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IGATE Patni technical Interview (Selected)

Written Questions:

Spring, Hibernate, Struts1.x and Struts2.x questions

What is scrum
What is return type of validate method in spring
What is name of configuration file in struts2.x
In which package class JdbcTemplate present
Custom annotation question
HQL methods

Technical Questions:
1. Tell me about your self
2. What is difference between abstarct and interface
3. What are the interfaces in Java
4. What is Exception and how many types of Exception are there in java
5. What is difference between Exception and Error
6. Can you give me some examples of Checked and Unchecked Exceptions
7. How to write your custom exception
8. What are the steps to create the connection in JDBC
9. What is the differences between Statement and PreparedStatement
10.How to avoid SQL injection
11.How many interfaces in JDBC
12.Where is the implementation of all methods of interfaces
13.Who implements methods of JDBC interfaces
14.What is Web Services
15.What is the life cycle of Servlet and JSF
16.Can I write constructers in Servlect
17.Who instantiate servlet and how?
18.Can I write java code in javascript
19.Is java code will run in javascript?
20.What is AOP in Spring framework
21.How may types of injection in spring
22.How bean get instantiated in Spring
23.What Inversion of Control in Spring
24.How BeanFactory get instantiated?
25.What is hibernate caching
26.What is Curser
27.What is trigger and how many types of trigger in PL/SQL
28.How to do impact analysis
29.Did you use any code review tools
30.What is Ant Builder

Capagemini Teliphonic Interview: (Selected)

31.1: Which Java API implements hashCode() method.

32.2: What is the internal implementation of hashCode() method.
33.3: What is the difference between List and Set.
34.4: How set identify Set duplicate object.
35.5: What is difference between abstract and final.
36.6: When to use final and abstract classes.
37.7: How many types of entity bean in EJB
38.8: How to handle transaction in distributed environment.
39.9: What is Container management transaction.
40.10: How many types of states in Hibernate.
41.11: What is Hibernate Caching?
42.12: What is JSF life cycle?
43.13: What is Converter and Validator.
44.14: What is prime faces did u use any prime faces.
45.15: Tell me about yourself.
46.16: What did you do recently in your project?

1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Why you want to switch your company
3. OOPS Concept
4. Difference between Abstract and Interface
5. Which Java api overrides hashcode method
6. Difference between hashtable and hashmap
7. Difference between set and list
8. Draw collection framework api
9. What is singleton and write core same
10.Did you make any class is abstract in your project
11.What is covariant in java
12.What is wrapper
13.What is boxing and unboxing
14.Why string is immutable
15.Can class be immutable if yes then why, did you create any java class as
immutable class
16.What is life cycle of struts
17.What is life cycle of JSF
18.What is IOC
19.What is factory in spring
20.What is AOP
21.What is inverse in hibernate
22.Describe your current project

Tech Mahindra(Selected)

1. What is difference between ArrayList and LinkedList and when to use

ArrayList and LinkedList
2. How HashMap work
3. What is volatile keyword
4. What is string literal and some questions on it
5. What is project architecture of your project
6. What is ListIterator
7. What is difference between Comparable and Comparator
8. Write a code to sort a VO according to its name and salary
9. What is Exception and its hierarchy
10.What is difference between Unchecked and Checked exception and their
11.What is difference between Statement and PreparedStatement
12.What are the steps need to JDBC programming language
13.What is DDL and DML language in SQL
14.What is triggered and how many types of triggered id there and explain all
types of triggered
15.What is curser
16.What is difference between union and union all
17.Write a query to find out duplicate records in a table
18.What is hibernate and what are the advantage of hibernate
19.What is caching in hibernate and how many types of caching in hibernate
20.What is criteria in hibernate
21.What is IOC
22.What is Spring DAO
23.What are steps are required to display a message in spring
24.What is AOP in Spring
25.What is Delegate design pattern
26.How will you implement DispatchAction in struts
27.What is life cycle of JSF framework
28.What is difference between delete and truncate

PNB Paribas(Selected)

How to load connection properties in Spring framework

What is IOC in Spring framework
Sort n employees stored in map
What is caching in hibernate
How to run stored procedure in hibernate
How to configure spring mvc
Given a scenario that a person having 3 accounts saving, current and
loan accounts all are having 2 functionalities i.e. credit and debit in
which debit functionality for all accounts will be same and credit will be
different. How to implement s this scenario in java.

8. One scenario is that you have n numbers of diwali light bulbs how to
implement in java that one will be on and rest will be off, time duration
between two diwali light is 1 seconds.
9. How to design many to many is you have one EMP and DEPT tables in
which dept is common in both tables
How to add constraints in a column if that column having some
duplicates records
How to delete duplicates records in table.

1. Write a query to delete duplicate records from table
2. Write a query to display manager name belonging to manager id,
employee can be manager.
3. What id delete and faade design pattern
4. What is singleton design pattern
5. What is observer and where to implement observer
6. What entity been
7. What is the attribute of transaction
8. How to manage 1000 clients to do complete transaction in 10 minutes
9. Write code to how ejb getting called
What is architecture of project and explain about your project
What is container manage transaction
What is normalization
How will you make validation for all request in struts
What is index and how it works in database
How many ejb objects getting created for 100 request
What is servlet life cycle
Can I parameterized constructor in servlet
Can I call destroy method in service
Can I call doPost method in doGet method
What is use of servlet
Can u pass parameter in jsp include action and how
Suppose we will not write servlet and all servlet logic will in jsp
then happened
What are the javascript objects
How will you submit form using javascript
If your page containing 4 form then how will you submit
according to your requirement.

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