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Toronto wants the world to discover what our city has to offer. And how better to do that than by
putting the world in touch with the people who know and love Toronto the best the people who
live here.
How does TAP into TO! work?
We have lined up an array of energetic, knowledgeable volunteer Torontonians, who are ready,
willing and able to show you their favourite parts of Toronto.
Tell us when you'll be visiting, when you have two to four hours of free time and what
neighbourhood you would like to see.
We'll match you up with a greeter who shares your area of interest and you'll be set to go.
Please give us at least one week notice to make the match. It is also important to note that the
greeter visits cannot be arranged for the first day of arrival in the city just in case you are
unavoidably delayed on your arrival.
Disponvel em: <>. Acesso em: 9 set. 2013. (Adaptado).

1. (Ufg 2014) The phrasal verb in the title, Tap Into TO!, is best expressed by the phrase
a) connect with Toronto.
b) stay a while in Toronto.
c) stop over in Toronto.
d) take a day in Toronto.
e) go about Toronto.

Leia os textos a seguir e responda (s) questo(es).

Brazil judicial decision paves way for gay marriage

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The authorities in Brazil have ruled that marriage licences should not be denied to
same-sex couples. The council that oversees the countrys judiciary said it was wrong for some
offices just to issue civil union documents when the couple wanted full marriage certificates.
Correspondents say the decision in effect authorises gay marriage. However full legalization
depends on approval of a bill being examined by the Congress. Tuesdays resolution by Brazils
National Council of Justice was based on a 2011 Supreme Court ruling that recognised samesex civil unions. Notary publics were not legally bound to converting such unions into marriages
when asked by gay couples. This led to some being denied marriage certificates at certain
places, but being granted the document at others. That would be illegal, according to the new
If a notary public officer rejects a gay marriage, he could eventually face disciplinary
sanctions, NCJ judge Guilherme Calmon told BBC Brasil. The ruling brings Brazil one step
closer to its neighbours Argentina and Uruguay, which have legalised gay marriages. But
opponents could still challenge it at the Supreme Court. And the same-sex marriage bill being
examined by the Congress faces strong opposition from religious and conservative lawmakers.
Brazil is the worlds most populous Roman Catholic nation and has an estimated 60,000 gay
(BBC World News. Disponvel em: <>.
Acesso em: 10 maio 2013.)

2. (Uel 2014) Com base na charge e na notcia de jornal, considere as afirmativas a seguir.
I. A charge indica a separao entre religio e estado, ao passo que a notcia aponta uma
interferncia da bancada religiosa na poltica.
II. A charge pressupe que o obstculo ao casamento homossexual religioso, e a notcia
sugere que a bancada religiosa seja catlica.
III. A charge satiriza o modo como as leis sobre o casamento homossexual tm sido tratadas
pela religio, enquanto a notcia problematiza as polticas de legalizao.
IV. A charge satiriza o divrcio homossexual, j a notcia satiriza a oposio ao casamento
Assinale a alternativa correta.
a) Somente as afirmativas I e II so corretas.
b) Somente as afirmativas I e IV so corretas.
c) Somente as afirmativas III e IV so corretas.
d) Somente as afirmativas I, II e III so corretas.
e) Somente as afirmativas II, III e IV so corretas.

Pgina 2 de 4

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Resposta da questo 1:
O phrasal verb to tap into pode ser entendido como "to establish a connection with", "to have
access to", "to take advantage of'" (estabelecer uma conexo com algo, ter acesso a algo, tirar
proveito de algo). Assim, a alternativa que melhor se encaixa definio a [A] (conectar-se a
Toronto). A questo foi classificada como de nvel elevado, pois a alternativa [D] (passe um dia
em Toronto) e especialmente a alternativa [B] (fique um tempo em Toronto), poderiam
facilmente confundir o candidato.
Resposta da questo 2:
A primeira afirmao est correta, pois a charge retrata dois elefantes, representando a poltica
e a religio. A poltica diz "no voc, sou eu", ratificando a separao entre igreja e estado.
No entanto, o texto coloca: "And the same-sex marriage bill being examined by the Congress
faces strong opposition from religious and conservative lawmakers" (e o projeto de lei do
casamento homossexual sendo examinado pelo congresso enfrenta forte oposio da
bancada religiosa e conservadora).
A segunda afirmao est correta, pois o texto coloca: And the same-sex marriage bill being
examined by the Congress faces strong opposition from religious and conservative lawmakers"
(e o projeto de lei do casamento homossexual sendo examinado pelo congresso enfrenta forte
oposio da bancada religiosa e conservadora). Alm disso, o texto afirma: "Brazil is the worlds
most populous Roman Catholic nation and has an estimated 60,000 gay couples" (Brasil a
nao catlica romana mais populosa do mundo e tem um nmero aproximado de 60.000
casais gays).
A terceira afirmao est correta, pois os dois elefantes esto com trajes sociais,
provavelmente prontos para fazer acordo para seu divrcio. O texto, por sua vez, foca mais a
questo da legalidade do casamento homossexual, os impedimentos para sua realizao e as
confuses na interpretao das leis que regem casamentos.

Pgina 3 de 4

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Resumo das questes selecionadas nesta atividade

Data de elaborao:
Nome do arquivo:

24/11/2014 s 16:32

Q/Prova = nmero da questo na prova
Q/DB = nmero da questo no banco de dados do SuperPro
Q/prova Q/DB





1.............128636.....Elevada.........Ingls.............Ufg/2014...............................Mltipla escolha
2.............128905.....Elevada.........Ingls.............Uel/2014...............................Mltipla escolha

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