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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qr\tx288\tx540\tx720\f0\fs24\par
The services to be performed under this contract will be subject to the ultimate
\f1 responsibility and authority of the Peace Corps Country Director (CD) in \par
conjunction with medical supervision and guidance from the Office of Medical \par
Services (OMS) at Peace \f0 Corps Headquarters.\par
The required/preferred skill level of the Peace Corps Medical Contractor (PCMC)\par
in \b PC (fill in the country) shall be a\b0 (\b specify level of provid\b0
er). The PCMC shall work _______hours per week.\par
I. \ul Professional qualifications:\par
A. \ul Nurse Practitioners\ulnone : Certification as a Nurse Practitioner by the
American \par
Academy of Nurse Practitioners or the American Nurses' Credentialing \par
Center, a valid registered nurse license, and a nurse practitioner
B. \ul Physician Assistants\ulnone : Certification by the National Commission
on \par
Certification of Physician Assistants, Inc. Physician assistants applying
for \par
PCMC positions while practicing in the United States, and contracted by \par
Peace Corps in the United States, must hold a current, active, physician \par
assistant's license in one of the 50 states.\par
C. \ul Registered Nurse\ulnone : A Bachelor of Science in Nursing or a diploma
from a three-\par
\tab year nursing program and a valid registered nurse license. \par
It shall be the responsibility of PCMC-nurse practitioners and registered nurses to
maintain current and valid certifications and licenses at all times while serving
as \par
PCMC in any country. It shall be the responsibility of \f1 PCMC-physician
assistants \par
to maintain national certification at all times \f0 while serving as PCMC in any
country. \par
\pard\fi-1440\li1440 D. \ul Physician: \ulnone Valid, current, active license to
practice as a physician in one of the \par
50 United States or country where license was obtained.\par
\pard\tx720 It shall be the responsibility of the PCMC-physician to maintain a
current \par
\pard\tx288\tx540 valid license to practice medicine in one of the 50 United
States, or country where license was obtained, at all times while serving as a PCMC
in any country. \par
\b0 II.\tab\ul Services to be provided\par
\pard{\pntext\f0 1.\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlbody\pnf0\pnindent360\pnstart1\pndec{\pntxta.}}
\tx288\tx540\ulnone The PCMC shall perform the following clinical care and
administrative services \par
\pard\tx288\tx540\tab in accordance with the policies promulgated in the Peace
Corps Manual and the \par
\tab Technical Guidelines. A copy of the Peace Corps Manual and Technical \par
\tab Guidelines shall be provided by the Peace Corps in the country of
assignment \par
\tab and are incorporated herein by reference. The contractor shall provide and
\tab perform the clinical and administrative services listed herein, in support of
the \par
\tab Peace Corps Volunteers and Trainees in his/her country of assignment. For
\tab purposes of this statement of work, Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) shall \par
\tab include Trainees. \par
2. \f1 The PCMC shall also provide health and medical care to such other persons
as \par
\pard\li360 required by the Peace Corps, which may include employees and/or
contractors of other United States Government agencies, including Peace Corps. In
such cases, the PCMC may upon request be provided a copy of the agreement between
the Peace Corps and the Department of State that provides indemnification for the
\pard\tx288\tx540\f0 \par
3. The PCMC, as delegated by the Country Director (CD), is responsible for \par
\tab establishing and managing the in-country Volunteer Health Support Program.
\tab The PCMC acts as both program manager and clinician. The PCMC shall \par
\tab perform the following functions.\par
\ul\f1 A.\ulnone\tab\ul Safety and Security:\par
\f0 A.1.\tab With all other Peace Corps staff, share responsibility for the safety
and security \par
\tab\tab of Peace Corps Volunteers by remaining current on safety and security
policies \par
\tab\tab and procedures and making safety and security the first priority.\par
A.2.\tab Provide input for developing and updating safety and security procedures
and \par
\tab\tab Reporting formats for use by staff, PCVs and counterparts. \par
B.\tab\ul Prevention and health education\par
B.1. \tab Plan, coordinate and provide health education to Volunteers, both during
formal \par
\tab\tab in-country training programs, and throughout their tour, through the use
of \par
\tab\tab newsletters, health handbooks, individual health education sessions, and
other \par
\tab\tab activities.\par
B.2. \tab Provide preventive health services, including immunizations, periodic
health \par
\tab\tab evaluations and preventive treatments.\par
B.3.\tab Establish and maintain a monitoring program in order to ensure 100%
Volunteer \par
\tab\tab compliance with Peace Corps health maintenance requirements such as
obtaining \par
\tab\tab immunizations on schedule or taking malaria suppressants.\par
B.4.\tab Participate in the process of site selection (living and work sites);
provide \par
\tab\tab ongoing site evaluations. Make written professional recommendations for
site \par
\tab\tab improvements or changes if indicated. \par
C.\tab\ul Clinical care\par
C.1.\tab Provide clinical care, including the assessment and management of
health \par
\tab\tab problems. This includes the provision of primary care for common
illnesses and \par
\tab\tab injuries appropriate to the contractor's training and experience and
directed by \par
\tab\tab the Technical Guidelines.\par
C.2.\tab Arrange for prompt diagnostic consultations with physicians, dentists,
specialists, \par
\tab\tab laboratories or other facilities in cases where the provision of health
care requires \par
\tab\tab medical skills or facilities beyond the professional capability of the
contractor. \par
\tab\tab\ul The PCMC has oversight and approval responsibilities for referred
health care.\par
C.3.\tab Maintain current, complete and accurate records on all PCV consultations
and \par
\tab\tab treatment (including laboratory and x-ray reports) in PCV health record.
This \par
\tab\tab is to include counseling, referrals, individual health education sessions,
telephone \par
\tab\tab consultations and correspondence between the Volunteer and the PCMC.\par
C.4.\tab Establish and maintain an in-country referral network of health care
providers \endash \par
\tab\tab identify and evaluate consultants, facilities and services. Write and up-
date, as \par
\tab\tab required, a directory of in-country consultants and facilities. \par
C.5.\tab Coordinate in collaboration with other Peace Corps staff the evacuation of
\tab\tab PCVs with medical problems requiring evacuation and/or treatment not \par
\tab\tab available locally to designated intermediate evacuation points,
Washington, DC \par
\tab\tab or Hawaii, as indicated. This may include accompanying evacuated PCVs
to \par
\tab\tab these points.\par
C.6.\tab Coordinate or when contractor's qualifications permit, conduct annual
and \par
\tab\tab termination medical and dental evaluations, including laboratory tests,
for all \par
\tab\tab Volunteers in accordance with Peace Corps Technical Guidelines.\par
C.7.\tab Seek consultation with the APCMO (Africa only) and/or the Office of
Medical \par
\tab\tab Services (OMS) to assist with case management and referrals when
indicated. \par
C.8.\tab Seek prompt consultation with OMS for all health conditions that may
present \par
\tab\tab a high risk to the Volunteer or others. It shall be the contractor's
responsibility \par
\tab\tab to ensure that privileged information in facsimile documents or cables
is \par
\tab\tab protected in order to comply with medical confidentiality and Privacy
Act \par
\tab\tab provisions. Note that medically confidential information is NOT to be
\tab\tab transmitted by electronic mail.\par
\b0 C.9. \tab Adhere to the Technical Guidelines for policy on the management of
specific \par
\tab\tab clinical conditions. If there is a compelling reason for non-adherence to
the \par
\tab\tab Guidelines, consult OMS for instructions.\par
D.\tab\ul Counseling\par
D.1.\tab Provide emotional support and short-term counseling services to Volunteers
in \par
\tab\tab accordance with Technical Guideline 510 "Mental Health Assessment and \par
\tab\tab Support."\par
D.2.\tab Assess Volunteers for signs and symptoms of emotional disorders and \par
\tab\tab substance abuse, and provide support and referral as indicated. \par
D.3.\tab Where professional resources exist, establish a mental health referral
network; \par
\tab\tab oversee referral interventions; report referrals to OMS. \par
E.\tab\ul Program management/administration\par
E.1. \tab Establish and operate a health unit; maintain supplies of medications,
health and\par
\tab\tab medical equipment to meet anticipated routine and emergency medical needs.
\tab\tab In collaboration with the Peace Corps Country Director and the Associate
Peace \par
\tab\tab Corps Director for Administration, order and stock medical supplies and
\tab\tab equipment. All medicines, medical supplies and equipment provided or paid
\tab\tab for by the Peace Corps shall be for the sole and exclusive purpose of
treating \par
\tab\tab Trainees and Volunteers and other \ul eligible\ulnone persons, who may
include employees \par
\tab\tab or contractors of other United States Government agencies. No
medicines, \par
\tab\tab biologicals, vaccines or medical supplies will be co-mingled with the \par
\tab\tab contractor's stock.\par
E.2.\tab Maintain regularly scheduled and announced office hours in the Peace
\tab\tab health unit. The schedule for regular office hours will be determine with
the \par
\tab\tab approval of the Country Director. The PCMC is a fully participating
member \par
\tab\tab of the in-country Peace Corps staff. In this capacity the PCMC may be
called \par
\tab\tab upon to provide health/medical care to Volunteers and other eligible
personnel \par
\tab\tab after duty hours and on week-ends and holidays. The PCMC will be "on-
call" \par
\tab\tab after hours, and on week-ends and holidays for medical and/or mental
health \par
\tab\tab emergencies among all personnel eligible for the PCMC's services. \par
\tab\ul\b Adjustments to work schedules\par
\tab\tab Policy regarding adjustable work schedules and extra time off differs from
\tab\tab country-to-country and is developed by each Country Director to meet
the \par
\tab\tab specific program needs of each post. The PCMC will adopt or modify an
\tab\tab adjustable work schedule, or take extra time off in addition to the annual
leave \par
\tab\tab specified in this contract, \b only\b0 after agreement is reached in
advance with the \par
\tab\tab Country Director.\par
E.3.\tab Advise the CD of foreseeable PCMC absences sufficiently in advance to \par
\tab\tab permit arrangement for coverage. In the event the PCMC is sick, on \par
\tab\tab vacation or unavailable due to (a) accompanying a medical evacuation; \par
\tab\tab (b) attendance at a Peace Corps conference; or (c) an authorized field
trip \par
\tab\tab away from the office, \ul the Country Director shall be responsible for
arranging \par
\ulnone\tab\tab\ul adequate coverage.\ulnone The PCMC will assist the Country
Director in arranging \par
\tab\tab such coverage.\par
E.4.\tab Participate in staff meetings and assist with the formation of all in-
country \par
\tab\tab policies that have potential impact on Volunteer health/safety.
Maintain \par
\tab\tab administrative records and planning systems; participate in the IPBS
(budgetary) \par
\tab\tab planning process.\par
E.5.\tab Administer the in-country Volunteer Health Support Program in compliance
with \par
\tab\tab Peace Corps policies and procedures as outlined in the Technical
Guidelines and \par
\tab\tab Manual Sections.\par
E.6.\tab Maintain clinical records - referred to as the "Volunteer Health Record"
in \par
\tab\tab accordance with specifications set forth in Technical Guideline #210,
"Health \par
\tab\tab Records." Ensure medical confidentiality and compliance with the
provisions of \par
\tab\tab the Privacy Act, the Peace Corps Manual Section on Medical Confidentiality
\tab\tab and Technical Guideline #150, "Medical Confidentiality." Health records
will \par
\tab\tab be stored by the contractor under combination lock, limiting access.\par
E.7.\tab Establish in-country, regional, and long distance medical evacuation plans
in \par
\tab\tab collaboration with the Country Director and other in-country Peace Corps
staff. \par
\tab\tab Inform and coordinate with the Country Director in medevac procedures.\par
E.8.\tab Provide the CD with status reports on health and safety concerns,
including \par
\tab\tab objectives of the health care program and identified in-country health
E.9.\tab Keep the CD informed of major health and safety problems which have \par
\tab\tab programmatic impact, including assaults, illnesses that interfere with
Volunteers' \par
\tab\tab activities or that require medical evacuation, and status reports on
medevaced \par
\tab\tab Volunteers.\par
E.10.\tab Advise the CD of needed support, including clerical assistance,
equipment, and \par
\tab\tab additional clinical staff, when applicable.\par
E.11.\tab Review all proposed medical expenditures and provide professional advice
to \par
\tab\tab the Country Director relative to payment.\par
E.12.\tab Provide OMS with regular status reports, (i.e., ongoing consultations,
\tab\tab hospitalizations, assaults, etc.) \par
E.13.\tab Submit monthly epidemiological surveillance data to OMS and yearly
reports to \par
\tab\tab OMS and the CD.\par
E.14.\tab Maintain effective, timely and appropriate liaison and cooperation
regarding \par
\tab\tab health programming and clinical services called for under this contract
with the \par
\tab\tab CD and other members of the in-country staff.\par
E.15.\tab Ensure, to the best of the PCMC's ability, that all physicians, dentists,
\tab\tab laboratories, hospitals or clinics providing services in conjunction with
this \par
\tab\tab contract are professionally qualified. \par
E.16\tab Attend CME courses and Medical Overseas Staff Training in Washington \par
\tab\tab when invited by OMS.\par
F. \tab\ul Mentoring and on-the-job training of other PCMCs\ulnone\par
F.1.\tab Provide mentoring and on-the-job training, as indicated and appropriate,
to \par
\tab\tab other PCMCs assigned to the Peace Corps health unit in-country. Such \par
\tab\tab training should be undertaken with the approval of the CD, and in
consultation \par
\tab\tab with OMS. "Other PCMCs" may include back-up/coverage and temporary \par
\tab\tab duty (TDY) personnel, as well as colleagues who are under Peace Corps \par
\tab\tab contract to provide health care to Volunteers, and share responsibility
for the \par
\tab\tab management of the in-country Volunteer health care system. \par
F.2.\tab If country and program circumstances indicate the need, provide long-term
\tab\tab the-job training for a PCMC-colleague, with the goal of guiding his/her
\tab\tab preparation to eventually assume the full roles and responsibilities of
the PCMC. \par
\tab\tab This should be undertaken only with the approval of, and in consultation
with \par
\tab\tab\ul both\ulnone the CD and OMS.\par
\pard{\pntext\f0 G.\tab}
\fi-360\li720\tx288\tx540\tx720\ul Travel\ulnone \par
\pard\tx288\tx540\b0 All travel will be coordinated with and approved by the
Country Director. If \par
indicated by country/program needs, travel will be planned and undertaken in \par
collaboration with other Peace Corps staff. \par
G.1.\tab Travel to and be prepared to stay at training sites on a regular basis as
program \par
\tab\tab needs dictate, in order to provide Volunteers with health training,
preventive \par
\tab\tab care (e.g. immunizations), and clinical intervention as needed. \par
G.2.\tab Undertake routine visits to Volunteer living sites on a schedule developed
in \par
\tab\tab collaboration with the CD and other Peace Corps staff. \par
G.3.\tab Be prepared to travel in-country, and in some cases to other Peace
Corps \par
\tab\tab countries, 25% - 50% of the time, as Volunteer and country and in some
cases, \par
\tab\tab Regional program needs require. \par

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