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When Check that the page... Record any feedback… The perfect page...

Alignment to proposition

New/review £ ...has a clear audience ...helps the user complete a task (find X or do Y), or the organisation fulfil a
New/review £ ...has a clear purpose goal, which is within scope of the site's overall audience and purpose
New/review £ with a subject which is current ...can be relied upon by visitors to be relevant and accurate
New £ ...has been approved for release cleared by press office or a senior policy official for publication
Review £ receiving respectable traffic levels found useful by visitors in numbers which match expectations
New/review £ comprehensive ...leaves no obvious questions unanswered and raises no new ones
New/review £ ...has a current content owner reviewed regularly (every 6-12 months) by its author/owner

Findability and usability

New/review £ ...can be found by searching ...shows in the top 5 results or as a featured result for relevant searches
New/review £ ...can be found if misspelt ...offers 'did you mean' search prompts for common misspellings
New/review £ ...can be found by browsing located in the section where visitors are most likely to look for it
New/review £ …is promoted from other relevant pages …is offered as a suggested link from other, similar topics in the site
New/review £ ...has a clear 'short title' in the left nav …has a navigation label which can be instantly understood
New/review £ ...has a clear 'long title' ...conveys its purpose clearly to users and search engines via the title
New £ ...has a memorable URL ...has a URL which can be typed in or dictated, with no acronyms
Review £ ...has not changed its URL ...always retains the same URL as when it was first published
On deletion £ ...has copied to the National Archives preserved for posterity as part of national public records
On deletion £ ...has not caused broken inward links ...contains links that all work, even when pages are moved or deleted
New/review £ ...uses popular keywords in the text ...uses the same words that visitors use when searching and scanning
Layout and template
New £ …is in the right template for its type …has a consistent look and feel with other pages of the same type
New £ …has a suitable number of columns …uses a three-column layout unless it contains wide tables or images
Editorial style and impact
New/review £ in plain English
...can be understood without specialist language or prior knowledge
New/review £ ...defines abbreviations on first use
New/review £ ...uses an appropriate tone of voice ...uses a friendly tone consistent with content elsewhere on the site
New/review £ ...has a clear summary/first sentence ...makes its point and purpose clear in the first 30-50 words
New/review £ …is structured with headings and lists ...can be scanned quickly by the reader for meaning and structure
New/review £ ...uses images and media effectively visually appealing and engaging
New/review £ ...uses formatting effectively ...breaks up content with italics, pull quotes and bold – but sparingly
New/review £ concise, using short sentences ...can be read and understood quickly, with simple language and no
redundant words or irrelevant detail
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All pages
...can be read and understood quickly, with simple language and no
New/review £ not excessively long overall redundant words or irrelevant detail
New/review £ ...contains no misspelled words spelt correctly in UK English to house style
New/review £ …contains no grammatical errors …is grammatically correct UK English to house style
New/review £ ...uses capitalisation appropriately ...avoids misleading the eye with unnecessary use of capital letters
New/review £ ...uses house date and numbers style ...contains dates and numbers in a format that is easy to read

Syndication, interaction and re-use

New/review £ …encourages re-use of data (if any) ...provides public datasets (if any) in a linked open format for re-use
New/review £ ...has appropriate syndication options ...can be subscribed to by email and/or RSS feeds if frequently updated
Review £ ...has correct minor/major change flag ...reliably alerts subscribers to significant updates but not minor edits
New/review £ ...has appropriate sharing options ...makes it easy for readers to bookmark and share the URL
New/review £ …provides appropriate social media tools …encourages interaction, feedback and engagement with the topic
New/review £ …includes well-chosen sidebar panels …presents useful/interesting content from other sources in the sidebar
Links and contextual information
New/review £ ...contains no broken links ...contains links that all work, even when pages are moved or deleted
New/review £ …uses titles of target pages as link text …contains links that describe what is being linked to (never 'click here!')
New/review £ …provides thorough inline links ...helps readers go to directly relevant content whenever it's mentioned
New/review £ ...provides well-chosen sidebar links ...helps readers see tangentially relevant content they may also like
New/review £ ...signposts content on gov supersites ...helps people find related content we publish to other gov sites
New/review £ ...shows relevant contacts/ministers ...helps people understand who does what in our organisation
New/review £ ...links news, speeches, publications ...presents a recent history of pertinent official announcements
Files and downloads
New/review £ …provides clear links to any downloads …can be scanned quickly by the reader for any downloadable files
New/review £ …provides accessible PDFs (if any) …provides PDF files (if any) in a bookmarked, fully accessible form
New/review £ …contains no oversized files …provides files (if any) at small enough sizes for low bandwidth users

New/review £ ...contains relevant keyword metadata
...conforms to the eGMS government metadata standard and can be
New/review £ ...has relevant IPSV subject term(s)
indexed by the website software and other systems in multiple ways
New/review £ …has meaningful description metadata
New/review £ …has a suitable review date, max 1 year reviewed regularly (every 6-12 months) by its author/owner

Legal and technical

New/review £ ...has appropriate copyright clearances ...has written copyright clearances for all content from 3rd parties
New/review £ ...provides text alternatives for media ...does not discriminate against any visitor irrespective of ability
New/review £ ...passes Wave accessibility check ...conforms to AA level accessibility against WCAG 2.0

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All pages
New/review £ ...passes W3C validation written in valid XHTML1.0 and CSS 2.0
New £ available in Welsh if applicable …does not discriminate and complies with the Welsh Language Scheme


When Check that the policy page... Record any feedback… The perfect policy page...
New/review £ ...warrants an entry in the policy listing a significant, discrete programme, initiative or area of work
New/review £ ...has appropriate syonymn titles ...can be found under all A-Z letters where users may be looking for it
New/review £ ...has appropriate 'theme' metadata ...can be found under all Themes where users may be looking for it

When Check that the publication Record any feedback… The perfect publication…
New £ ...has a unique reference number (URN) catalogued in BIS systems and deposited in the British Library
New/review £ an accessible, bookmarked PDF tagged for screen readers and bookmarked for online navigation
New/review £ appropriately branded & designed ...uses the corporate front cover, back page and boilerplate
New/review £ optimised for downloading online a small enough file size to download on slow bandwidths

When Check that the consultation Record any feedback… The perfect consultation…
New £ …is approved by Better Regulation …conforms to the consultation code of best practice
New £ ...has correct opening and closing dates ...makes it clear when the period for submitting repiles starts and ends
New £ ...has full, accurate contact details ...provides multiple ways for people to respond in writing and online
New £ …has correct RDFa data …is marked up in RDFa for indexing on Directgov and elsewhere
New £ ...provides a meaningful abstract ...states clearly what the consultation is about and who it's for
New £ ...has all consultation files(s) attached …provides consultation documents that are easy to download and print
New £ ...has the impact assessment attached
Review £ ...has the response document attached …is updated with the government response when available

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Media sizes
Media type Dimensions

Images in regular slots

Homepage primary story 313 x 251 (check 310 x 310 and any height)
Homepage secondary story 211 x 205 (check 210 x 210 and any height)
Homepage tertiary story/feature 277 x 84 (check 275 x 85 and align left/ right combos)
Minister – main 210 x 210
Minister – small 175 x 175
Consultation front cover 135 x 190
Publication front cover 135 x 190
Partner logo Any width x 45 (check a few partner logos)

Images in the body of pages

Summary box image 100px x 100px
Thumbnail 100px x 100px
Medium 250px wide x (height determined by aspect ratio)
Large (full width) 450px wide x (height determined by aspect ratio)

Images in sidebar panels

Thumnbail 75 x Any height
Full width 225 x Any height

Embeddable media
Youtube video Use Rich text editor control
Scribd publication Use Rich text editor control
Flickr set/library Use Rich text editor control

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Media sizes
File size & format Alignment

Web optimised jpg/gif/png

Web optimised jpg/gif/png
Web optimised jpg/gif/png
Web optimised jpg/gif/png
Web optimised jpg/gif/png
Web optimised jpg/gif/png
Web optimised jpg/gif/png
Web optimised jpg/gif/png

Web optimised jpg/gif/png Aligned left

Web optimised jpg/gif/png Aligned right
Web optimised jpg/gif/png Aligned right
Web optimised jpg/gif/png No aligment

Web optimised jpg/gif/png Aligned right

Web optimised jpg/gif/png No aligment

Max 15MB?

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