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Tuba Celik Mayadagli

Professor Natasha Wright
SOC 101 03
October 22, 2014

TV Media and Reality: An Observation
Television broadcasting maintains in a parallel structure with the rhythm of the daily life.
The groups who were hard-pressed under the pressure of the modern world see television
programs as the factors of escaping. The individuals who wonder the events occurring out of his
life circle show great interest to television serials as a storytelling tool. The audience who is
captivated by the effect of the fictitious world of television serials is highly affected by the
themes of such productions and their heroes like being a Turkish show that is called The
Magnificent Century. Most of the audiences fail in distinguishing the line between fiction and
reality and are drifted to the field of para social interaction. The audiences who are hot on the
heroes of the serials they are hooked on, wear and talk like them may confuse the real world and
scenario world.
The Magnificent Century is the story of Ottoman Empire. The 13th century required a
powerful king and inspirational leader, Suleiman was either. His life was filled with passion, and
the hope of a powerful Ottoman Empire. In this TV show, male characters were warrior, and
female characters were Sultana or slave. All slaves needed to be educated. The women were
trained. They could read, paint, write and play many instruments. Every woman was not
presented to the sultan. Only the most beautiful women were presented. If they had a son or sons,
the sons were educated by their mothers. In this situation, Harem is a so competitive place for
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women and sons. Their ethnicities were diverse. They were about twenty years old. Generally,
many slaves who were beautiful body lines were selected for Sultana Suleiman. Their dresses
were very well designed, but they were not authentic Ottoman costumes. People wore claret, red,
green, black, dark blue and light pink caftans in the Ottoman palaces. These caftans were not
scoop-necked, and their waists were not tight. They wore baggy trousers under their caftans.
Hereke fabric was very famous, and was embroidered with silk and gold. What we see on the TV
series is closer to French fashion of that time. They wore dazzling jewelry throughout the show.
The most popular jewelry was Hurrems (Sultans wife) ring.
This show effects on humans behavior. They turned their back on Ottoman dress,
lifestyles, religion. People in everywhere started wearing flamboyant fabric dressings. Also,
shopping malls changed their dcors. Their new styles were like Ottoman palace which was
shown in Magnificent Century. Moreover, Hurrem's emerald and diamond ring has become a
bestselling item all over Turkey, from genuine jewels in an expensive jewelry boutique to a
cheaper version on a market stall. This diamond ring was the most popular item for the women.
The media does distort images of real people. In most T.V shows, the characters are
usually attractive people no matter whether they are poor, middle class or rich. In the T.V. show
The Magnificent Century, one of the characters is between poor and middle class, but is able to
still have a fit body with what seems to be nice clothing. This differs from real people, because if
someone in society is around the poor and middle class they usually arent the healthiest people
and arent able to afford the nicest clothes. Also, the media also does influence us with our sense
of reality. In reality, Suleiman spent a lot of time to conquer new places. However, in this T.V
show, Suleiman were shown us as a Sultan who spends a lot of time in his Harem with his slaves
or wives. So, our sense of reality is also greatly affected by this show. In reality, although he is a
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successful warrior, a lot of different cultures, religion and other countries do not have the
greatest view for Suleiman character. They think that he spent his time with their wives in Harem
with this show The Magnificent Century.

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