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SmartTV Keymapper
Android application (Summary)
DOCUMENT ID SmartTVKeymapper-101
AUTHOR Jiang Tao
SOURCE SmartTVKeymapper-101.docx
KEYWORDS Android; Keymapper; SmartTV; Gesture Control

Version Date Prepared by Change
1 2012-7-16 Jiang Tao Document start
2 2012-8-13 Jiang Tao Changes for Beta version

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TeliDH, division of Mobinex, Inc. DTD 4.0
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[Note] This document summarizes the requirements for SmartTV keymapper app.

1. Feature List
1.1. Start/Stop Keymapper function
1.1.1. Start Keymapper click button on main UI to start and then hide UI
1.1.2. Stop Keymapper - gesture "LeftHandShaking" for 2 seconds and
back to main UI
1.2. Sleep Mode/Activate Keymapper
1.2.1. Keymapper will go into Sleep Mode when there is no activity for 5
1.2.2. Wake up Keymapper from "Sleep" mode gesture
1.2.3. There will be an icon on Screen to indicate "Sleep/Active" status
1.3. Keys Mapping (default setting)
1.3.1. Down gesture LeftHandUp
1.3.2. Up gesture RightHandUp
1.3.3. Right - gesture "leftHandRight"
1.3.4. Left - gesture "rightHandLeft"
1.3.5. Select gesture TwoHandsOpen
1.3.6. Return - gesture "BothHandsUp" holding 2 seconds
1.4. Setting page
Theres a setting page for gestures configuration when adding a game/app.
1.4.1. Game list
Keymapper will trigger keys only when game/app in the list is running.
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TeliDH, division of Mobinex, Inc. DTD 4.0
3 of 4 Each game/app should have one default gesture mapping setting All settings need to be saved and loaded next time when start keymapper again
1.4.2. Gestures list
- gesLeftHandUp =>
- gesRightHandUp =>
- gesLeftHandRight =>
- gesRightHandLeft =>
- gesBothHandsOpen =>
- gesBothHandsUp =>
- gesBodyLeft
- gesBodyRight
- gesBodyJump
- STATUS based on body data

2. Application
2.1. UI
2.1.1. Video viewing window to adjust camera angle
2.1.2. Game List: can add game/application List all the applications on the system User can choose one to add to the list
2.1.3. Setting page for each game/app: define gestures mapping key Gestures list Keys list to be selected
2.1.4. Check box to enable TV (system) control
2.1.5. Button to Start keymapper function
2.1.6. Button to Exit keymapper application
2.2. Flow
- Start app
- Start tracker service automatically
- Show the camera viewing window, so that user can adjust camera angle
- Checking lighting condition (optional button)
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TeliDH, division of Mobinex, Inc. DTD 4.0
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- Show indicator when user click the button Silhouette, and the button name
changed to Video
- Switch back to show video when click the button Video again, and the button
name changed to Silhouette
- When user select the Control TV, will enable system control. Use default
setting for system control
- When user select to add an application for control, then will show the
applications list on this system
- After user select an app, will show setting page for it. In setting page:
User can change name for the app (optional)
List all the gestures for the app
User can set the mapped key for some of the gestures OR all gestures in list
Click save to save the settings and back to Main page
Main page has button to modify the setting for this app
- When user click button Start, app will hide the UI and start trigger keys based
on setting
App will trigger keys to control TV when user selected Control TV
App will trigger keys when the app in the setting list is running
App will not trigger keys when the running app is not in the list
- Itll change to Sleep mode when theres no any gestures for 10 seconds
- User can wake up the key trigger by gesture rightHandShaking
- The main UI will show again when there no app running, and the user do gesture
Will not trigger any keys when main UI is showing
- User can exit the Keymapper app by click button Exit or by mouse Right Click
- Stop tracker service and save all the settings when user exit

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