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What is the shadow?

The parts of ourselves that we may try to hide or deny. According to Carl
Jung, it can be said to consist of energy patterns, known as selves or sub
personalities that were disowned ! pushed down into our unconscious in
childhood, as part of our coping strategies.
"ow do we transform and heal the shadow?
There are a variety of healing modalities to assist with the process. # typically
use situations that are triggering someone and dialogue directly with that
energy or the #nner Child Work. This work allows the person to identify, heal
and reclaim those lost aspects. We must $rst acknowledge, befriend and
embrace it. We must begin to shine the light of our own awareness on those
parts of ourselves that we %udge as unlovable or unworthy.
What is the goal of working with the shadow?
The goal of working with the shadow is to integrate and come to know and
accept all of those parts that we have attempted to hide or run from. To $nd
treasure, or make that which has been operating at the unconscious level
conscious. &ome may not be aware that these aspects e'ist. #t is instinctive
work which asks us to follow our own soul(s call and inward response.
Why work with the shadow?
Through this work one is able to slowly deepen and include all of the many
interior aspects and to be loving and kind to that which was previously
re%ected. This eventually allows us to be more compassionate to both
ourselves and to others. #t asks us to change our views, perspectives and
beliefs. #t asks us to invite the other in and to embrace our weaknesses and
turn them into strengths.
When we work with the shadow we begin to reclaim the pro%ections we put on
others. We turn inward and begin to gently listen and heal those aspects
within ourselves instead.
What does it mean to face or turn into the shadow?
)y facing the shadow we begin to shine a light into the darkness and invite
that which has been hiding to come out. #t asks us to bring our secrets out
from the corners. #t means to ask *uestions inwardly such as+ Why am # so
irritated or annoyed with that person? Where does that live within me? What
frightens me about that person? Who do they make me think of?
What are some outcomes of the work?
&hadow work if practiced can eventually lead to not only compassion for self
but also for others. #t asks us to change our views, perspectives and beliefs. #t
asks us to invite the other in and to embrace our weaknesses and turn them
into strengths. When we work with the shadow we begin to reclaim the
pro%ections we put on others. We turn inward and begin to gently listen and
heal those aspects within ourselves instead.
Where is shadow work done?
We have the opportunity to do it anywhere if we are willing to look within. #t
can be done by simply considering the world as your classroom and every
situation a potential teaching. #f we decide to shine the light within we will
eventually begin to shine our light on to those around us. We become more
open and able to receive and to honor all people but $rst we must confront
our own shadow. We are confronted with the collective shadow wherever we
turn. ,ook around. -amilies all have their shadow, as do organi.ations.
"ow do you know where you are on the path?
#f you want to know how you are doing look around at the situations in your
life. With %ust a *uick glance into your interior mirror you should *uickly be
able to know where you are and how you are doing. What you notice as being
out there, is a re/ection of your inner life, your thoughts, it is a part of you.
,istening to your body will also tell you how you are doing. #f you were to ask
me what the most important tool on the path of transformation # would say
the mirror.
"ow do we locate and become aware of the shadow aspects?
0any people are unaware that they are operating out of these unconscious
patterns. 1ne *uick and easy way to locate those unclaimed aspects is to
look at where and how you are %udging others. We usually recogni.e and
%udge others before we are aware of how we are %udging ourselves.

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