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Ethics in Public Administration

PA 4360 Section 501

University of Texas at Dallas

School of Economic, Political and Policy Studies

Instructor: Dr. Kimberly Aaron

Contact Information:
Office Hours: By Appointment

Course Description: This comprehensive course covers a number of topics including the basic philosophical
framework of ethics, its evolving scholarship, and the ethical challenges faced in public administration.

Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will have an understanding of the basic
concepts associated with ethical decision making and will be able to identify ethical challenges occurring within
the public sector. The evaluation of various case studies will provide students with the opportunity to
demonstrate their understanding.

Required Texts: 1. Cooper, Terry L. “The Responsible Adminstrator: An Approach to Ethics for
the Administrative Role.” Jossey-Bass Publishers.
2. Course Reader. Available at Off Campus Books on Campbell Road.

Grading: Written Case Analysis ((25% each) 50%

Portfolio 35%
Attendance and Class Participation 15%

Cases will be distributed at least one week prior to their due dates. Written case analyses should be four to five
pages in length, double-spaced, and should be written in Times Roman 12 Font on pages set with one inch
margins. They should analyze the major ethical considerations represented by the case study in a manner
consistent with the scenario analyses included in the Cooper text.

For the Portfolio, throughout the semester students should identify five current events that represent ethical
challenges in public administration. Students will provide a two to three page write-up that briefly describes the
situation and relates it to the ethical concepts discussed in class and addressed in the reading assignments. The
Portfolio will be due on the last day of class.

Students are expected to attend class and to contribute to discussions. In addition to written cases analyses,
students should be prepared to discuss additional cases during class. At various points in the semester, students
will be assigned to groups for in-class analyses of various cases.

Extensions and Exceptions: As a rule, no extensions will be granted for written work. Unexcused late papers will
be penalized one full grade per day, including weekends. If you are in need of special consideration, please
address your situation with the professor in private.

Academic Integrity: Instances of academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated. Suspicions regarding
academic dishonesty will be investigated and pursued to the fullest extent of university policy. Information
regarding academic dishonesty can be located online at
Disabilities and Accommodations: If you have a condition that requires accommodation in this course, please
speak with the professor. Disability Services can be reached at 972-883-2098.

Disclaimer: This course syllabus may be amended as necessary by the professor.

Class Schedule:

August 21: Introductions, Overview and Objectives

August 28 Introduction to Basic Ethical Concepts (City of Richardson example for Portfolio)

September 4 Labor Day Holiday – No Class

September 11 Theories
Reader: Boylan “Deontology” Velasquez & Rostankowski “Utilitarian Ethics”

September 18 More on Theories

Reader: Brandt “Toward a Credible From of Utilitarianism” Garofalo & Gueras “A
Review of Absolutist Theories” Pass out Csse #1, Blumhurst Case in class

September 25 Individual Responsibility

Cooper: Chapters 1 and 2 Non-Smoking Case in class

October 2 Administrative Responsibility

Cooper Chapters 3 & 4
Case # 1 Due Disaster Reparations

October 9 Ethics and Conduct in Public Service

Gilman Report located at Reader:
Dobel “Political Prudence and the Ethics of Leadership” Choosing Lots case in class

October 16 Tentative Guest Speaker – Dr. Richard Scotch, Bioethics Pass out Case #2

October 23 Constitutional Theory, Citizenship

Reader: Cooper “Citizenship and Professionalism in Public Administration” Lewis “To
Serve the Public Interest” Conflicting Rights Case in Class

October 30 Ethics in Organizations

Cooper: Chapters 5
Case #2 Due Free Speech and the Ku Klux Klan

November 6 Ethics in Organizations

Cooper: Chapter 6

November 13 Safeguarding Autonomy

Cooper: Chapter 7 Reader: Bok “Lies for the Public Good”

November 20 Ethics in Nonprofit Organizations

Reader: “Board Leadership and Board Development” “Ethics in Nonprofit
Management” What’s in a nonprofit’s name – Page 14 Arthritis Foundation
November 27 Final Discussion - Recap of Semester
Portfolio Due

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