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How to clear the backup

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How to clear the backup

Oct 13, 2014
In Backup4all you can clear the backup job, which means to delete all backup versions from destination and
also delete the backup catalog. That will result in a fresh job, starting that backup from the beginning.

In Backup4all you can clear the backup job, which means to delete all backup versions from destination and
also delete the backup catalog. That will result in a fresh job, starting that backup from the beginning.

On this page:
How to set up a clear backup action
How to customize the clear backup

How to set up a clear backup action

To set the clear backup action, please open Backup Properties and go to Advanced page. In the Run action
before backup section, you will find the Run program or action checkbox. Please select it and you will be
able to access the action field.
The <Clear backup> predefined action deletes the ".bkc" file and all zip files associated with the current
backup job. If this action is set, then the next backup performed will be a full backup, even if the backup type
is set to incremental or differential.
Use the Run only once option in order to run the specified action only one time. If the option is not set, it
will clean the backup on every execution.
The Abort backup when action fails option is used to abort the current backup execution if the action
executed before the backup failed. It is most used in cases when the backup execution depends on the result
of the action executed before backup. For example: in order not to fill the destination drive if the clear backup
action failed, the backup will not be executed.
Please note the backup will wait until the action before backup is executed. Only after that, it will start the

How to customize the clear backup

You can customize the Clear backup action with the following parameters (numbers can be changed as
<Clear backup d=7> - Clear backup is executed only if 7 days have passed since the first backup
increment (the full backup).
<Clear backup n=10> - Clear backup is executed only if the number of file versions is 10.
<Clear backup d=7 n=10> - Clear backup is executed if 7 days have passed since the first backup

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How to clear the backup

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increment (the full backup) or if the number of file versions is 10.

<Clear backup dw=1,2,7> - Clear backup is executed only in the first, second and seventh day of the
week (Monday, Tuesday and Sunday in the given example). Valid values: 1-7 (if a parameter outside of
these values is set, it will be ignored).
<Clear backup dm=23, 30> - Clear backup is executed only in the 23rd and 30th day of the month.
Valid values: 1-31 (if a parameter outside of these values is set, it will be ignored, same as using the
value 31 for a month having only 30 days).

Applies to:
Backup4all 5.x

NEW: Backup4All 5.2.663

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