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Name : Keshia Ezra

Grade : 6

Facing The Giant
In his six years of coaching, Grant Taylor has never had a winning season. Even the hope of
a new season is squelched when the best player on his Shiloh Eagles decides to transfer
schools. After losing their first three games of the season, the coach discovers a group of
fathers are plotting to have him fired. Combined with pressures at home, Coach Taylor has
lost hope in his battle against fear and failure.
After his seventh season begins with a three-game losing streak, the players' fathers start
making noises about replacing him with defensive coordinator Brady Owens. This is not the
only problem Grant is facing. His car is breaking down, and he discovers that he is the
reason that his wife Brooke cannot become pregnant.
Grant Taylor creates a new coaching philosophy and decides to praise God, no matter what
the result. At the same time he guides and urges each one of his players to give the
maximum effort, and motivates them to believe they can win under God's provision. From
that point on, the Eagles lose only one more game for the rest of the season and advance
all the way to the state championship game against the three-time defending champion
Richland Giants. Even though the Eagles have only a third as many players as the Giants,
the Eagles hold their own and ultimately win the game on a 51-yard field goal from a
backup kicker who had never kicked more than a 35-yarder before. Grant's prayers for
children are also answered as Brooke conceives after four years.
Coach Taylor and the Eagles discover how faith plays out on the field and off. With God, all
things are possible!

Dalam enam tahun pembinaan, Grant Taylor tidak pernah memiliki musim
menang. Bahkan harapan musim baru squelched ketika pemain terbaik di nya
Shiloh Eagles memutuskan untuk pindah sekolah. Setelah kehilangan tiga
pertandingan pertama mereka musim ini, pelatih menemukan sekelompok ayah
sedang merencanakan untuk memiliki dia dipecat. Dikombinasikan dengan
tekanan di rumah, Pelatih Taylor telah kehilangan harapan dalam pertempuran
melawan rasa takut dan kegagalan.
Setelah musim ketujuh dimulai dengan tiga kekalahan beruntun, ayah pemain
mulai membuat suara-suara tentang mengganti dia dengan koordinator defensif
Brady Owens. Ini bukan satu-satunya masalah yang dihadapi Hibah. Mobilnya
mogok, dan ia menemukan bahwa ia adalah alasan bahwa istrinya Brooke tidak
bisa menjadi hamil.
Hibah Taylor menciptakan filosofi pembinaan baru dan memutuskan untuk
memuji Tuhan, tidak peduli apa hasilnya. Pada saat yang sama ia membimbing
dan mendorong masing-masing pemainnya untuk memberikan upaya maksimal,
dan memotivasi mereka untuk percaya bahwa mereka bisa menang di bawah
ketentuan Allah. Sejak saat itu, Eagles kehilangan hanya satu pertandingan lebih
untuk sisa musim ini dan memajukan semua jalan ke pertandingan kejuaraan
negara terhadap tiga kali juara bertahan Richland Giants. Meskipun Eagles hanya
sepertiga pemain sebanyak Giants, Eagles menahan mereka sendiri dan akhirnya
memenangkan pertandingan pada tujuan lapangan 51-halaman dari sebuah
kicker cadangan yang belum pernah menendang lebih dari 35-yarder sebelumnya.
Doa Grant untuk anak-anak juga menjawab sebagai Brooke conceives setelah
empat tahun.
Pelatih Taylor dan Eagles menemukan bagaimana iman bermain keluar di
lapangan dan mematikan. Dengan Allah, segala sesuatu mungkin!

Alex Kendrick as Grant Taylor
Shannen Fields as Brooke Taylor
James Blackwell as Matt Prater
Bailey Cave as David Childers
Steve Williams as Larry Childers
Tracy Goode as Brady Owens
Jim McBride as Bobby Lee Duke
Tommy McBride as Jonathan Weston
Jason McLeod as Brock Kelley
Chris Willis as J.T. Hawkins Jr.
Ray Wood as Mr. Bridges
Erin Bethea as Alicia Houston

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