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Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' & o! '(
No portions of this document may be reproduced without prior written consent of NetApp, Inc.
Specifications are subject to change without notice. The information shared in this document between NetApp
and PVEP P! is proprietary and confidentia".
Statements in this proposa" regarding characteristics and#or performance of NetApp products and ser$ices are
based on NetApp%s current understanding of PVEP P!%s re&uirements and en$ironment, and are pro$ided
for informationa" purposes on"y. This proposa" is accurate to the best of NetApp%s current 'now"edge but is
not warranted or guaranteed in any manner. Any technica" or performance characteristics re&uired to become
contractua" re&uirements must be identified in separate and app"icab"e contract documentation and agreed to
in writing by both parties.
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' ' o! '(
1. CURRENT ENVIRONMENT................................................................................. 4
1.1 CURRENT ENVIRONMENT............................................................................................4
1.2 CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................4
2 SOLUTION APPROACH........................................................................................ 5
2.1 OVERVIEW OF SOLUTION.............................................................................................5
2.2 ASSUMPTIONS................................................................................................................. 5
2.3 PROPOSED SOLUTION...................................................................................................5
2.4 THE BENEFITS OF THE NETAPP SOLUTION.............................................................21
2.5 COMPATIBILITY........................................................................................................... 23
3 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN.................................................................................. 24
3.1 SUMMARY OF IMPLEMENTATION.............................................................................24
3.2 CONSULTING SERVICES..............................................................................................24
3.3 IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES....................................................................................24
3.4 SUPPORT SERVICES..................................................................................................... 24
3.5 TRAINING RECOMMENDATIONS...............................................................................25
3.6 ONGOING SUPPORT PLAN..........................................................................................25
4 PRICING SUMMARY........................................................................................... 26
4.1 PRICING:........................................................................................................................ 26
4.2 TERMS AND CONDITIONS...........................................................................................26
4.3 APPENDI SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION............................................................26
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' ) o! '(
!ustomer ha$e e(isting systems as fo""ows)
* + ( Storage ,P EVA --..
- E(pand capacity
- /sing /nified Storage to manage other Storage inc"uding ,P 0 I12 Storage.
- App"y 1ac'up 3is'*to*3is'*to*Tape and Instant 4eco$ery
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' * o! '(
1ase on the re&uest of customer, NetApp pro$ides so"ution of using /nified Storage for manage ,P 0
I12 Storage and e(panding capacity p"us bac'up 3is'*to*3is'*to*Tape So"ution
!ustomer has to be responsib"e for he"ping technica" staff of NetApp to fu"fi"" his duty.
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' + o! '(
There are 5 e(isting Storage NetApp 6AS 7+-., each Storage 6AS7+-. is using + port +81 # + contro""er,
tota" 5 ports +81 # 5 contro""er to connect Switch 5- port +81 as NAS Storage. There is sti"" free + port + 81
for each contro""er.
I12 3S79:. connect to Ser$er ;andmar' 0 6i"e Ser$er $ia -81 6!P
Storage ,P EVA --.. is a$ai"ab"e for usage
NetApp 6AS5<. is a$ai"b"e for usage
5 ( SAN Switch -#+= port -81 is a$ai"ab"e for usage
- Poor performance for NetApp 6AS 7+-. as using on"y 5 port +81 to connect to Switch 5- port +81,
- ,a$e to manage different Storage with different software and S, ha$e not u"ti>e ,P Storage
- Shortage of ha$ing automatic bac'*up 3is'*to*3is'*to*Tape to enhance protecting and a$oid the "oss
of data in case of fai"ure of Storage and systems
- Each storage on"y uti"i>e 5 e(isting port +81. In order to increase the performance of 6AS 7+-.,
NetApp recommends to add 5 ( cards - port +81 NI! for each storage. So there wi"" be +5 ports +81 in
e$ery storage, = ports per contro""er. 1y trun'ing = ports for each contro""er, performance can be increased a
"ot instead of using on"y + port + 81
- !ustomer can a$oid of managing different storage with different software and S by using Storage V*
Series of NetApp, V75+. to manage ,P EVA--.. and I12 storage 3S79:.. V*Series Storage is the storage
which can $irtua"i>es third*party storage arrays, a""owing customer to "e$erage the dynamic $irtua"i>ation
capabi"ities de"i$ered in 3ata NTAP ? software across your e(isting 6ibre !hanne" SAN infrastructure. V*
Series systems can be used as a NAS gateway to de"i$er !I6S or N6S access to a third*party array or to
e(tend the fu"" NetApp suite of so"utions for 6!P, iS!SI, and 6!oE c"ients to your e(isting Storage.
- 1y enhancing the protection of data, NetApp recommend to use 3is'*to*3is'*to*Tape 1ac'up
So"ution by using SnapProtect@ management software . It is an end*to*end bac'up and reco$ery so"ution that
manages NetApp
copies, dis'*to*dis' rep"ication, and tape. NetApp recommend to use Tape
Auto"oader to off"oad the manua" bac'up duty with Snap Protect.
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' , o! '(
For details implementation step by step, please check in scope of work and benefits of solution attached
with this proposal
V!S#$%#& S'($)*# V321+: V*Series open storage contro""ers enab"e IT teams to manage storage arrays
from mu"tip"e storage $endorsAinc"uding E2!, 6ujitsu, I12, ,ew"ett*Pac'ard, and ,itachi 3ata SystemsA
in a consistent way and with "ess effort. V*Series contro""ers enab"e you to use the capacity of these third*
party systems as if they were NetApp storage.
V75+. configuration inc"udes)
* 5 contro""ers Acti$e#Acti$e with contro""er fai"o$er and mu"ti*path ,A Storage
* Supports 6!P, !I6S, N6S Protoca"
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' ( o! '(
* 5 ( 3is'she"f 5-(=..81 SAS +:B,
* nboard - ports 6! -81, - ports SAS =81, - ports +81
* perating system 3ATA NTAP C
* Additiona" 5 ( card - port -81 6!. There are tota" +5 ports 6! -81. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT
V75+. wi"" be insta""ed the software as fo""ows
- Snap 4estore for 5 contro""er
- Snap Vau"t for + contro""er
- Snap Protect for 5 contro""er
- n!ommand 2anagement Software for 5 contro""er
- 6"e( !"one for 5 contro""er
6AS 7+-. wi"" be insta""ed the software as fo""ows)
- Snap Vau"t for + contro""er
- 5 ( card NI! - ports +81
Note) A"" software is "icensed base on contro""er. If storage has 5 contro""ers, customer shou"d buy 5
"icenses for each contro""er.
6or understanding of features in software, you can go through be"ow content)
S,)- R#&'($#) NetApp?Snap4estore software a""ows an enterprise to reco$er a"most instant"y from
these disaster scenarios. In seconds, Snap4estore software can reco$er anything from an indi$idua" fi"e to a
mu"titerabyte $o"ume so that operations can be &uic'"y resumed. NetApp Snap4estore software ma'es
reco$ering your data fast and easy. 4estore Any Amount of 3ata in Seconds /sing the uni&ue Snapshot
@feature of NetApp%s 3ata NTAP@ operating system, Snap4estore &uic'"y restores "ost fi"es using stored
Snapshot copies. 6rom a sing"e home directory to a huge production database, Snap4estore does the job in
seconds regard"ess of fi"e or $o"ume si>e
The difference between using Snap 4estore and using a host S to copy fi"es out of the Snapshot
directory is that the copy approach Dthe "atterE has to uti"i>e the networ' and the FhostF processor#memory to
affect the mo$e**this wou"d not be practica" for "arge amounts of data. Snap 4estore a""ows this process to
ta'e p"ace on the NetApp contro""er without in$o"$ing an e(terna" host
Snap 4estore is additiona" "icense which re&uire customer to buy it. Number of "icense is based on the
number of contro""er.
S,)- V)./': It creates fu"" point*in*time bac'up copies on dis'. It uses a b"oc' incrementa"
methodo"ogy) After the first fu"" bac'up, it transfers and stores on"y new or changed b"oc's. This minimi>es
data transfer o$er the wire. It a"so reduces the bac'up footprintAmuch "i'e dedicated dedup"ication
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' - o! '(
app"iances. Each Gb"oc' incrementa"H bac'up is a fu"" bac'up copyAbut on"y the new or changed b"oc's are
added to the footprint
SnapVau"t bac's up a primary 6AS system to a secondary 6AS system. pen Systems SnapVau"t
bac's up remote ser$ers to the secondary 6AS system. App"ication*specific Snap2anager pro$ides
app"ication consistency. Snap2irror rep"icates bac'up data to the 34 site. Protection 2anager coordinates a""
rep"ication*based data protection operations
Snap Vau"t is additiona" "icense which re&uire customer to buy it. Number of "icense is based on the
number of contro""er.
S,)- P$('#0': SnapProtect software combines NetApp Snapshot, rep"ication, and storage efficiency
techno"ogies with tape in a sing"e so"ution to de"i$er faster bac'up and reco$ery, simp"ified management, and
"ower "ong*term costs
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' . o! '(
VI Admistration insta""s Snap Protect Agent in App"ication*specific agents protect rac"e?, SAP?,
315, E(change, SharePoint?, and SI; Ser$er. It can &uic'"y identify and "oad database tab"es, mai"bo(es,
documents, or specific data objects. Administrator can easi"y reco$er app"ications and data from any data
store or storage tier or tape on which they reside. It he"ps to reco$er at any "e$e" of granu"arity) V2, V2ware
3is' DV23BE, Virtua" ,ard 3is' DV,3E, or V2 guest fi"es as needed.
SnapProtect !onso"e is your hub for bac'up and reco$ery in $irtua"i>ed ser$er en$ironments. It
pro$ides a common set of too"s for reco$ering app"ications and data, V2s, or entire datastores. Po"icy*based
settings a""ow automated data management, inc"uding disco$ery and protection of V2s)
J Sca"es to support thousands of V2s
J 4apid search for fi"es and images using cata"og and inde( functions
J !omprehensi$e reporting of status inc"uding when bac'ups are accessed and by whom
J /nified management across dis' and tape simp"ifies IT tas's and sa$es time
J 1ui"t*in storage resource management uses data co""ected by the bac'up to pro$ide ana"ytics
about data types, growth trends, and cost metrics, down to the V2 "e$e" if necessary
Snap Protect is additiona" "icense which re&uire customer to buy it. Number of "icense is based on the
number of contro""er.
O, C(11),2 M),)*#1#,' S(3'4)$#: n!ommand pro$ides $isibi"ity across your storage
en$ironment by continuous"y monitoring and ana"y>ing its hea"th. Kou get a $iew of what is dep"oyed and
how it is being uti"i>ed, enab"ing you to impro$e your storage capacity uti"i>ation and increase the
producti$ity and efficiency of your IT administrators. And this unified dashboard gi$es at*a*g"ance status and
metrics L far more efficient than ha$ing to use mu"tip"e resource management too"s. This web*based interface
uses a common web framewor' ca""ed NM6.
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' &% o! '(
3ashboard is a user interface window containing information pane"s pro$iding information about the
system. NetApp n!ommand has $arious dashboard pane"s to pro$ide cumu"ati$e information about $arious
aspects of your en$ironment.

A$ai"abi"ity dashboard pane" pro$ides information about the storage contro""ers and $6i"er units that are
disco$ered and monitored by n!ommand. Kou can a"so $iew the number of contro""ers and $6i"er units that
are in down state.
E$ents dashboard pane" pro$ides information about the status of the storage and ser$er objects by
"isting the top fi$e e$ents based on their se$erity.
6u"" Soon Storage dashboard pane" disp"ays aggregates and $o"umes that are reaching their capacity.
The information disp"ayed in this pane" is based on the number of days in which this thresho"d wi"" be
breached. Dat the rate how many days it wi"" ta'e to fu""E
6astest 8rowing Storage dashboard pane" disp"ays aggregates and $o"umes for which space usage is
increasing rapid"y. It a"so disp"ays the growth rate, trend, and for a specific aggregate or $o"ume.
3ataset $era"" Status dashboard pane" disp"ays the o$era"" status.
4esource Poo"s dashboard pane" disp"ays the resource poo"s which may face potentia" space shortages
based on the current usage "e$e"s
E(terna" 4e"ationship ;ags dashboard pane" disp"ays the re"ati$e percentages of e(terna" SnapVau"t,
Itree Snap2irror, and $o"ume Snap2irror re"ationships with "ag times in error, warning and norma" status
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' && o! '(
/nprotected 3ata dashboard pane" disp"ays the number of unprotected storage and ser$er objects that
are being monitored
n !ommand 2anagement Software is additiona" "icense which re&uire customer to buy it. Number of
"icense is based on the number of contro""er.
F/#5 C/(,#: Instant"y create transparent $irtua" copies of production databases or $irtua" machines,
without needing any additiona" storage capacity or compromising performance CONFIGURATION
NetApp configuration for hardware V75+. and software for V75+. 0 5 ( 6AS7+-.
Part Number Product Ity
V321+!R5 1
3S-5-7*+:+-*5-S*4:*! 3SB S,;6,5-(=..81,+:B,78b SAS,I27,*!,4: 5
6AS*V75NN*!,ASSIS*4=*! 6AS#V75NN,!hassis,A! PS,*!,4= +
SM*75+.A*NTAPC*! SM,3ata NTAP Essentia"s,75+.A,*! 5
SM*6!P*! SM,6!P,*! 5
V75+.A*I1*1ASE*4= V75+. ,A System with 3ua" !ntr"r 5
N++7.A*4=*! ,1A -*Port 6!P Target -8b P!Ie,*! 5
N+::CA*4=*! !abinet !omponent Power !ab"e,-C*IN,*!,4= +.
N::+:A*4=*! 4ac'mount Bit,-N5,3S+-*2idd"e,*!,4= +
N::5=A*4=*! 4ac'mount Bit,-*Post,/ni$ersa",*!,4= 5
N=:7=*4=*! !ab"e,!nt"r*She"f#Switch,:m,;!#;!,p,*! C
N=::<*4=*! !ab"e,SAS !nt"r*She"f#She"f*She"f#,A,..:m,*! 5
N=::C*4=*! !ab"e,SAS !nt"r*She"f#She"f*She"f#,A,5m,*! 5
N=::9*4=*! !ab"e,SAS !nt"r*She"f#She"f*She"f#,A,:m,*! 5
N=:=.*4=*! !ab"e,Ethernet,..:m 4O-: !AT=,*! 5
N=:=+*4=*! !ab"e,Ethernet,5m 4O-: !AT=,*! +
N=:=5*4=*! !ab"e,Ethernet,:m 4O-: !AT=,*! 5
SM*75+.A*N6S*! SM,N6S,75+.A,*! 5
SM*75+.A*!I6S*! SM,!I6S,75+.A,*! 5
SM*V75+.A*VN*ST4*! SM,V*Series Storage,V75+.A,*! 5
3!*75NN*! 3ocuments,75NN,*! +
N5.:-A*4= ,1A -*Port ptica" -8b 3is' P!Ie 5
N=:7=*4= !ab"e,!nt"r*She"f#Switch,:m,;!#;!,p C
N=:79*4= S6P,ptica",-.5:8b,4= C
SM*75+.A*6;EN!;N*! SM,6"e(c"one,75+.A,*! 5
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' &' o! '(
SM*75+.A*INSI8,T*1A;*! SM,n!ommand Insight 1a"ance,75+.A,*! 5
SM*75+.A*S4EST4E*! SM,Snap4estore,75+.A,*! 5
SM*75+.A*SNAPP4*APP; SM,SnapProtect for App"ications,75+.A 5
SM*2ASTE4*!!I3 SM,2aster !!I3 +
SM*SSP*75+.A*SNAPP4*APP SM Support,SnapProtect for App"ications,75+.A 5
SM*75+.*SNAPVA/;T SM,SnapVau"t,75+. +
!S*N*SSP NetApp SM Support P"an +
S(3'4)$# 3($ FAS314+ 61
SM*T7*SVSE! SnapVau"t Secondary Software,T7 +
SM*T7*SVP4I SnapVau"t Primary Software,T7 +
!S*N*SSP NetApp SM Support P"an +
S(3'4)$# 3($ FAS314+ 62
SM*T7*SVSE! SnapVau"t Secondary Software,T7 +
SM*T7*SVP4I SnapVau"t Primary Software,T7 +
!S*N*SSP NetApp SM Support P"an +
C)$2 4 -($' 1 GB
N+.-91*4= NI! -*Port !opper 8bE II P!Ie -
N=:=5*4= !ab"e,Ethernet,:m 4O-: !AT= +=
I,&')//)'%(, S#$7%0#&
!S*N*INST*SSP NetApp insta""ation and SM Support P"an +
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' &) o! '( HOW V!SERIES WOR"S
V*Series contro""ers gi$e you the f"e(ibi"ity to pro$ide fi"e ser$ices and store b"oc'*based data through
nati$e support of 6! SAN, 6!oE, IP SAN DiS!SIE, N6S, and !I6S protoco"s.
/se your e(isting 6ibre !hanne" SAN fabric to connect V*Series to your storage arrays. Then pro$ision
;/Ns to the V*Series contro""er as if it were an app"ication host.
These array ;/Ns are co""ected into a storage poo" from which NetApp $o"umes and ;/Ns are created
and, in turn, a""ocated from the V*Series contro""er to app"ication hosts.
E(isting connections between your 6! SAN storage arrays and hosts can be maintained whi"e you
pro$ide powerfu" new functiona"ity through the V*Series.
A"ternati$e"y, you can migrate data from storage array ;/Ns to NetApp ;/Ns and manage a"" capacity
behind the V*Series.
8oing forward, you wi"" ha$e the f"e(ibi"ity to add new capacity either in the storage array or by adding
NetApp dis' she"$es.
V*Series a"so interacts with NetApp 6AS systems, pro$iding a consistent interface across a"" major
storage p"atforms.
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
The SnapProtect management so"ution is based on NetApp unified storage. Physica" and $irtua"
app"ications store ;/N and NAS data on NetApp storage using SAN and NAS connections. SnapProtect
software is insta""ed on a Mindows ser$er to estab"ish a !ommSer$e, or a centra" SnapProtect ser$er.
Insta""ing a !ommSer$e a"so creates a !omm!e"", which is the group of protected app"ications hosted on
NetApp primary storage systems and the dis' and tape "ibraries to be used as secondary storage. Each
protected host has agent software insta""ed that contro"s data consistency during bac'up operations. !onsistent
dis' and tape bac'up for a"" physica" and $irtua"i>ed ser$ers are centra""y managed from the !ommSer$e
conso"e, interacting with 2ediaAgent and i3ataAgent software. The SnapProtect !ommSer$e cata"ogs
Snapshot copies across dis' and tape storage using 2icrosoft SI; database software. Estab"ishing a
SnapProtect bac'up in$o"$es creating a storage po"icy, creating a NetApp Snapshot copy, and configuring
SnapVau"t and Snap2irror to rep"icate primary data to remote dis' or tape storage. 6or storage efficiency,
acti$ate NetApp dedup"ication.
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
The SnapProtect so"ution components orchestrate bac'up and restore operations. The NetApp
SnapProtect software is insta""ed on a Mindows 5..7 or 5..C ser$er to estab"ish the !ommSer$e. The
!ommSer$e is the contro" center for a !omm!e"" of primary, secondary, and tertiary ser$ers with i3ataAgent
or 2ediaAgent software insta""ed to cooperate with the SnapProtect !ommSer$e. The 3ata6abric 2anager
ser$er is the component of the so"ution that manages storage pro$isioning and rep"ication jobs.
3ata6abric 2anager software can be insta""ed on the same ser$erP howe$er, best practice is to insta"" the
3ata6abric 2anager software on a separate host. The !ommSer$e user interface is the !omm!e"" conso"e. INTEGRATING THE COMPONENTS OF NETAPP TECHNOLOGY
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' &, o! '(
NetApp systems bac'up and restore primary data from physica" and $irtua" c"ients using Snapshot,
Snap4estore, SnapVau"t, Snap2irror, 6"e(!"one, and dedup"ication techno"ogies which are bui"t in to 3ata
Tape bac'up is integrated with 3ata NTAP N32P dump and S2 Tape to transfer and manage data to
6or app"ication ser$ers, you ha$e the option of using a 2ediaAgent to stream bac'up data to tape. The
!ommSer$e pro$ides centra"i>ed management. The !ommSer$e communicates with Virtua" Ser$er Agent
software to protect $irtua" machines without p"acing a bac'up agent on each.
The App"ication i3ataAgent software creates consistent, app"ication*aware Snapshot copies.
The 6i"e System i3ataAgent software insta""ed on fi"e ser$ers protects fi"es and directories.
2ediaAgent software insta""ed on media ser$ers writes data to tape.
6or networ'*attached data stored on NetApp, the 6AS system is categori>ed as a c"ient and managed by
an i3ataAgent host. NetApp shares or ;/Ns are mapped or connected to a host and bac'ups are managed by
the NetApp NAS N32P agent software. Mindows app"ication hosts are e&uipped with the NetApp VSS
Pro$ider software to a""ow for programmatic contro" of the Mindows VSS components.
/se a combination of these components depending upon the type of en$ironment that you want to
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' &( o! '(
The components of the SnapProtect so"ution wor' together as a !omm!e"" to ser$e data protection for a
SnapProtect domain.
ne !ommSer$e is the master contro""er. The !ommSer$e pro$ides the user interface, the security
manager, and the "icense manager. The !ommSer$e sends commands to the 2ediaAgent software and
maintains a database of metadata to trac' protected data.
The 2ediaAgent software manages the read and write operations of a"" attached storage de$ices, both
dis' and tape. The 2ediaAgent a"so maintains an inde(ed "ibrary of metadata to trac' the "ocation of archi$ed
The !ommSer$e sends job management commands to the app"ication*specific
i3ataAgent software insta""ed on the fi"e, app"ication, and $irtua"i>ation ser$ers that are to be bac'ed up
or restored.
6or NAS data, the NetApp primary system is treated as a c"ient with an associated i3ataAgent DI3AE
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' &- o! '(
The foundation of NetApp data protection is Snapshot techno"ogy. Snapshot copies a""ow you to re$ert
bac' to restore specific point*in*time copies of the data. Snapshots can be created and restored in minutes
with near*>ero impact on performance. Snapshot copies re&uire minima" capacity because they on"y store the
changes to data on the b"oc' "e$e", not the fi"e "e$e".
- SnapVau"t and Snap2irror transport base"ine Snapshot copies.
- SnapProtect po"icies schedu"e SnapVau"t and Snap2irror b"oc'*based updates.
- Snapshot copies are managed from the NetApp SnapProtect user interface HOW DATA IS MOVED FOR DIS"!TO!TAPE BAC"UPS
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' &. o! '(
6or dis'*to*dis' data rep"ication, the techno"ogy responsib"e for mo$ing the data to secondary storage is
a"" NetApp Snapshot, SnapVau"t, and Snap2irror functions.
6or dis' to tape bac'ups from the storage system to tape, the tape "ibrary is connected to the storage
system and the SnapProtect !ommSer$e commands data mo$ement using the 3ata N TAP N32Pdump
command or the Snap2irror smtape command. 6or app"ication*aware or $irtua"i>ation*aware data mo$ement,
SnapProtect software streams data mo$ement through a 2ediaAgent. The 2ediaAgent carries out the
SnapProtect commands, manages read and write operations to tape, and maintains a metadata inde(. SNAPPROTECT RESTORE METHODS
Mith SnapProtect, you can restore data from any bac'up copy in a sing"e operation.
4estores from recent bac'ups might come from "oca" Snapshot copies, whi"e more historica" data might
come from $au"t or tape copies.
To "ocate data for restore, you can browse or use the search feature. nce the data is "ocated, initiate a
restore job.
6or $o"umes and ;/Ns on NetApp primary storage you can use the re$ert*from*a snapshot*copy
1ecause SnapProtect uses NetApp Snapshot techno"ogy, the abi"ity to copy data direct"y from a
Snapshot copy $ia !I6S or N6S remains an a$ai"ab"e feature. SNAPPROTECT BASIC SETUP STEPS
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' '% o! '(
!omp"eting these steps wi"" set up a SnapProtect en$ironment)
+. Prepare the NetApp storage systems by insta""ing "icenses, studying the "ayout of primary $o"umes,
and ca"cu"ating the si>e of aggregates that wi"" be needed to ho"d rep"icas of primary data.
5. Ne(t, insta"" the 3ata6abric 2anager software which is incorporated in the perations 2anager
insta"" fi"e. 3own"oad the NetApp 2anagement !onso"e software and use the N2! interface to group
aggregates on secondary and tertiary storage systems into resource poo"s.
7. Ne(t, create the !omm!e""Athe SnapProtect en$ironment. Insta"" the SnapProtect software, "og into
the resu"ting !ommSer$e interface, and register the 3ata6abric 2anager ser$er, the primary NetApp systems,
and the secondary and tertiary storage systems to be managed in the !omm!e"".
-. /se the !ommSer$e interface to add the c"ients to be protected and to create storage and schedu"e
po"icies to manage rep"ication.
The NetApp 3ata NTAP? operating en$ironment is the software foundation that under"ies e$ery
NetApp storage system and is therefore the core of the NetApp unified storage architecture. 3ata NTAP
runs on storage systems ranging from a few dis' dri$es to o$er a petabyte of storage.
J Space*efficient, sca"ab"e Snapshot techno"ogy, with neg"igib"e performance impact, which yie"ds
dramatic reductions in bac'up and reco$ery time and is the foundation of app"ication*centric data protection
J nboard dedup"ication of both primary and secondary data
J 3ua"*parity 4AI3 that protects against doub"e dis' fai"ures without significant performance impactP
other $endors suggest using mirroring Ddoub"ing stor age costsE for write*intensi$e wor'"oads
J Thin pro$isioning which a""ows mu"tip"e app"ications to share a sing"e poo" of on*demand storage so
you don%t ha$e to pro$ision more storage for one app"ication whi"e another app"ication sti"" has p"enty of
a""ocated but unused storage
J Iua"ity of ser$ice DIoSE so that high* and "ow*priority wor'"oads can share the same storage without
impacting critica" jobs
J Support 6!P, iS!SI, 6!oE, !I6S, N6S, ,TTP, 6TP
J A storage administrator who is trained on 3ata NTAP wi"" be ab"e to "e$erage those s'i""s to manage
any NetApp storage system you ha$e
J NetApp storage systems a"so are ab"e to sca"e both capacity and performance. Kou can start sma"" with a
sing"e dis' she"f and a few dis's, and grow to many terabytes. Kour in$estment in dis' storage is protected in
the e$ent that you decide to upgrade your storage contro""er, so you don%t ha$e to go through a painfu"
migration process
NetApp SnapProtect@ 2anagement Software can he"p address the cha""enges by combining the
comp"e(ity of traditiona" bac'up app"ication with ad$anced high speed and "ow impact Snap Shot copies and
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' '& o! '(
rep"ication. !ustomer can create and manage "oca" SnapShot copies, rep"ication and bac'up to tape in sing"e
management conso"e. It can bac'up date in a second and restore bac'up in day, month or year depending on
retention po"icies. Snap Protect can pro$ide cata"og and inde( Snap Shot copies for faster searching and
restore regard"ess of "ocation of data with a sing"e c"ic' to minimi>e downtime.
SnapProtect@ 2anagement Software can he"p to create copies of data in minute with near >ero impact on
performance. It can he"p to ro"" bac' or restore to a specific point*in*time of data in minutes, not hours or
daysP reduce storage capacity because it on"y stores the changes of data.
Snap Protect uses with Snap Vau"t to create 3is'*to*dis' bac'up so"ution which accommodate wide range
of needs and ser$ice "e$e" objecti$e. NetApp 4ep"ication transfer on"y changed b"oc', not entire changed fi"e
and storage Snap Shot copy in nati$e format so that customer can bac'up and restore in minutes and ha$e
high efficiency on networ' by app"ying 3edup"ication and !ompression of 3ata to reduce bandwidth for
Mith Snap Protect, customer can manage Snap Vau"t using 3is'*to*dis' 1ac'up in sing"e management
conso"e which he"p conso"idate data protection processes. !ustomer can tune rep"ication to address different
4eco$ery Point bjecti$e needs. Snap Shot copies can mo$e to another "ocation in different storage and then
mo$e to Tape for "ong*term retention.
Snap Protect is designed as an app"ication awareness support for NetApp
hosted app"ications
2icrosoft SI; Ser$er
315 D/NIN
and ;inu(
D/NIN and ;inu(E
on rac"e D/NIN and ;inu(E
2icrosoft SharePoint
2icrosoft? Acti$e 3irectory ? DMindows?E
V2ware? $Sphere @
6or guiding of insta""ation and configuration, p"ease chec' :TR!3;2+< S,)-P$('#0' S(3'4)$# O7#$7%#4
),2 D#&%*, C(,&%2#$)'%(,&= inc"uded with this proposa".
I,0$#)&#2 &'($)*# #33%0%#,0> Mith V*Series contro""ers, you can dramatica""y increase dis' uti"i>ation
and rec"aim stranded capacity across heterogeneous storage en$ironments. This is made possib"e by se$era"
powerfu" NetApp techno"ogies, inc"uding dedup"ication of primary storage and thin pro$isioning. !ustomers
who insta""
V*Series in front of an 6! SAN storage array and mo$e their data to NetApp ;/Ns often rec"aim so
much capacity that they don%t need to buy dis' dri$es for many months. The consumption rate for new
capacity can a"so s"ow because raw storage is used more efficient"y. /sing fewer dis' dri$es a"so trans"ates
into sa$ings of power, coo"ing, and rac' space
B#''#$ ?)0@.- ),2 $#0(7#$>: NetApp Snapshot? software, the origina" and most functiona" point*in
*time copy techno"ogy, enab"es you to protect your data with no performance impact and minima"
consumption of storage space.
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' '' o! '(
NetApp Snap Protect? software manages 3is'*to*dis'*to*Tape 1ac'up in sing"e management conso"e
which he"p conso"idate data protection processes.
F)&'#$ 2#7#/(-1#,' ),2 '#&': Kou can use NetApp 6"e(!"one? to create instant c"ones Dwritab"e
snapshotsE instead of fu"" copies from their mirrored production data to support app"ication testing. This can
significant"y increase producti$ity for IA groups and software de$e"opment teams.
Mhen NetApp 6"e(!"one copies are made on the 3! side, the production storage system is shie"ded
from ris' and its performance is not impacted. Mith NetApp 6"e(!"one, you can instant"y rep"icate production
data, fi"es, $o"umes, and ;/Ns, and impro$e space efficiency by storing on"y new and changed data b"oc's.
I1-$(7#2 IT -$(2.0'%7%'> ),2 ?.&%,#&& 3/#5%?%/%'>: NetApp V*Series contro""ers pro$ide a sing"e,
easy*to*"earn set of too"s with app"ication*integrated wor'f"ows that simp"ify and unify storage
managemenacross mu"tip"e $endors. Mith V*Series contro""ers, IT teams wi"" spend "ess time and effort on
day*to*day storage management operations. And by reducing the time spent on storage administration, they
can concentrate on higher impact wor'.
V*Series contro""ers pro$ide the f"e(ibi"ity to respond to changing business dynamics faster, u"timate"y
increasing ser$ice "e$e"s and boosting app"ication a$ai"abi"ity.
!hec' V*Series Support 2atri( P36 fi"e inc"uded with this proposa".
!hec' "in' http)##ser$ices.comm$au""ity*matrices.asp for compatibi"ity with tape.
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' ') o! '(
The imp"ementation is e(pected to be in Q fu"" days by NetApp technician in ,o !hi 2inh !ity site. This
professiona" ser$ices fee is co$er e$erything in$o"$ing in the process of imp"ementation at customer%s site.
The downtime wi"" be pro$ided "ater upon the customer p"anned downtime of systems.
The consu"ting ser$ice is pro$ided in free of charges. NetApp is responsib"e for pro$iding proposa" to
The Imp"ementation Ser$ices step by step wi"" be pro$ided in Scope of Mor' attached to this proposa"
No. Product Seria" Number Ser$ice !ontract 1ase ,ardware 7y Standard
+ 6AS 7+-.
N31 4ep"acement Parts, No
nsite, 5-(< 4emote Troub"e
End at 59 6eb 5.+5
- hours 4ep"acement Parts, No
nsite, 5-(< 4emote Troub"e
End at 7. Apri" 5.+7
5 6AS 7+-.
N31 4ep"acement Parts, No
nsite, 5-(< 4emote Troub"e
End at 7+ 2ay 5.+5
N31 4ep"acement Parts, No
nsite, 5-(< 4emote Troub"e
End at 7+ 2ay 5.+5
The ser$ice contract 5-(< -h onsite support is not a$ai"ab"e in both 6AS7+-..
The 1asic ,ardware 7yr warranty wi"" end on 7+ 2ay 5.+5 for 6AS7+-. which ha$e contro""er
3++2+594 A 3++2+648. !ustomer can renew hardware warranty e(tent + year when the warranty wi"" be
The 1asic ,ardware 7yr warranty wi"" end on 59 6eb 5.+5 for 6AS7+-. which ha$e contro""er 9+++9;+3
and end on 7. Apri" 5.+7 for contro""er 9++++++3;516
!ustomer can renew hardware warranty e(tent + year when the warranty wi"" be e(pired.
6or more information, customer can find in at http)"
!ustomer wi"" contact with NetApp on 2ar 5.+5 to renew warranty contract for 6AS7+-..
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' '* o! '(
There is no training c"ass pro$ided in this proposa"
Mhene$er customer meets any prob"em, p"ease he"p to phone to our to""*free hot"ine to Technica" Support
!enter at +5. +++=<
ur e(perts wi"" he"p mitigate support issues and ensure the highest a$ai"abi"ity for your enterprise data
en$ironment. NetApp%s inno$ati$e, proacti$e support means you%"" ha$e fewer and "ess se$ere support cases.
1ut if a prob"em shou"d arise, our award*winning technica"#fie"d support L de"i$ered in o$er +.. countries
inc"ude Vietnam L won%t rest unti" it%s so"$ed.
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' '+ o! '(
Supporting 3ocument)
- 3iagram in Visio 6i"e DPVEPR$7...$sdE
- Scope of wor'
- V*Series Support 2atri( P36
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' ', o! '(
S 5.+5 NetApp. A"" rights reser$ed. Specifications are subject to change without notice. The information
shared in this document between NetApp and PVEP P! is proprietary and confidentia".
NetApp, the NetApp "ogo, 8o further, faster, are trademar's or registered trademar's of NetApp, Inc. in the
/nited States and#or other countries. A"" other brands or products are trademar's or registered trademar's of
their respecti$e ho"ders and shou"d be treated as such.
NetApp pro$ides no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, re"iabi"ity or ser$iceabi"ity of any
information or recommendations pro$ided in this document, or with respect to any resu"ts that may be
obtained by the use of the information or obser$ance of any recommendations pro$ided herein. The
information in this document is distributed AS IS, and the use of this information or the imp"ementation of
any recommendations or techni&ues herein is a customer%s responsibi"ity and depends on the customer%s
abi"ity to e$a"uate and integrate them into the customer%s operationa" en$ironment. This document and the
information contained herein must be used so"e"y in connection with the NetApp products discussed in this
Proposal Name: NetApp Co!"#et"al $ L"m"te# Use
Date: %& Mar '%&' '( o! '(

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