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[A love letter about our horizons to my darling U]

Firstly,I shall always address you as my darling U.because ,our relationship is piquant.clearly,there
is a desire to unite,yet there is much tenderness too.i cannot bear to just take your body,to ravage it
enough,that it may even be painful for U,until I can see u as seeking,desiring ,wanting just that.i
cannot bear to just let U go.i cannot bear to just let it be ,just a passing episode.i cannot bear
for this to be the clouds that extinguish their pain ,come winter.

Why this is,I have analysed thoroughly ,in the last this letter,I look to define our future in a
mature define it,as 1 does for a mature relationship.i look almost to take on the role of a
future[beyond the boundaries of this life of yours]wise spouse or eternal lover.
There are 2 possibilities,about the existence of higher realities.
1.there are only the laws of the universe.though,the question does arise,why are the laws of the
universe there at all?stephen hawking and others argue for the existence of no GOD,for the universe
being just a random fluctuation of emptiness[in the multiverse] according to the laws of quantum
field theory and general relativity,rather some extended version of it [that allows for the emergence
of gravitation in quantum field theory,too].their clever feint is that , a multiverse[a universe of
universes ]has always existed according to certain laws[some feel that physical laws might change
with time].hawking cleverly argues that,1 of the reasons that ,the need for a deity is felt is because
,people feel that,at the beginning ,at the singularity when nothing existed,something was necessary
to have caused the universe to be.but,he argues that,since there was nothing before the
universe,time did not exist.thus,our human intuitions of cause and effect are not relevant.
To all this clever sophistry,my darling U,I say rubbish.because,as U can clearly see ,all these
arguments leave unanswered the bigggg question of ,why should there be an eternal multiverse in
the first place,why should there be nothing rather than something?to this,1 of the clever positions
taken by hawking and the like is that, there is no need for a deity and his omniscient ,powerful
mind.that ,the multiverse,pure matter is the eternal reality.but,this is just substituting 1 deity for
another.besides,scientists have not even begun to define consciousness adequately[much work
going on]n it is not clear that networks of raw matter cannot possess intelligence ,as we humans do
in a very limited way.that,the universe might not possess a consciousness of its own,that the
universe is not merely a thought in GODs mind.
Anyways,my conclusion is that ,GOD exists in 1 way or another.still,to assuage u,because you might
have difficulty subscribing to sweeping visions[my breath,my marrow],let us assume that ,this life is
all that ,we have.that,we are simply beings that have arisen from a random primordial cocktail of
chemicals.that ,we have no that case,we should be thankful that,we have this beautiful
thing,because really we are very lucky to have got something so precious, in this meaningless life
.this thing that is,beyond lust,beyond sex from both sides[though,once my pictures are up on july
30],I daresay that ,lust too will be present very powerfully.and ,being a man,it always has been in my
case.but,the foundations of our relationship have nothing to do with lust.
2.i have already established that,there exists GOD in 1 way or another.the question arises ,do we
have souls?do we have an existence beyond this passing drama,that is life?i have a strong suspicion

that we do,that there is a kind of CPU[central processing unit]/CPUs to reality.that is

recording,downloading everything,that also plays a role in determining our dynamics,in life and
beyond.whether,it is the hindu soul or the Buddhist equivalent concepts[that might not subscribe in
individual souls,but some kind of grand ether,continuum,into which we all dissolve [I am not sure] ,U
are the cultural expert].whatever it is,i know that, some of my ideas on the nature of reality,based
on some conjectural mathematics discovered by me[this mathematics ,which marks a new
beginning,which gives me the confidence to proclaim myself the modern heir to the greatest
mathematicians of the past[Newton,C.F. Gauss,Bernhard Riemann]is not what is getting me back
into the mainstream.getting back is being done through more conventional questions] will get us
within reach of including as mathematical variables ,the effect that some of these higher realities
have on our existence.that,over time ,we will discover technologies,methods in a scientific fashion
to connect ever more intimately to GOD.

Anyways,the point being that,if we believe in these higher realities,then you and I have a karmic
connection,a karmic connection of romantic love.that ,the hindu law of cause and effect[possibly
much more detailed and changed somewhat ,in light of the scientific study of higher realities] driving
the dynamics of the soul,leaves what we have ,as unfinished business.a business that will come to
fruition at some point.and,if I succeed in life extension,and as these new ideas about
reality,attendant technologies have matured enough ,I will have you in this life itself,even though
,you might have been been gone for eons.

P.S. I am back for good on Monday/Tuesday,once I am satisfied by the way in which I make love to
you. Even if ravishing,possessing,being a joint dance,tender.

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