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Intel XDK



Product Brief
Top Features

Intel XDK Write Once, Run Anywhere

Intuitive easy to use streamlined

workflow, from design to app store
Faster development - integrated
design, test, and build tools

Intel XDK simplified workflow enables developers to easily design, debug, build, and deploy
HTML5 web and hybrid apps across multiple platforms, app stores, and form factors. Intel XDK
integrated design equips developers with the tools, standards, and technology to reach more
platforms, device coverage, and app stores, while reducing time, efforts, and cost.

Quick start samples and demos to

speed responsive app design

Key Benefits:

Profilers to tune for more app

performance and quality
Extends hybrid performance with
Crosswalk* runtime for Android
Effortless app deployment across
form factors and app stores
Integral Cloud-based build system
for hybrid and web apps
Standards for Web and Hybrid Apps

Write Once, Run Anywhere

One HTML5 programming language enables HTML5 cross-platform apps for multiple app stores
and form factor devices helps broaden market reach and increase revenue opportunities.
Faster Time to-Market through an Integrated Environment
Integrated HTML5 App Development Tools in one streamlined workflow, tested, and delivered
together helps speed app development, increase productivity, and reduce costs.
Short Learning Curve through a simplified workflow
Intuitive app development with an easy-to-use HTML5 programming language, streamlined
workflow, and quick start templates.
Amazing App Experience through tool technology
Optimized JavaScript UI framework libraries, emulation tools, and performance profiling tools
provide engaging and responsive HTML5 app experiences across many form factor devices.

Integrated, simpler workflow, from idea to app store

Supported Device OS Platforms:

iOS* 7
Android* 4.x
Windows* 8.1, Windows* Phone 8

Intel XDK is available as a free download at:

for Windows*, OS X*, and Ubuntu Linux*

Top Features
App Development Design Tools

Intuitive Tools to Design Responsive Apps

Quick start samples, demos, and data stream services
App Starter UI Builder to design app UI using drag & drop and
round-trip capable to modify app on-the-fly
HTML5 Brackets* editor with auto-completion and syntaxhighlighting
UI frameworks support for JQuery* Mobile, App Framework*,
Twitter Bootstrap*, Topcoat*, and Apache Cordova* JavaScript* UI
framework for native platform access

Emulate, Test, and Debug Tools

Productivity Tools to Improve App

Performance and Quality
Crosswalk* web runtime extends hybrid performance for Android
Performance Profiler pinpoints performance bottlenecks
Remote debugger for Javascript debugging on Android devices
Emulator app testing on 17 different devices with GPS,
broadband, accelerometer, and network simulation

Build and Publish to App Stores

Deploy Simply Across Platforms, App Stores, and
Form Factors
Cloud-based build system simplifies packaging of Web and Hybrid
built apps for various app stores
Publish to many app stores, across many form factors easily
- Apple* App Store
- Google* Play*
- Windows* Store*
- Tizen* App Store
- Nook* Store (Android)
- Amazon* Store (Android)
- Chrome* Store (web app)
- Facebook* Store (web app)

Download and install the free Intel XDK at:

Optimization Notice

Notice revision #20110804

Intels compilers may or may not optimize to the same degree for non-Intel microprocessors for optimizations that are not unique to Intel microprocessors. These optimizations include SSE2, SSE3, and SSSE3 instruction sets and other optimizations. Intel does not guarantee the availability, functionality, or
effectiveness of any optimization on microprocessors not manufactured by Intel. Microprocessor-dependent optimizations in this product are intended for use with Intel microprocessors. Certain optimizations not specific to Intel microarchitecture are reserved for Intel microprocessors. Please refer to the
applicable product User and Reference Guides for more information regarding the specific instruction sets covered by this notice.

2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, XDK are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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