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Introduction to Nondestructive


What is Nondestructive Testing

Non-destructive testing is a method of

testing equipment and materials which
does not destroy them or effect their
future performance or properties
i.e. Inspect or measure without doing harm

What are Some Uses of NDT Methods?

Flaw Detection and Evaluation

Leak Detection
Location Determination
Dimensional Measurements
Structure and Microstructure Characterization
Estimation of Mechanical and Physical Properties
Stress (Strain) and Dynamic Response Measurements
Material Sorting and Chemical Composition Determination

Basic Methods of NDT

Visual Inspection (VI)

Penetrant Testing (PT)
Magnetic Particle Testing (MT or MPI)
Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
Radiographic Testing (RT)
Eddy Current

Visual Inspection (VI)

It is the most cost effective method of inspection
Most basic and common inspection method
Visual Inspection requires little equipment, to name a few;
Good eyesight & sufficient light
Welding Gauge
Pocket Rule, small steel rule
Inspection mirror
Square for checking straightness, alignment & perpendicularity
Standards, codes & specification

Visual Inspection tools

Checking Weld Reinforcement

Inspection Mirror

Checking Fillet Weld Throat

Checking Fillet Weld Size

Checking Bevel Angle

Weld Gauge or Bridge Cam Gauge

The following measurements are possible either in inches or millimeters

Angle of preparation, 0 to 60
Excess weld metal (capping size)
Depth of undercut
Depth of pitting

Excess Weld Metal

Scale reads in Inches and Millimeters.
Gage is placed on lower peice and dial
rotated until it contacts higher piece

Fillet weld throat size

Fillet weld length
Misalignment (high-low)

Fillet Weld Throat

Small sliding pointer reads to 20mm
and 3/4".
Gage also fits flush in 90 corners.

Angle of Preparation
Scale reads 0 to 60 in
5 increments.
Angle is read against the
chamfered edge of the dial.

Penetrant Testing (PT)

Basic Principles
Penetrant solution is applied to the
surface of a precleaned component



The liquid is pulled into surfacebreaking defects by capillary action

After a period of time called the dwell
time has elapsed, excess penetrant is
carefully cleaned from the surface




A developer is applied to pull the trapped

penetrant back to the surface where it
spread out and forms an indication

The indication is much

easier to see than the
actual defect


Main Uses of PT
Used to locate cracks, porosity and other defects that is open to
the surface of a material.
i.e. Fatigue cracks
Pin holes in weld
Quench cracks
Lack of fusion breaking
Grinding cracks
the surface
Can be use to inspect almost any material provided that its
surface is not extremely rough or porous.
i.e. Metals, Glass, Ceramics, Rubber, Plastics

Advantages and Disadvantages

Low operator skill
Large surface can be inspected rapidly and at low cost
Portable, simple, cheap and easy to interpret
Applicable to non ferrous material

Detects only surface breaking defects
Surface preparation is critical as contaminant may mask defect
Not applicable to porous material
Potential hazardous chemicals

Magnetic Particle Testing (MPI or MT)

Magnetic particle inspection is a
method of locating surface and
subsurface defects in ferromagnetic

Basic Principles
A magnetic field is introduced in a
ferromagnetic material. The magnetic lines of
force travel through the material, and exit and
reenter the material at the poles

Defects such as cracks or voids cannot support as much flux,

and force some of the flux outside of the part creating flux

Magnetic particles distributed over

the component will be attracted to
areas of flux leakage and produces a
visible indication

Crack Indications

Electromagnetic Yoke

Main Uses of MT
Used to inspect ferromagnetic materials( those that can be
magnetized) for surface defects and those that are slightly
subsurface (near surface defects)
This method may be used to inspect plate edges prior to
welding, in process inspection of each weld pass, and to
inspect repair
It is good method for detecting surface crack of all sizes in
both weld and base metal, subsurface cracks, incomplete
fusion, undercut as well as defects on the repaired edges of
the base metal

Advantages and Disadvantages

Pre-cleaning not as critical as PT
Can detect surface and subsurface defects
Relatively low equipment cost and simple equipment
Possible to inspect through thin coating
Only ferromagnetic materials can be inspected
Requires relatively smooth surface
Proper alignment of magnetic field and defect is critical
Demagnetization is usually required

Ultrasonic Testing (UT)

Basic Principles


back surface




Oscilloscope, or
flaw detector

A typical UT inspection consist of pulser/receiver, transducer

and display devices

Basic Principles
Driven by the pulser, the transducer (probe) generates a high
frequency ultrasonic (sound wave) energy and is introduced
and propagates through the material
When there is a discontinuity (such as crack) in the wave path,
part of the energy will be reflected back from the flaw surface
The reflected wave signal is transformed into electrical signal
by the transducer and is displayed on the screen
From the signal, information about the flaw location, size,
orientation and other features can sometimes be gained

Main Uses of MT
Used to locate surface and subsurface defects in many
material including metals, plastics and wood

It is also used to measure the thickness of material

Ultrasonic inspection has long been the preferred method for
nondestructive testing in welding application

Ultrasonic scanning systems are used automated data

acquisitioning and imaging

Advantages and Disadvantages

Can be used in ferrous and non ferrous material
Portable with instant result
Able to detect subsurface defects, measure depth & through wall
Can easily detect lack of sidewall fusion in welds
High operator skill level
Requires calibration and difficult to interpret
Not easily applied to complex geometry
Linear defects oriented parallel to the sound beam may go

Radiographic Testing (RT)

Basic Principles
Radiography is based on the ability of Xrays and gamma rays to pass through
metal and other material.
Radiation Source

The object is placed is placed between

radiation source and a piece of film.


Basic Principles

X-ray film

The thickness and the density

of the part affects the amount
of radiation reaching the film
Thicker and more dense area
will stop more radiation to
reach the film
The film darkness (density)
will vary with the amount of
radiation reaching the film
= less exposure

Top view of developed film

= more exposure

Images of Porosity on weld

Welding Consumable

Images of Slag on weld

Main Uses of RT
Used to inspect almost any material for surface and
subsurface defects
Radiography can also be used to locate and measure internal
features of material

It can also be used to confirm the location of a hidden parts in

an assembly and to measure thickness of materials

Advantages and Disadvantages

Most material can be tested
Detects internal flaw & give permanent record
Ability to inspect complex shapes
Gives direct images of flaw

Extensive operator & film interpretation training & skill required
Access to both sides of the structure is usually required
Orientation of the radiation beam to planar flaws is critical
Relatively high capital cost
Radiation Hazard to personnel

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