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Through Michelle Eloff

Johannesburg, 18 August 2003
I am Kuthumi, and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet thee at this
time and to bring unto thee the blessings of awakening, of synchronicity, of understanding,
and of new light. Greetings, beloved ones. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts
that we may gather with you upon this evening as we hold each one of you firmly within the
heart of Christ, and securely upon the hands of God.
Beloved ones, your energy is shifting and changing in vibration and consciousness in every
moment of every day and night that you are draw breath. Over the past two years, there has
been an accelerated rate of growth - people shifting through very dense levels of
consciousness at an accelerated rate. This has been as a result of the star templates merging
with your planet. These star templates are in perfect alignment with the Earth templates. This
is where the star print of the heavens and the blueprint of Mother Earth merge together, and a
whole new consciousness is therefore born.
Each one of you holds Star energy, and you hold Earth energy because this is where you are
present at this time. And as the energy has shifted and changed over these past months, more
and more of you are awakening - some of you consciously - to the activation of Star energy
inside of you. Many of you have completed the process of working through your Earthly
karma, and you are beginning with the process of Star karma.
Star karma and Earth karma are completely different processes, and the Star karma does not
work the same way that Earth karma does. Your Star karma is all the wisdom and so-called
technology that you have mastered through all of your lifetimes, regardless of where it is that
you chose to incarnate and experience a lifetime.
There is a specific process that I gave approximately five years ago. This material was
originally grounded as "The Tablets of Moses". However, as the energy has changed, so it is
that this information has also moved to a higher vibrational frequency, and it is now held as
"The 99 Star Tablets of Light". This is basically all about your Star DNA. You have 99 strands
of Star DNA. Each of these strands of DNA penetrates 33 levels of consciousness, and you
have begun the process of activating your Star DNA. And when your Star DNA becomes
active, your Star chakras begin to vibrate.
And so some of you begin to find yourselves in a world that once was your normal life, but
which is now strange to you. It seems like it is another person living a different life, and you
have been transported to a different dimension, and now you are trying to fit in to what used
to be a normal life. Do not fight the process. Allow yourself to go with the flow of what your
Star map is introducing to you. Others may find that they remain in the same career, and yet
your work takes on a whole new body. This body emits Star life - Star energy - and supports
all who come in contact with it - to begin to awaken to their Star prints.

One of the reasons that this is becoming active at this particular time (as you will recall, I said
this information was given five years ago) is because there was a waiting period until the Sun
chakra (or, as some have named it - the Lions' Gate) was activated. This has also allowed
for the realm of the Golden children, who operate from 12th Dimension - which is the 12th
Ray (the Golden Ray is the 12th Ray). This Golden level of consciousness works directly
through your Star DNA. And as your Star chakras become active, you will find that the
abundance, the joy, the magic and miracles that are experienced through 12th Dimension
begin to make their way into your consciousness and into the life that you are leading.
It is not a far-fetched ideal to imagine living in a world where you experience more abundance
and joy than pain and sorrow. It is because you have become accustomed to witnessing and
experiencing more pain than joy that you believe it a fantasy. But your world is changing.
Already, many levels of consciousness have shifted out of those old paradigms. All of you
who are here this evening, and many who will read these words, have already begun the
process of stepping out of that poverty consciousness. You have embraced the power of
creativity, and the power of creativity says to you - you deserve an abundant life: an
abundance of joy, of love; an abundance of friends, of work, of money - whatever it is.
Let us for a moment touch on the energy of money. Money is simply an exchange of energy.
Money is a manifestation of love. Any many people have labelled these pieces of paper as
"the root of all evil". So many people have given their power away to the pieces of paper, and
many people believe that these pieces of paper are not within their reach. Remember - love,
money, truth, laughter, joy, are all forms of energy. One of the greatest lessons in stepping out
of poverty consciousness and into prosperity consciousness is to believe that everyone
deserves abundance - in all its forms; that nothing is untouchable or unattainable - not love,
friendship, success, or money. Money is such a huge issue in your world that we find it
necessary to remind people not to get caught in the very sticky trap of believing that in order
to be a "good" spiritual person, you must be poor. That is the old paradigm, beloved ones.
Prosperity consciousness means prosperity; poverty consciousness means poverty!
All of the Star energy that we are speaking of brings added light. Light is love; love is light.
Where there is light, there is always love. Where there is darkness, there is ignorance or pain.
So the more light you bring into your life, the more about yourself and the world around you
is revealed to you. The more you open your consciousness to learn, to grow, to understand, the
more Star light you are drawing into your body. And the more that light is present, so the
more active your Star DNA becomes.
You have all successfully activated your 12 strands of DNA of your Earth body - your organic
body. It may not be visible biologically yet, but you have all activated the consciousness of
your 12 strands. Now it is time for you to embrace what the 99 strands of Star DNA bring for
you. The Star DNA touches every single aspect of your life that you are conscious of, as well
as what you are unconscious of. The Star DNA goes far into your superconscious, and draws
information through those levels of consciousness into your conscious consciousness.

And this is why many people are having difficulty at this time keeping themselves grounded
in what is perceived to be Earth reality. You have probably observed things changing very
rapidly in your own life, or perhaps friends or family, or perhaps friends of friends whose
lives are changing in the blink of an eye. Nothing is remaining constant anymore, because
Heaven and Earth have merged. Because the Mother of consciousness (of Earth) and the
Father of consciousness (of Heaven) are in the process of creating a new consciousness which is the Golden Child that you all come to birth in the not-too-distant future.
The Golden children are highly evolved beings. They are coming into the world that you
occupy with very specific plans, and they know why they are here. They emit joy and humour.
They are very grounded, very wise. They are the greatest teachers for the future of all of you.
Most of these Golden children began making their appearance in the year 2000,
and will continue to bring themselves into human form until the year 2012.
But during this time, you will also have the Violet children of St Germain's violet and silver
ray. They come with the very specific task as protectors and guardians of the Earth, and the
animals, and of crystals. These children are very different to the Indigo children.
You will also have the Emerald children, who will come during that time as well. These are
Star beings, many of them - who have not had hundreds of Earth incarnations. Those are very
few, but they bring valuable information for all to learn from. And you will understand
what they are bringing you by activating your own Star DNA and your own Star chakras.
It is a process - this activation, and you need to give permission and set the intention in
activating all these levels of consciousness. We would suggest that, if this is your wish and
your will, you ask that this process be activated in alignment with the highest will of your
soul, and in perfect alignment with your divine timing. The reason we suggest this is because
this process is a very intense one, and where there are dormant issues, your Star light will
reveal these.
You will find that certain Star beings will begin to introduce themselves to you, and we'll
name some of them for you: Commander Zaar is one that has been present for some time
now. He works on the Emerald Ray, and he is the Star being of Justice, and works alongside
the Archangel Michael. Commander Zaar has been responsible, for the past five years, for
bringing justice and truth into the legal system and into government. So as corruption has
been exposed within your governments, it shows you how busy Commander Zaar has been!
There is another being - her name is the Star being Delaana. She is known as the Star being of
Attitude, and if anyone needs an attitude adjustment, she is the one for the job. She also works
on the Emerald Ray - very gentle energy, but very precise in her communication and
explanation of energy. Regardless of what the issue is around attitude, you can align with this
Star presence and ask her to assist you in attaining, and then maintaining, a positive attitude or
whatever attitude it is you would like to adopt.

We also have the Star being Gondor. He is the Star being of Faith, and his energy was
grounded, five years ago, over the Sahara Desert, specifically. However, over the time of the
21st, 22nd, and 23rd of August of this year, 2003, that energy will be transferred to the
Brandberg region of Namibia. This means that the energy of Faith is spreading its wings.
These portals that will open over the Brandberg allow more of your own faith to become
active. But always remember that faith is your walking-stick up the hill of challenge. Faith
will always get you to your goal. If you are being challenged and battling with the process of
maintaining faith, align yourself with this being, and he will assist you.
We then have the Star being Li-loo She is the Universal Midwife, and works very closely with
Lady Mother Mary and with Lady Nada. Li-loo is present with all of you because your time
of rebirth is upon you. You will find that over the next six months, all of you will go through
minor processes of rebirthing every single moment. This is not a painful process. It is, in
truth, a liberating process, because the more you give birth to your Star self, the more you will
know about yourself. Initially, for some, it may be a confusing process because, as we said, it
brings light to all those aspects of yourself that have been in darkness, but the joy of this is
that it will help you discover what you did not know, or to reclaim what you lost at a young
This is the time of gathering all those "pieces" of your puzzle so that you make "peace" with
every aspect of yourself. Some people have felt so distant from their soul that they have not
been able to ground their spiritual essence in this lifetime. And others are so in touch with
their spiritual essence that they do not want to be on the Earth plane. All of you are here for a
purpose, and it is a GIFT to be on the Earth plane at this time, because you are all writing
spiritual history. What you are experiencing has never been experienced in Earth's spiritual
history - ever. And the presence of Star energy is the strongest it has ever been.
This Star presence is dissolving the density of the collective consciousness that has become
trapped in the web of fear. If you want to break out of those negative matrixes, you have to
turn to the light of truth; you have to turn to the light of God. It boils down to a choice which
is that simple: either being motivated by fear, or being motivated by Life. And as I have said
on so many occasions - it is either one or the other. Sitting on the fence is no longer an option.
Perhaps the fences should be made out of barbed wire - it would be difficult to sit on them!
People are finding it difficult to make these choices because they have been at a loss - their
consciousness has been trapped in poverty or victim consciousness. The only way to break it
is to turn your face the other way. Loss and lack have been part of a lesson - a process of
mastering certain aspects of yourselves. But it does not have to be the theme of your life
forever and ever, amen. And you have the power to make the process end. You are not victims
to circumstance. You have the power to choose what you focus your energy on. You have the
power to choose what level of consciousness you will buy into. And if you see
that there is a certain slant to victim consciousness or any other negative consciousness, you

do not have to believe in it.

Empower yourself, and invest your energy in that which will give you the best payout. By
investing in that, you are investing in your soul. There is a big difference between investing in
your soul and investing in your ego. Remember, your ego is the part that buys into fear. Your
soul never buys into fear. The soul does not experience fear - or lack, or loss, for that matter;
the ego experiences it. So, when you are feeling afraid, or find yourselves worried or trapped
in pessimism, in resentment, in cynicism, you are in your ego, and only you can get yourself
out of this. And the more your Star presence is present, the more difficult it will be for you to
remain in that negativity, because the Star light will say to you "wake up - look at what is in
front of you". Embrace the opportunity to take the gift that your challenge is presenting, and
move forward.
Now the 7th Dimension is the gateway that opens to all those Star dimensions where all of
your fellow Star brothers and sisters reside. 7th Dimension is the gateway to the Universe - to
all those hundreds of thousands of dimensions that exist beyond this one. All of you have
been working in your own way in adapting to this 7th Dimension. I have given endless
information on the magic - the miracles of manifestation that the 7th Dimension brings, and
you have been working with this - some consciously, some unconsciously. But now is your
opportunity to move through those gateways, and to begin to experience the joy and
presence of adopting a different consciousness - consciously - and to set the conscious
intention to experience those higher levels of consciousness in the world that you presently
occupy. This opens up so many experiences for you that to put your finger on any single one
of them will be limiting it. Some of these experiences, however, may manifest in the forms
that we have already discussed, as well as inspirations that may appear to be out of this world,
so to speak. Some of you may suddenly feel that you need to move from the city or even the
country that you are living in. This is your Star print activating itself in you to take you to the
place that you need to be, so that you can carry out that which you have set in place in Star
service. Star service and Earth service are also different.
When you are resonating with your Star print and working with that map, your
communication, your interaction with the environment moves beyond the 3rd Dimension.
Some people may begin to hear clairaudiently; others may begin to experience visions
clairvoyantly - seeing things in the Inner Eye. Others may have their senses heightened in the
sense of simply knowing that something is about to change (claircognisance).
Perhaps there are some of you who have already been getting messages through your dreams.
Perhaps you look at the clock and you see 10:10 or you see 11:11, 12:12, 22:22. This is your
Star family communicating with you. You might find that you get a sense of different colours,
or different energies. You may even feel that your imagination is running away with you. Do
not be quick to put it aside, because when you welcome the presence of your Star family into
your environment in a conscious way, anything is possible. And remember, truth is often
stranger than fiction. Your imagination is the tool that your soul uses to communicate with
you. It's only your Earthly world that has told you that your imagination is an illusion.

By re-connecting with your imagination, you are allowing your inner child consciousness to
be reborn, and that is what Leellu will help you with in your rebirthing process - giving birth
to your Golden Child, so you can re-access those original codings of Star print that you
brought into this world. And as those Star prints are activated, so all of you become those
Light-workers that you are. You become Star healers, Star teachers, Star warriors - it matters
not. But you become a "way-show-er. Do not compromise your truth. Do not not do
something because to others it appears strange. Remember - strange, but true. In this day and
age, anything goes, and if you can imagine it, then obviously it must exist somewhere, not so?
Are there any questions that I can assist with?
Q: Please elaborate on the aspect of faith.
K: Faith is also the process of bridging from the ego to the soul. Faith and trust work together,
but you need faith in order to trust. Faith is the aspect of the human heart and soul that has
managed to empower the mind. It is the part of the being's essence that allows the person to
override negativity. Faith allows surrender to become at one with the person's mind, body and
spirit. When one experiences the liberation and peace of surrender, faith is in its full
activation, and that automatically gives birth to trust.
Q: (inaudible)
K: The Sun chakra activation or energy, and the Lions' Gate activation, have brought about
much of this process. Part of what is being experienced is the breaking down of old identities.
This is what the Sun chakra brought, and with Mars being present, it is also addressing
all of the root, core causes of lack, of lust consciousness, of fear, or conditional love. This
allows a person or people to tap into levels of creativity that they were not previously able to
encounter within themselves. For your husband, it is a process of tapping into the wealth of
creative energy inside of himself. The only thing is that many people are rejecting this process
and perhaps even flogging a dead horse by following a path that they think is the right path,
because perhaps it offers some kind of lucrative reward, but their heart is not in it - their heart
wants to be doing something else. So in other words, the Sun chakra energy is about finding
the true way - not the safe way. You have to have faith that whatever you need will be
provided - and that is the challenge in itself. I do realise this is easier said than done, but it is
actually the majority of the middle class of many countries at this time who are the most
severely financially-challenged. Those who have experienced poverty for most of their lives
are not having it too badly, because that is what they are accustomed to. And those who have
experienced extreme wealth? Well, they just get richer. The poor get poorer and the rich get
richer is the expression, yes? Well, all of that is changing, too, and the Golden Age brings
equal opportunity and energy for everyone. But the challenge, or the lesson, at this time is
for those who are in poverty to break out of that, and for those who have accumulated large
amounts of wealth - to share their knowledge with those who are striving to improve
themselves. Because many of those (wealthy) people keep it as hushed secrets as to how they

made their trillions. Let us say that this is not going to go on for decades for you, but what
you do need to do - and relay this to your husband - is to set the intention that whatever the
divine will and plan is of your soul, his soul, and your children's souls, that you surrender to
that plan manifesting itself, under grace, in perfect and miraculous ways. Set that intention
each and every single day. And also let him know that if he is doing what he is because he
thinks that is the best way to do it, he must think again. He must do what motivates and
inspires him in life.

Q: Do you see a shift in Africa with regard to poverty?

K: Beloved one, we most certainly do. Perhaps you have heard us speak very passionately of
Mother Africa. She is being cradled in the heart of Spirit at this time. Not that the rest of the
world isn't, but Mother Africa at this particular time is very precious because she is leading
the rest of the world out of the dark age and into the Golden Age. The United States of
America is moving into a recession. It is time now where all that darkness - all the poverty
consciousness that was pushed underneath the rock - is now coming to the surface, and all
those other countries across the world that were not addressing the issues that Africa has been
addressing, are now having to face this. In fact, it has been said that within the next 10 years,
the AIDS epidemic will not be confined to Africa, but probably the Eastern countries such
as India, for instance, will have the majority of HIV-infected people on the planet. So the
focus of that activity is no longer just in Africa, because she has simply reflected, for the rest
of the world, what they have been in denial about. She has initiated the process of change, and
now that others are starting to go through what Africa has been going through for the last 20
years, she will lead the world through that change. And South Africa will become one of the
richest and strongest countries in the world.
Q: (inaudible)
K: This is correct, yes. The first step always appears to be the most difficult, but the first step
is actually the simplest. And that is why standing up and saying "This is who I am" is so
important. A woman who stands up and says "I was / am a prostitute, and I want to make a
difference" - it is those wounded women who will stand up and make the biggest difference;
that will help men to embrace their wounded inner child; to merge with their Goddess self,
and both to emerge balanced in masculine and feminine, and then the true union of Man and
Woman can take place. Because at the moment it is very out of balance: most men wanting to
control; women rising up to that and becoming men in order to break out of the control
systems - thus giving far too much power to their masculine selves by denying their feminine
selves, thereby creating even further imbalances.
Q: Do you foresee councils of women?
K: There are these already, and yes, we do see this becoming more prevalent. It is very
important that people stand up, and stand together. It is time for people to work as teams - no

longer as individuals trying to change the world on their own. It is the time of communion. It
is through that that the true magic of life can manifest the miracles that will bring about the
changes for the whole world to benefit from - education, the medical system, the legal system
- all of these are vital areas that need attention.
Q: How can I best serve?
K: I don't know - you tell me!
Q: I've always been told I have the gift of the gab.
K: Do you believe this? (yes) Then, you need to follow that truth. We often hear people say
"I've been told I am a healer", "I've been told I can do this, that and the next thing". It does not
matter what you have been told. It is what you feel that is important. It is what you know
inside of you that resonates with your soul that is important. What is important is what you
believe is right for you. So therefore, if that is your power, and you believe it, then stand up
and share your gift.
Q: In what way does the Christ Consciousness change the situation we're going through? . the
difference between Jesus and the Christ.
K: The Christ Consciousness is a consciousness that lives inside every single person. As each
person wakens more and more to their true Self, more and more of that divine presence - the
Christ Consciousness - becomes more active. That means more light is present. The more
light there is present, the more illumination there is. The ascended master Jesus, as a soul or
spirit or energy, is most certainly influencing the process, just as all the other seven masters
and lords are. The Christ Consciousness is what some also refer to as the Diamond
Consciousness. It is that pure level of soul consciousness present within a dense dimension
such as the one you are presently occupying. So, the Lord Jesus Christ, or the Christ
Consciousness, you could say are different. The Christ Consciousness is just that - a
consciousness: one that embodies all the levels of Spirit, or goodness, or purity - whatever
you wish to call it. It is Love.
Q: (inaudible)
K: That particular vision that you experienced was in fact one of your own personal Star gates
that opened for you. It was moving into your own personal 7th dimensional process of
initiating the aligning of your own energy with the 12 divine masters of Star light whom you
are working with. Each person has 12 divine masters of Star light who work with them, and
that was your process. Continue on your path as you have, and making it physical through
painting it will also serve you greatly, because you can meditate with this particular painting
in front of you, or, if you fancy some inter-dimensional star travel, you can sit upon
it! (laughter)

Beloved ones, all of the Star messages that we have brought to you this evening have been for
a purpose, because the energy has shifted dramatically on your planet, and what once you
knew as sacred sites have now shifted, and hundreds of new sacred sites have now activated
themselves and will now emit powerful energy over the next 13 months. Some of you may be
inspired to travel to places that you never even considered previously, only to arrive and
connect intuitively with that land and realise that it is one of the new sacred sites. With these
new sacred sites, the chakric points of the planet have also shifted. They, too, have moved
around, and your own chakras are going through a process of re-shuffling. Not that they will
jumble themselves, but the energy that is being emitted through those chakras is changing.
You are working with higher frequencies, and that is the gift that the 8th of August brought. It
was taking you out of density, liberating you from the old identities that you carried and the
old paradigm of the old world, and you are living in a new world. Everything around you may
appear the same, but the levels of consciousness that you are working with are very different,
and the Star energy is the new order of the day. And you will start to hear much about Star
The crystal kingdom and the animal kingdom play a major role in this shift of consciousness.
You may find yourself as an individual being attracted to crystals where you were not before;
or if you are already a crystal junkie - beware: you will have many more crystals joining you.
More and more people may be attracted to using crystals with the elements for healing.
You may even find that you want to work with people and laying grids, working on their
bodies. Follow this - do this, because it is part of your own Star prints speaking to you. As you
follow those inspirations, so you follow the different points of your map that will allow your
Earth experience to merge with your Heaven experience, and so you experience Heaven on
Earth. With the animal kingdom, more than one of you may feel that you embody aspects of
animals' characteristics, or you may be drawn to a specific animal, not quite understanding
why. Read up a bit about that animal. Learn more about what their characteristics
are - what they represent, how they live, how they hunt, how they protect. That will give you
clarity as to what that particular animal medicine is offering to you.
Animals are Star beings! Crystals - even though their physical forms are shaped within the
Earth - also have their divine essence at the stars. Gaia is a planet, and she, too, is of the stars,
so there is no getting away from the stars.
This is a time of understanding and accepting that you are all stars. Not disa-stars, but bright,
shining stars. And no star has to rely on another star to shine its light. And yet, a clear evening
full of stars is one of the most exquisite sights to see. So shine your light as bright as you
want, and see yourself as the sea of stars in God's eyes, because that is what you are.
May the light of your Star self shine through you - that Star presence is the Godlight inside of
you. May each one of you be blessed with the divine courage, the inner strength, the will,
drive, and the power, to embrace your Light side. May all of you enjoy the new process that
your Star self brings. You will not grow pointy ears. You will still stay the same - physically,
that is (but only for a while). In your heart,

you will find things change automatically, and that has been happening already; it is not
something new. It simply becomes a more conscious process. So remember - grow with the
flow. May the light of God bless and embrace each one of you, and may you always be proud
to stand in who you are.
I am Kuthumi - lord of love and wisdom, and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.

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