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The ENGLISH 101 Research Project

Part One: The Research Proposal (10 points)

The last weeks of the semester focus on the final 101 research project, an assignment that all students in ENG
101 at John Jay College must do. All of the components of this project will be uploaded to your ePortfolio.
You will create your own titles but there are certain components that must be done. There are multiple, required
components for ENG 101 research projects:
1) a research proposal
2) an annotated bibliography
3) a literature review/re-mix project
4) an overview of your research methodology
5) collection and analysis of your human subjects data
6) overall introduction and conclusion to your research.
Because your research project will be presented on your ePortfolio, please remember that you are crafting a
public text. You have a public, social responsibility for how you present your research and to what you are
socially and intellectually contributing.
Please retain each and every point spread (or scan it). On final exam day, you must attend the exam session and
re-submit any ONE point-spread related to the research project if you want a re-grade. If you do not have the
point-spread, you will not receive the re-grade. If you do not attend, you receive no regrade. NO EXCEPTIONS!

1)You introduce the topic and central issues. You convince readers of the
importance of the topic.

2) You offer an overview of the project and include at least 1-2 sources. You use
in-text citations correctly with APA bibliographic list OR you use weblinks.

3)Your research question is introduced and written in qualitative format.
4)Your methodology is described with detail, almost like a cooking recipe. Your
research question and methodology match.

Stance 5)Your stance and connection to this project are well described. Your choice of
traditional or political approach matches your study.

Conclusion 6)Your conclusion communicates your seriousness and vision for the future of
this topic.

7)You have no surface errors in the document and meet the length requirements.
8)You use visuals to more fully communicate the topic of study (either an image
or a video) on your webpage.

9) Your subsections are organized and specified consistently. You use consistent
headings (centered) and paragraphs are double-returned w/ no indentations.

10) You added something new to your ePort such that now you have:
a landing page with an image AND your name
CORRECT spelling and capitalization of every main page title and every
subpage title
A short introduction (3-4 sentences) on your BELOVED WORLD PROJECT
that introduces what your video and three vignettes are about and how they
all connect.

Total Points
9-10 points: A 8 points: B 7 points: C 6 points and below: FAILING

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