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Version 2.2.

Native Microsoft Outlook Confguration Guide
Copyright 2009-2014 Inverse inc. (
Permission is grante to copy! istri"#te an/or moi$y this oc#ment #ner the terms o$ the
%&' (ree )oc#mentation *icense! +ersion 1.2 or any ,ater version p#",ishe "y the (ree
-o$t.are (o#nation/ .ith no Invariant -ections! no (ront-Cover 0e1ts! an no 2ac3-Cover 0e1ts.
P,ease re$er to,icenses/$,-1.2.t1t $or the $#,, ,icense.
+ersion 2.2.4 5 6ay 2014
Chapter 1 About this Guide 2
Chapter 2 Introduction 3
Chapter 3 Architecture 4
Chapter 4 Requirements 5
*)7P -erver 4
6icroso$t 7ctive )irectory 4
8ther or &o -o,#tion 9
I67P -erver an 0r#st :
Chapter 5 Installation 8
;e <at =nterprise *in#1 v4 an v9 >
)e"ian 9.0 (-?#ee@e) an '"#nt# 12.04 (Precise Pango,in) 9
Chapter 6 Confuration 1!
-8%o ConAg#ration 10
-am"a 4 ConAg#ration 10
8penChange ConAg#ration 11
7pache ConAg#ration $or Be" -ervices 12
&ame -ervice ConAg#ration $or Be" -ervices 1C
Chapter " Addin #sers 14
Chapter 8 $icroso%t &utloo' Confuration 15
Chapter ( )no*n Issues or +imitations 16
C#rrent *imitations 19
Chapter 1! Additional In%ormation 18
Chapter 11 Commercial ,upport and Contact In%ormation 1(
Chapter 1
1 About this Guide
0his g#ie .i,, .a,3 yo# thro#gh the insta,,ation an conAg#ration o$ the native 6icroso$t
8#t,oo3 compati"i,ity ,ayer -8%o o$$ers.
Prior going over this g#ie! yo# sho#, have a .or3ing -8%o insta,,ation. P,ease re$er to the
SOGo Installation and Confguration Guide $or more in$ormation on insta,,ing an conAg#ring
0his g#ie a,so inc,#es instr#ctions $or conAg#ring 6icroso$t 8#t,oo3 .ith -8%o.
0he instr#ctions are "ase on version 2.2.4 o$ -8%o.
0he ,atest version o$ this g#ie is avai,a",e at
2009-2014 Inverse inc. 7"o#t this %#ie 2
Chapter 2
2 Introduction
-8%o is a $ree an moern sca,a",e gro#p.are server. It o$$ers share ca,enars! aress "oo3s!
an emai,s thro#gh yo#r $avo#rite Be" "ro.ser an "y #sing a native c,ient s#ch as 6o@i,,a
0h#ner"ir an *ightning.
-8%o is stanar-comp,iant. It s#pports Ca,)7+! Car)7+! %ro#p)7+! i6IP an i0IP an
re#ses e1isting I67P! -60P an ata"ase servers D ma3ing the so,#tion easy to ep,oy an
interopera",e .ith many app,ications.
-8%o $eat#res:
-ca,a",e architect#re s#ita",e $or ep,oyments $rom o@en to many tho#san #sers
;ich Be"-"ase inter$ace that shares the ,oo3 an $ee,! the $eat#res an the ata o$ 6o@i,,a
0h#ner"ir an *ightning
Improve integration .ith 6o@i,,a 0h#ner"ir an *ightning "y #sing the -8%o Connector
an the -8%o Integrator
&ative compati"i,ity $or 6icroso$t 8#t,oo3 200C! 200:! 2010! an 201C
0.o-.ay synchroni@ation s#pport .ith any 6icroso$t 7ctive-ync-capa",e evice! an 8#t,oo3
-8%o is eve,ope "y a comm#nity o$ eve,opers ,ocate main,y in &orth 7merica an
=#rope. 6ore in$ormation can "e $o#n on http://....sogo.n#
2009-2014 Inverse inc. Intro#ction C
Chapter C
3 Architecture
0he $o,, iagram emonstrates the architect#re o$ the native 8#t,oo3 compati"i,ity ,ayer
o$ -8%o.
Bith -am"a 4 an 8penChange! 6icroso$t 8#t,oo3 c,ients can comm#nicate native,y .ith
-8%o #sing the 6icroso$t =1change protoco,! .itho#t re?#iring cost,y an har-to-maintain
thir-party 67PI connectors $or 6icroso$t 8#t,oo3.
2009-2014 Inverse inc. 7rchitect#re 4
Chapter 4
4 Requirements
8rgani@ations genera,,y have so,#tions to a#thenticate #sers s#ch as *)7P servers or 6icroso$t
7ctive )irectory servers.
0he so,#tion "eing #se .i,, inE#ence ho. #sers are provisione in -am"a 4! a 3ey component
$or native 8#t,oo3 compati"i,ity in -8%o.
LDAP Serer
I$ yo#r organi@ation #ses a *)7P server s#ch 8pen*)7P! &ove,, e)irectory! 7pache )irectory
or any other so,#tion! yo# m#st #se -am"a 4Fs interna, irectory server an synchroni@e the
ata "et.een "oth.
-ynchroni@ation scripts are not provie an #n,ess yo# have c,ear-te1t pass.ors o$ yo#r
e1isting #sers! they .i,, have to "e change #ring yo#r initia, synchroni@ation so that yo#r
*)7PFs server pass.ors are ientica, to the ones $rom -am"a 4.
7ny moiAcations to yo#r e1isting *)7P server (pass.or change! #ser aition or e,etion!
etc.) .i,, have to "e rep,icate to -am"a 4Fs interna, irectory server.
&ote that i$ yo# insta,, -am"a 4 on a server that is a,reay r#nning a *)7P service! yo# .i,,
have to change to 0CP port on .hich yo#r *)7P server ,istens to. -am"a 4 .i,, #se the 0CP port
C>9 an it canFt "e change.
(or e1amp,e! .ith 8pen*)7P! yo# can #se the -h parameter $or slapd to ma3e it ,isten on an
other 0CP port.
!icroso"t Actie Director#
I$ yo#r organi@ation #ses 6icroso$t 7ctive )irectory! -am"a 4 .i,, nee to "e Goine to yo#r
7ctive )irectory omain! as a )C.
-am"a 4 .i,, "e a",e to re#se a,, the in$ormation containe in 6icroso$t 7ctive )irectory an
no synchroni@ation process nees to "e p#t in p,ace as in$ormation .i,, get rep,icate to
-am"a 4 a#tomatica,,y.
(or more in$ormation on Goining -am"a 4 to an e1isting 6icroso$t 7ctive )irectory omain!
2009-2014 Inverse inc. ;e?#irements 4
Chapter 4
p,ease re$er to the -am"a 4 oc#mentation avai,a",e at the $o,, ';*:
6ore speciAca,,y! have a ,oo3 at the Hsamba-tool domain joinI comman. &ote that Goining
-am"a 4 to yo#r 7ctive )irectory omain as a mem"er .i,, c#rrent,y not .or3. 7n
a#thentication "#g is present in -am"a 4 .hich then prevents a,, 8#t,oo3 #sers to s#ccess$#,,y
a#thenticate thro#gh -am"a 4. 0his iss#e has "een reporte to the -am"a team an is "eing
.or3e on.
$ther or %o So&ution
I$ yo#r organi@ation neither #ses a *)7P server or 6icroso$t 7ctive )irectory! yo# can start
#sing -am"a 4 as yo#r irectory server.
-am"a 4Fs irectory can "e ?#erie over *)7P G#st ,i3e 6icroso$t 7ctive )irectory an can a,so
serve as a omain contro,,er $or Bino.s-"ase environments.
(or e1amp,e! -8%o can very .e,, #se -am"a 4Fs "#i,t-in irectory server to a#thenticate #sers.
7 -8%o'ser-o#rces entry to achieve this .o, ,oo3 ,i3e this:
su sogo
defaults write sogod SOGoUserSources '(
C!ieldame " displa#ame$
%&!ieldame " cn$
U%&!ieldame " s'('ccountame$
base& " )cn"Users*dc"e+ample*dc"com)$
bind& " )cn"'dministrator*cn"Users*dc"e+ample*dc"com)$
bind!ields " (
bind-assword " )./OpenChange)$
can'uthenticate " 01S$
displa#ame " )Shared 'ddresses)$
hostname " )/2345454/)$
id " samba$
is'ddress6oo7 " 01S$
port " 89:$
P,ease re$er to the SOGo Installation and Confguration Guide $or more in$ormation regaring
2009-2014 Inverse inc. ;e?#irements 9
Chapter 4
I!AP Serer 'nd (rust
7n I67P server s#pporting the 7C*! 'I)P*'- an J;=-K&C I67P e1tensions is re?#ire!
s#ch as Cyr#s I67P version 2.4 or ,ater! or )ovecot version 2.1 or ,ater. I$ yo#r c#rrent I67P
server oes not s#pport these e1tensions! yo# can #se )ovecotFs pro1ying capa"i,ities. 0he
$o,,o. conAg#ration e1amp,e ma3es )ovecot pro1y a,, I67P re?#est to an e1isting server:
auth<mechanisms " plain login
imapc<host " in=erse4ca
imapc<port " ::8
imapc<ssl " imaps
imapc<ssl<=erif# " no
mail<gid " imappro+#
mail<home " >home>imappro+#>.u
mail<location " imapc?@>imapc
mail<uid " imappro+#
passdb {
args " host"in=erse4ca ssl"imaps port"::8 ssl<ca<dir">etc>p7i>tls>certs
default<fields " userdb<imapc<user".u userdb<imapc<password".w
dri=er " imap
protocols " imap
ssl " no
userdb {
dri=er " prefetch
-8%o .o#, then "e conAg#re to #se )ovecotFs pro1y as the I67P server.
6oreover! the a#thentication moe in #se "y Bino.s .ith -am"a an =1change servers
prevent the "ac3en $rom the rea, pass.or "eing #se "y the #ser. 0his imp,ies that
the I67P server m#st accept any pass.ors $rom the host on .hich -am"a is r#nning.
0o accomp,ish this .ith Cyr#s I67P -erver! set Hsasl<pwchec7<methodI to Halwa#strueI in
>etc>imapd4conf. Ko# sho#, restrain this to an imapd instance eicate to -8%o.
(or )ovecot! #se an a#thentication so#rce simi,ar to:
passdb {
dri=er " static
args " nopassword"# allow<nets"/2345454/>82
Ko# sho#, a,so ma3e s#re that yo# restrain this on,y to the -8%o processes.
(or any other I67P server! re$er to the pro#ctFs oc#mentation. I$ s#ch capa"i,ity is not
o$$ere! yo# can a,ternative,y eAne the c,earte1t pass.or $or each #ser. P,ease re$er to the
Adding Users section $rom this oc#ment.
2009-2014 Inverse inc. ;e?#irements :
Chapter 4
5 Inst'&&'tion
0his section .i,, g#ie yo# thro#gh the insta,,ation o$ the native 6icroso$t 8#t,oo3
compati"i,ity ,ayer -8%o o$$ers.
Red )'t *nter+rise Linu, 5 'nd -
I$ yo# are #sing ;e <at =nterprise *in#1 (or Cent8-) version 4 or version 9! pac3ages $or
-am"a 4! 8penChange an -8%o an the -8%o 8penChange "ac3en are avai,a",e $rom
-8%oFs .e" site. P,ease $o,,o. the instr#ctions $rom
http://....sogo.n#/eng,ish/o.n,oas/"ac3en.htm, .
In orer to satis$y certain epenencies! yo# sho#, a,so a the =P=* so#rce corresponing to
yo#r istri"#tion an architect#re. 6ore in$ormation on this is avai,a",e here:
http://$* 5 or more speciAca,,y!
8nce reay! insta,, the 8penChange pac3ages on top o$ an e1isting -8%o insta,,ation:
#um clean all AA #um ma7ecache
#um install sambaB C
openchange C
sogo-openchange-bac7end C
openchange-ocsmanager C
8nce the pac3ages are insta,,e! re$er to the Confguration chapter $rom this g#ie.
2009-2014 Inverse inc. Insta,,ation >
Chapter 4
Debi'n -.. /Squee0e1 'nd 2buntu 12..4 /Precise
-am"a 4! 8penChange! -8%o an the -8%o 8penChange "ac3en are no. avai,a",e $rom
-8%oFs .e" site. P,ease $o,,o. the instr#ctions $rom
http://....sogo.n#/eng,ish/o.n,oas/"ac3en.htm, to set#p yo#r apt so#rces.
)e"ian -?#ee@e ships an o,er version o$ some ,i"raries re?#ire "y -am"a 4. In orer to
.or3aro#n this! #sers o$ this istri"#tion .i,, have to #se the Hs?#ee@e-"ac3portsI repository.
0o o so! create >etc>apt>sources4list4d>bac7ports4list:
deb http?>>bac7ports4debian4org>debian-bac7ports sDueeEe-bac7ports main
0hen insta,, the epenencies on )e"ian -?#ee@e! o:
apt-get update
apt-get install -t sDueeEe-bac7ports libwbclient-de= samba-common smbclient
libsmbclient libsmbclient-de=
8nce reay! insta,, the sambaB pac3age on top o$ an e1isting -8%o insta,,ation:
apt-get update
apt-get install sambaB
0he c#rrent post insta,,ation script shippe .ith the -am"a 4 pac3age is $ar $rom per$ect an
might $ai, even on a $resh insta,,. 0he $o,, comman is neee to ,et p3g 3no. that
everything is Ane a"o#t -am"a 4 i$ the post insta,, script $ai,s.
sed --in-place '$ s>-ac7age? sambaBCnStatus? install o7 half-
configured>-ac7age? sambaBCnStatus? install o7 installed>$'
8nce comp,ete! insta,, the pac3ages re,ate to 8penChange an the -8%o provier:
apt-get install openchangeser=er C
sogo-openchange C
openchangepro+# C
openchange-ocsmanager C
8nce the pac3ages are insta,,e! re$er to the Confguration chapter $rom this g#ie.
2009-2014 Inverse inc. Insta,,ation 9
Chapter 9
- Con43ur'tion
In this section! yo#F,, ,earn ho. to conAg#re the native 6icroso$t 8#t,oo3 compati"i,ity ,ayer
that -8%o o$$ers.
S$Go Con43ur'tion
(irst thing to o is to conAg#re -8%o to #se yo#r c#rrent services! .hich are yo#r I67P! -60P
an -J* ata"ase servers. 0he conAg#ration instr#ctions $or this are avai,a",e in the SOGo
Installation and Confguration Guide avai,a",e $rom http://....sogo.n#
P,ease re$er to that oc#mentation "e$ore contin#ing .ith the instr#ctions inc,#e in this
S'mb' 4 Con43ur'tion
;#n the $o,, commans as root:
samba-tool domain pro=ision --realm"e+ample4com C
--domain"O-1CF'G1 C
--adminpass"'./OpenChange' C
--ser=er-role"'domain controller'
samba-tool user sete+pir# administrator --noe+pir#
Ko# might consier changing the rea,m an omain #se! to s#it yo#r enviroment.
Ko# might a,so have to remove >etc>sambaB>smb4conf (or >etc>samba>smb4conf on
)e"ian-"ase istri"#tions) prior r#nning this comman.
7 the $o,, parameters to the GglobalH section o$ the >etc>sambaB>smb4conf
(>etc>samba>smb4conf i$ yo# #se a )e"ian-"ase istri"#tion) conAg#ration A,e:
III Configuration reDuired b# OpenChange ser=er III
dcerpc endpoint ser=ers " Jepmapper* Jmapipro+#
dcerpc<mapipro+#?ser=er " true
dcerpc<mapipro+#?interfaces " e+change<emsmdb* e+change<nsp* e+change<ds<rfr
III Configuration reDuired b# OpenChange ser=er III
2009-2014 Inverse inc. ConAg#ration 10
Chapter 9
Ko#r -am"a 4 conAg#ration A,e sho#, ,oo3 ,i3e this:
I Global parameters
ser=er role " acti=e director# domain controller
wor7group " 1K'(-L1
realm " e+ample4com
netbios name " sogo
passdb bac7end " sambaB
III Configuration reDuired b# OpenChange ser=er III
dcerpc endpoint ser=ers " Jepmapper* Jmapipro+#
dcerpc<mapipro+#?ser=er " true
dcerpc<mapipro+#?interfaces " e+change<emsmdb* e+change<nsp*
III Configuration reDuired b# OpenChange ser=er III
path " >=ar>lib>samba>s#s=ol>e+ample4com>scripts
read onl# " o
path " >=ar>lib>samba>s#s=ol
read onl# " o
$+enCh'n3e Con43ur'tion
0he -am"a 7) schema nees to "e A,,e .ith aitiona, o"Gect eAnitions "y r#nning the
$o,, commans:
OM1? Mhis operation can ta7e se=eral minutes
GJH Step /? Negister 1+change O%&s
GJH Step 2? 'dd 1+change attributes to Samba schema
GJH Step 8? 'dd 1+change au+iliar# classes to Samba schema
GJH Step B? 'dd 1+change objectCategor# to Samba schema
GJH Step O? 'dd 1+change containers to Samba schema
GJH Step P? 'dd 1+change QsubQ containers to Samba schema
GJH Step 3? 'dd 1+change Cfg-rotocol subcontainers to Samba schema
GJH Step 9? 'dd 1+change mailGatewa# subcontainers to Samba schema
GJH Step :? 'dd 1+change classes to Samba schema
GJH Step /5? 'dd possSuperior attributes to 1+change classes
GJH Step //? 1+tend e+isting Samba classes and attributes
GJH Step /2? 1+change Samba with 1+change configuration objects
Ko# can sa$e,y ignore the H1NNON? no subClassOf 'ser=ice'dministration-oint' for
'rN'S'dministrationConnection-oint'I message .hen r#nning the
2009-2014 Inverse inc. ConAg#ration 11
Chapter 9
openchange<pro=ision comman.
Provision the 8penChange ata"ase:
openchange<pro=ision --openchangedb
Setting up openchange db
GJH -ublic !olders
Q -ublic !older Noot 5+5/5555555555555/
Q %-(<SU6MN11 5+525555555555555/
Q O<%-(<SU6MN11 5+585555555555555/
Q 1!ON(S N1G%SMN0 5+5B5555555555555/
Q O!!L%1 '&&N1SS 6OOS 5+5O5555555555555/
Q >o"!irst OrganiEation>cn"addrlists>cn"oabs>cn"&efault Offline
'ddress 6oo7 5+5P5555555555555/
Q SCF1&UL1J !N11 6US0 5+535555555555555/
Q 1K?>o"!irst OrganiEation>ou"1+change 'dministrati=e Group (U6UMU-
OC, 5+595555555555555/
Q 1=ents Noot 5+5:5555555555555/
8n ;<=*! ma3e s#re -=*in#1 is isa",e:
setenforce 5
&e1t! yo# can start -am"a #sing the #s#a, comman :
>etc>init4d>sambaB start
Ko# can a,so ,a#nch the 8penChange .e" services:
>etc>init4d>openchange-ocsmanager start
A+'che Con43ur'tion "or 5eb Serices
0he 8penChange .e" services consist o$ t.o components:
1. OCS Manager .hich is #se $or a#toiscovery an $ree"#sy ,oo3#ps on 8#t,oo3 200:
an 2010. 0his service r#ns in its o.n app,ication server .hich ,istens on
12:.0.0.1:4000 "y e$a#,t. 7pache nees to "e conAg#re to $ certain re?#ests
to it to ma3e it accessi",e $rom the o#tsie.
&ote that this service MUST "e accessi",e over HTTPS! other.ise 8#t,oo3 .onFt #se it.
2. RPC Proxy .hich is #se $or ;PC over <00P (H8#t,oo3 7ny.hereI)
0his service r#ns as a B-%I app,ication #ner apache (moM.sgi).
Bhi,e <00P- is not re?#ire to access this service! it is strong,y recommene.
8n ;<=*-"ase istri"#tions! the apache conAg#ration re?#ire "y these services can "e $o#n
2009-2014 Inverse inc. ConAg#ration 12
Chapter 9
in >etc>httpd>conf4d>ocsmanager4conf an >etc>httpd>conf4d>rpcpro+#4conf4
(or )e"ian-"ase istri"#tions! these A,es can "e $o#n in >etc>apache2>conf4d>.
0he conAg#ration re?#ires three 7pache mo#,es: mod_prox! mod_prox_!ttp an mod_"sgi.
0hese are #s#a,,y a,reay insta,,e "#t might nee to "e activate on )e"ian-"ase
a2enmod pro+# pro+#<http wsgi
8n ;<=*-"ase istri"#tions! ma3e s#re the Load(odule irective is #ncommente in
>etc>httpd>conf4d>wsgi4conf (or p#thon2P-mod<wsgi4conf on ;<=*v4).
0he re#timeout apache mo#,e is 3no.n to ca#se pro",ems .hen #sing the e$a#,t
conAg#ration shippe .ith )e"ian-"ase systems. 8n s#ch istri"#tions! apache .i,, c,ose
(<00P/1.1 400) any <00P re?#est $or .hich the <00P "oy hasnFt arrive in 10 secons.
Bhi,e this is arg#a",y goo practice .ith reg#,ar <00P! it .i,, isr#pt the ;PC over <00P
protoco, imp,emente "y ;PC Pro1y: 8#t,oo3 .i,, contin#o#s,y isconnect an reconnect
,eaing to s#"optima, per$ormance.
0o avoi this pro",em! #se a m#ch higher timeo#t or isa",e the mo#,e:
a2dismod reDtimeout
Ko# sho#, no. restart the 7pache service an ma3e s#re it .i,, start on "oot. 8n ;<=*-"ase
istri"#tions! o:
ch7config httpd on AA >etc>init4d>httpd restart
8n )e"ian-"ase istri"#tions! o:
update-rc4d apache2 defaults AA >etc>init4d>apache2 restart
%'me Serice Con43ur'tion "or 5eb Serices
0he a#toiscovery service m#st "e mae accessi",e in orer to avertise the .e" services
provie "y 8penChange. 0his can "e one in t.o .ays.
1. 0he Arst is to associate the (J)& autodisco=er4e+ample4com .ith the machine that
hosts -am"a 4 / 8penChange! "y aing a C'(1 entry in yo#r )&- conAg#ration.
&ote that! instea or changing yo#r )&- server conAg#ration! yo# can simp,y a a
simi,ar entry to the HhostsI A,e o$ the Bino.s machine $rom .here yo#F,, r#n
8#t,oo3! .hich is hany $or testing p#rposes.
2. 0he secon option is to a a SNT entry to yo#r )&- conAg#ration .here the
HMserviceI va,#e .o#, "e H7#toiscoverI an the HMprotoco,I .o#, "e HMtcpI.
(or e1amp,e:
<autodisco=er4<tcp4e+ample4com4 % SNT 5 5 BB8 sogo4e+ample4com4
7gain! the a#toiscovery service m#st "e accessi",e over <00P-.
2009-2014 Inverse inc. ConAg#ration 1C
Chapter :
6 Addin3 2sers
'sers that .ish to connect native,y to -8%o m#st "e provisione in -am"a 4 an in
8penChange 5 even i$ they a,reay e1ist in yo#r c#rrent *)7P or 6icroso$t 7ctive )irectory
0o a a #ser! e1ec#te the $o,, commans:
I add user to samba
samba-tool domain passwordsettings set --comple+it#"off
samba-tool domain passwordsettings set --min-pwd-length"/
samba-tool user add UusernameV
samba-tool user sete+pir# UusernameV --noe+pir#
I create user in openchange
openchange<newuser --create UusernameV
I$ yo# onFt have a tr#st "et.een yo#r I67P server an -8%o! yo# m#st at this point set the
c,earte1t pass.or o$ the ne.,y create #ser in
>=ar>lib>sambaB>pri=ate>mapistore>Uusername>password (or
>=ar>lib>samba>pri=ate>mapistore>Uusername>password on )e"ian-"ase istri"#tions).
0his per-#ser A,e contains the c,earte1t pass.or o$ the #ser as a '0(-> string! on a sing,e ,ine.
0his pass.or .i,, "e #se to a#thenticate -8%o/8penChange storage provier to yo#r I67P
2009-2014 Inverse inc. 7ing 'sers 14
Chapter >
7 !icroso"t $ut&oo8 Con43ur'tion
0o connect 6icroso$t 8#t,oo3! yo# can either #se the IP aress o$ the server or its )&- name.
I$ yo# pre$er #sing the )&- name! a an entry ,i3e the $o,, to the
c?CwindowsCs#stem82Cdri=ersCetcChosts A,e in orer to associate the IP aress .ith the
right )&- names:
/:24/P94/4/ sogo4e+ample4com autodisco=er4e+ample4com
&e1t! yo# m#st conAg#re 6icroso$t 8#t,oo3.
8pen the Contro, Pane, NO 6ai, NO =mai, 7cco#nts.
-e,ect Add a ne" e$mail account
Choose Microsoft %xc!ange Server
(i,, the re?#ire in$ormation. =nter the )&- name or the IP aress o$ yo#r -8%o server in the
Microsoft %xc!ange Server Ae,
*eave the Use Cac!ed %xc!ange Mode chec3"o1 ena",e
=nter yo#r #sername in the User Name Ae,
C,ic3 on More Settings an ignore the .arning! i$ any! a"o#t =1change "eing o$Eine "y c,ic3ing
on Cancel
(rom the Securit ta"! ena",e Al"as prompt for user name and pass"ord
(rom the Connection ta"! ena",e HOutlook An"!ereI i$ yo# p,an to #se 8#t,oo3 o#tsie o$
yo#r *7&. 6oreover! c,ic3 on the %xc!ange &rox Settings''' "#tton to ena",e it $or s,o. an
$ast net.or3s. -peci$y a,so the host! .hich sho#, "e the same va,#e yo# speciAe in the
Microsoft %xc!ange Server Ae,
(ina,,y! c,ic3 on C!eck Name an conArm yo#r #sername an pass.or
-tart 6icroso$t 8#t,oo3 an enter yo#r #sername an pass.or. It sho#, .i,, start to
synchroni@e yo#r mai,"o1. 0his co#, ta3e a ,ong time i$ yo# have many emai,s! events! tas3s
an contacts. 8nce this step is comp,ete! chec3 the a#toiscovery service .ith 8#t,oo3 200:
or 2010 "y sim#,taneo#s,y ho,ing the C0;* 3ey on yo#r 3ey"oar an right-c,ic3ing on the
8#t,oo3 icon in the notiAcation too,"ar. 7 specia, entry name H0est =-mai,
7#toConAg#ration...I .i,, appear an .i,, ena",e yo# to chec3 the service.
2009-2014 Inverse inc. 14
Chapter 9
9 :no;n Issues or Limit'tions
6a3e s#re yo# perioica,,y "ac3#p a,, yo#r ata regaring -8%o.
6a3e s#re yo# have no Are.a,,s activate "et.een yo#r 6icroso$t 8#t,oo3 c,ients an the
-8%o server .ith &ative 8#t,oo3 Compati"i,ity mo#,e.
I$ yo# o! #se H8#t,oo3 7ny.hereI to connect 8#t,oo3 to -8%o/8penChange.
Current Limit'tions
0he c#rrent version o$ the &ative 6icroso$t 8#t,oo3 compati"i,ity ,ayer has some ,imitations.
0hose ,imitations .i,, "e overcome in the #pcoming re,eases. I$ yo# are intereste in having
those ,imitations A1e more rapi,y! p,ease contact Inverse "y sening an emai, to
I$ yo# canFt see any emai,Fs content .ith 6icroso$t 8#t,oo3 200:! insta,, the ,atest -ervice Pac3
avai,a",e $rom 6icroso$tFs .e"site $or this speciAc version. 6icroso$t 8#t,oo3 200:
(12.0.942C.100) -P2 6-8 (12.0.9424.1000) is 3no.n to .or3.
Bhen yo# create a ne. 6icroso$t 8#t,oo3 proA,e! not a,, $o,ers might "e synchroni@e
#ring the Arst start. -imp,y se,ect the appropriate $o,er an c,ic3 H-en an ;eceiveI.
-ynchroni@ing a $o,er may ta3e some time. (or e1amp,e! a $o,er .ith 1000 emai, messages
might ta3e aro#n 4 min#tes "ase on the #ner,ying har.are.
=rrors .hen synchroni@ing the H8$Eine 7ress 2oo3I are norma, an can "e ignore $or no..
0his $eat#re is c#rrent,y not s#pporte.
I$ yo# $ace strange iss#es $rom 6icroso$t 8#t,oo3! yo# might .ant to remove any ata
associate .ith the #ser $rom the -8%o server an recreate a 6icroso$t 8#t,oo3 proA,e.
0o remove any ata associate to a #ser! #se the openchange<user<cleanup script istri"#te
.ith -8%o. 0he script can "e $o#n in >usr>share>doc>sogo> (>usr>share>sogo-
T1NS%O> on ;<=*).
0o reset a #ser! r#n the script as root: p#thon openchange<user<cleanup username
-ee the #sage o#tp#t $or aitiona, options.
0he H8#t o$ 8$Ace 7ssistantI .i,, not c#rrent,y .or3. 0his $eat#re has not "een imp,emente.
Creating $o,ers "e,o. I&28Q (.hen not norma,,y permitte "y the I67P server)! "e,o. the
2009-2014 Inverse inc. Rno.n Iss#es or *imitations 19
Chapter 9
Persona, Ca,enar or Persona, 7ress 2oo3 .i,, .or3 in 8#t,oo3 cache moe "#t the server-
sie operation .i,, $ai, an these $o,ers .i,, never "e create. Potentia,,y ata ,oss can occ#r i$
the 8#t,oo3 proA,e is estroye. I$ yo# .an to create aitiona, top-,eve, mai, $o,ers!
ca,enars or aress "oo3s! open 8#t,oo3Fs $o,er ,ist! se,ect the top ,eve, noe (#s#a,,y!
Hemai,Pe1amp,e.comI) an choose H&e. (o,er...I $rom the conte1t#a, men#. Choose the
re,evant item types.
-haring mai, $o,ers is not s#pporte.
0o avoi possi",y ,ossy conversion $rom ;0( to <06*! 8#t,oo3 sho#, "e conAg#re to sen
a,, mai,s as <06* (or p,ainte1t) instea o$ Outlook (ic! )ext *ormat.
*a"e,s .i,, not .or3.
It might "e impossi",e to vie. event etai,s $rom a share ca,enar. 0his iss#e is "eing .or3e
0as3s .ith start/#e ates create $rom 8#t,oo3 might not appear correct,y in -8%o #e to a
time@one iss#e.
;eminers are not yet s#pporte.
7ssigning tas3s .i,, not .or3.
Categories .i,, not .or3.
)istri"#tion ,ists .i,, not .or3.
'ner 6icroso$t 8#t,oo3 2010! the specia, $o,er H-#ggeste ContactsI .i,, not .or3.
0he H8$Eine 7ress 2oo3I .i,, not .or3. 0his $eat#re is not yet s#pporte.
&otes are not synchroni@e in any .ays .ith -8%o. 0he c#rrent version o$ -8%o ,ac3s s#pport
$or notes.
I$ yo# notice anything e,se! p,ease sen contact Inverse "y sening an emai, to
2009-2014 Inverse inc. Rno.n Iss#es or *imitations 1:
Chapter 10
1. Addition'& In"orm'tion
(or more in$ormation! p,ease cons#,t the on,ine (7Js ((re?#ent,y 7s3e J#estions):
Ko# can a,so rea the mai,ing archives or post yo#r ?#estions to it. (or etai,s! see:,ists
2009-2014 Inverse inc. 7itiona, In$ormation 1>
Chapter 11
11 Commerci'& Su++ort 'nd Cont'ct
(or any ?#estions or comments! o not hesitate to contact #s "y .riting an emai, to:
Inverse ( o$$ers pro$essiona, services aro#n -8%o to he,p organi@ations ep,oy
the so,#tion an migrate $rom their ,egacy systems.
2009-2014 Inverse inc. Commercia, -#pport an Contact In$ormation 19

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