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Furthering Studies After Finishing School is a trend

Some people believe that studying in overseas universities is better than

studying in local ones. The first reason they give is that degrees from
foreign universities are recognized all over the worlds while local degrees
are not. For example, they say that it is better to get an engineering or
medical degree from overseas because the standards in foreign
universities are higher. It will be easier for these graduates to get jobs at
the more reputable institutions and to ask for higher pay. They also claim
that degrees from foreign universities are more significant and holders of
foreign degrees are highly respected. People who prefer studying overseas
also say that foreign universities have a much longer tradition than local
universities. They have existed for a long, long time. Who has not heard of
Oxford and Cambrige in Britain or the Ivy League universities in the
eastern United States such as Cornell, Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth, Brown,
the Massahussetts Institute of Technology and the University of
Pensylvannia? They all have a reputation for high academic standards and
social prestige. Some prefer to study overseas because they are allowed
to take courses, which they are not allowed to take locally. Another reason
they prefer to study overseas is that they will be uisng English in study
and this will help them later in their jobs
For those who prefer studying locally, the main attraction is the low cost.
Studying in Malaysia is much, much cheaper than studying overseas. If
one studies locally, one needs to spend only about thirty to forty tousand
ringgit whereas one needs to spend a few hundred thousand ringgit if one
studies overseas. With the present economic downturn and the drop in the
value of the Malaysian ringgit, things are going to be worse. Another
advantage is that one need not leave one's country so one can still be
close with one's family. Therefore, one would not suffer from homesickness
or feel out of place in a strange environment. Degrees from local
universities are also recognized worldwide. One would not have any
problems when one wants to take an advanced degree or when one wants
to work in another country.
Firstly, not all Malaysians can afford to send their children for overseas
studies. Some of the parents have to work harder to cover their childrens
daily basis, rental, fees and etc. Often students find themselves unable to
find a job in the field that they studied four 4-5 years for simply because
there is no demand for workers in that career. Unless the student knows
exactly what degree and field they'll enter as well as the job outlook, it
may be difficult to pay for years of college. In case of any emergencies
they cant travel down immediately to their country because the cost of
traveling is expensive. They cant attend any family function or any
occasions. The cultures and tradition is different from each country so they
cant follow their countrys tradition or culture.
Secondly , some students have to finish their PLKN ( Program Latihan

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