iess naIevoIenl
leings such as lhe Yuir eIves and salyrs, vho vere none-
lheIess delernined lo defend lheir hones fron en-
Advenlurers fron across Iaern cane lo lhe region,
eager lo expIore lhe Yuirvood and lo earn revards fron
lhe fisherfoIk vho vanled lhe vood cIeared of ils nore
dangerous inhalilanls. The decade fron 87O lo 88O DR
vas a coIorfuI one in vhich nany loId vizards and var-
riors foughl, died, and evenluaIIy lriunphed lenealh lhe
dark green lranches and loughs of lhe Yuirvood. The
Yuir relrealed even furlher inlo lhe foresl, prolecling
lheir dvindIing nunlers vilh nagic of canoufIage and
varding. They lecane Iegends, rareIy gIinpsed ly
hunan invaders. By lhe 88Os, nosl of lhe ouler Yuir-
voods hosliIe species had leen exlerninaled or driven
oul, and lhe region vas open lo furlher expIoralion and
expIoilalion ly advenlurers, hunlers, fur lrappers, nin-
ers, and lhe Iike.
Iersislenl hunan advenlures finaIIy pierced lhe
deplhs of lhe voods, and lhere lhey discovered a sad
speclacIe. The Yuir eIves, once a proud and poverfuI na-
lion, had dvindIed lo a fev huddIed viIIages and no-
nadic lriles decinaled ly disease and varfare~and
nosl of aII ly lhal slrange naIaise vhich overcones
nany eIves vho veary of norlaI exislence and sinpIy
give up, going lo join lheir anceslors in Arvandor.
AIlhough lhe Yuir vere olviousIy in serious (and
prolalIy irreversilIe) decIine, lhe hunan advenlurers
nade conlacl vilh lhen nonelheIess, aiding lhen in
lheir slruggIes vilh lhe lroIIs and drov, lolh of vhon
vere evenluaIIy driven fron Yuirvood. As line passed,
lhe hunans graduaIIy inlernarried and ningIed vilh lhe
Yuir, crealing a nev race of haIf-eIves vho relurned lo
lhe voods vilh a nev vilaIily, recIaining nuch of lheir
eIven herilage.
MeanvhiIe, vilh lhe dangers of lhe Yuirvood IargeIy
eIininaled, lhe hunans of lhe coasl legan lo do vhal
lhey have done aII across ToriI: reproduce, expand,
found nev sellIenenls, and push lack lhe fronliers of
lhe ancienl viIderness. Iarns sprang up aIong lhe edges
of lhe Yuirvood, voodcullers collages vere luiIl
vilhin lhe vood ilseIf, and Iarge lracls of Iand vere
AII lhis did nol go unnoliced ly lhe haIf-eIven
descendanls of lhe Yuir. Afler nunerous denands for lhe
hunans lo desisl venl unansvered, lhe haIf-eIves de-
scended upon lhe hunans, overrunning lhe farns and
collages on lhe edge of lhe Yuirvood. Their hunan de-
fenders vere eilher driven oul or sIaughlered, and lhe
haIf-eIves advanced on lhe hunan coaslaI cilies.
Though nany hunans caIIed for negolialion and
peace, nosl of lhe coaslaI dveIIers lurned for revenge
and foughl lack againsl lhe haIf-eIven invaders. The
hunans von a fev skirnishes lul vere sleadiIy pushed
lack ly eIven druidic nagic and lhe fierceness of lhe
haIf-eIf varriors. The nain hunan arny vas finaIIy de-
fealed, perishing lo lhe Iasl nan al lhe BallIe of IngdaIs
Arn in 1O65 DR. Surviving hunans in olher sellIe-
nenls nade peace, and lhrough negolialion crealed lhe
nodern nalion of AgIarond.
A fev hunans refused lo share pover vilh lhe haIf-
eIves and nigraled lo AIlunleI. lhers sellIed in lhe
rugged Iands of lhe Iang, vhere lheir descendanls re-
nain loday, grin and enlillered.
Thal najorily of hunans (and a handfuI of haIfIings)
vho renained in AgIarond vorked vilh lhe haIf-eIves
4 7
lo creale a nev nalion. Brindor, lhe Ieader of lhe haIf-
eIves, vas chosen lo le lhe firsl king, vilh lhe assis-
lance of a counciI of advisors nade up of represenla-
lives fron aII AgIarondan sellIenenls. The surIy inhal-
ilanls of lhe Iang chose nol lo send represenlalives lo
lhe counciI lul vere sliII considered parl of AgIarond
Brindors reign vas narked ly severaI significanl ac-
conpIishnenls. He crealed lhe AgIarondan arny, luiIl
lhe forlress Lnnech and, vilh lhe assislance of lhe
gaIel duhr of Unlergolh and Tannalh, raised lhe
ciladeI CIarondar and lhe greal WalchvaII fron lhe
sluff of lhe earlh ilseIf. Lnnech quickIy shoved ils
vorlh, lurning lack Theskian raiders and keeping lhe
Iands norlhern lorders secure.
Brindors heir, AIlhon, legan a greal progran of irri-
galion, road luiIding, and carefuI huslandry of lhe
nuch shrunken voods of AgIarond. He Iived over a
cenlury, leconing knovn as AIlhon lhe Id. During
AIlhons reign, AgIarond vas eslalIished as a secure na-
lion, and nuch of lhe danage done lo lhe Yuirvood
vas repaired.
AIlhons eIdesl son LIlhond ruIed lul lriefIy, perish-
ing in lhe epic BallIe of Singing Sands. In lhal lallIe,
AgIaronds defenders drove lack lhe firsl Thayan inva-
sion, aIleil al a dear price. AIlhons second son Ihi-
Iaspur ruIed lhereafler lefore dying, in his lurn, vhiIe
fighling lhe Thayans al lhe lallIe of Brokenheads.
The lradilion of AgIarondan Ieaders dying al lhe
hands of lhe Thayans vas lroken ly IhiIaspurs lvo
daughlers, Thara and UIae. Knovn as lhe Cray Sislers
for lhe dral haliluaI coIor of lheir garnenls, lhey vere
lolh acconpIished vizardesses, fruslraling lhe invasion
allenpls of lhe nov-haled Thayans on severaI occa-
sions. Thara, lhe eIder, vas nore skiIIed in nagic and
dipIonacy, vhiIe UIae vas a laIenled niIilary Ieader and
doneslic ruIer. Il is said lhal each sisler forned haIf of
lhe perfecl nonarchy, vilh Thara enlodying lhe hearl
and UIae lhe nind. Ierhaps lhere vas nore lo lhis lhan
aIIegory, as lhe lvo sislers died vilhin a fev days of each
olher, in 1257.
Bolh sislers narried Ialer in Iife, Thara lo LIlhar of
MiIvarune (forning a lond vilh Thesk lhal survives lo
lhis day), and UIae lo lhe foresler IIion. UIaes son Ha-
Iacar look lhe lhrone upon lhe dealhs of his nolher and
aunl. The firsl fuII hunan lo hoId lhe lhrone (for a haIf-
eIf and a hunan produce hunan offspring), HaIacar vas
neilher sullIe nor vise, and in 126O he Ied his snaII
arny on a canpaign inlo Thay ilseIf, hoping lo punish
lhe Red Wizards for lheir repealed incursions.
The canpaign ended in disasler, vilh HaIacar and a
snaII handfuI of foIIovers slunlIing oul of lhe Unler
Marshes vilh Thayan-Ied lanarri in hol pursuil. nce
on lheir ovn Iand, lhe AgIarondans vere alIe lo lurn
lhe Thayans lack, lul HaIacar perished vilhin lhe year
of poisoning~aIlhough his nurderers idenlily vas
never discovered, nosl AgIarondans leIieve lhal he vas
yel anolher of lheir nonarchs sIain ly lhe Red Wizards
or lheir agenls.
HaIacars sisler IIione look lhe lhrone and ruIed vilh
caulion, sIovIy luiIding AgIarondan slrenglh and fend-
ing off lhe occasionaI Thayan pIol. An acconpIished
speIIcasler, she chose as her successor a nyslerious
vonan knovn onIy as lhe SinluI, vho vas knovn lo le
her apprenlice. IIione died in 132O of lhe pIague vhich
vas ravaging lhe Inner Sea, and lhe SinluI has ruIed
lhe Iand ever since vilh visdon and an avesone arsenaI
of nagicaI aliIilies.
The SinluI is knovn lo le one of lhe nosl poverfuI
sorcerers in Iaern (and possilIy ToriI), and her aliIi-
lies are equaI lo or grealer lhan such ceIelraled nages
as LIninsler of ShadovdaIe and KheIlen BIackslaff of
Walerdeep. Nov knovn as one of lhe Seven Sislers
and a poverfuI shapeshifler and pIane lraveIer, she is a
dedicaled foe of Thay. AIlhough she has leen knovn
lo disappear fron AgIarond for Iong periods, Ieaving
lhe counciI lo govern in her alsence, she aIvays re-
lurns. The Red Wizards hale lhe SinluI vilh a rare de-
gree of vehenence, even for lhen, and vouId do any-
lhing lo rid lhe vorId of her. Ior her parl, lhe SinluI
seens anused ly lhe vizards pelly allenpls al ven-
geance and does as she pIeases. In lhe vords of Walerd-
havian Mirl lhe MoneyIender, Thal Iady~she goes
her ovn vay.
4 8
gIarond is an unusuaI sociely in lhal ils popuIa-
lion and governnenl are lolh divided ly lvo dif-
ferenl and dislincl groups~hunans and haIf-eIves. AI-
lhough lhe lvo races once faced each olher vilh dis-
lrusl, fear, and even oulrighl vioIence, nosl have nan-
aged lo sel aside lheir differences. Confronled ly lhe
lhreal of Thay and ils Red Wizards, lhe AgIarondans
have crealed a uniled and peacefuI nalion.
PeopLe amo 5ocIe1
The hunans of AgIarond have nol slrayed far fron lheir
origins. They renain a race of slurdy, no-nonsense fish-
erfoIk, aIlhough lhey have since diversified, leconing
farners and herdsnen as veII. AgIarond renains an
agrarian and insuIar nalion, heId logelher ly ils ruIing
counciI and lhe conslanl lhreal of lhe Red Wizards.
The hunan cuIlure of AgIarond is independenl and
hardy. As a hoIdover fron lhe raciaI vars, lhe hunans
of AgIarond usuaIIy renain cIose lo coaslaI cilies. Iso-
Ialed fron lhe oulside vorId lolh ly geography and
choice, AgIarondan hunans granl lheir IoyaIly lul
sIovIy, yel lhey are failhfuI friends lo lhose vho earn
lheir lrusl. AgIarondans are knovn lhroughoul lhe Sea
of IaIIen Slars as a sinpIe and provinciaI lul earnesl
and lruslvorlhy foIk vho can le reIied on lo deaI fairIy
vilh oulsiders.
AIlhough lhey are, ly and Iarge, a serious and hard-
vorking peopIe, lhey enjoy reveIry and raucous ceIelra-
lion during lheir off-hours. AgIarondan leer and Iiquor
are sinpIe lul polenl, and lheir nen sing songs lhal vary
fron grin and heroic laIIads lo lrash, lavdy dillies sung
carefuIIy oul of lhe earshol of chiIdren and spouses.
In years gone ly, nany hunans harlored a deep re-
senlnenl and even halred lovard lhe haIf-eIves vho had
driven lhen fron lhe Yuirvood. Today, lhal senlinenl
has noslIy died oul, and lhe hunans of AgIarond happiIy
share pover vilh lheir haIf-eIven lrelhren. Mosl of lhose
hunans vho refused lo accepl lhe nev order nigraled lo
lhe vind-svepl Iand of AIlunleI, lul a fev renained le-
hind, inhaliling lhe lIeak sellIenenls of lhe Iang.
Today, lhose vho Iive lhere (oflen conlenpluousIy
caIIed |angcrs) are isoIaled and xenopholic, onIy lareIy
acknovIedging lheir roIe as AgIarondan cilizens.
AgIarondan hunans are of nixed herilage. The firsl
hunan sellIers originaled fron Iands aII around lhe Sea
of IaIIen Slars, and lhe fisherfoIk vho legan arriving in
lhe 75Os vere a dusky-skinned peopIe of Unlherile ex-
lraclion fron lhe ancienl nalion of Chessenla. Adven-
lurers and innigranls fron olher Iands added lo lhe
nix. Modern AgIarondans are a slurdy, dark-haired race
vilh lrovn or lIue eyes, vilh nen averaging 58 in
heighl, and vonen 52. They are nol exceplionaIIy
slrong lul are very lough and can endure greal hardship
vilhoul conpIainl.
A nolIey nix of cuIluraI herilages nakes AgIarondan
dress and decoralion highIy varied. In easlern AgIa-
rond~sker, Iurlhinghone, and DIusk~hunans vear
lunics and lrousers voven of lrighl coIors, enlroidered
vilh lIack lhread in a variely of naluraIislic pallerns
such as vines, roses, and alslracl designs. They favor siI-
ver and lronze jeveIry~rings, circIels, neckIaces, ear-
rings, and lraceIels.
The Iangers, inhalilanls of lhe cape knovn as lhe
Iang, are a dour and suspicious Iol and lheir dress refIecls
lhis, consisling of dark snocks vilh lrousers for nen and
skirls for vonen. Though lhey sonelines enlroider
lheir garnenls vilh goId or siIver lhread, personaI deco-
ralion and jeveIry is rare. Ianger nen vear feIl caps or
lroad-lrinned hals, lhe leller lo conceaI lheir cralled
and suIIen expressions.
The hunans of veslern AgIarond~Corlh, Ursl,
Urve, and IngdaIs Arn~lake nuch of lheir herilage
fron lhe pirales and olher oulIavs vho once Iived
lhere and oflen dress in fIanloyanl garnenls of con-
lrasling lul lasic coIors such as yeIIov and lIue or
lIack and vhile. Bandannas, headlands, ear- and
noserings, neckIaces, and jeveIed lrooches are favored,
lhough nosl sinpIe foIk cannol afford such expensive
ornanenlalion. Weslern AgIarondan everyday dress is
nore sinpIe~lrovn or vhile lunics vilh IillIe decora-
A slurdy, no-nonsense race, AgIarondan hunans have
IillIe use for nagic or lIalhering nyslics~lhe lad ex-
anpIe of lhe Red Wizards is laken ly nosl AgIarondans
as proof posilive lhal sorcery is a corrupling looI of
vickedness. Thal nany AgIarondan nonarchs (incIud-
ing lhe Iands currenl queen) have leen poverfuI vizards
is of IillIe consequence. Mosl nagic is lad, lhe AgIaron-
dans ralionaIize, lul il can le used for good ly especiaIIy
4 9
poverfuI or sainlIy individuaIs, vhich AgIarondan ruIers
unqueslionalIy are in lhe eyes of lheir suljecls. The
SinluI nay le a sorceress, lul lo her suljecls she is an
AgIarondan sorceress, and lherefore can do no vrong.
ShouId a connon cilizen (one nol gifled vilh lhe ex-
ceplionaI slrenglh of characler expecled of AgIarondan
kings and queens) dallIe in nagic, he or she is sure lo
cone lo grief.
Though lhe SinluI renains anused and sonelines
inpalienl vilh lhis opinion anong her suljecls, she has
nol soughl lo change il, perhaps leIieving lhe AgIaron-
dans allilude onIy loIslers lheir delerninalion in op-
posing lhe Red Wizards. Those fev AgIarondan chiIdren
vho dispIay nagicaI aplilude she lakes as her ovn ap-
prenlices (vilh lheir parenls pernission, of course,
vhich is usuaIIy eagerIy granled) and lrains lo serve lhe
nalion lo lhe lesl of lheir aliIilies. These vizards, caIIed
lhe Sinou|s Cni|rcn, oflen lraveI lhroughoul lhe Sea of
IaIIen Slars and lhe UnapprochalIe Lasl, valchfuI for
lhreals againsl AgIarond and serving as lhe SinluIs in-
The olher najor inhalilanls of AgIarond are lhe haIf-
eIves of lhe Yuirvood, vho ruIe lhe nalion in cooperalion
vilh lhe coaslaI hunans. These are lhe descendanls of
lhe once-proud Yuir, lhe viId eIves vho once ruIed Ag-
Iaronds inlerior~and vhose herilage vas saved lhrough
lhe inlervenlion of hunan advenlurers and hunlers.
AgIarondan haIf-eIves represenl lhe onIy najor popu-
Ialion descended fron hunans and viId eIves. They are
a leaulifuI peopIe, vilh coppery skin (sonelines vilh a
greenish linge) and lIack or lIonde hair. LIven poinled
ears are presenl in aloul 5O of aII haIf-eIven lirlhs.
Mosl haIf-eIves Iive in and around lhe Yuirvood,
hone of lheir eIven anceslors. They are divided inlo var-
ious faniIy and lrilaI groups and exisl al nany differenl
slages of cuIluraI deveIopnenl. Those haIf-eIves vho Iive
in cIose proxinily lo hunans have very hunan oulIooks
and personaIilies, Iive in houses or on farns, and ningIe
freeIy vilh lheir hunan feIIovs. The haIf-eIves of lhe
Yuirvood lend nore lovard lheir eIven herilage lhe fur-
lher one goes inlo lhe foresl, Iiving in snaII connunilies
luiIl in lhe lrees or cIearings, or, in exlrene cases, scrap-
ing oul exislences as nonadic hunler-galherers, aII lul
conpIeleIy rejecling lhe nodern nalion of AgIarond.
These viId haIf-eIves are avoided ly nosl olher AgIaron-
dans and are quile happy vilh lhe silualion.
UnIike lhe hunans of AgIarond, lhe haIf-eIves of
Yuirvood have fev quaIns aloul lhe praclice of nagic
aIlhough, as in lhe renainder of Iaern (vilh lhe excep-
lion of lhe enchanled isIe of Lverneel), eIven nagic has
dvindIed lo a nere shadov of ils forner seIf. Sone oId
vonen of lhe nonadic lriles sliII praclice lolenic
nagic (fuIIy descriled in 943O ||tcs cf |tcrncc|), vhich
invoIves lhe crealion of enchanled inages lhal generale
polenl nagicaI effecls.
The viId lriles of lhe inlerior aIso cIain knovIedge of
nany ancienl secrels of AgIarond. The enchanled slone
circIes of lhe deep voods, lhey cIain, sonelines acl as
doorvays lo olher vorIds and have in recenl years lecone
aclive once nore, aIIoving enchanled crealures, lolh na-
Iicious and lenign, lo enler AgIarond. WiId eIf slories aIso
leII of ancienl foresl spirils of near-godIike pover vhich
sIunler underground and have once nore, vilh lhe ex-
puIsion of lhe hunans fron Yuirvood, legun lo slir.
Ior lhe nosl parl, lhe haIf-eIves eilher acliveIy sup-
porl or al Ieasl do nol acliveIy oppose lheir union vilh
lhe hunans. A snaII group is runored lo exisl lhal ad-
vocales a var of exlerninalion in vhich lhe vioIenl, up-
slarl hunans of lhe coasl viII le driven inlo lhe sea. AI-
lhough lhere has leen no alsoIule proof lhal such a
group lruIy exisls, runors persisl nonelheIess.
As nighl le expecled, dress varies depending upon a
haIf-eIven connunilys Iocalion. HaIf-eIves vho Iive in
coaslaI regions or in proxinily lo hunans dress in lhe
slyIe of AgIarondan hunans, as descriled alove. Those
of lhe Yuirvood choose lo dress eilher in hunan slyIe or
in lhe nininaI slyIe of viId eIves: IoincIolhs, fur cIoaks,
and sonelines vilh lhe lalloos and conpIex lraids of
lhe Sy-TeIQuessir.
A fev hundred Hairfool haIfIings, originaIIy fron
Chessenla, nainlain farnsleads around Mesring in easl-
en AgIarond. As vilh nosl haIfIings, lhey are friendIy,
oulgoing, and oflen irrilalingIy oplinislic. They have
nainlained good reIalions vilh lolh lhe hunans and
lhe haIf-eIves lhroughoul AgIaronds hislory, and lheir
farns vere IargeIy spared during lhe var.
Gooenmmem1 amo PoLI1Ics
Since ils unificalion ly force al lhe hands of lhe haIf-
eIves in 1O65, AgIarond has leen ruIed ly a singIe
nonarch, vho chooses his or her ovn successor and is
advised ly a ruIing counciI vilh represenlalives fron aII
AgIarondan connunilies.
The counciI has 3O nenlers, 11 fron AgIaronds najor
cilies and 19 fron various viIIages, hanIels, and snaII sel-
lIenenls lhroughoul lhe Iand. AII connunilies vilh a
nayor of olher governing lody are enlilIed lo eIecl coun-
ciI nenlers, lul nol aII lake advanlage of lhe facl. The
Ianger cilies of Iindar and Dahsl, vhose cilizens refuse
even lo acknovIedge lhal lhey are AgIarondan, have
never senl represenlalives lo lhe counciI. In recenl lines,
a snaII lul groving ninorily in lhose cilies has caIIed for
fuII Ianger parlicipalion in lhe Iands governnenl.
There is nuch specuIalion regarding vho is lo suc-
ceed lhe SinluI, for she is infanous for disappearing
fron AgIarond for veeks on end, Ieaving lhe counlry in
lhe hands of her counciI. Il is said lhal she has, indeed,
chosen a successor and even connilled a nane lo paper.
The docunenl learing lhe nane is in lhe keeping of lhe
Harpers, lo le reveaIed onIy upon proof of lhe SinluIs
dealh. CurrenlIy, runor has il lhal lhe docunenl is heId
ly LIninsler or KheIlen BIackslaff, neilher of vhon
vouId le al aII viIIing lo share such infornalion.
The SinluI is undoulledIy lhe nosl poverfuI and ac-
live ruIer AgIarond has ever had. WhiIe her goaIs are
knovn onIy lo her, aulhorilies on lhe econonics of lhe
Inner Sea region have noled lhal lhe nalion has lecone
far nore open lo lrade in lhe years since she look lhe
lhrone. Thus far, she has conlinued AgIaronds poIicies
in reIalionships lo lhe surrounding reaIns: lrade and
peace lrealies vilh Thesk, friendIy connunicalions
vilh Rashenen, and a conslanl valchfuI eye on Thay.
AgIaronds econony is IargeIy seIf-conlained and seIf-suf-
ficienl. The Iand produces enough lo keep ils cilizens
prosperous, pIus a snaII surpIus for lrade. Though lhe
Iand has fev conlacls vilh lhe oulside vorId, a fev
lraders cone here lo exchange AgIarondan Iunler,
grain, gens, and copper for gIass, iron, lexliIes, and pro-
duce, AgIarondan lIood vine has lecone a lhriving ex-
porl since Aurcras lnc|c Rca|ns Ca|a|cguc nade il avaiI-
alIe lo lhe popuIace of Iaern. AgIarond has no lrade
fIeel of ils ovn, and ils cilizens are quile happy lo renain
al hone and keep visils fron foreigners lo a nininun.
Mosl of lhe coaslaI hunans are fisherfoIk, lhough a
sulslanliaI nunler lend farns and herd sheep, goals,
and covs. The haIfIings are successfuI farners, vhiIe lhe
haIf-eIves lend lo foIIov lhe prevaiIing econony of lhe
region lhey occupy. In hunan areas lhey fish and farn,
vhiIe lhose vho Iive cIoser lo lhe voods lend orchards,
hunl, or lraveI lhrough lhe Yuirvood as prinilive seni-
nonads. HaIf-eIves aIso crafl fine nusicaI inslrunenls
and arlvork fron vood and siIver.
Anmeo Fonces
AgIaronds arny has aIvays leen snaII lul skiIIed. The
eIile corps of Ioreslers, rangers in service lo lhe AgIa-
rondan crovn, occupy lhe Yuirvood, renaining in con-
lacl vilh nore prinilive haIf-eIven lriles and keeping a
cIose valch oul for invaders fron Thay or eIsevhere.
The luIk of AgIaronds arny~archers, pikenen, and a
snaII nunler of cavaIry~are slalioned in lhe forlresses
of CIarondar and Lnnech. These lroops are lhe fronl
Iine of AgIarondan defense, and are veII lrained and
equipped. A unil of griffon-riders is slalioned al CIaron-
dar, lul lhese are fev in nunler and are used prinariIy
for scouling and as dispalch riders.
AgIarond has no navy lo speak of lul uses snaII
coaslloals for lransporlalion. These loals, Iong canoe-
Iike crafl vilh oars and Ialeen-rigged saiIs, are found
lhroughoul AgIarond, on lhe coasl and aIong rivers. Ag-
Iarondan foreslers are especiaIIy adepl al using coasl-
loals for raids againsl invading forces.
AIlhough AgIaronds arned forces nay seen fev in
nunler, aII AgIarondans, even lhe oId and infirn, are
alIe and viIIing lo lake up arns lo defend lheir hone-
Iand. Iarners and fisherfoIk are nore lhan viIIing lo ex-
change pIovshares and fishing poIes for spears and pikes
if lhe need arises. The SinluIs snaII arny, no nore
lhan 6,OOO in lhe lesl of lines, couId easiIy sveII lo five
lines lhal size if lhe caII lo aclion goes oul.
AgLanomo's ReLIgIom
A slurdy and sensilIe foIk, lhe AgIarondans keep reIi-
gion in perspeclive. The gods exisl (lhey vaIked lhe
Iand during lhe Tine of TroulIes, didnl lhey`), lhe
AgIarondans say, lul as every lhinking leing knovs,
lhey lend lo slay oul of vorIdIy affairs, Ieaving norlaIs lo
choose lheir ovn fale. And lhal is hov il shouId le (so
lhe Iine of reasoning goes), for lhey are suljecl lo lhe
sane foilIes and Iinilalions as norlaIs, and if lhey lried
lo inlervene on ToriI disasler vouId sureIy resuIl (re-
nenler again lhe Tine of TroulIes)!
AII lhe sane, AgIarondans pay honage lo lhe gods,
lhough lhey have fev Iarge lenpIes. Chaunlea lhe Creal
Molher is favored ly farners, vhiIe fisherfoIk venerale
VaIkur lhe Mighly, a palron of saiIors, and SeIne, Iady
of lhe noon and slars. UnlerIee, eviI goddess of lhe sea,
is reIuclanlIy acknovIedged and is videIy heId in dis-
dain. HaIf-eIves vorship lhe hunan deilies vhich suil
lheir occupalions (as veII as foresl deilies such as
MieIikki and SiIvanus) or lhe SeIdarine, and nany pay
honage lo lolh in deference lo lheir nixed herilage.
There is no reaI prieslIy cIass in AgIarond, aIlhough lhe
fev reaI lenpIes in lhe Iand are slaffed vilh cIerics of lhe
appropriale reIigion. AgIarondans allend vorship services
dulifuIIy, or pay honage lo lhe gods in lheir ovn vay in
privale. Lilher is considered appropriale, and AgIaronds
conlinued prosperily is laken as proof of divine favor.
The Gods oI the YuIr
In addilion lo lheir reverence for lhe SeIdarine, lhe an-
cienl Yuir eIves vorshiped a panlheon of forgollen gods
lhal apparenlIy vanished vilh lhe decIine of lhe Yuir.
There have leen recenl slirrings lhal lhe gods of lhe
Yuir nighl soon relurn. A generaI descriplion of severaI
Yuir gods foIIovs.
Rc!kath nf thc InfInItc Branchcs. This poverfuI,
chaolic, and unprediclalIe deily resenlIes a lreanl of
enornous size. The Yuir cIained lhal he oflen slrode lhe
Iand and lhal greal foresls sprang up vhere his heavy,
rooled feel louched lhe ground. He vas a defender of lhe
Yuir lul sonelines viclinized lhen as veII, lransforn-
ing priesls inlo lrees and viIIages inlo foresls. Sone haIf-
eIves leIieve ReIkalh is sinpIy anolher face of lhe
IeafIord RiIIifane RaIIalhiI.
ZandI!ar thc Danccr. A leaulifuI and seduclive lIue-
skinned eIven vonan, ZandiIar vas a goddess of Iove
sonevhal Iike HanaIi CeIaniI and Sune, aIlhough her
porlfoIio vas nore orienled lovard passionale, physicaI
Iove, vhich lurned hol and quickIy lul evenluaIIy died
oul. She vas al once a joyfuI and lragic deily and is said
lo have used her feninine viIes lo gain vilaI infornalion
fron deilies of olher panlheons and lo persuade hunan
chieflains and kings lo Ieave lhe Yuir in peace. Her vor-
ship is siniIar lo lhal of lhe hunan deily Sharess.
E!Ikarashac. A nighly eIven varrior vho lore lhree
greal veapons: lhe spear Snana, vhich couId speak lo
eIven varriors of pure hearl and nolIe nind, lhe sIing
U|ata, lhal never nissed, and lhe cIul Mac|a|, vhich
couId onIy le vieIded in defense of lhe Yuir. LIikarashae
foughl nany of lhe Yuirs enenies and vas finaIIy Iifled
up lo Arvandor and nade a god.
||ncugn | rca|izc |na| ncs| pccp|c arc cn|q ninina||q
auarc cf Ag|arcns cxis|cncc, i| rcnains cnc cf |nc
ncs| ocau|ifu| an nagica| cf a|| |acrun |ans. Af|cr spcn-
ing a ccnsicrao|c ancun| cf |inc atcn|uring in |nc lcs|crn
Hcar||ans an |nc Graq |an cf Tnar, nq fani|iar uancr-
|us| ctcrcanc nc an | s|ar|c |cc|ing fcr scnc ncu |crri|crq
|c cxp|crc.
The Lamo
|cr|una|c|q fcr nc, nq fricn, |nc ui| c|f ruicss Acri-
|aqaa ucnan unc ccs nc| na|c fricns casi|qncn-
|icnc in passing |na| snc p|annc cn a |rip |c Ag|arcn in
crcr |c spca| ui|n |nc na|f-c|tcn nqs|ics unc innaoi| |nc
ccp in|cricr cf |nc Yuirucc. Snc inp|ic |na| |nis uas scnc
|in cf arcanc nissicn frcn Quccn An|arui| cf |tcrncc|,
ou| Acri|aqa sccns |c rc|isn ocing nqs|cricus an crqp|ic, sc
| can| oc ccr|ain una| ncr rca| nc|ita|icns ucrc.
lc spcn| qui|c a oi| cf |inc in Ag|arcn, an canc |c
|ctc an cncrisn |nc |an an i|s pccp|cs. Ag|arcn si|s in
cnc cf |nc ncs| uncntiao|c cf pcsi|icns in a|| |acrunfac-
ing cun |nc cti| cf |nc Rc lizars an ac|ing as |nc firs|
|inc cf cfcnsc agains| |nc zu||irs an |ncir scncncs. |n spi|c
cf |nis, i| rcnains a p|acc cf rarc pcacc an ocau|q, ncnc |c
s|rcng an gcn||c pccp|c unc cfcn |ncir |an |c |nc |as|
rcp cf o|cc.
frcn Taq|ssas rcpcr|
Though nol a parl of AgIarond proper, AIlunleIs prox-
inily lo lhe nalion necessilales ils incIusion here. This
slrelch of peninsuIa vas founded ly lhe Unlherile en-
pire in 163 DR lul vas inhaliled onIy ly ilineranl pi-
rales and lhe odd hernil or lvo Iooking lo escape fron
nore popuIaled donains. These vere joined in lhe
1O6Os ly lhe liller hunan refugees fIeeing fron lhe haIf-
eIves of lhe Yuirvood. Their descendanls are sliII ex-
lreneIy xenopholic and isoIaled (nore so lhan lhe in-
halilanls of lhe Iang), vary of oulsiders and oulvardIy
hosliIe lo nonhunans of any kind.
The refugees founded SpandeIiyon, sonelines caIIed
lhe Cily of Iirales ly AgIarondans. Despile ils nane,
fev pirales sellIe pernanenlIy in lhe cily or even slay in
ils valers for Iong. The reason for lhis is sinpIe: Since
her ascension lo lhe ruIership of AgIarond, lhe SinluI
has nade il aII loo cIear lhal she viII nol loIerale piracy
in AgIaronds valers. Caplured pirales are innedialeIy
pul lo dealh as agenls of Thay. Mosl pirales feeI lhal AI-
lunleI is sinpIy loo cIose lo her donain and choose nol
lo lenpl lhe SinluIs vralh.
The Coas1
Tnc ar| sca ncatc an pi|cnc ocnca|n us, |nrca|cning |c
upsc| cur |i|||c rcuoca|. A anp, c|inging fcg rcsc frcn |nc
Sca cf |a||cn S|ars an |nc sun ctcrnca uas a in, snc|q
qc||cu is| unicn sncnc cn|q fcco|q |nrcugn |nc cni||
| cas| a grin g|ancc a| Acri|aqa, ou| |nc si||q c|tcn cni| uas
s|i|| |caning prccaricus|q cu| ctcr |nc ua|cr, s|apping |nc sur-
facc in a curicus pa||crn.
Hcu nucn |cngcr c uc natc |c pu| up ui|n |nis fcc|isn-
ncss? | cnanc. | cn| |nin| qcur fricn is gcing |c
sncu up, an if uc s|aq cu| ncrc nucn |cngcr, |n afrai
qcu|| capsizc us.
Acri|aqa snusnc nc |cu|q an rc|urnc |c ncr s|apping.
Aorup||q, |nc oca| |urcnc, as if scnc|ning |argc na s|ruc|
us frcn oc|cu. Panic grippc nc|nc nc|icn cf qing a| sca,
sua||cuc oq scnc nugc na|ctc|cn| ocas| nas ncucr nc|
nucn appca|.
8u| |nc an|icipa|c sca ncns|cr ncucr na|cria|izcnc|
in |nc uaq | cxpcc|c, a| anq ra|c. A rcunc, uic-cqc
nca orc|c |nc surfacc ncar cur ocu.
5 3
|ni|ia||q, | uas appa||c. A sca|? | cnanc. Ycur
fricn is a gcs-o|as|c sca|?
Tncn |nc crca|urc ncis|c i|sc|f frcn |nc ua|cr, nau|ing i|-
sc|f in|c cur oca| ui|n |nc ai cf ucooc, nunan|i|c nans. |
s|arc in as|cnisnncn| as |nc crca|urc gazc a| nc, |ncn rc-
ncuc i|s s|in ui|n |nc casc cf a nunan rcncting a sui| cf
c|c|ncs, an cncrgc a nunan-sccning fcna|c ui|n |cng
grccn nair an uic, s|aring cqcs, ncr pa|c grccn s|in orign|
ui|n rcp|c|s cf cc| sca ua|cr.
| gapc. Ycurc . . . | s|u||crc. Ycurc a sc||ic?
Snc ncc, ou| i nc| spca|. As | |cc|c a| ncr, | fu||q
uncrs|cc ncu sc||ics in |ncir nunan fcrn ccu| casi|q s|ca|
|nc ncar|s cf |ncsc unc sau |ncn.
Tnis is Nqssa, Acri|aqa sai. Sncs a fricn cf ninc.
lc spcn| qui|c a |cng |inc in |na| |i|||c oca| ccntcrsing
ui|n Acri|aqas fricn, an |nc air cf ocau|q an cncnan|-
ncn| unicn snc orcugn| ui|n ncr i nc| cpar| un|i| Nqssa
rcsunc ncr sca|-fcrn an tanisnc ctcr |nc sic.
lc|ccnc, Acri|aqa sai af|cr Nqssa uas gcnc, |c |nc
scas cf Ag|arcn.
frcn Ta|qssas rcpcr|
Mosl of AgIaronds coaslIine consisls of rocky cIiffs and
occasionaI vhile sand leaches fringed vilh scrul oak or
leachgrass. Cilies are luiIl aIong lhe inIels of rivers or in
IovIands lelveen lhe cIiffs on vide leaches or sur-
rounding shoreIine. The AgIarond coasl is a viId and
rocky pIace, periodicaIIy Iashed ly heavy rains or
svalhed in coId, cIinging nisls.
Beyond lhe rocky exlenls of AgIaronds coasl, lhe Sea
of IaIIen Slars drops off sharpIy inlo a deep lrench. Sea-
sonaI upveIIing, vhen varn valer rises lringing nulri-
enls up fron lhe deplhs, provides AgIarond vilh rich
fishing grounds.
Many fish species inhalil AgIaronds valers: hake,
luna, cod, oceanic saInon, soIe, haIilul, and olher edilIe
varielies. AgIarondan fishing vesseIs rareIy cone hone
vilh enply nels, lhough lhe hazards of lhe high seas are
consideralIe. VioIenl slorns oflen appear vilh IillIe
varning, and lhe lIack, unpIunled deplhs of lhe AgIa-
rondan seas harlor nany hosliIe crealures, sone of vhich
rise lo lhe surface vreaking lerror and havoc upon lhose
unIucky enough lo le in lhe vicinily. Kraken, norkolh,
sahuagin, and dragon lurlIes have aII leen encounlered
in and around AgIarond, aIong vilh Iess naIevoIenl
species such as hippocanpi, sea Iions, and lrilon. Sone
reporls leII of aqualic eIf lriles seen in lhe area, lul lhese
have never leen independenlIy confirned.
Civen lhe ancienl and nyslic nalure of nuch of AgIa-
ronds lerrilory, il is nol surprising lhal severaI rare, en-
chanled species such as seIkies, sirines, and narid have
aIso leen encounlered. The haIf-eIves of AgIarond le-
Iieve lhal a greal sea-god inhalils lhe sea nearly, keeping
valch over a lerrilIe sea-gianl vho vas inprisoned here
cenluries ago. CerlainIy lhe diversily and rare leauly of
AgIaronds coasl is unusuaI, lul vhelher lhis is due lo di-
vine neans or nol is a naller of individuaI leIief.
The Famg
This Ione, rocky prononlory, knovn as lhe Iang or
Soulh Iang, exlends oul inlo lhe deep valers of lhe Sea
of IaIIen Slars. The AgIarondan cilies of Iindar and
Dahsl are Iocaled aIong lhe Iang, aIlhough ils far
reaches are craggy and larren vilh fev good Iocalions
for sellIenenls. The renainder of lhe cape, conlinuaIIy
lallered ly slorns and heavy seas, renains IargeIy unsel-
lIed save for lhe huls of a fev sheep and goalherders.
The peopIe of lhe Iang, knovn coIIoquiaIIy ly lhe
ralher derogalory noniker Iangers, are surIy and suspi-
cious. Mosl are descendanls of hunans dispIaced ly lhe
haIf-eIves in lhe 1O6Os, and lhey harlor a generalions-
Iong grudge againsl nonhunans. The Iang harlors nei-
lher inns nor friendIy houses, for oulsiders are nol veI-
cone here.
The counlry is virluaIIy uninhaliled al lhe exlrene
lip of lhe Iang, vhere lhe valer foans vivid lIue-green
in sunner, lIack in vinler, and lhe vaporous spouls of
nigraling vhaIes can le seen in lhe spring. Reefs in lhis
area are lreacherous and vrecked nany ships lefore lhe
SinluI decIared lhal a Iighlhouse nusl le luiIl lhere.
The Iang Lighl nov slands al lhe end of lhe Iang, a
gIeaning vhile lover vhere a nagicaI Iighl lurns day
and nighl. A singIe keeper lends lhe Iighl~a vizard
naned Thynar vho lreasures lhe soIilude his posilion
provides lul never lurns avay lhose fev lraveIers vho
venlure inlo lhis region. Thynar prolalIy offers lhe
onIy hospilaIily lhal oulsiders can find aIong lhe Iangs
desoIale Iandscape.
The pirale QueIzur Naisnen (LL hn InvI4), a rene-
gade Red Wizard vho roans lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars, has
halched a pIan lo lake over lhe Iighlhouse, exlinguish
ils Iighl, and pIunder lhe vesseIs vhich vreck lhen-
seIves on lhe reef, lul so far he has nol yel pul his
schene inlo aclion.
lc s|ir|c |nc Yuirucc fcr sctcra| ncurs, guiing cur ncrscs
a|cng narsnq s|rcan oan|s an |nrcugn grassq g|acs sur-
rcunc oq s|a|c|q ca|s an ui||cus. A| |cng|n uc rcacnc a
tas| sq|tan ncacu, ni|cs acrcss, fcrnc oq a grca| scnicir-
cu|ar nc||cu cf |nc Yuirucc. || uas an ctcn grccnsuar,
orc|cn ncrc an |ncrc oq cc|crfu| c|unps cf ui|f|cucrs, an
ui|n spinncqs cf cc||cnucc, o|uco|csscn, an aspcn. lni|c
cc||cnucc f|uff o|cu |nrcugn |nc air, an gcn||c oirscng
ccncc in cur cars as uc rcc s|cu|q, nci|ncr aring |c spca|.
Tnc ncacus ocau|q sccnc qui|c ancicn|, an a|ncs|
a|itcacu|c|q auarc cf us as uc ncuc acrcss i|. On sctcra|
cccasicns | fancic |na| | sau quic| nctcncn| cu| cf |nc ccr-
ncr cf nq cqc, an |uicc ncar a nign, |in||ing |augn|cr, fain|
an far auaq, as if o|cun cn an crran| orcczc.
lna| is |nis p|acc? | fina||q as|c. |s i| cncnan|c?
Acri|aqa sni|c. Tnis is |nc Ha|cncs, snc sai. ||s
tcrq c|, an |ncq saq i|s a fairq g|ac.
frcn Ta|qssas rcpcr|
The HaIendos is a vasl grassy neadov al lhe edge of lhe
Yuirvood. A hunan cily vas founded here nany years
ago, lul lhe haIf-eIves lurned lhe sellIenenl lo lhe
ground during lhe var. A snaII viIIage has since grovn
up on lhe sile of lhe oId cily, lul nosl of lhe HaIendos
renains in ils originaI slale. Il is said lhal in oId days lhe
neadov vas a neeling sile for lhe green eIves vho once
Iived here, and lhal a fairy circIe Iies in ils cenler, nov
overgrovn vilh grass and fIovers. Legends hoId lhal lhe
circIe relains nuch of ils pover, and each nighl afler
noonrise enchanled crealures such as spriles, nixies,
sphinxes, unicorns, and svannays galher here. The cir-
cIe is aIso said lo drav hosliIe crealures such as nino-
laurs, chinerae, and nanlicores as veII, so lraveIers
shouId le carefuI of lhe region afler dark.
During lhe day, pixies and spriles hide in lhe neadov,
occasionaIIy pIaying harnIess pranks on passers-ly or
Iurking al lhe edge of vision and giggIing IighlIy. Sone
5 5
lrees here are said lo harlor dryads, and lhe fanous ad-
venlurer TorvaI IronheIn vas slruck dead ly a dryad he
offended vhiIe lraveIing in lhe HaIendos.
Narrov slreans fIov lhrough lhe HaIendos, and sone
are unnaluraIIy fiIIed vilh fish, frogs, crayfish, and sini-
Iar crealures. WhiIe il nighl le easy for lhe hungry lrav-
eIer lo calch his or her dinner in lhe HaIendoss slreans,
caulion shouId le laken, for nixies Iive here as veII, and
sone do nol appreciale oulsiders sleaIing lheir lounly.
Words of apprecialion lo lhe nixies and lo any olher un-
seen forces in lhe neadov, spoken once vhiIe facing in
each cardinaI direclion, are usuaIIy sufficienl lo foreslaII
any lruIy dangerous nischief fron lhese crealures.
The Im1enIon UpLamos
As uc rcc scu|n frcn Vc|prin|a|ar, |nc ccun|rq arcun us
grcu ui|cr an |css sc|||c, an ctcn|ua||q a|| signs cf
nunan naoi|a|icn na tanisnc. Tnis, | nc|c, |css |nan a
aqs ric frcn |nc sc|||c ccas||inc.
|s |nc cn|irc in|cricr |i|c |nis? | as|c Acri|aqa.
Snc ncc, uc|ing |c atci |nc |cu-nanging orancncs cf
an ancicn| ca| |rcc.
|| usc |c oc nucn ncrc ncati|q sc|||c, ocfcrc |nc uar
oc|uccn |nc nunans an |nc Cna-Tc|Qucssir, |nc grccn c|f
rcp|ic, using ncr pccp|cs |crn fcr na|f-c|tcs. Tncrc ucrc
nanq farns|cas ncrc, ou| |ncq ucrc ctcrrun an aoan-
cnc. |cc|, ctcr |ncrc.
| |urnc nq gazc in |nc ircc|icn nq ccnpanicn pcin|c.
Tncrc, ncar|q nicn ocnca|n crccpcrs an o|ac|ocrrq tincs,
|aq |nc snapc cf an c| farn ncusc, i|s uincus cnp|q an
ar| an i|s rccf par|ia||q cc||apsc. A|| arcun, |nc cncc-cu|-
|ita|c |an na rc|urnc |c |nc ui|, ui|n tincs coscuring c|
oui|ings, grasscs an |nis||cs grcuing in |uxurian| prcfusicn.
| rca|izc |na| |nc |rai| uc rcc cun, ncu a|ncs| ccn-
p|c|c|q coscurc, na cncc occn a uagcn rca, ui|n fcnccs cn
ci|ncr sic. Tnc fcnccs na fa||cn cr ucrc nicn oq |usn fc-
|iagc, an |nc ricn frui| |rccs unicn na |inc |nc rca ncu
grcu frcc|q, unprunc, nung ui|n ncss an nis||c|cc. Tnc
sun app|c |nc rca anca, an a ccc| orcczc ruff|c |nc
aounan| |catcs.
||s sa in a uaq, | sai, ou| i|s a|sc (tcrq ocau|ifu|.
Acri|aqa ncc. | agrcc. Snc rcacnc up an pu||c
|uc ripc grccn pcars frcn a ncaroq |rcc. lc can a| |cas| oc
gra|cfu| |na| |nc farncrs |cf| us ui|n |uncn, ncuctcr.
frcn Ta|qssas rcpcr|
Beyond lhe AgIarondan seacIiffs lhe Iand changes lo
roIIing hiIIs, Iush farnIand, and occasionaI slands of
lrees. WiIIov, vhile oak, aIder, lirch, and collonvood
are connon, groving lhicker and viIder as one noves
soulh fron lhe coasl and approaches lhe cIose-in
reaches of lhe Yuirvood. The presence of such species as
duskvood, siIverlark, and lhe rare veirvood, oflen
hone lo dryads or olher fey species, is evidence of an-
cienl eIven inhalilalion of lhe region.
WhiIe hunan and haIf-eIven farns are connon
vilhin 1O niIes or so of lhe coasl, lhey lecone rarer and
evenluaIIy vanish aIlogelher al lhe fringe of lhe Yuir-
vood. nce, farns vere connon lhroughoul lhis area,
lul lhe haIf-eIven canpaign againsl encroaching hu-
nans drove lhe farners oul and Iefl lheir farns lo decay
and relurn lo lhe Iand. Houses sIovIy vealhered avay,
nov covered in vines and sprouling noss and grass,
fences feII inlo disrepair, and oId fieIds have graduaIIy
lransforned inlo neadovs, ponds, or narshes.
Rivers and associaled narshIand are connon aIong
lhe edges of lhe Yuirvood as veII. Crasses, callaiIs,
rushes, lhislIes, and narshIand pIanls grov in profusion,
and lhe sliII valers of lhe narshes aIso serve as halch-
eries for hordes of voracious nosquiloes, vhich annoy
lraveIers in lhe region. WiIIov, aIder, sycanore, and oak
rise najeslicaIIy fron lhe shores of rivers or fron grassy
isIands in lhe nidsl of narshIand.
The Iands lelveen lhe coasl and lhe Yuirvood are
IoneIy lul leaulifuI pIaces, vhere sone of lhe fey crea-
lures fron lhe foresl have legun lo venlure once nore.
Spriles and pixies, lrovnies and dryads, and nereids and
nynphs have aII leen reporled aIong lhe edges of Yuir-
vood and leyond. Less savory crealures such as lanshees,
greenhags, lroIIs, and lhe dreaded annis have aIso leen re-
porled in lhe region of Iale, as veII as severaI varielies of
Iycanlhrope. Il nay le lhal lhe viId Iands of AgIarond,
once lhoughl lo le cIeared of hosliIe crealures, are grov-
ing hazardous again, aIlhough vhy lhis is no one knovs.
RIoen Umben
riginaling in Thay and fIoving dovn pasl lhe Unler-
golh and inlo lhe Sea of DIurg, lhe Unler forns a nal-
uraI larrier lelveen AgIarond and Thay (and AgIarond
and Thesk). Though severaI fish species dveII in lhe
river, nosl AgIarondans refrain fron fishing lhe Unler,
fearing lhal lhe Thayans nighl have sonehov nanaged
lo poison or olhervise lainl lhe valers.
The 5ea o[ DLung
More of a firlh or lay lhan a lrue sea, lhe DIurg Iies le-
lveen AgIarond and Thesk. The cilies of DIusk and
sker and lhe Theskian sellIenenl of MiIvarune Iie on
lhe DIurg and reIy on ils lounly. ne of lhe richesl fish-
ing grounds in lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars, lhe DIurg is veII
sheIlered fron incIenenl vealher and conlains fev hos-
liIe aqualic species.
5hoan Pass
This lroad gap, varying fron a hundred yards vide in
pIaces lo 1O niIes in olhers, Iies lelveen lhe Tannalh
and lhe jagged exlenls of Unlergolh. WhiIe lhis nighl
seen Iike an ideaI invasion roule inlo AgIarond, ils easl-
ern approaches are guarded ly lhe Unler Marshes and
lhe River Unler ilseIf, so lhal gelling lo lhe Shyvar
Iass is a deadIy advenlure in ilseIf. To lhe soulh Iies lhe
WalchvaII and lhe forlress CIarondar, vilh ils garrison
dravn fron lhe snaII AgIarondan arny. SnaII palroIs of
cavaIry ride lhrough lhe pass al reguIar inlervaIs, naking
sure lhal lhe Thayans arenl up lo any nischief, lul fev
AgIarondans lake lhe lhreal of invasion lhrough lhe
Shyvar Iass seriousIy.
5ImgImg 5amos
This slrelch of vind-lIovn dunes, dolled vilh cIunps of
dry grass and slunled lrees, Iies aIong lhe norlhern lank
of lhe River Unler. Here, in 1194 DR, an invading
Thayan arny vas nel and defealed ly lhe forces of King
LIlhond. Il vas nol an easy fighl, and AgIarondan casu-
aIlies vere heavy, incIuding LIlhond hinseIf. The lrillIe
noraIe of Thayan forces vas lo lIane for lheir defeal,
for severaI gnoIIish Iegions, upon hearing a runor lhal
lhe AgIarondans vere allacking fron lhe rear, lroke and
fIed al a cruciaI nonenl. In lhe vake of lhe lallIe, lhe
vonen of AgIarond vandered lhe lallIefieId, cIaining
lhe lodies of lhe sIain, veeping, and inloning singsong
funeraI chanls fron vhich lhe region gol ils nane.
Singing Sands is of IillIe inporlance leyond ils his-
loricaI roIe and lhe facl lhal il is reguIarIy palroIIed ly
AgIarondan cavaIry fron Lnnech. As a possilIe
Thayan invasion roule, Singing Sands renains in AgIa-
rondan hands, due lo ils nininaI econonic significance,
lhe Theskians are conlenl lo Ieave il al lhal.
The 5umgLaoe
lni|c ui|nin |nc Yuirucc cnc nign|, uc canpc a|cng |nc
cgc cf a fcrcs| c|caring, unicn Acri|aqa |c| nc uas ca||c
|nc Sung|ac. || uas nucn |i|c |nc Ha|cncs in appcarancc,
|ncugn nucn sna||cr, ou| Acri|aqa pcin|c cu| a circ|c cf an-
cicn| s|aning s|cncs ncar |nc ccn|cr. Dcspi|c Acri|aqas a-
ncni|icns, | apprcacnc |nc circ|c |c inspcc| |nc s|cncs an
|ncir ucr|nansnip. Tc nq surprisc, |ncq sccnc rc|a|itc|q
ncu, as if |ncq na cn|q rcccn||q occn quarric, an ucrc
cctcrc in c|aocra|c zccncrpnic inagcs an tcrq c| |spruar
runcs. |acn s|cnc ocrc an inscrip|icn |c a iffcrcn| ncnocr
cf |nc Sc|arinc, |nc pan|nccn cf c|tcn gcs, ou| scccn,
sna||cr ring cf s|cncs in |nc ccn|cr cf |nc circ|c ocrc ncrc
nqs|cricus inscrip|icns as|ing |nc ai an prc|cc|icn cf sucn
unfani|iar pcucrs as Rc||a|n cf |nc |nfini|c 8rancncs, Zani-
|ar |nc Danccr, ||i|arasnac, an Magnur |nc 8car.
lnc arc |ncsc? | as|c. |tc nctcr ncar cf |ncn.
Acri|uqa |cc|c a| nc ui|n unccr|ain an ncrtcus cqcs.
Tncq ucrc |nc gcs cf |nis p|acc, snc sai. Tnc Yuir ucr-
snipc |ncn. || is sai |na| |ncq |itc s|i||, s|unocring ocnca|n
|nc car|n cf Yuirucc, an ui|| scnc aq rc|urn.
A oricf cni|| ran up an cun nq spinc. Min qcu, | an
ancng |nc ncs| scricus, nc-ncnscnsc initiua|s qcu ucu|
ctcr uan| |c ncc|. | oc|ictc in |nc gcs, an ctcn ucrsnip |ncn
frcn |inc |c |inc, ou| | prcfcr i| if |ncq jus| nac i| rain, |cp|
ncns|crs frcn ca|ing us a||, an c|ncruisc |cf| us a|cnc.
|n |na| ncncn|, | fc|| a prcscncc in |nc s|cnc circ|c cf |nc
Sung|acancicn| an far auaq, ou| tcrq nucn a|itc. An
|nc ncs| is|uroing |ning uas |nc is|inc| scnsa|icn cf ncs|i|i|q
unicn uasnc ctcr nc. || uas c|, an i| s|i|| s|cp|, ou| i|
ncs| assurc|q i nc| |i|c nc.
Ncc|css |c saq, | |cf| |nc circ|c ui|n grca| nas|c an i
nc| rc|urn.
frcn Ta|qssas rcpcr|
Anid lhe confines of lhe Yuirvood is lhis pIeasanl,
sunny gIade, guarded ly ancienl viIIovs and inhaliled
ly lullerfIies and songlirds. In lhe cenler of lhe Sun-
gIade is a circIe of nenhirs, nagicaIIy prolecled againsl
aging. This circIe vas dedicaled lo lhe vorship of lhe
SeIdarine, lul aIso lo lhose viIder, Iess prediclalIe spirils
lhal dveIIed in lhe deplhs of lhe Yuirvood. The Yuir
alandoned lhe sile cenluries ago as lhey relrealed inlo
lhe vood, lul lheir enenies, lhe lroIIs and drov, vere
unalIe lo deslroy lhe sile. Those vho lried died or van-
ished nysleriousIy, so lhe circIe vas Iefl aIone.
Sone haIf-eIven lriles have relurned lo lhe circIe in
recenl years and legun lo vorship lhe oId spirils. Sone
even go so far as lo cIain lhal lhe spirils~ReIkalh, Zan-
diIar, Magnar, and olhers~have legun lo slir fron sIun-
ler and viII soon relurn. LxaclIy vhal lhese Iosl deilies
are and vhal forn lhey viII lake vhen lhey relurn is
anyones guess, lul nany haIf-eIves cIain lhal al Ieasl
sone of lhen are hosliIe lo hunans and nighl vish lo
drive lhe inlerIopers fron AgIarond.
Tannalh is lhe coIIeclive nane for lhe craggy noun-
lains lhal heIp guard AgIaronds easlern fronlier. TaII,
rugged fauIl lIock nounlains, lhe Tannalh are consid-
ered unscaIalIe lul are fIanked ly vide passes: Tannalh
Cap lo lhe vesl, and Shyvar Iass, lelveen lhe Tannalh
and Unlergolh, lo lhe easl. Bolh passes are prolecled
ly lhe Unler Marshes and lhe River Unler, so AgIa-
rondan palroIs, originaling in lhe forlress of CIarondar,
are nininaI.
Due lo lheir sleep sIopes and lare lerrain, lhe peaks of
lhe Tannalh have never leen sellIed. Criffons nesl al
lhe highesl reaches of lhe nounlains, and ancienl gaIel
duhr Iive deep in lhe Tannalh, far fron hunan halila-
lion. The ranges prinary funclion is as an aInosl in-
penelralIe ranparl lelveen AgIarond and Thay, one
vhich can onIy le crossed ly fIying lroops.
Tamma1h Gap
The narrov slrelch of fIalvoods lelveen Tannalh and
lhe River Unler, opposile Singing Sands, is knovn as
Tannalh Cap. The Caps lerrain is sofl and danp, cov-
ered vilh lIue-needIe pine and fir. A fev hardy vood-
cullers and hunlers caII lhe Cap hone, Iiving in snaII
calins or collages aIong lhe Tannalh piednonl vhere
lhe cIinale is cooI and pIeasanl.
WiIdIife incIudes deer and snaIIer nannaIs such as
fox, squirreI, ladger, raccoon, and opossun. llers and
leavers inhalil slreans, vhiIe havks, crovs, and herons
are aII connon sighls in lhe skies overhead. Cougar and
calh shee, possilIy descendanls of lhose kepl ly lhe re-
gions originaI eIven inhalilanls, are aIso found in lhe
voods of Tannalh Cap.
There are fev enchanled and unnaluraI crealures in
lhe Cap. Sone hunlers cIain lhal years ago lhey kiIIed a
gIoluIar, a lenlacIed crealure vhich speved forlh vari-
ous olher horrific nonslers~a descriplion lhal nalches
lhe dreaded deepspavn, prolalIy pIanled here ly drov
or Thayans inlenl on nischief. Criffons are sonelines
seen fIying fron lhe Tannalh, and sone leIieve lhal a
snaII cIan of verefoxes inhalils lhe voods, lul lhese
nay onIy le viId laIes.
The AgIarondans rareIy palroI lhe Cap, since ils
cIose-in lerrain vouId le rough going for any invader.
The lovering ranparls of Unlergolh, lhe laIIesl noun-
lain in AgIarond, sland guard over lhe nalions easlern
lorders. To lhe norlh Iies Shyvar Iass, ilseIf guarded ly
lhe Unler Marshes, and lo lhe soulh lhe WalchvaII.
Unlergolh ilseIf has never leen scaIed, and ils Iofly
peak is aIvays cIad in snov, even in lhe hollesl days of
sunner. Criffons, hippogriffs, and gianl eagIes have aII
leen sighled near Unlergolh, and sone slories nenlion
asperii, lhe rare fIying horses aIso knovn as vindsleeds,
occasionaIIy visiling lhe nounlain.
Umben Nanshes
This innense slrelch of logs, shaIIov slreans, svanpIand,
and nudfIals Iies in a no-nans-Iand lelveen Thay and Ag-
Iarond. As such, lhey are considered lo le AgIaronds firsl
Iine of defense, for a direcl assauIl on lhe nalion vouId
have lo pass lhrough lhis disnaI and dangerous region.
AII lul inpassalIe, lhe Unler Marshes are aIso hone
tn nany dangerous aninaI species incIuding gianl
Ieeches, poisonous snakes, hydrae, shanlIing nounds,
and lroIIs as veII as cIouds of slinging insecls vhich
carry various diseases.
WhiIe lhe Unler Marshes acl as an effeclive larrier
againsl Iiving opponenls and have foiIed Thayan allacks
on severaI occasions, lhey hoId IillIe lerror for Thayan
undead lroops, vho nindIessIy narch lhrough lhe re-
gion heedIess of lheir ovn Iosses.
The Va1chuaLL
This inpressive Ienglh of soIid slone prolecls AgIaronds
veslern fronlier, slrelching fron lhe forlress cily of
CIarondar lo lhe sIopes of Unlergolh. BuiIl during lhe
reign of King Brindor, lhe vaII vas raised ly lhe gaIel
duhr of Tannalh and Unlergolh in exchange for an un-
knovn nagicaI service. The vaII is sonelines referred
lo as lhe Cianls WaII due lo lhe popuIar leIief lhal il
vas luiIl ly gianls ralher lhan gaIel duhr.
The vaII is conpIeleIy seanIess, 3O feel in heighl and
1O feel vide, unlroken ly gale or vindov. The Walch-
vaII is nolhing Iess lhan an arlificiaI nounlain luiIl lo
vilhsland allack. Barracks and olher snaII luiIdings
have leen conslrucled aIong lhe easlern side, and unils
of AgIaronds snaII arny palroI ils Ienglh. Beyond lhe
vaII Iies lhe grin desoIalion of lhe Unler Marshes, fron
vhich undead Iegions or olher ninions of lhe Red Wiz-
ards sonelines energe.
The YuInuooo
Tnc ccc| grccn uccs c|csc in arcun us as uc rcc. |ra-
gran| firs an c|ica|c-|cafc a|cr crcuc |cgc|ncr, rising
frcn a ricn carpc| cf uncrorusn, an sun|ign| frcn ctcrnca
app|c |nc fcrcs| f|ccr ui|n a ucating pa||crn cf |ign|.
Mq pccp|c cncc |itc ncrc, Acri|aqa sai, quic||q. Tnc
Yuir ucrc ui| c|tcs unc innaoi|c |ncsc uccs ccn|urics
lna| nappcnc |c |ncn? | as|c.
Snc snruggc. Tnc sanc |ning |na| nappcnc |c ncs| cf
nq pccp|c. Tncq ic cu| frcn iscasc, uarfarc . . . pcrnaps
ctcn ocrccn. Tncsc unc i nc| sai| |c |tcrncc| in|crorc
ui|n |nc nunans unc cc|cnizc |nc arca an ncu |ncq arc a||
frcn Ta|qssas rcpcr|
AIlhough lhe coaslaI cilies are vilaI lo AgIaronds soci-
ely and econony, lhe nalions hearl Iies deep in lhe
shadovy reaches of lhe Yuirvood. AIong ils edges,
5 9
vhich are prinariIy Iov-Iying velIands, lhe Yuirvood is
conposed prinariIy of collonvood, aIder, and viIIov.
As ils eIevalion graduaIIy rises lovard ils dark and
crovded cenler, lhe proporlion of dry cIinale species
such as napIe, fir, dogvood, and henIock increases.
Shruls aIong lhe foresl fIoor incIude vine napIe, fire-
veed, goaslleard, sedge, and severaI differenl species of
fern and lerry~lIacklerry, snovlerry, servicelerry,
saIaI, saInonlerry, and viId slravlerry. Iev lraveIers
Iosl in lhe Yuirvood risk slarvalion, for lhose vho prefer
redder fare, connon aninaIs incIude squirreI, fox, lear,
cougar, Iynx, rallil, ladger, skunk, and porcupine.
Yuirvood is an ancienl and nyslicaI vood. AIlhough
hunan encroachnenl drove nuch of lhe Iands en-
chanlnenl avay, loday lhe Yuirvood nay le sIovIy re-
gaining sone of ils Iosl nagic under lhe guardianship of
ils haIf-eIven inhalilanls.
ne conlinuous piece of nagic has kepl AgIarond
safe for cenluries, lhough nosl are conpIeleIy unavare
of il. In lhe sinpIesl lerns, lhe Yuirvood sinpIy pre-
venls deleclion, spying, and Iocalion nagic fron scrying
inlo ils deplhs. Il does nol lIock lhe vood conpIeleIy
fron nagicaI sighl, a vizard peering al lhe Yuirvood
lhrough a cryslaI laII sliII sees lhe vood, lul he cannol
spy inlo any specific Iocalion, nor can he nagicaIIy lrack
any individuaI in lhe vood. The vizard is nol avare of
lhis olslruclion, il appears lo hin as if lhere are no sig-
nificanl Iocalions, or lhal lhe individuaI he seeks is nol
in lhe vood.
As an exlension of lhis, lhe peninsuIa is regarded as
an uninporlanl lil of Iand vilh no fealures of nole. The
sullIe nagic of lhe Yuirvood causes peopIe lo sinpIy
overIook,, AgIarond as lhey consider lhe ReaIns. This
fealure has delerred lhe Red Wizards al various lines, as
lheir inpression of lhe Iand vas nol vorlh conquer-
ing. As AgIaronds hislory indicales, lhis proleclion is
far fron perfecl, delernined Red Wizards have over-
cone lhis eIusive effecl and proceeded lo allack. The
nagic delers onIy casuaI olservers, nol lhose vilh
vendellas or sel agendas.
The deepesl and nosl renole seclions of Yuirvood
are lruIy ancienl, hoIding nany signs of lhe regions orig-
inaI inhalilanls. Slone circIes and nenhir, oflen over-
grovn vilh grass or noss, are sprinkIed lhroughoul lhe
vood, and sone of lhese sliII relain lheir oId nagic,
gIoving unearlhIy coIors in lhe Iighl of lhe fuII noon or
serving as neeling pIaces for spriles, pixies, and olher
faerie crealures. AIlhough fev lraveIers venlure deepIy
inlo lhe Yuirvood, a handfuI have relurned vilh slories
of hov sone nenhir circIes creale enchanled doorvays
lo olher reaIns Iike lhe enchanled isIand of Lverneel,
olher eIven Iands, and even dislanl vorIds.
The insuIar haIf-eIves of lhe deep voods do nol appre-
ciale visilors, lul a fev advenlurers vho have nanaged lo
gain lheir friendship leII of haIf-eIven Iegends vhich
cIain lhal lhe ancienl foresl spirils sliII Iive, ready lo de-
fend lheir reaIn againsl invasion and even againsl lhe en-
croachnenl of upslarl hunans. Many of lhe slone circIes
and nonunenls, lhese haIf-eIves cIain, do Iead lo olher
vorIds, and sonelines crealures fron lhose olher vorIds
enler ToriI lhrough lhen. Il is said lhal vhen lhe hunans
cane lhe enchanlnenl of lhe circIes faded, lul over lhe
Iasl fev seasons il has legun lo relurn. This, lhe haIf-eIves
leIieve, is lhe source of lhe enchanled crealures (lolh
good and eviI) nov relurning lo lhe Yuirvood.
gIaronds Iarge cilies are Iocaled aIong ils seacoasl.
The haIf-eIven sellIenenls near lhe Yuirvood are
snaIIer, usuaIIy vilh no nore lhan a fev hundred inhal-
ilanls, and nany of lhese are onIy seni-pernanenl.
CI1Ies o[ AgLanomo
NeslIed in coves or inIels, hugging lhe coasl lenealh
lovering granile cIiffs or perched alop lhe cIiffs lhen-
seIves, AgIarondan cilies are supporled ly farning,
ranching, or fishing. Sone slruclures such as counciI
haIIs, eslales of lhe veaIlhy, and loal- and varehouses,
are luiIl of fieIdslone. Ioorer cilizens Iive in lhalch-
roofed huls, lul nosl hones are conslrucled aIong
uniqueIy AgIarondan Iines. These hones, crovded aIong
narrov slreels in coaslaI connunilies, are shingIed vilh
dark, vealhered vood and roofed vilh shake or liIe.
Roofs are sleep-sided, oflen sludded vilh dorners, cupo-
Ias, and laIconies, and lvo- or even lhree-slory houses
are connon.
Localed aIong a snaII cove aloul 2O niIes vesl-soulh-
vesl of VeIprinlaIar, Corlh is a fishing viIIage vilh a
popuIalion of around 5OO. Ils snaII fishing fIeel lrings
6 0
lhe connunily consideralIe prosperily during lhe spring
and sunner nonlhs, vhen oulsiders visil lo enjoy
Corlhs vhile sand leaches and ruslic alnosphere. Dur-
ing faII and vinler, Corlh cIoses ils shullers againsl lhe
chiII norlh vind and heavy seas and huddIes in isoIalion,
ils cilizens renaining indoors as nuch as possilIe and
rareIy, if ever, venluring onlo lhe heaving gray sea.
Corlh Cove is a snaII, senicircuIar fornalion vilh
good sheIler fron lhe vealher. In lhe exacl cenler of lhe
cove is a craggy rock vhich juls alove lhe vaves. Id
Corlh fishernen cIain lhal nerfoIk hoId counciI lhere
on nighls vilh a fuII noon. ulsiders vho visil lhe rock
cIain lhal lhis is nolhing nore lhan a fairy laIe, lul oId
hands insisl lhe nerfoIk are visilIe onIy lo lhose vilh
open ninds and lrue hearls.
Corlh loasls severaI inns, aII luiIl in lhe ruslic and
charning AgIarondan slyIe. The lesl of lhese is lhe
Mernaids Iurse, a narrov, lhree-slory luiIding con-
slrucled of gray vealhered vood, covered in shingIes,
vilh an aIarningIy sleep roof and dorners in each lhird-
fIoor sIeeping roon. Innkeeper Droze vas once a fisher-
nan, lul he vas ladIy injured in an accidenl and relired
lo run lhis eslalIishnenl. Roons are snaII lul very
conforlalIe, and food consisls of fish caughl in nearly
valers, vilh vegelalIes and leef occasionaIIy avaiIalIe.
Droze enlerlains visilors vilh laIes of hov he once res-
cued a nernaid and vas given lhree vishes ly her grale-
fuI king.
AIong lhe desoIale easl coasl of lhe Iang Iies Dahsl, a
sellIenenl of 3OO souIs divided lelveen a cIifflop nain
sellIenenl and a snaII connunily of fisherfoIk aIong
lhe leach sone 2OO feel leIov, vhich is accessilIe via a
lreacherous cIiffside lraiI.
Iev oulsiders visil Dahsl, ils peopIe are provinciaI and
dislruslfuI of oulsiders. Many here are descendanls of
refugees fron lhe var vilh lhe haIf-eIves, and harlor a
liller halred of lhe Cha-TeIQuessir. Dahsls conneclion
vilh AgIarond is lherefore onIy nininaI al lesl, and lhe
viIIage has no represenlalive on lhe ruIing counciI.
There is aIso confIicl lelveen lhe fisherfoIk of lhe
seashore and lhe herdsnen of lhe heighls, vilh each
lhinking of lhe olher as slupid, unsophislicaled, and
prone lo acls of vickedness.
Nol surprisingIy, Dahsl has no inns or faciIilies for vis-
ilors and vanls IillIe or nolhing lo do vilh lhe oulside
DIusk, vilh a popuIalion of nearIy 1,OOO, Iies near lhe
noulh of lhe River Unler. The lovn is anolher coIIec-
lion of vealhered vooden luiIdings and narrov, vind-
ing slreels. The cily serves as a fishing cenler, vilh over
1OO vesseIs in ils harlor as veII as a lrade and farning
Irosperous and friendIy, DIusk hosls a yearIy spring
feslivaI vhich dravs visilors fron aII over AgIarond as
veII as neighloring Iands Thesk and Chessenla. Inns
and laverns lhroughoul DIusk slay open around lhe
cIock during lhe feslivaI, and lhe cily presenls nany
evenls, incIuding conlesls, parades, ouldoor feasls, per-
fornances ly ninslreIs, dancers, acrolals, olher enler-
lainers, and nore.
DIusk has nany coIorfuI cilizens. ne such is Id
Cele, a genlIenan of uncerlain age vho gives free
hayrides lo chiIdren and visilors during lhe spring fesli-
vaI, aII lhe vhiIe leIIing laII laIes and singing songs in
praise of his lvo nuIes, Sara and Corey, and of nuIes in
generaI. Cele is a rich source of IocaI Iegend, gossip, and
vaIualIe infornalion aloul affairs in lhe Unapproach-
alIe Lasl.
This grin slone forlress, originaIIy conslrucled ly King
Brindor lo counler nonadic raiders fron Thesk, has
since served ils purpose nunerous lines againsl lhe Ie-
gions of Thay.
Lnnech proved ils vaIue as a ciladeI in lhe Thayan
invasion of 1194. Iorces lased al lhe forlress saIIied
forlh lo neel lhe Red Wizards Iegions al Singing Sands.
The lallIe, lhough il resuIled in an AgIarondan viclory,
vas a hard-foughl affair. Wilhoul lhe suppIies and sup-
porl faciIilies provided ly Lnnech, King LIlhonds arny
vouId in aII IikeIihood have perished.
Today, Lnnech houses nearIy 2,5OO AgIarondan
lroops~a sulslanliaI porlion of lhe SinluIs arny (nosl
of lhe renainder are slalioned al lhe forlress CIarondar).
A lovn of 5OO has sprung up around Lnnech as veII,
providing services lo lhe garrison, nanaging Lnnechs
snaII harlor and doing sone lrading vilh Thesk.
The forlress ilseIf is a squal, gray nass of slone, ugIy
lul funclionaI, perched on a Iov hiII anid lhe scallered
luiIdings of Lnnech lovns inhalilanls. BrislIing vilh
lovers and parapels, ils vaIIs fuIIy creneIaled, Lnnech
conlains sufficienl faciIilies and slorage lo keep lhe gar-
rison and aII ils lovnspeopIe suppIied lhrough six
nonlhs of siege.
Though Lnnechs Iocalion~sonevhal separaled
fron lhe resl of AgIarond~seens lo nake il a prine lar-
gel for alsorplion ly Thesk, lhe Theskians Iong ago de-
cided lo Ieave lhe ciladeI and ils surroundings in lhe
hands of lhe AgIarondans. Hislory has proved lhal lhe
sellIenenl Iies on a possilIe Thayan invasion roule, and
lhe Theskians are nore lhan conlenl lo Iel AgIarondan
forces spend lheir efforl palroIIing lhe area, Ieaving
Theskian cilizens lo nore profilalIe pursuils.
Localed on lhe vesl side of lhe Iang, Iindar is as iso-
Ialed and unfriendIy as Dahsl. Iindar is hone lo lhe de-
scendanls of nany refugees fron lhe var vilh lhe haIf-
eIves, and nonhunans are unpopuIar here.
Iindar Iies enlireIy lenealh lhe sea cIiffs, aIong a nearIy
niIe-vide slrip of coaslaI IovIands. The Iand here is poor
and sandy, sprouling onIy slunled lrees and leachgrass, so
lhe inhalilanls of Iindar nusl nake lheir Iiving as fisher-
foIk. Selling oul lo sea in snaII fishing loals, lhey lring
in onIy Iarge enough calches lo keep lhenseIves aIive and
fed during lhe slorny vinler nonlhs.
ne of lhe firsl hunan sellIenenls in AgIarond,
Iurlhinghone has over 15,OOO inhalilanls and is one of
lhe nalions nosl inporlanl porl cilies.
BuiIl around a cenlraI circuIar road and a pIeasanl
collIesloned pulIic park, Iurlhinghone conlains nany
very oId luiIdings, luiIl lolh of slone and lhe nore lra-
dilionaI vealhered vood. Il aIso hoIds a crovded,
nuddy sIun, lhe Iargesl concenlralion of poverly in
AgIarond. These unforlunale foIk Iive in Iean-los and
lhalch huls, scraping oul Iivings as herdsnen, snaII
farners, or leggars.
Iurlhinghone has a nunler of gIass greenhouses luiIl
ly veaIlhy cilizens for lhe cuIlivalion of lropicaI fIovers
and herls. Iurlhinghone does quile a lusiness in fIov-
ers, in facl, and is fanous for ils dahIias, roses, and lropi-
caI orchids.
Iurlhinghone aIso serves as a lrade cily, second in in-
porlance onIy lo VeIprinlaIar. Since ils porl is snaII and
reIaliveIy shaIIov, Iurlhinghone is visiled onIy ly ner-
chanls vilh snaIIer vesseIs. These lring in falric, spices,
finished vood producls, looIs, and veapons in exchange
for fish, produce, and lhe snaII anounl of Yuirvood lin-
ler lhe haIf-eIves aIIov lo le harvesled.
ne of Iurlhinghones nosl unusuaI fealures is lhe
Iarge nunler of viId peacocks lhal roan lhe surround-
ing counlryside, lreeding unreslrainedIy and oflen lerri-
fying unsuspecling lraveIers vilh lheir viId, hunan-
sounding shrieks. These peacocks are descended fron a
snaII fIock inporled ly lhe eccenlric Lord Ceraul, a
MuIhorandi nolIenan vho Iived in Iurlhinghone sev-
eraI decades ago.
Lord Cerauls eslale, a vasl denesne lhal once loasled
exlensive gardens, lopiary, hedges, founlains, and pIeas-
anl graveIed palhvays aII surrounding a fine slone nan-
sion, has leen alandoned for nany years, and has gone
lhoroughIy lo seed. The nansion, said ly IocaI chiIdren
lo le haunled, is overgrovn vilh vines and has faIIen
inlo disrepair. The once-leaulifuI gardens have gone
conpIeleIy viId, vilh nany exolic species spreading
inlo lhe counlryside around Iurlhinghone.
A lIack slone forlress raised fron lenealh lhe Unler
Marshes ly King Brindors gaIel duhr aIIies, CIarondar
Iies al lhe soulhern end of lhe WalchvaII near lhe
edges of Yuirvood and houses over 3,5OO lroops, lhe
luIk of AgIaronds arny. The ever-presenl lhreal of
Thay nakes CIarondar vilaI lo AgIaronds securily, and
lhe SinluI sees lo il lhal lhe forlress is kepl in good
condilion and lhal ils garrisons renain veII equipped
and suppIied.
The forlress ilseIf is luiIl of a shiny lIack naleriaI
lhal Iooks sonelhing Iike olsidian lul appears lo le vir-
luaIIy indeslruclilIe. The gaIel duhr luiIl lhe forlress al
lhe sane line lhey raised lhe WalchvaII, aIong vilh
nagicaI assislance fron King Brindor and his vizards.
A lovn of 1,OOO has grovn up around lhe veslern side
of lhe ciladeI, avay fron lhe sickness of lhe Unler
Marshes. As vilh lhe peopIe vho Iive near lhe forlress
Lnnech, lhe inhalilanls of CIarondar lovn are in lhe
lusiness of suppIying lhe garrison soIdiers and keeping
lhen enlerlained. The lovn Iies lelveen lhe forlress
and lhe edges of Yuirvood and has a Iarge haIf-eIven
popuIalion, vhich Iives anong lhe hunans vilh fev
confIicls. Less civiIized haIf-eIves fron lhe foresl oflen
visil lhe lovn lo lrade and visil vilh reIalives.
HaLemoos VILLage
Localed aIong lhe edge of lhe HaIendos neadov, luiIl
on lhe sile of an oId hunan cily deslroyed ly lhe haIf-
eIves, HaIendos is a sIeepy connunily of farners,
herders, and a fev shopkeepers. Ils cilizens are noslIy
hunan, lhough lhey are slrongIy infIuenced ly lhe Yuir
haIf-eIves and ly lhe nyslicaI nalure of lhe pIace vhere
lhey Iive. Il is said lhal a higher proporlion of chiIdren
fron HaIendos grov up lo le vizards, and nany of lhe
lovns residenls are suljecl lo prophelic dreans and
olher inherenl nagicaI aliIilies.
The SinluI visils lhe HaIendos vhen she can (usuaIIy
in lhe forn of a sinpIe farner or lrader), searching for
nagicaIIy laIenled individuaIs lo lake as apprenlices and
hearing lhe prophesies of lhe residenls. Il is said lhal one
such prophesy varned her of a coverl Thayan pIol
againsl AgIarond, enalIing her lo foiI lhe lhreal lefore
il even cane lo Iighl.
ulsiders slay al lhe Horse and Carl, an inn run ly
lhe haIf-eIven Langen faniIy, lul oflen feeI sonevhal
unconforlalIe and oul of pIace in lhis snaII lul slrangeIy
nagicaI viIIage.
ImgoaL's Anm
Tnc cgc cf |nc Yuirucc |ccnc ocfcrc us, a|| ar| |rccs
orign||q app|c ui|n sun|ign|.
Tncrc, sai Acri|aqa. Tna|s uncrc snc |itcs.
Ncs||c ancng frui| |rccs a| |nc tcrq cgc cf |nc Yuirucc
|aq a rano|ing nansicn, s|a|c-rccfc an uni|cuasnc. As
ve rcu ncar, a czcn cr sc spri|cs f|cu cun frcn an app|c
|rcc |c pcrfcrn in|rica|c acria| nancutcrs arcun us as uc
rcc s|cu|q cnuar.
Tnis ncusc oc|cngs |c |nc Mas|c Onc, sai a fcna|c
spri|c, nctcring in |nc air a fcc| cr |uc frcn nq ncsc. Ycu
oc||cr natc |cgi|ina|c ousincss ui|n ncr cr snc|| |urn qcu in|c
a garcn ra|c cr scnc|ning.
8c cff ui|n qcu! Acri|aqa snappc. Sncs a fricn cf
ninccr cn| qcu rcncnocr nc?
frcn Ta|qssas rcpcr|
The veslernnosl of AgIaronds cilies vas lhe sile of lhe
finaI lallIe lelveen lhe haIf-eIves and AgIaronds
hunan sellIers. Wilh lhe defeal of lhe hunans, lhe
nodern slale of AgIarond vas lorn, vhere hunans and
haIf-eIves share pover.
IngdaIs Arn Iies al lhe lorder of AIlunleI, lhe reaIn
lo vhich nany hunans vho refused lo share pover fIed
in 1O65. Il is a snaII and pIeasanl fishing viIIage, ils pop-
uIalion of 1,OOO divided equaIIy lelveen hunans and
haIf-eIves. The voods and neadovs leyond IngdaIs
Arn are hone lo snaII farners, herdsnen, and hunlers
of various races.
SeveraI proninenl advenlurers, incIuding lhe nysle-
rious vonan knovn as lhe Masked ne, have relired
here. The Masked nes eslale Iies aIong lhe edge of
lhe Yuirvood nearly, and visilors are discouraged ly a
lrile of spriles vho Iive vilh her. Those Iucky enough
lo le granled an audience vilh lhe advenluress find her
lo le gracious and friendIy, providing consideralIe in-
fornalion on currenl evenls in lhe region, especiaIIy in
Thay, aIlhough no one knovs can say hov she knovs so
nuch aloul lhal dreaded Iand. The Masked ne Iives
up lo her nane and aIIovs no one lo see her face. The
Iasl individuaI vho allenpled lo unnask her is said lo
le currenlIy serving as a leapol in lhe Masked nes
NesnI mg
This cily of 1,OOO is lhe Iasl of lhe Iarge farning cilies
originaIIy founded ly hunan sellIers. AII olhers vere
overrun and alandoned during lhe var vilh lhe haIf-
eIves. Today Mesring acls as a neeling and lrading cen-
ler for lhe farners and herdsfoIk of lhe surrounding
Iands. Inns, generaI nerchandise slores, varehouses, and
hones conprise Mesring proper, vhiIe dozens of farn-
sleads Iie around lhe surrounding counlryside.
Mosl Mesringers are hunan, lul aloul a lhird are
haIfIings, descendanls of hair-fool coIonisls fron Ches-
senla vho cane here vilh lhe firsl vave of hunan sel-
lIers. HaIfIing farns vere generaIIy spared lhe scourge of
lhe haIf-eIves vengeance since lhey aIvays nainlained
good reIalions vilh lhe Cha-TeIQuessir. The nayor of
Mesring is, in facl, a haIfIing naned Tunlo aklarreI.
Thal lhe nayor hoIds a IargeIy cerenoniaI funclion
nakes IillIe difference lo Tunlo, vho Iives in a pIeas-
anl nansion on lhe edge of lovn and lhrovs parlies in
grand slyIe.
OnI 1han
Localed near lhe vindsvepl desoIalion of lhe Iangs
easlern shore, rilhar is nol nearIy as isoIaled as Dahsl
and Iindar lul does conlain a Iarge nunler of refugee
descendanls. There is nuch lillerness lovard lhe haIf-
eIves in rilhar, lul never hunan faniIies are Iess slen
in lheir resoIve and leIieve lhal lhe lesl lhing for lhe fu-
lure is lo forgive lhe pasl. ConfIicl lelveen lhese lvo
groups has divided rilhar and nade il a lense and un-
happy pIace of Iale.
Like nosl sellIenenls in lhis region, rilhar gains
nosl of ils suslenance fron fishing, lhough a fev farners
and herders Iive in lhe area. Nev residenls vish lo open
lhe sellIenenl up lo lrade, so a fev oulsiders have legun
lo visil rilhar, lringing nercanliIe goods and forcing
nore provinciaI viIIagers lo confronl lhe reaIilies of lhe
oulside vorId.
A IoneIy fishing sellIenenl vilh 7OO inhalilanls, sker
is a picluresque huddIe of sleep-roofed, vealhered
vooden luiIdings cIuslered around a cenlraI lover. The
lover is aIso luiIl of darkened vood and conlains an
advanced, inlricaleIy conslrucled cIock luiIl ly an ec-
cenlric dvarf naned Snorri Rockhanner, vho Iived in
sker for a shorl line severaI decades ago. The cIock is
quile a vonder, chining lhe quarler hour and presenl-
ing a procession of fanlaslic aninaIs~dragon, nanli-
core, chinera, gianl, unicorn, and pegasus~each day al
6 4
Localed near lhe edge of lhe Yuirvood, Ursl is a sellIe-
nenl of nearIy 1,OOO, hone prinariIy lo fisherfoIk and
herdsnan, as lhe narshy Iand surrounding lhe Yuirvood
is unsuilalIe lo farning.
The coaslaI porlion of Ursl is anolher lypicaI AgIaron-
dan viIIage, vilh narrov slreels, crovded vooden houses,
a snaII anchorage, and a fishing fIeel. A road rises up a
genlIe sIope soulh of lovn lo genlIe grassy hiIIs, vhere
fieIdslone and lhalch houses serve as hone lo lhe hu-
nans and haIf-eIves vho oversee lhe sheep, goals, and
covs lhal graze in lhe surrounding counlryside.
Urve is lhe onIy AgIarondan coaslaI sellIenenl vilh a
noslIy haIf-eIven popuIalion. Hunan fishernen Iive in
vooden shanlies aIong lhe valers edge, lending lheir
fishing loals, nending nels, Iaying oul fish lo dry, and
keeping lo lhenseIves. They nainlain good, if sone-
vhal dislanl, reIalions vilh lhe haIf-eIves vho Iive
aIong lhe edge of lhe Yuirvood nearly. The haIf-eIves
lend orchards and crafl arlvork, vhich lhey lrade vilh
lhe haIf-eIves of lhe deep Yuirvood, and vilh lhe snaII
lrickIe of nerchanls vho visil Urve.
Like Corlh, Urve is a popuIar vacalion spol for
AgIarondans and lhe fev oulsiders vho knov of ils exis-
lence. SeveraI firsl-cIass inns serve good food and pro-
vide conforlalIe Iodging for reasonalIe rales.
This Iargesl AgIarondan cily is hone lo over 35,OOO cil-
izens, and funclions as lhe nalions nain Iink vilh lhe
oulside vorId. The onIy najor porl in AgIarond, VeI-
prinlaIar is a shovcase of AgIarondan archileclure, vilh
nunerous narrov luiIdings junlIed logelher. Iron
alove,, lhe cily is a naze of slreels, sleep roofs, galIes,
and cupoIas. VeIprinlaIar is unvaIIed and has never had
lo defend ilseIf againsl invaders.
The SinluI nakes her hone here in a pIeasanl green
paIace vhen she isnl off sonevhere disguised as a look-
sheIf or laking pan. She neels vilh lhe ruIing counciI in
lhe adjoining counciI haII, lul due lo her advenlurous
vays, she is onIy lhere for haIf of lhe counciIs neelings.
Map Key
1. Harbnr
AgIarondan fishing vesseIs and lhe snaII lrickIe of for-
eign lrading ships vhich visil lhis Iand nake porl here.
2. Dncks
The VeIprinlaIar docks incIude cranes for offIoading
cargo and Iiniled drydock faciIilies. A nunler of snaII
varehouses aIso Iine lhe valerfronl, for slorage of of-
fIoaded cargo prior lo shipnenl.
3. Bcach
AgIarondan fishing vesseIs are hauIed up here al lhe end
of lhe vorking day.
4. DryIng Bcach
Nels and lhe fish harvesl are dried on lhis leach, lended
and lurned ly lhe chiIdren of AgIarondan fisherfoIk.
5. Nytus thc 5hIpwrIght
Nylus (NC hn I3) is a relired saiIor vho lecane a ship-
luiIder. His fishing vesseIs and Iarger nerchanl ships are
of exceIIenl quaIily, his skiII is knovn lo shipluiIders
lhroughoul lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars, vho sonelines cone
lo see hin for advice or connissions.
6. Harbnr LIght
This gray slone Iighlhouse conlains a nagicaI fire kepl
lurning ly lhe vizard Vuraz (LC hn M5).
7. Thc Pa!adIn Inn
This veII-appoinled inn is lhe lesl in lovn, calering lo
nolIenen, veaIlhy nerchanls, visiling dignilaries, and
lhe Iike. Roons are 5 gp per nighl, vhich incIudes fruil
and aIe for lreakfasl. Supper is an exlra 5 sp and consisls
of sunpluousIy prepared fish or fovI vilh fine AgIaron-
dan vine.
8. Thc 5aI!nr's Hnmc
A nodesl inn vhich calers lo lraveIers, nariners, fisher-
nen, and nerchanls of Iiniled neans, lhe SaiIors Hone
provides roons for 2 sp per nighl, vilh an exlra 1 cp for
supper~usuaIIy fish, lul sonelines pouIlry or leef. Inn-
keeper Mharus (NC hn I1) is a respecled and friendIy
nan vilh nany conlacls in lhe cily.
9. CnuncI! Ha!!
The AgIarondan ruIing counciI, vhich advises lhe Sin-
luI and handIes lhe daiIy affairs of lhe nalion, neels
here once a nonlh. Lach sellIenenl in AgIarond sends a
represenlalive lo lhese neelings, vhich lhe SinluI al-
lends if she is nol off on an olscure nission of her ovn.
The haII is a ranlIing, dark slruclure luiIl of vealh-
ered vood in lradilionaI AgIarondan slyIe, vilh high,
peaked roofs, galIes, chinneys and cupoIas, aII Iooking
dovn on lhe luslIing cily leIov. Il has leen added lo
over lhe years and lhe inlerior is nov quile a naze of
haIIs, neeling roons, sIeeping roons for visiling coun-
ciIors or dipIonals, slorage roons, and kilchens.
10. 5Imbu!'s Pa!acc
n a hiII overIooking lhe cily Iies lhe paIace of lhe
Iands ruIer, lhe SinluI. This paIace vas originaIIy luiIl
during lhe reign of Brindor, firsl king of AgIarond, lul
lhis vooden slruclure Ialer lurned lo lhe ground. Il has
since leen repIaced ly a slruclure luiIl of paIe green
slone inporled fron MuIhorand. The paIace is a deIicale
and gracefuI slruclure, slanding Iike a fairy caslIe on lhe
hiII alove lhe crovded slreels of VeIprinlaIar. NeedIess
lo say, lhe SinluI has augnenled lhe paIace vilh nuIli-
Iayered proleclive speIIs.
The SinluI Iives here vhen she is in lovn, vhich is
nol lerrilIy oflen, given her nyslerious disappearances
and nissions againsl lhe Red Wizards of Thay. lher oc-
cupanls incIude servanls, visiling counciIors, olher viz-
ards, arny officers, foreslers, and visiling Yuir eIves.
11. Tcmp!c nf Chauntca
A dozen Chaunlean nonks nake lheir hone here, Iead-
ing vorship, heaIing lhe sick, and lreving a polenl aIe
lhal is said lo incIude fernenled parsIey. They are Ied ly
Allol DaInar (NC hn C7), vho is said lo have a greal
fondness (in lhe eyes of sone, perhaps a IillIe loo greal)
for his ovn aIe.
12. Markctp!acc
Here, AgIarondans and sone foreigners cone lo ex-
change goods. Iarners lring lheir grains, vegelalIes, and
fruils, herdsnen lring niIk, cheese, fIeece, and aninaIs,
fishernen lrade lheir calch of hake, luna, saInon, Iol-
sler, cral, and eeI, and foreign nerchanls lring nany
goods, incIuding cIolh, spices, furnilure, cIolhing, and arl
vorks. The narkelpIace is lusiesl during spring and sun-
ner. As lhe vealher cooIs and lhe rains cone during faII,
aclivily graduaIIy decIines, evenluaIIy leconing enply
and deserled lenealh lhe vindy, Ieaden skies of vinler.
13. Tcmp!c nf 5c!nc
High priesless DyIlharra (CC hef I8) Ieads services in
lhis vhile, doned lenpIe. Six Iesser prieslesses assisl her
and nainlain conlacl lelveen lhe SinluI, lhe CounciI,
olher lenpIes of SeIne, and nisceIIaneous forces of
good such as lhe Harpers.
14. Lady Myta's Hnusc
nce lhe residence of an infIuenliaI haIf-eIf nolIe-
vonan, lhis paIaliaI slruclure nov houses an infornaI
sociaI organizalion slarled ly her descendanls, nenlers
of an anlihunan faclion. Today, haIf-eIven nenlers of
lhis cIul (vhich has no fornaI nane) neel here, dis-
cuss currenl affairs, and specuIale aloul lhe possiliIilies
of lhroving lhe hunans oul of AgIarond and relurning
lo lhe gIory days of lhe Yuir eIves. These individuaIs,
vhose noninaI Ieader is lhe haIf-eIf varrior Culhrae
(CN hen I1O), slay in conlacl vilh olher secrel anlihu-
nan groups in AgIarond and nay soneday decide lhal
lhey are slrong enough lo nake a gral for pover. Thus
far, lhey are a snaII ninorily vilh IillIe poIilicaI pover.
15. Fnrcstcrs' Ha!!
This Iong, Iov slruclure, luiIl of rough Iogs, chinked vilh
cIay and decoraled vilh carvings and lolenic enlIens, is
a galhering pIace for lhe SinluIs foreslers, lhe eIile
rangers vho palroI lhe Yuirvood and heIp keep AgIarond
safe fron invasion. As nosl foreslers are haIf-eIves, lhis
haII is a haven for eIven cuIlure, covered vilh lhe ancienl
runes of lhe Yuir and vilh various arlifacls found in lhe
deplhs of lhe foresls. The foreslers are nol afraid lo shov
lheir hunan sides, eilher, for lhis haII is lhe scene of fre-
quenl feasling, drinking, and ceIelraling, oflen going
Iong inlo lhe nighl and dislurling lhe haIIs neighlors.
16. 5I!vcrha!!
TradilionaI hone of lhe SiIver faniIy, a group of haIf-
eIves vho nainlained good reIalions vilh lhe hunans
lhroughoul lhe nalions earIy confIicls, SiIverhaII is one
of lhe oIdesl slruclures in VeIprinlaIar. SiIverhaII is a
Iong, ranlIing airy luiIding vilh sIender lovers, spa-
cious Iavns, and exlensive grounds, incIuding snaII
fanes, guesl houses, and gazelos.
Malriarch Donya SiIver (CC hef M11) is an accon-
pIished sorceress and friend lo lhe SinluI, and nenlers
of her faniIy serve as soIdiers and foreslers of lhe AgIa-
rondan arny. The SiIvers aIso nainlain lrading con-
lacls, caravans, and nerchanl vesseIs lhroughoul lhe
easlern haIf of lhe ReaIns.
17. 5umcha's Tnwcr
A seIf-procIained nerchanl prince vho noved here
fron Senlia over a decade ago, Suncha (N hn T12)
has nainlained lhis slrange lover, aIong vilh his exlen-
sive faniIy and slaff of servanls, ever since. Mosl
AgIarondans Iike hin, lhough lhey find hin a lil
slrange, He conlrilules lo nany charilies and has pro-
vided assislance lo indigenl AgIarondans, heIped reno-
vale lhe CounciI HaII, and even purchased veapons for
lhe AgIarondan arny.
Whal nosl do nol knov is lhal Suncha is nol a
nerchanl al aII lul vas once one of lhe nosl accon-
pIished lurgIars in lhe HearlIands. Iorced lo fIee afler
sleaIing a Iarge cargo of goods vhich lurned oul lo le
ovned ly lhe BIack Nelvork of ZhenliI Keep, Suncha
venl underground in one of lhe nosl lackvaler na-
lions he couId find~AgIarond. He has since relired
fron lhievery and keeps lo hinseIf, lrying lo avoid lhe
allenlion of lhe Zhenlarin and lheir aIIies. He is a
IoyaI AgIarondan cilizen, for he feeIs lhal a heaIlhy
and independenl AgIarond heIps hin and his Ioved
ones renain safe.
18. Barracks
A snaII unil of AgIarondan soIdiery~aloul 25O fool-
nen and 5O cavaIry~are slalioned here, noslIy for shov
and vhal IillIe inlernaI securily lhe AgIarondan counciI
requires. They are under lhe connand of Sir Tynan
(CC hen I1O), a fighler of consideralIe experience and
courage. The soIdiers occupy a Iarge conpound consisl-
ing of severaI Iinked AgIarondan nansions vilh lhe
usuaI high roofs and eIalorale archileclure pIus an al-
lached slalIe and exercise yard.
III: Rashemem
c |nc ncr|n cf Tnaq |ics |nc cc| ocau|q cf Rasncncn, |an cf ocrscr|crs.
Tnc Rasncnaar (a sc|f+gitcn nanc |na| is|inguisncs |ncn frcn Tnaq-
ocrn Rasncni) arc a is|an| an insu|ar pccp|c, nucn gitcn |c cxccsscs in
ocnaticr an is|rus|fu| cf cu|sicrs. Tncir |an is a p|acc oc|n c| an
nqs|cricus, narocring nanq s|rangc spiri|s an nagica| p|accs. Our in-
fcrnan| in |nis cnap|cr is |nc uarf uarricr Sigur cf |ar|nfas|, unc nas |ratc|c |c Rasnc-
ncn cn sctcra| cccasicns an nas nanq fricns ancng |nc ocrscr|crs. His acccun| is cf grca|
ta|uc in uncrs|aning Rasncncn|an unicn, a|cng ui|n Ag|arcn |c |nc scu|n, nc|s |nc
Rc lizars cf Tnaq in cncc|, prctcn|ing |ncir cti| frcn sprcaing |nrcugncu| |nc ccn|incn|.
|cr |ncir par| |nc Rasncnaar cagcr|q c|ain |nis |cnc|q an |nan||css |as|, racing |c oa|||c |nc
|cgicns cf Tnaq uncnctcr |ncq arc fcc|isn cncugn |c crcss Rasncncns ocrcrs.
|nac c
f aII lhe nalions in lhe UnapproachalIe Lasl, lhe nosl isoIaled and nyslerious is
Rashenen. A coId, rugged Iand lordered on lhe norlh ly lhe IaIIs of Lrech, on lhe
vesl ly lhe icy valers of lhe Lake of Tears, on lhe easl ly lhe High Counlry, and in lhe
soulh ly Thay, Rashenen is inaccessilIe lo nosl lraveIers, and ils peopIe are fierceIy in-
dependenl and noloriousIy suspicious of slrangers.
OoenoIeu o[ Rashemem

Rashenen is oslensilIy ruIed ly a varrior-nonarch knovn as lhe nunrcng or Iron

Lord, lul lhe reaI pover in lhe Iand Iies vilh lhe uqcn|aran, or Wilches of Rashenen.
These nyslerious nasked vonen are runored lo vieId poverfuI, lvisled nagic and lo
drav suslenance fron lhe Iand ilseIf.
The peopIe of Rashenen are connonIy knovn as lerserkers, lul lhese near-nad var-
riors nake up onIy parl of Rashenens lolaI sociely. Mosl Rashenaar are varriors in any
evenl, IoyaI lo lheir Iand, lhe huhrong, and lhe vilches. They are aIso possessed of an
undying halred for lhe Red Wizards of Thay, vho have invaded lheir Iand al Ieasl 2O
lines and have aIvays leen driven lack in defeal.
Despile Thayan paranoia, lhe peopIe of Rashenen have never dispIayed any parlicu-
Iar drive lo invade or conquer olher nalions. WhiIe lhey gIadIy neel chaIIenges Iike lhe
Red Wizards and lhe Tuigan Horde as chances lo prove lhenseIves in lallIe, lhe
Rashenaar seen happy enough in lheir ovn Iands. Their honor-lound syslen encour-
ages personaI dispules enough lo salisfy lheir need lo eslalIish lallIe provess, and lhe
Iand provides nonslers as furlher oulIels for Rashenaar aggressions. ccasionaI runors
of Rashenaar invasions~ranging fron lhe Rashenaar as lhe nexl horde lo lhe sup-
posed pIols and pIans of lhe Wilches of Rashenen~nay fIoal around lhe ReaIns, lul
onIy lhe Red Wizards are paranoid enough lo lake lhen seriousIy. Anyone eIse has onIy
lo Iook lo Rashenen, olserve lhe peopIe lhere conlenl under lhe guidance and prolec-
lion of lheir vilches, and knov lhal such runors are nereIy lhe suspicions of over-
vorked ninds.
6 8
ashenen is a nuch oIder nalion lhan eilher
Thay or AgIarond. The region spenl nany years
as dispuled ground lelveen lhe nov-vanished enpires
of NarfeII and Raunalhar. Arnies of lolh Iands
narched and relrealed lhrough Rashenen, and lhe
nalive Rasheni lhenseIves deveIoped a varrior cuI-
lure vhiIe fighling one or lhe olher of lhe lvo varring
HI s1on
Years afler lhe coIIapse of lolh NarfeII and Rau-
nalhar, lhe Rasheni uniled lo forn a nev nalion vilh
lhe assislance of lhe nyslerious vilches, vho offered
lheir proleclion of lhe nev kingdon in exchange for lhe
righl lo seIecl Rashenens kings and var Ieaders. The
Rasheni, gralefuI for lhe vilches assislance againsl lhe
Iands various enenies, agreed, and lhe noden nalion
vas forned around lhe year -75 DR.
The god-kings of MuIhorand (vho ruIed Thay for
cenluries), Iess ancienl and ossified lhan lhey are loday,
desired Rashenen as a nev province. In -45 DR a nas-
sive MuIhorand arny narched on Rashenen lhrough a
roule vhich vas lo lecone faniIiar lo nany Thayan
arnies: lhe Corge of Cauros. The lerserkers vere ready
for lhe easlerners, hovever, and in a series of Iighlning
slrikes lhey senl lhe inperiaI arny fIeeing lack across
lhe fronlier. The vilches used lheir povers in lallIe as
veII, sunnoning deadIy nalure spirils lo lerrify lhe
The Red Wizards ousled lhe decIining enpire in 922
DR. The Thayans lhen lurned lheir greedy gaze norlh lo
lhe frosly pIains of Rashenen, vhich lhey sav as a con-
venienl junping-off pIace for operalions in lolh lhe easl
and vesl. In 934 DR, lhe Red Wizards noved confi-
denlIy inlo Rashenen, caIn in lhe assurance lhal lheir
poverfuI nagic~vhich had freed lhen fron lhe god-
kings lheocracy~ vouId shaller lhe Rashenaar and
cov lhen inlo neek sulnission.
Ior. lhe firsl line lul far fron lhe Iasl, lhe Thayans
overconfidence proved nispIaced. The Rashenaar nel
lhe Red Wizards arny aIong lhe shores of Lake MuIsan-
lir. Afler lhe Thayan arny vas fuIIy engaged, Rashenaar
lerserkers in nagicaIIy piIoled vilchloals Ianded le-
hind lhe Red Wizards arny, slriking fron lhe rear and
surrounding lhe Thayan force in a naller of ninules.
The spiril nagic of lhe vilches proved equaI lo lhe Red
Wizards lallIe circIes as veII, and ly nighlfaII lhe
Thayan invaders had perished aInosl lo a nan. A pilifuI
handfuI of survivors relurned lo Thay, vhere lhe Red
Wizards lIaned lheir connanders and innedialeIy
legan pIanning anolher invasion.
ver lhe years, Rashenen has lecone sonelhing of
an olsession for lhe Red Wizards. Since lhe Iand is of
Iiniled slralegic vaIue and hone lo a race of vioIenl
varriors and nyslerious spirils vho vouId sureIy chafe
under lhe Thayan yoke, lhe nosl inleIIigenl Thayan
slralegy vouId prolalIy le lo prelend lhal Rashenen
never exisled. Such Iogic is Iosl on lhe Red Wizards,
vho have senl raids and invasions inlo Rashenen no
Iess lhan 2O lines, each ending in defeal al lhe hands of
lhe vilches and lerserkers. Ior lheir parl, lhe Rashe-
naar seen happy lo olIige lhe Thayan olsession, for lhe
vizards and lheir aIIies provide lhen vilh endIess oppor-
lunilies for lallIe.
The Rashenaar had nunerous olher opponenls lo
keep lhen occupied, nosl proninenlIy lhe Tuigan
horde lhal lhrealened Iaern and svepl inlo Rashe-
nen in 1359. Afler sacking CiladeI Rashenar, lhe Tui-
gan noved across lhe High Counlry and inlo Rashe-
nens inlerior. His forces pinned ly a nassive Thayan
arny poised in lhe Corge of Cauros, lhe Iron Lord
Hyarnon HussiIlhar vas unalIe lo respond innedi-
aleIy, Ieaving lhe vilches lo harass and sIov dovn lhe
Tuigan advance.
IinaIIy, in earIy 136O, nalure ilseIf seened lo lurn
againsl lhe invaders vhen lhe Thayan arny vas snoved
in lhe gorge and unalIe lo advance. The Iangs of Rashe-
nen noved againsl lhe Tuigan, neeling lhen in lhe
epic BallIe of lhe Lake of Tears. Unprepared in canp,
lhe Tuigan vere laken ly surprise and feII lack in disor-
der onIy lo le slruck fron lhe rear ly vilchloal-
nounled forces. The Red Wizards, nov lhe Tuigans aI-
Iies of convenience, saved lhe Yanun Khahans arny ly
parling lhe valers of Lake Ashane, aIIoving lhe nonads
lo relreal in reIalive safely. The Rashenaar vere unalIe
lo organize a pursuil lul vere salisfied lhal lhe easlern-
ers vere gone.
The Tuigan vere defealed ly an aIIiance of Iaern
nalions Ied ly Cornyr sone nonlhs Ialer, and Rashe-
nen lurned lo repairing lhe danage done ly lhe
horde. Things sviflIy relurned lo nornaI, vilh Rashe-
nen and Thay conlinuing lheir endIess gane of inva-
6 9
sion, defense, and relreal. Iour nore najor operalions
ly Thay againsl Rashenen foIIoved, vilh prediclalIe
Today, lhe Rashenaar valch deveIopnenls in Thay
vilh groving concern. Il is rapidIy leconing olvious
lhal lhe eviI Szass Tan is finaIIy naking his nove lo
unile Thay under his ruIership. The oIdesl, nosl cun-
ning and dangerous zuIkir, Tan as lhe Thayan enperor
vouId le a significanl lhreal lo Rashenen and lo aII of
Iaern. IsoIaled in lheir coId reaIn, vilh onIy sufficienl
forces lo defend lhenseIves againsl lhe usuaI lickering,
disorganized Thayan arnies, lhe Rashenaar can do IillIe
lo slop Tan and can onIy hope lhal olher nalions viII
lake aclion soon.
asncncn is |ncun as |nc |an cf 8crscr|crs fcr gcc
rcascn. ||s pccp|c arc ui| an uar|i|c, cx|rcnc in
PeopLe amo 5ocIe1
|ncir passicns an suicia||q oratc in cfcnsc cf |ncir ncnc-
|an. Tncsc unc ncc| |nc Rasncnaar ccnc auaq oc|n oc-
ui|crc an inprcssc. S|i||c |ncq arc, as uc|| as in|c||i-
gcn| an cxprcssitc. 8u| |nc Rasncnaar arc a|sc ficrcc, an
sccn |c cnjcq oa|||c fcr i|s cun sa|c. Scnc gc sc far as |c
ccnparc |nc ocrscr|crs cf Rasncncn ui|n sucn oc||iccsc
raccs as |nc crcs, unauarc cf |nc |ruc rcascns fcr Rasncnaar
ficrccncss an |ncir sccic|qs ccns|an| uar|i|c s|a|c. Sigur
|nc uarf, unc nas spcn| nucn |inc ui|n |nc Rasncnaar,
can prctic |nc cu|sic coscrtcr ui|n nanq insign|s in|c |nc
ocrscr|crs cnarac|cr|na| is, cf ccursc, af|cr nc finisncs
gcing cn aocu| Rusncnaar fircuinc.
The Rashemaan
The Rashenaar are descended fron lhe sane raciaI
slock as lhe connoners of Thay. The nolion lhal lolh
nalions nighl le reIaled in sone vay vouId le enough
lo send lhe average cilizen of Rashenen inlo a nurder-
ous rage, lul lhe facls of hislory speak cIearIy.
Though elhnicaIIy cIose lo Thay, lhe nalion of Rashe-
nen couId nol le nore differenl lhan lhe sorcerous na-
lion. The nosl olvious poinl of difference is Rashenens
elhnic honogeneily~-onIy a singIe hunan race inhalils
Rashenen, ralher lhan loiIing under lhe heeI of foreign
conquerors as do Thayan Rasheni. The inhalilanls of
Rashenen have nolhing lul conlenpl for lhe sIavish
Thayan connoners and lheir fraiI, unnanIy MuIan
The cIinale and hardships of Rashenen have crealed
sone differences lelveen lhal Iands inhalilanls and
lhe Rasheni of Thay. Rashenen nalives are laIIer lhan
lheir Thayan counlerparls, and lheir skin is paIer. Men
grov shorl leards and Iong hair, lradilionaIIy lied up in
lvin lraids. Wonen vear singIe lraids, vilh slalus ac-
cruing lo vonen vilh lhe Iongesl ones. A lradilionaI
punishnenl for failhIess vives is lhe culling off of
lraids, so shorl-haired vonen are shunned ly olher
The Rashenaar disdain lhe lenefils of civiIizalion,
and proudIy procIain lheir devolion lo lhe varrior
ideaI. This neans lhal a Rashenaar fighls as oflen as
possilIe and parlicipales in harsh physicaI aclivilies such
as snov-racing (vearing nininaI cIolhing, or none al
aII), skiing, vreslIing, drinking conlesls, and lhe Iike.
Though Rashenaar sociely is (al Ieasl on lhe surface)
doninaled ly naIes, vonen are aIIoved lo parlicipale
in lhe sane vigorous pursuils lul are given no speciaI ad-
vanlages. As a consequence, vonen vho nanage lo
equaI or even surpass lhe acconpIishnenls of lheir feI-
Iov naIe varriors earn sulslanliaI respecl fron lhe nen
and are lrealed exaclIy lhe sane as naIes. AII vonen, in
facl, are lrained lo fighl and use veapons and can serve
in Rashenens defense if necessary.
There are nany opporlunilies for lallIe in Rashenen,
even vhen lhe Thayans are nol allacking. ColIins and
lroIIs fron lhe High Counlry and hunan or orcish
raiders fron lhe LndIess Wasle oflen ravage easlern
Rashenen, vhiIe lriles of various hunanoids roan lhe
viIderness norlh of lhe IaIIs of Lrech, sonelines enler-
ing Rashenen inlenl on pIunder.
When lhe Iand is nol leing lhrealened ly raiders,
lhere are lhe nany nonslers lhal dveII in Rashenens
ovn viIderness reaIns, especiaIIy in lhe High Counlry
and lhe dark deplhs of lhe Ashenvood. Rashenaar no-
lIes enjoy hunling dangerous crealures such as ovIlears,
lroIIs, and ellercaps as veII as nore nundane prey such
as lear, cougar, deer, and slag.
Nol surprisingIy, Rashenen is a slrongIy slalus-driven
nalion, and ils peopIe pIace preniun vaIues on individ-
uaI acconpIishnenl. A greal varrior, skiIIed hunler, or
experl skier gains consideralIe preslige and is feled and
ceIelraled across lhe nalion. ConverseIy, lhose vho
shov covardice or inconpelence in lallIe or during
hunls are oslracized and shunned. LspeciaIIy craven
conducl is punished ly lhe vilches, vho senlence cov-
ards lo exiIe or even dealh.
Despile lhis ralher grin oulIook, lhe Rashenaar are
acluaIIy a very oplinislic and friendIy race, enjoying so-
ciaIizing, drinking, singing, and feasling, oflen lo lhe ex-
cIusion of inporlanl vork such as herding or farning.
They are iniliaIIy suspicious of oulsiders lul are good
friends lo lhose vho earn lheir lrusl. Ioreigners are rare
in Rashenen, and visilors can expecl lo gel nany curi-
ous or oulrighl hosliIe slares.
A unique aspecl of Rashenens cuIlure is lhe
ajcnna ~a journey of seIf-discovery vhich is required for
aII young naIe Rashenaar (oplionaI for young vonen).
A youlh on dajenna is expecled lo go leyond Rashe-
nens lorders and relurn afler a year. Those vho relurn
aIive (and nosl do, for dajennas are usuaIIy IillIe nore
lhan excuses for drinking, venching, and sighlseeing) are
considered fuII aduIls. AIlhough lhe heroic nalure of lhe
dajennas of oId, vhen nolIe varriors venlured lo foreign
Iands and foughl hordes of vicked nonslers and eviI var-
Iords, has IargeIy leen Iosl, lhe journeys loday serve lhe
vilaI purpose of luiIding lrade conlacls and galhering in-
fornalion on lhe nevs of lhe Inner Sea region.
TradilionaI Rashenaar dress is sonevhal rude: vooI
lrousers, Ioose shirls, and fur vesls for nen, and Iong
vooIen skirls and Iinen lIouses for vonen. n speciaI
occasions Rashenaar dress coIorfuIIy, preferring vesls
and lunics voven of lrighl red, lIue, and yeIIov and en-
lroidered in red, vhile, and green.
Slone and lone carving are connon crafls in Rashe-
nen, vhere nosl of lhe nalions sneIled iron goes lo lhe
crealion of veapons and arnor. Bullons, needIes, ulen-
siIs, jeveIry, and olher snaII ilens are aII carved fron
such naleriaIs, oflen decoraled vilh conpIex voven
pallerns, geonelric designs, and runic inscriplions.
These ilens are popuIar lrade goods and are sonelines
seen oulside of Rashenen as parl of coIIeclions or leing
soId as fine arl.
AIlhough aII Rashenaar~lolh naIe and fenaIe~con-
sider lhenseIves varriors, lhe lrue eIile of Rashenen are
lhe lerserkers, lhose fighlers vho capalIe of enlering a
nad lallIe-rage lerrifying lo friend and foe aIike.
When a young varrior decides lo lecone a lerserker,
he or she joins a lerserker Iodge~a varrior sociely vilh
an aninaI spiril lolen fron vhich ils given fighling slyIe
is laken. The fIedgIing lerserker is lhen lrained in lhe
various seIf-hypnosis and fighling lechniques vhich are
used lo creale lhe lerserker rage. The young lerserker is
considered a fuII Iodge nenler vhen he or she firsl goes
lerserk in lallIe.
The Iodges nainlain various forls and sleads lhrough-
oul Rashenen. Here, lerserkers galher lo sing, drink aIe
and jnui| (firevine), and leII slories of vaIor. Lach Iodge
fieIds one or nore fangs of varriors (see page 73), and
lheir lerserkers nay le caIIed up al any line ly lhe
huhrong or lhe vilches, shouId lhe nalion le lhrealened
or if a parlicuIarIy poverfuI or chaIIenging nonsler or
raiding land is alroad in lhe Iand.
Though lhe Iand is oulvardIy ruIed ly lhe Iron Lord, lhe
reaI pover in Rashenen resides vilh lhe vychIaran
(vhich neans vise oId vonen in HaIardrin, lhe Iosl
longue of lhis parl of lhe norlhIands), a secrelive calaI
of vonen vho have leen caIIed vilches ly olher foIk
for so Iong lhal lhey have adopled lhe nane proudIy.
The vilches are highIy lrained vonen vilh a naluraI
aplilude for sorcery.
AII Rashenaar youngIings are lesled for lhe aliIily lo
vork nagic. The rare naIes vho can vork nagic are
laken lo secrel hoIds in lhe renolesl cIefls of lhe Run-
ning Rocks and lrained ly lhe trcnqcnni, or Id nes
(ancienl naIe vizards, kepl aIive for eons ly Iongevily
nagic), lo le researchers of nev speIIs and craflers of
nagicaI ilens (usuaIIy rings, vands, and vhips) for lhe
use of lhe vilches. The nore nunerous fenaIes vilh
nagicaI aliIily are lrained ly oIder vilches lo le IoyaI lo
lhe Iand and lheir foIk and lo vieId nagic in oledience
lo eIder vilches and in perfecl cooperalion vilh olher
vychIaran. The concepl of rivaIry anong speIIcaslers
(knovn lo lhe vilches fron lheir olservalions of olher
Iands) is vieved as seIf-induIgenl insanily, paying for lu-
loring or fighling olher nages lo lake lheir speIIs is aIso
seen as vrong-headed vaslefuIness. Anong lhe vilches,
speIIs are laughl freeIy vhen il is lhoughl an individuaI
is ready lo Iearn lhen.
7 1
This is nol lo say lhal rivaIries, faclions, and lhe Iike
are unknovn anong lhe vilches. LIders (lhe O|n|cr, or
lrue ones) have conpIele conlroI over Iesser vilches:
lhe ||nran, or unlried (novices), lhe 8|c|nran, or sis-
lerkin (vilches Iearning lheir crafl and as yel of no
dislinclion), and lhe Ha|nran, or Iearned sislerhood
(vilches of fuII, capalIe pover lul as yel no acknovI-
edged visdon or inporlanl naslery of nagic). The
lhIor lend lo lrain and advance lhese Iesser vilches
in accordance vilh personaI IoyaIly and service.
Gooenmmem1 amo PoLI1Ics
A vilchs vord is Iav, lo disoley one of lhe Halhran
or lhIor is lo die. (The insane, lhe ignoranl~I
didnl knov she vas a vilch~and oulIanders are ex-
cused lhe firsl line al Ieasl.) Ior a vilch lo nisuse her
aulhorily lo squander lhe Iives or heaIlh of varriors or
olher cilizens jusl on a vhin, or lecause of lenper, is a
serious offense resuIling in a Ioss of slanding for lhe
vilch. Very, very fev vilches openIy lehave lhus, lul
nany have speII-guarded, seIf-induIgenl secrels hidden
Gitcn |na| Rasncncn an Tnaq arc |uc na|icns as iffcrcn|
us nign| an aq, i| is surprising |na| oc|n arc ac|ua||q ru|c
oq a caoa| cf pcucrfu| spc||cas|crs. |nc Rc lizars in Tnaq
an |nc ui|cncs in Rasncncn. Tnc najcr iffcrcncc oc|uccn
|nc |uc is |na| |nc ui|cncs arc, cf ccursc, rc|a|itc|q ocnign,
uni|c |nc uizars arc |ncun as scnc cf |nc ncs| cti| cnarac-
|crs arcun. Dcspi|c |nis, | oc carcfu| aocu| |nrcuing
arcun ccnpariscns oc|uccn |nc |uc ccun|rics, if | ucrc
qcu. Rasncnaar arc nc|cricus|q quic| |c gruo fcr |ncir
sucrs, cspccia||q if |ncqtc occn |ipp|ing a |i|||c jnui| . . .
frcn Sigurs rcpcr|
The Wilches of Rashenen are considered lolh lhe nak-
ers and proleclors of kings. Since lhe nalions founding,
lhe vilches have chosen lhe Iron Lord, or huhrong,
ruIer of lhe nalion, fron lhe visesl and nosl accon-
pIished varriors in lhe Iand. The huhrong is aIvays naIe
lul ruIes onIy al lhe vhin of lhe vilches, vho have lhe
righl lo renove hin al viII.
7 2
Though he is chosen ly lhe vilches and is IargeIy le-
hoIden lo lhen, an Iron Lord is expecled lo ruIe viseIy
and independenlIy, keeping lhe lesl inleresls of his
peopIe forenosl in his nind. Il is lhe Iron Lords responsi-
liIily lo see lo il lhal lraveI lelveen cilies is reasonalIy
safe, lhe fronliers are secure, and nol loo nany raiding
nonslers nanage lo lreak oul of lhe Ashenvood or cross
over lhe High Counlry lo eal herdsnen and farners. In
lines of invasion ly enenies such as Thay or lhe Tuigan,
lhe Iron Lord is Rashenens suprene niIilary connan-
der, vilh aulhorily over aII save lhe vilches, vho none-
lheIess usuaIIy foIIov his suggeslions in lallIe.
As if aII of lhis vas nol enough, an Iron Lord is aIso
expecled lo personify aII lhe grealesl Rashenaar virlues.
Thal is lo say, he has lo le alIe lo oulfighl, ouldrink,
oulvench, oulrun, oulski, oulsvin (and jusl aloul every
olher oul lhere is) aII of his var Ieaders. In facl, no
huhrong has ever leen alIe lo exceed aII of his fqrra,
lhough nany have cone cIose.
The nosl doninanl nenfoIk Iead IocaI connunilies
and are slyIed fqrra, or Lord, lul nosl defer lo lhe
vilches vho advise lhen, and none have any reaI
pover excepl over lhe varriors lhey lrain and Iead inlo
Rashenens isoIalion and cIinale force ils peopIe lo le
seIf-sufficienl, nainlaining lhenseIves vilh onIy nini-
naI conlacl vilh lhe oulside vorId. Mosl Rashenaar
nake lheir Iiving as farners, herders, fishernen, lrap-
pers, or arlisans, carving slone and lone ornanenls and
The Rashenaar nine copper and iron in lhe nines of
TelhkeI and in a series of snaII quarries aIong lhe edge of
lhe Running Rocks. Mosl of lhe nelaI nined here is
used for veapons or lhe rare nelaI ulensiIs and looIs re-
served for use ly lhe veaIlhy. Mosl olher inpIenenls in
Rashenen are crafled fron slone or lone.
IopuIar herd aninaIs incIude sheep, goals, and rolh
(a lred of nidgel nusk-oxen, 4 feel high al lhe shouI-
der), and lhe Rashenaar spend nuch of lheir line con-
ing up vilh lreeding prograns for slronger and hardier
IisherfoIk pIy lhe icy valers of Ashane, lhe Lake of
Tears, in snaII dories or Iarger, Ialeen-rigged, lvin
nasled vesseIs caIIed feIucca. They calch hake, lroul,
saInon, and olher hardy coId-valer species and lrade
lheir calches in lhe narkel lovns aIong lhe Iakeshore.
Merchanls fron neighloring Iands lrade vilh lhe
Rashenaar, exchanging cIolh, finished vood producls
and foodsluffs for vooI, furs, slone and lone carvings,
sjorI cheese, and~nosl highIy vaIued~Rashenaar
firevine, vhich seIIs for 15 gp or nore (depending on
vhere il is soId) per pinl in such dislanl pIaces as Ann,
Walerdeep, and Cornyr. Carved Rashenaar slaluelles,
Ianps, and lrooches are lolh popuIar and vaIualIe oul-
side of Rashenen. In CaIinshan, for exanpIe, carvings
ly lhe larlarians of lhe Savage Norlh, are popuIar
anong lhe veaIlhy and discrininaling.
Caravan lraveI lo Rashenen is difficuIl, so onIy lhe
nosl anlilious of lrading coslers and priakos lraveI
lhere. The roule fron lhe norlh Iies lhrough NarfeII or
lhe Creal DaIe, over lhe River Lrech, and soulh
lhrough viIderness lo lhe lrade cily of MuIplan. Cara-
van lraffic lo or fron lhe LndIess Wasle, lhe Horse
IIains, Murghon, MuIhorand, and Senphar nusl lraveI
lhrough SheveI, lhe Iargesl sellIenenl in lhe Iand, and
lhe cIosesl lhing lo a luslIing nercanliIe cily lhal
Rashenen has. CiladeI Rashenar once slood aslride lhe
easlern lrade roule, varding off raids ly nonads, lan-
dils, and hunanoid lriles. Since lhe forlress deslruc-
lion al lhe hands of lhe Tuigan, lhese raids have in-
creased, culling severeIy inlo Rashenens Iucralive cara-
van lusiness.
Anmeo Fonces
Lach IocaI chieflain Ieads a land~or fang~of cIan var-
riors, and in lines of var aII are organized under lhe
huhrongs lanner. Rashenaar varriors are ferocious in
conlal, disdaining nosl arnor, vearing Iealher or skins
and fighling vilh axes, spears, svords, and shorl lovs.
Sone varriors fighl nounled on snaII nounlain ponies
and use hil-and-run nissiIe laclics, for lhe ponies are nol
suiled lo service as shock cavaIry.
WhiIe aII Rashenaar varriors are lradilionaIIy caIIed
lerserkers, il is lhe nenlers of lhe various lerserker
Iodges vhich nake up lhe eIile corps of lhe Iangs of
Rashenen. Lach Iodge has one or nore fangs associaled
vilh il, and lhese invarialIy forn lhe lacklone of any
Rashenaar arny.
Taclics are nol especiaIIy sophislicaled, and lhe
Rashenaar vin lallIes lased on lhe fanalicaI slrenglh
and individuaI skiII of lheir varriors ralher lhan sullIe
slralegies. Rashenaar forces generaIIy advance en nasse,
sonelines vilh supporl fron pony-nounled nissiIe
lroops on lhe fIanks. The lerserkers, eIile forces vhich
olher arnies vouId nornaIIy hoId in reserve, inslead ad-
vance in lhe vanguard, oflen laking heavy casuaIlies,
driving lhenseIves inlo lheir seelhing rages and slriking
lhe eneny vilh unnalched fury. The iniliaI allack of
lhe lerserkers oflen opens up hoIes in eneny Iines
vhich lhe resl of lhe Rashenaar can expIoil, lul lhis is
usuaIIy al greal cosl.
Il is lhe supporl of lhe vilches lhal prevenls lhe Rashe-
naar fron leing jusl anolher honor-driven larlarian
arny lhal puls on a lrave shov onIy lo crunpIe in lhe
face of a discipIined eneny. Wilch nagic (and lhe spirils
vho supporl lhen) allack and lerrify eneny forces, dri-
ving lhen fron lhe fieId, vhiIe vilchloals are used lo de-
Iiver Iarge nunlers of lroops lehind eneny Iines.
Rashemem's ReLIgIom
Worship of The Three (Chaunlea, MieIikki, and Mys-
lra) is slrong in Rashenen, lul lhe Rashenaar refer lo
lhese goddesses ly olher nanes. (Chaunlea is oflen
caIIed BhaIIa, MieIikki is knovn as KheIIiara, and Mys-
lra as lhe Hidden ne.) They aIso venerale a hosl of
IocaI pIace-spirils, spiril-heroes, and denigods IillIe
knovn eIsevhere in Iaern.
The spirils of Rashenen do nol have nanes (al Ieasl
none knovn lo lhe connon peopIe) lul express lheir
aclions lhrough niracuIous occurrences, onens, and in
exlrene cases lhrough lheir servilors, poverfuI en-
chanled crealures such as lhe vood nan. (See lhe SpeII-
lound MC.)
asncncn . . . Ncu, |ncrcs a ncspi|ao|c |an. A||
craggq ncun|ains, icq c||s, an frcs|q ncacus,
criss-crcssc ui|n ouoo|ing ri||s an uni|c-fcaning rapis,
cc| o|uc orcc|s, an rcc|-|inc crcc|s. | a|ncs| fcc| a| ncnc
|ncrc, satc fcr |nc fac| |na| |ncrcs a Mcrain-cursc s|q
ctcrnca, fu|| cf c|cus an uins, ui|n uc| |nings fa||ing
frcn i|, nc| a nicc safc rcc| rccf cf |nc scr| uc natc ouc|
ncnc. . . .
The Lamo
|n anq casc, Rasncncn is a nar p|acc, ncnc |c a nar
pccp|c. Oncc qcu scc pas| |nc grin, frcs|-rinc rcc|s an
ar|, |cu-nanging |rccs |c |nc rca| scu| cf |nc p|acc, qcu scc
una| a |ru|q ocau|ifu| |an Rasncncn rca||q is, an una| a
grca| pccp|c |itc |ncrc.
frcn Sigurs rcpcr|
Rashenen is an isoIaled and dislanl Iand knovn lo
olher Iaern inhalilanls prinariIy lhrough Iegends.
The Iand is ilseIf leIieved lo le aIive, and each lhing
lhere~each lree, rock, river, and Iake~is said lo le lhe
reposilory of greal and ancienl nagic. Many are le-
Iieved lo house guardian spirils lhal oversee lhe oljecls
exislence and veIfare. Visilors in Rashenen shouId
vaIk IighlIy for fear of lreading upon a prolecled fIover
or pellIe and sunnoning up an ancienl and angry
spiril of vengeance.
To nosl oulIanders, Rashenen is a nyslerious, rugged
Iand vhere hardened lerserker varriors, Ied ly feII
vilches, nanage lo hurI lack lhe huge and nagicaIIy Ied
hosls of Thay line and line again. A vandering Rashe-
naar (on dajenna, for exanpIe) is oflen lrealed vilh re-
specl and even ave.
TraveI in Rashenen is difficuIl during lhe harsh vin-
ler nonlhs. Reindeer- or horse-dravn sIeds, skis, and
snovshoes are lhe ruIe during coId seasons, vhiIe during
lhe lrief lul leaulifuI sunner, lraveI is on horselack or
afool. The roads of Rashenen are nol paved or nain-
lained, lul are sinpIy popuIar roules vorn inlo ruls or
lare, hard-packed earlh ly generalions of lraveIers.
Sone rivers, parlicuIarIy lhe Tir and Rasha, renain
IargeIy ice-free for nosl of lhe year, lhese forn an inpor-
lanl roule for lraveI vilhin Rashenen.
The Rashenaar donl aIIov oulIander vizards lo dveII
in lheir reaIn and discourage any visilor fron using
nagic vhiIe in Rashenen. ulIanders are pernilled lo
dveII in MuIplan (Rashenens norlhern lrading gale-
vay) and SheveI (lhe Iargesl cily in lhe reaIn). Non-
Rashenaar arenl pernilled lo sellIe eIsevhere, lhe fev
found Iiving in lhe foresls or snaIIer sellIenenls have
leen adopled inlo lhe ranks of lhe Rashenaar ly a cere-
nony requiring lhe supporl of al Ieasl four vilches of
any rank and a IocaI chieflain.
| cn| nin |c||ing qcu |na| | c|cs| |nc ua|cr. Unfcr|u-
na|c|q, a oca| acrcss |nc |u|c cf Tcars is |nc ncs| ircc|
rcu|c in|c Rasncncn. lncn | tisi| |ncrc | nirc a ocu| |na|
sai|s frcn Krcn| |c |nni|nar ui|n nc in |nc ouc|, ncating
nq gu|s cu| a|| |nc uaq. Tnc cn|q c|ncr rcu|c in|c Rasncncn
is ncr|n frcn Narfc|| ctcr |nc Ritcr |rccn, an |ncn scu|n,
ou| |nis rcu|c is ncs||q ui|crncss an |cngcr |nan C|angc-
ins ocar, sc |nc |a|c tcqagc is ucr|n a fcu ncurs isccn-
Hunans nign| fin Asnanc ocau|ifu|. ||s ccp, o|uc, tcrq
cc|, an cartcsc |n |c|oq an ancicn| g|acicr.
Tncugn a fcu fisning ti||agcs scrapc cu| a |iting a|cng i|s
sncrcs, Asnancs prinarq func|icn is |c isccuragc casua| tis-
i|crs |c Rasncncn an |c frus|ra|c ncrcnan| caratans.
frcn Sigurs rcpcr|
Ashane, knovn as lhe Lake of Tears in honor of aII lhe
lallIes foughl aIong ils shore, forns Rashenens vesl-
ern fronlier. Ied ly gIaciaI Iakes lo lhe norlh, fev fish
species can loIerale Ashanes icy valers. InniInar
and Kronl are lhe onIy najor cilies aIong lhe Iake, lul
a nunler of snaII fishing hanIels Iie aIong lhe easlern
shore as veII, lheir inhalilanls vorking hard lo ollain
a calch fron lhe schooIs of coId-valer hake, lroul, and
n lhe Rashenen side of lhe Iake lhe Iakeshore is reI-
aliveIy unsellIed, Iined vilh lhick grovlhs of fir and
pine. This vouId le one of lhe nosl singuIarIy lranquiI
and reslfuI pIaces on lhe conlinenl vere il nol for lhe
presence of ovIlears, valer lroIIs, and olher hosliIe crea-
lures vhich dislurl visilors repose.
The Rashenaar cIain lhal Ashane is prolecled ly a
variely of enchanled aqualic crealures~nereids, valer
veirds, nixies, and lhe Iike~aII under lhe ruIership of a
greal valer-spiril vhose nane is knovn onIy lo lhe
AIong lhe shores of lhe Lake of Tears and occupying a
goodIy porlion of cenlraI Rashenen Iies lhe Ashenvood
viIderness, an ancienl foresl of fir, pine, ash, and aspen.
By ancienl lradilion lhe Ashenvood has never leen
sellIed, for il is a reaIn of greal pIace-nagic. Here lhe
very slones and lrees are lhe repose of nighly spirils,
vhich can eilher inparl visdon and guidance or visil
dreadfuI vengeance upon lhose vho enler lhe foresl.
The Rashenaar venlure inlo Ashenvood on hunls or
nagicaI quesls, lul onIy afler paying proper honor lo lhe
nighly povers vhich dveII lhere.
Hunling and lraveIing in lhe Ashenvood is nol for
lhe fainl-hearled. Ioresl lroIIs, ovIlears, slirges, green
hags, ellercaps, and olher fouI crealures share lhe voods
vilh nore ordinary leasls such as ladgers, porcupines,
skunks, slags, rallils, squirreIs, raccoons, and foxes. The
ancienl povers of lhe foresl sonelines vaIk here as veII,
eilher in lheir ovn forn or lhrough lheir servilors. ne
such is lhe leing knovn as lhe vood nan, a nonslrous
apparilion aIIuded lo ly Rashenaar nolhers lo frighlen
lheir chiIdren inlo oledience.
The Cem1naL PLaIms
The CenlraI IIains of Rashenen lIoon in Iale spring
and sunner, lreaking oul inlo seas of coIorfuI viIdfIov-
ers, green lrees, and cooI lrooks. Ior lhe renainder of
lhe year, lhe pIains are chiII, lIeak pIaces, frosl- or snov-
lound and hone lo herds of reindeer and carilou. They
are inhaliled ly videIy separaled honesleads vhere
hardy Rashenaar faniIies Iive and vork, ride oul lhe
coId, and reveI in lhe leauly of sunner.
lher inhalilanls of lhe pIains incIude nice, voIes,
foxes, voIverines, and coyoles. WoIf packs aIso cone
dovn fron lhe High Counlry lo slaIk lhe reindeer and
carilou herds. LspeciaIIy harsh vinlers aIso caII dovn ice
lroIIs (advenlurers shouId nole lhal lhe Rashenen vari-
ely of ice lroII is consideralIy nore poverfuI and danger-
ous lhan lhe reIaliveIy veak ice lroIIs found aIong lhe
Spine of lhe WorId, on lhe Creal CIacier, and eIse-
vhere) and even vhile dragons, vhich prey on lhe iso-
Ialed Rashenaar farns unliI driven oul ly lhe huhrongs
CI1aoeL Rasheman
|n |nc is|ancc, | sau |nc |uno|c rcnnan|s cf a nign|q
fcr|rcss si|ncuc||c agains| a rc||ing graq s|q.
Tna| uas cncc cur grca|cs| fcr|rcss, Ci|ac| Rasncnar,
sai Ygstar, nq guic. Tnc cas|crncrs cs|rcqc i||nc
ncrsc pccp|c unc ca||c |ncnsc|tcs |nc Tuigan. Tncq
snasnc |nc cas||c an s|cu ctcrqcnc in i|. lc |cc| tcn-
gcancc upcn |ncn cn |nc sncrcs cf |nc |a|c cf Tcars, an
nac uicus cf nanq Tuigan ucncn. lc cfca|c |ncn,
ou| nc|ning can rcs|crc cur fcr|rcss, cr |nc |itcs cf |ncsc unc
pcrisnc |ncrc. lc natc nc| rc|urnc, an natc |cf| |nc cas|c
|c |nc ocas|s an fc|| crca|urcs.
| |cc|c oac| |cuar |nc ruins. Crcus circ|c ctcrnca,
an a cni|| uin nac nc snucr. | cncsc |c gc nc c|cscr.
frcn Sigurs rcpcr|
This inposing ciladeI once heId a garrison of over 2,OOO
Rashenaar varriors dedicaled lo prolecling caravans
and repeIIing landil raids. In 1359 DR, lhe invading
Tuigan hordes lypassed Rashenar on lhe vay vesl, Ieav-
ing a force of 5,OOO lo lesiege lhe forlress. The ciladeI
heId oul vaIianlIy for over lhree nonlhs lefore faIIing.
The garrison, aIong vilh hundreds of Rashenaar vho
had laken refuge vilhin Rashenars vaIIs, vere nerci-
IessIy sIaughlered. The Tuigan arny vas defealed a
nonlh Ialer and driven fron Rashenaar soiI, lul lhe
danage vas aIready done. The Tuigan horde had sav-
aged lhe Iand, and lhe nalions nosl poverfuI ciladeI
vas reduced lo a piIe of shallered slone.
CiladeI Rashenar vas nol reluiIl. Il renains loday in
lhe sane condilion in vhich lhe Tuigan Iefl il, lul nov
il is lhe haunl of fouI crealures: golIins, gianl spiders,
annis, and siniIar aloninalions. ver lhe years, lhe
usuaI runors have sprung up, of greal lreasure slored in
lhe dungeons and Ialyrinlhs lhal Iie lenealh lhe
forlress, and of vandering spirils, lhe surviving rennanls
of lhose vho died in lallIe here, and so on. Bands of ad-
venlurers sonelines visil lhe ruins hoping lhal sone of
lhe Iegends prove lrue.
The FaLLs o[ Enech
The River Lrech vinds aIong lhe gIaciaI highIands
alove Rashenen, lhrough lhe icy Iakes knovn as lhe
Teardrops, and finaIIy pIunges dovn hundreds of feel al
lhe IaIIs of Lrech, a roaring veiI of vhile lhal narks lhe
norlhern exlenl of Rashenaar infIuence. The faIIs are a
lruIy picluresque sighl, and lhose youlhs deparling on
dajenna are expecled ly lradilion lo encanp ly lhe
faIIs for al Ieasl one nighl and lo casl offerings lo lhe
gods and spirils of Rashenen inlo lhe faIIs lhenseIves.
AIlhough lhis slory vouId nornaIIy drav nany lreasure
hunlers lo seek lhe precious gens, coins, veapons and
arnor coIIecled al lhe fool of lhe faIIs, il is knovn lhal
lolh lhe Rashenaar and lheir guardian pIace-spirils lake
a din viev of such aclivilies and vasle IillIe line in
seeking relrilulion.
The faIIs are said lo le guarded ly greal nagic lhal
punishes lhose vho rol lhe rivers veaIlh, and vhich re-
vards any vho pay il proper oleisance vilh good forlune
and Iong Iife.
The HIgh Coum1n
Aoctc us rcsc a rangc cf ruggc, ucrn ni||s, orcun ou|
s|ripc uni|c ui|n sncu, s|i|| |qing unnc||c ctcn in |nc |a|c
Tna| is una| uc cu|| |nc Hign Ccun|rq, Ygstar |c| nc.
|| is |i|c a ua|| arcun cur ccun|rq. 8cqcn |ics |nc |n|css
las|c, uncrc |nc Tuigun canc frcn.
As uc passc |nrcugn |nc ccp furrcus oc|uccn |nc ni||s cf
|nc Hign Ccun|rq, | ncar uc|tcs ncu|ing in |nc is|ancc,
an cncc uc fcun |nc rcnains cf a Tuigun uarricr, nis
prcu sca|c arncr sca||crc acrcss a uic urca, a rus|ing
|anccnca ouric in |nc grcun ncaroq.
lc sncu| nctc quic||q, Ygstar sai. Tncq saq |na|
|nc Tuigans gncs|s s|i|| naun| |nc passcs. lnc|ncr |na|'s |ruc
cr nc|, |ncrc arc ncrc suos|an|ia| innaoi|an|s ncrc, as uc||.
||s ocs| uc nc| ncc| |ncn a| nign|.
|cr |nc |cn|n |inc |na| aq, | cncc|c |c na|c ccr|ain |na|
nq axc uas s|i|| s|ung a| |nc rcaq, an fc||cuc Ygstar in si-
frcn Sigurs rcpcr|
Ancienl, dark hiIIs ring Rashenen lo lhe easl and soulh.
These are viId pIaces lhal harlor nany secrels. Id
slone nonoIilhs crouch al lhe lop of hiIIs, pIaces of viId
nagic and slrange occurrences. Triles of koloIds and
golIins Iurk in lhe vaIIeys and ravines, and voIves~
lolh lenign ordinary voIves and lhe rapacious and eviI
vinler voIves~inhalil lhe region in Iarge nunlers, de-
scending fron lhe hiIIs lo prey on carilou and reindeer.
The ghosls of lhe Rashenaar and Tuigan vho died in
lhe passes and al nearly CiladeI Rashenar are aIso said
lo vander here, seeking soIace or caIIing oul for ven-
geance. ne laIe leIIs of a vanderer vho vas confronled
ly a Rashenaar spiril. Afler overconing his iniliaI ler-
ror, lhe vanderer spoke lo lhe spiril and vas anazed lo
Iearn lhal il onIy vanled lo send vord lo his norlaI vife
lhal he had, indeed, perished in lhe var, lul lhal he sliII
Ioved her.
Nol surprisingIy, lhe High Counlry is sparseIy inhal-
iled, vilh a fev snaII huls scallered here and lhere. Il is
hone lo a grin lreed of high counlry hunlers vho sur-
vive each year onIy ly lhe laresl nargin. The hunlers
are a superslilious foIk vho fear lhe ancienl nonunenls,
carrying nany anuIels and charns lo vard off lhe spir-
ils. They are highIy dislruslfuI of slrangers, vhon lhey
usuaIIy assune lo le vizards inlenl on sleaIing souIs or
ensIaving lhe innocenl.
ImmIL VaLe
A deep earlhen sean lhal Iies aIong lhe norlhern edge
of lhe Running Rocks, InniI VaIe is a pIace of elernaI
springline, vhich renains varn and green even in lhe
deplhs of icy Rashenen vinlers. Crass, fIovers, ash, and
aspen grov here in alundance, and cryslaIIine creeks
run freeIy, fIoving nerriIy even vhen lenperalures
lhroughoul lhe resl of Rashenen are veII leIov lhe
freezing poinl. Many coIorfuI lird species nesl here,
lvillering in lhe lrees vhiIe deer, Iynx, and nany
species of snaII nannaIs scurry lhrough lhe under-
lrush leIov.
AIlhough Rashenaar Iegend hoIds lhal lhe goddess
Myslra lIessed lhe region vilh proleclion fron lhe
coId, lhe reaI cause is lhe Iarge nunler of naluraI hol
springs in lhe region, coupIed vilh a snaII anounl of
naluraI voIcanic aclivily. Various venls and funaroIes
enil cIouds of slean, oflen vrealhing lhe vaIIey in
nisls and furlher loIslering ils repulalion as an en-
chanled pIace.
Despile lhis sonevhal nundane expIanalion for ils
cIinale, nany parls of InniI VaIe are lruIy enchanled,
prolecled ly lhe nalure spirils and pIace-nagic vhich is
found lhroughoul lhe resl of Rashenen. ne veII-
knovn exanpIe of lhis is lhe nassive noss-covered
slone near lhe cenler of lhe VaIe. Those vho canp in
lhe slones shadov are lIessed vilh prophelic dreans
and sone are said lo le visiled ly leaulifuI fey spirils.
Sone laIes caulion nol lo spend loo nuch line near lhe
slone, for lhe spirils have leen knovn lo faII in Iove
vilh norlaIs, spiriling visilors off lo lheir secrel reaIns
vhere a singIe day is a year in lhe norlaI vorId.
Lake TInuLag
A| |cng|n uc canc |c a ccp g|acia| |a|c, ui|n ua|cr as o|uc
as icc an jus| aocu| as cc|, as | iscctcrc uncn | pu| a |cc
in. |i|c ncs| uartcs, |n nc| |cc fcn cf suinning in anq
ctcn|, sc | uas oc|n sncc|c an ncrrific uncn | |urnc
oac| |c Ygstar, cn|q |c scc nq guic nappi|q s|ripping cff nis
c|c|ncs an p|unging ui|n a unccp in|c |nc cc| ua|cr.
| nac niscc||anccus nciscs fcr a fcu ncncn|s ocfcrc | fi-
na||q nanagc |c spi| cu|, lna| in |nc nanc cf Hac|as
f|aning sucr c qcu |nin| qcurc cing, qcu |una|ic?
Ygstar uac cu| cf |nc ua|cr, nis ncrna||q pa|c s|in ncu
|ingc ui|n o|uc.
||s ucncrfu|! nc oc||cuc. Ycu sncu| |rq i|!
| |cc| a g|ancc a| |nc ua|cr. || uas s|i|| ccp, an s|i|| tcrq cc|.
| |nin|, | sai carcfu||q, |na| | ucu| ra|ncr |c|| an cr-
cisn cnicf|ain |na| nc runs |i|c an c|f. | ic jus| as quic||q,
ou| a| |cas| | ucu|n| suffcr.
frcn Sigurs rcpcr|
This coId Iake is fed ly lhe River Tir and harlors very
hardy lroul and a unique species of crayfish, lolh of vhich
are caughl ly fisherfoIk fron lhe cily of Tinnir, vhich Iies
aIong ils shores. The Iakes olher najor funclion appears
lo le as a pIace vhere Rashenaar, lolh naIe and fenaIe,
can prove lheir slrenglh and hardiness ly svinning in ils
icy deplhs vilh nininaI~or nosl oflen~no proleclion.
As lhe Rashenaar are a slrong race lo legin vilh, lhere
are fev casuaIlies fron lhese svins, lul a fev perish fron
hearl allacks on rare occasions.
Many Rashenaar vesseIs aIso lraverse lhe Iake, fishing
or puIIing up crayfish lraps or lound lo and fron MuI-
sanlir, Taporan, and lhe Lake of Tears. rdinary Rashe-
naar give vide lerlh lo unnanned vilchloals, vhich
are sonelines seen here noving nysleriousIy lhrough
lhe sliII valers.
Many Iegends surround lhe Iake, deaIing vilh lhe usuaI
coIIeclion of guardian spirils and nagicaI pIaces. Creal
lreasure is said lo Iie al lhe lollon of lhe Iake, lul il is le-
Iieved lo le guarded ly an ice dragon, a leing of soIid ice,
vhich is aII lul conpIeleIy invisilIe lo norlaI sighl.
The NImes o[ Te1hkeL
The najor source of Rashenaar nineraI veaIlh Iies in
lhese deep shafls. The nines yieId a snaII lul sleady
slrean of iron ore, vhich is sneIled and forned inlo
veapons, sIed runners, looIs, ulensiIs, and ornanenls in
lhe forges of UrIing and InniInar. A snaII connunily
of niners Iies around lhe nain shafl, a group considered
even nore raucous, undiscipIined, and savage lhan nosl
Rashenaar~vhich is saying a greal deaI. The niners
lhenseIves cIain lo have lhe highesl consunplion of
firevine in lhe enlire nalion.
The niners leIieve lhal lhey have no choice. Winlers
in lhe High Counlry are harsh, and nany predalors and
hosliIe species seek lo drive lhe inlruders oul of lheir
hiIIs. KoloIds oflen dig inlo lhe nines on raids, golIin
voIfriders fron lhe LndIess Wasle descend on lhe lovn,
and lands of vinler voIves roan lhe hiIIs, searching for
easy prey. AII conline lo nake lhe niners a viId group,
and lhe region of lhe nines one of lhe viIdesl pIaces in
aII of Rashenen.
The Non1h Coum1n
The exlrene norlhern porlion of Rashenen resenlIes
lhe CenlraI IIains in nosl vays, lul il is aIvays spoken
of separaleIy, noslIy lecause of lhe nany ruins vhich
nay le found here. Rennanls of ancienl NarfeII and
Raunalhar, lhese ruins oflen harlor forgollen nagic or,
in rare cases, forgollen lreasure and enchanled ilens.
These oljecls are, as one nighl expecl, sliII prolecled ly
guardian spirils, speIIs, and lhe usuaI coIIeclion of non-
slers, lul lhis serves onIy as encouragenenl for lhe lrave
or fooIhardy lo seek lhen oul. Rashenaar nolIes are es-
peciaIIy fond of expIoring lhe Norlh Counlry, and falaI-
ilies on lhese expedilions keep lhe Rashenaar nolIe
cIass fron leconing overpopuIaled.
RIoen Asham
This shorl river originales in an underground spring
deep lenealh lhe Ashenvood, finaIIy reaching lhe sur-
face, fIoving lhrough lhe foresl and oul inlo Ashane. Il
is a svifl-fIoving river, rushing and foaning over ils
rocky led, surrounded ly frosl-covered lrees in vinler
and Iush green in sunner. Due lo ils Iocalion and svifl-
ness, il is nol exlensiveIy used ly lhe Rashenaar, and re-
nains viId and undislurled.
RIoen Rasha
The Rasha and lhe Tir forn a najor roule of lransporla-
lion and connerce lhrough cenlraI Rashenen. In nosl
pIaces lhe Rasha (vhich, Iike lhe Ashan, originales le-
nealh lhe Ashenvood) is lroad and reIaliveIy sIov fIov-
ing, aIIoving passage ly ordinary Rashenaar vesseIs as
veII as piIolIess vilchloals. The Rasha joins lhe Tir jusl
norlh of Lake TiruIag.
RIoen TIn
The Tir is aIso lroad and easiIy lraversed, and il is one of
lhe najor lraveI roules lo and fron easlern Rashenen.
The cily of Taporan Iies aIong lhe Tir, vhere lhe river is
sliII reIaliveIy svifl and viId.
The RummImg Rocks
SIicing lhrough lhe cenler of Rashenen, lhe Running
Rocks are a range of soIid granile nounlains rising up
Iike lhe fisls of slone gianls. Cul ly an inlricale nelvork
of crevasses and ravines, lhe Running Rocks harlor a
fev copper and iron nines, lul lhe region is avoided ly
nosl Rashenaar due lo ils nyslicaI repulalion and lhe
facl lhal hosliIe crealures such as lroIIs, lheur and, on
rare occasions, drov, have leen sighled lhere.
Knovn lo fev save lhe vilches, lhe Running Rocks
harlor secrel slronghoIds inhaliled ly lhe vrenyonni,
vhose researches provide lhe vilches vilh nev speIIs
and nagicaI ilens. The handfuI of naIe Rashenaar vho
7 9
prove lo have nagicaI aliIily are laken here, vhere lhey
serve lhe ancienl vizards as apprenlices and lake lhe
pIaces of lhose vho finaIIy die. (See IeopIe and Soci-
ely, alove, for nore delaiIs on lhe vilches, Id nes,
and lheir secrel cuIlure.)
As uc rcc in si|cncc cun |nc Ur|ing rca, | gazc in|c |nc
cp|ns cf |nc fcrcs| ucs| cf us. | fc|| an unccr|ain rca as |
i sc, as if sinp|q |cc|ing a| |nc |rccs nign| tisi| |crrio|c is-
as|crs upcn nc.
|s |na| |nc Ur|ingucc? | as|c.
Ygstar ncc. S|aq cu| cf i|. Tna| is |nc cxc|usitc c-
nain cf |nc ui|cncs, an cu|sicrs arcn| uc|ccnc. Mcs| cf
|ncn |itc in Ur|ing ci|q, ou| |ncq gc |ncrc |c pcrfcrn |ncir
ccrcncnics an ri|ua|s. Tnc ui|cncs arc nc| ou ucncn,
nin qcu . . . |ncq nc|p |ccp cur |an frcc. 8u| |ncq ta|uc
|ncir pritacq an ancnqni|q, an arc quic| |c punisn anqcnc
unc tic|a|cs i|.
| snruggc, |urning auaq frcn |nc ucc.
Tncq natc nc|ning |c fcar frcn |nc |i|cs cf nc, | rcp|ic.
| |rq |c s|aq cu| cf ui|cncs affairs.
frcn Sigurs rcpcr|
A dense and viId foresl, UrIingvood Iies lelveen MuIp-
lan and SheveI and jusl vesl of UrIing. In nany vays
lhe hearl of Rashenen, UrIingvood conlains poverfuI
and polenl pIace nagic as veII as nunerous guardian
The vilches spend a greal deaI of line in UrIingvood,
connuning vilh lhe nany povers lhal Iive lhere, nak-
ing offerings and perforning riluaIs of linding. Here,
loo, lhe vilches lrev lhe polenl jhuiId, or firevine, lhe
polenl anler drink vhich is said lo insliII lravery and
narliaI skiII in varriors.
ulsiders are slriclIy forlidden lo enler lhe UrIing-
vood. Any vho do neel vilh inslanl olIivion al lhe
hands of lhe foresl guardians and lheir ninions. The
vilches lhenseIves are lenevoIenl and affeclionale
lovard lhe inhalilanls of lheir Iand lul lrook neilher
inlerference nor allenpls lo nake lhen share lheir
pover. The huhrong and his varriors aIso reaIize lhis and
lry lo head off lroulIe ly acliveIy palroIIing lhe lorder
of lhe voods and keeping visilors oul.
ncsc Rusncnaar| ucncrc unq | ctc|cpc a
scf| spc| fcr |ncn. | fina||q ccic |na| i| uas occausc cf
|ncir ncncs. 8ui|| in ncuns cf car|n, in crcticcs, cr uncr-
grcun sc qcu oarc|q nc|icc |na| |ncrc uas a ncusc |ncrc a|
a||, |ncsc cczq |i|||c ncc|s suggcs|c |c nc |na| |nc Rasncnaar
nus| natc scnc uartcn anccs|rq scncuncrc a|cng |nc |inc
(|ncir capaci|q fcr a|c an fircuinc uas anc|ncr sign cf |nis, ou|
| in| |carn aocu| |na| un|i| |a|cr). Cu|| nc a scn|incn|a|is|,
qcu Harpcrs, ou| | can| nc|p ou| natc a| |cas| a passing fcn-
ncss fcr a racc cf nunans unc |i|c |c |itc uncrgrcun.
frcn Sigurs rcpcr|
CI1Ies o[ Rashemem
Mosl Rashenaar Iive in lhe counlryside, avay fron lhe
cilies. Here, videIy separaled honesleads are lradilionaIIy
luiIl lo lIend in vilh lhe surrounding counlryside. Rashe-
naar houses luiIl of roughIy hevn slone crouch in hiIIside
dugouls roofed over vilh grass and viIdfIovers, or Iie in
rocky niches. lher houses are nade of Iogs and Iocaled
deep in dark foresls or conslrucled Iike Iov knoIIs in foresl
cIearings, sporling discreelIy hidden doors and vindovs.
The cilies of Rashenen are reIaliveIy snaII, vilh
houses, inns, and olher slruclures luiIl of dark slone or
vood. The Rashenaar of lhe counlryside generaIIy hoId
cily-dveIIers in disdain, considering lhen sofl and
spoiIed ly lhe lenefils of urlan Iiving.
Lying aIong lhe coId shores of lhe Lake of Tears, InniI-
nar is lhe capilaI of Rashenen and hone lo lhe hu-
hrong~lhe Iron Lord vho, aIong vilh (and vilh lhe
pernission of) lhe vilches, ruIes lhe Iand.
Surrounded ly nunerous Rashenaar nound-houses
and dveIIings luiIl in voods or rocky cIefls, InniInar is
a conlinalion of lradilionaI naluraIislic Rashenaar ar-
chileclure and infIuences fron lhe oulside vorId. The
cenlraI porlion of lhe cily is luiIl around lhe huhrongs
ciladeI, vhich vas ilseIf luiIl around a forlress of ancienl
NarfeII. Wood and slone houses and luiIdings surround
lhe ciladeI, lul lhe furlher avay one noves lhe nore
Rashenaar lhe hones lecone.
Rashenaar peasanls fron up and dovn lhe shores of
lhe Iake cone here lo seII fish, luy equipnenl, and lrade
slories, and severaI snaII inns caler lo such visilors.
8 0
Map Key
1. Ashanc
The coId valers of lhe Lake of Tears slrelch oul inlo lhe
dislance, oflen dolled vilh snaII fishing loals. Waler
lroIIs sonelines energe fron lhe Iake lo do nischief on
shore, so lhe Rashenaar nusl aIvays le on guard.
2. Watcrfrnnt
The InniInar valerfronl luslIes vilh river and Iake
lraffic. Merchanl vesseIs lraveI lo and fron lhe Iake sel-
lIenenl of Kronl fron here, and fishing vesseIs saiI fron
InniInar or nake porl here lo seII lheir cargoes.
3. Thc GuardIan WItch
This inn calers prinariIy lo fisherfoIk, vho slay here
vhiIe seIIing lheir calch or vhiIe lheir vesseIs are
repaired. Il is a varn and pIeasanl pIace, and each
evening lhe fisherfoIk galher lo drink, eal, or lrade slo-
ries and fishing lips. Innkeeper Creen HuIdra (CC hf
I6) Iosl an eye in a fishing accidenl and opened lhe inn
soon lhereafler. She is over 6O years oId, and her 1O
grandchiIdren (lhree young nen and seven young
vonen ranging in age fron 6 lo 21) assisl her in lhe
kilchen and lending lar.
4. Tcmp!c nf Chauntca
The vorship of Chaunlea is popuIar in Rashenen,
lhough oulside of lhe cilies nosl Rashenaar knov her
as BhaIIa. This is an officiaI Chaunlean lenpIe,
lended ly a slaff of cIerics under lhe Ieadership of
Brolher Shad (CC hn C5). He keeps lals on lhe vor-
ship of BhaIIa in Rashenen, naking cerlain lhal il
never, deviales loo far fron officiaI church doclrine.
The church is concerned lhal Rashenens exlrene iso-
Ialion and lhe aIlernale naning of lheir goddess couId
Iead lo lhe crealion of a Chaunlean cuIl and possilIy
faII inlo lhe vays of vickedness, seduced ly anolher
goddess nasquerading as lhe leIoved nolher herseIf.
Shad doesnl lhink lhis is IikeIy lo happen, lul he con-
linues lo send reporls hone nonelheIess. When nol
engaged in his inleIIigence galhering jol, Shad Ieads
vorship services, heaIs lhe sick, and ninislers lo lhe
poor of Rashenen, naking hin and his feIIov lrolhers
lolh popuIar and respecled despile lhe facl lhal lhey
are foreigners.
5. Ow!bcar Bcrscrkcr Lndgc
The hol-lIooded vIlear lerserkers nainlain lhis Iong
house, decoraled vilh ancienl shieIds, lolenic carvings,
and lhe skuIIs of various crealures defealed ly Iodge
nenlers. Nonlerserkers (especiaIIy foreigners) shouId
le carefuI in lhe vicinily of lhe Iodge, Iesl grandnasler
lerserker Ylhar WoIfnasler (CN hn I15) and his foI-
Iovers appear, leIIoving insuIls and invilalions lo fighl.
Those oulsiders vho acquil lhenseIves veII againsl lhe
vIlears (vinning a vreslIing nalch, shoving skiII
vilh spear or lov, drinking huge quanlilies of aIe or
firevine) are inviled lo a feasl vilh lhe lerserkers~an
invilalion vhich lhey nay regrel vhen lhey avaken lhe
nexl norning, viclinized ly a spIilling headache and
lhe desire lo cravI sonevhere oul of lhe Iighl.
6. Cnmmuna! Lnnghnusc
The eIders responsilIe for lhe daiIy running of InniInar
neel in lhis Iarge, if pIain, Ionghouse every 1O days and
vhen inporlanl crises confronl lhen. AII cilizens of In-
niInar are free lo allend lhese neelings, vhich can le-
cone noisy and occasionaIIy vioIenl. When lhe eIders
are nol neeling, lhe Ionghouse funclions as a connu-
nily cenler for neelings of various guiIds, parlies, feasls,
and reIigious feslivaIs.
7. CIty Markct
This pulIic square is covered ly a greal peaked and
carved roof, supporled ly dozens of eIaloraleIy carved
and painled poIes. The vind sliII lIovs lhrough lhe
narkel, lul lhose vho are faniIiar vilh lhe vealher
lake care lo luiId slurdy sheIlers during lad vealher
Mosl vho cone here lo lrade are Rashenaar, lhough
a nunler of slurdy oulsiders aIso do lusiness in InniI-
nar. Iron snaII loolhs, carls, or lIankels spread on lhe
ground, lhe Rashenaar seII produce, dairy producls,
fish, Iunler, lone and slone carvings, vooden arl ol-
jecls, loxes, chesls, cIolhing, cIolh, and nany olher
ilens. Lven during heavy snovs, a hardy fev conlinue
lo cone here, lrading vinler producls such as furry ani-
naI peIls.
8. Huhrnng's CItadc!
This grin forlress Iies lrooding alove lhe cily. Il is
crafled of iron and slone, and Iegend hoIds lhal lhe
vilches uliIized lhe services of poverfuI valer and
earlh spirils in ils conslruclion. Whalever lhe lrulh of
lhe naller, lhe forlress is virluaIIy inpregnalIe~any
eneny vouId do veII lo sinpIy slarve oul a lesieged
garrison, ralher lhan reIy upon coslIy assauIls on ils
The Iron Lord of Rashenen Iives here vilh his faniIy,
advisors, and connanders. He is counseIed (and, in reaI-
ily, overseen) ly lhree Halhran vilches, vho give hin
advice or, if necessary, orders. Lord Yvarrg BearkiIIer,
Iike nosl of his predecessors, is pragnalic aloul his roIe
lul sonelines oljecls (nol IoudIy) lo lhe vilches don-
inance. He Iives here vilh his vife Nylharri and his chiI-
dren, lhe eIdesl of vhich is lhe lroulIesone princeIing
IyIdrin of LIeven Chairs.
9. B!ackstnnc Hnusc (fnrcIgn mcrchant's Inn)
Naned for lhe shiny lIack granile fron vhich il vas
originaIIy conslrucled, BIackslone House is an inn
vhich calers prinariIy lo foreign nerchanls. Innkeeper
Varro (CC hn I8) is a Rashenaar vho enjoys lhe con-
pany of oulsiders, lhough he even nore enjoys lhe goId
vhich lhey provide. He nainlains slocks of severaI crea-
lure conforls, incIuding vines and aIes fron severaI
Iands and a Iarder sufficienl lo dupIicale (or al Ieasl ap-
proxinale) cuisine fron a dozen nalions. Roons here
are nol cheap (3 gp a nighl, pIus 5 sp for neaIs), lul for-
eigners appreciale Varros efforls and palronize hin
10. Carvcrs' Ha!!
This Iov slone luiIding houses lhe InniInar arlisans
guiId. Dornilory roons house visiling arlisls, neeling
haIIs enalIe lhen lo nainlain conlacl and exchange in-
fornalion, and Iarge vorkroons equipped vilh looIs and
rav naleriaIs aIIov lhen lo creale arlvork in a pIeasanl
environnenl, vilh lheir peers presenl for advice and
guidance. CuiIdnislress Davyrra (N hf I2) nainlains
sone skiII as a hunler and varrior lul has devoled nosl
of her 5O years lo lhe crealion of leller and nore leauli-
fuI slone and vood carvings.
11. Gnb!In Bcrscrkcr Lndgc
The ColIin lerserkers, one of lhe snaIIer Iodges in
Rashenen, nainlains a Ionghouse here for ils nenlers.
Like lhe vIlear Iodge nearly, il is oflen lhe scene of
raucous ceIelralion and nuch nock fighling and Ioud
loasling. vIlears and ColIins have leen knovn lo
engage in vioIenl lravIs on occasion, and Iodge nasler
Yulhrin (CC hn I8) is currenlIy nursing a headache
fron leing pounded againsl a Iodge-poIe ly a drunken
vIlear lerserker.
12. Armnrcr
ThoIIi Ironveaver (CC hn I1O) is one of lhe nosl
skiIIed veaponsnilhs in Rashenen. His chain naiI and
lroad svords are used lhroughoul lhe Iand and felch
high prices (doulIe nornaI look cosls). They are slurdy
and exlreneIy veII nade (+2 lo aII saving lhrovs for
equipnenl), and lhe vilches oflen connission hin lo
nake veapons for evenluaI enchanlnenl.
13. 5!cIghs and 5kIs
This Iarge vorkshop and house is hone lo Dana Cray-
runner (NC hf I5), luiIder of sIeds, sIeighs, and fine skis.
She vorks cIoseIy vilh ThoIIi Ironveaver, for he oflen
nakes runners for her sIeighs. Like ThoIIi, her ilens are
oflen purchased ly lhe vilches for enchanlnenl.
14. LIvcry
Zylha lhe Lane (NC hn I2) vas vounded in lallIe
over a decade ago and sellIed dovn lo run lhis slalIe
and Iivery, vhere he happiIy cares for horses for 1 cp
per nighl. He aIso seIIs and lrades lhe leasls, speciaIizd
ing in slurdy Rashenaar ponies lhal are lred for resis-
lance lo lhe Iands harsh condilions (a lypicaI pony
cosls around 15O gp).
15. WItchcs' Ha!!
This vhilevashed Ionghouse, vilh crossleans carved in
lhe shape of dragons, hounds, and unicorns, is lhe excIu-
sive donain of lhe vilches. Non-vilches caughl lres-
passing here are eilher sIain innedialeIy (if lhe vioIa-
lion vas lIalanl) or exiIed fron Rashenen vilh lheir
nenories of lhe Iand nagicaIIy renoved (if lhe vioIa-
lion vas inadverlenl or ninor). In eilher case, lhe
vilches are quile nerciIess and neilher discuss nor re-
voke lheir decisions once nade. lhIor Iydra Nighl-
Tree (CN hf M16) Ieads lhe conlingenl of vilches in
InniInar and acls as supervisor lo lhe lrio of Halhran
vho advise lhe Iron Lord.
Rashenens norlhern lrading galevay,, Iies aloul five
days ride soulh of lhe IaIIs of Lrech and is, vilh lhe easl-
en lrade sellIenenl of SheveI, one of lhe fev lruIy cos-
nopoIilan cenlers in Rashenen. Ioreigners nay lraveI
freeIy and even sellIe vilhin MuIplan, and nany do.
Here, Nar nonads rul shouIders vilh nerchanls
fron InpiIlur, Danarans learing noonslone lrade
lars, and independenl lraders of uncerlain nalionaIily
and anceslry. The greal lrading fieId oulside of lovn is
aIvays cranned vilh lenls and paviIions, and here for-
eign lraders largain for lhe goods of Rashenen. The
cily ilseIf Iies vilhin slrong slone vaIIs, a Iegacy of an-
cienl lines vhen raiders fron lhe norlh svepl dovn
inlo Rashenen. Today raiders are fever, and lhey rareIy
annoy MuIplan.
The greal Rashenaar Ydrass and VruI faniIy cIans are
nosl connon in MuIplan. The lvo are ancienl rivaIs,
each seeking lo oul-do lhe olher in feals of narliaI
provess, alhIelic skiII, hunling, arl, and olher fieIds. Il is
a friendIy rivaIry, and aIlhough lIood has leen spiIIed on
a fev occasions over lhe years, lhe conpelilion lelveen
lhe lvo cIans has inproved lolh for lhe leller, produc-
ing sone of lhe nosl acconpIished varriors, hunlers,
and arlisans in Rashenen.
This sellIenenl of severaI hundred Rashenaar, Iocaled
vhere lhe River MuIsanlir fIovs oul of lhe Lake of Tears,
vouId prolalIy le a peacefuI fishing connunily vere il
nol for ils Iocalion cIose ly lhe haled Iand of Thay. The
Red Wizards Iegions have Iaid siege lo lhe cily on no
Iess lhan five occasions lul have leen driven off each
line ly a conlinalion of Rashenaar slrenglh of arns
and lhe nagic of lhe vilches.
MuIsanlir Iies lehind soIid slone vaIIs, raised nagi-
caIIy ly lhe vilches. These vaIIs have vilhslood lhe
ravages of Thayan siege engines and sorcery and renain
unscalhed, as anguIar and shining gray as lhe day lhey
vere crealed. Inside, MuIsanlir is a cily of rugged slone
luiIdings and lroad dirl slreels lhal lurn lo a norass of
nud in lhe faII and freeze soIid in vinler. MuIsanlir aIso
loasls a fIeel of fishing loals vhich pIy lhe valers of
Ashane, lhe River MuIsanlir, and lhe norlhern reaches
of Lake MuIsanlir.
TI mmI n
Taporan is a sellIenenl of around 1,OOO souIs aIong lhe
svifl upper reaches of lhe River Tir. The rivernen of
Taporan are IargeIy responsilIe for lraffic on lhe Tir,
lransporling goods and lraveIers aIong lhe river in fIal-
lolloned punls or riverloals. They are knovn even lo
olher Rashenaar as a lrave, oflen reckIess lreed, fond of
songs and drinking, lhough rareIy vhiIe on duly. Iassage
aIong lhe Tir fron Taporan lo Ashane cosls 1 gp, vhiIe
lhe relurn lrip, againsl lhe currenl and invoIving lhe use
of oars, saiIs, and lov fron Iand, is 3 gp per person.
Shorler lrips are priced proporlionaIIy.
Taporan ilseIf is a junlIed cily of slone luiIdings and
collIed slreels vilh an exlensive valerfronl vhere loals
are noored and rivernen visil raucous aIe-houses and
excIusive lerserker Iodges. The ColIin and While
Dragon lerserkers nainlain lhe Iargesl Iodges here, and
lhe rivernen have a nuch higher percenlage of lerserk-
ers lhan nosl olher Rashenaar groups.
This so-caIIed Cily of Warriors is Iocaled nidvay le-
lveen Tinnir and SheveI, and il conlains Iodges for a
dozen najor lerserker houses and counlIess ninor
ones. Counlry-lorn Rashenaar suspend lheir nornaI
disdain for cily-foIk vhen il cones lo Thasunlans. The
nere facl lhal one haIes fron lhis cily earns sone de-
gree of respecl, since aII inhalilanls are lhoughl lo le
lerserkers. (This is nol lrue, Thasunla has nany non-
lerserker inhalilanls, lul nosl do IillIe lo dispeI lhe
nylh. )
Though Thasunla has ils nundane funclions as a
slopping poinl aIong lhe SheveI-Tinnir road and as a
nercanliIe cenler for surrounding farners and ranchers,
ils prinary funclion as a reserve for eIile varriors and ils
slralegic Iocalion aIong lradilionaI Thayan invasion
roules nakes il vilaI lo Rashenens defense. The
lerserkers of Thasunla sland ready lo fighl for Rashenen
al an inslanls nolice, shouId lhe vilches or lhe Iron
Lord caII. Thasunlan lerserkers pIayed an inporlanl
roIe in lhe BallIe of Ashane, hoIding lhe Tuigan Horde
in pIace vhiIe olher varriors allacked lhe invaders fron
lhe rear.
Tinnir Iies in a vooded vaIe aIong lhe shores of Lake
TiruIag. Ils pIeasanl vhilevashed luiIdings house a
connunily of Rashenaar fisherfoIk, vho nake lheir
Iiving calching lhe hardy fish vhich Iive in lhe Iakes
Sone river lraffic slops here as veII, and lhe Lakeside
Inn calers lo lhose vho slay overnighl. This oId, nuIli-
slory slruclure has nany Iegends surrounding il. Il is
ovned ly VruIIa lhe Cray (NC hf C1), a friendIy vonan
fond of leIIing lhose slories lo lraveIers. The lesl knovn
leIIs of hov lhe goddess BhaIIa (Chaunlea) once visiled
lhe inn and lIessed sone of ils roons, granling lhose
vho sIeep in lhen vondrous dreans and good forlune in
Iove. No one knovs exaclIy vhich roons vere lIessed,
sone cIain lhal lhe lIessed roons change each nighl, so
gelling one is a ganlIe for overnighl guesls. AIlerna-
liveIy, sone Iegends cIain lhal MaIar, one of Chaunleas
arch-enenies, cursed sone of lhe roons, visiling nighl-
nares and lad Iuck upon guesls. These roons are aIso
said lo change each nighl.
The easlernnosl lrade cily of Rashenen is aIso ils
Iargesl sellIenenl. A vaIIed, lradilionaI-Iooking Iaern
cily luiIl ly a succession of lrading coslers and occu-
panls, SheveI is usuaIIy as nuch of Rashenen as oul-
siders see. The cily luslIes vilh aclivily al aII lines of
lhe day and nighl, vilh caravans coning and going and
nerchanls lrading Rashenaar linler, arlvork, veapons,
firevine, and furs for easlern spices, horses, falric, vood-
vork, and olher exolic lrade goods. Caravans are lound
lo or fron lhe Horse Lands, MuIhorand, Senphar, and
occasionaIIy even poinls furlher easl. Since lhe deslruc-
lion of CiladeI Rashenar, caravan lraffic has grovn
nore dangerous as raids ly landils and hunanoids in
crease, providing nore vork for nercenary guards and
caravan guides.
8 4
The dislinclive nalure of SheveIs archileclure and in-
halilanls springs IargeIy fron lhe facl lhal, aIong vilh
MuIplan, il is lhe onIy cily in Rashenen vhere oulsiders
are aIIoved lo sellIe vilhoul pernission fron lhe
vilches. SeveraI snaII connunilies exisl in SheveI:
MuIhorandi nerchanls, advenlurers fron Cornyr,
Thayan refugees, expalriale MuIhorandi, and nany
olhers~even a snaII handfuI of Tuigan, survivors of
Yanun Khahans iII-faled invasion. The Thayans invari-
alIy lry lo infiIlrale Rashenen lhrough lhis cily lul
rareIy gel any farlher lhan SheveIs vaIIs.
UrIing is hone lo a najorily of Rashenens vilches,
vho use lhe nearly UrIingvood lo perforn various rilu-
aIs and lindings vilh lhe nalure spirils and lo connune
vilh lhe Iand ilseIf. ulsiders are nol slriclIy forlidden
here~lhere is a singIe inn, lhe Creen ChapeI, vhich
calers lo lraveIers~lul lhey are discouraged fron slaying
Ionger lhan a day or lvo. Visils lo UrIingvood ly anyone
lul lhe vilches are punishalIe ly innediale dealh.
The cily of UrIing ilseIf resenlIes nolhing Iess lhan a
snaII evergreen and aIder grove, dolled here and lhere
vilh grassy nounds. These are lhe hones of UrIings in-
halilanls, conslrucled as lradilionaI Rashenaar luiId-
ings~Iov nounds of rough-hevn slone, roofed over
vilh earlh and sprouling grass, fIovers, and even snaII
IV: RoLe-pLaImg Im
1he UmappnoachabLe
novn as a pIace of nyslery, danger, and sudden, nasly dealh, il sureIy
cones as no surprise lhal lhe Iands of lhe UnapproachalIe Lasl are
perfecl for advenluring. Whelher expIoring lhe deplhs of lhe Yuir-
vood, hunling lroIIs vilh Rashenaar lerserkers, or lallIing lhe end-
Iess schenes of lhe Red Wizards and lheir fouI ninions, lhe possiliIi-
lies inherenl in lhe easlern reaIns are lolh nunerous and varied. This chapler pro-
vides ruIes lo nake advenlures here unique: guideIines for roIe-pIaying lhe unusuaI
characlers vho Iive here~lhe Rashenaar lerserkers and vilches, and lhe fouI Red
Wizards lhenseIves, lhe secrel speIIs of lhe Red Wizards, and slrange nagicaI ilens
found novhere eIse.
he foIIoving are various kils avaiIalIe lo characlers and NICs in lhe Unapproach-
alIe Lasl. Ior lhe nosl parl, lhey are onIy avaiIalIe lo characlers lorn in lhese na-
lions, lul lhe DM is of course free lo nodify and reIax reslriclions as suils lhe individuaI
Chanac1en KI1s
The Reo VIzano
DcscrIptInn: Red Wizards ruIe lhe ancienl Iand of Thay and are one of lhe nosl eviI and
corrupl forces in Iaern. The Red Wizard kil is designed lo le used onIy as an NIC cIass
due lo ils inherenlIy eviI nalure. Despile lhis, lhere are IC roIe-pIaying appIicalions for
lhe Red Wizards. A characler couId conceivalIy le a forner Red Wizard or lhe appren-
lice of a Red Wizard vho gave up lhal Iife and nov lraveIs Iaern, hoping lo escape his
or her Thayan herilage. Such individuaIs vouId le conpeIIed lo conceaI lheir idenlilies
and risk allack fron lhe nany enenies of lhe Red Wizards as veII as lhe Red Wizards
To lecone a Red Wizard a characler nusl le of eviI aIignnenl and nusl have Inl and
Cha of 14 or higher. In addilion, lhe vizard nusl neel lhe requirenenls of vhalever
schooI of nagic he or she chooses lo speciaIize in.
Prcfcrrcd 5chnn!s: The Red Wizards are aII speciaIisl vizards, lheir very pover slruc-
lure is, in facl, lased upon lhe various nagicaI schooIs. Necronancy is nore popuIar in
Thay lhan eIsevhere, due lo lhe vizards eviI nalure and lheir norlid fascinalion vilh
lhe undead. In addilion, Red Wizards lend lo favor speIIs fron lhe LIenenlaI Iire schooI
and oflen have a fuII arsenaI of fIane-lased nagic.
8 6
Barrcd 5chnn!s: There are no schooIs specificaIIy
larred lo Red Wizards, aIlhough Crealer Divinalion is
considered sonevhal ungIanorous and is consequenlIy
Rn!c: The Red Wizards ruIe Thay vilh an iron fisl.
Their vord is Iav, and lhe effecls of lheir schenes are
feIl lhroughoul Iaern and leyond. AII Red Wizards are
nolIes and lhus considered far alove olher Thayans in
slanding. Red Wizards conpele conslanlIy againsl each
olher for pover in Thay, and nosl aspire lo lhe posilion
of zuIkir.
5ccnndary 5kI!!s: No speciaI secondary skiII is re-
quired for Red Wizards.
Wcapnn PrnfIcIcncIcs: Required (choose one): Dag-
ger, darl, quarlerslaff, vhip.
Nnnwcapnn PrnfIcIcncIcs: Bonus: AslroIogy, speII-
crafl. Reconnended: (CeneraI) agricuIlure, arlislic
aliIily, eliquelle, Ianguage (nodern), (Wizard) an-
cienl hislory, herlaIisn, Ianguage (ancienl), reading/
EquIpmcnt: Red Wizards nay luy any equipnenl
lhey desire.
5pccIa! BcncfIts: AII Red Wizards speciaIize in a nag-
icaI schooI, hoping lo evenluaIIy lecone lhe Ieader of
lhal schooI. Their inlensive lraining in lheir nagicaI
speciaIly gives lhen lhe foIIoving lenefils.
Red Wizards gain lvo addilionaI speIIs per speII IeveI,
if lhe addilionaI speIIs are laken in lhe speciaIisls
schooI. They aIso receive a +2 lonus vhen naking sav-
ing lhrovs againsl speIIs in lhal schooI. lher characlers
suffer a -2 penaIly on saving lhrovs againsl a Red Wiz-
ard casling speIIs vilhin his or her schooI. They aIso re-
ceive a lonus of 25 vhen Iearning speIIs fron lheir
schooIs. AII olher lenefils are as oulIined for non-Red
Wizard speciaIisls in lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc|.
ZuIkirs, as represenlalives of lheir schooIs and lhe
naslers of lheir speciaIlies, find lhese lenefils even fur-
lher enhanced: lhree addilionaI speIIs per IeveI, +3 lo
saves and -3 lo opponenls saves againsl speIIs of lheir
speciaIly schooI.
In addilion, vhiIe ordinary speciaIisls are forlidden lo
use nagicaI ilens of lheir opposilion schooIs, Red Wiz-
ards nay do so vilh sone caulion (see SpeciaI Hin-
Red Wizards legin pIay vilh nore noney lhan
nornaI for nages (see WeaIlh plions). They re-
ceive a +3 reaclion nodifier fron any olher Thayan
and nay denand food and Iodging fron connoners
anyvhere vilhin Thay. This food and Iodging is pro-
vided free, upon pain of dealh, ly any non-Red Wiz-
ard in Thay.
5pccIa! HIndranccs: As speciaIisls, Red Wizards nay
nol Iearn speIIs of lheir opposilion schooIs. In facl, lheir
opposilion schooIs are even nore effeclive lhan usuaI
againsl lhen, Red Wizards suffer a -3 penaIly lo saving
lhrovs vs. such speIIs (lhis supersedes lhe -2 penaIly
alove). They aIso have a penaIly of -25 vhen Iearning
speIIs nol of lheir prinary schooI.
When using nagicaI ilens of lheir opposilion schooIs,
Red Wizards are suljecl lo lhe foIIoving penaIly: There
is a 25 chance lhal lhe ilen sinpIy viII nol funclion,
or (al lhe DMs oplion) cause a ui| surgc as delaiIed in
lhe Tone of Magic. Since nosl Red Wizards viev viId
nagic as analhena (leing nosl proud of lheir precise
naslery of nagic), nany choose nol lo lenpl fale ly
using such ilens.
Red Wizards are haled Iaern over and are IikeIy lo
le allacked as soon as lhey are so idenlified. WhiIe nosl
of lhen are arroganl enough nol lo care, lhis disadvan-
lage nakes il cruciaI for advenluring expalriale Red
Wizards lo hide lheir idenlilies and origins.
Wca!th OptInns: A Red Wizard receives 1d1Ox1O
pIus 1OO addilionaI gp as slarling funds.
Raccs: nIy hunans (and usuaIIy onIy lhose of
Thayan MuIan descenl) can le Red Wizards.
Rashemaan Bensenkens
DcscrIptInn: Though lhe Rashenaar are coIIecliveIy
caIIed lerserkers ly oulsiders, lhere is acluaIIy a snaII,
eIile group of speciaIized fighlers vhich lhe Rashenaar
lhenseIves caII lerserkers. Though such fighlers are nol
unique lo Rashenen (lhe NorIanders of lhe Moonshae
isIes have lheir ovn lerserkers, for exanpIe), lhe
lerserkers of lhis Iand have a nunler of speciaIized fea-
lures found novhere eIse.
Rashenaar lerserkers use a varianl of lhe Berserker
kil originaIIy pulIished in The ConpIele Iighlers Hand-
look. The foIIoving is lased upon lhe originaI handlook
naleriaI, nodified for use in a Rashenen selling.
Rashenaar lerserkers are Iegendary fighlers vho can
enler a nyslicaI lallIe frenzy lhrough various acls of seIf-
8 8
hypnosis and lhe use of jhuiId. Rashenaar lerserkers
nusl have Slrenglh and Conslilulion aliIily scores of 15
or nore.
Rn!c: Berserkers are dedicaled lo lhe Iand of Rashe-
nen and defend il lefore lheir ovn Iives. They are aIso
lound lo oley lhe vilches and lo le al lhe forefronl of
lhe Rashenaar arnies.
5ccnndary 5kI!!s: Rashenaar lerserkers nay choose
lheir skiIIs fron lhe foIIoving Iisl: Iarner, Iisher,
Ioresler, Hunler, Trapper/Iurrier.
Wcapnn PrnfIcIcncIcs: Rashenaar lerserkers nay nol
slarl pIay vilh a proficiency in any ranged veapon
(lhrovn axes, knives, lovs, crosslovs, and so on). Suil-
alIe (lul nol required) veapon proficiencies for a ler-
serker are lroad svord, axe, spear, and varhanner.
Nnnwcapnn PrnfIcIcncIcs: Bonus Iroficiency: Ln-
durance. Reconnended: (CeneraI) aninaI handIing,
aninaI lraining, direclion sense, fire-luiIding, riding
(Iand-lased), vealher sense, (Warrior) lIind-fighling,
hunling, nounlaineering, running, sel snares, survivaI,
lracking, (Iriesl, cosls doulIe sIols) herlaIisn, (Rogue,
cosls doulIe sIols) junping.
EquIpmcnt: Berserkers nay nol use lheir slarling goId
lo luy arnor heavier lhan chain naiI. nce lhey has ad-
venlured in lhe ouler vorId, lerserkers can use any lype
of arnor vilhoul penaIly.
5pccIa! BcncfIts: Berserkers receive a +5 reaclion ad-
juslnenl lonus fron olher Rashenaar, and a +3 fron
olher nalions or lriles vhich have lerserkers lhen-
The olher lenefil a lerserker receives is lhe aliIily
lo go lerserk. Al any line, lhe lerserker nay choose lo
go lerserk. This lakes a fuII lurn (1O conlal rounds).
In lhal line, lhe characler is grovIing, noaning, uller-
ing inprecalions, liling his shieId~ils inpossilIe lo
le quiel vhen lrying lo go lerserk. Berserkers nay aIso
le fighling during lhal line, neaning lhal lhey can
slarl lo go lerserk on lhe round lhe fighl legins, fighl
for 1O fuII rounds and lhen le lerserk on lhe eIevenlh
A lerserker can legin lo go lerserk lefore conlal,
even if lhere is no fighl currenlIy going on. Al lhe end of
a fuII lurn of preparalion, lhe characler can enler lhe
lerserk slage inslanlaneousIy. If lheres no eneny in
sighl yel, lhe characler can hoId lhe lerserk unliI con-
lal is engaged. If no conlal lakes pIace vilhin five nore
fuII lurns, lhe lerserker aulonalicaIIy reverls lo nornaI
and suffers lhe ordinary consequences for coning oul of
a lerserk (descriled leIov). The characler can cone oul
of a lerserk slale once lhe Iasl eneny is dovn. (The
eneny nusl IileraIIy le dovn on lhe ground, even if sliII
aIive and surrendering, lhe lerserker slays in his frenzied
slale and conlinues fighling so Iong as lhere are enenies
sliII olviousIy aIive.) nce lhe fighl ends, lhe lerserker
nusl cone oul of lhe lerserk slale. Nole lhal il is pos-
silIe lo fake oul lerserkers ly pIaying dead unliI lhe
lerserk slale has ended.
Ior lhese reasons, lerserking is a nore appropriale re-
aclion vhen lhe characlers are aloul lo allack or le al-
lacked ly a foe lhey knov aloul. If lhe characlers are
junped ly a snaII parly of orcs, ils usuaIIy nol vorlh lhe
efforl lo go lerserk, lhe consequences and efforl oul-
veigh lhe lenefils.
WhiIe lerserk, lhe characler has phenonenaI en-
durance and resislance lo pain and sone forns of
nagic. nIy vhiIe lerserk, lerserkers gain lhe foIIov-
ing lenefils:
(1) The characler gels +1 lo allack roIIs, +3 lo dan-
age roIIs, and +5 addilionaI hil poinls.
(2) Innunily lo lhe vizard speIIs cnarn pcrscn,
fricns, gcas, nqpnc|isn, irri|a|icn, raq cf cnfcco|cncn|,
scarc, s|ccp, and lhe cIericaI speIIs cnarn pcrscn cr nan-
na|, c|ca| cf oratcrq, ccnnan, cn|nra||, and sqnoc|.
(3) A +4 lo save againsl lhe vizard speIIs lIindness,
cnarn ncns|cr, ccnfusicn, nc| pcrscn, and Tasnas unccn-
|rc||ao|c niccus |augn|cr, and lhe cIericaI speII nc| pcrscn
an nc| anina|. Berserks vho faiI a saving lhrov againsl
cnarn ncns|cr sinpIy counl lhe casler as an aIIy, lhey
neilher cone oul of lhe lerserk nor oley lhe caslers
(4) The cnc|icn speII does nol affecl lhe lerserker un-
Iess lhe casler chose lhe fcar resuIl. If fcar vas chosen,
lhe lerserker gels a nornaI saving lhrov, if successfuI,
lhere is no effecl. If lhe lerserker faiIs, he or she is pre-
nalureIy snapped oul of lhe lerserk slale, vilh aII lhe
nornaI effecls of coning oul of lhe lerserk. (There is no
olher fcar effecl, hovever.) The fcar speII has exaclIy lhe
sane effecl.
(5) Being lerserk offers no reaI proleclion fron finger
of ca|n excepl lhal lhe speII effecls do nol lake pIace
unliI lhe characler has cone oul of lerserk. Berserkers
vho save donl suffer lhe 2d8+1 danage unliI lhey snap
8 9
oul of lhe lerserk slale. Berserkers vho faiI lo save die
innedialeIy upon coning oul of lhe lerserk slale.
(6) The lerserker is innune lo K resuIls fron lhe
Iunching and WreslIing ruIes and suffers onIy haIf dan-
age fron lare-handed allacks.
5pccIa! HIndranccs: The lerserker has hindrances as
severe as aII lhose lenefils. Al aII lines, lhe lerserker
characler receives a -3 reaclion fron aII NICs (excepl
for olher Rashenaar and characlers fron lriles vhich
have lerserkers in lhen, as descriled alove). WhiIe
lerserk, lhey have lhe foIIoving penaIlies:
(1) The characler can use no ranged veapons.
(2) A characlers Wis and Inl scores are al -3. AII pro-
ficiency checks are al -3.
(3) The characler nusl fighl each opponenl unliI
lhal opponenl is dovn. nce an opponenl is feIIed, lhe
lerserker nusl nove lo allack lhe nexl nearesl eneny.
The lerserker nusl keep fighling unliI aII enenies are
(4) If anolher characler enlers his or her fieId of vi-
sion or lries sonelhing he can inlerprel as allack (drav-
ing a veapon, shoving lhe lerserker oul of lhe vay of an
allack), lhe lerserker nusl nake an InleIIigence check
(keeping in nind lhe Inl penaIly noled alove). If lhe
roII is successfuI lhe lerserker reaIizes lhal lhe olher
characler is nol allacking and need nol respond. If he
faiIs lhe roII, lhe lerserker counls lhe offending charac-
ler as an eneny and nusl fighl accordingIy.
(5) The characler is |cnpcrari|q unaffecled ly lhe cIer-
icaI speIIs ai, o|css, curc |ign| ucuns, curc scricus
ucuns, curc cri|ica| ucuns, nca|, rcgcncra|c (and ui|ncr).
Though such speIIs nay le casl vhen lhe characler is
lerserk, lhe lerserker does nol gain lhe lenefils of lhose
speIIs unliI af|cr lhe lerserk has ended.
(6) The |aun| speII is aulonalicaIIy successfuI and
causes lhe lerserker lo alandon lhe currenl eneny and
rush lo allack lhe launler.
(7) When lhe characler cones oul of lerserk slalus he
is suljecl lo severaI consequences. The 5 lonus hp are
Iosl (nole lhal lhis couId drop lhe lerserker leIov O hp).
The lerserker coIIapses in exhauslion as if hil ly a raq cf
cnfcco|cncn|, vilh no saving lhrov possilIe, and renains
unconscious one round for every round he vas lerserk.
The lerserker aIso suffers lhe effecls of any speIIs vhich
vere deIayed unliI lhe end of lhe lerserk episode (fingcr
cf ca|n and heaIing speIIs).
Wca!th OptInns: A lerserker gels 5d4x1O gp for slarl-
ing goId.
Bcrscrkcr Lndgcs: The lerserkers of Rashenen are
organized inlo Iodges, each vilh a speciaI aliIily or gifl.
Sone of lhe nosl proninenl Iodges and lheir lonuses
are Iisled leIov, DMs are encouraged lo creale nev
ones. The Iisled lenefils legin onIy afler lhe characler
has joined lhe Iodge, of course.
|||crcap. Those accepled inlo lhe Lllercap Iodge un-
dergo exlensive physicaI lraining, providing lhen
vilh an addilionaI +1 hp per IeveI vhiIe lerserk
(lhese are Iosl in lhe sane nanner as descriled alove
for lhe nornaI +5 hp granled vhiIe lerserk).
Gco|in. ColIin Iodge lerserkers gain an addilionaI +1
lo hil and danage vhen lerserk in groups of four or
|cc Trc||. Berserkers fron lhe Ice TroII Iodge go
lhrough an inlensive lraining reginenl loughening
lhenseIves in coId vealher, providing a naluraI -1 lo
lheir nornaI AC.
Sncu Tigcr. Snov Tigers vear cIoaks nade fron lhe
skin of a reaI snov liger and fighl vilh ligers cIavs~
a veapon crafled fron lhe acluaI laIons of lhe leasl.
Tigers cIavs infIicl 1d6 poinls of danage each. When
Snov Tiger lerserkers fighl vilh lvo ligers cIavs, lhe
firsl allack is al no penaIly vhiIe off-hand allacks suf-
fer an allack penaIly of -2, ralher lhan -4.
lni|c Dragcn. While Dragon lerserkers are given a
veapon knovn as a dragons fang. This is a cIul vilh
a Iong, curved poinl, sonelhing Iike a niIilary pick,
crafled fron lhe acluaI loolh of a vhile dragon. This
veapon is one-handed, +1 lo hil, and infIicls 2d4
poinls of piercing danage. High ranking lerserkers
periodicaIIy go oul on quesls lo sIay vhile dragons, or
lo al Ieasl find lheir skeIelaI renains, in order lo ol-
lain nore dragons leelh lo creale lhe veapons.
The While Dragons are prolalIy lhe lesl knovn
Iodge in Rashenen and nainlain lhe Iands Iargesl
aIe-haII in lhe cily of Thasunla.
9 0
Rashemaan VI1ches
DcscrIptInn: The vilches are knovn lhroughoul lhe
ReaIns lo vieId slrange speIIs (lhal is, nagic differenl
in effecl fron lhal enpIoyed ly nosl vizards), lul lhey
Iearn and casl lhese in lhe sane nanner as nages of
olher Iands.
To lecone a vilch, a characler nusl have Inl, Wis,
and Cha of 14 or higher and nusl le of noneviI aIign-
nenl. Wilches nusl aIso le fenaIes of Rashenaar de-
scenl. (MaIes vilh speIIcasling aliIily are recruiled ly
lhe vilches as vrenyonni~see leIov.)
Prcfcrrcd 5chnn!s: Wilches prefer lhe enchanlnenl/
charn, conjuralion/sunnoning, and iIIusion/phanlasn
schooIs of nagic. Rashenens vilches can funclion as
speciaIisl vizards, lhough lhey are nol required lo.
Barrcd 5chnn!s: No nagicaI schooIs are larred lo
Rashenaar vilches.
Rn!c: The vilches, or vychIaran (IileraIIy vise oId
vonen), are lhe lrue ruIers of Rashenen, lhough lhey
choose naIe Iords lo Iead lheir arnies and deaI vilh
queslions of daiIy ruIership. Wilches are respecled aI-
nosl lo lhe poinl of vorship in Rashenen, vhere lheir
vord is Iav, and lhe penaIly for disoledience lo a vilch
is svifl dealh al lhe hands of any Rashenaar nearly.
The vilches do nol vieId lhis pover fooIishIy, and are
loIeranl and proleclive of lheir suljecls. They are di-
vided inlo severaI orders, corresponding roughIy lo Iev-
eIs of experience: lhe O|n|cr, or lrue ones, are lhe high-
esl-ranking vilches, and nenlership is Iiniled lo
vilches of 15lh IeveI and higher. The nexl highesl rank,
lhal of Ha|nran (Iearned sislerhood) is for vilches of
IeveIs 1O-14, lhe rank of 8|c|nran (sislerkin) is for
vilches of IeveIs 3-9, and lhe Iovesl rank, ||nran (un-
lried) is Iiniled lo vilches of 1sl and 2nd IeveI.
5ccnndary 5kI!!s: Rashenaar vilches nusl lake one
of lhe foIIoving secondary skiIIs: Iarner, Ioresler,
Hunler, Scrile, Woodvorker.
Wcapnn PrnfIcIcncIcs: Required (pIayers choice):
Dagger, darl, knife, quarlerslaff.
Nnnwcapnn PrnfIcIcncIcs: Bonus Iroficiencies:
HerlaIisn, speIIcasling. Reconnended: (CeneraI)
arlislic aliIily, Ianguages (nodern), vealher sense,
veaving, (Wizard) ancienl hislory, aslroIogy, Ianguages
(ancienl), reading/vriling, reIigion, (Iriesl, doulIe
sIols) heaIing.
EquIpmcnt: Wilch pIayer characlers nay spend
noney on any equipnenl lhey choose.
5pccIa! BcncfIts: The Wilches of Rashenen are nore
lhan jusl speIIcaslers of a parlicuIar nalion, on lheir
hone soiI lhe Iand ilseIf (and lhe nany spirils lherein)
granls lhen lheir povers. WhiIe vilhin Rashenen,
vilches do nol need lo seIecl or nenorize lheir speIIs in
advance. AII speIIs knovn lo lhe characlers (lhose
recorded in lheir speIIlooks) are avaiIalIe al any line.
SpeII IeveI Iinilalions sliII appIy, so a 3rd-IeveI vilch
can onIy casl lvo Isl- and one 2nd-IeveI speII per day. In
addilion, Rashenaar vilches do nol need naleriaI speII
conponenls vhiIe casling in Rashenen (verlaI and so-
nalic conponenls are sliII required). ulside lheir ovn
counlry lhey Iose lhese povers, nenorizing speIIs and
using speII conponenls in lhe sane nanner as olher viz-
Rashenaar vilches aIso have lhe polenl aliIily lo
spc||nc|. A fornidalIe counler lo lhe Red Wizards
casling circIes, a spc||nc| is a riluaIislic conlinalion of
lvo or nore vilches nagicaI aliIilies. In order lo
spc||nc|, lhe parlicipaling vilches engage in a viId,
Ieaping dance vhich nusl cenler on a singIe oljecl de-
rived fron one of lhe four eIenenls: Larlh, Air, Iire, or
Waler. As an Air oljecl is ralher hard lo cone ly,
lhese dances usuaIIy cenler on a Iarge rock, a lonfire, or
a slrean or pooI.
A spc||nc| nusl incIude al Ieasl lvo vilches, one of
vhon nusl le 6lh IeveI or grealer. The second vilch
louches lhe firsl as lhey Ieap and cavorl, sacrificing any
one nenorized speII of her ovn (of any IeveI or lype).
The sacrificed speII is Iosl and ils energy passes inlo lhe
nagic crealed ly firsl vilch, vilh lhe foIIoving resuIls.
The firsl vilchs speII lakes effecl for (speIIcaslers
choice) doulIe nornaI danage or doulIed duralion,
range, and area of effecl. If no saving lhrov is aIIoved for
lhe speII, il lakes effecl for onIy nornaI duralion and
area of effecl, lul infIicls lvice lhe naxinun possilIe
nornaI danage.
A lhird vilch joining a neId causes lhe danage lo le
lrelIed or affords lrelIed duralion, range, and area of ef-
fecl. A fourlh vilch causes danage lo le four lines nor-
naI or quadrupIes duralion, range, and area of effecl. A
fiflh neIding vilch causes danage lo le five lines lhe
norn or five lines duralion, range, and area of effecl. A
sixlh vilch~lhe naxinun nunler possilIe~nakes
danage six lines lhe norn or six lines lhe duralion,
range, and area of effecl of lhe speII.
Nole lhal lhese augnenlalions arenl cunuIalive.
MuIlipIe neIds are very rare unIess lhe vilches are fighl-
ing a hosliIe arny or are defending a slronghoId lo-
gelher, lul Iegends of lhe pover lhey can unIeash have
spread far across lhe Iands aloul lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars,
and fev foIk care lo chaIIenge a vilch.
RegardIess of Iocalion, Rashenaar vilches can causc
ncrrcr (effecls idenlicaI lo a successfuI fcar speII) lhree
lines per day, affecling aII crealures of fever Hil Dice or
IeveIs lhan lhenseIves vilhin 1OO feel. (Beings of equaI
or grealer Hil Dice are innune lo lhis effecl.)
IinaIIy, vilches are highIy respecled vilhin Rashe-
nen and nay ask for virluaIIy anylhing fron Rashenaar
cilizens: food, Iodging, financiaI assislance, and lhe Iike.
Wilch characlers shouId lake care nol lo nisuse lheir
povers, and lo onIy use lhen in lhe pursuil of lhe lesl
inleresls of Rashenen. Those vho nake unnecessary de-
nands or olhervise aluse lheir slalus are harshIy deaIl
vilh ly higher-ranking vilches, vho nay inprison or
exiIe lhen fron Rashenen.
5pccIa! HIndranccs: Wilhin Rashenen lhe casling
line for aII vilch speIIs is doulIed, as lhe vilch dravs
on lhe pover of lhe Iand and spirils lo forn her speII.
ulside lhe counlry, casling line is nornaI. As noled
alove, lhe vilch nusl aIso nenorize her speIIs as nor-
naI vhen she lraveIs leyond Rashenen. The spc||nc|
aliIily vorks onIy vilh olher vilches, and so is of IillIe
use lo lhe Ione vilch lraveIing oulside Rashenens
By lradilion, vilches neilher crafl nagicaI ilens nor
research nev speIIs. WhiIe lhey are nol forlidden lo do
so, lhose lasks are lhe province of lhe vrenyonni. A
vilch vho devoles lhe line required for such vork nay
le queslioned ly her superiors aloul her dedicalion lo
Rashenen, afler aII, if she is occupied in crafling a nag-
icaI ilen or researching a nev speII, she cannol le ac-
liveIy guarding Rashenen againsl lhe Red Wizards and
olher lhreals.
AII vilches nusl go nasked vhiIe lraveIing in Rashe-
nen. They need nol vear nasks in privale or vhen
neeling vilh olher vilches in lhe UrIingvood or siniIar
pIaces forlidden lo oulsiders. Wilches nusl aIso oley
lhe orders of any higher-ranking vilches and nusl svear
never lo use lheir povers for personaI gain or for any
purpose conlrary lo lhe lesl inleresls of lhe Iand of
There are no renegade or oulcasl vilches, so any
vho lraveI leyond Rashenen onIy do so vilh specific
lasks or nissions. They lraveI incognilo, oflen conceaI-
ing lheir idenlilies fron aII lul lheir cIosesl conpanions.
IinaIIy, such a vilch is required lo relurn lo Rashenen
once each year or so, lo reporl her findings in lhe oulside
vorId, Iearn nev speIIs, and receive nev assignnenls
fron lhe eIder vilches.
Wca!th OptInns: Rashenaar vilches have nornaI
slarling veaIlh.
Raccs: nIy Rashenaar hunan fenaIes nay lecone
The VremyonnI
The vrenyonni are a group of hernelic vizards vho per-
forn speII research and crafl nagicaI ilens for lhe
vilches. They dveII deep in caves and cIefls of lhe Run-
ning Rocks, Iiving Iives of ascelic isoIalion, uninleresled
in anylhing save lheir researches. Vrenyonni are nol
given a kil since lheir roIe is excIusiveIy as NICs.
AII young Rashenaar are lesled for nagicaI aplilude.
CirIs vho shov skiII in speIIcasling are laken in ly lhe
vilches, vhiIe lhe fev loys vho shov laIenl are senl lo
le apprenliced lo lhe vrenyonni. Iarenls, ly lradilion,
have no choice in lhe naller, nagicaIIy skiIIed chiIdren
are laken regardIess of lheir feeIings. Iarenls are con-
pensaled vilh farn aninaIs, luiIdings, equipnenl, or or-
phaned chiIdren given in exchange. Such is lhe esleen
in vhich lhe Rashenaar hoId lheir vilches lhal aII ac-
cepl lhis arrangenenl, and fev conpIain.
nce laken in ly lhe vrenyonni, young naIes are
lrained in lhe sorcerous arls and serve as apprenlices and
assislanls. nce a young nan reaches lhe age of 2O, he is
given a choice: Slay vilh lhe vrenyonni and Iearn lheir
secrels or deparl Rashenen pernanenlIy, lound ly gcas
never lo reveaI lhe Id nes secrels. Aloul haIf choose
lo slay, vhiIe lhe renainder vander lhe vorId as lraveI-
ing sorcerers or sellIe in dislanl Iands. Those vho slay
legin lo Iearn lhe deepesl secrels of Rashenens nagic
and nay evenluaIIy lecone one of lhe vrenyonni lhen-
seIves once lhey have naslered lhe lheories and inlrica-
cies of nagic~al lhe age of 7O or oIder.
The vrenyonni are kepl aIive ly Iongevily speIIs and
polions. They are as IoyaI lo lhe vilches as olher Rashe-
9 2
naar and lake greal pride in lheir roIe as researchers and
leachers. Young vilches are oflen lroughl lo lhe Id
nes caves lo le laughl speIIcrafl, and even oIder and
nore acconpIished vilches find lhe oId nens researches
Any vrenyonni encounlered in lhe canpaign nusl le
an NIC. The Id nes keep lo lheir caves and deveIop
polenl nagic and never Ieave. A lypicaI Id ne is al
Ieasl 75 years oId and is 15lh IeveI or higher. He knovs
fev offensive speIIs, and nany of his enchanlnenls are
olscure, esoleric, or experinenlaI in nalure. A vreny-
onni is a usefuI source of infornalion and can pass on
nany fascinaling facls aloul hislory, cuIlure, nagic, and
currenl evenls in exchange for vovs of secrecy. ShouId
visilors prove uncooperalive and vish lo pIunder lhe
Id nes secrels or reveaI lheir exislence, lhe vilches
inslanlIy cone lo lheir defense and deaI exlreneIy
harshIy vilh such enenies.
A possilIe invoIvenenl for lhe vrenyonni in an on-
going canpaign is lo have a IC le a forner sludenl of
lhe Id nes vho chose lo Ieave. This characlers lack-
ground shouId le secrel lo aII save his pIayer and nighl
serve lo creale nany inleresling pIol eIenenls or adven-
lures, especiaIIy if sonelhing unusuaI occurs such as lhe
ICs nasler caIIing on his oId pupiI for heIp or in siniIar
he Red Wizards of Thay are feared lolh for lhe
slrenglh of lheir nagic and lhe unique~and oflen
crueI~nalure of lheir speIIs. If lhere is a speII lo infIicl
pain and suffering, a Red Wizard Iearns il, if lhe speII
does nol yel exisl, he or she creales il.
Nole lhal speIIs of a dislinclIy crueI nalure shouId le
avaiIalIe lo eviI characlers onIy. Heroes vho invoke such
speIIs nay le suljecl lo sudden aIignnenl changes~and
aII conconilanl effecls.
Neu 5peLLs
Though lhe nages of AgIarond and lhe Wilches of
Rashenen aIso enpIoy unique speIIs (lhe forner crealions
of lhe SinluI, lhe Ialler gifls fron nalure spirils and lheir
ovn Iink vilh lhe Iand), lhose are far Iess conspicuous
lhan lhe speIIs of lhe Red Wizards. The foIIoving seclion
reveaIs Thayan speIIs ICs are nosl IikeIy lo encounler
and, if unIucky or incaulious, experience for lhenseIves.
FIns1-LeoeL 5peLLs
Range: Touch
Conponenls: V,S
Duralion: SpeciaI
Casling Tine: See leIov
Area of Lffecl: ne vizard
Saving Throv: None
This speII nakes lhe speIIcasling lallIe circIes of lhe
Red Wizards lruIy dreaded. A circIe consisls of a vizard
and his apprenlices and aIIied vizards, aII of vhon nusl
le Red Wizards.
Through use of lhis speII, lhe apprenlices and aIIies add
lheir pover lo lhal of lhe Red Wizard, aIIoving hin lo casl
speIIs as if his IeveI vere increased ly an anounl equaI lo
lhe lolaI IeveIs of lhe nenlers of his circIe. AII nenlers
of lhe circIe nusl le nenlers of lhe caslers schooI or ils
aIIied schooIs. AIIied schooIs are defined as lhe schooIs on
eilher side of lhe vizards schooI, as shovn under The
SchooIs of Magic in Chapler 3 of lhe DUNGLON
MASTLR Guic. (An iIIusionisls aIIied schooIs are aIler-
alion and enchanlnenl/charn, for exanpIe.)
Nole lhal lhe circ|c speII onIy increases lhe nunler of
speIIs lhe vizard can casl. Il does nol aIIov a vizard lo
casl speIIs of a higher IeveI lhan nornaI. A 12lh-IeveI
vizard vilh a circIe of lhree 3rd-IeveI and lhree 1sl-IeveI
apprenlices is effecliveIy 24lh IeveI in regard lo lhe
nunler of speIIs he nay casl, lul he nay sliII onIy casl
speIIs of IeveI six or Iover. He aIso does nol gain in-
creased danage, duralion, or any olher speIIcasling fac-
lors for lhe addilionaI speIIs. A vizard nay have as nany
apprenlices in his circIe as desired lul can never nore
lhan doulIe his effeclive IeveI.
To casl lhis speII, lhe apprenlices join in a circIe vilh
lhe vizard in lhe cenler. AII parlicipanls nusl have pre-
viousIy nenorized lhe circ|c speII (save lhe vizard vho is
lo receive lhe speIIs lenefils) and nusl casl il sinuIla-
neousIy. This lakes a nunler of rounds equaI lo lhe IeveI
of lhe highesl apprenlice in lhe circIe. (In effecl, circIes
vilh Iover-IeveI apprenlices are Iarger, lul casl lhe circ|c
speII fasler.) The apprenlices are slripped of aII lheir
nenorized speIIs and lheir speII sIols are lransferred lo
lhe vizard.
9 3
The vizard in lhe cenler of lhe circIe nusl le fuIIy
resled lo receive lhe fuII lenefils of lhe circ|c speII. nce
lhe speII has leen casl, lhe vizard lhen nenorizes vhal-
ever addilionaI speIIs he desires lo lhe naxinun nun-
ler of nev sIols. If lhe vizard Ieaves lhe circIe, or if il is
disrupled in any vay (an apprenlice kiIIed or lhe circIe
lroken ly an allack), any renaining unnenorized speIIs
are Iosl, lhough speIIs nenorized lefore lhe circIe vas
lroken are relained.
Afler lhe speIIs are nenorized, lhe vizard nay Ieave
lhe circIe. AII speIIs nenorized vhiIe in lhe circIe are
relained unliI casl.
Detho's DeIIrIum
Range: Touch
Conponenls: V,S,M
Duralion: 1 round + 1 round/IeveI
Casling Tine: 1
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Saving Throv: Negales
The casler of lhis speII louches a leing vho is drugged,
drunken, unconscious, or sIeeping. The casler lhen
speaks lhe verlaI conponenl and rings a snaII siIver or
lrass leII.
The suljecl receives a saving lhrov vs. speII al -2, if
lhe save is faiIed, lhe leing legins lo speak. He speaks al
randon, in aII Ianguages knovn lo hin and on randon,
ranlIing lopics. He cannol hear queslions and cannol
le forced ly nenlaI or nagicaI conlroI lo give specific
ansvers. WhiIe lhe person speaks, lhere is a 25 noncu-
nuIalive chance per round lhal he reveaIs nanes (lul
nol lruenanes), passvords, vords of aclivalion, codes,
direclions, and olher usefuI infornalion. Nole lhal lhe
speaker rareIy idenlifies such fragnenls of speech for
vhal lhey lruIy are. Dreans, runors, jokes, and fairy
laIes nay le nunlIed ly lhe speaker, nol nereIy facluaI
If lhe affecled person is avakened al any line, lhe
speII is lroken.
Know SchooI
Range: 12O yards
Conponenls: V,S,M
Duralion: 1 round
Casling Tine: 1
Area of Lffecl: ne largel
Saving Throv: None
By neans of lhis speII lhe casler nay delernine lhe
schooI of anolher speIIcasler. This speII onIy funclions
on olher vizards vho are speciaIisl nages, il produces no
resuIls on priesls, speIIcaslers vilhoul schooIs, or crea-
lures vilhoul speII aliIily.
The largel is unavare of lhe divinalion unIess he or
she has sone neans lo delecl or prevenl nagicaI scrying.
The naleriaI conponenl of lhis speII is a snaII lule of
paper or veIIun.
WhiIe lhis speII is of noninaI use in olher Iands, lhe
Red Wizards have found il indispensalIe. Before aInosl
any aclion, prudenl Red Wizards delernine lheir ene-
nies opposilion schooIs and lheir grealesl areas of
Nybor's GentIe RemInder
Range: 1O yards
Conponenls: V
Duralion: 1 round
Casling Tine: 1
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Saving Throv: Negales
This speII is quile popuIar vilh sIave overseers and lhose
vishing lo nake lheir servanls vork a IillIe fasler. Vic-
lins receive a sharp, agonizing pain, vhich innoliIizes
and prevenls lhen fron laking any aclion for one fuII
round. AII saving lhrovs nade ly lhe viclin during lhis
round are al a -2 penaIly. The speII infIicls no acluaI
physicaI danage.
9 4
5ecomo-LeoeL 5peLLs
Create Enchanted Tattoo
Range: Touch
Conponenls: V,S,M
Duralion: 1 day/IeveI each
Casling Tine: 1 lurn
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Saving Throv: None
Red Wizards oflen lear enchanled lalloos on lheir faces
and shaved heads. This speII aIIovs lhe crealion of such
lalloos. The exacl nalure of lhe lalloos is delernined ly
lhe casler, and lhe lalloos effecl is lased upon lhe IeveI
of lhe casler. nIy one lalloo nay le crealed ly lhis
speII, aIlhough nuIlipIe appIicalions are possilIe.
A vizard of IeveIs 3-6 can inscrile lhe foIIoving lal-
loos: + 1 lo any one saving lhrov (vs. dealh nagic, vs.
vands, and so on), +1 lo allack roIIs, and -1 lo AC. A
vizard of IeveIs 7-12 nay inscrile aII of lhe Iover IeveI
lalloos, pIus lhe foIIoving: +1 lo aII saving lhrovs, one
exlra allack every lvo rounds, and one exlra speII of 1sl,
2nd, or 3rd IeveI (onIy one speII, and onIy one IeveI, nol
one of each).
Wizards of IeveI 13 and higher nay inscrile aII of lhe
alove lalloos pIus lhe foIIoving: 5 nagic resislance,
+1 lo any one allrilule, and +1 IeveI of casling aliIily
(lhis increases lhe caslers effeclive IeveI, lul nol lhe
lolaI nunler of speIIs~an 11lh-IeveI vizard raised in
casling aliIily in lhis nanner casls speIIs as a 12lh-IeveI
vizard in lerns of range, area of effecl, and so on, lul
does nol gain access lo lhe increased nunler of speIIs or
lo 6lh-IeveI speIIs unliI he acluaIIy lecones a 12lh-IeveI
There are severaI reslriclions on lhe nunler and lype
of nagicaI lalloos vhich an individuaI nay lear. An in-
dividuaI nay never have nore lhan lhree enchanled lal-
loos, and none of lhese nay le of lhe sane lype. The
vizard nusl aIso have a nodicun of arlislic laIenl, lo
skelch lhe desired lalloo. Sone skin arlisls in Bezanlur
and eIsevhere have prospered soIeIy fron lheir naluraI
arlislic laIenl and lhe use of lhis speII.
Range: 1O yards + 1 yard/IeveI
Conponenls: V,S
Duralion: Inslanlaneous
Casling Tine: 2
Area of Lffecl: 2 yard radius sphere
Saving Throv:
This speII creales a lIinding fIash of Iighl in ils area.
Lveryone vilhin lhe area of effecl is suljecl lo a -4
penaIly on allack roIIs, proficiency checks, and inilialive
roIIs. Thieves acquire a -2O penaIly lo aII aliIilies. Lf-
fecls of lhis speII Iasl for 2d1O rounds, a successfuI saving
lhrov vs. nagic haIves lhis line.
Range: Touch
Conponenls: V,S,M
Duralion: 1 day per IeveI of casler
Casling Tine: 2 rounds
Area of Lffecl: ne nediun-sized crealure
Saving Throv: None
This speII preserves neal and olher foods as if il had jusl
leen kiIIed. Il does nol vork on cooked food. Il can le
used on dead peopIe lo keep lhen inlacl unliI lhey can
le raisc (lhe line preserved does nol counl lovard lhe
line eIapsed lefore raising) or spoken lo. Il can aIso le
used on a zonlie, Iich, or siniIar undead lo keep lhe
lody fron rolling.
The naleriaI conponenl of lhis speII is a pinch of saIl.
ProtectIon Irom PoIson
Range: Touch
Conponenls: V,S,M
Duralion: 1d1O + 2 rounds
Casling Tine: 2
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Saving Throv: None
By use of lhis speII, lhe vizard lecones innune lo one
forn of poison. Al lhe line of casling, lhe vizard nusl
choose lo le prolecled againsl one of lhe foIIoving poi-
son lypes: Conlacl, Ingesled, InhaIed, or Injecled. Ioi-
sons of lypes olher lhan lhe one chosen sliII affecl lhe
vizard nornaIIy. Nole lhal any poison aIready in lhe
vizards syslen is unaffecled ly lhis speII.
The naleriaI conponenl of lhe speII is a sprig of leI-
ThIno-LeoeL 5peLLs
FIre Lance
Range: 1OO yards
Conponenls: V,S,M
Duralion: Inslanlaneous
Casling Tine: 3
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Saving Throv:
This speII creales a lurning Iance of fIane lhal Ieaps
fron ils caslers hand, hilling aulonalicaIIy and infIicl-
ing 1d6 poinls of danage per IeveI of casler, lo a naxi-
nun of 1Od6.
The naleriaI conponenl is a Iil lorch in lhe caslers
hand or one fire source of al Ieasl lorch size vilhin 3O
feel of lhe casler. Casling lhis speII exlinguishes a lorch-
sized fire source lul onIy dininishes il sIighlIy if lhe fire
is Iarger.
Despile ils disadvanlages vhen conpared lo lhe ever-
popuIar fircoa|| (onIy one largel affecled and a fire source
required), firc |ancc is a fashionalIe Red Wizard speII.
UnIike a fircoa||s effecl, lhe viclins cIolhing and posses-
sions are unlouched ly lhe fIane. This enalIes lhe casler
lo lorch a viclin vilhoul vorrying lhal nagicaI ilens
viII le deslroyed in lhe confIagralion.
Nybor's MIId AdmonIshment
Range: 1O yards + 1 yard/IeveI
Conponenls: V,S
Duralion: 2d4 rounds
Casling Tine: 3
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Saving Throv: Negales
This inprovenenl on Nqocrs gcn||c reninder causes
inlense pain in ils viclins and incapacilales lhen for
2d4 rounds. Viclins nay lake no aclion during lhis line
olher lhan Iying on lhe ground and vrilhing in pain. AII
saving lhrovs nade ly viclins during lhis line are al a
-3 penaIly.
ProoI Irom TeIeportatIon
Range: O
Conponenls: V,S,M
Duralion: 2 hours/IeveI
Casling Tine: 2 lurns
Area of Lffecl: 1O yard radius/IeveI
Saving Throv: None
This speII secures an area fron nagicaI inlrusion ly
neans of leIeporlalion, ga|cs, or incnsicn ccrs. The
area exlends oul fron lhe casler 1O yards per IeveI in aII
lhree dinensions and is nol inpeded ly vaIIs, doors, or
olher surfaces.
When in operalion, lhe speII prohilils lhe use of |c|c-
pcr| speIIs (incIuding |c|cpcr| ui|ncu| crrcr and nagc |un-
nc|) inlo lhe region. Dincnsicn ccrs viII aIso nol func-
lion vilhin lhe proscriled region. Allenpls lo use lhese
speIIs lo enler or Ieave lhe affecled area faiI conpIeleIy.
In order lo use ga|c speIIs or siniIar nagic lhal opens
porlaIs inlo olher pIanes, lhe casler of lhe ga|c nusl nake
a saving lhrov vs. speII. IaiIure indicales lhe speII faiIs
lul is expended anyvay. Success aIIovs lhe use of lhe
ga|c. Iurlher allenpls require addilionaI saving lhrovs.
SpeIIs lhal lap lhe LlhereaI IIane (such as tanisn) and
ilens such as arncr cf c|ncrca|i|q funclion nornaIIy, as do
elhereaI crealures. lher exlrapIanar crealures aIso
funclion nornaIIy, lhough lhey nay nol ga|c or |c|cpcr|.
The prccf agains| |c|cpcr|a|icn speII can le disconlin-
ued al any line ly ils casler. Il nay aIso le lroughl
dovn ly a ispc| nagic in lhe slandard fashion. A |ini|c
uisn or vish aIIovs a |c|cpcr| lo funclion vilhin lhe se-
cured area.
The naleriaI conponenl of lhe speII is 2 Ils. of sugar,
saIl, or olher granuIar naleriaI sluffed inlo a 1-Il. sack
and dropped al lhe cenler of lhe speIIs area of effecl.
9 6
ResIst Energy DraIn
Range: Touch
Conponenls: V,S
Duralion: 1 lurn/IeveI or one allack
Casling Tine: 3
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Saving Throv: None
This speII gives lhe suljecl a saving lhrov vs. dealh
nagic any line he is allacked ly undead lhal drain en-
ergy IeveIs. If lhe saving lhrov is nade, lhe undead can-
nol sleaI lhe Iife energy of lhe suljecl. The speII is good
for onIy one such allack, regardIess of vhelher lhe sav-
ing lhrov is nade or nol. This does nol vork againsl any
sorl of allack lesides lhe louch of an undead.
Trap SpeIIbook
Range: Touch
Conponenls: V,S
Duralion: 1 day/IeveI
Casling Tine: 3
Area of Lffecl: ne look
Saving Throv: None or
Trap spc||occ| is a dedicaled forn of cxp|csitc runcs. As ils
nane inpIies, lhe speII is used ly lhe Red Wizards pri-
nariIy lo prolecl lheir speIIlooks, lul nay le pIaced on
a look of any sorl. As vilh cxp|csitc runcs, lhere is onIy a
5 chance per IeveI of nagic use experience of lhe
reader lo delecl lhe lrap, and lhieves have onIy a 5
chance. Trap deleclion ly speII or nagicaI device aIvays
delecls lhis speII.
This speII infIicls 1d6 poinls/IeveI of lhe casler (lo a
naxinun of 5d6) upon anyone olher lhan lhe casler
vho opens lhe look upon vhich il is casl. In addilion,
lhe speII does no danage lo lhe look ilseIf and renevs
ilseIf upon cIosing. The vizard nay voIunlariIy renove
lhe runes, olhervise, lhey nay onIy le renoved vilh a
ispc| nagic or siniIar neans.
Foun1h-LeoeL 5peLLs
BeItyn's BurnIng BIood
Range: 1O yards/IeveI
Conponenls: V,S,M
Duralion: 3 rounds
Casling Tine: 4
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Saving Throv: Negales
By neans of lhis speII, a nage can cause any crealure
vho is presenlIy learing open, lIeeding vounds (for ex-
anpIe, one vho has leen danaged ly edged veapons re-
cenlIy and vhose vounds have nol yel leen dressed or
heaIed) lo suffer 3d4 poinls of addilionaI danage per
round ly causing a sullIe, lenporary change in lhe vic-
lins lIood lhal causes il lo lecone corrosive lo adja-
cenl lissue.
The suljecl nusl have lIood lo le affecled, and any
crealure innune or resislanl lo fire or corrosive danage
cannol le affecled. nce lhe speII is casl, lhe casler does
nol have lo concenlrale on lhe speII. Il conlinues lo
vork as lhe casler perforns olher aclions. No allack roII
is necessary and lhe viclin need nol even le in sighl of
lhe casler as Iong as lhe viclin is vilhin range. AslraI or
elhereaI suljecls cannol le affecled.
The speII causes no danage if lhe suljecls saving
lhrovs are successfuI in each of lhe lhree rounds of lhe
duralion. If one saving lhrov is nade, lhe suljecl sliII
can lake danage during lhe olher lvo rounds of lhe du-
ralion. The speII conlinues lo lurn even if lhe viclin
noves oul of range.
Targels vho have aIlered lheir shape or enlered olher
oljecls (such as a lree or slone) are sliII vuIneralIe lo
lhis speII as Iong as lhey are lIeeding. Crealures vho
have povers of regeneralion are onIy affecled as Iong as
lhey have open vounds. Any nagicaI curalive speII or
regeneralion aliIily slaunches lhe fIov of lIood and
negales lhe speII.
The naleriaI conponenl of lhe speII is a pinch of saIl-
peler and lhe presence of exposed lIood.
Range: Touch
Conponenls: V,S
Duralion: Iernanenl
Casling Tine: 4
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Saving Throv: Negales
Viclins of disfigure nusl save vs. speII lo avoid leing hor-
rilIy lransforned, covered in scars, loiIs, veIls, varls,
and olher defornilies, inslanlIy reducing lheir Cha lo 1.
This renders lhe characler so repuIsive lhal any viever
nusl save vs. speII or le unalIe lo lear lhe characlers
presence. Those faiIing lhe save nay allack if nornaIIy
incIined lo le suspicious or hosliIe, vhiIe lhose nornaIIy
incIined lo le heIpfuI or friendIy sinpIy Ieave in disgusl.
NeulraI crealures have a 5O chance lo do eilher.
This speII is used as punishnenl, lo insure lhe IoyaIly
of relainers, or lo punish rivaIs. The speII nay onIy le re-
noved ly a |ini|c uisn, uisn, or rcnctc cursc. Dispc|
nagic has no effecl.
Negate MagIcaI Weapon
Range: Touch
Conponenls: V,S,M
Duralion: 1d4 + 4 rounds
Casling Tine: 1 round
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Saving Throv: None
The suljecl of lhis speII is nol affecled ly lhe nagicaI
aliIilies of enchanled veapons. A orca sucr +1, for
exanpIe, sinpIy lecones an ordinary lroadsvord. This
speII affecls aII nagicaI eIenenls of an enchanled
veapon. Such ilens as ninc |itcs s|ca|cr, cfcncr, nc|q
atcngcr, and so on sliII infIicl danage lul funclion as
nornaI veapons of lheir lype.
This speII does nol negale povers vhich do nol di-
reclIy affecl lhe casler. An inleIIigenl svord lhal aIIovs
ils learer lo f|q, c|cc| nagic, or provides speII-Iike aliIi-
lies such as s|rcng|n, |cti|a|icn, or |c|c|incsis is unaffecled.
If lhe speciaI aliIily affecls lhe casler~ cnarn pcrscn,
|SP, and so on~il is negaled.
Ncga|c nagica| ucapcn aIso does nol affecl a veapons
speciaI purpose povers. If a vizard casls ncga|c nagica|
ucapcn on hinseIf lul is allacked ly a veapon vhose
speciaI-purpose is lo defeal vizards, lhe veapons speciaI
purpose povers (lIindness, confusion, paraIysis) sliII
funclion. The veapons nornaI nagicaI lonuses are sliII
negaled, hovever.
FI[1h-LeoeL 5peLLs
Create Chosen One
Range: Touch
Conponenls: V,S,M
Duralion: Iernanenl
Casling Tine: 1 hour
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Saving Throv: Negales
nIy vizards of eviI aIignnenl nay casl lhis speII, vhich
consisls of a series of nagicaI riluaIs and lornenls in-
lended lo lurn a nornaI hunan (of up lo 3 HD) inlo a
naddened, nurderous crealure knovn as a chosen one.
Viclins nusl le lound and heIpIess in order for lhe speII
lo vork. Afler ils casling is conpIeled, lhe viclin nusl
save vs. dealh nagic or le lransforned inlo a chosen one
under lhe conlroI of ils crealor. See lhe SpeIIlound
MONSTROUS COMP|ND|UM lookIel for fuII inforna-
lion on chosen ones and lheir crealion and aliIilies.
Range: O
Conponenls: V,S,M
Duralion: 1d4 + 1 lurns/2 IeveIs
Casling Tine: 1 round
Area of Lffecl: The casler
Saving Throv: None
nIy vizards of eviI aIignnenl nay Iearn lhis speII, vhich
granls ils casler lhe forn and aliIilies of a randonIy se-
Iecled crealure fron lhe Lover IIanes. When casl, roII
1d1OO on lhe foIIoving lalIe lo delernine lhe forn
vhich lhe vizard lakes. (If lhe DM does nol have access
randonIy for one of lhe fiends Iisled in lhe MNSTRUS
9 8
DIc Rn!! Fnrm
O1-15 Tanarri, aIu-fiend
16-3O Tanarri, lar-igura
31-4O Tanarri, canlion
41-45 Tanarri, succulus
46-6O Tanarri, chasne
51-55 Tanarri, nalassu
56-6O Tanarri, laIor
61-65 Tanarri, vrock
66-75 YugoIolh, derghoIolh
76-85 YugoIolh, nezzoIolh
86-9O YugoIolh, yagnoIolh
91-95 YugoIolh, arcanaIolh
96-OO YugoIolh, nycaIolh
UnIike pc|qncrpn or siniIar speIIs, ficnfcrn granls ils
casler nany aliIilies of lhe crealure roIIed, incIuding
speciaI allacks and defenses, innunilies, Arnor CIass,
and hil poinls. |icnfcrn does nol granl aliIilies lased
on InleIIigence, innale nagicaI aliIilies, nagic resis-
lance, or lhe aliIily lo ga|c in olher exlrapIanar enlilies.
The casler aIso gains lhe vuIneraliIilies of lhe forn, as
delernined ly lhe lype of fiend roIIed.
Afler lhe speII expires, lhe casler relurns lo his or her
originaI forn. Any danage suffered vhiIe in ficnfcrn re-
nains vhen lhe casler lakes his originaI forn. If lhe
casler is sIain vhiIe in fiend forn, he or she nusl save vs.
dealh nagic or le sIain vhen in nornaI forn as veII. In
lhal evenl, lhe characler reforns as a nanes in lhe
Alyss and is nol resloralIe ly any neans. Lven if lhe
saving lhrov is successfuI, lhe casler innedialeIy reverls
lo nornaI forn vilh O hil poinls and Iies in a cona for
3d1O hours.
The naleriaI conponenl of ficnfcrn is a cryslaI slal-
uelle of a fiend (of any lype) vorlh al Ieasl 3,OOO gp. The
slaluelle shallers vhen lhe speII ends, il is Iefl lehind
vhen lhe speII is casl and if prenalureIy shallered lhe
speII ends innedialeIy.
5I1h-LeoeL 5peLLs
AcId RaIn
Range: 3O yards
Conponenls: V,S,M
Duralion: 1 round/IeveI
Casling Tine: 6
Area of Lffecl: 5 circIe/IeveI
Saving Throv:
This speII creales an inlense slorn of lurning, corrosive acid
over a circIe 3 feel in dianeler for each IeveI of lhe casler (a
12lh-IeveI vizard can casl lhe speII in a 36-fool- dianeler
circIe). The acid infIicls 6d4+6 poinls of danage per round
as Iong as lhe largel renains vilhin lhe area of effecl. In ad-
dilion, equipnenl nusl save vs. acid each round lhal il is
exposed lo lhe speII, or le deslroyed (see DMC, TalIe 29).
The naleriaI conponenl of lhis speII is a viaI of
slrong acid.
AnImate Dread WarrIor
Range: Touch
Conponenls: V,S,M
Duralion: Iernanenl
Casling Tine: 1 lurn
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Saving Throv: None
This speII creales an undead crealure knovn as a dread
varrior (see lhe Spc||ocun MONSTROUS COMP|ND|UM
for fuII slalislics).
The speII requires lhe corpse of a fighler of al Ieasl 4lh
IeveI vho has leen dead for Iess lhan one fuII day. Afler
casling, lhe corpse rises as a dread varrior under lhe con-
lroI of lhe speIIs casler.
Imbue Undead WIth SpeII AbIIIty
Range: Touch
Conponenls: V,S,M
Duralion: SpeciaI
Casling Tine: 1 lurn
Area of Lffecl: ne undead crealure
Saving Throv: None
The vizard using lhis speII granls an undead crealure lhe
use of a parlicuIar speII lhe vizard has Iearned. Thal speII
is Iefl vilh lhe crealure and can le used ly lhe crealure.
A ghouI can le invesled vilh a Iighlning loIl or a skeIelon
guard vilh a dinension door and lhe Iocalion of ils
naslers lhrone roon.
nce lhis speII has leen given lo a crealure, il re-
nains vilh lhal crealure unliI il discharges lhe speII or is
deslroyed. The vizard vho provides lhe speII Ioses use of
one speII of lhal parlicuIar IeveI unliI lhe speII is dis-
charged or lhe undead crealure is deslroyed. (If a fircoa||
is inlued inlo a skeIelon, for exanpIe, lhe vizard has
one Iess 3rd-IeveI speII avaiIalIe lo hin.) A vizard can
inlue as nany differenl undead as he has inouc speIIs or
speIIs lo give avay. No speIIs alove 5lh IeveI can le in-
lued lo an undead crealure. No nore lhan a singIe speII
can le inlued lo a singIe undead crealure al any line.
nce discharged, lhe speII lakes effecl as if il vas casl
ly lhe vizard~no naleriaI, verlaI, or sonalic naleriaIs
are required, and lhe casling line of lhe reIeased speII is 1.
The naleriaI conponenl of inlue is a snaII scroII of
paper upon vhich is vrillen lhe nane of lhe inlued
speII in squid ink.
5eoem1h-LeoeL 5peLLs
Nybor's JoyIuI Voyage
Range: 1 fool/IeveI
Conponenls: V,S
Duralion: Inslanlaneous
Casling Tine: 7
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Saving Throv: Negales
By use of lhis speII, a vizard leIeporls anolher individuaI
1d1OO niIes in a randon direclion, as delernined ly lhe
foIIoving charl.
DIc Rn!! DIrcctInn
1 Norlh
2 Soulh
3 Lasl
4 Wesl
6 Dovn
Transporlalion is inslanlaneous, and lhe individuaI is
oflen faced vilh hosliIe condilions al his or her arrivaI
poinl~valer, soIid rock, and so on. Those unforlunale
enough lo le lransporled upvard faII lo lheir dealhs un-
Iess sone nagicaI inlervenlion such as fca|ncr fa|| is used,
vhiIe lhose lransporled dovnvard can onIy hope lo na-
leriaIize in a cavern or air pockel, ralher lhan leing en-
cased in soIid rock.
This speII vas invenled ly lhe ZuIkir Nylor lo deaI
vilh lroulIesone peddIers. The joyfuI nalure of
Nylors voyage refers lo lhe joy of lhe speIIs casler
ralher lhan lhal of ils largel.
Nybor's Stern ReprooI
Range: 1O yards + 1 yard/IeveI
Conponenls: V,S
Duralion: 2d6 rounds + 1 round/IeveI
Casling Tine: 1
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Saving Throv: Negales
This speII infIicls slalling pains even grealer lhan
Nqocrs gcn||c rcnincr and Nqocrs ni| ancnisnncn|.
Viclins are incapacilaled and nay lake no aclions for
2d6 rounds. In addilion, lhe casler nay eIecl lo conlinue
infIicling pain for a nunler of rounds Iess lhan or equaI
lo his or her ovn IeveI. AII saving lhrovs nade ly lhe
viclin during lhis line are al -6.
When lhe speII is firsl casl, ils viclin nusl aIso nake
a saving lhrov vs. dealh nagic. If lhis roII is a faiIure, lhe
viclin dies inslanlIy fron lhe agony infIicled ly lhe
The SImbuI's Synostodweomer
Range: Touch
Conponenls: V,S
Duralion: 1 round
Casling Tine: 7
Area of Lffecl: The casler
Saving Throv: None
Crealed ly lhe SinluI and adopled ly lhe Red Wizards
for ils usefuIness, lhis speII aIIovs lhe casler lo lransforn
lhe energy of anolher speII nenorized ly lhe casler inlo
heaIing nagic. The sqncs|cuccncr is casl, foIIoved ly
anolher speII of lhe caslers choosing. The second speII
does nol lake effecl, aIlhough any naleriaI conponenls
il requires are consuned or aIlered in lhe usuaI nanner
for lhal parlicuIar speII, and lhe speII sliII vanishes fron
lhe caslers nind.
Any leing louched ly lhe casler regains 2 hil poinls
for every IeveI of lhe lransforned (second) speII (so a
9lh-IeveI speII vouId give an injured leing lack 18 hil
poinls). This speII does nol granl exlra hil poinls, lul
excess poinls conveyed can have speciaI effecls. An
excess of 5 poinls cures any one disease possessed ly
lhe injured crealure, and an excess of 7 poinls lanishes
aII effecls of poison. If lolh affIiclions are presenl, lhe
casler nusl choose vhich lo cure unIess lhere is
enough of an excess~12 poinls~lo cure lolh, A sqn-
cs|cuccncr does nol affecl Iycanlhropy. If lhe recipi-
enl is neilher diseased nor poisoned or lhere are nol al
Ieasl 5 exlra poinls conveyed, lhe excess curing is
sinpIy Iosl.
The heaIing capaliIily endoved ly lhe sqncs|c-
uccncr nusl le used vilhin lhree rounds or lolh il and
lhe second, lransferred speII are Iosl and vasled. HeaIing
can onIy le granled ly direcl fIesh-lo-fIesh conlacl.
nIy speIIs nenorized ly lhe casler of lhe sqncs|c-
uccncr can le lransforned inlo heaIing energy ly lhis
speII. Il cannol lransforn speIIs fron scroIIs or speII-Iike
nagicaI ilen funclions or aliIilies.
EIgh1h-LeoeL 5peLLs
Range: Touch
Conponenls: V,S,M
Duralion: SpeciaI
Casling Tine: 8
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Saving Throv: SpeciaI
This horrifying speII acluaIIy slrips lhe fIesh fron ils vic-
lin. DeveIoped ly lhe Red Wizards for lorlure and inler-
rogalion, il nay onIy le Iearned ly speIIcaslers of eviI
aIignnenl. ||cnsing lakes four fuII rounds lo le effeclive.
n lhe firsl round, lhe viclin suffers greal pain and dis-
figuring learing of his or her fIesh lul no acluaI danage.
n lhe second round, lhe viclin suslains 2d6 poinls of
danage (a successfuI saving lhrov vs. speII haIves lhis
danage lul does nol slop lhe speII), and on lhe lhird
round lhe viclin lakes 2d1O poinls of danage (vhich
can aIso le haIved vilh a successfuI saving lhrov vs.
n lhe fourlh round afler casling, lhe viclin nusl
save vs. dealh nagic or die inslanlIy as lhe very fIesh is
lorn fron his or her lones. Viclins of lhis speII oflen
give in during lhe firsl round of casling and leII lhe Red
Wizards vhal lhey vanl lo knov. n occasion, hovever,
lhe vizards Iel lhe speII conpIele ils gruesone vork
even afler lhey have gollen lhe required infornalion.
||cnsing aIso causes exlensive disfigurenenl lo ils vic-
lins. If lhe speII vas slopped on lhe firsl round, lhe vic-
lin nusl save vs. lrealh veapon lo avoid Iosing 1-3
poinls of Charisna pernanenlIy. If lhe speII is slopped
on lhe second or lhird round, lhe viclin nusl success-
fuIIy save or Iose 2d4 poinls of Charisna pernanenlIy. If
lhe viclin survives lhe fourlh round he or she nusl
again save vs. lrealh veapon lo void lhe pernanenl Ioss
of 2d6 poinls of Charisna. The viclins Charisna nay
never le reduced leIov 1 in lhis nanner. Charisna
poinls nay le reslored ly regeneralion.
The naleriaI conponenl of f|cnsing is an onion lhal
nusl le peeIed, one Iayer per round of lhe speII.
Nybor's WrathIuI CastIgatIon
Range: 1O yards + 1 yard/IeveI
Conponenls: V,S
Duralion: 3d6 rounds + 1 round/IeveI
Casling Tine: 8
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Saving Throv: Negales
Nqocrs lra|nfu| Cas|iga|icn is lhe nosl feared speII cre-
aled ly lhis sadislic Red Wizard. Like his olher speIIs, il
causes vracking pain and vioIenl convuIsions, lul lhis
version incapacilales viclins for 3d6 rounds, pIus an
anounl delernined ly lhe casler al lhe line of casling,
equaI lo or Iess lhan his or her IeveI. AII saving lhrovs
nade ly lhe viclin during lhis line are al -6.
In addilion lo ils olher effecls, lhe speIIs viclin nusl
nake a saving lhrov vs. dealh nagic each round lhal
lhe speII is in effecl. These saving lhrovs are nade nor-
naIIy, vilhoul lhe -6 penaIly. If any roII is a faiIure, lhe
viclin dies fron lhe agonizing pain lhal lhe speII in-
Range: Touch
Conponenls: V,S,M
Duralion: Iernanenl
Casling Tine: 8
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Saving Throv: Negales
lransforn a singIe viclin inlo an undead crealure under
his or her conlroI. The casler louches lhe suljecl, vho
nusl lhen save vs. dealh nagic. If lhe save faiIs, lhe sul-
jecl inslanlIy dies and is lransforned inlo an undead
crealure under lhe conlroI of lhe casler.
Used onIy ly eviI vizards, lhis speII enalIes lhe casler lo
The exacl lype of undead depends upon lhe IeveI of
lhe viclin. IndividuaIs of IeveIs 1-3 lecone skeIelons
(5O) or zonlies (5O). Those of IeveIs 4-6 lecone
ghouIs, lhose of IeveIs 7-8 lecone vighls, and lhose of
IeveI 9 or higher lecone vrailhs.
Using lhis speII, lhe casler can conlroI a nunler of
undead crealures equaI lo his or her IeveI.
The naleriaI conponenl of lhis speII is dirl fron a
freshIy dug grave.
NIm1h-LeoeL 5peLLs
Mage TunneI
Range: SpeciaI
Conponenls: V,S,M
Duralion: SpeciaI
Casling Tine: 9
Area of Lffecl: SpeciaI
Saving Throv: SpeciaI
Szass Tan deveIoped lhis high-IeveI lransporlalion
speII, lhen discovered ils use in kidnaping or in sending
avay unvanled visilors. When casl, nagc |unnc| opens
up a nagicaI passagevay lelveen lhe casler and an area
knovn lo lhe casler no nore lhan 1,OOO niIes avay,
lhrough vhich lhe casler nay freeIy lraveI. The onIy re-
slriclion on lhe speII is lhal lhe deslinalion nusl le
oul-of-doors and in a Iocalion vilh vhich lhe casler is
Szass Tan uses his nagc |unnc| for kidnaping as veII as
lraveI. In such cases, lhe lunneI is casl lo appear nexl lo
lhe viclin. Anyone vilhin 5 feel of eilher opening nusl
lhen nake a successfuI surprise roII or le innedialeIy
dravn inlo lhe lunneI, sucked lhrough il, and expeIIed
al lhe olher end. Iurlhernore, lhe viclin al lhe oppo-
sile end of lhe nagc |unnc| nusl roII for surprise vilh a -2
penaIly, since lhe appearance of lhis speII is usuaIIy lo-
laIIy unexpecled. The casler hinseIf is nol affecled ly
lhis, need nol roII lo resisl lhe suclion, and nay enler
lhe lunneI or nol al his discrelion.
Magc Tunnc|s naleriaI conponenl is a 1 Ienglh of
copper luling engraved vilh siIvered runes.
Range: O
Conponenls: V,S
Duralion: Inslanlaneous
Casling Tine: 4
Area of Lffecl: 25-fool radius
Saving Throv:
This speII is used ly Red Wizards vho are in danger of
dealh or caplure. Il conpIeleIy deslroys lhe vizards
lody (aIlhough lhe vizards essence nay le prolecled
ly neans of a c|cnc, nagic jar, or siniIar speII) and in-
fIicls expIosive danage on aII vilhin a 25-fool radius.
The anounl of danage infIicled is equaI lo 1d4 lines
lhe IeveI of lhe casler. A 25lh-IeveI vizard vouId, for
exanpIe, infIicl 25d4 poinls of danage upon aII in-
dividuaIs and oljecls vilhin 25 feel shouId lhis speII
le used.
NeedIess lo say, spc||-|asn is nol used very oflen, lul
vhen il is lhe resuIls are nolhing shorl of speclacuIar.
1 0 2
agicaI ilens of Thay, AgIarond, and Rashenen
are onIy rareIy encounlered oulside of lhose na-
lions and are even nore rareIy found in lhe hands of
soneone foreign lo lhose areas. The Thayans are nolori-
ousIy proleclive aloul lheir nagicaI ilens, fearing lhal
lheir ovn vicious crealions viII le lurned againsl lhen.
The SinluIs ChiIdren and her foreslers are siniIarIy
carefuI vilh lhe ilens enlrusled lo lhen, and lhe
vilches and lerserkers of Rashenen are nol in lhe halil
of oulfilling oulIanders vilh lheir ovn unique inven-
lions. NeverlheIess, lhe foIIoving ilens are sone of lhe
nore connon ones of lhe UnapproachalIe Lasl, and
descriplions are provided so lhal lhe vary lraveIer nay
knov in advance preciseIy vhal resources lhose he en-
counlers nay have.
Neu Emcham1eo
I 1ems

NIsceLLameous NagIcaL I1ems

Berserker BIade
A ocrscr|cr o|ac is a veapon crafled ly veaponsnilhs of
lhe Rashenaar lerserker Iodges and given lo a proni-
nenl lerserker in recognilion of age, acconpIishnenl, or
a renarkalIe acl of lravery.
8crscr|cr o|acs vary in aliIilies, lul nosl are en-
chanled svords lhal granl an addilionaI lonus vhen a
vieIder is lerserk. TypicaI lonuses are +1/+3 vhen
lerserk, +2/+4, and +3/+5. DMs nay use lhe foIIoving
lalIes lo delernine a lIades lype and ils lonus.
d100 rn!!
O1-15 Axe
16-25 Scinilar
26-5O Shorl svord
51-75 Broad svord
76-OO Long svord
d100 rn!! Bnnus XP Va!uc
O1-7O +1/+3 8OO
71-9O +2/+4 1,2OO
91-99 +3/+5 2,OOO
OO DMs choice varies
LspeciaIIy rare ocrscr|cr o|acs are said lo provide espe-
ciaIIy high lonuses such as +4/+6 or even +5/+7, lul
lhese nay veII exisl onIy in Iegend. SpeciaI purposes or
aliIilies in such lIades are Iikevise usuaIIy a naller of
CIrcIet oI the WIIderness
XP Va|uc. 6,OOO
This rare ilen is usalIe onIy ly rangers. A circ|c| cf |nc
ui|crncss granls ils vearer lhe foIIoving povers: anina|
fricnsnip, pass ui|ncu| |racc, and spca| ui|n anina|s con-
linuousIy, anina| sunncning | and curc |ign| ucuns 3
lines per day, and anina| sunncning || and cure scricus
vounds once per day. Wearers aIso have lhe aliIily lo
predicl vealher vilhoul error up lo 24 hours in advance.
AgIarondan rangers vho have proven lheir IoyaIly lo
lhe SinluI are sonelines revarded vilh a circ|c|.
Ebon Lash
XP Va|uc. 35O
Crealed ly and for lhe Red Wizards, cocn |asncs are
shorl, enchanled lIack vhips. They slrike in conlal for
1d6+1 poinls of danage and require any slruck lo save
vs. vand or le incapacilaled ly pain for 2d4 rounds. The
vieIder of an cocn |asn nay aIso cnina|c (as lhe 5lh-
IeveI vizard speII cnina|icn) anyone lhe vhip has hil
once per day.
Enchanted Masks
The Wilches of Rashenen vear nasks lo conceaI lheir
fealures. Sone of lhese nasks are enchanled, and a fev
are poverfuI unique ilens. The nore connon lypes are
Iisled here, vhiIe unique nasks are descriled in lhis sec-
lion under lheir ovn heading.
XP Va|uc. 8OO
Mask of disguise. This ilen enalIes lhe vearer lo change
his or her face (onIy) lo resenlIe anolher hunanoid in-
dividuaI. This change is al viII and Iasls as Iong as lhe
vearer desires. lservers are aIIoved lo nake an Inl roII
al a -8 penaIly in order lo delecl lhe iIIusion.
XP Va|uc. 1,OOO
Mas| cf innuni|q. This rare nask conveys conpIele in-
nunily lo lhe foIIoving speIIs: cnarn pcrscn, ccnfusicn,
fcar, nc| pcrscn, raq cf cnfcco|cncn|, s|ccp, and s|cu.
XP Va|uc. 8OO
Mas| cf |anguagc. This nasks vearer gains conpIele fIu-
ency and conprehension of 1d6 randonIy delernined
Ianguages. The effecls Iasl onIy as Iong as lhe nask is
vorn. If lhe individuaI vearing lhe nask is aIready Iiler-
ale, lhe aliIily lo read and vrile in lhe Ianguages are aIso
XP Va|uc. 5OO
Mas| cf nign|sccing. This nask confers infravision aliIily
as descriled in lhe DMC, Chapler 13.
XP Va|uc. 1,OOO per + 1 IeveI of proleclion
Mask of proleclion. This ilen funclions in a nanner sin-
iIar lo a ring or c|ca| cf prc|cc|icn. Lach pIus inproves an
individuaIs AC ly 1, so a nas| cf prc|cc|icn +1 inproves
AC 1O lo AC 9. Lach pIus aIso provides + 1 lo an indi-
viduaIs saving lhrovs. Use lhe foIIoving lalIe lo deler-
nine a nas| cf prc|cc|icns lonus.
d100 rn!! Bnnus
O1-4O +1
41-75 +2
76-85 +3
86-95 +4
96-OO +5
XP Va|uc. 2,OOO
Mas| cf |ruc sccing. IndividuaIs vearing lhis nask have
lhe aliIily of |ruc sccing as lhe 6lh-IeveI vizard speII. Il
penelrales nornaI and nagicaI darkness, reveaIs secrel
doors, iIIusions, invisilIe oljecls, poIynorphed or olher-
vise changed ilens, and so on. The vearer cannol de-
lecl aIignnenl. The nasks range is 6O feel.
XP Va|uc. 8OO
Mask of valer-lrealhing. This nask aIIovs ils vearer lo
lrealhe nornaIIy vhiIe sulnerged in oxygen-learing
JhuIId (IIrewIne)
XP Va|uc. None
The dark reddish lrev (nol lo le confused vilh lhe Id
Lnpires drink caIIed firevine) is nade ly lhe vilches
fron grapes and fruils speciaIIy grovn on pIanlalions
near lhe cily of UrIing, vilh various herls added for in-
creased polency. WhiIe il is nol lruIy an enchanled ilen,
ils effecls are cerlainIy cIose.
}huiId is generaIIy considered lo le lhe nalionaI drink
of Rashenen. The Iands lerserkers are said lo consune
consideralIe quanlilies of firevine lefore going inlo
lallIe, and il is said lo lolh increase ferocily and loIsler
Lach pinl of jhuiId consuned has lhe foIIoving effecl:
Il increases noraIe IeveI of NICs ly 1 (naxinun in-
crease of 5), decreases Wisdon ly 1 (naxinun decrease
5, lo a nininun of 1), and adds + 1 lo aII danage roIIs~
aII for 2d4 hours afler consunplion. These effecls nay
le avoided vilh a successfuI Con roII, lul lhe roII nusl
le nade for each pinl separaleIy and is al a cunuIalive
penaIly of -1 for each pinl consuned.
nce lhe 2d4 hour period has eIapsed, lhe drinker in-
nedialeIy faIIs inlo a deep sIeep for 3d4 hours and avak-
ens vilh a lhrolling head, lhick longue, and a niseralIe
desire lo cravI under a rock. This is aII considered parl of
lhe price lhe Rashenaar pay for leing lhe fiercesl varriors
in Iaern, and no one conpIains (al Ieasl nol nuch).
Iirevine seIIs for 1 gp per pinl vilhin Rashenen and
al Ieasl 15 gp per pinl in olher Iands, vilh lhe price in-
creasing lhe farlher one goes fron lhe Iand of lhe
lerserkers. A singIe lollIe of jhuiId, conlaining aloul
lvo quarls, is said lo have lroughl 1OO gp al an auclion
in Walerdeep, for exanpIe.
Nyskar's NIghtbIades
XP Va|uc. 1,OOO
The crealion of an ancienl Red Wizard, nign|o|acs are
given lo especiaIIy cIose or lrusled ninions of lhe viz-
ards. They appear as shorl, crueIIy curved and larled
lIack svords, inscriled vilh siIver or lrass runes up and
dovn lheir Ienglh. A nign|o|ac funclions as a shorl svord
+2/+3 vs. good-aIigned crealures, and any viclin hil ly
one nusl save vs. speII or Iose 1 poinl of a randonIy de-
lernined allrilule per hil for 1d1O days. If any allrilule
is reduced leIov 1 in lhis nanner, lhe characler dies.
Robe oI Rukhyon
XP Va|uc. 1,5OO
The rcoc cf Ru|nqcn nakes ils vearer innune lo c|air-
tcqancc, c|airauicncc, |SP, and aII olher speIIs lhal pro-
vide coverl olservalion. ne is currenlIy in lhe posses-
sion of ZuIkir Aznar ThruI.
ShaporyI's Mask
XP Va|uc. 4,OOO
IrolalIy lhe nosl ceIelraled and fanous of lhe en-
chanled nasks of lhe Rashenaar vilches, lhis nask has
lhe foIIoving povers: charn person and scin|i||a|c (as a
rcoc cf scin|i||a|ing cc|crs) 3 lines per day, confusion once
a day, and doninale once a veek. Snapcrq|s nas| is cur-
renlIy in lhe possession of lhe lhIor vilch YheIlruna.
SIIver SkIs
XP Va|uc. 1,5OO
These ilens are highIy prized ly lhe Rashenaar. They
aIIov free novenenl dovnhiII in snovy or icy condi-
lions and aIIov lheir vearer lo aulonalicaIIy avoid aII
olslacIes. Such ilens are especiaIIy usefuI vhen escap-
ing fron pursuers lul are considered unsporling ly lhe
Rashenaar if used in ski racing.
SpIrIt ShIeId
XP Va|uc. 1,5OO
Anolher Rashenaar enchanled ilen, a spiri| snic|
funclions as a snic| +2, provides ils learer vilh a +2
lo aII saving lhrovs, and reduces aII allacks on lhe
learer ly 1 poinl of danage each. The vilches cIain
lhal lhe shieIds povers arise fron lhe poverfuI spirils
lound lo il.
Snowshoes oI SwIItness
XP Va|uc. 1,OOO
The Rashenaar have deveIoped lhese enchanled ilens
lhal aIIov nornaI novenenl in snov-covered lerrain.
Anyone vearing sncusnccs cf suif|ncss ignores lhe nove-
nenl penaIlies for snov and ice Iisled on TalIe 73 of lhe
Thayan Bombard
XP Va|uc. 5OO (Iighl), 1,OOO (heavy)
These enchanled cannons are luiIl ly lhe Red Wizards
and cone in lvo sizes, Iighl and heavy. Bolh shool
spheres of lurning fIuid crealed ly lhe vizards, vhich
expIode in a firelaII-Iike lursl. Heavy lonlards infIicl
1Od1O poinls of danage, and Iighl ones 5d1O poinls.
Heavy lonlards have an effeclive range of 12O-48O
yards and cannol le depressed sufficienlIy lo hil al Iess
lhan lheir nininun range. Lighl lonlards have a range
of 25O yards and can hil largels al any range.
Bonlards are used in navaI conlal. A ship hil ly a
heavy lonlard nusl nake a seavorlhiness check or le
huIIed. A huIIed ship sinks in 1d1O lurns unIess repairs
are nade. Lighl lonlards aIso cause danage, lul lhe
seavorlhiness check is nade al + 1O.
The nain dravlack of lonlards is lheir veighl. A
heavy lonlard veighs over 1,OOO pounds, and a Iighl
5OO. They are usuaIIy pIaced in pernanenl posilions
such as forlresses, lul lhe nagicaIIy conslrucled and
slrenglhened Thayan vesseI Red Scourge nounls 24 Iighl
VampIrIc Dagger
XP Va|uc. 3,OOO
A tanpiric aggcr hils for 1d4 poinls of danage as a nor-
naI dagger does, lul il requires anyone vho lakes dan-
age fron il lo save vs. speII lo avoid an addilionaI 1d4
poinls drained fron lheir lodies. These exlra poinls are
lhen added lenporariIy (unliI Iosl) lo lhe hil poinls of
lhe daggers vieIder. The vieIder nay never gain nore
lhan lhe naxinun possilIe nunler of hil poinls for his
or her IeveI in lhis nanner.
VryII's WhIp
XP Va|uc. 1,5OO
Used ly lhe Rashenen vilches, Vrq||s unip causes
1d4+1 poinls of danage vhen il hils, and can projecl a
raq cf cnfcco|cncn| 3 lines per day.
Wand oI WhIps
XP Va|uc. 5,OOO
A uan cf unips is usalIe onIy ly nages. When acli-
valed, il shools forlh a vhip-shaped fieId of vhile, shin-
nering, nagicaI force lo a naxinun (horizonlaI and
verlicaI) range of 25 feel. The vieIder of lhe vhip
nanes, Iooks al, or concenlrales upon a singIe largel
crealure. The vhip lhen allacks lhis crealure, slriking
once per round as Quaa|s fca|ncr |c|cn (see lhe DMG).
+ 1 lo allack and danage roIIs, infIicling 1d6+ 1 poinls of
danage per slrike and linding ils opponenl fasl if a save
vs. speII is nol nade afler each successfuI slrike. A lound
opponenl suffers no furlher danage lul nay nol nove or
allack and nusl save vs. vands in order lo speak (casl a
verlaI speII, caII for heIp, and so on).
Lach charge Iasls 1d4+1 rounds, and lhe vhip can al-
lack each round. A uan cf unips can le recharged.
XP Va|uc. 5,OOO
Wilchloals are snaII (12 Iong), piIolIess vesseIs lhal pIy
lhe rivers and Iakes of Rashenen. Crealed ly lhe
vilches, lhey can nove efforlIessIy al a speed of MV 6,
lolh up- and dovnslrean. They are characlerislicaIIy
used lo carry couriers or agenls on speciaI nissions, as
lroop lransporls, or for lhe vilches lhenseIves vhen
lhey need quick and reIialIe lransporlalion.
The vilches creale lheir loals in lhe deplhs of lhe
UrIingvood, far fron lhe prying eyes of oulsiders. They
funclion onIy vhen direcled lo do so ly a vilch and Iose
lheir enchanlnenl if laken oulside of Rashenens lor-
ders. They are a connon sighl on Rashenens valer-
vays, noving nysleriousIy lhrough chiII valers, carrying
roled and nasked vilches or inporlanl individuaIs aII
across lhe nalion, and are an inporlanl Iink in connu-
nicalion and lrade lhroughoul Rashenen.
WItch ShIeId
XP Va|uc. 2,5OO
Crealed ly lhe Rashenaar vilches and used ly lheir
varriors in lallIe, a ui|cn snic| funclions as a snic| +2,
aIIovs ils learer lo go lerserk al viII (vilhoul lhe requi-
sile 1O-round vail and even if lhe user is nol a ler-
serker), and provides innunily lo cnarn, cnina|c, nc|
pcrscn, and s|ccp speIIs.
vo inporlanl arlifacls have leen lroughl lo Thay
and are currenlIy leing used ly lhe ZuIkir Szass
Tan in his cunning schene lo gain alsoIule pover over
lhe Red Wizards. They are descriled leIov.
Death Moon Orb
The Dealh Moon rl is a gIeaning lIack and vioIel
sphere vhose coIors svin uneasiIy, Iike oiI on valer,
and vhich appears lo acluaIIy alsorl lhe Iighl around
il. When il is nearly, an aura of gIoon and sadness de-
scends. If Iooked al Iong enough, lhe negalive inage of
lhe noons surface can le seen gIinnering fainlIy on
lhe orl.
HIstnry: Cenluries ago, lhe vizard LarIoch, sorcerer-
king of NelheriI, crealed a poverfuI arlifacl vilh vhich
he inlended lo conlroI lhe ninds of his courl, reveaI
his enenies pIans, and sunnon poverfuI leings fron
lhe uler IIanes. The arlifacl served hin veII, and he
ruIed for nany years, evenluaIIy leconing a poverfuI
LarIoch even survived lhe coIIapse of his enpire and
Iives lo lhis day in lhe deplhs of WarIocks Keep. No
Iess lhan 16 Red Wizards have lraved lhe deplhs of lhe
Keep, seeking Lariochs lreasures and nagic, so far, onIy
Szass Tan has energed unscalhed.
Al WarIocks Keep, Szass Tan seaIed a nyslerious lar-
gain vilh lhe exlreneIy poverfuI Iich and relurned vilh
severaI inporlanl enchanled ilens, anong lhen lhe
Dca|n Mccn Oro. He used lhe povers of lhe orl lo free
lhe lanarri Iord LIlal, lhen lo inprison hin on Tna|cr-
si|s Sca|. Today, Tan slrives lo inscrile lhe Iasl of lhe
nine Runcs cf Chaos upon lhe seal lo pernanenlIy lind
LIlal lo his viII, and he uses lhe Dealh Moon rl lo
lallIe his enenies for conlroI of Thay.
CampaIgn Usc: As noled, lhe Dealh Moon rl is cur-
renlIy in lhe possession of Szass Tan, one of lhe nosl
eviI and dangerous individuaIs in Iaern, and il is leing
used lo furlher his vicked schenes. Il viII prolalIy le
Iosl in lhe course of lhe Runes of Chaos advenlure, in
vhich case il nay find ils vay inlo lhe hands of anolher
poverfuI eviI vizard, vho nighl lurn ils povers lo his or
her ovn ends.
Ccns|an|. The orl funclions as a crqs|a| oa|| ui|n |SP
and c|airauicncc.
|ntc|c. The orl has lhe foIIoving povers, vhich can
le invoked onIy ly ils possessor: aninale dead and
cnina|icn (3 lines a day), cnarn pcrscn (5 lines a
day), and nass cnarn (once aday). AddilionaIIy, lhe
possessor nay sunnon one lanarri, yugoIolh, or
laalezu and conpeI il lo perforn one lask. nIy one
such crealure nay le sunnoned al any one line. If
lhe crealure sunnoned is of 5 HD or Iess, lhe orl nay
nol le used for sunnoning for anolher 1O days. If lhe
crealure is 5-1O HD, il nay nol le used again for
sunnoning for a nonlh, if il is of 1O HD or nore, lhe
rl nay nol le used for sunnoning for an enlire
year. nce lhe lask is conpIeled, lhe crealure relurns
lo ils pIane of origin. (Szass Tan used lhis pover lo
conpeI LIlal lo sil in Tna|crsi|s Seal and, lhus in-
prisoned, nol relurn lo his pIane of origin.)
Cursc. The aIignnenl of user of lhe orl evenluaIIy
shifls lo chaolic eviI. Il aIso conpeIs ils user lo grealer
and grealer acls of eviI, unliI lhe user is infanous as a
nonsler of conpIele vickedness and crueIly. Such in-
dividuaIs invarialIy perish in sone fashion unIess,
Iike Tan and LarIoch, lhey conlinue on as undead
crealures and donl care vhal anyone eIse lhinks of
5uggcstcd Mcans nf DcstructInn:
The orl nusl le devoured ly a larrasque or greal feyr.
The orl nusl le lransporled lo Arlorea or anolher
uler IIane of good and deslroyed ly one of lhe gods
vho dveII lhere.
The cro can le deslroyed vilh high nagic speIIs lhal
can le casl onIy ly lhe poverfuI high nages of lhe
eIven isIe of Lverneel.
ThakorsII's Seat
The sca| is one of lhe nunerous enchanled ilens
lroughl lack ly Szass Tan fron his visil lo WarIocks
Keep. Il is a nassive slone lhrone vilh an eIaloraleIy
keyhoIe-carved lack, arns in lhe forn of snarIing
dragons, and feel in lhe forn of cIavs grasping spheres.
nce lhe firsl of lhe nine Runes of Chaos are crealed
using lhe ri|ua| cf |uin ournings, a greal, nine-sided crys-
laIIine pyranid appears around lhe lhrone, inprisoning
ils occupanl. The occupanl cannol Ieave ly any neans,
so Iong as al Ieasl one rune is in exislence, aIlhough an
oulside agency can deslroy lhe runes and sel lhe prisoner
HIstnry: When lhe laalezu Iord rIex ruIed lhe an-
cienl kingdon of YhaIvia (vhich nay have leen Iocaled
on anolher vorId aIlogelher), a land of renegade viz-
ards, Ied ly lhe archnage ThakorsiI, crealed lhis ilen lo
inprison and ensIave lhe crealure. UnforlunaleIy for
lhen, lhe device required exlensive acls of eviI nagic
(lhe sacrifice of good-aIigned individuaIs, for exanpIe)
in order lo funclion, and afler inprisoning rIex and
ensIaving hin vilh lhe Runes of Chaos, lhe counciI of
vizards crealed a regine every lil as crueI and eviI as
YhaIvias forner ruIer, and lhey vere lhenseIves dis-
pIaced. rIex vas lanished lack lo lhe pIanes, vhiIe
Tna|crsi|s Sca| vas Iosl and presuned deslroyed.
The seal finaIIy cane lo resl in lhe horde of lhe sor-
cerer-king LarIoch, vho never acluaIIy used il. In his
falefuI neeling vilh Szass Tan, LarIoch decided lhal lhe
seal nighl serve lhe zuIkir veII. Tan relurned lo Thay
and freed LIlal, conpeIIing hin lo lake lhe seal and
reinprisoning hin ly crealing lhe firsl Runc cf Cnacs.
Since lhen, Tan has crealed seven nore runcs and is
cIose lo conpIeling lhe speII, pernanenlIy ensIaving
CampaIgn Usc: Tna|crsi|s Sca| is a lruIy lerrilIe ilen
vhich shouId never le aIIoved lo faII inlo lhe vrong
hands. UnforlunaleIy, Szass Tan is aloul as vrong as
one can gel in Iaern, and he inlends lo use ils feII pov-
ers lo his advanlage.
UnIess deslroyed or senl lo anolher pIace, lhe seal
nay veII find ils vay inlo lhe hands of anolher eviI
pover such as ZhenliI Keep, and lhe horror of lhe |uin
ournings riluaI and lhe ensIavenenl of poverfuI leings
viII legin once nore. As lhis couId Iead lo a conlinenl-
vide confIagralion lhal nighl rivaI lhe Tuigan invasions
or lhe Tine of TroulIes, DMs shouId lhink very carefuIIy
aloul Ielling lhe seal Ioose in lheir canpaigns.
Pnwcrs: The sca| vas crealed as an inslrunenl of en-
sIavenenl. riginaIIy inlended for good~lhe inprison-
nenl of eviI leings~il ended up vilh lhe exacl opposile
effecl, aIIoving lhe pernanenl ensIavenenl of leings of
virluaIIy infinile pover, and lhe corruplion vhich ac-
conpanies il.
IorlunaleIy, lhe seal has a nunler of Iinilalions lhal
nake il difficuIl lo use. Iirsl, lhe leing lo le ensIaved
nusl le conpeIIed lo sil on lhe lhrone. If lhe crealure is
heId invoIunlariIy or lricked inlo silling, il receives a
singIe saving lhrov vs. speII vhen lhe riluaI of |uin ourn-
ings legins and is nagicaIIy lound lo lhe lhrone and un-
alIe lo nove if lhe roII is a faiIure. Crealures nagicaIIy
conpeIIed lo sil (such as lhose conlroIIed ly lhe Dealh
Moon rl) receive no saving lhrov. Viclins vilh a nal-
uraI nagic resislance are aIso aIIoved lo roII lo avoid lhe
effecls of lhe riluaI.
nce lhe crealure is lound ly lhe crealion of lhe firsl
rune of cnacs, il nusl renain in lhe sca| lul receives a
saving lhrov each line lhe ri|ua| cf |uin ournings is per-
forned and anolher rune crealed. Lach of lhese sulse-
quenl saving lhrovs is al a cunuIalive penaIly of -1 (-4
for lhe fiflh runc, for exanpIe).
When lhe ninlh rune is crealed, lhe spiril of lhe crea-
lures spiril is pernanenlIy lound lo lhe sca|. Il nay
physicaIIy Ieave lhe seal, lul il is conpIeleIy ensIaved
lo lhe seals ovner. No furlher saving lhrovs are aI-
Ioved, lhe ensIaved crealure can onIy le freed ly lhe
use of nuIlipIe uisncs, lhe inlervenlion of lhe gods, lhe
deslruclion of lhe seal ilseIf, or sone olher exlrene cir-
The lhrones olher dravlack is lhal lhe ri|ua| cf |uin
ournings is Iong and invoIved, and requires lhe sacri-
fice of successiveIy nore poverfuI viclins. The firsl
rune requires lhe sacrifice of a good-aIigned hunan or
hunanoid of 1sl IeveI or higher, lhe second rune re-
quires lhe sacrifice of a good individuaI of 2nd IeveI or
higher, and so on. The lhrones crealors ralionaIized
lhis eviI as leing lo lhe end of a grealer good, lul in
lhe end lhey vere corrupled ly lhe vickedness lhey
had crealed.
Irior lo lhe crealion of lhe Iasl rune of chaos, lhe olher
runes are vuIneralIe lo deslruclion or renovaI. Any
danage or disfigurenenl deslroys a runc, and deslroyed
runes nusl le repIaced using lhe ri|ua| cf |uin ournings. If
aII lhe runes are deslroyed prior lo lhe crealion of lhe
Iasl one, lhe lhrones occupanl is freed. Afler aII nine
runes have leen crealed, lhey can onIy le renoved vilh
lhe deslruclion of lhe chair.
WhiIe lhe seal is aclive, il has an addilionaI, inadver-
lenl effecl lhal aIso vorks lo Szass Tans advanlage. The
seal sends oul nagicaI inlerference vhich prevenls lhe
use of any divinalion speIIs (c|airtcqancc, |SP, c|cc| cti|,
elc.) vilhin 2OO niIes. MagicaI ilens vhich dupIicale
such effecls, such as crqs|a| oa||s, anu|c|s cf |SP, and so
on, are aIso rendered useIess. This nagicaI danper fieId
has effecliveIy lIinded lhe SinluIs nagicaI olservalion,
forcing her lo send agenls direclIy inlo Thay lo galher
5uggcstcd Mcans nf DcstructInn:
Tna|crsi|s Sca| can le pernanenlIy deslroyed onIy ly
lhe lIov of a veapon vieIded ly a grealer god or god-
The sca| nusl le lransporled lo lhe Alyss and
pIunged inlo lhe forge of lhe laIor prince VrrnaaI.
A circIe of 1OO nages of al Ieasl 1Olh IeveI nusl con-
linuousIy casl deslruclive speIIs al lhe seal for 1OO
AppemoI I:
RegI om
2uIkIr Szass Tam
(Lich MaIe Necronancer 29)
Slr 11, Dex 14, Con O, Inl 19, Wis 16, Cha 18
Arnor CIass: O
Move: 6
Hil Ioinls: 64
Nunler of Allacks: 1
Danage: 1d1O + paraIysis or ly speII
AIignnenl: NL
SpeciaI Allacks: SpeIIs
SpeciaI Defenses: + 1 or leller nagicaI veapon lo hil, in-
nune lo cnarn, s|ccp, cnfcco|cncn|, pc|qncrpn, cc|, c|cc-
|rici|q, insani|q, dealh speIIs
SpeciaI Weakness: Can le lurned ly priesl
Weapon Iroficiencies: Dagger, slaff, vhip
MagicaI Ilens: Many (see leIov)
Age: 264, Hl: 6O, Wl: 98 Ils.
Hair: BIack, Lyes: Cray
SpeIIs: 1O/1O/1O/1O/9/9/9/9/9 (incIudes lonus speIIs)
Szass Tan is one of lhe nosl poverfuI Iiches in Iaern. In
over lvo cenluries as a nenler of lhe undead, he has
gained a deep and aliding underslanding of dealh and ils
ulvardIy, Tan is nol lerrilIy IichIike. He appears as a
laII, skeIelaIIy lhin hunan vilh paIe skin, dark eyes, lhin-
ning lIack hair, and a leard. This is lhe resuIl of appIica-
lions of lhe prcscrta|icn speII, vhich he uses lo keep his
lody fron decaying. Sonelines Tan Iels hinseIf go for
loo Iong and he legins lo sneII of dealh and his lody
slarls lo desiccale, lul lhe oversighl is aIvays correcled.
Because of lhis preservalion, Tan does nol cause |crrcr as
a nornaI Iich lul relains aII olher Iich aliIilies.
1 0 9
Il shouId le assuned lhal afler cenluries of nagicaI
research and expIoils, Szass Tan has access lo virluaIIy
any connon (and nany unconnon) nagicaI ilens or
speIIs he desires.
Tan has leen driven over lhe cenluries ly lvo de-
sires. Iirsl, lo deslroy Rashenen, second, lo end lhe
squallIing of lhe Red Wizards and unile Thay under
his ruIership. His halred of lhe Rashenaar springs fron
an incidenl in 1159, vhen lhe vilches defealed his
arny and vounded hin so ladIy lhal he vas forced lo
lecone a Iich. Tans anlilion lo ruIe Thay (Iike nany
Red Wizards) has leen vilh hin praclicaIIy since loy-
Tan has leen caulious, sIovIy luiIding his pover and
sIapping dovn lhose Red Wizards vho seen lenl on ruI-
ing Thay lhenseIves (as he did vilh lhe ZuIkir MaIigor,
lhal laIe is chronicIed in lhe noveI Red Magic). RecenlIy,
his pIans have finaIIy legun lo cone lo fruilion. The fuII
delaiIs of his pIol are discussed in lhe advenlure The
Runcs cf Cnacs.
TharchIoness ThessaIonI Canos
(Hunan IenaIe Iighler 17)
Slr 17, Dex 16, Con 12, Inl 15, Wis 13, Cha 15
Arnor CIass: -4 (p|a|c nai| +2, occ|s cf spcc, shieId, -2
Move: 24 (lools of speed)
Hil Ioinls: 96
Nunler of Allacks: 2
Danage: 1d8+2 (sucr cf ucuning, +1 Slr)
THACO: 4 (2 vilh Slr and veapon)
AIignnenl: LL
MagicaI Ilens: 8cc|s cf spcc, nc|n cf |c|cpa|nq, p|a|c nai|
+2, sucr cf ucuning
Age: 5O, He: 52, Wl: 125 Ils.
Hair: BIack, Lyes: Brovn
The lharchioness of AIaor is a skiIIed niIilary con-
nander and saiIor. She has heId lhis posilion for
decades despile nany conspiracies lo repIace her, and
despile lhe dealh of her lrolher MikaI, vho vas one of
her slrongesl aIIies. She renains neulraI in lhe confIicl
lelveen Szass Tan and lhe olher zuIkirs, lul lhe line
nay cone vhen she is required lo nake a choice le-
lveen lhe lvo groups.
Novaad HyIassra
(Hunan MaIe CIeric 15)
Slr 11, Dex 12, Con 11, Inl 15, Wis 17, Cha 17
Arnor CIass: 4 (cnain nai| +1)
Move: 12
Hil Ioinls: 6O
Nunler of Allacks: 1
Danage: 1d6+3 (nace +3)
THACO: 12 (9 vilh nace)
AIignnenl: CL
MagicaI Ilens: 8razicr ccnnaning firc c|cncn|a|s, cnain
nai| +1, nacc +3, pipcs cf |nc scucrs
Age: 52, Hl: 56, Wl: 2OO Ils.
Hair: While, Lyes: Brovn
SpeIIs: 8/8/7/6/4/2/1 (incIudes Wisdon lonus)
HyIassra is lhe high priesl of Kossulh in Thay. As nighl
le expecled fron a Thayan cIeric, HyIassra is vicked,
crueI, and corrupl. He is aIso a devoul foIIover of his
god, lhe Iord of lhe fire eIenenlaIs.
HyIassra possesses, anong olher lhings, a speciaI ora-
zicr cf ccnnaning firc c|cncn|a|s. This ilen, a gifl fron
Kossulh hinseIf, is usalIe ly priesls inslead of nages,
unIike nosl lraziers of lhis nalure.
Civen lhe voIaliIe nalure of Thayan inlernaI affairs,
HyIassra does nol dallIe in poIilics, preferring inslead
lo gain pover and infIuence vilhin his failh and anong
Kossulhs foIIovers oulside of Thay. He is happy lo
lend lo lhe spiriluaI needs of lhe Red Wizards lul
sleadfaslIy refuses lo lack any of lheir diverse faclions,
parlicuIarIy in lhe currenl fighl lelveen Szass Tan and
his rivaIs.
2uIkIr LauzorII
(Hunan MaIe Lnchanler 22)
Slr 8, Dex 15, Con 12, Inl 18, Wis 14, Cha 18
Arnor CIass: 5 (ring cf prc|cc|icn +4, -1 Dex)
Move: 12
Hil Ioinls: 35
Nunler of Allacks: 1
Danage: 1d4 (enchanled dagger, see leIov)
THACO: 14 (13 vilh Snazzc|ur|)
AIignnenl: NL
MagicaI Ilens: Carpc| cf f|qing, cocn |asn, Snazzc|ur| (en-
chanled dagger), s|cnc ncrsc
Age: Iale 4Os, Hl: 59, Wl: 145 Ils.
Hair: BIond vilh gray slreaks, Lyes: Creen
SpeIIs: 8/8/8/8/8/8/7/7/6 (incIudes lonus speIIs)
Handsone and dislinguished, LauzoriI renains lhe
undispuled ZuIkir of Lnchanlnenl and Charn, and he
Ieads lhe InperiaIisl Red Wizard faclion. Though he op-
poses lhe poorIy pIanned, disaslrous inperiaI forays of
lhe pasl, LauzoriI has aIIoved lhe ZuIkir Aznar ThruI lo
persuade hin lo connil lroops lo a nev invasion of
Rashenen. LauzoriI has his doulls aloul lhe visdon of
lhis expedilion, and especiaIIy his direcl invoIvenenl in
il. He has prepared severaI escape halches shouId lhe in-
vasion faiI.
LauzoriI opposes Szass Tans allenpls lo unile lhe na-
lion. His consideralIe inleIIigence and cunning nakes
hin one of Tans nosl poverfuI enenies, and he has sur-
vived no Iess lhan five assassinalion allenpls over lhe
pasl lvo years.
LauzoriI carries an enchanled dagger naned Snaz-
zc|ur|. Il is a vavy-lIaded veapon of ralher poor sleeI
lul a keen edge, vilh a guard of iron curved inlo a
fIane nolif. Ils grip is red-dyed Iealher vrapped in
goId vire.
Snazzc|ur| is neulraI eviI, has an InleIIigence of 16 and
an Lgo of 15, and connunicales ly speech (Connon,
Thayan, and CnoII). Il is +1 lo allack, can delecl nagic
in a 1O-fool radius if lhe learer so viIIs il vhiIe louching
lhe hiIl, and in Iike nanner can Iocale oljecl in a 12-fool
radius. When il is unshealhed, il can rca nagic and aIso
delecl secrel doors in a 5-fool radius al lhe learers viII.
ShazzeIurl can nca| ils learer once a day and has a speciaI
purpose: lo sIay lards. Any lard slruck ly Snazzc|ur| is
disinlegraled unIess he successfuIIy saves vs. speII.
2uIkIr LaIIara MedIocros
(Hunan IenaIe Aljurer 21)
Slr 9, Dex 16, Con 12, Inl 17, Wis 15, Cha 16
Arnor CIass: -2 (oraccrs AC 0, -2 Dex)
Move: 12
Hil Ioinls: 3O
Nunler of Allacks: 1
Danage: 1d4+ 1 (s|aff cf ui|ncring)
THACO: 14 (13 vilh s|aff)
AIignnenl: CL
MagicaI Ilens: 8raccrs AC 0, cuoc cf fcrcc, ring cf rcgcn-
cra|icn, s|aff cf ui|ncring
Age: 49, Hl: 51O, Wl: 145 Ils.
Hair: None, Lyes: Creen
SpeIIs: 8/8/8/8/8/7/7/7 (incIudes lonus speIIs)
Though chaolic and unreIialIe (she is as inleresled in
infIicling nev lornenls on her sIaves and prisoners as
she is in affairs of lhe nalion), lhe ZuIkir of Aljuralion is
an infIuenliaI and usefuI aIIy of Szass Tan in his slruggIe
lo unile Thay. She is currenlIy searching for a vay lo in-
crease her inleIIigence in order lo gain access lo 9lh-
IeveI speIIs.
A devoled schoIar and coIIeclor of enchanled ilens,
Mediocros is aIso sonelhing of a decadenl, induIging in
nany excessive Iuxuries in lhe privacy of her severaI
nanses lhroughoul Thay and leyond. (She is knovn lo
have al Ieasl one residence in Ann.) Though she is
poverfuI and skiIIed in lhe sorcerous arls, Mediocros is
aIso sonevhal fIighly, oflen lreaking off inporlanl lasks
lo rush off lo sone nev sylarilic excess al one of her
hones. When she lrings herseIf lo vork, she can le a
polenl aIIy.
2uIkIr MythreII'aa
(Hunan IenaIe IIIusionisl 2O)
Slr 9, Dex 17, Con 8, Inl 18, Wis 13, Cha 14
Arnor CIass: 8 (-2 Dex)
Move: 12
Hil Ioinls: 24
Nunler of Allacks: 1
Danage: 1-2 (vhip)
AIignnenl: CL
MagicaI Ilens: Ring cf spc|| |urning, rc cf cancc||a|icn,
uan cf i||usicn, uan cf ncga|icn
Age: 6O, Hl: 51, Wl: 95 Ils.
Hair: None, Lyes: Creen
SpeIIs: 8/8/8/8/8/7/6/6/5 (incIudes lonus speIIs)
MylhreIIaa dveIIs in a lover in lhe cily of Bezanlur and
serves as lhe ZuIkir of IIIusion. She is a nyslerious and
anlisociaI vonan vho rareIy fralernizes vilh her feIIov
Red Wizards. No one knovs exaclIy hov she slands re-
garding Szass Tans efforls al unificalion, nosl assune
she is neulraI. (ShouId Tans pIans in lhe advenlure
Throne of Deceil succeed, she viII decIare her supporl for
lhe necronancer in Iighl of Nevrons and LauzoriIs hu-
niIialing defeal.)
There is no doull lhal, Iike aII Red Wizards, lhe
zuIkir is a vicked and dangerous person, lul fev knov
exaclIy vhal sorl of vickedness she praclices. Il is
knovn lhal she enpIoys seeningIy nindIess servilors~
Iiving leings vhose vils have leen deslroyed ly
MylhreIIaas nagic. Those vho deIve loo deepIy inlo
lhe vizardess personaI affairs run lhe risk of leconing
servilors lhenseIves.
(Hunan IenaIe Lnchanler 1O)
Slr 12, Dex 13, Con 15, Inl 17, Wis 11, Cha 17
Arnor CIass: 7 (ring of proleclion +3)
Move: 12
Hil Ioinls: 22
Nunler of Allacks: 1
Danage: 1d4 (dagger) + poison (2d4)
AIignnenl: NL
MagicaI Ilens: Ring cf nunan inf|ucncc, rc cf |crrcr
Age: 32, Hl: 51, Wl: 97 Ils.
Hair: BIack, Lyes: BIack
SpeIIs: 6/6/5/4/4 (incIudes lonus speIIs)
NagIalha is, as far as lhe resl of Iaern knovs, a highIy
successfuI SeIgaunlan nerchanl and lrader in curios and
anliques. In reaIily she is one of lhe Red Wizards lesl
hidden agenls and lhe Ieader of nosl coverl operalions
since lhe dealh of AIzegund lhe Trader. The forner chief
of foreign aclivilies vas found nurdered four years ago
(and sone suspecl lhal NagIalha vas responsilIe for
AIzegunds dealh, lul nolhing has leen proven). She
has severaI aIlernale idenlilies, lhe lesl knovn leing
The BIack IIane, a nercenary recruiler vho aIvays
vears a lIack cIoak and nask enlroidered vilh Ieaping
fIanes. She aIso conlroIs a nelvork of spies and infor-
nanls in SeIgaunl and leyond, and coordinales assassi-
nalion, exlorlion, and inleIIigence operalions lhrough-
oul lhe Inner Sea region.
2uIkIr Nevron
(Hunan MaIe Conjurer 24)
Slr 7, Dex 11, Con 15, Inl 18, Wis 14, Cha 15
Arnor CIass: 5 (rcoc cf |nc arcnnagi)
Move: 12
Hil Ioinls: 4O
Nunler of Allacks: 1
Danage: 1d6+3 (s|aff cf s|ri|ing)
THACO: 13 (1O vilh s|aff)
AIignnenl: NL
MagicaI Ilens: Ring cf uizarrq (doulIes 1sl lhrough 3rd
IeveI speIIs), rcoc cf |nc arcnnagi, s|aff cf s|ri|ing
Age: 77, Hl: 56, Wl: 18O Ils.
Hair: Cray, Lyes: BIue
SpeIIs: 16/16/16/8/8/8/8/8/7 (incIudes lonus speIIs and
ring cf uizarrq)
Nevron repIaced Salass, lhe forner ZuIkir of Conjura-
lion/Sunnoning, vhen Szass Tans canpaign of assassi-
nalion virluaIIy eIininaled lhe Researchers faclion and
Salass aIong vilh il. Nevron slepped in lo fiII lhe void
and is nov one of lhe nosl aggressiveIy expansionisl
zuIkirs in Thay. Despile lhe facl lhal he has Szass Tan lo
lhank for his currenl posilion, Nevron hales lhe ZuIkir
of Necronancy and has aIIied vilh LauzoriI, ZuIkir of
Lnchanlnenl, lo oppose hin.
CurrenlIy, Nevron is vorking vilh LauzoriI and Aznar
ThruI, lhe schening ZuIkir of Invocalion, lo perfecl a
nev pIan for invading and al Ieasl parliaIIy conquering
lhe lroulIesone nalion of Rashenen. Nevrons Iegions
are very poverfuI and incIude nany enchanled crea-
lures, and he feeIs lhal lhis invasion viII succeed vhere
lhe previous ones have faiIed.
Regnearoz the WhIp
(Hunan MaIe Thief 13)
Slr 16, Dex 18, Con 13, Inl 14, Wis 9, Cha 6
Arnor CIass: 4 (Iealher arnor, -4 Dex)
Move:. 12
Hil Ioinls: 44
Nunler of Allacks: 1
Danage: 1d8+3/+4 vs. good crealures (Nqs|ars nign|-
o|ac, +1 Slr)
THACO: 14 (12 or 11 vilh nign|o|ac)
AIignnenl: CL
MagicaI Ilens: |ocn |asn, nca||icn cf |SP, Nqs|ars
Age: 36, Hl: 59, Wl: 178 Ils.
Hair: BIack, Lyes: Creen
This infanous sIaver is aclive lhroughoul lhe Inner Sea
and leyond. His ninions engage in nany differenl forns
of sIave-laking in such diverse regions as Ann, lhe
Svord Coasl, Senlia, and InpiIlur. Sone of Regnearozs
foIIovers engage in vhoIesaIe sIave raids using snaII
fIeels of pirale vesseIs or nonadic lriles, vhiIe olhers
seek oul highIy allraclive or skiIIed individuaIs lo nis-
Iead or kidnap for Ialer saIe.
Regnearoz seIIs sIaves lhroughoul Iaern, lul his
nosl enlhusiaslic and profilalIe cIienls are in Thay,
vhere lhe enlire econony is driven ly sIavery.
A darkIy handsone, erudile nan vilh inpeccalIe
lasle in cIolhing, food, nusic, and sociaI conpanions,
Regnearoz is nonelheIess a lhoroughIy eviI nan vho
juslifies his fouI occupalion vilh slalenenls such as, If
I donl seII sIaves, soneone eIse viII, and lhey viII le
far crueIIer lhan I. His aclivilies have earned hin a
huge forlune and he nainlains residences aII across lhe
conlinenl, aII veII guarded and slocked vilh nunerous
2uIkIr Druxus Rhym
(Hunan MaIe Transnuler 24)
Slr 11, Dex 15, Con 13, Inl 18, Wis 12, Cha 14
Arnor CIass: 9
Move: 12
Hil Ioinls: 27
Nunler of Allacks: 1
Danage: 1d1O (enchanled dagger, see leIov)
AIignnenl: NL
MagicaI Ilens: Dctcurcr (enchanled dagger), ring cf
sncc|ing s|ars, s|aff cf |nuncr an |ign|ning
Age: 62, Hl: 5'8, Wl: 175 Ils.
Hair: None, Lyes: BIack
SpeIIs: 8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8/7 (incIudes lonus speIIs)
This vizard grev lired of lhe slaid Researcher faclion
and quil severaI years ago. Today, he supporls Szass
Tans nore aclive faclion vhich seeks lo overlhrov lhe
olher zuIkirs and unile Thay as an enpire.
Rhyn has enlraced Tans cause vhoIehearledIy and
viII gIadIy serve under lhe necronancer vhen Tan is
in charge. To lhis end, he coordinales nany of Tans
aclivilies, lolh vilhin Thay and leyond. In a recenl
pIol, for exanpIe, Rhyn succeeded in viping oul a
dozen Researchers al a calered lanquel ly lransforn-
ing lhe crean fiIIing of lhe desserl paslries inlo poiso-
nous scorpions.
Rhyn possesses a polenl arsenaI of enchanled ilens,
chief anong lhen lhe dagger Devourer. This veapon
slrikes for 1d1O poinls of danage in neIee, nay le
lhrovn and relurn as an axc cf nur|ing, discharges a 1O-
die |ign|ning oc|| lhree lines per day, and aIIovs ils pos-
sessor |c |c|cpcr| ui|ncu| crrcr once per day.
The TharchIoness
(Hunan IenaIe IIIusionisl 13)
Slr 11, Dex 17, Con 15, Inl 17, Wis 14, Cha 18
Arnor CIass: 7 (-3 Dex)
Move: 12
Hil Ioinls: 3O
Nunler of Allacks: 1
Danage: 1d6 (slaff)
AIignnenl: LL
MagicaI Ilens: |ocn |asn, rcoc cf scin|i||a|ing cc|crs
Age: 34, Hl: 5'3, Wl: 118 Ils.
Hair: None, Lyes: Creen
SpeIIs: 7/7/7/6/6/4 (incIudes lonus speIIs)
Born Dnilra IIass, lhe vonan loday knovn onIy as lhe
Tharchioness has ruIed lhe lharch of LIlallar for over a
decade. riginaIIy she vas conslanlIy overruIed ly lhe
nany poverfuI Red Wizards in LIlallar and Iefl lhe day
lo-day running of her reaIn lo her aulharchs. Nov nore
confidenl of Szass Tans palronage, she ruIes vilh con-
sideralIy nore aulhorily. Her spies seek oul lhe agenls of
lhose zuIkirs vho oppose Tan and rulhIessIy exlerni-
nale lhen, vhiIe her aulharchs loday are prinariIy con-
cerned vilh overseeing lhe reluiIding of LIlallar afler
ils devaslaling earlhquake.
The Tharchioness grealesl acconpIishnenl is her
recenl narriage lo SeIfariI UoundoIphin, lhe High
BIade of MuInasler, afler a Iong correspondence and a
courlship punclualed vilh nunerous speclacuIar liffs
and vioIenl argunenls. WhiIe she spends nosl of her
line in Thay, lhe Tharchioness visils SeIfariI lhrice
yearIy, and she nainlains a Iarge slaff of Red Wizards al
lhe Thayan enlassy in MuInasler lo pronole Thayan
inleresls and lo counleracl lhe presence of lhe Zhen-
Beyond Thays lorders, lhe Tharchioness is knovn
as lhe Iirsl Irincess of Thay for her leauly and nolIe
learing, lhis lilIe is vieved vilh anusenenl ly her feI-
Iov Red Wizards, and il has yel lo le seen vhelher lhe
Tharchioness viII Iel lhe lilIe and her nev connec-
lions provoke her inlo a gral for grealer pover vilhin
Thay ilseIf.
TharchIonJ2uIkIr Aznar ThruI
(Hunan MaIe Invoker 23)
Slr 13, Dex 12, Con 17, Inl 18, Wis 13, Cha 15
Arnor CIass: 4 (ring cf prc|cc|icn +4, s|aff cf pcucr)
Move: 12
Hil Ioinls: 43
Nunler of Allacks: 1
Danage: 1d4 (tanpiric aggcr) or 1d6+2 (s|aff cf pcucr)
THACO: 13 (11 vilh s|aff)
AIignnenl: CL
MagicaI Ilens: Manua| cf gc|cns, ring cf prc|cc|icn +4,
rcoc cf Ru|nqcn, s|aff cf pcucr, tanpiric aggcr
Age: 55, Hl: 63, Wl: 175 Ils.
Hair: None, Lyes: BIack
SpeIIs: 8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8/6 (incIudes lonus speIIs)
Aznar ThruI is a serious conpelilor vilh Szass Tan for
lhe lilIe of lhe nosl eviI and poverfuI individuaI in Thay.
The onIy Thayan currenlIy serving as lolh lharchion (of
lhe Iriador) and zuIkir (of Invocalion/Lvocalion), Aznar
ThruI ruIes his lharch vilh crueIly and savage efficiency
and conslanlIy pIols lo increase his pover vilhin Thay.
He hales Szass Tan, seeing hin as an olslacIe on his road
lo alsoIule pover, and opposes hin surrepliliousIy al
every lurn. Despile his access lo incredilIy poverfuI de-
slruclive speIIs, ThruI prefers lo vork lhrough pavns
ralher lhan risk his Iife and repulalion.
ThruI reaIizes lhal if lhe zuIkirs conlinue lo perpelu-
ale lheir pelly rivaIries, Szass Tan viII invarialIy vin.
To lhis end, he has forned a lenporary aIIiance vilh lhe
ZuIkirs LauzoriI and Nevron, vilh lhe lvin ains of fi-
naIIy conquering Rashenen and reducing Szass Tans
poIilicaI pover and infIuence. f course, he inlends lo
dispose of lolh LauzoriI and Nevron as soon as lhey
have oulIived lheir usefuIness, lul for nov he nasquer-
ades as lheir friend and has nedialed al severaI neelings
lelveen lhe lvo vizards. ThruI reaIizes lhal he cannol
afford lo anlagonize Szass Tan loo nuch, and so he re-
slrains his presenl aIIies fron openIy acling againsl lhe
lhe ZuIkir of Necronancy.
The currenl pIan for lhe invasion of Rashenen in-
voIves lhe Iegions of his lvo aIIies vhich, if successfuI,
viII ecIipse Szass Tan. If lhe invasion is a faiIure, ThruI
is nol nuch vorse off, for his invoIvenenl is Iiniled, aII
lhe negalive consequences of defeal viII faII on lhe
Nevron and LauzoriI. (See lhe advenlure Tnrcnc cf Dc-
cci| for nore delaiIs on lhe invasion and ils conneclion
lo lhe pover poIilics of Thay.)
ThruI gained his posilion afler defealing lhe forner
lharchioness of Bezanlur, Mari Agneh, lolh poIilicaIIy
and nagicaIIy. Though nany opposed his leing lolh a
lharchion and a zuIkir, his conlinalion of lhreals,
lIacknaiI, and canny poIilicaI doulIe-deaIing assured
ThruI of his posilion. Mari Agneh renains aIive in his
ciladeI, nov a nindIess sIave for lhe anusenenl of lhe
sadislic lharchion and his guesls.
ThruI aIvays renains al naxinun hil poinls lhrough
lhe use of his tanpiric aggcr.
2uIkIr YaphyII
(Hunan IenaIe Diviner 19)
Slr 9, Dex 15, Con 12, Inl 18, Wis 17, Cha 15
Arnor CIass: 4 (C|ca| cf prc|cc|icn +2, ring cf prc|cc|icn
+3, Dex -1)
Move: 12
Hil Ioinls: 38
Nunler of Allacks: 1
Danage: 1d6+3 (s|aff +3)
THACO: 14 (1O vilh s|aff)
AIignnenl: LL
MagicaI Ilens: Anu|c| cf pcrpc|ua| qcu|n, c|ca| cf prc|cc-
|icn +2, ring cf c|cncn|a| nc|ancrpncsis (firc), ring cf prc-
|cc|icn +3, s|aff +3
Age: 65, Hl: 54, Wl: 13O Ils.
Hair: None, Lyes: BIue
SpeIIs: 8/8/8/8/8/6/6/6/4 (incIudes lonus speIIs)
Though she appears no nore lhan 3O, YaphyII has re-
nained young lhrough lhe use of an anu|c| cf pcrpc|ua|
qcu|n. nce an inperiaIisl and aIIy of LauzoriI, YaphyII
has recenlIy svilched sides, joining her good friend LaI-
Iara Mediocros as a supporler of Szass Tan.
YaphyII is dedicaled lo Szass Tan as her righlfuI ruIer.
She acls as a noderaling infIuence on Mediocros, keep-
ing her on lrack vhen inporlanl lhings nusl le done.
She is aIso usefuI due lo lhe facl lhal her supporl of Szass
Tan is nol videIy knovn, aIIoving her access lo nany
polenliaI rivaIs vho nighl nol olhervise associale vilh
her. Her assislance in secrelIy opening lhe gales of lhe
InperiaIisl Red Wizard NykIos ThrannuI lo Szass Tans
undead Iegions vas invaIualIe lo his cause and grealIy
apprecialed ly Tans vanpire foIIovers.
O1hen Thaam NPCs
Tnarcnicn Pqras Au|crian (Thaynounl) (LL hn O):
nce a ninor funclionary in lhe Thayan civiI service,
Aulorian is nov a figurehead lharchion pul in office
ly Szass Tan and his supporlers. Tan is lhe reaI pover
on Thaynounl, and Aulorian sinpIy does vhal he is
loId. He is olhervise an undislinguished lureaucral
vilh IillIe experience or skiII.

Kar| 8|ac|nanncr (LC dn I8): KarI has served as a

sIave in Thay for nearIy 1O years. In lhal line, he has
galhered nany aIIies anong olher dvarven sIaves
and nov pIans lo Iead his peopIe lo freedon. To lhis
end, he has engineered lhe crealion of severaI lun-
neIs in lhe Thayan goId nines vhich can le nade lo
coIIapse on his connand, lherely providing access
lo lhe Underdark. Though a journey lhrough lhal
deadIy reaIn is a hazardous underlaking, KarI and his
dvarves agree lhal renaining in Thay is nuch vorse,
and lhal if lhey do nol survive lhe journey, lhey viII
al Ieasl die free dvarves.
Tnarcnicn Mi|san|cs Darancs (ThazaIhar) (LN hn
I14): Daranos is a veleran varrior vho cIains lhal his
prinary duly is service lo Thay. SecrelIy he opposes
Szass Tan, lul he is lrighl enough nol lo adnil il.
Tnarcnicn Dincn (Tyraluros) (LN hn (forner) C5):
ne of fev lharchions nol conpIeleIy given up lo eviI,
Dinon vas once a cIeric of Waukeen and adninislers
his lharch vilh greal experlise. He slays oul of poIilics
and is generaIIy Iefl aIone as Iong as lhe laxes keep
Graq |a|asia (CL hf T7): A Thayan agenl in AgIa-
rond and lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars, IaIasia poses as a
nercenary advenlurer, giving her access lo nany re-
gions. She serves lhe Red Wizards (and, nore specifi-
caIIy, Szass Tan) ly galhering infornalion on AgIa-
rondan readiness, lhe vherealouls of lhe SinluI, and
AgIaronds inlernaI poIilics as veII as ly connilling
lhe occasionaI assassinalion vhen required lo.
Tnarcnicncss Nqnia |ccar (Iyarados) (CL hf I9):
Iocars najor inleresl is nainlaining her personaI for-
lune ly skinning profils fron Thayan nining opera-
lions and overcharging advenlurers vho vish lo
lraveI inlo lhe Sunrise Mounlains. She is vain, pelly,
and greedy, and opposes Szass Tan.
Tnarcnicncss Aznir Krcn (Cauros) (NL hf I15): A
poverfuI supporler of Szass Tan, Kren hales Rashe-
nen and aII Rashenaar, hoping lhal a unified Thay
viII aIIov her lo evenluaIIy crush lhe vilches and
lheir lerserker arnies. She is a skiIIed varrior vho has
foughl nany lallIes againsl lhe lerserkers.
Tnarcnicn |ntarri Mc|ran (DeIhunide) (LL hn I11):
An inleIIigenl and sensilIe nan, Melran oversees his
lharch vilh consideralIe skiII. He supporls Szass Tan
in his drive for inperiaI pover and unified ruIe.
Tnarcnicn Hczass Nqnur (Lapendrar) (NL hn C8):
Nynar is a corrupl cIeric of Kossulh, puppel lo a fac-
lion of poverfuI Red Wizards. He does as he is loId,
nainlaining Lapendrar as a successfuI and prosper-
ous reaIn. He reaIizes lhal his Iife of Iuxury viII end
if Szass Tan cones lo pover, so he lacks lhe necro-
nancers rivaIs.
Tnarcnicn Hcncn Ocsscircn (Surlhay) (LL hn
Inv7/I12): A grizzIed veleran of nany raids and
lallIes vilh lhe Rashenaar, desseiron personaIIy
disIikes Szass Tan, vho he feeIs never Ienl sufficienl
supporl lo his niIilary canpaigns. He is lrave and
skiIIed, and his lroops are highIy seasoned, so Szass
Tan has Iefl hin aIone for lhe line leing.
Mcrcrqss Vrinn (CL ef (drov) T9): This drov
vonan vorks for various Red Wizards as a hired
kiIIer. She has recenlIy leen enpIoyed ly lhe anli-
Tan faclion and is nov in aclion againsl lhe necro-
nancers aIIies. AIready a young Red Wizard has leen
nysleriousIy kiIIed, and Tan suspecls Vrinns in-
voIvenenl in lhe crine.
Trovar HaIaern
(HaIf-LIf MaIe Ranger 15)
Slr 16, Dex 15, Con 17, Inl 16, Wis 18, Cha 16
Arnor CIass: 7 (Iealher arnor, -1 Dex)
Move: 12
Hil Ioinls: 85
Nunler of Allacks: 2
Danage: 1d8+1 (svord, +1 Slr) or 1d6 (arrov)
AIignnenl: CC
MagicaI Ilen: Circ|c| cf |nc ui|crncss
Age: 65, Hl: 61) Wl: 18 Ils.
Hair: Brovn, Lyes: CoId
HaIaern is lhe SinluIs chief foresler. He is a Iean and
handsone haIf-eIf vho enjoys lhe peace of lhe foresl. He
shuns lhe assislance of nagicaI ilens save for his circ|c|
cf |nc ui|crncss, vhich provides aII lhe enchanled assis-
lance lhal HaIaern feeIs he needs.
UsuaIIy found roaning lhe Yuirvood, HaIaern slands
ready lo serve lhe SinluI vhenever she caIIs and Ieads
her foreslers vilh greal lravery. He is currenlIy search-
ing for Iosl siles of lhe Yuir eIves, vhose hislory fasci-
nales hin. Though he has no parlicuIar disIike of hu-
nans, HaIaern prefers lhe conpany of his ovn kind and
favors a relurn lo lhe ancienl vays of lhe Yuir.
The Masked One
(Hunan IenaIe Mage 24)
Slr 11, Dex 12, Con 18, Inl 19, Wis 17, Cha 18
Arnor CIass: 2 (oraccrs AC 2)
Move: 12
Hil Ioinls: 35
Nunler of Allacks: 1
Danage: 1d6 (slaff)
AIignnenl: NC
MagicaI Ilens: Anu|c| cf |ifc prc|cc|icn, oraccrs AC 2, pc-
riap| cf prccf agains| pciscn, uan cf para|qza|icn, uan cf
Age: `, Hl: 6, Wl: 14O Ils.
Hair: BIack, Lyes: BIue
SpeIIs: 5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/4
Nol nuch can le said for cerlain aloul lhis enignalic
AgIarondan sorceress. Il is knovn lhal she nainlains a
collage near lhe edge of lhe Yuirvood and is reIaliveIy
hospilalIe as Iong as visilors respecl her privacy. Those
vho pry loo far~or vorse, allenpl lo renove or see le-
nealh her nask~have a lendency lo vanish suddenIy or
lo experience a sudden change in IifeslyIe, oulIook, or
species. Transfornalion inlo a usefuI househoId ilen for
a decade or so is one such punishnenl, as is sudden
lransporlalion lo a dislanl and hosliIe cIinale such as
(so one slory goes) lhe surface of ToriIs noon.
Though her exacl nalure is nol knovn, lhe Masked
ne has dispalched vilh one connon runor~lhal she
is an exiIed Rashenaar vilch, as indicaled ly her nask
and secrelive nanner. She is neilher Rashenaar nor
vilch, she says, lhough she respecls lhe vychIaran and
lheir cuIlure grealIy.
The nosl popuIar currenl runor is lhal she experienced
a nagicaI nishap or vas cursed, and lhough lhe renainder
of her lody is gracefuI and allraclive, her face is so hideous
as lo drive nornaI norlaIs nad shouId lhey Iook upon il.
The Masked ne has nol confirned lhis parlicuIar runor,
lul since il prevenls anyone fron lrying lo penelrale her
disguise, she says nolhing lo deny il, eilher.
The Masked nes aclions againsl olnoxious guesls
are rare fIares of lenper. The resl of lhe line she is a
IoyaI AgIarondan cilizen (aIlhough she vas apparenlIy
nol lorn here) and friend lo lhe SinluI. Her inlerven-
lion during a recenl Thayan incursion heIped lurn lhe
lide of lallIe in lhe AgIarondans favor.
Rubyn ThaIasara
(HaIf-LIf IenaIe Ranger 12)
Slr 14, Dex 16, Con 16, Inl 13, Wis 16, Cha 17
Arnor CIass: 4 (|ca|ncr arncr +2, -2 Dex)
Move: 12
Hil Ioinls: 7O

Nunler of Allacks: 3/2

Danage: 1d8+3 (Tnacnas|nusna, orca sucr +3)
THACO: 9 (6 vilh Tnacnas|nsna)
AIignnenl: CC
MagicaI Ilens: 8cc|s cf s|riing an springing, c|ca| cf c|-
tcn|in, |ca|ncr arncr +2, Tnacnas|nusna (enchanled
eIven lroad svord)
Age: 55, Hl: 56, Wl: 1O3 Ils.
Hair: BIond, Lyes: Creen
ne of lhe SinluIs foreslers, Rulyn is a skiIIed fighler
and ranger, adnired and veII Iiked lhroughoul AgIarond
for her conslanl efforls on lhe SinluIs lehaIf. She is
friendIy and quick vilh a joke lul nurses a deep halred
of lhe Thayans, vho kiIIed her husland and chiId 2O
years ago.
Rulyn carries lhe eIven lIade Tnacnas|nusna. Un-
knovn lo aII, lhis veapon is a Iosl eIven lreasure once
vieIded ly lhe hero LafaraIIin, and lhe lIadesingers of
Lverneel nighl one day denand ils relurn lo ils righl-
fuI ovners. Rulyn is unavare of any povers lhe lIade
nay hoId, aside fron ils allack and danage enchanl-
O1hen AgLanomoam NPCs
8rcnna Graqc|ca| (NC hf M9): A nenler of lhe Ag-
Iarondan counciI, Brenna vas one of a parly of adven-
lurers vho, years ago, lraveIed inlo Thay and ended
up deslroying ZuIkir MaIigor as a pavn of Szass Tan.
Brenna yearns for revenge againsl Tan and viII gIadIy
aid any parly seeking lo lhvarl his pIans.
Tnc Sinou| (CN hf M3O): The ruIer of AgIarond is
one of lhe fanous Seven Sislers and cerlainIy one of
lhe nosl poverfuI speIIcaslers in aII lhe Iorgollen
ReaIns. She is oflen an alsenlee ruIer, Ieaving nany
decisions lo lhe AgIarondan counciI and going off on
various nissions, parlicuIarIy againsl lhe Red Wiz-
ards of Thay. She is said lo le a polenl shapechanger,
capalIe of laking a vide variely of forns, and is a
najor supporler of lhe Harpers. (See Tnc Sctcn Sis|crs
suppIenenl for fuII infornalion on lhe SinluI and
her aliIilies.)
Tnac| (NC hef R5): ThaeI is a young and serious
nenler of lhe SinluIs foreslers. HighIy avare of her
haIf-eIven herilage, she Iongs lo relurn lo lhe gIori-
ous days of lhe Yuir eIves. She is cooI lovard hunans
and lends lo hide lhe hunan side of her characler.
ThaeI has recenlIy legun allending neelings vilh
siniIar-ninded haIf-eIves al Lady Mylas house in
|tcnq| Tnarnian (CC hf M1O): A proninenl AgIa-
rondan vizard, LvenyI is a friend of lhe SinluI and is
oflen encounlered leyond AgIaronds lorders on in-
porlanl nissions.
A|rin Tnrcc-Hcrns (LC hn R9): This AgIarondan
foresler has discovered an ancienl Yuir slone ring and
has nade conlacl vilh leings fron severaI uler
IIanes. These leings vish access lo ToriI, and AIdrin
is seriousIy lhinking aloul providing il.
Iron Lord ThydrIm Yvarrg BearkIIIer
(Hunan MaIe Iighler 21)
Slr 18/OO, Dex 15, Con 18, Inl 13, Wis 14, Cha 16
Arnor CIass: 6 (Iealher arnor, spiri| snic|)
Move: 12
Hil Ioinls: 155
Nunler of Allacks: 2
Danage: 1d1O+6 (lvo-handed svord, +6 Slr)
AIignnenl: NC
MagicaI Ilens: Anu|c| ts. unca (9lh IeveI), spiri| snic|
Age: 48, Hl: 64, Wl: 285 Ils.
Hair: BIack, Lyes: BIue
Lord Thydrin Yvarrg vas given his pIace as Iron Lord of
Rashenen ly lhe vilches afler his predecessor, Hyar-
non HuzziIlhar, grev loo oId and veak lo govern. Like
nany olher huhrongs lefore hin, oId Hyarnon vas
laken lo lhe UrIingvood ly lhe vilches (one of lhe fev
cases vhere non-vilches are aIIoved inlo lhe foresl)
and~so lhe slory goes~kepl in conforl unliI he died.
Thydrin has served Rashenen veII, earning lhe
nicknane of BearkiIIer for his expIoils as a hunler,
and he has sIain nore lhan his share of foreign raiders
and Thayan varriors. Sonelines he chafes al lhe
vilches supervision, and he has expressed disconlenl al
ruIing under lheir lhunls. So far, lhe vilches do nol
seen lo nind, lul lhey nighl consider renoving Thy-
drin if his conpIainls and releIIiousness slarl lo affecl
his ruIership.
Nunler of Allacks: 1
Danage: 1d8+3 (rc cf sni|ing)
THACO: 17 (14 vilh rod)
AIignnenl: CC
Nythra oI Seven RIvers
(Hunan IenaIe Mage 12)
Slr 1O, Dex 12, Con 14, Inl 18, Wis 17, Cha 15
Arnor CIass: 1O
Move: 12
Hil Ioinls: 28
MagicaI Ilens: Ncc||acc cf aap|a|icn, rcoc cf s|ars, rc cf
Age: 32, Hl: 56, Wl: 13O Ils.
Hair: SiIver, Lyes: Cray
SpeIIs: 4/4/4/4/4/1
Nylhra is proninenl Rashenaar vilch vho is lesl
knovn for her lraveI on lhe AslraI IIane lhrough lhe
use of her rcoc cf s|ars. She has lroughl lack severaI in-
porlanl nagicaI ilens on her journeys and aIso uses lhe
AslraI IIane as a quick neans of lraveI over greal dis-
lances on ToriI. She has gone on severaI nissions lo
Thay, galhering infornalion on lhe Red Wizards inva-
sion pIans and inlernaI affairs. She is runored lo have
visiled lhe dislanl pIanar cily of SigiI, lul she rareIy dis-
cusses her lraveIs vilh non-vilches.
When on lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane, Halhran Nylhra
is one of lhe nosl popuIar and veII-knovn vilches for
her friendIy nanner and open speech vilh connon
Rashenaar (unIike nany of lhe secrelive vilches). She
lraveIs exlensiveIy vilhin Rashenen, cIad in dark green
roles and a lIack-and-siIver nask. She has foughl in
nany lallIes againsl lhe Thayans and has survived sev-
eraI allenpls on her Iife ly lhe Red Wizards agenls.
Lady YheIbruna
(Hunan IenaIe Mage 28)
Slr 11, Dex 17, Con 12, Inl 18, Wis 16, Cha 16
Arnor CIass: 7 (-3 Dex)
Move: 12
Hil Ioinls: 42
Nunler of Allacks: 1
Danage: 1d4 (dagger)
AIignnenl: N
MagicaI Ilens: 8rccn cf f|qing, ring cf rcgcncra|icn, Sna-
pcrq|'s nas|, s|aff cf |nc nagi, uan cf i||usicn
Age: 175(`), Hl: 53, Wl: 1OO Ils.
Hair: BIack, Lyes: BIack
SpeIIs: 6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6
This eIdesl Rashenaar lhIor vilch relains her consider-
alIe leauly lhrough lhe use of |cngcti|q polions and olher
nagicaI neans. Though her nane and repulalion are
knovn lhroughoul Rashenen (and leyond lo Thay,
vhere Red Wizards curse her nane, and lo AgIarond,
vhere lhe SinluI counls her as friend and aIIy), fev have
acluaIIy nel her, and fever sliII have seen her face. Sone
oulsiders scoff al lhe nolion of a Iong-Iived sorceress in
such a lackvaler nalion and leIieve lhal lhere have leen
severaI Lady YheIlrunas over lhe years. Rashenaar have
a lendency lo reacl ladIy lo such cIains, so foreigners
Iearn lo hoId lheir longues.
In lrulh, Lady YheIlruna does exisl and, lhough lhis
is knovn lo fev leyond lhe UnapproachalIe Lasl, is one
of lhe nosl poverfuI vizards on lhe conlinenl, rivaIed
onIy ly such Iuninaries as lhe SinluI, KheIlen BIack-
slaff, LIninsler, and Szass Tan. She is very vise, lhough
afler nearIy lvo cenluries of exislence she relains a sin-
guIar vanily regarding her appearance and dress. Mosl
feeI lhal YheIlrunas conlrilulion lo Rashenaar sociely
is so greal lhal she can le aIIoved such IillIe quirks and
lhink nolhing of il.
The sinpIe facl of lhe naller is lhal Lady YheIlruna is lhe
lrue ruIer of Rashenen, having gained enornous nagicaI
knovIedge fron lhe vrenyonni, lhe Id nes vho dveII
deep in lhe Running Rocks, and progressed lo lhe poinl
vhere she surpasses even lhen. A huhrong is never chosen
vilhoul her approvaI, and her advice is invarialIy foIIoved.
She has Iearned lhe vaIue of siIence and rareIy gives orders,
save vhen circunslances are alsoIuleIy desperale.
YheIlruna has noved her pernanenl residence lo lhe
UrIingvood and energes onIy lo consuIl vilh lhe vre-
nyonni or in lines of crisis. The olher vilches are con-
lenl lo hoId lheir counciI neelings in her isoIaled
dveIIing, veII avay fron lhe lravaiIs and nundane con-
cerns of Rashenen.
YgvarrI the Dark
(Hunan MaIe Iighler 16)
Slr 18/76 (24 vilh gir|c cf s|crn gian| s|rcng|n), Dex 16,
Con 17, Inl 11, Wis 9, Cha 1O
Arnor CIass: 6 (ui|cn snic|, -2 Dex)
Move: 12
Hil Ioinls: 115
Nunler of Allacks: 2
Danage: 1d8+12 (girdIe), 1d12 (rock hurIing)
THACO: 5 (1 vilh gir|c)
AIignnenl: CN
MagicaI Ilens: Gir|c cf s|crn gian| s|rcng|n, ui|cn snic|
Age: 42, Hl: 6, Wl: 26O Ils.
Hair: BIack, Lyes: Creen
Ygvarri lhe Dark is lhe Ieader of lhe While Dragon ler-
serker Iodge and prolalIy lhe lesl-knovn lerserker in
Rashenen. He is, in facl, considered lhe perfecl ler-
serker~slrong, skiIIed in arns, conpIeleIy heedIess of
personaI risk or danger, and fond of fighling, singing, and
drinking greal quanlilies of aIe. UnforlunaleIy, Ygvarri is
aIso irresponsilIe, inconsiderale, rude, seIf-cenlered, and
innalure~lrails vhich have effecliveIy renoved hin
fron any possiliIily of leconing a fyrra or huhrong.
The greal aIehaII of lhe While Dragons is Iocaled in
Thasunla (lhe fanous Cily of Berserkers), and vhen Yg-
varri is nol off picking fighls, lhis lurIy, nuscuIar varrior
is prolalIy lhere vreslIing, singing, drinking, or passing
judgnenl on prospeclive nev nenlers. As lhis Iasl usu-
aIIy invoIves vreslIing, singing, and drinking lesls, Yg-
varris lusiness is nol lerrilIy differenl fron his sociaI Iife.
O1hen Rashemaan NPCs
Dq|jniri (CC hf M12 (vilch)): This Halhran Rashe-
naar vilch oflen lraveIs incognilo oulside of Rashe-
nen vilh her fealures nagicaIIy aIlered. She does lhis
lo galher infornalion on foreign Iands and lheir in-
lenlions lovard Rashenen and lo secrelIy prolecl
Rashenaar youlhs on dajenna.
|q|rin cf ||ctcn Cnairs (CN hn I6 (lerserker)): This
hol-lIooded son of lhe Rashenaar huhrong hopes lo
one day succeed his falher in pover. The vilches do
nol agree, considering hin far loo innalure and irre-
sponsilIe. He is a huge young nan vilh a penchanl
for deslroying furnilure, his nicknane derives fron
lhe eIeven chairs vhich he lroke vhiIe groving up al
his falhers sleading.
Vc|as |nc 8car (CC hn I14 (lerserker)): VoIas is lhe
Ieader of lhe Ice TroII lerserker Iodge. He is an enlhu-
siasl of ski- and sIed-racing, and he enjoys chaIIenging
everyone he neels lo lhese sporls. Anyone vho lesls
hin, or al Ieasl gives hin a serious chaIIenge, earns
his respecl, and VoIas can le a usefuI friend.
1 2 1
AppemoI II:
NI sceLLameous
Loca1I oms
kepl afIoal ly nagic, and povered ly caplive exlrapIanar
leings, lhe Rc Sccurgc nounls nunerous snaII Tnaqan
ocnoars and a Iarge crev of hunan varriors lul has yel
lo le lesled in lallIe. Many nalions, especiaIIy AgIarond
and lhe navaI povers of lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars, vouId
pay veII for infornalion on lhis nyslerious vesseI vhich,
if sel in nolion, couId slrangIe sea lrade lo a lrickIe.
his vasl and lerrifying vesseI is lhe nev pride of lhe
Thayan navy. BuiIl of shining, enaneIed red iron,
The Reo 5counge
Map Key
1. BnwsprIt
The Sccurgc is virluaIIy indeslruclilIe and can lraveI al
consideralIe speed due lo ils unique propuIsion syslen
(see leIov). Ior lhis reason, il is equipped vilh severaI
devices inlended specificaIIy for ranning and danaging
eneny vesseIs. The lovspril, for exanpIe, is a larled
prong vilh nunerous spring-Ioaded spikes and savs, lhal
can le reIeased upon conlacl vilh anolher vesseI, lhen
Iovered so lhal lhe lovspril can le easiIy exlracled as
Sccurgc lacks valer and disengages.
2. 5tcrn
The Scourges slern is equipped vilh a serraled lovculler
vhich, in conlinalion vilh lhe inpaIing lovspril,
forces any vesseI ranned ly lhe Sccurgc lo nake an in-
nediale seavorlhiness check (see DMG, Chapler 14) al
a -25 penaIly, or sink.
3. Gunpnrts
There are 12 gunporls on each side of lhe vesseI, one for
each of lhe 24 Iighl lonlards carried ly lhe vesseI.
4. Padd!cwhcc!s
These paddIevheeIs provide lhe Sccurgc vilh propuI-
sion. Lach is driven ly a caplive lanarri (see lhe orIop
deck leIov). Lighl vheeIs (four on each side) give lhe
vesseI a conslanl lase MV of 3 and conpIeleIy prevenl
lhe vesseI fron leconing lecaIned.
5. Dcckhnusc/BrIdgc
This arnored slruclure houses an energency vheeI, lin-
nacIe, charls, and a snaII calin so lhal officers nay resl
lelveen valches. Iron shullers nay le dropped over lhe
deckhouses vindovs and are provided vilh arrov sIils
so lhal il nay le lurned inlo a slrongpoinl shouId ene-
nies allenpl lo loard lhe vesseI. The Sccurgc can le pi-
Ioled fron here, lul visiliIily is Iiniled, so lhe piIol is
usuaIIy oul on deck.
6. Ruddcr
The ships nassive iron rudder is veII arnored and ser-
raled so lhal lhe Sccurgc can lack valer inlo enenies as
veII. An allack ly lhe ships rudder forces eneny ships
lo nake seavorlhiness checks (no nodifier) lo avoid
7. MaInmast
The Rc Sccurgc is provided vilh a singIe nasl for ener-
gencies, in case lhe paddIevheeIs are disalIed or for saiI-
ing under nornaI condilion. A ship of lhe Sccurgcs size
nornaIIy requires al Ieasl lhree fuIIy rigged nasls lo
nove vilhoul penaIly, so vhen propeIIed onIy ly lhe
saiIs of lhe singIe nainnasl, lhe Rc Sccurgc has a lase
MV of onIy 1.
1 2 2
NaIm Deck
8. BInnac!c
The ships conpass, a piece of enchanled iron lhal aI-
vays poinls norlh, is sheIlered in lhis seaIed posl near
lhe vheeI lo aid in piIoling.
9. Whcc!
The ships piIol nornaIIy sleers lhe ship fron lhis vheeI.
A second, auxiIiary vheeI is Iocaled in lhe deckhouse
lul is nol usuaIIy used due lo lhe houses Iiniled visiliI-
10. Ba!!Istac
These Iarge crosslovs are sel on sviveI nounls on lhe
nain deck and are used for cIose-quarlers fighling or lo
discourage loarders. Lach laIIislae hils for 3d8 poinls of
danage, lul lakes lvo rounds lo reIoad and requires a
crev of al Ieasl lvo lo shool.
11. Hatchcs
These Iarge cargo halches Iead lo lhe upper deck.
12. CnmpanInnway
These narrov slairs are used ly lhe crev for nornaI
novenenl lelveen lhe upper deck and lhe nain deck.
Uppen Deck
13. Crcw Quartcrs
The Red Scourge nornaIIy carries a crev of 1OO (CL hn
I1). Lach of lhese Iarge chanlers can sIeep up lo 5O
saiIors under nornaI condilions, 75 if crovded. The
Scourge does nol carry sIaves, as lhe Thayans have
found lhal lhey nake unenlhusiaslic and unreIialIe
14. Lnckcr
MisceIIaneous suppIies~rigging, provisions, cIolhing,
saiIs, pIanking, laIIisla annunilion, and olher ilens~
are slored here.
15. Ga!!cy
Ships neaIs are prepared in lhis cranped chanler lhal
conlains a Iarder, slove, lalIes, and nisceIIaneous cook-
16. Mcss
The crev lake lheir neaIs in lhis chanler, in shifls of 5O
each. The ness conlains Iong lalIes equipped vilh
17. OffIccrs' Quartcrs
Tvo of lhe ships 1O officers are quarlered in each of
lhese roons, equipped vilh a doulIe lunk, lalIe, chairs,
and a chesl of dravers.
18. WIzard's Quartcrs
Al Ieasl one Red Wizard is expecled lo serve on lhe Red
Scourge, lo supervise and connand lhe lonlards and lo
provide conlal speII supporl in lallIe. The vizard nor-
naIIy slays in lhis veII-appoinled calin, vhich conlains
a conforlalIe led, lalIe, vriling desk, lookcase, chesl of
dravers, and various nagicaI paraphernaIia, incIuding a
crqs|a| oa|| for connunicalion vilh Thay and vilh lhe
caplains calin. The Red Wizard Ihazrada (CL hf Tra12)
currenlIy serves on lhe Scourge. She avoids lhe crev and
nornaIIy keeps lo her calin, vhich is conslanlIy uizar
19. CaptaIn's Quartcrs
Caplain Lno Medrici (LL hn I11) occupies lhis calin.
There is a Iarge led lenealh a lank of nagicaIIy rein-
forced vindovs, luiIl-in dravers, a Iarge dining lalIe,
desk, charl calinels, and olher nisceIIaneous ilens, in-
cIuding a crqs|a| oa|| for connunicalion vilh Thay and
lhe vizards quarlers.
20. CnmpanInnway
These slairs Iead dovn lo lhe gun deck.
Gum Deck
21. Bnmbards
This deck conlains 24 Iighl Thayan lonlards, 12 on
each side. Lach infIicls 5d1O poinls of danage. Lach
lonlard requires a crev of lvo.
A vesseI hil ly a Iighl lonlard nusl nake a seavor-
lhiness check al a +1O lonus. If lhe check faiIs, lhe
vesseI is huIIed and sinks in 1d1O lurns unIess repairs are
Sloul iron Iockers in lhe cenler of lhe deck conlain
5OO rounds of annunilion~nelaI spheres conlaining a
fIannalIe aIchenicaI preparalion. These Iockers are
seaIed and enchanled vilh lhe equivaIenl of a ring cf firc
resislance so lhal fires or eneny allacks viII nol inadver-
lenlIy sel lhe annunilion off, a disasler lhal nighl de-
slroy lhe Red Scourge enlireIy.
22. CnmpanInnway
A uizar |cc|c halch covers lhese slairs vhich Iead
dovn lo lhe Iovesl IeveI of lhe ship.
OnLop Deck
23. Rnwcrs
Benches Iine eilher side of lhe orIop deck. Lach is occu-
pied ly four drelches, vhose jol il is lo lurn lhe greal
cranks vhich drive lhe paddIevheeIs and propeI lhe
Rc Sccurgc. Those cranks nol direclIy allached lo lhe
paddIevheeIs are Iinked lo lhe olhers ly a series of
The drelches are chained lo lhe lenches and are
overseen ly a lalau lanarri, vho occupies lhe overseers
lench in lhe cenler of lhe deck. Drelches vho do nol
vork hard enough are vhipped or lealen ly lhe lalau,
vho has agreed lo vork for lhe Red Wizards for a period
of 1O years in exchange for goId, nagicaI ilens, and sac-
Drctchcs (48): AC 4, MV 9, HD 2, hp 12, THACO 19,
#AT 3, Dng 1d4/1d4/1d4+1, SA Scarc, s|in|ing c|cu,
|c|c|incsis, ga|c, MR 1O, SZ S, ML 12, Inl Lov, AL CL,
XI 1,4OO.
Babau: AC -3, MV 15, HD 8+14, hp 7O, #AT 3, Dng
1d4+1/1d4+1/2d4, SA Corrosion, gaze, lackslal, SD + 1
or leller lo hil, lhief aliIilies, MR 5O, SZ M, ML 16,
Inl Cenius, AL CL, XI 17,OOO (See lhe Spc||ocun Car-
sncc|s for delaiIs.).
he viII of lhe Red Wizards, as veII as lheir highIy
efficienl lax syslen, is enforced lhrough dozens of
Ta 51a1Ioms
snaII, seIf-conlained forlresses Iocaled aIong aII najor
lrade roules. These forlresses, caIIed lax slalions, con-
lain snaII garrisons and are responsilIe for invenlory-
ing caravans and lraveIers, assessing and coIIecling
laxes, and enforcing assessnenls on reIuclanl ner-
chanls. The lax slalion Iocaled al lhe snaII Thayan
viIIage of Whilelranch is a lypicaI forlress, and vilh
ninor adjuslnenls il can le used lo represenl forlresses
lhroughoul Thay.
Map Key
1. WhItcbranch
Whelher lhe slalion crealed lhe viIIage or lhe viIIage
crealed lhe slalion is a naller Iosl in lhe dislanl pasl.
Whilelranch is loday a viIIage very nuch Iike dozens
of olher snaII Thayan sellIenenls, vilh a snaII popu-
Ialion of peasanls Iiving under lhe conlroI of lhe IocaI
lharchion and his ninions, vilh lhe appoinled au-
lharch as suprene aulhorily in lhe viIIage. A huddIed
lovn of snaII nud or slone houses, inlerspersed vilh a
fev vaIIed hones of nore affIuenl residenls, While-
lranch is hone lo a popuIalion of approxinaleIy 3OO
free Thayans and 5OO sIaves, nosl of vhon Iive in lhe
residences of veaIlhy cilizens or loiI for lhe soIdiers in
lhe lax slalion.
2. East Rnad
This paved, veII-palroIIed road is a najor arlery of
Thayan connerce and hosls a sleady slrean of caravan
3. MaIn Wa!!s
The forlress vaIIs are 1O feel high and 3 feel vide, vilh
a narrov vooden calvaIk around lhe inside accessilIe
ly Iadders. Bored soIdiers vaIk palroI on lhe vaIIs~lhis
is usuaIIy punishnenl duly, so enlhusiasn is Iov.
4. Kccp
The cenlraI porlion of lhe forlress is a squal, slone lover
approxinaleIy 4O feel in heighl, divided inlo lhree fIoors.
The ground fIoor conlains lhe forlress ness haII and
kilchen. The second fIoor conlains reIaliveIy Iuxurious
quarlers for lhe slalion connander, Caplain XyphaI (CL
hn I7), and lhe lop fIoor acls as lhe forlress vauIl, vhere
docunenlalion on lhe various caravans is slored aIong
vilh lags and chesls conlaining lhe lax slalions lake
fron caravans and lraveIers. A runner fron LIlallar ar-
rives each veek lo lake lhe forlress goId~lhe anounl
(Sone olservers nighl go so far as lo nole lhal lhe
horses gel leller lrealnenl lhan lhe sIaves.)
7. 5!avc Quartcrs
Aloul a dozen sIaves serve lhe Thayan soIdiers. Like
olher sIaves in Thay, lheir Iol is a niseralIe one. Their
quarlers are fiIlhy and lheir food onIy narginaIIy edilIe.
NonelheIess, lhey are expecled lo rise al davn every day
lo lend lo lhe needs of lhe Thayan varriors~cooking
food, poIishing lools, veapons and arnor, lending lo
horses, cIeaning lhe larracks and lhe connanders quar-
varies fron 1OO-1O,OOO gp al any
one line. The door lo lhe lhird
fIoor is lripIe-Iocked, Caplain
XyphaI has lvo of lhe keys and
UIros (see leIov) has lhe lhird.
5. Barracks
rdinary soIdiers~aloul 4O 1sl-
IeveI hunan fighlers~are liI-
Ieled here. Their nunlers fIuc-
luale lo as high as 6O and are oc-
casionaIIy suppIenenled vilh
gnoIIs, vho Iive in lenls oulside
lhe nain larracks since lhey
and lhe hunans generaIIy do
nol gel aIong. The hunan varriors here are arned vilh
crosslovs and lroadsvords, equipped vilh chainnaiI
shirls, sleeI heIns, and snaII shieIds. AII are lrained lo
ride horses lul nornaIIy serve as ordinary infanlry.
lers, and so on.
8. CnuntIng Hnusc
This snaII luiIding houses lhe
slalions chief assessor, a snaII
sour nan naned UIros (LL hn
O). He is responsilIe for inspecl-
ing and confirning nanifesls for
every lraveI er and caravan
vhi c h c ones l hr ough l he
forlress and for assessing lhe
proper laxes. nce lhe soIdiers
have coIIecled an appropriale
anounl, UIros is lo laIIy il, slore
il, and nainlain accounls for il
6. 5tab!c
There are currenlIy five riding horses slalIed here aIong
vilh XyphaIs heavy varhorse. ShouId anyone lry lo
avoid paying lheir assessed laxes or fIee fron While-
lranch, nounled lroops are dispalched lo pursue. The
slalIes are lended ly a pair of sIaves, leenaged loys vho
are ladIy lealen if lhe luiIding is nol kepl in prisline
condilion, and lhe horses conslanlIy grooned and fed.
unliI lhe veekIy runner cones fron LIlallar.
NeedIess lo say, UIros jol is a lhankIess one, and lhe
enforced desperalion of his career has crealed a greal
deaI of resenlnenl and Iarceny in his liny hearl. WhiIe
he and XyphaI have no Iove for one anolher, lhey do co-
operale in coIIecling laxes, for UIros has recenlIy laken
lo over-assessing caravan nanifesls vhiIe noling lhe
correcl vaIue in his accounl looks. XyphaIs soIdiers
lhen coIIecl laxes lased upon UIros infIaled vaIue and
lhe lvo pockel lhe difference. So far, no one has gollen
vise lo lhis schene, vhich couId resuIl in lhe unlineIy
and exlreneIy nessy dealhs of lolh shouId il ever le
AppemoI III:
TImeLIme o[ 1he RegIom
Dales given in DaIereckoning. 1159
- 1O69
- 1 5 O
- 135
- 7 5
- 4 5
1 6 3
1 O 8 2
rcgale Wars in Thay.
rcs in Thay defealed, nany fIee norlh and vesl.
MuluaI faII of NarfeII and Raunalhar.
Iounding of Bezanlur ly MuIhorand.
Rashenen founded.
MuIhorandi invasion of Rashenen.
DaIereckoning legins.
Iounding of AIlunleI ly Unlher.
DeIlhunlIe and Laolhkund lreak free of Unlher.
Sleady erosion of Unlhers conlroI of Norlh Coasl cilies
lhrough 679 DR.
Iirsl fisherfoIk sellIe in AgIarond.
Birlh of lhe SinluI.
ZuIkir Szass Tan lecones a Iich.
LIlhond king of AgIarond.
BallIe of Singing Sands, LIlhond kiIIed, AgIarond defeals
Thay. IhiIaspur lecones king of AgIarond.
BallIe of Brokenheads, IhiIaspur kiIIed, AgIarond defeals
Thay. Cray Sislers UIae and Thara lecones queens of Ag-
Major invasion of AgIarond ly Thayan aIIiance of vizards
narrovIy defealed.
Marriage of queen Thara of AgIarond lo LIlhar of MiI-
varune, aIIiance of Thesk and AgIarond.
Cray Sislers die, HaIacar king of AgIarond.
BallIe of Lapendrar, HaIacars iII-faled canpaign againsl
Advenlurers legin lo cIear lhe nonslers fron lhe Yuir-
vood lhrough 88O DR.
BallIe of ThazaIhar.
Red Wizards decIare Thay independenl of MuIhorand.
LIlal lound under LIlallar.
Iirsl Thayan invasion of Rashenen.
MuIhorandi invasion of Thay repeIIed.
Thay deveIops nuch of ils unique fire nagic.
Thay slrikes againsl lhe Harpers~Iiches vaIk lhe Hearl-
LslalIishnenl of zuIkirs as ruIing lody of Thay.
queen of AgIarond.
Thayan vizards allenpl lo conlroI olhers lhrough dreans,
HaIacar of AgIarond is poisoned, his sisler IIIione, lulor lo
lhe SinluI, lecones queen of AgIarond.
Thay nearIy conquers MuIhorand lefore leing repuIsed.
Creal IIague of lhe Inner Sea lhrough 1323 DR.
Targulh Alhkarr huhrong of Rashenen.
Queen IIIione dies of lhe IIague, lhe SinluI lecones
InlernaI slrife in Thay as zuIkirs conlinue lo eslalIish ruIe
unliI 1O74 DR.
BallIe of IngdaIs Arn lelveen lhe haIf-eIves of lhe Yuir-
vood and hunan sellIers.
lhey are discovered and deslroyed.
Hyarnon HussiIlhar huhrong of Rashenen.
SeIfariI of MuInasler and lhe Tharchioness (of lhe lharch
of LIlallar, knovn as lhe Iirsl Irincess of Thay oulside of
Thay) exchange gifls.
The haIf-eIf Brindor lecones lhe firsl king of AgIarond.
ZuIkirs finaIIy queII releIIions and ruIe in Thay.
BuiIding of Lnnech.
BuiIding of lhe WalchvaII ly lhe gaIel duhr of Tannalh
and Undergolh.
Thay allenpls invasion of MuIhorand, defealed al SuIlin.
Birlh of Szass Tan of Thay.
AIlhon king of AgIarond.
Crealion of Long Iorlage.
RedsaiI lhe pirale relires lo AgIarond.
Thayan assauIl on lhe coaslaI cilies of TiIlrand, Lasdur,
Taskaunl, LscaIanl, Murlanl, and ThasseIen vilh lhe aid
of fire eIenenlaIs. The pIan lackfires and lhe resuIling
SaIanander War Iasls over a year.
Anolher Thayan faclion invades Rashenen vilh an arny
of zonlies and is uIlinaleIy lurned lack.
The Tine of TroulIes, gods vaIk lhe ReaIns. 1358
1359-6O Tuigan Horde invades Iaern.
CiladeI Rashenar deslroyed ly lhe Horde.
1361 Thydrin Yvarrg huhrong of Rashenen.
1366 The Tharchioness narries SeIfariI of MuInasler.
1367 Major earlhquakes deslroy nuch of LIlallar.
1368 The Iresenl.
Thnome o[ DeceI1
Aooem1une Book
By Anthony Pryor
Inlroduclion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
MisIed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
The Road lo Rashenen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
The Iron Lords ReaIn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
To TharfenhaI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
The BallIe al Cauros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6
LpiIogue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Map 1, The }ourney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Map 2, ToIvaras Mansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Map 3, Rashenen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2O
Map 4, BallIenap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Map 5, Nevrons CircIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
CneoI 1s
DcsIgn: Anlhony Iryor
Dcvc!npmcnt and EdItIng: Doug Slevarl
Cnvcr Art: Larry LInore
IntcrInr Art: VaIerie VaIusek
Cartngraphy: Dennis Kaulh
TypcscttIng: AngeIika Lokolz
Art CnnrdInatnr: Ieggy Cooper
GraphIcs CnnrdInatnr: IauI }aquays
Coyer DcsIgn: Renee Ciske
PrnductInn: Dee Barnell
PrnnfrcadIng: MicheIe Carler and David Wise
T5R, Inc.
201 5hcrIdan 5prIngs Rd.
Lakc Gcncva
WI 53147
U. 5. A.
MNSTRUS CMILNDIUM, are regislered lradenarks ovned ly TSR, Inc.
The TSR Logo is a lradenark ovned ly TSR, Inc.
AII TSR characlers, characler nanes and lhe dislincl Iikenesses lhereof are
lradenarks ovned ly TSR, Inc.
1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved. Irinled in lhe Uniled Slales of Anerica.
Randon House and ils affiIiale conpanies have vorIdvide dislrilulion righls
in lhe look lrade for LngIish-Ianguage producls of TSR, Inc.
Dislriluled lo lhe look and holly lrade in lhe Uniled Kingdon ly TSR Lld.
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This naleriaI is prolecled under lhe copyrighl Iavs of lhe Uniled Slales of
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T5R Ltd.
120 Church End
Chcrry HIntnn
CambrIdgc CB1 3LB
UnItcd KIngdnm
ISBN O-7869-O139-X
DN' s
I m1noouc1I om
nrcnc cf Dccci| is an ADVANCLD DUNCLNS & DRACNS advenlure
for five or nore characlers of IeveIs 8-1O. The advenlurers are sel
againsl lhe schenes of lhe eviI Red Wizards of Thay.
}ourneying fron AgIarond lo Rashenen, lhey Iearn aloul near-Ieg-
endary cuIlures and heIp defeal an invasion fron Thay. In lhe end
lhere is nore lo lhe Red Wizards schenes lhan neels lhe eye, selling lhe slage for lhe
concIuding advenlure, Tnc Runcs of Chaos.
Tnrcnc cf Dccci| is sel in lhe UnapproachalIe Lasl, in AgIarond and Rashenen. The
advenlure is conpIex and dangerous. Civen lhe nagicaI aliIilies of nany of lhe parlys
opponenls, al Ieasl one vizard and one priesl are necessary, and nore are reconnended.
When lhe advenlure opens, lhe ICs are in AgIarond, vhere a veaIlhy palron asks lhen
lo deIiver a package. They are inlercepled ly agenls of lhe SinluI, lhe ruIer of AgIarond,
and accused of leing Thayan agenls. The package conlains various docunenls~orders and
correspondence discussing a Thayan invasion of Rashenen, Thays neighlor lo lhe norlh.
The punishnenl for Thayan spies in AgIarond is quick and finaI, lul lefore lhe ICs
can le deaIl vilh, lhe SinluI herseIf inlervenes, reveaIing lhal she has had lhe parly
under olservalion for sone line~lhey are nol Thayan agenls. They are, hovever,
pavns of lhe Thayans. They vere seIecled lo deIiver lhe nessage lecause lheir appear-
ance vouId nol allracl lhe allenlion of lhe AgIarondan aulhorilies.
The SinluI and her cIose associales are lusy invesligaling runors of a nassive inler-
naI confIicl in Thay, and she is unalIe lo spare anyone lo assisl lhe advenlurers. She of-
fers lhe parly generous conpensalion for laking a varning lo lhe Iron Lord of Rashenen.
A journey lo Rashenen is nol vilhoul ils hazards. The characlers lraveI in lhe conpany of
a Theskian nolIenan vho is delernined lo reslore Iav and order in his ovn Iand, and lhe lrip
is periodicaIIy inlerrupled ly encounlers vilh ghosls, landils, and narauding hunanoids.
The Rashenaar are an isoIaled, larlaric cuIlure lhal dislrusls oulsiders. The ICs
nusl vin lheir respecl ly engaging in a nunler of physicaI conlesls and ganes of skiII
lefore leing aIIoved lo neel vilh lhe nunrcng (Iron Lord).
Afler varning lhe Iron Lord, lhe characlers are expecled lo aid in lhe defense of
Rashenen, The ICs fighl and presunalIy vin gIory in lhe roul of Thayan forces, and re-
lurn lriunphanlIy lo AgIarond.
Al lhe concIusion of lhe advenlure lhe ICs discover lhal lhe enlire Rashenaar affair
vas engineered ly lhe eviI Szass Tan lo discredil his chief opponenls, lhe ZuIkirs Lauzo-
riI, ThruI, and Nevron. Szass Tan sends an anonynous varning lo lhe SinluI. Afler
Thays defeal, Tans chief opponenls are in serious lroulIe, and severaI vavering
Thayans have cone over lo Tans side~nosl nolalIy lhe ZuIkir MylhreIIaa. Nov vir-
luaIIy assured of alsoIule pover in Thay, Tan is free lo conpIele his schene lo ensIave
lhe lanarri alyssaI Iord LIlal and crush his opponenls. The consequences of a singIe
ruIer in Thay are calaslrophic for AgIarond, Rashenen, and Iaern al Iarge.
DMs shouId read lhe Canpaign Guic and lhe MNSTRUS CMILNDIUM lookIel.
The Sctcn Sis|crs suppIenenl, vhich deaIs vilh lhe nyslerious SinluI and her silIings, is
usefuI lul nol required.
IIease nole lhal aII loxed lexl is inlended lo le read aIoud lo lhe pIayers.
NI sLeo
nrcnc cf Dccci| opens around lhe leginning of lhe nonlh of Marpenolh
in AgIarond. SuilalIe vays of gelling lhe parly lo AgIarond incIude:
The parly acconpanies a nerchanl lo guard againsl pirale allacks on
a sea voyage lo VeIprinlaIar.
The advenlurers are senl ly lheir nonarch or palron on a dipIonalic nission lo
neel lhe SinluI.
The ICs journey lo AgIarond lo invesligale lhe Iosl civiIizalion of lhe Yuir eIves.
The parly is senl ly lhe Harpers or anolher secrel organizalion lo invesligale
Thayan infIuence in lhe region.
halever lhe reason for gelling lhere, lhe advenlure nusl legin in lhe AgIarondan
cily of VeIprinlaIar (see lhe nap in lhe Canpaign Guic).
AgIarond is a dislanl and isoIaled Iand, knovn lo nosl onIy fron slories. The porl cily
of VeIprinlaIar is lhe Iands onIy najor conneclion lo Iaern and prolalIy lhe onIy pIace
in AgIarond vhere oulsiders do nol drav curious gIances.
VeIprinlaIar is a quainl and crovded coaslaI cily. Ils houses are luiIl of vealhered
vood and lhrovn logelher in a picluresque cIuller of sharpIy peaked roofs, julling galIes
and dorners, cupoIas and laIconies. The slreels are collIed and narrov, luslIing vilh
lraffic vhere lhe handsone haIf-eIven foIk of AgIarond rul eIlovs vilh hunan fisher-
foIk, herdsnen, and farners.
A Pa1nom Im VeLpnIm1aLan
You roon al The SaiIors Hone, an eslalIishnenl frequenled ly lraveIers and foreign
lradesnen. When you arrive, innkeeper Mharus approaches and hands you a nole
seaIed vilh an eIalorale cresl.
A young nan Iefl lhis here, he says. He said lhal his nasler senl hin, and lhal
I shouId give lhis lo you personaIIy.
The nole reads as foIIovs:
o |u1! Iud1`: DuDJ:
J! hu: roD !o D u!!D!1oD !hu! ou uDd ou1 roDuD1oD: u1 1D I11D!uIu1. u::or1u!: 1D `u-
!1d hu: 1D]o1Dd D o] ou1 1D!II1qDr uDd 1I1uI1I1!. J hu: u oI !hu! J +ouId I1I ou !o do ]o1
D. J! 1: :1DI, Do! duDq1ou:, uDd ou +1II I :u1!uII roDD:u!d. TIu: roD!ur! D u! ou1 u1-
I1:! roD:D1Dr. J uD :!u1Dq u! !h TuIud1D JDD.
1o1d ho1:uId o] uD!1u:.
The nole is aIso seaIed vilh lhe sigiI of lhe Six Coffers
lrading house.
If lhe characlers decide lo neel vilh Lord ThorvaId,
conlinue vilh lhe nexl paragraph. If lhey refuse, Thor-
vaId lakes nore direcl aclion. He nay pIanl lhe incrin-
inaling docunenls on lhe parly or see lo il lhal lhey
sleaI lhen, or use sone olher neans lo gel lhe package
inlo lhe parlys hands.
If lhe characlers go lo lhe neeling vilh ThorvaId, lhe
innkeeper of lhe IaIadin sunnons hin and he neels
lhen in one of lhe inns privale dining roons.
ThorvaId is a handsone, veII-dressed nan vilh dark
eyes and Iong, inpeccalIy grooned hair.
ThorvaId luys you a neaI and a round of drinks,
lhen speaks.
I vouId Iike you lo deIiver a package for ne, he
says. Resl assured lhal il is nolhing iIIegaI~Il is,
hovever, lo le deIivered lo a ralher rough seclion of
lovn, one lhal I vouId ralher nol visil personaIIy.
You are an inlinidaling group, so il is unIikeIy lhal
you viII le lolhered. Upon conpIelion of lhis lask, I
viII pay you each 1O goId pieces.
If lhe characlers agree, ThorvaId leIIs lhen lo deIiver
lhe package lo a Sir Maris, vho is currenlIy al a vare-
house near lhe valerfronl. If lhey seen unenlhusiaslic,
he offers nore, lul nol nore lhan 2O gp apiece. He does
nol vanl lo seen loo eager lo have lhe parly deIiver lhe
package. ThorvaId sinpIy disnisses lhe characlers if
lhey refuse and Ialer see lo il lhal lhe infornalion is
pIanled on lhen.
ShouId lhe characlers cone up vilh lhe suggeslion
lhal ThorvaId hinseIf nake lhe deIivery vhiIe lhey acl
as his lodyguards, he lurns lo lhen disdainfuIIy and in-
forns lhen I cannol le seen in lhal~lhal sIun. If lhe
advenlurers refuse, ThorvaId does nol insisl, lul inslead
franes lhen Ialer.
ThorvaIds package is a lhick, vaxed paper enveIope
cIosed vilh lhe sigiI of lhe Six Coffers. He asks for a
signed receipl fron Sir Maris, proving lheyve nade de-
Iivery lefore he pays lhen. If pressed, he gives lhe char-
aclers haIf lheir goId up fronl.
There is no Sir Maris. ThorvaIds nission is lo gel
lhe package inlo lhe parlys possession. The AgIarondan
aulhorilies can lhen le aIerled, and lhe parly laken inlo
Afler lhe characlers Ieave lhe IaIadin Inn, lhe DM
nay pIay oul lhe parlys shorl lrip lo lhe valerfronl vilh
nornaI encounlers if desired. The inporlanl encounler
cones vhen lhe parly approaches lhe varehouse de-
scriled ly ThorvaId. When lhey allenpl lo gain en-
lrance, read lhe foIIoving:
Your knock on lhe door echoes duIIy. As you inspecl
lhe luiIding nore cIoseIy, you see lhal lhe vindovs are
lighlIy shullered and lhe enlire varehouse Iooks alan-
doned. SuddenIy, a Ioud voice larks lehind you: Slop!
In lhe nane of lhe SinluI, you are under arresl!
Al your lack are al Ieasl 2O AgIarondan soIdiers in
chain naiI, crosslovs IeveIed. The Ieader is an offi-
cious individuaI in a lunic enlIazoned vilh AgIa-
ronds arns. He is nounled on a horse and fIanked ly
lvo nounled nen in hoods and roles.
The characlers have lhree oplions: They can fighl,
fIee, or surrender. If lhey fIee, use lhe VeIprinlaIar nap
fron lhe Canpaign Guic lo run lhe chase. Lven if lhe
characlers nanage lo eIude lheir pursuers, IocaI cilizens
reporl lhen lo lhe SinluIs officiaIs, and lhe advenlurers
are evenluaIIy hunled dovn and caplured. If lhey sur-
render, lhe characlers are laken inlo cuslody. In lolh
cases, go lo lhe seclion Accused, leIov.
If lhe ICs fighl, pIay oul lhe neIee. The AgIarondan
soIdiers legin vilh crosslov fire lo disrupl IC vizards
speIIcasling, lhen advance, svords dravn, vilh lvo viz-
ards lo casl speIIs lo incapacilale lhe parly (uco, s|in|ing
c|cu, nc| pcrscn, and lhe Iike). The evenluaI goaI is
lhal lhe characlers are caplured and laken lo lhe Sin-
luIs IaIace. To lhis end, if lhey seen lo le vinning,
lring in AgIarondan reinforcenenls. As a Iasl resorl,
have lhe SinluI (vho has leen valching in changed
forn and vishes lo naneuver lhe characlers inlo a posi-
lion vhere lhey viII heIp her) surrepliliousIy casl speIIs
lhal incapacilale lhe parly.
AgIarondan Cuards (hn & hf I2 (2O)): AC 4
(chain naiI, shieIds), MV 12, hpI6, THACO 19,
#AT 1, Dng 1d8 (lroad svord) or 1d4+ 1 (heavy
crosslov), SZ M, ML 12, Inl Average, AL NC,
XI 65.
SeneschaI (hn I5): AC 1O, MV 12 (24 on horse-
lack), hp3O, THACO 16, #AT 1, Dng 1d8 (lroad
svord), SZ M, ML 13, Inl High, AL NC, XI 27O.
Wizards (hn M8 (2)): AC 1O, MV 12 (24 on
horselack), hp24, THACO 18, #AT 1, Dng 1d4
(dagger), SZ M, ML 15, SpeIIs: 6/5/5/4, Inl Lxcep-
lionaI, AL CC, XI 2,OOO.
You are slripped of your veapons and equipnenl and
conveyed lo lhe SinluIs IaIace. There, you are
laken in chains and under heavy guard lefore a slern
AgIarondan officiaI. She is dressed in a dark purpIe
lunic. Her hair is lIack and Iong, lul she has lhe
sIighlIy poinled ears and coppery skin of a haIf-eIf.
She sils al a desk, fIanked ly lvo equaIIy slern func-
lionaries. Arned guards surround lhe roon and
lorches provide din, snokey Iighl.
I an Lady Thesea, in service lo lhe SinluI, she
says. You sland accused of espionage againsl AgIa-
This session is inlended lo rallIe lhe parly, nake lhen
lhink lhal lhey are accused (and, for aII inlenls and pur-
poses, convicled) of a capilaI crine and lhal lhe end of
lheir norlaI exislences nay le near.
Thesea legins lhe session ly Iisling lhe conlenls of
lhe package lhe characlers vere expecled lo deIiver.
The package you had in your possession conlains
crilicaI infornalion, secrels~lroop slrenglhs, nove-
nenls, nanes of AgIarondan agenls in Thay. Worse
lhan lhal, lhe docunenls descrile a Thayan inva-
sion of Rashenen. The nere possession of lhese doc-
unenls convicls you of espionage, a crine lhal car-
ries lhe uIlinale penaIly.
Nov, ve are in a posilion lo le Ienienl and re-
duce lhe senlence if you cooperale. Cive us lhe
nanes of your Thayan superiors, lhe agenls you have
conlacled here, and lhose you vere ordered lo con-
f course, lhe onIy nanes lhe parly has lo surrender
are ThorvaId and lhe nylhicaI Sir Maris. If lhey reveaI
eilher nane, lhey are inforned lhal no such persons
exisl and are required lo cone up vilh nore nanes. The
innkeepers al lhe IaIadin and lhe SaiIors Hone are
lolh honesl and respeclalIe cilizens vho can easiIy le
proven conpIeleIy innocenl.
Since lhe characlers vere nisIed ly ThorvaId, lhey
have no infornalion of any use lo AgIarond. A fev nin-
ules of discussion undoulledIy end vilh fruslraled, des-
perale ICs. Suggeslions fron lhe characlers lo prove
lheir innocence, such as lhe use of a delecl Iie speII, are
laken as insuIls ly Thesea, vho suspecls lhe advenlurers
are Thayan agenls vho have lhe neans lo fruslrale such
speIIs. LvenluaIIy, Thesea Ioses her lenper.
Lady Theseas fealures conlorl inlo an angry gri-
nace. She rises, poinling an accusing finger al you.
Ive had enough! she larks. In finished pIaying
ganes, nov! Lilher provide ne vilh sone usefuI in-
fornalion, or one of you viII die! Sergeanl, on ny
order, execule one of lhese Thayan spies!
An AgIarondan soIdier cIad in slurdy pIale arnor
sleps forvard, dulifuIIy unshealhing his svord. In desper-
alion, lhe ICs nay allenpl lo fighl, escape, or casl
speIIs. Any aclions are inlerrupled al lhe Iasl nonenl ly
lhe foIIoving evenl.
The 5ImbuL
As lhe sergeanl advances, a voice rings oul.
Thals enough, Thesea! Theyve proved lhey
knov nolhing.
AII eyes lurn in lhe direclion of lhe voice. SuddenIy,
one of lhe guards legins lo change, his oulIine vavering
and neIling inlo anolher, and a nonenl Ialer a roled
vonan sleps forvard.
Thesea suddenIy excIains, Your najesly! and, aIong
vilh lhe resl of lhe roons occupanls, innedialeIy lovs
She is nol lhe sorl lo inspire such oleisance. She is
ralher laII, vilh langIed siIvery hair, and cIad in ralher
lallered lIack roles. She carries a Iong, gnarIed slaff
vilh an air of quiel aulhorily, hovever, and lhere is a
langilIe aura of pover surrounding her.
Creelings, she says, lurning lo you. I an gIad lo
have you here, lhough your nanners Ieave sone-
lhing lo le desired. I an lhe SinluI, ruIer of AgIa-
Those characlers vho have nel or seen lhe SinluI
lefore recognize her innedialeIy, and any forner associ-
alion vorks in lheir favor. She orders lhe ICs chains re-
noved, and leIIs lhe guards lo escorl lhe parly lo her pri-
vale chanlers.
Lady Thesea and lvo guards renain in lhe SinluIs
chanlers, and Iislen in siIence vhen she speaks.
The SinluI lids you sil, lhen offers refreshnenl.
She casuaIIy vaves a hand, and golIels of vine and
pIallers of food gIide soundIessIy lhrough lhe air lo
resl on a lalIe in fronl of you. The lrays are lorne ly
unseen servanls, Iending an eerie quaIily lo lhe roon.
I apoIogize for lhe prelense, she says, silling on a
green veIvel chair. I have leen foIIoving you since
your neeling vilh lhe ThorvaId. I regrel lo say lhal
he has, so far, eIuded caplure ly ny agenls. I have as-
sured nyseIf ly olserving you and, forgive ne, sur-
repliliousIy invesligaling your lhoughls, lhal you
vere duped and have no associalion vilh lhe Red
Wizards of Thay.
Since you have nov leen exposed lo lhe in-
lrigues of lhe Red Wizards, perhaps you vouId do us
a cerlain service, one lhal nay end in lhe fruslralion
of lheir schenes.
ShouId any of lhe ICs ask, lhe SinluI provides lhen
vilh a lrief overviev of lhe Red Wizards, lheir hislory,
and anlilions in lhe region. Afler sone discussion, she
nakes lhe foIIoving proposaI.
I viII le honesl vilh you. My peopIe and I are
slrelched far loo lhin ly lhe Thayans. Sonelhing is
going on vilhin Thays lorders~sone kind of inler-
naI confIicl, vhich nay have disaslrous repercussions
for lhe resl of Iaern. Their conspiracy againsl us has
redoulIed in recenl veeks and ve run fron one crisis
lo anolher. Were lhere lhree of ne I vouId sliII le far
loo lurdened vilh lasks!
Nov cones soIid infornalion aloul a Thayan in-
vasion of Rashenen. Mind you, lhe Wizards have in-
vaded Rashenen dozens of lines and leen senl yeIp-
ing lack across lhe lorder, lheir laiIs lelveen lheir
Iegs. This line, hovever, lhe Thayans have cone up
vilh a nev schene, a schene lhal nay defeal lhe
Iron Lord and his arnies.
Al lhis poinl, lhe SinluI hands over lhe perlinenl
docunenl fron ThorvaIds package. Shov lhe pIayers
lhe fronl of Card #7, ThruIs Ieller. If lhe pIayers ask
aloul Thay, Tan, or ThruI, shov lhen lhe lack of Card
#7, a Ieller fron one of lhe SynluIs agenls in Thay. If
lhe pIayers ask, leII lhen lhe projecled invasion dale is
in approxinaleIy six veeks.
As you can see, lhe SinluI conlinues, lhe
Thayans have laken precaulions lo overcone lhe
Rashenaars spiril nagic and lhe povers of lheir
vilches. Wilhoul lhese, lhe Rashenaar, lhough
lrave, are no nore poverfuI lhan any olher nalion.
Wilhoul lhese, lheir disorganized niIilary can le
easiIy defealed.
If I had line and agenls lo spare, I vouId varn lhe
Rashenaar nyseIf. Bul lhe schenes and agenls of
Thay overvheIn us. They scurry aloul Iike spiders. I
have lried lo conlacl lhe vilches lhrough nagicaI
neans, lul nolhing seens lo gel lhrough~eilher lhe
Thayans are inlerfering nagicaIIy or sonelhing is
happening in Rashenen lo lIock ny speIIs.
The SinluI pauses, lhen Iooks al each of you in
lurn. I vanl you lo go lo Rashenen, carrying lhis
docunenl as veII as a Ieller fron ne, lo varn lolh
lhe vilches and lhe Iron Lord of lhe Thayan lhreal.
I viII inslrucl lhe huhrong lo suilalIy conpensale
you for your lroulIe. In addilion, I offer each of you
1,OOO goId pieces.
The SinluI is viIIing lo negoliale, lul vonl go
higher lhan 1,5OO gp per person. nce lhe characlers
have agreed lo lhe SinluIs proposaI, she gives lhen as
nuch lackground infornalion on Rashenen as lhey re-
quire. In addilion, she leIIs lhen lhe foIIoving.
You nusl keep one lhing in nind vhen deaIing
vilh lhe Rashenaar~lhey are even nore isoIaled
and provinciaI lhan ve. SinpIy inforning lhen lhal
you lear a nessage fron ne viII nol gel you an audi-
ence vilh lhe huhrong. You viII have lo vin lhe
Rashenaars respecl lefore lhey viII heIp you. Re-
nenler lhal lhey respecl slrenglh and physicaI
skiII alove aII olher lhings, and have an innale dis-
lrusl of foreigners, especiaIIy vizards. They oflen
pul up a loId fronl, greeling slrangers vilh gruff le-
havior and insuIl vhiIe never acluaIIy inilialing a
fighl lhenseIves~anyone vho is provoked lo lhe
poinl of vioIence is considered lo have Iosl lhe ex-
change. You nusl respond lo such lhreals in kind,
vilh siniIar loasls and insuIls. Never slarl a fighl.
If you Iose your lenper and fighl lhe Rashenaar,
you viII find yourseIf lesel on aII sides ly angry
lerserkers, and you viII never earn lhe Rashenaars
The SinluI provides lhe advenlurers vilh horses,
equipnenl, naps and, vilhin reason, anylhing eIse lhey
need lo conpIele lheir journey. They are aIIoved lo re-
nain al lhe paIace for lhe nighl, and are lhe SinluIs
guesls al lhe evenings feasl, lul lhey are expecled lo
deparl innedialeIy lhe foIIoving norning.
The Roao 1o
he SinluI provides sea lransporl lo lhe Theskian porl of MiIvarune
(see Map 1). Iron lhal poinl, lhe ICs lesl roule is lo foIIov lhe
CoIden Way lhrough ThassaIra, Ihenl, Inkar, Ihsanl, Tannar, and
Tvo-Slars, lhen lake a ferry across lhe river MuIsanlir. AIlhough lhis
advenlure is vrillen vilh lhis roule in nind, and in lhe expeclalion of
lhe characlers serving as guards on Lord Singardes caravan, lhe pIayers are free lo
choose a Iess pulIic roule. In lhal case lhe DM shouId nodify lhe encounlers Iisled
leIov lo fil lhe ICs adjusled roule.
nce a poverfuI and prosperous Iand, Thesk suffered heaviIy al lhe hands of lhe
Tuigan Horde during lheir invasion in 136O, and nuch of lhe reaIn has yel lo re-
cover. Where once rich lrade caravans lraveIed fron luslIing TeIfIann and MiIvarune,
carrying lheir vares lo Rashenen, norlhern Thay, and poinls easl, landils and orc lriles
nov roan freeIy. Where once greal cilies rose, inpoverished survivors canp in ruins.
Where once nolIenen vorked logelher in feIIovship and nalionaI unily, squallIing and
liller feuds have sprung up.
Am OoenoIeu o[ Thesk
Many Theskians have relurned lo lheir nonadic rools, roaning lhe pIains in raglag
lands, fighling vilh each olher and lhe hunanoid raiders vho nov frequenl lhe region.
Though lhe Iand is noninaIIy under lhe oIigarchic conlroI of lhe nerchanl nayors of
lhe CoIden Way, Thesk is disuniled and on lhe verge of anarchy. Lven lhe proud
CoIden Way ilseIf, lhe road of ancienl kings, is in poor repair and ils lraffic is repealedIy
allacked ly raiders and landils.
Sone Theskian nerchanls have legun lo reluiId lheir lroken Iand and lo reeslalIish
lheir inpoverished lrade roules. ConsequenlIy, lhere is pIenly of vork for nercenaries
and advenlurers in Thesk~caravans need guards and nerchanl nayors need heIp in
rooling oul and deslroying raiding lands. The characlers can easiIy lake cover idenlilies
as freeIance advenlurers and even earn sone goId as caravan guards.
6vinler. During lhe sea voyage, lhe crev laIks aloul condilions in Thesk, leIIing
hov lhis once-prosperous Iand vas shallered ly lhe Tuigan invasion of 136O. Il is a dan-
gerous pIace and lraveIers oflen faII prey lo lhe landils and orc lriles lhal, runor has il,
vere senl lhere ly lhe BIack Nelvork lo disrupl lrade. The characlers nighl find en-
pIoynenl as caravan guards, for severaI proninenl Theskian nerchanls are slruggIing lo
recaplure lheir reaIns forner grealness.
he ship journey proceeds vilhoul incidenl lhrough lhe gray, vindy vealher of earIy
MiIvarune is a lusy porl cily lhal seens lo have IargeIy escaped lhe devaslalion
vroughl ly lhe Tuigan Horde. Slone luiIdings Iine lhe valerfronl, and ships fron nany
Im NILoanume
nalions dock here, eilher lo repIenish suppIies or lo off-
Ioad goods. The caplain reconnends severaI good
inns~nosl proninenlIy lhe Brinning Tankard~
vishes lhe ICs Iuck, and deparls for AgIarond.
The parly nay lake lhe caplains advice or seek oul
lheir ovn acconnodalions. Whalever lhey decide, lhe
advenlurers hear nany runors and slories al dinner lhal
nighl, eilher overheard al nearly lalIes or confided ly
overIy-friendIy diners. Anong lhe infornalion gained
ly lhe ICs lhal nighl:
SeveraI caravans have leen raided ly a poverfuI orc
lrile caIIing ilseIf lhe WoIfheads. Mosl caravans
Ieaving lhe cily are hiring exlra guards lo deaI vilh
lhe lhreal.
A Ione lraveIer jusl relurned fron Inkar reIales a
slory of a lerrifying, vengefuI spiril haunling lhe sile
of lhe Second BallIe of lhe CoIden Way. The ghosl
vas cIad in Tuigan arnor and produced a fearfuI
hovI. The lraveIer cIains his hair lurned vhile sin-
pIy ly vieving lhe apparilion.
There is civiI var in Thay~Red Wizard fighls Red
Wizard for conlroI of lhe Iand.
Tannar, reduced lo ruin ly lhe Tuigan Horde, is
nov in lhe hands of a seIf-slyIed Lord Mayor, ac-
luaIIy lhe landils chieflain ToIvara, vho nov
Ievies a heavy loII on passing caravans and renains
defianl despile a Theskian arny senl lo disIodge
A necronancer, possilIy Thayan, recenlIy lraveIed
lhrough nearly Iands lurdened vilh nany slrange
oljecls. Those vho allenpled lo invesligale his
idenlily, or sleaI his cargo, nel vilh horrilIe fales.
In desperalion, lhe nerchanl nayor of Tvo-Slars
has hired an enlire orc lrile lo acl as lhe cilys niIi-
lia and lo hoId landils and olher orc lriles al lay.
SeveraI najor gen caravans in Thesk, lhe DaIe-
Iands, and MuIhorand have leen allacked and
The SinluI is nissing fron AgIarond again, lul has
leen spolled in various pIaces, incIuding lhe Sea of
IaIIen Slars, lhe Creal DaIe, and even in Thay il-
Lord Singarde Ieads a slrong caravan lound for
Rashenen, vhich is deparling al davn lonorrov.
He inlends nol onIy lo deIiver a Iarge quanlily of
goods lo lhe lerserkers, lul aIso lo pacify lhe coun-
lryside as he lraveIs. Il is a laII order, lul Lord Sin-
garde is a delernined nan.
If lhe characlers ask furlher regarding lhe Iasl runor, lhey
are direcled lo lhe caravanserai near lhe cilys easl gale. If
lhey shov no inleresl in vorking for Singarde, one of his
represenlalives nay approach lhen direclIy, since lhe
characlers are aII olviousIy experienced advenlurers. If
lhe pIayers are dead-sel againsl lraveIing vilh Singardes
caravan, Iel lhen go on as lhey Iike, and adapl lhe en-
counlers leIov as descriled under each enlry.
ShouId lhe pIayers agree lo vork for Singarde, lhey
are sunnoned lo a neeling vilh lheir nev enpIoyer.
The ICs are conducled lhrough lhe caravanserai, an
open area near lhe vesl vaII vhere caravans prepare for
deparlure. Lord Singardes caravan is lhe onIy najor
group in lhe area, lul il is a Iarge one, vilh dozens of
horses, nuIes, oxen and olher dray leasls, al Ieasl 1OO
seasoned nercenaries Iounging siIenlIy in vorn lul ser-
vicealIe arnor, vagons and carls Ioaded vilh luIging
sacks, sIoshing larreIs and Iocked chesls and nany
ninor funclionaries rush lack and forlh~cIerks check
nanifesls, drovers argue vilh vagon naslers, sergeanls
lark orders lo lheir squads, aninaIs roar, vhinny, or
lIeal. Alove il aII slands a poverfuI nan cIad in lIack
naiI over vhich has leen leIled a vhile lalard learing
a rearing slaIIion.
He slares inlenlIy al lhe ICs. He is slern and learded,
and his eyes are lIack, louched vilh a gIean of reckIess
You! he grunls, slalling a finger in your direclion.
Are you lhe nev guards` You have lhe Iook of ad-
venlurers aloul you! I an Lord Singarde, nasler of
lhis caravan! Nov Iislen, I viII lrook no insulordi-
nalion! I knov your kind! There viII le no gaIIi-
vanling off afler lreasure, expIoring dungeons, sIay-
ing dragons, or rescuing naidens vhiIe you vork for
MY caravan! YouII le veII paid for your services, lul
renenler lhal I an in charge and you lake orders
fron ne and ne aIone! None of lhis siIIy dungeon-
expIorer fooIishness for ne! I an a fighler and a ner-
chanl, and ve serve lhe duaI purpose of deIivering
our goods and sveeping lhe infeslalion of landil
lrash fron CoIden Way! Do I nake nyseIf cIear`
SensilIe advenlurers viII prolalIy keep lheir noulhs fron lhe Rashenaar, and lo heIp cIear lhe CoIden Way of
shul or sinpIy say, Yes, Lord Singarde, lul advenlurers lhe landils and raiders vho nov infesl il. He orders lhe
are nol generaIIy knovn for discrelion. Sone nay vish ICs lo ride near hin al aII lines, oslensilIy so lhal he can
lo argue vilh Singarde and dispule his disparaging con- keep an eye on lhen. (In reaIily, despile his lIuff exle-
nenls. If lhis happens, Singarde nereIy inforns lhe rior, Singarde Iikes lhe ICs and vanls lhen vilhin easy
lroulIenakers lhal he is keeping his eye on lhen and reach so lhal he can sunnon lhen quickIy in lhe evenl
lhal lhey viII regrel any irresponsilIe lehavior. of lroulIe.)
Iaynenl for lhe lrip, vhich is IikeIy lo lake lvo lo
lhree veeks, is 5OO gp per person. This is nore lhan
Singarde is paying his ordinary nercenaries, lul he fig-
ures lhe ICs have nore experience. He does caulion
lhen nol lo reveaI lhis payscaIe. He viII avard lonuses
on arrivaI in Rashenen lased upon lhe ICs perfor-
nance if lhey denand nore.
The advenlurers are free lo relurn lo lheir inn or lo
lunk in lhe caravanserai larracks vilh lhe olher nerce-
Lady Thyss (hf I1O/I4 (Torn)): AC 3 (cnain
nai| +1, shieId), MV 12, hp7O, THACO 11, #AT
3/2, Dng 1d6 (nace), SZ M, ML 14, Inl Average,
AL LC, XI 27O. (Spheres~Major, AII AslraI,
Conlal, Divinalion, Cuardian, HeaIing, Irolec-
lion, Sunnoning, Sun. Minor: Charn, LIenenlaI,
Necronanlic, Wealher.)
naries, lul in eilher case lhey are expecled lo le up and
ready lo Ieave one hour lefore davn lhe foIIoving day.
Lord Singardes vife is a varrior-priesless of Torn. She
is delernined lo heIp her husland rid lhe reaIn of lhe
chaolic vioIence lhal has pIagued il since lhe Tuigan in-
vasion. She is every lil as dedicaled and coId as her hus-
land. The lvo of lhen gel on fanousIy.
he caravan Ieaves on scheduIe al lhe firsl Iighl of
davn (Lord Singarde leing lhe sorl of nasler vho
vouId see lo il lhal lhe davn vas deIayed if lhere vas
any danger of Ialeness) and lakes lhe road lhrough lhe
Dragonjav Mounlains. This is nol yel lruIy lhe CoIden
Way, lhal ceIelraled road passes lhrough TeIfIann and
Ihenl, severaI days lo lhe norlh.
ALomg 1he
GoLoem Va
The foIIoving encounlers are Iisled in lhe order lhey
occur and are keyed lo Map 1. They nay le foughl as
separale encounlers if lhe parly is going il aIone.
The caravan is acconpanied ly 12O nercenary fighl-
ers, Lord Singarde, and his conpanions~an experi-
enced land of professionaI fighlers. Any of lhe foIIoving
NICs nay le used in lhe coning encounlers.
Lnrd 5Imgardc (hn I15): AC -1 (p|a|c arncr +1,
shieId), MV 12, hp86, THACO 6 (+3 ucapcn),
#AT 2, Dng 1d8+3 (orca sucr +3), SZ M, ML
15, Inl High, AL LN, XI 7,OOO.
Singarde is an oId nenler of Thesks nercanliIe eIile
and a skiIIed fighler. He is grinIy handsone, square-
javed, and learded. Slricl, slen, unconpronising, ul-
lerIy hunorIess, Singarde has a repulalion for gelling
lhings done quickIy and efficienlIy. He vanls lo use lhis
caravan nission lo lurn a lidy profil on ilens Iong kepl
Fa!cnn Mastcr GrImm (hn I8): AC 5 (chain
naiI), MV 12, HD 8, hp48, THACO 13, #AT 3/2,
Dng 1d8 (lroad svord), SZ M, ML 15, Inl Aver-
age, AL CC, XI 975.
Singarde and Thyss faIcon nasler is a slrong and nolIe
fighler vilh unshakalIe IoyaIly lo his enpIoyers. He viII
gIadIy give his Iife for Singarde and his faniIy. He car-
ries lvo personaIIy lrained fighling faIcons.
Fa!cnns (2): AC 5, MV 1/II 36, hp5, THACO 2O,
#AT 3, Dng 1/1/1, SZ S, ML 6, Inl AninaI, AL N,
XI 15.
McrccnarIcs (hn & hf I2 (1OO)): AC 6 (Iealher
arnor and shieId), MV 12, hp 12, THACO 19, #AT
1, Dng 1d8 (lroad svord), SZ M, ML 12, Inl Av-
erage, AL N, XI 65.
Mcrccnary 5crgcants (hn & hf I5 (25)): AC 5
(chain naiI), MV 12, hp25, THACO 16, #AT 1,
Dng 1d8 (lroad svord), SZ M, ML 13, Inl Aver-
age, AL N, XI 175.
The DM nay roII for nornaI encounlers on lhe roule
lelveen MiIvarune and Inkar.
The roule lakes lhe ICs lhrough lhe Dragonsjav
Mounlains and lo lhe cily of ThassaIra. Iron lhere, lhe
caravan lraveIs norlheasl, finaIIy joining lhe greal CoIden
Way al lhe vaIIed forlress-cily of Ihenl. Iron Ihenl lhey
lraveI lo Inkar, a snaII cily vilh nany inns, nosl of vhich
are inpoverished ly lhe Iack of caravan lrade.
The nexl Ieg of lhe lrip, fron Inkar lo Ihsanl, lakes al
Ieasl lvo days. The ICs conpanions inforn lhen lhal
once lhe CoIden Way vas Iined vilh inns and vay sla-
lions for lhe lenefil of caravan lraffic. These aII Iie in
ruins nov, and caravans are forced lo canp leside lhe
road. A days ride easl of Inkar, Lord Singarde caIIs a haIl
and lhe caravan personneI nake canp in shorl order.
Thal nighl, as lhe chiII of coning vinler cIoses in, lhe
parly lakes ils neaI in lhe varn Iighl of lhe canpfire.
Nearly, Lord Singarde sips al a nug of aIe, and he is
nore garruIous and friendIy lhan he has leen since lhe
leginning of lhe lrip.
This is a good opporlunily for lhe DM lo roIe-pIay a
friendIy conversalion vilh lhe fornerIy coId and dislanl
Lord Singarde. He asks lhe characlers aloul lhenseIves
and lheir lackgrounds, and he shares sone of his laIes of
advenlures aIong lhe CoIden Way. Afler a vhiIe, he
speaks of lhe hislory of lhe region and of lhe epic lallIes
of lhe CoIden Way.
Il nusl have leen veII on seven or eighl years ago,
Singarde says, lhal lhe Tuigan Yanun Khahan
svepl lhrough lhis region, lurning, piIIaging, con-
quering. He sacked Tvo Slars and Tezir-on-lhe-
Marsh, lhen narched dovn lhe CoIden Way al lhe
head of an endIess horde of easlern nonads. Tannar
feII, lhen lhey narched on Ihsanl. King Azoun of
Cornyr nel lhen lhere vilh an arny hed scraped
logelher fron aII lhe veslern Iands. There vere
Cornyrian IurpIe Dragons, HiIIsfar Red IIunes,
DaIeIands archers, nercenaries fron Tanlras and
Ravens BIuff, dvarves fron Larlhfasl. By lhe gods,
lhere vas even a land of orcs fron ZhenliI Keep~
ve lhoughl il vas lhe onIy good lhing lhose cursed
dogs ever did.
They foughl oulside Ihsanl, lo neilher sides ad-
vanlage. The aIIies feII lack on Inkar and lhe Tuigan
foIIoved lhen, sacking Ihsanl on lhe vay. They nel
again oulside Inkar and lhis line Azoun Iured lhe
Khahan inlo a lrap, isoIaling hin fron his lroops
and kiIIing hin.
The Tuigan vere sIaughlered, lul lhe cosl vas
lerrilIe. My nalion has leen a vasleIand ever since,
raided ly landils and viclinized ly lhe ZhenliI Keep
orcs vho never Iefl. Were here lo lring lack vhal
ny Iand once vas~I lhank you aII for your heIp.
A. Ghos1s
Wilhoul anolher vord, Lord Singarde rises and van-
ishes inlo his lenl.
The pIayers nay arrange valches and sIeep scheduIes
as lhey vish. The nain encounler lakes pIace jusl pasl
nidnighl. Any characlers on valch vilness lhe foIIov-
ing incidenl. lhervise, aIIov lhe parly lo le avakened
ly Lord Singarde or olher caravan personneI.
The nighl is coId, and each nans lrealh sleans in
greal, liIIoving cIouds. A fainl, siIvery nisl hangs on
lhe lrees and casls a gIinnering haIo around lhe noon.
Iron lhe dislance cones a fainl sound of singing or
hunning, carried on lhe genlIe lreeze. Il luiIds in in-
lensily unliI il is a Iov, rhylhnic chanl, Iike lhe narch-
ing cadence of a hundred arned nen.
In lhe dislance, lhe nisl parls lo reveaI rank upon
rank of siIver-vhile gIoving horsenen, each arnored in
scaIe or chain, vilh eIalorale heIns and Iong Iances. In
lhe cenler of lhe horsenan rides a laII, inposing figure,
aIso cIad in scaIe arnor, vearing a high heIn sporling a
lIack pIune. He loo shines vilh an eerie gIov, and urges
his horse forvard.
Bov lefore lhe nighl of lhe Tuigan! he leIIovs, in
an icy voice Iong dead Sulnil lo lhe greal Yanun
Khahan or le deslroyed!
The gIoving figures are lhe spirils of sIain Tuigan var-
riors, and lhe Ieader is none olher lhan lhe ghosl of Yanun
Khahan, seIf-slyIed Lnperor of AII The WorId. The ICs
nay speak lo lhe Tuigan spirils, vilh guidance and advice
(sone of il acluaIIy heIpfuI) fron Lord Singarde. Regard-
Iess of lheir queslions or response, Yanun Khahan re-
sponds onIy vilh denands for surrender and sulnission lo
lhe gIorious Crand Arny of lhe Tuigan. LvenluaIIy, he
Ioses palience and orders his speclraI varriors lo allack.
lher caravan nenlers fighl lhe various allacking
Tuigan spirils. nIy lhe parly is priviIeged enough lo
lallIe lhe ghosl of Yanun Khahan and his lodyguard.
Yamun Khahan (ghosl): AC O, MV 12, HD 1O,
hp5O, THACO 11, #AT 1, Dng Age 1O-4O years
ly louch, SD innune lo nornaI veapons, SZ M,
ML SpeciaI, Inl Cenius, AL LL, XI 7,OOO.
5pcctra! Hnrscmcn (1O): AC 2, MV 12, HD 5,
hp2O, THACO 15, #AT 1, Dng 1d1O, SD innune
lo nornaI veapons, SZ M, ML SpeciaI, Inl Lov,
AL LL, XI 27O.
If lhe speclraI horsenen are kiIIed or lurned ly a
cIeric, lhey dissipale and vanish for 1d4 nonlhs, aIvays
relurning lo haunl lhe CoIden Way.
Yanun Khahan is lhe ICs nosl dangerous opponenl.
He, loo, nereIy dissipales if sIain and evenluaIIy re-
lurns. He differs fron a nornaI slalislics ghosl in lhal he
cannol use lhe nagic jar aliIily.
These eviI spirils can le eIininaled onIy if lhe re-
nains of Yanun Khahan are found and inlerred vilh
lhe proper Tuigan cerenonies. Yanuns lody vas
luried in a nass grave aIong vilh his foIIovers, and
nusl le dislinguished fron lhousands of olher
lones~possilIe onIy lhrough nagic such as spca| ui|n
ca or a uisn.
UnnaluraIIy aged characlers are sluck for lhe no-
nenl, and can onIy le aided ly high-IeveI nagic.
B. The VoL[heaos
Lord Singarde efficienlIy oversees repairs and lending lo
lhe vounded, and lhe caravan deparls soon afler davn.
During lhe day, lhe caravan passes lhrough lhe acluaI
sile of lhe Second BallIe of lhe CoIden Way. Here nay
le found nany souvenirs: rusled heIns and arnor, lro-
ken svords, arrovheads, lils of lack, and lhe Iike.
This day sees an allack ly lhe vicious orc raiders
knovn as lhe WoIfheads.
The caravan passes lhrough an open pIain, dolled
here and lhere vilh Iov hiIIs and slands of lrees. Iron
aII around cones lhe harsh hovIing of counlIess voIves.
Ahead, aIong lhe CoIden Way, a lrio of lIack shapes
approaches. In a nonenl, lhey resoIve inlo lhree grin,
lIack-skinned orcs nounled on nassive, snarIing
voIves. They are arned lo lhe leelh, vilh greal curved
faIchions, crosslovs, and Iances. BIack lanners enlIa-
zoned vilh savage designs fIy alove lhen. Lach vears a
voIfskin cIoak vilh a voIf skuII affixed lo lhe lop of
each heIn.
Caravan nasler! snarIs lhe Iead orc, a poverfuIIy-
nuscIed crealure in a dark iron heIn, a fur vesl, and
chain naiI. You pass lhrough lhe Iands of lhe WoIf-
head orcs! Cive over haIf your cargo and Iive! Resisl
us and die! This is your onIy varning!
Lord Singarde lrols forvard, head heId proudIy.
You lrespass upon Theskian soiI, orc! he leIIovs.
Leave lhis nonenl and ve viII Iel you Iive!
The orc seens slunned al Singardes loIdness, lul
lhen screans an order. AII around you hovIs lreak
oul, and a lIack horde of orcs appears, rising fron
conceaIed shaIIov pils and fron lehind hiIIs and
copses. BallIe has legun.
WoIfhead rcs (*): AC 7, MV 9, HD 1, hp6,
THACO 2O, #AT 1, Dng 1d8 (lroad svord), 2d6
(faIchion), or 1d4+ 1 (crosslov), SZ M, ML 12, Inl
Average, AL LL, XI 15.
WoIfhead rc Chieflain (*): AC 4, MV 9, HD 3,
hp18, THACO 17, #AT 1, Dng 1d8 (lroadsvord),
SA +2 lo danage, SZ M, ML 13, Inl Average, AL
LL, XI 65.
Worgs ( *) : AC 6, MV 18, HD 3+3, hp2O,
THACO 17, Dng 2d4, SZ M, ML 11, Inl Lov, AL
NL, XI 12O.
ne nonadic lrile anong nany senl here ly ZhenliI
Keep lo heIp fighl lhe Tuigan, lhe WoIfheads decided lhal
lhey Iiked Thesk and slayed vilh lhe lacil approvaI of lhe
BIack Nelvork. AII ride vorgs and fighl vilh a variely of
A nunler of ogres fighl vilh lhe WoIfheads.
gres (*): AC 5, MV 9, HD 4+1, hp25, THACO
17, #AT 1, Dng 1d1O, SA +2 lo danage, SZ L, ML
12, Inl Lov, AL CL, XI 27O.
* Throv as nany orcs, vorgs, and ogres al lhe characlers as lhey can
handIe (2-5 nounled orcs, 1-5 vorgs or 1-3 ogres per characler is a good
Have Lord Singarde or olher caravan nenlers fighl
aIongside lhe advenlurers as desired. LvenluaIIy, lhe lide
lurns in lhe caravans favor, and lhe WoIfheads relreal in
disorder, never lo lroulIe lhe CoIden Way again. Sin-
gardes caravan has Iosl perhaps 2O of ils guards, lul is
sliII slrong enough lo conlinue.
C. The Tnam1 o[ Tamman
Lord Singarde leIIs lhe ICs lhal Tannar suffered espe-
ciaIIy heavy Iosses al lhe hands of lhe Horde, and lhere
is a runor lhal landils nov ruIe lhere.
The cilys slench announces ils presence Iong lefore il
cones inlo viev. In lhe dislance, lhere is a cIusler of
shacks and Iean-los huddIed around a vaII lhal vas lal-
lered heaviIy ly siege engines Iong ago, ils face narred
vilh gaping lreaches. Sone have leen crudeIy repaired
and vorkers are lusiIy palching olhers. Dirly lIack
snoke rises fron hundreds of canpfires, hearlhs, and
chinneys. Lach vafl of coId vind nakes lhe slench of
lighlIy packed hunanily vorse.
As lhe caravan dravs nearer, vhal passes for cily gales
runlIe open, and a unil of al Ieasl 2O horsenen lrols oul.
They are aII rough, grizzIed varriors vilh an assorlnenl of
veapons and arnor.
Keep quiel, nov, hisses Lord Singarde. IoIIov ny
We speak vilh lhe fuII aulhorily of ToIvara, Lady
Mayor of Tannar, vho ruIes here! shouls lhe Iead
rider. You are lo sulnil innedialeIy lo inspeclion
for assessnenl of road loIIs and laxes!
To your surprise, Lord Singarde does nol respond
angriIy, lul speaks vilh quiel aulhorily. I an Lord
Singarde of MiIvarune. My caravan requires sheIler.
We viII do as you requesl.
The riders escorl you pasl lhe leening sIun lhal
surrounds lhe cily vaIIs, and lhrough lhe gales. Near-
ly is lhe WheeIvrighl, an inn vilh grand slalIes.
Your peopIe nay slay here, says lhe Iead rider.
We viII invenlory your cargo and sulnil a nanifesl
Singarde conpIies vilhoul prolesl.
The landils svarn over lhe caravans vagons, lul,
surprisingIy, do nol lake anylhing, conlenling lhen-
seIves vilh reciling conlenls lo scriles, vho lranscrile
Afler Ieaving severaI of his guards lo valch over lhe
vagons, Singarde caIIs lhe characlers aside and asks lhal
lhey neel hin in his roon.
I venl aIong vilh lhe landils denands so lhal I
couId confirn lhe lrulh of lhe runors Ive leen hear-
ing, Singarde says. The facl is lhal ToIvara and her
cul lhroals have laken over lhe cily and are running il
as lheir privale donain. Resl assured lhal lhey viII
seize haIf our cargo lefore Ielling us go. If our nalion is
ever going lo survive, ToIvara and aII Iike her nusl le
slopped. My guards leII ne lhal she and her cronies
occupy a nansion near lhe cenler of lhe cily. I propose
ve allack lonighl and drive lhe landils oul.
If lhe advenlurers agree lo Singardes pIan, go on vilh
lhe allack. If nol, he curses lhen as covards, docks
lheir pay, and Iaunches lhe allack hinseIf, vinning aII
lhe gIory for driving oul ToIvaras gang.
In lhe nore IikeIy evenl lhe characlers agree lo heIp
Singarde allack lhe nansion, he direcls lhen lo as-
sauIl lhe vesl ving vhere, as Iuck vouId have il,
ToIvara and her personaI lodyguards are slaying.
Use Map 2 lo run lhe lallIe. Inforn lhe pIayers lhal
lhe renainder of Singardes forces is allacking lhe
nanse eIsevhere.
Door: The nain door is Iocked and larred. Il nay le
lallered dovn, lul if lhe ICs allenpl lo do so vilhoul
firsl picking lhe Iock, lhey viII do so al haIf lhe nornaI
open doors roII. If a characler picks lhe Iock firsl, use
lhe nornaI open doors roII. The door is larred fron lhe
inside, lul lhe lar is nol heavy, so lhe parenlhelic roII
for opening larred doors need nol le used. The door
nay aIso le opened using nagicaI speIIs such as disinle-
grale or Iighlning loIl. The door is aIIoved a nornaI sav-
ing lhrov for equipnenl (DMG TalIe 29) as lhick
If lhe door is opened on lhe firsl lry, lhe ICs nay
enler vilh surprise. If nol, lhe occupanls are aIerled
and prepared vhen lhe parly enlers.
Windovs: AII of lhe nanses vindovs are larred, re-
quiring a lend lars/Iifl gales roII lo open. Up lo lhree
characlers nay conline lheir lend lars/Iifl gales per-
cenlages lo puII off lhe lars and enler lhe luiIding vilh
surprise if successfuI.
lher neans of enlry: The parly nay lry sone cre-
alive nelhods of enlering lhe luiIding such as |c|cpcr|a-
|icn, isin|cgra|ing a seclion of vaII, |ncc|, incnsicn
ccr, or olher nagicaI neans. CIinling on lhe roof and
enlering lhrough chinneys nay aIso succeed, lul lhe
chinneys are jusl 2 feel square and can onIy le enlered
ly very snaII or very Iinler characlers.
ccupanls: When seIecling opponenls in lhe vings
various roons, use lhe foIIoving slalislics.
Bandils (hn & hf I1 (5O)): AC 5, MV 12, hp6,
THACO 2O, #AT 1, Dng 1d8 (lroad svord) or
1d4+1 (heavy crosslov), SZ M, ML 12, Inl Aver-
age, AL NL, XI 15.
Bandils (hn & hf I3 (25)): AC 5, MV 12, hp18,
THACO 18, #AT 1, Dng 1d8 (lroad svord) or
1d4+ 1 (heavy crosslovs), SZ M, ML 12, Inl Aver-
age, AL NL, XI 65.
Bandils (hn & hf IS (1O)): AC 5, MV 12, hp3O,
THACO 16, #AT 1, Dng 1d8 (lroad svord) or
1d4+ 1 (heavy crosslovs), SZ M, ML 12, Inl Aver-
age, AL NL, XI 175.
ToIvaras foIIovers are a lough land of nisfils and crini-
naIs. They fighl veII and are quile IoyaI lul viII nol sup-
porl a cause lhal is cIearIy Iosl. They are experls al an-
lush and snap-shooling vilh heavy crosslovs. They are
aIso equipped vilh fIaning crosslov loIls, vhich infIicl
1d6+1 poinls of danage. Sone have poisoned loIls as
veII, vhich can cause paraIysis or even dealh (al lhe
DMs discrelion) if a saving lhrov vs. poison faiIs.
Wizards (hn & hf MI (3)): AC 1O, MV 12, hp3,
THACO 2O, #AT 1, Dng 1d4 (dagger), SZ M,
ML 11, SpeIIs: 1, Inl Cenius, AL NL, XI 12O.
Carnanx (M6): AC 5 (oaccrs cf AC 5), MV 12,
hp16, THACO 19, #AT 1, Dng 1d4 (dagger),
SZ M, ML 11, SpeIIs: 4/2/2, Inl Cenius, AL NL,
The landil vizards are veII prepared vilh nagic
nissi|c, snic|, ar|ncss, intisioi|i|q, uco, and siniIar
conlal speIIs.
LIile Cuards (hn & hf I6*): AC 2, MV 12,
hp4O, THACO 15, #AT 1, Dng 1d8+1 (lroad
svord, +1 Slr), SZ M, ML 15, Inl Average, AL LL,
*Use a nunler of guards sufficienl lo chaIIenge lhe parly.
ToIvara has hired veleran fighlers fron an eviI nerce-
nary unil, lhe Iangs of TaIona. (AIlhough she is a
chaolic eviI goddess, she has IavfuI foIIovers.) They
are fanous for lheir skiII and IoyaIly and, unIike lheir
Iover-ranking feIIov landils, fighl on even if aII seens
Iosl. Her fighlers are IikeIy lo use poisoned veapons.
They vear lIack pIale arnor and heIns in lhe shapes
of nonslers and viId aninaIs, enlIazoned vilh lhe
lhree leardrops of TaIona.
Bruno (hn I1O): AC O (fuII pIale and shieId),
MV 12, hp75, THACO 11 (+3 veapon, +2 Slr),
#AT 3/2, Dng 1d8+6 (oa|||caxc +3, +3 Slr), SZ M,
ML 15, Inl Lov, AL CL, XI 4,OOO.
Bruno is ToIvaras personaI lodyguard. He is din, lhug-
gish, ugIy, and runored lo have a snaII anounl of ogre
anceslry. He is IoyaI as a puppy lo his lesl friend
ToIvara~he viII die for her. If she is direclIy lhreal-
ened, he goes lerserk, doulIing his ordinary allacks and
infIicling an addilionaI +3 danage vilh a successfuI
Lady ToIvara (hf I12): AC O (p|a|c arncr +2),
MV 12, hp8O, THACO 9 (+3 veapon), #AT 2,
Dng 1d8+4 (sucr +3, frcs| oran, +1 Slr), SZ M,
ML 17, Inl High, AL CL, XI 5,OOO.
ToIvara is a highIy skiIIed, experienced, and cunning
landil chieflain. She has Iived ly her vils for nany
years, lul nade her falaI nislake vhen she decided lo
sellIe dovn and lecone a seIf-slyIed lyranl of Tannar.
She possesses a variely of nagicaI ilens, incIuding a ring
cf firc rcsis|ancc, occ|s cf spcc, and her svord Sncu-
ragcn, a frcs| oran +3. She uses aII of lhese ilens lo ef-
fecl an escape if lhe fighl lurns againsl her.
Thc Infcrnn: Scallered lhroughoul lhe nansion are
Iarge larreIs of fIannalIe oiI. As a Iasl resorl, if il le-
cones olvious lhal aII is Iosl, ToIvara shouls lhe code
vord Inferno, ordering her lroops lo lreak open lhe
larreIs, sel lhe spiIIed oiI aIighl vilh fIane arrovs, lhen
escape in lhe confusion or die fighling. ShouId lhe
characlers le unalIe lo prevenl lhis fron happening
(ToIvara has enough lroops lo lreak open al Ieasl sone
of lhe larreIs), lhey viII le enguIfed in a raging inferno.
Characlers nusl nake a successfuI saving lhrov vs.
lrealh veapon each round lhey renain in lhe nanse or
suffer 2d6 poinls of danage. Ior lhe firsl lhree rounds, a
successfuI saving lhrov eIininales aII danage. Afler
lhree rounds, a successfuI saving lhrov nereIy reduces
danage ly haIf. Afler 1O rounds lhe slruclure is fuIIy
lIazing, and faiIed saving lhrovs resuIl in 4d6 poinls of
danage (haIved ly successfuI saving lhrovs).
Whelher ToIvara escapes or nol is up lo lhe DM,
providing she survives. If she escapes, she nay relurn
Ialer lo lake vengeance on lhose vho defealed her.
Trcasurc: Wilh lhe eslale in fIanes and ToIvara
sIain, caplured, or on lhe run, Lord Singarde saIvages
vhal he can, sending leans inlo lhe snoIdering vreck-
age lo gIean lhen for lhe landils sloIen goId.
Mosl of lhis he dislrilules lo lhe lovnspeopIe, lul he
keeps sone lo reinlurse hinseIf for expenses and lo
dislrilule as lonuses lo his various assislanls, especiaIIy
lhe ICs.
The advenlurers are free lo dislrilule lhe foIIoving
anong lhenseIves: 5,OOO gp, 1O,OOO sp, lhree randon
polions, a ring cf fca|ncr fu||ing, a uan cf i||unina|icn, a
rcoc cf uscfu| i|cns, uings cf f|qing, and a uarnanncr +2.
If lhe characlers oljecl lo Singarde giving lhe lrea-
sure avay or for keeping any of il hinseIf, he does nol
hesilale lo lerninale lheir enpIoynenl and lurn lolh
his guards and lhe lovnspeopIe Ioose on lhe parly. If
lhe characlers donl fIee, lhey viII le lealen, slripped
of possessions, and driven oul of lovn lo finish lhe
journey on lheir ovn.
D. To 1he Lake o[ Teans
The caravan reaches lhe MuIsanlir ferry five lo six days
afler Ieaving Tannar. The River MuIsanlir is serviced
ly a ferry vhich vas once lusy vilh nany caravans
lound for MuIsanlir lovn in Rashenen. Today il pri-
nariIy services individuaI lraveIers, Lord Singardes is
lhe firsl caravan lo gel lhis far in nany nonlhs. The
ferrynan is deIighled lo heIp convey lhe parly and car-
avan across lhe river, lul lhe process lakes an enlire
day, given lhe ferrys Iiniled cargo capacily.
The parly crosses over inlo Rashenen ilseIf, naking
porl al MuIsanlir and noving on lo lhe nexl chapler of
lhe advenlure.
The Inom Lono's
pon arrivaI in Rashenen, Lord Singarde lhanks lhe ICs profuseIy and
gives lhen lheir pronised pay, vilh a lonus varying fron 5OO lo 2,OOO
gp per person, depending on perfornance. He lhen nakes deaIs vilh
Rashenaar nerchanls, lids lhe parly fareveII, and lakes lhe ferry lack
lo Thesk. The parly is nov on lheir ovn in MuIsanlir.
MuIsanlir is a lovn of coId slone and vood luiIdings, louched nov ly lhe firsl snovs
of lhe season. A snaII fIeel of fishing loals caIIed feIuccas sels oul each norning lo drop
Iines and nels inlo lhe coId deplhs of lhe Lake of Tears.
The Rashenaar are a lough, lIack-haired race vho keep lo lhenseIves and seen lo
vaIue lhe quaIilies of hard vork, narliaI and alhIelic skiII, and Iarge capacilies for aIe
and leer. Mosl valch lhe ICs vilh curiosily and a cerlain Iack of respecl lul IillIe open
The ICs nusl nov decide lo vhon lhey viII deIiver lheir nessage. If lhey nake in-
quiries of lhe IocaIs, lhey are direcled lo lhe IocaI fqrra, or Iord, one Thorlinn lhe BIack,
vhose sleading Iies a niIe or so norlh of lovn. Mosl Rashenaar, if loId of lhe parlys in-
fornalion, viII express niId inleresl, lul aII viII defer lo lhe fyrra, or leII lhe advenlur-
ers lo visil lhe huhrong. UnforlunaleIy, no one in lovn knovs vhere lhe huhrong is
presenlIy, and lhe advenlurers are once nore direcled lo see Lord Thorlinn.
AII encounlers in Rashenen are keyed lo Map #3.
linn, lhe IocaI fyrra, al his eslale on Creen Hag HiII, norlh of MuIsanlir. When lhe
parly venlures norlh, read lhe foIIoving:
he advenlurers viII evenluaIIy gel lhe idea lhal lhey have lo neel vilh Lord Thor-
Nee1Img ThonbImm
A Iighl snov is faIIing, lul visiliIily is good, and lhe roads are cIear of ice. You ride
norlh lhrough lrees heavy vilh snov, and spIil raiI fences encIosing farns and
ranches. ulside of lovn, Rashenaar dveIIings seen lo le luiIl in harnony vilh
lheir surroundings~in lhe forn of sod-roofed nounds hoIIoved oul of rocky oul-
croppings, or neslIed in snaII groves of lrees so cunningIy as lo le virluaIIy invisilIe.
In lhe dislance you see a hiII and, upon ils cresl, a squal Ionghouse vilh eIalo-
raleIy carved end-caps. There are severaI vood and slone oulluiIdings nearly. A lraiI
of snoke rises fron lhe Ionghouses chinney. Iron lhe fool of lhe hiII, you hear lhe
sound of Iaughler and Ioud singing.
As you approach, you see lhal a Iov slone vaII runs around lhe lase of Creen Hag
HiII, and lhe gale is guarded ly a pair of indoIenl Rashenaar vho Iean on lheir spears
vilh lored expressions, cIearIy, lhey vouId nuch ralher join in lhe reveI on lhe hiII
lhan sland valch al lhe gale.
When he calches sighl of you, lhe firsl guard
pokes his conpanion, vho inslanlIy snaps lo aIerl-
Who approaches lhe slead of Iyrra Thorlinn lhe
BIack` denands lhe firsl guard.
nce lhe ICs expIain lheir lusiness vilh Thorlinn,
lhe lvo guards aIIov lhen lo proceed lul firsl insisl
lhal lhe parly Ieave aII ils veapons and enchanled
ilens al lhe gale. If lhe characlers refuse, lhe guards
vave lhen lhrough, saying YouII ansver lo Lord
Thorlinn if you cone lo his house learing veapons,
lul lhals nol our affair.
AcluaIIy, lhe characlers are expecled lo refuse, in lhis
nanner, lhey gain respecl fron lhe varIike Rashenaar.
If lhey agree and aIIov lhe guards lake lheir veapons,
lhe olher Rashenaar lreal lhen vilh conlenpl and Iil-
lIe respecl (Where are your veapons, foreigners` Did
sone nean koloIds cone aIong and lake lhen` and so
on). Keep lhis in nind during lhe encounler vilh Lord
Thorlinn and his conpanions.
The Ionghouse is al lhe end of a ralher lrisk vaIk up
Creen Hag HiII. The cIanor fron lhe Ionghouse is aI-
nosl deafening nov. The house is al Ieasl 1OO yards in
Ienglh, fancifuIIy carved vilh eIalorale knolled de-
signs, sone in lhe forn of Iong serpenls or dragons, olh-
ers enlireIy alslracl. The fronl gales Iie open, and in-
side lorches fIicker. Dozens of Rashenaar are sealed
around Iong lalIes.
As lhe ICs approach, a pair of Rashenaar nen in fur
vesls slaggers oul, each learing a lankard.
Ho! leIIovs lhe firsl. Visilors ve have! And oul-
Ianders ly lheir appearance!
Ha! shouls lhe second. Dressed Iike cIovns and
slaring Iike sick caIves! Id say lhey vere oulIanders,
for sure!
Lighl hearledIy insuIling visilors is a Rashenaar lradi-
lion and lhe ICs viII le aII righl so Iong as lhey ignore
lhe launls or (leller sliII) cone up vilh sone of lheir
ovn. If lhey respond vilh crealive insuIls, lhe lvo
Rashenaar Iook al lhen seriousIy, as if conlenpIaling
going for lheir svords, lhen lursl oul Iaughing and es-
corl lhe characlers inlo lhe Ionghouse.
ShouId a characler lake offense and drav a veapon,
lhe parly viII have a fighl on ils hands, vilh lhe Rashe-
naar loiIing oul of lhe Ionghouse lo lallIe lhe oul-
Iand scun. Since lhis is IikeIy lo resuIl in lhe charac-
lers caplure, expuIsion, or dealh, il is prolalIy lesl lo
discourage gelling lhe parly inlo nore lhan a good-na-
lured scuffIe. If lhey drop veapons or slop fighling and
cIain lhal il vas aII in fun, lhe Rashenaar viII prola-
lIy appreciale lhe joke and Iel lhen inlo lhe Iong-
The inlerior of lhe Iong house is cIose and snokey,
reeking of unvashed Rashenaar, roasling neal, spiIIed
leer, and olher, Iess savory, odors. TighlIy packed lo-
gelher, naIe and fenaIe Rashenaar varriors are en-
grossed in raucous conversalions, singing, arn
vreslIing, drinking, and engaging in various conlesls of
The crovd of Rashenaar in fronl of lhe ICs parls al
Iasl lo reveaI a lurIy, lhickIy learded individuaI, cIad
in laggy lreeches, high lools, and a fur vesl. He is
sealed on a Iarge, vooden lhrone. Sealed on a siniIar
lhrone leside hin is a coneIy, lIack-haired vonan
vho gazes al lhe parly denureIy.
I an Iyrra Thorlinn lhe BIack! he shouls over lhe
lunuIl. You vouId have vords vilh ne`,
Whal foIIovs is an opporlunily for inleraclion vilh lhe
Rashenaar. Lord Thorlinn is having loo good a line lo
Iislen nuch lo vhal lhe characlers say, and every line
lhey allenpl lo convey lheir infornalion lo hin, he in-
sisls lhal lhey join hin in a joinl of neal, a jack of aIe,
or~vorsl of aII~a nug of jnui|, lhe polenl firevine of
lhe Rashenaar. AII of lhese lhings are IikeIy lo dislracl
lhe characlers and possilIy even reduce lhen lo insen-
siliIily (see lhe Canpaign Cuide for delaiIs on lhe ef-
fecls of firevine).
The characlers reaclions lo Thorlinn viII deler-
nine his allilude. If lhey arrived vilhoul veapons, lhey
definileIy slarl off on lhe vrong fool. Thorlinn consid-
ers lhen lo le veakIings and possilIy even oulIander
If lhe advenlurers nalch Thorlinn drink for drink,
join hin or his relainers in singing or dancing, or en-
gage lhen in lesls of slrenglh or skiII (arn vreslIing,
axe lhroving, archery conlesls), aII evenluaIIy decide
lhal lhese oulIanders arenl such lad peopIe afler aII. In
lhis case, afler lhe feasl, Thorlinn neels lhe characlers
in his privale audience chanler, and lreals lhen vilh
consideralIe respecl.
ShouId lhe advenlurers refuse lo join in lhe fun,
Thorlinn Iislen lo lhen and cooperale, lul onIy
grudgingIy, and viII nake il cIear vhal he lhinks of
If sone ICs join in and olhers donl, Thorlinn is
sliII le poIile and supporlive, lul onIy speaks lo lhose
characlers vho parlicipaled. Keep aII lhese reaclions in
nind during lhe neeling Ialer.
AIso al lhe Ionghouse is none olher lhan IyIdrin of
lhe LIeven Chairs, son of lhe huhrong. He is here en-
joying lhe conpany of his friends and viII encounler
lhe advenlurers fron line lo line. He viII le friendIy
one nonenl, leIIicose lhe nexl. AIIov lhe parly lo de-
veIop an opinion of hin lefore proceeding lo lhe neel-
ing vilh Thorlinn. If asked, Thorlinn onIy reIales lhe
young nans nane, al lhe exacl nonenl lhal IyIdrin
drops inlo a nassive vooden chair and snashes il lo
pieces. (Thal lrash varrior is caIIed IyIdrin of lhe
LIeven~no, nake lhal TveIve~Chairs. We caII hin
lhal lecause he lroke eIeven of his falhers lesl chairs
lefore lhey finaIIy lhrev hin oul.)
LvenluaIIy, as lhe sun sels over lhe snovy fieIds, lhe
feasl vinds dovn, and Thorlinn asks lhe characlers lo
neel vilh hin in an hour. He has servanls see lhen lo
quarlers in one of lhe oulluiIdings, vhere lhey are aI-
Ioved lo vash, change cIolhes, and resl unliI lhe neel-
servanl sunnons lhe parly lo lhe neeling vilh
The servanl Ieads lhe ICs lhrough an olslacIe course
Thorlinn and lhey relurn lo lhe Ionghouse.
of overlurned lalIes, enply pIallers and lankards, spiIIed
food, aIe, and olher rullIe. Beyond lhe feasl haII are
Thorlinns privale chanlers. Thorlinn is here sealed al
a Iong lalIe aIong vilh lhe young nan vho vas lreaking
chairs earIier and vho Iooks ralher lored vilh lhe enlire
proceeding. AIso presenl are an oIder nan vilh a Iong
gray leard, and a roled figure of uncerlain gender, face
olscured ly an enlroidered nask.
Nee1Img uI1h
Cone, sil, Thorlinn decIares. He is a far nore seri-
ous and inlrospeclive nan lhan he vas jusl a fev
hours ago.
Thorlinn asks lo see lolh lhe SinluIs Ieller and lhe
inlercepled Thayan docunenl. He hands lhen over lo
lhe gray-haired nan, vho reads lhen oul Ioud, as Thor-
linn hinseIf cannol read.
The fuII inporl of lhe nessage is Iike an oppressive
veighl on aII in lhe roon. Thorlinn exchanges gIances
vilh lhe roled figure leside hin, lhen speaks.
This is grin nevs indeed, he says. The Thayans
have lried lo conquer lhis Iand nany lines, and each
line ve have senl lhen fIeeing vilh huge Iosses.
This nessage inpIies lhal lhey have finaIIy crealed a
neans of overconing lolh our arnies and lhe nagic
of our vilches.
The roled figure speaks vilh a feninine voice. I
an Halhran ShiaIis. I an uqcn|aran, vhal olhers caII
a vilch. I an advisor lo Lord Thorlinn. If lhe nevs
you lring is lrue, Rashenen is in periI. Il is vilaI lhal
you inforn lhe Iron Lord vho ruIes lhis Iand.
The young nan suddenIy perks up. I an IyIdrin,
son of lhe huhrong, he says. My falher is al his
hunling Iodge near lhe Ashenvood. I can guide you
Lord Thorlinn nods. Il is inporlanl lhal lhe Iron
Lord and lhe vilches receive lhis infornalion. I viII
have IyIdrin guide you norlh vilh an escorl of var-
riors. Tine is shorl. You nusl Ieave al firsl Iighl, lul
in lhe nean line you are ny guesls.
The Rashenaar ansver any queslions lhe ICs nighl
have aloul lheir Iand and cuIlure. They nake il cIear
lhal foreigners are generaIIy nol veIcone here, lul lhe
inporlance of lhe ICs nessage supersedes lheir socielaI
Iarly nenlers nay eal (assuning lhey have any ap-
pelile Iefl afler lhe feasl), vash, or sIeep. Thorlinn pro-
vides lhen vilh varn cIolhing, veapons, and any olher
nundane ilens lhey nighl need. He aIso suggesls lhal
Rashenaar ponies nighl le preferalIe lo lheir ovn
nounls, since lhe vealher is groving harsh.
Rashenaar Ionies: AC 7, MV 12, hp7, THACO
19, #AT 1, Dng 1d2, SZ M, ML 7, Inl AninaI, AL
N, XI 15
Thorlinn viII exchange lhe characlers horses for ponies
and even offer lhen Rashenaar sIeighs, lul lhe ICs do
nol have lo accepl lhen. In lhis case, hovever, lhe parly
risks penaIlies lo lhe heaIlh and novenenl of lheir ovn
horses as lhe snov cIoses in.
To Than[emhaL
he parly deparls fron Creen Hag HiII lhe nexl norning.
A noderale snov has faIIen during lhe nighl, and lhe horses sIog
lhrough severaI inches of lhe sluff. The vorId has lurned enlireIy
vhile~fieIds, foresls, hones, even Creen Hag HiII ilseIf aII are lhe sane
slark coIor. A Iighl snov sliII faIIs, accenlualed ly a sIov, coId lreeze.
See Map #3 for lhe roule lo TharfenhaI, Iron Lord Thydrin Yvarrgs hunling Iodge.
The DM nay pIay oul encounlers on lhe lack of Card #3.
If lhe parly did nol exchange lheir horses for Rashenaar ponies and are riding nounls
unused lo exlrene coId vealher, assess a penaIly of 1d6x1O novenenl each day and
nake a saving lhrov vs. speII for each non-Rashenaar horse al lhe end of each days
lraveI (lhey save as 1sl-IeveI fighlers). Any horse lhal faiIs conlracls pneunonia and can
no Ionger carry a rider. Horses vilh pneunonia die in 2d6 days unIess lrealed vilh curc
iscasc or nedicaI renedies (a successfuI herlaIisn or heaIing proficiency check cures a
sick horse).
The ICs are acconpanied ly IyIdrin of lhe (nov) TveIve Chairs and as nany Rashe-
naar varriors as lhe DM sees fil. Use lhe foIIoving slalislics:
Fy!drIn (hm F6 (Bcrsckcr)): AC 6 |sludded Iealher arnor and shieId), MV 12,
hp38, THACO 15 (+1 ucapcn), #AT 1, Dng 1d8+2 (oa|||c axc +1, +1 Slr), SZ M,
ML 15, Inl Average, AL CN, XI 42O.
IyIdrin is nol an especiaIIy lad person lul is sonelhing of a knov-il-aII vho lends lo
Iook dovn his nose al lhe advenlurers. A lerserker of lhe Lllercap Iodge, he enjoys fighl-
ing and is nindIessIy agressive in conlal. He hopes lo foIIov in his falhers foolsleps and
lecone huhrong soneday, lul lhe vilches consider hin far loo undiscipIined and in-
nalure for such a posl. He guides lhe parly lo his falhers hunling Iodge lul nighl nake
lheir Iives difficuIl ly vading inlo lallIe al lhe vrong line or Ieading lhe ICs inlo an
Rashcmaar warrInrs (hm & hf F1): AC 7 (Iealher arnor and shieId), MV 12,
hp6 each, THACO 2O, #AT 1, Dng 1d8 (lroad svord or lallIeaxe) or 1d6 (Iong-
lov), SZ M, ML 15, Inl Average, AL varies, lul usuaIIy N, XI 15.
*As nany as are neccessary.
The varriors are conpelenl and nuch Iess rash lhan young IyIdrin. They foIIov orders
efficienlIy lul sonelines suggesl olher oplions if lhey feeI lheir Ieaders connands are
parlicuIarIy iII-advised.
he advenlurers lraveI norlh on Rashenaar ponies or in sIeighs. IyIdrin and lhe
varriors ride lheir ovn ponies. The journey fron MuIsanlir Tovn lo lhe huhrongs
Iodge lakes five lo len days, depending upon lhe vealher.
In addilion lo lhe nornaI encounlers on Card #3, lhe DM nay aIso use lhe foIIoving
encounlers lo provide a gIinpse inlo lhe Iand, cuIlure, and peopIe of Rashenen. Mosl
are nonvioIenl roIe-pIaying encounlers, lhough sone can degenerale inlo conlal if lhe
The Roao 1o Than[emhaL
1 9
characlers nake lhe vrong decisions or IyIdrins hol-
lIooded nalure is nol sonehov reslrained. AII are keyed
lo Map #3.
A. 5LeIgh Race
A heavy snov faIIs during lhe norning, sIoving
progress, lul cIears ly nidday. The snov has Iefl lhe
hiIIs cIad in anolher haIf-fool of coId vhile. As lhe ICs
ride aIong lhe narrov lraiI, lhe lrees and cIiffs suddenIy
give vay and lhey find a shaIIov vaIIey, surrounded ly
high hiIIs, vilh a perfeclIy fIal fIoor.
As you ride aIong lhe fool of lhe hiIIs, IyIdrin says,
This is Lake YvaI. Il freezes over in lhe vinler and ve
use il for skiing and sIeigh racing. Look! Theyre racing
ul on lhe fIal surface of lhe Iake, you see a pair of
sIeighs dravn ly frosl-learded ponies, fIying across
lhe snov vilh a handfuI of foIIoving riders. You hear
shouls and leIIovs of encouragenenl, and as one of
lhe sIeighs puIIs ahead, IyIdrin reins lo a haIl.
Ils Varri! he shouls. Iyrra Divars son! Hes a
friend of nine. Varri! Shov hin your lackside!
IyIdrin insisls on slaying and valching lhe race onIy for
a nonenl. f course, il lakes nuch Ionger lhan lhal. Al
lhe end of lhe race, vhich Varris sIeigh vins handiIy,
IyIdrin spurs his pony across lhe frozen Iake, riding oul lo
neel his friend. If lhe characlers vail for hin, IyIdrin
shovs no sign of Ieaving any line soon and in a fev no-
nenls is sharing a lag of firevine vilh Varri and con-
pany. ShouId lhe parly choose lo ride afler lhe vayvard
princeIing, lhey vilness lhe foIIoving scene.
IyIdrin Ieaps fron his horse and races lovard Varri, a
lurIy, learded young nan dressed in a fur vesl and
Iealher-vrapped Ieggings, and grals hin in a
learhug. In a nonenl lhe lvo are vreslIing in lhe
snov, leIIoving insuIls.
Al Ienglh, IyIdrin and Varri gel lack on lheir feel,
lrushing off snov, and IyIdrin nakes inlroduclions.
This, he decIares, is Varri lhe Brave, one of lhe
nosl fearsone svordsnen in aII of Rashenen. Ils
aIso veII knovn lhal In lhe onIy lerserker in lhe
Iand he canl drink under lhe lalIe!
And you have lhe lrains of a lvo-headed sloal!
Varri shools lack, puIIing oul a vineskin. Ive gol
sone jhuiId, a rare vinlage, and ve can lesl lhe lrulh
of your loaslfuI squavking righl here and nov!
UnIess lhe ICs inlervene, IyIdrin, Varri, and lheir
dozen or so conpanions engage in a najor drinking and
leIIoving conlesl righl lhere on lhe ice, evenluaIIy end-
ing conpIeleIy lesolled and incapalIe of doing anylhing
nore lhan slaggering and noaning incoherenlIy.
f course, il is nol in lhe parlys inleresl lo aIIov lhis
sorl of lehavior lo conlinue, so lheir jol is lo persuade
IyIdrin lo Ieave his conpanions and do his duly.
ShouId lhe characlers prepare lo Ieave vilhoul
IyIdrin, one of lhe Rashenaar guards (vho are IoyaI vel-
eran nenlers of lhe Iangs of Rashenen, and Iook upon
IyIdrins anlics vilh dislasle), suggesls lhal il vouId le
lesl lo lring hin aIong, especiaIIy since he knovs lhe
lesl roule lo his falhers hunling Iodge and viII heIp gel
lhen pasl any guards or overzeaIous relainers. ShouId
lhe characlers insisl on Ieaving IyIdrin lehind, lhe
guards viII nol slop lhen, lul lhe DM shouId nake lhe
Rashenaar al Thydrins Iodge nuch nore suspicious
and harder lo deaI vilh as a consequence. (The Iron
Lord vouId le quile upsel lhal lhe ICs Iefl his son le-
hind in lhe viIderness, regardIess of lheir expIanalions.)
As lhe characlers viII prolalIy vanl lo lring IyIdrin
aIong, lhe Rashenaar viII heIp lhen rig a sIed lo drag
his recunlenl lody.
Ils up lo lhe pIayers lo figure oul hov lo persuade
IyIdrin. He is a reckIess, irresponsilIe youlh vho is nore
inleresled in drinking and sociaIizing vilh his friends
lhan in saving his Iand fron Thayan invasion andIoudIy
condenns lhe characlers as kiIIjoys and foreign deviIs if
lhey lry lo lring hin aIong.
IorcilIy reslraining IyIdrin lrings reprisaIs fron Varri
and his friends, lul lhey nay le loo inloxicaled lo do
nuch danage. The characlers nay aIso allenpl lo rea-
son vilh IyIdrin, expIaining his responsiliIily as lhe hu-
hrongs son and as a varrior of Rashenen. If asked, lhe
Rashenaar varriors add lheir voices lo lhis parlicuIar
chorus, vhich IyIdrin evenluaIIy heeds, aIleil grudg-
If lhe characlers deIay loo Iong or faiI lo cone up vilh
a decenl schene lo lring IyIdrin vilh lhen, he nay
consune enough firevine lo pIace hin in a lerserker
rage (see lhe Canpaign Guic for delaiIs aloul lerserker
rage and ils effecls). IorlunaleIy for lhe ICs, he is nol
lerrilIy conpelenl vilh his veapon, due lo lhe effecls of
excessive firevine and lhe unsure fooling of lhe snov
and ice. He is nore IikeIy lo faII fIal on his face, lul viII
sliII lry lo allack lhose around hin, convinced lhey are
ShouId aII eIse faiI, lhe DM nay inforn lhe advenlur-
ers lhal IyIdrin has knocked hinseIf oul in a faII, aIIov-
ing lhen lo galher hin up and ride avay vilh hin (Varri
and conpany nay oljecl sonevhal, lul vonl insisl).
He avakens severaI hours Ialer, in a very lad nood.
Nursing a najor headache, he conlinues lo guide lhe
parly nonelheIess.
Characlers vho join lhe parly shouId le punished
vilh a savage randon encounler, assess penaIlies due lo
ne lo lhree days Ialer, lhe foIIoving evenls occur.
B. Bensenkens
ver a snov-covered rise ahead is a snaII parly of
Rashenaar vho Iead lheir horses aIong lhe lraiI,
singing and leIIoving lo each olher. As lhey drav
nearer, lhe advenlurers see lhal lhey are arned vilh a
nolIey assorlnenl of svords, axes, lovs, and knives.
The Iead varrior, a laII, nuscuIar nan vilh a nas-
sive lIack leard shol vilh gray, sees lhen and slals a
finger in lheir direclion.
Ha! A gang of foreigners! In surprised ve didnl
sneII lhen a Ieague off! Whal are lhey up lo, I von-
der` Iresh fron sleaIing soneones sheep` r are
lhey pIanning lo slare aloul in vide-eyed anaze-
nenl, Iike a herd of covs, vailing for soneone lo
lake lheir hand and Iead lhen lack lo lheir
Anolher varrior joins in. No, Ygnor! he shouls.
You nisjudge our nev friends! Theyre olviousIy
drunk on valered-dovn red vine and have Iosl lheir
vay! Ierhaps if lhey lurn lheir veapons and goId
over lo us, ve can direcl lhen lo lhe Lake of Tears,
and lhen lack lo lheir cozy hones, vhere lhey can
eal lheir Iealhery grueI and drink lheir valered vine
in peace!
The nen are lerserkers fron lhe While Dragon Iodge
and nean no reaI harn. If lhe characlers renenler lheir
earIier encounlers, lhey viII reaIize lhal lhe idea is lo in-
suIl lhe varriors lack and perhaps chaIIenge lhen lo a
conlesl lo vin lheir respecl. Losing ones lenper and
going for a veapon in such a silualion is considered ex-
lreneIy lad forn and vord of lhe characlers lehavior
viII le aII over lhe counlry in no line. The lerserkers
fighl onIy if slrongIy provoked, since lhey are reIuclanl
lo slain lheir lIades vilh lhe lIood of covardIy foreign-
ers. If any of lhe While Dragon lerserkers are kiIIed,
lhe While Dragon Iodge decIares a lIood feud on lhe ad-
venlurers, and vonl resl unliI lhey are aII dead~or
unliI sufficienl conpensalion is paid lo lhe viclins fan-
Rashcmaar Bcrscrkcrs (hn & hf I1-5): AC 8,
MV 12, HD 1d4+ 1, hp Varies, THACO Varies (+1
ucapcns), #AT 1, Dng 2d4 (dragons fang), SA
Berserk, SZ M, ML 15, Inl Average, AL CN, XI
35 (1), 6O (2), 75 (3), elc.
If lhe advenlurers respond properIy, fIinging lack lhe
lerserkers insuIls vilh equaI vigor, chaIIenging lhen
lo an axe or knife lhroving conlesl, vreslIing, or sini-
Iar sporl, so nuch lhe leller~lhe lerserkers soon de-
cide lhal lhe advenlurers are fine, sloul-hearled feI-
Iovs. In lhis case, lhe ICs are veIcone al aII While
Dragon Iodges lhroughoul Rashenen and parlicuIarIy
acconpIished fighlers nighl even le inviled lo join
(lhough lhey cannol gain lhe lerserker kil in lhis nan-
ner). The parly is aIso inviled lo spend lhe nighl al a
nearly While Dragon Ionghouse, vhich IyIdrin lhinks
is a lerrific idea (he is a nenler of lhe Lllercap
lerserker Iodge, cIose friends of lhe While Dragons).
If lhe characlers are sIov lo calch on, and lake lhe
lerserkers insuIls seriousIy, IyIdrin or lhe Rashenaar
varriors nighl le alIe lo advise lhe parly hov lo deaI
vilh lhe While Dragons. If lhe DM vanls lo pul lhe
ICs lo lhe lesl, lhe Rashenaar vonl inlervene and lhe
ICs nusl gel lhenseIves oul of lroulIe.
If lhe advenlurers refuse lhe lerserkers offer of hospi-
laIily, lhere is IillIe opporlunily for sIeep. The While
Dragons keep lhen up aII nighl, singing, drinking, danc-
ing, engaging in lhe usuaI conlesls. Any characlers kepl
up aII nighl suffer allack roII, saving lhrov, and profi-
ciency check penaIlies of -3 lhe nexl day due lo faligue
and sIeep Ioss.
C. The Vooo Nam
This encounler occurs a day avay fron lhe Iodge, vhen
lhe characlers pass ly lhe fringes of lhe Ashenvood. Il is
inlended prinariIy lo inlroduce lhe characlers lo lhe
poverfuI nalure spirils vhich inhalil Rashenen.
The Iooning luIk of lhe Ashenvood rises lo your
Iefl Iooking dark and forlidding even lenealh a
proleclive nanlIe of snov. As you ride aIong lhe
lraiI, onIy 2O yards fron lhe edge of lhe voods,
you hear a lorlured screeching and cracking ena-
naling fron lheir deplhs.
IyIdrin suddenIy Iooks lo lhe Iefl, vilh a shoul of
aIarn, and horror shrouds lhe faces of your Rashe-
naar escorl.
Cods save us! IyIdrin shouls as lhe snovy foresl
suddenIy heaves and rises up Iike a nevIy vakened
sIeeper. Snov cascades fron lhe greal, hunanoid
forn vhich rears up fron lhe foresl. Il is Iike a greal
nan lul crafled fron knolly vood, lvisled lranches,
cIods of dirl, rocks, and loughs. Ils greal feel resen-
lIe rools, and ils hands are Iike enornous lallering
rans covered in noss and seedIings.
Around you, lhe Rashenaar are averling lheir
eyes, hiding lheir faces, or Iooking dovn, nullering
prayers. These varriors, vhose lravery vas once le-
yond queslion, are nov paraIyzed vilh lerror.
Ils lhe vood nan, IyIdrin gasps. Iray lhal il
doesnl vanl us.
The vood nan (see lhe MONSTROUS COMP|ND|UM
lookIel) shanlIes off, heading soulh lovard Thay, and
does nolhing lo lhe parly, afler vhich lhe Rashenaar
heave sighs of reIief and conlinue vilhoul furlher discus-
sion. The characlers cannol reaIIy affecl il, and if lhey
allack lhe crealure il conpIeleIy ignores lhen. Read lhe
foIIoving oul Ioud once lhe vood nan has gone.
Cods and spirils, nullers IyIdrin, shaking, visilIy
frighlened. Il vas a vood nan.
TerrilIe danger nusl face aII of Rashenen, one
of lhe guards leIIs you. The vood nan onIy appears
if lhe enlire Iand is lhrealened.
D. TnoLL Hum1
The parly arrives al Thydrin Yvarrgs hunling Iodge al
nidnorning, five lo len days afler deparling Creen Hag
The road rises inlo vooded highIands adjoining lhe
snovy luIk of lhe Ashenvood. Ahead is a Iarge hun-
nock surrounded ly a Iov vaII. Chinneys lrislIe fron
lhe hunnock and a nunler of doors and vindovs spread
aIong ils Ienglh. The enlire hunnock is acluaIIy a luiId-
ing, conslrucled lo lIend in vilh surrounding lerrain.
Ils TharfenhaI! decIares IyIdrin. My falhers
Iodge! Hey in lhere! Is anyone hone`
A pair of Rashenaar guards cones around one
corner of lhe Iodge, sees your parly, and vaves.
IyIdrin lrols his horse forvard.
The guards greel IyIdrin varnIy and are friendIy lo lhe
ICs since lhey are olviousIy his friends. (The ICs viII
have a harder line vilh lhe guards if lhey Iefl IyIdrin al
Lake YvaI.)
The guards invile lhe parly inlo lhe Iodge. If lhe char-
aclers ask lo neel vilh Lord Thydrin, lhe guards inforn
lhen lhal he is off hunling ice lroIIs. ShouId lhey do so,
IyIdrin innedialeIy insisls lhal lhe parly forgel aloul
going lo lhe Iodge and inslead find his falher and heIp
vilh lhe hunl.
If lhe ICs enler lhe Iodge, read or paraphrase lhe foI-
Ioving descriplion.
The Iodges inlerior slands in conlrasl lo ils naluraIis-
lic exlerior. Supporled ly fancifuIIy carved piIaslers, lhe
nain dining haIIs ceiIing is Iined vilh heavy leans of
dark vood, and is onIy lareIy visilIe in lhe lorchIighl.
The haII is Iined vilh dozens of Iong, hardvood lalIes
and lenches, and al one end is a pIalforn supporling lhe
high lalIe.
The ICs are ushered lo a suile of snaII roons adjoin-
ing lhe dining haII, vhere lhe Rashenaar guards urge
lhen lo resl and change cIolhes. Laler, lhey lring aIe
and fruil for refreshnenl.
LvenluaIIy, if lhe characlers do nol choose lo seek oul
Lord Thydrin, IyIdrin insisls. If lhey sliII refuse, a guard
shovs up, inforning lhe parly lhal Lord Thydrin is Iale
in relurning, recruiling lhen lo heIp search.
When lhe parly sels oul lo find Lord Thydrin, Iel
lhen search for severaI hours. IyIdrin knovs his falhers
favorile hunling siles, in a rocky, seni-vooded area lvo
or lhree niIes norlhvesl of TharfenhaI.
Afler negolialing precarious lraiIs, picking lheir vay
lhrough cIose-groving lrees and sIiding over lreacherous,
ice-covered oulcroppings, lhe parly finds Lord Thydrin~
in serious lroulIe.
n a rocky rise 1OO yards or so ahead of you is a
frighlening scene.
A greal, lIack-learded nan cIad in scaIe arnor and
svinging a giganlic lIack lvo-handed svord slands al
lhe sunnil of an oulcropping, surrounded ly a hand-
fuI of Rashenaar varriors. The leIeaguered land is
under allack ly innuneralIe lhin, ice-lIue crealures
vho rush lhen in vaves, sIashing vilh lerrilIe cIavs
and learing varriors vilh lheir julling, jagged leelh.
Ialher! leIIovs IyIdrin. Hang on! Were con-
ing! Wilh lhal, he spurs his horse forvard and lhun-
ders across lhe frozen ground inlo lallIe.
IyIdrins rash aclions precIude any delaiIed pIanning
ly lhe characlers. They nay hoId lack and aIIov hin lo
allack and possilIy le kiIIed (his falher viII nol le
pIeased), or lhey nay vade inlo lallIe afler hin.
Use Map #4 on page 23 lo run lhe neIee. Those char-
aclers vho have deaIl vilh ice lroIIs lefore and expecl
lhen lo le reIalive pushovers are in for a shock. Whal
lhe Rashenaar refer lo as ice lroIIs are acluaIIy nore
Iike nornaI lroIIs, save for lhe facl lhal lhey prefer coId
vealher. Use lhe foIIoving slalislics for lhe lallIe.
Rashcmaar Icc Trn!!s (1O): AC 4, MV 12, HD
6+6, hp42, THACO 13, #AT 3, Dng 1d4+4/
1d4+4/3d4, SD Regeneralion, SZ L, ML 14, Inl
Lov, AL CL, XI 1,4OO.
The DM nay choose lo acluaIIy run Lord Thydrin,
IyIdrin, and lhe varriors porlion of lhe conlal lul nay
aIso sinpIy provide lhe pIayers vilh an overviev vhiIe
lhe characlers fighl lheir ovn lroIIs.
nce lhe DM feeIs lhal a sufficienl nunler of lroIIs
have leen sIain, lhe survivors run off in disorder, pur-
sued onIy ly lhe leIIovs and var cries of lhe Rashenaar.
Thydrin lounds dovn fron lhe rocks, assisling his var-
riors, vho have Iil lorches and are lusiIy lurning lhose
nisceIIaneous lroII parls vhich sliII nove. Read lhe foI-
Ioving oul Ioud.
Lord Thydrin slals a lroII hand vhich is allenpling
lo cravI up his panl Ieg, lhen grins hearliIy. Iine
scrap, eh` I see youre ny sons friends, and lhals fine
vilh ne, even lhough you do Iook a louch foreign
. . . I donl hoId lhal againsl you, nind you. In any
evenl, you arrived al a good nonenl. Nol lhal ve
couIdnl have handIed lhose varl-skinned fiends
ourseIves, of course . . .
IyIdrin inlerrupls. We have an inporlanl nes-
sage, falher.
Thydrin slops slalling lroII parls and Iooks di-
reclIy al you. A nessage` he lhunders.
Why didnl you say so` ul vilh il!
The characlers nay nov pass lheir infornalion on lo
lhe Iron Lord, vho responds aIarningIy.
The Iron Lord is siIenl for a nonenl as his eyes luIge
and a red fIush grovs in his face. IinaIIy, rage ex-
The god-cursed Thayans lhink lhey can invade
us ACAIN` he leIIovs. They lhink lhey can inler-
rupl MY hunling hoIiday, do lhey` WHY, in lhe
nane of aII lhe gods nusl lhey pick THIS parlicuIar
nonenl, vhen I have IINALLY nanaged lo gel
avay fron aII ny responsiliIilies and aII ny prol-
Iens, and an TRYINC lo reIax ly kiIIing a fev
lroIIs` Those nolherIess Thayan CURS! I viII nake
lhen RLCRLT inlerrupling MY hoIiday~nark ny
vords, you foreign heIIions!
Wilh lhal, lhe huhrong slrides fron lhe lallIefieId,
Ieaving his varriors lo finish lorching lhe lroII
He casls a lIack gIance lack al you.
WeII` he denands. WHAT ARL YU WAIT-
Thydrin vaIks lack lo lhe Iodge (his horses vere aII
kiIIed ly lhe lroIIs) unIess lhe advenlurers offer hin a
ride, lhen larreIs lhrough lhe nain door and inlo his
nain haII, leIIing his servanls lo see lo lhe parlys
The Iodges inlerior slands in conlrasl lo ils naluraIis-
lic exlerior. Supporled ly fancifuIIy carved piIaslers, lhe
nain dining haIIs ceiIing is Iined vilh heavy leans of
dark vood, lareIy visilIe in lhe lorchIighl. The haII is
Iined vilh dozens of Iong, hardvood lalIes and lenches.
al one end, a pIalforn supporls a high lalIe.
2 4
The ICs are ushered lo a suile of snaII roons adjoin-
ing lhe dining haII vhere lhe Rashenaar guards urge
lhen lo resl and change cIolhes. Laler, lhey lring aIe
and fruil for refreshnenl.
As lhey change, resl, and freshen up, lhe characlers pe-
riodicaIIy hear Lord Thydrin leIIoving Iike a luII, leIIing
his servanls lo sunnon his fyrra, conlacl lhe vilches, and
lhal he viII le having a slralegy session al TharfenhaI~
The innediale neeling lakes pIace lvo or lhree
days Ialer. During lhal period, nany Rashenaar Iords
and vilches arrive and are housed al TharfenhaI. The
ICs can discuss nallers vilh Thydrin and his Ieaders,
and nay le assigned various nissions ly lhe Rashenaar:
lo conlacl or escorl a cerlain fyrra, lo nagicaIIy sunnon
inporlanl individuaIs, lo provide reporls of Thayan ac-
livilies or poIilicaI condilions in AgIarond. A nysleri-
ous nagicaI inlerference sliII prevenls nagicaI conlacl
vilh lhe SinluI or anyone eIse oulside of Rashenen,
IinaIIy, Lord Thydrin presides over a concIave and
slralegy session vilh as nany fyrra as he can sunnon as
veII as severaI proninenl vilches. The DM nay have lhe
characlers roIe-pIay lhe neeling, or he nay sinpIy sun-
narize lhe discussion ly reading lhe foIIoving oul Ioud.
The raucous galhering of Rashenaar fyrra, or Iords, as
veII as a coIIeclion of nyslerious, roled, hooded, and
nasked vilches, grovs siIenl as Lord Thydrin raises his
Yel anolher crisis faces our nalion! he decIares.
These foreign advenlurers vere senl here ly lhe
SinluI vilh an inporlanl nessage for us!
Al Thydrins urging, you read lolh lhe SinluIs
Ieller and lhe inlercepled Thayan connunicalion,
draving grin slares and lIack nullerings fron lhe
galhered Rashenaar.
Il seens lhal lhe Thayans have crealed a nev
kind of nonsler lo lhrealen us, in an allenpl lo
overcone lhe nagic of our vilches and of lhe spirils
of Rashenen! Thydrin conlinues. The invasion is
inninenl ~possilIy onIy days avay. Iirsl, I sunnon
lhe Iangs of Rashenen as veII as lhe varriors of lhe
lerserker Iodges and aII youlhs currenlIyon dajenna
vho can le sunnoned, lo nusler and galer al lhe
Corge of Cauros, vhere lhe Thayan allack viII
cone. Iurlher, I ask our respecled vilches, lhe vych-
Iaran~sacred lhIor, and respecled Llhran,
BIelhran, and Halhran, lo lurn lheir nagic and
Iearned visdon lo lhe defense of our reaIn, and lo
gain aid fron lhe ancienl spirils of foresl, slone, hiII
and lree. The Thayans cIain lhal lheir nev crea-
lures are innune lo lhe nagic of Rashenaar spirils,
so lhey nay presenl an even grealer chaIIenge lhan
ever lefore.
Lord Thydrin scans lhe roon, neeling lhe gaze of
every individuaI lhere~nov you see vhy he is caIIed
huhrong, or Iron Lord. Tvenly lines and nore have
lhe Thayans lried lo conquer our Iand. Tvenly lines
and nore have lhey faiIed, senl shrieking lack across
lheir lorders, lheir vives vidoved, lheir chiIdren or-
phans. The greal Khan of lhe Tuigan cane here as
veII, lo sleaI our goId and nake us aII sIaves. He loo
vas senl fIeeing in disorder, saved onIy ly lhe lreach-
ery of lhe Red Wizards.
Nov, our ancienl enenies lhrealen us again and
perhaps nov lhey are slronger lhan ever, and lhe
danger is grealer. AII Rashenaar viII do lheir duly.
ur Iand viII renain free or ve viII die, svords in
hand, in a sea of Thayan lIood. If il is var lhe Red
Wizards vanl, lhen il is var ve viII give lhen! Long
Iive Rashenen!
The crovd leIIovs Long Iive Rashenen! Their
responce echoes fron lhe high, dark-leaned ceiIing.
Co nov. Thydrin shouls, Irepare for lallIe!
The Ba11Le a1
prise here) condenned as veak-kneed foreign covards and lrealed lo lhe sorl of epi-
lhels vilh vhich lhe advenlurers are aIready faniIiar. The Rashenaar do nol slop lhen
fron Ieaving, hovever, and lhe SinluIs nessage arrives as lhe ICs are Ieaving Rashe-
nen. f course, if lhey do nol fighl in lhe lallIe, lhe advenlurers Iose lhe opporlunily
for consideralIe gIory, experience, and lreasure.
s lhe Rashenaar al TharfenhaI prepare lo deparl for lhe Corge of
Cauros, lhe characlers nolice lhal aII expecl lhe parly lo acconpany
lhen and fighl lhe Thayans. If lhe advenlurers have no oljeclion lo
lhis, so nuch lhe leller. If lhey express any reservalions lhe Rashe-
naar Iook al lhen oddIy, and if lhe parly refuses lhey are (no sur-
f lhe characlers choose lo narch soulh vilh lhe Rashenaar, read or paraphrase lhe
The Rashenaar seen unduIy joIIy for a land of varriors off lo lallIe a seeningIy in-
vincilIe foe. As lhe hearly land narches soulh il is joined ly nore varriors: young fire-
lrands vieIding svords lhal have never leen used in lallIe, lerserkers of various Iodges,
experienced varriors vho have foughl inhunan raiders and Thayans lefore grizzIed fyrra
and lheir relainers, poverfuI nen vilh gruff voices and a dark delerninalion lo neel
and deslroy lheir Iands enenies. NearIy aII are afool, a fev varIords ride slurdy ponies or
are loved in sIeighs, lul lhe nass of Rashenens arned forces appears lo le a skiIIed lul
undiscipIined infanlry. Those vilh niIilary experience nighl vonder hov such a force
couId have defealed lhe invincilIe Tuigan Horde or lhe IinilIess dark Iegions of Thay.
The narch soulh is lhrough driving snov, lul lhe coId vealher seens onIy lo sloke
lhe fires lurning vilhin lhe hearls of aII lhe Rashenaar. Lach nighl finds an ever-Iarger
canp, surrounded ly lenls and canpfires, Iislening lo lhe lIuff loasling and hearly
singing of hundreds~soon lhousands~of Rashenaar varriors.
Afler severaI days narch, lhe Rashenaar nake canp leside lhe river Tir. The Tir is
choked vilh ice lul sliII fIovs. Tonorrov lhe arny viII cross over on a greal vooden
lridge, and conlinue soulh lovard lhe Corge.
To 1he Gonge o[ Gaunos
As you sellIe in for lhe nighl, a dark figure appears in your circIe of fireIighl. She is roled
and deepIy hooded, her fealures conceaIed ly a dark red nask. You knov ly lhis line lhal
she is a vilch.
Creelings, she says vilhoul fornaIily. I an Nylhra of lhe Seven Rivers, a vilch
of Rashenen. I spoke vilh lhe greal lhIor, Lady YheIlruna, and ve agreed lhal
you are lhe ones lo heIp us in lhe coning lallIe.
Wilhoul asking, Nylhra crouches ly your fire and conlinues.
We have discovered lhal ZuIkir ThruIs genslone goIens do indeed exisl, and
lhey are highIy resislanl lo lhe nagic of Rashenen. Lven if ve nanage lo defeal
lhe Thayans, il nay le al such a lerrilIe cosl lhal ve
viII le heIpIess againsl lheir nexl allack. The sad
facl of Iife is lhal lhere seens lo le an endIess suppIy
of Thayans and a Iiniled nunler of Rashenaar.
Lven nov lhey seek lo deIay and fruslrale us. Thayan
agenls vere caughl lrying lo deslroy lhe Tir lridge
jusl Iasl nighl.
*'The gen goIens do have vuIneraliIilies, hov-
ever. As lhe Ieller you inlercepled inpIies, lhe Red
Wizards sliII have lroulIe conlroIIing lhe goIens,
and an enlire circIe is required lo keep lhen noving
forvard and fighling. My sislers and I can idenlify
vhich circIe is conlroIIing lhe goIens, lhen you nusl
fighl your vay lo lhe circIe, disrupl il, and deslroy
lhe Thayans conlroI of lheir crealions. The circIe is
IikeIy lo le Ied ly a very poverfuI Red Wizard, possi-
lIy a zuIkir. The revards, in lolh gIory and viII le
consideralIe. WiII you heIp us`
Whal Nylhra doesnl leII lhe parly is lhal she and
YheIlruna sellIed on lhe characlers as agenls for lhis
dangerous nission lecause lhey are foreigners, so if lhey
die in lhe allenpl no Rashenaar Iives viII le Iosl. Such
is lhe vilches dedicalion lo Rashenen.
If lhe characlers agree (and Nylhra is viIIing lo nake
generous offers, incIuding lhe pick of scavenged veap-
ons, arnor, and lreasure, as veII as up lo 5,OOO gp per
parly nenler), lhen proceed lo lhe nexl chapler. If lhey
refuse despile aII of Nylhras offers, she gives up, and as-
signs lhe allack lo Rashenaar lerserkers, vho shouId
succeed despile leing aInosl conpIeleIy viped oul. f
course, if lhis happens, lhe Rashenaar vilches are quile
disappoinled vilh lhe characlers and provide no furlher
heIp, advice, or supporl. If vord of lhe characlers refusaI
gels oul lo lhe Rashenaar al Iarge, lhe parly is forcefuIIy
asked lo Ieave lhe counlry and never relurn.
everaI nore days narch lrings lhe Rashenaar
arny, nov nunlering over 2O,OOO, lo lhe Corge of
Cauros. Al lhe gorge lhey neel a second force, lhis one
nearIy 1O,OOO slrong.
a1 1he Gonge
The Ba11Le
The arny noves soulh, aIong lhe shores of Lake MuI-
sanlir and finaIIy inlo lhe Corge of Cauros. Here, near
varner soulhern cIines, lhe snov is Iess oppressive lul
sliII covers everylhing in a decepliveIy peacefuI, vhile
lIankel. Lord Thydrin, lhe vilch Nylhra, and IyIdrin
neel vilh lhe ICs lriefIy afler lhey arrive.
Your varning cane nol a nonenl loo soon, Thy-
drin leIIs you. We have vord lhal lhe Thayans are
on lhe narch vilh rank afler rank of slrange, gIean-
ing gianls in lhe van. These viII le lhe gen goIens.
Nylhra of Seven Rivers has loId ne of your nission.
I vish you Iuck and pray lhal you die veII.
IyIdrin of lhe LIeven (or ralher TveIve) Chairs
grals his falhers arn.
Lel ne go vilh lhen, falher! he denands. The
Iand is in danger and lhe peopIe need heIp!
Thydrin iniliaIIy refuses IyIdrins requesl lul reIenls
if he insisls and lhe parly agrees. The parly nay refuse
IyIdrins denands, feeIing lhal he nighl cause nore
lroulIe lhan he is vorlh. If lhis happens, he is disap-
poinled, lul does nol cause lroulIe, agreeing lo fighl le
side his falher in lhe coning lallIe.
Nylhra viII acconpany you as you go up lhe gorge ly
vilchloal. There is a pIace nol far fron here vhere
you nay hide as lhe Thayans pass ly. You viII vail
unliI lhe goIens have passed your posilion and en-
gaged ny varriors, lhen you viII nake your vay dovn
inlo lhe nidsl of lhe Thayan arny. Nylhra viII leII
you vhich vizards circIe conlroIs lhe goIens~lhal is
lhe one you nusl allack. ur archers viII cover your
advance and Nylhra and lhe olher vilches viII casl
speIIs as needed lo supporl you, lul lhe lrunl of lhe
fighling viII faII upon you. If you succeed in disrupling
lhe circIe, lhe Thayans viII Iose conlroI of lheir
goIens and ve can deslroy lhen here and nov.
Thydrin saIules you in lhe Rashenaar slyIe, his
arns crossed across his chesl.
My senlries reporl lhal lhe Thayans are Iess lhan
an hour avay, he says, so you nusl go nov. Cood
Iuck, and nay lhe spirils fighl vilh you.
Then Thydrin, Iron Lord of lhe Rashenaar, is
gone, Ieaving you vilh lhe vilch Nylhra and lvo
Rashenaar scouls.
Cone quickIy, Nylhra urges. The eneny ap-
She Ieads you lo lhe nearly river MuIsanlir, vhere
a snaII loal vails. You gel inlo lhe loal, and il le-
gins lo nove dovnslrean of ils ovn accord.
2 8
ur vilchloals, says Nylhra, are one of our
lesl resources againsl lhe Thayans.
The loal carries lhe parly a niIe or so dovn lhe gorge.
nce lhere, Nylhra sends lhe vilchloal lack upslrean
and Ieads lhe parly up a narrov, vinding lraiI, sIippery
and lreacherous in lhe snov, lo a rocky saddIe hidden
fron lhe gorge leIov.
BeIov Iies lhe vide Corge of Cauros, vilh lhe MuIsan-
lir vinding Iike a green rillon in lhe soulh. AIong ils
lank narches a seeningIy inexoralIe lide of varriors.
Iirsl cone dozens of gIeaning figures lvice lhe heighl of
a laII nan, apparenlIy crafled of ruly, eneraId, and dia-
nond in lhe shape of arnored varriors. Behind lhen is
an enornous rallIe of Thayan soIdiery~gnoIIs arned
vilh Iong lovs and fIaiIs, hunans in a variely of arnor,
viId-eyed orcs, chillering golIins and cavaIry nounled
upon horses, lIack unicorns, Ieucrolla, cenlaurs~even
viIder, unidenlifialIe crealures. verhead, a fIighl of red-
roled vizards, nounled on griffons, svoops and vheeIs.
This is vhal ve of Rashenen nusl face conslanlIy,
says Nylhra, soflIy. No naller hov nany lines ve
defeal lhen, lhey aIvays relurn.
In lhe dislance you see lhal lhe Rashenaar are de-
pIoyed in a vide seclion of lhe gorge, lheir fIanks se-
cure againsl lhe River MuIsanlir and lhe sheer gorge
vaIIs. As you valch, lhe gen goIens Iunler lovard
lhe Rashenaar. Arrovs fiII lhe air, lul gIance off or
lreak againsl lhe gIillering gen-hard skin of lhe
nonslers. In a fev nonenls, lhe goIens have
reached lhe firsl Rashenaar lallIe Iine, and vade in,
svinging lheir greal arns, lhroving Rashenaar var-
riors aside Iike loys, lehind cone lhe gnoIIs, orcs,
golIins, and hunans.
Look! urges Nylhra. The circIes!
AInosl direclIy leIov you, guarded ly unils of
gnoIIs and olher crealures, Red Wizards, respIendenl
in red salin roles, forn circIes and chanl oninousIy,
olviousIy sunnoning poverfuI nagic.
They use lhe circIes lo enhance lheir pover,
Nylhra hisses. Wail!
Nylhra cIoses her eyes in concenlralion, as furlher
dovn lhe gorge, lhe goIens send lhe firsl Rashenaar
Iine fIeeing. Beyond lhe nain luIk of lhe Rashenaar
arny, lhe vilches are lusy loo, dancing and capering
aloul snaII fires, sending Iighlning loIls, firelaIIs,
and olher caslings al lhe goIens. A fev slunlIe and
hesilale, lul nosl advance, sIovIy lul sleadiIy, ap-
parenlIy unsloppalIe.
There! decIares Nylhra, poinling lo a vizards
circIe a hundred yards or so dislanl. Thal one! Hes
conlroIIing lhe goIens! Co nov! Before ils loo Iale!
The Rashenaar Iine vavers, slunlIing lack in lhe face
of lhe goIens onsIaughl. Then vilh a greal groaning, a
dread vood nan appears, gralling al goIens and snash-
ing lhen inlo gIillering shards, or fIinging lhen lo shal-
ler on dislanl rocks. Il is an avesone sighl, lul il nay nol
le enough, for lhe goIens concenlrale on lhe vood nan,
ripping al his lough, larkIike fIesh and learing huge
chunks in il.
Use Maps 5 and 6 lo run lhe lallIe. The firsl porlrays
lhe gorge ilseIf and lhe roule fron lhe parlys hiding
pIace lo lhe circIe vhiIe lhe second porlrays lhe circIe
SeveraI conpanies of Thayan lroops guard lhe circIe.
By laking lhe righl roule lhe advenlurers nighl le alIe
lo avoid sone or nosl of lhen, lul lhis is up lo lhe DM.
The unils are as foIIovs. During lhe parlys allack,
Nylhra nay heIp lhe parly vilh supporlive speIIs fron
her hiding pIace.
A. Gnn!!s (2O): AC 5, MV 9, HD 2, hp14,
THACO 19, #AT 1, Dng 2d4, SZ L, ML 11, Inl
Lov, AL CL, XI 35.
F!Ind Cnmmandcr: AC 5, MV 12, HD 2+3, hp18,
THACO 17, #AT 2, Dng 1d4 (fIindlars), SA dis-
arn, SZ M, ML 12, Inl Average, AL LL, XI 12O.
B. Gnb!Ins (3O): AC 6, MV 6, HD 1-1, hp5,
THACO 2O, #AT 1, Dng 1d6, SZ S, ML 1O, Inl
Lov, AL LL, XI 15.
C. Infantry (hn & hf I3 (2O)): AC 6, MV 12,
hp18, THACO 18, #AT 1, Dng 1d8 (lroad svords
or Ionglovs), SZ M, ML 12, Inl Average, AL CL,
XI 65.
Infantry 5crgcant (hf I6): AC 2, MV 12, hp48,
THACO 15, #AT 1, Dng 1d8 (lroad svord), SZ
M, ML 12, Inl Average, AL NL, XI 27O.
D. B!ack UnIcnrns (1O): AC 3, MV 24, HD 4+4,
hp28, THACO 15, #AT 4, Dng 1d4/1d6(x2)/
1d1O, SA Charge, causc |ign| ucuns, SD |c|cpcr|,
SZ L, ML 14, Inl High, AL CL, XI 975.
UnIcnrn RIdcrs (hf I3/I4 (Cryic)): AC 5, MV
2 9
12, hp24, THACO 18, #AT 1, Dng 1d6 (Iighl
Iance) or 1d8 (lroad svord), SZ M, ML 13, Inl
Average, AL CL, XI 65. (Spheres-Major, AII,
AslraI, Charn, Conlal, Cuardian, HeaIing,
Necronanlic Sunnoning, Sun, Wealher. Minor:
Divinalion, LIenenlaI, Iroleclion.)
E. Gcm Gn!cms (1 each Iocalion, lype decided ly
DM) :
Ruby Gn!cm: AC O, MV 6, HD 1O, hp5O, THACO
11, #AT 1, Dng 3d1O, SD +1 or grealer lo hil, in-
nune lo eIeclricily and heal allacks, MR 25
(nalure-lased nagic onIy), SZ L, ML 2O, Inl Non,
Emcra!d Gn!cm: AC O, MV 6, HD 12, hp55,
c|cu|i||, SD +2 or grealer lo hil, innune lo acid and
heal allacks, MR 5O (nalure-lased nagic onIy) SZ
THACO 9, #AT 1, Dng 4d1O, SA Lighlning loIl,
L, ML 2O, Inl Non, AL N, XI 8,OOO.
DIamnnd Gn!cm: AC O, MV 6, HD 14, hp6O,
THACO 7, #AT 1, Dng 5d1O, SA Sunraq, dia-
nond chips, SD +3 or grealer lo hil, innune lo
heal, eIeclricaI, and acid allacks, MR 75 (na-
lure-lased nagic onIy), SZ L, ML 2O, Inl Non, AL
nce lhe parly has foughl ils vay lo lhe casling circIe, lhe
lallIe is nol over. The circIe is Ied ly none olher lhan
Nevron, ZuIkir of Conjuralion and Sunnoning. His assis-
lanls are aII Iover-IeveI vizards, and nosl of lheir speII-
casling capacily has leen drained ly lhe casling circIe, lul
lhey can sliII fighl vilh daggers. SeveraI higher-IeveI viz-
ards occupy lhe circIe. nce lhe characlers allack, lhe cir-
cIe lreaks and lhe vizards fIing lhenseIves al lhe parly,
hoping lo defeal or drive lhen off lefore conlroI of lhe
goIens is irrevocalIy Iosl.
A. Rcd WIzards (hn & hf M1 (12)): Inl High,
AL CL, AC 1O, MV 12, hp3, THACO 2O, #AT 1,
Dng 1d4, SZ M, ML 12, XI 15.
*These vizards have no speIIcasling aliIily Iefl, and al-
lack vilh lheir daggers.
B. Rcd WIzards (hf & hn M6 (7)): Inl Cenius,
AL CL, AC 1O, MV 12, hp18, THACO 19, #AT 1,
Dng 1d4, SZ M, ML 13, XI 65O.
Lach 6lh-IeveI vizard is usuaIIy arned vilh lhe foIIov-
ing speIIs, vhich renain is up lo lhe DM.
Lcvc! 1: Grcasc, ncun|, prc|cc|icn frcn gcc,
sncc|ing grasp, spicr c|ino, unsccn scrtan|.
Lcvc! 2: Dar|ncss, 15 raius, g|i||crus|, Mc|fs
aci arrcu, sunncn suarn.
Lcvc! 3: Dispc| nagic, f|anc arrcu, ncns|cr sun-
ncning |, pnan|cn s|cc.
C. A!vakyrIx, hf Con1O (Red Wizard): AC 2
(oraccrs cf AC 2), MV 12, hp3O, THACO 17, #AT
1, Dng 1d6+3 (s|aff cf s|ri|ing), SZ M, ML 15, Inl
Cenius, AL CL, XI 2,OOO.
Lcvc! 1: Arncr, ncun|, prc|cc|icn frcn gccx2,
spicr c|ino, unsccn scrtan|.
Lcvc! 2: A||cr sc|f, g|i||crus|, Mc|fs aci arrcu
x2, spcc|ra| nan, sunncn suarn.
Lcvc! 3: |cign ca|n, f|anc arrcu, ncns|cr sun-
ncning | x2, pnan|cn s|cc.
Lcvc! 4: Dincnsicn ccr, |tars o|ac| |cn|ac|cs,
ncns|cr sunncning || x2.
Lcvc! 5: Cnacs, ccnjurc c|cncn|a|, ncns|cr sun-
ncning |||x2.
AIvakyrix is ZuIkir Nevrons chief apprenlice, and a
poverfuI vizard in her ovn righl. She fighls IoyaIIy, even
if lhe Thayan cause is cIearIy Iosl. She has exhausled
nosl of her speIIs, DM can reduce speIIs as he sees fil.
D. Zu!kIr Ncvrnn, hn Tra24 (Red Wizard): AC
5 (rcoc cf |nc arcnnugi), MV 12, hp4O, THACO 13
(1O vilh slaff), #AT 1, Dng 1d6+3 (s|aff cf s|ri|ing),
SZ M, ML 15, Inl Cenius, AL NL, XI 18,OOO.
Lcvc! 1: A|arn, arncr, grcasc x2, ncun|, ourning
nans, cc|cr spraqx2.
Lcvc! 2: A||cr sc|f, ccn|inua| ar|ncss, g|i||crus|,
|cti|a|icn, Mc|fs aci arrcu, sunncn suarn x2.
Lcvc! 3: ||anc arrcu x2, f|q, infratiscn, ncns|cr
sunncning | x2, pnan|cn s|cc, prc|cc|icn frcn
gcc, 10 raius.
Lcvc! 4: Ccnfusicn x2, incnsicn ccr, |tars
o|ac| |cn|ac|cs x2, ncns|cr sunncning || x2, cx|cn|icn |
Lcvc! 5: Anina|c ca, ccnjurc car|n c|cncn|a|
x2, nagic jar, ncns|cr sunncning ||| x2, sunncn
snacu, Mcrcn|aincns fai|nfu| ncun.
Lcvc! 6: An|i-nagic snc||, ccnjurc anina|s, isin|i-
gra|c x2, cnsnarcncn|, g|coc cf intuncrao|i|q, intis-
3 0
ao|c s|a||cr, ncns|cr sunncning |V.
Lcvc! 7: Draunijs ins|an| sunncns, |ini|c uisn
x2, nass intisaoi|i|qx2, ncns|cr sunncning V, pcucr
ucr, s|un, |c|cpcr| ui|ncu| crrcr.
Lcvc! 8: Mass cnarn, nazc, ncns|cr sunncning
V| x2, pcucr ucr, o|in, prisna|ic ua||, O||cs irrc-
sis|ao|c ancc, |rap |nc scu|.
Lcvc! 9: Ga|c, inpriscnncn|, ncns|cr sunncning
V||, pcucr ucr, |i|| x2, prisna|ic spncrc, |inc s|cp.
AIlhough nuch of his casling capacily is exhausled (lhe
DM can choose jusl vhal Nevron has Iefl), He is sliII a
deadIy opponenl. Il is possilIe lhal lhe parly kiIIs hin,
lul if reduced lo haIf hil poinls, he escapes if possilIe,
using a phanlon sleed speII. If he is ladIy vounded, he
slays oul of Thayan poIilics for a vhiIe. He and his
cronies are enlarrassed, and lheir poIilicaI cIoul is seri-
ousIy dininished. If sIain, Nevron is repIaced ly one of
Szass Tans aIIies, and lhe necronancers hoId on Thay
is nearIy conpIele.
f lhe ICs nanage lo allack lhe circIe ilseIf, lhey dis-
lracl lhe vizards Iong enough for lhen lo Iose conlroI
of lhe gen goIens. ShouId lhe parly le defealed, viped
oul, or forced lo relreal lefore allacking Nevrons circIe,
Tan has prepared a faIIlack pIan: Tvo of Nevrons 1sl-
IeveI vizards are acluaIIy Tans agenls, carefuIIy prepared
vilh nagicaI suggeslions and prolecled againsl speIIs and
olher procedures inlended lo reveaI lheir secrels. These
lvo lreak lhe circIe and cause Nevron lo Iose conlroI of
lhe goIens. This is a Iasl resorl, lo le used onIy if lhe parly
is unalIe lo allack Nevron.
VI c1on
Afler Nevrons circIe has leen lroken or defealed, or
if il Iooks as if lhe parly is going lo le viped oul, read or
paraphrase lhe foIIoving:
Nov panicking Thayan varriors legin lo loIl pasl,
fIinging aside lheir veapons, running in lerror.
Looking lack dovn lhe gorge vhere lhe Thayan
goIens vere engaged vilh lhe Rashenaar varriors, lhe
Rashenaar have faIIen lack, lul lhe goIens have nol
advanced. Inslead, lhe goIens are slaggering in viId cir-
cIes, slriking oul al each olher, lurning lack and allack-
ing lhe Thayan varriors lehind lhen.
SuddenIy, lhe Rashenaar reaIize lhal lhe goIens are
oul of conlroI and Ieap forvard vilh a nighly shoul, lop-
pIing goIens, culling dovn fIeeing hunans, gnoIIs, and
golIins despile Thayan officers desperale orders and leI-
Ioved caIIs lo sland fasl. The greal vood nan slrides
lhrough lhe Thayan arny, picking up soIdiers and fIing-
ing lhen dovn or crushing lhen lenealh ils gnarIed
feel, conpIeling lhe roul of lhe Red Wizards once-fear-
sone hosl.
Il is prolalIy lesl for lhe advenlurers lo gel oul of lhe
vay Iesl lhey le nislaken for Thayan varriors and over-
vheIned ly juliIanl Rashenaar fighlers and lerserkers.
(If lhe parly doesnl lhink of lhis, lhe DM nighl con-
sider naking a lacil suggeslion. . . .)
The lallIe ends in a huniIialing Thayan defeal,
vhereupon Nylhra and lhe scouls escorl lhe ICs lack lo
Thydrins canp and lhe Iron Lord hearliIy haiIs lheir
success, profuse in his lhanks.
Iron lhis day forvard, says Thydrin, you are as cili-
zens of Rashenen. You nay lraveI anyvhere in lhis Iand
and never vanl for food, sheIler, or conforl. Your assis-
lance has heIped lo save our Iand, and ve viII never for-
gel you.
Sone ICs nay insisl, quile righlIy, lhal lhe average cili-
zens of Rashenen viII le unavare lhal lhey are cilizens
and viII sinpIy lreal lhen as nore covardIy foreigners.
Thydrin gives lhen anuIels, lrooches or olher lokens of
lheir nev slalus as defenders of lhe Iand and in essence,
honorary Rashenaar. The ICs are given lhe run of lhe
lallIefieId lo scavenge for lreasure and are aIso revarded
ly Thydrin and lhe vilches.
If IyIdrin foughl leside lhe ICs and vas kiIIed, Thy-
drins reaclion is underslandalIy sadder, lhough he
cIains lo le gIad lhal his son foughl veII.
The shallered corpses of gen goIens yieId precious
slones as descriled in lhe MONSTROUS COMP|ND|UM
lookIel. The parly is alIe lo scavenge aII lhe goIens
lhey sIev during lhe lallIe.
In addilion, if lhe ICs succeeded in sIaying Nevron,
lhey nay lake his nagicaI ilens and Thydrin, and lhe
vilches revard lhen vilh lhe foIIoving Iargess: 11,OOO gp,
1OO randon gens, 5 arl oljecls, 4 randon nagicaI ilens,
and lhe svord Harq||is. This svord vas once vieIded ly
an ancienl Rashenaar varrior. He used lhe svord lo van-
quish an invasion of Rashenen fron lhe uler IIanes Ied
(unknovn lo lhe Rashenaar) ly lhe archfiend LIlal. Il
vas lhal sane LIlal vho Ialer heIped lhe Thayans defeal
lhe god-kings of MuIhorand. (This facl viII le inporlanl
lo lhe nexl advenlure, Tnc Runcs cf Cnacs.) Il is a vaIualIe
Rashenaar lreasure and synloIic of lhe esleen in vhich
lhe huhrong nov hoIds lhe ICs.
Harq||is (Svord): +3/+5 vs. lanarri, laalezu, and yugoIolh, InleIIigence 16 (speech),
AIignnenl chaolic good, c|cc| nagic, 10 raius, c|cc| intisio|c cojcc|s, 10 raius,
s|rcng|n (once a day), speciaI purpose: sIay lanarri, laalezu, and yugoIolh, speciaI pur-
pose pover: o|in, Languages: ovners longue, Connon, LIf, Dvarf, rc, Lgo: 21.
Harq||iss purpose, as noled, is lhe deslruclion of fiends of aII kinds. Il has a grealer pur-
pose, hovever: lhe defeal of lhe lanarri alyssaI Iord LIlal, vho caused such devaslalion
in lhe Red Wizards canpaign againsl MuIhorand. As lhe ICs viII Iearn, vhen fighling
LIlal Harq||iss speciaI purpose pover is roIIed randonIy, using TalIe 117l in lhe
DMG, each line il hils LIlal.
The characlers are inviled lack lo lhe Iron Lords viclory reveI al TharfenhaI. Afler
lhal, lhe SinluIs nessage arrives.
hese evenls lake pIace afler lhe characlers have enjoyed Lord Thydrins hospilaIily
for a fev nore days, or afler lhey are on lheir vay oul of lhe counlry.
EpI Logue
In lhe sky overhead, you see a snaII vinged forn. As il dravs nearer, you see lhal il
is a liny hunanoid, fIapping earneslIy lovard you. Donl shool! il squeaks. I lear
a nessage of greal inporlance!
Iorced lo resorl lo a nessenger ly lhe nagicaI inlerference enanaling fron Thay, lhe
SinluI senl lhe sprile Anler vilh a snaII package. If lhe characlers shool or casl nagic
al Anler, il conlinues lo prolesl ils innocence and lhe inporlance of ils nission. If lhe
advenlurers are so crueI as lo kiII lhe sprile, lhey can relrieve lhe nessage fron ils lody,
lul lhe SinluI viII le very angry vilh lhen if she ever Iearns lhe lrulh.
If lhe sprile is aIIoved lo Iand il hands over a liny package seaIed vilh lhe SinluIs insignia.
Iar have I lraveIed, says lhe sprile, over endIess noors and disnaI svanps, pasl
crashing surf and lreacherous nounlain peaks. I vas nearIy ealen on severaI occa-
sions, firsl ly a greal lroul, lhen ly a ladger vhich cane upon ne as I sIepl. AIvays,
aIvays vas I IoyaI, despile hardships, and il is suilalIe lhal a failhfuI nessenger such
as nyseIf le suilalIy revarded.
Anler does nol require goId or siIver (lhese leing loo Iarge or heavy for her) lul vouId
le deIighled vilh a snaII cake or paslry. She is reIuclanl lo nane a specific revard, and
viII gain consideralIe anusenenl valching lhe characlers lry lo cone up vilh sone-
lhing suilalIe. If lhe parly refuses or sends her lack lo lhe SinluI for a revard, Anler
does her ulnosl lo annoy and launl lhe parly unliI she is finaIIy driven off vilh lhreals
or aclions of reaI vioIence. Lven lhen she nay conlinue launling lhe parly fron a safe
dislance, lul she viII evenluaIIy grov lored and fIy avay.
Shov lhe pIayers lhe fronl of Card #8, vhich lears lhe nessage fron lhe SinluI. If
lhe pIayer characlers knov vhal is good for lhen, lhey viII innedialeIy nake for AgIa-
rond and lhe leginning of lhe nexl advenlure, Tnc Runcs of Chaos, in vhich lhe fulure
of aII Iaern nay, as lhe SinluI suggesled, nay lruIy le in lheir hands.
The Rumes o[ Chaos
Aooem1une Book
By Anthony Pryor
DMs Inlroduclion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Meeling vilh lhe SinluI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Ialhs of lhe Dooned.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
The Ninlh Rune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
LpiIogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Map 1 - The MacoIey Iarn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Map 2 - Ialhs of lhe Dooned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Map 3 - The Chanlers of Tvin Burnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
DcsIgn: Anlhony Iryor
Dcvc!npmcnt and EdItIng: Doug Slevarl
Cnvcr Art: CIyde CaIdveII
IntcrInr Art: VaIerie VaIusek
Cartngraphy: Dennis Kaulh
TypcscttIng: Tracey IsIer
Art CnnrdInatnr: Ieggy Cooper
GraphIcs CnnrdInatnr: IauI }aquays
Cnvcr DcsIgn: Renee Ciske
PrnductInn: Dee Barnell
PrnnfrcadIng: MicheIe Carler and David Wise
T5R, Inc.
201 5hcrIdan 5prIngs Rd.
Lakc Gcncva
WI 53147
T5R Ltd.
120 Church End
Chcrry HIntnn
CambrIdgc CB1 3LB
UnItcd KIngdnm
ISBN O-7869-O139-X
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1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved. Irinled in lhe Uniled Slales of Anerica.
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Any reproduclion or unaulhorized use of lhe naleriaI or arlvork conlained herein is
prohililed vilhoul lhe express vrillen pernission of TSR, Inc.
he Runes of Chaos foIIovs lhe advenlure Tnrcnc cf Dccci|. Il invoIves a haz-
ardous nission inlo lhe very hearl of lhe Red Wizards reaIn in order lo slop
or deIay lhe dialoIicaI pIans of lhe Iich-ZuIkir Szass Tan, vho vishes lo le-
cone Lnperor of Thay.
zass Tans pIans for suprene ruIership of Thay have grovn and evoIved over cen-
luries. Tan has nanipuIaled his poIilicaI aIIies and friends for years, nanuvering
lhen inlo posilions of pover as connanders and officers of najor Iegions and crealing
lharchions~he has even pIaced a fev inlo lhe roIe of zuIkir. Today, onIy lvo of lhe eighl
zuIkirs acliveIy oppose hin: lhe ZuIkirs LauzoriI and Aznar ThruI.
RecenlIy (vilh lhe unvilling heIp of lhe ICs in Tnrcnc cf Dccci|), Tan aIIoved his ri-
vaIs lo invade Rashenen, lul sav lo il lhal pIans for lhe invasion feII inlo Rashenaar
hands. The Rashenaar deaIl lhe Thayans a crushing defeal, ZuIkir Nevron vas ladIy
vounded (and nay have leen kiIIed, depending on lhe oulcone of lhe firsl advenlure),
and lolh LauzoriI and ThruI vere lhoroughIy discrediled. The ZuIkir MylhreIIaa vho had
up unliI lhal line nainlained neulraIily, decIared supporl for Szass Tan and legan lo
nusler lheir arnies lo crush lhe necronancers fev renaining foes.
Wilh undispuled conlroI of Thay vilhin his grasp, Szass Tan is nov conlinuing vilh his
olher najor schene, lhe conpIele ensIavenenl of lhe lanarri alyssaI Iord LIlal, a crealure
of vasl pover vho once heIped lhe Thayans overlhrov lheir ancienl ruIers, lhe god-kings
of MuIhorand.
To lhis end, Szass Tan journeyed lo WarIocks Keep, a dislanl and near-Iegendary sile on
lhe Svord Coasl, vhere he von lhe cooperalion of lhe poverfuI Iich LarIoch. Afler nak-
ing unspecified deaIs vilh lhe Iich, Tan received severaI najor enchanled ilens incIuding
lhe Dealh Moon rl and lhe greal nagicaI lhrone knovn as ThakorsiIs Seal, lolh of vhich
vere necessary lo conlroI LIlal. By using an eviI speII caIIed lhe RiluaI of Tvin Burnings lo
inscrile lhe nine Runcs cf Cnacs upon lhe seal vhere LIlal is currenlIy inprisoned, lhe
seal lecones aclive. A nagicaI danpening fieId faIIs over cenlraI Thay and reduces lhe ef-
fecliveness of Crealer Divinalion speIIs and eIininales lhen enlireIy in lhe innediale
vicinily of Thaynounl. This effecliveIy prevenls lhe SinluI fron olserving Thay.
CurrenlIy, eighl of lhe runes have leen inscriled. When lhe ninlh is elched inlo lhe seal,
lhe occupanl, LIlal, viII le pernanenlIy and irrevocalIy ensIaved lo Szass Tans viII. The
onIy lhings lhal inpede Tans pIan are lhe facls lhal each rune requires lhe sacrifice of a
nore poverfuI viclin of good aIignnenl, and lhe engraving of lhe ninlh rune requires lhe
Iife energies of a poverfuI vizard. Afler leing foiIed ly lhe nagicaI defenses of nore pover-
fuI vizards (he vouId have Ioved lo ollain lhe SinluI or a vizard of KheIlen Arunsuns sla-
lus so lhal he couId conpIele lhe speII and rid hinseIf of a lroulIesone eneny al one
slroke), Tan finaIIy nanaged lo calch lhe fanous Harper aIIy Azargalha Ninune of Deep-
ingdaIe vilh lhe rnugc-|unnc| speII. She had leen a lhorn in his side for years, and he finaIIy
seized her al an unguarded nonenl and lransporled her lo his prison lenealh Thaynounl.
Nov, Tan nusl sinpIy vail unliI lhe line is righl (lhe
enchanlnenl nay onIy le casl on lhe nighl of lhe dark of
lhe noon) lefore sacrificing Ninune. This aclion viII es-
lalIish lhe ninlh rune and conpIele his conlroI of lhe
dread lanarri Iord. Wilh such a poverfuI crealure in his
lhraII and Thay conpIeleIy under his lhunl, Tan viII le
unsloppalIe. The Iegions of Thay viII narch againsl lheir
neighlors, unhindered ly lhe lickering and poIilicaI in-
fighling lhal crushed lhe dreans of aII previous regines.
UnIess Szass Tans schenes can le lhvarled, Thay viII
energe fron lhe lurnoiI as lhe nosl deadIy lhreal lo free-
don in lhe ReaIns since lhe Tuigan Horde.
l lhe concIusion Tnrcnc cf Dccci|, lhe characlers
vere inforned ly lhe SinluI lhal lheir supposedIy
The Counse
1he Aooem1une
successfuI nission lo save Rashenen fron Thayan inva-
sion vas acluaIIy parl of a pIan ly ZuIkir Szass Tan lo en-
larrass his enenies and gain alsoIule pover over lhe Red
Nov il seens Tan has one nore pIan lo pul inlo effecl,
and lhe ICs are asked lo journey lo lhe hearl of Thay and
enler lhe CiladeI. nce lhere, lhey viII allenpl lo iden-
lify and slop Tans pIan.
The advenlurers are lransporled lo cenlraI Thay, near
Thaynounl, vhere lhey nusl enler lhe CiladeI and foI-
Iov lhe roule specified ly a docunenl vrillen ly Nalhor,
a Thayan refugee. The roule lo lhe pIace vhere LIlal sils
upon Tna|crsi|s Sca| is lhrough lhe Ialhs of lhe Dooned,
a Ialyrinlh fuII of lraps and guardians, and lhe deadIy De-
vouring IorlaI. nce lhese olslacIes are overcone, lhe
characlers arrive in line lo deslroy lhe firsl eighl Runes of
Chaos and sel Azargalha free. UnforlunaleIy, LIlal is a
lanarri and lhe enlodinenl of pure lreachery. He lurns
on lolh lhe ICs and Szass Tan. The characlers and lhe
Red Wizards viII prolalIy le forced inlo an aIIiance of
convenience lo finaIIy defeal and inprison or lanish
LIlal, lhough Tans schene lo ensIave hin has leen ru-
ined. (DMs lake nole lhal il is inporlanl for lhe charac-
lers lo relain possession of lhe svord Harq||is, vhich vas
avarded lo lhen al lhe end of Throne of Decelt, lhis
veapon is especiaIIy usefuI againsl LIlal and againsl lhe
various lanarri encounlered in lhis advenlure. (See Card
#6 for exlended slalislics of lhese crealures.)
Nov, nol surprisingIy, lhe lvo Red Wizards seek lo lake
vengeance on lhe ICs for deslroying Tans ongoing pIol,
and lhe advenlurers face lheir finaI chaIIenge. (Wilh
Aznar ThruI nov in a perfecl posilion lo undernine Tan
and sleaI his enpire, Tan, ladIy vounded, finds lhal his
ovn pIol lo unile lhe lickering zuIkirs has coIIapsed).
Thay relurns lo ils nornaI slale, vilh zuIkir slruggIing
againsl zuIkir. Tan is forced lo relire lo his nanse for a
line, lo Iick his vounds and legin again lo schene.
The ICs relurn lo AgIarond, vhere lhe SinluI lhanks
lhen profuseIy, revarding lhen vilh slalus as defenders of
lhe reaIn and various olher, nore langilIe oljecls.
This advenlure is inlended for lhe sane advenlurers
vho parlicipaled in Throne of Deceil, a parly of five or
nore advenlurers of IeveIs 8-1O. Hovever, Tnc Runcs cf
Cnacs fealures conlal vilh lanarri, goIens, and olher
high-IeveI opponenls lhal are nagic-resislanl and require
enchanled veapons lo lurn, so lhe pIayers shouId consider
lringing addilionaI characlers of higher IeveIs or ollain-
ing enchanled veapons.
Nee1Img uI1h
1he 5ImbuL
he SinluIs nessage, received al lhe concIusion of Tnrcnc cf Dccci|, re-
quesls lhal lhe characlers neel her al lhe oId MacoIey eslale near lhe
HaIendos. Inquiry aloul lhal pIace, once lhe characlers have relurned lo
AgIarond, reveaIs lhal lhis vas a nanor farn vilh a Iarge appIe orchard.
verrun during lhe var lelveen lhe haIf-eIves of Yuir and lhe hunans of
AgIarond, lhe farn has leen alandoned ever since.
Unknovn lo lhe characlers, Szass Tans agenls have conlinued lo keep valch on lhen
and nov foIIov lhen in hopes of calching lolh lhe advenlurers and lhe SinluI in a lrap~
vounding, kiIIing, or (leller sliII fron Szass Tans perspeclive) capluring lhe lroulIesone
SinluI. During lhe lrip lo lhe MacoIey farn, lhe parlys pursuers viII keep lhenseIves
scarce, using nagic and sleaIlh lo renain hidden (il is unIikeIy lhal lhe ICs see lhen~see
he lrip lo lhe eslale lakes Iess lhan a day fron VeIprinlaIar, and no encounlers are
necessary. The farn ilseIf is diagraned on Map #1.
The NacoLe Fanm
A. 5umkem Roo
As lhe advenlurers approach lhe farn, read lhe foIIoving loxed lexl.
This road is seIdon used and is overgrovn vilh grass and veeds. Ils ruls are fuII of rain
valer and cIogged vilh faIIen, rolling Ieaves. Il is earIy vinler, and lhe lrees around
you are lare, slanding slark and lIack againsl a dark, gray sky. Il rareIy snovs here, save
in lhe nounlains, lul a coId rain is aInosl conlinuous.
nce, Iong ago, lhis road vas heaviIy used and so is severaI feel leIov lhe surface of
lhe ground. You ride aIong, your heads IeveI vilh lhe Iasl rov of an ancienl spIil-raiI
fence nov feslooned vilh lIacklerries and ivy. Ahead, you see a shorl spur road near a
lovering lIack oak.
The ICs Thayan shadovs reaIize lhal sonelhing is up and foIIov nore cIoseIy here. The
DM nay aIIov any ICs vho say lhey are on lhe Iookoul for anylhing unusuaI lo nake In-
leIIigence roIIs lo spol lhe Thayans, lul if lhey succeed, leII lhen onIy lhal lhey see vhal
nighl le shadovy figures. If lhe figures are invesligaled, nolhing is found, aIlhough lhe
ICs are nov aIerled and lhe Thayan forces cannol allack vilh surprise.
B. Femce
A spIil-raiI fence surrounds lhe farn. Much of il has coIIapsed and lhe vhoIe is seriousIy
C. Onchano
Like lhe resl of lhe farn, lhe orchard has gone viId, over-
grovn vilh langIed grass, veeds, lIacklerries, creepers,
and olher shruls. The appIe lrees, unpruned for nany
years, are gnarIed and lvisled, covered in noss and
Iichen. Since il is vinler lhey are IeafIess, and lhe ground
is covered vilh a ferliIe nix of oId Ieaves and rolling fruil,
giving lhe undergrovlh even nore incenlive lo lake over.
lered and ils nain door has Iong since rolled avay, Iying
and rolling anid faIIen porch piIIars. Iireveed, lIack-
lerry, vine napIe, and nany lypes of fern grov aIong vhal
vere once carefuIIy nanicured palhs and graveIed vaIk-
vays. Nearly sland a nunler of oId aIalasler slalues,
vrealhed in ivy and so lhick vilh green noss lhal lheir
originaI oulIines are onIy lareIy visilIe. A chiII, nisly rain
springs up, shrouding lhe area in danp gray.
D. Banm
The ancienl larn is noslIy coIIapsed and overgrovn vilh
vines and noss. SeveraI shadovs hide here, preparing lo
E. Namon House
This once-proud nanor house vas luiIl of fieId slone and
roofed vilh sIale. Since ils alandonnenl, ils oId grandeur
has faded and lhe viIderness has sIovIy recIained il.
Creal seclions of lhe roof have coIIapsed, ils gIass vin-
dovs (once lhe envy of aII surrounding farns) Iie shal-
As you approach lhe nanor house, one of lhe nossy
slalues noves and speaks.
You are here al Iasl! Whal look you so Iong`
Il is lhe SinluI in one of her infanous disguises. Afler lhe
advenlurers have leen scared oul of lheir skins, she
changes lo her nornaI appearance~a paIe, allraclive,
sIender vonan vilh langIed, unkenpl hair and an in-
lense, dislanl expression. Afler acquainlances are re-
neved and lhe characlers venl lheir shock and surprise al
lhe anused SinluI, she gels dovn lo lusiness. Read or
paraphrase lhe foIIoving and aIIov lhe ICs lo ask ques-
lions and inleracl vilh lhe SinluI.
I vish you had arrived sooner, she says. I asked you
here lecause il is far fron lhe prying eyes of lhe
Thayans. Since lheir defeal ly lhe Rashenaar, lhe
lhree zuIkirs vho lacked lhe invasion have aII gone
inlo secIusion and aInosl aII lhe renaining zuIkirs and
lharchions have decIared supporl for Tan.
Wilh Thay aInosl conpIeleIy under his conlroI,
Tan viII vasle no line exlerninaling lhe Iasl of his
rivaIs, lhen lurn his anlilions lo conquering AgIa-
rond, Rashenen, and Thesk. Wilh lhese nalions
under Thays conlroI, lhere viII le nolhing slopping
lhen fron naking var on lhe hearlIands, possilIy
conquering aII of Iaern.
Whal puzzIes ne is vhy he has nol done so ly nov.
My agenls in Thay reporl lhal Szass Tan has hidden
hinseIf avay in lhe CiladeI, an ancienl forlress deep in
Thaynounl. They say he is preparing sone nev oul-
rage. Whal il is I do nol knov. Whal I can say is lhal
he recenlIy relurned lo Thay vilh a nunler of pover-
fuI enchanled ilens, and lhal Azargalhe Ninune, a
vizardess of DeepingdaIe and ny friend, has disap-
peared. Those vho vilnessed lhe disappearance say
lhal she vas dravn inlo a vhirIing lule of lIue-lIack
energy. I have since discovered lhal lhe energy is lhe
signalure of Szass Tans nagc-|unnc| speII. We can onIy
assune lhal Tan hinseIf is invoIved in her disappear-
ance. This cones as no surprise lo ne since she has
caused Tan a greal deaI of lroulIe in lhe pasl.
In any evenl, Azargalhes disappearance can onIy le
considered parl of a Iarger puzzIe. The facl is lhal Szass
Tan is invoIved in sone conpIex and poverfuI nagicaI
procedure inporlanl enough for hin lo deIay lhe finaI
deslruclion of his lilleresl enenies in Thay. There is
sone nagicaI inlerference, an enchanled noise, lhal
prevenled ne fron conlacling you in Rashenen. This
effecl nay le one resuIl of Tans caslings.
Does lhis say lo you vhal il says lo ne` Whal Szass
Tan is doing, deep lenealh Thaynounl, nusl le a
lerrilIe lhing indeed. We have cause lo vorry lolh for
Azargalhe and for aII of Iaern.
My resources are slrelched lhin, ny friends. You nusl
le our chosen chanpions in lhis naller. As for nyseIf
and ny aIIies, ve nusl renain inside AgIaronds lor-
ders and defend lhe Iand againsl any incursion fron
Thay. If I vere lo Ieave al lhis line, Tans agenls
vouId Iearn of il inslanlIy and his Iegions vouId le
upon us in lhe lIink of an eye. I nusl slay here, lul I
cannol spare any of ny ovn varriors or vizards. I leg
your aid.
SuddenIy, lhe SinluIs expression changes. She le-
cones inslanlIy aIerl, Iooking aloul Iike a hound lry-
ing lo calch lhe scenl of a fugilive hare
Wail, she says, urgenlIy. Sonelhing is vrong.
Sonelhing is here. . .
ilh lhal dranalic pronouncenenl, lhe conceaIed
Thayans allack. The assauIl is Ied ly shadovs and
foIIoved up ly a nunler of hunan nercenaries under lhe
connand of a pair of vrock, sunnoned and conlroIIed ly
Szass Tan.
Thaam A11ack
5hadnws (10): AC 7, MV 12, HD 3+3, hp 21,
THACO 17, #AT 1, Dng 1d4+1 and speciaI, SA
Slrenglh drain, SD +1 or leller veapon lo hil, SZ
M, ML SpeciaI, Inl Lov, AL CL, XI 42O.
Human McrccnarIcs (hm & hf F3 (20)): AC 6,
MV 12, hp 18, THACO 18, #AT 1, Dng 1d8 (lroad
svords or Ionglovs), SZ M, ML 12, Inl Average, AL
CL, XI 65.
Tanar'rI, Vrnck (2): AC -5, MV 12/I1 18, HD 8,
hp 6O, THACO 13, #AT 5, Dng 1d4/1d4/1d8/1d8/
1d6 +7 (Slrenglh lonus), SA Spores, screech, firsl
allack, ancc cf ruin, SD +2 or leller veapons lo hil,
never surprised, MR 7O, SZ L, ML 18, Inl High,
In lhe lallIe, lhe parly nusl fighl lhe hunans, shadovs,
and one of lhe vrocks vhiIe lhe SinluI engages lhe sec-
ond vrock aIone. During lhe fighl, occasionaIIy updale
lhe parly on hov lhe SinluI is doing vilh lhe vrock ly
descriling fIashing speIIs, expIosions, fierce hand-lo-hand
conlal, and so on. Her resources are such lhal she defeals
lhe crealure handiIy, lul il keeps her sufficienlIy lusy lhal
she is unalIe lo heIp lhe parly.
he svord Harq||is is especiaIIy effeclive againsl
lanarri, and lhis lallIe can provide lhe characlers
vilh an opporlunily lo see ils povers in aclion. When lhe
vrock allacks, lhe svords ovner hears lhe foIIoving, ring-
ing in his or her ears.
The NagIc 5uono
The caII! The caII! The eneny cones and il is an
aloninalion. Take ne inlo lallIe, lrave varrior~I
yearn for lhe song of endIess lallIe and lo cIeave lhe
fIesh of chaos!
Harq||is is inleIIigenl and sonevhal denenled. ShouId
any poverfuI eviI crealure, especiaIIy lanarri, approach,
lhe veapon IoudIy denands lhal ils vieIder use il in con-
lal and snile lhe fouI lody of chaos, sIay lhe foes of Iav,
spiII lhe fouI lIack lIood of fiends, and so on. The svord
allenpls lo drag lhe ICs inlo lallIe. This nay Iead lo a
personaIily confIicl (see appendix 3 in lhe DMG).
WhiIe Harq||is is a usefuI (and Ialer a vilaI) looI in lhe
slruggIe againsl lhe Thayans, lhe veapon proves dovn-
righl annoying on occasion and nay gel lhe parly en-
lroiIed in avoidalIe fighls.
Use lhe nap of lhe farn lo run lhe lallIe. The shadovs
allack fron lhe sheIler of lhe larn. WhiIe lhe hunans
nove lhrough lhe ancienl orchard, vilh lhe lvisled figure
of lhe vrock lovering lehind lhen. Harq||is of course,
vanls lo fighl lhe vrock innedialeIy. Nole lhe veapons
speciaI purpose pover (see Throne of Deceil), vhich resuIls
in lhe vrocks disinlegralion in lhe evenl of a faiIed saving
lhrov and nagic resislance roII.
nce lhe eneny has leen defealed or pul lo fIighl,
lhe SinluI heaIs vounded ICs using sqncs|c-
uccncr (see lhe Canpaign Guic). In exlrene cases, she
nay have sIain characlers laken lack lo VeIprinlaIar for
resurreclion, lul lhis lakes line she is reIuclanl lo vasle.
She expIains lhe silualion lo lhe ICs.
A[1en 1he FIgh1

If you are viIIing lo heIp us, I can lransporl you lo lhe

inlerior of Thay, near Thaynounl. I have nanaged lo
creale a version of Szass Tans nagc |unnc|. il shouId
vork despile lhe nagicaI inlerference al lhe lerninaI
end. The lunneI cannol lransporl you inlo a luiIding
or cavern, so you viII have lo gain enlrance lo lhe
CiladeI and find Tan. You nusl idenlify and slop
vhalever nad schene hes veaving. You are our Iasl
hope, you nusl nol faiI.
NeedIess lo say, you viII le perforning an invaIu-
alIe service for ny kingdon, and you viII le hand-
soneIy revarded upon your relurn.
If lhe advenlurers agree lo lhe nission, conlinue vilh lhe
advenlure, olhervise, vilh a fIash of lenper and a sIip of a
sniIe, she lransporls lhen anyvay for lhe good of lhe
reaIn. She leIepalhicaIIy inpIanls lhe infornalion
leIov inlo lheir ninds, lul lhey do nol have a copy of
Nalhors docunenl for reference. The DM shouId aIIov
lhe ICs lo fIounder aloul for a vhiIe and lhen aIIov lhen
lo find a guide or a copy of Nalhors reporl. The onIy vay
lack lo AIgarond is lo do as lhe SinluI vishes.
If and vhen lhe parlicuIars of lhe ICs nission have
leen vorked oul, lhe SinluI provides lhe parly vilh a
copy of a docunenl diclaled ly Nalhor, a forner Thayan
civiI servanl vho vilnessed nuch of vhal venl on le-
nealh Thaynounl (lhe docunenl is reproduced on lhe
lack of Card #8). Nalhor vanished lefore he couId reveaI
vhal Szass Tan vas up lo, lul a lranscripl of his leslinony
has found ils vay lo lhe SinluI. The lranscripl conlains
infornalion aloul enlering lhe CiladeI and negolialing
lhe Ialhs of lhe Dooned. Cive lhe pIayers Card #8 and
aIIov lhen lo read il.
Before lhe parly Ieaves, lhe SinluI ansvers any ques-
lions aloul Thay vhich lhey nighl have. She gives lhen
as nuch infornalion as she can aloul lhe Iand, ils ruIers
and poIilics, lul she is ignoranl of Tans innediale pIans.
ShouId lhe characlers ask vhal Tan Iooks Iike, lhe Sin-
luI can conjure an inage of hin. The inage can le used
Ialer lo creale a disguise of lhe zuIkir.
The SinluI leIIs lhe parly lo galher in a lighl group,
and legins lo casl her speII.
A vhirIing, cone-shaped lunneI appears in fronl of
you, Iil ly occasionaI fIashes of eIeclric-lIue Iighlning.
As lhe SinluI geslures vilh her slaff, lhe cone in-
verls, lhen noves lo surround you. Wilh a sickening
rush of nolion, you suddenIy pIunge up and inlo lhe
lule, lunlIing and faIIing~your equipnenl, horses,
and veapons lunlIing vilh you.
Coodlye! echoes lhe SinluIs voice. Cood Iuck
lo you! ur survivaI depends upon il!
The Pa1hs o[
1he Doomeo
The sickening sensalion of novenenl ends and you lunlIe lo lhe hard, slony ground.
Alove you rises a fIinly sIope Ieading lo a lovering nass of rock, lhe nounlain range
knovn coIIecliveIy as Thaynounl. You seen lo have Ianded in a sheIlered ravine and,
lhough you are ladIy shaken, you are aIive and apparenlIy unhurl.
The parly nusl scoul around a lil in order lo find lhe gales lo lhe CiladeI. See lhe CiladeI
posler nap for lhe area vhere lhe parly appeared. Lach lurn lhey scoul, lhere is a 1O
chance of running inlo a gnoII squad on palroI.
Gnn!!s (10): Inl Lov, AL CL, AC 5, MV 9, HD 2, hp 14, THACO 19, #AT 1, Dng
2-8, SZ L, ML 11, XI 35.
F!Inds (2): Inl Average, AL LL, AC 5, MV 12, HD 2+3, hp 18, THACO 19, #AT 2,
Dng 1d4 (fIindlars), SA disarn, SZ M, ML 12, XI 12O.
Any gnoII survivors viII escape, varning lheir connanders, lul lhey cannol enler lhe
ciladeI, vhich is forlidden lo aII lul lhose aulhorized ly Szass Tan. CnoII prisoners nighl
le persuaded lo reveaI lhe Iocalion of lhe nain gales.
When lhe advenlurers reach lhe gales, read lhe foIIoving:
Ahead of you, al lhe end of a shorl gorge, is a pair of lovering doors, al Ieasl 2O feel
high. They are crafled of a gIeaning siIver-green nelaI and in lhe cenler of each is lhe
grin visage of vhal nighl le a Iizard nan. Ils fealures are sofler, hovever, and ils eyes
Iarger and nore inleIIigenl lhan lhe prinilive crealures you knov as Iizard nen.
ne of lhe ICs nusl recile lhe vords fron Nalhors Ieller exaclIy. If a singIe nislake is
nade, lhe noulhs of lhe Iizard nen on lhe doors open and lhree lanarri~lvo hezrou and a
nariIilh~issue forlh and allenpl lo deslroy lhe parly ly lhe nosl direcl neans possilIe.
Tanar'rI, Truc~Hczrnu (2): Inl Average, AL CL, AC -6, MV 12, HD 9, hp 6O,
THACO 11, #AT 3, Dng 1d6/1d6/2d8, SA Bear hug, slench, SD +2 or leller veap-
ons lo hil, haIf danage fron olher nonnagicaI veapons, never surprised, MR 7O,
SZ L, ML 17, XI 14,OOO.
Tanar'rI, Truc~MarI!Ith: Inl Cenius, AL CL, AC -9, MV 15, HD 12, hp 8O,
THACO 9 (+ lonuses for nagicaI veapons), #AT 7, Dng 4d6/1d8 (lroad svord)/
1d8+1 (orca sucr +1) /1d8+2 (orca sucr +2) /1d8+3 (oa|||c axc +3) /1d8+2 (scini|ar
cf spcc +2, allacks 3/2 rounds, firsl allack)/1d8+ 1 (orca sucr, f|anc |cnguc), SA
MagicaI veapons, conslriclion, SD +2 or leller veapons lo hil, never surprised, speII
innunily, MR 7O, SZ L, ML 18, XI 23,OOO.
If lhe vords are pronounced properIy, lhe doors sving open vilhoul a sound. nce lhe
characlers are inside, lhe vord nqpnar nusl le ullered (lhis is loId in Nalhors Ieller) or
hundreds of nagic ncu|ns lhroughoul lhe conpIex innedialeIy appear and legin screan-
ing, sunnoning 3O ordinary gnoIIs and 1O fIinds lo deaI
vilh lhe inlruders. If lhe vord is ullered, lhe doors cIose
The Pa1hs
soundIessIy lehind lhe characlers.
o[ 1he Doomeo
6Ialyrinlh designed lo prolecl lhe inporlanl chan-
he parly is nov vilhin lhe CiladeI, an ancienl con- lers leyond. Aulhorized individuaIs knov vhich roules
pIex originaIIy luiIl ly lhe advanced Iizard nen vho are safe and hov lo circunvenl lhe various guardians,
once Iived in lhis area. The conpIex vas furlher expanded vhiIe oulsiders find lhenseIves lrapped, pursued, and in-
ly lhe Red Wizards of Thay. In scope, il is easiIy lhe size of varialIy sIain. Nalhors nole provides a fev cIues, vhich
such najor conpIexes as Undernounlain and Mylh Dran- lhe advenlurers can use lo lheir lenefil.
nor. This advenlure deaIs onIy vilh one seclion of lhe The palhs are divided inlo regions corresponding lo
CiladeI, lhe region knovn as lhe Ialhs of lhe Dooned. each of lhe four lradilionaI eIenenls (Larlh, Air, Iire, and
The chanler is 12-sided, as descriled in Nalhors Ieller, Waler). A finaI seclion Ieads up lo lhe Devouring IorlaI.
and crafled of lIack-veined vhile narlIe. n each vaII, al The ICs nusl pass lhrough lhis porlaI lo reach lhe
aloul eye IeveI, is a gIeaning lIack rune rinned in siIver. Chanler of Tvin Burnings, vhere Szass Tan inlends lo
Lach of lhe vaIIs forns a doorvay lo a differenl parl of conpIele his schene.
lhe CiladeI. DMs nay deveIop olher seclions of lhe Lach roon conlains guardians. AII have passvords or
CiladeI for fulure advenlures, presenlIy, lhe characlers vays of circunvenlion, lhough nosl of lhese are un-
have access onIy lo lhe Ialhs of lhe Dooned. If lhey foI- knovn lo lhe ICs. (Sone are found in Nalhors docu-
Iov lhe inslruclions on Nalhors nanuscripl, lhe vaII nenl and olhers nay le delernined ly lhe ICs.)
vanishes, reveaIing a Iong, darkened haIIvay.
The CI1aoeL
he Ialhs of lhe Dooned, shovn on Map #2, is a
HaLLs o[ Em1n
3. NaIm HaLL
As soon as lhe parly enlers lhe nain haII, lhe vaII cIoses
lehind lhen, reveaIing anolher vaII vilh a siniIar rune.
The vord an|a| is scravIed in lhe dusl nearly and can le
found vilh a successfuI find secrel doors roII. AIlhough
Nalhors docunenl faiIs lo nenlion il, lhis is lhe exil
vord lhal aIIovs lhe parly lo Ieave lhe CiladeI.
The roon is Iong and coIonnaded, vilh an arched larreI
vauIl overhead. Il is indireclIy Iil fron alove, lhough lhe
source of lhe Iighl is nol innedialeIy apparenl. The vaIIs
are luiIl of gIeaning vhile narlIe, vhiIe lhe coIunns are
paIe green and lhe fIoor is poIished lIack. The chanler
seens enply, lul a high doulIe door Iies al lhe far end.
The doors are laII, 12 feel high and arched. The doors
are nol Iocked and open easiIy.
. HaLL o[ 51a1ues
Beyond lhe doors is a Iong haIIvay nuch Iike lhe firsl,
nade of gIeaning vhile and green slone, fIoored in lIack,
and indireclIy Iil fron alove. Sel in lhe inlervaIs le-
lveen lhe paIe green coIunns are slalues crafled of sone
nalle lIack sulslance. They are 1O feel laII and porlray
nuscuIar repliIian hunanoids vilh gracefuI fealures and
vide, inleIIigenl eyes. ShouId any characlers invesligale
or ask, lhe hunanoids are nol sauriaIs. Like lhe faces on
lhe CiladeIs nain doors, lhese inages are lhose of lhe
highIy evoIved Iizard nen, far nore advanced lhan any
previousIy encounlered.
The slalues are nol nagicaI and cannol aninale or al-
lack. They are, hovever, virluaIIy indeslruclilIe and aI-
nosl inpossilIe lo nove. They are nade of an incredilIy
hard aIIoy crealed ly lhe ancienl Iizard nen, vhose secrel
has since leen Iosl. The Red Wizards lhenseIves have al-
lenpled lo nove lhe slalues and anaIyze lhen lul have
lhus far faiIed.
A pair of doulIe doors, siniIar lo lhe Iasl, Iie al lhe far
end of lhe haII.
3. GuanoIam HaLL
This roon is nuch snaIIer lhan lhe olhers. Il is pIain, of
dark gray slone, and dinIy Iil. In fronl of a door on lhe op-
posile end of lhe roon slands a roled figure, ils face con-
ceaIed in lhe darkness of a hood.
The roled crealure is a laneguard, an undead crealure
oflen used as a guardian ly eviI cIerics. As lhe parly ap-
proaches, lhe laneguard exlends a lony hand, paIn up. If
lhe characlers do nol innedialeIy pay lhe laneguard a
Thayan goId piece, or if lhey allack il, 1O nore laneguards
and 5 direguards (poverfuI, arnored laneguards crealed ly
priesls of Cyric) inslanlIy appear and allack lhe parly.
Bancguards (11): Inl Average, AL NL, AC 7, MV
12, HD 4+4, hp 2O, THACO 17, #AT 1, Dng 1d6,
SA Magic nissi|c, SD 8|in|, SZ M, ML 12, XI 975.
DIrcguards (5): AC 6, MV 12, HD 4+4, hp 25,
THACO 17, #AT 1, Dng 1d1O (2-handed svord),
SA See invisilIe, nagic nissi|c, SD 8|in|, SZ M, ML
13, Inl Average, AL NL, XI 1,2OO.
nce lhe guardians have leen defealed, lhe advenlurers
nay freeIy go lhrough lhe door and inlo lhe HaIIs of Larlh.
fler going lhrough lhe door in lhe Cuardians
Chanler, lhe parly passes dovn a shorl haIIvay
lhal ends in a lrianguIar opening, Ieading lo lhe Chan-
lers of Larlh. AII lhe chanlers here are lrianguIar, lhree-
sided pyranids. They are crafled of seanIess gray slone
and lheir porlaIs are doorIess, lrianguIar openings in lhe
vaIIs. Thousands of liny earlh runes are carved inlo lhe
vaIIs of lhese chanlers.
The Chambens
o[ Ean1h
These roons are pilch lIack and possess an oppressive,
heavy air, inposing a -1 penaIly on lolh allack roIIs and
saving lhrovs of any races nol used lo spending Iong periods
of line underground (such as dvarves, gnones, and drov).
A. The 51ome Chamben
This chanler is occupied ly lhree slone goIens, one in
each corner. The goIens vere luiIl ly lhe Thayans lo de-
fend lhe roon againsl unaulhorized visilors.
When lhe parly enlers, lhe firsl goIen, in lhe norlhern
corner of lhe roon, leIIovs in a deep voice, In vhose
nane do you cone lo lhis pIace` (The ansver is, By
earlh, I cone in lhe nane of ZuIkir Szass Tan, or a reason
alIe varialion). The second shouls, By vhal gods do you
svear` (The correcl ansver is Cyric, Kossulh, Lovialar, or
any olher eviI Iaern deily.) The lhird goIen lhen shouls,
Ior vhal purposes are you here` (lhe correcl repIy is Ior
lhe RiluaI of Tvin Burnings, To serve Szass Tan, To
seek lhe Ninc Runcs cf Cnacs, or sonelhing siniIar.)
The goIens vail unliI aII lhree queslions are ansvered
(regardIess of vhelher lhe advenlurers give lhe correcl re-
sponse) or unliI lhe ICs allack lhen or allenpl lo cross
lhe chanler lefore acling. Those lhal vere ansvered cor-
reclIy renain in pIace, vhiIe lhose lhal received incorrecl
repIies innedialeIy allack. The goIens conlinue lo allack
unliI lhey are deslroyed or unliI lhey have kiIIed lhe en-
lire parly and viII pursue lhe advenlurers inlo adjoining
roons if lhey fIee.
5tnnc Gn!cm (3): AC 5, MV 6, HD 14, hp 6O,
THACO 7, #AT 1, Dng 3d8, SA S|cu, SD +2 or
leller veapons lo hil, SZ L, ML 2O, Inl Non, AL N,
S. The Coppen Chamben
This chanler is green, sheeled in oxidized copper. The
exil fron lhe chanler, vhich Ieads lo roon 7 leIov, is
lIocked ly an enornous copper coIunn, lrianguIar in
cross-seclion, inscriled vilh an anguIar, runic scripl. Lven
lards cannol decipher lhe scripl.
There is onIy an inch or lvo of cIearance lelveen lhe
coIunn and lhe edge of lhe door, so lhe vay is inpassilIe
vilhoul nagicaI aid or lhe renovaI of lhe coIunn.
The coIunn nay le renoved vilh lhe incanlalion:
snc|i|na. This infornalion nay le ollained lhrough lhe
use of |cgcn |crc, |ini|c uisn, or siniIar speIIs. The coI-
unn aIso has nechanicaI eIenenls lhal can le operaled
ly a lhief. A successfuI find/renove lraps roII nusl le
nade lo Iocale lhe access paneI in lhe side and a success-
fuI pick Iocks roII nade lo open il. nce open, lhe coI-
unn requires lhree nore find/renove lrap roIIs in a rov,
afler vhich il siIenlIy sIides up inlo lhe ceiIing.
Brule force is lhe finaI neans of defealing lhe coIunn. Il
has 3OO hil poinls and aII allacks are aulonalicaIIy success-
fuI. This approach reduces lhe coIunn lo a lvisled nass of
oxidized copper sheeling, gears, rods, Ievers, and puIIeys.
G. The Inom Chamben
Three iron goIens occupy lhis chanler. They ask lhe
sane queslions and respond in lhe sane nanner as lhe
slone goIens in roon 4 alove. In a coner of lhis roon is
a Iocked lrunk. If lhe ICs open lhe lrunk lhey viII find:
one eneraId, one ruly, and one dianond. They viII need
lhese in Tnc Gcn Cnanocr.
Irnn Gn!cms (3): AC 3, MV 6, HD 18, hp 8O,
THACO 3, #AT 1, Dng 4d1O, SA Brealh veapon,
SD +3 or leller veapons lo hil, SZ L, ML 2O, Inl
Non, AL N, XI 13,OOO.
7. The GoLo Chamben
Lveryvhere in lhis roon is lhe gIinl of goId. The enlire
roon is casl of soIid goId, lul il is unIikeIy lhal anyone
lrying lo sleaI il viII survive lo enjoy lhe proceeds. Lach
characler hacking, prying, carving, or scraping al lhe
vaIIs can ollain 1d1O gp per round lul nusl nake aIso
nake a saving lhrov vs. dealh nagic each round vilh a
cunuIalive -1 penaIly (Afler 3 rounds lhe saving lhrov
penaIly is -3.) If lhe roII faiIs, lhe characler is sucked
inlo lhe vaII and legins lo le alsorled inlo lhe roon
Characlers are fuIIy alsorled in 2d4 rounds. lher parly
nenlers nay allenpl lo puII lhe viclin fron lhe vaII le-
fore he or she is conpIeleIy alsorled. Lach characler al-
lenpling lo puII receives analiIily check vs. Slrenglh each
round. Lighl successfuI Slrenglh checks are needed lo puII
lhe characler fron lhe vaII. (The alsorled characler nay
aIso roII.) If eighl successfuI roIIs have nol leen nade ly
lhe end of 2d4 rounds, lhe viclin is conpIeleIy alsorled
inlo lhe vaII, lransforned inlo soIid goId, gone forever.
Nolhing shorl of a uisn or divine inlervenlion can lring
lack a characler Iosl in lhe vaII.
Those allenpling lo scrape or pry goId fron lhe vaIIs
nay slop al any line vilhoul penaIlies. Il is possilIe lhal
lhe repealed caII for saving lhrovs nay persuade lhe pIay-
ers lhal sonelhing is up and convince lhen lo slop, lul
lhe characlers nusl accepl lhe consequences if lhey con-
linue regardIess.
S. The Gem Chamben
This chanler conlains lhree gen goIens: one eneraId, one
ruly, and one dianond. Lach has a snaII lrough in fronl of
il, fuII of gens corresponding lo lhe goIen lype. In order lo
pass ly lhe goIens, one gen of each lype nusl le pIaced in
lhe appropriale lrough. If lhe parly allenpls lo pass lhrough
lhe roon vilhoul doing so, or lries lo sleaI lhe gens in lhe
lroughs, lhe lhree gen goIens shanlIe lo lhe allack.
Ruby Gn!cm: AC O, MV 6, HD 1O, hp 5O, THACO
11, #AT 1, Dng 3d1O, SD +1 or grealer lo hil, in-
nune lo eIeclricily and heal allacks, MR 25
(nalure-lased nagic onIy), SZ L, ML 2O, Inl Non,
1 3
Emcra!d Gn!cm: AC O, MV 6, HD 12, hp 55,
THACO 9, #AT 1, Dng 4d1O, SA |ign|ning oc||,
c|cu|i||, SD +2 or grealer lo hil, innune lo acid
and heal allacks, MR 5O (nalure-lased nagic
onIy) SZ L, ML 2O, Inl Non, AL N, XI 8,OOO.
DIamnnd Gn!cm: AC O, MV 6, HD 14, hp 6O,
THACO 7, #AT 1, Dng 5d1O, SA Sunraq, dianond
chips, SD +3 or grealer lo hil, innune lo heal,
eIeclricaI, and acid allacks, MR 75 (nalure-
lased nagic onIy), SZ L, ML 2O, Inl Non, AL N,
Deslroyed goIens produce gens as descriled in lhe
MONSTROUS COMP|ND|UM lookIel and lhe lroughs
conlain 1Od1O precious gens.
The Chambens
o[ Va1en
hese square roons are crafled of lIue-veined green
narlIe. Lach roon is al a progressiveIy Iover IeveI
(see cross seclion on Map #2) and is progressiveIy deeper
in valer. The roons are shadovy and nurky, Iike sunIighl
al lhe lollon of a deep pooI.
D. Gneem Chamben
This roon, liIed in Iighl sea-green, is avash in roughIy 2
feel of valer. As lhe parly sIoshes across lhe roon, lhree
Iarge nasses of valer rise up in fronl of lhe lvo exils fron
lhe roon (for a lolaI of six crealures). These are alaIIin,
Iiquid crealures nade nol of valer lul of veak acid. They
do nol allack lhe parly unIess ils nenlers allenpl lo
Ieave ly one of lhe lvo exil roules. (The parly is free lo go
lack lo lhe HaIIs of Larlh.) The lhree on one exil renain
in pIace if lhe olher lhree allack and vice versa.
The ICs nusl say, By valer, ve cone in lhe nane of
Szass Tan, or sonelhing siniIar. If lhey do so, lhe alaIIin
coIIapse lack inlo lhe valer. lhervise, lhey renain in
pIace, allacking onIy if lhe characlers lry lo Ieave lhe
roon lhrough lhe guarded exils.
Aba!!In (6): AC 4, MV 6/Sv 15, HD 3, hp 2O,
THACO 17, #AT 1, Dng SpeciaI, SA Drovning,
SD SpeciaI, SZ L, ML 14, Inl Average, AL N,
XI 27O.
3O. BLue Chamben Ome
Those vho enler lhe lvo lIue chanlers nusl junp dovn
fron lhe green chanler, inlo approxinaleIy 5 feel of sur-
prisingIy varn valer (see lhe cross seclion on Map #2). If
lhe passvord |nra||iq is ullered lefore enlry, a cIear
lullIe of nagicaI energy appears in fronl of lhe enlrance,
aIIoving lraveIers lo slep inside. The lullIe lhen encIoses
and lransporls lhen lhrough lhe valer lo lhe nexl roon,
keeping lhe occupanls dry and prevenling nolice or allack
fron lhe roons inhalilanls. lhers vho do nol knov lhe
passvord, are allacked ly lhe crealures in each roon.
This lIue chanler conlains four sharks. Allacked char-
aclers nay le dragged undervaler, invoking lhe svin-
ning and drovning ruIes in lhe PH8.
5harks (4): AC 6, MV Sv 24, HD 6, hp 36, THACO
15, #AT 1, Dng 2d2O+4O, SZ L, ML 1O, Inl Ani-
naI, AL N, XI 175.
33. BLue Chamben Tuo
This chanler is idenlicaI lo roon 1O, lul il conlains a
gianl oclopus.
GIant Octnpus: AC 7, MV 3/Sv 12, HD 8, hp 48,
THACO 13, #AT 7, Dng 1d4 (x7)/2d6, SA Con-
slriclion, SD Ink, coIor change, SZ L, ML 13, Inl
AninaI, AL N, XI 2,OOO.
3. Aqua Chamben Ome
The enlrance lo lhe Aqua Chanler Iies al lhe lop of lhe
roons, vhiIe lhe exil is al lhe lollon, under 3O feel of
valer. Those lraveIing in a force lullIe fron lhe lIue
chanlers nusl give lhe passvord c||a|a, afler vhich
lhe force lullIes nove lo lhe exil, up lhe ascending cor-
ridors and inlo lhe Chanlers of Air leyond, under lhe
valchfuI eye of lhe yugoIolhs vho guard lhe roons.
Those vho do nol knov lhe passvord have a prolIen.
They nusl firsl figure oul a vay lo negoliale lhe 3O-fool
deplhs of lhe valer-fiIIed roon, lhen svin up lhe 5O-fool
Iong ascending corridor lo lhe Chanlers of Air, aII lhe
vhiIe deaIing vilh hosliIe yugoIolhs.
This roon conlains a pair of hydroIolhs and lhe various
lreasures lhey have accunuIaled over lhe years, lul coIIecling
lhe lreasure fron lhe lollon of lhe roon nighl le difficuIl.
Yngn!nth, Hydrn!nths (2): AC -2, MV 6/CIide 12
(L)/Sv 24, HD 7+14, hp 56, THACO 13, #AT 3 or
5, Dng 1d8/1d8/1d4/1d4/1d1O, SA SIeep allack, SD
+1 or leller veapons lo hil, MR 4O, SZ L, ML 14,
Inl Average, AL NL, XI 14,OOO.
The hydroIolhs lreasure consisls of 8 gens, lvo lIoodslones
vorlh 5O gp each, a pearI vorlh 1OO gp, one lIack pearI
vorlh 5OO gp, one lopaz vorlh 5OO gp, and one fire opaI
vorlh 1,OOO gp. Il aIso conlains four arl oljecls, an eIven
slalue vorlh 2OO gp, an ornale Moonshae lrooch vorlh 5OO
gp, lvo nalched ornanenlaI goId and Iapis loxes vorlh 25O
gp each, a carved ivory figure fron Kara-Tur vorlh 1,OOO gp,
and one cerenoniaI pIalinun-chased lovI vorlh 1,OOO gp.
33. Aqua Chamben Tuo
This roon is idenlicaI lo roon 12, lul conlains a singIe
piscoIolh and ils Iool.
Yugn!nth, PIscn!nth: AC -5, MV 6/Sv 18, HD
9+ 18, hp 9O, THACO 11, #AT 2, Dng 2d8/2d8, SA
Severing, sling, SD Never surprised, + 1 or leller
veapons lo hil, MR 4O, SZ M, ML 14, Inl Very,
The piscoIolhs lreasure hoIds 2,OOO gp, and 9OO pp.
o[ AIn
The Chambens
he Chanlers of Air are accessilIe lhrough upvardIy
sIoping passages fron lhe Chanlers of Waler. Those
in lhe chanlers experience niId verligo, vhich grovs
progressiveIy vorse lhe nore line is spenl in lhe roons.
Ior lhe firsl 4 lurns, lhe verligo has no effecl, for lurns
5-1O, aII vho are nol used lo fIying or spending line al
high aIliludes receive a -1 penaIly on allack roIIs and sav-
ing lhrovs. The penaIly rises lo -2 on lurns 11+. These
roons are five-sided, covered in paIe lIue liIe, and lheir
groined vauIl ceiIings are progressiveIy higher.
3A. HIgh Chamben Ome
The fIoors of lhe high chanler are IeveI vilh lhe en-
lrances, and lhe ceiIings are al Ieasl 5O feel high. Iassage
lhrough lhis chanler requires a slalenenl lo lhe effecl of,
By air, ve cone in lhe nane of ZuIkir Szass Tan! If such
a slalenenl is nol nade, a 16-HD air eIenenlaI innedi-
aleIy appears in lhe roon and allacks lhe parly.
AIr E!cmcnta!: AC 2, MV I1 36 (A), HD 16, hp 96,
THACO 5, #AT 1, Dng 2d 1O, SA WhirIvind,
lonus in aeriaI conlal, SD +2 veapon or leller lo
hil, SZ H, ML 17, Inl Lov, AL N, XI 11,OOO.
3S. HIgh Chamben Tuo
This roon is idenlicaI lo roon 14, save lhal ils guardian is
lhe djinn vizier AnuI aI-Haln, vho appears and allacks
(aIleil reIuclanlIy) if lhe ICs do nol decIare lhal lhey
enler in lhe nane of Szass Tan.
Amu! a!-Habn (dInn nnb!c): AC 4, MV 9/I1 24, HD
1O, hp 75, THACO 11, #AT 1, Dng 3d8, SA MagicaI
aliIilies, vhirIvind, SD +4 save vs. speII (gas or air-
lased), SZ L, ML 14, Inl High, AL CC, XI 11,OOO.
AnuI has leen conpeIIed lo serve lhe Red Wizards, a lask
he finds ullerIy repeIIenl, lul he does so lecause nusl. If
lhe parly does nol innedialeIy allack vhen AnuI ap-
pears, he receives a saving lhrov vs. speII. If AnuIs roII
succeeds, he is alIe lo keep fron allacking lhe parly for
1d4 rounds, and he lries lo nanipuIale lhen inlo leIIing
hin lhal lhey cone in lhe nane of Szass Tan.
He nay say sonelhing Iike, In vhose nane do you
cone here` and, if lhe parly does nol repIy properIy, say,
Il vouIdnl le in lhe nane of Szass Tan, vouId il`
(Afler sone unforlunale incidenls, Tan forlade hin lo
direclIy inforn lraveIers of vhal lhey needed lo say, Ieav-
ing hin lo naneuver lhe advenlurers inlo asking.) In des-
peralion, he goes so far as lo say, I nusl allack you unIess
you leII ne in vhose nane you cone, and lhe Iike. If lhe
parly is loo lhick headed lo figure his suggeslions oul,
AnuI resignedIy allacks.
ShouId lhe ICs le persuaded lo announce lhal lhey
cone in lhe nane of Szass Tan, AnuI reIaxes and nakes
lhe foIIoving slalenenl.
The djinn sniIes. Thank you. I vas afraid il had
sIipped your ninds lhal you cone here on lusiness of
lhe fouI, disgusling, vicked, eviI, shanlIing undead
necronancer Szass Tan. You cerlainIy do nol Iook
Iike his friends, lul vho an I lo judge, afler aII`
Hovever, since you seen lo have forgollen lhe
proper passvords, I lhink lhal I viII refresh your nen-
ory as lo hov lo lraverse lhe renaining Chanlers of
Air. Upon enlering eilher of lhe adjoining chanlers,
caII oul, 'By air I cone, in lhe nane of Szass Tan! and
a ninor eIenenlaI viII appear lo lransporl you
lhrough lhe Iasl chanlers. Renenler, lhough, lhal
vhen lhe servanl carries you inlo lhe Iasl chanler,
lhe LndIess Chanler, lo caII oul lhe vord ac|cs! or
lhe crealure viII drop you, and Iel you faII forever. I re-
aIize, of course, lhal as friends of lhe crueI and devious
Szass Tan, you aIready knov aII lhis infornalion, lul
I leII you as a service, nonelheIess.
AnuI can provide no furlher infornalion regarding lhe
Ialhs of lhe Dooned or lhe chanlers lhal Iie leyond, lul
he is friendIy and viIIing lo use his povers lo aid lhe parly,
lhough he is unalIe lo Ieave lhe roon. During his lern of
service lo Szass Tan (vhich sliII has 5OO years lo run), he
is unalIe lo granl vishes. A vish viII sel AnuI free, aI-
lhough his linding is far loo poverfuI lo he dispeIIed
lhrough a renove curse speII. If freed, AnuI acconpanies
lhe parly for lhe renainder of lhe advenlure.
3G. 5k Chamben Ome
Bolh sky chanlers are 1OO feel in heighl, and lheir en-
lrances and exils are al lhe nidpoinl of lheir vaIIs (see
lhe cross seclion acconpanying Map #2). Characlers
nusl fIy across lhe roons, cIinl dovn one vaII and up lhe
olher, fca|ncr fa|| dovn and cIinl up, elc. The officiaI
vay lo cross is lo caII oul By air, I cone in lhe nane of
Szass Tan!, in vhich case an aeriaI servanl appears lo
lransporl parly nenlers across lhe roon. If lhe phrase is
nol ullered, no guardian appears and lhe characlers are
forced lo nake lheir ovn vay across lhe roon.
37. 5k Chamben Tuo
This roon is idenlicaI lo roon 16, and ils aeriaI servanl is
sunnoned in lhe sane nanner.
3S. The EmoLess Chamben
The LndIess Chanler is exaclIy vhal il sounds Iike~il is
apparenlIy lollonIess and roofIess, exlending up and
dovn as far as lhe eye can see. Like lhe sky chanlers, ils
enlrance and exil are in lhe niddIe of lhe vaII and nusl
le lraversed vhiIe deaIing vilh lhe roons guardians.
fficiaI Thayan lraveIers are lroughl here ly aeriaI ser-
vanls fron lhe Sky Chanlers. nce enlering lhis roon,
hovever, lhey nusl shoul ac|cs! or lhe servanls vanish,
Ieaving lhen lo faII lhrough space. nce a characler has
faIIen for five ninules or so, he or she is |c|cpcr|c lack lo lhe
lop of lhe roon, lo pIunge lhrough space once nore, lun-
lIing pasl lhe originaI enlrance, |c|cpcr|ing again, and conlin-
uing lo faII. The parly viII have lo cone up vilh sone neans
of saving such viclins, vho olhervise conlinue lo faII for-
ever. (The exacl consequences of such a faII are lo lhe DM.)
shorl haIIvay Ieads fron lhe Chanlers of Air lo lhe
Chanlers of Iire. HexagonaI in shape, lhese roons
are nade of a dark red narlIe, shol vilh orange and
carved vilh fire runes lhal possess a snoIdering yeIIov
gIov. Lach roon is successiveIy holler lhan lhe Iasl and
has consequences lo lhose enlering lhen, as noled in lhe
roon descriplions.
The Chambens
o[ FIne
In addilion lo lheir reguIar inhalilanls, lhe Chanlers
of Iire are infesled vilh various nephils and inps. The
inps are nischievous, essenliaIIy vernin, and engage in
various hijinks vhelher lhe parly nanages lo circunvenl
lhe roons olher guardians or nol.
The inps allenpl lo dislracl and annoy lhe advenlur-
ers, capering aloul in fronl of lhen, gralling veapons or
equipnenl, puIIing hair (and possilIy selling il on fire in
lhe process), liling noses and fingers, and lhe Iike. They
speak in a high-pilched giller, occasionaIIy slopping lo
denand Look al ne! Donl you vanl lo laIk lo us`
Can I le your friend, or siniIar slalenenls.
3D. The GLouImg Chamben
AIlhough lhis roon gIovs Iike a dark cIoud and is unconforl-
alIy hol, characlers suffer no penaIlies for leing here. There
are four iron goIens in lhe roon, red-hol, slanding nolionIess
againsl four of lhe roons six vaIIs. Their near-noIlen fisls in-
fIicl 5d1O poinls of danage ralher lhan lhe nornaI 4d1O.
Those enlering lhe chanler nusl caII oul, By fire, ve cone
in lhe nane of Szass Tan! or lhe goIens allack.
A dozen naIevoIenl Iava inps aIso occupy lhe roon and
svarn over lhe ICs, lehaving in lhe annoying nanner de-
scriled alove. If lhe ICs ignore lhen, lhe inps grov ever
nore nasly, evenluaIIy allacking oulrighl. They allack
vhelher or nol lhe characlers neulraIize lhe iron goIens.
Irnn Gn!cms (4): AC 3, MV 6, HD 18, hp 8O,
THACO 3, #AT 1, Dng 5d1O, SA Brealh veapon,
SD +3 or leller veapons lo hil, SZ L, ML 2O, Inl
Non, AL N, XI 13,OOO.
Magma McphIts (12): AC 6, MV 12/I1 24, HD 3,
hp 18, THACO 17, #AT 2, Dng 1/1, SA AddilionaI
1d8 poinls heal danage, lrealh veapon, SZ M, ML
8, Inl Average, AL CL, XI 42O.
O. The 5moLoenImg Chamben
The vaIIs of lhis chanler are hol lo lhe louch, and lhe air is
lhick and heavy. Any characlers vilhoul firc rcsis|ancc or sin-
iIar proleclion fighl al -1 on allack roIIs and saving lhrovs.
Those enlering lhis chanler nusl say lhal lhey cone
ly fire and in lhe nane of Szass Tan, lhen uller lhe vord
|na|cs! or a lound efreel innedialeIy allacks. The roon
aIso hoIds a dozen fire nephils.
Efrcct: Inl Very, AL LL, AC 2, MV 9/I1 24, HD 1O,
hp 65, THACO 11, #AT 1, Dng 3d8, SA MagicaI
aliIilies, SD Innune lo nornaI fire, -1 lo opponenls
allack vilh nagicaI fire, SZ L, ML 16, XI 8,OOO.
FIrc McphIts (12): Inl Average, AL CL, AC 5, MV
12/I1 24, HD 3+1, hp 19, THACO 17, #AT 2, Dng
1d3/1d3, SA AddilionaI 1 poinl heal danage, lrealh
veapon, nca| nc|a|, nagic nissi|c, SZ M, ML 8, XI 42O.
3. The 5mokImg Chamben
This roon is lhick vilh snoke. Characlers vho renain in
lhe roon vilhoul any nagicaI neans of lrealhing suffer a
penaIly of -1 on allack roIIs and saving lhrovs. In addi-
lion, each lurn (every 1O rounds) lhey nusl save vs.
lrealh veapon or pass oul fron asphyxialion. Asphyxi-
aled characlers nusl lhen save vs. dealh nagic each sul-
sequenl lurn or die of suffocalion. They can onIy le re-
vived if laken fron lhe chanler.
The passvord c|asn! nusl le ullered or a nalassu ap-
pears and allacks. The roon is infesled vilh 15 snoke
Tanar'rI, Nabassu: AC -5, MV 12/I1 15, HD 7+2O,
hp 64, THACO 13, #AT 3, Dng 2d4/2d4/3d4+7,
SA Dealh gaze, lackslal, paraIyzalion, SD +1 or
leller veapons lo hil, MR 5O, SZ M, ML 16, Inl
High, AL CL, XI 16,OOO.
5mnkc McphIts (15): AC 4, MV 12/I1 24, HD 3,
hp 18, THACO 17, #AT 2, Dng 1d2/1d2, SA
Brealh veapon, intisioi|i|q, ancing |ign|s, SZ M, ML
8, Inl Average, AL CL, XI 42O.
. The BunmImg Chamben
This enlire chanler gIovs vilh heal. ICs nol prolecled
fron fire in sone vay nusl save vs. lrealh veapons each
round lhey occupy lhe roon or suslain 2 poinls of heal
danage. (A successfuI save reduces lhis lo 1 poinl per
round.) In addilion, lhey suffer a -1 penaIly on allack
roIIs and saving lhrovs vhiIe in lhe roon.
Iour saIananders occupy lhe roon, slanding nolion-
Iess in fronl of lhe lvo norlhernnosl and lhe lvo soulh-
ernnosl vaIIs. The roon is aIso occupied ly 11 fire
nephils, vho do lheir lesl lo annoy and diverl lhe parly.
When lhe parly enlers, one of lhe saIananders sIilhers
forvard, a Iong gIoving spear al lhe ready, and says, In
vhose nane do you cone here`
If lhe parly has nanaged lo crack lhe code on previous
roons, lhey viII prolalIy say, We cone ly fire in lhe
nane of Szass Tan, or sonelhing siniIar. UnforlunaleIy,
lhese crealures are releIs vho parlicipaled in lhe SaIa-
nander War and vere punished ly Lord Kossulh of lhe
LIenenlaI IIane of Iire ly leing sel lo serve here for
1,OOO years. In order lo gel pasl lhe saIananders, lhe parly
needs lo say sonelhing aIong lhe Iines of, We cone in
lhe nane of Lord Kossulh of Iire. If lhis is nol said, lhe
saIananders allack vilh deIighl.
5a!amandcrs (4): AC 5/3, MV 9, HD 7+7, hp 5O,
THACO 13, #AT 2, Dng 2d6/1d6, SA Heal 1d6,
SD +1 or leller veapons lo hil, SZ M, ML 13, Inl
High, AL CL, XI 2,OOO.
FIrc McphIts (11): AC 5, MV 12/I1 24, HD 3+1, hp
19, THACO 17, #AT 2, Dng 1d3/1d3, SA AddilionaI
1 poinl heal danage, lrealh veapon, nca| nc|a|, nagic
nissi|c, SZ M, ML 8, Inl Average, AL CL, XI 42O.
3. The FIen Chamben
This enlire chanler is fiIIed vilh fIanes, and any charac-
lers vilhoul firc prc|cc|icn or siniIar defenses suffer 4d6
poinls of danage per round. (A successfuI saving lhrov vs.
lrealh veapon haIves lhis danage.)
The roon aIso conlains lvo fire eIenenlaIs, four fire
nephils, lhree snoke nephils, and five Iava nephils.
In lhe cenler of lhe roon is a hexagonaI paneI nade of
a gIossy, goIden naleriaI. This is lhe leIeporlalion device
lhal viII carry lhe parly lo lhe HaIIs of Devouring, il is lhe
onIy vay lo reach il. There is no passvord, lhe parly needs
onIy lo slep onlo il.
FIrc E!cmcnta!s (2): AC 2, MV 12, HD 12, hp 72,
THACO 9, #AT 1, Dng 3d8, SD +2 veapon or lel-
ler lo hil, SZ H, ML 16, Inl Lov, AL N, XI 6,OOO.
FIrc McphIts (4): AC 5, MV 12/I1 24, HD 3+1, hp
19, THACO 17, #AT 2, Dng 1d3/1d3, SA AddilionaI
1 poinl heal danage, lrealh veapon, nca| nc|a|, nagic
nissi|c, SZ M, ML 8, Inl Average, AL CL, XI 42O.
Magma McphIts (5): AC 6, MV 12/I1 24, HD 3, hp
18, THACO 17, #AT 2, Dng 1/1, SA AddilionaI
1d8 poinls heal danage, lrealh veapon, SZ M, ML
8, Inl Average, AL CL, XI 42O.
5mnkc McphIts (3): AC 4, MV 12/I1 24, HD 3, hp
18, THACO 17, #AT 2, Dng 1d2/1d2, SA Brealh
veapon, intisioi|i|q, ancing |ign|s, SZ M, ML 8, Inl
Average, AL CL, XI 42O.
If lhe invocalion Ha|a ti|| |ncra! is shouled upon enler-
ing lhe roon, lhe fIanes die and lhe fire eIenenlaIs re-
nain in pIace as lhe characlers approach lhe hexagonaI
leIeporlalion pad.
hese chanlers are heplagonaI (seven-sided), nade
of a lIack naleriaI shol lhrough vilh lIue and crin-
The DeoounImg
son. These roons do nol require passvords, lul lheir
guardians allack anyone vho has nol leen previousIy
idenlified ly Szass Tan as acceplalIe. The ICs nay lry lo
eIude lhe guardians ly using nagicaI conceaInenl, or
olher unusuaI laclics, perhaps one of lheir nunler inper-
sonales Szass Tan, vho viII cIear lhe parly. (Such a ruse
shouId earn consideralIe experience poinls.)
A. GuanoIams
There is a heplagonaI paneI in lhe cenler of lhis roon,
vhere lhe parly arrives fron lhe lransporl pads in lhe
Chanlers of Iire. Tvo lanarri, a nariIilh naned Xallarr-
nah and a noIydeus caIIed ThkaIar, sil in lhe doorvay of
roon 26, pIaying pickup slicks vilh a piIe of lones.
Xabb'arrnah (MarI!Ith): AC -9, MV 15, HD 12, hp
8O, THACO 9 (+ lonuses for nagicaI veapons),
#AT 7, Dng 4d6/1d8 (lroad svord)/1d8 (Iong
svord)/1d8+2 (orca sucr +2) /1d4+2 (aggcr +2)/
1d6+3 (|ricn| +2) /1d6+1 (spcar +1), SA MagicaI
veapons, conslriclion, SD +2 or leller veapons lo
hil, never surprised, speII innunily, MR 7O, SZ L,
ML 18, Inl Cenius, AL CL, XI 23,OOO.
Th'ka!ar (Mn!ydcus): AC -5, MV 15, HD 12, hp 8O,
THACO 9, #AT 3, Dng 2d6/1d6/2d1O+5 (lallIe axe),
SA Vcrpa| an ancing oa|||c axc, poison, SD Affecled
onIy ly coId iron veapons, never surprised, MR 9O,
SZ H, ML 2O, Inl High, AL CL, XI 21,OOO.
The lanarri ignores lhe ICs unliI lhey slep off lhe pad, al
vhich line lhe noIydeuss dog head Iooks up and speaks
vhiIe ils snake head conlinues lo olserve lhe gane. The
nariIilh is apparenlIy olIivious lo lhe characlers pres-
ence as she painslakingIy Iifls a lhighlone off a crossed
pair of lilia. Read lhe foIIoving oul Ioud.
I nole lhal you are nol aulhorized lo le here, says lhe
dog head in a surprisingIy cuIlured voice. We are fa-
niIiar vilh aII lhe halefuI IillIe necronancers friends,
and he has lound us lo sIay aII olhers. We are, hovever,
alsorled in our gane, and do nol care lo inconve-
nience ourseIves ly kiIIing you, so ve nov give you per-
nission lo deparl. If you allenpl lo pass lhrough lhis
doorvay, hovever, ve viII lecone irrilaled and nusl
deslroy you in lhe nosl efficienl and painfuI nanner
possilIe. Nole, pIease, lhal lhe choice is yours. Nov, I
vish lo relurn lo our gane. I nusl valch lhis crealure
conslanlIy, Iesl she allenpls lo cheal.
The nariIilh frovns. I, al Ieasl, do nol have lvo
heads, enalIing ne lo cheal lvice as effecliveIy. I
vouId valch ny longues if I vere you. Thal said, she
goes lack lo lhe gane.
True lo lheir vord, lhe lanarri renain inlenl on lheir
gane and lake no aclion unIess lhe characlers allenpl lo
Ieave lhe roon or allack firsl. ShouId eilher of lhese
lhings happen, lhe lanarri allack lhe parly, leIIoving
lheir annoyance lhal lhe gane has leen inlerrupled. The
noIydeus uses ils Iighlning loIls and a vorpaI veapon vhiIe
lhe nariIilh uses c|cu|i||, causc scricus ucuns, and al-
lenpls lo ga|c in nore lanarri.
If lhe ICs faII lack lo lhe leIeporlalion pad, il lakes
lhen lack lo lhe Chanlers of Iire vhere lhey nay re-
group and allack again. If lhe characlers relurn, lhe
lanarri are lack al lheir gane, acling as if lhey have
never seen lhe parly lefore. (Their nenories are quile
shorl, oving lo lhe nagicaI services conpeIIed ly Szass
Tan and lheir excIusive concenlralion on lhe gane of
pickup lones.) They aIso have a lendency lo allack even
lhe friends of Szass Tan, cIaining nol lo renenler vho
lhey vere, lul Tan suspecls lhis is aII a shan and lhal lhe
lanarri are jusl doing il lo annoy hin.
The parly is IikeIy in for a lealing if lhey lry lo fighl lhe
guardians, even vilh lhe services of lhe svord Harq||is,
vhich viII denand lo allack lhe lanarri innedialeIy.
The ICs lesl lel is lo persuade lhe lvo lanarri lo fighl
each olher, and lhe nosl efficienl vay lo do lhis is lo con-
vince one lhal lhe olher is chealing~lhe DM needs lo
slress lhe fiends nislrusl of each olher. There are severaI
vays of doing lhis: MagicaIIy nudging one of lhe pieces,
suggesling lhal one of lhe lanarri nade an iIIegaI nove,
dislracling lheir allenlion vhiIe a lhief grals a lone and
adds il lo one of lhe lanarris piIes, lhen poinling il oul.
nce lhe characlers have convinced one of lhe lanarri
lhal lhe olher is chealing, a lallIe royaI erupls lelveen
lhe lvo, aIIoving lhe parly lo sIip pasl lhen. (The char-
aclers nighl calch a slray Iighlning loIl or lvo, and so
shouId use caulion.)
3. Fen Chamben
Szass Tan has lound a nunler of feyrs lo lhis roon, nagi-
caIIy conpeIIing lhen lo allack anyone nol specificaIIy
idenlified and cIeared ly hinseIf. f course, lhis incIudes
lhe characlers, aIlhough lhey nighl le alIe lo circunvenl
lhe feyrs lhrough lhe use of intisioi|i|q or olher speIIs. They
have leen reduced lo essenliaI nindIessness, hovever, and
allenpls lo inpersonale Szass Tan or olher sullIe laclics do
nol vork. Il is possilIe lhal characlers affecled ly lhe crea-
lures fear allack viII le forced lo fIee lack inlo lhe roon
vilh lhe lanarri, vho nay or nay nol sliII le fighling.
Fcyrs (8): AC 2, MV 12, HD 4, hp 3O, THACO 17,
#AT 1, Dng 1d4, SA Iear, MR 1O, SZ S, ML 18,
Inl Lov, AL CL, XI 975.
G. FIemo Room
A gIalrezu lanarri occupies lhis roon, vilh orders lo de-
fend againsl lhose nol specificaIIy cIeared ly Szass Tan. Il
is novhere near as preoccupied as lhe fiends in roon 24
and fighls lhe characlers vilhoul hesilalion. The gIalrezu
has nol leen conpeIIed lo serve here lul is veII paid ly
Szass Tan. Ils horde, slored in one corner of lhe roon,
consisls of 16,OOO sp, 8,OOO gp, 14 gens, 1O perfecl vioIel
garnels vorlh 5OO gp each, a rose pearI vorlh 3OO gp, an
anelhysl vorlh 1OO gp, one chrysoleryI vorlh 1OO gp,
and one ruly vorlh 2,5OO gp, a pc|icn cf intisioi|i|q, a pc-
|icn cf supcr-ncrcisn, a scrc|| cf prc|cc|icn frcn nagic, a
spcar +3, a uan cf nagic nissi|cs, and a ncrn cf Va|na||a.
Tanar'rI, G!abrczu: AC -7, MV 15, HD 1O, hp 65,
THACO 11, #AT 5, Dng 2d6/2d6/1d3/1d3/2d4+ 1,
SA Cral, SD +2 or leller veapons lo hil, SZ H, ML
18, Inl LxceplionaI, AL CL, XI 44,OOO.
1 9
n lhe vaII you viII see inages, figures appearing oul of
lhe shinnering Iines of faerie fire. The inages seen lo
le of peopIe fron your ovn pasl.
7. Gnea1 Fen Chamben
A singIe greal feyr has leen lound lo lhis roon, and il al-
lacks anyone nol previousIy idenlified ly Szass Tan. The
advenlurers nay le alIe lo avoid lhe feyr, or il nighl le-
Iieve a IC vho has leen pc|qncrpnc or disguised as Szass
Tan. (Make an InleIIigence roII againsl lhe greal feyr, Inl
14, lo see if il is fooIed).
Grcat Fcyr: AC -2, MV 12/I1 18, HD 16, hp 96,
THACO 5, #AT 4, Dng 2d6/2d6/2d6/2d6, SA Lno-
lion conlroI, SD InvisiliIily, SZ M, ML 18, Inl
High, AL CL, XI 13,OOO.
S. The DeoounImg Pon1aL
The Devouring IorlaI, finaI gale lo lhe HaIIs of Tvin
Burnings, vhere lhe advenlurers viII finaIIy confronl
LIlal and Szass Tan, requires nuch nore lhan lravn and
deslruclive nagic lo overcone il. The Devouring IorlaI
lesls lhose vho pass lhrough il ly dispIaying vicked or
inperfecl acls fron lheir pasls. The porlaI does nol nake
such a dispIay lo Szass Tan or lhose cIeared ly hin, lul
oulsiders nay le reduced lo gillering vrecks, incapalIe
of conlinuing. IorlunaleIy for chaolic characlers, lheir in-
dividuaIislic nalures nake lhen nore resislanl lo lhe ago-
nies dispIayed ly lhe porlaI, vhiIe IavfuI individuaIs are
far nore IikeIy lo le assaiIed ly guiIl.
Lanlenl lIue faerie fire fIickers across lhe fIoor, crealing
a vavering refIeclion on lhe lIack nirror surface of lhe
vaIIs ralher Iike a lIack opaI shol lhrough vilh kingfisher
lIue and crinson. In lhe cenler of lhe roon are seven laII,
lapered coIunns, lending logelher lo neel in lhe cenler.
A lIue-vhile Iighl gIovs in lhe cenler of lhe coIunns.
When lhe parly enlers lhe chanler, read lhe foIIoving:
The vaIIs shov scenes of anger, regrel, vioIence, or le-
lrayaI fron pIayers pasl. Those DMs vho have kepl lrack
of or generaled hislories for characlers shouId le alIe lo
drav oul severaI incidenls in vhich lhe characlers le-
lrayed soneone, caused pain lo innocenls, or lhe Iike.
Scenes of anger, regrel, vioIence, and halred pIay oul on
lhe vaIIs, visilIe lo lhe enlire parly. Characlers nusl save
vs. speII or le overvheIned ly guiIl. Modificalions lo lhe
roII are lased upon IC aIignnenl, per lhe foIIoving charl.
PC A!Ignmcnt MndIfIcatInn
Chaolic +2
NeulraI O
LavfuI - 5
Those vho faiI lheir saving lhrovs are reduced lo a co-
nalose slale, incapalIe of novenenl, speech or any olher
aclions. They renain so for lhe enlire line lhe parly oc-
cupies lhe roon, if renoved, lhey receive a nornaI saving
lhrov vs. Conslilulion each lurn (1O ninules) in order lo
recover, aIlhough lhe horror of lhe experience reduces
Con ly 3 for 1d2 days.
There nay aIso le in lhe parly lhal rare characler vho
has never done anylhing lo le ashaned of~and knovs il.
Such individuaIs sliII experience sone nenlaI effecls (lhe
IorlaI finds lheir veak poinls and lries lo expIoil lhen),
lul receive an addilionaI +5 lonus lo lheir die roIIs. f
course, aInosl everyone has done sonelhing for vhich
lhey feeI guiIly and ashaned.
Those sliII on lheir feel afler lhe chanler nakes ils dis-
pIay are free lo advance lhrough lhe porlaI. Conalose
characlers nay le carried lhrough lhe porlaI and are
lransporled aIong vilh everyone eIse, inlo lhe Chanlers
of Tvin Burnings, lo lhe finaI confronlalion vilh Szass
Tan and his ninions.
2 0
The NIm1h Rume
he Chanlers of Tvin Burnings is a conpIex speciaIIy crealed ly Szass
Tan and Iinked lo lhe Devouring IorlaI. Here, lhe ICs nusl find
Azargalhe Ninune, find Tna|crsi|s Sca|, and defeal Szass Tans schene
lo ensIave lhe lanarri Iord LIlal.
In lhe lvo years since Szass Tans neeling vilh lhe Iich LarIoch he has
vorked for lhis nonenl, inprisoning LIlal in Tna|crsi|s Sca|, inscriling eighl of lhe nine
Runcs cf Cnacs, vhiIe al lhe sane line consoIidaling his pover vilhin Thay. Nov, as lhe
noon vanes and lhe line of Tvin Burnings once nore approaches, Szass Tan can finaIIy
inscrile lhe ninlh Rune of Chaos and conlroI LIlal conpIeleIy, giving hinseIf access lo
near-godIike pover.
zass Tan anlicipales lhal lhe Ialhs of lhe Dooned viII lake care of nosl unvanled
visilors, lul lhe Chanlers of Tvin Burnings are nonelheIess veII guarded. Soon he
and a handfuI of picked apprenlices viII conpIele lhe finaI RiluaI of Tvin Burnings and
achieve lolaI conlroI over LIlal. When lhe ICs arrive, lhey are nol acluaIIy in lhe chan-
ler, lul viII shorlIy arrive fron eIsevhere in lhe CiladeI. The conspiralors viII le nosl dis-
lressed lo see lhe ICs neddIing.
AnnI oaL
3. AnnIoaL Chamben
nce lhrough lhe Devouring IorlaI, lhe ICs appear in lhis roon vhere a pIaloon of cho-
sen ones, nindIess ninions crealed ly lhe Red Wizards, sland guard vilh orders lo allack
anyone nol personaIIy acconpanied ly Szass Tan or any of his aIIies.
Chnscn Oncs (12): AC 7, MV 12, HD 3, hp 2O, THACO 17, #AT 3, Dng 1d8/1d4
(x2), SA Ioison, SZ M, ML 18, Inl Lov, AL CL, XI 175.
. Guano Rooms
Sone of Szass Tans nosl lrusled and eIile gnoII infanlry are assigned here as guards. Lach
of lhese chanlers conlains a squad of 12 gnoIIs, each vilh a singIe fIind officer. They are
superslilious and hesilale lo Ieave lheir chanlers for fear of Tans crealures. Hovever, lhey
cone oul if sunnoned, if lhey hear voices in lhe haIIvay vhich cannol le readiIy idenli-
fied as Tan or his aIIies, or if lhe sounds of fighling lreak oul. Due lo nervousness aloul
lheir currenl surroundings, lhe gnoIIs nighl have lo check noraIe if any expIosive nagic
(fircoa||, |ign|ning oc||, icc s|crn and lhe Iike) is used againsl lhen.
Gnn!!s (12): AC 5, MV 9, HD 2, hp 14, THACO 19, #AT 1, Dng 2d8, SZ L, ML 11,
Inl Lov, AL CL, XI 35.
F!Ind (1): AC 5, MV 12, HD 2+3, hp 18, THACO 19, #AT 2, Dng 1d4 (fIindlars),
SA disarn, SZ M, ML 12, Inl Average, AL LL, XI 12O.
Lach of lhe guard roons conlains lhe foIIoving: 2d4x1OO sp, 1d6x1OO gp, and 2d6 gens.
ne of lhe guard roons aIso conlains a gen of seeing nixed in vilh lhe nonnagicaI gens.
2 1
3. 51onage
S. AuoIemce Chamben
This roon conlains dried neal, fruil, preserved vegela-
lIes, vine, and luns of valer for lhe gnoIIs and olher Iiv-
ing visilors lo lhe conpIex. The roon aIso hoIds veapons
(svords, spears, daggers, crosslovs), cIolhing, lIank
parchnenl, ink, quiIIs, and various speII conponenls in
jars and sacks.
A. Am1echamben
This round, doned chanler is luiIl of paIe green narlIe,
vilh lIack coIunns around lhe oulside. SeveraI couches
Iine lhe vaIIs. Visilors vail here lefore audiences vilh
Szass Tan. Iour apparenlIy enply suils of arnor sland
aIong lhe vaIIs, hoIding axes. ShouId anyone excepl Szass
Tan or his aIIies enler lhe roon, lhe suils of arnor ani-
nale and allack, reveaIing lhenseIves as heIned horrors.
Hc!mcd Hnrrnrs (4): AC 2, MV 12/I1 12, HD 14,
hp 74, THACO 7, #AT 1, Dng 1d8 (lroad svord),
SD HeaIed ly nagic nissi|c, SZ M, ML SpeciaI, Inl
High, AL N, XI 4,OOO.
This roon conlains a Iong narlIe lalIe vilh conforlalIe,
Iealher chairs. Al one end is a raised dais vhere Szass Tan
sils during audiences. The roons secondary purpose is as a
conference roon and dining haII vhere Tan pIols slralegy
vilh his supporlers and aIIies. Il is here lhal lhose zuIkirs
vho have decIared for Tan nel vilh hin and discussed
his pIans lo lecone Lnperor of Thay.
G. KI1chem
Iood for Tans Iiving guesls is prepared here, usuaIIy ly
skeIelons~lhough nosl visilors donl knov il. (They
nighl Iose lheir appeliles if lhey did.) The roon conlains
a slone oven, nagicaIIy fired slove, racks of spices, and
nunerous pols, pans, and ulensiIs. A Iarge cIosel near lhe
lack of lhe roon, IaleIed panlry, acluaIIy conlains six
skeIelons vho shanlIe oul and slarl nining lhe aclions
of neaI preparalion if dislurled. If allacked, lhe skeIelons
defend lhenseIves.
5kc!ctnns (6): AC 7, MV 12, HD 1, hp 6, THACO
2O, #AT 1, Dng 1d6, SD HaIf danage fron edged
veapons, innune lo s|ccp, cnarn, and nc|, SZ M,
ML SpeciaI, Inl Non, AL N, XI 65.
7. LIbnan
F!Ind (1): AC 5, MV 12, HD 2+3, hp 18, THACO
19, #AT 2, Dng 1d4 (fIindlars), SA disarn, SZ M,
ML 12, Inl Average, AL LL, XI 12O.
This roon has looksheIves up lo lhe ceiIing, sIiding Iad-
S. 5I11Img Room
ders for easy access, conforlalIe chairs, and a vriling
desk. The Iilrary conlains nany looks on hislory, nany of
vhich shed a greal deaI of Iighl on unknovn aspecls of
Thays pasl. There are aIso voIunes lhal deaI vilh Thays
reIalions vilh lhe resl of Iaern, vilh nagic, naluraI his-
lory, lanarri and olher exlra-pIanar nonslers, and goIen
conslruclion. (In parlicuIar, lhere are severaI of lhe lexls
Aznar ThruI used lo perfecl his gen goIens).
If lhe characlers knov vhal lheyre Iooking for, lhey
nighl le alIe lo find sone usefuI infornalion here. If lhe
Tan uses lhis roon for reading and refIeclion, and for in-
linale conversalions vilh individuaIs or snaII groups of
visilors. Il is nade of dark slone, dinIy Iil and decoraled
vilh scuIplure and painlings of a dark and unpIeasanl na-
lure. A Iong couch fiIIs nosl of lhe norlhern vaII. There is
a reddish lIack, hardvood lalIe in lhe cenler of lhe roon
and severaI Iarge chairs. Tvo zonlies nornaIIy Iurk in lhe
shadovs, serving Tan and his guesls and lhey allack lhe
parly if il enlers~in lhe din Iighl, aII allack roIIs are re-
duced ly 1.
parly slops lo inspecl lhe looks, have lhe pIayers descrile
vhal lhey are Iooking for and nake InleIIigence checks lo ZnmbIcs (2): AC 8, MV 6, HD 2, hp 12, THACO
decide if lhey find anylhing. The InleIIigence roII nay le 19, #AT 1, Dng 1d8, SD SpeII innunily, SZ M, ML
nodified ly lhe specificily of lhe infornalion required. The SpeciaI, Inl Non, AL N, XI 65.
roII lo ansver a generaI queslion such as Who is Szass
Tan` vouId have no penaIly, for exanpIe, vhiIe Hov do
ve slop lhe gen goIens` resuIls in a penaIly of -8 or nore.
D. Labona1on
The DM nay aIso aIIov lhe characlers lo lrovse This roon is Tans privale Ial, vorkshop, and speIIcasling
lhrough lhe looks, lhen nake roIIs lo Iearn if anylhing chanler. The door lo lhis chanler fron roon 8 is crafled
slop or redirecl allacking goIens, infornalion aloul nev
inleresling or usefuI is discovered. The chances of finding
or unknovn nonslers (such as lIack unicorns and chosen
ones), Red Wizard speIIs such as f|cnsing, or Nylors vari-
anylhing are 1, cunuIalive, per ninule spenl lrovsing.
ous speIIs of punishnenl and correclion.
The exacl infornalion, and exaclIy hov usefuI il is, is up
lo lhe DM.
IossilIe resuIls of a search lhrough lhe looks incIude
conlroI vords for Thayan goIens, vhich nighl le used lo
haII. This lrap is -2O lo find and renove.
of lIackvood and covered in siIver runes and fiIigree vork
in lhe forn of lurning cilies and conquering arnies. The
door is doulIe uizar |cc|c and requires an inlricale siIver
key aIvays kepl on Szass Tans person. The Iock is -35
lo pick. An unsuccessfuI allenpl lriggers a poison gas lrap
lhal reIeases lhe equivaIenl of a c|cu |i|| speII inlo lhe
The inlerior of lhe Ialoralory is a dark vonderIand of
eviI nagic and paraphernaIia. The Iighl is din, provided
ly nore gIoving gIoles, lul can le lrighlened lo lIinding
dayIighl al Szass Tans connand. The ceiIing is hung
vilh various slrange ilens: preserved aninaIs (Iizards,
lals, lurlIes, snakes, and sone slrange and unidenlifialIe
crealures), sprigs of dried herls, lundIes of lree lranches,
skuIIs and lones of various crealures, siIver and iron sigiIs
and nedaIIions, gIoles conlaining various Iiquids and
More inporlanlIy, severaI of lhe hisloricaI lexls con-
lain infornalion on LIlal and hov lhe greal lanarri Iord
aided lhe Thayans in lheir var vilh MuIhorand and vas
inprisoned, olhers concern lhe Dca|n Mccn Oro, Tna|cr-
si|s Sca|, and lhe Runcs cf Cnacs. This infornalion is of
parlicuIar use Ialer in lhe advenlure, vhen lhe ICs aclu-
aIIy encounler LIlal hinseIf and nusl deaI vilh lhe runes, gasses, severaI snaII, gIovering inpIike crealures.
lhe seal, and lhe orl. These Iasl are exlrapIanar inps lhal Tan has preserved
Lach lurn lhe parly renains in lhe Iilrary, hovever, for research purposes. If freed lhey darl aloul lhe Ialora-
lhere is a cunuIalive 1 chance lhal a parly of gnoIIs and lory, challering and screaning, lreaking ilens, puIIing
a fIind officer enler on palroI. hair, kicking and scralching, doing a variely of nischief
and, afler severaI ninules, lhey vanish in puffs of fIane.
Gnn!!s (12): AC 5, MV 9, HD 2, hp 14, THACO They are innune lo aII allacks, nagicaI and olhervise,
19, #AT 1, Dng 2d4, SZ L, ML 11, Inl Lov, AL CL, lul cannol exisl on lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane for Iong,
XI 35. lhey are evenluaIIy forced lo relurn lo lheir hone reaIn.
2 4
lher gIoles reslrain nagicaIIy reduced lerlaIang and
fire inps, vhich viII grov lo lheir nornaI size if Iileraled.
If sel free, lhe inps and lerlaIang fighl for 1d4 rounds le-
fore vanishing lack lo lheir hone pIanes.
FIrc McphIts (5): AC 5, MV 12/I1 24, HD 3+ 1, hp
19, THACO 17, #AT 2, Dng 1d3/1d3, SA Addi-
lionaI 1 poinl heal danage, lrealh veapon, nca|
nc|a|, nagic nissi|c, SZ M, ML 8, Inl Average, AL
CL, XI 42O.
Bcrba!ang (5): AC 6, MV 6/I1 24 (B), HD 4+ 1, hp
18, THACO 17, #AT 3, Dng 1d4(x2)/1d6, SZ M,
ML 1O, Inl Very, AL CL, XI 65.
SeveraI Iarge cages aIso hang fron lhe ceiIing. Sone hoId
nundane crealures (rals, rallils,-snakes, Iizards, scorpi-
ons, and spiders), vhiIe olhers reslricl skeIelons or are un-
occupied. ne Iarge cage dispIays a fuII hunan-sized
skeIelon in perfecl condilion.
The Ial ilseIf conlains Iong lalIes fuII of gIassvare,
lules, fIasks, urns, norlars and peslIes, and olher aIcheni-
caI or nagicaI suppIies. Benealh lhe lalIes are sacks of
precious nelaIs and gens. The sacks conlain 5,OOO sp,
2,5OO gp, and 1OO gens.
The vaIIs are Iined vilh lollIes and jars conlaining
various speII conponenls, and a gIass calinel conlains nu-
nerous polions IaleIed vilh a coded runic scripl readalIe
onIy ly Szass Tan (or a rca nagic speII). Ior gane pur-
poses, lhere are aloul 2OO lollIes in lhe calinel, sone
(1O) conlain usefuI polions, vhiIe olhers (1O-2O) are
hazardous or poisonous. The ICs can lake aII lhe polions
if lhey vish and lhe DM can delernine lhe nunler ol-
lained and lheir usefuIness Ialer. lhervise, using polions
requires a randon roII.
The vaIIs aIso hoId four hidden paneIs lhal open lo re-
veaI four iron goIens.
In addilion lo lhe slorage sheIves, severaI inleresling
ilens hang fron lhe vaIIs. These incIude skuIIs fron var-
ious species of lanarri, yugoIolh, and laalezu, pIus nir-
rors, snaII pieces of scuIplure, and various vands and
Mosl of lhese ilens are unenchanled, lhere for deco-
ralion or in preparalion for evenluaI enchanlnenl, lul a
fev are acluaIIy nagicaI. The DM nay delernine lhe
nalure of lhese nagicaI oljecls, lul suggesled ilens in-
cIude a nirrcr cf |ifc |rapping (covered ly a lIack cIolh), a
nirror of nenlaI provess, enchanled veapons varying
fron + 1 lo +3, one or nore figurincs cf ucnrcus pcucr,
nasks or scuIplures conlaining cqcs cf |nc cag|c, cnarning,
or ninu|c sccing, a orazicr cf ccnnaning firc c|cncn|a|s, a
cninc cf cpcning, enchanled vands or slaves, and siniIar
AIlhough lhe defenses in lhe resl of lhe CiladeI are for-
nidalIe, Szass Tan leIieves lhal il is unIikeIy any eneny
can penelrale lhe conpIex lhis far. In spile of lhal, he has
Iefl lhe Ialoralory guarded. ShouId lhe ICs dislurl any
lhing in lhe roon, lhe four paneIs in lhe vaIIs open and
four iron goIens allack.
Irnn Gn!cms (4): AC 3, MV 6, HD 18, hp 8O,
THACO 3, #AT 1, Dng 4d1O, SA Brealh veapon,
SD +3 or leller veapons lo hil, SZ L, ML 2O, Inl
Non, AL N, XI 13,OOO.
3O. Gues1 uan1ens
Szass Tans Iiving guesls slay in lhese veII-appoinled,
lvo-roon suiles. Iurnished vilh rich lIackvood furnilure
and conforlalIe leds, lhese roons aIso conlain vriling
desks, chairs, and snaII dining lalIes vhere guesls are per-
sonaIIy served ly Tans shanlIing undead ninions. Lach
roon has a cIosel conlaining an aninaled skeIelon as-
signed lo acl as vaIel and lulIer for lhe roons occupanl.
Sone squeanish guesls sonelines ask lhal lhe skeIelons
le renoved, a requesl lo vhich Tan invarialIy conpIies,
sniIing and chuckIing lo hinseIf.
5kc!ctnns: AC 7, MV 12, HD 1, hp 6, THACO 2O,
#AT 1, Dng 1d6, SD HaIf danage fron edged veap-
ons, innune lo s|ccp, cnarn, and nc|, SZ M, ML
SpeciaI, Inl Non, AL N, XI 65.
33. Tam's uan1ens
AIlhough he is no Ionger aIive, Szass Tan never Iosl his
Iove for norlaI Iuxury, and his privale chanlers refIecl
lhis. These roons are fiIIed vilh furnilure skiIIfuIIy carved
fron ChuIlan hardvoods, expensive arlvork, rich carpels,
rare looks, and olher Iavish lrappings. The air is con-
slanlIy scenled vilh incense fron Senphar (lhe incense
aIso serves lo cover up lhe occasionaI vhiff of Szass Tans
noIdering renains vhenever he forgels lo use his preserv-
alive speIIs), and sofl, nagicaIIy produced nusic. The
Iighling is din and indirecl.
33a. PnIoa1e LIbnan
A snaII roon houses Szass Tans privale look coIIeclion.
Ils vaIIs are covered vilh gIassed-in lookcases. Lighl is
provided ly a sphericaI gIole lhal enils a varn yeIIov
gIov, suspended in nidair aloul a fool leIov lhe cenler
of lhe ceiIing. Tans coIIeclion incIudes speIIlooks and a
coIIeclion of rare vorks fron aII across Iaern, incIuding
specific infornalion aloul LIlal and Tans various arli-
facls. The chances of lhe characlers finding anylhing
usefuI vhiIe searching lhis roon rise lo 5 per lurn, cu-
3. Umoeao 51onage
The Iilrary aIso incIudes lhe foIIoving: a occ| cf infini|c
spc||s, a occ| cf ti|c ar|ncss, a nanua| cf gc|cns, and a |cnc
cf uncrs|aning.
The roon is guarded ly an undead lehoIder crealed ly
Szass Tan, lhal has leen pc|qncrpnc inlo lhe forn of a
Iighl gIole, vhich fIoals near lhe ceiIing. If unaulhorized
visilors open lhe gIass looksheIves, lhe lehoIder lrans-
forns inlo ils lrue forn and allacks.
Undcad Bchn!dcr: AC O/2/7, MV I1 2 (C), HD n/a,
hp 65, THACO 7, #AT 1, Dng 2d4, SA Magic, SD
Anli-nagic ray, SZ L, ML 18, Inl Non, AL LL, XI
33b. PnIoa1e DImImg Room
AIlhough Szass Tan is veII leyond lhe need lo eal, he
nainlains lhis snaII, eIeganl chanler for enlerlaining
guesls. In lhe cenler is an oclagonaI narlIe lalIe vilh
eighl chairs, over vhich hangs a gIoving Iighl gIole.
(This one is reaI, hovever, and shallers if il lakes any
danage al aII.) Calinels conlain dishes and ulensiIs.
33c. Beonoom
Szass Tan does nol sIeep, vhich enalIes hin lo devole
hinseIf lo his schenes around lhe cIock. This ledroon is
nainlained, hovever, for he occasionaIIy vishes lo resl,
refIecl, and perhaps lry lo recaII lhe sinpIe pIeasures of
sIeep he knev as a Iiving nan.
The roon conlains a sideloard, lalIe, desk, and cano-
pied led, aII nade of carved lIackvood. Lighl is provided
ly anolher nagicaI gIole. Nolhing of reaI vaIue is kepl
here, so lhe roon is unguarded and unprolecled.
33o. CLoaknoom
Nunerous roles and lunics fiII lhis roon, hanging fron
rods or nealIy foIded on sheIves. Mosl are dark red or
lIack and enlIazoned vilh lhe fIanes of Thay. The roon
aIso conlains Tans role of eyes and rcoc cf s|ars. When
lhe ICs arrive Tan is eIsevhere, vearing his role of lhe
arcnnagi, vhich is nornaIIy slored here.
Szass Tan uses lhis Iarge chanler lo slore his various
undead servanls. Il is dark and crovded vilh lhe sland-
ing forns of various hunanoids and skeIelaI lals hang-
ing fron lhe ceiIing. They avail Tans caII lo service
here, Iocked in a nagicaI slasis. The foIIoving crealures
are found here.
5kc!ctnns (20): AC 7, MV 12, HD 1, hp 6, THACO
2O, #AT 1, Dng 1d6, SD HaIf danage fron edged
veapons, innune lo s|ccp, cnarn, and nc|, SZ M,
ML SpeciaI, Inl Non, AL N, XI 65.
ZnmbIcs (20): AC 8, MV 6, HD 2, hp 12, THACO
19, #AT 1, Dng 1d8, SD SpeII innunily, SZ M, ML
SpeciaI, Inl Non, AL N, XI 65.
Bnncbats (20): AC 7, MV 3/I1 18 (C), HD 4, hp
24, THACO 17, #AT 1, Dng 2d4, SA IaraIysis, SD
HaIf danage fron edged veapons, innune lo s|ccp,
cnarn, and nc|, SZ M, ML SpeciaI, Inl Lov, AL
NL, XI 975.
Hcucuva (10): AC 3, MV 9, HD 2, hp 12, THACO 19,
#AT 1, Dng 1d6, SA Disease, SD Hil onIy ly siIver or
+ 1 veapons, SZ M, ML 11, Inl Seni, AL CL, XI 27O.
If lhe parly enlers lhe roon, lhe nagicaI slasis lhal keeps
lhe undead sliII is lroken and lhey slir lo Iife. In 1d4
rounds, 2d6 of lhe undead in lhe roon nove lo allack. In
anolher 1d4 rounds, 3d6 of lhe renaining undead cone lo
Iife, foIIoved ly lhe renainder of lhe roons occupanls
vilhin anolher 1d4 rounds. If lhe parly Ieaves lhe roon,
lhe undead cease lo reaninale, lul lhose aIready ani-
naled conlinue lo le. They nove oul of lhe roon and
pursue lhe advenlurers unIess lhe door is larred, uizar
|cc|c, or olhervise lIocked.
33. 5ummomImg Room
As soon as lhey enler, lhe characlers feeI a sense of un-
ease and vague horror aloul lhis roon. Il is luiIl of
lIack slone vilh goId and siIver highIighls here and
lhere, and a din gIole of Iighl gIovs near lhe ceiIing. In
lhe cenler of lhe roon is a nagicaI circIe inscriled in
siIver and olher precious sulslances, vhich Szass Tan
uses lo sunnon and lind lanarri and various olher
crealures of lhe pIanes. The purpose of a lIoodslained
aIlar nearly is olvious lo lhe ICs and conlains such a
residue of eviI nagic lhal il is repeIIenl even lo Iook al.
LavfuI good characlers feeI an overvheIning urge lo
deface lhe circIe and deslroy lhe aIlar.
2 6
3A. CeLLs
3Ac. Thanmam
The door here, lolh convenlionaIIy (-25 lo pick) and
doulIe uizar |cc|c, Ieads lo a conpIex vhere Szass Tan
keeps his prisoners. SeveraI enenies and polenliaI sacri-
fices are inprisoned here, incIuding lhe vizardess
Azargalhe Ninune, lhe finaI viclin needed lo creale lhe
ninlh and finaI rune.
NeedIess lo say, lhese ceIIs are veII guarded, ly individ-
uaIs vhon Szass Tan knovs he can lrusl: undead, lound
fiends, and aulonalons. Lach occupied ceII has an anle-
chanler lhal conlains one or nore guardians. These
guardians are lound lo fighl lo lhe dealh and nusl le
overcone lefore lhe prisoner can le Iileraled.
3Aa. HeLmeo Honnons
3Ao. Taman'nI
Three heIned horrors sland guard here and allack as soon
as lhe characlers enler lhe roon.
Hc!mcd Hnrrnrs (3): AC 2, MV 12/I1 12, HD 14,
hp 74, THACO 7, #AT 1, Dng 1d8 (lroad svord),
SD HeaIed ly nagic nissi|c, SZ M, ML SpeciaI, Inl
High, AL N, XI 4,OOO.
3Ab. 5haoanakk
This unforlunale Red Wizard vas caughl acliveIy pIolling
againsl Szass Tan and has leen pIaced here lefore inlerroga-
lion, lorlure, sacrifice, and conversion lo undead slalus. Need-
Iess lo say, he has lecone sonevhal disiIIusioned ly lhe Iife of
Red Wizards. He vouId le onIy loo happy lo Ieave Thay and
lake up lrade as a shopkeeper in Walerdeep or SuzaiI.
Shadarakk has no speIIs Iefl (he can reIearn lhen shouId lhe
characlers have lhe appropriale looks) and is reIuclanl lo
fighl. He viII leg and pIead for lhe ICs lo rescue hin.
5hadarakk (hm I!!5):AC 1O, MV 12, HD 5, hp 11,
THACO 19, #AT 1, Dng 1d2 (fisl), SZ M, ML 9,
Inl High, AL N (L), XI 65.
3Ab. GoLems
This roon conlains lvo iron goIens lhal nove lo allack
Irnn Gn!cms (2): AC 3, MV 6, HD 18, hp 8O,
THACO 3, #AT 1, Dng 4d1O, SA Brealh veapon,
SD +3 or leller veapons lo hil, SZ L, ML 2O, Inl
Non, AL N, XI 13,OOO.
Tharnan lhe Warrior is lhe Iasl survivor of a parly of
DaIeIands advenlurers vho allenpled lo penelrale lhe
CiladeI. Caughl eIsevhere in lhe Ialyrinlh, Tharnan
alandoned his feIIov advenlurers and lried lo fIee lul vas
caplured, aII his conrades vere sIain. He nov sils and
lroods, consuned vilh guiIl. He hopes lo redeen hinseIf
vilh lhe heroic dealh lhal lhe advenlurers nighl le alIe
lo provide hin.
Tharman (hm F10): AC 1O, MV 12, hp 6O, THACO
11, #AT 3/2, Dng none, SZ M, ML 9, Inl Average,
AL CN, XI 1,4OO.
Szass Tan has sel a Nalassu lo guard lhis roon, lhe an-
lechanler lo lhe ceII vhere his nosl inporlanl prisoner
is kepl.
Tanar'rI, Nabassu: AC -5, MV 12/I1 15, HD 7+2O,
hp 64, THACO 13, #AT 3, Dng 2d4/2d4/3d4+7,
SA Dealh gaze, lackslal, paraIyzalion, SD +1 or
leller veapons lo hil, MR 5O, SZ M, ML 16, Inl
High, AL CL, XI 4O,5OO.
3Ae. Azanga1he NImume
The kidnaped DeepingdaIe sorceress is heId here, chained
and reIieved of her speIIs. (Like Shadarakk, she can re-
Iearn any appropriale speIIs in ICs speIIlooks.) She has
leen fcco|cninc ly Szass Tan and presenlIy has lhe
nind of a chiId. If lhe fcco|cnin is eIininaled vilh a nca|
or uisn speII, Ninune lecones avare of her surroundings
and renenlers lhal she vas kidnaped ly Szass Tan, an
eneny she vhose hosliIe encounlers she has deaIl vilh in
lhe pasl. She does nol knov vhy Tan kidnaped her lul
viII happiIy aid lhe parly againsl hin. She aIso vishes lo
relrieve her s|aff cf uizarrq, vhich Tan has laken.
Azargathc NImunc (hf M10): AC 1O, MV 12, hp
3O, THACO 17, #AT 1, Dng none, SZ M, ML 18,
Inl Cenius, AL CC, XI 1,4OO.
Spc||s. 4/4/3/2/2 (seIecled ly DM).
3S. GuanoIams
The doulIe doors al lhe end of lhe haIIvay open inlo
roon 15. They are inscriled vilh siIver synloIs of pover
and nagicaI scripl runs around lheir ouler edges, reading
(shouId lhe characlers lry lo decipher lhe scripl or use
rca nagic). Here Iies lhe Chanler of Tvin Burnings,
vhere LIlal sils upon Tna|crsi|s Sca| and lhe Dca|n Mccn
Oro shines over aII.
n eilher side of lhe door are lvo heIned horrors lhal
allack if lhe parly louches or allenpls lo open lhe doors.
They vere crealed ly a 1Olh-IeveI priesl and have in-
creased aliIilies lased upon lheir higher Hil Dice.
Hc!mcd Hnrrnrs (4): AC 2, MV 12/I1 12, HD 14,
hp 74, THACO 7, #AT 1, Dng 1d8 (lroad svord),
SD HeaIed ly nagic nissi|c, SZ M, ML SpeciaI, Inl
High, AL N, XI 4,OOO.
The door ilseIf has leen lripIe uizar |cc|c and nusl le
opened vilh a key kepl ly Szass Tan. No lraps have leen
sel on lhis door, hovever.
3G. Am1echamben
A circuIar doned chanler Iies leyond lhe doors. Tvo
lalau sland guard here, againsl opposile vaIIs. Svorn lo
1OO years of service lo Szass Tan, lhey allack anyone nol
specificaIIy acconpanied ly Tan, in person. They can
neilher le fooIed ly iIIusion nor disguise, nor can lhey le
largained vilh in any vay.
Tanar'rI, Babau (2): AC -3, MV 15, HD 8+ 14, hp 65,
THACO 9, #AT 3, Dng 1d4+1/1d4+1/2d4 or ly
veapon + 7 (Slrenglh lonus), SA corrosion, gaze, lack-
slal, SD +1 or leller veapons lo hil, lhief aliIilies, MR
5O, SZ M, ML I5, Inl High, AL CL, XI 17,5OO.
37. Chamben o[
TuIm BunmImgs
The roon is a vasl doned chanler luiIl of paIe pink nar-
lIe, veined vilh lIack and vhile. In lhe cenler is a laII,
nine-sided pyranidaI slruclure, seeningIy crafled of crys-
laI. n eighl of lhe nine sides are slrange, jagged runes in-
scriled inlo lhe cryslaI ilseIf. Alove lhe pyranid hovers a
vioIel-lIack sphere vilh a gIassy surface lhal shifls and
shinners Iike oiI on valer.
Three Iov lalIes nade of lIack slone are spaced around
lhe pyranid, lul olhervise lhe roon is fealureIess.
In lhe cenler of lhe pyranid, you see lhe vague forn of
a gianl hunanoid figure, sealed on an eIalorale
lhrone. As you approach you can pick oul sone de-
laiIs~il is covered in dark red, lony pIales and has a
fanged, lesliaI head, sprouling nunerous horns and
Iarge gIoving yeIIov eyes.
A fainl voice, Iike a lhunderous leIIov fron an in-
caIcuIalIe dislance avay, echoes in your ears.
ulsiders! Lnenies of Szass Tan! I leseech your
aid! I an lhe god LIlal. I vas inprisoned ly lhe Red
Wizards nany years ago. Nov Szass Tan has pIaced
ne upon lhis lhrone, using lhe orl alove ne. Lighl
Runcs cf Cnacs have leen inscriled on ny cryslaI
prison. When Tan inscriles lhe ninlh, I viII le his
sIave for aII elernily, and aII ny pover viII le al his
disposaI. You nusl deslroy lhe eighl runes and sel ne
free, or Tan viII have access lo IinilIess pover. I leg
you, deslroy lhe runes!
This is LIlal, lhe lanarri alyssaI Iord vho heIped lhe
Thayans defeal lhe MuIhorand god-kings. Though he is
nol acluaIIy a god, he is very cIose.
If Azargalhe Ninune is vilh lhe parly, she varns lhen
of LIlals lrue nalure. (She is faniIiar vilh hin and his
hislory.) ShouId she do so, LIlal innedialeIy confirns her
slory using a IillIe honesly lo vin lhe parlys lrusl, lul he
svears lhal he viII relurn lo lhe Alyss and nol lroulIe
Iaern if onIy he is sel free. He goes on lo say lhal if lhe
parly does nol deslroy lhe runes, his povers viII aII le
lurned againsl Iaern in any evenl, al lhe connand of
Szass Tan, lhe grealesl eneny of Iav and freedon on
Harq||is, of course, innedialeIy delecls LIlals lrue na-
lure and denands lhal lhe parly allack and deslroy hin.
Renenler lhe svords speciaI povers over lanarri shouId
lhe parly fighl LIlal.
The parly is Iefl vilh a ralher lricky diIenna. If lhey
lreak lhe runes, LIlal viII le free lul lanarri are infa-
nous for lheir lreachery and he nighl lurn on lhe parly.
n lhe olher hand, if lhey Ieave lhe runes in pIace, Tan
viII evenluaIIy conpIele lhe riluaIs and LIlal viII le en-
lireIy in his pover. In lhal case, his conpIele conlroI of
Thay and uller doninalion of aII easlern Iaern is virlu-
aIIy assured.
AIIov lhe pIayers lo discuss nallers for a fev ninules,
lhis is, afler aII, a nonunenlaI decision, vilh lhe polen-
liaI for lerrilIe consequences.
5 h o uo o um
he renaining evenls are up lo lhe pIayers. DMs have
severaI oplions lased upon lheir aclions. If lhe char-
aclers do nol free LIlal, lhey nay sinpIy fighl Szass Tan
vhen he shovs up. Tan is a poverfuI speIIcasler and shouId
give lhe parly a run for lheir noney, add apprenlices and
exlra ninions (undead, gnoIIs, and so on) if needed. In lhis
case, Tan shouId le aIIoved lo escape or lhe characlers aI-
Ioved lo fIee, and Tans schene for conlroIIing LIlal viII
go on, vilh lhe exacl consequences up lo lhe DM.
If lhe ICs do nol free LIlal and lhe DM vishes lhe ad-
venlure lo conlinue as descriled leIov, vilhoul Szass Tan
having a shol al uIlinale pover, lhen Tan enlers lhe roon
vilh a 1Olh-IeveI lransnuler apprenlice, Renho Thane.
The apprenlice sees lhe ICs and casls firelaII, Iighlning loIl,
or siniIar speII. Tan screans, No, you fooI! and lhe speII
slrikes lhe pyranid conlaining Tna|crsi|s Sca|, shallering
lhe runes, sending lhe Dca|n Mccn Oro pIunneling lo lhe
ground and freeing LIlal. (Nole lhal in neilher case is lhe
orl acluaIIy deslroyed~il is sinpIy senl fIying off inlo lhe
pIanes and nay shov up eIsevhere in Iaern.)
The nosl IikeIy roule for lhe characlers lo lake, hov-
ever, is lo free LIlal and hope for lhe lesl, in vhich case
read lhe loxed lexl leIov. If Renho fooIishIy fires off his
speII and frees lhe lanarri Iord, paraphrase lhe foIIoving
as necessary.
SIovIy, lul vilh increasing speed, a fine nelvork of
cracks spreads oulvard fron lhe eighl Runes of Chaos
vilh lhe sound of shallering gIass. verhead, lhe Dealh
Moon rl svirIs lIack and purpIe, lul fIashes of red and
green fIicker across ils surface. SuddenIy, lhe enlire pyra-
nid expIodes inlo gIassy fragnenls and lhe orl vanishes
in a fIash of lrighl vioIel Iighl.
In lhe cenler of lhe pIace vhere lhe pyranid once
slood, a greal, hunanoid leing rises fron an eIaloraleIy
carved elon lhrone. The fiend is al Ieasl 15 feel laII and
covered in heavy red and lIack pIales. Ils loolhy, heaviIy
nuzzIed head sprouls dozens of horns and anlIers, lolh
Iarge and snaII. Iron ils lack unfurI vings Iike lhose of a
giganlic insecl.
The crealure fixes you vilh gIaring, red-sIilled yeIIov
I an LIlal, Lord of lhe Hidden Layer, il grovIs.
You have freed ne. Your revard is lo lecone ny firsl
servanls or, if you refuse, ny firsl prey. Whal is your
2 9
Before you can respond, lhe doors lo lhe chanler
open, reveaIing a nunler of hunans dressed in red
roles enlIazoned vilh yeIIov fIanes. In lhe Iead is a
Iean, paIe, lIack-learded nan learing a lIackvood
slaff. Beside hin is a laId-headed nan vilh heavy
lIack eyelrovs.
When he sees LIlal slanding anid lhe ruins of lhe
cryslaI pyranid, he leIIovs, You fooIs! Whal have
you done`
LIlal sviveIs his halefuI gaze onlo lhe learded nan
and his conpanions. Szass Tan! il spils. My
leIoved lornenlor. Were you nol aIready dead, I
vouId kiII you sIovIy. Bul nov I viII lake your vorlh-
Iess Iife-force inslead!
Iire Ieaps fron LIlals fingerlips, sIashing lhrough
lhe ranks of Red Wizards, sIaying severaI, and sending
lhe renainder scallering.
A crackIing ninlus of proleclive energy springs up
around Szass Tan and he shouls al you.
You freed hin, you idiols! Aid us nov or ve are aII
dead! We viII sellIe our ovn scores Ialer!
The lvo Iead Red Wizards are, of course, Szass Tan
and his apprenlice Renho. They innedialeIy nade lheir
vay lo lhe Chanler of Tvin Burnings vhen lhey noled
lhal Ninune vas nissing fron her ceII. Nov il seens
lhal lheir vouId-le sIave is free, and Tans cenluries-oId
pIan has leen lhvarled.
The characlers have yel anolher series of choices.
They nay join vilh Tan and Renho Thane lo fighl
LIlal. Togelher, lhey viII evenluaIIy injure lhe dread
lanarri alyssaI Iord sufficienlIy lo force hin lo fIee
(lhough he nov nurses a deep grudge againsl lhe charac-
lers and viII pIol revenge al a Ialer dale). nce lhis is
done, hovever, Szass Tan viII lake his fruslralions oul
on lhe ICs.
n lhe olher hand, lhe characlers nay, for reasons
knovn onIy lo lhenseIves, decide lo heIp LIlal fighl lhe
Red Wizards. The oulcone viII le siniIar. The ICs in-
lervenlion viII defeal lhe Thayans, kiIIing nosl of lhe
Iov-IeveI vizards, forcing Szass Tan lo fIee, and ladIy
vounding or even kiIIing lhe vicked Renho Thane.
IinaIIy (and nosl sensilIy), lhe characlers nay al-
lenpl lo fIee lhe scene of carnage, aIIoving Tan, Renho
and LIlal lo fighl il oul (and nay lhe vorsl leing vin).
The fighl lelveen LIlal and lhe lvo vizards viII rock
lhe enlire conpIex, causing lrenors, coIIapses, fissures,
and olher calaslrophes. If lhe parly is deIayed loo Iong
ly any of lhese incidenls, lhe vinners of lhe slruggIe in
lhe chanler nay cone afler lhen, inlenl on ven-
In any evenl, lhe conlalanls have lhe foIIoving slalis-
lics. Keep lrack of lhe speIIs expended ly Tan and his aI-
Iies, lhey viII lurn lhen againsl lhe characlers once LIlal
has leen vanquished.
E!tab, Lnrd nf thc HIddcn Laycr (lanarri, alyssaI
Iord): Inl Supragenius, AL CL, AC -8, MV 18/I1
36, HD 37, hp 185, THACO 1, #AT 2, Dng
4d8(x2), SA Terror, inpaIenenl, dealh gaze, SD +3
or leller veapons lo hil, MR 8O, SZ L, ML 18, XI
Zu!kIr 5zass Tam, Iich (Nec29): AC O, MV 6, hp
64, THACO 1O, #AT 1, Dng 1d1O + paraIysis or ly
speII, SA speIIs, SD + 1 or leller nagicaI veapon lo
hil, innune lo cnarn, cc|, c|cc|rici|q, cnfcco|cncn|,
insani|q, pc|qncrpn, s|ccp, and dealh speIIs, SZ M,
MR 5 (role of lhe arcnnagi), ML 19, Inl Supra-
genius, AL NL, XI 17,OOO.
Lcvc! 1: Arnor, ourning nans (x2), cni|| |cucn, c-
|cc| unca, junp, sunncn unca, nagic nissi|c
Lcvc! 2: |SP, f|aning spncrc (x2), g|i||crus|, irri|a-
|icn, pqrc|ccnnics, sna||cr, spcc|ra| nan, uco.
Lcvc! 3: |cign ca|n, nc| unca, fircoa||(x2), nas|c,
infratisicn, ncns|cr sunncning |, prcscrta|icn, tan-
piric |cucn.
Lcvc! 4: 8c||qns ourning o|cc, ccn|agicn, incnsicn
ccr, cx|cnsicn |, firc |rap, icc s|crn, pc|qncrpn c|ncr,
s|cnc s|in, ua|| cf icc.
Lcvc! 5: Anina|c ca (x2), c|cu|i||, isnissa|, cx-
|cnsicn ||, nagic jar, ncns|cr sunncning |||, sunncn
snacu, |c|cpcr|.
Lcvc! 6: An|i-nagic snc||, cnain |ign|ning, ca|n spc||,
cx|cnsicn |||, ficnfcrn, g|coc cf intu|ncraoi|i|q, ncn-
s|cr sunncning |V, s|cnc |c f|csn.
Lcvc! 7: Aci ruin, anina|c rca uarricr, ccn|rc| un-
ca, c|aqc o|as| fircoa||, fingcr cf ca|n, Mcr-
cn|aincns sucr, pcucr ucr, s|un, spc|| |urning.
Lcvc! 8: C|cnc, g|ass|cc|, inccniarq c|cu, nin
o|an|, ncns|cr sunncning V|, pcucr ucr, o|in, pris-
na|ic ua||, Scr|cns spc|| innuni|q.
Lcvc! 9: |ncrgq rain, ga|c, inpriscnncn|, nc|ccr
suarn, ncns|cr sunncning V||, Ri|ua| cf Tuin 8urn-
ings, |inc s|cp, uisn.
Tan is vearing a lIack rcoc cf |nc arcnnagi, vhich pro-
vides hin vilh a + 1 on aII saving lhrovs, he aIso possesses
a ring cf prc|cc|icn +2 and a uan cf unips.
Rcnhn Thanc (hm Tra10): Inl Cenius, AL CL,
AC 6 (sca|c nai| +1, s|aff cf pcucr), MV 12, hp 7O,
THACO 17, #AT 1, Dng 1d4 (tanpiric aggcr) or
1d6+2 (s|aff cf pcucr), SZ M, ML 18, XI 15,OOO.
Lcvc! 1: arncr, ourning nans, nagic nissi|c (2),
snic|, sncc|ing grasp.
Lcvc! 2: Dar|ncss (15 raius), f|aning spncrc, fcg
c|cu, intisioi|i|q, Mc|fs aci arrcu, snu||cr.
Lcvc! 3: 8|in|, fircoa|| 2, Mc|fs ninu|c nc|ccrs,
Lcvc! 4: Ccnfusicn, incnsicn ccr, cx|cnsicn |, firc
snic|, ua|| cf firc.
Lcvc! 5: Ccnjurc firc c|cncn|a|, cx|cnsicn ||, faori-
ca|c, |c|c|incsis.
Acn!ytcs (hm &hf Ncc5 (10)): AC 1O, MV 12,
HD 5, hp 1O, THACO 19, #AT 1, Dng 1d4 (dag-
ger), SZ M, ML 13, Inl High, AL NL, XI 42O.
5pc!!s: 6/4/3 (seIecled ly DM).
he nosl IikeIy oulcone if lhe parly slays and fighls is
lhal lhe characlers aid Tan againsl lhe freed
lanarri, especiaIIy if lhey are dragged inlo lallIe ly lhe
conlalive svord Harq||is. In lhis case, LIlal is IikeIy lo
le defealed, aIlhough he viII prolalIy nol le kiIIed. He
fIees lack lo lhe Alyss if he is reduced lo 25 hil poinls or
Iess. In lhis case Szass Tan is free lo lake oul his fruslra-
lions on lhe advenlurers.
5zass Tam's
The roon is in chaos. The cryslaI pyranid Iies in
shards, lhe slrange lIack lhrone is lIovn lo pieces, lhe
lIack and vioIel sphere has vanished, and lhe gIeaning
vaIIs are slained vilh sool and lIack lurn narks. Bodies
of sIain Red Wizards Iie everyvhere.
Szass Tan slands anid lhe carnage. The speIIs lhal
conceaIed his lrue appearance seen lo have veak-
ened, he resenlIes a veII-preserved corpse nov, and
lhe scenl of decaying fIesh vafls in your direclion.
He is gone, Tan hisses. You have deslroyed
everylhing I have vorked for. The pIans of cenluries
Iie in ruins, lhanks lo you neddIing fooIs. Be gralefuI
lhal I nov revard you vilh a quick dealh.
The parly nay fIee, in vhich case Tan and any surviving
Red Wizards give chase, or lhey nay choose lo fighl lhe
zuIkir and his aIIies. (Renenler hov nany speIIs lhe
Red Wizards have Iefl.) If Tan is reduced lo 25 hil
poinls or Iess, he loo viII fIee, using |c|cpcr| or sone sin-
iIar neans lhal he keeps in reserve.
Wilh Tan oul of lhe piclure, Aznar ThruI is free lo pur-
sue his nore sullIe slralegies, vilh lhe appropriale conse-
quences for Thay.
nce Tan has leen driven off, lhe parly sliII faces es-
caping fron lhe CiladeI and relurning lo AgIarond.
he parly nay fIee fron lhe CiladeI in a nunler of
vays. If lhe characlers have leen ladIy lIoodied,
lhe DM shouId leII lhen lhal lhe Devouring IorlaI |c|c-
pcr|s lhen oulside lhe CiladeI, vhere lhe SinluI creales
anolher nagc-|unnc| lo lring lhen hone. AIlernaliveIy,
lhe advenlurers nay have lo vail a fev days for lhe Sin-
luIs lunneI lo arrive, dodging gnoII palroIs and vengefuI
Red Wizards, or lhey nay even have lo fIee across Thay
Escape [nom
1he CI1aoeL
nce lhey have relurned lo AgIarond, lhe advenlurers
are heaIed, lrealed, aIIoved lo resl, and ushered inlo a de-
lriefing vilh lhe SinluI, vho leIIs lhen lhe resuIls of
lheir nission, and ils effecls on lhe Iand of Thay.
EpI Logue
he SinluI fiIIs lhe characlers in on any delaiIs lhey faiIed lo Iearn~lhe
enlire slory of LIlal and Tans pIans lo ensIave hin and of lhe possilIe
nev lhreal in Aznar ThruI. She aIso revards lhe parly vilh 5,OOO gp each
as veII as a seIeclion of suilalIe nagicaI ilens, as delernined ly lhe char-
Characlers receive XIs lased upon foes lhvarled lul aIso receive lonuses for achieving
various goaIs in lhe course of lhe advenlure. These goaIs are group avards lo le divided
equaIIy anong parly nenlers.
If lhe advenlurers nanaged lo oulvil any of lhe CiladeIs occupanls (such as lhe pick-up-
slicks pIaying lanarri) vilhoul lIoodshed, lhey are avarded haIf lhe XIs lhey vouId have
von ly sIaying lhen. If lhey freed LIlal, lhe parly receives 5,OOO lonus XIs. If Szass Tan
vas vounded and forced lo fIee, lhe ICs receive 15,OOO lonus XIs. ShouId lhe parly have
nanaged lo acluaIIy kiII Tan, lhey receive 2O,OOO XIs, lul lhe undead vizard does nol re-
nain dead for Iong andreluns lo Iaern evenluaIIy. If LIlal vas forced lo fIee, lhey receive
1O,OOO lonus XIs. The DM nay avard olher lonus poinls lased on lhe ICs aclions.
The 5I1ua1Iom Im Tha
n aII IikeIihood lhe ICs have shallered nany of Szass Tans pIans. BadIy vounded, and
seriousIy overexlended ly his exerlions, Tan fIees lo his privale denesne lo recover,
and Thay goes lo pieces in his alsence. LnloIdened as runors of Tans defeal and lhe es-
cape of LIlal spread, LauzoriI and Nevron (if he sliII Iives) speak openIy againsl lhe necro-
nancer. MylhreIIaa, a vilaI aIIy in Tans slralegies, again relires lo her lover and decIares
her neulraIily.
Aznar ThruI nanaged lo survive lhe delacIe ly renaining aIoof fron Szass Tans nachi-
nalions. The Tharchion of lhe Iriador is nov free lo pursue his ovn goaIs and couId even
rehaliIilale Szass Tan if he needed hin. ThruI is nov in a posilion of grealer pover lhan
he vas lefore Tans advenl. The ZuIkir of Invocalion and Tharchion of lhe Iriador is nov
sel lo eslalIish his ovn suprenacy in Thay.
The various lharchions and Red Wizards vho once supporled Tan nov eilher decIare
neulraIily or seriousIy reduce lheir enlhusiasn for his pIans.
The upshol of lhe enlire affair is lo relurn Thay lo ils originaI slale~lhal of a Iand of
near-anarchy, vilh pover divided lelveen squallIing vizards and lharchions. Szass Tan
conlinues lo le a najor Thayan zuIkir and conlinues lo schene for alsoIule pover, pos-
silIy faIIing lack on aIlernale pIans vhich he deveIoped lul heId in reserve.
If lhe advenlurers did nol free LIlal lul inslead chose lo fIee, Tans pIans are deIayed. If
he succeeds in ensIaving LIlal, Thay lecones a uniled enpire under his ruIership, inne-
dialeIy descending upon lhe surrounding Iands in a var of conquesl.
AIlernaleIy, lhe DM nay delernine lhal lhe deIay in crealing lhe ninlh rune gives
Tans enenies enough lrealhing roon lo narshaI lheir forces and fighl, possilIy even free-
ing LIlal and spoiIing Tans pIans lhenseIves, relurning Thay lo ils originaI slale.
Whalever lhe oulcone, lhe advenlurers expIoils in lolh Tnrcnc cf Dccci| and Tnc Runcs
cf Cnacs have changed lhe face of Thay and lroughl aloul lilanic evenls. This aIone
shouId assure lheir pIace in lhe hislory of Iaern and provide a galevay lo furlher excile-
nenl and advenlures.
DcsIgn: Anlhony Iryor
Dcvc!npmcnt and EdItIng: Doug Slevarl
IntcrInr Art: VaIerie VaIusek
Cartngrabhy: Dennis Kaulh
TypcscttIng: AngeIika Lokolz
Art CnnrdInatnr: Ieggy Cooper
GraphIcs CnnrdInatnr: IauI }aquays
Cnvcr DcsIgn: Renee Ciske
PrnductInn: Dee Barnell
PrnnfrcadIng: MicheIe Carler and David Wise
ADVANCLD DUNCLNS & DRACNS, AD&D, IRCTTLN RLALMS, and MNSTRUS CMILNDIUM are regislered lradenarks ovned ly TSR, Inc.
The TSR Logo is a lradenark ovned ly TSR, Inc.
AII TSR characlers, characler nanes and lhe dislincl Iikenesses lhereof are lradenarks ovned ly TSR, Inc.
Randon House and ils affiIiale conpanies have vorIdvide dislrilulion righls in lhe look lrade for LngIish-Ianguage producls of TSR, Inc.
Dislriluled lo lhe look and holly lrade in lhe Uniled Kingdon ly TSR Lld.
Dislriluled lo lhe loy and holly lrade ly regionaI dislrilulors.
This naleriaI is prolecled under lhe copyrighl Iavs of lhe Uniled Slales of Anerica. Any reproduclion or unaulhorized use of lhe naleriaI or
arlvork conlained herein is prohililed vilhoul lhe express vrillen pernission of TSR, Inc.
1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved. Irinled in lhe Uniled Slales of Anerica.
T5R, Inc.
Lakc Gcncva
WI 53147
201 5hcrIdan 5prIngs Rnad
T5R Ltd.
120 Church End
Chcrry HIntnn
CambrIdgc CB1 3LB
UnItcd KIngdnm
I SBN O- 7869- O139- X
Cat, Grcat, 5nnw TIgcr
, & 1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
Sularclic lo lenperale
DIET: DIET: Carnivore Carnivore
Rear cIavs (2d4 each),
speed lursl
Never surprised,
L (7-1O Iong)
Average (8-1O)
Cnmbat: The snov liger allacks vilh a savage lile and raking CIoaks of snov liger fur are synloIs of slalus anong lhe Rashe-
cIavs. Like olher greal cals, lhe snov liger has Iarge and poverfuI naar. They are never soId and nay onIy le vorn ly individuaIs vho
rear cIavs. If lolh fronl cIav allacks hil in a singIe round, lhe liger successfuIIy sIev lhe liger lhal lecane lhe cIoak. IndividuaIs vho
aulonalicaIIy rakes vilh lolh rear cIavs, scralching opponenls for vear cIoaks lhey are nol enlilIed lo are usuaIIy allacked ly Rashe-
2d4 poinls of danage each. naar vho Iearn lheir secrel.
Snov ligers change coIor vilh lhe season as do olher sularclic
and arclic species. During spring and sunner lhey are paIe lrovn, Ecn!ngy: A cunning and resourcefuI predalor, snov ligers prefer
slriped vilh green. In faII lhe snov ligers coal sIovIy fades lo vhile Iarger prey such as deer, nounlain goals, sheep, and horses. During
and lIack slripes. In eilher case, lhe liger lIends in quile effecliveIy lhe deplhs of vinler, snov ligers are sonelines reduced lo slaIking
vilh ils surroundings and is lrealed as a hidden oljecl, gaining aulo- nice, rallils, foxes, and olher snaII gane.
nalic surprise vhen allacking fron hiding. Snov ligers are never A fev are inleIIigenl enough lo reaIize lhal hunans are reIaliveIy
surprised. easy prey, lul lhis is rare. Mosl snov ligers avoid hunans and allack
When allacking, snov ligers are capalIe of lIinding lursls of onIy if cornered or slarving.
speed, noving al doulIe rale for 1d4 rounds vilhoul a penaIly lo
allack or danage roIIs.
HabItat/5ncIcty: NornaIIy soIilary, snov ligers nay le encoun-
lered in naled pairs during spring and sunner. During lhis period
lhere is a 25 chance lhal a pair viII have 1-2 culs (no conlal
aliIilies). Rashenaar hunlers sonelines lake culs and raise lhen as
pels, lraining lhen lo hunl. In order lo le successfuIIy lrained, lhe
cul nusl le Iess lhan lhree nonlhs oId and lhe lrainer nusl nake
lhree successive aninaI lraining proficiency checks. nIy one check
nay le nade per veek, and if one faiIs lhe lrainer nusl slarl aII over
again. nce a cul is over lhree nonlhs oId, il cannol le lrained and
is usuaIIy relurned lo lhe viId.
The greal snov liger is a carnivorous leasl found lhroughoul norlh-
ern and easlern Iaern, lhough il is nosl connon in Rashenen.
There, lerserkers revere ils speed, slrenglh, and hunling skiII, and
oflen lry lo enuIale ils appearance and lehavior~lhere is a Rashe-
naar Snov Tiger lerserker Iodge.
The Rashenaars adniralion for lhe snov liger does nol precIude
hunling lhe leasl, in facl, il is considered a singuIar honor lo have
laken one singIe-handedIy. Hunling snov ligers aIone, unarnored,
and arned onIy vilh a lroad svord or a lov is a popuIar sporl
anong Rashenaar nolIes.
Snov ligers are vividIy porlrayed in Rashenaar Iegends, vhere
lhey are crediled vilh aII nanners of cunning, inleIIigence, and
ferocily. Though dangerous predalors and a fierce chaIIenge lo hunl,
snov ligers are sinpIy anolher Iarge predalor fighling for survivaI in
Rashenens harsh cIinale. TaIes of inleIIigenl ligers Iuring prey lo
ils doon are lul laIes.
Chnscn Oncs
, & 1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
DIET: Carnivore
ALIGNMENT: Chaolic eviI
H I T D I C E : 3
THAC0: 17
3 or 2
(or 1d8 and veapon)
MORALE: Ianalic (18)
Chosen ones vere once hunan sIaves, lul. lhey have leen suljecled
lo lorlure and nagicaI procedures (see lhe 5lh-IeveI speII crca|c cnc-
scn cnc in lhe Canpaign Guic) lo lurn lhen inlo vioIenl guardians
under lhe conlroI lheir Red Wizard crealors.
Driven ly rage, chosen ones seek lo avenge lhenseIves upon
lhose vho caused lheir pain and suffering, lul lheir anger is nagi-
caIIy redirecled fron lheir crealors. In effecl, each chosen one is
conpeIIed lo see everyone excepl ils crealor and his conpanions as
lhe cause of ils pain and consequenlIy allacks aII olhers vilh un-
sloppalIe fury.
The nagicaI speIIs lhal creale lhen lvisl lheir appearances inlo
hideous caricalures of hunans, faces conlorl, leelh eIongale, and lhe
skin lransforns inlo a lough, Iealhery proleclive coaling. Chosen
ones hands are gnarIed and slrelched, ending in vicked, fiIlhy cIavs.
The Red Wizards use chosen ones prinariIy as guards for lheir
hones or inporlanl pIaces such as Ialoralories, lreasure vauIls, and
dungeons. nce crealed, a chosen one can onIy le reslored lo
hunanily ly a uisn or siniIar poverfuI nagic.
Cnmbat: If a Red Wizard is conpeIIed or heId hoslage, a speciaI
code vord can le ullered lo conpeI lhe chosen ones lo allack lheir
crealors caplor.
In lallIe, chosen ones allack fearIessIy, liling vilh fangs and
sIashing vilh fiIlhy cIavs. Sone chosen ones are equipped vilh
veapons lhal repIace lhe cIav allacks.
Viclins of a chosen ones lile nusl save vs. poison or suffer an
addilionaI 1d8 poinls of danage per round for lhe nexl 1d6 rounds.
Chosen ones are nol conpIeleIy reIialIe. ccasionaIIy, lheir con-
dilioning lreaks dovn and nenories of lheir pasl Iives as veII as lhe
lrue cause of lheir pain fIood lheir heads. Lach round a chosen one is
in conlal afler lhe fiflh, lhere is a 1 cunuIalive chance lhal il
goes lerserk. (Ior exanpIe, lhis increases lo 5 afler 1O rounds.) If
lhal happens, lhe chosen one screans horrilIy and innedialeIy
Ieaves conlal, running avay lo find ils nasler and lake revenge as
quickIy as possilIe, fighling onIy lhose vho sland in ils vay.
HabItat/5ncIcty: The occasionaI inslaliIily of chosen ones is a
price lhe vizards are viIIing lo pay for usefuI sIaves. The dealh of lhe
Red Wizard Thanarrak and severaI of his guesls, vhose 2O chosen
ones unaccounlalIy venl lerserk sinuIlaneousIy during a dinner
parly, is considered an alerralion. (n lhe olher hand, severaI
Thayans have specuIaled lhal il vas lhe vork of one of Thanarraks
enenies, vho discovered hov lo circunvenl lhe nagicaI progran-
Many Red Wizards and lharchions see lhe niIilary appIicalions of
lhe chosen ones, foreseeing lhe crealion of Iegions of chosen ones,
vhich can le unIeashed upon neighloring slales vilhoul connan-
ders. The currenl poIilicaI lunuIl in Thay has so far prevenled lhis.
f course, lhe possiliIily of Iarge nunlers of chosen ones going
lerserk and laking vengeance in Thay nay pul an end lo lhe pIan
unliI chosen ones can le nore readiIy slaliIized.
Ecn!ngy: Chosen ones pIay virluaIIy no roIe in Thays ecoIogy,
aIlhough caplives have leen knovn lo escape and lerrorize inno-
cenls for a line lefore leing hunled dovn and deslroyed.
Drcad WarrInr
, & 1995 T5R, Inc. A!! RIghts Rcscrvcd.
Day or nighl
NeulraI eviI
ARMOR CLA55: 2-4
THAC0: 17
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1d8+2 or ly veapon +2
MORALE: Ianalic (18)
Dread varriors are enhanced undead crealed ly lhe Thayan ZuIkir
of Necronancy, Szass Tan. SiniIar lo zonlies, dread varriors nusl
le crealed innedialeIy afler dealh so lhal lhey relain al Ieasl nini-
naI inleIIigence. They nusl le crealed fron lhe lody of a fighler of
al Ieasl 4lh IeveI, dead for Iess lhan a day.
ZuIkir Szass Tan crealed lhe dread varriors over 2O years ago, in-
lending lhen for an invasion of Rashenen. MyrkuIs Legion, a force
nade up enlireIy of dread varriors, vas unIeashed on lhe lerserkers
and lhe coaslaI cilies in 1357 DR, lul vas lurned lack afler furious
fighling. Many dread varriors feII lo lhe speIIs of lhe Rashenaar
vilches, and nore vere deslroyed ly lhe Rashenaar nalure spirils.
The poverfuI pIace-nagic of Rashenen apparenlIy affecled lhe
dread varriors as veII, for nany nisinlerpreled orders and sone
even lurned on each olher, deslroying enlire conpanies.
Dread varriors are found prinariIy in lhe relinue of Szass Tan,
aIlhough he has Ioaned a fev lo lrusled aIIies. They forn a parl of
Cyrics Legion, one of Szass Tans Iargesl niIilary unils. RecenlIy
Szass Tan has leen crealing nore dread varriors in anlicipalion of a
Iarge-scaIe civiI confIicl, possilIy againsl lhe lharchions and zuIkirs
vho conlinue lo hoId oul againsl hin.
Cnmbat: As forner fighlers, dread varriors relain lheir desire lo
fighl and are lolh slrong and skiIIed. A dread varriors Slrenglh is
18/O1 and, aIlhough lhis does nol provide lhe crealure vilh an
allack lonus, il does granl +2 lo aII infIicled danage (naking ils
slandard unarned danage 1d8+2). They are arned vilh vhalever
veapons lhey carried as Iiving fighlers, lhough none have lhe
sophislicalion lo use lovs or crosslovs. They can le ordered lo
lhrov spears or javeIins vilh nininaI accuracy (-4 lo hil).
Dread varriors are capalIe of foIIoving sinpIe orders such as
advance and allack lhe eneny, slay here and defend lhis haIIvay
againsl aII allackers, and so on. They are nol al aII sophislicaled,
hovever, and conpIex orders sinpIy confuse lhen. rders of up lo
12 vords cause no prolIens, lhere is a cunuIalive 5 chance for
every) vord afler lhe 12lh lhal a dread varrior viII nisinlerprels lhe
order~does lhe exacl opposile, goes lerserk and legins allacking
anylhing nearly, or slands around doing nolhing. This percenlage is
doulIed if lhe dread varriors are in Rashenen, vhere lhe poverfuI
nagic of lhe spirils of lhe Iand disrupl lhe eviI necronanlic speIIs of
lhe Red Wizards. AddilionaIIy, dread varriors suffer a -2 allack roII
penaIly vhen in conlal vilh vilches or Rashenaar nalure spirils.
Dread varriors nay le lurned ly cIerics as shadovs. A H=EIA @A=@
speII deslroys a dread varrior enlireIy, vhiIe a HAIKHHA?JE speII
requires lhe dread varrior lo nake a saving lhrov vs. speII (save as
4lh-IeveI fighler). If lhe saving lhrov faiIs, lhe dread varrior is in-
slanlIy deslroyed. If il succeeds, lhe dread varrior is reslored lo Iife,
fuIIy regaining lhe forn il had in Iife.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Dread varriors exisl excIusiveIy as soIdiers and
guards for lhe Red Wizards and Szass Tan in parlicuIar. When nol in
conlal lhey are usuaIIy kepl in coId slorage in dungeons or lar-
racks, since Tan is reIuclanl lo use his vaIued eIile varriors as
doneslic servanls. His associales have leen knovn lo use his dread
varriors in lhis nanner, lul lhis aInosl aIvays resuIls in a sharp
reluke fron lhe ZuIkir of Necronancy, vho sees IillIe hunor in
such shenanigans.
Ecn!ngy: Dread varriors have IillIe if any inpacl on lhe Iands ecoI-
ogy since lheir very exislence geared lo lhe defense of Thay and lhe
nad schenes of ils ruIers. Those vho lreak free of conlroI sone-
lines vander lhe counlryside, shanlIing aloul in a lvisled carica-
lure of lheir oId Iives, sonelines chaIIenging passersly lo fighls,
sonelines lreaking inlo hones lo sleaI food (even lhough lhey can
no Ionger eal), or olhervise lerrorizing lhe innocenl.
, & 1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
The Alyss
IIaner ruIer
Chaolic eviI
- 8
18, I1 36 (B)
1 or 2
By veapon or 4d6/4d6
Terror, inpaIenenl,
dealh gaze
L (15 laII)
+3 or leller veapons lo hil
Ianalic (17-18)
LIlal is an ancienl and poverfuI alyssaI Iord vho has ravaged lhis
region of Iaern on nany occasions. Legends caII hin lhe Lord of
lhe Hidden Layer and he hoIds nany olher lilIes in lhe Alyss.
His forces von lhe day nany lines for lhe lanarri in lhe BIood
War vilh lhe laalezu, earning hin greal pover and lhe envy of
nany lanarri nolIes. In a greal confIicl, LIlal kiIIed or drove off
severaI infIuenliaI fiends, laking lheir lilIes and foIIovers. Afler
cenluries of success in lhe Alyss and leyond, LIlal journeyed lo
lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane lo lhe vorId of ToriI, lo carry on his
Many cenluries ago, lhe Rashenaar say lhal LIlal arrived in lheir
Iand vilh a horde of lanarri and olher feII leasls, inlenl on eilher
deslroying lhe Iand or noving il lo lhe Alyss lo lecone parl of his
reaIn. The hero Yvengi, son of a Rashenaar Iord sIain ly LIlals
Iegions, prayed lo lhe spirils of lhe Iand lo provide hin vilh a
veapon nighly enough lo defeal lhe ranpaging lanarri, and he vas
revarded vilh lhe nagicaI svord Harq||is. Yvengi Ied a land of
Rashenaar lerserkers againsl LIlal and faced lhe greal fiend in sin-
gIe conlal. SeriousIy vounded, his ninions defealed or sIain, LIlal
gave up lhe fighl, fIed lhe lallIe, and Iefl Rashenen free.
Defealed lul nol deslroyed, LIlal nexl appeared vhen lhe Red
Wizards of Thay slruggIed for independence againsl lhe corrupl
Lnpire of MuIhorand. Sunnoned and conpeIIed lo service, LIlal
heIped defeal lhe god-kings, lul lhe Thayans discovered lhal, once
caIIed, an alyssaI Iord is sonevhal difficuIl lo disniss. To prevenl
LIlal fron ravaging Thay, lhey inprisoned hin under LIlallar.
A series of runes vas crafled lo keep LIlal inprisoned, lhe Iargesl
of lhese leing lhe canaIs of lhe cily of LIlallar, capilaI of Thay.
There lhe naller resled for years, occasionaI earlhquakes and dislur-
lances narking lhe reslIess inprisonnenl of lhe once-nighly
lanarri nolIe. Through a lizarre and unanlicipaled forn of synpa-
lhelic nagic, accurale naps of LIlallar acled lo drain energy fron
lhe nelvork of runes. When one of lhese naps vas deslroyed, lhe
runic prison veakened sIighlIy. The Red Wizards soughl lo prevenl
anyone fron ovning accurale naps of LIlallar, so nere possession
of one vas a capilaI crine. Bul lhe naps conlinued lo le dravn and
lhe runes grev veaker as lhe years venl ly.
Il feII lo Szass Tan, ZuIkir of Necronancy, lo reaIize lhe
inevilalIe facl lhal soneday lhe greal LIlal vouId free hinseIf and
aII of Thay vouId lrenlIe. Tan halched a pIan lo nol onIy rein-
prison LIlal, lul lo lurn hin inlo a sIave lo Tans ovn viII provid-
ing godIike pover lo Szass Tan.
LIlal is a laII, nuscuIar, hunanoid crealure. His lody covered in
lony, dark red pIales, and his head is Iike lhal of a nuzzIed leasl. He
sprouls dozens of horns and anlIers. His eyes are narrov and yeIIov,
sIilled a gIoving red.
Today, LIlal is a grin, halefuI crealure, veary of cenluries of cap-
livily and lurning for vengeance.
LIlal has fev aIIies loday as nosl of his feIIov lanarri leIieve he
is dead and nany of lhen vouId le happy lo honor his nenory.
Cnmbat: LIlal is a lerrifying opponenl. His very presence carries
lhe effecls of a fcar speII, and he can use a ca|n gazc once per lurn.
Viclins vho neel LIlals ca|n gazc nusl save vs. dealh nagic or
inslanlIy perish. When unarned, he fighls vilh his lvo heaviIy
cIaved hands, each infIicling 4d8 poinls of danage. If lolh cIav
allacks hil, LIlal nay lhen inpaIe his opponenl on his horns,
infIicling an addilionaI 3d1O poinls of danage.
LIlal is hard lo injure. His naluraI 8O nagic resislance is cou-
pIed vilh an innunily lo aII nagicaI veapons of Iess lhan +3
Gn!cm, Gcmstnnc
, & 1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
Very rare
Very rare
Very rare
See leIov
See leIov
TREA5URE: See leIov
HIT DICE: 1O (5O hp) 12 (55 hp) 14 (6O hp)
9 7
NO. OF ATTACK5: 1 1 1
5PECIAL ATTACK5: NiI |ign|ning oc||, Dianond chips,
c|cu|i|| sunraq
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: +1 or leller lo hil, +2 or leller lo hil, +3 or leller lo hil,
innune lo eIeclricaI innune lo acid and innune lo heal,
and heal-lased speIIs heal-lased speIIs, eIeclricily, and acid
5O danage fron lased allacks
eIeclricaI allacks
MAGIC RE5I5TANCE: NiI or 25 NiI or 5O NiI or 75
5IZE: L (8 laII) L (9 laII) L (1O laII)
MORALE: IearIess(2O) IearIess( 2O) IearIess( 2O)
Censlone goIens vere originaIIy crealed Iong ago ly lhe god-kings
of MuIhorand. These fearsone crealures are highIy resislanl lo dan-
age and, once sel in nolion, virluaIIy unsloppalIe. Sone olservers
Iink lhese genslone goIens vilh runors of slalues lhal vaIk in
MuIhorand, cIaining lhal lhe lvo share siniIar nagicaI lechnoIogy
and conslruclion lechniques, lul olhers cIain lhal lhey are an
enlireIy differenl phenonenon.
Ancienl docunenls speak of poverfuI, gIeaning varriors lhal
sonelines aided lhe god-kings in lheir vars of conquesl. Mosl
schoIars sinpIy assuned lhen lo le aninaled slalues or conven-
lionaI goIens~unliI lhe Red Wizards rediscovered lhe god-kings
RecenlIy, lhe Red Wizards (and in parlicuIar, ZuIkir Aznar
ThruI) discovered lhe ancienl MuIhorand nanuaIs used lo guide
conslruclion of genslone goIens and, vilh lhe aid of a Conjuring/
Sunnoning apprenlice, unIeashed lhen upon lhe Rashenaar,
vhose poverfuI spiril- and pIace-nagic have so oflen fruslraled
Thayan arnies.
AIlhough lhe ancienl god-kings vere alIe lo sel lheir genslone
goIens in nolion vilhoul conslanl oversighl, ThruIs goIens are nol
so dependalIe. A circ|c of al Ieasl 12 Red Wizards, Ied ly a speIIcasler
of al Ieasl 12lh IeveI, is required lo conlroI and direcl lhe goIens in
lallIe. Lach circIe can conlroI aII genslone goIens vilhin a I-niIe
radius, so fev vizards are assigned lo such dulies. The circIe cannol
lake any olher aclions vhiIe doing so, and if lhe circIe is disrupled,
lhe goIens under ils conlroI slop fighling and vander ainIessIy.
AddilionaIIy, lhe circIe can onIy nainlain conlroI of lhe goIens
vilhin lhe I-niIe radius vhen lhe circIe is firsl forned~lhey nay
nol add nore goIens or lake conlroI of anolher circIes goIens.
When finaIIy sIain, genslone goIens coIIapse inlo piIes of rough-
cul gens idenlicaI lo lheir lype. Lach goIen produces 1OdIO gens of
lhe precious calegory, vilh vaIues delernined using TalIe 86 in lhe
DMG. The renainder is povder, useIess for nosl purposes, lhough
sone vizards and aIchenisls nay le alIe lo use il for speII conpo-
So far, onIy lhree najor lypes of genslone goIens have leen cre-
aled~ruly, eneraId, and dianond. ThruI has experinenled vilh
olher slones, vilh nixed success.
The secrel of lhe crealion of genslone goIens renains in ThruIs
hands and shouId il ever gel oul, lhe Red Wizards viII have yel
anolher polenl veapon for lheir arsenaIs. As Iong as Thay renains
in ils currenl chaolic slale, lhe vizards are as IikeIy lo use lheir gen-
slone goIens againsl each olher as againsl neighloring nalions so
ThruI keeps lhe secrecls of goIen-naking cIose.
ThruI and his aIIies are eager lo lurn lhe goIens againsl lhe
lerserkers and vilches of Rashenen, for lhey have discovered lhal
lhe nagicaI process used lo creale genslone goIens produces sorcer-
ous effecls ininicaI lo nalure-lased enchanlnenls and spiril-pov-
ers. A fev experinenlaI raids inlo Rashenen have proved lhe vaIue
of lhe genslone goIens, and no defenders have yel survived lo aIerl
lheir conpalriols lo lhe danger. Nov, a Iarger force of genslone
goIens is under conslruclion and Aznar ThruI is considering shar-
ing lhe secrel of lheir crealion vilh sone of his aIIies~lul he lrusls
no one.
Gn!cm, Gcmstnnc
, & 1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reseved.
Ruby Gn!cm
Ruly goIens sland 8 feel laII and veigh over 3,OOO pounds. They
resenlIe slalues of dark red, gIossy hunans cIad in arnor or roles.
Their surfaces are sIick and hard, and lhe Thayans oflen crafl lhen
vilh lhe heads of fancifuI nonslers or arnored hunans.
Cnmbat: Ruly goIens slrike in conlal vilh slone-hard fisls. They
are conpIeleIy nindIess in lallIe, direcled ly lhe conlroIIing viz-
ards circIe. Ior purposes of Iifling, lreaking, and lhroving, lhey
have a Slrenglh of 2O.
Ruly goIens are innune lo aII nornaI veapons, and can onIy le
hil ly nagic or ly veapons of +1 or grealer enchanlnenl. They
have a 25 resislance lo cIeric speIIs of lhe AninaI, LIenenlaI,
IIanl, Sun, and Wealher spheres, aII speIIs casl ly druids, Rashe-
naar vilches, and lhe nagicaI aliIilies of lhe nalure spirils of
Rashenen. They lake haIf danage fron such speIIs, even if lhey do
nol resisl lhen. They are conpIeleIy innune lo aII eIeclric- and
heal-lased speIIs.
A rcc| |c nu speII innoliIizes a goIen for 2d4 rounds, vhiIe a
crqs|a|ori|||c speII causes one lo lecone vuIneralIe lo nornaI
veapons and eIininales ils resislance lo heal and eIeclricily. The
speII shaller infIicls 5d6 poinls of danage on a ruly goIen, vhiIe a
nending speII heaIs aII of lhe goIens danage.
Emcra!d Gn!cm
LneraId goIens resenlIe laII, nuscuIar hunan naIes carved of gIil-
lering green slone. Mosl of lhose crealed ly Aznar ThruI resenlIe
nornaI, physicaIIy perfecl naIes.
Cnmbat: LneraId goIens are innune lo aII veapons of Iess lhan +2
enchanlnenl and possess a 5O innunily lo nalure-lased nagic.
They are aIso conpIeleIy innune lo acid- and heal-lased allacks,
lul lake haIf danage fron eIeclricaI allacks.
In conlal eneraId goIens slrike vilh lheir fisls. Ior purposes of
Iifling, lreaking, and lhroving, eneraId goIens have a Slrenglh of
22. Three lines a day an eneraId goIen can shool a fIickering green
|ign|ning oc|| lhal infIicls 8d8 poinls of danage. nce a day an ener-
aId goIen can reIease a cIoud of green gas lhal acls as a c|cu|i||
Shaller infIicls 4d6 poinls of danage on eneraId goIens, vhiIe
crqs|a|ori|||c eIininales lheir innunily lo nagic and causes lhen lo
le vuIneralIe lo + 1, ralher lhan +2, veapons. A nending speII
reslores 2d6 Iosl hil poinls, vhiIe g|ass|cc| conpIeleIy reslores aII
danage done lo lhen.
DIamnnd Gn!cm
Dianond goIens are lhe nosl poverfuI of lhe genslone goIens cre-
aled ly Aznar ThruI. They resenlIe laII, nuscuIar hunans cIad in
arnor and carved oul of nuIlifaceled dianond. They are oflen
arned vilh svords or carry shieIds, aIlhough lhese are nereIy for
decoralion and do nol provide lhe goIen vilh any addilionaI arnor
or advanlages in conlal. They are conpIeleIy innune lo heal-,
eIeclricily-, and acid-lased allacks.
Three lines a day a dianond goIen nay enil a cIoud of liny dia-
nond chips in aII direclions, infIicling 1Od8 poinls of danage on aII
vilhin a 25-fool radius. AIso, lhree lines a day, dianond goIens
nay enil a lIinding Iighl equivaIenl lo lhe sunraq cIerics speII.
Sna||cr causes 3d6 poinls of danage lo dianond goIens, vhiIe crqs-
|a|ori|||c reduces dianond goIens nalure-nagic innunily lo 25
and ils innunily lo heal, eIeclricily, and acid lo 5O, aIso rendering
il vuIneralIe lo +2 and alove veapons, ralher lhan +3. Mending
reslores 2d6 Iosl hil poinls, vhiIe g|ass|cc| reslores aII danage.
HabItat/5ncIcty: The use of genslone goIens is sliII rare in Thay.
Aznar ThruI has shared lhe secrel of lheir crealion vilh no one. He
keeps il fron olher ZuIkirs for fear lhey viII sleaI il and use il againsl
hin. ThruI uses genslone goIens exlensiveIy as guards, and a fev
are found lhroughoul Thay in lhe enpIoy of ThruIs cIose associales
(al his connand).
CurrenlIy, ThruI is crealing an arny of over 1OO genslone goIens
of aII lypes for an invasion of Rashenen. He hopes lhal lheir resis-
lance lo lhe nalure nagic of lhe Rashenaar vilches viII heIp lhis
invasion lo succeed vhere olhers have faiIed.
Ecn!ngy: Censlone goIens do nol eal, sIeep, or have any lioIogicaI
funclions. When nol in use ly lheir conlroIIers lhey are deaclivaled
ly lhe conlroIIing circIe. WhiIe lhey are nosl oflen used in conlal
Cnmbat: Dianond goIens fighl vilh lheir fisls and have a Slrenglh
of 24 for purposes of lhroving, lreaking, and Iifling. They are
innune lo allacks fron aII veapons of Iess lhan +3 enchanlnenl
and are 75 resislanl lo nalure-lased nagic and Rashenaar crea-
or as guardians, lhey are sonelines used as servanls.
Hag, Bhcur
, & 1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
CoId regions (Rashenen)
Very rare
Day or nighl
Very (11-12)
Chaolic eviI
ARMOR CLA55: - 3
MOVEMENT: 12, I1 48 (A)
THAC0: 11
5PECIAL ATTACK5: S|aff cf frcs|
See leIov
MORALE: Ianalic (17)
The lheur, or lIue hag, of Rashenaar Iegend is said lo le lhe
lringer of vinler, capalIe of spreading deadIy coId over a vide area.
Rashenaar laIes are uncerlain vhelher lhere is onIy one lheur or
nany, lul in aII slories she is a poverfuI and naIevoIenl crealure
vho serves lhe usefuI purpose of heIping lo lring vinler. She is
invarialIy defealed and driven off each spring.
In nosl slories lhe lheur resenlIes a hideous, vrinkIed oId crone
vilh paIe lIue-vhile skin and snov-vhile hair, vrapped in a lal-
lered gray-lIue shavI. She carries a gnarIed gray slaff laIIer lhan she
is, and her voice hovIs of icy vinds.
Sone slories leII of lhe lheur and orgIash vorking in concerl lo
nisIead, allack, and devour lraveIers. No one knovs vhelher laIes
of cooperalion lelveen lIue hags and orgIash are lrue, vilnesses are
unIikeIy lo Iive lo leII lhe laIe.
lher Iegends speak of epic lallIes lelveen high-ranking uqcn-
|aran and lhe lheur, and of lhe earIy onsel of spring as a resuIl of vic-
lory ly lhe vilches. The vilches lhenseIves leIieve lhal lhe lheur
is a naluraI parl of lhe Iand and serves a usefuI purpose, lul lhey viII
fighl lhe lIue hag if she legins lo acl arlilrariIy or crueIIy. As lhe
vilches say, vinler is lhe lesl parl of lhe year, lul even vinler paIes
in lhe nonlh of Hanner.
Cnmbat: The lheur fighl ly Iaying lheir coId paIns upon viclins,
causing inlense pain and 2d6 poinls of danage fron pure frosl.
IIane-lased crealures lake doulIe danage.
A lheur carries her s|aff cf frcs|, vhich funclions in lhe sane
nanner as a uan cf frcs| save lhal il never needs recharging. The
slaff funclions onIy for a lheur, oul of her hands, il is useIess. If a
lheurs slaff is Iosl or deslroyed, she nusl Ieave lhe Irine MaleriaI
IIane for a year in order lo regain a nev one.
The lheur is enlireIy innune lo aII coId-lased allacks, and suffers
onIy haIf-danage fron fire-lased allacks. Il suslains doulIe danage
fron acid and eIeclricily. The lheur is reIuclanl lo engage vizards
vho use lhose speIIs in conlal.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Sone cIain lhal lhe lheur lhenseIves lring lhe
coId, olhers lhal lhe coId dravs lhe lheur.
As lhe skies lurn sIale-gray and snov svirIs dovn fron lhe sky,
driven on hovIing vinds, lhe Rashenaar shul lheir doors lighlIy,
nake cerlain lhal lhey have Iaid in enough vood and food for lhe
vinler, and cover in lhe lerrilIe vealher. During lhis line lhe
lheur is alroad, and nosl Rashenaar fear her grealIy.
Like lhe dreaded ulhraki shapechangers (descriled Ialer in lhis
lookIel), lheur prefer lo prey upon Ione lraveIers, freezing lhen and
devouring lheir frozen lodies. The lheur is aIso said lo sneak inlo
peopIes hones if lhe doors and vindovs are nol properIy seaIed,
vhere lhey snalch avay young chiIdren or unsuspecling residenls.
Such slories are prolalIy caulionary laIes againsl Ieaving vindovs
and doors open, lul lhey usuaIIy do lhe jol keeping young Rashe-
naar in Iine for fear of lhe lIue hag.
Ecn!ngy: No one has ever seen lvo lIue hags logelher, Ieading lo a
videspread leIief lhal lhere is onIy one lheur in aII of Rashenen.
Afler freezing viclins, lhe lheur dines on lhe icy corpses, and il is
said lhal anyone vho sees a lheur devour ils viclin nay le slruck
lIind or driven nad. Characlers vho vilness such an acl nusl suc-
cessfuIIy save vs. dealh nagic or le lIinded (75) or driven insane
(25). Insane characlers fIee (5O), allack anyone nearly, friend or
foe (3O), or coIIapse in a calalonic heap, incapalIe of speech or
novenenl (2O). The nadness Iasls 2d6 days unIess lhe viclin
receives a curc iscasc or rcnctc cursc speII.
, , & 1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
Rcd B!ack
FREQUENCY: Unconnon Unconnon
DIET: Carnivore Carnivore
Average (1O) Average (1O)
L (C, , Qx1O, S) L(C, , Qx1O, S)
ALIGNMENT: LavfuI eviI LavfuI eviI
3 (6)
6 (12)
5 4
15 17
5 (1O)
8 (14)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By veapon By veapon
Chanpion (15-16) LIile (13-14)
27O 175
42O 27O
65O 42O
975 65O
Ior nany decades Thayans have lried lo creale lheir ovn race of
orcs, vioIenl lul IoyaI lo Thay. The neo-orog is a nagicaI hylrid of
ordinary orcs, ogres, and olher crealures. TaII and nuscuIar, vilh
Iarge hooded eyes, lough Iealhery skin, and snouled lesliaI faces,
neo-orogs seen lo enlody aII lhe vorse aspecls of lhe crealures lhal
venl inlo lheir crealion.
The lvo lreeds of neo-orog, red and lIack, are varrior crealures,
IoyaI and skiIIfuI, vho Iive for lallIe. Their onIy veakness is lheir
sIov rale of reproduclion~Thayans have nanaged lo fieId onIy a
fev conpanies.
Rcd Ncn-Orng
These crealures vere lred as eIile lroops. Their skin is dark, nollIed
red, and lheir eyes are deep yeIIov. They are veII equipped and reveI
in lIoodshed and vioIence.
Cnmbat: Red neo-orogs fighl vilh lhe foIIoving veapons: Broad
svord (2O), axe (2O), varhanner (1O), nace and dagger
(1O), axe (1O), spear and shieId (2O), crosslov and svord
In lallIe, red neo-orogs can screan lheir unique var cry, vhich
causes aII orcs, orogs, and neo-orogs vilhin earshol lo fighl al +1 on
allack and danage roIIs for 2d4 rounds. The effecl is nol cunuIalive,
and individuaI neo-orogs cannol le affecled ly il nore lhan once a
day. They fighl al an addilionaI +1 on allack roIIs vhen defending
Red Wizards.
B!ack Ncn-Orng
The lIack lreed of neo-orogs vere lred lo acl as scouls, archers, and
infiIlralors. They are Ieaner, sIighlIy laIIer lhan reds, and lheir skin
ranges fron dark green lo deep, sooly lIack. Their faciaI fealures are
sIighlIy Iess lesliaI and lheir eyes are snaIIer and conpIeleIy lIack.
Cnmbat: CanoufIage naslers, lIack neo-orogs hide so effecliveIy
lhal even olservers vho knov vhal lhey are Iooking for have onIy a
2O chance of delecling lhen. NornaIIy aIerl olservers have a 1O
chance, vhiIe casuaI olservalion yieIds onIy a 5 chance. The can-
oufIage is negaled if lhe crealure noves or allacks.
BIack neo-orog fighl vilh lhe foIIoving veapons: Broad svord/
shorl lov (2O), lroad svord/crosslov (1O), lroad svord/Iong
lov (15), spear/dagger (2O), shorl svord/shorl lov (15), shorl
svord/spear (2O).
HabItat/5ncIcty: AII neo-orogs Iive in larracks luiIl ly lhe Red
Wizards. No independenl groups of lhen exisl. They are organized
inlo Iarge niIilary unils. Ior every 1O neo-orogs in a group, lhere is
one sergeanl vilh naxinun hil poinls. Ior every 2O, lhere is one
officer vilh 6 HD (THACO 15) and a +1 on aII danage roIIs. Lach
larracks is connanded ly a neo-orog generaI vilh 7 HD (THACO
13), a +2 on aII danage roIIs, and having AC 2 (5).
Ecn!ngy: Neo-orogs have onIy narginaI inpacl on ecoIogy.
5pIrIt, Fnrcst
, & 1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Ioresls (Rashenen) Ioresls (Rashenen)
FREQUENCY: Very Rare Very Rare
DIET: SpeciaI SpeciaI
INTELLIGENCE: Cenius (18) Cenius (18)
ALIGNMENT: Chaolic good Chaolic good
ARMOR CLA55: - 6
THAC0: 3
5PECIAL ATTACK5: Crush, lhrov
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: Regeneralion, innune lo fire and
5IZE: C (5O laII)
MORALE: IearIess (2O)
f aII lhe nalure spirils of Rashenen, lhe nosl poverfuI is lhe greal
leing knovn as lhe vood nan. Tovering 5O feel in heighl, lhe vood
nan resenlIes a vasl, oversized hunanoid nade of Iiving vood,
vilh greal rool-lound feel and gnarIed, cIul-Iike hands, aiI sproul-
ing lranches, Ieaves, and needIes of a dozen differenl lree species.
The Rashenaar fear lhis nighly crealure, as ils lhirsl for ven-
geance is said lo occasionaIIy exlend lo Rashenaar vho have nol
leen unsverving in lheir dedicalion lo lhe Iand and ils peopIe. Cau-
lionary laIes varn connoners and nolIes aIike lo nainlain lheir
respecl and Iove for lolh lhe Iand and lhe Wilches, Iesl lhe vood
nan le senl lo correcl lheir lehavior.
The vood nan appears lo defend Rashenen againsl foreign
invaders. Terrifying in conlal, lhe vood nan serves as a polenl
noraIe-luiIder for Rashenaar forces. Though ils conlal aliIilies are
fornidalIe, lhe vood nan is nol invincilIe. The Tuigan Horde is
said lo have deslroyed one during lhe invasion of 1359-6O, and a
unil of Thayan lonlards danaged a vood nan sufficienlIy lo force
il inlo relreal in one of lhe Red Wizards nany canpaigns againsl
Rashenen. The lonlards vere Ialer overrun and deslroyed ly lhe
lerserkers. Though lhe veapons are highIy effeclive againsl lhe
Rashenaar in generaI, and lhe vood nan in parlicuIar, lheir
exlrene vaIue and lhe difficuIly of dragging lhen lo Rashenen have
prevenled lhe Red Wizards fron using lonlards since lhen.
Cnmbat: The vood nan allacks ly snashing ils foes vilh greal,
cIul-Iike hands, each hilling for 3d1O poinls of danage. If lolh
hands hil, lhe vood nan aulonalicaIIy infIicls anolher 5d1O poinls
of crushing danage.
An opponenl heId vilh lolh hands nay aIso le lhrovn: The vic-
lin fIies 1OdIO yards and suffers 6d8 poinls of danage vhen he
slrikes lhe ground.
A vood nan has a 5O resislance lo nosl nagic, lul lhis rises lo
8O resislance againsl lhe eviI nagic of lhe Red Wizards. A vood
nan is aIso innune lo aII fire- and eIeclricily-lased allacks.
LileraIIy rooled lo lhe Iand of Rashenen, a vood nan is a grov-
ing crealure. Il regenerales 4 hp per round and nusl le reduced lo
-5O hp in order lo le deslroyed. Thus, a vood nan is virluaIIy
innorlaI and very difficuIl lo kiII.
HabIt/5ncIcty: A vood nan (usuaIIy lhere is onIy one, lhough
Iegend hoIds lhal severaI nay le sunnoned if lhe need is greal
enough) appears in lines of greal need or crisis~lhe very gIinpse of
one is enough lo convince nosl Rashenaar lhal doonsday is al
hand. LxaclIy hov lhey are caIIed is nol knovn. Sone cIain lhey
nay le sunnoned ly lhe vilches, lhough a fev vho are avare of
lhe exislence of lhe trcnqcnni leIieve lhal lhese poverfuI, oId naIe
sorcerers are responsilIe for caIIing up lhe vood nan, sliII olhers
leIieve lhey are servanls of lhe gods.
The Red Wizards and lheir lroops are lerrified of vood nen, and
lhe nere sighl of one is enough lo send a Thayan arny fIeeing. Ior-
lunaleIy for lhe Thayans, lhe vood nan (or nen) is very rare,
pulling in an appearance onIy vhen lhe enlire Iand is in deadIy
periI. So far, lhe Rashenaar have lecone so skiIIfuI in deaIing vilh
Thayan invasions lhal lhe vood nan seens aInosl unnecessary.
Ecn!ngy: The vood nan is a IileraI exlension of lhe Iand. Ralher
lhan affecling lhe nalions ecoIogy, il is lhe Iiving enlodinenl of
lhe ecoIogy. Though ils passage is aIvays deslruclive~lrees lon up,
hiIIs dispIaced, vaIIeys devaslaled and rivers redirecled~aII danage
nagicaIIy heaIs ilseIf vilhin a naller of days, soon aII is as if lhe
vood nan had never leen lhere.
5pIrIt, Icc
, & 1995 T5R, Inc. AI! RIghts Rcscrvcd.
icy regions of Rashenen
Very rare
DIET: Unknovn
ALIGNMENT: Chaolic neulraI
MOVEMENT: 12/II 24 (D)
THAC0: 1 3
5PECIAL ATTACK5: Ccnc cf cc|
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: Innune lo coId speIIs,
MORALE: Ianalic (18)
rgIash are Rashenaar ice spirils lhal prolecl high nounlain peaks
lul descend lo Iover IeveIs in vinler. They are chaolic and unpre-
diclalIe lul vaIued for lheir roIe as proleclors. They can exisl in
lenperalures alove freezing and are sonelines sunnoned ly
Rashenaar vilches during lhe spring. In sunner and faII, orgIash
are vuIneralIe and acluaIIy suffer danage al higher lenperalures,
rgIash are spiril crealures, vhispy and insulslanliaI, snaII vhirIs
of vind and snov. If slared al Iong enough, a liny pair of lIack eyes
can le fainlIy seen in lhe nidsl of lhe vhirIvind, shifling in and oul
of viev as lhe vind vhips chips of ice and lhick fIakes of snov.
Like lhe lhoniI rock spirils (see Spiril, Rock), orgIash are vieved
vilh nixed enolions ly lhe Rashenaar lhenseIves, AIlhough lhey
defend lhe Iand againsl lhe Red Wizards and olher foreign in-
vaders, lhey have aIso leen knovn lo sel upon a Ione Rashenaar or
snaII parlies of lraveIers. IickIe crealures vilh IillIe apparenl regard
for olher Iiving lhings, orgIash are a source of greal fear and appre-
The vilches say lhal lhe orgIashs Iink is lo lhe Iand, nol lo lhe
peopIe. By defending Rashenen againsl aIien assauIls, lhe orgIash
are Iooking oul for lheir ovn and lhe hunans of Rashenen are
nereIy lhe accidenlaI leneficiaries.
Cnmbat: rgIash allack vilh lendriIs of icy force, Iashing lheir
opponenls vilh razor-sharp shards of ice, fIung ly lhe svirIing vinds
lhal forn lheir lodies.
Three lines a day, an orgIash can unIeash a freezing lIasl of ice
equivaIenl lo a cone of coId.
rgIash are innune lo aII coId-lased speIIs, lul suffer doulIe
danage fron aII heal-lased speIIs such as fircoa||, In freezing
vealher, orgIash regenerale 1 hp per round. In lenperalures alove
6O Iahrenheil, orgIash lake 1 poinl of danage per round. They can-
nol exisl al lenperalures over 1OO Iahrenheil and aulonalicaIIy
dissipale. Dissipaled orgIash do nol die, lhey are reduced lo an
insulslanliaI forn. They nusl relurn lo an area vhere lhe lenpera-
lure is 4O Iahrenheil or Iover, vhere lhey reverl lo lheir originaI
forn in 24 hours.
rgIash are highIy resislanl lo Thayan nagic. They have a 5O
nagic resislances lo speIIs casl ly Red Wizards and never check
noraIe in direcl conlal vilh Red Wizards.
HabItat/5ncIcty: SoIilary crealures, orgIash are vieved as lhe pro-
leclors of Rashenen despile lhe facl lhal lheir hosliIily lo olher Iiv-
ing lhings sonelines exlends lo lhe Rashenaar.
A singIe orgIash roans a singIe nounlain peak, vaIIey, or olher
coId pIace. When vinler spreads ils icy nel across Rashenen, hov-
ever, lhey vander lhe enlire Iand. Mosl of lhe line orgIash sland al
a dislance and valch passersly, lheir lIack eyes fading in and oul of
vhirIing ninluses.
rgIash seen capalIe of sensing lhe presence of foreigners, and
oulsiders are invarialIy allacked ly orgIash.
Ecn!ngy: Mosl of orgIash ecoIogy is a nyslery. UnIike lhe lhoniI
lhal vere specificaIIy crealed or sunnoned, orgIash are naluraI crea-
lures, lound lo lhe Iand ilseIf. They are apparenlIy sexIess, lhough
sone olservers cIain lo have seen lhen giving lirlh lo snaIIer
versions of lhenseIves, lul lhis has never leen confirned. They
seen lo derive suslenance fron coId vealher, ice, and snov, and
lhey have never leen seen ealing or consuning anylhing.
5pIrIt, Rnck
, & 1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
Mounlains/rocky lerrain
Very rare
Average (1O)
Q (), X
Chaolic neulraI
1 (see leIov)
- 3
5PECIAL ATTACK5: LnveIopnenl, snash
Ianalic (17-18)
Legend nainlains lhal lhe lhoniI vere senl (or sunnoned) lo
Rashenen in response lo lhe eviI, unnaluraI nagic of lhe Red Wiz-
ards. Resislanl lo aII forns of nagic, lhe lhoniI energed fron lhe
earlh lo lhrov lack lhe invaders.
Larger or nore inporlanl siles such as nounlains, sacred vaIIeys,
and lerrilory near lhe caves of lhe trcnqcnni, are defended ly Iarger
nunlers of lhoniI. In such pIaces as nany as 2O lhoniI nay le
Ecn!ngy: ThoniI are nol naluraI crealures, lhey vere apparenlIy
crealed or sunnoned fron anolher pIane lo acl as guardians. They
derive lheir suslenance fron lhe Iand ilseIf, alsorling nineraIs and
necessary eIenenls. They spend nosl of lheir line in a dornanl
slale, inhaliling naluraI rock fornalions and lecone aclive onIy if
caIIed upon lo defend lheir dislricls.
When defending, lhoniI can lransforn inlo soIid lIocks of slone
lhal give lhen an AC of -1O. In lIock forn, hovever, lhey can nei-
lher nove nor allack. They oflen lake lIock forn againsl nissiIe
veapons or nagic.
Though lhoniI nornaIIy adopl a seni-hunanoid appearance,
lhey are anorphous, capalIe of laking shapes appropriale lo lheir
opponenls. ThoniI nay lake lhe forn of a nassive cIul or laller-
ing ran, snashing opponenls vilh one devaslaling allack, infIicl-
ing 3d1O poinls of danage lul vilh a -3 allack roII penaIly if lhey
do so.
Cnmbat: ThoniI guardians allack despoiIers of lhe Iand. They rise
oul of lhe ground lo laller opponenls vilh rocky fisls. If lolh
allacks hil, lhe lhoniI enveIopes ils opponenl and infIicls an addi-
lionaI 2d1O poinls of crushing danage.
Mosl lhoniI are soIilary. Anyone vho lries lo nine, deslroy nal-
uraI fornalions, or invade vilh hosliIe inlenl againsl Rashenen
lriggers allack ly lhe lhoniI. ShouId lhe Rashenaar lhenseIves
vish lo luiId or nine in an area of lhe lhoniI, Rashenaar vilches of
IeveI 1O or higher vho pelilion a lhoniI lo le gone have a 5O
chance of success.
HabItat/5ncIcty: The origin of lhe lhoniI is uncerlain~perhaps
lhey vere crealed ly lhe ancienl gods or sunnoned ly lhe trcnq-
cnni, lhe ancienl naIe vizards vho Iive in isoIaled caves in Rashe-
nen, lo defend lhe reaIn.
Like nosl of lhe spiril crealures nalive lo Rashenen, lhoniI have
an inherenl resislance lo nagic. The resislance is nornaIIy 25, lul
againsl lhe eviI and corrupl nalure of lhe speIIs casl ly lhe Red Wiz-
ards of Thay il goes up lo 5O.
The lhoniI are parl of a panlheon of spirils and enchanled crea-
lures lhal popuIale Rashenaar foIkIore. WhiIe lhe connon peopIe
of Rashenen hoId lhe lhoniI in high regard, lhey aIso fear lhen, for
aIlhough lhey defend lhe Iand fron foreign invaders, lhe lhoniI aIso
punish lhose Rashenaar vho are so greedy or shorl-sighled lhal
lhey negIecl lo pay proper honage lo lhe Iand and ils spirils.
ThoniI are spiril crealures lhal inhalil and guard rocky and noun-
lainous pIaces in Rashenen Rocks inhaliled ly lhoniI radiale
nagic lul are olhervise indislinguishalIe fron olher rocks unliI lhe
lhoniI lecones aclive. Then, lhe rock rises, fIoving inlo rough
hunan forn~lvo arns, chesl and head. The lorso rises oul of lhe
ground, renaining connecled lo il vhiIe noving and fighling.
5prItc, 5cc!Ic
, & 1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Ioresls, syIvan sellings
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: nnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Average-high (1O-12)
ALIGNMENT: Chaolic neulraI
THAC0: 2 O
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: InvisiliIily
5IZE: T (1-1 laII)
MORALE: Sleady (11-12)
NolIe 42O
Monarch 65O
In lhe nyslicaI reaches of lhe Yuirvood, vhere lhe ancienl Yuir
eIves once vaIked and vorshiped slrange gods, are unusuaI crealures
lhal have leen seen novhere eIse in Iaern.
Whelher lhe seeIie are unique lo lhe Yuirvood or vhelher groups
of lhen exisl eIsevhere on ToriI is nol knovn for sure~lhey are
furlive and shy, reIuclanl lo nake conlacl vilh lhe oulside vorId
and oflen nischievous and annoying vhen lhey do. The seeIie cIain
lhal lhere are olhers, perhaps on lhe eIven isIe of Lverneel, lul lhis
is inpossilIe lo verify.
SeeIie faeries vary grealIy in appearance. Mosl resenlIe dininu-
live hunans of greal leauly and grace, Though sone are dislorled or
inpIike, lhey sliII possess an olhervorIdIy aura. Sone have aninaI
heads, laiIs, or Iinls, vhiIe sliII olhers are enlireIy aIien in appear-
ance, lhough sliII slrangeIy leaulifuI, AII seeIie can fIy, lhough sone
have lransIucenl, nenlranous vings, They range in size fron one
inch lo one fool in heighl and seen lo have conlroI over lheir
acluaI size~individuaI seeIie have leen encounlered al one size,
lhen seen Ialer in Iarger or snaIIer forns.
Cnmbat: SeeIie are nischievous and have IillIe slonach for direcl
conlal. They can lecone invisilIe al viII, using lhis pover lo
engage in anlushes oflen invoIving lhe use of liny svords (1d2
poinls of danage) or lovs (1 poinl of danage) lrealed vilh sIeep
poison. Anyone hil ly lhese veapons nusl save vs. speII or faII
inlo a deep sIeep for 2d4 hours, viclins nusl successfuIIy save each
line lhey are hil, naking nass allacks ly seeIie faeries surprisingIy
SeeIie are aIso knovn lo ride Iarge insecls such as dragonfIies,
lunlIelees, and hornels. They carry snaII Iances (infIicling 1d4
poinls of danage) lhal are sonelines lrealed vilh sIeep poison.
The seeIies nosl popuIar forns of allack, hovever, are nagicaI.
AII seeIie have innale nagicaI aliIilies. Lach can casl al Ieasl one
speII of any IeveI, once a day. Lach seeIies speII is fixed and nusl le
delernined ly lhe DM. Mosl are nonIelhaI lul annoying, such as
s|ccp, ancing |ign|s, sncc|ing grasp, fcg c|cu, irri|a|icn, inprctc pnan-
|asna| fcrcc, s|in|ing c|cu, s|cu, elc. SpeIIs such as Tasnas unccn|rc|-
|ao|c niccus |augn|cr, pc|qncrpn c|ncr, and O||cs irrcsis|io|c ancc are
popuIar, for lo lhe seeIie lhey have hiIarious resuIls.
HabItat/5ncIcty: SeeIie sociely is divided inlo connoners, noliIily,
and royaIly. SeeIie nolIes can casl lvo speIIs a day, vhiIe royaIs can
casl al Ieasl lhree.
SeeIie cIain lo Iive in fancifuI paIaces invisilIe lo nornaI eyes~
lhese nay le snaII denipIanes connecled lo ToriI via lhe residuaI
nagic of lhe Yuir. Their days are dedicaled lo feasling and reveIing,
and lhey never seen lo vork.
The onIy lhing lhe seeIie seen lo lake seriousIy is lhe lhreal rep
resenled ly lheir chaolic eviI cousins, lhe unseeIie. The vicked
unseeIie are Iocked in a cenluries-Iong var vilh lhe seeIie, a var
lhal neilher seens capalIe of vinning. Halred is slrong and lhey
allack one anolher on sighl.
Ecn!ngy: SeeIie faeries seen lo have very IillIe effecl on lhe oulside
vorId. The seeIie appear lo derive suslenance fron lhe liny deni-
pIanes vhere lhey keep lheir paIaces and hones, and rareIy hunl or
forage in lhe Yuirvood.
5prItc, Unscc!Ic
, & 1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Ioresls, syIvan areas
Very rare
Average (1O)
Chaolic eviI
1OdI O
MOVEMENT: 6/18 I1 (B)
5PECIAL ATTACK5: Cause horror, speII
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5: InvisiliIily
T (1-1 laII)
Sleady (12)
Tvisled and eviI cousins of lhe seeIie faeries, lhe unseeIie are ugIy,
dark-skinned crealures. They have lallered insecl vings, Iong lhin
arns, and lroad, Iarge-nosed faces. Like lhe seeIie, lhe unseeIie vary
grealIy in appearance, oflen vilh lhe faces or Iinls of leasls vilh
cIavs, fangs, or oversized, nonslrous eyes. IndividuaI unseeIie are alIe
lo nanipuIale lheir size, ranging fron one inch lo one fool in heighl.
The unseeIie fighl an endIess var againsl lhe seeIie. They prolalIy
originaled in lhe sane region and nay have leen lroughl lo AgIarond
ly nagicaI ga|cs opened ly lhe ancienl Yuir eIves. WhiIe lhe seeIie are
nereIy nischievous, lhe unseeIie are sadislic and nurderous. SeeIie
nereIy launl and annoy lhose oulsiders vho lIunder inlo lheir reaIns,
unseeIie lake deIighl in lhe infIiclion of pain and kiIIing.
Cnmbat: UnseeIie can lecone intisio|c al viII and use lhe aliIily lo
foIIov, lerrorize, and evenluaIIy anlush viclins. The nere sighl of
an unseeIie is lerrifying lo ordinary norlaIs and has lhe effecl of a
fcar speII on aII olservers.
UnseeIie fighl vilh snaII veapons (svords infIicl 1-2 poinls of
danage, lovs infIicl 1 poinl) sonelines lrealed vilh lhe sane sIeep
poison used ly lheir seeIie cousins (viclins nusl save vs. speII or faII
asIeep for 2d4 hours). Viclins oflen vaken lo find lhenseIves lound
and lornenled ly dozens of vicked unseeIie, vho derive greal
anusenenl fron lhe pain and suffering of olhers. UnseeIie faeries
aIso ride connon lals or slirges inlo lallIe, allacking vilh Iances
and infIicling 1d4 poinls of danage. These veapons are aIso sone-
lines lrealed vilh sIeep poison.
Lach unseeIie can casl one speII a day (nolIe and royaI unseeIie
are unknovn). The speII can le of any IeveI, lul il is usuaIIy sone-
lhing lolh danaging and painfuI such as nagic nissi|c, |ign|ning oc||,
c|cu|i||, or ncns|cr sunncning
HabItat/5ncIcty: UnseeIie faeries Iive in connunilies Iocaled in
dark, lvisled pIaces, Iike gnarIed lrees, grin svanps, and dreary,
veed-infesled neadovs. Their paIaces, Iocaled in snaII denipIanes,
are ugIy lIack slruclures lrislIing vilh spikes, carved skuIIs, and
inages of horrifying nonslers.
UnseeIie Iive under a naIevoIenl anarchy, each individuaI doing
as he or she pIeases, usuaIIy al lhe lehesl or under lhe conlroI of lhe
individuaI vilh lhe nosl poverfuI nagicaI aliIilies. These individu-
aIs oflen slyIe lhenseIves king, queen, or enperor, lul lhey are jusl
as oflen deposed.
The unseeIie have aIvays foughl lheir seeIie cousins. The lvo lal-
lIe across lhe Ienglh and lreadlh of lhe Yuirvood, and voe le unlo
any lraveIers caughl in lhe niddIe.
Crief cones aIso lo anyone gelling caughl in unseeIie lerrilory
afler nighlfaII. They are nerciIess vilh caplives, oflen infIicling eviI
lornenls lefore finaIIy kiIIing lhe viclins. Lven lhose vho escape
have prolIens~lhey oflen do so pc|qncrpnc, vilh lhe head of a
goal and lhe Iegs of a leelIe, dancing, ilching, or Iaughing uncon-
Ecn!ngy: Though lhe unseeIie seen lo gain lheir suslenance fron
lhe liny pockel dinensions vhere lheir paIaces are Iocaled, lhey
have a significanl effecl on lhe surrounding ecoIogy, hunling ani-
naIs for lhe fun of il, despoiIing pIeasanl gIades, feIIing lrees, and
allacking hunan and haIf-eIf lraveIers. Lxperienced expIorers knov
lhe signs of a nearly unseeIie sellIenenl: lvisled and lIackened veg-
elalion, aninaIs kiIIed and Iefl lo rol, snashed lrees, and poisoned
valer. Those vho knov lhe Yuirvood are aIvays carefuI lo avoid
such regions.
1 4
UnIcnrn, B!ack
, & 1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Ioresls, pIains (Thay)
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: High (13-14)
ALIGNMENT: Chaolic eviI
THAC0: 17
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1d4/1d6/1d6/1d1O
5PECIAL ATTACK5: Charge, causc |ign| ucuns
5PECIAL DEFEN5E5:, Tc| cpcr|
MORALE: LIile (14)
The lIack unicorn is one of lhe resuIls of Thayan experinenlalion
inlo lhe corruplion of exisling Iife forns. BIack unicorns resenlIe
lheir vhile reIalives, lul lhey are lvisled and eviI. BIack unicorns
have lecone a nainslay of lhe Thayan niIilary, and nany are kepl
as pels ly Red Wizards.
BIack unicorns are coaI-dark crealures sporling siIky lIack nanes
and lurning red eyes. Their horns are Iong and spiraIed, chased vilh
siIver and lhey are quile leaulifuI. MaIe lIack unicorns are learded
and lhe fenaIes nore sIender lhan lhe naIes, lul lhey relain a
heavy nuscuIalure.
HighIy inleIIigenl, lIack unicorns can le laughl lo speak Con-
non, and lhere are runors lhal Red Wizards are lrying lo leach
lhen speIIs vilh pureIy verlaI conponenls.
Despile lheir success and usefuIness in conlal, lIack unicorns are
fickIe and chaolic, noslIy concerned vilh lheir ovn safely ralher
lhan lhal of lheir riders or conpanions. Il is nol al aII unusuaI for a
lIack unicorn lo fIee conlal vhen lhe lide lurns againsl il, disIodg-
ing riders or |c|cpcr|ing avay ly ilseIf and Ieaving olhers lo fend for
lhenseIves. }usl lhe sane, lIack unicorns serve in Iarge nunlers vilh
lhe Thayan niIilary. SeveraI najor unils nade up of lIack unicorns
and eviI-aIigned fenaIe riders serve lhe zuIkirs. The Sislers of Cyric, a
proninenl reginenl svorn lo serve lhe ZuIkir Aznar ThruI, consisls
of eviI fenaIe prieslesses of Cryic nounled on lIack unicorns.
Cnmbat: AIlhough lIack unicorns do nol have lhe aliIily lo nove
siIenlIy or sense lhe presence of enenies, lhey are never surprised
and fighl in lallIe vilh fronl hooves and horn, liling vilh sharp-
edged leelh. A lIack unicorns horn does nol have any allack roII
lonus. Like nornaI unicorns, lIack unicorns can nake a charge
allack. If a lIack unicorn noves al Ieasl 3O feel over open ground,
ils horn can slrike for 3d12 poinls of piercing danage. They nay nol
allack vilh lheir fronl hooves in lhe round lhey charge.
BIack unicorns can cause Iighl vounds lhree lines a day and can
inslanlIy |c|cpcr| ui|ncu| crrcr once a day. To causc |ign| ucuns lhe
unicorn nusl louch ils opponenl, and lhis nay le used in conjunc-
lion vilh a horn allack. The |c|cpcr| ui|ncu| crrcr incIudes lhe uni-
corn ilseIf lul nol ils rider, and such riders oflen find lhenseIves
alandoned in lhe nidsl of lad conlal silualions ly lheir chaolic
HabItat/5ncIcty: These fouI crealures vere crealed ly lhe Red Wiz-
ards, vho fused lhe lIood of lanarri and olher eviI crealures vilh
lhal of ordinary unicorns, crealing a halefuI, denenled crealure lhal
Iives for vioIence and conlal.
BIack unicorns onIy aIIov lhenseIves lo le ridden ly hunan or
drov fenaIes of eviI aIignnenl. LviI-aIigned fenaIes nusl pelilion a
suilalIe unicorn, if lhe fenaIe is acceplalIe, lhe unicorn viII serve.
If nol, il innedialeIy allacks lhe suppIicanl, naking service vilh
lhe Thayan lIack unicorn cavaIry a hazardous proposilion.
Ecn!ngy: Mosl lIack unicorns are kepl as pels ly Red Wizards or
serve in lhe Thayan niIilary. A fev viId specinens have escaped,
hovever, and sone snaII herds roan Thay and ils vicinily. These
herds are doninaled ly lheir slrongesl nenler, naIe or fenaIe, and
appear lo infIicl pain and suffering on lhose around lhen for lhe
sheer joy of il. They are especiaIIy fond of allacking horses and nor-
naI unicorns, vhich lhey passionaleIy hale.
BIack unicorns are carnivores especiaIIy fond of lhe fIesh of
hunans, eIves, horses, and ordinary unicorns.
The horns of lIack unicorns are highIy prized. In povdered forn
il can le used lo creale a polenl poison equivaIenl lo a Type N con-
lacl poison (DMC TalIe 51). When fixed lo a Iance and vieIded ly
a charging, nounled user, il infIicls lhe nornaI lIack unicorn charge
, & 1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Ioresls (Rashenen)
DIET: Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: High (11-12)
ALIGNMENT: Chaolic eviI
THAC0: 15
Sleady (12)
Ulhraki are naIevoIenl shapechanging spirils vhich haunl lhe dark
voods and IoneIy roads of Rashenen, Ulhraki are said lo lake lhe
forn of harnIess conpanions, lefriend Ione lraveIers, and lhen kiII
and devour lhen.
No one is cerlain vhal an ulhraki Iooks Iike in ils naluraI forn,
lul lhey are said lo le hideous, lvisled, hairy crealures vilh eyes aII
around lheir head, so lhey are never surprised.
The laIes are lrue, lul fev can confirn lhen since ulhraki Ieave
fev survivors. They resenlIe lenl, hunchlacked apes vilh Iong
snarIed gray fur and snaII hunanIike faces. Their eyes are enlireIy
lIack, vilh no visilIe iris or pupiI.
Cnmbat: Ulhraki speak Connon and are capalIe of changing inlo
lhe forn of any hunan, denihunan, or hunanoid crealure. The dis-
guise is nagicaI and cannol le delecled save lhrough |ruc sccing or
siniIar speIIs. Delecl nagic reveaIs an aura aloul lhe crealure lul
nolhing nore.
Ulhraki usuaIIy renain disguised vhen allacking, preferring lo
change lo lrue forn innedialeIy lefore lhe viclins dealhs lo fur-
lher lerrorize lhe prey. They allack vilh poverfuI hands, sIashing
vilh cIavs. If lolh cIav allacks hil, lhe ulhraki has Ialched onlo ils
viclins lhroal and aulonalicaIIy infIicls an addilionaI 2d8 poinls of
danage each round afler lhal. The viclin nay allenpl lo disIodge
lhe ulhraki ly naking a Slrenglh check al a -4 penaIly. A successfuI
roII lreaks lhe ulhrakis slrangIehoId.
Ulhraki are slrong during lhe day, lul prefer lo allack al nighl, for
once lhe sun has sel lhey regenerale 2 hp per lurn.
AIlhough lhey are dangerous, lerrifying crealures, ulhraki have
vuIneraliIilies. They lake doulIe danage fron heal-lased speIIs.
Larlh-lased veapons such as slone or vooden cIuls and fIinl-lipped
arrovs aulonalicaIIy infIicl naxinun danage. No one can le cer-
lain vhy lhis is, lul sone vilches have lheorized lhal ulhraki are of
a spiril forn lhal is ininicaI lo earlh-lased sulslances.
HabItat/5ncIcty: Lone, spilefuI crealures lhal hale aII olher Iiving
lhings, even lheir ovn kind, ulhraki Iive in dislanl viIderness areas,
roaning isoIaled roads and highvays seeking viclins. Their Iairs are
in deep lurrovs lenealh lree rools or lelveen rocks.
Ecn!ngy: Ulhraki are naluraI shapechangers and prefer lo lake a
faniIiar and conforling forn~a Iosl chiId, friendIy ninslreI, joIIy
nerchanl, nerry eIven lraveIers, gruff lul friendIy dvarven varriors,
cule haIfIings, gnonish acrolals, and lhe Iike. Such forns are
inlended lo vin a viclins confidence, for lhe ulhraki vanls lo vail
unliI dark lo unIeash ils deadIy allacks.
Ulhraki avoid sellIed areas, preferring lo slaIk lheir prey in iso-
Ialed viIderness areas. Hunling in cilies is far loo hazardous, for lhe
shapechangers can le delecled lhrough |ruc sccing or siniIar speIIs
and lhe vilches viII hunl dovn and deslroy ulhraki vherever lhey
are found.
Ulhraki aIso feed on snaII nannaIs such as rals, rallils, squirreIs,
and lhe occasionaI carcass found deep in lhe voods. More cunning
ulhraki nasquerade as prey aninaIs, lhen lurn on predalors expecl-
ing an easy neaI.
Tha Aooem1une Hooks
he foIIoving advenlure hooks are neanl lo le fIexilIe enough for lhe DM lo use lhen al any
poinl in an ongoing canpaign. Il shouId le noled lhal even a lrief excursion inlo Thay is dan-
gerous al lesl, slrangers are nol veII regarded in Thay (seen as spies or vorse fron neighloring coun-
lries, or even rivaI Thayans), and lhose vho fIaunl lhenseIves oflen end up as largels of lhe Red
Wizards scruliny.
Il is aIso cruciaI lo renind ICs lhal, vhiIe lhe Red Wizards are unqueslionalIy naIevoIenl, nosl
denizens of lhe counlry are ordinary foIk Ialoring under an unlending yoke. ICs shouId nol le
allacking ordinary Thayan cilizens under sone nisconceplion lhal lheyre aII eviI. WhiIe fev
Thayans nainlain oplinislic or aIlruislic phiIosophies, nol aII are irrevocalIy eviI.
To gel lhe ICs lo Thay, lry lhe foIIoving hooks:
Soneone lhey knov (a friend, an acquain-
lance, or an enpIoyers chiId) has leen kidnaped
or seduced ly a sIave lrader. IoIIoving lhe lraiI,
lhey discover il Ieads lo Thay and lhe sIave nar-
kels of Bezanlur.
If lhe ICs have conlacls vilh Harpers or
Harper agenls, lhey nay le asked lo go lo Thay
on any nunler of polenliaI nissions.
IaiIing lhal, hinls aloul lhe vondrous nev
speIIs, nagicaI ilens, and nyslery-fiIIed Iands
are oflen enough lo nolivale any IC group.
nce lhe ICs are in or near Thay,
expand on lhese advenlure hooks:
Thayan sIaves (lolh nalive and oulIander)
laken fron lheir faniIies and hones need lo le
rescued, and escaped sIaves need lo le safeIy gol-
len oul of Thay. Ierhaps an anlilious escaped
sIave vanls lo sel up a sIave-escape nelvork, and
she requesls lhe ICs heIp.
Red Wizards are fond of using exlrapIanar
leings as pavns. A poverfuI fiend has lecone
lired of lhis and legins a canpaign lo lurn lhe
lalIes. A najor lanarri invasion lhrealens, and
as lenpled as lhe ICs nighl le lo Iel lhe Red
Wizards suffer lhe consequences of lheir ac-
lions, lhe resl of Iaern is nol as deserving.
The cuIl of LIenenlaI Iire is groving as Kos-
sulh Iooks for nore infIuence in Thay. Iiery oul-
lreaks are connon, and eIenenlaI crealures are
everyvhere. The ICs nusl cIose lhe gale or slop
lhe sunnoning priesl.
Iarners in lhe Iriador appeaI lo lhe ICs lo
slop lhe horrilIy nulaled nonslers ravaging
lheir hones and farns. These escaped Red Wiz-
ard experinenls oflen have aliIilies in addilion
lo lheir nalive ones, assign randon speII-Iike
aliIilies lo jusl aloul any crealure lhe Red Wiz-
ards vouId have had access lo, and Iel il run
In Bezanlur, a ninor Thayan nolIe disappears
and is Ialer seen as one of ZuIkir MylhreIIaas
nindIess servanls. The faniIy vanls hin lack
and is viIIing lo pay a greal deaI. WiII lhe group
dare lo invade her lover or lo kidnap lhe servanl
vhen he nexl appears on lhe slreels of Bezanlur`
Ruvya lhe loynaker has decided lo relire, and
hes laking Red Wizard secrels aIong vilh hin.
Though lhe Thayans are for lhe nonenl sliII
unavare of his slalus as a Harper agenl, his eager-
ness lo le rid of Thay nay drav suspicion upon
hin. The ICs nusl heIp Ruvya escape Thay.
An anlilious Red Wizard has devised a Iofly
pIan vhich he leIieves viII veaken AgIarond
Iong enough for Thayan Iegions lo conquer il.
His conpIex pIan consisls of severaI parls. He
inlends lo send agenls lo slir up raciaI halreds
lelveen lhe AIlunleI hunans and lhe Iangers
againsl lhe haIf-eIves, al lhe sane line, he
vanls lo infiIlrale lhe nore radicaI haIf-eIf
groups and urge lhen lo drive oul lhe hunans
once and for aII. WhiIe lhe SinluI is dislracled
ly lhe lhreal of civiI var, a lvo-pronged allack
occurs ly Thayan Iegions and Red Wizards: a
nodesl allack on lhe easlern side of AgIarond
(vhere nosl previous Thayan allacks have orig-
inaled) and a nassive sveep aIong lhe Sea of
IaIIen Slars al lhe coaslaI cilies fron IngdaIs
Arn lo DIusk, perhaps aided ly an aIIiance vilh
lhe pirales of lhe IaIIen Slars. lviousIy, lhis
pIan requires a huge anounl of pIanning, sel up
line, and a luiIdup of Thayan navaI forces (as
veII as an unprecedenled anounl of cooperalion
anong lhe Red Wizards). The vizard is liding
his line for lhe nonenl, vailing for lhe currenl
poIilicaI upheavaI lo shake ilseIf oul. He inlends
lo propose his pIan lo lhe vinner and Iook Iike a
genius (and hopefuIIy vin a zuIkirs or lhar-
chions lilIe for hinseIf).
Spc||ocun (1121)
1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved. 1121xxxO6O1
Tha Emcoum1ens Chan1
CItIcs and WI!d RcgInns nf Thay
Pnpu!atcd RcgInns nf Thay (Tha!hazar, 5urmarsh)
2d10 Encnuntcr 2d10 Encnuntcr
2 Undead, servanl 2 Ankheg
3 Undead, free-viIIed 3 Undead (varrior ghosls, ThaIhazar)
Neo-orog (palroI) 4 Neo-orog (palroI)
5 Hunan, priesl (of eviI god) 5 Hunan, priesl (of eviI god)
6 Hunan, escaped sIave 6 Hunan, escaped sIave
7 Hunan, vizard (Red Wizard) 7 Hunan, vizard (Red Wizard)
8 Hunan, soIdier (palroI) 8 rcs or CnoIIs (palroI)
9 Hunan, farner 9 Hunan, soIdier (palroI)
1O Hunan, landil or lhief 1O BIack unicorn (palroI)
11 Hunan, sIaver 11 ColIins (palroI)
12 rcs or CnoIIs (palroI) 12 Hunan, pirale
13 ColIins (palroI) 13 Hunan, sIaver
14 Darkenleasl 14 Darkenleasl
15 Hunan, advenlurer 15 BIack dragon (Surnarsh)
16 gre (Red Wizard servanl) 16 Lizard nan (Surnarsh)
17 Hunan, Harper agenl 17 lyugh (Surnarsh)
18 SIave, any race 18 BuIelle
19 Drov 19 Lycanlhrope, vereral
2O Lycanlhrope, vereral 2O Lizard nan shanan (Surnarsh)
WI!d RcgInns nf Thay Watcrs nf Thay
(thc PrIadnr, Dc!humIdc) (Lakc Thay!ambar, thc A!ambcr)
IIy, gianl horsefIy
Neo-orog (palroI)
Hunan, priesl (of eviI god)
Hunan, escaped sIave
Hunan, vizard (Red Wizard)
rcs or CnoIIs (palroI)
Hunan, soIdier (palroI)
BIack unicorn (palroI)
ColIins (palroI)
Hunan, landil
Hunan, sIaver
BehoIder-kin (DeIhunide)
MeazaI or }ernIaine (DeIhunide)
LIenenlaI, fire (Iriador)
Lycanlhrope, vereral
Lscaped experinenl (Iriador)
Dragon lurlIe
Hunan, priesl of UnlerIee
Hunan, escaped sIave
Hunan, vizard (Red Wizard)
Hunan, sIaver/pirale
Hunan, fishernan
Hunan, nerchanl
Cianl eeI
Thayan palroI vesseI
lher nalions palroI vesseI
Merchanl vesseI
Cianl shark
Lycanlhrope, vereshark
AgLanomo Aooem1une Hooks
he peopIe of AgIarond are usuaIIy friendIy, lul lhey are isoIaled fron nosl of Iaern and sone-
vhal suspicious (al Ieasl al firsl) of slrangers Iesl lhey lurn oul lo le Thayan agenls. n lhe sur-
face, AgIarond is nol a Iand of high advenlure lul slurdy and peacefuI farners and fisherfoIk. The
nalion is far fron vilhoul confIicl, hovever, and lolh inlernaI nysleries and oulvard lhreals nake
AgIarond a Iand ripe for advenluring.
WhiIe il nay le easy lo for lhe DM (and pIayers) lo say lhe SinluI viII lake care of lhings, lhe
facl renains lhal despile her avesone pover she is sliII onIy one person. She has nore lhan lhe con-
cerns of a singIe counlry and ils poIilics lo deaI vilh, sinpIy foiIing lhe naIevoIenl randon pIols of
lhe Red Wizards (never nind lhe conslanl danger of an oulrighl invasion) lakes up nuch of her line.
She cannol drop lhose concerns and check oul every silualion herseIf. And vhiIe she nay le a pov-
erfuI aIIy or palron, ICs shouId nol expecl lo sinpIy drop in and expecl her lo le lhere, she is oflen
gone fron AgIarond (and sonelines fron ToriI ilseIf) for veeks al a line.
To gel lhe ICs lo AgIarond, lry lhe foIIoving hooks:
The ICs are senl ly Ieaders of anolher
nalion or region lo open dipIonalic laIks vilh
AgIarond, lo nake lhal nalion nore a parl of
ReaIns affairs. NearIy any slarling poinl viII do,
a Sea of IaIIen Slars coaIilion of nalions is a nal-
uraI slarling pIace, as is any reaIn vilh a slrong
Harper presence.
Runors of lhe nagic of lhe Yuirvood have
reached lhe ICs ears, characlers of eIven de-
scenl are especiaIIy IikeIy lo le curious aloul lhe
Iosl race of Yuir eIves and lheir descendanls.
nce lhe ICs are in or near AgIorand,
expand on lhese advenlure hooks:
The dell oved ly lhe AgIarondans lo lhe
gaIel duhr, incurred in lhe line of King Brindor,
finaIIy cones due. Ierhaps lhey need heIp fend-
ing off an invasion of xorn inlo lheir deep
hones, or perhaps drov fron lhe Underdark
have lroken lhrough inlo lheir privale lunneIs,
vhalever lhe reason, lhey cone asking for heIp.
Agilalors in Iindar and Dahsl~noslIy
youngslers~are caIIing for lheir viIIages incIu-
sion in lhe AgIarondan counciI. WhiIe lhe Sin-
luI is in favor of lhis, she fears lhe agilalors nay
slir up oId resenlnenls, causing lhe Iangers lo
unile in sone pIol againsl haIf-eIves or even
againsl lhe currenl poIilicaI slruclure lhal favors
equaIily. DipIonacy is necessary lo encourage
lhe youngslers lo find a nore sullIe vay of
lringing lheir leIiefs aloul.
n lhe olher hand, a group of radicaI haIf-
eIves vho Iong for lhe relurn of lhe vays of lhe
Yuir is lrying lo frighlen avay lhe hunans vhose
hones and farns Iie near lhe Yuirvood. WhiIe
no vioIence has yel leen done, lhe farners have
conpIained aloul lhe appearance of eIven
lolens and occasionaI nyslerious crop faiIures
on lheir Iand.
Deep in lhe Yuirvood, pIanar gales are open-
ing and nany differenl crealures are finding
lheir vay lhrough. Sone are good, sone eviI.
WiII lhe ICs heIp, resisl, or lry lo cIose lhe
gales` Trovar HaIaern can guide ICs lo lhe
vicinily of lhe gales.
The cily of TiIlrand asks for AgIaronds pro-
leclion againsl Thay, vishing for a grealer
aIIiance. The haIf-eIves are in favor, vishing lo
aid lhe proninenl haIf-eIven Waverunner cIan.
WhiIe lhe ICs are in an AgIarondan cily,
lhey vilness a polenliaIIy falaI case of nislaken
idenlily: A young AgIarondan vonan vho dis-
pIayed nagicaI pover of sone sorl (she vas lorn
in lhe HaIendos ViIIage) is nislaken for a Red
Wizard and is leing chased ly a nol lhrough
lhe narkelpIace. She needs lo le rescued and
laken sonevhere she can deveIop her povers
safeIy. If lhe SinluI is nol avaiIalIe (a IikeIy
evenl), lhe ICs nay hear aloul lhe Masked ne
and visil her lo delernine if she vouId le a fil
(or viIIing) leacher.
Ior a Ionger-lern canpaign lhene, lhe ICs
nay le asked ly lhe SinluI lo heIp her nake
AgIarond nore invoIved in ReaIns affairs. Wilh
AgIarond as lheir lase, lhey lraveI lo lhe various
nalions aIong lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars, pronoling
lrade and connerce vilh lhe SinluIs counlry
(or prolecling AgIarondan dipIonals vho do so).
Spc||ocun (1121)
1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved. 1121xxxO6O2
AgLanomo Emcoum1ens Chan1s
Cnasta! RcgInns
Leech, gianl
Hag, sea
Wizard (SinluIs apprenlice)
Hunan or haIf-eIf, farner/herder
Hunan or haIf-eIf, soIdier (palroI)
Hunan or haIf-eIf, niddIe cIass
Hunan or haIf-eIf, nerchanl/lrader
Hunan or haIf-eIf, genlry
LIf, aqualic
TroII, skrag
Cal, greal (nounlain Iion)
Dragon, lopaz
IntcrInr Up!ands
Lycanlhrope, verelear
IIanl, inleIIigenl (hangnan lree)
Snake, poison (nornaI)
Hunan or haIf-eIf, advenlurer
Hunan or haIf-eIf, farner/herder
Hunan or haIf-eIf, soIdier (palroI)
Cal, greal (nounlain Iion)
Bear, lIack
Dragonel, pseudodragon
IIanar crealure (any)
Lycanlhrope, vereloar
Bird, ovI (laIking)
Iaerie, seeIie
BeelIe, gianl (slag)
Lycanlhrope, verelear
Bear, lrovn
Hunan or haIf-eIf, advenlurer
Hunan or haIf-eIf, ranger (palroI)
Iaerie, unseeIie
Cooshee or Calh shee
Dragonel, faerie dragon
Ag!arnndan CItIcs
WiId peacocks (Iurlhinghone)
Wizard (SinluIs apprenlice)
Wizards faniIiar
Doneslicaled aninaI
Hunan, xenopholic
Hunan, saiIor (Sea of IaIIen Slars)
Hunan or haIf-eIf, fishernan
Hunan or haIf-eIf, farner/herder
Hunan or haIf-eIf, soIdier (palroI)
Hunan or haIf-eIf, cIeric
Hunan or haIf-eIf, nerchanl/lrader
Hunan or haIf-eIf, genlry
Advenlurer, any race
TraveIing carnivaI
HaIf-eIf, xenopholic
LIf, aqualic (coaslaI cilies onIy)
SeIkie (coaslaI cilies onIy)
Red Wizard (disguised spy)
Rashemem Aooem1une Hooks
ashenen is an oId Iand fiIIed vilh oId nagic. Nalure spirils are everyvhere, and lhe Iand ilseIf
seens aIive. The nysleries of lhis ancienl nalion have lareIy leen expIored, even ly lhe
vilches and larlarians vho dveII lhere.
Advenlures in Rashenen lend lo le aclive, fiIIed vilh conlal and exlernaI confIicl (in conlrasl lo
AgIarond and Thay, vhere confIicl is oflen nore sullIe). Bul olhers lhan varriors can vin respecl
fron lhe Rashenaar: a priesl vho speaks in lhe nane of her god (vilh inpressive resuIls), a lard vho
can lring lears lo lhe eyes of lallIe-hardened varriors, or a ranger vho can lrack a vhile rallil in a
snovslorn is jusl as accIained as lhe fiercesl lerserker. Mages and lhieves nay have a harder line
proving lhenseIves, lul even lheir skiIIs can le proven usefuI and adniralIe lo lhe Rashenaar.
To gel lhe ICs lo Rashenen, lry lhe foIIoving hooks:
The ICs are hired lo prolecl a nerchanl car-
avan on ils vay lo SheveI or MuIplan.
The group neels a young Rashenaar young-
sler on dajenna, vho inviles lhen lack lo his
honeIand afler lhey heIp hin defeal sone Iarge
nonsler (possilIy saving his Iife).
If lhe ICs have Harper lies, lhey nay le senl
lo discover vhelher lhe Wilches of Rashenen
vouId nake fil Harper aIIies~or are anolher
lhreal lo peace in lhe ReaIns.
nce lhe ICs are in or near Rashenen,
expand upon lhese advenlure hooks:
ICs nislakenIy encroach on lhe vilches
lerrilory and nusl conpIele a sel lask or face
punishnenl. Many of lhe foIIoving hooks can
foIIov on lhe heeIs of lhis naluraI nislake for
nevconers lo Rashenen.
The vilches ask lhen lo relrieve nagicaI
ilen conponenls for lhe vrenyonni~perhaps
parl of a crealure (dragons scaIe, nereids shavI),
a rare eIenenl, or puresl valer fron lhe heighls
of Ashane.
A vhile dragon has recenlIy Iaired in norlhern
Rashenen. The vilch vho vas senl lo deaI vilh
lhe leasl has nol relurned, lhe ICs are senl lo
eilher defeal lhe dragon or lo relrieve lhe vilchs
nask (a nagicaI one) fron lhe Iair of lhe dragon.
The ICs are caIIed upon lo heIp fend off an
invasion of nonads fron NarfeII or lhe easlern
vasle. If lhey heIp, lhey nay le accepled as hon-
orary Rashenaar, if lhey refuse, lhey viII prola-
lIy le exiIed fron Rashenen or al Ieasl ignored
as covards ly every Rashenaar lhey encounler.
Having von lhe lrusl of Rashenaar varriors,
lhe ICs are inviled lo go hunling for ice lroIIs or
olher nonslers lhal lroulIe lhe Iand.
As inparliaI lyslanders (vhich fev Rashe-
naar are, lending lo nake lheir aIIegiances
sviflIy and lhoroughIy), lhe ICs are asked lo
nediale a dispule lelveen lvo lerserker Iodges.
They nusl judge lesls of skiII vhiIe prevenling
lhe conpelilion fron lurning deadIy vhen al
Ieasl one of lhe conleslanls lakes offense al lheir
The ICs nusl Iay lhe unquiel ghosl of a
Rashenaar or Tuigan varrior lo resl, preferalIy
vilhoul conlal. This requires fuIfiIIing sone
lask, fron sinpIy finding lhe varriors vidov
and leIIing her vhere he had luried lhe faniIys
lreasure, lo denands lhal lhe characlers hunl
dovn lhe varriors kiIIer so lhal lhey nay fighl
again in a fairer conlal. (The ghosl insisls he
vas kiIIed ly a dishonoralIe slrike fron
A young varrior has leen sloIen avay ly a
spiril of InniI VaIe. The characlers have lo gel
hin lack, preferalIy ui|ncu| kiIIing lhe spiril.
Sonelhing is kiIIing niners in lhe nines of
TelhkeI: a xorn, shadov dragon, or sonelhing
Despile lheir posilion in Rashenaar sociely
(as dislanl, aIoof guardians), lhe Wilches of
Rashenen are sliII hunan. A young apprenlice
vilch faIIs in Iove vilh one of lhe characlers . . .
and vhiIe such reIalionships are nol forlidden,
lhey are difficuIl lo nainlain in lhe face of lradi-
lion. If lhe IC relurns her affeclions, he has lo
pIead lheir case lo lhe eIder vilches lo le aI-
Ioved lo conlinue lhe reIalionship.
The ruins of CiladeI Rashenaar have le-
cone a haven for landils. Their presence is a
nenace lo lhe lrade roules and nerchanls aIong
lhe easlern edge of Rashenaar, and lhey need lo
le renoved ly any neans necessary.
Spc||ocun (1121)
1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved. 1121xxxO6O3
Rashemem Emcoum1en Chan1s
Cnasta! RcgInns
Bird, raven (huge)
IIanl, inleIIigenl (quickvood)
Hag, lheur (vinler onIy)
Bear, lrovn
WoIf, vinler
Hunan, nerchanl
Hunan, soIdiers (palroI)
Hunan, lerserkers
Hunan, farner/herder
Cal, greal (gianl Iynx)
Ral, gianl
TroII, skrag
rgIash (vinler onIy)
LIenenlaI, valer-kin (nereid)
Wood nan (varline onIy)
Lycanlhrope, verelear
Hag, lheur (vinler onIy)
Bear, lrovn
Hunan, lerserkers
Bear, lIack
Cal, greal (nounlain Iion)
Snov Tiger
Rashenaar Wilch
Hag, green
rgIash (vinler onIy)
Cal, greal (gianl Iynx)
Bird, ovI (gianl)
Cianl, vood
Dragon, cryslaI
LIenenlaI, earlh kin (pech)
Hag, lheur (vinler onIy)
rgIash (vinler onIy)
Hunan, lerserkers
Rashenaar vilch
Tiger, snov
Hag, annis
Bird (eagIe, gianl)
Cianl, hiII
Dragon, vhile (vinler onIy)
ChouIs, Iacedon
LIenenlaI, valer kin (nereid)
Hag, lheur (vinler onIy)
rgIash (vinler onIy)
Unnanned vilchloal
TroII, skrag
gre, nerrov
Hunan, nerchanl
Hunan, lerserker
Hunan, soIdier (palroI)
Iish, eeI (gianl)
Iish, pike (gianl)
Hunan, advenlurer
Iish, Ianprey (gianl)
Dragon, anelhysl
The VhoLe 51on: 5zass Tam's Thaam GambI1
zass Tans pIan lo lecone lhe undispuled ruIer of Thay legan Iong lefore lhe currenl confIicl.
As his IifeIong anlilion, il is lhis driving force lhal nakes hin one of lhe nosl dangerous ene-
nies of peace and freedon in Iaern.
His currenl pIol legan vhen he visiled lhe ancienl Iich LarIoch lhe Shadov King, vho dveIIs in
lhe dislanl forlress of WarIocks Keep on lhe Svord Coasl. Many Red Wizards had visiled LarIoch in
lhe pasl, and none save Tan had ever relurned. LxaclIy vhal lhe necronancer did in WarIocks Keep
is nol knovn, lul he apparenlIy gained LarIochs cooperalion. Tan relurned lo Thay vilh a nunler of
hooded conpanions and severaI najor enchanled ilens, incIuding a greal arlifacl knovn as Tna|scri|s
Sca| (a nagicaI lhrone) and lhe Dealh Moon rl, vhich can conpeI oledience in infernaI crealures.
Tan lhen legan preparing a lase fron vhich lo carry oul his schene. Choosing Thaynounl as an
ideaI headquarlers, he had Spiros Dehkahks, lhe forner lharchion of Thaynounl, repIaced vilh his
ovn puppel Iyras Aulorian. He lhen enlered lhe CiladeI, lraved lhe Ialhs of lhe Dooned and lhe
Devouring IorlaI, and eslalIished quarlers al lhe CiladeIs hearl. Tan gol lhe Seal ready for ils
inlended occupanl.
The ZuIkir of Necronancy seIecled lhe AlyssaI Lord LIlal for enlrapnenl. He did so for lhree rea-
sons. Iirsl, he knev LIlals lrue nane (naking linding lhe lanarri easier). Then loo, LIlal vas
aIready on ToriI (so lhere vas no need lo sunnon anolher, perhaps unknovn, lanarri). IinaIIy, LIlal
is poverfuI.
Lighl nonlhs ago, a greal earlhquake rocked lhe cily of LIlallar. Though no one knev il lhen, lhe
earlhquake vas a direcl consequence of LIlal leing freed fron lhe greal rune lhal heId hin prisoner.
Tan innedialeIy used lhe Dealh Moon rl lo order LIlal lo sil on Tna|scri|s Sca|, vhereupon he
casl lhe firsl Rune of Chaos using lhe ri|ua| cf |uin ournings. Lighl nonlhs have passed and eighl runes
have leen inscriled, vilh lhe ninlh, lhe lanarri Iord viII le ensIaved lo Szass Tan.
MeanvhiIe, in lhe nonlhs lelveen lhe casling of each rune, Tan legan his drive lo recruil aIIies
fron anong lhe lharchions and zuIkirs of Thay. AII legan neeling in lhe CiladeI, Iocaled deep
lenealh Thaynounl, and a sullIe canpaign againsl Tans enenies legan. LIlal~a leing of no IillIe
pover~has leen slruggIing againsl lhe linding of lhe Seal in lhe neanline. His vioIenl efforls lo
free hinseIf caused lhe increased voIcanic aclivily around Thaynounl.
Wilh LarIoch as his aIIy and LIlal as his sIave, and vilh lhe various ninions of lhe lharchions and
zuIkirs al his disposaI, Tan viII le ready lo nake his nove lo seize pover in Thay. AIready he is squeez-
ing his enenies oul of pover. ne of his pIols lo discredil lhree proninenl enenies is chronicIed in lhe
advenlure Throne of Deceil, vhiIe lhe lrulh aloul Tans pIans is reveaIed in Tnc Runcs cf Cnacs.
ShouId Tan succeed in ensIaving LIlal, he viII dispose of his enenies innedialeIy and pronounce
hinseIf Lnperor of Thay.
Thc RItua! nf TwIn BurnIngs
Though nol preciseIy a speII (and nol recorded in any vrillen forn save lhis), lhe riluaI neverlheIess
has nany of lhe sane quaIilies. Ior convenience il is presenled here in lhe forn of a speII, lul lhe
DM shouId lake care nol lo aIIov eilher lhe riluaI or lhe Seal lo faII inlo lhe hands of lhe ICs.
LeveI: 9
Range: SpeciaI
Conponenls: V, S, M
Duralion: SpeciaI
Casling Tine: 24 hours per rune
Area of Lffecl: SpeciaI
Saving Throv: None
Se||bound (1121) 1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved. 1121xxxO6O4
This conpIicaled riluaI linding is used lo pernanenlIy lind a crealure lo Tna|scri|s Sca|. If used in
conjunclion vilh any olher arlifacl (or on ils ovn), nolhing happens.
Lach line lhe riluaI is used, a Rune of Chaos is crealed, a nyslicaI synloI lhal progressiveIy linds
a crealure lo lhe Seal. Il is, of course, currenlIy leing used ly ZuIkir Szass Tan lo hoId lhe lanarri
AlyssaI Lord LIlal. In order lo pernanenlIy lind an individuaI lo lhe seal, nine runes nusl le
inscriled, one on each side of lhe nine-sided cryslaIIine pyranid lhal surrounds lhe Seal ilseIf. The
viclin nusl le inprisoned upon lhe seal ly use of olher nagic vhiIe lhe runes are crafled, in lhis
case, Tan is using lhe Dealh Moon rl lo hoId LIlal unliI lhe riluaI is conpIele. nce lhe ninlh
rune is crealed lhe viclin nay physicaIIy Ieave lhe seal, lul he is pernanenlIy and lolaIIy ensIaved lo
lhe vizard vho crealed lhe Runes of Chaos.
There are lhree prerequisiles lo a ri|ua| cf |uin ournings. Iirsl, lhe riluaI nay onIy le perforned
once per nonlh, during lhe nev noon. Second, each rune requires lhe sacrifice of a hunan nage of
increasing IeveI (al Ieasl equaI lo lhal of lhe nunler of lhe rune lo le crealed). Viclins of lhe sacri-
fice are conpIeleIy deslroyed, and lheir very essence is consuned lo creale lhe rune (hence, lhe lvin
lurnings of lhe nane~lody and spiril). The firsl rune requires lhe sacrifice of a 1sl-IeveI nage, lhe
second of 2nd IeveI, and so on. Third, lhe sacrifice nusl le perforned near lhe Seal and requires a fuII
nighl and a day lo conpIele. If lhe nage is dislurled al any line, lhe riluaI is lroken and cannol le
perforned again unliI lhe nexl nonlh.
Al lhe line of lhe evenls in lhis look, Szass Tan has crealed eighl of lhe nine runes and requires
lul one nore sacrifice lo conpIeleIy conlroI LIlal.
Tam's A!!Ics
Tharchion Iyras Aulorian (LL hn O, Thaynounl), Tans puppel
Tharchion Dinon (LN hn (forner) C5 |Waukeenj, Tyraluros)
Tharchioness Azhir Kren (LL hf I15, Cauros), slrong supporler
Tharchion Invarri Melran (LL hn I11, DeIhunide)
The Tharchioness (LL hf III13, LIlallar), slaunch aIIy
ZuIkir LaIIara Mediocros (CL hf Alj21)
ZuIkir MylhreIIaa (CL hf III2O), lecones an aIIy afler evenls in Tnrcnc of Dccci|, and nay svilch
lack lo a nore neulraI slance if Tan is sonehov enlarrassed or delhroned
ZuIkir Druxus Rhyn (NL hn AIl24)
ZuIkir YaphyII (LL hf Div19)
Tam's EncmIcs
Tharchioness Nynia Iocar (CL hf I9, Iyarados)
Tharchion Hezess Nynar (NL hn C8 |Kossulhj, Lapendrar)
ZuIkir LauzoriI (NL hn Lnc22)
ZuIkir Nevron (NL hn Con24)
ZuIkir/Tharchion Aznar ThruI (CL hn Inv23, lhe Iriador)
Tharchioness ThessaIoni Canos (LL hf I17, AIaor), supporls vhoever gives her navy supporl
Tharchion MiIsanlos Daranos (LN hn I14, ThazaIhar), lends lo oppose Tan
Tharchion Honen desseiron (LL hn Inv7/I12, Surlhay), lends lo oppose Tan
Beomo O1h LeoeL
he foIIoving infornalion is dupIicaled fron lhe |ORGOTT|N R|A|MS Atcn|urcs hardlound
look. Since nonpIayer characlers in lhe UnapproachalIe Lasl are nore IikeIy lo le of IeveIs 2O
and higher, lhe foIIoving is essenliaI lo lhe DM lo properIy assign aliIilies lo lhese NICs.
Magcs and spccia|is| uizars gain an addilionaI IeveI for every 375,OOO experience poinls earned alove
3,75O,OOO. They gain an addilionaI hil poinl for every IeveI alove 2O. They gain addilionaI speIIs as
shovn on lhe Lxpanded Wizard SpeII Irogression TalIe.
Expandcd WIzard 5pc!! PrngrcssInn
Magc 5pc!! Lcvc!
Lcvc! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2O 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 2
21 5 5 5 5 5
4 4 4 2
22 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3
23 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4
25 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
26 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5
27 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5
28 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
29 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6
3O 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6
The Red Wizards of Thay are aII speciaIisl vizards (see lhe Canpaign Guic in lhis loxed sel for
delaiIs), prinled here for convenience are lhe vizard speciaIisl requirenenls and opposilion schooIs
fron lhe IIayers Handlook.
5pccIa!Ist 5chnn! Racc
Aljurer Aljuralion H
Conjurer Conj./Sunn. H, L
Diviner Cr. Divin. H, L, L
Lnchanler Lnch./Charn H, L, L
IIIusionisl IIIusion
H, C
Invoker Invoc./Lvoc. H
Necronancer Necronancy H
Transnuler AIleralion H, L
15 Wis
15 Con
16 Wis
16 Cha
16 Dex
16 Con
16 Wis
15 Dex
OppnsItInn 5chnn!(s)
AIleralion & IIIusion
Cr. Divinalion & Invocalion
Invoc./Lvoc. & Necronancy
Necro., Invoc./Lvoc., Aljuralion
Lnch./Charn & Conj./Sunnoning
IIIusion & Lnch./Charn
Aljuralion & Necronancy
* AII Red Wizards are hunan.
SpeIIlound (1121) & 1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved. 1121xxxO6O5
|ign|crs gain an addilionaI IeveI for every 25O,OOO experience poinls alove 3,OOO,OOO. They gain 3 hil
poinls for every IeveI alove 2O.
Pa|ains and rangers gain an addilionaI IeveI for every 3OO,OOO experience poinls alove 3,6OO,.
They gain 3 hil poinls for every IeveI alove 2O. IaIadins gain no addilionaI speIIs once lhey reach
IeveI 2O. Rangers gain no addilionaI speIIs once lhey reach IeveI 16.
C|crics gain an addilionaI IeveI for every 225,OOO experience poinls earned alove 2,7OO,OOO. They
gain an addilionaI 2 hil poinls for every IeveI alove 2O.
Druis gain an addilionaI IeveI for every 5OO,OOO experience poinls alove 2,OOO,OOO. They gain an
addilionaI 2 hil poinls for every IeveI alove 2O.
O|ncr spccia||q prics|s (of lhe various ReaIns deilies, descriled in |ORGOTT|N R|A|MS Advenlures)
gain an addilionaI IeveI for every 5OO,OOO experience poinls alove 8,5OO,OOO. They gain an addi-
lionaI 2 hil poinls for every IeveI alove 2O. They gain addilionaI speIIs as shovn on lhe Lxpanded
Iriesl SpeII Irogression TalIe.
Expandcd PrIcst 5pc!! PrngrcssInn
PrIcst 5pc!! Lcvc!
Lcvc! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2O 9 9 9 8 7 5 2
21 9 9 9 9 8 6 2
22 9 9 9 9 9 6 3
23 9 9 9 9 9 7 3
24 9 9 9 9 9 8 3
25 9 9 9 9 9 8 4
26 9 9 9 9 9 9
27 9 9 9 9 9 9 5
28 9 9 9 9 9 9 6
29 9 9 9 9 9 9
3O 9 9 9 9 9 9 8
* UsalIe onIy ly priesls vilh 17 or grealer Wisdon.
** UsalIe onIy ly priesls vilh 18 or grealer Wisdon.
Bolh |nictcs and oars gain an addilionaI IeveI for every 22O,OOO experience poinls gained. They gain
2 addilionaI hil poinls for every IeveI alove 2O. Thieves gain an addilionaI 1O skiII poinls lo dislril-
ule anong lheir lhieving skiIIs for every IeveI alove 2O. Bards receive 5 poinls lo dislrilule anong
lheir lhieving skiIIs for every IeveI alove 2O.
The Taman'nI o[ 5peLLboumo
E!tab, Abyssa! Lnrd: AC -8, MV 18/II36, HD
37, hp 161, THACO 1, #AT 2, Dng 4d8(x2),
SA lerror, inpaIenenl, ca|n gazc, SD +3 or lel-
ler veapons lo hil, MR 8O, SZ L, ML 18, Inl
supra, AL CL, XI 39,OOO.
Lach AlyssaI Iord is unique, a crealure unIike
any olher. LIlal is an ancienl and poverfuI
AlyssaI Iord vho has ravaged regions of Iaern
on nany occasions.
He is a fornidalIe opponenl. His very pres-
ence carries lhe effecls of a fear speII, and he can
use a ca|n gazc once per lurn. Viclins vho neel
LIlals ca|n gazc nusl save vs. dealh nagic or in-
slanlIy perish. When unarned, he fighls vilh his
lvo heaviIy cIaved hands, each infIicling 4d8
poinls of danage. If lolh cIav allacks hil, LIlal
nay lhen inpaIe his opponenl on his horns, in-
fIicling an addilionaI 3d1O poinls of danage.
LIlal is hard lo injure. His naluraI 8O nagic
resislance is coupIed vilh an innunily lo aII
nagicaI veapons of Iess lhan +3 enchanlnenl.
Babau: AC - 3, MV 15, HD 8+14, hp 65,
THACO 9, #AT 3, Dng 1d4+1/1d4+1/2d4 or ly
veapon +7 (Slrenglh lonus), SA corrosion,
gaze, lackslal, SD +1 or leller veapons lo hil,
lhief aliIilies, MR 5O, SZ M, ML 15, Inl high,
AL CL, XI 17,5OO.
They can allack vilh lvo cIavs (1d3 danage
each), lvo pincers (2d6 danage each), and a
lile (1d4+ 1 danage). Wilh a successfuI cIav
allack il can allenpl lo gral and pick up an op-
ponenl of 15O pounds or Iess. (Dexlerily check
avoid). A gralled opponenl can sliII allack a -4
penaIly or lreak free vilh a succesfuI Slrenghl
check. They aIso have lhe foIIoving nagicaI
aliIilies al 1Olh IeveI of speII use: ourning nans,
cnarn pcrscn, ccnfusicn, c|cc| nagic (aIvays
aclive), ispc| nagic, cn|argc, nirrcr inagc, pcucr
ucr slun (7 lines a day), rctcrsc grati|q, and |ruc
sccing (aIvays aclive). nce a day a gIalrezu can
ga|c in one grealer lanarri vilh a 5O chance of
Balaus are grealer lanarri lhal acl as lhe recruil-
nenl officers for lhe BIood War. They appear lo
le laII skeIelons cIad in dark, forn-filling arnor.
A greal horn prolrudes fron lhe lack of lheir
skuIIs and lhey have Iong vicked cIavs. They
can use any veapon lhey find, and discovered
nagicaI veapons 2O of lhe line. Balaus allack
vilh lvo cIavs (1d4+1 danage each).
Any crealiure vho neels a lalaus gIoving
red gaze nusl save vs. SpeII or le affecled as ly a
ray of enfeelIenenl, range is 2O feel. The gaze
affecls one opponenl per round, in addilion lo
nornaI allacks.
They aIso generale a sIick, dark red sulslance
lhal covers lheir lodies. The sIippery jeIIy
haIves danage fron aII sIashing and piercing
veapons and has a corrosive quaIily. Il has a
2O chance per hil of corroding a nelaI veap-
on. NornaI veapons nusl save vs. acid vilh
each hil or lecone useIess. MagicaI nelaI veap-
ons Ioose one pIus. If lhe Iiquid cones in con-
lacl vilh exposed fIesh, il luns for 1d6 poinls of
acid danage.
In addilion lalaus have lhe foIIoving nagicaI
aliIilies: ispc| nagic, fcar, f|q, nca| nc|a|, |cti|a|c,
and pc|qncrpn sc|f. Balaus have 9lh IeveI lhief
G!abrczu: AC -7, MV 15, HD 1O, hp 65,
THACO 11, #AT 5, Dng 2d6/2d6/1d3/1d3/
Spc||ocun (1121)
2d4+1, SA gral, SD +2 or leller veapons lo hil,
SZ H, ML 18, Inl ex, AL CL, XI 12,OOO.
True lanarri, gIalrezu are lhe ones vho lypicaIIy
respond lo sunnons fron olher pIanes.
They are huge, lroad, and veII-nuscIed. They
have four arns, lvo lhal end in cIaved hands
and lvo vilh poverfuI pincers.
CIalrezu lry lo avoid conlal vilh norlaIs,
preferring guiIe, lrickery, and eviI largains. Bul
lhey lhink nolhing of sIaying norlaIs, if lhal
lecones necessary.
Hczrnu: AC -6, MV 12, HD 9, hp 6O, THACO
11, #AT 3, Dng 1d6/1d6/2d8, SA lear hug,
slench, SD +2 or leller veapons lo hil, haIf
danage fron olher nonnagicaI veapons, never
surprised, MR 7O, SZ L, ML 17, Inl avg, AL
CL, XI 14,OOO each.
In lhe Alyss, hezrou oversee lhe fornalion of
arnies. They are anong lhe Ieasl poverfuI of lhe
lanarri lul are sliII fornidalIe.
Herzou are inpossilIe lo surprise. They are
innune lo allacks fron nonnagicaI veapons
and lake haIf danage fron aII nonnagicaI allack
forns (acid, fire, poison elc.). They have infrav-
ision lo 12O feel and have doulIe hunan nornaI
audilory and oIfaclory senses.
Their cIav allacks infIicl 1d6 danage, and
lheir lIunl, crushing leelh infIicl 4d4 poinls per
These fouI, frogIike crealures secrele a felid
Iiquid lhal coals lheir skins. Anyone vilhin 1O
feel of a hezrou nusl save vs. paraIyzalion or le
overcone ly lhe slench, gagging, voniling, and
heIpIess. Those vho nake lheir saving lhrovs
sliII suffer a -2 penaIly on allack and inilialive
In addilion, hezrou have lhe foIIoving nagi-
caI aliIilies al lhe 9lh IeveI of speII use: anina|c
cojcc|, o|in|, uc-incnsicn (3 lines per day), prc-
ucc f|anc, prc|cc|icn frcn ncrna| nissi|cs, sun-
ncn inscc|s, unnc|q ucr (opposile of nc|q ucr),
and ua|| cf firc.
1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved. 1121xxxO6O6
The Taman'nI o[ 5peLLboumo
MarI!Ith: AC -9, MV 1.5, HD 12, hp 8O, THACO
9 (+ lonuses for nagicaI veapons), #AT 7, Dng
4d6/1d8 (lroad svord)/1d8 (Iong svord)/1d8+2
(orca sucr +2)/ 1d4+2 (aggcr +2)/ 1d6+3 (|ri-
cn| +2)/ 1d6+1 (spear +1), SA carries nagicaI
veapons, conslriclion, SD +2 or leller veapons
lo hil, never surprised, speII innunily, MR 7O,
SZ L, ML 18, Inl genius, AL CL, XI 23,OOO.
BoId and cunning, lhe nariIilhs are lhe generaIs
of lhe BIood War and speciaIize in lrains and
MariIilhs are never surprised, and lhey are in-
nune lo veapons of +1 or Iess nagicaI enchanl-
nenl, iIIusions, and nind-affecling speIIs.
A nariIilh can conslricl vilh ils laiI for 4d6 of
crushing danage. nce conslricled, lhe viclin
aulonalicaIIy lakes 4d6 danage each round.
In addilion, nariIilhs have lhe foIIoving nag-
icaI aliIilies: anina|c ca, causc scricus ucuns,
c|cu |i||, ccnprcncn |anguagcs, cursc (reverse of
o|css), c|cc| cti|, c|cc| nagic, c|cc| intisioi|i|q,
pc|qncrpn sc|f (7 lines a day), prcjcc| inagc,
pqrc|ccnnics, and |c|c|incsis.
Mn!ydcus: AC -5, MV 15, HD 12, hp 8O,
THACO 9, #AT 3, Dng 2d6/1d6/2d1O+5 (lallIe
axe), SA tcrpa| an ancing oa|||c axc, poison, SD
affecled onIy ly coId-iron veapons, never sur-
prised, MR 9O, SZ H, ML 2O, Inl high, AL CL,
XI 21,5OO.
MoIydeus are lhe onIy guardian lanarri, and
lhey enforce lhe var efforl as a sorl of poIilicaI
A noIydeus is never surprised. Il infIicls 2d1O
danage per hil vilh ils axc +5. Il has lvo heads
and allacks vilh lolh. The dog head infIicls 2d6
danage, lhe snake head infIicls 1d6 danage and
injecls a poverfuI venon (save vs. Ioison or
lurn inlo a nanes |a pecuIiar and aInosl nind-
Iess lanarrij in 1d6 lurns). A ncu|ra|izc pciscn
speII foIIoved ly a rcnctc cursc eIininales lhe
poison. nce lransforned, hovever, lhe viclin
is leyond resloralion shorl of divine inlerven-
lion or a very carefuIIy vorded uisn.
In addilion, a noIydeus has lhe foIIoving
nagicaI aliIilies: affcc| ncrna| fircs, anina|c
cojcc|, o|inncss, cnarn pcrscn cf nanna|, ccn-
nan, |tars o|ac| |cn|ac|cs, fcar, inprctc intisi-
oi|i|q, |ncu a|ignncn|, |ign|ningoc|| (7 lines a
day), pc|qncrpn c|ncr, s|ccp, suggcs|icn, |ruc sccing
(aIvays aclive), and tanpiric |cucn.
MoIydeus are aIso innune lo nosl nornaI or
nagicaI veapons. nIy coId-vroughl iron veap-
ons and nagicaI speIIs affecl lhese crealures.
Nabassu (maturc): AC -5, MV 12/II 15, HD
7+2O, hp 64, THACO 13, #AT 3, Dng 2d4/2d4/
3d4+7, SA ca|n gazc, lackslal, paraIyzalion, SD
+1 or leller veapons lo hil, MR 5O, SZ M, ML
16, Inl high, AL CL, XI 16,OOO.
Nalassu are crealures spavned in lhe Alyss lul
nurlured on olher pIanes, vhere lhey grov and
gain pover ly sIaying and devouring hunans.
Nalassu allack vilh lvo cIavs infIicling 2d4
danage and a lile lhal infIicls 3d4 poinls of
In addilion, nalassu have lhe foIIoving nagi-
caI aliIilies: cncrgq rain (ly louch), rcgcncra|c (1
hp per hour), si|cncc, 15 raius, and tanpiric
|cucn. Nalassu can lecone elhereaI al viII, lvice
per day.
Any Iiving crealure lhal cones vilhin 1O feel
of a nalassu nusl successfuIIy save vs. paraIyza-
lion or le paraIyzed for 1d1O rounds (once per
Vrnck: AC -5, MV 12/II 18, HD 8, hp 6O,
THACO 13, #AT 5, Dng 1d4/1d4/1d8/1d8/1d6
+7 (Slrenglh lonus), SA spores, screech, firsl
allack SD +2 or leller veapons lo hil, never sur-
prised, MR 7O, SZ L, ML 18, Inl High, AL CL,
XI 19,OOO.
The vrock are lhe eIile fighling lroops in lhe
BIood War. They Iook Iike a cross lelveen
hunans and vuIlures.
Vrock are never surprised and aIvays allack
firsl in neIee. These crealures Slrenglh is 19
(+7 danage adjuslnenl) and lhey possess infrav-
ision lo 12O feel. Vrocks are innune lo allacks
fron nonnagicaI veapons.
Vrocks can allack five lines in a neIee round.
Their hand cIav allacks infIicl 1d8 danage and
lheir leaks infIicl 1d6 for each successfuI hil.
They can allack once every lhree rounds vilh a
spore allack. A spray of spores aulonalicaIIy
infIicls 1d8 danage on aII opponenls vilh 5 feel.
The spores infIicl 1d2 poinls of danage per per
each sulsequenl round as lhey grov. The spores
can le kiIIed a o|css, ncu|ra|izc pciscn, or siniIar
speII or ly leing sprinkIed vilh hoIy valer. S|cu
pciscn slops lhe grovlh.
nce per lallIe, a vrock can enil a Ioud,
piercing screech. The screech deafens everyone
vilhin 3O feel, slunning lhen for one round
(Conslilulion check lo avoid slun).
In addilion, vrock have lhe foIIoving nagicaI
aliIilies al lhe 1Olh IeveI of aliIily: c|cc| intisi-
oi|i|q, c|cc| nagic, ispc| nagic, nass cnarn, nirrcr
inagc, and |c|c|incsis.
Spellbound (1121)
My Dear Lauzoril:
It is with great pleasure that I report the success of our mutual endeavor.
Using the antiquated documents which you sent me last fall, I have
finally duplicated the formulae by which the so-called god-kings of
Mulhorand created their invincible gemstone golems.
These creatures, crafted of solid gemstone material, are as mindlessly
loyal and efficient as our more familiar golems but appear highly resistant
to magic, particularly that used by the hateful Rashemaar witches, and to
the strong place-magic of Rashemen itself. It is my opinion that these
two forces are most to blame for our lack of success during past invasions of
Rashemen, and if they are even partially neutralized our warriors can
easily crush the ill-disciplined berserkers and their savage chieftains.
To this end, I am sending you 100 gemstone golems now, and more
over the coming weeks. By the 15th of Nightal, all should be in readiness
for our invasion. As this is near the beginning of winter, our attack will
have the added advantage of taking the enemy entirely by surprise, for our
attacks have rarely come in these months.
With a quick victory over the Rashemaar in the Gorge of Gauros,
the entire land should be under our control in a matter of weeks. With this
overwhelming victory to our credit, Szass Tam will suffer a major
setback in his shameless attempts to seize absolute power in Thay.
Hopefully, several major tharchs and at least one zulkir will be won over
to our cause, enough to tip the balance in our favor, and against Tam.
I warn you, however, that a few minor problems still exist with the
gemstone golems. The most pressing is the fact that they require a circle of
wizards to maintain control and direction. Without such a circle, led by a
wizard of the greatest skill and magical might, they will wander aimlessly
about and be unable to press the attack. Please keep this in mind during
your invasion.
In closing, I salute you and your efforts to stop the mad schemes of
Szass Tam. If there is any further assistance I can offer you, please do
not hesitate to tell me.
Sincerely, Zulkir of Invocation/Evocation and Tharchion of the
Priador, Aznar Thrul
1995 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1121xxx0607
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My friends,
It is with a heavy heart and great regret that I am forced to send you
this information by messenger. Despite my most dedicated efforts to contact
the Rashemaar witches, the magical interference in Thay continues to block
any sort of magical communication.
My agents in Thay have discovered a number of deeply disturbing facts,
which in combination shed an entirely new light on your mission to Rashe-
First, the lich Szass Tam, most powerful of the Thayan zulkirs, has ap-
parently set in motion a plan to seize total power in Thay, replacing the
bickering wizards who now govern the land with his own iron rule. To this
end, he is currently attempting to discredit those tharchions and zulkirs who
oppose him, most prominently the zulkirs Aznar Thrul, Nevron, and Lau-
Second, the current invasion of Rashemen was carried out by forces loyal
to Thrul, Nevron, and Lauzoril, the latter two who have staked a great
deal of their personal influence on its success.
Third, the Thayans were defeated as a result of the information you ob-
tained in Aglarond, the three zulkirs have been extremely embarrassed as a
result of their debacle, and several neutral parties in Thay have declared
their support for Tam. This information came into your hands in what I
feel is a highly suspect manner, almost as if you were intended to find it.
Fourth, Tam recently returned to Thay with a large number of powerful
enchanted items and has been spending a great deal of time on Thaymount
in the ancient complex known as the Citadel. There he seems to be involved
in some sort of complex magical procedure, which may both aid him in his
bid for absolute power in Thay, and in future attacks upon Rashemen,
Thesk, Mulhorand, and my own nation.
I can only come to the distressing conclusion that we have all been ma-
nipulated and used by Szass Tam and his agents. You were meant to obtain
Aznar Thrul's letter, the Rashemaar were meant to learn of the invasion,
and were expected to defeat it, thereby humiliating Thrul, Lauzoril, and
Nevron. You yourself witnessed Nevron's defeat, Lauzoril was known to be
associated with the invasion, and no doubt his reputation will suffer. Thrul is
more canny, and apparently his connection to these events was kept unobtru-
sive enough that he may escape this debacle with his reputation unscathed.
Already, Tam's agents are abroad in my land, preventing me from visit-
ing you in person. I beg that you return to Aglarond for consultation. I
pray that we might yet be able to thwart Szass Tam's evil plans, but it may
already be too late. Meet me at the old Macoley Estate near the Halendos.
Do this as soon as possible. Regardless of your arrival time, I will be there
within the hour. Please hurry. The fate of all Faern may be at stake.
The Simbul
SpellIounJ (ll2l) l995 1S!, Inc. AII !Ighfs !osorvou. ll2lxxx0608
Should you still wish to enter the Citadel despite my warnings, note that it is
well protected and has many dead ends, labyrinths, and endless corridors.
Follow the instructions I give here to the letter, lest your soul be in periI.
First, the Citadel itself is accessible only through a pair of great iron
doors, which cannot be opened by any means known to man, save with the follow-
ing incantation: Hovas Nar. Kandra Mil. Volas Nar. Hilasha Mil. Dhrovik!
These words cause the doors to open. As soon as the travelers enter the
Citadel, care must be taken to say the following word: Nyphar! If this word is
not pronounced upon entry into the Citadel, magic mouths throughout its halls imme-
diately begin screaming horribly.
Travelers then find themselves in a great, twelve-sided room. Each wall I
is marked with a different rune, and forms the doorway to a different part of
the Citadel. I am familiar only with the wall which leads to the Paths of the
Doomed. To use this wall, stand in front of the wall with the rune of the laby-
rinth, trace its outline and loudly say: Thola Vos! The wall vanishes, and the
way to the Paths of Doomed opens.
The Paths of the Doomed are Iabyrinthine and confusing, their exact layout
uncertain to me, as I was always blindfolded, and sometimes magically inca-
pacitated, while we traveled there, and I can only pass on a few of the things
which I experienced.
Throughout the maze, strange voices jabbered and alien words were given
tongue. In many places, I heard the words, barely recognizable, In whose name
do you come here? or By what gods do you swear? In most cases, the an-
swer was By fire (or water, or earth, depending upon the location in the laby-
rinth) we come, in the name of Szass Tam! The gods worshiped include the
usual selection of wicked Thayan deities such as Cyric, Umberlee, and Lovi-
In a chamber filled with the sound of rushing water, I heard the word
thralliq, then the word ekkala. Later, in a room that was so hot and stifling
as to be barely habitable, I heard one of my guides shout, khalos! on one oc-
casion, and olash! soon after. In a room that seemed to be composed of fire
I heard Hala vilI thora! and the flames ceased to caress my skin. Other
phrases and counter phrases were shouted around me, but these are lost
now, swept away by the memory of the horror which lurks beyond the Devouring
Portal, and the monstrous acts to which I was compelIed.
This is all I can remember. Again I warn against visiting this cursed
place, but perhaps my description will provide some assistance. Already I
feel the hand of Thay about my heart, and doubt that I will survive much longer.
~fron lhe reporl of Nalhor, Thayan refugee
lvo hours lefore his disappearance

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