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Quranic Reference for Taqdeer: Destiny

He has created everything in a particular proportion and has determined the

measures for its capabilities and potentialities. Quran Chapter 25 Verse 2

The One to Whom belongs the kingship of the heavens and of the earth, and has
not chosen a child, and has no partner in His kingship, and He has created
everything and kept it in proper measure.

The conflict between evil and good is necessary for the evolution of the universe.This
may be understood by means of Quran Chapter 13 Verse 17

He sent down water from the sky, so valleys flowed according to their measure,
therefore the water flow brought forth the froth swollen upon it; and upon which
they ignite the fire, to make ornaments and tools, from that too rises a similar
froth; Allah illustrates that this is the example of the truth and the falsehood; the
froth then bursts and disappears; and that which is of use to people, remains in
the earth; this is how Allah illustrates the examples.

As regards life after death, it may be explained through an example. A seed, grain or
a date stone appears to be lifeless but it contains a life-germ which, given
appropriate conditions, bursts forth into a living plant. Quran Chapter 6 Verse 96

It is He Who breaks dawn (by splitting the dark); and He has made the night a
calmness, and the sun and the moon a count (for time); this is the command set
by the Almighty, the All Knowing.

Remember, the system satisfactorily provides for whoever trusts it and ultimately
leaves nothing undecided. This is so because Allah Almighty has devised measures
(rules and regulations) for everything. Quran Chapter 65 Verse 3

And will provide him sustenance from a place he had never expected; and whoever
relies on Allah - then Allah is Sufficient for him; indeed Allah will accomplish His
command; indeed Allah has set a proper measure for all things.

Then We raise that child by passing him through various stages. According to this law
of procreation and life, We have also laid down measures for death. Quran Chapter
56 Verse 60

It is We Who have ordained death among you, and We have not been beaten

His Law contains measures for life and death and He has absolute power and control
over all of them. Quran Chapter 41 Verse 39

And among His signs is that you see the earth lying neglected, so when We sent
down water on it, it freshened up and grew forth; indeed He Who gave it life, will
revive the dead; indeed He is Able to do all things.

Means of sustenance are abundantly stored in the earth but may be taken out only in
due measure. Quran Chapter 15 Verse 21

And there is not a thing the treasure * of which is not with Us; and We do not send
it down except by a known measure. (* The power to create it.)

Allah Almighty Creates everything by combining different elements and giving it a

particular form.Thereafter,by eliminating extra and unnecessary elements,creates
proportion and balance in it, Quran Chapter 87 Verse 2-3

The One Who created, and then made proper.

And the One Who kept proper measure and then guided.
Therefore, we can conclude that God has ordained certain standards and measures for the
functioning of the Universe. For instance, it is pre-determined for water to solidify at 0 C
and vaporize at 100 C; for fire to burn and scorch and for the Earth to exert gravitational
pull, and so on so forth. In the physical world of living matter (plants, animals and humans),

Nature has similarly ordained their taqdeer some animals are herbivores, some are
carnivores while Man is omnivore. The Sun, the Moon and all the other astral bodies are
likewise bound to their respective taqdeer their natural life spans and their properties.
But, as has been mentioned before, Man is different from the rest of Creation in having the
freedom of choice.Quran Chapter 18 Verse 29

And proclaim, The Truth is from your Lord; so whoever wills may accept faith,
and whoever wills may disbelieve - We have indeed prepared for the disbelievers a
fire the walls of which will surround them; if they plead for water, their plea will
be answered with water like molten metal which shall scald their faces; what an
evil drink it is; and what an evil destination is hell!
Nonetheless, it is to be noted that Man is free to choose an action but they must bear the
naturally ordained and pre-determined consequence of that action. If one puts one's finger
in fire, one must suffer burns (because that is the taqdeer of that action). After that, one
must turn to another action with a different taqdeer like applying an ointment on the

Similarly, in the human social world, Man is free to choose his actions but must bear the
natural consequences of them. The laws governing the physical as well as the human social
universe are unchanging and constant. Whosoever follows the Divine Law, even if to a very
small extent, and does noble deeds will see pleasant results. And whosoever goes against
the law, even if to a very small extent, would get appropriate punishment. Quran Chapter
99 Verse 7-8

So whoever does a good deed equal to the weight of the minutest particle, will see

And whoever does an evil deed equal to the weight of the minutest particle, will
see it.

One must act individually or collectively to get results in this universe. To get the desired
results, the taqdeer of the Universe and the relating Laws of Nature must be discovered and
kept in view at all times. The Natural laws, as we have seen are the standards and
measures of things set by God. In other words, they are the aqdaar the permanent values
which run the entire Universe. These aqdaarwere given to mankind in one of the darkest
hours of its intellectual existence. That is why it has been called laila tal qadr the Night of
Values! Historically, the time of the descent of these Permanent Values which are available
in the Quran was the Arab month of Ramadan. That is why that month has been reserved
for Fasting, a refresher course of learning self control through studying the natural values
given by God through Prophet and Messenger Muhammad peace be upon him in the form of
the book we know as the Quran.
This is often a misunderstood concept giving rise to many unanswered questions such as:
a) If destiny has already decreed the final abode of a person then to what avail are his
deeds or his supplications to Allah?
b) Many narrations refer to certain actions as a cause of increase in ones wealth, lifespan
and also a means of averting calamities. For example Thawban (R.A) reports that the
Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:
Verily a man is deprived of a provision (that was written for him) because of a sin
that he commits; only supplication changes destiny; and only righteousness can
increase the life span. (Nasai, Ibn Majah)
How may this be when everything has been preordained through destiny?
Firstly, the purpose of mankinds creation is that we worship Allah the Almighty and we
show obedience to Him. Allah states in the Holy Quran,
I created the Jinn and humankind only that they might worship me. (51:56)
Secondly, this world serves as a test of our obedience towards our creator and so that He
may reward us in the next world accordingly. Allah states in the Holy Quran:
Indeed We have created man from mixed semen; in order to test him - We
therefore made him hearing, knowing. We have indeed shown him the way whether he is grateful or ingrate. (76:2-3)
Thirdly, the notion that this world is a test warrants that the subjects being tested possess
free-will or else there would be no meaning to such a test.
With the above in mind the concept of destiny may further be explained by understanding
destiny to be Allahs knowledge of how the individual is going to use his free-will rather than
a pre-decided factor being enforced upon him without giving him a fair chance. Consider the
following example: An appointment is arranged between two individuals. The first arrives
before time and waits for the second; he then comments that the second will arrive late as
always. He bases his prediction on previous experience and the lax nature of the second

individual. This statement does not restrict or bound the latters ability to attend on time in
any way, it is merely an assertion. Similarly, when Allah the Almighty informs us, through
his infinite knowledge, of his knowledge of our precise actions and our consequent abode it
should not be perceived to be a compelling decision against our free will, but rather only his
knowledge of our decisions.
To summarise, every individual has been given free-will and should use it to work towards
attaining the pleasure of Allah and that Allah has full knowledge of the individuals actions;
past, present and future.
With regards to the second misconception, the possibility of increase in ones wealth,
lifespan and aversion of calamities despite destiny being pre-ordained, Allah says:
Allah erases and confirms whatever He wills; and only with Him is the real
script. (13:39)
Commenting on the above verse Mujahid said, During Laylatul-Qadr (night of the Decrees),
Allah decided what provisions and disasters will occur in the next year. He then brings
forward or back (or blots out) whatever He wills. (Ibn Katheer)
Scholars derive from the above that destiny is of two types:
a) Muallaq (revocable):
This destiny is written on The Preserved Tablet (al Lawh al Mahfoodh), and is subject to
change and alteration through the omission or commission of certain deeds. For example:
the lifespan of a person is originally 50 years, but may increase to 60 years if he performs
the ritual of Hajj, or a certain calamity is to befall him unless he averts it by spending in
charity. This is the destiny refereed to in the aforementioned narration.
b) Mubram (irrevocable):
This destiny denotes the eternal knowledge of Allah. It encompasses the final result of the
Muallaq destiny i.e. our choice of actions, their consequences and every precise detail of our
lives. This definite knowledge of Allah is not subject to change or alter even slightly and is
exclusive to Allah only.
In the light of the above the following may be derived:

Our supplications do change destiny and are of much avail.

Good deeds are a source of increase in ones sustenance, and avert calamities.

Sins result in a decrease in ones sustenance, and invite calamities.

The Me you have always known, the Me that's a stranger still.

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