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Calling Nature Spirits

To make the most out of working magical ritual in the wild, one should find power spots where nature
spirits are receptive to the ritual planned and approach the spirits with respect, as equals. In my experience, the
most effective power spots for working with the living intelligences of nature are located in wild areas with
diverse active ecologies.
When entering a wild area to find a site for a ritual, find a place that feels good. Then do the following,
either individually or, if in a group, as a guided meditation.

● Relax while standing upright and focus on your breathing.

Breathe deep breaths from the diaphragm.
Breathe together if in a group.
- Feel the wind and let it relax you and awaken your spirit within, as your deep breathing takes you
into non-ordinary reality.
- Picture in your mind's eye a light inside you. As you breathe, feel the light expand, purify and
energize you - as it expands to fill your aura.
- Feel yourself glowing, balanced, purified and full of power.
- Connect with your inner self (your higher self) and feel your intuitive self operating.

● Feel yourself as:

- The wind, full of life and intelligence, communicating with all round.
- The Sunlight, warm, alive, channeling the power to communicate with nature and energizing all
- Water, emotional, intuitive, refreshing and connected with nature.
- The Earth, and note how your physical body is able to wander while remaining part of Mother Earth.

● Focus on your spiritual self, and

- Note the light within and feel it as love,
- Expand the light and love beyond the immediate aura of your body to the surrounding area - where
you will go to find a power spot.

● Telepathically (by thinking while channeling the love and light energy) send out signals to nature
spirits to emerge and be aware of your presence.
- Say why you have come and invite them to join in sharing, mutual celebration, and the work you
- Visualize the light and love energy you are channeling extending out and merging with the light from
distant places.
- Feel the power of the Earth flowing up through your body and feet.
- Feel the power from the sky, and channel this power also to further energize the carrier signal of light
and love for communicating with nature.
- Visualize the light expanding and merging.
- Continue to send out telepathic signals.

● Now go deeper.
- Close your eyes, sit on the Earth, and feel your connection while you channel more light and love.
- Continue modulating the light and love with your thoughts - inviting receptive spirits to join with
you and make themselves known.
- If in a group, someone should start playing a drum at a rate of about one beat per second, and you
should listen to the drum and let the drum take you deeper.
- Affirm that you are a nature magician, a medicine person, who knows and communicates with nature.
Let this part of yourself emerge to full consciousness. Let the drum and the connection to your inner
self awaken that part of yourself that naturally communicates with other life forms. Let it awaken your
telepathic sense.

- Continue sending telepathic signals to nature.

- When you feel ready and an inner urge to begin, open your eyes a crack and look around while
continuing to channel love and light and telepathically calling for a response.
- You may see light coming from certain areas that are receptive.

You may get other signals, such as a feeling of power or love returning in a certain direction.
Perhaps the type of response to this work will be unexpected; follow your intuition in interpreting it.

- You may test your connection by communicating (mentally) instructions for signals for yes/no
responses (such as light getting brighter for less and darker for no) and then mentally ask
questions and observe the responses.

● When you have found an areas that seems to be responsive and receptive, begin walking to the area,
while beaming love energy.

Extend your aura to the area and sense the energy.

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