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\pard\li973\ri0\sl-240\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f1\charscalex100 {Case 10-51328
Filed 01/26/11
Entered 01/26/11 14:38:22
Desc Main}\par\pard\li3986\
ri0\sl-240\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f1\charscalex100 { Document
Page 1 of 10}\par\
pard\li3200\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li3200\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs1
8\cf0\par\pard\li3200\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li3200\ri0\sl-306\sl
mult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\b {UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT}\b0 \par\pard
\li3786\ri0\sl-306\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\b {DISTRICT OF CONNECTICUT
}\b0 \par\pard\li4066\ri0\sl-306\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\b {BRIDGEPOR
T DIVISION}\b0 \par\pard\sect\sectd\sbknone\cols2\colno1\colw6626\colsr-0\colno2
\colw4813\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\slmu
lt0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-413\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\b {In
}\b0 \par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-3
60\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\b {TIFFANY M. KRITHARAKIS,}\b0 \par\pard\l
i2306\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li2306\ri0\sl-346\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\
f0\charscalex100\b { Debtor. }\b0 \par\column\pard\li0\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs
18\cf0\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-413\slmult0
\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\b {Chapter 13
}\b0 \par\pard\li0\ri0\sl
-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-360\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex10
0\b {Case No. 10-51328 (AHWS)}\b0 \par\pard\sect\sectd\sbknone\pard\li1213\ri0\s
l-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1213\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li
1213\ri0\sl-426\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\b { UNITED STATES TRUSTEE'S M
OTION FOR RULE 2004 EXAMINATION OF }\b0 \par\pard\li1013\ri0\sl-306\slmult0 \fs2
ANY, AS}\b0 \par\pard\li1986\ri0\sl-306\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\b {TR
USTEE FOR SOUNDVIEW HOME LOAN TRUST 2005-OPTI,}\b0 \par\pard\li2546\ri0\sl-306\s
lmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\b \ul {ASSET BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005OPTI}\b0 \ul0 \par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-493\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Tr
acy Hope Davis, the United States Trustee for Region 2 (\uc1\u8220XUnited States
Trustee\uc1\u8221X), by}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charsca
lex100 {and through undersigned counsel, respectfully moves this Court for an or
der pursuant to Fed. R.}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscal
ex100 {Bankr. P. 2004 and Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9016 authorizing the examination of
a duly authorized}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100

{representative(s) of}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\b {Deutsche Bank National T

rust Company, as Trustee for Soundview}\b0 \par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \f
s24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\b {Home Loan Trust 2005-OPTI Asset Backed Certificates,
Series 2005-OPTI}\b0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 { (\uc1\u8220XDeutsche\uc1\u822
1X)}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {and requiring
the duly authorized representative(s) of Deutsche appear and give sworn testimo
ny}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {regarding the
proofs of claim filed in this case and its ownership of the note and mortgage}\p
ar\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {underlying the proo
fs of claim, including the transfer of ownership of the note and mortgage. In}\
par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {support of this mo
tion, the United States Trustee respectfully states as follows:}\par\pard\li4600
\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\ul {INTRODUCTION}\ul0 \par\pard\l
i1586\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Deutsche has filed two proo
fs of claim in this case regarding an alleged secured claim}\par\pard\li866\ri0\
sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {arising from a mortgage given to secu
re a loan made to the debtor and her spouse. The first}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-5
06\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {proof of claim filed on July 28, 2010 (cl
aim no. 2-1 on the claims register) (\uc1\u8220XPOC\uc1\u8221X) failed to}\par\p
ard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {include any documentati
on connecting Deutsche to the underlying mortgage. }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\
i {See}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 { POC attached}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\
slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {as Exhibit 1. On November 24, 2010, Deutsch
e filed an amended proof of claim (claim no. 2-2}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmu
lt0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {on the claims register) (the \uc1\u8220XAmended
POC\uc1\u8221X). }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {See}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex
100 { Amended POC attached as Exhibit 2. The}\par\pard\sect\sectd\sbknone\pard\s
rgbsxn466\pard\li973\ri0\sl-240\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f1\charscalex100 {Case 10-5132
Doc 52
Filed 01/26/11
Entered 01/26/11 14:38:22
Desc Main}\par\par
d\li3986\ri0\sl-240\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f1\charscalex100 { Document
Page 2 of
10}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\slmul
t0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-3
06\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Amended POC included several documents wh
ich purport to establish Deutsche\uc1\u8217Xs secured}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506
\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {claim. The United States Trustee has revie
wed the documents filed by Deutsche in this case and}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\
slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {has concerns about the integrity of those do
cuments and the process utilized by Deutsche in}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmul
t0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {filing the POC and the Amended POC. The United S
tates Trustee is concerned that Deutsche}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs2
4\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {has not properly established that it is the owner of the
mortgage and underlying note and seeks}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24
\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {to examine a duly authorized representative(s) of Deutsch
e appear and give sworn testimony}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f
0\charscalex100 {regarding the POC and Amended POC filed in this case and its ow
nership of the note and}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscal
ex100 {mortgage underlying the POC and the Amended POC, including the transfer o
f ownership of the}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100
{note and mortgage. }\par\pard\li4253\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscal
ex100\ul {BACKGROUND FACTS}\ul0 \par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0
\charscalex100 {1. The debtor Tiffany M. Kritharakis (\uc1\u8220XDebtor\uc1\u82
21X) commenced this case by filing a}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf
0\f0\charscalex100 {voluntary petition under chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code o
n June 10, 2010. Molly Whiton}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\c
harscalex100 {serves as the standing Chapter 13 trustee.}\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl
-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {2. The initial 11 U.S.C. 341(a) meetin
g was scheduled for and held on July 22, 2010.}\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-506\slmul
t0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {3. On her Schedule A, the Debtor discloses that
she owns real property located at 25}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf

0\f0\charscalex100 {Powder Horn Road, Norwalk, Connecticut (the \uc1\u8220XPrope

rty\uc1\u8221X) having a fair market value of}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0
\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {$400,000.}\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24
\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {4. On Schedule D, the Debtor disclosed a first mortgage
on the Property in favor of}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\char
scalex100 {American Home Mortgage in the amount of $325,175.47. }\par\pard\li86
6\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\b \i {A. The Deutsche Proof of
Claim}\b0 \i0 \par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-493\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {5.
On July 28, 2010, Deutsche filed the POC. The POC asserts that notices and}\p
ar\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {payment should be s
ent to American Home Mortgage Servicing, Inc., 1525 S. Beltline Road,}\par\pard\
li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Suite 100, N. Coppell, Texa
s 75019. The POC asserts a secured debt to Deutsche in the amount}\par\pard\li8
66\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {of $336,345.51. The POC was s
igned by Lawrence J. Buckley (\uc1\u8220XBuckley\uc1\u8221X) as Creditor\uc1\u82
17Xs}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Authorized A
gent. The address provided for Buckley is P.O. Box 829009, Dallas, TX 75382-}\p
sxn320\margbsxn466\pard\li973\ri0\sl-240\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f1\charscalex100 {Cas
e 10-51328
Doc 52
Filed 01/26/11
Entered 01/26/11 14:38:22
Desc Main
}\par\pard\li3986\ri0\sl-240\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f1\charscalex100 { Document
Page 3 of 10}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866
\ri0\sl-306\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {9009. }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex1
00\i {See}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 { POC attached as Exhibit 1.}\par\pard\
li1586\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {6. Annexed to the POC as
Exhibit A is an itemization of Claim and Summary of}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\s
lmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Supporting Documents for the POC. }\fs24\cf0
\f0\charscalex100\i {See}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 { POC attached as Exhibi
t 1. Also annexed to the POC}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\ch
arscalex100 {is a copy of an undated promissory note bearing signatures that app
ear to be those of Debtor and}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\ch
arscalex100 {Evangelos Kritharakis under which the Debtor and Evangelos Krithara
kis promised to pay to the}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\chars
calex100 {lender, M.A.C. Mortgages, a Connecticut Corporation (\uc1\u8220XMAC\uc
1\u8221X) the sum of $340,000, plus}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0
\f0\charscalex100 {interest (\uc1\u8220XNote\uc1\u8221X). }\fs24\cf0\f0\charsca
lex100\i {Id.}\i0 { }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 { Paragraph 10 of the Note state
s that the Note is secured by a mortgage in}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \
fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {the amount of $340,000 to MAC on the Property dated J
anuary 19, 2005 (\uc1\u8220XMortgage\uc1\u8221X).}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\
i {Id.}\i0 \par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\b \i {B
. The Debtor\uc1\u8217Xs Plan}\b0 \i0 \par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24
\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {7. On June 24, 2010, the Debtor filed a chapter 13 plan
of reorganization (ECF # 18).}\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\
charscalex100 {8. On August 6, 2010, Deutsche filed an objection to the Debtor
\uc1\u8217Xs plan (the \uc1\u8220XPlan}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\
cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Objection\uc1\u8221X) (ECF # 29). The Plan Objection asse
rted}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {inter alia}\i0 { }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex1
00 {that the plan could not be}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\c
harscalex100 {confirmed because it failed to address the arrearage owed to Deuts
che.}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i { Id.}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 { The
Plan Objection}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {st
ated that the Mortgage was assigned by MAC to Sand Canyon Corporation f/k/a Opti
on One}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Mortgage C
orporation (\uc1\u8220XSand Canyon\uc1\u8221X) by assignment of mortgage dated J
anuary 19, 2005 and}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex10
0 {recorded on the Norwalk Land Records.}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i { Id.}\
i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 { Furthermore, the Plan Objection stated that by}\
par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {assignment of mort

gage dated June 11, 2010 and recorded on the Norwalk Land Records, Sand}\par\par
d\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Canyon assigned the Mortg
age to Deutsche (\uc1\u8220XSand Canyon AOM\uc1\u8221X).}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charsca
lex100\i { Id.}\i0 \par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100
\b \i {C. The Debtor\uc1\u8217Xs Objection to the POC}\b0 \i0 \par\pard\li1586\
ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {9. On October 20, 2010, the Debt
or filed an objection/motion for sanctions/motion for}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506
\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {accounting (\uc1\u8220XObjection\uc1\u8221X
) regarding the POC that alleged a number of issues: (1) a lack of proof}\par\pa
rd\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {of the chain of ownershi
p of the Note going from MAC to Sand Canyon to Deutsche, (2)}\par\pard\li866\ri0
\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Deutsche has failed to document how
it became the trustee of the trust that owns the Note, (3)}\par\pard\li866\ri0\s
l-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {problems with the accounting of debt d
ue on the Note with respect to a \uc1\u8220Xsuspense account\uc1\u8221X in}\par\
pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {the amount of $255.75,
and (4) Buckley, who signed the POC, is an attorney with the law firm}\par\pard
margbsxn466\pard\li973\ri0\sl-240\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f1\charscalex100 {Case 10-51
Doc 52
Filed 01/26/11
Entered 01/26/11 14:38:22
Desc Main}\par\p
ard\li3986\ri0\sl-240\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f1\charscalex100 { Document
Page 4
of 10}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\slm
ult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl
-306\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {of Brice, Vander Linden & Wernick, PC (
\uc1\u8220XBrice Vander\uc1\u8221X) in Dallas, TX and is not licensed to}\par\pa
rd\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {practice law in Connecti
cut. (ECF # 37). The case docket reflects that a hearing on the}\par\pard\li866
\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Objection was scheduled for Nove
mber 18, 2010, then continued to December 16, 2010. The}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {case docket reflects that the December 1
6, 2010 hearing was continued to February 17, 2011.}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\s
lmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\b \i {D. Deutsche\uc1\u8217Xs Amended Proof of
Claim}\b0 \i0 \par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {1
0. On November 24, 2010, Deutsche filed the Amended POC. }\fs24\cf0\f0\charsca
lex100\i {See}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 { Amended POC}\par\pard\li866\ri0\s
l-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {attached as Exhibit 2.}\par\pard\li158
6\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {11. On December 3, 2010, Deuts
che filed a response to the Debtor\uc1\u8217Xs Objection}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {(\uc1\u8220XResponse\uc1\u8221X) which i
ncluded the Note, Mortgage, allonges and assignments. (ECF # 43).}\par\pard\li1
586\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {12. Annexed to the Amended P
OC is a copy of the assignment of the Mortgage by}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slm
ult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {MAC to Option One Mortgage Corporation dated Ja
nuary 19, 2005. }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {See}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex1
00 { Exhibit 2 at Part 7.}\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\chars
calex100 {13. Attached to the Amended POC is a copy of the Sand Canyon AOM whi
ch assigns}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {the Mo
rtgage from Sand Canyon to Deutsche. }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {See}\i0 \fs
24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 { Exhibit 2 at Part 8. The Sand Canyon AOM}\par\pard\li
866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {is dated June 11, 2010 but ha
s an effective date of assignment of May 1, 2005. }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i
{Id.}\i0 \par\pard\li3026\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\b \ul {
GOOD CAUSE EXISTS TO EXAMINE DEUTSCHE}\b0 \ul0 \par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-493\slmult
0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\b \i {A. Bankruptcy Rule 2004 is Broad in Scope}\b0
\i0 \par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {14. Bankru
ptcy Rule 2004(a) provides that upon the motion of a party in interest, the}\par
\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {court may order the e
xamination of an entity regarding the acts, conduct, property, liabilities or}\p
ar\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {financial condition
of the debtor or any matter that may affect the administration of the estate of

}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {the debtor. Cou

rts that have analyzed Bankruptcy Rule 2004 have recognized the right of a}\par\
pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {party in interest to c
onduct a 2004 examination, and the permitted scope of that examination is}\par\p
ard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {extremely broad. }\fs2
4\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {See, e.g., In re Texaco, Inc., 79 B.R. 551, 553 (Bankr
. S.D.N.Y. 1987) (citing}\i0 \par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\cha
rscalex100\i {In re Johns-Manville Corp.}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {, 42 B.
R. 362 (S.D.N.Y. 1984)).}\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charsc
alex100 {15. \uc1\u8220XGood cause\uc1\u8221X is the standard employed to deter
mine if cause exists to support an}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\
f0\charscalex100 {examination under Bankruptcy Rule 2004. To obtain authority t
o conduct an examination, the}\par\pard\sect\sectd\sbkpage\pgwsxn12240\pghsxn158
\fs24\cf0\f1\charscalex100 {Case 10-51328
Doc 52
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d 01/26/11 14:38:22
Desc Main}\par\pard\li3986\ri0\sl-240\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f
1\charscalex100 { Document
Page 5 of 10}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\slmult0
\fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\
slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-306\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {
movant must show \uc1\u8220X\uc1\u8216Xsome reasonable basis to examine the mat
erial ... [and] that the requested}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\
f0\charscalex100 {documents are necessary to establish the movant's claim or tha
t denial of production would}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\cha
rscalex100 {cause undue hardship or injustice.\uc1\u8217X\uc1\u8221X}{ }\fs24\cf
0\f0\charscalex100\i {In re Grabill Corp.}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {, 109
B.R. 329, 334 (N.D. Ill.1989)}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\ch
arscalex100 {(citing }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {In re Wilcher}\i0 \fs24\cf0\
f0\charscalex100 {, 56 B.R. 428, 434-35 (Bankr. N.D. Ill.1985) (\uc1\u8220Xthe p
roper allocation of}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex10
0 {burden of proof on [a motion to quash] initially requires the examiner to sho
w some reasonable}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100
{basis to examine the material sought to be discovered\uc1\u8221X).}\par\pard\li
1586\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {16. \uc1\u8220XGenerally, g
ood cause is shown if the Rule 2004 examination is necessary to}\par\pard\li866\
ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {establish the claim of the party
seeking the examination, or if denial of such request would cause}\par\pard\li86
6\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {the examiner undue hardship or
injustice.\uc1\u8221X}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {See In re Meticom, Inc.}\
i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {, 318 B.R. 263, 268}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\sl
mult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {(S.D.N.Y. 2004);}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100
\i {see also In re Express One Int\uc1\u8217Xl, Inc.}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex
100 {, 217 B.R. 215, 217 (Bankr. E.D.}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\c
f0\f0\charscalex100 {Tex.1998) (same);}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {In re Ha
mmond}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {, 140 B.R. 197, 201 (S.D. Ohio 1992) (same
);}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {In re Dinubilo}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex10
0 {,}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {177 B.R. 932
, 943 (E.D.Cal.1993). \uc1\u8220XHowever the burden of showing good cause is a
n}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {affirmative one
and is not satisfied merely by a showing that justice would not be impeded by}\
par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {production of the
requested documents.\uc1\u8221X }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {Wilcher}\i0 \fs2
4\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {, 56 B.R. at 434-35. \uc1\u8220XFurthermore, if the cos
t}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {and disruption
to the examinee attendant to a requested examination outweigh the benefits to th
e}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {examiner, the r
equest should be denied.\uc1\u8221X }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {Express One}\
i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {, 217 B.R. at 217. \uc1\u8220XGood cause is}\par\
pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {established if the one
seeking the Rule 2004 examination has shown that such an examination is}\par\pa
rd\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {reasonably necessary for

the protection of its legitimate interests.\uc1\u8221X}\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex1

00\i { Hammond}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {, 140 B.R. at 201.}\par\pard\li86
6\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\b \i {B. The United States Trus
tee has Standing to Seek Relief Under Rule 2004}\b0 \i0 \par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl493\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {17. The United States Trustee is an off
icial of the United States Department of Justice}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmu
lt0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {charged by statute with the duty to oversee and
supervise the administration of bankruptcy}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \f
s24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {cases.}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i { See}\i0 { }\f
s24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {28 U.S.C. 586(a). Congress has expressly given the Un
ited States Trustee standing}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\cha
rscalex100 {under section 307 of the Bankruptcy Code to raise and be heard on an
y issue under title 11,}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscal
ex100 {except that the United States Trustee may not file a reorganization plan
under chapter 11. }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {See}\i0 \par\pard\li866\ri0\sl
-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {11 U.S.C. 307. }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscale
x100\i {See also United States Trustee v. Price Waterhouse}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\char
scalex100 {, 19 F.3d 138, 141 (3d Cir.}\par\pard\sect\sectd\sbkpage\pgwsxn12240\
0\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f1\charscalex100 {Case 10-51328
Doc 52
Filed 01/26/11
Entered 01/26/11 14:38:22
Desc Main}\par\pard\li3986\ri0\sl-240\slmult0 \f
s24\cf0\f1\charscalex100 { Document
Page 6 of 10}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213
\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri
0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-306\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charsc
alex100 {1994);}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {In re Glados, Inc}\i0 \fs24\cf0
\f0\charscalex100 {., 83 F.3d 1360, 1361 n.1 (11th Cir. 1996);}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\c
harscalex100\i {In re Donovan Corp.}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {, 215}\par\p
ard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {F.3d 929, 930 (9th Cir.
2000);}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {In re Clark}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex
100 {, 927 F.2d 793, 796 (4th Cir. 1991);}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {In re
Plaza de}\i0 \par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {D
iego Shopping Center}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {, 911 F.2d 820, 824 (1st Ci
r. 1990);}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {In re Revco}\i0 { }\fs24\cf0\f0\chars
calex100\i {D.S., Inc}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {., 898 F.2d 498,}\par\pard
\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {500 (6th Cir. 1990);}{ }\f
s24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {Thompson v. Greenwood}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100
{,}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {507 F.3d 416, 420 n.3 (6th Cir. 2007). Indee
d,}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {the United Sta
tes Trustee is not required to demonstrate any concrete, particularized injury}\
par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {under section 307
of the Bankruptcy Code to assert standing. }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {See U
nited Artist Theater Co. v.}\i0 \par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\
charscalex100\i {Walton}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {, 315 F.3d 217, 225 (3d
Cir. 2003). Rather, the United States Trustee may take such}\par\pard\li866\ri0
\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {actions she deems necessary under se
ction 307 of the Bankruptcy Code to protect the public}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-52
0\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {interest in the enforcement of federal ban
kruptcy law. }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {See Clark}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscal
ex100 {, 927 F.2d at 796;}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {Plaza de}\i0 \par\par
d\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {Diego}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\
charscalex100 {, 911 F.2d at 824.}\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\
f0\charscalex100 {18. Moreover, Section 586 of Title 28 contains additional aut
hority for the United States}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\cha
rscalex100 {Trustee, among other things: (a) to supervise the administration of
cases under title 11 and take}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\ch
arscalex100 {such actions as the United States Trustee deems necessary to preven
t undue delay; and (b)}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscale
x100 {perform such other duties consistent with titles 11 and 28 as the Attorney
General may}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {pres
cribe.}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {See}\i0 { }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {2

8 U.S.C. 586(a)(3)(G) and 586(a)(5). Even absent the congressional grant of}\par
\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {standing to the Unite
d States Trustee under Section 307 of the Bankruptcy Code, the United}\par\pard\
li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {States Trustee has standing
to act where its actions advance the United States Trustee\uc1\u8217Xs interest
}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {in the administr
ation of bankruptcy proceedings.}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i { See A-1 Trash
Pickup v. United States Trustee}\i0 \par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf
0\f0\charscalex100\i {(In re A-1 Trash Pickup)}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {,
802 F.2d 774, 776 (4th Cir. 1986).}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0
\f0\charscalex100\b \i {C. Good Cause Exists for the United States Trustee\uc1\
u8217Xs Rule 2004 Request}\b0 \i0 \par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\
f0\charscalex100 {19. The United States Trustee has reviewed the documents file
d by Deutsche in this}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex
100 {case and has concerns about the integrity of those documents and the proces
s utilized by}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Deu
tsche in filing the POC and the Amended POC. To begin with, the POC asserted th
at}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Deutsche was a
creditor of the Debtor, yet the Note and Mortgage annexed to the POC appear to}
\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {document a note a
nd mortgage as between the Debtor and MAC, not Deutsche. Additionally,}\par\par
\margbsxn466\pard\li973\ri0\sl-240\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f1\charscalex100 {Case 10-5
Doc 52
Filed 01/26/11
Entered 01/26/11 14:38:22
Desc Main}\par\
pard\li3986\ri0\sl-240\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f1\charscalex100 { Document
Page 7
of 10}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\sl
mult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\s
l-306\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Buckley, the individual who signed the
POC on behalf of Deutsche as the \uc1\u8220XCreditor\uc1\u8217Xs}\par\pard\li86
6\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Authorized Agent\uc1\u8221X, do
es not appear to be a Deutsche employee and, according to Debtor\uc1\u8217Xs}\pa
r\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {counsel, is an attor
ney with Brice Vander in Dallas, TX. It is not apparent what steps Buckley}\par
\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {took in order to dete
rmine that Deutsche was a creditor in the case.}\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-506\slmu
lt0 \fs22\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {20. Subsequently, Deutsche filed the Amended PO
C on November 24, 2010. Annexed}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\
charscalex100 {to the Amended POC is an Allonge to the Note endorsed by Option O
ne Mortgage Corporation}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscal
ex100 {on January 19, 2005 making the Note payable to Deutsche Bank National Tru
st Company, as}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Tr
ustee (\uc1\u8220XOption One Allonge\uc1\u8221X). }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i
{See}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 { Amended POC at Part 5.}\par\pard\li1586\r
i0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {21. Also annexed to the Amended P
roof of Claim is a copy of the Sand Canyon AOM}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult
0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {whereby Sand Canyon Corporation f/k/a Option One M
ortgage Corporation assigned its rights}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24
\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {to the Mortgage to Deutsche. }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100
\i {See}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 { Amended POC at Part 8. The Sand Canyon
AOM is dated}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {June
11, 2010 but has an effective date of assignment of May 1, 2005. }\fs24\cf0\f0
\charscalex100\i {Id.}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 { The Sand Canyon}\par\pard
\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {AOM is signed by Rhonda We
rdel (\uc1\u8220XWerdel\uc1\u8221X) as Assistant Secretary of Sand Canyon}\par\p
ard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Corporation FKA Option
One Mortgage Corporation.}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {Id.}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\
charscalex100 { The May 1, 2005 effective date}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult
0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {contained in the Sand Canyon AOM conflicts with th
e January 19, 2005 dated contained in the}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs
24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Option One Allonge. }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {See

}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 { Amended POC at Part 5 and Part 8.}\par\pard\li

1586\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {22. On information and beli
ef, American Home Mortgage Servicing, Inc. purchased the}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {mortgage servicing rights of Sand Canyon
in April 2008. }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {See}\i0 { }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscal
ex100\i {Declaration of Dale M. Sugimoto,}\i0 \par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0
\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {As President of Sand Canyon Corporation, dated Ma
rch 18, 2009,}\i0 { }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {doc id # 141 in}\fs24\cf0\f0\ch
arscalex100\i { In re Ron}\i0 \par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\ch
arscalex100\i {Wilson, Sr. and LaRhonda Wilson}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {,
07-11862 (EWM), United States Bankruptcy Court for the}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-5
06\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Eastern District of Louisiana attached he
re to as Exhibit 3 (\uc1\u8220XMarch 2009 Sugimoto}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\sl
mult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Declaration\uc1\u8221X). According to the Mar
ch 2009 Sugimoto Declaration, Sand Canyon does not own}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-50
6\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {any mortgage servicing rights or any resid
ential real estate mortgages. }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {See}\i0 \fs24\cf0\
f0\charscalex100 { Exhibit 3 at 5, 6.}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\c
f0\f0\charscalex100 {As such, it appears that the Sand Canyon AOM executed in Ju
ne 2010 may be deficient because}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0
\charscalex100 {Sand Canyon did not own any mortgages in 2010.}\par\pard\sect\se
586\pard\li973\ri0\sl-240\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f1\charscalex100 {Case 10-51328
oc 52
Filed 01/26/11
Entered 01/26/11 14:38:22
Desc Main}\par\pard\li39
86\ri0\sl-240\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f1\charscalex100 { Document
Page 8 of 10}\p
ar\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \
fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-306
\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {23. Based on these inconsistencies, the Un
ited States Trustee requests that she be given}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult
0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {the opportunity to question Deutsche about the met
hods it used and what documents were}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf
0\f0\charscalex100 {reviewed and considered before filing the POC, the Amended P
OC, and its Plan Objection.}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\char
scalex100 {Bankruptcy Courts have discussed the need for secured lenders to prov
ide accurate information}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charsca
lex100 {in filings before the Court or else \uc1\u8220X[t]he debtor and his/her
family may lose their home, and the}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0
\f0\charscalex100 {debtor and other creditors may lose significant equity in for
eclosure.\uc1\u8221X }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i {In re Gorshtein}\i0 \fs24\c
f0\f0\charscalex100 {, 285 B.R.}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\
charscalex100 {118, 122 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 2002);}{ }\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100\i
{In re Fagan}\i0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {, 376 B.R. 81, 87 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y.
2007).}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Consequent
ly, \uc1\u8220Xcause\uc1\u8221X exists authorizing the issuance of a subpoena to
compel document}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {
production under Bankruptcy Rules 2004(c) and 9016, and moreover, for the issuan
ce of an}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {order di
recting Deutsche to appear for an examination under Bankruptcy Rule 2004. }\par
\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {24. The United Stat
es Trustee seeks to examine a duly authorized representative(s) of}\par\pard\li8
66\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Deutsche who possesses knowled
ge and is most familiar with respect to the foregoing issues}\par\pard\li866\ri0
\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {and regarding documents to be produc
ed by Deutsche pursuant to a subpoena issued by the}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\s
lmult0 \fs22\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {United States Trustee pursuant to Fed. R. Ban
kr. P. 9016 and Fed. R. Bankr. P. 2004(c) that will}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\s
lmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {include the following:}\par\pard\sect\sectd\s
sr-0\colno2\colw9133\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {
a.}\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmu

lt0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\s

l-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li
1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\p
ar\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \
fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-413
\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {b.}\par\column\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0
\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Any and all documents, computer records, reports, or
other information in the}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscal
ex100 {possession, custody or control of Deutsche that were used or relied upon
by}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Deutsche in supp
ort of the proofs of claim filed on its behalf in the United States}\par\pard\li
0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Bankruptcy Court for the Distri
ct of Connecticut, in the matter of Tiffany M.}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0
\fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Kritharakis, Case Number 10-51328 (AHWS).}\par\pard\
li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Any and all documents, comput
er records, reports, or other information in the}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult
0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {possession, custody or control of Deutsche regardi
ng and/or related to any}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscale
x100 {requests made by the Debtor to Deutsche regarding her Note and Mortgage}\p
ar\pard\li0\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {between June 2010 to
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00 {Case 10-51328
Doc 52
Filed 01/26/11
Entered 01/26/11 14:38:22
sc Main}\par\pard\li3986\ri0\sl-240\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f1\charscalex100 { Documen
Page 9 of 10}\par\pard\sect\sectd\sbknone\pgwsxn12240\pghsxn15840\marglsx
l-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li
1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-306\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f
0\charscalex100 {c.}\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li158
6\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\
pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs1
8\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-453\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {d.}\par\par
d\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\c
f0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmul
t0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl
-466\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {e.}\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0
\fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-21
3\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-373\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex10
0 {f.}\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\s

lmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri

0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard
\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf
0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult
0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li15
86\ri0\sl-493\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {g.}\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213
\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\
ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pa
rd\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\
cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-213\slmu
lt0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-333\slmult0 \fs22\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {h.}
\par\column\pard\li0\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-213\slmult
0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-306\sl
mult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Any and all documents, computer records, repor
ts, or other information in the}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\ch
arscalex100 {possession, custody or control of Deutsche that were used or relied
upon by}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Deutsche i
n support of its objection to the chapter 13 plan filed by the Debtor.}\par\pard
\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Any and all documents, compu
ter records, reports, or other information in the}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmul
t0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {possession, custody or control of Deutsche that w
ere used or relied upon by}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charsca
lex100 {Deutsche in support of its response to the Debtor\uc1\u8217Xs objection
to Deutsche\uc1\u8217Xs POC.}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\chars
calex100 {All statements and account histories for the mortgage loan in the name
of the}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Debtor.}\fs
14\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {1}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charsca
lex100 {All documents evidencing, relating or referring to, the authority given
by}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Deutsche and/or
Deutsche\uc1\u8217Xs authorized agents to Lawrence J. Buckley of Dallas,}\par\pa
rd\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Texas as \uc1\u8220Xcredit
or\uc1\u8217Xs authorized agent\uc1\u8221X to act on behalf of Deutsche and file
a}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {proof of claim o
n behalf of Deutsche, including documents evidencing the right}\par\pard\li0\ri0
\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {to convey authority to act on behalf
of Deutsche to individuals who are not}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\c
f0\f0\charscalex100 {employees, officers or directors of Deutsche.}\par\pard\li0
\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {All documents evidencing, relati
ng or referring to, the Sand Canyon AOM,}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\
cf0\f0\charscalex100 {including, but not limited to, any documents evidencing th
e corporate authority}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex10
0 {of Rhonda Werdel to execute the Sand Canyon AOM as Assistant Secretary of}\pa
r\pard\li0\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Sand Canyon.}\par\pard
\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {All documents evidencing, re
lating or referring to, or concerning any policy or}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slm
ult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {procedure, written or otherwise published, rega
rding Deutsche\uc1\u8217Xs drafting,}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\
f0\charscalex100 {verifying and filing of proofs of claims in bankruptcy cases i
n the District of}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {C
onnecticut, including but not limited to manuals, training manuals, guidebooks}\
par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {or any other documen
ts containing instructions and/or guidance on filing proofs}\par\pard\sect\sectd
slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1480\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1480\r
i0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li1480\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\par
d\li1480\ri0\sl-333\slmult0 \fs14\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {1}\fs18\cf0\f0\charscale
x100 { The United States Trustee shall provide a certificate of compliance with
The Right to Financial Privacy}\par\pard\li773\ri0\sl-240\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\f0\c
harscalex100 {Act of 1978 prior to the date set for production of documents in t

he subpoena. }\par\pard\sect\sectd\sbknone\pgwsxn12240\pghsxn15840\marglsxn666\m
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3\margtsxn320\margbsxn666\pard\li973\ri0\sl-240\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f1\charscalex1
00 {Case 10-51328
Doc 52
Filed 01/26/11
Entered 01/26/11 14:38:22
sc Main}\par\pard\li3920\ri0\sl-240\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f1\charscalex100 { Documen
Page 10 of 10}\par\pard\li2306\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li23
06\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li2306\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par
\pard\li2306\ri0\sl-306\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {of claim.}\par\pard\
li1586\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {25. The United States Tru
stee seeks an order compelling a duly authorized}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmu
lt0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {representative(s) of Deutsche to attend and give
sworn testimony at an electronically recorded}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmult
0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Rule 2004 examination scheduled at a time convenie
nt to the parties and held at the office of the}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-506\slmul
t0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {United States Trustee, Giaimo Federal Building, 1
50 Court Street, Room 302, New Haven,}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-520\slmult0 \fs24\c
f0\f0\charscalex100 {Connecticut or a location to be agreed upon by the parties.
}\par\pard\li1586\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {WHEREFORE, the
United States Trustee respectfully requests that the Court enter an}\par\pard\li
866\ri0\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {order compelling a duly autho
rized representative(s) of Deutsche to attend and give sworn}\par\pard\li866\ri0
\sl-506\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {testimony at a Rule 2004 examination
, and for such other relief as the Court finds just and}\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-5
06\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {appropriate. }\par\pard\sect\sectd\sbkno
\colno2\colw6973\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-2
13\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li866\
ri0\sl-386\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Dated: January 26, 2011}\par\par
d\li866\ri0\sl-306\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {
New Haven, C
onnecticut}\par\column\pard\li720\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li720\ri
0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li720\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\
li720\ri0\sl-386\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Respectfully submitted,}\pa
r\pard\li720\ri0\sl-306\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {TRACY HOPE DAVIS}\pa
r\pard\li720\ri0\sl-306\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {UNITED STATES TRUSTE
E FOR REGION 2}\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-213\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-21
3\slmult0 \fs18\cf0\par\pard\li0\ri0\sl-373\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {
/s/ Holley L. Claiborn
t0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Holley L. Claiborn/ct17216}\par\pard\li720\ri0\sl
-306\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Trial Attorney}\par\pard\li720\ri0\sl-3
06\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Giaimo Building}\par\pard\li720\ri0\sl-30

6\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {150 Court Street, Room 302}\par\pard\li720

\ri0\sl-306\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {New Haven, CT 06510}\par\pard\l
i720\ri0\sl-306\slmult0 \fs24\cf0\f0\charscalex100 {Tel. (203) 773-2210}\par}

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