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2010 IMS Edition |

Cover Story: Seeds of Change

MicroApps Schedule
AWR 2010 Release Product Overview
Product Focus: AXIEM Evolution
Success Story: Acreo
Success Story: Multitest
Article: Nonlinear Behavioral Models
News Flash: AWR CEO Dane Collins Elected to
EDAC Board of Directors
News Flash: AWR Graduate Gift Initiative

A Crash Course on Using Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS)

By Chris Sanabria,
If you are an engineer and have anything to do with circuit simulation, in particular high
frequency circuit simulation, or layout, this is a tool you will probably encounter at some
time in your career. Agilent (and before them, Hewlett-Packard) spent years expanding
this software that has become a staple in industry. As with any advanced technical
program, there is a steep learning curve. Help within the program on a Windows
platform can be found at any time by pushing the F1 key, which will bring up all the
manuals. Their web site is another resource.
The manuals for the program are a few thousand pages long. This paper will get a new
user up and running quickly. This will be a step-by-step example to get a user familiar
with the LineCalc tool, an S-parameter simulation and AC simulation. It is strongly
encouraged to explore the many tools and different ways of doing similar commands.
Lets get started. Launch the program. If you cant find a shortcut, the executable will
probably be in ADS2001\bin\hpads.exe. This will bring up one small window.

Fig. 1 The Main Window

ADS has its own hierarchy when dealing with any file. You cannot just open a circuit or
look at a set of data. Everything is associated with a project file. These files will always
end in _prj. For example, in Fig. 1 there is a folder called untitled_prj. Expanding it
shows five folders. Everything from circuits, new components, data from instruments,
data from simulations, data displays, layouts, etc. will be stored in one of these folders.
Create a new project by clicking File New Project. Use the current directory and add
the name my_first_project and hit OK. ADS will automatically add the _prj. A quick
note about any file name in ADS: never use spaces. The program has its origins in the

UNIX operating system, which is both case sensitive and treats spaces differently than in
Windows. Save yourself some future headaches; use underscores instead.

Fig. 2 A Schematic Window

A new window like Fig. 2 should have appeared (If not, on the main window some of the
icons that were grayed out before opening can now be clicked. Click on the icon that is a
white background with a capacitor and inductor fore ground.). Fig. 2 is a schematic
window where components can be placed and simulations setup. We will create an RC
circuit and do an AC simulation.
Lets place some components. Notice in the left side of the schematic window there are
already some to choose from. Click on the top left one, a resistor (not the boxed resistor,
that is a model and we will not deal with it here), and place it on the grid with a left click.
Hit the escape key to stop placing the component and to cancel most commands. Now,
click a capacitor and place it in the grid, too. For style, we need to change the orientation
of the capacitor. Left click the capacitor so that it is highlighted. In Fig. 2, there is an
icon that says 90 degrees circled with a black 3 by it. Click this once and the capacitor
will be rotated. Connect the two parts with wire, which will be a purple color. In Fig. 2,
this is the icon of a wire with two red dots at the end, circles with a green 4. Click this,
and left click an end of the resistor to an end of the capacitor. They will now be
connected and the red dots at the ends will change to blue ones, meaning a connection
has been made (When placing components, if the component being added is placed with
its unconnected end on another components unconnected end, ADS automatically

connects them like a wire. This can be useful when placing components and an
annoyance when moving them around).
We need a source. The two components we used are in the Lumped-Components library.
Click on the pull-down icon which is circled with a red 1 in Fig. 2 and select the
Sources-Freq Domain. Click the component V_AC, place it in the circuit, and connect it
with a wire (not directly) to the other end of the resistor. To complete the circuit,
grounds are needed. In Fig. 2, this is the symbol that looks like a circuit ground and is
circled with a blue 2. Add two grounds and connect to the signal and capacitor. Note
that you can search all the component libraries by clicking on the books icon near the
ground icon.

Fig. 3 Finished RC Circuit

It will become very useful to label nodes and wires. Click the icon that says NAME and
is circled with an orange 5 if Fig. 2. A small window will appear. In the window, type
Vin and click on the purple wire connected between the source and resistor. It should
now be labeled Vin in purple. Go back to
the window and type in Vout and label the
wire between the capacitor and resistor.
Hit escape to terminate the window and
command. The circuit should look almost
like Fig. 3. As a side note, if the text of a
component is in the way, hit F5, left-click
on the component of the text you want to
move (not the text itself) and move the text
to a better position and left-click again.
A simulation must be setup in the circuit if
anything else is to be done other than have
a pretty circuit picture. ADS can do many
simulations including DC, AC, Sparameter, Harmonic Balance, Transient,
and much more. We want an AC
simulation; pull down the library menu to
Simulation-AC and add the icon AC, which
looks like a gear, to the circuit. It does not
connect to anything, it merely tells ADS
what model you are using. Double

Fig. 4 - AC Simulation Properties

clicking this or anything in the circuit schematic brings up all the properties.
Double click the AC block. We need to adjust the frequency range of interest. Change
the range to that of Fig. 4. Save the file. Hit Ctrl + S and save the file as rc_test1.
Notice that ADS saves these files in the networks folder under the my_first_project_prj
folder. One last thing is to setup where the simulation data will go and where to display
it. At the top of the schematic window go to Simulate Simulation Setup Make sure
the Dataset and Data Display are both rc_test1. If we needed to have two sets of data,
and not overwrite the original, this is where you should change the file name to which the
data is saved. This also applies for the display window.
We are ready to simulate. Hit the simulate button (or from the schematic window hit F7
or the gear icon in the top right of the schematic window). A blank data display window
will now open as in
Fig. 5. On the left
side are 6 icons that
can do rectangular
plots, polar plots,
Smith Chart plots,
multiple plots, tables,
and equations
respectively. We will
want to do a standard
plot. Left click the
rectangular plot icon,
go to the middle of
the window and left
click (note that you
can hold down the left
mouse button and
draw the size of
plot you want. Give it
Fig. 5 Data Display Window

a try later). Now a series of little windows will popup. Do the following: click Vout and
then the >>Add >> button. Another window will pop up telling you that the data is
complex and asking how to plot it.
Click phase and hit OK. Now hit OK
and a plot should appear as in Fig. 6.
Notice that at higher frequencies, the
phase approaches -90 degrees, as is
expected for an RC circuit. Double click
the graph and the properties for the
graph that were just setup will open.
Notice that the same five icons are near
the top of this window. Click the dual

Fig. 6 Phase and Magnitude of RC Circuit

graphs icon here, select Vout again, click >>Add>>, this time select magnitude, and hit
both OK buttons again. Now two plots with phase and magnitude will appear as in Fig.
6. You have now gone through the basics of ADS. Lets go though an S-parameter
Go back to the schematic window, click File New Design and give it the name
quarter_wave_example. Notice that there are buttons to open the design in the current
window or a new window and that there are design templates. Go ahead and hit OK. Our
design will be a simple quarter-wavelength matching network. If the frequency = 5 GHz,
Zin = 50 and Zout = 100 ,
then we will need a
transmission line of impedance
73 . Transmission lines can
be found in the Tlines-Ideal
library. Use the pull-down
menu to find it about a quarter
of the way down the list. The
component needed is the first
one in the library, TLIN. Place
this in the schematic. Its initial
resistance is Z = 50 Ohm, left
click the 50 and edit it to 73
Ohm (Again, any component
parameter can be edited by
double left-clicking the
component). Its operating
Fig. 7 Quarter-Wavelength Circuit

frequency is 1 GHz; change it to 5 GHz. Change libraries to the Simulation-S_Param

library. Two of the components will be needed from here. The first is the SP block,
which makes ADS aware this will be an S-parameter simulation. In the block, change the
step size to .1 GHz. The other is the Term. This is much like the terminals on a network
analyzer. Place two of these in the schematic and change the second term to an
impedance Z = 100 Ohm. Connect with wires, add grounds to the terms, and the circuit
should like the same as in Fig. 7. Save the circuit. We may now simulate, hit F7. A new
data display window will open up. Click on the Smith Chart icon and click in the plot
area. Again, a window will popup. Select S(1,1), click >>Add>>, and hit OK. A Smith
Chart should plot as in Fig. 8. Now click the dual plot icon and add S(1,1) in dB and
S(2,1) in dB. Again, should look the same as Fig. 8.

Fig. 8 Quarter-Wavelength Display

ADS has many other tools built into it. A popular one is LineCalc. This tool calculates
impedances and dimensions for the much different geometry of wave-guides and
microstrip lines. To start the tool, there must already be a schematic open. Use the
quarter-wave circuit just built. From the schematic at the top choose Tools LineCalc
Start LineCalc. A window such as that below will appear.

Fig. 9 LineCalc Window

At the top is the Type of structure to be analyzed. The program defaults to microstrip.
Take a look at some of the other available such as COAX and CPW. The ID is the name
of the defaults being viewed. This has initial parameter values and an initial Type. You
can make your own ID if you wish. For the microstrip the parameters stand for:

Er relative permitivity
Mur relative permeability
H height of the substrate
Hu if the design was covered by a metal box, this would be its height
T conductor thickness
Cond conductivity of the conductor
TanD dielectric loss tangent
Rough RMS surface roughness of the dielectric
W width of conductor
L length of line
Z0 characteristic impedance of line
E_Eff effective electrical length
K_Eff effective dielectric permitivity of the system
A_DB total attenuation of the system

Lets go through an example. Set all but the Physical parameters (W and L) to those as in
Fig. 9. Notice there are two arrows. Clicking the arrow pointing up will calculate W and L
of the microstrip while clicking the down arrow will calculate Z0 and E_Eff. Push the up
arrow. The simulator will run and the W and L will be calculated as in Fig. 9. Lets go
the other way. Set W = 50 mil and click the down arrow. Now Z0 = 17.806900 and
E_Eff = 98.733400. A wider conductor gives lower impedance as would be expected.
This concludes this tutorial. I hope it was helpful. There is so much more to learn about
this program but if you sit down and experiment for an hour or two it will be well worth
your time. If there are questions or corrections please email

Welcom e to Sun n y Ca liforn ia!

Cover Story

Sherry Hess, Vice President of Marketing, AWR

Seeds of Change

AWRs new ad, Ideas Grow Faster in

the Right Environment graces the front

AWR has weathered the economic

AWR was founded on innovation, and

turbulence well (we just announced our

our drive to deliver the technologies

13th consecutive year of record reve-

today that you need not only for today

nues), certainly better than others in our

but for tomorrows designs as well.

industry. One reason? You! Or should I

Our core competencies, innovation and

say the trust you have in AWR. Custom-

service, have helped our customers

er trust is a huge competitive advantage

get through the hard times, and will be

at AWR. We hope that you know you can

the environment that enables them to

trust us and that you know from experi-

sprout the ideas they need to be com-

ence that we dont just sell a product,

petitive in the future.

we provide improved productivity, faster

time-to-market, more bang for the buck.

Knowing that ideas grow faster in the

right environment, AWR has, as usual,

of our 2010 AWR Magazine that you

Ideas grow faster in the right environ-

been busy sprouting ideas into new

are now holding. The sprout represents

mentYes. Of course they do. AWRs

technologies thats part of our upcom-

AWRs corporate culture in so many

software enables you, our valued cus-

ing 2010 software release - Microwave

ways: innovation, spawning new ideas,

tomer, to focus on your ideas, growing

Office, Visual System Simulator, and

the right environment for growth and

them into winning products. And be-

AXIEM. Weve included a sneak peek in

creativity, seeds of change

cause our environment runs easily and

the pages of this magazine, as well as on

efficiently and is constantly enhanced

the AWR website at

The economy is on the road to recovery,

and smart businesses have been laying
the groundwork and sowing the seeds
of change in anticipation of a future far
different from before the downturn.

with our own innovative, next-generation

technologies, it allows you to think creatively and explore design possibilities.

Enjoy IMS 2010!


IMS 2010

Date and Time:
Tuesday, May 25
Tuesday, May 25

Tuesday, May 25

Tuesday, May 25
Tuesday, May 25
Tuesday, May 25

Tuesday, May 25

Tuesday, May 25
Tuesday, May 25

Wednesday, May 26

Wednesday, May 26

Title and Company:

Multi-chip Module Design Challenges
Josh Moore, Dustin Hoekstra
AWR Corp.
Nonlinear Co-simulation with Real-time Channel Measurements for PCB Signal Integrity
Mike Heimlich, Khaled Nikro, Harry Momjian
Macquarie University; AWR Corp.; Anritsu Corp.
Causality Considerations for Multi-Gigabit StatEye Analysis
Michael Heimlich, Scott Wedge
AWR Corp.; Synopsys, Inc.
System-Level Component Models for RF EDA
Jiang Liu, Lawrence Dunleavy
Modelithics, Inc.
Multi-Rate Harmonic Balance for Non-Linear Simulation
Josh Moore, John Dunn
AWR Corp.
PA Design Inclusive of Load-Pull Analysis
Josh Moore, Dustin Hoekstra
AWR Corp.
Online Design Environment Provides Interactive Datasheets for Small Signal RF Transistors
Allows Users to Generate Custom Datasheets for a Variety of Operating Conditions
Sherry Hess, Uwe Knorr, Ronald Thissen
AWR Corp.; Transim Technology Corp; NXP Semiconductors
Using AWRs iFilter Wizard to Efficiently Synthesize Lumped & Distributed Filters
Mark Saffian
AWR Corp.
Single Chip LNA Using High Q Inductors on a Silicon-on-Sapphire Process
Duncan Widman, Yash Moghe
AWR Corp.; Sapphicon Semiconductor
A New Approach for Nonlinear Behavioral Modeling
Darren McCarthy, Johannes Benedikt
Tektronix Inc.; Mesuro Limited
A Methodical Approach to Analyzing and Understanding the Performance of a LTE System
Joel Kirshman
AWR Corp.

The Use of Computer Clusters and Spectral and Domain Decomposition

Wednesday, May 26 in 3D FEM Analysis

Thursday, May 27

John DeFord, John Dunn

AWR Corp.
Test & Measurement Migration to Integrated Simulation, Test & Measurement
for M&RF Design
Jon Leitner
Rohde & Schwarz


Whats New in the AWR 2010 Release

Microwave Office DEsign environment

Nonlinear Behavioral Modeling

Nonlinear behavioral model support for Agilents X-parameters,

Mesuros Cardiff model and more. Read Nonlinear Behavioral Models
article in this magazine for more information!


Multi-rate harmonic balance (MRHB) technology was first introduced

in 2009 and developed specifically for customers with spectrally
rich simulations (transceivers, system on chip, module, etc.). MRHB
dramatically increases the speed and reduces the computer memory
required to perform steady-state analysis of complex nonlinear systems
with multiple signal sources and the 2010 release delivers even faster
simulation time and greater reduction in memory.

Constant Compression/Constant Output Power Simulation

Great for PA designers, this new feature takes advantage of advanced

APLAC capabilities enabling compression to be computed from linear
gain region or max gain region (i.e. gain expansion).

Linear Stability Analysis

Normalized determinant function (NDF) and stability envelope

measurement now available! And whats more, they offer a more
comprehensive solution than standard stability metrics or Gamma Probes.

Connectivity Tracer

Seeing is believing! The ability to highlight all nets or user selected nets
and locate short or open circuits visually with ease is priceless. Check
out a live demo or AWR.TV video of this new feature!

Connectivity Tracer



Lots and lots of enhancements and updates

have been rolled into AWRs 2010 release of
its software including Microwave Office, VSS
and AXIEM. Highlights of the new and exciting
additions in the 2010 release are presented here.

AXIEM 3D planar em simulator


All the existing benefits of AXIEM (larger problems, faster solve

times, etc.) and now for antennae too! Works with existing antenna
measurements, new antenna gain measurements. Read AXIEM
Evolution article in this magazine for more information!

vss - visual system simulator software

Advanced Amplifier Behavioral Model - Time Delay Neural Network

PA designers rejoice! TDNN now enables memory effect modeling in

VSS & MWO (thru the use of a model extraction wizard in MWO).

Turbo Decoders

Supports turbo codes used in 3G/4G standards, such as cdma2000,

IS856, WiMAX, and LTE. Library includescomponents that can be used
for decoding of custom turbo codes too!

Microwave Office Plug-n-Play modules

iFilter (lumped and distributed filter synthesis)

The iFilter intuitive user interface enables designers to quickly and easily
design filters, connect them directly to circuitry, and make optimization
trade-offs that positively impact their designs. iFilter technology,
which was developed specifically for synthesis of lumped-element and
distributed filters, runs seamlessly as a module within Microwave Office!

AWR Connected for Cadence Allegro

Now PCB layouts can be directly imported from Cadence Allegro. The
schematic is created so that the resulting S-parameters are automatically
wired to components and full dielectric stackup is transferred ready for
EM extraction with AWRs ACE or AXIEM technology.

AWR Connected for Cadence Allegro

Product Focus: AXIEM Evolution

Dr. John Dunn, Senior Engineer, AWR

As the wireless world grows and

AXIEM The Early Years


AXIEM Take the

Challenge! (2009)

evolves in response to consumer

AXIEM, in beta form, burst onto the

In 2009, adoption spread widely

demand for more features in an ever

scene in 2007 as an unprecedent-

throughout AWRs Microwave Office

smaller form factor, so too has high-

ed new technology that transformed

customer base and delivered on the

frequency EM simulation grown and

RF/microwave design by making

tagline: Think Fast. Think AXIEM!

evolved. Once a back-end verification

it feasible to perform EM analysis

Documented customer success sto-

tool in the high-frequency design flow,

at the beginning of the design flow,

ries from companies such as Mimix,

EM simulation has become an inte-

where it can benefit designers most

Legrand, and TriQuint began to roll

gral part of the design process, and

by helping diagnose issues early,

in. New features introduced to AXIEM

AWRs AXIEM 3D planar EM simula-

thus significantly shortening the

included 64-bit platform support and

tion technology is at the forefront

design process. This first rev of

additional, extensive port and deem-

in enabling designers to factor EM

AXIEM boasted NLn(N) simulation

bedding options.

simulation into the design flow right

speed (where N is the number of

from the beginning.

unknowns) as well as several other

Embodying 20+ man years in development, AXIEM is specifically aimed at

3D planar applications like RF printed
circuit boards (PCBs) and modules,
as well as LTCC, MMIC, and RFIC

innovations, including not only its

near linear scaling solver algorithm
but also advanced hybrid meshing
technology, both of which delivered
the capacity, accuracy, and speed
necessary to make use throughout

design. AXIEM has quickly become

the design cycle a reality. In 2008

an invaluable integrated tool within

the AWR Design Environment, where
its capacity, accuracy, and speed are
proving to be competitive differentiators for our customers in their time-

AXIEM became available to the

general engineering public and the
use of it for EMing designs began
in a big way.

to-market race.

For example, coupled line calibration

became available. Line ports could
be grouped together for ease of use
in differential excitations and mutual ground return between different
ports. Internal ports were enhanced
and made more powerful and flexible.
A grouped calibration option was added, so that ports close to each other
could include the proximity effects of
one another a necessary feature
when using ports to connect devices
such as chip capacitors or FETs.
As respect for the abilities of AXIEM
grew, AWR offered the AXIEM Challenge to put its money where its
mouth is. AWR was so confident that
AXIEM could solve complex problems
faster than commercially-available,
competing tools, it promised to buy
lunch for the entire design team doing

We were unable to EM this entire structure

using any other EM solver and turned to AWR
to give it a try. The insights gained as unveiled
by AXIEM opens up new vistas in mm-wave
design for Mimix.
Dr. Simon Mahon, Director of MMIC Design
Mimix Broadband, Inc.

the benchmark if proven otherwise.

The power and speed of AWRs new AXIEM

3D planar EM software made it possible to
accurately and efficiently simulate the entire
structure of very complex NDPA MMIC.
Chuck Campbell, Fellow
TriQuint Semiconductor

AXIEM No bounds!
The latest version of AXIEM continues
to win new users and expand its market presence. The AWR 2010 release
of AXIEM now has no bounds--literally!
Antenna capabilities are today part and
parcel of AXIEM and are quickly becoming an indispensable tool for designers

axiem 2010 key features

Seamless integration with Microwave Office and Analog Office software

Proprietary full-wave planar EM solver technology

antenna designs, for example, arrays

Advanced hybrid meshing technology

with a large number of elements. De-

Numerous source/excitations including auto-calibrated internal ports

Parametric studies, optimization, and tuning

3D visualization and animation

the matrix solve in planar EM solvers

Support for 64-bit PC platform and multi-core configurations

is of the order N3, where N is the

Antenna capabilities

number of unknowns. By comparison,

Works with existing antenna measurements

AXIEMs fast solver technology scales

New antenna gain measurements

as the order of Nln(N). So to illustrate,

And all the AXIEM benefits (larger problems, faster solve times, etc.)

of antennas.
AXIEM v2010 is ideal for large, planar,

signers can finally study effects such as

scan blindness, which can only be seen
by simulating the full array. Traditionally,

if a designer increases the number

of antennas by a factor of 10, the
traditional solver will take 1000 times
longer to simulate (think 1000 minutes), whereas AXIEM would only need
35 times to do it (think 35 minutes to
solve). Post processing features have
been added so that the user can visualize traditional antenna pattern measurements for linear, circular, and elliptical
polarizations, and current patterns on
the antennas.
In less than three years, AXIEM has
achieved wide customer adoption and
has benchmarked better than other EM
tools that have been on the market for
decades. This year AWR is taking the
AXIEM Challenge to Japan, a country
renown for pushing EM to the limit with

Vivaldi antenna in AXIEM.

the toughest of design problems.


Product Success Story

Acreo Uses Visual System Simulator to Successfully
Optimize System Performance of Complex UWB Transceiver

Microwave Office DEsign environment

Nonlinear Behavioral Modeling
Nonlinear Background
behavioral model support for Agilents X-parameters,

VSS gives us a deeper

Mesuros Cardiff model and more. Read Nonlinear Behavioral Models

Acreo AB, Kista, Sweden, refines and
understanding of system aspects.
article in this magazine for more information!
transfers research results into industrially
Its flexibility and open platform

products and processes in the

means parameter optimization can

of electronics
and optics.
(MRHB) technology wasquickly
first introduced
and easily be done. With
in Kista,
in 2009
and developed
for customersVSS
with spectrally
we were able to successfully
Acreo is active
in printed system on chip, module, etc.). MRHB
rich simulations
realize our system.
nano and
the speed and reduces the computer memory

Lars Pettersson, Research Engineer

Acreo AB

quantum analysis of complex nonlinear systems
required to perform
well infrared
(QWIP)and the 2010 release delivers even faster
with multiple
signal sources
andreduction in memory.
and greater
relations business services.

Constant Compression/Constant Output Power Simulation

ISO9001 certified, Acreo operates

Great for PA designers, this new feature takes advantage of advanced
clean room facilities
for thin-film and
APLAC capabilities enabling compression to be computed from linear
volume printing production. The company
gain region or max gain region (i.e. gain expansion).
employs more than 150 people, the

Linear Stability
of whom hold
engineering and
degrees. function (NDF) and stability envelope
now available! And whats more, they offer a more
Design Challenge

comprehensive solution than standard stability metrics or Gamma Probes.

The need for higher capacities within

AWR Solution
We needed to
create a SCM
link suitable
for 100Gb/s
The system-level
development of a
SCM transceiver link

Tracer is driving the

was modeled within

for network
is believing!
The abilitycapable
to highlight all nets or user selected nets
of supporting
and locate short or open circuits visually with ease is priceless. Check

AWRs Visual System

2-Carrier SCM transceiver link simulation block diagrams and

a live demo or AWR.TV video of this new feature!
simulation results in Visual System Simulator.

One such bandwidth-efficient technology

being explored is sub-carrier multiplexing
(SCM), where quadrature modulated
(QAM) signals on different carrier
frequencies are combined and
subsequently encoded onto an optical
carrier. This transceiver approach
capitalizes on the increasing speed of
silicon technology (65nm complementary

Simulator. This
RF system model
enabled us to assess

the influence of component performance in the electrical domain, particularly

non-linearity and noise, with respect to the SCM link performance requirements.
The design of critical component building blocks in the 65nm CMOS SOI process
such as IQ modulators, power combiners, and low noise amplifiers (LNAs) for
the SCM transceiver, were done at the circuit level. The performance of these
components was then assessed in the VSS system simulation environment to
investigate the capabilities of CMOS for next generation optical networking with
the SCM architecture.

metal oxide semiconductor CMOS process

Using Visual System Simulator together with Matlab to create the RF system

on HR-SOI substrate) to perform more

model proved to be a straightforward task. said Lars Pettersson, research

of the signal processing in the electrical

engineer at Acreo. The flexibility, ease-of-use, and open platform of Visual

domain before converting to light.

System Simulator was a very positive feature. Visual System Simulator gave a
good understanding of how group delay variations affected the whole system

Connectivity Tracer


performance and
we were able to optimize the system using this knowledge.

Customer Success Story

Microwave Office Software with ACE Technology Dramatically Cuts
Simulation Times of Multitests High-performance IC Test Boards

Using AWRs ACE technology,

Multitest is able to accurately and
efficiently simulate PCB interfaces
prior to fabrication. This gives our

Customer Background

customers the confidence they

Multitest is one of the worlds leading

need before they even receive our

suppliers of test equipment for


semiconductor integrated circuits (ICs).

Ryan Satrom, Signal Integrity Engineer


It markets test handlers, contactors, and

automatic test equipment (ATE) printed
circuit boards (PCBs), which are used
for the functional test of individual chips.
They act as a mechanical and electrical
interface between the semiconductor
and the actual tester with the test
software. A high throughput rate,
measurement accuracy to the thousandth
of a millimeter, precision temperature

Analysis of routing strategy is

straightforward with ACE: if layout is
tuned, the RF model is automatically
updated and simulated. Image shows
Multitests test board routing layout
and simulation results.

accuracy, and the latest in measurement

and production technology are all
important factors.

The Design Challenge

Multitests main customers are
multinational manufacturers of
semiconductors who insist on the highest
quality standards in their products.
In order to ensure this high quality,
the company provides its clients with
highly innovative test handling solutions,
custom-tailored to fit individual needs and
requirements. Because high throughput
rate and accuracy are critical, Multitest
uses AWRs Microwave Office with ACE
(automated circuit extraction) to simulate
and optimize its PCB designs simply,

thicknesses) characterized previously in

Why did you choose AWR?

3D EM. Within each of these libraries,

We chose AWR software for several

via models were linked to .s2p files that


were simulated in a 3D simulator. Proper

via modeling (thru-hole and back-drilled)
is a critical component to accurate PCB

1) The user-friendly interface of the

software makes it easy to learn

simulations. With the ACE technology

2) PCB layout importing is

enabled within AWRs Microwave Office

straightforward and robust

software, we were able to leverage the

3) ACE is accurate and fast, giving us a

ease, simplicity, and efficiency of ACE,

quick design turnaround

and the Microwave Office user interface

for that matter, to successfully simulate
any board desired while maintaining

For these reasons and more, AWRs

Microwave Office featuring ACE is a
winning combination for the design of

accurately, and efficiently.

appropriate via models as well.

AWR Solution

AWRs Microwave Office software with

boards. Personally, Ive seen some

its ACE innovation simplified a job that

Microwave Office enabled us to readily

designs realize more than 50% saving in

used to take many hours into one that

create libraries for several different PCB

simulation time (including set-up steps)

is more streamlined -- completed in

stackups (various numbers of layers and

by adopting this methodology.

significantly less time.

Multitests high-performance PCB test

Nonlinear Behavioral Models New Methods for

Nonlinear Device Characterization
Linear and nonlinear device models are the building blocks of most RF and microwave
designs. S-parameters are often used to represent linear devices. As a black-box


model, they can easily be obtained using a vector network analyzer and distributed
for simulation. S-parameters use superposition to equate the linear relationship
between incident and reflected waves at all of the devices ports. Nonlinear devices,
however, distort waveforms such that their behavior cannot be represented through
superposition or S-parameters. Fortunately, recent developments in measurement and
modeling technology have focused on technology-independent, measurement-based
black box models.

The OpenWave Forum (OWF)

The concept of using behavioral models
in nonlinear simulations has existed for
20 years or more but only recently have
advances in measurement technology

Current Approaches Presented at IMS

(improved arbitrary signal generation

Agilent (IMS Booth #924)

practical implementation to become

a reality. The OWF aims to ensure

and sampling techniques) allowed

Develops Agilents X-parameters, which are included in its N5242 nonlinear

vector network analyzer for large-signal measurements and Advanced Design
System software, and are applicable to large and small-signal conditions and for
linear and nonlinear components. X-parameters are a mathematical superset of
S-parameters and reduce to S-parameters in the small-signal region.

measurement and modeling techniques

that are used.

The OWF is an alliance of RF and

Provide state-of-the-art active load pull tuners, ultra-low-loss couplers and

microwave firms that seek to

harmonic phase standard (HPS) designed to operate with the VectorStar VNA.

collaborate, create, and promote a

The nonlinear load pull system offers multiple behavioral analysis data including

unified and transparent data exchange

polyharmonic information representing current and voltage waveforms under

format for large-signal simulations,

large-signal conditions.

measurements, and models.

Rohde & Schwarz & NMDG (IMS Booth #2519)

signal simulations, regardless of the


Anritsu & HFE Sagl (IMS Booth #2910)

usability of these new models in large-

Offer NMDGs ICE platform that employs an R&S VNA (or VNAs and high
frequency oscilloscopes from other vendors) to characterize nonlinear

For a current list of OWF members, to

learn more and/or to join: go to

components under real life signal conditions and to produce S-function models.

These S-functions accurately predict harmonic and modulation behavior of

the device under test and can be used within ICE or an external simulation

Nonlinear Modeling

White Paper
Linear and nonlinear device models are the building blocks of most RF and
microwave designs. S-parameters are often used to represent linear devices. As a
black-box model, they can easily be obtained using a vector network analyzer and
distributed for simulation. S-parameters use superposition to equate the linear
relationship between incident and reflected waves at all of the devices ports.

Tektronix & Mesuro (IMS Booth #1033)

Nonlinear devices, however, distort waveforms such that their behavior cannot be
represented through superposition or S-parameters.
Historically, nonlinear devices have been represented in simulation by compact
empirical or analytical SPICE models that operate in the time domain. Todays
high-frequency circuit simulators analyze the linear portions of the network in the

Deliver a characterization system to provide polyharmonic IV tables using

frequency domain and the nonlinear components in the time domain, resolving the
two through an iterative technique called harmonic balance.

Malcolm Edwards
AWR Corporation

The process of developing a compact model, be it empirical or analytical, is costly,

time consuming, and potentially exposes the device makers intellectual property.

arbitrary harmonic impedances. The data is used to populate the Cardiff Model,

More importantly, since most compact model parameters are extracted from

developed by Cardiff University, providing an accurate behavioral model at powers

resulting quality and availability varies among integrated device manufacturers.

linear 50 ohm S-parameters and DC IV (static and pulsed) data, their ability to
predict behavior under extreme nonlinear conditions or non-50 ohm terminations
may be questionable. The cost of model development is not trivial, and the

This situation presents the high-frequency circuit designer with a bit of a dilemma.
Fortunately, recent developments in measurement and modeling technology have
focused on technology-independent, measurement-based black box models. This

of hundreds of watts at microwave frequencies.

white paper examines the different nonlinear models and measurement systems
available today and how they can be used with Microwave Office, a leading
high-frequency design environment from AWR Corporation.


Nonlinear models are most often used to describe the behavior of transistors,
including the large-signal regime where power amplifiers and mixers operate.

Speak with AWR to learn more about these nonlinear behavioral modeling approaches

Large-signal computer models for devices are continually evolving in order to

keep up with changes in semiconductor technology. To attempt standardization
of model parameters used in different simulators, an industry working group
of semiconductor vendor companies and EDA vendor companies called the

and Microwave Office compatibility. A complete white paper on this topic written by

Compact Model Council (CMC), has been formed to choose, maintain, and
promote the use of standard models. An elusive goal in such modeling is
prediction of next-generation circuit performance and the identification of
technical direction for developing models capable of such predictions.

AWRs Malcolm Edwards is available on and more closely

examines the different nonlinear models and measurement systems available today

This requires the selection of operating conditions that define the nonlinear
characteristics of devices, the nonlinear equations that replicate this behavior,
and extraction of the parameters to be used in these model equations. An
obvious alternative to using standard or evolving compact models to address the
next-generation of devices would be to simply use the measured data directly, as
is the case for S-parameters and linear devices.

and how they can be used with Microwave Office, a leading high-frequency design
environment from AWR Corporation.


AWRs support of PolyHarmonic Distortion

and Nonlinear Behavioral Models, white paper
by Malcolm Edwards. (Found on the CD)

News Flash
AWR CEO Dane Collins
Elected to EDAC Board of

tive spanning job functions from inte-

AWR CEO Dane Collins has been elected

startups like EEsof, High Level Design

to the Electronic Design Automation Con-

Systems, and AWR, to big corporations

sortium (EDAC) board of directors. The

(both commercial and military) like

EDA Consortium is an international as-

Cadence and General Dynamics.

sociation of over 100 companies developing EDA tools and services for the design
of electronics that enable the Information
Age, including communications, computers, space technology, medical and industrial equipment, and consumer electronics. The EDA Consortium seeks to identify
and address issues that are common to
its members and the customer community that the member companies serve.
A part of the EDA fabric for 22 years,

grated circuit (IC) designer and EDA tool

developer to corporate executive, as well
as company environments from small

I am pleased to have been elected to

serve on the EDAC board of directors and
contribute my many years of engineering
and executive experience to the organization, stated Mr. Collins. I intend to make
it a priority to bring together the members
of our industry in a spirit of cooperation
in order to work towards finding solutions
and strategies that address the common
problems facing us and our customers
throughout the EDA marketplace.

Dane Collins

Mr. Collins possesses a broad perspec-

News Flash
AWR Graduate Gift
AWR Graduate Gift Initiative provides
qualified 2010 graduates a fully-functional
1-year term license free for its popular
Microwave Office and Visual System
Simulator (VSS) software suites - inclusive of AXIEM 3D planar EM software.
The goal of the initiative is to give graduating electrical engineering students a
career head start by providing hands-on
exposure to AWRs high-frequency design
Working with universities worldwide to
empower students with access to RF/Microwave software tools, AWRs Preferred
University Program was launched in

direct response to industry and academia

expressing the need for students to have
access to these tools prior to graduation
and entering the job market.
With the increasing demand for
wireless-enabled devices and the decrease in microwave and RF engineering
graduates, tomorrows designers will
need to work harder and smarter, said
Sherry Hess, vice president of marketing at AWR. Making our design tools
available to these graduates is one of
the goals of our program and is part of
our commitment to making engineering
students more attractive to industry by
helping them become proficient with the
actual tools of the trade.



Corporate Headquarters
AWR Corporation
1960 E. Grand Avenue, Suite 430
El Segundo, CA 90245
+1 310 726 3000
+1 310 726 3005 (fax)

AWR Japan KK
Level 5, 711 Building

Take a well earned break from RF & microwaves during IMS 2010 and Go
for GOLD at AWRs 6th Annual Customer Appreciation Party!
This year we are taking the party to the next level and launching the first
ever AWR GAMES! Join in the fun playing games that include:

7-11-18 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku

Tokyo 160-0023 Japan
+81 3 5937 4803


Basketball - Hockey - Bowling - Football

While youre racking up the points for prizes, well be serving cold drinks
and hot food as you game the night away!

AWR Korea Co. Ltd.

B-1412, Intellige-ll, 24 Jeongia-dong,
bundang-gu, Seongnam-si,
Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, 463-811
+82 31 603 7772

Location and Time

2 Hunting Gate
Hitchin, Herts
+44 (0) 1462 428 428


Wednesday, May 26th

7:00 PM - Midnight
ESPN Zone Anaheim
1545 Disneyland Dr.
Anaheim, CA 92802
Phone: 714-30-3776


Lars Sonckin kaari 16
FI-02600 Espoo, Finland
+358 10 834 5900



AWR France
140 Avenue Champs Elysees
75008 Paris, France
+33 1 70 36 19 63

Copyright 2010 AWR Corporation. All rights reserved. AWR, the AWR logo, Microwave Office and APLAC
are registered trademarks and Visual System Simulator, AXIEM, ACE, AWR Design Environment, AWR.TV,
MRHB, iFilter, and AWR Connected are trademarks of AWR Corporation.
All others are the property of their respective holders.

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