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Rush Limbaugh

Tuesday, 1/27/15
Opening: We are still alive after the snow storm.
Seg#1: ED: Kit Carson died, so Who will become the new right-handman ???
We all here at the EIB Network are experiencing a huge void in all of our hearts here
today because of a death, one of our staff members, the very first staff member to
join me 27 years ago in New York. Christopher Carson, 'Kit,' my trusted chief of staff,
aide-de-camp, passed away today at 8 a.m. at his home in New Jersey after what
really was a four-year battle, really valiant, never-seen-anything-like-it battle with
essentially brain cancer.
Do you know how easy it is to say, Yes, to everyone? Steve Jobs gave lessons on
saying No for all the projects they could have done. Kit Carson was instructed to
say NO for requests, and then we would review them. Some he would call back
and ask my pointed questions.
Seg#2: Look at how DbM presented; now needing to apologize
I predicted this yesterday. They were forecasting for NYC and it hit elsewhere. It is
a lesson on how Liberals do things. There will not be an apology from Liberals, they
never can admit making a mistake.
The State Dpt wants to use Disney s Frozen movie to teach kids about the HOAX
and FRAUD of Global Warming. Remember the pictures of cub polar bears on ice
chips and Algore knew it was photo-shopped. They can swim 60 miles. Now, I kid
you not: Global Warming is threatening polar bear penises. So there could be no
more polar bears unless planned parenthood gets involved. Dont laugh.
There are three types of people 1. Wolves, 2. Sheep, and 3. Sheepdogs. The
American Sniper is a sheepdog; Im a Sheepdog; we protect the good. Some of the
sheep are those that believe the predictions of Drive-by Media.
Seg#4: Liberals in media hoped for the major and historic CRISIS !
Its happened before; and the snow in NYC was over-predicted from the standpoint
of crisis. Liberals are at the weather centers and think they have to think for the
sheep. Liberals always like crisis and chaos. They always like everything to Global
Warming. They dont see the irony!
Why do so many sheep buy into it? It is because Big Government is seen as
community and the place you go to for everything. So you have a massive forecast,
historic! The looney-tune mayor said some people may not survive.

>>> Reporters did their job; it must be so; government said so.
Liberals in weather-media cant separate their job from AGW politics.
Seg#6: Liberals thrive on feelings, good intentions, but not on results
Media predicted several feet of snow, deadly, and the subway was shut down for
the first time in history. Everybody should now a forecast a day out is suspect.
People are seduced by crisis. Tell the sheep that they are responsible but can save
the planet: buy a tiny car, vote Democrat, pay higher taxes for the AGW hoax and
fraud. That is the only way you can absolve yourself.
Garbage in, garbage out; they say they will adjust their models.
At least they tried; their intentions were in the right place, show how far the sheep
are willing to be misled. ((Reading: They now apologize.)) 7,700 airline flights were
cancelled. If you live in NYC, you will see planes flying in with no passengers and
costs will go up. De Blazio says, better safe than sorry and lets it go at that. Ditto
for schools that were closed. It also didnt happen in NJ and PA. People were told to
stay home from work.
Reporters were there, standing where it was predicted to be the worst, talking about
the impending disaster. They couldnt leave the script and say, Looks like the
weathermen blew it. People stocked up on diapers and canned goods.
Im telling you, Liberalism is why this happens. A crisis is too important to waste,
said Rohm Emmanuel. A computer model is only as good as the data you put into it
[and the algorithm.] Liberalism is all rooted in the belief that you have to be told
They scare the Hell out of you; they scare the Living Daylights out of you so that
you will be dependent on government. It turns out that you know better than they
The media people all fall in line ((Clip-Wolf-Blitzer: An epic storm coming; people
bracing for a life threatening storm, up to three feet of snow.)) What else do they
over-hype? Al Joker chimes in now. ((Clip: The American weather models did better
than the European models.)) Why didnt you just go outside and look?
Liberals in media were so excited they could not contain themselves.
>>> They were hoping for the chance for government to shine.
Liberals in media relish the opportunity to manage and control your life.
What was historic was how five inches of snow in NYC was blown.
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"God bless Kit Carson, his wife Theresa, and his sons Jack and Jesse."

"When the program debuted in 1988, nobody had any idea if it was gonna work.
And we had made no plans initially for it to get big. It was just a radio show with a
guy doing three hours on the radio and the itinerant things that happened. But it
took off. It took off faster and bigger than anybody had planned."
"Snerdley says, 'How in the hell can a snowstorm that hasn't happened be historic?'
And it's a brilliant question."
"I really think that Scott Walker is the kind of guy the Republicans need to hoist on
one of those chairs they used to take Caesar through the crowds with. What he's
done in the state of Wisconsin is phenomenal. Nobody knows about it, other than
you in this audience."
"I believe Scott Walker is the blueprint for the Republican Party, if they are serious
about beating the left. Scott Walker has shown how to do it."
"I can't tell you how many times I have openly expressed my incredulity here that
the Republican Party has not, as a national enterprise, attempted to incorporate
Scott Walker's blueprint."
"Washington has no intention of getting smaller. They have no intention of letting
you keep more of your money. They have every intention of taking as much of your
money as they can."
"For every one of you who wish Boehner or McConnell would do X, Y, or Z, Scott
Walker's doing it. Scott Walker has done it. He's been doing it for years. And this is
not an endorsement. I don't want anybody to think it's an endorsement. I'm just
presenting fact-based information about who the guy is."
"Scott Walker unabashedly makes the case for tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts, and
doesn't even try to sound like a moderate, doesn't even try to sound like a
Democrat or a liberal."
"How do you expect to fight something when you don't believe in it?"
"American Sniper had a second big week, and it's confounding everybody. Of course
the left is now having to concoct some of the most hateful stuff in order to tear it
"The left, the Democrat Party, threw everything at Scott Walker trying to destroy
him. They did everything they could. He not only withstood it all, he survived and
triumphed over all of it. They broke rules. They got close to breaking laws. They
were threatening his family personally, and he remained undeterred."
"Economic freedom is more of your own money to do with whatever you want.
Economic freedom is not some government program that's gonna give you a tax
credit for some silly behavior you have to engage in."

"Scott Walker has shown the Republican Party how to beat the left. Scott Walker has
the blueprint for winning and winning consistently and winning big in a blue state
with conservative principles that are offered with absolutely no excuses."
"I've always said that I wanted to be older, and I never factored something in about
getting older, and that is people you know getting sick and dying."
"Kit was in all ways, every way I can of think of, a special human being and person."
From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Thats a Fact"
Its one thing to be fact-checked by a legitimate news organization. But when CNN
gets in your grill, you know you've got problems. Obama Said Wages are Growing.
They're Not
When Obama proposed his
Wages are finally starting
investigate, probably hoping
Instead of confirming that
basically didnt grow at all.

latest tax increase proposals last week, he claimed:

to rise again. The staff at CNN Money decided to
to ask for a raise.
wages are rising, they found that in 2014 wages

The seasonally adjusted median weekly wage at the end of 2014 was $796. Thats
just two bucks more than it was in 2013. Big whoop.
And those numbers dont come from the accounting staff at the Tea Party, Fox
News, or some other source the Regime usually tries to dismiss. They came from
Obamas very own Labor Department.
Looking deeper, CNN found worse news:
When unemployment numbers go down, and more people find work the trend
has always been that wages rise. But that isnt happening now.
Thats not all. They also found the median annual household income in 2013 is
essentially the same as it was way back in 1995.
Even more worse news. The median income is now 8 percent lower than where
it was before the recession.
You dont need a lot of numbers to sum it up. Obamas policies have been an utter
disaster for the economy, and for working families of America. And that is the fact!
Check or otherwise.

Opening: Eric Erickson substitutes today
Yes, Its my real name; my Dads too; back to Leaf Ericson, Vikings.
Quote Gems, Pearls of Wisdom, from Rush Limbaugh yesterday:

"Liberals love crisis. They love crisis and chaos. Crisis and chaos afford liberals yet
another opportunity to exert control over people, over the sheep. Crisis and chaos
are made to order."
"People are seduced by crisis."
"Do you realize the New York subway system was shut down for the first time ever
because of snow? The New York subway was shut down on a weather forecast."
"Government has had an amazing transformation in our lives. Government's now
part of the community. It's perceived to be part of the community, and it's not.
Government never can be. It just isn't part of the community. But it's seen that
"Kit Carson had probably one of the most impressive Rolodexes, if he could find it.
His office, somebody should have taken a picture of that because it was unlike... but
he had one of the biggest Rolodexes."
"I used to have a very open mind about the intention of journalism and the intent of
journalists. I used to think that they arrived at things open-minded and that you
could persuade them or get them to see your side of something. I found out that
that's not possible."
"We went from 56 radio stations to 500 in a couple of years, and we were doing
something that every expert in radio said wasn't gonna work. I mean, there was no
vitriol about it. They'd all say, 'It isn't gonna work. It's been tried. You can't do this in
the daytime. You can only succeed with a national radio show at night. It's never
gonna work. It has never worked in the daytime.' They all applauded my effort, but
nobody expected it to work. When it took off it just shook everything up."
"The sheepdog even looks like a sheep, to fool the wolf. I know; I've got three of
'em. And boy, you had better be on their good side, I am telling you."
"There are three kinds of people. There are wolves, and they prey on you. There are
sheep, they allow themselves to be preyed on. They think the wolf's the greatest
guy in the world as long as the wolf leaves 'em alone. Then there's the sheepdog,
and the sheepdog keeps the wolf away from the sheep."
"I am a sheepdog. The people that buy into all this stupid disaster crisis forecast
from government and think government's part of community, they're sheep.
Government's the wolf."
"By no means is it the first time they've blown the severity of either a hurricane
forecast or a thunderstorm forecast, now a winter storm forecast. I knew when they
started naming these winter storms it was all over."
"Look at the economic commerce that these people from the National Weather
Service and all these politicians collectively ganged up on and destroyed. Look at all
the stores that closed unnecessarily. Look at all the flights that were canceled

"Here we are alive to tell the tale. Nobody perished, nobody died despite Mayor de
Blasio's warning that few would survive this historic snowfall."
From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Pay Up"
As if they havent already screwed up Americas healthcare enough, the Obama
Regime just announced they want to change the way doctors are paid. What could
go wrong?
The Obama Administration Wants to Dramatically Change How Doctors are Paid
The Regime doesnt think doctors should be paid for every procedure they perform.
Instead, the almighty feds want to evaluate whether patients are healthier, along
with undefined other measures and then pay their doctors.
Silvia Burwell, HHS Secretary, explains: As a very large payer in the system, we
believe we have a responsibility to lead, she said. For the first time, were going to
set clear goals and establish a clear timeline for moving from volume to value in the
Medicare system.
Volume to value. Does this bureaucrat even have a clue what she's talking about?
Paying doctors based on patient outcomes is asinine. Doctors dont control the
choices their patients make, like taking medication, following advice, eating right,
and so on. Yet the Regime wants to pay physicians based a government evaluation
of performance. Its so predictable: doctors will simply avoid treating problem
patients in other words, SICK PEOPLE, causing a bigger mess than we already have
under Obamacare.
The unbridled arrogance! Burwells agency spent hundreds of millions on a website
that didnt work. And she wants to evaluate your doctors performance? If Big
Government officials, from Obama on down, got paid on their ability to produce
good outcomes theyd all be broke and looking for work. Which would be a
tremendous blessing to us all! When I stop and think about that.

Thursday, 1/29/15
Segment#1: Threat of 529 tax was WH slapping middleclass in the face
Obama drops plan to raise taxes on 529 college savings accounts, after public
reacted. We spent two days on this program explaining what it would do to the
middleclass. It is a big deal: Obama said he would raise taxes on the rich
(which helps not the middleclass). All it does is condition the low-info that
Obama will stick it to someone else.
The rich will always find their way around capital gains taxation.
If you take salary off the top (up to a maximum) you could stash it away in a plan
for your children. If you let it sit, you pay no tax on it. If you withdraw money for
your college expenses you pay no tax, unless it is used elsewhere. In the middle of

the game, the rules were changed and it was a new tax, withdrawing for any
There are more kids in the WH press correspondence. One walks out there and
talks about why Obama dropped it ((Clip: It was a distraction to the rest of our plan.
We didnt want it to jeopardize the rest of our plan.)) It was a distraction
because people found out about it. Obama couldnt sneak it in. They find
out from this program, to start in April. Anyway, the WH will not ask Congress to
pass the 529 taxation.
Do you know what The Washington Post is doing? They have an article on the
house of Mitt Romney and how big it is. It is on their website, and you can plug in
your home size and it will superimpose it on Romneys mansion. Mine is bigger.
What about the mansion of the Clintons. This is how class envy works.
The 529 tax proposal was a middleclass slap in the face from the Whitehouse.
CNN Cheryl Costello speaks about the trial an NFL tight end, (she used to be my
stalker) ((Clip: A lot of women on the jury will help him because he is a handsome
guy and has a fianc and kid.)) Is this not sexist? She insults the women on the jury
of Aaron Hernandez.
>>> Why didnt she say, They wont convict because he is Hispanic ?
Twice, Rush said that Obama didnt bring up college 529s, and then says
he said Obama when he meant to say Boehner. [Funny-sadly-true.]
Seg#2: Cant the Republican Party wise up and learn from Scott Walker?
Scott Walker has been championed on this program for years. Look at what he has
overcome. He overcomes every effort the Democrat Party knows, him and his
family. He has triumphed as a no-excuses Conservative. He has been fearless, not
As such, Scott Walker has the blueprint on how to restore America. He hit head-on
what was bankrupting the state of Wisconsin. He beat back unions with the people,
not the media. Media did their best to destroy Scott Walker.
I dont endorse this early in any campaign. The important thing about Scott Walker
is that he has always been this way and media says they are just now noticing. All
he was doing was showing how to beat back the Left. I thought that was
what the Republican Party was trying to do: restore America.
>>> We never heard his name mentioned in any GOP communique.
Seg#3: Scott Walkers speech in Iowa was hugely important
WH wont talk about Jihad, and it is understandable. What we are missing in
America is a Winston Churchill. In London, they mocked him and invested in
Neville Chamberlain, sending him to Moscow.

Andy McCarthy leads the way to educate what militant Jihad/Islam means, and
people just dont want to hear it. Our Regime says we wont call them what they
are. It is scary when the truth is right before our eyes.
Militants not only tell us who they are, they show us. They say they are going to
behead somebody and then they do it. They murder women and children. It is
stunning how history repeats. There are plenty of people who lived back then.
We will get to more of that later in the show.
Tuesday night, Charles Krauthammer talked about Iowa and Scott Walker. Who
needs consultants on strategy when you have Scott Walker showing us? Democrats
threw everything at him and his family and he beat them with unabashed
Conservatism. He defined his opponents and laid debt right at their feet.
He articulated how he would be conservative.
WI is a blue state and he trounced them in three elections. Ive gotten blue in the
face noting Republicans should emulate Scott Walker. ((Clip: He is a proponent of
small government, etc.)) And everything he did was not sanctioned by the
GOP; they wanted him to win, but didnt support Conservatism. GOP
leaders are still afraid of media.
Scott Walker won on fiscal issues, educational issues, and everything Conservative.
Others let media choose our candidates and will never tout anyone that can actually
The Republican National Committee held their breaththey wanted him to win,
dont get me wrong, but didnt support his concepts.
((Clip-Krauthammer: It was the speech that changed things.)) We have been
wringing our hands and hoping Republican leadership would notice Conservatism.
>>> Scott Walkers speech in Iowa apparently did it.
Krauthammer corrected OReilly who credited the boost to Limbaugh.
Seg#4: Dynamic Scoring would more accurately reflect the free market
Caller: People invest in the 529 for tax savings. CBO should use dynamic scoring.
That would allow government to get smaller.
That is why they dont do dynamic scoring.
If they would have used dynamically scored Obamacare, it would not have gotten
past the first vote. Instead they used BS-topia including the cost of the War in Iraq
and Afghanistan.
>>> What was amazing to me was how fast the Republicans backed off.
Rush adds that a first thing Republicans did after the landslide was to
instruct the CBO to use dynamic scoring, which makes a lot of sense.
Seg#5: Drive-by Media is attacking Romney again // Hillary prepares

They have HRClinton sequestered, coming up with policy positionsthey cant just
put her out on her own to speak for herself?
>>> Whats up with that? <<<

Friday, 1/30/15
Opening: Great game for Sunday; Im not jazzed.
Segment#1: Lets try to find out why Im just not that into 2015
Maybe I didnt hear what Lynch wants to say; [The only reason Im is to not be
fined.] or maybe we didnt get to the bottom of deflated balls.
Mitt Romney did a No Mas; no mas and pulled out. He handed nothing to Jeb Bush
[ED: Satire? Glenn Beck says he throws his support to Chris Christie, Oh-No!]
Romney said he leaves it open for someone less known: that leaves out Jeb Bush
and Chris Christie.
This came after a large-amount donor yanked his support.
You will not find a finer human being than Mitt Romney. He may have just secured
the election of someone else by dropping out. As a person, Romney appeals to so
many people, contrasting to HRClinton, Obama, and anyone the Democrat Party
would put up.
But it remains that he lost. 4million in the base stayed home.
I ran into a Bostonian that supported Romney, my friend, about two or three months
ago and asked if Romney would run. He said I hope not; we need a fighter, and I
like Rick Perry. That was my first indication.
Some now say that the nomination is now Jeb Bushs to lose. It frees up Big
Donors. They are adamantly opposed to Conservative candidates because of social
Chris Christie will be happy that he can make a move on some of the Big Donor
money. I dont think Mitt Romney is supporting Christie or Jeb. Who would
Romney say is less known: Scott Walker? He went to Iowa and thats it.

((Reading Denver Post: Jeb Bush can put together a strategy to form a personality
that can win.)) That was written before the Romney announcement.
Thats where we are; so much is all about the money. What Romney said doesnt
mean it will happen, but it is a slap. The names that we know dont have a prayer
against Hillary or another Progressive. [paraphrasing.]
>>> L.M.F., Laughing My Fat Rear End Off is Christies PAC.
Seg#2: ED: The Romney announcement is at the top of all news
Since Monday, it is amazing how many blogs mention Scott Walker, a man with a
blueprint on how to win. I helped bring them to the realization.
The Wizards of Smart need to be as concerned about artificial politics as article
intelligence as Bill Gates joins in.
((Clip-Romney: One of our next generations of leaders may be better equipped to
defeat the Democrat nominee.)) Has Cruz taken his message to the country? He
could be talking about more than Scott Walker.
>>> Romney is clearly not supporting Moderates in the field.
ED: Glenn Beck announces he will not support anyone like Jeb Bush.
Seg#3: ED: Mitt Romney will have a 2017 role if a Republican wins
Yes, Romney met w/ Jeb in SLC: Did Jeb offer him the VP role? Romney clearly
knows that he [Romney] could win. We have Romneys statement.
Eventually we will know who Romney is talking about. It comes to the money. We
learn that Romney is having dinner w/Christie tonight. ((Clip-Romney: Ive been
asked if anything would change my mind.)) One thing would be if the donors
changed their minds.
Jeb Bush supports Common Core and Sweeping Amnesty; is that a message that will
win with the base? He wants to win without the base in the Primary.
Dont forget, that out of view is Hillary Clinton. Everybody thinks Democrats have
no one else: not Biden, not Elizabeth Warren. [Rush sees HRClinton not being the
Democrat nominee.]
Caller: We dont want to declare a candidate too early.
DbM will try to destroy hopefuls in advance. Politics is its own business. There
are things you have to do to climb the ladder of politics, and being a great executive
(like Romney) is not always a winning trait.
Bush was an executive and ran the Texas Rangers baseball team, and oil a bit. Yes,
he had experience as governor of Texas.

>>> Governors have made better presidents than senators: (Ego.)

Segment#4: Community Organizer tries to remake America
Lets not get to far ahead in what we need. The only chance we have to
reverse transforming America. WE NEED A CONSERVATIVE. Properly
articulated, Conservatism always wins.
>>> Obama thinks he can make the case that Capitalism has failed.
Rush adds:
o The Treasury has been printing money;
o Where are they putting it?
o It goes to Wall Street, for the rich.
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"If Hillary has to go into deep hiding to develop her message, and to develop her
policy and organization, what the hell has she been doing since 1992? She shouldn't
have to 'develop a message.' It should have been a consistent one that everybody
already should know."
"If I can tell you the truth from the bottom of my heart, I want you to love this
country the way I do."
"I think people need to know there's a way to beat Democrats. There's a way to
beat the left. It's called conservatism. It works most every time it's tried on the
national stage."
"Scott Walker has restored Wisconsin, which started out a blue state. He tackled the
entrenched leftist bureaucrat interests in that state that were bankrupting it, that
were destroying the schools, and that's primarily the unions, public employee and
otherwise. He stood up to 'em, took every mean-spirited attack that they had to
offer and beat them back with the people of Wisconsin. He didn't win the media in
any of this. And the media was part of the cabal that was doing their best to destroy
him. He withstood it all. And I've thought for the longest time, through all of these
three elections, I've thought that Scott Walker's telling everybody how to do it here."
"Scott Walker has been himself. He has been a cheerful, unembarrassed
conservative. Conservatism draws people, not praise. Conservatism is why Scott
Walker won. It is not because he got mentioned on this program."
"Let me make something very clear: I haven't endorsed Scott Walker or anybody
else, as per usual. I don't endorse, particularly this far out. I mean, we don't even
have any real official Republican candidates here. But even if we did, that's not what
happens on this program, by policy."
"The government has, over the many years that I've been paying attention, pitted
citizen against citizen in this country and created all this class envy, and it's just

unseemly. That's what the Regime did. But after doing that, they piled on and then
said that they were going to eliminate the tax advantages for people who had
invested in 529 accounts."
"The important thing about Scott Walker, all of a sudden people are saying, 'Who is
this guy? Where'd this guy go to get a charisma transplant?' He's always been who
he is. It's just that he's never been touted."
"You know, it's amazing, 1938 is being repeated right before our very eyes, and
what we're missing right now is a Churchill. Instead of the Nazis, we have the
militant extremists, the militant Islamists."
"When you hear about Republicans and the governors they talk about, you hear
about whom? Well, you hear about Governor Christie; you hear Rick Perry now and
then, deservedly so; but you never heard Scott Walker. And all he was doing was
showing everybody how to beat back the left, which I thought is what we're all
doing here. I thought that was the purpose here, to save and restore America to its
founding principles and ideals."
"Raising taxes on other people doesn't help people that don't get their taxes raised.
It just doesn't work that way, other than to fuel this idiotic class envy."
"What is Hillary Clinton doing? Has anybody seen her? You know, she's had two
public appearances in the last -- what is it, six weeks, two months? She is off the
grid, and everybody knows why. One of the reasons she's off the grid is they're
doing some work. Lots of different kinds of work."
"A 529 account is like a 401(k) or like a medical savings account. Here's the deal the
government made with you. If you take money from your salary off the top before
your salary has been taxed every pay period -- and there was a maximum you could
take -- and you put it in this 529 education savings account, that money is
supposedly theoretically being stashed away for you to pay college, junior college,
whatever, education expenses for your children."
"I never heard of this guy, Eric Schultz, but they found him from somewhere. He's
probably the guy that cleans up the Skittles wrappers after NFL games."
"The Regime's announcement was that they were going to change the rules in the
middle of the game. They were going to eliminate the tax exempt status of these
accounts, and people were going to have to start paying income tax on the money
that they had put away in these 529 accounts. It was a tax increase on the middle
"It was not a tax on the rich. It was a tax on the middle class, after the middle class
had been promised they'd get this program, benefit, whatever, tax-free. I mean, it
was outrageous what it was."
"I want everybody to feel about this country, think about this country the way I do,
and that's why there is the Rush Revere series, Time-Travel Adventures with
Exceptional Americans."

From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "An Experiment"
Ive got a compassionate story for you. It involves 18-year-old Abdullahi Yusuf. He is
accused of trying to travel to Syria to join ISIS, the Islamic State. These are, as you
know, the radical Islamic terrorists who take pleasure in beheading infidels,
including children.
Judge Ordered Alleged 18-Year-old Minnesota Terror Recruit to Halfway House While
Case Pending
Mr. Yusuf is charged with conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign
terrorist organization. If convicted, hell face 15 years in prison. But this week,
Chief U.S. District Judge Michael Davis agreed to allow Yusuf to be released to a
halfway house while his case is pending.
The judge also instructed probation officers to come up with a plan to integrate the
young terrorist wannabe back into the community. Theyre supposed to work with a
community group that promotes civics.
He overruled the mean-spirited, compassionless prosecutors who opposed Yusufs
release due to flight risk concerns, or that he might pose a danger to his
community. The judge sided with defense attorneys who asked that Yusuf be freed
so he can undergo a civics re-education with the nonprofit group Heartland
After Yusufs court hearing, Mary McKinley, Heartlands executive director, met with
probation officials and the judge. She then announced to the media that Yusufs
case would be an experiment. Were taking very, very small steps, she said, I
completely understand this is a risk.
Isnt that compassionate? Of course! Thats how liberals plan to defeat terrorism:
with compassion! Its an experiment. What in the world could go wrong?
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