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Greetings, Prof.

Hawking, I believe that the motto ' method of science, aim of gnosis, performance
through art', as a principle of trinity (such as wiLLove for example) is a basis for human&progressive
humanity which mediates between planet Earth&Space. I have always been enchanted by a starlit
sky&was drawn to the natural science since childhood. Book&series 'COSMOS' also enchanted me as
a boy. I have always been intrigued by answers to still unanswered questions. Therefore I highly
appreciate your work, achievements&genius. I recently watched a film about your personal life, and
experienced you as one of the will&love giants of present time. By virtue of your nature&success, I am
recognized you as one of the members of the Order S. '. S.'. (Spine-Scull); for their work they primarily
use mind&kundalini, therefore they are yogis on one way or another; such as yourself. You become
one of them by virtue of permanent - life time asana - physically paralyzed by force of circumstance.
Restriction in one sphere often encourages expansion in another sphere, therefore yogis first tame the
physical, or break the physical, emotional and mental limitations, in order to liberate the
mind&kundalini, raised in the sphere of the spiritual, and invoke genius. Spine&scull joined together
represent the identical form of spermatozoon. (Since your disease is not prevented your sex life, in
case that your will is to explore the origin of the universe from the point of view of sex magick; in this
case, I recommend the book 'sex magick' by James T. Cooling.)
I believe that science&art springs from Gnosis (
believers will say from God, gnostics from Genius), they start from it, they are it's reflections or
manifestations. All in-spirit-on, a-spirit-on, all the genius springs from the Gnosis. In science we see
gnosis&art, in art science&gnosis; in gnosis art&science. Knowledge and progress in one sphere,
gives a domino effect and encourages the development of all other spheres, interaction, influence
from one to another&vice versa, is constantly present.
Gnostics have always wondered 'What came first: the chicken or the egg?'.
With the discovery of the God particle (movie 'sphere' with Dustin Hoffman), that issue becomes more
important. If you already can create anything (with god particle as main particle), or even go step
further&change the laws of the universe if you will for example; then of great significance for the
universe, humanity and the planet Earth; becomes knowledge; that these laws (with god particle user
guide also :)) must be of benefit to the entire universe and all that dwell therein. It is a great
responsibility that lies on the shoulders of those who have reached the mystery of 'chicken and egg'.
I think that this book filled with Gnosis (Liber Legis, wiLLove), which I am sending to you (in case that
you have not yet come into contact with it); possible can, such genius as yours, inspired by the latest
scientific knowledge, breakthroughs and successes. My knowledge is that it is encrypted, and I
suppose that it
reveals it's deepest secret chambers only to those who are appropriate by pure heart and exceptional
I believe that you and your team, are more than suitable for the minions of the TOE which stands
behind this and similar books (other art&science achievements, and also you in your most brilliant
times :)); from which springs intelligence&leadership, unattainable to the profane.
This, nearly 111 years old book; is still new&fresh in many borderline areas of human thought&activity;
and I suspect that it will continue to be, for many future years.
I hope that your correspondent, in case that you do not care of your mail personaly, will be wise
enough to deliver this mail to you; in front of your genius,
because I am contacting you mainly driven by intuition, so I am literally messenger or a postman. Do
not kill the messenger. :)

I have noticed that the problem of the TOE; is actually the mystery of unification of Nuit& Hadit which

results in Ra Hoor Khuit. (wiLLove, thelemAAgape for example)

Nuit - General Relativity
Hadit - Quantum Field Theory
Further, scientific way 'from top to bottom' in Gnosis is called 'pigeon'; 'from down to up' - 'snake,
Furthermore, your name Stephen W. Hawking and disease (AL S) also prompted me to contact you ....
ST(69 there is success) step hen Will I am HAWKing...
I hope that you understand that I am contacting you in good faith, with no intend to show off or to be a
smart ass; this mail is the result of internal impulses which did not overly rationalized ... just do it...:)
May the force be with you Prof. Hawking.

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