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Linux filesystem Hierarchy

"/ "

The /Root Directory, every single directory and file starts from the root directory .
Only the root user has the ability to write under the root directory.

/bin - User Binaries

The binary executables and the common Linux commands needed to be used in single
user modes are Located in the /bin Directory. /bin also contains the commands that
are used by all users of the system.

/boot - Boot Loader Files

All of the files needed to

example your Linux kernels
boot loader's configuration
program configuration files

boot the system are located in the /boot directory. For

and the GRUB boot loader's files are located here, but the
files aren't located here, they are located in /etc., All
are located in /etc.

/dev - Device Files

hard disks , floppy , cd-rom , usb , all of these device files are located under /dev.

/etc - Configuration Files

The configuration files required by all programs are located in /etc . It also contains
system-wide configuration files. /etc does not contain user-specific configuration
files; user-specific configuration files are located in each user's home directory.

/home - Home directories

Home directories for all users are located in /home.

/lib - System libraries

The library Files that support the binaries located in /bin and /sbin are located in /lib.

/mnt - Mount Directory

When system administrators mount temporary file systems while using them, those
file systems are mounted by default on /mnt directory. However, file systems can be
mounted anywhere on the system.

/root is different from the " / " , the home directory of the user root is /root . The user
root is the administrator that has all authorities.

/sbin - System Binaries

Like the /bin directory, the /sbin contains binary executable. For system maintenance
purposes, the Linux commands located in this directory are used typically by system

/srv - Service Data

Data for services provided by the system are located in /srv . For example if you are
using the Apache HTTP server to serve a website, then you will probably save or
store your website's files in a directory under the /srv directory.

/tmp - Temporary Files

Temporary files created by system and users are located in /tmp . Note the the files in
this directory are automatically deleted when the system is rebooted.

/usr - User Programs

Applications and files used by users are located in /usr.

/var - Variable Data Files

The writable counterpart to the /usr directory is the / var directory. Everything
including log files that will be written to /usr (during normal operation) will be
automatically written to the /var directory .For example, Log files will be found in

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