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The family is the building blocks of our society.

It is the family where our parents are the first teachers.

Since this is the building block of our society, it is important to have families which are built by virtues
and values, if possible with Christian virtues and values which perfects the person. The person is an
intellectual nature with a individual substance in a body. It is rational with an Intellect and the will. The
person is also an animal with its senses, being, material and substance. The senses govern the will
whenever the intellect is insufficient and hinders the person from realizing the truth and good. The
person is a subject which does actions since a person is free and has freedom to do actions. These actions
create experiences of the person and eventually the persons inner world. The inner-world of a person is
shared with the gift of speech to other people since man is a social being. Man being a social being needs
other people to socialize to express themselves though a conversation. Being social helps the person
perfect oneself. According to Aristotle, there are three kinds of friendship a man can have, friendship by
utility is when a relation is based on using one another for personal gain. Friendship by pleasure is a
relation based on satisfying the personal needs of the person and friendship by goodness of character
which is a friendship which is based on the persons goodness in virtues and values such as symphaty,
reciprocity, and sincerity.
The human subject can be male and female. Both have attraction, desire, goodwill, reciprocity, and
sympathy but in different degrees. These differences complement the male and female to eachother.
The self-fulfillment of a person is attaining happiness and perfection of oneself. Marriage is one way to
perfect onself but it is also possible to perfect oneself by the celibate life. To perfect oneself, man needs
other people as we are social beings to exchange inner-worlds and experiences with one another.

The family is a natural institution which is the building blocks of our society. It is important for the
family to be built in virtues and values if possible with Christian virtues and values since these
help perfect the person. The family is where the person is formed so that the intellect, the capacity
to choose and the will, the capacity to choose. The person is also an animal with senses( touch,
taste, smell, hear and see), being/living , material and substance. The will of a person is governed
by the intellect which is ones knowledge of the truth and good that should perfect the person. But
if the intellect of the person is flawed, the senses of a person would govern the will which will
result in a person that acts according to what pleasures or satisfy the person even if it would not
lead to perfection.
The person naturally has a will and is free to choose with his freedom. The person is a subject who
does things out of its will and intellect. Actions done by the person create the experiences of a
person and forms its inner world. Man by nature is a social being which needs to express
themselves and their inner worlds by the gift of speech. Man is perfected with the help of other
people for self-fullfillment.
The self-fullfilment of a person can be done in married life and also the celibate life. The persons
subjectivity is the result of the persons freedom to choose and think.

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