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CS 6361 Section 501, Fall 2005

Instructor: Lawrence Chung

Office: ECSS 3.204, ECS, UTD

E-mail :

Phone: 972 -883-2178

Web page: ( NOT webCT!)

Office hours: TR 2:00-3:00pm, or by appointment

Lectures: TR 5:30-6:45pm, ECSS2.305

TA: TBA, Office: TBA, Office hours: TBA

Textbook: Lecture Notes

System Requirements Engineering, P. Loucopoulos and V. Karakostas, McGraw-Hill:;;;
Requirements Engineering: Processes and Techniques, G. Kotonya and I. Sommerville,
John Wiley Sons
Software Requirements: Objects, Functions, & States, A. M. Davis, Prentice Hall:
Englewood Cliffs
Non-Functional Requirements in Software Engineering, L. Chung, B. Nixon, E. Yu and
J. Mylopoulos,
Kluwer Academic Publishing, 2000 (An earlier version of a framework book chapter)
System and Software Requirements Engineering: Tutorial, R. H. Thayer and M. Dortman
IEEE Computer Society Press
Requirements Engineering - A Good Practice Guide, I. Sommerville and P. Sawyer,
Requirements Engineerng: Frameworks for Understanding, R. Wieringa, Wiley, 1997
Requirements Engineering, L. Macaulay, Springer Verlag, 1996
User-Centered Requirements Analysis, C. F. Martin, Prentice-Hall, 1994
Information System Requirements: Determination and Analysis, D. Flynn, McGraw-Hill,
Exploring Requirements, D. Gause and G. Weinberg, Dorset House, 1989
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, with Applications, G. Booch, Benjamin-
Cummings, 1994
Object-Oriented Methods: A Foundation, J. Martin and J. Odell, Prentice-Hall, 1995
The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, J. Rumbaugh, I. Jacobson and G. Booch, Addison-
Wesley, 1998
The Unified Modeling Language User Manual, G. Booch, J. Rumbaugh and I. Jacobson, Addison-Wesley, 1998.

Prerequisites: CS 5354 (SE 5354) Software Engineering, or CS 3353 (SE 3354)

Objectives: To be able to systematically establish, define, and manage the requirements for a
large, complex, changing, software-intensive system, be it organizational or mostly
a computer sub-system. To be able to understand the central issues which form the
background to, or have tendency to deform, the process. To be able to understand,
evaluate and choose from traditional techniques and further advances in the field.

Computer Usage:
You can obtain a trial version of Rational Rose to run the program(s) on your home PC from, demo and online tutorial from .
A student version is also available.
If you wish, you can use the facilities at UTD too (ES2.104 on the ground floor in ECS). All PC’s in the labs of
UTD are installed with Rational Rose. There are several open access labs: You will need to get a user ID for the lab, Need help? 972-883-2911,,

Project: There will be a 3-phase project. Each project phase should be submitted by the expected due date in the
beginning of the class that day. Project phases should be submitted with student name, student ID, student email
address, project phase #, and class/section written on the first page.
The project will be done by teams of 3 students. (Teams with more or less than 3 members will be allowed only
under exceptional circumstances). All students in a team will get the same mark for the work they do unless they
unanimously agree (in writing) to an unequal division. You are to choose your own team members. An orphan will
be assigned to a team by the instructor.

Tests: There will be two tests, one in the middle (test 1) and the other at the end (test 2) of the course.

Late work: Any assigned work will have 10 points deducted for each week passed.

Project (3 x 10) 30 %
Test 1 25 %
Test 2 45 %

Important Dates:

1. August 18 (Thursday) - the first day of class for this course

2. September 29 (Thursday) – project I

3. October 6 (Thursday) – test 1

4. October 27 (Thursday) – project II and/or short presentation

5. November 22 (Tuesday) – test 2

6. November 23 (Wednesday) – November 29 (Tuesday) – project III ([ PostScript] [PDF] (to be updated))
submission and demo (Each team needs to set up a time with the TA to do a demo; A hardcopy should be
submitted at the time of the demo.)


The University of Texas System Policy on Academic Honesty (The Regents and Regulations, Part One, Chapter VI,
Section 3, Paragraph 3.22):

Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline. Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not
limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or
in part to another person, taking an examination for another, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the
attempt to commit such acts.

The minimum penalty for academic dishonesty is a failing grade (zero)

Course Outline (subject to evolution, hence it is recommended that you download 1-2 modules at a time on a
weekly basis or whenever appropriate)

Requirements Engineering Journal and a Swing [PowerPoint]

Requirements Engineering: Introduction - Part I [PostScript] [PDF]
Requirements Engineering: Introduction - Part II [PostScript] [PDF]

Requirements Engineering Processes [PostScript] [PDF]

Requirements Elicitation: Part I [PostScript] [PDF]
Requirements Analysis, Modelling and Specification: Review [PostScript] [PDF]
My Cat is Object-Oriented – A Brief Review of UML
Enterprise Requirements & Functional Requirements: Structural Requirements [PostScript] [PDF]
Functional Requirements: A Formal OO-RML [PostScript] [PDF];
Functional Requirements: Behavioral Requirements [PostScript] [PDF]
Enterprise Requirements: Part II [PostScript] [PDF]
Non-Functional Requirements [PostScript] [PDF]
Requirements Elicitation: Part II [PostScript] [PDF]
Scenario Analysis [PostScript] [PDF]
Model Checking

Priorities: Class Discussions, Lecture Notes, Primary Reading and References!!!

Sample Project Descriptions

Course Project - Part I [PostScript] [PDF]
Sample Deliverable
Course Project - Part II – [PostScript] [PDF]
Sample Deliverable
Course Project - Part III – old, to be updated [PostScript] [PDF]

Sample Tests
Sample Test 1 [PostScript] [PDF]
Sample Test 2 [PostScript] [PDF]
Sample Test 3 and Answer [PostScript] [PDF]
Sample Test 4 [PostScript] [PDF]
Sample Test 5 [PostScript] [PDF]

Frequently Asked Questions

IEEE standard
A Tutorial on Temporal Logic
Case Studies on Temporal Logic
A UML Tutorial by Bruegge

Job Posting
Last updated: 03/20/00 22:25:00

8 / 23 / 2005

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