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The Olympic Games are a world-wide celebration of the sports.

It is an important
event held every four years for athletes of every race to compete and prove their
efforts. Its an event with billions of viewers from hundreds of different countries
tuning into every game for that glimpse of success. With gold, silver and bronze
up for grabs the hundreds of competitors train long and hard to do their mother
country proud.
The history of the Olympic Games is quite a remarkable one, for the Olympic
Games were first established in the BC times around 2700 years ago. The first
Olympic Game to ever be recorded was held in 776 BC in Mount Olympia but
there was known to be previous games before then although scholars are still
baffled at the exact beginning of these games. The Olympic Games
acknowledges its great origins to religion. The games began in honour of the
Greek Gods. According to historical records Idaios Daktylos Herakles the wellknown Greek demigod and son of Zeus was helped by his father in a war against
Augeus and in honour of his fathers help he established the games. Another
myth regarding the history of the games is that of Prince Pelops and Hippodamia
but that really has nothing much to do with the origins of the Olympic Games its
just a story from that of Herakles for
Women were not permitted to compete personally; married women were also
barred from attending the games, under penalty of death (getting thrown off a
cliff). (But All the single ladies were allowed to attend.) until Roman influence
took place. Callipateira & Pausanias(son) But why werent they allowed you may
Women had their own games (Hera games) starting in the 6th century where
they competed dressed.
Olympic performers were naked and it would have been unacceptable to have
respectable women performing naked in mixed company. It may have been
unacceptable for respectable women to view naked male bodies of non-relatives.
The poleis (city-states) were honoured by an Olympic victory. It is possible that
a victory by a woman would not be considered an honour.
Being defeated by a woman would probably have been a disgrace.
Victory Ceremonies
The Olympic victor received his first awards immediately after the competition.
Following the announcement of the winner's name by the herald, a Hellanodikis
(Greek judge) would place a palm branch in his hands, while the spectators
cheered and threw flowers to him. Red ribbons were tied on his head and hands
as a mark of victory.
The official award ceremony would take place on the last day of the Games, at
the elevated vestibule of the temple of Zeus. In a loud voice, the herald would
announce the name of the Olympic winner, his father's name, and his homeland.
Then, the Hellanodikis placed the sacred olive tree wreath, or kotinos, on the
winner's head.

Women 100m Hurdles

The fastest 100 m hurdlers run the distance in a time of around 12.5 seconds.
The world record set by Yordanka Donkova stands at 12.21 seconds, the
equivalent of 8.19 meters per second or 29.48 kilometers per hour.
The hurdles sprint race has been run by women since the beginning of women's
athletics, just after the end of World War I. The distances and hurdle heights
varied widely in the beginning. While the men had zeroed in on the 110 m
hurdles, the International Women's Sport Federation had registered records for
eight different disciplines by 1926 (60 yards/75 cm height, 60 yards/61 cm, 65
yards/75 cm, 83 yards/75 cm, 100 yards/75 cm, 100 yards/61 cm, 120 yards/75
cm, 110 meters/75 cm). At the first Women's World Games in 1922 a 100 m
hurdles race was run.
The Olympic Games had included an 80m hurdles from 1932 to 1968 but from
the 1972 Summer Olympics the womens race was lengthened to 100m hurdles..
Just like with the men's races, until 1935 no more than three hurdles could be
knocked over (or the runner was disqualified) and records were only officially
registered if the runner had cleared all her hurdles clean. In 1935, this rule was
abandoned, and L-shaped hurdles were introduced that fell over forward easily
and greatly reduced the risk of injury to the runner.
Ive chosen Sally Pearson for my Athlete because shes inspiring and she sets a
great example for young female athletes seeing as she has been in this sport
since the young age of 8.

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