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Pulse 2012 Mobile Scenarios

Business Value
Improve operational efficiency by enabling completion of key tasks at any time via mobile access.
Incident Management Scenario
A mobile Incident analyst logs into SmartCloud Control Desk and views a list of current
incidents that are assigned to him. He sees several incidents and notices that he will be unable
to work on one of them for several days. This will cause an unacceptable resolution time, so he
reassigns the ticket to the dispatch queue for reassignment to another analyst. A mobile user
managing the dispatch queue logs in, sees the reassigned ticket in the queue and is able to
reassign this ticket to a new analyst.
1) Log into Control Desk as user 'incidentuser1' with password 'maxadmin'.
2) By default the mobile start center will be presented. View the list of incidents.
3) Pick any of the incidents to go with the summary story and launch it.
4) The mobile incidents app will load. Click the reassignment link at the top of the page.
5) Pick the 'dispatch' user from the list and click OK.
6) Log out of Control Desk and log back in as user 'dispatch' with password 'maxadmin'.
7) By default the mobile start center will be presented.
8) Pick the incident that was just reassigned and it will open with the mobile app.
9) Reassign this ticket to 'incidentuser1' to complete the scenario and also to reset the scenario for
the next presentation.
Change Approval Scenario
A Change enters the authorization phase of the process where approval votes are needed from
all approvers. The change approver, who is out of his office in meetings all day, gets an email
notification that a Change approval is ready for their vote. The change approver clicks the link
in the email which launches the mobile change approval application. The change approver can
then view the change and record their approval vote.
1) Log into Control Desk as user 'maxadmin' with password 'maxadmin'.
2) Navigate to Change Changes
3) Click the new change button.
4) Fill in the summary and description. Uncheck the 'Start Change process workflow box'.
5) Click the Submit Now button to submit the change.
6) Click the 'Authorization' tab.
7) In the 'Approvers for Change xxx' section, click the 'new row' button to add a new approver.
8) In the 'Approver' box, type the user 'JACKSON'.
9) If the change is not in 'Authorize' state, change the status to 'Authorize'.
10) From the 'Select Action' menu, choose 'Workflow' 'Route Workflow'.
11) From the 'Process' drop down menu, choose the workflow 'PMCHGFLEX1'. Click 'OK.'.
12) From an iPhone or iPod touch, log into the configured email account for ''.
13) There will be a new email for this change approval. Click the link in the email. This will

launch the mobile change approval app in context for this particular change approval.
14) Log into Control Desk as user 'jackson' with password 'maxadmin'.
15) When the mobile change approval window opens, click the 'Take Action' button.
16) Either approve or reject the change.
Alternate Procedure
1) Log into Control Desk as user 'maxadmin' with password 'maxadmin'.
2) Navigate to Change Changes
3) Locate change 'CM1150' and open it.
4) From the 'Select Action' menu, choose 'Workflow' 'Route Workflow'.
5) From the 'Process' drop down menu, choose the workflow 'PMCHGFLEX1'. Click 'OK.'.
6) From an iPhone or iPod touch, log into the configured email account for ''.
7) There will be a new email for this change approval. Click the link in the email. This will
launch the mobile change approval app in context for this particular change approval.
8) Log into Control Desk as user 'jackson' with password 'maxadmin'.
9) When the mobile change approval window opens, click the 'Take Action' button.
10) Either approve or reject the change.
Alternate Procedure scenario reset
1) Log into Control Desk as user 'maxadmin' with password 'maxadmin'.
2) Navigate to Change Changes
3) Locate change 'CM1150' and open it.
4) From the 'Select Action' menu, choose 'Workflow' 'Stop Workflow'. (There may not be any
active workflows).
5) Click the 'Authorization' tab.
6) Clear the 'Authorization Decision' box and save the change.
7) Change the status to 'Authorize'.
8) Change 'CM1150' is now ready to reexecute the Alternate Procedure.
Catalog Approval Scenario
A user has a critical need for physical access to a lab in another building. He submits a Catalog
Request through the Self Service Center for this access. This generates a Service Request that
must be approved for access to be granted. The Service Request approver is away from the
desk all day but has access to Control Desk through his mobile device. He receives a
notification via email that approval for the Service Request is waiting. He clicks the mobile
Service Request approval link in the email to launch the Mobile Service Request Approval
application in context where the approver either approves or rejects the request.
1) Log into Control Desk as user 'sam' with password 'maxadmin'.
2) In the start center, click the 'Self Service Center' link.
3) Click 'Request a new Service' 'Operations' 'Building Access Request'.
4) Fill in the details of the dialog box with some meaningful information and click 'Submit
5) From an iPhone or iPod touch, log into the configured email account for ''.
6) There will be a new email for this SR approval. Click the link in the email. This will launch
the mobile SR approval app in context for this particular approval.
7) Log into Control Desk as user 'jackson' with password 'maxadmin.
8) When the mobile SR approval window opens, click the 'Take Action' button.

9) Either approve or reject the request.

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