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CCNA Security

Chapter 3 Lab A: Securing Administrative Access Using AAA and

Note: ISR G2 devices have Gigabit Ethernet interfaces instead of Fast Ethernet Interfaces.
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age 1 of 2(
CCNA Security
I! Addressing Tabe
Device Inter"ace I! Address Subnet #as$ De"aut %ate&ay S&itch !ort
R1 FA")1 12.1*+.1.1 2((.2((.2((." ,)A S1 FA")(
S")")" -.CE/ 1".1.1.1 2((.2((.2((.2(2 ,)A ,)A
R2 S")")" 1".1.1.2 2((.2((.2((.2(2 ,)A ,)A
S")")1 -.CE/ 1".2.2.2 2((.2((.2((.2(2 ,)A ,)A
R0 FA")1 12.1*+.0.1 2((.2((.2((." ,)A S0 FA")(
S")")1 1".2.2.1 2((.2((.2((.2(2 ,)A ,)A
'C1A ,IC 12.1*+.1.0 2((.2((.2((." 12.1*+.1.1 S1 FA")*
'C1C ,IC 12.1*+.0.0 2((.2((.2((." 12.1*+.0.1 S0 FA")1+
!art ): *asic Net&or$ Device Con"iguration
Config&re basic settings s&ch as host na#e$ interface I' addresses$ and access pass2ords.
Config&re static ro&ting.
!art +: Con"igure Loca Authentication
Config&re a local database &ser and local access for the console$ vty$ and a&3 lines.
%est the config&ration.
!art 3: Con"igure Loca Authentication Using AAA
Config&re the local &ser database &sing Cisco I4S.
Config&re AAA local a&thentication &sing Cisco I4S.
Config&re AAA local a&thentication &sing CC'.
%est the config&ration.
!art ,: Con"igure Centrai-ed Authentication Using AAA and RADIUS
Install a RA.I5S server on a co#p&ter.
Config&re &sers on the RA.I5S server.
5se Cisco I4S to config&re AAA services on a ro&ter to access the RA.I5S server for a&thentication.
5se CC' to config&re AAA services on a ro&ter to access the RA.I5S server for a&thentication.
%est the AAA RA.I5S config&ration.
%he #ost basic for# of ro&ter access sec&rity is to create pass2ords for the console$ vty$ and a&3 lines. A
&ser is pro#pted for only a pass2ord 2hen accessing the ro&ter. Config&ring a privileged E6EC #ode enable
secret pass2ord f&rther i#proves sec&rity$ b&t still only a basic pass2ord is re7&ired for each #ode of access.
In addition to basic pass2ords$ specific &serna#es or acco&nts 2ith varying privilege levels can be defined in
the local ro&ter database that can apply to the ro&ter as a 2hole. 8hen the console$ vty$ or a&3 lines are
config&red to refer to this local database$ the &ser is pro#pted for a &serna#e and a pass2ord 2hen &sing
any of these lines to access the ro&ter.
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age 2 of 2(
CCNA Security
Additional control over the login process can be achieved &sing a&thentication$ a&thori9ation$ and acco&nting
-AAA/. For basic a&thentication$ AAA can be config&red to access the local database for &ser logins$ and
fallbac: proced&res can also be defined. ;o2ever$ this approach is not very scalable beca&se it #&st be
config&red on every ro&ter. %o ta:e f&ll advantage of AAA and achieve #a3i#&# scalability$ AAA is &sed in
con<&nction 2ith an e3ternal %ACACS= or RA.I5S server database. 8hen a &ser atte#pts to log in$ the
ro&ter references the e3ternal server database to verify that the &ser is logging in 2ith a valid &serna#e and
In this lab$ yo& b&ild a #&lti1ro&ter net2or: and config&re the ro&ters and hosts. >o& 2ill then &se C?I
co##ands and CC' tools to config&re ro&ters 2ith basic local a&thentication by #eans of AAA. >o& 2ill
install RA.I5S soft2are on an e3ternal co#p&ter and &se AAA to a&thenticate &sers 2ith the RA.I5S server.
Note: %he ro&ter co##ands and o&tp&t in this lab are fro# a Cisco 1+@1 2ith Cisco I4S Release 12.@-2"/%
-Advance I' i#age/. 4ther ro&ters and Cisco I4S versions can be &sed. See the Ro&ter Interface S&##ary
table at the end of the lab to deter#ine 2hich interface identifiers to &se based on the e7&ip#ent in the lab.
.epending on the ro&ter #odel and Cisco I4S version$ the co##ands available and o&tp&t prod&ced #ight
vary fro# 2hat is sho2n in this lab.
Note: Aa:e s&re that the ro&ters and s2itches have been erased and have no start&p config&rations.
Re.uired Resources
0 ro&ters -Cisco 1+@1 2ith Cisco I4S Release 12.@-2"/%1 or co#parable/
2 s2itches -Cisco 2*" or co#parable/
'C1AB 8indo2s 6'$ Cista or 8indo2s D 2ith CC' 2.( E RA.I5S server soft2are available
'C1CB 8indo2s 6'$ Cista or 8indo2s D 2ith CC' 2.(
Serial and Ethernet cables as sho2n in the topology
Rollover cables to config&re the ro&ters via the console
CC! Notes:
Refer to Chp "" ?ab A for instr&ctions on ho2 to install and r&n CC'. ;ard2are)soft2are
reco##endations for CC' incl&de 8indo2s 6'$ Cista$ or 8indo2s D 2ith Fava version 1.*."G11 &p to
1.*."G21$ Internet E3plorer *." or above and Flash 'layer Cersion 1".".12.0* and later.
If the 'C on 2hich CC' is installed is r&nning 8indo2s Cista or 8indo2s D$ it #ay be necessary to
right1clic: on the CC' icon or #en& ite#$ and choose Run as administrator.
In order to r&n CC'$ it #ay be necessary to te#porarily disable antivir&s progra#s and 4)S fire2alls.
Aa:e s&re that all pop1&p bloc:ers are t&rned off in the bro2ser.
!art ): *asic Net&or$ Device Con"iguration
In 'art 1 of this lab$ yo& set &p the net2or: topology and config&re basic settings$ s&ch as the interface I'
addresses$ static ro&ting$ device access$ and pass2ords.
All steps sho&ld be perfor#ed on ro&ters R1 and R0. 4nly steps 1$ 2$ 0 and * need to be perfor#ed on R2.
%he proced&re for R1 is sho2n here as an e3a#ple.
Step ): Cabe the net&or$ as sho&n in the topoogy/
Attach the devices sho2n in the topology diagra#$ and cable as necessary.
Step +: Con"igure basic settings "or each router/
Config&re host na#es as sho2n in the topology.
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age 0 of 2(
CCNA Security
Config&re the interface I' addresses as sho2n in the I' addressing table.
Config&re a cloc: rate for the ro&ters 2ith a .CE serial cable attached to their serial interface.
R1(config)# interface S0/0/0
R1(config-if)# clock rate 64000
%o prevent the ro&ter fro# atte#pting to translate incorrectly entered co##ands as tho&gh they 2ere host na#es$
disable .,S loo:&p.
R1(config)# no ip domain-lookup
Step 3: Con"igure static routing on the routers/
a. Config&re a static defa&lt ro&te fro# R1 to R2 and fro# R0 to R2.
Config&re a static ro&te fro# R2 to the R1 ?A, and fro# R2 to the R0 ?A,.
Step ,: Con"igure !C host I! settings/
Config&re a static I' address$ s&bnet #as:$ and defa&lt gate2ay for 'C1A and 'C1C$ as sho2n in the I'
addressing table.
Step 0: 1eri"y connectivity bet&een !C2A and R3/
a. 'ing fro# R1 to R0.
8ere the ping res&lts s&ccessf&lH GGGGG
If the pings are not s&ccessf&l$ tro&bleshoot the basic device config&rations before contin&ing.
b. 'ing fro# 'C1A on the R1 ?A, to 'C1C on the R0 ?A,.
8ere the ping res&lts s&ccessf&lH GGGGG
If the pings are not s&ccessf&l$ tro&bleshoot the basic device config&rations before contin&ing.
Note: If yo& can ping fro# 'C1A to 'C1C$ yo& have de#onstrated that static ro&ting is config&red and
f&nctioning correctly. If yo& cannot ping b&t the device interfaces are &p and I' addresses are correct$ &se
the show run and show ip route co##ands to help identify ro&ting protocol1related proble#s.
Step 3: Save the basic running con"iguration "or each router/
5se the Trans"er 4 Capture te5t option in ;yper%er#inal or so#e other #ethod to capt&re the r&nning
configs for each ro&ter. Save the three files so that they can be &sed to restore configs later in the lab.
Step 6: Con"igure and encrypt pass&ords on R) and R3/
Note: 'ass2ords in this tas: are set to a #ini#&# of 1" characters b&t are relatively si#ple for the
benefit of perfor#ing the lab. Aore co#ple3 pass2ords are reco##ended in a prod&ction net2or:.
For this step$ config&re the sa#e settings for R1 and R0. Ro&ter R1 is sho2n here as an e3a#ple.
a. Config&re a #ini#&# pass2ord length.
5se the security passwords co##and to set a #ini#&# pass2ord length of 1" characters.
R1(config)# security passwords min-length 10
b. Config&re the enable secret pass2ord on both ro&ters.
R1(config)# enable secret cisco1234
c. Config&re the basic console$ a&3iliary port$ and vty lines.
d. Config&re a console pass2ord and enable login for ro&ter R1. For additional sec&rity$ the e!ec-
timeout co##and ca&ses the line to log o&t after ( #in&tes of inactivity. %he logging
synchronous co##and prevents console #essages fro# interr&pting co##and entry.
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age @ of 2(
CCNA Security
Note: %o avoid repetitive logins d&ring this lab$ the e3ec ti#eo&t can be set to " "$ 2hich prevents it
fro# e3piring. ;o2ever$ this is not considered a good sec&rity practice.
R1(config)# line console 0
R1(config-line)# password ciscoconpass
R1(config-line)# e!ec-timeout 0
R1(config-line)# login
R1(config-line)# logging synchronous
e. Config&re a pass2ord for the a&3 port for ro&ter R1.
R1(config)# line au! 0
R1(config-line)# password ciscoau!pass
R1(config-line)# e!ec-timeout 0
R1(config-line)# login
f. Config&re the pass2ord on the vty lines for ro&ter R1.
R1(config)# line "ty 0 4
R1(config-line)# password cisco"typass
R1(config-line)# e!ec-timeout 0
R1(config-line)# login
g. Encrypt the console$ a&3$ and vty pass2ords.
R1(config)# ser"ice password-encryption
h. Iss&e the show run co##and. Can yo& read the console$ a&3$ and vty pass2ordsH 8hy or 2hy
Step 7: Con"igure a ogin &arning banner on routers R) and R3/
a. Config&re a 2arning to &na&thori9ed &sers &sing a #essage1of1the1day -A4%./ banner 2ith the
banner motd co##and. 8hen a &ser connects to the ro&ter$ the A4%. banner appears before the
login pro#pt. In this e3a#ple$ the dollar sign -I/ is &sed to start and end the #essage.
R1(config)# banner motd #$nauthori%ed access strictly prohibited and
prosecuted to the full e!tent of the law#
R1(config)# e!it
b. Iss&e the show run co##and. 8hat does the I convert to in the o&tp&tH
c. E3it privileged E6EC #ode by &sing the disable or e!it co##and and press 8nter to get started.
.oes the A4%. banner loo: li:e 2hat yo& e3pectedH GGGGGG
Note: If it does not$ <&st re1create it &sing the banner motd co##and.
Step 9: Save the basic con"igurations/
Save the r&nning config&ration to the start&p config&ration fro# the privileged E6EC pro#pt.
R1# copy running-config startup-config
!art +: Con"igure Loca Authentication
In 'art 2 of this lab$ yo& config&re a local &serna#e and pass2ord and change the access for the console$ a&3$
and vty lines to reference the ro&terJs local database for valid &serna#es and pass2ords. 'erfor# all steps on R1
and R0. %he proced&re for R1 is sho2n here.
Step ): Con"igure the oca user database/
a. Create a local &ser acco&nt 2ith A.( hashing to encrypt the pass2ord.
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age ( of 2(
CCNA Security
R1(config)# username user01 secret user01pass
b. E3it global config&ration #ode and display the r&nning config&ration. Can yo& read the &serJs
Step +: Con"igure oca authentication "or the consoe ine and ogin/
a. Set the console line to &se the locally defined login &serna#es and pass2ords.
R1(config)# line console 0
R1(config-line)# login local
b. E3it to the initial ro&ter screen that displaysB
&1 con0 is now a"ailable' (ress &)*$&+ to get started.
c. ?og in &sing the &ser"1 acco&nt and pass2ord previo&sly defined.
d. 8hat is the difference bet2een logging in at the console no2 and previo&slyH
e. After logging in$ iss&e the show run co##and. 8ere yo& able to iss&e the co##andH 8hy or 2hy
f. Enter privileged E6EC #ode &sing the enable co##and. 8ere yo& pro#pted for a pass2ordH 8hy
Step 3: Test the ne& account by ogging in "rom a Tenet session/
a. Fro# 'C1A$ establish a %elnet session 2ith R1.
PC-A> telnet 1,2'16-'1'1
b. 8ere yo& pro#pted for a &ser acco&ntH 8hy or 2hy notH
d. Set the vty lines to &se the locally defined login acco&nts.
R1(config)# line "ty 0 4
R1(config-line)# login local
e. Fro# 'C1A$ telnet R1 to R1 again.
PC-A> telnet 1,2'16-'1'1
f. 8ere yo& pro#pted for a &ser acco&ntH 8hy or 2hy notH GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
g. ?og in as user:) 2ith a pass2ord of user:)pass.
h. 8hile connected to R1 via %elnet$ access privileged E6EC #ode 2ith the enable co##and.
<. For added sec&rity$ set the a&3 port to &se the locally defined login acco&nts.
R1(config)# line au! 0
R1(config-line)# login local
:. End the %elnet session 2ith the e!it co##and.
Step ,: Save the con"iguration on R)/
a. Save the r&nning config&ration to the start&p config&ration fro# the privileged E6EC pro#pt.
R1# copy running-config startup-config
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age * of 2(
CCNA Security
b. 5se ;yper%er#inal or another #eans to save the R1 r&nning config&ration fro# 'arts 1 and 2 of this
lab and edit it so that it can be &sed to restore the R1 config later in the lab.
Note: Re#ove all occ&rrences of K1 1 Aore 1 1.L Re#ove any co##ands that are not related to the ite#s
yo& config&red in 'arts 1 and 2 of the lab$ s&ch as the Cisco I4S version n&#ber$ no service pad$ and so
on. Aany co##ands are entered a&to#atically by the Cisco I4S soft2are. Also replace the encrypted
pass2ords 2ith the correct ones specified previo&sly.
Step 0: !er"orm steps ) through , on R3 and save the con"iguration/
a. Save the r&nning config&ration to the start&p config&ration fro# the privileged E6EC pro#pt.
R3# copy running-config startup-config
b. 5se ;yper%er#inal or another #eans to save the R0 r&nning config&ration fro# 'arts 1 and 2 of this
lab and edit it so that it can be &sed to restore the R0 config later in the lab.
!art 3: Con"igure Loca Authentication Using AAA on R3
Tas$ ): Con"igure the Loca User Database Using Cisco I'S
Note: %o config&re AAA &sing CC'$ s:ip to %as: 0.
Step ): Con"igure the oca user database/
a. Create a local &ser acco&nt 2ith A.( hashing to encrypt the pass2ord.
R3(config)# username .dmin01 pri"ilege 1 secret .dmin01pass
b. E3it global config&ration #ode and display the r&nning config&ration. Can yo& read the &serJs
Tas$ +: Con"igure AAA Loca Authentication Using Cisco I'S
Step ): 8nabe AAA services/
a. 4n R0$ enable services 2ith the global config&ration co##and aaa new-model. Meca&se yo& are
i#ple#enting local a&thentication$ &se local a&thentication as the first #ethod$ and no a&thentication
as the secondary #ethod.
If yo& 2ere &sing an a&thentication #ethod 2ith a re#ote server$ s&ch as %ACACS= or RA.I5S$ yo&
2o&ld config&re a secondary a&thentication #ethod for fallbac: if the server is &nreachable. ,or#ally$
the secondary #ethod is the local database. In this case$ if no &serna#es are config&red in the local
database$ the ro&ter allo2s all &sers login access to the device.
b. Enable AAA services.
R3(config)# aaa new-model
Step +: Impement AAA services "or consoe access using the oca database/
a. Create the defa&lt login a&thentication list by iss&ing the aaa authentication login default
method1[method2][method3] co##and 2ith a #ethod list &sing the local and none :ey2ords.
R3(config)# aaa authentication login default local none
Note: If yo& do not set &p a defa&lt login a&thentication list$ yo& co&ld get loc:ed o&t of the ro&ter and
be forced to &se the pass2ord recovery proced&re for yo&r specific ro&ter.
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age D of 2(
CCNA Security
b. E3it to the initial ro&ter screen that displaysB R3 con: is no& avaiabe; !ress R8TURN to get
c. ?og in to the console as Admin:) 2ith a pass2ord of Admin:)pass. Re#e#ber that pass2ords are
case1sensitive. 8ere yo& able to log inH 8hy or 2hy notH
Note: If yo&r session 2ith the console port of the ro&ter ti#es o&t$ yo& #ight have to log in &sing the
defa&lt a&thentication list.
d. E3it to the initial ro&ter screen that displaysB &3 con0 is now a"ailable/ (ress &)*$&+ to
get started.
e. Atte#pt to log in to the console as baduser 2ith any pass2ord. 8ere yo& able to log inH 8hy or 2hy
f. If no &ser acco&nts are config&red in the local database$ 2hich &sers are per#itted to access the
Step 3: Create a AAA authentication pro"ie "or Tenet using the oca database/
a. Create a &ni7&e a&thentication list for %elnet access to the ro&ter. %his does not have the fallbac: of
no a&thentication$ so if there are no &serna#es in the local database$ %elnet access is disabled. %o
create an a&thentication profile that is not the defa&lt$ specify a list na#e of %E?,E%G?I,ES and
apply it to the vty lines.
R3(config)# aaa authentication login *)0+)*102+)S local
R3(config)# line "ty 0 4
R3(config-line)# login authentication *)0+)*102+)S
b. Cerify that this a&thentication profile is &sed by opening a %elnet session fro# 'C1C to R0.
PC-C> telnet 1,2'16-'3'1
Trying ... Open
c. ?og in as Admin:) 2ith a pass2ord of Admin:)pass. 8ere yo& able to loginH 8hy or 2hy notH
d. E3it the %elnet session 2ith the e!it co##and$ and %elnet to R0 again.
e. Atte#pt to log in as baduser 2ith any pass2ord. 8ere yo& able to loginH 8hy or 2hy notH
Tas$ 3: <'ptiona= Con"igure AAA Loca Authentication Using Cisco CC!
>o& can also &se CC' to config&re the ro&ter to s&pport AAA.
Note: If yo& config&red R0 AAA a&thentication &sing Cisco I4S co##ands in %as:s 1 and 2$ yo& can s:ip this
tas:. If yo& perfor#ed %as:s 1 and 2 and yo& 2ant to perfor# this tas:$ yo& sho&ld restore R0 to its basic
config&ration. See 'art @$ Step 1 for the proced&re to restore R0 to its basic config&ration.
Even if yo& do not perfor# this tas:$ read thro&gh the steps to beco#e fa#iliar 2ith the CC' process.
Step ): Impement AAA services and >TT! router access prior to starting CC!/
a. Fro# the C?I global config #ode$ enable a ne2 AAA #odel.
R3(config)# aaa new-model
b. Enable the ;%%' server on R0 for CC' access.
R3(config)# ip http ser"er
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age + of 2(
CCNA Security
Note: For #a3i#&# sec&rity$ enable sec&re http server by &sing the ip http secure-ser"er
c. Add a &ser na#ed admin to the local database.
R3(config)# username admin pri"ilege 1 secret cisco1234
d. ;ave CC' &se the local database to a&thenticate 2eb sessions.
R3(config)# ip http authentication local
Step +: Access CC! and discover R3/
a. Start CC' on 'C1C. In the Aanage .evices 2indo2$ add R0 I' address 12.1*+.0.1 in the first I'
address field. Enter admin in the 5serna#e field$ and cisco)+3,0 in the 'ass2ord field.
b. At the CC' .ashboard$ clic: the Discover b&tton to discover and connect to R0. If discovery fails$
clic: the Discovery Detais b&tton to deter#ine the proble#.
Step 3: Use CC! to create an administrative user/
a. Clic: the Con"igure b&tton at the top of the screen.
b. Choose Router 4 Router Access 4 User Accounts?1ie&.
c. In the 5ser Acco&nts)Cie2 2indo2$ clic: Add.
d. In the Add an Acco&nt 2indo2$ enter Admin:) in the 5serna#e field.
e. Enter the pass2ord Admin:)pass in the ,e2 'ass2ord and Confir# ,e2 'ass2ord fields.
-Re#e#ber$ pass2ords are case1sensitive./
f. Confir# that the 8ncrypt pass&ord using #D0 hash agorithm chec: bo3 is chec:ed.
g. Select )0 fro# the 'rivilege ?evel drop1do2n list and clic: '@.
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age of 2(
CCNA Security
h. In the .eliver Config&ration to Ro&ter 2indo2$ #a:e s&re that the Save R&nning Config to Ro&terJs
Start&p Config chec: bo3 is chec:ed$ and clic: Deiver.
i. In the Co##ands .elivery Stat&s 2indo2$ clic: '@.
Step ,: Create AAA method ist "or ogin/
a. Clic: the Con"igure b&tton at the top of the screen.
b. Choose Router 4 AAA 4 Authentication !oicies 4 Login.
c. In the A&thentication ?ogin 2indo2$ clic: Add.
d. In the Add a Aethod ?ist for A&thentication ?ogin 2indo2$ verify that De"aut is in the ,a#e field.
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age 1" of 2(
CCNA Security
e. Clic: Add in the Aethods section.
f. In the Select Aethod ?ist-s/ for A&thentication ?ogin 2indo2$ choose oca and clic: '@. %a:e note of
the other #ethods listed$ 2hich incl&de RA.I5S -gro&p radi&s/ and %ACACS= -gro&p tacacs=/.
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age 11 of 2(
CCNA Security
g. Clic: '@ to close the 2indo2.
h. Repeat steps @f and @g. Choose none as a second a&thentication #ethod and clic: the '@ b&tton
2hen done.
i. In the .eliver Config&ration to Ro&ter 2indo2$ #a:e s&re that the Save R&nning Config to Ro&terNs
Start&p Config chec:bo3 is chec:ed$ and clic: Deiver. In the Co##ands .elivery Stat&s 2indo2$
clic: '@.
<. 8hat co##and 2as delivered to the ro&terH
Step 0: 1eri"y the AAA username and pro"ie "or consoe ogin/
a. E3it to the initial ro&ter screen that displaysB
&3 con0 is now a"ailable/ (ress &)*$&+ to get started.
b. ?og in to the console as Admin:) 2ith a pass2ord of Admin:)pass. 8ere yo& able to loginH 8hy or
c. E3it to the initial ro&ter screen that displaysB
&3 con0 is now a"ailable/ (ress &)*$&+ to get started.
d. Atte#pt to log in to the console as baduser. 8ere yo& able to loginH 8hy or 2hy notH
If no &ser acco&nts are config&red in the local database$ 2hich &sers are per#itted to access the
e. ?og in to the console as Admin:) 2ith a pass2ord of Admin:)pass. Access privileged E6EC #ode
&sing the enable secret pass2ord cisco)+3,0 and then sho2 the r&nning config. 8hat co##ands
are associated 2ith the CC' sessionH
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CCNA Security
Tas$ ,: 'bserve AAA Authentication Using Cisco I'S Debug
In this tas:$ yo& &se the debug co##and to observe s&ccessf&l and &ns&ccessf&l a&thentication atte#pts.
Step ): 1eri"y that the system coc$ and debug time stamps are con"igured correcty/
a. Fro# the R0 &ser or privileged E6EC #ode pro#pt$ &se the show clock co##and to deter#ine
2hat the c&rrent ti#e is for the ro&ter. If the ti#e and date are incorrect$ set the ti#e fro# privileged
E6EC #ode 2ith the co##and clock set 334554SS 66 month 7777. An e3a#ple is provided
here for R0.
R3# clock set 1441400 26 6ecember 200-
b. Cerify that detailed ti#e1sta#p infor#ation is available for yo&r deb&g o&tp&t &sing the show run
co##and. %his co##and displays all lines in the r&nning config that incl&de the te3t Kti#esta#psL.
R3# show run 8 include timestamps
er!ice "i#e"$#p %e&'g %$"e"i#e #ec
er!ice "i#e"$#p log %$"e"i#e #ec
c. If the ser"ice timestamps debug co##and is not present$ enter it in global config #ode.
R3(config)# ser"ice timestamps debug datetime msec
R3(config)# e!it
d. Save the r&nning config&ration to the start&p config&ration fro# the privileged E6EC pro#pt.
R3# copy running-config startup-config
Step +: Use debug to veri"y user access/
a. Activate deb&gging for AAA a&thentication.
R3# debug aaa authentication
AAA A'"(en"ic$"ion %e&'gging i on
b. Start a %elnet session fro# 'C1C to R0.
c. ?og in 2ith &serna#e Admin:) and pass2ord Admin:)pass. 4bserve the AAA a&thentication
events in the console session 2indo2. .eb&g #essages si#ilar to the follo2ing sho&ld be displayed.
)ec 26 1*+36+*2.323+ AAA,-./)(000000A1)+ -in% i,f
)ec 26 1*+36+*2.323+ AAA,A2T34/,5O6./ (000000A1)+ Pic7 #e"(o% li"
d. Fro# the %elnet 2indo2$ enter privileged E6EC #ode. 5se the enable secret pass2ord of
cisco)+3,0. .eb&g #essages si#ilar to the follo2ing sho&ld be displayed. In the third entry$ note the
&serna#e -Ad#in"1/$ virt&al port n&#ber -tty1@/$ and re#ote %elnet client address -12.1*+.0.0/.
Also note that the last stat&s entry is K'ASS.L
)ec 26 1*+*0+1*.*31+ AAA+ p$re n$#e9""y19* i%& "ype9-1 ""y9-1
)ec 26 1*+*0+1*.*31+ AAA+ n$#e9""y19* fl$g90:11 "ype91 (elf90 lo"90
$%$p"er90 por"919* c($nnel90
)ec 26 1*+*0+1*.*31+ AAA,;4;OR<+ cre$"e_'er (0:6*--1110) user9:.dmin01:
ruser9: +$00: ds090 port9:tty1,4: rem1addr9:1,2'16-'3'3:
$'"(en_"ype9A=C.. er!ice94/A-54 pri!911 ini"i$l_"$7_i%9808> !rf9
)ec 26 1*+*0+1*.*31+ AAA,A2T34/,=TART (2*6?62*222)+ por"98""y19*8
li"988 $c"ion95O6./ er!ice94/A-54
)ec 26 1*+*0+1*.*31+ AAA,A2T34/,=TART (2*6?62*222)+ non-conole en$&le @
%ef$'l" "o en$&le p$Aor%
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age 10 of 2(
CCNA Security
)ec 26 1*+*0+1*.*31+ AAA,A2T34/,=TART (2*6?62*222)+ ;e"(o%94/A-54
)ec 26 1*+*0+1*.*31+ AAA,A2T34/(2*6?62*222)+ ="$"'964TPA==
)ec 26 1*+*0+19.2?1+ AAA,A2T34/,CO/T (2*6?62*222)+ con"in'e_login
)ec 26 1*+*0+19.2?1+ AAA,A2T34/(2*6?62*222)+ ="$"'964TPA==
)ec 26 1*+*0+19.2?1+ AAA,A2T34/,CO/T (2*6?62*222)+ ;e"(o%94/A-54
6ec 26 144404,'2-;4 .../.$*3)+<246;624222=4 Status9(.SS
)ec 26 1*+*0+19.28?+ AAA,;4;OR<+ free_'er (0:6*--1110) 'er98/2558
r'er98/2558 por"98""y19*8 re#_$%%r98192.168.3.38 $'"(en_"ype9A=C..
er!ice94/A-54 pri!911 !
rf9 (i%90)
e. Fro# the %elnet 2indo2$ e3it privileged E6EC #ode &sing the disable co##and. %ry to enter
privileged E6EC #ode again$ b&t &se a bad pass2ord this ti#e. 4bserve the deb&g o&tp&t on
R0$ noting that the stat&s is KFAI?L this ti#e.
)ec 26 11+*6+1*.02?+ AAA,A2T34/(21?1919868)+ ="$"'964TPA==
)ec 26 11+*6+1*.02?+ AAA,A2T34/,CO/T (21?1919868)+ ;e"(o%94/A-54
)ec 26 11+*6+1*.039+ AAA,A2T34/(21?1919868)+ p$Aor% incorrec"
6ec 26 144644'03,4 .../.$*3)+<21;,1,-6-=4 Status9>.20
)ec 26 11+*6+1*.039+ AAA,;4;OR<+ free_'er (0:6611-B4*) 'er98/2558
por"98""y19*8 re#_$%%r98192.168.3.38 $'"(en_"ype9A=C.. er!ice94/A-54
pri!911 !
rf9 (i%90)
f. Fro# the %elnet 2indo2$ e3it the %elnet session to the ro&ter. %hen try to open a %elnet session to
the ro&ter again$ b&t this ti#e try to log in 2ith the &serna#e Admin:) and a bad pass2ord.
Fro# the console 2indo2$ the deb&g o&tp&t sho&ld loo: si#ilar to the follo2ing.
)ec 26 11+*9+32.339+ AAA,A2T34/,5O6./ (000000AA)+ Pic7 #e"(o% li"
8hat #essage 2as displayed on the %elnet client screenH GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
%&rn off all deb&gging &sing the undebug all co##and at the privileged E6EC pro#pt.
!art ,: Con"igure Centrai-ed Authentication Using AAA and RADIUS/
In 'art @ of the lab$ yo& install RA.I5S server soft2are on 'C1A. >o& then config&re ro&ter R1 to access the
e3ternal RA.I5S server for &ser a&thentication. %he free2are server 8inRadi&s is &sed for this section of the
Tas$ ): Restore Router R) to Its *asic Settings
%o avoid conf&sion as to 2hat 2as already entered and the AAA RA.I5S config&ration$ start by restoring
ro&ter R1 to its basic config&ration as perfor#ed in 'arts 1 and 2 of this lab.
Step ): 8rase and reoad the router/
a. Connect to the R1 console$ and log in 2ith the &serna#e Admin:) and pass2ord Admin:)pass.
b. Enter privileged E6EC #ode 2ith the pass2ord cisco)+3,0.
c. Erase the start&p config and then iss&e the reload co##and to restart the ro&ter.
Step +: Restore the basic con"iguration/
a. 8hen the ro&ter restarts$ enter privileged E6EC #ode 2ith the enable co##and$ and then enter
global config #ode. 5se the ;yper%er#inal Trans"er 4 Send Aie f&nction$ c&t and paste or &se
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age 1@ of 2(
CCNA Security
another #ethod to load the basic start&p config for R1 that 2as created and saved in 'art 2 of this
b. %est connectivity by pinging fro# host 'C1A to 'C1C. If the pings are not s&ccessf&l$ tro&bleshoot the
ro&ter and 'C config&rations &ntil they are.
c. If yo& are logged o&t of the console$ log in again as user:) 2ith pass2ord user:)pass$ and access
privileged E6EC #ode 2ith the pass2ord cisco)+3,0.
d. Save the r&nning config to the start&p config &sing the copy run start co##and.
Tas$ +: Do&noad and Insta a RADIUS Server on !C2A
%here are a n&#ber of RA.I5S servers available$ both free2are and for cost. %his lab &ses 8inRadi&s$ a
free2are standards1based RA.I5S server that r&ns on 8indo2s 6' and #ost other 8indo2s operating
syste#s. %he free version of the soft2are can s&pport only five &serna#es.
Step ): Do&noad the BinRadius so"t&are/
a. Create a folder na#ed 8inRadi&s on yo&r des:top or other location in 2hich to store the files.
b. .o2nload the latest version fro# httpB))222.s&""")2inradi&s)$
httpB))2inradi&$ httpB))"
c. Save the do2nloaded 9ip file in the folder yo& created in Step 1a$ and e3tract the 9ipped files to the
sa#e folder. %here is no installation set&p. %he e3tracted 8inRadi&s.e3e file is e3ec&table.
d. >o& #ay create a shortc&t on yo&r des:top for 8inRadi&s.e3e.
Note: If 8inRadi&s is &sed on a 'C that &ses the Aicrosoft 8indo2s Cista operating syste# or the
Aicrosoft 8indo2s D operating syste#$ 4.MC #ay fail to create s&ccessf&lly beca&se it cannot 2rite to
the registry.
!ossibe soutions:
1. Co#patibility settingsB
a. Right clic: on the 8inRadi&s.e3e icon and select !roperties.
b. 8hile in the !roperties dialog bo3$ select the Compatibiity tab. In this tab$ select the
chec:bo3 for Run this program in compatibiity mode "or. %hen in the drop do2n #en&
belo2$ choose Bindo&s C! <Service !ac$ 3= for e3a#ple$ if it is appropriate for yo&r
c. Clic: '@.
2. Run as Administrator settingsB
a. Right clic: on the 8inRadi&s.e3e icon and select !roperties.
b. 8hile in the !roperties dialog bo3$ select the Compatibiity tab. In this tab$ select the
chec:bo3 for Run this program as administrator in the 'rivilege ?evel section.
c. Clic: '@.
0. Run as Administration for each la&nchB
a. Right clic: on the 8inRadi&s.e3e icon and select Run as Administrator.
b. 8hen 8inRadi&s la&nches$ clic: Des in the 5ser Acco&nt Control dialog bo3.
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age 1( of 2(
CCNA Security
Step +: Con"igure the BinRadius server database/
a. Start the 8inRadi&s.e3e application. 8inRadi&s &ses a local database in 2hich it stores &ser
infor#ation. 8hen the application is started for the first ti#e$ the follo2ing #essages are displayedB
Ple$e go "o C=e""ing,)$"$&$e $n% cre$"e "(e O)-C for yo'r RA).2=
5$'nc( O)-C f$ile%.
b. Choose Settings 4 Database fro# the #ain #en&. %he follo2ing screen is displayed. Clic: the
Con"igure 'D*C Automaticay b&tton and then clic: '@. >o& sho&ld see a #essage that the
4.MC 2as created s&ccessf&lly. E3it 8inRadi&s and restart the application for the changes to ta:e
c. 8hen 8inRadi&s starts again$ yo& sho&ld see #essages si#ilar to the follo2ing displayed.
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age 1* of 2(
CCNA Security
d. 4n 2hich ports is 8inRadi&s listening for a&thentication and acco&ntingH
Step 3: Con"igure users and pass&ords on the BinRadius server/
Note: %he free version of 8inRadi&s can s&pport only five &serna#es. %he &serna#es are lost if yo& e3it
the application and restart it. Any &serna#es created in previo&s sessions #&st be re1created. ,ote that
the first #essage in the previo&s screen sho2s that 9ero &sers 2ere loaded. ,o &sers had been created
prior to this$ b&t this #essage is displayed each ti#e 8inRadi&s is started$ regardless of 2hether &sers
2ere created or not.
a. Fro# the #ain #en&$ select 'peration 4 Add User.
b. Enter the &serna#e RadUser 2ith a pass2ord of RadUserpass. Re#e#ber that pass2ords are
c. Clic: '@. >o& sho&ld see a #essage on the log screen that the &ser 2as added s&ccessf&lly.
Step ,: Cear the og dispay/
Fro# the #ain #en&$ choose Log 4 Cear.
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age 1D of 2(
CCNA Security
Step 0: Test the ne& user added using the BinRadius test utiity/
a. A 8inRadi&s testing &tility is incl&ded in the do2nloaded 9ip file. ,avigate to the folder 2here yo&
&n9ipped the 8inRadi&s.9ip file and locate the file na#ed Radi&s%est.e3e.
b. Start the Radi&s%est application$ and enter the I' address of this RA.I5S server -12.1*+.1.0/$
&serna#e RadUser$ and pass2ord RadUserpass as sho2n. .o not change the defa&lt RA.I5S port
n&#ber of 1+10 and the RA.I5S pass2ord of 8inRadi&s.
c. Clic: Send and yo& sho&ld see a Send AccessGRe7&est #essage indicating the server at
12.1*+.1.0$ port n&#ber 1+10$ received @@ he3adeci#al characters. 4n the 8inRadi&s log display$
yo& sho&ld also see a #essage indicating that &ser Rad5ser 2as a&thenticated s&ccessf&lly.
d. Close the Radi&s%est application.
Tas$ 3: Con"igure R) AAA Services and Access the RADIUS Server Using Cisco
Note: %o config&re AAA &sing CC'$ proceed to %as: (.
Step ): 8nabe AAA on R)/
5se the aaa new-model co##and in global config&ration #ode to enable AAA.
R1(config)# aaa new-model
Step +: Con"igure the de"aut ogin authentication ist/
a. Config&re the list to first &se RA.I5S for the a&thentication service$ and then none. If no RA.I5S
server can be reached and a&thentication cannot be perfor#ed$ the ro&ter globally allo2s access
2itho&t a&thentication. %his is a safeg&ard #eas&re in case the ro&ter starts &p 2itho&t connectivity to
an active RA.I5S server.
R1(config)# aaa authentication login default group radius none
b. >o& co&ld alternatively config&re local a&thentication as the bac:&p a&thentication #ethod instead.
Note: If yo& do not set &p a defa&lt login a&thentication list$ yo& co&ld get loc:ed o&t of the ro&ter and need to
&se the pass2ord recovery proced&re for yo&r specific ro&ter.
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age 1+ of 2(
CCNA Security
Step 3: Speci"y a RADIUS server/
5se the radius-ser"er host hostname key key co##and to point to the RA.I5S server. %he
hostname arg&#ent accepts either a host na#e or an I' address. 5se the I' address of the RA.I5S
server$ 'C1A -12.1*+.1.0/. %he :ey is a secret pass2ord shared bet2een the RA.I5S server and the
RA.I5S client -R1 in this case/ and &sed to a&thenticate the connection bet2een the ro&ter and the
server before the &ser a&thentication process ta:es place. %he RA.I5S client #ay be a ,et2or: Access
Server -,AS/$ b&t ro&ter R1 plays that role in this lab. 5se the defa&lt ,AS secret pass2ord of 8inRadi&s
specified on the RA.I5S server -see %as: 2$ Step (/. Re#e#ber that pass2ords are case1sensitive.
R1(config)# radius-ser"er host 1,2'16-'1'3 key ?in&adius
Tas$ ,: Test the AAA RADIUS Con"iguration
Step ): 1eri"y connectivity bet&een R) and the computer running the RADIUS server/
'ing fro# R1 to 'C1A.
R1# ping
If the pings 2ere not s&ccessf&l$ tro&bleshoot the 'C and ro&ter config&ration before contin&ing.
Step +: Test your con"iguration/
a. If yo& restarted the 8inRadi&s server$ yo& #&st re1create the &ser RadUser 2ith a pass2ord of
RadUserpass by choosing 'peration 4 Add User.
b. Clear the log on the 8inRadi&s server by choosing Log 4 Cear fro# the #ain #en&.
c. 4n R1$ e3it to the initial ro&ter screen that displaysB
&1 con0 is now a"ailable/ (ress &)*$&+ to get started.
d. %est yo&r config&ration by logging in to the console on R1 &sing the &serna#e RadUser and the
pass2ord of RadUserpass. 8ere yo& able to gain access to the &ser E6EC pro#pt and$ if so$ 2as
e. E3it to the initial ro&ter screen that displaysB
&1 con0 is now a"ailable/ (ress &)*$&+ to get started'
f. %est yo&r config&ration again by logging in to the console on R1 &sing the none3istent &serna#e of
User555 and the pass2ord of User555pass. 8ere yo& able to gain access to the &ser E6EC
g. 8ere any #essages displayed on the RA.I5S server log for either loginH GGGGGGG
h. 8hy 2as a none3istent &serna#e able to access the ro&ter and no #essages are displayed on the
i. 8hen the RA.I5S server is &navailable$ #essages si#ilar to the follo2ing are typically displayed
after atte#pted logins.
D)ec 26 16+*6+1*.039+ ERA).2=-*-RA).2=_)4A)+ RA).2= er!er*1>16*6 i no" repon%ing.
D)ec 26 11+*6+1*.039+ ERA).2=-*-RA).2=_A5.F4+ RA).2= er!er*1>16*6 i &eing #$r7e% $li!e.
Step 3: Troubeshoot router2to2RADIUS server communication/
a. Chec: the defa&lt Cisco I4S RA.I5S 5.' port n&#bers &sed on R1 2ith the radius-ser"er
host co##and and the Cisco I4S ;elp f&nction.
R1(config)# radius-ser"er host 1,2'16-'1'3 @
acct-port $6( port for &.62$S accounting ser"er <default is 1646=
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age 1 of 2(
CCNA Security
$li$ 1-8 $li$e for "(i er!er (#$:. 8)
auth-port $6( port for &.62$S authentication ser"er <default is 164=
O 4&tp&t o#itted P
b. Chec: the R1 r&nning config&ration for lines containing the co##and radius. %he follo2ing
co##and displays all r&nning config lines that incl&de the te3t Kradi&sL.
R1# show run 8 incl radius
$$$ $'"(en"ic$"ion login %ef$'l" gro'p r$%i' none
r$%i'-er!er (o" $'"(-por" 16*1 $cc"-por" 16*6 7ey ?
O 4&tp&t o#itted P
c. 8hat are the defa&lt R1 Cisco I4S 5.' port n&#bers for the RA.I5S serverH GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
Step ,: Chec$ the de"aut port numbers on the BinRadius server on !C2A/
a. Fro# the 8inRadi&s #ain #en& choose Settings 4 System.
b. 8hat are the defa&lt 8inRadi&s 5.' port n&#bersH GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
Note: %he early deploy#ent of RA.I5S 2as done &sing 5.' port n&#ber 1*@( for a&thentication and 1*@*
for acco&nting$ 2hich conflicts 2ith the data#etrics service. Meca&se of this conflict$ RFC 2+*( officially
assigned port n&#bers 1+12 and 1+10 for RA.I5S.
Step 0: Change the RADIUS port numbers on R) to match the BinRadius server/
5nless specified other2ise$ the Cisco I4S RA.I5S config&ration defa&lts to 5.' port n&#bers 1*@( and
1*@*. Either the ro&ter Cisco I4S port n&#bers #&st be changed to #atch the port n&#ber of the RA.I5S
server or the RA.I5S server port n&#bers #&st be changed to #atch the port n&#bers of the Cisco I4S
ro&ter. In this step$ yo& #odify the I4S port n&#bers to those of the RA.I5S server$ 2hich are specified in
RFC 2+*(.
a. Re#ove the previo&s config&ration &sing the follo2ing co##and.
R1(config)# no radius-ser"er host 1,2'16-'1'3 auth-port 164 acct-port
b. Iss&e the radius-ser"er host co##and again and this ti#e specify port n&#bers 1+12 and
1+10$ along 2ith the I' address and secret :ey for the RA.I5S server.
R1(config)# radius-ser"er host 1,2'16-'1'3 auth-port 1-12 acct-port 1-13
key ?in&adius
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age 2" of 2(
CCNA Security
Step 3: Test your con"iguration by ogging into the consoe on R)/
a. E3it to the initial ro&ter screen that displaysB &1 con0 is now a"ailable/ (ress &)*$&+ to
get started.
b. ?og in again 2ith the &serna#e of RadUser and pass2ord of RadUserpass. 8ere yo& able to loginH
8as there any delay this ti#eH
c. %he follo2ing #essage sho&ld display on the RA.I5S server log.
2er (R$%2er) $'"(en"ic$"e OG.
d. E3it to the initial ro&ter screen that displaysB &1 con0 is now a"ailable/ (ress &)*$&+ to
get started.
e. ?og in again &sing an invalid &serna#e of User555 and the pass2ord of User555pass. 8ere yo&
8hat #essage 2as displayed on the ro&terH _________________________________________
%he follo2ing #essages sho&ld display on the RA.I5S server log.
&eason4 $nknown username
$ser <$ser!!!= authenticate failed
Step 6: Create an authentication method ist "or Tenet and test it/
a. Create a &ni7&e a&thentication #ethod list for %elnet access to the ro&ter. %his does not have the
fallbac: of no a&thentication$ so if there is no access to the RA.I5S server$ %elnet access is disabled.
,a#e the a&thentication #ethod list %E?,E%G?I,ES.
R1(config)# aaa authentication login *)0+)*102+)S group radius
Apply the list to the vty lines on the ro&ter &sing the login a&thentication co##and.
R1(config)# line "ty 0 4
R1(config-line)# login authentication *)0+)*102+)S
%elnet fro# 'C1A to R1$ and log in 2ith the &serna#e RadUser and the pass2ord of RadUserpass.
8ere yo& able to gain access to log inH
E3it the %elnet session$ and telnet fro# 'C1A to R1 again. ?og in 2ith the &serna#e User555 and the
pass2ord of User555pass. 8ere yo& able to log inH
Tas$ 0: <'ptiona= Con"igure R) AAA Services and Access the RADIUS Server
Using CC!
>o& can also &se CC' to config&re the ro&ter to access the e3ternal RA.I5S server.
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age 21 of 2(
CCNA Security
Note: If yo& config&red R1 to access the e3ternal RA.I5S server &sing Cisco I4S in %as: 0$ yo& can s:ip this
tas:. If yo& perfor#ed %as: 0 and yo& 2ant to perfor# this tas:$ restore the ro&ter to its basic config&ration as
described %as: 1 of this part$ e3cept log in initially as Rad5ser 2ith the pass2ord Rad5serpass/ If the
RA.I5S server is &navailable at this ti#e$ yo& 2ill still be able to log in to the console.
If yo& do not perfor# this tas:$ read thro&gh the steps to beco#e fa#iliar 2ith the CC' process.
Step ): Impement AAA services and >TT! router access prior to starting CC!/
a. Fro# the C?I global config #ode$ enable a ne2 AAA #odel.
R1(config)# aaa new-model
b. Enable the ;%%' server on R1.
R1(config)# ip http ser"er
c. Add a &ser na#ed admin to the local database.
R1(config)# username admin pri"ilege 1 secret cisco1234
d. ;ave CC' &se the local database to a&thenticate 2eb sessions.
R1(config)# ip http authentication local
Step +: Access CC! and discover R)/
a. Start CC' on 'C1C. In the Aanage .evices 2indo2$ add R1 I' address 12.1*+.1.1 in the first I'
address field. Enter admin in the 5serna#e field$ and cisco)+3,0 in the 'ass2ord field.
b. At the CC' .ashboard$ clic: the Discover b&tton to discover and connect to R0. If discovery fails$
clic: the Discovery Detais b&tton to deter#ine the proble#.
Step 3: Con"igure R) AAA to access the BinRADIUS server/
a. Clic: the Con"igure b&tton at the top of the screen.
b. Choose Router 4 AAA 4 AAA Servers and %roups 4 Servers.
c. In the AAA Servers 2indo2$ clic: Add.
d. In the Add AAA Server 2indo2$ verify that RADIUS is in the Server %ype field.
e. In the Server I' or ;ost field$ enter the I' address of 'C1A$ )9+/)37/)/3.
f. Change the Authori-ation !ort fro# 1*@( to 1+12$ and change the Accounting !ort fro# 1*@* to
1+10 to #atch the RA.I5S server port n&#ber settings.
g. Chec: the Con"igure @ey chec: bo3.
h. Enter BinRadius in both the ,e2 Qey and Confir# Qey fields.
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age 22 of 2(
CCNA Security
i. In the .eliver Config&ration to Ro&ter 2indo2$ clic: Deiver$ and in the Co##ands .elivery Stat&s
2indo2$ clic: '@.
<. 8hat co##and 2as delivered to the ro&terH
Step ,: Con"igure the R) AAA ogin method ist "or RADIUS/
a. Clic: the Con"igure b&tton at the top of the screen.
b. Choose Router 4 AAA 4 Authentication !oicies 4 Login.
c. In the A&thentication ?ogin 2indo2$ clic: Add.
d. In the Select Aethod ?ist-s/ for A&thentication ?ogin 2indo2$ choose group radius and clic: '@.
e. In the Select Aethod ?ist-s/ for A&thentication ?ogin 2indo2$ choose oca as a second #ethod and
clic: '@.
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age 20 of 2(
CCNA Security
f. In the .eliver Config&ration to Ro&ter 2indo2$ clic: Deiver and in the Co##ands .elivery Stat&s
2indo2$ clic: '@.
g. 8hat co##and-s/ 2ere delivered to the ro&terH
Step 0: Test your con"iguration/
a. If yo& restarted the RA.I5S server$ yo& #&st re1create the &ser RadUser 2ith a pass2ord of
RadUserpass by choosing 'peration 4 Add User.
b. Clear the log on the 8inRadi&s server by choosing Log 4 Cear.
c. %est yo&r config&ration by opening a %elnet session fro# 'C1A to R1.
C+> telnet 1,2'16-'1'1
d. At the login pro#pt$ enter the &serna#e RadUser defined on the RA.I5S server and a pass2ord of
8ere yo& able to login to R1H GGGGG
1. 8hy 2o&ld an organi9ation 2ant to &se a centrali9ed a&thentication server rather than config&ring
&sers and pass2ords on each individ&al ro&terH
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age 2@ of 2(
CCNA Security
2. Contrast local a&thentication and local a&thentication 2ith AAA.
0. Mased on the Acade#y online co&rse content$ 2eb research$ and the &se of RA.I5S in this lab$
co#pare and contrast RA.I5S 2ith %ACACS=.
Router Inter"ace Summary Tabe
Router Inter"ace Summary
Ro&ter Aodel Ethernet Interface
Ethernet Interface
Serial Interface
Serial Interface
Fast Ethernet ")"
Fast Ethernet ")1
Serial ")")"
Serial ")")1
Gigabit Ethernet ")"
Gigabit Ethernet ")1
Serial ")")"
Serial ")")1
Fast Ethernet ")"
Fast Ethernet ")1
Serial ")")"
Serial ")")1
Gigabit Ethernet ")"
Gigabit Ethernet ")1
Serial ")")"
Serial ")")1
Note: %o find o&t ho2 the ro&ter is config&red$ loo: at the interfaces to identify the type of ro&ter and
ho2 #any interfaces the ro&ter has. %here is no 2ay to effectively list all the co#binations of
config&rations for each ro&ter class. %his table incl&des identifiers for the possible co#binations of
Ethernet and Serial interfaces in the device. %he table does not incl&de any other type of interface$
even tho&gh a specific ro&ter #ay contain one. An e3a#ple of this #ight be an IS., MRI interface.
%he string in parenthesis is the legal abbreviation that can be &sed in Cisco I4S co##ands to
represent the interface.
All contents are Copyright 12!2"12 Cisco Syste#s$ Inc. All rights reserved. %his doc&#ent is Cisco '&blic Infor#ation. 'age 2( of 2(

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