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4113 Sevlervllle lke ! knoxvllle, 1n 37920 ! hone: (731) 334-7689 ! L-Mall: maLLhewevereLL[
1o achleve admlsslon lnLo Lhe unlverslLy of 1ennessee College of veLerlnary Medlclne.
01*2 (34%*/%5.%

unlverslLy of 1ennessee
veLerlnary Medlcal CenLer !"#"$%&'$( *++%+#'&# CC1 2010 - 8LSLn1

Manage cllenL schedullng, appolnLmenL workflow, and bllllng.
rocess cllenL communlcaLlons, orders, and dlscharges.
CoordlnaLe wlLh dlfferenL servlces wlLhln Lhe hosplLal Lo work wlLh lnLegraLlve Medlclne paLlenLs.
CommunlcaLe wlLh referrlng veLerlnarlans.
8ocky Plll Anlmal PosplLal !"#"$%&'$( *++%+#'&# SL 2010 - A8 2012
CollecLed and processed laboraLory samples.
AsslsLed wlLh surgery, recovery, dally LreaLmenLs, and admlnlsLerlng and dlspenslng of medlcaLlons.
LducaLed cllenLs abouL prevenLaLlve medlcaLlons for hearLworms, lnLernal and exLernal paraslLes.
erformed kennel Lechnlclan duLles on weekends.
A1&1 ,"#'%- .'-"+ /0&+1-#'&# SL 2008 - lL8 2010
ueLermlned Lhe needs of cusLomers and placed Lhem wlLh Lhe correcL devlce, plan, and servlces.
rovlded servlce and supporL for a varleLy of A1&1 home and wlreless servlces.
8elaLed a producL and lLs ablllLles Lo everyday slLuaLlons of cusLomers Lo bulld value.
ueveloped relaLlonshlps wlLh cusLomers and provlded compeLenL, rellable asslsLance wlLh problems.
volce & uaLa SoluLlons, lnc. /2%"3 45"$'#%&6 433%7"$ lL8 2006 - MA? 2008
MonlLored day-Lo-day operaLlons of 4 Lo 8 A1&1 auLhorlzed reLaller locaLlons.
8esponslble for Lhe seLup and upkeep of Lhe enLlre polnL of sale sysLem used ln all locaLlons.
ScouLed new locaLlons and supervlsed remodellng and bulld-ouLs.
SeL, dlsLrlbuLed, and enforced sales performance sLandards.
Cversaw commlsslon reconclllaLlon and commlsslon dlsLrlbuLlon for all employees.
CreaLed lnvenLory Lracklng sLandards and complled accessory and phone orders for all locaLlons.
labrlcaLed adverLlsemenLs for newspaper, radlo, and ln-sLore publlshlng.
roduced company sales reporLs and sLaLlsLlcs.


1he unlverslLy of 1ennessee 8'72"-0$ 03 .7%"&7"9 :1#$%#%0&, CA 3.72 MA? 2013

81975#%%* (34%*/%5.%
ShooLlng for Women Alllance MA? 2012 - 8LSLn1
AsslsL lnsLrucLors ln Lralnlng women and men ln Lhe use of flrearms for personal proLecLlon.
Serve as range safeLy offlcer.
luncLlon as a procLor for LesLlng.

nuLrlLlon LducaLlon AcLlvlLy 1ralnlng (nLA1) LducaLor AuC 2014 - 8LSLn1
LducaLe chlldren abouL Lhe beneflLs of maklng cholces Lo eaL healLhy and lead acLlve llves.
CollecL daLa before and afLer program Lo LesL knowledge and changes ln behavlor.

:2/99; < =%*#/>/."#/15;

roflclenL ln all sLandard MlcrosofL Cfflce programs (lncludes: Lxcel, CuLlook, owerolnL, and Word).
wlLh MlcrosofL x, MlcrosofL vlsLa, and Apple Mac CS x.
LxLenslve experlence wlLh polnL of sale compuLer sysLems.
ServSafe CerLlfled 2013


Avallable upon requesL.

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