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Ring Main Unit

1. Introduction 2
2. What is Rmu & basic features 3
3. Why Sulfur Hexafluoride S!"# is used $
%. &n'extensible &nits & (xtensible &nits )
*. S+itch ,omponents 11
". -icture of inside the tan. 13
$. Specification for 11 ./
S!" Ring 0ain &nit 1)
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
!rom past se/eral decades1 there is a trend in most districts
+orld+ide that the de/elopment of ci/ili2ation and
industriali2ation is accelerating1 and there is an increasing
re3uirement for the reliability of electrical po+er supply. 4s a
result1 more and more o/erhead distribution po+er line +as
replaced by underground po+er cable1 and more and more indoor
centrali2ed s+itchstation +as replaced by distributed outdoor
ring main unit. 5ecause S!"'insulated ring main unit is
maintenance'free1 compact and independent of altitude1 de+drop1
contaminant1 small animals and chemical substance etc.1 it is
+idely used at many po+er'supplied systems1 +hich has high le/el
of reliability such as commercial center1 industrial 2one1 airports
and speed+ays. S!"'insulated ring main unit can not only be used
indoors or outdoor separately1 but also integrated +ith high
/oltage6lo+ /oltage prefabricated substation.
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
Ring main unit

RI78 04I7 &7I9 is compact S+itchgear +ith uni3ue flexibility for distribution
net+or. .It is a completely sealed system +ith a stainless steel tan. containing all
the li/e parts and the s+itching e3uipment. ,onstant atmospheric conditions in the
sealed tan. ensure a high le/el of reliability1 safety and a /irtually maintenance'
free system.
S!"'insulated ring main unit is consisting of
four parts: they are gas compartment1 operating mechanism compartment1 cable
termination compartment and pressure relief compartment. 9he gas compartment is
on the bac. top of the panel. It is a completely +elded stainless steel tan.
containing all the primary li/e parts and s+itching functions1 including busbar1
loadbreak switch1 fuse canister optional# etc. 9he S!" gas +or.s as arc 3uenching
and dielectric medium under pressure abo/e ;.;% 0pa. 9here is pressure relief
de/ice on the bottom of the gas compartment. 9he front and bac. part under the
gas compartment are cable termination compartment and pressure relief
compartment. 9here are standard bushings in the cable termination compartment1
+here the cable can be connected +ith the bushings thru fully insulated and
shielded separable connectors. 9he pressure relief compartment is separated +ith
cable termination compartment by metal clapboard. 9he pressure relief de/ice act
to explode in case the inside pressure exceed threshold /alue. 9he spring operating
mechanism is in the /ery front of the gas compartment. 9he loadbrea. s+itch1
earthing s+itch and circuit brea.eroptional# all ha/e separate operating hole and
padloc. setting. 9here is facile de/ice bet+een operating holes to a/oid
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
misoperation. 9here is also facile integral mechanical de/ice bet+een
the operating mechanism and the door of cable termination compartment. 9he door
of cable termination compartment can be opened +hen loadbrea. s+itch or circuit is closed. With optional motor and auxiliary contact1 the operating
mechanism can be electrically operated locally or remotely.
R0& can be supplied in a number of
different configurations suitable for most s+itching applications in "62% .<
=istribution net+or.s.
9he R0& offers a choice bet+een a s+itch fuse combination and circuit
+ith relay. 9he s+itch fuse combination offers optimal protection against short'
circuits1 +hile the circuit +ith relay option offers better protection
against lo+ o/ercurrents.In our system we neither provide fuse or circuit
breaker. We are providing only LOAD R!A" #WI$%&.

, &nit> 3'position ?oadbrea. S+itch +ith (arthing &nit. 9here are three
states> open' close and earthing. , unit is often used at ring'main feeder outgoing
Standard components
"3;4 busbar
3'position loadbrea.6earthing s+itch
0anual operating mechanism +ith t+o separate loadbrea. s+itch
and earthing s+itch operating hole#
?oadbrea. s+itch and earthing s+itch position indication
,apaciti/e /oltage indicator to sho+ energi2ed state of bushing +ith
test hole for phase comparison #
0anometer one in each S!"'gas tan.#
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
-adloc. setting
8rounding busbar
@perating handle
,able termination bushing
@ptional components>
0otor'operated mechanism
Short circuit and earthing fault indicator
Separable connector
,urrent transformer and metering instrument
4uxiliary contact>
4uxiliary contact for loadbrea. s+itch
4uxiliary contact for earthing s+itch
4ccording to the number of unit it may be different type li.e 2'+ay1 3'+ay1 %'+ay1
*'+ay etc.In our system we are using ()way * +)way.

,)switch configuration -%%. ()switch configuration -%%%.
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit

+)switch configuration -%%%%.

4part from that R0& can be supplied in a number of different configurations
suitable for most s+itching applications
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit

Why #ulfur &e/afluoride -#01. is used2
Sulfur Hexafluoride -#01# is an excellent gaseous dielectric for high /oltage po+er
applications. It has been used extensi/ely in high /oltage circuit brea.ers and other
s+itchgear employed by the po+er industry. 4pplications for S!" include gas
insulated transmission lines and gas insulated po+er distribution substations. 9he
combined electrical1 physical1 chemical and thermal properties offer many
ad/antages +hen used in po+er s+itchgear. Some of the outstanding properties of
S!" +hich ma.e its use in po+er applications desirable are>
&igh dielectric strength
3ni4ue arc)4uenching ability
!/cellent thermal stability
5ood thermal conductivity
Ho+e/er ad/antageous the abo/e properties are1 Sulfur Hexafluoride is considered
to be a fully fluorinated compound !!,#. Since !!,As ha/e atmospheric lifetimes of
up to *;1;;; years1 these potent greenhouse gases could contribute significantly
and1 essentially1 permanently to global +arming if emissions continue to gro+. !or
example1 lets compare the global +arming potential of ,@2 and S!". ,@2 has a
global +arming potential of 11 +hereas S!" has a global +arming potential of
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
2%1);;BB 4lso1 o/er the past year or so1 the price of ne+ S!" gas has increased in
price by as much as ";;CBB
=ue to the abo/e reasons1 S!" is used mostly in applications that allo+ reclamation
as opposed to using it on e3uipment that re3uires release of the gas1 only to be re'
filled +ith /irgin S!".
6urity 77.778 77.7778
9itrogen : +; ppm : < ppm
O/ygen : =; ppm : , ppm
%0+ : =< ppm : < ppm
&0 : ;.> ppm : ;.< ppm
Water : ? ppm : , ppm

0RO9$ @I!W
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit

#ID! @I!W
4ccording to future prospect1 Ring 0ain &nit is t+o different types>
(1) &n'extensible &nits
(2) (xtensible &nits
3n)e/tensible 3nitsA

MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit

&n'extendable S!"'insulated and sealed ring main unit can be configured +ith fi/e
s+itch functional units at most in one gas tan.. =ifferent configurations +ith basic
units are suitable for the most s+itching applications in 1162%.< secondary
distribution net+or..
!/tensible 3nitsA

9here are standard bushings on the top of gas compartment configured at left
and6or right part of extendable unit1 +hich +ere connected to the busbar to
achie/e six functional units and e/en more combination scheme by separable
connectors. 9he bushing configured on the top of the cabinet of an extendable ring
main unit is the only difference from the un'extendable ones. Its configuration
schemes +ith basic units are the same +ith un'extendable ones also. 9he feature of
extendable scheme is a perfect solution for complex distribution net+or.1 +here
load increase should be concerned for long term plan. 9he extension connection +as
arranged on the top of the cabinets1 +here the bolted connector and busbar are
/isual connection1 +hich is more reliable than plug'in connection bet+een the
cabinets by the coupling set on the side+all. It a/oids many disad/antages of
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
side+all extension1 such as possible high temperature rise caused by unreliable
plug'in contact and strict field installation process.
Switch Components :
Earthing Switch Operating Hole: 9he earthing s+itch operating hole is located under
loadbrea. s+itch operating hole. 9he earthing s+itch can be
opened or closed +hen turn the operating shaft by
operating handle.
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
9here is a padloc. de/ice under each loadbrea.6eart
hing s+itch @peratinghole1 sheltering the operating
hole. Slidethe padloc. de/ice prior to insert the ope
rating handle intothe operating hole. ?oc. the slide
pad can a/oid unauthori2ed misoperation.

#oad$rea Switch Operating Hole:
?oadbrea. s+itch operating hole is on the right
side of manometer. 9he loadbrea. s+itch can be
opened or closed +hen turn s+itch operating
shaft by operating handle. 9he opened and closed
position indication sho+s the position of
loadbrea. s+itch contact.
@n the top left corner of the panel there is a
manometer for S!" pressure6density monitoring.
(ach s+itchgear has a manometer. 9he normal
pressure is abo/e ;.;%0pa at 2; DE. Index on
the green area at room temperature sho+s the
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
pressure is normal +hile on the red area sho+s the pressure is too lo+.In 455 gas
pressure is 1.%bar

9here are standard bushings in the cable
termination compartment1 +here the cable can be
connected +ith the bushings thru fully insulated
and shielded separable connectors. In A
ushing insulator is !6OBC.

In #ide $he $ank -A.A
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit

MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit

ushing $erminal I9#ID! the #01 tank

ushing terminal O3$#ID!
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit

#witching mechanismA
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit

MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit

3#AR in side tank

MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
0ront 6anelA

MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
#6!%I0I%A$IO9 0OR == "@ #01
RI95 DAI9 39I$
=. 5!9!RAL
9his section of the Specification describes and specifies re3uirements
for the supply1 installation1 testing1 commissioning1 handing o/er in
appro/ed order and maintenance during the =efects
?iability -eriod of the 11 .< S!" ring main unit all in accordance
+ith the specification1 supplementary notes1 5ill of Fuantities1
,onditions of ,ontract1 =ra+ings etc.
,. #$A9DARD# A9D A66RO@AL
9he ring main unit shall comply +ith the latest 5ritish Standard
Specifications or I(, Recommendations and shall be of the type
appro/ed by GHR.
If any 9enderer offers e3uipment +hich conforms to
standard6recommendations other than those published by the
5ritish Standard Institution or the I(,1 full detail of the
difference bet+een the proposed standard and the e3ui/alent
5ritish Standard or I(, Recommendation1 in so far as they affect
the design and performance of the e3uipment1 shall be submitted
+ith the 9ender
(. $!%&9I%AL 6AR$I%3LAR# A9D 53ARA9$!!#
9enderers shall submit at the time of tendering detailed
9echnical -articulars and 8uarantees in respect of the e3uipment
offered1 +hich shall be binding. 7o departure from these
9echnical -articulars and 8uarantees +ill be permitted except
+ith the +ritten appro/al of the S.@. Representati/e not +ith
standing any description1 dra+ings illustration or pamphlets +hich
may be submitted +ith the 9ender1 all details other than those
stated by the tendered in the Schedule of =epartures from
Specification at the time of tendering1 +ill be deamed to be in
full conformity +ith the Specification.
9he electrical contractor shall guarantee the e3uipment to be
supplied under this contract against faulty design1 materials and
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
+or.manship at the manufacturerIs +or. +ithin the =efects
?iability -eriod.
+. #WI$%&5!AR !E3I6D!9$
9he s+itchgear e3uipment shall be suitable for ser/ice on an electrical
po+er system of 11 .<1 3 phase1 *; H2. 9hey shall be of single
busbar1 metalclad1 floor mounting type appro/al +ith integral
earthing and testing terminals. 9hey shall be fully tropicalised
and suitable for use at an ambient temperature of %; J ,1
relati/e humidity up to 1;; C and at altitude up to 1;;; metres
abo/e sea le/el. 9he e3uipment shall be indoor type.
&nless other+ise specified1 each ring main unit shall consist of the
follo+ing e3uipment>
a# 9+o "3; 4 load brea. s+itches
b# @ne 2;; 4 s+itch fuse
c# (arth s+itches
d# "3; 4 cooper busbar1 fully encapsulated.
4ll the abo/e e3uipment shall be S!" insulated and housed in a cast
resin module or modules hermetically sealed for life at
atmospheric pressure or at a pressure slightly higher than
atmospheric pressure so at to minimi2e the ris. of lea.age.
9he ring main unit shall be totally safe for operation +ith fully fool
proof system and pro/ided +ith padloc.s.
<. RA$I95 O0 #WI$%& 5!AR
9he ring main unit shall be suitable for continous operation on a 11.<1 3
phase1 *; H21 neutral earthed electrical system +ith fault le/el
up to 3*; 0<4. 9he impulse /oltage +ithstand le/el1 on 1.26*;
microsec shall not be less than $* .< pea..
9he /arious components of the ring main unit shall ha/e the follo+ing
-i. Load reak #witches
a# Rated <oltage > 12.<
b# ,ontinuous 7ormal ,urrent Rating > "3; 4
c# capacity > "3; 4
d# ,apacity > %".) .4 pea. at 11 .<
e# Short 9ime Rating 3 Second # >1K.% .4 rms at 11.<

MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
-ii. #witch 0use
a# Rated <oltage > 12 .<
b# ,ontinuous 7ormal ,urrent Rating > 2;; 4
c# -rospecti/e capacity> 1K.% .4 rms at 11.<
d# -rospecti/e ,apacity > %".) .4 pea. at 11 .<

-iii. !arth #witches
a# Rated <oltage > 12 .<
b# ,apacity > %".) .4 pea. at 11 .<
c# Short 9ime rating 3 Seconds#> 1K.% .4 pea.
-iv. usbars
a# Rated <oltage > 12 .<
b# ,ontinuous 7ormal ,urrents Rating> "3; 4
c# Short 9imes rating 3 Seconds# >1K.% .4 pea. at 11 .<
4n 4S94 or H(04 of -H(?4 type test certificate shall be submitted
+ith the 9ender.
1. LOAD R!A" #WI$%&!#
".1# 9ype
(ach load brea. s+itch shall be of triple pole1 gang operated1 and non '
automatic type +ith 3uic. brea. contacts housed in a sealed
module filled +ith sulphur hexaflouride S!"# gas. It shall be
pro/ide +ith integral feeder earthing e3uipment +ithout the use
of loose accessories.
".2# @perating 0echanism
(ach load brea. s+itch shall be fitted +ith a direct manually operated
mechanism ha/ing three operating positions L@7I1 L@!!I and
L(4R9HI. Inad/ertent operation from L@7I direct to L(4R9HI or
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
/ice /ersa shall be pre/ented by a manually operated gate type
mechanical arrangement of a fool groof design. 9he
interloc.s may operate either in conMunction +ith the re'location
of a single operating handle or +ith t+o separate operating
It shall be possible to loc. the operating mechanism in any of the three
positions +hen the contacts ha/e fully homed1 and also to
independently loc. off the L@7I: and L(4R9HI positions. 9he
-ositions L@7I1 L@!!I and L(4R9HI of the s+itch shall be clearly
indicated such that the direction of mo/ement of the operating
handle from one position to another is readily apparent.
9he s+itch mechanism shall gi/e a 3uic. ma.e and 3uic. brea. operation
to all positions by the use of one set of springs. 9he speeds of
ma.e and brea. shall be independent of the rate of mo/ement of
the operating handle and the operatorIs strength and s.ill. In
addition1 the operating handle shall ha/e an anti'reflex feature to
ensure an inherent delay bet+een the closing and re'opening of
either the main load brea. s+itch or the earth s+itch.
".3# 9esting !acilities
(ach load brea. s+itch shall be of pro/ided +ith facilities for carrying
out applied1 high /oltage test and inMected current tests on the
circuit connected to the s+itch. 9hese may be effected by the
insertion of a 3 phase testing de/ice +hen the s+itch is in the
L(4R9HI position1 to become effecti/e only +hen the main
contacts are in the L@!!I position. 4lternati/ely these may ta.e
the from of a 3 phase built in test6earth bashing terminals
enclosed +ithin a co/er +hich shall be fully interloc.ed +ith the
operating handle to pre/ent access until the s+itch is in the
L(4R9HI position. 4 full complement of fool proof mechanical shall be pro/ided to pre/ent the follo+ing
operations >'
a# 9he opening of the testing access +hen the s+itch is in any other
than the L(4R9HI position.
b# 9he testing de/ice being inserted or +ithdra+n +hen the s+itch is in
any other than L(4R9HI position.
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
c# 9he mo/ement of the s+itch to the L@7I position +hen the testing
access is open1+hether or not the testing de/ice has been
d# 9he mo/ement of the s+itch a+ay from the L(4R9HI position1 in
cases +here testing entails the remo/al of an earth
connection from a built in test6earth bushing1 until the
earth connection is restored.
9he testing facilities shall pro/ide for the attachment of test
connection external to the s+itch for the attachment of test
connection external to the s+itch for applied /oltage and
inMection current tests. 9he test connections shall be capable of
+ithstanding 2* .< d.c to earth for 1* minutes and capable of
carrying "3;4 continuously.
@ne set of 3 phase testing de/ice suitable for use +ith the type of load
brea. s+itchs offered under this tender shall be pro/ided by the
(lectrical ,ontractor +hether or not this item is separately
itemsed in the 5ill @f Fuantities of the 9ender =ocument
>. #WI$%& 03#!
$.1 9ype >
(ach s+itch fuse shall be of the triple pole gang operated:
fully automatic type using pin plunger type HR,
fuses1 +ith 3uic. brea. contacts housedin a sealed module
filled +ith S!" gas. It shall be pro/ided +ith integral
earthing e3uipment +ithout the use of loose accessories.
9he fuses shall be contained in an airinsulated fuse
chamber preferably at the front of the unit. 4ccess to the
fuses shall be by means of a door6co/er +hich is fully
interloc.ed to ensure that in can be opened only after the
earth s+itch has been closed.
$.2 @perating 0echanism >
(ach s+itch fuse shall be fitted +ith an independence
manual operating mechanism together +ith a cable earthing
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
operating mechanism1 duly interloc.ed +ith each other /ia
a robust mechanical arrangement of a fool
proof design1 to pre/ent inad/ertent mal'operation from
A@7A position direct toI (4R9HA or /ice'/ersa. It shall be
possible to loc. the operating mechanism in any of the A@7A
1 A@!!A1 or N(4R9HA positions and also to loc. off
independently the A@7A and A(4R9HA positions. 4 /isible
A@7A1A@!!A and A(4R9HA indicator shall be pro/ided to
indicate the position of the s+itch fuse. !urther1 the
/arious positions shall be clearly mar.ed such that the
mo/ement of the operating handles# from one position to
another is readily apparent. 9he s+itch fuse shall also be
pro/ided +ith an automatic trippling de/ice such that the
blo+ing of any one fuse and conse3uently the
actuation of any one of the pins of the three
HR, fuses shall trip all three phases simultaneously1 and
the mechanical indicator shall then indicate A@!!A.
,on/ersely1 if any one fuse is blo+n1 it should not be
possible to close the s+itch contacts.
9he speeds of ma.e and brea. of s+itch mechanism shall be
independent of the rate of the mo/ement of the operation
handle and the operatorIs strength and s.ill. In addition1
the operating handle shall ha/e an anti'reflex feature to
ensure an inherent delay bet+een the closing and re'
opening of either the main s+itch or the earth s+itch.
$.3 9esting !acilities >
(ach s+itch fuse shall be pro/ided +ith facilities for
carrying out applied high /oltage tests and inMected current
tests on the circuit side of the s+itch fuse.
9hese may be effected by the insertion of a 3 phase
testing de/ice +hen the s+itch is in the A(4R9HA position
to become effecti/e only +hen the main contacts are in the
A@!!A position.
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
4lternati/ely these may ta.e the form of a 3 phase built'in
test6earth bushing terminals enclosed +ithin a co/er +hich
be fully interloc.ed +ith operating handle to pre/ent
access until the s+itch is in the A(4R9HA position. 4 full
complement of fool'proof mechanical shall be
pro/ided to pre/ent the follo+ing operations >'
a# 9he opening of the testing access +hen s+itch is in
any other than A(4R9HA position.
b# 9he testing de/ice being inserted or +ithdra+n +hen
the seitch is in any other than A(4R9HA position.
c# 9he mo/ement of the s+itch to the A@7A position
+hen the testing access is open +hether or not the
testing de/ice has been inserted.
d# 9he mo/ement of the s+itch a+ay from A(4R9HA
position1 in cases +here testing entails the remo/al of
an earth connection from a built'in test6earth
bushings1 until the earth connection is restored.
9he testing facilities shall pro/ide for the attachment of
test connections external to the s+itch fuse for applied
/oltage and inMected current tests.9he test connections
shall be capable of +ithstanding 2; .< =,. to earth for 1*
minutes and capable of carrying 2;; 4mperes continuously.
@ne set of 3 phase testing de/ice suitable for use +ith the
type of s+itch fuse offered under this 9ender shall be
pro/ided by the (lectrical ,ontractor +hether or not this
item is separately itemi2ed in the 5ill of Fuantities of the
9ender =ocument.
$.% !uses and !use ,arrier >
!uses used in the s+itch fuses shall be air insulated1 HR, type +ith pin plungers suitable for 11 .<1 3 phase1 *; H2 system
and complying +ith 5S 2")21 I(,
2K2 or the e3ui/alent =I7 standards.
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
It shall not be possible to gain access to any part of the fuse carriers
unless the s+itch fuse is in the L@!!I position and the fuse
terminals are fully isolated from the busbar as +ell as the circuit
ends. ,on/ersely it shall not be possible to s+itch L@7I +hen the
access to the fuses or fuse carriers is possible. 4 full complement
of fool proof interloc.s shall be pro/ided for this purpose.
4 similar 3uantity of fuses in all s+itch fuse for the installation shall be
pro/ided by the (lectrical ,ontractor as spares +hether or not
this item is separately itemi2ed in the 5ill of Fuantities of the
9ender =ocument.
?. %AL! $!RDI9A$IO9
9he cable termination for the load brea. s+itches shall be of dry type
suitable for 11 .< 3 core -I?,=S94IS cable to 5S "%K; of
conductor si2e up to 3;; ,able termination for s+itch
fuse shall be suitable for the type and si2e of cable specified in
the =ra+ings and6or 5ill of Fuantities. 9he termination shall
normally be for a cable entering /ertically from belo+. Ho+e/er1
due to site conditions a bottom angled entry may be re3uired. In
such cases1 the (lectrical ,ontractor shall supply the appropriate
termination accessories at no extra cost.
7. !AR$&I95
4ll metal parts of the ring main unit shall be pro/ided +ith a main earth
bar of not less than 2*mm x "mm flat hard dra+n copper. 9he
earth bar shall be bolted to the main frame and located so as to
pro/ide con/enient facilities for earthing cable sheaths and for
use +ith earthing de/ice. 0eans shall be pro/ided for coupling
earth bars of adMacent units. 9he Moints shall be tinned and
bolted. 4 similar earth bar shall run around the four +alls of the
s+itchroom at a height of 3;;mm from the finished floor le/el.
9he earth bars shall be painted +ith appro/ed green enamel.
(arth electrodes shall be copper Mac.eted steel core rods +ith 1"mm
diameter and supplied in 2.%m length and shall ha/e pro/ision for
scre+ coupling +ith another standard length. 9he copper
shall be of minimum thic.ness ;.2*mm and shall be metallically
bonded to the steel case to ensure that the copper and
steel core are not separable. Where the desired earth resistance
/alue cannot be achie/ed after the first set of earth electrodes
ha/e been dri/en1 sufficient number of sets of earth electrodes
shall be installed outside the resistance area unstill re3uired
/alue is reached. (ach set of earth electrode shall be pro/ided
+ith brass connecting clamp and appro/ed type of precast hea/y
duty type of concrete inspection chamber and remo/able co/er.
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
9he earthing point shall be identified by permanent label legibly mar.ed
+ith the +ords LRing 0ain &nit (arthI permanently fixed at the
point of connection of e/ery earthing conductor to an earth
=;. #$!!L %AI9!$
4 steel cabinet of suitable dimensions shall be supplied and installed in
each substation for storing the H< s+itchgear testing de/ices1
H< fuses etc. the cabinet shall be completed +ith loo. and .eys.
9he design of the cabinet shall be submitted to the S.@. Ls
Representati/e for appro/al prior to fabrication.
==. 6ADLO%"#
9he (lectrical ,ontractor shall supplied t+o %;mm padloc.s of LOaleI
ma.e or e3ui/alent for e/ery ring main unit. 4ll padloc.s in the
same substation shall be supplied +ith .eys ali.ed.
=,. LA!LLI95
?abels of si2e not less than *;mm x 1*;mm shall be fitted on the front
of all ring main units by means of non'corrodable scre+s or any
other method appro/ed by the S.@ Ls Representati/e. 9he labels
shall be of blac. laminated plastic +ith engra/ed +hite lettering
+ith detail such as rating1 o/ercurrent setting1 earth fault setting
1 to +hich it is connected etc. 9he exact +ording of the labels
shall be agreed +ith the S.@ Ls Representati/e.
=(. 6AI9$I95
(ach ring main unit shall ha/e one coat of primer1 one undercoat and a
third finishing coat of paint applied at the manufacturerIs +or.s.
9he final coat shall be of an oil resisting enamel paint.
I9#6!%$IO9' $!#$I95 A9D %ODDI##IO9I95
=. I9#6!%$IO9
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
9he +hole of the plant and e3uipment to be pro/ided under the 9ender
may be subMect to inspection and test by the S.@ Ls
Representati/e prior to installation. 9he appro/al by the S.@Is
Representati/e of the results of any such inspection or test shall
not preMudice the right of the Superintending @fficer to reMect
the plant if it fails to comply +ith the Specification +hen erected
or to gi/e complete satisfaction in ser/ice +ithin the =efects
?iability -eriod. 9he cost of all tests including the pro/ision of
the necessary test e3uipment shall be deemed to be included in
the 9ender -rice.
4de3uate notice shall be gi/en +hen plant is ready for inspection or
test and e/ery facility shall be pro/ided by the (lectrical
,ontractor to enable the S.@Is Representati/e to carry out the
necessary inspection and tests at the factory.
,. $!#$I95
@n completion of the plant and e3uipment +or. on site1 the (lectrical
,ontractor shall1 at his o+n expense1 arrange for all necessary
tests to be carried out on the e3uipment by either 975 or a
Ser/ices (ngineer appro/ed by the Gemaah (le.tri. as
part of the tests re3uired of him for the +hole installation under
this ,ontract. 9he tests to be carried out shall be as prescribed
in the rele/ant 5ritish Standards code of -ractice for High
<oltage S+itchgear1 the I(( Wiring Regulation 1*th (dition1 the
(lectricity 5oard Supplie Rules 1)%)# and other tests deemed
necessary by the S.@Is Representati/e. In the e/ent the
installation fails to pass any of these tests1 the (lectrical
,ontractor shall ta.e such measures as are necessary to namely
the defects and the installation shall not be considered as
completed untill all such tests ha/e been passed.
9he tests to be carried out by the (lectrical ,ontractor shall consist of
the follo+ing tests as the minimum re3uirement >'
a# 2;;; < insulation resistance tests.
b# ,urrent inMection test.
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
c# 2% .< a.c -ressure tests for 1.; minute.
d# @ther tests as recommended by the manufacturer and the
9he S.@Is Representati/e reser/es the right to be present at all tests
and the (lectrical ,ontractor shall gi/e at least one +ee. notice
in +riting to the S.@Is Representati/e for this purpose. In any
case1 no test shall be carried out +ithout prior appro/al of the
S.@Is Representati/e. ,opies of all the test certificates shall be
submitted to the S.@Is Representati/e +ithin one +ee. after the
completion of the testing.
(. %ODDI##IO9I95
@n successful testing of the complete installation1 the (lectrical
,ontractor shall arrange to commission the e3uipment in the
presance of the S.@Is Representati/e on a date to be decided by
the S.@Is Representati/e.
+. R!F!%$IO9 O0 6LA9$
4ny item of plant or component +hich falls to comply +ith the
re3uirements of this specification in any respect +hatso/er at
any stage of manufacture1 test arection or on completion at site
+ithin the =efects ?iability -eriod of the ,ontract may be
rMected by the Superitending @fficer either in +hole or in part as
he considers necessary. 4fter adMustment or modification if so
directed by the Superitending @fficer1 the (lectrical ,ontractor
shall submit the item for further inspection and6or tests. -lant or
components +ith defects of such nature that1 in the opinion of
the Superitending @fficer1 the re3uirements of this specification
cannot be fulfilled by adMustment or modification shall be
replaced by the (lectrical ,ontractor at his o+n expense and the
satisfaction of the Superitending @fficer.
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
O$&!R I$!D# $O ! #3DI$$!D WI$& $&! $!9D!R
=. DA930A%$3R!RG# %A$ALO53! A9D DRAWI95#
0anufacturerIs catalogues and dra+ings gi/ing detailed information on
the general arrangement of the ring main unit1 o/erall dimensions1
general construction1 position of main cable1 grouting bolts1
loading on foundation1 minimum clearance to rear and +all1
trenching details1 technical specification and other useful details
shall be submitted together +ith the 9ender.
,. R!%ODD!9D!D #6AR!#
9he 9enderer shall submit his 9ender separate Schedule of Spares
recommended by the supplier of the e3uipment. 9his Schedule
should contain the price and deli/ery period of each item of the
spares recommended. 9he tenderer shall also recommend the
3uantity of each item to be stored for the purpose of
maintenance. 9he prices of these spares shall not be included in
the 9otal 9ender -rice and teh purchase of all or any of the
spares listed shall be at the option of the Superintending
@fficer. 9he prices 3uoted shall be /alid for acceptance during
,ontract -eriod extended if applicable# of the proMect.
4ll spare parts shall be original and fully interchangeable +ith the
corresponding part used in the main items of the e3uipment and
+ith each other +ithout ha/ing to resort to machining or other
additional fittings at site. 4ll spares shall be finishe1 protected1
pac.ed and labelled in a suitable manner to pre/ent deterioration
during prolonged storage in tropical climate.
(. WOR"I95 DRAWI95#' I9#$ALLA$IO9' O6!RA$IO9 A9D
DAI9$!9A9%! I9#$R3%$IO9#.
Within t+o +ee.s after a+ard of the 9ender or such shorter period as
may be re3uired by the S.@.Is Representati/e1 the (lectrical
,ontractor shall submit to the S.@.Is Representati/e for his
appro/al four %# sets of the details of the layout of the ring m
ain unit in the s+itchroom pro/ided. 9he dra+ings submitted are
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
to be modified if necessary as re3uested by the S.@.Is
Representati/e and resubmitted for final appro/al. It is to be
understood1 ho+e/er1 that appro/al of the dra+ings +ill not
exonerate the (lectrical ,ontractor from any responsibility in
connection +ith the +or..
+. I9#$ALLA$IO9'O6!RA$IO9 * DAI9$!9A9%!
4s soon as the general arrangement and details or the e3uipment to be
supplied ha/e been finalised and before the deli/ery of the
e3uipmen1 the (lectrical ,ontractor shall submit to the S.@.Is
Representati/e t+o 2# copies of detail installation1 operation and
maintenance instruction in respect of the e3uipment to be
supplied. 9he instructions shall co/er the main as +ell as any
associated e3uipment. !or this purpose1 manufacturerIs standard
brochuers +ill be acceptable pro/ided that they refer particularly
to the e3uipment to be supplied and are free from extraneous
9he instructions shall include essential details1 dra+ings and s.etches of
the e3uipment installation1 operation and maintenance techni3ues1
ma.e mention of special materials +here used and include
schedules of recommended lubricants etc. (ach of the abo/e1 t+o
2# sets of manuals submitted shall be in a stiff co/er ring file
and +ith titles to the satisfaction of the S.@.Is Representati/e.
9he costs of these manuals shall be deemed to be included in the
9ender -rice.
<. #WI$%&ROOD
4pro/ed type of rubber mat shall be pro/ided in front of the ring main
unit. 9he rubber mat shall extend to the full length of the ring
main unit and shall be of thic.ness not less than * mm and +idth
1;;; mm.
P54H4O4I sign1 P=I ?4R478 04S&HI sign1 sign indicating PSubstation
7@ >I and shoc. treatment chart shall be installed to the
re3uirement of the Gemaah (le.tri. and to the
satisfaction of the S.@.Is Representati/e. P=I ?4R478
0(R@H@HI sign shall also be installed.
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
4ll trenches in the s+itchrooms shall be filled up +ith clean sand
to a le/el abo/e cable ducts.
4s fitted layout plans1 schematic +iring diagrams1 and plans
sho+ing cable route and positions of earthing point +ith
referance to easily recognisable buildings and structures shall be
suitably framed up in the s+itchroom. 9hese plans and diagrams
shall be in addition to the four %# sets of prints re3uired to be
submitted to the S.@.Is Representati/e after completion of the
proMect as stated in para 3.;; belo+.
@ne ) .g. dry po+der fire extingusher for 4656, class of fire
and complete +ith discharge hose1 no22le and +all shall
be supplied and installed in e/ery s+itchroom.
1. #!R@I%! A9D DAI9$!9A9%!
=uring the =efects ?iability -eriod1 the (lectrical ,ontractor shall be
responsible for the ser/ice and maintenance +or. for the
complete installation. 4ll +or.s shall be carried out by competent
personnel. 4ll labour1 material1 tools and parts necessary to
rectify the defects due to manufacturing6installation faults shall
be supplied6executed at the (lectrical ,ontractorIs cost.
9he ser/ice and maintenance to be performed shall include but not be
limited to the follo+ing >'
a# Replacing or good all parts and components of the ring
main unit1 fuses1
+iring1 etc.
b# Replacing or good all loose and burnt cables and
terminations1 all mechanical support and lin.age1 earth electrodes1
earth electrode chambers and co/ers1 conduits1 etc.
c# good any damage to roads1 buildings1 drains1 cables1 pipes
concrete areas1 pa/ed areas etc. +hich had not been properly
made good arising out of his +or..
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
d# 4ll other +or.s as deemed necessary by the S.@.Is
4ll +or.s shall be carried out as soon as the (lectrical ,ontractor has
been informed by the S.@.Is Representati/e or the occupant and
shall be completed +ithin a reasonable time except under
emergency situation as stripulated in the (lectrical Wor.s
4dditional 8eneral ,onditions. If the (lectrical ,ontractor fails
to comply +ith the abo/e re3uirement1 the S.@.Is Representati/e
reser/es the right to engage another party to carry out the
+or.s1 in +hich case1 the (lectrical ,ontractor shall be
responsible for all expenses incurred.
>. A# I9#$ALL!D DRAWI95#' DA93AL# A9D $OOL#
9he dra+ings1 manuals1 tools etc. as mentioned belo+ shall be pro/ided
+hether or not they are separately itemised in the 5ill of
Fuantities of the 9ender =ocuments. 9he cost of all these
dra+ings1 manuals1 tools etc. is deemed to be included in the
9ender -rice.
?. A# I9#$ALL!D DRAWI95#
Within three calender months after the practical completion of
the proMect1 one 1# set of true to scale negati/es 1**61"*
m6s3. cm IS@ 4; or 41 si2e# and four %# sets of prints for each
of the follo+ing dra+ings shall be submitted >'
a# Site -lan.
b# Schematic Wiring =iagrams and (lectrical ?ayout plans.
c# ?ayout plans of cable routes and earthing points +ith
reference to easily recognisable buildings and structures.
9hese dra+ings shall be properly stenciled and shall ha/e at the lo+er
right hand corner the (lectricity ,ontractorIs name and address1
date of commissioning1 scale1 dra+ing number the dra+ing
number to be obtained from the S.@Is Representati/e# title and
the follo+ing particulars >'
G454947 H(RG4 R4O4
,4W47847 (?(H9RIH
,@79R4,9 7@.
9(7=(R 7@.
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited
Ring Main Unit
If the dra+ings submitted are not acceptable by the S.@Is
Representati/e1 the (lectrical ,ontractor shall ammend and
resubmit the dra+ing +ithin t+o +ee.s from the date of return
the dra+ings.
7. DA93AL#
!our %# sets of the follo+ing manuals and documents of the ring main
unit shall be supplied > '
a# Installation manual
b# @peration manual
c# Ser/ice and maintenance manual
d# -arts list
e# -roduct1 data and catalogues
f# 9est certificates.
9he installation1 operation1 ser/ice and maintenance manuals shall be
the same as those described in clause $.3. (ach of the abo/e four
%# sets of print together +ith the manual and parts list etc. shall
be in the stiff co/er ring file.
=;. $OOL#
@ne 1# set of 3 phase testing de/ice for load brea. s+itches as
mentioned in clause ".3 and one 1# set of 3 phase testing de/ice
for s+itch fius as mentioned in clause $.3 shall be pro/ided. 9he
testing de/ices shall be isolated to +ithstand 2* .< d.c. to earth
for 1* minutes and shall be capable of carrying at least 2;; 4
@ne 1# set of standard tool as +ell as any special tools1 gauges1 handling
appliances1 etc. as recommended by the manufacturer for the
assembly1 operation1 chec.ing1 adMustment and normal
maintenance of the ring main u nit shall be also be supplied.
MITHUN ROY, Management Trainee, CESC Limited

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