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Ashhadu an l ilha ill Allh wadahu l shark lah, wa
ashhadu anna Muammadan abduhu wa rasluh. mantu
billhi, wa malikatihi, wa kutubihi, wa rusulihi, wa al-yawm
il-khiri, wa bil qadari khayrihi wa sharrih. adaqa Allhu wa
adaqa rasluh. adaqa Allhu wa adaqa rusuluh. mantu bil
sharah, wa addaqtu bil sharah, wa in kuntu qultu shayan
khilfa al-ijmi rajatu anh. Tabarratu min kulli dnin
khlafa dn al-Islm.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, One without partner; and I bear
witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. I believe in Allah, His
Angels, His Scriptures, His Messengers, the Last Day, and the Divine Decree
its good and evil. What Allah has said is true, and what His Messenger has said is
true. What Allah has said is true, and what His messengers have said is true. I



believe in the Shariah, and I accept it as true, and if I have ever said anything that
contradicts the consensus, I retract it. I absolve myself from every religion that
contradicts the religion of Islam.

Allhumma inn uminu bim talamu annahu al-aqqu indak,

wa abrau ilayka mimm talamu annahu al-bilu indak,
khudh minn jumala, wa l tulibn bil tafl. Astaghfirullh
Al-Ama wa atbu ilayh. 3x
O Allah, I believe in what You know is true with You, and I absolve myself from
what You know is false. Accept my actions as a whole, and do not call me to
account in detail. I seek Allah the Almightys forgiveness and repent to Him

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Nadimtu min kulli sharr. Ashhadu an l ilha ill Allhu

wadahu l sharka lah, wa ashhadhu anna Muammadan
abduhu wa rasluh, wa anna s abdu l-Lhi wa rasluh, wa
ibnu amatih, wa kalimatuhu alqh il Maryam, wa run
minh. Wa anna al-Jannata aqq, wa anna al-Nra aqq, wa
anna kulla m ja bihi raslu l-Lhi all Allhu alayhi wa
lihi wa sallama aqq.
I regret every evil. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, One without
partner; and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger; and that
Jesus is His slave and Messenger, son of His maidservant, and His word which
He cast into Mary, and a Spirit from Him. And [I bear witness] that the Garden
is real, and that the Fire is realand that everything which the Messenger of
Allah came with, Allahs peace and mercy be upon him and his family, is true.


Wa anna khayra al-duny wa al-khirati f taqw Allhi wa

atih, wa anna sharra al-duny wa al-khirati f maiyati lLhi wa mukhlafatih, wa anna al-sah tyatun l rayba fh,
wa anna Allha yabathu man f l-qubr. Ashhadu an l ilha
ill Allhu wadahu l sharka lah, wa ashhadhu anna
Muammadan abduhu wa rasluh.
And that the best of this world and the hereafter is in mindfulness of Allah and
obedience to Him; and that the worst of this world and the hereafter is in
disobeying Allah and going against Him. And that the Hour is comingthere is


no doubt in itand that Allah will resurrect the people of the graves. I bear
witness that there is no god but Allah, One without partner; and I bear witness
that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

L ilha ill Allahu ufn bih umr. L ilha ill Allhu

adkhulu bih qabr. L ilha ill Allhu akhl bih wad. L
ilha ill Allhu alq bih Rabb. L ilha ill Allhu qabla
kulli shay. L ilha ill Allhu bada kulli shay. L ilha ill
Allhu yabq Rabbun wa yafn kullu shay. L ilha ill
Allhu, nastaghru l-Lh (3x). L ilha ill Allhu wa natbu
il Allh. L ilha ill Allhu, Muammadun raslu Allh,
all Allhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallim.
There is no god but AllahI end my life with it. There is no god but
AllahI enter my grave with it. There is no god but AllahI remain alone
with it. There is no god but AllahI meet my Lord with it. There is no god
but Allah before everything. There is no god but Allah after everything.
There is no god but Allahour Lord remains while everything perishes.
There is no god but Allahwe seek Allahs forgiveness (3x). There is no
god but Allahwe repent to Allah. There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is
the Messenger of Allah, Allahs peace and mercy be upon him and his family.


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