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TKL 134 Pencemaran Udara

Atmosphere & Air Pollution

Sri Hapsari Budisulistiorini

Earth consists of layers (UCAR 2004):

1. Atmosphere J a mixture of gases that surrounds
another planet or a star
2. Hydrosphere J all of the water on or over the earths
3. Lithosphere J the layer of rock that forms the outer
part of the earth; up to 100 km below the surface
4. Mantle J the layer in Earth's interior between the crust
and the core
5. Core J composed mostly of iron (Fe) and is so hot
that the outer core is molten, with about 10% sulphur

Atmosphere Layers:

Atmosphere Composition

N (78%)
O2 (21%)
others 1% argon (0,9%), CO2 (0,03%), H2O, H,
O3, CH4, CO, helium, neon, krypton, and xenon.

Source: UCAR (2004)

75-80% of the atmosphere

Heated from below J warm
air tends to rise J stirred up
J quite cold
Temperature around -55 C
Temperature decrease J
6,5C per 1000 m

Atmosphere Layers:

Very stable
Ozone J absorb UV radiation
Temperatures rise J opposite
of troposphere
Little convection & mixing in
the stratosphere J materials
stay longer J global climate
Little water vapor
Polar stratospheric clouds
(PSCs) J increase the effect of
ozone hole

Atmosphere Layers:

Source: UCAR (2004)

Source: UCAR (2004)

Atmosphere Layers:

Temperature decrease (the

coldest part -90 C)
Weather balloons & jet planes
cannot reach
Most meteors burn up
Noctilucent clouds J forms near
the North and South Poles
All gases are mixed
Above the mesosphere J air is
so thin J no gases mixing
Air waves start in troposphere,
stratosphere, and move upward
into mesosphere J carry energy
J air movement

Atmosphere Layers:

Temperatures climb sharply then

level off & steady J
Low air density
Space shuttle and the International
Space Station
Infrequent gas particles collision J
UV & X-ray break apart molecules
Main components: O, N & He
High-energy solar photons tear
electrons J electrically-charged ions
of atoms & molecules
Aurora J collision of charged
particles from space & atoms &
molecules in the thermosphere J

Atmosphere becomes very thin

Atoms and molecules escape into space
The clouds J troposphere
& stratosphere
The dark blue curve/edge
J mesosphere &

Source: NASA in UCAR (2004)

Source: Huboyo & Budihardjo

The dark blue to black

region of space J
exosphere extends out


Air pollution

Radiation protection
Hydrological cycle
Energy resource
Media for emission reaction

Meteorological effect to pollutant dilution

Atmosphere interaction with altitude and landscape

Masuknya satu atau lebih kontaminan/polutan seperti

debu, asap, bau, gas, dan uap ke atmosfer dalam jumlah
tertentu dan karakteristik tertentu serta dalam waktu
tertentu pula yang dapat membahayakan kehidupan
manusia, hewan, tumbuhan, dan menggangu
kenyamanan dalam kehidupan (Peavy, 1985)
Sebagian udara yang mengandung satu atau lebih bahan
kimia konsentrasi yang cukup tinggi untuk
membahayakan manusia, hewan, vegetasi atau material
(Tyler 1982)


Clean & Polluted Air

Types of Poluution (Warner 1981)

Indonesia was the

3rd most polluted
country in the world
after Mexico and
Thailand (UNEP,

Primary J direct emission


PM 10, SO2, NO2, CO & Pb

Secondary J reaction of primary gases in

the atmosphere

ozone from photochemical oxidation,

nitrate, etc



Particulate Matter

Classification of Sources

Primary: Motor vehicles emission & industrial flue gas

Secondary: gas condensation & chemical reaction




Particles Formation

Fine particle J 2,5 m

Coarse particle J >2,5 m


Sumber : Colls, 2002

Physical J size, formation, settling velocity, etc

Chemical J organic & inorganic composition (Hinds C. W,

Dust J solid aerosol from mechanical crushing & grinding of

larger material
Fume J solid aerosol from vapor condensation and combustion
flue gas (<1 m)
Smoke J visible solid & liquid aerosol from incomplete
combustion (< 1 m)
Mist J liquid aerosol from condensation or chemical reaction
(up to 20 m)
Fog or smog J photochemical reaction and water vapor (1-2 m
lesser than smoke
Fly ash J from coal combustion


Neiburger, Morris. 1995. Memahami Lingkungan Atmosfer

Kita-Terjemahan. Ardino Purbu. Bandung. ITB.
Ostro (1994) and Resosudamo (1996) presented in the
Integrated Vehicle Emission Strategy Workshop October 1618, 2001, Jakarta, Indonesia
Soemarno, Sri.H (1999), Meteorologi Pencemaran Udara,
diktat kuliah GM ITB, Penerbit ITB
UCAR 2004, Layers of the Earth's Atmosphere,
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

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