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First Light, also known as "The Sacred Order of the Eternal Dawnlight," is a neutral, independently

organized Holy ilitary Order that pro!ides relief aid, spiritual guidance, and "ilitary protection to the
ci!ilian populations within the range of its patrols# Once a su$sect $ranch of the %rgent Dawn and later
a special tasks &hapter of the %rgent &rusade, First Light esta$lished itself as an autono"ous order
shortly after the %rgent recla"ation of Hearthglen, when idleness and di"inishing co"$at patrols
inspired the desire for a redefined "ission and !ision# Ha!ing witnessed the rekindling of se!eral holy
orders of knights and paladins with sworn loyalty to the 'rand %lliance, First Light(s leadership
$eca"e keenly aware of the growing partisan i"$alance of the Light(s cha"pions# )hile there would
soon $e no shortage of stalwart knights ready and eager to ride to the defense of the ci!ilian
populations of Elwynn Forest, or )estfall, or the *edridge ountains, the sa"e could not so readily $e
said for the co""oners of Durotar, or ulgore, or e!en the 'hostlands#
+n identifying this shortco"ing, and in e"$racing a core $elief that all life "ust $e protected e,ually,
First Light pu$licly declared its clai" of the ci!ilian populaces of the Horde races as its flock and as its
wards in ser!ice and protection# Thus sworn to aid in the defense of these often neglected and
wayward groups, the order has willfully placed itself in a precarious diplo"atic position# The order
atte"pts to $alance its desire for neutrality against a self-i"posed necessity to shelter and preser!e
innocent li!es fro" the horrors of a world trapped in the grip of unending conflict and war# Se!eral
ti"es throughout the span of its recent history, First Light has found its con!ictions challenged $y
"ilitary forces of the 'rand %lliance# +n such situations, all diplo"atic a!enues are e.plored and
e.hausted in an effort to deter unnecessary $loodshed# ore than once, howe!er, $attle lines ha!e $een
drawn and dri!en to the escalation of open conflict# /ndeterred $y repeatedly strained tension and
hostility, the order has thus far "aintained its official position of political neutrality, e!en as cracks
$egin to for" across the face of this ideal#
The tracea$le history of First Light as a uni,ue and distinguisha$le entity can $e drawn $ack to the
days and weeks which preceded the onset of the Third )ar# %t that ti"e, there e.isted an allegiance of
no$le houses in the southern"ost stretches of 0uel(Thalas known as the 1urnished *each &o!enant,
which united the interests of se!eral neigh$oring "inor pro!inces under the leadership of 'rand
Duchess 'lacera Dawnwarder, then atriarch of House Dawnwarder and ruler of the Sue(sha"-1elore
2rincipality $y !irtue of office held within the &hurch of the Holy Light# Due to a co"$ination of
econo"ic and religious ties, the 2ro!incial Diet ordered the deploy"ent of part of their defense force,
the First 1attalion of the Sunwrath 3anguard, to pro!ide "ilitary support to their $eleagured trading
partners in the south# To ensure the success of the operation, co""and authority was delegated $y
decree of the 2ro!incial Diet to argra!e Larrendias Dawnwarder, the only child and heir apparent of
the 'rand Duchess, and presiding &o""ander of the 3anguard#

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