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1Z0-031 Exam Description
The three levels of Oracle Certifications are OCA (Oracle Certified Associate),
OCP (Oracle Certified Professional), and OCM (Oracle Certified Master). 1Z0-031
is one of the two exams (other is 1Z0-001 or 1Z0-007) that you need to clear to
earn your Oracle 9i DBA OCA credential. This is a proctored exam that is availab
le only at Oracle University or Authorized Prometric Test Centers.
Exam Objectives:
The following are the objectives on which the OCP 1Z0-031 exam will be based:

Getting Started with Oracle Server

Managing an Oracle Instance
Creating a Database
Oracle Architectural Components
Data Dictionary Content and Usage
Maintaining the Control File
Maintaining Redo Log Files
Managing Tables and Datafiles
Storage Structure and Relationships
Using Globalization Support
Managing Roles
Managing Privileges
Managing Users
Managing Password Security and
Maintaining Data Integrity
Managing Indexes
Managing Tables
Managing Undo Data

Exam Details
Exam Number :

Oracle 9i: Fundamentals 1
Number Of Question : 60 questions
Time Limit : 90 minutes
Passing Score : 700
Exam Fee : USD 125
Session Id : 3679658
-----------------------Q.1 of 22
The initial password of CHANGE_ON_INSTALL is used by which of th
e following user accounts?
2. SYS
Correct answer is:

According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: Two user accounts are
automatically created with the database and granted the DBA role. These two user
accounts are: * SYS (initial password: CHANGE_ON_INSTALL) * SYSTEM (initial pas
sword: MANAGER)

-----------------------Q.2 of 22
You use DCBA to perform the initial installation process, and yo
u found that many default database user accounts are locked and expired. Which o
f the following should be done to have them activated (Choose all that apply)?
1. restart the installation process
2. delete and re-create them
3. reassign them with new passwords
4. manually unlock them
Correct answer is:


According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: Beginning with this re

lease, during initial installation with the Oracle Database Configuration Assist
ant (DCBA), all default database user accounts except SYS, SYSTEM, SCOTT, DBSNMP
be locked and expired. To activate a locked account, the DBA must manually unlo
ck it and reassign it a new password.
-----------------------Q.3 of 22
Which of the following are NOT the authorized operations of SYSO
PER (Choose all that apply)?
Correct answer is:

According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: System Privilege Opera

tions Authorized SYSDBA * Perform STARTUP and SHUTDOWN operations * ALTER DATABA
SE: open, mount, back up, or change character set * CREATE DATABASE * CREATE SPF
ILE * ARCHIVELOG and RECOVERY * Includes the RESTRICTED SESSION privilege Effect
ively, this system privilege allows a user to connect as user SYS. SYSOPER * Per
is privilege allows a user to perform basic operational tasks, but without the a
bility to look at user data.
-----------------------.4 of 22
When creating a database using a template that includes datafile
s, which of the following options can you change
1. Database Name
2. Datafiles Destinations
3. Control files
4. Redo log groups
Correct answer is:


According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: When you select a temp
late that includes datafiles, the database is created faster since the schema is
present in the datafiles. Also, all log files and control files are automatical
ly created for the database. You can change only the following: * Name of the da
tabase * Destination of the datafiles * Control files * Redo log groups Other ch

anges must be made using command line SQL statements or the Oracle Enterprise Ma
nager after database creation. You can also use custom scripts for additional mo
-----------------------Q.5 of 22
Which of the following is the correct syntax of SQL statement th
at indicates a file belonging to the current database instance?
1. ALTER TABLESPACE tablespace_name ADD DATAFILE dbsfile@.dbf
2. ALTER TABLESPACE tablespace_name ADD DATAFILE !dbsfile.dbf, sid
3. ALTER TABLESPACE tablespace_name ADD DATAFILE @dbsfile.dbf@
4. ALTER TABLESPACE tablespace_name ADD DATAFILE @dbsfile.dbf@
Correct answer is:

10According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: In Oracle9i files an

d programs, a question mark (?) represents the value of the ORACLE_HOME environm
ent variable. For example, Oracle9i expands the question mark in the following S
QL statement to the full pathname of the Oracle home directory: SQL> ALTER TABLE
SPACE TEMP ADD DATAFILE '?/dbs/dbs2.dbf' SIZE 2M The @ sign represents the ORACL
E_SID environment variable. For example, to indicate a file belonging to the cur
rent instance, enter: SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE tablespace_name ADD DATAFILE dbsfile
-----------------------Q.6 of 22
Which of the following correctly describe the DBA role
1. It does not include the SYSDBA system privileges.
2. It allows you to start up and shut down the database.
3. It enables the basic database administration tasks
4. It includes the SYSOPER system privileges.
Correct answer is:


According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: The DBA role does not
include the SYSDBA or SYSOPER system privileges. These are special administrativ
e privileges that allow an administrator to perform basic database administratio
n tasks, such as the start up and shut down of the database.
-----------------------.7 of 22
Which of the following are the functions of the oraenv script
1. It provides a security scan against all user accounts
2. It provides a SID scan against all rows
3. It provides a central means of updating all user accounts
4. It provides a mechanism for switching between Oracle9i databases wit
h ease
Correct answer is:

According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: The oraenv (or coraenv
) script is created during installation. It contains values for Oracle environme
nt variables and provides: * A central means of updating all user accounts with
database changes * A mechanism for switching between Oracle9i databases You may
find yourself frequently adding and removing databases from your development sys
tem or your users may be switching between several different Oracle databases in

stalled on the same system. Each user shell startup file calls the oraenv comman
d file.
-----------------------Q.8 of 22
How do you change the block size specified by DB_BLOCK_SIZE?
1. modify the parameter, backup the init file and the database, and res
tart the instance
2. modify the parameter and restart the instance
3. re-create the database
4. modify the parameter, backup the init file and restart the instance
Brief Review
Your answer is :
Correct answer is:

According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: DB_BLOCK_SIZE Initiali

zation Parameter The most commonly used block size should be picked as the stand
ard block size. In many cases, this is the only block size that you need to spec
ify. Typically, DB_BLOCK_SIZE is set to either 4K or 8K. If not specified, the d
efault data block size is operating system specific, and is generally adequate.
The block size cannot be changed after database creation, except by re-creating
the database. If a database's block size is different from the operating system
block size, make the database block size a multiple of the operating system's bl
ock size.
-----------------------Q.9 of 22
The embedded PL/SQL gateway is primarily for supporting
1. script based PL/SQL database applications
2. embedded Linux PL/SQL database applications
3. web based PL/SQL database applications
4. pre-compiled PL/SQL database applications
Brief Review
Your answer is :
Correct answer is:

According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: The embedded PL/SQL ga

teway is a gateway embedded in the Oracle9i server to provide native support for
deploying PL/SQL-based database applications on the web. The embedded PL/SQL ga
teway is implemented as an Oracle Servlet Engine (OSE) servlet, and relies upon
the existence and configuration of both the OSE and mod_ose, the Apache module w
hich supports the OSE. The following instructions provide information on how to
install and configure the gateway.
-----------------------Q.10 of 22
What environment variable can have direct influence towards the
output of the date command?
1. TZ
2. TMP

Brief Review
Your answer is :
Correct answer is:

According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: The TZ environment var

iable sets the time zone. It enables you to adjust the clock for daylight saving
time changes or different time zones. The adjusted time is used to time-stamp f
iles, produce the output of the date command, and obtain the current SYSDATE.
-----------------------Q.11 of 22
Which of the following methods are available for authenticating
database administrators (Choose all that apply)?
1. Operating system authentication
4. Password files
Brief Review
Your answer is :
Correct answer is:


According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: The following methods

are available for authenticating database administrators: Operating system (OS)
authentication Password files Note: These methods replace the CONNECT INTERNAL s
yntax provided with earlier versions of Oracle. CONNECT INTERNAL is no longer al
-----------------------Q.12 of 22
According to the Oracle recommended prioritized approach for des
igning, implementing, and maintaining an Oracle Database, which of the following
is the task for the DBA to perform before tuning the database?
1. Install the Oracle Software
2. Plan the Database
3. Implement the Database Design
4. Back Up the Fully Functional Database
Brief Review
Your answer is :
Correct answer is:

According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: The following tasks pr

esent a prioritized approach for designing, implementing, and maintaining an Ora
cle Database: Task 1: Evaluate the Database Server Hardware Task 2: Install the
Oracle Software Task 3: Plan the Database Task 4: Create and Open the Database T
ask 5: Back Up the Database Task 6: Enroll System Users Task 7: Implement the Da
tabase Design Task 8: Back Up the Fully Functional Database Task 9: Tune Databas
e Performance

-----------------------Q.13 of 22
The Oracle Universal Installer creates the default initializatio
n file in which of the following locations?
3. $ORACLE_HOME/admin/dbs
4. $ORACLE_BASE/admin/sid/pfile
Brief Review
Your answer is :
Correct answer is:

According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: The default initializa

tion file (initsid.ora) is provided with the Oracle9i software. The Oracle Unive
rsal Installer creates it in the $ORACLE_BASE/admin/sid/pfile directory. A sampl
e initialization file is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory.
-----------------------Q.14 of 22
Which of the following are the Oracle 9i initialization file par
ameters that can be used to control the size of the SGA (Choose all that apply)?
Brief Review
Your answer is :
Correct answer is:


According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: If the size of the SGA
exceeds the maximum size of a shared memory segment (SHMMAX or SHM_MAX), Oracle
9i attempts to attach more contiguous segments to fulfill the requested SGA size
. The SHMSEG kernel parameter (SHM_SEG on Tru64) specifies the maximum number of
segments that can be attached by any process. Set the following initialization
file parameters to control the size of the SGA: * DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS * DB_BLOCK_SI
-----------------------Q.15 of 22
The System Global Area contains which of the following component
s (Choose all that apply)?
1. user cursor
2. data structures
3. locks
4. data buffers
Brief Review
Your answer is :
Correct answer is:


According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: The System Global Area
(SGA) is the Oracle structure that is located in shared memory. It contains sta
tic data structures, locks, and data buffers. Sufficient shared memory must be a
vailable to each Oracle process to address the entire SGA.

-----------------------Q.16 of 22
What is used in Oracle 9i to represent the value of the ORACLE_H
OME environment variable?
1. #
2. &
3. !
4. ?
Brief Review
Your answer is :
Correct answer is:

According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: In Oracle9i files and

programs, a question mark (?) represents the value of the ORACLE_HOME environmen
t variable. For example, Oracle9i expands the question mark in the following SQL
statement to the full pathname of the Oracle home directory: SQL> ALTER TABLESP
ACE TEMP ADD DATAFILE '?/dbs/dbs2.dbf' SIZE 2M The @ sign represents the ORACLE_
SID environment variable. For example, to indicate a file belonging to the curre
nt instance, enter: SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE tablespace_name ADD DATAFILE dbsfile@.
-----------------------Q.17 of 22
According to the Oracle recommended prioritized approach for des
igning, implementing, and maintaining an Oracle Database, which of the following
is the first task for the DBA to perform?
1. Install the Oracle Software
2. Evaluate the Database Server Hardware
3. Implement the Database Design
4. Plan the Database
Brief Review
Your answer is :
Correct answer is:

According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: The following tasks pr

esent a prioritized approach for designing, implementing, and maintaining an Ora
cle Database: Task 1: Evaluate the Database Server Hardware Task 2: Install the
Oracle Software Task 3: Plan the Database Task 4: Create and Open the Database T
ask 5: Back Up the Database Task 6: Enroll System Users Task 7: Implement the Da
tabase Design Task 8: Back Up the Fully Functional Database Task 9: Tune Databas
e Performance
-----------------------Q.18 of 22
Which of the following correctly describe the SHARED_POOL_SIZE i

nitialization parameter in Oracle 9i (Choose all that apply)? it allows you to a

djust the size of the shared pool block size
1. it allows you to adjust the size of the shared pool block size
2. it allows you to adjust the size of the shared pool tablespace size
3. it is a dynamic parameter
4. t allows you to adjust the size of the shared pool SGA component
Brief Review
Your answer is :
Correct answer is:


According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: The SHARED_POOL_SIZE i

nitialization parameter is a dynamic parameter (in previous releases it was not
dynamic) that allows you to specify or adjust the size of the shared pool compon
ent of the SGA. Oracle selects an appropriate default value.
-----------------------Q.19 of 22
Which of the following groups allows its members to connect to a
9i database using the SYSDBA privilege?
1. 9iDBA
Brief Review
Your answer is :
Correct answer is:

According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: Operating system accou

nts that are members of the OSDBA group have special database privileges. Member
s of this group can connect to the database using the SYSDBA privilege. The Orac
le software owner is the only required member of this group. You can add other a
ccounts as required.
-----------------------Q.20 of 22
Which of the following are the valid steps required to enable au
thentication of an DBA using the operating system
1. Ensure that REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE is set to NONE.
2. Create an operating system user account.
3. Add the user to OSDBA.
4. Add the user to INTERNAL.
Brief Review
Your answer is :
Correct answer is:


According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: To enable authenticati

on of an administrative user using the operating system you must do the followin
g: 1. Create an operating system account for the user. 2. Add the user to the OS

DBA or OSOPER operating system defined groups. 3. Ensure that the initialization
parameter, REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE, is set to NONE. This is the default value
for this parameter.

-----------------------Q.21 of 22
Which of the following can be done via the "template management"
page (Choose all that apply)?
1. Delete existing template
2. Use an existing database
3. Use an existing template
4. Clone a database
Brief Review
Your answer is :
Correct answer is:


According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: A "template management

" page provides you with several options that enable you to modify existing defi
nitions or to create definitions based upon existing databases: * Use an existin
g template From an existing template, create a new template based on the pre-def
ined template settings. You can add or change any template settings such as init
ialization parameters, storage parameters, or use custom scripts. * Use an exist
ing database From an existing database (structure only), create a new template w
hose structure is identical to the existing database. This includes tablespaces
and storage. You can use an existing database that is either local or remote. *
Clone a database From an existing database (structure as well as data) create a
template that has both the structure and data of an existing database. You can o
nly use an existing database that is local. You can view the "show details" page
to see detail information about the templates you create or modify. The "templa
te management" page also allows you to delete existing templates.
-----------------------Q.22 of 22
A directory name can be a valid value for which of the following
Brief Review
Your answer is :
Correct answer is:

According to the online documentation provided by Oracle: Parameter Default Valu

e Range of Values BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST ?/rdbms/log Valid directory name BITMAP_M
ERGE_AREA_SIZE 1048576 65536 to unlimited COMMIT_POINT_STRENGTH 1 0 to 255 CONTR
OL_FILES ?/dbs/cntrlsid.dbf Valid filenames CREATE_BITMAP_AREA_SIZE 8388608 6553
6 to unlimited DB_BLOCK_SIZE 2048 2048 to 16384 (Linux, Solaris) 2048 to 32768 (
AIX, HP, Tru64) DB_CACHE_SIZE 8 MB 8 MB to unlimited DB_FILES 200 1 to 2000000 D
B_FILE_DIRECT_IO_COUNT 64 0 to 1048576/block size




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