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AP Chapter 4 Board Questions

Updated 3/4/13

I. Intro and the Bill of Rights-Then and Now pages 98-102

1. What is the governments role in resolving civil liberties controversies?
2. What is the incorporation doctrine and what amendment has been used to accomplish it?
3. What do the Bill of Rights, Barron v. Baltimore, Gitlow v. N.Y., the 14 Amendment, the Due Process Clause
have in common?
1. civil liberties
2. Bill of Rights
3. 1st Amendment
4. 14th Amendment
5. due process clause
6. incorporation doctrine
Court Cases
1. Barron v. Baltimore
2. Gitlow v. New York

II. Freedom of Religion the Establishment Clause pages 102- 106

1. What two elements does the 1st Amendment contain and what is the difference between the two?
2. Why does the 1st Amendment prohibit the establishment of religion? What do you think Jefferson meant
when he said that the 1st Amendment created a wall of separation between church and state?
3. What Supreme Court case dealt with the issue of aid to church related schools? How did it rule?
4. What case dealt with the voucher issue and how was it decided?
5. What was the significance of the Equal Access Act of 1984?
6. Compare and contrast the cases of Engel v. Vitale and School District of Abington Township, Pennsylvania
v. Schempp.
7. establishment clause
8. free exercise clause
Court Cases
3. Lemon v. Kurtzman
4. Zelman v. Simmons-Harris
5. Engle v. Vitale
6. School District of Abington Township, Pennsylvania v. Schempp.

III. Freedom of Religion the Free Exercise Clause pages 106- 109
1. Why is the right to practice religion as one chooses more complicated than it would seem? Give an example.
2. What problem did the Employment Division v. Smith address? What was the outcome?
3. How has Congress and the Supreme Court granted protection for the Amish and Jehovahs Witnesses? Do you feel their stance it is fair?
4. What was the intent of the Religious Freedom restoration Act passed by Congress in 1993? How did the Supreme Court react?
5. Read the Case of Animal Sacrifices on page 108. Do you feel the Santerians have a constitutional right to sacrifice animals in their religious
rituals? Why, why not? Do you think the citys interest in protecting animals outweigh the Santerians requirement for animal sacrifice? Why, why
Vocabulary None
Court Cases None

IV. Freedom of Expression Prior Restraint and Free Speech and Public Order pages 109-112
1. What are three types of expression and why do totalitarian governments limit them?
2. What was the difference between Justice Blacks and Justice Holmes interpretation of the First Amendment? Which do you agree with, why?
3. Why can government limit action more easily than it can expression?
4. What is the significance of the Supreme Court case of Near v. Minnesota and how does it relate to prior restraint?
5. Read Should Universities Regulate Hate Speech? answer the following questions
a. Should universities adopt policies to limit hate speech, why or why not?
b. How would you define hate speech?
c. Is there a danger that hate speech policy could also limit the expression of important but un popular views? Explain.
d. Is there a significant difference between hate speech and arguments advocating policies you find abhorrent?
6. How does the cases Schenck v. United States and Dennis v. United States relate to free speech and public order?
Abhorrent - Similar: being so repugnant as to stir up positive antagonism
9. prior restraint
Court Cases
7. Near v. Minnesota

8. Schenck v. United States

V. Freedom of Expression Free Press and Fair Trials, Obsenity pages 113-116
1. Do you feel that one can have a fair trial with a lot of press involved?
2. What are shield laws and what are they used for?
3. What is the significance of Zurcher v. Stanford daily?
4. What cases tried to define obscenity and why is so difficult to do so?
5. What is the criteria of what is obscene according to the Miller case?
Court Cases
9. Zurcher v. Stanford Daily
10. Roth v. United states
11. Miller v. California

VI. Freedom of Expression Libel and Slander and Symbolic Speech pages 116-118
1. What is the difference between libel and slander?
2. What is the significance of New York Times v. Sullivan?
3. Why do private individuals have a lower standard to meet for winning libel lawsuits? Do you feel that it is fair to public figures, why, why not?
4. What three S.C. cases involved symbolic speech? How did the court rule?
10. libel
11. symbolic speech
Court Cases
12. New York v. Sullivan
13. Texas v. Johnson

3/1/13 Quiz on Vocabulary 1-11 and Court Cases 1-13

3/4/13 VII. Commercial Speech Regulation of the Public Airwaves pages 118-120
1. Why do you think commercial speech is restricted far more that the other types of speech?
2. What governmental agency oversees commercial speech and what is its role?
3. What has caused their regulations to changeover the years?
4. What does the FCC do?
5. Why does the Supreme court uphold tighter restrictions on the broadcast media than it does on the print media?
12. commercial speech
Court Cases
14. Miami Harald Publishing Company v. Tornillo
15. Red Lion Broadcasting Company v. Federal Communications Comission

3/4/13 VIII. Freedom Of Assembly Right to Assemble, Right to Associate 120- 122
1. What are the two facets of the freedom of assembly?
2. The courts basically say there must be a balance between what two things when groups are protesting?
3. Answer the two You Be The Judge Questions in The Case of the Nazis March in Skokie on page 121
Court Cases
16. NAACP v. Alabama

3/5/13 IX Defendants Rights 122- 130

1. Why does much of the Bill of Rights pertain to the rights of the accused?
2. Draw a diagram of the criminal justice system as a series of funnels.
3. How are the following terms interrelated: probable cause, unreasonable searches and seizures, search warrant, and exclusionary rule?
4. What are the three guidelines for police questioning of suspects as set forth in Miranda v. Arizona (1966)?
5. What is the significance of the Supreme Court case of Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)?
6. What are the pros and cons of plea bargaining?
7. List and explain the importance of three Supreme Court cases concerning the death penalty.
13. probable cause
14. unreasonable search and seizures
15. search warrant
16. exclusionary rule
17. 5th amendment
18. self-incrimination
19. 6th Amendment
20. plea bargaining
21. 8th Amendment
22. cruel and unjust punishment
Court Cases
17. map v. Ohio
18. Miranda v. Arizona
19. Gideon v. Wainwright
20. Gregg v. Georgia
21. McCleskey v. Kemp

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