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SET LAW 2012

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Direction for Q 1-Q 5: Raghu and Gyan are good at Cricket and Hockey. Sohan and
Gyan are good at Hockey and Chess. Raghu and Govind are good at Swimming and

. !ho is good at Swimming. Hockey and Cricket "
#a$ Raghu #%$ Sohan
#c$ Govind #d$ Gyan
&. !ho is good at Hockey' Chess and Swimming "
#a$ Raghu #%$ Govind
#c$ (oth #d$ No one
). !ho is good at Cricket and Swimming "
#a$ Gyan #%$ Govind
#c$ Sohan #d$ No one

*. !ho is good at Hockey %ut not so in Swimming "
#a$ Govind #%$ Raghu
#c$ Sohan #d$ No one
+. !ho is good at Cricket' Hockey and Chess "
#a$ Raghu #%$ Gyan
#c$ Sohan #d$ Govind

Direction for Q 6-Q 9: In the ,o--owing .uestion' three words are given at ,our
a-ternatives. Choose their correct answer.

/. " is to Sri Lanka as 0e-hi is to "
#a$ Co-um%o' India #%$ 1athmandu' Ca2ita-
#c$ India' 3aris #d$ Is-and' Har%our

4. !hich one o, the ,o--owing is same as car2enter' 2-um%er and e-ectrician "
#a$0octor #%$ (-acksmith
#c$ 5eacher #d$ Lawyer

6. !hich one is the same as -ungs' -iver and kidneys "
#a$ Heart #%$ Intestine
#c$ 5estis #d$ Neck

7. !hich one is the same as (om%ay' Ca-cutta and Cochin "
#a$ 0e-hi #%$ 1an2ur
#c$ 8adras #d$ Sho-a2ur

Direction for Q 10-Q 12: In each .uestion %e-ow is given a statement ,o--owed %y
two assum2tions num%ered I and II. 9ou have to consider the statement' the
,o--owing assum2tions and decide which o, the assum2tions is im2-icit in the

:. Statement; <9ou are her%y a22ointed as a 2rogrammer with a 2ro%ation 2eriod o,
one year and your 2er,ormance wi-- %e received at the end o, the 2eriod ,or
con,irmation.=> A -ine in an a22ointment -etter.
I. 5he 2er,ormance o, an individua- genera--y is not known at the time o,
a22ointment o,,er.
II. Genera--y an individua- tries to 2rove his worth in the 2ro%ation 2eriod.
#a$ On-y assum2tion I is im2-icit
#%$ on-y assum2tion II is im2-icit
#c$ Either I or II is im2-icit
#d$ %oth I and II are Im2-icit

. Statement; It is desira%-e to 2ut the chi-d in schoo- at the age o, + or so.
I. At that age the chi-d reaches a22ro2riate -eve- o, deve-o2ment and is ready to -earn.
II. 5he schoo-s do not admit chi-dren a,ter si? years o, age.
#a$ On-y assum2tion I is im2-icit
#%$ on-y assum2tion II is im2-icit
#c$ Either I or II is im2-icit
#d$ %oth I and II are Im2-icit

&. Statement; 9ou know that your suit is e?ce--ent when 2eo2-e ask a%out your tai-or
who tai-ored that suit.
I. 3eo2-e do not ask a%out your tai-or i, your suit is not good
II. 5he 2eo2-e want to know the criterion o, an e?ce--ent suit.
#a$ On-y assum2tion I is im2-icit
#%$ on-y assum2tion II is im2-icit
#c$ Either I or II is im2-icit
#d$ %oth I and II are Im2-icit

#a$ BA1 #%$ HAL
#c$ HAN #d$ BAI

*. C88' EOO' GCC' AAAAA' 1DD
#a$ GRR #%$ GSS
#c$ ISS #d$ I5R

Direction for Q 15- Q 19: (e-ow is given a statement ,o--owed %y two conc-usions
num%ered I and II. 9ou have to assume everything in the statement to %e true' then
consider the two conc-usions together and decide which o, them -ogica--y ,o--ows
%eyond a reasona%-e dou%t ,rom the in,ormation given in the statement.

+. Statement; 5he o-d order changed yie-ding 2-ace to new.
I. Change is the -aw o, nature.
II. 0iscard o-d ideas %ecause they are o-d.
#a$ On-y conc-usion I ,o--ows
#%$ On-y conc-usion II ,o--ows
#c$ Either I or II ,o--ows
#d$ (oth I and II ,o--ow.

/. Statement; Government has s2oi-ed many to2 ranking ,inancia- institution %y
a22ointing %ureaucrats as 0irectors o, these institutions.
I. Government shou-d a22oint 0irectors o, the ,inancia- institution taking into
consideration e?2ertise o, the 2erson in the area o, ,inance.
II. 5he 0irector o, ,inancia- institution shou-d have e?2ertise commensurate with the
,inancia- work carried out %y the institution.
#a$ On-y conc-usion I is ,o--ows
#%$ on-y conc-usion II is ,o--ows
#c$ Either I or II ,o--ows
#d$ (oth I and II ,o--ow.

4. Statement; 3o2u-ation increased cou2-ed with de2-eting resources is going to %e
the scenario o, many deve-o2ing countries in days to come.
I. 5he 2o2u-ation o, deve-o2ing countries wi-- not continue to increase in ,uture.
II. It wi-- %e very di,,icu-t ,or the governments o, deve-o2ing countries to 2rovide its
2eo2-e decent .ua-ity o, -i,e.
#a$ On-y conc-usion I is ,o--ows
#%$ on-y conc-usion II is ,o--ows
#c$ Either I or II ,o--ows
#d$ (oth I and II ,o--ow.

6. Statement; 5he 5.E 2rograms te-ecast s2ecia--y ,or women are 2acked with a
variety o, reci2es and househo-d hints. A maFor 2ortion o, magaGines ,or women a-so
contains the items mentioned a%ove.
I. !omen are not interested in other things.
II. An average womanHs 2rimary interest -ies in home and s2ecia--y in the kitchen.
#a$ On-y conc-usion I is ,o--ows
#%$ on-y conc-usion II is ,o--ows
#c$ Either I or II ,o--ows
#d$ (oth I and II ,o--ow.

7. Statement; 5he distance o, 7:: km %y road %etween (om%ay and Ba,ra wi-- %e
reduced to &6: km %y sea. 5his wi-- -ead to a saving o, Rs. 4.7& crores 2er annum on
I. 5rans2ortation %y sea is chea2er than that %y road.
II. @ue- must %e saved to the greatest e?tent.
#a$ On-y conc-usion I is ,o--ows
#%$ on-y conc-usion II is ,o--ows
#c$ Either I or II ,o--ows
#d$ (oth I and II ,o--ow.

&:. 8arathon is to race as hi%ernation is to
#a$ !inter #%$ (ear
#c$ 0ream #d$ S-ee2

&. 9ard is to inch as .uart is to
#a$ Ga--on #%$ Ounce
#c$ So-id #d$ Li.uid

&&. E-ated is to des2ondent as en-ightened is to
#a$ Aware #%$ Ignorant
#c$ 8isera%-e #d$ 3atient

&). Re2ti-e is to -iGard as ,-ower is to
#a$ !ood #%$ Stem
#c$ 0aisy #d$ A--igator

&*. 3ride is to -ion as shoa- is to
#a$ 5eacher #%$ Student
#c$ Res2ect #d$ @ish

&+. Secret-y is to o2en-y as si-ent-y is to
#a$ Scarce-y #%$ Im2o-ite-y
#c$ Noisi-y #d$ Cuiet-y

&/. S39; CLAN0ES5INE
#a$ accountant ; meticu-ous
#%$ ,urrier ; ram%unctious
#c$ -awyer ; ironic
#d$ she2herd ; garru-ous

#a$ romance ; sym2athy
#%$ ,urtherance ; me-ancho-y
#c$ inde2endence ; autonomy
#d$ to-erance ; 2hi-anthro2y

&6. I, a rectang-e were ca--ed a circ-e' a circ-e a 2oint' a 2oint a triang-e and triang-e a
s.uare' the sha2e o, the whee- is;
#a$ Rectang-e #%$ Circ-e
#c$ 5riang-e #d$ 3oint

&7. 5he sma--est num%er o, ducks that cou-d swim in this ,ormation> two ducks in
,ront o, a duck' two ducks %ehind a duck and a duck %etween two ducks.
#a$ ) #%$ +
#c$ 4 #d$ *


). Statement I: ILegis-ationH is that source o, -aw which is made %y a -egis-ative
authority o, a state.
Statement II. Dnion 5erritory o, Goa Assem%-y 2asses a Natura- Sustenance
(i--'&:& %y which 5ourists are 2rohi%ited to trave- to Goa during 0ecem%er : A2ri-
every year. 5he %i-- is"
#a$ A -egis-ation #%$ A custom
#c$ A 2recedent #d$ None o, the a%ove

)&. 3ar-iament enFoys the e?c-usive right to -egis-ate on the su%Fect contained in.
#a$ 5he Dnion List #%$ 5he Concurrent List
#c$ 5he State List #d$ (oth #a$ and #%$

)). IAH o,,ers to %uy a-- the grains grown on I(Hs -and ,or Rs. '::':::J> to which I(H
5he agreement %etween IAH and I(H is>
#a$ Eoid as it is uncertain
#%$ Eoid as the consideration is inade.uate
#c$ Ea-id and en,orcea%-e
#d$ Eoid ,or restraint o, trade

)*. IAH' I(H' ICH Foint-y 2romised to re2-ay Rs. 7:'::: to I0H. (e,ore 2er,ormance o,
the contract' ICH dies. Here the contract
#a$ (ecomes void on death o, ICH
#%$ Is va-id against IAH and I(H
#c$ Is voida%-e at the o2tion o, IAH and I(H
#d$ Is va-id against IAH' I(H and ICHs -ega- re2resentatives.

)+. !hich one o, the ,o--owing e?2ressions is not used in the 3ream%-e o, the Indian
Constitution "
#a$ Socia-ist #%$So-idarity
#c$ Secu-ar #d$ @raternity

)/. AAAAAA is not a ,undamenta- right under the Indian Constitution.
#a$ Right against E? 3ost @acto Laws
#%$ @reedom o, 3ress
#c$ Right to Eote
#d$ Right against E?2-oitation

)4. A writ o, AAAAAAA can %e issued %y the Su2reme Court to com2e- a 2u%-ic
authority to 2er,orm its statutory duty"
#a$ Ha%eas Cor2us #%$ 8andamus
#c$ Cuo !arranto #d$ 3rohi%ition

)6. !hich o, the ,o--owing ,eatures o, the Indian Constitution has %een %orrowed
,rom !eimar Constitution o, Germany"
#a$ 0irective 3rinci2-es o, State 3o-icy
#%$ @undamenta- Rights
#c$ Emergency 3rovisions
#d$ @undamenta- 0uties

)7. Recent-y' the Su2reme Court in Aruna Shan%aug v. Dnion o, India has -ega-iGed
#a$ 3o-itica- %andhs
#%$ Suicide
#c$ 3assive euthanasia
#d$ Harta-s

*:. !ho has the 2ower to remove the Governor o, the state "
#a$ Chie, 8inister
#%$ State Legis-ative Assem%-y
#c$ Home 8inister
#d$ 3resident o, India

*. !hich one o, the ,o--owing is the 2ermanent house "
#a$ Lok Sa%ha
#%$ Legis-ative Assem%-y
#c$ 3ar-iament
#d$ RaFya Sa%ha

*&. As 2er Buveni-e Bustice Act' &::: IFuveni-eH means
#a$ chi-d %e-ow : years
#%$ chi-d %e-ow & years
#c$ chi-d %e-ow / years
#d$ chi-d %e-ow 6 years

*). AAAAAAAA is any i--ega- act o, vio-ence' detention or any act o, de2redation
committed ,or 2rivate ends' %y those a%oard a 2rivate shi2 and directed against a shi2
or 2ersonor 2ro2erty on High Seas.
#a$ 3iracy #%$ Sedition
#c$ Cons2iracy #d$ Attack

**. AH digs a 2it in the way through which I(H 2asses and concea-s it with grass etc'
with an intention o, ki--ing I(H. ICH 2asses through that way and ,a--s in the 2it and is
ki--ed. Is IAH -ia%-e "
#a$ IAH is not -ia%-e
#%$ 3art-y -ia%-e
#c$ IAH is -ia%-e
#d$ 8istake

*+. Statement #I$ ; Right to who-esome environment is ) 2art o, ,undamenta- right
under the constitute o, India.
Statement #II$ ; Right to vote is a ,undamenta- right under the constitution o, India.
#a$ On-y statement #i$ is correct
#%$ On-y statement #ii$ is correct
#c$ (oth statement #i$ and #ii$ are correct
#d$ Neither statement #i$ nor statement #ii$ is correct

*/. @o--owing are some statements in res2ect to torts and contracts. !hich o, the
statement wrong "
#i$ A tort is in,-icted without consent whi-e contract is ,ounded u2on consent
#ii$ 8otive is taken into consideration in case o, tort %ut it is immateria- in %reach o,
#iii$ 5ort is a vio-ation o, right in rem #right avai-a%-e against the wor-d at -arge$
whi-e %reach o, contract is an in,ringement o, a right in 2ersonam #right avai-a%-e
against some determinate 3erson$.
#a$ On-y statement #i$ is correct
#%$ On-y statement #ii$ is correct
#c$ A-- three statements are wrong
#d$ None o, the statement is wrong.

*4. A ,riend has 2osted certain de,amatory remark a%out you on the ,ace%ook. 9ou
can sue the ,riend ,or
#a$ Li%e- #%$ S-ander
#c$ Innuendo #d$ 9ou cannot sue

*6. Eicarious -ia%i-ity does not mean
#a$ 8aster is -ia%-e ,or the wrongs o, the servant
#%$ 8aster is -ia%-e ,or the crimina- acts o, the servant
#c$ 8aster is -ia%-e on-y ,or the -aw,u- acts o, the servant
#d$ 8aster is -ia%-e ,or the acts o, the servant in the course o, his em2-oyment

*7. IAH' %y -etter' o,,ers to se-- his house to I(H ,or Rs. &'::':::. !ithout knowing o,
IAHs o,,er' I(H %y a -etter' o,,er to %uy the same house ,rom IAH ,or Rs. &'::':::.
#a$ no %inding contract comes into e?istence as I(Hs -etter mere-y cross>o,,er
#%$ no %inding contract comes into e?istence as consideration in this contract is
#c$ %inding contract comes into e?istence as consideration in this contract in
#d$ the Indian Contract Act is si-ent on such issues.

Direction for Q 50-Q 58: Given %e-ow is a -ega- 2rinci2-e and a ,actua- situation and
se-ect the most a22ro2riate answer to the .uestion given %e-ow.

+:. Lega- 3rinci2-e; !hoever' intending to take dishonest-y any mova%-e 2ro2erty
without that 2ersonHs consent and moves that 2ro2erty is said to commit the,t.
!hoever commits the,t sha-- %e 2unished with im2risonment which may e?tend to
three years or with ,ine or with %oth.
@actua- Situation; RaFu sees a ce-- 2hone %e-onging to Ram -ying on the ta%-e in
RamHs house. RaFu hides the ce-- 2hone in Ram house in such a 2-ace where ram
cannot ,ind it' due to the ,ear o, immediate search and detection. RaFu did this with
the intention o, taking away the ce-- 2hone ,rom the hidden 2-ace when Ram ,orgets
a%out it and then se-- it away.
Cuestion; Is RaFu gui-ty o, the,t "
#a$ 9es' %ecause RaFu is RamHs ,riend and shou-d not have hidden the 2hone
#%$ No' %ecause RaFu mere-y 2-ayed a 2rank on his ,riend
#c$ 9es' %ecause RaFu did not in,orm Ram a%out the 2-ace where he had hidden the
ce-- 2hone
#d$ 9es' %ecause RaFu intended to take the ce-- 2hone ,rom RamHs 2ossession and
with this intention he moved it.

+. Lega- 3rinci2-e; !i--,u- rash driving is an o,,ence.
@actua- Situation; K was driving his car a,ter consuming -i.uor. 5he 2o-ice hooked
him ,or wi--,u- neg-igent driving.
Cuestion; Is the act o, the 2o-ice -aw,u-.
#a$ No' (ecause A was not driving rash-y and wi--,u--y' though he was driving in a
drunken state.
#%$ No' %ecause this is not a neg-igent act.
#c$ 9es' %ecause A was driving rash-y.
#d$ 9es' %ecause the 2o-ice has 2ower to arrest i, someone is driving rash-y.

+&. Lega- 3rinci2-e; A contract o%tained %y misre2resentation is voida%-e at the
o2tion o, the %uyer.
@actua- Situation; Anand wants to se-- his house. Anu2ama a22roaches him with an
o,,er to %uy the house and Anand shows her the house. 5he house is not in a very
good condition and visi%-y re.uires re2airs' without which it is uninha%ita%-e. Anand
does not te-- anything regarding the re.uired re2airs to %e -iva%-e. Anu2ama
2urchases the house ,or a huge consideration. Later on when she wants to move in
her things into the house to start -iving she rea-iGes the heavy re2airs that the house
re.uires urgent-y.
#a$ Anu2ama wi-- not succeed %ecause she has to %e care,u- a%out what she is
2urchasing in a-- circumstances' un-ess the de,ects are concea-ed and cannot %e seen
or have %een hidden.
#%$ Anu2ama wi-- succeed %ecause Anand knowing-y
shou-d the house and he shou-d have in,ormed Anu2ama a%out the condition o, the
#c$ Anu2ama wi-- succeed %ecause she wou-d never have 2urchased the house in case
she was to-d a%out h the status o, the house.
#d$ A %uyer a-ways have the o2tion to re,use 2er,ormance on his 2art o, the contract.

+). Lega- 3rinci2-e; 3er,ormance o, a -ega- duty cannot %e a consideration ,or a
@actua- Situation; IAHs wa--et is sto-en %y a thie,. IAH -odges a com2-aint in the 2o-ice
station IAH 2romise to 2ay a sum o, Rs. +:: to the 2erson who is a%-e to a22rehend
the thie, and get %ack his wa--et.
5he 2o-iceman servant IKH a22rehends the thie, and gets %ack the wa--et. IAH re,uses
to 2ay IKH the 2romised Rs +::.
Choose the correct o2tion;
I. 5he servant is entit-ed to the reward.
II. 5he 2o-iceman wou-d have %een entit-ed to the reward had he %een the 2erson to
a22rehend the thie,.
III. 5he 2o-iceman wou-d %e entit-ed to the reward even i, he had not a22rehend the
IE. 5he servant wou-d not %e entit-ed to the reward.
#a$ I and III #%$ I on-y
#c$ I' II and IE #d$ III on-y

+*. Lega- 3rinci2-e; A vio-ation o, a -ega- right with or without damage' gives rise to
a tort.
@actua- Situation; IAH esta%-ishes a coaching c-ass and charges Rs. +'::: 2er year as
,ees' IAH as neigh%or I(H esta%-ished another coaching c-ass near%y creating a
com2etition; this ,orces IAH to reduce ,ees to Rs. )'::: 2er year.
Cuestion; Can IAH c-aim damages ,rom I(H ,or the -oss caused to him"
#a$ 9es' he can as I(H has vio-ated his Lega- Right.
#%$ No' IAH has reduced the ,ees on his own.
#c$ No' %ecause though there was damage their was no -ega- inFury.
#d$ None o, the a%ove.

++. Lega- 3rinci2-e; A 2arent is not -ia%-e ,or a tort committed %y hisJher chi-d e?ce2t
when the 2arent' the chi-d an o22ortunity to commit the tort.
@actua- Situation; A mother takes her 4 year o-d son to market. On reaching the
market she shuts the car engine' 2u--s the hand>%rake and 2uts the cars in gear. She
-eaves the son ion the car itse-,. 5he chi-d starts 2-aying with the car' he re-eases the
%reaks and 2ushes the gear -ever to neutra-. As a resu-t' the car starts moving down
the road and runs down a 2edestrian.
Cuestion; !hat is the -ia%i-ity o, the mother"
#a$ 5he mother is not -ia%-e %ecause she took great care to ensure that the car wou-d
remain stationery.
#%$ 5he mother is -ia%-e %ecause she was neg-igent.
#c$ 5he son is -ia%-e %ecause his action cause accident.
#d$ 5he 2edestrian is -ia%-e as he shou-d have %een care,u- whi-e wa-king on the road.

+/. Lega- 3rinci2-e; !hoever uses ,orce without any -aw,u- Fusti,ication commits
@actua- Situation; 8ary and 8aya have an argument on an issue in a c-assroom. In
order to take a revenge over this 8ary tries to humi-iate 8aya in ,ront o, the other
c-assmates' %y 2u--ing the chair whi-e the moment she was a%out to sit on the chair.
5hough 8aya ,a--s' she is not hurt. However she ,i-es a case against 8ary ,or %attery.
Is 8ary -ia%-e "
#a$ 8ary is not -ia%-e %ecause 8aya was not hurt
#%$ 8ary is not -ia%-e %ecause her argument Fusti,ied her action.
#c$ 8ary is not -ia%-e it didnHt re.uire any ,orce to 2u-- the chair out %e,ore 8aya sat
#d$ 8aya is -ia%-e %ecause her action was not Fusti,ied.

+4. Lega- 3rinci2-e; 5he,t occurs when a 2erson dishonest-y takes any mova%-e
2ro2erty out o, the 2ossession o, any 2erson without that 2ersonHs consent.
@actua- Situation; 1eshav ,inds 8anuHs catt-e roaming the streets and takes them
home to 2revent them ,or %eing run over %y vehic-es. 8anu does not ,ind his catt-e
and makes a com2-iment to the 2o-ice re2orting them to %e missing.
#a$ 1eshav is gui-ty o, the,t as he did not in,orm 8anu as the wherea%outs o, his
#%$ 1eshav is not gui-ty o, the,t since the catt-e were not in 8anu 2ossession.
#c$ 1eshav is not gui-ty o, the,t since catt-e are not 2ro2erty.
#d$ 1eshav is not gui-ty o, the,t as there was no dishonest intention on his 2art.

+6. Lega- 3rinci2-e; A minor is not com2etent to enter into a contract and the -aw wi--
assume that the contract never ha22ened and anything wi-- %e reso-ved to its origina-
@actua- Situation; A minor ,raudu-ent-y misre2resenting her age enter into a contract
with other ,or the 2urchase o, a 2iano. A,ter the 2iano has %een de-ivered' she re,used
to 2ay 2rice ,or the same contending the non>e?istence o, a -ega--y %inding contract.
#a$ 5he contract is va-id and %inding against the minor as the minor has
misre2resented her age knowing-y.
#%$ 5he contract is voida%-e at the o2tion o, the other 2arty and thus the minor is
-ia%-e to 2ay i, the other 2arty wants to carry out the o%-igation.
#c$ 5he contract is void a%inito and the court can direct the minor to restore the 2iano
to the other 2arty.
#d$ 5he contract is va-id and the guardian o, the minor wi-- %e -ia%-e to 2ay ,or the

+7. IAH agrees to 2ay +'::: to I(H i, it rains and I(H 2romises to 2ay a -ike amount to
IAH i, it does not rain' this agreement is ca--ed"
#a$ Cuasi contract #%$ Contingent contract
#c$ !agering agreement #d$ Eoida%-e contract

/:. Ani- entered into a contract with Su%hash ,or sa-e and 2urchase o, a horse which'
at the time o, entering into a contract' was dead without the know-edge o, %oth the
2arties. As a resu-t o, this' Ani- cou-d not se-- his horse as 2er the contract.
Advice Su%hash.
#a$ 5he contract is void ,or mistake' so Shu%hash canHt sue Ani- ,or %reach.
#%$ 5he contract is va-id and Ani- is -ia%-e ,or %reach.
#c$ 5he contract is void ,or ,raud and Shu%hash can recover damages ,rom Ani-.
#d$ 5he contract is voida%-e at the o2tion o, Shu%hash and he can reti,y it to recover
damages ,rom Ani-.


/. @ind the odd one out
#a$ Cotton #%$ Ny-on
#c$ 3o-yester #d$ 5ery-ene

/&. @ind the odd one out
#a$ Boy #%$ Love
#c$ Hate #d$ 5oy

/). @ind out the odd one out
#a$ Ru-e #%$ Common
#c$ Law #d$ Custom

Direction for Q64-Q 65: 2ick u2 ,rom the o2tion the missing 2remise o, the giving
argument 2remise must Fusti,y the argument.

/*. Argument; 5his man cannot %e trusted %ecause he is not truth,u-.
#a$ No truth,u- man can %e trusted.
#%$ 5hose who can %e trusted are truth,u-.
#c$ On-y trusted men are truth,u-
#d$ Any%ody who is not trusted is not truth,u-.

/+. Argument; Like other 2-anets 8ars is round.
#a$ Some round things are 2-anets
#%$ 3-anets are round things
#c$ 8ars is a 2-anet
#d$ No round thing is a 2-anet

//. A-- the roses in 8ugha- Garden are white.
A-- the tu-i2s in the 8ugha- Garden are ye--ow.
A-- the ,-owers in 8ugha- Garden are either ye--ow or white.
I, the ,irst two sentence are true' the third sentence is
#a$ 5rue #%$ @a-se
#c$ Dncertain #d$ None o, the a%ove

/4. Average ,ami-y income in the cities has increased today as com2ared to the -ast
,ew years' as in most ,ami-ies these days' hus%and and wives are working. 5hese
sentence im2-ies a-- the ,o--owing e?ce2t
#a$ !ives earn more than hus%and today.
#%$ 8ore hus%ands and wives are working today as com2ared to -ast ,ew years.
#c$ It was more 2reva-ent ,or one s2ouse to work ear-ier than today.
#d$ @ami-y income -eve- was -ower ,ew years ago.

/6. 3eo2-e shou-d %e he-d accounta%-e ,or their own %ehavior' and i, ho-ding 2eo2-e
accounta%-e ,or their own %ehavior entai-s ca2ita- 2unishment' then so %e it.
However' no 2erson shou-d %e he-d accounta%-e ,or %ehavior over which he or she
had no contro-. !hich o, the ,o--owing is the most -ogica- conc-usion o, the argument
#a$ 3eo2-e cannot contro- the %ehavior o, other 2eo2-e.
#%$ 3eo2-e shou-d not %e he-d accounta%-e ,or the %ehavior o, other 2eo2-e.
#c$ (ehavior that cannot %e contro--ed shou-d not %e 2unished.
#d$ 3eo2-e have contro- over their own %ehavior.

/7. I, water is ca--ed air' air is ca--ed dust' dust is ca--ed -ight' -ight is ca--ed sound
and sound is ca--ed water' !hich o, the ,o--owing do ,ish -ive in"
#a$ 0ust #%$ Light
#c$ Sound #d$ Air

4&. Eio-ating an A2artment Lease occurs when a tenant does something 2rohi%ited %y
the -ega--y %inding document that he or she has signed with a -and-ord. !hich
situation %e-ow is the %est e?am2-e o, vio-ating an a2artment -ease"
#a$ 5om has decided to move to another city' so he ca--s his -and-ord to te-- him that
he is not interested in renewing his -ease when it e?2ires ne?t month.
#%$ 8erry recent-y -ost her Fo% and' ,or the -ast three months' has neg-ected to 2ay her
-and-ord the month-y rent they agreed u2on in writing when she moved into
a2artment eight months ago.
#c$ 0avid writes a -etter to his -and-ord -ists numerous com2-aints a%out the
a2artment he has agreed to rent ,or two days
#d$ Les-ie think that her -and-ord is neg-ecting the %ui-ding in which she rents an
a2artment. She ca--s her attorney to ask ,or advice.

4). 3osthumous 3u%-ication occurs in a %ook is 2u%-ished a,ter the authorHs death.
!hich situation %e-ow is the %est e?am2-e o, 3osthumous 3u%-ication"
#a$ 0avidHs i--ness took his -i,e %e,ore he was a%-e to enFoy the amaGing ear-y reviews
o, his nove-.
#%$ SimonesHs 3u%-ishers cance-s her %ook contract a,ter she ,ai-s to de-iver the
manuscri2t on time.
#c$ Cody never thought heHd -ive to see the third %ook in his tri-ogy 2u%-ished
#d$ E--ie is honored with a 2restigious -iterary award ,or her writing career writing
career and her daughter acce2ts the award on %eha-, o, her deceased mother.

4*. A Guarantee is a 2romise or in insurance that attests to the .ua-ity o, a 2roduct
that is either #$ given in writing %y the manu,acturer or #&$ given ver%a--y %y the
2erson se--ing the 2roduct. !hich situation %e-ow is the %est e?am2-e o, a Guarantee"
#a$ 8eena 2urchases a 0E0 2-ayer with the highest consumer rating in its category
#%$ 5he sa-es2erson advices Reena to %e sure that he %uys an air conditioner with the
#c$ 5he -oca- auto %ody sho2 s2ecia-iGes in re,ur%ishing and se--ing used cars.
#d$ Leena %uys a used 0igita- camera ,rom her co>worker who says that she wi--
re,und LeenaHs money i, the cameraHs 2er,ormance is not o, highest .ua-ity.

4+. Esta%-ishing a 3ower o, Attorney occurs when a -ega- document is created that
gives one individua- the authority to act ,or another. !hich situation %e-ow is the %est
e?am2-e o, esta%-ishing a 3ower o, Attorney.
#a$ Seeta is se--ing her house and hires a -awyer to review the contract
#%$ GeetaHs mother can no -onger get to the %ank to cash her checks and make
de2osits' so she has taken -ega- ste2s to ena%-e Geeta to do these things ,or her.
#c$ 8eetaHs mother is e-der-y and meet thinks she is no -onger a%-e to make decisions
,or herse-,.
#d$ At her daughterHs urging' Seeta o2ens u2 a retirement account with the -oca- %ank.

Direction for Q 76-Q 80: Read the 2aragra2h care,u--y and determine the main 2oint
the author is trying to make. !hat conc-usion can %e drawn ,rom the argument" Each
2aragra2h is ,o--owed %y ,our statements. One statement su22orts the authorHs
argument %etter than the other do.

4/. 5he crimina- Fustice system needs to change. 5he system cou-d me more Fust i, it
a--owed victims the o22ortunity to con,ront the 2erson who has harmed them. A-so'
mediation %etween victims and their o,,enders wou-d give the o,,ender a chance to
a2o-ogiGe ,or the harm they have done. 5his 2aragra2h %est su22orts the stamen that
victims ,or a crime shou-d
#a$ -earn to ,orgive their o,,enders and -ead norma- -ives
#%$ have the right to con,ront their o,,enders
#c$ -earn the art o, mediation and negotiation
#d$ insist that their o,,enders %e 2unished the same way.

44. A ,ew states in this country are considering -egis-ation that wou-d 2rohi%it schoo-
,rom using ca-cu-ator %e,ore the si? grade. Other states take a di,,erent 2osition.
Some states are insisting on the 2urchase o, gra2hing ca-cu-ators ,or every student in
midd-e schoo-. 5his 2aragra2h %est su22ort the %est statement that in this country
#a$ there are at -east two o2inions a%out the use o, ca-cu-ators in schoo-s
#%$ ca-cu-ators and other devices are ,re.uent-y a detriment to -earning 8aths
#c$ State -egis-ator are more are more invo-ved in education and training than even
#d$ the 2rice o, gra2hing ca-cu-ators is -ess when schoo-s %uy them in %u-k

46.Generation KHs are those 2eo2-e %orn rough-y %etween 7/+ and 76. As
em2-oyees' Generation LLL to %e more cha--enged when they carry out task
inde2endent-y. 5his makes Generation KHs the most entre2reneuria- generation in
History. 5his 2aragra2h %est su22orts the statement that Generation KHs.
#a$ !ork harder than 2eo2-e ,rom other generations.
#%$ Have a tendency to %e se-,>directed workers.
#c$ Have an interest in making history o, good work.
#d$ 5end to work in Fo%s that re.uire risk>taking %ehavior.

47. In the 2ast' consumers wou-d rare-y wa-k into an ice cream store and order -ow>
,at ice cream. (ut that isnHt the case today. An increasing hea-th consciousness
com%ined with a much %igger se-ection o, tasty -ow>,at ,ood in a-- categories has
%een made -ow>,at ice cream a very 2ro,ita%-e item ,or ice>cream store owners. 5his
2aragra2h %est su22ort the statement that
#a$ -ow>,at ice cream 2roduces more revenue than other -ow>,at ,ood and %everages.
#%$ ice cream store owners wou-d %e %etter o,, carrying on-y -ow>,at ice cream.
#c$ ice cream store owners no -onger think that -ow>,at ice cream is an un2o2u-ar item
#d$ -ow>,at ice cream is more 2o2u-ar than other kinds o, ice cream.

6:. I, youHre a ,itness wa-ker' there is no need ,or a commute to a hea-th c-u%. 9our
neigh%orhood can %e your hea-th c-u%. 9ou donHt need a -ot o, ,ancy e.ui2ment to get
a good workout either. A-- you need is a we-->designed 2air o, ath-etic shoes.
5his 2aragra2h %est su22ort the statement that
#a$ ,itness wa-king is a %etter ,orm o, e?ercise than weight -i,ting and workout at
#%$ a mem%ershi2 in a hea-th c-u% is a 2oor investment.
#c$ wa-king outdoors 2rovides a %etter workout than wa-king indoors.
#d$ ,itness wa-king is a convenient and va-ua%-e ,orm o, e?ercise.

Direction for Q 81- Q 83: A good way to ,igure out the re-ationshi2 in a givers
.uestion is to make u2 a sentence that descri%es the re-ationshi2 %etween ,irst two
words. 5hen' try to use the same sentence to ,ind out which o, the answer choices
com2-etes the same re-ationshi2 with the third word.

6. Candid is to Indirect as Honest is to
#a$ @rank #%$ !icked
#c$ 5ruth,u- #d$ Dntruth,u-

6&. E?ercise is to Gym as Eating is to
#a$ (urger #%$ 0ieting
#c$ @itness #d$ Restaurant

6). Cu2 is to Co,,ee as (ow- is to
#a$ 0ish #%$ Sou2
#c$ S2oon #d$ 3ot

6*. ru-e command dictate doGe s-ee2"
#a$ Snore #%$ Govern
#c$ Awaken #d$ Hi%ernate

6+. A' (' C' 0' and E are ,ive rivers. A is shorter than ( %ut -onger than E. C is the
-ongest and 0 is a -itt-e shorter than ( and a -itt-e -onger than A. !hich is the shortest
#a$ ( #%$ A
#c$ 0 #d$ E

6/. Among ,ive ,riends Sonu is o-der than 8onu %ut not as (unty. (unty is o-der
than Chintu and 3intu. Chintu is younger than 8onu %ut not the youngest. !ho is the
,ourth in the descending order o, age"
#a$ Sonu #%$ 8onu
#c$ 3intu #d$ A-- o, these

64. 4'/'7' +' ' *' "
#a$ * #%$ )
#c$ & #d$ +

66. *:' *&' )7' **' )6' */' "
#a$ )) #%$ )+
#c$ )4 #d$ )*

67. )' *' /' &' +' 6' "
#a$ & #%$ &*
#c$ ): #d$ ))


Direction for Q 91- Q95: Read through the te?t' and ,i-- u2 the %-anks with
a22ro2riate choices;
5he D1Hs current account #7$AAAAAAA' a key #7&$AAAAAAA indicator' widened to a
record -eve- in the three months ,rom Bu-y to Se2tem%er' #7)$AAAAAAA to o,,icia- data.
It was M&:%n' or +.4N o, gross #7*$AAAAAAA 2roduct' com2ared#7+$AAAAAAA M).4%n
in the -ast three months' the O,,ice ,or Nationa- Statistics re2orted.

7. Se-ect the right word
#a$ 0e,icient #%$ 0e,iciency
#c$ 0e,icit #d$ 0e,eat

7&. Se-ect the right word
#a$ Economic #%$ Economica-
#c$ Economics #d$ Economist

7). Se-ect the right word
#a$ Accordance #%$ According
#c$ Re,erence #d$ Re,erring

7*. Se-ect the right word
#a$ 0omestic #%$ 0omesticate
#c$ 0omestica--y #d$ 0omesticity

7+. Se-ect the right word
#a$ (y #%$ !ith
#c$ @rom #d$ @or

Direction for Q 96-Q 100: Read the given 2assage and answer the .uestions.
8any s2eakers ignore their hearers stare over their heads or at the ,-oor. 5hey seem
to %e de-ivering a 5here is no sense o, communication' no give and take
%etween the audience and the s2eaker. 5hat kind o, attitude wou-d ki-- a
conversationO it a-so ki--s a s2eech. Good de-ivery is controversia- tone and directness
en-arge #d$ ta-k to the Community Chest Fust as you wou-d to Bohn Smith. !hat is the
Chest Committee a,ter a-- %ut a co--ection o, Bohn Smiths" Everyone has the a%i-ity to
de-iver a ta-k. I, you .uestion this statement' try it out ,or yourse-,O knock down the
most ignorant man you knowO when he gets on his ,eet wi-- 2ro%a%-y say some things'
and his manner o, saying them wi-- %e a-most ,-aw-ess. !e want you to take that
same natura-ness with you when you s2eak in 2u%-ic. 5o deve-o2 it' you must
2ractice. 0onHt imitate others. I, you s2eak s2ontaneous-y you wi-- s2eak di,,erent-y
,rom anyone e-se in the wor-d. 3ut your individua-ity' your own characteristics
manner into your de-ivery.
0a-e Carnegie' 3g. &7

7/. Choose the 2ro2er word or words which mean
#a$ So-e 2erson #%$ 5a-k to onese-,
#c$ Lock a 2erson #d$ A-one

74. !hat is the de,ect in some s2eakers"
#a$ 5hey ta-k too so,t-y
#%$ 5hey ta-k too -oud-y
#c$ 5hey do not take heed o, the audience
#d$ 5hey do not have any su%stance in their s2eech

76. !hat does the author %e-ieve in"
#a$ Not a-- can de-iver a ta-k
#%$ It is di,,icu-t to de-iver a ta-k
#c$ Everyone can de-iver a ta-k
#d$ Everyone cannot de-iver a ta-k

77. !hat is the test suggested %y him"
#a$ Ask .uestion to any 2erson
#%$ 8ake any 2erson ask you any .uestion
#c$ 1nock down someone and hear him say things natura--y
#d$ 1nock down a 2erson and hear his a%uses

::. In order to %e a success,u- orator
#a$ s2eak with determination and conviction
#%$ s2eak with natura-ness and in an individua-istic manner
#c$ imitate %ig orators
#d$ s2eak in an unnatura- tone

Direction for Q 101- Q 105: Read the given 2assage and answer the .uestions.
A two>year di--y>da--ying on the 2art o, the 8aharashtra Government to de,end its
vis>P>vis 2rotecting an unauthoriGed dargah at the tom% o, 4
century warrior A,Ga-
1ahn has -ed the Su2reme Court to order its demo-ition.
Ek%ote'a ,ormer cor2orator ,rom city' won the -ega- %att-e stretching over a%out ,ive
years as the a2e? court dismissed a s2ecia- -eave 2etition ,i-ed %y the state against the
demo-ition o, the dargah at the ,oothi--s o, 3rata2gad ,ort. 5he Su2reme Court order
came a,ter the state government ,ai-ed to ,i-e an a,,idavit within the set dead-ine o, +
days' mentioning its intention %ehind kee2ing the dargah intact.
Rune 8irror' 8onday' 8arch +' &:&' 3age )

:. Choose the word or words which mean 0i--y>da--ying.
#a$ 0oing
#%$ Com2-eting work
#c$ !aste time
#d$ Dse time

:&. Eis>a>vis means
#a$ Eisiting
#%$ In re-ation to
#c$ Eiew
#d$ None o, the a%ove

:).!hat was the stand taken %y 8aharashtra Government"
#a$ It wanted to kee2 the dargah
#%$ It wanted to re2air the dargah
#c$ It wanted to %ui-d dargah
#d$ It wanted to re%ui-d dargah

:*. @or how -ong did cor2orator Ek%ote ,ight in the Court"
#a$ @or two years #%$ @or ,ive years
#c$ @or sometime #d$ @or hard-y anytime

:+. !hat was the order 2assed %y the Su2reme Court
#a$ 5o re2air the dargah #%$ 5o %ui-d a new dargah
#c$ 5 %ring down the dargah #d$ 5o ignore the dargah

Direction for Q 106-Q 110: Read the given 2assage and answer the .uestion.
5here were > and are Q two kinds o, cha--enge. One is ca--ed a I2erem2toryH
cha--enge. 5his means that the accused can say II o%FectH without giving any reason;
and the Furor has to stand down. 5he other is ca--ed cha--enge ,or IcauseH. 5his means
that the accused has to show good cause in order to Fusti,y his o%Fection I3erem2toryH
cha--enge is more di,,icu-t to Fusti,y. (-ackstone suggested that it is con,ined to
ca2ita- cases where the accused may %e sentenced to death i, he is convicted. He
shou-d %e a%-e to o%Fect to a man i, he does not -ike the -ook o, him. Sim2-est and
shortest is to a%o-ish the right to make I2erem2toryH cha--enges. 5he origin o, this
right' as I have shown' was in the days when the death 2ena-ty was in,-icted ,or many
o,,ences. (-ackstone ,e-t it was Fusti,ied in ,avorem vitae#in ,avor o, -i,e$. 5he
accused man knew nothing o, the man to whom he o%Fect. He had no good cause to
urge why he shou-d not %e on the Fury. He cou-d on-y go %y the I-ook o, himH. 5hat
seems to me a-together an insu,,icient %asis ,or giving the accused this right.
Lord 0enning' I!hat Ne?t in the LawH' 3age //' /4 and 4:

:/. Choose the word or words which mean 3erem2tory.
#a$ Something which is not 2ermanent
#%$ Leaving no o22ortunity ,or re,usa-
#c$ 3ermanent
#d$ None o, the a%ove

:4. Choose the word or words which e?2-ain in ,avorem vitae
#a$ In ,avour o, vitamin
#%$ In ,avour o, .uickness
#c$ In ,avour o, -i,e
#d$ @avouritism

:6. !hy does Lord 0enning' the author suggest that <2erem2tory= cha--enge shou-d
%e a%o-ished
#a$ As it is not -ogica-
#%$ As it is used too used o,ten
#c$ As it is o, no use
#d$ As it is usua-

:7. As 2er (-ackstone where is 2erem2tory cha--enge 2ermitted"
#a$ in a-- cases
#%$ in heinous crimes
#c$ in cases where death sentence can %e awarded
#d$ in cases where courts want the Fury

:. 5he accused has the right to o%Fect to a Furor
#a$ i, he ,ears that the Furor may not %e im2artia-
#%$ i, he does not -ike his -ooks
#c$ i, he hates him
#d$ i, he is whimsica-

Direction for Q 111-Q 115: Read the given 2assage and answer the .uestion.
!hen the %i--ion strong 2oor have no 2o-itica- ,reedom to agitate ,or 2rime needs'
when des2air drives chunks o, 2eo2-e to turn mi-itant in de,ence o, their right to -ive
in dignity and o22ortunity' the State' contro--ed %y the 2ro2rietariat' wou-d seek
to su22ress the 2ro-etariat %y ar%itrary -aws. Another -ine ado2ted is to re-ease 2o-ice
terror' regard-ess o, human rights -ega-ity. Institutiona- 2rotection o, victims o, State
vio-ence is o,ten inade.uate and re2ressive organs and vio-ent gangs -eve- in assau-ts
on 2eo2-eHs rights. Civi-ian mora-e s-ums when the State itse-, takes sides. And courts
-ook un2ertur%ed at the harsh -aws' however undemocratic or des2otic they %e' and
%asic ,reedoms %ecome Fudicia- casua-ty. 5he 5A0A' the 8ISA' the Emergency
Laws etc. on which I wi-- dwe-- -ater' are cases where -achrymations a%out %reaches
o, human rights have ,ound 2oor res2onse and even %ruta- vio-ations 2ass Fudicia-
E. R. 1rishna Iyer' 3age; +

. Choose the word or words which mean I3ro-etariatH.
#a$ 5he 3ro>Government 2eo2-e
#%$ 5he working c-ass
#c$ 5o -et out
#d$ None o, the a%ove

&. Choose the word or words which mean I3ro2rietariatH.
#a$ 5he rich c-ass
#%$ 5he 3ro>Government 2eo2-e
#c$ 5o own
#d$ None o, the a%ove

). IRe2ressiveH in this 2assage means
#a$ to 2ress again
#%$ to say again
#c$ to kee2 under contro-
#d$ to kee2 2ressed

*. !hat has not ,ound 2ro2er hand-ing %y Fudges"
#a$ 5he i-->treatment to victims o, Human Rights
#%$ 5he i-->treatment to o,,icers in serious cases
#c$ 5he use o, action in Fai-s
#d$ 5he i-->treatment to accused in custody in serious cases

+. Lachrymations means
#a$ sym2toms #%$ secretion o, tears
#c$ -ac.uer #d$ none o, the a%ove

Direction for Q 116-Q 120: Read the given 2assage and answer the .uestions.
0eath 3ena-ty on-y in Rarest Cases; SC
<Awarding o, -i,e im2risonment= wou-d %e a ru-e' whi-e IdeathH wou-d %e the
e?ce2tion. 5he term Irarest o, rareH case which is the consistent determination ru-e
dec-ared %y this court' itse-, suggests that it has to %e an e?ce2tiona- case' said a
%ench com2rising Bustice A1 3atnaik and Bustice Swatanter 1umar is its Fudgment on
5uesday. Commuting the death sentence awarded to ,our convicts into -i,e term the
%ench said' <most o, the heinous crimes under the I3C are 2unisha%-e %y death
2ena-ty or -i,e im2risonment. 5hat %y itse-, does not suggest that in a-- such o,,ences'
2ena-ty o, death a-one shou-d %e awarded=. 5he -aw contem2-ates recording o,
s2ecia- reasons and' there,ore' the e?2ression Is2ecia-H has to %e given a de,inite
meaning and connotation. 5he court has to consider matters -ike nature o, the
o,,ence' how and under what circumstances it was committed' the e?tent o, %ruta-ity
with which the o,,ence was committed' the motive ,or the o,,ence.
Economic times' 3age; )

/. Choose the right word or words which mean ICommutingH.
#a$ 5o in,orm #%$ 5o communicate
#c$ 5o charge #d$ 5o make

4. Heinous means
#a$ hearing #%$ a%omina%-e
#c$ hurting #d$ none o, the a%ove

6. !hat is the other word which e?2resses death sentenceJ death 2ena-ty"
#a$ Li,e 2unishment #%$ Ca2ita- 2unishment
#c$ 3ena-ty o, -i,e #d$ None o, the a%ove

7. In rarest o, rare cases death sentence is awarded %y the Court
#a$ considering the %ruta-ity o, o,,ence and intention
#%$ considering the evidence adduced
#c$ considering the nature o, the victim
#d$ considering the num%er o, o,,ences committed %y the accused

&:. Awarding in the 2assage means
#a$ giving gi,t
#%$ giving com2ensation
#c$ giving 2unishment
#d$ giving 2unishment


&. @I@A !or-d Cu2 @oot%a-- hosts ,or &:6 and &:&: res2ective-y are
#a$ Russia and Catar
#%$ Germany and @rance
#c$ Eng-and and Ita-y
#d$ S2ain and Argentina

&&. Rine EL A%idine was recent-y ousted ,rom his 2osition as the 3resident o,
#a$ 5unisia #%$ Egy2t
#c$ Li%ya #d$ Sudan

&). 5he 9ar-una Rang%o river in India' is known as
#a$ Ganga #%$ (rahma2utra
#c$ Li%ya #d$ 8ahanadi

&*. 5he Indian state which has achieved ,irst rank in harnessing so-ar energy is
#a$ (ihar #%$ Orrisa
#c$ RaFasthan #d$ 8adhya 3radesh

&+. 5he author o, the %ook <%anker to the 2oor= is written %y
#a$ A3B A%du- 1a-am AGad
#%$ 8uhammad 9unus
#c$ Aang San Suu 1yi
#d$ 8.S. Swaminathan

&/. 5he ,irst Indian state to 2ass the Lokayukta (i--> &: is
#a$ Bharkhand #%$ Dttar 3radesh
#c$ 8adhya 3radesh #d$ (ihar

&4. !ho got the I(usiness Leader o, the 9earH award o, Economic 5imes Cor2orate
E?ce--ence Awards &:"
#a$ Chanda 1ochar
#%$ Ratan 5ata
#c$ 8ukesh Am%ani
#d$ Ani- Am%ani

&6. !ho was the ,irst ever woman a22ointed as the 3rime 8inister o, a country"
#a$ Indira Gandhi
#%$ 8argret 5hatcher
#c$ Sirimavo (andaranaike
#d$ Go-da 8eir

&7. !hich com2any' ,ounded %y O-e 1irk Christiansen' was started as a car2enterHs
sma-- wooden toy sho2 in 0enmark"
#a$ @isher 2rice #%$ Lego
#c$ @unskoo- #d$ Has%ro

):. 5he country whose name comes ,rom an a%origina- word IkantaH' which means
Ivi--ageH or Isett-ementH is
#a$ Cam%odia #%$ Chi-e
#c$ Canada #d$ China

). 5he -i%rary o, Na-anda' known as 0hrama GunF o, 0harmaganFa meansAAAAAAA
#a$ 8ountain o, know-edge
#%$ 8ountain o, truth
#c$ 8ountain o, righteousness
#d$ Reservoir o, know-edge

)&. ReykFavik is the ca2ita- o,
#a$ (ahamas #%$ (otswana
#c$ Ice-and #d$ 5aFikistan

)). 5he -ongest river in the wor-d is
#a$ Rhine #%$ 8ississi22i
#c$ Ni-e #d$ AmaGon

)*. 1hordad Sa- is ce-e%rated %y
#a$ Bains #%$ 3arsis
#c$ Sikhs #d$ (uddhist

)+. !ho is the author o, I8eghdootH"
#a$ 1a-idas #%$ (ana%hatta
#c$ Eishakadatta #d$ Ea-miki

)/. A22ears ,irst in the 2ream%-e o, the Constitution
#a$ #%$ Li%erty
#c$ @raternity #d$ Bustice

)4. 8i-k is the source o,
i. Eitamic C iii. Eitamin A
ii. Eitamin 0 iv. Eitamin 1
#a$ i' ii' iii #%$ ii and iii on-y
#c$ ii' iii' iv #d$ i and iv on-y

)6. !ho is the custodian o, the ,undamenta- rights em%odied in the Constitution o,
#a$ Su2reme Court o, India
#%$ 3resident o, India
#c$ State assem%-ies
#d$ 3rime 8inister

)7. !hich o, the ,o--owing su%Fects is inc-uded in the Dnion -ist"
#a$ Crimina- -aw
#%$ Land ac.uisition
#c$ 3osts and te-egra2h
#d$ 3o-ice

*:. 5he ,irst coa- mine in India was o2ened at
#a$ RaniganF #%$ Neyve-i
#c$ Bharia #d$ 0han%ad

*. Among the images constructed during the ru-e o, the Cho-as' the most ,amous
#a$ (ronGe image o, NataraFa
#%$ Image carved out o, rocks
#c$ 8ar%-e images o, dancers
#d$ Stone images o, (uddha

*&. 5he (ona%i--a 2ass in AAAAAAAAA
#a$ Assam #%$ Sikkim
#c$ Himacha- 3radesh #d$ Arunacha- 3radesh

*). 5he 3u-itGer 3riGe is given in the ,ie-d o,
#a$ Cinema #%$ Bourna-ism
#c$ Socia- Service #d$ Literature

**. (rihadeeswara tem2-e has recent-y ce-e%rated its mi--ennium %irthday. In which
State in this tem2-e -ocated"
#a$ 5ami- Nadu #%$ 1arnataka
#c$ Andhra 3radesh #d$ 1era-a

*+. IESO3H is an a%%reviation ,or
#a$ Em2-oyee Stock O2tion
#%$ Ear-y Sa-es O22ortunities
#c$ E?ecutive Stock Ownershi2
#d$ E?ecutive Sa-ary O2tion

*/. No%e- 3eace 3riGe in &: was awarded to
#a$ Leyrnah G%owee #%$ Christo2her A Sims
#c$ 5homas Sargent #d$ 5omas 5ranstromer

*4. !hich one o, the ,o--owing disease is caused due to 2resence o, e?cess arsenic
in water"
#a$ A-GheimerHs disease
#%$ 3arkinsonHs disease
#c$ Skin cancer
#d$ Liver Cirrhosis

*6. Cannon is a term associated with which o, the ,o--owing games"
#a$ Go-, #%$ Chess
#c$ (i--iards #d$ (adminton

*7. 5he de2osits o, the ancient 5ethys Sea were ,o-ded to ,orm which o, the
,o--owing mountain ranges"
#a$ Hima-ayas #%$ Andes
#c$ A-2s #d$ Rockies

+:. 0uring whose tenure was the ca2ita- o, India trans,erred ,rom Ca-cutta to 0e-hi"
#a$ Lord 8into #%$ Lord CurGon
#c$ Lord Hardinge #d$ Lord Che-ms,ord


. #a$ ). #a$ /. #a$ 7. #c$ &. #a$
&. #d$ )&. #a$ /&. #d$ 7&. #a$ &&. #a$
). #c$ )). #c$ /). #%$ 7). #%$ &). #%$
*. #c$ )*. #c$ /*. #a$ 7*. #a$ &*. #c$
+. #%$ )+. #%$ /+. #c$ 7+. #%$ &+. #%$
/. #a$ )/. #c$ //. #a$ 7/. #%$ &/. #d$
4. #%$ )4. #%$ /4. #d$ 74. #c$ &4. #a$
6. #a$ )6. #c$ /6. #%$ 76. #c$ &6. #c$
7. #a$ )7. #c$ /7. #c$ 77. #c$ &7. #%$
:. #%$ *:. #d$ 4:. #d$ ::. #%$ ):. #c$
. #a$ *. #d$ 4. #d$ :. #c$ ). #d$
&. #c$ *&. #%$ 4&. #%$ :&. #%$ )&. #c$
). #c$ *). #a$ 4). #d$ :). #a$ )). #c$
*. #c$ **. #c$ 4*. #a$ :*. #%$ )*. #%$
+. #a$ *+. #d$ 4+. #%$ :+. #c$ )+. #a$
/. #a$ */. #a$ 4/. #a$ :/. #%$ )/. #d$
4. #%$ *4. #a$ 44. #a$ :4. #c$ )4. #c$
6. #%$ *6. #%$ 46. #%$ :6. #a$ )6. #a$
7. #d$ *7. #a$ 47. #%$ :7. #c$ )7. #c$
&:. #a$ +:. #d$ 6:. #d$ :. #%$ *:. #a$
&. #%$ +. #a$ 6. #%$ . #%$ *. #a$
&&. #%$ +&. #a$ 6&. #d$ &. #a$ *&. #d$
&). #%$ +). #%$ 6). #%$ ). #c$ *). #d$
&*. #d$ +*. #c$ 6*. #a$ *. #a$ **. #a$
&+. #c$ ++. #%$ 6+. #d$ +. #%$ *+. #a$
&/. #c$ +/. #d$ 6/. #c$ /. #c$ */. #a$
&4. #c$ +4. #a$ 64. #%$ 4. #%$ *4. #c$
&6. #d$ +6. #c$ 66. #c$ 6. #%$ *6. #c$
&7. #c$ +7. #c$ 67. #d$ 7. #a$ *7. #a$
):. #%$ /:. #a$ 7:. #d$ &:. #c$ +:. #c$

Com2i-ed %y>

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