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Installing nuBuilderTM

In order to run nuBuilder, you will need to have MySql installed, along with a web server that
supports PHP. If you would like your nuBuilder site to send emails, you will also need access to an
SMTP server. (nuBuilder also supports authenticated SMTP.)
After you download and uncompress either the Linux or Windows compressed files from, you will end up with the following folder structure:
1. Upload these folders into your web-root.
2. Using a tool like phpmyadmin, or some other application provided by your hosting provider;
create a database and assign it a user-name and password. The name of the database can be
whatever you need it to be.
3. nuBuilder requires some specific tables in the database before you can use it. The best way to get
these tables is to import the sample.sql file into your database. Again you can use a tool like
phpmyadmin to do this.
4. There needs to be a folder under the /db/ folder for each nuBuilder site you need to run.
You can simply use the folder called /db/sample/ to get started.
There are two files that you will need to edit in the /db/sample/ folder:
Inside the config file you will need to set the name of your database along with the username and password. You will also need to set the globeadmin password.


"sample"; //refer to step 2 above
"sample"; //refer to step 2 above
"samplepass"; //refer to step 2 above
"sampleglobeadmin";//set password here

Inside the index file you will need to change the following variables to match your site.
$dbfolder = "sample";
$nameText = "Sample";
Please note that the index file can be modified in any way that you need, you can include
your own company logos or make this form linked into your own intranet.

5. After you have completed these steps you should be able to go to a url that will look something
like the following:
Login using globeadmin as the user-name and sampleglobeadmin as the password.
After you have completed the above, there are three addition steps needed to make sure your site is
secure and can send emails.
Step 1
There are two globeadmin logins. Both have the same username, however the passwords are set
in different locations.
These are configured in the following config.php files:

{webroot}/db/{sitename}/config.php;//refer to previous page

The password that is set in {webroot}/productionnu2/config.php will provide access to

all nuBuilder sites on this server. Therefore it is import to change this from the default.
The password that is set in {webroot}/db/{sitename}/config.php will only provide
access to a single site.
Edit the following global values in the file: {webroot}/productionnu2/config.php
$NUGlobeadminPassword = "secret";
These variables are used for nuBuilder to send emails.

= "smtp"; //if you do not have access to a

smtp server then use sendmail;


= ""; //defaults to localhost if

left blank


= "";
= "";

Step 2
If you are running on a Linux host, make sure that you have write permissions to the following:
chmod it to 775 and chown it to either apache:apache or nobody:nobody depending what
your webserver runs as.
If you are running a windows host, you will need to make sure that this folder can be written to by
the web server you are using.
Step 3
Ensure that CURL is enabled in your php.ini

If you have any further questions please check the nuBuilder forums at
Document version 5, Date 02-May-2011 produced by

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